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Audiobook: The Heptameron of Margaret, Queen of Navarre: A Linked Index to the Project Gutenberg Edition by Marguerite, Queen, consort of Henry II, King of Navarre

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Audiobook: The Heptameron of Margaret, Queen of Navarre: A Linked Index to the Project Gutenberg Edition by Marguerite, Queen, consort of Henry II, King of Navarre

The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Heptameron of Margaret, Queen of Navarre, by Margaret, Queen of Navarre

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Title: The Heptameron of Margaret, Queen of Navarre A Linked Index to the Project Gutenberg Edition

Author: Margaret, Queen of Navarre

Editor: David Widger

Translator: George Saintsbury

Release Date: May 17, 2009 [EBook #28858]

Language: English

Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1


Produced by David Widger


of Margaret Queen of Navarre


Translated by George Saintsbury Illustrated HTML Edition Edited by David Widger Project Gutenberg Editions


## Volume 1.

## Volume 2.

## Volume 3.

## Volume 4.

## Volume 5.




Explanation of the Initials appended to the Notes.








Peter Boaistuau, surnamed Launay, To the Reader











A. (Prologue, Page 31.)

B. (Tale I., Page 50.)

C. (Tale IV., Page 85.)

List of Illustrations




039a.jpg Du Mesnil Learns his Mistress's Infidelity from Her Maid

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057a.jpg the Muleteer's Servant Attacking his Mistress

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065a.jpg the Stags Head

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079a.jpg Hurrying to Her Mistress's Assistance

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095a.jpg the Boatwoman of Coulon Outwitting The Friars

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103a.jpg the Wife's Ruse to Secure The Escape of Her Lover

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109.jpg the Merchant Transferring his Caresses from The Daughter to the Mother

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Tale I. The pitiful history of a Proctor of Alen�on, named St. Aignan, and of his wife, who caused her husband to assassinate her lover, the son of the Lieutenant-General

Tale II. The fate of the wife of a muleteer of Amboise, who suffered herself to be killed by her servant rather than sacrifice her chastity

Tale III. The revenge taken by the Queen of Naples, wife to King Alfonso, for her husband's infidelity with a gentleman's wife

Tale IV. The ill success of a Flemish gentleman who was unable to obtain, either by persuasion or force, the love of a great Princess

Tale V. How a boatwoman of Coulon, near Nyort, contrived to escape from the vicious designs of two Grey Friars

Tale VI. How the wife of an old valet of the Duke of Alen�on's succeeded in saving her lover from her husband, who was blind of one eye

Tale VII. The craft of a Parisian merchant, who saved the reputation of the daughter by offering violence to the mother


FIRST DAY, Continued.














A. (Tale VIII., Page i.)

B (Tale XL (B.), Page 95.)

C. (Tale XII., Page 101.)

D. (Tale XVI., Page 183.)

E. (Tale XVII., Page 195.)

001a.jpg Bornet's Concern on Discovering That his Wife Is Without Her Ring

001.jpg Page Image

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013a.jpg the Dying Gentleman Receiving The Embraces Of His Sweetheart

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025a.jpg the Countess Asking an Explanation from Amadour

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095a.jpg the Grey Friar Telling his Tales

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101a.jpg the Gentleman Killing The Duke

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119a.jpg the Sea-captain Talking to The Lady

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141a.jpg Bonnivet and the Lady of Milan

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157a.jpg the Lady Taking Oath As to Her Conduct

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183a.jpg the Gentleman Discovering The Trick

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195a.jpg the King Showing his Sword

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205a.jpg the Student Escaping The Temptation

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FIRST DAY�Continued. Tale VIII. The misadventure of Bornet, who, planning with a friend of his that both should lie with a serving-woman, discovers too late that they have had to do with his own wife.

Tale IX. The evil fortune of a gentleman of Dauphin�, who dies of despair because he cannot marry a damsel nobler and richer than himself.

Tale X. The Spanish story of Florida, who, after withstanding the love of a gentleman named Amadour for many years, eventually becomes a nun.

SECOND DAY. Prologue

Tale XI. (A). Mishap of the Lady de Roncex in the Grey Friars' Convent at Thouars.

Tale XI. (B). Facetious discourse of a Friar of Touraine.

Tale XII. Story of Alexander de' Medici, Duke of Florence, whom his cousin, Lorenzino de' Medici, slew in order to save his sister's honour.

Tale XIII. Praiseworthy artifice of a lady to whom a sea Captain sent a letter and diamond ring, and who, by forwarding them to the Captain's wife as though they had been intended for her, united husband and wife once more in all affection.

Tale XIV. The Lord of Bonnivet, after furthering the love entertained by an Italian gentleman for a lady of Milan, finds means to take the other's place and so supplant him with the lady who had formerly rejected himself.

Tale XV. The troubles and evil fortune of a virtuous lady who, after being long neglected by her husband, becomes the object of his jealousy.

Tale XVI. Story of a Milanese Countess, who, after long rejecting the love of a French gentleman, rewards him at last for his faithfulness, but not until she has put his courage to the proof.

Tale XVII. The noble manner in which King Francis the First shows Count William of Furstemberg that he knows of the plans laid by him against his life, and so compels him to do justice upon himself and to leave France.

Tale XVIII. A young gentleman scholar at last wins a lady's love, after enduring successfully two trials that she had made of him.

Appendix to Vol. II















A. (Tale XX., Page 21.)

B. (Tale XXV., Page 131.)

C. (Tale XXVI., Page 143.)

D. (Tale XXX., Page 191).

001a.jpg the Parting Between Pauline and The Gentlemen

020.jpg Tailpiece

021a.jpg the Lord de Riant Finding The Widow With Her Groom

021.jpg Page Image

029.jpg Tailpiece

035a.jpg Rolandine Conversing With Her Husband

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073a.jpg Sister Marie and the Prior

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097a.jpg the Grey Friar Deceiving The Gentleman of P�rigord

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113a.jpg Elisor Showing the Queen Her Own Image

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131a.jpg the Advocate's Wife Attending on The Prince

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143a.jpg the Lord of Avannes Paying his Court in Disguise

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171a.jpg the Secretary Imploring The Lady Not to Tell of his Wickedness

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177a.jpg the Secretary Opening The Pasty

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185a.jpg the Husbandman Surprised by The Fall of The Winnowing Fan

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191a.jpg the Young Gentleman Embracing his Mother

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SECOND DAY�Continued. Tale XIX. The honourable love of a gentleman, who, when his sweetheart is forbidden to speak with him, in despair becomes a monk of the Observance, while the lady, following in his footsteps, becomes a nun of St. Clara

Tale XX. How the Lord of Riant is cured of his love fora beautiful widow through surprising her in the arms of a groom

THIRD DAY. Prologue Tale XXI. The affecting history of Rolandine, who, debarred from marriage by her father's greed, betrothes herself to a gentleman to whom, despite his faithlessness, she keeps her plighted word, and does not marry until after his death

Tale XXII. How Sister Marie Heroet virtuously escapes the attempts of the Prior of St. Martin in-the-Fields

Tale XXIII. The undeserved confidence which a gentleman of Perigord places in the monks of the Order of St. Francis, causes the death of himself, his wife and their little child

Tale XXIV. Concerning the unavailing love borne to the Queen of Castile by a gentleman named Elisor, who in the end becomes a hermit

Tale XXV. How a young Prince found means to conceal his intrigue with the wife of a lawyer of Paris

Tale XXVI. How the counsels of a discreet lady happily withdrew the young Lord of Avannes from the perils of his foolish love for a lady of Pampeluna

Tale XXVII. How the wife of a man who was valet to a Princess rid herself of the solicitations of one who was among the same Princess's servants, and at the same time her husband's guest

Tale XXVIII. How a Gascon merchant, named Bernard du Ha, while sojourning at Paris, deceived a Secretary to the Queen of Navarre who had thought to obtain a pasty from him

Tale XXIX. How the Priest of Carrelles, in Maine, when surprised with the wife of an old husbandman, gets out of the difficulty by pretending to return him a winnowing fan Tale XXX. How a gentleman marries his own daughter and sister unawares


























A. (Tale XXXVI., Page 63.)

007a.jpg the Wicked Friar Captured

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0016.jpg Tailpiece

017a.jpg Bernage Observing the German Lady's Strange Penance

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029a.jpg the Execution of The Wicked Priest and his Sister

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039a.jpg the Grey Friar Imploring The Butcher to Spare his Life

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049a.jpg the Lady Embracing The Supposed Friar

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063a.jpg the Clerk Entreating Forgiveness of The President

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073a.jpg the Lady of Lou� Bringing Her Husband The Basin Of Water

081.jpg Tailpiece

083a.jpg the Lady of Tours Questioning Her Husband's Mistress

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088.jpg Tailpiece

089a.jpg the Lord of Grignaulx Catching The Pretended Ghost

095a.jpg the Count of Jossebelin Murdering his Sister's Husband

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115a.jpg the Beating of The Wicked Grey Friar

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123a.jpg the Girl Refusing The Gift of The Young Prince

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143a.jpg Jambicque Repudiating Her Lover

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163a.jpg the Lovers Returning from Their Meeting in The Garden

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177a.jpg the Man of Tours and his Serving-maid in The Snow

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195a.jpg the Young Man Beating his Wife

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203a.jpg the Gentleman Reproaching his Friend for His Jealousy

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213a.jpg the Grey Friars Caught and Punished

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219a.jpg the Countess Facing Her Lovers

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233a.jpg the Lady Killing Herself on The Death of Her Lover

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FOURTH DAY. Prologue

Tale XXXI. Punishment of the wickedness of a Friar who sought to lie with a gentleman's wife.

Tale XXXII. How an ambassador of Charles VIII., moved by the repentance of a German lady, whom her husband compelled to drink out of her lover's skull, reconciled husband and wife together.

Tale XXXIII. The hypocrisy of a priest who, under the cloak of sanctity, had lain with his own sister, is discovered and punished by the wisdom of the Count of Angoul�me.

Tale XXXIV. The terror of two Friars who believed that a butcher intended to murder them, whereas the poor man was only speaking of his Pigs.

Tale XXXV. How a husband's prudence saves his wife from the risks she incurred while thinking to yield to merely a spiritual love.

Tale XXXVI. The story of the President of Grenoble, who saves the honour of his house by poisoning his wife with a salad.

Tale XXXVII. How the Lady of Lou� regained her husband's affection.

Tale XXXVIII. The kindness of a townswoman of Tours to a poor farm-woman who is mistress to her husband, makes the latter so ashamed of his faithlessness that he returns to his wife.

Tale XXXIX. How the Lord of Grignaulx rid one of his houses of a pretended ghost.

Tale XL. The unhappy history of the Count de Jossebelin's sister, who shut herself up in a hermitage because her brother caused her husband to be slain.


Tale XLI. Just punishment of a Grey Friar for the unwonted penance that he would have laid upon a maiden.

Tale XLII. The virtuous resistance made by a young woman of Touraine causes a young Prince that is in love with her, to change his desire to respect, and to bestow her honourably in marriage.

Tale XLIII. How a little chalk-mark revealed the hypocrisy of a lady called Jambicque, who was wont to hide the pleasures she indulged in, beneath the semblance of austerity.

Tale XLIV. (A). Through telling the truth, a Grey Friar receives as alms from the Lord of Sedan two pigs instead of one.

Tale XLIV. (B). Honourable conduct of a young citizen of Paris, who, after suddenly enjoying his sweetheart, at last happily marries.

Tale XLV. Cleverness of an upholsterer of Touraine, who, to hide that he has given the Innocents to his serving-maid, contrives to give them afterwards to his wife.

Tale XLVI. (A). Wicked acts of a Grey Friar of Angoul�me called De Vale, who fails in his purpose with the wife of the Judge of the Exempts, but to whom a mother in blind confidence foolishly abandons her daughter.

Tale XLVI. (B). Sermons of the Grey Friar De Vall�s, at first against and afterwards on behalf of husbands that beat their wives.

Tale XLVII. The undeserved jealousy of a gentleman of Le Perche towards another gentleman, his friend, leads the latter to deceive him.

Tale XLVIII. Wicked act of a Grey Friar of Perigord, who, while a husband was dancing at his wedding, went and took his place with the bride.

Tale XLIX. Story of a foreign Countess, who, not content with having King Charles as her lover, added to him three lords, to wit, Astillon, Durassier and Valnebon.

Tale L. Melancholy fortune of Messire John Peter, a gentleman of Cremona, who dies just when he is winning the affection of the lady he loves.

Appendix to Vol. IV.





























005a.jpg the Duke of Urbino Sending The Maiden to Prison for Carrying Messages

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015a.jpg the Gentleman and his Friend Annoyed by The Smell of Sugar

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023a.jpg the Lord Des Cheriots Flying from The Prince's Servant

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037a.jpg the Lady Watching The Shadow Faces Kissing

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043a.jpg the Servant Selling The Horse With The Cat

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051a.jpg the Grey Friar Introducing his Comrade to The Lady and Her Daughter

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063a.jpg the English Lord Seizing The Lady's Glove

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071a. The Gentleman Mocked by The Ladies when Returning from The False Tryst

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079a. The Lady Discovering Her Husband With The Waiting-woman

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091a. The Chanter of Blois Delivering his Mistress from The Grave

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105a. The Lady Returning to Her Lover, The Canon of Autun

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119a. The Gentleman's Spur Catching in The Sheet

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125a. The King Asking The Young Lord to Join his Banquet

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133a. The Lady Swooning in The Arms of The Gentleman Of Valencia Who Had Become a Monk

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143a. The Old Woman Startled by The Waking of The Soldier

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149a. The Old Serving-woman Explaining Her Mistake To The Duke and Duchess of Vend�me

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155a. The Wife Reading to Her Husband on The Desert Island

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163a. The Apothecary's Wife Giving The Dose of Cantharides To Her Husband

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169a. The Wife Discovering Her Husband in The Hood Of Their Serving-maid

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175a. The Gentleman Killing Himself on The Death of his Mistress

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219a. The Saddler's Wife Cured by The Sight of Her Husband Caressing the Serving-maid

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225a. The Monk Conversing With The Nun While Shrouding A Dead Body

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Tale LI. Cruelty of the Duke of Urbino, who, contrary to the promise he had given to the Duchess, hanged a poor lady that had consented to convey letters to his son's sweetheart, the sister of the Abbot of Farse.

Tale LII. Merry trick played by the varlet of an apothecary at Alen�on on the Lord de la Tireli�re and the lawyer Anthony Bacher�, who, thinking to breakfast at his expense, find that they have stolen from him something very different to a loaf of sugar.

Tale LIII. Story of the Lady of Neufch�tel, a widow at the Court of Francis I., who, through not admitting that she has plighted her troth to the Lord des Cheriots, plays him an evil trick through the means of the Prince of Belhoste.

Tale LIV. Merry adventure of a serving-woman and a gentleman named Thogas, whereof his wife has no suspicion.

Tale LV. The widow of a merchant of Saragossa, not wishing to lose the value of a horse, the price of which her husband had ordered to be given to the poor, devises the plan of selling the horse for one ducat only, adding, however, to the bargain a cat at ninety-nine.

Tale LVI. Notable deception practised by an old Grey Friar of Padua, who, being charged by a widow to find a husband for her daughter, did, for the sake of getting the dowry, cause her to marry a young Grey Friar, his comrade, whose condition, however, was before long discovered.

Tale LVII. Singular behaviour of an English lord, who is content merely to keep and wear upon his doublet the glove of a lady whom he loves.

Tale LVIII. A lady at the Court of Francis I., wishing to prove that she has no commerce with a certain gentleman who loves her, gives him a pretended tryst and causes him to pass for a thief.

Tale LIX. Story of the same lady, who, learning that her husband is in love with her waiting-woman, contrives to surprise him and impose her own terms upon him.

Tale LX. A man of Paris, thinking his wife to be well and duly deceased, marries again, but at the end of fifteen years is forced to take his first wife back, although she has been living meantime with one of the chanters of Louis XII.

Tale LXI. Great kindness of a husband, who consents to take back his wife twice over, spite of her wanton love for a Canon of Autun.

Tale LXII. How a lady, while telling a story as of another, let her tongue trip in such a way as to show that what she related had happened to herself.

Tale LXIII. How the honourable behaviour of a young lord, who feigns sickness in order to be faithful to his wife, spoils a party in which he was to have made one with the King, and in this way saves the honour of three maidens of Paris.

Tale LXIV. Story of a gentleman of Valencia in Spain, whom a lady drove to such despair that he became a monk, and whom afterwards she strove in vain to win back to herself.

Tale LXV. Merry mistake of a worthy woman, who in the church of St. John of Lyons mistakes a sleeping soldier for one of the statues on a tomb, and sets a lighted candle on his forehead.

Tale LXVI. How an old serving-woman, thinking to surprise a Prothonotary with a lady, finds herself insulting Anthony de Bourbon and his wife Jane d'Albret.

Tale LXVII. How the Sire de Robertval, granting a traitor his life at the prayers of the man's wife, set them both down on a desert island, and how, after the husband's death, the wife was rescued and brought back to La Rochelle.

Tale LXVIII. The wife of an apothecary at Pau, hearing her husband give some powder of cantharides to a woman who was godmother with himself, secretly administered to him such a dose of the same drug that he nearly died.

Tale LXIX. How the wife of one of the King's Equerries surprised her husband muffled in the hood of their servant-maid, and bolting meal in her stead.

Tale LXX. Of the love of a Duchess of Burgundy for a gentleman who rejects her advances, for which reason she accuses him to the Duke her husband, and the latter does not believe his oaths till assured by him that he loves the Lady du Vergier. Then the Duchess, having drawn knowledge of this amour from her husband, addresses to the Lady du Vergier in public, an allusion that causes the death of both lovers; and the Duke, in despair at his own lack of discretion, stabs the Duchess himself.

Tale LXXI. The wife of a saddler of Amboise is saved on her deathbed through a fit of anger at seeing her husband fondle a servant-maid.

Tale LXXII. Kindness of the Duchess of Alen�on to a poor nun whom she meets at Lyons, on her way to Rome, there to confess to the Pope how a monk had wronged her, and to obtain his Holiness's pardon.

End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of The Heptameron of Margaret, Queen of Navarre, by Margaret, Queen of Navarre


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