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Audiobook: Historical Epochs of the French Revolution: With The Judgment And Execution Of Louis XVI., King Of France; And A List Of The Members Of The National Convention, Who Voted For And Against His Death by Goudemetz, Henry

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Audiobook: Historical Epochs of the French Revolution: With The Judgment And Execution Of Louis XVI., King Of France; And A List Of The Members Of The National Convention, Who Voted For And Against His Death by Goudemetz, Henry

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Title: Historical Epochs of the French Revolution With The Judgment And Execution Of Louis XVI., King Of France; And A List Of The Members Of The National Convention, Who Voted For And Against His Death

Author: H. Goudemetz

Translator: Rev. Dr. Randolph

Release Date: October 29, 2005 [EBook #16962]

Language: English

Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1


Produced by Desmond Grocott


WITH THE Judgment and Execution OF



Who voted FOR and AGAINST his DEATH.










THE THIRD EDITION OF THE Judgment and Execution Of


Who voted FOR and AGAINST his DEATH;





SIR, WITH the design of serving an amiable and worthy man, I have availed myself of your Royal Highness's permission to dedicate to you the translation of a work, which, as a faithful narrative of events, wants no additional comment to make it interesting. A detail of facts, in which your Royal Highness, in behalf of your country, has been so honourably engaged, may not prove unwelcome in aid of recollection; and a detail of facts, built on the experimental horrors of popular power, and which, proceeding from the wildness of theory to the madness of practice, has swept away every vestige of civil polity, and would soon leave neither law nor religion in the world, cannot, either in point of instruction or warning, be unreasonably laid before my fellow-citizens at large.

Under the sanction, therefore, Sir, of your illustrious name, I willingly commit to them this memorial. And if an innocent victim of oppression should thus derive a small, though painful, subsistence from a plain and publick (sic) recital of his country's crimes, I shall be abundantly repaid for the little share I may have had in bringing it into notice; and by the opportunity it affords me of subscribing myself

Your ever grateful and devoted humble servant,


BATH, July 22, 1796


THE following sheets contain a journal of principal events of the French Revolution. The best authorities have been resorted to, and the facts are related without any comment. The reader will find a faithful outline of an interesting and momentous period of history, and will see how naturally each error produced its corresponding misfortune.

Various causes contributed to effect a revolution in the minds of Frenchmen, and led the way to a revolution in the state. The arbitrary nature of the government had been long submitted to, and perhaps would have continued so much longer, if France had not taken part in the American war.

The perfidious policy of VERGENNES, who, with a view of humbling the pride of England, assisted the subject in arms against his Sovereign, soon imported into his own nation the seeds of liberty, which it had helped to cultivate in a country of rebellion; and the crown of France, as I once heard it emphatically observed, was lost in the plains of America. The soldier returned to Europe with new doctrines instead of new discipline, and the army in general soon grew dissatisfied with the Monarch, on account of unusual, and, as they thought, ignominious rigours which were introduced into it from the military school of Germany. The King also, from a necessity of retrenchment, had induced his ministers to adopt some mistaken measures of economy respecting the troops, and thus increased the odium which pride had fostered, and by diminishing the splendour of the crown, stripped it of its security and protection.

To this was added the wanton profusion of the Court in other expenses, and the external parade and brilliancy, which, if they impoverish, often dazzle and gratify the people, was exchanged for familiar entertainments, which gave rise to frequent jealousies among the nobles, and tended to lower that sense of awe and respect for royalty among the people, which in monarchies it is of the utmost importance to preserve.

At this time, also, philosophical discussion had reached its pinnacle of boldness. Infidelity had woven the web of discord in the human mind, which was now ripe for experiment, and ROUSSEAU and VOLTAIRE were the favourite authors.

Previous to the year 1789, from the extreme disorder of the finances, it became necessary to raise money by extraordinary taxes, which the common powers of the parliament were deemed insufficient to authorize; and afraid, in the present temper of the people, to impose upon them unusual burthens, ministers looked with solicitude for some other sanctions.

Monsieur DE CALONNE was unwilling to adopt so dangerous an expedient as that of assembling the states-general; [Footnote: An Assembly consisting of deputies from the three orders of citizens in France, namely, the clergy, the nobility, and the tiers-etat; which last included every French citizen who was not of the clergy or nobility.] he therefore adopted the expedient of summoning an assembly of notables, or eminent persons, chosen by the King from the different parts of the kingdom.

This assembly did not prove so favourable to the measures of the minister as he expected: Monsieur DE CALONNE was displaced, and the assembly was soon after dissolved, having declared itself incompetent to decide on the taxes proposed.

The King then commanded the parliament of Paris to register his edicts for successive loans to the government; but his commands were rejected. [Footnote: Chiefly, as it was supposed, through the influence of the Duke of Orleans.]

In the meantime, that spirit of discussing philosophical subjects, which we have before mentioned, now fixed itself on politics. The people exclaimed against the weight of taxes, and the extravagance of courtiers; they complained of peculiar exemptions from the general burthens, and of grievances which arose from lettres-de -cachet, and other despotic powers of the government.

The King, desirous of yielding to the wishes of the people, recalled Monsieur NECKAR to the administration, and in conformity to his advice, his Majesty declared his resolution of convening the states-general. But in order to regulate all matters relative to the meeting of this important assembly, it was resolved to convoke the notables a second time. Among these, a diversity of opinion appeared respecting the comparative number of deputies to be sent by the Commons, and the two other orders; the cardinal point on which the whole success of the revolution eventually turned. [Footnote: The last assembly of the states-general, which had been held in France in 1614, was composed of 140 deputies from the order of the clergy, among whom were five cardinals, seven archbishops, and 47 bishops; 132, representatives of the nobility; and 192 deputies from the commons. The Cardinal de JOYEUSE was president of the clergy; the Baron SENECEY of the nobility; and the president of the commons was ROBERT MIRON, Pr�vot-de-Marchands, (an officer similar to that of mayor of Paris.)] All the classes into which the notables were divided, decided for an equality of deputies, except those in which MONSIEUR and the Duke of ORLEANS presided.

In these, it was agreed that the representatives of the commons should be equal in number to those of the other two states. The ministry were of opinion that this double representation was adviseable (sic), and persuaded themselves that, through their weight and influence they should be able to prevent any mischief to be apprehended from this preponderance of the tiers-etat. By their advice, the King issued an ordinance in January 1789, throughout the whole kingdom, commanding the people to assemble in their bailiwicks, and to nominate deputies to represent them in the states-general; viz. 300 for the clergy, 300 for the nobility, and 600 for the commons.


N. B. The first legislature, which was called the National Assembly, has now the name of the "Constituent Assembly."

The second is called the "Legislative Assembly;" and the third legislature is called "the National Convention."

[Illustration: Frontispiece--Artillery.jpg]


1787. March. THE Assembly of Notables first convened under the ministry of Mons. de Calonne, comptroller-general of the finances. 1788. August. Mons. Necker replaced at the head of the finances on the dismission (sic) of Mons. de Calonne; and Mons. de Lomenie, archbishop of Toulouse, made prime minister. Nov. Mons. Necker persuades the King to call the Notables together a second time. 1789. January. Letters issued in the name of the King for an assembly of the States-general. The clergy to depute 300 representatives, the nobility the like number, and the commons 600. May 5. Opening of the States-general at Versailles. June 17. The chamber of the Tiers-Etat (commons) declares itself a national assembly. 19. The Tiers-Etat takes the famous oath, known by the "serment au Jeu de Paume," not to separate until the constitution should be established. 23. The King goes in person to the assembly--but his presence, far from intimidating the members, renders them so intractable that from this epoch may be dated the first attacks upon the royal authority. 24. Forty-eight of the nobles, with the Duke of Orleans at their head, unite with the tiers-etat (third estate, or commons). A considerable number of the clergy follow their example. 28. The King, from a desire of peace, requests the whole body of nobility and clergy to unite in one assembly with the commons; which is acceded to. 29. Great rejoicings in Paris on account of this union. July 11. The King in disgust dismisses Monsieur Necker. 12. The Prince de Lambesc appears at the Tuilleries with an armed party of soldiers. 13. The city of Paris flies to arms. The Bastille is attacked, and taken by the populace;

[Illustration: BASTILLE.jpg]

14. Mons. de L'Aulnay, the governor, falls a victim to the fury of the assailants. Bertier, intendant of Paris; Foulon, secretary of state; and de Flesselle, pr�vot des Marchands, (somewhat like mayor of Paris) are massacred. From, this period the maxim was adopted, "that insurrection was the most sacred of duties." 15. The King goes to the assembly to confer with it upon the disturbances of Paris. Many considerable persons fly the country. 16. The Marquis de la Fayette, and Monsieur Bailly, are nominated, one to command the national guards of Paris, the other to be mayor of Paris. 17. In hopes of quieting the alarming tumults, the King comes to Paris. Bailly harangues him freely at the Hotel de la Ville, (sic) and the King receives the three-coloured cockade. August 1. Massacre of the mayor of St. Dennis. 4. Abolition of tithes, and of all feudal rights and privileges. Louis is proclaimed the restorer of French liberty. 7. The King is obliged to recall Necker. 27. The liberty of the press is established. Sept. 15. The person of the King is decreed to be inviolable; and the crown of France hereditary and indivisible. 29. Decreed, that it be recommended that all church plate be brought to the mint. Oct. 1. The King is forced to accept and give the sanction of his approbation to the famous "Rights of Man." 5. The Marquis de la Fayette at the head of 30,000 Parisians marches to Versailles. 6. After murdering the King's guards under the windows of the Palace, they forcibly conduct both him and the Queen to Paris amidst the insults of the populace, and with great danger of their lives. 10. Tayllerang-Perigord, bishop of Autun, proposes that the nation should seize the property of the clergy. 12. Decreed, that the National Assembly be removed from Versailles to Paris. 15. The Duke of Orleans obtains leave to go to England. 19. The first sitting of the National Constituent Assembly at Paris. 21. The people of Paris hang a baker. The Jacobin Club commenced at this time; first known by the name of the "Club de la Propagande." The name of Jacobins was derived from the house where the club met, and which had belonged to the religious order of Jacobins. Nov. 22. The commune of Paris makes a patriotic gift of its silver buckles. A general patriotic contribution is first requested, and afterwards forced. Dec. 7. Decree upon the disturbances at Toulon. Another for dividing France into 83 departments, 83 tribunals, 544 civil tribunals, 548 districts, and 43,815 municipalities. 10. Vandernoot, and the disaffected in Brabant, write to the King and to the National Constituent Assembly; but their letter is returned. 25. Mons. de Favras, knight of St. Louis, arrested. 1790. January 1. The King is stripped of most of his royal prerogatives. 4. The assembly desires him to fix the amount of his civil list. 6. The castle of K�ralier burnt by plunderers. The three orders of the clergy, nobility, and commons, suppressed as distinct orders of the monarchy. 7. Decree for the form of a civic oath to be taken by the national guards. 13. Decreed that Paris shall form one department. Decree in favour of Jews; another to remove the prejudices which are attached to the families of criminals. Feb. 1. The King, after a long speech to the assembly, takes the civic oath, together with all the members. 19. De Favras executed. 20. Death of Joseph IId. emperor of Germany. March. Massacres and fires in Lower-Languedoc. 7. Grand review of the national guards in the Elysian fields. The scarcity of specie induces the necessity of issuing paper money called assignats. 8. Decreed, that the colonies form a part of the French empire. 11. Insurrection at Meaux. 12. The red-book (book of court-accounts) made publick.(sic) 14. Insurrection at the national theatre. 18. Sale of the property of the church decreed, by which the government is enabled to abolish the duty on salt. April. The Prince of Conti takes the civic oath in the municipality of Paris. 11. The Abb� Maury and Viscount Mirabeau attacked by the populace on coming out of the assembly. The assembly refuses to acknowledge the Roman Catholick (sic) religion as the religion of the state; and this resolution is followed by forbidding all particularity of dress or form in ecclesiastics. 22. General Paoli, at the head of a deputation from Corsica, presents himself to the national assembly. 24. Insurrection at Marseilles. May. Report and decree upon the disturbances at Mount Auban. Monastic vows prohibited in future. 17. Orders of knighthood and military decorations abolished. 22. Decreed, that the right of making peace and war belongs to the people. 25. The Parisians occupied with hanging several robbers. June. Public Seminaries and academies of instruction suppressed. 9. The King goes to the assembly, and requires 25 millions of livres for his civil list. 10. The Queen's dower fixed at four millions. One million is voted for the King's brothers. 16. Massacres and disorders at Nismes (sic). 19. Suppression of nobility, of all titles and orders, of armorial bearings, and of livery-servants. July 3. Justices of the peace appointed throughout the kingdom. 14. Ceremony of a general federation, at which the King is obliged to assist, to commemorate the destruction of the Bastille. Trial by jury introduced in criminal matters. Judges to be chosen by cantons and districts; one for the former, and five for the latter. 26. The constituent assembly publishes a civil constitution for the acceptance of the clergy, which they refuse to admit. August. Affair at Nancy--five regiments revolt. Insurrection at Martinico (sic) announced. D�silles shot at Nancy by the Swiss. Mons. Necker, whose popularity declined, is obliged to leave the kingdom precipitately. The assembly, having declared the property of the Crown to be that of the nation, grants to the King the sum he required for his civil list. Sept. Horrid massacres in the colonies. Oct. 28. Fourteen castles are burned and plundered in Dauphiny. 30. Outrageous conduct of two regiments at B�fort. Nov. 2. The clergy propose to raise four millions of livres in their own body for the exigence of the state. The assembly seizes the whole ecclesiastical revenue, without any respect of persons or property. 13. Pillage of the house of the Marshal de Castries at Paris. 21. Duport-du-Terre appointed keeper of the seals. 27. The assembly requires that every ecclesiastic, doing duty, shall swear to maintain with all his power and interest the constitution, and every thing that had been or should be ordained by its decrees. 1791.

Jan. The debts of the church decreed to be national. The King refuses to sanction the above decrees respecting the clergy, but is at length forced to it by threats and terror. 4. The clergy in the national assembly refuse to comply with the foregoing decree, and in consequence of their refusal a law passes that their benefices shall be filled by such of the clergy as will take the oaths of allegiance to the state. Abolition of all the parliaments and sovereign courts of France. The Count d'Artois finds it prudent to quit the kingdom. Out of 138 prelates only four take the constitutional oath, namely, the archbishop of Sens, the bishops of Viviers, Orleans, and Autun. The latter alone carries his apostacy (sic) so far as to consecrate other bishops, who were presented to the vacant sees. Horrid treatment at Chateau-Gouthier of Mad'lle de la Barne de Joyeuse. 10. Decree about stamps. 14. Decreed, that bishops and parsons shall be elected by the people. 23. A violent meeting at the Jacobin club. 24. Massacres at the village de-la-Chapelle near Paris. 26. Decree to enforce the oath by priests. 29. Mirabeau president of the constituent national assembly. February. Deputation of Quakers to the assembly. Decree to admit the free cultivation of tobacco. Disorders in Le Querci. 21. The King's aunts stopped at Arnay-le-Duc, and forced to shew their pass, and permission to retire to Rome. With difficulty they obtain leave to proceed. Insurrection at Vincennes near Paris. March 4. The pope issues two letters against the ecclesiastical constitution of France, and the clergy who had taken the oath to it. He deprives the archbishop of Sens, the Cardinal de Lomenie de Brienne, of his cardinal's hat. Massacres at St. Domingo. 5. Indisposition of the King. 9. Decreed, that the prisoners charged with treason (l�ze-nation) shall be conveyed to Orleans. Gobet, a member of the assembly, appointed bishop of Paris. Insurrection and massacres at Douai. 22. Decree excluding women from the regency. 25. The majority of the Kings of France fixed at eighteen years. Discussion on the fate of the invalids. Mons. de M'Nemara massacred at l'Isle-de-France. 26. Public functionaries compelled to residence. 28. The monarchical club at Paris attacked by the populace with stones, and dispersed. 29. Report upon an insurrection at Toulon. The minister of the church of St. Sulpice, who had not conformed to the national oath, escapes with great difficulty from the violence of the populace. April 3. The death of Mirabeau announced to the assembly: decreed, that he shall have the honours of the Pantheon, (formerly the beautiful church of St. Genevieve). 7. Decreed, that no deputy to the national assembly shall be admissible into the ministry until four years after the expiration of the legislature of which he is a member. 8. Decreed that no deputy to the assembly shall accept any favour from the executive power for four years. Several nuns in Paris and elsewhere were publicly whipped for persisting to adhere to the old forms of worship. 10. Insurrection at Cevennes. Report on the insurrection of a regiment in Languedoc. 13. Engagement between the officers and garrison of Weissembourg. 14. Riot at Nantz (sic) on account of the inauguration of the three-coloured flag. 17. The sale of the property of the church is decreed. 18. The King proposes to go to St. Cloud; the people oppose and stop him. The King complains of this violence to the national assembly, but with little effect. 20. Report of massacres in the county of Venaissin. The King's ministers, through the influence or fear of the national assembly, write to all the foreign courts, that the King had placed himself at the head of the revolution--from this epoch may be dated the great emigrations of the nobility and other considerable persons. The Abb� Maury, the most intrepid defender of the cause of the church and the King, retires precipitately to Rome. 23. Sad recital in the assembly of distresses in St. Domingo. 26. Assignats of five livres are issued. 27. Massacres in the Limousin. 28. Decreed, that soldiers may frequent jacobin societies. May 1. The barriers are thrown open--all duties in the interior parts of the kingdom abolished. Civil war in the Venaissin. 3. The effigy of the pope (sic) burnt in the Palais-Royal. 7. Decree permitting priests, who have not conformed, to officiate in private. Mons. de Massei massacred at Tulle. Decree upon the people of colour. 19. Massacre in the Vivarais. 26. Decreed, that the Louvre and the Tuilleries united shall be the habitation of the King, and that all monuments of science and art shall be collected and kept there. 31. Decreed, that the punishment of death shall be inflicted without torture. From thence came the use of the guillotine;-an instrument of death so called from its author, a member of the national assembly. June. Letter of the Abb� Raynal to the assembly. Persecutions against non-conforming priests. Their tithes given to the proprietors of the estates. 5. The King deprived by decree of the power of granting pardons. 7. A law against regicides. Conforming priests are everywhere put in possession of the benefices of those who would not conform. A general sale of ecclesiastical property. 18. Decreed, that all military men take an oath of fidelity to the nation. Insurrection at Bastia. 21. The King and royal family make their escape 22. from Paris; they had nearly reached the frontiers, when they were stopped at Varennes, 25. and brought back ignominiously to Paris. Count Dampierre is massacred under the King's eyes. The Marquis de Bouill� writes a menacing letter to the assembly on the subject of the King. An order is intimated to the King to disband his body guards. All the royal functions are suspended. The King is kept a close prisoner. Monsieur, the King's brother, escapes to Coblentz. July 9. M. de Cazel�s resigns his place as a deputy. 10. The national guards ordered to the frontiers. 11. The body of Voltaire transferred to the Pantheon. 14. Grand celebration of the anniversary of this day. 17. Insurrection in the Champ de Mars--the red flag (the signal of danger) continues flying a long time. Disorders in the Pays-de-Caux, and at Brie-Compte-Robert. 23. Violent decree against emigrant nobles. The assembly proceeds rigorously against those who accompanied the King in his flight. The King himself is not considered so culpable. All distinctions of nobility, and all titles, are wholly abolished. The ministers are required to give an account every ten days to the assembly of the execution of its decrees. The decree on people of colour spreads consternation at St. Domingo. August. Money is coined from the metal of the bells in churches. One hundred thousand livres voted to the academy of science for the purpose of bringing weights and measures to one uniform standard. The title of Dauphin changed to that of Prince Royal. Rewards are decreed to all those who stopped the King. A committee is appointed to manage national domains; that is, the confiscated property of the King and clergy. Decreed, that if within a month the King do not take the oath to the nation, or if he retract it, he shall be adjudged to have forfeited the crown. Decreed, that the guard for the King shall not exceed 1200 foot, and 600 horse. Those who may be placed in succession to the throne to have no other title than that of French princes. Registers of the births, marriages, and burials, of the royal family to be deposited in the archives of the national assembly. Suppression of the payment of a mark of silver, which was heretofore required from such as were deputed to the legislature. Decreed, that every law relative to taxes shall be independent of the royal sanction. The ceremony of marriage to be considered hereafter as a civil contract only. Rousseau admitted to a place in the Pantheon. The national assembly declares, that it will not revise the constitution which it has just established, before the expiration of thirty years. Sept. The completion of the constitution announced to the people, and that it will admit of no change. The departments are all occupied in electing new deputies to represent them in a second assembly. Sixty members are appointed to carry the act of the constitution to the King. 4. The King restored to liberty. Suppression of the order of St. Esprit; the decorations of the blue ribband to be appropriated to the King and the Prince-royal only. The King declines to retain a distinction which he cannot communicate. Decreed, that the Rhine and Rhone be united by a canal. 14. The King accepts the constitution in form; he takes the oath in presence of the assembly; and is crowned by the president with a constitutional crown. Great rejoicings throughout all France. The national guard to take place of the King's. Whipping, and burning in the hand, annulled. Three days allowed to every person under accusation to defend himself and repel the charge. In consequence of the acceptance of the constitution, all criminal proceedings are stopped; all persons confined on suspicion of anti-revolutionary principles set at liberty; no more passports required; a general amnesty takes place; and the decree against emigrants is revoked. Disturbances at Arles--suppression of the high national court of Orleans--and of all royal notaries--national notaries appointed. Prohibitory or commanding clauses in wills to be of no avail henceforward. Every sort of property dependent upon, or connected with, churches or charities, is confiscated. All the world admitted to the title and rank of French citizen, without any distinction of country. Decree to unite Avignon and the county of Venaissin to France. Certificates of catholicism suppressed, which hitherto were required before admission into any office. Severe penalties against introducing titles of nobility into any public document. All the chambers and societies of commerce abolished. Jews admitted to the rights of French citizens. The constituent assembly prepares to lay down its powers, without rendering any account of its proceedings. Violent remonstrances against this. Decree against clubs and popular associations. 30. The King goes in state to close the session of this first or constituent assembly. CHAPTER II.

1791. Oct. 4. The second assembly takes the name of the Legislative Assembly, and is opened by the King in person. It consists of 700 members. An oath is taken to observe the law. An administrator in one of the departments flies with a large treasure. 17. Massacre at Avignon, with unusual horrors. Jourdan and his people destroy 600 victims in an ice-house. Insurrection at Paris on account of religious worship. The Marquis de la Fayette resigns the command of the Parisian guard. The expressions "sire" and "majesty," applied to the King, suppressed by decree. Twenty-one committees formed out of the legislative assembly to transact all business. Riots at Montpellier. The pictures of the Palace-royal sold for a million eight hundred thousand livres. 27. Insurrection in Alsace. 29. Notice given to Monsieur the King's eldest brother, to return to France, on pain of forfeiture of all his rights, and confiscation. One hundred millions of assignats issued. Disturbances in Artois and Lower Normandy on account of religious worship. The archbishop of Ausch, and several bishops, brought before the tribunals. 30. Insurrections in almost all parts of the kingdom, on account of the prohibition of religious worship. Charrier, ex-constituent, and nominated by the people as successor to the Cardinal de Rochefoucault, in the archbishoprick (sic) of Rouen, ashamed of his usurpation, abdicates the archiepiscopal dignity. Violent decree against emigrants; the King opposes his veto to it. The King refuses his assent also to another equally violent decree, for the banishment of all the catholic priests who had not taken the oath prescribed. Guimper, the first constitutional see, is taken possession of by D'Expilly, an ex-constituent, i.e. a member of the last assembly, which had taken the name of the constituent assembly. Violent insurrection in the colonies, supposed to be excited by some of the leading members of the assembly. Nov. New decree for a civic oath. In the legislative assembly the answers are read from foreign powers, relative to the King's acceptance of the constitution. Massacres at Caen in Normandy; horrid treatment of Mons. de Belsunce, a lieutenant-colonel. Eighty-four persons of consideration thrown into prison. 10. The Dunkirk carrier assassinated at Paris, and his letters stolen. 15. The King confined to his apartment, under the guard of a corporal. 17. Varnier denounced by Bazire, is sent to prison at Orleans. Pethion elected mayor of Paris. 18. He goes to the jacobins to thank them for having obtained his election. Manuel is appointed procureur syndic of the commune of Paris (a place next in importance to that of mayor). 20. Disorders at Montpellier. 25. Delatre committed to prison at Orleans. 26. Chabot enters the King's apartment with his hat on his head. Decreed, that non-conforming priests shall not make use of the churches. Dec. 1. Three hundred millions of small assignats issued. 2. Insurrection at Brest. 6. Malvoisin, and twelve others, imprisoned at Orleans. 16. Decreed, that every member of the Bourbon family shall quit France in three days. M. Loyaut� sent to prison at Orleans. 20. Several castles burnt at Sens. 24. Insurrection in the departments of Loir et Cher. The King goes to the assembly to discuss the subject of war with foreign powers. 27. Lucknor and Rochambeau made marshals of France, and with La Fayette appointed to command the armies. M. de Narbonne goes to visit the frontiers. Forty soldiers, who had been sent to the galleys, are set at liberty. Establishment of a new high national court. Manuel causes the letters of Mirabeau, which were found in the mayor's office, to be printed and sold. 28. The Queen goes to the opera, and is much applauded. 29. Manifesto proposed by M. Condorcet, to acquaint the world with the sentiments of the French nation, if it should be forced into war. 31. Decreed, that the ceremonies of New-year's day shall be abolished. 1792.

Jan. 1. Egalit� (duke of Orleans) ill received at the Tuilleries. 5. Massacre of the minister of Chateau-neuf. Motion of Herault, that foreign powers be required to forbid the white cockade to be worn by emigrants. 11. Carra proposes at the Jacobin club, that the crown of France be offered to the Duke of York. 15. Plan of a decree for declaring war against the Emperor. 16. Decreed, that Monsieur has forfeited the regency. Three hundred millions of small assignats issued. 17. Fire and ravages at Port-au-Prince. Great tumult at Paris on account of the monopoly of of sugar and coffee. 19. Fire of La-Force. 21. A conforming priest, his wife, and children, presented to the assembly, and loaded with caresses. 27. Summons to the Emperor, to declare whether or not he is willing to live in peace with France. 31. Decreed, that all travellers in France must supply themselves with a passport. Feb. 1. Decreed, that all those shall be imprisoned who travel under a false name. Eighty-four prisoners, who were confined in the castle of Caen, set at liberty. 2. Letter of Manuel to the King beginning with these words, "I do not love kings". 5. Fires and massacres at St. Domingo. 6. The Abb� Fauchet preaches at the Pantheon. 7. Riots at Paris on account of a false rumour of the King's flight. Great fires in the town of Haquenau. Decreed, that the property of emigrants belongs to the nation; order for its sequestration. Riots at Noyon about corn. Insurrection at Dunkirk. 14. The red bonnet becomes the general fashion. Assassination at Mount H�ri. Insurrection at the Fauxbourg (sic) St. Marceau, on account of the scarcity of sugar. Struggle between the clubs of the Jacobins, and the Feuillants; the latter so called from a religious society of that name, at whose house they met. 17. De Lessart denounced by Fauchet. 22. Motion, that no deputy be permitted to go to the clubs of Jacobins or Feuillants. 28. Treaty of Pilnitz between the Emperor and Prussia. March 1. Death of the Emperor Leopold II. 3. Seditions at Etampes; Simoneau, the mayor, assassinated. De Lessart, minister for foreign affairs, sent to the prison of Orleans. 15. Death of Gustavus III. king of Sweden. Total change of the King's ministers. Decreed, that the King shall pay taxes like all other persons. 19. Jourdan, and his accomplices at Avignon acquitted. A new guard begins to do duty about the King. Roland appointed by the King minister of the interior department. Insurrection at Poitou. The Swiss Cantons demand from France the regiment of Ernest. Alienation of the domains of St. Lazare, and of Mount-Carmel, two orders of knighthood, of which Monsieur was president. April 1. Troubles in Provence and Dauphiny. On the motion of Torne, constitutional bishop of Bourges, all peculiar religious dresses are abolished, and all secular congregations. 6. Pethion writes to the 48 sections, inviting them to give a f�te to the liberated soldiers of Chateau-vieux. 15. A civic f�te is given to the above soldiers, who had been imprisoned for crimes. 16. Riots at the Hotel de Ville in Paris, on account of the statues of la Fayette and Bailli. 20. The King goes to the national assembly to demand whether it is willing to declare war. War declared against the King of Bohemia and Hungary. M. de Castellane, bishop of Mendes, sent to prison at Orleans. 29. The army of Dillon routed near Tournay, and that general massacred by his own soldiers near Lisle (sic). The French routed near Mons under the command of General Byron. May 2. Suppression of the military houses of Monsieur and the Count d'Artois. 6. Desertion of the royal German regiment. 8. Report of the murder of several commissaries. 10. Pethion, in the commune of Paris, presents a silver sword to R�ne Audu, a heroine of the 6th of October 1789. Decree concerning prisoners of war. 11. New disorders at Avignon. 12. Desertion of the regiment of Berchini. 13. M. Brival, a deputy, writes to the King to desire that his cane may be restored to him, which was taken from him at the gate of the Tuilleries. Abb� Maury elevated to the dignity of an archbishop, and appointed nuncio extra-ordinary of the holy see, to the diet of Ratisbon. Decree, depriving the brothers of the King of the million which had been voted to them. Renewal of the decree for the transportation of priests, which the King still refuses to sanction. 14. Massacre of the Abb� Figuemont at Mentz. 16. Bavai taken by the Austrians. 24. Much pains taken to prove the existence of a committee in favour of the Austrians. 27. Discontent in Paris on account of the King's having a guard. 28. The King is forced to dismiss it. 29. Mareschal (sic) de Brissac, who commanded the King's guard, sent to prison at Orleans. 30. The first column of the Prussian army arrives at Frankfort. June 3. A civic f�te in honour of M. Simoneau, mayor of Etampes, massacred the 3d of March in an insurrection. 6. Massacre at Brussels. Reduction of the monies allowed for the pay and entertainment of the King's ministers. 8. The King refuses to ratify the decree for encamping 20,000 men near Paris. 13. Roland, Claviere, and Servan, dismissed from the ministry. Ordered that all pedigrees of nobility be burnt, and all papers relative thereto. A number of patriotic gifts to support the expence (sic) of the war. The tree of liberty planted in all parts. 20. In order to force the King to sanction some decrees to which he had given a negative, the people go to the Tuilleries, break open the gates, and burst into the apartments. The King conducts himself with great firmness. The high national court at Orleans condemns Monsieur, the Count d'Artois, and the Prince of Cond�, to be beheaded, and their property consequently to be forfeited. A new mode adopted for proving births, marriages, and burials. 26. The department of La Somme offers 200 batallions, to enforce respect to the King. Several others make similar offers. 28. La Fayette quits his army, and goes to complain to the national representatives of party violence. A petition against Pethion is signed at the houses of all the notaries. 30. La Fayette returns to the army, and as soon as he is departed, he is burnt in effigy at the palace royal. July 2. Letter of the King to the French armies. 3. Suppression of all the staff-officers of the national guard of Paris. 4. Decreed, that the nation is in danger. The Duke of Brunswick arrives at Coblentz. Distinguishing marks granted to the legislators and administrators. 6. Dumourier goes to take the command of the army. 7. Pethion, mayor of Paris and Manuel, suspended, but very soon after restored. Ministers all changed. 11. A petition against the King signed at the Elysian fields. 14. Anniversary of the federations observed with great ceremony. 19. Massacre of M, de Saillant, chef-du-camp de Sal�s. 20. Proclamation of the King, on the dangers of the country. Decree, that the property of emigrants be sold. Many of the constitutional priests sign a recantation of their oaths, and not enough are found to fill the vacant cures. Massacres at Alais, Bourdeaux, Arles, and in other places. 28. Decree, obliging people to mount guard under pain of imprisonment. Three hundred millions of assignats issued. M. d'Espemenil, an ex-constituent, is knocked down and poignarded at the Tuilleries, and with difficulty saves his life. 30. The Marseillois arrive at Paris; ravages and cruelties committed by them. Cockades of ribbands proscribed. Du Hamel massacred in the street of St. Florentin. Aug. 3. Decreed, that all Frenchmen be armed with pikes. Invitation to foreigners to come and defend the land of liberty. 5. Massacre at Toulon of nine members of the magistracy, under the pretence of aristocracy. A report is spread about the Tuilleries, that the King intends to escape. 8. Decreed, by a majority of 426 to 224, that there is no ground of accusation against La Fayette. Several members complain of outrages committed on them, on account of votes they had given. 10. Attack and pillage of the palace of the Tuilleries. Massacre of the Swiss, and of a great number of the King's followers. Louis XVI. and his family fly for safety to the assembly. Horrible riots and outrages in Paris. 11. Continuation of frightful outrages and murders. All foreign ambassadors quit France. 12. Roland, Clariere, and Servan, recalled to the ministry. Danton appointed minister of justice. The statues of the King all thrown down. Servan appointed minister of the war department; de Monge, of the marine; Clavieres, of finances; Roland, of the interior; and Le Brun, of foreign affairs. The King and his family are all conducted to the Temple. 14. Several ex-ministers and royalists committed to prison. Decreed, that all the administrations of the kingdom shall be new formed. 15. Persons departing, even with passports, stopped. 17. Establishment of a tribunal for the summary trial of royalists. 18. The Austrians and Prussians enter the French territory. Decree against La Fayette; who, with part of his staff, quits the army and falls into the hands of the Austrians, by whom he is detained a prisoner. 20. Montmorin, ex-minister of foreign affairs, imprisoned. 22. M. D'Angremont guillotined at the Carouzel (sic). 23. Longwy taken by the Prussians. 24. M. de la Porte, comptroller of the civil list, guillotined. 25. M. Durozoi, author of the gazette of Paris, guillotined. 26. A civic festival, in honour of the sans-culottes who were killed in the affair of the 10th of August. Decreed, that all ecclesiastics who have not taken the national oath, shall be transported. In the number of these victims were 138 archbishops and bishops, and sixty-four thousand priests of the second order. General Kellerman commands the army of Marshal Luckner, and Dumourier that of General la Fayette. 27. In a sitting of the jacobins, Manuel causes an oath to be taken, that every exertion will be used to purge the earth of the pest of royalty. 30. Domiciliary visits, that is, nightly searches in the citizens houses, for obnoxious persons. Sept. 1. Letter of the minister Roland, to all the municipalities, to induce them to agree in finding the King guilty. M. Montmorin, governor of Fontainbleau, although acquitted by the tribunal, is conveyed back to prison by the people. 2. The city of Verdun is taken by the Prussians. From the 2d (sic) to the 9th of this month, the most horrid outrages perpetrated without ceasing, 7605 prisoners, &c. inhumanly murdered, and the assassins publicly demand their wages. Every house is a scene of dismay. Massacres and butcheries are committed in all the prisons and religious houses. These horrors drive a great number of inhabitants from Paris. The Duke de la Rochefoucault, ex-constituent and president of the department of Paris, is torn to pieces by the populace. 10. Massacre at Versailles of 53 prisoners from Orleans, who, it appears, were summoned to Paris for the express purpose of having them disposed of in this expeditious manner. Troops are enrolled for the frontiers. A camp is formed close to Paris. 13. The French armies fall back towards Chalons. 14. The King accepts the constitution. 15. Decreed, that the King's person is inviolable, and the crown of France indivisible and hereditary. 16. Robbery of the wardrobe of the crown. Decree, formally allowing divorces. 18. Philips, of the club of jacobins, presents in a little box, to the legislative assembly, the heads of his father and mother, whom his patriotism, as he said, had just sacrificed. 19. The last sitting of the legislative assembly. CHAPTER III.

1792. Sept. 20. First sitting of the third legislature, which takes the title of National Convention. It consists of 745 members. 21. Decreed, that royalty is abolished, and that the kingdom of France is a republic. The battle of Grand-Pr� gained by General Dumouricr. 22. Danton resigns the ministry in order to take a place in the convention. 23. The old Marshal Luckner is ordered to the bar of the convention. 27. Mons. Cazotte, an author much esteemed, and who with difficulty escaped from the assassins of the 2d of September, is conducted to the guillotine at 80 years of age. 29. The Austrians begin to bombard Lisle (sic). Spires taken by the army of Gen. Custine. Oct. 2. The Duke of Brunswick, commanding the Prussians, begins his retreat from France, and raises the siege of Thionville. 4. The title of Citizen is substituted for those of Monsieur and Madame by a decree. 7. The Austrians raise the siege of Lisle. 8. Massacre at Cambray. 9. The soldiers of General Dumourier massacre their prisoners. 10. Servan quits the ministry. Garat is appointed minister of justice. 13. Verdun evacuated by the Prussians. 14. A civic festival in honour of the conquest of Savoy. 18. Nine emigrants guillotined in the Place-de-Greve. 22. The French retake Longwy. 23. Mayence taken by General Custine. 24. Great accusations of Roland to the convention. 25. The French territory evacuated by the Austrians and Prussians. 26. Frankfort on the Main taken by the French. 31. A great number of returned emigrants denounced to the commune of Paris. Nov. 2. All work at the camp near Paris is stopped. 3. The house of the deputy Marat is invested, and the people demand his head. 4. Robespierre endeavours to acquit himself of the charges brought against him by the deputy Louvet. 6. Report in the assembly of disturbances in the department of Mayence and Loire. Three hundred millions of assignats issued with new emblems. A discourse upon Atheism pronounced by Dupont, and applauded by the convention. The Princess de Rohan-Rochefort is sent to prison for having written to the ex-minister Bertrand. 7. The battle of Gemappe--the Austrians are defeated by superior numbers, and an immense artillery. Dumourier after his victory takes Mons. A revolt announced at Guadaloupe. 10. Decreed, that all emigrants who shall return to France shall suffer death, whether men, women, or children, not excepting those who had never borne arms. 12. Ghent taken by the French. 14. Brussels taken by the French. 19. General Montesquieu emigrates. 23. De la Coste, ex-minister, and Du Fresne de St. Leon, committed to the prison of the Abbaye. 24. Insurrection at Chartres and the neighbourhood, on account of bread. 25. The King asks of the convention some Latin books, that he may instruct his son himself. 26. Address from Finisterre to the convention, denouncing the deputies Marat, Robespierre, Danton, Chabot, Barire, and Merlin. Buzot supports the accusation. 27. Kersaint proposes to the convention to make a descent upon England with one hundred thousand men, and to sign an immortal treaty upon the Tower of London, which shall fix the destiny of nations, and confirm liberty for ever to the world. The Belgians protest against a decree which trenches on their sovereignty. 30. Decree, charging the municipalities to keep registers of baptisms, marriages and buryings. Dec. 1. Pethion quits the mayoralty to become a member of the convention. Chambon is elected his successor. Manuel gives up the place of procureur de la commune for a seat in the convention; Chaumette succeeds him. 3. Decreed that Louis Capet shall be brought to trial, and that the convention shall be his judges. 4. Decreed, that whoever shall propose the restoration of royalty shall suffer death. 8. The royal family is forbid the use of knives, scissars,(sic) or razors; the King not to be shaved, but his beard clipped with scissars. 9. The bust of Mirabeau torn from the Pantheon, and dragged by the populace to the Place-de-Greve. The minister of justice reads to the convention 150 addresses from the communes of Normandy in favour of the King. Philip Egalit� renounces all eventual succession to the crown of France, to assume the title of French citizen. 18. The King is interrogated at the bar of the convention. Barrere is president. He demands for his advocates Target and Tronchet, the former refuses to defend him; but Mons. de Malesherbes, making a voluntary offer of being his defender, is accepted with Tronchet, and Monsieur de Seze is added to them. The mayor of Paris, the procureur de la commune, le secretaire Greffier, and thirty municipal officers on horseback, escorted the King's carriage when he was going to the bar of the convention to be interrogated, and to hear the act of his accusation read. The president said, "Louis,--The French "people accuse you of having committed a multitude "of crimes in order to establish tyranny upon the "ruins of liberty." The King having answered with great precision and coolness, "Louis," said the president, "a copy shall be given to you of your accusations. The convention permits you to retire, and will acquaint you with the result of its deliberations." 14. The charge d'affaires of Spain writes an earnest letter in favour of the King, from his master. The convention treats it with neglect. 16. The French make themselves masters of Aix-la-Chapelle. The King is brought a second time to the bar of the convention. Monsieur de Seze makes an able speech in his defence at the bar. The King then speaks to the convention: "My counsel has laid before you my "justification and defence, I have nothing to add "but this, that, in addressing you perhaps for the "last time, I declare that my conscience reproaches "me with no crime towards my country, and that my "advocates have spoken nothing but the truth." 27. Generals Luckner and Rochambeau made marshals of France. 1793 January. Roland publishes a letter to oppose the calumnies against him. The loyal subjects of Brabant send an address to the emperor. Mont Blanc declared to be an 84th department, of which Chamberry is the capital; this new department contains 364,652 souls. General Dumourier writes some severe truths to the convention, and offers to give in his resignation, disclaiming all pretensions to a dictatorship. The convention rejects the King's appeal to the people. Prince Charles of Hesse-Philipstadt dies of wounds he received at Frankfort. The alien bill passed in England; in consequence of which, persons suspected may be sent out of the kingdom by the executive power. The Prussians and Hessians drive the French from Hocheim. The King of Prussia publishes a declaration, that his army enters Poland only because that country was infested with French democratic madness. Remarkable address of the department of Finisterre against Marat and Robespierre. La Fayette is conveyed to Magdebourg. The Empress of Russia assigns lands in the Crimea to French emigrants, and causes to be paid to the Prince of Cond�, at Frankfort, 200,000 rupees for the expences of journey. Dumourier goes to Paris while the convention is debating about the King. The jacobins insult him. His army is said to be 120,000 strong. General Custine celebrates at Mayence the festival of liberty, by burning the archiepiscopal ornaments. 17. The convention terminates its deliberations 18. concerning the King. He is condemned to 19. death. All endeavours to delay the execution of the sentence are rejected. Of the members of the convention, 366 vote for death absolutely; 23 for death, but leaving it hereafter to be discussed, when the execution should take place; 8 for death, and a certain delay or respite; 2 for death at the peace; 319 for detention; and 2 for detention in irons. Pelletier, one who voted for the King's death, is assassinated at a tavern. 20. Louis hears with calmness the reading of his sentence of death. Allowed only two hours to take a final leave of his wife, his children, and his sister, who are frantic with grief.

[Illustration: EXECUTION.jpg]

21. Louis is conducted to the scaffold; his behaviour is steady and dignified, he speaks a few words protesting his innocence, forgiving his enemies, and hoping that his death might restore peace to his wretched country. The commander of the troops orders the drums and trumpets to strike up, that his voice might be drowned, and that he should not proceed. In a minute after this, his head is severed from his body. A dead silence prevails in Paris. The places of public amusement and all shops are shut up. His last will soon after published. The minister Roland, after assisting at the King's execution resigns his office, so do the deputies Manuel and Kersaint. 24. The remains of Pelletier are placed with great ceremony in the Pantheon. The French envoy at Naples demands and obtains an audience of the King. The convention decrees, that their army shall consist of 502,000 men next campaign. 26. Dumourier leaves Paris for the army, with orders to take Cologne, cost what it may. Liege determines to unite itself with France. Paris, who assassinated Pelletier, is arrested, but shoots himself. General mourning at London and Madrid for Louis XVI. The convention decrees the union of Nice to the republic of France. The British ministry signify to Mons. Chauvelin, who had been ambassador from Louis XVI. that he is no longer to be considered as such, and must quit England. The sections of Paris complain of want of provisions. Lanjuinais, speaking against the murders of the 2d of September, says, that the number of victims, assassinated that day, amounted to 8,000, others say 12,000, and the deputy Louvet states them at 28,000. Feb. 1. The Convention declares war against the King of England, and Stadtholder of Holland. General Dumourier levies sixty millions of livres on the abbeys in Brabant. The nurse of Madame Royale requests permission to see her in prison, but without success. Proclamation by the Emperor, to assure to the Belgians their ancient privileges. Great debates in the convention about war. The marines of Rochelle come to swear fidelity to the convention. Philip Egalit� takes the oath, in quality of high admiral of France. The Marseillois leave Paris, and return home. An engagement takes place at Mayence between the national guard and the troops of the line, on the subject of the King's death. General Bournonville is recalled from the army, and appointed minister of war. Dumourier begins to lose ground in the esteem of the people. Eight hundred millions of assignats issued. Citzen (sic) Basseville, secretary of the French legation, is massacred by the people at Rome. Chambon quits the mayoralty of Paris, and is replaced by the ex-minister Pache. The parliament of England votes for war. The French take possession of Deux-Ponts; the duke with difficulty escapes. Lyons, opposes with energy the murderous plans of the jacobins. The Emperor solicits earnestly the triple contingent from the empire. New coinage in France, with the legend of "Republique Francoise. (sic)" The wife of the Emperor sacrifices some of her rich ornaments to defray the cost of the war. General Miranda sends to the convention the magnificent key of gold, which was given by Charles III. to the inhabitants of Louvain. 17. The French make an irruption into Holland, take the fort St. Michel, surround Maestricht, and menace Breda. Lyons destroys the jacobin club, and burns the tree of liberty. Paris is in great disorder. Dumourier addresses a proclamation to the Dutch against the Stadtholder. The States-general answer it by a manifesto. Condorcet reads a constitutional act to the convention; the jacobins reject it. The national convention of Liege decrees the destruction of its cathedral. Marat excites great tumult in the convention. Venice acknowledges the republic; Bavaria observes neutrality. Custine transports the clergy of Mayence who refuse to take the oath of liberty. The French bombard Maestricht, which is defended by the Prince of Hesse-Cassel. The Grand Duke of Tuscany declares a neutrality with regard to the French republic. 25. The British troops under the Duke of York sail from England. Breda surrenders to the French. Dumourier bombards Gertruydenberg and Williamstadt with Dutch artillery. The Convention decrees that soldiers have a right to elect their officers. Marat urges this decree, and strikes in the face several of those who oppose it, even in the convention. The Duke of York arrives at the Hague. The Stadtholder declares he will defend the republic to the last. 28. The Archduke Charles, the Prince of Cobourg, and Duke of Wurtemburg, arrive at Duren. The French merchants offer to send fifty privateers to sea. Discourse pronounced in the convention by Anacharsis Cloots, on universal fraternity. Riots in Paris at the houses of the bakers and grocers. Brussels desires, and obtains an union with France. Revolution in Geneva after the French example. The convention encourages addresses from all quarters on the death of the tyrant. Decreed, that the troops of the line shall form but one body with the national guards. All treaties of commerce and alliance, with powers at war, are annulled. The convention requires 300,000 men to compleat (sic) their armies. March 1. Prince Cobourg beats the French near Altenhover. The British troops land at Fort Ecluse. The Austrians retake Aix-la-Chapelle. Proclamation of Dumourier, to stir up the inhabitants of Liege, Belgium, and Holland. 2. Carra denounces the farmers-general. Deputy Rhul moves, that the property of foreign princes be put up to sale. 3. The French raise the siege of Maestricht, and besiege Williamstadt without success. They 4. are beaten at Tongres by the Prussians. Gertruydenberg surrenders to Gen. Dumourier. Zurich, Bern, and other Swiss cantons acknowledge the French republic. Manuel accuses the jacobins (sic) of all the evils since the revolution. Dumourier imposes 120,000 florins upon the city of Antwerp. War declared against Spain. 5. The bloody capture of Liege by the Austrians. Taking of Ruremond. The Prussians gain some advantage near Mayence. Upon the motion of Danton, it is decreed, that a revolutionary-criminal tribunal be established. All persons imprisoned for debt are released by the convention. Prince Cobourg requires from Liege six hundred thousand florins. Arrival of 14,000 Hanoverians in the Low-Countries. The commune of Paris hoists a black flag, as a sign of extreme danger to the country. General Miranda imprisoned in chains at Brussels. 9. Dantzig submits itself to the King of Prussia. Dumourier conveys to Lisle the treasures of the churches of Brussels. He stops the first commissioners of the convention, and sends them to Paris; he reviews his troops at Brussels, and marches to the enemy. Robespierre demands that all despots be overturned, and that liberty be established on the ruin of all aristocracies. Monsieur, regent of France, creates the Count d'Artois lieutenant-general of the kingdom. Decreed, that the palace of St. Cyr, near Versailles, be destroyed. Decreed, that plate be considered as merchandize. La Source inveighs bitterly against the English government. It is calculated, that 150 divorces take place, every month in Paris since the decree. Dumourier causes the plate to be restored to the churches of Belgium, of which they had been plundered. Buzot declaims in the tribune against the despotism of the convention. 10. Epoch of the counter-revolutions in La Vend�e. The French abandon the siege of Williamstadt. The Austrian advanced guard enters Tirlemont, but are obliged again to evacuate it. 16. The States-general reward the garrison of Williamstadt for their gallant defence. 17. The French and Austrian armies drawn up in order of battle all day opposite to each other. 18. Bloody battle of Neerswinde, which lasts the whole day. The French wholly defeated. 19. The battle of Tirlemont; General Valence wounded, and the French routed. Dumourier suspected of treason at Paris. 23. Battle of Louvain between the French and Austrians. The Prussians approach Mayence. Dumourier demands a truce of six days to evacuate the Low Countries. The Empire declares war against France, in consequence of a resolution of the diet of Ratisbon. The Austrians enter Louvain. Prince Cobourg refuses a truce to Dumourier. The Duke Frederick of Brunswick quits the army on account of his health. The Prussians approach Mayence. General Santerre solicits a discharge from the command of the troops of Paris, that he may have leisure to attend to the affairs of his brewery. Chenier proposes an oaken crown as a reward for republican generals. Duhem complains to the convention, that the vessel of state is near foundering. Garat passes from the office of minister of justice to that of the interior. Discourse of Danton, to rouse the people en masse (in a body.) A constitutional priest, commanding a battalion, begs the convention to preserve his rectory for him whilst he goes to the frontiers. The inhabitants of Frankfort write to Custine, that they are not willing to receive the French government. Insurrection at Orleans. 24. The Austrians enter Brussels and Mechlin. The Prussians pass the Rhine at St. Goar. 26. Antwerp submits to the Austrians. The statue of Prince Charles of Loraine, which the insurgents overturned, is restored. 27. Namur and Mons evacuated by the French. The Archduke Charles appointed governor of the Low Countries. Danton proposes to the convention, that all citizens be justified to kill any persons who are hostile to the revolution, wherever they may find them. 29. The Austrians enter Ghent. At the end of this month, all Brabant has returned to the dominion of the Emperor. Tumults and plunders in private houses at Paris. The convention summons Dumourier to its bar. The French are driven out of Worms, and Spires. April 2. The convention sends Bournonville, the minister of war, with four commissioners to arrest Dumourier; but he, apprized of their intentions, seizes them, and delivers them to the Prince of Cobourg. Dumourier sends General Miaczinski to secure Lisle, but he is suspected, and arrested there. The French evacuate Breda and Gertruydenberg. Dumourier, accompanied by Gen. Valance, and two sons of Philip Egalit�, together with some regiments and the military chest, passes over to the Austrians. This step of Dumourier induces the convention to declare itself permanent. The German princes and nobles, who were detained prisoners at Landau, are conveyed to Paris as hostages for the commissioners who are kept by the Austrians. Domiciliary visits are recommended at Paris. Mons. de Blanchland, governor of St. Domingo, is guillotined at Paris, and dies with extraordinary firmness. Great congress held at Antwerp by the chiefs of the allied armies. Decreed, that henceforward commissioners shall remain with the armies, and be invested with powers unlimited. Philip Egalit�, his third son, his sister, and the Prince of Conti (sic), conducted prisoners to Marseilles. The commune of Vernon is unwilling to suffer Madame d'Orleans to depart, on account of her ill heath, and they promise to answer with their lives for their benefactress and friend. The Prussians prepare for the siege of Mayence. The creditors of Egalit� fix his annual allowance at about 8000l. a year. His income is said to have been between three and four hundred thousand a year. Gen. Dampierre forms the camp of Famars, the French having retired from Holland. Great debates in the convention on the subject of a petition from 35 sections of Paris, against the chiefs of the Mountain. The English take the island of Tobago. General Miaczinski, Compte (sic) d'Arenberg, and le Compte Linanges, sent to the Abbaye at Paris, to answer for the safety of the commissioners. 12. A long and violent tumult in the convention, because the members come intoxicated. 13. Marat escapes from prison, and writes an insulting letter to the convention; decree of accusation against him. 15. Thirty-five sections of Paris demand the deposition of Brissot, and twenty other members of the convention. Marat remains concealed, but his journal appears every day. Weissenau is destroyed by heavy artillery; Dampierre makes a vigorous resistance. A battle between Valenciennes and Cond�. The garrison of Lisle makes a powerful sortie. Dumourier is allowed no part in the operations against France; at Frankfort he publishes his contempt for Egalit�, and respect for his sons. 21. The Elector of Mayence addresses a letter of thanks to his subjects. The bishop of Liege returns to his dominions. The French make themselves masters of Mont-Beliard. America declares for neutrality. Count d'Artois goes to Petersburgh (sic). The Spaniards obtain considerable advantages near Perpignan. The royalists of La Vend�e publish a manifesto, against whom the convention orders twenty thousand men to march. Treaty between Great-Britain and Russia; another between Great-Britain and Sardinia. Great disorders at Marseilles and Aix. 28. The archduke Charles makes a solemn entry into Brussels, as governor-general of the Low Countries; 400 citizens draw his coach. Kellerman deposed from his command by the convention. The Emperor reproaches the Elector of Bavaria with his neutrality, in a remarkable note. Engagement between the French and Austrians near Landau. Dampierre declares that only 800 men accompanied Dumourier. Marat suffers himself to be conducted to prison. The revolutionary tribunal acquits Marat; he is conducted in triumph to the convention by the mob, who force themselves into the seats of the members. The commissioners of the convention, at Marseilles, are obliged to fly. The French make a brisk sally from Mayence. An insurrection at Breslau, raised by a taylor, (sic) and not suppressed without cannon. 30. Decreed, that the revolutionary tribunal shall be suspended till the 1st of June next. May 1. Dampierre gives a bloody battle, to keep up a communication between Cond� and Valenciennes. Deputies from Nantes require support from the convention; they announce, that the war of La Vend�e has already cost the lives of 2000 patriots. 3. The King of Prussia, after several bloody fights, with various success, drives the French from Costheim. Sallies are made every day from Valenciennes; Gen. Mack is wounded in the arm. Great fire in the port and magazines of l'Orient (sic). Twelve hundred millions of assignats issued. Melancholy accounts laid before the convention, of the wretched state of the interior parts of France. 6. Houchard attacks the Austrians near Landau. The garrison of Mayence, and the camp of Famars, make a sally; a number of men killed. 8. A warm attack at Costheim. A battle also at Longwy. This day was a day of general fighting, in all the armies. 9. General Dampierre dies of his wounds. Lamarche takes the temporary command. 10. The convention holds its first sitting in the hall of the Tuilleries, now called the National Palace. Battle of Hasnon. The convention is disposed to grant to Dampierre the honour of the Pantheon; but Danton proposed, and carried a decree, that no one should obtain that honour till 20 years after his death. 7. Custine is appointed general of the northern army. The elector of Bavaria renounces his neutrality, and orders his contingent of troops march. General Miranda is acquitted by the revolutionary tribunal; and receives a civic crown from the people. General Valence, who had gone over to the Austrians with Dumourier, is ordered to quit the states of the empire. Interrogatory of Philip Egalit� at Marseilles. The popular tribunal, of Marseilles suspended, because it was become more adverse to the jacobins since the arrival of the Bourbons. General Miaczinski condemned to death by the revolutionary tribunal. Santerre sent against the royalists of La Vend�e. Kellerman recovers the esteem of the convention, and is employed again in the armies. 17. Custine attacks the Austrians near Landau with 30,000 men, and forces them to retire. General Wurmser repasses the Rhine. Every day there are skirmishes near Mayence. Miaczinski is executed--his depositions against Pethion, Gensonnet, and others, not being proved. 23. The allies attack the camp of Famars, and the whole line from Orchies to Maubeuge. A bloody action during the whole day. The French secretly during the night abandoned the camp of Famars. Riots in Paris, on account of the arrest of Hebert, compiler of a gazette called Le-Pere-du-Chesne. Count d'Artois joins his brother at Ham. It appears that six patriotic merchants of Holland had promised Dumourier four millions of florins, provided he conquered the country. Le Gendre proposes to exclude from the convention all who voted for the appeal to the people. The two parties in the convention come to actual blows; and confusion and disorder continue for three hours. The anti-jacobins obtain the upper hand at Lyons, and 400 persons are sacrificed. 25. Marat insults the convention. Decreed, that any member who shall call another villain, or conspirator, or such-like names, shall be expelled the convention. Marat instantly violates this law. Great tumults. 26. All printing-offices and presses, not in the interest of the jacobins, such as those of Brissot, Condorcet, Pru de l'Homme, Rabaut, &c. are destroyed. 27. The elector of Bavaria, after receiving the Emperor's note, becomes active; a part of his army marches to Mayence. 30. Hebert is set at liberty. The French from Landau make an effort to deliver Mayence. A bold sally is made from Mayence. Prince Louis, son of Prince Ferdinand, makes a vigorous resistance. The jacobins are victorious in Paris. 100,000 citizens are under arms all night. The tocsin (alarm bell) is ringing all day. The forty-eight sections of Paris demand an act of accusation against twenty members; among whom are, Pethion, Brissot, Barbaroux, Chambon, Gorsas, Guadet, Lanjuinais, Verniaud, &c. Six escape, and among them is Brissot. Madame Roland is arrested; her husband not to be found. The convention in horrible tumult; and the president (Isnard) unable to calm it, breaks up the sitting. The result of this famous day was to devote twenty-two members to the guillotine, to declare forty-one out of the protection of the law, and to imprison seventy-one. June. A legion of French gentlemen sails from England to Ostend. A party of male and female negroes are presented to the convention. The generals of the French armies are as follows: Custine commands the army of the North at Bouchain; Houchard that of the Moselle, at Sar Louis; Beauharnols, the army of the Rhine, at Wissenbourg; Kellerman, that of the Alps, at Chamberry; Brunet, that of Italy, at Nice; De Flers, that of the Eastern Pyrenees, at Bayonne; Biron, the army of the coasts of Nantes, at Nantes; and Wimpfer, that of the coasts of Cantal, at Bayeux. 7. The royalists in La Vend�e obtain considerable advantages. Baron Trenck becomes a jacobin. 9. A bloody battle near Arlon. The French very numerous. General Schroeder forced to retreat. Arlon pillaged by the French. Discussion in the convention about a forced loan of a milliard of livres. The Prince of Waldec killed in an attack near Lisle at the head of the Dutch. Severe complaints from most of the departments about the sitting of the 31st of May. Saumur and Angers taken by the royalists. 13. Manifesto from the Marseilleois to the French republicans against the convention. 14. The departments of Eure and Calvados declare that the convention is not free. The club of jacobins is shut up at Aix. De-Ferraris, general of artillery, begins to bombard Valenciennes. The Prussians open trenches before Mayence. Marat returns to the convention after a fortnight's voluntary suspension. Plan of a republican constitution read. 18. The revolutionary tribunal sends eighteen persons to the guillotine. General Wimpfer loses the confidence of the convention, on account of the disorders in Calvados. 19. The news reaches London of a naval action on the 18th of April between the French and English. The army of the Emperor is stated to amount to 225,274 men, exclusive of artillery and the staffs. Des-Forges nominated minister of foreign affairs. Count Byland executed. Dumourier arrives in London. He is ordered to leave England immediately, but in terms of civility. The royalists under Gaston suffer great losses near Nantes. 20. Deputies assemble at Grenoble to give a judgment upon the proceedings of the convention on the 31st of May. Ferrand, commandant of Valenciennes, exerts himself by every means to prevent the inhabitants from desiring to surrender. Decree of accusation against Wimpfer. 23. Pethion and Lanjuinais escape. Decree of accusation against Brissot. The cathedral of Mayence burnt down; the Prussians summon the city to surrender. The Imperialists take Weissenau. July 1. The Queen is informed that she must separate herself from her son, whose education is committed to Simon, a shoemaker. Barrere reports to the assembly, that an insurrection has taken place in Corsica. 8. Condorcet is denounced by Chabot. Buzot, Barbaroux, Gorsas, Lanjuinais, &c. are declared traitors. Some other members are decreed to be in accusation. General Sandos is delivered to the revolutionary tribunal. Biron is accused of incivism. The French are forced to evacuate the camp of Caesar on the Scheldt. Cond� surrenders by capitulation to his Imperial Majesty. Insurrection at Lyons, and in several other departments. Declaration by the chiefs of the royal and catholick army of La Vend�e. Admiral Truguet complains to the convention of the ill state of the marine. 12. Charlotte Corday assassinates Marat; he is buried with great ceremony in the Pantheon. Charlotte Corday is executed. 14. The republicans in La Vend�e are defeated by the royalists. Deputies from St. Domingo complain of ravages by the commissioners Polverel and Santonax, who are declared to be in accusation. Rigorous decree against Corsica. General Paoli declared a traitor. The royalists continue their successes. 23. Mayence surrenders to the Prussians. D'Arnaud-Baculard, an eminent writer, is guillotined for having lodged an emigrant in his house. Decreed, that every soldier shall suffer death who shall throw away his arms to fly from an enemy. Decree of accusation against Gen. Custine. 27. General D'Oyre, the commandant of Mayence during the siege, and all his staff, put under arrest by the convention. Valenciennes surrenders to the Duke of York. The Prince of Cobourg takes possession of it for the Emperor. 29. Tremendous hail-storms at Paris. General Custine is sent to the Abbaye. Decreed, that every 10th of August shall be celebrated as the festival of the unity and indivisibility of the republic. Ordered, that every knight of St. Louis shall deposit his cross in his municipality. Decreed, that no assignats, with the late King's effigy, under the value of 100 livres, shall have in future any value, but be received only at present in payment of taxes. Decreed, that all strangers in France, especially English, be committed to prison. Decreed, that all forests and all crops of corn in La Vend�e be burnt. Decreed, that every vestige of royalty be destroyed. Decreed, that the trial of the Queen be commenced. Decreed, that a camp of 300,000 men be formed between Valenciennes and Paris. The invention of the telegraph laid before the convention. The effects of the India company seized and sealed. The members of the revolutionary tribunal doubled, in order that they may be able to go through business more expeditiously. 31. Engagement between the republicans and Sardinians. Motion by Danton, to pass a national sponge over the enormous number of assignats. Aug. 1. The convention regulates an uniformity of weights and measures in the republic. It denounces to all Europe the government of England. Ordered, that the Queen be sent to the ordinary prison of the Conciergerie, and given up to the revolutionary tribunal. Chambon moves, that all castles be erased from the face of the republic. 2. A fire in the arsenal of Huningen. 7. Decreed, that Pitt is the enemy of the human race. 8. All academics and literary societies, which had been established by letters patent, suppressed by decree. A colossal statue of liberty is erected in the place of that of Louis XV. 14. The new constitution accepted by the fed�r�s. Decreed, upon the motion of Barrere, that the nation will repair in mass to the frontiers; this was the origin of requisitions. 18. The battle of Lincelles in favour of the allies. The army of the convention enters Marseilles, after dispersing the few troops which that city had raised to oppose it. Decree for a plan of education purely republican. The convention charges its commissioners to spare nothing to reduce Lyons, which is in a state of rebellion. A child appears at the bar of the convention, saying, that instead of preaching up one self-made God, the convention had established gods in the principles of equality and the rights of man. 28. Custine is guillotined, at Paris. Lord Hood addresses a proclamation to the Southern provinces of France. Lord Hood takes possession of Toulon, by agreement with the chief men and inhabitants of the city, in the name of Louis XVII. Action between the Spaniards and the French under Dagobert, in which the former lose their camp. 29. The Spaniards obtain advantages over another army of the French towards the Western Pyrenees. Within the last six months, twenty-seven generals of the republican armies have been disgraced or accused; of whom, five destroyed themselves, three perished on the scaffold, and fourteen deserted to the enemy. 30. Motion to imprison the wives and children of emigrants. Motion of Danton to cause the expence of the war to fall upon merchants and the wealthy. Sept. 3. Declaration of war by the King of Naples against the French republic. Poland is obliged to yield to the treaty of partition proposed by Prussia. Decreed, that every administrator of public accounts, and every national agent shall give in an exact statement of his fortune previous to the year 1791. Le Brun and Claviere, ex-ministers, are deivered to the revolutionary tribunal. Energetic address from the convention to the French people, respecting the treason at Toulon. Decreed, that all foreign property in France, especially English, shall be sequestered. The convention resolves that new commissioners be sent to St. Domingo, in the room of Polverel and Santonax. The Vendean generals write to the Count d'Artois, inviting him to put himself at their head. 11. The city of Quesnoy surrenders to the Imperialists. Robespierre declares to the convention, that the country is in extreme danger. The republicans are defeated at Chantonnay by the royalists. 12. The Dutch are defeated at Menin. The Duke of York is forced to raise the siege of Dunkirk. General Dumerbian, of the army in Italy, is arrested. Engagement between the royalists and republicans. The Duke de Bethune-Charost arrested. 14. The French attack the combined armies in different points near Weissembourg without any thing decisive. The Duke de Nivernois and other considerable persons arrested. Duhem states to the convention, that its philanthropy cost France 120,000 persons last year. The number of vessels found in Toulon by the English was twenty-two ships of the line and five frigates. 15. Decreed, that every young man from 18 to 25 must immediately join the army. Menin retaken by General Beaulieu. 17. The French fail in their attempt to pass the Rhine at Huningen. Decreed, that all former nobles and relations of emigrants, shall be considered as suspected, and be imprisoned. Engagement between the Spaniards and French; the former retire with loss. 18. The royalists near Saumur take the flying artillery of the republicans. 19. The siege of Lyons is commenced. Decreed, that all women shall carry tickets of civism, and wear a three-coloured cockade. Collot d'Herbois proposes to seize and bury all counter-revolutionists under the land of liberty, by means of mines. Barrere proposes to banish all those who are averse to republican government. 20. Decreed, that the vulgar aera (sic) be abolished, and that a new manner be adopted of dividing days and years, to be called the Republican Calendar. The French attack the Duke of Brunswick, and are repulsed near Bitche; several actions take place in consequence. 21. Decreed, that no produce or manufacture of England shall be imported into France or the colonies, but in French bottoms; nor foreign ships convey the commodities of France from one French port to another, under pain of confiscation. 22. A great number of persons of distinction arrested. The King of Prussia leaves his army, and returns to Berlin. The Prussians make the French to retreat in the dutchy (sic) of Deux-ponts. Two thousand millions of assignats issued. 29. Prince Cobourg passes the Sambre, and invests Maubeuge. Decreed that all fathers and mothers shall inform where their children, in a state of requisition, are concealed. Barrere proposes, that as the French nation has proclaimed liberty to the earth, it should proclaim liberty also to the sea. Madame Du Barry, General Houchard, General Quetinau, and Marshal Luckner, are prisoners in the Abbaye. The Duchesses of Grammont and of Chatelet, with many other nobles, are imprisoned in the Hotel de la Force. The number of prisoners in Paris is 2560. The Queen remains in a dungeon of the Conciergerie, her trial not yet commenced; nor that of the deputies, who were put out of the protection of the law. Brissot, and others, taken and carried to Paris. Oct. 1. The French obtain a victory over the Sardinians in the Tarentaise, and in Maurienne. On the side of Saorgio, the Sardinians have some advantages over the French. A great number of members are arrested in the very convention, and delivered to the revolutionary tribunal. Drouet, who stopped the King at Varennes, falls into the hands of the Austrians. The constitutional bishop of Derdogne (sic) presents his new wife to the convention. 6. Gorsas, a member of the convention, is arrested in the Palais Royal, and guillotined in 24 hours. Disgrace of Generals Houchard, Schomberg, and Landremont, who are replaced by Jourdan, Delmas, and Moreau. Thuriot complains to the convention, that Jourdan is appointed to a command, and enjoys public confidence; a man of blood, fire, and pillage, whose name posterity will not read without horror. The national agent, Hebert, reduces the prisoners in the temple to the strictest regimen; the Queen is served on pewter. 8. The allies gain considerable advantages over the French at Toulon. Cambon proposes to discredit specie in order to raise the value of assignats. Billaud Varennes proposes the immediate trial of the Queen. Arrest of all the members of the constituent assembly, who protested against the constitution of 1791. Republican women appear at the bar of the convention, declaring that they, as well as men, are conscious of their rights, and know how to resist oppression. 8. Lyons, after some days of siege, is forced to submit. Barrere moves, that the city be destroyed, and that a column be erected on the spot, with these words engraven on it, "Lyons waged war against liberty; Lyons is no more." 13. The allies make themselves masters of the Strong and famous lines of Weissembourg. Lauterbourg surrenders to them next day. All monuments of former Kings who were buried at St. Denis, are destroyed by order of the convention. 15. The Queen appears at the bar of the revolutionary tribunal; Fouquier, the public accuser, reads the list of injuries and grievances with which she is charged, and immediately obtains a sentence of death against her; she hears it with downcast eyes, and without uttering a word. 16. Marie Antoinette of Austria, Queen of France, is conveyed in a cart to the place of execution, her hands tied behind her back, and with her back to the horse's tail. She mounted the scaffold quickly, amidst acclamations of the people, which excited only a smile of pity in her. She looked earnestly at the Tuilleries, and seemed to dwell upon the place where her children were; before she was fastened to the guillotine, she threw her eyes up to heaven, and Soon after her head was severed from her body. Decreed, that the money of France be changed into francs of gold and of silver, and into republicans. Work-houses established to prevent begging. General Ferrand, writing to the convention an account of his exploits in Arragon and Catalonia, says, that he expects to plant the tree of liberty on the walls of Madrid next campaign. Prince Cobourg, attacked by the French, raises the siege of Maubeuge, and repasses the Sambre. 17. The French are successful in Piedmont. It is announced to the convention, that the intruding bishop of Moulins officiated in a red bonnet, and with a pike instead of the cross and mitre. Every external sign of religion is abolished. The inscription on burying places is, "that death is "only an eternal sleep." 22. Andr� Dumont informs the convention from Abbeville, that he was making the cross and crucifix to disappear. "I shall comprehend in my proscription "all those black animals called priests." The convention orders, that the news of the conquest of La Vend�e be sent to all the departments. 24. The royalists again appear, and gain great advantage over the republicans. Decreed, that every city which surrenders without standing one assault shall be razed to the ground. Permission granted to women to regulate their fortune, as well as their husbands. The number of prisoners in Paris amounts to 4000. The French attack the allies for six days successively; always bringing up fresh troops; constantly repulsed, they still return and take possession of the post, if possible, at any expence. 27. New decree against priests. The French lose 3000 men in two actions; one against Wurmser, and a second against the Prussians. The royalists of La Vend�e compleatly (sic) defeat the French republicans. The French, who had taken Menin, Courtray, Furnes, who besieged Nieuport, and threatened Ostend, are obliged to retire, and evacuate all they had got in Brabant. The commissioners at Lyons write, that 800 workmen are labouring to demolish the city, pursuant to an order of the convention. Lyons was the second city of France. 30. The Duke of York retakes Marchiennes, and makes 1629 prisoners. 31. Twenty-one members of the convention guillotined in 37 minutes, viz. Brissot, Verniaud, Duprat, Valaze, Gensonnet, Le Hardy, Ducos, Boyer, Fonfrede, Boileau, Gardier, Du Chastel, Sillery, Fauchet, Duperret, La Source, Carra, Beauvais, Mainville, Antiboul, V�g�e, and La Case. The royalists of La Vend�e take the island of Noirmoutier. Nov. 1. Egalit� conveyed from Marseilles to the prison of the Conciergerie in Paris. A column of Vendeans passes the Loire at Ancenis. Two actions between the Spaniards and French; the latter lose between five and six thousand men. A member proposes to guillotine all farmers and labourers that monopolize. Decreed, that all lead, iron, copper, and bells of churches, shall be applied to the use of the war. The British ambassador presses the Grand Duke of Tuscany to join the allies. Decreed, that natural children shall share inheritances equally with legitimate; provided the parents have no other husband or wife. Spoils and plunder of the churches are daily sent to the convention. The grand master of Malta takes part with the allies against France. Philip Egalit� (formerly Duke of Orleans) is guillotined upon the scaffold to which he brought his unfortunate King. Lidon, a member of the convention, shoots himself. Complaints from all parts of want of bread. The inhabitants declare they have only a quarter of a pound of bread each a day. Bailly, first mayor of Paris, guillotined. General Beaulieu defeats the French, and forces them to retreat to Philipville. Ordered, that farmers of the national domains pay their rents in kind. Some persons are ordered to take away by night the shrine of St. Genevieve, the patroness of Paris, and whom the Parisians always respected peculiarly; it is carried to the Mint. 7. Gabet and his constitutional clergy renounce in the convention the sacerdotal character. Madame Roland is condemned to death and executed the same day, with five municipal officers of Pont-de-Ce. 11. Festival of Reason, in the cathedral of Paris. A woman is appointed to receive the homage there which is denied to the Deity. 12. The royalists of La Vend�e continue their successes. The Piedmontese still unsuccessful, losing their camp and stores at La Magdeleine. The national vengeance is at length glutted with the blood of the inhabitants of Lyons; between 2 and 3000 persons have been massacred by tying them together, and firing upon them with case-shot; and the sabre finished those whose wounds were not mortal. Fort-Louis surrenders to the allies. 200 persons are guillotined at Strasbourg for hesitating to pay their proportion of a sum ordered to be raised in that city within 24 hours. Collot d'Herbois and Foucher, commissioners at Lyons, write, that the work of destruction goes on too slow. Mines and fires are necessary to forward the demolition of so great a city. The allies make a sally from Toulon, kill 2000 French, destroy the works, and take eleven pieces of cannon. Manuel and Cassy, members of the convention, and Generals Houchard and Brunet, are guillotined. 18. Thuriot, Chabot, Bazire, L'Aunay, all deputies, are imprisoned. Chamfont cuts his throat. Several actions near Bitche, between the French and Prussians; the latter are forced to retire. On the other hand the French lose 8000 men in an action against Wurmser. The Sardinians after two actions are forced to retreat. Monsieur Lavordy, formerly comptroller of finances, guillotined. 26. The Vend�ans beat the republicans, and take the post of Austrain. The Sardinians under General Brentano repulse the French. The Spaniards obtain a victory. Chambon, member of the convention, mayor of Paris at the King's massacre, is put out of the protection of the law, and killed by the inhabitants of Tulle, among whom he had taken refuge. Gen. La Morbiere is guillotined. 27. The royalists of La Vend�e take several towns in Brittany; on the 19th they take Granville, but evacuate it. Barnave, a deputy to the first assembly, one of the, authors of the revolution, and Duport, then minister of justice, guillotined. 29. Project to erect a monument upon the Pont-Neuf, representing the people as giants. The convention receives from all parts the letters of priesthood from the intruders. Decreed, that a municipal officer with a red bonnet shall inter the dead. Robespierre declaims against the eagerness with which they set about the work of destroying religion. A deputation of women appears at the bar with the red bonnet. Decree, offering rewards to every abjuring priest. At Rochefort and other cities the pictures and books of the churches are burned. St. Domingo taken by the English. The orator of the students of the republican school comes to the bar, to assure the convention that he and his comrades detest God. Remonstrances of Mr. Drake, the British minister, to the Senate of Genoa on the subject of neutrality. A member informs the convention that ten thousand firelocks are made in Paris daily. Decreed, that a colossal statue be erected in Paris 46 feet high, with the rights of man and the constitutional act for a pedestal. Furious declamation of Robespierre against the British government. 30. General O'Hara, commander at Toulon, taken prisoner by the French. The inhabitants of Marly send to the convention all the precious effects of the palace of Marly, and all the iron of the famous works of that place. Decreed, that all the lakes and marshes of the republic be dried, and sowed with grain of various sorts. Dec. 1. The Jacobins of Nantes drown 90 priests destined for Guiana, by sinking the ship in which they were embarked. Madame du Barry, the Duke Chatelet, the two Rabauts, members of the convention, Kersaint and Noel, members also, are all guillotined. The ex-minister Claviere kills himself in prison. One hundred and fifty persons guillotined at Dunkirk. The festival of an ass celebrated at Lyons, in derision of religious worship. Collot d'Herbois informs the convention of the massacres which he has executed at Lyons. The right wing of the Austrian army takes 1200 prisoners, and kills 1700. The Prince of Cond� takes 7 cannon, and kills 1300 men. The Duke of Brunswick kills takes and (sic) 6000 men. 3. Wurmser defeats the army opposed to him, kills 10,000, and makes 5,000 prisoners. 4. The French evacuate Deux-Ponts, having lost immense numbers of men and of artillery. Raymond le Veuve is guillotined at Bourdeaux (sic). The French attack the Austrian and Prussian armies almost daily, and are constantly repulsed with loss. 11. The French, notwithstanding their constant losses continue to attack the lines of the allies. They lose 5000 in an attack near Haguenau. Valadi is discovered and guillotined. 12. The royalists are defeated with great loss near Mans. In an action near La Guerche, the Vend�ans kill 7000 republicans, and take their artillery. Birateau, member of the convention, guillotined at Bourdeaux. The festival of reason celebrated in all cities of France, as in Paris. Madame de Villette, niece of Voltaire, dies on the scaffold. 14. The French make an attack on the posts of the allies on the side of Courtray, and are repulsed. The general, with his aid-du-camp (sic) and staff to the number of 25, are arrested at Lisle. 16. The French again attack the lines of Gen. Wurmser, and are again repulsed with great loss. 18. The royalists of La Vend�e are again victorious near Concale. Toulon is retaken by the republicans, its name is changed on the motion of Barrere, to that of the "Port of the Mountain." Letter of Chabot from the prison of the Luxemburg to the convention. 20. The Duke of Brunswick, near Weissembourg defeats the French army, kills 10,000, and takes their camp and baggage with 47 pieces of artillery. Rejoicings in Paris on account of the retaking of Toulon. The French, after having so often attacked the allies with great loss, and returned as often to harrass (sic) them still, at length carry their point. They take 16 cannon, kill 500 men, and recover the strong lines of Weissembourg. 27. The allies raise the siege of Landau. 1794. Jan. 1. The representatives of the people, in order to get rid of prisoners in La Vend�e direct that all of them be thrown into the Loire. 2. The island of Noirmoutier is retaken by the republicans; 800 royalists are killed and 1200 are made prisoners. 3. The old marshal Luckner, and the son of General Custine, guillotined. 4. Eight hundred emigrants perish in crossing the Rhine. The States of Brabant require great contributions for the expence of the war. Bourdon de L'Oise complains, that the minister is still too monarchical, and he demands that one purely republican be appointed. The Prince of Talmond, one of the chiefs of the royalists, is taken by the republicans near Fougeres. The remains of his army joins the Chouans. The Chouans, who now begin to be distinguished, are so called from two brothers, gentlemen of that name, who were particularly active in levying troops in Brittany for the service of the royalists. 6. Mons. d'Espremenil, a counsellor of the parliament of Paris, and an ex-constituent, thrown into prison. General Cartaux sent to the Conciergerie. Chambon, comptroller of finances, complains that printing the names of emigrants on large paper is too expensive, and moves that the small octavo be used. Decree of accusation against Roncin and Rossignol, generals of the republic in La Vend�e. The revolutionary tribunal of Lyons, to please the people, burns in effigy the Emperor, the Kings of England, Spain, Prussia, and Sardinia, Mr. Pitt, and the Pope. The city of Toulon is also burnt in the representation of a woman. La Mourette, intruding bishop of Lyons, guillotined. Herbert is convicted of having received from the national treasury, for his journal "Le Pere du Chesne," in June 1793, 123,000 livres, and in October 60,000 livres. 11. Thomas Payne and Anacharsis Cloots imprisoned in the Luxemburg. Ordered by the jacobin club of Paris, that all sarcasms and philippics, uttered in their tribune against the government and constitution of England, be printed and sent to the patriots in the three kingdoms. The convention decrees, that all inscriptions on monuments shall be in the French language. Decreed, that all property real and personal of the farmers-general shall belong to the nation. Pondicherry surrenders to the British. The president of the convention reads a letter from Vitr�. "The souls of most of the royalists have "been sent to the Eternal Father; we are every day "destroying the Chouans, those infernal banditti." The French are active in restoring the lines of Weissembourg to cover the siege of Fort-Louis. The Baron Latude guillotined; he had lived many years in the Bastille, and was called the proof and victim of despotism. The committee of public safety remove Simon, the shoemaker, from the office of tutor and preceptor to the son of Louis XVI. confined in the Temple; and resolve that there is no need of any other in his place. A manufacture is offered to the convention of cloth made of two-thirds hair. 19. The chimney-sweepers request of the convention the release of Abb� Fenelon, who had been a father to them during 60 years. 21. The anniversary of the death of Louis XVI. is declared in the convention a day of glory. Between the 13th of December and the 24th of January, 325 persons were guillotined at Lyons, and 330 shot. Generals Wurmser and the Duke of Brunswick are succeeded by Generals Braun and Moellendorff. The female citizen Chapuis, daughter of the general, demands to serve as a dragoon. The Count d'Artois sends his diamonds to Marshal Broglio for the use of emigrants. Motion by Rhul against the Elector of Bavaria. A deputation of Americans demand the release of their countryman Thomas Payne. The president replies that he is an Englishman. 27. Decreed, that all castles in conquered countries which cannot be used as hospitals shall be burned. Decreed, that sixty-two millions of assignats shall be at the disposition of the war-minister 29. every month. And that 95,000 cavalry be raised for the next spring. 30. Upwards of three thousand peasants, prisoners from La Vend�e, are guillotined or shot at Nantes. 31 Perigord Tayleyrand, bishop of Autun, ordered to leave England. Feb. 1. Mons. La Borde, the former court banker, and father of La Borde de Merville, an ex-constituent, is forced to purchase his liberty with a large sum of money. The opera of "Toute la Gr�ce" is in great vogue--the story of it is, that Philip, seeing all Greece rising in a mass, begs for peace; Greece refuses to make peace with a King. Report to the convention, that excellent soap is made of potatoes. 4. Slavery abolished in all the colonies. Pichegru appointed commander of the army of the North in the room of Jourdan. The treasurer Cambon states to the convention that last year 4,885,764 livres were coined of copper and bell-metal. A deputation of blacks appears at the bar to be received as brethren. Decreed, that every officer and soldier, of whatever rank, shall have an equal quantity of provisions, a man having but one stomach. 7. The 48 sections of Paris appear at the bar to protest against any suspension of arms. All mints for coining money suppressed, except that of Paris. The commune of Chamberry sends to the convention twelve thousand marks [Footnote: Eight ounces each.] of silver, together with the sword of Prince Eugene, five feet long. Manifesto of the Germanic body to justify the war with France. The Prince of Talmond and fourteen priests guillotined. One of the two brothers, of La Vend�e, from whom the Chouans took their name, is killed by the republicans. A bloody quarrel between the republican and revolutionary soldiers of the French army. The Vendeans obtain advantages at Cholet. The Duke and Duchess of Luynes, and Mons de Montmorency, an ex-constituent, imprisoned. A work is published under the sanction of the convention, proving that the national domains, that is, the estates of the king (sic), the nobles, the clergy, and the emigrants, are worth twenty milliards of livres. Deputies from the county of Mot Belliard demand its union with France. The old name of Marseilles is restored; it had been forfeited by a decree, and was called "Sans-nom." 18. The Abb� Maury is promoted to the dignity of cardinal. Troops sent from Paris to La Vend�e receive orders to travel fourteen leagues a day. 20. Thomas Payne claims protection of the club of Cordeliers, who return for answer the vote he gave on the King's trial. Mons. du Chaffault, lieut.-general of marines, an officer of great services and high estimation, is massacred in Poitou at the age of eighty-five years. The convention, on the motion of Barrere, decree a political lent, in order to leave the more animal food for the sick and aged. A petition from Burgundy demands the death of young Capet. Death of Cardinal de Lomenie du Brienne, one of the earliest promoters of the revolution. St. Just makes a motion, the object of which is, to excite the people to murder and vengeance, for 1200 years of crimes which had been committed against them. Motion by Danton for an agrarian law. 26. Report upon La Vend�e. It consists of sixteen departments of forty square leagues, between the Loire and the sea, from Painboeuf to Saumur. The sister of Mirabeau is reduced to solicit alms of the convention. March. Several sections of Paris complain to the convention of a scarcity of provisions. Decreed, that all the property of priests, either banished or imprisoned, be confiscated for the use of the state. Danton makes a flaming republican speech to the convention. All horses of the plough put in requisition. The number of prisoners in Paris amount to 6100. 9. The minister of justice proposes to institute a committee of insurrection, to overturn all the monarchies of Europe. The sale of the property of emigrants amounted in the year 1793 only to twenty millions of livres, not half the real value of the estates of one emigrant alone, the Duke de Montmorency. The number of victims destroyed by the guillotine or grape-shot at Lyons, to this date, amounted to somewhat more than five thousand. Populus, an ex-constituent, guillotined at Lyons. The clubs of the jacobins and cordeliers form an alliance. At Nevers seventy-four priests, who refuse to take the oath, are guillotined. At Dijon fourteen nobles suffer the same fate, because they used the titles of Count and Baron. The merchants of Bourdeaux are all arrested on the same day, and condemned to the guillotine; but are permitted to redeem their lives by paying one hundred millions of livres, to which they are forced to submit. 14. Robespierre invents a conspiracy, or pretended treason, in order to secure his authority. The wife of Momoro, who had played the part of first goddess of reason, guillotined. All strangers are banished from Paris. The Vendeans are beat on the left bank of the Loire by General Cordelier. The convention states the expences of 1793 to be at the rate of four hundred millions of livres a month. 15. Hebert and his partizans (sic) are arrested. The jacobins betray the cordeliers. 17. Herault de Sechelles guillotined. 21. The Emperor forbids his subjects to make any payments in France. 24. The island of Martinico submits wholly to the English. A secret is laid before the convention of removing the impression of ink from paper, and of rendering it as new. Wives of emigrants forbid to marry foreigners. Eight thousand men sent to La Vend�e. The revolutionary army is disbanded. Means discovered to expel foul air, by burning common salt moistened with oil of vitriol. 30. The brother of Abb� (now Cardinal) Maury guillotined at Avignon. 31. Jourdan appointed commander in chief of the army of the Moselle. Barrere exclaims against atheism and irreligious principles. April 5. Danton, Camille des Moulins, Fabre d'Eglantine, De l'Aulnay, Chabot, La Croix, Philippeau, Bazire, and Julien, all voters for the King's death, delivered to the revolutionary tribunal, and guillotined. Danton, when asked his name and quality, replied, "a being now that in a few hours will be a non-entity." Camille des Moulins, being required to tell his age, replied, "the same as the sans-culottes Jesus, "34 years." Westerman, who stiled (sic) himself the conqueror of royalists, the Abb� d'Espagnac, and many others, are guillotined. 7. Formal entry of the Emperor into Brussels. Decreed, that the executive council be suppressed, as incompatible with republican government. Chambon states the expence, extraordinary and revolutionary, 1,600,000,000 livres. A deputation at the bar of the assembly demands, that death be the order of the day. The prisoners in Paris amount to 6763. Dumas, a deputy, pretends to point out a method of knowing a counter-revolutionist by his physiognomy. St. Lucia taken by the English. 9. Gobet, intruding bishop of Paris, guillotined. The honours of the pantheon voted to Rousseau. 12. The city of Oneglia taken by the French. St. Just, in the convention, asks the question "What is a King compared with a French citizen?" 14. The allies repulse the French on the Lys. The daughter of Sultan Achmet III. who had fled into France, and found refuge there during 64 years, obtains alms of the convention, viz. 6oo livres, (about 25l. sterling.) 18. Laborde, a wealthy banker who had several times redeemed his life by large sums of money, is guillotined. The principal members of the parliaments of Paris, and of Toulouse, are guillotined. 20. The woods of Vitr� and Rennes burned to dislodge the royalists. 21. Gen. Beaulieu beats the French at Arlon. 22. Guadaloupe taken by the English. The old Mons. de Malsherbes, one of the generous defenders of Louis XVI. guillotined. 24. The allies beat the French near Cambray. 26. The Duke of York takes 35 pieces of cannon, and a French general; he kills 5000 men, and makes 3000 prisoners. To facilitate the sale of the lands of emigrants, they are divided into lots of three hundred livres each, and twenty years credit given. 28. The French seize Courtray the day of the annual fair, and get a great booty. 29. General Clairfait gains a considerable advantage, killing 3000 men, and taking several cannon. 30. Landrecy surrenders to the Emperor with a garrison of 6ooo men. In this month were executed, besides those mentioned already, Monsieur d'Espr�m�nil, Chaumette, procureur of the commune of Paris, Gen. Arthur Dillon, Hebert and Simon, deputies, Gen. Roncin, Momoro, Anarcharsis Cloots, a deputy, Du Buisson, Goutte, an intruding bishop, Gen. Beisser, the Marquis of Chateau Briant, the Duchesses of Chatelet and Grammont, the Viscountess de Pont-Ville, Thouret and Chapellier, two very active revolutionists. Kosciusko puts himself at the head of a revolution in Poland. May 1. In the prisons of Paris 22,000 persons are confined, and in all the departments of France 653,000. The Duke de Biron, upon sentence of death being passed upon him by the revolutionary tribunal, cried out, "I deserve it, for having betrayed my "King and served his enemies." The Count du l'Aigle, being also condemned, said to the people, "It is not my head, it is bread and "your King that you ought to demand." Decreed, that all royal houses shall be kept for the use and enjoyment of the people. 10. Robespierre obtains decrees to admit the existence of a Supreme Being, and of the immortality of the soul; and for the establishment of decadary festivals. In La Vend�e, General Haxo, after the example of General Moulin, blows his brains out, to avoid being taken prisoner. All letters coming into France are opened. From the 29th of April to the 4th of May, 109 persons are guillotined in Paris, and many more in the departments. In the valley of Aost, 6000 French were killed by the peasants of Piedmont. Barrere announces the capture of a Spanish camp, with two hundred cannon, and two thousand men. All the farmers-general are accused in a mass, and sent to the revolutionary tribunals, The town of Sargio and Piedmontese camp taken by the French. 11. Seventy-one persons, among whom are 27 farmers-general, are guillotined. Madame Elizabeth, sister of the late King, is carried before the revolutionary tribunal and interrogated, " What is your name?" "Elizabeth "Philippine Marie Helene de France." "Your quality?" "Aunt of the King." These last words are scarcely pronounced, when the tribunal condemns her to death. 12. The next day she is conducted to the scaffold, with 25 persons who were guillotined in her presence; it being directed that she should suffer the last. She died at the age of thirty years, and left a character of unblemished purity. Decreed, that all aged and infirm priests be kept in houses belonging to the republic. Report upon mendacity. Decreed, that the convention will efface the name of beggary and poverty from the annals of the republic. The town and citadel of Bastia taken by the English. The commune of Sens writes to the convention, that it has dug up all the bodies of the Capets that were interred in their cathedral, in order to bury them in ordinary ground. An address to the French nation is prepared by Barrere, and published by the convention, concluding with these words: "Let the English "slaves perish, and let Europe be free." 13. Revolutionary tribunals suppressed, except that of Paris. 14. L'Huillier kills himself in prison, and Rebecqui drowns himself--both active agents in the massacres of Avignon, and of the 2d of September. 15. Kaunitz forces the French to repass the Sambre with the loss of 5000 men. 18. The Duke of York, with 3500 men, is attacked by 15000 French, and forced to retreat. General Beaulieu, near Bouillon, kills 3000 French, and takes 700. 22. Battle near Tournay, lasts 16 hours; the French lose 12,000 men, and the allies 3000. A French army of 10,000 men penetrates into Luxembourg. 24. Kaunitz takes 80 cannon, kills 2000 French, and takes 3000. Insurrection of the patriots at Liege. The Emperor quits the army, and returns to Vienna. 29. Battle of Germersheim; the French lose 400 killed, and 600 taken prisoners. A plot to assassinate Robespierre and Collot d'Herbois fails of success; the former obtains a guard for his person. June 1. The British fleet under Lord Howe engages the French; the latter loses eight sail of the line. 2. The convention decrees, that no Englishman or Hanoverian shall be made prisoner in battle--no quarter to be given, but all without reserve to be put to the sword. The Duke of York communicates this barbarous decree to his army, in a manner that does honour to a soldier and to a man. The guillotine is destroyed by the people at St. Brieux, and the revolutionary tribunal expelled. 4. The French are routed near Charleroy with the loss of 4000 men. The man who saved Collot d'Herbois from assassination, obtains a pension of 1500 livres a year. Decreed, that the members of the convention, when on duty, shall wear marks of distinction. Proclamation of the Emperor to induce all Brabant to rise in a mass. A military school is instituted in the plain of Sablons near Paris. Decreed, that a new grammar be published, to give to the language of liberty a character that is suitable to it. 8. Jourdan, called Coupe-t�te, general of the army at Avignon, guillotined. The son and daughter of Louis XVI. employed to make shoes and shirts for the nation. 10. General Clairfait is obliged to retreat. The French take Port-Vendre, Collieure, and St. Elme. 13. A festival to the Eternal. Robespierre acts the part of Pontiff. The ceremony is designed to satisfy the people, by putting an end to atheism. The members of the convention assume the distinction of a plume of feathers in the hat, and a three-coloured scarf. The French army in Maritime Flanders amounts to 170,000 men. The inviolability of the members of the convention is renewed. A large convoy from America with corn arrives in France. 16. The French lose 7,000 men in an action near Charleroy. Ypres surrenders to the French--this conquest opens all Brabant. The numerous forces opposed to the allies oblige them to retreat. 20. One milliard two hundred and five millions of livres in assignats issued. Port-au-Prince taken by the English. The dread of the guillotine causes fifty thousand persons to emigrate. 21. Commencement of a quarrel between Robespierre and Bourdon de l'Oise, and another between Tallien and Robespierre. Ninety-four nuns transported to Africa. Twenty-one members of the parliament of Toulouze (sic) guillotined at Paris. 26. Every thing in France is put in requisition, men, horses, provisions, and all sorts of property. 28. Some terrible conspiracy is supposed, and announced to the public in order to authorise new massacres. "Paris," says Barrere, "shall be henceforth the "city with a hundred gates; each gate shall "announce some triumph, or some revolutionary, "epoch". 29. The French besiege Charleroy. The number of persons guillotined this month is as follows. From the first to the ninth of June, 100 On the 9th, 22 10th, 30 11th, 33 12th, 8 13th, 20 From 14 to 17th 103 17 to 20th 50 On the 21st, 26 22d, 14 25th, 48 27th, 29 Total guillotined in Paris in the month of June 483

July Religious worship abolished at Liege, the priests banished, and the churches demolished. 3. Sir Gilbert Elliot receives the crown of Corsica in the name of the King of Great-Britain. Proclamation of the Stadtholder on the dangers which threaten Holland. A festival of the human race at Paris--it ends with adopting poor children. The French take Mons and Ostend; 87 persons guillotined. Newport also falls to the French--130 emigrants shot. Tournay taken by the same. The British 7. forced to evacuate Alost. Fifty persons condemned to death. 8. The Austrians quit Brussels; the French enter it, and retake Landrecy. Spires, Mechlin, and Louvain, abandoned by the allies. Sixty persons guillotined at Brest. Robespierre, in an address to the convention, is heard for the first time with coolness. The plunder of the churches of Brabant is sent to the convention, together with two millions of livres in specie from Mons. 18. Namur opens its gates to the French. 19. Revolution at Geneva. The convention is charged in its accounts with 150 reams of paper a day;--each of its decrees costs 83,000 livres; on the first of April last, 6800 decrees had been passed by the three legislatures. The members who compose the committee of public safety, at this time of havoc and universal terror, are Robespierre, Couthon, Billaud Varennes, Barrere, Collot d'Herbois, Lindet, Prieur, Carnot, and St. Just. 26. Robespierre denounces to the convention one hundred of its members. A party instantly rises against him. He is attacked by Billaud Varennes and Tallien, and thunderstruck with the accusations against him. 27. Robespierre endeavours to kill himself; the wound not mortal. 28. All the following persons are guillotined this day: Robespierre the elder and the younger, Couthon and St. Just, members of the convention; Henriot, commander in chief of the Parisian guard; La Vallette, another commander; Dumas, president of the revolutionary tribunal; Lescott Fleuriot, mayor of Paris; Payan, chief agent of the commune; Viviers, a criminal judge, and president of the jacobin club; Simon, preceptor of the young Prince; upwards of eighty municipal officers; one Deputy, a commissioner with the army, and one general officer, all partizans of Robespierre. Tallien proclaims in the convention, that the day of the tyrant's death is a festival for universal fraternity. From the 1st to the 19th of July were guillotined in Paris, in all 406 persons. On the 20th, 34 21st, 29 22d, 46 24th, 30 From 25th to 27th 135 28th, 22 29th, 70 Total guillotined in July 772

Aug. 1. At this time the guillotine remains unemployed. The convention charges sixteen committees with the management of public affairs. 2. The Spaniards are defeated--The French take Fontarabia and St. Sebastian. Pichegru, with 190,000 men, is commanded to conquer Holland. 3. Prince Cobourg calls upon the States of Germany to assemble and oppose with unanimity the alarming mass of French troops which is on the point of breaking in upon them. 5. The convention abolishes Robespierre's system of terror. Brussels gives a civic feast on account of its union with France. The French enter Treves, and summon Breda. Pelet solicits the convention for the return of order, of justice, and of commerce. 10. The English take possession of Calvi. 11. The states-general earnestly exhort the Dutch to defend themselves. 13. A general release of prisoners confined in France by order of Robespierre--they amounted to upwards of 500,000. Quesnoy retaken by the French, with 3000 men. The telegraph first made use of. 15. An ambassador from America receives the fraternal kiss. 26. L'Ecluse surrenders by capitulation to the French. Ordered, that all persons may travel freely without passports in the interior of the republic. The new ambassador from Geneva received in the convention. 29. Valenciennes surrenders; its garrison consisted of 8ooo men, of whom 1100 were emigrants. 30. Cond� surrenders to the French. Fr�ron and Tallien propose measures of moderation, that is, a system opposite to that of terror. Sept. 1. The Emperor threatens to withdraw his troops, if the circles of Germany do not support him better. The academy cf arts and sciences of Paris discovers a method of making pot-ash from the horse-chesnut (sic). Bois-le-Duc and Breda inundated. The convention passes some decrees favourable to the emigrants. 5. Rochelle and Montfort denounce the nobles and priests. 6. An orator of one of the electoral clubs of Paris presents a petition, which he is unable to read. Bertier acquaints the convention that he has set at liberty all prisoners in the North under 15 years of age. The convention receives numerous congratulations on the death of Robespierre. Tallien resigns his seat as member of the committee of public safety. Motion of Barrere against bankers and stockjobbers. An attempt is made to assassinate Tallien, but he escapes with some severe wounds. 10. The flag of the republic of Geneva is received into the convention. Merlin, of Thionville, makes an animated speech in the convention against the jacobins. The two ruling parties in the convention are, the partizans of terror, called the Mountain. and the Moderates. Protests and placarts (sic) are stuck up in all parts of Paris against the despotism of the convention. 11. The convention decrees that all those shall be subject to the laws against emigrants, who quitted France since the 1st of July 1789, and did not return before 9th of May 1792. Decreed, that the nation will pay no more salaries to ministers, or others officiating in any religious worship. Motion by Duhem to expel all that remains of the family of Capet from the territory of the republic. Report of Lindet on the state of France, in which are marked its dangers, errors, and disasters. The Spaniards are forced to give up the important city of Bellegard to the French at discretion. 12. The Piedmontese are repulsed with considerable loss. 13. Great commotions at Marseilles. 15. Ordered, that the remains of Marat be interred in the Pantheon. 16. The British and Hanoverians pass the Rhine with some loss. The Duke of York retires to Nimeguen. Ceremonies established for the observance of the days called "Sans-culottides," which are the supplementary days of the republican calendar. General Clairfait marches towards Cologn (sic), and passes the Roar (sic). The French invest Maestricht, and take possession of Aix-la-Chapelle, Malmedi, and Spa. Balloons are used by the French to make observations of their enemy's proceedings. Twenty-nine waggons loaded with gold and silver, to the value of 18,359,404 livres are brought to Paris from Belgium. The throne of the Elector of Treves is among the spoils. 25. A national festival is celebrated at Paris on account of the evacuation of the French territory by the enemy. 27. Cr�vecoeur surrenders by capitulation to the French. 30. The allies still continue to retreat. Decreed, that all directories and all municipal bodies of the republic shall be purified; and all revolutionary committees reorganized. Oct. 1. General Clairfait passes the Rhine. Keyserslautern taken by the Prussians. 3. The French enter Juliers. The body of Rousseau transferred to the Pantheon. 4. Bommel and Bois-le-Duc surrender to the French. The garrison of Nimeguen sallies, and kills 2000 French. Proclamation of the Prince of Orange, exhorting the Dutch to resist the enemy in a body (en masse.) 5. Lyons permitted to resume its name--confiscation, and massacres are suspended there. 6. The convention addresses the French people to acquaint them that henceforward the order of the day shall be "severe, but not atrocious or "sanguinary justice." Pichegru makes himself master of Cologne, Gueldres, and Cleves. French soldiers who died this campaign in the hospitals at Lisle, amount to 47,000. The English pass the Rhine. The French enter Bonne (sic). The chiefs of the royal and catholic armies in Bretagne make a solemn appeal, to the French people, to incite them to rally about the standards of religion and of the King. The following contributions were levied by the French in Brabant: Livres.

At Antwerp 10,000,000 Ghent 7,000,000 Brussels 5,000,000 Bruges 4,000,000 Mechlin 1,260,076 Lierre 500,000 Oudenarde 500,000 Ipres 1,000,000 Alost 4,000,000 Ostend 2,000,000 Courtray 3,000,000 Ath 150,000 Mons 1,640,875 Louvain 2,000,000 Namur 5,000,000 Huy 126,171 Total 51,177,122

12. The Russians entirely defeat the Poles under Kosciusko, and take Warsaw. The French take Worms; and pass the Rhine. 20. The British and Dutch defeated on the banks of the Meuse. 25. The French take Coblentz and Venloo. Six thousand young women put in requisition in Brabant to attend the hospitals. The states of Holland openly abandon the interests of the Stadtholder. Great numbers of emigrants shot at Ipres, Neuport, and l'Ecluse. Freron, the journalist, attacks furiously in the convention the remains of Robespierre's party. Proclamation by General Washington to check the buds of rebellion in America. Assignats burned to the 30th of September last, amounted to 2,367,000,000 livres. All public ordinances by the representatives of the people begin in this form, "The thunder of God: in "the name of the representatives of the people, it "is commanded under pain of death, &c." Address from the court of Madrid to stimulate the Spanish nation against the French. Motion by Baraillon to imprison all those who have had national property conveyed to them under its value, and those who have laid waste the lands and houses of emigrants and of condemned persons; and all those who have misapplied public money. Decree to abolish the jacobin club. Nov. 4. Rhinfeld surrenders at discretion; Maestricht by capitulation. Nimeguen surrenders. French commissaries proclaim liberty at Martinico. Billaud Varennes endeavours in vain to revive the jacobins. The convention offers full pardon to the rebels of La Vend�e who will lay down their arms and serve the republic. Guadaloupe is retaken by the French. Cambon reports that assignats in circulation amount to 6,400,000,000 of livres, and the expence of the present year to 2,200,000,000 livres. Addresses of congratulation from all parts on the overthrow of the jacobins. 17. The Spaniards defeated by the French. Republican General Dugommier killed. 20. The Spaniards again defeated--three generals taken. St. Fernard, Figueras, and Aspaetta, surrender. 30. Grave surrenders to the French. Carrier and his bloody accomplices decreed to be in a state of accusation. Decreed, that all emigrants be for ever banished from the republic, their property confiscated, and their return punished with death. Dec. 1. The French make several unsuccessful attempts on the side of Mayence, but are repulsed with loss. 7. Ten members of the revolutionary committee of Paris, convicted of peculation (sic) and abuse of power, are condemned to twenty years imprisonment, and to stand six hours in the pillory at the Place de Gr�ve, the place of common executions. The municipality of Nantes forbid all persons to drink the water of the river Loire, on account of the infection from the dead bodies which were victims of Carrier's cruelty. 8. The seventy-one members who had been proscribed by Robespierre resume their seats in the convention. 11. The French pass the Waal, attack the Hanoverians, and retire. 12. Utrecht taken by the French. 19. The Dutch send commissaries to Paris to treat of peace. 25. The Austrians retire across the Rhine. The French pass the Meuse, having taken fort St. Andr�. The Dutch regiments of Hohenloe and Bentinck lay down their arms. 26. The English quit Bommel abandoning their artillery. The law which forbad quarters to the English and Hanoverians is repealed. Clundest surrenders to the French. Loizeroles submits to be imprisoned and to be put to death in the stead of his son. 30. The decree of Robespierre revoked, which condemned those to death who had connection with nobles or clergy. All his laws decreed to be reviewed, and a plan proposed of forgiving all revolutionary crimes. The French take 120 pieces of cannon, and 1600 prisoners. A great fire in the arsenal of Landau. Pensions decreed to men of letters. Upon a motion by Clauzel, a prosecution is decreed against all the accomplices of Robespierre, who is called "the butcher of the French people." The British parliament votes almost unanimously for the prosecution of the war. Carrier suffers on the scaffold for all his atrocities. 1795. Jan. 1. The salary of members of the convention raised from 18 to 36 livres a day. "Keep your 36 livres, (said "some persons on this subject) but let us have a "Louis." The people of Lyons drag about the streets the bust of Marat, Challier, and Pelletier de St. Fargeau, who had but lately been objects of their idolatry. A woman appears at the bar of the convention, furnished with scythes, by means of which it was stated that a woman and child could mow five acres in a day. Honourable mention! Decreed, that the sovereignty of the people is inalienable, and that they have a right to chuse (sic) any form of government except royalty. 3. The French are dislodged from their position at Wardenberg by the English and Austrians. The French attack the British rear-guard. 9. The whole British army passes the Rhine. 10. The French army passes the Waal in different points at the time on the ice, and takes possession of Thiel. All the rivers of Holland and the Low Countries are frozen over so as to bear the heaviest weights, and favour the operations of the French extremely. Cambon states the number of livres in circulation in the form of assignats to amount to 9,600,000,000; and he proposes a lottery to reduce the number to four milliards (each one thousand million). Mercier makes a bold speech in the convention against the abolition of religious worship. 14. The French attack the British along their whole line from Arnheim to Amerongen. The Prince of Orange and his son resolve to quit the Hague. The states of Holland agree with the French to deliver up their country to them. The Fleet of Holland is locked up by the ice, and shares the fate of the country. An imposition of one million of livres in specie is laid upon Liege, and a thousand livres a day for every day's delay. Hostages are sent from Liege to Paris. Utrecht summoned and taken without opposition. Wurcum, Dorcum, and Dort, taken. 18. Pichegru sends detachments to take possession of Leyden, Amsterdam, and the Hague. The Princess of Orange and her daughter-in-law depart for England. Tallien moves in the convention to put to death all the partizans of the system of terror which covered France with bastilles and scaffolds. Breda, Bergen-op-Zoom, Gertruydenberg, and Williamstadt, open their gates to the French, upon hearing that Holland was given up. The French generals require that within the space of one month Holland shall supply them with 200,000 quintals [Footnote: 100lbs. each.] of flour, 1,000,000 of rations of hay, 200,000 rations of straw, 1,000,000 bushels of wheat, 150,000 pair of shoes, 200,000 shirts, 20,000 pair of boots, 20,000 coats and waistcoats, 30,000 pair of breeches, 150,000 pantaloons, 50,000 hats, and 12,000 oxen. 28. Duhem is ordered to the Abbaye prison, for saying that aristocracy and royalism were triumphant. He is refused admittance, there being no room. 31. Report on the finances states that the expences of the last month exceeded the receipt by 218,779,475 livres. Dubois Cranc�, on the state of the republic, reports, that eleven hundred thousand men are under arms. Feb. 2. A ship is laid on the stocks at Brest called "the "Avenger of the Country," intended to carry 136 guns; 24 feet longer, and 3 feet wider, than any ever built. The assembly of the provisionary representatives of the United Provinces acknowledges the rights of man and the sovereignty of the people, dismisses the states-general, abolishes the office of stadtholder, suppresses the regency of the Hague, and appoints a new committee of the India company. A deputation from the people of colour thanks the convention for liberty granted to the negroes (sic). Disturbances at Rouen, and other great cities. Four presses of false assignats seized at Paris. Ordered, that deputies be sent to the colonies beyond the Cape of Good-Hope. 4. Gouly harangues the convention to inflame it against England, which has usurped, as he said, a tyrannic dominion over the sea. Petitioners appear at the bar, demanding bread. Zealand capitulates. The republic of Basle acknowledges the French republic. A decree upon religious worship, which seems to allow it more liberty than of late. Rovere in full convention charges Syeyes with having been an instrument and counseller of Robespierre. 8. Tumults at the theatres in Paris. 9. The sections of Paris demand the trial of Barrere, of Collot d'Herbois, and Billaud Varennes. 10. The convention ratifies a treaty of peace with Tuscany. The administration of Belgium addresses the convention, desiring an union with France. 11. Barrere, Collot d'Herbois, and Billaud Varennes, decreed to be under arrest. Antwerp informs the convention that 40,000 Belgians are ready to join the army of the republic, and give the last blow to the impious coalition of crowned tyrants. The convention appoints to the command of its eight armies Pichegru as commander in chief, Jourdan, Moreau, Kellerman, Sharer, Moncey, Clancaux, and Hoche. 14. Deputies are nominated for the East-Indies. 16. The Dutch announce that they have begun the great work of their regeneration. 17. Decreed, that all letters belonging to Robespierre be printed. 19. Suspension of arms between the royalists of La Vend�e and the republicans. Assassinations at Avignon. 23. Conferences between Charette and the commissioners of the convention. The French bombard Luxemburg. Emigrants enrolled in London for an expedition to the coast of France. The liberty granted to the press gives public writers an opportunity of expressing their sentiments boldly of the convention, and of the revolution. 27. Charette, Stofflet, and their officers, dine with the French commissioners. 28. Charette joyously received at Nantes. Cambon states that the expences of this month exceed the revenue by 443,164,974 livres. March 1. A reward is offered for destroying wolves. 4. Carnot presents the following description of the last campaign, viz. 27 victories, of which, 8 were pitched battles. 120 actions of smaller importance. 88,000 enemies killed, and 91,000 made prisoners. 116 places or strong cities taken, of which 36 were by siege or blockade; 230 forts or redoubts; 800 pieces of cannon, 70,000 muskets, 1,900,000 pounds of powder, and 90 stands of colours, taken by the republic. Victory of Admiral Hotham in the Mediterranean. Commotions in Paris for want of provisions. Eleven persons massacred at Toulon. Insurrection at Bourdeaux. The convention has many debates about Barrere and his associates. The Dutch are required to give up to the French republic all the coined money in their possession. Rouzet tells the convention it is time that France should resume her rank among civilized nations. 5. A committee is appointed to prepare a constitution (the third in five years). Boursault reports that the war in La Vend�e is extinguished, but that another had broken out, called that of the Chouans. Le Sage denounces the wind which blew down the flag from the convention-hall. Decreed, that the 71 deputies proscribed by Robespierre resume their places. 14. The treaty of peace with the Vend�ans read in the convention, except the secret articles. Boissy d'Anglas harangues upon the atrocities in France, which he attributes to royalists. 17. A committee is appointed to treat with foreign powers. Carletti is received as ambassador from the Grand Duke of Tuscany. April 1. Tumults in Paris for bread and a constitution. 2. Tumults continued at Paris and Amiens. Barrere, Collot d'Herbois, Vadier, and Billaud-Varennes, condemned to be transported to Guyana. 4. Tumults continue. 5. The King of Prussia makes peace with the republic. Motion made to discredit the republican calendar as an act of despotism worthy of Robespierre. Fails of success. The convention takes a guard of 554 life-guard men, and sixty of the artillery. The newspapers of Paris speak of the convention with great boldness. To quiet the people, it is given out that corn is coming in from all quarters. Admiral Renaudin receives orders to put to sea. Baron de Stael is sent as ambassador from the King of Sweden to engage in friendship and alliance with the convention. Rhull ventures to pronounce in the convention an eulogy on the old monarchy. The deficit in the last month amounts to 660,000,000 livres, Discourse of Thibadeau to inflame republicanism. Several communes petition for their former churches and worship; the convention passes to the order of the day. Fortier, compiler of the paper called "The "Political Correspondence" imprisoned for saying "that if all the monsters who murdered Louis XVI. were dead, not a Frenchman would shed a tear over "the tomb of any one of them." Sylverster, from the tribune, assures the French people that notwithstanding the scarcity there is no danger of starving. Cambon, who had been treasurer three years and a half, arrested. The convention grants to the Duchess of Bourbon relief to the amount of 18,000 livres; about 70l. according to the value of assignats. Credit appears to revive; 270 livres in assignats for the louis. Patroles (sic) are doubled in Paris; much apprehension is entertained. 19. The convention announces peace with the Chouans. May 1. Decrees severe against emigrants. Preliminary articles signed between France and Holland. Seventy persons massacred in a tumult at Lyons. On the motion of Dubois Cranc�, decreed, that three milliards of assignats be issued. S. The Spaniards defeated near Figueras. Motion to permit a loss of two per cent. a month on assignats. Vernier, successor to Cambon, states the expence of the last campaign at 3,000,000,000 in assignats; and the last month at 738 millions. 15. An alliance offensive and defensive concluded at the Hague between France and Holland; the first article excludes the Stadtholder for ever; the second assures to France one million of livres for the expence of the war. A vigorous action near Mayence. Great agitation at Naples; several disturbers of the peace imprisoned. A deputy complains earnestly against the facility with which divorces are obtained. The Sardinians defeated near Mount St. Bernard. Decreed, that Le Bon be brought to trial charged with cruelties equal to Carrier's. Twenty members of the revolutionary tribunal guillotined. 20. An alarming insurrection of the people of Paris against the convention; Ferrand, a deputy, is massacred at the feet of the president; the assassin of Ferrand is condemned 22. to death, but is rescued by the people; the 23. suburb St. Antoine marches against the convention, which is in extreme danger and 24. alarm; divisions take place among the insurgents, and they lose their force at once. After having had the advantage some time, the terrorists are overcome by the moderates. The convention resumes its deliberations, disarms the fauxbourgs, decrees the arrest of a great number of its own members, and orders the immediate execution of fifty of the chiefs of the insurrection. Decreed, that Barrere's transportation be suspended, and that he be tried again, his sentence being too mild. The terrorists rise at Toulon, as at Paris, and are subdued with much difficulty and bloodshed. 25. The Chouans, seeing themselves betrayed and deceived by a phantom of a treaty which had been held out to them as secure and permanent, again take up arms. 28. Rhull blows his brains out. A petition is presented to the convention demanding a separation of the supreme powers, as the only means of guarding against tyranny. The Spaniards are again defeated by Kellerman. A camp of 3000 men, chiefly cavalry, formed at the Tuilleries. A proclamation of the convention to French seamen concludes thus, "War, eternal war, against the "English." Lanjuinais obtains a decree for freedom of religious worship. 31. Decreed, that the revolutionary tribunals, created May 13, 1793, be suppressed. Ordered, that the tribunals prosecute the authors and accomplices of the massacres of Sept. 2, 1792. The convention, afraid that Barrere's trial should take up too much time, decrees that he be transported to Africa. Among the papers of the jacobins is found an order of the old committee of public safety to pay 100,000 livres for printing the correspondence of that society. A journalist in Paris ventures to write thus: "Legislators, do not exhaust your strength and "genius in discovering that which has been done "before your time; give us the best government you "can; consider that the people of France were the "happiest and the longest so of any people; give us "the laws we have been used to." June 1. The commune of Valenciennes deliberates in a full assembly whether it should continue to acknowledge the convention; or whether it should not arrest the representative Lamar. 5. Dutch ambassadors are received in the convention, and the treaty of alliance between the republics ratified. 6. The Vend�ans declare that the treaty with them is shamefully evaded; and they again take up arms. Their brave leader Charette publishes a manifesto. Decreed, that the property of those condemned or executed since the establishment of the revolutionary tribunals shall be restored to their families; except those of Louis Capet, and his wife, of Philip Egalit�, and Madame du Barr� (sic). Decree to apply the palace of Versailles to national uses. Assignats burned to this month amount to 2,623,680,000 livres. 7. The fortress of Luxemburg, almost impregnable, surrenders to the French from want of provisions. 8. Louis Charles, the descendant of 60 Kings, the son of Louis XVI. whom the royalists acknowledged as King since the 21st of Jan. 1793, under the name of Louis XVII. in the eleventh year of his age, finished his unhappy life and vain reign in the prison of the Temple, where he had been confined near three years without communication with any friend. History alone will hereafter instruct the world whether or not he died a natural death, as the convention took great pains to have it believed. 11. Decree in favour of those whom the tyranny of Robespierre caused to fly from the kingdom. A motion is well received to declare the produce of the next harvest public property. General Santerre, long detained in prison, and released at the death of Robespierre is again denounced. Proposed "' to change the odious name of "revolutionary committee, and to suppress the "infamous red bonnet, as being only the symbol of "blood." 14. The republicans receive a severe check at Grand-Champ from the royalists. The law repealed which forbad the wives and daughters of emigrants to marry foreigners. The republicans charge the royalists with violating the late treaty. The latter retort the charge. The republicans claim the victory of the 14th ult. The nephew of General Dubois writes a letter full of invective and gall against the convention. All sorts of pastry forbidden, on account of the scarcity of corn. The decree which declares all assignats, bearing the King's bust, to be of no value in future, takes away from private property one milliard, 665 millions, and 157 thousand livres. The expence for public instruction amounts to 300,400,000 livres. 20. Romme, Goujon, Duquesnoy, Soubrany, Duroy, and Bourbotte, members of the convention, and active leaders in the late riots, are executed. 23. Boissy d'Anglas reads a new constitution, which the convention proposes to read article by article. Insurrection at Arras for bread. The convention orders a school of 200 apprentices to watch-making. 26. Bellisle is summoned by the English, and returns a resolute answer of defiance. A complete victory obtained over the Spaniards. 2. The emigrants in England are put under the orders of Puissaye, and disembark at Quiberon. The deputies Peyssard and Forrestier condemned to prison. Prieur de la Marne and Albitte escape judgment by flight. The value of a louis-d'or is up to 1000 livres. All citizens from 16 to 60 commanded to serve in the national guard; and in their oath to swear these words, "Hatred against Kings". Decreed, that murders, which were to be punished with 20 years imprisonment, shall in future be punished with death. A member proposes that the convention should look back and punish all judiciary assassinations, abuses of authority, massacres, and arbitrary acts committed since the 1st of Sept. 1792. The convention passes to the order of the day, saying, that such retrospect would involve half of France. All the members of the revolutionary committee of Brest are delivered over to the tribunals. The Vendeans have further successes. Fresh massacres are committed at Ma�on. A section of Paris demands of the convention that it should efface the inscriptions on the gates of churches, by which the nation, at the instance of Robespierre, granted a certificate of existence to the Supreme Being, and insured immortality to the soul. The churches in Paris are opened, and service performed with great ceremony. 22. Lord Bridport engages the French fleet, and takes three sail of the line. 30. The convention decrees that the daughter of the late King shall be given up to the Emperor, in exchange for the commissioners whom Dumourier had put into the hands of the Austrians. July 1. The powers of the administrative bodies at Lyons are suspended, and the mayor ordered to the bar of the convention. The "Reveil du Peuple"(awakening of the people), a new song against the terrorists, is in great vogue. Lanjuinais proposes to suppress the publication of the votes of the convention, which costs the nation 2,300,000 livres annually. Report of Genissieu in favour of transported priests. Tallien and Blad, members of the convention, ordered to repair instantly as representatives to the department of La Vend�e. 2. Le Bon, pale and trembling, enters the convention, and begins his defence: "His crimes (he observes) "are those of the convention itself, under whose "orders he acted." 3. Horrid massacres in the Southern provinces. Various skirmishes between the French and Austrians reported. Bread 16 livres a pound in Paris. Bloody action at Chatillon between the Chouans and republicans. The convention decrees that France is a republic, one and indivisible. 6. Le Bon continues his defence. Bresson asserts that it is impossible to make France a democratic republic; he votes for a senate, an executive power, and censors. A member complains that the rights of man only, and not the duties of man, are subjects of consideration. 14. Anniversary of the French revolution celebrated. Project of a national tontine. A loan of a milliard at three per cent. Lanthenas reads a motion from Thomas Paine, he not being able to speak French. Mons. d'Hervilly is wounded near Aurai (sic). Warm action between the republicans and Chouans near L'Orient. Le Bon proceeds with his defence. Disorders at St. Malo; and at Lyons. 15. The royalists attack the camp of St. Barb; forced to retreat. 16. The Spaniards again defeated. 17. Le Bon decreed to be in a state of accusation. Report of a complete overthrow of a Spanish army. Tumults at the theatres. France contains 28,000 square leagues of 2280 toises. Each league contains 3,850 acres (arpents) which make 105,400,000 acres. Valuing the acres one with another at 150 livres each, the total value of the lands would be 15,810,000,000. The debts of the republic at this time are 17.500,000,000, and these are secured by the lands; there is a deficit therefore of 1,690,000,000. 20. The regiment of Hervilly murders its officers, and 8oo of them desert, giving the word of order to the republican general. The emigrants at Quiberon, being betrayed to General Hoche, a general attack is made on them, and almost all are cut to pieces. The brave Count Sombreuil, after distinguished proofs of generous gallantry, is taken prisoner. The prisoners are ordered to Vannes, with General Sombreuil, the bishop of Dol, and other considerable persons. Tallien, in his reports to the convention, states the loss of the royalists at 10,000 men and that of the republicans as trifling; his whole report appears extravagant. Another victory over the Spaniards is gained by the republicans. Peace is concluded with Spain. Fresh, but unsuccessful, attempts are made to induce the convention to give up the republican calendar. 23. Ordered, that the committee of legislation make a report upon all the laws relative to divorce. 28. Read in the convention the treaty concluded at Basle between France and Spain. The convention decrees two festivals, one in honour of the fall of Robespierre, the other of the 10th of August. 30. Mons. Querini, ambassador from Venice, arrives at Paris. Report of another victory obtained over the Spaniards the 17th of this month. A plot discovered at Rome to open the prisons, to put to death the principal persons of the government, and burn the houses of the cardinals. A proclamation from Louis XVIII. to all his subjects, dated Verona. The chiefs of the royalist army solicit succours from the British government. Aug. 1. Motion by La Riviere "to pursue with national "justice all execrable terrorists". Comartin, Jarry, Boisgontier, and eight chiefs of the Chouans, contrary to the faith of the treaty, are seized and brought up to Paris. 2. The convention ratifies the peace with Spain. The laws of divorce suspended. All the departments make great complaints to the convention of a scarcity. 3. The eight chiefs of the Chouans, Comartin, Jarry, Gazel, la Nourraye, Salignac, Dufour, Boisgontier, and de la Haye, delivered to the military tribunal. Disorders at St. Omer's. The workmen at the wharfs (sic) at Paris refuse to work without two hundred livres a day wages. 4. Boudin moves to put an end to the revolution. 6. The colonies decreed a part of the French empire. 8. Journalists denounced; several deputies arrested, among whom is Lequinis. More deputies denounced; Dupin, Piori, Po, Massieu, Chaudron, Rousseau, Fourche, and la Planche, decreed in a state of accusation. The Count Sombreuil, the Bishop of Dol, and 600 emigrants, condemned by the tribunal of Vannes to be shot. 13. In the prisons of Paris 4413 persons are confined. Nantes in great distress. The convention discusses the subject of a constitution. A deputation from Belgium demands to be united with the French republic. 16. Treaty of friendship between the French nation and the regency of Tunis. The convention decrees a new constitution. The King of Spain ratifies the treaty of peace with France. The convention annuls all revolutionary sentences passed since March 13th, 1793, except those of the tribunals of Paris. The emigrants not comprized in the exceptions are for ever proscribed. 21. The convention decrees that two-thirds of the succeeding legislature shall be chosen out of the present convention. Violent declamation of Tallien against emigrants and royalists. All clubs or popular societies are by the decree of the convention abolished. The Count d'Artois lands in England on his way to, and with the design of forming a junction with, Charette. A new mode of preserving corn discovered by a physician of Montpelier. 22. Tumults in the theatres of Paris. The convention brings large bodies of troops into Paris. Boissy d'Anglas, presenting a picture of France triumphant on all sides, and forcing Kings to court its friendship and alliance, beseeches the convention to distinguish the last moments of its existence by acts of beneficence, healing all wounds, drying up tears, and repairing by the force of justice those evils which tyrants had brought upon the world. 24. Lyons is denounced as attached to royalty. 25. The constitution is declared to be perfected. The word Sans-Culotides is excluded from the calendar. 28. The section of Mail complains that the capital is filled with troops. Treaty of peace between the Landgrave of Hesse-Cassel and France. Several sections complain of the number of troops in Paris, and of the election of two-thirds of the present convention into the next legislature. General Montesquieu, and the ex-constituent Talleyrand Perigord, recalled by a decree into France. 30. Much discontent in Paris; the sections make considerable movements; every thing seems to forebode an explosion. 31. The constitution is laid before the people for their acceptance, and approved of in general; but the election of two-thirds disliked Sept. 1. Decreed, that the property of transported priests, which had been confiscated by former laws, shall be restored to their families. Decreed, that no minister may officiate in public or private without having submitted to the laws of the republic. Decreed, that Louise Marie Adelaide de Bourbon Penthievre, wife of Philip Egalit�, be restored to liberty. 6. Dusseldorff taken by the French; the army of the Sambre and the Meuse passes the Rhine under General Jourdan. The section of the French theatre denounces the members of the deputation of Paris to the convention, as authors of the crimes of the 2d of Sept. 1792, and 31st May 1794. Decreed, that the relations of emigrants be excluded from every employment administrative or judiciary. Of six thousand three hundred and thirty-seven primary assemblies, containing 958,226 persons, 914,800 voted for accepting the constitution, 41,892 rejected it, (so the convention reports); consequently it was decreed that the new constitution is become a fundamental law of the state. As to the re-election of the two-thirds--of 270,338 voters, 167,757 voted for the re-election and 95,373 against it. The convention declares the enlargement from prison of all terrorists who had been imprisoned since the death of Robespierre. The committee of marine writes thus to the convention: "We are going to prepare arms in our "arsenals and forges against the most perfidious of "our enemies, against the haughty England, which "must fall under the efforts of a nation which has "subdued the rest of Europe." 20. The army of Pichegru having passed the Rhine near Manheim, this city surrenders itself to the French by capitulation, of which one of the articles is, that the Palatinate shall be considered a neutral country. The convention addresses the Parisians, to inform them that if any attack be made upon the national representatives, the convention will remove to Chalons-sur-Maire (sic). The convention, which never had so much apprehension for its safety, ordered the republican columns to march to its defence. Decreed, that every member of the convention shall make a declaration of his fortune before, and since the revolution. Joubert, representative of the people, writes to the convention, that the French, since their passage of the Rhine, have taken 371 pieces of cannon, 331,000 pounds of powder, and other stores. Decreed, that Belgium and all the countries which are, or shall be, conquered from the House of Austria, shall be incorporated with the French republic. The section of Le Pelletier writes severe truths to the convention. The salaries settled by the constitution upon the 750 members of the next legislature, amount to 174 millions of livres a year. The salary of the five members of the executive directory amounts to 20,400,000 livres. According to the new organization, Belgium and the county of Liege form nine departments, of which, the chief towns are Bruges, Ghent, Antwerp, Brussels, Liege, Maestricht, Mons, Namur, and Luxemburg. A funeral ceremony in honour of the victims of decemviral tyranny. A famous resolution of 33 sections of Paris is the cause of a terrible explosion hereafter. Proclamation of the convention on the danger which threatens. An afflicting picture given of the state of the Southern provinces of France, by a representative of the people who was an eye witness of it. The primary and permanent assemblies of Paris demand of the convention the re-imprisonment of the terrorists, and enquiry into the conduct of the committees of government. Oct. 5. An extraordinary fermentation agitates all Paris. A civil war is ready to break out. The clashing of arms, the general beating of drums, and the cannon, are heard on all sides. Several bloody engagements take place between the sections and conventionalists. Two thousand dead bodies lie in the streets. The party of the convention, by the aid of the troops of the line and of a formidable artillery, defeats the insurgents. Execution and proscription of the chiefs and movers of the insurrection. Tallien renews his motion to transport all those who did not like a republican government. The Count d'Artois, under convoy of Sir John Warren, takes possession of l'Isle Dieu (sic). A French squadron of six sail of the line falls in with a valuable British convoy from the Mediterranean, and captures the Censeur, a 74 gun ship, and several merchantmen. Vernier, the organ of the committee of finances, proposes to substitute money made of some metal in the place of 18 milliards of assignats in circulation. The inhabitants of Versailles supplicate the convention to take into consideration the sad state of their commune. A horrible picture is laid before the convention of massacres in the South; the banks of the Rhone and of the Durance are said to be covered with dead carcases, upon which the dogs are feeding. Garnier de Saintes addresses from the tribune the royalists of France. "Insects," (says he) "return "to your nothingness; ye shall perish, whilst we "shall be masters of the world, with which we will "share our fortune and our liberty." Tallien prophesies, that before three months a counter-revolution will be effected; and he therefore advises his colleagues to make their political testament. Thibadeau immediately accuses Tallien of all the calamities of the revolution. Clairfait and Wurmser compel the French to repass the Rhine precipitately, and obtain great advantages over them. Baudin, the organ of the committees of government, proposes to the convention to adopt a plan of a general amnesty for any act regarding the revolution, excepting always the banished priests, the emigrants, the fabricators of forged assignats, and the assassins of the South. As to the punishment of death, it is not to be abolished till peace be established. 24. Rewbell pretends that the new government cannot establish itself but by calling in the assignats, and substituting an augmentation of taxes. The convention, having proclaimed an amnesty, declares its sittings at an end; and to make up the 500 members who are to remain, it constitutes itself into an electoral body. Le Bon is condemned to death by the criminal tribunal of Amiens. The colonists of St. Domingo, who are at Paris, nominate their deputies to the new legislature. 26. From the 12th to the end of this month the Austrians continue without ceasing to pursue the French, and to destroy them in great numbers.


THE new legislature, or fourth assembly of the French, enters upon its office. It is composed of a legislative body of 500 members; of a council of ancients 250; of an executive directory of 5 members; and of 6 ministers, viz. for the interior department, for the war, for justice, for the admiralty, for foreign affairs, and for finances. The five members of the executive directory are, La Reveillere, le Paux, la Tourneur, Carnot, Rewbell, and Barras; all ex-deputies of the national convention. Nov. The legislative body is employed in discussing a decree passed in the last sitting of the convention, which imposed a tax of six milliards on the landed property, and two milliards upon industry. The criminal tribunal acquits Gen. Menon, suspected of having taken part in the, rebellion of the sections. The depreciation of assignats is at this time so great, that a pair of shoes costs 300 livres, a yard of cloth 3000, a bushel of potatoes 120, a pound of bread 40, a pound of coffee and of sugar 175, a pound of candles and of soap 80 livres each; a louis-d'or is worth 4,600 livres. The executive directory obtains a grant of three milliards, to be at its discretion distributed among the different offices. The subsistence of Paris not being assured, it is decreed, that 250 quintals (each 100lbs. weight) be levied on the departments bordering on Paris. The Cape of Good-Hope is taken by the English. The trial of Comartin, one of the chiefs of the Chouans, occupies at present the military tribunal, and all Paris. The republican generals, and many deputies of the convention are implicated in this affair. A ship full of emigrants, among whom are the Duke de Choiseul and the Count de Montmorency, is driven by a tempest into Calais. They are given up to the criminal tribunal of that city. Besides the sum above granted to the executive directory, twenty-one millions more are allowed to them. Thirty millions more added for the expences of the legislative body. 23. Public and formal audiences are given by the executive directory to foreign ambassadors. Insurrection of 15,000 peasants in the Velay. Manheim is taken by the Austrians; 394 pieces of cannon are found in it. Worms and Spires are retaken by the Austrians. Decreed, that the executive directory may sell the moveable or personal property of the republic, (le mobilier) even to the timber in the national forests. Dec. According to the report upon the finances, the arrears due amount to 3,500,000,000 livres; the debt to the national bank is 31,000,000 in specie, and 7,500,000 in specie to foreigners. The service of the next month requires 20,220,000,000 in assignats. Letter from the directory to the legislative body declaring, that the state is in the most calamitous situation; that the springs of government are almost broken, that the public treasure is exhausted, and that they are threatened with evils, which may overwhelm the republic. Decreed, that a forced loan shall be levied of 600,000,000 in specie upon a million of citizens. It is computed that by means of three hundred millions in specie, thirty milliards of assignats will be taken out of circulation. In this forced loan assignats are to be taken at one per cent. A motion is made to sell Compiegne, Fontainbleau, Chantilly, Ramboullet, Meudon, St. Germaine, St. Cloud, Choisy, Vincennes, and the wood of Boulogne. The legislative body decrees 1500 millions for the service of the armies. Boissy d'Anglas proposes to restrain the liberty of the press. The city of Deux-Ponts taken by the French under General St. Eyr (sic). The supplying Paris alone with provisions costing 350 millions every ten days, the directory acquaints the legislative body that the funds granted for that purpose are exhausted. Decreed, that the directory shall nominate all the judges not elected by the primary assemblies. All the ministers agree in declaring that every thing is lost, if haste be not made in procuring funds. Merlin of Douai, minister of justice, writes to all the criminal tribunals, to perform their duty with energy towards the emigrants, against whom the republic had sworn eternal war till death. New successes of the republicans in Italy. The Austrians continue to obtain advantages over Pichegru and Jourdan. Gronville, envoy from the republic to Copenhagen, is threatened with recall if his Danish Majesty does not acknowledge the French republic. Cambon, to exculpate himself from charges of misconduct, publishes an account, setting forth, that during forty-four months of his administration there were issued only 11,578,056,623 livres in assignats, and in the ten months and a half after him there were issued 17,852,226,000 livres in assignats.

Judgment and Execution of



Members the National Convention,

Who voted for and against his Death.




BY H. GOUDEMETZ, A French Clergyman, Emigrant in England.







IN the National, Convention of France, [Footnote: N.B. In this Convention, 76 were ex-nobles; between 50 and 60 ex-priests; the rest consisted of lawyers, merchants, husbandmen, and a great number of artisans, men who had no property, but what they acquired by spoil from the rich.] on the 17th, 18th, and 19th days of January, 1793, the three following questions were successively put to the vote.


Is LOUIS guilty or not?

Of the 745 members of the Convention, 20 were absent, 5 sick, 27 gave modified opinions, 693 voted in the affirmative.

President "I declare in the name of the National Convention LOUIS "CAPET to be found guilty of a conspiracy against the liberty of the "nation, and of an attempt to disturb the public security."


Shall the sentence to be passed upon LOUIS be referred to the sanction of the people?

The result of the appel nominal on this question was; 3 sick; 20 absent; 10 refused to vote; 283 voted for, and 424 against it.

President "I declare in the name of the National Convention, that its "sentence shall not be submitted to an appeal to the people."


What punishment shall be inflicted upon LOUIS?

The appel nominal for the definitive sentence, by DEPARTMENTS.

[Editor's note: The decisions of the members of the convention are given Department by Department and the list is followed by an alphabetical list of the members with the page number on which each appears. For this reason it has been decided that the page numbers of the original publication should be shown from this point.]

N.B. The first column expresses the name and quality of the voters; the second, the manner in which they gave their votes; in the third, those who voted for death absolutely are distinguished by the mark +; those for death with restrictions as to the time, by the letter D; those for detention, banishment, &c. by the letter O; absentees (a); not voted, by (nv); sick by (m); the fourth column shows the fate or punishment of many of the members; A signifying assassinated; G guillotined; I imprisoned; M massacred; P proscribed and S suicides.

Page 151


Mailhe Death...............................................+ Delmas Death...............................................+ Projean Death...............................................+ Per�s "We are a Political body, and not a court of "justice; we cannot make ourselves, judges without "becoming despots. I vote for confinement "(reclusion) and afterwards banishment."..........O Julien Death...............................................+ G Cal�s Death...............................................+ De Sacy Death, with respite (avec sursis)...................D Mazade "I do not think I have power to judge; I am for "confinement."......................................O Rouzet Detention...........................................O I Drulhe Detention...........................................O


La Plaigne Death...............................................+ I Montaut Death...............................................+ I

Page 152

Descamps Death...............................................+ I Dubarran Death...............................................+ I La Guire Death...............................................+ Cappin Detention...........................................O Jehon Death...............................................+ Bousquet Death, with discussion as to the time...............D Moysset Detention...........................................O I


Vergniault Death...............................................+ G Gensonn� Death...............................................+ G Guadet Death, with respite.................................D PG Jay Death...............................................+ Ducos Death...............................................+ G Gazeau Death...............................................+ De Leyre Death...............................................+ I Fonfrede Death...............................................+ G Grangeneuve "Although many Of my colleagues have manifested "sentiments ill agreeing with the impartiality of a "court of judicature; and have employed all "possible means of influence, in order to extort "from the national convention a sentence of death; "I vote for confinement only." .....................O G

Page 153

Du Plantier Death, with respite.................................D La Caze Confinement and banishment..........................O G Bergoin Confinement.........................................O


Cambon Death...............................................+ I Bonnet Death...............................................+ S Rouyer Death...............................................+ I Viennet "An accumulation of power being monstrous, I "declare myself incompetent to give any other "sentence than for confinement."....................O Fabre Death...............................................+ Cur�e Confinement or deportation..........................O Cambacer�s Death, in case of invasion only.....................O Brunel Confinement.........................................O Castillon Confinement and banishment..........................O P

Page 154


Pastoret Dead during the appeal. Duval Death...............................................+ Sevestre Death...............................................+ Chaumont Death...............................................+ Lanjuinais "We have no right to put to death a vanquished "enemy. I vote for confinement or banishment.".....O P Beaugeard Death...............................................+ Dubignon Confinement.........................................O Mauxel Confinement until we have peace.....................O Fermont "As a man, I do not think I have a right to take "away the life of another. As a legislator, I "never will vote for death."........................O I Le Breton "If two-thirds of the votes were required, I might vote for death."....................................O I Obelin Confinement and banishment..........................O I

Page 155


Thibaut Death...............................................+ Le Jeune Death...............................................+ Pepin I am deputed only to make laws......................O Porcher Confinement and banishment..........................O Derazey Confinement.........................................O I Boudin Confinement or deportation..........................O Mainville Confinement.........................................O G


Gardien "I fear neither factions nor robbers, their "menaces shall never prevail on me; I think "myself free, because I have no fear. Detention."..O G Nioche Death...............................................+ J. Dupont Death...............................................+ Ruelle Death...............................................+ Pottier Death...............................................+

Page 156

Isabeau Death...............................................+ Bodin "A sacrifice of human blood can never be the, "foundation of liberty. Consequently I vote for "banishment.".......................................O Champigny Confinement or deportation..........................+ Vig�e Confinement or banishment...........................O G


Baudran Death...............................................+ R�al "I have no doubt but that if the people were "consulted, they would choose the mildest "punishment. I therefore must in consequence "give my vote for detention.".......................O Genevois Death...............................................+ Charrel Death...............................................+ Amar Death...............................................+ I Genissieu Death...............................................+ Servonat "Let my vote expose me or not to abuse or menaces, "I pronounce boldly for confinement or "banishment.".......................................O

Page 157

Prunelle de Lierre "The National Convention ought to consult only "justice. I therefore give my opinion for "banishment.".......................................O Vaublanc Detention.......................................... O Boissieu "Not having the commission of a judge, I do not "consider myself as qualified to apply penal "laws.".............................................O


Grenot Death...............................................+ I Prost Death...............................................+ Laurenceot "Notwithstanding the menaces which have been "thrown out, I vote for detention.".................O I Amyon Death...............................................+ I Ferroux Death...............................................+ I Bonguyode "Is it not time, that the blood of Frenchmen should cease to flow? I vote for perpetual "imprisonment.".....................................O Vernier Confinement.........................................O P

Page 158

Babey Confinement or banishment...........................O I Le Montey Confinement.........................................O


D'Artigoyte Death...............................................+ P Dir�s Death...............................................+ Ducos l'ain� Death...............................................+ G Gadroy "I will not, like others, invoke the penal code, "since we have lost sight of those wholesome forms "that were instituted for all citizens. Besides, "I do not think, that we have a right to inflict "the punishment of death; nor does the interest of "my country require it."............................O Saurine "My constituents have not deputed me to be a "criminal judge."...................................O Le Franc Confinement or banishment...........................O

Page 159


Brisson Death...............................................+ Foussedoire Death...............................................+ I Chabot Death...............................................+ G (ex capuchin) Fressine Death...............................................+ Le Clerc "The punishment of death being an outrage against "humanity, and my powers not being unlimited, I can "vote only for detention."..........................O Vanaille Death...............................................+ Gregoire Absent by commission................................a


Raynault Death...............................................+ Delcher Death...............................................+ Flageas Death...............................................+ Faure Death...............................................+ I Bonnet fils Death...............................................+ Barthelemy Death, with discussion as to the time...............+ D Camus Absent by commission................................a I

Page 160


Chaillon "I have not been deputed to exercise the functions "of a jur�. I hold my commission from good men, "who are enemies of tyranny and of every "accumulation of power."............................O Le Fevre Confinement or banishment...........................O I Meaulle Death...............................................+ P Millinet Confinement or banishment...........................O Villiers Death...............................................+ Jarry Confinement.........................................O I Fouch� Death...............................................+ Coustard Banishment..........................................O G


Delaguelle Death...............................................+ Lombard-la Death...............................................+ -chaux

Page 161

J. B. Louvet Death...............................................+ P Leonard Death...............................................+ I -Bourbon La Boissiere Death with respite..................................D G Garan-Coulon "I maintain that liberty cannot subsist with this "usurpation of power. Tyranny is always there, "where some men are above the laws, and others "below them.".......................................O Le Page "Nature has impressed upon my heart an invincible "aversion to the shedding of blood. My opinion is, "that one man has not a right to condemn another "man to death.".....................................O Guerin "I cannot prevail upon myself to put to death a "vanquished enemy.".................................O P Gentil Confinement.........................................O Pell� Confinement.........................................O


Cledel Death...............................................+ St. Andr�, Death...............................................+ I noble

Page 162

Mont Mayan Death...............................................+ Delbret Death, with respite.................................D Cavaignan Death...............................................+ Alboys "The fear of poignards has no influence upon "my heart. No man can be punished but by virtue "of some law antecedent to the offence."............O Ansy Confinement.........................................O E Boygnes Confinement.........................................O Salleles Confinement.........................................O Cayla Absent through sickness.............................m


Vidalot Death...............................................+ Paganel Death...............................................+ Boussion Death...............................................+ Fournel Death...............................................+ Claverie "I cannot pronounce upon the fate of Louis but "according to the constitution. Now the "constitution speaks only of the forfeiture of "the crown."........................................O

Page 163

Gayet-la -Prade "Not to oppose the constitution to the penal code, "I choose rather to vote for confinement."..........O Noguer "Having examined my conscience as a public man, I "give my opinion for detention."....................O Laurent Confinement.........................................O Laroche Confinement or banishment...........................O Dorisy Confinement.........................................O


Random Death...............................................+ I Servierre Death...............................................+ Monestier Death...............................................+ Barrot "As the death of Louis does not appear to me to "be necessary, or even useful to the republic, "I vote for detention.".............................O Aubert Confinement.........................................O Pellet Absent by commission................................a

Page 164


Choudieu Death...............................................+ I De l'Aulnay Death...............................................+ G l'ain� Le Paux Death...............................................+ P Le Clerc Death...............................................+ P�rard Death...............................................+ De. Houilliere "I am not a judge; I am merely a legislator. "Consequently I can vote only for detention.".......O D'Andenac Confinement.........................................O l'ain� D'Andenac Confinement or deportation..........................O le jeune Pilastre Banishment..........................................O De l'Aulnay Confinement.........................................O le jeune Le Maignan Confinement.........................................O

Page 165


Le Moine Death...............................................+ Ribet Death, with respite.................................D Le Tourneur Death...............................................+ Le Carpentier Death..............................................+ Bonnesoeur Death...............................................+ Laurence Death...............................................+ Havin Death...............................................+ Hubert Death...............................................+ Gervais -sauv� "If the people had been willing to accumulate "upon my head the various functions of accuser, "juryman, and legislator, the burthen would have "been above my strength. I vote for confinement."..O Pinel I vote freely for detention.........................O Poisson Banishment..........................................O Engerrand Confinement.........................................O Bretel Confinement.........................................O

Page 166


Prieur Death...............................................+ I Thuriot Death...............................................+ I Ch. Charlier Death...............................................+ De la Croix Death...............................................+ G de Constant De Villers Death...............................................+ Armonville Death, with discussion as to time...................D Drouet, Death...............................................+ I maitre de postes Vatelier Death...............................................+ Poulain Confinement.........................................O Blanc Banishment..........................................O I


Guillardin Death...............................................+ Monnel Death...............................................+

Page 167

Roux Death...............................................+ Valdruche Death...............................................+ Rousseau Death, with discussion as to the time...............D La Loi Death...............................................+ Wandelin -court "I except against myself (je me suis recus�) "as judge; therefore I can vote only for "confinement, as a measure of general safety."......O


Bissy, Death...............................................+ le jeune Esn� Death...............................................+ I Du Rocher Death...............................................+ Enjubaut Death...............................................+ I Serveau Death...............................................+ Villars "As the stability of a republic does not depend "upon the life, or death of a single individual, "and killing a tyrant is the last resource of "tyranny, I vote for confinement."..................O

Page 168

Le Jeune "The law of death not being applicable to the "case before us, I abstain from pronouncing "judgment of death."................................O Plaichard -chottiere Perpetual confinement...............................O


Malarme Death...............................................+ Levasseur Death...............................................+ Bonneval Death...............................................+ Salle "My opponents have said, Do not appeal to the "people, because the people would not vote for "death; but for my part I wish not to vote, but "as the people would do."...........................O PG Molveau "Convinced that the day, on which the head of "Louis should fall, would probably be that of "the establishment of a new tyranny; and "apprehensive that his death would be for France, "what that of Charles 1. was for England, I give "my opinion for confinement or banishment.".........O

Page 169

Lalande Confinement and banishment..........................O Zangiacomi Confinement and banishment..........................O Michel Confinement and banishment..........................O


Pons Death...............................................+ Moreau "The safety of the state does not appear to me to "require the death of Louis; I am for banishment."..O Roussel "Far from being dangerous, I think it sound "policy to let Louis live.".........................O Baroche "The judiciary power being no part of my "commission, I vote for confinement."...............O

Page 170

Harmand "I cannot bring the punishment from the penal, "code, since you have discarded all the forms "of it. I am therefore for banishment."............O Marquis "I am for provisional confinement.".................O Tocquot Confinement and banishment..........................O Humbert Confinement and banishment......................... O


Lequinio Death...............................................+ Audrein Death...............................................+ Le Hardy "Farewell to the liberty of my country, if we are "to be every thing at once. No! we are not judges. "The death of Kings has never been salutary to "liberty. If the convention were to judge, I "should wish to see at least sixty of its members "excluded. I am for confinement."...................O G

Page 171

Corbel "A measure of safety is preferable to a rigorous "application of the law. I therefore vote for "provisional confinement."..........................O Gillet "Inaccessible to fear, I assert that capital "punishment is useless and dangerous. "Perpetual confinement."............................O M Le Mailland Confinement and banishment..........................O Michel Confinement and banishment..........................O Rouault Confinement.........................................O I


Anthoine Death...............................................+ Bar Death...............................................+ Nentz Death...............................................+ I Thirion Death...............................................+ I Becker "Neither the menaces with which this tribune has "resounded, nor those puerile fears, with which "people have sought to fill us, shall make me "act contrary to my Sentiments, which is for "confinement and banishment.".......................O

Page 172

Merlin Confinement.........................................O Couturier Absent on commission................................a Blaux Confinement.........................................O I


Saustrault Death...............................................+ Damrobe Death...............................................+ Le Fiot Death...............................................+ Guilrault Death, with discussion as to time...................D Legendre Death...............................................+ La Planche Death...............................................+ Jourdan "The punishment of death is contrary to my "principles. I cannot put a fellow-creature to "death."....................................... ....O G

Page 173


Merlin Death...............................................+ Duhem Death...............................................+ I Cochet Death, with discussion as to time...................D Fockedey Confinement.........................................O Senault Death...............................................+ P Carpentier Death...............................................+ P Pryese Death...............................................+ Sallengros Death...............................................+ Poultier Death, with discussion as to time...................D G Aoust Death...............................................+ G Gossuin Absent upon commission..............................a


Coupp� Death...............................................+ I Calon Death...............................................+

Page 174

Isor� Death...............................................+ Ch. Villette Confinement and banishment..........................O M Delamare Confinement or banishment...........................O I Massieu, ev�que intrus Death...............................................+ P Cloots. Baron Prussien Death...............................................+ G Portier Death, with respite.................................D B�zare Death...............................................+ Bourdon Death...............................................+ P Godefroy Absent upon commission..............................a


Valaz� Death...............................................+ G La Hosdiniere Death...............................................+ Desrouais Death...............................................+ Dubois Death...............................................+ Beaupr� Death, with respite.................................D Colombel Death...............................................+ Thomas "If the enemy invade our territories, I vote for "death; otherwise for detention."...................O Dugu� d'assey "Having never been able to satisfy that I could "be both legislator and judge at once, I vote for "detention."........................................O I

Page 175

Fourney "The constitution has not inflicted the "punishment of death upon Kings who may be guilty "of conspiracy. I am therefore for confinement "and banishment."...................................O


Robespierre "The tyrant has deserved death. I vote for l'ain� "death."............................................+ G Avocat d'Arras Danton, avt. "I vote for death"..................................+ G Collot d'Herbois, comedian Death...............................................+ B Billaud Va -rennes Death...............................................+ B Cam. D�smoulins Death...............................................+ G journaliste Marat, Death...............................................+ A journaliste La Vicomterie Death...............................................+ I Legendre, butcher Death...............................................+

Page 176

Raffron Death...............................................+ Panis Death...............................................+ I Serjeant Death...............................................+ P Robert Death, with discussion as to time...................D Freron Death...............................................+ Beauvais Death, with discussion as to time...................D G Fabre d'Eglantine, Death...............................................+ G journaliste Osselin Death...............................................+ G Robespierre le jeune Death...............................................+ G David, artiste Death...............................................+ I Boucher Death...............................................+ Laignelot Death, with discussion as to time...................D I Thomas Confinement.........................................O Manuel "Laws of blood ought not to be among the "principles of a republic. The right of death "belongs only to nature. Louis is laid low "upon the ground; it is too easy to kill him, "for me to give the blow."..........................O G Dussault "A man may be, in my opinion an excellent patriot, "without putting to death his fallen enemy. I vote "for confinement and banishment."...................O P

Page 177

D'Orleans, called Egalit� "My conscience tells me that Louis deserves death." + G


Garnet Death...............................................+ Duquesnoy Death...............................................+ S Le Bas Death...............................................+ S Guffroy Death...............................................+ Bollet Death...............................................+ Varlet "I vote for detention, because the nation ought "not to be influenced by sentiments of revenge."....O Enlard "My conscience points it out as my duty to have "nothing to do with the penal code. I am for "confinement and banishment.".......................O

Page 178

Dannon "The experience of those nations, who have put "their King to death, proves the contrary of "what you hope for. I am for confinement and "transportation."...................................O Personne Confinement and banishment..........................O Tho. Payne Confinement and banishment..........................O I Magniez Confinement and banishment..........................O


Couthon Death...............................................+ G Gibergues Death...............................................+ I Maignet Death...............................................+ Romme Death...............................................+ S Soubrany Death...............................................+ G Rudelle Death...............................................+ Monestier Death...............................................+ La Loue Death...............................................+ Blanval Death, with discussion as to time...................D Du Laure Death...............................................+ P Bancal "The thirst of vengeance and of blood is found "only in individuals and factions; but never in a "great nation. I think, besides, that the "majority of French citizens would not vote for "actual death. A legislator ought to resist all "private passions which surround him, to brave "with firmness every danger, and to obey nothing "but his conscience and his reason. I am for "detention."........................................O I

Page 179

Girot -pouzol Confinement and banishment..........................O .. 34. HAUTES PYR�NN�ES (SIC) (TARBES)

Barrere, ex-noble Death...............................................+ B Ferrand Death...............................................+ M La Crampe Death...............................................+ Dupont "Behind this mausoleum I see a lion springing "from his den, and a dangerous enemy substituted "in the place of a vanquished one. I vote for "confinement."......................................O Picqu� "I am for death; but not till after the cessation "of hostilities."...................................D Gertoux Confinement and banishment..........................O


Sanadon, eveque intrus "Being a legislator, I am not a judge. I cannot "vote but for confinement.".........................O P P�martin "I am only at liberty to adopt a measure of "safety, which is, confinement or banishment."......O Comte "I am for the same punishment as the last "speaker."..........................................O Meillant "It Would, in my judgment, be a most mistaken "measure to cut off that head, which may one "day become useful. Confinement and "banishment.".......................................O

Page 181

Casenave "The accumulation of so many inconsistent powers "appears to me, notwithstanding the paradoxes "and sophisms which art has invented in the "course of this proceeding, to be a monstrous "tyranny, in which I am not willing to bear a "part. The only punishment applicable to Louis "is forfeiture of the crown.".......................O P Neveu "I fulfil my duty in voting for confinement.".......O


Montegot Death...............................................+ Cazanies Death...............................................+ Biroteau "During the war I vote for confinement; and "after peace is established, for death."............O G Guyter Confinement and banishment..........................O I Fabre Absent through sickness.............................m

Page 182


Ritter Death...............................................+ La Porte Death...............................................+ Joannot Death...............................................+ Pflieger Death...............................................+ Dubois "I am not a judge. This character belongs to "none of us. If we were judges, we should "perform the duties Of such, and observe forms. "I am for provisional confinement.".................O Albert Provisional confinement.............................O Rewbel Absent through sickness.............................m


Laurent Death...............................................+ Bentabole Death...............................................+ Louis Death...............................................+ P

Page 183

Arbogast "I see the security of the republic depends on "the detention of Louis until time of peace.".......O Christiani Confinement.........................................O Dentzell Confinement.........................................O I Simon Absent upon commission..............................a G Rhull Absent upon commission..............................a S Erman Absent through sickness.............................m


Dupuis, fils Death...............................................+ Dubonchet Death...............................................+ Pressavin Death...............................................+ Noel Pointe Death...............................................+ L'Ev�que Death...............................................+ Chasset "The convention, by its conduct in the violation "of judiciary forms, has convinced me that it "does not mean to place itself in the situation "of a judge. It is therefore not permitted me "to vote for death. I am for confinement until "the time of peace."................................O

Page 184

Michel "Reasons of state and of public good make me "incline to detention.".............................O Patrin "The existence of Louis is useful; his death. "dangerous."........................................O Lanthenas "My opinion is, that Louis deserves death; but "only in case of a foreign war."....................O I Eusset Death...............................................+ Moulin "I vote for death; but not until all the Bourbons "are expelled.".....................................O Vitet Confinement.........................................O P Fournier Confinement.........................................O Bezaud Confinement and banishment..........................O Forest Confinement and banishment..........................O


Gourdan Death...............................................+ Siblot Death...............................................+

Page 185

Bolot Death...............................................+ Dormier Death...............................................+ Vigneron Confinement and banishment..........................O Chauvier Confinement and banishment........................ .O Balivet Confinement and banishment..........................O


Carra, journal -iste Death...............................................+ G Gelin Death...............................................+ Guillermin Death...............................................+ Reverchon Death...............................................+ Bodot Death...............................................+ Guilmardet Death, with discussion as to time...................D Mailly Death...............................................+ Montgilbert "If the enemies invade the French territory, then "only I am of opinion that Louis should die.".......O Moreau Death...............................................+ Masuyer Confinement till the peace..........................O PG

Page 186

Bertucat "I cannot judge arbitrarily in this case. "Perpetual confinement."............................O


Richard Death...............................................+ Primaudiere Death...............................................+ Phelippeau Death...............................................+ G Boutrone Death...............................................+ Levasseur Death...............................................+ I Froger Death...............................................+ Letourneur Death...............................................+ Syeyes "Death, (adding) without a word more"...............+ Salmon "I am for detention; lest the anarchists and "ambitious find in the death of Louis more food "for their intrigues."..............................O I Chevalier "The law does not permit me to pronounce any "other sentence than forfeiture of the crown."......O I

Page 187


Lecointre Death...............................................+ I Bassal Death...............................................+ P Audoin Death...............................................+ P Treilhard Death...............................................+ Tallien Death.............................................. + Chenier Death...............................................+ G Royt "I vote for death, but not until after the "constitution has been ratified."...................O Mercier "The sentence of death is impolitic and dangerous. "The phantom of a King may be of marvellous "service to us. Perpetual confinement."............O P Kersaint "I do not think myself called forth to pronounce "a judicial sentence. And if I were a judge, I "should vote in mercy, and not in hatred. I have "no notion of a great nation acting from revenge; "in this struggle the inequality of the parties "makes it shocking. I am for confinement until "the time of peace."................................O G

Page 188

Dupuis Confinement.........................................O Alquier Death, after the peace..............................D Gorsas, journa -liste Detention...........................................O G Haussman Absent by commission................................a H�rault de Sechelles, avocat -general Absent by commission................................a G


Albite Death...............................................+ p Pocholles Death...............................................+ Vincent "To condemn Louis to death is to provoke a civil. "war, to ruin the nation, to overturn the state, "and to destroy liberty altogether. I am for "confinement and banishment.".......................O G

Page 189

Bailleul "Consider that before posterity the illusion will "cease, and the passions will be no more. You "wish for the happiness of the people, and the head "of Louis is your security for it. I vote for "detention."........................................O I Mariette "I have only the quality of legislator; that of "judge is inconsistent with it. I vote for "banishment.".......................................O Doublet "The evils which the death of Stuart brought upon "England, make me vote for detention."..............O I Rualt "It is very strange that people are so earnest to. "follow the penal code, when they have not "followed, in the forms of proceeding, any one of "the articles of criminal legislation. I vote for "provisional confinement."..........................O P Faure, libraire Confinement and banishment..........................O Bourgeois Confinement and transportation......................O Hardy, medicin Confinement and banishment..........................O

Page 190

Yger Confinement and banishment..........................O Hecquet Confinement and banishment..........................O I Duval, Confinement and banishment..........................O avocat Lefevre, juge Confinement and banishment..........................O Blutel Confinement and banishment..........................O I Delahaye Confinement.........................................O P


Mauduit Death...............................................+ Tellier Death...............................................+ S Cordier Death...............................................+ Bernard "I am for death, but not until after the "constitution is settled."..........................O Bailly de "I consider Louis as an hostage necessary to public Juilly "tranquility. I am for confinement and "banishment.".......................................O P Himbert "I have the fullest conviction that I cannot act as "a judge. You have annulled the high national "court, and are you not afraid that history will "accuse you of having usurped a power which did not "belong to you? I am for confinement and "banishment.".......................................O

Page 191

De France "Since all judiciary forms are trampled under foot, "I vote for confinement.............................O Vigny Confinement and banishment..........................O Geoffry, Confinement.........................................O l'ain� Opoix Confinement and banishment..........................O Bernier Provisional confinement.............................O


Lecointepuy -raveau Death...............................................+ Dubreuil Death...............................................+ I Cochon Death...............................................+ L'Official "I declare that I have no power to judge "criminally.".......................................O Jard- Confinement and transportation......................O panviller

Page 192

Anguis Confinement and transportation......................O Du Chatel Absent through sickness.............................m G


Saladin Death...............................................+ I Dumont Death...............................................+ Delecloy Death...............................................+ Scellier Death...............................................+ Florent "Although my opinion does not seem to be that which -louvet "will prevail, I vote for detention."...............O P Du Festel "My electoral assembly was so far from designing to "give me a judicial power, that when it nominated "me a deputy, it appointed two haut jures" [Footnote: They are appointed in every department to try all causes, civil and criminal."] "at the "same time. Confinement and banishment."...........O

Page 193

Sillery, "My constituents were not so senseless as to noble "accumulate upon my head all sorts of powers. I "vote for banishment................................O G De Verit� "I cannot be accuser and judge in the same cause. "Confinement and banishment.........................O P Rivery, Confinement.........................................O avocat Gantois Confinement and banishment..........................O Martin Confinement.........................................O St. Prix Asselin, Confinement.........................................O avocat


La Source Death...............................................+ G La Combe Death...............................................+ St. Michel Campmas Death...............................................+ Gourry "As soon as you shall have voted the expulsion of "all the Bourbons, I will vote for the death of "Louis; but not before."............................O

Page 194

Soloniac Confinement and banishment..........................O Marvejols Confinement and banishment..........................O Rochegude Confinement and banishment..........................O Meyer Confinement and transportation......................O D'Amberm�nil Absent by illness...................................m I


Escudier Death...............................................+ I Ricard Death...............................................+ I Charbonier Death...............................................+ I D'Espinassy Death...............................................+ Isnard Death...............................................+ P Roubaud Death, with discussion as to time...................D Barras Death...............................................+ Antiboul Confinement.........................................O G

Page 195


Goupilleau, Death...............................................+ P l'ain� Goupilleau, Death...............................................+ le jeune Maignen Death...............................................+ Fayo Death...............................................+ Musset Death, with discussion as to time...................D Garros Death...............................................+ Gaudin "I cannot imagine that the French people "delegated to us a despotic power--that is, a power "to make laws and to apply them. I am for "confinement and banishment.".......................O I Girard Confinement and banishment..........................O Morisson "I do not think that Louis is subject to our "jurisdiction; therefore I abstain from voting."....nv

Page 196


Piozzy Death...............................................+ Martineau Death...............................................+ Ingrand Death...............................................+ Thibaudot Death...............................................+ Creuz�- "I do not think that men who make laws can order la-touche "the death of any man. I vote for confinement and "banishment.........................................O Creuz�- Confinement.........................................O paschal Dutroubor- Confinement and banishment..........................O nier Bion Confinement and banishment..........................O


Gay Vernon Death...............................................+

Page 197

Lesterp "For death, in case of an hostile invasion."........O P beauvais Bordas "As a measure of safety, I decide for confinement.".O Faye "My conscience forbids me to vote for death.".......O La Croix Confinement and banishment..........................O G Rivaud Confinement.........................................O Soulignac Confinement.........................................O P


Perrin Death...............................................+ Poulain Death, but not till after the constitution....... O grand-pr� Souhait Confinement.........................................O Baland Confinement.........................................O Couhey Confinement and banishment..........................O Bresson "Judges prostrate themselves before a law that is "equal for all, but we have violated equality to "make an exception against a single individual. "Judges have a bandage of ice (bandeau glace) upon "their forehead, but hatred against Louis burns and "devours us. Judges reject severe opinions, but we "publish with pride the rigour of our judgments. "Judges mitigate the horror of a condemnation by "the expression of pity, but our aversion pursues "Louis even under the axe of the executioner. From "hence I conclude that we are not judges, and that "I cannot vote but for confinement."................O I

Page 198

No�l Absent by commission................................a G Hugo Absent by commission................................a


Le Pelletier Death...............................................+ A de St. Fargeau Maure Death...............................................+ S

Page 199

Herard Death...............................................+ J. Boileau Death...............................................+ G Turreau Death...............................................+ I Bourbotte Death...............................................+ G Finot Death, with discussion as to time...................D Precy Death, but not till after the constitution..........O Chatelain Confinement and banishment..........................O


Deydier Death...............................................+ Merlin Death...............................................+ Gautier Death...............................................+ Royer Confinement and banishment..........................O I Mollet Confinement.........................................O


Quinette Death...............................................+ I Jean de Brie Death...............................................+

Page 200

St. Just Death...............................................+ G Beffroy Death...............................................+ Petit Death...............................................+ Fiquet Death...............................................+ Loisel Death, with discussion as to time...................D Boucheron Death, with discussion as to time...................D Condorcet, academicien "The punishment of death is contrary to my "principles; I shall never vote for it. I vote "for the heaviest punishment of the penal code "which does not amount to death."................* PM Dupin, "I am of the Same opinion with Monsieur "Condorcet; that is, I vote for confinement in "chains."........................................* Belin "I vote for death only in case of invasion "by the enemy."..................................O

[Footnote: * N.B. These two are in the report said to have voted for chains.]

Page 201


Vidalin Death...............................................+ Martel Death...............................................+ Beauchamp Death...............................................+ Chevalier "I think it my duty not to vote."...................nv


Izoard Confinement.........................................O Barety Confinement.........................................O Borel Confinement.........................................O Caseneuve Confinement.........................................O I Serres "My country, my conscience, my love of liberty, "dictate my vote for detention."....................O

Page 202


Maysse Death...............................................+ I Derb�s Death...............................................+ la tour Savornin Death...............................................+ Peyze Death...............................................+ G Verdallin "I vote for detention, because the death of Louis "would only cause tyranny to revive."...............O Reguis Confinement and banishment..........................O


Gleizal Death...............................................+ Soubeyran "I vote for death, but not till the expulsion of "all the Bourbons.".................................O

Page 203

Gamon "I am for the same punishment, but in case of "invasion by the enemy."............................O St. Martin "I would have Louis live, because the pretensions "to royalty will be without any danger, so long as "they shall rest on his head. I am for life and "confinement."......................................O Garilhe "Every irrevocable act which is not ratified by the "people, is void. I am therefore for confinement.".O I Boissi- Confinement and transportation......................O d'Anglas Corin- Confinement and banishment..........................O Fustier


Ferry Death...............................................+ Dubois Death...............................................+ Robert Death...............................................+

Page 204

Monesson "I consent to death, provided that you first expel "all the Bourbons.".................................O Vermond "If there shall be an invasion, I vote for death."..O Bodin Banishment..........................................O Thierrier Perpetual detention.................................O Blondel Confinement; death in case of invasion..............O


Vadier Death...............................................+ B Espert Death...............................................+ P Clauzel Death...............................................+ Camp Death...............................................+ Martin Lakanal Death...............................................+ Gaston Death, with discussion as to time...................D


Courtois Death...............................................+ Robin Death...............................................+

Page 205

Garnier Death...............................................+ Rabaut "Persuaded that the ashes, from the funeral pile of St. Etienne "kings, like the ashes of martyrs, only produce "others; satisfied also that my nation ought not to "have the ferocity of the tiger which tears to "pieces, but the courage of the lion which despises, "I vote for preserving Louis as an hostage."........O G Perrin Confinement and banishment..........................O G Bonnemain Confinement and deportation.........................O Douge Confinement and deportation.........................O Pierret Confinement and deportation.........................O Duval Confinement and banishment..........................O


Azema Death...............................................+ Girard Death...............................................+ Bonnet Death...............................................+ Ramel Death...............................................+ G

Page 206

Morin Confinement.........................................O Tournier Confinement and banishment..........................O I Marragon Death...............................................+ Peri�s Confinement and transportation......................O I


Camboulas Death...............................................+ Jos. Death...............................................+ la Combe Seconds Death...............................................+ Louchet Death...............................................+ Baux Death...............................................+ Godefroy- "Eternal justice forbids us to condemn Louis to Ysarn "to death; because it abhors aggravation, and the "making of ex-post-facto criminal laws, in order to "apply them to acts that are past. Now there is no "written law which inflicts this punishment upon "Louis for any act, before he was hurled from the "throne into a prison. I satisfy myself in voting "for confinement."..................................O

Page 207

St. Martin- Confinement and banishment..........................O Valogues Lobin�s Confinement and banishment..........................O Bernard Confinement and banishment..........................O St. Afrique


Duprat Death...............................................+ G Rebecqui Death...............................................+ S Barbaroux Death...............................................+ PS Bayle Death...............................................+ I Granet Death...............................................+ P Gasparin Death...............................................+ G Rovere Death...............................................+ Pelissier Death, with discussion as to time...................D Laurent Death, with discussion as to time...................D

Page 208

Durand "I see more inconvenience in the death of Louis, Maillane "than in his existence. I vote therefore for "confinement."......................................O Du Perret Confinement and banishment..........................O G


Bonnet Death...............................................+ Taveau Death...............................................+ Jouenne Death...............................................+ Dubois Death, only in case of invasion.....................O Dubais Fauchet ev�que "The convention has no right to accumulate, to intrus "confound, and to exercise all powers. It is the "right of tyranny alone. I may be subjected to it, "but I never will practise (sic) it. I am no "judge, and therefore can only vote for detention.".O G Vardon "I declare myself incompetent.".....................nv

Page 209

L'Homond Confinement.........................................O Doulcet, pont�- Confinement and banishment..........................O coulant Cussy "I do not think that the glory or the interest of "the French people permit them to strike a "vanquished enemy. I vote for confinement."........O G Le Got Confinement.........................................O Ph. Confinement and banishment..........................O I Belleville Dumont Confinement and banishment..........................O


Milhau Death...............................................+ La Coste Death...............................................+ I Tarri� Death...............................................+ Peuvergue "My conscience tells me that the death of Louis "would be prejudicial to the republic."............O Thibault Confinement and banishment..........................O

Page 210

Meseujac Confinement and banishment..........................O Chabanon Confinement and banishment..........................O Jos. Maille Absent with leave...................................a


Bellegarde Death...............................................+ Chedanau Death, with discussion as to time...................D Guinberteau Death...............................................+ Chazaud Death...............................................+ G Brun Death...............................................+ Ribereau Death...............................................+ I Cuvelier Death...............................................+ De Vars Confinement and banishment..........................O Maulde Confinement and banishment..........................O


Bernard Death...............................................+ I Nion Death...............................................+

Page 211

Echasseriaux Death...............................................+ Br�ard Death...............................................+ Ruamps Death...............................................+ I Lozeau Death, with discussion as to time...................D Vinet Death...............................................+ Garnicr Death...............................................+ Giraud "As a legislator I think it most beneficial that "Louis should live."................................O D'Autriche "I declare that my sentiments are subject to no "undue influence of any sort. So far are we from "being judges as well as legislators, that you "decided yesterday that we are not judges; I mean, "by your resolution, that this question should be "determined by a simple majority of votes.".........O De Chezeau Confinement and banishment..........................O G


Foucher Death...............................................+ La Brunerie Death...............................................+

Page 212

Peltier Death...............................................+ Alasseur "What says history? Caesar was assassinated, and "had a successor. The English sacrificed their "tyrant, and returned to their chains. Rome "banished her kings, and had liberty. I am for "banishment.".......................................O Baucheton Confinement.........................................O Dug�ne Confinement.........................................O


Brival Death...............................................+ Lannot Death, with discussion as to time...................D I Borie Death...............................................+ I Chambon Death...............................................+ G Lidon Death...............................................+ S Penieres Death...............................................+ Lafond "I think it my duty to abstain from voting." .......nv

Page 213

73. CORSE (Corsica) (BASTIA)

Salicetti Death...............................................+ Chiappe "Having nothing to do with the application of "punishment. I consider only the security of my "fellow citizens, which is the supreme law; in a "word, I am for detention.".........................O Andr�e "The punishment for Louis can be no other than that "of forfeiture."....................................O Bansio "I flatter myself that I shall deserve well of my "country in voting for detention."..................O Peraldi Confinement and banishment..........................O Casabianca Provisional confinement.............................O Mottedo Confinement.........................................O


Bazire Death...............................................+ G Guyton- Death...............................................+ morveau

Page 214

Prieur Death...............................................+ P Oudot Death...............................................+ Treilhard Death...............................................+ Guyot Death, with discussion as to time...................D Berthier Death...............................................+ Lambert "That I may not accumulate all functions, I think "it is my duty to abstain from pronouncing any "juridical (sic) punishment.".......................O Marcy "The convention may set itself up for a jury; but "it can be only to judge the crime, and not the "criminal. To pass a definitive judgment upon "Louis is, in my opinion, an outrage against the "definitive will of the nation. To pronounce "sentence of death, is an usurpation of the right "of the Sovereign. I will not be a judge--I "cannot, and I ought not to be one. " Representatives of the people! You have "destroyed the despot; suffer the man to live. Let "him drag in captivity a groveling life. You are "the depositaries of French honour. Europe has her "eyes upon you. Posterity is advancing. It will "judge you, and its voice will pass through ages." .O

Page 215

Rameau "It is not in your power to give me the quality of "judge, which I have not received from the "sovereign. Accordingly I do not think myself "bound by this monstrous decree." ..................O


Londe Death...............................................+ Coupp� "Of the two punishments proposed to be inflicted on "Louis, I choose the mildest, that is detention."...O Champeaux "My constituents have deputed me to make laws, and "not to judge.".....................................O

Page 216

Guyomard "The re-union of all powers characterises "despotism, whether it be in an individual, or in a "body of men. It is bad policy to multiply the "number of our enemies fourfold, and to lavish the "blood of our brethren. Shall we then, by "punishing Louis, augment the list of victims still "more? I vote for confinement.".............. .....O Gondelin "I am not afraid of menaces. I am ready to "sacrifice my blood for my country. I vote, "according to my conscience, for detention."........O Gautier, Perpetual confinement...............................O le jeune Fleury Perpetual confinement...............................O I Giraud Perpetual confinement...............................O


Huguet Death...............................................+ I Guyes Death...............................................+

Page 217

De Bourges "In my capacity as legislator, I am unwilling to "deliberate and to give my vote upon the question, "what punishment shall be inflicted on Louis."......O Tenier "As history teaches, that from the ashes of one "king another springs up, I vote for detention."....O Coutisson Confinement.........................................O Jaurand Confinement.........................................O Baraillon, Provisional confinement.............................O physician


La Marque Death...............................................+ I Pinet Death...............................................+ Lacoste Death...............................................+ Taillefer Death...............................................+ P Peussard Death...............................................+ I Allafort Death...............................................+ Lambert Confinement.........................................O

Page 218

Bouquier Death...............................................+ Roux- Death...............................................+ fazillac Meynard "My reason tells me, that I cannot both make and "apply the law; it tells me, that I cannot destroy "the effect of the law, in order to substitute my "own will in its place; it tells me in short, that "the blending of powers is too arbitrary for the "government of a free people, and that I ought not "to vote, but (as a measure of public safety) for "provisional confinement." .........................O


Michaud Death...............................................+ Vernety Death...............................................+ Monnot Death...............................................+ Besson Death...............................................+

Page 219

Guyrot "I do not condemn Louis to death, because, when I "open the penal code, I see that other forms were "necessary, other judges, and other principles. "I am for confinement.".................... ........O S�guin Confinement, and banishment.........................O


Julien Death...............................................+ I Santeyra Death...............................................+ Boisset Death...............................................+ Jacomin Death...............................................+ Collaud de Death, in case only of invasion.....................O la Salcette Fayolle "I have never been satisfied that the convention "should set itself up for a court of justice. "Confinement."......................................O I Martinet Confinement.........................................O Marbos Confinement.........................................O G�rente Confinement.........................................O

Page 220


Lindet, Death...............................................+ l'ain�, ev�que intrus Buzot Death...............................................+ P Duroy Death...............................................+ G Bouillerot Death...............................................+ Lindet Death...............................................+ le jeune Richou "Foreseeing that the death of Louis will be the "source of bitter misfortunes, I should regard "myself as unworthy the name of citizen, if I voted "for his punishment. Confinement and banishment."..O P Le Marechal "That I may not be reproached with having swerved "from my mission, and with having set an example of "the most monstrous tyranny, I vote for "confinement."......................................O

Page 221

Vall�e "I am for provisional confinement, and for death in "case the French territory be invaded.".............O I Savary Confinement.........................................O I Topsent Confinement.........................................O


La Croix Death...............................................+ Brissot Death...............................................+ G Pethion, Death...............................................+ PM maire de Paris Le Sage Confinement.........................................O P Loiseau Death, with delay...................................+ Ch�les Death...............................................+ P Fremenger Death...............................................+ Giroust "Having no power to vote but as a legislator, I am "for detention."....................................O I Bourgeois Confinement.........................................O

Page 222


Boham Death...............................................+ Blad Death...............................................+ I Guernoi Death...............................................+ Guermeur Death...............................................+ Gommaire "Considering the past events which I have seen, "considering the present events which I now behold, "and considering those future events which I "apprehend, I am of opinion that the life of Louis "is of more value to the republic than his death."..O Marc� Confinement and banishment..........................O Queince Confinement and transportation......................O Kervelegan "I am of the same opinion as the last.".............O Kleber Confinement.........................................O

Page 223


Jal Death...............................................+ Leyris Death...............................................+ Vouland Death...............................................+ P Chazal, Death...............................................+ I fils Tavernel "Death, but not until after the ratification of the "constitution.".....................................O Aubry The same............................................O P Rabaut- The same............................................O G pommier Balla Confinement.........................................O

The Names of the above-mentioned Voters in alphabetical order.

N.B. The figures refer to the page.

Alasseur 212 Baudran 156 Bolot 185 Carpentier le 165 Albert 182 Bansio 213 Bonguyode 157 Carpentier 173 Albite 188 Baux 206 Bonnemain 205 Carra 185 Alboys 162 Bazire 213 Bonnesoeur 165 Casabianca 213 Allafort 217 Bayle 207 Bonnet 153 Caseneuve 201 Alquier 188 Beauchamp 201 Bonnet 208 Casenave 181 Amar 156 Beaugeard 154 Bonnet 159 Castillon 153 Amberm�uil 194 Beaupr� 174 Bonnet 205 Cazanies 181 Amyon 157 Beauvais 176 Bonneval 168 Caze 153 Andr�e 213 Becker 171 Bordas 197 Cavaignan 162 Andr� (St.) 161 Beffroy 200 Borel 201 Cayla 162 Anguis 192 Belin 200 Borie 212 Chabanon 210 Ansy 162 Bellegarde 210 Boucher 176 Chabot 159 Antiboul 194 Belleville 209 Boucheron 200 Ch�les 221 Anthoine 171 Bentabole 182 Boudin 155 Chaillon 160 Aoust 173 Bezaud 184 Bouillerot 220 Chambon 212 Arbagast 183 Bergoin 153 Bouquier 218 Champeaux 215 Armonville 166 Bernard 190 Bourbotte 199 Champigny 156 Artigoyte D' 158 Bernard 210 Bourdon 161 Charbonier 194 Asselin 193 Bernard St. Bourdon 174 Charlier 166 Aubert 163 Afrique 207 Bourgeois 189 Charrel 156 Aubry 223 Bernier 191 Bourgeois 221 Chasset 183 Audoin 187 Berthier 214 Bourges (de) 217 Chatelain 199 Audrein 170 Bertucat 186 Bousquet 152 Chaumont 154 Aulnay de l' 164 Besson 218 Boussion 162 Chauvier 185 Aulnay de l' 164 Bezere 174 Boutrone 186 Chaux (la) 160 Azema 205 Billaud Va- Boygnes 162 Chazal 223 B. rennes 175 Br�ard 211 Chaz�ud 210 Babey 158 Bion 196 Brisson 159 Chedanau 210 Bailly de Ju- Biroteau 181 Breson 197 Chenier 187 illy 190 Bissy 167 Bretel 165 Chevalier 186 Baland 197 Blad 222 Breton (le) 154 Chevalier 201 Bailleuil 189 Blanc 166 Brissot 221 Chiappe 213 Ballivet 185 Blanval 178 Brival 212 Choudieu 164 Balla 223 Blaux 172 Brun 210 Christiani 183 Bancal 178 Blondel 204 Brunel 153 Claverie 162 Bar 171 Blutel 190 Brunerie (la) 211 Clauzel 204 Baraillon 217 BOdin 156 Buzot 220 Cledel 161 Barbaroux 207 Bodin 204 C. Clerc (le) 159 Barety 201 Bodot 185 Cal�s 151 Clerc le) 164 Barras 194 Boham 222 Calon 173 Cloots 174 Barrere 179 Boileau 199 Cambacer�s 153 Cochet 173 Baroche 169 Boisset 219 Cambon 153 Cochon 191 Barrott 163 Boissi-D'An- Camboulas 206 Cointe-pui Barthelemy 159 glas 203 Campmartin 204 -raveau (le) 191 Bas (le) 177 Boissiere la 161 Campmas 193 Cointre (le) 187 Bassal 187 BOissieu 157 Camus 159 Collau de la Baucheton 212 Bollet 177 Cappin 152 Salcette 219

Collot Derasey 155 E. Gamon 203 d'Herbois 175 Descamps 152 Echasseriaux 211 Gantois 193 Colombel 174 Desmoulins 175 Egalit� 177 Garan Combe (la) 206 Despinassy 194 Enlard 177 -coulon 161 Combe St. Desrouais 174 Engerrand 165 Gardien 155 Michel (la) 193 Devars 210 Enjubault 167 Garilhe 203 Condorcet 200 Deydier 199 Ermann 183 Garnier 205 Comte 180 Dir�s 158 Escudier 194 Garnier 211 Corbel 170 Dorisy 164 Esni 167 Garnot 177 Cordier 190 Dormier 185 Espert 204 Garros 195 COrinfustier 203 Doublet 189 Eusset 184 Gasparin 207 Coste (la) 209 Douge 205 F Gaston 204 Couhey 197 Doulcet 209 Fabre 153 Gaudin 195 Coupp� 173 Drouet 166 Fabre 181 Gautier 199 Coupp� 215 Drulhe 151 Fabre d'Eg - Gautier 216 Courtois 204 Dubarran 152 lantine 176 Gayet 163 Coustard 160 Dubibgnon 154 Fauchet 208 Gayvernon 197 Couthon 178 Dubois 174 Faure 189 Gazeau 152 Coutisson 217 Dubois 182 Faure 159 Gelin 185 Couturier 172 Dubois 203 Faye 197 Genevois 156 Crampe (la) 179 Dubois-Du- Faye 195 Genissieu 156 Creuz�-la- bais 208 Fayolle 219 Gensonn� 152 Tonche 196 Dubouchet 183 Fermont 154 Gentil 161 Creuz�-pas- Dubreuil 191 Ferrand 179 G�rente 219 chal 196 Duchatel 192 Ferry 203 Geoffroy 191 Croix (de la)166 Ducos 152 Ferroux 157 Gertoux 180 Croix (la) 197 Ducos 158 Fevre (le) 160 Gervais-fauv� 165 Croix (la) 221 Dufestel 192 Finot 199 Cur�e 153 Dug�ne 212 Fiot (le) 172 Gibergues 178 Cussy 209 Dugu�-dassy 174 Figuet 200 Gillet 171 Cuvelier 210 Duhem 173 Flageas 159 Girard 195 D. Dumont 192 Fleury 217 Girard 205 Damrobe 172 Dumont 209 Florent-lou- Girot-pou-zol 179 D'Andenac 164 Duperret 208 vet 192 D'Andenac 164 Dupin 200 Fockedey 173 Giraud 211 Dannon 179 Duplantier 153 Fonfrede 152 Giraud 216 Danton 175 Dupont 155 Forest 184 Giroust 221 David 176 Dupont 179 Fouch� 160 Gleizal 202 D'Autriche 211 Duprat 207 Foucher 211 Godefroy 174 Debrie 199 Dupuis 183 Fournel 162 Gommaire 222 De Chezeau 211 Dupuis 188 Fourney 175 Goudelin 216 Delamare 174 Duquesnoi 177 Fournier 184 Goupilleau 195 Delbret 162 Durand-mail- Foussedoire 159 Goupilleau 195 Delaguelle 160 lane 208 Franc (le) 158 Gourdan 184 Delcher 159 Duroy 220 France (de) 191 Gorsas 188 Delahaye 190 Dussault 176 Fremenger 221 Goussuin 173 Delecloy 192 Dutroubour- Freron 176 Gourry 193 Delmas 151 nier 196 Fressine 159 Granet 207 Dentzell 183 Duval 154 Froger 186 Grangeneuve 152 Derbes-la- Duval 190 G. tour 202 Duval 205 Gadroy 158 Gregoire 159

Grenot 157 Jeune (le) 155 Loiseau 221 Mellinet 160 Guadet 152 Jeune (le) 167 Loisel 200 Mercier 187 Guerin 161 Joannot 182 L'onde 215 Merlin 172 Guermeur 222 Jourdan 172 Lozeau 211 Merlin 173 Guernoi 222 Jouenne 208 Louchet 206 Merlin 199 Guffroy 177 Julien 151 Loue (la) 178 Meyer 194 Guillardin 166 Julien 219 Louis 182 Meynard 218 Guillermin 185 Just (St.) 200 Louvet 192 Meseujac 210 Guilmardet 185 K. Louvet 161 Michaud 218 Guilrault 172 Kersaint 187 M. Michel 169 Guinberteau 210 Kervelegan 222 Maignen 195 Michel 171 Guire (la) 152 Kleber 222 Maignan (le) 164 Michel 184 Guy�s 216 L. Magniez 178 Milhan 209 Guyomard 216 Lacoste 217 Maignet 181 Moine (le) 165 Guyot 214 Laignelot 176 Mailhe 151 Mollet 199 Guyrot 219 Lakanal 204 Maille 210 Molveau 168 Guyter 181 Lafond 212 Mailland Mounel 166 Guyton-mor- Lambert 214 Durand 218 Monnot 218 veau 213 Lambert 217 Mailland (le)171 Moneson 204 H. Lalande 169 Maillv 185 Monestier 163 Hardy 189 Lanjuinais 154 Mainville 155 Monestier 178 Hardi (le) 170 Lannot 212 Maysse 202 Montant 151 Harmand 170 Lanthenas 183 Malarm� 168 Mont�got 181 Hauffmann 188 Laroche 163 Manuel 176 Montey (le) 158 Havin 165 Laurence 165 Marat 175 Montgilbert 185 Hecquet 190 Lauranceot 157 Marbos 219 Montmayan 162 Herard 199 Laure (du) 178 Marc� 222 Moreau 185 Herault de Laurent 207 Marcy 214 Moreau 169 Sechelles 188 Lefevre 190 Mar�chal (le)220 Morin 206 Himbert 190 Lecointre 187 Mariette 189 Morisson 195 Homond L' 209 Lecointe- Marque (la) 217 Mottedo, 213 Hosdiniere 174 puyraveau 191 Marquis 170 Moulin 184 Houilliere de164 Laurent 182 Marragon 206 Moysset 152 Hubert 165 Laurent 163 Martel 201 Musset 195 Hugo 198 Legendre 172 Martin St. 203 N. Huguet 216 Legendre 175 Martin St. Nentz 171 Humbert 170 Legot 209 Prix 193 Neveu 180 I./J. LequiniO 174 Martin St. Nioche 155 Ingrand 196 Lesterp- valogues 217 Nion 210 Isabeau 156 beauvais 196 Martineau 196 No�l 198 Isnard 194 Letourneur 186 Martinet 219 No�l pointe 183 Izoard 201 L'Eveque 183 Marvejols 194 Noguer 163 Izore 174 Levasseur 168 Massieu 174 0. Jacomin 219 Levasseur 186 Mauduit 190 Obelin 154 Jal 223 Leyris 223 Maure 198 Official (L') 191 Jard pan- Leyze (de) 152 Mauld 210 OpOiX 191 viller 191 Lidon 212 Mauzel 154 Osselin 176 Jarrv 160 Lindet 220 Marade 151 Oudot 214 Jaurand 217 Lindet 220 Masuyer 185 P. Jay 152 Lobin�s 207 Meaulle 160 Paganel 162 Jehon 152 Loi (la) 167 Meillant 180 Page (le) 161

Panis 176 Primaudiere 186 Ruamps 211 Thomas 174 Pastoret 154 Projean 151 Ruelle 155 Thomas 176 Padrin 184 Prost 157 Rudelle 178 Thuriot 166 Paux (le) 164 Prunel 157 S. Tocquot 170 Payne 178 Pryese 173 Sacy (de) 151 Topsent 211 Pelissier 207 Q. Sage (le) 221 Tournier 206 Pell� 161 Queince 222 Saladin 192 ToUrneur le 165 Pellet 163 Quinette 199 Salicetti 213 Treilhard 187 Pelletier, le 198 R. Salle 168 Treilhard 214 Peltier 212 Rabaut pom- Salleles 162 Turreau 199 Pemartin 180 mier 223 Sallengtos 173 V. Penieres 212 Rabaut St. Salmon 186 Vadier 204 Pepin 155 Etienne 205 Sanadon 180 Valaz� 174 Perard 164 Raffron 176 Savornin 202 Valdruche 167 Peraldi 213 Rameau 215 Santeyra 219 Valle� 221 Per�s 151 Ramel 205 Saurine 159 Valogues 207 Per�s 206 Randon 163 Savary 221 Vardon 208 Perrin 197 Raynault 159 Saustrault 172 Varlet 177 Perrin 205 R�al 156 Scellier 192 Vatelier 166 Personne 178 Rebecqui 207 Seconds 206 Vaublanc 157 Pethion 221 Reguis 202 Seguin 219 Venaille 159 Petit 200 Reverchon 185 Senault 173 Vergniault 152 Peussard 217 Rewbell 182 Serjeant 176 Verdallin 202 Peuvergne 209 Ribereau 210 Serres 201 Virit� (de) 193 Peyz 202 Ribet 165 Serveau 167 Vermond 204 Pflieger 182 Ricard 194 Serviere 163 Vernety 218 Phelippeaux 186 Richard 186 Servonat 156 Vernier 157 Picqu� 180 Richou 220 Sevestre 154 Vicomterie Pierret 205 Ritter 182 Siblot 184 (la) 175 Pilastre 164 Rivaud 197 Sillery 193 Vidalin 201 Pinel 165 Rivery 193 Simon 183 Vidalot 162 Pinet 217 Rhull 183 Soloniac 194 Vicunet 153 Piozzy 196 Robert 176 Soubeyran 202 Vigneron 185 Plaichart Robert 203 Soubrany 178 Viguy 191 chottiere 168 Robin 204 Souhait 197 Villars 167 Plaigne (la) 151 Robespierre 175 Soulignac 197 Villiers (de)166 Planche (la) 172 Robespierre 176 Source (la) 193 Villers 160 Pocholles 188 Roche-gude 194 Syeyes 186 Villette 174 Poisson 165 Rocher (du) 194 T. Vig�e 156 Pons 169 Romme 178 Taillefer 217 Vincent 188 Porcher 155 Rouault 171 Tallien 187 Vinet 211 Porte (la) 182 Roubaud 194 Tarri� 209 Vilet 184 Portier 174 Rovere 207 Taveau 208 Vouland 223 Potrier 155 Rousseau 167 Tavernel 223 W. Poulain 166 Roussel 169 Tellier 190 Wandelin Poulain grand Roux 167 Tenier 217 -court 167 Pr� 197 Roux-fazillac 218 Thibaut 155 Y. Poultier 173 Rouzet 151 Thibault 209 Yger 190 Precy 199 Rouyer 153 Thibaudot 196 Ysarn Godf. 206 Pressavin 183 Royer 199 Thierrier 204 Z. Prieur 166 Royt 187 Thirion 171 Zangiacomi 169 Prieur 214 Rualt 189




"I am going to pronounce the sentence of rigour against Louis. "When justice has spoken, humanity should then make her voice heard. "I intreat the members and the tribune to observe profound silence. "The assembly is composed of 745 members: 1 of these is dead--6 are "sick--2 absent without assigning any reason--11 are absent with "leave--4 have not voted; the total is 24, which, being deducted "from 745, there remain 721 voters, of whom the absolute majority is "361.

"36 are for death, leaving the time of it to be discussed hereafter. "9 for death, with respite. "2 for death, after a peace. "2 for chains. "319 for confinement. "366 for death.


"The punishment pronounced against Louis is DEATH."


"I OWE it to my honour, I owe it to my family, not to subscribe to an "accusation which I have not merited. I declare therefore, that I "bring an appeal to the nation at large from the judgment passed "against me; and I give to my defenders all necessary powers, in "order that this present appeal may be inserted in the Journals of "the Convention."


The ADDRESS of Mons. DE SEZE, one of the defenders of the King, to the Convention.

"THE ratification by the French people, which Louis demands, "is the exercise of a natural and sacred right which belongs to "every person accused; it is the right of every man, and "consequently of Louis. If we did not prefer this claim in his "defence, it was because it was not in our power to foresee that the "National Convention would resolve upon judging him; or, if it did "judge him, that it would condemn him. We now learn, that the fatal "decree, which condemns Louis to death, has been carried by a "majority of five votes only. Permit me, Citizens, to represent to "you, in the name of humanity, in the name of that sacred principle "which calls for every mitigation in favour of the accused, that this "circumstance, so very extraordinary, may well engage you "voluntarily to accede to the proposed ratification. I demand it in "the name of justice, in the name of our country, in the name of "humanity. Exercise your own high powers; but do not astonish France "by the exhibition of a judgment that must appear terrible, when the "surprising minority comes to be considered.

"Citizens, permit me to adjure you once more in the name of "Louis XVI. and to conclude with suggesting to you, whether, whilst "you are contending for the security of the nation, and its real "interest, you will not tremble, when you reflect, that the safety of "the republic, the Security of the French empire, and the happiness "of 25 millions of people, may possibly depend upon five votes."


THE object of this fourth appeal was to know whether the execution of Louis might be deferred; 310 were for respite, and 380 against it. Thus, by a majority of 70 votes, it was decreed, that the sentence against Louis XVI. should be executed without delay.


21st JANUARY, 1793.

THE minister of justice and the heads of the administrative corps, having proceeded to the Temple on Sunday the 20th of January, about four in the evening, notified to Louis the warrant for his execution. "I demand," said the King, "a respite of three days to "prepare myself for appearing before God. To assist me in this work, "I desire to have Mr. Edgeworth, (an Irish clergyman) with whom I may "freely communicate. I desire that he may be secured from all "uneasiness, or apprehension, on account of this charitable office "which he shall perform for me. I desire to be relieved from that "perpetual watch which the council-general has set over me for some "days. I demand in this interval the privilege of seeing my family "when I shall desire it, and without witnesses. I could also wish, "that the Convention would, as speedily as may be, set about "determining the fate of my family, and permit them to see each other "freely and commodiously, when they shall think proper.

"I recommend to the liberality of the nation all those persons who "have been attached to me. Among my pensioners there are many aged "men, women, and children, who have no other means of subsistence."

Of all there requisitions Louis obtained only that of seeing his family without witnesses. It was the first time since his imprisonment. The interview lasted two hours. It is impossible to express the horror of the moment, when he was obliged to tear himself away from them. On his return to his apartment, the King passed a almost the whole of the night in prayer. He then laid down and slept a few hours, and early in the morning betook himself again to prayer.

The 21st of January, at half past eight o'clock, Santerre, the commandant-general, came to signify to Louis the order for his going to execution. Having requested three minutes to speak with his confessor, he then turned to Santerre, and told him that he was ready to follow him.

The King crossed the first court of the Temple on foot; he then entered the coach of Pethion, the mayor of Paris, with his Confessor and two Gendarmes. His route lay along, the Boulevards, which were lined with above two hundred thousand men in arms. All the way Louis was deeply engaged in reading the prayers appointed for persons at the point of death.

Being, arrived at the Place de Louis XV. which was the place of execution, about ten o'clock in the morning, he alighted from the carriage with calmness, took off his clothes himself, remaining in his white under-waistcoat, untied his cravat, and opened the collar of his shirt; he then threw himself upon his knees to receive the last benediction of his Confessor, got up immediately after, and ascended the scaffold alone. At that moment his Confessor cried out to him, "Son of St. Louis, you are going up to Heaven!" [Footnote; Other accounts state, that it was when the King had just prepared himself for the stroke of the fatal instrument, that Mons. Edgeworth, his confessor, called out (in the imperative) with a loud voice, "Enfant de Saint Louis, montez au Ciel." "Son of St. Louis, mount up "to Heaven."]

Far from opposing those who came to cut off his hair, and bind his hands, " Do with me," said he, "what you will, it is the last "sacrifice." He then made a motion with his hand to obtain "silence.--"I die perfectly innocent of all the pretended crimes laid "to my charge--I forgive all those who have had any hand in my "misfortunes, and I pray that my blood may be of use in restoring "happiness to France--and you, unhappy people!" ......

At these words, the unfeeling Santerre gave orders that the drums should beat, crying out to the King, "that he had not brought him "there to declaim, but to die." At that instant his head was severed from his body! ......

The corpse was immediately conveyed to the Magdalene burying-ground, and thrown into a pit twelve feet deep, into which a considerable quantity of quicklime was cast.

It is said, that after crying out, "Vive la Nation!" "Vive la Republique!" some volunteers dipped their pikes, and others their handkerchiefs, in the blood of the victim. One person alone had the courage to cry out, Grace, and was instantly cut down with a sabre.

Thus died Louis XVI. King of France and Navarre. He was born the 23d of August, 1754, ascended the throne the 10th of May, 1774, and reigned eighteen years and three months.

The following dates relative to the destiny of this prince have been brought together and contrasted.

21st April, 1770, Marriage of Louis at Vienna, and delivery of the ring.

21st June, 1770, Great rejoicings at Paris on account of his marriage.

21st January, 1772, Festival doings in the city on account of the birth of the first Dauphin.

21st June, 1791, The King's departure, or rather flight to Varennes.

21st September, 1792, Abolition of Royalty.

21st January, 1793, Louis beheaded.


IN the name of the most holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, this day, the 25th of December, 1792, I, Louis XVI. by name, King of France, having been four months shut up with my family in the Tower of the Temple, at Paris, by those who were my subjects, and deprived of all communication whatever, even, since the 11th of this month, with my family; being moreover involved in a trial, of which it is impossible to foresee the issue, on account of the passions of men, and for which there is no pretence nor motive in any existing law, having none but God for witness to my thoughts, and to whom I can address myself, I here declare, in his presence, my last will and sentiments.

I leave my soul to GOD my creator; I beseech him to receive it in his mercy; not to judge it according to its merits, but to those of our Lord Jesus Christ, who offered himself as a sacrifice to GOD his Father for us men, unworthy of it as we are, and I more than any.

I die in the faith of our holy mother the catholic, apostolic, and Roman Church, which derives her powers in an uninterrupted succession from St. Peter, to whom Jesus Christ had entrusted them; I firmly believe and acknowledge all that is contained in the apostles' creed, the commandments of God, and of the church; the sacraments and mysteries, such the Catholic Church teaches, and has always taught them; I never pretended, to be a judge of the different modes of explaining the dogmas which divide the church of Jesus Christ; but I have always trusted, and shall always trust, if God grants me life, to the decisions that the ecclesiastical superiors, together with the holy catholic church, give and shall give, according to the discipline of the church since Jesus Christ. I pity with all my heart our brethren who may be in error, but I do not pretend to judge them; nor do I love them the less in Jesus Christ, according to what christian charity teaches us, and I pray God to forgive me all my sins: I have scrupulously sought to know them, to detest them, and to humble myself in his presence. Not being permitted to make use of the ministry of a catholic priest, I pray God to receive the confession which I have made to him of them; and above all, my sincere repentance for having put my name (though against my will) to acts that may be contrary to the discipline and faith of the catholic church, to which I have always been sincerely and faithfully united. I pray God to accept my firm resolution, if he grants me life, to make use as soon as possible of the ministry of a catholic priest, that I may accuse myself of all my sins, and receive the sacrament of penance. I beseech all those whom I may have inadvertently offended, (for I do not remember to have knowingly given offence to any person) and those to whom I may have given bad examples, or caused scandal, to forgive the injuries they think I may have done them.

I implore all charitable persons to join their prayers to mine, to obtain from God the pardon of my sins; I, with all my heart, forgive those who are become my enemies, although I have not given them any reason to be so; and I beseech God to forgive them, as well as those who, through a false or mistaken zeal, have brought many misfortunes on me.

I recommend to God, my wife and children; my sisters, my aunts, my brothers, and all those who are attached to me, either by the ties of blood, or in any other way whatever. I particularly beseech God to cast a merciful eye on my wife, my children, and my sister, who have long suffered with me, to support them by his grace, if they should happen to lose me, and as long as they remain in this perishable world.

I recommend my children to my wife; I never doubted her maternal tenderness for them. I above all recommend to her to make them good christians, and honest people; to make them consider the grandeurs of this world (if they be condemned to possess them) only as dangerous and perishable possessions, and to direct their attention to Eternity, the only solid and durable glory. I beg of my sister to continue her tenderness to my children, and to be a mother to them, if they should have the misfortune of losing her who is such.

I intreat my wife to forgive me all the afflictions she suffers for my sake, and the sorrows I may have given her in the course of our union; as she may be certain that I have no fault to find with her, even where she may think she has cause to reproach herself.

I earnestly recommend to my children, after what they owe to God, (which is the first of all duties) to live always in harmony with one another, to be submissive and obedient to their mother, and grateful to her for all the care and trouble she takes for them out of regard to my memory. I desire them to consider my sister as their second mother.

I recommend to my Son, if he has the misfortune to become King, to remember that he owes himself entirely to his fellow citizens; that he must forget all hatred and resentment, and particularly all that relates to the misfortunes and afflictions that I endure; that he can only make the people happy by reigning according to the laws, but at the same time, that a King cannot make himself respected, and do all the good he wishes, without having the necessary authority; and that otherwise, being restrained in his operations, and not inspiring respect, he is rather hurtful than useful.

I recommend to my son to take as much care of all those persons who were attached to me, as the circumstances he may be in will allow him; to recollect that it is a sacred debt which I have contracted towards the children or the relations of those who have died for me, and those who suffer for my sake. I know that there are several persons among those who ought to have been attached to me, who have not acted towards me as they ought, and have even been ungrateful towards me; but I forgive them, (often in time of trouble and confusion, men are not masters of themselves) and I beg my son, if he finds the opportunity, to think only of their misfortunes.

I wish I could here give a testimony of my gratitude to those who have shown a true and disinterested affection for me. If, on the one hand, I have been sensibly affected with the ingratitude and disloyalty of those, to whom I had shewn at all times only kindness to them, their relations, or friends; on the other hand, I have had the consolation to receive proofs of disinterested affection and regard from several others. I beg them to accept my best thanks.

In the present state of things, I should fear to expose them if I spoke more explicitly; but I particularly recommend to my son to embrace every opportunity of discovering them.

Nevertheless, I think I should wrong the national feeling, if I were not openly to recommend to my son Messieurs De Chamilly and Hue, whose sincere affection for me induced them to shut themselves up with me in this melancholy abode, and who ran the risque (sic) of being the unfortunate victims of their attachment. I also recommend Cleri, with whose attentions I have had all reasons to be satisfied ever since he has been with me. As he is the person who has remained with me to the last, I request Messieurs de la Commune to give him my clothes, my books, and the other trifles which have been deposited at the Council of the Commune.

I also very willingly forgive those who guarded me, for their ill treatment, and the constraint which they thought necessary to keep me under. I have found some feeling and compassionate minds; may they enjoy in their hearts the pleasure that their turn of thinking must afford them.

I request Messieurs De Malsherbes, Tronchet, and De Seze, to receive my best thanks, and assurances of my gratitude for all the care and attention they have shown me.

I conclude with declaring before GOD, being ready to appear before him, that I cannot reproach myself with any of those crimes that have been laid to my charge.

Made and copied in the Tower of the Temple, the 25th of December, 1792.

(Signed) LOUIS.

And undersigned BEAUDRAIS, Municipal Officer.


Note. The letter R at the head of a name Signifies Revolutionary; D means doubtful, i.e. a character not fully known; L signifies Loyalist, and an innocent victim. The letters at the end of a name signify A assassinated; I imprisoned; G guillotined; M massacred; P proscribed; S suicide.

L De Favras, knight of the order of St. Louis G R De Clermont-Tonnere, mar�schal of France, ex-constituent; that is, member of the first national assembly M L De Clermont-d'Amboise, cordon bleu; i.e. knight of the Holy Ghost G L D'Halouville, sub-governor of the dauphin M L Le Vicomte de Maill�, mar�schal-de-camp M R Le Due de la Rochefoucault, ex-constituent M L Le Vicomte de Broves, colonel, ex-constituent M L The celebrated Durosoy, compiler of the Paris Gazette G L Delaporte, intendant of the civil list G L L'Abb� Rastignac, an author and ex-constituent M L L'Abb� Lenfant, preacher to the King M L The prisoners of the Convent des Carmes, to the number of 140 M L The prisoners of l'Abbaye St. Germain, to the number of 162 M L The prisoners in seminary of St. Fermin, to the number of 92 M D The prisoners in the Hotel de la Force, 167 M D The prisoners of the Grand Chatelet, 214 M D The prisoners in the Conciergerie, 85 M D The prisoners of the Castle of Bic�tre, 153 M L The prisoners of the Cloister of the Bernardins, 73 M L The prisoners from Orleans butchered at Versailles, 57 M L Le Comte de Montmorin, minister and secretary of state M L Dulau, Archbishop of Arles M L De la Rochefoucault, bishop of Beauvais M L De la Rochefoucault, bishop of Saintes M L L'Abb� de Puysegur, vicar-general of Rheims M L De la Mothe, body-guard of the Count D'Artois M L The Princess de Lamballe M L The Marquis de Montmorin, governor of Fontainebleau M L Delessart, minister and secretary of state M L The Duke de Brissac, mar�chal de France M L The bishop of Mendes M R Mounier, president of the constituent assembly P R The two brothers Lameth, ex-constituents P R All the members du cot� gauche of the first assembly, i.e. those who were originally for the revolution, and distinguished themselves by sitting on the left side of the hall P Louis XVI. the object of lamentation to every true Frenchman G R Basseville, agent of the republic at Rome M R General Marquis de la Fayette, ex-constituent I R General Winphen, ex-constituent P L The Marquis d'Angremont G L De Blackmann, major of the Swiss guards G L De Cazotte, a man of letters, upwards of 80 years of age G R General Montesquieu, ex-constituent P R The celebrated Count Mirabeau, expelled from the pantheon. (Depantheonis�.) R Chabroud, advocate to the Duke of Orleans, ex-constituent P D Le Comte de Tally Tollendal, ex-constituent P D Le Comte de Cazal�s, ex-constituent P D Baron de Beaumarchais, author of Figaro P L D'Abancourt, minister of war M R Duperron, administrator of police M L Thierry, principal valet de chambre of the King M L Chantraine, master of the wardrobe to the King M D De Rhuliers, commandant of the household cavalry, (la gendarmerie a cheval) M L Dom. Chevreux, general of the benedictines M L De St. Palaye, counsellor (sic) of the chamber of accompts M L Maussabr�, aide-du-camp to the Duke de Brissac M R Desmarais, chief in the office of assignats M R Amelot, director of the Caisse de l'Extra-ordinaire M R Garat, cashier of the public treasure M L H�bert, general of the Eudists, (a monastic order) and confessor to the King M L Depr�s, vicar-general of Paris M L Langlade, vicar-general of Rouen M L Bonneau, vicar-general of Lyons M L Defoucault, vicar-general of Arles M L Defargue vicar-general of Toulon M L Delubersac, almoner to the King's sisters M L Turmenyes, grand master of Navarre M L Comte de St. Mart, colonel M L Dewittgestein, lieutenant-general and cordon rouge, i.e. commander of the order of St. Louis M L The Abb� de Boisgelin, agent-general of the clergy of France M L Thirty Swiss officers M L De Rohan Chabot, brother of the Prince of L�on M L Dechamplost, principal valet de chambre of the King M L Thirty officers of the King's guards M D Romainvilliers, chef de division M L Decharnois, a man of letters M D Delachesnaye, chef de division M R General Dumourier P R De Bournonville, minister of war I R General Dillon M R The two sons of the Duke of Orleans P L De Blanchelande, governor of St. Domingo G R De Perigord, bishop of Autun, first author of the schism in France P R Charlotte Corday, who assassinated Marat G R General Paoli, of Corsica P R General Custine, ex-constituent G R The intruding bishop of Ausch P R General Guetineau G R General Servan P R General Biron G L Marie Antoinette, Queen of France G R The Duke of Orleans, called Egalit� G R Bailly, ex-constituent and first mayor of G R Roland minister of justice at the time of the King's trial S R Madame Roland, his wife G L Duchesne, intendant of Madame G R General Houchard G R General Roul� G L Gilbert Desvoisins, president of the parliament of Paris G R Ysambert, brigadier-general of the republican army G D The two brothers Raba, Jews of Bourdeaux, worth a million G D The mother-in-law, of Pethion, the mayor of Paris G R General Brunet G L Delaverdy, comptroller-general of the finances G L About thirty thousand French gentlemen emigrated. L Near sixty thousand ecclesiastics transported out of France R General la Morliere G L De B�rulle, first president of the parliament of Grenoble G D Harrop of London, a merchant in Paris G R Barnave, advocate, ex-constituent G R Duport-dutertre, ex-minister of justice G R Emmery, president at the time of administering the oath; a jew G L The Countess du Barry, mistress of Louis XV. G D The Duke du Chatelet, colonel of the French guards G R Le Brun, ex-minister of the home department G D Dietrick, mayor of Strasbourg G R General Arthur Dillon G R General Beauregard P R Garat, minister of the republic G R Champfort, of the French academy S R Hydius, deput� suppleant, i.e. one chosen to supply a vacancy S R Clavieres, minister of public contributions S R Luckner, revolutionary marshal of France G D The son of General Custine, aged 25 years G R General Stengel P R Delomenie, archbishop of Sens, decardinalis�, degraded from the dignity of cardinal S L De Champenetre, an officer of the French guards G R General Ferriere P D Jolly, ex-minister of finances P L Boucher d'Argis, lieutenant criminel (sic) Chatelet de Paris G R General la Vallette P R General 0-moran P R General Beauharnois P R General Ferrand P R General Landremont P R General Schomberg G R General Beysser G R General Hedonville P R General Dumesnil P R General Demars P R General Barthelemy P R General Protaux M L Clery, a person in the King's confidence I R Anacharsis Cloots, called the orator of mankind G R Chauvelin, ambassador in England P R General Duhoux P L Some thousands of victims at Lyons G L Similar victims in thousands at Toulon G L The Countess of Lauraguais G L The Count of Troussebois, lieutenant-colonel G L The Prince Jules de Rohan I L The Duke and Duchess of Luynes I L The Duchess of Montmorency I R General Le Tanducre I R General D'Ortoman I L De Levis, marshal of France I L The Prince Charles of Hesse D'Armstadt I L Gueau de Reverseau, intendant of the finances G R The Countess de Genlis P R General Westermann G L The Duchess of Richlieu I L Duchaffaud, lieutenant-general of the naval forces M R La Mourette, intruding bishop of Lyons G L Maussion intendant of Rouen G L The Countess de la Rochefoucault G R Chapelier, advocate at Rennes, ex-constituent G R Viscount de la Roque G L Count de Chateau-vieux, cordon-rouge G R Charrier de la Roche, intruding bishop of Rouen G R De Quincon, ex-constituent G R Buffet, ex-constituent G R Perisse du Luc, ex-constituent G L The Princess of Monaco I L Countess of Choiseul I R General Carteaux I D Count de Choiseul la Baume I L Marquis of Briant, lieutenant-general in the King's army I L Le Marquis de Pujet G R H�bert, national agent G R Roncin, commander of the revolutionary army G R Montmoro, administrator of the department of Paris G R Dubuisson, commissary of the executive power G L Comte de Balleroy, lieutenant-general G R Gouttes, intruding bishop of Autun G L De Champcenetz, governor of the Tuilleries I R Antonelle, mayor of Arles, ex-constituent I R General Santerre I R Deforgues, minister of the republic I R The Abb� d'Espagnac G L De Chamberon, carmelite of St. Denis G L Dom. Courtin, superior general of Clugny G L De Tourzell governess of the royal children I L De Tourzel, the son and daughter of the foregoing I L Le Comte de Querhoent, marechal du camp G L De Vergennes, formerly minister of foreign affairs I L De Vergennes, his son I L La Tour du Pin, formerly minister at war I L Madame Chauvelin de la Bourdonnois I L The Duchess de Charost I R Clavieres, brother of the ex-minister I L Pelletier de Rosambeau, president of the parliament of Paris G L Devendeuil, director of the India Company I L Delahaye, farmer-general G L The Abb� Maury, brother of the cardinal of that name G L The Countess de Suffren I L The Count de Raincourt, lieut.-general I R Thouret, advocate of Rouen, ex-constituent G L The Marquis Delamotte-Senoux G L The Marquis de St. Germain d'Apehon, colonel G R Par�, ex-minister of the home-department I R Gobet, intruding bishop of Paris G R Chaumette, procureur of la commune de Paris G R The wife of Camile Desmoulins, the journalist G R The wife of Montmoro, the first goddess of reason G R The wife of H�bert, national agent G R Grammont, comedian and adjutant in the army G R Lacroix, commissary of the executive power G R Chevalier de St. Huruge, a flaming revolutionist I L Count D'Aubusson, cordon rouge I R Van Eupen, a Brabanter G L De Sarron, De Gourgues, De Champlatreux and D'Ormessen, all four presidents of the parliament of Paris G L The Marquis de la Roche Lambert I L Madame de Choiseul-Meuse I L De la Borde, banker to the court G R General Hoche I R The Duke de Bethune Charost G L De Beausset, lawful bishop of Alais I R Selle, inspector-general of the military effects of the army G L The, Countess de Montmorin I R General Ramel G R Vincent, national agent G L De Cheville, intendant d'Orleans I L Duval D'Espr�menil, counsellor of the parliament of Paris and ex-constituent G L Madame Joly de Fleury, lady of the advocate-general G L De Malsherbe, counsellor of state and one of the defenders of Louis G L Mademoiselle de Malsherbe G L Marquis de Chateau Briant G L The Marchioness de Chateau Briant G L Duchess du Chatelet G L Duchess de Grammont G L Anisson du Perron, printer to the King G L Mademoiselle de Bethissy, 17 years of age I D The wife of General Schomberg I R The father of General Santerre I L The Duke de Villeroy, first captain of the body-guards G R Count D'Estaing, vice-admiral of France G L Count de la Tour du Pin, lieut.-general G R Count de Bethune Charost G D Count du Prat, colonel G L De Crosne, intendant of Rouen, and formerly lieutenant of police at Paris G L De Nicolai, president of the grand council G L Angran, lieutenant civil de Paris G L The Countess du Bussy G L Terray, intendant de Lyon G L Madame Terray, his lady G R Coffinel, solicitor of the Queen's trial, and judge of the revolutionary tribunal G L Troussebois de Bellesise, a canoness, aged 81 years G R Jourdan, of Avignon, surnamed Coupe-tete G R Grouvelle, agent for Denmark, and registrar of the convention at the time of the King's death P R Le Flotte, minister of the republic I R Du Fourney, a furious jacobin P L Marquis de Choiseul la Baum, and his steward G L De Willerval, knight of St. Louis G D Count de Levis, colonel, ex-constituent G R Picquet, aide-de-camp to General La Fayette G D The two Tassins, famous bankers in Paris G L Count de Sombreuil, governor of the invalids, and his son G L The Prince de Rohan Rochefort I D The Comte de Laval Montmorency I R Servaux, agent to the committee of general safety I D Musquinet de la Fage G L Gattey, bookseller in Paris G D De Tolozan, general of brigade I L Thorin de la Thane, captain in the Swiss guards I L Gigot Boisbernier, canon of Sens I L Ariaque de Guybeville, honorary president of the parliament of Paris G L Gougenet, governor of the India company G L Du Chillan, mar�chal du camp G L Le Noir, formerly lieutenant de police in Paris G R La Ville, member of the revolutionary committee G R La Peize, member of the revolutionary committee G L Duport, counsellor of the parliament of Paris G L Camus de la Ribourgere G L The president Roland G L The president Hocquart G L The Count de Blin G L Le pere D'Anquetil, an author I R Schneider, public accuser at Strasburgh G R General Chapuis I L De Pommeuse, counsellor of the great chamber G R General Goguet M R The brother of Hebert, national agent I R The two brothers of the ex-minister Du-Portail G L The Marquis de Jancourt, ex-constituent G D Almost all the farmers general G Madame Elizabeth of France, sister of Louis XVI. G L The Count de Sourdeval G D The Count Lomenie de Brienne, minister of war G R De Lomenie, coadjutor of Sens G R Chevalier de Lomenie G D Le Comte de Lomenie, colonel G L De Serilly, treasurer at war G L De Serilly, major of Swiss guards G L Chambertrand, dean and vicar-general of Sens G L The Marchioness de l'Aigle G L The Marchioness de Senozan G L The Marchioness de Crussot d'Amboise G L The Countess de Montmorin G L The Countess de Rossay G L Madame de Serilly, aged 31 G L A great number of religieuses, (nuns) G R Pache, mayor of Paris I R Ansi, ex-legislator I L De Beauvilliers, and his wife I R L'Huillier, national agent S L The Count de Lastie I R The brother of General Santerre I R Moreau, adjutant of the army G D De Marguerite, mayor of Nismes, ex-constituent G R General Haxo S R General Moulin S L Brillon de St. Cyr, maitre des comptes G L Beller, auditor of accounts G R General Charbonnier I D Count de Levis Mirepoix, ex-constituent G L De Vigneron, president of the parliament of Nancy G R Donadieu, general of brigade G L The Marquis d'Apremont G D The Marquis de Bieville, and his son G L The Marquis de Trans G L The Viscount de la Vallette G D William Newton, an Englishman G D The Baron de Marguerite G L Fourteen members of the parliament of Toulouse G L The Prince de Rohan Rochefort G D The Count de Laval Montmorency G D The Count de Pons G L De Sartine, son of the heretofore minister of state G L Madame de St. Amaranthe G L The Prince de St. Maurice G L The Viscount de Boissancourt G L The widow of Mons. D'Espr�m�nil G R Michonis, municipal officer of Paris G L The Count de Mesnil G D Defreteau, counsellor of the parliament of Paris, ex-constituent G R Dom. Gerle, a Carthusian, ex-constituent I R Quevremont, physician to Egalit� I D The Marquis de Chassenet I R The wife, the daughter, and the son-in-law of the mayor Pache I R Ginguenet, a patriotic poet I L De Rosset, count de Fleury G L The Abb� Tremouille, grand dean of Strasbourg G L The Count de Gamaches, standard-bearer of the horse-guards G L De Briffeuil, ecclesiastical counsellor of the great chamber of Paris G L Le Brasseur, formerly intendant of the marine G L Eleven new members of the parliament of Toulouse G L Peruchot, directeur des fermes G L De Varennes, formerly major of infantry G R The celebrated advocate Linguet G L Twenty-two young ladies, from 17 to 25 years of age G L De Mouchy, marshal of France G L The lady of the Marshal de Mouchy G L The lady of the Marshal de Biron G D The widow of the General Biron G R Victor de Broglie, ex-constituent G L De St. Priest brother of the heretofore minister G R Phillippe, a deputy suppl�ant I L The Count de Polastron G L The Marquis de la Guiche I L Lambert, formerly comptroller-general of the finances G L Chamilly, valet de chambre to the King G L Madame du Portal, abbess of Joui G L The Marquis de St. Didier G R Two of the legionary chiefs of the national guard G L Pichard, president of Bourdeaux G L Vicq. D'Asyr, a celebrated physician at Paris G R D'Aoust, De Lattre and Du Verger, three generals of the republican army G L The Abb� de Salignac de Fen�lon, aged 85 years G L De Fen�lon, son of the ambassador at the Hague G L De Bacquencourt, counsellor of state G L The duke de Gesvres, cordon bleu G L The Prince d'Henin, captain of the guards of the Count d'Artois G L De Nicolas, president of the chamber of accounts G L Ysabeau de Mouvel, registrar of the parliament G L De la Baume, marechal du camp G L De Boisgelin, marechal du camp G L Ten young women not more than twenty years of age G L Two young men of 14 and 17 years (fate not stated-Editor) L The Marquis de la Roche du Maine G L De Giac, maitre de requ�tes G L The Count de Chastenier G L Debesse, bailly de Malthe G L From the 5th to the 10th Of July, 1794 are reckoned 295 persons G L The Viscount de Damas, and his son G L De Verdieres, general-officer G L De L'Aupespine, canon of St. Claud G L Random de la Tour, treasurer of the King's household G L De Boisgelin, cordon bleu, and his wife G L The Abb� Royer, counsellor of state G L The Abb� Radix, counsellor in the parliament of Paris G L Geoffroi D'Assy, cashier of the general receipts G L De P�nant, president of the chamber of accounts G L De P�nant, president of the court of Aides, and his son G L Dom. Nonan, prior of the Carthusians at Paris G L The Chevalier de Puyvert, officer of the navy G L The son of the immortal Buffon G L Macdonald, colonel of the regiment de Foix G L Rapin Thoyras, captain of artillery G L De Montarly, captain of infantry G L Clermont, mayor of Salines, ex-constituent G R Marcandier, journalist of Paris G R La Croix, member of the committee de Surveillance G D Imbert, officer of the Mar�chausse� G L Le Comte de Faudoas, captain of cavalry G L The daughter of the above, aged eighteen years G L Souchet d'Alvinant, governor of the King's pages G L Rousseau, fencing-master to the royal children G L Huet d'Ambrun, maitre de requ�tes' G L La Chapelle, commissary of the King's houshold (sic) G L Sixteen Carmelites of Compeigne (sic) G L Conin de St. Luc, president of the parliament of Bretagne G R Legris, registrar of the revolutionary tribunal G L De Blancheland, son of the governor of St. Domingo, aged 20 years G L The lady of the Marshal de Noailles, aged 70 years G L The lady of Viscount de Noailles, aged 35 G L The Dutchess d'Ayen, aged 57 years G L De Talaru, cordon rouge G L The Marquis de la Roche Lambert G L Boutin, formerly treasurer of the navy G L La Borde, farmer-general G L Lassond des Essarts, chef d'escadron G R General de Flers G R Gossin, ex-constituent G D The Marchioness de la Fayette I L The Baron St. Ouin G L Perrot, president of la Cour des Aides G L Perrot, president of the chamber of accompts G L De la Morelle, president of the great council G L The son of Morelle, aged 18 years G L Papillon de la Fert�, comptroller of the privy-purse G L Count de Hauteford G L De Carboniere, canon and count of St. Claude G L Madame de Montmorency, abbess of Montmartre G L The lady of Marshal de Levis G L Marquis d'Harbouville G L The Baroness d'Hinnisdal G L Tardien-Malessy, mar�schal de camp G L The Countess des Vieux G L The wife and daughter of Mar�schal Tardien Malessy G L The Baron de Blaizel G L D'Ornano, mar�schal de camp G D De Nicolai, son of the president, aged 24 years G L Moreau, architect of the city of Paris G L Melin, formerly clerk of the war-office G L Geoffrey d'Assy cashier-general of the finances G L De la Chalotais, procureur-general of the parliament of Rennes G L The Count de Menil-durand G L De Pernot, mar�schal de camp, aged 80 G L Durand de Bignel, colonel of 100 Swiss G L The son of the Viscount de Mill� G L Count D'Ailly G L De Champagney, colonel of the regiment de Flandres G L De Goudrecourt, lieutenant of the King's guard G D Edelman, a celebrated musician G L An hundred and fifty-one persons at Rennes G R The Deputy Le Bas G L The Count de Forestier G L The Viscount de Gavrey G L The Prince de Mont-Bason de Rohan G R Gouy d'Arcy, ex-noble, ex-constituent G R Du Salm Kirbourgh, sovereign prince in Germany G R General Beauharnois G L Baron Trenck G R Chenier, author of the tragedy of Cha. IX. G L The Marquis de Montalambert G D Crequi de Montmorency G D The Duke de Clermont-Tonnere G L The Marquis de Crussol d'Amboise G L The Countess d'Ossun G L De St. Simon, bishop of Agde G L The Count de Thiars G L The Countess de Narbonne Pellet G L The Princess Grimaldi-Monaco G L The Marquis d'Usson G L The two Trudaines, counsellors of the parliament of Paris G L The Countess de Perigord G L The lady of the Mar�schal D'Armentieres G L The Comte de Soyecourt G L The Princess de Chimay G L The Marquis de Carcado G R Hauriot and La Vallette, commandants of the armed force at Paris G L The Duke of St. Aignan G L The Duchess of St. Aignan G R Dumas, president of the revolutionary tribunal G R Lescot-Fleuriot, mayor of Paris G R Payan, president of the commune de Paris G R Vivier, criminal judge, and president of the jacobinS G R Simon, a Shoemaker, preceptor to Louis XVII. G R Eighty municipal officers of Paris G R One deputy, a commissioner with the army G R One patriotic general officer G R Maximilien Robespierre, advocate of Arras, ex-constituent, and member of the convention, who enjoyed for a long time the absolute power of a dictator, aged 35 years G R George Couthon, advocate of Clermont, and member of the convention, aged 38 years G R De St. Just, ex-noble, member of the convention, aged 26 years G R Robespierre, the younger, advocate of Arras, and member of the convention, aged 27 years G R Le Mounier, one of the principal actors in the massacre Of 2d of September, 1792 G R The Baron de la Tude G L The Prince de Talmont G R General La Poype P L De Sablonnay, mar�chal de camp G L The Viscount de Meleur G L Le Baron de Clermont-Tonnere G L The son of General Precy G R Coffinel, judge of the revolutionary tribunal G R Fouquier Tinville, public accuser G R Le Bon, deputy of the convention G L The Marquis de Beauvoir G R Guillotin, ex-constituent G R De la Harpe, literateur I R L'Abb� de Lille I R Van-Eupen, Braban�on G R General Turreau P R Carrier, deputy of the convention G R 106 Jacobins of Marseilles G R General Dugommier M R Bouchotte, war minister I R Trial, comedian G R General Polier M Admiral Martin G R 130 Jacobins of Lyons M R Goujon, deputy of the convention S L La Marquis de Boisb�ranger G R Francoeur, director of the opera G L Cazault, president of the parliament of Bourdeaux G L Cormatin, chief of the Chouans B L The Bishop of Dol M L Le Chevalier de Sombreuil M L De Tintinuiac, officer M L Le Comte de la Villeneuve G R The General Serrurier P L Le Comte de Linange I L Le Comte de Colloredo I L Le General Stofflet M L Le General Charrette M

The Compiler of the foregoing Journal begs leave to acquaint the public, that he still continues it, and that he will publish another volume in due time, if this work should be favoured with approbation and encouragement.

End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of Historical Epochs of the French Revolution, by H. Goudemetz


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