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Audiobook: A Concise Anglo-Saxon Dictionary: For the Use of Students by Hall, J. R. Clark (John R. Clark)

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Audiobook: A Concise Anglo-Saxon Dictionary: For the Use of Students by Hall, J. R. Clark (John R. Clark)

The Project Gutenberg eBook of A Concise Anglo-Saxon Dictionary, by John R. Clark Hall

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Title: A Concise Anglo-Saxon Dictionary For the Use of Students

Author: John R. Clark Hall

Release Date: March 7, 2010 [eBook #31543] [Most recently updated: April 11, 2021]

Language: English

Character set encoding: UTF-8

Produced by: Louise Hope, Zoran Stefanovic, the Germanic Lexicon Project, and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team


[Transcriber’s Note:

Unless otherwise noted, words are spelled and alphabetized as in the original.

The letter æ is alphabetized as “ae”. The letter ð (eth) is alphabetized separately after “t”. The letters j and v are not used; medial k occurs only once. When two words are otherwise identical, the one containing a macron is usually given second.

Cross-references are shown as printed. When there is an error or ambiguity, corrections are given in [[double brackets]] at the end of the entry or as a separate paragraph. Where possible, these standard wordings were used:

under “mūs” The referenced word is either a secondary entry or a parenthesized alternative spelling in the form “mūs (ȳ)”. headword spelled “mūs” Minor difference, generally an added or omitted macron or a predictable vowel variation such as ī for ȳ. form of “mūs” The referenced word is an inflected form. A few very common patterns such as adverbs in “-līce” listed under adjectives in “-lic” are not individually noted. redirected to “mūs” The cross-referenced form leads to further cross-references.

To avoid empty cross-references, a few entries, clearly identified, were restored from the first edition.

In the original book, shorter entries--chiefly cross-references--were printed two or three to a line. They have been separated for this e-text. All [single brackets], asterisks* and question marks? are in the original.

In the body of the Dictionary, italics are shown conventionally with lines, while small capitals are marked as #text#. Boldface in headwords is unmarked; elsewhere it is shown as =text=. Superscript numerals (“small superior figures”) are shown with a caret; braces are used when necessary to avoid ambiguity.

āwrēon^1,2 = strong verb, class 1 or 2 bærnett (y^2) = second syllable also spelled with y 234^1 = page 234, line 1

Typographical errors are listed at the end of the e-text. To avoid confusion with original brackets, anything added by the transcriber is shown in [[double brackets]].

The New English Dictionary (NED) is now known as the Oxford English Dictionary (OED).]

* * * * * * * * *




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Second Edition Revised And Enlarged

New York: The Macmillan Company 1916

Cambridge: Printed by John Clay, M.A. at the University Press


The first edition of this dictionary having been exhausted, it has been extensively revised, and certain new features and alterations have been introduced into it.

1. The principle of arranging all words according to their actual spelling has been to a considerable extent abandoned. It was admittedly an unscientific one, and opened the door to a good many errors and inconsistencies. The head form in this edition may be either a normalised form or one which actually occurs.

2. Words beginning with ge- have been distributed among the letters of the alphabet which follow that prefix, and the sign + has been employed instead of ge- in order to make the break in alphabetical continuity as little apparent to the eye as possible. The sign ± has been used where a word occurs both with and without the prefix.

3. References to Cook’s translation of Sievers’ Anglo-Saxon Grammar, and to the Grammatical Introduction to Sweet’s Reader have been taken out, as Wright’s or Wyatt’s Old English Grammar will have taken their place with most English students.

4. A new feature which, it is hoped, will prove widely useful, is the introduction of references to all, or nearly all, the headings in the New English Dictionary under which quotations from Anglo-Saxon texts are to be found. A vast mass of valuable information as to the etymology, meaning and occurrence of Old English words is contained in that Dictionary, but is to a very large extent overlooked because it is to be found under the head of words which are now obsolete, so that unless one happens to know what was the last form which they had in Middle English, one does not know how to get at it. This information will be made readily available by the references in the present work, which will form a practically complete index to the Anglo-Saxon material in the larger dictionary and will at the same time put the student on the track of interesting Middle English examples of the use of Old English words. Besides directing the reader (by means of quotation marks) to the heading in the New English Dictionary where the relevant matter may be found, an indication has been given of the texts from which quotations are made therein, when these do not exceed four or five[1].

[Footnote 1: As regards the letter W and some small parts of other letters which have not yet appeared in the NED, a reference has been given to its abridgement (The Concise Oxford Dictionary).]

5. There have been many valuable contributions to Anglo-Saxon lexicography (by Napier, Swaen, Schlütter, Förster, Wülfing and others) since the first edition of this Dictionary appeared, and these have been made use of, but (as before) unglossaried matter has not been systematically searched for words not hitherto recorded in Anglo-Saxon Dictionaries[2].

[Footnote 2: The part of the Supplement to ‘Bosworth-Toller’ which has already appeared shows that Professor Toller is examining such matter with great care and thoroughness.]

6. The number of references to passages has been very largely increased. All words occurring only in poetical texts have been marked. If they occur more than once they bear the sign †, if only once, a reference to the passage is generally given. If not they are marked ‡. As regards prose texts, the rule has been only to give references to particular passages in the case of rare words,--more especially ἅπαξ λεγόμενα. The references to AO, CP and Æ which were given in the earlier edition have been retained, as a useful indication that the word occurs in Early West Saxon or Late West Saxon prose, as the case may be.

7. By various devices it has been found possible, while much increasing the amount of matter in the book, to add very slightly to the number of pages, and at the same time to reduce the number of columns on a page from three to two. Most of these devices are more or less mechanical, but one method of saving space may be mentioned. Certain compound words, descriptive of places, which, as far as I know, occur only in charters and which may often be more correctly regarded as proper nouns, have not been separately inserted. Their meaning can however always be ascertained by referring to their components, and where the abbreviation Mdf is inserted the reader will understand that examples of words so compounded, or of the components, or of both, will be found in Birch’s Cartularium Saxonicum, or in Earle’s Land Charters, and that references to those examples are given in Middendorff’s Altenglisches Flurnamenbuch.

8. In the List of Abbreviations, etc. at the commencement of the book, editions of texts which are furnished with a glossary have been specially indicated.

J. R. C. H.

January, 1916.


Note 1. Where references are in italic type, quotations from the texts indicated will be found in the New English Dictionary, under the head of the English word which is distinguished in the article by quotation marks (see Preface). In references to special passages volumes have been marked off from pages by an inverted full stop, and lines or verses have been shown, where they follow other numerals, by small superior figures. Occasionally where lines have not been given, the mark ´ has been inserted to show that the quotation is in the lower half of a page.

Note 2. In the following list the number (1) after an edition of a text indicates that the edition is supplied with a complete referenced glossary or word-index, (2) that it has a complete glossary, but without references and (3) that it has a partial glossary or word-index.

Note 3. Some of the abbreviations given below are used in combination. Examples: MtLR = the Lindisfarne and Rushworth MSS of St Matthew; BJPs = the Bosworth and the Junius Psalters; asf. = accusative singular feminine. EK = Early Kentish.

‘ ’ Quotation marks are used to enclose the English words which should be looked up in the NED in order to find etymological information as to, and examples of the use of, the Anglo-Saxon words to which the articles in this Dictionary relate, see Note 1 above. If they enclose Latin words, they indicate the lemmata of Anglo-Saxon words in glosses or glossaries etc., or the Latin equivalent of such words in the Latin texts from which they are translated. The Latin is especially so given when the Ags. word seems to be merely a blindly mechanical and literal equivalent.

* is prefixed or affixed to hypothetical forms. Normalised forms of Ags. words which actually exist are not usually so marked.

´ See Note 1 above.

+ = ge-.

± indicates that the Ags. word to which it is prefixed is found both with and without the prefix ge-.

† = occurs in poetical texts only.

‡ = occurs in a poetical text, and once only.

== This sign is used to indicate that the words which it follows, and its compounds, are to be found in the Dictionary under the heading given after it, thus meht==miht is equivalent to meht = miht and meht- = miht-.

a. = accusative.

A = Anglian, or, if followed by numerals, Anglia, Zeitschrift für Englische Philologie, Halle, 1877 etc. AB = Anglia Beiblatt.

Æ = Ælfric. (References followed by numerals in parentheses refer to certain Homilies attributed to Ælfric in HL.) If followed by a book of the Bible the reference is to that book in Ælfric de vetere et novo Testamento (Bibl. der Ags. Prosa, vol. 1).

#ÆGr# = Ælfric’s Grammatik und Glossar, ed. J. Zupitza, Berlin, 1880.

ÆH = Ælfric’s Homilies, ed. by B. Thorpe, London, 1844-6. (Quoted by vol., page and line.)

ÆL = Ælfric’s Metrical Lives of Saints, ed. W. W. Skeat (EETS), 1881-1900 (3).

ÆP = Ælfric’s Hirtenbriefe (Ælfric’s Pastoral Letters), ed. B. Fehr, Hamburg, 1914 (Bibl. der Ags. Prosa, vol. 9).

AF = Anglistische Forschungen, ed. J. Hoops, Heidelberg.

#Alm# = the poem on Alms, in #Gr#.

#An# = the poem of Andreas, in #Gr#; or ed. G. P. Krapp, Boston, U.S.A., 1905 (1).

#Andr# = the prose legend of St Andrew, in J. W. Bright’s Anglo-Saxon Reader, London, 1892 (1).

ANS = Herrig’s Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen, Brunswick, 1846-1914.

#AnT# = Analecta Anglo-saxonica by B. Thorpe, London, 1846 (2).

anv. = anomalous verb.

AO = Alfred’s translation of Orosius, ed. H. Sweet (EETS), 1883. (v. also Wfg.)

#Ap# = the poem of the Fate of the Apostles, in #Gr#; or included with Andreas in Krapp’s edition (v. #An#).

#APs# = the Arundel Psalter, ed. G. Oess (AF vol. 30), Heidelberg, 1910.

#ApT# = Anglo-Saxon version of Apollonius of Tyre, ed. B. Thorpe, London, 1834.

AS = King Alfred’s version of Augustine’s Soliloquies, ed. H. L. Hargrove (Yale Studies in Old English), Boston, U.S.A., 1912 (1). See also #Shr#.

#Az# = the poem of Azarias, in #Gr#.

B = the poem of Beowulf, in #Gr#; also ed. A. J. Wyatt and R. W. Chambers, Cambridge, 1914 (1); or ed. W. J. Sedgefield, Manchester, 1912 (1); or ed. Harrison and Sharp, Boston, U.S.A., 1888 (1).

#Bas# = The Admonition of St Basil, ed. H. W. Norman, London, 1840.

BB = Bonner Beiträge zur Anglistik, ed. M. Trautmann.

BC = Cartularium Saxonicum, ed. W. de Gray Birch, London, 1883 etc., 3 vols.

Bd = Bede.

BDS = Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache, ed. E. Sievers, Leipzig, 1874-1914.

BH = the Anglo-Saxon version of Bede’s Ecclesiastical History, 2 vols., ed. T. Miller (EETS), 1891-6. (Reference is usually made to the pages in vol. 1 as regards the various readings recorded in vol. 2--not to the pages in the latter vol.)

#Bk# = Texte und Untersuchungen zur AE Literatur, etc., by R. Brotanek, Halle, 1913.

#Bl# = The Blickling Homilies, ed. R. Morris (EETS), 1874-80 (1).

#BlPs# = Blickling Glosses to the Psalms, at the end of #Bl#.

#Bo# = King Alfred’s translation of Boethius, with the Metres of Boethius, ed. W. J. Sedgefield, Oxford, 1899 (1).

#BPs# = die AE Glossen im Bosworth-Psalter, ed. U. Lindelöf (Mémoires de la Soc. néo-philologique à Helsingfors, tom. 5), 1909 (3).

BR = An Anglo-Saxon Reader, ed. J. W. Bright, New York, 1913 or London, 1910 (1).

#Br# = the poem of Brunanburh, in #Gr# or †#Chr#.

BT = An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary, by J. Bosworth and T. N. Toller, Oxford, 1882-98. BTSup. = the Supplement to the above, Part #I# (A-EORÐ), 1908.

CC = The Crawford Charters, ed. by A. S. Napier and W. H. Stevenson (Anecdota Oxoniensia), Oxford, 1895.

CD = the Codex Diplomaticus, ed. Kemble

[[This citation occurs a few times in error for the author’s normal form, KC.]]

#Chr# = Two of the Saxon Chronicles Parallel, ed. J. Earle and C. Plummer, Oxford, 1892 (1). The poetical passages are marked †#Chr#.

CM = the tract ‘de Consuetudine Monachorum,’ in Anglia, vol. 13, pp. 365-454.

#Cos# = Altwestsächsische Grammatik, by P. J. Cosijn, Haag, 1888.

cp. = compare.

CP = King Alfred’s trans. of Gregory’s Pastoral Care, ed. H. Sweet (EETS), London, 1871.

Cp = the Corpus Glossary, in OET, or in WW (cols. 1-54) or (if the numbers are followed by a letter), in A Latin-Anglo-Saxon Glossary, ed. by J. H. Hessels, Cambridge, 1890 (1).

#CPs# = Der Cambridge-Psalter, ed. K. Wildhagen, Bibl. der Ags. Prosa, vol. 7, Hamburg, 1910. (CHy = Cambridge Hymns in the same vol.) (3)

#Cr# = the poem of Crist, in #Gr#.

#Cra# = the poem of Men’s Crafts, in #Gr#.

#Creat# = the poem of the Creation, in #Gr#.

Ct = Charters, wills and other like documents, as contained in BC, CC, EC, KC and TC.

d. = dative.   dp. = dat. pl.   ds. = dat. singular; etc.

#Da# = the poem of Daniel, in #Gr#; or ed. T. W. Hunt (Exodus and Daniel), Boston, 1885. [[Sometimes writen #Dan# in body text]]

DD = the poem ‘Be Dōmes Dæge’ (‘de die judiciæ’), ed. J. R. Lumby (EETS), London, 1876 (1); or in #Gr# (vol. 2, pp. 250-272).

#Deor# = the poem of Deor’s Complaint, in #Gr# and #Kl#.

DHy = the Durham Hymnarium, ed. J. Stevenson (Surtees Society, vol. 23), London, 1851. (#Gl#, by H. W. Chapman, Yale Studies, No. 24, Boston, 1905.)

#Dom# = the poem ‘Be Dōmes Dæge’ from the Exeter Book, in #Gr# (Vol. 3, pp. 171-4).

DR = the Durham Ritual, ed. T. Stevenson (Surtees Society), London, 1840. Lines of Anglo-Saxon only counted. [#Gl# by Uno Lindelöf, Bonn, 1901 (BB vol. 9).]

Du. = Dutch.

E = Early.

EC = Land Charters and other Saxonic Documents, ed. John Earle, Oxford, 1888 (3).

EETS = Early English Text Society’s Publications.

EK = Early Kentish.

#El# = the poem of Elene, in #Gr#; or ed. Kent, Boston, 1889.

Ep = the Epinal Gloss., in OET.

#EPs# = Eadwine’s Canterbury Psalter, ed. F. Harsley, EETS, London, 1889. (EHy = Hymns in the same vol.)

Erf = the Erfurt Gloss., in OET.

ES = Englische Studien, Heilbronn and Leipzig, 1876-1914.

EWS = Early West Saxon.

#Ex# = the poem of Exodus, in #Gr# or in Hunt’s edition (v. #Da#). If followed by two kinds of numerals = Exodus in Ælfric de vetere et novo Testamento in the Bibl. der Ags. Prosa, Vol. 1, Cassel, 1872.

exc. = except.

f. = feminine.   fp. = fem. plural.

FAp = the poem ‘Fata Apostolorum,’ in #Gr#.

FBO = Das Benediktiner Offizium, ed. E. Feiler (AF vol. 4), Heidelberg, 1901.

#Fin# = the poem of Finnsburg, in #Gr#, and most editions of Beowulf.

FM = The Furnivall Miscellany, Oxford, 1901.

FT = the poem ‘A Father’s Teachings,’ in #Gr#.

g. = genitive.   gs. = gen. singular.   gp. = gen. pl.; etc.

G = the Anglo-Saxon Gospels, ed. W. W. Skeat, Cambridge, 1871-87. See also LG, NG, RG, WG. (#Gl# to WG by M. A. Harris, Yale Studies, vol. 6, Boston, 1899.)

GD = Die Dialoge Gregors den Grossen, ed. Hans Hecht (Bibl. der Ags. Prosa, vol. 5), Cassel, 1900-1907.

#Gen# = the poem of Genesis, in #Gr#. If followed by two kinds of numerals = Genesis in Ælfric de vetere et novo testamento (Bibl. der Ags. Prosa, vol. 1, Cassel, 1872).

Ger. = German.

GK = Grein’s Sprachschatz der Ags. Dichter, revised by Köhler and Holthausen, Heidelberg, 1912. (A complete referenced glossary to #Gr#.)

#Gl# = Glossary. Used also as a comprehensive sign for all or any of the extant Anglo-Saxon glosses or glossaries: Cp, Ep, Erf, GPH, #HGl#, #KGl#, Ln, OEG, WW etc.

#Gn# = The Gnomic Verses in #Gr#. #GnE# = those in the Exeter Book and #GnC# those in the Cotton MS. Separate edition also by B. C. Williams, New York, 1914 (1).

GPH = Prudentius Glosses, contributed by A. Holder to Germania, Vierteljahrsschrift für deutsche Altertumskunde, vol. 11 (ns).

#Gr# = Bibliothek der Angelsächs. Poesie, ed. C. W. M. Grein and revised by R. P. Wülker, Cassel, 1883-98.

#Gu# = the poem of St Guthlac, in #Gr#.

#Guth# = the (prose) Life of St Guthlac, ed. C. W. Goodwin, London, 1848 (pp. 8-98), or ed. P. Gonser (AF vol. 27), Heidelberg, 1909 (pp. 100-176).

#Hell# = the poem of Hell, in #Gr#.

#Hept# = The Heptateuchus, etc., Anglo-Saxonice, ed. Edw. Thwaites, Oxford, 1698.

#Hex# = The Hexameron of St Basil, ed. H. W. Norman, London, 1849.

#HGl# = Glosses in (Haupt’s) Zeitschrift für deutsches Altertum, vol. 9 (1853).

HL = Homilien und Heiligendleben, ed. B. Assmann, Bibl. der Ags. Prosa, vol. 3, Cassel, 1889. v. also Æ and #Shr#, (3).

#Hu# = the poem ‘The Husband’s Message,’ in #Gr#.

Hy = the collection of ‘Hymns’ at the end of most of the Ags. versions of the Psalms. v. the various Psalters (#Ps#). [The numbering of verses etc. usually follows that in Wildhagen’s Cambridge Psalter (#CPs#).]

i. = instrumental (case).

IM = ‘Indicia Monasterialia,’ ed. F. Kluge, in Techmer’s Internationale Zeitschrift für allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, vol. 2, Leipzig, 1885.

intr. = intransitive.

JAW = Eigentümlichkeiten des Anglischen Wortschatzes, by R. Jordan (AF vol. 17), Heidelberg, 1906

JGPh = Journal of (English and) Germanic Philology, Urbana, Ill.

Jn = the Gospel of St John. v. G and NG (JnL = Lindisfarne MS; JnR = Rushworth MS, v. LG, RG).

#JPs# = der Junius-Psalter, ed. E. Brenner (AF vol. 23), Heidelberg, 1909 (JHy = the Hymns in the same vol.).

#Jud# = the poem of Judith, in #Gr#, or ed. A. S. Cook, Boston, 1889 (1).

#Jul# = the poem of Juliana, in #Gr#.

K = Kentish.

KC = Codex Diplomaticus Aevi Saxonici, ed. J. M. Kemble, 6 vols., London, 1839-48.

#KGl# = Kentish Glosses to the Proverbs of Solomon (= WW 55-88, or, if quoted by number, in #Kl#).

#Kl# = Angelsächsisches Lesebuch, by F. Kluge, 3rd edition, Halle, 1902 (2).

#KlED# = F. Kluge’s Etymologisches Wörterbuch, 7th edition, 1910, or J. F. Davis’ translation, London, 1891.

L. = Latin.

#Lcd# = Leechdoms, Wortcunning and Starcraft of the Anglo-Saxons, ed. O. Cockayne, London, 3 vols., Rolls Series, 1864-66 (vol. 2, and pp. 1-80 of vol. 3 are referred to by the folio of the MS, so that the references may also be available for G. Leonhardi’s edition of that part of the #Lcd#, in the Bibl. der Ags. Prosa, vol. 6) (3).

#Leas# = the poem ‘Be manna lease,’ in #Gr#.

Leo = Leo’s Angelsächsiches Glossar. Halle, 1877.

[[Listing added by transcriber; used only in first edition.]]

LG = the Lindisfarne Gospels, in Skeat’s ed. of the Anglo-Saxon Gospels (v. G). (Glossary by A. S. Cook, Halle, 1894.) LRG = Lindisfarne and Rushworth Gospels. v. RG.

Lieb. = F. Liebermann (v. LL).

Lk = the Gospel of St Luke. v. G and NG (LkL = Lindisfarne MS; LkR = Rushworth MS; v. LG, RG).

LL = the Anglo-Saxon Laws, as contained in Liebermann, Schmid or Thorpe. If followed by numerals not in parentheses, or only partially in parentheses, the reference is to ‘Die Gesetze der Angelsachsen,’ by F. Liebermann, 2 vols., Halle, 1903-12 (1); if by numerals entirely in parentheses, to vol. 2 of ‘Ancient Laws and Institutes,’ by B. Thorpe, 2 vols., London, 1840 (3).

Ln = the Leiden Glossary, ed. J. H. Hessels, Cambridge, 1906 (1).

#Lor# = the Lorica Hymn, in Kleinere angelsächsische Denkmäler, by G. Leonhardi (Bibl. der Ags. Prosa, vol. 6), Hamburg, 1905.

#LPs# = Der Lambeth-Psalter, ed. U. Lindelöf, Acta Soc. Sc. Fennicae, vol. 35, Helsingfors, 1909 (1). (LHy = the Hymns in the same vol.)

LWS = Late West Saxon.

LV = Leofric’s Vision, ed. A. S. Napier, in the Transactions of the Philological Society for 1907-10, pp. 180-188.

M = Mercian.

m. = masculine.   ms., mp., etc. = masc. sing., masc. plur., etc.

#Ma# = the poem of the Battle of Maldon, in #Gr#, also in #Br#, #Kl# or Sweet’s Anglo-Saxon Reader, Oxford.

Mdf = Altenglisches Flurnamenbuch, by H. Middendorff, Halle, 1902. [See Preface.]

#Men# = the Menologium, at the end of #Chr#.

#Met# = the Metres of Boethius; v. #Bo#.

MF = Festschrift für L. Morsbach (Studien zur Eng. Philologie, vol. 50), Halle, 1913.

MFH = Homilies in MF, ed. Max Förster.

MH = An Old English Martyrology, ed. G. Herzfeld (EETS), London, 1900. See also #Shr#.

MHG. = Middle High German. [[Listing added by transcriber]]

Mk = the Gospel of St Mark; v. G and NG. (MkL = Lindisfarne MS; MkR = Rushworth MS of St Mark; v. LG, RG.)

MLA = Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, Baltimore.

MLN = Modern Language Notes, Baltimore, 1886-1914.

#Mod# = the poem ‘Bi Manna Mōd,’ in #Gr#.

MP = Modern Philology, Chicago, 1903-1914.

Mt = the Gospel of St Matthew; v. G and NG. (MtL = Lindisfarne MS; MtR = Rushworth MS of St Matthew; v. LG, RG.)

n. = nominative, or neuter, or note. (np., nap., etc. = nom. plural, nom. and acc. plur., etc.)

N = Northumbrian.

#Nar# = Narratiunculae, ed. O. Cockayne, London, 1861.

NC = Contributions to Old English Lexicography by A. Napier, in the Philological Society’s Transactions for 1903-1906, London (mostly late texts).

NED = the New English Dictionary, ed. Sir J. A. H. Murray and others, Oxford, 1888-1915. (See Preface, and Note 1.)

neg. = negative.

NG = the Northumbrian Gospels, contained in Skeat’s edition (v. G, LG, RG).

#Nic# = the Gospel of Nicodemus, in #Hept#; or in MLA 13·456-541. (The references to passages are always to the latter edition.)

NR = The Legend of the Cross (Rood-tree), ed. A. S. Napier, EETS, London, 1894.

obl. = oblique.

occl. = occasional, occasionally.

OEG = Old English Glosses, ed. A. Napier (Anecdota Oxoniensia), Oxford, 1900 (1).

OET = The Oldest English Texts, ed. H. Sweet, EETS, 1885 (1).

OF. = Old French. [[Rare, and always written OFr. in text]]

OHG. = Old High German.

ON. = Old Norse.

OS. = Old Saxon.

p. = page, or plural.

#Pa# = the poem of the Panther, in #Gr#.

#Part# = the poem of the Partridge, in #Gr#.

#Ph# = the poem of the Phoenix, in #Gr# or BR.

pl. = plural.

#PPs# = the Paris Psalter, ed. B. Thorpe, London, 1835. The prose portion (Psalms 1-50) also ed. Bright and Ramsay, Belles Lettres Series, Boston, 1907, and the remainder (verse portion) in #Gr#.

#Ps# = any one or more of the Anglo-Saxon Psalters. [NB. In the numbering of the Psalms, the Authorised Version is usually one ahead of the MSS.] v. A, B, C, E, J, L, R, S and VPs; also Hy.

[[The occasional form #Pss# was retained. It may be either an error for #Ps# or short for “several Psalters”. In the one OED reference, two Psalters are quoted.]]

PST = Philological Society’s Transactions (v. also LV and NC).

QF = Mone, Quellen u. Forschungen zur Geschichte der teutschen Lit. u. Sprache, Aachen und Leipzig, 1830.

RB = der Benedictinregel, ed. A. Schröer, Bibl. der Ags. Prosa, vol. 2, Cassel, 1885-8 (3).

RBL = the Anglo-Saxon and Latin Rule of St Benet (Interlinear Glosses), ed. H. Logeman, EETS, London, 1888.

#Rd# = The Riddles of the Exeter Book, in #Gr#, or ed. F. Tupper Junr., Boston, 1910 (1).

RG = the Rushworth Gospels, in Skeat’s ed. of the Anglo-Saxon Gospels (v. G). Mt (all), Mk 1-2^15 and Jn 18^1-3 are in a Mercian dialect, and are usually known as R^1; the rest (R^2) is in a Northumbrian dialect (v. also LG). Glossary to R^1 by Ernst Schulte, Bonn, 1904; to R^2 by U. Lindelöf, Helsingfors, 1897.

#Rim# = the Riming Poem, in #Gr#

[[Listing added by transcriber. The Riming Poem is included in Grein along with many other texts from its original source, the Exeter MS.]]

#Rood# = the poem ‘Dream of the Rood,’ in #Gr#.

#RPs# = der Regius-Psalter, ed. F. Roeder (Studien in Eng. Philologie, vol. 18), Halle, 1904. (RHy = the Hymns in the same vol.)

RSL = Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature, London.

#Ruin# = the poem of the Ruin, in #Gr#.

#Run# = the Rune-poem, in #Gr#.

s. = strong; also = singular.   sv. = strong verb.   swv. = strong-weak verb.

#Sat# = the poem ‘Christ and Satan,’ in #Gr#.

sb. = substantive.

#Sc# = Defensor’s Liber Scintillarum, ed. E. Rhodes, EETS, London, 1889 (3).

#Seaf# = the poem of the Seafarer, in #Gr#.

sg. = singular.

#Shr# = the Shrine by O. Cockayne, London, 1864-70 [pp. 29-33 and 46-156 = MH; pp. 35-44 = HL pp. 199-207; pp. 163-204 = AS].

SHy = Surtees Hymnarium = DHy.

SkED = An Etymological English Dictionary by W. W. Skeat, Oxford, 1910.

#Sol# = the poem Solomon and Saturn, in #Gr# (if in italics, the reference is sometimes to the prose version, ed. J. M. Kemble).

#Soul# = the poem of the Soul, in #Gr#.

#SPs# = Psalterium Davidis Latino-Saxonicum, ed. J. Spelman, London, 1640. (Stowe MS, but includes marginal readings from APs, CPs and EPs.)

Swt. = The Student’s Dictionary of Anglo-Saxon by H. Sweet, Oxford, 1897.

TC = Diplomatarium Ævi Saxonici, ed. B. Thorpe, London, 1865 (3).

tr. = transitive.

usu. = usual, usually.

v. = vide, or very.

v.l. = varia lectio.

#VPs# = the Vespasian Psalter, as contained in OET (1). [VHy = Hymns at the end of the Psalter.] Glossary also by Conrad Grimm (AF, vol. 18), Heidelberg, 1906.

V^2Ps = Psalter-Glosses in Cotton Vitellius E 18 (noted by Wildhagen in CPs).

w. = with.

W = (I) Wulfstan’s Homilies, ed. A. Napier, Berlin, 1883. Glossary by L. H. Dodd, New York, 1908. (II) West Saxon.

#Wa# = the poem of the Wanderer, in #Gr#.

#Wald# = the poem of Waldhere, in #Gr#.

Wfg = die Syntax in den Werken Alfreds, by J. E. Wülfing, Bonn, 1894-1901 (copious material, and indexes to words in AO, BH, Bo, CP, AS, PPs, etc.).

WG = West Saxon Gospels (v. G).

#Whale# = the poem of the Whale, in #Gr#.

#Wid# = the poem of Widsith, in #Gr#, or ed. R. F. Chambers, Cambridge, 1912.

#Wif# = the poem of ‘the Wife’s Complaint,’ in #Gr#.

WS = West Saxon.

Wt = An Old English Grammar by J. and E. M. Wright, 2nd edition, Oxford, 1914.

WW = Old English Vocabularies, ed. by T. Wright and R. P. Wülker, London, 1884. Cols. 1-54 = Cp; 55-88 = #KGl#; pp. 89-103 = Colloq. Monast. in NED.

Wy = the poem ‘Be manna wyrdum’ in #Gr#.

ZDA = Zeitschrift für deutsches Altertum, Leipzig and Berlin, 1853-1914.

ZDPh = Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie, Halle, 1869-1914.


[Transcriber’s Note: This section is included for completeness. All changes have been made in the text.]

ābrytan...#SPs# should be ābrȳtan...#EPs#.

ācweorran: for #SPs# read #ELPs#.

æfest: for Ei read El.

æfgerefa: for LkL 12^42 read LkL 12^58.

æfterlēan: add #Gen# 76.

ælmesfeoh: add LL.

ærendung: add RB.

æscwiga: for ‡ read †.

āfaran: add Da 6.

āgniend: possession should be possessor.

āgniendlīc should be āgniendlic.

āgryndan: add #Men# 111.

āhwylfan: add to roll to MP 1·592.

antemnere, antifonere (ÆP 154^6) = antefnere.

āsanian: add LV 57.

āsprēadan: for #CSPs# read #EPs#.

āstīgnes: for #SPs# read #EPs#.

ātilian should be ātillan.

ātlēag: add EC 448^9.

ātorgeblǣd n. swelling caused by poison, #Lcd# 162b.

āðecgan: add oppress? (Tupper) #Rd# 1^2,7.

āðynnian: for VHy read DHy 8^10.

āwarnian: read (#APs#) = āswārnian.

+bearded having a beard, GD 279^14.

besārgung: strike out sorrowing, VHy.

besceawere: for VHy read DHy 24^15.

besencan: add plunge into (fire), GD 317.

bīegan: add +bȳged bowed down, infirm, #Nic# 471^29.

blīðe: add (+b. occurs at #Guth# 161^9).

crūc: add LV 74.

cwēme- = cwēm-

+dal n. part, GD 311^11.

dalmatice: omit ? and add GD 329^34.

+drēog II.: add gentle (horse), GD 78^12.

ēðian should be ±ēðian.

+fadung: add rule, dominion.

fǣmne(n)dlic (GD) = fǣmnhādlic

fǣrærning f. quick marching, GD 14^24.

fæsting f. read commendation, trust, guardianship, GD 239^15; LL 58[17].

fæstnung: add exhortation, MkL p2^5: monument, MtL p5^4; Mk 5^5.

fantbletsung f. consecration of water for baptism, ÆP 188^12.

feohtling: add MP 1·610.

ferhtlic: add #PPs# 95^10.

feriend: add #Sol# 80.

flogettan: substitute to fly, flutter, #Sc#; GD 100^19.

folclic: add worldly, secular, GD 209^13.

fordēmednes: add GD 345^3.

forecweden aforesaid, GD 12; 344.

forehūs: add LV 33.

forewītung should be forewitung.

forlætednes (GD 227^16) = forlætennes

forrǣda? m. traitor, plotter, MP 1·592.

forsegenlic (GD 233^21) = forsewenlic

forðfromung: for #CSVPs# read #CVPs#.

forðman: add NC 289.

forððēon to profit (‘proficere’), GD 200.

fullfremed: add -līce after adv.

fullhāl thoroughly well, GD 248^1.

fyrdgestealla, fyrdgetrum: add †.

+gang: add passage (lapse) of time, GD 179^10.

geadrung f. text, MtL p8^17.

geancyme: delete second line of article.

gearowyrdig: add #Mod# 51.

gēodæd: add †.

geondflōwende ebbing and flowing, OEG 2363.

geondlācan: add #Ph# 70.

geondsendan: omit †.

gest-: for gǣst- read gæst-

giestran: add #Rd# 41^44.

glæsfæt: add GD 10^16.

glōmung: for VHy read DHy; GD.

godwebben: add GD 176^1.

hæftnīednes: add GD 346^22.

±hæftnīedan should be +hæftnīedan.

hālettan should be ±hālettan.

heals-iendlic, -igendlic: for #SPs# 89^13 read #APs# 89^13: imploring, GD 17^23.

hellegæst: strike out †.

hellegeat: add MP 1·610.

hellestōw f. infernal region, hell, GD 332^10.

hīwcuðlic: add familiar, GD 32.

hnep (GD 186^27) = hnæpp

horsðegn: add muleteer, GD 191^23.

hrēðnes: add ÆP 136^23.

hūselbox receptacle of the host, ÆP 178^6.

hwīlsticce: add GD 254^24.

+hyldelic secure, safe, GD 348^10.

+īeðan: add compassionate, GD 216(ȳ).

Additional references to the NED:--bebod ‘bibod’; belūcan ‘belouke’; cempa ‘kemp’; cennan ‘ken’; clipung ‘cleping’; cnæpp ‘knap’; dihtere ‘dighter’; draca ‘drake’; dysgian ‘dizzy’; fǣcne ‘faken’; forhogian ‘forhow’; forwiernan ‘forwarn’; gafol ‘gavel’; glēaw ‘glew’; heonon ‘hen’; hlēo ‘lee’; hliehhan ‘laugh’; hrēof ‘reof’; hryre ‘rure’; huru ‘hure’; ierre ‘irre’; lūtan ‘lout’


a prep. [= on] on, at, in, to, for.

ā I. (āwa, ō) adv. always, ever, at all, continuously, for ever, Æ, AO, CP. ā on ēcnisse; ā butan ende world without end: at any time: in any degree. [ON. ei, ey] II. f. = ǣ

ā- (unemphatic verbal prefix); I. orig. = forth, away, but as a rule only intensitive in meaning. II. = on- III. ym(b)- IV. = ā (I.) in pronouns and participles, and gives a sense of indefiniteness. V. = ǣ-

āǣlan = onǣlan

āǣðan = āīeðan

āb = ōweb

ābacan^6 to bake, ÆH 2·268^9.

ābǣdan to compel, restrain, ward off: exact, take toll: force out, extract.

ābæligan = ǣbylgan

ābǣran to disclose, bring to light, DD 41.

ābære (W 274^24) = ǣbære [[headword spelled “ǣbǣre”]]

ābærnan = onbærnan

abal (#Gen# 500) = afol

ābannan^7 to summon, convoke, command: announce, proclaim. ā. ūt call out, assemble, Chr. [‘abanne’]

ābarian to lay bare, disclose.

abbad, abbod, abbot == abbud

abbud (a, o) m. ‘abbot,’ BH, Chr; Æ. [L. abbatem]

abbuddōm m. abbatial jurisdiction, BH.

abbudesse f. abbess, #Chr#.

abbudhād m. abbatial rank, dignity, LL.

abbudlēast f. lack of an abbot, BC 1·155´.

abbudrīce (o) n. abbey, abbacy, office or jurisdiction of an abbot (used even of a convent of nuns).

ābēatan^7 to beat, strike, break to pieces, make to fall, Cr. [‘abeat’]

ābēcēdē f. ABC, alphabet.

ābedecian (eðe-) to get by begging or asking, #Bo# 71^12.

abedisse = abbudesse

ābēgan = ābȳgan

ābelgan^3 to make angry, irritate, offend, Sol; Æ, AO, CP: hurt, distress: be angry with. [‘abelgen’]

ābēodan^2 to order, proclaim, bid, command, direct: summon, call out: announce, relate, declare, present, offer, AO; Æ. hǣl ā. to wish one good luck, greet, bid farewell to. [‘abede’]

ābeofian = ābifian

ābēogan = ābūgan

ābeornan^3 to take fire, #PPs# 105^16.

ābēowan (WW 217^46) = ābȳwan

āberan^4 to bear, carry: endure, suffer, Mt, Bo; Æ, CP: bear (a child), Æ: take away, remove: reveal: (refl.) restrain oneself: do without, NC 268.

ā-berd, -bered crafty, cunning.

āberendlic bearable.

ābernan (N) = ābeornan

āberstan^3 to burst out, break out, Æ, CP: break away, escape. ūt ā. break out.

ābeðecian = ābedecian

ābicgan = ābycgan

ābīdan^1 to ‘abide,’ wait, remain, delay, remain behind, AO: survive: wait for, await, Æ: expect, Mt 11^3.

ābiddan^5 to ask for, request, require, demand, pray, pray to, pray for, Æ: get by asking, obtain, Æ, AO, CP: call out (an army).

ābifian (eo) to tremble, quake, shake.

ābilgð, ābilhð = ǣbylgð

ābiran = āberan

ābiring = ābyrging

ābisg-, ābiseg- = ābysg-

ābītan^1 to bite in pieces, tear to pieces, devour, gnaw, Æ, AO: taste, partake of, consume.

ābit(e)rian to turn bitter, CP 341^24: embitter.

ābitt = ābit

ābītt = ābīt

[[The first edition gives “ābit” as a form of “ābiddan”, “ābīt” as a form of “ābīdan” or “ābītan”.]]

āblācian to become pale, grow faint: become tarnished, CP 135^2.

āblǣcan to bleach, whiten, #BJPs# 50^9.

āblǣcnes f. pallor, gloom, #Lcd# 1·294.

āblǣcung f. pallor, #HGl# 518.

āblǣst inspired, furious.

āblāwan^1 to blow, blow away, breathe upon, Æ: puff up, swell, Lcd 93b. [‘ablow’]

āblāw-nes, -ung f. inflation, #Lcd#.

āblegned ulcerated, #Lcd#.

āblendan to blind, put out the eyes of, Æ, CP: dazzle, deceive, delude, Æ. [‘ablend’]

āblēred bare, uncovered, bald. [blēre] [[headword spelled “blere”]]

āblīcan^1 to shine, glitter.

āblicgan = āblycgan

āblignes = ǣbylgnes

āblindan to make blind, #Bl# 151^4.

āblindian = āblendan

āblinnan^3 to cease, leave off, desist, Æ, AO, CP.

āblinnednes f. cessation, interruption, A 5·465.

āblinnendlīce indefatigably, #HGl# 429^32.

āblinnendnes = āblinnednes

āblisian (Æ) = āblysian

āblissian to make glad, please, GD 335n.

āblongen = ābolgen, pp. of ābelgan.

āblycgan (i) to grow pale, Æ: make afraid.

āblynnan = āblinnan

āblysian to blush.

āblysung f. blushing, shame, RB 133^11.

ābodian to announce, proclaim, LkR 12^3.

ābolgennes f. irritation, WW 230^19.

āborgian to be surety for, LL: (w. æt) borrow.

āborian = ābarian

ābracian to engrave, emboss.

ābrǣdan I. to spread out, dilate: stretch out, Æ. II. bake, #Lcd# 44a.

ābraslian to crash, crackle, GD 236^12.

ābrēac pret. 3 sg. of ābrūcan.

ābrēat pret. 3 sg. of ābrēotan.

ābrecan^4 to break, break to pieces, break down, conquer, capture, violate, destroy, Æ, AO, CP: break away from.

ābrēdan^3 to move quickly, draw, unsheath, wench, pull out, Mt: withdraw, take away, draw back, free from, Æ, AO. ūp ābroden drawn up, raised up: start up, awake. [‘abraid’]

ābredwian to lay low, kill, B 2619.

ābrēgan to alarm, terrify.

ābregdan = ābrēdan

ābrēotan^2 to destroy, kill.

ābrēotnes f. extermination, OET 182.

ābrēoðan^2 (intr.) to fail, decay, deteriorate, perish, be destroyed, Ma; Æ. ābroðen (pp.) degenerate, reprobate, ÆGr. (tr. and wk.) destroy. [v. ‘brethe’]

ābrerd- = onbryrd-

ābroðennes f. baseness, cowardice, W.

ābrūcan^3 to eat, A 11·1^17.

ābryrd- = onbryrd-

ābrȳtan to destroy, #EPs# 36^9.

ābūfan (= on-) adv. above, #Chr# 1090#e#.

ābūgan^2 (= on-) to bow, incline, bend, submit, do reverence, B, ChrL; Æ: swerve, turn (to or from), deviate, CP: withdraw, retire: be bent or turned, turn one’s self. [‘abow’]

ābunden unimpeded.

ābūrod not inhabited, TC 162^28.

ābūtan, -būten, -būton. I. prep. acc. on, about, around, on the outside, round about, CP, ChrL, Æ. II. adv. about, nearly, ChrC. [= onbūtan; ‘about’]

ābycgan to buy, pay for, requite: redeem: perform, execute.

ābyffan to mutter, WW 447^24.

ābȳgan (ē) to bend, deflect: subdue, bring low: convert.

ābȳgendlic v. un-ā.

ābylg-, ābylig- = ǣbylg-

ā-byrgan, -byrian to taste, eat.

ābyrging (-iri-) f. taste.

ābysgian to busy, occupy, employ: engage in, undertake: take up, fill, GD.

ābysgung f. occupation: trouble.

ābȳwan (ēo) to rub off, polish, cleanse, purify.

ac I. conj. but: but also, moreover, nevertheless, however: because, for (?): and (?), #An# 569. ac gif unless, except, #Bl# 151. [Goth. ak] II. interrog. particle, why, wherefore, whether: in direct questions = L. nonne, numquid.

āc f. gds. and np. ǣc ‘oak,’ Æ, Ct, Lcd; Mdf: (‡) ship of oak: (w. nap. ācas) name of the rune for =a=. [OHG. eih]

ācǣgan = ācīgan

ācǣglod ‘serratus,’ #Nar# 20^26.

ācænn- = ācenn-

ācærran = ācirran

ācalan^6 to become frost-bitten, #Lcd# 2b.

acan^6 to ‘ache,’ suffer pain, Æ.

acas, acase f. (NG) = æcs

ācbēam m. oak-tree.

accent m. accent. [L.]

accutian ?= ācunnian

āccynn n. a kind of oak, WW 430^6.

ācdrenc m. oak drink, drink made from acorns?, WW.

ace = ece

ācealdian to become cold, Æ, CP. [‘acold’]

ācēapian to buy off, buy out.

ācēlan to cool off, still, quiet, Met. [‘akele’]

ācelma = ǣcelma

ācen = ǣcen

ācennan to bring forth, produce, renew, Bo, WG; Æ: attribute to. [‘akenne(d)’]

ācennedlic ‘genuinus,’ native, OEG.

ācennednes (WG; Æ), -cennes (CP, NG; AO) f. birth. [‘akenn(ed)nes’]

ācennend m. parent, DR 197^11.

ācennicge f. mother, DR.

ācenning f. birth, #Bk# 16.

ācēocian (tr.) to choke: (intr.) burn out.

ācēocung f. ‘ruminatio,’ WW 179^2.

āceorfan^3 to cut off, hew down, AO, CP. onweg ā. to cut away. of ā. to cut off, AO.

ācēosan^2 to choose, AO, CP.

acer = æcer

ācerr- = ācirr-

ācīgan to call, summon.

ācirran (e, y) (tr.) to turn, turn away or aside: (intr.) turn oneself, go, return.

ācirrednes v. onweg-ā. [[headword spelled “onwegācyrrednes”]]

ācl = ācol

āclǣc == āglǣc

āclǣnsian to cleanse, purify, Æ.

āclēaf n. oak leaf, #Lcd#.

āclēofan^2 to cleave, EC 351^10.

ācleopian to call out, WW 378^5.

+āclian † to frighten, excite. [ācol]

āclungen contracted, WW 239^37. [clingan]

ācmelu n. acorn meal, #Lcd#.

ācmistel f. mistletoe, #Lcd#.

ācn- = ēacn-

ācnāwan^1 to know, recognise, understand.

ācnyssan to drive out, expel, #SPs# 35^13.

ācofrian to recover, Lcd. [‘acover’]

ācol † affrighted, dismayed.

ācōlian to grow cold, CP.

ācolitus m. acolyte, LL [L.].

ācolmōd † fearful minded, timid.

+ācolmōdian to cast down, sadden, WW 209^16. [ācol]

ācordian to make terms, reconcile, #Chr# 1120.

ācorenlic eligible, worthy of choice, CP 409^36.

ācostnian to try, test, prove, CM, WW.

ācræftan to think out, devise, AO 46^29.

ācrammian to cram, WW 236^10.

ācrēopian to creep, crawl, Æ.

ācrimman^3 (y) to cram, stuff, WW.

ācrind f. oak bark, #Lcd#.

ācrummen pp. of ācrimman.

acs = æx

ācs- = āsc-

acse = asce

āctān m. oak-twig, #Lcd#.

āctrēo n. oak-tree, #Wif# 28^36.

ācucian (Æ) = ācwician

ācul = ācol

ācuma (Æ) = ācumba

ācuman^4 to come, come forth (from), Æ: bear, bring: endure, withstand, Æ: get to or from, reach, Gen. [‘acome’]

ācum-ba m., -be fn. ‘oakum,’ hards, tow, Lcd, OEG, WW: ashes of oakum: parings, clippings. [cemban]

ācumendlic tolerable, Æ: possible.

ācumendlīcnes f. possibility.

ācunnan (NG) = oncunnan

ācunnian to try, test, prove: experience, CP.

ācunnung f. experience, trial, GD.

ācusan to accuse, MtL 12^10 [L.].

ācwacian to tremble.

ācwæncan = ācwencan

ācweccan (tr.) to move, swing, shake, vibrate, Ma; Æ: (intr.) quiver, Æ. [‘aquetch’]

ācwelan^4 to die, perish, Æ, AO, CP.

ācwellan to kill, destroy, JnL; Æ, AO, CP. [‘aquell’]

ācwellednes (eæ^2) f. slaughter, #EPs# 43^22.

ācwencan to quench, extinguish, Mt; AO. [‘aquench’]

ācweorna m. squirrel, Gl. [‘aquerne’]

ācweorran^3 to guzzle, gorge, #ELPs# 77^71.

ācwern = ācweorna

ācwerren = ācworren pp. of ācweorran.

ācweðan^5 to say, speak out, declare, utter, express, answer, Gen: reject, banish, #Gen# 304. [‘acweath’]

ācwician (tr.) to quicken, vivify, Ps: (intr.) revive, BH. [‘aquick’]

ācwīnan^1 to dwindle away, disappear, go out (of fire), BH, #LPs#.

ācwincan^3 to vanish, be extinguished or eclipsed.

ā-cwucian, -cwycian = ācwician

ācwudu m. an oak wood, KC 6·218^19.

ācwylan = ācwelan

ācwylman to kill, slay.

ācwylmian to be tormented, W 220^5.

ācwyncan = ācwencan

ācynned = ācenned pp. of ācennan.

ācyrr- = ācirr-

ācȳðan to show, proclaim, reveal, announce, confirm, prove.

ād mn. heap, funeral pile, pyre: fire, flame. [OHG. eit]

ādǣlan to divide, separate.

ādēadian to fail, decay, mortify, become torpid or callous, Æ.

ādēafian to became deaf, WW 179^25.

ādēafung f. deafening, making deaf, Lcd. [v. ‘adeave’]

ādel I. = ādl. II. = ādela

ādela m. mud, dirt, filth, filthy place, Æ. [‘addle’]

ādelfan^3 to delve, dig, excavate, Æ, AO, CP.

ādeliht filthy, WW.

ādelsēað m. sewer, sink, Æ.

ādēman to judge, try, deprive of or exclude from by a legal decision: try, afflict.

ādeorcian to become dull, obscure, tarnished, CP: grow dark, W.

āderian to hurt, GD 219^19.

adesa m., adese f. ‘adze,’ hatchet, BH, W.

ādexe = āðexe

ād-faru f. ds. -fære way or path to the funeral pile, B 3010.

ādfini n. limit? ash-heap of a beacon? EC 354^5.

ādfȳr n. sacrificial fire, #Ex# 398.

+ādgian = +ēadgian

ādihtan to compose, write.

ādihtian to regulate, arrange, order, CP.

ā-dīlegian, -dīl(i)gian (ȳ) to destroy, blot out, annihilate, devastate, CP.

ādimmian to become dim or dull, to darken, obscure, CP.

ādl fn., ādle f. disease, infirmity, sickness, AO, CP.

ādlēg m. flame of the funeral pile, #Ph# 222.

±ādlian to be diseased or ill, languish, Æ: cause disease, DR.

ādlig sick, diseased, Æ.

ādliga m. sick person

ādliht = ādeliht

ādloma m. one crippled by fire, #Gu# 884. [lama?]

ādlsēoc sick of a contagious disease, ES 39·322.

ādl-ðracu ‡ f. gs. -ðræce force of disease.

ādlung f. illness, ÆH 1·122^31.

ādlwērig weary from illness, #Gu# 981.

ādōn (for conj. v. dōn) to take away, send away: cast out, expel, destroy: (w. preps. to, on, from, etc.) put, place, take, remove, set free, AO, CP.

adosa = adesa

ādrǣdan = ondrǣdan

ādrǣfan to drive away, shut out, expel, AO, CP. [‘adreve’]

ādrǣnct = ādrenced pp. of ādrencan.

ādragan^6 to draw (sword), HL 15^356.

ādrēfan = ādrǣfan

adreminte f. feverfew.

ādrencan to submerge, immerse, drown, AO. [‘adrench’]

ādrēogan^2 to act, perform, do, practise, Æ: bear, suffer, endure, An; CP: pass time, live, Æ. [‘adree’]

ādrēogendlic bearable.

ādrēohan = ādrēogan

ādrēopan^2 to drip, drop, #An#.

ādrēosan^2 to fall to pieces, decline, vanish, fail.

ādrīfan^1 to drive, drive away, drive out, pursue, follow up, LL; Æ, AO, CP: stake out (a ford): chase (metal), Æ. [‘adrive’]

ādrīgan = ādrȳgan

ādrincan^3 be drowned, extinguished, BH; AO. [‘adrink’]

ādrūgian, ādrūwian (Mt, Æ) to dry up. [‘adroughe’]

ādrȳgan (ī) to become dry, dry up, wither, CP: dry, wipe dry.

ādrysnan to extinguish, repress, NG.

adsa = adesa

adulsēað = adelsēað [[headword spelled “ādelsēað”]]

ādumbian to become dumb, keep silence, Mk; Æ. [v. ‘dumb’ vb.]

a-dūn, -dūna, -dūne adv. down, downward, Æ. [= ofdūne]

adūne(ā)stīgan to descend, #CPs#.

adūnfeallan to fall down, #EPs# 144^14.

adūnweard adv. downwards, ChrL. [‘a-downward’]

ādūstrigan = andūstrian

ādwǣscan (ē) to put out, quench, extinguish, blot out, destroy, AO: suppress, Æ, CP.

ā-dwelian to wander, stray.

ādwellan, pret. 3 sg. -dwealde to seduce, lead astray: hinder, Æ.

ādwēscan = ādwǣscan

ādwīnan^1 to dwindle or waste away.

ādȳdan to destroy, mortify, kill, Æ. [‘adeaden’]

ādȳfan to overpower with sound.

ādylf = ādealf pret. of ādelfan.

ādȳlgian, ādȳlegian = ādīlegian

ādymman = ādimmian

ādysgian to make foolish, W 185^12.

ǣ- accented verbal prefix, = (1) without; (2) ā-.

ǣ I. f. also ǣw f. (and m. or n.? in NG) law (divine or human), custom, covenant, AO, CP; WG, NG. butan ǣ outlaw: (esp. in pl.) rite, ceremony: faith, religion. unrihte ǣ false religion. Crīstes ǣ gospel: scriptures, revelation: marriage, Æ: (lawful) wife. For some comps. v. ǣw-. [‘æ’] II. = ēa I. III. interj. oh! alas!

ǣa I. = ēa I. II. gp. of ǣ.

æal- = eal-

ǣalā interj. = ēalā

ǣar- = ēar-

āeargian to become remiss, AO 212^20.

ǣbǣre (ē LL) manifest, notorious, public, open, evident, clear. [‘eber’]

āebbian to ebb away, recede, #Chr#.

æbbung (= ebb-) f. ‘ebbing.’ sǣ æ. gulf, bay, WW 154

ǣbebod n. injunction of the law, command, #PPs# 118^102.

ǣbēc fp. books of the law, WW 439^15.

ǣbēre = ǣbǣre

ǣbesn = ǣfesn [[headword spelled “æfesn”]]

ǣbilg-, -bili(g)- = ǣbylg-

ǣblǣc- = āblǣc-

ǣblǣce lustreless, pale, pallid.

ǣbod m. business, Æ: statute.

ǣboda m. messenger, preacher, #Gu# 909.

ǣbræce = ǣwbræce [[headword spelled “ǣwbrǣce”]]

ǣbreca = ǣwbreca

ǣbrecð f. sacrilege, #LPs#.

ǣbrucol sacrilegious, GPH 402.

æbs f? fir-tree, Æ. [L. abies]

ǣbylg n. = ǣbylgð

ǣbylga m. anger, #LPs# 77^49.

±ǣbylgan, -byli(g)an to make angry, offend, Æ.

ǣbylgnes f. anger, offence, Æ.

ǣbylgð, -bylgðu f. anger, AO.

ǣbylig- = ǣbylg-

ǣ-bylð, -bylygð = ǣbylgð

ǣc I. f. = āc. II. (N) = ēac

ǣcambe f. = ācumbe [[under “ācumba”]]

ǣcan = īecan

æccyrn = æcern

æce = ece

ǣce = ēce

æced = eced

æcedwīn n. wine mingled with myrrh, MkL 15^23.

ǣcēlan = ācēlan

ǣcelma m. chilblain, OEG, WW.

ǣcelmehte (ecil-) having chilblains, OEG 1523.

ǣcen I. a wood of oaks. II. oaken, WW 270^14. III. = ēacen pp. of ēacan.

æcer nap. æcras m. field, sown land, cultivated land, Mt; Æ, AO, CP; Mdf: a certain quantity of land, ‘acre,’ Æ; v. LL 2·267: crop.

æcerceorl m. countryman, farmer, NC 268.

æceren = æcern

æcerhege m. hedge of a field, KC 3·33^2.

æcermǣlum by acres, KC 6·98^5.

æcermann m. farmer, WW. [‘acreman’]

æcern n. nut, mast of tree, Æ (i^2): ‘acorn,’ WW.

æcernspranca m. ‘ilex,’ oak sapling? #ÆGr# 69^15.

æcersǣd n. seed enough for an acre? #Chr# 1124.

æcerteoðung f. tithe of the produce of the soil, W 310^24.

æcertȳning f. fencing, EC 377^9.

æcerweorc n. field-work, GPH 391.

æces = æx

æcest, æceð pres. 2 and 3 sg. of acan.

ǣcilma = ǣcelma

æcirn = æcern

ǣclǣca = āglǣca

ǣclēaw = ǣglēaw

ǣcnōsle degenerate, not noble, WW.

+ǣcnōsliende degenerating, WW 218^12.

ǣcræft † m. knowledge of law or ordinances, religion.

ǣcræftig learned in the law; as sb. = lawyer, scribe, Pharisee.

æcras v. æcer.

æcren = æcern

æcs f. ‘axe,’ pickaxe, hatchet, CP; Mt (æx).

æcst, æcð pres. 2 and 3 sg. of acan.

ǣcumba = ācumba

æcur = æcer

æcyrf m. (wood-)choppings, BH 224^15.

æd (NG) = æt

æd- = ed-

ædderseax (WW) = ǣdreseax

æddre, ǣdr = ǣdre

ǣdre I. f. artery, vein, pulse, nerve, sinew, B; AO: pl. veins, kidneys: runlet of water, fountain, spring, stream. [‘eddre’] II. adv. at once, directly, instantly, quickly: (†) fully, entirely. [OS. ādro]

ǣdreseax (der) n. lancet, WW 410^10.

ǣdreweg m. artery, vein.

ǣdrīfan = ādrīfan

ædwist = edwist

æfæst = æfest

ǣfæst = ǣwfæst

æfdæll -dell (NG) = ofdæle

æfdȳne m. declivity, #Gl#.

ǣfelle without skin, peeled, WW 190^31.

æfen = efen

ǣfen (ē) nm. ‘even,’ evening, eventide, B, MkL, Gu (ēfn). tō ǣfenes till evening: eve, RB.

ǣfencollatio the ‘collatio’ read before compline, NC 268.

ǣfendrēam m. even-song, RB.

ǣfengebed n. evening service, WW 129^34.

ǣfengereord n. evening meal, supper (often used in pl. of one meal).

ǣfengereordian to sup, give supper to, CM 1030.

ǣfengereordung f. supper, NC 269.

ǣfengeweorc n. evening work, #Lcd# 70b.

ǣfen-giefl, -gifl n. evening repast, supper, AO, CP.

ǣfen-glōm, -glōma m., -glōmung (omm-, eom-) f. gloaming, twilight.

ǣfengrom fierce at eve, B 2074.

æfenian = æfnian [[headword spelled “ǣfnian”]]

ǣfenlāc n. evening sacrifice, evening prayer, #PPs# 140^3.

ǣfenlǣcan to grow towards evening, Lk 24^29.

ǣfenlēoht n. evening light, B 403.

ǣfenleoð † n. evening song.

ǣfenlic of the evening; adv. -līce.

ǣfenlof n. lauds (service), CM 1035.

ǣfenmete m. supper.

ǣfenoffrung f. evening sacrifice, NC 269.

ǣfenrǣding f. reading (during the evening meal at a monastery), ‘collatio,’ CM.

ǣfenrepsung f. nightfall, Æ.

ǣfen-rest, -ræst † f. evening rest.

ǣfensang m. ‘evensong,’ Æ, RB.

ǣfensceop m. evening singer, bard, #Rd# 9^5. [scop]

ǣfenscīma m. evening splendour, #Gen# 2448.

ǣfensprǣc f. evening talk, B 759.

ǣfensteorra m. the evening star, Hesperus, Bo; Æ. [‘evenstar’]

ǣfen-tīd f., -tima m. eventide, Æ.

ǣfenðēnung f. evening service: evening repast, supper.

ǣfenðēowdōm m. evening service or office, WW 129^34.

ǣfenung = ǣfnung

ǣfer = ǣfre

æferðe f. name of a plant, #Lcd#.

æfes- = efes-

æfesa ? m., æfese (m.) f. = æfesn

æfesn, æfesen f. relish, dainty, special pasturage, pannage; the charge for special pasturage, LL.

æfesne ?= æpsen?

æfest mf. envy, hatred, malice, spite, CP; El, Ps: zeal, rivalry. [‘evest’]

ǣfest == ǣwfæst

æfestful full of envy.

±æfestian -igian to be or become envious.

æfestig envious: zealous.

æfestlīce = ofostlīce [[under “ofost”]]

æfgælð f. superstition, OEG.

æfgerefa (-groefa) ‘exactor,’ LkL 12^58.

æfgrynde n. abyss, #PPs# 35^6.

æfhynde = ofhende

æfian (-an?) to be in a miserable condition, #Cr# 1357 (or æfnan? Gollancz).

æfisc (EC 291) = efesc [[under “efes”]]

æflāst m. a wandering from the way? #Ex# 473.

±æfnan (e) to carry out, do, perform, fulfil: cause: endure, suffer: (+) hold, sustain. [ON. efna]

æfne = efne

±ǣfnian to grow towards evening, Æ.

ǣfnung f. ‘evening,’ sunset, Æ.

ǣfre adv. ‘ever,’ at any time, Sat, Mt: always, constantly, perpetually, Cr, RB; Æ, CP: henceforth: ne ǣ.; ǣ. ne (= nǣfre) never; ǣ. tō aldre for ever. ǣ. ǣlc, W, Chr. ǣ. ǣnig any at all, KC.

æfreda m. what is taken or separated from, OEG (Napier). [æf; *hreda (hreddan)]: tow, oakum (BT).

ǣfremmende pious, religious, #Jul# 648.

æfse I. = efes. II. = æbs

æfsecgan to confute, ES 42^163.

æfst == æfest

æfsweorc n. pasturage, WW 410^12 (= *æfesweorc).

æft = eft

æftan adv. from behind, behind, in the rear, Ma. [‘aft’]

æftanweard adj. behind, in the rear, following, #Rd# 63^5.

æftemest adj. last, hindmost, Æ, AO.

æfter I. prep. (w. d., i. and--chiefly N.--a.) (local and temporal) after, along, behind, through, throughout, during: (causal) following, in consequence of, according to, for the purpose of: (object) after, about, in pursuit of, for. II. adv. after, then, afterwards, thereafter: thereupon, later, back (= in return). æ. ðon, ðæm, ðisum; æ. ðæm (ðon, ðan) ðe; afterwards, thereafter.

æftera = æfterra

æfterǣ f. the book Deuteronomy, Æ.

æfterboren adj. ‘afterborn,’ posthumous, ÆGr.

æftercweðan^5 to speak after, repeat. æftercweðendra lof praise from posterity: to renounce, abjure, #Chr# 1094.

æftercyning m. later king, BH 140^24 B.

æfterealu n. small beer, WW 129^4.

æfterfilian = æfterfylgan [[under “æfterfolgan”]]

æfterfiligend = æfterfylgend

æfterfolgere m. follower, AO 142^23.

æfter-folgian, -fylgan (AO) to follow after, succeed, pursue.

æfterfylgednes f. sequel, ÆL 23b^365.

æfterfylgend m. follower, successor, AO, -līce in succession.

æfterfylgendnes f. succession, SHy 11.

æfterfylgung (eft-) f. pursuit.

æfterfylig- = æfterfylg-

æfter-genga, -gengea m. follower, successor: descendant, Æ.

æftergengel m. successor, KC.

æftergengnes f. succession, Æ: posterity: inferiority.

æftergyld n. further payment, LL.

æfterhǣðe f? autumn drought, AO 102^7.

æfterhyrigan to imitate, BH.

æfterlēan n. reward, recompense, restitution, retribution, #Gen# 76.

æfterlic second, WW 505^19.

æfterra (comp.) second, following, next, latter, lower, CP.

æfter-rāp (Æ) -ræpe m. crupper.

æfterrīdan^1 to ride after.

æfterrōwan^7 to row after, ES 41^325.

æfterryne m. ‘occursus,’ #CPs# 18^7.

æftersang m. (after-song), matins, CM 449.

æftersingallic (= -sanglic) of matins, CM 476.

æftersingend m. succentor, WW 129^23.

æftersona soon, afterwards, again, NG.

æfterspræc f. after-claim, LL 398^7.

æftersprecan^5 to claim, LL 226[9,4].

æfterspyrian to track out, search, inquire into, examine, CP.

æfterweard adj. after, following, further, behind, in the rear, later, Æ.

æfterweardnes f. posterity, WW 464^18.

æfterwriten written afterwards, #Lcd# 69b.

æfterwyrcan to cause, effect.

æfter-yld, -yldo f. †advanced age, old age: after age, later time, BH. [ield(o)]

æfteweard = æfterweard

æftewearde adv. behind.

æftra = æfterra

æftresta superl. last.

æftum adv. after, MtR 24^21.

æftyr = æfter

æfðanc, æfðanca (o, u) m. insult, offence: grudge, displeasure, anger.

æf-weard (CP) -ward absent.

æfweardnes f. absence, #Bo#, GD.

æfwela f. decrease of wealth, #Lcd# 3·170^13.

æfwendla (WW 223^1) = æfwyrdla

æf-werdelsa, -wyrdelsa m. injury, damage, loss.

æfwyrdla, m. injury, damage, loss: fine for injury or loss.

æfwyrð(u) ? f. degradation, disgrace, RB.

ǣfyllende fulfilling the law, pious, #Cr# 704.

ǣfyn = ǣfen

ǣfyrmða fp. sweepings, rubbish. [feormian]

ǣg n. (nap. ǣgru) ‘egg,’ Lcd, Lk, OET, Met.

ǣg = īeg

ǣgan = āgan

æge = ege

ǣgen = āgen

ǣgera (K) dp. of ǣg.

ǣgerfelma f. egg-skin, #Lcd# 20b.

ǣgergelu n. yolk of egg, #Gl#. [ǣg, geolu]

ǣgflota m. seafarer, sailor, #An# 258. [īeg]

ǣggemang n. egg-mixture, WW.

ǣg-hwā mf., -hwæt, n. pron. each one, every one, everything, who or whatever. ǣghwǣt neut. anything. [ǣg = āgi]

ǣghwǣr everywhere, in every direction, Mk; Æ: in every case, in every respect: anywhere. [‘aywhere’]

ǣghwæs (gs. of ǣghwā) altogether, in every way, entirely, wholly, throughout, in general.

ǣghwæt v. ǣghwā.

ǣghwæðer (ǣgðer, āðer). I. pron. each or every one (of two or more), ‘either,’ both, AO, Mt (gð). II. conj. ǣghwæðer (ge)...ge; ǣgðer...and both...and; as well...as.

ǣg-hwanan, -hwanon(e), -hwannon, -hwanum, from all parts, everywhere, on every side, in every way.

ǣg-hwār, -hwēr = ǣghwǣr

ǣghwelc = ǣghwilc

ǣghweðer = ǣghwæðer

ǣghwider on every side, in all directions: in any direction, anywhere.

ǣghwilc adj. each, every, whosoever, whatsoever, all, every one, Bo, Met. ǣ. ānra each. ǣ. ōðer each other, Ma. ǣghwilces in every way. [v. ‘each’]

ǣg-hwonan, -hwonon (CP), -hwonene = ǣghwanan

ǣghwyder = ǣghwider

ǣghwylc = ǣghwilc

ǣgift f. (m? n?) restitution, repayment.

ǣgilde adv. receiving no ‘wergild’ as compensation, LL.

ǣgilt = ǣgylt

ǣglǣc == āglǣc

ǣglēaw learned in the law.

ǣglēca = āglǣca

ǣglīm m. white of egg. [līm]

ǣgmang (WW 4^89) = ǣggemang

ǣgmore f. root of the eye, socket? #Lcd# 3·98^5. [ēage]

ægnan sb. pl. awns, sweepings, chaff, #Gl#. [v. egenu]

ǣgnes = āgnes, v. āgen.

ǣgnian = āgnian

ǣgru v. ǣg.

ægsa = egsa [[under “egesa”]]

ǣgscill (y) f. eggshell, #Lcd#.

ǣgðer = ǣghwæðer

ǣgweard f. watch on the shore, B 241. [īeg]

ǣgwern = ǣghwǣr

ǣgwyrt f. dandelion, #Lcd# 158b.

ǣgylde = ǣgilde

ǣgylt m. sin, offence. [ǣw, gylt]

ǣgype without skill or cunning (BT), #PPs# 106^10.

æhher (MkR 4^28) = ēar

ǣhīw n. pallor, OEG 4897.

ǣhīwe pallid: deformed.

ǣhīwnes f. pallor, #Lcd# 1·294^3.

ǣhlȳp m. breach of the peace, assault, LL. [cp. æthlȳp]

æht == eaht

ǣht I. f. (rare in sg.) possessions, goods, lands, wealth, cattle, Mk; AO: ownership, control. [āgan: ‘aught’ sb.] II. = ōht

āēhtan to persecute, LkL 21^12.

ǣhtboren born in bondage, RB 11^20.

ǣhte = āhte pret. sg. of āgan.

ǣhteland n. territory, BH 358^14.

æhtemann m. tiller of the soil, serf, farmer, Æ.

ǣhteswān m. swineherd who was a chattel on an estate, LL 449^7.

ǣhtgesteald n. possession, #Jul# 115.

ǣhtgestrēon n. possessions, #Ph# 506.

ǣtgeweald † mn. power, control.

æhtian = eahtian

+æhtle f. esteem, B 369.

æhtowe (LkR 2^21) = eahta

ǣhtspēd f. wealth, riches, #LPs# 103^24.

ǣhtspēdig rich.

ǣhtwela † m. wealth, riches.

ǣhtwelig wealthy, rich, #Jul# 18.

ǣhwænne = āhwænne

ǣhwǣr, -hwār = āhwǣr

[[Printed on one line: ǣhwænne, ǣhwǣr, -hwār = āhwænne, āhwær]]

ǣhwyrfan = āhwierfan

æhx = æcs

æig = æg [[error for “ǣg”?]]

æl- prefix = I. eal(l)-. II. el(e)-.

æl m. piercer, ‘awl,’ Æ.

ǣl m. ‘eel,’ WW; Mdf.

ǣlā = ēalā

ǣlǣdend m. legislator, #SPs# 9^21.

ǣlǣrende m. teacher of the law, instructor in religion, #El# 506.

ǣlǣte I. n. desert place. II. desert, empty, W 47^21. III. f. divorced woman.

ǣlǣten I. = ālǣten pp. of ālǣtan. II. = ǣlǣte II.

ǣlagol lawgiving, GPH 397^363.

ǣlan to kindle, light, set on fire, burn, Æ, CP.

ǣlārēow (-lārua) m. teacher of the law, Pharisee, NG.

ælað = ealað

ælbeorht = eallbeorht

ælbitu (#Gl#) = ilfetu

ǣlc [ēlc, ylc (#VPs#); v. ‘each’] I. (pron. subst.) any, all, every, each (one), Æ, AO, CP. ǣlc...ōðrum the one...the other. II. (adj. pron.) each, Lcd: any, CP.

ǣlceald † altogether cold, very cold.

ælcor = elcor

ælcra = elcra [[under “elcora”]]

ælcræftig † almighty, all-powerful.

ǣlcuht (AO) ælcwuht n. everything.

æld = æled [[headword spelled “ǣled”]]

æld- = ield-

ældewuta (NG) = ealdwita

ǣlecung = ōleccung

ǣled † m. gs. ǣldes fire, firebrand. ǣ. weccan to kindle a fire, #Whale# 21. [ON. eldr]

ǣledfȳr n. flame of fire, #Ph# 366?

ǣledlēoma m. fire-brand, B 3125.

ælegrǣdig greedy, ÆL 18^213. [eall-]

ælegrēne (#RPs# 127^3) = eallgrēne

ælelendisc = elelendisc

ælemidde f. exact middle, Æ.

ǣlenge I. lengthy, tedious, vexatious, CP. [‘elenge’] II. weariness.

ǣlengnes f. tediousness, #Sc#, WW.

ælepe ? ‘origanum,’ wild marjoram, WW 299^19. [ælene? BT]

ǣlepūte f. ‘eel-pout,’ burbot, WW.

æleð pres. 3 sg. of alan.

ǣleð, ǣlð = ǣled

ælewealdend = eallwealdend

ælf mf. (pl. ielfe, ylfe) ‘elf,’ sprite, fairy, goblin, incubus, B, Lcd.

ælfādl f. nightmare, #Lcd# 123b.

ælfæle = ealfelo

æl-faru, -fær f. whole army, host, #Ex# 66.

ælfcynn n. elfin race, #Lcd# 123a.

ælfer = ælfaru

ǣl-fisc, -fix m. eel, TC 242^11.

ælfitu = ylfetu [[under “ylfet” (defined under “ilfetu”)]]

æl-fremed, -fremd, (el-) strange, foreign, Æ: (+) estranged, #LPs# 57^4: (w. fram) free, separated from, Æ.

ælfremeda (el-) m. stranger, foreigner.

ælfremedung f. ‘alienatio,’ RHy 5^14.

ælf-scīene (ī^2ȳ^2) † bright as an elf or fairy, beautiful, radiant.

ælfsiden f. elvish influence, nightmare, #Lcd# 120b.

ælfsogoða m. hiccough (thought to have been caused by elves), #Lcd# 124b.

ælfðēodlīce = elðēodiglīce

ælfðone f. nightshade, #Lcd# 123b.

ælfylce (= el-) † n. I. strange land. II. foreign band, enemy.

ǣlhyd f. eel receptacle? eel-skin? (BT) LL 455^17.

ǣlic (of the law), legal, lawful, Æ. adv. -līce.

ælifn f. sustenance, #Gl#? (v. ES 42·166)

ǣling f. burning, Æ: ardour.

ǣling- = ǣleng-

æll- = æl-, eal(l)-, el(l)-

ælmes = ælmesse

ælmesæcer m. ground of which the yield was given as alms, first-fruits, A 11·3^69.

ælmesbæð n. gratuitous bath, W 171^2.

ælmesdæd f. almsdeed, Æ.

ælmesdōnde giving alms, NC 269.

ælmesfeoh n. alms: Peter’s pence, Romescot, LL [‘almsfee’]

ælmesfull charitable.

ælmesgedāl n. distribution of alms.

ælmesgeorn charitable, Æ.

ælmesgifa (y^3) m. giver of alms, W 72^4.

ælmesgifu f. alms, charity, W 159^20.

ælmeshlāf m. dole of bread, TC 474^23.

ælmeslāc giving of alms, NC 269.

ælmeslēoht n. a light in church provided at the expense of a pious layman.

ælmeslic charitable: depending on alms, poor, -līce, adv. charitably, OET. (Ct.)

ælmeslond m. land granted in frankalmoigne. [almes-]

ælmesmann m. ‘almsman,’ bedesman, beggar, Lcd; Æ.

ælmespening m. alms-penny.

ælmesriht n. right of receiving alms.

ælmesse f. ‘alms,’ almsgiving, Da, Mt; Æ, CP. [L. eleēmosyna]

ælmessylen (e^3) f. almsgiving.

ælmesweorc n. almsdeed, #Bl# 25^17.

ælmidde = ælemidde

ælmiehtig = ælmihtig

ælmihtig (ea^2, e^2) adj. ‘almighty,’ B, Ps, TC; AO, CP: m. the Almighty.

ælmihtignes f. omnipotence, AS 59^13.

ælmyrca m. one entirely black, Ethiopian, #An# 432.

ælmysse = ælmesse

ǣlnet n. eel net, BH.

ǣlpig = ānlīpig [[under “ānlīpe”]]

ælren adj. of an alder tree, KC 7·316. [‘aldern’]

ælreord = elreord

ælsyndrig separately, LkR 2^3.

æltǣwe (ēo, ō) complete, entire, perfect, healthy, sound, true, Æ, AO, CP: noted, Æ. [Goth. tēwa]. -līce adv.

ælðēod (ælðied-) == elðēod

æl-walda, -wealda = ealwealda [[under “eallwealda”]]

ælwiht † m. strange creature, monster [= *elwiht]; (in pl.) = eallwihta

æmbern = embren

ǣmelle insipid, WW 429^30.

ǣmelnes f. slackness, sloth, Æ: weariness, disgust, WW.

ǣmen, ǣmenne (AO) uninhabited, desolate, desert.

ǣmenne solitude, AS 4^11 (v. Wfg 3).

ǣmerge f. embers, ashes, dust, Lcd; Æ. [‘ember’]

ǣmet- = ǣmett-

ǣmetbed n. ant-hill, #Lcd# 121b.

ǣmethwīl f. leisure, Æ.

ǣmethyll m. ant-hill, CP 191^25.

ǣmetian = ǣmtian

ǣmetta m. leisure, rest, CP. [mōt]

ǣmette f. ‘emmet,’ ant, Lcd, WW; Æ.

ǣmettig (CP), -m(e)tig (Æ) ‘empty,’ vacant, Bl, Æ: unoccupied, without employment, Æ: unmarried, CP.

ǣmettigian = ǣmtian

ǣminde n. forgetfulness, #Lcd# 1·384´.

ǣmōd dismayed, disheartened, Æ, AO.

ǣmt- = ǣmett-

±ǣmtian to ‘empty,’ Æ: to be at leisure, have time for, Æ, CP.

ǣmtignes f. emptiness, GD 35^17.

ǣmūða m. ‘cæcum intestinum,’ WW 160^11.

ǣmynde = ǣminde

ǣmyrce excellent, WW 393^38.

ǣmyrie = ǣmerge

ǣmytte = ǣmette

ǣn == ān

+æn- = +en-

ænbrece = unbrece

ænd- = end-

ǣne (āne) once, at some time, Æ, B: at any time: at once. [‘ene’]

æned = ened

ǣnes adv. once.

ǣnetre = ānwintre

ǣnett, ǣnetnes = ānet [[under “ānett”]]

ǣnga = ānga

ǣngancundes in a unique way? (BT), #Lcd# 162b.

ænge = enge

ængel = engel

Ænglisc = Englisc

ænid = ened

ǣnig adj. pron. and sb. ‘any,’ any one, Mk, Jn. ǣnige ðinga somehow, anyhow. [ān]

ǣnigge = ānēage

ǣnigmon any one, some one, NG.

ǣniht = āwuht

ǣninga = ānunga

ænlǣnan = onlǣnan

ǣnlefan = endlufon [[under “endleofan”]]

ǣnlēp- = ānlēp-

ǣnlic one, ‘only,’ singular, solitary, Ps; Lk: unique, glorious, noble, splendid, excellent, Bo; Æ, AO. adv. -līce.

ǣnlīpig (Æ) = ānlīpig [[under “ānlīpe”]]

ǣnne (AO, CP) v. ān.

ǣnote useless, LL 254[3,34].

ǣnrǣdnis = ānrǣdnes

ǣnyge = ānēage

ǣnytte = ǣnette [[form of “ǣnett”?]]

æpl == æppel

æpled = æppled

æppel m. (nap. æpplas, rarely ap(p)la, æppla) any kind of fruit, fruit in general: ‘apple,’ CP, Gen: apple of the eye, ball, anything round, Bo, CP, Sol.

æppelbǣre † fruit-bearing: apple-bearing.

æppelbearu m. orchard, #PPs# 78^2.

æppelberende apple-bearing, DR 98^16.

æppelcynn n. kind of apple, #Lcd# 67a.

æppelcyrnel n. apple pip, WW 440^23.

æppelfæt n. apple-vessel, ZDA 31·15^401.

æppelfealu apple-yellow, bay, B 2165.

æppelhūs n. fruit storehouse, WW.

æppelscealu f. apple-core, WW 371^1.

æppelscrēad n. (only in pl.) apple-parings, WW 118^1.

æppeltrēow n. ‘apple-tree,’ WW.

æppeltūn m. apple or fruit garden, orchard, Æ, CP.

æppelðorn m. crab-apple tree, BC 3·93´.

æppelwīn n. cider, WW 430^9.

æppled † shaped like an apple, round, embossed, El. [‘appled’]

æppul- = apul-

æps == æsp, æbs

æpsen shameless, OEG 7^301.

æpsenes f. disgrace.

ǣr I. adv. comp. ǣror; sup. ǣrost, ǣr(e)st ‘ere,’ before that, soon, formerly, beforehand, previously, already, lately, till; (comp.) sooner, earlier; (sup.) just now, first of all, OET, Jn, El: early, prematurely, Gu, Mk. on ǣr; ǣr ðissum previously, formerly, beforehand, CP. tō ǣr too soon. ǣr oððe æfter sooner or later. hwonne ǣr how soon? when? hwēne ǣr just before. on ealne ǣrne mergen very early in the morning. ne ǣr ne siððan neither sooner nor later. ǣr and sið at all times. II. conj. ‘ere,’ before that, until, Æ, AO, CP. ǣr ðam(ðe) before, B. III. prep. (w. d.) before. IV. adj. only in comp. and sup. (ǣrra, ǣrest) q.v. V. f. = ār f. VI. n. = ār n.

ǣr- = I. early, former. II. intensitive prefix.

ǣra I. m. scraper, strigil, #Gl#. II. = ǣrra

ǣrǣt m. excessive (or too early?) eating.

ærbe- = yrfe-, ierfe-

ǣrbeðoht premeditated.

ǣrboren earlier born, first-born (or ? two words), #Gen# 973.

ærc = earc

ærce == arce

ǣrcwide m. prophecy? #Mod# 4.

ǣrdǣd f. former deed.

ǣrdæg m. (nap. ǣrdagas) early day, early morn, dawn: in pl. former days, past times, AO.

ǣrdēað m. premature death, #Ex# 539.

ærdian = eardian

ærdon = ærndon? from ærnan (Grein), #Ma# 191.

ærdung = eardung

ǣre I. = ȳre. II. in comp. = -oared.

ǣrēafe (= ǣ^2) detected, TC 230^16.

ǣreldo ‘anteritus,’ WW 347^12.

ǣren made of brass, brazen, Æ, AO, CP: tinkling? [ār; cp. Ger. ehern]

ǣrendbōc f. message, letter.

ǣrenddraca (AO, CP) = ǣrendraca

ǣrende n. ‘errand,’ message, BH, Gu; AO: mission, An, Chr: answer, news, tidings, Æ.

ǣrendfæst commissioned with an errand, ÆL 26^221.

ǣrendgāst m. angel, #Gen# 2296.

ǣrendgewrit n. written message, letter, Æ, CP.

±ǣrendian to go on an errand, carry a message, send word to, CP: intercede, BH; Æ: (+)speed, succeed, W 238^9. [‘ernde’]

ǣrendraca m. messenger, apostle, ambassador, angel, Æ, AO: representative, substitute, proxy, BH 276^19.

ǣrendscip n. skiff, small boat.

ǣrendsecg m. messenger, #Gen# 658.

ǣrendsprǣc f. message, #Rd# 61^15.

ǣrendung f. errand: errand-going, RB. [‘ernding’]

ǣrend-wraca (AO) -wreca, (CP) = ǣrendraca

ǣrendwrit = ǣrendgewrit

ǣrenscip = ǣrendscip

ǣrer = ǣror

ǣrest I. adv. and superl. adj. first, at first, before all, Æ, CP. ðā, ðonne, siððan ǣ. as soon as. ǣ. ðinga first of all. II. = ǣrist

ǣrfæder m. forefather, B 2622.

ǣrfæst == ārfæst

ærfe == ierfe, yrfe

ǣrgedōn done before, CP.

ǣrgefremed before committed.

ǣrgelēred previously instructed, MtL 14^8.

ǣrgenemned, -gesæd = ǣrnemned

ǣrgestrēon † n. ancient treasure.

ǣrgeweorc † n. ancient work, work of olden times.

ǣrgewinn n. former strife or trouble, old warfare, #Cross# 19.

ǣrgewyrht † n. former work, deed of old.

ǣrglæd very bright, #Ex# 293.

ǣrgōd † good from old times?, very good.

ǣrhwīlum † erewhile, formerly.

ærian = erian

ærig (OET) = earh

ǣriht † n. code of law or faith.

ǣring f. day-break, early morning (A).

ǣrisc = ēarisc

ǣrist I. (ē) mfn. rising, VPs: resurrection, awakening, Jn; CP. [‘arist’] II. = ǣrest

ǣrlēof? very dear, OEG 56^296.

ǣrlēst = ārlēast

ǣrlic(ā) adj.; -līce adv. ‘early,’ Jn.

ǣrlyft f. early morning air, WW 415^13.

ærm = earm

ǣrmorgen (a^1, a^2, e^2) m. early morning, dawn, day-break.

ǣrmorgenlic of early morning, DR.

ærn n. dwelling, habitation, house, building, closet.

ǣrn = ǣren

ærnan to ‘run,’ ride, gallop, BH: (+) to ride, run to, reach, gain by running or riding, AO: = +iernan

ærndian = ærendian [[headword spelled “ǣrendian”]]

ǣrne-mergen, -merigen (Æ) = ǣrmorgen

ǣrnemergenlic matutinal, CM 277.

ǣrnemned aforementioned.

ærneweg m. road for riding on, race-course. [iernan]

ærnian = earnian

ærning f. ‘running,’ riding, racing, Bo, GD: flow of blood, MtL 9^20. (iorn-)

ærnð = ernð

ærnðegen (?) m. house-officer, #Gl#.

ærnung = earnung

ǣron = ǣrran [[form of “ǣrra”]]

ǣror I. adv. earlier, before, beforehand, formerly, Æ, AO: rather. II. prep. (w. d.) before.

ǣrost = ǣrest

ǣrra m. ǣrre fn. adj. earlier, former, Bo, El; CP. on ǣrran dæg the day before yesterday. [‘ere,’ ‘erer’]

ǣrror = ǣror

ærs = ears

ǣrsceaft ‡ f. old work, ancient building.

ærschen, ærshen = erschen

ǣrst = ǣrest

ǣrstæf = ārstæf

ǣr-ðam, -ðon, -ðamðe v. ǣr.

ærð- = yrð-

ǣrwacol early awake, Æ.

+ærwe depraved, wicked, #EPs# 100^4.

ǣrwela m. ancient wealth, B 2747.

ǣrworuld f. ancient world, #Cr# 937.

ǣrynd = ǣrend [[headword spelled “ǣrende”]]

ǣryr = ǣror

ǣryst I. = ǣrist. II. = ǣrest

ǣs n. food, meat, carrion: bait. [OHG. ās]

æsc I. m. nap. ascas ‘ash’-tree, Gl, KC; Mdf: name of the rune for =æ=: (†) spear, lance: ship, Æ. II. = æcs

ǣscære unshorn, untrimmed. [scieran]

ǣscan to demand (legally), LL 177´.

ǣscapo (WW 273^36) = ǣsceapa

æscberend † m., -bora † m. spear-bearer, soldier.

æscberende spear-bearing, #Gen# 2041.

æsce = asce

ǣsce f. asking, inquiry, search, LL: claim (to insurance money for theft of cattle), LL 175^2. [‘ask’ sb.]

ǣsceap (ē^1) n. remnant, patch.

æsceda fpl. refuse? WW 148^33.

æscegeswāp n. cinders, ashes, TC 318^33.

æscen I. fm. vessel of ash-wood, bucket, pail, bottle, cup. II. adj. made of ash-wood, ashen, #Lcd#.

æscfealu ashy-hued, WW 204^23.

æscgræg ashy gray, WW 204^24.

æschere m. naval force, #Ma# 69.

æscholt † n. spear of ash-wood, spear-shaft, lance (v. also Mdf).

ǣscian = ācsian [[under “āscian”]]

æscmann m. ship-man, sailor, pirate. [æsc]

æscplega m. play of spears, battle, #Jud# 217.

æscrind f. bark of the ash-tree, #Lcd#.

æscrōf † brave in battle.

æscstede m. place of battle, #Mod# 17; Mdf.

æscstederōd f. cross marking a battlefield? Ct (BT).

æsctīr m. glory in war, #Gen# 2069.

æscðracu f. battle, #Gen# 2153.

æsc-ðrote, -ðrotu f. a plant, ferula? vervain?

ǣsmæl smallness of the eye, #Lcd#.

ǣsmogu np. slough (of snake) #Lcd# 88a. [ā-smūgan]

æscwert = æscwyrt

æscwiga † m. (spear-) warrior.

æscwlanc † brave.

æscwyrt f. verbena, vervain.

ǣscyldian ‘delinquere,’ #PPs#.

ǣsellend (y^2) m. lawgiver.

æsil = hæsel

æslitend m. law-breaker, #LPs#.

æsne- = esne-

æsp = æspe I.

æspe I. f. aspen-tree, white poplar, #Gl#; Mdf. [‘asp^1’] II. = æbs

æspen adj. aspen.

ǣspreng, ǣspring(e) = ǣspryng

æsprind (ps) f. aspen, bark, Lcd. [‘asp’]

ǣspringnes = āsprungenes [[headword spelled “āsprungennes”]]

ǣspryng nf. spring, fountain, CP. [ēa]: departure, #Creat# 77.

ǣst I. = ǣrest. II. = ēst

ǣstǣnan = āstǣnan

ǣstan = ēastan

æstel m. book-marker, CP 9. [L. hastula]

æsul = esol

ǣswǣpe sbpl. sweepings, rubbish.

ǣswic m. offence, stumbling-block, infamy, seduction, deceit.

ǣswica, ǣswicend m. offender, deceiver, hypocrite, traitor.

ǣswice m. violation of God’s laws (or? adultery), W 164^3.

±ǣswician to offend, deceive, Æ: apostatize, WW 342^12: desert, Æ.

ǣswicnes f. stumbling-block, #LPs# 105^36.

ǣswicung f. offence, stumbling-block, Æ: deceit, Æ: sedition.

ǣswind idle, slothful, WW 422^13. [swīð]

ǣsyllend = ǣsellend

æt I. prep. (w. d. and, more rarely, a.) (local) ‘at,’ near, by, in, on, upon, with, before, next to, as far as, up to, into, toward: (temporal) at, at the time of, near, in, on, to, until: (causal) at, to, through: (source) from: (instrumental) by. æt fēawum wordum in few words, BH: in respect to, as to. II. adv. at, to, near. æt nehstan, æt siðestan finally. æt- in composition = at, to, from.

ǣt I. mfn. eatables, food, meat, flesh, Gu; Æ, AO. ǣt and wǣt food and drink, Æ: the act of feeding, eating, PPs; MkL (ē). [‘eat’ sb.] II. pret. 3 sg. of etan.

ǣt- = āte-

-ǣta v. self-ǣta.

ætǣwian = ætīewan

āetan^5 to eat, devour, AS 17^16; 37^5.

ætbēon anv. to be present.

ætberan^4 to carry to, bring, produce, show, Da: carry off, B. [‘atbear’]

ætberstan^3 to break out, or away, escape from, Æ. [‘atburst’]

ætbrēdan = ætbregdan

ætbrēdendlic ablative, #ÆGr# 23^7.

æt-bregdan, -brēdan^3 to take away, carry off, deprive of, snatch away, draw off, withdraw, Mt; Æ: release, rescue, enlarge: prevent, ÆL 31^126. [‘atbraid’]

ætclifian to adhere, #BJPs# 101^6.

ætclīðan to adhere, OET 181.

ætdēman to refuse, give judgment against, EC 202.

ætdōn anv. to take away, deprive.

ǣte = āte

ætēaca (eth-) m. ‘appendix,’ OEG 53^18.

ætēacnes = ætȳcnes

ætealdod too old, Æ (2^159).

ætēaw- = ætīew-, ætȳw-

ætēcan = ætȳcan

ætegār = ætgār [[under “ætgǣre”]]

æteglan to harm, #PPs# 88^19.

ætēode pret. 3 sg. of *ætgān he came.

ǣteorian = āteorian [[headword spelled “ātēorian”]]

ætēow- = ætīew-, ætȳw-

ætercyn = atorcyn [[headword spelled “ātorcyn”]]

ǣtere (ē^1) m. ‘eater,’ glutton, Prov; NG.

ǣtern I. (NG) viper. II. = ǣtren

ætēw- = ætīew-, ætȳw-

ætfæstan (= oð-) to inflict on, afflict with: fasten to, drive into, impart to, CP 115^19: commit, entrust: marry to.

ætfæstnian to fasten? entrust? AS 21^19.

ætfaran^6 to escape, #Shr# 14^23.

ætfeallan^7 to fall, fall out: fall away, fail, be reduced, LL; Æ: happen. [‘atfall’]

ætfele m. adhesion, #PPs# 72^23.

ætfeng m. attaching, distraint v. LL 2·279.

ætfeohtan^2 † to grope about.

ætfēolan^3 to stick to: adhere, apply oneself to, continue in, CP.

ætfeorrian to take from, #Sc# 160^7.

ætferian to carry away, bear off.

ætfīlan = ætfēolan

ætflēon^2 to flee away, escape by flight, Æ. [‘atflee’]

ætflōwan^7 to flow together, accumulate, #SPs# 61^10.

ætfōn^7 to seize upon, lay claim to, LL. [‘atfong’]

ætforan I. prep. w. d. before, in the presence of, in front of, close by, Jn; Æ. [‘atfore’]. II. adv. beforehand (time).

ætfyligan, -fylgan to adhere, cling to.

æt-gædere (AO), -gæddre (CP), -gædre, -gæderum adv. together, united, at the same time. [gadrian]

æt-gǣre n., -gār m. spear, dart, javelin, #Gl#.

ætgangan^7 to go to, approach, Az 183. [‘atgo’]

ætgeddre, -gedre = ætgædere

ætgenumen removed, taken away, WW 529^39.

ǣtgiefa † (eo, i) m. food-giver, feeder.

ætgifan^5 to render, give, B 2878.

ætglīdan^1 to slip away, disappear, OEG 7^132.

ætgrǣpe seizing. æ. weorðan seize, B 1268.

æthabban to retain, Æ.

æthealdan^7 to keep back, #Sc# 109^18.

æthebban^6 to take away, take out, hold back, Æ: exalt oneself, CP 113^13.

æthindan prep. w. d. behind, after, Chr; Æ. [‘athinden’]

æthlēapan^7 to run away, flee, escape, W 162^5.

æthlȳp m. assault. [cp. ǣhlȳp]

æthrīnan^1 to touch, move, Mt; Æ. [‘atrine’]

æthrine m. touch.

æthwā each, every one.

æthwāre somewhat, #HGl# 421^37.

æt-hwega, -hwæga, -hweg(u) adv. somewhat, tolerably, a little: how.

æthweorfan^3 to return, go back, B 2299.

æthwōn adv. almost, nearly.

æthȳd ‘eviscerata,’ (skinned? BT), WW 392´.

ætiernan^3 to run away, Æ. [‘atrin’]

ætīewan (oð-; ē, ēa, ēo, ī, ȳ) pret. sg. -īe(w)de, (tr.) to show, reveal, display, disclose, manifest, Mt (ȳ), CP: (intr.) show oneself, become visible, appear, Mt (ȳ). [‘atew’]

ǣting f. eating, #Sc# 170^45 (ē): pasture? Mdf.

ǣtinge (y^2) speechless, OEG 46^45.

ætis pres. 3 sg. of ætwesan, ætbēon.

ætīw- = ætīew-, ætȳw-

ætlǣdan (= oð-) to drive away, Æ. [‘atlead’]

ǣtlic adj. eatable, WW, LkL (ē).

ætlicgan^5 to lie idle, ÆGr 2^22. [‘atlie’]

ætlimpan^3 to fall away from, escape, be lost, Æ.

ætlūtian to lurk, hide, Æ. [‘atlutien’]

ætnēhstan (ȳ) adv. at last.

ætnes f. edibility, WW 226^11.

ætniman^4 to take away, deprive of, #Ex# 414.

ætol = etol

ǣton pret. pl. of etan.

ǣtor = ātor

ǣtorcynn = ātorcynn [[headword spelled “ātorcyn”]]

ǣtran = ǣtrian

ætreccan w. d. and a. to declare forfeit, deprive of, #Lcd#.

ǣtren poisoned, poisonous, MtL (-ern). [‘attern’]

ǣtrenmōd of venomous spirit, malignant (or? two words), #GnE# 163.

ǣtrennes f. poisonous nature, #Lcd# 55a.

±ǣtrian to poison, AO: become poisonous. [‘atter’]

ætrig poisonous, Lcd; Æ. [‘attery’]

ætrihte (y) I. adj. right at, near, present, at hand. II. adv. almost, nearly.

ætsacan^6 to deny, Lk; Æ: renounce, Mk. [‘atsake’]

ætsamne (æ, e, o) adv. united, together, at once, AO.

ætscēotan^2 to escape, disappear, MF (Vesp. D xiv).

ætscūfan^2 to shove away.

ætsittan^5 to sit by, remain, stay, Chr. [‘atsit’]

ætslāpan^7 to sleep beside, #Lcd# 83a.

ætslīdan^1 to slip, glide, fall, Æ.

ætsomne (Æ) = ætsamne

ætspornan^3 (u) to strike against, stumble, go wrong, CP: rebel (æt).

ætspornung f. offence, stumbling-block, misfortune, CM 230.

ætspringan^3 to rush forth, spurt out, B 1121. [‘atspring’]

ætspringnes, -sprung(en)nes f. defection.

ætspurnan = ætspornan

ætspyrning = ætspornung

ætst = itst pres. 2 sg. of etan.

ætst- = oðst-

ætstæl m. aid, assistance (GK); = ætsteall (BT), #Gu# 150.

ætstæppan^6 to step up to, B 745.

ætstandan^6 to stand still, stand at, near, in or by, Æ: remain, stand up: check, resist, Æ: cease, Lk; Æ. [‘atstand’]

ætstandend m. bystander, attendant, Æ.

ætstandende standing by, GD 284^21.

ætsteall m. assistance, meeting with hostile intent (GK): station, camp station (BT), #Wald# 1^21.

ætstent v. ætstandan.

ætstente v. ætstyntan.

ætstillan to still, #Lcd# 25b.

ætstrengan to withhold wrongfully, LL 206´.

ætstyntan to blunt, dull, weaken.

ætswerian^6 to deny on oath, LL.

ætswīgan to keep silence about (be) GD 217^18.

ætswimman^3 to escape by swimming, swim out, #Chr# 918.

āettan (āyttan) to eat up.

ǣtter, ǣttor = ātor

ǣttr- = ætr-

ætðringan^3 to take away from, deprive of.

ætweaxan^1 to increase (Swt.).

ætwegan^5 to bear away, carry off, B 1198.

ǣtwela abundance of food, feast, #Soul# 123.

ætwenian to wean from, LL 368´.

ætwesan anv. to be at hand.

ætwesende at hand, imminent, WW.

ætwindan^3 to escape, Æ. [‘atwind’]

ætwist I. † f. presence. II. = edwist

ætwītan^6 to reproach (with), censure, taunt, Met, Ps; CP. [‘atwite’]

ætwrencan to seize by fraud.

ætȳcan to add to, increase, BH. [īecan]

ætȳcnes f. increase, BH.

ǣtȳnan = ontȳnan

ǣtynge = ǣtinge

ætys = ætis pres. 3 sg. of ætwesan.

æt-ȳwan, -ȳwian = ætīewan

ætȳwednes f. showing, appearance, manifestation, revelation, GD.

ætȳwigendlic demonstrative, #ÆGr#.

ætȳwnes f. showing, manifestation, revelation: apparition, Æ: Epiphany.

ætȳwung f. manifestation, Epiphany, CM 531.

ǣðan I. (±)to make oath, swear. [āð] II. = īðan

æðel = æðele

ǣðel == ēðel

æðelboren of noble birth, distinguished, Æ: free-born, Æ: inborn, natural.

æðelborennes f. nobility of birth or nature, Æ: inborn nature, OEG 4518.

æðelcund of noble birth.

æðelcundnes f. nobleness, #Bo# 46^13.

æðelcyning m. noble king (Christ), Æ.

æðelduguð f. noble retinue, #Cr# 1012.

æðele noble, aristocratic, excellent, famous, glorious, Ex, Gen; Æ, AO, CP: splendid, fine, costly, valuable: lusty, young: pleasant, sweet-smelling, Gen: (+)natural, congenial, suitable. [‘athel’]

æðel-ferðingwyrt, -fyrdingwyrt f. stitch-wort (plant), #Lcd#.

+æðelian † to make noble or renowned, Hy. [‘i-athele’]

æðelic = æðellic

āðelic = ēaðelic

æðeling m. man of royal blood, nobleman, chief, prince, AO, #Chr# (v. LL 2·274): †king, Christ, God, Cr: †man, hero, saint; in pl. men, people, Gen. [‘atheling’]

æðelinghād n. princely state, #Lcd# 3·438^5.

æðellic noble, excellent. adv. -līce.

æðelnes f. nobility, excellence.

æðelo = æðelu

æðelstenc m. sweet smell, #Ph# 195.

æðeltungol † n. noble star.

æðelu fn. nobility, family, descent, origin, CP: nature: noble qualities, genius, talents, pre-eminence, Bo: produce, growth. [‘athel’]

ǣð- = ēð-

ǣðm (ē) m. air, breath, breathing, CP; Sat. (ē): vapour, B: blast, Æ. [‘ethem’]

ǣðmian to fume, exhale, emit a smell.

ǣðre = ǣdre

ǣðreclic terrible, #RPs# 95^4.

ǣðret- = āðryt-

ǣðrot n. disgust, weariness. [āðrēotan]

ǣðryt I. troublesome, wearisome, disgusting. II. n. weariness, disgust, tediousness, Æ.

ǣðryte = ǣðryt I.

ǣðrytnes f. tedium, v. OEG 4582.

ǣðryttan to weary, Æ.

æðða (Bd, Death-song) = oððe

ǣw I. = ǣ. II. = ǣwe

ǣwǣde without clothes, WW 230^38.

ǣwan to despise, scorn, #Ps#.

ǣwbrǣce despising the law, Æ: adulterous, LL.

ǣwbreca (i, y) m. adulterer, LL (y). [‘eaubruche^2’]

ǣwbryce m. adultery, Æ; LL. [‘eaubruche^1’]

ǣwda, æwdamann m. witness, compurgator, LL.

ǣwe I. fn. married woman, Æ: married people. II. lawful: married: born of the same marriage.

ǣwelm = ǣwielm

ǣwenbrōðor m. brother by the same marriage, WW 413^29.

ǣwēne doubtful, uncertain.

ǣwerd adj.? religious, or sb.? regular priest, ANS 128·298. [cp. ǣweweard]

æwerdla = æfwyrdla

ǣweweard m. priest, #Bl# 161^27.

ǣwfæst upright, pious, devout, religious, Æ, CP: married, Æ.

ǣwfæsten n. legal or public fast.

ǣwfæstlic lawful: religious, CP (ǣf-). adv. -līce.

ǣwfæstnes f. religion, piety.

ǣwicnes f. eternity, #RPs# 102^17 (v. p. 303).

ǣwielm (e, i, y), -wielme m. source, fount, spring, beginning, AO, CP. [= ēawylm]

ǣwintre = ānwintre

ǣwis- = ǣwisc-

ǣwisc I. nf. offence, shame, disgrace, dishonour, AO. [Goth. aiwisks] II. disgraced, shameless, indecent.

ǣwiscberende disgraceful, shameful, WW 264^42.

ǣwisce = ǣwisc I.

ǣwisc-ferinend (#Gl#), -firina (NG) m. shameless sinner, publican.

ǣwisclic disgraceful, infamous, OEG.

ǣwiscmōd ashamed, abashed, cowed.

ǣwiscnes f. shameless conduct: reverence.

ǣwita m. counsellor, #El# 455.

ǣwlic legal, lawful. adv. -līce.

±ǣwnian to marry, Æ.

ǣwnung f. wedlock, OEG.

ǣwul basket with a narrow neck for catching fish, WW 181^11. [?= cawl, BT]

ǣwumboren lawfully born, LL 76´.

ǣwung = ǣwnung

ǣwunge = ēawunge [[under “ēawunga”]]

ǣwyll m. stream, BC 1·542.

ǣ-wylm, -wylme = ǣwielm

æwyrdla = æfwyrdla

ǣwyrp m. throwing away: what is cast away: an abortion. [āweorpan]

ǣwysc- = æwisc-

æx == æcs, eax

æxe = asce

æxeȳr f. axe-head, #Chr# 1012#e#. [ȳr]

æxfaru f. ‘apparatus,’ naval expedition? (= æsc-? v. ES 37·184), #Gl#.

æxian = ascian [[headword spelled “āscian”]]

æxl = eaxl

æxs = æcs

āfǣdan = āfēdan

āfǣgan to depict, figure, BH. [fāg]

āfǣgrian (æ) to ornament, adorn, BH.

ā-fælan, -fællan = āfyllan II.

āfǣman to foam out, #PPs# 118^131.

āfǣran to frighten, PPs, Mk, Chr; AO, CP. [‘afear,’ ‘afeared’]

āfæst = ǣwfæst

āfæstan I. to fast, LL, W. II. to let out on hire, MkR 12^1.

āfæstla interj. certainly! assuredly! Æ.

āfæstnian (e) to fix upon, fasten, make firm, confirm, AO: enter, inscribe, Æ: build.

āfǣttian to fatten, anoint, #APs# 22^6; #LPs# 140^5.

āfandelic = āfandodlic [[under “āfandigendlic”]]

āfandian to try, test, prove, tempt, Lk, Lcd; Æ, CP: find out, experience, Æ. āfandod (and āfanden?) approved, excellent, Æ.

āfand-igendlic, -odlic proved, approved, laudable. adv. -odlīce.

āfandung f. trial, Æ.

āfangennes f. reception, acceptance.

afara = eafora

āfaran to go out, depart, march, travel, Æ, AO; Da 6. [‘afare’]

āfeallan^7 to fall down, fall in battle, Lk; CP: fall off, decay. [‘afalle’]

āfeallan = āfyllan

āfēdan to feed, nourish, bring up, maintain, support, Æ; AO: bring forth, produce. [‘afede’]

āfēgan to join, DR (oe).

āfehtan (DR) = āfeohtan

āfellan = āfyllan

āfelle = ǣfelle

āfeohtan^3 to fight, fight against, attack, AO: tear out, destroy.

āfēon ‘odisse,’ #PPs#.

āfeormian to cleanse, purge, purify.

āfeormung f. scouring, cleansing, purging, #Sc#.

ā-feorran, -feorrian (CP) = āfierran

āfeorsian to remove, do away, expel, dispel, Æ: go away.

āfer = āfor

afera = eafora

āfēran = āfǣran

aferian to provide horses for team work (as service for a lord), v. ANS 109·73f.

ā-ferian (#Gl#), -ferran = āfierran

āferscan to become fresh, #Bo# 86^20.

āfersian = āfeorsian

āfestnian (WW 49^8) = āfæstnian

afetigan = hafetian

āfierran (eo, i, y) to remove, withdraw, depart: estrange from, take away, expel, drive away, CP. [feorr]

āfierrednes (y) f. removal, NC 270.

āfīgen fried, #Gl#.

āfilgan to pursue, #Gen# 14^15.

āfindan^3 (= on-) to find, find out, discover, detect, Jn; Æ: experience, feel, Æ. [‘afind’]

āfir- = āfierr-, āfeor-, āfyr-

āfirðan (= y) to remove, #Lcd# 1·294n.

āflægen pp. of āflēan.

āflǣman = āflīeman

āflēan^6 to strip off, flay, GD.

āflēgan (DR) = āflīegan

āflēman = āflīeman

āflēon^2, -flēogan to fly, flee away, Gu: fly from, escape. [‘aflee’]

āflēotan^2 to skim, #Lcd#.

āflīan = āflīegan

āflīegan (ī, ȳ) to put to flight, expel, Æ (ī). [‘afley’]

āflīeman (ȳ) to put to flight, expel, scatter, disperse, rout, Chr; CP: banish. [‘afleme’]

āflīgan = āflīegan

āflīgung f. attack? #Lcd# 1·338^12.

-āflīung v. mete-ā.

āflōwan^7 to flow, flow away or from, pass away, AO, CP.

āflȳg-, āflȳh- = āflīeg-

āflygennes f. attack (BT), #Lcd# 1·366^7.

āflȳman = āflīeman

āfōgian = āwōgian

afol n. power, might, LL (304^22).

āfōn (= on-) to receive, take in, take, Mk, Ps: lay hold of, seize, MtR, Jul: hold up support. [‘afong’]

āfondian = āfandian

āfor bitter, acid, sour, sharp: dire, fierce severe, harsh, impetuous. [OHG. eivar, eibar]

afora = eafora

āforhtian to be frightened, take fright, wonder at, Æ.

ā-frēfran, -frēfrian to comfort, console, make glad, CP. [frōfor]

āfrem-dan, -dian to alienate, Æ: become alienated.

āfremðan (#VPs#) = āfremdan

āfremðung f. alienation, VHy.

āfrēoðan^2 to froth, #Lcd# 45b.

āfrēon (-ia, N) to deliver, free.

afslōg = ofslōg [[form of “ofslēan”]]

after = æfter

āfūlian to become foul, putrefy, rot, be corrupt, defiled.

afulic perverse. v. ES 42·162.

āfulliend m. fuller, MkR 9^3.

āfunde rare wk. pret. 3 sg. of āfindan.

āfundennes f. invention, device, discovery, Æ.

āfȳlan to foul, stain, defile, corrupt, CP; Æ. [‘afile’]

āfyllan I. (w. g. or d.) to fill, fill up, replenish, satisfy, Æ; AO: complete, fulfil. [‘afill’]. II. (y = ie) to cause to fall, fell, beat down, overturn, subvert, demolish, abolish, Lk; Æ: slay, kill. [‘afelle’]

āfyndan = āfindan

āfyr- = āfierr-

āfȳran to emasculate. āfȳred (CP), āfȳrd pp. as sb. eunuch.

āfyrhtan to frighten, terrify, Æ, AO.

āfȳrida = āfȳred

āfyrran = āfierran

āfyrsian = āfeorsian

āfȳsan (intr.) to hasten: inspire with longing, #Bl#: (tr.) urge, impel, excite: drive away. [fūs]

āga m. proprietor, owner, GD 230^11.

āgǣlan to hinder, keep back, preoccupy, detain, hold back, retard, delay, AO: neglect, CP: profane.

āgǣlwan to terrify, astonish, AO.

āgalan^6 to sound forth, sing, chant.

āgald = āgeald pret. 3 sg. of āgieldan.

āgālian to become slack, CP 65^18.

āgan I. (conj. Wt 546) to own, possess, have, obtain, An, Bo, Ma, Mt; AO, CP: give, give up, deliver, restore: have to pay, ‘owe,’ Mt, Lk: have to do, ANS 123·417. ā. ūt find out, discover. II. pret. 3 sg. of āginnan (onginnan).

āgān (conj. v. gān) to go, go by, pass (of time), Mk. of ā. go away: occur, befal, Æ: come forth, grow, Ps: approach: lose strength. [‘ago’]

āgangan = āgān

āge f. possessions, property. [ON. eiga]

agēan == ongēan

āgehwǣr = ǣhwǣr

āgeldan I. †to punish. II. = āgieldan

āgēlwan = āgǣlwan

āgēman = āgȳman

āgen I. ‘own,’ proper, peculiar, BH, Sat, Mt; AO, CP, #Chr#, Æ. ā. cyre freewill. āgnes ðonces voluntarily, spontaneously: proper (gram.), #ÆGr#. II. n. property, LL: own country. III. pp. of āgan.

āgēn == ongēan

agēnbewendan to return.

āgēncuman^4 to return, Lk 8^40.

āgend m. owner, possessor, master, lord. se ā. the Lord.

āgendfrēa I. m. lord, owner. II. f. mistress? #Gen# 2237.

āgendfrēo = āgendfrēa

āgendlīce properly, as one’s own: imperiously, CP 145^5.

āgen-friga, -frige = āgendfrēa

āgēngehweorfan^3 to return.

āgēnhwyrfan to return.

āgēniernan^3 to run against, meet.

āgēnlǣdan to lead back, WW 91^9.

āgenlic own: owed, due, DR.

āgennama m. proper name, #ÆGr# 25^16.

āgennes f. property, Æ.

āgēnsendan to send back, Lk.

āgenslaga m. slayer of oneself, suicide, Æ.

āgēnstandan^6 to press, urge, Lk.

āgenung = āgnung

āgēode = āēode pret. 3 sg. of āgān.

āgeolwian to become yellow.

āgēomrian to mourn, grieve, GD.

āgeornan = āgyrnan

āgēotan^2 to pour out, pour forth, shed, MtL; CP: melt, found (of images): destroy: deprive (of), #Jud# 32. [‘ageten’]

āgētan = āgītan

āgiefan^5 (eo, i, y) to give, impart, deliver, give up, yield, relinquish, Mt (y): restore, return, repay, pay, AO. eft ā. give back, return. [‘agive’]

āgieldan^3 (e, i, y) to pay, repay, compensate, yield, restore, reward, AO: offer oneself, offer up (as a sacrifice): perform (an office), Æ (y): allow: to punish? #Ph# 408.

āgīemelēasian (i, y) to neglect, despise, CP. āgīmelēasod neglectful, careless, NC 337.

āgīeta = āgīta

āgifan (AO, CP) = āgiefan

āgifian to bestow, grant, DR 124^19.

āgift = ǣgift

āgildan (CP) = āgieldan

āgilde = ǣgilde

āgilpan^3 to exult in (w. d.), #Soul# 165.

āgiltan = āgyltan

āgīmelēasian (C) = āgīemelēasian

āgimmed set with precious stones, Æ.

āginnan = onginnan

āgīta m. prodigal, spendthrift, CP.

āgitan = ongietan

āgītan I. to waste, destroy, Chr. [‘aget’] II. = āgēotan

āglāchād m. state of misery, #Rd# 54^5.

āg-lǣc, -lāc † n. trouble, distress, oppression, misery, grief.

āglǣca † (ē) m. wretch, monster, demon, fierce enemy.

āglǣccræft (āc-) m. evil art, #An# 1364.

āglǣcwīf n. female monster, B 1259.

āglǣdan? to cause to slip. v. AB 19·163.

āglēca = āglǣca

āglīdan^1 to glide, slip, stumble.

agn- = angn-

āgnere m. owner, #ÆGr# 110^19.

āgnes = āgenes gmn. of āgen adj.

āgnett n. interest, usury, LkL 19^23.

āgnettan to appropriate, #Gl#.

āgnettung f. ‘usurpatura’? Lk 19^23 (ES 42·163).

±āgnian to ‘own,’ Rd: claim: appropriate, usurp, Bo, Mt; CP: make over (to), Æ.

āgnīdan^1 to rub off, WW 386^16.

āgniden I. f. rubbing, #Gl#? (v. A 31·533). II. used, threadbare, WW 220^24.

āgniend (āh) m. owner, possessor.

±āgniendlic possessive, genitive (case), #ÆGr#.

+āgnod own, CP 262^23.

āgnung f. owning, ownership, possession: claim, declaration or proof of ownership.

āgotenes f. effusion, shedding.

āgrafan^6 to curve, hew, sculpture, Æ: engrave, inscribe, Æ.

āgrafenlic sculptured, #ARSPs# 105^19.

āgrāpian to grasp tightly, ÆL 8^121.

āgrētan (oe) to attack, LkLR 9^42.

āgrimetian (y) to rage, GD.

āgrīsan^1 to quake, fear, LL. [‘agrise’]

āgrōwen overgrown.

āgryndan to descend, #Men# 111.

āgrȳsan = āgrīsan

agu f. magpie, WW 132^11.

Agustus m. August.

āgyf- = āgief-

āgyld- = āgield-, ǣgild-

āgylpan = āgilpan

āgyltan to offend, sin, do wrong, Æ; CP. [‘aguilt’]

āgyltend m. debtor.

āgylting f. guilt, offence, DR.

āgyltnes f. guilt, NC 270.

āgȳman (ē) to regard, contemplate, AS: heal, cure.

āgȳmelēasian = āgīemelēasian

āgymmed = āgimmed

agynnan = onginnan

āgyrnan to desire, be eager for, GD 205^19 (eo).

āgytan = ongietan

ah (AO, CP) = ac (conj. and adv.)

āh pres. 3 sg. of āgan.

āh- = āg-

āhabban to restrain: (refl.) abstain (fram): support.

āhaccian to pick out, ÆL 23^78.

āhæbban = āhebban

āhældan = āhildan

āhafennes f. rising, lifting up: elevation, pride.

āhalsian to implore.

āhangian to hang, LkL 23^39.

āhātan to name, MtL 27^16.

āhātian to become hot, WW 214^31.

āhealdan^7 (= on-) to hold, keep, DR, JnL.

āhealtian to limp, crawl, #LPs# 17^46.

āheardian to be or become hard, grow hard or inured, CP: endure.

āheardung f. hardening, #Lcd#.

āhēawan^7 to cut off, out or down, Æ, CP: cut wood into planks.

āhebban^6 (occl. wk. pret. āhefde and pp. āhefed) (often w. ūp) to lift up, stir up, raise, exalt, erect, Lk; CP: take away, remove: support, uphold: leaven. [‘aheave’]

āhebbian = āebbian

āhefednes = āhafennes

āhefegian (CP), -hef(i)gian (æ) to make heavy, oppress.

āheld (#VPs#) = āhyld pp. of āhyldan.

āhellian? to cover over, conceal, hide, OEG 5410.

āhelpan^3 to help, support (w. g.).

āhēnan to humble, LkL: accuse, NG. [hīenan; hēan]

āheolorian to weigh, consider, #Gl#.

āhēran = āhȳran

āherian to praise, DR.

āhērian = āhȳrian

āherstan (#BPs#) = āhyrstan

āheten pp. of āhatan. [[error for “āhātan”?]]

āhicgan = āhycgan

āhīenan v. āhēnan.

āhierdan (i, y) to make hard, harden, CP: encourage, animate. [heard]

āhīeðan = āhȳðan

āhildan (æ, e, y) to bend, incline, Æ: rest, lay down (tr. and intr.): turn away, avert: cast down, destroy.

āhirdan (CP) = āhierdan

āhīðan = āhȳðan

āhladan^6 to draw out, lead out, draw forth, Æ: exclude, #Bk# 18.

āhlǣca = āglǣca

āhlǣnan to set oneself up, #Mod# 53.

āhlǣnsian to become lean, Æ.

āhlēapan^7 to leap, spring up, AO.

āhlēfan (oe) to pull out, DR 55^10.

āhlēoðrian to sound, resound, GD.

āhlīehhan^6 to laugh at, deride: laugh out, exult.

āhlin-ian, -nan = ālinnan

āhlocian to dig out, #Gl#, MtR 5^29. [?= *ālocian, cp. lucan (BT) and v. ES 42·165]

āhlōwan to roar again, WW 492^11.

āhlūttrian to cleanse, purify.

āhlyhhan = āhliehhan [[headword spelled “āhlīehhan”]]

āhlȳttrian = āhlūttrian

āhn- = āgn-

āhnēopan^2 to pluck off, #Gu# 819.

āhnescian to become soft or effeminate, AO: weaken. [hnesce]

āhnīgan^1 to fall down: bow down.

āhogian to think out, be anxious about, GD.

āholan = āholian

āholian to hollow, scoop out, CP. ūt ā. to root out, pluck out: engrave, emboss.

āhōn^7 to hang, suspend, crucify, MkLR; AO, CP. [‘ahang’]

āhopian to hope for (tō), #Bl# 17^23.

āhrǣcan to spit out, #Lcd# 9a.

āhræscian to shake off? (BT), #LPs# 108^13.

āhreddan to set free, save, rescue, re-capture, AO; Æ. [‘aredde’]

āhredding f. salvation, deliverance, HL 9^281, EC 230.

āhrēofian to become leprous, MH 174^12.

āhrēosan^2 to rush: fall, fall down, Æ: be destroyed.

āhrepian to treat, FBO 80^5.

āhrēran (= on-) to move, shake, make to tremble, CP.

āhrīnan^1 (= on-) to touch, handle, Lk. [‘arine’]

āhrisian (y) to shake, stir up, CP: shake off. [‘arese’]

āhrȳnan = āhrīnan

āhrȳran to cause to fall, destroy, #Gl#.

āhrysian = āhrisian

ahse = asce

āhsian = āscian

aht = eaht

āht = āwiht

ahta = eahta

āhte, āhton pret. 3 sg. and pl. of āgan.

āhtes (= g. of āht) of any account or value.

āhtlīce stoutly, manfully, #Chr# (E).

āhwā pron. any one.

āhwǣnan to vex, grieve, afflict, Lcd; Æ. [‘awhene’]

āhwænne adv. when, whenever: at sometime, any time, RB: at all times.

āhwǣr (ā, ē) anywhere, Bo, LL, Æ: at any time, ever, in any way. [‘owhere’]

āhwǣrgen anywhere: in any case.

āhwæt n. anything.

āhwæðer (āwðer, āðer, āðor) I. pron. some one, something; any one: anything. II. adv. and conj. either, AO, CP. āðer...oððe = either...or, AO, LL. [‘outher’]

āhwanon = āhwonan

āhwār = āhwǣr

āhwelfan = āhwylfan

āhweorfan^3 (tr.) to turn, turn away, convert: (intr.) turn aside, turn away, Gen: avert. [‘ahwerf’]

āhwēr == āhwǣr

āhwerfan = āhwierfan

āhwettan to whet, excite, kindle, AO: hold out to, provide: reject.

āhwider in any direction, from any source, Æ.

āhwierfan to turn away, turn from, avert, CP.

āhwilc = ǣghwilc

āhwistlian v. āwistlian.

āhwītian to whiten, #BJPs# 50^9.

āhwonan from any source, anywhere.

āhwonne = āhwænne

āhwyder = āhwider

āhwylfan to cover over, submerge, subvert, Æ: to roll to, MP 1·592. up ā. pull up, loosen.

āhwyrfan = āhwierfan

āhycgan † to think out, devise.

āhȳdan to hide, conceal.

āhyldan = āhildan

āhyldendlic enclitic, #ÆGr# 265^1. [āhildan]

āhyltan to trip up, #PPs# 139^5.

āhȳran (ē) to hire.

āhyrdan = āhierdan

āhyrdung f. hardening, #Sc# 232^19.

āhȳrian = āhȳran

āhyrstan (= ie) to roast, fry, #Lcd# 33b; #BPs# 101^4 (e).

āhyspan to reproach, #LPs# 101^9.

āhȳðan (īe, ī) to plunder, destroy, devour. [hūð]

āīdan (ȳ)? ‘eliminare,’ v. OEG 7^109n; BT.

ā-īdlian, -īdlan, -īdelian to be or make useless, frustrate, empty, annul, Æ, CP: profane: be free from: deprive (of). [īdel]

āiernan^3 to run away, run out, go over: pass by, go.

āīeðan (ǣ, ī, ȳ) to lay low, demolish, destroy, cast out.

al = eall, æl

āl n. fire, burning, OEG 4389; 4470. [cp. ǣlan]

ālādian to excuse, #Bo# 144^5. ālādiendra ‘excussorum,’ #BPs# 126^4.

ālæccan to catch, take, #Chr# 1123.

ālǣdan (tr.) to lead, lead away, carry off, withdraw, conduct, bring, Æ: (intr.) be produced, grow, come forth.

ālænan to lend, Æ: grant, lease. [‘alene’]

ālær = alor

ālǣran to teach, #PPs# 118^108.

ālǣson pret. pl. of ālesan.

ālǣtan^7 to let go, give up, leave, lose, resign, lay aside, Jn; AO, CP: let, allow: release, pardon, forgive: deliver, Æ. [‘alet’]

ālǣtnes f. loss: remission (of sins).

alan^6 to nourish, produce. [Goth. alan]

ālangian (impers.) to affect with longing, Soul 154. [‘along’]

ālatian to grow sluggish or dull, #Gl#.

alað I. = ealað (v. ealu). II. pres. 3 sg. of alan.

ālāðian^1 (#Gl#) to be hateful: hate: threaten.

alb f. while garment, ‘alb,’ LL. [L.]

ald (EWS, EK, A) == eald

āld = ādl

ālecgan to put, place, lay down, lay aside, give up, cease from, abandon, LL; Æ, AO, CP. ālecgende word, ālecgendlic word deponent verb: put down, allay, suppress, abolish, conquer, destroy, overcome, refute, Æ, LL: lay upon, inflict: diminish, lessen, withhold, Æ. [‘allay’]

ālēd I. pp. of ālecgan. II. = ālǣd pp. of ālǣdan.

ālēfan = ālīefan

ālēfednes f. infirmity, ÆL 21^99.

ālēfian to injure, maim; enfeeble, Æ. pp. ill, Æ. [lēf]

ālenian (K) = ālynnan

ālēodan^2 † to spring up, grow.

āleofian = ālifian

ālēogan^2 to lie, deny, deceive, be false to, leave unfulfilled, Æ, AO.

ālēon^1 (= on-) to lend, give up, DR.

āleonian = ālynnan

ālēoran to depart, flee away, #VPs# 51^7.

āleoðian = āliðian

aler == alor

ālēs- = ālīes-

ālesan^5 to pick out, choose.

ālet (#Da# 254) = ǣled

ālētan = ālǣtan

ālēðran = ālȳðran

alewe, al(u)we f. ‘aloe,’ Jn, Lcd.

ālēwed ptc. feeble, weak, ill. [lēf]

alexandre f. horse-parsley, Lcd. [‘alexanders’]

alfæle (#An# 770) = ealfelo

ālfæt n. cooking vessel, cauldron. [ǣlan]

ālgeweorc n. fire-making, tinder, #Gl#.

algian = ealgian

alh == ealh

ālibban to live, pass one’s life, AO.

ālibbende everlasting.

ālicgan^5 to be subdued, fail, cease, yield, perish, AO.

ālīefan (ē, ī, ȳ) to allow, give leave to, grant, AO, CP: hand over, yield up.

ālīefedlic lawful, permissible. adv. -līce (CP, Æ).

ālīefednes (ȳ) f. permission.

ālīesan (ē, ī, ȳ) to loosen, let loose, free, redeem, release, absolve, Mt (ȳ), AO, CP. [‘alese’]

ālīes-ednes, -(e)nes (ē, ȳ) f. redemption, ransom, MtWLR: remission (of sins), ERHy 9^77.

ālīesend (ē, ī, ȳ) m. liberator, deliverer, Redeemer, CP.

ālīesendlic (ȳ) loosing, liberating, BH.

ālīesing, -līesnes (ȳ) = ālīesednes

ālīf n. eternal life, MFH 108^160.

ālīfan = ālīefan

ālifian = ālibban

ālīh (DR) imperat. sg. of ālēon.

ālīhtan to lighten, relieve, alleviate, take off, take away: ‘alight,’ ÆGr: (= onlīhtan) light up, Æ.

ālimpan^3 † to occur, happen.

ālinnan = ālynnan

ālīsend = ālīesend

āliðian (eo) to detach, separate, Gen: set free. [‘alithe’]

all (strictly Anglian, but found in AO, CP) == eal, eall

almes- = ælmes-

aln- = ealn-

alo- = ealu-

āloccian to entice, AO.

alor, al(e)r m. ‘alder,’ Gl, KC, Lcd; Mdf.

alordrenc m. drink made of alder sap? #Lcd# 40a.

alorholt nm. alder-wood, WW.

alorrind m. alder-bark, #Lcd# 12b.

aloð = ealu

alr == alor

alswā = ealswā

alter, altar(e), altre m. ‘altar,’ Æ; CP. [L. altare]

ālūcan^2 to pluck up, pull out, separate, take away.

ālutan^2 (= onl-) to bend, incline, bend or bow down, Æ. āloten pp. submissive.

aluwe, alwe = alewe

alwald- = eal(l)weald-

ālybban = ālibban

ālȳfan (Æ) = ālīefan

ālȳfed I. = ālīefed pp. of ālīefan. II. = ālēfed pp. of ālēfian.

ālȳfed- = ālīefed-

ālȳht- = onlīht-

ālyhtan = ālihtan [[headword spelled “ālīhtan”]]

ālȳman to come forth, shew forth.

ālynnan, -lynnian (e, eo, i) to deliver, let go, release, loosen, Æ.

ālȳs- = ālīes-

ālȳðran (ē) to lather, #Lcd#. [lēaðor]

am (NG) = eom

ām m. reed or slay of a loom, #Rd# 36^8.

āmællian = āmeallian

āmǣnsumian = āmānsumian

āmǣran I. to extol, GD 206^24. II. (usu. ūtāmǣr(i)an) to exterminate, BH.

āmæstan to feed with mast, fatten, feed up, CP.

āmagian (hamacgian) to revive, be restored to health, #Lcd# 3·184^21.

āman = onman [[form of “onmunan”]]

āmang prep. w. d. among, amongst: while, whilst, during. ā. ðām, ðissum meanwhile. [= gemang] [[listed as “+mang”]]

āmanian to exact, require, LL.

āmānsian = āmānsumian

āmānsung = āmānsumung

āmānsumian to excommunicate, anathematize, curse, proscribe, outlaw, BH; Æ, AO. [‘amanse’]

āmān-sumung, -sumnung f. excommunication, curse, Æ. [‘amansing’]

āmarod disturbed, troubled, confounded. [cp. āmyrred] [[form of “āmyrran”?]]

āmasian to amaze, confound.

āmāwan^7 to cut down, #PPs# 101^4.

āmb (A 9·265) = ām

ambeht == ambiht

amber (e^1, o^1, æ^2, o^2, u^2) mfn. vessel, pail, pitcher, tankard: cask, dry or liquid measure (? four bushels). [L. amphora]

ambiht (e^1, o^1, y^1, e^2) I. n. office, service: commission, command, message. II. m. attendant, messenger, officer.

+ambihtan (embe-) to minister, serve, NG.

ambihtere (embe-) m. servant, #LkL# 22^26.

ambihthēra obedient servant, #Gu# 571 (o^1).

ambihthūs n. workshop, ‘officina,’ CM 1087.

ambihtmann m. manservant.

ambihtmecg † (o^1, e^2, y^2) m. servant.

ambihtnes, -sumnes (emb-) f. service, NG.

ambihtscealc † m. functionary, retainer.

ambihtsecg sm. minister, #Gen# 582.

ambihtsmið m. court smith or carpenter, LL 3[7].

ambihtðegn (omb-) † m. attendant, servant.

ambyht = ambiht

ambyre favourable, fair, AO. [and, byre]

ambyrian (OEG 11^142) = onbyrgan II.

āmeallian (æ) to become insipid, v. OEG 61^4.

āmeareian to mark out, delineate, define, describe: destine, assign, appoint.

amel m. sacred vessel, WW 348. [L.]

āmelcan^3 to milk, #Lcd#.

āmeldian to let out, make known, betray, Æ, AO.

ameos ‘ammeos,’ bishop-weed, #Lcd# 71b. [Gk.]

amerian = hamorian

āmerian to test, examine: purify, refine.

āmerran = āmierran

āmetan^5 to measure, estimate: mete out, assign, grant, bestow, Æ.

āmētan to paint, depict, CP: adorn, Æ.

āmetendlic compendious, measurable, limited. adv. -līce.

āmethwīl = ǣmethwīl

āmetsian to provision, #Chr# 1006#e#.

āmiddan = onmiddan

āmidian to be foolish, RHy 6^6.

āmīdlod unbridled, WW 226^38.

āmierran (e, i, y) to hinder, obstruct, prevent, delay, CP: mar, injure, disturb, scatter, consume, waste, spoil, destroy, Lk, Bo; AO, CP: lose. [‘amar’]

āmigdal m. almond, #Lcd#. [Gk.]

āmōd = ǣmōd

āmolcen pp. of āmelcan.

āmolsnian to decay, weaken, W 147^29.

āmolten molten, ÆL 5^234.

amore f. a kind of bird, yellow-hammer? [cp. emer]

am-pella, -pulla m. flask, vessel. [L.]

ampre I. ‘varix,’ tumour, swelling, Gl. [‘amper’] II. f. dock, sorrel, #Lcd#.

āmundian to protect, defend, Æ.

āmyltan (tr.) to melt, Æ.

āmyrdrian (LL 348, 56#a#) = āmyrðrian [[under “āmyrðran”]]

āmyrgan to delight, cheer, #Sol# 240.

āmyrian = āmerian

āmyrran = (1) āmierran; (2) (LL 348, 56#g,b#) āmyrðran

ā-myrðran, -myrðrian to murder, kill, LL; #Chr# 1049#c#. [‘amurder’]

an I. adv. and prep. = on. II. pres. 1 sg. of unnan.

an- in composition represents (1) and-; (2) un-; (3) in-; (4) on-.

ān I. adj. strong mfn. (asm. ānne, ǣnne) ‘one,’ Mt, Æ. in plur. each, every one, all. ān and (æfter) ān one by one. ānes hwæt some single thing, a part, B: a, an: alone, sole, only; in this sense it is used also in the weak form (sē āna; hē āna, AO, CP) and with a pl.: singular, unique: single, each, every one, all (gp. ānra): any. II. adv. (also wk. āna) alone, only. on ān continually, continuously, ever, in one, once for all, immediately. ðæt ān only that.

ana = heonu

āna v. ān.

ānad, ānæd † n. waste, desert, solitude. [Ger. einöde]

ānæglian to nail, #Nar# 4^25.

anǣl- = onǣl-

anæðelian to degrade, #Bo, Met#.

+ānan to unite, BH 214^3.

ananbēam m. spindle-tree, #Lcd# 29b.

anawyrm m. intestinal worm, #Lcd# 43b.

anbærnes = onbærnes [[under “onbærning”]]

anbestingan^3 to thrust in, insert, CP.

anbid (= on-) n. waiting, expectation, hope; AO, CP: interval, AO.

±an-bidian (on-) intr. to wait, stay: tr. w. g. wait for, expect.

anbidstōw (on-) f. place of meeting, LL.

anbidung m. waiting for, expectation: delay, OEG 3396.

anbiht = ambiht

anbindan = onbindan

anbiscopod = unbiscopod

ānboren † ptc. only-begotten.

anbringelle = onbringelle

anbrōce (#El# 1029) = unbrǣce?

anbrucol (= on-) rugged, GPH 402.

anbryrd- = onbryrd-

ānbūend m. hermit, anchorite, #Gu# 59.

anbūgan (AO, CP) = onbūgan

anbyhtscealc = ambihtscealc

ānbȳme made of one trunk, dug-out (ship), WW 181^33.

±anbyrdan (and-) to strive against, resist, oppose, attack.

anbyrdnes f. resistance, LL 214[14].

anbyrignes (= on-) f. tasting, taste, WW.

ān-cenned (æ^2), -cend, only-begotten, Æ.

ancer == ancor

an-clēow n., -clēowe f. ‘ankle,’ Lcd, Æ.

ancnāwan = oncnāwan

ancor m. ‘anchor,’ B, Bo; CP. [L. ancora; from Gk.]

ān-cor, -cora m. anchorite, hermit, Æ. [L. anachoreta; from Gk.]

ancorbend (oncer-) m. cable, B 1918.

āncorlic like a hermit, WW 463^7.

āncorlīf n. solitary life, BH.

ancorman m. man in charge of the anchor, WW 166^7.

ancorrāp m. anchor rope, cable.

ancorsetl n. prow of a ship.

āncorsetl n. hermitage, Æ.

āncorsetla m. hermit, Æ.

āncorstōw f. solitary place, BH 424^12.

ancorstreng (ancer-) m. cable.

ancra = ancor

āncra (a^1?) m. anchorite, hermit, monk, WW; Æ. [‘anchor’]

ancsum == angsum

ancuman^4 to arrive, #Gen# 1884.

āncummum one by one, singly, NG.

āncyn adj. only, A 2·358; #LPs# 21^21.

and conj. ‘and,’ but. gelīce and... like as if... AO.

and- = an-, on-, ond- (opposition, negation. Ger. ent-): and occasionally a-.

anda m. grudge, enmity, envy, anger, vexation, Mt; Æ: zeal, Æ, CP: injury, mischief: fear, horror, NG. [‘ande,’ ‘onde’]

āndæge † for one day, lasting a day.

andæt- = andet-

āndaga m. appointed day, Æ.

±āndagian to fix a day for appearance: adjourn, EC 163.

andb- = anb-, onb-

andbēcnian to make signs to, WW.

andbita m. feast (of unleavened bread).

andclēow = anclēow

andcweðan ‘contradicere, frustrari,’ #HGl# 491.

andcwiss f. answer, #Gu# 992.

andcȳðnes f. evidence, BH 158^5.

andd- = and-, ond-

ande == ende

andēages (æ) eye to eye, in the face, openly? B 1935.

andēaw arrogant, ostentatious, #Sc#.

andefn, -efen f. measure, quantity, amount, AO: capacity, nature, CP.

andel-bær, -bǣre reversed, OEG.

andergilde at little cost? (BT).

andet- = andett-

andetla m. declaration, confession, LL 18[22].

±andetnes (ond- CP) f. confession, Æ: thanksgiving, praise.

andetta m. one who confesses. a. bēon to acknowledge.

±andettan to confess, acknowledge, Æ, CP: give thanks or praise: promise, vow. [and, hātan]

andett-end, -ere m. confessor.

andettian = andettan

andettung m. confession, profession, CP.

andfang m. acceptance.

andfangol ‘susceptor,’ #LPs# 45^12.

āndfealdlīce = ānfealdlīce

andfeax bald, W 46^1.

andfeng (on-) m. seizing, receiving, taking, Æ, RB: defence: defender: attack, assault: revenue, means, Lk 14^28, #Bk# 10: illegal occupation of (land).

andfenga m. receiver, defender, undertaker, #Ps#.

andfenge I. acceptable, agreeable, approved, fit, suitable, Æ, CP: that can receive: taken. II. m. undertaker: receptacle.

andfengend m. defender, #Ps#: receiver. gafoles a. tax collector.

andfengestōw f. receptacle, WW 213^43.

andfengnes f. acceptance, receiving: receptacle: acceptableness, W 253^21.

andfex = andfeax

andgelōman = andlōman

andget == andgit [[under “andgiet”]]

andgete † adj. plain, manifest. [andgiete] [[under “andgiet”]]

andgiet (ond-; e, i, y) n., andgiete f. understanding, intellect, Mt; Æ, CP: knowledge, perception, CP: sense, meaning, Æ, CP: one of the five senses: plan, purpose. [‘angit’]

andgiet- = andgit-

andgitful intelligent, sensible.

andgitfullic intelligible, clear. adv. -līce.

andgitlēas foolish, senseless, Æ.

andgitlēast f. want of understanding, Æ.

andgitlic = andgitfullic

andgitol intelligent, sensible.

andgittācen ‡ (ie^2) n. sensible token, sign.

andgyt = andgiet

andgyt- = andgit-

[[Printed on one line: andgyt == andgiet, -git]]

andhēafod n. heading, unploughed headland of a field, EC.

andhetan, andhettan = andettan

andhweorfan^3 to move against, blow against, B 548. [or ? onhweorfan]

andian to be envious or jealous.

andig envious, jealous, OEG.

andlāman = andlōman

andlang (o^1, o^2) I. adj. entire, continuous, extended. andlangne dæg, niht all day (night) long, An, Gu. [‘along’] II. prep. w. g. ‘along,’ by the side of, Æ, Chr, KC; AO.

andlangcempa (anl-) soldier fighting in line, WW 450^18.

andlata (#Cr# 1436) = andwlita

andlēan † n. retribution, retaliation.

and-leofen (ie, i, y) f., -leofa m. sustenance, nourishment, food: money, wages. [libban]

andlīcnes = onlīcnes

andliefen (AO, CP), andlifen = andleofen

andlōman (ā^2, u^2) m. pl. utensils, implements, vessels.

andlong = andlang

andlyfen = andleofen

andmitta = anmitta

andrecefæt? n. wine or oil press, WW 123^37.

andriesne = ondrysne

an-drysen-, -drysn- = ondrys(e)n-

and-rysno f. respect, reverence: etiquette.

andsaca m. adversary: denier, apostate.

andsacian to dispute, deny, CP.

andsæc m. denial, oath of purgation, El, LL: refusal: strife, resistance. [‘andsech’]

andsǣte adj. hateful, odious, repugnant, Æ: hostile. [‘andsete’]

andslyht † m. blow.

andspeornan^3 to stumble against, NG.

andspyrnes f. offence, MtR 16^23.

āndstreces = ānstreces

and-sumnes, -sundnes (= on-) f. purity, chastity, virginity. v. OEG 1696.

±andswarian to ‘answer,’ Lk; Æ, CP.

andswaru f. ‘answer,’ reply, B, Jn; CP.

and-swerian (#VPs#), -sworian = andswarian

andsȳn = ansīen

and-timber, -tymber = ontimber

andðracian = onðracian

andðræce = onðræce

andung f. jealousy, #LPs# 77^58.

andūstrian ‘detestari,’ MtR 26^74.

andūstrung f. ‘abominatio,’ MtR 24^15.

andwǣscan = ādwǣscan

andwǣt moist.

andward- = andweard-

andweal- = onweal-

andweard (+ at AS 63^14) present, actual, existing, Æ, CP: opposite to.

±andweardian to present, bring before one. (+andweardian also = andwyrdian.)

andweardlic present, actual. adv. -līce.

andweardnes f. presence, CP: present time.

andwendednes = onwendednes

andweorc n. matter, substance, material, CP: cause.

andwerd == and-weard, -wyrd

andwīg m. resistance, #Gu# 147.

andwille = ānwille

andwirdan = andwyrdan

andwīs expert, skilful, #Jul# 244.

andwīsnes f. experience, WW 20^5.

andwist f. support? station? #An# 1542.

andwlata = andwlita

+andwlatod ‘frontosus,’ OEG 8^365.

andwlita (a, eo) m. face, forehead, countenance, form, B, MtR; AO, CP. [‘anleth’]

andwlite n. = andwlita

andwliteful ‘vultuosus,’ GPH 393.

andwrāð hostile, enraged, #Pa# 17.

and-wurd, -wyrd == andweard [[under “andwurd”]]

±and-wyrdan, -wyrdian (e, i) to answer, Æ, Mt; AO, CP: (+an-) ‘conspirare,’ WW 209^42. [‘andwurde’]

andwyrde n. answer, AO.

andwyrding f. ‘conspiratio,’ WW 373^11.

andȳde pret. of andōn (ondōn).

andytt- = andett-

āne (1) = ǣne, (2) heonu.

ān-ēage, -ē(a)gede (ÆL) ‘one-eyed,’ blind of one eye.

ānecge adj. having one edge, Æ.

+āned v. ānian.

ānēge, ānēgede = ānēage

ānēhst = ānīhst [[headword spelled “anihst”]]

ānemnan to announce, declare, Gu. [‘aname’]

ānerian to deliver, rescue, #LPs# 24^15; #EPs# 49^22.

ānes = ǣnes

ānescian = āhnescian

ānett mn., ānetnes f. solitude, seclusion, CP.

anf- = onf-

ān-feald, -fald, -fealdlic single, unmixed, singular, unique, superior, Æ; CP: simple, modest, honest, sincere, Mt; CP: fixed, invariable. ā. gerecednes or sprǣc prose. [‘afald’] adv. -līce.

ānfealdnes f. unity, concord, AO: simplicity, CP.

anfealt f. anvil, OEG 11^67 and n. [cp. anfilte] [[under “anfilt”]]

anfeng == andfeng

ānfēte one-footed, #Rd# 59^1.

an-filt (Æ), -filte (Gl), n. ‘anvil.’

anfindan = onfindan

ānfloga m. lonely flier, #Seaf# 62.

anfōn (AO) == onfōn

anforht fearful, #Cross# 117.

ānforlǣtan^7 to let go, lose, relinquish, abandon, surrender, CP: omit, neglect.

ānforlǣtnes f. loss, desertion, #Bl# 85^31: intermission.

anforngean in front of, MF (Vesp. D xiv).

anga (o) m. stimulus, sting, goad, CP.

ānga (ǣ, ē) sole, only: solitary.

angbrēost n. tightness of the chest, asthma, #Lcd#.

ange = enge

angeald pret. 3 sg. of angildan.

angēan == ongēan

angel I. m. ‘angle,’ hook, fish-hook, Bo, MtL (ongul). II. m. = engel

Angel n. Anglen, a district in Schleswig, from which the Angles came, AO.

Angelcynn n. the English people: England, AO.

āngeld = āngilde

angelic like, similar, #Bo# 44^18.

angeltwicce fm. a certain worm used as bait, earthworm? WW, Lcd. [‘angletwitch’]

Angelðeod f. the English people: England.

āngenga I. solitary, isolated, Æ. II. m. solitary goer, isolated one, B.

angerǣd = ungerād

āngetrum n. illustrious company, #Ex# 334.

angeweald = onweald

±angian to be in anguish, #RPs# 60^3; 142^4.

angien = anginn

angil = angel I.

angildan = ongieldan

āngilde (e, y) I. n. single payment or rate of compensation for damage, LL: the fixed price at which cattle and other goods were received as currency, LL. [‘angild’] II. adj. to be compensated for. III. adv. simply, only, LL.

āngildes = āngilde III.

anginn n. beginning, Æ; AO, CP: intention, design, enterprise, undertaking, CP: action, onset, attack: rising (of sun). [‘angin’]

anginnan (AO) = onginnan

angitan = ongietan

angitful = andgitful

Angle mp. the Angles or English (who came from Anglen; v. Angel, Engle).

angmōd sad, sorrowful.

angmōdnes f. sadness, sorrow, W 188^6.

angnægl m. corn, ‘agnail,’ Lcd 30b.

angnere (on-) m. corner of the eye, WW 423^34.

angnes f. anxiety, uneasiness, trouble, pain, anguish, fear.

angol- = angel-, ongol-

angrisla (y) m. terror, #Bl# 203^7.

angrislic (y^2) grisly, terrible. adv. -(en)līce.

ang-set, -seta m. eruption, pustule, carbuncle, WW.

angsum narrow, hard, difficult.

±angsumian to vex, afflict, Æ.

angsumlic troublesome, anxious, painful. adv. -līce Æ.

angsumnes f. pain, Æ: sorrow, trouble: difficulty, perplexity.

āngum = ǣnigum dat. of ǣnig.

āngyld, āngylde = āngilde

angyn = onginn

angytan = ongietan

anh- = onh-

ānhaga (o^2) † m. solitary being, recluse.

anhende (= on-) on hand, requiring attention, AO 88^24.

ānhende one-handed, lame, weak, Æ.

ānhīwe ‘uniformis,’ OEG 1046.

anhoga m. care, anxiety, #Gu# 970.

ānhoga = ānhaga

ānhorn, ānhorna m. unicorn, #Ps#.

ānhrǣdlīce = ānrǣdlīce

ānhundwintre a hundred years old.

ānhȳdig † resolute, firm, constant, stubborn, brave.

ānhyrne I. one-horned, having one horn. II. m. unicorn.

ānhyrn-ed, -e(n)de having one horn, #Ps#.

+ānian to unite, BH 214. [‘one’ vb.]

ānīdan (ē, ȳ) to restrain, repel: force. ūt a. expel, drive out. [nīed]

ānig = ǣnig

ān-īge, -īgge = ānēage

anihst † last, in the last place.

āniman^4 (y) to take, GD: take away or from, deprive of, Mt (y); CP. [‘anim’]

āninga = ānunga

āniðrian to cast down, #Chr# 675#e#.

anl- = andl-, onl-

anlǣc = anlēc

±ānlǣcan to unite, Æ.

ānlaga acting alone, WW 491^23.

anlang- = andlang-

ānlāp- (NG) = ānlīp-

anlēc m. respect, regard.

ānlegere consorting with one man, WW 171^15.

ān-lēp- = ānlīp-

ānlic only, unique: solitary: catholic: beautiful. [cp. ǣnlic]

ānlīepig = ānlīpig [[under “ānlīpe”]]

ān-līpe (CP), -līpig (#Chr#), -līpie (æn-; ē, ȳ) I. adj. single, separate, solitary, private, individual, special, PPs 13^2, BH, MtR. [‘anlepi’] II. adv. alone, only, severally.

ānlīpnes f. loneliness.

ānlīpum (ēp) singly, MtR 26^22.

ānlȳp- = ānlīp-

ānmēde n. unanimity, concord, #PPs# 54^13.

anmēdla m. pomp, glory: pride, presumption, arrogance: courage. [mōd]

+anmettan to encourage, AO. [mōd]

anmitta m. weight, balance, scales, #Gl#. [and, mitta]

anmōd steadfast, resolute, eager, bold, brave, fierce, proud, CP. adv. -līce.

ānmōd of one mind, unanimous, El; Æ. [‘anmod’] adv. -līce.

anmōdnes f. steadfastness, resolution, #Lcd# 3·170^22.

ānmōdnes f. unity, unanimity, CP.

ann pres. 3 sg. of unnan.

anna = heonu

ānne (AO, CP) v. ān.

ānnes f. oneness, unity, BH; Æ: agreement, covenant, Chr: solitude, Gu. [‘annesse’]

ānnihte adv. one day old, #Lcd#.

anoða = anda

ānpæð † m. narrow path.

anpolle f. (Æ) = ampella

anr- = onr-

ānrǣd of one mind, unanimous: constant, firm, persevering, resolute, Æ. [‘anred’]

ānrǣdlic constant, resolute: undoubting, #Bl# 13^13. adv. -līce unanimously: resolutely, persistently, constantly, earnestly, Æ: definitely, decidedly.

ānrǣdnes f. unanimity, agreement: constancy, firmness, diligence, AO; Æ. [‘anrednesse’]

ānreces (#Chr# 1010#cde#) = ānstreces

ānrēd- = ānrǣd-

ans- = ands-, ons-, uns-

an-scēatan (Cp), -scēotan (Erf) = onscēotan

ānseld m. lonely dwelling, hermitage, #Gu# 1214.

ānsetl n. hermitage, RB 135^9.

ansetla m. anchorite, hermit, GD, RB.

ansīen I. (on-; ē, ī, ȳ) fn. countenance, face, CP, Lk: form, figure, presence: view, aspect, sight, thing seen, AO: surface. [‘onsene’] II. † f. lack, want.

anspel n. conjecture.

anspilde salutary, #Lcd# 11b.

ānsprǣce speaking as one, #PPs# 40^7.

ānstandende ptc. standing alone, RB 9^7. as sb. hermit, Æ.

ānstapa m. lonely wanderer, #Pa# 15.

ānstelede one-stalked, having one stem, #Lcd#.

ānstīg f. narrow path? #Gl#.

ānstonde = ānstandende

ānstræc (ǣ?) resolute, determined, CP.

ānstreces (ē?) at one stretch, continuously, continually, #Chr# 894#a#.

ansund sound, whole, entire, perfect, healthy, Æ (on-).

an-sundnes, -sumnes f. soundness, wholeness, integrity.

ānsunu m. only son.

ānswēge harmonious, accordant.

ansȳn = ansīen

ant- = and-, ont-, unt-

Antecrist m. Antichrist. [L.]

antefn m. antiphon, ‘anthem,’ BH; Æ.

antefnere m. book of antiphons, antiphonary, CM.

āntīd f. similar time (i.e. the corresponding time of a following day)? B 219.

antre f. radish, #Lcd#.

ānum alone, solely, Æ.

anunder = onunder

anung f. zeal, NG.

ānunga at once, forthwith: entirely, altogether, throughout, by all means, uninterruptedly, B: necessarily, certainly.

anw- = andw-, onw-, unw-

ānwedd n. security, pledge, TC 201^16.

ānwīg n. single combat, duel, Æ, AO.

ānwīglīce in single combat, WW 512^21.

ānwiht = āwuht

ānwille I. adj. wilful, obstinate, CP, WW; Æ. [‘onwill’] II. adv. wilfully, obstinately.

ānwillīce obstinately, CP.

ānwilnes f. self-will, obstinacy, persistence, CP. mid ānwilnesse wantonly, wilfully.

ānwintre adj. one year old, yearling.

ānwīte n. single fine, LL 64, 31, 1.

anwlōh (#Dan# 585) = onwealg?

ānwuht = āwuht

ānwunung f. solitary abode, RB 134^12.

ānwylnes = ānwilnes

anxsum- = angsum-

ānȳdan = ānīdan

anȳhst = anīhst [[headword spelled “anihst”]]

ānyman = āniman

anȳwan = onȳwan

apa m. ‘ape,’ Gl, Lcd.

āpǣcan to seduce, lead astray.

āpǣran to avert, pervert.

āparian to discover, apprehend, EC 164.

apelder- = apuldor-

āpinsian to weigh, estimate, ponder, recount, CP. [L. pensare]

āpinsung f. weighing, OEG 1757.

apl = appel

āplantian to plant, Æ.

āplatod plated with metal? resplendent? OEG. [v. ‘plate’]

āpluccian to pluck off, #ÆGr# 170^14.

apostata m. apostate, LL (322^14).

apostol (#Chr#), apostel m. ‘apostle,’ MtR: disciple, ÆH 1^520. [L. apostolus; from Gk.]

apostolhād m. apostleship.

apostolic apostolic, BH; Æ. [‘apostly’]

appel, apple == æppel

Aprelis m. April, #Men# 56.

āpriccan to prick, W 146^21.

aprotane f. southernwood, wormwood, #Lcd# 22a. [L. abrotonum; from Gk.]

apulder, apuldor fm. apple-tree.

apuldorrind f. bark of apple-tree, #Lcd#.

apuldortūn m. apple-orchard, WW (e^3).

apuldre, apuldur = apulder

āpullian to pull, #Lcd# 1·362^10.

āpundrian? to measure out, requite? #El# 580 (GK).

āpyffan to exhale, breathe out, #Gl#.

āpyndrian to weigh, #HGl# 512^78? (BT).

āpȳtan to put out (eyes), NC 338.

ār m. I. † messenger, servant, herald, apostle, angel. [Got. airus] II. f. ‘oar,’ Chr, Gn. III. f. honour, worth, dignity, glory, respect, reverence, BH, Gen, JnLR, Ph; AO, CP: grace, favour, prosperity, benefit, help, B: mercy, pity, #An#: landed property, possessions, revenue, Æ, AO: ecclesiastical living, benefice: ownership, LL: privilege, LL, 76, 42, 2. [‘are,’ ‘ore’] IV. n. ore, brass, copper, Æ, AO, CP. V. (NG) = ǣr

āracsian = ārāsian

ārǣcan wv. to reach, get at, Chr: hold forth, reach out, Æ: get (a thing for a person), Æ, Gr. [‘areach’]

ārǣd I. (ē) m. welfare, LL 184n. II. prepared?, resolute? #Wa# 5; #GnE# 192? III. = ānrǣd

āræda (#Bo# 46^22) = āroda? v. ārod.

ārǣdan^1 (but usu. wk.) to appoint, prepare: arrange, settle, decide, BH: guess, prophesy, interpret, utter, Lk, Bo, Da, CP: read, read out, read to (any one), CP. [‘aread’]

ārǣdnes f. condition, stipulation, BH.

ārǣfan to set free, unwrap, WW.

āræfnan, -ian to carry out, accomplish: endure, suffer, Æ, AO: keep in mind, ponder, Æ. [æfnan]

āræfniendlic endurable, possible.

ārǣman to raise, elevate (oneself), Æ: (†) rise, stand up.

āræpsan (*-ræf-) to intercept, #Gl#.

ārǣran to lift up, raise, set up, create, establish, Chr, An, Jn: build, erect, Jn: rear (swine), LL 449: spread, disseminate: disturb, upset. ūp ā. bring up, raise up, exalt. [‘arear’]

ārǣrend m. one who arouses.

ārǣrnes f. raising, elevation, AO.

ārǣsan to rush, ÆH 140^13.

ārāfian to unravel, disentangle, CP.

ārāsian to lay open, search out, test, detect, discover: reprove, correct, CP. ārāsod skilled.

ārblæd n. oar-blade, Æ.

arblast m. cross-bow, #Chr# 1079#d#. [OFr. arbaleste]

arc mf. (also earc, earce) ark, coffer, chest, box, Æ. [L. arca]

arce (æ, e) m. archiepiscopal pallium.

arcebisceop (æ^1, e^1, y^3, eo^4) m. ‘archbishop,’ CP, Chr, KC.

arcebiscopdōm m. post of archbishop.

arcebiscophād (eo) m. post of archbishop, BH 49^23.

arcebiscoprīce n. post of archbishop, Chr.

arcebiscopstōl m. archiepiscopal see.

arcedīacon m. ‘archdeacon,’ WW.

arcehād (e) m. post of archbishop.

arcerīce n. archbishopric.

arcestōl (æ^1) m. archiepiscopal see, #Chr#.

ārcræftig respected, honourable, #Da# 551.

ārdǣde merciful, #Bl# 131^2.

ārdagas mp. festival days, WW 206^31.

ardlic = arodlic

āre f. = ār III.

ārēafian to separate, divide, #Ex# 290.

āreccan to spread out, put forth, stretch out: lift up, erect, build up: say, relate, declare, speak out, explain, expound, translate, MtR; CP: astonish: adorn? deck? #Rim# 10. [‘arecche’]

ārēcelēasian to be negligent, A 9·102^68.

ared = arod

ārēd I. = ārǣd I. II. (strong) pret. 3 sg. of ārǣdan.

āreddan = āhreddan

ārēdian to make ready, devise, provide, arrange, carry out, CP: find, find one’s way, reach: find out, understand. [rǣde]

ārēdnes = ārǣdnes

ārēfnan = ārǣfnan [[headword spelled “āræfnan”]]

ārencan to make proud, exalt, A 11·117^32? (BT).

ārendan to tear off, #Lcd# 101a.

ārēodian to redden, blush, #BPs#.

ārēosan = āhrēosan

ārēran = ārǣran

ārētan to cheer, gladden, Æ. [rot] [[main entry spelled “rot”]]

arewe = arwe

ārfæst respected, honest, pious, virtuous, Æ, CP: merciful, gracious, compassionate, Æ: respectful.

ārfæstlic pious. adv. -līce.

ārfæstnes f. virtue, honour, grace, goodness, piety: pity, mercy, Æ.

ārfæt nap. -fatu, n. brazen vessel, Æ.

ārfest = ārfæst

ārful respected, venerable: favourable, kind, merciful: respectful. adv. -līce graciously, Æ.

arg (NG) = earg

argang = earsgang

ārgeblond m. tumult of the sea, #An# 383.

argentille f. argentilla (plant), #Gl#. [L.]

ārgēotere m. brass-founder, AO 54^20.

ārgesweorf n. brass filings, #Lcd# 30b.

ārgeweorc n. brass-work, WW 398^24.

ārgifa m. giver of benefits, #Cra# 11.

arhlīce = earhlīce [[under “earglic”]]

ārhwæt eager for glory, †#Chr# 937#a#.

±ārian to honour, respect, Æ, CP: endow: regard, care for, favour, be merciful to, spare, pardon, Æ; CP. [‘are’]

ārīdan^1 to ride, AO 118^33.

āriddan = āhreddan

ārigend mf. benefactor, benefactress.

āriht ‘aright,’ properly, LL.

ārīman to number, count, enumerate, CP; AO: relate. [‘arime’]

ārinnan^3 to run out, pass away, #Sol# 479.

ārīsan I. (sv^1) to ‘arise,’ get up, CP, Æ, MtL: rise, Mk: spring from, originate: spring up, ascend, El. II. = +rīsan I.

ārist = ǣrist

ārlēas dishonourable, base, impious, wicked, Æ, CP: cruel, #Jul# 4. [Ger. ehrlos] adv. -līce Æ.

ārlēasnes f. wickedness, BH, #Bo#.

ārlēast f. disgraceful deed, #Met#.

ārlic honourable: fitting, agreeable, proper, AO: delicious.

ārlīce adv. I. honourably, becomingly, graciously, kindly, pleasantly, mercifully, CP. II. (N) = ǣrlīce

ārloc n. ‘oarlock,’ rowlock, WW 288^6.

arm = earm

armelu ‘harmala,’ wild rue, Lcd.

ārmorgen = ǣrmorgen

arn pret. 3 sg. of iernan.

arnian = earnian

+arnung = +earnung

arod I. quick, bold, ready, CP. II. m? a kind of plant, arum?

ārod pp. of ārian.

arodlic quick. adv. -līce quickly: vigorously, Æ, CP.

arodnes f. spirit, boldness, CP 41^17.

arodscipe m. energy, dexterity, CP.

aron (NG) used as pres. pl. of wesan.

ārsāpe f. verdigris. [sāpe]

ārscamu f. shame, modesty, #PPs# 68^19.

ārsmið m. coppersmith.

ārstæf † m. (often in pl.) support, assistance, kindness, benefit, grace.

art, arð (NG) = eart, pres. 2 sg. of wesan.

ārðegn m. servant, BH 378^11.

ārðing n. a thing of value, LkR 21^1.

arud == arod

ārung f. honour, respect, reverence, AO: pardon.

ārunnen = āurnen, pp. of ārinnan.

arwe (rew-, ruw-) f. ‘arrow,’ LL, Chr.

ārwela † m. watery realm, #An# 855. [ēar]

ār-weorð, -weorðe honourable, venerable, revering, pious, CP. adv. -weorðe.

ārweorðful honourable, Æ (u^2).

±ārweorðian to honour, reverence, worship, extol.

ārweorðlic venerable, honourable. adv. -līce honourably, reverentially, solemnly, kindly, Æ. [‘arworthly’]

ārweorðnes f. reverence, honour, CP.

ārweorðung f. honour. #Ps#.

ārwesa respected, RB 115^20.

ārwierðe == ārweorð

ārwiððe f. oar-thong, rowlock, Æ.

arwunga, arwunge (A) = earwunga

ārwurð, -wyrð == ārweorð

āryddan, -rydran, -rytran to strip, plunder, #Gl#, WW.

ārȳderian to blush, #BRPs# 69^4.

ārȳpan to tear off, strip, #Rd# 76^7.

ārȳð f. wave of the sea, #An# 532. [ēar]

āsadian to satiate, surfeit, MF (Vesp. D xiv).

āsæcgan = āsecgan

āsægdnes = onsægednes

āsǣlan † to bind, fetter, ensnare.

āsændan = āsendan

asal, asald (NG) = esol

āsānian to droop, flag, #Gu# 1148, LV 57.

āsāwan^7 to sow, sow with, Æ.

asca (NG) m. = asce

āscacan = āsceacan

āscādan = āscēadan

āscæcan = āsceacan

āscæfen pp. of āsceafan.

āscǣre = ǣscǣre [[headword spelled “ǣscære”]]

āscafan = āsceafan

āscamelic shameful, #HGl# 500.

āscamian (ea) to feel shame, Ps, Cr. [‘ashame’]

ascas nap. of æsc.

ascbacen (ax-) baked on ashes, GD 86^30.

asce (æ, cs, x) f. (burnt) ‘ash,’ Lcd: dust (of the ground), MtL.

āsceacan^6 (a) to shake off, remove, Mt: depart, flee, desert, forsake, Æ: shake, brandish. [‘ashake’]

āscēadan^7 (ā) to separate, hold aloof or asunder, exclude, CP: make clear, cleanse, purify.

āsceafan (a) to shave off, #Lcd#.

āscealian to peel off, WW.

āsceamian = āscamian

āscearpan = āscirpan

āscellan = āscillan, āscilian [[both under “āscilian”]]

āscēofan = āscūfan

āsceon- = onscun-

āsceortian = āscortian

āscēotan^2 to shoot, shoot out, Æ, AO: drop out, fall, Æ: lance (surgery), ÆL 20^63: eviscerate, OEG 46^47.

āsceppan = āscieppan

āsceran = āsciran

āscerian = āscirian

āscerpan (#VPs#) = āscirpan

āscian (ācs-, āhs-, āx-) to ‘ask,’ inquire, seek for, demand, Æ, KC, WG, etc.; CP: call, summon, B, Gen: (+) learn by inquiry, discover, hear of, #Chr#: (†) announce.

āsciendlic (āx-) interrogative, #ÆGr# 260^14.

āscieppan^6 to make, create, Ex: appoint, determine, assign, AO. [‘ashape’]

āscihhan = āscyhhan

ascildan to protect, DR.

āscilian to separate, divide, v. OEG 1367n.; FM 100.

āscīmian to shine, #Lcd# 2·232.

āscīnan^1 to flash or shine forth, beam, radiate, be clear, GD.

āsciran † to cut off, cut away.

āscirian to cut off, separate, divide, remove, Æ: set free, deprive of: arrange, destine.

āscirigendlic disjunctive, #ÆGr# 259^14 (y^2).

āscirpan to sharpen, make acute, CP.

āscortian (eo) to become short, fail, Æ: pass away, elapse.

āscrēadian to prune, lop.

āscrencan to displace, trip up, cause to stumble, CP. [‘aschrench’]

āscrepan^5 to scrape, clear away.

āscrincan^3 to shrink up.

āscrūdnian (ūtn) to investigate, examine.

āscūfan^2 to drive out, remove, expel, banish, Æ: push (away), give up (to).

ascun- = onscun-

±āscung f. ‘asking,’ questioning, inquiring, question, Met, Bo; Æ, CP.

āscyhhan to scare away, reject, #RPs# 50^13.

āscylfan to destroy, GPH 393^49.

āscylian, āscyllan = āscilian

āscyndan to separate, part (from): drive away (from), Æ.

āscyr- = āscir-

āscȳran to make clear, Æ. [scīr]

āsealcan (#Gen# 2167) = āseolcan

āsēarian to wither, dry up, Lcd; CP. [‘asear’]

āsēcan to seek out, select: search out, examine, explore: seek for, require, ask, PPs: search through, penetrate. [‘aseek’]

āsecgan I. to say out, express, tell, utter, narrate, explain, announce, AO. II. = onsecgan

āsecgendlic utterable, Æ.

āsēdan (œ̄) to satiate, #Gl#. [sæd]

āsegendnes f. an offering, #Nar# 24^17.

āsellan to give up, hand over, deliver: expel, banish.

āsencan to sink, immerse, OEG 829.

āsendan to send away, send off, send, give up, Mt; Æ. [‘asend’]

āsengan (#Jul# 313) = āsecgan

āseolcan^3 to become slack, remiss, relaxed, weak, Æ, CP.

āsēon I. sv^5 to look upon, behold, HL 16^255. II. sv^1 to strain, #Lcd#.

āseonod relaxed, WW 228^25. [seonu] [[under “seono”]]

āsēoðan^2 to seethe, boil, CP: refine, purify: examine.

āsēowan to sew, Cp 421#p# (io).

āsetnes f. institute, law, LL.

asettan = onsettan

āsettan to set, put, place, fix, establish, appoint, set up or in, erect, build, plant, AO, Mt; Æ: transport oneself over, cross (the sea, etc.): take away, LL 11[12]. sīð or sīðas ā. to perform a journey, travel.

āsēðan to affirm, confirm, Æ. [sōð]

āsīcan I. sv^1 to sigh, #Sc#. II. to wean, #CPs# 130^2.

āsiftan to sift, #Lcd# 13b.

āsīgan^1 to sink, sink down, decline, fall down, Chr; CP. [‘asye’]

āsincan^3 to sink down, fall to pieces, Æ.

āsingan^3 to sing out, sing, deliver (a speech), compose (verse), BH.

āsittan^5 to dwell together, settle, El: apprehend, fear: run aground. ūt a. starve out. [‘asit’]

āslacian to become slack, decline, diminish, Æ, CP: grow tired: make slack, loosen, relax, dissolve.

āslacigendlic remissive, #ÆGr# 228^5.

āslæccan to slacken, loosen, WW.

āslæcian = āslacian

āslǣpan^7 (ā) to slumber, dream: be paralysed, #Lcd#.

āslǣwan to blunt, weaken, make dull, OEG 18b, 65.

āslāpan = āslǣpan

āslāwian to become sluggish, be torpid, CP. [slāw]

āslēan^6 to strike, beat, cut, Æ: erect: make way: paralyse. of ā. strike off, behead, MtL; AO. [‘aslay’]

āslēpen = āslēopen pret. opt. 3 pl. of āslūpan.

āslīdan^1 to slide, slip, fall, Ps; Æ, CP. [‘aslide’]

āslīding f. slipping, GPH 388^62.

āslītan^1 (ȳ) to slit, cleave, cut off, destroy, CP.

āslūpan^2 to slip off, escape, disappear (of), Ps. [‘aslip’]

āslȳtan = āslītan

āsmēagan to consider, examine, investigate, devise, elicit, treat of, think, Æ: look for, demand.

āsmēagung f. scrutiny, consideration.

āsmēan = āsmēagan

±āsmir-ian, -wan to smear, anoint.

āsmiðian to do smith’s work, fashion, forge, fabricate, Æ.

āsmorian to smother, strangle, AO, CP.

āsmorung f. choking, suffocation, #Lcd# 18a.

āsmūgan = āsmēagan

āsnǣsan (ā^2) to spit, impale, stab, LL 68, 36. [‘asnese’]

asnīðan^1 to cut off, #Lcd#.

āsoden (WW 20^44) pp. of āsēoðan.

āsolcen (pp. of āseolcan) sluggish, idle, indifferent, dissolute, Æ.

āsolcennes f. sleepiness, sloth, laziness, W; Æ. [‘aswolkeness’]

āsolian to become dirty, A 2·374.

āspanan^6 to allure, seduce, persuade, urge, insinuate, AO.

āspannan^7 to unbind, unclasp, GD 214^24.

āsparian to preserve, GD 159^24.

āspeaft (JnL 9^6) = āspeoft

āspēdan to survive, escape, #An# 1628.

āspelian to be substitute for, represent, take the place of, LL, RB. ā. fram be exempt from.

āspendan to spend (money), expend, distribute, squander, consume, AO; Æ. [‘aspend’]

āspeoft pret. 3 sg. spit out, JnR 9^6. [v. speoft]

āsperian = āspyrian

aspide m. asp, adder, serpent, viper, Ps; Æ. [‘aspide’]

āspillan to destroy, JnL 12^10.

āspinnan^3 to spin, WW.

āspirian = āspyrian

āspīwan^1 (ȳ) to spew up, vomit, Æ, CP.

āsplǣtan ?to split. v. ES 49·156.

āspornan to cast down, #EPs# 145^7. [spurnan]

āsprēadan to stretch out, extend, #EPs# 35^11.

āsprecan to speak out, speak, #PPs#.

āsprengan to cause to spring, fling out, ÆL 8^213.

āsprettan = āspryttan

āsprindlad ripped up, #Lcd# 80b.

āspringan^3 (y) to spring up or forth, break forth, spread, Æ; AO: arise, originate, be born, Æ: dwindle, diminish, fail, cease. āsprungen dead. [‘aspring’]

āspringung f. failing, #VPs# 141^4.

āspritan = āspryttan

āsproten pp. of āsprūtan.

ā-sprungennes, -sprungnes f. failing, exhaustion, death: eclipse.

āsprūtan^2 (= ēo) to sprout forth, #PPs# 140^9.

āspryngan = āspringan

āspryttan^1 (e, i) to sprout out, bring forth, Æ.

āspylian to wash oneself, #Bo# 115^7.

āspyrgend m. tracker, investigator, VHy.

āspyrging f. ‘adinventio,’ WW 513^15.

āspyrian (i) to track, trace out, investigate, explore, discover.

āspȳwan = āspīwan

assa m. he-ass, Mt, Jn, Æ; CP. [‘ass’]

assen f. she-ass.

assmyre f. she-ass, Æ.

āst f. kiln, WW 185^30; A 9·265. [‘oast’]

āstǣgan to go up, embark, MkR 6^32.

āstǣlan to lay to one’s charge, LL (264^15).

āstǣnan^1 to adorn with precious stones.

āstærfan (MtR) = āstyrfan

āstandan^6 to stand up, stand forth, rise up, arise, B; Æ: continue, endure, Lk; CP. [‘astand’]

āstandennes f. perseverance, ÆL 23b^272: existence, subsistence.

āstēapan = āstȳpan

āstellan I. to set forth, set, put, afford, supply, display, appoint, AO, CP: set up, establish, confirm, institute, ordain, undertake, start, AO; Æ: undergo, Æ. II. to fly off, rush.

āstemnian to build.

āstemped engraved, stamped, WW 203^27.

āstencan to scatter, GD 42^33.

āstēopan = āstȳpan

āsteorfan^3 to die, MH 62^27.

āstēp- = āstȳp-

āsterian = āstyrian

asterion ‘asterion,’ pellitory, Lcd 1·164.

āstīfian to become stiff, Æ.

āstīfician = āstȳfecian

āstīgan^1 to proceed, go, Æ: (usu. w. ūp, niðer, etc.) rise, mount, ascend, descend, Jn; Æ, CP: be puffed up, AO 264^8. [‘astye’]

āstīgend m. rider.

āstigian to ascend, mount.

āstīgnes f. ascent, #EPs# 103^4.

āstihtan to determine on, decree, #Chr# 998.

āstihting (OEG) = ātihting [[redirected to “ātyhting”]]

āstillian to still, quiet, MF (Vesp. D xiv).

āstingan^3 to bore out, pierce out, #Chr#: stab.

āstintan = āstyntan

āstirian = āstyrian

āstīðian to become hard, dry tip, wither: grow up, come of age, TC 203^20.

āstondnes = āstandennes

āstrǣlian to cast forth, #RPs# 75^9.

āstreccan to stretch out, stretch forth, extend, lay low, Æ: prostrate oneself, bow down, CP. [‘astretch’]

āstregdan to sprinkle.

āstregdnes? f. sprinkling, DR.

āstrenged (made strong), malleable, WW.

āstrīenan (ēo, ȳ) to beget.

āstrogden pp. of āstregdan.

āstrowenes f. length, #HGl# 443.

āstrȳnan = āstrīenan

āstundian to take upon oneself, Æ.

āstȳfecian to suppress, eradicate, CP.

āstyllan = āstellan

āstyltan to be astonished, LkLR.

āstyntan (i) to blunt, repress, restrain, stop, overcome, Gl. [‘astint’]

āstȳpan (ē, ēa, ēo) to deprive, bereave, GD. āstȳpte orphans. [stēop]

[[Printed as shown, but reference may be to “stēop-” as word element.]]

āstȳp(ed)nes (ē^2) f. privation, bereavement.

āstȳran to guide, control, AS 9^16.

āstyrfan (æ, e) to kill, destroy, Cr, Mt (e). [‘asterve’]

āstyrian to stir up, excite, move, move forward, raise, Jn, Mk; Æ: be roused, become angry, Æ. āstyred weorðan be or become anxious, Æ. [‘astir’]

āstyriendlic v. un-ā. [[under “unāstyriende”]]

āstyrigend m. ‘ventilator,’ GPH 393^78.

āstyrred starry, #Sc#.

āstyrung f. motion, #Lcd#.

ā-sūcan^2 -sūgan to suck, suck out, drain.

ā-sundran, -sundron = onsundran

āsundrian = āsyndrian [[under “āsyndran”]]

āsūrian to be or become sour, WW.

āswǣman to roam, wander about: pine, grieve, Æ.

āswǣrn- = āswarn-

āswǣtan to burst out in perspiration, MH 20^12.

āswāmian to die away, #Gen# 376: cease.

āswāpan^7 (but pp. āswōpen) to sweep away, remove, clean, CP.

āswārcan to languish, #LPs# 38^12.

āswārcian to confound, #BSPs# 70^24.

āswārnian to be confounded, #Ps#.

āswārnung f. shame, confusion, #LPs# 43^16.

āswaðian to investigate, OEG 5^11.

āsweartian to turn livid, become ashy or black, CP.

āswebban † to lull, soothe, set at rest: put to death, destroy, Jud. [‘asweve’]

āswellan^3 to swell, CP.

āsweltan^3 to die, #Chr#.

āswencan to afflict, DR.

āswengan to swing off, shake off, cast forth.

āsweorcan^3 to droop, Æ.

āsweorfan^3 to file off, polish, GPH.

āswēpa = ǣswǣpe

āswerian^6 to swear, #PPs#.

āswīcan^1 to desert, abandon, betray, deceive, Mt: offend, irritate, provoke. [‘aswike’]

±āswician to offend.

āswicung f. scandal, offence.

āswīfan^1 to wander, stray, WW.

āswind = ǣswind

āswindan^3 to become weak, shrink, fade away, perish, decay, dissolve, Bo; Æ, CP. [‘aswind’]

āswingan^3 to scourge, DR.

āswōgan^7 to cover over, choke, CP 411^17.

āsworettan to sigh, grieve, GD.

āswornian (NC 271) = āswarnian [[headword spelled “āswārnian”]]

āswundennes f. idleness, BH 160^25.

āsynderlic remote, OEG 2514.

±āsynd-ran, -rian to separate, divide, disjoin, sever, CP, Æ: distinguish, except. [‘asunder’]

āsyndrung f. division, WW.

at == æt

ātǣfran (CP 467^19) = ātīefran

ātǣsan to wear out, injure, strike, smite, Æ: wound, CP 296^18.

atāwian = ætīewan

āte (æ) f. ‘oats,’ Lcd: wild oats, tares, Gl, WW.

āteallan = ātellan

ātēfran = ātīefran

ategār = ætgār [[under “ætgǣre”]]

atel == atol

ātellan to reckon up, count, Bo; AO. ā. wið balance against: tell, enumerate, CP: explain, interpret. [‘atell’]

ātemian to tame, subdue, render quiet, CP.

ātendan to set on fire, kindle, inflame, Chr: trouble, perplex, A 8·312^48. [‘atend’]

ātending f. incentive, #Sc# 221^17.

ātēon^2 to draw up, out, off or from, remove, pull out, lead out, draw, B, BH; AO, CP. ūp ā. draw up, move away: protract, Æ: move, journey, roam: deal with, dispose of, apply, use, Mt; Æ, CP. [‘atee’]

ātēorian to fail, become exhausted, weary, cease, Ps; Æ: be defective, #ÆGr#. [‘atire’]

ātēori(g)endlic transitory, perishable, Æ: failing: defective, #ÆGr#.

ātēorodnes f. cessation, exhaustion, HL 3^495; #BPs# 118^53.

ātēorung f. failing, weariness, Æ.

ātēowan = ōðīewan [[headword spelled “oðīewan”]]

āter == ātor

ātēran^4 to tear away, CP 359^20.

āteriendlic = āteoriendlic [[headword spelled “ātēoriendlic”]]

āterima (ētr-) oat-bran, #Lcd# 3·292´.

ātertānum dp. with poisoned twigs (or? -tearum with poison drops) B 1460.

āteshwōn adv. at all, CM 987. [āwiht]

athēd (#Gl#) = æthȳd

ātīdrian to grow weak, GD 59^26 (ydd).

ātīefran (ǣ, ē, ī, ȳ) to draw, depict, CP.

atīewan = ōðīewan [[headword spelled “oðīewan”]]

ātiht- = ātyht-

ātillan to touch, reach.

ātimbr-an, -ian to erect, build, AO, CP.

ātimplian to provide with spikes, NC 271.

ātīwan = ōðīewan [[headword spelled “oðīewan”]]

ātlēag m. oat-field?, EC 448^9.

atol I. dire, terrible, ugly, deformed, repulsive, unchaste, B. [‘atel’] II. † n. horror, evil.

atolic, atollic dire, terrible, deformed, repulsive, Æ. adv. -līce.

atoliende disfiguring, WW 220^26.

ātor, āt(to)r, (ǣ) n. poison, venom, Lcd; AO, CP: gall, Gl. [‘atter’]

ātorbǣre poisonous, ÆH 1·72^22.

ātorberende poisonous, venomous.

ātorcoppe f. spider, Lcd. [‘attercop’]

ātorcræft (āttor-) m. art of poisoning, W.

ātorcyn (ǣ) n. poison, #Sol# 219.

ātordrinca m. poisonous draught, MH.

ātorlāðe f. plant used as antidote to poison, betonica? Lcd, WW. [‘atterlothe’]

ātorlic poison-like, bitter, WW. [‘atterlich’]

ātorsceaða † m. poisonous enemy.

ātorspere n. poisoned spear, #Rd# 18^9.

ātorðigen (ātt-) f. taking of poison, #Lcd# 1·4^5.

ātr = ātor

ātrahtnian to treat, discuss.

ātredan^5 to extract, extort, LL.

ātreddan to search out, examine, investigate, #PPs#.

ātrendlian to roll, Met 5^17. [v. ‘trendle’]

ātres gs. of ātor.

atrum n. ink, A 13·28^15. [L. atramentum]

atter, attor == ātor

attres gs. of attor, ātor. [[under “atter”]]

attrum = atrum

atul = atol

ātur = ātor

ātwēonian to cause doubt, A 8·333^6.

ātyddrian = ātīdrian

ātȳdran to beget, create, #El# 1279. [tūdor]

ātȳfran = ātīefran

ātyhtan (i) to entice, allure, incite: be attentive: produce, #Rd# 51^3: stretch, extend, turn.

ātyhting (i) f. intention, aim: instigation, OEG 2^304.

ātymbran = ātimbran

ātȳnan I. to shut off, exclude. [tūn] II. = ontȳnan

ātyndan = ātendan

ātȳrian = ātēorian

atȳwan = oðīewan

āð m. ‘oath,’ B, Mt; AO.

āð- = ōð-

aðamans m. adamant, CP 271^2. [L.]

āðbryce m. perjury, W 164^7.

āðecgan to take food, consume?: oppress? (Tupper) #Rd# 1^2,7.

āðegehāt = āðgehāt

āðegen distended, WW.

āðencan to think out, devise, contrive, invent, AO: intend.

āðenenes f. extension, VHy.

ā-ðennan, -ðenian to stretch out, extend, draw out, expand, AO: apply (the mind) CP: prostrate.

āðenung f. extension, distension.

āðēodan = āðīedan

āðēostrian (ē, īe, ī) to become dark, obscured, eclipsed, Bo; CP, #VPs#. [‘athester’]

āðer = āhwæðer

āðerscan to thresh out, ÆL 31^1217.

āðēstrian = āðēostrian

āðēwan = āðȳwan

āðexe f. lizard, OET.

āðfultum m. confirmation (confirmers) of an oath, LL.

āðgehāt (āðe-) n. promise on oath, oath, WW.

āðiddan to thrust, push, OEG 50^3.

āðīedan to separate, CP.

āðierran to clean, CP.

āðīestrian (CP) = āðēostrian

āðindan^3 to swell, puff up, inflate, increase, CP: melt, pass away. (cp. ðindan)

āðindung f. swelling, #Lcd# 93a.

ā-ðīstrian, -ðisðrigan (CP) = āðēostrian

āðl (#VPs#) = ādl

āðloga m. perjurer, #Cr# 165.

āðol = ādl

āðollan to hold out, endure, suffer, Æ.

āðolware mp. citizens, #GnE# 201.

āðor = āhwæðer

āðrācian to dread: frighten.

āðrǣstan to twist out, wrest out, #Gl#.

āðrāwan^7 to curl, twist, twine, Æ.

āðrēatian to weary, be irksome: force away, CP 293^10.

āðrēotan^2 (pers. and impers.) to tire of, weary, be tiresome to, displease, disgust, Æ, AO, CP.

āðrescan = āðerscan

āðrīetan to weary, Æ, AO (ȳ); #Bo#.

āðringan^3 to crowd or press out: rush forth, break out. ūt ā. emboss.

āðrīstian to be bold, presume, GD 70^30.

āðrotennes f. wearisomeness, WW 409^22.

āðrotsum irksome, WW 510^12.

āðrōwian to suffer, #Lcd# 68b.

āðroxen pp. of āðerscan.

āðrunten (pp. of *āðrintan) swollen, #Rd# 38^2. (or ? aðrūten)

āðrūten pp. (of *āðrūtan) swollen, #Lcd#.

āðryccan to press, oppress.

āðrȳn to rob? drive out? #Gl#, (ES 43·331).

ā-ðrysemian, -ðrysman (AO) to suffocate, smother. [‘athrysm’]

āðrytnes f. weariness.

āðstæf m. oath, #CPs# 104^9.

āðswara m? = āðswaru

āðswaring = āðswerung

āðswaru f. oath-swearing, oath, Æ.

āðswerian? to vow with an oath, WW 387^9.

āðswerung f. oath-swearing, #Chr, RSPs# 104^9.

āðswyrd (eo) n. oath-swearing, #EPs# 104^9 (ǣ^1); B 2064.

āðum m. son-in-law, Æ; AO: brother-in-law. [‘odam’]

āðumswerian mp. son-in-law and father-in-law, B 84.

āðundennes f. swelling, tumour, #Lcd#: contumacy, WW 87^17.

āðwǣnan to diminish, soften, #Lcd#.

āðwēan^6 to wash, wash off, cleanse, baptize, anoint, Æ, CP.

āðwedd n. promise on oath, WW 115^16.

āðweran^4 to stir up, churn, #Lcd#.

āðwīnan to vanish, NC 338.

āðwītan^1 to disappoint, #SPs# 131^11.

āðwyrðe worthy of credit. v. LL 2·376.

āðȳan = āðȳwan

āðylgian to bear up, #ARSPs#.

āðȳn = āðȳwan

āðynnian (i) to make thin, DHy 8^10.

āðȳstrian (Æ) = āðīestrian

āðȳtan I. ‡ to sound, blow (a horn). II. to expel, WW 19^12.

āðȳwan to drive away, AO: press out or into, squeeze out.

āuht = āwiht

āuðer = āhwæðer

āw = ǣ

āwa = ā

āwacan^6 (on-) to awake, Æ: arise, originate, spring forth, be born. [‘awake(n)’]

āwacian to awake, Æ.

āwācian to grow weak, decline, fall, belittle, Æ, CP: fall away, lapse, desist from, abstain, Æ.

āwacnian = āwæcnian

āwæc- = āwec-

āwǣcan to weaken, weary.

āwæc-nian, -nan (on-; a, e) to awaken, revive, Æ: arise, originate, spring from, AO. [‘awake(n)’]

āwǣgan to deceive: destroy, annul, make nugatory, Æ.

āwǣlan to roll, roll from: harass, afflict, NG.

āwæltan = āwyltan

āwæmmian = āwemman

āwænd- = āwend-, onwend-

āwænian = āwenian [[under “āwennan”]]

āwærd pp. of āwierdan.

āwærged = āwierged

āwærian to avoid, DR 39^13.

āwæscan = āwascan

āwǣstan = āwēstan

āwandian to fear, hesitate, #ÆGr# 162^2.

āwanian to diminish, lessen.

āwannian to become livid or black and blue, GD 20^32 (v. NC 332).

āwansian to diminish, KC 4·243^6.

āwār = āhwǣr

āwārnian (#APs#) = āswārnian

[[Entry before author’s correction: āwārnian to be confounded, #SPs#.]]

āwascan^6 (æ) to wash, bathe, immerse, #Lcd#.

āweallan^7 to well up, flow out, break forth, issue, swarm, CP: be hot, burn.

āweardian to guard, defend.

āweaxan^6 to grow, grow up, arise, come forth, CP.

āweb = ōweb

āwec- = āwæc-

āweccan to awake, rouse, incite, excite, Mk, Lk; Æ, CP: raise up, beget. [‘awecche’]

āwecenes (æ) f. incitement, GD 199^7.

āwecgan to undermine, shake, move, Æ.

āwēdan to be or become mad, rage, Æ; AO. [‘awede’; wōd]

āwefan^5 to weave, weave together, Æ.

āweg (= on-) ‘away,’ forth, out, Chr, Mt; CP.

āwegan^5 to lift up, carry away: weigh, weigh out, Æ: estimate, consider. [‘aweigh’]

āwegāworpnes f. abortion, LL (154^34).

āwegcuman^4 to escape, Æ.

āwegēade went away, JnL 4^50 [v. ‘away’; ēode]

āwegflēon^2 to fly or flee away, OEG 2169.

āweggān to go away, BH 326^10.

āweggewītan^1 to depart, AO 74^26.

āweggewitenes f. departure, Æ: aberration (of mind), #JPs# 115^11.

āwehtnes f. arousing, BH 422^20.

awel m. hook, fork, #Gl#.

āwellan = āwyllan

āwemman to disfigure, corrupt.

āwemmendnes f. corruption.

āwēnan to consider.

āwendan (= on-) to avert, turn aside, remove, upset, Ps: change, exchange, alter, pervert, Æ; CP: translate, Æ, CP: turn from, go, depart, Ps; AO: return: subdue. [‘awend’]

āwendedlic = āwendendlic

āwendednes f. change, alteration, Æ.

āwendendlic that can be changed, changeable, Æ.

āwendendlīcnes f. mutability, Æ.

āwendennes f. change, OEG 191.

āwending f. subversion, change, ES 39·322.

āwen-nan, -ian to disaccustom, wean.

āwēodian to root out, extirpate.

āweorpan^3 to throw, throw away, cast down, cast out, cast aside, degrade, depose, Mt; Æ, AO, CP. āworpen divorced, rejected, destroyed, apostate. of, ūt ā. to throw out. [‘awarp’]

āweorpnes = āworpennes

āweorðan^3 to pass away, vanish, become worthless, Mt; (NG) = +weorðan. [‘aworth’]

āweosung f. ‘subsistentia,’ WW 516^4.

āwer = āhwǣr

āwerdan = āwierdan

āwerde (æ^2) m. worthless fellow, WW 111^29.

āwerg- = āwierg-, āweri-

āwerian I. to defend, AO: hinder, restrain, #Chr#: protect, cover, surround, enclose: ward off from oneself, spurn from oneself. II. to wear, wear out (clothes), RB.

āwerpan = āweorpan

āwescnes (#VPs#) = ǣwiscnes

āwēstan to lay waste, ravage, destroy, AO; Æ. [‘awest’]

āwēst(ed)nes f. desolation, destruction.

āwēstend m. devastator, W 200^19.

āwexen = āweaxen pp. of āweaxan.

+āwian (AS 42^9) = +ēawian

āwīdlian to profane, defile.

āwierdan (e, y) to spoil, injure, hurt, corrupt, seduce, destroy, kill, CP.

āwierding (y) f. corruption, blemish, #HGl# 421^57.

āwierg-an, -ian (æ, e, i, y) I. to curse, damn, denounce, outlaw, Æ, Mt, CP; VPs. sē āwier(ge)da fiend, devil. [‘awarie’] II. = āwyrgan

āwiht I. n. ‘aught,’ anything, something, Ps. II. adv. at all, by any means. tō āhte at all. III. good, of value, Æ.

āwildian to become wild, Æ, LL.

āwillan = āwyllan

āwille (WW) = ānwille II.

āwindan^3 to wind, bend, plait: slip from, withdraw, escape, CP: become relaxed? W 148^3.

āwindwian (y) to winnow, blow away, disperse, #Ps#.

āwinnan^3 to labour, strive, JnL: gain, overcome, endure, Da. [‘awin’]

āwirgan = I. āwyrgan. II. āwyrgian

āwirgnes = āwyrgednes

āwisc- = ǣwisc-

āwisnian to become dry, wither.

āwistlian to hiss, W 147^37. [hwistlian]

āwlacian to be or become lukewarm.

āwlǣtan to befoul, make loathsome, defile, Æ.

āwlancian to exult, to be proud, OEG 1159.

āwlencan to make proud, enrich, DR 59^1.

āwlyspian to ‘lisp,’ MLN 4·279 (NC 338).

āwo = ā (āwa)

āwoffian to become proud, insolent: rave, be delirious, insane, Æ.

āwōgian to woo, Æ.

āwōh (crookedly), wrongfully, unjustly, LL. [= on wōh]

āwol = āwel

āwolfigan = āwoffian

āwonian (DR) = āwanian

āwor = āfor

āwordennes f. degeneration, WW 87^21.

āworpednes (#EPs# 21^7) = āworpennes

āworpenlic worthy of condemnation, CP. adv. -līce vilely.

ā-worpennes, -worpnes f. rejection, what is cast away: exposure (of children).

āwrǣnan to make wanton, #Lcd# 54b.

āwrǣstan to wrest from, extort, WW 397^37.

āwrecan^5 to thrust out, drive away: strike, pierce: utter, sing, relate, recite: punish, avenge, LL, ChrL. [‘awreak’]

āwreccan to arouse, awake, Æ.

āwregennes = onwrigenes [[under “onwrigennes”]]

āwrēon^1,2 (= on-) to disclose, discover, reveal: cover, NG.

āwreðian to support, uphold, CP.

āwrīdian to originate, spring from.

āwrigenes = onwrigennes

āwringan^3 to wring, squeeze out, Æ.

āwrit n. a writing.

āwrītan^1 to write, write down, describe, compose, CP; Æ, AO, #Chr#: mark, inscribe, draw, carve, copy. [‘awrite’]

āwrīðan^1 I. to turn, wind, bind up, bind, wreathe. II. = onwrīðan

awrygenes = onwrigenes [[under “onwrigennes”]]

āwðer, āwðor = āhwæðer

āwuht = āwiht

āwul = āwel

āwuldrian to glorify (N).

āwundrian to wonder, wonder at, admire.

āwunian to remain, continue, BH.

āwunigende ptc. continual.

āwurt-walian, -warian = āwyrtwalian

āwurðan = āweorðan

āwyht = āwiht

āwylian to roll, Æ.

āwyllan to bring into commotion, boil, Æ.

āwylm = ǣwielm

āwyltan, āwylwan to roll, roll away, Æ: harass, DR (æ).

āwyndwian = āwindwian

āwyrcan to do.

āwyrd- (Æ) = āwierd-

āwyrdla = æfwyrdla

āwyrdnes hurt, harm, destruction, Æ: defilement.

āwyrg- = āwierg-

āwyrgan (i, ie) to strangle, suffocate, AO (i), Æ. [‘aworry’]

āwyrgedlic, āwyrgendlic detestable, shameful, abominable.

āwyrgednes f. wickedness, Æ: curse, cursing. [wearg]

āwyrgodnes = āwyrgednes

āwyrigende accursed, Æ.

āwyrigung f. a curse, Æ.

āwyrn (#Men# 101) = āhwærgen [[headword spelled “āhwǣrgen”]]

āwyrpan (= ie) to recover (from illness), ÆH 1·534^28.

āwyrtlian = āwyrtwalian

āwyrtwalian to root out, CP.

āwyrðung f. stain, aspersion, #HGl# 421.

ax- = asc-, ox-

āx- = āsc-

axe = æcs

āȳdan (OEG 8^108) = āīdan

āȳdlian = āīdlian

āyldan to delay, GD 21^22. [ieldan]

āyrnan = āiernan

āȳtan to drive out. [ūt]

āyttan = āettan


bā nafn. and am. of bēgen both.

bac- v. bæc.

bacan^6 to ‘bake,’ Æ.

bacas nap. of bæc II.

bacca m. ridge, BC (bacce f. Mdf).

bacu nap. of bæc I.

bād I. f. forced contribution, impost, pledge, LL: expectation. [bīdan] II. (±) pret. 3 sg. of bīdan.

-bādere v. nīed-b.

bādian to take a pledge or fine, LL.

bæ- = ba-, be-, bea-

bæc I. n. ‘back,’ Bo, MtL, Ps; CP. on b. backwards, behind, ‘aback.’ on b. settan, lǣtan to neglect. ofer b. backwards, back. under b. behind, backwards, back. ofer b. būgan to turn back, flee. clǣne b. habban to be straightforward, honest, LL 128[5]. II. mfn. beck, brook. v. ES 29·411.

bæcbord n. left side of a ship, larboard, AO.

bæce = bæc II.

bǣce = bēce

bǣcen- = bēacen-

bæcere I. m. ‘baker,’ Æ. II. = bæzere

bæcering m. gridiron, WW.

bæcern n. bakery, bakehouse, Æ.

bæcestre fm. baker, Æ. [‘baxter’]

bæceð, bæcð, pres. 3 sg. of bacan.

bæcistre = bæcestre

bæcling, bæclinga (on) adv. backwards, behind. on b. gewend having one’s back turned, Æ.

bæcslitol adj. backbiting, W 72^16.

bæcðearm m. rectum; pl. bowels, entrails, Æ.

+bæcu np. back parts, #LPs#.

bæd I. pret. 3 sg. of biddan. II. = bed

bǣdan to urge on, impel, CP: solicit, require: afflict, oppress.

bædan to defile, #EPs# 78^1.

bædd == bedd

bæddæg ‘epiphania,’ DR.

bǣddel m. effeminate person, hermaphrodite, WW. [v. ‘bad’]

bæddryda = bedrida

bædend m. inciter, WW.

bǣdewēg n. drinking vessel. [wǣge]

bǣdling m. effeminate or impure male person, WW. [‘badling’]

bǣdon pret. pl. of biddan.

bædryda = bedrida

bædzere = bæzere

bæfta, bæftan (Mt; Æ) = beæftan

bæftansittende idle, #ÆGr# 52^2.

-bæftian (ea^1, a^2) v. hand-b.

bǣg = bēag

bǣgen = bēgen

bǣh = bēag

bǣl n. fire, flame, B: funeral pyre, bonfire. [‘bale’]

bǣlblys, -blyse, -blæse † f. blaze of a fire, funereal blaze.

bælc I. † m. pride, arrogance. II. m. covering, cloud? #Ex# 73.

bælcan † to cry out.

+bælcan to root up, #CPs# 79^14.

bældan = bieldan

bældo (CP), bældu = bieldo

bǣlegsa m. terror of fire, #Ex# 121.

bǣlfȳr n. ‘bale-fire,’ funeral or sacrificial fire, B.

bælg, bælig (NG) == belg

bǣlstede m. place of a funeral pile, B 3097.

bǣl-ðracu f. (ds. -ðræce) violence of fire, #Ph# 270.

bǣlwudu m. wood for a funeral pile, B 3112.

bǣlwylm m. flames of a funeral-fire, #Jul# 336.

bǣm = bām (v. bēgen)

bænd == bend

+bǣne? bones, NC 292.

bǣnen made of bone, Æ.

bær I. gsmn. bares ‘bare,’ uncovered, Bo: naked, unclothed, Gen. II. pret. 3 sg. of beran.

bǣr I. f. ‘bier,’ El; Æ: handbarrow, litter, bed, BH, JnR. [beran] II. a pasture? KC (BT). III. = bār (AB 14·233).

+bǣran to behave, conduct oneself, CP: fare, B 2824: ‘exultare,’ #PPs#. [‘i-bere’]

bærbær barbarous, #EPs# 113^1.

bǣrdisc m. tray, WW. [beran]

bære = bere pres. 1 sing. of beran.

bære- = bere-

-bǣre suffix (from beran); forms derivatives from substantives, as in cwealmbǣre. [Ger. -bar]

bǣre == bǣr

+bǣre n. manner, behaviour, El: gesture, cry: action. [‘i-bere’; beran]

bærfōt barefoot.

bærhtm (A) = bearhtm

bærlic I. adj. of barley, KC 6·79^10. II. open, clear, public. adv. -līce.

bǣrmann m. bearer, porter, Æ. [‘berman’]

bærn = bereærn

±bærnan (e) to cause to burn, kindle, burn, consume, Sol; AO, #VPs#. [v. ‘burn’]

bærnelāc (e) n. burnt-offering, #PPs#.

+bǣrnes f. bearing, manner, WW 529^13.

bærnett (y^2) n. burning, burn, cautery, Æ: arson, LL.

bærning f. burning: burnt offering, #BPs# 50^18.

bærnīsen n. branding-iron, OEG 7^113.

bærnnes, bærnes f. burning.

bæro = bearu

bǣron pret. pl. of beran.

bærs m. a fish, perch, #Gl#. [Ger. barsch]

+bǣrscipe (LkL) = +bēorscipe

bærst pret. 3 sg. of berstan.

bærstl- = brastl-

bærsynnig m. notoriously wicked person, publican, NG.

+bǣru v. +bǣre.

bærwe = bearwe

bæst mn.? inner bark of trees, ‘bast,’ Æ, OET.

bæsten made of bast.

bæstere = bæzere

bǣtan I. to bait, hunt, worry, Æ. [v. ‘bait’]: (BT) make fast? (Sedgef. = III). II. to beat against the wind? #Bo# 144^31. [ON. beita] III. to furnish with a bit or bridle, saddle, curb.

+bǣte, +bǣtel n. bit, bridle, pl. trappings, BH.

bætera, bættra = betera

bǣtung (ē) f. beating (against the wind?) (BT), cable (Sedgef.), #Bo# 144^31.

bæð n. nap. baðu ‘bath,’ action of bathing, Lcd: laver, AO: liquid in which one bathes, medicinal spring, BH, KC. ganotes b. gannet’s bath (i.e. the sea), B.

bæðcere m. bather.

bæðere = bæzere

bæðern n. bath-house, NC 272.

bæðfæt n. bathing-tub, LL 455[17].

bæðhūs n. bathing-place, Æ.

bæðian = baðian

bæðsealf f. bathing-salve, #Lcd#.

bæðstede m., bæðstōw f. bathing-place, WW.

bæðweg † m. sea.

bæzere m. baptiser, baptist. [= L. baptista]

bal- = beal-

balc, balca m. bank, ridge, Bo, WW. [‘balk’]

ballīce (NG) = bealdlīce

bal-sam, -samum n. ‘balsam,’ balm, BH.

balsmēðe f. bergamot, #Lcd# 3·90^23.

balsminte f. balsam-mint, water-mint, WW 136^6.

balzam n., balzame f. = balsam

bām dmfn. of bēgen.

+ban = +bann

±bān n. ‘bone,’ tusk, Jn, Æ, Gl; AO, CP: the bone of a limb.

bana (o) m. killer, slayer, murderer, B; #Chr#: the devil: (f.) murderess, A 10·155. [‘bane’]

bānbeorge f. leg-armour, greaves, WW.

bānbryce m. fracture of a bone, #Lcd#.

bāncofa † m. the bodily frame.

ban-coða m., -coðu f. baneful disease.

band pret. 3 sg. of bindan.

bānece in pain in the thigh, #Lcd#.

bān-fæt † n. nap. -fatu body, corpse.

bānfāg adorned with bonework (deer antlers?), B 781.

bangār (o) m. murdering spear, B 2031.

bāngeberg n. = bānbeorge

bāngebrec n. fracture of a bone, #An# 1439.

bānhelm m. helmet, shield? #Fin# 30 (v. also bārhelm).

bānhring † m. vertebra, joint.

bānhūs † n. body, chest, breast. bānhūses weard the mind, #Ex# 523.

bānlēas boneless, #Rd# 46^3.

bānloca † m. joint, limb.

+bann n. proclamation, summons, command, Æ, CP: indiction (cycle of 15 years).

±bannan^7 to summon, command, proclaim. b. ūt call out, #Chr#.

bannend m. summoner, #Gl#.

+banngēar (-gēr) n. indiction, year of the indiction.

bannuc m. a sort of cake, OEG.

bānrift (y) n. leggings, leg-armour, greaves, #Gl#, WW (-rist).

bānsealf f. salve for pain in the bones, #Lcd# 138b.

bānsele ‡ m. (bone-house), body.

bānwærc m. pain in the bones, WW 200^12.

banweorc n. homicide, murder, LL 244, 32, 4#d#.

bānwyrt f. violet? small knapweed? #Lcd#.

bār (ǣ) m. ‘boar,’ ÆGr.

bara, bare wk. forms of bær, adj.

barda m. beaked ship, WW 289^12.

bārhelm m. helmet with the image of a boar? #Fin# 30 (v. also bānhelm).

barian to lay bare, uncover: depopulate, W 310^5. [bær I.]

barice = bearrige

barm = bearm

barn I. pret. 3 sg. of biernan. II. = bearn

barrige = bearrige

bārspere n. boar spear.

bārsprēot m. boar spear.

barstlung = brastlung

barð m. barque, ‘dromo,’ WW 181^29.

barða = barda

baru napn. of bær adj.

basilisca m. basilisk, #PPs# 90^13.

basing m. cloak, Æ.

±bāsnian to await, expect.

bāsnung f. expectation (N).

bastard m. bastard, #Chr# 1066#d#. [OFr.]

basu (e, ea, eo) gsmn. baswes purple, scarlet, crimson. baswa stān topaz.

basuhǣwen purple.

+baswian to stain red, ES 33·177.

bāt I. fm. ‘boat’, ship, vessel, Chr. II. pret. 3 sg. of bītan.

batian to batten, fatten, CP 173^20: heal: grow better, Æ.

bātswegen m. boatman, EC 254.

batt bat, cudgel, club, OEG 18b18.

bātwā = būtū

bātweard m. ship’s watchman, B 1900.

bað = bæð

±baðian to wash, lave, ‘bathe’ (tr. and intr.), give baths (to others), Lcd; Æ, AO.

baðu v. bæð.

be- prefix. =1.= specializes the meaning of a tr. vb. (as in behōn, besettan). =2.= makes an intr. vb. transitive (beswīcan, beðencan). =3.= is privative (bedǣlan, belīðan). =4.= does not alter the meaning (becuman).

be prep. w. d. and instr. (of place) ‘by,’ near, in, on, upon, with, along, at, to. be eallum altogether. be fullan in full: (of time) in, about, by, before, while, during: for, because of, in consideration of, by, by means of, through, in conformity with, in comparison with: about, concerning, in reference to: on penalty of. be āwihte in any respect. be fullan in excess. be sumum dǣle partly. be ānfealdum single. be twīfealdum two-fold. be fullan fully, perfectly. be ðām mǣstan at the most. be ðām (ðān) ðe because, as, according as, how. be norðan, sūðan to the north, south of.... be æftan = beæftan

bēacen (ē) n. ‘beacon,’ sign, token, phenomenon, portent, apparition, JnL (ē): standard, banner, B.

bēacenfȳr n. beacon fire, lighthouse, OET 180^7 (ǣ).

bēacenstān m. stone on which to light a beacon fire, WW.

bēacn- = bīecn-, bīcn-

bead = bed

bēad I. pret. 3 sg. of bēodan. II. (NG) = bēod

beado == beadu

beadowig = bǣdewēg

beadu † f. gds. beaduwe, beadowe war, battle, fighting, strife.

beaducāf bold in battle, #Rd# 1^11.

beaducræft m. skill in war, #An# 219.

beaducræftig † warlike.

beaducwealm m. violent death, #An# 1704.

beadufolm f. battle-hand, B 990.

beadugrīma m. war-mask, helmet, B 2257.

beaduhrægl † n. coat of mail.

beadulāc † n. war-play, battle.

beadulēoma m. (battle-light), sword, B 1523.

beadumægen n. battle strength, force, #Ex# 329.

beadumēce m. battle-sword, B 1454.

beadurǣs m. rush of battle, #Ma# 111.

beadurinc † m. warrior, soldier.

beadurōf † strong in battle, renowned in war.

beadurūn f. secret of a quarrel, B 501.

beaduscearp keen in battle (sword), B 2704.

beaduscrūd n. coat of mail, B 453; 2660?

beadusearo n. war equipment, #Ex# 572.

beaduserce f. coat of mail, B 2755.

beaduðrēat m. war-band, army, #El# 31.

beaduwǣpen † n. weapon of war.

beaduwang † m. battlefield.

beaduweorc † n. work of battle, warlike operation.

beaduwraǣd (o^2) m. fighting company, #Lcd# 125b.

beæftan I. adv. after, hereafter, afterwards, behind, AO; CP (bi-). [‘baft’] II. prep. w. d. after, behind.

beǣwnian to join in marriage, marry, #Chr# 1052#d#. [ǣw]

beaftan to lament, MtL 11^17. [= be-hafetian; ‘beft’]

bēag I. (ǣ, ē) m. ring (as ornament or as money), coil, bracelet, collar, crown, garland, Æ; CP. [‘bee’; būgan] II. pret. 3 sg. of būgan.

bēag-gifa, -gyfa † m. ring-giver, lord, king, generous chief.

bēaggifu (bēah-) † f. ring-giving.

bēaghord (h) † n. ring-hoard.

bēaghroden † diademed, adorned with rings or armlets.

bēaghyrne (h) f. corner of the eye, WW 156^41.

bēagian (ē) to crown.

bēag-sel n., -sele † m. hall in which rings are distributed.

bēagðegu (h) f. receiving of rings, B 2176.

bēagwīse n. round shape, GD 343^15.

bēagwriða (h) m. armlet, B 2018.

bēah I. = bēag. II. pret. 3 sg. of būgan.

beāh- = bēag-

beāhsian to ask advice, #Bl# 199^29; 205^28.

bealanīð = bealunīð

bealcan, bealcettan to ‘belch,’ utter, bring up, splutter out, give forth, emit, Ps; Æ: come forth.

beald (a) ‘bold,’ brave, confident, strong, Ps; AO, CP: impudent.

bealde adv. boldly, courageously, confidently: without hesitation, immediately.

bealdian to be bold, B 2177. [‘bold’]

bealdlīce ‘boldly,’ Jul.

bealdnes (a) f. boldness.

bealdor † m. lord, master, hero.

bealdwyrde bold of speech, Æ.

beale- = bealu-

bealg, bealh pret. 3 sg. of belgan.

beallucas mp. ‘testiculi,’ Gl. [‘ballock’]

bealo = bealu

bealo- = bealu-

bealu I. † gs. b(e)al(u)wes n. ‘bale,’ harm, injury, destruction, ruin, evil, mischief, Sat, Ps, Chr: wickedness, malice: a noxious thing, Æ. II. adj. baleful, deadly, dangerous, wicked, evil.

bealubend m. pernicious bond, W 178^2.

bealubenn f. mortal wound, #Ex# 238.

bealublonden pernicious, #GnE# 198.

bealuclomm mf. oppressive bond, #Hell# 65.

bealucræft m. magic art, #Met# 26^75.

bealucwealm m. violent death, B 2265.

bealudǣd † f. evil deed, sin.

bealuful ‘baleful,’ dire, wicked, cruel, Cr.

bealufūs prone to sin, #Rim# 50.

bealu-hycgende ‡, -hȳdig ‡ meditating mischief.

bealuinwit n. deceit, treachery, #PPs# 54^24.

bealulēas † harmless, innocent, Chr, Gn. [‘baleless’]

bealunīð † m. malice, wickedness.

bealurāp m. oppressive fetter, #Cr# 365.

bealusearu n. wicked machination, #Jul# 473.

bealusīð † m. hurt, adversity: death.

bealusorg f. dire sorrow, #Ph# 409.

bealuspell n. baleful message, #Ex# 510.

bealuðonc m. evil thought, #Jul# 469.

bealuwes, bealwes v. bealu.

bēam I. m. tree, KC, Rd: ‘beam,’ rafter, piece of wood, Chr, Mt; CP, Mdf: cross, gallows, Cr: (†) ship, Rd: column, pillar: sunbeam, Chr, Ps: metal girder, AO. II. (NG) = bȳme

bēamere (Mt) = bȳmere

bēamsceadu † f. shade of a tree.

bēamtelg ‡ m. wood-dye, carbonaceous ink.

bēamweg m. road made with logs, BC 1·417´.

bēamwer m. wooden weir? BC 2·242´.

bēan (īe) f. ‘bean,’ pea, legume, Lcd; Mdf.

bēan-belgas, -coddas (Lk) mp. bean-pods, husks or cods. [v. ‘cod’]

bēancynn n. a kind of bean, WW 205^3.

bēanen adj. of beans, #Lcd# 1·282^9.

bēanlēag f. land where beans grow, KC 5·265. [v. ‘bean’]

bēanmelu n. bean meal, #Lcd# 31b.

bēansǣd n. bean seed.

bēanscalu f. bean-pod, OEG 608.

bēar (NG) = bēor

bearce (æ) f. barking, #Gl#.

beard m. ‘beard,’ VPs; Æ.

beardlēas beardless, youthful.

bearg I. m. ‘barrow’ pig, hog, Mt (e), Rd. II. pret. 3 sg. of beorgan.

bearh = bearg I. and II.

bearht == beorht

bearhtm I. (br-, e, eo, y) m. brightness, flash: twinkling (of an eye), instant. II. == breahtm

bearhtme adv. instantly.

bearhtmhwæt swift as the twinkling of an eye, momentary, #Az# 107 (br-).

bearhtmhwīl f. moment, twinkling of an eye, point of time, GD.

bearm I. (a) m. lap, bosom, breast, Lk: middle, inside: (†) possession. II. emotion, excitement? #PPs# 118. III. = beorma

bearmclāð n. apron.

bearmrægl n. apron. [hrægl]

bearmtēag yeast-box, LL 455[17].

bearn I. (a, eo) n. child, son, descendant, offspring, issue, B, Mt, TC; AO, CP. lēoda b. children of men. [‘bairn’] II. = barn pret. 3 sg. of biernan. III. pret. 3 sg. of beiernan. IV. = bereærn

bearnan (N) = biernan

bearncennicge mother, DR.

bearn-ēaca (CP, Æ), -ēacen (CP), -eacnod, -ēacnigende (Æ) pregnant.

bearnende (NG) = biernende ptc. of biernan.

bearngebyrda fp. child-bearing, B 946.

bearngestrēon n. procreation of children, #Rd# 21^27.

bearnlēas childless, Æ.

bearnlēast (ē^2) f. childlessness.

bearnlufe affection (for a child), adoption, BH 454^11.

bearn-myrðra m., -myrðre f. murderer or murderess of a child.

bearntēam m. offspring, posterity, AO: procreation of children, HL. [‘bairnteam’]

bearo == bearu

bearrige f? ‘braugina,’ ‘baruina,’ #Gl#.

bears == bærs

bēarscipe = bēorscipe

±bearu gs. bearwes m. grove, wood, BH; CP; Mdf. [berwe]

bearug = bearg

bearunæs m. woody shore, #Rd# 58^5.

bearwe (æ) f. basket, wheelbarrow, LL 455^15.

bearwes v. bearu.

beasu = basu I.

+bēat n. scourging, Æ.

±bēatan^7 pret. bēot and (rarely) beoft (ES 38·28) to ‘beat,’ strike, thrust, dash, Bo, Bl, Ps: hurt, injure, #Da# 265: tramp, tread, B.

bēatere m. beater, boxer, Æ.

bēaw m. gad-fly, WW.

bebaðian to bathe, wash (tr. intr. and refl.).

bebēodan^2 to offer, commit, entrust, CP: bid, enjoin, instruct, command, require, Æ, Lk; AO, CP: announce, proclaim. [‘bibede’]

bebēodend m. commander, master, CP.

bebēodendlic commanding, imperative, #ÆGr#.

bebeorgan^3 to be on one’s guard, defend, protect, B. [‘bibergh’]

beber (WW 11^14) = befer

beberan^4 to carry to, supply with.

bebindan^3 to bind about, bind fast, Æ.

be-birgan, -birigan = bebyrgan

bebītan (bibī-) to bite, Cp 251#m#.

beblāwan to blow upon.

bebod n. command, injunction, order, decree, Mt; Æ, AO, CP. ðā bebodu the (ten) commandments. [‘bibod’]

beboddæg m. appointed day, A 11·102^67.

bebodian wv. = bebēodan

bebodrǣden f. command, authority, #LPs# 118^110.

bebrǣdan to spread, cover, MH 44^19.

bebrecan^4 to break to pieces, #Sol# 295.

bebregdan^3 to pretend, LkL 20^20.

bebrūcan^2 to practise: consume (food).

bebūgan^2 to flow round, surround, enclose: turn from, shun, avoid, El: reach, extend. [‘bibugh’]

bebycgan (A) to sell.

bebycgung f. selling, WW.

bebyrdan to fringe, border, WW 375^41.

be-byrgan (AO) -byrian I. to raise a mound to, bury, inter, Æ. [‘bebury’] II. = bebeorgan

be-byrgednes, -byrig(ed)nes f. burial, burying.

bebyrig- = bebyrg-

bebyrwan (?= -bȳwan, BT) to rub over, GD 318^3.

bec = bæc

bēc v. bōc.

becæfian to ornament, WW 137^22.

+bēcan to make over in writing, grant by charter, EC 202´.

becc = bæc II.

becca m. pick, mattock, WW; Æ. [‘beck’; and v. Indog. Forschungen 24]

beccen m. buyer, WW (#KGl#) 75^36. [= bycgend]

bece m. = bæc II.

bēce (oe) f. ‘beech’ (tree), Gl. (v. also bōc.)

becēapian^1 to sell, Æ: buy, Æ.

becefed = becæfed, pp. of becæfian.

bēcen I. ‘beechen,’ made of beechwood, Lcd, WW. II. (NG) = bēacen

beceorfan^3 to cut, cut off, separate, Æ. hēafde b. to behead.

beceorian to murmur at, complain of.

becēowan^2 to gnaw in pieces, #Soul# 111.

becēpan I. to take notice of, #LPs#. II. = becȳpan

beceð pres. 3 sg. of bacan.

becīdan to complain of, ÆH 2·470^6.

becierran (e, y) to turn, turn round, pass by, avoid, Met; CP: wind, twist: pervert, Chr: give up, betray. [‘bicharre’]

beclǣman to plaster over, poultice, #Lcd#.

beclǣnsian to cleanse, #SPs# 18^14.

beclemman to bind, enclose, #Sol# 71.

beclencan to hold fast, #LPs# 104^18.

beclēsung = beclȳsung

beclingan^3 enclose, bind, #El# 696.

beclipð (CP) = beclypð pres. 3 sg. of beclyppan.

beclīsung = beclȳsung

beclypian (eo) to accuse, challenge, sue at law, LL. [‘beclepe’]

beclyppan to clasp, embrace, encompass, hold, Æ.

beclypping f. embrace, OEG.

beclȳsan to close, shut up, enclose, confine, imprison, Æ. [clūse] [[under “clūs”]]

beclȳsung f. enclosure, cell, OEG 1522: period, syllogism, OEG.

bēcn == bēac(e)n

becnāwan^7 to know, RB.

becnedan^5 to knead up, #Lcd# 93a.

bēcnydlic = bȳcnendlic [[redirected to “bīcnendlic”]]

becnyttan to knit, tie, bind, Æ, CP.

becol-a? m., -e? f. spectre, WW 530^33.

bēcrǣding = bōcrǣding

becrēopan^2 to creep into, crawl, AO: be hidden, Æ.

becst pres. 2 sg. of bacan.

bēctrēow = bōctrēow

becuman^4 to happen, befall, Æ: come, approach, arrive, enter, meet with, fall in with, B; Æ, AO, CP: happen, befall, Bo, Æ: (impers.) befit, MkL 14^31. [‘become’]

bēcun (NG) = bēacan [[under “bīcnan”]]

becwelan^4 to die, LL 400 (1).

becweðan^5 to say: speak to, address, exhort, admonish, blame, Ps: ‘bequeath,’ leave by will, KC; Æ.

becweðere m. interpreter, translator, EHy 16 (proem.).

becwyddod bespoken, deposited, WW 115^39.

becwylman? to torment (BT).

becyme m. event, result, BH 372^19.

becȳpan to sell.

becyrran = becierran

±bed I. n. prayer, supplication, Æ, CP: religious ordinance, service, Æ. II. = bedd. III. = bæd pret. 3 sg. of biddan.

bedǣlan to deprive, strip, bereave of, rob, Æ: release, free from. [‘bedeal’]

bēdan = bēodan

+bēdan = +bædan

bedbǣr (ē) f. portable bed, NG.

+bedbigen f. payment for prayers, LL 258 (51). [bycgan]

bedbolster m. bolster, pillow, WW 124^20.

bedbūr n. bed-chamber, #HGl# 481.

±bedcleofa (e, i, y) m. bedroom, chamber: lair, #Ps#.

bed-cofa m., -cofe f. bedchamber.

bedd n. ‘bed,’ couch, resting-place, Jn, KC; CP: garden-bed, plot, #Lcd#; Mdf.

+bedda f. consort, wife, B. [‘i-bedde’]

±beddagas mpl. rogation days.

beddclāð m. bed-covering; pl. bed-clothes.

beddclyfa = bedcleofa

beddgemāna m. cohabitation, CP 99^25.

beddian to make a ‘bed,’ WW: provide one with a bed, LL.

bedding f. ‘bedding,’ bed-covering, LPs, WW; Æ: bed.

beddrēaf = bedrēaf

beddreda (i, y) = bedreda

beddrest † f. bed.

beddstōw f. bed, BH 410^12.

be-dēaglian (-dēahl) = bedīglian

bedecian to beg, Æ, CP.

bedēglian = bedīglian

bedēlan = bedǣlan

bedelfan^3 to dig round, Lk: bury, Rood; AO. [‘bedelve’]

bedelfung f. digging round, WW 149^11.

beden pp. of biddan.

bedēpan (#VPs#) = bedīpan

bedeppan = bedyppan

bedfelt mn. bed-covering, RB 91^16.

bedgerid n. (ant’s) nest, #Lcd# 118a.

+bedgiht f. evening, WW 117^8.

±bedhūs n. chapel, oratory, Æ.

+bedian to pray, worship, BH 408^29.

bedīcian to surround with a dyke, embank, fortify, #Chr# 1016#e#.

bedidrian = bedydrian

bedīeglan = bedīglian

be-dīglian (-dīhl-; ēa, ē, īe) to conceal, hide, obscure, keep secret, Æ: be concealed, lie hid.

bedīgling f. secret place, #RPs# 80^8.

beding = bedding

bedīolan (K) = bedīeglan

bedīpan (ē, ȳ) to dip, immerse: anoint, #CPs# 140^5.

+bedmann m. worshipper, priest.

bedōn to shut, PPs 147^2. [‘bedo’]

bedol = bedul

±bedrǣden f. prayer, intercession, Æ.

bedragan v. pp. bedrōg.

bedrēaf n. bed-clothes, bedding, Æ.

bedreda (i, y) m. (and adj.) ‘bedridden’ (man), Æ.

bedrēf = bedrēaf

bedrēosan^2 to overcome, deceive? #Gen# 528, 823: deprive of, bereave, despoil.

bedrest = beddrest

bedrida = bedreda

bedrīfan^1 to drive, beat, strike, assail, AO: follow up, pursue: surround, cover.

bedrincan^3 to drink up, absorb, #Lcd#.

bedrīp n. compulsory service rendered to a landowner at harvest time, LL. [‘bedrip’]

bedrōg beguiled, #Gen# 602.

bedrūgian to dry up, #Lcd# 1·336^4.

bedryda = bedreda

bedrȳpan to moisten, GPH 391^18.

+bedscipe † m. cohabitation, wedlock.

+bedstōw f. place of prayer, oratory.

bedstrēaw n. straw for bedding, ÆL 31^572.

bedtīd f. bed-time, WW 176^2.

+bedtīd time of prayer, MH 126^18.

bed-ðegn, -ðen, m. chamber-servant, chamberlain, WW.

bedu f. asking, prayer, CP. [Goth. bida]

bedūfan^2 immerse, submerge, drown, Æ. [‘bedove’]

bedul suppliant, WW 180^12.

bedwāhrift n. bed-curtain, Ct.

bedydrian to conceal from, Æ: deceive, Æ.

bedȳfan to immerse, GD 73^24; #CPs# 68^16.

bedȳglan = bedīeglan

bedȳpan = bedīpan

be-dyppan (e), to dip, immerse, Æ, Mt. [‘bedip’]

bedyrnan to conceal. [dierne]

beēastan to the east of, AO, #Chr#.

beēastannorðan to the north-east of, AO.

beebbian to leave aground by the ebb tide, strand, #Chr# 897#a#.

beefesian to cut off the hair, ÆL 33^84.

beerf- = beyrf-

befædman = befæðman

befǣlon pret. 3 pl. of befēolan.

befæstan to fasten, fix, ground, establish, make safe, put in safe keeping, Æ, CP: apply, utilize: commend, entrust to, Æ, CP.

befæstnian (ea) to fix, Æ: pledge, betroth.

befættian to fatten, anoint, #LPs# 140^5.

befæðman, -mian to encircle, Æ.

befaran^6 to go, go round or among, traverse, encompass, surround, AO: come upon, surprise, catch, LL 230, 13, 1.

befealdan^7 to fold, roll up, envelop, clasp, surround, involve, cover, Æ, CP: attach.

befeallan I. (sv^7) to fall, Mt, CP; Æ: deprive of, bereave of: fall to, be assigned to: ‘befall,’ #ÆGr#. II. = befyllan

befeastnian (NG) = befæstan

befēgan to join, ÆL 23^425.

befelgan = befylgan

befellan = befyllan

befelðrǣd = hefeldðrǣd (#HGl# 489)

befeohtan^3 to take by fighting, Rd 4^32. [‘befight’]

befēolan^3 to put away, bury: deliver, grant, consign, entrust to, Ps: betake oneself to, apply oneself, devote oneself to, persist, persevere, CP: importune: put up with, be pleased with. [‘bifele’]

befeolhan = befēolan

befēon to deprive of property, OEG 3157.

befer (eo, y) m. ‘beaver,’ ÆGr (eo); Mdf.

befēran to surround, Æ: come upon, overtake, pass by: go about: fall among, NG.

befician to deceive, LL (320^24).

befīlan = befȳlan

befilgan = befylgan

befiod (#HGl# 480) pp. of befēon.

beflēan^6 to peel, skin, flay, WW. beflagen flǣsc entrails. [‘beflay’]

beflēogan^2 to fly upon, BH. [‘befly’]

beflēon^2 (w. a.) to flee from, flee, escape, avoid, Ps; CP. [‘beflee’]

beflōwan^7 to flow round, over, Wif. [‘beflow’]

befōn^7 to surround, clasp, include, envelop, encase, clothe, Bl; Æ, AO, CP: comprehend, seize, attach (at law), lay hold of, catch, ensnare, Gen: contain, receive, conceive: explain, CP. wordum b. tell, relate. on b. have to do with, engage in. [‘befong’]

befor = befer

beforan I. prep. α. (w. d.) (local) ‘before,’ in front of, in the presence of: (temporal) before, prior to, sooner than. β. (w. a.) before. II. adv. (local) before, in front: (temporal) before, formerly, in former times, earlier, sooner: at hand, openly.

beforhtian to dread, Æ 23b^525.

befōtian to cut off one’s feet, Æ 25^117.

befrēogan to free, liberate, #Ps#.

be-frīnan, -frignan^3 to question, ask, learn, Æ.

befrīnung f. inquiry, investigation, OEG 2309.

befrȳnan = befrīnan

beftan = beæftan

befullan entirely, completely, perfectly, CP 5^20.

befȳlan (ī) to befoul, defile, Lcd; Æ. [‘befile’]

befylgan to follow after, pursue, persevere with, #Lcd#.

befyllan I. to fell, lay low, strike down: (†) take by killing, bereave, rob. [feallan] II. to fill up. [full]

bēg = bēag

bēga gmfn. of bēgen.

begalan^6 to sing incantations over, enchant, Lcd; Æ. [‘bigale’]

begān to go over, traverse, Æ: get to, come by, fall into: go to, visit, care for, cultivate, AO: occupy, Æ, BH, Lcd: surround, Chr. ūtan b. besiege: practise, do, engage in, perform, attend to, be diligent about, Æ, CP: honour, serve, worship: profess. on borh b. pledge oneself, CP. [‘bego’]

bēgan = bīegan

begang m. †way, course, circuit, extent: district, region: business, undertaking, practice, exercise, service, reverence, worship: cultivation, GD. [= bīgeng]

beganga = bīgenga

begangan = begān

begangol (bigeong-) m.? cultivator, LkR: worship, DR.

be-gānnes, -gangnes f. ‘calendæ,’ celebration.

begbēam m. bramble, thorn-bush.

bēge = bēgen

bēgea = bēga

bēgean = bīegan

begēat I. m. attainment, Æ: acquisitions, property, Æ. II. pret. 3 sg. of begēotan.

begēm- = begīm-

begēmen (#KGl#) = begīmen

bēgen nm. (but where one thing is m. and the other f. or n., the nom. is bā, bū), nf. bā, nn. bū; gmfn. bēg(e)a, bēgra; dimfn. bǣm, bām; am. bū; af. bā; an. bū both. v. also būtū. [‘bo’]

begenga = bīgenga

begēomerian to lament, W 75^15.

begeondan (AO, CP), begeonde, -geonan, prep. w. a. d.; and adv. ‘beyond,’ on the other side, Æ, Chr, Jn.

begeotan = begietan

begēotan^2 to pour over or upon, anoint, infuse, flood (with), sprinkle, cover with fluid, Chr; Æ. [‘bigeten’; Ger. begiessen]

beger n. berry, #Gl#.

beget = begeat pret. 3 sg. of begietan.

begeten pp. of (1) begēotan, (2) begietan.

bēgian = bēagian

begiellan^3 to sing, celebrate, #Seaf# 24.

begietan^5 (e, i, y) to get, find, acquire, attain, receive, take, seize, AO, CP: happen: beget.

begietend (e) m. one who gets, WW 214^25.

begīman (ȳ) to look after, take care of: do service, attend: take heed, observe.

begīmen f. attention, observation.

begīming f. invention, device: observance: care, regard, OEG (ȳ).

begīnan^1 to open the mouth wide, swallow.

beginnan^3 to ‘begin,’ Æ; AO, CP: attempt, undertake, Æ: attack, AO.

begir = beger

begirdan = begyrdan

begitan (AO, CP) = begietan

begleddian to befoul, pollute, Æ: stain, dye, Æ.

beglīdan^1 to leave, desert, #PPs# 56^1.

begnagan^6 to gnaw.

begneorð? attentive, BH 370^2 (?= *becneord, BT).

begnīdan^1 to rub thoroughly, #Lcd# 50a.

begnornian to mourn for, B 3179.

begong = begang

bēgra gmfn. of bēgen.

begrǣtan = begrētan

begrafan^5 to bury, El 835. [‘begrave’]

begrētan to lament, #PPs# 77^63.

begrindan^3 † to grind, polish, sharpen: deprive of, rob.

begrīpan^1 to grip, seize: chide, Ps. [‘begripe’]

begriwen ptc. steeped in, Æ.

begroren overwhelmed, #Sat# 52.

begrornian = begnornian

begrynian to ensnare, entrap. [grīn]

begȳm- = begīm-

begyrdan to gird, clothe, Æ: surround, fortify, CP.

begytan = begietan

bēh = bēag, bēah

behabban to include, hold, surround, comprehend, contain, AO, CP: detain, withhold.

behādian to unfrock (a priest), LL.

behæfednes f. restraint, temperance.

behæpsian to fasten a door, ÆL 31^214.

behǣs f. promise, vow, #Chr# 1093. [v. ‘behest’]

behættian to scalp, Æ: make bald.

behaldan = behealdan

behamelian to mutilate, hamstring, Æ: strip naked?

behammen ‘clavatus,’ (of shoe) patched (BT), studded with nails (Napier), GD 37^13.

behāt n. promise, vow, Æ: threat.

behātan^7 (often w. d. pers.) to promise, vow, pledge oneself, Æ; CP: threaten. [‘behight’]

behātland n. promised land, GD 204^12.

behāwian to see clearly, take care, consider, Mt. [‘bihowe’]

behēafdian to ‘behead,’ Mt; Æ, AO.

behēafdung f. beheading, Æ.

behēafodlic capital (punishment), OEG 4042.

behealdan^7 to hold, have, occupy, possess, guard, preserve, KC; CP: contain: keep, observe, consider, Bl, Ps; AO, CP: to ‘behold,’ look at, gaze on, observe, see, Gen; Æ, CP: signify, Æ: avail, effect: take care, beware, be cautious, CP: act, behave.

behealdend m. beholder, spectator, BH 26^23.

behealdennes f. observance, DR: continence, DR.

behealdnes f. regard, observation, Æ.

behēawan^7 to cut, chip, chop, beat, CP: cut off from, deprive of.

behēdan (#KGl#) = behȳdan

be-hēfe, -hēf(e)lic suitable, proper, necessary, Æ.

behēfnes f. convenience, utility.

behelan^4 to cover over, hide.

beheldan = behealdan

behelian to cover over, conceal, bury, CP.

behelmian to cover over, #Sol# 104.

behēofian to lament.

be-heonan, -heonon prep. (w. d.) and adv. on this side of, close by.

be-hēot, -hēt, pret. 3 sg. of behātan.

behicgan = behycgan

behīdan = behȳdan

behīdiglīce = behȳdiglīce

behienan (#Chr#) = beheonan

behildan to depart, #EPs# 138^19.

behindan I. prep. (w. d., a.), adv. ‘behind,’ after, Chr, etc.; CP.

be-hinon, -hionan = beheonan

behīring = behȳrung

behīwian to dissimulate, RBL 16^7.

behlæmman = behlemman

behlǣnan to surround.

behlāf f. remainder, Æ. [= *belāf]

behlēapan^7 to leap upon, settle on, fix upon, devote oneself to, CP.

behlehhan = behlyhhan

behlemman † to dash together.

behlīdan^1 to close, cover over, Æ, AO.

behliden = beliden, pp. of belīðan.

behlyhhan^6 (e) † to deride, exult over, Gu. [‘bilaugh’]

behlȳðan to rob, deprive of, #Rd# 15^10.

behōf n. behoof, profit: need, want, OEG 27^34.

behōfian (abs. and w. g.) to have need of, require, want, BH, Lcd; CP, Æ: (impers.) it behoves, concerns, belongs, is needful or necessary, MtL, Jn. [‘behove’]

behōflic necessary, MkL. [‘behovely’]

behogadnes f. practice, WW 427^37.

behogian to care for, RB. [‘bihogien’]

behogod careful, prudent, DR. adv. -līce.

behōn^7 to hang round, CP. [‘behung’]

behorsian to deprive of horses, #Chr#.

behrēosan^2 to fall: cover, shelter. behroren pp. divested of.

behrēowsian to rue, repent of, make amends, Æ: compassionate, Æ. [‘bireusy’]

behrēowsung f. repentance, penitence, Æ. [‘bireusing’]

behrēowsungtīd f. time of repentance, Septuagesima, Æ.

behrīman to cover with hoarfrost, #Wif# 48.

behringan to surround, CP.

behrōpan^7 to plague, importune, Lk 18^5.

behrūmian to besmirch, WW.

behrūmig sooty, MH 52^27.

bēhð f. witness, sign, #Jud# 174.

behwearf I. (eo) pret. 3 sg. of behweorfan. II. (#EPs#) = behwearft

behwearft m. exchange, #LPs# 43^13.

behweolfan (A) = behwylfan

behweorfan^3 to turn, change, spread about: see to, arrange, prepare, treat, Æ: bury, Æ.

behwerfan = behwirfan

behwirfan (e, y) to turn, change, convert, CP: exchange: prepare, instruct, exercise.

behwon whence, BH.

behwylfan to cover, vault over, #Ex# 426.

behwyrfan (Æ) = behwirfan

behycgan to consider, bear in mind: confide, trust (on).

behȳdan (ī) to conceal, shelter, Mt; Æ. [‘behide’]

be-hȳdednes, -hȳdnes f. concealment, secret place.

behȳdig careful, watchful, anxious, Æ. adv. -hȳdiglīce, -hȳdelīce.

behȳdignes f. solicitude, care, anxiety. [hygdig] v. MP 1·393.

behygd- = behȳd-

behyhtan to trust, W 48^8.

behyldan to flay, skin, AO.

behylian to cover, veil, ÆL 33^237.

behȳpan (ē) to surround, BH 188^14. [hȳpe]

behȳpian to hang up, OEG 3322.

behȳran to let on hire, WW.

behȳrung f. letting, loan, WW.

behȳðelīce sumptuously, WW 513^6.

beiernan^3 (i, y) to run up to, over, or into, incur: occur to.

beigbēam = begbēam

beinnan = binnan

beinsiglian to seal up, RHy 6^34.

beirnan = beiernan

beiundane = begeondan

belācan^7 to inclose, #Rd# 61^7.

belādian to excuse, clear, Æ, AO, CP.

belādiendlic apologetic, that can be excused, OEG.

belādigend m. apologist, WW 332^2.

belādung f. apology, excuse, WW.

belǣdan to lead astray, RB. [‘belead’]

belǣfan to leave, spare: be left, remain, survive, Ps; Æ. [‘beleave’]

belændan = belandian

belǣðan to make hateful, pervert, W 47^7.

be-lǣwa (Æ), -lǣwend, m. betrayer.

belǣwan to betray, Æ.

belǣwung f. betrayal, treachery, Æ.

belāf I. pret. 3 sg. of belīfan. II. v. behlāf.

belandian to deprive of lands, #Chr#.

belcedswēora adj. having an inflated neck, #Rd# 79^1. [bælc]

belcentan, belcettan = bealcettan [[under “bealcan”]]

beld, beldo = bieldo

+beldan I. to cover, bind (a book)? JnL p188^3. II. = +bieldan

belēan^6 to censure, reprove: charge with: dissuade, forbid, prevent, CP.

belē- (NG) = belǣ-

belecgan to cover, invest, surround, afflict, An; AO: attribute to, charge with, accuse. [‘belay’]

belēfan = belȳfan

belendan = belandian

belene f. henbane.

belēogan^2 to deceive by lying, GD: (impers.) be mistaken. [‘belie’]

beleoran (A) to pass by, pass over.

beleorendlic past, DR.

belēosan^2 † to be deprived of, lose.

belēweda (LL 438^5) = belǣwend [[under “belǣwa”]]

belewit = bilewit

belflȳs n. bell-wether’s fleece, LL 451 (14).

belg (æ, i, y) m. bag, purse, leathern bottle, pair of bellows, pod, husk. [v. ‘belly’]

+belg m. anger: arrogance, RB 69^20.

belgan^3 (intr., refl.) to be or become angry, CP, Æ: (+) offend, provoke.

belgnes f. injustice, MtL 20^13 (bælig-).

+belh = +belg

belhring m. bell-ringing, RB.

belhūs = bellhūs

belibban to deprive of life.

belicgan^5 to lie round, surround, hedge in, encompass, Æ, AO.

belīfan^1 to remain over, be left, Æ; AO. [‘belive’]

belīfend m. survivor, OEG.

belīfian = belibban

belig = belg

belīman to glue together, #Sc# 96^19.

belimp n. event, occurrence, affair.

belimpan^3 to concern, regard, belong to, conduce to, Bo; CP: happen, B; Æ: become: (impers.) befit. [‘belimp’]

be-lisnian, -listnian to castrate, Æ. belisnod, -listnod pp. as sbm. eunuch. wæs b. ‘stupratur,’ #HGl# 507.

belīðan^1 † to deprive of. pp. beliden departed, dead, #An# 1087.

bell = belle

bellan^3 to bellow, bark, grunt, roar, Rd. [‘bell’]

belle f. ‘bell,’ KC; Æ, CP.

bellhūs n. ‘bell-house,’ belfry, LL, WW.

belltācen n. indication (sounding of the hour) by a bell, HL 11^65.

belltīd f. a canonical hour marked by the ringing of a bell. (cp. belltācen)

belōcian ‘intendere,’ #RPs# 44^5.

belone = belene

belt m. ‘belt,’ girdle, WW.

belūcan^2 to lock, shut up, close, surround, enclose, embody, Bl, CP, Mt, VPs; AO: stop, impede, block up, choke, Æ: preserve, protect: shut out, exclude, Æ. [‘belouke’]

belune = belene

belūtian to lie hid, GD 293^15.

belȳfan (ē) to believe, Æ. pp. belȳfed having belief.

belympan = belimpan

belyrtan (N) to deceive, cheat, MtL 2^16. [‘belirt’]

belytegian to allure, seduce, AO 112^26. [lytig]

bemǣnan to ‘bemoan,’ bewail, mourn over, lament, Æ.

bemancian to maim, #Lcd# 3·214^20.

bēmare = bȳmere

bēme = bīeme

bemeldian to disclose, reveal, denounce.

bēmere = bȳmere

bemetan^5 to estimate, account, consider, AO. [‘bemete’]

bemīðan^1 to hide, conceal, CP: lie hid.

be-murcian, -murcnian, to murmur at, grumble over, AO 48^17.

bemurnan^3 (also wk.) to mourn, bewail, deplore, be sorry for: care for, take heed for.

bemūtian to change, exchange for, #Gu# 42. [L. mutare]

bemyldan to bury, WW. [molde]

ben = benn

bēn I. f. (±) prayer, request, Lk; AO, CP: compulsory service, LL 447 (v. 2·418, Fron.). [‘bene’] II. pret. 3 sg. of bannan.

bēna m., bēne f. suitor, petitioner, AO.

benacian to lay bare. [nacod]

benǣman (ē) to take away, deprive of, rob of, Æ, AO. [niman]

benc f. ‘bench,’ B.

bencian to make benches, LL 455 (13).

bencsittend † m. one who sits on a bench.

bencswēg ‡ m. bench-rejoicing, sound of revelry, B 1161.

bencðel † n. bench-board, wainscotted space where benches stand, B. [v. ‘theal’]

bend mfn. (+b. MtL) bond, chain, fetter, BH, Bl, Mt, Ps; CP: band, ribbon, ornament, chaplet, crown, WW. [‘bend’]

bēndagas mpl. days of prayer, ‘dies rogationum,’ A 8·329^26.

±bendan to bend (a bow), Ps: bind, fetter, Chr. [‘bend’]

bendfeorm = bēnfeorm

beneah (pret. pres. vb.) pl. benugon, pret. benohte to have at one’s disposal, possess, enjoy: require.

beneced = benacod pp. of benacian.

benēman = benǣman

benemnan to name: stipulate, settle, declare, asseverate.

benēotan^2 † to deprive of, rob.

beneoðan (i, y) prep. w. d. ‘beneath,’ under, below.

bēnfeorm f. harvest feast? bean-feast? food required from a tenant? (BT), LL 452´.

bengeat n. wound-gash, B 1121.

benīdan to compel? A 9·110.

beniman^4 to take, assume, obtain, AO: take away from, deprive of, bereave, rob, BH, Bo, Gen; AO, CP: contain: catch, apprehend. [‘benim’]

beniming f. deprival, WW (bi-).

beniðan = beneoðan

bēnlic (oe) that may be entreated, DR. adv. -līce beseechingly, DR.

benn † f. wound, mortal injury. [bana]

bēnn pret. 3 sg. of bannan.

benne f. reed-grass, BC (Mdf).

±bennian † to wound.

benohte v. beneah.

benorðan in the north, northwards (of).

benoten pp. of benēotan.

benotian to use, consume, ChrB. [‘benote’]

bēnrīp n. compulsory service rendered to a landowner at harvest time, LL 448. [cp. bedrīp]

±bēnsian to pray, supplicate, BH.

benst pres. 2 sg. of bannan.

bēntīd f. prayer time, rogation days, #Men# 75.

bēntigðe, bēntīð(ig)e granting requests, gracious, #LPs#: obtaining requests, successful, #Chr#.

benð pres. 3 sg. of bannan.

benugon v. beneah.

bēnyrð f. ploughing required from a tenant, LL 448 (5,2).

benyðan = beneoðan

bēo I. f. nap. bēon; dp. bēo(u)m ‘bee,’ Ps; Æ. II. pres. 1 sg. of bēon.

bēobrēad n. honey with the comb.

bēoce = bēce

bēoceorl m. bee-master, bee-keeper, LL 448[5].

bēocere m. bee-keeper, LL. [MHG. bīkar]

+beod = +bed

bēod m. table, Mt: bowl, dish. [‘beod’]

bēodærn n. refectory, dining-room, Æ (-ern). on bēoderne at table.

beodan = bidon pret. pl. of bīdan.

±bēodan^2 to command, decree, summon, Æ, AO, CP. b. ūt call out (an army), banish: declare, inform, announce, proclaim, Gu, LL: threaten: offer, proffer, give, grant, surrender, Æ, Gen; AO: (refl.) show oneself, behave: exact, collect. [‘bid,’ ‘i-bede’]

bēodbolle f. table-bowl, #Gl#.

bēodclāð m. ‘gausape,’ table-cloth, carpet, #ÆGr# 34^8.

bēoddern = bēodærn

bēoddian to do joiner’s work, LL 455 (13).

bēodend m. preceptor, CM 967.

bēodendlic = bebēodendlic

bēodern (Æ) = bēodærn

bēodfæt n. table-vessel, cup, WW 204^25.

bēodfers n. grace at meal-time.

bēodgæst m. table-companion, #An# 1090.

bēodgenēat † m. table-companion.

bēodgereordu np. feast, #Gen# 1518.

bēod(h)rægl n. table-cloth, WW 126^33.

bēodlāfa fp. table-leavings, #Bl# 53^13.

bēodland n. land from which the table of monasteries, etc., was supplied, glebe-land, Ct.

bēodlēs f. table-allowance, TC 474^6.

bēodrēaf n. table-cloth, TC 530^36.

bēod-scēat n., -scȳte m. table-napkin, towel, WW 449^22.

bēodwyst f. a table with food on it, #LPs# 22^5. [wist]

beofer = beofor

beofian = bifian

beofor (e, y) m. beaver.

beoft redupl. pret. of bēatan; beoftadon is from a later wk. *beoftian (ES 38·28).

beofung = bifung

bēogang m. swarm of bees, WW.

+bēogol (ȳ) submissive, obedient: forgiving, Æ. [būgan]

bēohāta m. chief? prince? #Ex# 253?

beolone = belene

bēom I. dp. of bēo I. II. = bēam. III. = bēo pres. 1 sg. of bēon.

bēomōder f. queen-bee, OEG.

bēon I. anv. [conj. in full (WS and A) Wt 548] to be, exist, become, happen. b. ymbe to have to do with. b. of to be gone. (v. also eom, wesan.) II. nap. of bēo I.

bēona gp. of bēo I.

bēonbrēad = bēobrēad

bēonbroð n. mead? (or? bēanbroð ES 38·302).

bēonnon pret. pl. of bannan.

bēor n. strong drink, ‘beer,’ mead, Lk (v. A 27·495). [bēow]

+bēor m. pot-companion, guest, Æ.

beora = bearu

±beoran = beran

bēorbyden f. beer-barrel, LL 455 (17).

beorc I. (e, i, y) f. birch, Mdf: name of the rune for =b=. II. (±) n. barking.

beorcan^3 (tr.) to ‘bark,’ CP: (intr.) bark at, Lcd.

beorce = beorc

beorcen (i, y) of birch.

beorcragu (e^1) f. lichen from a birch-tree, #Lcd# 99b.

beorcrind (e^1) f. birch-bark, #Lcd# 119b.

beord (BH 392^27) = bord

bēordræst(e) f. dregs of beer, #Lcd#.

beorg m. mountain, hill, Lk, AO; Mdf: mound, tumulus, ‘barrow,’ burial place, Æ, Lcd.

+beorg n. protection, defence, refuge, W.

beorgælfen f. orcad.

±beorgan I. sv^3 (w. d.) to save, deliver, preserve, guard, defend, fortify, spare, An, Ps; AO, CP: (w. refl. d.) beware of, avoid, guard against. [‘bergh’] II. = byrgan II.

beorg-hlið n. nap. -hleoðu mountain-height, mountain-slope.

+beorglic fitting, profitable, LL, W: safe, prudent, Æ.

beorgseðel n. mountain dwelling. [setl]

beorgstede m. mound.

±beorh I. == beorg. II. imperat. of beorgan.

beorhlēode (WW 178^41) = burglēode

+beorhnes f. refuge, #CPs# 30^3.

+beorhstōw f. place of refuge, #PPs# 31^8.

beorht (e, y) I. ‘bright,’ shining, brilliant, light, clear, Bo, El, Gu: clear-sounding, loud, Cra: excellent, distinguished, remarkable, beautiful, magnificent, noble, glorious, PPs: pure, sublime, holy, divine. II. n. brightness, gleam, light. ēagan b. twinkling of an eye: sight.

beorhtan = bierhtan

beorhtblōwende bright-blooming, #Lcd# 1·404^9.

beorhte brightly, brilliantly, splendidly: clearly, lucidly, distinctly, CP.

beorhthwīl (OEG) = bearhtmhwīl

beorhtian to glisten, shine, BH, Ps: to sound clearly, B: to make bright, VPs. [‘bright’]

+beorhtian = +beorhtnian

beorhtlic brilliant, clear, shining, splendid. adv. -līce, Mk; Æ. [‘brightly’]

beorhtm = bearhtm

beorhtnes f. ‘brightness,’ clearness, splendour, beauty, JnL, Lk; CP.

±beorhtnian (e) to grow bright, OEG 534: glorify.

beorhtrodor m. shining heavens, #Ex# 94.

beorhtte (= *beorgihte) pl. mountainous, AO 10^25.

beorhtu = bierhtu

beorhtword (y^1) clear-voiced, #Sat# 238.

bēorhyrde m. cellarer, butler, #Cra# 75.

beorm- = bearm-

beorma m. ‘barm,’ yeast, leaven, Mt.

+beormad leavened, MtR 13^33.

beorn I. † m. man: noble, hero, chief, prince, warrior, B, Ma: rich man, #Run# 12. [‘berne’] II. = barn pret. 3 sg. of biernan. III. = bearn

beornan (#VPs#) = biernan

beorncyning m. lord of heroes, B 2148.

beorne = byrne

Beornice mp. Bernicians, inhabitants of part of Northumbria.

beorning (= ie) f. incense, LkL 1^11.

beornðrēat m. troop of men, #Pa# 50.

beornwiga m. †warrior, hero.

bēorscealc reveller, feaster, B 1240.

±bēorscipe, m. feast, banquet, revel, Æ, CP.

bēorsele † m. beer-hall, banqueting hall.

bēorsetl n. ale-bench, #Jul# 687.

beorswinig (NG) = bærsynnig

bēorðegu † f. beer-drinking.

beorð fn? birth: the thing born. [[from first edition]]

-beorðling (ie) v. hyse-b. [[headword spelled “hyseberðling”]]

±beorðor (e, o, u, y) n. child-bearing, child-birth: what is born, foetus, offspring.

beorðorcwelm m. abortion, WW 348^23.

beoruh = beorg

beosmrian = bismrian [[redirected to “bismerian”]]

bēost m. beestings, the first milk of a cow after calving, WW: swelling (of the ground)? v. Mdf. [‘beest’]

beosu = basu

±bēot I. n. boastful speech, boast, threat, Æ, Gen. on b. boastfully: promise, vow, AO: command: peril, danger, #Da# 265. [= behāt; ‘beot,’ ‘i-beot’] II. pret. 3 sg. of bēatan.

beotian = botian

±bēotian to threaten, Jul: boast, vow, promise, AO. [‘beoten’]

±bēotlic arrogant, exulting, boastful, threatening, Æ. adv. -līce.

bēotmæcg m. leader, #Da# 265.

bēoton pret. pl. of bēatan.

bēotung f. threatening.

bēotword † n. boast: threat.

bēoðēof m. bee-thief, LL 54[9,2].

bēoum dp. of bēo.

bēow n. barley, #Gl#.

bēowan = bȳwan

bēowyrt f. bee-wort, sweet flag, #Lcd#.

bepǣcan to deceive, cheat, seduce, Mt; Æ. [‘bipeche’]

bepǣcend m. deceiver, Æ.

bepǣcestre f. whore, #ÆGr# 175^9.

bepǣcung f. deception, OEG.

beprīwan (ē) to wink, #Bo#, W.

bēr (NG) = bǣr

bera m. ‘bear,’ Æ.

beræccan = bereccan

berǣdan to deprive, take by treachery, rob: betray, Æ: deliberate on: get the better of.

berǣsan to rush upon or into, Æ, CP.

±beran (eo) to ‘bear,’ carry, bring, take away, carry out, extend, B; Æ, AO, CP: bring forth, produce, Bl, Mt, Gen (and v. ‘ibere’). berende fruitful. +boren born, own (by birth): (with ūp) set forth, open (a case), #Chr# 1052#e#: wear, AO: endure, support, sustain, LL, Mt; CP.

berascin n. bear-skin, EC 250.

+berbed vermiculated, DR 4^3.

ber-bēne, -bīne f. verbena, #Lcd#.

berc == beorc

+berd- = +byrd-

+bēre = +bǣre

bere m. barley, JnLR; Æ. [‘bear’]

bereærn n. ‘barn,’ LkL. [bere, ærn]

berēafere m. despoiler, OEG 46^36.

berēafian to ‘bereave,’ deprive of, take away, seize, rob, despoil, Bo; Æ, AO.

berēafigend m. despoiler, robber.

berebrytta m. barn-keeper, LL 451 (17).

berēcan to cause to smoke, smoke (tr.), #Lcd# 1·106^16.

bereccan to relate: excuse or justify oneself, CP.

berecorn n. barley-corn.

+bered crushed, WW: harassed, oppressed, NG.

berēfian (#KGl#) = berēafian

bereflōr m. barn-floor, threshing-floor, LkL. [v. ‘bear’]

beregafol n. rent paid in barley, LL 116 (59^1). [cp. gafolbære]

beregræs n. barley-grass, fodder, WW 148^26.

berehalm n. barley haulm, straw, #Lcd# 157a.

bereland (ber-) barley land, KC 3·367^9.

beren I. of barley, Æ. II. = biren. III. = bereærn

berend m. bearer, carrier, #Gl#.

berendan to peel, take off husk, #Lcd#.

berende v. beran.

berendlīce with fecundity, DR 32^8.

berendnes f. fertility, DR 108^11.

berenhulu f. barley-husk, #Sc# 95^19.

berēnian to bring about, #Ex# 147: ornament, mount (with silver), KC 6·101^22.

berēocan^2 to fumigate, LL (164^5).

berēofan^2 † to bereave, deprive, rob of.

berēotan^2 to bewail, #Hell# 6.

berēowsian = behrēowsian

-berere v. wæter-b. [[under “wæterberend”]]

berern (NG) = bereærn

beresǣd n. barley, BH 366^27.

beretūn m. barley-inclosure, threshing-floor, barn, MtL; Æ. [‘barton’]

berewæstm m. barley-crop, #Lcd# 1·402^6.

berewīc f. barley-yard, demesne farm, TC. [‘berewick’]

berg = (1) bearg, (2) beorg

berg- = beri-, byrg-

berh = bearh pret. 3 sg. of beorgan.

berht = beorht

berht- = beorht-, bierht-

berhtm- = breahtm-

berian I. to make bare, clear, B 1239. [bær] II. = byrgan II.

+berian = +byrian

bericge = bearrige

berīdan^1 to ride round, surround, besiege, LL: overtake, seize, capture, occupy, #Chr#. [‘beride’]

berie f. ‘berry,’ Lcd: grape, Æ.

berig I. n. berry, #RPs# 77^47. II. = byrig, ds. of burg.

berigdrenc m. drink made of mulberries, WW 114^22.

berige = berie

berigea = byrga

be-rindan, -rindran to strip off bark, peel.

berinnan^3 to run upon, run over, wet, bedew, Cr 1176. [‘berun’]

berland = bereland

bern = bereærn

bern- = bærn-, biern-

bernan (#VPs#) = bærnan

bernhus n. barn, GD 68^22. [= beren-]

berōfon (pret. pl. of *berafan or *berebban) despoiled, #Gen# 2078.

berōwan^7 to row round, #Chr# 897#a#.

berst = byrst

+berst n. bursting, eruption, W 186^7.

±berstan^3 intr. (tr. at #Rd# 2^8) to break, ‘burst,’ fail, fall, B, Lcd, Ma; Æ, AO: break away from, escape: break to pieces, crash, resound.

berthwīl = beorhthwīl

bertūn = beretūn

berð- = beorð-, byrð-

+bēru = +bǣru

berūmod = behrūmod, pp. of behrūmian.

berunnen pp. of berinnan.

berwe ds. of bearu.

berwinde f. ‘bearbind,’ navel-wort, WW 300^19.

berȳfan to deprive, #Mod# 63. [rēaf]

berȳpan despoil of, strip, spoil, plunder, rob, Æ.

besǣgan to sink, GPH 388^85.

besæncan = besencan

besǣtian to lay wait for, AO 146^11.

besārgian to lament, bewail, be sorry for, pity, Æ. [sārig]

besārgung f. compassion, Æ.

[[Entry before author’s corrections: besārgung f. sorrowing, VHy: compassion, Æ.]]

besāwan^7 to sow, Æ.

bescēad (bi-) n. distinction.

bescēadan^7 to separate, discriminate: scatter, sprinkle over, #Lcd# 20b.

besceadian (Sol 339) = besceaduwian

besceaduwian, to overshadow, #RPs# 139^8. [‘beshade’]

besceafan^6 to scrape thoroughly, #Lcd# 143b.

bescēan pret. 3 sg. of bescīnan.

besceatwyrpan ‘despondi,’ v. OEG 1^4555; 2^346; ES 42·170.

bescēawere m. observer, DHy 24^15

bescēawian to look round upon, survey, contemplate, consider, watch, Æ, AO: look to, care for. bescēawod cautious, careful, #Lcd# 3·436^11.

besceawiendlic contemplative, OEG 991.

bescēawodnes f. vision, sight.

bescēawung f. contemplation.

besceddan = besceadan [[headword spelled “bescēadan”]]

bescencan to give to drink, #Gu# 596.

besceofan = bescūfan

besceoren (WW 217^24) = bescoren pp. of bescieran.

bescēotan^2 to shoot into, plunge into, implant: happen, occur, AO.

be-sceran, -scerwan = bescieran

bescerian = bescierian

bescieran^4 to shear, shave, cut hair, give the tonsure, Æ, AO. [‘beshear’]

bescierednes (y^2) f. deprivation, WW 351^13.

bescierian to separate from, deprive of, #Chr#: defraud.

bescīnan^1 to shine upon, light up, illuminate, Rd; Æ. [‘beshine’]

besciran = bescieran

bescirian = bescierian

bescītan^1 to befoul, WW 507^28.

bescrēadian to scrape off, clean off, ES 42·171.

bescrepan^5 to scrape, #Lcd# 101a.

bescūfan^2 to shove, impel, thrust down, hurl, throw, Æ, AO: force, Æ.

bescȳlan to look askance, #Bo# 121^30. [sceol]

bescyr- = bescier-

besēcan to beseech, beg urgently, MF (Vesp. D xiv).

besecgan to announce, introduce: defend, excuse oneself: (w. on) accuse, Æ.

beselian = besylian

besellan to surround, cover (over): hand over.

besema = besma

besencan to cause to sink, submerge, immerse, drown, Bl, Mt; AO, CP: plunge into (fire), GD 317. [‘besench’]

besendan to send, Æ.

besengan to singe, burn, AO.

besēon I. sv^5 (tr., intr. and refl.) to see, look, look round, behold, Æ, Mk, Ps; AO: look after, go to see, visit: provide for. b. tō look upon, have regard to, CP. [‘besee’] II. sv^1 to suffuse, #Cr# 1088.

besēoðan to boil down, #Lcd#.

besēowian (ī, ȳ) to sew together, sew up, Ep. [‘besew’]

be-serian, -serwan = besierwan

besettan to put, place, set near, appoint, Æ: own, keep, occupy: ‘beset,’ cover, surround with, adorn, B; CP, Æ: besiege, invest, An: institute, set going.

besīdian to regulate the size of anything, RB 89^18. [sīd]

besierwan to ensnare, surprise, deceive, defraud, oppress, AO. [searu]

besīgan (on) to rush, v. OEG 4126.

besilfran to silver, #VPs# 67^14.

besincan^3 (intr.) to sink, AO. [‘besink’]

besingan^3 to sing of, bewail: sing charms, enchant, Æ.

besirwan (AO, CP) = besierwan

besittan^5 to sit round, surround, beset, besiege, Chr; AO: hold council: occupy, possess. [‘besit’]

besīwian = besēowian

beslǣpan^7 to sleep, LL (284^3).

beslēan^6 to strike, beat, cut off, take away, deprive by violence, Æ.

beslēpan to slip on, cover, impose, put on, clothe.

beslītan^1 † to slit, tear.

besma m. ‘besom,’ broom, rod, AO, Mt.

besmēagan to consider about, inquire into, ÆL 23b^633.

+bēsmed curved, WW 515^9. [bōsm]

bēsming f. curve, curvature, WW. [bōsm]

besmirwan to ‘besmear,’ WW.

besmītan^1 to soil, defile, pollute, dishonour, Bl; Æ, CP. [‘besmit’]

besmitenes f. soil, stain, defilement, degradation, dirtiness, Æ.

besmittian to defile.

besmiðian to work (in metal), forge, surround with forged work.

besmocian to smoke, envelop with incense, ANS 84·3.

besmyred = besmirwed pp. of besmirwan.

besnǣdan † to cut, mutilate.

besnīwian to cover with snow, WW. [‘besnow’]

be-snyðian, -snyððan † to rob, deprive of.

besolcen stupefied, dull, sluggish, inactive, slow, CP.

besorg dear, beloved, Æ.

besorgian to regret: be anxious about, dread, shrink from, Æ.

besorh = besorg

bespǣtan to spit upon, ÆH 2·248^24.

bespanan^6 to lead astray, entice, incite, urge, persuade, AO.

besparrian to bar, shut, #Gl#.

bespirian = bespyrigan

besprecan^5 to speak about, AO: speak against, accuse of, Ps: claim at law, LL: complain. [‘bespeak’]

besprengan to besprinkle, Lcd. [‘bespreng’]

bespyrigan to track, trace, LL.

best adv. (used as superl. of wel) best, most.

besta, beste wk. forms of superl. adj. betst.

bestǣlan (ē) to lay a charge against, convict.

bestæppan^6 to tread upon, step, go, enter, Æ.

bestandan^6 to stand round or about, beset, surround, Æ: attend to, Æ: beset, harass, Jn. [‘bestand’]

bestealcian to move stealthily, steal, ‘stalk,’ ÆL 32^40. [stealc]

bestefnod ptc. provided with a fringe, WW 375^41.

bestelan^4 to move stealthily, steal away, steal upon, AO, LL; Æ, CP: (†) deprive. [‘besteal’]

bestēlan = bestǣlan

bestēman = bestȳman

bestēpan (= i) to deprive of (children), GD 76^18.

bestingan^3 to thrust in, push, Æ.

bestrēdan to bestrew, cover, BH 154^27 (#b#).

bestrēowian to ‘bestrew,’ besprinkle, Æ.

bestreððan to bestrew, cover over.

bestrīcan^1 to make a stroke, #Lcd# 186b. [strīca] [[headword spelled “strica”]]

bestrīdan^1 to ‘bestride,’ mount, Æ.

bestrīpan to strip, plunder, despoil.

bestrūdan^7 to spoil, plunder, rob.

bestrȳpan = bestrīpan

bestryððan = bestreððan

bestuddian to be careful for, trouble about, #Kl# 14^6.

bestȳman (e) to bedew, wet, flood, B 486. [stēam]

bestyrian to heap up, BH. [‘bestir’]

bestyrman to agitate, #Bo# 9^11.

besu = basu

besūpan^2 to sup up, swallow, #Lcd# 113b.

besūtian to besmirch, GPH 403^26.

besūðan = be sūðan

beswǣlan to burn, singe, scorch, Æ.

beswǣpan = beswāpan

beswǣtan to sweat, toil, #Sc# 111^14.

beswāpan^7 to clothe, cover over, veil, protect, CP: persuade, BH. [‘beswape’]

beswelgan to swallow up, #EPs# 106^27; 123^3.

beswemman to make to bathe, #Bo# 115^8.

beswencan to afflict, #CPs# 68^18.

besweðian to swathe, wrap up, wind round.

beswic n. treachery, deceit, AO (bī-), CP: snare.

beswica (bī-) m. deceiver.

beswican^1 to deceive, seduce, betray, circumvent, frustrate, Bl, Mt; AO, CP: to overcome, supplant, AO. [‘beswike’]

beswīcend m. deceiver, seducer, #Gl#.

beswicenes f. deception: surrender.

beswicfalle f. trap, #Gl#.

beswician to escape, be free from, BH.

beswicol deceitful, CP 238^16. (bi-)

beswīcung f. deception, WW.

beswincan^3 to toil, exert oneself, make with toil, Jn: till, plough, Æ. beswuncen exhausted, tired out. [‘beswink’]

beswingan^3 to flog, scourge, beat, strike, Æ; CP. [‘beswinge’]

beswylian to drench, flood, #Rood# 23. [swilian]

besyftan to sprinkle, ÆL 23^165. [siftan]

besylfran = besilfran

besylian to sully, defile, stain, Æ.

besyr-ewian, -i(a)n = besierwan

bet adv. better, #Bo#. [‘bet’]

-bēta v. dǣd-b.

betācnian to ‘betoken,’ designate.

betǣcan (w. d.) to make over, give up to, impart, deliver, entrust, commend to, Æ, Lk; AO, CP: appoint (for), set apart as, dedicate: show, point out, Lk: give orders, RB 130^4: pursue, hunt, WW 92^28. [‘beteach’]

±bētan to amend, repair, restore, cure, CP: make good, make amends, remedy, compensate, atone, pay ‘bōt’ for an offence, Æ, Mt, Lcd; AO, CP: attend to (fire or light), AO. ðurst b. quench thirst. [bōt; ‘beet’ vb.]

betast = betst

betboren of higher birth, LL.

bēte f. ‘beet,’ beetroot, Lcd. [L. beta]

-bēte v. twi-b.

bētel = (1) bīetl; (2) bītol [[second reference ambiguous]]

beteldan^3 † to cover, hem in, surround: overload, oppress.

betellan to speak about, answer, defend oneself (against a charge), exculpate oneself, Chr; Æ.

bētend m. restorer, #Ruin# 28.

+bētendnes f. amendment, OEG 58^6.

betēon^1,2 to cover, surround, enclose, AO; Æ, CP: dispose of, bestow, bequeath: impeach, accuse. [‘betee’]

betera ‘better,’ AO, Mk. followed by g. = better in respect of....

-bētere v. dǣd-b. [[under “dǣdbēta”]]

±beterian to ‘better,’ improve, CP: trim (lamp), GD.

beterring f. improvement, Æ.

betest = betst

betiēnan = betȳnan

betihtlian to accuse, LL.

betillan = betyllan

betimbran to construct, build, B. [‘betimber’]

betīnan = betȳnan

bēting = bǣtung

bētl = bīetl

betlic † grand, excellent.

bētnes f. reparation, atonement, LL (264^16).

betoce = betonice

betogenes f. accusation, LL.

betolden pp. of beteldan.

betonice f. ‘betony,’ Lcd.

betost = betst

betr- = beter-

betræppan = betreppan

betredan^5 to tread upon, cover, #CPs# 138^10.

betrendan to roll, ES 37·180.

betreppan to entrap, catch, Chr. [‘betrap’]

be-trymman, -trymian to enclose, surround, besiege.

betst I. superl. adj. ‘best,’ first, AO, Chr, Cr; CP. as sb. people of position, WW, Chr. II. adv. in the best manner, most.

betstboren best-born, eldest.

bett == bet

be-tuh, -tuoxn (CP), -tux = betwux

betuldon pret. pl. of beteldan.

+bētung f. repair, maintenance, LL.

betwēnan = betwēonan

betweoh, betweohs = betwux

betwēonan, betwēonum I. prep. w. g. d. a. between, among, amid, in the midst, Ps, Bl. II. adv. ‘between,’ BH: in the meantime, meanwhile: in turn, by turns, CM (-twȳn-).

betweox, betweoxn, betwih(s) = betwux

betwīn- = betwēon-

betwīnforlētnes f. intermission, DR.

betwux (Æ, AO, CP) betwuht, betwix, betwux(t), betwisc prep. w. d. a. between, among, amongst, amidst, during. b. ðisum meanwhile. b. ðǣm ðe whilst. [‘betwixt’]

betwuxālegednes f. interjection, #ÆGr# 278^2.

betwuxāworpennes f. interjection, #ÆGr# 10^20.

betwuxblinnes (twih) f. intermission, DR 12^3.

betwuxfæc (yx) internal, OEG 3861.

betwuxgangan^7 (twih) to go between, #VPs# 28^7.

betwuxgangende (twih) separating.

betwuxgesett interposed.

betwuxlicgan^5 (twih) to lie between, BH 72^10.

betwuxsendan to send between.

betwuxt, -twyh, -twyx(t) = betwux

betȳhtlian = betīhtlian [[headword spelled “betihtlian”]]

betyllan to allure, decoy, BH 358^4.

betȳnan (ī, īe) to hedge in, enclose, shut, bury, AO, CP: end, BH. [tūn]

betȳnung f. conclusion, OEG 3210.

betyran to pitch, stain a dark colour. [teoru]

betyrnan to turn round: prostrate oneself, RB.

beð I. = bið pres. 3 sg. of bēon. II. = bæð

beðæncan = beðencan

beðan = beðian

beðearfende needy, indigent, #KGl# 708.

beðearflic profitable, ÆL 23b^242.

beðearfod needy, ES 8·474^50.

beðeccan to cover, protect, cover over, conceal.

beðen = beðung

beðencan to consider, remember, take thought for, take care of, care for, Gu: (refl.) reflect, ‘bethink’ oneself, Lk; Æ: trust, confide in, entrust to, AO.

be-ðenian, -ðennan to cover, stretch on or upon, spread over.

beðēodan to be joined (to), adhere (to), RB 134^20.

beðerscan to winnow, thrash, #PPs# 43^7.

beðettan to bathe, #Lcd# 3·90^15 (A 30·397).

±beðian to heat, warm, foment, Lcd; Æ: cherish. [‘beath’]

beðrāwan^7 to twist, GPH 391^16.

beðridian to circumvent, overcome, force, AO.

beðringan^3 † to encircle, encompass: beset, oppress, burden.

beðryccan to press down, #Cr# 1446.

beðrydian, beðryððan = beðridian

beðrȳn to press, NC 273.

beðuncan (#Rd# 49^7) = beðencan

beðung f. bathing, bath, fomentation, cataplasm, Lcd; CP, Æ. [‘beathing’; bæð]

be-ðurfan swv. pres., 3 sg. -ðearf, pl. -ðurfon, pret. -ðorfte. (w. g. or a.) to need, have need of, want, Æ, CP.

beððan = beðian

beðwēan^6 to moisten, wet, #LPs# 6^7.

beðwyrian to deprave, WW 386^7. [ðweorh]

beðȳn to thrust, AO 158^6.

beufan = bufan

beūtan = būtan

bewacian to watch, guard, Æ.

bewadan^6 to emerge, #Rd# 88^24.

bewǣfan to enfold, wrap round, cover over, clothe, Æ, CP.

bewǣgan to deceive, frustrate, #BVPs#.

bewægnan to offer, proffer, B 1193.

bewǣlan to oppress, afflict, #An# 1363.

bewǣpnian to disarm, Æ.

bewærlan to pass by: be free from, DR.

bewarenian to guard against, be on one’s guard, CP.

bewarian to keep watch, guard, preserve, ward off, CP.

bewarnian = bewarenian

bewāwan^7 to blow upon, #Wa# 76. (biwāune = biwāwene)

beweallan^7 to boil away, #Lcd#.

bewealwian to wallow, #Bo# 115^9.

beweardian to guard, protect: observe closely.

beweaxan^7 to grow over, cover over, surround, Æ.

beweddendlic relating to marriage, OEG 1122.

beweddian to betroth, marry, Æ: give security. [‘bewed’]

beweddung f. betrothal, LL 442Ha.

bewefan^5 to cover over, #Lcd# 3·146^4.

bewegan^5 to cover.

bewēled (ȳ^2) poisoned, polluted, ES 38^344. [wōl]

bewellan to knead, mix together.

bewendan to turn, turn round, Æ; (refl.) Mt 9^22: turn one’s attention, convert, Æ. [‘bewend’]

bewenian † to entertain, take care of, attend upon.

beweorcan = bewyrcan

beweorpan^3 to cast, cast down, plunge, throw, Æ, AO: beat, Æ: surround.

beweorðian to adorn, DD 118.

beweotian = bewitian

bewēpan^7 to weep over, mourn, bewail, Æ; AO. [‘beweep’]

bewēpendlic lamentable.

bewēpnian = bewǣpnian

bewerenes f. prohibition, BH 86^13.

bewerian to guard, protect, defend, Æ, AO: check, prevent, forbid, Æ.

bewerigend m. protector, Æ.

bewerung f. defence, fortification.

bewestan prep. w. d. or adv. to the west of, Chr. [‘bewest’]

bewīcian to encamp, #Chr# 894#w#.

bewindan^3 to wind round, clasp, entwine, envelop, encircle, surround, B, Mt; AO, CP: brandish (a sword). hēafe b. bewail: turn, wind, revolve.

bewindla (bi-) m. hedge, border, BC (Mdf).

bewitan swv., pres. 3 sg. -wāt, pret. 3 sg. -wiste to keep, care for, watch over, superintend, administer, lead, guide, Æ, AO.

bewitian (eo) to observe, attend to, care for, administer: perform.

bewlātian to look at, behold, #LPs# 32^14.

bewlītan^1 to look round, #Gen# 29^25.

bewōpen (pp. of bewēpan) lamented: tearful, weeping.

bewrecan^5 † to drive: drive away, banish: drive round, beat round.

bewrencan to deceive.

bewrēon^1,2 to cover, hide, cover over, enwrap, protect, clothe, Sol, Met; CP. [‘bewry’]

bewreðian to sustain, support, #Rd# 81^21.

bewrītan^1 to record? #Creat# 19: score round.

bewrīðan^1 † to bind, wind about, surround, envelop.

bewrixl-an, -ian to change: exchange, sell, #PPs#.

bewuna adj. indecl. accustomed, wont, AO.

bewyddian = beweddian

bewȳled = bewēled

bewyllan (= ie) to boil away, #Lcd#.

bewylwian to roll down, roll together.

bewȳpð = bewēpð pres. 3 sg. of bewēpan.

bewyrcan to work, construct, surround with, enclose, cover, B; AO, Æ: work in, insert, adorn, Lcd. [‘bework’]

bewyrpan = beweorpan

beyrfeweardian to disinherit, A 13·321.

beyrnan = beiernan

bezera = bæzere

bi, bī (1) = be (prep.); (2) f. = bēo

bi- v. also be-

bīad = bēod

biblioðēce f. biblioðeoco (AO) bibliðeca m. library: bible, Æ. [‘bibliotheca’ (L.)]

bībrēad = bēobrēad

bicce, bice f. ‘bitch,’ Lcd, WW.

biccen = byccen

bicgan (Æ) = bycgan

bicge = bicce

±bīcn-an, -ian (ē, ēa, īe, ȳ) to make a sign, ‘beckon,’ wink, nod, Lk; CP: signify: summon. [bēacn] [[error for “bēacen”?]]

+bīcnend (ē), ±bicni(g)end m. indicator, discloser: forefinger.

bīcnendlic, +bīcni(g)endlic allegorical; (gram.) indicative, #ÆGr# 124^14.

bīcnol indicating, indicative, GPH 398^193.

±bīcnung (ēa, ē) f. beckoning, nodding: token, symbol, figure, Æ: figurative speech.

bīcwide m. byword, proverb, fable, tale, Æ. [‘bequeath’]

bīd n. lingering, hesitation, delay, halt, Rd. [‘bide’]

±bīdan^1 (intr.) to stay, continue, live, remain, delay, AO, Ps: (tr. usu. w. g.) wait for, await, expect, Bl, Mt; AO, CP: endure, experience, find: attain, obtain. [‘bide’]

biddan^5 to ask, entreat, pray, beseech, AO, Bl. b. and bēodan, hālsian to beg and pray: order, command, require, AO, CP. [‘bid’]

+biddan^5 (often refl.) to beg, ask, pray, Bl, Mt; Æ, CP: worship, Æ, AO. [‘i-bid’]

biddere m. petitioner.

bidenfæt = bydenfæt

biderīp = bedrīp

bideð (CP) pres. 3 sg. of biddan.

bīdfæst † firm, forced to stand out.

bīding f. abiding place, abode, #Gu# 180.

bīdsteall † m. halt, stand.

bīe = bēo pres. 1 sg. of bēon.

bīecn = bēacen

bīecn- = bīcn-

bīegan (ē, ī, ȳ) to bend, turn, turn back, incline, Bo, Mk: depress, abase, humiliate: subject: persuade, convert: +bȳged bowed down, infirm, #Nic# 471^29. [‘bey,’ būgan]

bieldan (æ, e, i, y) to encourage, excite, impel, exhort, confirm, CP, Ma; Æ, AO. [‘bield’; beald]

bieldo (y^2) f. boldness, courage, arrogance, confidence, BH; CP. [‘bield’]

bielg = belg

bielw- = bilew-

bīeme (ē, i, ȳ) f. trumpet, CP, WW: tablet, billet. [‘beme’]

bīen = bēan

bīencoddas = bēancoddas [[under “bēanbelgas”]]

+bierde = +byrde

+bierhtan (e, y) to brighten, be or make bright, illuminate, enlighten, CP: make clear: celebrate. [beorht]

bierhtu (e, eo, i, y) f. brightness, effulgence, brilliance, CP. [beorht]

bierm = bearm

biernan^3 (ea, eo, i, y) to ‘burn,’ be on fire, give light, Æ, Lk, Ex, VPs.

biersteð, bierst pres. 3 sg. of berstan.

bierð pres. 3 sg. of beran.

biesen = bisen

biesgian = bysgian [[redirected to “bisgian”]]

bieter- = biter-

bīetl (ē, ī, ȳ) m. ‘beetle,’ mallet, hammer, CP, Jud (y).

bietr- = biter-

bīeð = bēoð pres. pl. of bēon.

bīfēran to feed, ES 41^324.

bifian to tremble, be moved, shake, quake, Bo, Ps; Æ. [‘bive’]

bifigendlic (byfg-) terrible, NC 274.

bifung f. trembling, shaking, Æ.

-bifung (eo^1) v. eorð-b. [[under “eorðbeofung”]]

bīfylce n. neighbouring people. [folc]

big = be

big- = be-, bī-, bycg-

bīg- = bīeg-

bige = byge

+bīgednes f. inflection, declension, case, #ÆGr#.

bīgegnes = bīgengnes

bīgels m. arch, vault, Æ: inclination.

+bīgendlic inflectional, #ÆGr# 91^8.

+bīgendnes = +bīgednes

bīgeng f. practice, exercise, observance, worship, Æ: cultivation, Æ. [‘bigeng’]

bīgenga m. inhabitant: cultivator, Æ: worshipper, Æ: benefactor.

bīgenge n. practice, worship.

bīgengere m. worker: worshipper.

bīgengestre f. handmaiden, attendant, worshipper, #Gl#.

bīgengnes, f. application, study.

+bigeð = +bygeð pres. 3 sg. of +bycgan.

bīging f. bending, WW 216^38.

bigleaf- (eo, i) = bīleof-

bīgnes f. power of bending, bending. [bīegan]

+bīgnes (ȳ) f. frequented place, assembly? #EPs# 117^27.

+bigð = +bigeð

bīgyrdel m. girdle, belt, purse, Æ, Mt: treasury. [‘bygirdle’]

bigytan = begietan

bihianda (MtL 5^27) = behindan

bīhst = bȳhst pres. 2 sg. of būgan.

+bihð f. abode? #Gu# 346. [cp. byht]

bil = bill

bilcettan = bealcettan [[under “bealcan”]]

bildan = bieldan

+bilde bold, brave, Æ. [beald]

bile m. ‘bill,’ beak, trunk (of an elephant), WW: prow.

bīle = bȳle

bīlefa = bīleofa

bilehwīt == bilewit

bīleofa (i^2) m., bīleofen f. support, sustenance, food, nourishment, Æ, WW: money, pay. [‘bylive’; libban]

bilēofian to support, feed upon, #Guth# 34^7.

bilewet == bilewit

bilewit innocent, pure, simple, sincere, honest, BH, Mt; Æ, CP: calm, gentle, merciful, gracious: plausible. [‘bilewhit’], adv. -līce.

bilewitnes f. mildness, simplicity, innocence, purity, Æ, CP.

bilgesleht = billgesliht

bilgst, bilhst pres. 2 sg. of belgan.

bilgð pres. 3 sg. of belgan.

bilherge = billere

bīlibb-, bīlif- = bīleof-

bilig = belg

biliw- = bilew-

bill n. ‘bill,’ chopper, battle-axe, falchion, sword, B, WW.

billere m. ‘bibulta’ (plant), WW.

billgesliht n. clashing of swords, battle, †#Chr# 937.

billhete m. murderous hate, strife, #An# 78.

+bilod having a bill or beak. [bile]

bil-swæð n. (nap. -swaðu) sword track, wound, #Ex# 329.

bilw- = bilew-

bīlyht = bȳliht

bīma (m.?), bīme = bīeme

bin = binn

bīnama m. pronoun, A 8·313.

+bind n. binding, fetter: costiveness.

±bindan sv^3 to tie, ‘bind,’ fetter, fasten, restrain, Æ, Bl, Mt, Jn; AO, CP: adorn.

binde f. head-band? KC 6·133. [‘bind’]

bindele, -elle f. binding: bandage.

bindere m. ‘binder,’ Rd 28^6.

binding f. binding, OEG 324b.

binn, binne f. ‘bin,’ basket, crib, manger, Bl, LkL.

binnan I. prep. (w. d. a.) within, in, inside of, into. II. adv. inside, within, less than, during, whilst. [‘bin’]

binne = binn

bint pres. 3 sg. of bindan.

bio- = beo-, bi-

biosmrung = bismrung [[redirected to “bismerung”]]

birce = beorc, beorce

bird (LkLR) = bridd

+bird = +byrd

birele = byrele

biren f. she-bear, OET (Ct).

birg == byrg

birgð, birhð pres. 3 sg. of beorgan.

birht- = bierht-

birig = byrig

birig- = byrg-

birihte (y) prep. w. d. near, beside, #An# 850.

birihto = bierhtu

birle = byrele

birnan = beornan

birst, birsteð pres. 3 sg. of berstan.

birst pres. 2 sg., bir(e)ð pres. 3 sg. of beran.

biryhte = birihte

bisæc n? m? wallet, MtR 10^10. [L. bisaccium]

bīsæc contested, disputed, LL.

bīsǣc f. visit, #Gu# 188.

bisceop (o^2) m. ‘bishop,’ CP: high-priest, chief priest (of the Jews), heathen priest, AO, MkL.

bisceopcyn (o^2) n. episcopal (high-priestly) stock.

bisceopdōm m. episcopate, bishopric: ex-communication.

bisceopealder m. high priest, HL.

bisceopfolgoð m. episcopate, GD 65^31.

bisceopgegyrelan mpl. episcopal robes, BH 90^2.

bisceophād m. ‘bishophood,’ office of bishop, ordination as bishop, episcopate, bishopric, CPPs.

bisceophādung f. episcopal ordination, ÆL 31^286.

bisceophām m. bishop’s estate, EC 365.

bisceophēafodlīn (o^2) n. head ornament worn by bishops, WW 152^23.

bisceophīred (o) m. clergy subject to a bishop.

bisceopian to confirm, LL. [‘bishop’]

bisceopland (o) n. episcopal or diocesan land, LL 173^10.

bisceoplic ‘bishoply,’ episcopal, BH.

bisceoprīce n. ‘bishopric,’ diocese, province of a bishop, BH.

bisceoprocc m. bishop’s rochet, dalmatic, #Lcd# 3·202^26.

bisceoprōd f. bishop’s cross.

bisceopscīr, -scȳr f. diocese: episcopate.

bisceop-seld, -setl, -seðl n. bishop’s seat or see, bishopric.

bisceopseonoð m. synod of bishops, A 11·8^1.

bisceopstōl m. episcopal see, bishopric, KC. [‘bishopstool’]

bisceopsunu m. godson at a ‘bishoping’ or confirmation.

bisceopðēnung f. office of a bishop, BH.

bisceopung f. confirmation, Æ.

bisceopwīte n. fine payable to a bishop? (BT), forced entertaining of a bishop? (Lieb: v. LL 2·667).

bisceopwyrt f. bishop’s-wort, betony, vervain, marshmallow.

bisceopwyrtil (o^2) vervain, WW 134^41.

biscep == bisceop

bisceran = bescieran

biscerian (i^2, y^2) = bescierian

biscop == bisceop

biscup = bisceop

bisegu = bysgu [[redirected to “bisgu”]]

bisen, bisene (y) fn. example, pattern, model, JnLR; Æ, AO, CP: similitude, parable, parallel: rule, command, precept. [‘bysen’]

bīsene (y) blind, MtL; NC 274; JAW 22. [‘bisson’?]

±bisenian (ie, y) to give, set an example, instruct by example, Bo: follow an example or pattern, CP: express figuratively. [‘byen’ vb.]

bisenung f. example, pattern, Æ (y).

bises m. the extra day intercalated in leap year, #Men# 32. [L. bissextus]

±bisgian to occupy, employ, Æ, Bo; CP: trouble, afflict, Lcd, Met. [‘busy’]

bisgu, bisigu f. occupation, labour, CP, Æ (yse): affliction, trouble.

bisgung f. business, occupation, care, CP.

bisig (y) ‘busy,’ occupied, diligent, Ma, Sol.

bisignes f. ‘business,’ MtL (Cont. p. xx).

bismær- = bismer-

bisme = besma

bismer (y) nmf. disgrace, scandal, shame, mockery, insult, reproach, scorn, AO, Bl; CP: filthiness, defilement, Æ (y). tō bismere ignominiously, shamefully: blasphemy: infamous deed, AO. [‘bismer’]

bismerful infamous, disgraceful, ignominious, shameful, Æ (y).

bismerglēow (y) n. shameful lust, Æ.

±bismerian (y) to mock, revile, illtreat, blaspheme, Mk; AO. [‘bismer’ vb.]

bismeriend m. mocker, #KGl# 298.

bismerlēas blameless, #Cr# 1326 (y).

bismerlēoð n. scurrilous song, #Gl#.

bismerlic shameful, ignominious, contemptuous, AO: ridiculous, frivolous. adv. -līce.

bismernes f. pollution; insult; contemptibleness.

bismer-sprǣc, -spǣc f. blasphemy, G.

±bismerung (y) mockery, scorn: blasphemy: infamy, disrepute, AO.

bismerword (æ^2) n. reproach, insult, LL 10^11.

bismor = bismer

bism(o)r- = bismer-

bisn- = bisen-

+bisnere f. imitator, DR 45^7.

bīspell (big-) n. example, proverb, Æ: parable, fable, allegory, story, MtL; CP. [‘byspel’]

bīspellbōc (big-) f. book of Proverbs, Æ.

bissextus, gen. -te the intercalary day of leap year: leap year. [L.]

bist pres. 2 sg. of bēon.

bīst = bīdst, pres. 2 sg. of bīdan.

biswic = beswic

bit pres. 3 sg. of biddan.

bīt pres. 3 sg. of (1) bīdan; (2) bītan.

bita m. I. ‘bit,’ morsel, piece, Jn; Æ. II. biter, wild beast.

±bītan^1 to ‘bite,’ tear, B, Rd; Æ: cut, wound: (+) dash down, MkL 9^18.

bite m. ‘bite,’ sting, AO, Lcd: sword-cut, Ap, B: cancer.

bitela m. ‘beetle,’ Gl.

biter ‘bitter,’ sharp, cutting, Gu; Æ: stinging, #PPs# 117^12: exasperated, angry, embittered: painful, disastrous, virulent, cruel, B, Bl. adv. -līce, Mt.

bitere = bitre

±biterian to be or become bitter, CP: make bitter. [‘bitter’ vb.]

biternes f. ‘bitterness,’ grief, El; Æ, CP.

biterwyrde bitter in speech, Æ.

biterwyrtdrenc m. drink of bitter herbs, WW 114^18.

bītl = bīetl

bitmǣlum piecemeal, bit by bit, #ÆGr# 239^10.

bitol n. bridle.

bītol m. beetle (insect). [bītan] [[from first edition]]

bitor = biter

bitre bitterly, sharply, painfully, severely: very.

bitres, bittres gsmn. of biter.

bitst pres. 2 sg. of biddan.

bītst pres. 2 sg. of bīdan and bītan.

bitt I. pres. 3 sg. of (1) biddan; (2) beodan. II. = bytt

bītt pres. 3 sg. of bītan.

+bitt n. biting, gnashing, Æ.

bitter == biter

bittor = biter

bittre = bitre

bitula = bitela

bið pres. 3 sg. of bēon.

biwāune v. bewāwan.

bīwist fm. sustenance, food, provision, necessaries, Bo, Æ. [‘bewiste’]

bīword (u) n. proverb, household word: adverb, A 8·313^7.

bīwyrde n. ‘byword,’ proverb, WW.

bixen = byxen

bizant m. bezant (a gold coin). [L. byzanteum]

blāc I. (ǣ) bright, shining, glittering, flashing, Rd: pale, pallid, wan, AO, CP. [blīcan; ‘bleak,’ to ‘bleach’] II. pret. 3 sg. of blīcan.

blac = blæc

blācern n. lamp, candle, light, CP (ǣ).

blāchlēor † with pale cheeks.

blācian to turn pale, Æ.

blācung f. a turning pale, pallor, Æ.

bladesian to flame, blaze, be hot: emit an odour, OEG 554.

bladesnung (at-) f. odour, WW 405^1.

bladesung (at-, æt-) f. shining, lightning, #EPs# 76^19.

blæc (a) I. ‘black’ dark, B, BH, Æ. II. n. ink, LL, WW. [‘bleck’]

blǣc == blāc

blǣcan to bleach, whiten. [blāc]

blæcce f. black matter, OEG 652.

blǣce n.? irritation of the skin, leprosy, #Lcd#.

blǣcernleoht (ā) n. lantern-light.

blæcfexede black-haired, ÆH 1·456^16. [feax]

blæcgymm m. jet, BH 26^16.

blæchorn (e) n. ink-horn, IM 128^18.

blǣco f. pallor, #Lcd#.

blæcpytt m. bleaching-pit? EC 383´.

blǣcðrustfel n. leprosy, Cp 103#b#.

blæd n. (nap. bladu) ‘blade,’ WW: leaf, Gen.

blǣd (ē) I. m. blowing, blast: inspiration, Æ: breath, spirit, Æ: life, mind: glory, dignity, splendour: prosperity, riches, success. II. = blēd I.

blǣdāgende renowned, B 1013.

blǣdbylig m. bellows, WW 241^33.

blǣddæg † m. day of prosperity.

blædderwærc m. pain in the bladder, #Lcd#.

blæddre = blǣdre

±blǣdfæst † glorious, prosperous.

+blǣdfæstnes f. provision, sustenance, ÆL 23b^492.

blǣdgifa † m. giver of prosperity.

blǣdhorn m. trumpet, Æ.

blǣdnes f. blossom, fruit, A 8·311. [blēd]

blǣdre (ē) f. blister, pimple, AO: ‘bladder,’ Lcd. [blāwan]

blǣdwela m. abundant riches, #Cr# 1392.

blǣge f. gudgeon, bleak, WW. [‘blay’]

blægettan (a) to cry, GD 278^12.

blǣhǣwen light blue.

blǣs = blǣst

blǣsbelg (OET 28) = blǣstbelg

blæse (a) f. firebrand, torch, lamp, Æ, Jn. [‘blaze’]

blæsere m. incendiary, LL.

blǣshorn m. blowing-horn, trumpet, LL 194 (8).

blǣst m. blowing, ‘blast’ (of wind), breeze, Ex: flame.

blǣstan to blow, #Andr# 123^30: rush? (v. BT).

blǣstbelg m. bellows, #Gl#.

blǣstm m? flame, blaze, MFH 90^7.

blǣtan to ‘bleat,’ ÆGr, Rd.

blætesung = bladesung

blǣts- = blēts-

blǣwen = blǣhǣwen

blǣwest, blǣwst pres. 2 sg., blǣw(e)ð pres. 3 sg. of blāwan.

blagettan = blægettan

blan pret. 3 sg. of blinnan.

blanca † m. (white?) horse, B. [‘blonk’]

±bland n. blending, mixture, confusion, turmoil.

±blandan^7 † to blend, mix, mingle, Rd. [‘bland’]

blandenfeax † grizzly-haired, grey-haired, old. [blandan]

blann pret. 3 sg. of blinnan.

blase = blæse

blasere = blæsere

blāstbelg = blǣstbelg

blaster = plaster

blāt † livid, pale, wan, ghastly: low, hoarse (sound)? #An# 1279. [cp. blēat]

blātan to be livid, pale. [[from first edition]]

blāte † lividly, pallidly, #Met#.

blatesnung = bladesnung

blātian to be livid, pale, #Gen# 981 (GK).

±blāwan^7 (ō) (tr. or intr.) to ‘blow,’ breathe, Mt, Lk, Jn: be blown, sound: inflate: (+) kindle, inflame, WW 208^14: (+) spit, MkLR 7^33.

blāwend m. inspirer, ÆH 2·478^8.

blāwere m. ‘blower,’ CP.

blāwung f. ‘blowing,’ blast, Æ: inflation.

bleac = blæc

blēat miserable? Gu 963. [‘blete’]. adv. blēate, B 2824.

blēað gentle, shy, cowardly, timid, Rd: slothful, inactive, effeminate, AO. [‘blethe’; Ger. blöde]

blec == blæc

blēce = blǣce

blēcða ‘vitiligo,’ WW 53^28.

bled = blæd

blēd- = blēt-

blēd I. (ǣ) f. shoot, branch, flower, blossom, leaf, foliage, fruit, Mt, Lcd; CP: harvest, crops. [‘blede’; blōwan] II. = blǣd I.

blēdan to ‘bleed,’ let blood, Sol.

blēdhwæt growing quickly or profusely? #Rd# 2^9.

blēdre = blǣdre

bledu f. dish, bowl, goblet, Æ.

blegen, blegne f. ‘blain,’ boil, blister, ulcer, Lcd.

blencan to deceive, cheat, Mod. [‘blench’]

blēnd (e) pret. 3 sg. of blandan.

blend-an, -ian to blind, deprive of sight, Bo: deceive. [‘blend’]

blendnes f. blindness, DR 38^5.

blent pres. 3 sg. of (1) blendan, (2) blandan.

±blēo n. gs. blēos, ds. blēo, gp. blēo(na), dip. blēom, blēo(w)um colour, Bo; CP: appearance, form, Sol. [‘blee’]

blēobord † n. coloured board, chess-board.

blēobrygd n? combination of colours, scintillation, #Ph# 292. [bregdan]

blēocræft m. art of embroidery, WW 354^9.

+blēod beautiful, #Cr# 909.

bleodu = bledu

blēofæstnes f. ‘deliciæ,’ #RPs# 138^11.

blēofāg variegated, #Gl#.

blēoh = blēo

blēomete m. dainty food, GD 99^18.

blēona gp. of blēo.

blēorēad purple, WW.

blēostǣning f. tesselated pavement, WW 444^10.

blēot pret. 3 sg. of (1) blātan, (2) blōtan.

bleoum dip. of blēo.

blēow pret. 3 sg. of (1) blāwan, (2) blōwan.

blēowum dp. of blēo.

blere, blerig bald, WW.

blese = blæse

blēt pret. 3 sg. of (1) blātan, (2) blōtan.

blētan = blǣtan

±blētsian to consecrate, ordain, Mt, JnL (oe): ‘bless,’ give thanks, adore, extol, Da, Ps, Lk: sign with the cross, Æ: pronounce or make happy, Æ. [blōd]

blētsingbōc f. blessing-book, benedictional, EC 250.

blētsingsealm m. the Benedicite, RB 36^18.

blētst pres. 2 sg. of blōtan.

blētsung f. consecration, Chr: ‘blessing,’ benediction, Chr; Æ: favour (of God), #Bl, VPs#.

blēw = blēow pret. 3 sg. of blāwan.

blēwð pres. 3 sg. of blōwan.

blīcan^1 to glitter, shine, gleam, sparkle, dazzle, Sol: appear, #Sol# 144. [‘blik’]

bliccettan to glitter, quiver, #Gl#.

bliccettung f. glittering, shining, #VPs#.

blice m. exposure, LL 5[34].

blicgan = blycgan

blīcian to shine, OEG 1499.

blīcð pres. 3 sg. of blīcan.

blīds = bliss

blin imperat. of blinnan.

blind ‘blind,’ Mk; CP, Æ: dark, obscure, opaque, DD; Æ: internal, not showing outwardly: unintelligent: not stinging, WW 322^29. adv. -līce blindly, rashly, AO.

blindboren born blind, JnL 9^32.

+blinfellian to blind, blindfold, HL ^276.

-blindian v. of-b.

blindnes f. blindness, Æ.

blinn † n? cessation.

±blinnan^3 to cease, leave off, rest from, Mt; CP: lose, forfeit: be vacant (bishopric). [‘blin’; be, linnan]

blinnes f. cessation, intermission, LL.

blis (CP) = bliss

blisa = blysa

bliscan = blyscan

blisgere m. incendiary. [blysige]

bliss m. ‘bliss,’ merriment, happiness, Bl; CP: kindness, friendship, grace, favour, Met: cause of happiness, Ps. [blīðe]

±blissian (intr.) to be glad, rejoice, exult, CP, Lk; Æ: (tr.) make happy, gladden, endow, †Hy: applaud, ANS 109·306. [‘bliss’]

blissig joyful, #RPs# 112^9.

blissigendlic exulting, ÆH 1·354^11.

blissung f. exultation, #EPs# 64^13.

blīð == blīðe

blīðe I. ‘blithe,’ joyous, cheerful, pleasant, Æ, AO, CP: gracious, well-disposed, friendly, kind, El: agreeable, willing: quiet, peaceful, gentle, Ps: (+b. occurs at #Guth# 161^9). II. adv. Ps.

blīðelic gentle, pleasant, glad. adv. -līce (Lk). [‘blithely’]

blīðemōd glad, cheerful: well-wishing, friendly.

blīðheort † happy, joyful: gracious.

+blīðian to make glad, #RPs# 91^4.

blīðnes f. joy, gladness, pleasure, Lcd; AO. [‘blitheness’]

blīðs == bliss

blīwum = blēo(w)um, dp. of blēo.

blod = bold

blōd n. ‘blood,’ Æ, G, Lcd; AO, CP: vein.

blōd-dolg, -dolh n. bleeding wound, #Lcd#.

blōddryne m. bloodshed, AO 162^3.

blōdegesa m. bloody horror, #Ex# 477.

+blōdegian = blōdgian

blōden bloody, WW 217^35?

blōdfāg † blood-stained, bloody.

blōdgemang n. a blood-mixture, WW 220^7.

blōdgemenged blood-stained, W 182^11.

blōdgēot = blōdgȳte [[headword spelled “blōdgyte”]]

blōdgēotend m. shedder of blood, #LPs# 50^16.

blōdgēotende bloody, #LPs# 5^8.

±blōdgian to be bloodthirsty, WW 215^43: make bloody.

blōdgyte m. bloodshed, AO.

blōdhrǣcung f. spitting of blood, WW 113^6.

blōdhrēow sanguinary, cruel, #Ps#.

blōdig ‘bloody,’ WW; AO.

blōdigtōð bloody-toothed, B 2083.

blōd-lǣs, -læswu f. blood-letting, bleeding.

blōdlǣstīd f. time for blood-letting, #Lcd# 55a.

blōdlǣtere m. blood-letter, WW.

blōdlēas bloodless, #ÆGr# 56^14.

blōd-orc, -mōnað = blōtorc, etc.

blōdrēad blood-red.

blōdrēow = blōdhrēow

blōdryne m. issue of blood, bloody flux: bursting of a blood-vessel, AO 288^27.

blōdsæx (e) n. lancet, #Gl#.

blodscēawung f. supply of blood? (BT) #Lcd# 83a.

blōdseten something to stop bleeding, #Lcd#.

blōdsihte f. flowing of blood, #Lcd# 64a.

blōdðigen f. tasting of blood, LL.

blōdwīte n. blood-offering, #LPs# 15^4.

blōdyrnende having an issue of blood, BH 78^16#b#.

blōma m. lump of metal, mass, #Gl#.

blon pret. 3 sg. of blinnan.

blonca = blanca

blond- = bland-

blonn pret. 3 sg. of blinnan.

blōsa, blōsma = blōstma [[under “blōstm”]]

blōstbǣre = blōstmbǣre

blōstm (Æ), blōstma mf. ‘blossom,’ flower, fruit, Bl, Lcd.

blōstmbǣre (Æ), -bǣrende flower-bearing.

blōstmfrēols m. floral festival, OEG 4720.

blōstmian to ‘blossom,’ bloom, BH.

±blōt n. sacrifice, AO. [blōd]

blōt- = blōd-

blōtan^7 (and ? wv) to sacrifice, kill for sacrifice, AO, CP.

blōtere m. sacrificer, GPH 398^99.

blōtmōnað m. month of sacrifice (8 Oct.-8 Nov.), November.

blōtorc m. sacrificial vessel, GPH 397.

blōtspīung f. spitting of blood, WW 113^7.

blōtung f. sacrifice, AO 102^16.

±blōwan I. sv^7 to ‘blow,’ flower, flourish, blossom, Lcd. II. = blāwan

blōwendlic blooming, WW 240^28.

blunnen pp., blunnon pret. pl. of blinnan.

-blycgan v. ā-b.

blys, blyss = bliss

blysa m. firebrand, torch, Æ.

blyscan ‘rutilare,’ #HGl# 434^75 (v. OEG 1196 and ‘blush’).

blyse f. = blysa

blysere = blæsere

blysian to burn, blaze, #PPs# 17^8.

blysige = blyse

blyssian (Æ) = blissian

blȳðe = blīðe

blȳðelīce = blīðelīce

bō = bā, nafn. of bēgen.

bōc I. fn. ds. and nap. bēc ‘beech’-tree, WW; Mdf: beech-nut, NC 274: ‘book,’ writing, Bible, Bl, Jn, CP; AO, Æ. Crīstes b. gospel: deed, charter, conveyance, LL. II. pret. 3 sg. of bacan.

bōcæceras mpl. freehold lands.

bōcblæc (e) n. ink, W 225^1.

bōcce = bēce

bōc-cest, -cist(e) f. book-chest.

bōccræft m. learning, Bo. [‘bookcraft’]

bōccræftig book-learned.

bōcere m. scholar, scribe, writer, Æ.

bōcfell n. parchment, vellum, LL. [‘bookfell’]

bōcfōdder n. bookcase, WW 194^13.

bōcgesamnung f. library, WW 203^16.

bōcgestrēon n. library, BH.

bōchord n. library, WW. [‘bookhoard’]

bōchūs n. library, WW 185^35.

±bōcian to grant by charter: supply with books.

bōclæden n. literary Latin, learned language.

bōcland n. land held by written title, LL; Æ, AO. v. LL 2·323. [‘bookland’]

bōclār f. book-lore, learning.

bōcleden = bōclæden

bōclic of or belonging to a book, Æ: biblical, scriptural. b. stæf ‘ars liberalis,’ #HGl# 503.

bōcon pret. pl. of bacan.

bōcrǣdere m. reader of books, WW 439^25.

bōcrǣding f. reading of books, WW.

bōcrēad red colour used in illuminating manuscripts, vermilion, WW.

bōcrēde f. reading of books, A 10·143^101.

bōcriht n. right given by will or charter, LL 444 (1).

bōcscyld m. beech-wood shield, TC 561^5.

bōcstæf m. nap. -stafas letter, character, El. [‘bocstaff’; Ger. buchstabe]

bōcstigel f. beech-wood stile, KC 5·70^25.

bōc-tǣcung, -talu f. teaching or narrative, written in books, LL.

bōctrēow n. beech-tree, Æ.

bōcweorc n. study of books, LL (314^18).

bōcwudu m. beech-wood, #Rd# 41^106.

±bod (+ exc. N) n. command, message, precept, Bo, Hy; Æ: preaching. [‘bode,’ ‘i-bod’; Ger. gebot]

boda m. messenger, herald, apostle, angel, Æ, CP: prophet. [‘bode’; Ger. bote]

bodan = botm

bode pret. of bōgan.

bodeg = bodig

boden pp. of bēodan.

bodere m. teacher, NG.

±bodian to tell, proclaim, announce, †Hy; AO, CP: preach, Mt; Æ, CP: foretell, El: boast. [‘bode’]

bodiend m. proclaimer, teacher, preacher.

bodig n. ‘body,’ trunk, frame, bodily presence, Æ, BH, etc., CP: main part, #Lcd#.

bodigendlic to be celebrated, ÆL 7·232.

bodlāc n. decree, ordinance, #Chr# 1129.

±bodscipe † m. command: message.

bodung f. message, recital, preaching, Æ: interpretation: assertiveness, RB 136^22.

bodungdæg m. Annunciation Day, ÆH 1·200^26.

bōg m. arm, shoulder, Æ; CP: ‘bough,’ twig, branch, Mt; CP: offspring. [būgan]

boga m. ‘bow,’ (weapon), Gn; Æ: arch, arched place, vault, B: rainbow, Æ: folded parchment. [cp. Ger. bogen]

bōga = bōg

bōgan to boast, RB.

boganet = bogenett

bogefōdder m. quiver, WW 143^19.

bogen I. name of a plant, #Lcd#. II. pp. of būgan.

bogenett n. wicker basket with a narrow neck for catching fish, WW.

bogetung f. curve, WW 355^15.

bōgh = bōg

bōgian I. ±(intr.) to dwell, Æ: (tr.) to inhabit. II. = bōgan

bogiht full of bends, MtL 7^14.

bōgincel n. small bough, OEG.

bōgung (bōung) f. boastfulness, arrogance, display, Æ.

bōh = bōg

bōhscyld m. shoulder shield, EC 226´.

bohte pret. 3 sg. of bycgan.

bōhtimber n. building timber, AS 1^3. [bōgian, ES 42·172]

bōlan = bōgan

bol? m. bole, trunk, #Lcd# 143a.

bolca m. gangway of a ship.

bold (= botl) n. house, dwelling-place, mansion, hall, castle, B: temple. [‘bold’]

boldāgend † m. homestead-owner.

boldgestrēon (botl) † household goods.

boldgetæl collection of houses: (political) district, county, province, GD.

boldgetimbru † npl. houses.

boldweard (botl-) m. housekeeper, steward, Æ.

boldwela † m. wealth: splendid dwelling, paradise, heaven: village, #Gen# 1799. (botl-)

bolgen pp. of belgan.

bolgenmōd † enraged.

bolla m., bolle f. ‘bowl,’ cup, pot, beaker, measure, ÆL, Jn, Lcd.

bolster mn. ‘bolster,’ head-pillow, cushion, B; CP.

+bolstrian to support with pillows, prop up, A 8·308.

bolt m. ‘bolt’: cross-bow for throwing bolts or arrows, WW.

bolttimber n. building timber, AS 1^3. [botl; v. ES 42^172]

bōn I. f. ornament, #Chr# 1063#d#. II. = bōgan

bon- = ban-

bond- = band-

bōnda m. householder, LL: freeman, plebeian; husband. [‘bond’]

bōndeland n. land held by a bōnda, #Chr# 777#e#. [ON. bōndi]

bōne = bēn

+bōnian to polish, burnish, TC. [Ger. bohnen]

bonn == bann

bor borer, gimlet, #Gl#: lancet, scalpel, graving tool, #Gl#. [borian]

bora m. ruler, #Sat# 500. [? rǣdbora]

borcen pret. 3 sg. of beorcan.

borcian to bark.

bord n. ‘board,’ plank, Æ, Gen: table, Ps: side of a ship, Gen: ship, El, Gn: shield, #El#.

borda m. embroidery, ornament, #Gl#.

bordclāð m. table-cloth, OEG 56^22.

bordgelāc n. weapon, dart, #Cr# 769.

bordhæbbende shield-bearing, B 2895.

bordhaga m. cover of shields, #El# 652.

bordhrēoða (ē) † m. shield-ornament: phalanx.

bordrand m. shield, B 2559.

bordrima m. rim, edge.

bordriðig a stream running in a channel made of planks? (BT), EC 450^11.

bordstæð n. sea-shore, #An# 442.

bordðaca m. shield-covering, testudo, #Gl#: board for roofing, WW.

bordweall m. wall of shields, phalanx: buckler, shield: side of ship, #Rd# 34^6.

bordwudu m. shield, B 1243.

boren pp. of beran.

borettan to brandish, #Gl#.

borg m. pledge, security, bail, debt, obligation, LL (v. 2·331; 641); CP: bondsman: debtor. [‘borrow’ sb.]

borgbryce m. breach of surety, LL.

borgen pp. of beorgan.

borggelda m. borrower: lender.

borgian to ‘borrow,’ Mt, Ps: lend: be surety for, OEG 3812.

borgiend m. lender, usurer.

borg-sorg (burg-) f. trouble on account of lending or security, #Rim# 63.

borgwedd n. pledge, WW 279^16.

borh == borg

borhfæst fast bound, HL 18^254.

±borhfæstan to bind by pledge or surety.

borhhand fm. security, surety (person), Æ.

borhlēas without a pledge, without security, LL 230[5].

borian to bore, perforate.

borlīce very, extremely, fitly, excellently, A 8·302, 307, 329.

born = barn, pret. 3 sg. of biernan.

+borsnung = +brosnung

borsten pp. of berstan.

borðor = beorðor

bōsig m? n? stall, crib, LkLR. [‘boosy’]

bōsm (CP), bōsum m. ‘bosom,’ breast, womb, Æ: surface, An: ship’s hold, Gen.

bōsmig sinuous, OEG 8^2.

bōt f. help, relief, advantage, remedy, An, Da, Lcd; AO: compensation for an injury or wrong, LL (v. 2·336): (peace) offering, recompense, amends, atonement, reformation, penance, repentance, Bl; CP. tō bōte to ‘boot,’ besides, moreover. [Ger. busse]

bōtan = bētan

bōtettan to improve, repair.

botian to get better.

±botl (CP, Æ) == bold

bōtlēas unpardonable, not to be atoned for by bōt.

botm m. ‘bottom,’ ground, foundation, B, WW: abyss, Gen.

bōtwyrðe pardonable, that can be atoned for by bōt. [cp. bōtlēas]

bōð = bōgeð pres. 3 sg. of bōgan.

boðen mn? rosemary: darnel, Æ: thyme, GPH 390.

bōung = bōgung

box mn. box-tree, WW: ‘box,’ case, Mt. [L. buxus]

boxtrēow n. box-tree, #ÆGr# 20^19.

braccas mp. breeches, #Lcd# 3·198^28. [L.]

bracce (Mdf) = bræc I.

brachwīl f. moment, A 8·318.

-bracian v. ā-b.

brād I. comp. brādra, brǣdra ‘broad,’ flat, open, extended, spacious, wide, Gen, Chr; Æ, AO, CP: ample, copious, B; #El#. II. n. breadth, #Rim# 13?

brādæx f. broad axe, #Gl#.

brādbrim † n. wide sea.

brāde far and wide, broadly, widely.

brādelēac n. leek, #Gl#.

brādhand f. palm of the hand, WW 264^34.

brādian to extend, reach, AO 234^10.

brādlāstæx f. broad axe, #Gl#.

brādlinga flatly, with the hand open.

brādnes sf. breadth, greatness, extent, surface, Æ: liberality.

brādpanne = brǣdepanne

bræc I. a strip of unfilled land? (BT), KC. II. = pret. 3 sg. of brecan.

brǣc I. (±) n. catarrh, cough. II. f. breaking, destruction, ÆL 5^292. III. = brēc nap. of brōc I.

bræcce breeches, OET. [L.]

brǣccoðu f. falling sickness, epilepsy, WW 112^27.

+brǣceo = brǣc I.

brǣcdrenc (ē) cough medicine, WW 351^88.

bræclian to cackle, make a noise, GD 236^12.

brǣcon pret. pl. of brecan.

±brǣcsēoc epileptic, lunatic.

brǣd I. f. breadth, width, AO. [brād] II. f. flesh, #Ph# 240. [OHG. brāt] III. m. trick, fraud, deceit, craft. [= *brægd; ‘braid’] IV. pret. 3 sg. of brēdan, bregdan. V. pres. 3 sg. and pp. of brǣdan.

brǣd- = brægd- (bregd-)

±brǣdan (e) I. to make broad, extend, spread, stretch out, BH; AO: be extended, rise, grow. [‘brede’; brād] II. to roast, toast, bake, broil, cook, WW. [‘brede’; Ger. braten]

brǣde m. roast meat, WW. [‘brede’; Ger. braten]

-brǣdels v. ofer-b.

brǣdepanne f. frying-pan (v. WW 363#n#3).

brǣding I. f. extension, #Bo# 46^6: bedding, bed, DR. II. f. roast meat, OEG 3760.

brǣdingpanne = brǣdepanne

brǣdīsen n. ‘scalpellum,’ #Gl#, WW.

brǣdra v. brād.

brǣdu, brǣdo f. breadth, width, extent, Ps. [‘brede’]

+brægd = brǣd III.

brægdan = bregdan

brægdboga m. deceitful bow, #Cr# 765.

brægden (e) I. (±) deceitful, crafty, AO. adv. -līce. [bregdan] II. fraud.

brægdnes (ǣd-) f. fraud, cunning.

brægdwīs crafty, #Gu# 58. [bregd]

brægen (a, c) n. ‘brain,’ Lcd, Ps; Æ, CP.

brægenpanne f. brain-pan, skull, OEG 2815.

brægensēoc brain-sick, mad, OEG.

brægn = brægen

brægnloca (brægn-) m. brain-house, head, #Rd# 72^21.

brægpanne = brægenpanne

bræhtm (A) = breahtm

bræmbel, brǣmel == brēmel

brǣme (NG) = brēme

brǣr (ē) = brēr

bræs n. ‘brass,’ bronze, Æ.

bræsen ‘brazen,’ of brass, LPs; Æ.

bræsian to do work in brass, make of brass, #ÆGr# 215^17.

bræsne = bresne

brǣð m. odour, scent, stink, exhalation, vapour, AO. [‘breath’]

brǣw (ēa) m. eye-brow, eye-lid, BH, Lcd, Ps, WW; CP. [‘bree’]

bragen = brægen

brahtan = brohton pret. pl. of bringan.

brand (ō) m. fire, flame, B; Æ: ‘brand,’ torch, JnL, Da; Æ: sword, B.

brandhāt † burning hot, ardent.

brandhord (o^1) n? treasure exciting ardent desires (BT); care, anxiety (GK), #Rim# 46.

brand-īren, -īsen n. fire-dog, trivet, grate, WW. [‘brandise’]

brandōm (o^1) m. ‘rubigo,’ WW 44^14.

brandrād (o^2, e^2) f. fire-dog, trivet, #Gl#.

brandrida m. fire-grate, WW 266^26.

brandstæfn (o^1) high-prowed? #An# 504. [= brant- ?]

brang pret. 3 sg. of bringan.

brant † (o) deep, steep, high, An, El. [‘brant’]

branwyrt f. whortleberry plant, WW 133^23.

brasian = bræsian

+brastl (-sl) n. crackling (of flames), DD, W.

brastlian (-sl) to roar, rustle, crackle, Æ. [‘brastle’; Ger. prasseln]

brastlung f. crackling, rustling, crashing, Æ.

bratt m. cloak, MtL 5^40. [‘bratt’]

brēac pret. 3 sg. of brūcan.

brēad n. bit, crumb, morsel: ‘bread,’ JnL.

+breadian = +bredian

brēag = brǣw

breahtm I. (bearhtm; æ, e, eo, y) m. cry, noise, revelry. II. = bearhtm

breahtmian (earht) to creak, resound.

breahtmung f. ‘convolatus,’ WW 376^3.

breahtumhwæt = bearhtmhwæt

breard = brerd

brēat- = brēot-

brēað brittle, #Lcd# 1·260^7.

brēaw = brǣw

brēawern n. brew-house, WW 145^29.

brēc fp. breeches, Lcd, RB. [‘breech’; v. ES 38·345]

+brec n. noise, sound, CP.

±brēc = ±brǣc I.

±brecan I. sv^4 to ‘break,’ shatter, burst, tear, B, Bl, Ps: curtail, injure, violate, destroy, oppress, B, Da, KC; AO, CP: break into, rush into, storm, capture (city), Ma; CP: press, force: break or crash through, burst forth, spring out, An, Ph: subdue, tame, CP. II. to roar? #Cr# 951. [ON. braka]

brēchrægl n. breeches, #PPs# 108^28.

brecmǣlum = brytmǣlum

±brecnes f. breach, #EPs#.

-brecð v. ǣ-, eodor-b.

brecða m. broken condition. mōdes b. sorrow of heart, B 171.

brecung f. ‘breaking,’ LkR.

bred n. surface: board, plank, CP: tablet, Æ. [‘bred’]

brēd = (1) brȳd, (2) brād, (3) brǣd III.

brēdan I. to produce, or cherish, a brood, Æ. [‘breed’] II. (±) = bregdan. III. (±) = brǣdan I. and II.

breden (i, y) of boards, wooden, Æ.

brēdende deceitful, cunning, AO. [bregdan]

brēdettan = brogdettan

+bredian † (ea) to regenerate, restore.

brēdi(ng)panne = brǣdepanne

brēdīsern = brǣdīsen

bredweall m. wall of boards, palisade, ES 20·148.

bredwian (eo) to strike down, trample.

+brēfan to write down, A 8·308^11. [cp. Ger. brief]

brēg (#VPs#) = brǣw

brega (Æ) = brego

brēgan to alarm, frighten, terrify, Lk; Æ, CP. [‘bree’; brōga]

bregd = brǣd III.

+bregd I. n. movement, change, #Ph# 57. II. = brǣd III.

bregdan^3 (brēd-) to move quickly, pull, shake, swing, throw (wrestling), draw (sword), drag, B, Ma: bend, weave, ‘braid,’ knit, join together, ÆGr: change colour, vary, be transformed, Ex, Sol, Gu: bind, knot: (intr.) move, be pulled: flash, Æ. up b. bring up (a charge): (+) scheme, feign, pretend: (+) draw breath, breathe.

bregden = brægden

+bregdnes f. trouble, affliction, MF 162.

+bregdstafas mp. learned arts, #Sol# 2.

bregen = brægen

brēgendlic terrible, #RPs# 46^3.

brēgh = brǣw

brēgnes f. fear, terror.

brego † (eo) m. ruler, chief, king, Lord. b. engla, mancynnes God.

bregorīce n. kingdom, #Gen# 1633.

bregorōf majestic, mighty, B 1925.

bregostōl † m. ruler’s seat, throne: rule, dominion.

bregoweard † m. ruler, prince, lord.

bregu = brego

breht- = breaht-, beorht-, bierht-

brehtniende = bearhtmiende [[redirected to “breahtmian”]]

brēman I. (±) to honour, extol. [brēme] II. (oe) to rage, NG.

brembel (Æ), brember == brēmel

brēme (oe, ȳ) I. adj. famous, glorious, noble, PPs; AO. [‘breme’] II. adv.

brēmel (ǣ) m. brier, ‘bramble,’ blackberry bush, Æ, Lcd; Mdf. [brōm]

brēmelæppel m. blackberry, #Lcd#.

brēmelberie f. blackberry, #Lcd#.

brēmelbrǣr † m. bramble-brier.

brēmellēaf n. bramble-leaf, #Lcd#.

brēmelrind f. bramble-bark, #Lcd#.

brēmelðyrne f. bramble-bush, Æ.

brēmen = brēme I.

brēmendlic noted, OEG.

brēmer == brēmel

brēmlas nap. of brēmel.

bremman to rage, roar. [Ger. brummen]

bremung f. roaring, WW 242^39.

brencð pres. 3 sg. of brengan.

brene = bryne

brēneð pres. 3 sg. of *brēnan to make or dye brown? (GK; BT reads breneð = berneð pres. 3 sg. of bernan) #Run# 15.

±brengan (AO, CP) = bringan

brengnes f. oblation: (+) food, support, MkL 12^44. [*bringnes]

brenting m. ship, B 2807. [brant]

breo- = bre-

brēo- = brē-

brēod (NG) = brēad

breodian to cry out, #Mod# 28.

breoht- = bearht-, beorht-

brēosa (īo) m. gadfly, WW. [‘breeze’]

brēost nmf. (usu. in pl.) ‘breast,’ bosom, B, Lk, Lcd; AO, CP: stomach, womb: mind, thought, disposition, Gen; CP: ‘ubertas,’ #CPs# 35^9.

brēostbān n. ‘breast-bone,’ WW 158.

brēostbeorg = brēostgebeorh

brēostbyden (e^2) f. breast, #Gl#.

brēostcearu † f. heart-care, anxiety.

brēostcofa † m. heart, affections.

brēostgebeorh m. bulwark, WW 466^14.

brēostgehygd †, -hȳd † fn. thought.

brēostgeðanc † m. mind, thought.

brēostgewǣdu † np. corslet.

brēostgyrd f. sceptre? OEG 3303; 2^188.

brēosthord † n. thought, mind.

brēostlīn n. stomacher, WW 407^8.

brēostloca † m. mind, soul.

brēostnet † n. coat of mail.

brēostnyrwet n. tightness of chest, #Lcd# 189b.

brēostrocc m. chest-clothing, WW 151^39.

brēostsefa † m. mind, heart.

brēosttoga m. chieftain, #Sol# 184.

brēostðing n. region of the heart, #Lcd# 3·146^18.

brēostwærc m. pain in the chest, #Lcd#.

brēostweall m. breastwork, rampart, WW 490^13.

brēostweorðung † f. breast-ornament.

brēostwylm (e^2) m. breast-fountain, teat: emotion, sorrow.

Breot- = Bryt-

brēotan^2 † to break in pieces, hew down, demolish, destroy, kill.

Breotas = Brittas [[redirected to “Brytas” (Bryt)]]

Breoten, Breoton = Briten [[redirected to “Bryten”]]

brēoton = (1) bryten; (2) pret. pl. of brēatan. [[redirected to “brēotan”]]

brēoðan^2 to decay, waste away, #Lcd# 63a.

±brēowan^2 to ‘brew,’ AO.

brēowlāc n. brewing, ÆL 17^103.

brēr (ǣ) f. ‘brier,’ bramble, Lcd, WW.

brerd (ea, eo) m. brim, margin, border, surface, Jn, WW: shore, bank, Æ. [‘brerd’]

brerdful brim-full, ÆL 6^282. [‘brerdful’]

brērhlǣw m. brier-hillock, EC 450^9.

brērðyrne f. brier-bush, KC 6·221^13.

brēsan = brȳsan

bresen = bræsen

bresne (æ) † mighty, strong.

brēt pres. 3 sg. of brēdan, bregdan.

bret- = brit-, bryt-

brēð = brǣð

brēðer ds. of brōðor.

brēw (#KGl#) = brǣw

bric- = bryc-

brīc- = brȳc-

briceð pres. 3 sg. of brecan.

bricst pres. 2 sg. of brecan.

brid = bridd

brīd = brȳd

bridd m. young ‘bird,’ chicken, Lk; Æ, CP, Mdf.

brīdel, brīdels (ȳ) m. ‘bridle,’ rein, curb, restraint, Run; Æ, CP.

brīdelshring m. bridle-ring, #El# 1194.

brīdelðwangas mp. reins.

briden = breden

brīd-gift = brȳdgift

brīdgifu = brȳdgifu

±brīdlian to ‘bridle,’ curb, Bo; CP.

briengan = bringan

brig = brycg

brīg = brīw

brigd n. change or play of colours, #Pa# 26. [bregdan]

brigdils (#Gl#) = brīdels [[under “brīdel”]]

brihtan = bierhtan

brihtlīce = beorhtlīce

brim † nm. surf, flood, wave, sea, ocean, water, B: sea-edge, shore. [‘brim’]

brimceald † ocean-cold.

brimclif n. cliff by the sea, B 222.

brimfaroð n. sea-shore (BT) #Da# 322 (or ? 2 words).

brimflōd m. flood, sea.

brimfugol m. sea-bird, gull, #Wa# 47.

brimgiest m. sailor, #Rd# 4^25.

brimhengest † m. (sea-horse), ship.

brimhlæst † f. sea-produce, (fish).

brimlād † f. flood-way, sea-way.

brimlīðend m. sailor: pirate.

brimmann † m. sailor: pirate.

brimrād † f. (sea-road), sea.

brimsa? gadfly? (v. NC 354).

brimstæð n. sea-shore, #An# 496.

brimstrēam † m. current, sea: rapid, river.

brimðyssa † m. ship.

brimwīsa m. sea-king, captain, B 2930.

brimwudu † m. (sea-wood), ship.

brimwylf f. (she-)wolf of the sea or lake, B 1507.

brimwylm m. ocean surge, sea-wave, B 1494.

bring m. offering, #CPs# 50^20.

±bringan^3 (e, y) (and wv) to ‘bring,’ lead, bring forth, carry, adduce, produce, present, offer, B, Bo, JnL; AO, CP.

-bringelle v. on-b.

brīosa = brēosa

brīst, brītst, pres. 2 sg., brīt pres. 3 sg. of bregdan.

Brit- = Bryt-

brit- = bryt-

brīw m. pottage, porridge, ÆGr, Lcd. [‘bree’; Ger. brei]

±brīwan to prepare food, cook.

brīwðicce as thick as pottage, #Lcd# 190a.

broc I. n. affliction, misery, care, toil, adversity, Bl, Bo; Æ, AO, CP: disease, sickness, Æ: fragment. [‘broke’; brecan] II. n. use, benefit. III. a kind of locust? WW. [‘brock’] IV. = brocc

brōc I. f. (? only in pl. brēc, q.v.). II. m. ‘brook,’ torrent, Bo, WW; Mdf.

brocc m. badger, Lcd. [‘brock’]

broccen of badger’s skin, WW 152^1.

brocchol n. badger’s hole, EC 239^12.

broccian to tremble, GD 156.

brōce = brȳce

brocen pp. of (1) brecan, (2) brūcan.

±brocian to crush, hurt, afflict, molest, Æ, AO, CP: blame. [broc]

broclic full of hardship, W 248^1.

brōcminte f. brookmint, horsemint.

brōcsēoc = brǣcsēoc

brocung f. affliction, sickness, ÆH 1·472^7.

brod shoot, sprout, LHy 6^3.

brōd f. ‘brood,’ Æ: foetus: breeding, hatching.

broddetan = brogdettan

broddian = brōdian

brōden pp. of brēdan.

brōdenmǣl † n. damascened sword.

brōder = brōðor

brōdet- = brogdet-

brōdian to glitter, shine, OEG.

brōdig adj. broody, A 8·309.

brōga m. terror, dread, danger, CP: prodigy.

brogden pp. of bregdan. [‘browden’]

brogdenmǣl = brōdenmǣl

brogdettan to shake, brandish: tremble, quake.

brogdettung f. trembling, shaking: figment, pretence.

±brogn bough, bush, branch, NG (v. ES 38·340 and JAW).

broht ‘viscellum,’ WW 54^1.

brōht pp., brōhton pret. pl. of bringan.

brōhðrēa m. dire calamity, #Gen# 1813. [brōga]

brōm m. ‘broom,’ brushwood, Lcd; Mdf.

brōmfæsten n. enclosure of broom, WW 414^7.

brōmig broomy, #Bl# 207^27?

bron- = bran-

brond == brand, brant

brord m. prick, point: blade (e.g., of grass or corn).

±brosnian to crumble, decay, fall to pieces, rot, wither, be corrupted, AO, CP.

brosniendlic (Æ), +brosnodlic (#Bl#, W) corruptible, perishable, transitory.

±brosnung f. decay, corruption, ruin, Æ.

+brot n. fragment, G. [breotan] [[headword spelled “brēotan”]]

Broten = Bryten

broten pp. of brēotan.

brotettan to burst forth, shoot, sprout? (Napier) = brogdettan? (BT), v. OEG 1218n.

broð n. ‘broth,’ Lcd. [brēowan]

brōðar, brōðer == brōðor

broðhund (WW 329^38; 548^19) = roðhund?

brōðor m. ds. brēðer ‘brother,’ Chr, Mt, Lk. nap. (±) brōðor, brōðru, Gen, Jn: fellow-man, Ps: co-religionist, Mt: monk.

brōðorbana m. fratricide (person), #Gen# 1526.

brōðorcwealm m. fratricide (act), #Gen# 1030.

brōðordohter f. niece, WW 173^30.

brōðorgyld n. vengeance for brothers? #Ex# 199.

brōðorlēas brotherless, #Rd# 85^16.

brōðorlic ‘brotherly,’ ÆGr.

brōðorlīcnes f. brotherliness, BH.

brōðorlufu (-er) love, DR.

brōðorrǣden f. fellowship, brotherhood, Æ: membership of a brotherhood.

brōðorscipe m. brotherliness, love, MtL: (+) brotherhood, fraternity, AO. [‘brothership’]

brōðorsibb f. kinship of brothers: brotherly love.

brōðorslaga m. brother-slayer.

brōðorslege m. fratricide (act), CP.

brōðorsunu m. brother’s son, nephew.

brōðorsybb = brōðorsibb

broðor-ðīnen, -ðīnenu f. midwife, Æ. [beorðor]

brōðorwīf n. brother’s wife, sister-in-law.

brōðorwyrt (e^2) f. ‘pulegium,’ penny-royal, WW 300^24.

+brōð-ru, -ra mp. brothers, brethren, Mt. [‘i-brotheren’]

brōður = brōðor

+browen pp. of brēowan.

brū f. nap. brū(w)a, gp. brūna ‘brow,’ eye-brow, eye-lid, eye-lash, Rd, WW.

±brūcan^2 to ‘brook,’ use, enjoy, possess, partake of, spend, B. brocen cyrtel a coat which has been worn, Æ: eat, JnL; Æ: execute an office: cohabit with. [Ger. brauchen]

brūcendlīce serviceably, OEG 53^1.

brūcung f. function, occupation, BC 1·154^13.

brūdon, brugdon pret. pl. of brēdan, bregdan.

brūn ‘brown,’ dark, dusky, Bo, Ex: having metallic lustre, shining (v. NED).

brūna gp. of brū.

brūn-basu, -be(o)su brownish-purple, OEG.

brūnecg † with gleaming blade.

brūneða m. itch, erysipelas, #Lcd# 18a.

brūnewyrt = brūnwyrt

brūnfāg burnished? brown-hued? B 2615.

brungen pp., brungon pret. pl. of bringan.

brūnian to become brown, #Lcd# 106b.

brunna = burna [[under “burn”]]

brūnwann dusky, #An# 1308.

brūnwyrt f. ‘brownwort,’ water-betony, wood-betony, Lcd.

bruðon pret. pl. of brēoðan.

brūwa nap. of brū.

±bryce (i) I. m. ‘breach’ (‘bruche’), fracture, breaking, Æ (i), Gu, LL: fragment, OEG. [brecan] II. fragile, brittle, worthless, fleeting. [‘bryche’] III. m. use, enjoyment, service, exercise, advantage, gain, profit, fruit, Æ (i), CP. [Ger. brauch]

brȳce useful, profitable. [brūcan]

-brycel v. hūs-b.

bryceð pres. 3 sg. of brecan.

brycg f. ‘bridge,’ Æ; AO, Mdf.

brycgbōt (i) f. repairing of bridges, LL.

brycggeweorc (i^1) n. work of building or repairing bridges.

brycgian to ‘bridge,’ make a causeway, pave, An.

brycgweard (i^1) m. keeper or defender of a bridge, #Ma# 85.

brycgwyrcende ‘pontifex’! DR 194^16.

±brȳc-ian, -sian to use, enjoy, DR: profit, benefit.

brycð pres. 3 sg. of brecan.

brȳcð pres. 3 sg. of brūcan.

brȳd I. (ē, ī) f. ‘bride,’ betrothed or newly-married woman, wife, consort, CP, Æ. brȳdes wǣde wedding garment: (†) (young) woman. II. = brygd

bryd- = bred-

brȳd- = brīd-

brȳdbedd n. bridal bed, Æ.

brȳdbletsung (ī) f. marriage blessing, LL 72, 38, 1.

brȳdboda m. paranymph, bridesman, OEG 18b71.

brȳdbūr n., brȳdcofa m. bride-chamber, bed-chamber.

+bryddan to frighten, terrify, #Sol# 16.

-brȳde v. un-b.

brȳdeala, brȳdealo(ð) n. bride-ale, marriage-feast, Chr. [‘bridal’]

brȳdelic = brȳdlic

brȳdgifta fpl. betrothal, espousals.

brȳdgifu f. dowry: (pl.) espousals, Æ.

brȳdguma (Æ, CP), brȳdiguma (Æ) m. ‘bridegroom,’ Jn: suitor.

brȳdhlōp n. ceremony on conducting a bride to her new home, bridal, wedding, Chr, MtL. [‘bridelope’]

+brȳdian to marry.

brȳdlāc n. bridal, wedded condition, Æ; (pl.) marriage ceremony, Æ. [‘bridelock’]

brȳdlēoð n. epithalamium, OEG.

brȳdlic bridal. b. gewrit Song of Solomon, WW 388^30.

brȳdloca m. bride-chamber, #Bl#.

brȳdlōp = brȳdhlōp

brȳdlufe f. love of a bride, #Jul# 114.

brȳdniht f. wedding-night, MH 14^28.

brȳdræst f. bridal bed.

brȳdrēaf n. wedding garment, MtL 22^11.

brȳdsang m. epithalamium, WW.

brȳdðing np. nuptials, Bl. [‘brydthing’]

brygc = brycg

brygd I. (bryd) m. drawing out, unsheathing, brandishing, LL. II. = brǣd III.

bryht == beorht

bryhtan = bierhtan

±bryidan to seize property improperly held by another, LL. [= *brigdan? BT]

brym, brymm == brim

brȳm- = brēm-

bryne m. burning, conflagration, BH: fire, flame, heat, MtL; AO: inflammation, burn, scald, Lcd: torch: fervour, passion. [‘brine,’ ‘brune’; beornan]

brȳne f. ‘brine,’ WW; Æ.

brynēadl f. fever, WW 238^26.

brynebrōga m. fire-terror, #Az# 161.

brynegield † (i^3) m. burnt-offering.

brynehāt burning hot, #Dom# 51.

brynelēoma m. fire-gleam, flame, B 2313.

brynenes f. hard, fiery trial, #HGl# 469.

brynetēar m. hot tear, #Cr# 152.

bryne-wylm, -welm † m. wave of fire, flame, burning heat.

bryngan = bringan

brynig † fiery, burning.

brynstān m. brimstone, NC 275.

bryrd = brerd

bryrdan to urge on, incite, encourage, #Met# 13^3. [brord]

bryrdnes f. incitement, instigation.

±brȳs-an, -ian to ‘bruise,’ crush, pound, BH, DD: season, #Sc# 20^20.

+brȳsednes f. bruising, crushing, WW 211^23.

brȳsewyrt f. daisy, soap-wort, Lcd 1·374. [‘bruisewort’]

brystmian = brytsnian

brȳt pres. 3 sg. of brēotan.

Bryt m. Briton: Breton.

bryta = brytta

brytan = bryttian

±brȳtan to crush, pound: (+) break up, destroy.

-brytednes v. for-b.

Bryten (e, eo, i, o) f. Britain.

bryten (eo) spacious, roomy, #Sat# 687.

brytencyning † m. powerful king.

brytengrūnd m. broad earth, #Cr# 357.

Brytenlond n. Britain: Wales.

brytenrīce (eo) n. I. spacious kingdom, #Az# 107. II. kingdom of Britain.

Brytenwealda m. wielder of Britain, Bretwalda, chief king.

brytenwongas mp. spacious plains, the world, #Cr# 380.

brȳtest pres. 2 sg. of brēotan.

brytian = bryttian

Bryt-land, -lond = Brytenlond

brytmǣlum piecemeal, OEG 1553n.

brytnere m. steward, CP 459^11.

±brytnian (i) to divide, distribute, dispense, administer, B. [‘britten’]

brytnung f. distribution, WW 222^43.

brȳtofta pl. espousals, WW 171^5. [brȳd, ðoft]

Bryton = Bryten, Briten [[both under “Bryten”]]

±brytsen f. fragment, FM, G.

brytsnian to parcel out, distribute, OEG 2195: (+) enjoy, possess, ES 8·473^33.

brȳtst pres. 2 sg. of brēotan.

Brytt == Bryt

brytta † (e) m. dispenser, giver, author, governor, prince, lord. sinces b. treasure-giver, lord. [brēotan]

+bryttan = +brȳtan

±bryttian (i) to divide, dispense, distribute, CP: rule over, possess, enjoy the use of.

Bryttisc ‘British,’ Chr.

Bryttwealas, Brytwalas mp. Britons of Wales.

Brytwylisc British, Welsh.

bryðen f. brewing, drink, Gu, Lcd. [‘burthen’; broð]

brȳwlāc (Æ) = brēowlāc

bū I. n. nap. bȳ dwelling. [Ger. bau] II. v. bā, bēgen.

±būan anv. (intr.) to stay, dwell, live, AO: (tr.) inhabit, occupy: cultivate. [Ger. bauen]

būc, bucc m. belly, stomach, Æ: pitcher, Æ: beaver (of helmet)? [‘bouk’; Ger. bauch]

bucca m. ‘buck,’ he-goat, male deer, Æ, Lcd; CP.

budda m. beetle, WW 543^10.

būde 3 sg., būdon pl. pret. of būan.

budon pret. pl. of bēodan.

būend m. dweller, inhabitant.

bufan (Æ; AO, CP) I. prep. (w. d.) over, ‘above’: (w. a.) on, upon. II. adv. above, overhead, before.

bufan-cweden, -nemd, -sprecen above mentioned, GD.

bufon = bufan

būg- = bū-

±būgan I. (sv^2) to ‘bow,’ bow down, turn, bend, stoop, sink, Æ, AO, Rood: submit, give way, Æ, B, Chr: depart, flee, retire, Æ, AO: join, go over to, Æ: convert, Æ. II. = būan

būh imperative of būgan.

būian = būan

bul = bula I.

bula m. I. ornament. [L.] II. bull? EC 449^22.

bulberende wearing an ornament, WW 195^37; OEG 8^318.

bulentse f. a plant, #Lcd# 44b.

bulgon pret. pl. of belgan.

bulluc m. male calf, ‘bullock,’ Sc.

bulot, bulut ragged robin, cuckoo-flower, #Lcd#.

būn = būan

bund f? bundle, MtL 13^30.

būnda = bōnda

bunden pp., bundon pret. pl. of bindan.

bundenheord with bounden tresses, B 3151.

+bundennes f. obligation.

bundenstefna adj. (ship) with an ornamented prow, B 1911.

bune I. f. cup, beaker, drinking vessel. II. reed, cane? WW 198^12. [‘bun’]

būnes f. dwelling, NC 292.

būr n. ‘bower,’ apartment, chamber, Gen, WW: storehouse, cottage, dwelling, KC; Æ. [būan]

±būr (usu. +; but būr at LL 92, 6, 3) m. free-holder of the lowest class, peasant, farmer. [‘gebur’]

būrbyrde (æ^2) of peasant birth, Ct.

būrcniht n. chamberlain, eunuch.

būrcot n. bed-chamber, CP.

burg (burh) f. (gds. and nap. byrig) any important dwelling within a walled enclosure, fort, castle, Chr, WW; CP: ‘borough,’ walled town, AO, Mt; Æ. [v. Mdf]

burg- v. also burh-.

burgāgend m. city-owner, #El# 1175.

burgat = burggeat

burgbryce m. breaking into a (fortified) dwelling, LL: penalty for that offence, LL.

burgen = byrgen

būrgerihta np. peasant’s rights or dues, LL 446 (4).

burgeteld † n. pavilion, tent.

burgfæsten n. fortress, #Gen# 1680.

burgfolc n. townspeople, B 2220.

burggeat n. castle-gate.

burghege m. fence of a ‘burg,’ Ct.

burg-hlið † n. nap. -hleoðu fortress-height (or ?= beorg-hlīð).

burglagu f. civil law, GPH 388.

burglēod, -lēoda m. citizen, AO.

burgloca † m. fortified inclosure, walled town.

burglond n. native city, #Cr# 51.

burgon pret. pl. of beorgan.

burgræced n. fortress, #Ruin# 22.

burgrūn f. sorceress; pl. fates, furies, #Gl#.

burg-sæl † n. nap. -salu city-hall, house.

burgsǣta (ē^2) m. denizen of a town, citizen, WW.

burgscipe m. borough, WW 497^18.

burgsele m. castle-hall, house, #Rim# 30.

burgsittende † mpl. city-dwellers.

burgsorg = borgsorg

burgsteall m. citadel? city? WW 205^36.

burgstede † m. city, castle.

burgtūn m. city, Wif 31. [‘borough-town’]

burgðelu f. castle floor, Fin 30 (burh-). [v. ‘theal’]

burg-waran, -waru fp., -ware (AO, CP), -waras, mp. inhabitants of a ‘burg,’ burghers, citizens.

burgweall m. city-wall, Æ.

burgweg m. road, street.

burgwīgend m. warrior, #El# 34.

burh == burg

burhbiscop m. bishop of a city.

burhbōt f. liability for repair of the walls of a town or fortress, LL.

burhealdor m. burgomaster, mayor, Æ.

burhgeard m. castle yard, EC 328.

burhgeatsetl n. jurisdiction over those belonging to the ‘burg’? seat in a court at the city gate? (BT; or ? two words, v. LL 456, 2).

burhgemet n. measure used in a town, LL 477 (6).

burhgemōt n. town’s meeting, LL.

burhgerēfa m. chief magistrate of a town, provost, mayor, WW. [‘borough-reeve’]

burhgeðingð f. town council, LL 228, 1, 2.

burhmann m. citizen, WW. [‘borough-man’]

burhrǣdden f. citizenship, WW 441^10.

burhrest f. chamber-couch, IM 125^86. [?= *būrrest, ES 38·347]

burhriht n. town right, law in a town, LL 477 (6).

burh-rūn, -rūne f. fury, sorceress, WW 245^16.

±burhscipe m. township, civil district.

burhscīr f. city limits, city, township, Æ.

burhsprǣc f. courtly speech, #Gl#.

burhstaðol m. foundation of the wall of a ‘burg,’ #Lcd# 1·328^23.

burhðegn m. living in a ‘burg’; or ?= būrðegn

burhwarumann m. burgess, BH 40^31.

burhwealda m. burgess, BH 40^31#b#.

burhweard † m. city defender.

burhwela m. treasure of a city, B 3100.

burhwelle f. spring that supplies a town? BT.

burhwerod n. townsfolk.

burhwita m. town councillor.

būrland n. land occupied by peasants, EC 384´.

burn f., burna (CP) m., burne f. brook, small stream, Jn; Mdf: spring or well water, CP, WW. [‘burn’; Ger. brunnen]

burnon pret. pl. of biernan.

burnsele m. bath-house, #Ruin# 22.

burnstōw f? bathing-place, KC.

būrrēaf n. tapestry, TC 530^36.

būrscipe = burhscipe

burston pret. pl. of berstan.

būr-ðegn, -ðēn m. page, chamberlain.

burðre = byrðere

buruh = burg

būst pres. 2 sg. of būan.

būt m. a vessel, LL 455´ (?= būc; BT).

būta = (1) būtan, (2) būtū

būtan I. prep. w. d. and (rarely) a. out of, outside of, off, round about: except, without, all but, but only; besides, in addition to: in spite of. II. conj. (w. ind.) except, except that, but, only. b. ðæt except: (w. subj.) unless, save that: (w. subst.) except, but, besides, if only, provided that. III. adv. without, outside, #Chr#. [‘bout,’ ‘but’]

būte = (1) būtan, (2) būtū

butere f. ‘butter,’ Lcd; Æ. [L.]

buter-flēoge, -flēge f. ‘butterfly,’ WW.

butergeðweor n. butter-curd, butter.

+buterian to butter, #Lcd# 121a.

buter-ic, -uc = butruc

buterstoppa m. butter-vessel, WW 280^25.

būton = būtan

butre = butere

butruc m. (leather) bottle, Æ.

butsecarl m. boatman, mariner, Chr. [‘buscarl’]

buttorflēoge = buterflēoge

buttuc m. end, small piece of land.

būtū (būtwu, būta, būte) both (neuter). v. also bēgen.

butueoh (#Chr#) v. betwux.

būtun = būtan

buturuc = butruc

būtwū = būtū

būwan = būan

bȳ = bū

bȳan (N) = būan

byccen (i) of a goat, goat’s, NC 275.

bȳcera m. = bēocere

±bycgan (i) to ‘buy,’ pay for, acquire, Mt, Jn: redeem, ransom: procure, get done: sell, LL. [Goth. bugjan]

bycgend v. beccen.

bȳcn- = bēacn-, bīecn-

byd- = bed-, bid-

bȳd- = bīd-

[[Printed on one line: byd-, bȳd- = bed-, bid-, bīd-]]

bydel m. ‘beadle,’ apparitor, warrant officer, Lk; Æ: herald, forerunner, Æ: preacher, Æ. [bēodan]

bydelæcer m. land of a ‘bydel,’ KC 6·152^29.

byden f. measure, bushel: bucket, barrel, vat, tub. [Low L. butina; Ger. bütte]

bydenbotm m. bottom of a vessel, WW 123^4.

bydenfæt n. bushel, barrel.

bȳdla m. worshipper, NG.

bȳencg (DR) = bȳing

bȳend = būend

-byffan v. ā-b.

byfgendlic = bifigendlic

byfian (Æ) = bifian

byfor = beofor

byg- = big-

bȳg- = bī-, bē-, bīg-

[[Printed on one line: byg-, bȳg- = big-, bī, bē-, bīg-]]

bȳgan = bīegan

byge (ȳ?; i) m. curve, bend, corner, angle, cone (of a helmet), AO, CP: traffic, commerce, LL 128, 5.

bȳgel = bēogol

bygen f. purchase, LL (328^11).

bygendlic easily bent, flexible, BH.

bygeð pres. 3 sg. of bycgan.

bȳgeð pres. 3 sg. of būan.

byht m. I. (±) bend, angle, corner, Ct: bay, ‘bight.’ [būgan] II. † n? dwelling. [būan]

bȳhð pres. 3 sg. of būgan.

bȳing = bū I.

bȳl m? bȳle f? ‘boil,’ carbuncle, WW.

bylcettan = bealcettan [[under “bealcan”]]

±byld f. constancy, confidence, boldness. [beald]

bylda m. builder? householder? #Cra# 75. [bold]

byldan I. to build, construct, KC. II. = bieldan

byldu, byldo = bieldo

bȳle = bȳl

byledbrēost (= bylged- ?) puff-breasted, #Rd# 81^1.

bylewit = bilewit

bylg = belg

bylgan to ‘bellow,’ MH.

bylgð pres. 3 sg. of belgan.

bylig = belg

bȳliht (īly-) ulcerous, #Lcd# 63b.

bylwet, byl(y)wit == bilewit

bȳme (Æ) = bīeme

bȳmere (WW), bȳmesangere m. trumpeter, Æ. [‘bemer’]

bȳmian to blow the trumpet, Ps, WW. [‘beme’]

bynd = bind

byndele, byndelle = bindele

bȳne cultivated, inhabited, occupied, AO. [būan]

byrc = beorc

byrce = beorce

byrcholt n. birch wood, WW.

byrcð pres. 3 sg. of beorcan.

byrd I. (i) f. birth (pl. w. sg. meaning). II. f. burden, GD 215^1.

+byrd I. fn.; +byrdo, -u f. birth, Cr: descent, parentage, race, BH: nature, quality, rank, Æ, AO: (†) fate. [‘birde’; beran] II. burdened, MtR 11^28. III. = +byrded

+byrdan to beard, fringe, embroider.

-byrdan v. +ed-b.

+byrdboda m. herald of a birth.

+byrddæg m. birthday, Mt 14^6.

byrde of high rank, well-born, noble, rich, AO.

+byrde I. innate, natural. II. = +byrd I.

+byrdelīce energetically, zealously, CP 160^19.

byrden = byrðen

byrdicge f. embroideress, WW 262^18.

byrdinenu = byrððinenu [[headword spelled “byrððīnenu”]]

byrding f. embroidering, WW 294^10.

-byrding v. hyse-b. [[under “hyseberðling”]]

byrdistre embroiderer (v. ANS 123·418).

+byrdlic (AS 5^13) = +byredlic

byrdling tortoise, OEG 23^21.

-byrdling v. in-, frum-b.

byrdscype m. child-bearing, #Cr# 182.

+byrd-tīd f., -tīma m. time of birth.

+byrdu = +byrd I.

+byrdwiglere m. birth-diviner, astrologer.

+byrdwītega m. astrologer.

byre I. † m. (nap. byras, byre) child, son, descendant: young man, youth. [beran] II. m. mound. III. (±) m. time, opportunity, Æ: occurrence, AS 62^13. IV. m. strong wind, storm, GPH 400.

bȳre n. stall, shed, hut, Gl. [‘byre’]

+byredlic suitable, fitting, convenient, congenial, DR. adv. -līce.

byrele mf. cup-bearer, butler, steward, B. [‘birle’]

byrelian to give to drink, serve with drink, Gu. [‘birle’ vb.]

+byrelic = +byredlic

byren I. (and byrene) f. she-bear, Æ. [bera] II. = beren

-bȳren v. nēahge-b.

byres f. borer, graving tool, awl, chisel, #Gl#. [borian]

byreð I. = bierð pres. 3 sg. of beran. II. = pres. 3 sg. of byrian I.

byrg gds. and nap. of burg.

byrg- v. also byrig-.

+byrg I. (i) n. taste, DR 116^3. II. bēon on gebyrge (w. d.) to help, protect. [beorgan]

byrga m. security, surety, bail, one who gives bail, #Gl#. [Ger. bürge]

±byrgan I. (i) to raise a mound, hide, ‘bury,’ inter, †Hy; AO. II. † (e, eo) to taste, eat. III. = beorgan

byrgels (e, i) m. tomb, Æ, Ct. [‘buriels’]

byrgelslēoð (e^1) n. epitaph, #HGl# 427.

byrgelssang m. dirge: epitaph.

byrgen (i, u) f. burying-place, grave, sepulchre, El; Æ, AO, CP: burial. [‘burian’; beorgan]

+byrgen f. caul? #Lcd# 185a.

byrgend m. grave-digger, #PPs# 78^3.

byrgenlēoð n. epitaph, BH 94^12.

byrgensang m. dirge, OEG.

byrgenstōw f. burying-place.

byrgere m. corpse-bearer, WW. [‘burier’]

byrgian = byrgan

byrging I. f. burial. II. f. taste.

byrglēoð n. dirge, epitaph, #Gl#.

byrht = beorht

byrht- = beorht-, bierht-

byrhtm = breahtm

±byrian I. (impers.) to happen, pertain to, belong to, befit, Æ, Mk, MtR; AO, CP. [‘bir’; ‘i-bure’] II. = byrgan I. and II.

byric = beorc

byrig = burg, and gds. of burg.

byrig- = byrg-, burh-

byrigberge f. mulberry, #Lcd# 86a.

+byrigednes f. burial.

byrignes I. f. burial, BH. [‘buriness’] II. f. tasting, taste.

-bȳrild v. nēah-geb.

byris = byres

byrisang (i) m. dirge, #HGl# 488^57.

byrl- = byrel-

byrla m. trunk (of body), #Lcd# 58b.

+byrman to ferment, leaven: swell up, be proud. [beorma]

+byrmed n. leavened bread.

byrnan (Æ) = biernan

byrne I. f. corslet, WW; CP. [‘burne’] II. = burne, burn. III. = bryne [[II. under “burn”]]

byrnete f. barnacle, NC 275.

byrn-ham, -hama † m. corslet.

+byrnod corsleted, ÆGr 256^16. [‘i-burned’]

byrnsweord n. flaming sword, #Bl# 109^34.

byrnwiga m. corsleted warrior.

byrn-wīgend, -wiggend † m. corsleted warrior.

byrs, byrse = byres

byrst I. (e) m. loss, calamity, injury, damage, defect, Æ. [berstan] II. n. (land-)slip, KC 3·52^9 (v. also KC 5·112^19 and Mdf). III. f. ‘bristle,’ Ep, Lcd; Æ. [‘brise,’ ‘brust’] IV. pres. 3 sg. of berstan. V. pres. 2 sg. of beran.

+byrsted furnished with bristles, OEG 23^3.

byrstful disastrous, #Chr# 1116.

byrstig broken, rugged: afflicted. [berstan]

+byrtīd = +byrdtīd

byrð I. pres. 3 sg. of beran. II. = beorð

byrðen f. ‘burden,’ load, weight, Bl, WW; Æ, CP: charge, duty. [beran]

byrðenmǣlum a heap at a time, ÆH 1·526^22.

byrðenmǣte (ē^3) burdensome, #KGl# 1011

byrðenstan m. millstone.

byrðenstrang strong at carrying burdens, ÆH 1·208^13.

byrðere I. m. bearer, supporter, Æ. [beran] II. f. child-bearer, mother.

byrðestre (e) f. female carrier, #HGl# 498^18.

byrðling (e) m. carrier, OEG 4922.

byrðor = beorðor

+byrðtid = +byrdtīd

byrððīnenu f. midwife, GPH 392.

bysceop == bisceop

bysegu = bysgu [[redirected to “bisgu”]]

bysen == bisen

bysig-, bysg- = bisg-

bysmer = bismer

bysmer- = bismr-

bysmerglēow n. shameful lust, Æ 23b^451.

bysmor = bismer

bysmr- = bismr-

bysn == bysen

byst = bist pres. 2 sg. of bēon.

bȳsting f. beestings, WW 129^2. [bēost]

byt I. = bit pres. 3 sg. of biddan. II. = bytt

bȳt pres. 3 sg. of (1) bēodan, (2) bēatan.

bȳtel, bȳtl = bīetl

byter = biter

bytla † = bylda

bytlan, ±bytlian to build, erect, Æ, CP. [botl]

+bytle n. building, dwelling, Æ.

±bytlung f. building, Æ.

bytme f? keel: head of a dale.

bytming f. hulk, keel of ship, Æ.

bytne = bytme

bȳtst pres. 2 sg. of bēatan and bēodan.

bytt I. f. bottle, flagon, Mt, WW; Æ: cask [‘bit’] II. small piece of land, KC 3·85^11. III. pres. 3 sg. of biddan.

bytte = bytt I.

byttehlid n. butt-lid, WW 213^23.

byttfylling f. filling of casks, LL 178, 8, 1.

byð = bið pres. 3 sg. of bēon.

bȳð pres. 3 sg. of būan.

byðme = bytme

bȳwan (ēo, ī) to rub, brighten, furbish up, adorn.

byxen made of boxwood, WW. [box]


cæb- = cæf-

cǣc- = cēac-

cæderbēam = cederbēam

cæf == ceaf

cæfertūn = cafortūn

cæfester (cæb-) n. halter, #Gl#. [L. capistrum]

-cæfian v. be-, ofer-, ymb-c. [[“oferccæfian” only in participle “ofercæfed”]]

cæfing f. hair-ornament, #Gl#.

cæfl m. halter, muzzle, WW.

cǣg f., cǣga m. ‘key’ (lit. and fig.), Ex, LL, Rd: solution, explanation, CP.

cǣgbora m. key-bearer, jailor.

cǣghiorde m. keeper of the keys, steward, WW.

cǣgloca m. locked depository, LL 362, 76, 1.

-cǣglod v. ā-c.

cæh- = ceah-

cæl- = cel-, ceal-, ciel-

cælð pres. 3 sg. of calan.

cæm- = cem-

cæn- = cen-, cyn-

cǣpehūs = cīepehūs

cæppe f. ‘cap,’ WW: cope, hood. [Lat. cappa]

cæpse f. box, NC 276. [L. capsa]

cær- = car-, cear-, cer-, cier-

cærse (e) f. ‘cress,’ water-cress, Lcd; Mdf.

cærsiht full of cress, KC 3·121^18.

cærte = carte

cǣs = cēas pret. 3 sg. of cēosan.

cǣse = cīse

cæstel = castel

cæster (NG) == ceaster

cāf quick, active, prompt, Æ: bold, brave. adv. cāfe.

cāflic bold. adv. -līce promptly: boldly, Æ.

caflwyrt = cawlwyrt

cāfnes f. energy, ÆH 2·282^4.

[[See separate entries for “cawl II.” and “wyrt”.]]

cafortūn (æ, ea^1, e^2) m. vestibule, court, court-yard, Æ: hall, residence, Æ.

cāfscipe m. alacrity, boldness.

+cafstrian to bridle, curb, CP. [cæfester]

cahhetan = ceahhetan

cāl = cawl

cāl- = cawel-

[[Printed on one line: cāl == cawl, cawel]]

calan^6 to grow cool or cold.

calc I. m. shoe, sandal. [L. calceus] II. = cealc

calcatrippe = coltetræppe

calcrond shod (of horses), #GnE# 143.

cald (A) == ceald

cālend m. the beginning of a month, AO: month, Men: (†) span of life. [‘calends’]

cālendcwide m. tale of days, #Sol# 479.

calf == cealf

calfur (#VPs#) nap. of cealf.

calic m. ‘chalice,’ Lcd, Lk, Mt, VPs. [L. calicem]

-calla (ZDA 10·345) v. hilde-c.

calu (cal(e)w- in obl. cases) ‘callow,’ bare, bald, Rd. [Ger. kahl]

calwer = cealer

calwer-clīm, -clympe curds? WW.

cāma m. muzzle, collar, bit, #PPs# 31^11.

camb (o) m. ‘comb,’ crest, Ep, WW: honey-comb, #LPs#.

cambiht combed, crested, WW.

cambol = cumbol

camel m. ‘camel,’ Mt, Mk.

cammoc (u^2) nm? ‘cammock,’ rest-harrow, Lcd, WW.

±camp (o) I. m. combat, battle, struggle, warfare, B, Rd. [‘camp’] II. field, plain? EC 183^2. [L. campus]

campdōm m. military service, warfare, Æ.

campealdor m. commander, OEG 4433.

campgefēra m. fellow-soldier, #Gl#.

camphād m. warfare, BH.

±campian (o) to strive, fight, Gu; Æ. [‘camp’]

camplic military, Æ.

camprǣden f. war, warfare, #An# 4.

campstede † m. battle-field.

campung f. fighting, warfare.

campwǣpen (o^1) n. weapon, #Rd# 21^9.

campweorod (e^2, ea^2, e^3) n. army, host.

campwīg † (comp-) n. battle, combat.

campwīsa m. director of public games, #HGl# 405.

campwudu m. shield? #El# 51.

can pres. 1 and 3 sg. of cunnan.

cān m. germ, sprout? #PPs# 79^10. [OS. cīnan]

±canc n. jeering, scorn, derision, #Gl#.

canceler m. chancellor, #Chr# 1093. [Low L. canceliarium]

cancer m. cancer, Æ. [L.]

cancerādl f. cancer, #Lcd# 41a.

cancerwund f. cancerous wound.

canc-etan, -ettan to cry out, mock, deride.

cancetung f. boisterous laughter, WW 382^36.

cancor = cancer

candel fn. lamp, lantern, ‘candle,’ WW; Æ. [L. candela]

candelbora m. acolyte.

candelbryd (?= bred; BT) flat candlestick, IM 120.

candellēoht n. ‘candle-light,’ RB.

candelmæsse f. ‘candlemas,’ the feast of the Purification, Chr.

candelmæsseæfen n. Candlemas eve.

candelmæssedæg m. Candlemas day, NC 276.

candelsnȳtels m. candle-snuffers, WW 126^28.

candelstæf m. candlestick, Mt. [‘candlestaff’]

candelsticca m. ‘candlestick,’ EC 250´.

candeltrēow n. candelabrum, MtR 5^15.

candeltwist m. pair of snuffers, #Gl#.

candelweoce f. ‘candle-wick,’ torch, WW.

candelwyrt f. candlewort, WW 137^9.

candol = candel

cann I. f. cognizance, averment, asseveration, clearance, LL. II. (±) pres. 3 sg. of cunnan.

canne f. ‘can,’ cup, WW.

canon m. canon, rule. canones bēc canonical books. [L. canon]

canonic I. m. canon. II. canonical, Æ.

canoniclic canonical.

cans = canst pres. 2 sg. of cunnan.

cantel m? n? buttress, support, A 8·324^10.

cantelcāp m. cope, #Chr# 1070#e#.

cantercæppe f. cope (vestment).

cantere m. singer, CM 904.

canterstæf m. chanter’s staff, EC 250.

cantic (Æ), canticsang m. canticle, song. [L.]

-cāp v. cantel-c.

capellan m. chaplain, EC, #Chr# (late). [L.]

capian to look. ūp c. to look up, lie on its back (of the moon), #Lcd# 3·266^23. capiende ‘supinus,’ GPH 393a.

capitel = capitol

capitelhūs n. chapter-house, IM 122^4.

capit-ol, -ul, -ula m. chapter (cathedral or monastic): chapter (division of a book), lesson, LL: anthem. [v. ‘chapitle’]

capitolmæsse f. early mass, first mass.

+capitulod divided into chapters, LL (204^2).

cappa = cæppe

capun m. ‘capon,’ WW. [L. capōnem]

carbunculus m. carbuncle, CP. [L.]

carc-ern (AO, CP), -ærn n. prison, jail. [L. carcer]

carcernðystru f. prison darkness, LL.

carcernweard m. jailor, MH 24^15,19.

cārclife = gārclife

care- = car-

carful (ea) anxious, sad, Gu, Soul: ‘careful,’ attentive, painstaking, Ps, WW: troublesome. adv. -līce, LL.

carfulnes f. care, anxiety: ‘carefulness,’ Lcd.

cargealdor n. sorrowful song, #Jul# 618.

cargēst m. sad spirit, devil, #Gu# 365.

carian to care for, be anxious.

caricum dp. of sb. with dried figs, ÆL 23b^661. [L. carica]

carig (ea, e) † sorrowful, anxious, Cr, Soul: grievous, DD. [‘chary’]

carl m. man. [ON. karl]

carlēas ‘careless,’ free from care, RB.

carlēasnes, carlēast f. freedom from care, security, WW. [‘carelessness’]

carlfugol (ea^1, e^3) m. male bird, cock.

carlīce (ea) wretchedly.

carlmann m. male, man, #Chr#.

carr m. stone, rock, NG. [Celtic]

carseld (ea) n. home of care, #Seaf# 5.

carsīð (ea) painful journey, B 2396.

carsorg f. sad anxiety, #Gen# 1114.

carte (æ) f. paper for writing on, Æ: document, deed. [L. charta]

caru (ea) f. ‘care,’ concern, anxiety, sorrow, B, Lk; AO.

carwylm (æ^2, e^2) † m. welling sorrow.

casebill n. club, GPH 394 (v. A 31·66).

cāserdom m. imperial sway.

Cāsere (Cāser, JnL) m. Cæsar, emperor, Bo; Æ, AO. [‘Kaser’]

cāsering f. coin with Cæsar’s head on it, drachma, didrachma, NG.

cāserlic imperial, WW 427^40.

cāsern f. empress, AO 266^14.

cassuc m. hassock, sedge, #Lcd#.

cassuclēaf np. hassock or sedge leaves, #Lcd# 170a.

castel I. m. ‘castle,’ fort, Chr. II. n. town, village, Mt, Mk, Lk.

castelmann m. townsman, #Chr#.

castelweall m. city wall, rampart.

castelweorc n. castle-building, #Chr# 1137.

castenere m. cabinet, chest, TC 531^7.

casul m. over-garment, ‘birrus,’ cloak, WW. [‘chasuble’]

cāsus m. (grammatical) case, #ÆGr#.

catt m., catte f. ‘cat,’ #Gl#; Mdf.

caul [S 6#n#1] = cawl I. and II.

cawellēaf n. cabbage-leaf, #Lcd#.

cawelsǣd n. cabbage-seed, #Lcd#.

cawelstela m. cabbage-stalk, #Lcd#.

cawelstoc (cāl-) m. cabbage-stalk, #Lcd# 1·378^8.

cawelwurm m. caterpillar, WW 121^29.

cawl I. (e, ea, eo) m. basket, AO. [‘cawl’] II. m. ‘cole’ (‘caul,’ ‘cawel’), kale, cabbage, Lcd.

cēac sm. basin, pitcher, jug, Æ, CP: kettle, cauldron, LL 24; 104; 116.

cēacādl (ēo) f. jaw-ache, #Lcd# 109a, 113a.

cēacbān n. ‘cheek-bone,’ jaw, WW.

cēacbora m. yoke for buckets, #Gl#.

ceace f. cake? (BT) WW 505^10?

cēace (ē, ei, ēo) f. ‘cheek,’ jaw, jawbone, Lcd, WW.

ceacga m. broom, furze, BC, KC.

ceacl = ceafl

ceaf (e) n. nap. ceafu ‘chaff,’ Mt, Lk, WW; Æ, CP.

ceaf- = caf-, ceaf-, cief-

ceaffinc m. chaffinch, ANS 76·206.

ceafl m. jaw, cheek, jaw-bone, cheek-bone, Æ, Whale. [‘jowl’]

ceaflādl (cealf-) f. disease of the jaws, #Lcd# 90b.

ceafor (e) m. cock-‘chafer,’ beetle, Ps, WW; Æ.

ceahhe f. daw, KC 3·48^26.

ceahhetan to laugh loudly.

ceahhetung f. laughter, jesting, Æ.

cealc (a) m. ‘chalk,’ lime, plaster, AO; Mdf: chalkstone, pebble, Ep, WW.

+cealcian (æ) to whiten, MtL 23^27.

cealcstān m. limestone, chalk.

ceald I. adj. ‘cold’ (‘cheald’), cool, Mt, Jn; AO, CP. adv. cealde. II. n. coldness, cold.

cealdheort cruel, #An# 138 (cald-).

cealdian to become cold, Rim. [‘cold’]

cealdnes f. coldness, cold, Æ.

cealer m. pressed curds, jelly of curds or whey. [L. galmaria]

cealerbrīw m. pottage of curds, #Lcd#.

cealf I. (æ, e) nm. (nap. cealfru) ‘calf,’ Æ. II. = ceafl

+cealf (e) great with calf.

cealfādl = ceaflādl

cealfian to calve, Æ.

cealfloca m. calf-pen.

cealfre = cealre, cealer

cealfwyrt (a) ‘eruca,’ WW 136^17.

ceallian to ‘call,’ shout, Ma 91. [ON. kalla]

cealre = cealer and das. of cealer.

cealwa = calwa [[form of “calu”]]

cēap (ē, ȳ) m. cattle, CP: purchase, sale, traffic, bargain, gain, B; CP: price, LL. dēop c. high price. būtan cēape gratis: goods, possessions, property, Chr; AO: market, Æ. [‘cheap’]

cēapcniht m. bought servant, slave, #Gl#.

cēapdæg m. market-day, WW.

cēapēadig? rich, wealthy, #Gn# 108.

cēapealeðel n. alehouse (v. BT).

cēapgyld n. purchase money, market price: compensation, v. LL 2·338.

cēapian to bargain, trade, Mt: buy, Jn, Cr; AO: endeavour to bribe, #Da# 739. [‘cheap’; Ger. kaufen]

cēapman m. ‘chapman,’ trader, BH, LL.

cēapsceamul m. seat of custom or toll, treasury, G.

cēapscip n. trading vessel, AO 116^4.

cēapsetl (e^1) n. toll-booth, G.

cēapstōw f. market-place, market, CP.

cēapstrǣt (ē, ȳ) f. market-place.

cēapung f. traffic, trade, LL. [‘cheaping’]

cēapunggemōt n. market, WW 450^1.

cear == car

cearcetung f. gnashing, grinding, W 200^18.

cearcian to creak, gnash, Æ. [‘chark’]

cearde = cierde pret. 3 sg. of cierran.

+cearfan to cut off, kill, NG.

cearm = cirm

cear-rige, -ruce a vehicle? #Gl#.

ceart wild common land, KC.

cearwund badly wounded? LL 6[63].

cēas I. = cēast. II. pret. 3 sg. of cēosan.

-cēasega v. wæl-c.

cēaslunger contentious, v. NC 276.

cēast (ǣ, ē) f. strife, quarrelling, contention, WW: reproof.

ceastel = castel

ceaster (æ, e) f. castle, fort, town, CP: †heaven, hell.

ceasteræsc m. black hellebore, #Lcd#.

ceasterbūend m. citizen, B 768.

ceastergewar- = ceasterwar-

ceasterherpað high road? (BT), KC 5·217^1.

ceasterhlid n. city gate, Cr 314.

ceasterhof n. house in a city, #An# 1239.

ceaster-lēod f. np. -lēode citizens, NC 276.

ceasternisc (æ) urban, municipal, TC 244^13.

ceaster-sǣtan, -sǣte mp. citizens, TC.

±ceaster-waran mp., -ware, -waru f. burghers, citizens.

ceasterweall (e^1) m. city wall.

ceasterwīc f. village, #Bl# 69^35.

ceasterwyrt f. black hellebore, #Lcd#.

cēastful contentious.

cēaw pret. 3 sg. of cēowan.

ceawl (MtL) = cawl I.

cēce (VPs) = cēace

cēcel (coecil) cake, #Gl#.

cēde (#VPs#) = cīegde pret. 3 sg. of cīegan.

cedelc f. the herb mercury.

ceder nmf. cedar. [L. cedrus]

ceder-bēam mn., -trēow (ȳ) n. cedar-tree.

cedor- = ceder-

cēdrisc of cedar, DR.

cef (Æ) = ceaf

cef- = cæf-, ceaf-, cif-

cēgan (VHy), cēgian = cīegan

cehhettung = ceahhetung

ceīce (MtLR) = cēace

ceig- (N) = cīg-

ceir cry, clamour, DR.

cel = cawl

cēlan (ǣ) to cool, become cold, be cold, MH, VPs (oe): (+) quench (thirst), refresh. [‘keel’]

celc I. (M) m. chalice, cup. [= calic] II. = cealc

celde † f. copious spring? [cp. Ger. quelle]

celdre = ceoldre

cele = (1) ceole; (2) ciele

celen-dre f., -der n. ‘coliander,’ coriander, Lcd.

cele-ðonie, -ðenie, cileðonie f. celandine, swallow-wort, #Lcd#.

celf (A) = cealf

celic = calic

cēling f. cooling, Æ: cool place, Æ.

celis ‘peditis,’ foot-covering, A 37·45.

celiwearte = cielewearte

cell m. (monastic) cell, #Chr# 1129.

cellender n., cellendre f. = celendre

cellod (ē?) † part. round? hollow? embossed? beaked? #Fin# 29; #Ma# 283.

celmertmonn m. hireling, NG (v. ES 42·172).

±cēlnes f. coolness, cool air, breeze, CP. [cōl]

celod v. cellod.

celras = ceallras, nap. of cealer.

±cemban (æ) to comb, Æ. [‘kemb’]

cemes f. shirt. [L. camisia]

cempa (æ) m. warrior, champion, Gl, Ma; Æ, AO, CP. [camp] [‘kemp’]

cempestre f. female warrior, OEG.

cēn † m. pine-torch, pine: name of the rune for =c=. [Ger. kien]

cendlic = cynlic

cēne bold, brave, fierce, CP, Lcd, Ma; Æ, AO: powerful, VPs: learned, clever, Met 10^51. [‘keen’; Ger. kühn] also adv.

cenep m. moustache: bit (of a bridle). [ON. kanpr]

cenlic = cynlic

cēnlīce boldly, Æ. [‘keenly’]

±cennan to conceive, bring forth: beget, create, produce, Mt, VPs; CP: nominate, choose out, Æ: assign, attribute, give: declare, show oneself, clear oneself, make a declaration in court (v. LL 2·32; 279 ‘cennan,’ ‘Anefang’), B, LL, Ps. [‘ken’]

cennend m. parent, #Bl#.

cennendlic genital.

cennes f. produce, what is produced, EHy 6^22: childbirth: birthday.

cennestre f. mother, Æ.

cenning f. procreation, CP: parturition, birth, Æ: declaration in court (v. cennan).

cenningstān (y^1) m. testing-stone.

cenningstow f. birthplace, Æ.

cenningtīd f. time of bringing forth, Æ.

cennystre = cennestre

Cent, Centescīr f. Kent. [L. Cantia]

centaur m. centaur.

centaurie f. centaury (plant).

Centingas mp. inhabitants of Kent, Kentish men. #Chr#.

Centisc Kentish.

Cent-land, -lond (AO) n. Kent.

Centrīce n. kingdom of Kent.

Centware mp. inhabitants of Kent, #Chr#.

cēnðu f. boldness, B 2696.

cēo f. chough, jay, jackdaw, Æ.

cēoce (WW) = cēace

-cēocian v. ā-c.

ceod? ceode? bag, pouch, CP, LL.

ceodor- = ceder-

ceofl, ceol (NG) = cawl I.

cēol m. ship.

ceolas mp. cold winds, cold, #Az# 103. [ciele?]

ceolbor- = cilfor-

ceoldre = cealre

ceole (e) f. throat: gorge, chasm: beak of ship, #Gl#. [Ger. kehle]

ceolor m. throat.

cēol-ðel n., -ðelu? f. deck of a ship, #Hu# 8.

ceolwærc m. pain in the throat, #Lcd# 113a.

ceorcing f. complaining, GPH 398.

±ceorfan^3 to cut, cut down, slay, Mk, Æ; LkL: carve, cut out, engrave: tear.

ceorfæx f. axe, AO 160^15.

ceorfingīsen n. branding iron, #Sc#.

ceorfsæx n. surgeon’s knife, scalpel, Æ.

±ceorian to murmur, complain, Æ, AO.

ceorig querulous, complaining, OEG.

ceorl m. ‘churl,’ layman, peasant, husbandman, CP: freeman of the lowest class, LL; AO, CP: man: husband, Jn, WW; CP: hero, noble man.

ceorlǣs (= ceorllēas) unmarried (of women), LL 360, 73#b#.

ceorlboren low-born, not noble, LL.

ceorlfolc n. common people, Æ.

±ceorlian to marry (of the woman), LL, Mt; Æ. [‘churl’]

ceorlic = ceorllic

ceorlisc (ie) of a ‘ceorl,’ ‘churlish,’ common, rustic, LL, WW. adv. -lisce.

ceorliscnes f. rudeness, vulgarity.

ceorllic common, belonging to the people generally. adv. -līce commonly, vulgarly.

ceorlman m. freeman, LL 73; 463.

ceorlstrang strong as a man, WW 108^18.

ceorm = cirm

ceorran I. (sv^3) to creak, #Lcd# 160a. II. (+) = cierran

ceorung f. murmuring, Æ.

±cēosan^2 to ‘choose,’ (‘i-cheose’), seek out, select, AO; Æ: decide, test: accept, approve, B, Gen.

ceosel (i, y) m. gravel, sand, shingle, Ep, Mt; Æ. [‘chesil’]

ceoselbǣre gravelly, shingly.

ceoselstān m. sand-stone, gravel, WW.

ceoslen (OEG 7^161), ceoslig (4^40) gravelly.

ceosol I. m? n? gullet, maw. II. = ceosel

±cēowan^2 to ‘chew,’ gnaw, Æ, Soul: eat, consume, Æ.

ceowl (NG) = cawl

cēowung (ī, ȳ) f. ‘chewing,’ WW (ī).

cēp = cēap

cēp- = cēap-, cȳp-

[[Printed on one line: cēp; cēp- = cēap; cēap-, cȳp-]]

cēpan I. to ‘keep,’ guard, observe, attend, look out for, take heed, Æ, Lcd, Ps: take, Æ: avail oneself of, betake oneself to, take to, bear: seek after, desire, Æ: meditate: regulate by: seize, Æ. II. = cȳpan

cēpnian to await eagerly, NC 276.

cer = cierr

ceren I. (æ, y) n? new wine, sweet wine. [L. carenum] II. = cyrn [[under “cyrin”]]

cer-felle, -fille f. ‘chervil,’ Lcd, WW. [L. cerefolium]

cerge = carig

cerlic = cirlic

cerm = cirm

cerr == cierr

cers- = cærs-

cert- = ceart-, cyrt-

certare charioteer, ÆL 18^295.

ceruphīn cherubim, #El# 750.

ces- = ceos-

cēs- = cīs-, cȳs-

cēs = cēas pret. 3 sg. of cēosan.

Cēsar (AO) = Cāsere

cester == ceaster

cestian = cystian

cēte = cȳte

cetel, cetil = citel

cēðan = cȳðan

cewl (NG) = cawl

chor, chora m. dance, choir (singers), CP: church-choir (place). [L. chorus]

chorglēo n. dance, #LPs#.

cīan sbpl. gills, #Gl#. [Ger. kieme]

cicel = cycel

cicen (y) n. ‘chicken,’ Mt, WW.

cicene (Æ) = cycene

cicropisc cyclopean? WW 217^13.

+cīd n. altercation, CP, DR, GD.

±cīdan (w. d. or wið) contend, quarrel, Æ, WW: complain: ‘chide,’ blame, Mk; Æ, CP.

cīdde I. pret. 3 sg. of cīdan. II. = cȳðde pret. 3 sg. of cȳðan.

cīdung (ȳ) f. chiding, rebuke, AO.

ciefes = cifes

±cīegan (ē, ī, ȳ) (tr.) to call, name, Æ (i): call upon, invoke, summon, convene, CP: (intr.) call out.

cield (o) f. cold. [ceald]

ciele (e, i, y) m. coolness, cold, ‘chill,’ frost, Bl; AO, CP. [ceald]

cielegicel † (y^1) m. icicle.

cielewearte (e^1, y^1) f. goose-skin, WW.

cielewyrt (y) f. sorrel.

cielf = cealf

cielle (i, y) f. fire-pan, lamp. [OHG. kella]

cīepa (e, i, y) m. merchant, trader, Æ.

cīepe = cīpe

cīepehūs (ǣ^1) n. storehouse, WW 186^11.

cīepemann (CP), cīepmann (LL) m. merchant.

cīepeðing (ē, ȳ) np. goods, merchandise.

cīeplic (ȳ) for sale, vendible, #Sc# 98^17.

cīepung (ē, ī, ȳ) f. marketing, trading, CP: market-place, market: merchandise: market dues.

cierice = cirice

cierlisc = ceorlisc

cierm = cirm

cierr (e, i, y) m. turn, change, time, occasion, Æ, CP, Lk, Lcd: affair, business. æt sumum cierrc at some time, once. [‘chare’]

±cierran (eo, i, y) (tr. and intr.) turn, change, Ps, Sat: (intr.) turn oneself, go, proceed, turn back, return, Mt; Æ: convert, be converted, CP: submit, #Chr#, W: make to submit, reduce. [‘chare,’ ‘i-cherre’]

+cierrednes (y) conversion, Æ: entrance, admission, RB.

±cierring (e, y) f. conversion, NC 341.

cīese = cīse

cīest, cīesð pres. 3 sg. of cēosan.

cifes (ie, e, y) f. concubine, harlot, AO. [Ger. kebse]

cifesboren adj. bastard, OEG 5042.

cifesdōm m. fornication, OEG 5042.

cifesgemāna m. fornication.

cifeshād m. fornication, WW.

cīgan = cīegan

+cīgednes f. calling.

+cīgendlic calling, vocative, #ÆGr# 23^2.

cīgere (ei) one who calls, DR 194^1.

+cīgnes f. calling, invocation, entreaty: name, A 10·143^79.

±cīgung f. calling, invocation, NC 292.

cild (y) (nap. cild, cild-ra, -ru; gp. -ra) n. ‘child,’ infant, Mt, Lcd, etc.; Æ, AO, CP: a youth of gentle birth, KC.

cildamæssedæg m. Childermas, Innocents’ Day (Dec. 28).

cildatrog = cildtrog

cildclāðas mp. swaddling-clothes.

cildcradol m. cradle, Æ.

cildfēdende nursing, MtR 24^19.

cild-fōstre, -fēstre f. nurse, LL. [v. ‘foster’]

cildgeogoð f. childhood, ÆL 30^320.

cildgeong youthful, infant.

cildhād m. ‘childhood,’ MkL.

cildhama m. womb, Æ: after-birth.

cildisc ‘childish,’ Gen.

cildiugoð = cildgeogoð

cildlic childish, young, BH; Æ. [‘childly’]

cildru v. cild.

cildsung f. childishness, LL.

cildtrog (cilt-, cilda-) m. cradle, #Gl#.

cile (AO) = ciele

cilforlamb n. ewe-lamb, Æ, WW.

cilian to be cold. [ciele]

cilic m. sack-cloth of hair, NG. [L. cilicium]

cille = cyll

cim- = cym-

cimbal, cimbala m. ‘cymbal,’ Lcd, VPs. [L. cymbalum]

cimbalglīwere m. cymbal-player.

cimbing f. commissure, joining, WW 15^5; 206^12.

cimbīren n. edge-iron? (joining-iron, clamp? BT), LL 455[15].

cimbstān m. base, pedestal, #Sc# 226^2. [v. ‘chimb’]

cin = (1) cinn; (2) cynn n.

cin- = cyn

cīnan^1 to gape, yawn, crack.

cinbān n. chin-bone, jaw-bone, Æ.

cinberg f. defence of the chin or cheek, cheek-guard, #Ex# 175. [beorg]

cincung f. boisterous laughter, WW 171^39.

cind = cynd

cine I. f. sheet of parchment, folded, ‘diploma,’ Æ. II. f. chink, fissure, cavern.

cine- = cyn(e)-

cineht (io) chinky, cracked, WW 43^37.

cing, cining = cyning

cinn I. n. ‘chin,’ WW. II. = cynn n.

cinnan to gape, yawn? #Rim# 52.

cintōð m. front tooth, grinder, #Gl#.

cinu f. chink, fissure, Æ, Bo, WW. [‘chine’]

cio- = ceo-

cīo == cēo

cip = cipp

cīp- = cēap-, cīep-, cȳp-

cīpe (īe) f. onion. [L. cepa]

cīpelēac n. leek, WW 380^29.

cipersealf f. henna-ointment, WW 205^11. [L. cypros]

cipp (y) m. log, trunk: coulter, ploughshare: weaver’s beam, A 9·263.

cir = cierr

circ- = ciric-

circian to roar, #Lcd# 1·390^11 (v. A 31·56).

circolwyrde m. computer, mathematician, A 8·306.

circul m. circle: cycle, zodiac. [L. circulum]

circulādl f. the shingles, #Lcd#.

cirebald (#An# 171) = cynebeald?

ciricǣw nf. marriage to the church (as when one takes orders), LL.

ciricbelle f. ‘church-bell,’ Lcd.

ciricbōc f. ‘church-book,’ manual of the church services, W.

ciricbōt f. repair of churches.

ciric-brǣc f., -bryce m. sacrilege, Æ.

ciric-dor n., -duru church-door, LL.

cirice (ie, y) f. ‘church,’ religious community, Æ, BH, Mt; CP: church (building), temple, AO; CP, Mdf: congregation (non-Christian), Ps.

ciricend m. an ecclesiastic.

ciricfrið mn. right of sanctuary: penalty for breach of the right, v. LL 2·537.

ciricfultum m. support from the church.

ciricgang (y) m. going to church, LL 473[7]: churching, purification (of the B.V.M.), CM 484.

ciricgemāna (y) m. church-membership, W 103^23.

ciricgeorn zealous in church-going.

ciricgeriht n. church-due.

ciricgrið (y) n. church-peace, right of sanctuary, LL: penalty for breach of the right, LL 263[3]; v. 2·537. [‘church-grith’]

cirichād m. an order of the church, LL.

cirichālgung f. consecration of a church.

cirichata m. church-tormentor, persecutor, W.

ciricland (y) n. land of the church, GD.

ciriclic ecclesiastical, BH, Chr. [‘churchly’]

ciricmǣrsung (y) f. dedication of a church, W 277^10.

ciricmangung f. simony, LL.

ciricmitta m. church measure (of ale), TC 144^33.

ciricnēod f. requirements of the church.

ciricnytt f. church service, #Cra# 91.

ciricragu f. church-lichen or moss, #Lcd# 51b.

ciricrēn (y^1) n. sacrilege, LL 254#k#. [rān]

ciricsang m. hymn: church-singing.

ciricsangere m. church-singer, BH 466^17.

ciricsceat m. ‘church-scot,’ church-due at Martinmas, BH, W.

ciricsceatweorc n. work connected with the grain given as church-scot, KC.

ciricsōcn (y^1) f. church-privilege, sanctuary, LL: territory of a church: attendance at church.

cirictīd f. service-time, LL.

cirictūn m. churchyard, LL.

ciricðēn m. minister of a church, LL.

ciricðēnung f. church-duty or service.

ciricðing n. object belonging to a church, LL 381[27].

ciricðingere m. priest, WW 155^29 (yrc).

ciricwæcce f. vigil, LL.

ciricwǣd f. vestment, LL 258[51].

ciricwāg m. wall of a church, LL.

ciricwaru f. congregation, LL 400´; 2·539.

ciricweard (e^2, y^2) m. churchwarden, sexton, Æ.

cirisbēam m. cherry-tree, #Gl#. [L. cerasum]

cirlic I. (e, y) charlock. II. = ciriclic

cirlisc = ceorlisc

cirm (e, ea, eo, ie, y) m. cry, shout, outcry, uproar, MtR, WW. [‘chirm’]

cirman (e, y) to cry, cry out, call, shriek, Gu, Jud. [‘chirm’]

cirnel (#Gl#) = cyrnel

cirps (y) curly. [‘crisp’]

±cirpsian to crisp, curl.

cirr == cierr

cīs fastidious. [cēosan]

cīse (ǣ, ē, ȳ) m. ‘cheese,’ WW. [For compounds, v. also cȳs-]

cisel, cisil == ceosel

ciseræppel m. dried fig, WW 367^2. [= ciris-?, cherry (BT)]

ciser-bēam, cisir- = cirisbēam

cīsnes f. fastidiousness.

cist (e, y) I. f. ‘chest,’ casket, Gl, JnR: coffin, BH, Lk: rush basket, WW: horn (as receptacle?), WW. II. = cyst I.

cīst pres. 3 sg. of cēosan.

ciste = cist I.

cistenbēam m. chestnut-tree, #Gl#. [L. castanea]

cīstmēlum earnestly, OEG 4^32. [cēast]

citel m. ‘kettle,’ cauldron, Ep (e), Lcd (y).

citelhrum (e^1) m. kettle-soot.

citelian v. to tickle.

citelung f. tickling, WW 278^6. [‘kittling’]

citere, citre (y) f. cithara, #CJVPs#.

cīð m. seed, germ, shoot, Æ: mote, CP. [‘chithe’]

cīðfæst well-rooted, ÆH 304^26.

cīwung = cēowung

clā = clēa, clawu

clābre (#Gl#) = clǣfre

clac- = clæc-, cleac-

clacu f. injury, W 86^10.

+clāded (MkL 5^15) pp. of +clāðian.

cladersticca m. rattle-stick, #Gl#.

clæclēas harmless.

clædur (ea) rattle, #Gl#. [clader]

clǣferwyrt f. clover, #Lcd#.

clǣfre f. ‘clover’ trefoil, Lcd, WW; Mdf.

clǣg m. ‘clay,’ WW.

clǣig ‘clayey,’ Ct.

±clǣman to smear, caulk, plaster, anoint, Æ, Lcd. [‘cleam’]

clǣming f. blotting, smearing, #ÆGr# 256^4.

clæmman (= clem-) to press, GD.

clæmnes f. torture, BH 290^2.

clǣne (ā, ē) I. ‘clean,’ CP, Lk, Æ: pure, chaste, innocent, Æ, Bl: clear, open, El, Lcd, Ps. on clǣnum felda in the open field (of battle), CP 227^25: honourable, true: acute, sagacious, intellectual. II. adv. clean, clearly, fully, purely, entirely, Æ, Ct; AO, CP.

clǣngeorn yearning after purity, celibate.

clǣnheort pure in heart, Æ.

clǣnlic (‘cleanly’), pure, Bo, Met: excellent. adv. -līce = clǣne

clǣnnes f. (moral) ‘cleanness,’ purity, chastity, BH; Æ, CP.

clǣnsere (e) m. priest, CP 139^15; W 72^6.

±clǣnsian (sn-) to ‘cleanse,’ purify, chasten, CP: clear out, purge, Lcd: (w a. and g.) justify, clear oneself.

clǣnsnian = clǣnsian

clǣnsung f. ‘cleansing,’ purifying, chastening, castigation, expiation, Mk; Æ: purity, chastity.

clǣnsungdæg m. day for purging, #Lcd# 1·330^8.

clǣnsungdrenc (sn) m. purgative, MH 72^27.

clæppettan to palpitate.

clæppetung f. clapping; pulsation, pulse, Æ.

clæppian (a^1) to clap, beat, throb.

clǣsn- = clǣns-

clǣð == clāð

clæweða = cleweða

clāf pret. 3 sg. of clīfan.

clāfre (#Gl#) = clǣfre

clām I. m. paste, mortar, mud, clay, Æ, Lcd: poultice. [‘cloam’] II. = clēam dp. of clēa.

clamb pret. 3 sg. of climban.

clamm m. band, bond, fetter, chain, An, Bl, Rd: grip, grasp. [v. ‘clam’]

clān- = clǣn-

clang pret. 3 sg. of clingan.

clappian = clæppian

clāsnian (#VPs#) = clǣnsian

clātacrop = clāte

clāte f. bur, burdock, clivers, Gl, Lcd. [‘clote’; Ger. klette]

clatrung i. clattering, noise.

clāð m. ‘cloth,’ ‘clothes,’ covering, sail, BH, Chr, Jn, Lcd; AO, CP. under Crīstes clāðum in baptismal garments, #Chr# 688#e#.

+clāðian (clǣðan) to ‘clothe,’ NG.

clāðwēoce f. wick of cloth, GPH 391.

clauster = clūstor

clāwan^7 to claw, Æ.

clāwian to scratch, ‘claw,’ ÆGr 170^11n.

clawu f. nap. clawe ‘claw,’ Æ, Gl, Ph: hoof, Æ: hook, Æ: (pl.) pincers?

clāwung f. griping pain, #Lcd#.

clea- = clæ-, cleo-

clēa = clawu

cleac f. stepping-stone, KC 4·36. [Celtic]

cleacian to hurry, Æ.

clēaf pret. 3 sg. of clēofan.

clēm- = clǣm-

clēn- = clǣn-

-clencan v. be-c.

clengan to adhere, Rd 29^8. [‘clenge’]

cleo- = cli-

clēo- = clīe-, clū-

clēo = clēa, clawu

cleofa (ea, i, y) m. cave, den: cell, chamber, cellar, Æ, BH. [‘cleve’]

clēofan^2 to ‘cleave,’ split, separate, A, Br, Ct, GPH.

cleofian = clifian

cleofu = nap. of clif.

clēofung f. ‘cleaving,’ WW.

clēone = clēowene, ds. of clēowen, clīewen. [[under “clīewen”]]

cleop- = clip-

clep- = clæp-, cleop-, clip-

clerc == cleric

cler-ic (-ec, -oc; clerus, #PPs# 67^13) m. ‘clerk’ in holy orders, WW: clerk in minor orders, LL. [L. clericus]

clerichād m. condition of a (secular) clerk, clerical order, priesthood.

cleweða (æ^1) m. itch, CP 71^19. [clāwan]

clib- = clif-

clibbor clinging, #Men# 245. [clifian]

+clibs (e; cleps; clæsp, y) clamour, CP.

clid-ren, -rin f. clatter.

cliepian = clipian

clīewen, cliewen? (eo, io, i, y) n. sphere, ball, ball of thread or yarn, skein, Æ, CP, Ph, WW: mass, group. [‘clue’]

clif n. (nap. cleofu, clifu) ‘cliff,’ rock, promontory, An, B, Ct; Æ, CP.

clifa = cleofa

clifæhtig = clifihtig [[under “clifig”]]

clīfan^1 to ‘cleave,’ adhere, Æ, CP.

clife f. ‘clivers,’ burdock, Lcd, WW.

clifeht = clifiht [[under “clifig”]]

clifer m. nap. clifras claw, Æ.

cliferfēte cloven-footed, ÆL 25^79.

clif-hlēp, -hlȳp m. a cliff-leap, plunge to ruin? (BT), #Gl#.

clifian (eo, y) to adhere, Æ, CP.

clifig, clif-iht, -ihtig steep, #Gl#.

clifr- v. clifer.

clifrian to scarify, scratch, Æ.

clifrung f. clawing, talon, GPH 398.

clifstān m. rock, WW 371^23.

clifwyrt f. cliff-wort, water-wort, foxglove, WW 134^3 and #n#.

+cliht pp. of +*cliccan, clyccan.

-clīm v. calwer-c. [[under “calwerclīm”]]

climban^3 (y) to ‘climb,’ Sol.

climpre = clympre

clincig rough.

clingan^3 to stick together, An: shrink, wither, pine, Æ. [‘cling’]

clipian (e, eo, y) (tr. and intr.) to speak, cry out, call, Mt, Jn, Ps; CP: (±) summon, invoke, Æ; (w. d.) cry to, implore. [‘clepe’]

clipigendlic (y) vocalic, #ÆGr# 5: vocative (gram.), #ÆGr# 23.

clipol sounding, vocal: vocalic.

clipung (e, eo, y) f. cry, crying, clamour, MtR: (±) prayer, #Ps#: call, claim, #Chr#, 1129. ðā clypunga kalends. [‘cleping’]

clipur m. bell-clapper.

cliroc = cleric

+clistre = +clystre [[under “clyster”]]

clite f. coltsfoot, #Lcd# 146a.

cliða (eo, y) m. poultice.

-clīðan v. æt-c.

cliðe f. burdock.

cliðwyrt f. ‘rubea minor,’ clivers, #Lcd# 173b.

clīwe, clīwen = clīewen

cloccettan to palpitate, #Lcd#.

cloccian to cluck, make a noise, rumble, A 8·309.

clodhamer m. fieldfare, WW 287^17. [v. ‘clod,’ and Mdf]

clof- = cluf-

+clofa m. counterpart (of a document), CC 80. [clēofan]

clofe f. buckle, #Gl#.

clofen pp. of clēofan.

clomm I. m. = clamm. II. pret. 3 sg. of climban.

clop m? rock? v. Mdf.

clott lump, mass, HGl 488. [‘clot’]

clucge f. bell, BH 340^6.

clūd m. mass of stone, rock, Æ, AO: hill, ES 38·18. [‘cloud’]

clūdig rocky, hilly, AO. [‘cloudy’]

clufeht (i^2) bulbous, #Lcd#.

clufon pret. pl. of clēofan.

clufðung, clufðunge f. crowfoot: a vegetable poison, v. OEG 896.

clufu f. clove (of garlic, etc.), bulb, tuber. [clēofan]

clufwyrt f. ‘batrachion,’ buttercup, Lcd. [‘clovewort’]

clugge = clucge

clumben pp. of climban.

clumian, clummian to murmur, mumble, mutter.

clungen pp. of clingan.

clūs, clūse f. bar, bolt: enclosure: cell, prison. [L. clausum]

cluster = clyster

clūster = clūstor

clūstor n. lock, bar, barrier: enclosure, cloister, cell, prison. [L. claustrum]

clūstorcleofa m. prison-cell, #An# 1023.

clūstorloc n. prison, #Gl#.

clūt m. ‘clout,’ patch, cloth, Ep: piece of metal, plate, Æ.

+clūtod ‘clouted,’ patched, Æ.

±clyccan to ‘clutch,’ clench, IM, Sc.

clyf = clif

clyf- = clif-, cleof-

+clyfte adj. cleft, GPH 393. [clēofan]

clymmian to climb, ascend, #Sol# 414.

-clympe v. calwer-c. [[under “calwerclīm”]]

clympre m. lump of metal.

clyne n. lump of metal.

clynian I. to roll up, enfold, GPH. II. = clynnan

clynnan (intr.) to resound, ring, #El# 51: (tr.) knock, NG.

clyp- = clip-

clypnes f. embrace, BH 238^3.

clypp m., clypping f. embracing.

±clyppan to embrace, clasp: surround, enclose, VPs: grip, Gen: prize, honour, cherish, Æ, MkLR (io), CP. [‘clip’]

-clȳsan v. be-c. [clūse] [[under “clūs”]]

+clysp = +clibs

clyster, +clystre n. ‘cluster,’ bunch, branch, Æ, Cp, WW.

clȳsung f. enclosure, apartment, Æ: closing, period, conclusion of a sentence, clause.

clyða = cliða

clȳwen = clīewen

cnæht (NG) = cniht

cnæpling m. youth, Æ. [cnapa] [[under “cnafa”]]

cnæpp (e) m. top, summit, Æ, Lk: fibula, button, WW. [‘knap’]

+cnǣwe (w. g.) conscious of, acknowledging, Æ: known, notorious, manifest, Æ.

cnæwð pres. 3 sg. of cnāwan.

cnafa, cnapa m. child, youth, Æ, Sc: servant, Æ, Mt, Ps. [‘knape,’ ‘knave’]

±cnāwan^7 (usu. +) to know, perceive, Æ, B, Jul, OEG.

cnāwelǣcing f. acknowledgement, KC 4·193^12.

cnāwlǣc (ē^2) knowledge, ES 42·176.

+cnāwnes f. acknowledgement, EC 265^2.

cnēa gp. of cnēo(w).

cnearr m. small ship, galley (of the ships of the Northmen), †#Chr#. [ON. knorr]

±cnēatian to argue, dispute.

cnēatung f. inquisition, investigation: dispute, debate.

cnedan^5 to knead, Lcd, LkL.

cneht = cniht

cnēo == cnēow

cnēodan = cnōdan

cneoht = cniht

+cneord eager, zealous, diligent.

±cneordlǣcan to be diligent, Æ.

cneordlic diligent, earnest, zealous, Æ. adv. -līce.

±cneordnes f. zeal, diligence, study, #Gl#.

cnēordnes = +cnēorenes

+cnēor-enes, -ednes f. generation, race.

cnēores = cnēoriss [[under “cnēorisn”]]

cnēorift n? napkin (BT). kneehose? (Kluge), #Gl#.

cnēorisbōc f. Genesis, WW 414^29.

cnēorisn (#Bl#), cneoris(s), cneornis(s) f. generation, posterity, family, tribe, nation, race.

cneorðlǣcan = cneordlǣcan

cnēow I. (ēo) n. ‘knee,’ AO, Bl, El, Mt: step in a pedigree, generation, Æ. II. pret. 3 sg. of cnāwan.

cnēowbīgung f. kneeling, genuflection.

cnēow-ede, -ade having big knees, WW.

cnēowgebed n. prayer on one’s knees, Æ.

cnēowholen m. ‘knee-holly,’ butcher’s broom, #Lcd#.

cnēowian (±) to kneel, Æ: know carnally, ÆL 12^7. [‘knee’]

cnēowlian to ‘kneel,’ LL.

cnēowmǣg m. nap. -mǣgas, -māgas kinsman, relation, ancestor.

cnēowrīm † n. progeny, family.

cnēowsibb f. generation, race (BDS 8·527).

cnēowung f. kneeling, genuflection, CM.

cnēowwærc m. pain in the knees, #Lcd#.

cnēowwyrst f. knee-joint, WW.

cnepp = cnæpp

cnēw == cnēow

cnīdan^1 to beat, MtR 21^35.

cnieht = cniht

cnīf m. knife, WW.

cniht (e, eo, ie, y) m. boy, youth, AO, Bl, LL: servant, attendant, retainer, disciple, warrior, Chr, Mt, Met: boyhood, ÆGr. [‘knight’]

cnihtcild (eo^1) n. male child, boy.

cnihtgebeorðor n. child-birth, child-bearing, #Bl#.

cnihtgeong youthful, #El# 640.

cnihthād m. puberty, ‘youth,’ boyhood, Æ, Bo; AO: (male) virginity. [‘knighthood’]

cnihtiugoð f. youth, A 8·299.

cnihtlēas without an attendant, Æ.

cnihtlic boyish, childish, Guth. [‘knightly’]

cnihtðēawas mp. boyish ways, GD 111^9.

cnihtwesende † when a boy, as a youth.

cnihtwīse f. boyishness.

cnissan = cnyssan

cnītian to dispute, #Sc# 51^12.

cnittan = cnyttan

cnocian = cnucian

±cnōdan (ēo) to attribute to, assign to, load with, CP.

cnoll m. ‘knoll,’ Ps; Mdf: summit, Æ, Bo.

cnop ‘ballationes,’ WW 8^28; 357^32.

-cnoppa v. wull-c.

+cnos n. collision, WW 376^2. [cnyssan]

cnōsl n. stock, progeny, kin, family: native country.

cnossian to strike, hit upon, #Seaf# 8.

cnotmǣlum ‘strictim,’ A 13·35^201.

cnotta m. ‘knot,’ fastening, Æ: knotty point, puzzle, Æ.

±cnucian to ‘knock’ (door), Æ, Mt: beat, pound, IM, Lcd (o).

cnūian, cnūwian to pound.

+cnycc n. bond, DR.

±cnyccan pret. 3 sg. cnycte, cnyhte to tie.

+cnycled bent, crooked, WW 458^33.

cnyht = cniht

cnyll m. sound or signal of a bell, RB, WW. [‘knell’]

±cnyllan to toll a bell: strike, knock, LkR, MtL. [‘knell’]

cnyllsian (LkL) = cnyllan

cnyrd- = cneord-

±cnyssan to press, toss, strike, hew to pieces, dash, crash (together), beat, Æ, AO, CP: overcome, overwhelm, oppress, CP.

cnyssung f. striking, stroke, #ÆGr#.

±cnyttan to fasten, tie, bind, ‘knit’ (‘i-knit,’ Mt, WW), Æ, Lcd; CP. [cnotta]

cnyttels m. string, sinew, OEG 2935.

coc = cocc

cōc m. ‘cook,’ Æ, Ps; CP. [L. coquus]

cocc m. cock, male bird, Æ, Lcd, Mt; CP, Mdf.

coccel m. ‘cockle,’ darnel, tares, Mt.

cocer m. quiver, case, sheath: sword, spear.

cocerflā f. ‘framea,’ #APs# 16^13.

cōcerpanne f. cooking-pan, frying-pan.

+cōcnian (cōca-) to season food.

cōcnung f. seasoning, #Lcd#.

cocor = cocer

cōcormete m. seasoned food, WW 281^6.

+cōcsian to cook, roast, #RPs# 101^4.

cōcunung = cōcnung

cocur (Æ) = cocer

codd m. ‘cod,’ husk, Lcd: bag, Mt: scrotum.

coddæppel m. quince, WW 411^15.

codic (coydic) ‘lapsana,’ charlock? A 37·47.

coe- = ce-

cōe- (N) = cē-

cofa m. closet, chamber: ark: cave, den. [‘cove’]

cofgodas mp. household gods, #Gl#.

cofincel n. little chamber, WW.

-cofrian v. ā-c.

cohhetan to make a noise, cough? #Jud# 270.

col n., nap. colu, cola ‘coal,’ live coal, Æ, CP, Lcd, VPs.

cōl I. ‘cool,’ cold, B, Bo, Lcd: tranquil, calm. II. pret. 3 sg. of calan.

-colc v. ōden-, wīn-c.

cōlcwyld f. ‘frigida pestis,’ ague? WW 243^11.

cōlian to ‘cool,’ grow cold, be cold, An, Gu, Lcd.

coliandre f. coriander, #Lcd#.

cōll = cōl

-colla v. morgen-c.

collecta f. collect, CM, LL.

+collenferhtan to make empty, exhaust.

collen-ferhð, -fyrhð, -ferð † proud, elated, bold. [*cwellan (to swell)?]

colloncrog m. water-lily, nymphæa.

colmāse f. ‘coal-mouse,’ tit-mouse, WW.

cōlnes f. ‘coolness,’ Ps.

colpytt m. (char-)coal pit, Ct.

colsweart coal-black, NC 277.

colt m. ‘colt,’ Æ.

coltetræppe f. a plant, ‘caltrop,’ WW.

coltgræg f? colt’s-foot, WW 136^18.

coltræppe = coltetræppe

col-ðrǣd, -ðrēd m. plumb-line, #Gl#.

columne f. column.

cōm pret. 3 sg. of cuman.

coman (AO 70^24) = cuman

comb = camb

combol = cumbol

comēta m. comet, †#Chr# 975. [L.]

commuc = cammoc

cōmon pret. pl. of cuman.

comp == camp

con = can pres. 1, 3 sg. of cunnan.

condel = candel

conn = cann pres. 1, 3 sg. of cunnan.

consolde f. comfrey. [L.]

const = canst pres. 2 sg. of cunnan.

consul m. consul, AO. [L.]

coorte f. cohort, AO. [L.]

cop = copp

cōp m? ‘ependytes,’ cope, vestment.

+cōp proper, fitting, CP.

copel unsteady, rocking? (BT), BC 3·624.

cōpenere m. lover, CP.

coper, copor n. ‘copper,’ Lcd. [L. cuprum]

copian to plunder, steal, WW 379^17.

+cōplic proper, fitting. adv. -līce.

copp I. m. top, summit, HGl. [‘cop’] II. m. cup, NG. [‘cop’]

-coppe v. ātor-c.

copped polled, lopped, pollard, Ct.

cops (WW) == cosp

+cor n. decision. [cēosan]

corcīð m. increase? choice growth? #Lcd# 3·212^9 (v. A 31·56).

cordewānere m. ‘cordwainer,’ shoemaker, EC. [OFr.]

±coren (pp. of cēosan) chosen, elect, choice, fit, Æ: precious, dear.

corenbēg m. crown, A 9·172. [L. corona]

±corenes f. choice, election: (+) goodness.

+corenlic elegant. adv. -līce, WW.

±corenscipe m. election, excellence.

corfen pp. of ceorfan.

corflian to mince. [ceorfan]

corn n. ‘corn,’ grain, Chr, CP; Æ, AO: seed, berry, CP, Jn, Lcd; Æ: a corn-like pimple, corn.

cornæsceda fp. chaff, WW 118^1.

cornappla np. pomegranates, OEG.

corn-bǣre, -berende corn-bearing.

corngebrot n. corn dropped in carrying to barn, LL 451[17].

corngesǣlig rich in corn, #Lcd#.

corngesceot n. payment in corn, Ct.

cornhūs n. granary, WW 185^28.

cornhwicce f. corn-bin, Æ.

cornlād f. leading of corn, LL 453[21,4].

cornsǣd n. a grain of corn, GD 253^1.

corntēoðung f. tithe of corn, W.

corntrēow n. cornel-tree, WW.

corntrog m. corn-bin, WW 107^1.

cornuc, cornuch = cranoc

cornwurma m. scarlet dye, #Gl#.

corōna m. crown. [L.]

+corōnian to crown, #PPs# 5^13.

corsnǣd f. piece of consecrated bread which an accused person swallowed as a test of innocence, LL.

corðor †, corðer † fn. troop, band, multitude, throng, retinue: pomp.

corwurma = cornwurma

cos = coss

cosp m. fetter, bond, Bo. [‘cops’]

+cospende, +cosped fettered, #LPs#.

coss m. ‘kiss,’ embrace, Æ, Lk, WW.

cossetung f. kissing, NG.

cossian to ‘kiss,’ Æ.

cost I. m. option, choice, possibility: manner, way, DR: condition. ðæs costes ðe on condition that. [‘cost’; v. NC 341] II. (±) †tried, chosen, excellent. [cēosan] III. m? costmary, tansy, Lcd. [‘cost’]

costere I. m? spade, shovel, WW 106^18. II. = costnere

±costian (w. g. or a., also intr.) to tempt, try, prove, examine, AO, CP. [Ger. kosten]

costigend m. tempter.

costnere m. tempter, Æ.

+costnes f. proving, temptation, trial, BH 218^10.

costnian = costian

costnigend = costigend

costnungstōw f. place of temptation.

±costung, costnung f. temptation, testing, trial, tribulation, Mt; Æ, CP. [‘costnung’]

cot (AO) n. (nap. cotu); cote f. ‘cot,’ cottage, bedchamber, den, AO, Lk, Mt; Mdf.

cotesetla = cotsetla

cotlīf n. hamlet, village, manor, Chr: dwelling. [‘cotlif’]

cotsetla m. cottager, LL. [‘cotsetla’]

cott = cot

cottuc, cotuc m. mallow, #Gl#.

coða m., coðe f. = coðu

coðig diseased.

coðlīce ill, miserably, #Met# 25^36.

cōðon (AO) = cūðon pret. pl. of cunnan.

coðu f. disease, sickness, Æ, Chr, Lcd. [‘cothe’]

+cow n. thing to be chewed, food, NC 292.

cowen pp. of cēowan.

crā n? croaking, WW 208^10.

crabba m. ‘crab,’ WW: Cancer (sign of the zodiac), Lcd.

cracelung? ‘crepacula,’ OEG 56^249.

crācettan = crǣcettan

cracian to resound, ‘crack,’ Ps.

cradol, cradel m. ‘cradle,’ cot, WW.

cradolcild n. child in the cradle, infant, W 158^14.

crǣ = crāwe [[under “crāwa”]]

crǣcettan to croak, GD 118^25. [crā]

crǣcetung f. croaking.

cræf- = craf-

cræft m. physical strength, might, courage, A, AO, Sol: science, skill, art, ability, talent, virtue, excellence, Bo; Æ, CP: trade, handicraft, calling, BH, CP, RB; Æ: work or product of art, Hex: trick, fraud, deceit, #Bl#: machine, instrument. [‘craft’]

cræfta = cræftiga

±cræftan to exercise a craft, build: bring about, contrive, Æ.

cræftelīce = cræftlīce

+cræftgian to strengthen, render powerful, AO.

cræftglēaw skilful, wise, †#Chr# 975.

cræf-t(i)ca, -t(e)ga = cræftiga

cræftig strong, powerful, AO: skilful, cunning, ingenious, Bl: learned, instructive, A 8·321: knowing a craft, scientific: virtuous. [‘crafty’]

cræftiga m. craftsman, artificer, workman, architect, Æ, CP.

cræftiglīce skilfully.

cræftlēas artless, unskilful.

cræftlic artificial, A 8·317: skilful. adv. -līce.

cræftwyrc n. clever workmanship.

cræt n. nap. cratu, creatu cart, waggon, chariot, Æ.

crætehors n. cart-horse, WW 108^24.

crætwǣn m. chariot, AO.

crætwīsa m. charioteer, ÆL 18^295.

crǣwð pres. 3 sg. of crāwan.

crafian (æ) to ‘crave,’ ask, implore, demand, Chr, LL: summon, Lcd.

crafing (æ) f. claim, demand, TC 644.

±crammian to ‘cram,’ stuff, ÆGr.

crammingpohha m. ‘viscarium,’ NC.

crampul m. crane-pool. [= cran, pōl]

cran m. ‘crane,’ WW.

crancstæf m. weaving implement, crank, LL 455[15].

crang pret. 3 sg. of cringan.

cranic m. record, chronicle. [L.]

cranicwrītere m. chronicler, OEG 7^24.

cranoc m. crane. [Ger. kranich]

crās f. food, dainty, #Nar# 11^14.

crat (WW 140^31) = cræt

cratu v. cræt.

crāwa m., crāwe f. ‘crow,’ raven, Gl, Ps.

±crāwan^7 to ‘crow,’ Mt; CP.

crāwan-lēac (crāw-) n. crow-garlic.

crēac- = crēc-

crēad pret. 3 sg. of crūdan.

creaft- = cræft-

crēap pret. 3 sg, of crēopan.

crēas fine, elegant, NC 277.

crēaslic dainty, rich. v. NC 277.

crēasnes f. elegance: presumption, elation, OEG 1108.

creat = cræt

Crēcas mp. the ‘Greeks,’ AO, BH.

Crēce = Crēcas

Crēcisc Grecian, Greek, AO.

crēda m. creed, belief, confession of faith, Æ. [L. credo]

credic? a bowl, OEG 29^3.

creft (AS) == cræft

crencestre f. female weaver, spinster. [cranc] [[only in compound “crancstæf”]]

±crēopan^2 (occly. refl.) to creep, crawl, Æ, Bo; AO, CP.

creopel = crypel

crēopere m. cripple. [‘creeper’]

crēopung f. ‘creeping,’ Gl.

crēow pret. 3 sg. of crāwan.

crepel = crypel

cressa m. (#Gl#), cresse f. = cærse

cribb (y) f. ‘crib,’ stall, Cr 1426.

cricc = crycc

crīde pret. 3 sg. of crīgan.

crīgan? to bubble up. v. OEG 7·101.

±crimman^3 to cram, put in, insert: crumble.

crinc ‘cothurnus,’ ZDA 33·250^2.

crincan = cringan

cring (gr-) downfall, slaughter. #El# 115.

±cringan^3 to yield, fall (in battle), die.

cringwracu (gr-) f. torment, #Jul# 265.

crippan = cryppan

crīpð pres. 3 sg of crēopan.

crisma m. chrism, holy oil: chrisome-cloth: anointing.

crismal m? n? chrismale, W 36^17.

crismhālgung f. consecration of the chrism.

crismlīsing (ȳ^2) f. chrism-loosing, loosing of the chrismale, confirmation, #Chr#.

crisp (BH) = cirps [‘crisp’]

Crīst m. anointed one, Christ, Æ, CP.

cristalla m. crystal, Æ.

cristallisc of crystal, A 4·143.

crīstelmǣl = crīstesmǣl

crīstelmǣlbēam m. tree surmounted by a cross? upright shaft of a cross? EC 385´.

crīsten ‘Christian,’ AO, BH; Æ. ðā crīstnan = the English as opposed to the Danes, #Chr# 894.

crīsten m. crīst(e)na f. ‘Christian,’ AO.

crīstendōm m. ‘Christendom,’ the church, Christianity, AO; Æ.

crīstenlic Christian, DR.

crīstenmann m. a Christian, MH 170^25.

crīstennes f. Christianity: Christian baptism, LL 412[1]; 413[13a].

crīstes-mǣl (#Chr#), -mēl mn. (Christ’s mark), the cross. wyrcan c. to make the sign of the cross.

crīstlic Christian, LL.

crīstmæsse f. Christmas, #Chr# 1021#d#.

crīstna = crīsten

crīstnere m. catechist.

crīstnes = crīstennes

±crīstnian to anoint with chrism (as a catechumen), ‘christen,’ baptize, catechize, BH.

crīstnung f. christening, anointing with chrism or holy oil, W 33^16.

crīð = crīgeð (v. crīgan)?

crocc f., crocca m. ‘crock,’ pot, vessel, Lcd.

crocchwer? m. earthen pot, OEG 4672.

crōced = crōged

+crōcod crooked, bent, NC 292.

crocsceard n. potsherd, Æ.

crocwyrhta m. potter, #ÆGr#.

+crod n. crowd, throng.

croden pp. of crūdan.

croft m. croft, small field.

crōg m. crock, pitcher, vessel, #Gl#.

crōgcynn n. kind of vessel, wine-jar, WW 210^39.

+crōged (ōc) ‘croceus, coccineus,’ OEG 5204.

croh m. saffron.

crōh I. m. shoot, twig, tendril. II. = crōg

crohha = crocca [[under “crocc”]]

croma = cruma

crompeht ‘placenta,’ a flat cake, ES 42·174; A 37·48.

crong = crang, pret. 3 sg. of cringan.

crop = cropp

cropen pp. of crēopan.

crop-lēac, -lēc n. garlic.

cropp, croppa m. cluster, bunch: sprout, flower, berry, ear of corn, Ep, LkL, WW: ‘crop’ (of a bird), Æ: kidney; pebble.

croppiht clustered, #Lcd# 38b.

crūc m. cross, Lcd, LV 74. [‘crouch’]

crūce f. pot, pitcher, #Gl#.

crucethūs n. torture-chamber, #Chr# 1137.

crūdan^2 † to press, hasten, drive.

cruft m? crufte f. crypt. [L.]

cruma (o) m. ‘crumb,’ fragment, Mt, WW.

crumb, crump crooked, bent, stooping, Gl. [‘crump’; Ger. krumm]

crumen (crumm-) pp. of crimman.

cruncon pret. pl. of crincan.

crundel mn. ravine, Mdf.

crungen pp. of cringan.

crupon pret. pl. of crēopan.

crūse f? cruse, A 37·50.

crūsene, crūsne f. fur coat, #Gl#. [cp. Ger. kürschner]

crybb = cribb

crycc f. ‘crutch,’ staff, BH; Æ.

cryccen made of clay, GPH 398.

crȳdeð pres. 3 sg. of crūdan.

crymbing f. curvature, bend, inclination, WW 382^2. [crumb]

+crymian, +crymman (tr.) to crumble.

+crympan to curl.

crypel I. m. ‘cripple,’ LkL. II. crippled. III. m. narrow passage, burrow, drain, OEG; v. Mdf.

crypelgeat n. narrow opening in a wall or fence? BC 2·399^1.

crypelnes f. paralysis.

crȳpeð, crȳpð pres. 3 sg. of crēopan.

±cryppan to crook (finger), close (hand), bend.

cryps = cirps

crysm- = crism-

crȳt = crȳdeð pres. 3 sg. of crūdan.

cū f. gs. cū(e), cȳ, cūs; ds. cȳ; nap. cȳ, cȳe; gp. cū(n)a, cȳna; dp. cūm; ‘cow,’ Æ, Lk, VPs; Mdf.

cūbutere f. butter, #Lcd#. [cū]

cūbȳre m. cow-byre, cow-shed, Ct.

cuc == cwic

cūcealf (æ) n. calf, Erf, LL. [‘cowcalf’]

cuceler, cuce(le)re = cucler(e)

cucelere ‘capo,’ WW 380^25.

cucler, cuculer, cuclere m. spoon, spoonful. [cp. L. cochlear]

cuclermǣl n. spoonful, #Lcd#.

cucu (Æ, AO, CP) v. cwic.

cucurbite f. gourd, #Lcd# 92a. [L.]

cudele f. cuttlefish, WW 181^7.

cudu (Æ) = cwudu

cūēage f. eye of a cow, LL 116#b#n.

cueðan = cweðan

cufel f. ‘cowl,’ hood (v. NED 2 p. viii).

cūfel = cȳfl

cufle, cuffie = cufel

cugle, cug(e)le, cuhle f. cap, ‘cowl,’ hood, head-covering, RB (v. ‘cowl’).

cūhorn m. cow’s horn, LL 116.

cūhyrde m. cowherd.

cūle = cugle

culfer, cul(e)fre f. ‘culver,’ pigeon, dove, Gen, VPs, WW.

culmille f. small centaury, #Lcd# 22a.

culpan as. of *culpa? m. or *culpe? f. fault, sin, #Cr# 177.

culpian to humble oneself, cringe, #Bo# 71^24.

culter m. ‘coulter,’ WW: dagger, knife, WW. [L. culter]

culufre = culfre [[under “culfer”]]

cūm v. cū.

cuma mf. stranger, guest, Æ, AO, CP. cumena hūs, inn, wīcung inn, guestchamber.

cuman^4 to ‘come,’ approach, get to, attain, Lk, VPs; Æ, AO, CP. c. ūp land, be born: (±) go, depart, Æ, AO: come to oneself, recover: become: happen (also c. forð): put: (+)come together, arrive, assemble, Æ: (†) w. inf. of verbs of motion, forming a sort of periphrastic conjugation for such verbs. cōm gangan he came. cōm swimman he swam, etc.

cumb I. m. valley, BC; Mdf. [‘coomb’] II. m. liquid measure, BC. [v. ‘comb’]

cumbelgehnād = cumbolgehnāst [[under “cumbolgebrec”]]

cumbl = (1) cumbol; (2) cumul

cumbol † n. sign, standard, banner.

cumbolgebrec ‡, -gehnāst ‡ n. crash of banners, battle.

cumbolhaga m. compact rank, phalanx, #Jul# 395.

cumbolhete m. warlike hate, #Jul# 637.

cumbolwīga † m. warrior.

cumbor, cumbul == cumbol

cumen pp. of cuman.

cumendre f. godmother. [*cumædre A 37·52]

cūmeoluc f. cow’s milk, #Lcd# 15a.

Cumere? -eras? np. Cumbrians, Æ.

cumfeorm f. entertainment for travellers, Ct. [cuma, feorm]

cū-micge f. -migoða m. cow’s urine, #Lcd#.

cuml = cumbl

cumlīðe hospitable. [cuma]

cumlīðian to be a guest.

cumlīðnes f. hospitality, Æ: sojourn as guest.

cummāse f. a kind of bird, ‘parra,’ WW 260^19.

cumpæder m. godfather, #Chr# 894#a#. [L. compater]

cumul, cuml n. swelling, #Lcd# 1·60.

cūna v. cū.

cund == cynd

-cund adjectival suffix denoting derivation, origin or likeness. (-kind) as in deofol-cund, god-cund.

cuneglæsse f. hound’s tongue, #Lcd# 41b. [L. cynoglossum]

cunele, cunelle, cunille f. wild thyme. [Ger. quendel]

cuning = cyning

±cunnan pres. 1 and 3 sg. can(n), pl. cunnon; pret. cūðe, pp. cūð swv. to be or become acquainted with, be thoroughly conversant with, know, AO, B, Lcd; CP, Æ: know how to, have power to, be able to, can, Æ, CP: express (thanks), Chr 1092. [‘can,’ ‘con’]

cunnere m. tempter, NG.

±cunnian (w. g. or a.) to search into, try, test, seek for, explore, investigate, B, Bo, Sol; Æ, CP: experience: have experience of, to make trial of. [‘cun’]

cunnung f. knowledge: trial, probation, experience.

cuopel f? small boat, MtL. [‘coble’]

cuppe f. ‘cup,’ Lcd, WW; Æ.

curfon pret. pl. of ceorfan.

curmealle (e, i) f. centaury.

curnstān = cweornstān

curon pret. pl. of cēosan.

curs m. malediction, ‘curse,’ Ct, LL, Sc.

cursian I. to ‘curse,’ Ps. II. to plait? MkR 15^17.

cursumbor incense, MtL 2^11.

cursung f. ‘cursing,’ damnation, LkL: place of torment, MtL.

cūs v. cū.

cūsc chaste, modest, virtuous, #Gen# 618. [Ger. keusch]

cūscote (eo, u) f. ‘cushat’ dove, wood-pigeon, Gl.

cūself f. cow’s fat, suet, GPH 392. [sealf]

cū-sloppe, -slyppe f. ‘cowslip,’ Lcd, WW.

cūsnes = cīsnes

cūtægl m. tail of a cow, LL 169[59#b#].

cūð known, plain, manifest, certain, Da, Ps, Rd; Æ, AO, CP: well known, usual: noted, excellent, famous, Ex: intimate, familiar, friendly, related. [‘couth’]

cūða m. acquaintance, relative, CP.

cūðe I. clearly, plainly. [‘couth’] II. pret. 3 sg. of cunnan.

cūðelic = cūðlic

cūðian to become known.

cūðice = cūðlīce

±cūðlǣcan to make known: make friends with, ÆL.

cūðlic known, certain, evident. adv. -līce clearly, evidently, certainly, openly, BH; CP, Æ: familiarly, kindly, affably, An, BH; Æ: therefore, to be sure, hence.

cūðnes f. acquaintance, knowledge.

cūðnoma m. surname, NG.

cūðon pret. pl. of cunnan.

cūwearm warm from the cow (milk), #Lcd# 126a.

cuwon pret. pl. of cēowan.

cwacian to ‘quake,’ tremble, chatter (of teeth), Æ, AO, Cr, LkL, VPs.

cwacung f. ‘quaking,’ trembling, Æ, VPs; AO.

cwæc- = cwac-

cwǣdon pret. pl. of cweðan.

cwæl pret. 3 sg., cwǣlon pret. pl., of cwelan.

cwæl- = cwal-, cwiel-, cwil-

cwǣman = cwēman

cwǣn = cwēn

cwærtern = cweartern

cwæð pret. 3 sg. of cweðan.

cwal- = cweal-

cwalstōw (LL 556[10,2]) = cwealmstōw

cwalu f. killing, murder, violent death, destruction, Æ, CP. [cwelan]

cwānian † (tr. and intr.) to lament, bewail, deplore, mourn. [Goth. kwainon]

cwānig sad, sorrowful, #El# 377.

cwānung f. lamentation, NC 279.

cwartern = cweartern

cwatern the number four at dice, #Gl#. [L.]

cwēad n. dung, dirt, filth. [Ger. kot]

cweaht pp. of cweccan.

cweald pp. of cwellan.

cwealm (e) mn. death, murder, slaughter: torment, pain: plague, pestilence, ÆH; AO. [‘qualm’; cwelan]

+cwealmbǣran to torture.

cwealmbǣre deadly, murderous, bloodthirsty, Æ.

cwealmbǣrnes (e) f. mortality, destruction, ruin, Æ.

cwealmbealu n. death, B 1940.

cwealmberendlic (y^1) pestilent, deadly, NC 279.

cwealmcuma m. death-bringer, B 792.

cwealmdrēor m. blood shed in death, #Gen# 985.

+cwealmful (y^1) pernicious, #HGl# 428.

cwealmnes f. pain, torment, BH.

cwealmstede m. death-place.

cwealmstōw f. place of execution, BH 38^6 (#b#).

cwealmðrēa m. deadly terror, #Gen# 2507.

cwearn = cweornstān

cweartern (a, æ, e) n. prison, Æ.

cwearternlic of a prison.

±cweccan to shake, swing, move, vibrate, Mt, VPs; Æ. [‘quetch’; cwacian]

cweccung f. moving, shaking, wagging.

cwecesand m. quicksand, WW 357^6.

+cwed n. declaration, WW 423^22.

cweddian = cwiddian

cwedel = cwedol

cweden pp. of cweðan.

+cwedfæsten f. appointed fast, A 11·99; ES 43·162.

+cwednes f. name, #HGl# 441.

cwedol talkative, eloquent.

+cwedrǣden (i, y) f. agreement, AO: conspiracy.

+cwedrædnes (y) f. agreement, covenant, NC 292.

+cwedstōw f. appointed place, place of meeting, GD 183^7.

cwehte pret. sg. of cweccan.

cwelan^4 to die, Æ, CP.

cweldeht corrupted, mortified, #Lcd# 47b. [= *cwildeht]

cwelderǣde (æ^1)? evening rider? bat, #Shr# 29^8. [ON. kveld]

±cwellan to kill, murder, execute, CP; Æ, AO. [‘quell’]

cwellend m. killer, slayer, GPH 400.

cwellere m. murderer, executioner, BH, Mk; Æ. [‘queller’]

cwelm = cwealm (but v. MFH 106), cwielm-

cwelmere, cwelre = cwellere

±cwēman (w. d.) to gratify, please, satisfy, propitiate, Æ, AO, CP: comply with, be obedient to, serve. [‘queme’; ‘i-queme’]

±cwēme pleasant, agreeable, acceptable, NG, WG. [‘i-queme’]

cwēmed- = cwēm-

±cwēming f. pleasing, satisfaction, complaisance, CP.

cwēmlic pleasing, satisfying, DR. adv. -līce graciously, kindly, humbly.

±cwēmnes f. pleasure, satisfaction, mitigation.

cwēn (ǣ) f. woman, Sc; Æ: wife, consort, AO, Chr, Gen: ‘queen,’ empress, royal princess, Æ, AO, Chr, Cr, VPs. [Goth. kwēns]

cwene f. woman, Rd, W: female serf, ‘quean,’ prostitute, AO. [Goth. kwinō]

cwenfugol hen-bird.

cwēnhirde m. eunuch, MtL 19^12.

cwēnlic womanly? queenly? B 1940.

cweodu = cwudu

cweorn f. ‘quern,’ handmill, mill, MtL; CP.

cweornbill ‘lapidaria,’ a stone chisel for dressing querns (BT), WW 438^18.

cweornburna m. mill-stream, Ct.

cweorne = cweorn

cweornstān m. mill-stone, Mt. [‘quernstone’]

cweorntēð mp. molars, grinders, #Gl#.

-cweorra v. mete-c.

-cweorran v. ā-c.

cweorð name of the rune for =cw= (=q=).

cwern (NG) == cweorn

cwertern = cweartern

±cweðan^6 to say, speak, name, call, proclaim, summon, declare, Bl, VPs; Æ, AO, CP: (+) order, give orders: ± c. (tō) agree, settle, resolve: (+) consider, regard, ÆL 1^117. c. on hwone assign to one. cwyst ðū lā sayest thou? ‘numquid.’ cweðe gē think you? [‘quethe’]

cwic [cuc, cucu (this last form is archaic, and has an occasional asm. cucone, cucune)] ‘quick,’ living, alive, BH, Bl, Bo, CP, Lcd; AO.

cwicǣht f. live stock, LL 60[18,1].

cwicbēam m. aspen, juniper, Gl, Lcd. [‘quick-beam’]

cwicbeamen of aspen, #Lcd#.

cwicbēamrind f. aspen bark, #Lcd#.

cwiccliende moving rapidly? tottering? OEG 2234.

cwice fm. ‘couch’ (‘quitch’)-grass, Gl, Lcd.

cwicfȳr n. sulphur, LkR 17^29.

cwichrērende living and moving, #Creat# 5.

±cwician to quicken, create, JnL: come to life, come to one’s self, Æ, Lcd. [‘quick’]

cwiclāc n. a living sacrifice, NG.

cwiclic living, vital, DR. adv. -līce vigorously.

cwiclifigende † living.

cwicrind = cwicbēamrind

cwicseolfor n. ‘quicksilver,’ Lcd.

cwicsūsl nf. hell torment, punishment, torture, Æ.

cwicsūslen purgatorial, #ApT# 26.

cwictrēow n. aspen, WW.

cwicu == cwic

+cwicung f. restoration to life, GD 218^17.

cwicwelle living (of water), JnR.

cwid- = cwed-, cwud-

cwidbōc f. Book of Proverbs, CP: book of homilies, MF (Vesp. D xiv).

cwiddian (e, y) to talk, speak, say, discuss, report: make a claim against, LL 400[3,1].

cwiddung (y) f. speech, saying, report, Æ.

cwide (y) m. speech, saying, word, sentence, phrase, proverb, argument, proposal, discourse, homily, Bo; Æ, CP: testament, will, enactment, decree, decision, judgment, TC; Æ. [‘quide’; cweðan]

+cwide n. sentence, decree, fate.

cwidegiedd (i) n. speech, song, #Wa# 55.

cwidelēas speechless, Æ (y): intestate, EC 212.

cwielman (æ, e, i, y) to torment, afflict, mortify, destroy, kill, Bl, VPs; AO, CP. [‘quelm’] For compounds v. cwylm-.

cwiferlīce zealously, RB 122^2.

cwild (y) mfn. destruction, death, pestilence, murrain. [cwelan]

cwildbǣre deadly, dangerous, pestiferous. adv. -bǣrlīce.

cwildberendlic (y) deadly, NC 279.

cwildeflōd nm. deluge, #CPs# 28^10.

±cwildful (y) deadly, OEG.

cwildrōf deadly, savage, #Ex# 166.

cwilman = cwielman

cwilð pres. 3 sg. of cwelan.

-cwīnan v. ā-c.

-cwincan v. ā-c.

cwine = cwene

+cwis conspiracy, OEG 4955.

-cwisse v. un-c.

cwist pres. 2 sg. of cweðan.

cwið I. (also cwiða) m. belly, womb. [Goth. kwiðus] II. pres. 3 sg. of cweðan.

cwīðan to bewail: accuse, LL.

cwiðe = cwide

cwiðenlic natural, WW 412^30.

cwīðnes f. complaint, lament, GD.

cwiðst pres. 2 sg. of cweðan.

cwīðung (qu-) f. complaint, WW 488^37.

cwolen pp. of cwelan.

-cwolstan v. for-c.

cwōm pret. 3 sg. of cuman.

cwuc, cwucu = cwic

cwudu (eo, i) n. what is chewed, cud, Æ: resin of trees. hwīt c. chewing gum, mastic.

cwyc == cwic

cwyd- = cwed-, cwid-, cwidd-

cwydele f. pustule, tumour, boil.

cwyld == cwild

cwyldseten f. first hours of night, #Gl#.

cwyldtīd m. evening, WW. [ON. kveld]

cwylla m. well, spring, KC 2·265^30. [Ger. quelle]

cwylm = cwealm

cwylm- = cwielm-

[[Printed on one line: cwylm = cwealm, cwielm-]]

cwylmend m. tormentor, destroyer, GD.

cwylmende excruciating, deadly.

+cwylmful pernicious, #HGl# 428.

cwylmian (intr.) to suffer: (tr.) torment, kill, crucify, Æ. [cwealm]

cwylming f. suffering, tribulation, Æ: (metaph.) cross: death.

cwylmnes f. pain, torment.

cwylseten = cwyldseten

cwyltīd = cwyldtīd

cwylð pres. 3 sg. of cwelan.

cwyne = cwene

cwyrn == cweorn

±cwȳsan to squeeze, dash against, bruise, Æ.

cwyst pres. 2 sg. of cweðan.

cwyð pres. 3 sg. of cweðan.

cwȳðan = cwīðan

cwyðe = cwide

cwyðst pres. 2 sg. of cweðan.

cȳ v. cū.

cycel (i) m. small cake, #Gl#.

cycen = cicen

cycene f. ‘kitchen,’ Æ, WW. [L. coquina]

cycenðēnung f. service in the kitchen, NC 279.

cycgel m. ‘cudgel,’ BDS, CP.

cȳdde pret. 3 sg. of cȳðan.

cȳdung = cīdung

cȳe I. v. cū. II. = cēo

cȳf f. tub, vat, cask, bushel, Æ. [‘keeve’]

cyfes == ciefes

cȳfl m. tub, bucket.

cȳgan = cīegan

cȳgling = cȳðling

+cygd = +cīd

+cȳgednes = +cīgednes

cylcan ‘ructare,’ OEG 20^2.

cyld = (1) cild; (2) ceald

cyldfaru f. carrying of children, Æ.

cyle == ciele

cylen f. ‘kiln,’ oven, Cp, WW.

cyleðenie = celeðonie

cylew = cylu

cylin = cylen

cyll f. skin, leather bottle, flagon, vessel, censer, Æ, AO, CP.

cylle I. mf. = cyll. II. = cielle

cyllfylling f. act of filling a bottle, GD 250^27.

cyln = cylen

cylu spotted, speckled, WW 163^29.

cym imperat. of cuman.

cymbala = cimbala [[under “cimbal”]]

cyme (i) m. coming, arrival, advent, approach, Bo, MtR; AO, CP. [‘come’]

cȳme (ī) comely, lovely, glorious, splendid.

cymed n. germander, #Lcd#.

cymen I. mn. ‘cumin,’ CP, Mt. [L.] II. pp. of cuman. III. (and cymin) = cinimin

[[Referenced word could not be identified.]]

cȳmlic † ‘comely,’ lovely, splendid, Ps. adv. -līce, B.

cȳmnes f. fastidiousness, daintiness, #Gl#.

cymst pres. 2 sg., cym(e)ð pres. 3 sg. of cuman.

cyn = (1) cynn; (2) cinn

cȳna gp. of cū.

cyncan as. of sb. small bundle, bunch? (BT) #Lcd# 2·58^22.

±cynd (usu.+) nf. nature, ‘kind,’ (‘i-cunde’) property, quality, Bl, Gu, Met: character, Bo: gender, Ph: (+) race, species, Bl, Bo, El: (+) origin, generation, birth, +Hy: (+) offspring: (+) ‘genitalia,’ Æ.

+cyndbōc f. book of Genesis.

+cynde natural, native, innate, B, Bo, WW; Æ, AO, CP: proper, fitting, Met: lawful, rightful, Chr, Met. [‘kind,’ ‘i-cunde’]

cyndelic ‘kindly,’ natural, innate, Bo, Lcd: generative, of generation, LL 7[64]: proper, suitable, Bo: lawful, BH. adv. -līce, Bo.

+cyndlim n. womb: pl. ‘genitalia.’

+cyndnes f. nation: produce, increase, RHy 6^22.

+cynd-o, -u f. = cynd

cyne = cine II.

cȳne = cēne

cynebænd m. diadem, NC 279.

cynebeald † royally bold, very brave.

cynebearn (a^3) n. royal child, Christ.

cyneboren royally born, Æ.

cynebōt f. king’s compensation, LL.

cynebotl n. palace, Æ.

cynecynn n. royal race, pedigree or family, Æ, AO.

cynedōm (cyning-, Da) m. royal dignity, kingly rule, government, Chr, Gl; AO: royal ordinance or law: ‘kingdom’ (‘kindom’), royal possessions.

cyneg = cyning

cyne-geard, -gerd = cynegyrd

cynegewǣdu np. royal robes, BH 32^25.

cynegierela m. royal robe, #Met# 25^23 (e^3).

cynegild n. king’s compensation, LL 462.

cynegōd † noble, well-born, excellent.

cynegold † n. regal gold, crown.

cyne-gyrd, -ge(a)rd f. sceptre, Æ.

cynehād m. kingly honour, state, or dignity, CP.

cynehām m. royal manor, EC.

cyne-helm, -healm m. diadem, royal crown, Æ: royal power.

cynehelmian to crown, ZDA 20·37.

cynehlāford m. liege lord, king.

cynehof n. king’s palace, GPH 391.

cynelic I. kingly, royal, CP: public. adv. -līce. II. = cynlic

cynelicnes f. kingliness, BH 194^34.

cynemann m. royal personage, NG.

cyneren = cynren

cynerīce (cyning-) n. rule, sovereignty, Chr, Ct; CP: region, nation, AO. [‘kinrick,’ ‘kingrick’]

cyneriht n. royal prerogative, EC 202^18.

cynerōf † noble, renowned.

cynescipe m. royalty, majesty, kingly power, Æ.

cynesetl n. throne, capital city, AO.

cynestōl m. throne, royal dwelling, city, Æ, AO, CP.

cynestrǣt f. public road, WW 71^6.

cyneðrymlic very glorious, NC 279.

cyneðrymm † m. royal glory, majesty, power: kingly host, #Da# 706.

cynewāðen [-wāden?] of royal purple, TC 538.

cynewīse f. state, commonwealth.

cynewiððe f. royal diadem, #Gl#.

cyneword n. fitting word, #Rd# 44^16. [cynn]

cynewyrðe noble, kingly, A 8·308, MF 157.

cyng, cynig == cyning

cyning m. ‘king,’ ruler, Bo, Bl, Chr; Æ, AO, CP: God, Christ, Bl, OET: (†) Satan.

cyning- = cyne-

cyningǣðe man entitled to take oath as a king’s thane, LL 112[54#bh#].

cyninge f. queen, #Bl# 13^1.

cyningeswyrt f. marjoram, WW 301^17.

cyningfeorm f. king’s sustenance, provision for the king’s household.

cyninggenīðla m. great feud, #El# 610.

cyninggereordu np. royal banquet, WW 411^28.

cynlic fitting, proper, convenient, becoming, sufficient. adv. -līce.

cynn I. (i) n. kind, sort, rank, quality: family, generation, offspring, pedigree, kin, race, people, Æ, Bl, CP, Chr: gender, sex, Æ, Lcd: propriety, etiquette. II. adj. becoming, proper, suitable, CP.

+cynn = +cynd

cynn- = cenn-

cynnig noble, of good family, OEG.

cynnreccenes f. genealogy, NG.

cynren, cynrēd (#EPs#) n. kindred, family, generation, posterity, stock, CP: kind, species.

cynresu a generation, Mt (pref.).

cynryn = cynren

cȳo = cēo

cyp = cypp

cȳp- = cīep-

cȳpa m. I. (also cȳpe) f. vessel, basket, Lk, OEG. [‘kipe’] II. (ē, ī) m. chapman, trader, merchant, Æ.

±cȳpan (ī) to traffic, buy, sell, barter. [Ger. kaufen]

+cȳpe adj. for sale, Æ.

cȳpe- = cēap-, cīepe-

cȳpedæg m. market day, OEG.

cȳpend m. one who sells, merchant.

cypera m. spawning salmon, #Met# 19^12.

cyperen (Æ) = cypren

cypp = cipp

cypren made of copper, copper, AO. [copor] [[under “coper”]]

cypresse f. cypress, #Lcd# 3·118^21. [L.]

cypsan = cyspan

cyr- = cer-, cier-, cir-

cyre m. choice, free will, Æ. [‘cure’]

cyreāð m. oath sworn by an accused man and by other chosen persons. v. LL 2·293.

cyrelīf n. state of dependence on a lord whom a person has chosen?: person in such a state (v. BT and NC 279).

cyren = (1) ceren, (2) cyrn [[under “cyrin”]]

cyrf m. cutting, cutting off, Æ: what is cut off. [‘kerf’]

cyrfæt = cyrfet

cyrfel m. little stake, peg, WW 126^18.

cyrfet m. gourd. [Ger. kürbis]

cyrfð pres. 3 sg. of ceorfan.

cyrige v. wæl-c.

cyrin, cyrn (e) f. ‘churn,’ WW.

cyrnel (i) mn. (nap. cyrnlu) seed, ‘kernel,’ pip, Æ, Lcd: (enlarged) gland, swelling, Lcd. [corn]

+cyrnod, +cyrnlod granulated, rough, OEG.

cyrps = cirps

cyrriol the Kyrie Eleeson, A 8·320.

cyrs- = cærs-, cris-

cyrstrēow n. cherry-tree, WW 138. [ciris; L.]

+cyrtan to shorten.

cyrtel m. (man’s) tunic, coat, Æ, AO: (woman’s) gown, Ct. [‘kirtle’]

cyrten I. fair, comely, Æ: intelligent. adv. -līce (and cyrtelīce) elegantly, neatly, fairly, well, exactly. II. ornament? WW 216^7.

cyrtenes (e^1) f. elegance, beauty.

±cyrtenlǣcan (e^1) to beautify, make elegant, Æ.

cyrð pres. 3 sg. of cyrran. [[redirected to “cierran”]]

cys- = cyse-, ceos-

cȳs- = cīs-

[[Printed on one line: cys-, cȳs- = cyse-, ceos-, cīs-]]

cȳsefæt n. cheese vat, WW 379^27.

cȳsehwǣg n. whey, #Lcd# 119b.

cȳsfæt (LL 455^17) = cȳsefæt

cȳsgerunn n. rennet.

cysirbēam = cirisbēam

cȳslybb n. rennet, Lcd. [‘cheeselip’]

±cyspan to fetter, bind. [cosp]

±cyssan to ‘kiss,’ Æ, BH, Mt. [coss]

cȳssticce n. piece of cheese.

cyst I. fm. free-will, choice, election: (w. gp.) the best of anything, the choicest, Æ: picked host: moral excellence, virtue, goodness, CP, Æ: generosity, munificence, CP. [cēosan] II. = cist I.

cȳst pres. 3 sg. of cēosan.

cystan to spend, lay out, get the value of, #Chr# 1124.

cystbēam = cistenbēam

cystel (= cist-) f. chestnut-tree.

cystelīce = cystiglīce [[form of “cystig”]]

cystian (e) to put in a coffin, W. [cest] [[under “cist”]]

cystig charitable, liberal, generous, CP; Æ: virtuous, good. [‘custi’] adv. -līce.

cystignes, cystines f. liberality, bounty, goodness, Æ: abundance.

cystlēas worthless, bad, #Gen# 1004.

cystlic = cystig

cystnes = cystignes

cȳsð = cīesð pres. 3 sg. of cēosan.

cȳswucu f. the last week in which cheese was allowed to be eaten before Lent.

cȳswyrhte f. (female) cheese-maker, LL 451[16].

cȳta m. ‘kite,’ bittern, Cp.

cȳte (ē) f. cottage, hut, cabin, Æ: cell, cubicle, Æ.

cytel = citel

cytere = citere

cytwer m. weir for catching fish.

cȳð = (1) cȳðð, (2) cīð

±cȳðan to proclaim, utter, make known, show forth, tell, relate, Cp, Cr, Jn; CP: prove, show, testify, confess, Mt, VPs: exercise, perform, practise, B: (+) confirm, LL: (+) make celebrated. wundor c. perform a miracle. [‘kithe’; cūð]

+cȳðednes f. testimony, #LPs# 121^4.

cȳðere m. witness, martyr, Æ.

cȳðig known: (+) knowing, aware of, DR.

cȳðing f. statement, narration, GD 86^14.

±cȳðlǣcan to become known.

cȳðling = cȳðing

±cȳðnes f. testimony: testament (often of Old and New Test.), Æ: knowledge, acquaintance.

cȳðð, cȳððu f. kinship, relationship: ‘kith,’ kinsfolk, fellow-countrymen, neighbours, Lk: acquaintance, friendship: (±) native land, home, Bo; AO, CP: knowledge, familiarity, Æ, BH.

cywes- = cyfes-

cȳwð pres. 3 sg. of cēowan.

cȳwung = cēowung


dā f. doe (female deer), Æ.

dǣd I. (ē) f. (nap. dǣda, dǣde) ‘deed,’ action, transaction, event, Æ, B, Bl, VPs. II. = dēad

dǣdbana m. murderer, LL 266[23].

dǣd-bēta (Æ), -bētere m. a penitent.

dǣdbētan to atone for, make amends, be penitent, repent, Æ. [dǣdbōt]

dǣdbētnes f. penitence.

dǣdbōt f. amends, atonement, repentance, penitence, Mt; AO. [‘deedbote’]

dǣdbōtlihting f. mitigation of penance.

dǣdbōtnes = dǣdbētnes

dǣdcēne bold in deed, B 1645.

dǣdfrom energetic, #PPs# 109^8.

dǣdfruma † m. doer of deeds (good or bad), worker.

dǣdhata m. ravager, B 275.

dǣdhwæt † energetic, bold.

dǣdlata m. sluggard.

dǣdlēan n. recompense, #Ex# 263.

dǣdlic active, #ÆGr#.

dǣdon = dydon pret. pl. of dōn.

dǣdrōf † bold in deeds, valiant.

dǣdscūa (#Cr# 257) = dēaðscūa?

dǣdweorc n. mighty work, #Ex# 575.

dæf- = daf-

±dæftan to put in order, arrange, Æ, CP.

+dæfte mild, gentle, meek, Mt. [‘daft’; gedafen]

+dæftelīce, +dæftlīce fitly, in moderation, in season, CP.

dæg m. gs. dæges; nap. dagas day, lifetime, Æ, Mt, Mk; AO, CP. andlangne d. all day long. dæges, or on d. by day. tō d., tō dæge to-day. d. ǣr the day before. sume dæge one day. ofer midne d. afternoon. on his dæge in his time. dæges and nihtes by day and by night. lange on d. far on, late in the day. emnihtes d. equinox. ealle dagas always, Mt: Last Day, Bl: name of the rune for =d=.

dægcandel (o^2) † f. sun.

dægcūð open, clear as the day.

dǣge f. (female) bread maker.

dæge- = dæg-

dægehwelc daily.

dægenlic of this day.

dæges adv. v. dæg.

dæges-ēage, -ēge n. ‘daisy,’ Lcd, WW.

+dægeð pres. 3 sg. dares? braves? W 220^28.

dægfæsten n. a day’s fast.

dægfeorm f. day’s provision, EC 226^2.

dæghluttre adv. clearly, as day, #Gu# 665.

dæghryne = dægryne

dæghwām adv. daily.

dæghwāmlic of day, daily, Æ. adv. -līce, Æ, AO.

dæghwīl f. (pl.) days, lifetime, B 2726.

dæghwonlīce = dæghwāmlīce

dæglang (o^2) lasting a day, #Sol# 501.

dæglanges adv. during a day, Æ.

dæglic = dæghwāmlic

dægmǣl nm. horologe, dial.

dægmǣlspīlu f. gnomon of a dial, WW 126^31.

dægmēlscēawere m. horoscope-observer, astrologer, WW.

dægmete m. breakfast, dinner, WW 267^13.

dǣgol = dīgol

dæg-rēd (or ? dægred) (Æ, CP) -rǣd n. daybreak, dawn, Lk. [‘dayred’]

dægrēdlēoma m. light of dawn, NC 280.

dægrēdlic belonging to morning, early.

dægrēdsang m. matins, RB, CM.

dægrēdwōma † m. dawn.

dægrīm † n. number of days.

dægrima m. dawn, daybreak, morning, Æ. [‘day-rim’]

dægryne daily, of a day, WW 224^29.

dægsang m. daily service, W 290^22.

dægsceald m? (shield by day?) sun, #Ex# 79.

dægsteorra m. ‘daystar,’ morning star, Æ, Lcd.

dægswǣsendo np. a day’s food, LL (220^30).

dægtīd f. day-time, time, period.

dægtīdum by day, in the day-time.

dægtīma m. day-time, day, #LPs# 120^6.

dægðerlic of the day, of to-day, daily, present, Æ.

dægðern f. interval of a day, #Lcd#.

dægðerne adj. for use by day, every-day, CM.

dægwæccan fp. day-watches, WW 110^24.

dægweard m. day-watchman, WW 110^25.

dægweorc n. work of a day, fixed or stated service, Ex: day-time. [‘daywork’]

dægweorðung f. feast day, #El# 1234.

dægwilla wished for day, #Gen# 2776.

dægwine n? day’s pay, #Gl#.

dægwist f. food, meal, Æ.

dægwōma † = dægrēdwōma

dæl I. nap. dalu n. ‘dale,’ valley, gorge, abyss, AO. II. pret. 3 sg. of delan.

dǣl (ā) mn. (p. dæl-as, -e) portion, part, share, lot, Cp, Bl, Gu (ā), VPs; AO, CP: division, separation, Æ (ā): quantity, amount, Lcd: region, district, AO. d. wintra a good number of years. be dǣle in part, partly. be healfum dǣle by half. be ǣnigum dǣle at all, to any extent. be ðǣm dǣle to that extent. cȳðan be dǣle to make a partial or ‘ex parte’ statement. sume dǣle, be sumum dǣle partly: part of speech, word, #ÆGr#. [‘deal’]

±dǣlan to divide, part, separate, share, Da; Æ, CP: bestow, distribute, dispense, spend, hand over to, An, Mk: take part in, share with, Gen: be divided. †hilde, earfoðe dǣlan to fight, contend. [‘deal’]

+dǣledlīce separately.

dǣlend m. divider, Lk 12^4.

dǣlere m. divider, distributor, WW: agent, negociator, Æ: almsgiver, Æ. [‘dealer’]

dæling f. dividing, sharing, #HGl# 423.

+dǣlland = +dālland

dǣllēas deficient, unskilled: destitute of, without.

dǣlmǣlum adv. by parts or pieces, Æ.

dǣl-neom-, -nym- = dǣlnim-

dǣlnes f. sharing out.

dǣlnimend m. sharer, participator, Æ: participle, #ÆGr#. [Ger. teilnehmend]

dǣlnimendnes f. participation, #BJPs# 121^2.

dǣlnimung f. participation, portion, share.

dǣlnumelnes = dǣlnimendnes

dǣm- = dēm-

dæn- = den-

dǣp = dēop

dære v. daru.

dærne = dierne

dærst, dærste (e) f. leaven, NG, DR: (pl.) dregs, refuse, Lcd (e), Ps. [‘drast’]

+dærsted leavened, fermented, NG.

dǣð = dēað

dǣwig = dēawig

+dafen I. n. what is fitting, GD 84^6. II. becoming, suitable, fit, proper.

+dafenian (often impers.) to beseem, befit, be right, Æ.

+dafenlic fit, becoming, proper, suitable, right. adv. -līce.

dafenlīcnes f. fit time, opportunity.

+daflic = +dafenlic

dafn- = dafen-

+dafniendlic = +dafenlic

dāg m? (dāh) ‘dough,’ Lcd: mass of metal.

dagas, dages v. dæg.

dagian to dawn, be day, BH; Æ. [‘daw’]

dagung f. day-break, dawn, BH. on dagunge at daybreak.

dāh = dāg

dāl = dǣl

dalc m. bracelet, brooch.

dalf (NG) = dealf pret. 3 sg. of delfan.

dalisc (? for *dedalisc) ‘dedaleus,’ WW 221^3.

+dālland n. land under joint ownership, common land divided into strips. v. LL 2·443.

dālmǣd f. meadow-land held in common and apportioned between the holders, KC 3·260^3.

dalmatice f. dalmatic (vestment), ANS 84·13; GD 329^34.

dalu v. dæl.

darað, dareð = daroð

darian to lurk, be hidden, ÆL 23^322.

daroð † m. dart, spear, javelin. daroða lāf those left by spears, survivors of a battle.

daroðhæbbende spear-bearing, #Jul# 68.

daroðlācende (eð) mp. spear-warriors.

daroðsceaft (deoreð-) m. javelin-shaft, #Gen# 1984.

daru f. gds. dære injury, hurt, damage, calamity, Æ.

datārum m. (indecl.) date.

dað ‘bloma,’ mass of metal, WW 141^36.

Davītic adj. of David (psalms).

dēacon = dīacon

dēad (±) ‘dead,’ Æ, B, Mt; AO, CP: torpid, dull. d. blōd congealed blood.

dēad- = dēað-

dēadboren still-born, #Lcd# 1·206.

±dēadian to die, JnL. [‘dead’]

dēadlic subject to death, mortal, perishable, Æ: causing death, ‘deadly,’ fatal, AO: about to die. adv. -līce.

dēadrægel n. shroud, WW 37^6. [hrægl]

dēadspring m. ulcer, #Lcd#.

dēadwylle barren, AO 26^16.

dēaf I. ‘deaf,’ Mt, Jul; #VPs#: empty, barren, CP 411^20. II. pret. 3 sg. of dūfan.

-dēafian v. ā-d.

dēaflic = dēfelic

dēafu f. deafness, #Lcd#.

deag = dæg

dēag I. hue, tinge, Æ, WW: ‘dye,’ WW. II. pres. 3 sg. of dugan.

dēagan to discolour, dye, colour (Earle); to conceal oneself, hide (Leo). B 851. [[from first edition]]

dēagel = dī(e)gol

dēaggede gouty, WW 161^31. [dēaw]

±dēagian to ‘dye,’ OEG.

dēagol = dīegol

dēagol- = dīgol-

dēagung f. ‘dying,’ colouring, Æ.

dēagwyrmede gouty, WW 161^31. [dēaw]

dēah = dēag I. and II.

dēahl = dīgol

deal = deall

dealf pret. 3 sg. of delfan.

deall † proud, exulting, bold, renowned.

dear pres. 3 sg. of *durran.

dearc = deorc

deareð = daroð

dearf I. pret. 3 sg. of deorfan. II. bold, NG.

dearflic bold, presumptuous, NG.

dearfscipe m. boldness, presumption, NG.

dearn-unga, -unge (e^2, i^2) secretly, privately, insidiously, Æ, AO, CP.

dearoð = daroð

dearr pres. 3 sg. of *durran.

dearste (#VPs#) = dærste [[under “dærst”]]

dēað (ēo) m. ‘death,’ dying, An, Bo, Mt; CP: cause of death, Bl: in pl. ‘manes,’ ghosts.

dēað- = dēad- (v. ES 39·324).

dēaðbǣre deadly, CP.

dēaðbǣrlic (dēad-) deadly.

dēaðbēacnigende boding death.

dēaðbēam m. death-bringing tree, #Gen# 638.

dēaðbedd † n. bed of death, grave.

dēaðberende fatal, deadly, CP.

dēaðbērnes f. deadliness, destructiveness, LkL 21^11.

dēaðcwalu † f. deadly throe, agony: death by violence.

dēaðcwealm m. death by violence, B 1670.

dēaðcwylmende killed.

dēaðdæg † m. death-day.

dēaðdenu † f. valley of death.

dēaðdrepe m. death-blow, #Ex# 495.

dēaðfǣge doomed to death, B 850.

dēaðfiren f. deadly sin, #Cr# 1207.

dēaðgedāl n. separation of body and soul by death, #Gu# 936.

dēaðgodas mp. infernal deities, WW 447^19.

+dēaðian to kill.

dēaðlēg m. deadly flame, #Gr# 983.

dēaðlic ‘deathly,’ mortal, Bl: deadly: dead.

dēaðlicnes f. mortality, mortal state: deadliness.

dēaðmægen n. deadly band, #Gu# 867.

dēaðræced (= e^2) n. sepulchre, #Ph# 48.

dēaðrǣs m. sudden death, #An# 997.

dēaðrēaf n. clothing taken from the dead, spoils, WW 397^22.

dēaðrēow murderous, fierce, #An# 1316.

dēað-scūa, -scufa m. death-shadow, spirit of death, devil.

dēaðscyld f. crime worthy of death, LL 130´.

dēaðscyldig (LL), dēadsynnig (NG) condemned to death.

dēaðsele † m. death-hall, hell.

dēaðslege m. death-stroke, #Rd# 6^14.

dēaðspere n. deadly spear, #Rd# 4^53.

dēaðstede m. place of death, #Ex# 589.

dēaðsynnignes f. guiltiness of death, DR.

dēaððēnung f. exequies, last offices to the dead, funeral.

dēaðwang m. plain of death, #An# 1005.

dēaðwēge n. deadly cup, #Gu# 964. [wǣge]

dēaðwērig dead, B 2125.

dēaðwīc n. dwelling of death, B 1275.

dēaðwyrd f. fate, death, WW 408^23.

dēaw mn. ‘dew,’ Æ, CP, VPs.

+dēaw dewy.

dēawdrīas m. fall of dew? #Da# 277. [drēosan]

dēawig (ǣ, ē) ‘dewy,’ Ex.

dēawigendlīc? dewy, #HGl# 408.

dēawigfeðera † dewy-feathered.

dēawung f. dew, EHy 7^64.

dēawwyrm m. ‘dew-worm,’ ring-worm, tetter, Lcd.

decan m. one who has charge of ten monks.

±dēcan to smear, plaster.

decanhād m. office of a ‘decan.’

decanon = decan

Decembris m. December.

declīnian to decline, #ÆGr#.

declīnigendlic subject to inflection, #ÆGr#.

declīnung f. declension, A 8·313^5.

dēd I. (A) = dǣd. II. = dēad

dēde (#KGl#) = dyde pret. 3 sg. of dōn.

+dēfe (doefe once, in NG) befitting, suitable, proper: meek, gentle, kindly. also adv.

+dēfelic fit, becoming, proper. adv. -līce, BH.

defen- = dafen-

dēflic = dēfelic

+dēfnes f. mildness, gentleness, #LPs# 89^10.

+deftlīce = +dæftlīce [[under “dæftelīce”]]

deg = dæg

dēg (NG) = dēag pres. 3 sg. of dugan.

dēg- = dēag-, dīeg-, dīg-

degn = ðegn

dehter ds. of dohtor.

dehtnung (#KGl#) = dihtnung

del = dæl

dela nap. of delu.

delan^4 to fall, decay? (Grein) to be arrogant, proud, boastful (Leo). #Gen# 23. [[from first edition]]

dēlan = dǣlan

+delf n. digging, excavation, Æ, AO: what is dug, trench, quarry, canal, Mdf.

delfan^3 to ‘delve,’ dig, dig out, burrow, Æ, Bo, G; AO: bury.

delfere m. digger, #Bo# 140^13.

delfīn dolphin, WW 293^13. [L.]

delfīsen n. spade, WW.

delfung f. digging, WW 149^10.

+delgian = +telgian

dell nm. dell, hollow, dale, BH; Mdf.

delu f. teat, nipple, CP 405^1. [OHG. tili]

dem = demm

dēma m. judge, ruler, Æ, CP.

±dēman to ‘deem’ (‘i-deme’), consider, think, estimate, compute, Æ, BH: judge, determine, decide, decree, sentence, condemn, BH, G, El; CP: assign: (†) praise, glorify: (†) tell, declare, FAp.

dēmedlic that may be judged, GD 336^20.

dēmend † n. judge, arbiter.

dēmere m. judge, MtL (oe). [‘deemer’]

demm m. damage, injury, loss, misfortune, AO, CP.

-demman v. for-d.

dēmon demon, devil, DR.

den = denn

dēn = dōn pp. of dōn.

Denalagu, f. the ‘Dane law,’ law for the part of England occupied by the Danes, LL.

den-bǣre, -berende n. swine-pasture, Mdf.

dene = denu

Dene mp. the ‘Danes,’ Chr; AO.

deneland (æ) valley.

Denemearc (æ^1, a^3, e^3) Denm-, f. Denmark.

dengan (ncg) to beat, strike, NC 281.

denge = dyncge

Denisc ‘Danish,’ Chr. wk. nap. ðā Deniscan the Danes.

denn n. ‘den,’ lair, cave, Æ; WW: swine-pasture, v. Mdf.

dennian (æ) to become slippery? †#Chr# 937.

denstōw f. place of pasture, BC 3·144^21.

denu f. valley, vale, dale, Æ, Lk, VPs; Mdf. [‘dean’]

dēof = dēaf pret. 3 sg. of dūfan.

dēofel-, dēofl- = dēofol-

deofenian = dafenian

dēofol mn. gs. dēofles, nap. dēoflu, dēofol, a ‘devil,’ demon, false god, B, Mt, VPs; AO: the devil, CP, Jn, Jul; Æ: diabolical person, JnLR. [L. diabolus]

dēofolcræft m. witchcraft, AO.

dēofolcund fiendish, #Jud# 61.

dēofoldǣd f. fiendish deed, #Da# 18.

dēofol-gield (AO, CP), -gild, -geld (AO, VHy), -gyld (Æ) n. devil-worship, idolatry: idol, image of the devil, Æ.

dēofolgielda (y^3) m. devil-worshipper, idolater, ÆH 1·70^23.

dēofolgieldhūs n. idol temple, AO 284^9.

dēofolgītsung (dīwl-) f. unrighteous mammon, LkL 16^11.

dēofollic devilish, diabolical, of the devil, Æ. [‘devilly’] adv. -līce.

dēofolscīn n. evil spirit, demon.

dēofolscīpe m. idolatry, NC 286.

dēofolsēoc possessed by devils, lunatic, Æ.

dēofolsēocnes f. demoniacal possession.

dēofolwītga m. wizard, magician, #Da# 128.

dēoful == dēofol

dēog pret. 3 sg. of dēagan.

dēohl, dēogol = dīegol

±dēon (A) to suck, JAW 19.

dēop I. ‘deep,’ profound, Ps: awful, mysterious, CP: (†) heinous, Gu, Jul: serious, solemn, earnest, Ex. d. cēap high price, great price. II. n. depth, abyss, Ex, Mt: the deep, sea, Lk.

dēope adv. deeply, thoroughly, entirely, earnestly, solemnly, Ps.

dēophycgende † dēophȳdig † deeply meditating, pensive.

dēopian to get deep, #Lcd# 125b.

dēoplic deep, profound, thorough, fundamental, Æ, CP: grievous. adv. -līce ‘deeply,’ Bo, WW.

dēopnes f. depth, abyss, LPs, Nic: profundity, mystery, subtlety, Æ. [‘deepness’]

dēopðancol contemplative, very thoughtful, W 248^7; A 8·329. adv. -līce.

dēor I. n. animal, beast (usu. wild), Lk, Met, WW; Æ, CP: ‘deer,’ reindeer, AO. II. brave, bold, An, Sol: ferocious, B: grievous, severe, violent, Da, Sol. [‘dear’] III. = dēore

dēoran = dȳran [[variant of “dȳrsian”]]

dēorboren of noble birth, LL 104[34,1].

deorc ‘dark,’ obscure, gloomy, B, Ps: sad, cheerless: sinister, wicked, Lk, Sat. adv. deorce.

deorcegrǣg dark grey, WW.

deorcful dark, gloomy, Sc. [‘darkfull’]

deorclīce ‘darkly,’ horribly, foully, GPH 391^22.

deorcnes f. ‘darkness,’ Sc 228^3.

deorcung f. gloaming, twilight, Æ.

dēorcynn n. race of animals, Æ.

dēore I. ‘dear,’ beloved, Jul: precious, costly, valuable, Bo: noble, excellent. II. adv. dearly, at great cost, Met, WW. III. adv. fiercely, cruelly. [dēor II.]

dēoren of a wild animal.

deoreðsceaft = daroðsceaft

±deorf n. labour: difficulty, hardship, trouble, danger, Æ.

dēorfald m. enclosure for wild beasts, WW 201^34.

±deorfan^3 to exert oneself, labour, Æ: be in peril, perish, be wrecked, AO. [‘derve’]

dēorfellen made of hides, WW 328^18.

+deorflēas free from trouble, #Gl#.

+deorfnes f. trouble, tribulation, #LPs# 45^2.

dēorfrið n. preservation of game, deer-protection, #Chr# 1086.

+deorfsum troublesome, grievous, #Chr# 1103; 1005 (y).

dēorgēat n. gate for animals, Ct.

dēorhege m. deer-fence, LL.

deorian (#Chr#) = derian

dēorlic brave, renowned, B 585.

dēorlīce ‘dearly,’ preciously, richly, El: sincerely, acceptably, AS 4^19.

dēorling (ī, ȳ) m. ‘darling,’ favourite, minion, Æ, Bo, CP: household god.

dēormōd † courageous, bold.

dēornett n. hunting-net, WW 183^12.

deornunga = dearnunga

deorsterlīce = dyrstelīce

dēortūn m. park, #Gl#.

dēor-wierðe (CP), -wurðe (Æ), -wyrðe precious, dear, valuable, costly, Bl, Bo. [‘dearworth’]

dēorwyrðlic (eo^2, u^2) precious, valuable. adv. -līce splendidly, Æ: as a thing of value, Æ.

dēorwyrðnes (u^2) f. treasure.

dēoð (NG) = dēað

dēpan = dȳpan

dēpe = dēop

deppan = dyppan

dēr = dēor

Dēra, Dēre mp. Deirans, inhabitants of Deira.

derian (w. d.) to damage, injure, hurt, Bo; Æ, AO, CP. [‘dere’]

deriendlic injurious, mischievous, noxious, hurtful, Æ.

dērling (NG) = dēorling

derne = dierne

derne- = dyrne-

dernegelegerscipe (derneleger-) m. adultery, fornication, N.

derneleger adulterous, NG. adv. -ere licentiously, NG.

dernunga (NG) = dearnunga

derodine m. scarlet dye, CP 83^25.

derste (#VPs#) = dærste [[under “dærst”]]

derung f. injury, GD.

desig = dysig

dēst v. dōn.

dēð I. 3 p. sg. pres. of dōn. II. ‘manipulus,’ sheaf? EPs 125^6.

+dēðian to kill, mortify, DR, NG.

dēðing f. putting to death, DR 72^13.

deððan? to suck, LkR.

dēwig = dēawig

dīacon m. ‘deacon,’ minister, levite, Æ, BH, Jn.

dīacongegyrela m. deacon’s robe, BH 90^2.

dīaconhād m. office of a deacon, Æ.

dīaconrocc m. dalmatic, CM 723.

dīaconðēnung f. office of a deacon, BH 272^17.

dīan (A) = dēon (A)

dīc mf. ‘dike,’ trench, ditch, moat, AO, BH, Chr; Æ; Mdf: an earthwork with a trench.

dīcere m. digger, Æ.

±dīcian to make a dyke or bank.

dīcsceard n. breach of a dike, LL 455[13].

dīcung f. construction of a dike, WW. [‘diking’]

dīcwalu f. bank of a ditch? KC 5·334^28.

dide, didon = dyde, dydon (v. dōn).

diegan to die, NR 38.

dīegel = dīegol

±dīegellīce (e, eo, i^1, o^2) secretly, AO, CP.

dīegelnes f. privacy, secrecy, solitude, CP: hiding-place, recess, Æ (ī): secret, secret thought, mystery, AO, CP; Æ (ȳ).

±dīeglan, -lian to hide, cover, conceal, hide oneself, CP.

dīegle = dīegol

dīegol (ǣ, ē, ēa, ēo, ī, ȳ) I. adj. secret, hidden, obscure, unknown, deep. [for compounds v. dīegel-.] II. adv. secretly. III. n. concealment, obscurity, secrecy, mystery: hidden place, grave.

dīegolful (ē^1) mysterious, #Rd# 80^14.

dielf = dealf pret. 3 sg. of delfan.

dielgian = dilegian [[headword spelled “dīlegian”]]

diend m. suckling, NG. [dēon]

dīere (ȳ) ‘dear,’ beloved, Lk: precious, costly, AO: noble, excellent.

±diernan (e, y) to keep secret, hide, restrain, repress, AO; Æ (y). [‘dern’]

dierne (æ, e, y) I. hidden, secret, obscure, remote, B, El, Lk; CP: deceitful, evil, magical, B, CP, Gen. [‘dern’] II. (y) n. secret.

dierne- = derne-, dyrne-

dīerra comp. of dīere, dēore.

dīgan = dēagian

+dīgan (ē, ȳ) to endure, survive, overcome.

dīgel = dīegol (wk. dīgla, dīgle).

dīgel- = dīegel-

dīgl- = dīegl-

dīhl- = dīegel-

digner = dīnor

dīgol, dīgul = dīegol

dīgol- = dīegel-

[[Printed on one line: dīgol, dīgul, dīgol- = dīegol, dīegel-]]

dihnian = dihtnian

diht n. arrangement, disposal, deliberation, purpose, Æ: administration, office: direction, command, prescription, Æ: conduct, Æ: (+) piece of writing, composition, literary work.

±dihtan, dihtian to arrange, dispose, appoint, direct, dictate, impose, Æ, G: compose, write, Æ. [‘dight’]

dihtere m. informant, expositor, WW: steward, Æ (= dihtnere): one who dictates, Guth. [‘dighter’]

dihtfæstendæg m. appointed fast.

dihtig = dyhtig

dihtnere m. manager, steward, Æ.

dihtnian = dihtian [[under “dihtan”]]

±diht-nung, -ung f. ordering, disposition.

dile m. ‘dill,’ anise, Gl, Mt, Lcd; CP.

±dīlegian to destroy, blot out, CP. [‘dilghe’; Ger. tilgen]

dilfð pres. 3 sg. of delfan.

dīlgian (CP) = dīlegian

dīlignes f. annihilation, destruction, #Gl#.

dill = dile

dim = dimm

dimhiw of dark colour.

dim-hof n., -hofe f. place of concealment, Æ.

dimhūs n. prison, OEG.

dimlic (y) dim, obscure, secret, hidden, Æ.

dimm ‘dim’ dark, gloomy, obscure, Bo, Gen, Sat: blurred, faint, MH: wicked: wretched, grievous.

dimmian to be or become dim.

dimnes (y) f. ‘dimness,’ darkness, obscurity, gloom, Lcd, VPs; Æ: evil: obscuration, moral obliquity, LL 476[14]: a dark place.

dimscūa m. darkness, sin? #An# 141.

dincge = dyncge

dīner = dīnor

ding I. v. dung I. II. = dung II.

dingiung f. manuring, WW 104^8.

dinig? (A 8·450) = dung

dīnor m. a piece of money, #ÆGr#. [L. denarius]

dīo- = dēo-, dīg-

dīowl- (NG) = dēofol-

dippan = dyppan

dirige dirge, ‘vigilia,’ CM.

dīrling (CP) = dēorling

dirn- = diern-, dyrn-

dis- = dys-

disc m. ‘dish,’ plate, bowl, Gl, Mt.

discberend m. dish-bearer, seneschal, WW.

discipul m. ‘disciple,’ scholar, BH, Mt.

discipula female disciple, BH 236^34.

discipulhād m. ‘disciplehood,’ BH.

disc-ðegn, -ðēn m. dish-servant, waiter, seneschal, steward, Æ.

disg, disig = dysig

dism (ðism) m. ‘vapor,’ ‘fumus,’ ES 41·324.

disma m., disme f? musk? moss? OEG 46^4 (A 30·123): ‘cassia,’ #Ps# 44^9 (y).

distæf m. ‘distaff,’ WW; Æ.

dīwl- = dēofol

dob- = dof-, dop-

dōc m. bastard son, WW.

docce f. ‘dock,’ sorrel, Lcd.

docga m. ‘dog,’ GPH.

dōcincel n. bastard.

dōefe v. +dēfe.

dōeg = dæg

dōema (NG) = dēma

dōere m. doer, worker, DR 198^6.

doeð- = dēað-

dofen pp. of dūfan.

dofian (dobian) to be doting, #Gl#.

dofung f. stupidity, frenzy, madness, #Gl#.

dōger = dōgor

dogga = docga

dogian to endure? #Rd# 1^9.

dōgor mn. (ds. dōgor and dōgore) day, AO, CP.

dōgor-gerīm, -rīm † n. series of days, time, allotted time of life.

dōh = dāg

dohtar, dohter = dohtor

dohte pret. 3 sg. of dugan.

dohtig competent, good, valiant, ‘doughty,’ Chr. [dugan]

dohtor f. gs. dohtor, ds. dohtor, dehter, nap. ±doh-tor, -tra, -tru ‘daughter,’ Mt; Æ, AO, CP: female descendant, Jn.

dohtorsunu m. daughter’s son, grandson, #Chr# 982#c#.

dohx = dox

dol I. adj. foolish, silly, CP: presumptuous. [Goth. dwals; Ger. toll] II. n. folly, CP.

dolc = dalc

dolcswaðu = dolgswaðu [[under “dolgswæð”]]

dolfen pp. of delfan.

dolg (dolh) nm. wound, scar, cut, sore: boil, tumour, Æ.

dolgbenn f. wound, #An# 1399.

dolgbōt f. fine or compensation for wounding, LL 62[23,2].

±dolgian to wound, #Rd#.

dolgilp m. idle boasting, B 509.

dolgrūne f. pellitory, #Lcd# 25a.

dolgsealf f. poultice for a wound, #Lcd#.

dolgslege † m. wounding blow, #An#.

dolgswæð n., dolgswaðu f. scar, Æ.

dolh == dolg

dolhdrenc m. drink for a wound, antidote.

dolhsmeltas mp. linen bandages, WW 107^33.

dolhwund † wounded.

dol-lic audacious, rash, foolhardy, foolish. adv. -līce, CP.

dolmanus = dulmunus

dolsceaða m. fell destroyer, B 479.

dolscipe m. folly, error, CP 387^34.

dolsmeltas = dolhsmeltas

dolsprǣc f. silly talk, CP 385^6.

dolwillen I. rash, bold, #Jul# 451. II. n. rashness, madness, #Jul# 202.

dolwīte n. pain of a wound? (BT), punishment of the wicked, pains of hell? (Tupper), #Rd# 27^17.

dōm m. ‘doom,’ judgment, ordeal, sentence, BH, JnL; Æ, CP: decree, law, ordinance, custom, Æ, VPs: justice, equity, VPs: opinion, advice: choice, option, freewill: condition: authority, supremacy, majesty, power, might, Jn; AO: reputation, dignity, glory, honour, splendour, AO: court, tribunal, assembly: meaning, interpretation.

-dōm masc. abstract suffix = state, condition, power, etc., as in frēodōm.

dōmærn n. judgment-hall, tribunal.

dōmbōc f. code of laws, statute-book, manual of justice, Æ, LL. [‘doombook’]

dōmdæg m. ‘doomsday,’ judgment-day.

dōmēadig † mighty, renowned.

dōmere m. judge, Bo, LL; CP. [‘doomer’]

dōmern (Æ) = dōmærn

dōmfæst † just, renowned, mighty.

dōmfæstnes f. righteous judgment, #LPs# 100^1.

dōmgeorn † ambitious: righteous.

dōmhūs n. law-court, tribunal, #Gl#.

dōmhwæt adj. eager for renown? strenuous in judgment? #Cr# 428.

dōmian to glorify, magnify.

dōmisc adj. of the day of judgment.

dōmlēas † inglorious, powerless.

dōmlic famous, glorious, praiseworthy: judicial, Æ: canonical, CM 268. adv. -līce.

domne mf. lord, #Chr#: nun, abbess. [L.]

dōmsetl n. judgment-seat, tribunal, Æ.

dōmsettend m. jurisconsult, WW 429^6.

dōmstōw f. tribunal, W 148^31.

dōmweorðung † f. honour, glory.

±dōn anv. pres. ptc. dō(e)nde, pres. 2 sing. dēst, 3 dēð, pret. sg. dyde, pl. dydon (æ, i), pp. dōn to ‘do’ (‘i-do’) make, act, perform, Gu, Met, Ps; Æ, AO, CP: cause (often followed by the inf. with a passive sense or by ðæt), CP, #VPs#. hig dydon rīcu settan = they caused kingdoms to be founded (= founded kingdoms), AO: put, place, take (from or to), CP, Mt, Ps. d. ūp put ashore. +d. up exhume: give, bestow, confer, Ps: consider, esteem: observe, keep: to avoid repetition of another verb, Æ, Gen, Mk: (+) arrive at, #Chr#: (+) halt, encamp, cast anchor, #Chr#: (+) reduce, #Chr#. d. tō hīerran hāde promote, advance to a higher position. d. tō nāhte annul, make of none effect. d. tō witanne cause to know. betre, furðor d. prefer. +d. forð manifest, show forth.

dōnlic active.

dop-ened, -ænid f. diver, water-fowl, moorhen, coot, #Gl#.

dopfugel m. water-fowl, moorhen, #Gl#.

-doppa v. dūfe-d.

-doppe v. fugol-d. [[headword spelled “fugeldoppe”]]

doppettan to plunge in, immerse, Æ.

dor n. (nap. doru, dor) door, gate: pass, Lcd, Ps. [v. ‘door’]

dora m. humble-bee, Ep, Lcd, WW; Æ. [‘dor’]

dorfen pp. of deorfan.

dorste (Æ, AO, CP) pret. 3 sg. of *durran.

dorweard m. doorkeeper, N.

dott m. head of a boil, Lcd. [‘dot’]

-dōung v. on-d.

dox dark-haired, dusky, #Gl#.

doxian to turn dark, ES 43·330.

draca m. dragon, sea-monster, B, MH, Ps: serpent, Pa, Ps: the devil: standard representing a dragon or serpent, GPH 392. [‘drake’]

drā-centse, -cente, -conze f. dragon-wort, #Lcd#. [L. dracontea]

dræce (N) = draca

drǣdan^7 to dread, fear.

drǣf I. f. expulsion. II. = drāf

±drǣfan to drive, drive out.

drǣfednes, drǣfnes f. trouble, distress. [= drēfednes]

drǣfend I. m. hunter, #Cra# 38. II. = drēfend

+drǣg = +drēag

dræge f. drag net, WW. [drāgan] [[headword spelled “dragan”]]

drægeð pres. 3 sg. of dragan.

drægnett n. drag-net, WW.

dræhð, drægð pres. 3 sg. of dragan.

drǣn = drān

drænc = drinc

dræp pret. 3 sg. of drepan.

dræst = dærst

dræstig full of dregs, rubbishy, WW. [dærste; ‘drasty’] [[under “dærst”]]

drǣt pres. 3 sg. of drǣdan.

drāf I. f. action of driving, Bl: ‘drove,’ herd, Æ: company, band, W; Æ. [drīfan] II. pret. 3 sg. of drīfan. III. = drǣf

dragan^6 to drag, ‘draw,’ JnL, CP: go.

drāgense = drācentse

drān (ǣ) f. ‘drone,’ WW; Æ.

dranc pret. 3 sg. of drincan.

drapa = dropa

drēa = drȳ

drēag, drēah pret. 3 sg. of drēogan.

+drēag † (ǣ) apparition, vision: troop, crowd, rabble: lamentation.

drēahnian (ē) to ‘drain,’ strain out, Lcd.

dreaht pp. of dreccan.

drēam m. joy, gladness, delight, ecstasy, mirth, rejoicing, Ct, Chr, Sat; AO: melody, music, song, Æ. [‘dream’]

drēamcræft m. art of music.

drēamere m. musician, #Bo# 38^7.

drēam-hæbbende ‡, -healdende ‡ happy, joyful.

drēamlēas † joyless, sad.

drēamlic joyous, musical, #Gl#.

drēamnes f. singing, #LPs# 136^3.

drēap pret. 3 sg. of drēopan.

drēap- (#VPs#) = drēop-

drēariend inrushing tide? WW 225^12.

drēarung = drēorung

drēas pret. 3 sg. of drēosan.

drec- = drecc-

±dreccan to vex, irritate, torment, oppress, afflict, Æ, Gen, OET. [‘dretch’]

±dreccednes (Æ), dreccung (Sc) f. tribulation, affliction. [‘dretching’]

drēd = drǣd pret. 3 sg. of drǣdan.

±drēfan to stir up, excite, disturb, trouble, vex, afflict, B, Jn; Æ, CP. [drōf; ‘dreve’]

+drēfedlic oppressive, AO 38^14.

±drēfednes f. tribulation, trouble, scandal.

drēfend (ǣ) m. disturber, RB.

dreflian to ‘drivel,’ WW.

drēfre m. disturber, RB 121^12. [drōf]

drēfung f. disturbance, WW 109^2.

drēge = drȳge

drēgan = drȳgan

drēhnian (Mt) = drēahnian

dreht pp. of dreccan.

drēm- = drȳm-

drēme = drȳme

drenc m. ‘drink,’ drinking, draught, Æ, Lcd; CP: drowning. [drincan; ‘drench,’ ‘drunk’]

drencan to give to drink, to ply with drink, make drunk, Ps; CP: submerge, drown, Æ. [‘drench’]

drenccuppe f. drinking-cup, WW 329^19.

drence- = drenc-, drinc-

drencflōd † m. flood, deluge.

drenchorn m. drinking-horn, Ct.

drenchūs n. drinking-house, WW 186^25.

dreng m. youth, warrior, Ma 149. [‘dreng’; ON.]

drēocræft = drȳcræft

dreofon = drifon pret. pl. of drīfan.

+drēog I. n. keeping (shoes) in good condition, Æ: usefulness? RB 123^6. tō +d. gān to ease oneself, RB 32^22. II. sober, gentle (horse), GD 78^12.

±drēogan^2 to lead a (certain) life, do, work, perform, fulfil, take part in, conduct, Gu, Ps; AO. wīde d. wander: be busy, employed: experience, suffer, endure, sustain, tolerate, Ex; CP: to enjoy. [‘dree,’ ‘i-dree’]

+drēoglǣcan to put in order, regulate, arrange, attend to, Æ.

+drēoglīce (h) discreetly, carefully: meekly, modestly, humbly.

drēoh == drēog

±drēopan^2 to drop.

drēopian (ēa) to drop, drip, trickle.

drēopung f. dropping, #VPs# (ēa).

drēor † m. blood. [drēosan]

dreord pret. 3 sg. of drǣdan.

drēorfāh bespattered with gore, B 485.

drēorgian = drēorigian

drēorig adj. †bloody, blood-stained, B: cruel, grievous, Gu: sad, sorrowful: headlong? [‘dreary’] adv. -līce sorrowfully, Æ. [‘drearily’]

drēorigferð sorrowful, #Cr# 1109.

drēorighlēor sad of countenance, #Wa# 83.

drēorigian to be dreary, sad, Æ.

drēorigmōd sad in mind, #Gen# 2804.

drēorignes f. sadness, sorrow, GD; Æ. [‘dreariness’]

drēorilic, drēorlic = drēorig

drēorsele m. dreary hall, #Wif# 50.

drēorung † f. falling, distilling, dropping. [drēosan]

±drēosan^2 to fall, perish: become weak, fail.

drep = ðrep?

+drep m. stroke, blow, #An# 1446.

±drepan^5 to strike, kill, overcome, B. [‘drepe’]

drepe † (y) m. stroke, blow, violent death.

+drettan to consume, #PPs# 70^12.

drī- = drȳ-

drif I. (±) f. fever, MkR 1^31; ANS 84·324. II. (+) driving, movement: what is driven, stubble.

±drīfan^1 to ‘drive,’ force, hunt, follow up, pursue, Æ, AO, CP: drive away, expel, Mk: practise, carry on, RB; Æ: rush against, impel, drive forwards or backwards, Cr, KC: undergo.

drīgið, drīgð pres. 3 sg. of drēogan.

drīhð pres. 3 sg. of drēogan.

drīm = drēam

±drinc ‘drink,’ beverage, Bo, Chr, G: draught, Mt: drinking, carousal.

drinc- v. also drync-, drenc-.

drinca (m.), drince (f.) = drinc

+drinca m. cup-bearer, NC 293.

drincan^1 to drink, Æ, Lk; AO, CP. pp. druncen refreshed, elate (with drink), drunk.

+drincan to swallow up, engulf, Æ.

drincere m. ‘drinker,’ drunkard, MtL.

drīorig = drēorig

drisn f? false hair? hairy roots of plants? (BT)

+drītan^1 ‘cacare,’ Lcd 1·364^9. [‘drite’]

drīting f. ‘egestio’ (sc. ventris), A 8·449.

±drōf dirty, muddy, swampy, turbid, troubled, Lcd. [‘drof’; drēfan]

drōfe grievously, severely, #Lcd# 3·286^11.

+drōfednes = +drēfednes

drōfig troubled.

drōflic troublesome, tormenting.

drōg pret. 3 sg. of dragan.

droge f? excrement, #Lcd# 118b.

drogen pp. of drēogan.

drōgon pret. pl. of dragan.

drōh pret. 3 sg. of dragan.

drohnian = drohtnian [[under “drohtian”]]

droht I. m? n? condition of life. II. (ō?) pull, draught, WW 486^27.

drohtað m. mode of living, conduct: environment, society: condition, employment, vocation.

drohtian (CP), drohtnian (Æ) to conduct oneself, behave, associate with, lead a life, live, continue. [drēogan]

droht(n)oð = drohtað

drohtnung = drohtung

[[Printed on one line: droht-(n)oð, -nung = droht-að, -ung]]

drohtung f. condition, way of life, reputation, conduct, CP.

dronc = dranc pret. 3 sg. of drincan.

dropa m. a ‘drop,’ Az, Lk, VPs; AO, CP: gout? Lcd: humour, choler.

+dropa m. a kind of date, OEG 474.

dropen I. pp. of drēopan. II. (B 2891) = drepen pp. of drepan.

drop-fāg, -fāh I. spotted, speckled, #Lcd#. II. starling, #Gl#.

dropian to ‘drop,’ drip, trickle, Ps.

dropmǣlum drop by drop, Æ.

droppetan, -ian to drop, drip, distil.

droppetung, drop(p)ung (Ps) f. ‘dropping,’ dripping, falling, Æ.

droren pp. of drēosan.

+drorenlic perishable, NC 293.

drōs, drōsna (Æ) m., drōsne (#VPs#) f. sediment, lees, dregs, dirt, ear-wax, WW. [drēosan; ‘dross’]

drūgað = drūgoð

±drūgian to dry up, wither. [drȳge]

drugon pret. pl. of drēogan.

drūgoð f., drūgoða m. ‘drought,’ dryness, WW: dry ground, desert, LPs. [drȳge]

drūgung = drūgoð

druh m. dust? #Soul# 17.

druncen I. fn. drunkenness. II. pp. of drincan. III. adj. ‘drunken,’ drunk, Sc; AO.

druncenes = druncennes

druncengeorn hankering after drink, drunken.

druncenhād m. drunkenness.

druncenig drunken, LkL 12^45.

druncenlǣwe ‘inebrians,’ #CPs# 22^5.

druncennes f. ‘drunkenness,’ intoxication, AO, Lk; Æ.

druncenscipe m. drunkenness.

druncenwillen drunken, CP 401^29.

druncmennen n. drunken maidservant? #Rd# 13^1.

±druncnian to be drunk, Æ: sink, drown, MtL. [‘drunken’]

druncning f. drinking, #LPs# 22^5.

druncon pret. pl. of drincan.

drupian = dropian

drupon pret. pl. of drēopan.

druron pret. pl. of drēosan.

drūsian † to droop, become sluggish, stagnant, turbid. [drēosan]

drūt f. beloved one, DD 291.

drūw- = drūg-

drȳ m. magician, sorcerer, Æ, AO: sorcery. [Celt. drūi]

+drycned afflicted, AO 102^10.

drȳcræft m. witchcraft, magic, sorcery, Æ: magician’s apparatus.

drȳcræftig skilled in magic.

drȳcræftiga m. sorcerer, GD 27^15.

drȳecge = drȳicge

drȳfan = (1) drīfan; (2) drēfan

drȳg = drȳ

±drȳgan (ī) to ‘dry,’ dry up, rub dry, Bo, Jn; CP.

drȳge (ī) ‘dry,’ A, Bo, Mt: parched, withered, Lk. on drȳgum on dry land. tō drȳgum to the dregs.

drȳgnes (ī) f. dryness.

drȳgscēod dry-shod, W 293^17.

drȳhst pres. 2 sg. of drēogan.

dryht (i) † f. (±)multitude, army, company, body of retainers, nation, people, Ex: pl. men. [‘dright’; drēogan]

+dryhta m. comrade.

dryhtbealo = dryhtenbealo [[headword spelled “dryhtenbealu”]]

dryhtbearn n. princely youth, B 2035.

dryhtcwēn f. noble queen, #Wid# 98.

dryhtdōm m. noble judgment, #VPs#.

dryht-ealdorman (NC), -ealdor (WW) m. ‘paranymphus,’ bridesman.

dryhten (i) m. ruler, king, lord, prince, Æ, B: the Lord, God, Christ, CP. [‘drightin’]

dryhtenbēag (drihtin-) m. payment (to the king) for killing a freeman, LL.

dryhtenbealu † n. great misfortune.

dryhtendōm? m. rule, majesty, glory, #An# 1001.

dryhtenhold (i) loyal, #Gen# 2282.

dryhtenlic lordly: divine, of the Lord, Æ. adv. -līce.

dryhtenweard m. lord, king, #Da# 535.

dryhtfolc † n. people, troop.

dryhtgesīð m. retainer, warrior, #Fin# 44.

dryhtgestrēon n. princely treasure, #Rd# 18^3.

dryhtguma m. †warrior, retainer, follower, man: bridesman.

dryhtin- = dryhten-

dryhtlēoð n. national song, hymn, #El# 342.

dryhtlic (i) lordly, noble, B, Gen. d. gebed the Lord’s Prayer. [‘drightlike’]. adv. -līce.

dryhtmann m. bridesman, #Gl#.

dryhtmāðm m. princely treasure, B 2483.

dryhtnē m. warrior’s corpse, #Ex# 163.

dryhtscipe † m. lordship, rulership, dignity: virtue, valour, heroic deeds.

dryhtsele † m. princely hall.

dryhtsibb † f. peace, high alliance.

+dryhtu ‘elementa,’ OEG.

dryhtwēmend, -wēmere (i) m. bridesman, OEG 1774.

dryhtweras † mp. men, chieftains.

dryhtwuniende ‡ living among the people.

dryhtwurð (i) divine, Æ.

dryhtwurða (i) m. theologian.

drȳhð pres. 3 sg. of drēogan.

drȳicge f. witch.

drȳlic magic, magical.

drȳman (ē; = ī) to sing aloud, rejoice, LPs. [‘dream’]

drȳmann m. sorcerer, magician, Æ.

±drȳme (ē), +drȳmed melodious, harmonious, cheerful.

drync m. ‘drink’ (‘drunk’), potion, draught, drinking, Cp.

drync- v. also drenc-, drinc-.

dryncehorn (i) drinking-horn.

dryncelēan (i) n. scot-ale, the ale given by a seller to a buyer on concluding a bargain (BT). v. LL 2·56.

dryncfæt (i) n. drinking vessel.

dryncgemet (i) n. a measure of drink, NC 287.

+dryncnes f. immersion, baptism, ÆL 23b, 723.

dryncwīrig drunk, WW 437^21.

±drȳpan to let drop, cause to fall in drops, Æ, AO: moisten, Æ. [‘dripe’]

drype = drepe

dryre † m. ceasing, decline: fall, deposit. [drēosan]

dryslic terrible, WW 191^28.

drysmian † to become obscure, gloomy.

±drysnan to extinguish, NG. [drosn] [[form of “drōs”?]]

+drysnian to vanish, disappear, LkL 24^31.

dubbian to ‘dub,’ strike, knight (by striking with a sword), Chr 1085#e#.

dūce f. ‘duck,’ Ct.

±dūfan^2 to duck, ‘dive,’ Rd; Æ: immerse, BH, Rd: (+) sink, be drowned, AO, CP.

dūfedoppa m. pelican, LPs. [‘divedap’]

dugan pres. 1, 3 dēag, dēah, pl. dugon, pret. dohte swv. (usu. impers.) to avail, be worth, be capable of, competent, or good for anything, MtL: thrive, be strong: be good, virtuous kind, B, Sat. [‘dow’]

dug-að, -eð, -oð = duguð

duguð fm. body of noble retainers, people, men, nobles, the nobility, Ex; AO: host, multitude, army: the heavenly host: strength, power: excellence, worth, Hy; Æ, AO: magnificence, valour, glory, majesty: assistance, gift: benefit, profit, wealth, prosperity, salvation, Cr: what is fit, or seemly, decorum. [‘douth’]

duguðealdor m. chief man, president.

duguðgifu (a^2, e^2) f. munificence, #Gl#.

duguðlic authoritative, chief, noble, OEG. adv. -līce.

duguðmiht f. supreme power.

duguðnǣmere m. ‘municeps,’ OEG 7^12.

duhte = dohte (v. dugan).

dulfon pret. pl. of delfan.

dulhrune = dolgrune [[headword spelled “dolgrūne”]]

dulmunus? m. a kind of warship, AO.

dumb ‘dumb,’ silent, An, Mt; Æ, CP.

-dumbian v. ā-d.

dumbnes f. dumbness, NC 282.

dun = dunn

dūn fm. nap. dūna, dūne ‘down,’ moor, height, hill, mountain, Bl, Chr, Mt; Æ; Mdf. of dūne down, downwards.

dūn-ælf, -elf, -ylf f. mountain elf.

dūne down, downwards. [dūn]

dūnelfen f. mountain elf, WW 189^9.

dūnestīgende descending, #VPs# 87^5.

dunfealu dun-coloured, WW.

dung I. f. ds. dyng, ding prison, #An# 1272. II. f. ‘dung,’ WW.

dungrǣg dark, dusky, WW 246^4. [dunn]

dunh- = dimh-

dūnhunig n. honey from downland, #Lcd# 132a.

duniendlic (dunond-) falling down, tottering, #LPs# 108^10 (BT).

dūnland n. downland, open country.

dūnlendisc mountainous.

dūnlic of a mountain, mountain-dwelling, WW 376^6.

dunn ‘dun,’ dingy brown, dark-coloured, Ct, WW.

dunnian to obscure, darken, Bo. [‘dun’]

dunondlic v. duniendlic.

Dūnsǣte mp. inhabitants of the mountains of Wales, LL.

dūn-scræf † n. nap. -scrafu hill-cave.

dure == duru

durfon pret. pl. of deorfan.

durhere (durere) m. folding door, #Gl#.

durran* (+ in NG) swv. pres. 1, 3 sg. dear(r), 2 dearst, pl. durron, subj. durre, dyrre, pret. sg. dorste (u, y), pl. dorston to ‘dare,’ venture, presume, Æ, AO, BH, Bo, Met.

durstodl n. door-post, WW.

duru (dure) f. gs. dura, ds. and nap. dura, duru ‘door,’ gate, wicket, B, G; CP, #Chr#.

duruhaldend (e^2) doorkeeper, JnL 18^17.

durustod (WW) = durstodl

duruðegn m. doorkeeper, #An# 1092.

duruðīnen f. female door-keeper.

duruweard m. doorkeeper, Æ, JnL (durweard). [‘doorward’]

dūst (ū) n. ‘dust,’ Æ, Lcd; AO, CP.

dūstdrenc m. drink made from the pulverized seeds of herbs, #Lcd#.

dūstig dusty, OEG 15; 3^9.

dūstscēawung f. (viewing of dust), visit to a grave, #Bl# 113^29.

dūstswerm m. dust-like swarm, OEG 23^52.

dūsð = dūst

dūðhamor m. papyrus, sedge, WW.

dwæl- = dwel-

+dwǣrian = +ðwǣrian

±dwǣs I. dull, foolish, stupid. II. m. clumsy impostor, ÆL 23^696.

±dwǣscan to put out, extinguish, destroy.

dwǣsian to become stupid, HL.

dwæslic foolish. adv. -līce.

+dwǣsmann m. fool, ÆL 17^101.

dwǣsnes f. stupidity, foolishness, Æ.

dwal- = dwol-

dwān pret. 3 sg. of dwīnan.

dwealde pret. 3 sg. of dwellan.

dwel- = dwol-

dwelian to lead astray, deceive, Æ.

dwellan pret. sg. dwealde, pp. dweald to lead astray, hinder, prevent, deceive, Bo, Rd; Æ: to be led astray, wander, err, Æ, Mt. [‘dwele,’ ‘dwell’]

dwelsian to wander, #LPs# 118^110.

+dweola, +dweolsa = +dwola

dweoligan = dwellan

dweorg (e, i) m. ‘dwarf,’ Gl. [Ger. zwerg]

dweorge-dwosle, -d(w)os(t)le f. pennyroyal, flea-bane, #Gl, Lcd#.

dweorh = dweorg

±dwild (y) n. error, heresy, Chr. [‘dwild’]

+dwildæfterfolgung (dwel-) f. heresy, A 8·450; 13·318.

+dwildlic (y) deceptive? W 196^20.

±dwi-mor (-mer) n. phantom, ghost, illusion, Æ.

+dwimorlic illusory, unreal. adv. -līce. Æ.

dwīnan^1 to waste away, languish, disappear, Lcd, WW. [‘dwine’]

+dwol heretical.

±dwola m. error, heresy, BH, MtLR: madman, deceiver, heretic, Æ, Bl: ‘nenia,’ MtL p. 8^9. [‘dwale’]

+dwolbiscop m. heretical bishop.

±dwolcræft m. occult art, magic.

dwolema = dwolma

+dwolen † perverse, wrong, erroneous.

+dwolfær n. a going astray, RHy 6^36.

+dwolgod m. false god, idol, image, W 106^30.

±dwolian to be led astray, err, wander, BH; CP. [‘dwele’]

dwollic foolish: erroneous, heretical, Æ. adv. -līce.

±dwolma m. chaos.

±dwolman m. heretic, Æ, AO, CP.

+dwolmist m. mist of error.

+dwolsprǣc f. heretical talk.

+dwolsum misleading, erroneous, Æ.

dwolðing n. imposture, idol.

dwolung f. foolishness, insanity, WW 390^31.

dwomer = dwimor

dworgedwostle = dweorgedwosle

dwyld = dwild

dwylman v. fordwilman.

dwy-mer, -mor == dwimor

dwyrgedwysle = dweorgedwosle

dybbian to pay attention to, OEG 645.

dȳdan (= ī) to kill, LL. [dēad]

dyde pret. 3 sg., dydon pret. pl. of dōn.

dyder- = dydr-

dydrian to deceive, delude.

dydrin m? yolk, #Lcd#. [Ger. dotter]

dydrung (= i) f. delusion, illusion, Æ.

dȳfan (= ī) to dip, immerse.

dȳfing f. immersion, W 36^9.

dȳfst pres. 2 sg. of dūfan.

dȳgel-, dȳgl-, dȳhl- = dīegol-, dīeg(o)l-

dyht = diht

dyhtan = dihtan

dyhtig (o) ‘doughty,’ strong, B, Gen. [dugan]

dyle = dile

+dylegian = +dilegian [[headword spelled “dīlegian”]]

dylsta m. festering matter, filth, mucus, #Lcd#.

dylstiht mucous, #Lcd# 26a.

dym- = dim-

dyn- = din-

±dyn = dyne

dyncge f. dung, manure, litter: manured land, fallow land, OEG. [dung]

dyne m. ‘din,’ noise, Sat, Sol.

+dyngan (AO), dyngian (WW) to ‘dung.’

dynian to make a ‘din,’ sound, resound, B; Æ: stream? ANS 118·385.

dȳnige f. a plant, #Lcd# 113b. [dūn]

dynn = dyne

dynnan = dynian

dynt m. ‘dint,’ blow, stroke, bruise, stripe, JnL; CP: thud.

dȳp = dēop

dȳpan I. to ‘dip’: baptize, MtR (ē): (+) anoint, #EPs# 140^5. II. to make greater, LL.

dȳpe = dēop

dyple double, A 8·334^10.

dyppan (e, i) to ‘dip,’ immerse, Lcd, Mk: baptize, MtR.

dyr == dēor

dyre ds. of duru.

dȳre adj. = dīere

+dyre n. door-post, Æ.

±dyrfan to afflict, injure; imperil, endanger. v. ES 39·342. [deorfan]

dyrfing f? ‘actio,’ GPH 395.

dyrfð pres. 3 sg. of deorfan.

dyrn- = diern-, dern-

dyrneforlegen adulterous, LL (144^19).

dyrnegeligre I. (ie, e) n. adultery, AO, CP. II. m. fornicator, DR 107^1.

dyrngewrit n. apocryphal book, WW 347^38.

dyrnhǣmende (i) fornicating, adulterous, WW 383^40.

dyrnlīce secretly, #Lcd# 3·424^30.

dyrnlicgan^5 to fornicate.

dyrnmaga m. president at mysteries, GPH 397.

dyrnunga = dearnunga

dyrodine = derodine

dȳrra = dīerra

dyrre v. *durran.

+dȳrsian to praise, glorify, hold dear, prize, #Jud# 300. [dīere]

+dyrst f. tribulation, #Hell# 108.

dyrste = dorste pret. 3 sg. of *durran.

+dyrstelīce = dyrstiglīce [[form of “dyrstig”]]

±dyrstig venturesome, presumptuous, daring, bold, CP. adv. -līce. [*durran]

+dyrstigian to dare, presume, BH 468^19.

±dyrstignes f. boldness, insolence, daring, presumption, arrogance, rashness, Æ, CP.

dyrstingpanne = hyrstingpanne [[redirected to “hierstingpanne” under “hierste”]]

±dyrstlǣcan to presume, dare, Æ.

+dyrstlǣcung f. courage, boldness, GD 71^19.

dyrstnes = dyrstignes

dyru ds., dyrum dp. of duru.

dȳr-wurðe, -wyrðe = dēorwierðe

dys- = dis-

dyseg = dysig

dyseg- = dysg-

[[Printed on one line: dyseg == dysig, dysg-]]

dyselic (Æ) = dyslic

dysgian to act foolishly, make mistakes, Bo; Æ: blaspheme, G. [‘dizzy’]

dysgung f. folly, madness, #Lcd# 53b.

dysian = dysgian

dysig (e, i) I. foolish, ignorant, stupid, Bl, Mt; Æ, CP. [‘dizzy’] II. n. foolishness, error, AO, CP. III. m. fool, VPs 91^6.

dysigan = dysgian

dysigdōm m. folly, ignorance.

dysignes f. folly, madness, blasphemy, BH; Æ, AO. [‘dizziness’]

dysigu = dysig II.

dyslic foolish, silly, stupid, Æ, CP. adv. -līce.

dȳstig dusty, WW 517^23. [dūst]

dyttan to shut to, close, stop.

dȳð f. fuel, tinder, OEG 2^43; cp. 1655n.

dȳð-homar, -homer = dūðhamor


ē ds. of ēa.

ēa I. f. (usu. indecl. in sg., but with occl. gs. ēas; ds. īe, ē, ǣ, ēæ; nap. ēa, ēan; gp. ēa; dp. ēa(u)m, ēan) water, stream, river, Chr, Ps; Æ, AO. [‘ea’; Goth. ahwa] II. interj. v. ēalā.

ēac I. adv. also, and, likewise, moreover, Æ, AO, CP. ge...ge ēac both...and also. nē...nē ēac... neither...nor even... ēac swā, ēac swilce also, likewise, moreover, as if. ēac gelīce likewise. ēac hwæðre however, nevertheless. ēac ðon besides. II. prep. w. d. together with, in addition to, besides. [Ger. auch]

ēaca m. addition, increase, reinforcement, advantage, profit, usury, excess, Chr; Æ, AO, CP. tō ēacan (w. d.) in addition to, besides, moreover, Bo. [‘eke’]

ēacan = īecan

ēacen increased, augmented: richly endowed, strong, great, vast, vigorous: pregnant.

ēacencræftig huge, B 2280.

ēacerse f. water-cress, #Lcd# 35b. [ēa]

ēacian to increase, CP.

±ēacnian to add, increase, be enlarged: become pregnant, conceive, bring forth, Æ, CP.

ēacniendlic adj. to be increased, OEG 1078.

±ēacnung f. increase, #Gl#: conception, bringing forth, Æ.

ēad † n. riches, prosperity, good fortune, happiness.

ead- = ed-

ēaden † (pp. of *ēadan) granted.

eadesa = adesa

ēadfruma † m. giver of prosperity.

ēadga wk. form of ēadig.

ēadgian = ēadigan

ēadgiefa † m. giver of prosperity.

ēadgiefu † f. gift of prosperity.

ēadhrēðig † happy, blessed, triumphant.

ēadig wealthy, prosperous, Cr: fortunate, happy, blessed, perfect, Gu, VPs; Æ, CP. [‘eadi’]

±ēadigan to count fortunate, call blessed, HL: enrich, make happy.

ēadiglic prosperous, rich, happy, blessed. adv. -līce.

ēadignes f. happiness, prosperity, Æ.

eadlēan == edlēan

ēadlufu f. blessed love, #Jul# 104.

ēadmēd, ēadmōd == ēaðmōd

ēadmētto = ēaðmēttu

ēadnes f. inner peace, ease, joy, prosperity, Run: gentleness. [‘eadness’; ēað]

ēadocce f. water-lily.

eador = (1) geador, (2) eodor

ēadorgeard m. inclosure of veins, body? (GK) #An# 1183 (or ? ealdor-).

eaduse (A 10·143^90) = adesa

ēadwela † m. prosperity, riches, happiness.

ēæ v. ēa.

eæ- = ea-

eafera = eafora

ēafisc † m. river-fish.

eafor I. mn? the obligation due from a tenant to the king to convey goods and messengers? (BT), Ct. II. (*) draught-horse, v. LL 2·57. III. = eofor, eafor- = eofor-

eafora † m. posterity, son, child; successor, heir. [cp. Goth. afar]

eafoð † n. power, strength, might.

eafra = eafora

eaftra = æfterra

ēagæppel (a^2) m. apple of the eye, eyeball.

ēagbrǣw m. eyelid, Lcd 1·352. [‘eyebree’]

ēagduru f. window, MH.

ēage (ē) n. ‘eye,’ G, Lcd; AO, CP: aperture, hole, Lk.

ēagēce m. eye-ache, #Lcd#.

ēagflēah m. albugo, a white spot in the eye, WW.

ēaggebyrd f. nature of the eye? #Ph# 301.

ēaggemearc (ēah-) n. limit of view, horizon, DD 148.

ēaghring (ēah-, ēh-) m. eye-socket, pupil, Æ.

ēaghðyrl = ēagðyrel

ēaghyll m. eyebrow, WW 415^22.

ēaghyrne (hēah-) m. corner of the eye, WW 156^41.

ēagmist (ēah-) m. dimness of the eyes, #Lcd# 11a.

ēagor == ēgor

eagospind = hagospind

ēagsealf f. ‘eye-salve,’ WW.

ēagsēoung f. disease of the eye, cataract, WW 414^12.

ēagsȳne visible to the eye. adv. -sȳnes, Æ.

ēagðyrel n. eye-hole, window, BH. [‘eye-thurl’]

ēag-wærc, -wyrc, -wræc m. pain of the eyes, #Lcd#.

ēagwund f. wound in the eye, LL 20[47].

ēagwyrt f. eye-wort, eye-bright, #Lcd#.

ēah- = ēag-, ēa-

eaht (a, æ, e) f. assembly, council. e. besittan to hold a council: esteem, estimation, estimated value.

ēaht = ǣht

eahta (a, æ, e) ‘eight,’ B, Chr; CP.

eahtafeald eightfold, Æ.

eahtahyrnede eight-cornered, Æ 2·496^33.

eahtan † I. to persecute, pursue. II. to estimate, appreciate.

eahtanihte eight day’s old (moon).

eahtatēoða ‘eighteenth,’ AO.

eahta-tīene, -tȳne ‘eighteen,’ Lk (eht-).

eahtatig eighty, AO.

eahtawintre of eight years old, Æ.

eahtend m. persecutor, #PPs# 118^150.

eahtēoða = (1) eahtatēoða, (2) eahtoða

eahtere m. appraiser, censor, #Lcd#.

eahteða (AO) = eahtoða

±eahtian (æ, e) to estimate, esteem, CP: consult about, consider, deliberate: watch over, Æ: speak of with praise. [Ger. achten]

+eahtiendlic estimable.

ēahtnes = ēhtnes

eahtoða ‘eighth,’ Men; #Chr#.

±eahtung f. estimation, valuation, CP: deliberation, counsel.

eal == eall, æl

eala == ealu

ēalā interj. alas! oh! lo! Æ, AO, CP. [ēa II.]

ēalād f. watery way, #An# 441.

ēaland n. island, Chr.

ealað v. ealu.

ealbeorht = eallbeorht

ēalc = ǣlc

eald (a) comp. ieldra, yldra; sup. ieldest, yldest ‘old,’ aged, ancient, antique, Æ, B, CP; AO: experienced, tried: honoured, eminent, great. ðā ieldstan men the chief men.

ealda m. old man, RHy 6^25: the Devil.

ealdbacen stale, LL (360^27).

eald-cȳðð (AO), cȳððu f. old home, former dwelling-place: old acquaintance, Æ.

ealddagas mp. former times, AO.

ealddōm m. age, AO.

ealde = ielde

ealdefæder m. grandfather.

ealdemōdor f. grandmother.

ealder = ealdor

ealdfæder m. forefather, Æ. [‘eldfather’]

ealdfēond (ī) † m. old foe, hereditary foe, the devil.

ealdgecynd † n. original nature.

ealdgefā m. ancient foe, AO 118^34.

ealdgefēra m. old comrade, AO 152^24.

ealdgenēat m. old comrade, #Ma# 310.

ealdgenīðla † m. old foe, Satan.

ealdgeriht (a^1) n. ancient right, Ct.

ealdgesegen f. ancient tradition, B 869.

ealdgesīð † m. old comrade.

ealdgestrēon n. ancient treasure, AO.

ealdgeweorc † n. old-standing work, the world.

ealdgewinn n. old-time conflict, B 1781.

ealdgewinna m. old enemy, B 1776.

ealdgewyrht † n. former deeds: deserts of former deeds? traditional usage? B 2657.

ealdhettende mp. old foes, #Jud# 321.

ealdhlāford m. hereditary lord, AO, CP.

ealdhrīðer? n. an old ox.

±ealdian (a) to grow old, Jn; Æ. [‘eld,’ ‘old’]

ealdland n. land which has been long untilled? (BT), ancestral property? (Earle), EC 327^14.

ealdlandrǣden f. established law of landed property, LL 448[4,6] (or ? two words, BT).

ealdlic old, venerable, Æ.

ealdnes f. old age, Æ. [‘eldness,’ ‘oldness’]

ealdor (a) I. m. elder, parent, BH, Gen. pl. ancestors: civil or religious authority, chief, leader, master, lord, prince, king, Æ: source: primitive, #ÆGr#. [eald; ‘alder’] II. n(f?) (†) life, vital part: (†) age, old age: eternity. on ealdre tō ealdre for ever, always. āwa tō ealdre, tō widan ealdre for ever and ever. [Ger. alter]

ealdorapostol (a) m. chief apostle, BH 314^7.

ealdorbana (a^1) m. life-destroyer, #Gen# 1033.

ealdorbealu † n. life-bale, death.

ealdorbiscop m. chief bishop, archbishop, Æ: high-priest, Æ.

ealdor-bold, -botl n. palace, mansion, BH.

ealdorburg f. metropolis.

ealdorcearu (a^1) f. great sorrow, B 906.

ealdordæg † m. day of life.

ealdordēma (a^1) †m. chief judge, prince.

ealdordeofol m. chief of the devils, NC 282.

ealdordōm m. power, lordship, rule, dominion, authority, magistracy, PPs; Æ, AO, CP: superiority, preeminence: beginning? #Jul# 190. [‘alderdom’]

ealdordōmlic ‘principalis,’ #EPs#.

ealdordōmscipe? m. office of alderman, #Chr# 983#c#.

ealdorduguð † f. nobility, flower of the chiefs.

ealdorfrēa (a^1) m. lord, chief, #Da# 46.

ealdorgeard m. enclosure of life, body, #An# 1183? (or ? ēador-)

ealdorgedāl † n. death.

ealdorgesceaft f. state of life, #Rd# 40^23.

ealdorgewinna † m. deadly enemy.

ealdorlang life-long, eternal, †#Chr# 937#a#.

ealdorlēas I. lifeless, dead, B 15. II. deprived of parents, orphaned: without a chief.

ealdorlegu † f. destiny: death.

ealdorlic ‘principalis,’ chief, princely, excellent: authentic. adv. -līce.

ealdorlicnes f. authority, CP.

ealdormann (o^3) [v. LL 2·359] m. ‘alderman,’ ruler, prince, chief, nobleman of the highest rank, high civil or religious officer, chief officer of a shire, Chr; Æ, AO, CP: as trans. of foreign titles, JnL, Mt.

ealdorneru † f. life’s preservation, safety, refuge.

ealdorsācerd m. high priest.

ealdorscipe m. seniority, headship, supremacy, sovereignty, Æ.

ealdorstōl m. throne, #Rim# 23.

ealdorðegn † m. chief attendant, retainer, distinguished courtier, chieftain.

ealdorwisa (a^1) m. chief, #Gen# 1237.

ealdoð (ald-aht, -ot) vessel, #Gl#.

ealdriht n. old right.

Eald-Seaxe -Seaxan mp. Old-Saxons, Continental Saxons, AO.

ealdspell n. old saying, old story.

ealdsprǣc f. proverb, by-word, #PPs# 43^15.

ealdung f. process of growing old, age, Æ, AO.

ealdur == ealdor

ealdwērig? accursed from old times, #Ex# 50.

ealdwīf n. old woman, Æ.

ealdwita m. venerable man, priest, sage: Pharisee.

ealdwrītere m. writer on ancient history, OEG 5449.

ēales v. ealh.

ealfara m. pack-horse? A 4·147^200 (v. NC 282, 342).

ealfela † very much.

ealfelo baleful, dire, #An# 771 (ælfælo), #Rd# 24^9.

ealgearo † all ready, prepared.

±ealgian to protect, defend, Æ.

ealgodwebb n. ‘holosericus,’ all-silk cloth, WW 395^15.

ealgodwebben all-silk, WW.

ealh (a) † m., gs. ēales temple.

ealhstede † m. temple.

ēalifer f. liver-wort? Lcd. [‘eileber’?]

ēalīðend m. seafaring man, #An# 251.

eall I. adj. (has no weak form) ‘all,’ every, entire, whole, universal, Æ, Chr, Mt. pl. all men, Æ. II. adv. fully, wholly, entirely, quite, Cr, GD, Gen. e. swā quite as, just as. e. swā micle swā as much as. mid e. mid eallum altogether, entirely. ealra swīðost especially, most of all. ealne weg (also contr. ealneg) always. ofer e. (neut.) everywhere, into all parts. III. n. all, everything.

ealla = gealla

eallbeorht † all-bright, resplendent.

eallbyrnende burning all over, Æ.

eallcræftig † (æl-) all powerful.

ealldryge completely dry, Æ.

eallencten m. season of Lent, RB 66^5.

eallenga = eallunga

ealles, ealle adv. (g. of eall) entirely, wholly, fully, quite. e. for swīðe altogether, utterly.

eallgelēaflic universally believed, catholic.

eallgōd all-good, Æ.

eallgrēne † all-green, green.

eallgylden all-golden, CP (æl-).

eallhālig all-holy, #PPs# 131^8.

eallhwīt entirely of white, Ct.

eallic universal, catholic.

eallinga = eallunga

eallīren entirely of iron, B 2338.

eallīsig all-icy, very cold.

eallmægen † n. utmost effort.

eallmǣst (al-, æl-) adv. nearly all, ‘almost,’ for the most part, Æ, Chr.

eallmiht f. omnipotence, #PPs# 135^12.

eallmihtig = ælmihtig

eallnacod entirely naked, #Gen# 871.

eallneg = ealneg

eallnīwe quite new, Æ.

eallnunge = eallunga

ealloffrung f. holocaust, WW 130^12 (eal-).

eallreord = elreord

eallrihte adv. just, exactly, RB 131^13.

eallseolcen entirely made of silk, #Gl#.

eallswā just as, even as, ‘as,’ as if, so as, likewise, Æ, Mt.

eallswilc just such, Æ.

ealltela adv. quite well, #Gen# 1905.

eallunga adv. altogether, entirely, utterly, quite, indeed, Æ, Mt; CP. [‘allinge’]

eallwealda † I. all-ruling, almighty. II. m. God, the Almighty.

eallwealdend m. ruler of all, Æ.

eallwealdende ‘all-wielding,’ all ruling, Æ.

eallwihta † fp. all creatures.

eallwriten adj. holograph, WW 463^28.

eallwundor n. marvel, #Ex# 578.

ealm- = eallm-

ealmihtig = ælmihtig

ealneg (AO, CP), ealneweg, ealnuweg, ealnig, ealning(a) always, quite, perpetually.

ealnunga = eallunga

ealo == ealu

ealoffrung f. holocaust, WW 130^12.

ealogeweorc n. brewing, AO 222^7.

ēalond = ēaland

ealoð (AO) v. ealu.

ealowōsa m. ale-tippler, #Wy# 49.

ealsealf f. ‘ambrosia,’ an aromatic plant.

ealswā = eallswā

ealtēawe = æltǣwe

ealu (ealo) m? n? gds. ealoð (AO), ealað; gp. ealeða ‘ale,’ beer, Lcd; Æ. [v. A 27·495]

ealubenc † f. ‘ale-bench,’ B.

ealuclyfa m. beer-cellar, OEG 4^42.

ealufæt n. ale-vat, #Lcd# 53b.

ealugafol n. tax or tribute paid in ale, LL 448.

ealugāl drunk with ale, #Gen# 2408.

ealugālnes f. drunkenness, NC 282.

ealuhūs (a^2) n. alehouse, LL 228[1,2].

ealumalt (alo-) n. malt for brewing, #Lcd# 157a.

ealuscerwen f. bitter drink? (BT), (ale-spilling), mortal panic? (Earle), B 770.

ealuscop m. singer in alehouses, LL.

ealuwǣge † n. ale-flagon, ale-can.

ealw- = eallw-

eam (#VPs#) = eom (v. wesan)

ēam I. m. uncle (usu. maternal; paternal uncle = fædera), AO. [‘eme’; Ger. oheim] II. dp. of ēa.

+ēan yeaning, Æ.

±ēanian to bring forth young (usu. lambs), Ps 77^71. [‘ean’]

ēaōfer m. river-bank, #Met# 19^22.

eapel, eapl = æppel

eappul- = æppel-

ear ‘occa,’ harrow? OEG 2359 (v. A 36·72).

ēar I. n. ‘ear’ (of corn), Mt; AO. II. † m. wave, sea, ocean. III. † m. earth: name of the rune for =ēa=. IV. = ǣr. V. = ēare

ēaracu f. river bed, KC 5·122^15.

earan- = earon

earb- = earf-

ēarblæd (ē^1) n. stalk, blade (of corn), straw.

earc, earce (a, æ, e) f. chest, coffer, Rd: ‘ark,’ Mt, Ps; CP. [L.]

ēarclǣnsend m. little finger, WW 265^1.

earcnanstān = eorcnanstān

ēarcoðu f. ‘parotis,’ a tumour near the ears, WW 113^31.

eard m. native place, country, region, dwelling-place, estate, cultivated ground, B; Æ, AO, CP: earth, land: condition, fate, †Hy. [‘erd’]

eardbegenga m. inhabitant, #LPs#.

eardbegengnes f. habitation, #RLPs#.

eardcyððo f. old acquaintance (eald-?).

eardeswræcca (#LPs# 118^19) = eardwrecca

eardfæst settled, abiding, AO.

eardgeard † m. place of habitation, world.

eardgyfu † f. gift from one’s native place.

±eardian tr. and intr. to inhabit, dwell, abide, live, AO, B; Æ, CP. [‘erde’]

eardiend m. dweller, GD.

eardiendlic habitable, BH 366^10.

eardland n. native land, #PPs# 134^12.

eardlufe f. dear home? B 693.

eardrīce n. habitation, #Gu# 825.

eardstapa m. wanderer, #Wa# 6.

eardstede m. habitation, #Ph# 195.

±eardung f. dwelling-abode, tabernacle.

eardungburg f. city of habitation.

eardunghūs n. tabernacle, habitation.

eardungstōw f. habitation, dwelling-place, tabernacle, CP.

eardweall m. land-rampart, bulwark, B 1224?

eardwīc † n. dwelling.

eardwrecca m. exile, LL 51n5.

eardwunung f. dwelling in one’s own country, W 120^13.

ēare n. ‘ear,’ Mt, Rd, VPs; Æ, CP. [Goth. ausō]

ēarede having a handle, WW 122^39.

ēarefinger m. little finger, WW.

ēarelipprica = ēarliprica

earendel (eo) m. dayspring, dawn, ray of light.

earfað- = earfoð-

earfe f? tare. [L. ervum]

earfed- = (1) earfoð-; (2) yrfe-

earfeð == earfoð

ēarfinger = ēarefinger

earfod- = earfoð-

earfoð I. n. hardship, labour, trouble, difficulty, suffering, torment, torture, AO, CP. [Ger. arbeit] II. adj. hard, difficult, troublesome, Æ, Bo. [‘arveth’]

earfoðcierre (að-) hard to convert, MH 112^20.

earfoðcwide m. hard or dark saying, Æ.

earfoðcynn n. depraved race, #PPs# 77^10.

earfoðdǣde difficult, CP 147^12.

earfoðdæg † m. day of tribulation.

earfoðe I. (Æ, CP) = earfoð. II. adv. with difficulty.

earfoðfēre difficult to pass through, AS 44^7.

earfoðfynde hard to find, Æ. [cp. ēaðfynde]

earfoðhāwe difficult to be seen.

earfoðhwīl f. hard time, #Seaf# 3.

earfoðhylde evil-disposed, obstinate, ÆH 1·400^1.

±earfoðian to trouble, #Ps#.

earfoðlǣre hard to teach, GD 110^19.

earfoðlǣte hard to discharge, WW 113^20.

earfoðlic difficult, full of hardship, Æ. [‘arvethlich’] adv. -līce with difficulty, painfully, reluctantly, hardly, scarcely, Mt. [‘arvethliche’]

earfoðlicnes (Æ) = earfoðnes

earfoðmæcg † m. sufferer.

earfoðnes f. difficulty, hardship, trouble, affliction, pain, misfortune, Æ. [‘arvethness’]

earfoðrecce hard to relate, W 22^14.

earfoðrihte hard to correct, NC 283.

earfoðrīme hard to enumerate.

earfoðsǣlig unhappy, unfortunate, #Cra# 8.

earfoðsīð † m. troublesome journey: misfortune.

earfoðtǣcne difficult to be shown, #Met# 20^147.

earfoððrāg f. sorrowful time, B 283.

earfoðwylde hard to subdue, #Lcd# 3·436^12.

earg (earh) slothful, sluggish, Gn: cowardly, BH; AO: craven, vile, wretched, useless, MtL. [‘argh’; Ger. arg] adv. earge.

eargēat = earngēat [[under “earngēap”]]

ēargebland † n. wave-blend, surge.

ēargespeca m. whisperer, privy councillor, WW 351^2. [= -spreca]

eargfaru † f. shower of arrows.

±eargian (i, y) to shun, fear, turn coward, Æ: terrify.

earglic slothful, shameful, bad, Æ. adv. -līce.

eargnes (arog-) f. licentiousness, MkR 8^38.

ēargrund m. bottom of the sea, #Az# 40.

eargscipe m. idleness, cowardice: profligacy.

earh I. f. ‘arrow,’ LL; #An#. II. == earg

ēarhring m. ‘ear-ring,’ Æ.

ēarisc (ēo) f. rush, reed, flag. [ēa]

ēarīð m. water-stream, #Guth# 20^5.

ēarlæppa m. external ear, WW.

ēarliprica m. flap of the ear, external ear, NG.

ēarlocc m. lock of hair over the ear, WW 152^30.

earm (a) I. m. ‘arm’ (of the body, sea, etc.), AO, LkL: foreleg, Æ: power, Jn. II. poor, wretched, pitiful, destitute, miserable, Mk; Æ, CP. [‘arm’; Ger. arm]

earm-bēag, -bēah m. bracelet.

earmcearig † full of sorrows.

earme adv. miserably, badly.

earmella m. sleeve, RB 136^23.

earmful wretched, miserable, #Lcd# 3·440´.

earmgegirela m. bracelet, WW 386^13.

earmheort humble, poor in spirit, CP 209^2: tender-hearted, merciful.

earmhrēad f. arm-ornament, B 1194.

earmian to pity, commiserate.

earming m. poor wretch, Æ. [‘arming’]

earmlic miserable, pitiable, mean, Met. adv. -līce. [‘armlich(e)’]

earmscanca m. arm-bone, LL 82[55].

earmsceapen wretched, unfortunate, miserable.

earmslīfe f. sleeve, RBL 93^9.

earmstoc m? sleeve, IM 128^110.

earmstrang strong of arm, muscular, WW 158^7.

earmswīð strong of arm, muscular, WW 435^33.

earmðu f. misery, poverty, Bo. [‘armthe’]

earn I. m. eagle, El, Mt; Æ. [‘erne’] II. = ærn. III. = arn (v. iernan)

earnan (#VPs#) = ærnan

earncynn n. eagle tribe.

earn-gēap (v. AB 19·164), -gēat, -gēot f. vulture, #Gl#.

±earnian (a) (w. g. a.) to ‘earn,’ merit, win: labour for, Bo, Gu.

earningland n. land earned or made freehold (= bōcland; BT), Ct.

earnung f. merit, reward, consideration, pay, Æ: labour.

earo = gearo

earon (#VPs#) = sindon pres. 3 pl. of eom (v. wesan).

ēaron = gēarum dp. of gēar.

earp dark, dusky, #Rd# 4^42. [ON. jarpr]

earpa = hearpa [[form of “hearpe”?]]

ēarplætt m. box or blow on the ear, Æ.

±ēarplættan to box the ears, Æ.

ēar-prēon, -ring m. ear-ring, Æ.

earre (N) = ierre

ears (æ) m. posterior, fundament, buttocks, Æ. [‘arse’]

ear-scripel, -scrypel (eo^1, y^2) m. little finger, #Gl#.

ēarsealf f. ear-salve, #Lcd#.

earsendu np. buttocks, WW.

earsgang (ars-) m. privy: excrement: ‘anus.’

ēarslege m. a blow that strikes off an ear, LL 20[46].

earsling backwards, Ps. [‘arselings’]

earslȳra? m? buttocks, breech, Æ. [līra]

earsode ‘tergosus,’ WW. [‘arsed’]

ēarspinl f. ear-ring, #Gl#.

earsðerl n. ‘anus,’ WW 160^1.

eart 2 sg. of eom pres. of wesan.

earð I. == yrð. II. = eart

ēarðan = ǣr ðam (v. ǣr II.)

earðe (N) = eorðe

ēarðyrel n. ‘fistula, arteria,’ ear-passage? (BT), WW 238^29. [or = ears-ðyrel, -ðerl?]

earu = gearu

earun (#VPs#) = earon

ēarwærc n. ear-ache, #Lcd# 14b.

ēarwicga m. ‘earwig,’ Lcd, WW.

earwunga for nothing, gratuitously: without a cause.

ēas v. ēa.

ease ‘caucale,’ an umbelliferous plant, wild carrot? WW 202^1.

ēaspring = ǣspryng

ēast I. adj. comp. ēast(er)ra, sup. ēastmest, ēastemest east, easterly. II. adv. eastwards, in an easterly direction, in the east, BH, Met; AO. [‘east’]

ēastæð n. river-bank, sea-shore, #Ma# 63.

ēastan, ēastane from the east, easterly, AO. [‘east’]

ēastannorðan from the north-east, WW.

ēastannorðanwind m. north-east wind, WW 364^5.

ēastansūðan from the south-east, WW 3^4.

ēastansūðanwind m. south-east wind, WW 144^3.

ēastanwind (e^2) m. ‘east wind,’ WW 143^36.

ēastcyning m. eastern king, AO 148^35.

ēastdǣl m. eastern quarter, the East, AO.

ēaste f. the East.

ēastemest (AO) v. ēast.

ēastende m. east-end, east quarter, AO.

ēastene = ēastane [[under “ēastan”]]

Eastengle mpl. the East-Anglians: East Anglia.

ēasterǣfen m. Easter-eve, BH.

ēasterdæg m. Easter-day, Easter Sunday, day of the Passover, Æ. on ōðran Easter-dæge on Easter Monday, #Chr# 1053#c#.

ēasterfæsten n. Easter-fast, Lent.

ēasterfeorm f. feast of Easter, LL.

ēasterfrēolsdæg m. the feast day of the Passover, Jn 13^1.

Ēastergewuna m. Easter custom, ÆL 23b^643.

ēasterlic belonging to Easter, Paschal, Lk. [‘Easterly’]

ēastermōnað m. Easter-month, April.

easterne east, ‘eastern,’ oriental, Gen, WW; Æ.

ēasterniht f. Easter-eve, #Hell# 15; MP 1·611.

ēasterra v. ēast.

Ēastersunnandæg (tor) m. Easter Sunday.

ēastersymbel (tro) n. Passover.

eastertīd f. Easter-tide, Paschal season, Æ.

ēasterðēnung f. Passover, Mt 26^19.

ēasterwucu f. Easter-week.

ēasteð = ēastæð

ēasteweard (e^2) east, ‘eastward,’ Mt.

ēastfolc n. eastern nation, WW 396^30.

ēastgārsecg m. eastern ocean, AO 132^29.

ēastgemǣre n. eastern confines, AO 132^29.

ēasthealf f. east side, #Chr# 894#a#.

ēastland n. the East, Æ: Esthonia, AO. [‘Eastland’]

ēastlang to the east, eastwards, extending east, #Chr# 893#a#.

ēastlēode mp. Orientals, BH.

ēastmest v. ēast.

ēastnorð north-easterly, AO.

ēastnorðerne north-east.

ēastnorðwind m. north-east wind, #Gl#.

ēastor- = ēaster-

ēastportic n. eastern porch, Æ.

ēastra v. ēast.

ēastre (usu. in pl. ēastron, -an; gs. -es in N.) f. ‘Easter,’ BH, WW: Passover, Bl, Mk: spring.

ēastrēam m. stream, river, #Da# 385.

+ēastrian to elapse (during Easter), W 208^24.

ēastrīce n. eastern kingdom, eastern country, empire: the east, Æ, AO: East Anglia.

ēastrihte due east, eastwards, AO 17^14 (y).

ēastrihtes (ēst-) due east.

ēastro, ēastru = ēastre

ēastro- = ēaster-

ēastrodor m. eastern part of the sky, #PPs# 102^12.

ēastron dp. of ēaster. [[headword spelled “ēastre”]]

ēastsǣ f. east sea.

East-Seaxan, -Seaxe mpl. East-Saxons, people of Essex: Essex.

ēaststæð n. east bank of a stream, Ct.

ēastsūð south-eastwards, AO. be ēastsūðan to the south-east.

ēastsūðdǣl m. south-east part, BH 264^22.

ēastsūðlang from east to south, AO 22^17.

ēastðēod f. an eastern people.

ēast-weard, -werd east, ‘eastward,’ Ct, Mt.

ēastweardes eastwards, Æ.

ēastweg † m. path in or from the east.

eata (N) = eta imperat. of etan.

eatan = etan

eatol = atol

ēað (ē, ȳ) = (1) ēaðe, (2) īeð

ēað-bede, -bēne easy to be entreated, #Ps#.

ēaðbe-gēate, -gēte easy to get.

ēaðbylgnes f. irritability, NC 288.

ēaðbylig (y^1, e^2) easily irritated, W 253^11.

ēaðcnǣwe easy to recognise, #ÆGr# 147^8.

ēaðdǣde (ȳ) easy to do.

ēaðe (ē, ēo) I. easy, smooth, agreeable, kindly. II. adv. easily, lightly, soon, Æ, AO, CP: willingly, readily, Æ. ē. mæg perhaps, lest. III. n. an easy thing.

ēaðelic easy, possible, Mt: insignificant, scanty, slight, BH (ǣ); Æ. [‘eathly’] adv. -līce (Lk).

ēaðelicnes (ēð-) f. easiness, WW 400^39.

ēaðfēre easy for travelling over, WW 146^29.

ēaðfynde (ē, ȳ) † easy to find.

ēaðgeorn (ēð-) easily pleased, WW 218^16.

ēaðgesȳne (e^1, y^1, ē^3) † easily seen, visible.

ēað-gēte, -gēate easy to obtain, prepared, ready, Æ.

ēaðhrēðig = ēadhrēðig

ēaðhylde contented, satisfied, RB.

ēað-lǣce (ā^2), -lǣcne easy to cure.

ēaðlǣre (ēad-) capable of being taught, instructed.

±ēaðmēdan, -mēdian to humble, humble oneself, prostrate oneself, adore.

ēaðmēde = (1) ēaðmōd, (2) ēaðmēdu

ēaðmēdlīce (ēad-) humbly.

ēaðmēdu, -mēdo (#Chr#) f. gentleness, humility, Ps: obedience, submission, reverence: goodwill. kindness, affability. [‘edmede’]

ēaðmēdum humbly, kindly.

ēaðmelte = ēaðmylte

ēað-mēttu, -mētto np. humility, weakness, impotency, CP.

ēað-mōd (CP), -mēde humble-minded, gentle, obedient, Ps: benevolent, friendly, affectionate, gracious. [‘edmede’]

±ēaðmōdian to humble or submit oneself, obey: (+) condescend: (+) adore, worship.

ēaðmōdig == ēaðmōd

ēaðmōdlic humble, respectful, CP. adv. humbly, meekly, CP: kindly.

ēaðmōdnes f. humility, meekness, condescension, Bo (ēad-). [‘edmodness’]

ēaðmylte easily digested, #Lcd#.

ēaðnes f. easiness, lightness, facility, ease: gentleness.

ēaðrǣde (ēð-) easy to guess, ES 36·326.

ēaðwylte (ēð-) easily turned, OEG 1151.

ēaum dp. of ēa.

ēaw = (1) ēa; (2) ēow V.; (3) ǣ(w).

ēawan = īewan

ēawdnes f. ‘ostensio,’ disclosure, LL 412[3].

ēawenga (AO) = ēawunga

ēawesc- = ēawisc-

ēawfæst == ǣwfæst

ēawian = īewan

ēawisclic manifest, open. adv. -līce.

ēawisfirina = ǣwiscfirina [[under “ǣwiscferinend”]]

ēawlā = ēalā

ēawu = ēowu

ēawunga (CP, Æ), ēawunge (LG) adv. openly, plainly, publicly. [īewan]

ēawyrt f. river-wort, burdock, #Lcd#.

eax (æ) I. f. axis, axle, axle-tree. II. = æcs

eaxelgespann n. place where the two beams of a cross intersect, #Rood# 9.

eaxl, eaxel f. shoulder, Æ.

eaxlclāð m. scapular, Æ.

eaxle = eaxl

eaxlgestealla † m. shoulder-companion, comrade, counsellor: competitor? (BT).

eb- = ef-, eof-

ēb- = ǣb-

ebba (æ) m. ‘ebb’, low tide, Ma.

±ebbian to ‘ebb,’ Gen.

ebbind (ēbind) ‘tenacitas ventris,’ Ln 33^6. [ON. abbendi]

ebol- (N) = yfel-

Ebrēisc (e, i) Hebrew, A, Jn. [‘Hebreish’]

ēc = ēac

ēca wk. m. form of ēce adj.

ēcambe = ācumbe [[under “ācumba”]]

ēcan = īecan

ēccelic = ēcelic

ece (æ) m. ‘ache,’ pain, BH, Lcd; Æ. [acan]

ēce perpetual, eternal, everlasting, OET, VPs; Æ, CP. adv. eternally, ever, evermore. [‘eche’]

eced (æ) mn. acid, vinegar, Æ. [L. acētum]

eceddrenc m. acid drink, #Lcd#.

ecedfæt n. vinegar-vessel, #Gl#.

ēcelic eternal, everlasting. adv. -līce VPs. [‘echliche’]

ēcen = ēacen

ecer = æcer

ēcere gfs. of ēce adj.

ecg f. ‘edge,’ point, B, Lk; Æ, CP; Mdf: (†) weapon, sword, battle-axe, B.

ecgan to sharpen: harrow, Cp. [‘edge’]

ecgbana † m. slayer with the sword, murderer.

ecgheard hard of edge, #An# 1183.

ecghete † m. sword-hatred, war.

ecglāst mf. sword’s edge.

ecgplega m. battle, #Jud# 246.

ecgðracu f. hot contest, B 596.

ecgung f. harrowing, WW 104^12.

ecgwæl n. sword-slaughter, #Gen# 2089.

ēcilm- (M) = ǣcelm-

eclinga (= ecgl-) on the edge, IM.

ēcnes f. eternity, VPs. ā on ēcnesse for ever and ever. [‘echeness’]

ēcre dfs. of ēce.

ēcsōð, ēcsōðlīce (NG) verily.

ed- prefix, denotes repetition, turning.

ēd- = ēað-

+edbyrdan to regenerate, #Soul# 100.

edcēlnes f. a becoming cool again, #VPs# 65^11 (oe).

+edcennan to regenerate, create.

edcenning f. regeneration.

+edcīegan (ē^2) to recall, #LPs# 101^25.

edcierr (e, i, y) m. return, CP.

+edcucoda (ea^1) m. man restored to life, Æ.

edcwic regenerate, restored to life, CM 499.

±edcwician (cwyc-, cuc-) to re-quicken, revive, Æ.

edcwide (eð-) m. relation, narrative, WW 43.

edcynn- = edcenn-

edcyrr = edcierr

ēde = ēowde

eder == eodor

edesc = edisc

+edfrēolsian to re-grant by charter, EC 197n.

edgeong † becoming or being young again.

edgift f. restitution, TC 202^33.

edgrōwung f. growing again, WW 149^21.

edgung = edgeong

edgyldan^2 (= ie) to remunerate, #Sc# 162^11.

edgyldend m. remunerator, #Sc# 127^17.

+edhīwian to shape, conform, reform.

edhwyrfan to return, retrace one’s steps.

+edhyrtan to refresh, recruit, GPH 390.

+edhyspol? (+edyppol) ‘recensendus,’ GPH 396 (v. ES 38·17).

edhwyrft m. change, going back (to a former state of things), reverse.

edisc m. enclosed pasture, park, Gl, Ps; Mdf. [v. ‘eddish’]

edischenn f. quail, VPs.

ediscweard m. park-keeper, gardener, #Gl#.

ediung = edgeong

±edlǣcan to repeat, renew, ÆL.

edlǣcung f. repetition, LL (416^42).

edlǣht pp. of edlǣcan.

edlæs- = edles-

+edlæstan to repeat, ANS 84·6.

edlēan n. reward, retribution, recompense, requital, Bo; Æ, CP. [‘edlen’]

±edlēanian to reward, recompense.

±edlēaniend m. rewarder.

±edlēanung f. recompense, remuneration, retribution, #Gl#.

edlēc- = edlǣc-

±edlesende reciprocal, relative, #ÆGr#.

edlesendlic relative, reciprocal. adv. -līce.

edlesung (æ^2, y^2) f. relation, relating, #ÆGr#.

edmǣle (ē) n. religious festival, WW 45^9.

edmēltid f. festival time, TC 158^20.

ēdmōd = ēaðmōd

ednēow- = ednīw-

ednīwan adv. anew, again.

ednīwe I. renewed, new, Æ. II. adv. anew, again, Æ.

±ednīwian (ēo) to renew, restore, reform, Æ.

ednīwigend m. restorer, A 11·115^9.

ednīwinga (ēo^2) anew, again.

±ednīwung f. renewal, reparation, renovation, Æ, CP.

ēdo (NG) = ēowde

edor == eodor

ēdr- (A) = ǣdr-

edrec = edroc

edreccan to chew, ruminate, WW 533^38. [= eodorcan; cp. edrocian]

edric = edroc

edrine = edryne

edring f. refuge? #Soul# 107.

edroc m. gullet, #Gl#: rumination, #Gl#.

edrocian to ruminate.

edryne m. coming again, return, meeting, #REPs# 18^7.

edsceaft f. new creation, regeneration.

edsihð (etsith) f. looking again, respect, WW 43^33.

+edstalian to restore, A 13·366^15.

±edstaðelian to re-establish, restore, Æ.

edstaðelig renewed in strength.

±edstaðeligend m. restorer, Æ.

edstaðelung f. re-establishment, renewal, Æ.

edstaðol- = edstaðel-

edðingung f. reconciliation, WW 172^40.

+edðrāwen ‘retortus,’ OEG 1062.

ēdulfstæf = ēðelstæf

ed-walle, -welle = edwielle

edwendan to return, #RPs# 77^39.

ed-wenden, † -wend f. change, reversal, end.

edwīd == edwīt

edwielle (a, e, i) f. eddy, vortex, whirlpool.

edwihte? something, anything, #Gen# 1954.

edwille = edwielle

ed-winde, -wind f. ‘vortex,’ whirlpool, #Gl#.

edwist f. being, substance, Æ: sustenance, food.

+edwistian to feed, support, #LPs# 22^2.

edwistlic existing, substantive, #ÆGr# 201^8.

edwīt n. reproach, shame, disgrace, scorn, abuse, Ps; AO, CP. [‘edwit’]

edwītan^1 to reproach, VPs. [‘edwite’]

edwītful disgraceful, #Gl#. adv. -līce.

edwītian = edwītan

edwītlīf n. life of dishonour, B 2891.

edwītscipe m. disgrace, shame, #Wald# 1^14.

edwītsprǣc † f. scorn.

edwītspreca m. scoffer, #Gu# 418.

edwītstæf † m. reproach, disgrace.

edwylm m. whirlpool of fire, #Whale# 73.

±edwyrpan to amend, become better, recover, revive.

edwyrping f. recovery, ÆH 2·26^29.

+edyppol v. +edhyspol.

efe- = efen-

efen (æfen, efn, emn) I. adj. ‘even,’ equal, like, level, AO: just, true, Æ: calm, harmonious, equable, CP. on efen v. onemn. II. adv. evenly, Æ, Ps: equally, Bo: exactly, just as, B, Cr: quite, fully, CP, Gen: namely, Gu, Met.

efen- often = L. con-.

ēfen n. = ǣfen

efenæðele equally noble.

efenāmetan = efenmetan

efenapostol (efn(e)-) m. fellow-apostle.

efenbehēfe (efn-) equally useful or needful, #Met# 12^7.

efenbeorht † equally bright.

efenbisceop (-cop) m. co-bishop, BH 112^27.

efenblissian to rejoice equally.

efenblīðe rejoicing with another, MH 28^8.

efenboren of equal birth, LL (256^38).

efenbrād as broad as long, ES 8·477.

efenbyrde of equal birth, ÆL 33^3.

efenceasterwaran mp. fellow-citizens, BH 62^20; GD 205^1.

efencempa m. fellow-soldier, Æ.

efencrīsten (em-) fellow-Christian, LL.

efencuman^4 to come together, agree.

efendȳre equally dear, LL.

efenēadig equally blessed, †Hy 8^21.

efeneald contemporary, coeval, Æ, Wid. [‘evenold’]

efeneardigende dwelling together, #Cr# 237.

efenēce † (efn-) co-eternal. adv. B.

efenedwistlic consubstantial, Æ.

efenēhð f. neighbourhood? neighbouring district? #Chr# 894#a# (v. BT Supp.).

efenesne (efne-) m. fellow-servant, N.

efenetan to eat as much as, #Rd# 41^63.

efenēðe just as easy, #Met# 20^167 (efn-).

efenfela (eo^3) num. adj. just so many, as many, AO (em-).

efenfrē-fran, -frian ‘consolare,’ #EPs# 125^1.

efengedǣlan (efn-) to share alike, #Ex# 95.

efengefēon^6 to rejoice together, sympathise.

efengelic like, co-equal.

efengelīca m. equal, fellow.

efengemæcca (efn-) m. companion, fellow, consort, CP.

efengemyndig commemorative, #Bl# 101^1.

efengespittan ‘conspuere,’ MkL 14^65.

efengōd (emn-) equally good, #Bo#.

efenhāda m. an equal in rank, co-bishop, GD 43^22.

ēfenhālig equally holy, #Bl# 45^18.

efenhēafda m. fellow, comrade, NC 283.

efenheafodling m. mate, fellow.

efenhēah equally high.

efenhēap m. band of comrades, WW 375^20.

efenhemman? to fetter, #EPs# 145^7.

efenheort concordant, harmonious.

efenheort(e)? -nes? concord, harmony, DR (æfne-).

efenherenes f. praising together, #CPs# 32^1.

efenherian to praise together, #VPs# 116^1.

efen-hlēoðor ‡ n., -hlēoðrung f. harmony, union of sounds or voices.

efenhleoðrian to sing together, NC 283.

efenhlȳte (ē^3) equal in rank, BH.

efen-hlytta, -hleta m. sharer, partner, Æ.

efenīeðe (ē) just as easy, #Met# 20^167.

±efenlǣcan to be like: make like, match, imitate, Æ. [‘evenleche’]

efenlǣcend m. imitator, Æ.

efenlǣcere m. imitator, OEG 1957.

±efenlǣcestre f. female imitator.

±efenlǣcung f. copying, imitation, Æ.

efenlang (em-) equally long: prep. (w. d.) -lange along.

efenlāste f. the herb mercury, Lcd. [‘evenlesten’]

efenlēof (em-) equally dear, AO.

efenleornere m. fellow-disciple, OEG 56^264.

±efenlic even, equal, comparable to, of like age, Cr. [‘evenly’]. adv. -līce equally, evenly, alike: patiently.

efenlīca (efn-) m. equal, #Met# 20^19.

+efenlīcian to make equal, BH 372^31: (±) ‘complacere,’ #AV^2Ps# 25^3.

efenlīcnes f. evenness, equality, CP, Ps. (em-). [‘evenliness’]

efenling (efn-) m. consort, fellow, #EPs# 44^8.

efenmǣre (efn-) equally famous, #Met# 10^32.

efenmæsseprēost m. fellow-priest, GD 283^3.

efenmedome (efn-) equally worthy, MH 134^9.

efenmetan^5 to assemble together, #EPs# 61^9: compare, #VPs# 48^21.

efenmicel equally great.

efenmid adj. middle, #PPs# 73^12.

efenmihtig equally mighty, W 16^7.

efenmōdlīce with equanimity, OEG 2978.

efennēah adv. equally near.

efennēhð = efenēhð

efennes f. equity, justice: comparison.

efen-niht f., -nihte? n. equinox (23 Sep.).

efenrēðe (emn-) equally fierce, AO 68^6.

efenrīce equally powerful, BH 416^9.

efensācerd m. fellow-priest, A 11·7^4.

efensāre (emn-) equally bitterly, CP 413^29.

efensārgian to sorrow together with, commiserate, Æ.

efensārgung f. sympathy, GD 180^8.

efensārig adj. (w. d.) equally sorry (with): compassionate.

efenscearp equally sharp, #PPs# 63^3.

efenscolere (emn-) m. fellow-pupil, AO 132^1.

efenscyldig equally guilty, LL.

efensorgian (efn-) to be sorry for, GD 345^18.

efenspēdiglic consubstantial, BH.

efensprǣc (efne-) confabulation, LkL p11^11.

efenstālian to prepare, make ready, execute, WW 208^26. [= *efenstaðelian]

efensung = efesung

efenswīðe (efn-) just as much, CP.

efentēam (efne-) m. conspiracy, JnL 9^22.

efentōwistlic consubstantial.

efenðegn (efne-) m. fellow-servant, NG.

ēfenðēnung f. supper.

efen-ðēow, -ðēowa m. fellow-servant, Æ, CP. -ðēowen f. fellow-servant (female), HL 18^256.

efenðrōwian to compassionate, sympathise, CP (efn-), Æ (em-).

efenðrōwung f. compassion, #Sc#.

efenðwǣre agreeing, CM 32.

efenunwemme equally inviolate, LL 250[14].

efenwǣge f. counterpoise, #Gl#.

efenweaxan to grow together, #Lcd#.

efenwel as well, LL (324^1).

efenweorð of equal rank: very worthy: equivalent.

efenwerod np. comrades, WW 381^16.

efenwesende contemporaneous, co-existent, #Cr# 350.

efenwiht n. equal, fellow, associate.

efenwrītan (emn-) ‘conscribere,’ #EPs# 149^9.

efenwyrcend m. cooperator, BH 464^25 (æ).

efenwyrhta (em-) m. fellow-worker, Æ.

efenwyrðe = efenweorð

efenyrfeweard m. co-heir, BH. [ierfe]

efeostlīce (#Chr# 1114#e#) = ofostlīce [[form of “ofost”]]

efer = eofor

eferfearn = eoforfearn

ēfern (N) = ǣfen

efes, efesc f. the ‘eaves’ (of a house), LPs: brim, brink, edge, border (of a forest), side, Chr.

efesdrypa = yfesdrype

±efesian to clip, shear, cut, ÆGr. [‘evese’]

efest (#VPs#) = æfest, ofost

efestan = efstan

efestlīce hurriedly, NG.

efesung f. shearing, shaving, tonsure, Cp, WW. [‘eavesing’]

efeta (WW) m., efete (Æ) f. ‘eft,’ newt, lizard, Æ.

efgælð (OEG 8^168) = æfgælð

efn == efen

±efnan I. to make even, level, Rd 28^8: liken, compare, MtL. [‘even’; ON. jafna] II. = æfnan

efne I. adv. even, evenly, equally, exactly, indeed, precisely, only, just, alike, likewise, just now. e. swā even so, even as, just as if, when. e. swā ðēah even though. e. tō next to. II. (æ, eo) interj. behold! truly! indeed! Æ. [efen] III. f? alum, Æ. [cp. ælifne] IV.? (æ) n. material, DR. [[“ælifne” form of “ælifn”?]]

efne- = efen-

efnenū interj. behold now, #CLPs# 7^15.

efnes quite, exactly.

±efnettan (emn-) to equal, emulate: make even, adjust: (+) compare.

efnian = efnan I.

efol- = eoful-

efor == eofor

ēfre = ǣfre

efsian = efesian

±efstan to hasten, hurry, make haste, Æ. [ofost]

efstung f. hastening.

eft adv. again, anew, a second time, Æ, VPs; CP: then, thereupon, afterwards, hereafter, thereafter, Chr; Æ: back, #Chr#: likewise, moreover, Mt. [‘eft’]

eftācenned born again, N.

eftācenn(edn)es f. regeneration, N.

eftǣrist (ē) resurrection, NG.

eftārīsan^1 to rise again, #VPs#.

eftbētung f. making whole, NG.

eftboren born again, JnLR 3^5.

eftbōt f. restoration to health, NG.

eftcerran = eftcyrran

eftcneoreso regeneration, DR.

eftcuman^4 to come back.

eftcyme † m. return.

eftcymeð pres. 3 sg. of eftcuman.

eftcynnes (= cen-) f. regeneration, NG.

eftcyrran to turn back, return, Æ.

eftedwītan^6 to reprove, MtL 21^42.

efter == æfter

eftern? evening, LkL 24^29.

eftflōwan^7 to flow back, #HGl# 418; 462.

eftflōwung f. redundance, #HGl# 418^45.

eftforgifnes f. ‘remissio,’ ‘reconciliatio,’ NG, DR.

+eftgadrian to repeat, GD 277^1.

eftgeafung f. remuneration, DR 59^1.

eftgecīgan to recall, BH 250^21.

eftgecyrran = eftcyrran

eftgemyndgian to remember, DR.

eftgemyndig remembering, NG, DR.

eftgian to repeat, CP 421^10,11: (+) restore, strengthen.

efthweorfan^3 to turn back, return. efthweorfende, -hwyrfende recurring, Æ.

eftlēan n. recompense, #Cr# 1100.

eftlēaniend m. rewarder, DR 89^15.

eftlīsing (ē) f. redemption, NG.

eftlōcung f. ‘respectus,’ regard, DR 86^15.

eftmyndig remembering, NG.

eftnīwung f. restoration, DR.

eftonfōnd? receiver, NG.

eft-reccan pres. 3 sg. -rehð ‘subdere,’ OEG 5167.

eftryne m. ‘occursus,’ return, #VPs# 18^7.

eftscēogian to put one’s shoes on again, CM 687.

eft-selenes, -selnes, -tōselenes f. requital, NG, DR.

eftsittan^5 ‘residere,’ #ÆGr# 157^5.

eftsīð † m. journey back, return.

eftsīðgende turning back, retreating, WW 491^19.

eftsōna a second time, Mk: soon after, again, likewise, Mt. [‘eftsoon’]

eftspellung f. recapitulation, WW 491^24.

eftðercian? (-ðræcan) ‘recalcitrare,’ LkL. (v. ‘thrash’).

eftðingung f. reconciliation, DR 88^5.

eftwyrd f. judgment day, resurrection day? (or ? adj. future, GK), #Ex# 539.

eftyrn = eftryne

efulsung = yfelsung

ēg = īeg

ēg- = ǣg-, ēag-, īeg-

eg v. eg-lā-eg.

-ēgan v. on-ē.

egcgung (WW 104^12) = ecgung

ege (æ) m. ‘awe,’ fear, terror, dread, Ps, MtL; Æ, AO, CP: overawing influence, Æ: cause of fear, VPs.

egean (WW 459^15) = ecgan

egeful ‘awful,’ inspiring or feeling awe, Æ, Bo.

egelāf? f. survivors of a battle, #Ex# 370 (or ? ēgorlāf, GK).

egelēas fearless, CP. [‘aweless’] adv. -līce, CP.

egelēasnes f. boldness, #Bl# 85^31.

egelic terrible, #SPs# 75^7.

egenu f. chaff, husk, WW 412^3.

egesa m. awe, fear, horror, peril: monstrous thing, monster: horrible deed, W 281^4. [ege]

egesful = egeful

egesfullic terrible. adv. -līce.

egesfulnes f. fearfulness, fear, #JPs#, LL.

egesgrīma m. terror-mask, ghost.

±egesian^1 to frighten, terrify, AO, CP: threaten, OEG 2481.

egesig (eisig) terrible, #Sat# 36.

egeslic awful, dreadful, terrible, threatening, CP. adv. -līce.

egesung f. threatening, terror.

egeswīn n. a kind of fish, v. NC 284.

egeðe = egðe

egeðgetīgu npl. harrowing implements, LL 455[17].

egewylm m. terrible wave, #PPs# 106^24.

+eggian to egg on, incite, MkL 15^11.

ēghw- = ǣghw-

egide I. = ecgede pret. 3 sg. of ecgan. II. = egðe

egile = egle

egis- = eges-

egiðe = egðe

egl fn? mote, beard, awn, ear (of barley): claw, talon. [Ger. achel]

eg-lā-eg ‘euge!’ #BRPs# 69^4.

±eglan tr. (Jud, Lcd) and impers. (LL) to trouble, plague, molest, afflict, Æ, CP. [‘ail’]

egle I. hideous, loathsome, troublesome, grievous, painful, Æ. II. = egl

eglian = eglan

ēgnan v. on-ē. [[under “onēgan”]]

ēgnes f. fear, #EPs# 88^41.

egnwirht ‘merx,’ #EPs# 126^3 (= gēnwyrht? BT; āgenwyrht? ES 38·1).

ēgo (NG) = ēage

ēgor n? flood, high tide, WW 386^29; 474^4.

ēgorhere † m. flood, deluge.

ēgorstrēam † m. sea, ocean.

egs- = eges-

ēgs- = ēges-, īegs-

egðe f. harrow, rake, #Gl#.

egðere m. harrower.

Egyptisc Egyptian.

eh == eoh

ēh- = ēag-, īeg-, īg-

eher (NG) = ēar

ehhēoloðe = hēahhēoloðe [[headword spelled “hēahhēolode”]]

ehsl = eaxl

eht == æht, eaht

ehta == eahta

±ēhtan to attack, persecute, pursue, harass, Æ, AO, CP: consider, judge, observe. [ōht]

ehtefeald = eahtafeald

ēhtend m. persecutor, AO.

ēhtere m. persecutor, Æ, CP.

ēhtian = ēhtan

ēhtnes f. persecution, Æ, AO, CP.

ēhtre = ēhtere

ēhtung f. persecution, AO 274^10.

ehtuwe (#Rd# 37^4) = eahta

ēig == īeg

eige = ege

eis- = eges-

el m. the letter =l=.

el-, ele- (prefix) foreign, strange.

ēl = (1) īl, (2) ǣl

elan = eglan

elboga (Æ) = elnboga

ēlc (NG) = ǣlc

elch = eolh

elcian to put off, delay, Æ.

elciend m. procrastinator, Æ 12^166.

elcor adv. else, elsewhere, otherwise, except, besides, BH. [‘elchur’]

elcora, elcra, elcran adv. else, otherwise.

elcung (A) f. delay, Æ.

elcur = elcor

eld == ield

eldor == ealdor

ele m. oil, Lcd; Æ, AO, CP. [‘ele’; L.]

ele- = el-

elebacen cooked in oil.

elebēam m. olive-tree, Æ: elder? privet? EC 379´.

elebēamen of the olive-tree, WW 128^7.

elebēamstybb m. stump of an elder, EC 190^27.

elebearu m. olive grove, NG.

eleberge f. olive.

eleboga (WW) = elnboga

elebytt f. oil-vessel, chrismatory, WW 432^25.

electre = elehtre

eledrosna pl. dregs of oil, #Lcd# 1·310´.

elefæt n. oil-vessel, ampulla, WW. [‘elvat’]

elegrēofa m. oil-vessel? OEG (v. BT).

elehorn m. oil-flask, WW 434^7.

elehtre f. lupine. [L. electrum]

elelēaf n. olive-leaf? #Lcd# 102b.

elelēast f. lack of oil, GD 44^21.

elelendisc strange, foreign. as sb. stranger, exile.

elene = eolone

elesdrosna = eledrosna

elesealf f. oil-salve, nard, #HGl# 405.

eleseocche f. oil-strainer, WW 154^12.

elestybb m. elder-stump. [= ellen-]

eletredde f. oil press, GD.

eletrēow n. olive.

eletrēowen of olive trees.

eletwig n. oleaster, WW 460^28.

ēleð m. allodium, freehold, #Gu# 38. [= ēðel]

elewana m. lack of oil, GD 44^9.

elfen f. nymph, spirit, WW 352^10. [= ielfen]

elfetu = ilfetu

elfremed == ælfremed

elh = eolh

elhygd f. distraction, ecstasy.

ell = el

ell- = el-

ellærn (Cp), ellarn = ellen II. and III.

elland † n. foreign country. [‘eilland’]

elle = ealle [[under “ealles”]]

ellefne (An) = endleofan

ellen I. nm. (always n. in †) zeal, strength, courage, B, Bo, Gu. on e. boldly. [‘elne’] II. n. ‘elder’-tree, Lcd; Mdf. III. adj. of elder-wood, #Lcd#.

ellenahse f. elder ash, #Lcd# 121b. [= asce]

ellencræft m. might, power, #PPs# 98^5.

ellendǣd † f. heroic deed.

ellende I. adj. foreign, strange, exiled. II. n. foreign parts.

ellenga = eallunga

ellengǣst m. powerful demon, B 86.

ellengrāfa m. elder-grove, BC 2·469^27.

ellenheard † mighty, brave, bold.

ellenhete m. jealousy, A 11·98^26.

ellenlǣca m. champion, combatant, WW.

ellenlēaf n. elder-leaf, #Lcd# 122a.

ellenlēas wanting in courage, Jul. [‘ellenlaes’]

ellenlic brave, Æ. adv. -līce.

ellenmǣrðu † f. fame of courage.

ellenrind f. elder bark, #Lcd#.

ellenrōf courageous, powerful, Æ.

ellensēoc mortally wounded, B 2787.

ellensprǣc f. strong speech, #Gu# 1128.

ellen-stubb, -stybb m. elder stump, Ct.

ellentān m. elder twig, #Lcd# 116b.

ellentrēow n. elder-tree, Ct.

ellenðrīste heroically bold, #Jud# 133.

ellenweorc † n. heroic deed.

ellenwōd I. f. zeal, #PPs# 68^9. II. furious, #Jul# 140: zealous, earnest, OEG 364.

ellenwōdian † to emulate.

ellenwōdnes † f. zeal.

ellenwyrt f. elderwort, dwarf-elder.

ellenwyrttruma m. root of elder, #Lcd# 101a.

elleoht n. elision of the letter =l=, OEG 5471.

ellern = ellen II.

elles adv. in another manner, otherwise, Mt; Æ, CP: ‘else,’ besides, Bl, Seaf; Æ, CP: elsewhere, OEG 2^252. e. hwǣr, hwergen, hwider elsewhere. e. hwæt anything else, otherwise.

ellnung = elnung

ellor † elsewhere, elsewhither, to some other place. e. londes in another land.

ellorfūs † ready to depart.

ellor-gǣst †, -gāst m. alien spirit.

ellorsīð m. death, B 2451.

ellreord, ellreordig = elreord

ellðēod == elðēod

elm m. ‘elm,’ elm-tree, Lcd. [L. ulmus]

elm- = ælm-

elmboga = elnboga

elmrind f. elm-bark, #Lcd#.

eln f. fore-arm, ‘ell’ (a foot and a half to two feet), Mt, WW; Æ, AO, CP.

elnboga m. ‘elbow,’ WW (ele-); CP.

elne, elnes ds. and gs. of ellen.

elngemet n. ell-measure, #Gen# 1309.

±elnian to emulate, be zealous: strengthen, comfort oneself: gain strength, #Lcd#.

elnung f. comfort, consolation, ÆL 23^525: emulation, zeal, Æ.

elone = eolone

elotr, eloðr (#Gl#) = elehtre

elpan- (#VPs#), elpen- = elpend-

elpend (y^1) m. elephant, AO.

elpendbǣnen (elpan-, ylpen-) of ivory.

elpendbān n. ivory.

elpendtōð m. ivory, WW 397^27.

elpent = elpend

elra comp. adj. other, B 753. [*el; Goth. aljis]

el-reord, -reordig of strange speech, barbarous.

elreordignes f. barbarism, #Gl#.

-els masc. suffix for inanimate things, as in rēcels, wǣfels.

eltst (Æ) = ieldest superl. of eald.

elðēod f. strange people, foreign nation, (in pl.) foreigners, enemies: (pl.) all people, all nations, #Cr# 1084, 1337: exile, AO.

elðēod-gian, -ian to live abroad, wander as a pilgrim: (+) make strange, disturb, #Sc# 106^19.

elðēodgung = elðēodung

elðēodig foreign, strange, barbarous, hostile, Bo, Met (æl-); AO, CP: exiled. wk. form mp. el-ðēodian, -ðēodigan strangers, foreigners, pilgrims, proselytes. [‘altheodi’]

elðēodige (īo) abroad, LkR 15^13.

elðēodiglic (æl-) foreign, strange, born abroad. adv. -līce.

elðēodignes f. foreign travel or residence, pilgrimage, exile, AO.

elðēodisc foreign, strange, Mt 27^7.

elðēodung f. residence or travel abroad, BH 332^18.

elðīd-, elðīed-, elðēod- = elðēod-

eluhtre = elehtre

elwiht = ælwiht

em m? the letter =m=.

em- = efen-, emn-, ym-, ymb-, ymbe-

ēm- = ǣm-

emb == ymb

embe == ymbe

embeht (NG) == ambiht

embehtian = ambihtan

embiht == ambiht

embren (æ^1, i^2) n. bucket, pail, #Gl#. [Ger. eimer]

emdenes, emdemes = endemes

emel = ymel

emer = omer

emleoht n. elision of =m= before vowels in scanning verse, OEG 5473.

emn == efen

emne == efne, efn-

emnet n. plain, AO 186^22. [efen]

emtwā (on) into two equal parts, in half, Æ.

-en suffix I. diminutive (neut.) as in mægden (from mægð). II. to form feminines (a) with mutation (gyden, from god). (b) without mutation (ðēowen from ðēow). III. adjectival, with mutation, denoting material.

ēn- = ān-

end conj. = and

+endadung f. finishing.

ende m. ‘end,’ conclusion, Mt: boundary, border, limit, Ps; Æ, AO, CP: quarter, direction: part, portion, division, AO: district, region, AO: species, kind, class: death. æt (ðǣm) e. finally.

ende-berd-, -bird-, -bred- = endebyrd-

endebyrd f. order, #Met# 13^4.

±endebyrdan to put in order, arrange, ordain, dispose, Æ.

endebyrdend m. one who orders or arranges, OEG.

endebyrdes † in an orderly manner, regularly, properly.

endebyrdian = endebyrdan

endebyrdlic ordinal, #ÆGr# 282^14. adv. (±) -līce in an orderly manner, in order, in succession, Æ, CP.

endebyrdnes f. order, succession, series, arrangement, method, rule, Æ, CP: grade, degree, rank, condition, Æ, CP.

endedæg † m. last day, day of death.

endedōgor † mn. last day, death-day.

endefæstend m. finisher, DR 27^15.

endefurh f. end-furrow, Ct.

endelāf f. last remnant, last, B 2813.

endelēan † n. final retribution.

endelēas, -lēaslic (Æ) ‘endless,’ boundless, eternal, Bo. adv. -līce, Æ.

endelēasnes f. endlessness, infinity, eternity, #ÆGr# 116^10.

endelīf n. life’s end, death, #El# 585.

endemann m. man of the world’s (supposed) final age, Æ.

endemes (Æ, CP), endemest adv. equally, likewise, at the same time, together, unanimously: fully, entirely: in procession.

endemest (ænde-) last, MF (Vesp. D xiv).

endemestnes f. extremity (v. MF 157).

ende-nēhst, -nēxt (ī, ȳ) extreme, final, last, Æ.

enderīm m. number, #Sat# 12.

endesǣta m. border-watchman, B 241.

endespǣc f. epilogue, CM 1166.

endestæf † m. end, conclusion.

endetīma m. end of life, last hour.

endeðrǣst (ænde-) f. end, destruction, GD 337^9.

±endian to ‘end,’ finish, Æ: abolish, destroy, JnR, Ps; AO, CP: to come to an end, die, Gu; AO.

endleofan (e^2, i^2, u^2, y^2; o^3) num. ‘eleven,’ Æ, BH.

endlifangilde entitled to eleven-fold compensation, LL 3[1]; 470[7].

end-lyfta, -leofta, -leofeða ‘eleventh,’ Bl, Mt.

endlyfte in the eleventh place, eleventhly, LL 182[11].

+endodlic finite, #Bo# 44^21.

±endung f. ‘ending,’ end, Mt; CP: (+) death.

endwerc n. pain in the buttocks, #Lcd# 174a. [wærc]

ened (æ^1, i^2) mf. drake, duck, Gl. [‘ende’]

enelēac = ynnelēac

ēnetere = ānwintre

ēnga = ānga

enge I. (a, æ) narrow, close, straitened, constrained: vexed, troubled, anxious: oppressive, severe, painful, cruel. II. (a, o) adv. sadly, anxiously.

+enged troubled, anxious, WW 357^7.

engel (æ) m. ‘angel,’ messenger, Mt; Æ, CP. [L. angelus]

Engel = Angel

engelcund angelic, #Gu# 72.

engelcynn † n. race or order of angels.

engellic angelic, of angels, Æ.

engetrēow = hengetrēow

Englaland n. country of the Angles, ‘England,’ BH.

Englan, Engle mp. the Angles (as opposed to the Saxons): the English generally. [Angel]

englelic = engellic

Englisc ‘English,’ Æ, LL; CP. on E. in (the) English (language), ÆGr, BH, Mt.

Engliscmann m. ‘Englishman,’ LL.

engu † f. narrowness, confinement.

enid = ened

ēnig = ǣnig

ēnitre = ānwintre

enlefan = endlufon [[under “endleofan”]]

ēnlīpig = ānlīpe

enne-lēac, -lēc = ynnelēac

eno = heonu

ent m. giant, Æ, AO.

entcynn n. race of giants.

entisc of a giant, B 2979.

entse = yndse

ēnwintre = ānwintre

eobor = eofor

eobot = eofot

ēoc = gēoc

ēode I. pret. 3 sg. of gān. II. = ēowde

eodor † m. hedge, boundary: limit, region, zone: inclosure, fold, dwelling, house: prince, lord.

eodor-brecð f., -brice m. breach of an inclosure, house-breaking, LL.

eodorcan to chew, ruminate, BH 346^2. [= edrocian]

eodorgong (eder-) m. begging? (GK) robbery? (Liebermann), #Cr# 1676.

eodorwīr m. wire fence, #Rd# 18^2.

eodur = eodor

eofel = yfel

eofer == eofor

eofera = eafora

eofermodig = ofermodig [[headword spelled “ofermōdig”]]

eofet = eofot

eofne = efne

eofole f? danewort, endive? #Lcd#.

eofon = heofon

eofor (e^1, ea^1, e^2) m. boar, wild boar, Lcd, Ps: boar-image on a helmet. [‘ever’]

eofora = eafora

eoforcumbol n. boar-image on a helmet? boar-shaped ensign? #El# 76; 259.

eoforfearn (e^1) n. a kind of fern, polypody, Lcd, WW. [‘everfern’]

eoforheafodsegn (ea^1) n. banner with a boar’s head design? B 2152.

eoforlīc m. boar-image (on a helmet), B 303.

eoforspere (u^2) n. boar-spear, OEG 7^56.

eoforsprēot n. boar-spear, #Gl#.

eoforswīn n. boar, #Lcd# 98b.

eoforðring m. (boar-throng), the constellation Orion.

eoforðrote f. carline thistle, #Lcd#.

±eofot n. crime, sin, guilt.

eofoð = eafoð

eoful- (A) = yfel-

eofur (#VPs#) = eofor

eofut (NG) = eofot

ēogor = ēgor

eogoð = geoguð

eoh † nm., gs. ēos war-horse, charger: name of the rune for =e=. [Goth. aihwa]

ēoh † [= īw] m. yew-tree: name of the rune for =ēo=.

eola, eolc == eolh

eoldran = ieldran [[form of “ieldra”?]]

eolene = eolone

ēoles gs. of eolh.

eolet n. voyage? (Cosijn), B 224.

eolh m. [g. ēoles] elk.

eolh-sand (-sang, #HGl# 431) n. amber, #Gl#.

eolhsecg (eolhx-, eolx-, ilug-) m. ‘papyrus,’ reed, sedge, #Gl#: name of a rune, #Run# 15.

eolhstede = ealhstede

eolone f. elecampane.

eoloð = ealað (v. ealu)

eolxsecg = eolhsecg

eom I. v. wesan. II. = heom, him dp. of hē, hēo, hit

eond == geond

eonde ?= ende (but v. JAW 31)

eonu = heonu

eor- = ear-, ier-

ēor- = ēar-

eorcnanstān, eorc(l)anstān m. precious stone. [Goth. -airkns]

ēored (o^2) nf. troop, band, legion, company. [eoh, rād]

ēoredcist (o^2, ie^3, e^3, y^3) † f. troop, company.

ēoredgeatwe fpl. military apparel, B 2866.

ēoredgerīd n. troop of horsemen, WW 229^1.

ēoredhēap m. troop, host, DD 113.

ēoredmæcg m. horseman, #Rd# 23^3.

ēoredmann m. trooper, horseman, BH, WW.

ēoredmenigu f. legion, #Gd#.

ēoredðrēat m. troop, host, #Rd# 4^49.

ēored-weorod, -wered n. band, company, GD 71^6.

eorl m. ‘earl,’ nobleman (origly. a Danish title = the native ‘ealdorman’), Ct, LL, Ma: (†) brave man, warrior, leader, chief, Cr, Gen, Rd: man.

eorlcund noble, LL.

eorldōm m. earldom, rank of an earl, #Chr#.

eorlgebyrd † f. noble birth.

eorlgestrēon † n. treasure, wealth.

eorlgewǣde n. armour, B 1442.

eorlic (1) = ierlic; (2) eorllic

eorlisc of noble rank, LL 173.

eorllic chivalrous, manly.

eorlmægen † n. band of noble warriors.

eorlriht n. earl’s right, LL 458[5].

eorlscipe † m. manliness, courage.

eorlweorod n. host of noble warriors, B 2893.

eormencynn (y^1) † n. mankind.

eormengrund n. wide world, B 859.

eormenlāf f. huge legacy, B 2234.

eormenstrȳnd f. race, generation, #Sol# 329.

eormenðēod (y^1) f. mighty people, #Men# 139.

eorn- = georn-

eornes f. anger, #Bl# 123^8; HL.

eornest == eornost

eornost f. earnestness, zeal, Æ, CP. on eornost(e) in earnest, earnestly, truly: seriousness, W: battle. [‘earnest’]

eornoste (e^2) I. ‘earnest,’ zealous, serious, Æ. II. adv. earnestly, seriously, courageously: fiercely.

eornostlīce I. adv. ‘earnestly,’ strictly, truly, in truth, indeed, Mt, LL. II. conj. therefore, but.

eornust == eornost

ēorod == ēored

eorð = eorðe, heorð

eorð-æppel m. nap. -æppla ‘earth-apple,’ cucumber, Æ: ‘mandragora,’ WW.

eorðærn (e^2) n. earth-house, grave.

eorðbeofung (i^2) f. earthquake, AO.

eorðberge f. strawberry, WW 242^6. [berie; Ger. erdbeere]

eorðbīgenga m. earth-dweller, BH 268^31.

eorðbīgennes f. agriculture, WW 144^21.

eorðbrycg f. bridge of poles covered with earth, BC 3·223^21.

eorð-būend †, -būg(ig)end m. earth-dweller, man, Æ.

eorðburh = eorðbyrig

eorðbyfung = eorðbeofung

eorðbyrgen f. grave, NC 284.

eorðbyrig f. earthwork, mound, embankment, road.

eorðcafer m. cockchafer, WW 122^16. [ceafor]

eorð-cenned, -cend earth-born, #Ps#.

eorðcræft m. geometry, OEG 3119.

eorð-crypel, -cryppel m. paralytic, palsied man, NG.

eorðcund, eorðcundlic (CP) sprung from the earth, earthly.

eorðcyning m. earthly king, king of the country.

eorðcynn n. human race, #Ex# 370.

eorðdenu f. valley, NC 284.

eorðdraca ‡ m. dragon that lives in the earth.

eorðdyne m. earthquake, Chr 1060. [‘earth-din’]

eorðe f. ground, soil, Æ, B, LkL; AO, CP: ‘earth,’ mould, Gu: world, Æ, B, Mt: country, land, district, Jn.

eorðen adj. of or in the earth, OEG 3312?

eorðern = eorðærn

eorðfæst ‘earthfast,’ firm in the earth, Æ.

eorðfæt n. earthly vessel, body, #Soul# 8.

eorð-gealla, -galla m. earth-gall, lesser centaury.

eorðge-byrst, -berst n. landslip, Ct.

eorðgemǣre n. boundary of the earth, #PPs# 21^25.

eorðgemet n. geometry, #Gl#.

eorðgesceaft f. earthly creature, #Met# 20^194.

eorðgræf n. hole in the earth, #Rd# 59^9.

eorðgrāp f. earth’s embrace, #Ruin# 6.

eorðhele m. a covering of the ground.

eorðhrērnes f. earthquake, #Bl#, NG.

eorðhūs n. cave-dwelling, den.

eorðifig (y^2) n. ground ivy, #Lcd# 1·212.

eorðlic ‘earthly,’ worldly, Bl, Mt; Æ. adv. -līce.

eorðling = yrðling

eorðmægen n. earthly power, #Rim# 69.

eorðmistel m. basil (plant), #Lcd# 33a.

eorðnafela m. asparagus, #Lcd#.

eorð-mata [-maða?] m. ‘vermis,’ worm, #Gl#.

eorðnutu f. ‘earth-nut,’ pig-nut, Ct. [hnutu]

eorðreced n. cave-dwelling, B 2719.

eorðrest f. bed laid on the ground, WW 362^11.

eorðrīce † n. earthly kingdom, earth.

eorðrima m. a plant, #Lcd# 120a.

eorðscræf n. ds. -scrafe cave-dwelling, cavern, CP: sepulchre.

eorðsele † m. cave-dwelling.

eorðslihtes close to the ground, Æ.

eorðstede m. earth, #PPs# 73^7.

eorðstirung = eorðstyrung [[under “eorðstyren”]]

eorð-styren (GD), -styrennes (NG), -styrung (Æ) f. earthquake.

eorðtilia m. ‘earth-tiller,’ husbandman, farmer, W 305^31.

eorðtilð f. ‘earth-tilth,’ agriculture, WW.

eorðtūdor n. human race, #PPs# 117^22.

eorðtyrewe f. earth-tar, bitumen, AO 74^17.

eorðu (N) = eorðe

eorðwæstm f. fruit of the earth.

eorð-waran (CP), -ware mpl., -waru fpl. earth-dwellers, AO. [‘earthware’]

eorðweall m. earth-wall, mound.

eorðweard m. region of earth, B 2334.

eorðweg † m. earth.

eorðwela m. wealth: fertility, AO.

eorðweorc n. work on the land.

eorðwerod n. inhabitants of earth, W 25^21; 203^5.

eorðwestm = eorðwæstm

eorðyfig = eorðifig

ēorwicga = ēarwicga

ēos gs. of eoh.

eosel, eosol = esol

eosele f. she-ass, #Bl#.

ēost- = ēast-

eosul = esol

eotan (#VPs#) = etan

Eotas = Eotenas

eoten † m. giant, monster, enemy. [ON. iotonn]

Eotenas mpl. Jutes.

eotend (= etend) voracious, gluttonous, WW 396^8; 523^6.

eotenisc gigantic, B. [‘etenish’]

Eotolware mp. Italians, BH 108^11.

ēoton = ǣton pret. pl. of etan.

eotonisc = eotenisc

eotonweard f. watch against monsters? B 668.

ēoðe (N) = ēaðe

ēow I. dat. of gē pers. pron. to you, you. II. interj. wo! alas! III. = gīw. IV. = īw. V. m. sheep.

ēowā = ēow II.

ēowan = īewan

ēowberge = īwberge

ēowcig = ēowocig

ēowd f. sheepfold, Æ: flock, herd, Æ.

ēowde n. flock (of sheep), herd, Æ.

ēowdescēap n. sheep of the flock, #PPs# 64^14.

ēowe I. gs. of ēowu. II. = ēwe

ēowed = ēowd

ēowede = ēowde

ēowende (dat.) ‘testiculis,’ LL 64[25,1].

ēower I. gp. of gē pers. pron. (2nd pers.). II. possess. pron. your, yours.

ēowerlendisc of your land, ‘vestras,’ #ÆGr# 94^1.

ēowestre m. sheepfold.

ēowian = īewan

ēowic acc. pl. of ðū (v. gē). [[under “ðu”]]

ēowistre = ēowestre

ēowocig of a ewe, ewe’s, #Lcd# 16a.

ēowod = ēowd

ēowode = ēowde

ēowohumele f. female hop-plant, #Lcd#.

ēowomeoluc f. ewe’s milk, #Lcd# 70a.

ēowu f. ‘ewe,’ Æ, LL.

ēowunga = ēawunga

epistol m. letter.

epl, eppel = æppel

eppan = yppan

ēr = (1) ǣr, (2) ȳr, (3) ēar I.

er- = ær-, ear-, ier-, yr-

ēr- = ǣr-, ēar-

erce == arce

ercnastān (NG) = eorcnanstān

eretic heretical. [L.]

erian, erigean to plough, Æ, Bo, Lk; CP. [‘ear’]

erinaces pl. hedgehogs, #PPs# 103^17.

eringland n. arable land, Ct.

eriung f. ploughing, WW 104^6.

ernð (æ) f. crop of corn, BH 44^23#c#.

ersc m? stubble-field, EC 282´; 290´.

erschen f. quail, Æ, WW.

ēsa v. ōs.

ēsceap = ǣsceap

esl = eaxl

esne m. labourer, slave, servant, retainer: youth, man, CP. [Goth. asneis]

esnecund of a labourer, WW 212^44.

esnemon (æ^1) m. hireling, JnR 10^13.

esnewyrhta m. mercenary, hireling.

esnlīce like a man, manfully, Æ, CP.

esol mf. ass, CP. [L. asellus]

ess m. name of the letter =s=.

essian to waste away, #RPs# 118^139.

ēst mf. favour, grace, bounty, kindness, love, An, B: harmony, consent: (in pl.) delicacies, WW; Æ. [‘eate’]

ēstan (w. d.) to live luxuriously, W 190^17.

ēstan = ēastan

ēste gracious, liberal, B, Gen. [‘este’]

ēstelic kind, gracious, #EPs# 68^17: delicate, dainty (of food), MF (Vesp. D xiv). adv. -līce, CP.

ēstful gracious, devoted, devout, Æ: fond of luxuries, WW 218^18,19. [‘estfull’] adv. -līce.

ēstfulnes f. devotion, zeal, CP: luxury, lechery.

ēstgeorn delicate, fond of luxuries, WW 218^18.

ēstig gracious, liberal, #Pa# 16.

ēstines f. benignity, #EPs# 64^12.

ēstlic == ēstelic

ēstmete m. dainty, delicacy, luxury, Æ.

-estre = f. agent, as in wītegestre, prophetess.

ēstum freely, willingly, gladly.

esul = esol

esulcweorn f. mill-stone turned by an ass, CP 31^17.

ēswic == ǣswic

et I. = æt prep. II. pres. 3 sg. of etan.

et- = æt-, ed-

ēt (NG) == æt

±etan^5 (ea, eo) to ‘eat,’ Æ, AO, Jn: devour, consume, Jn; CP: (reflex.) provision oneself: (+) eat together.

etelond n. pasture land, KC 2·95^14.

etemest = ytemest [[headword spelled “ȳtemest”]]

eten = eoten

etend m. eater, glutton.

etenlǣs f. pasture, LL 452[20].

etol (ettul) voracious.

etonisc (B) = eotenisc

etsomne = ætsamne

etst = itst pres. 2 sg. of etan.

ettan to graze, pasture land, AO 18^25.

ettulnes f. greediness, gluttony, #Sc# 55^6.

ēð I. comp. adv. more easily. II. = ȳð

eð- = æð-, ed-

ēð- = ǣð-, ēað-, īð-, ȳð-

eðcwide (#Gl#) = edcwide

ēðe † barren, waste, desolate. [Ger. öde]

ēðel (oe, N) mn. gs. ēðles country, native land, home, Lk, Met; CP. †hwǣles ē. the sea, #Chr# 975#a#: name of the rune for =œ=. [‘ethel’]

ēðelboda m. land’s apostle, native preacher, #Gu# 976.

ēðelcyning m. king of the land, #Cr# 997.

ēðeldrēam m. domestic joy, #Gen# 1607.

ēðeleard † m. native dwelling.

ēðelfæsten † n. fortress.

ēðelland † n. fatherland, country.

ēðellēas † homeless, exiled.

ēðelmearc † f. boundary of one’s country, territory.

ēðelrīce † n. native country.

ēðelriht † n. hereditary right.

ēðel-seld †, -setl † n. settlement.

ēðelstæf (ul, yl) m. heir, successor.

ēðelstaðol † m. settlement.

ēðelstōl † m. hereditary seat, habitation: royal city, chief city.

ēðelstōw † f. dwelling-place.

ēðelturf † f. (ds. -tyrf) fatherland.

ēðelðrymm ‡ m. glory of one’s own land.

ēðelweard † m. lord of the realm, man.

ēðelwynn † f. joy of ownership.

ēðgung f. breath, breathing, inspiration: hard breathing, RB 68^3.

±ēðian to breathe, GD: smell. [‘ethe’]

ēðr (N) = ǣdr, ǣdre [[under “æddre”]]

eðða (MtR) = oððe

ēðung I. f. laying waste, destroying, #Gl#. [ēðe, īðan] II. = ēðgung

eðwilte easily turned, OEG 1151.

ēuwā interj. woe! #Gl#.

ēw- = ǣw-, ēaw-, ēow-

ēwe = ēowu

ex, exe f. brain, #Lcd# (v. A 30·129).

ex == eax

exen v. oxa.

exlistealla ?= eaxlgestealla

exorcista m. exorcist, ÆL 31^141.


fā v. fāh I.

faca gp. of fæc.

fācen n. nap. fācnu deceit, fraud, treachery, sin, evil, wickedness, crime, Mt, LL; Æ, AO: blemish, fault (in an object), LL 114[56]; 398[9]. [‘faken’]

fācendǣd f. sin, crime, #PPs# 118^53.

fācen-ful, -fullic deceitful, crafty.

fācengecwis f. conspiracy, WW.

fācengeswipere n. deceit, #PPs# 82^3.

fācenlēas guileless: pure, NG.

fācenlic deceitful, RB 95^12,15. adv. -līce, Æ. [‘faken’]

fācensearu † n. treachery.

fācenstafas mp. treachery, deceit, B 1018.

fācentācen n. deceitful token, #Cr# 1566.

facg m. plaice? loach? WW 180^32.

fācian to try to obtain, get, AO 152^7.

fācn == fācen

fācne = fǣcne

facum dp. of fæc.

±fadian to arrange, dispose, guide, Æ.

fadiend m. manager, OEG 56^308.

±fadung f. arrangement, order, disposition, dispensation, rule, dominion, Æ.

fadur (A) = fæder

fæc (e) n. space of time, while, division, interval, Lk; Æ, CP: period of five years, lustrum, WW 431^16. [‘fec’; Ger. fach]

fæccan = feccan

fæcele (e^1) f. torch, WW. [Ger. fackel]

fǣcenlīce = fācenlīce

fæcful spacious, #Sc# 185^5.

fæcile (#Gl#) = fæcele

fǣcne I. deceitful, treacherous, Ps: vile, worthless. II. adv. deceitfully, maliciously, disgracefully: (†) exceedingly. [‘faken’]

fǣcnig ‘dolosus?’ #RPs# 72^18 (or ? fǣcnigung ‘dolus,’ ES 38·13).

+fæd orderly, well-conducted, LL: calm, composed, W 51^24. [fadian]

fǣd- = fēd-

fæder (e^1) m. usu. indecl. in sg. ‘father,’ Æ, VPs; AO, CP: male ancestor, LkL, Mt: the Father, God, Jn, Mt, VPs: (in pl.) parents, Æ. eald f. grandfather. ðridda, fēowerða f. etc. great-grandfather, great-great-grandfather, etc.

fædera (e^1) m. paternal uncle, AO. [cp. Ger. vetter]

+fædera m. godfather (in his relation to the father), Æ. [Ger. gevatter]

fæderæðelo † npl. patrimony: paternal kinship.

fæderen paternal.

+fæderen born of the same father, AO 114^14.

fæderenbrōðor m. brother (from the same father).

fæderencnōsl (fædren-) n. father’s kin, LL 54[9].

fæderencynn n. father’s kin.

fæderenhealf f. father’s side, #Chr# 887#a#.

fæderenmǣg m. paternal kinsman, #Chr# 887#e#.

fæderenmǣgð f. paternal kindred, LL 392[3].

fæderēðel m. fatherland, AO.

fæderfeoh n. dowry paid by the father of the bride, LL.

fædergeard m. father’s dwelling, #Gen# 1053.

fædergestrēon n. patrimony, #Gl#.

fæderhīwisc n? ‘paterfamilias,’ NG.

fæderingmǣg = fæderenmǣg

fæderland n. paternal land, inheritance, #Chr# 1101.

fæderlēas fatherless, W.

fæderlic ‘fatherly,’ paternal, ancestral, El. adv. -līce.

+fædlic fit, suitable, proper. adv. -līce: orderly, quietly: craftily, #CPs# 82^4. [fadian]

fædern- = fæderen-

fæderslaga m. parricide, WW.

fæderswica m. traitor to one’s father, ÆL 19^224.

fædm = fæðm

fædr- = fæder-

+fædrian to have the same father, AO.

fǣfne (LkR 1^29) = fǣmne

+fæg beloved, B 915. [OHG. gifag]

-fǣgan v. ā-f.

fǣge ‘fey,’ doomed (to death), fated, destined, An, B, Ma: dead: unhappy, accursed, Cr: feeble, cowardly, Gu. [Ger. feige]

±fægen (w. g.) ‘fain,’ glad, joyful, rejoicing, B, Bo; AO.

fægenian = fægnian

fægennes f. joy, NC 285.

fæger (ǣ) I. ‘fair,’ lovely, beautiful, Bo, Gen; AO, CP: pleasant, agreeable, Ex: attractive, Gen; Æ. II. f. beauty, Bo.

fæger- = fægr-

fægerlīce splendidly, LkL 16^19.

fægernes f. ‘fairness,’ beauty, LPs, Sc; Æ.

fægerwyrde smooth-speaking, FT 12.

fægn = fægen

fægnes f. diversity, #LPs# 44^15.

±fægnian (a) (w. g. etc.) to rejoice, be glad, exult, Bo, Met: fawn, Æ: applaud. [‘fain’]

±fægnung f. rejoicing, #ELSPs#.

+fǣgon pret. pl. of +fēon.

fægre (ǣ) fairly, elegantly, beautifully, Æ: pleasantly, softly, gently, kindly, Gen, Men: well, justly: early, LkR 24^1 (e). [‘fair’]

±fægrian to become beautiful: adorn, decorate.

fǣgð? f. imminent death, #An# 284 (GK).

fǣhan = fēgan II.

fæht = feoht

fǣhð f. hostility, enmity, violence, revenge, vendetta, AO. [fāh; cp. Ger. fehde]

fǣhðbōt f. payment for engaging in a feud, LL 266[25]; 286[5,2d].

fǣhðe, fǣhðo, fǣhðu = fǣhð

fæl- = feal-, fel-, fyl-

fǣlǣcan = fālǣcan

fǣle † I. faithful, trusty, good, Ps: dear, beloved. [‘fele’] II. adv. truly, well, pleasantly.

±fǣlsian to expiate, condition, cleanse, purify: (+) pass through.

fǣman to ‘foam,’ MkL. [fām]

fǣmhādlic = fǣmnhādlic

fǣmig = fāmig

fǣmnanhād = fǣmnhād

fǣmne (ē) f. maid, virgin, bride, Æ: (+) woman: virago.

fǣmnhād m. virginity, maidenhood, AO.

fǣmnhādesmon m. virgin, RB 136^24.

fǣmnhādlic (OEG), fǣmn(en)lic maidenly, virginal.

fæn == fen

fær I. n. (? also f.) nap. faru (±) way, journey, passage, expedition, A, Lk. mannes f. highway, ÆL 25^441: proceedings, life, Æ: movable possessions, means of subsistence, HL: ark, ship. [‘fare’] II. aspect? #Met# 31^4.

fǣr (ē) I. m. sudden danger, peril, B, Ex: sudden attack: marvel? #Bl# 199^24. [‘fear’] II. = fēfer. III. = fæger

fær- = far-, fer-, fear-, feor-, fier-, for-

fǣr- prefix = (1) sudden, fearful; (2) fēr-

fǣran to frighten, Æ; CP: raven, MtL 7^15 (ē). [‘fear’]

fǣrbena m. peasant, small-holder? (Lieb.), LL 383[50].

fǣrbifongen beset by dangers, B 2009.

fǣrblǣd (ē^1) m. sudden blast (of wind), #Jul# 649.

fǣrbryne m. scorching heat, #Ex# 72.

fǣrclamm (ē) m. sudden seizure, #Ex# 119.

fǣrcoðu f. apoplexy, #Lcd#.

fǣrcwealm m. sudden pestilence.

fǣrcyle m. intense cold, #Gen# 43.

fǣrdēað m. sudden death, WW 351^19.

fǣrdryre m. sudden fall, #Cra# 48.

fǣredlic (Æ) = fǣrlic

færeht = færriht

færeld (a^1) nm. way, journey, passage, expedition, Æ, AO, CP: retinue, company, AO: course of life, conduct, Æ: progress, power of locomotion, Æ: the Passover.

færeldfrēols m. passover feast.

færelt (AO, CP) = færeld

færennes = færnes

færeð pres. 3 sg. of faran.

færfrīg without passage-money, #Kl#.

fǣrfyll (on) headlong, WW 426^8.

fǣrgripe † m. sudden grip.

fǣrgryre † m. awful horror.

fǣrhaga m. hedge of terrors, #Gu# 933.

fǣringa (ē) suddenly, unexpectedly, quickly, forthwith, by chance, Lk; Æ, CP. [‘feringe’]

fǣrlic sudden, unexpected, AO, WW; Æ, CP. adv. -līce, Lk. [‘ferly’]

færnes f. passage, traffic, BH, MtR.

fǣrnīð m. hostile attack, B 476.

fǣrrǣs m. sudden rush, LkL 8^33.

fǣrrǣsende (ē^1) ‘repentia,’ DR 125^16.

færriht n. passage-money, ÆL 23b^352.

færsceatt m. passage-money, fare, #Andr#.

fǣrsceaða m. enemy, #Ma# 142.

fǣrscyte m. sudden shot, #Cr# 766.

fǣrsearo n. sudden artifice, #Cr# 770.

fǣrsēað m. deep pit, WW 193^6.

fǣrslide m. sudden fall, #PPs# 114^8.

fǣrspell † n. dreadful tidings.

færst pres. 2 sg. of faran.

fǣrstice m. sudden stitch (pain).

fǣrstylt m? amazement, LkL 5^26.

fǣrswīge f. amazement, MkL 5^42 (ē).

færð I. = ferð. II. = pres. 3 sg. of faran.

fǣrunga, fǣrunge (Æ) = fǣringa

fǣruntrymnes f. sudden sickness, #Lcd# 107b.

fǣrwundor n. terrible wonder, #Ex# 279.

fæs (a, ea) n. fringe, border, MtL. [‘fas’]

fǣsceaftnes = fēasceaftnes

fæsl † n? seed, offspring, progeny.

fæsnian = fæstnian

fæst I. ‘fast,’ fixed, firm, secure, steadfast, strong, BH, Bo, Lcd: stiff, heavy, dense, Lcd; Æ, AO, CP: made strong, fortified, BH; Æ: religious, Christian (book). II. (#Gu# 192) = fæsten

±fæstan to fasten, make firm, ratify, establish, MkL, LkL: entrust, commit: ‘fast’ (‘i-fast’), abstain from food, A, Bl, Lcd; CP: atone for (by fasting), #Da# 592.

fæste (e) ‘fast,’ firmly, securely, BH, Bo; Æ: straitly, strictly: heavily (sleep).

fæsten n. fastness, stronghold, fortress, AO, CP: cloister, Æ: (±) fast (abstinence from food) Bl, LL, Mt, VPs; CP: firmament, sky. [‘fasten’]

fæstenbehæfednes f. parsimony, WW 504^10.

fæstenbryce m. breach of fast, LL, W.

fæstendæg m. fast-day, RB, W.

fæstendīc m. fort-ditch, moat, Ct.

fæstengangol = fæstgangol

fæstengeat n. castle-gate, #Jud# 162.

fæstengeweorc n. liability for repair of the defences of a town.

fæst-enlic, -ernlic quadragesimal, DR.

fæstennes = fæstnes

fæstentīd f. fast, LL.

fæstenwuce f. week of fasting, ÆL 23b^111.

fǣstermōdor = fōstormōdor

fæstern n. fast: Quadragesima, LG.

fæstes by chance, WW.

fæstgangol (o^2, e^3) steady, faithful, #Cra# 80.

fæsthafol retentive, tenacious, Æ: sparing, miserly, CP.

fæsthafolnes f. economy, CP 453^28.

fæstheald firmly fixed, ÆL 23^423.

fæsthȳdig † constant, steadfast.

±fæstian (ea) to commend, entrust, commit, LkL.

fæsting f. commendation, trust, guardianship, GD 239^15; LL 58[7].

fæstingan = fæstnian

fæstingmann m. a kind of retainer, EC.

fæstlic firm, fixed, steadfast, resolute. adv. -līce (+ in AS) fixedly, steadily, constantly, Bo: unceasingly, Æ, Bl: verily, but, NG. [‘fastly’]

fæstmōd constant in mind, AO 288^17.

fæstnes f. firmness, massiveness, stability, Bo: ‘fastness,’ stronghold, Æ: firmament, Æ.

fæstnian to ‘fasten,’ fix, secure, bind, An: confirm, ratify, conclude (peace), Ma, OET: betroth.

±fæstnung f. fastening, bond: security, safety: protection, shelter: ratification, pledge, engagement: exhortation, MkL p2^5: monument, MtL p5^4; Mk 5^5.

fæstrǣd firm, constant, steadfast, B, Bo; CP, Æ. [‘fastrede’]

fæstrǣdlic constant, steadfast, #Bo# 20^21. adv. -līce.

fæstrǣdnes f. constancy, fortitude, #Bo#.

fæststeall standing firmly.

fæsð = fæst

fæt n. nap. fatu vat, vessel, jar, cup, Æ, B, JnL; AO, CP: casket, #El# 1026. [‘fat’]

fǣt I. † n. plate, beaten out metal (especially gold), gold ornament. II. = fǣtt I.

±fǣtan to cram, put (in), load, CP.

fǣted I. † ornamented with gold. [cp. Goth. fētjan] II. = fǣtt

fǣtedhlēor with cheek ornaments, B 1026.

fǣtedsinc n. beaten gold, #An# 478.

fǣtels, fǣtel m. vessel, AO, Lcd; Æ: pouch, bag, sack, Æ, CP. [‘fetles’]

fætelsian = fetelsian

fǣtelsian to put into a vessel.

fætfyllere (e^2) m. cupbearer, GD.

fǣtgold n. beaten gold, B 1921.

fǣthengest m. riding horse, #Rd# 23^14.

fætian = fetian

fǣtnes f. ‘fatness,’ Ps; Æ, CP: the richest part of anything, Ps.

+fǣtnian = +fǣttian

fǣtt I. (ē) fat, fatted, Æ, AO, Lk. II. = fǣted

fǣttian (+) to become fat, Ps: (+) anoint, Ps: fatten. [‘fat’]

+fættig fat, rich, #CPs# 19^4.

fǣðe = fēðe

fæðelas ‘histriones’? v. OEG 39^2.

fæðer = feðer

fæðm (e) mf. outstretched or encircling arms, embrace, grasp, An, Rd: protection: interior, bosom, lap, breast, womb: ‘fathom,’ cubit, Æ, Cp, WW; Æ: power, B, Cr: expanse, surface.

fæðman, fæðmian to surround, envelop, clasp, embrace, An, B. [‘fathom’]

fæðmlic embracing, enclosing, WW 486^6.

-fæðmnes v. on-f.

fæðmrīm n. fathom, cubit, #Ph# 29.

fæx = feax

fæxnes = feaxnes

fæxtælg? m. pomade, Cp 379#f#? (v. AB 6·163).

fāg I. variegated, spotted, dappled, stained, dyed, Lcd: shining, gleaming, Ps. [‘faw’] II. = fāh I.

fāg- = fāh-

fage f. (WW 94) = facg

fagen = fægen

fagen- = fægn-

fāgettan to change colour, #Lcd# 3·240^23. mid wordum f. speak evasively.

fāgetung f. change, ÆH 2·538^33.

±fāgian to change, vary in colour: embroider, RB 137^8.

fāgnes f. scab, ulcer, eruption, Æ: various colours, brilliancy, HL: ‘qualitas,’ ‘varietas,’ OEG.

fagnian = fægnian

fāgung f. variety, DR, GD.

fāgwyrm m. basilisk, #VPs# 90^13.

fāh I. nap. fā hostile, B: (±) proscribed, outlawed, guilty, criminal, B. [‘foe’; fēogan] II. (±) m. ‘foe,’ enemy, LL; Æ, AO. III. == fāg I.

fahame (= fēa-, fēorh-hama?) womb, WW 40^28.

±fāhmann m. ‘foeman,’ LL 50[5].

fahnian = fægnian

fala I. (WW 52^11) ?d. of *fealh tube, pipe (ES 38·337). II. = fela

fālǣcan to be at enmity with, show hostility to, LL 160[20,7].

fal-d, -æd, -od, -ud m. ‘fold,’ stall, stable, cattle-pen, A, Gl, Jn.

fald- (N) = feald-

faldgang m. going to the (sheep-) fold, W 170^20#e#.

faldhrīðer n. stalled ox, MF 158.

faldian to make a fold, hurdle off sheep, LL 454[9]. [‘fold’]

falew- = feal(e)w-

fall- (#VPs#; NG) = feall-

falod = fald

fals I. adj. false, W 272^4. II. n. falsehood, fraud, counterfeit. [late; from L.]

falðing mass, load, WW 33^8.

falu = fealu

falud = fald

fām n. ‘foam,’ BH, Ep; Æ.

fāmbig = fāmig

fāmblāwende v. līg-f.

fāmgian to foam, boil, #Ex# 481.

fāmig (ǣ) ‘foamy,’ Rd.

fāmigbord with foaming banks (of a stream), #Met# 26^26.

fāmigbōsm with foamy bosom, #Ex# 493.

fāmigheals † foamy-necked.

fana m. banner, standard, Met; OEG. [‘fane’; Ger. fahne]

+fāna gp. of +fā.

fand pret. 3 sg. of findan.

fandere m. tempter, #Sc# 206^4.

fanbyrde standard-bearing, v. OEG 1744.

±fandian (often w. g., but also d. and a.) to try, attempt, tempt, test, examine, explore, search out, AO, Gen, Mk, Run; CP. [‘fand,’ ‘fond’; findan]

fandung f. investigation, trial, temptation, test, proof, Æ, CP.

fane I. f. (NG, o^1) = fann. II. = fanu

fang m. plunder, booty, #Chr# 1016. [fōn]

fangen pp. of fōn.

+fangian to join, fasten, #Bo# 96^14.

fann f. winnowing, ‘fan,’ Cp, Lk, LL. [L. vannus]

fannian to ‘fan,’ Sc 1861^17.

fant (o) m. ‘font,’ Æ: baptismal water, HL 15^293.

fantbæð n. baptismal water, laver of baptism, Æ.

fantfæt n. baptismal font, Æ.

fanthālgung (o) f. consecration at the font, W 36^2.

fanthālig holy from connection with the font, #Lcd# 140b.

fantwæter n. ‘font-water,’ water used at baptism, laver of baptism, Lcd (o); Æ.

fanu f. standard: iris (plant).

fāra gp. of fāh I.

+fara m. travelling companion, comrade.

±faran^6 to set forth, go, travel, wander, proceed, Bl, Gen, JnL; AO, CP: be, happen, exist, act, ‘fare’ (‘i-fare’), get on, undergo, suffer, Æ: (+) die, AO, CP: (+) attack, overcome, capture, obtain, AO.

farað- = faroð-

fareld = færeld

fareð- = faroð-

Fariseisc of or belonging to the Pharisees, OEG, WG.

farm = feorm

faroð † m. shore: stream.

faroðhengest (ea^1) m. sea-horse, ship, #El# 226.

faroðlācende † swimming, sailing. as sb. sailors.

faroðrīdende sailing, #An# 440.

faroðstrǣt † f. path of the sea.

faru f. way, going, journey, course, Æ: expedition, march: procession, retinue, companions: life, proceedings, adventures, Æ: movable possessions.

fas- = fæs-

fatian (NG) = fetian

fatu v. fæt.

faðe, faðu f. father’s sister, paternal aunt.

faðusunu m. father’s sister’s son, #Chr# 1119.

faul m? evil spirit, #Lcd# 43a.

fēa I. (±) m. joy, AO, CP. II. n. = feoh. III. (fēawa) adj. nap. fēawe, superl. fēawost, fēast ‘few,’ B, BH, Chr, Mt. fēawum sīðum seldom. adv. even a little, at all.

feadur (A) = fæder

+fēagan (NG) = +fēon

feah = feoh

±feaht I. pret. 3 sg. of feohtan. II. = feoht

feal- = fel-

+feald n. region, abode? #Wald# 2^10.

±fealdan^7 to ‘fold,’ wrap up, furl, Æ, Bo, Rd.

fealdestōl (y) m. folding-stool.

feale, fealewes v. fealu.

fealewian = fealwian

fealfor = felofor [[under “felofearð”]]

fealg pret. 3 sg. of fēolan.

fealga v. fealh.

fealgian to fallow, LL 454[9] (v. A 36·71).

fealh I. f. nap. fealga fallow. [Ger. falge] II. (e) f. ‘felloe,’ felly (of a wheel), Bo. III. pret. 3 sg. of fēolan. IV. v. fala.

+fēalic joyous, pleasant. adv. -līce joyously, W 284^16.

feall = fiell

feallan^7 (±) to ‘fall’ (‘i-falle’), fall headlong, fail, decay, die, B, Ps; AO, CP. on f. fall on, attack: flow, AO 19^18: (+) overthrow, DR 115^6 (æ).

fealle f. snare, trap, OEG.

feall-endlic, -enlic unstable, perishable, transient, #Bl#, W.

fealletian ‘concidere,’ MkLR 5^5 (a^1).

-feallung v. feax-f.

+fealnis f. ruin, LkL 2^34 (æ).

fealo = (1) fealu; (2) fela

fēalōg w. g. destitute, #Gu# 217.

fealohilte yellow-hilted, #Ma# 166.

fealu I. (feale) adj. gsm. feal(e)wes, fealuwes fallow, yellow, tawny, dun-coloured, grey, dusky, dark, Æ. [Ger. fahl] II. n. fallow ground, E 179´.

fealuwian = fealwian

fealwes v. fealu.

fealwian to become ‘fallow,’ fade, wither, Sol: grow yellow, ripen.

fēanes f. ‘fewness,’ paucity, BH, Ps.

fear = fearr

fēar = fearh

fēara gen. of fēa.

fearh (æ, e) m. gs. fēares little pig, hog, #Gl#. [cp. Ger. ferkel]

fearhhama m. little stem, WW 161^5.

fearhrȳðer n. bull, #Bl#. [fearr]

+fearhsugu f. sow in farrow, WW.

fearlic of a bull, OEG 11^187.

fēarlic = fǣrlic

fearm m. freight, cargo, #Gen# 1394.

fearn n. ‘fern,’ Bo, Cp; Æ; Mdf.

fearnbed n. fern-bed, BC, WW.

fearoð- = faroð-

fearr I. m. beast of burden, ox, bull, Æ, AO. II. == feorr

feas (#VPs#) = fæs

fēasceaft † destitute, miserable, helpless, poor.

fēasceaftig destitute, poor, #Seaf# 26.

fēasceaftnes (ǣ^1) f. poverty, OEG 1171.

feast- = fæst-

featu (#VPs#) = fatu nap. of fæt.

fēaw- = fēa-

fēawa = fēa

fēawlic few, #EPs# 104^12.

fēawnes f. fewness, paucity.

feax (æ, e) n. hair, head of hair, B, BH, Lcd; Æ, CP. [‘fax’]

feaxclāð n. cap.

+feaxe furnished with hair, BH 96^11.

feaxeacan pl. forelocks, WW 343^33.

feaxede long-haired (of a comet), Chr 892. [‘faxed’]

+feaxen (#Nar# 37^1) = +feaxe

feaxfang m. seizing or dragging by the hair, LL 5[33].

feaxfeallung f. shedding of hair, mange, WW 113^30.

feaxhār hoary, gray-haired, #Rd# 73^1.

feaxnǣdel f. crisping-pin, WW 108^2.

feaxnes (æ, e) f. head of hair.

feaxnett n. hair-net, WW.

+feaxod = +feaxe

feaxprēon m. hair-pin, WW 107^38.

feaxsceacga m. bunch of hair.

feaxsceacgede shaggy.

feaxsceara (e^1) fp. scissors for hair-cutting? curling-tongs? WW 241^41.

feaxtælg? v. fæxtælg.

feaxwund f. wound under the hair, LL 20[45].

feb- = fef-

fec = fæc

±feccan (æ) to ‘fetch,’ bring, bring to, draw, Æ, Mt: seek: gain, take. [= fetian]

fecele = fæcele

fecgan = feccan

fēdan to ‘feed,’ nourish, sustain, foster, bring up, Bl, Mt, Ps; Æ, CP: bear, bring forth, produce. [fōda]

fēdednes = fēdnes

fēdelfugol (oe^1) m. fatted bird, MtR 22^4.

fēd-els, -esl m. feeding, keep: fatted animal (bird?), WW; Cp. [‘feddle’]

fēdelsswīn fattened pig, NC 343.

feder = fæder

federa = fædera

fēding f. ‘feeding,’ CP.

fēdnes (ǣ) f. nourishment, BH 88^6.

fedra = fædera

fēfer mn. gs. fēfres ‘fever,’ Lk, G; CP.

fēferādl f. ‘fever,’ AO.

fēferfūge f. feverfew. [L. febrifugia]

fēfersēoc feverish, WW 405^34.

fēfor, fēfur = fēfer

fēfrian to be feverish, suffer from fever, #Lcd#.

fēfrig feverish.

+fēg n. joining, joint, Æ: composition. [Ger. gefüge]

fēgan I. (±) to join, unite, fix, adapt, Lcd, Rd; Æ, CP. [‘fay’; Ger. fügen] II. to paint, WW.

+fēgednes f. conjunction, connection: bond, fetter, DHy 5^6.

feger = fæger

fegere = fægre

±fēging f. conjunction, #ÆGr# 10^8.

+fēgnes f. association, companionship.

feh = feoh

+feh = +feah pret. 3 sg. of +fēon.

feht sheepskin with the fleece on it? TC 119; v. ES 37·177.

+feht = +feoht

fehtan (N) = feohtan

fēhð pres. 3 sg. of fōn.

fel = fell

fēl = fēol

fela (ea, eo) I. sbn. and adj. (w. g., or in agmt.; rarely inflected) many, much, B, G, Lcd, etc. II. adv. very much, many. [‘fele’; Ger. viel]

felaǣte ‘mordax,’ OEG 23^15.

felafǣcne very treacherous, #GnE# 148.

felafeald manifold, many times over, Ps. [‘felefold’]

felafealdnes (fele-) f. multitude, #EPs# 5^11.

felafrēcne † very fierce, bold.

felagēomor † very sad, sorrowful.

felageong very young, FT 53.

felageonge having travelled much, #Creat# 3. [gangan]

felahrōr full of exploits, B 27.

felaīdelsprǣce emptily chattering, CP 174^25.

felalēof very dear, #Wif# 26.

fela-meahtig, -mihtig † most mighty.

felamōdig † very bold.

±fēlan I. (w. g.) to touch, ‘feel,’ AO: perceive, Rd. II. (#VPs#) = fēolan

felaspecol talkative.

fela-specolnes, -sprecolnes f. loquacity, talkativeness.

felasprǣce talkative, CP 281^14.

felasynnig very guilty, B 1379.

felawlonc very stately, #Rd# 13^7.

felawyrde talkative, W 40^18.

felawyrdnes f. talkativeness.

felcyrf n. foreskin.

feld m. ds. felda, felde open or cultivated land, field, plain, A, Met, RB; AO, CP; Mdf: battle-field. on clǣnum felda in the open field (of battle), CP 227^25.

feldælbin (WW 352^10) = feldelfen

feldbēo f. humble bee, WW.

feldbisceopwyrt f. field bishopwort, ANS 84·325.

feldcirice f. country church, LL 264[5,1]; 282[3,2].

felde = fylde pret. 3 sg. of fyllan.

feldelfen f. wood-nymph, WW 189^6.

feldgangende † roaming over the land.

feldhrīðer n. field-ox, NC 285.

feldhūs † n. tent, #Ex#.

feldland n. ‘field-land,’ meadow-land, plain, Æ.

feldlic rural, Æ.

feldmædere f. field-madder, rosemary, WW 300^10.

feldminte f. field-mint, wild mint, WW.

feld-more, -moru f. parsnip.

feldoxa f. field-ox (i.e. an ox out to grass, not a stalled or fat ox).

feldrude f. wild rue.

feldsæten f. field, #LPs# 77^12. [seten]

feldswamm m. fungus, toadstool, WW 404^26.

feldwēsten n. desert.

feldwōp m. plantain, #Gl# (?= *feldhoppe, ANS 119·435; FM 200).

feldwyrt f. gentian, #Lcd#.

+fēle sensitive, #Lcd#.

felefeald = felafeald

fēlelēas insensible, dead, #Wy# 40.

felg, felge f. ‘felloe,’ felly, rim of a wheel, Bo. [fēolan]

felge-role, -roðe ‘polipodium,’ A 24·432 (v. MLN 23·186).

felh = fealh pret. 3 sg. of fēolan.

felhð (#KGl#) = fylgð pres. 3 sg. of fylgan.

feligean = fylgan

fell I. n. ‘fell,’ skin, hide, B, Jul, Lcd; Æ, AO, CP. [L. pellis] II. m. = fiell

fell- = fyll-

fellen (i^1) made of skins, Æ.

fellerēad (ēo^3; = *pællerēad? ES 43·315) purple, NG.

fēllun = fēollon pret. pl. of feallan.

-felma v. ǣger-f.

felmen- = fylmen-

±fēlnes f. sensation, feeling, Æ.

felo- = fela-

felofearð, felofor m. name of a bird, bittern? JGPh 2^176.

fēlon (A) = fulgon pret. pl. of fēolan.

+fēlsian = +fǣlsian

felst pres. 2 sg. of feallan.

felstycce n. piece of skin, #Lcd# 1·330.

felt m? n? ‘felt,’ WW.

felt-ere, -erre a plant, #Lcd#.

feltūn m. privy, dunghill, CP.

feltūngrēp f. dunghill, NC 285.

feltwurma m. wild marjoram, #Lcd#.

feltwyrt f. mullein (plant).

felð = fielð pres. 3 sg. of feallan.

fēlð = fȳlð

felða (Cp 128#s#) rare gp. of feld.

felu- = felo-

fēm-, fēmn- (#VPs#) = fǣmn-

fen = fenn

fenampre (o^2) f. a marsh plant, #Lcd# 38b.

fencerse f. water-cress, Lcd. [‘fencress’]

fenester n? m? window, GD 220. [L.]

fenfearn n. marsh-fern, ‘salvia,’ water-fern, WW 135^4.

fenfreoðo f. fen-refuge, B 851.

fenfugol m. moor-fowl, #Lcd# 95b?

±feng m. grip, grasp, embrace: capture: prey, booty. [fōn]

fēng pret. 3 sg. of fōn.

fengel † m. lord, prince, king.

fengelād n. marsh-path, fen, B 1359.

fengnes f. ‘susceptio,’ #CPs# 82^9.

fengnett n. (catching-)net, #PPs# 140^12.

fengon pret. pl. of fōn.

fengtōð (æ) m. canine tooth, LL 81n16.

fenhleoðu np. fen-coverts, B 820. [hlið]

fenhop n. fen-hollow, B 764.

fenix m. the bird ‘phœnix,’ ÆGr, Ph: date-palm.

fenland n. fen-land, marsh, AO.

fenlic marshy, Æ, Guth. [‘fenlich’]

fenminte f. water-mint, #Lcd# 14b.

fenn nm. mud, mire, dirt, CP, WW: ‘fen,’ marsh, moor, B, Bo; AO: the fen country, Chr 905.

fenn- = fen-

fennig dirty, musty, mouldy, CP (= fynig): marshy, WW. [‘fenny’]

fennðæc n. fen-covering, OET (Bd^2).

fenol = finul

fenompre = fenampre

fenȳce f. marsh-frog, #Rd# 41^71.

fēo == feoh; also ds. of feoh.

fēode pret. 3 sg. of fēogan.

fēogan (fīa, N; fēon) to hate, persecute, LkL. [‘ivee’]

fēogȳtsung (ēa) f. avarice, BH 130^34.

feoh n. gs. fēos, ds. fēo cattle, herd, LL, Sol; AO [Ger. vieh]: movable goods, property, Bo, Ps; AO: money, riches, treasure, BH, Mt; Æ, CP. wið licgendum fēo for ready money, ÆL 9^54: name of the rune for =f=. [‘fee’]

feohbehāt n. promise of money, #Chr# 865#e#.

feohbīgenga m. cattle-keeper, NC 343.

feohbōt f. money compensation, LL 46n5; 258[51].

feohfang m. offence of taking a bribe, LL 318[15,1].

feohgafol n. usury, NC 285.

feohgehāt n. promise of money, #Chr# 865#a#.

feohgerēfa m. steward, LkLR 12^42.

feohgesceot n. payment of money, #Bk# 28; 29.

feohgesteald n. possession of riches, #Jul# 685.

feohgestrēon n. acquiring money: treasure, possessions, riches.

feohgīdsere (CP) = feohgītsere

feohgiefu f. largess.

feohgīetsere (CP 331^6) = feohgītsere

feohgīfre † avaricious.

feohgift † f. bounty-giving, largess.

feohgītsere m. miser.

feohgod n. property (in cattle), LL 60n1.

feohgyrnes f. greed, LL 396[4].

feohhord m. treasury.

feohhūs n. treasure-house, WW. [‘fee’]

feohlǣnung f. lending of money, WW 115^45.

feohland ‘pascua,’ #PPs#.

feohlēas without money: not to be bought off, past compensation, B 2441.

feohlēasnes f. want of money.

feohsceatt n. money-payment, #Da# 744.

feohspēda fp. riches, GD 273^2.

feohspilling f. waste of money, #Chr# 1096.

feohstrang well off, #Gl#.

±feoht (i, o, y) n. action of fighting, B, Ps: ‘fight,’ battle, AO: strife, Mod.

±feohtan^3 (e, N) to ‘fight,’ combat, strive, Chr, LL, Æ, AO, CP. on f. attack, fight against: (+) gain by fighting, win.

+feohtdæg m. day of battle, #PPs# 139^7.

feohte f. = feoht

feohtehorn (y^1) m. battle-horn, #PPs# 74^9.

feohtend m. fighter, OEG 3805.

feohtere m. fighter, ES 39^328.

feohtgegyrela m. implement of war, missile, ‘falarica,’ WW 399^30.

feohtlāc n. fighting, LL. [‘fightlac’]

feohtling (y^1) m. fighter, GD 110^13; MP 1·610.

+fēohtsumnes f. joyfulness, NC 292. [+fēon]

feohtwīte (i^1, y^1, y^2) n. penalty for fighting, LL.

feohwite n. fine for coining false money, LL 319 col. 2.

fēol pret. 3 sg. of feallan.

fēol (ē, ī) f. ‘file,’ Rd; ÆL.

feola = fela

fēolaga m. partner, ‘fellow,’ Chr 1016#d#. [ON. fēlage]

±fēolan^3 (ē) to cleave, be joined to, adhere: enter, penetrate, pass into, through or over, betake oneself to, #Chr#: undergo: persevere in. [Goth. filhan]

fēold pret. 3 sg. of fealdan.

feolde = folde

fēoldon pret. pl. of fealdan.

fēolheard hard as a file? hard enough to resist the file? #Ma# 108 (or ?= *felaheard).

fēolian to file, ÆL 32^203.

fēoll pret. 3 sg., fēollon pret. pl. of feallan.

feolu = fela

feolu-fer, -ferð, -for = felofor [[under “felofearð”]]

feon = fenn

fēon I. (±, usu. +) sv^5 w. in or g. to be glad, rejoice, exult, CP. II. = fēogan

fēond (ie, y) m. ds. fīend, fēonde, nap. fīend, fēond, adversary, foe, enemy, A, B, Mt; AO, CP [f. = female enemy]: ‘fiend,’ devil, Gu; CP: the Devil, Lcd, Hy. [pres. ptc. of fēogan]

fēondǣt m. eating things sacrificed to idols, #PPs# 105^24.

fēondgrāp f. grip of a foe, B 636.

fēondgyld n. idolatry, idol, GD, #PPs#: demoniacal possession? MtL 4^24.

fēondlic hateful, hostile, fiendish, WW; Æ. adv. -līce, Jul. [‘fiendly’]

fēondrǣden f. enmity, Æ.

fēondrǣs m. hostile attack, #Gen# 900.

fēondsceaða † m. enemy, robber.

fēondscipe m. hostility, enmity, hatred, AO, CP.

fēondsēoc possessed with a devil, demoniac, BH 184^5.

fēondulf m. public enemy, criminal, malefactor. [fēond, wulf]

fēong = fēoung

feonn = fenn

feor = feorr, feorran-

fēor = feorh, fēower

fēora gp. of feorh.

+fēora = +fēra

feorbūend dwelling far off, B 254.

feorcumen = feorrancumen

feorcund = feorrancund

feorcȳðð f. distant land, B 1838.

feord = fierd

feord- = fierd-, fyrd-

fēores gs. of feorh.

feorg == feorh

feorh (e) mn. gs. fēores; nap. feorh life, principle of life, soul, spirit, AO, CP. tō wīdan fēore for eternity, for ever. f. gesellan, āgiefan to die: living being, person.

feorhādl f. fatal disease, Æ.

feorhbana m. man-slayer.

feorhbealu † n. deadly evil, violent death.

feorhbenn f. deadly wound, B 2740.

feorhberend † m. living being.

feorhbold n. body, #Rood# 73.

feorhbona = feorhbana

feorhbora m. life-bearer, #Rd# 92^2.

feorhcwalu † (e) f. slaughter, death.

feorhcwealm † m. slaughter, death.

feorhcynn † n. race of mortals.

feorhdagas mp. days of life, #Gen# 2358.

feorhdolg n. deadly wound, #Cr# 1455.

feorhēacen living, #Gen# 204.

feorhfægen fain of life, glad to preserve one’s life, ÆL 23^309.

feorhgebeorh n. refuge, #Ex# 369.

feorhgedāl † n. death.

feorhgener n. preservation of life, LL 204[7,3].

feorhgenīðla † m. mortal foe.

feorhgiefa † m. giver of life.

feorhgiefu f. gift of life, #Rim# 6?

feorh-gōme? f. means of subsistence? -gōma? m. jaw? #Cr# 1547.

feorhhord † n. breast, soul, spirit.

feorhhūs n. soul-house, body, #Ma# 297.

feorhhyrde m. life’s guardian, protector.

feorhlāst m. step taken to preserve life, flight, B 846.

feorhlēan n. revenge for bloodshed? gift of life? #Ex# 150.

feorhlegu † f. life.

feorhlic (fera-, ferh-) vital, #HGl# 453.

feorhlīf n. life, #PPs# 142^2.

feorhloca m. breast, #Gu# 625.

feorhlyre m. loss of life, LL 466[3].

feorhneru f. preservation of life, refuge, salvation: nourishment of life, food.

feorhrǣd m. salvation, #An# 1656.

feorhscyldig guilty of death, LL.

feorhsēoc mortally wounded, B 820.

feorhsweng m. fatal blow, B 2489.

feorhðearf f. urgent need, #PPs# 69^1.

feorhwund f. deadly wound, B 2385.

feorlen = fyrlen

feorlic far off, alien, strange, #Kl# 100^97.

feorlond n. distant land, #Pa# 10.

feorm (a, æ, o, y) f. food, provision, sustenance: entertainment, meal, feast, supper, Æ, AO, CP: goods, possessions: stores: rent in kind, EC: profit, benefit, CP: tilling, LL 454, 8 (y).

feorma = forma

feormehām m. farm, #Chr# 1087.

feormend m. entertainer: cleanser, polisher, furbisher.

feormendlēas wanting a burnisher, B 2761.

feormere m. purveyor, KC 4·278^21.

feormfultum m. help in food, LL 356[69,1].

±feormian to entertain, receive as guest: cherish, support, sustain, feed: consume: benefit, profit: scour, cleanse, furbish: (+) harbour (stolen goods), LL 108[4,6].

feormung f. harbouring, LL: furbishing, cleansing, LL.

feornes f. distance, BH 72^10.

feorr I. comp. fi(e)rra, fyrra; sup. fierresta ‘far,’ remote, distant, BH, Chr, RB; CP. II. adv. comp. fierr, firr, fyr(r); sup. fi(e)rrest, fyrrest ‘far,’ far away, distant, remote, CP: far back (in time): further, besides, moreover.

feorran I. adv. from afar, from a remote time or place, B, El, Gen: far off, at a distance, Bo; Æ, CP. [‘ferren’] II. (æ, y) to remove, avert, turn aside, withdraw, B: proscribe. [‘far’]

feorrancumen come from afar, strange.

feorrancund, feorrcund come from afar, foreign born.

feorrane, feorren(e) = feorran I.

feorrfaran^6 ‘vexari,’ LkL 7^6 (i^1).

feorrian to keep apart, Æ: (+) depart, NG (ea).

feorrung f. removal, departure, GD 49^16.

feorsian to go beyond: put far from, expel: depart, remove, separate.

feorsn = fiersn

feorstuð nf. support, WW.

feorting f. ‘pedatio,’ WW 162^42.

feorð = ferhð

fēorða (ēa, N) ‘fourth,’ Lk; AO, CP. fēorðe healf three and a half.

feorðe fourthly, LL 158[15].

fēorð-ling, -ung m. fourth part: ‘farthing,’ MkL, LkL; Æ. [‘ferling’]

fēorum dp. of feorh.

feorweg m. remote part.

feorwit = fyrwit

fēos gs. of feoh.

feostnode (#Chr# 963#e#) = fæstnode pret. 3 sg. of fæstnian.

feot- = fet-

fēoð pres. 3 sg. of fēogan.

fēoðer-, fēoðor- = fēower-

fēoung f. hatred, CP. [fēogan]

feow-, fēower- v. also fiðer-.

fēower, fēowere [indecl. before a sb. but when alone, usu. g. fēow(e)ra, d. fēowerum] ‘four,’ Cr; Æ, AO, CP: four times.

fēowerdōgor mn. and adj. four days.

fēower-ecge, -ecgede four-cornered, square, #Lcd#.

fēowerfeald fourfold, Lk 19^8.

fēowerfealdlīce quadruply, #Bl#.

fēowerfēte four-footed, AO; Æ. [‘four-foot’]

fēower-fōt, -fōtede four-footed.

fēowergild n. fourfold compensation, LL 228´.

fēowerhwēolod (fȳr-) four-wheeled? RHy 4^19. (v. ES 38·15)

fēowerscȳte four-cornered, square, AO. [scēat]

fēowertēme (fēoður-) four-teamed, VHy.

fēower-tēoða, -tēogða, ‘fourteenth,’ BH, MH; AO.

fēowertīene (ē^3, ȳ^3) ‘fourteen,’ MtL; AO.

fēowertig ‘forty,’ MtL; AO.

fēowertigfeald fortyfold.

fēowertiglic quadragesimal, BH.

fēowertigoða ‘fortieth,’ Æ.

fēowertȳne = fēowertīene

fēowerða (Mt) = fēorða

fēowr- = fēower-, fēor-

fēowra v. fēower.

±fēowung f. rejoicing, joy, OEG 1118. [+fēon]

fēowur- = fēower-

fer = fær

fer- = fær-, fear-, fier-, feor-, for-, fyr-

fēr = (1) fǣr I.; (2) fēfer

fēr- = fǣr-, fȳr

±fēra m. associate, comrade, fellow-disciple, AO, CP: wife: man, servant, v. LL 2·427f.

fēran to go, come, set out, march, travel, B; JnL (oe), CP: behave, act: (+) accomplish, attain, obtain: (+) fare, speed, undergo, suffer. [‘fere’]

fērbedd n. portable bed.

fērblǣd = fǣrblǣd

fercian to convey, bring, Chr: support, ÆL 23^597: stuff up (with lies), ÆL 23^713. [‘ferk, firk’]

fercung f. sustenance, provision, food, Æ (9^172).

ferdwyrt (ferw-)? a plant, ANS 84·325 (or ?= feld-).

fēre able to go, fit for (military) service.

+fēre I. f. company, community. II. accessible, #Ph# 4. [faran]

ferele f. rod, GD. [L. ferula]

fērend m. sailor: messenger.

fereð pres. 3 sg. of (1) faran, (2) ferian.

fēreð pres. 3 sg. of fēran.

fergan = ferian

ferht I. honest, #Gl#. II. = ferhð

ferhtlic just, honest, #PPs# 95^10.

ferhð † (ferð) mn. mind, intellect, soul, spirit: life. wīdan f. eternally, for ever.

ferhðbana m. murderer, #Ex# 399.

ferhðcearig of anxious mind, #Gen# 2217.

ferhð-cleofa, -cofa † m. breast.

ferhðfrec bold, brave, B 1146.

ferhðfrīðende (rð) sustaining life, #Rd# 39^3.

ferhðgenīðla m. mortal enemy, B 2881.

ferhðgewit (rð) n. understanding, #Cr# 1184.

ferhðglēaw † wise, prudent.

ferhðgrim (rð) † savage.

ferhðloca † m. breast, body.

ferhðlufu f. heartfelt love, #An# 83 (y).

ferhðsefa † (i, y) m. mind, thought.

ferhðwērig † soul-weary, sad.

±ferian to carry, convey, bring, An, B, El; Æ: (with refl. a.) betake oneself to, be versed in: depart, go, Ma. [‘ferry’]

feriend m. leader, bringer, #Sol# 80.

fēring I. † f. journey, wandering. [fēran] II. f. ‘insimulatio,’ #Gl#. [fǣr]

+fērlǣcan (ē) to associate, unite, Æ.

+fērlic associated. adv. -līce sociably, together; -līðlīce GD 313^24.

±fērnes f. passage, transition, passing away.

+fērrǣden (usu. +) f. companionship, fellowship, Æ, AO, CP: friendship: society, fraternity, congregation, Æ.

fers nm. verse: sentence. [L.]

fersc ‘fresh’ (not salt), AO: not salted, KC.

-ferscan v. ā-f.

fersceta m. freshet, A 20·382.

±fērscipe m. fraternity, community, retinue: society, fellowship, companionship, CP.

+fērscipian to unite, accompany, DR.

fersian to versify, #ÆGr# 218^3.

ferð == ferhð

ferða m. skin, hide? A 30^253.

ferðan = furðum

fēsan = fȳsan

fēsian = fȳsian

fest == fæst

fēst = fȳst

fester- = fōstor-

festnung f. munificence, WW 440^17.

fēstrian = fōstrian

fet pres. 3 sg. of fetian.

fēt I. pres. 3 sg. of fēdan. II. ds. and nap. of fōt.

+fetan^4 to fall, MtR 13^7,8.

fetel m. belt, Bo, Met. [‘fettle’]

fetelhilt n. belted or ringed sword-hilt, B 1563.

fētels = fǣtels

fetelsian to provide with a sheath? BC 3·215^2. +fetelsod ornamented? (BT), belted? ringed?

feter == fetor

+feterian † to fetter, bind.

±fetian (æ) to bring near, fetch, B, Gen: bring on, induce: marry. [= feccan]

fetor (eo^1, e^2) f. ‘fetter,’ shackle, Cp, MkL, Ps: check, restraint, Wa.

fetorwrāsen f. fetter, chain, #An# 1109.

+fetran, +fetrian = +feterian

fētt I. pres. 3 sg. of fēdan. II. = fǣtt

fettan = fetian

fette pret. 3 sg. of fetian.

fēð = fēhð pres. 3 sg. of fōn.

fēða m. foot-soldier, AO: band of foot-soldiers, troop, Æ: warfare, battle? #Jul# 389.

fēðan to lead, Æ: go on foot? Æ (9^449).

fēðe n. power of locomotion, walking, gait, pace, Æ, AO.

fēðecempa † m. foot-soldier.

fēðegang m. journey on foot, #Gen# 2513.

fēðegeorn anxious to go, #Rd# 32^9.

fēðegest † m. guest coming on foot, traveller.

fēðehere m. infantry, AO.

fēðehwearf m. band of footmen, #Gu# 162.

fēðelāst † m. step, track, course.

fēðelēas † footless, crippled.

fēðemenn mp. infantry, NG, WW.

fēðemund f. fore-paw, #Rd# 16^17.

feðer (æ) f. nap. feð(e)ra, feðre ‘feather,’ Lcd, Ph; pl. wings, Bo, Mt, OET; CP: pen, Lk; CP.

feðer- = fēower-, fiðer-

feðeran = fiðerian

feðerbǣre provided with feathers, winged, GPH 390.

feðerbedd n. feather-bed, WW 124^19.

feðerberend provided with feathers, feathered, WW 465^20.

feðercræft m. embroidery, WW 491^3.

feðergearwe fp. feathers of the arrow, B 3119.

feðergeweorc n. feather-embroidery.

feðerhama m. wings, plumage, Cp, Gen. [‘featherham’]

fēðespēdig speedy of foot, #Cra# 53.

fēðewīg † m. battle on foot, affray.

feðm = fæðm

feðorbyrste split into four, #Lcd# 148a (A 30·129).

feðra, feðre v. feðer.

feðrian to become fledged, OEG 26^27.

+fēðrian to load, AS 1^11. [fōðor]

feðriht feathered, MtL p7^17.

fēðu (WW 110^29) = fēða

fēðung f. walking, motion, Æ.

fex == feax

fīag- (N) = fēog-

fibulae (#Gl#) = fīfele

+fic n. deceit. [v. ‘fickle’]

fīc m. fig, fig-tree: (fig-disease), venereal ulcer, hemorrhoids, #Lcd#. [L. ficus]

fīcādl f. fig-disease (v. fīc).

fīcæppel m. fig.

fīcbēam m. fig-tree, Æ, CP.

-fician v. be-f.

fīclēaf n. fig-leaf.

ficol ‘fickle,’ cunning, tricky, KGl; W.

fīctrēow n. fig-tree.

ficung f. fraud, trickery, LL 242[24]; 254[28,2].

fīcwyrm m. intestinal worm, #Lcd# 122a.

fīcwyrt f. fig-wort, WW 134^32.

fīeftīene = fīftīene

fieht pres. 3 sg. of feohtan.

±fiell (æ, e, ea, y) mn. fall, destruction, AO, CP: death, slaughter: precipice: case, inflection, #ÆGr# 91^14 (y). [feallan]

fiell- v. fyll.

fielt pres. 3 sg. of fealdan.

fielð pres. 3 sg. of feallan.

fīend = fēond, also ds. of fēond.

+fīend (ȳ) mp foes, enemies, Lk. [‘i-feond’]

fīendwīc n. enemy’s camp, #LPs# 77^28.

fier v. feorr II.

fīer- = fēower-

fierd (æ, e, eo, y) f. national levy or army, Chr: military expedition, campaign, Ma, PPs; AO: camp. [‘ferd’]

fierd- v. also fyrd-.

fierdian (y) to go on an expedition, march, #Chr#.

fierdlēas without an army, undefended, unprotected, #Chr# 894#a#.

fieren- = firen-

fīerfēte = fēowerfēte

-fierme (eo) v. or-f. [[under “orfeorme”]]

fierra, fierrest, fierresta v. feorr II.

fiersn (e, eo, y) f. heel. [Ger. ferse]

fierst = first

fīf usu. indecl. before sb.; but when alone, has na. fīfe, g. fīfa, d. fīfum ‘five,’ A, Gen, Mt.

fīfalde f. butterfly, #Gl#. [Ger. falter]

fīfbēc fp. Pentateuch, WW 470^8.

fife v. fīf.

fīfecgede having five angles, #ÆGr# 289^15.

fīfel n. (huge) sea-monster, giant, #Wald# 2^10.

fīfelcynn n. race of sea-monsters, B 104.

fīfeldōr n. door of sea-monsters, river Eider, #Wid# 43.

fīfele f. buckle, WW 403^7. [L. ‘fibula’]

fīfelfota ‘petilus,’ A 8·449.

fīfelstrēam m. ocean, sea, #Met# 26^26.

fīfelwǣg m. ocean, sea, #El# 237.

fīffalde = fīfalde

fīffeald ‘five-fold,’ Æ: five each, CM 840.

fīffēted five-footed, OEG 130.

fīffingre f. ‘potentilla,’ ‘primula,’ cinquefoil, oxlip? Lcd. [‘fivefinger’]

fīfflēre five-storied, Æ. [flōr]

fīfgēar n. period of five years, lustrum, WW 431^16.

fīf-hund, -hundred num. five hundred.

fīflæppede having five lobes, #Lcd# 59b.

fīf-lēaf n., -lēafe f. ‘potentilla,’ cinquefoil, Lcd. [‘fiveleaf’]

fīfmægen n. magic power, #Sol# 136. [fīfel, mægen]

fīfnihte five days old, #Ans# 129·22.

fīfta ‘fifth,’ Æ, Mk; AO, CP.

fīftafæder v. fæder.

fīfte fifthly, LL 158[16].

fīfteg = fīftig

fīftegða = fīftēoða

fīftēne = fīftīene

fīfteogoða ‘fiftieth,’ Æ; CP.

fīf-tēoða (ȳ^1). -tēða, -tegða ‘fifteenth,’ BH, Lcd.

fīftīene (ȳ^1, ē^2, ȳ^2) (often w. g.) ‘fifteen,’ A, B, Gu; AO.

fīftīenewintre (e^2) fifteen years old, #Bl# 213^1.

fīftig num. ‘fifty,’ Æ: sb. a set of fifty, Mk.

Fiftigdæg m. Pentecost, MkL p5^10.

fīftigeða, fīttigoða = fīfteogoða

fīftigfeald ‘fiftyfold,’ containing fifty, Æ.

fīftȳne (Æ) = fīftīene

fīfwintre five years old, #ÆGr# 287^14.

fīgan^1 ‘frigere,’ Ep.

fihl n? cloth, rag, NG. [?= fliht]

fiht I. pres. 3 sg. of feohtan. II. = feht

fiht- = fyht-

fīhtan = fȳhtan

+fihð pres. 3 sg. of +fēon.

fīl (#Gl#) = fēol

+fīlan = +fȳlan

+filce = +fylce

fild sb. milking, #Lcd# 53b.

fildcumb m. milk-pail, #Lcd# 122b.

filde field-like, of the nature of a plain, AO 74^12.

+filde n. field, plain, AO 12^10. [feld]

filgð, filhð pres. 3 sg. of fēolan.

fili- = fylg-

fīllende ptc. rubbing, WW 407^36.

filiðe n. hay.

filiðlēag m. meadow, Ct.

fill == fyll

fille thyme? OEG 56^38. [= cerfille?]

fillen = fellen

filmen (y) n. ‘film,’ membrane, thin skin, Lcd; Æ: foreskin, Æ.

filst- = fylst-

filð pres. 3 sg. of feallan.

fīn f. heap, pile. v. OEG 2456.

fīna m. woodpecker, WW 49^2.

finc m. ‘finch,’ Ep, WW.

fīnd = fīend

findan^3 (but occl. wk. pret. funde) (±) to find, meet with, B, Gen, Jul, Met: discover, obtain by search or study, Cr, MtL, Ps: provide: consider, devise, arrange, dispose, decide, AO, CP: show, inform. f. æt obtain from.

findend m. finder, GPH 391.

±findig (ȳ) capable, #ÆGr# 69^4.

finding f. invention, initiative, CM 1082.

finel = finul

finger m. ‘finger,’ Mt, VPs; Æ, CP.

finger-æppla, -appla npl. finger-shaped fruits, dates, ÆL, OEG.

fingerdocca? m? finger-muscle, #Gl#.

fingerlic belonging to a finger or ring, WW 291^26.

fingarlið n. finger-joint, NC 343.

fingermæl n. finger’s length, NR 22^8.

finig (y) = fynig

finiht finny.

finn m. ‘fin,’ Æ.

finol == finul

finst = findest pres. 2 sg. of findan.

fint pres. 3 sg. of findan.

finta † m. tail: consequence, result.

finul (e^1, y^1, o^2), finugl m., finu(g)le ‘fennel,’ Ep, WW. [L. foenuculum]

finulsǣd (o^2) n. fennel-seed, #Lcd# 157a.

fīo == fēo

fīr = fȳr

fīras † mp. men, human beings.

fird = fierd

fird- = fierd-, fyrd-

firen f. transgression, sin, crime: outrage, violence: torment, suffering.

firenbealu n. transgression, #Cr# 1276.

firencræft m. wickedness, #Jul# 14.

firendǣd † f. wicked deed, crime.

firenearfeðe n. sinful woe, #Gen# 709.

firenfremmende sinful, #Cr# 1118.

firenful (y) sinful, wicked.

firengeorn sinful, #Cr# 1606.

firenhicga (y^1, y^2) m. adulterer, GPH 389.

firenhicge (fyrn-) f. adulteress, OEG.

firenhicgend (fyrn-) adulterous, OEG.

±firenian (y) to sin: commit adultery; revile.

firenlic (y) wicked. adv. -līce vehemently, rashly, #Wald# 1^20.

firenligerian to commit fornication, #RSPs# 105^39.

firenlust m. lust, sinful desire, luxury, wantonness, AO, CP.

firenlustful wanton, luxurious, A 12·502^10.

firenlustgeorn wanton, W 253^5.

firensynnig sinful, #Cr# 1379.

firentācnian (y) to commit misdeeds, RHy 6^21.

firenðearf (y) f. dire distress, B 14.

firenum excessively, very, intensely: malignantly. [dp. of firen]

firenweorc † n. evil deed, sin.

firenwyrcende † sinning, sinful.

firenwyrhta (y) † m. evil-doer.

fīrfoda = fȳrfoda [[headword spelled “fȳrfōda”]]

firgen mountain, mountain-woodland. [?only in compounds]

[[Entry from first edition; note “only in compounds”.]]

firgenbēam (y) m. mountain tree, B 1414. [Goth. fairguni]

firgenbeorg (fergenberig) mountain, #Rune-Casket#.

firgenbucca m. ibex, #Lcd#.

firgendstrēam = firgenstrēam

firgen-gāt f. nap. -gǣt ibex, #Gl#.

firgenheafod n. mountain-headland.

firgenholt n. mountain-wood, B 1393.

firgenstrēam † m. mountain-stream, woodland-stream.

firgin- = firgen-

firht = freht

firhð == ferhð

firigendstrēam = firgenstrēam

firinggāt = firgengāt

firmdig = frymdig

firmettan to ask, beg, AO 186^6.

firn- = firen-, fyrn-

firr, firra, firre, firrest v. feorr.

first I. (e, ie, y) mn. period, space of time, time, respite, truce, B, Chr; CP. [‘frist’] II. (ie) f. ceiling, Ep. [Ger. first] III. = fyrst

firsthrōf n. ceiling.

first-mearc, -gemearc f. period of time, appointed time, interval, respite.

firð- = fyrð-

firwet- = fyrwit-

fisc m. ‘fish,’ VPs; Æ, AO, CP; Mdf.

fisc-að, -(n)oð m. fishing, AO. fishpond: a catch of fish. [v. NC 286]

fiscbrȳne m. fish-brine, WW 128^39.

fisccynn n. fish tribe, Æ.

fiscdēah f. fish-dye, purple, OEG 5193.

fiscere m. ‘fisher,’ fisherman, AO, Mt: kingfisher (bird).

fiscfell (NG) = fiscpōl

fiscflōdu? m. fish-flood, sea, OET.

fischūs n. place where fish is sold, WW 184^40.

fiscian to ‘fish,’ Bo.

fiscmere m. fishpond, WW 484^11.

fiscnað = fiscað

fiscnett n. fishing-net.

fiscnoð, fiscoð = fiscað

fiscpōl m. fishpond, JnL, WW. [‘fishpool’]

fiscðrūt m. small fish, MtL 15^34.

fiscwelle I. m. fishpond, A 13·321. II. = fiscwylle

fiscwer m. fish-weir, fish-trap, LL 454[9].

fiscwylle full of fish, BH. [weallan]

fisting f. ‘fesiculatio,’ WW.

fitelfōta thin, slender, WW 161^20.

fitersticca m. tent-nail, WW 187^5 (?= fiðersticca).

fitt I. f? struggle, contest, fight, #Gen# 2072. II. f. ‘fit,’ song, poem, Bo; #Gl#. [? connected with I. v. #SkED# under fit (2)]

fiðele f. fiddle.

fiðelere m. ‘fiddler,’ WW 311^23.

fiðelestre f. female fiddler, WW 311^24.

fiðer- = fēower-, feðer-

fiðercian to flutter, GD 100^19. [fiðere]

fiðerdǣled quadripartite, quartered, OEG.

fiðere (y) n. nap. fið(e)ru, fiðera(s) wing, Æ, CP.

fiðerfeald ‘quadriga,’ EHy 4^19.

fiðerflēdende (y^1) flowing in four streams, GPH 390.

fiðerflōwende flowing in four streams, OEG 48^2.

fiðerhama m. wing-covering, ÆL 34^74 (y^1).

+fiðerhamod covered with feathers, ÆH 1·466^27.

fiðerhīwe ‘quadriformis,’ OEG 177.

+fiðerian, fiðrian to provide with feathers, or wings.

fiðerlēas without wings, Wy 22.

fiðerrīce (y) n. tetrarchy, #Chr# 12#c#.

fiðerscēatas mp. four quarters? #Sol# 32.

fiðersleht m. flapping of wings, joy? OEG 4892.

fiðru v. fiðere.

fixa, fixas, fixum = fisca, fiscas, fiscum, gp., nap. and dp. of fisc.

fixen == fyxen

fixian, fixoð, fixnoð = fiscian, fiscað

flā f. arrow, AO. [‘flo’; = flān]

flacg cataplasm, plaster, WW 380^28.

flacor † flying (of arrows). [cp. Ger. flackern]

flæ- = flea-, fleo-

flǣ- = flā-, flēa-, flēo-, flīe-

flǣc = flǣsc

flǣre f. earlap, WW 157^12.

flǣsc (ē) n. ‘flesh,’ Æ, Cp, Lk, VP; CP: body (as opposed to soul), B, Jn: carnal nature, Mt: living creatures, Lk, Ps.

flǣscǣt m. animal food, RB.

flǣscbana m. murderer, GD.

flǣsccofa m. body, #LPs# 118^120.

flǣsccȳping f. meat-market, WW 145^26.

flǣsceht fleshy, #Lcd# 83a.

flǣscen of flesh, like flesh, GPH; Æ. [‘fleshen’]

flǣscennes = flǣscnes

flǣscgebyrd f. incarnation, OEG 429.

flǣschama (o^2) † m. body, carcase.

+flǣschamod incarnate, Æ.

flǣschord † n. body.

flǣschūs n. ‘flesh-house,’ place where meat is sold, WW.

flǣsclic ‘fleshly,’ corporeal, carnal, Æ, BH.

flǣsclīcnes f. incarnate condition, Æ. [‘fleshliness’]

flǣscmangere m. butcher, WW. [‘flesh-monger’]

flǣscmaðu f. maggot, WW 122^13.

flǣsc-mete m. nap. -mettas flesh, animal food, LL; Æ, CP. [‘fleshmeat’]

±flǣscnes f. incarnation, #Chr#.

+flǣscod incarnate, Æ.

flǣscsand portion of meat, NC 287.

flǣscstrǣt f. meat-market, Æ.

flǣsctāwere m. torturer of the flesh, executioner, WW 189^19.

flǣsctōð m. one of the teeth, WW 415^24.

flǣscðēnung f. use as food, NC 287.

flǣscwellere m. executioner, hangman, WW 382^29. [flǣsc, cwellere]

flǣscwyrm m. maggot, Lcd. [‘fleshworm’]

flǣslic = flǣsclic

flæðecomb m. weaver’s comb, WW.

flæx (MtR) = fleax

flagen pp. of flēan.

flāh I. n. wickedness, treachery, #Rim# 47. II. † adj. wily, deceitful, hostile.

flān mf. barb, arrow, javelin, dart, B, Ma, Æ; AO, CP. [‘flane’]

flānboga † m. bow.

flanc m. flank, OEG 50^35.

flāngeweorc † n. shooting-gear, arrows.

flānhred? arrow-swift? arrow-equipped? (of death), #Rim# 72.

flāniht relating to darts, WW 425^34.

flānðracu † f. onset, attack.

flasce (x) f. ‘flask,’ bottle.

flāt pres. 3 sg. of flītan.

flaxe (GD, WW) = flasce

flaxfōte web-footed. [= flox-]

flēa I. mf. ‘flea,’ Ep, Lcd. II. = flēah n.

flēag pret. 3 sg. of flēogan.

flēah I. n. albugo, a white spot in the eye, CP. II. m. = flēa I. III. pret. 3 sg. of flēogan. IV. pret. 3 sg. of flēon.

flēam m. flight, AO, Æ. on f. gebrengan to put to flight. on f. weorðan to flee.

flēamdōm m. flight, NC 287.

flēamlāst m. apostacy, WW 500^3.

flēan^6 to ‘flay,’ Cp.

±fleard n. nonsense, folly, deception, fraud, superstition, LL; OEG. [‘flerd’]

fleardere m. trifler, NC 287.

fleardian to be foolish, err, go astray: grow luxuriantly.

flēat I. pret. 3 sg. of flēotan. II. = flēot

flēawyrt f. fleabane, WW. [‘fleawort’]

fleax (æ, e) n. ‘flax,’ linen, CP; Æ (e).

fleax- = flex-

flecta = fleohta

fled = flett

-flēdan v. ofer-f.

flēde adj. in flood, full, overflowing, AO. [flōd]

flēding f. flowing, Æ.

flēg- = flēog-

flēge little ship, JnL 6^22 (oe).

flehta = fleohta

flēm- = flīem-

flene = flyne

flēo = flēa

±flēogan^2 (intr., cp. flēon) to ‘fly,’ B, El, Jud, Jul; Æ, CP: flee, take to flight, Ma. [Ger. fliegen]

flēoge (ē, ȳ) f. any winged insect, ‘fly,’ Æ; CP. [Ger. fliege]

flēogenda m. bird, CPs.

flēogende flying, winged, #ÆGr# 44^9.

flēogendlic flying, winged, #ÆGr# 55^2.

flēogryft n. fly-curtain, WW 373^21.

flēohcynn m. a kind of flies, #PPs# 104^27.

flēohnet n. ‘fly-net,’ curtain, Jud.

fleohta (flecta) m. hurdle.

±flēon^2 to fly from, ‘flee,’ avoid, escape, G, Met, VPs; AO, CP: put to flight, Æ: fly (intr.), Æ.

flēos (#VPs#) = flīes

fleos- = fles-

flēot (ēa) m. flēota f. water, sea, estuary, river, AO: raft, ship, Hy. [‘fleet’]

flēotan^2 to float, drift, flow, swim, sail, Æ, CP: (tr.) skim, #Lcd#. [‘fleet’]

flēote (or ? flēota) = flēot

flēotende floating, Gen 1447. [‘fleeting’]

flēotig fleet, swift, #Rd# 52^4.

flēotwyrt f. seaweed, #Lcd# 101a.

fleoðe (ea) f. water-lily, #Lcd#.

flēow pret. 3 sg. of flōwan.

flēowð = flēwð pres. 3 sg. of flōwan.

-flēre v. ðri-, fīf-f.

flēring f. story (of a building), Æ. [flōr]

flēs = flīes

flēsc == flǣsc

fleswian (eo) to whisper? pull a wry face? BH 122^17 (JAW 30). [or ? flēswian dissemble, ES 44·470]

flet == flett

flēt, flēte = flīete

fletræst f. couch, B 1241.

fletsittend † m. sitter in hall, courtier, guest.

flett n. floor, ground, B: dwelling, hall, mansion. [‘flet’]

flettgefeoht n. fighting in a house, LL 18[39].

flettgesteald † n. household goods.

flettpǣð m. floor of a house, #Gen# 2729.

fletwerod n. hall-troop, body-guard, B 476.

fleðecamb = flæðecomb

flēwsa m. flowing, flux, issue (bodily disorder), #Lcd#. [flōwan]

flēwð pres. 3 sg. of flōwan.

flex = fleax

flexæcer m. flax land, KC 5·389^16.

flexgescot n. contribution of flax.

flexlīne f. flax-winder, reel? flax line? thread? LL 455[15].

+flīan, +flȳn to drive out. [flēon]

flicce n. ‘flitch’ of bacon, ham, CD, Gl, WW.

flicorian, flicerian to move the wings, flutter, Æ. [‘flicker’]

flīe = flēah I.

flīehð pres. 3 sg. of flēon.

flīema (ē, ī, ȳ) m. fugitive, exile, outlaw, AO. Godes f. excommunicate person, LL 352[66]. [flēam]

±flīeman (ǣ, ē, ȳ) to put to flight, drive away, banish, Gen; CP. [‘fleme’; flēam]

flīeman-feorm, -feorming f. offence of, or penalty for, sheltering fugitives from justice, LL 102[30]; 2·302.

+flīeme (ē) adj. fugitive, DR 147^8.

flīeming (flȳmig) sb. fugitive, OEG 2965.

flīes (ē, ēo, ī, ȳ) n. ‘fleece,’ wool, fur, seal skin, LL, Ps (ēo).

flīet (WW 489^3) = flēot

flīetan = flītan

flīete (ē, ȳ) f. cream, curds: punt. [flēotan]

flīg = flēah I.

flīg- = flēog-, flȳg-

fligel m? n? ‘flail,’ A 9·264.

fliht I. m. patch, MkLR 2^21 (y). [flēohtan] II. = flyht

[[I. Cross-reference unidentified.]]

flihteclāð m. patch, WW 206^13.

flīhð pres. 3 sg. of flēon.

flīma = flīema

flint m. ‘flint,’ rock, Æ, Ep, WW.

flinten of flint, W 252^1.

flintgrǣg gray like flint, #Rd# 4^19.

flīo = flēah I.

flīs = flīes

±flit (usu. +) n. strife, Ps: dispute, contention: ‘scandalum’; tō +flītes emulously. [‘flite’]

±flītan^1 to strive, quarrel, dispute, contend, B, BH; Æ, CP.

flitcræft m. dialectics, logic, OEG.

flitcræftlic logical.

flītend m. contentious person.

flītere m. disputer, chider, quarreler, schismatic, Ep. [‘fliter’]

±flit-ful (OEG), -fullic contentious.

+flitfulnes f. litigiousness, A 11·102^84.

±flitgeorn m. contentious person.

+flitgeorn contentious, RB 130^20.

+flitlīce emulously, BH 406^17.

±flitmǣlum contentiously, emulously.

-flitme? v. un-f.

fliusum (OET) = flēosum dp. of flēos.

flōc n. flounder? WW.

flōcan^7 to clap, applaud, #Rd# 21^34.

flocc m. ‘flock,’ company, troop, Æ, Chr.

floccmǣlum in troops, AO. [‘flockmeal’]

flocgian to shine forth, GPH 399.

flocrād f. invading band, troop, #Chr#.

flocslite m. sedition, WW 116^26; A 8·451.

flōd mn. mass of water, ‘flood,’ wave, Æ, Gen, Mt, VPs; AO, CP: flow (of tide as opposed to ebb), tide, flux, current, stream, Chr; AO: the flood, deluge, B, Lk; Æ.

flōdblāc pale as water? pale through fear of drowning, #Ex# 497.

flōde f. channel, gutter, #Gl#: flood? (Earle), EC 120^31.

flōdegsa m. flood terror, #Ex# 446.

flōden of a river, WW 240.

flōdhamm m. piece of land surrounded by water? KC 1·289^16.

flōdlic of or belonging to a stream, #ÆGr# 54^9.

flōdweard † f. sea-wall.

flōdweg † m. watery way, sea.

flōdwudu m. ship, #Cr# 854.

flōdwylm † m. flowing stream, raging billows. [weallan]

flōdȳð f. wave of the sea, B 542.

flogen I. pp. of flēon. II. pp. of flēogan.

floggettan to fly, flutter, #Sc#; GD 100^19.

[[Entry before author’s corrections: floggettan to fluctuate. [flēogan] ]]

flogoða m. liquor, GPH 402.

flōh f. chip, WW 416^4.

flohtenfōte web-footed, #Lcd# 33b.

flōr fm. ds. flōra, flōre ‘floor,’ pavement, ground, B, Lk; Æ: bottom (of a lake, etc.), Sat.

flōrisc flowery, CM 44.

flōrstān m. paving-stone, tessella.

flot n. deep water, sea. on flot(e) afloat. [‘float’]

flota m. (floater), boat, ship, vessel: fleet sailor: (†) pirate. [‘float’]

+flota m. floater (whale), #Whale# 7.

floten pp. of flēotan.

floterian to flutter, fly, Æ: float, be flooded, overflow, Æ.

flothere m. piratical fleet, B 2915.

flotian to ‘float,’ Chr. [flēotan]

flotlic nautical, naval, WW 205^27.

flotmann m. sailor, pirate, Æ.

flotorian = floterian

flotscip n. ship, bark, WW.

flotsmeru n. floating grease, fat, LL 453[4].

flotweg m. ocean, #Hu# 41.

flōwan^7 to ‘flow,’ stream, issue, Ps, Sol, VPs; AO, CP: become liquid, melt, VPs: abound: (+) overflow, AO.

flōwednes, flōwnes f. flow, flux, overflow, torrent, CP.

flōwende ‘flowing,’ Ma 65.

flōwendlic flowing, #LPs# 147^18.

flōwing f. ‘flowing,’ MtL.

flugl- (OET 26) = fugl-

flugol fleet, swift: fleeting.

flugon I. pret. pl. of flēogan. II. pret. pl. of flēon. III. = fulgon pret. pl. of fēolan.

fluton pret. pl. of flēotan.

flycerian = flicerian [[under “flicorian”]]

flycge fledged, OEG.

flycticlāð (#Gl#) = flihteclāð

flyge (i) m. flight.

flȳge = flēoge

flygepīl n. flying dart, #Mod# 27.

flygerēow wild in flight, #Gu# 321.

flygul = flugol

flȳhst pres. 2 sg. of flēon.

flyht m. I. flying, ‘flight,’ Æ (i), OET. on flyhte on the wing. II. = fliht

flyhthwæt † swift of flight.

flȳhð pres. 3 sg. of flēon.

flȳm- = flīem-

+flȳn = +flīan

flyne (e) f. batter, #Lcd#.

flȳs (Æ) = flīes

flyt = flit

flȳt- = flīt-

flȳt pres. 3 sg. of flēotan.

flȳte I. m? ‘pontomium,’ boat, WW. [cp. flēot] II. f. = flīete

flȳtme f. fleam (blood-letting instrument). [L. phlebotomum]

flyð = flyht

±fnæd n. nap. fnadu fringe, border, hem, Æ.

fnǣran, fnǣrettan to breathe heavily, snort, fume. v. NC 356.

fnæs I. n. dp. fnasum fringe, WW 425^27. II. pret. 3 sg. of fnesan. [[error for “fnēsan”?]]

fnǣst m. blowing, blast, breath, Lcd. [‘fnast’]

fnǣstian to breathe hard, Lcd. [v. ‘fnast’]

fnēosan to breathe hard, sneeze.

fnēosung f. sneezing, WW. [v. ‘fnese’]

±fnēsan^5 to sneeze: pant, gasp.

fnora m. sneezing, Æ, #Gl#.

fō pres. 1 sg. of fōn.

foca m. cake (baked on the hearth), ÆL 18^164.

fōda m. ‘food,’ sustenance, nourishment, Æ, CD: fuel, Sc.

fodder = fōdor

foddor, foddur = fōdor

fōdor n. ‘fodder’ (for cattle), food (for man), Æ, LL: case, sheath, #Gl#.

fōdorbrytta (fodder-) m. distributor of food, herdsman, WW 111^39.

fōdorgifu (foddur-) food, #PPs#.

fōdorhec (fodder-) rack for food or fodder, LL 455[17].

fōdornoð m. sustenance.

fōdorðegu † f. partaking of food, feeding, repast, food.

fōdorwela (foddur-) m. wealth of food, provisions, #Rd# 33^10.

fōdrað m. provisions, AO.

foe- (N) = fe-, fē-

+fōg n. joining, joint.

+fōgstān (fōh) m. keystone, CP 253^19.

fōh imperat. of fōn.

foht = feoht

fohten pp. of feohtan.

fol (wk. adj.) = full

+fol adj. with foal.

fol- = ful-

fola m. ‘foal,’ colt, Bl, Mk; Æ.

folc n. folk, people, nation, tribe, Æ, B; AO, CP: a collection or class of persons, laity, Bl, Bo: troop, army.

folcāgende † ruling.

folcbealo n. great tribulation, #Men# 125.

folcbearn † n. man.

folccū (folcū) f. people’s cow, #PPs# 67^27.

folccūð noted: public, BH.

folccwēn f. queen of a nation, B 641.

folccwide n. popular saying, NC 287.

folccyning † m. king of a nation.

folcdryht † f. multitude of people.

folcefiren † f. public crime.

folcegetrum = folcgetrum

folcegsa m. general terror, #PPs# 88^33.

folcfrēa m. lord of the people, #Gen# 1852.

folcfrig having full rights of citizenship, LL 13[8]; 344[45].

folcgedrēfnes f. tribulation, NC 287.

folcgefeoht n. pitched battle, AO.

folcgemōt n. meeting of the people of a town or district, LL. [‘folkmoot’]

folcgerēfa m. public officer, WW.

folcgeriht = folcriht

folcgesetnes f. statute.

folcgesīð † m. prince, noble.

folcgestealla † m. companion in war.

folcgestrēon n. public treasure, #Gen# 1981.

folcgetæl n. number of fighting men, #Ex# 229.

folcgetrum † n. army, host.

folcgeðrang n. crowd, AO 134^26.

folcgewinn n. fighting, war, #Met# 1^10.

folcisc of the people, popular, secular, common.

folclǣsung = folclēasung

folclagu f. law of the people, public law.

folcland n. land held by freemen according to tribal rules of family inheritance, v. LL 2·403.

folclār f. homily, #Gd#.

folclēasung f. slander, LL.

folclic public, common, popular, plebeian, worldly, secular, GD 209^13.

folcmægen † n. public force, army.

folcmǣgð † f. tribe, nation.

folcmǣlum = floccmǣlum

folcmǣre celebrated, #Gen# 1801.

folcmōt = folcgemōt

folcnēd f. people’s need, #PPs# 77^16.

folcrǣd † m. public benefit.

folcrǣden f. decree of the people, #Cra# 42.

folcriht I. n. right of the people, common law, LL. [‘folkright’] II. adj. according to common law.

folcsæl n. house, #Rd# 2^5.

folcscearu † f. people, nation, province: people’s land, B 73 (Earle).

folcsceaða m. villain, #An# 1595.

folcscipe m. nation, people, #Rd# 33^10.

folcslite n. sedition, WW 111^26.

folcstede † m. dwelling-place: battlefield.

folcstōw f. country place, BH 160^16.

folcswēot m? troop, multitude, #Ex# 577.

folctalu f. genealogy.

folctoga † m. chieftain, commander.

folctruma m. host, #LPs#.

folcū = folccū

folcweleg populous, WW 476^16.

folcwer † m. man.

folcwiga m. warrior, #Rd# 15^23.

folcwita m. public councillor, senator, #Cra# 77.

folcwōh n. deception of the public, ÆL 23^691.

foldærn † n. earth-house, grave.

foldāgend m. earth-possessor, earth-dweller, #Ph# 5. (MS. folcāgend)

foldbold n. house, castle, B 773.

foldbūend m. earth-dweller, man, inhabitant of a country, CP.

folde (eo) f. earth, ground, soil, terra firma, B, Jud: land, country, region: world.

foldgræf † n. earth-grave.

foldgrǣg grey as the earth? #GnC# 31.

foldhrērende walking on the earth, #Pa# 5.

foldræst f. rest in the earth, #Cr# 1029.

foldwæstm m. fruits of the earth, #Ph# 654.

foldweg † m. way, path, road: earth.

foldwela m. earthly riches, #Rim# 68.

foldwong † m. plain, earth.

folen, folgen pp. of fēolan.

folgað (AO) = folgoð

folgere m. ‘follower,’ attendant, disciple, Æ, CP: successor, AO 150^27: freeman who is not a householder.

±folgian (often w. d.) to ‘follow,’ Jn, Lk: accompany, Ps: follow after, B: (+) attain, CP 383^27: obey, serve, oberve, El. (v. also fylgan).

folgoð m. body of retainers, following, retinue: pursuit, employment, service, dignity, office, rule, Æ, AO, CP: jurisdiction, district: condition of life, destiny.

folm †, folme f. palm, hand. [fēlan]

fon = fann

fōn^7 (±) to take, grasp, seize, catch, B, BH, Gen; CP, Æ: capture, make prisoner, Chr: receive, accept, assume, undertake, B, Sol; CP: meet with, encounter. f. on take up, begin, resume, Æ: take to, Æ, Bo. f. tō rīce ascend the throne, Æ, AO. f. tōgædre join together, join issue, engage in battle. him tōgēanes feng clutched at him, B. him on fultum feng helped them, #Jud# 300. hlyst +f. listen. [‘fang,’ ‘i-fang’]

fond = fand pret. 3 sg. of findan.

fong- = fang-

fonn = fann

font == fant

fonu = fanu

for I. prep. (with d., inst. and a.) (local) before, in the sight of, in or into the presence of, B, Gen: as far as, IM 119^13: (temporal) during, before: (causal) ‘for,’ on account of, for the sake of, through, because of, owing to, from, by reason of, Æ, B, Gen, Met. for worulde as regards this world, Æ. for Dryhtne by God: in order to: in place of, instead of, equivalent to, at the price of, Æ, Gu, Mt: in preference to, Rood: in spite of, Chr. II. conj. for, because. for hwȳ, for hwām, for hwon wherefore? for ðām, for ðon, for ðȳ therefore, because, since. for ðām ðe (ðȳ), for ðȳ ðe because. for ðȳ ðæt, for ðām ðæt in order that. III. adv. too, very, Æ. for ān only.

for- I. denotes loss or destruction (as in fordōn, forgiefan), or is intensitive or pejorative, as in forbærnan, forrotian. It is not connected with the preposition ‘for.’ Its original form was fer- [cp. Ger. ver-]. II. occly = fore-

fōr I. f. going, course, journey, expedition, BH; AO: way, manner of life. [faran] II. m. pig, hog, OEG. III. pret. 3 sg. of faran.

fora (N) = foran

fora- = fore-

forad = forod

foran I. prep. (w. d.) before, opposite. II. adv. before, in front, forward, Rd; Æ, AO, CP: to the front, Da. foran ongean opposite. [‘forne’]

foranbodig n. thorax, chest, WW 158^41.

forandæg early part of the day? Æ (NC), first day? (BT).

forane = foran II.

foranhēafod n. forehead, Æ.

foranniht f. early part of the night, dusk, evening, Æ.

forantō prep. (w. d.) before.

forāð = foreāð

forbærnan to cause to burn, burn up, consume by fire, be consumed, Æ, Chr; AO. [‘forburn’]

forbærnednes f. burning up, #Lcd#.

forbearan = forberan

forbearnan = forbærnan

fōrbed n. portable bed, litter, ZDA 31.

forbēgan = forbīgan

forbelgan^3 to be enraged, #Bl#.

forbēn f. prayer, DHy 138^13.

forbēodan^2 to ‘forbid,’ prohibit, Chr, G; Æ: restrain, Ps: refuse, Lk: repeal, annul, LL 42[49].

forbēodendlic dehortative, dissuasive, #ÆGr# 225^11.

forbeornan^3 (e, y) to burn, be consumed by fire, AO.

forberan I. (sv^4) to ‘forbear,’ abstain from, refrain, CP: suffer, endure, tolerate, humour, CP, B, BH: restrain. II. = foreberan

forbernan = forbeornan

forberstan^3 to break, burst asunder, vanish, fail, LL: let go by default, EC 201´. [‘forburst’]

forbētan = forebētan

forbīgan (ē, ȳ) to bend down, bow down, depreciate, abase, humiliate, degrade.

forbīgels m. arch, arched roof, WW 126^3.

forbindan^3 to bind (up), muzzle, CP 105^7. [‘forbind’]

forbisen = forebysen

forbītan^1 to bite through, HL 18^391.

forblāwan^7 to blow, AO: blow out, inflate, Lcd. [‘forblow’]

forblindian to blind, MkR 6^52.

fōrbōc f. itinerary, OEG 2023.

forbod n. prohibition, LL; CP. [‘forbode’]

forboda = foreboda

forbrecan^5 (æ^2) to break in pieces, bruise, violate, crush, destroy, Jn; AO, CP. forbrocen broken down, decrepit. [‘forbreak’]

for-brēdan^3, -bregdan to tear in pieces: draw over, cover: change, transform, Bo. [‘forbraid’]

for-britan, -brittan = forbryttan

forbryt-ednes (#ESPs#), -ennes (#V^2Ps#) f. contrition.

forbrytian = forbryttan

forbryttan to break in pieces, crush, bruise.

forbūgan^2 to bend from, refrain from, avoid, decline, Æ, Ma; CP: flee from, escape, CP: hold down. [‘forbow’]

forbȳgan = forbīgan

forbyrd f. abstention, AO 30^25.

forbyrdian to wait for, #EPs# 32^20.

forbyrdig forbearing, NC 287.

forbyrnan (Æ) = forbeornan

force f. ‘fork,’ Æ, WW.

forcēap forestalling (in trade), LL 234[2,10]. [= *forecēap]

forceorfan^3 to carve out, cut down, cut off, cut through, divide, Æ, Chr; AO, CP. [‘forcarve’]

forcēwan^2 to bite off, #Bo# 36^23.

for-cierran (CP) -cerran to turn aside, prevent, avert, avoid, CP: turn oneself away, escape.

forcierrednes (y^2) f. perversity, GD 119^15: turning aside, #BPs# 125^1.

forcierring (e, y) f. turning aside, #CVPs# 125^1.

forcinnan to deny, disown? #Sol# 107.

forcippian (y) to cut off, RHy 2^12. [cp. Eng. chip]

forclǣman to stop up, #Gl#.

forclas mp. prongs? NC 287.

forclingan^3 to wither, shrink up, Cp. [‘forcling’]

forclyccan to stop, close (ears), #RPs# 57^5.

forclȳsan to close up, #Lcd# 3·92^22.

forcnīdan = forgnīdan

forcuman^4 to come before, prevent, surprise: harass, wear out, destroy: overcome, conquer, obtain: surpass.

forcunnian to tempt: understand.

for-cūð (Æ) bad, wicked, infamous, foul, despicable, Æ, Bo; AO, CP. adv. -cūðe. [‘forcouth’]

forcūðlic = forcūð

forcūðlīce = forcūðe [[form of “forcūð”]]

forcweðan^5 to speak ill of, abuse, revile, CP: reprove: refuse, reject, CP: boast, promise great things, #GnE# 49.

forcwolstan^3? to swallow, #Lcd# 18a.

forcwȳsan to shake violently, #SPs# 109^7.

forcyppian = forcippian

forcyrran (Æ) = forcierran

forcȳðan to surpass in knowledge: understand: argue, urge.

ford m. ds. forda ‘ford,’ Æ, AO; Mdf.

fordǣlan to spend.

fordēad dead, MtL 28^4.

fordelfan^3 to delve, dig, EC 120^28.

fordēman to condemn, sentence, doom, Mt; Æ: prejudice, EC 145: decide, #Sc# 125^5. [‘fordeem’]

fordēmedlic to be condemned, GD 208^9.

fordēmednes f. condemnation, proscription, BH 34^5, GD 345^3.

fordēmend m. accuser, JnL p5^9.

fordēmian = fordēman

fordēming f. plunder, spoliation, OEG 3149.

fordemman to dam up, block up, #EPs# 57^5.

fordettan (#KGl#) = fordyttan

fordīcigan to shut out by a ditch, block up, CP.

for-dilgian, -dilegian, -diligian to blot out, destroy, abolish, BH. [‘fordilghe’]

fordimmian to obscure, darken, Sc. [‘fordim’]

fordittan = fordyttan

fordōn anv. to undo, bring to nought, ruin, destroy, BH; AO, Æ: abolish, Chr: kill, Æ, AO: corrupt, seduce, defile. pp. fordōn corrupt, wicked, abandoned. [‘fordo’]

fordrǣfan to drive, compel, LL 24[62].

fordrencan (æ) to make drunk, intoxicate, Æ. [‘fordrench’] pp. fordruncen drunk, CP. [‘fordrunken’]

fordrīfan^1 to drive, sweep away: drive on, impel, compel, AO: drive away, expel, Æ. [Ger. vertreiben]

fordrifnes f. objection, opposition, NG.

fordrincan^3 to make drunk, be drunk, CP.

fordrūgian to become dry, wither, Met. [‘fordry’]

fordrūwian = fordrūgian

forduttan (#VPs#) = fordyttan

fordwilman to confound, #Bo# 14^5.

fordwīnan^1 to vanish, Æ. [‘fordwine’]

fordyslic very foolish, #Bo# 42^10.

fordyttan (e, i, u) to obstruct, block up, close, Cp; Æ. [‘fordit’]

fore I. prep. w. d. a. (local) before, in the sight of, in presence of, B: (causal) because of, for the sake of, through, on account of, by reason of, from, BH: (temporal) before, Cr: for, instead of. II. adv. before, beforehand, formerly, once, Ps. [‘fore’]

fore- occly. = for-

foreald (y^2) very old, RB 114^11.

forealdian to grow old, decay, BH; Æ, CP. [‘forold’]

foreāstreccan to lay low, overthrow, #EPs# 105^26.

foreāð m. preliminary oath, LL (v. 2·546). [‘foreoath’]

forēaðe very easily, Æ.

fore-bēacen, -bēacn (Æ), -bēcen n. sign, portent, prodigy.

forebegān to intercept, #Chr# 1009#e#.

foreberan to prefer, BH 294^7.

forebētan to make legal amends (vicariously), LL.

forebirig = forebyrig, ds. of foreburh.

forebiscop m. high priest, MtL 1^18 (mg).

forebisegian to preoccupy, OEG 1236.

foreblǣsting (ē) f. shoot, branch, #EPs# 79^12.

fōrebōc (#HGl# 454) = fōrbōc

forebod n. prophecy, preaching, NG.

foreboda m. forerunner, messenger, ANS 84^14.

forebodian to announce, declare.

forebodung f. prophecy, NG.

forebrǣdan to prolong, #EPs# 119^5: overshadow, MkL 9^7.

forebrēost n. chest, WW.

foreburh f. outwork: outer court, vestibule, Æ.

forebyrd f. longsuffering, CP 41^17.

forebysen f. example.

foreceorfan^3 ‘præcidere,’ #ÆGr# 172^4.

foreceorfend m. front tooth, WW 264^11.

forecēosan to chose in preference, #BCJRPs# 131^13,14.

foreclipian (y) ‘proclamare,’ BHy 3^4; ANS 122·265.

forecnēowrisn progeny, #EPs#.

forecostigan to profane, #EPs# 88^32.

forecostung f. profanation, #EPs# 88^35.

forecuman^4 to come before, prevent, BH: overcome? Ps: come out, come upon, NG. [‘forecome’]

forecweðan^5 to preach, predict.

forecwide m. prophecy: introduction, heading (of chapter), NG.

forecyme m. proceeding forth, MtL p4^3.

fore-cynren, -cynrēd n. progeny.

forecȳðan to make known to, TC 300^24: ‘pronuntiare,’ #EPs# 70^15.

fored = forod

fore-dyre, -dere n. vestibule, OEG (T. 135).

foredyrstig? ‘presumptuosus,’ LL 409[22].

forefæger very fair, ES 8·479^89.

fore-feng, fong = forfang

forefēran to go before.

forefex n. forelock, OEG 5326; 2^453.

forefōn^7 to prevent, anticipate.

foregān anv., foregangan^7 to go before, precede, BH, VPs: go in front of, project: excel. [‘forego’]

forege- = for(e)-

foregearwung f. preparation, parasceve.

foregebiddan^5 to intercede, RB 62^8.

foregehāt n. vow, ÆL 23b^543.

foregehātan to promise: invite, NG.

foregenga m. forerunner: predecessor, ancestor, CP: attendant, #Jud# 127.

foregengel (for-) m. predecessor, #Chr# 963#e#.

foregescēaw- = forescēaw-

foregesecgan to predestine, MtL p1^9.

foregesettan = foresettan

foregeswuteliende ‘indagande,’ OEG 1504.

foregetēon^2 to point out, #HGl# 411.

foregeðingian = foreðingian

foregidd n. proverb, JnR 16^29.

foregielpan^3 to vaunt, AO.

foregīsl m. preliminary hostage (Swt); foremost hostage (BT), #Chr# 878.

foreglēaw foreseeing, provident, wise, prudent, Æ. adv. -līce.

foregyrnan to show before, #Sc# 203^17.

forehālig very holy, ANS 84·3.

forehūs n. porch, LV 33.

forehȳran to hear of, #Bl#.

foreiernend m. forerunner, WW 339^6.

forelād-tēow, -twa m. precursor, LkLR 22^26.

forelǣdan to lead forth, MtL 15^14.

forelǣrend m. teacher, #Bl# 149^13.

forelār f. preaching, MtL p16^5.

forelcian to delay, NC 288.

foreldan = forieldan

forelegnis = forlegis

forelēoran to go before, pass by, NG.

forelēornes f. ‘prævaricatio,’ transgression, #EPs# 100^3 (cp. ofer-l.).

forelocc m. ‘forelock,’ OEG.

forelōcian ‘prospicere, respicere, aspicere,’ #EPs#.

foremǣre illustrious, renowned, famous, Æ.

foremǣrlic eminent, #Bo# 75^24.

foremǣrnes f. eminence, fame, #Bo#.

foremanian to forewarn, BH 412^30.

foremanig very many, MtL p18^12.

foremeahtig = foremihtig

foremearcod before-mentioned, CM 378.

foremearcung (e^2) f. title, chapter, NG.

foremihtig (ea) very strong, most mighty. adv. -līce.

fōremunt m. promontory, WW 464^17.

forene = forane

forenyme m. taking before, #Gl#.

forerīm m. prologue.

forerynel m. forerunner, herald, morning star, Æ, CP.

foresacan^6 to forbid, MtL 3^14.

foresǣd aforesaid, Æ. [‘foresaid’]

fore-sægdnes, -saga f. preface, NG.

foresændan = foresendan

forescēawere (for-) m. ‘provisor,’ ES 39·327.

forescēawian to ‘foreshow,’ foresee, Æ: pre-ordain, decree, appoint, Æ: provide, furnish with, Æ.

forescēawodlīce with forethought, thoughtfully, CM 76.

forescēawung f. contemplation, foresight, providence, Sc; Æ. [‘foreshowing’]

forescēotan^2 (for-) to anticipate, forestall, #Bo# 124^11.

forescieldnes f. ‘protectio,’ #EPs# 120^5.

forescyttels m. bolt, bar, #Cr# 312.

foresēcan to appeal (for justice), LL 152[3] and nn.

foresecgan to mention before, Æ: foretell, BH; Æ.

foreseld n. first seat, MtL 23^6.

foresellan to spend, advance (money).

foresendan to send before.

foresēon^5 to ‘foresee,’ Ps: provide, BH: provide for, BH.

foresēond m. provider, BH 338^10.

foresēones foresight, providence, BH.

fore-setnes, -setenes f. proposition, purpose: preposition, #ÆGr#.

foresettan to place before, shut in, VPs: propose: prefer: precede. [‘foreset’]

foresingend m. precentor, WW 129^21.

foresittan^5 to preside over, BH.

fore-smēagan, -smēan to think beforehand.

foresnotor very wise, B 3163.

forespǣc = foresprǣc

forespeca = forespreca

fore-sprǣc (CP), -sprēc, -spǣc (WW) f. advocacy, defence, excuse: agreement, arrangement: preamble, preface, prologue, Æ, CP: promise. [‘forespeech’]

forespreca m. intercessor, advocate, mediator: sponsor, LL 442[I].

foresprecan^5 to speak or answer for, be surety for, intercede for, CP: say before. foresprecen above-mentioned, aforesaid, Bo: = forspecan. [‘forespoken’]

forestæppan (Æ) = foresteppan

forestæppend m. precursor, Lk 22^26.

forestæppung f. anticipation, A 8·331.

forestandan^6 to preside, lead: excel, WW 464^15.

forestapul going before, GPH 196.

foresteall (for-) m. intervention, hindrance (of justice): ambush, assault, offence of waylaying on the highway, Æ, LL: fine for such an offence: resistance, opposition. [‘forestall’]

forestemman to prevent, hinder, NG.

forestēora m. look-out man, pilot, WW 464^8.

foresteppan^6 (æ) to precede, go before, Æ: excel: forestall, prevent.

forestigan^1 to excel, #ÆGr# 154^11n.

forestige m. vestibule, OEG 4688 and n.

forestihtian to fore~ordain, Æ.

forestihtung f. predestination, Æ.

foreswerian^6 to swear before, Æ.

foretācn n. ‘fore-token,’ prognostic, prodigy, sign, wonder, Bo; CP.

foretācnian to foreshow, BH 216^17.

foreteohhung f. predestination, #Bo#.

foretēon to fore-ordain, frame beforehand, arrange.

foretēð mp. front teeth, WW. [‘foretooth’]

foretīg m. forecourt, porch, Mt 11^16.

foretȳnd shut in, BH 386^2.

foreðanc m. forethought, providence, consideration, deliberation, CP.

foreðanclic thoughtful, careful, prudent, CP. adv. -līce.

foreðancol provident, prudent, considerate, CP.

foreðancolnes f. prudence, #PPs# 48^3.

foreðencan to premeditate, consider, be mindful, CP. [‘forethink’]

foreðingere m. intercessor, mediator, Æ.

foreðingian to plead for any one, intercede, defend.

foreðingiend m. intercessor.

fore-ðingrǣden, -ðingung f. intercession, Æ.

foreðonc == foreðanc

forewall = foreweall

foreward = foreweard

forewarnian to take warning beforehand.

foreweall m. rampart, bulwark, Ex. [‘forewall’]

foreweard (a^2, e^2) I. f. condition, bargain, agreement, treaty, assurance. II. m. outpost, scout. III. adj. ‘forward,’ inclined to the front, Æ, BH: fore, early, former, Æ. f. gēar new year. IV. adv. (-wearde at AS 55^4) in front, CP: towards the future, Gen. fram foreweardum once more, RB.

foreweorðan^3 to predestinate, MkL p1^20.

fore-wesan anv. pret. 3 sg. -wæs to be over, rule over, BH.

forewīs foreknowing, HL 18^363.

forewitan swv. to foreknow, Bo. [‘forewit’]

forewītegian to prophesy, Æ.

forewītegung f. prophecy, OEG.

forewitig foreknowing, Æ.

forewitol foreknowing, #Chr# 1067#d#.

forewittlendlic prescient, OEG 1502.

forewitung f. foreknowing, presage.

foreword = foreweard

forewost (e^3) m. chief, captain, NG.

forewrēgan = forwrēgan

forewrītan^1 to proscribe, banish. forewriten above or before-written, CM 276^540.

forewritennes f. proscription, exile, WW 466^5.

forewyrcend m. servant, ÆL 3^156.

forewyrd f. predestination, #Gl#.

forfang (forefeng) m. capture, (legal) seizure, recovery of cattle or other property, LL: reward for rescuing properly, LL (v. 388-391 and 2·279). [‘forfang’]

forfangfeoh n. reward for rescuing cattle or other property. [LL 390, 3, 2]

forfaran^6 to pass away, perish, #Chr#: lose, destroy, ruin: intercept, obstruct.

forfeng I. pret. 3 sg. of forfōn. II. = forfang

forfēran (Æ) = forðfēran

forferian to let die, LL 58[17].

forflēon^2 to flee from, escape, avoid, evade, Æ.

forflȳgan to put to flight, ZDA 31·16^418.

forfōn^7 to seize: anticipate, forestall: surprise: prevent: forfeit.

forfyllan to stop up, obstruct, WW 463^10.

forg- = foreg-

forgǣgan to transgress, trespass, prevaricate, Æ: pass by, omit, neglect, OEG, W.

forgǣgednes f. transgression, trespass, Æ.

forgǣgung f. fault, excess, #Sc# 115^9.

forgǣlan to avoid, LkL.

forgān I. anv. to go or pass over, by or away, Æ, MtL: ‘forgo,’ abstain from, neglect, lose, Æ; CP, Æ. II. = foregān

forgedōn = fordōn

forgeearnung f. merit, DHy 132^1.

forgefenes = forgiefnes

forgēgan = forgǣgan

forgeldan = forgieldan

forgēm- = forgīm-, forgīem-

forgeorne very earnestly, very attentively, #Bl#.

forget = forgiet pres. 3 sg. of forgietan.

forgiefan^5 (i, y) to give, grant, allow; BH, Bl; CP: ‘forgive,’ overlook, Gen, Lk, Mt; AO, CP: give up, leave off, CP: give in marriage.

forgiefnes (i, y) f. pardon, ‘forgiveness,’ remission, Bl; CP: indulgence, permission, BH (i): gift? #Cr# 425.

forgieldan^3 (e, i, y) to pay for, CP: requite, reward, Bl; AO, CP: indemnify, make good: pay double (as penalty), LL: give. [‘foryield’]

forgielpan^3 to boast in public, trumpet forth, W 234^16.

forgīemelēasian (ī, ȳ) to neglect, abandon, give up, omit, CP.

forgietan^5 (i, y) w. a. or g. to ‘forget,’ B, Ma, Ps; AO, CP. For comps. v. forgit-.

forgif- = forgief-

for-gifenlic, -gifendlic that may be forgiven, Mt: dative, #ÆGr# 22^16 (y^2). [‘forgivelich’]

forgifestre f. female giver, DHy 49^6.

forgifu f. ‘gratia,’ DHy 78^7.

forgifung f. gift.

forgildan = forgieldan

forgīman (ē, ȳ) to neglect, pass by, transgress, B (ē). [‘foryeme’]

forgīmelēasian = forgīemelēasian

forgitan = forgietan

forgitel (eo^2, y^2, o^3, u^3) forgetful, Æ. [‘forgetel’]

forgitelnes (y^2) f. forgetfulness, oblivion, LPs.

forgiten pp. forgetting: forgetful.

forgiting f. forgetfulness, CM 1065.

forglendr-an, -ian to devour, swallow up, W.

forgnagan^6 to eat up, Æ. [‘forgnaw’]

forgnīdan^1 to grind together, dash down, crush, break, LPs. [‘forgnide’]

forgniden contrite.

forgnidennes f. tribulation, #LPs# 13^3; #APs# 146^3.

forgnȳdan = forgnīdan

forgrindan^3 to grind down, ruin, destroy, consume.

forgrindet n. grinding, pounding, Cp 776#c#.

forgrīpan^1 to seize, assail, attack, overwhelm.

forgrōwen grown up? overgrown? Rim 46. [v. ‘forgrow’]

forgumian (LL 474, 2) = forgīman

forgyf- = forgief-, forgif-

forgyldan = forgieldan

forgyltan to sin, be or become guilty, W. forgylt condemned, guilty.

forgȳm- = forgīm-, forgīem-

forgyrd = forðgyrd

forgyrdan to enclose, encircle.

forgyt- = forgiet-, forgit-

for-habban, pret. 3 sg. -hæfde to hold in, restrain, retain, keep back: draw back, refrain from, avoid, Æ. forhæfed continent, abstemious.

forhæbbenda m. abstinent, continent person, CP.

forhǣfd = forhēafod

forhæf(e)dnes f. temperance, continence, self-restraint, abstinence, BH; Æ, CP: parsimony. [‘forhevedness’]

forhǣðed burnt up.

forhātan^7 to renounce, forswear, Æ. [‘forhight’] se forhātena the devil, Gen 609.

forhēafdnes (AS 22^16) = forhǣfednes [[headword spelled “forhæfednes”]]

forhēafod n. ‘forehead,’ brow, skull, WW; Æ. [= fore-]

forhealdan^7 to forsake, fall away from, rebel against, B: defile, pollute, #Bl#: keep back, withhold, LL 130, 6, 1: misuse, abuse. [‘forhold’]

forhealdnes f. unchastity, NC 288.

forheard very hard, #Ma# 156.

forheardian to grow hard, #LVPs# 89^6.

forhēawan^7 to hew in pieces, cut down, kill, Ma. [‘forhew’]

forhefednes = forhæfednes

forhegan (#KGl#) = forhogian

forhelan^4 to cover over, conceal, hide, protect, Æ, Bo; CP. sacne f. conceal a guilty man. [‘forhele’]

for-hellan? -hellian to hide, OEG 5410n.

forhergend m. ravager, #Gl#.

for-hergian, -herigean, -heregian to plunder, harry, ravage, devastate, destroy, AO, CP. [Ger. verheeren]

for-hergung, -her(g)iung f. harassing, devastation, AO 74^36.

forhicgan = forhycgan

forhīenan to cast down, defeat, humiliate, humble, outrage, oppress, waste, AO. [Ger. verhöhnen]

forhigan = forhycgan

for-hoged-, -hogd- = forhogod-

forhogian to neglect, disregard, despise, BH; Æ, CP. [‘forhow’]

forhogiend m. despiser.

forhogodlic contemptuous, #Bl# 77^23. adv. -līce.

forhogodnes f. contempt.

forhogung f. contempt, #BPs#, CM.

forhohnes = forhogodnes

forhradian to hasten before, prevent, anticipate, frustrate, Æ, CP.

forhraðe very speedily, quickly, soon, Æ.

forhrēred annulled, WW.

forht afraid, timid, cowardly, AO, CP: frightful, terrible. adv. forhte despairingly.

forhtful fainthearted, timorous.

±forhtian (tr. and intr.) to be afraid, surprised, fear, dread, Æ.

forhtiendlic timorous, WW 442^5.

forhtige humbly, submissively, RB 70^5.

forhtigend timid, W: dreadful, W.

forhtlic fearful, afraid. adv. -līce.

forhtmōd timorous, timid, Æ.

forhtnes f. fear, terror, Æ.

forhtung f. fear, Æ.

forhugian = forhogian

forhwæn, forhwan = forhwon

forhweorfan^3 to come to an end, be destroyed.

forhwerfan = forhwierfan

for-hwī, -hwig = forhwȳ

forhwierfan (e, eo, i, y) to change, transform: remove, transfer: pervert, CP.

forhwon wherefore, why, for what reason.

forhwȳ (ī^2) why, wherefore, Ps. [‘forwhy’]

forhwyrfan = forhwierfan

forhwyrfedlic perverse, #Bl# 31^4.

forhwyrfednes f. perversity, NC 288.

forhycgan to disdain, despise, reject, CP.

forhȳdan to hide, Ps; CP. [‘forhide’]

forhygdelic despised, #LPs# 118^141.

forhylman to refuse obedience to, #An# 735.

forhȳnan = forhīenan

forhyrdan (i) to harden, #EPPs# 94^8. [heard]

forieldan to put off, delay, CP.

foriernan^3 to run before, outrun, Jn 20^4 (fore- JnL). [‘forerun’]

forinlīce thoroughly, exceedingly, #Bo# 94^6.

forinweardlīce thoroughly, genuinely, #Bo# 137^15.

forlācan^7 † to mislead, seduce, deceive, betray.

forlǣdan to mislead, seduce, Æ, AO, CP: bring out (= forð-), Æ. [Ger. verleiten]

forlǣran to teach wrongly, lead astray, seduce, pervert, An; Æ. [‘forlere’]

forlǣtan^7 to let go, relinquish, surrender, lose, leave, abandon, neglect, An, Bl; Æ, CP: remit, pardon, excuse: loose, release: let, permit, allow, BH: grant, give. ūp, in f. to direct upwards, within. ān(n)e f. = ān- forlǣtan. [‘forlet’]

forlætednes (GD 227^16) = forlætennes [[headword spelled “forlǣtennes”]]

for-lǣtennes (Æ), -lǣtnes, -lǣting f. leaving, departure, absence: loss, perdition: intermission, cessation, end: remission.

forlǣting f. intermission.

forlegenes = forlegnes

forlegenlic mean-looking, ugly.

forlegere = forligere

for-legis, -leges f. prostitute, adulteress, CP.

for-legis-, -legor- = forliger-

forlegnes f. fornication.

forlēogan^2 to lie, perjure oneself, slander, Æ.

forlēoran (#EPs# 143^14) = forelēoran

forleornung f. deception, #Bl# 183^34.

forleorte redupl. pret. sg. of forlǣtan.

forlēosan^2 to lose, abandon, let go, B; Æ, AO, CP: destroy, ruin, Gen. forloren ruined. [‘forlese’]

forlēt- = forlǣt-

forlettan (fore-) to prevent, MkL 10^14.

forlicgan^5 to commit adultery or fornication, AO; CP: fail, lapse, LL 178[7]: screen (a thief), LL 274[12]. [‘forlie’] pp. forlegen used as sb. adulterer, fornicator.

forlicgend m. fornicator.

forlīden pp. of forlīðan.

forlidennes = forliðennes

forligan = forlicgan

for-ligenes, -lignes = forlegnes

forliger I. n. adultery, fornication, wantonness, immorality, Æ. II. m. whoremonger, adulterer, Æ: fornicatress? III. adj. adulterous.

forligerbed n. bed of fornication.

forligere = forliger I.

forligeren adj. fornicating, OEG 8^232.

forligerhūs n. house of ill fame, OEG.

forligerlic unchaste, impure, OEG.

forligerwīf (-ego) n. prostitute, MH 140^19.

forliges = forlegis

forliggang m. house of ill-fame? fornication? WW 499^12.

forligrian to commit fornication, #ERSPs# 72^26.

forlīr = forliger II.

forlīðan^1 to suffer shipwreck.

forliðennes f. shipwreck, OEG.

for-long, -longe adv. long ago, NG.

forlor m. loss, destruction, AO, CP. tō forlore gedōn to destroy, CP.

forlorenes f. state of being forlorn, perdition, destruction, VPs. [‘forlornness’]

for-lorian, -losian to lose, NG.

forlustlīce very willingly, #Bo# 51^18.

forlytel very little, #Bo#.

form = feorm

form- (NG) = frum-

forma (eo) first, earliest, Bo; CP. [‘forme’] on forman at first.

for-mǣl, -māl f? n? negotiation, agreement, treaty, LL. [mǣl II.]

formǣrnes = foremǣrnes

formanig very many.

formelle f. bench, ANS 84·9. [L. formella]

formeltan^3 (y) to melt away, dissolve, liquefy, burn up, AO; Æ. [‘formelt’]

formesta = fyrmesta wk. superl. of forma.

fōrmete m. food for a journey.

formicel (y^2) very great, LL 302[20,2].

formogod corrupted, ÆL 23^375.

formolsnian to rot away, crumble, decay, Æ.

formolsnung f. corruption, OEG 1251.

formycel = formicel

formyltan = formeltan

formyrðrian to murder, LL, W.

forn = foran

fōrn f? m? trout, WW 180^39.

fornǣman to be worn out, afflicted (with grief), GD 245^3.

forne = foran adv.

fōrne f. = fōrn

fornēah very nearly, well-nigh, almost, about, Æ, AO, CP.

for-nēan (Æ), -nēh, -nēon = fornēah

Fornētes folm a plant, #Lcd# (v. BT).

fornēðan to expose to danger, sacrifice, AO 222^1.

forniman^4 to take away, deprive of, plunder, waste, devastate, destroy, consume, B, Lcd; Æ, AO: annul: disfigure: overcome. [‘fornim’]

fornȳdan to coerce, compel, W 158^10.

fornyman = forniman

fornyrwan to oppress, ANS 128·57.

fornytlic very useful, GD 174^20.

forod broken down, worn out, useless, void, abortive, Æ, AO, CP.

foroft very often.

forpǣran to turn away, lose, spoil, pervert, destroy, Æ, CP.

forpyndan † to do away, remove.

fōrracu f. itinerary, OEG 7^121.

forradian = forhradian

forrǣdan to plot against, betray, W: condemn: injure. [‘forrede’]

forraðe very soon, Æ.

forrepen taken, JnL p5^8.

forrīdan^1 to intercept by riding before, #Chr# 894#a#.

forrīdel m. fore-rider, forerunner, messenger, Æ. [‘forridel’]

forrotednes (a^3, o^3) f. corrupt matter, rottenness, Æ.

forrotian to rot away, decay, CP, WW; Æ. [‘forrot’]

forrynel = forerynel

forsacan^6 to object to, reject, oppose, deny, refuse, AO, Cp, LL: give up, renounce, AO, CP. [‘forsake’]

forsacennes f. denial, A 11·386^383.

forsacung f. denial, NC 288.

forsǣcan = forsēcan

forsǣtian to lay wait for, beset, surround, AO 146^10.

forsǣtnian (ē) to hedge in, beset, #ERPs# 21^17.

forsæwestre = forsewestre

forsawen = forsewen

forsc m. ‘frog,’ Æ (frox); #Gl#.

forscād- = forscēad-

forscæncednes (#LPs# 40^10) = forscrencednes

forscamian to be ashamed (impers. w. a.), CP. [‘forshame’]

forscamung f. modesty, GPH 390.

forscapung (AO) = forsceapung

forscēadan^7 to scatter, disperse, CP: damn, condemn? #Gu# 449 (GK).

forsceamian = forscamian

forsceap n. evil deed? #Gen# 898.

forsceapung f. misdeed, crime, fault.

forscēaw- = forescēaw-

forscending f. confusion, LkR 21^25.

forsceorfan^3 to gnaw off, bite, eat up, AO 226^9.

forscēotan = forescēotan

forsceppan = forscieppan

forsceta waterfall, OET 575; MF 434.

forscieppan^6 to change, transform, Gen. [‘forshape’]

forscip n. ‘foreship,’ prow, WW.

forscræncan = forscrencan

forscrencan to supplant, overcome, vanquish, cast down, Æ: dry up, OEG 4926.

forscrencednes (scænc-) f. supplanting, deceit, #LPs# 40^10.

forscrencend m. supplanter, Æ.

forscrīfan^1 to decree, #Gl#: proscribe, condemn, doom, Æ: (†) bewitch, cast under a spell.

forscrincan^3 (intr.) to shrink, dry up, wither away, Æ. [‘forshrink’]

forscūfan^2 to cast down (pride), #Ex# 204.

forscyldigian to condemn. for-scyldigod, -scyldegod guilty, Æ.

forscyppan = forscieppan

forscyrian to separate, MHF 159.

forscyttan to exclude, prevent, obviate, Æ. [‘forshut’]

forsēarian to sear, dry up, wither, Æ, CP.

forseawennes = forsewennes

forsēcan I. to afflict. II. = foresēcan

forsecgan to accuse falsely, slander, accuse, Æ: to speak about, discourse on.

forsegenes f. contempt, #VPs# 122^4.

forsēgon = forsāwon pret. pl. of forsēon.

forsellan to sell, NC 289.

forsendan to send away, banish, send to destruction, AO.

forsēon^5 to overlook, neglect, scorn, despise, reject, renounce, Bl; Æ, AO, CP: refrain from. [‘forsee’]

forsēones f. care, BH 84^7.

forsēoðan^2 to wither, consume, Æ.

forsērian (AS 10^4?) = forsēarian

forsētnian = forsǣtnian

forsettan I. to hedge in, obstruct, BH. [‘forset’] II. = foresettan

forsettednes = foresetnes

forsewen pp. of forsēon. [[from first edition]]

forsewenlic despicable, ignominious, wretched, of poor appearance. adv. -līce, Æ.

forsewennes f. contempt, Æ, AO.

forsewestre (æ^2) f. female despiser, OEG 4430.

forsingian = forsyngian

forsittan^5 to neglect, delay, LL: block, obstruct, besiege, AO: injure: absent oneself (from). [‘forsit’]

forsīð = forðsīð

forsīðian to perish, B 1550.

for-slǣwan, -slāwian to be slow, unwilling, delay, put off, Bo; CP. [‘forslow’]

forslēan^6 to cut through, strike, break, kill, destroy, AO.

forslegenlic mean, ignominious (= forleg- ?).

forsliet m. slaughter, WW 28^18. [slieht]

forslītan to consume, devour, #PPs# 77^46.

forsmorian to smother, suffocate, choke, stifle, Æ.

forsorgian to despond, W 69^16.

forsōð indeed, verily, Bo. [‘forsooth’]

forspǣc = foresprǣc

forspanan^6 to mislead, lead astray, seduce, entice, Æ; CP. [‘forspan’]

forspaning f. allurement, OEG.

forspeca = forespreca

forspecan^5 to speak in vain: deny.

forspēdian to speed, prosper.

forspendan to spend, give out, squander, consume, AO. [‘forspend’]

forspennen (OEG 612) = forspenning

forspennend m. procurer, #ÆGr# 36^11.

forspenn-ende, -endlic seductive, voluptuous, defiling, OEG.

forspennestre f. procuress, #ÆGr# 36^12.

forspenning f. enticement, seduction, evil attraction, Æ.

forspild m. destruction, CP 294^19.

for-spildan (CP) -spillan (AO) to waste, lose, disperse, bring to nothing, destroy, ruin, kill. [‘forspill’]

forspillednes f. waste, destruction, perdition, Æ.

forsprec- = foresprec-

forspyll- = forspill-

forspyrcan to dry up, #PPs# 101^3.

forst (frost) m. ‘frost,’ Ph, Rd. [frēosan]

forstæppan = forestæppan [[under “foresteppan”]]

forstal (LL) = foresteall

forstalian (refl.) to steal away, LL.

forstandan^2 to defend, help, protect, LL: withstand, prevent, hinder, resist, oppose, Met: benefit, avail, CP: understand, Bo; CP: signify, be equal to, EC, LL. [‘forstand’]

forsteall = foresteall

forstelan^4 to steal away, steal, rob, deprive, MtR, LL; Æ. [‘forsteal’]

forstig ‘frosty,’ BH (y); Æ.

forstlic glacial, frozen, WW 175^16.

forstoppian to stop up, close, #Lcd# 15b.

forstrang very strong, #Rd# 51^4.

forstrogdnes f. ‘precipitatio,’ NC 289.

forstyltan to be amazed, MkLR.

forstyntan to blunt, break, crush, WW 375^5.

forsūcan^2, forsūgan^2 to suck out, empty.

for-sugian (Æ, AO), -suwian (Æ) = for-swigian

forsuwung f. silence, OEG 2085.

forswǣlan to burn, burn up, inflame, consume, Æ. [‘forsweal’]

forswæð (DHy 38^16) = fōtswæð

forswāpan^7 † to sweep away, drive off.

forswarung f. perjury, NC 289.

forswefian ‘prosperare,’ #EPs# 117^25.

forswelan^4 to burn, burn up.

forswelgan^3 to swallow up, devour, consume, absorb, B; Æ, CP. [‘forswallow’]

forsweltan^3 to die.

forsweogian = forswigian

forsweolgan = forswelgan

forsweorcan^3 to grow dark, obscure.

forsweorfan^3 to polish, cleanse: grind away, demolish.

forsweotole very clearly, ES 18·333; 43·162.

forswerian^6 (refl. and intr.) to swear falsely, Æ, LL: renounce on oath, B. [‘forswear’]

forswigian to conceal by silence, suppress, pass over, Æ, CP: be silent.

forswītan^1 to impair, TC 584^5.

forswīð very great, #Creat# 26.

forswīðan, forswīðian to crush, press upon, overcome, repress, CP.

forswīðe adv. very much, utterly, #Bo#.

forsworcenlic dark, obscure, DHy 24.

forsworcennes f. darkening, darkness, Æ, W.

forsworen (pp. of forswerian) ‘forsworn,’ perjured, Æ, Chr.

forsworennes f. perjury, Æ. [‘forswornness’]

for-swugian (CP), -sygian = forswigian

forsyngian (i) to sin greatly. [‘forsin’] forsyngod m. sinner, LL.

fortācen = foretācn

fortendan to burn away, cauterize, sear, AO 46^14.

fortēon^2 to mislead, seduce, Cr: draw over, cover, obscure. [‘foretee’]

fortiht- = fortyht-

for-timbran, -timbrian to close up, obstruct.

fortogenes f. griping, spasm, #Lcd# 89a.

fortredan^5 to tread down, trample on, Æ; CP. [‘fortread’]

fortreding f. treading down, crushing, #Sc# 95^10.

fortrendan to block (by rolling a stone), v. OEG 114.

fortrūgadnes, fortrūwednes = fortrūwodnes

fortrūwian to be presumptuous, over-confident, rash, CP.

fortrūwodnes f. presumption, CP.

fortrūwung f. presumption, #Bo# 9^7.

fortrymman to testify, confirm, NG.

fortyhtan to seduce, #El# 208.

fortyhtigend m. polluter, defiler, OEG 3337.

fortyllan to seduce, #Cr# 270.

fortymbrian = fortimbran

fortȳnan to shut in, enclose, block up, CP.

forð adv. ‘forth,’ forwards, onwards, further, A, B, BH, Ct: hence, thence: away, Æ: (time) continually, still, continuously, henceforth, thenceforward, B, Ep: simultaneously. f. mid ealle forthwith. f. on continually. fram orde oð ende f. from the beginning to the end. f. ðæt until.

forð- (N) = furð-

forða = forðǣm

forðācīgan to call forth, BH 444^24.

forðādilgian to bring to nothing, blot out, MFH 160.

forðǣm, forðām, forðan (CP), forðon (AO, CP) I. conj. for (the reason) that, owing to (the fact) that, for, because, on that account, therefore, seeing that. for ðǣm ðe, etc. with same signification. II. adv. for that cause, consequently, therefore.

forðāgoten poured forth, ÆL 23b^798.

forðahting (= eaht-) f. exhortation.

forðancful very thankful, ES 18·336; 43·162.

forðātēon^2 to bring forth, produce, Æ. pp. forðātogen.

forðāurnen ptc. elapsed, BH 280^21.

forðbǣre productive, #Gen# 132.

forðbecuman^4 to come forth.

forðberan^4 to bring forth, produce, BH; Æ. [‘forthbear’]

forðbesēon^5 to look forth, #LPs# 101^20.

forðbl, forðbie prep. by, past, CP 197^13.

forðbigferende passer by, NC 343.

forðblǣstan to blow forth, burst out, WW 393^33.

forðblāwan^7 to blow forth, belch forth, WW 397^10.

forðboren of noble birth.

forð-brengan, -bringan to bring forth, produce, Bl, Lk: bring to pass, accomplish: bring forward: adduce, quote, Æ.

forðbylding f. emboldening, encouragement, #Chr# 999#e#.

forðclypian to call forth. [‘forthclepe’]

forðcuman^4 to come forth, proceed, arrive at, succeed: come to pass, come true: be born.

forðcyme m. coming forth, birth, Æ. [‘forthcome’]

forðcȳðan to announce, declare, #CVPs# 118^26.

forðdōn to put forth, BH. [‘forthdo’]

forðearle very much, greatly, Æ.

forðearlīce absolutely, entirely, RB 11^19.

forðelgian (#KGl#) = forðyld(g)ian

forðencan (æ) to mistrust, despise, despair, Ps. pp. forðōht despaired of; as sb. poor wretch, Æ: reflect, DHy 138^8. [‘forthink’]

forðēofan to steal.

forðēon I. (sv^1,2) to surpass, excel, RB 131^19. II. to crush, oppress, #Rood# 54.

forðēostrian (īe) to darken, #LPs# 104^28.

forðfæder m. ‘forefather,’ ancestor, Æ.

forðfaran^6 to depart, die, Bo, Chr; Æ. [‘forthfare’]

±forðfēran to depart, die, Æ.

forð-fērednes, -fēring f. death.

forðflōwan to flow, BH 418^21.

forðfolgian to follow, CM 1052.

forðfōr I. f. departure, death, BH. [‘forthfore’] II. pret. 3 sg. of forðfaran.

forðforlǣtenes f. licence, #Bo# 12^2.

forðframian to grow to maturity, WW 465^10.

forðfromung f. departure, #CVPs# 104^38.

forðfyligan to follow, fall out, happen, CM 1109.

forðgān anv., pret. 3 sg. -ēode to go forth, advance, proceed, pass by, go away, go on, precede, succeed, Chr, Mk. [‘forthgo’]

forðgang m. going forth, progress, advance, success: privy, drain: purging, evacuation, ÆL 16^207.

forðgangan^7 to go forth, Ma. [‘forthgang’]

forðgecīgan to call forth, #REPs# 67^7: exhort, BH 54^15.

forðgeclipian (y) to call forth, provoke, #Sc, EPs#.

forðgefaran = forðfaran

forðgefēran = forðfēran

forðgelǣstan = forðlǣstan

forðgelang dependent, LL (280^12).

forðgelēoran to pass away, die.

forðgelēorednes f. departure, death, GD 282^11.

forðgelōcian (#BPs# 101^20) = forðlōcian

forðgenge increasing, effective, successful, Æ, CP.

forðgeong = forðgang

forðgeorn eager to advance, #Ma# 281.

forðgēotan^2 to pour forth, BH. [‘forthyete’]

forðgerīmed in unbroken succession, B 59.

forðgesceaft † f. creature, created being or thing, world: future destiny.

forðgestrangian ‘confortare,’ #LPs# 68^5.

forðgesȳne visible, conspicuous, #Cra# 1.

forðgewītan^1 to go forth, pass, proceed, go by: depart, die. forðgewiten tīd, tīma past tense, #ÆGr#.

forðgewitenes f. departure, #LPs# 104^38.

forðgyrd m. fore-girdle, martingale, WW.

forðheald bent forward, stooping: inclined, steep, RB 5^20.

forðhealdan^7 to hold to, follow out, keep up, observe, Æ.

forðheold I. = forðheald. II. pret. 3 sg. of forðhealdan.

forðherge m. van (of an army), #Ex# 225.

forðhlīfian to be prominent, BH 322^24.

forðhrēosan^2 to rush forth, #Sc# 101^13.

forðī = forðȳ

±forðian to further, advance, Chr: carry out, accomplish, Chr. [‘forth’]

forðig = forðȳ

forðindan^3 to swell up, #Lcd#.

forðingian = foreðingian

forðlǣdan to lead forth, bring forth, Sat; Æ. [‘forthlead’]

forðlǣdnes f. bringing forth, BH 76^15.

forðlǣstan to persevere in, accomplish.

forðlǣtan^7 to send forth, emit.

forðlaðian to invite, #Bl#.

forðlēoran to proceed, BH 312^27.

forðlic forward, advanced, #Chr# 1066#d#.

forðlīfian = forðhlīfian

forðlōcian to look forth.

forðlūtan^2 to lean forward, fall down, #VPs#.

forðmǣre very glorious, #Creat# 69.

forðman m. man of rank, NC 289.

forðmest foremost, MtL. [‘forthmost’]

forðolian to go without, lack, #Wa# 38.

forð-on (MH) = furðum

for-ðon = forðǣm

forðoncol = foreðancul [[headword spelled “foreðancol”]]

forðor = furðor

forðrǣcan (tr.) to push out, protrude, ÆL 25^135.

forðrǣsan to rush forth, rise up: jut out, protrude, #RPs# 72^7. [rǣsan]

forðrǣstan (ē) to crush, afflict, oppress, VPs. [‘forthrast’]

forðrǣstednes (ē) f. tribulation.

forðres- = forðrys-

forðriccednes = forðryccednes

forðrihte adv. straightway, at once: unmistakably, plainly.

forðringan to rescue from, defend against, B 1084: elbow out? displace? RB 115^7.

forðryccan to press, squeeze, crush, oppress, suppress.

forðryccednes (i) f. pressure, oppression.

forðrycnes f. extortion, oppression, tribulation, LL; MFH 159 (fore-).

forðryne m. onward course, #Gen# 215.

for-ðrysman, -ðrysmian to choke, suffocate, strangle. [ðrosm]

forðscacan^6 to pass away, #RPs# 143^4.

forðscencan to pour forth, give to drink, WW 464^9.

forðscype m. progress, BH 92^14 (c).

forðsetennes f. ‘propositio,’ MtR 12^4.

forðsīð m. going forth, decease, Chr; Æ, CP. [‘forthsithe’]

forðsīðian to depart, die, Æ.

forðsnoter (tt) † very wise, #El#.

forðspell n. declaration, #Mod# 47.

forðspōwnes f. prosperity, BH 106^25.

forð-stæppan, -steppan^6 to issue forth, proceed, pass by, ÆL: follow, A 8·333^32.

forðstæpping f. advance, DHy 80^14.

forðsyllan to give out, pay out, LL 175[3].

forðtēg (#KGl#) = forðtīg

forðtēon^2 to draw forth, bring forth.

forðtīg (e^2, y^2) m. vestibule, OEG 3828.

forðtihting f. exhortation.

forðtȳg = forðtīg

forððegn m. chief noble, ÆL 6^125.

forðum = furðum

forðung f. furtherance, ANS 125^49.

forðweard (e^2) I. inclined forward: advanced, progressing, growing, ready; enduring, everlasting, continual: future. adv. continually, PPs: prospectively, ÆGr: forwards, onwards, W 17^8. [‘forthward’] II. m. look-out man, pilot? #Gen# 1436.

forðweardes forwards, HL 16^203 (e).

forðweardnes f. progress, GD 117^19.

forðweaxan^7 to break forth, burst forth, GD. [‘forthwax’]

forðweg m. journey, departure. in (on) forðwege away.

forðwerd == forðweard

forðwīf n. matron, WW 309^44.

forðwyrft tortured, mutilated, v. OEG 5028.

forðȳ I. conj. for that, because, therefore, Jn. [‘forthy’] II. adv. for that, therefore, consequently.

for-ðyldian, -ðyld(i)gian, -ðyl(de)gian to bear, support, endure, wait patiently, Æ.

forðylman †to shut in, enclose, envelop, obscure, cover over, overwhelm: suffocate, consume.

forðyppan to make manifest, #CVPs#.

forðyrnan^3 to run before, precede: continue, Æ.

forðyrrian to dry up, #Lcd# 82b.

forðysmed obscured, WW 246^6.

forðȳðe = forðȳ

forud = forod

for-ūtan, -ūton adv.; prep. w. d. except, without, Chr 1122. [‘forout’]

forwærnan = forwiernan

forwærnian (WW 442^18) = forweornian

forwana m. abundance? CP 465^16.

forwandian to hesitate, be reluctant, CP: be ashamed.

forwandung f. shame, #SPs# 68^23.

forwarð = forwearð pret. 3 sg. of forweorðan.

forweard I. (NG) beginning, front: heading, title, chapter. II. adv. continually, always, #Gen# 788. [?= forðweard; or foreweard, JGPh 12·257]

forweardmercung f. heading, JnL p3^1.

forweaxan^7 to progress, grow too much, become overgrown, CP; AO. [‘forwax’]

forweddod pledged. [wedd]

forwegan^5 to kill, #Ma# 228.

forwel adv. very, very well, Æ.

forwened insolent. [wenian]

forwēned ‘suspectus,’ BDS 30·12^104. [wēnan]

forwenednes f. insolence, ANS 79·89.

forweoren = forworen

forweornan = forwiernan

forweornian to dry up, wither, fade, grow old, rot, decay, Æ.

forweorpan^3 to throw, cast out, cast down, drive off, reject, throw away, squander, B. [‘forwerpe’]

forweorpnes f. migration, MtL 1^17.

forweorðan^3 (y) to perish, pass away, vanish, Mt; AO, CP, Æ. f. on mōde be grieved. [‘forworth’]

forweorðenes = forwordenes

forweorðfullic excellent, #Bo# 65^15.

forweosnian = forwisnian

forwercan = forwyrcan

forwerd = foreweard

forwered = forwerod

forwerednes f. old age, #SPs# 70^18.

forweren (WW 217^15) = forworen

forwerennes (#RPs# 70^18) = forwerednes

forwernedlice continently, W 284^8. [forwiernan]

forwerod worn out, very old, Æ. [werian]

forwesing f. destroying.

forwest = forewost

forwiernan (e, eo, i, y) to hinder, prohibit, prevent, repel, refuse, repudiate, deny, withhold, oppose, AO, B (y); CP. [‘forwarn’]

forwird = forwyrd

forwirn- = forwiern-

forwisnian (eo) to wither away, dry up, decay, rot.

forwitan = forewitan

forwitolnes f. intelligence, diligence. [= fore-]

forwlencan to fill with pride, puff up, CP. [‘forwlench’]

forword I. n. iota, MtL 5^18. II. = foreweard

forwordenes f. destruction, failure.

forwordenlic perishable, W 263^13.

forworen (pp. of *forweosan) decrepit, decayed, OEG 2109.

forworhta = forwyrhta

forwracned banished, RB 82^2.

forwrecan^5 to drive forth, carry away: expel, banish.

forwrēgan to accuse, calumniate, Chr. [‘forwray’]

forwrēon^1 to cover over, LkR 23^45.

forwrītan^1 to cut in two, B 2705.

forwrīðan^1 to bind up, #Lcd# 122a.

forwundian to wound, Chr. [‘forwound’]

forwundorlic very wonderful, GD. adv. -līce.

forwurðan = forweorðan

forwyrcan (e) to do wrong, sin, Æ, CP. forworht mann criminal, CP: ruin, undo, destroy, Cr; Æ, AO, CP: condemn, convict, curse: forfeit: barricade, obstruct, close up.

forwyrd fn. destruction, ruin, fall, death, Æ, CP. [forweorðan]

forwyrdan to perish, #Andr#.

forwyrdendlic perishable.

forwyrht n. misdeed, MF 160.

forwyrhta m. agent, deputy: evil-doer, malefactor, ruined person. [fore-]

forwyrnan (Æ) = forwiernan

forwyrnednes f. restraint, self-denial, continence, BH 160^10.

forwyrpnes f. casting out, LPs 21^7.

foryld = foreald

foryldan = forieldan

foryrman to reduce to poverty, bring low, BH, W. [earm]

fossere m. spade. [L. fossorium]

fōster == fōstor

fōstor n. sustenance, maintenance, food, nourishment, Lcd; Æ. [‘foster’]

fōstorbearn n. foster-child.

fōstorbrōðor m. ‘foster-brother,’ WW.

fōstorcild (e^2) n. foster-child, ÆL.

fōstorfæder m. ‘foster-father,’ MH.

fōstorland n. land granted for the support of the recipients, Ct. [‘fosterland’]

fōstorlēan n. payment for maintenance, LL 442[2]; #Men# 152.

fōstorling m. foster-child, nursling, WW. [‘fosterling’]

fōstormann m. bondsman, security.

fōstormōdor f. ‘foster-mother,’ MH.

fōstornōð m. pasture, sustenance, #EPs# 22^2.

fōstorsweostor f. foster-sister.

fōstrað (e^2) m. food: manna.

fōstrian to ‘foster,’ nourish, Sc (ē).

fōstring m. disciple, NG.

fōstur = fōstor

fōt m. ds. fēt, fōte, nap. fēt, fōtas foot (as limb and as measure), B, LL, NG; Æ, AO, CP.

fōtādl fn. gout in the feet.

fōtādlig having gout in the feet.

fōtbred n. foot-board, stirrup, WW 107^6.

fōtclāð m. ‘commissura’? MtL 9^16.

±fōtcopsian, ±fōtcypsan to fetter, #Pss#.

fōt-cosp, -cops m. foot-fetter, Æ.

fōtcoðu f. gout in the feet, OEG.

fōtece m. gout in the feet, #Lcd#.

fōter n. darnel, tares, MtL 13^27.

fōtfeter f. fetter for the feet, WW 116^8.

fōtgangende going on foot, OEG 5254.

fōtgemearc n. foot-measurement, space of a foot, B 3043.

fōtgemet n. foot-fetter, #EPs# 104^18.

fōtgewǣde fn? covering for the feet, RB 88^14.

+fōtian to hasten up, MkL 15^44.

fōt-lāst (Æ), -lǣst mf. footprint, spoor.

fōtlic on foot, pedestrian.

fōtmǣl n. foot-measure.

fōtmǣlum adv. step by step, by degrees, CM 883.

fōtrāp m. the loose part of the sheet by which a sail is trimmed to the wind, ‘propes,’ WW 167^11.

fōtsceamol (e^2, e^3, u^3) m. footstool, Æ.

fōtsceanea m. foreleg, Lcd 1·362. [v. ‘shank’]

fōtsetl n. footstool, #Chr# 1053#c#.

fōtsīd reaching to the feet, NC 289.

fōtspor n. footprints, spoor, #Lcd#.

fōtspure n. foot-rest, foot-support, #Chr# 1070#e#.

fōtstān m. base, pedestal, Æ.

fōtstapol m. footstep, #LPs# 17^37.

fōtswæð n. (nap. -swaðu), fōtswaðu f. footprint, footstep: foot, Æ.

fōtswile (y) m. swelling of the foot, #Lcd#.

fōtðwēal n. washing of the feet, W, WW.

fōtwærc n. pain in the foot, gout, #Lcd#.

fōt-welm, -wylm, -wolma m. sole of the foot, Æ.

fōð ind. pres. pl. of fōn.

fōð-or (-er, -ur) n. load, cartload, Chr: food, fodder: covering, case, basket. [‘fother’]

fōðorn m. lancet, #Lcd# 19b.

fōwer = fēower

fox m. ‘fox,’ Lk, VPs.

foxesclāte f. burdock, #Lcd# 54a.

foxesclīfe f. foxglove? greater burdock? WW 135#n#1.

foxesfōt m. fox-foot, xiphion, #Lcd#.

foxesglōfe f. foxglove, WW 296^25.

foxhyll m. fox-hill.

foxung f. foxlike wile, craftiness, ÆL 16^162.

fra = fram

fraced, fraceð, fracod == fracoð

fracoð I. adj. vile, bad, wicked, criminal, impious, filthy, abominable, BH: useless, worthless. [‘fraced’] II. n. insult, contumely, disgrace: wickedness.

fracoðdǣd (-od) f. misdeed, W 188^15.

fracoðe adv. contemptuously, shamefully.

fracoðlic base, ignominious, shameful, lewd, Æ, CP. adv. -līce, CP.

fracoð-licnes, -nes (Æ) f. vileness, coarseness, obscenity.

fracoðscipe (-od) scandalous conduct, RB 141^6.

fracoðword n. insulting word, GD 152^7.

fracud, fracuð == fracoð

frǣ- = frēa-

fræc == frec

frǣc- = frēc- (v. ES 39·327 ff. as to these four forms).

[[Printed on one line: fræc == frec; frǣc- = frēc-]]

fræcful greedy, OEG 2445.

fræcmāse (e) f. titmouse, WW.

frǣcūð (#Gl#) = fracoð

fræfel n? cunning, #Gl#.

fræfele bold, insolent, cunning. [Ger. frevel]

fræfelian to be cunning, #Gl#.

fræfellīce shamelessly, AO (e): astutely.

fræfelnes f. sharpness, shrewdness, OEG.

+frǣge (ē) I. † n. hearsay, report, knowledge. mine +f. as I have heard say. II. adj. well-known, celebrated, reputable, CP: notorious, disreputable. [fricgan]

frægn I. pret. 3 sg. of frignan. II. fregen II.

frægning f. questioning.

fræm- = frem-

frǣmicel pre-eminent, WW 530^13.

fræng = frægn

±fræpgian (NG) to accuse: reverence.

frǣt I. † perverse, proud, obstinate. II. pret. 3 sg. of fretan.

frætegung (Æ) = frætwung

frætew-, frætew- = frætw-

frætgenga m. apostasy, #Gl#.

frǣtig perverse, proud, #Jul# 284.

frætlæppa m. dew-lap, WW 179^3.

frǣton pres. pl. of fretan.

frætwa, frætwe fp. treasures, ornaments, trappings, armour: m. adorner, #Cr# 556. [+tāwe]

frætwædnes = frætwednes

±frætwan, fræt(te)wian to ornament, adorn, AO: clothe, cover over, CP 83^10.

fræt-wednes, -wodnes f. adorning, decoration, ornament.

frætwian v. frætwan.

frætwung f. adorning, decoration, ornament, Æ.

fragendlic = framigendlic

+frāgian to learn by inquiry, MtL 2^16.

fram (o) I. prep. w. d. (instr.) (local) ‘from,’ by, Æ, Bl, Chr: (temporal) since, A, Ma: (agent) by, Bl: as a result of, Mt: (with verbs of saying and hearing) of, about, concerning. f. gān to depart. comps. v. fram-, from-. II. adv. from, forth, out, away. III. adj. (eo) strenuous, active, bold, strong. [Ger. fromm]

framācyrran = framcyrran (in this and the following words fram- may often be taken as a separate preposition).

framādōn anv. to take from, do away, cut off, cut out.

framādrȳfan^1 to drive away, expel.

framāhyldan to turn from, #Lcd#.

framānȳdan to drive away.

framāscæcan^6 to shake off.

framāstyrian to remove, #RPs# 65^20.

framātēon^2 to draw away from.

framāteran^4 ‘diripere,’ #ÆGr# 168^10.

framāwendan to turn from or away.

framāweorpan^3 to cast away, #ÆGr#.

frambīge m. apostasy, W 49^12.

frambringan^3 to take away, #Lcd#.

framceorfan^3 to cut off.

framcyme (o) m. issue, posterity, #Gen# 1765.

framcynn (o) n. issue, posterity: origin.

framcyrran (e) to turn from, avert: take from.

framdōn anv. to put off, stop, interrupt, #Sc# 131^8.

framfæreld m? n? departure, Æ.

framfaru (o) f. excess, DR 17^8.

framfundung f. departure.

framgewītan^1 to apostatize, #Sc# 83^2.

framian to avail, benefit, RB.

framierning (o^1, e^2) f. outflowing, DR 8^1.

framigendlic effective.

framlād f. departure, #Gen# 2098 (o).

framlēce turned from, GPH 401.

framlic strong. adv. -līce boldly, strongly, strenuously, quickly.

framlōcian (o^1) to look back, CP 403^6.

framnes (o^1) f. vigour, #Nar# 7^22.

framscīpe I. m. exercise, action. II. m. fraternity.

framsetnung f. foundation, JnR 17^24.

framsīð (o) m. departure.

framslitnes f. desolation, NG (o).

framswengan to swing away, shake off, WW 524^30.

framung = fremung

framweard (o) about to depart, doomed to die, Bo, Seaf; CP: enterprising? [‘fromward’]

framweardes (o) adv. away from, Lcd. [‘fromwards’]

frān pret. 3 sg. of frīnan. [[under “frignan”]]

franca m. lance, javelin, Æ.

±frāsian to ask, inquire, find out by inquiry: tempt, try.

frāsung f. questioning, temptation.

fratwian = frætwian [[under “frætwan”]]

frēa † I. m. gs. frēan ruler, lord, king, master: the Lord, Christ, God: husband. [Goth. frauja] II. (#VPs#) = frēo I.

frēa- intensitive prefix (= L. per-).

frēabeorht glorious.

frēabeorhtian (ǣ) to proclaim, #CPs# 41^9.

frēabodian to proclaim, declare, #LPs# 118^172.

frēadrēman to exult, #LPs#.

frēadrihten † m. lord, master.

frēafætt (ǣ^1) very fat, WW 532^24.

frēaglēaw very wise, #Dan# 88.

frēahræd (ǣ^1, -hræð) very quick, #Gl#.

frēamǣre † very celebrated.

frēamicel (ǣ^1) pre-eminent, WW 530^13.

frēamiht great strength, #RPs# 42^2.

freamsum = fremsum

frēan = frēon

[[Cross-reference uncertain: variant of “frēogan” or form of “frēo”?]]

frēaofestlice (ǣ^1) very quickly, WW 530^13.

frēareccere m. prince, #LRPs# 118^161.

frēas pret. 3 sg. of frēosan.

frēasian = frāsian

frēatorht very bright, radiant.

frēaðancian to exult, #RPs# 52^7.

frēawine † m. lord and friend.

frēawlitig very beautiful, NC 290.

frēawrāsn f. splendid chain, B 1451.

frēbran = frēfran

frec (æ, i) greedy, MtL (i); Æ: eager, bold, daring, Met: dangerous (v. ES 39·327 ff.). [‘freck’]

freca † m. warrior, hero.

frēced- = frēcen-

frēcelnes = frēcennes

frēcelsod exposed to danger, WW 465^25.

frēcen n. gs. frēcnes danger, peril.

frēcendlic, frēcenlic (CP) dangerous, mischievous, perilous, terrible. adv. -līce, AO.

frēcennes f. harm, danger, CP.

freceo ‘lucor’? ‘lurcor’? Cp 1240 (v. ES 39·336; 42·168).

frecful (æ) greedy, OEG 2445.

freclīce greedily, GD 31^1.

frecmāse = fræcmāse

frēcn- = frēcen-

frēcne (ǣ) I. dangerous, perilous, CP: terrible: savage, wicked: daring, bold. [v. ES 39·328f.] II. adv. dangerously: fiercely, severely: boldly, audaciously.

frecnes f. greediness.

frēcnes = frēcennes

+frecnian to make bold, #Da# 184: endanger, imperil, ÆL 30·436.

frecwāsend m. gluttony, A 6·100.

+frēdan to feel, perceive, Æ, Bo; CP. [‘frede’; frōd]

+frēdendlic perceptible, #ÆGr# 4^6.

+frēdmǣlum little by little, OEG 3245.

+frēdnes f. feeling, perception, #Bo#.

+frēdra more acute, CP 123^19.

frefelīce = fræfellīce

frēfernes f. consolation.

±frēfran to cheer, comfort, console, BH; CP. [‘frover’]

frēfrend (ie^2) mf. comforter, consoler: the Comforter (Holy Ghost), #Bl#.

frēfrian (Jn; Æ) = frēfran

frēfriend = frēfrend

frēfrung f. consolation, #Gen# 37^35.

+frēge = +frǣge

fregen, fregn I. = frægn pret. 3 sg. of frignan. II. n. question, #An# 255.

fregnan = frignan

fregnðearle enquiringly, ÆL 23^566.

fregnung f. questioning, MkL p4^19.

freht n? ‘auspicium,’ DR 97^7.

frem = fram adj.

fremde foreign, alien, strange, LL; AO, CP: unfriendly, Sol (-ede): estranged from, devoid of, remote from. [‘fremd’]

±fremdian to estrange, RB: curse, MkLR (v. A 16·127).

freme I. † vigorous, flourishing, B, Gen. [‘frim’; fram] II. = fremu

fremede = fremde

fremedlǣcan to alienate, #RPs# 57^4.

±fremednes f. accomplishment, fulfilment, effect, Æ.

fremful useful, profitable, beneficial, Lcd. [‘fremeful’] adv. -līce efficaciously.

fremfulnes f. utility, profit, RB 83^18.

±fremian, fremman to further, advance, support, An, B: frame, make, do, perpetrate, commit, afford, B, Gen; CP: (w. d.) avail, benefit, do good, Æ, Mt. [‘freme’]

fremlic (eo, o) profitable, BH 30^28.

±fremming f. purpose, effect, performance, progress, Æ.

fremnes = fremednes

fremsum beneficent, benign, kind, gracious, Æ, CP.

fremsumlic benignant, kind, GD 280. adv. -līce, CP.

fremsumnes f. benefit, benignity, kindness, liberality.

fremð- (NG) = fremd-

+fremðian to curse, MkL 14^71.

fremðlic = frymðlic

fremu f. advantage, gain, benefit, Bo, Ep, Lcd; CP. [‘freme’]

fremung (eo, o) f. advantage, profit, good.

Frencisc ‘French,’ Chr.

frēnd == frēond

frendian to anathematize, WW 484^31. [cp. +fremðian]

freng = frægn pret. 3 sg. of frignan.

frēo I. nap. often frīge ‘free,’ Bo, Ex, JnR; CP, Æ: (†) glad, joyful: (†) noble, illustrious, Gen. [frēo- v. also frīg-] II. † f. woman, lady. III. m. = frēa. IV. imperat. of frēogan. V. f? freedom, immunity.

frēobearn n. free-born child, child of gentle birth.

frēoborh = friðborh

frēobrōðor m. own brother, #Ex# 338.

frēoburh f. city, B 694.

frēod I. † f. peace, friendship: goodwill, affection. II. pp. of frēogan. III. = frēot

frēode pret. 3 sg. of frēogan.

frēodohtor f. freeborn daughter, W 193^6.

frēodōm m. ‘freedom,’ state of free-will, charter, emancipation, deliverance, Bo; AO, CP.

frēodryhten † = frēadrihten

frēodscipe (ES 39·340) = frēondscipe?

±frēogan to ‘free,’ liberate, manumit, Æ, Chr; AO: love, embrace, think of lovingly, honour.

frēoge = +frǣge

frēoh = frēo

frēolāc n. freewill offering, oblation, #LPs# 50^21.

frēolǣta m. freedman, WW.

±frēolic free, freeborn: glorious, stately, magnificent, noble, B: beautiful, charming. [‘freely’] adv. -līce ‘freely,’ readily, Bo, VPs.

frēols I. mn. freedom, immunity, privilege: feast-day, festival. [origl. frīheals] II. = frēo I.

frēolsǣfen m. eve of a feast, LL 383[56].

frēolsbōc f. charter of freedom, Ct.

frēolsbryce (i) m. breach of festival.

frēolsdæg m. feast-day, festival-day, Æ.

frēolsdōm = frēodōm

frēols-end, -iend m. liberator, #EPs#.

frēolsgefa m. emancipator, LL 13[8].

frēolsgēr n. year of jubilee, WW 420^31.

frēolsian (±) to deliver, liberate, #Bl, EPs#: to keep a feast or holy day, celebrate, Æ. [‘frels’]

frēolslic festive, festival, CM 350. adv. freely: solemnly.

frēolsmann m. freedman, KC 3·295^6.

frēolsniht f. eve of a festival, NC 290.

frēolsstōw f. festival-place, LL 338[38].

frēolstīd f. festival, feast-day, Æ.

frēolsung f. celebration of a feast.

freom = fram III.

freom- = fram-, frem-

frēomǣg † m. free-kinsman.

frēomann m. ‘free-man,’ freeborn man, Gen, LL.

frēonama m. surname, BH.

frēond m. ds. frīend, nap. frīend, frēond, frēondas ‘friend,’ relative, B, El, Gen; AO, CP: lover.

frēondheald amiable, #Lcd# 3·192^15.

frēondhealdlic related, akin, WW 217^29.

frēondlār f. friendly counsel, B 2377.

frēondlaðu f. friendly invitation, B 1192.

frēondlēas ‘friendless,’ JnL. f. mann outlaw, LL.

frēondlēast f. want of friends, LL 336[35].

frēondlic friendly, well-disposed, kindly, BH, W. adv. -līce, CP.

frēondlīðe kind to one’s friends, ES 39·340.

frēondlufu f. friendship, love, #Gen# 1834.

frēondmyne f. amorous intention, #Gen# 1831.

frēondrǣden f. friendship, Æ: conjugal love.

frēondscipe m. ‘friendship,’ B, Lcd; AO, CP: conjugal love.

frēondspēd f. abundance of friends.

frēondspēdig rich in friends.

frēone asm. of frēo adj.

frēonoma = frēonama

frēorig † freezing, frozen, cold, chilly: blanched with fear, sad, mournful. [frēosan]

frēorig-ferð, -mōd † sad, #Gu#.

frēoriht n. rights of freemen, LL, W.

±frēosan^2 to ‘freeze,’ Æ, Bl.

frēosceat m. freedman, RB 138^21.

frēot m. freedom, LL. frēotes ðolian to be reduced to slavery.

frēotgifa m. liberator, WW.

frēot-gifu, -gift f. emancipation, WW.

frēotmann m. freedman, #Bk#, TC, W.

freoð- = frið-

-frēoðan^2 v. ā-f.

freoðo- = friðo-

freoðu- = friðu-

frēowīf (i^1) n. free-woman, LL 7[73].

frēowine = frēawine

Fresan = Frisan

Fresisc (y) in the Frisian manner, Frisian, #Chr#. [Frisan]

±fretan^5 to devour, eat, consume, CP: break, #Ex# 147. [for, etan]

fretgenga = frætgenga

frettan to feed upon, consume. [fretan]

frettol greedy, gluttonous, WW 171^34.

fretw- = frætw-

freðo = friðu

freðo- = friðo-, friðu

frī = frēo I.

frīa = frēa

frīand (A) = frēond

frīborh (v. LL 2·81) = friðborh

fric (NG) = frec

fricca, friccea m. herald, crier, CP (? v. ES 39·336).

fricgan^5 † to ask, inquire into, investigate: (+) learn, find out by inquiry. [frignan; cp. Ger. fragen]

frīcian to dance, Mt. [‘frike’]

friclan † w. g. to seek, desire.

friclo f. appetite, #Lcd# 73a.

frico f. ‘usura,’ MtL 25^27 (v. ES 39·328f.).

fricolo adv. eagerly, fervently.

frictrung (OET 26) = frihtrung

frīdhengest = frīðhengest? [[headword spelled “friðhengest”]]

frīenan = frīnan = frignan

frīend v. frēond.

+frīend pl. friends, Lk (ȳ). [‘i-freond’]

frīg == frēo

frīgan = frēogan

frīgdæg = frīgedæg

frīge I. † fp. love. II. v. frēo.

frīgea m. lord, master, LL (= frēa).

frīgeǣfen m. Thursday evening, Æ.

frīgedæg m. ‘Friday,’ LL, Ma; Æ.

+frīgend m. liberator, #VPs#.

frigenes = frignes

frīgeniht f. Thursday night, W 305^24.

frigest, frigeð pres. 2, 3 sg. of fricgan.

+frīgian to embrace, MkL 10^16.

±frignan^3, frīnan ask, inquire, B, BH, Cp, Ps; AO, CP. [‘frayne’]

±frignes f. interrogation, question.

frignung f. question, GD 137^29.

frigst, frihst pres. 2 sg. of fricgan.

frihtere m. diviner, soothsayer. [freht]

frihtrian to divine.

frihtrung f. soothsaying, divination, WW.

frimdig = frymdig

frīnan = frignan

frīnd = frīend

frīo == frēo

frīs (ȳ) crisped, curled, #GnE# 96.

Frisan (e) mp. Frisians, AO.

frisca = frysca

fristmearc (#Gl#) = firstmearc

frit, friteð, fritt pres. 3 sg. of fretan.

frið (y) mn. peace, tranquillity, security, refuge, AO; CP, Æ. f. niman to make peace: privilege of special protection, and penalty for the breach of it, LL 10[5]: restoration of rights (to an outlaw), LL 316[13]. [‘frith’]

frīð stately, beautiful, #Rd# 10^9.

friða (eo) m. protector, #PPs# 70^3.

frīðāð m. oath of peace, #Chr# 1012#e#.

friðbēna m. suppliant, refugee, LL.

friðborh m. surety for peace, LL.

friðbræc f. breach of the peace, LL.

friðburg f. town with which there is peace, city of refuge, LL 222[2,1].

friðcandel † f. the sun.

friðelēas = friðlēas

friðgeard m. enclosed space, LL: court of peace (heaven), #Cr#.

friðgedāl n. death, #Gen# 1142. [ferhð?]

friðgegilda m. member of a peace-guild, LL 173 Pro.

friðgeorn peaceable, MtL 5^9.

friðgewrit n. peace agreement, LL 144.

friðgild n. peace guild, LL 181.

friðgīsl m. peace-hostage, LL 378[9,1].

friðhengest (frid-) m. horse of peace? #Rd# 23^4.

friðhūs n. sanctuary, WW 186^23.

friðian (eo) to give ‘frið’ to, make peace with, be at peace with: (±) cherish, protect, guard, defend, keep, AO, Chr; CP: observe. [‘frith’]

friðiend m. helper, defender, #PPs#, W 239^7.

friðland n. friendly territory, #Chr#.

friðlēas peaceless, outlawed, LL 318.

friðlic mild, lenient, LL.

friðmāl n. article of peace, LL 220 Pro. [mǣl]

friðmann m. man under special peace-protection, LL 222.

friðo == freoðu, frið [[redirected to “friðu”]]

friðobēacen (eo^1) n. sign of peace, #Gen# 1045.

friðoscealc (eo) † m. angel.

friðosibb f. peace-bringer, B 2017.

friðospēd (eo) † f. abundant peace.

friðotācn n. sign of peace, #Gen# 2369.

friðoðēawas † (eo^1) mp. place.

friðowǣr (eo^1) † f. treaty of peace.

friðowang (eo^1) m. peaceful plain, B 2959.

friðowaru (eo) † f. protection.

friðo-webba (eo^1) ‡ m., -webbe † f. peace-maker.

friðscipe m. ship for defence, LL 441 (? read fyrdscipe).

friðsōcn f. sanctuary, asylum, LL.

friðsplott m. peace-spot, LL (248^5).

friðstōl m. sanctuary, asylum, refuge, LL, Ps. [‘frithstool’]

friðstōw f. refuge, sanctuary.

friðsum pacific, peaceful: (+) safe, fortified.

friðsumian to make peaceful, protect? NC 290.

friðu (eo) fm. peace, safety, protection, AO, Mt: refuge, asylum. [‘frith’]

friðu- = friðo-

frocga = frogga

frōd † wise: old.

frōdian to be wise, #Rim# 32.

frōfer == frōfor

frōferian = frēfran

frōfor fmn. (e^2, u^2) gs. frōfre consolation, joy, refuge, Æ; CP: compensation, help, benefit. [‘frover’]

frōforbōc (e^2) f. book of consolation, #Bo# 50^6.

frōforgāst (frōfre-) m. consoling spirit, Holy Ghost, Comforter, Jn; Æ. [v. ‘frover’]

frōforlic (e^2) kind, helpful, W. adv. -līce, W 295^3.

frōfornes f. consolation, LkL 6^24 (oe).

frōforword n. word of consolation, GD 344^28.

frōfrian = frēfran

frogga m. ‘frog,’ Æ, WW.

froht (NG) = forht

from == fram

from- also = frem-, frum-

froren pp. of frēosan.

frosc = forsc

frost = forst

frōwe f. woman, DD 291. [Ger. frau]

frox = forsc

frugnen pp., frugnon pret. pl. of frignan.

frum I. primal, original, first. II. = fram

fruma m. beginning, origin, cause, AO, CP: creation, #Chr# 33: originator, inventor, founder, creator: first-born, #CPs# 135^10: (†) prince, king, chief, ruler. on fruman at first. wæstma fruman firstfruits. [fram]

frumācennes f. nativity, JnL p5^19.

frumbearn n. first-born child.

frumbyrd f. birth, TC 369^9.

frumbyrdling n. youth, WW 171^23. [‘frumberdling’]

frumcenned first-begotten, firstborn, Æ, AO: original, primitive, #ÆGr#.

frumcnēow n. primal generation, #Ex# 371.

frumcyn † n. ancestry, origin, descent, lineage: race, tribe.

frumcynnend = frumcenned

frumcyrr m. first time, LL 164[25,2].

frumdysig n. first offence, NC 290.

frum-gār †, -gāra † m. leader, patriarch, chieftain, noble. [cp. L. primi-pilus]

frumgesceap n. creation of the world, #Cr# 840.

frumgeweorc n. original construction, A 11·174^6.

frumgewrit n. deed, document, W 252^12.

frumgifu f. prerogative, privilege, #Gl#.

frumgrīpa m. firstling, W 113^6.

frumgyld n. first instalment, LL 190.

frumhēowung (ī) f. original formation, WW 467^27.

frumhrægl n. first garment (sc. of fig-leaves), #Gen# 943.

frumildo f. primeval time, WW 341^22. [ieldo]

frumlēoht n. dawn, AF 4·56.

frumlic original, primitive. adv. -līce.

frumlīda m. chief sailor, v. OEG 32.

frumlȳhtan to dawn, #Bl# 207^35.

frummynetslege m. first coinage, ÆL 23^479.

frumrǣd m. primary ordinance, LL 246.

frumrǣden f. space of time, #An# 147.

frumrinc (o^1) chieftain, RHy 4^15.

frumrīpa m. firstfruits, LL 40[38].

frumsceaft f. first creation, origin, primeval condition, B: creature: home. [‘frumschaft’]

frumsceapen first created, first, Æ.

frumsceatt m. firstfruits, #ELPs#.

frumscepend m. creator, DR 16^10.

frumscyld † f. original sin.

frumsetnes f. authority, DR 123^8.

frumsetnung f. foundation, creation, JnR 17^24.

frumslǣp m. first sleep, AO.

frumspellung f. recapitulation, OEG 1153; 2^31.

frumsprǣc f. first saying: promise.

frumstaðol m. first state, #Rd# 61^3.

frumstemn m. prow, WW 288^21.

frumstōl m. first or principal seat, paternal home, LL.

frumtalu f. first statement (of a witness?) LL 385.

frumtīd f. beginning, GD 212^5.

frumtȳhtle f. first accusation, first charge, LL 336 (35). [tēon II.]

frumð = frymð

frumwæstm mf. firstfruits.

frumweorc n. primeval work, creation, #An# 805.

frumwīfung f. first marriage, W 304^27.

frumwylm m. new-born zeal, RB 135^5.

frumwyrhta m. creator, DR 37^4.

frunen pp., frun(n)on pret. pl. of frīnan. [[under “frignan”]]

frungon = frugnon pret. pl. of frignan.

fruron pret. pl. of frēosan.

frȳ == frēo

fryccea = fricca

fryht- (N) = forht-, fyrht-

frylsian (#Bo#) = freolsian [[headword spelled “frēolsian”]]

frym- = frum-, fyrm-

frymdig (i) curious, inquisitive, Æ: desirous. f. bēon to entreat.

frymetling f. young cow, LL 451[13].

frymð I. mf. origin, beginning, foundation, Bo; Æ, AO: (in pl.) creation, El: creature. [‘frumth’] II. = fyrmð

frymð-lic, -elic primeval, primitive, first. adv. -līce, OEG 5211.

frymðu, frymðo (MtL) = frymð

frymðyldo ‘primævus’? v. OEG 2381.

frȳnd (Æ) nap. of frēond.

frȳs = frīs

Frysan = Frisan

frysca I. (i) m. kite, bittern, #Gl#. II. ‘pusio’? #Gl# (v. A 19·495).

frȳsð pres. 3 sg. of frēosan.

fryt pres. 3 sg. of fretan.

fryð == frið

fryð- also = freoð-, fyrð-

fugel == fugol

fugelbona m. fowler, #Cra# 80.

fugeldoppe f? water-fowl, WW 131^20.

fugelere (AO) = fuglere

fugeleswȳse f. larkspur, WW 298^24.

fugelhwata m. augur, WW 140^5.

fugellīm m. bird-lime, OEG 3105.

fugelnett n. bird net, WW 277^16.

fugelnoð, fugeloð = fugoloð

fugeltimber n. young bird, #Ph# 236.

fugeltrēo n. perch (of a bird).

fugelweohlere m. augur, WW 108^12. [wiglere]

fuglere m. ‘fowler,’ AO.

fuglesbēan f. vetch, #Gl#.

fuglian to catch birds, ÆGr. [‘fowl’]

fuglung f. bird-catching, WW.

fugol m. gs. fugles ‘fowl,’ bird, B, Mt; CP; Mdf.

fugol-, see also fugel-.

fugolcynn n. bird-tribe, Æ. [‘fowlkin’]

fugoldæg (u^2) m. feast-day, TC 460^20.

fugolhǣlsere m. augur.

fugoloð m. bird-catching, fowling, Æ.

fugolwylle swarming with birds, BH 30^10. [weallan]

fugul- = fugel-, fugol-

fuhl- = fugl-

fūht damp, moist. [Ger. feucht]

fūhtian to be moist, NC 290.

fuhton pret. pl. of feohtan.

ful I. n. beaker, cup, Æ. II. == full

fūl I. ‘foul,’ unclean, impure, vile, corrupt, rotten, Æ, Bl, Cp, Cr, WW; CP. f. bēam black alder, #Lcd# 29b: guilty, LL. II. n. filth, foulness, impurity, crime, offence, El, OET. [‘foul’]

fulbeorht very bright, resplendent, CP 87^23.

fulbrecan^4 to violate, LL 280[2,2].

fuldōn anv. to satisfy, RB 70^21.

fūle adv. foully.

fulēode pret. 3 sg. of fullgān.

fūletrēo n. black alder, Cp 430#a#.

fulfæstnian to ratify fully, #Chr# 675#e#.

fulfaran^6 to travel, LL 383[56].

fulfealdan^7 ‘explicare,’ #ÆGr# 138^9.

fulgeare quite well, ÆL 3^456. [gearwe]

fulgōd very good, ÆL 6^124.

fulgon pret. pl. of fēolan.

fulhār completely grey, very hoary, WW 380^13.

fulhealden contented, WW 211^30.

fulht- = fulwiht-

fūlian to be or become foul, decay, rot, AO, Ps.

full I. adj. (w. g.) ‘full’ filled, complete, perfect, entire, utter, Gen, Ps, Lcd; Æ, AO, CP: swelling, plump, #Lcd#. be fullan fully, perfectly, completely. II. adv. very, fully, entirely, completely, thoroughly, Bo, Ps. f. nēah almost, very nearly. III. = ful

full- v. also ful-.

fulla m. assembly? Ct.

fullǣst (ā, ē; fylst) m. help, support, Ex. [‘filst’]

±fullǣstan (ē) w. d. to help, support, AO; Lk. [‘filst’]

+fullan = +fyllan

fullberstan^3 to burst completely, W 267^18.

fullbētan to make full amends.

fullblīðe very glad.

fullboren completely born, CP 367^18: of noble birth.

fullbryce m. complete breach of the peace, LL.

fullclǣne very pure, AS 29^12.

fullcræftig very efficient, virtuous.

fullcūð notorious, famous.

-fulle v. sin-f.

fullendian to complete, BH. [‘fullend’]

fullere m. ‘fuller,’ bleacher, Mk.

fullest == fullǣst

fullflēon^2 to take to flight, escape completely.

fullforðian to fulfil, NC 291.

fullfremed perfect, CP. adv. -līce fully, perfectly, completely, Bl.

fullfremednes f. perfection, BH; CP. [‘fullfremedness’]

±full-fremman, -fremian to fulfil, perfect, practise, do fully, complete, Bo; CP. [‘fullfreme’]

fullfyligan to follow, obey, W 95^19: ‘persequi,’ #EPs# 7^6.

fullfyllan ‘complere,’ ÆGr 153^1. [‘fulfil’]

full-gān pret. 3 sg. -ēode anv., -gangan^7 to accomplish, fulfil, perform, carry out, Æ: follow, imitate, obey: help, AO.

fullgearwian to finish, complete, GD 126^2.

fullgedrifen (w. g.) driven full of.

fullgeorne very eagerly, CP 255^22.

fullgewēpned fully armed, #Chr#.

fullgrōwan^7 to grow to perfection, flourish, CP 67^23.

fullian I. to fulfil, complete, perfect. II. (Jn) = fulwian

fullic full, #Chr# 785#c#?: ‘catholicus,’ CHy 15. adv. -līce entirety, fully, perfectly, completely, A, BH; Æ.

fūllic foul, unclean, objectionable, shameful, base, #Lcd#, W. adv. -līce.

fulligan = fulwian

fullmannod fully peopled, #Bo# 40^17.

full-medeme excellent, perfect, GD. adv. -medomlīce, GD 331^13.

fullnes f. fullness.

fūllnes = fūlnes

fulloc final or definite agreement? LL 385.

fulloft adv. very often, CP.

fullðungen (ful-) full-grown, RB 133^1.

fullðungennes f. full development, MFH 160.

fulluht == fulwiht

fullunga adv. fully.

fullwēpnod fully armed, #Chr# 1070#e#.

fullwer m. complete ‘wer,’ full atonement, #Rd# 24^14?

fullwyrcan to complete, fulfil.

fulmægen n. great power, W 186^14.

fulnēah I. adj. very near. II. adv. very nearly, almost, CP.

fūlnes f. foulness, filthy smell.

fūlon rare pret. pl. of fēolan.

fulraðe adv. very quickly, AO.

fulrīpod mature, RB 139^9.

fūlstincende foul-stinking.

fulsumnes f. abundance, #EPs# 48^7.

fultēam = fultum

fultem- (CP), fultom- = fultum-

fultrūwian to confide in, #Bo# 60^23.

fultum (ēa) m. help, support, protection, B; Æ, AO, CP: forces, army, AO. [‘fultum’]

+fultuma m. helper, #SPs# 18^16.

±fultum-an, -ian to help, support, assist, Æ, CP: (†) be propitious to, overlook.

±fultumend, fultumiend m. helper, fellow-worker.

fultumlēas without help, AO 56^21.

fulwa m. fuller, MH 26^26.

fulwearm entirely warm, CP 447^5.

fulwere m. baptizer, baptist.

fulwērig very tired, MFH 160.

±fulwian to baptize, BH, MH; AO, CP. [‘full’]

fulwiht, fulluht (Mt) mfn. baptism, Christianity, Mt; AO, CP. [‘fullought’]

+fulwiht-an, -ian to baptize, #Chr#, NG.

fulwihtbæð n. baptismal bath, font, Æ (fulluht-).

fulwihtbēna m. ‘competitor, amicus vel rogator baptismi,’ WW 207^16.

fulwihtere m. baptizer: the Baptist.

fulwihtfæder m. baptismal father, godfather, baptizer, #Bl# 205^17.

fulwihthād m. baptismal order or vow, #Bl# 109^28.

fulwihtnama m. baptismal name, Christian name.

+fulwihtnian (fulhtn-) to baptize, NC 291.

fulwihtstōw f. baptistry, #Bl# 140^20.

fulwihttīd f. time of baptism, #Men# 11.

fulwihtðēaw m. rite of baptism, #Met# 1^33.

fulwihtðēnung (-uht) f. baptismal service, W 38^9.

fulwihtwæter n. laver of baptism, NC 291.

fulwihtwere m. baptist, #Bl# 161^6.

fulwuht = fulwiht

funde wk. pret. 3 sg., funden pp. of findan.

-fundelnes, -fundennes v. on-f.

fundian (w. of, tō) to tend to, wish for, strive after, go, set out, go forward, hasten, Æ, B, Cr, Gu; CP. [‘found’]

fundon pret. pl. of findan.

fundung f. setting forth, departure, #Chr# 1106.

fūra v. furh.

furh f. gs. fūre, ds. fyrh, furh, gp. fūra ‘furrow,’ trench, BC, Bo; Æ.

furhwudu m. pine, Cp 420#p#.

±fūrian to furrow, OEG.

furlang n. length of furrow, furlong. [furh, lang]

furðan, furðon = furðum

furðerlucor = furðorlīcor

furðor adv. (of place and time) ‘further,’ more distant, forwards, later, Æ, Chr: more: superior. f. dōn to promote, A.

furðorlīcor (e^2, u^3) cp. adv. more perfectly.

furðra cp. adj. ‘further’ greater, superior, Jn.

furðum (-an, -on) adv. even, exactly, quite, already, just as, at first, Bl, Mt; AO, CP: further, previously. syððan f. just as soon as. [‘forthen’]

furðumlic luxurious, indulging, AO 50^30.

furður == furðor

furuh = furh

fūs striving forward, eager for, ready for, inclined to, willing, prompt, B; Æ: expectant, brave, noble: ready to depart, dying. [‘fous’]

fūse = fūslīce

fūslēoð † n. death-song, dirge.

fūslic ready to start: excellent. adv. -līce readily, gladly.

fūsnes f. quickness, EHy 6^25.

fustra? ‘focus,’ ‘ignis,’ v. OEG 1428.

fȳf- = fīf-

fyhfang = feohfang

fyht- = feoht-

fȳhtan (ī) to moisten, OEG. [fūht]

fyl = fiell

±fȳlan to befoul, defile, pollute, Æ.

+fylce n. band of men, troop, army, host, CP. [folc]

±fylcian to marshal troops. [folc]

fyld m. ‘volumen,’ ‘ruga,’ OEG.

fyldstōl = fealdestōl

±fylgan w. d. or a. to follow, pursue, Æ, CP: persecute: follow out, observe, obey.

fylgend m. follower, observer, BH 472^7.

fylgestre f. female follower, OEG 1228.

fylgian = fylgan

fylging f. I. following, DR. II. (æ) harrowing, harrow. [fealg]

fylian, fyligan = fylgan

fyligendlic that can or ought to be imitated, CM 803.

fylignes f. following, practice, BH 160^23.

fyll = (1) fyllu; (2) fiell [[(1) under “fyllo”]]

±fyllan I. to ‘fill,’ fill up, replenish, satisfy, An, Gen, Ps; Æ: complete, fulfil, Az. [full] II. ± (æ, e; = ie) wv. to cause to fall, strike down, ‘fell,’ cut down, Ps, Rd. +fylled wdg. bereft: throw down, defeat, destroy, kill, BH, Cr, Ps: tumble: cause to stumble, MtR.

fyllað m. filling, filling up, #Gen# 1513.

+fyllednes (i) f. fulness, completion, fulfilment, Æ.

-fyllen (fylen) v. mōnað-f. [[under “mōnaðfylen”]]

fyllend = fylgend

+fyllendlic filling, expletive, #ÆGr# 261^5.

fyllesēoc epileptic.

fyllesēocnes f. epilepsy, #Lcd# 1·164^9.

fylleðflōd m. high tide, #Gl#.

fyllewærc n. epilepsy, #Lcd# 65a.

fylling f. filling, completion, NC 291.

+fyllingtīd f. compline, WW 207^44n.

±fyllnes f. fulness, plenitude, satiety: supplement: completion, fulfilment.

fyllo, fyllu f. fulness (of food), ‘fill,’ feast, satiety, AO, B; CP: impregnation.

fylmen = filmen

fylnes I. (±) f. fall, stumbling-block, offence, NG: (+) transmigration, MtL 1^12. II. = fyllnes

fȳlnes = fūlnes

fylst I. fm. help, aid, Mt; Æ, AO. II. pres. 2 sg. of feallan. III. pres. 2 sg. of fyllan.

+fylsta m. helper, Æ.

±fylstan (w. d.) to aid, support, help, protect, Æ, AO. [= fullæstan] [[headword spelled “fullǣstan”]]

±fylstend m. helper, Æ, #BRPs#.

fylt pres. 3 sg. of fealdan.

fylð I. pres. 3 sg. of fyllan. II. pres. 3 sg. of feallan.

fȳlð f. ‘filth,’ uncleanness, impurity, Mt, Sc, W. [fūl]

fylwērig faint to death, B 963. [fiell]

fyn- = fin-

fȳnd = fēond

+fȳnd = +fīend

fyndele m. invention, devising, Sc. [‘findal’]

fyne m? n? moisture, mould, WW 183^19.

fynegian = fynigian

fynig (i) mouldy, Æ. [‘fenny’]

fynigian (e^2) to become mouldy, LL. [‘finew’]

fyr v. feorr.

fȳr (ī) n. ‘fire,’ Ex, G, VPs; Æ, AO, CP: a fire, Gen.

fȳran I. = fēran. II. to cut a furrow, OEG 2492n: castrate.

fȳras = fīras

fȳrbǣre fire-bearing, fiery, OEG.

fȳrbæð † n. fire-bath, hell-fire.

fȳrbend m. bar forged in the fire, B 722.

fȳrbēta m. fireman, stoker, WW.

fȳrbryne m. conflagration, AO 252^20.

fyrclian (ȳ?) to flash, flicker, #Chr# 1106.

fȳrclomm m. band forged in the fire, #Sat# 39.

fȳrcrūce f. crucible, Cp 963#c#.

fȳrcynn n. fire, AO 252^20#c#.

fyrd = fierd

fyrdcræft m. warfare.

fyrdend enrolled for military service, ÆL 25^383.

fyrdesne m. warrior, BH 148^8.

fyrdfæreld n. fyrdfaru f. going to war, military service, LL.

fyrdgeatewe fp. war-gear, #Run# 27.

fyrdgemaca m. fellow-soldier, Æ.

fyrdgestealla † m. comrade in arms.

fyrdgetrum † n. band of warriors.

fyrdham m. corslet, B 1504.

fyrdhrægl n. corslet, B 1527.

fyrdhwæt † warlike, brave.

fyrdian (ie) to go on an expedition, #Chr#.

fyrdlāf f. remnant of an army, ÆL 25^377.

fyrdlēas (ie) without an army, #Chr# 894#a#.

fyrdlēoð † n. war-song.

fyrdlic martial, Æ.

fyrdmann m. warrior, #Bo#.

fyrdnoð (e) m. liability to military service, BC 3·71^7.

fȳrdraca m. fire-spewing dragon, B 2689. [‘firedrake’]

fyrdrian wv. to serve in the army, go on active service, ÆL 28^11.

fyrdrinc † (e) m. warrior, soldier.

fyrdsceorp n. armour, #Rd# 15^13.

fyrdscip n. battle-ship, LL.

fyrdsearu † n. accoutrements.

fyrdsōcn f. military service, Ct.

fyrdstemn m. body of soldiers who serve for a fixed term, army-corps, #Chr# 921.

fyrdtīber n. military sacrifice? (Swt), WW 418^22; A 15·187.

fyrdtruma m. martial band, army, ÆH 1·442^34.

fyrdung (eo, i) f. military expedition, armament, LL; Æ: camp: fine for evading military service, LL. [‘ferding’]

fyrdwǣn (i) m. military carriage? EC 250^22.

fyrdweard f. military watch, LL 444[1].

fyrdwerod n. host, army, WW 399^30.

fyrdwīc n. camp, Æ.

fyrdwīsa m. chieftain, #Cra# 77.

fyrdwīse f. military style, #Nar# 9^28.

fyrdwīte n. fine for evading military service.

fyrdwyrðe distinguished in war, B 1316.

-fyrede v. twi-, ðri-f.

fyren == firen

fȳren I. of fire, fiery, AO, CP: on fire, burning, flaming. II. fire, #CPs#.

fȳrenful fiery, #LPs#, W.

fyrengāt (WW 423^11) = firgengāt

fȳrentācen n. fiery sign, MFH 131^12.

fȳrentācnian ‘compellere’ (?) RHy 6^21.

fȳrenðecele f. firebrand, BH 476^15.

fyres = fyrs

fyrest = fyrst, fyrmest superl. adj.

fyrewyt = fyrwit

fȳrfeaxen fiery-haired, WW.

fȳrfōda (ī) m. fuel, twigs for burning, OEG 7^88.

fȳrgearwunga fp. materials for a fire, WW 401^9.

fȳrgebeorh n. firescreen? protection from fire? LL 455[17].

fȳrgebræc n. crackling of fire, #Gen# 2560.

fyrgen == firgen

fȳrgnāst m. spark of fire, #An# 1548. [ON. gneisti]

fyrh v. furh.

fȳrhāt hot as fire, burning, ardent, El. [‘firehot’]

fȳrheard hardened by fire, B 305.

±fyrht I. afraid, timid. [forht] II. = freht

fyrht-an, -ian (fryht-, N) to fear, tremble, DR: (±) frighten, terrify, BH. [‘fright,’ vb.]

fyrhtnes f. fear, AO.

fyrhto, fyrhtu (fryht-, N) f. ‘fright,’ fear, dread, trembling, Ps, VHy; Æ, AO, CP: horrible sight. [forht]

fyrhð == ferhð

±fyrhðe n., fyr(h)ð f. wooded country? Ct. [‘frith’]

fȳrhūs n. ‘caminatum,’ house with a fireplace in it? WW. [‘firehouse’]

fȳrhwēolod v. fēowerhwēolod.

fyrian (B 378) = ferian

fȳrian I. to supply with firing, LL. [‘fire’ vb.] II. (±) to cut a furrow. [furh]

fyrlen I. (eo, e) far off, distant, remote, Æ. II. n. distance, Æ.

fȳrlēoht n. gleam of fire, B 1516. [‘firelight’]

fȳrlēoma m. gleam of fire, #Sat# 128.

fȳrlīce = fǣrlīce

fȳrloca m. fiery prison, #Sat# 58.

fyrm = feorm

fȳrmǣl m. mark burnt in by fire, #An# 1136.

fyrmest (o) superl. of forma I. ‘foremost,’ first, Æ, CP, Lcd: most prominent, chief, best, El, Mt. II. adv. first of all, in the first place, at first, most, especially, very well, best.

fyrmð f. harbouring, entertainment, LL: cleansing, washing. [feorm]

fyrn I. (i) adj. former, ancient, Rd. II. adv. (±) formerly, of old, long ago, once, ÆL. [‘fern’]

±fyrndagas mp. days of yore, ÆL. frðd fyrndagum old, aged.

fyrnful = firenful

fyrngēar † np. former years, Gn, Ps. [‘fernyear’]

fyrngēara † adv. formerly, of old.

fyrn-geflit † n. nap. -geflitu former quarrel, old strife.

fyrngeflita m. old-standing enemy, #Pa# 34.

fyrngemynd n. ancient history, #El# 327.

fyrngesceap n. ancient decree, #Ph# 360.

fyrngesetu ‡ np. former seat, habitation.

fyrngestrēon n. ancient treasure, #Sol# 32.

fyrngeweorc † n. former, ancient work.

fyrngewinn n. primeval struggle, B 1689.

fyrngewrit † n. old writings, scripture.

fyrngewyrht n. former work, fate, #Gu# 944.

fyrngidd n. ancient prophecy, #El# 542.

fyrnian = firenian

fyrnlic former, of times past, Æ.

fyrnmann m. man of old times, B 2761.

+fyrnnes f. antiquity, NC 294.

fyrnsægen f. old saying, ancient tradition, #An# 1491.

fyrnsceaða m. devil, #An# 1348.

fyrnstrēamas † mp. ocean.

fyrnsynn f. sin of old times, #Jul# 347.

fyrnum = firenum

fyrnweorc † n. work of old, creation.

fyrnwita (eo^2) † m. sage, counsellor.

fȳr-panne, -ponne f. ‘fire-pan,’ brazier, Bl, MH, WW.

fyrr v. feorr.

fȳrrace (fērrece) f. fire-rake, WW 273^6.

fyrran = feorran

fyrs I. m. ‘furze,’ gorse, bramble, Bo, WW. II. n. = fers

fȳrscofl f. ‘fire-shovel,’ WW 358^16.

fyrsian = feorsian

fȳrsmeortende v. smeortan.

fyrsn = fiersn

fȳrspearca m. fire-spark.

fyrst I. ‘first,’ Chr, Ex: foremost, principal, chief, LL. II. adv. in the first place, firstly, at first, originally, Ct. III. (Æ) = first I. and II.

+fyrst n. frost, LL 454[11].

fyrst- = forst-, first-

fȳrstān m. ‘firestone,’ stone used for striking fire, flint, WW.

fȳrsweart black with smoke, #Cr# 984.

fȳrtang f. ‘(fire-)tongs,’ A 9·263.

fȳrtorr m. beacon, lighthouse, WW.

fȳrðling = fēorðling

fȳrðolle f? furnace, stage on which martyrs were burned, OEG.

±fyrðran (#Gl#, AO), fyrðian (Bo; Æ) to ‘further,’ urge on, advance, promote, benefit.

fyrðringnes f., fyrðrung (Lcd; W) f. furtherance, promotion. [‘furthering’]

fyrwet = fyrwit

fyrwetful curious, anxious.

fyrwetgeorn curious, anxious, inquisitive. adv. -līce (GD 174^28).

fyrwetgeornes f. curiosity, #Bl# 69^22.

fyrwit I. n. curiosity, yearning, Æ. II. adj. curious, inquisitive.

fyrwitnes f. curiosity, Æ.

fȳrwylm m. wave of fire, B 2672.

±fȳsan to send forth, impel, stimulate: drive away, put to flight, banish: (usu. reflex.) hasten, prepare oneself, An, Gen. [‘fuse’]

fȳsian (ē) to drive away, LL, W. [‘feeze’]

fȳst (ē) f. ‘fist,’ Æ, OET; CP.

fȳstgebēat n. blow with the fist, CP 315.

+fȳstlian to strike with the fist, #Sc# 7^14.

fȳstslægen struck with the fist, WW 396^33.

fyðer- = fiðer-, fēower-

fyðera, fyðeras, fyð(e)ru, nap. of fiðere.

fyx = fisc

fyxe (OET) f. she-fox, vixen.

fyxen (i) I. f. she-fox, vixen. II. adj. of a fox.

fyxenhȳd (i) f. she-fox’s skin.


gā imperat. and pres. 1 sg. ind. of gān.

gab- (#Gl#) = gaf

gabote (u^2) f. side-dish, #EGl#. [L. gabata]

gād I. † n. lack, want, need, desire. [Goth. gaidw] II. f. ‘goad,’ point, arrow-head, spear-head, Cp, Sol.

±gada m. comrade, companion, ÆL. [Ger. gatte]

gaderian (Æ) = gadrian

±gaderscipe (æ) m. matrimony, OEG.

gadertang continuous, united.

gadertangnes (æ) f. continuation.

±gaderung (æ) f. gathering together: ‘gathering,’ Lcd: union, BH: assembly, A, Jn.

+gaderwyrhtan np. assembled workmen, ÆL 6·186.

gād-īren (LL 455, 15), -īsen n. goad.

gador = geador

±gadori(ge)an = gadrian

±gadorwist f. companionship, WW.

±gadrian (æ) to ‘gather,’ unite: (+) (refl.) assemble, Chr: collect, store up, An, G, Ps; Æ, CP: pluck (flowers, etc.): compile: (+) associate (with): (+) concentrate (thoughts), #Bo#. [geador]

gǣ = gēa

gǣc = gēac

gæd n. society, fellowship, #Sol# 449.

gǣd = gād I.

gædeling † m. kinsman, fellow, companion in arms, comrade, B, Da. [‘gadling’]

gæder- = gader-

gædr- = gadr-

gæf = geaf pret. 3 sg. of giefan.

gæfe = giefu

gæfel I. = geafl I. II. (MtL) = gafol

gǣfon = gēafon pret. pl. of giefan.

-gǣgan v. for-, ofer-g.

gæglbǣrnes = gagolbǣrnes

gǣlan to hinder, impede, keep in suspense, CP: (intr.) linger, delay. [gāl]

gæleð pres. 3 sg. of galan.

gǣling f. delay, CP 39^1.

gǣlnes = gālnes

gǣlsa (ē) m., gǣls? (OEG 611) f. pride, wantonness, luxury, Æ, W: (worldly) care, MtL 13^22: a greedy person. [gāl]

gǣlslic ‘luxuriosus,’ NC 291.

gælð pres. 3 sg. of galan.

gæmnian = gamenian

gǣn- = gēan-

-gǣnan v. tō-g.

+gænge = +genge

gǣp = gēap

gær- = gear-, græ-

gǣr == gēar

gǣred wedge-shaped, BC 3·251´. [gār]

-gǣrede v. twi-, ðri-g.

gærs (græs) n. ‘grass,’ blade (of grass), herb, young corn, hay, plant, An, Cp, CP; Æ.

gærsama = gærsuma [[under “gærsum”]]

gærsbedd n. (grass-bed), grave, #PPs# 102^15.

gærscīð m. blade of grass, AO 38^11.

gærsgrēne grass-green, WW 199^24.

gærs-hoppa m., -hoppe (e^1) f. ‘grasshopper,’ locust, MtR (græs-), Ps, VPs (e).

gærsstapa = gærstapa

gærsswȳn n. pasturage-swine, LL 445[2].

gærstapa m. grasshopper, locust, Æ, AO.

gærstūn m. grass-enclosure, meadow, LL. [‘garston’]

gærstūndīc m. meadow-dike, Ct.

gærsum mn., gærsuma f. jewel, costly gift, treasure, riches, Chr. [‘gersum’]

gærswyrt f. ‘herba,’ grass, #APs# 36^2.

gærsyrð f. pasturage in return for ploughing, labour, LL 447, 4, lc. [‘grassearth’]

gǣsne (ē, ēa) w. g. or on. deprived of, wanting, destitute, barren, sterile, An, Cr: dead. [‘geason’]

gæst (a, e, i, ie, y) m. (nap. gastas) stranger, MtL (e), Rd: ‘guest,’ B, Gen (ie); RB (y): (†) enemy.

gǣst I. m. == gāst. II. pres. 2 sg. of gān.

gæstærn (e^1, y^1, e^2) n. guest-chamber: inn.

gǣstan to frighten, Jul 17. [‘gast’]

gæsthof n. guest-house, #Cr# 821.

gæsthūs (ie) n. ‘guest-house,’ guest-chamber, inn, Mk. [Ger. gasthaus]

gæstlic † hospitable: inhospitable, dreary? #Wa# 73.

gæstlīðe (i^1) hospitable.

gæstlīðnes f. hospitality: shelter, home, ANS 122·248.

gæstmægen (i^1) n. band of guests? #Gen# 2494.

gæstsele (e, y) † m. guest-hall.

gǣsð = gāst

gæt = geat

gǣt nap. of gāt.

gǣtan = gēatan

gǣten of or belonging to a goat.

gǣð pres. 3 sg. of gān.

gaf = geaf pret. 3 sg. of giefan.

gafel = gafol

gafelian to rent (land), Ct. [‘gavel’]

gafellic (WW 403^21) = gafollic

gafelro(n)d (WW 204^33) = gafolrand

gafeluc m. spear, javelin, OEG, WW; ÆL. [‘gavelock’]

gaffetung f. scoffing, mocking, Æ.

gafol (æ, ea^1; e, u^2) I. n. gs. gafles tribute, tax, duty, AO, Gl, MtL (æ): interest, profit, rent, Gl (æ), Mt; Æ. [giefan] II. f. fork, OET 463 (v. A 36·60). [‘gavel’]

gafolbære m. barley paid as rent, TC 145^2.

gafolgerēfa (æ^1, e^2) m. taxgatherer, MtR.

gafolgielda (AO) (i^3, y^3) m. tributary, tenant, debtor.

gafolgyld n. ‘fiscus,’ revenue? GPH 395.

gafolgyldere m. tributary, Æ.

gafolheord f. taxable swarm (of bees), LL 448[5].

gafolhwītel m. tribute-blanket, a legal tender instead of coin for the rent of a hide of land, LL 108[44,1].

gafolland n. leased land, land let for rent or services, LL 126[2].

gafollic fiscal, OEG 6^20.

gafolmǣd f. meadow which was mown as part of the rent, TC 145^3.

gafolmanung (ea^1, o^3) f. place of tribute or custom, MkR 2^14.

gafolpenig m. tribute-penny, LL 446.

gafolrǣden f. tribute, rent, LL.

gafolrand m. compasses. [gafol II. +rind? A 36·59]

gafolswān m. swine-herd who paid rent in kind for permission to depasture his stock, LL 448[6].

gafoltīning f. fencing-wood given as part of the rent, TC 145^8.

gafolwydu m. firewood supplied as part of the rent, TC 145^6.

gafolyrð f. land subject to tribute, rented land, LL 447.

±gafsprǣc f. foolish speech, scurrility, ÆL.

gaful = gafol

gagātes, gagātstān (WW 148^5) m. agate, jet, BH. [‘gagate’]

gagel m? ‘gale,’ bog-myrtle, Lcd; Mdf.

gagelcroppan mpl. tufts of gale, #Lcd# 33a.

gagelle, gagolle f. = gagel

gagol = (1) gāl; (2) gagel

gagolbǣrnes (gægl-) f. wantonness, CP.

gagulswillan to gargle, #Gl#.

gāl I. n. lust, luxury, wantonness, folly, levity. II. adj. gay, light, wanton, Bo, BH: proud, wicked. [‘gole’]

±galan^6 to sing, call, cry, scream, B, Met: sing charms, practice incantation. [‘gale’]

galder- = galdor-

galdor (ea) n. magic song, incantation, spell, enchantment, Æ.

galdorcræft m. occult art, incantation, magic.

galdorcræftiga m. wizard, LL 38[30].

galdorcwide m. incantation, #Rd# 49^7.

galdorgalend using enchantments, WW.

galdorgalere m. wizard, WW 346^15.

galdorlēoð n. incantation.

galdorsang m. incantation, W 253^10.

galdorword n. magic word, #Rim# 24.

galdre m. wizard, magician.

galdrigge f. enchantress, #Gl#.

galdru nap. of galdor.

galend m. enchanter, #VPs#.

galere m. wizard, snake-charmer, WW.

gālferhð wanton, licentious, #Jud# 62.

gālfrēols m. revel, ‘lupercalia,’ OEG.

gālful wanton, lustful, luxurious. adv. -līce.

galg- = gealg-

gālian to be wanton, #Sc# 87^10.

Galilēisc Galilean.

galla (#VPs#; DR) = gealla

gallac = galloc

Galleas, Gallias mp. Gauls, Franks, French.

galled = gealled

gāllic lustful, BH, Bo; Æ. [‘golelich’]

Gallie = Galleas

Gallisc Gaulish, French.

galloc (u^2) m. comfrey, gall-apple.

gālmōd wanton, licentious, #Jud# 256.

gālscipe m. excess, luxury, lasciviousness, wantonness, Æ: pride. [‘goleship’]

gālnes f. frivolity, wantonness, lust, Sc; Æ. [‘goleness’]

gālsere m. licentious person, W 72^6.

gālsmǣre frivolous, facetious, jocose, RB 30^8. [v. ‘smere’]

galung f. incantation, OEG 4940. [galan]

Galwalas mp. Gauls, Frenchmen: France.

gambe (o) † f. tribute.

gamel == gamol

gamelic = gamenlic

gamen (o) n. sport, joy, mirth, pastime, ‘game,’ amusement, B, Bo; Æ, CP.

gamenian to pun, play, joke, Æ, Sc. [‘game’]

gamenlic belonging to games, theatrical, OEG. adv. -līce artfully, Æ. [‘gamely’]

gamenung f. jesting, pastime.

gamenwāðu (o^1) f. merry journey, B 854.

gamenwudu (o^1) † m. mirthful wood, harp.

gamnian = gamenian

gamol † old, aged, hoary, ancient. [ge-, mǣl]

gamolfeax † grey-haired.

gamolferhð old, aged, #Gen# 2867.

gān pret. 3 sg. of gīnan.

±gān pret. 3 sg. ēode, anv. to ‘go’ (‘i-go’), move, proceed, advance, traverse, walk, Æ, BH, G; CP: happen, turn out, take place, Lk: (+) gain, conquer, occupy, overrun, AO: (+) observe, practice, exercise, effect.

gandra m. gander, ÆGr; Ct.

ganet = ganot

gang I. (e, eo, o, u) m. going, journey, progress, track, footprint, B, Lcd, RB; Æ: flow, stream, way, passage, course, path, bed, AO, Bl: drain, privy, Æ: (in pl.) platform, stage, GPH 394. [‘gang,’ ‘gong’] II. imperat. and pret. sg. of gangan.

+gang n. occurrence, WW 394^9; passage (lapse) of time, GD 179^10.

gangan^7 (B, Bl) pret. geng (eo, a) = gān

gangdæg m. one of the three processional days before Ascension day, Rogation day, Chr. [‘gangdays’]

gangehere = ganghere

gangelwæfre = gangewæfre [[under “gangewifre”]]

gangern n. privy, WW 184^15. [ærn]

gangewifre (eo^1, o^1; æ^2; æ^3) f. (a weaver as he goes), spider.

ganggeteld n. portable tent, WW 187^3.

ganghere m. army of foot-soldiers, AO 154^24.

gang-pytt m., -setl n., -stōl m., -tūn m. (Æ) privy.

gangweg m. thoroughfare, WW. [‘gangway’]

gangwuce f. Rogation week, the week of holy Thursday, Mk. [‘gangweek’]

gānian to yawn, gape, open, Ps; #Gl#. [‘gane’]

ganot m. ‘gannet,’ sea-bird, water-fowl, B, Chr. ganotes bæð the sea.

ganra = gandra

gānung f. yawning, WW 162^37.

-gapian v. ofer-g.

gār † I. m. ‘spear,’ dart, javelin, B, PPs. [‘gare’] II. tempest? #Gen# 316. III. = gāra (Mdf).

gāra m. corner, point of land, cape, promontory, AO. [gār; ‘gore’]

gārbēam m. spear-shaft, #Ex# 246.

gārberend † m. warrior.

gārcēne bold in fight, B 1958.

gārclife f. agrimony, #Lcd#.

gārcwealm m. death by the spear, B 2043.

gare = gearo

gārfaru † f. warlike expedition.

gārgetrum armed company, #Cr# 673.

gārgewinn † n. fight with spears, battle.

gārhēap m. band of warriors, #Ex# 321.

gārholt n. shafted spear, B 1835.

gārlēac n. ‘garlic,’ Lcd; Æ.

gārmitting f. battle, †#Chr# 937.

gārnīð m. conflict, war, #GnE# 128.

gārrǣs m. battle, #Ma# 32.

gārsecg m. ocean, sea, AO.

gārtorn m. fighting rage, #Sol# 145.

gār-ðracu f. ds. -ðræce battle, #El# 1186.

gārðrīst † bold, daring.

garuwe = gearwe

gār-wiga †, -wīgend ‡ m. spearman, warrior.

gārwudu m. spear-shaft, lance, #Ex# 325.

gāsrīc m. savage person? #Rune Casket#.

gast == gæst

gāst (ǣ) m. breath, Ps, VPs: soul, spirit, life, Gen, Ex, Mt; CP: good or bad spirit, angel, demon, Æ; BH, Mt: Holy Ghost, A, Jn, VPs: man, human being, Gu. [‘ghost’]

gāstan to meditate? AS 3^1.

gāstberend (æ) † m. living soul, man.

gāstbona m. soul-slayer, the Devil, B 177.

gāstbrūcende practising in the spirit, Æ.

gāstcofa m. breast, #Leas# 13.

gāstcund (ǣ) spiritual, #Gu# 743.

gāstcwalu (ǣ) f. torment, pains of hell, #Gu# 651.

gāstcyning m. soul’s king, God, #Gen# 2883.

gāstedom (ǣ) spirituality, MFH 112.

gāstgedāl † n. death.

gāstgehygd † n. thought.

gāstgemynd (ǣ) n. thought, #Gu# 574.

gāstgenīðla (ǣ) m. devil, #Jul# 245.

gāstgerȳne † n. spiritual mystery: thought, consideration.

gāstgewinn (ǣ) ‡ n. soul-torment, pains of hell.

gāstgifu f. special gift of the Holy Spirit (e.g. gift of tongues), WW 200^8.

gāsthālig † holy in spirit, holy.

gāstlēas lifeless, dead, El. [‘ghostless’]

gāstlic spiritual, holy, A, Æ; CP: clerical (not lay), BH; CP, Æ: ghastly, spectral, Nic. adv. -līce spiritually, Æ. [‘ghostly’]

gāstlufu (ǣ) † f. spiritual love.

gāstsunu † m. spiritual son. Godes g. Christ.

gat = geat

gāt f. gs. gǣte, gāte, nap. gǣt, gēt she-‘goat,’ Cr, Ep, Lcd, Rd.

gātahierde = gāthyrde

gātahūs n. goat-house, WW 185^8.

gātbucca m. he-goat, WW. [‘goat-buck’]

gātehǣr n. goat’s hair, Æ.

gātetrēow n. cornel tree? #Lcd# 32b.

gāthyrde (io) m. ‘goat-herd,’ LL.

gatu v. geat.

gāð pres. pl. of gān.

ge conj. and, also. ge...ge both...and, not only...but also; whether...or. ǣg(hwæ)ðer ge...ge both...and; either...or.

ge- prefix (indicated by the sign + in this Dict.), original meaning together; but it has usually lost all collective or intensitive force.

gē I. (īe) pron. 2 pers. pl., dp. ēow. ap. ēow(ic) ‘ye,’ you. II. = gēa

gēa adv. ‘yea,’ yes, BH.

geabul = gafol

gēac m. cuckoo. [v. ‘gowk,’ ‘yeke’]

gēacessūre f. wood-sorrel, #Gl#.

geador unitedly, together.

geaduling = gædeling

geaf pret. 3 sg. of giefan.

geaf- = gif-

geafl = (1) gafol; (2) ceafl

geafol == gafol

gēafon pret. pl. of giefan.

geafu = giefu

gēagl I. mn. jaws, throat, gullet, #Lcd#. II. = gāl

gēaglisc (ǣ, ē) light, wanton, BH 400^13.

gēaglswile m. swelling of the jaws, #Lcd#.

geagn- = gegn-

gēahl = gēagl

gēahð = gēað

geal pret. 3 sg. of giellan.

gealādl f. gall-disease, jaundice, #Lcd# 40b.

gēalāgē (gēa lā gēa, AS) yea, amen, RHy.

geald pret. 3 sg. of gieldan.

geald- = gald-

gealg sad, gloomy, rebellious. [[from first edition]]

gealga (a) m. ‘gallows,’ cross, B, Jul, WW; CP.

gealgian = geealgian [[listed as “±ealgian”]]

gealgmōd † sad, gloomy, angry.

gealgtrēow (a) n. ‘gallows-tree,’ gallows, cross, B, DR.

gealh == gealg

gēalhswile = gēaglswile

gealla (a, e) m. I. ‘gall,’ bile, Mt, VPs, WW; Æ, CP. II. a galled place on the skin, Lcd. [‘gall’] (I. and II. possibly the same word.)

geallādl f. ‘melancholia,’ v. OEG 7^223.

gealled ‘galled’ (of horses), Lcd.

geallig ‘acris, tristis,’ #HGl# 456.

gealp pret. 3 sg. of gielpan.

gealpettan (a) to boast, NC 291.

gealpettung (æ) f. boastfulness, NC 291.

gēamrung (#VPs#) = gēomrung

gēamung = gēmung

gēan = gēn

gēana = gēna

gēan-, see also gegn-

geanbōc? f. duplicate charter, counterpart.

gēancyme (ē) m. meeting, #EPs# 63^3, ARSHy.

[[Entry before author’s corrections: gēancyme (ē) m. meeting, #EPs# 63^3, ARSHy: coming back, return: ‘adinventio,’ RHy 1^4.]]

gēancyrr m. (-cyrnes? f. #RPs# 18^7) meeting, SPs 18^7: return. [‘gainchare’]

gēanfær n. going again, return.

gēangang (ǣ) return? LL 8[84].

gēangewrit (ē) ‘rescriptio,’ OEG 862.

gēanhweorfan^3 to return, #HGl#.

gēanhworfennes f. return, #HGl# 470.

gēanhwurf m. return, OEG 559.

gēanhwyrft (ǣ) m. turning again, #LPs# 125^1.

gēannes f. meeting, #HGl# 513.

gēanoð? complaint, OEG xiv. [Goth. gaunōðus]

gēanryne m. meeting, #ERLPs# 58^6.

gēanðingian to reply, #Gen# 1009.

geanwyrde known, acknowledged, confessed.

gēap I. (ǣ, ē) open, wide, extensive, broad, spacious, lofty, steep, deep: bent, crooked: deceitful, cunning. II. pret. 3 sg. of gēopan.

gēapes (gs. of gēap) adv. wide.

gēaplic deceitful, cunning, Æ. adv. -līce, Æ.

gēapneb adj. (epithet of corslet) meshed, #Wald# 2^19 (?= *gēapweb wide-meshed).

-gēapnes v. wær-g.

gēapscipe m. cleverness, cunning, craft, deceit, trickery, artifice, Æ.

gēapweb v. gēapneb.

gear pret. 3 sg. of georran.

gēar (ē, ǣ) nm. ‘year,’ Æ, AO, CP. tō gēare in this year: yearly tribute: name of the rune for =g=.

geara = gearwe

geara- = gearo-

gēara of ‘yore,’ formerly, in former times, once, long since, AO, CP. (gp. of gēar)

±gearcian to prepare, procure, supply, ÆL. [gearo]

gearcung f. preparation.

±gearcungdæg m. preparation-day, day before the Sabbath, G.

gēarcyning m. consul, WW 375^2.

geard I. m. ‘yard,’ enclosure, court, residence, dwelling, land, Mdf. in geardum at home, in the world: hedge, GD, MtR. II. = gierd

gēardagas † mp. lifetime; days of yore, former days.

gēardagum † adv. formerly, in days of old, once.

geare = gearwe I. and II.

geare- = gear-, gearo-

gēare = gēara

gēarfæc n. space of a year, W 72^1.

gearfoð == earfoð

gēargemearc n. space of a year, #Gu# 1215.

gēargemynd n. yearly commemoration, NC 292.

gēargeriht n. yearly due, W 113^9.

gēargerīm (ǣ) n. number of years, v. ES 39·342.

gēargetal (æ^1) n. number of years, #Lcd# 2·284.

gēarhwamlīce yearly, EC 226^6.

gēarlēac = gārlēac

gēarlic yearly, of the year, annual, Æ. adv. -līce, CP.

gearlīce = gearolīce

gēarmǣlum year by year, #Met# 1^5.

gēarmarcet n. annual fair, TC 372^15.

gearn (e) n. ‘yarn,’ spun wool, #Gl#.

gearnful (NG) = geornful

gearnung = geornung

gearnwinde f. yarn-winder, reel, #Gl#, LL 455[15].

gearo (gearu) I. (wk gearwa) gsmn. -(o)wes; asm. gearone; napn. gearu prepared, ready, equipped, finished, #Chr#, W. [‘yare’] II. = gearwe adv.

gēaro = gēara

gearobrygd f. quick movement, deft playing (of an instrument), #Cra# 50.

gearofolm with ready hand, B 2085.

gearolīce readily, fully, clearly.

gearor comp. of gearo adj. and gearwe adv.

gearo-snotor, -snottor † very skilful.

gearoðoncol ready-witted, #Jud# 342.

gearowes gsmn. of gearo.

gearowita m. intellect, understanding, #Bo#.

gearowitolnes (a^2) f. sagacity, W 53^16.

gearowyrdig ready of speech, #Mod# 51.

gēarrīm n. number of years, AO.

gēartorht perennially bright, #Gen# 1561.

gēarðēnung f. annual service, LL 382[38].

gearu == gearo

gearw- = gearaw-

gearugangende going swiftly, #Rd# 41^17.

gearuw- = gearw-

gearwan = gierwan

gearwanlēaf = geormanlēaf

gearwe I. adv. comp. gear(w)or; sup. gear(w)ost well, effectually, sufficiently, thoroughly, entirely, Æ, AO, CP. [Ger. gar] II. † f. (usu. pl.) clothing, equipment, ornament, trappings, harness, armour. III. (a, æ) f. ‘yarrow,’ #Lcd# 147a.

±gearwian (æ, e, i, ie, y) to equip, prepare, make ready, Æ, CP: construct, erect, make: procure, supply: clothe, adorn.

±gearwung f. preparation: parasceve.

gearwungdæg (eo^1) m. parasceve, JnR.

+gearwungnes f. preparation.

gearwutol austere, LkL 19^21,22.

gēasceaft v. gēosceaft.

gēasne (Jul) = gǣsne

geat n. (æ, e) nap. gatu (geatu #VPs#) ‘gate,’ door, opening, Æ, BH, Bl, G; AO, CP; Mdf.

gēat pret. 3 sg. of gēotan.

gēatan (ǣ, ē, ēo) to say ‘yea,’ consent, grant, confirm. [gēa]

geatolic † adorned, splendid, magnificent, stately.

geattorr † m. gate-tower.

geatwa = geatwe

geatwan to equip, #Rd# 29^6.

geatwe fp. arms, equipments, trappings, ornaments: organs, members.

geatweard m. gate-keeper, door-keeper, porter, Jn. [‘gateward’]

gēað † f. foolishness, mockery. [gēac]

gebellic (OET, Cp 881) = gafollic

gēc (OET) = gēoc

gecel, gecile (#Gl#) = gicel

ged = gæd, gidd

gedd == gidd

gederian = (1) gaderian; (2) derian

gee = gēa

gef = (1) geaf pret. 3 sg. of giefan; (2) (N) gif

gef- = gief-

gēglesc = gēaglisc

gegn = gēn

gegn- see also gēan-

gegncwide m. reply, answer, retort: (in pl.) conversation.

+gegnian to meet, DR.

gegninga = gegnunga

gegnpæð m. opposing path, #Rd# 16^26.

gegnslege m. battle, #An# 1358.

gegnum † adv. away, forwards, straight on, thither.

gegnunga adv. immediately, directly: certainly, plainly, precisely: completely, fully.

gegoð = geoguð

geher (NG) = ēar

gehhol = geohol, gēol

gehðu † (eo, i) f. care, anxiety, grief.

geld = gield

geld- = gild-, gyld-

gelde sterile, WW 226^22; 394^26.

gell- = geall-, giell-

gellet n? bowl, #Lcd# 122a.

gelm = gilm

gelo = geolu

gelostr = geolster

gelp == gielp

gēlsa = gǣlsa

gelt (#KGl#) = gylt

gēme- = gīeme-

gēmerian = gēomrian

gemme = gimm

gēmnes (#VPs#) = gīemenes

gemstān (ES 7·134) = gimmstān [[headword spelled “gimstān”]]

gēmung (ēa, ī, ȳ) f. marriage, MtR, DR.

gēmungian to marry, DR 109^17.

gēmunglic nuptial, MtR, DR.

gēn I. (īe) (A, rare in prose) adv. yet, now, still, again: further, besides, also, moreover: hitherto. II. adj. direct.

gēn- = gēan-, gēgn-

gēna = gēn I.

gend == geond

gende = gengde pret. 3 sg. of gengan.

gēnde = gōiende v. gōian.

geng I. = geong. II. = gang. III. pret. 3 sg. of gangan.

+genga m. fellow-traveller, companion, W.

gengan, pret. gengde to go. [gong] [[under “gang”]]

±genge I. prevailing, effectual, appropriate, BH, Gu. [‘genge’] II. n. troop, Chr; FBO, W: privy. [‘ging’]

-gengel v. æfter-, for(e)-g.

genigend = giniend pres. ptc. of ginian.

gēno, gēnu = gēn

gēo (īu) adv. once, formerly, of old, before, already, earlier, CP (gīo). [Goth. ju]

geoc n. ‘yoke,’ Æ, AO, CP: yoke of oxen: a measure of land, OET (Ct): consort, NG.

gēoc (ēoc) f. help, support, rescue: safety: consolation.

geocboga m. yoke-bow, yoke.

gēocend † m. preserver, Saviour.

geocian (iuc-) to yoke, join together.

gēocian (w. g. or d.) to preserve, rescue, save.

geocled n. geocleta (ioc-) m. a measure of land, OET (Ct), v. LL 2·527.

gēocor † harsh, terrible: bitter, sad. adv. gēocre.

geocsa m. sob, #Met# 2^5.

geocstecca part of a yoke (Swt), bolt of a door, bar (BT), #Gl#. [sticca]

geocsung f. sobbing, WW 179^4.

geoctēma (ioc-) m. animal yoked with another, WW 106^36.

geocða = gicða

gēodǣd † (iū-) f. deed of old, former deed.

geof = gif

geof- = gief-, gif-

geofen = geofon

geofena gp. of geofu = giefu

geofon (i, y) † n. ocean, sea.

geofonflōd m. ocean flood, #Az# 125.

geofonhūs n. ship, #Gen# 1321.

geogað = geoguð

gēo-gēara, -gēare adv. of old.

gēoglere, gēogelere m. juggler, magician, W 98^9; #HGl#. [Ger. gaukler]

geogoð (Æ, AO) == geoguð

geoguð f. ‘youth,’ Æ: young people, CP: junior warriors (as opposed to duguð): young of cattle.

geoguðcnōsl n. young offspring, #Rd# 16^10.

geoguðfeorh † n. time of youth.

geoguð-hād m., -hādnes f. state of youth.

geoguðlic youthful.

geoguðlust m. youthful lust, #Bl# 59^9.

geoguðmyrð f. joy of youth, #Rd# 39^2.

geoguðtēoðung f. tithe of calves.

geohol, geohhol = gēol

geoh(h)el- = gēol-

geohsa = geocsa

geoht (iuht) n. yoke, v. OEG 7^135.

geohðu = gehðu

gēol n., gēola m. ‘Yule’-tide, Christmas. ǣrra gēola December. æftera gēola January.

geolca = geoloca

geold = gield

gēoldæg (geoh(h)el-) m. Yule-day, day at Yuletide.

gēolēan (iū-) n. reward for past deed, #Wald# 2^7.

geoleca = geoloca

geolerēad = geolurēad

geolhstor = geolster

gēolmōnað (iūl-) m. December.

geolo = geolu

geoloca, geol(e)ca m. ‘yolk,’ Æ. [geolu]

geolorand † m. buckler covered with yellow linden-bark.

geol-ster, -stor mn. matter, pus, poison, poisonous humour, disease, OEG.

geolstrig secreting poison, purulent, OEG.

geolu gmn. geolwes ‘yellow.’

geoluhwīt pale yellow.

geolurēad reddish yellow, WW 375^18.

±geolwian to become yellow.

gēomann (īu) † m. man of past times.

gēomēowle (īo) † f. aged wife? B.

gēomer- = gēomor-, gēomr-

gēomor troubled, sad, miserable. adv. -more.

gēomorfrōd very old, #Gen# 2224.

gēomorgidd † n. dirge, elegy.

gēomorlic sad, painful, AO. adv. -līce.

gēomormōd sorrowful, Æ.

gēomornes f. tribulation, #LPs# 118^143.

gēomorung = gēomrung

gēomrian to be sad, complain, lament, bewail, mourn, Æ, AO, CP.

gēomrung f. lamentation, groaning, moaning, grief, Æ.

gēomur = gēomor

geon adv. ‘yon,’ CP.

geon- = geond-

gēona (NG) = gēna, gēn

geonað pres. 3 sg. of geonian.

geond (e, i, y) I. prep. (w. a. and, rarely, d.) throughout, through, over. geond...innan throughout: up to, as far as, during. II. adv. yonder, thither.

geondan prep. (w. a.) beyond.

geondblāwan^7 (i^1) to inspire, illuminate.

geondbrǣdan to spread over, cover entirely, B 1239.

geonddrencan (i^1) to drink excessively, get drunk, #KGl# 58^40.

geondeardian to inhabit, #RPs# 32^8.

geondfaran^7 to traverse, pervade, Æ.

geondfēolan^3 (only in pp. geondfolen) to fill completely, #Gen# 43.

geondfēran to traverse: surpass, ÆL 23b^333.

geondflōwan^7 to flow over or through, #Hell# 105.

geondfolen v. geondfēolan.

geond-gān anv., -gangan^7 to traverse, go round.

geondgēotan^2 to pour, pour upon, suffuse, Æ.

geondhweorfan^3 † to traverse, pass over, pass through.

geondhyrdan to harden thoroughly.

geondlācan^7 to traverse, flow over, #Ph# 70.

geondleccan to water, #LPs# 103^13.

geond-leccung (gynd-) f. moistening, watering, #Sc# 27^7.

geond-līhtan (CP), -lȳhtan to illuminate, enlighten, CP.

geondlīhtend m. illuminator, DHy 128^5.

geondmengan to confuse, bewilder, #Sol# 59.

geondsāwan^7 to strew, scatter.

geondscēawian to survey, consider, reflect upon, review.

geondscīnan^1 to shine upon, illuminate.

geondscrīðan^1 to pass through, traverse, stride to and fro, MFH 163; W 250^3.

geondscrīðing f. course, passage, OEG 263.

geond-sēcan pret. 3 sg. -sōhte to search thoroughly: pervade.

geondsendan to overspread.

geondsēon^5 to examine, B 3087.

geondsmēagan to investigate, examine, discuss.

geondspǣtan to squirt through, #Lcd# 78a.

geondsprengan to besprinkle.

geondspringan^3 to penetrate, OEG 2840.

geondsprūtan^2 to pervade, #Cr# 42.

geond-spurnan, -spyrnian to cause to stumble, NG.

geond-stregdan, -strēdan to scatter, suffuse, besprinkle, Æ.

geondstyrian to stir up, agitate, #Met# 6^15.

geondðencan † to reflect upon, consider.

geondwadan^6 (i^1) to know thoroughly, be versed in, CP 9^10.

geondwlītan^1 to look over, contemplate, examine, scan.

geondyrnan^3 to run over, #ÆGr# 277^3.

geong I. (e, i, u) comp. gingra; superl. gingest ‘young,’ youthful, Æ, AO, CP: recent, new, fresh: (superl.) last, B. II. (NG) = gang. III. = geng pret. 3 sg. of gangan.

geongan = gangan

geongerdōm = geongordōm

geongewifre = gangewifre

geonglǣcan (gyng-, iung-) to pass one’s youth, #HGl# 508; OEG 4361.

geonglic young, youthful, Æ.

geonglicnes f. youth.

geongling (iu-) m. youth, #ÆGr# 3^1.

geongordōm †, geongorscipe ‡ m. discipleship, allegiance. [OS. jungardōm; jungarskepi]

geongra (i) m. youth: disciple, follower, dependant, servant, vassal, AO: assistant, deputy. [Ger. jünger]

geongre (i) f. female attendant, assistant, deputy, #Jud# 132.

geonian = ginian

geonlic (MF 103^20) = geonglic?

geonofer adv. thither.

geonsīð m. departure hence, death, MFH 163.

geonung = ginung

gēopan^2 to absorb, swallow, #Rd# 24^9.

geormanlēaf n. mallow.

geormenletic mallow, WW 135^27.

georn I. (usu. w. g.) desirous, eager, earnest, diligent, studious, AO, CP. [Ger. gern] II. = gearn pret. 3 sg. of +iernan.

geornan = giernan

georne adv. eagerly, zealously, earnestly, gladly, Æ, AO, CP: well, carefully, completely, exactly, Æ. [Ger. gern]

geornes = geornnes

georneste (WW 499^1) = eornoste

georn-ful, -fullic desirous, eager, zealous, diligent, AO, CP. adv. -līce, Æ.

geornfulnes f. eagerness, zeal, diligence, Æ, AO, CP: desire.

geornian = giernan

geornlic adj. desirable, AO. adv. -līce zealously, earnestly, diligently, carefully, Æ, CP.

geornnes f. zeal, industry: evil desire, lust, wickedness, NG.

geornung f. yearning, desire: diligence.

geornust- = eornost-

georowyrde (BH) = gearowyrdig

georran = gyrran

georst = gorst [[under “gors”]]

georstandæg = gierstandæg

georstu interj. O! #VPs#. [hīeran]

gēosceaft f. destiny, fate, B 1234.

gēosceaftgāst m. doomed spirit, B 1266.

geostra, geostran (ie, ei, y) ‘yester’ (-day, -night). [Ger. gestern]

gēot = gīet

-gēota v. lēad-g. [[headword spelled “lēadgeota”]]

gēotan I. (sv^2) to pour, pour forth, shed, AO, CP: flow, flood, overwhelm: (±) found, cast. [Ger. giessen] II. = gēatan

gēotend m. artery, WW 352^25.

gēotenlic molten, fluid, GPH 394.

gēotere m. founder (of metal), AO 54.

-gēoting v. in-, on-g. [[headword spelled “ongēotung”]]

gēotton pret. pl. of gēotan II.

geoðu = geohðu = gehðu

gēow = gīw

gēower (GPH 395) = ēower

gēowian = +ēowan = +īewan

gēowine (īu) m. departed friend, #Seaf# 92.

geoxa = geocsa

gēp == gēap

ger- = gær-, gearw-, gier-

gēr == gēar

gerd = gierd

gerd- = gyrd-

gerew-, gerw- = gearw-

gernwinde = gearnwinde

gērscipe m. jest? #Rim# 11.

gēs v. gōs.

gesca, gescea = geocsa

gēse (ī, ȳ) adv. ‘yes.’ [gēa, swā]

gesen entrails, intestines, WW 231^39.

gēsine, gēsne = gǣsne

gest = giest

gēst = gāst

gest- = gæst-, giest-

gēstende (OEG 2499) = ȳstende [[form of “ȳstan”]]

get = geat

gēt I. = gǣt nap. of gāt. II. = gēat pret. 3 sg. of gēotan. III. (#VPs#), gēta = gīet, gīeta

gētan I. to destroy, kill, B 2940 (or? grētan). II. = gēatan

gētenwyrde consenting, agreeing. [gēatan]

gi- (NG, etc.) = ge-

gib = gif

giccan to ‘itch,’ Lcd.

gicce ‘itch,’ Ln 33^3 (y).

giccig purulent, #HGl# 453.

gicel, gicela (y) m. icicle, ice, DD, WW. [‘ickle’]

gicelgebland n. frost, RHy 7^70.

gicelig glacial, icy, OEG.

gicelstān m. hailstone.

gicenes (y) f. itching, itch, #Gl#.

gicða (ie, io, y) m. scab, itch, itching, Æ, CP: hiccough, #Lcd#.

gid- = gyd-

gīd- = gīt-

gidd (e, ie, y) n. song, poem: saying, proverb, riddle: speech, story, tale, narrative.

±giddian (ie) to speak formally, discuss: speak with alliteration, recite, sing, AO.

giddung f. utterance, saying, prophecy, song, poetry, poetical recitation, metre, Æ.

gīe = gē

giecða (CP) = gicða?

giedd == gidd

gief (rare EWS) = gif

gief- = gif-

giefa (eo, i, y) m. donor, CP.

giefan^5 (e, eo, io; ea, ia (A), i, y) w. d. and a. to ‘give,’ bestow, B, Sol; AO, CP: commit, entrust, Da: give in marriage, Chr.

giefend (e) m. giver, DR.

gīefernes (CP) = gīfernes

giefl (i, y) n. morsel, food.

giefnes (e) f. pardon, DR.

giefu (e, eo, i, y) f. gift, B, Bo, Mt; AO, CP. tō giefe, giefes gratis, freely: favour, grace, Bl, Lk: name of the rune for =g=. [‘give’]

gield (eo, i) n. service, offering, worship, sacrifice: money-payment, tax, tribute, compensation, substitute: guild, brotherhood: idol, god.

±gieldan^3 (e, i, y) to ‘yield,’ pay, AO, CP: pay for: reward, requite, render, AO, CP: worship, serve, sacrifice to: punish.

-gieldere (y) v. gafol-g. [[under “gafolgyldere”]]

gieldra = ieldra comp. of eald.

-giella (e, i) v. stān-g. [[under “stāngella”]]

giellan^3 (e, i, y) to ‘yell,’ sound, shout.

gielp (e, i, y) mn. boasting, pride, arrogance: fame, glory, AO.

gielpan^3 (i, y) to boast, exult, CP. [‘yelp’]

gielpcwide † m. boastful speech.

gielpen (i) boastful, CP.

gielpgeorn (i, y) eager for glory, BH 92^4.

gielpgeornes (i) f. desire for glory, W.

gielphlæden (i) boastful, B 868.

gielping (y) f. glory, #Sc# 144^11.

gielplic (i) vainglorious, boastful: ostentatious, showy. adv. -līce.

gielpna (i) m. boaster, CP.

gielpplega (y) m. war, #Ex# 240.

gielpsceaða † (e^1, a^2) m. arrogant, boastful enemy.

gielpsprǣc f. boastful speech, B 981.

gielpword (y) n. boast, AO.

gielt = gylt

giem = gimm

gīeman (ē, ī, ȳ) (w. g. or a.) to care for, heal, CP: take notice of, take heed to, regard, observe, AO, CP.

gīeme f. care.

gīemelēas (ē, ȳ) careless, neglected, stray, CP: incurable, MtL p20^11.

gīemelēasian to neglect, despise.

gīemelēaslic careless, CP. adv. -līce.

gīemelēasnes (ē, ȳ) f. negligence, BH 242^18.

gīeme-lēast, -līest f. carelessness, neglect, CP.

gīemen (ē, ī, ȳ) f. care, oversight, heed, diligence, rule, AO, CP.

gīemend (ȳ) m. governor, #Sc# 117^7.

gīem(e)nes (ē) f. care, anxiety, DR, NG.

gīeming f. care, anxiety, CP 129^20.

gīen = gēn

gīena = gēna

giend = geond

giendan v. gynde.

gieng == geong

gierd (ea, i, y) f. ‘yard,’ rod, staff, twig, CP: rood (measure). [Ger. gerte]

gierede pret. 3 sg. of gierwan.

±gierela (e, i, y) m. dress, apparel, AO, CP. [gearwian]

±gier(e)lian (e) to clothe.

+gierelic (e) adj. of clothes, WW 503^18.

gierian = gearwian

+giering f. ‘directio,’ #RPs# 138^3.

±giernan (eo, y) (w. g.) to ‘yearn’ for, strive, be eager, desire, entreat, seek for, beg, demand, AO, CP. [georn]

+giernendlic (y) desirable, #EPs# 18^11.

giernes = geornes

gierning (CP) = geornung

gierran = gyrran

gierstandæg (eo, y) m. yesterday. [giestran]

gierstenlic adj. of yesterday, DHy 47 (eo).

±gierwan (ea, y) to prepare: cook: deck, dress, clothe, AO, CP.

giest (æ, e, i, y) m. ‘guest,’ Gen, RB (y): stranger, MtL (e), Rd (æ): (†) enemy.

giesthūs (æ, y) n. ‘guest house,’ Mk.

giestian (y) to lodge, be a guest.

giestig (e) adj. being a stranger, MtL 25^38.

giesting (e) f. exile, #Gl#.

giestning (e) f. hospitality, lodging, NC 296.

giestran adv. yesterday, #Rd# 41^44.

giestranǣfen m. yesterday evening. adv. -ǣfene.

gīet I. (ē, ī, ȳ) adv. ‘yet,’ still, besides, further, again, moreover. ðā. g. yet, still. nū g. until now. II. pres. 3 sg. of gēotan.

gīeta = gīet I.

-gietan v. be-g.

gīetsere = gītsere

gīetsian = gītsian

gif (e, ie, y) conj. (w. ind. or subj.) ‘if,’ B, G, etc.; CP: whether, though, B.

gifa = giefa

gifan = giefan

gifect (#Gl#) = gefeoht [[listed as “±feoht”]]

gifel = giefl

gifen I. pp. of giefan. II. = geofon

gīfer m. glutton, #Soul# 118.

gīfere = gīfre

gīferlīce greedily.

gīfernes f. greediness, gluttony, avarice, Æ, CP.

gifeðe I. granted by fate, given. II. n. fate, lot, B 3085.

giffæst endowed, talented: (w. g.) capable of.

gifheall f. hall in which gifts were bestowed, B 838.

gifian (ea, eo) to present, endow: glorify, DR 78^14: (+) wait for, expect? DR 20^8.

gifig rich, A 11·171.

gifl = giefl

gifnes † f. grace, favour.

gifol liberal, generous, bountiful, CP.

gifola m. giver, AS 2^13.

gifolnes (io) f. liberality.

gifre useful, #Rd# 27^28; 50^3.

gīfre greedy, rapacious, ravenous, CP: desirous of.

gifsceatt m. present, B 378.

gifstōl † m. gift-seat, throne.

gift (y) nf. what is given, price, ‘gift,’ portion, marriage gift (by the bridegroom), dowry: (pl.) nuptials, wedding, marriage, Æ. [giefan]

giftbūr m. bride-chamber, #EPs# 18^5.

giftelic = giftlic

giftfeorm f. marriage-feast, NC 297.

gifthūs (y) n. house at which a wedding is being celebrated, Mt 22^10.

giftian (y) to give in marriage (of the woman), G.

giftlēoð n. epithalamium, WW 165^33.

giftlic nuptial, belonging to a wedding, Æ.

gifu (Æ) = giefu

giful = gifol

gifung (y) f. consent, BH 86^25.

gīg (Cp 142#g#) = gīw

gīgant m. giant. [L. gigantem]

gīgantmæcg m. son of a giant, #Gen# 1268.

gigoð == geoguð

gīhsa = geocsa

gihða = gicða

gihðu = gehðu

gild = gield

gild- = gyld-

±gild (y) n. ‘guild,’ society, Ct.

±gilda m. member of a brotherhood of related persons, v. LL 2·378; 445.

gildan = (1) gieldan; (2) gyldan

gilddagas mp. guild-days, festival-days.

gilde v. twi-g.

+gildheall (y) f. guild-hall, KC 4·277^21.

gildlic adj. of a guild.

gildrǣden (y) f. guild-membership, Ct.

±gildscipe m. guild, brotherhood, Ct, LL. [‘guildship’]

gildsester (y) m. measure of bulk belonging to a corporate body, TC 606; 611.

gillan = giellan

gillister n. gillistre, f. phlegm, pus, matter, #Lcd#. [= geolster]

gilm, gilma (e) m. handful; sheaf.

gilp == gielp

gilt == gylt

gilte f. young sow, WW 119^25.

gim = gimm

gīm- = gīem-

gimbǣre gem-bearing, OEG.

gimcynn n. precious stone, gem.

gimfæst (B 1272) = ginfæst

gimm (y) m. (occl. nap. gimme) precious stone, ‘gem,’ jewel; Æ, Bl, VPs; CP: (†) sun, star. [L. gemma]

gimmian to adorn with gems.

gimmisc jewelled, #Nar# 5^13.

gimreced n. bejewelled hall, palace, #Met# 8^25.

gimrodor m. draconite (precious stone), OEG.

gimstān m. stone capable of being made into a gem, jewel, Æ; AO. [‘gemstone’]

gīmung = gēmung

gimwyrhta m. jeweller, Æ (y).

gin I. n. yawning deep, #Ex# 430. II. adj. = ginn

gīn = gēn

gīna = gēna

gīnan^1 to yawn.

gind == geond

ginfæst † ample, liberal. [ginn]

ging, gingest v. geong.

gingi-ber, -fer(e) f. ‘ginger,’ Lcd.

gingra I. (Æ) v. geong. II. = geongra

gingre = geongre

ginian (eo, y) to ‘yawn,’ gape, make a noise, AO. [gīnan]

ginn † spacious, wide, ample.

ginnan = onginnan

ginnes f. gap, interval, Cp 373#i#.

ginnfæst = ginfæst

ginnwīsed (y) very wise, #Gu# 839?

ginung (eo, y) f. gaping, yawning, #Gl#.

gīo == gēo

giofol == gifol

giohðhād = geoguðhād

gīow = gīw

giowian (RG) = giwian

gipung = gypung

gir- = gearw-, geor-, gier-, gyr-

gird = gierd

giren (#VPs#) = grīn

girstbītung = gristbītung [[headword spelled “gristbitung”]]

girwan = gearwian

+gīscan to close, bolt, bar, #Gl#.

giscian to sob, #Bo# 8^8.

gīse = gēse

gīsl, gīsel m. hostage, AO. [Ger. geisel]

gīslhād m. state of being a hostage, Cp 99#o#.

gīslian to give hostages, #Chr#.

gist I. m. ‘yeast,’ froth, #Lcd#. II. = gæst

gist- = gæst-, giest-

gīst = ȳst

gistran = geostran [[under “geostra”]]

gīstung = gītsung

git dual of pron. 2 pers. (ðu); g. incer; d. inc; a. inc(it) you two. git Johannis thou and John.

gīt = gīet

gīta = gīeta

gitrife = giðrife [[variant of “gȳðrife”?]]

gītsere m. miser, Æ, CP.

gītsian (ȳ) to be greedy, long for, covet, Æ, CP: (+) attain, CP 364^22. [Ger. geizen]

gītsiendlic insatiable, #RPs# 100^5.

gītsung (ȳ) f. avarice, greediness, covetousness, desire, CP.

gīð- = gȳð-

giðu = gehðu

gīu (Æ) == gēo

giu- = geo-

Gīuling July, Cp 70#q# (A 20·137).

gīw (ēo) m. griffin, vulture, WW 258^7.

±giwian (ī? v. A 16·98) to ask, NG.

giwung f. petition, N.

glād pret. 3 sg. of glīdan.

glad- v. glæd.

gladian (ea) (†) to gleam, glisten: (±) intr. be glad, rejoice, JnLR, Lcd: (±) tr. gladden, rejoice, gratify, appease, Æ, VPs. [‘glad’]

gladine = glædene

gladung f. rejoicing, RB. [‘gladding’]

glæd I. (glad- in obl. cases) (†) bright, shining, brilliant, gleaming, Gen, Ph, Sol: cheerful, ‘glad,’ joyous, Cr; Æ, CP: pleasant, kind, gracious, Æ, B, G. II. n. joy, gladness, #Wy# 68.

glædene (a, e) f. iris, gladiolus, Gl; #Lcd#. [‘gladdon’]

glǣdestede = glēdstede

glædine (#Gl#) = glædene

glædlic bright, shining, Wid: pleasant, agreeable, Ps. adv. -līce ‘gladly,’ joyfully, kindly, willingly, BH.

glædmōd glad-hearted, cheerful, joyous: kind, gracious.

glædmōdnes f. kindness, bounty, CP 391^6.

glædnes f. ‘gladness,’ joy, BH; Æ, DR(+).

glædscipe m. gladness, joy.

glǣdstede = glēdstede

glǣm † m. ‘gleam,’ brilliance, brightness, splendour, beauty, Gen, Jul: a brilliant light, Gu.

glæng == gleng

glær m. amber, resin, WW.

glæren vitreous, glassy. [glæs]

glæs n. nap. glasu, and (once) glæsas (GPH 397) ‘glass,’ Bo, Cr; Æ.

glæsen of glass, glassy, Bl. [‘glassen’]

glæsenēage grey-eyed, WW 416^1.

glæsfæt n. glass (vessel), BH 398^3 (#o#, #b#), GD 10^16.

glæsful m. a glassful, BH 398^3 (#t#).

glæshlūtor clear, transparent.

glæterian to glitter, OEG, WW.

glæterung f. shining, #RPs# 48^15.

glætlic = glædlic

glǣw = glēaw

glappe f. burdock, buckbean? #Lcd#.

glasu v. glæs.

glāw = glēaw

glēam m? n? revelry, joy, #Gen# 12.

glēaw (ā, ǣ, ē) penetrating, prudent, wise, skilful, G, VPs; Æ, AO, CP: (†)good. adv. -e. [‘glew’]

glēawferhð † prudent.

glēawhycgende ‡, glēawhȳdig † thoughtful, wise, prudent.

glēawlic (ǣ, ēo) wise, prudent, diligent. adv. -līce.

glēawmōd wise, sagacious, CP.

glēawnes (ǣ) f. wisdom, prudence, penetration, Æ.

glēawscipe m. wisdom, thoughtfulness, diligence: proof, indication.

glēd (oe) f. glowing coal, ember, fire, flame, Ps; Æ. [glōwan; ‘gleed’]

+glēdan to make hot, kindle.

gleddian to sprinkle, throw over, #Lcd# 3·292^14.

glēdegesa m. fiery terror, B 2650.

gledene = glædene

glēdfæt n. chafing-dish, #Lcd# 123b.

gledine = glædene

glednes (#KGl#) = glædnes

glēdscofl (oe) f. fire-shovel, Cp 7#u#.

glēdstede † m. altar.

glemm m? blemish, spot, W 67^8.

glencan = glengan

glendran to devour, swallow, MtR.

+glendrian to precipitate, LkL 4^29.

gleng mf. (nap. gleng(e)as, glenge, glenga) ornament, honour, CP: building, NG.

±glengan (æ) to adorn, decorate, ÆL: trim (lamp): (+) set in order, compose.

glenge = gleng

+glengendlic magnificent, brilliant. adv. -līce, OEG 1202.

glengful decked out, adorned, GPH 395.

glenglic = glengendlic

glentrian = glendran

glēo == glīw

glēof (v. late) = glēow II.

gleomu f. splendour, #Ruin# 34?

glēow I. = glīw. II. pret. 3 sg. of glōwan.

glēow- = glēaw-, glīw-

glēsan to gloss, #ÆGr# 293^13. [L. glossa]

glēsing f. glossing, explanation, translation, #ÆGr# 293^14.

glēw = glēaw

glīa (OEG 3173) = glīga gp. of glīg.

glida (io) m. kite, vulture, Æ, Cp. [‘glede’]

±glīdan^1 to ‘glide,’ slip, slide, An, B; Æ, AO, CP: glide away, vanish.

glidder slippery, VHy. [‘glidder’]

gliddrian to slip, be unstable, OEG 4104.

glider (W 239^14) = glidder

gliderung (y) f. phantom, WW 401^40.

glīg == glīw

glind m. hedge, fence, BC 1·296.

glioda (Cp) = glida

glīsian to glitter, WW. [‘glise’]

glisnian (y) to ‘glisten,’ gleam, glitter, Shr, Run.

glīt pres. 3 sg. of glīdan.

glitenian to glitter, shine.

glitenung f. coruscation, gleam.

glitin- = gliten-

glīw (ēo, īg, īo, īu, ēow) n. ‘glee,’ pleasure, mirth, play, sport, Ph: music, Gn.

glīwbeam (īg) m. musical instrument, harp, timbrel, #LRSPs# 149^3.

glīwbydenestre (ȳ) f. female musician, #LPs# 67^26.

glīwcræft m. music, minstrelsy.

glīwcum ‘tibiis,’ #LPs# 146^10 (ȳ).

glīwdrēam (ēo) m. music, mirth, B 3021.

glīwere m. buffoon, parasite, OEG.

glīwgamen (īg) n. revelry, W 46^16.

glīwgeorn (īg) fond of sport.

glīwhlēoðriendlic musical, WW 446^36.

glīwian to make merry, jest, play (music), sing, BH (ēo), LL: adorn, #Rd# 27^13. [‘glew’]

glīwiend m. performer, player, #SPs# 67^26.

glīwingman (OEG 50^9) ?= glīwman

glīwlic mimic, comic, GPH 396.

glīwmǣden (īe) n. female musician, #ERPs# 67^26.

glīwman m. ‘gleeman,’ minstrel, player, jester, B (ēo); CP, WW (īg).

glīwre = glīwere

glīwstæf m. melody, joy, #Wa# 52.

glīwstōl m. seat of joy, #Rd# 88^8.

glīwung f. boisterous laughter, OEG 1472.

glīwword (ēow) n. song, poem, #Met# 7^2.

glōf, glōfe f. ‘glove,’ B, Guth. foxes g. foxglove.

+glōfed gloved, AS 42^11.

glōfung f. supplying with gloves, LL 450[10].

glōfwyrt f. glovewort, dog’s tongue, lily of the valley, #Lcd#.

glōm m? gloaming, twilight, #Creat# 71.

glōmung f. ‘gloaming,’ twilight, DHy; GD.

glōwan^7 to ‘glow,’ Æ, OEG.

glōwende ‘glowing,’ burning, Lcd 80b.

gly- = gli-

gnād pret. 3 sg. of gnīdan.

gnægen = gnagen pp. of gnagan.

gnæt m. ‘gnat,’ midge, AO, Lcd, Mt.

gnagan^6 to ‘gnaw,’ Æ, Ct, DD.

-gnāst v. fȳr-g.

gnēað niggardly, B, BH: frugal. [v. ‘gnede’]

gnēaðlicnes f. frugality, OEG 2437.

gnēðe scanty, sparing, WW. adv. -līce, GD. [v. ‘gnethe’]

gnēðelicnes = gnēaðlicnes

gnēðen moderate, modest.

gnēðnes f. frugality: scarcity.

gnīdan^1 to rub, grind together, crumble, Lk; Æ, AO. [‘gnide’]

gnidil m? rubber, pestle, Cp 440#p#.

gnīt pres. 3 sg. of gnīdan.

gnōgon pret. pl. of gnagan.

gnorn † I. sad, sorrowful, troubled, depressed. II. m. sadness, sorrow, trouble.

gnornan = gnornian

gnorncearig sad, troubled, #Jul# 529.

gnorngan = gnornian

gnornhof † n. prison, cell.

gnornian to be sad, murmur, complain, mourn, lament, grieve, CP.

gnornscendende hastening away in sadness, #PPs# 89^10. [scyndan]

gnornsorg † f. sadness, sorrow.

gnornung (e) f. sadness, sorrow, lamentation, Æ, AO, CP.

gnornword ‡ n. sad speech, lamentation.

gnuddian to rub, OEG 56^33.

gnyran = gnyrran

gnyrn † f. sadness, mourning, calamity: wrong, insult, fault, blemish. [gnorn]

gnyrnwracu f. revenge, enmity, #El# 359.

gnyrran to grind the teeth, W 138^29: creak, #Lcd#.

+gnysan = cnyssan

gnȳðe = gnēað

gōað 3 p. sg. pres. of gōian.

gōc = gēoc

God m. np. -as, -u a ‘god,’ image of a god, Æ, Jul, LL, Ps; AO: God, the (Christian) Deity, Æ, BH; CP.

gōd I. comp. bet(e)ra, bettra, superl. bet(e)st ‘good’ (of persons or things), virtuous, B, Bl, Chr, G: desirable, favourable, salutary, pleasant, Bl: valid, efficient, suitable, Az, Jul, Lcd: considerable, sufficiently great, Chr. II. n. good thing, advantage, benefit, gift, B, Bl, Mt; Æ, AO, CP: ‘good,’ goodness, welfare, CP: ability, doughtiness: goods, property, wealth, CP.

godæppel m. quince, WW 364^16. [= coddæppel]

godbearn n. divine child, Son of God: godchild, W. [‘godbairn’]

godborg m? solemn pledge (given in church?), LL 18[33]; 66[33] and v. 2·332, 1d.

godbōt f. atonement, LL 258[51].

godcund religious, sacred, divine, heaven-sent, Gen, Chr; Æ, CP. [‘godcund’]

godcundlic divine, Æ, CP. adv. -līce divinely, Æ: canonically.

godcundmæht n? divine majesty, MtL.

godcundnes f. divine nature, divinity, Godhead, Æ, Lcd: divine service. [‘godcundness’]

gōddǣd f. good work, Cr: benefit, PPs.

goddohtor f. ‘goddaughter,’ Ct.

gōddōnd † m. (nap. gōddēnd) doer of good, benefactor.

goddrēam † m. joy of heaven.

gode- = god-

godfæder m. God the Father: ‘godfather,’ Ct, LL.

godfrecnes (BH 70^12) = godwrecnes

gōdfremmend m. doer of good? B 299.

godfyrht (e, i) godfearing, pious, An. [‘godfright’]

godgeld = godgield

godgesprǣce (BH) = godsprǣce

godgield (e^2, i^2, y^2) n. heathen god, idol, AO.

godgildlic of idols, WW 466^16.

godgim m. heavenly jewel? #El# 1114.

godhād m. divine nature, CP 261^17.

gōdian to improve, get better, Chr, Lcd: make better: (±) endow, enrich, KC; Æ. [‘good’]

goding m. Son of God, LkR 4^1.

gōdlār f. good teaching, LL 304#b#.

gōdlēas bad, evil, BH. [‘goodless’]

gōdlic ‘goodly,’ excellent, Gen: comely, fair, GPH 394.

godmægen n. divine power, divinity.

godmōdor f. ‘godmother,’ Shr.

gōdnes f. virtue, Bo: goodwill, beneficence, kindliness, Bo, Æ. [‘goodness’]

godsǣd n. (God’s seed), piety, #Da# 90.

gōdscipe m. kindness, DR. [‘goodship’]

godscyld f. sin against God, impiety, #Jul# 204.

godscyldig impious, #Gu# 834.

godsibb m. sponsor, W. [‘gossip’]

godsibbrǣden f. sponsorial obligations, W 228^3.

gōdspēdig † rich, happy.

godspel n. glad tidings, Mt: one of the four gospels, An; Æ, CP: the ‘gospel’ (for the day), Mt.

godspelbodung f. gospel-preaching, new dispensation, ÆL 25^682.

godspellbōc f. book containing the four gospels, LL. [‘gospel-book’]

godspellere m. ‘gospeller,’ evangelist, Bl; Æ, CP.

godspellian to preach the gospel, evangelize, Ps; Æ, CP. [‘gospel’]

godspell-ic (Æ), -isc evangelical.

godspelltraht m. gospel commentary.

godsprǣce (ē) n. oracle, BH.

godsunu m. ‘godson,’ BH, Chr.

godðrymm m. divine majesty.

godðrymnes f. divine glory, AS 9^4?

godwebb n. fine cloth, purple, CP.

godwebbcyn? (gode-) n. purple (cloth).

godwebben purple, #Bl# 95^19; GD 346^22.

godwebgyrla m. cloth of purple, W 197^1.

godwebwyrhta m. weaver of purple.

gōdwillende well-pleased, EHy 16^6.

godwræc (e^2) wicked, #Bl#.

godwræclic impious, GD 232^13.

godwrecnes f. wickedness, impiety, BH 70^12#b#.

gofol = gafol

gōian to lament, NC 346; JAW 27.

gōl pret. 3 sg. of galan.

gold n. ‘gold,’ Æ, OET; CP.

goldǣht f. wealth in gold, B 2748.

goldbeorht † bright with gold.

goldblēoh n. golden hue, WW 140^24.

goldblōma m. golden bloom? W 251^11; #Bl# 105^18.

goldburg † f. city in which gold is given? rich city?

golde f. ‘solsequia,’ heliotrope? marigold? WW 301^6. [‘gold’]

golde- = gold-

golden pp. of gieldan.

goldfæt † n. golden vessel.

goldfǣted plated or adorned with gold, LL 460[10#h#].

goldfāg variegated with gold, shining with gold.

goldfell n. gold plate, WW 358^15. [?= *goldðell]

goldfinc m. ‘goldfinch,’ WW.

goldfinger m. ring-finger.

goldfrætwe fp. gold ornaments.

goldfyld covered with gold, WW 518^4. [gold, fealdan]

goldgearwe fp. gold ornaments, NC 298.

goldgeweben woven with gold, OEG 4297.

goldgeweorc n. golden object, MH 222.

goldgiefa † (i, y) m. gold-giver, prince, lord.

goldhilted golden hilted, #Rd# 56^14.

goldhladen adorned with gold, #Fin# 13.

goldhoma m. gold-adorned coat of mail, #El# 992.

goldhord nm. treasure of gold, treasury, El, VPs; Æ, AO.

goldhordhūs n. privy, WW 184^14.

goldhordian to collect treasure, hoard, #Sc# 173^12.

goldhroden † ornamented with gold. [hrēodan]

goldhwæt greedy for gold, B 3074?

goldlæfer f. gold plate, #HGl# 431.

goldlēaf n. gold leaf or plate, W 263^6. [= læfer] [[error for “lǣfer”?]]

goldmæstling (e) n. brass, WW. [cp. Ger. messing]

goldmāðm m. treasure, B 2414.

goldmestling = goldmæstling

goldōra m. gold ore, OEG 1810.

goldsele † m. hall in which gold is distributed.

goldsmið m. ‘goldsmith,’ Æ.

goldsmiðu f. goldsmith’s art, #Wy# 73.

goldspēdig rich in gold, #Jul# 39.

goldtorht bright like gold, #Creat# 78.

goldðēof m. stealer of gold, LL 54[9,2].

goldðrǣd m. gold thread, WW 196^15.

goldweard m. keeper of gold (dragon), B 3081.

goldwecg m. a lump of gold, OEG 451.

goldwine † m. liberal prince, lord, king.

goldwlanc † brave with gold, richly adorned.

goldwlencu f. gold ornament, #Bl# 195.

goldwyrt f. heliotrope, OEG 26^36.

golfetung (#LPs# 78^4) = gaffetung

gōlon pret. pl. of galan.

golpen pp. of gielpan.

gom- = gam-

gōma m. (sg. or pl. used indifferently) inside of mouth or throat, palate, jaws, Lcd, Rd, VPs; Æ. [‘gum’]

gombe † f. tribute.

gomor Hebrew measure, omer, Æ. [‘gomer’]

gon- = gan-

gond- = gand-, geond-

gōp m. slave, servant, #Rd# 50^3. [or ?= gēap]

gor n. dung, dirt, filth, Æ, Cp, Rd. [‘gore’]

gorettan to gaze, stare about, OEG 5^3: pour forth, emit, GPH 398.

gorettung f. gazing, OEG 5^3n.

gorian to gaze, stare about, OEG 7^8.

gors (Cp), gorst m. ‘gorse,’ furze, MH, MtR: juniper, Lcd.

gorstbēam m. furze bush, Mk 12^26.

gōs f. nap. gēs ‘goose,’ LL, Rd, WW; Æ.

gōs-fugol m. nap. -fuglas goose, Ct.

gōshafoc (u^3) m. ‘goshawk,’ WW.

gost = gorst [[under “gors”]]

gōst = gāst

Gota sg. -an pl. ‘Goth,’ BH.

goten pp. of gēotan.

-gotennes v. tō-g.

gotwoðe f. goatweed, #Lcd#.

gōung f. groaning, BH 76^15. [gōian]

grād m. (Æ), grāde f. step, grade, degree, rank. [L. gradus]

grǣd m. grass.

grǣda = grēada

grǣdan I. to cry, call out, Lcd: to crow (cock), CP. [‘grede’] II. ds. of wk. adj. grassy, ÆL 18^245.

grǣde = grǣd

grǣde-, grǣdi- = grǣdig-

grǣdig (ē) ‘greedy,’ hungry, covetous, Æ, B, Bl, Sol; CP. adv. -līce greedily, covetously, eagerly.

grǣdignes f. greediness, avarice, Æ.

grǣdum adv. greedily, #Gu# 710.

græf I. (a) n. cave, ‘grave,’ trench, Seaf; Mdf. [grafan] II. n? style for writing, WW. [L. graphium]

grǣfa? græfe? bush, bramble, grove, thicket, WW; Mdf: brush-wood (for burning), fuel, Chr. [‘greave’]

græfen pp. of grafan.

græfere m. ‘sculptor,’ graver, WW 164^14.

græfhūs n. grave, #Sat# 708.

græfsex n. graving tool, WW. [seax]

græft mfn. graven image, carved object, sculpture, Æ.

græftgeweorc n. graven image.

græfð pres. 3 sg. of grafan.

grǣg ‘grey,’ Æ, Ep, Gen, Met, WW.

grǣggōs f. grey (wild) goose, #Gl#.

grǣghǣwe grey, WW 402^40.

grǣghama grey-coated (of spear? or wolf?), #Fin# 6.

grǣgmǣl grey-coloured, B 2682.

grǣgōs = grǣggōs

græm- = grem-

græn- = gren-

grǣp = grēp

+græppian to seize, MtL 14^31.

græs n. (nap. grasu) ‘grass,’ An, Cp, CP.

græsgrēne ‘grass-green,’ Ep (e^1, oe^2).

græshoppa m. grass-hopper, locust.

græsmolde f. greensward, B 1881.

græswang † m. greensward.

grǣt I. = pres. 3 sg. of (1) grǣdan, (2) grētan. II. = grēat

grǣtan = grētan

graf == græf

grāf nm. ‘grove,’ BC; Mdf.

-grāfa v. ellen-g.

grafan^6 to dig, dig up, Met, Rd, Rim: ‘grave,’ engrave, carve, chisel, PPs.

grafet n. trench, EC 354; 355.

gram (o) adj. angry, cruel, fierce, AO: oppressive, hostile: (as sb.) enemy. [‘grame’]

grama m. rage, anger, Æ: trouble, Lcd. [‘grame’]

gramatisccræft = grammaticcræft

grambǣre passionate, CP 289^5.

grame adv. angrily, fiercely, cruelly.

gramfǣrnes f. wrath, LL (= *grambærnes).

gramhegdig = gramhȳdig

gramheort † hostile-minded.

gramhycgende hostile, #PPs# 68^25.

gramhȳdig † hostile, malignant.

gramian to anger, enrage, W 199^2. gramigende raging, GPH 402.

gramlic wrathful, fierce, cruel, severe, Æ. adv. -līce, Ps. [‘gramely’]

grammaticcræft m. art of grammar, BH 258^15.

grammaticere m. grammarian, A 8·327.

grammōd cruel, #Bl# 223^33.

gramword n. evil speech, #PPs# 74^5.

grand pret. 3 sg. of grindan.

grandorlēas (o) guileless, #Jul# 271.

grānian^2 to ‘groan,’ lament, Bl, Ps.

granu f. moustache, Cp 335#m#. [Ger. granne]

grānung f. ‘groaning,’ lamentation, Æ.

grāp I. f. grasp, grip. [grīpan] II. pret. 3 sg. of grīpan.

±grāpian to feel for, lay hold of, seize, touch, Æ, B, Bl, Rd, VPs. [‘grope’]

grāpigendlic tangible, ÆH 1·230.

grāpung f. sense of feeling, touch, Æ. [‘groping’]

grāscinnen made of grey skins or grey fur, #Chr# 1075#d#. [ON. grāskinn]

grasian to ‘graze,’ Lcd.

grasu v. græs.

grātan sbpl. groats, #Lcd# 3·292^24.

graðul gradual, antiphon.

grēada m. lap, bosom, CP, Lk. [‘greade’]

grēat (æ) comp. grīetra ‘great,’ tall, large, thick, massive, A, Æ, Bo, Chr, WW: coarse, BC, Lcd.

grēatewyrt f. meadow saffron, WW 298^7.

grēatian^2 to become enlarged, CP. [‘great’]

grēatnes (ē) f. ‘greatness,’ RB 88^15.

Grēcisc Greek, Grecian, Æ.

grēd == grǣd

grēf- = grǣf-

grēg- = grǣg

grem- = grim-

±gremian (AO, Mk), gremman to enrage, provoke, irritate, Æ, CP: revile. [‘greme’]

gremung (æ) f. provocation, #LPs# 94^9.

grēne ‘green,’ Cp, Ct, Lcd: young, immature, Lcd: growing, living, LkL (oe): as sb., Lcd.

grēnhǣwen green-coloured, WW 379^24.

grēnian to become ‘green,’ flourish, Met.

grēnnes f. greenness, BH; CP: (in pl.) green things, plants, A 8·310.

grennian to ‘grin,’ gnash the teeth, Jul, Sc; Æ.

grennung (æ) f. grinning, Cp 174#r#.

grēofa m. pot, pan, WW. [Ger. griebe]

grēop = grēp

grēosn (īo) gravel, pebble, #KGl# 76^3. [Ger. greiss]

grēot n. ‘grit,’ sand, earth, An, B, Gen; Æ.

grēotan^2 to cry, weep, lament, B, Sol. [v. ‘greet’]

grēothord n. body, #Gu# 1240.

grēow pret. 3 sg. of grōwan.

grēp, grēpe f. land-drain, ditch, furrow: burrow: privy, OEG (ȳ).

gres- = græs-

grēt- = grēat-

grētan I. (±) to ‘greet,’ salute, accost, speak to, challenge, Æ, B, Mk, Jul: (±) to seek out, approach, visit, B; W: ill-treat, attack, AO: touch, take hold of, handle, deal with, ÆGr. hearpan grētan play the harp: cohabit with. II. † (ǣ) to weep, bemoan, lament, deplore, Cr. [v. ‘greet’]

grēting f. ‘greeting,’ salutation, BH, LkL (oe): present.

grētinghūs n. audience chamber, WW 184^3.

grētingword n. word of greeting, #ÆGr# 209^14.

gretta = grytta

greðe ‘sodalis’? OEG 29^2.

grēwð pres. 3 sg. of grōwan.

griellan (i) to irritate, provoke, offend, CP: gnash the teeth at, creak. [‘grill’]

grīetra v. grēat.

grīghund m. ‘greyhound,’ WW 276^3.

grillan = griellan

grim (CP) = grimm

grīma † m. mask, helmet: ghost.

grimena ‘bruchus’, caterpillar? #EPs# 104^34.

grimet- = grymet-

grimful fierce, violent, ES 39·348.

grīmhelm † m. helmet (with visor).

grīming spectre, WW 446^26.

grimlic fierce, blood-thirsty, cruel, severe, terrible, Æ, AO. adv. -līce. [‘grimly’]

grimm fierce, savage, B, Bl: dire, severe, bitter, painful, BH; #Bl#. [‘grim’]

grimman^3 † to rage: hasten on, B 306.

grimmān n. terrible sin, BH 50^8#b#.

grīmme savagely, cruelly, severely, AO, Gen. [‘grim’]

grimnes f. ferocity, cruelty, Bl, Gu, WW. [‘grimness’]

grimsian to rage, BH.

grimsung f. harshness, severity, CP 125^14.

grin ‘ilium,’ region of the groin, LL.

±grīn (ī, ȳ; also short?) nf. snare, gin, trap, PPs, VPs; Æ, CP: halter, noose, Mt (y). [‘grin’]

+grīnan to ensnare.

+grind † n. impact, crash.

±grindan^3 (y) to rub together, grate, scrape, Rd: gnash, Ps: ‘grind,’ sharpen, Æ, Mt.

grinde f. shingle, BC (v. Mdf).

grindel m. nap. grindlas bar, bolt. pl. grating, hurdle.

grindere m. miller, #Lcd# 3·178^1.

grindetōð m. grinding tooth, molar, WW 440^26.

gring == cring

grīnian to ensnare, KGl. [‘grin’]

grint pres. 3 sg. of grindan.

grīosn = grēosn

gripa m. handful, sheaf.

±grīpan^1 intr. (w. d. g. or tō) to seek to get hold of, B, Bl, Gen: tr. (w. g.) seize, take, apprehend, Sol, WW. [‘gripe’]

gripe m. grasp, seizure, attack, B, WW; Æ. gūðbilla g. shield: handful, Lcd, Ps.

grīpend m. seizer, robber, WW 516^13.

+gripenes, gripnes f. seizing, snare, captivity, #EPs# 34^8.

gripu † f. kettle, caldron.

grīpul ‘capax’, WW 198^39. [‘gripple’]

-grīsan (ȳ) v. ā-g.

grislic ‘grisly,’ horrible, HL 15^182 (very late).

grist n. action of grinding, WW: ‘grist.’ [grindan]

gristbat- = gristbit-

gristbite m. gnashing, W 188^5.

gristbitian to gnash the teeth, BH, Mk, WW; Æ. [‘gristbite’]

gristbitung f. gnashing of teeth, Bl, Mt. [‘gristbiting’]

gristian to gnash, grind, #Gl#.

gristle f. ‘gristle’, Gl, WW.

gristlung (y) f. gnashing.

gristra m. baker, WW.

gritta = grytta

grið n. truce, (temporary) peace, Ma: protection of the person, asylum, sanctuary, guarantee of safety. [‘grith’]

griðbryce m. breach of ‘grið,’ LL: penalty for such a breach, LL. [‘grithbreach’]

±griðian to make a truce or peace, #Chr#: protect, LL.

griðlagu f. law of temporary or local peace, LL 470[9].

griðlēas unprotected, W 158^7.

groe- = grē-

grōf pret. 3 sg. of grafan.

grom = gram

gron- = gran-

grond pret. 3 sg. of grindan.

gronwisc ‘acus’, Cp 160#a# (v. AB 9·35).

grōpian = grāpian

-groren v. be-g.

grorn † I. m. sorrow, sadness. II. adj. sad, agitated. adv. -e.

grornhof n. sad home, hell, #Jul# 324.

grornian to mourn, complain.

grorntorn sadness, #Rim# 66?

grornung f. complaint, NG.

grot I. n. particle, Bo; AO. [‘grot’] II. n. groats, coarse meal, Gl. [grēot]

grotig earthy, GPH 396.

±grōwan^7 to ‘grow,’ increase, Bo, Cp, Rd, WW: germinate, KGl, Mk.

grōwende ‘growing,’ Gen, KGl.

grōwnes f. growth, BH.

grummon pret. pl. of grimman.

grund m. ‘ground,’ bottom, B, Gen, Sol, VPs: foundation, LkL: abyss, hell: plain, country land, earth, An, B, Bl, Wid: sea, water.

grundbedd n. ground, soil, #Rd# 81^24.

grundbūend † m. earth-dweller.

grunden pp. of grindan.

grundeswelge (i^3, u^3, v^3) f. ‘groundsel,’ Lcd.

grundfūs hastening to hell, #Mod# 49.

grundhyrde m. keeper of the abyss, B 2136.

grundinga = grundlunga

grundlēas bottomless, unfathomable, Bo: boundless, vast. [‘groundless’]

grundlēaslic boundless, vast, CP 417^10.

grundling m. groundling (fish), BC 3·525 (Mdf).

grundlunga (i^2) adv. from the foundation, completely, Æ: to the ground, prone, prostrate, Æ.

grundon pret. pl. of grindan.

grundscēat † m. region.

grundsele † m. abysmal dwelling.

grundstān m. foundation-stone, WW. [‘groundstone’]

+grundstaðelian to establish firmly, ÆL 8^21.

grundwæg m. earth, #An# 582.

grundwang † m. (ground-plain), the earth: bottom (of a lake).

grundweall m. foundation, Æ, Lk. [‘groundwall’]

+grundweallian to establish, found, #EPs# 23^2.

grundwela m. earthly riches, #Gen# 957.

grundwyrgen f. water-wolf, B 1518.

grunian, grunnian (OEG) to grunt.

grunnettan to ‘grunt,’ Cp.

grunung, grunnung f. grunting, bellowing, OEG.

grut m. gulf, chasm, abyss: stone, rock, OEG 1814.

grūt f. (ds. grȳt, grūt) groats, coarse meal, Cp, Ct, Lcd: grains, the spent grain after brewing, Lcd. [‘grout’]

grutt, grutte = grut

gryllan = griellan

grym == grim(m)

grymet-tan, -tian (i) to grunt, roar, rage.

grymet-ung, -tung f. grunting, roaring, bellowing.

grymm = grimm

grymman = gremman [[under “gremian”]]

gryn = gyrn

grȳn = grīn

+grynd n. plot of ground, TC 231^22.

gryndan I. to set, sink (of the sun), WW. [‘grind’; grund] II. = grindan

grynde † n. abyss.

grynel (WW 291^3) = cyrnel

grȳnian = grīnian

grynsmið m. worker of ill, #An# 919.

grȳpe (OEG 4290; 4744) = grēpe [[under “grēp”]]

gryre † m. horror, terror: fierceness, violence, DD 8: horrible thing.

gryrebrōga † m. terror, horror.

gryrefæst terribly firm, #El# 76a.

gryrefāh † adj. (used as sb.) spotted horror, B.

gryregæst (ǣ?) m. terrible stranger, B 2560.

gryregeatwe fp. war-gear, B 324.

gryrehwīl f. terrible time, #An# 468.

gryrelēoð † n. terrible song.

gryrelic † terrible, horrible.

gryremiht f. terrible power, W 195^20.

gryresīð m. way of terror, dangerous expedition, B 1462.

gryrran to gnash, DD 195.

grys- = gris-

grȳs- = grīs-

grȳt I. pres. 3 sg. of grēotan. II. v. grūt.

grȳto f. greatness, #Nar# 8^22. [grēat]

grytta, gryttan pl. coarse meal, bran, chaff, Ep, Lcd, WW. [‘grit’]

grytte f. sand, #Ps#.

grȳttra (A 4·151) = *grietra cp. of grēat. [‘greater’]

gryð- = grið-

gū == gēo

guldon pret. pl. of gieldan.

gullon pret. pl. of giellan.

gulpon pret. pl. of gielpan.

guma † m. man, hero, B. [‘gome’]

gumcynn † sn. human race, men, mankind, nation.

gumcyst † f. excellence, bravery, virtue, liberality. adv. -um excellently.

gumdrēam m. enjoyment of life, B 2469.

gumdryhten m. lord, B 1642.

gumfēða m. troop, B 1401.

gumfrēa m. king, #Da# 651.

-gumian v. ofer-g.

gummann m. man, B 1028.

gumrīce † n. kingdom, earth.

gumrinc † m. man, warrior.

gumstōl m. ruler’s seat, throne, B 1952.

gumðegen m. man, #Cra# 83.

gumðēod f. folk, people, #Gen# 226.

gund m. matter, pus, Lcd. [‘gound’]

gundeswilge (Ep, Erf, Ln) = grundeswelge

gung = geong

gung- = ging-

gungon pret. pl. of gangan.

gunnon (BH) pret. pl. of ginnan.

gupan ‘clunibus, renibus, coxe,’ WW 205^41 (v. A 31·522).

gurron pret. pl. of gyrran.

guton pret. pl. of gēotan.

guttas mp. ‘guts,’ entrails, HGl 408.

gūð † f. combat, battle, war.

gūðbeorn m. fighting-hero, B 314.

gūðbill † n. battle-bill, sword.

gūðbord † n. war-shield.

gūðbyrne † f. corslet, coat of mail.

gūðcearu f. war-trouble, B 1258.

gūðcræft m. war-craft, B 127.

gūðcwēn † f. warrior queen.

gūðcyning † m. warrior king.

gūðcyst f. troop, warrior band? (Kluge): bravery? (BT), #Ex# 343.

gūðdēað m. death in battle, B 2249.

gūðfana m. gonfanon, war-banner, ensign, standard, Æ, AO.

gūð-flā? f., -flān? mf. battle-arrow, #Gen# 2063.

gūðfloga m. winged fighter, B 2528.

gūðfona = gūðfana

gūðfrēa m. warlike prince, #An# 1335.

gūðfrec † bold in battle.

gūðfreca † m. warrior.

gūðfremmend † m. warrior.

gūðfugol m. bird of war, eagle, #Rd# 25^5.

gūðgeatwe † fp. armour.

gūðgelǣca m. warrior, #El# 43.

gūðgemōt † n. battle, combat.

gūðgetāwe = gūðgeatwe

gūðgeðingu † np. battle, contest.

gūðgewǣde † n. war-dress, armour.

gūðgeweorc † n. warlike deed.

gūðgewinn † n. battle.

gūðhafoc m. war-hawk, eagle, †#Chr# 937#a#.

gūðheard bold in battle, #El# 204.

gūðhelm m. helmet, B 2487.

gūðhere † m. warlike host, army.

gūðhorn m. war-horn, trumpet, B 1432.

gūðhrēð m. martial glory, B 819.

gūðhwæt fierce in battle, #Ap# 57.

gūðlēoð n. war-song, B 1522.

gūð-mæcga, -maga m. warrior, #Sol# 90.

gūðmōd † warlike.

Gūðmyrce pl. Ethiopians, #Ex# 69.

gūðplega † m. attach, battle.

gūðrǣs † m. battle-rush, onslaught.

gūðrēaf n. armour, #Jul# 387.

gūðrēow fierce in battle, B 58. [hrēow]

gūðrinc † m. warrior, hero.

gūðrōf † brave in battle.

gūðscearu f. slaughter in battle, B 1213.

gūðsceaða m. ravaging invader, B 2318.

gūðsceorp n. armour, #Jud# 329.

gūðscrūd n. armour, #El# 258.

gūðsearo † n. armour.

gūðsele m. hall of warriors, B 443.

gūðspell n. tidings of a war, #Gen# 2097.

gūðsweord n. sword, B 2154.

gūððracu † f. hostile attack.

gūððrēat m. warlike troop, #Ex# 193.

gūðweard † m. war-lord, king.

gūðweorc n. warlike deed, #An# 1068.

gūðwērig wounded, B 1586.

gūðwiga † m. warrior.

gūðwine † m. battle-friend, weapon.

gūðwudu m. spear, #Fin# 6.

gy- = ge-

gyc- = gic-

gyd == gid(d)

gyden (AO), gydenu f. (occl. gs. gydenan) goddess. [god]

gydenlic ‘vestalis’ (= dealis? A 31·63), WW 524^33.

gydig (i) possessed (by a spirit), insane, OEG 5009. [‘giddy’]

gyf = gif

gyf- = geof-, gief-, gif-

gȳf- = gīf-

gyhða (Æ) = gicða

gyhðu = gehðu

gyld = gield

gyld- = gild-

+gyld = gylden

±gyldan I. to gild. II. (AO) = gieldan

±gylden ‘golden,’ B, Dan; Æ, AO, CP.

gyldenbēag (gilden-, Æ) m. crown.

gyldenfeax golden-haired, WW 348^35.

gyldenhīwe golden-hued, OEG 43^5.

gyldenmūða golden-mouthed (Chrysostom), GD 94^24; ZDA 31^7.

gyldenwecg (gylding-) m. gold mine, WW 241^17.

gylian, gyllan to yell, shout. gyliende ‘garrulus,’ OEG 56^138.

gylm = gelm

gylp == gielp

gylt (e, i, ie) m. ‘guilt,’ sin, offence, crime, fault, A, Bl, Chr, Mt; AO, CP.

±gyltan to commit sin, be guilty, CP, Mt, RB, VPs. [‘guilt,’ ‘guilting’]

gyltend m. sinner, debtor, CP.

gyltig offending, ‘guilty,’ Mt.

gylting f. sin, DR.

gyltlic sinful, DR.

gyltwīte n. (gyld-) fine for unpaid tax, KC 514.

gylung? ‘garrulitas,’ OEG 56^141.

gym = gimm

gym- = gim-

gȳm- = gīem-

gymian = gymmian

gymm = gimm

gymmian to cut the throat, kill, OEG 3799.

gyn- = geon-, gin-

gynde pret. of *giendan to drive.

-gȳpe (= ī?) v. ǣ-g. [[headword spelled “ǣgype”]]

gypigend yawning, GPH 398.

gypung f. gaping, open mouth, GPH.

gyr I. m. mud, marsh. II. fir tree, WW 269^14.

gyr- = geor-, gier-

gyra = gyr I.

±gyrdan (pret. gyrde), to ‘gird’ (sword), Gen, PPs: encircle, surround, JnL: (+) invest with attributes, PPs.

gyrdel (e) m. ‘girdle,’ belt, zone, Lcd, Mt; Æ: purse.

gyrdelbred n. ‘pugillar,’ WW 277^13.

gyrdelhring n. girdle, buckle, WW 432.

gyrdels, gyrder = gyrdel

gyrdil- = gyrdel-

gyrdweg m. road with a fence on either side (BT), KC 3·412^21.

gyrdwīte n. affliction caused by a rod (used of Moses’ rod), #Ex# 15.

gȳren = grīn

gyrman (#LPs# 37^8) = cirman

gyrn † mn. sorrow, misfortune.

gyrnstafas mp. injury, affliction, #Jul# 245.

gyrnwracu † f. revenge for injury.

gyrran^3 [= gierran, georran] to sound, chatter, Æ: to creak, grate, #An# 374.

gyrretan to roar (of lions), #LPs#.

gyrsandæg (MFH 97) = gierstandæg

gyrst = grist

gyrstandæg (Æ) = gierstandæg

gyrtrēow n. fir tree, WW 138^11.

gyru f. = gyr

gyrwan = gierwian [[error for “gierwan”?]]

gyrwefenn n. marsh, #ÆGr# 60^10.

gȳse = gēse

gȳsel = gīsl

gyst = (1) gæst, (2) gist

gyst- = gæst-, giest-

gysternlicdæg = gierstandæg

gyt = git pron.

gȳt I. pres. 3 sg. of gēotan. II. = gīet

gȳt- = gīet-, gīt-

gyte, gytt (NG) m. pouring forth, shedding, Æ: flood, Æ. [gēotan]

gytesǣl m. (dp. gytesālum) joy at wine-pouring, carousal, #Jud# 22.

gytestrēam m. running stream, WW.

gytfeorm f. ploughing-feast, LL 452, 21, 4.

gȳðcorn (ī) n. spurge laurel? #Lcd#.

gȳðrife f. cockle, #Lcd#.

gȳu = gēo


h is often wrongly prefixed to words, as in Cockney English.

hā m. oar-thole, rowlock. æt hā for each oar, or each oarsman, #Chr# 1040#c#. [Icel. hār]

habban anv. ptc. pres. hæbbende; pres. 1 sg. hæbbe, 2. hæfst, 3. hæfð, pl. hæbbað, habbað; pret. 3 sg. hæfde; subj. hæbbe; imperat. hafa; pp. (±) hæf(e)d to ‘have,’ Bl, G: possess, own, hold, B, Bl, G: keep, retain, Bl, VPs: entertain, cherish: esteem, consider, BH: be subject to, experience, Mk: obtain, Chr, Mt: assert, Lcd: used as auxiliary to indicate past tense, have, Æ, Chr, Ex. h. for consider: (+) hold, keep from, preserve, retain, CP, Æ. yfle +h. afflict, torment.

haca m. hook, door-fastening, Cp 311#p#. [Ger. hake]

-haccian v. tō-h.

hacele (æ) f. cloak, coat, vestment, cassock, ‘pallium,’ AO, WW; Æ. [‘hackle’]

hacod (æ, e) m. pike, WW. [‘haked’; Ger. hecht]

hacole, hacule = hacele

hād m. (rare gs. hāda) person, individuality, Æ, BH, Mt: degree, rank, order, office (especially holy office), Æ, BH, CP: condition, state, nature, character, form, manner, B, Sol: sex, BH, Chr: race, family, tribe: choir. [‘had’]

-hād masc. suffix; usu. denotes state or condition, as cildhād, mægðhād. [Eng. -hood]

+hada m. brother monk, LL.

hādbōt f. compensation for injury or insult to a priest, LL. [‘hadbot’]

hādbreca m. violator of (holy) orders, LL.

hād-bryce, -brice m. violation of (holy) orders, LL.

hādelīce adv. as to persons, DHy 29^6.

hādesmann m. member of a particular order, #Chr# 995#f#.

hādgrið n. privilege (as regards peace) of holy orders, LL 471[19].

±hādian to ordain, consecrate, BH; Æ. [‘hade’]

hādnotu f. office of a priest, LL 458#h#.

hādor I. n. clearness, brightness, B 414 (or ? hador = heaðor). II. † (ǣ) bright, clear, fresh: distinct, loud. [Ger. heiter] adv. hādre.

hādswǣpa m. bridesman, WW 174^35.

hādswǣpe (ā) f. bridesmaid, WW.

hādung f. consecration, ordination, Chr, LL. [v. ‘hade’]. hādunge underfōn to take the veil.

hādungdæg (i^2) m. ordination day, ÆL 33^59.

hæb = hæf

hæb- (#Gl#) = hæf-

hæbb- = habb-, hebb-

hæbbednes f. continence? A 8·320^3.

hæbbendlic ‘habilis,’ #ÆGr# 54^5.

-hæbbere v. sulh-h.

hæc fm. grating, ‘hatch,’ half-gate, Ct.

hæc- = hac-

+hæcca sausage, WW 411^20. [hacian] [[headword spelled “haccian”]]

hæcce I. f. crozier. II. gs. of hæc.

hæcwer m. hatch-weir, a weir in which fish were caught, KC 3·450.

hǣdor = hādor

hædre † straitly, anxiously.

hǣdre = hādre [[form of “hādor”]]

hæf I. † n. (heaf-, haf- in obl. cases) sea, ocean. [cp. Ger. haff] II. (OEG) = hæfe

hǣfd = hēafod

hæfde pret. sg. of habban.

hæfe I. m. leaven. [Ger. hefe] II. = hefe

hǣfed = hēafod

-hæfednes v. be-, for-h.

hæfegītsung? f. covetousness, #EPs# 118^36.

hæfen I. f. property, possessions, Æ. [Ger. habe] II. f. ‘haven,’ port, Chr. III. = hefen. IV. pp. of hebban.

hæfen- = hafen-

hæfenblǣte = hæferblǣte

hæfene = hæfen II.

hæfer (e) m. he-goat.

hæferbīte m. forceps, WW 198^16.

hæferblǣte f? a bird? bittern? sea-gull? WW 116^41; 361^17.

hæfergāt = hæfer

hæfern m. crab, WW.

hæfig = hefig

hæfne = hæfen

hæfreblēte = hæferblǣte

hæfst v. habban.

hæft I. m. bond, fetter: captive, slave, servant: bondage, imprisonment, affliction, Æ: (±) seizing, thing seized, #CLPs# 123^6. [Ger. haft] II. n. ‘haft,’ handle, Lcd, WW; Æ. [Ger. heft] III. pp. of hæftan.

±hæftan to bind, fetter: arrest, detain, imprison: condemn, DR 197^13. [Ger. heften]

hæfte = hæft II.

hæfteclomm m. fetter, †#Chr# 942#a#.

+hæftednes f. captivity.

hæftedōm m. slavery, captivity, #Met# 25^65.

hæften f. confinement, #Chr# 1095.

+hæftend m. prisoner, MFH 136.

hæftenēod = hæftnīed

hæftincel (e^2) n. slave, WW.

hæfting f. fastening, lock.

hæftlic captious, OEG.

hæftling m. prisoner, captive, Æ.

hæftmēce m. hilted sword, B 1457.

±hæftnes (v. MF 165) = hæftednes

hæftneð = hæftnoð

±hæftnian to take prisoner: seize, detain.

hæftnīed (AO), (ē, ȳ; Æ) f. custody, imprisonment, bondage.

+hæftnīedan to take captive, GD 135^15.

hæftnīedling (ē^2, y^2) m. captive, ÆL.

hæftnīednes (ȳ) f. captivity, NC 299, GD 346^22.

hæftnoð m. confinement, imprisonment.

hæftnung f. confinement, captivity.

hæftnȳd (Æ) == hæftnīed

hæftung f. fetter, MF (Vesp. D xiv).

hæfð pres. 3 sg. of habban.

hæfuc = hafoc

hæg- = hago-, hagu-, hege-

+hǣgan? to vex, harass? #Ex# 169 (GK). [ON. hā]

+hæge n. enclosure, meadow, OEG; Mdf.

hæghāl safe and sound, DR.

hæg-tes, -tis, -tesse f. witch, pythoness.

hægðorn (Æ) = haguðorn

hægweard m. keeper of cattle in a common field, LL 452[20].

hǣh- = hēah-

hæhtis = hægtes

hæl n. omen, B 204.

hǣl I. = hǣlu. II. adj. = hāl

hæl- = hel-

hǣl- = hāl-, hēl-

hǣlan I. (±) to ‘heal,’ cure, save, CP, Lcd, Mt, Ps; Æ (+): greet, salute, GD 36^27. +hǣl! Hosanna! [hāl] II. to castrate, #Lcd# 3·186^22.

+hæld = +hield

hæle † m. man, hero.

hǣle = hǣlu

+hǣled = hāl

+hǣlednes f. healing, GD 247^11.

hǣlend (ē) m. Saviour, Christ. [‘healend’; Ger. heiland]

hǣlendlic wholesome, OEG 153^8.

hǣlet- = hālet-

hæleð † m. (nap. hæleðas, hæleð) man, hero, fighter, B. [‘heleth’; Ger. held]

hæleðhelm = heoloðhelm

hælfter n. ‘halter,’ WW.

hǣlgere m. sanctifier, DR(a^2).

hælhiht full of corners. [healh I.]

hǣlig unstable, inconstant, #Bo# 115^3.

hǣling f. ‘healing,’ Nic.

hælm = healm

hǣlnes f. salvation, safety, CP: sanctuary. [‘healness’]

hǣlnesgrið n. peace-privileges attaching to a sanctuary, LL 471[19].

hǣlotīd f. prosperous time, #Chr# 1065#d#.

hǣlsent (Cp 484#e#) = hǣlsiend

hǣlsere m. soothsayer, augur, Cp 953#a#.

±hǣlsian to exercise augury, take omens, foretell, prophesy, #Gl#. [hǣl]

hǣls-iend, -igend (ā) m. soothsayer, augur.

hǣlsung I. f. augury, divination. II. = hālsung I.

hǣlð, hǣlðo f. ‘health,’ Æ: salvation, Lcd; Æ: healing, Æ.

hǣlu f. health, prosperity, safety, salvation, Æ, CP.

hǣlubearn † n. Saviour, Christ.

hǣlwyrt f. ‘pulegium,’ pennyroyal, WW 300^24.

hǣlynd = hǣlend

hǣmæht (MkR 1^22) = hēahmiht

hǣman to have intercourse with, cohabit with, Æ, CP: marry, MtR.

hǣmed (ē) n. (nap. hǣmedru) cohabitation, Æ, CP: marriage.

hǣmedceorl m. married man, LL.

hǣmedgemāna m. matrimony, WW 441^24.

hǣmedlāc n. coition, #Rd# 43^3.

hǣmedrim m. ‘lenocinium,’ OEG 5046.

hǣmedru v. hǣmed.

hǣmedscipe m. cohabitation, wedlock, OEG.

hǣmedðing n. coition, cohabitation, ÆL: marriage.

hǣmedwīf n. married woman.

hǣmere m. consort, bedfellow, Æ.

hǣmet, hǣmeð = hǣmed

hæn == henn

hǣnan I. to stone, Jn; Æ. [‘hene’] II. = hīenan

hænep (e) m. ‘hemp,’ Lcd, WW. [Ger. hanf]

hænfugel = hennfugol

hænn == henn

hǣnðu = hīenðo

+hæp, hæplic fit, convenient.

+hæplicnes f. convenience.

hæpse f. ‘hasp,’ fastening, Æ.

hæpsian to ‘hasp,’ fasten, Æ.

hæpte (pret. 3 sg.) jumped, ÆL 31^477.

hǣr (ā, ē) n. ‘hair,’ Lcd; Æ: a hair, Æ, Cp (ē), Mk.

hær- = har-, hear-, her(e)-

hǣr- = hēr-

hǣre f. sackcloth of hair, Mt; Æ. [‘haire’]

+hǣre, +hǣrede hairy.

hǣren of hair, Bl, Lcd. [‘hairen’]

hǣrenfagol sb. hedgehog, #SPs# 103^19 (cp. hatte-f.).

hærfest (e) m. autumn, ‘harvest’-time, A, Ct; AO: August, A 10·185. h. handful handful of corn (a due belonging to the husbandman on an estate), LL 450. [Ger. herbst]

hærfestlic autumnal, Æ.

hærfestmonað m. ‘harvest-month,’ September, ÆGr 43^8.

hærfest-tīd f., -tīma m. autumn, harvest-time.

hærfestwǣta m. autumn rain, AO 102^7.

hǣrgripa (ē; v. late) m. seizing by the hair, LL 611.

hǣriht hairy, WW 513^8.

hǣring m. ‘herring,’ Gl (ē), WW; Æ.

hǣringtīma m. herring season, Ct.

hǣrloccas mp. locks of hair, HGl. [‘hairlock’]

hærn f. wave, tide: (†) sea, ocean.

hǣrnǣdl f. curling-pin, OEG 1200.

hærnflota m. ship, #Gu# 1307.

hærsceard n. hare-lip, #Lcd#. [Ger. hasenscharte]

hǣrsyfe (ē) n. ‘hair-sieve,’ A 9·264.

hǣs f. ‘hest,’ bidding, behest, command, Æ, Gen. [hātan]

hæsel m. ‘hazel’ shrub, Gl, Lcd; Æ; Mdf.

hæselhnutu f. ‘hazel-nut,’ Gl, WW (a).

hǣsere m. master, lord, LkLR.

hæsl = hæsel

hæslen of hazel, Lcd. [‘hazelen’]

hæsp = hæpse

hæssuc = hassuc

hǣst † I. violent, vehement. adv. hæst-e, -līce. II. f. violence, strife.

hǣswalwe (WW 7^28) = *sǣswealwe

hæt m. ‘hat,’ Cp, AO; Æ.

hǣt pres. 3 sg. of hātan.

±hǣtan (ā) tr. to ‘heat,’ Shr, Lcd: intr. become hot, Gl.

hǣtcole = hǣðcole

hǣte f. heat, Æ, AO. [hāt]

hæteru np. garments, ÆH. [‘hater’]

hǣto = hǣtu

hǣts (ÆL 18^350) = hægtes

hǣtst pres. 2 sg. of hātan.

hætt = hæt

hǣtte = hātte, v. hātan.

hættende attacking. [hatian]

hættian (e) to scalp, LL 334, 30, 5.

hǣtu (o^2, e^2) f. ‘heat,’ warmth, Bl, Mt, VPs; Æ: fervour, ardour, VHy.

hǣð I. mn. ‘heath,’ untilled land, waste, Ex; Mdf: heather, Gl, Lcd. II. = hæða [[II. error for “hǣða”?]]

hǣða m. hot weather.

hǣðberie f. whortleberry, #Lcd#.

hǣðcole f. name of a plant, WW.

hǣðen I. (ē) ‘heathen,’ heathenish, pagan, Æ, Bl; AO, CP. II. m. gentile, heathen man (especially of the Danes), Æ, Mk.

hǣðena m. heathen, LkR 21^25.

hǣðencyning m. heathen king, #Da# 54.

hǣðencynn n. heathen race, #Gen# 2546.

hǣðendōm m. ‘heathendom,’ false religion, LL.

hǣðenfeoh n. heathen sacrifice? #Jul# 53.

hǣðenfolc n. heathen people, W 223^12.

hǣðengield (i^3, y^3) n. idolatry: idol.

hǣðengilda (y^3) m. idolater, Æ.

hǣðenhere m. Danish army, #Chr#.

hǣðenisc ‘heathenish,’ pagan, AO.

hǣðennes f. heathenism, paganism, BH. [‘heathenesse’]

hǣðenscipe m. paganism, idolatry, Æ, Chr (ē). [‘heathenship’]

hǣðenstyrc m. heathen calf (the golden calf of the Israelites), #PPs# 105^17.

hǣðfeld m. heath-land, #Bo# 34^27.

hǣðiht heathy, KC.

hǣðin- = hǣðen-

hǣðstapa † m. heath-stalker, wolf, stag. [stæppan] [[under “steppan”]]

hǣðung f. heating, ÆH 1·286. [*hǣtung]

hǣwen (ē) blue, purple, azure.

hǣwengrēne cerulean, WW 379^23.

hǣwenhydele f. a plant, #Lcd#.

hafa, imperat. of habban; hafast, hafað = hæfst, hæfð pres. 2 and 3 sg. of habban.

-hafa v. wan-h.

hafala = hafela

hafastu = hafast ðu [[form of “habban”]]

hafecere m. ‘hawker,’ LL.

hafela † (ea) m. head.

hafelēst = hafenlēast

hafen pp. of hebban.

hafenian † to hold, grasp. [hebban]

hafenlēas destitute, needy, poor, Æ, WW. [‘haveless’; hæfen]

hafenlēast f. want, poverty, Æ.

hāfern = hǣfern [[headword spelled “hæfern”]]

hafetian (i^2) to clap, flap, Æ.

hafoc (ea) m. ‘hawk,’ OET, Wyrd.

hafoccynn n. hawk-tribe, Æ.

hafocere m. hawker, WW 235^9.

hafocfugel m. hawk, LL (162^19).

hafocwyrt f. a plant, #Lcd#.

hafola = hafela

-hafol(nes) v. wan-h.

hafuc = hafoc

hafudland (WW 147^18) = heafodland [[headword spelled “hēafodlond”]]

haga I. m. hedge, enclosure, curtilage, WW; Mdf: fortified enclosure, B: homestead, house, Ct. [‘haw’] II. m. ‘haw,’ WW 204^20: trifle, WW 138^39; 269^5.

hagal == hagol

hagaðorn = haguðorn

hage- = hago-

+hagian (impers.) to please, suit. gif him (hine) tō ðǣm +hagige if he can afford it.

hago- v. also hæg-.

hagol (æ^1, e^1, a^2, e^2) m. ‘hail,’ Æ, Gen, Met, Ph: hail shower, Bo: name of the rune for =h=.

hagolfaru (hægl-) f. hailstorm, #Wa# 105.

hagolian to ‘hail,’ AO (-gal-).

hagolscūr m. hail-shower.

hagolstān m. ‘hailstone,’ Æ.

hagorūn (ea) f. spell, #Nar# 50^14.

hagospind (ea) n. cheek. [haga]

hagosteald I. (hæg-, heh-) unmarried, independent. II. m. unmarried man attached to a court, bachelor, young man, warrior, liege man. [Ger. hagestolz] III. n. celibacy, #Rd# 21^31. IV. (heh-) virgin, LL, NG.

hagostealdhad (hæg-) m. unmarried state.

hagostealdlic (heh-) virgin, DR 66^1.

hagostealdmonn m. bachelor, warrior.

hagostealdnes (heh-) f. virginity, N.

hagu- = hago-

haguðorn (æ^1) m. ‘hawthorn,’ Gl, Mt, Lcd.

ha ha interj. ‘ha! ha!’ ÆGr.

hal = heal

hal- = heal(h)-

hāl- = hǣl-

±hāl ‘hale,’ ‘whole,’ entire, uninjured, healthy, well, sound, safe, genuine, straightforward, Lcd, Mt; Æ, CP. wes ðu h., h. westu, h. bēo ðu hail!

hālbǣre wholesome, salutary.

halc (OET 489) = healh

hald = heald

haldan = healdan

[[from first edition, printed as: hald, haldan = hald, healdan]]

hāleg = hālig

hāleg- = hālg-

±hālettan (ǣ) to greet, hail, salute.

hālettend m. middle finger (used in saluting), WW.

hālettung f. greeting, salutation.

hālfæst pious? healthy? RB 72^6.

hālga I. wk. form of adj. hālig. II. m. saint, Æ, Ct. [‘hallow’]

hālgawaras = hāligwaras

±hālgian to ‘hallow,’ sanctify, Æ, Jn: consecrate, dedicate, ordain, BH, Bl, Chr; Æ: reverence, †Hy: keep holy, Bl.

+hālgigend m. sanctifier, DHy 64^2.

±hālgung f. ‘hallowing,’ consecration, BH.

hālgungbōc f. benedictional, NC 299.

hālgungram m. consecrated ram, Æ.

hāli- = hālig-

hālig ‘holy,’ consecrated, sacred, A, Lk: venerated, Æ, G, VPs: godly, saintly, CP, Mk. as sb. what is holy, MtL. adv. -līce.

hāligan I. to heal up, get well, CP. II. = hālgian

hāligdæg m. holy day, Sabbath, MkL, LL. [‘holiday’]

hāligdōm m. holiness, righteousness, sanctity, Æ; CP: holy place, sanctuary, chapel, Æ: relics, holy things, LL: holy office, CP 51^1. [‘halidom’]

hāligdōmhūs m. ‘sacrarium,’ CM 818.

hāligern n. holy place, sanctuary.

hāligmōnað m. (holy month), September.

hālignes f. ‘holiness,’ sanctity, religion, Bl, Ps; Æ: holy place, sanctuary, CP, W: holy thing, relic.

hāligportic m. sanctuary, #CJVPs#.

hālig-rift, -ryft, -reft f. veil, Æ.

hāligwæcca m. vigil-keeper, LL (224^27).

hāligwæter n. ‘holy water,’ BH.

hālig-waras, -ware mp. saints, N.

hāligweorc n. sanctuary, #APs# 73^7.

halm = healm

hālor † n? salvation. [hǣl]

hālp = healp pret. 3 sg. of helpan.

hals- = heals-

hāls- = hǣls-

hāls f. salvation, #Cr# 587?

hālsere = hǣlsere

halsgang (WW 190^32) = healsgund

hālsian (±) (ēa) to adjure, call up, convoke, CP, Mt, OET, VPs: exorcise, LL. [v. ‘halse’ and also hǣlsian, healsian]

hālsigend I. m. exorcist, Æ. II. = hǣlsigend [[under “hǣlsiend”]]

halstān = healstān

hālsung f. exorcism, LL. [v. ‘halsing’] (v. also hǣlsung and healsung.)

hālswurðung f. thanksgiving for safety, #Ex# 581. [hāls]

halt == healt

halð = heald II.

hālwenda m. Saviour, Æ.

hālwende healing, healthful, salutary, Æ, CP: sanctifying, Æ.

hālwendlic salutary, wholesome. adv. -līce, Æ, CP.

hālwendnes f. salubrity, BH 28^30.

hālwynde = hālwende

ham I. m? under-garment (‘subucula,’ OEG), WW. [‘hame’] II. = hamm

hām I. m. ds. hām ‘home,’ dwelling, house, Bl, Jn, LL; AO: manor, estate, hamlet, Æ, BH, Mt. II. adv. ‘home,’ homewards, Chr, Jn; Æ. III. ‘cauterium,’ A 30·258; 33·390.

hama m. covering, dress, garment: womb, ‘puerperium,’ v. OEG: slough of a snake, NC 299: bridle? #Lcd# 3·42^12 (A 30·257).

hāma m. cricket, WW. [Ger. heimchen]

hāmcūð familiar, NG.

hāmcyme m. home-coming, return, Æ. [‘homecome’]

hamele f. rowlock (only in phr. æt ǣlcre hamelan for every oar, i.e. rower, #Chr# 1039#e#). [ON. hamla; v. also hā]

hamelian to hamstring, mutilate, Chr. [‘hamble’]

hamer = hamor

-hamer v. clod-h.

±hāmettan to house serfs, Ct, LL.

hāmfærelt n. going home, AO 146^21.

hāmfæst resident, settled in or owning a house, Æ.

hāmfaru f. attack of an enemy in his house, housebreaking: fine for housebreaking. [v. LL 2·504]

hāmhenn f. domestic fowl, #Lcd# 92a.

+hamian to establish in a home? JnL p188^7.

hāmlēas homeless, #Rd# 40^9.

hamm I. m. piece of pasture land, enclosure, dwelling, Ct; ÆL; Mdf. [‘ham’] II. f. ‘ham’ (part of leg), Lcd, WW; Æ.

+hammen studded with nails (of shoes)? GD 37^13.

-hamod v. +fiðer-h.

hamola (o^1) mutilated person? ANS 98·127. tō hamolan besciran to shave the beard off (as insult), LL 68, 35, 3.

hamor (o^1, e^2) m. ‘hammer,’ Jul, WW.

hamorian (amer-) to beat out, forge, GPH 396.

hamorsecg m. hammer-sedge, #Lcd#.

hamorwyrt f. black hellebore, wall-pellitory, Lcd 1·374. [‘hammerwort’]

hāmscīr f. aedileship, #Gl#.

-hāmscyld v. riht-h.

hāmsittend m. home-possessor.

hāmsittende living at home.

hāmsīð m. return home, HL 10^273.

hāmsīðian to return home, WW 118^18.

hāmsōcn f. offence of attacking a man in his own house, LL: the franchise of holding pleas of this offence and receiving the penalties for it: the penalty itself, Ct. [‘hamesucken’]

hāmsteall m. homestead, Ct. [‘homestall’]

hāmstede m. ‘homestead,’ Ct.

hamule (#Chr# 1039#e#) = hamele

hamur = hamor

hāmweard homewards, towards home, on the way home, Chr; Æ. [‘homeward’]

hāmweardes adv. ‘homewards,’ Chr.

hāmweorðung f. ornament of a home, B 2998.

hāmwerod (eo^2, u^3) n. household, BH 191^22.

hāmwerd (Æ) = hāmweard

hāmwyrt f. house-leek, Lcd. [‘homewort’]

hān f. (boundary-)stone, BC. [‘hone’]

hana m. cock, Æ. [Ger. hahn]

hanasang m. cock-crow, MH 4^16.

hancrēd (ǣ) m. cock-crow, Æ. [crāwan]

hancrēdtīd (o^1) f. time of cock-crow, WW 413^35.

hand (o) f. (gds. handa) ‘hand,’ Jn, VPs, WW; AO, CP, Æ. brād h. palm. on h. gān to yield. on h. syllan to give a pledge: side (in defining position), Æ. swīðre, winstre h. right, left, hand. on gehwæðere h. on both sides: power, control, possession, charge, Ps, RB. on h. āgiefan, tō handa lǣtan to hand over (to). on handa sellan promise, bargain. tō handa healdan hold (land) of another. on handa settan entrust, commit: agency, Ps, VPs: person regarded as holder or receiver of something.

handæx f. ‘dextralis,’ a kind of axe, WW 221^22.

handbæftian (ea^2, a^3) to lament, NG.

handbana † m. slayer by hand, B.

handbell f. ‘hand-bell,’ Ct.

handbōc f. ‘handbook,’ manual, LL, WW.

handbona = handbana

handbred n. palm of the hand, breadth of the hand, ÆL.

handclāð n. towel, Æ. [‘handcloth’]

handcops m. handcuff, manacle.

handcræft m. manual skill, power of the hand, handicraft, Æ, LL. [‘handcraft’]

handcwyrn f. hand-mill, Æ. [cweorn]

handdǣda m. doer with his own hand, LL.

handele = handle

+handfæstan to betroth.

handfæstnung (e^2) f. joining hands in confirmation of a pledge, WW.

handfull nf. ‘handful,’ Ep, LPs.

handgang m. imposition of hands: surrender.

handgemaca m. companion in labour, ÆL 23^421.

handgemōt † n. battle, B.

handgesceaft f. handiwork, #Gen# 455.

handgesella (o^1) m. companion, B 1481.

handgestealla † m. companion, B.

handgeswing n. blow, stroke, #El# 115.

handgeweald n. power, possession, #PPs# 105^30.

handgeweorc n. ‘handiwork,’ creation, Æ, Ps.

handgewinn n. manual labour, work, struggle, contest.

handgewrit n. handwriting, agreement, deed.

handgewriðen woven by hand, B 1937. [wrīðan]

handgift f. wedding present, †Hy 10^18.

handgong = handgang

handgripe m. ‘hand-grip,’ B 965?

handgrið n. peace, protection given by the king’s hand, LL (v. 2·494). [‘handgrith’]

handhabbend red-handed (thief), LL 172[6].

handhæf m? n? burden, LkL 11^46.

handhamur m. ‘hand-hammer,’ WW 448^2.

handhrægl n. napkin, towel, WW 127^1.

handhrine m. touch, #An# 1022.

handhwīl f. instant, Æ. [‘handwhile’]

handle f? ‘handle,’ Cp.

handlēan † n. requital, recompense.

handleng(u) f. a hand’s length, IM 124^74.

±handlian to ‘handle,’ feel, Lcd; Æ: discuss, A 8·304; 308.

handlīn n. hand-cloth, napkin.

handlinga adv. by hand, ÆL 11^247: hand to hand, at close quarters, Æ. [‘handlings’]

handlocen † joined together by hand.

handlung f. ‘handling,’ Æ.

handmægen † n. bodily strength.

handmitta = anmitta

handnægl m. finger-nail, #Lcd# 125a.

handplega † m. fight, battle.

handprēost m. domestic chaplain, Æ.

handrǣs m. onrush, attack, B 2072.

handrōf famed for strength, #Ex# 247.

handscalu = handscolu

handscolu † f. retinue, B.

handscyldig condemned to lose a hand, LL 471[13,1].

handseald given personally (by the king), LL 637[12].

handseax n. dirk, dagger, Æ.

handselen ‘mancipatio,’ WW 449^29.

handseten f. attestation, signature, ratification, Ct.

handsex = handseax

handslyht = andslyht

handsmæll m. blow with the hand, ‘alapa,’ JnLR 19^3.

handspitel m. hand-shovel, spade.

handsporu f. claw, finger, B 986.

handstoe n. cuff, sleeve, v. ES 38·352.

handswāgelīce adv. similarly, RB. [and-]

handswyle m. swelling on the hand, WW 205^10.

handtam tamed by hand, ÆL 8^86.

handðegn m. retainer, servant.

handðwēal n. washing of the hands, WW 146^9.

handweorc n. handiwork, Rd, LL. [‘handwork’]

handworht made with hands.

handwundor n. marvel of handiwork, B 2768.

handwyrm (o) m. a kind of insect, Cp, WW. [‘handworm’]

handwyrst f. wrist, WW. [‘handwrist’]

+hange (o) disposed, inclined to, #Rim# 42.

hangelle f. appendix, #Rd# 45^6.

hangen pp. of hōn.

hangian (±) (intr.) to ‘hang,’ be hanged, Æ; CP: depend, rest on, Æ: (tr.) hang, suspend, Æ, Lcd.

hangra m. hanger, wooded slope, Mdf.

hangrǣd? (ES 39·348) = hancrēd

hangwīte? n. penally for miscarriage of justice, EC. [v. ‘hangwite’]

hār I. ‘hoar,’ An: hoary, grey, old, B, Jud, Met, Wa. II. = hǣr

hara m. ‘hare,’ Ep; Æ.

haranhige hare’s foot (plant), #Lcd#.

haranspeccel viper’s bugloss, WW 299^6.

hāranwyrt = hārewyrt

harasteorra m. dogstar, WW 198^34.

hard = heard

hārehūne = hārhūne

hāre-wyrt, hāran- (#Lcd#) f. a plant, ‘colocasia,’ WW 135^5.

hārhūne f. horehound.

hārian to become hoary or grey, Æ, Shr. [‘hoar’]

hārnes f. hoariness, WW. [‘hoarness’]

hārung f. hoariness, age, #ÆGr# 295^14.

hārwelle, hārwenge (Æ) hoary, grey-haired.

hārwengnes f. hoariness, old age, WW 198^31.

hās ‘hoarse,’ WW.

hāsæta m. oarsman, rower, #Chr# 1052#e#. [hā]

hasewa = haswa wk. form of hasu.

hāshrīman to sound harshly.

hāsian to be or become ‘hoarse,’ Æ.

haslhnutu (WW) = hæselhnutu

hāsnes f. ‘hoarseness,’ WW; Æ.

hassuc m. coarse grass, KC. [‘hassock’]

hāsswēge sounding hoarsely, GPH 391.

hasu † (ea) dusky, grey, ashen.

hasufāg grey, ashen, #Rd# 12^1.

hasupād grey-coated, †#Chr# 937.

haswigfeðre † grey-feathered.

hāt [S 62] I. ‘hot,’ flaming, Gu, Lcd; Æ, CP, AO: fervent, excited, Bl: intense, violent, An, Gu, Ph: inspiring? attractive? #Seaf# 64. II. n. heat, fire. III. (±, not + in N) n. promise, vow, LkL; CP.

+hata m. enemy, WW 393^30.

±hātan^7 active pret. hē(h)t, hē(h)ton; passive pret. (origly. pres.) hātte (CP, Mt) to command, direct, bid, order, Æ, Ct: summon, Dan: vow, promise, Jul: (w. nom. = voc.) name, call, AO; CP: be called, Æ. [‘hight’]

hāte adv. hotly, fervidly, Æ. [‘hot’]

hātheort (y^2) I. n. anger, rage. II. (±) wrathful, furious, passionate, Æ, CP: ardent, whole-hearted. adv. -līce.

hātheorte f. = hātheort I.

+hātheortian to become angry.

hātheortnes f. rage, fury, mania, Æ, CP: zeal, fervour.

±hāthiertan (i, y) to become angry, CP.

hāthige m. anger, #PPs# 89^7. [hyge]

hāthort (#KGl#) = hātheort

hat-ian, -igan to ‘hate,’ treat as an enemy, CP; Æ.

hātian to be or get ‘hot,’ VPs.

hatigend m. enemy, #ÆGr# 205^8.

hātigende becoming hot, #Lcd#.

hatigendlic hateful, ÆL 3^605.

+hātland n. promised land, BH 346^8.

hatol hostile, bitter, Æ, WW (KGl). [‘hatel’; cp. hetol]

hātte v. hātan.

hattefagol sb. hedgehog, #APs# 103^8 (cp. hǣren-f.).

hatung f. hatred, LPs; Æ. [‘hating’]

hātung f. heating, inflammation, #Lcd#.

hātwende hot, burning, #Ex# 74.

+haðerian = heaðorian

haðoliða m. elbow, #Lcd# 99a.

-hāwe v. earfoð-h.

hāwere m. spectator, CP 229^17.

±hāwian to gaze on, view, look at, notice, Æ, CP.

hāwung f. observation, AS.

hē m., hēo f., hit n. (pers. pron.) ‘he,’ she, it; pl. they: (reflex. pron.) himself, herself, itself.

hēa I. np. and nsm. (wk.) of hēah adj. II. = hēah adv. III. = hīe, hī, nap. of hē.

hēa- = hēah-

heador = heaðor

hēador, hēadēor == hēahdēor

hēaf m. mourning, lamentation, wailing, AO. [= hēof]

hēafd- = hēafod-

heafdian to behead.

hēafed = hēafod

heafela = hafela

hēafian (Æ) = hēofian

hēaflic sad, grievous, #Bl# 123^6.

heafo (B 2478) nap. of hæf.

heafoc = hafoc

hēafod n. gs. hēafdes ‘head,’ Æ, JnR, VPs. hēafdes ðolian to forfeit life: top, OET: source, origin: chief, leader, CP, Chr: capital (city), AO.

hēafodæcer (afu) m. chief field, WW 147^19.

hēafodǣdre f. cephalic vein, #Lcd# 95b.

hēafodbān n. skull, #Lcd#.

hēafodbēag m. crown, #Bo# 112^23.

hēafodbend m. diadem, crown: head-bond, fetter about the head, Æ.

hēafodbeorg f. helmet, B 1030.

hēafodbeorht with a splendid, shining head, #Rd# 20^2.

hēafodbiscop m. high priest, Æ.

hēafodbolla m. skull.

hēafodbolster n. pillow.

hēafodbotl n. ancestral seat, Ct.

hēafodburh f. chief city, Æ, AO.

hēafodclāð n. head-cloth, head-dress, WW; ÆL. [‘headcloth’]

hēafodcwide m. important saying, LL: chapter, DR.

hēafodcyrice f. cathedral, LL.

hēafodece m. headache, Æ.

hēafodfrætennes (e^3) f. hairpin, ornament for the hair, WW.

hēafod-gemæcca, -gemaca (CP) m. mate, companion, fellow-servant.

hēafodgerīm n. number by heads, greatest number, #Jud# 309.

hēafodgetel n. cardinal number, #ÆGr# 283^8.

hēafodgewǣde n. face-covering, veil, Æ, W.

hēafodgilt m. deadly sin, capital offence, LL 380[2].

hēafodgimm † m. head’s gem, eye.

hēafodgold n. crown, #PPs#, W.

hēafodhǣr n. hair of the head, WW.

hēafodhebba m. beginning, A 8·304: prime mover, ÆL 23^365.

hēafodhrægl (u^2) n. head-dress, #Sc# 74^2.

hēafodhrīefðo f. scurfiness of the head, #Lcd# 85b.

hēafodiht (e^3) with a head or tuft.

hēafodleahter m. capital crime, deadly sin, Æ.

hēafodlēas ‘headless,’ WW; Æ.

hēafodlic capital, deadly (crime), Bl. [‘headly’]

hēafodling m. equal, fellow-servant, MtL (ud). [‘headling’]

hēafodlond n. strip of land in a field, left for turning a plough, Ct; WW. [‘headland’]

hēafod-mǣg †, -māga ‡ m. near blood-relation.

hēafodmann m. ‘head-man,’ leader, captain, WW; Æ.

hēafodmynster n. church, cathedral.

hēafodpanne f. skull, Mt. [‘headpan’]

hēafodport m. chief town, #Chr# 1086.

hēafodrīce n. empire, AO 58^31.

hēafodsār m. pain in the head, #Lcd#.

hēafodsīen † f. (eyesight), eye.

hēafodslæge (u^2) m. head of a pillar, WW 376^15.

hēafodsmæl ‘capitium,’ part of a woman’s dress, WW 276^18; 369^19.

hēafodstede m. chief place, AO: high place, sacred place, LL 470[3,5].

hēafodstōl m. capital, AO.

hēafodstōw f. place for the head, BH 324^3.

hēafodswīma m. dizziness, #Gen# 1568.

hēafodsȳn = hēafodsīen

hēafodsynn (ǣ^1) f. deadly sin, W 290^25.

hēafodðwēal n. washing of the head, WW 146^8.

hēafodwærc m. pain in the head, Lcd; WW. [‘headwark’]

hēafodweard I. f. watch over the head? B 2909: body-guard, LL 444[1]. [‘headward’] II. m. chief protector, leader. III. f. chapter.

hēafodwind m. chief wind (E, S, W or N wind), #Lcd# 3·274.

hēafodwīsa † m. chief, director.

hēafodwōð f. voice, #Rd# 9^3.

hēafodwund f. wound in the head, LL 20[44].

hēafodwylm m. tears, #El# 1133: burning pain in the head.

hēafodwyrhta m. chief workman, ÆH 2·530.

heafola = hafela

hēafre = hēahfore

hēafsang m. dirge, WW 430^22. [hēofan]

heafu (B 1862) nap. of hæf.

heafuc (#VPs#) = hafoc

hēafud = hēafod

hēag == hēah

heaga- = hago-

hēage (Æ) = hēah adv.

heago- = hago-, hagu-

hēagum v. hēah.

hēah I. (ē) gsm. hēas, asm. hēan(n)e, gp. hēar(r)a, dp. hēagum, hēam, comp. hīerra (ē, ēah, īe, ȳ); sup. hīehst (ēa, ē, ȳ) ‘high,’ tall, lofty, Æ, BH, Lcd, VPs, etc.: high-class, exalted, sublime, illustrious, important, CP, VPs: proud, haughty: deep: right (hand). II. adv. ‘high,’ aloft, ÆGr.

hēahaltāre m. high altar, W.

hēahbeorg m. mountain, #PPs# 94^4.

hēahbiscop m. archbishop, pontiff: (Jewish) high priest, HL 10^430.

hēahbliss f. exultation, #PPs# 118^111.

hēahboda m. archangel, #Cr# 295.

hēahburg f. chief city, metropolis: (†) town on an eminence.

hēahcāsere m. emperor, †Hy 7^60.

hēahcleofa m. principal chamber.

hēah-clif n. nap. -cleofu high cliff.

hēahcræft m. high skill, #Rd# 36^4.

hēahcræftiga m. architect.

hēahcyning † m. high king, God.

hēahdēor n. stag, deer.

hēahdēorhund (hēador-) m. stag-hound.

hēahdēorhunta m. stag-hunter, Ct.

hēahdīacon m. archdeacon.

hēah-eald* superl. -yldest (CM 36) excellent, distinguished.

hēah-ealdor, -ealdormann m. ruler, patrician.

hēahengel m. archangel, Æ.

hēahfæder m. patriarch, Æ, CP: God.

hēahfæst permanent, immutable, #Wid# 143.

hēahfæsten n. fortified town, city.

hēahflōd m. deep water, high tide.

hēahfore f. ‘heifer,’ Æ, BH, WW.

hēahfrēa † m. high lord.

hēahfrēols m. great festival, LL 344[47].

hēahfrēolsdæg m. great feast day, LL 252[25].

hēahfrēolstīd f. great festival, LL 252[22,2].

hēahfru (WW) = hēahfore

hēahfȳr n. towering flame, #Whale# 22.

hēahgǣst m. Holy Ghost, #Cr# 358.

hēahgealdor n. charm, #PPs# 57^4.

hēahgerēfa m. high sheriff, chief officer, proconsul, prefect, Æ.

hēahgesamnung f. principal synagogue, #Mk# 5^22.

hēahgesceaft f. noble creature, #Gen# 4.

hēahgesceap n. fate, B 3084.

hēahgestrēon † n. rich treasure.

hēahgetimbrad high-built, #Sat# 29.

hēahgetimbru † npl. lofty edifice.

hēahgeðring n. whelming flood, #Rd# 4^27.

hēahgeðungen = hēahðungen

hēahgeweorc n. excellent work.

hēahgnornung † f. deep grief.

hēahgod m. Most High, God, #PPs# 56^2.

hēahgræft carved in bas-relief, WW 348^9.

hēahhād m. holy orders, LL (334^6).

hēahhelm loftily crested, ZDA 33·238.

hēahhēolode (ēh-) f. elecampane, #Lcd# 28b.

hēahheort proud, #Da# 540.

hēahhlið † n. high hill.

hēahhwiolod (ē^1) having high wheels, WW 140^32.

hēahhylte n? high wood? Ct.

hēahhyrde m. archimandrite, head abbot, OEG 910.

hēahhyrne = ēaghyrne

hēahlǣce m. learned physician, MH.

hēahland † n. mountainous country.

hēahlārēow m. head teacher, WW.

hēahlēce = hēahlǣce

hēahleornere n. high teacher, master, OEG 910.

hēahlic = hēalic

hēahlufe † f. great love.

hēahmægen n. great force: power, virtue, ÆL.

hēahmæsse f. high mass.

hēahmæssedæg m. high-mass day, NC 300.

hēahmiht ‡ f. high authority, great might.

hēahmōd † high spirited, exultant: proud, haughty.

hēahmōdnes f. pride, CP 301^1.

hēahmunt m. mountain.

hēahnama m. most exalted name, †Hy 7^18.

hēahnes (Æ) = hēanes

hēahra v. hēah.

hēahreced † n. high building, temple.

hēahrodor m. high heaven, #Gen# 151.

hēahrūn = hagorūn

hēahsācerd m. high or chief priest.

hēahsǣl † f. great happiness.

hēahsǣðēof? m. chief pirate, WW.

hēahsangere m. chief singer, BH 314^3.

hēahsceaða m. chief pirate, OEG 8^228. [scaða] [[under “sceaða”]]

hēahscēawere (ē^1) m. ‘pontifex,’ DR 21^1.

hēahscīreman (ē^1) m. ‘procurator,’ DR 193^6.

hēahseld n. rostrum, throne.

hēahsele m. high hall, B 647.

hēahsetl n. exalted seat, throne, judgment-seat, Æ, JnL (e^1). [v. ‘settle’]

hēahsomnung (MkL; ē^1) = hēahgesamnung

hēahstēap very high, #Gen# 2839.

hēahstede m. high place, B 285.

hēahstefn † having a high prow.

hēahstrǣt m. highway, Ct. [‘high street’]

hēahstrengðu f. strength, #PPs# 107^7.

hēahsunne (ē^1) adj. mp. very sinful, MkR 2^15.

hēahsynn f. deadly sin, crime.

hēahtīd f. festival, holy day, LL. [‘hightide’]

hēahtimber m. lofty building, #Cra# 45.

hēahtrēow f. solemn compact, #Ex# 388.

hēahðearf f. great need, #PPs# 117.

hēahðegen m. chief officer, captain, Æ: apostle, Æ: angel.

hēahðegnung f. important function, #Ex# 96.

hēahðēod (ē^1) f. great people.

hēahðrēa m. great terror, #Gen# 2545.

hēahðrymm ‡ m., hēahðrymnes † f. great glory.

hēahðu † = hīehðu

hēahðungen of high rank, illustrious, AO.

hēahwēofod n. high altar, WW 186^21.

hēahweorc = hēahgeweorc

hēahwita m. high councillor, #Chr# 1009.

hēahyldest v. hēaheald.

heal = (1) healh; (2) heall I.

hēal (#Bl#) = hāl

hēala m. hydrocele, CP 65^5.

healærn n. hall-building, B 78.

heald I. n. protection, Chr 1036; KC. [‘hold’; = hield] II. sloping, inclined, bent.

+heald = +hield

healdan^7 (a) (±) (tr. and intr.) to ‘hold’ (‘i-hald’), contain, hold fast, grasp, retain, possess, inhabit, Æ, Chr; CP. tō handa h. hold (land, etc.) of another: (±) curb, restrain, rule, reign, Chr, CP: (±) keep, guard, preserve, foster, cherish, defend, Æ, Bl, Mt, Ps; AO: withhold, lock up: maintain, uphold, support, Æ, LL: regard, observe, fulfil, do, practise, Bl; Æ: take care, CP: celebrate, hold (festival): hold out (intr.), last. ongēan h. resist: proceed, go: treat, behave to, bear oneself.

+healddagas mp. kalends, WW 176^27.

+healde contented? careful? v. MF 162.

healdend m. protector, guardian, ruler, king, lord, God.

+healdendgeorn continent, DR 45^10? (a^1).

healdiend ‘custodiens,’ #EPs# 114^9.

±healdnes f. keeping, observance, BH: guard, watch, #APs# 38^2.

healdsum (hal-) sufficient, ANS 129·25.

+healdsum provident, economical, frugal, CP: chaste, continent, ÆL.

±healdsumnes f. keeping, observance, devotion, Æ: custody, preservation: continence, chastity.

+healdung f. keeping.

hēalēce (#Gl#) = hēahlǣce

hēalede suffering from hydrocele, ruptured, CP.

healf (a) I. adj. ‘half,’ A, Ct, Jud, Lcd; Æ, AO. ðridde h., etc. = two and a half, etc. [Ger. drittehalb] II. (a) f. half, Æ, G, Chr: side, Gl (a), Mt, Ct; Æ, AO: part, CP.

healfclǣmed half-plastered, HL 17^267.

healfclungen (a^1) half-withered, Cp 265#s#.

healfclypigende adj. semi-vowel, #ÆGr#.

healf-cwic, -cucu half dead, AO, CP.

healfdēad half-dead, #Lcd#.

healfeald (a^1) half-grown, #Lcd# 92a.

healffēðe lame, GPH 396.

healffrēo half-free, W 171^4#e#.

healfhār somewhat hoary, A 8·449.

healfhēafod n. front part of the head, #ÆGr# 74^5.

healfhrūh half-rough, WW 152^14.

healfhunding m. cynocephalus, #Nar#.

healfhwīt somewhat white, WW 163^7.

healfhȳd half a hide (of land), LL 460[7,1].

healfmann m. ‘halfman,’ ÆGr 27.

healfmarc half a mark (v. marc).

healfpenigwurð n. halfpenny-worth, LL, W.

healfrēad reddish, WW 149^35.

healfscyldig partially guilty, ZDA 31·23.

healfsester m. half a ‘sester’ (measure of bulk), WW 444^4. [L. sextarius]

healfsinewealt semicircular, WW 179^28.

healfslǣpende half-asleep, LV 3; MH 138^1.

healfsoden half-cooked.

healfter = hælfter

healftryndel n. hemisphere, WW 140^7.

healfunga to a certain extent, partially, imperfectly, Æ, CP.

healfwudu m. field-balm, #Lcd# 44b.

healgamen m. social enjoyment, B 1066.

healgian = halgian [[headword spelled “hālgian”]]

healh m. (? n. at LHy 6^31) (nap. halas) corner, nook, secret place, CP, Guth, WW: corner of land left by the stream in a river valley, Ct (v. Mdf). [‘hale’]

healhihte having many angles, OEG 121.

hēalic (ē) high, elevated, exalted, lofty, sublime, Æ; CP: deep, profound, intense, Æ, CP: lordly, noble, great, illustrious, distinguished, Æ; CP: proud, haughty: egregious, heinous, W. adv. -līce highly, aloft, Æ: in or to high position or rank, loftily, BH: intensely, very, Bl. [‘highly’]

hēalicnes f. sublimity, majesty, Æ.

heall I. f. ‘hall,’ dwelling, house, B, Mt; Æ, CP. II. = healh. III. rock, OEG 4111.

heallic palatial.

heallrēaf n. wall-tapestry, Ct.

heallwāhrift n. wall-tapestry, Ct.

healm I. (a, æ) m. ‘haulm,’ stalk, straw, Lcd, MtL, VPs: ‘culmen,’ thatched roof? land? LL 116[61]. II. = helm

healmstrēaw n. stubble, #SPs# 82^14.

healoc = holc

healp pret. 3 sg. of helpan.

healreced n. hall-building, B 68.

heals (a) m. neck, Gen: prow of a ship. [‘halse’; Ger. hals]

healsbēag † m. collar, necklace.

healsbeorg f. neck-armour, OEG.

hēalsbōc f. phylactery, G. [hāls]

healsbrynige corslet, v. OEG 2^418.

healsfæst adj. as a slave, #Gen# 2238.

healsfang n. fine prescribed in substitution for capital and other punishments, preferential share of the ‘wergeld,’ LL (v. 2·489). [‘halsfang’]

healsgebedda f. beloved bedfellow, consort, wife, B 63.

healsgund (a^1) m. neck-tumour, #Lcd#, WW.

healsian to entreat earnestly, beseech, implore, AO, CP. [v. also hālsian, hǣlsian]

healsiendlic (ā), -igendlic that may be intreated, #APs# 89^13: imploring, GD 17^23. adv. -līce importunately.

[[Original entry: healsiendlic (ā) that may be intreated, #SPs# 89^13. adv. -līce importunately.]]

healsittend † m. sitter in hall.

healsleðer n. reins, OET 522.

healsmægeð f. beloved maid, #Gen# 2155.

healsmyne m. necklace, Æ. [mene]

healsod (a^1; e^2) mn. head-cloth.

healsōme f. neck-tumour, #Lcd# 132b.

healsrefeðer (a^1) f. feathers of a pillow, down, #Rd# 41^86. [cp. OHG. halsare ‘cervical’]

heals-scod, -ed = healsod

healstān (a) m. small cake, WW.

healsung f. prayer, supplication, conjuring, entreaty. [v. ‘halse’ and also hālsung and hǣlsung]

healsunggebed (a) n. litany.

healsungtīma (a) m. time of supplication, NC 299.

healswærc m. pain in the neck, #Lcd# 113a.

healswriða m. necklace, #Rd# 5^4.

healswyrt (a) f. a plant, daffodil? ‘epicurium, auris leporis,’ Lcd, WW; OEG. [‘halswort’]

healt (eo) ‘halt,’ limping, lame, AO.

healt- = heald-

healtian to ‘halt,’ limp, CP, VPs (a); Æ: hesitate, ÆL 18^98: fall away, BH.

healðegn † m. hall-officer.

healwudu m. woodwork of hall, B 1317.

hēam v. hēah.

hēam-ol, -ul miserly, frugal, Cp.

hēamolscipe m. miserliness, NC 300.

hēan I. lowly, despised, poor, mean, abject, B, VPs; Æ, AO. [‘hean’] adv. hēane. II. v. hēah. III. (±) to raise, exalt, extol, BH. [= *hīen, hȳn; ‘high’]

hēanes f. ‘highness,’ A (hēah-), CP: something high, high place, height, Mt (hēah-), VPs. on hēanissum in the highest, ‘in excelsis,’ Æ: excellence, sublimity, CP: high rank.

hēanhād m. difficulty, WW.

hēanlic ignominious, abject, poor, AO. adv. -līce.

hēanmōd † downcast, depressed, sad.

hēannes I. (ē) f. treading down, NG. II. = hēanes

hēanspēdig poor, #Cra# 26.

hēap mf. (of things) ‘heap,’ Cp, CP: host, crowd, assembly, company, troop, band, Bl; Æ, CP.

±hēapian to ‘heap’ up, collect, bring together, accumulate, Lk.

hēapmǣlum adv. by companies, in troops, flocks, Æ, CP; AO. [‘heapmeal’]

hēapum adv. in heaps, in troops.

hēapung f. heap, BH. [‘heaping’]

hear- (N) = heor-

hēara = hēahra (v. hēah)

hearcnung = heorcnung

heard (a) ‘hard,’ harsh, severe, stern, cruel (things and persons), B, Bl, Cr, Mt, Lcd: strong, intense, vigorous, violent, B, Bl: hardy, bold, B; AO.

heardcwide m. harsh speech, abuse (or ? hearmcwide), #Cr# 1444.

hearde adv. ‘hard,’ hardly, firmly, very severely, strictly, vehemently, Æ: exceedingly, greatly, Æ.

heardecg I. † sharp of edge. II. f. sword, #El# 758.

heardhara m. a fish, mullet? Cp.

heardhēaw chisel, Cp 408#c#.

heardheort hard-hearted, Æ: stubborn, obstinate, Æ.

heardheortnes f. hard-heartedness, Æ, CP.

heardhicgende † brave.

±heardian to be or become hard, Lcd: harden, Lcd. [‘hard’]

hearding † m. bold man, hero.

heardlic severe, harsh, terrible: excessive. adv. -līce harshly, resolutely, severely, sternly: stoutly, bravely, Æ: excessively: hardly (‘paulatim,’ ‘tractim’), ES 42·174.

heardlicnes f. austerity.

heardmōd brave, bold, over-confident, Æ: obstinate, ÆL 36^326.

heardmōdnes f. obstinacy, ÆH 1·252^18.

heardnebba m. raven, ÆH 2·144^15.

heardnes f. ‘hardness,’ Ep, Mt, Lcd, RB.

heardra (OEG) = heardhara

heardrǣd firm, constant, #Gen# 2348.

heardsǣlig unfortunate, unhappy.

heardsǣlnes f. calamity, AO 104^17.

heardsǣlð f. hard lot, calamity, unhappiness: misconduct, wickedness, CP.

heardwendlīce strictly, BH 365^15.

hearg (æ, e) nap. heargas, (e) m. temple, altar, sanctuary, idol, AO, CP: grove? #Az# 110.

heargeard (herh-) m. dwelling in the woods, #Wif# 15.

hearglic (h) idolatrous, WW 236^2.

heargtræf (æ^1) n. idol-temple, B 175.

heargweard m. temple-warden, priest (herig-), #An# 1126.

hearh == hearg

hearm (e) I. m. damage, ‘harm,’ injury, evil, affliction, B, Gen; Æ, CP: grief, pain, Gen: insult, calumny. II. adj. harmful, malignant, evil.

hēarm = hrēam

hearma m. shrew-mouse? weasel? OET (Cp 666). [OHG. harmo]

hearmascinnen made of weasel skins? #Chr# 1075#d#.

hearmberg (æ) m. grave, #Rune Casket#.

hearmcwalu f. great suffering, #Cr# 1609.

hearmcweodelian (#VPs#) wv. = hearmcweðan

hearmcweðan^5 to speak evil of, revile, NG.

hearmcweðend (e^1) m. slanderer, #JPs# 71^4.

hearmcwiddian to calumniate, #Bo#.

hearmcwide † m. calumny, blasphemy: heavy sentence, curse.

hearmcwidol evil-speaking, slanderous, Æ.

hearmcwidolian (eo^2, e^3) to calumniate, #Ps# 118^122.

hearmcwidolnes f. slander, #EPs# 118^134.

hearmdæg m. day of grief, B 3153.

hearmedwīt † n. grievous reproach.

hearm-ful, -fullic hurtful, noxious.

-hearmgeorn v. un-h.

hearmheortnes f. murmuring, complaint, WW 511^16.

hearmian to ‘harm,’ injure, Æ.

hearmlēoð † n. elegy, lamentation.

hearmlic harmful, grievous, Æ.

hearmloca † m. prison: hell.

hearmplega m. fight, strife, #Gen# 1898.

hearmscaða m. terrible enemy, B 766.

hearmscearu † f. affliction, punishment, penalty. [sceran] [[under “scieran”]]

hearmslege m. grievous blow, #Cr# 1435.

hearmsprǣc f. calumny, WW 198^3.

hearmstæf † m. harm, sorrow, tribulation.

hearmtān m. shoot of sorrow, #Gen# 992.

hearpe (æ) f. ‘harp,’ Æ, VPs; CP.

hearpenægel m. plectrum.

hearpere (a) m. harper, Bo, Ln; Æ, CP.

hearpestre f. (female) harper, WW 190^6.

hearpestreng m. ‘harp-string,’ ApT.

hearpian to ‘harp,’ Bo; Æ.

hearpnægel = hearpenægel

hearpsang m. psalm, WW 129^40.

hearpslege m. plectrum (instrument for striking the harp), OEG: harp-playing.

hearpswēg m. sound of the harp, #BlPs# 150^3.

hearpung f. ‘harping,’ Bo.

hearra † (æ, e, ie, eo) m. lord, master, Chr (æ), Gen. [‘her’; Ger. herr]

hēarra = hēahra (v. hēah)

hearstepanne = hierstepanne [[under “hierste”]]

hēarsum = hiersum [[headword spelled “hīersum”]]

heart (NG) == heord, heorot

-hearwa v. Sigel-h.

hēas v. hēah.

heascan = hyscan

heasu = hasu

heaðo- = heaðu- (= war)

heaðor † n. restraint, confinement.

±heaðorian (e^2) to shut in, restrain, control.

hēaðrym = hēahðrymm

heaðubyrne † f. war-corslet.

heaðudēor † bold, brave.

heaðufremmende fighting, #El# 130.

heaðufȳr † n. cruel fire.

heaðugeong young in war, #Fin# 2.

heaðugiemm m. wound got in battle, #Rd# 57^3.

heaðugrim † fierce.

heaðulāc † n. battle-play, battle.

heaðulind f. shield of linden wood, †#Chr# 937.

hēaðulīðende † m. seafaring warrior.

heaðumǣre famed in battle, B 2802.

heaðurǣs † m. onrush, attack.

heaðurēaf n. war-gear, B 401.

heaðurinc † m. warrior.

heaðurōf † famed in war, brave.

heaðusceard? dinted in war, B 2830? (or ? heaðuscearp battle-sharp).

heaðusēoc wounded, B 2754.

heaðusigel m. sun, #Rd# 72^16.

heaðustēap † towering in battle.

heaðuswāt † m. blood of battle.

heaðusweng m. battle-stroke, B 2581.

heaðutorht clear as a battle-cry, B 2553.

heaðuwǣd f. armour, B 39.

heaðuweorc n. battle-deed, B 2892.

heaðuwērig weary from fighting, #Wald# 2^17.

heaðuwylm † (æ^3, e^3) m. fierce flame.

hēaum = hēagum dp. of hēah.

+hēaw n. gnashing, grinding.

hēaw- = hǣw- (hēawi, Cp 303#c# = hǣwen)

±hēawan^7 to ‘hew,’ hack, strike, cleave, cut, cut down, kill, Æ, BH, Chr, Jud, LL: make by hewing, A. æftan h. to slander, W 160^4.

heawen (K) = heofon

-hēawere v. hrīðer-, wudu-h.

-hebba v. hēafod-h.

±hebban^6 (æ) pres. 3 sg. hōf, pl. hōfon, pp. hafen (hæfen) (wk. forms in LWS, pret. hefde, pp. hefod) to ‘heave,’ raise, lift, lift up, exalt, Æ, B, Bl, Ps; CP: intr. rise, W 100^3.

hebbe = hæbbe v. habban.

-hebbe, -hebbing v. ūp-h.

hebbendlic exalted, DR 181^14.

hebeld = hefeld

heben = heofon

heber = hæfer

hebuc = hafoc

hecc = hæc

heced = hacod

hēcen n. kid, ES 35·332; NC 357.

hecg (#Chr# 547#e#?) = hege

hecga-spind, -swind = hagospind

±hēdan I. (w. g.) to ‘heed,’ observe, B, LL; Æ: look after, care for, guard, protect, take charge of: obtain, receive, take, Æ. II. = hȳdan

hedclāð m. a coarse, thick, upper garment like a chasuble, #Lcd# 1·346^17.

hēddern (ȳ) n. storehouse.

hēde pret. 3 sg. of hēgan.

heden m. robe, hood, chasuble, LL.

hedendlic captious, OEG 3208. adv. -līce, WW 199^1.

hefaldian = hefeldian

hefde I. (#VPs#) = hæfde pret. 3 sg. of habban. II. v. hebban.

hefe (æ) m. weight, burden, Æ: ‘mina, talentum,’ GPH 396.

hefeful severe, RB 49^18.

hefeg == hefig

hefeld m. weaver’s beam, Gl. [v. ‘heald’]

±hefeldian (a^2) to fix the weft, begin the web, #Gl#.

hefeldðrǣd m. thread (for weaving), #Gl#.

hefelgyrd (e^3) f. ‘liciatorium,’ weaver’s shuttle, #Gl#.

hefelic = hefiglic

hefelīce = hefiglīce

hefen I. (æ) f. burden, load? RB 49^13. II. = heofon

hefetīme = hefigtīme [[under “hefigtȳme”]]

hefeð pres. 3 sg. of hebban.

hefgian = hefigian

hefig (æ) ‘heavy,’ Met, Mt: important, grave, severe, serious, A, Bl, Mt: oppressive, grievous, Ps, LL. [hebban] adv. hefige, Ps.

±hefigian to make heavy, VPs: weigh down, oppress, afflict, grieve, BH, CP, Mt: aggravate, increase: become heavy, depressed, weakened, CP, Gu. [‘heavy’]

hefiglic weighty, serious, severe, burdensome, grievous, sad, Æ. adv. -līce, Æ, CP, G. [‘heavily’]

hefigmōd oppressive, #ERPs# 54^4.

hefignes (æ) f. ‘heaviness,’ weight, burden, affliction, MtL; CP: dulness, torpor, Bo (æ).

hefigtȳme (ī^3) grievous, severe, troublesome, oppressive, Æ. [tēam]

hefigtȳmnes f. trouble, Æ.

hefod wk. pp., hefð pres. 3 sg. of hebban.

hefon = heofon

heft- = hæft-

hefug = hefigu pl. of hefig, CP 285^1.

hēg == hīeg

±hēgan † to perform, achieve: hold (a meeting).

hegdig = hygdig

hege (ea) m. ‘hedge,’ fence, Æ, Gl; Mdf.

hegeclife f. hedge-clivers, #Lcd# 20a.

hegegian = hegian

hegehymele f. hop-plant, WW 302^5.

hegel (#VPs#) = hægl, hagol

hegerǣw f. ‘hedgerow,’ KC (ē^3).

hegerife f. cleavers, goose grass, Lcd. [‘hairif’]

hegesāhl m. hedge-stake, GD 24^28.

hegessugge hedge-sparrow, WW. [sucga; ‘haysugge’]

±hegian to fence in, hedge, enclose, Sc. grep h. to cut a grip, LL 455[13]. [‘hay’]

hēgnes = hēanes

hegstæf m. fence, enclosure, WW 205^31.

hegstald- = hægsteald-

hēh (#VPs#, N) = hēah

hēh- = hēah-

+hēhan (VHy) = hēan III.

hē hē indicates laughter, ÆGr. [‘he’]

hehstald = hagosteald

hehstald- = hægsteald-

hēht pret. 3 sg. of hātan.

hēhðu = hīehðu

+heige (#KGl# 83^40) = +hæge

hēista = hēhsta v. hēah.

hēiweg m. highway? EC 130´.

hel == hell

hēla (ǣ) m. ‘heel,’ JnL, Lcd, OET, WW.

±helan^4 to conceal, cover, hide, AO, VPs; CP. [‘hele’; Ger. hehlen]

hēlan I. (oe) to calumniate, MtR 5^44. II. = hǣlan I.

held I. = hyld, hyldo. II. = hield

heldan = hieldan

helde I. f. tansy, Lcd, WW; Æ. [‘helde’] II. = hyldo

hele f. subterfuge, LL (320^17). [‘hele’]

hele- = helle-, ele-

hēlend = hǣlend

helerung = heolorung

heleð = hæleð

helf- = healf-, hielf-

helfan to halve, Cp 303#b#? (herbid).

helgod = hellgod

helhrūne = hellerūne

±helian to conceal, cover, hide, Æ, LL. [‘hele’]

hēlic = hēahlic

hēlīce = hēalīce

hell f. Hades, Æ, VPs: ‘hell,’ infernal regions, place of torment, Gehenna, Bo, RB; AO, CP, Æ. [helan]

hellbend mf. bond of hell, B 3072.

hellcniht m. devil, demon, ÆL 3^372.

hellcræft m. hellish power, #An# 1104.

hellcund of hell, W 254^15.

hellcwalu † f. pains of hell.

helldor † n. gate of hell.

hellebealu n. hell-bale, #Cr# 1427.

hellebrōga m. terror of hell, #LPs#.

hellebryne m. hell-fire, #Jud#, W.

hellecǣgan pl. keys of hell, MFH 128.

helleceafl m. jaws of hell, #An# 1702.

hellecinn n. hellish race, #Cr# 1620.

helleclamm m. hell-bond, #Gen# 373.

helledēofol † mn. devil.

helle-dor ‡ n., -duru ‡ f. gate of hell.

helleflōr m. floor of hell, courts of hell, #Sat# 70.

hellefȳr n. hell-fire.

hellegǣst (a^3) m. spirit of hell.

hellegeat n. gate of hell, ÆH 1·288, MP 1·610.

hellegrund † m. abyss of hell.

hellegrut m. pit of hell, OEG 684.

hellegryre m. horror of hell, #Sat# 433.

helle-hæft ‡, -hæfta ‡, -hæftling † m. prisoner of hell, devil.

hellehēaf m. wailings or howlings of hell, #Gen# 38.

hellehinca m. hell-limper, devil, #An# 1173. [cp. Ger. hinken]

hellehund m. hell-hound, KC 3·350^18.

hellehūs n. hell-house, #Gu# 649.

hellelic = hellic

helleloc n. hell-prison, GD 325^30.

hellemægen n. troop of hell, MFH 166.

hellemere m. Stygian lake, WW.

hellenīð m. torments of hell, #Gen# 775.

hellerūne f. pythoness, sorceress, Æ.

hellescealc m. devil, #Sat# 133.

hellesceaða = hellsceaða

hellesēað m. pit of hell.

hellesūsl n. hell-torment, Æ.

helleðegn (hel-) † m. devil.

hellewīte n. hell-pains, torment, Æ.

hellewītebrōga m. horror of hell-torment, W 151^21.

hellfiren f. hellish crime, #Part# 6.

hellfūs † bound for hell.

hellgeðwing n. confinement in hell. #Gen# 696.

hellgod n. god of the lower world.

hellheort terrified, NC 301.

hellheoðo f. vault of hell, hell, #Sat# 700 (or ? two words).

hellic hellish, Æ. [‘hellick’]

hellsceaða m. hell-foe, devil: ‘infernus.’

hell-træf, nap. -trafu n. devil’s temple, #An# 1693.

helltrega m. hell-torture, #Gen# 73.

hell-waran, -ware mp., -waru fp. dwellers in hell, Æ.

hellwerod n. host of hell, W.

hellwiht (hel-) fn. devil, W 186^2.

helm m. protection, defence, covering, crown, Æ, Rd: summit, top (of trees), Æ, Bo, WW; CP: helmet, Cp, WW: (†) protector, lord. [‘helm’]

helma m. ‘helm,’ rudder, Bo, Cp, WW; Æ.

helm-bǣre, -berende leafy.

helmberend m. † helmeted warrior.

±helmian (y) to cover, crown, An: provide with a helmet, ÆGr. [‘helm’; ‘i-helmed’]

-helmig v. lēaf-h.

helmiht leafy, WW 395^5; 493^28.

helmweard (holm-) m. pilot, #An# 359.

hēlo = hǣlu

helor = heolor

help (y) fm. ‘help,’ succour, aid, AO, B, Bl.

helpan^3 (w. g. or d.) to ‘help,’ support, succour, Æ, CP, Ct, G, LL, Ps: benefit, do good to, Lcd (intr.), LL: cure, amend, Mk.

helpe f. = help

helpend m. ‘helper,’ Bl.

helpendlic auxiliary.

helrūn = helleruna [[headword spelled “hellerūne”]]

helrūna m. hellish monster, B 163.

helrȳnegu f. sorceress, witch, WW 472^11.

hēlspure f. heel, #VPs#.

helt I. = hilt. II. pres. 3 sg. of heldan. III. (#KGl#) = hielt pres. 3 sg. of healdan.

helðegn = helleðegn

helur == heolor

hem m. ‘hem,’ border, WW 125^13.

+hēme? customary? AS 32^24.

hemed (BC 2·522´) v. hemman.

hēmed = hǣmed

hēmeð = hǣmed

hemeðe under-garment. [Ger. hemd]

hemlic (Æ) = hymlic

hemman to stop up, close, #PPs# 106^42. [MHG. hemmen]

hemming m. shoe of undressed leather, WW 468^31. [‘heming’]

hen == henn

hēn = hēan

hēn- = hīen-

hēnan = hīenan

+hendan to hold, #PPs# 138^8. [hand]

+hende near, at hand, Æ, Mk: handy, convenient, AO. adv. near, at home, Æ. [‘hend’]

-hendig v. list-h.

+hendnes f. neighbourhood, proximity, Æ.

henep = hænep

heng pret. 3 sg. of hōn.

hengeclif n. overhanging cliff, WW 180^4.

hengen f. hanging, Æ: cross, Æ: rack, torture, Æ: imprisonment.

hengenwītnung f. imprisonment, LL 471[16].

hengest, hengst m. stallion, steed, horse, gelding, Ct, WW; Æ. [‘hengest’]

hengetrēow (enge-) n. gallows, GPH 395.

hengwīte n. fine for not detaining an offender, LL 496[4].

henn (æ) f. ‘hen’ A, Mt, Lcd.

henna m. fowl, LL (220^13).

hennebelle (æ) f. henbane.

hennfugol m. hen, Ct.

hentan to pursue, attack, LL; Æ: (±) appropriate, seize, Chr. [‘hent,’ ‘i-hente’]

hēnð = hȳnð

hēnðu = hȳnðu [[under “hȳnð”]]

henu = heonu

hēo I. nasf. and nap. of pron. 3 pers. ‘she,’ they. II. † = hīew

hēodæg adv. to-day, #Gen# 661. [Ger. heute]

hēof I. m. wailing, mourning, grief, Æ, AO. II. str. pret. 3 sg. of hēofan.

hēofan^{7?} (pret. hēof, hōf, hēofon) to lament, CP.

heofen = heofon

hēofendlic dismal, mournful, WW. adv. -līce.

±hēof-ian, -igian to lament, Æ.

heofig- = hefig-

hēofigendlic mourning, lamenting, A 10·146; 188.

hēoflic lamentable.

hēofod == hēafod

heofog (#Bl#) == hefig

heofon (e) mf. (often in pl.) sky, firmament, Æ, Bo, VPs: ‘heaven’ Æ, Mt: the power of heaven, Mt, Lk.

hēofon I. f. lamentation? #Ex# 46. II. str. pret. pl. of hēofan.

heofonbeacen n. sign in the sky, #Ex# 107.

heofonbeorht † heavenly bright.

heofonbiggende ‘cælebs,’ DHy. [ON. byggja]

heofonbȳme f. heavenly trumpet, #Cr# 949.

heofoncandel † f. light of the heavens, sun, moon, stars.

heofoncenned heaven-born, DHy 108^4.

heofoncolu npl. heat of the sun, #Ex# 71.

heofoncund celestial, heavenly, CP.

heofoncundlic heavenly, W.

heofoncyning m. king of heaven, Christ, Bl 201. [‘heavenking’]

heofondēma m. heavenly ruler, #Sat# 658.

hēofondlīce = hēofendlīce

heofondrēam † m. joy of heaven.

heofonduguð f. heavenly host, #Cr# 1655.

heofone (Æ, W) = heofon

heofonengel m. † angel of heaven.

heofonfugol † m. fowl of the air.

heofonfȳr n. fire from heaven, W 262^15.

heofonhālig holy and heavenly, #An# 728.

heofonhām † m. heavenly home.

heofonhēah reaching to heaven, Da 553. [‘heavenhigh’]

heofonheall f. heavenly hall, LL (382^10).

heofonhlāf ‡ m. bread of heaven, manna.

heofonhrōf m. †vault of heaven, heaven: roof, ceiling.

heofonhwealf † f. vault of heaven.

heofonhyrst f. ornament of the heavens, #Gen# 2189.

heofonisc (e^2) heavenly, AO 1^6.

heofonlēoht n. heavenly light, #An# 976.

heofonlēoma m. heavenly light, #An# 840.

heofonlic ‘heavenly,’ celestial, Bl; Lk. adv. -līce, #ÆGr#, DHy.

heofonmægen † n. heavenly force.

heofonrīce n. kingdom of heaven, Bl, Cr; AO. [‘heavenric’]

heofonsetl n. throne of heaven, DD 277.

heofonsteorra † m. star of heaven.

heofonstōl m. throne of heaven, #Gen# 8.

heofontimber n. heavenly structure, #Gen# 146.

heofontorht † very bright, glorious.

heofontungol † n. heavenly luminary.

heofonðrēat m. heavenly company, #Sat# 222.

heofonðrymm m. heavenly glory.

heofon-ware, -waran mp., -waru fp. inhabitants of heaven, Æ. [‘heavenware’]

heofonwealdend (e^2) ‘arcitenens,’ OEG 23^10.

heofonweard † m. heaven’s keeper, God.

heofonwerod n. heavenly host, W.

heofonwlitig divinely fair, NC 301.

heofonwolcen † n. cloud of heaven.

heofonwōma † m. terrible noise from heaven.

heofonwuldor n. heavenly glory, †Hy 6^12.

hēofsið m. lamentable state, #Rim# 43? [hēof]

heofun = heofon

hēofung f. lamentation, mourning, Æ.

hēofungdæg m. day of mourning, Æ.

hēofungtīd f. time of mourning, Æ.

heolan = helan

heold pret. 3 sg. of healdan.

heoldan = healdan

heolfor † n. gore, blood.

heolfrig † gory, bloody.

heolor (e^1, e^2, u^2) f. scales, balance.

heolorbledu (e^1, u^2) f. the scale of a balance, WW 427^35.

heolorian to weigh, ponder, #Gl#.

heolorung (e^1, e^2) f. ‘momentum,’ the turning of a scale, WW 450^12.

heoloðcynn n. denizens of hell, #Cr# 1542.

-hēoloðe v. hēah-h. [[headword spelled “hēahhēolode”]]

heoloðhelm † (æ) m. helmet which makes the wearer invisible.

heolp = healp

heolr- = heolor-

heolstor (e^2) I. m. darkness, concealment, cover, hiding-place, retreat. [helan] II. adj. dark, shadowy, Æ.

heolstorcofa m. dark chamber, grave, #Ph# 49.

heolstorhof n. hell, #El# 764.

heolstorloca † m. prison, cell.

heolstor-sceado ‡ f., -scuwa ‡ m. concealing shade, darkness.

heolstrig shadowy, obscure, WW.

heolt = healt

heom dp. of hē, hēo, hit.

heona (LkL), heonan, VPs (io), heonane (Gen) = heonon(e)

heono (NG) = heonu

heonon, heonone hence, from here, away, Mt: from now. h. forð henceforth. [‘hen’]

heononsið m. departure, death, #Dom# 86, #Bk# 21.

heononweard transient.

heonu (an(n)a, āne, eno, (he)ono) if, but, therefore, moreover, whether, ANS 91·205.

heonun (Mt) = heonon

hēop (#LPs# 67^14) = hēap

hēopbremel (y^2) m. dog-rose, bramble, Lcd. [v. ‘hip’]

hēope f. ‘hip,’ seed-vessel of wild-rose, Cp, Lcd, WW; Æ: bush, brier.

heor = heorr

heora gp. of hē, hēo, hit.

hēoran = hīeran

heorcnian (e, y) tr. and intr. to ‘hearken,’ listen, Æ, Guth.

heorcnung f. ‘hearkening,’ listening, power of hearing, Æ.

heord I. (e, io) f. ‘herd,’ flock, Æ, Mt, WW; CP: keeping, care, custody, CP. II. sycamore, LkR 19^4. [heorot-?] III. = hīred

heordan pl. ‘hards’ (of flax), tow, Cp, WW.

heorde I. (#VPs#) == hierde. II. = heord

±heordnes f. custody, keeping, watch.

heordrǣden f. custody, care, keeping, watch, ward, ÆL(y^1).

+heordung f. guard, watch, #ERPs# 38^2.

hēore I. † (ȳ) pleasant, secure, B: gentle, mild, pure, Gen. [‘here’] II. = hīere

[[Cross-reference uncertain: may be form of “hīera”, see “hēah”.]]

heorl = eorl

heoro == heoru

hēorod = hīered

heorot m. ‘hart,’ stag, Bo (heort), VPs (-ut).

heorotberge f. buckthorn-berry, WW.

heorotbrembel m. buckthorn, #Lcd#.

heorotbrēr f. buckthorn, LkR 17^6 (heart-).

heorotclǣfre f. ‘hart-clover,’ hemp agrimony, Lcd.

heorotcrop m. cluster of hartwort flowers.

heorotsmeoru n. hart’s grease, #Lcd# 45a.

heorotsol n. stag’s wallowing-place, Ct.

heorr mf. hinge, B, Bo, Cp, LPs: cardinal point, Lcd. [‘harre’]

heorra = (1) hearra; (2) heorr

heort I. (±) high-minded, stout-hearted, ÆL. II. == heorot

heortan = hiertan

heortancnys f. ‘(com)pulsus cordis’? v. ZDA 31·13n.

heortbucc m. roebuck, WW 119^12.

heortcoðu f. heart disease, #Lcd# 65b.

heorte f. heart (organ), Lcd, VPs: soul, spirit, A, B, G, RB, VPs: will, desire, VPs: courage, Gen, VPs: intellect, Mt, JnL.

heortece m. ‘heartache,’ pain at the heart, Lcd.

heorten (y) of a hart, #Lcd# 1·216^15.

heortgesida pl. entrails, Æ.

heortgryre m. terror of heart, W 86^15.

heorthama m. pericardium, internal fat, Æ.

heorthogu f. heart-care, W 177^7.

heortlēas dispirited, DD 124, W 137^22.

+heortlīce adv. cheeringly, GD 317^16.

heortlufu f. hearty love, †Hy 9^29.

heortscræf n. heart, DD 39.

heortsēoc ill from heart disease.

heortwærc m. pain at the heart, #Lcd#.

heorð (e) m. ‘hearth,’ fireplace, Gl, Az: house, home, Æ, LL.

heorð- = eorð-

heorða I. m. deer- (or goat-?) skin, WW 337^3. II. (#HGl# 483) = heorda [[form of “heardan”?]]

heorðbacen baked on the hearth, Æ.

heorðcneoht m. attendant, CP 361^18.

heorðfæst having a settled home, LL 322´.

heorðgenēat † m. retainer.

heorðpening m. ‘hearth-penny,’ tax (for the Church), Peter’s penny, LL (v. 2·506).

heorðswǣpe f. bridesmaid, Cp 701#p#.

heorðwerod † n. body of retainers.

heoru † m. sword.

heorublāc mortally wounded, B 2488?

heorucumbul n. standard, #El# 107.

heorudolg n. deadly wound, #An# 944.

heorudrēor † m. sword-blood, gore.

heorudrēorig † blood-stained: dejected, crest-fallen.

heorudrync m. sword-drink, blood shed by the sword, B 2358.

heorufæðm m. deadly grasp, #Ex# 504.

heoruflā f. arrow, #LPs# 56^5.

heorugīfre † fierce, greedy for slaughter.

heorugrǣdig † bloodthirsty.

heorugrimm † savage, fierce.

heoruhōciht with formidable hooks, savagely barbed, B 1438.

heorung = herung

heoruscearp very sharp, #Rd# 6^8.

heorusceorp n. war equipments, #Hell# 73.

heoruserce † f. coat of mail.

heoruswealwe f. falcon, hawk, #Wy# 186.

heorusweng † m. sword-stroke.

heorut = heorot

heoruwǣpen n. sword, #Jud# 263.

heoruweallende ‡ gushing with destruction.

heoruwearg m. bloodthirsty wolf, B 1267.

heoruword n. hostile speech, FT 84.

heoruwulf m. warrior, #Ex# 181.

hēow I. pret. 3 sg. of hēawan. II. = hīw

hēow- = hīw-

hēowan = hēofan

heplic = hæplic [[only in form “hæplicnes”]]

her- = hear-, hier-

hēr I. adv. ‘here,’ in this place, Æ, G, VPs: in this world, Bl, LL: at this point of time, at this date, now, Chr, Ct: towards this place, hither, B. II. = hǣr

hēr- = hǣr-, hīer-, hȳr-

hēræfter (ȳ) adv. ‘hereafter,’ later on, A, BH.

hērbeforan adv. before, previously, W 52^11; FM 361^23.

hēr-beufan, -biufan adv. here above, previously, CP.

hērbūende † mp. here-dwellers, dwellers on earth.

herbyrg == herebeorg

hercnian = heorcnian

hērcyme m. coming here, advent, #Cr# 250.

herd = heord

herd- = hierd-

hērd- = hīerd-

here (obl. cases usu. have herg-, herig-) m. predatory band, troop, army, host, multitude, Chr, Mt; AO, CP (‘se h.’ almost always = the Danish army in #Chr#): battle, war, devastation. [‘here’; Ger. heer]

hēre I. f. dignity, majesty, importance. II. (#VPs#) = hǣre

here-bēacen, -bēacn n. military ensign, standard: beacon, lighthouse.

here-beorg, -byrg f. lodgings, quarters, NC 346. [Ger. herberge]

herebeorgian to take up one’s quarters, lodge, #Chr# 1048#f#. [Ger. herbergen]

hereblēað cowardly, #Ex# 453.

herebrōga m. dread of war, B 462.

herebȳme f. trumpet, sackbut.

herebyrgian = herebeorgian

herebyrne f. corslet, B 1443.

herecirm m. war cry, #Gu# 872.

herecist = herecyst

herecombol n. standard, #El# 25?

herecyst † f. warlike band.

+heredlic (#LPs# 105^2) = +hierendlic [[headword spelled “hīerendlic”]]

herefeld † m. battle-field, field.

herefeoh n. booty, AO 118^5.

herefēða m. war-troop, #Cr# 1013.

hereflȳma (ē) ‡ m. fugitive from battle, deserter.

herefolc † n. army.

herefong m. osprey, WW.

herefugol m. bird of prey, vulture, eagle, #Ex# 161.

hereg- = herg-, herig-

heregang m. incursion, W 312^1.

here-geat fn. gp. -geat(w)e, -geat(w)a, -geatu war-gear, military equipment, Bo, Ma: ‘heriot,’ Ct, LL (v. 2·500).

heregeatland n. heriot-land, LL 220.

heregild (e, eo, y) n. war-tax, Danegeld, Chr, Ct. [‘heregeld’]

heregrīma † m. helmet.

herehand f. violence of war, BH 356^22.

herehlōð f. war-host, troop, #Gu# 1042.

here-hūð, -hȳð f. booty, prey, plunder, Æ, AO.

herelāf f. remains of host, Æ: spoil, Æ.

herelic martial, WW 374^26.

herelof mn. fame, glory, OEG.

heremæcg m. warrior, #Gen# 2483.

heremægen † n. warlike force, multitude.

heremann m. soldier, LkL 7^8.

hēremann = hīeremann [[headword spelled “hīereman”]]

heremeðel n. national assembly, #El# 550.

herenes (æ) f. praise.

herenett n. corslet, B 1553.

herenīð m. warfare, B 2474.

herepād † f. corslet, coat of mail.

her(e)-pað, -pæð m. military road, highway, v. CC 46 and Mdf.

hererǣs m. hostile raid, W 271^2.

hererǣswa † m. commander.

hererēaf f. war spoil, plunder, booty, Æ.

hererinc † m. warrior.

heresceaft m. spear, B 335.

heresceorp n. war-dress, #Fin# 45.

heresīð † m. warlike expedition.

herespēd f. success in war, B 64.

hērespel n. discourse, #Creat# 77.

herestrǣl m. arrow, B 1435.

herestrǣt f. highway, main road, CP 375^9 and #n# (LL 556, 10, 2).

hereswēg m. martial sound, #Ruin# 23.

heresyrce f. corslet, B 1511.

heretēam m. plunder, devastation: predatory excursion.

here-tēma, -tȳma m. army leader, general, king, ruler.

here-toga, -toha m. commander, general, chieftain, Æ, BH; AO, CP. [‘heretoga’; Ger. herzog]

hereðrēat † m. war-band, troop.

hereðrym m. phalanx, WW 411^34.

herewǣd f. mail, armour, B 1897.

herewǣpen n. weapon, #PPs# 34^3.

herewæsma m. prowess, B 677.

herewǣða † m. warrior.

hereweg m. highway, WW 146^33.

hereweorc n. war-work, #El# 656.

herewian = hierwan

herewīc n. dwellings, camp, #Bl#.

herewīsa † m. captain, general.

herewōp m. the cry of an army, #Ex# 460.

hereword n. praise, renown, #Chr# 1009#f#.

herewōsa † m. warrior.

herewulf m. warrior, #Gen# 2015.

herewurd (#HGl# 423) = hereword

herfest = hærfest

herg = hearg

herg- = herg-, hereg-, heri(g)-

hergað m. harrying, plundering, devastation.

hergere m. one who praises, DR. [‘heryer’]

±hergian to ravage, plunder, lay waste, ‘harry,’ AO, Chr; Æ, CP. [‘harrow’; here]

hergoð = hergað

hergung (AO), hergiung f. ‘harrying,’ ravaging, raid, invasion, attack, BH, Chr: plunder, booty: ‘harrowing,’ Æ.

herh = hearg

herian I. to extol, praise, commend, Æ, AO, CP, VPs (æ). [‘hery’] II. = hierwan. III. = hergian. IV. = erian

herig == hearg; v. also here.

herigendlic laudable, commendable, Æ. adv. -līce.

hering = herung

hērinne adv. ‘herein,’ Æ.

herlic = herelic

hērof adv. ‘hereof,’ of this, A.

hēron adv. herein, Ct; LL. [‘hereon’]

hērongean adv. contrarily, in opposition, W 52^8.

hērongemong at this point, in this connection, meanwhile, CP: among others, CP.

her-pað, -poð = herepað

hērra = hēarra, hīerra (v. hēah)

herst- = hierst-

hērsum == hīersum

hērtō thus far, OEG 56^80.

hērtōēacan besides, W.

herð = heorð

herðan pl. ‘testiculi,’ LL 84[65].

herðbelig m. ‘scrotum,’ WW.

herðland (NC 357) = yrðland

herung (eo) f. praise, Æ, CP. [‘herying’]

herutbeg (OEG 54^2) = heorotberge

herw- = hierw-, hirw-

herwið adv. ‘herewith,’ EC 236.

hes- = hys-

hēst = hǣst

hēt pret. 3 sg. of hātan.

hetan to attack, ÆL 35^280.

hete (ea) m. ‘hate,’ envy, malice, hostility, persecution, B, BH, VPs; Æ, AO, CP.

hetegrim † fierce, cruel.

hetel == hetol

hetelic hostile, malignant, horrible, violent, excessive, AO, B. [‘hatelich’] adv. -līce, Æ. [‘hately’]

hetend = hettend

hetenīð † m. hostility, spite, wickedness.

heterōf full of hate, #An# 1422.

heterūn f. charm which produces hate, #Rd# 34^7.

hetesprǣc f. defiant speech, #Gen# 263.

hetesweng m. hostile blow, B 2225.

heteðanc † m. hostile design.

heteðoncol hostile, #Jul# 105.

hetol hating, hostile, evil, Æ, W: violent, severe, RB 67^16.

hetolnes (e^2) f. fierceness, OEG 11^152.

hēton pret. pl. of hātan.

hētt (AO) = hǣt pres. 3 sg. of hātan.

hettend † m. enemy, antagonist.

hettende pres. part. of hatian.

hēðen = hǣðen

hēwen = hǣwen

hī = hēo, hīe

hicemāse f. blue titmouse, WW 132^24.

hicgan = hycgan

hicol m. woodpecker, BC 1·47 (Mdf).

hīd I. fn. a ‘hide’ of land (about 120 acres, but amount varied greatly), BH, LL, v. EC pp 457-461 and LL 2·513. [hīwan] II. = hȳd

hīdan = hȳdan

hidenofer adv. hither.

hider adv. ‘hither,’ to this side, on this side, Æ, Cp, VPs. comp. hideror nearer. h. and ðider (Cp, CP), hidres ðidres (ðædres), Bo, hither and thither.

hidercyme m. advent, arrival, BH. [‘hithercome’]

hidergeond adv. thither, yonder.

hiderryne adj. directed hither.

hidertōcyme = hidercyme

hiderweard adj. and adv. ‘hitherward,’ towards this place, Chr.

hīdgild I. n. tax paid on each hide of land, Ct. [‘hidegeld’] II. = hȳdgild

hidir- = hider-

hīdmǣlum adv. by hides, KC 6·98^4.

hidres v. hider.

hīe I. nap. of hē, hēo, hit. [‘hi, hy’] II. = hēo nasf. of hē. [‘hi, hy’]

hieder = hider

hīeg (ē, ī) n. ‘hay,’ cut grass, G, Lcd, VPs. [hēawan]

hīeghūs (ē, ī) n. hay store, WW. [‘hay-house’]

hīegian (CP) = hīgian

hīegsīðe (ē) m. hay-scythe, GD 37^13.

hīehra, hīehst [‘highest’] v. hēah.

hīehðu (ē, ēa, ȳ) f. (often indecl.) ‘height,’ highest point, summit, Sc: the heavens, heaven, Cr, El, Gu, Sc: glory. [hēah]

±hield (æ, ea, eo, i, y) f. (usu. +) keeping, custody, guard, protection, CP: observance, observation, watching: secret place: protector, guardian.

±hieldan (e, y) intr. to lean, incline, slope, Bo (e): tr. force downwards, bow or bend down, B, Lk (y). [‘hield’]

-hielde (y) v. earfoð-h. [[under “earfoðhylde”]]

hielf (e, y) m. handle, CP, WW. [‘helve’]

hielfling (e) m. mite, farthing, LkL 12^6. [healf]

hiellan to make a noise, #EPs# 82^3.

hielpeð pres. 3 sg. of helpan.

hielt pres. 3 sg. of healdan.

-hieltan (y) v. ā-h. [healt] [[under “āhyltan”]]

hielto f. lameness, MH 116^10 (e, y).

±hīenan (ǣ, ē, ȳ) to fell, prostrate: weaken, crush, afflict, injure, oppress: abase, humble, insult, B, LkL: (+) accuse, condemn, CP. [‘hean’]

hiene as. of hē. [‘hin’]

+hīene (ē) ready to fall, DR 189^16.

hīenend (e^1) m. accuser, JnL p5^9.

hīenðo (ǣ, ē, ȳ) f. humiliation, affliction, oppression, annoyance, CP: loss, damage, harm: act of hanging, DHy 59^7.

hiera gp. of hē, hēo, hit. [‘her’]

hīera = hīerra v. hēah.

±hīeran (ē, ēo, ī, ȳ) tr. and intr. to ‘hear,’ listen (to), B, Mt, Jul, VPs: (w. d.) obey, follow, Æ, Mk; CP: accede to, grant, Bl: be subject to, belong to, A, AO, B, Ct.

±hierdan (i, y) to harden, make hard: strengthen, fortify, confirm, encourage, CP. [heard]

hierde (eo, i, y) m. shepherd, herdsman, CP, G: guardian, keeper, B, Bl, Gen, Met, WW: pastor. [‘herd’]

hierdebōc f. pastoral book (translation of the Cura Pastoralis of Pope Gregory), CP.

hierdebelig (e) m. shepherd’s bag, #Bl# 31^17.

hierdecnapa (y) m. shepherd boy, ÆL 23^418.

hierdelēas (i, y) without a shepherd or pastor, Æ. [‘herdless’]

hierdelic (y) pastoral, CP.

hierdeman m. shepherd, Æ (y). [‘herdsman’]

hierdewyrt (i) f. name of a plant, #Lcd#.

±hierdnes (eo, i, y) f. custody, watch, guard.

hierdung (y) f. strengthening, restoring, WW 150^34.

hiere gds. of hēo. [‘her’]

hīered = hīred

hīereman (ē, ī, ȳ) m. retainer, servant, subject, hearer, parishioner, CP. [hīeran]

+hīerend m. hearer, CP.

+hīerendlic ‘auditus,’ #LPs# 142^8 (ē^1); ‘audiendus,’ #ÆGr# 152^6 (ȳ).

+hīering (ē) f. hearing, hearsay, #LPs# 111^7.

hīeringman (e^1) m. subject, A 11·377^149.

hīernes (ē, ȳ) f. (+) hearing, report: (±) obedience, subjection, allegiance, CP: jurisdiction, district.

hierra = hearra

hīerra v. hēah. [‘higher’]

±hierstan (e, i, y) to fry, roast, scorch, pain, CP. [cp. OHG. giharsten]

hierste (e, y) f. hierstepanne (ea, y) f. frying-pan, CP.

hiersting (y) f. frying, burning, CP.

hierstinghlāf (e) m. crust, WW 372^18.

±hīersum (ē, ēa, ī, ȳ) w. d. obedient, docile, BH (ȳ), Gu (ēa). [‘hearsum’]

±hīersumian (i, y) w. d. to obey, serve, BH (ēa), Mt (ȳ); AO: (+) reduce, subject, conquer, #Chr#. [‘hearsum’]

±hīersumnes (ī, ȳ) f. obedience, submission, BH (ȳ); CP. [‘hersumnesse’]

±hiertan (e, eo, y) to cheer, encourage, CP; Æ. [‘heart’; heort]

±hierwan (e, i, y) to abuse, blaspheme, condemn, illtreat: to deride, despise.

hierwend (i) m. blasphemer.

hierwendlic contemptible. adv. -līce (e) with contempt.

hierwing (y) f. blasphemy, #Sc# 137^12.

hierwnes (i, y) f. contempt, reproach: blasphemy, W 70^12.

hīew == hīw

hīewestān m. hewn stone, AO 212^10.

hīewet (ȳ) n. cutting, CP. [hēawan]

hīewian = hīwian

hīewð (CP) pres. 3 sg. of hēawan.

hīf- (v. OEG 3913) = hīw-

hig = hīe I.

hīg == hīeg

hīgan = hīwan

hige == hyge

hīgendlīce quickly, immediately, MF (Vesp. D xiv). [hīgian]

higera m., higere f. jay, magpie, jackdaw, woodpecker. [Ger. häher]

higgan = hycgan

hīgian to ‘hie,’ exert oneself, strive, hasten, Bl, Bo, CP.

hīgid = hīd

hīglā ‘heu!’ #RPs# 119^5.

higlēast = hygelēast

hīgna v. hīwan.

hīgo (N) = hīwan

higora = higera

higre = higere [[under “higera”]]

hīgscipe = hīwscipe

hīgð f. exertion, effort, ZDA. [‘hight’]

hīgung f. effort, GD 254^34.

hihsan = hyscan

hiht == hyht

hihting f. exultation, gladness, WW 233^42.

hīhðo = hīehðu

hilc = hylc

hild I. † f. war, battle, combat. II. = hield, hyldo

hildbedd n. deathbed, #An# 1094.

hildebill † n. sword.

hildeblāc deadly pale, B 2488.

hildebord † n. buckler.

hildecalla m. war-herald, #Ex# 252.

hildecorðor n. warlike band, #Ap# 41.

hildecyst f. valour, B 2598.

hildedēoful n. demon, #PPs# 95^5.

hildedēor war-fierce, brave, Æ.

hildefreca † m. warrior.

hildefrōfor f. war-help, sword? shield? #Wald# 2^12.

hildegeatwe † fp. war-harness.

hildegesa m. terror of battle, #El# 113.

hildegicel m. battle-icicle (blood dripping from a sword), B 1606.

hildegiest m. enemy, #Rd# 54^9.

hildegrædig † eager for battle.

hildegrāp † f. hostile grip.

hildeheard bold in battle, #Ap# 21.

hildehlem † m. crash of battle.

hildelēoma † m. Gleam of battle (name of a sword), B.

hildelēoð n. war-song, #Jud# 211.

hildemēce m. sword, B 2202.

hildemecg m. warrior, B 799.

hildenǣdre † f. war-snake, arrow.

hildepīl † m. dart, javelin.

hilderǣs m. charge, attack, B 300.

hilderand m. shield, B 1242.

hilderinc † m. warrior, hero.

hildesæd battle-worn, B 2723.

hildesceorp n. armour, B 2155.

hildescūr m. shower of darts, #Gu# 1116.

hildeserce f. corslet, #El# 234.

hildesetl m. saddle, B 1039.

hildespell n. warlike speech, #Ex# 573.

hildestrengo f. vigour for battle, B 2113.

hildeswāt m. vapour of battle? B 2558.

hildeswēg m. sound of battle, #Gen# 1991.

hildetorht shining in battle, #Met# 25^9.

hildetux m. tusk (as weapon), B 1511.

hildeðremma m. warrior, #Jul# 64.

hildeðrymm ‡ m., hildeðrȳð ‡ f., warlike strength, valour.

hildewǣpen m. weapon of war, B 39.

hildewīsa m. commander, B 1064.

hildewōma † m. crash of battle.

hildewrǣsn f. fetter for captives, #Sol# 292.

hildewulf m. hero, #Gen# 2051.

hildfreca = hildefreca

hildfrom valiant in war, #An# 1204.

hildfruma † m. battle-chief, prince, emperor.

hildlata † m. laggard in battle, coward.

hildstapa m. warrior, #An# 1260.

hildðracu f. onset of battle, #Gen# 2157.

hileð = hilð

hilhāma = hyllehāma

hill = hyll, hell

hilman helmet, cover, #Gl#. [helm]

+hilman = helmian

hilpestu = hilpest ðu (pres. 2 sg. of helpan and pron. 2 pers. sing.)

hilpeð, hilpð pres. 3 sg. of helpan.

hilt I. pres. 3 sg. of healdan. II. mn. = hilte

hilte fn. handle, ‘hilt’ (of sword), B, WW; (pl. = sg.) Æ, B, Sol.

hiltecumbor n. banner with a staff, B 1022 (or ? hilde-).

hilted ‘hilted,’ with a hilt, B.

hilting m. sword, OEG 758.

hiltlēas having no hilt, WW 142^34.

±hiltu np. (as sg.) hilt.

hilð pres. 3 sg. of helan.

him ds. of hē, dp. of hē, hēo, hit. [‘him’]

himming (Cp 1557) = hemming

hīna v. hīwan.

hinan = heonan [[under “heona”]]

hīnan = hīenan

-hinca v. helle-h.

hind (y) f. ‘hind,’ (female deer), Æ, Chr, WW.

hindan from behind, behind, in the rear, Æ, AO. æt h. behind, Æ. [Ger. hinten]

hindanweard ‡ adv. hindwards, at the end.

hindberge f. raspberry, Cp, Ep, Lcd. [‘hindberry’]

hindbrēr m. raspberry bush, #Lcd# 146b (hinde-).

hindcealf mn. fawn, WW. [‘hindcalf’]

hindema † superl. adj. hindmost, last.

hinder adj. after (thought), sad (thought), MF (Vesp. D xiv): adv. behind, back, after, in the farthest part, down. on h. backwards, Æ. [Ger. hinter]

hindergēap wily, cunning, deceitful, WW. [‘hinderyeap’]

hindergenga m. one who walks backwards, OEG 26^23: apostate, OEG 5^16.

hinderhōc m. trick, #Mod# 34.

hinderling I. m. mean wretch, sneak, LL 665´. II. adv. in phr. ‘on hinderling’ backwards, PPs. [‘hinderling’]

hindernes f. wickedness, guile, NC 301; MF 166.

hinderscipe m. wickedness, DHy, OEG.

hinderðēostru np. nether darkness, #PPs# 85^12.

hinderweard backward, slow.

hindeweard reversed, wrong end first, from behind, CP.

hindfalod n. hind-fold, KC 6·112^31.

hind-hæleðe, -heoloð(e) f. ‘ambrosia,’ water agrimony, WW. [v. ‘hindheal’]

±hindrian to ‘hinder,’ check, repress, Chr, LL.

hindsīð (#Bl#) = hinsīð

hine I. as. of hē. II. = heonan [[under “heona”]]

hīne = hīwene [[form of “hīwen”?]]

hinfūs † ready to depart or die.

hingang † m. departure, death.

hingrian (Bl; Æ) = hyngrian [[under “hyngran”]]

hinn- = hin-

hinon = heonan [[under “heona”]]

hinsīð † m. departure, death. [heonan] [[under “heona”]]

hinsīðgryre m. fear of death, #Sat# 456.

hīo v. hē.

hio- = heo-

hionne? f. ‘dura mater,’ LL 5[36].

hior = heorr

hīored = hīred

hīowesclīce = hīwisclīce [[form of “hīwisc”]]

hip- = hyp-

hipsful (OEG 11^180) = hyspful

hīr = hȳr

hir- = hier-

hīr- = hēor-, hīer-

hira gp. of hē, hēo, hit.

hire gds. of hēo. [‘her’]

hīred (ēo, īe, ȳ) m. household, family, retinue, AO, Bo, Mt, WW: brotherhood, company, Æ, Ct. [‘hird’]

hīredcniht m. member of a household, Æ.

hīredcūð domestic, familiar, #Sc# 203^13.

hīredgerēfa m. ‘ex-consul,’ WW 110^6.

hīredlic pertaining to a household or court, domestic, familiar.

hīredman m. retainer, follower, Æ, Ma. [‘hirdman’]

hīredprēost m. chaplain, EC 255.

hīredwīfman m. female member of a household, TC 531^6.

hīredwist f. familiarity, #Sc# 203^12.

his gs. of hē. [‘his’]

hīs (BH) = īs

hīsc- = hȳsc-

hispan = hyspan

hisse = hyse

hit v. hē. [‘it’]

hittan (y) to fall in with, meet with, ‘hit’ upon, Chr 1066. [ON. hitta]

hīð- = hyð-

hiðer = hider

hiu (NG) = hēo

hīw (ēo, īe, ȳ) n. appearance, form, species, kind, Æ, Bl, WW: apparition, WW 236^8: ‘hue,’ colour, A, Bl: beauty: figure of speech.

hīwan mp. (gen. hīwna, hī(g)na) members of a family, household or religious house, Chr, G; Æ. [‘hind,’ ‘hewe’]

hīwbeorht † radiant, beautiful.

hīwcund (hīl-) familiar, domestic.

hīwcūð (īe) familiar, well-known, Æ, CP.

hīwcūðlic domestic: familiar, GD 32. adv. -līce familiarly.

+hīwcūðlician to make known or familiar to, NC 294.

hīwcūðnes f. familiarity, GD 71^24; 140^7.

hīwcūðrǣdnes f. familiarity, WW 191^24.

hīwen n. household, Æ. [‘hewen’]

hīwere m. dissembler, hypocrite, Æ.

hīwfæger comely of form, MFH 167.

hīwfæst comely, fair, OEG.

hīwgedāl n. divorce, G.

±hīwian I. to form, fashion, WW: colour: dissimulate, feign, pretend, Æ: figure, signify, Æ: (+) transform, transfigure. [‘hue,’ ‘hued’] II. to marry, CP 318^1.

hīwiend, hīwigend ‘informator,’ OEG 365? ‘meditator,’ GPH 390.

hīwisc n. household, Æ: hide (of land v. hīd). adv. -līce familiarly.

+hīwlǣcan to form, shape, fashion, NC 294.

hīwlēas shapeless, WW: colourless, Lcd. [‘hueless’]

hīwlic comely, #Lcd#, OEG.

hīwna v. hīwan.

hīwrǣden f. family, household, religious house, Æ.

hīwscipe m. family, household: hide (of land), CC 127.

hīwð pres. 3 sg. of hēawan.

hīwung I. (ēo, ȳ) f. (±) appearance, likeness, form, figure: pretence, hypocrisy, Æ. II. f. marriage, AO 64^24.

hlacerian to deride, mock, #LPs# 24^3.

hlacerung f. unseemly behaviour, or words, #LPs# 43^14.

±hladan^6 (æ, ea) to ‘lade,’ draw, or take in water, Æ, JnR: heap up, lay on, build, load, burden, B, Gen, Rd; CP.

hladung f. drawing (‘haustus’), DHy 58^6.

hlǣ = hlǣw

hlæd n. heap? burden? CP 21^160. [‘lade’]

hlædder (Bl), hlæddre = hlǣder

hlæddisc m. loaded dish? WW 126^39.

hlædel m. ‘ladle,’ A, ZDA.

hlæden I. m. bucket, WW 123^5. II. pp. of hladan.

hlǣder f. ‘ladder,’ A, Æ; CP.

hlǣderwyrt f. ladder-wort, Jacob’s ladder, #Lcd#.

hlædhweogl n. water-wheel, wheel for drawing up water, WW 347^7.

hlædst = hlætst pres. 2 sg. of hladan.

hlædtrendel m. wheel for drawing water, OEG 502.

hlǣfdige (ā, ē) f. mistress (over servants), LL, VPs (ā), WW: chatelaine, ‘lady,’ queen, Chr, Ct: the Virgin Mary, Cr. sēo ealde h. the queen dowager, #Chr# 1051#c#.

hlæfl = læfel

+hlǣg n. derision, scorn, #Dom# 15.

hlægulian (Cp 317) = hlagolian

hlæhan (N, #VPs#) = hliehhan

hlæhter = hleahtor

hlǣnan I. to cause to lean, #Jul# 63. II. = lǣnan

-hlǣnan v. ā-hl.

hlǣne ‘lean,’ Æ; AO.

±hlǣnian to become lean, CP: make lean, starve, CP. [‘lean’]

hlǣnnes f. ‘leanness,’ Æ, OEG.

±hlǣnsian to make lean, weaken, OEG. [‘lense’]

hlǣpewince (WW) = lēapewince [[headword spelled “hlēapewince”]]

hlæst n. burden, load, freight, B, Rd. holmes h. finny tribe. [‘last’]

+hlæstan (e) to load, burden, BH: adorn, #Jud# 36. [v. ‘last’ vb.]

hlæsting f. toll on loading a ship, TC 359.

hlæstscip n. trading-vessel, Cp 147#h#.

hlæt = læt

hlætst pres. 2 sg. of hladan.

hlǣw † (ā) mn. mound, cairn, hill, mountain, B: grave-yard, barrow, Met: hollow mound, cave. [‘low’]

hlāf m. ‘loaf,’ bread, food, A, JnL, MtL; Æ, AO, CP.

hlāfǣta m. (‘loaf-eater’), dependant, LL.

hlāfbrytta m. slave in charge of the bread-store? EC 255.

hlāfdie (#VPs#) = hlǣfdige

hlāfgang m. attendance at, or participation in, a meal, RB: procession with the host, LL.

hlāf-gebrece ‡, -gebroc n. bit of bread.

hlāfhwǣte m. bread-wheat, TC 144^34.

hlāflēast f. want of bread.

hlāfmæsse f. ‘Lammas’ (August 1), AO; Æ.

hlāfmæssedæg m. Lammas-day.

hlāfofn m. baker’s oven, WW 411^8.

hlāford m. ‘lord,’ master, ruler, A, AO, B, Chr, G; Æ, CP: husband, Ct: the Lord, God, Æ. [hlāf, weard]

hlāforddōm m. lordship, authority, CP: patronage. [‘lorddom’]

hlāfordhyldo f. loyalty, AO.

hlāfording m. lord, master, W 298^7.

hlāfordlēas without a lord, leaderless, B. [‘lordless’]

hlāfordlic ‘lordly,’ noble, OEG 187^1.

hlāfordscipe m. ‘lordship,’ authority, rule, CP: ‘dominatio’ (title of an order of angels), ÆH 1·342^32.

hlāfordsearu fn. high treason, LL.

hlāfordsōcn f. act of seeking the protection of a lord, LL.

hlāfordswica m. traitor, Lcd; Æ. [‘lordswike’]

hlāfordswice m. high treason, treachery.

hlāford-swīcung (MFN 167; W 225^28), -syrwung (LL 16n5) f. betrayal of one’s lord, treason.

hlāfordðrimm m. dominion, power, NC 302.

hlāfræce f. oven-rake, OEG 53^43 (hlāb-).

hlāfsēnung f. blessing of bread (on Lammas-day), MH 136^1.

hlāfurd = hlāford

hlagol inclined to laugh, W 40^8.

hlagolian (æ) to sound.

hlāmmæsse = hlāfmæsse

hlanc ‘lank,’ lean, thin, Jud, PPs.

hland (o) n. urine, Lcd. [‘lant’]

hlaðian = laðian

hlāw = hlǣw

hleadan = hladan

hleahter = hleahtor

hleahterful scornful, #Guth#.

hleahterlic ridiculous, #Guth#.

hleahtor (e) m. ‘laughter,’ jubilation, B, Bl, CP, Sc: derision.

hleahtorsmið m. laughter-maker, #Ex# 43.

hleahtrian (e) to deride, #LPs# 21^8.

hlēapan^7 to ‘leap,’ run, go, jump, dance, spring, Æ, B, BH, Chr, CP: (+) leap upon, mount (a horse).

hlēapere m. runner, courier, Chr: ‘leaper,’ dancer, WW: itinerant monk, RB 135^20.

hlēapestre f. female dancer, WW 311^33.

hlēapettan v. to leap up, BH 390^9.

hlēapewince f. ‘lapwing,’ WW.

hlēapung f. dancing, Æ. [‘leaping’]

hlēat pret. 3 sg. of hlēotan.

hlec leaky, CP, OEG. [v. ‘leak’]

hlecan^5 to cohere, CP 361^20.

hleda, hlede m. seat, #ÆGr# 34^3.

hlēf = hlǣw

-hlēfan (oe) v. ā-hl.

hlēga (LkL 6^16) = lǣwa

hlehhan = hliehhan

hleht- = hleaht-

hlem m. sound, CP.

hlemman to cause to sound, clash, #Whale# 61. [hlimman]

hlēnan = lǣnan

hlence f. coat of mail, #Ex# 218.

hlennan = hlynnan

hlenortēar m. hyssop, #LPs# 50^8.

hlēo † m? n? (hlēow), gs. hlēowes (only found in sg.) covering, refuge, defence, shelter, protection, Cr, PPs: protector, lord. [‘lee’]

hlēo- = hlēow-

hlēobord n. book-cover, #Rd# 27^12.

hlēoburh † f. protecting city.

hlēod = hlōd

+hleodu pl. of +hlid.

hlēofæst consoling, protecting, #Cr#, RB.

hlēohræscnes f. ‘supplantatio’? #LPs# 40^10.

hlēolēas † without shelter, comfortless.

hleomoc m? hleomoce f. speedwell, Lcd. [v. ‘brooklime’]

hlēon = hlēowan

hleon- = hlin-

hlēonað m. shelter, #Gu# 222.

hlēonian to thrive, #Ph# 25.

hlēop pret. 3 sg. of hlēapan.

hlēor n. cheek, Lcd, WW: face, countenance, Ep, Gu. [‘leer’]

hlēoran (ÆL) = lēoran

hlēorbān n. (cheek-bone), temple, #LPs# 131^5.

hlēorbolster m. pillow, B 688.

hlēordropa m. tear, #Gu# 1315.

hlēorsceamu f. confusion of face, #PPs# 68^8.

hlēorslæge m. a blow on the cheek, CP 261^6.

hlēortorht beautiful, #Rd# 69^6.

hlēosceorp n. sheltering robe, #Rd# 10^5.

hlēotan^1 to cast lots, Æ, AO: (±) get by lot, obtain.

hlēoð = (1) hlēowð; (2) pres. pl. of hlēowan.

hlēoðor n. noise, sound, voice, melody, song: hearing.

+hlēoðor harmonious, BH 60^18.

hlēoðorcwide † m. speaking, words, discourse, song, prophecy.

hlēoðorcyme m. coming with trumpet-sound, #Da# 710.

hlēoðorstede ‡ m. place of conference.

hlēoðrian to sound, speak, sing, cry aloud, resound, proclaim, Æ.

hlēoðrung f. reproof, #SPs# 37^11.

hleoðu v. hlið.

hlēow == hlēo

+hlēow I. warm, sunny, Nar. adv. hlēowe Lcd. [v. ‘lew’] II. = +hlōw

±hlēowan (ī, ȳ) (±) to warm, make warm, cherish, Bl: become warm or hot. [‘lew’]

hlēowdryhten m. protector, patron, #Wid# 94.

hlēowfeðre fp. sheltering wings, #Gen# 2740.

hlēowlora m. one who has lost a protector, #Gen# 1953.

hlēowmǣg † m. kinsman who is bound to afford protection.

hlēowon pret. pl. of hlōwan.

hlēowstede m. sunny place, WW 336^50.

hlēowstōl m. shelter, asylum, #Gen# 2011.

hlēowð (ī, ȳ) f. shelter, covering, warmth, Æ. [‘lewth’]

±hlēowung (ī) f. shelter, protection, favour.

hlestan = hlæstan, hlystan

hlet (#KGl#) pres. 3 sg. of hladan.

hlēt (#VPs#; MkR) = hlīet

+hlēða † m. companion, denizen. [hlōð]

hlēðrian = hlēoðrian

hlēw = hlǣw

hlēwesa = lēwsa

hlēwð pres. 3 sg. of hlōwan.

hlid I. n. ‘lid,’ covering, door, gate, opening, Æ. II. = hlið

+hlid n. (nap. hlidu, hleodu) covering, vault, roof.

hlīdan^1 to come forth, spring up, #PPs# 79^11?

hlidfæst closed by a lid, Æ.

hlidgeat n. swing-gate, folding-door, EC; Æ; Mdf. [‘lidgate’]

+hlidod (eo) provided with a lid, BH 320^10. [‘lidded’]

hliehhan^6 (e, i, y) to laugh, Æ, CP: (±) laugh at, deride, Æ, MtL: rejoice. [‘laugh’]

hlīep (ȳ) mf., hlīepe f. ‘leap,’ bound, spring, sudden movement, Cr, Lcd: thing to leap from, AO: (?) v. CC 54.

-hlīepe v. stæð-hl. [[headword spelled “stæðhlȳpe”]]

-hlīeplīce v. stæð-hl. [[headword spelled “stæðhlȳplīce”]]

hlīepen pres. pl. of hlēapan.

hlīepgeat (ȳ) n. a low gate, KC. [‘leapgate’]

hlīet (ē) m. lot, chance, fortune, CP.

hlīfend (hlīb-) threatening, Cp 223#m#.

hlīfian to rise high, tower, overhang.

hlīgan^{1?} to attribute (to), CP, #Da#.

hligsa (CP) = hlīsa

hlihan, hlihcan, hlihhan = hliehhan

hlimman^3 (y) to sound, resound, roar, rage.

hlimme † f. stream, torrent.

hlin I. m. maple-tree, #Rd# 56^9. [Ger. lehne] II. = hlynn

hlinbedd n. sick-bed, couch, B 3034.

hlinc m. ridge, bank, rising ground, hill, EC, Ph; Mdf. [‘link’]

hlincrǣw f. bank of turf, EC 370.

hlinduru † f. latticed door.

±hlinian (eo, y) to ‘lean,’ B (eo); Æ: recline, lie down, rest, Jn, MkL; CP.

hlinræced † n. prison.

hlin-scūa †, -scuwa † m. darkness of confinement.

hlinsian = hlynsian

hlinung f. ‘leaning,’ Lk: seat, couch.

hlīosa = hlīsa

hlīpð pres. 3 sg. of hlēapan.

hlīra = līra

hlīsa (īo, ȳ) m. sound: fame, rumour, renown, glory, CP.

hlīsbǣre renowned, OEG.

hlīsēadig renowned, famed, #Bo#.

hlīsēadignes f. renown, #Bo# 75^28.

hlīsful of good repute, famous, Æ. adv. -līce, Æ, AO.

hlīsig renowned, OEG 8^250.

hlistan = hlystan

hlið I. † n. (nap. hleoðu) cliff, precipice, slope, hill-side, hill, An, B; Mdf. [‘lith’] II. == hlid

hlīw == hlēow

hloccetung f. sighing.

hlōd pret. 3 sg. of haldan.

hlodd = hlot

hlōgon pret. pl., hlōh pret. 3 sg. of hliehhan.

hlom (WW 117^25), hlond = hland

hlōse f. pigsty, LL 454[10]; NC 302; Mdf.

hlosnere m. listener, OEG 2333.

hlosnian to listen: wait, Æ: be on the look out for, spy, Æ. hlosniend ‘attonitus.’

hlot, hlott n. ‘lot,’ part, portion, share, Æ, BC, Bl, G: (+) choice, decision, Æ, AO.

hloten pp. of hleotan. [[headword spelled “hlēotan”]]

+hlotland n. allotted land, inheritance, Æ.

hlōð f. troop, crowd, band, company, AO: booty, spoil: complicity with a band of robbers.

hlōðbōt f. penalty imposed on a member of a gang of malefactors, LL.

hlōðere m. robber. [hlōð]

hlōðgecrod n. mass of troops, #Rd# 4^63.

hlōðian to spoil, plunder, BH.

hlōðsliht m. murder by a member of a gang of malefactors, LL 18[29].

+hlōw n. lowing, bellowing, Æ.

hlōwan^7 to low, roar, bellow, Æ.

hlōwung f. lowing, bleating, bellowing, WW 192^7; 195^13.

hlūd adj. comp. hlūdre, hluddre ‘loud,’ sonorous, CP; Æ.

hlūdclipol loud, noisy, RBL 35^11 (hlūt-).

hluddre v. hlūd.

hlūde adv. loudly, aloud, Bl; Æ, CP. [‘loud’]

hlūdnes f. clamour, noise, A 8·332. [‘loudness’]

hlūdstefne loud sounding, WW 416^18.

hlūdswēge adv. loudly, Æ.

hlummon pret. pl. of hlimman.

hlupon pret. pl. of hlēapan.

hluton pret. pl. of hlēotan.

hlūtor, hlūttor (e^2) gsm. hlūtres pure, clear, bright, sincere, Æ, CP. [Ger. lauter] adv. -līce.

hlūtorlicnes = hlūtornes

hlūtornes f. clearness, brightness, simplicity, purity, Æ.

hlūtre I. adv. clearly, brightly. II. ds. of hlūtor.

hlūtter, hlūttor = hlūtor

±hlūttrian wv. to clear, purify, make bright: to become clear.

hlyd = hlid

±hlȳd f. noise, sound: (+) tumult, disturbance, dissension. [hlūd]

Hlȳda m. March, Lcd. [‘Lide’; hlūd]

hlȳdan to make a noise, sound, clamour, vociferate, Æ, CP. [hlūd]

hlȳde f. torrent, BC (Mdf).

hlȳdig garrulous, OEG 1418. [hlūd]

hlȳding f. noise, cry, MtL 25^6 (lȳ-).

hlyhhan = hliehhan

hlymman = hlimman

hlyn = hlynn

hlynian = (1) hlynnan; (2) hlinian

±hlynn I. m. sound, noise, din, tumult, AO. II. f. torrent, JnL. [‘linn’]

hlynnan to make a noise, resound, shout, roar.

hlynrian to thunder, WW 519^34.

hlynsian † (i) to resound.

hlȳp == hlīep

hlȳsa (Æ) = hlīsa

hlȳsfullīce = hlīsfullīce [[form of “hlīsful”]]

hlysnan to ‘listen,’ MtL; Cp.

hlysnere m. hearer, DR 29^4 (ly-).

±hlyst f. sense of hearing, Æ, Lcd: listening. [‘list’]

±hlystan (e, i) to listen, hear, CP; Æ: attend to, obey, Lk. [‘list’]

+hlyste audible, NC 294.

hlystend, hlystere m. listener, Æ.

+hlystful attentive, gracious, #LPs# 89^13.

hlystung f. act of listening, #Kl#.

hlȳt, hlȳte m. lot, portion, Æ: band, troop.

hlyta = hlytta

+hlyta m. companion. [hlot]

hlȳtere m. clergyman, priest, NC 302.

hlytm m. casting of lots, B 3126?

hlytman to decide by lot, MFH 167.

hlytta m. diviner, soothsayer, AO 184^26. [hlot]

+hlytto fellowship, DR.

hlyttor (#HGl# 418) = hluttor, hlūtor

hlȳttrian to purify, #ÆGr# 222^7.

hlȳttrung f. cleaning, refining, WW 179^36.

-hlȳðan (= īe) v. be-hl.

hlȳðre = lȳðre

hlȳw- = hlēow-

hlȳwing = hlēowung

hnacod = nacod

hnǣcan = nǣcan

±hnǣgan I. to bow down, bend, humble, curb, vanquish. [hnīgan] II. to ‘neigh,’ ÆGr. III. = nǣgan

hnǣgung f. ‘neighing,’ ÆGr, Cp.

hnæpp m. bowl, OEG, WW. [‘nap’; Ger. napf]

hnæpp- = hnapp-

hnæppan to strike, #Bo# 130^19,20.

hnæsce = hnesce

+hnǣst, +hnāst n. collision, conflict, battle. [hnītan]

hnāg, hnāh I. bent down, abject, poor, humble, lowly: niggardly. II. pret. 3 sg. of hnīgan.

hnappian (æ, e, ea) to doze, slumber, sleep, CP, Mt; Æ. [‘nap’]

hnappung (æ, ea) f. napping, dozing, slumbering, CP.

hnāt pret. 3 sg. of hnītan.

hneap- (#VPs#) = hnap-

hnēaw mean, niggardly, stingy, miserly, CP. [Ger. genau] adv. -līce.

hnēawnes f. meanness, CP.

hnecca m. ‘neck,’ Æ, CP.

hnēgan = (1) nǣgan; (2) hnǣgan

hneofule f. = hnifol

-hnēopan v. ā-h. [cp. Goth. dishniupan]

hneoton pret. pl. of hnītan.

hneppian (#KGl#) = hnappian

hnesce (æ, i, y) soft, tender, mild, CP: weak, delicate, Æ: slack, negligent, CP: effeminate, wanton, Æ. [‘nesh’]

±hnescian to make soft, soften, Æ, CPs: become soft, give way, waver, CP, Lcd; ÆL. [‘nesh’]

hnesclic soft, luxurious, effeminate, AO. adv. -līce softly, gently, tenderly, CP. [‘neshly’]

hnescnes f. softness, weakness, effeminacy, CP, Lcd, MtL; Æ: soft part of anything. [‘neshness’]

hnett (MtL 4^18) = nett

hnexian (Æ) = hnescian

hnifol m. brow, forehead.

hnifol-crumb, -crump inclined, leaning over, prone, WW.

hnīgan^1 to bow oneself, bend, bow down: fall, decline, sink. [Ger. neigen]

hnigian to bend down (the head), #Lcd# 7a.

hniglan = hnygelan

hnipend bending, lowly, #HGl# 436.

hnipian to bow down, Met, OEG; Æ: bow the head, look gloomy, CP. [‘nipe’]

hnippan? to sink down, OEG 1579n.

hnisce (MkR 13^28) = hnesce

hnītan^1 to thrust, butt, knock, come into collision with, encounter.

hnitol thrusting forwards, addicted to butting (of an ox).

hnitu f. louse-egg, ‘nit,’ Ep, Lcd; Æ.

hnoll m. top, crown of the head, Æ, VPs. [‘noll’]

hnossian to strike, #Rd# 6^7.

hnot bare, bald, ‘close-cropped,’ ÆGr. [‘not’]

hnutbēam m. nut tree.

hnutcyrnel mn. kernel of a nut, #Lcd#.

hnutu f. gs. and nap. hnyte ‘nut,’ Erf, Lcd, MtR; Mdf.

+hnycned wrinkled? #Lcd# 97a.

hnydele = hydele

hnygelan (i) pl. clippings, WW.

hnȳlung f. reclining, WW 153^24.

+hnyscan to crush, MtR 21^44. [hnesce]

hnysce = hnesce

+hnyst contrite, †#PsC# 127.

hnyte gs. and nap. of hnutu.

hō = hōh

hōbanca m. couch, WW 280^12. [hōh]

hōc m. ‘hook,’ BH, WW: angle, Mt, Nar.

hocc m. mallow, Cp, Lcd. [‘hock’]

hōcede curved, KC. [‘hooked’]

hōcer = hōcor

-hōciht v. heoru-h.

hōcīsern n. small sickle, WW 235^1.

hoclēaf n. mallow, #Lcd#.

hōcor n. insult, derision, W 164^17.

hōcorwyrde derisive, scornful, W 164^13.

hōd m. ‘hood,’ Ep, WW.

hof n. enclosure, court, dwelling, building, house, hall: temple, sanctuary. [Ger. hof]

hōf I. m. ‘hoof,’ Run, WW; Æ. II. pret. 3 sg. of hebban.

hofding m. chief, leader. [ON. höfðingi]

hōfe f. ‘hove,’ alehoof (plant), Lcd, WW.

hofer m. hump, #Gl#: swelling.

hoferede humpbacked, CP, Lcd, WW. [‘hovered’]

hoferiend, +hoferod (ÆL) = hoferede

-hōfian v. be-h.

hōflic pertaining to a court, OEG 2996.

+hōfod hoofed, ÆL 25^44.

hōfon pret. pl. of hebban.

hofor == hofer

hōf-rec, -ræc n. hoof-track, bridle-track, #Lcd#.

hofrede confined to the house, bedridden, WW 162^8.

hōfring m. print of a horse’s hoof (= hōfhring) OEG 18.

hofweard m. ædile, WW 111^20.

hog- = hoh-

hoga I. careful, prudent, DR, MtL. [‘howe’] II. m. fear, care: attempt, struggle, OEG 8^283.

hoga- = hog-, hoh-

hogade = hogode

hogde pret. of hycgan or hogian.

hogelēas free from care, NC 303.

hogg hog, NC 302.

±hogian to care for, think about, reflect, busy oneself with, Æ: intend, strive, wish for. [hyge]

hogode pret. of hogian.

hogu f. care, Æ.

hogung f. endeavour, DHy 8^12.

hōh m., gs. hōs, nap. hōas, hōs, dp. hōum hough, heel, Æ, Jn, Ps. on h. behind: point of land, Ct, Nar; Mdf. [‘ho,’ ‘hoe’]

hoh-fæst, hog(a)- (NG) prudent, cautious, wise.

hōhfōt m. heel, #LPs# 55^7.

hohful (hoga-, N) careful, thoughtful, Æ: full of care, anxious, pensive, sad, Ct, Sc. [‘howful’]

hohfulnes f. care, trouble, KC 3·349^11.

hōh-hwyrfing, -hwerfing f. heel-turning, circle? v. OEG 18n.

hohlīce (hog-) prudently, LkL 16^8.

hohmōd sad, sorrowful, W 72^8.

hōhscanca m. leg, shank, #Lcd# 14a.

hohscipe (hoga-) m. prudence, N.

hōhsinu f. sinew of the heel, Æ, Lcd. [‘hough-sinew’]

-hōhsnian v. on-h.

hōhspor n. heel, WW 160^26.

hol I. hollow, #Lcd#: depressed, lying in a hollow, CP, Ct, MH. [‘holl’] II. n. hollow place, cave, hole, den, Ct, Lk, Met, WW; AO, Æ: perforation, aperture, Cp. [‘hole,’ ‘holl’]

hōl n. calumny, slander, Æ.

-hola v. oter-h.

+hola m. protector, defender, Æ. [helan]

holc n? holca? m. hole, cavity, Lcd. [‘holk’]

hold I. gracious, friendly, kind, favourable, AO, B; Æ: true, faithful, loyal, Æ, LL; CP: acceptable, pleasant. [‘hold’; ON. hollr] adv. holde graciously, loyally, Ps. [‘holde’] II. n. dead body, carcase, Mt; Æ. [‘hold’; ON. hold] III. m. holder of allodial land, ranking below a jarl (Danish word), LL: military chief, MkR 6^21. [ON. holdr]

holdāð m. oath of allegiance, #Chr#.

holdelīce = holdlīce

holdhlāford m. gracious lord, liege lord, #Chr# 1014#e#.

holdian to cut up, disembowel, ÆL 23^73. [hold II.]

holdlic faithful, friendly, OEG 50^29. adv. -līce graciously, Æ, WW: faithfully, loyally. [‘holdely’]

holdrǣden f. fidelity, faithful service, ÆH 2·150^30.

holdscipe m. loyalty, allegiance, #Chr#.

holecerse a plant, #Lcd#.

holegn = holen I.

holen I. m. ‘holly,’ Cp, WW; Æ; Mdf. adj. of holly, Lcd. II. pp. of helan.

hōlenga = hōlinga

holenlēaf n. holly leaf, #Lcd# 127a.

holenrind f. holly bark, #Lcd# 29b.

holenstybb m. holly-stump.

holh (CP), holg n. gs. hōles hole, ‘hollow.’

holian to hollow out, scoop out, Æ: to become hollow, be perforated, Æ. [‘hole’]

hōlian to oppress, Ps. [‘hole’]

+holian to obtain, CP 209^19.

holing f. hollow place, GD 113^11.

hōlinga adv. in vain, without reason.

holl = hol II.

hollēac n. onion? WW 270^29. [‘holleke’]

holm m. †wave, sea, ocean, water, B: in prose, esp. in place-names island (esp. in a river or creek), Chr. [‘holm’]

holmærn n. ship, #Gen# 1422.

holmclif † n. sea-cliff, rocky shore.

holmeg adj. of the sea, #Ex# 118.

holmmægen n. force of the waves, #Rd# 3^9.

holm-ðracu † f., gs. -ðræce restless sea.

holmweall m. wall of sea water, #Ex# 467.

holmweard (#An# 359) = helmweard

holmweg m. sea-path, #An# 382.

holmwylm m. billows, B 2411.

holnes f. hollow place, GD 99^22 (o).

hōlonga = hōlinga

holpen pp. of helpan.

holrian = heolorian

holstæf m. ‘apex,’ tittle, MtR 5^18.

holt nm. forest, wood, grove, thicket, Æ, B; CP; Mdf: wood, timber, Jul. [‘holt’]

holt-hana, -ana m. woodcock, WW 344^30.

hōltihte f. calumny, WW.

holtwudu † m. forest, grove, Ph: wood (timber). [v. ‘holt’]

hōlunga = hōlinga

hom == ham

hōm == ōm

hōman = ōman

hōn I. (sv^7) pret. heng, pp. hangen to hang, suspend, crucify, Æ: adorn. II. pl. tendrils of a vine? A 4·143.

hon- = han-

hona = (1) heonu; (2) hana

hōnede having heels, WW 161^26. [hōh]

+honge = +hange

hop n. privet, v. OEG 36^14.

hōp m. hoop? v. NC 303.

-hop v. fen-, mōr-h.

hopa m. ‘hope,’ Æ. [usu. tōhopa]

hōpgehnāst † n. dashing of waves.

hopian to ‘hope,’ expect, look for, A, Æ; CP: put trust in, Æ, Bo, Bl.

hōpig eddying, surging, #PPs# 68^5.

+hopp n. small bag, WW 405^3.

hoppāda m. upper garment, cope, WW 188^14.

hoppe f. a kind of ornament, AO: dog-collar, LL 194[8].

hoppestre f. female dancer, Æ. [‘hoppestere’]

hoppetan to leap for joy: to throb.

hoppian to hop, jump, leap, dance, Æ: limp, ÆL 21^417. [Ger. hüpfen]

hopscȳte f. sheet, counterpane, Æ (9^307).

hōr n. adultery.

hora- = horu-

horas v. horh.

hōrcwene f. whore, adulteress, LL.

hord nm. ‘hoard,’ treasure, B, Chr, Gen, MtR, WW.

hordærn = hordern

hordburg f. treasure-city, B, BC, #Gen#.

hord-cleofa, -clyfa m. treasure-chest, treasury, secret chamber, Æ.

hordcofa m. treasure-chamber, closet: (†) breast, heart, thoughts.

hordere m. treasurer, chamberlain, steward, Æ, KC. [‘hoarder’]

hordern n. treasury, storehouse, Æ.

horderwȳce f. office of treasurer, #Chr# 1137.

hordfæt n. treasure-receptacle, Æ.

hord-geat n., gs. -gates door to a treasure-chamber, #Rd# 43^11.

hordgestrēon † n. hoarded treasure.

hordian to ‘hoard,’ Æ.

hordloca m. treasure-chest, coffer: (†) secret thoughts, mind.

hordmægen n. riches, #Da# 675.

hordmāðm † m. hoarded treasure.

hordweard m. guardian of treasure: king: heir, first-born.

hordwela m. hoarded wealth, B 2344.

hordweorðung f. honouring by gifts from the hoard, B 952.

hordwitt n. treasure of wisdom, #Kl#.

hordwynn f. delightful treasure, B 2270.

hordwyrðe worth hoarding, B 2245?

hōre f. whore, prostitute, OEG.

horeht = horwiht

+horgian to defile, #Bk#: spit.

horh (horg) mn., gs. hor(w)es, instr. horu, nap. horas phlegm, mucus, Æ, El, Ep, Lcd: dirt, defilement, uncleanness; Mdf. [‘hore’]

horheht = horwiht

horian to cry out, #Ps#.

+horian (N) = +horgian

horig foul, filthy, Æ, LL. [‘hory’]

hōring m. adulterer, fornicator, W 309^21.

horn m. horn (musical instrument, drinking-horn, cupping-horn), beast’s horn, Ct, Lcd, LL, VPs; AO: projection, pinnacle, Ps.

hornbǣre horned, #ÆGr# 27^16.

hornblāwere m. horn-blower, trumpeter.

hornboga † m. bow tipped with horn?

hornbora m. horn-bearer, trumpeter, WW.

hornfisc m. garfish, #An# 370.

hornfōted hoofed, WW 213^22.

horngēap † broad between the pinnacles or gables.

horngestrēon n. wealth of pinnacles (on a house)? [or ?= hordgestrēon], #Ruin# 23.

+hornian to insult, MkL 12^4.

hornlēas without horns, ES 39·349.

hornpīc m. pinnacle, MtL. [v. ‘pike’]

hornreced n. hall with gables, B 704.

hornsæl n. = hornsele

hornscēað f. pinnacle, MtL 4^5.

hornscip n. beaked ship, #An# 274.

hornsele m. house with gables, #Gen# 1821.

hornungsunu m. bastard, WW 456^10.

horo- = horu-

horpytt m. mud-hole, EC 445^15.

hors n. horse, OET, WW, VPs; Æ, AO, CP; Mdf.

horsbǣr f. horse-litter, BH; ÆL. [‘horse-bier’]

horsc sharp, quick, active, ready, daring: quick-witted, wise, prudent.

horscamb m. ‘horse-comb,’ curry-comb, strigil, WW.

horschwæl (= *horshwæl) m. walrus, AO 17^36.

horsclic sordid, squalid, foul, OEG 1789. [horh]

horsclīce briskly, readily, promptly: prudently, wisely.

horscniht m. master of the horse, equerry, groom, esquire, Æ (8^242).

horscræt n. ‘biga,’ chariot, WW 194^26.

horselene f. elecampane, WW. [‘horseheal’]

horsern n. stable, WW.

horsgærstūn m. meadow in which horses are kept, KC 3·414^25.

horshelene = horselene

horshierde (i^2, y^2) m. ostler, groom.

±horsian to provide with horses, Chr. [‘horse’]

horslīce = horsclīce

hors-ðegn, -ðēn m. ostler, groom, equerry: muleteer, GD 191^23.

horswǣn m. chariot, WW 140^4.

horswealh m. groom, equerry, LL 22; 132.

horsweard f. care of horses, LL 445[2].

horsweg m. bridle-road, KC. [‘horseway’]

hortan sbpl. ‘whortle’-berries, v. OEG 2^433.

horu = horh

horusēað m. sink, pit, #Bo# 112^15.

horuweg (o^2) m. dirty road? KC 5·173^17.

horweht = horwiht

horwes v. horh.

horwig = orweg

+horwigian to defile, spit upon.

horwiht (e^2) mucose, defiled, filthy, #Guth# 36^9.

horwyll m. muddy stream, EC 445^19.

horxlic = horsclic

hōs I. f. escort, company, B 924. II. f. bramble, briar. III. v. hōh.

hosa m., hose f. ‘hose,’ WW.

hosebend m. hose-band, garter, OEG 4822.

hosp m. reproach, insult, contumely, Æ: blasphemy, Æ.

hospcwide m. insulting speech, #El# 523.

hospettan to ridicule, Cp 697#s#.

hospsprǣc f. jeer, taunt, ÆH 2·514.

hospul ‘irritus,’ #RPs# 88^35.

hospword n. abusive language, contemptuous expression, Æ.

hosse = hysse

hōstig (ÆL 35^192) = ōstig

hosu f. hose, RB: pod, husk, Cp 1867.

hotor = otor

hoðma † m. darkness, the grave.

hrā = hrǣw

hraca m. throat, Lcd? [‘rake’]

hrāca (ǣ) m. clearing of the throat: spittle, mucus.

hrace, hracu f. throat, Æ, VPs (æ). [‘rake’]

hrad- v. hræd-

hrade = hraðe

±hradian (ea, ð) to be quick, hasten, do diligently: further, prosper, ÆL 20^78.

hradung (æ) f. quickness, despatch, diligence. on hrædinge quickly, ÆL.

hræ- = hra-, hre-, hrea-

hrǣ = hrǣw

hrǣ- = hrēa-, hrēo-, rǣ-

hrǣca m. clearing the throat. [= hrāca]

hrǣcan tr. and intr. to ‘reach,’ bring up (blood or phlegm), CP, Lcd; Æ.

+hræcan = +reccan

hrǣcetung f. eructation, #Lcd# 69b.

hrǣcgebræc n. sore throat, WW.

hræcing f. detention, DR 65^13.

hrǣctan to eructate, #Lcd# 84a.

hrǣctunge f. uvula, #Lcd# 17a.

hrǣcung f. clearing of the throat, Lcd. [‘reaching’]

hræd (e) (hrad- occly. in obl. cases) quick, nimble, ready, active, alert, prompt, CP, Gl, Mt. [‘rad’]

hrædbīta m. blackbeetle, WW (hræð-).

hrædfērnes f. swiftness, #Bo# 72^17.

hrædhȳdig hasty.

hrædhȳdignes f. haste, precipitation, CP.

hræding f. haste, W 22^14.

hrædlic (ð) quick, sudden, premature, B, Bo; Æ, AO, CP. adv. -līce quickly, hastily, soon, speedily, forthwith, Æ, CP. [‘radly,’ ‘rathely’]

hrædlicnes (e) f. suddenness, #Guth#: earliness, #EPs# 118^147.

hrædmōd hasty, ÆL 16^342.

hrædnes f. (±) quickness: brevity.

hrædrīpe (ræd-) ripening early, WW.

hrædtæfle quick at throwing dice? #Cra# 73 (v. ES 43·339).

hrædung = hradung

hrædwǣn m. swift chariot.

hrædwilnes f. haste, precipitation, CP.

hrædwyrde hasty of speech, #Wa# 66.

hræfn I. hræfen (e) m. raven, Æ, B, G, VPs: sign of the raven (the Danish banner). II. = hæfern

hræfncynn (e) n. raven-species, Æ.

hræfnesfōt m. ravensfoot, cinquefoil, OET p8.

-hrǣgan v. ofer-hr.

hrægel = hrægl

hrægelgefrætwodnes f. fine clothing, LL (396^27).

hrægelðegn m. keeper of the robes, ‘vestiarius.’

hrægl n. (e) dress, clothing, Gl, Jn; AO, CP: armour: sail. [‘rail’]

hræglcyst f. clothes-box, trunk, Ct.

hræglgewǣde n. dress, WW 430^33.

hræglhūs f. vestry, RB.

hræglscēara fp. shears for cutting cloth, WW 241^40 (rægl-).

hrægltalu f. vestment-fund, KC, RB.

hræglung f. clothing, WW 151^5.

hræglweard m. keeper of vestments or robes, WW 279^19.

hrægnloca = brægnloca

hræmn, hrǣm = hræfn

hræn = hærn

hrǣron pret. pl. of hrēran.

hrǣs v. hrǣw.

hræscetung = ræscetung [[Cross-reference uncertain.]]

-hræscian v. ā-hr.

hrætelwyrt f. rattlewort, WW 301^3.

hræð == hræd. [‘rathe’]

hrǣw I. (ā, ēa) nm. gs. hrǣs living body: corpse, carcase, carrion. II. = hrēaw I.

hrǣwīc (hrēa-) n. place of corpses, B 1214.

hrāfyll m. slaughter, B 277.

hrāgīfre deadly, WW 408^10.

hrāgra m. heron, #Gl#.

hramgealla = ramgealla

hrāmig = hrēmig

hramma m. cramp, spasm.

hram-sa (o) m., -se f. onion, garlic, Ep, Lcd, WW. [‘rams,’ ‘ramson’]

hramsacrop m. head of wild garlic, #Gl#.

hran (o) m. whale, #Gl#.

hrān I. m. reindeer, AO. II. pret. 3 sg. of hrīnan.

hrand I. = rand. II. pret. 3 sg. of hrindan.

hrandsparwa (o^1) m. sparrow, MtL 10^29.

hranfix (o) m. whale, B 540.

hrānhund? m. deerhound? v. LL 2·117.

hranmere (o) m. sea, #Met# 5^10.

hranrād † f. (whale’s-road), sea.

hratele f. ‘bobonica’ (plant), WW 296^2.

hratian to rush, hasten, OET (= hradian?).

hraðe (æ, e) adv. comp. hraðor, superl. hraðost hastily, quickly, promptly, readily, immediately, soon, Æ, B, Bo, Cr, VPs; CP: too soon, Bo. swā h. swā as soon as, Æ. [‘rathe,’ ‘rather,’ ‘rathest’]

hraðer = hreðer

hraðian = hradian

hrāw = hrǣw

hrāwērig weary in body, #Ph# 554.

hrāwlic = hrēowlic

hrēa I. f. indigestion? #Lcd# 94b. [hrēaw I.] II. = hrēaw I. and II.

hrēac m. ‘rick,’ heap, stack, TC, WW.

hrēaccopp m. top of a rick, LL 453[21,4].

hrēacmete m. food given to the labourers on completing a rick, LL 452´.

-hrēad v. earm-hr. [hrēoðan] [[variant of “hrēðan”?]]

hrēaf == rēaf

hrēam m. noise, outcry, alarm, Æ, CP: cry, lamentation, sorrow, B, Cr. [‘ream’]

hrēamig clamorous: lamenting.

hrēanes = hrēohnes

hrēas pret. 3 sg. of hrēosan.

hrēat pret. 3 sg. of hrūtan.

hreaðemūs (a^2) f. bat.

hreaðian (#VPs#) = hradian

hrēaw I. (ēo) ‘raw,’ Æ, Lcd. II. = hrǣw nm. III. pret. 3 sg. of hrēowan.

hrēaw- = hrēow-

hrēawde pret. 3 sg. was raw, WW 215^43 (rēaw-).

hrēawīc = hrǣwīc

hrēawnes I. f. rawness, crudity, OEG 3283. II. = hrēownes

+hrec = +rec

hrēc- = hrǣc-

hred (#KGl#) = hræd

-hreda v. æfreda.

hreddan to free from, recover, rescue, save, Cr; Æ: take away. [‘redd’]

hreddere m. defender, NC 303.

hreddung (æ) f. salvation, liberation, Æ.

hredmōnað = hrēðmōnað

±hrēfan to roof, Æ. [hrōf]

hrefn = (1) hræfn; (2) hæfern

hrefnan = ræfnan

hrefncynn = hræfncynn

hregresi? groin, MLN 11·333; ZDA 33·244.

hrēh = hrēoh

hrem = hræfn I.

hrēman I. to boast. [Ger. rühmen] II. = hrīman

hrēmig † boasting, vaunting, exulting.

hremm == hræfn I.

±hremman to hinder, cumber, Æ.

hremming f. hindrance, obstacle.

hremn = hræfn I.

hrenian to smell of, be redolent of, #Sc# 106^5.

hrēo = hrēoh, hrēow

hrēocan = rēocan

hrēod n. ‘reed,’ rush, Æ, BH, Gl; CP; Mdf.

±hrēodan^2 to adorn (only in pp. ±hroden).

hrēodbedd n. ‘reed-bed,’ Æ.

hrēodcynn n. kind of reed, NC 303.

hrēod-ig, -iht, -ihtig (e^2) reedy.

hrēodwæter n. reedy marsh, #Nar# 20^23.

hrēof rough, scabby, leprous, Whale; CP. as sb. = leper. [‘reof’]

-hrēofian v. ā-hr.

hrēofl I. f. scabbiness, leprosy, CP. II. adj. leprous.

hrēofla m. roughness of the skin, leprosy, Æ: leper, Æ. [hrēof]

hrēof-lic, -lig (Æ) leprous.

hrēofnes f. leprosy, Æ.

hrēofol, hrēoful = hrēofl I.

hrēog = hrēoh

hrēoh (ē) I. adj. rough, fierce, wild, angry, Met; Æ, AO, CP: disturbed, troubled, sad (v. hrēow): stormy, tempestuous, B, Bo, Chr. [‘reh’] II. n. stormy weather, tempest.

hrēohful stormy, ES 39·349.

hrēohlic stormy, tempestuous, W 136^27.

hrēohmōd savage, ferocious: sad, troubled.

hrēohnes (ēa) f. rough weather, tempest, storm, Æ.

hrēol sb. ‘reel,’ A, WW; Æ.

hrēon- = rēon-

hrēones = (1) hrēohnes; (2) hrēownes

hrēop pret. 3 sg. of hrōpan.

hreopian = hrepian

hrēorig adj. in ruins, #Ruin# 3. [hrēosan]

±hrēosan^2 to fall, sink, fall down, go to ruin, Æ, B, Cr, VPs; AO, CP: rush. [‘reose’]

hrēosendlic perishable.

hrēosian = hrēowsian

hrēosð (#KGl#) pres. 3 sg. of hrēosan.

-hrēoða (ē, ēa) v. bord-, scild-hr.

hrēoung (īu) f. hardness of breathing, asthma.

±hrēow I. f. sorrow, regret, penitence, repentance, penance, B, Bl, CP, Cr. [‘rue’] II. sorrowful, repentant. III. adj. = hrēoh? IV. = hrēaw I. and III.

hrēowan^2 (often impersonal w. d. pers.) to affect (a person) with regret or contrition, Bo, CP, Gen, LL: distress, grieve, Cr, Gen: (intr.) be penitent, repent, MkL. [‘rue,’ ‘i-rew’]

hrēowcearig † troubled, sad.

hrēowende penitent, LkL (æ). [‘rueing’]

hrēowesung = hrēowsung

hrēowian to repent, MkL 1^15.

hrēowig sorrowful, sad, #Gen# 799.

hrēowigferhð † sad, sorrowful.

hrēowigmōd † sad, sorrowful.

hrēowlic (ī, ȳ) grievous, pitiful, sad, wretched, miserable, cruel, Chr, Ps. adv. -līce, AO, Chr.

hrēownes (ēa) f. penitence, contrition, repentance, LL, Gl; CP. [‘rueness,’ ‘rewniss’]

hrēowon = rēowon pret. pl. of rōwan.

hrēowsende = hrēosende [[form of “hrēosan”]]

±hrēowsian (ȳ) to feel sorrow or penitence, AO, Mt; CP. [‘reusie’]

hrēowsung f. repentance, penitence, sorrow, CP, Lk; Æ. [‘reusing’]

±hrepian (eo), hreppan to touch, treat, Mt; Æ: attack, #Bk# 6. [‘repe’]

hrepsung (ÆL) = repsung

hrepung f. sense of touch, touch, Æ.

hrēr lightly boiled, Lcd. [‘rear’]

±hrēran (tr.) to move, shake, agitate. [hrōr; Ger. rühren]

hrērednes (ȳ) f. haste, #LPs# 51^6.

hrēremus f. bat, WW. [‘rearmouse’; hrēran]

hrērnes (ȳ) f. disturbance, commotion, tempest.

hresl = hrisil [[headword spelled “hrīsel”]]

+hresp n. tearing, destruction, NC 294.

+hrespan to tear, #PPs# 43^12.

hrēst = hrȳst pres. 3 sg. of hrēosan.

hreð = hræd

hrēð † mn. victory, glory.

hrēða m. covering of goat-skin, #Gl#.

hrēðan to exult, rejoice, #Ex# 573.

hreðe = hraðe

hrēðe = rēðe

hrēðēadig † glorious, victorious.

hrēðemōnað = hrēðmōnað

hreðer † (a, æ) m. breast, bosom: heart, mind, thought: womb.

hreðerbealo n. heart-sorrow, B 1343.

hreðercofa m. breast, #Cr# 1323.

hreðerglēaw wise, prudent, #Ex# 13.

hreðerloca † m. breast.

-hrēðig v. ēad-, sige-, will-hr. [[headword spelled “wilhrēðig”]]

hrēðlēas inglorious, #Gu# 878.

hrēðmōnað m. month of March.

hrēðnes f. cruelty, inclemency, N, ÆP 136^23.

hreðor = hreðer

hrēðsigor m. glorious victory, B 2583.

hricg == hrycg

hrīcian to cut, cut to pieces, ÆL 23^73.

hricsc rick, wrench, sprain, #Lcd# 27a.

hriddel n. ‘riddle,’ sieve, LL 455[17].

hrīder (Gl), hridder (Æ) n. sieve. [‘ridder’]

hrīdrian to sift, winnow, Lk. [‘ridder’]

+hrīered destroyed, WW 496^18.

hrīewð pres. 3 sg. of hrēowan.

hrif n. belly, womb, Æ, AO.

+hrifian to bring forth, #LPs# 7^15.

+hrifnian to tear off, AO 142^26.

hriftēung f. pain in the bowels, WW 112^23.

hrīfðo f. scurfiness, #Lcd# 90b. [hrēof]

hrifwærc (e^2) m. pain in the bowels, WW 112^23.

hrifwund wounded in the belly, LL 6[61].

hrig == hrycg

hrīm m. ‘rime,’ hoar-frost, Ph; Æ.

hrīman (ē, ȳ) to cry out, shout, rave, Æ (ȳ), CP (ē), JnL (ē): bewail, lament. [‘reme’; hrēam]

-hrīman v. be-hr.

hrīmceald icy cold, #Wa# 4.

hrīmforst m. hoar-frost, #LPs# 77^47 (rīm-).

hrīmgicel m. icicle, #Seaf# 17.

hrīmig rimy, frosty, #Bl#.

hrīmigheard frozen hard, #Rd# 88^7.

+hrin n. morsel, #EPs# 147^17.

+hrīn (NG) = +rīn = +rēn

hrīnan^1 (w. a. g. or d.) to touch, lay hold of, reach, seize, strike, Ps. [‘rine’]

hrincg == hring

hrind = rind

hrindan^3 to thrust, push, #Rd# 55^4.

hrine m. sense of touch.

±hrinenes f. touch, contact, BH.

hring I. m. ring, link of chain, fetter, festoon, B, CP, G, Lcd: circle, circular group, Ph: border, horizon, Gen: (†) (pl.) rings of gold (as ornaments and as money): (†) corslet, B: circuit (of a year), cycle, course: orb, globe. II. † m. (only in wōpes hr.) sound.

hringan to ‘ring,’ sound, clash, B, Sol: announce by bells, RB.

hringbān n. ring-shaped bone, WW 157. [‘ringbone’]

hringboga m. coiled serpent, B 2561.

hringe f. ring.

hringed † made of rings.

hringedstefna † m. ring-prowed ship.

hring-fāg, -fāh ring-spotted, variegated.

hringfinger m. ‘ring-finger,’ Lcd, WW.

hringgewindla m. sphere, WW 426^25.

hringīren n. ring mail, B 322.

hringloca m. coat of ring-mail, #Ma# 145.

hring-mǣl ‡, -mǣled ‡ adorned with a ring (of a sword).

hringmere n. bath, #Ruin# 455.

hringnaca m. ring-prowed ship, B 1863.

hringnett n. ring-mail, B 1889.

hringsele † m. hall in which rings are bestowed.

hringsetl n. circus, OEG.

hringsittende sitting round, looking on, OEG 65.

hringðegu † f. receiving of rings.

hringweorðung f. honouring by the gift of rings, B 3017.

hringwīsan adv. ringwise, in rings, #Nar# 16^1.

hrīning f. touch, JnL. [v. ‘rine’]

+hriorde (w) = +reorde [[form of “±reord”?]]

hrīp- = rīp-

hrīs n. twig, branch. [Ger. reis]

hrisc = risc

hrīscan = hrȳscan

hrīseht bushy, bristly, WW 513^8.

hrisel = rysel

hrīsel, hrīs(i)l f? shuttle: bone of the lower arm, radius. [hrisian]

[[Spelled “hrisil”, “hrisl” in first edition: see entry for “hresl”.]]

hrisian (y) (tr. and intr.) to shake, move, be shaken, clatter, An, B, Ps, VPs. [‘rese’]

hrīsig (rȳsig) bushy, OEG 8^337.

hrīst pres. 3 sg. of hrēosan.

hristende, hristlende noisy, creaky.

hristle f. rattle, WW 391^18.

hristung f. shaking, quivering, rattling noise, #Lcd# 97a.

hrið (u) m. fever, #Lcd# 80a.

hrīð I. ‡ f. snow-storm, tempest. II. = hrīðer

hriðādl f. fever, #Lcd# 80a.

hrīðer (ȳ) n. neat cattle, ox, bull, cow, heifer, Bl, Ct, Lcd, WW. [‘rother’]

hrīðeren of cattle, Lcd. [‘rotheren’]

hrīðerfrēols (ȳ) m. cattle-festival, OEG 4719.

hrīðerhēawere (y) m. butcher, Æ.

hrīðerheord (ȳ) herd of cattle, Æ. [v. ‘rother’]

hrīðerhyrde (ȳ) m. herdsman, Æ.

hrīðfald m. cattle-pen.

hrīðheorde (ie) = hrīðerhyrde

hriðian to shake, be feverish, have a fever, Æ.

hrīðig (ȳ) storm-beaten? ruined? #Wa# 77. [hrīð]

hriðing f. fever, #Lcd# 96b.

hrīung = hrēoung

hrīw- = hrēow-

hrīwð pres. 3 sg. of hrēowan.

hrōc m. ‘rook,’ Cp, ÆL.

hrōd = rōd

hroden I. (±) covered, adorned, ornamented (pp. of hrēodan). II. = roden [[II. Cross-reference uncertain.]]

hroder = rodor

hrōf m. ‘roof,’ ceiling, Æ, B, Cr, G; AO, CP top, summit, Bo, Cr, Mk: heaven, sky, Cr.

hrōffæst with a firm roof, #Met# 7^6.

hrōflēas (rōf-) roofless, WW 186^30.

hrōfsele m. roofed hall, B 1515.

hrōfstān m. roof stone, ÆH 1·508.

hrōftīgel f. roofing tile, WW.

hrōftimber n. material for roofing, OEG 2256.

hrōfwyrhta m. roof-maker, builder, WW.

hromsa = hramsa

hron == hran

hrop = rop

hrōp m. clamour, outcry, lamentation, Bl. [‘rope’]

hrōpan^7 † to shout, proclaim: cry out, scream, howl, Gu, Ps. [‘rope’]

-hrops v. ofer-hr.

hropwyrc = ropwærc

hrōr stirring, busy, active: strong, vigorous, brave.

+hror n. calamity, plague, ruin, BH 284^4. [hrēosan]

±hroren pp. of hrēosan.

+hrorenes f. downfall, ruin, #LPs# 31^4.

+hrorenlic perishable, transitory, unstable, NC 294; MFH.

hrōse = rōse

hrōst m. perch, ‘roost,’ LL 454[11].

hrōstbēag m. woodwork (of a roof), #Ruin# 32.

hrot m. scum, #Lcd# 84a.

hrōðer = hrōðor

hrōðgirela m. crown, #RPs# 20^4.

hroðhund (A 8·450) = roðhund

hrōðor † m. solace, joy, pleasure: benefit.

hrūm m. soot, #Shr#, WW.

-hrūmian v. be-hr.

hrūmig sooty, WW 362^12.

hrung f. cross-bar, spoke, Rd 23^10. [‘rung’]

hruron pret. pl. of hrēosan.

hrurul ‘deciduus,’ BDS 30·11^33.

hrūse † f. earth, soil, ground.

hrūt (u?) ‘balidus’ (validus?), WW 361^13.

hrūtan^5 to make a noise, whiz, snore, Æ, Cp. [‘rout’]

hruð = hrið

hrūðer = hrīðer

+hrūxl n. noise, tumult, v. ES 39·344.

hrūxlian (rūx-) to make a noise, MtR 9^23.

hryc = hrycg

-hrycce v. corn-hr. [[variant of “cornhwicce”]]

hrycg (i) m. back, spine, Æ, CP, Lcd; AO: ‘ridge,’ elevated surface, B, Ct, Lk, Ps; Mdf.

hrycgbān n. back-bone, spine, Ps. [‘ridge-bone’]

hrycgbrǣdan (hrig-) pl. flesh on each side of the spine, #Lcd# 3·118^24.

hrycghǣr n. hair on an animal’s back, #Lcd# 1·360^19.

hrycghrægl (i) n. mantle, TC 529^10.

hrycg-mearg (i, -mearð) n. spinal marrow, WW 292^7.

hrycgmerglið n. spine, WW 265^23.

hrycgrib (i) n. rib, WW.

hrycg-rible, -riple flesh on each side of the spine, WW.

hrycgweg m. ‘ridge-way,’ road along a ridge, Ct.

hrycigan to plough over again, GPH 398.

hryding f. clearing, patch of cleared land, WW 147^12.

hrȳfing f. scab, #Lcd# 32b. [hrēof]

hryg = hrycg

hrȳman (ē, ī) to cry out, shout, rave, Æ, CP: bewail, lament, JnL (ē). [‘reme’]

hrȳme = hrūm

hrympelle = rimpel

+hryne = +ryne

hryre I. m. fall, ruin, destruction, decay, Æ, B, Bo; AO, CP. [hrēosan] II. perishable, Æ. [‘rure’]

hrȳre- = hrēr-, hrēre-

hrȳscan to creak, v. ES 39·344.

hrysel = rysel

hrysian, hryssan = hrisian

hryst = hyrst

hrȳst pres. 3 sg. of hrēosan.

hrystan = hyrstan

hrȳte (y?) ‘balidinus,’ WW 163^18 (cp. hrūt).

hrȳðer == hrīðer

hrȳðig = hrīðig

hryðða = ryðða

hrȳwlic = hrēowlic

hrȳwsian = hrēowsian

hrȳwð pres. 3 sg. of hrēowsian.

hū adv. ‘how,’ CP, Æ. hū gerādes; hū meta how. hū gēares at what time of year. hū nyta wherefore. hū ne dōð...? do not...? hū nys...? is not...?: (with comparatives) the: (±) in some way or other, Shr: hū ne nū ‘nonne.’

hūcs, hūcx = hūsc

hūdenian to shake, CP 461^16.

hūf- = ūf I. and II.

hūfe covering for the head, Cp, WW. [‘houve’; Ger. haube]

hūfian to put a covering on the head, Æ.

hū-hwega, -hugu somewhere about. h. swā about.

hui! huig! interj.

huilpe = hwilpe

hulc m. ‘hulk,’ ship, LL, WW; Æ: hut, Æ, LL, WW.

hulfestre f. plover, WW 132^12.

hūlic pron. of what sort.

hulpon pret. pl. of helpan.

hulu f. husk, pod, WW. [‘hull’]

hūluco (AO) = hūlic

huma = uma [[headword spelled “ūma”]]

humele = hymele

hūmen (VHy) = ȳmen [[headword spelled “ymen”]]

hūmeta adv. in what way, how, Æ.

huncettan to limp, halt, #RPs# 17^46.

hund I. n. hundred, A, AO, Mk; Æ; (in comp.) decade. [‘hund’] II. m. hound, dog, Bo, CP, Jud; Æ, AO.

hundæhtatig (VPs) = hundeahtatig

hundællef- (-ændlæf-) = hundendlufon-

hundeahtatig num. ‘eighty,’ Æ.

hundeahtatigwintere eighty years old, Æ.

hundend-lufontig, -leftig (æ^2) hundred and ten.

hund-endlufontigoða, -ælleftiogoða hundred and tenth, CP.

hundesbēo f. dog’s parasite, WW 380^21.

hundescwelcan pl. colocynth berries, WW 364^31.

hundesflēoge f. dog’s parasite, AO.

hundeshēafod n. snapdragon, #Lcd#.

hundeslūs f. dog’s parasite, Æ.

hundes-micge, -tunge f. cynoglossum (plant), #Lcd#.

hundeswyrm m. dog’s parasite, dog’s worm, WW 122^25.

hundfeald hundredfold, Æ. [‘hundfold’]

hundfrēa m. centurion, MtL 22^19 mg.

hundlic of or like dogs, canine, Æ.

hundnigontēoða ninetieth, Æ.

hundnigontig ninety, Æ.

hundnigontigwintre ninety years old, Æ.

hund-red, -rað n. ‘hundred’ (number), G, Ps, WW, MtL (að); Æ: hundred (political district): hundred-court, or assembly of the men of a hundred. hundredes ealdor, mann head of the hundred court, centurion.

hundredgemōt n. hundred-moot, LL.

hundredmann m. centurion, Æ.

hundredpenig m. contribution levied by the sheriff or lord of the hundred for the support of his office, TC 432; 433.

hundreð (MkR) = hundred

hundseofontig num. seventy, Æ.

hundseofontigfeald seventy-fold, Æ.

hundseofontigoða seventieth, CP (io^2, io^4).

hundseofontigwintre seventy years old, Æ.

hundtēontig hundred, Æ.

hundtēontig-feald, -fealdlic hundredfold. adv. -līce, W 237^9.

hundtēontiggēare being of the age of a hundred, Æ.

hundtēontigwintre a hundred years old, NC 303.

hundtwelftig num. hundred and twenty, Æ, AO.

hundtwentig num. hundred and twenty, Æ.

hundtwentigwintre aged a hundred and twenty, Æ.

hundwealh m. servant who looked after dogs, WW 111^25 (æ^2).

hundwelle a hundred-fold, MtL 13^8.

hundwintre aged a hundred years, Æ.

hūne f. horehound, #Lcd#.

hū ne nū ‘nonne,’ #RPs# 52^5; Hy 6^6.

hunger = hungor

hungerbiten hunger-bitten, starving, #Chr# 1096.

hungergēar n. famine year, Æ.

hungerlǣwe famishing, starving, LHy 3^5.

hungerlic hungry, famishing, WW.

hungor m. ‘hunger,’ desire, An, Cr, VPs, WW; CP: famine, Æ, Mt, Chr.

hungrig ‘hungry,’ famishing, MtL, Gu; Æ, AO.

hungur = hungor

hunig n. ‘honey,’ AO, VPs; Æ, CP.

hunigæppel m. pastille? ball of honey? OET (Cp 1512).

hunigbǣre honeyed, OEG.

hunigbin f. vessel for honey, LL 455[17].

hunigcamb f. ‘honey-comb,’ Sc 50^9.

hunigflōwende flowing with honey, #Gu# 1250.

huniggafol n. rent paid in honey, LL 448[4,5].

hunigsūge f. honeysuckle? clover? privet? Cp, WW. [‘honeysuck’]

hunigswēte ‘honey-sweet,’ mellifluous, Æ.

hunigtēar m. honey which drips from the comb.

hunigtēar-en, -lic nectar-like, #Gl#.

huni-sūge, -sūce = hunigsūge

hūnspora m. ‘dolon,’ pike? Cp 356#d#.

hunta m. huntsman, Æ, AO: a kind of spider, Lcd 54a. [‘hunt’]

huntað = huntoð

huntaðfaru f. hunting expedition, LL 252[22].

±huntian, huntgan to ‘hunt’ (intr.), Lcd, WW; (tr.) Æ.

hunticge f. huntress, A 6·188.

huntigspere n. hunting-spear, WW.

huntigystre = hunticge

huntoð, huntnoð, huntnold, huntnað m. hunting, what is caught by hunting, game, prey, Æ, Ct, Lcd; AO. [‘hunteth’]

huntung f. ‘hunting,’ WW: a hunt, chase, DR: what is hunted, game, ES 37·188.

hūnðyrlu np. holes in the upper part of a mast, WW 288^15.

hūon == hwōn

hupbān, huppbān = hypbān

-hupian v. on-h.

hupseax n. hip-sword, short sword, dagger. [hup- = hype-]

hurnitu = hyrnetu [[under “hyrnet”]]

hūru adv. at least, at all events, however, nevertheless, yet, even, only, LL; Æ: about, not less than, AO: surely, truly, certainly, indeed, especially, CP. h. swīðost most particularly. [‘hure’]

hūruðinga at least, especially, Æ.

hūs n. ‘house,’ B, G, RB; Æ, AO, CP: dwelling-place, El, Ph: household, JnL: family, race, Ps.

±hūsa m. member of a household, G.

hūsærn n. dwelling-house, NC 303.

hūsbonda (ō^2?) m. householder, master of a house, Mt, Chr. [‘husband’]

hūsbonde f. mistress of a house, Æ.

hūsbryce (e^2, i^2) m. housebreaking, burglary, LL. [‘housebreach’]

hūsbrycel m. housebreaking, burglary, WW 205^28.

hūsbryne m. burning of a house, Ct.

hūsbunda = hūsbonda

hūsc n. mockery, derision, scorn, insult, Gen, WW. [‘hux’]

hūscarl m. one of the household corps, member of the king’s bodyguard, Chr, KC. [‘housecarl’; ON.]

hūsclic shameful, ignominious, Æ. adv. -līce.

hūscword n. insulting speech, An. [v. ‘hux’]

hūsel = hūsl

hūselhālgung f. attendance at the eucharist, communicating, Æ.

hūsellāf f. remains of the eucharist, LL (358^22).

hūselportic (u^2) m. sacristy, BH 94^10.

hūsfæst adj. occupying a house, Ct.

hūshefen m. ceiling, WW 432^8. [heofon]

hūshlāford m. master of the house, Æ.

hūshlēow n. housing, shelter, LL (282^25); W 74^4.

±hūsian to ‘house,’ receive into one’s house, LL.

hūsincel n. habitation, DR, #VPs#.

hūsl (-sel, -sul) n. ‘housel,’ eucharist, Lord’s supper, Æ, BH: the host, LL: a sacrifice, MtL 12^7.

hūslbearn (-ul) n. communicant, #Gu# 531.

hūsldisc m. housel-dish, paten.

hūsl-fæt n. nap. -fatu sacrificial or sacramental vessel.

hūslgang m. going to, partaking of the eucharist, Æ.

hūslgenga m. communicant, v. LL 2·263.

hūslian to administer the sacrament, LL. [‘housel’]

hūslðēn m. acolyte, LL.

hūslung f. administration of the sacrament, Æ. [‘houseling’]

hūslwer (-el) m. communicant, #Gu# 768.

hūsrǣden f. household, family, #LPs#.

±hūsscipe m. house (e.g. of Israel), race.

hūsstede m. site of a house, #Lcd#.

hūsting n. tribunal, court (esp. in London), Chr. [‘husting’]

hūsul = hūsl

hūsul- = hūs(e)l-

hūswist f. home, #LPs# 5^8.

hūð f. plunder, booty, prey, Æ.

hūx == hūsc

hwā mf., hwæt n. pron. (interrog.) ‘who,’ what, Æ, AO, CP: (indef.) any one, some one, anything, something, Æ, AO, CP: each. swā hwā swā whosoever. swā hwæt swā whatsoever. tō hwǣm wherefore.

+hwā each one, every one, any one, whoever.

+hwǣde slight, scanty, small, young, Æ.

hwæder (CP) = hwider

+hwǣdnes f. fewness, insignificance: fineness, subtlety.

hwǣg (ē) n? ‘whey,’ LL.

hwæl I. (usu. hwal-in obl. cases) m. ‘whale,’ walrus, Æ, AO. II. pret. 3 sg. of hwelan. III. = hwall. IV. (#Ex# 161) = wæln?

hwælan like a whale? #Sol# 263.

hwælhunta m. whale-fisher, whaler, Æ, AO.

hwælhuntað m. whale-fishery, whaling, AO.

hwælmere † m. sea.

hwælweg (wæl-) m. sea, #Seaf# 63.

hwæm = hwemm

hwǣm ds. of hwā, hwæt.

+hwǣmlic each, every, LkL 9^23.

-hwǣnan v. ā-hw.

hwæne = hwone, asm. of hwā.

hwǣne = hwēne

hwænne, hwæne (‘when’) = hwonne

hwær == hwer

hwǣr (ā) adv. and conj. ‘where,’ whither, Æ: somewhere, anywhere, everywhere, Æ, CP. wel h. nearly everywhere. swā hw. swā wheresoever, wherever. elles hw. elsewhere. hwǣr...hwǣr here...there.

+hwǣr everywhere, in all directions, Æ: on every occasion, always.

hwærf == hwearf

hwærfan = hwierfan

hwærflung = hwyrflung

hwæs I. sharp, piercing, #Cr# 1444. II. gs. of hwā, hwæt.

hwǣsan^7 (ē) to ‘wheeze,’ breathe hard, Æ.

hwǣst? blowing, v. OEG 2452n.

hwǣstrian (ā) to murmur, mutter, NG.

hwǣstrung (ā) f. murmur, whispering, muttering.

hwæt I. (neut. of hwā, which see) adv. why, wherefore: indeed, surely, truly, for: interj. what! lo! (calls attention to a following statement) ah! behold! Æ. II. adj. (obl. cases have hwat-) sharp, brisk, quick, active: bold, brave, AO. III. (CP) pres. 3 sg. of hwettan.

+hwæt (Cr) neut. of +hwā. [‘i-hwat’]

hwǣte (ē) m. ‘wheat,’ corn, Æ, CP. [hwīt]

hwætēadig very brave, #El# 1195?

hwǣtecorn n. corn of wheat, #Lcd# 13a.

hwǣtecynn n. wheat, #PPs# 147^3.

hwǣtegryttan pl. wheaten groats, WW 141^20.

hwǣtehealm m. wheat straw, #Lcd# 49a.

hwǣteland m. wheat-land, KC 3·159^21.

hwǣtemelu n. wheat-meal, #Lcd# 126a.

hwǣten ‘wheaten,’ Æ.

hwǣtesmedma m. wheat-meal, #Lcd#.

hwǣtewæstm m. corn, #CPs# 77^25.

hwæthwara = hwæthwugu

hwæt-hwugu, -hwigu, -hugu, -hwega, -hwegu, -hwygu pron. and adv. somewhat, slightly, a little, something.

hwæt-hwugununges (CP), -hweganunges, -huguningas adv. somewhat.

hwætlīce adv. quickly, promptly.

hwætmōd † bold, courageous.

±hwætnes f. quickness, activity.

hwætrēd ‡ firm, determined. [rēd = rǣd]

hwætscipe m. activity, vigour, boldness, bravery, AO, CP.

hwæðer (e) I. adj. pron. which of two, ‘whether,’ Æ. swā hw. swā whichever. hwæðer...ðe whether...or: each of two, both: one of two, either, CP. II. conj. (with subj.) and adv. whether, Æ, CP.

+hwæðer both, either, each.

hwæðere, hwæð(ð)re I. adv. however, yet, nevertheless, still, Æ, AO, CP. II. = hwæðer adv.

+hwæðere nevertheless.

+hwæðeres everywhere.

hwal- v. hwæl.

hwalf = hwealf I.

hwall (= æ) forward, bold, WW 499^17; 532^32. [hwelan]

hwām ds. of hwā, hwæt.

hwamm (o) m. corner, angle, prominence, Æ, CP: porch.

hwamstān (o^1) m. corner-stone, MtL 21^42.

hwan = hwon instr. of hwæt.

hwān = hwām

hwanan = hwanon

hwane = hwone asm. of hwā.

hwanne = hwonne

hwanon, hwanone adv. whence, Æ.

+hwanon adv. from every quarter.

hwanonhwegu adv. from anywhere.

hwār, hwāra = hwǣr

hwāst- = hwǣst-

hwasta? m. eunuch, Mt, WW.

hwat- v. hwæt.

hwat-a I. m. augur, soothsayer, Æ. II. (æ), -an fpl. augury, divination.

hwatend ‘iris Illyrica’ (plant).

hwatung f. augury, divination, LL.

hwēal (WW 162^25) = ðwēal

hwealf I. concave, hollow, arched, vaulted. II. f. vault. [cp. Ger. gewölbe]

hwealhafoc = wealhhafoc [[headword spelled “-hāfoc”]]

hwealp = hwelp

hwearf I. † m. crowd, troop, concourse. [hweorfan] II. (a, e, eo) m. exchange: what is exchanged: (+) vicissitude: error, MtR 27^64: going, distance, LkLR 24^13. III. pret. 3 sg. of hweorfan.

hwearfan = hwierfan

hwearfian to turn, roll or toss about, revolve, wave, CP: change: wander, move, pass by, AO.

hwearflic changing, mutable, transitory: quick, agile, #Fin# 35? adv. -līce in turn.

+hwearfnes f. conversion, CP 447^13.

hwearft m. revolution, circuit, circle: lapse (of time).

hwearftlian (y) to revolve, turn round, Æ.

hwearfung f. revolution: change, vicissitude: exchange.

hwebbung = webbung

hweder = hwider

+hwēdnes (#KGl#) = +hwǣdnes

hwēg = hwǣg

hwegl = hwēol

hwelan^4 (y) to roar, rage.

hwelc (AO, CP) == hwilc

±hwelian, hwellan? to suppurate, CP: cause to suppurate.

hwelp (ea, y) m. ‘whelp,’ the young of an animal, cub, AO.

hwelung f. din, WW 423^20.

hwem = hwemm

hwemdragen sloping, slanting, #Bl# 207^17.

hwemm (æ) m. corner, angle, Æ. [hwamm]

hwemman to bend, turn, incline, #Chr# 1052.

hwēne (ǣ) adv. somewhat, a little, Æ, AO, CP. [instr. of hwōn]

hweogl = hwēol

hwēol, hweogul, hweohl n. ‘wheel,’ #Bo#; Mdf.

hwēolfāg having a circular border or decoration, WW 375^32.

hwēollāst m. orbit, DHy 93^17.

hwēolrād f. rut, Cp 233#o#.

hwēop pret. 3 sg. of hwōpan.

+hweorf converted, MtR 18^3 (+werf): active? #Cra# 68.

hweorfa m. whorl of a spindle.

±hweorfan^3 (o, u) to turn, change. feohtan mid hweorfendum sigum to fight with varying success, AO: move, go, come: wander about, roam, go about: turn back, return, turn from, depart: die: be converted.

hweorfbān (u, y) n. joint, kneecap.

hweorfian (e) to return, AS.

hwēos pret. 3 sg. of hwǣsan.

hweoða = hwiða

hweowl, hweowol = hwēol

hwer (æ, y) m. pot, basin, bowl, kettle, caldron, Æ.

+hwēr = +hwǣr

hwerbān = hweorfbān

hwerf I. m. ‘wharf,’ dam or bank to keep out water, EC 299. II. = hwearf

hwerf- = hwearf-, hweorf-, hwierf-

hwergen adv. only in phr. elles hwergen elsehere.

hwerhwette f. cucumber.

hwēsan (Æ) = hwǣsan

hwēt == wǣt

hwēte (#KGl#) = hwǣte

hwete-, hwet-stān m. whetstone, AO.

±hwettan to ‘whet,’ sharpen, incite, encourage, Æ, CP. [hwæt]

-hwette v. hwer-h.

hweðer = hwæðer

hweðre = hwæðere

hwī = hwȳ

hwicce f. locker, chest, trunk, OEG 18b^11.

hwicung f. squeaking (of mice), GD 185^4 (#c#).

hwider (æ) adv. ‘whither,’ Æ, AO, CP. swā hw. swā wherever, whithersoever.

+hwider in every direction, everywhere, anywhere, whithersoever.

hwiderryne adj. directed whither, Ln 43^33.

hwīe = hwȳ

-hwielfan (e, y) v. ā-, be-, of-hw. [hwealf]

±hwierfan (æ, e, ea, i, y) to turn, change, convert, return, CP: wander, move, go, depart, AO: exchange, barter: (+) overturn, destroy. [hwearf]

+hwierfednes (y) f. conversion, BH.

-hwierfere v. pening-hw. [[headword spelled “-hwyrfere”]]

hwig = hwȳ

hwīl f. ‘while,’ time, Æ, CP: a long time. hwīle (ðe) while, whilst, meanwhile. nū hwīle just now, a while ago. ealle hwīle all the while. ōðre hwīle...ōðre hwīle at one time...at another time.

hwilc (e, y) interrog. pron. and adj. which, what: (indef.) whosoever, whichever: any (one), some (one). swā hw. swā whosoever, whatever.

+hwilc each, every (one), all, many, whoever, whatever. ānra +hw. each one.

hwilchwega = hwilchwugu

hwilc-hwene, -hwone pron. some, some one.

hwilc-hwugu, -hugu (hwilc is declined) pron. any, some, some one, AO, CP.

±hwilcnes f. quality, Æ.

hwīlen passing, transitory, #Whale# 87.

hwīlende (#Sc#), hwīlendlic (CP) = hwīlwendlic

hwileð pres. 3 sg. of hwelan.

hwīlhwega adv. for some time.

hwīlon (Æ) = hwīlum

hwilpe f. curlew? #Seaf# 21. [Du. wilp]

hwīlsticce n. interval, short space of time, odd moment, WW 420^28, GD 254^24.

hwīltīdum adv. sometimes, at times, Æ, CP. hwīltīdum...hwīltīdum at some times...at others.

hwīlðrāg f. period of time, GD 243^19.

hwīlum adv. (dp. of hwīl) ‘whilom,’ sometimes, once, Æ, CP. hwīlum...hwīlum now...now, at one time...at another. [‘whilom’]

hwīlwende transitory, temporary, Æ.

hwīlwendlic transitory, temporary, temporal, Æ. adv. -līce, Æ.

hwimpel = wimpel

hwīnan^1 to hiss, whizz, whistle. [‘whine’]

hwinsian to whine, NC 303.

hwinsung f. whining, NC 303.

hwirfan = hwierfan

hwirfð pres. 3 sg. of hweorfan.

hwīrlic (#HGl# 434) = hwearflic

hwiscettung f. squeaking (of mice), GD 185^4 (#o#).

hwisprian to ‘whisper,’ murmur, NG.

hwisprung f. whispering, murmuring, JnR 7^12.

hwistle f. reed, whistle, pipe.

hwistlere m. whistler, piper.

hwistlian to ‘whistle,’ hiss, #Nar# 43^17.

hwistlung f. whistling, piping, music.

hwīt I. ‘white’: bright, radiant, glistening, flashing, clear, fair. II. n. white of egg, Æ.

±hwītan to whiten: brighten, polish.

hwītcorn n. manna, JnL 6^31mg.

hwīt-cwidu, -cudu m. mastic, #Lcd#.

hwītehlāf m. white bread.

hwītel (ȳ) m. blanket, cloak, Æ. [hwīt]

hwītfōt white-footed, #Gl#.

hwītian to whiten, become white, be white, Æ.

hwītingmelu n. whiting-powder, #Lcd# 119b.

hwītingtrēow n. whitten tree.

hwītlēac n. onion, WW 353^8.

hwītling m. a kind of fish, whiting? NC 303.

hwīt-loc ‡, -loccede ‡ fair-haired, blonde, #Rd#.

hwītnes f. whiteness, Æ, #Bl#.

hwiða m., hwiðu (eo) f? air, breeze, Æ, CP.

hwol? ‘infigens,’ OEG 37^6.

hwomm = hwamm

hwon form of instr. case of hwā, only found in adverbial phrases like ‘tō hwon, for hwon’ why.

hwōn I. adj. little, few. II. n. a little, trifle, somewhat, a little while. III. adv. somewhat.

hwonan = hwanon

hwone asm. of hwā.

hwōnlic little, small, Æ. adv. -līce, moderately, slightly, little, Æ.

hwōnlotum (= -hlotum) adv. in small quantities, #Gl#.

hwonne adv. when, then, at some time, CP: at any time. nū hw. just now: as long as, until.

hwonon = hwanon

hwōpan^7 † to threaten.

hworfan = hweorfan

hwōsta m. cough, WW. [‘hoast?’]

hwōstan to cough, #Lcd# 96b (hwōsað).

hwoðerian to foam, surge, ÆH 2·388^19. [hwiða]

hwoðrung f. murmur, a low sound, OEG 26^14.

hwu (LWS) = hū

hwugudǣl m. small part, HL 18^346.

hwurf- = hwearf-, hweorf-, hwyrf-

hwurfon pret. pl. of hweorfan.

hwurful fickle, CP. [hweorfan]

hwurfulnes f. inconstancy, mutability, CP.

hwȳ (inst. of hwæt) adv. and conj. ‘why.’ tō hwȳ wherefore.

hwyder (Æ) = hwider

hwylan = hwelan

hwylc == hwilc

hwylca m. tumour, boil, WW 161^17.

hwȳlon = hwīlum

hwylp = hwelp

hwyr = hwer

hwyrf- = hweorf-, hwierf-

hwyrfel m. circuit, exterior, higher part? #Bl# 125^21: (meaning doubtful), EC 328´.

hwyrfepōl m. whirlpool, eddy, WW 383^34.

hwyrflede ‘rotundus,’ v. OEG 23^42.

hwyrflung (æ) f. turning, revolution, month? v. OEG 1992: wandering.

hwyrfnes f. dizziness, giddiness, #Lcd#.

±hwyrft m. turning, circuit, revolution, motion, course, orbit: way out, outlet. +hw. gēares anniversary.

hwyrftlian = hwearftlian

hwyrftweg m. escape, #Rd# 4^6.

hwystl- = wistl-

hwȳtel = hwītel

hȳ = hīe

+hȳan = hēan III.

±hycgan (i) to think, consider, meditate, study: resolve upon, determine, purpose: remember: hope. h. fram be averse to.

hȳd I. ‘hide,’ skin, Chr, LL; AO, CP, Æ. hȳde ðolian to undergo a flogging. II. = hīd

+hȳd I. furnished with a skin, #Nar# 50^5. II. pp. of hēan. III. = +hygd

±hȳdan I. to ‘hide’ (‘i-hede’), conceal, preserve, Bo, CP: (refl. and intr.) hide oneself, CP, Ps: sheath (a sword), bury (a corpse), Æ. II. = hēdan

hȳddern = hēddern

-hydele v. hǣwen-h.

+hȳdelicnes = +hȳðelicnes

hȳdels m. hiding-place, cave, MkR, LL. [‘hidels’]

hyder = hider

hȳdgild (y^2) n. fine to save one’s skin (i.e. instead of flogging), LL. [‘hidegild’]

hȳdig I. leathern, WW 125^35. II. = hygdig

+hȳdnes f. comfort, Cp 210#o#: security, CP 387.

hȳdscip = hȳðscip

hȳf f. ‘hive,’ Cp, Lcd, WW.

+hygd (i), hygd (at #PPs# 120^4) fn. mind, thought: reflection, forethought.

hygdig heedful, thoughtful, careful: chaste, modest. adv. -līce chastely.

hygdignes f. chastity, modesty, DR.

hyge (i) † m. thought, mind, heart, disposition, intention, Seaf, Da: courage: pride, #Gen# 354. [‘high’]

hygebend mf. heart-strings, B 1878.

hygeblind mentally blind, #Jul# 61.

hygeblīðe † blithe of heart, glad, joyful.

hygeclǣne pure in heart, #PPs# 104^3.

hygecræft † m. power of mind, wisdom.

hygecræftig † wise, prudent.

hȳgedriht f. band of household retainers? #Rim# 21. [hīw]

hygefæst wise, #Rd# 43^14.

hygefrōd wise, #Gen# 1953.

hygefrōfor † f. consolation.

hygegǣlsa hesitating, slow, sluggish, #Ph# 314. [gǣlan]

hygegāl loose, wanton, #Rd# 13^12.

hygegār m. wile, #Mod# 34.

hygegēomor † sad in mind.

hygeglēaw † prudent in mind.

hygegrim savage, cruel, #Jul# 595.

hygelēas (e, i) thoughtless, foolish, rash, Æ.

hygelēaslic (i) unbridled, OEG 3170.

hygelēast f. heedlessness, folly, Æ.

hygemǣðum (i) reverently, B 2909.

hygemēðe sad, saddening, B 2442.

hygerōf † stout-hearted, brave.

hygerūn f. secret, #El# 1099.

hygesceaft f. mind, heart, #Gen# 288.

hygesnottor † sagacious, wise.

hygesorg † f. heart sorrow, anxiety.

hygestrang (i) brave, #Men# 42.

hygetēona † m. injury, insult.

hygetrēow f. fidelity, #Gen# 2367.

hygeðanc † m. thought.

hygeðancol † thoughtful, wise.

hygeðihtig (i^1) courageous, B 746.

hygeðrymm (i^1) m. courage, B 339.

hygeðrȳð (i) f. pride, insolence, #Gen# 2238.

hygewælm ‡ m. agitation of mind, anger.

hygewlanc † haughty, proud.

hyggean = hycgan

hȳglā (#LPs#) = hīglā

hȳhsan = hȳscan [[headword spelled “hyscan”]]

hȳhst v. hēah.

hyht (e, i) mf. (±) hope, trust, Bl, Ps; Æ, CP: joy, exultation: (±) desire, expectation: (+) comfort. [‘hight’]

±hyhtan (i) to hope, trust, Ps: rejoice, exult, be glad: soften (hardship), #Guth# 86^8. [‘hight’]

+hyhtendlic to be hoped for, GD 269^13.

hyhtful (e, i) hopeful: full of joy, mirthful, pleasant, glad.

hyhtgiefu f. pleasing gift, #Rim# 21.

hyhtgifa m. giver of joy, #El# 852.

hyhting (i^1) f. exultation, WW 233^42.

hyhtlēas (i^1) unbelieving, #Gen# 2387.

hyhtlic † hopeful, joyful, pleasant. adv. -līce.

+hyhtlic commodious.

hyhtplega † m. joyous play, sport.

hyhtwilla † m. hoped-for joy.

hyhtwynn † f. joy of hope, joy.

hȳhðo = hīehðu

hyl = hyll

hylc (i) m. bend, turn, #Gl#.

+hylced divergent, GPH 398.

hyld (e, i) m. grace, Gen: loyalty, fidelity, Chr (e), LL. [‘held’]

hyldan I. (e) = hieldan. II. to flay, skin, Æ, WW. [‘hild’; hold II.]

hyldāð m. oath of allegiance, LL 396#b#.

hylde f. declivity, slope, KC, WW (e). [‘hield’]

hyldemǣg † m. near kinsman.

hyldere m. flayer, butcher, #Gl#. [hold II.]

+hyldig patient, #SPs# 7^12.

hylding f. curve, inclination, WW 382^2. [heald]

hyldo f. favour, grace, kindness, protection: allegiance, loyalty, reverence, AO, CP. [hold I.]

hyldrǣden f. fidelity, TC 610^31 (e^1).

hyldu (Æ) = hyldo

hylest pres. 2 sg. of helan.

hylf (Æ) = hielf

hyll I. mf. ‘hill,’ Æ; Mdf. II. = hell

hyllehāma (i) m. ‘cicada,’ cricket, grasshopper, #Gl#.

+hylman = helmian

-hylman v. for-, ofer-h. [[“oferhylman” only in form “oferhylmend”]]

hylp = help

hylpð pres. 3 sg. of helpan.

hylsten baked (on the hearth), WW 393^31.

hylsung f. ‘tympanum,’ timbrel? (BB 4·82), #EPs# 150^4.

hylt = hielt pres. 3 sg. of healdan.

-hylte v. hēah-h.

hylto = hielto

hylwyrt f. ‘hillwort,’ pulegium, WW.

hym = him

hymblice (#Gl#) = hymlic

Hymbre sbpl. Northumbrians, OET 571.

hymele f. hop plant, WW; Mdf. [L. humulus]

hymelic = hymlic

hȳmen = ȳmen [[headword spelled “ymen”]]

hymlic (e) m., hymlīce f. ‘hemlock,’ Gl, Lcd, WW.

hȳn = hēan

hȳnan (Æ) = hīenan

hynd == hind

-hynde v. six-, twelf-, twi-h.; of-hende.

hynden f. community of 100 men, LL.

hyndenmann m. chief man in the community of 100 men, LL 175; 178.

hyne = hine as. of hē.

±hyngran, hyngrian (i) to be hungry, ‘hunger,’ (impers.) Æ, JnL; (intr.) Cr, Lk: (trans.) hunger for, Mt 5^6.

hyngrig = hungrig

hȳnnes f. persecution, BH 34^5. [hēan]

hynnilǣc (Ep) = ynnilēac [[under “ynnelēac”]]

hȳnð, hȳnðu = hīenðo

+hȳpan (Æ) = +hēapian

hypbān n. hip-bone, WW 201^9.

hype m. ‘hip,’ Bl, WW; Æ, CP.

hȳpe f. heap, Æ.

hypebān = hypbān

hȳpel m. heap, mound, Gl.

hypesex = hupseax

+hypsan (#LPs# 9^25) = hyspan

hypwærc (i^1, e^2) n. pain in the hips, WW 113^15.

hȳr (ī) f. ‘hire,’ wages, Æ, LL: interest, usury, Æ.

hyra gp. of hē, hēo, hit.

hȳra m. servant, follower, mercenary, hireling, CP.

hyran to spit, MkR 14^65. [cp. +horian]

±hȳran = (1) hīeran; (2) hȳrian

hyrcnian = heorcnian

hyrd f. door, #Gen# 2695. [Goth. haúrds]

hyrd-, heord-, hyrwd- = hierd-

hyrdel m. ‘hurdle,’ Æ, WW.

hyre gds. of hēo.

hȳre = hēore

hȳreborg (īe) m. interest an money, WW 515^1.

hȳred = hīered

hȳrefter = hēræfter

hȳre-geoc, -geoht = hȳrgeoht

hȳregilda m. mercenary, hired servant, WW 111^11.

hȳremann = hīeremann [[headword spelled “hīereman”]]

hȳrgeoht n. hired yoke of oxen, LL 24[60].

hyrian to imitate, #Bo#.

hȳrian to ‘hire’ (‘i-hire’), Æ, Mt.

hȳrigmann I. m. hireling, A, Mk. [‘hireman’] II. = hīeremann [[headword spelled “hīereman”]]

hyring f. imitation.

hȳrling m. ‘hireling,’ Mk 1^20.

hȳrmann = hȳrigmann

hyrnan to jut out like a horn, Ct.

hyrne f. angle, corner, CP, Mt; Mdf. [‘hern’]

±hyrned horned, beaked, Lcd; Æ. [‘i-horned’]

hyrnednebba † horny-billed, horn-beaked. [horn]

hyrnen I. of horn, #LRPs# 97^6. II. angular, OEG 7^20.

hȳrnes = hīernes

hyrnet, hyrnetu f. ‘hornet,’ Gl, WW: gadfly? WW 121^12.

hyrnful angular, having many angles, OEG 121.

hyrnig angular, OEG 121.

hyrnstān m. corner-stone, keystone, ÆH 1·106.

hȳroxa m. hired ox, LL 116#b#.

hyrra (#KGl#) = heorra, heorr

hȳrra I. v. hēah. II. = hȳra

hyrst † I. f. (±) ornament, decoration, jewel, treasure: accoutrements, trappings, armour. [Ger. rüstung] II. m. hillock, eminence, height, wood, wooded eminence, Rd, OET; Mdf. [‘hurst’]

hyrst- = hierst-

±hyrstan I. to decorate, adorn, ornament, equip. [Ger. rüsten] II. (+) to murmur, LkLR 15^2. III. = hierstan

hȳrsum == hīersum

hyrtan = hiertan

hyrten = heorten

hyrð f. skin, hide, ES 41·323.

hyrðil (Cp) = hyrdel

+hȳrung f. hiring, WW 213^12.

hyrw- = hierw-

hys = his

hȳsan ?= hȳscan [[headword spelled “hyscan”]]

±hyscan (ea, i) (tr.) to jeer at, deride, reproach, Jul, Ps: (intr.) to rail, utter taunts, W. [‘heascen’]

[[Spelled “hȳscan” in 3 of 5 cross-references, and in compound onhȳscan; first edition also has “hȳscan”.]]

hȳscend (ī) m. reviler, GPH 398.

hyscild (WW 170^12) = hysecild

hyse † nap. hyssas m. son, youth, young man, warrior.

hysebeorðor n. the bearing of male offspring: boy, young man.

hyse-berðling, -byrding m. the bearing of male offspring.

hyseberðre f. woman who bears a son, SHy 50^17. [byrðere]

hysecild n. male child, Æ, AO.

hyserinc m. young man, GD 338^22.

hysewīse adv. after the manner of young men, WW 417^35.

hysope = ysope

hyspan (e, i) pret. hyspde and hyspte to mock, scorn, deride, revile, AO. [hosp]

hyspend m. calumniator, #RPs# 71^4.

+hyspendlic abominable, #LPs# 13^1.

hyspful ridiculous, OEG 11^180.

hysp-nes, -ung f. contumely.

hysse = hyse

hyt I. f. heat, B 2649. [ON. hita; or ? read hāt] II. = hit pron.

hȳt pres. 3 sg. of hȳdan.

hyttan = hittan

hȳð I. f. landing-place, harbour, creek, port, Cp, Guth, Met, Ps; Æ, CP. [‘hithe’] II. f. booty, prey.

+hȳð appropriate, convenient, Æ.

hȳðan (ī) plunder, ravage. [hūð]

±hȳðegian to facilitate.

hȳðegung f. advantage, #Sc# 12^6.

±hȳðelic suitable, proper, convenient, advantageous. adv. -līce.

+hȳðelicnes f. ‘opportunitas,’ NC 345.

hȳðgild n. harbour offering, sacrifice or service, OEG.

hȳðlic belonging to a harbour, WW.

+hȳðlic = +hȳðelic

+hȳðnes f. advantage, ÆL 23b^252: occasion, #EPs# 9^27.

hȳðscip (ī) n. a light, piratical vessel, #Gl#.

hȳðð f. gain, advantage.

+hyððo n. subsistence, ÆL 23b^492.

hȳðweard m. warden of a harbour, B 1915.

hȳw == hīw

+hȳwan = +īewan

hȳxan = hȳscan [[headword spelled “hyscan”]]


īa (Æ) = gēa

īacessūre = gēacessūre

īacinctus, īacintus m. jacinth, CP. [L. hyacinthus]

īagul = gēagl

iara = gearo

iarwan = gierwan

īb- = īf-

ic pron. (1st pers.) ‘I,’ Cp, Jn. [Ger. ich]

īcan, icean = īecan

īce = ȳce

īcend m. ‘auctor,’ #ÆGr# 48^12. [īecan]

īcestre f. ‘auctrix,’ #ÆGr# 48^12.

icge only in phr. ‘icge gold,’ treasure-gold? rich gold? B 1108.

īdæges adv. on the same day, Æ.

īdel I. (often īdl- in obl. cases) worthless, useless, vain, Æ, Cp, Gen, Mt, VPs: empty, desolate, bare, void, destitute, devoid (of), Æ, B, VPs; CP: ‘idle,’ unemployed, Mt. on ī. adv. in vain, Æ. II. n. emptiness, frivolity, idleness, Lcd, LL, Sol (ȳ): inattention, carelessness.

īdelgeorn slothful, idle.

īdelgielp (e^3, i^3) n. empty boasting, vainglory, CP, DHy, WW.

īdelgild n. vain worship, idolatry, Æ.

īdelgildoffrung f. offering to an idol, Æ.

īdelhende empty-handed, empty, Æ, CP.

īdelinga (a^2) ‘frivola,’ GPH 389.

īdellic vain, idle. adv. -līce, VPs. [‘idly’]

īdelnes f. frivolity, vanity, emptiness, falseness, VPs; CP. in (on) īdelnisse in vain: ‘idleness,’ idle, vain existence, LL.

-īdelsprǣce v. fela-ī.

ides virgin: (†) woman, wife, lady, queen.

idig busy? active? (BT); greedy for? desirous of? (GK), #Ph# 407?

īdl- v. īdel.

±īdlian to become useless.

īdol n. idol, LL. [L.]

īe v. ēa.

īecan (ǣ, ē, ēa, ī, ȳ) pret. īecte, īhte to increase, enlarge, add to, augment, prolong, An, Lcd, Lk (ī): (+) fulfil, carry out, RSL 11·486. [‘eche’; ēac]

īecinctus = īacinctus

īecsesūre = gēacessūre

īedel- = īdel-

īeg (īg) f. island. [ēa]

īegbūend m. islander, CP.

īegclif (ēg-) n. sea-cliff, B 2893.

īegland (ē, ī) n. island.

īegstrēam (ē^1) † m. current, river, sea.

īehtan = ēhtan

ielc- = ilc-

ield = ieldo

±ieldan (i, y) to delay, put off, prolong, hesitate, tarry, CP: connive at, dissimulate. [‘eld’; eald]

ieldcian (CP) = elcian

ielde † (e, ea, i, y) mp. men.

ielden (æ) n. delay, BH 400^20.

ieldend (y) m. one who delays.

ieldendlic (e) dilatory, WW 441^2.

ieldest (æ, e, y) superl. of eald (Æ, Mt, CP; ‘eldest’).

ieldesta m. chief.

ieldful (i, y) dilatory, delaying, OEG.

ieldian (y) to put off, delay, Æ.

ielding f. delay, tarrying, CP: dissimulation.

ieldo (æ, e, i, y) f. age, Æ, Gu, Lcd: period: old age, old people, Æ, Bl; CP: an age of the world, Æ, Gu. [‘eld’; eald]

ieldra (y) (comp. of eald) used as sbpl. parents, ancestors, B, Bo, El, Rd. [‘elder’]

ieldrafæder (æld-) m. grandfather, WW 7^34.

ieldu = ieldo

ielfe (y) mp. elves (v. ælf).

ielfen (æ, e, y) f. elf, fairy.

ielfig (y) raving, frantic, mad, WW. [v. ‘giddy’]

iēmung (WW 277^22) = gēmung

ierd = gierd

ierf- v. also yrf-.

ierfe (æ, e, i, y) n. heritage, bequest, property, CP: cattle. [Ger. erbe]

ierfian (i) to inherit, possess: (+) to stock with cattle.

iergan to dishearten. [earg]

iergðu f. remissness, sloth, cowardice, AO. [earg]

ierlic (i) angry, vehement, #ApT#.

±ierman to harass, vex, afflict, CP. [earm]

ierming (eo, e, y) m. person of no account, poor wretch, AO, CP.

iermð, iermðu (e, ea, eo, y) f. misery, distress, poverty, B, Bo, Ps: disease: crime: reproach, calumny, #CPs# 118^134. [‘ermth’; earm]

iernan^3 (æ, i, y; rinnan) pret. 3 sg. arn, orn, pl. urnon; pp. urnen (±) to run, move rapidly, hasten, flow, spread, Æ, AO, CP, Lcd, VPs: pursue, Bo, Ps: cause to move rapidly, turn, grind, AO, BH: (+) get to, attain, meet with: (+) occur (to one’s mind), GD: (+) coagulate, Lcd: (+) grow up. [‘ern’]

ierning (e) f. discharge, flow, NG.

ierre I. (i, y) wandering, erring, perverse, depraved, Ps, Sol: angry, fierce, Æ, Bl, Chr, CP; AO. II. n. anger, Bl, CP, El, Lk. [‘irre’]

ierremōd (y) wrathful, wild, B 726.

ierrenga (eo^1, y^1, i^2, u^2) adv. angrily, fiercely, CP.

ierreðweorh (y) very angry, #Sat# 399?

ierscipe (y) m. anger, #LPs# 9^25.

±iersian (i, io, y) to be angry with, rage: enrage, irritate, CP.

iersigendlic passionate, emotional, Æ (y).

iersung (i, y) f. anger, CP.

iersunga adv. angrily.

ierð- = eorð-, yrð-

iesca (Ep, Erf) = geocsa

iesend, iesende entrails, WW. [= gesen]

ieteð pres. 3 sg. of etan.

īeð adv. comp. (= ēað) easily, An, Met; AO, CP. [‘eath’]

+īeðan (ē) to alleviate, #Gu# 1179: compassionate, GD 216 (ȳ).

īeðe I. easy, good-natured, pleasant, B; AO. II. (†) = ēðe

īeðegean = ȳðgian

īeðelic easy, CP: adv. -līce easily, AO, CP.

īeðnes f. ease, pleasure, CP 425^11.

±īewan (ēa, ēo, ȳ) to show, display, reveal, disclose, point out, CP. [ēage; cp. ēowan]

īfegn = īfig

īfig n. ‘ivy,’ Gl, Lcd, Shr.

īfigbearo ivy-grove, CC 50.

īfig-crop, -croppa m. cluster of ivy berries.

īfiglēaf n. ivy leaf, #Lcd# 117b.

īfig-tearo, -tara n. ivy tar, resin from tar, #Lcd#.

īfiht ivy-covered, KC.

ig = ic

īg = īeg

īgbūend = īegbūend

igdæges = īdæges

igel = īl

igg = īeg

iggað, iggoð, īg(e)oð m. ‘ait,’ eyot, small island, Æ, Chr.

igil, igl (Æ) = īl

īgland (ē) n. ‘island,’ BH, Bo, Chr, Whale.

īgoð, īgð = iggað

ih = ic

īhte pret. 3 sg. of īecan.

īl (igil) m. hedgehog, porcupine, Shr, WW; CP. [‘il’]

īland = īgland

ilca (y) pron. (always wk) the same, An, Bo, Chr, OET; CP. [‘ilk’]

ilce adv. v. swā.

ild- = ield-

ile (y) m. sole of the foot, Æ: callosity, corn, Æ. [cp. Ger. eilen]

ilfetu, ilfe(t)te (y) f. swan, #Gl#; Mdf.

illca = ilca

illeracu f. surfeit, WW 378^15.

+illerocad surfeited, #CVPs# 77^65.

ilnetu (WW 367^27) = ilfetu

ilugsecg v. eolhsecg.

imbe = ymbe II.

imberdling, imbyrdling = inbyrdling

impa? m., impe? f. graft, shoot, scion, CP 381^17. [‘imp’]

impian to ‘imp,’ implant, graft, LL 454[12]: (+) busy oneself with, CP 132^25.

in I. prep. with a. and d. (instr.) (local) ‘in,’ into, upon, on, at, to, among: (temporal) in, at, about, towards, during: (purpose) in, to, for. II. sb. and adv. = inn

in- (v. BH xxxiii ff.) = on-

ināberan^4 (inn-) to bring in, Æ.

inādl f. internal disease, #Lcd#.

inǣlan (#VPs#) = onǣlan

ināgān = ingān

ināgēode = inēode pret. 3 sg. of ingān.

ināsendan to send in.

ināwritting f. inscription, LkL 20^24.

inbærnednes (#CPs# 66); inbærnes (#Gl#) f. burning, incense, frankincense. [= onb-]

inbecweðan^5 to inculcate, WW 429^36.

inbelǣdan to lead in.

inbelūcan^2 to shut, #Bl# 217^26.

inbend mf. internal bond, #Gu# 928.

inber- = on-, in-byr-

inberan to carry in, LL 386[1].

inbernes (#VPs#) = inbærnes [[under “inbærnednes”]]

inbeslēan to hack into (any one), LL 86[74].

inbestingan^3 to penetrate, LL 7[64,2].

inbetȳnednes f. life of a recluse, GD 212^5.

inbewindan^3 to enfold, enwrap.

inbirdling = inbyrdling

inblāwan^7 to inspire, breathe upon, JnR: inflate, puff up, EC. [‘inblow’]

inboden proclaimed. [onbēodan]

inbolgen exasperated. [= onb-]

inboren ptc. indigenous, native, GPH 390. [‘inborn’]

inborh m. bail, security in cases of theft, LL. [‘inborgh’]

inbrēdan^3 to burst in upon, GPH 393.

in-brengan, -bringan to bring in, present, Mk. [‘inbring’]

inbryne (byr) m. conflagration.

inbryrd- = onbryrd-

inbūan to inhabit, MtL 23^21.

inbūend m. inhabitant, WW 210^13.

in-burg, -burh f. hall, WW.

inbyrde born on the estate, Ct.

inbyrdling (e) m. slave born in a master’s house, Æ.

inbyrne (DR) = inbryne

inbyrð pres. 3 sg. of inberan.

inc (Mt, Mk) da. of git, dual pers. pron. [‘inc’]

inca m. question, scruple, suspicion, doubt: grievance, quarrel, grudge, BH. incan witan to have a grudge.

incaðēode = ingeðēode [[form of “ingeðēod”]]

ince = ynce

incēgan to call upon, DR 119^3. [cīgan]

incēgung f. invocation, DR.

incempa m. soldier of the same company, WW 207^6.

incer (y) I. gen. of git, dual pers. pron. II. adj. pron. of or belonging to both of you, Mt. [‘inker’]

+incfullian to offend, scandalize, MtR. [inca]

incga = inca

incit acc. of git, dual personal pronoun.

incleofa (i, y) m. chamber, closet: cave, den.

incniht m. household servant, Æ.

incofa m. inner chamber, ÆL: breast, heart, #Met# 22^18.

incoðu f. internal disease, Æ.

incuman^4 to come in, go into, enter, Æ. [‘income’]

incund interior, internal, inward, secret, Æ, CP. adv. -līce, Æ.

incundnes f. inward conviction, sincerity, W 105^30: inward part, recess, DHy.

incūð strange, extraordinary. adv. -līce.

incyme m. entrance, LV 32.

indǣlan to infuse, DR.

indēpan to dip in, LkL 16^24.

Indisc Indian, Æ.

indrencan = ondrencan

indrīfan^1 to ejaculate, utter, #Sat# 80.

indrihten = indryhten

indrincan^3 to imbibe, drink. indruncen plied with drink.

indryhten distinguished, noble, excellent.

indryhto † f. honour, glory.

ineardian to dwell in, inhabit, #VPs#.

inēddisc n. household stuff, furniture, WW 147^32. [ȳddisc]

inelfe = innelfe

inerfe = innierfe

infær n. ingress, entrance, entry, Æ, WW. [‘infare’]

infæreld n. in-coming, entrance, Æ: interior: vestibule.

infangene-ðēof, infangen-ðēf sb. right of judging thieves caught within the limits of one’s jurisdiction, and of taking the fines for the crime, Ct; v. LL 2·523. [‘infangthief’]

infaran^6 I. to enter, Æ, Jn. [‘infare’] II. = innefaran

infaru f. incursion, inroad, #Chr# 1048.

infeallan^7 to fall in, #VPs#.

infeccan to fetch in, #Bl# 175^1.

infēran to enter in, Æ.

infiht n. brawl in a house, LL 597´.

infindan^3 to find, discover, NG.

inflēde † full of water.

inflēon^2 to fly from, #Rim# 44.

infōster n. bringing up, rearing, LL 396´.

infrōd † very aged, experienced.

ing I. name of the rune for =ng=. II. = ging, geong

-ing suffix, as in earming, lytling (originally patronymic).

in-gān anv. pret. -ēode to go in, enter, BH, Mt. [‘ingo’]

ingang m. ingress, entrance, access, beginning, BH, Ps (inn-): entrance fee. [‘ingang’]

ingangan^7 to go in, enter, Æ.

ingebed n. earnest prayer, #PPs# 87^2.

ingeberigan (NG) = onbyrgan

ingebringan^3 to bring in, LL 150´.

inge-cīgan, -cēgan ‘invocare,’ #VPs#; #CPs# 90^15.

ingedōn anv. to put in, BH 434^20.

ingedrincan (GPH 391) = indrincan

ingefeallan^7 ‘incidere,’ #Ps#.

ingefeoht n. internal war, BH.

ingefolc n. native race, #Ex# 142.

ingehrif (-gerif) n. womb, #LPs# 21^8.

inge-hygd, -hȳd (Æ), -hīd f. consciousness, mind, conscience, sense, understanding: intention, purpose, design.

ingehygdnes f. intention, #LPs# 48^5.

ingelǣdan = inlǣdan

ingelaðian to invite.

ingemang v. gemang prep.

ingemynd † fn. recollection, memory, mind.

ingemynde well-remembered, #El# 896.

ingenga m. visitor, intruder, B 1776.

ingeongan (NG) = ingangan

ingēotan^2 to pour in, fill.

ingēoting (yn- ?= ymb-) f. inpouring, OEG.

ingerec n. broil, BH. [= ungerec]

ingerif = ingehrif

ingeseted placed in, inserted.

ingesteald household goods, B 1155.

ingeswel n. internal swelling, WW 113^5.

ingeðanc mn. thought, mind, conscience, intention, Æ, CP.

ingeðēod † f. nation.

ingeweaxen implanted, WW 427^8.

ingewinn n. civil war, AO 88^29.

ingewitnes f. consciousness, conscience, BH.

ingong (CP) = ingang

ingyte m. pouring in, infusion, inspiration, CM 424. [gēotan]

inhǣtan to inflame, GD 29^9.

inhebban (#Cr# 313) = onhebban

inheldan = onhieldan

inheord f. herd kept by the lord on his lands, LL 449[7].

inhīred m. family, household, Æ.

in-hīwan, -hīgan sbpl. members of a household or community, servants.

inhold loyal in heart, #Lcd# 3·442^28.

inhȳrnes f. possession, EC 364´.

inilfe = innelfe

ininnan = oninnan

inlād f. right of water-passage inland: entrance-fee.

inlǣdan ‘inducere,’ to introduce, NG.

inlænd- = inlend-

±inlagian to reverse sentence of outlawry, Chr, LL. [‘inlaw’]

inland n. land in the lord’s own occupation, domain, demesne.

inlaðian to invite.

inlaðigend m. inviter, #Sc# 170^12.

inlec = inlic

inlēgan (#VPs#) = onlīegan [[error for “onlicgan”?]]

inlēhtan = inlīhtan

inlenda m. native, #Gl#.

in-lende, -lendisc native, indigenous.

inlēohtan = inlīhtan

inlic internal, interior, inward, BH: native. adv. -līce inwardly: thoroughly, sincerely, heartily, BH, Bo. [‘inly’]

inlīchomung f. incarnation, DR.

±inlīhtan (= on-) to shine, illuminate, enlighten.

inlīhtend m. illuminator, DR 2^6.

inlīhtian (= on-) to illuminate, enlighten, NG.

inlīhtnes f. illumination, #VPs#.

inliðewāc = unliðuwāc [[headword spelled “unliðowāc”]]

inlīxan to become light, dawn, LkL 23^54.

inlocast superl. adv. innermost, most heartily. [inlīce]

inlȳhtan = inlīhtan

inmearg n. marrow, GPH 397.

inmēde close to one’s heart, important in one’s estimation, RB; #Bk# 15.

inn I. n. dwelling, apartment, lodging, chamber, house, Æ, Mt; AO: quartering oneself (of soldiers). [‘inn’] II. adv. in, inwards, within, inside of: into. inn on into.

inn- = in-

inna (LkL) = innoð

innan I. prep. (w. a. g. d.) from within, B: within, in, into, G, Gen, Lcd; CP. II. adv. within, inside, in, AO. [‘inne’]

innanbordes adv. (within borders), at home, CP.

innanburhware sbpl. residents within the walls of a town, TC 510^31.

innancund inner, inward, internal: thorough, hearty.

innane = innan II.

innanweard = inweard

innað = innoð

innāwritting (LkL) = onwrīting

inne adv. in, inside, within, in-doors, A, AO, BH, Chr, Ct, Lcd.

inne- = inn-, in-

innecund adj. inward, CP 139.

inne-faran, -foran bowels, #Lcd#.

innelfe n. bowels: womb.

innemest (superl. of inne) adj. ‘inmost,’ Sc: most intimate, deep or close, CP. adv. inmost.

innera (compar. of inne) ‘inner,’ interior, WW: mental, spiritual, BH, LL, Sc.

inneð = innoð

inne-weard, -werd = inweard

innheardmann m. one of the household troops, MtL 8^9. [inhīred]

innhere m. home force, native army, #Chr# 1006#e#.

innian to go in, Bo: (±) put up, lodge, Chr 1048: (+) include: (+) fill, restore, make good, Æ. [‘inn’]

innierfe (e^2) n. household stuff, furniture, goods, #Bo# 31^19.

innifli (Cp 115#i#) = innelfe

inniht (WW 450^21) = incniht?

innīwian to renew, DR 168^12.

innon = innan

innor (ÆGr) compar. of inne. [‘inner’]

innoð mf. inside, entrails, stomach, womb, breast, heart, BH, Bo, G; Æ, CP.

innoðmægen (e^3) n. strength, EHy 5^16.

innoðtȳdernes f. weakness of the bowels, #Lcd# 105a.

innoðwund f. internal wound, #Lcd# 88b.

innra = innera

innung f. dwelling: contents, takings, revenue, Bo, KC. [‘inning’]

innweardlīce = inweardlīce

innweorud n. retainers, household, #Wid# 111.

innylfe = innelfe

inorf n. household goods, furniture.

inra (Æ) = innera

inræcan ‘ingesserunt,’ WW 420^18 (v. A 31·532).

inrǣsan to rush upon.

inrēcels n. incense, LkR 1^9.

insæglung = inseglung

insǣte adj. dependent, WW 185^9.

insætnes = insetnes

inscēawere m. inspector, DR 194.

inscēawung f. inspection, view, NG.

insceðende = unsceððende [[redirected to “unscæððende”]]

in-segel, -segl (æ) n. seal, signet, Æ, Ct. [‘inseil’; L.]

±inseglian (æ) to seal, LL; ÆL. [‘inseil’]

inseglung f. sealing, seal, Æ (æ).

insendan to send in, put in, #VPs#.

insetnes f. regulation, DR.

insettan to institute, BH, JnL.

insigle n. seal, signet. [insegel]

insiht f. narrative, JnL.

insittende sitting within, #Rd# 47^7.

insmoh m. slough, MH 162^11.

insōcn f. brawl in a house, LL 597[80,12].

insomnian to gather in, BH 274^1.

inspinn n. spindle, WW.

instæpe I. m. entrance, ÆH 1·84. II. = instæpes

instæpes adv. forthwith, directly.

instæppan (Æ) = insteppan

instandan^6 (o^2) to be present, DR.

instandendlic (o^2) required for present use, MtR 6^11.

instede (y) immediately, NG.

in-stepe, -stepes = instæpes

insteppan^6 (æ) to go in, enter, Æ.

instice m. internal stitching pain, #Lcd#.

instīgan^1 to climb in, GD 24.

instihtian to appoint, arrange, LkL p2^6.

insting = onsting

instyde = instede

inswān m. lord’s swineherd, LL 447.

inswōgan^7 to invade, BH 278^8.

inswōgennes f. onrush, BH 110^33.

intiga (#KGl#) = intinga

intimb- = ontimb-

intinga m. matter, business, Æ: cause: fault. butan intingan in vain, emptily.

intō prep. with d. (instr.), a. into, to, against, in, Æ.

intrahtnung f. interpretation, MtL p2^7.

inðer adv. apart, MtR 17^1.

inðicce crass, thick, MtL 13^15.

inðīnen f. female servant, GPH 401.

inðing (N) = intinga

inðwēan = onðwēan

in-wærc, -wræc m. internal pain.

inwǣte f. internal humour, #Lcd# 97a.

inweard I. (innan-, inne-) adj. internal, inward, inner, intrinsic, deep, sincere, earnest, Æ, B, Bo, Cr. as sbn. inward parts, Æ, WW. II. adv. within: mentally, spiritually, LkL. [‘inward’]

inweardlic (e) internal, Lcd: sincere, W. adv. -līce ‘inwardly,’ Æ: deeply, thoroughly, heartily, sincerely, Æ, Met.

inwendan to change, #VPs#.

inweorc n. indoor work, LL 454[11].

inwerd- = inweard-

inwid == inwit

inwidda m. adversary, enemy.

inwise f. condiment, #Lcd# 69a.

inwit I. n. evil, deceit, guile. II. adj. wicked, malign, deceitful.

inwitfeng m. spiteful clutch, B 1447.

inwitflān m. treacherous shaft, #Mod# 37.

inwitful wicked, crafty.

inwitgæst m. evil guest, B 2670.

inwitgecynd n. evil nature, #Sol# 329.

inwitgyren f. treacherous snare, #PPs# 139^5.

inwithlemm ‡ (id) m. treacherous wound.

inwithrōf m. unfriendly roof, B 3123.

inwitnet n. net of malice, B 2167.

inwitnīð † m. cunning hostility.

inwitrūn † f. evil, crafty counsel.

inwitscear m. murderous attack, B 2478.

inwitsearo n. artful intrigue, B 1101.

inwitsorh † f. sorrow.

inwitspell n. tale of woe, #Gen# 2024.

inwitstæf † m. wickedness, evil.

inwitðanc † m. malicious thought, hostile intent.

inwitwrāsn † f. hostile fetter.

inwræc = inwærc

inwrītere m. writer, secretary, ZDA 31·23.

inwritting f. inscription.

inwund f. internal wound, #Lcd# 70a.

inwunenes f. persistence, WW 426^5.

inwunung f. residence in, NC 304.

io- = geo-

īo (= īu) == gēo

ioc == geoc

iom = eom

ionna (N) adv. within.

ionnað = innoð

īor † m. name of a river-fish (eel?): name of the rune for =io=.

iorning = ærning

iornð = iernð pres. 3 sg. of iernan.

iorsian (#KGl#) = iersian

Īotas mpl. the Jutes.

īow m. = īw

īowan = īewan

ippingīren = yppingīren

īren == īsen

irfe = ierfe

irgian = eargian

Iringes weg m. milky way, WW 53^23.

irm- = ierm-; iern-

irn- = iern-, eorn-

irre == ierre

irs- = iers-

irsenhelm = īsenhelm

irðling = yrðling

is pres. 3 sg. of eom, anv.

īs n. ‘ice,’ BH, Met, PPs: (pl.) pieces of ice, BH: name of the rune for =i=.

īsærn (#Gl#) = īsearn

īsceald † icy cold, Met, Seaf. [‘icecold’]

ise (N) = gise [[headword spelled “gīse”]]

īsearn (æ, e) m. halcyon, kingfisher.

īsen I. (īsern, īren) n. ‘iron,’ Æ, BH, CP, Gl, LL: iron instrument, Lcd: fetter, Ps: (†) iron weapon, sword, B: ordeal of red-hot iron, LL 230[6]. [Ger. eisen] II. adj. of iron, ‘iron,’ Æ, B, Bl, CP, Da.

īsenbend † (īr-) mf. iron bond, fetter.

īsenbyrne (īsern-) f. iron corslet, B 671.

isend = iesend

īsenesmið = īsensmið

īsenfetor (īsern-) f. iron fetter, #Gl#.

īsengelōma (īr-) m. iron instrument, #Nar# 9^19.

īsengræf m. iron-mine? KC 5·234^28.

īsengrǣg (grēi) ‘iron-grey,’ WW.

īsenheard (īr-) hard as iron, B 112. [‘iron-hard’]

īsenhearde f. (‘iron-hard’), black centaury, vervain, knapweed, Lcd.

īsenhelm (irsen-) m. iron helmet, WW 142^2.

īsenhere (-ern) m. iron-clad army, #Ex# 348.

īsenhyrst adj. with iron fittings, KC.

īsenordāl (ȳ) n. ordeal by iron, LL.

īsenōre f. iron mine, #Gl#.

īsen-panna m., -panne f. frying pan, #Gl#.

īsenscofl f. iron shovel, #Gl# (īsernscobl).

īsenscūr f. shower of arrows, B 3116 (-ern).

īsensmið m. blacksmith.

īsenswāt m. dross of iron? #Lcd#.

īsentang f. snuffers, WW 327^14.

īsenðrēat m. iron clad troop, B 330 (īr-).

īsenwyrhta m. blacksmith, WW 310^33.

isern = iesende [[under “iesend”]]

īsern (1) == īsen; (2) = īsearn

īsgebind n. fetters of ice, B 1113.

īsgeblǣd (ȳ) n. ice-blister, chilblain? #Lcd#.

īsig ‘icy,’ Met: shining? glistening? covered with ice? B 33.

īsigfeðera with frosted wings, #Seaf# 24.

īsiht icy, ÆL 23b^572.

īsīðes adv. immediately, LL (338^11).

īsmere m. icy lake, #Met# 28^62.

±īsnian to cover with iron. pp. īsnod iron-clad, WW 236^19.

itest, itst pres. 2 sg., iteð, itt pres. 3 sg. of etan.

īð == īeð

īðan (ǣ, ē, ȳ) to lay waste, ravage, devastate, desolate, destroy, Æ.

iu- = geo-

iū = gēo

iuc == geoc

Iūdēas sbmp. the Jews, G.

Iūdēisc Jewish, G.

iugian = geocian

īuih (NG) = ēowic, ēow

īuwian (AS 7^19) = īewan

īw (ēow) m. ‘yew,’ yew-tree, Æ; Mdf.

īwberge (ēow) f. yew-berry, #Lcd#.


Words beginning with =k= will be found under =c=.


lā interj. lo! behold! oh! ah! Æ. lā lēof O Lord! O sir!: indeed, verily, Æ. hwæt lā what! wā lā wā! alas!

label = (*lafel), læfel

laber (Lcd) = lǣfer

lāc nf. play, sport: (†) strife, battle: sacrifice, offering, Æ, CP: gift, present, Mt; Æ: booty, B: (†) message. [‘lake’]

+lac † n. tumult, commotion. sweorda +l. battle: crowd, host, #Cr# 896.

lācan^7 pret. 3 sg. leolc to move up and down, leap, jump, swing, fly, Jul: play (instrument): (†) fight, contend, B: (+) incite to, AO: be rewarded. [‘lake’]

lācdǣd f. munificence, OEG 3833.

lācgeofa m. generous giver, #PPs# 67^18.

+lācian to present, bestow.

lāclic sacrificial, LL (380^18).

±lācnian (ǣ, ē) to heal, cure, treat, look after, Æ, BH, LkL; AO, CP: foment, dress (a wound). [‘lechne’]

lācnigendlic surgical, #HGl# 478.

lācnimende only in bēon l. ‘munerari,’ BHy 3^19.

lācnung f. healing, cure: medicament, remedy.

lācsang m. offertory hymn, WW 130^2.

lactuc, lactu-ce, m. -ca f. lettuce, Æ. [L.]

lacu f. running water, stream, pool, ‘lake,’ Chr 656#e#.

lād I. f. course, journey, An, B: (±) way, street, water-way: leading, carrying, LL: maintenance, support. [‘load,’ ‘lode’] II. f. clearing from blame or accusation, purgation, exculpation, CP.

ladan (NG) = hladan

±lādian to clear oneself from blame or accusation, exculpate oneself: let off, excuse, Æ, AO, CP.

lādiendlic excusable, WW 233^31.

lādmann m. conductor, guide, Æ. [‘lodeman’]

lād-rinc? -rincman m. conductor, escort, LL 3[7] (v. 2·441).

ladsar = laser [[headword spelled “lāser”]]

lādscipe m. leadership, WW 481^6.

lādtēow, lādðēow == lāttēow

lādung f. exculpation, excuse, defence, apology, Æ, CP.

lǣc = (1) lēac; (2) lāc

lǣca = lǣce

-lǣca v. āg-, ellen-l. etc.

+lǣca emulous, GPH 391.

lǣcan to spring up, rise, flare up, #Sat# 716.

+lǣcan to emulate, GPH 391: join with, make common cause with? #CPs# 140^4. [lāc]

±læccan to seize, grasp, comprehend, Æ: capture, catch, Chr, G, LL: receive, ÆL. [‘latch,’ ‘i-lecche’]

lǣce (ē, ȳ) m. physician, doctor, BH, LkL; Æ, CP: ‘leech,’ WW; Æ.

lǣcebōc f. book of prescriptions, #Lcd#.

lǣcecræft m. ‘leech-craft,’ art of healing, Bo, Lcd; Æ: medicament, remedy, prescription, Æ.

lǣcecræftig skilled in medicine, #Lcd# 186b.

lǣcecynn n. race of physicians, #Rd# 6^10.

lǣcecyst f. medicine chest, GD 344^17.

lǣcedōm m. medicament, medicine, BH, WW (e); Æ, CP: salvation. [‘leechdom’]

lǣcedōmlic salutary, A 5·458.

lǣcedōmnes f. cataplasm, WW.

lǣcefeoh n. doctor’s fee, LL (148^19).

lǣcefinger m. (‘leech-finger’), fourth finger, Lcd.

lǣcegeatwa? (-getea) fp. medical apparatus, v. NC 304.

lǣcehūs n. sick room, hospital.

lǣceiren n. surgeon’s knife, lancet, GD 32.

lǣcesealf f. medicinal ointment, WW 514^21.

lǣceseax n. lancet, CP 187^9.

lǣcewyrt f. medicinal herb, drug, Æ: ribwort.

lǣcnian = lācnian

lǣdan (±) to ‘lead,’ guide, conduct, carry, lift, take, bring, Æ, BH, Bl, Chr, VPs; CP. wīf l. take a wife, marry: (±) produce, bring forth: pass, lead (life), BH, Met: to mark or beat the bounds of land, EC 155: perform, do, An: place, lay, Æ: sprout forth, grow, spread.

lǣde (BH 400^2) = lǣwede

lǣden I. (ē, ēo) n. ‘Latin,’ A, BH, CP: any foreign language, Lcd (‘leden’). II. adj. Latin.

lǣdenboc (e) f. Latin book, Æ.

lǣdend I. m. bringer. II. m. excuser, apologist. [*lǣdan]

lǣdengereord n. Latin language, #Lcd#.

lǣdengeðēode n. Latin language, CP.

lǣden-isc, -lic Latin.

lǣdenlār f. knowledge of Latin, W 124^12.

+lǣdenlic ‘ductilis,’ #EPs# 97^6.

lǣdennama m. Latin noun, #ÆGr# 292^18.

lǣdensprǣc (ē) f. Latin language, Æ, CP.

lǣdenstæfum (ē) adv. in Latin, Jn 19^20.

lǣdenware mpl. Latin people, Romans, CP.

lǣdenword (ē) n. Latin word, #ÆGr# 122^6.

lǣdnes f. bringing forth, BH.

lǣdtēow = lāttēow

lǣf = (1) lāf; (2) lēaf

±lǣfan (ē) I. to ‘leave,’ bequeath, B, Jn; Æ, CP: spare, leave behind, have left, Lk, Mk: remain, Æ. [lāf] II. = līefan

læfel (e) m. spoon, basin, vessel, bowl, cup. [Ger. löffel; L. labellum]

lǣfend (WW 168^17) = lǣwend

lǣfer f. rush, reed, iris, gladiolus, Lcd, WW; Æ: metal plate, Æ. [‘laver’; ‘levers’]

lǣferbed n. reed-bed, WW 138^29.

lǣfnes = lēafnes

læg pret. 3 sg. of licgan.

lǣg = (1) lēag; (2) līeg

lægde = legde pret. sg. of lecgan.

lǣgon pret. pl. of licgan.

lǣgt = līget

læht pp., læhte pret. sg. of læccan.

lǣl (ē) f., lǣla m. rod, whip, switch: bruise, weal, stripe, #Ex#.

lǣlan, lǣlian to become black and blue, be bruised.

lǣmen (ē) of clay, earthen, Æ. [lām]

lǣmian = lēmian [[headword spelled “lemian”]]

lǣn (ā) I. nf. loan, borrowing, lease, grant, gift, present, benefit, Æ, CP. [lēon] II. = lǣnland

±lǣnan (ē) to ‘lend,’ WW; CP: give, grant, lease, Gen, Æ.

lǣndagas † mpl. loan-days, transitory days, days of a man’s life.

lænde-, lænden- = lenden-

lǣne (ē) lent, temporary, inconstant, transitory: perishable, frail, poor: weak, sinful, CP. [lǣn]

lǣnelic passing, transitory.

lǣnend m. lender, WW. [‘lenend’]

lǣnendlic = lǣnelic

lǣnere m. ‘lender,’ WW 189^21.

læng = leng

længten- = lencten-

lǣnian = lēanian

lǣnland n. leased land, v. LL 2·323.

lǣnlic = lǣnelic

-lǣnung v. feoh-l.

læpeldre f. dish, Æ.

læpewince (e) f. lapwing, #Gl#.

læppa (a) m. lappet, piece, section, lobe, portion, district, CP, Lcd; Æ. [‘lap’]

-læppede v. fīf-l.

±lǣran (ē) to teach, instruct, A, BH: enjoin, advise, persuade, urge, preach. l. forð hand down (to others): (+) convert: (+) †recall, ES 37·197. ±lǣred learned (opposed to lǣwed), hence clerical (as opposed to lay), spiritual (as opposed to temporal), Æ, CP. [‘lere’]

+lǣre empty, hungry, NC 295. [Ger. leer]

+lǣrednes f. learning, skill, BH.

lǣrest = lǣst

lǣrestre f. instructress, Æ.

lǣrgedēfe adapted for instruction? FT 61.

lǣrig m. edge, border (of a shield)? v. A 37·55.

-lǣrigian v. ymb-l. [[headword spelled “ymblǣrgian”]]

lǣringmǣden n. female pupil.

lǣringmann m. disciple, RB 20^6.

lǣrnes f. emptiness, Lcd 22b. [‘leerness’]

læs pret. 3 sg. of lesan.

lǣs I. (ē) adv. and sbn. less, lest, Æ, AO, CP. ðȳ lǣs (ðe) conj. w. subj. lest. II. f. gs. lǣswe pasture, JnL (ē), WW; Æ; Mdf. [‘lease,’ ‘leasow’] III. f. (blood-)letting, #Lcd#.

lǣsboren of lower birth, LL (246^21).

lǣsest (MtR) = lǣst I.

lǣsian = lǣswian

lǣson pret. pl. of lesan.

lǣssa adj. (comp. of lȳtel) ‘less,’ smaller, fewer, Æ, Bo, Chr: inferior, MtL, MtR (ē). sb. A, Æ. adv. BH.

læst f. fault, sin, NC 305. [ON.]

lǣst I. superl. of lȳtel ‘least,’ Gu, Lcd; CP, AO. ðe lǣste lest, CM. II. f. performance, fulfilment, #Ex# 308. III. = lāst

±lǣstan (ē) to follow, help, serve, B, Bl, Met, OET; AO perform, do, carry out, accomplish, AO: endure, last, continue, Cr; Æ: furnish, pay, W [‘last’; Ger. leisten]

lǣste f. ‘last’ (for the foot), WW.

lǣstend m. doer, performer, BH.

+lǣstfullian to testify, #LPs# 80^9.

lǣstwyrhta (eo^2) m. shoemaker, WW.

lǣswe v. lǣs II.

±lǣswian to depasture, graze, feed, Æ, LkL. [‘leasow’]

læt I. (lat- in obl. cases) comp. lætra; sup. lætest, lætemest slow, B, Bl, CP, Lcd; Æ: slack, lax, negligent: ‘late,’ Lk. II. m. man of the class between the slave and the ceorl, LL (v. 2·564). [‘laet’]

lǣt pres. 3 sg. of lǣdan.

+lǣt = +lǣte II.

lǣtan^7 pret. 3 sg. lēt, leort (tr.) to allow to remain, leave behind, depart from, ‘let’ alone, Bl, CP: leave undone, BH: (±) bequeath, EC: allow, Bl, LL: cause to do, BH: regard as, consider, BH, Chr, CP: behave towards, treat: (intr.) allow to escape, emit, let out, set free, Æ, Lcd: ‘let’ (on lease), BC: assert, pretend, Lk: (+) allot, assign. l. from refrain from (late); +l. nēah land approach the shore? (ES 37·191); on bæc l. leave behind.

lǣtanīa = lētanīa

lætbyrd f. slow birth, #Lcd# 185a.

+lǣte I. n. manners, bearing, NC 295. [ON. lǣti] II. n. junction of roads, Æ.

lætemest I. adv. lastly, finally, NG. II. v. læt. [‘latemost’]

læthȳdig slow-minded, dull, #Cra# 10.

lætlīce adv. slowly, Gu. [‘lately’]

lætmest = lætemest

lætnes f. slowness, delay, ÆL 23b^647: sloth, GD 174^23.

lætra (Æ, LL) v. lǣt. [‘latter’]

lætrǣde slow, deliberate, CP 149^14.

lætsum backward, Chr. [‘latesom’]

lǣtt f. (pl. latta) beam, ‘lath,’ WW.

lǣttēow = lāttēow

lǣttewestre f. guide, conductress, Æ. [lāttēow]

lætting = letting

-lætto v. un-l.

lǣð n. a division of a county containing several hundreds, ‘lathe,’ BC 3·162: landed property? (meadow) land? LL 400[3,2].

lǣðan to abuse, revile, hate: cause to shun, RB 11^18. [lāð]

lǣðð, lǣððo (CP) f. wrong, injury: hatred, malice, Bl. [‘leth’; lāð]

lǣuw = lēow

lǣwa (ē) m. betrayer, traitor, Lk; Æ. [v. ‘lewe’]

±lǣwan to betray. [Goth. lēwjan]

-lǣwe v. druncen-, hunger-l.

lǣwede lay, laic, unlearned. as sb. layman, BH; Æ, CP. [‘lewd’]

læwel = læfel

lǣwend m. betrayer, traitor, #Gl#.

lǣwerce = lāwerce

læwil = læfel

læx = leax

lāf f. what is left, remnant, legacy, relic, remains, rest, Bl, Chr; Æ: relict, widow, Æ, AO. tō lāfe alone. tō lāfe bēon to remain over. wǣpna, daroða l. survivors of battle. hamora lāfa results of forging, swords. [‘lave’; līfan]

lāferce = lāwerce

±lafian to pour water on, wash, ‘lave,’ bathe, B, Lcd: ladle out, Lcd.

lag- = lah-

-laga v. lund-l.

lage- = lagu-

lagen pp. of lēan II.

±lagian to appoint, ordain, W. [‘law,’ ‘i-lahen’]

lago- = lagu-

-lagol v. ǣ-l.

lāgon = lǣgon pret. pl. of licgan.

lagu I. f. (old neut. pl. lagu; #Chr# 1052#d#) ‘law,’ ordinance, rule, regulation, Æ; Chr, LL, RB: right, legal privilege, LL: district governed by the same laws. II. m. water, flood, sea, ocean, Gen, Met: name of the rune for =l=. [‘lay’]

+lagu np. extent, surface (of sea), #Seaf# 64? [OS. gilagu]

lagucræftig skilled in seafaring, B 209.

lagufæsten † n. sea, ocean.

lagufæðm m. enveloping waves, #Rd# 61^7.

laguflōd m. wave, stream, waters, sea, ocean.

lagulād † f. water-way, sea.

lagumearg m. sea-horse, ship, #Gu# 1306.

lagusīð † m. sea-journey.

lagustrǣt f. sea-path, B 239.

lagustrēam † m. water, sea, ocean.

laguswimmend † m. swimming in the sea (fish).

lāh pret. 3 sg. of lēon.

lah- = lag-

lahbreca m. law-breaker, impious man, #Sc# 9^10.

lahbrecende impious, profane, #Sc# 9^9.

lahbryce m. breach of the law, LL.

lah-cēap, -cōp m. money paid (by an outlaw) for restitution of legal rights, LL.

lahlic lawful, legal, #Sc# 46^2. adv. -līce.

lahmann m. an official declarer of the law, LL 376. [v. ‘lawman’]

lahriht n. legal right, LL.

lah-slitt fn., -slite m. fine for breach of the (Danish) law, LL.

lahwita m. lawyer, LL (308^13).

lām n. ‘loam,’ clay, earth, Æ, WW; Mdf.

lama (o) wk. adj. and sb. m. crippled, lame, paralytic, weak (man), Æ, BH, Cp, El, Mt, WW.

lamb (Æ), pl. lamb(e)ru, lambor (A) n. ‘lamb,’ Æ, G, Gl, Gu, WW.

lambyrd f. imperfect birth, #Lcd# 185a.

lāmfæt n. † vessel of clay (the body).

lamp I. pret. 3 sg. of limpan. II. (#KGl#) = lamb

lamprēde f. lamprey. [L.]

lām-pytt, -sēaða m. ‘loampit,’ Ct.

lāmwyrhta m. potter, G.

lān = lǣn

lanan obl. cases of lanu.

land (o) n. earth, ‘land,’ soil, B, BH, VPs, WW; Mdf: territory, realm, province, district, Cp, Chr, Bl, VPs: landed property, Æ, Bl: country (not town), Æ, BH: ridge in a ploughed field.

+landa m. compatriot, kinsman, WW 211^20.

landādl = hlandādl? [[Cross-reference unidentified.]]

landælf f. land-elf, WW 516^27.

landāgend m. native, BH.

landāgende owning land, LL.

landār f. landed property, Æ.

landbegenga (i^2) m. husbandman, peasant, native, CP.

landbegengnes f. habitation, #BPs# 119^5 (o^1).

landbigong m. dwelling in a country, #BPs# 118^54 (o^1)

landbōc f. ‘land book,’ written grant of land, Ct, WW.

landbrǣce m. first ploughing (after land has lain fallow), WW 105^11.

landbūend I. mf. inhabitant, native: husbandman. II. f. colony.

landbūende dwelling on the land, native.

landbūnes f. colony, settlement, #Nar#.

land-cēap, -cōp m. fine paid to the lord on the alienation of land, BC. [‘landcheap’]

landefen m. measure or proportion of land, #Chr# 1085.

landesmann = landmann

landfæsten n. natural fortress, AO 80^14 (o^1).

landfeoh n. recognitory rent for land, KC.

landfolc n. people of the country, inhabitants, Æ. [‘landfolk’]

landfruma m. ruler, prince, B 31.

landfyrd f. army.

landgafol n. land-tax, tribute, LL. [‘land-gavel’]

landgehwerf n. exchange of land, Ct.

landgemaca m. neighbour, OEG.

land-gemǣre, -gemirce n. boundary, limit, frontier, AO.

landgesceaft f. earthly creature, #Da# 360.

landgeweorc n. fortified place, B 938.

landgewyrpe n. heap of earth? Ct.

landhæbbende owning or ruling land.

landhæfen f. real property, LL 22[32].

landhere m. native force: land force (opposed to naval force).

landhlāford m. lord of a country, lord of a manor, landlord.

landhredding f. redemption of land.

landlagu f. local law, LL.

landlēas not owning land, LL. [‘landless’]

land-lēod m., nap. -lēode, -lēoda, -lēodan inhabitant of a country, native, AO.

landlyre m. loss of territory, #Chr# 1105.

landmann m. inhabitant of a country, native, Ex, LL. [‘landmann’]

landmearc m. boundary.

+landod having landed property, LL 182[11].

landopenung f. first ploughing of land, WW 147^9.

landrǣden v. ealdlandrǣden.

landrest f. grave. #An# 782.

landrīca m. landed proprietor.

landrīce n. territory, AO.

landriht n. ‘land-right,’ right to own or occupy land or connected with its occupation, B, Ex, Gen: that which is due from land or estates.

landscearu (a^2) f. tract of land, province, country, CP: boundary, landmark. [v. CC 48]

landscipe m. region, #Gen# 376.

landscoru = landscearu

landsēta m. settler, WW 111^15. [sǣta]

landseten f. occupation of land: occupied land, estate.

landseðla m. occupier of land, TC 593^6.

landsidu m. custom of a country, CP.

landsittende occupying land, #Chr#.

landsōcn † f. search for land to settle on.

landspēd f. landed property, KC 3·349^24.

landspēdig rich in land, Æ.

landsplott m. plot of land, KC 4·39^12.

landstede m. region, #Wif# 16 (o).

landstycce n. small plot of ground, GD, LL.

landwaru f. inhabitants, population, B 2321.

landweard m. coast-warden, B 1890.

landwela m. earthly possessions, #Ph# 505.

lane = lanu

lang (o) comp. lengra, superl. lengest ‘long,’ tall, AO, BH, Lcd, MH; CP.

+lang (usu. w. æt or on) dependent on, attainable from, present in, belonging to, Æ, AO, Gu. [v. ‘along’]

langafrīgedæg m. Good Friday.

langað = langoð

langbolster mn. feather-bed, WW 276^36.

lange (o) adv. comp. leng, lenge, superl. lengest ‘long,’ a long time, far, B, BH, Bl, Bo.

langfǣre lasting, protracted, Æ.

langfērnes f. length, long duration, #Sc# 29^1.

langfirst m. long space of time, #Gu# 920.

langgestrēon n. ancient store of wealth, B 2240.

langian (o) (impers. with acc. of pers.) to ‘long’ for, yearn after, grieve for, be pained, AO (o): grow longer, Lcd: summon: belong.

+langian to send for, summon, call, Æ: apprehend, seize, LL 202[6,2].

langieldo f. advanced age.

langlīce adv. for a long time, long, at length, Æ.

langlīfe long-lived.

langmōd constant, patient, long-suffering. adv. -līce.

langmōdig long-suffering (v. late), NC 347.

langmōdnes f. long-suffering, #Sc# 10^17.

langnes f. length, Æ. [‘longness’]

langoð m. longing, unsatisfied craving, discontent.

langsceaft having a long shaft.

langscip n. man of war, #Chr# 897#a#.

langstrang ‘longanimis,’ #LPs# 102^8.

langsum long, lasting, tedious, protracted, B (o), Lcd; Æ. [‘longsome’] adv. -līce, AO 58^17 (o).

langsumnes f. length, Ps; Æ. [‘longsomeness’]

langsweored (y^2) long-necked.

langtwidig lasting, assured, B 1708.

langung (o) f. ‘longing,’ desire, Bl: weariness, sadness, dejection, Æ: delay, CP (o). [langian]

langunghwīl f. time of weariness, #An# 125.

langweb n. warp (in weaving), WW 187^12.

langwege ‘peregre,’ MkL 13^34 (o^1, œ^2).

langwyrpe oblong, NC 305^347.

lānland = lǣnland

lann (o) † f. chain, fetter.

lanu (o) f. ‘lane,’ street, Bl.

lapian to ‘lap’ up, drink, Lcd; Æ.

lappa (#Gl#) = læppa

lār f. ‘lore,’ learning, science, art of teaching, preaching, doctrine, Bl; Æ, CP: precept, exhortation, advice, instigation, JnL; AO: history, story: cunning, #Gen# 2693.

lārbōc f. book containing instruction (used of St Paul’s Epistles, and Bede’s works), Æ.

lārbodung f. teaching, preaching, NC 305.

lārbysn f. example, WW 163^43.

lārcniht m. disciple, LkL p 2^2.

lārcræft m. knowledge, #Sol# 3.

lārcwide † m. teaching, precept.

lardōm m. teaching, instruction, LL 258[51].

lār-ēow, -ow, -uw (a) m. teacher, master, preacher, BH, JnL; Æ, AO, CP. [‘lorthew’]

lārēowdōm m. function of teacher, instruction, CP: ecclesiastical authority, Æ, CP.

lārēowlic like a teacher, OEG.

lārēowsetl n. teacher’s seat, pulpit.

lārēwes = lārēowes gs. of lārēow.

lārfæsten n. prescribed fast, A 11·99.

lārhlystend m. catechumen, OEG 2881.

lārhūs n. school, #HGl# 405.

lārlēast (ē, ȳ) f. want of instruction, ignorance.

lārlic conducive to learning, instructive, Æ. betwux larlīcum gefylcum amongst soldiers in training, Æ.

lārsmið † m. (nap. -smeoðas) teacher, counsellor.

lārspell n. homily, sermon, treatise, Æ. [‘lorespell’]

lārsum teachable, NC 305.

lārswice m. trickery, W 309^14.

lārðēaw (MF), lāruwa (N) = (*lārðēow), lārēow

lārðegn m. teacher, NC 305.

lārwita m. learned man, LL (308^13).

lāser (o^2) m? weed, tare, #Gl#.

lāst (ǣ, ē, ēa) m. sole of foot: spoor, footprint, track, trace, B, Bl; Æ, CP. on lāst(e) behind, after, in pursuit of. on l. lecgan to follow. lāstas lecgan to go: gait, step. [‘last’]

±lāst (ǣ, ē) n. accomplishment, observance, RB 5^5: duty, due, obligation, vow.

+lāstful helpful, serviceable, LL; AO. [‘lastfull’]

lāstweard m. successor, heir: pursuer.

lāstword n. fame after death, #Seaf# 73.

lasur = laser [[headword spelled “lāser”]]

lat- v. læt-.

late adv. comp. lator, sup. latest ‘late,’ Chr, Jul: slowly, Lcd: at last, AO. [læt]

latemest = lætemest II.

lātēow = lāttēow

±latian to be slow, indolent: linger, delay, hesitate, Æ.

lator, adv. comp., latost (æ), superl. slower, later, A, Bo, MtR; AO, CP. [‘latter,’ ‘last’]

latt = lætt [[headword spelled “lǣtt”]]

lattēh f. guiding rein, WW 120^9. [lād]

lāttēow, lāttēowa (ǣ) m. leader, guide, general, Bo, VPs (lad-); AO, CP. [‘lattew’]

lāttēowdōm m. leadership, guidance, instruction, CP.

latung f. delay, hindrance, OEG 7^129.

lātðēow, lātuw = lāttēow

lāð I. (±) hated, hateful, hostile, malignant, evil, AO, B: loathsome, noxious, grievous, unpleasant, Ep; CP. [‘loath’] II. n. pain, harm, injury, misfortune, AO: insult, annoyance, harmful thing, BH, Lcd; CP. [‘loath’; Ger. leid]

lāðbite m. wound, B 1122.

lāðe adv. inimically, in detestation.

lāðēow = lāttēow

lāðettan to hate, loathe: make hurtful or repulsive, Æ.

lāðgenīðla † m. persecutor, foe.

lāðgetēona † m. enemy.

lāðgewinna m. enemy, #Rd# 16^29.

laðian to invite, summon, call upon, ask, Æ, CP. [Ger. laden]

lāðian to hate, be hated, AO; Æ. [‘loathe’]

lāðlēas inoffensive, innocent.

lāðlic ‘loathly,’ hateful, horrible, repulsive, unpleasant, BH; Æ. adv. -līce.

lāðscipe m. misfortune, #Gen# 2048.

lāðsearu n? hateful, contrivance, #Da# 436.

lāðsīð m. painful journey, death, #Ex# 44.

lāðspel n. sad tidings, AO.

lāððēow = lāttēow

±laðung f. calling, invitation, CP: assembly, congregation, church, Æ. [‘lathing’]

lāðwende † hateful, hostile, bad.

lāðwendemōd hostile minded, #Gen# 448.

lāðweorc n. evil deed, #PPs# 105^26.

laur m. laurel, bay, laver, #Lcd#.

laurbēam (lawer-) m. laurel.

laurberige f. laurel-berry, #Lcd#.

laurice (Cp) = lāwerce

laurtrēow n. laurel-tree, #Lcd#.

lauwer, lawer = laur

lāwerce (ǣ) f. ‘lark,’ WW; Mdf.

lēa I. (#VPs#) = lēo. II. gdas. of lēah.

lēac I. (ǣ, ē, ēo) n. ‘leek,’ onion, garlic garden-herb, Lcd; Æ. II. pret. 3 sg. of lūcan.

lēac- = lēah-

lēacblæd n. leek leaf, NC 305.

lēaccærse (e^2) f., cress, nasturtium, #Lcd#.

leac-trog, -troc, -tric = leahtroc

lēactūn (lēah-, lēh-) m. kitchen-garden, garden of herbs, LkL, WW. [‘leighton’]

lēactūnweard (ē^1) m. gardener, WW 127^14. [‘leightonward’]

lēacweard (e^1, o^2) m. gardener.

lēad (ē) n. ‘lead,’ BH; Æ, CP: leaden vessel, cauldron, A 9·264.

lēaden (ē) ‘leaden,’ Æ, LL.

lēadgedelf n. lead-mine, KC 3·401^7.

lēadgeota (o) m. plumber, LL 455[16].

lēadgewiht n. lead-weight, a scale of weight, v. CC 77.

lēadstæf m. loaded stick for beating with, WW 441^20.

lēaf (ī) I. (±) f. ‘leave,’ permission, privilege, BH, Chr; Æ, CP. II. n. ‘leaf,’ shoot, pl. foliage, MtL (ēo), VPs; Æ: sheet of paper, BH.

±lēafa m. belief, faith, Æ, Mt; AO. [‘leve’; Ger. glaube]

±lēafe (ǣ) f. leave, permission, licence, Æ.

±lēafful believing, JnR: faithful, trustworthy, MtL. [‘leafful’] adv. -līce.

+lēaffulnes f. faith, trust, faithfulness, Æ.

lēafhelmig leafy at the top, GPH 390.

±lēafhlystend (e) m. believing listener, catechumen, OEG.

+lēaflēas unbelieving, Æ.

+lēaflēasnes f. unbelief, W 294^2.

+lēaf-lēast, -lȳst f. unbelief, Æ.

lēafleoht light, easy, RB 5^19.

+lēaflic credible, faithful, Æ. adv. -līce.

lēafnes (ē, ȳ) f. leave, permission, BH.

+lēafnesword n. password, B 245.

lēafscead n. leafy shade, #Ph# 205.

+lēafsum believing, faithful: credible.

lēafwyrm (i^2) m. caterpillar, #ASPs# 77^51.

lēag I. (ē) f. ‘lye,’ alkalized water, Ep, Lcd. II. = lēah I. III. pret. 3 sg. of lēogan.

lēagung f. lying, #Nar# 2^21. [lēogan]

lēah I. lēage (#Chr#) m. piece of ground, ‘lea,’ meadow, BC; Mdf. II. = lēag I. and III.

leahte pret. 3 sg. of leccan.

leahter == leahtor

leahtor (e^1) m. vice, sin, offence, crime, fault, Æ, CP: reproach: disease, injury, #Lcd#.

leahtorbēre laughable, causing laughter, RB 18^8. [hleahtor]

leahtorcwide m. opprobrious speech, #Jul# 199.

leahtorful (e^1, e^2) vicious, seductive.

leahtorlēas faultless, blameless.

leahtorlīce foully, wickedly, Æ.

-leahtorwyrðe v. un-l.

leahtras nap. of leahtor.

leahtrian (e) to accuse, revile, reprove, blame, Æ; AO, CP: corrupt. [‘lehtrie’]

leah-troc, -tric, -trog m. lettuce. [L. lactuca]

lēahtrung (ē) f. blaming, detraction, WW 150^1.

lēahtūn = lēactūn

lēan I. n. reward, gift, loan, compensation, remuneration, retribution, B, Mt; Æ. [‘lean’; Ger. lohn] II. sv^6 (pret. 3 sg. lōg, lōh) and wv. to blame, censure, reproach, AO, CP.

lēangyfa m. rewarder, #Lcd# 3·436^23.

±lēanian (ǣ) to reward, recompense, repay, requite, Æ, CP. [Ger. lohnen]

lēap m. basket, W: basket for catching or keeping fish, WW: measure: trunk (body), #Jud# 111. [‘leap’]

lēas I. adj. (w. g.) without, free from, devoid of, bereft of: (±) false, faithless: untruthful, deceitful, WW; Æ: vain, worthless. II. n. falsehood, lying, Bo; CP. [‘lease’]

lēasbrēd (-bregd) I. lying, false, deceitful, Æ. II. m. cheating, trickery.

lēasbrēda m. trickster, ES 43·306.

lēasbrēdende wily, deceitful, #ÆGr# 286^6.

lēasbrēdnes f. deception, falsehood.

lēasbregd == lēasbrēd

lēascræft m. false art, Æ.

lēasere m. liar, hypocrite, MtL: buffoon, mime, jester, fool. [‘leaser’]

lēasest (MtL) = lǣst I.

lēasettan to pretend, Æ, RB.

lēas-ferhð, -fyrhð, false, NC 305.

lēasferðnes f. levity, folly, CP.

lēasfyrhte = lēasferhð

lēasgewitnes f. false witness, Æ.

lēasgielp m. vainglory, CP.

lēasian to lie, Ps. [‘lease’]

lēaslic false, deceitful, sham, empty, Æ, CP. adv. -līce, Æ, CP.

lēaslīccettan to dissemble, WW 388^33.

lēaslīcettung f. dissimulation.

lēasmōdnes f. instability, CP 308^6.

lēasnes f. lying: levity, BH 322^23.

lēasōleccan to blandish, flatter, GD 34^27.

lēasōlecung f. empty blandishment, WW 430^21.

lēassagol (u^3) lying, false, Æ.

lēasscēawere m. spy, B 253.

lēasspell n. lie, fiction, fable.

lēasspellung f. empty talk, AO.

lēassponung f. allurement, WW 452^3.

lēast = lāst

lēast- = læst-

lēastyhtan to cajole, WW 431^4.

lēastyhtung f. cajolery, WW 430^21.

lēasuht (= wiht?) enticer, seducer, OEG 4014

lēasung f. ‘leasing,’ lying, false witness, deceit, hypocrisy, artifice, JnL: a lie, Ps: empty talk, frivolity.

lēasungspell n. idle tale, AO 40^8.

lēat pret. 3 sg. of lūtan.

leatian = latian

+leaðian = +laðian

lēaðor n. soap, soda, Lcd, WW. [‘lather’]

lēaðorwyrt (lēoðo-) f. soap-wort? #Lcd# 16a.

lēawede = lǣwede

lēawfinger m. index-finger, forefinger, #PPs# 72^11.

leax m. salmon, Cp (æ), Met, WW (e); ÆL. [‘lax’]

leb- = lef-, læf-

lec = hlec

+lec pret. 3 sg. of +lacan.

lēc I. m. look, regard, Æ; A 11·118^50. II. = lēac I. and II.

+lecc- = +læcc-

leccan pret. 3 sg. leahte, le(o)hte to water, irrigate, wet, moisten, slake, CP. [cp. Ger. lechzen]

leccing f. irrigation, watering, WW (KGl). [‘leaching’]

lēce == lǣce

lēcetere (#KGl# 65^29) = līcettere

±lecgan to ‘lay,’ put, place, deposit, set, Æ, Gen, Lcd, MtL, Rd; CP. l. on (w. d.) put upon, charge with, Chr, Gu; CP: bury, Jn: put before, submit, Æ: betake oneself, go. lāstas l. go, journey. on lāst l. follow: lay (egg), Lcd: prostrate, cast down, lay low, kill, Bo, Lk, LL. [causative of licgan]

lēciwyrt (Cp) = lǣcewyrt

lēcnian (NG) = lācnian

lectric = leahtroc

lēctūn- = lēahtūn-

lecða m. ‘sentina,’ #Gl#, WW.

lēd = lēad

lēdan = lǣdan

lēde = legde, pret. 3 sg. of lecgan.

lēden == lǣden, lēaden

lēf I. (ī) feeble, infirm, weak, injured. II. = lēaf

lēf- = lēaf-

lēfan = (1) līefan; (2) lǣfan

+lēfed weak, sickly, aged.

lefel, lefil = læfel

+lēfenscipe m. justification, JnL 15^22.

lēfmon m. sick person, #GnE# 45.

left (K; ?= lyft*) ‘inanis,’ QF 1^443.

lēft (#SPs#) = lēst, lǣst

lēfung f. paralysis, ÆH 2·486^18.

leg (= læg) pret. 3 sg. of licgan.

lēg = (1) līeg; (2) lēah

lēg- = līg-, lēog-

lēga (A) = lǣwa

legde pret. 3 sg. of lecgan.

+lege f? lair, bed, Mdf.

lēgelēoht n. light (of flame), MFH 168.

legen pp. of licgan.

leger n. lying, illness, AO, B; Æ: ‘lair,’ couch, bed, Wif: grave, LL; Æ. clǣne legere consecrated grave. on līfe ge on legere in life and in death, LL. [licgan]

legerbǣre sick, ill, TC 611^20.

legerbedd n. bed, sick bed, Æ: bed of death, grave.

+legered confined to bed, Æ.

legerfæst sick, ill, RB 64^7.

+legergield n. ‘lupercalia,’ WW 437^14.

legerstōw f. burial place, Æ.

legertēam m. cohabitation, marriage.

legerwīte fm. fine for unlawful cohabitation, LL. [‘lairwite’]

lēges = lēages gs. of lēah.

legeð pres. 3 sg. of lecgan.

legie f. legion, AO. [L.]

-legu v. ealdor-l.

leh- = leah-

lēh = lēah

lēh- = lēac-

lēhnan = lȳgnian [[headword spelled “lygnian”]]

lēht == lēoht

lehtan = lihtan [[headword spelled “līhtan”]]

lehte pret. 3 sg. of leccan.

lehtor = leahtor

lēl (#KGl#) = lǣl

leloðre f. silverweed? #Gl#.

lemb = lamb

lēmen (#KGl# 82^40) = lǣmen

±lemian (æ) to subdue, CP 303^11: lame, disable, B 905.

lempedu f. lamprey, WW 438^17. [‘limpet’; lampreda]

lemphealt limping, Gl, WW. [‘limphalt’]

lēnan (#KGl#) = lǣnan

lencten (æ) I. m. springtime, A, Lcd; Æ: the fast of Lent, W. II. adj. pertaining to Lent, A, RB (æ). [‘lenten’]

lenctenādl f. spring fever, tertian ague.

lenctenbere m. Lent barley, ANS 84^326.

lenctenbryce m. breach of the Lenten fast, LL 344[47].

lenctendæg m. day of Lent.

lenctenerðe f. land ploughed in spring, WW 105^7. [eorðe]

lenctenfæsten n. Lent, Æ.

lenctenhǣto f. heat of spring, AO 102^6?

lenctenlic of spring, vernal, Æ: lenten, Æ.

lenctenlifen f. Lenten fare, NC 306.

lenctensufel (længt-) n. Lent food, LL 450[9].

lenctentīd f. spring, Lent, Æ.

lenctentīma m. spring, OEG 3837.

lenctenwuce f. a week in Lent.

lenctin- = lencten-

+lend I. furnished with land (by the lord), LL 448´. II. = +lynd

+lenda m. one rich in land, OEG 3154.

lendan to land, arrive, Chr; Æ, AO, CP: (+) endow with land, Æ. [‘lend’; land]

lende- = lenden-

lendenbān n. loin-bone, WW 159^13. [‘lendbone’]

lenden-brǣde, -brēde f. loin.

lendensīd reaching to the loins, NC 306.

lendenu (æ) np. loins, reins, Mt, WW; Æ. [‘lend’; Ger. lenden]

lendenwyrc m. a disease of the kidneys, WW 113^12. [wærc]

-lendisc v. dūn-, ūp-, ūre-, ūt-l.

lēne = lǣne

leng I. (æ) f. length, height, Æ. II. adv. (comp. of lange) longer, Æ, Lk. [‘leng’]

±lengan to lengthen, prolong, protract, delay, Da: extend, reach, attain: belong. [‘leng’]

lengcten- = lencten-

lenge (æ) I. adj. (±) belonging, related: near (of time), B 83. II. v. lange.

+lenge belonging to, related to, Æ: addicted to.

lengest (Chr, Mk) superl. of lang, lange. [‘lengest’]

lengfære more durable, ANS 119·435.

lengian (impers. w. a.) to long for, ask for, #Sol# 270 (GK).

lenglīfra comp. of langlīfe.

lengo = lengu

lengra (BH) comp. of lang. [‘lenger’]

lengten == lencten

lengtogra comp. adj. drawn out farther, more prolix, #Sc# 161^18.

lengðu f. ‘length,’ AO 144^1.

lengu f. length, Bo, BH: height, Sol. [‘lengh’]

lent f. lentil, #Gl#. [L. lentem]

lenten = lencten

lēo mf. gdas. lēon, also ds. lēone, lēonan, asf. lēo, and dp. lēonum ‘lion,’ lioness, AO, Æ. [L.]

lēoc (WW 283^21) = lēac

lēod I. m. man, LL 14[25]: ‘wergeld’ for manslaughter, LL (= lēodgeld): (+) fellow-countryman, compatriot: (†) chief, prince, king, B. [‘lede’] II. f. (usu. in pl. lēode) people, nation, B, Bl; Æ, AO. [‘lede’]

leoda = lida

lēoda I. = +lēod I. II. (LWS) = lēode

lēodan^2 to spring up, grow: spring from.

lēodbealu † n. calamity to a people.

lēodbisceop m. suffragan bishop, provincial, Æ.

lēodburg † f. town.

lēodbygen f. sale of one’s compatriots, slave-traffic, LL 20[11Ld] (v. 2·133).

lēodcyning m. king, ruler, B 54.

lēode fp. men, people, country, B, Lk; AO (v. lēod).

lēoden = lȳden

lēodfruma † m. prince, patriarch, chief.

lēodgeard † m. country.

lēodgebyrga † m. lord, protector, prince, king.

lēodgeld n. ‘wergeld’ for manslaughter, LL.

lēodgeðincð f. order, rank, LL.

lēodgewinn n. strife, #Jul# 201.

lēodgota = lēadgeota

lēodgryre m. general terror, #Sol# 278.

lēodhata m. persecutor, tyrant, GD.

lēodhete † m. popular hatred, hostility.

lēodhryre † m. fall of a prince (or nation?), B 2030, 2391.

lēodhwæt very valiant, #El# 11.

-lēodisc v. ðider-l.

lēodmǣg † m. relative, comrade.

lēodmægen † n. might of the people, host power, virtue.

lēodmearc † f. domain, country.

lēodrǣden f. country, region, GD 204^23.

lēodriht n. law of the land.

lēodrūne f. pythoness, sorceress.

lēodscearu f. tribe, nation, #Ex# 337.

lēodsceaða † m. public enemy.

lēodscipe m. nation, people, Æ: country, region.

lēodstefn m. race, tribe, #PPs# 82^7.

lēodðēaw m. popular usage.

lēodweard † f. government.

lēodweras † mp. men, human beings.

lēodwerod n. host of people, #Ex# 77.

lēodwita m. wise man, elder, chief, LL 456.

lēodwynn f. home joy, †Hy 4^89.

lēodwyrhta = lēoðwyrhta

lēof I. adj. dear, valued, beloved, pleasant, agreeable, Æ, B, Chr, CP. II. m. beloved one, friend: (in addressing persons) sir! sire! Æ, EC: impure companion, GPH 394. [‘lief’]

leofen = lifen

leofian (Bl) = libban

lēofian to be or become dear, #Gu# 110.

lēoflic dear, lovable, pleasant, beautiful, delightful, B: precious, valued. adv. -līce lovingly, kindly, gladly, willingly, BH. [‘liefly’]

lēofspell n. good news, #El# 1017.

lēof-tǣl, -tǣle kind, lovable, loving, dear, grateful, agreeable, CP.

lēofwende kind, loving, gracious, acceptable, estimable, agreeable.

lēofwendum ardently.

±lēogan^2 to ‘lie,’ Bl, WW: (w. d.) deceive, belie, betray, Æ, CP: be in error, #ÆGr#.

lēogere (e^1, o^2) m. ‘liar,’ false witness, W, MtL; Æ: hypocrite, MkL 7^6.

lēoht (ē, ī) I. ‘light,’ not heavy, AO, BH, Rd; CP: slight, easy, trifling, inconsiderable, CP, Mt, Lcd: quick, agile, Ph: gentle, Wid. II. n. ‘light,’ daylight, Æ, B, Bl, Chr, G, Ps, W: power of vision, Bl: luminary, Lcd. III. luminous, bright, ‘light,’ clear, resplendent, beautiful, BH, Lcd, VPs; AO, CP.

lēohtan = līhtan

lēohtbǣre brilliant, luminous.

lēohtbēamede bright-shining, ÆH 1·610.

lēohtberend m. light-bearer, Lucifer, Æ.

lēohtberende light-bearing, luminous, Æ.

lēohtbora m. light-bearer, LV 36.

lēohtbrǣdnes f. levity, frivolity, wantonness.

leohte = lehte, pret. 3 sg. of leccan.

lēohte I. adv. lightly, easily, comfortably, BH. [‘light’] II. adv. brightly, clearly, brilliantly, Bl, Cr. [‘light’]

lēoht-fæt n. nap. -fatu lantern, torch, lamp, light, Æ, CP.

lēohtfætels m. lamp, #LPs# 17^29.

lēohtfruma † m. source of light.

lēoht-gesceot, -gescot n. payment for providing lights in church.

lēohtian I. to be lightened, relieved. II. to become light, dawn, CM 474: (†) give light, illuminate.

lēohting = līhting

lēohtīsern (ē^1, NG) n. candlestick.

lēohtlēas devoid of light, dark, Æ. [‘lightless’]

lēohtlic I. light, of little weight or importance, Æ, CP. adv. -līce lightly, slightly, BH, Lcd: inconsiderately: easily, quickly: gently, softly, slowly, CP; Æ. [‘lightly’] II. bright, radiant, Rd.

leohtmōd easy-going, #GnE# 86.

leohtmōdnes f. levity, inconstancy, frivolity, CP.

lēohtsāwend author of light, GPH 389^2.

lēohtscēawigend light-seeing, WW 434^20.

lēohtsceot = lēohtgesceot

lēohtwyrhta = lēoðwyrhta

leolc pret. 3 sg. of lācan.

±lēoma m. ray of light, beam, radiance, gleam, glare, B; Æ: lightning.

±lēoman, lēomian? to shine, SkED. [[from first edition]]

+lēomod having rays of light, #Lcd# 3·272^4.

leomu nap. of lim.

lēon I. (sv^1) to lend, grant. [Ger. leihen] II. gdas. of lēo.

lēona mf. lion, lioness, Æ.

lēonesēað m. lions’ den, GD 150^9.

lēonflǣsc n. lion’s flesh, Lcd 1·364. [v. ‘lion’]

lēonfōt m. lion’s foot (plant).

lēonhwelp m. lion’s cub, WW 434^6.

±lēoran (wv., but rare pp. loren) to go, depart, pass, vanish, die (A; v. JAW 44).

±lēorednes f. departure, transmigration: death, ÆL: vision.

lēorende, +lēorendlic transitory.

leornan = leornian

leornere m. ‘learner,’ disciple, Æ, CP: scholar, BH: reader.

lēornes = lēorednes

±leornian to ‘learn,’ read, study, think about, Æ, BH, MkR; AO, CP.

leorningcild n., leorningcniht (Æ, CP) m. student, disciple.

leorningende teachable.

leorninghūs n. school, WW.

leornung f., ds. leornunga ‘learning,’ reading, study, meditation, CP; AO.

leornungcræft m. learning, #El# 380.

leornungmann m. learner, disciple (used even of women), Æ.

leornungscōl f. school, GD 14^6.

leort pret. 3 sg. of lǣtan.

lēosca (ē) m. groin.

leoð = leoðu v. lið.

leoð- = lið-

lēoð n. song, lay, poem, B, WW; Æ, AO. [‘leoth’; Ger. lied]

lēoðcræft m. poetic art or skill: poem, poetry, Æ.

lēoðcræftig skilled in song, #Deor# 40.

lēoðcwide m. lay, poem, AO 120^2.

leoðe- = leoðu-

lēoðgidding f. lay, song, poem, #An# 1481.

lēoðian † to sing, recite: sound forth, resound.

lēoðlic versified, ÆH 2·134.

leoðo- = leoðu-

lēoðorūn f. wise counsel given in song, #El# 522.

lēoðowyrt = lēaðorwyrt?

lēoðrian = hlēoðrian

lēoðsang m. song, poem, poetry, BH.

leoðu I. f. retinue, following? #Rim# 14 (GK). II. v. lið.

leoðubend † mf. chain, fetter, bond.

leoðucǣge f. limbs which served as a key, #Cr# 334.

leoðucræft † m. skill of hand.

lēoðucræft = lēoðcræft

leoðucræftig agile, #Ph# 268.

leoðufæst able, skilful, #Cra# 95.

leoðulic appertaining to the limbs, bodily.

leoðusār n. pain in the limbs, WW 213^8.

leoðusyrce † f. corslet.

leoðuwāc (i) with supple limbs, flexible, pliant, Cra 84. [‘leathwake’]

leoðuwācian to mitigate.

leoðuwācunga (liðe-)? ‘compeditorum,’ #EPs# 78^11.

±leoðuwǣcan to become pliant, be submissive, grow calm, soften.

lēoðweorc n. poetry, WW 188^30.

lēoðwīse f. verse, poetry, Æ.

lēoðword n. a word in a poem, #An# 1490.

lēoðwrence m. poem, A 8·334.

lēoðwyrhta m. poet, #ÆGr#.

lēow (ǣu) n. ham, thigh.

-lēow (ē, ā) v. mund-l.

leowe f. league (distance), WW 147^22.

lēower pl. of lēow.

lepewince = læpewince

leppan to feed (a hawk), #Wy# 89 (v. ES 37·195).

lēran (#KGl#) = lǣran

lere (#KGl# 83^19) = lyre

lērēow- = lārēow-

lēs- = līes-

lesan^5 to collect, pick, select, gather, glean, Æ. [‘lease’; Ger. lesen]

lēsca = lēosca

-lesende, -lesendlic, -lesung v. ed-l.

lēst = lāst

lesu = lysu

lēsw- = lǣsw-

lēt I. pret. 3 sg. of lǣtan. II. = lǣt pres. 3 sg. of lǣdan. III. = lēat pret. of lūtan.

lētan = lǣtan

lētanīa m. litany. [L. litania]

letig (#KGl#) = lytig

±lettan (æ) to ‘let,’ hinder, delay, impede, oppress, Æ, Bo, Gu (w. g.), W; AO, CP.

lettend m. hinderer, ES 39·349.

letting (æ) f. ‘letting,’ hindrance, delay, RB; CP.

lēð = lǣð

-leðer v. heals-, weald-l.

leðera = liðera [[under “liðere”]]

leðercodd m. leather bag, WW 117^3. [v. ‘leather’]

leðeren = leðren

leðerhelm m. leathern helmet, WW 142^1.

leðerhose f. leathern gaiter, WW.

leðern = leðren

leðerwyrhta m. leather-maker, tanner, currier, #Gl#.

lēðr- = lȳðr-

leðren (i) ‘leathern,’ WW.

lēud = (1) lēod; (2) lǣwede

lēw f? weakness, W 165^9 (cp. lēf I.).

+lēwed weak, ill? Æ (#Ex# 22^10, cp. limlǣweo or ? read +lēfed.

lēwend = lǣwend

lēwer = lēower

lēwsa m. weakness: ‘inops,’ #EPs# 139^13 (hlēw-). [lēf I.]

lex = leax

lēxnian (WW 241^21) = lācnian

lib- = lif-

libb- = lyb-

libban (y) pret. 3 sg. lif(e)de to ‘live,’ be, exist, Æ, B, BH, Lcd, VPs; AO, CP.

libr- = lifer-

līc n. body, B, Cr: corpse, AO, B; Æ, CP. [‘lich’; Ger. leiche]

+līc adj. (w. d.) ‘alike,’ similar, equal, Mt; Æ, CP. +līcost double, twin.

+līca, +līce wk. forms used as sb. an equal, Æ, CP. adv. ±līce (usu. +; and +līc in NG), Bl. +līce and like as if.

līcam- = līcham-

līcbeorg f. coffin, sarcophagus, Cp 45#s#.

+līcbisnung f. imitation, DR 76^1.

līcburg f. cemetery, Cp 433#c#.

liccere, liccetere = līcettere

liccettan (Æ) = līcettan

liccian to ‘lick,’ Æ, Ps: lap, lick up, Lcd.

liccung f. licking, ÆH 1·330^22.

līcema = līchama

līcendlic == līciendlic

līcettan to feign, pretend, dissimulate, CP: flatter, BH.

līcettere m. deceiver, hypocrite, CP.

līcettung, līcetung f. feigning, deceit, hypocrisy, flattery.

līcewyrðe = līcwyrðe

līcfæt † n. body.

licgan^5 (±) to ‘lie,’ be situated, be at rest, remain, be, Ph; Æ, AO, CP: (±) lie down, lie low, yield, subside, lie prostrate, fail, lie dead, Æ, AO, B, Chr, G: lead, extend to, Æ; AO: flow, go, run, AO: belong to. l. for take the part of, LL 152[3]. l. mid cohabit with. wið licgendum fēo for ready money.

līchama m. body, corpse, Bo, Mt; Æ, CP. [‘licham’; Ger. leichnam]

līchamlēas incorporeal, Æ.

līchamlic (o^2) corporeal, bodily, carnal, material, Bo, Lk; Æ. adv. -līce bodily, personally, in the flesh, BH; Æ. [‘lichamly’]

+līchamod incarnate.

-līchamung v. in-l. [[headword spelled “inlīchomung”]]

līchom- = līcham-

līchord † n. interior of the body.

līchrægel n. winding-sheet, MH 76^26.

līchryre m. bodily decay, death, #Gen# 1099.

līchryst = līcrest

līchwamlic = līchamlic

līcian (w. d. or impers.) to please, Æ, Bl, Bo; CP. [‘like’]

līciendlic agreeable, pleasant. adv. -līce.

+līclǣtan^7 to liken, compare, MkLR 4^30.

līclēoð n. dirge, OEG.

līclic relating to the dead, funeral, GPH 401.

+līclic fitting, proper. adv. -līce equally.

līcmann m. bearer, pall-bearer, Æ.

līcnes (±) f. ‘likeness’ (‘i-likeness’), figure, stature, image, Æ, MtL: (+) parable.

līcpytt m. sepulchre, grave, #ÆGr# 66^10? (or ? dīc, pytt).

līcrest f. sepulchre, tomb, Æ: ‘carrum,’ hearse, ÆL 26^181.

līcs- = līx-

līcsang m. dirge, OEG.

līcsār † n. wound.

līcstōw f. place of burial, GD 340^35.

līcsyrce f. corslet, B 550.

līctūn m. burial-ground, Æ.

līcðēnung f. obsequies, funeral, Æ: laying out (of corpse), ÆL 31^1429.

līcðēote f. pore, WW 159^13.

līcðrōwere m. leper, Æ.

līcðrūh f. coffin, GD.

līcum- = līcham-

±līcung f. pleasure, CP. [‘liking’]

līcwīglung f. necromancy, LL (248^3).

līcwund f. wound, #Ex# 239.

±līcwyrðe (e, eo, o, u) pleasing, acceptable, Bo; CP: estimable, praiseworthy: accepted, recognised, sterling. [‘likeworth’]

līcwyrðlīce pleasingly, Æ.

līcwyrðnes f. good pleasure, #LPs# 88^18.

lid † n. ship, vessel. [līðan]

lida † m. sailor.

liden pp. of līðan.

līdeð pres. 3 sg. of lēodan.

lidmann † m. seafarer, sailor, pirate.

lidrin = leðren

lidweard m. ship-master, #An# 244.

lidwērig weary of sea-voyages, #An# 482.

līefan (ē, ī, ȳ) to allow, grant, concede, Mt (ȳ), CP. [‘leve’; lēaf]

±līefan (ē, ēo, ī, ȳ) tr. and intr. to believe, trust, confide in, Bl, MH (ȳ). [‘leve’]

+līefed (ȳ) believing, faithful, pious, Æ.

+līefedlic permissible, LL (436^30).

+līefedlīce trustfully, credulously, AO (ȳ).

+līefen excused, LkR 14^19 (ē).

+līefenscipe m. justification, JnLR 15^22.

līeffæstan = līffæstan

līeg (ǣ, ē, ī) mn. fire, flame, lightning, B, Bl (ē); CP. [‘leye’]

līeget = līget

liegeð I. = legeð pres. 3 sg. of lecgan. II. pres. 3 sg. of licgan.

līeht- = lēoht-, līht-

līehð pres. 3 sg. of lēogan.

±līesan (ē, ȳ) to loosen, release, deliver, liberate, Cr (ȳ), LkR (ē). [‘leese’]

+līesednes (ȳ) f. redemption.

līesing I. (ī, ȳ) m. freedman, LL. II. f. deliverance, release, LkL (ē). [‘leesing’]

+līesnes (ē, ī) f. redemption.

līeð- = līð-

līexan = līxan

līf I. n. ‘life,’ existence, Æ, B, Chr, JnL: lifetime, RB. on līfe, tō līfe, līfes alive, BH: way of life (e.g. monastic), BH, Chr, Lk, W; CP: place where the life is according to fixed rules, monastery, #Chr#. II. = lēf. III. = lēaf I.

līf- = līef-

līfbrycgung f. conversation, way of life, DR 7^15.

līfbysig struggling for life, B 966.

līfcearu † f. care about life.

līfdæg m. nap. līfdagas (usu. in plur.) ‘life-day,’ lifetime, B, Cr.

lifde, lifede pret. sg. of libban.

lifen f. food, nourishment. [[from first edition]]

lifer I. f. ‘liver,’ Bo, WW; Æ. II. f. a weight, WW 432^28. [L. libra?]

liferādl f. liver complaint, #Lcd#, WW.

liferbȳl m. protuberance of the liver, #Lcd# 76b.

liferhol n. hollow in the liver, #Lcd# 76b.

liferlæppa m. lobe of the liver, WW.

liferwærc m. pain in the liver, #Lcd# 60a.

liferwyrt n. liverwort, ANS 84·326.

lifesn = lyfesn

līffadung f. regulation of life.

līffæc n. lifetime, life, LL, W.

±līffæst living, quickened, full of life, vigorous: settled.

±līffæstan to quicken, endow with life, Æ.

+līffæstnian to quicken, #RPs# 142^11.

liffet- = lyffet-

līffrēa † m. Lord of life, God.

līffruma † m. source of life (God).

lifgan = libban

līfgedāl n. death, GD.

līfgesceaft † f. life’s conditions or record.

līfgetwinnan mp. twins, #Sol# 141.

lifian † (A) = libban

lifiende (y) that lives or has life, BH: when alive, BH, VPs: as sb. the ‘living,’ VHy.

līflād f. course of life, conduct, RB. [‘livelihood’]

līflǣst = līflēast

līflēas not endowed with life, ‘lifeless,’ inanimate, Æ: dead, Æ.

līflēast f. loss of life, annihilation, death, Æ.

līflic living, Æ: necessary to life, vital, Hex, DHy. adv. -līce vitally, so as to impart life, Æ. [‘lively’]

līflyre m. loss of life, LL 466[2].

līfneru f. food, sustenance, #An# 1091.

lifre gs. of lifer I.

lifre- = lifer-

lifrig clotted? A 30·132.

lift = lyft

līfweard m. guardian of life, #El# 1036.

līfweg m. way of life, way in life.

līfwela † m. riches.

līfwelle living (of water), JnL 4^10.

līfwraðu † f. protection of life.

līfwynn † f. enjoyment of life.

līg (Æ) = līeg

lig- = lyg-

līgbǣre, līgberend flaming, #Gl#.

līgbryne † m. burning, fire.

līgbysig (ē) busy with fire, #Rd# 31^1.

līgcwalu f. fiery torment, #El# 296.

līgdraca (ē) † m. fiery dragon.

līgegesa m. flaming terror, B 2780.

līgen (ē) flaming, fiery, Æ.

ligenword = lygeword

+lig-er, -ere n., -ernes f. concubinage, fornication, adultery, AO.

līget nm., līgetu (ē) f. lightning, flash of lightning, BH, Bl, Mt; Æ, AO. [‘lait’; līeg]

līgetræsc m. lightning, flash of light, coruscation, Lk 10^18. [līget]

līgetsleht (ē^1, æ^3) f. lightning-stroke, thunder-bolt.

līgetung f. lightning, EHy 6^41.

ligeð pres. 3 sg. of licgan.

līg-fǣmende, -fāmblāwende vomiting fire, BH 432^7.

līgfȳr n. fire, #Ex# 77.

ligge = līege ds. of līeg.

līgit = līget

līglic (ē) fiery, #Guth# 131^196.

līg-locc, -locced having flaming locks, WW.

līgnian = lȳgnian [[headword spelled “lygnian”]]

līgræsc (ē^1, e^2) = līgetræsc

līg-ræscetung, -ræscung (ȳ^1) f. lightning.

līgspīwel vomiting flame.

ligð pres. 3 sg. of licgan.

līg-ðracu † f. gds. -ðræce fiery onset, violence of flames.

līgȳð f. wave of fire, B 2672.

līh imperat. sg. of lēon.

līht == lēoht

līhtan (ē, ēo, ȳ) I. (±) to make ‘light,’ easy, relieve, alleviate, CP, Lcd, LL: dismount, ‘alight,’ BH (y). II. (ie, ȳ) to lighten, illuminate, give light, shine, Æ, Jn (ȳ): grow light, dawn, Da (ȳ): ‘light,’ kindle.

līhting I. f. relief, alleviation, release, LL. [‘lihting’] II. (ēo) f. shining, illumination, light, Æ: dawn: lightning. [‘lihting’]

līhtingnes f. lightness of taxation, LL (306^21).

līhtnes f. brightness, W 230^12. [‘lightness’]

līhð pres. 3 sg. of lēogan.

lilie f. ‘lily,’ Bl, Lcd; Æ. [L. lilium]

lim (y) n. nap. leomu ‘limb,’ member, Æ, BH, Bl; AO, CP: branch, B: agent, offspring? Bl, 33: bone? #CPs# 6^3.

līm m. anything sticky, ‘lime,’ mortar, cement, gluten, Ep, WW.

+līman to cement, join, stick together.

limbstefning f. hanging, curtain, WW 191^32.

līmfīn f. lime-heap, BC 1·518^41.

limgelecg n. shape, WW.

limgesihð f. body, A 2·364.

limhāl sound of limb, #Gu# 661.

+līmian = +līman

līming f. smearing, plastering, WW. [‘liming’]

limlǣw f. injury to the limbs, mutilation, LL (278^26).

limlǣweo maimed, LL 132[10].

limlēas without limbs, Æ 2·270^22.

limmǣlum adv. ‘membratim,’ limb by limb, WW. [‘limbmeal’]

limmlama crippled, W 4^12.

limnacod stark naked, #Gen# 1566.

+limp n. occurrence: misfortune, accident, CP.

±limpan^3 to happen, occur, B, Bo, Chr, Met; Æ, AO, CP: belong to, suit, befit, OET, Ct: concern, CP. [‘limp,’ ‘i-limp’]

±limpful fitting, convenient, AS 2^1.

limplǣcan to unite, connect, OEG 80.

+limplic fitting, suitable, ÆL. adv. -līce (±).

+limplicnes f. opportunity.

limrǣden f. cloak? form? disposition of the limbs? v. OEG 2530.

limsēoc † lame, paralytic.

limwǣde n. clothing, #PPs# 103^2.

limwæstm m. stature, #Sat# 130.

limwērig weary of limb, #Rood# 63.

līn n. flax, linen, cloth, napkin, towel, Gl, JnR, MtR; CP. [‘line’]

līnacer m. flax field, EC 239.

lind I. f. lime-tree, linden, Gl; Æ; Mdf: (†) shield (of wood). [‘lind’] II. = lynd

lindcroda ‡ m. crash of shields, battle.

linde lime-tree, linden.

linden made of ‘linden’-wood, GnE.

lindgecrod n. shield-bearing troop, #An# 1222.

lindgelāc n. battle, #Ap# 76.

lindgestealla † m. shield-comrade, companion in war.

lindhæbbende † m. shield-bearer, warrior.

lindplega † m. shield-play, battle.

lindrycg m. ridge where limes grow, KC 3·79^20.

lindwered n. troop armed with shields, #El# 142.

lindwiga m. warrior, B 2603.

lind-wīgend †, -wiggend † m. shielded warrior.

līne f. line, cable, rope, Sol, WW: series, row: rule, direction.

līnece (WW 286^21) = līnete

līnen adj. ‘linen,’ made of flax, Ep; Æ, CP.

līnenhrægl n. linen cloth, NG.

līnenwerd dressed in linen, LL (370^11).

līnete (-ece) f. linnet, WW 286^21.

līnet-wige, -wigle f. linnet, Cp, Erf, WW. [‘lintwhite’]

-ling suffix (1) for forming personal nouns (dēorling, rǣpling). (2) for forming advbs. (hinderling).

līnhǣwen flax-coloured, #Lcd#.

līnland n. land in flax, KC 3·19^4.

līnlēag m. flax ground, EC 166.

linnan^3 (w. instr. or g.) to cease from, desist, lose, yield up (life), B. [‘lin’]

līnsǣd n. ‘linseed,’ A (e^2), Lcd.

līnwǣd f. linen cloth or garment, NG.

līnwyrt f. flax, #Lcd#.

līo (WW 438^22) = lēo

lippa m., lippe? f. (LL 2·136) ‘lip,’ Lcd, RB, WW.

līra m. any fleshy part of the body, muscle, calf of the leg, WW.

+lire = +ligere [[under “+liger”]]

līreht fleshy, #Lcd# 91a.

līs = liss

līs- = līes-

lisan (#Gl#) = lesan

+lise (e) nap. +leosu n. reading, study, BH.

+līsian to slip, glide, CP 437.

-lisnian, -listnian v. be-l.

liss (līðs) f. grace, favour, love, kindness, mercy, Æ: joy, peace, rest, Ph, W: remission, forgiveness: saving (of life). [‘liss’; līðe]

līssian to subdue, #Sol# 294.

list mf. art, cleverness, cunning, experience, skill, craft, Cr. [‘list’] listum cunningly, skilfully.

listan = lystan

līste f. ‘list,’ fringe, border, Ep.

listelīce adv. carefully, #Lcd# 11a.

listhendig skilful, #Cra# 95.

listum v. list.

listwrenc m. deception, W 81; 128^9.

lisð pres. 3 sg. of lesan.

lit colour, dye, NC 306 (late).

līt = lȳt

lītan to bend, incline, #Met# 26^119.

lite- = lytig-

lītel = lȳtel

litig = lytig

litigere m. dyer, NC 306 (late).

lītl- = lȳtl-

litsmann = liðsmann

lið I. nm. nap. leoðu, liðu limb, member, BH, Cr; Æ, AO, CP: joint, Lcd. [‘lith’] II. n. fleet. [ON. lið]

līð I. n. cider, native wine, fermented drink, CP: beaker, cup. II. pres. 3 sg. of licgan. III. = līðe adj. IV. = līhð

līða m. name of months June (ǣrra l.) and July (æftera l.).

liðādl f. gout, #Lcd#, WW.

līðan^1 to go, travel, sail, B, BH. [‘lithe’]

līðe I. adj. gentle, soft, calm, mild, ApT, B, Mt; Æ, AO, CP: gracious, kind, agreeable, sweet, Bo, Gen; Æ. [‘lithe’] II. adv. gently, softly.

liðe- = leoðu-

liðebīge flexible, yielding, Æ. [‘litheby’]

liðebīgnes f. flexibility of limbs, #Guth# 90^21.

līðeg == līðig

līðelic gentle, soft, mild, CP. adv. -līce, CP. [‘lithely’]

+liðen (y) having travelled much. [līðan]

līðercian to smooth down, flatter, #Gl#.

liðere f., liðera m. sling, slinging pouch, BH, Cp; Æ. [‘lither’; leðer]

liðeren = leðren

liðerlic of a sling, WW 247^4.

+liðewācian to calm, appease, mitigate, ÆL.

liðewǣcan = leoðuwǣcan

liðgeat = hlidgeat

līðian (CP; Æ) = līðigian

+liðian (eo) to incline, accustom, A 2·68.

līðig lithe, flexible, bending, yielding, Æ, W. [‘lithy’]

līðigian (±) to soften, calm, assuage, appease, CP; Æ: be mild. [‘lithe’]

liðincel n. little joint, WW.

līðlic = līðelic

liðmann = lidmann

līðnes f. mildness, softness, gentleness, kindness, Æ, CP.

liðo- = leoðu-

liðre = liðere

līðre = lȳðre

liðrin = leðren

līðs = liss

liðsēaw n. synovia.

liðsmann m. seafarer, pirate, #Chr#.

liðu v. lið.

liðule m? synovia, #Lcd#. [lið, ele]

līðung f. alleviation, relief, #Lcd# 1·112^2.

līðwǣge n. drinking-cup, B 1982.

liðwærc m. pain in the limbs, #Lcd# 49b.

līðwyrde mild of speech, NC 348.

līðwyrt f. dwarf elder.

līxan to shine, flash, glitter, gleam.

līxende splendidly, LkL 16^19.

līxung f. brilliance, brightness, N.

-lō pl. -lōn v. mæst-, sceaft-l. [[“mæastlō” under “mæstlōn”]]

lob (#Gl#) = lof

lobbe f. spider, LPs. [‘lob’]

loc I. n. ‘lock’ bolt, bar, Æ, BH; AO: enclosure, fold, prison, stronghold, CP: bargain, agreement, settlement, conclusion. [lūcan] II. = locc I.

lōc, lōca interj. look, see, look you. l. hū however. l. hwænne, hwonne whenever. spel l. hwænne mann wille a discourse for any occasion you please, Æ. l. hwǣr wherever. l. hwǣðer whichever. l. hwā, l. hwæt, whoever, whatever. l. hwylc whichever.

loca m. enclosure, stronghold.

lōca-hū v. lōc interj.

locbore f. one who wears long hair, free woman, LL 7[73].

locc I. m. ‘lock’ of (hair), hair, curl, Bl, CP, Ep; Æ. II. = loc I.

loccad ‘crinitus,’ OEG 56^13.

loccetan (MtL) ?= rocettan (JAW 77).

±loccian to attract, entice, soothe, CP.

locen I. pp. of lūcan. II. (#Sat# 300?) = loc

locer = locor

locfeax n. hair, WW 379^42.

locgewind n. hair, WW 199^7.

lōc-hū, -hwænne etc. v. lōc hū, lōc hwænne, etc.

lochyrdel m. sheepfold, LL 454[9].

lōcian (±) to see, behold, look, gaze, Æ, Bl, CP, Mt; AO: observe, notice, take heed, Bl; Æ. l. tō regard with favour, CP: belong, pertain, Æ.

locor plane, #Gl#.

locstān m. keystone, ÆL 23^345.

-lōcung v. ðurh-l.

loddere m. beggar, Æ; Mdf. [lȳðre]

+lodr f. backbone, spine, #Lcd# 65a.

lodrung f. rubbish, nonsense, WW 478^8.

+lodwyrt f. silverweed.

loerge (Ep) np. of lorg.

lof I. n. (m. B 1536) praise, glory, repute, Cp; Æ, CP: song of praise, hymn. [‘lof’] II. † n. protection, help.

lōf (OEG 5241) = glōf (?), v. ES 37·186.

lofbǣre praising, giving praise.

lofdǣd f. praiseworthy deed, B 24.

lofgeorn eager for praise, ÆL 16^302: lavish? RB 54^9; 55^3.

lofherung f. praising, #LPs# 55^12.

lofian to praise, exalt, Gen, PPs; CP: appraise, value. [‘love’]

loflāc n. offering in honour of any one, W 107^6.

loflǣcan to praise, #LPs# 118^175.

loflic laudable. adv. -līce gloriously.

lofmægen n. praise, #PPs# 105^2.

lofsang m. song of praise, canticle, hymn, psalm, BH; Æ: lauds. [‘lofsang’]

lofsealm m. the 148th Psalm, RB 36^19.

lofsingende singing hymns of praise, OEG 4912.

lofsum praiseworthy, #Gen# 468.

lofte (on) adv. phr. in the air, aloft, Hex, MLN. [‘loft’]

lofung f. praising, laudation: appraising, Æ.

lōg pret. 3 sg. of lēan.

-loga v. āð-, trēow-, word-l. [leogan] [[headword spelled “lēogan”]]

lōges v. lōh.

logeðer = logðer

±lōgian to lodge, place, put by, Æ: put in order, arrange, Æ: discourse, Æ: divide, portion out. +l. ūp lay by, deposit. +logod sprǣc (well)-ordered speech, style.

logðer (o^2) cunning, artful, WW.

+logung f. order, CM 599.

lōh I. n., gs. lōges place, stead (only in phr. on his lōh). II. pret. 3 sg. of lēan II.

lōhsceaft m. bolt, bar? AS 1^2.

loma = lama

±lōma m. tool, utensil, article of furniture, BH; #Gl#. [‘loom’]

lomb, lomber = lamb

±lōme (1) adj. frequent, ÆL 31^1019; (2) adv. often, frequently. oft (and) +l. constantly, diligently.

+lōmed = +lēomod

lōmelic = lōmlic

±lōmlǣcan to frequent, Æ: be frequent.

+lōmlǣcende frequent, Æ: frequentative (vb), #ÆGr# 213^7.

+lōmlǣcing f. frequency, frequenting, #ÆGr# 213^7.

+lōmlic repeated, AO, CP. adv. -līce frequently.

+lōmlīcian to become frequent, #Bl# 109^2.

+lōmlicnes f. frequented place? frequency? #CPs# 117^27.

lomp pret. 3 sg. of limpan.

lond == land

londādl f. strangury? #Lcd# 108a. [hland]

lone = lane

long == lang

Longbeard-an, -as sbmpl. Lombards, AO.

lonn = lann

lonu = lanu

loppe f. flea (spider? silkworm?), Bo, WW. [‘lop’]

loppestre f. ‘lobster,’ WW; Æ: locust.

lopust, lopystre = loppestre

lor n. (only in phr. tō lore, tō lose) loss, destruction, Bl; CP. [‘lor’]

-lora v. hlēow-l.

loren pp. (str.) of lēoran.

lorg, lorh fm. pole, distaff, weaver’s beam, #Gl#.

los = lor [‘loss’]

losewist = loswist [[under “losing”]]

losian (u) wv. (±) to be lost, perish, Bo, CP; Æ: (±) escape, get away: ‘lose,’ LkL 15^4: destroy, LkL 7^27.

losigendlic ready to perish, Æ.

losing, loswist f. perdition, loss, destruction, NG.

lot n. fraud, guile, ÆL, CP.

loten pp. of lūtan.

lotwrenc m. deception, deceit, cunning, artifice, trick, Æ, AO, CP.

loða m. upper garment, mantle, cloak, CP.

lox m. lynx, BH, WW. [Ger. luchs]

luba-, lube- = lufe-

lūcan^2 I. (±) (tr.) to lock, close, enclose, fasten, shut up, An: (intr.) close up, form one mass, Ph: interlock, intertwine, twist, wind, CP: conclude. [‘louk’] II. pluck out, pull up, Met. [‘louk’^2]

ludgæt n. side-gate, postern gate, #Gl#.

ludon pret. pl. of lēodan.

lufelic = luflic

lufen f. hope? (BT; GK), #Da# 73, B 2886.

lufestice f. ‘lovage’ (plant), Lcd. [L. levisticum]

lufestre f. female lover, OEG.

luffendlic = lufiendlic

±lufian to ‘love,’ cherish, show love to, Æ, JnL, VPs; CP: fondle, caress: approve, practise.

lufiend m. lover, Æ.

lufiende affectionate, ÆGr. [‘loving’]

lufiendlic, lufigendlic lovely, beautiful, Æ: lovable, amiable, Æ.

luflic amiable, loving, Lcd: lovable, Ps. adv. -līce lovingly, kindly, CP: willingly, gladly, BH. [‘lovely’]

lufrǣden f. love, LPs. [‘lovered’]

lufsum loving, lovable, pleasant, Cr. [‘lovesome’] adv. -līce graciously.

lufsumnes f. pleasantness, kindness, #Gl#.

luftācen n. ‘love-token,’ B 1863.

luf-tȳme (Æ), -tēme (RB) pleasant, sweet, grateful, benevolent.

luftȳmlic embracing, OEG 56^254.

lufu f. love, strong liking, affection, favour, Æ, BH, Jn, VPs, WW; AO, CP: love (of God), JnR: amicable settlement, LL 392´.

lufwende lovable, pleasant.

lufwendlic friendly, #KGl# 73^34. adv. -līce gently, #KGl# 80^21.

lugon pret. pl. of lēogan.

luh n. loch, pond, NG; Mdf. [Keltic]

+lumpenlic occasional. [limpan]

lumpon pret. pl. of limpan.

luncian to limp? #LPs# 17^46. [cp. Norw. lunke?]

lundlaga m. kidney, Æ.

lungen f. ‘lung,’ Lcd, WW.

lungenādl f. lung-disease, #Lcd#.

lungensealf f. lung-salve, #Lcd# 141a.

lungenwyrt f. ‘lung-wort,’ Lcd.

-lunger v. cēas-l.

lungre † adv. soon, forthwith, suddenly, quickly.

lunnon pret. pl. of linnan.

lūpe f. loop, leash, #Gl#.

lūs f. nap. lȳs ‘louse,’ Æ, Cp, Hex.

lusian (GPH) = losian

lust I. m. desire, appetite, Æ, BH, JnL: pleasure, Bo, Lk (pl.): sensuous appetite, lust, Jul, Lcd, WW. II. adj. willing, W 246^10.

lustbǣre desirable, pleasant, agreeable, cheerful, joyous, Æ, AO: desirous, ÆL 4^116.

lustbǣrlic pleasant, AO. adv. -līce.

lustbǣrnes f. enjoyment, pleasure, desire, CP.

lustful wishful, desirous, AO 100^27. [‘lustfull’]

±lustfullian to rejoice, enjoy, Æ: be pleasing to, CP 70^24.

±lustfullīce joyfully, gladly, heartily, Bl. [‘lustfully’]

±lustfullung f. desire, pleasure, Æ.

±lustfulnes f. desire, pleasure, BH; CP. [‘lustfulness’]

lustgeornnes f. concupiscence, G.

lustgryn f. snare of pleasure, #Soul# 23.

lustlīce willingly, gladly, Bl; Æ, AO.

lustmoce f. lady’s-smock (plant), #Lcd#.

lustsumlic pleasant. adv. -līce willingly.

lustum adv. with pleasure, gladly.

lūsðorn m. spindle-tree, EC 445^31.

±lūtan^2 to bend, stoop, decline, Æ, AO: +loten dæg after part of day: bow, make obeisance, fall down, Bl, VPs: (+) lay down, MtL 8^20: entreat. [‘lout’]

±lūtian to lie hid, hide, lurk, Æ, VHy; AO, CP. [‘lout’^2]

lutter = hluttor [[under “hlūtor”]]

luttor = hlūtor

lūðer- = lȳðer-

lybb n. drug, poison, charm: witchcraft.

lybban = libban

lybbestre f. sorceress, WW 200^25.

lybcorn n. a medicinal seed, wild saffron? #Gl#.

lybcræft m. skill in the use of drugs, magic, witchcraft, #Bl#.

lybesn = lyfesn

lyblāc nm. occult art, use of drugs for magic, witchcraft.

lyblǣca m. wizard, sorcerer, #Gl#.

lybsin, lybsn = lyfesn

lȳc- = lǣc-, līc-

lycce = lyge II.

lȳcð pres. 3 sg. of lūcan.

lȳden (LWS) = lǣden

lȳf = līf

lȳf- = lēaf-, lēf-, līef-, līf-

lyfde, lyfede pret. 3 sg. of libban.

lyfesn (i) f. charm, amulet, knot.

lyffetere m. flatterer, Æ.

lyffet-tan, -tian to flatter, Æ.

lyffetung f. adulation, flattery, Æ.

lyfian = lifian, libban

lyft fmn. air, sky, clouds, atmosphere, B, Lcd; Æ, AO, CP. on lyfte on high, aloft. [‘lift’; Ger. luft]

lyftādl f. paralysis, palsy, BH, #Lcd#.

lyftedor m. clouds, #Ex# 251.

lyften of the air, aërial, Æ.

lyftfæt n. vessel in the air (moon), #Rd# 30^3.

lyftflēogend m. flier in the air, bird, #Sol# 289.

lyftfloga m. flier in the air, dragon, B 2315.

lyftgelāc † n. flight through the air.

lyftgeswenced driven by the wind, B 1913.

lyfthelm † m. air, mist, cloud.

lyftlācende † sporting in the air, flying.

lyftlic aërial, NC 314.

lyftsceaða m. aërial robber (raven), #Wy# 39.

lyftwundor n. aërial wonder, #Ex# 90.

lyftwynn † f. pleasure in flying.

lyge I. (i) m. ‘lie,’ falsehood, BH, Sat. II. lying, false (A; = *lygge, JAW 25). III. ‘sicalia,’ secale? corn? rye? WW 301^2.

lygen (i) f. lie, falsehood.

lygenian = lygnian

lygesearu † n. lying wile, trick.

lygespell (i) n. falsehood, WW 449^2.

lygesynnig (i) lying, false, #El# 899.

lygetorn (i) feigned anger or grief, B 1943.

lygeword (i) † n. lying word, lie.

lygewyrhta (i) m. liar, #Leas#.

lygnes (i) f. falseness: false things.

±lygnian (i) to give one the lie, convict of falsehood, Æ.

+lygnod perjured, Æ (i).

[[Printed inline, as continuation of “lygnian” entry.]]

lȳht- = līht-

lyhð pres. 3 sg. of lēan.

lȳhð pres. 3 sg. of lēogan.

lym = lim

lȳman = lēoman

lymp- = limp-

±lynd (i) f. fat, grease.

+lyndu np. joints of the spine, WW 159^22.

lynibor n. borer, gimlet, WW 273^13.

lynis m. axle, axletree, ‘linch’-pin, Ep, WW.

lypenwyrhta m. tanner? v. JGPh 5·467.

lyre (e) m. loss, destruction, damage, hurt, WW; Æ. [‘lure’; lēosan]

lyrewrenc m. hurtful intrigue, MFH 169.

-lyrtan v. be-l.

lȳs v. lūs.

lȳs- = līes-

lysferht = leasferhð [[headword spelled “lēasferhð”]]

lysnan = hlysnan

lysnere = hlysnere

lȳssa (#KGl#) = lǣssa

lyssen = lyswen

±lystan impers. w. a. (d.) of pers. and g. of thing or inf. to please, cause pleasure or desire, provoke longing, Æ, Bl, Bo; AO, CP. +lysted desirous of. [‘list’; lust]

lystere (OEG 4674) = ? lyftere, lyffetere

+lystfullīce = lustfullīce

lysu I. base, false, evil. II. n. evil deed.

lyswen I. purulent, corrupt, #Lcd#. II. n. pus, matter, #Lcd#.

lȳt adv., adj. and indecl. sb. little, few, B, DD, Gen, Run; Æ, AO.

lȳtan = lūtan

lyteg == lytig

lȳtel I. adj. ‘little,’ not large, Æ, AO, Lk, Met: short (distance, time), B: not much, Mt, Ps. II. adv. little, slightly, Ps. III. sb. AO, Lcd, Ps.

lȳtelhȳdig pusillanimous, #Cra# 10.

lytelic = lytiglic

lytelīce = lytiglīce

lȳtelmōd pusillanimous, CP.

lȳtelne = lȳtesne [[under “lȳtesnā”]]

lȳtelnes f. smallness, ÆGr 228^14. [‘littleness’]

lȳtesnā, lȳtes(t)ne adv. nearly, within a little, almost.

lȳthwōn adv. and sb. (w. g.) little, but little, very few, Æ, CP.

lytig (e) crafty, cunning, AO.

lytigian to feign, act crookedly, #Ma# 86.

lytiglic (lytelic) deceitful, crafty. adv. -līce, CP.

lytignes f. cunning, CP.

±lȳtlian to lessen, decrease, diminish, Bo, JnL; CP: shorten, curtail, abrogate: fall out of use, LL 267[37]. [‘little’]

lȳtling m. little one, infant, child, Æ, CP.

lȳtlum adv. (d. of lȳtel) little by little, gradually, Æ; CP. [‘litlum’]

+lȳtlung (ī) f. insufficiency, want, #Sc# 57^1 (cp. EHy 5^12).

lyttl- = lȳtl-

lyttuccas mpl. particles, small pieces, GPH 400.

lyð = lið

lȳða = līða

+lyðen = +liðen

lȳðerful evil, vile, W 40^5.

lȳðerlic bad, sordid, mean, vile, AO. adv. -līce (ū^1).

lȳðernes (ū^1) f. wickedness, HL 18^8.

lȳðran (ē) to anoint, smear, ‘lather,’ JnL (e), Lcd. [lēaðor]

lyðre = liðere

lȳðre I. (ē, ī) adj. bad, wicked, base, mean, corrupt, wretched, Æ, AO, Lk, WW. [‘lither’] adv. wretchedly, badly, #Sat# 62. II. comp. of līðe.

lȳðwyrt = līðwyrt

lȳxan = līxan


mā I. adv. [comp. of micle] more, rather, longer, hereafter, further, Æ, BH, Bo, Bl, CP, VPs (mǣ). ðe mā ðe more than. II. sb. (indecl.) more, Æ, An, BH, Bl. III. adj. more, Æ, Bl. [‘mo’]

mabuldor = mapulder

maca = +mæcca

macalic convenient, MkR 6^21.

macian to ‘make,’ form, construct, do, A, Æ: prepare, arrange, cause, Æ, Gen, Mt: use, Æ: behave, fare, Æ, Bo; CP. macian ūp to put up, Æ.

mācræftig (= mægencr-) † mighty.

macung f. making, doing, #Chr# 1101.

+mād = +mǣd

mādm == māðm

mādmōd n. foolishness, #Mod# 25.

mǣ = mā

±mæc well-suited, companionable: similar, equal.

mæcan = mecgan, mengan

+mæcca (a, e) mf. mate, equal, one of a pair, comrade, companion, ÆGr (a), MtR (e): (±) husband, wife, Æ, Mt, OET. [‘match’]

mǣcefisc = mēcefisc

mæcg † m. man, disciple: son.

mæcga m. man, Wy 52.

mæcian = mecgan, mengan

+mæclic conjugal, #Sc#.

+mæcnes f. cohabitation, BH.

+mæcscipe m. cohabitation, #Cr# 199.

mǣd (ē) f. ds. (EWS) mēda; nap. mǣd(w)a, mǣdwe ‘mead,’ ‘meadow,’ pasture, BC, OEG; Æ, AO; Mdf.

+mǣd, +mǣded ‘mad,’ Rd, WW: foolish, Cp.

mæddre f. ‘madder,’ Lcd; Æ.

+mǣded = +mǣd

mǣden (Æ, AO, CP) == mægden

mǣdencild n. female child, girl, AO; Æ. [‘maiden-child’]

mǣdenhēap m. band of virgins, DD 289.

mǣdenlic maidenly, virgin, Æ.

mædere = mæddre

mæderecīð m. sprig of madder, #Lcd#.

+mædla m. chatter, #Lcd# 122b. [mæðel]

mǣdland m. meadow-land, KC.

mǣdmǣwect (= -wett) mowing of a meadow, LL 448[5,2].

mǣdrǣden f. mowing, tract of mown grass, KC 6·153^10.

mǣdsplott m. plot of meadow-land, KC 4·72^7.

mædwa m., mǣdwe f. = mǣd

mǣdweland = mǣdland

mæg I. pres. 3 sg. of magan. II. (#Sc# 4^19: 12^17) = mægen

+mǣg I. m. nap. māgas (v. LL 2·651) male kinsman, parent, son, brother, nephew, cousin, B, Ep (ē); Æ, AO, CP: [‘may’] II. † f. female relation, wife, woman, maiden.

mǣgbana m. destroyer of kinsfolk, W 242^5.

mǣgbōt f. compensation paid to the relatives of a murdered man, LL.

mǣgburg f. family, tribe, race, people, nation: genealogy.

mǣgcild n. young kinsman.

mǣgcnafa m. youthful kinsman, BC 2·329´.

mǣgcūð related, OEG.

mǣgcwalm m. murder of a relation, Cp 179#p# (ē).

mægden (ǣd) n. maiden, virgin, LL; Æ: girl, Mt: maid, servant, Bl.

mægden- see also mǣden-.

mægdenǣw f. marriage with a virgin.

mægdenhād m. ‘maidenhood,’ virginity, Cr; CP.

mægdenmann m. ‘maid,’ virgin, AO. [‘maidenman’]

mǣge = māge

mægen I. (e) n. bodily strength, might, ‘main’ force, power, vigour, valour, B; Æ, CP: virtue, efficacy, efficiency, Lcd: picked men of a nation, troop, army, AO: miracle. [magan] II. subj. pl. of magan.

mægenāgende mighty, B 2837.

mægenbyrðen † f. huge burden.

mægencorðor n. strong troop, #Gen# 1986.

mægencræft † m. main force, great strength, might.

mægencyning † m. mighty king.

mægendǣd f. mighty deed, #Cra# 12.

mægenēaca m. succour, #Az# 138.

mægenēacen † mighty, vigorous.

mægenearfeðe † n. great misery or trial.

mægenellen n. mighty valour, B 659.

mægenfæst vigorous, strong, steadfast, Æ.

mægenfolc n. mighty company, #Cr# 877.

mægenfultum m. mighty help, B 1455.

mægenhēap † m. powerful band.

mægenheard very strong, #Run# 5.

mægenian (gn-) to gain strength: (+) establish, confirm, BH 306^18.

mægenlēas powerless, feeble, helpless, WW; Æ. [‘mainless’] adv. -līce.

mægenlēast f. weakness, feebleness, Æ: inability, RB.

mægenrǣs m. mighty onslaught, B 1519.

mægenrōf † powerful.

mægenscype m. might, power, #Da# 20.

mægenspēd f. power, virtue.

mægenstān m. huge stone, #Met# 5^16.

mægenstrang † of great virtue or strength.

mægen-strengo, -strengðu f. main strength, great might.

mægenðegen m. mighty minister, #Gu# 1099.

mægenðise f. violence, force, #Rd# 28^10.

mægenðrēat † m. mighty host.

mægenðrymm m. power, might, greatness, glory, Æ, CP: heavenly host: (†) Christ: (†) heaven.

mægenðrymnes f. great glory, majesty, Æ.

mægenweorc † n. mighty work.

mægenwīsa m. general, #Ex# 553.

mægenwudu m. strong spear, B 236.

mægenwundor n. striking wonder, #Cr# 927.

mæger meagre, lean, #Lcd# 90b.

mægerian to macerate, make lean, WW. [Ger. magern]

mægester = magister

mægeð = mægð

mǣgeð = mǣgð

mǣggemōt n. meeting of kinsmen, AO 248^18.

mǣggewrit n. genealogy, pedigree.

mǣggieldan^3? to contribute towards the fine for manslaughter by a kinsman, LL 122[74,2].

mǣghǣmed n. incest, BH 280^1.

mǣghand (mēg-, mēi-) f. natural heir, relative.

mægister = magister

mǣglagu f. law as to relatives, LL 266[25].

mǣglēas without relatives, LL.

mǣglic belonging to a kinsman, Æ.

mǣglufu f. love, #Jul# 70.

mǣgmorðor n. murder of a relative, #Gl#.

mǣgmyrðra m. murderer of a relative, parricide, OEG, GD 239^4.

mægn == mægen

mægnan = mengan

mægon = magon pres. pl. of magan.

mǣgracu f. generation, genealogy, Æ.

mǣgrǣden f. relationship, AO.

mǣgrǣs m. attack on relatives, W 164^4.

mǣgscīr [mēg-] f. division of a people containing the kinsmen of a particular family (BT), DR 193^10.

mǣgsibb f. relationship: affection of relatives.

mǣgsibbung f. reconciliation, peace-making, JGPh 1·63.

mǣgsiblic related, WW 375^17.

mǣgslaga m. slayer of a relative, parricide, fratricide, Æ.

mǣgsliht m. murder of a relative, W 130^2.

mægster = magister

mægð † I. f. gp. mægða, dp. mægðum, otherwise uninflected maiden, virgin, girl, woman, wife. [Goth. magaðs] II. (±) f. power, greatness.

mǣgð (ȳ) f. family group, clan, tribe, generation, stock, race, people, Æ, AO: province, country, Æ.

mægða m. mayweed.

mægðblæd (geð) n. pudendum muliebre, GPH 400^8.

mægðbōt f. fine for assault on an unmarried woman? LL 7[74].

mægðe f. mayweed. [cp. mægða]

mægðhād m. virginity, chastity, purity, MH; Æ, CP: band of young persons. [‘maidhood’]

mǣgðhād m. relationship, Æ.

mægðhādlic maidenly, OEG 1469.

mægðlagu = mæglagu [[headword spelled “mǣglagu”]]

mǣgðlēas not of noble birth, WW 219^8.

mægðmann m. maiden, virgin, LL 8[82].

mǣgðmorðor (ē^1) nm. murder of kin, OEG 2^412.

mǣgðmyrðra m. murderer of kin, OEG 2^335.

mǣgðrǣden f. friendship, OEG.

mǣgðsibb (y^2) f. kindred, #HGl# 523.

mǣgwine † m. friendly relative, clansman.

mǣgwlite (ā, ē) m. aspect, appearance, species, form.

mǣgwlitian [mēg-] to fashion, MtL 17^2.

mǣgwlitlice [mēg-] figuratively, MkL p4^10.

mæht == meaht, miht

mæhð = mægð

mǣl I. (ā, ē) n. mark, sign, ornament: cross, crucifix: armour, harness, sword: measure, Lcd: (†) time, point of time, occasion, season: time for eating, ‘meal,’ meals, CP; Æ. II. f. (†) talk, conversation: contest, battle. [mæðel] III. = māl

+mǣl stained, dyed, #An# 1333.

+mǣlan to mark, stain, #Jul# 591.

±mǣlan † to speak, talk, Gen. [‘i-mele’; mæðlan]

mǣlcearu f. trouble of the time, B 189.

mæld- = meld-

mǣldæg † m. appointed time, day.

mǣldropa m. phlegm, saliva, WW 240^9.

mǣldropiende phlegmatic, WW 161^33.

mǣle m. cup, bowl, bucket, Ep; #Lcd# (ē). [‘meal’]

mǣlgesceaft f. fate, B 2737.

mǣlsceafa (æ?) m. canker, caterpillar, WW. [‘malshave’]

mæltan (#VPs#) = meltan

mǣl-tang m., -tange f. pair of compasses, WW.

mǣl-tīd f., tīma m. mealtime, NC 348.

mæn = menn nap. of man.

mæn- = man-, men-

±mǣnan (ē) to ‘mean,’ signify, intend, Æ, Bo, Sol; CP: mention, relate, declare, communicate to, speak of, B: associate (something) with, AO: complain of, lament, bewail, sorrow, grieve, Bo; Æ, AO, CP.

mǣne I. (±, usu. +) common, general, universal, Mt, WW; Æ, AO, CP. [‘i-mene’] II. (+) n. fellowship, intercourse. III. false, mean, wicked. [mān] IV. (+) subdued, overpowered. [= *+mægne, ES 43·308]

±mǣnelic (usu. +) common, mutual, general, universal, Æ. adv. -līce.

+mǣnelicnes f. ‘generalitas,’ OEG.

mænibrǣde relating to many things, WW 115^8.

mǣnlic = mǣnelic

+mǣnnes f. community, fellowship, intercourse, union, Shr: land held in common, BC 1·597´. [v. ‘i-mene’]

+mǣnscipe m. community, fellowship: union, W 248^23.

±mǣnsumian to participate in, have fellowship with: live with, marry: partake of Eucharist, Æ.

±mǣnsum-nes, -ung f. fellowship, participation, Æ.

mænu = menigu

mǣrāc f. boundary-oak, KC 3·379^29.

mǣran (ā) I. (±) to declare, proclaim, celebrate, glorify, honour. II. (+) to determine, fix limits, #Wid# 42.

mǣrapeldre f. apple-tree forming part of a boundary, KC 3·390^5.

mǣrbrōc m. boundary-brook, KC.

mærc (1) == mearc; (2) = mearg

mǣrcnoll m. boundary-knoll, EC 445.

mǣrdīc f. boundary-dyke, KC.

mære = (1) mare; (2) mere I.

mǣre I. (ē) famous, great, excellent, sublime, splendid, Æ, AO, CP. [cp. Ger. märe, märchen] II. pure, sterling (of money). [v. ‘mere’ adj.] III. (±, usu. +) boundary, border, Mk, VPs; Mdf. [‘mere’ sb.]

mǣrelsrāp m. ship’s rope, cable, WW.

mæretorht = meretorht

mærgen = morgen

mærh (Cp, Ep) = mearg

mærh- = mearh-

[[Printed on one line: mærh (Cp, Ep), mærh- = mearg, mearh-]]

mǣr-hege, -haga, -hege m. boundary-hedge, EC 447.

mǣrhlīsa m. notoriety, WW 382^10.

mǣrian to be distinguished, DHy.

mæringcwudu n. mastic of sweet basil? #Lcd# 131a.

+mǣrlacu f. boundary stream, EC 387.

mǣrlic (ȳ) great, splendid, glorious, famous, Æ, AO, CP. adv. -līce, Æ.

mǣrnes f. greatness, honour, fame.

mǣrpul m. boundary-pool, EC 445.

mǣrpytt m. pit that forms part of a boundary (BT), KC.

mærsc = mersc

mǣrsere (ē) m. herald, DR 56^17.

±mǣrsian (ē) I. to make famous, celebrate, proclaim, declare, announce, Æ, CP: celebrate: glorify, honour, exalt, praise, Æ: spread (of fame): enlarge. II. to mark out, bound, limit.

mǣrstān m. boundary stone, BC. [‘mere-stone’]

mǣrsung (ē) f. fame, report, renown: celebration, festival, Æ: exalting, magnifying: (±) magnificence, celebrity.

mǣrsungtīma m. time of glorifying, ÆH 2·360^25.

mærð = mearð

mǣrð f. glory, repute, fame: famous exploit, glorious achievement, Æ, AO, CP.

mǣrðorn m. boundary-hawthorn, KC.

mǣrðu = mǣrð

mǣrðum (instr. of mǣrð) adv. gloriously.

mæru = mearu

+mǣrung? ‘consummatio,’ RHy 5^10.

mærw- = mearu-

±mǣrweg m. boundary road, Ct.

mǣrweorc m. noble work, #PPs# 110^4.

mǣrwyll m. boundary stream.

mæscre (ǣ?) f. mesh, WW 450^10.

mæsen brazen (Earle); of maple (BT), EC 250.

mæslere m. sacristan, GD.

mæsling, mæslen (MkL) = mæstling

mæssanhacele = mæssehacele

mæsse (e) f. ‘mass,’ Eucharist, celebration of Eucharist, Æ, BH, OET; CP: special mass day, festival of the church. [L. missa]

mæsseǣfen m. eve of a festival.

mæsse-bōc f. nap. -bēc ‘mass-book,’ missal, LL.

mæssecrēda m. creed said at mass, Nicene creed.

mæssedæg m. ‘mass-day,’ festival, Bl.

mæssegierela m. mass-vestment, surplice, CP 87^19.

mæssehacele f. mass-vestment, cope, chasuble, LV 40, WW 327^22.

mæssehrægl n. vestment, surplice, CP.

mæsselāc n. mass-offering, host, WW.

mæsseniht f. eve of a festival.

mæsseprēost m. ‘mass-priest,’ clergyman, high priest, Æ, AO; CP.

mæsseprēosthād m. office or orders of a mass-priest, BH.

mæsseprēostscīr f. district for which a mass priest officiated, LL.

mæsserbana m. murderer of a priest, W 165^28.

mæssere m. priest who celebrates mass, Az. [‘masser’]

mæsserēaf n. mass-vestment, Æ.

mæssesang m. office of mass.

mæssesteall m? seat in a church choir, v. NC 307^348.

mæssetīd f. time of saying mass, LL (140^20).

mæsseðegn m. mass-priest, LL 460[5].

mæsseðēnung f. service of the mass, celebration of mass, A 11·8.

mæsse-ūhta? m. or -ūhte? n. hour, or service, of matins on a feast-day, NC 307.

mæssewīn (e) n. wine used at mass, WW.

mæssian (±) to celebrate ‘mass,’ Æ: (+) attend mass.

mæst I. m. (ship’s) ‘mast,’ B; Æ, AO. II. m. ‘mast,’ food of swine, acorns, beechnuts, BC.

mǣst (ā, ē) I. adj. (superl. of micel), AO, Chr, Bo, Mt. [‘most’] II. adv. mostly, for the most part, in the greatest degree, chiefly, especially. eal m., m. eal almost, nearly. m. ǣlc nearly every one, Æ, AO, CP. III. n. most.

±mæstan to feed with mast, fatten, Æ, CP. [Ger. mästen]

mæstcyst f. mast-socket, WW.

mæstelberg m. fattened hog, MtL 6^7. [bearg]

mæsten m. mast, pasture for swine.

mæstenrǣden f. right of feeding swine in mast-pastures, KC 3·451^10.

mæstentrēow n. tree yielding mast, WW 137^23.

mæstland f. land on which there is mast, TC 140^2.

mǣstlicost adv. (superl.) particularly, CM 1169.

mæstling I. n. brass, WW: brazen vessel, Mk. [‘maslin’; Ger. messing] II. fatling, OEG 61^29.

mæstlingsmið m. brass-worker, WW 539^6.

mæstlōn sbpl. pulleys at the lop of a mast, WW 199^30.

mæstrǣden = mæstenrǣden

mæstrāp m. mast-rope, #Ex# 82.

mæsttwist m. rope which supports a mast, WW.

mæt I. pret. 3 sg. of metan. II. = mete m.

±mǣtan to dream (impers.), Æ; (trans.) Lcd. [‘mete’]

mæte == mete

mǣte (ē) mean, moderate, poor, inferior, small, bad. [metan]

+mǣte suitable as to size, RB; ÆL. [‘meet’]

mætfæst- = metfæst-

+mǣtgan † to lessen, limit.

+mætgian (ÆL) = +metgian

mǣting f. dream, Lcd. [‘meting’]

mǣton pret. pl. of metan.

mǣð I. f. measure, degree, proportion, rate, Æ; AO: honour, respect, reverence, LL: what is meet, right, fitness, ability, virtue, goodness, Æ, CP: condition, lot, state, rank, Æ. [‘methe’] II. n. cutting of grass, BC. [‘math’]

mǣð- = mǣgð-

±mǣðegian to honour, respect, spare, W; Æ. [‘methe’]

mæðel (e) n. council, meeting, popular assembly: (†) speech, interview.

mæðelcwide † (e) m. discourse.

mæðelern † n. council-house, prætorium.

mæðelfrið (ðl) mn. security (‘frið’) enjoyed by public assemblies, LL 3 [1], (v. 2·464).

mæðel-hēgende †, -hergende holding conclave, deliberating.

mæðelstede † (e) m. place of assembly: battlefield.

mæðelword (e) † n. address, speech.

mǣðere = mǣðre

mǣðful humane, ÆGr. [‘metheful’]

mǣðian = mǣðegian

mæðl = mæðel

mæðlan (Cr) = maðelian

mǣðlēas immoderate, rapacious, Æ. [‘metheless’]

mǣðlic moderate, proportioned, befitting, ÆGr, TC. adv. -līce humanely, courteously. [‘methely’]

mǣðmēd f. pay for haymaking, LL 452´.

mǣðre m. mower, WW.

±mǣðrian to honour, LL.

mǣðung f. measure, extent, NC 307.

mǣw (ea, e) m. ‘mew,’ sea-gull, Cp, Shr (e).

mǣwpul (ā) m. sea-gulls’ pool, Ct.

māfealdra comp. of manigfeald.

maffian to go astray. maffiende waxing, wanton, NC 307.

mag- = mæg-

maga I. m. ‘maw,’ stomach, Cp, Lcd, WW; Æ, CP. II. powerful, strong.

māga I. † m. son, descendant, young man, man. II. gp. of mǣg.

magan swv. pres. 1, 3 sg. mæg; 2, meaht, miht; pl. magon; pret. 3 sg. meahte to be able, have permission or power (I ‘may,’ I can), to be strong, competent, avail, prevail, Æ, B, Bo, G, etc.; CP. mæg wið avails against, cures, #Lcd#.

māgas v. mǣg.

magaðe = mageðe

magdalatrēow n. almond-tree, WW 139^11. [L. amygdala]

mage f. (WW 159^14) = maga

māge (ǣ) f. female relative, B; Æ. [‘mowe’]

māgeēct ptc. augmented, WW. [īecan]

mageðe (æ^1, o^2) f. camomile, mayweed, Lcd, WW. [‘maythe’]

magian to prevail, #ERPs# 12^5; NC 348.

magister (æ) m. leader, chief, master, teacher, Æ, Bo; AO, CP. [L. magister]

magisterdōm (mægster-) m. office of a master or teacher, #Sc# 120^9. [‘masterdom’]

+māglic = +mālic

+magnian to be restored to health, GD 338^30.

mago † (magu) m. gs. maga, nap. mæcgas male kinsman, son, descendant, man: young man, servant: man, warrior.

magodryht f. band of warriors, B 67.

magogeoguð f. youth, #Cr# 1429.

magorǣdend m. counsellor of men, #An# 1463.

magorǣswa † m. chief, prince.

magorinc † m. youth, man, warrior.

magotimber † n. child, son: increase of family, progeny.

magotūdor † n. descendant, offspring.

magoðe, magðe = mageðe

magoðegn † m. vassal, retainer, warrior, man, servant, minister.

magu = mago

māgwlite = mǣgwlite

±māh bad, wanton, shameless, importunate.

mahan = magon pres. pl. of magan.

+māhlic == +mālic

+māhnes f. importunity, persistence: shamelessness.

maht (#VPs#) = miht

māl I. n. suit, cause, case, action, terms, agreement, covenanted pay, Chr. hē scylode ix scypa of māle he paid nine ships out of commission, #Chr# 1049#c#. [‘mail’] II. n. spot, mark, blemish, Æ. III. = mǣl n.

māldæg = mǣldæg

+mālic importunate: wanton, shameless: wicked. adv. -līce.

+mālicnes f. importunity: wantonness, shamelessness, CP.

malscrung f. enchantment, charm.

mālswyrd n. sword with inlaid ornament, TC 560^33. [mǣl]

malt (Gl) == mealt

malwe (WW) = mealwe

mamme f. teat, GPH 401^77. [L. mamma]

mamor, mamra m. lethargy, heavy sleep, #Gl#.

māmrian to think out, design, #PPs# 63^5.

man I. pron. indef. one, people, they, B, Mt; Æ. [‘man’] II. = mann. III. pres. 3 sg. of munan.

mān I. n. evil deed, crime, wickedness, guilt, sin, Æ: false oath, ÆP 216^14. II. adj. bad, criminal, false, AO. [ON. mein]

+man (o) having a mane, WW 492^20.

man- = mann-

+māna m. community, company, Æ: companionship, intercourse, BH: cohabitation. tō +mānan in common, CP. [‘mone’]

manað pres. 3 sg. of manian.

mānāð m. false oath, perjury, LL; HL. [‘manath’; Ger. meineid]

mānbealu n. crime, cruelty, #Da# 45.

manbōt (o^1) f. fine paid to the lord of a man slain, LL (v. 2·576). [‘manbote’]

mānbryne m. fatal, destructive fire, #Chr# 962#a#.

mancgere = mangere

manc-s, -cas, -cos, -cus m., gp. mancessa (CP) a ‘mancus,’ thirty silver pence, one-eighth of a pound, Æ, BC.

mancwealm m. mortality, pestilence, destruction, Chr; AO. [‘manqualm’]

mancwealmnes f. manslaughter, NG.

mancwyld (o) f. mortality, pestilence, BH 190^8.

mancynn n. mankind, Æ, B, Bl: inhabitants, people, men, CP. [‘mankin’]

mancyst f. human virtue, MFH 169.

mand (o) f. basket, Cp, MtL (o), WW. [‘maund’]

māndǣd f. sin, crime, Æ, AO, CP.

māndǣde evil-doing, wicked.

māndeorf wicked, LL (382^12).

mandrēam † m. revelry, festivity.

māndrinc m. poison, #Rd# 24^13.

mandryhten † m. lord, master.

maneg = manig

mānfǣhðu f. wickedness, #Gen# 1378.

manfaru f. host, troop, #Gu# 257.

mānfeld m. field of crime (‘campus sceleratus’), AO 108^20.

mānfolm f. evil-doer, #PPs# 143^8.

mānfordǣdla m. evil-doer, B 563.

mānforwyrht † n. evil deed, sin.

mānfrēa † m. lord of evil, Devil.

mānfremmende † sinning, vicious.

mānful wicked, evil, infamous, degraded, Æ: fearful, dire.

mānfullic infamous, evil, sinful, Æ. adv. -līce, Æ.

mānfulnes f. wickedness, Æ.

manfultum m. military force, AO (o^1).

+mang I. n. mixture, union: troop, crowd, multitude: congregation, assembly: business: cohabitation. in +m. during. on +m. in the midst of. II. prep. (w. d. or a.) among, Æ.

māngenga m. evil-doer, BH 36^5.

māngenīðla m. evil persecutor, #An# 918.

+mangennes = +mangnes

mangere m. trader, merchant, broker, Æ.

māngewyrhta m. sinner, #PPs# 77^38.

±mangian to trade, Æ, CP.

+mang-nes, -ennes f. mingling, mixture, OEG.

mangung f. trade, business, Æ.

mangunghūs n. house of merchandise, Jn 2^16.

mānhūs n. home of wickedness, hell, #Ex# 535.

±manian (o) to remind, admonish, warn, exhort, instigate, Æ, CP: instruct, advise, Æ: claim, demand, ask. [Ger. mahnen]

mānīdel † vain and bad (words).

maniend m. admonisher, CP 400^13: collector.

manif- = manigf-

manig (æ^1, e^1, o^1, e^1) nap. manega ‘many,’ many a, much, Æ, AO, B, BH; CP.

manigean = manian

manigeo = menigu

manigfeald (æ, e, o^1) manifold, various, complicated, Æ, CP: numerous, abundant: plural.

±manigfealdian to multiply, abound, increase, extend, OEG (æ^1); CP(a^3). [‘manifold’]

manigfealdlic manifold. adv. -līce in various ways, CP: (gram.) in the plural number. [‘manifoldly’]

manigfealdnes f. multiplicity, great number, abundance, complexity, WW. [‘manifoldness’]

manigsīðes (mani-) adv. many times, often, W 144^11.

manig-tēaw (æ^1), -tīwe, -tȳwe skilful, dexterous, Æ.

manigtēawnes (mænitȳw-) f. skill, dexterity, OEG.

manlēas uninhabited, WW (o). [‘manless’]

mānlic infamous, nefarious, Æ.

manlīca m. effigy, image, statue.

manlīce adv. manfully, nobly, B. [‘manly’]

manlufu f. love for men, #Gu# 324.

manm- = mannm-

mann (o) m., nap. men(n) person (male or fem.), Æ, Bl, Lcd, Mt, VHy; AO, CP: mankind, Mk, VPs: brave man, hero: vassal, servant: name of the rune for =m=.

mann-, see also man-.

manna I. m., man, Æ. II. n. manna (food), Æ, CP. [L.]

mannbǣre producing men, ÆH 1·450.

mannēaca (mon-) m. issue, progeny, AO 158^20.

mannian to ‘man,’ garrison, #Chr# 1087#e#.

mannmægen (o) n. troop, force, cohort, JnL 18^3.

mannmenigu (o) f. multitude, AO.

mannmyrring f. destruction of men, #Chr# 1096.

manrǣden f. dependence, homage, service, tribute, due, Æ. [‘manred’]

manrīm † n. number of men.

mānsceatt m. usury, #PPs# 71^14.

mānsceaða † m. enemy, sinner.

mānscild f. crime, fault, sin, †Hy 8^23.

manscipe m. humanity, courtesy, BC. [‘manship’]

mānscyldig † criminal, guilty.

manslæht = manslieht

manslaga m. man-slayer, murderer, Æ.

mānslagu f. cruel blow, #An# 1218.

manslēan^6 to kill, murder, RB 16^18 (or ? two words).

manslege m. manslaughter, homicide.

manslieht (e^2, i^2) m. manslaughter, murder, CP. [‘manslaught’]

manslot share in ownership of land? measure of land? v. NC 307. [ON. mannshlutr]

-mānsumian, -mānsumung v. ā-m.

manswǣs meek, #RPs# 24^9.

mānswara (o^2) m. perjurer.

mānswaru f. perjury. [swerian]

mānswerian^6 to forswear, perjure oneself, LL. [‘manswear’]

mānswica m. deceiver, traitor (mann-? v. LL 2·142).

mansylen (i^2) f. traffic in men, act of selling men as slaves. [sellan]

manðēaw † m. habit, custom (? sometimes mānðēaw sinful custom).

manðēof m. man-stealer, v. LL 2·542.

manðwǣre (o) gentle, kind, humane, mild, meek, ÆL, CP. [OHG. mandwāri]

+manðwǣrian to humanize, CP 362^21.

manðwǣrnes (o) f. gentleness, courtesy, weakness, ÆL (ȳ^2), CP.

manu f. ‘mane,’ Erf 1182.

manung f. admonition, CP: claim: place of toll: district for purposes of tribute or taxation: residents in a taxing district.

mānwamm (o^2) m. guilty stain, #Cr# 1280.

mānweorc I. n. crime, sin. II. adj. sinful.

manweorod (o) m. collection of men, troop, congregation, assembly, AO.

manweorðung f. adoration of human beings, LL (248^3).

manwīse (o) † f. manner or custom of men.

mānword n. wicked word, #PPs# 58^12.

mānwrǣce wicked, WW 426^19.

mānwyrhta † m. evil-doer, sinner.

manwyrð n. value or price of a man, LL.

mapulder (o^2) m. maple tree.

mapuldern made of maple.

mapul-dre, -dor, -dur f., -trēo m. (Mdf) = mapulder

māra m., māre fn. (compar. of micel) greater, ‘more,’ stronger, mightier, Æ, Bl, CP. adv. in addition, Mt.

māran = mǣran

mārbēam (#VPs#) = mōrbēam

marc n. a denomination of weight (usu. half a pound), mark (money of account).

marcian = mearcian

mare I. f. silver weed, #Lcd# 2·74^9. II. f. nightmare, monster, Ep (e), Lcd. [‘mare’]

māre v. māra.

mārels = mǣrelsrāp

marenis = mearuwnes

margen- = morgen-

market n. market, TC 422^20. [L. mercatum]

marma m. marble. [L. marmor]

marman-stān (marmel-, marm(or)-) m. marble, piece of marble, Æ, Bl. [‘marmstan’]

marmstāngedelf n. quarrying of marble, ÆH 1·560^32.

-marod v. ā-m.

martir, martyr(e) m. ‘martyr,’ BH; Æ, AO. [L.]

martirlogium m. martyrology, IM 122^45.

martr- = martyr-

martyrdōm m. ‘martyrdom,’ BH; Æ, CP.

martyrhād m. martyrdom.

+mar-tyrian, -trian to ‘martyr,’ AO, BH.

martyrracu f. martyrology, ÆL 23^334.

martyrung f. passion (of Christ), AO 254^24. [‘martyring’]

mārðu = mǣrð

mārūfle horehound. [L. marrubium]

masc = max

māse f. name of a small bird, #Gl#. [Ger. meise]

-masian v. ā-m.

massere m. merchant: moneylender, #Bk# 10.

māst = mǣst

matte (Cp) = meatte

mattuc (æ^1, ea^1, e^1, eo^1, o^2) m. ‘mattock,’ A, AO; Æ: fork, trident.

māð pret. 3 sg. of mīðan.

maða m. maggot, worm, grub, WW. [‘mathe’]

maðal- = maðel-

+maðel n. speech, talking. [mǣl]

maðelere m. speaker, haranguer, WW. [v. ‘mathele’]

maðelian † (æ^1, e^1, a^2, o^2) to harangue, make a speech, speak, An (e), B, Cp, Cr (æ). [‘mell,’ ‘mathele’]

maðelig tumultuous, turbulent, #KGl# 75^23.

maðelung f. garrulity, loquacity, OEG. [v. ‘mathele’]

māðm = māðum

māðm- see also māððum.

māðmǣht † f. valuable thing, treasure.

māðmcleofa (mād-) m. treasure-chamber, Æ (9^277).

māðmcyst f. treasure-chest, Mt 27^6.

māðmgestrēon n. treasure, B, MFH.

māðmhord n. treasure-hoard, #Ex# 368.

māðmhūs n. treasure-house, treasury, AO, CP.

māðmhyrde m. treasurer, #Bo# 64^13.

maðolian = maðelian

māððum == māðum, māðm

maððum-fæt n., pl. -fatu precious vessel, Æ.

māððumgesteald n. treasure, #Jul# 36.

māððumgifu f. gift of treasure, B 1301.

māððumgyfa m. giver of treasure, prince, king, #Wa# 92.

māððumsele m. hall of treasure, #Sol# 189.

māððumsigle n. costly ornament, B 2757.

māððumsweord n. costly sword, B 1023.

māððumwela m. valuables, B 2750.

maðu f. = maða

māðum m., gs. māðmes treasure, object of value, jewel, ornament, gift, Gn, Met; CP. [‘madme’]

māðum- = māðm-, māððum-

māwan^7 to ‘mow,’ AO, BH.

māwpul = mǣwpul

max n. net, WW. [‘mask’]

māxwyrt f. mash-wort (malt soaked in boiling water), #Lcd#.

me I. das. of pers. pron. ic me. II. (RB 35^9; 127^13) = menn [[II. form of “man”]]

meagol (e) mighty, strong, firm, emphatic, impressive. [magan]

meagollīce adv. earnestly, #Bl#.

meagolmōd earnest, strenuous.

meagolmōdnes f. earnestness, #Bl#.

meagolnes f. earnestness, strength of will, #Bl#, HL.

meaht I. == miht. II. pres. 2 sg. of magan.

meahte pret. 3 sg. of magan.

mealc pret. of meolcan.

mealclīðe ?= meolclīðe

mealehūs = meluhūs

mealewe = mealwe

mealm = mealmstān

mealmeht sandy? chalky? KC 3·394^13. [v. ‘malm’]

mealmstān m. soft stone, sandstone? limestone? AO 212^28. [v. ‘malm’]

mealt I. n. steeped grain, ‘malt,’ Ct, Ep. [meltan] II. pret. 3 sg. of meltan.

mealtealoð m? n? malt-ale, ANS 84^325.

mealtgescot n. payment in malt, W 171^2.

mealthūs n. ‘malt-house,’ WW.

mealtwurt f. ‘malt-wort,’ WW. [wyrt]

mealu = melu

mealwe f. ‘mallow,’ Lcd; Æ. [L. malva]

mear = mearh

mearc (æ, e) f. (±) ‘mark,’ sign, line of division, Æ, MkL (e): standard, ÆGr: (±) boundary, limit, term, border, BC, Gen; CP; Mdf. tō ðæs +mearces ðe in the direction that: defined area, district, province, AO.

mearca m. space marked out.

mearcere (æ) m. writer, notary, OEG.

mearcgemot court for settling boundaries of properties? v. LL 2·143.

mearchof n. dwelling, #Ex# 61.

±mearcian to ‘mark,’ stain, brand, seal, BC, LL, MtL, Ph; Æ: mark a boundary, delimit, define, describe, designate, Æ, Gen: mark out, design, Bo: create: note, observe.

mearc-īsern, -īsen n. branding-iron.

mearcland n. border-land, march, moor: (†) province, country, district: sea-coast, #Rd# 4^23.

mearcpæð † m. road, path.

mearcstapa † m. march-haunter.

mearcstede m. border-land, desolate district, #Sol# 217.

mearcðrēat m. army, troop, #Ex# 173.

mearcung (æ, e) f. marking, branding: mark, characteristic: (±) description, arrangement: constellation: title, chapter, NG.

mearcwadu ‡ np. shallows, water by the shore.

mearcweard m. wolf, #Ex# 168.

meard = (1) meord, mēd; (2) mearð

[[(1) Printed as shown: “meord” (meorð) and “mēd” are different words.]]

mēares v. mearh.

mearg, mearh (æ, e) nm. I. ‘marrow,’ pith, Lcd. II. sausage. [= mærg] [[headword spelled “mærh”]]

mēargealle (e^1, e^2) m. gentian, #Lcd#. [mearh]

+meargian to be rich, marrowy, #LPs# 65^15.

mearglic marrowy, fat, #VPs# (e).

mearh, mearg m., gs. mēares horse, steed.

mearhæccel n. sausage-meat, WW 411^20.

mearhcofa m. bone, #PPs# 101^3.

mearhgehæc n. sausage-meat, WW 427^30.

mearmstān = marmanstān

mearn pret. 3 sg. of murnan.

+mearr I. n. stumbling-block, obstruction, error, CP. [Goth. gamarzeins] II. wicked, fraudulent, LL 140[1,5].

mearrian to err, #Bo# 55^23.

mearð (æ, e) m. marten, Ep, AO. [‘mart’]

mearu (æ, e, y), mear(u)w- in obl. cases tender, soft, Lcd: frail, GD 119^17. [‘meruw’]

mearulic (merwe, mærw-) frivolous. adv. -līce delicately, luxuriously, GD.

mearuwnes f. tenderness, frailty, CP.

mēast = mǣst

meatte (a) f. ‘mat,’ mattress, WW. [L. matta]

mēaw = mǣw

mec as. of ic pers. pron.

+mec = +mæc

mēce m. sword, blade. [Goth. mēki]

mēcefisc (ǣ) m. mullet, #ÆGr# 308^5.

mecg = mæcg

mecgan to mix, stir.

mech = me

mechanisc mechanical, Æ. [L.]

mēd I. f. ‘meed,’ reward, pay, price, compensation, bribe, ÆL (gs. mēdes), B, BH, Bl; CP. II. = mǣd

med- in comp. principally indicates mediocrity, but often comes to have a distinct negative value; see, e.g., medtrum, medwīs. [midde]

mēda v. mǣd.

-mēdan v. on-m.

medder = mēder

medder-, meddr- = mēdr-

meddrosna fp. dregs of mead, #Lcd# 48a.

+mēde I. n. consent, permission, agreement, covenant. II. agreeable, pleasant.

medel = mæðel

medeme (eo) middling, average, mean, little: sufficient, considerable, respectable, proper, fit, worthy, trustworthy, perfect, CP.

±medemian (eo^1) to mete out, allot, assign, place: moderate: respect, honour, Æ: (+) condescend, Æ: (+) advance, promote.

medemlic moderate, mediocre: worthy. adv. -līce moderately, incompletely: suitably, worthily, kindly.

medemlīcnes f. mediocrity, OEG.

medemmicel (Æ) = medmicel

medemnes f. dignity, worth, #Bo#: benignity, condescension, #Bl#.

medemung f. measuring, measure.

mēden = mægden

mēder ds. and LWS gs. of mōdor.

mēderce = mȳderce [[headword spelled “myderce”]]

medere = mæddre

mēderen, mēdern = mēdren

mēderwyrhta = mēterwyrhta

medewyrt = meduwyrt

mēdgian to bribe. [mēd]

mēdgilda m. pensioner, hireling, Æ.

mēdl- = mǣðl-

-mēdla v. an-, ofer-m.

medlen = midlen

medm- = medem-

medmicelnes f. smallness (of mind), #SPs# 54^8.

medmicle comp. medmāre, adv. humbly, meanly, slightly.

medo = medu

medmicel I. moderate-sized, short, small, limited, unimportant, slight, mean, poor. II. n. a little.

medom- = medem-

mēdren I. maternal, of a mother. II. n. the mother’s side (by descent), LL 156[11].

+mēdren born of the same mother, AO 114^13.

mēdrencynn n. mother’s kindred.

mēdrengecynd n. mother’s nature, W 17^7.

mēdrenmǣg m. maternal kinsman.

mēdrenmǣgð f. maternal kindred, LL 392[3].

+mēdrian to have the same mother, Æ.

medrīce of low rank, WW 115^26.

mēdsceatt m. payment, fee, reward, bribe, gift, Æ, CP.

medsēlð (ǣ) f. ill-fortune, AO.

medspēdig poor, #Cra# 9.

medstrang of middle rank, Æ.

medtrum weak, infirm, sickly, ill, CP: of lower rank. [cp. medmicel]

medtrumnes (met-; y^2) f. weakness, infirmity, sickness, illness, disease, AO, CP.

medu (eo) mn. gs. med(e)wes ‘mead’ (drink), B, Rd (eo); AO.

meduærn n. mead-hall, banqueting-house, B 69 (o^2).

medubenc † f. bench in a mead-hall.

meduburg † f. mead city, rejoicing city.

medudrēam † m. mead-joy, jollity.

medudrenc (eo^1) m. mead, W 245^4.

medudrinc (o^2) m. mead-drinking, #Seaf# 22.

meduful † n. mead-cup.

medugāl † mead-excited, drunk.

meduheall † f. mead-hall.

medum- = medem-

medurǣden (eo^1) f. strong drink? (BT), dealing out of mead? (GK), #GnE# 88.

meduscenc (eo^1) m. mead-cup, B 1980.

meduseld n. mead-hall, B 3065.

medusetl n. (eo^1, o^2) mead-seat, B 5.

medustīg f. path to the mead-hall, B 924.

meduwērig † overpowered with mead, drunk.

meduwong (eo^1, o^2) m. field (where the mead-hall stood). B 1643.

meduwyrt (eo^1, e^2) f. meadow-sweet, Lcd: ‘rubia,’ madder, OEG 56^40 (e^2). [‘mead-wort’]

medwīs dull, stupid, foolish, CP. [cp. medmicel]

mēdwyrhta m. a hireling, #Sc# 123^12.

meg == mæg

mēg = (1) mǣw; (2) mǣg

mēg- = mǣg-

megol == meagol

meh = mec, me, as. of ic.

meht == meaht, miht

mēi, mēig = mǣg

meige (#KGl# 81^32) = mæge pres. 3 sg. subj. of magan.

meiðhād (#KGl# 56^7) = mægðhād

mēl = mǣl n.

mela = melu

melc == meolc

melcingfæt = meolcfæt

meld f. proclamation, #Da# 648.

melda m. reporter, informer, betrayer, Æ.

meldan (æ) (Rd) = meldian

melde f. orache (plant), Lcd. [‘milds’; Ger. melde]

meldfeoh n. informer’s reward, LL 96[17].

±meldian to announce, declare, tell, proclaim, reveal, Ps; Æ: inform against, accuse. [‘meld’; Ger. melden]

meldung f. betrayal, BH 240^4.

mēle = mǣle

meledēaw mn. honey dew, nectar, Ph, WW (mild-). [‘mildew’]

melewes = melwes gs. of melu.

-melle, -melnes v. ǣ-m.

melo = melu

melsc = milisc

±meltan I. (y) (sv^3) tr. and intr. to consume by fire, ‘melt’ become fluid, digest, dissolve, burn up, B, CP, El, Lcd, WW; Æ. II. = miltan

meltestre = myltestre

meltung f. digestion, #Lcd#.

melu (ea, eo) n., gs. mel(u)wes ‘meal,’ flour, Lcd; Æ. [Ger. mehl]

melugescot n. payment in meal, W 171.

meluhūdern n. meal-house, LL 455[17].

meluhūs (ea^1, e^2) n. meal-house, WW 185^27.

meluw (LWS) = melu

men v. mann.

mēnan = mǣnan

mend- = mynd-

+mēne- = +mǣne-

mene (y) m. necklace, collar, ornament, jewel. [Ger. mähne]

menegian = mynegian

menego = menigu

menen (i) n. maiden, handmaid, slave.

menescilling m. moon-shaped ornament, coin worn as ornament, #Gl#.

±mengan (æ) tr. and intr. to mix, combine, unite, Lk, Sat: (±) associate, consort, cohabit with, BH, Ps: disturb, B: (†) converse. [‘meng’]

+mengedlic mixed, confused. adv. -līce.

+mengednes, +meng(d)nes f. mingling, mixture, connection, Æ, BH.

mengeo, mengo, mengu = menigu

mengung f. mixture, composition, ZDA: fellowship, GD: (+) confusion. [‘menging’]

meni (LWS) = manig

menian = mynian

menig (LWS) == manig

menigdu f. band of people, WW 448^27.

menigu (a^1, æ^1, eo^3) f. usu. indecl. in sg. company, multitude, host, Æ, AO, CP. [manig]

menio, meniu (LWS) = menigu

menisc = mennisc

menn v. mann.

mennen, mennenu = menen

mennesc == mennisc

mennisc I. adj. human, natural, Bo, CP; Æ. II. n. mankind, folk, race, people, Bl; Æ CP. [‘mannish’]

mennisclic human, Æ, CP. adv. -līce, Æ.

mennisc-licnes (EHy 15^35), -nes f. state of man, human nature, incarnation, BH; Æ: humaneness, humanity. [‘mannishness’]

menniscu f. humanity, human state, CP.

mentel (æ) m., gs. mentles mantle, cloak, CP. [L. mantellum]

mentelprēon m. mantle-pin, brooch, Ct.

menung = (*mynung), mynegung

mēo mf? gs. and nap. mēon shoe-sole, sock? sandal? RB, WW.

meocs = meox

+meodnes f. dignity, DR 192´. [= medemnes]

meodo, meodu = medu

meodom- = medem-

meodoma = meoduma

meodren = mēdren

meodum- = medem-

meoduma m. weaver’s beam, treadle? WW.

meolc I. giving milk, milch. II. (i, M) f. ‘milk,’ BH; Æ, AO.

meolcan^3 (e, i) to milk.

meolcdēond (i; -tēond) m. suckling, #JVPs# 8^3.

meolcfæt n. milk-pail, WW 123^28.

meolchwīt ‘milk-white,’ GPH.

meolcian (i) to ‘milk,’ Lcd, Shr: (±) give milk, suckle, Bl.

meolclīðe (ea) milky, CM 49.

meolcsūcend m. suckling, WW.

meolo (Bo) = melu

meoloc (CP) = meolc

meolu = melu

meoluc = meolc

mēon v. mēo.

meord f. reward, pay. [Goth. mizdō]

meoring f. danger? #Ex# 62?

meorð = meord

mēos I. m. moss, Æ; Mdf. II. adj. mossy.

mēose = mēse

meotod, meotud == metod

meottoc (Cp) = mattuc

+meotu = +metu nap. of +met.

meotud- = metod-

meoðon (BH) = miðon pret. pl. of mīðan.

mēowle † f. maiden, virgin: woman. [Goth. mawilō]

meox (e, i, y) n. filth, dirt, dung, Æ, Bo, Lk. [‘mix’]

meoxbearwe f. dung-barrow, WW 336^8.

meoxen = mixen

meoxscofl (e^1) f. dung-shovel, LL 455[17].

meoxwilie (cs) f. dung-basket, #LPs# 80^7.

mēr- = mǣr-

mera m. incubus, #Gl#.

merc (A) == mearc

merce = merece

+merce = +mierce

mercels = mircels

mercong (NG) = mearcung

mere I. m. (†) sea, ocean, An: lake, pond, pool, cistern, B, Ep, Jn; CP; Mdf. [‘mere’] II. = mare. III. = miere

mēre (#VPs#) = mǣre I.

merebāt m. sea-boat, vessel, #An# 246.

merecandel f. sun, #Met# 13^57.

merece m. smallage, wild celery, Æ, Gl, Lcd.

mereciest f. sea-chest, ark, #Gen# 1317.

meredēað † m. death at sea.

meredēor n. sea-animal, B 558.

merefara m. sailor, B 502.

merefaroð † m. surging of the waves.

merefix m. sea-fish, B 549.

mereflōd † m. sea, body of water, deluge.

mere-grēot (Æ), -grot n., -grota m. pearl.

meregrund † m. lake-bottom, depths of the sea.

merehengest † m. sea-horse, ship.

merehrægl n. sail, B 1905.

merehūs † n. sea-house, the ark.

merehwearf m. sea-shore, #Ex# 516.

mērehwīt pure white, sterling (of silver). [mǣre II.]

merelād f. sea-way, #Hu# 27.

merelīðende m. seafaring (man), sailor.

mere-menn, -mennen, -menin n. mermaid, siren, Cp, WW. [‘mermin’]

mere-næddra m., -næddre, -nǣdre f. ‘murena,’ sea-adder, lamprey.

meresmylte quiet as the sea, calm, #Met# 21^12.

meresteall m. stagnant water, MFH 169.

merestrǣt † f. sea-path.

merestrēam † m. sea-water.

merestrengo f. strength in swimming, B 523.

mereswīn n. porpoise, dolphin, Cp, Lcd. [‘mereswine’]

meretorht (æ) † (rising) bright from the sea.

meretorr m. towering wall of the (Red) sea, #Ex# 484.

mereðyssa † m. ship.

mereweard m. sea-warden, #Whale# 53.

merewērig sea-weary, #Seaf# 12.

merewīf n. water-witch, B 1519.

merg (Cp 195#m#) = mearg

merg- = mearg-, meri-, morg-, myrg-

mer-gealle, -gelle = meargealle [[headword spelled “mēargealle”]]

merian to purify, cleanse, Sat: test. [‘mere’]

merice (#Gl#) = merce

merien = morgen

merig = (1) myrge; (2) mearg

merig- = myrg-

merigen (Æ, AO) = morgen

merisc = mersc

merne = mergenne ds. of mergen. [[under “morgen”]]

merr- = mierr-

mērs- = mǣrs-

mersc (æ) m. ‘marsh,’ swamp, Bl, Cp; CP.

merschōfe m. marsh hove, #Lcd# 35b.

merscland n. marsh-land, #Chr# 1098.

merscmealwe f. ‘marsh-mallow,’ Lcd.

merscmeargealle f. gentiana pneumonanthe, #Lcd#.

merscware pl. inhabitants of marshes. (1) Romney marsh, #Chr# 796. (2) the fens? #Chr# 838.

mertze f. merchandise, WW 32^25. [L. mercem]

merð = mearð

merðern made of skins of martens.

mērðu (N) = mǣrð

meru (MtR) = mearu

meruw-, merwe- = mearu(w)-

mēs (K) = mȳs, v. mūs.

mesa fpl. dung, #Lcd# 37a.

mēsan to eat, #Rd# 41^52. [mōs]

mēse (ēo, ī, ȳ) f. table: what is placed on a table. [L.]

mess- = mæss-

mēsta (#KGl#) = mǣsta superl. of micel.

±met (usu. +) measure (vessel or amount), Æ: act of measuring, appointed share, quantity, Mt: space, distance, LL: boundary, limit, Bo, Met: manner, degree, way: ability, capacity: rule, law: mood (gram.): metre: moderation, MtR. ealle +mete in all respects. on +m. in vain, #RPs# 88^48. nānum +m. by no means, on no account. [‘met,’ ‘i-met’]

+met suitable, fit, proper, apt, meet. adv. -mēte.

+mēt = +mōt

-mēt v. wēa-m. [[under “wēamēt”]]

meta (#Sc# 153) = mete

metærn = meteærn

±metan^5 to measure, ‘mete’ out, mark off, Æ, Ex, Mt, VPs: compare, Bo; CP: es imate, Bl: m. wið pass over, traverse, B.

±mētan I. to ‘meet,’ find, find out, fall in with, encounter, Bo, Bl; Æ, AO, CP. [gemōt] II. to paint, design, ÆGr. [‘mete’] [[I. “gemōt” listed as “+mōt”]]

metbælg m. wallet, LkR 22^35.

mete (æ) m. nap. mettas ‘meat,’ food, BH, Lk, Sc; Æ, AO, CP.

mēte = mǣte

meteærn n. refectory, GD, WW.

meteāflīung f. atrophy, WW.

meteclyfa m. food-store, pantry, OEG 56^270.

metecorn n. allowance of corn to dependents, TC. [‘metecorn’]

metecū f. cow for killing, LL.

metecweorra m? surfeit, indigestion.

+mētednes f. finding, discovery, #LPs# 27^4.

metefæt [met-] n. dish, GPH 403.

metefǣtels m. cupboard for food, WW 107^5. [‘metefetill’]

meteg- = metg-

metegafol n. payment in food, LL 448[4,5].

metegearwa fp. preparations of food, #Lcd# 78b.

metegyrd = metgeard

metelǣst = metelīest

metelāf f. leavings of a meal.

metelēas without food, Æ.

mete-līest (AO), -lē(a)st, -līst, -lȳst f. lack of food, starvation.

metend m. measurer: God.

mētenēad f. requisites in the way of food, LL 383´? (v. 2·145).

mēter n. ‘metre’ (poet.), A, BH. [L.]

meterǣdere m. reader at mealtimes, NC 309.

mētercræft m. art of versifying, BH 258^15.

mētercund relating to metre, WW.

mētere m. painter.

mēterfers n. hexameter verse, BH.

mētergeweorc n. verse, BH 484^9.

mēterlic metrical, OEG.

metern = meteærn

mēterwyrhta m. metrician, poet, WW.

metesōcn f. craving for food, appetite, #Lcd# 65a.

metesticca m. measuring-rod, WW 126^35.

meteswam m. edible mushroom, WW.

metetīd f. meal-time, GD 277^24.

meteðearfende † needing food, destitute.

meteðegn m. seneschal, steward, #Ex# 131.

meteðing n. operation connected with cooking, NC 309.

meteūtsiht f. dysentery, WW.

+metfæst moderate, reasonable, modest.

+metfæstan (æ^1, e^2) to compare, #LPs# 48^21.

+metfæstlic moderate. adv. -līce modestly, humbly, meekly.

+metfæstnes f. moderation, modesty, BH.

metfæt = metefæt

+metfæt n. a measure (vessel), Æ.

+metfest- = +metfæst-

metgeard f. measuring-stick, rod, pole, perch, WW 147^20.

±metgian to moderate, control, govern, Æ, CP: weigh in mind, consider: assign due measure to.

+metgiend m. ruler, governor, AS 11^6.

±metgung f. moderation, temperance, AO, CP: reflection, meditation: rule, regulation.

metgyrd = metgeard

metian I. to supply with food, provision. II. = metgian

mēting I. (±) f. meeting (friendly or hostile), assembly, congregation, RB 46^2: (+) finding, discovery. II. painting, picture, Æ.

+metlǣcan to moderate, CP 101^12.

+metlic fitting, suitable: moderate. adv. -līce.

+metnes f. moderation, MF (Vesp. D xiv).

+mētnes = +mētednes

metod † m. fate: Creator, God, Christ.

metodsceaft † f. decree of fate, doom, death. gewītan m. sēon, tō metodsceafte to die, B.

metodwang (meotud-) m. battlefield, #An# 11.

metrāp m. measuring-rope, sounding-line, Cp 178#b#.

mētsceat = mēdsceatt

metscipe m. feeding, meal, LL 178, 8, 1. [‘meteship’]

metseax n. meat-knife, AO.

±metsian to supply with food.

metsung f. feeding, provisioning, #Chr#.

+metta m. sharer in food, Æ. [‘mette’]

mettac = mattuc

mettas v. mete.

mette- = mete-

mētte pret. 3 sg. of mētan.

metten f. one of the Fates, #Bo# 102^22.

mettian = mētan I.

+metting = +mēting

-mētto v. wēa-m. [[under “wēamēt”]]

mettoc (Ep) = mattuc

mettrum == medtrum

metud (N) = metod

mēðe (†) tired, worn out, dejected, sad: troublesome. [Ger. müde]

meðel = mæðel

±mēðgian to exhaust, tire out, impair.

mēðian to grow weary, #Lcd# 57a.

mēðig tired, weary, AO.

meðl = mæðl, mæðel

meðl- = mæðl-, maðel-

mēðnes f. fatigue, OET (Bd^2).

+meðrian to honour.

mēw = mǣw

mexscofl = meoxscofl

miccl- = micel-, micl-

micel (y) adj. comp. māra, superl. mǣst(a) great, intense, much, many, Æ, BC, Bo, Chr, Lcd; AO, CP: (of time) long: loud. sb. with gen. much, AO, CP. adv. greatly, much, CP, Gen. [‘mickle’]

micelǣte (y) greedy, #Shr# 16^20.

miceldōend (i^2) doing great things, DR 45^7.

micelhēafdede big-headed, WW 380^12.

micelian = miclian

micellic great, splendid, magnificent. adv. -līce greatly, grandly, splendidly: very, exceedingly.

micelmōd magnanimous, #PPs# 144^3.

micelnes (y) f. greatness, size, Æ, CP: multitude, abundance: magnificence.

micelsprecende boasting, #LPs# 11^4.

micelu (y) f. largeness, size, #Lcd#.

micg == mycg

micga m., micge f. urine, Lcd. [‘mig’]

micgða = migoða

micl- = micel-

micle, micles, miclum adv. (obl. cases of micel) much, very, greatly.

±miclian (y) to become great, increase, An; AO: make great, make larger, magnify, extol, Bl. [‘mickle’]

±miclung f. the doing of great things.

micul = micel

mid I. prep. w. d. inst. (WS) and a. (A only) with, in conjunction with, in company with, together with, Æ, BC, BH, Chr: into the presence of: through, by means of, by, BH, Gen: among, in: at (time): in the sight of, opinion of, ÆL, MtL. m. ealle, eallum altogether, completely, entirely, Æ, Chr. m. ðām with that, thereupon. m. ðām ðe when. m. ðām ðæt through that, on that account, because, when. m. ðȳ (ðe) when, while. II. adv. at the same time, together, simultaneously, likewise, Lcd. [‘mid’] III. = midd

midd superl. mid(e)mest mid, middle, midway, BH, CP, Lcd. tō middes adv. in the midst. [‘mid’]

middæg m. ‘mid-day,’ noon, Lcd: one of the canonical hours, sext, WW. fram middæge oð nōn from noon to 3 p.m., Æ.

middæglic adj. mid-day, meridian.

middægsang m. mid-day service, sext.

middægtīd f. noon, WW 450^5.

middægðēnung f. dinner, NC 309.

middan (on) v. onmiddan.

middandæglic = middæglic

middaneard (Jn) == middangeard

middangeard m. the globe, world, earth, B; Æ, AO, CP: mankind. [‘middenerd’; ON. miðgarðr]

middangeardlic earthly, BH 118^19.

middansumer m. midsummer (24 June).

middanwinter m. midwinter, Christmas.

midde I. adj. mid, middle. II. f. middle, centre (only in phr. on middan).

middel I. n. ‘middle,’ centre, El, Mk, Ps, WW: waist, Bl. II. adj. (superl. midlest) middle, intermediate, BC, BH.

middeldæg m. mid-day, noon, #Lcd#.

middeldǣl m. middle, AO 10^6.

middelfinger m. middle finger.

middel-flēra m., -flēre f. partition, septum, WW.

middelfōt m. instep, WW 160^25.

middelgemǣru npl. central region, #Sol# 255.

middelgesculdru np. part of the body between the shoulders, WW 159^17.

middelniht † f. midnight.

middelrīce n. the middle kingdom, #Chr# 887#a#.

midden- = middan-

midde-niht, -neaht, middernæht (LkL) f. ‘midnight.’ [v. ES 39·350]

middesumer = middansumer

middeweard I. adv. in the middle of, through the midst, AO. II. adj. middle. III. sb. middle, LPs. [‘midward’]

middewinter = middanwinter

middun- (N) = middan-

mideard = middangeard

midel = middel

midemest v. midd.

midfæsten m. mid-Lent.

mid-feorh, -feorwe (CP), -ferh(ð) mn. youth, middle age, (‘juventus’ #Gl#).

midfyrhtnes f. middle age, #Bl# 163.

midgearwung f. preparation, MkL p 5^10.

midgesīð n. companion, OEG 680.

midhelp [mið-] f. help, assistance, DR 29^18.

midhlȳte m. ‘consortium,’ NC 309.

midhrif nm. ‘midriff,’ diaphragm, Lcd: bowels.

mid-hriðre, -hryðre n. diaphragm, Cp, WW. [‘midred’; hreðer]

-midian v. ā-.

mīdl n. bit (of a bridle), Æ: oar-thong.

midle = middele, ds. of middel.

+midleahtrian to reproach? #Sc# 200^6.

midlen (e) n. middle, centre, midst.

midlencten n. mid-Lent.

midlest superl. of middel.

mīdlhring m. ring of a bit, WW 456^14.

+midlian to halve, divide, #VPs#.

±mīdlian to bridle, check, curb, CP: muzzle, W 191.

midligend m. mediator, BH 206^26.

midlung f. middle, midst. adv. -lunga to a moderate extent.

midmest v. midd.

midmycel = medmicel

midnedæg m. mid-day.

midnes f. middle, midst.

midniht f. midnight, Æ.

midor compar. of midd, adj.

midrād f. riding in company, LL 175[4].

mīdrece = mȳderce [[headword spelled “myderce”]]

midrif = midhrif

midsingend m. one who sings with another, WW 129^25.

±midsīð(eg)ian to accompany, associate with.

midspecend m. interlocutor, MP 1·592.

midspreca m. advocate, ÆH 1·388.

midsumer (e^3) m. ‘midsummer,’ A.

midswēgan *‘concinere’ #EPs# 57^3.

midðām, midðy = mid ðam, mid ðȳ

midðeahtian to consent, RHy 6^27.

midweg m. midway, CP 399^13, GD 314^11.

midwinter m. ‘midwinter,’ Christmas, Lcd.

midwist f. presence, society.

midwunung f. living in company, Æ.

midwyrhta m. worker together with, co-operator, CP.

midyrfenuma m. coheir, #Sc# 148^4.

mieht = miht

mielt pres. 3 sg. of meltan.

Mierce, Miercan pl. Mercians: Mercia, #Chr# (lit. borderers; cp. mearc).

+mierce (e) n. boundary, limit, A 4·141^35: sign, token, MkL 16^17.

Miercisc Mercian, LL (e).

miere (e, i, y) f. ‘mare,’ BH, WW. [mearh]

mierra m. deceiver, MtL 27^63 (e).

±mierran (e, i, y) to ‘mar,’ disturb, confuse, CP: scatter, squander, waste: upset, hinder, obstruct, Æ; AO: err, MtL.

mierrelse (y) f. cause of offence, #Jul# 338.

mierrend (y) prodigal, wasteful, NC 311.

mierring (e, i, y) f. hindering: squandering, waste, CP.

±mīgan^1 to make water, #ÆGr#.

migeða = migoða

migga (Æ) = micga

miggung, mīging f. making water, WW.

migol diuretic, #Lcd#.

migoða m. urine, #Lcd#.

miht (a, æ, ea, e, ie, y) I. f. ‘might,’ bodily strength, Bl, Lcd: power, authority, ability, BH; Æ: virtue, Lcd: mighty work, miracle, G. II. adj. †mighty, powerful: possible.

mihte pret. sg. of magan.

mihtelēas = mihtlēas

mihtelic, mihtlic possible. adv. -līce ‘mightily,’ powerfully, by might, miraculously, Æ, BH.

mihtesetl n. seat of power, EETS 34·301.

mihtig (æ, ea) ‘mighty,’ important, BH, VPs (æ): able, effective, Lcd: possible. adv. -līce, Bo. [‘mightily’]

mihtlēas powerless, weak, exhausted, Æ.

mihtmōd n. violent temper, passion, #Ex# 149.

mihtu = miht ðu

mīl I. f. ‘mile,’ Bl, WW; AO. [L.] II. n. millet, WW. [‘mile’]

milc (#VPs#) == meolc

milde I. adj. ‘mild,’ merciful, kind, generous, gentle, meek, B, Bl, Gu, LL; AO, CP. II. adv. mercifully, graciously, Cr.

mildēaw = meledēaw

mildelic propitious. adv. graciously, affably, kindly, AO; Æ. [‘mildly’]

+mildgian to mitigate, #VPs#.

mild-heort, -heortlic merciful, clement, compassionate, MtL (milt-); AO, Æ. [‘mild-heart’] adv. -līce, Æ, CP.

mildheortnes f. loving-kindness, mercy, pity, LL; Æ, AO. [‘mildheartness’]

mildian to become mild, GPH 399.

mildnes f. mildness, mercy, NC 309.

milds == milts

milescian to become mild, mellow, WW. [milisc]

mīlgemæt m. mile-measure, milestone? KC 3·252^21.

mīlgemearc n. measure by miles, B 1362.

mīlgetæl n. mile, #Nar# 33.

milisc (e, y) sweet, mild, mulled.

mīlite soldiers, NC 309.

mīlitisc military, GD. [L. miles]

mīlpæð † m. distance reckoned by miles? road with milestones on it? #El, Ex, Run#.

+milscad honeyed, mixed with honey, WW (v. milescian).

milscapuldor f. sweet apple tree, #Gl#.

milt- = mild-

±miltan (e, y) (tr. and intr.) to melt, Æ: digest: refine, purge.

milt-coðe, -coðu f. disease of the spleen, #Lcd#.

milte mf. ‘milt,’ spleen, Gl, Lcd; Æ. [Ger. milz]

miltesēoc splenetic.

miltestre = myltestre

miltewærc m. pain in the spleen, CP.

milts f. mercy, compassion, benevolence, kindness, favour, CP: (†) joy. [milde]

±miltsian (w. d.) to compassionate, pity, show mercy, Bo, Mt, Ps; Æ, CP: soften, make merciful. [‘milce,’ ‘i-milce’]

±miltsiend m. pitier.

miltsigendlic pardonable, venial, Æ.

miltsung f. (±) mercy, sympathy, pity, indulgence, pardon, Æ, CP: moderation, reduction (of punishment), LL 468[10].

miltwræc = miltewærc

milz = milts

mīma m. ‘mime,’ MH.

+mimor (w. d.) known. adv. -līce by heart.

min †? small: common, vile.

mīn I. pron. my, ‘mine,’ Æ, B, G. mīnes ðances by my will. II. gs. of ic of me.

mind == mynd

mindōm? m. state of exile, #PPs# 54^7.

mine = myne

minet- = mynet-

minlic petty.

mīnlīce adv. in my manner, WW 449^16.

minnæn ‘manipulos,’ sheaves? #EPs# 128^7; ‘magnalia,’ 105^21.

minne I. nap. of min. II. = myne

minnen = menen

±minsian to diminish.

minsung f. parsimony, OEG 3748.

mint? (MtR), minte f. ‘mint,’ CP; Mdf. [L.]

mio- = meo-

mircapuldur (Cp) = milscapuldor?

Mirce, Mircan = Mierce

mirce I. (y) adj. murky, dark, black, uncanny, evil, B, Ph. II. adv.? #An# 1315. III. n. murkiness, darkness, Da 448. [‘murk’]

mircels (e, y) mf. sign, token, seal, signet: mark, marked place, ÆL: trophy, #Gu# 429. [mearc]

mire = miere

mīre = mīnre gdfs. of mīn.

mirg-, mīrig- = myrg-

mirgð, mirhð = myrgð

mirr- = mierr-

misbegān anv. to disfigure, MtL 6^16.

misbēodan^2 (w. d.) to ill-use, injure, do wrong to, LL, W. [‘misbede’]

misboren abortive, Lcd: degenerate. [‘misborn’]

misbrōden drawn aside, WW 224^21.

misbyrd f. abortion, #Gl#.

misbyrdo f. malformation, #Lcd#.

misbysnian to set a bad example, ÆH 2·50.

miscalfian to cast a calf, WW 456^12.

miscenning f. flaw in an indictment: payment for correction of such a flaw, v. LL 2·148; 184.

miscian to mix, apportion. [L.]

miscrōcettan to croak or shriek horribly, #Guth# 36^1. [crācettan]

miscweðan^5 to speak ill, curse, NG: speak incorrectly.

miscyrran (= ie) to pervert, #Met# 2^8.

misdǣd f. ‘misdeed,’ evil deed, sin, CP; Æ.

misdōn anv. to do evil, transgress, do amiss, err, JnL, LL, W. [‘misdo’]

mīse = mēse

misefesian to cut the hair amiss, LL (254^13).

misendebyrdan (i^4) to arrange amiss, LL 382.

misenlic, misendlic = missenlic

misfadian to order amiss, LL.

misfadung f. misconduct, irregularity.

misfaran^6 to go wrong, transgress, CP: fare ill, Æ, W. [‘misfare’]

misfēdan (oe) to nourish ill, #EVPs#.

misfeng m. misdeed, sin, NC 309.

misfēran to do wrong, err, transgress, Æ. [‘misfere’]

misfōn^7 to make a mistake, be deceived: fail to get.

misgedwield n. error, perversion, #Jul# 326.

misgehygd fn. evil thought, #An# 772.

misgelimp n. misfortune, W 211^30.

misgemynd f. evil memory, #Sol# 495.

mis(ge)wider m. bad weather, storm.

misgrētan to greet amiss, insult, Ct.

misgȳman to neglect, LL. [‘misyeme’]

mishæbbende being ill, MtL 8^16.

mishealdan^7 not to keep, to neglect, Æ (9^130).

mishealdsumnes f. want of observation, carelessness, LL (196^3).

mishērnes f. act of disobedience, W.

mis-hweorfed, -hwyrfed, -hworfen perverted, inverted.

mishȳran to hear amiss, not to listen to, disobey, RB, W. [‘mishear’; hīeran]

mislǣdan to ‘mislead,’ Æ.

mislǣran to teach amiss, give bad advice to, ÆL 5·119.

mislār f. ill teaching, evil suggestion.

mislēc- = mislīc-

mislic unlike, various, manifold, Bl, Bo; Æ, CP: wandering, erratic. [‘mislich’] adv. -līce in various ways, diversely, aimlessly, Bo, Chr. [‘misliche’]

mislīcian (w. d.) to displease, disquiet, Æ, CP. [‘mislike’]

mislicnes f. variety, diversity, Æ.

mislimp n. misfortune.

mislimpan^3 impers. w. d. to go wrong, turn out badly, AO.

mislybban to lead a bad life, Æ. [‘mislive’]

mismicel of varying sizes? #Ex# 373.

misrǣcan to abuse, ÆH 2·590^25.

misrǣd m. misguidance, Æ: misconduct, Æ.

misrǣdan to advise wrongly, RB.

miss n. absence, loss (Swt).

miss- = mis-

missan (w. g.) to ‘miss’ (a mark), B: (w. d.) escape the notice of a person.

missare = missere

misscrence distorted, shrivelled, #Guth#.

misscrȳdan to clothe amiss, ÆH 1·530.

misse- = mis-

missenlic various, manifold, different, diverse, AO. adv. -līce, CP.

missenlicnes f. variety, diversity: ‘qualitas’? GD 46^9.

missere † n. half-year, year.

misspōwan^7 to fare badly, AO 82^34.

missprecan^5 to grumble, murmur.

mist m. ‘mist,’ Æ, Met, WW: dimness (of eyesight), Æ, Lcd.

mist- = mis-

mistǣcan to teach amiss, Æ. [‘misteach’]

mistel m. mistletoe, Cp, Ep: basil, Lcd. [‘missel’]

mistellām n. birdlime, WW 279^15.

misteltān m. ‘mistletoe,’ WW (i^2).

mistglōm m? misty gloom, #Whale# 47.

misthelm m. covering of mist, #Jul# 470.

misthlið † n. misty cliff, cloud-capped slope.

mistian to be or grow misty, Æ. [‘mist’]

mistīd f. evil time, FM 360^12.

mistīdan (impers.) to miscarry, fail, LL 348´. [‘mistide’]

mistig ‘misty,’ B.

mistihtan to lead astray, dissuade, Æ.

mistihtendlic dehortative, #ÆGr# 225^12.

mistil- = mistel-

mistīmian [impers. w. d.] to happen amiss, Bas. [‘mistime’]

mistlic == mislic

mistran to grow dim, Æ.

mistrīwan to mistrust, DR 39^16.

mistūcian to ill-treat, #Chr# 1083, GD 15.

misðēon^3 to mis-thrive, degenerate.

misweaxan^6 to grow improperly, Æ.

miswendan to pervert, abuse, Æ: be perverted, err, Æ.

miswende erring, ill-behaving, Æ.

miswenian to misuse, abuse, #Sc# 224^10 (?= miswerian, MLN 25·80).

misweorc n. misdeed, JnR 3^19.

misweorðan^3 to turn out amiss, W.

miswider = misgewider

miswissian to mislead, LL 130; 381.

miswrītan^1 to write incorrectly, ÆGr. [‘miswrite’]

miswurðian (= eo) to dishonour, illtreat, LL 381[25].

miswyssigan = miswissian

mīte f. ‘mite’ (small insect), WW 122^6.

mitta m., mitte f. a measure, bushel, Ct, WW; Æ, CP. [‘mit’; metan]

mittan = mētan

mitte = mitta

mitting (Æ, AO) = mēting

mittȳ = mid ðȳ

mið (LkL) = mid

mīðan^1 to hide, conceal (tr. and intr.), keep to oneself, dissemble, BH, Bo, WW; CP: conceal oneself, remain concealed, Lcd: (†)avoid, shun, refrain from. [‘mithe’]

mīðl = mīdl

mix = meox

mixen (y) f. dung-heap, dung, Æ, LkL. [‘mixen’]

mixendynge (y^1) f. dung, LL 454[9].

mixenplante f. nightshade (plant), #Lcd#.

mixforce (y) f. dung-fork, WW 106^39.

mixian = miscian

mōd n. (±) heart, mind, spirit, ‘mood,’ temper, B, BH, Bl; Æ, AO, CP: courage, B; AO: arrogance, pride, AO: power, violence.

+mōd of one mind, harmonious, peaceful, CP.

mōdblind † blind, undiscerning.

mōdblissiende † exulting.

mōdbysgung f. anxiety, #Dom# 84.

mōdcearig † sorrowful of heart.

mōdcearu † f. sorrow, grief.

mōdcræft m. intelligence.

mōdcræftig intelligent.

moddor = mōdor

moddren of mothers, #ApT# 4^12.

moddri(g)e = mōdrige

mōde- = mōdig-

mōdearfoð n. grief of mind, †Hy 4^87.

mōdeg = mōdig

mōder == mōdor

mōdercynd = mēdrengecynd

mōderge = mōdrige

mōdful proud, haughty, #Lcd# 3·188^26.

mōdgehygd † n. thought.

mōdgemynd † n. mind, thought.

mōdgēomor † sad, dejected.

mōdgeðanc m. thought, understanding, intellect, mind.

mōdgeðōht m. thought, understanding, mind.

mōdgeðyldig patient, #An# 983.

mōdgewinna m. care, #Gen# 2797.

mōdgian = mōdigian [[under “mōdigan”]]

mōdgidanc (N) = mōdgeðanc

mōdglæd joyous, #Gu# 1311.

mōdglēaw wise, #Sol# 180.

mōdhæp? brave, #Ex# 242 (GK).

mōdhete m. hatred, #Gen# 1756.

mōdhord n. secret thoughts, #An# 172.

mōdhwæt † brave, bold.

mōdig (CP), mōdi spirited, daring, bold, brave, high-souled, magnanimous, B; Æ: impetuous, headstrong, Æ; CP: arrogant, proud, Æ, CP. [‘moody’]

mōdigan, mōdigian to grow proud or overbearing, be high-minded, glory, exult, show bravery, Æ: take offence through pride, Æ.

mōdiglic (mōde-) high-souled, lofty, proud: brave, bold: splendid, magnificent. adv. -līce, Ma (mōde-). [‘moodily’]

mōdignes f. greatness of soul: pride, arrogance, haughtiness, Æ. [‘moodiness’]

mōdilic = mōdiglic

mōdlēas spiritless, #KGl# 66^40.

mōdlēast f. want of courage, Æ.

mōdlēof dear, precious, FT 28.

mōdlufu f. heart’s affection, love.

+mōdod disposed, ÆH 1·524^18.

mōdor (e^2) f., ds. mēder ‘mother,’ WW; (of animals), LL; AO, CP.

mōdorcild (mōð-) n. a child of one’s (own) mother, #PPs# 68^8.

mōdorcynn n. maternal descent, #Chr# 1067#d#.

mōdorhealf f. mother’s side, #Chr# 1076#d#.

modorhrif n. womb, #PPs#.

mōdorlēas (e^2) motherless, W 228^22.

mōdorlic (e^2) maternal, ÆGr. [‘motherly’]

modorlufu f. love for a mother, NC 309.

mōdorslaga m. matricide, WW 335^6.

mōdrige, mōdrie f. mother’s sister, maternal aunt, Æ, AO: cousin. [mōdor]

mōdrōf valiant, #An# 1493.

mōdsefa † m. heart, mind, spirit, soul: thought, imagination, purpose, character.

mōdsēoc sick at heart, #Gen# 1235.

mōdsēocnes f. disease of the heart, WW 199^35.

mōdsnotor † wise.

mōdsorg † f. heart-sorrow.

mōdstaðol m. principle, character, LL (318^37).

mōd-staðolnes, -staðolfæstnes f. firmness of mind, W 53^10.

+mōdsumian to agree, CP.

+mōdsumnes f. agreement, concord, CP.

mōdswīð † resolute.

mōd-ðracu f. gs. -ðræce courage, B 385.

mōdðrēa m. anguish, #Rd# 4^50.

mōdðwǣre meek, #LPs# 24^9.

mōdðwǣrnes f. patience, meekness, W.

mōdur = mōdor

mōdwǣg m. proud wave, #Ex# 499.

mōdwelig gifted, talented, wise, †CP.

mōdwlanc † stout-hearted: haughty.

mōdwyn f. heart’s joy, property, #Rd# 87^7.

moetan (Cp) = mētan

mohða, mohðe (N) = moððe

molcen n. coagulated or curdled milk. [cp. Ger. molke]

molda? m. v. molde II.

moldærn † n. grave.

moldcorn n. granular tuber of saxifraga granulata, and the plant itself, #Lcd#.

molde I. f. sand, ‘mould,’ loose earth, dust, soil, Cp, BH; Æ: land, country: world. =II?= f. top of the head, Lcd (or molda?). [‘mould’]

moldern = moldærn

moldgewind n. top of the head, NC 310.

moldgræf † n. grave.

moldhrērende moving upon earth, #Creat# 27.

moldhȳpe f. heap of dust, ÆH 1·492.

moldstōw f. site, sepulchre, GPH 391.

moldweg † m. earth.

moldwyrm m. earth-worm, #Soul# 72.

molegn n. curds, #Gl#.

molegnstycce n. piece of curd, #Gl#.

moling = molegn

molsn n? decay, NC 310.

±molsnian to moulder, decay, Æ.

molten pp. of meltan.

momra = mamra [[under “mamor”]]

mon == man

mōna m. ‘moon,’ Bo, Lcd; Æ, AO, CP.

mōnanǣfen m. Sunday evening, LL.

mōnandæg m. ‘Monday,’ A, Jn.

mōnanniht f. Monday eve, i.e. Sunday evening, LL.

mōnað m. nap. mōn(e)ðas, mōnað ‘month,’ BH, Bo, Lk, Lcd; AO, CP. [mōna]

mōnaðādl f. morbus menstrualis, BH.

mōnaðādlig menstruous, BH 78^5.

mōnaðblōd n. ‘menstruum,’ WW.

mōnaðbōt f. penance lasting a month, LL (278^11).

mōnaðfylen f. time of full moon, OEG.

mōnaðgecynd f. ‘menstruum,’ #Lcd#.

mōnaðlic monthly, lunar, #Gl#.

mōnaðsēoc I. menstruous, Æ. II. = mōnsēoc

mōnaðsēocnes f. lunacy, #Lcd# 1·170^4.

moncus = mancus [[under “mancs”]]

mond = mand

mōndæg = mōnandæg

mōne f. = mōna

mōnelic lunar, Æ.

monetian to despise? #An# 746. [*manetian?]

+mong = +mang

monig == manig

mōnlic = mōnelic

monn == mann

mōnoð = mōnað

mōnsēoc ‘moonsick,’ lunatic, epileptic, MtR.

mont = munt

mōnð = mōnað

monuc = munuc

mōr m. ‘moor,’ morass, swamp, B; Mdf: hill, mountain, AO.

morað (ō?) n. sweet boiled wine with herbs. [L. moratum]

mōrbēam (ā, u) m. mulberry tree, bramble, VPs (ā). [v. ‘more’]

mōrberie f. mulberry (fruit), ÆL 25^576.

more f. carrot, parsnip, Lcd, WW. [‘more’]

moreð = morað

mōrfæsten n. moor-fastness, #Chr#.

mōrflēoge f. ‘cariscus,’ a kind of fly, NC 310.

morgen (a, e) m. ds. morgenne ‘morn,’ morning, forenoon, Æ, B, MtL, VPs: sunrise, B: morrow, CP. on mor(gen)ne (1) in the morning, (2) to-morrow.

morgenceald † chill at morn.

morgencolla m. morning terror, #Jud# 245.

morgendæg m. morrow: morning.

morgendlic = morgenlic

morgendrenc m. morning drink, #Lcd#.

morgengebedtīd f. morning prayer, #Guth# 40^25.

morgengifu f. gift by a husband to his wife the morning after the wedding, BC, WW. [‘moryeve’]

morgenlēoht n. dawn, morning.

morgenlic matutinal, morning: of the morrow. morgenlica dæg to-morrow.

morgenlong lasting a morning, B 2895.

morgenmæsse f. morning mass, first mass, ANS 84·2.

morgenmete m. morning meal.

morgenrēn m. morning rain, #Az# 82.

morgensēoc sad at morn, #An# 241.

morgenspǣc f. regular meeting of a guild on the morrow after the guild-feast, TC. [‘morn-speech’]

morgenspell ‡ n. news published at morn.

morgensteorra m. morning star, Bo. [‘morn-star’]

morgenswēg m. cry at morn, B 129.

morgentīd (a^1, e^1) f. morning.

morgentīdlic matutinal, #BPs# 129^6.

morgentorht bright at morn, #An# 241.

morgenwacian to rise early, WW.

mōrhǣð f. mountain-heath, #PPs# 82^10.

mōrheald heathy, marshy? #Ex# 61.

mōrhop n. moor-swamp, B 450.

mōrig marshy, Æ.

mōrland n. ‘moor-land,’ mountain-waste, LkL.

morne ds., mornes gs. of morgen.

morod, moroð = morað

mōrsceaða m. robber from mountain heights, NG.

mōrsecg mn. sedge, #Lcd# 3·140^25.

mōrseohtre f. marshy ditch, NC 310.

mōrstapa m. traverser of moors, #Run# 2.

mortere m. mortar. [L. mortarium]

morð nm. death, destruction, homicide, ‘murder,’ AO; Æ: deadly sin. [‘murth’]

morð- = morðor-

morðcrundel mn. barrow raised over a dead body? deadly pool? corpse-pit? KC 3·23´.

morðdǣd f. murder, deadly sin, crime, Æ.

morðor nm., gs. morðres (mp. morðras) deed of violence, ‘murder,’ homicide, manslaughter, B, Bl: mortal sin, crime: injury, punishment, torment, misery.

morðorbealu † n. violent death, murder.

morðorbed ‡ n. bed of death (by violence).

morðorcofa m. prison, #An# 1006.

morðorcræft m. murderous crime, #An# 177.

morðorcwalu f. murder, NC 310.

morðorcwealm m. murder, death, #GnE# 152.

morðorhete m. blood-feud, B 1105.

morðorhof n. place of torment, #El# 1303.

morðorhūs n. house of torment, #Cr# 1625.

morðorhycgende ‡ with murderous thoughts.

morðorlēan n. retribution for sin, #Cr# 1612.

morðorscyldig guilty, #An# 1601.

morðorslaga m. homicide, murderer, NG.

morðorslagu f. homicide, murder, NG.

morðorslege m. homicide, murder, LL (148^14).

morðorsleht (morðsliht) m. slaughter, murder.

morðorwyrhta m. murderer.

morðslaga (Æ) = morðorslaga

morðsliht = morðorsleht

morður = morðor

morðweorc n. deadly work, act which causes death, murder, LL.

morðwyrhta = morðorwyrhta

moru f. parsnip, carrot (= more).

mōrwyrt f. moor-wort, #Lcd# 48b.

mōs n. I. bog, marsh, BC. [‘moss’] II. n. food, victuals. [Ger. mus]

mōst, mōste v. *mōtan.

mot n. mote, speck, atom.

mōt I. (±, usu. +) n. ‘moot’ (‘gemot’), society, assembly, court, council, Chr, MtL; Mdf. +m. wyrcan to take counsel: litigation, Bo: (+) conflict, encounter. II. f. toll, tribute, MkL. [Ger. maut] III. pres. sg. of *mōtan.

±mōtærn (e^2) n. place of meeting, court-house, AO.

mōtan* swv. pres. 1, 3 sg. mōt, pres. 2 sg. mōst, pres. pl. mōton, pret. mōste (may), to be allowed, be able to, have opportunity to, be compelled to, must, Æ; AO, CP. mōste ic would that I might! [‘mote’]

+mōtan = mētan

mōtbell f. bell for summoning a moot, LL. [v. ‘moot’]

±mōtbeorh m. hill of meeting, BC.

mōtere m. public speaker, WW. [‘mooter’]

mōtern = mōtærn

mōtgerēfa m. moot-reeve, chairman of a moot, EC 342´.

±mōthūs n. moot-hall, place of assembly, WW; W. [‘moothouse’]

±mōtian to speak to, converse with, address, harangue, Æ: debate, argue, plead, Hex. [‘moot’]

mōtlǣðu sbpl. courts, assemblies? TC 433^22.

+mōtlēah m. meadow of meeting, BC.

+mōtmann m. orator, WW 164^35; 310^29.

+mōtstede m. place of meeting, #Soul# 152.

±mōtstōw f. place of meeting, forum.

mōtung f. conversation, discussion, OEG. [‘mooting’]

mōtweorð (u^2) qualified to attend the moot, EC 343´.

moðfreten moth-eaten.

mōðor = mōdor

moððe f. ‘moth,’ MtL (mohðe).

mucgwyrt f. artemisia, mugwort, #Lcd#.

mucxle = muscelle

mūdrica = mȳderce [[headword spelled “myderce”]]

mūga m. ‘mow,’ heap of corn, Æ.

mugan* = magan

mugwyrt = mucgwyrt

mūha (Cp) = mūga

mūl m. mule. [L. mulus]

mūlhyrde m. mule-keeper, #ÆGr# 35^5.

multon pret. pl. of meltan.

+mun (w. g.) mindful, remembering, AO 48^11.

±munan (usu. +) pres. 1, 3 sg. man (mon), 2 manst, pl. munon, pret. munde swv. to think about, be mindful of, remember, Bl, Jul, Lk; Æ, AO, CP: consider. [‘i-mune’]

mund f. I. † hand: palm (of the hand, as a measure): trust, security, protection, guardianship, Æ: protector, guardian: the king’s peace: fine for breach of the laws of protection or guardianship of the king’s peace, v. LL 2·555; 641. [cp. Ger. vormund] II. m. money paid by bridegroom to bride’s father, bridegroom’s gift to bride, #Cr# 93. III. = mynd

mundbeorg m. protecting hill, #PPs# 124^2.

mundberd = mundbyrd

mundbora m. protector, preserver, guardian, advocate, Æ: prefect.

mundbryce (i^2) m. breach of the laws of protection or guardianship, LL: fine for the breach of such laws.

mundbyrd f. protection, patronage, help: fine for a breach of the peace, LL.

+mundbyrdan to protect, #Bo#.

mundbyrdnes f. protection: security, independence: protector, guardian, advocate.

mundbyre = mundbyrde (ds. of mundbyrd)

mundcræft m. protecting power, #Lcd# 1·384^13.

munde v. munan.

+munde = +mynde

mundgripe † m. hand-grasp.

mundheals f. protection? #Cr# 445.

±mundian to protect, watch over, act as guardian of, Æ.

mundiend m. protector, TC 525^8.

mund-lēow, -lēu, -lāu. f. wash-hand basin, WW. [ON. munnlaug]

mundrōf strong with the hands, #Rd# 84^3.

mundwist f. guardianship, protection, NC 310.

munec == munuc

munecian to make a monk of, LL. [‘monk’]

munetere = mynetere

mungung = mynegung

+muning f. remembrance.

munt m. mountain, hill, Æ, AO, CP. [L. montem]

muntælfen f. mountain-nymph, WW 189^4.

muntclȳse f. mountain prison, W 84#h#.

muntland n. hill-country, Lk 1^39.

munuc m. ‘monk,’ BH, RB (e^2): (used also of women), A 27·255. [L. monachus]

munucbehāt n. monastic vow, HL 18^81,95.

munuccild n. child intended for monastic life, Æ.

munuccnapa m. young monk, GD.

munucgegyrela m. monastic garb, BH 34^27.

munuchād m. monastic orders, the monastic life, Æ, BH; CP. [‘monkhood’]

munuchēap m. company of monks.

munucian (e^2) to make a monk of, LL. [‘monk’]

munuclic monkish, monastic, BH; Æ. adv. -līce. [‘monkly’]

munuclīf n. monastic life, Æ: cloister, monastery, Æ, AO.

munucrēaf n. monk’s garb, GD 27^17.

munucregol m. monastic rule, mode of life, Æ: a body of monks under a certain rule, TC 544^12.

munucscrūd n. monk’s garb, ÆP 142^5.

munucstōw f. place of monks, BH 236^25.

munucðēaw m. monastic rule, ANS 84·7.

munucwīse f. fashion of a monk, ÆL 6·247.

mūr m. wall. [L. murus]

mūrbēam = mōrbēam

mūrberie = mōrberie

murc dismal, wretched, #PPs# 145^6. [myrce]

murcian to murmur, complain, repine, grieve, CP.

murcn- = murc-

murcnere m. complainer, RB 21^5.

murcung f. complaining, lamentation, sorrow, CP.

murge = myrge

murnan^3 (and wv.) to care, be anxious or fearful about, An, Bo, Wald: ‘mourn,’ sorrow, bemoan, Wy: long after, An 37.

murra = myrra

murre = myrre

mūs f. gs. mūs, mūse, nap. mȳs ‘mouse,’ Bo; Æ; Mdf: muscle (of the arm), WW 158^6.

mus-celle, -cule f. shell-fish, mussel. [L.]

muscflēote f? a small fly found in wine (must-flēoge? BT), WW 121^22.

muscle = muscelle

mūsepise f. mouse-pea, vetch, WW 148^35.

mūsfealle (a^2) f. mouse-trap, WW.

mūsfealu mouse-coloured, WW 448^9.

mūshafoc n. mouse-hawk, buzzard, WW.

musle = muscelle

musscel (#Gl#) = muscelle

must m. ‘must,’ new wine, Bo; Æ. [L. mustum]

-mūtian v. be-m.

mūtung f. ‘mutuum,’ loan, WW 449^30.

mūð m. ‘mouth,’ opening, door, gate, Æ, BH, CP, Mt.

mūða m. mouth (of a river), estuary, AO, #Chr#: (†) entrance to a house, door.

mūðādl f. mouth-disease, WW.

mūðberstung f. eruption of the mouth, WW.

mūðbona m. devourer, B 2079.

mūðcoðu f. mouth-disease, WW.

mūðettan to blab out, let out, Æ (6^160).

mūðfrēo free to speak, #PPs# 11^4.

mūðhǣl n. wholesome speech, #Ex# 552.

mūðhrōf m. palate, OEG 332.

mūðlēas mouthless, #Rd# 61^9.

mūwa (WW 348^6) = mūga

muxle = muscelle

myce? (ES 43·309), mycel (LWS) = micel

mycg (i) m. ‘midge,’ Cp, Lcd, WW.

mycgern (i) n. internal fat, suet, WW. [‘midgern’]

mycgnet n. mosquito-net, WW 183^13 (i).

mycl- = micl-

myd- = mid-

mydd n. bushel, AO 190^12. [L. modius]

myderce f. money-box, chest, Æ.

mygg (#Gl#) = mycg

mȳgð = mǣgð

myhtig = mihtig

mȳhð pres. 3 sg. of mīgan.

myl n. dust, JAW 32; ES 41·163. [Ger. müll]

mylc = meolc

mylcen adj. of milk.

myldan = miltan

-myldan v. be-m.

myle- = mylen-

mylen mf. ‘mill,’ KC, LL, RB; Mdf.

mylengafol n. mill-tax, mill-rent? NC 310.

mylenhwēol n. ‘mill-wheel,’ Lcd.

mylenscearp † sharpened on the grindstone.

mylenstān m. grindstone, WW. [‘millstone’]

mylentroh n. mill-trough, mill-conduit, WW.

mylenwaru f., mylenwer m. mill-weir, mill-dam, Ct.

mylenwyrd, myleweard m. tenant of a (manorial) mill, WW. [‘millward’]

mylier (EC 179^1) = myle(n)wer?

mylisc, mylsc = milisc

mylma m. retreat? GPH 398^150.

myln = mylen

myltan = (1) meltan; (2) miltan

myltenhūs n. brothel, ES 9·39.

myltestre (e, i) f. prostitute, Æ. [L. meretricem]

myltestrehūs n. brothel, WW 186^2.

mymerian to keep in memory, remember, W 74^15.

+mynan = +munan

±mynd (usu. +) fn. memory, remembrance, Æ, BH, Met: memorial, record, Æ: act of commemoration, Bl, MH: thought, purpose, Bl. on +m. niman to recollect. [‘mind’]

+myndblīðe memorial, #EPs# 101^13; 134^13 (i).

+mynddæg f. commemoration day, anniversary, BH.

+mynde I. mindful, #El# 1064. II. river-mouth, BH 398^17 (v. JAW 31).

+myndewyrðe worth mentioning, BH 486^12.

±myndgian to remember, be mindful of: (w. g.) remind, W: intend: commemorate, mention, PPs: exhort, warn: demand payment, LL 206, 1, 2. +myndgod aforesaid. [‘ming’]

myndgiend m. one who reminds, B 1105.

myndgung f. admonition, CP: remembrance.

±myndig mindful, Mk. se +myndiga the aforesaid. [‘mindy’]

+myndiglic = +myndlic

+myndiglicnes f. remembrance, #SPs# 101^13.

±myndlēas foolish, senseless, Æ.

+myndlic memorable. adv. -līce by heart, Æ.

+myndlȳst f. madness, ZDA 31^22.

+myndstōw f. monument, tomb.

+myndwyrðe = +myndewyrðe

myne I. † m. memory, remembrance: feeling, affection, love, favour. m. witan to love: purpose, desire, wish: memorial. [†munan] II. m. minnow, WW. III. = mene

+myne I. mindful, MtR 5^23. II. pres. subj. of +munan.

mynecen, mynecenu f. female monk, nun, WW; Æ. [‘minchen’; munuc]

mynegian = myndgian

mynegiendlic hortatory, CM 30.

mynegung f. warning, admonition, exhortation, Æ: claim.

mynelic desirable, #Wid# 4.

mynescilling = menescilling

mynet n. coin, money, Cp, Lcd, MtR. [‘mint’; L. moneta]

mynetcȳpa m. money-changer, ÆH 1·412.

mynetere m. ‘minter,’ coiner, Æ: money-changer, Mt; Æ.

mynetian to coin, LL 158[14].

mynetīsen n. coinage, ÆL 23^447.

mynetslege m. minting, coinage, ÆL 23^475.

mynetsmiððe f. mint, LL 158[14,1].

myng- = myneg-, myndg-

mynian to intend, be impelled: direct oneself towards an object, AS 1^9 (e).

mynig- = myneg-

mynit = mynet

mynle f. desire, #Met# 26^67.

mynnan = mynian

mynster (æ^2) n. monastery, nunnery, BH: mother-church, ‘minster,’ cathedral, LL. [L. monasterium]

mynsterbōc f? minster-book, NC 310.

mynsterclǣnsung f. purification of a minster.

mynsterclūse f. monastic enclosure, stall, cell, CM 22.

mynsterfæder m. abbot, GD 293^1.

mynsterfǣmne f. nun, BH 20^19.

mynstergang m. act of joining an order of monks, LL (146^23)

mynstergēat n. monastery gate, GD 145^2.

mynsterhām m. monastic house, monastery.

mynsterhata m. persecutor of monasteries, W 165^28.

mynsterlic monastic, Æ. adv. -līce.

mynsterlīf n. monastic life, Æ: cloister, monastery.

mynstermann m. monk, Æ.

mynstermunuc m. monk who lives in a monastery (i.e. not an anchorite), Æ.

mynsterprafost m. provost of a monastery, TC 434^4.

mynsterprēost m. priest of a church or minster, LL (254^8).

mynsterscīr f. control of a monastery, BH 458^11.

mynsterstede m. monastic buildings, GD 182^19.

mynsterstōw f. place of a minster, town, BH 160^16.

mynstertimbrung f. building of a monastery, GD 147^11.

mynsterðēaw m. monastic custom, BH 452^12.

mynsterðegnung f. monastic service, RB 85^17.

mynsterwīse f. custom of a monastery.

±myntan to intend, determine, resolve, Æ, Bo: think, B, Jud: bring forth, #Sc# 215^1: give up to, LL 400[3]. [‘mint,’ ‘i-munte’]

myranhēafod n. mare’s head (a nick-name), #Chr# 1010#e#.

Myrce, Myrcan = Mierce

myrce == mirce

myre (Æ, AO) = miere

myrenæddra = merenæddra

myrgan to be ‘merry,’ rejoice, PPs.

myrge adj. (e, i, u) pleasing, agreeable, Æ, Bo, Met (e): pleasant, sweet, DHy (e). adv. myriglīce pleasantly, melodiously, GD 286^1. [‘merry’]

myrgelēoð n. epitaph? BH 94^12 (#b#).

myrgen I. f. joy, pleasure, #Met# (Introd.) 5. II. == morgen

myrgnes f. melody, WW 33^31.

myrgð (e, i), myrhð f. ‘mirth,’ joy, pleasure, sweetness (of sound), Æ, Bo.

myrig- = myrg-

mȳrlic = mǣrlic

myrr- = mierr-

myrra I. m. sweet cicely (plant). II. (u) f. ‘myrrh,’ Æ.

myrre f. = myrra

myrrelse f. offence, scandal, stumbling-block, #Jul# 338.

myrten I. n. flesh of an animal which has died of itself, carrion, LL. II. adj. dead (of animals which have not been killed), LL.

myrð = myrgð

myrðra m. homicide, murderer.

-myrðran, -myrðrian v. for-, of-m. [[under “ofmyrðrian”]]

myrðrung f. parricide, murder, WW 467^21.

myrw- = mearuw- (v. mearu)

mȳs v. mūs.

myscan to afflict, #PPs#.

+myscan to defile, OEG 17^47.

mysci sbpl. flies, #PPs# 104^27.

mȳse = mēse

mytting = mitting

+mȳðe n. (usu. pl.) mouth, confluence, junction of two streams, BH, Ct.

myx = meox

myx- = mix-


nā (ō) adv. conj. not, no, not at all, not even, never, by no means, Æ, AO, CP. nā ðæt ān not only. nā...nā neither...nor. ne nā nor. nā mā no more, ÆGr, Bl. [‘no mo’] nā māre sb. nothing more, Bo, Mk. [‘no more’]

nab- = naf-

nabban anv. pres. 1 sg. næbbe, 2 næfst, 3 nafað, næfð, pl. nabbað, næbbað; pret. næfde (v. habban) not to have, to lack, be without, Bo (+næfd), Jn; AO, CP. [v. ‘have’]

naca † m. vessel, boat, ship. [Ger. nachen]

naced = nacod

±nacian, +nacodian to lay bare, strip.

nacod, nacud (æ) (+) I. adj. ‘naked,’ nude, bare, Æ; CP: empty: not fully clothed. II. f. nakedness.

nacodnes (æ) f. nakedness, Æ.

næ adv. = ne

næbbað, næbbe v. nabban.

nǣbre = nǣfre

næcad (Cp 499#e# ‘exserta’) = nacod

±nǣcan (hnǣcan) to kill, Æ.

næced == nacod

næcedu f. nakedness, MFH 169.

næct = niht

nædder- = nǣder-

nædderfāh snake-coloured, HL 15^183.

næddre (CP) = nǣdre

næddrewinde f. adder-wort, WW 287^16.

nǣderbīta m. ichneumon, WW.

nǣdl (ē) f. ‘needle,’ Soul, WW; Æ.

nǣdre (ē) f. ‘adder,’ snake, serpent, viper, Mt; AO, CP.

nǣdrewyrt (der) f. adder-wort.

næfde pret. 3 sg. of nabban.

næfebor (A 9·263^3) = nafūgar [[headword spelled “nafogār”]]

næfig (NG) = næftig

næfne = nefne

nǣfre (ē) adv. ‘never,’ B, Bo, Bl, G; CP. [ne, ǣfre]

næfst v. nabban.

næft f. need, want, poverty, #Sc# 157^3,7.

næftcyrrend not returning, CP 77^39. [neft, ne eft]

næftig poor, #Sc# 190^1.

±nǣgan I. † (ē) (often followed by wordum) to accost, speak to. II. = hnǣgan

nægel = nægl

nægen = ne mægen

nægl m. ‘nail,’ peg, AO; Æ: finger-nail, toe-nail, claw, Æ: plectrum, #Wyrd# 84: (in comp.) handle.

nægledbord † with nailed sides.

nægledcnearr m. nail-fastened vessel, †#Chr# 937.

nægledcræt n. iron chariot.

nægledsinc n. studded vessel, B 2023.

±næglian ‘to nail,’ fasten with nails, MtLR; Æ.

næglsex n. knife for cutting the nails, WW. [seax; v. ‘nail’]

næglspere n. (sharp) nail, Cp 260#u#.

nǣh = nēah

nǣhsta = nīehsta

næht (NG, VPs) == niht

nǣht = nāht

nællæs = nealles

næm = neom

nǣm f. taking, receiving, NC 311.

+nǣman to take away, #Guth# 14^11.

nǣmel receptive, NC 311. [= numol]

nǣming f. bargain, contract, WW 180^17.

næmne = nefne

+næmnian (LL 455´) = nemnian

næmniendlic = nemniendlic

nǣnig pron. no one, none, not any, no (used as sb. with gen. and as adj.). nǣnige ðinga (S 320) adv. not at all, in no wise. [ne, ǣnig]

nǣnig-wuht, -uht in no wise, nothing.

nǣniht (NG) = nānwiht

nǣnne v. nān.

nǣp m. turnip, rape, Cp, Lcd. [‘neep’]

nǣpsǣd n. rape seed, #Lcd#.

næpte = nefte

nǣre, nǣron (Æ, AO, CP) = ne wǣre, ne wǣron

nǣrende ptc. not being. [ne, wesan]

nǣrra = nēara

næs I. (AO, CP) = ne wæs. II. adv. not, not at all, CP. [= nalæs] III. = næss. IV. pret. 3 sg. of nesan.

næsc fawn-skin, #Gl, Lcd#.

næse (NG) = nese

næsgristle f. nose-gristle, #Gl#.

næs-hlið n. dp. -hleoðum declivity, slope (of a headland), B 1428.

næss (e), næssa m. ‘ness,’ cliff, headland, cape, B: (†) earth, ground.

+næstan to contend (wið), #Rd# 28^10.

næster ‘caucale,’ an umbelliferous plant? wild carrot? WW 202^1.

næsðȳrl n. nostril, Æ.

±nǣtan to annoy, afflict, press upon, subdue, CP.

nǣting f. blaming, CP 353^11.

nǣðl = nǣdl

nafa I. m. = nafu. II. = ne hafa imperat. of nabban.

nafað pres. 3 sg. of nabban.

nafela m. navel, Æ, AO.

nafeða m. nave (of a wheel), WW 106^27.

nafogār m. ‘auger,’ Gl, WW.

nafu f. nave (of a wheel), #Bo#.

nafula = nafela

nafulsceaft f. navel, #Lcd# 3·124^22.

+nāg striking, pressing? #Rim# 57?

nāgan* pres. 3 sg. nāh; pret. nāhte, nāhton not to owe, not to be bound, not to be allowed, to have no right to, not to own, not to have, to lose, be unable to, AO. nāhte ought not. [ne, āgan]

nāht (ǣ, āu, ō) I. n. ‘naught,’ nothing, Æ: wickedness, evil-doing, CP (nāwht). instr. nāhte w. comparatives = nothing. II. useless, bad, poor. III. adv. not, not at all, CP. [nā, wiht]

nāhte v. nāgan.

nāhtfremmend m. evil-doer, #PPs# 58^2.

nāhtgītsung [nāuht-] f. wicked avarice, CP 333^5.

nāhtlic good for nothing, worthless, of no avail, #Chr# 979#e#. adv. -līce wickedly, badly, VPs (ō). [‘noughtly’]

nāhtnes f. worthlessness, #Chr# 449#a#.

nāhtscipe f. worthlessness, #Chr# 449#e#.

nāh-wǣr, -wǣrn adv. ‘nowhere,’ in no case, never, not at all, A, Æ, Bl; GD (ō).

nāhwæðer pron. and conj. neither, CP. [‘nauther’]

nāhwār = nāhwǣr

nāhwider ‘no-whither,’ nowhere, Bo, RB.

nāhwonan adv. from nowhere.

nalæs, nalas, nales (AO, CP), nalles (CP), nals = nealles

nalde (N, #VPs#) = nolde pret. of *nyllan.

nam I. pret. 3 sg. of niman. II. (N) = ne eom

nām f. (legal) seizure, LL.

nama (o) m. ‘name,’ Æ; AO, CP: noun, #ÆGr#.

nambōc (o) f. register of names (in a book), WW 342^11.

nambred (o) n. register of names (on a tablet), WW 499^40. [Ger. brett]

namcūð well-known, celebrated, Æ.

namcūðlīce adv. by name, Æ.

±namian to ‘name,’ mention, Æ: nominate, appoint.

nammǣlum adv. by name, OEG 880.

+namna m. companion, #Rd# 53^3; 54^13?

namnian to address, invoke, Æ.

nāmon pret. pl. of niman.

nāmrǣden f. learning, WW 431^8.

nān as. nǣnne, nānne I. pron. and adj. ‘none,’ not one, no, Bl, Chr, Ct, HL. nāna ðinga on no account. II. sb. w. g. none, no one, nothing, Bo, Jn, RB. [nē, ān]

nān-wiht, -(w)uht I. n. (often w. g.) nothing, naught, AO, CP. II. adv. not at all, in no wise.

nāp pret. 3 sg. of nīpan.

nard m. spikenard, unguent. [L. nardus]

nart (JnL) = neart

naru = nearu

nas = næs = ne wæs [[form of “wesan”]]

nāst (= ne wāst) v. nytan.

nasðȳrl = næsðȳrl

nasu = nosu

nāt (Bo, Jn) = ne wāt, v. nytan.

nāteshwōn (Æ), nāteðæshwōn adv. not, not at all, by no means.

nāthwā adj. pron. some one (nescio quis).

nāthwǣr adv. somewhere or other.

nāthwæt pron. something or other.

nāt-hwilc, -hwylc adj. pron. (indef.) (I know not which), some one or other.

nātōhwōn, nātōðæshwōn = nāteshwōn

nāðēlǣs (AO) = nāðȳlǣs

nāðer (Æ, AO, CP), nāðor (Æ) = nāhwæðer

nāðinc n. nothing, HL 18^48.

nāðȳlǣs notwithstanding, nevertheless, AO (ē^2).

nāuht = nāht

nāwa adv. never, #Lcd# 94b. [ne, āwa]

nāwer = nāhwǣr

nāwērn [= nāhwǣrn] adv. nowhere, WW. [[under “nāhwǣr”]]

nāwht, nāwiht = nāht

nāwðer = nāhwæðer

nāwuht (CP) = nāwiht, nāht [[under “nāwht”]]

ne I. adv. not, no, Æ, CP. II. conj. neither, nor, Æ, CP.

nēa- = nēah-

nēad = nīed

nēad- v. also nīed-, nȳd-.

nēadclamm n. necessity, extremity, #LPs# 106^28.

nēadcofa m. prison, #An# 1311.

nēadgafol n. tax, tribute, LL.

nēadgewuna m. enforced custom, WW 221^8.

nēadgylda m. debtor, WW 221^10.

nēadhād m. compulsion, force, WW 480^21.

nēadhǣs f. order which one must obey, LL 12.

±nēadian to compel, force, constrain, urge, impel, Æ.

nēadignes f. obligation, OEG 2106.

nēadinga (AO), nēadlunga = nēadunga

nēadðearflic necessary, useful. adv. -līce, #ÆGr#.

nēadðearfnes f. opportunity, occasion, #LPs# 9^22.

nēadðing n. necessary thing, RB 57; ÆP 13^7?

nēadung f. compulsion, Æ.

nēadunga, nēadunge adv. compulsorily, forcibly, Æ.

nēadwīs needful, fitting, due, Æ. adv. of necessity, Æ.

nēadwīsnes f. necessity, OEG 2396.

nēadwīte n. inevitable punishment, MF (Vesp. D xiv).

nēadwraca m. avenger by necessity, TC 611^29.

nēah I. (e, i) [comp. nēara, superl. nīehsta q.v.] adj. ‘near,’ nigh, close, BH; AO, CP: late. II. adv. ‘near,’ nigh, about, almost, nearly, lately, AO, Bo, G, Lcd, Met, etc.; CP. nēar and nēar nearer and nearer. æt nīehstan next, at length, finally. III. prep. w. d. near, close to: according to, AO.

+nēah I. † sufficiency, abundance. II. pres. 3 sg. of +nugan.

nēahbūend m. neighbour, #Rd# 26^2.

nēahceaster f. nearest town, BH 52^27 (nēh-).

nēahcyrice f. neighbouring church, GD.

nēahdǣl m. neighbourhood, GD 71^30.

nēahdūn f. neighbouring hill, #Nar# 14^6.

nēahēa f. neighbouring river, #Nar# 22^9.

nēahēaland n. neighbouring island, MH 84^17.

nēahfæder m. ‘vicinus pater,’ GD 179^7.

nēah-feald, -fealdlic (GD) intimate.

nēahfrēond (ē^1) m. near friend, near kinsman, #Guth# 56^22.

nēahgangol (w. d.) placed near, ÆL 23^131.

nēahgebūr m. ‘neighbour,’ CP.

nēahgebȳren (nēhhe-) f. neighbour, LkL 15^9.

nēahgebȳrild (nēhe-) m. neighbour, LkL 15^9.

nēahgehūsa (ē) m. neighbour, #JVPs#.

±neah-he, -hi(g)e (usu. +) sufficiently: abundantly: often, frequently: earnestly.

nēahhebūr = nēahgebūr

+neahhelīce (nehl-) sufficiently, frequently, usually, LL, #Guth#.

nēahhergung f. war close at hand.

neah-hie, -hige = neahhe

+nēahian to draw near to, #LPs# 90^10.

nēahlǣcan = nēalǣcan

nēahland n. neighbourhood, GD 69^28.

nēah-mǣg m. nap. -māgas near relation.

nēahmǣgð f. neighbouring tribe, BH.

nēahmann m. neighbour, BH.

nēahmunt m. neighbouring mountain, GD.

nēahnes f. nearness, neighbourhood, BH.

nēahnunnmynster neighbouring convent, BH 254^10.

nēahsibb I. adj. related. II. f. affinity, relationship.

nēahsta = nīehsta

nēahstōw f. neighbourhood, place near.

neaht (Met) = niht

nēahtīd f. approaching time, BH 290^29.

nēahtūn (ē) m. neighbouring town or village.

nēahðēod f. neighbouring nation, AO.

nēahwæter n. neighbouring piece of water, #Nar# 22^24.

+nēahwian (ē) to draw near, cleave to, NG.

nēahwudu m. neighbouring wood, GD 229^20.

±nēalǣcan (w. d.) to draw near, approach, Æ; AO, CP: be near, GD 85^9: cling to, #CPs# 136^6. [‘nehleche’; nēah, lǣcan]

nēalǣcung f. approach, access, Æ.

nēalic (ē) near, neighbouring. adv. -līce nearly, about, Bl; CP. [‘nighly’]

nealles adv. not, not at all, by no means, CP.

neam = neom

nēam- = nēahm-

nēan adv. from near by: close at hand, near: nearly, about.

+nēan = +nēhwian [[under “nēahwian”]]

neap = hnæpp

nēar comp. of nēah, adv. near, nearer, AO.

+near = +ner

nēara, nēarra (AO), comp. of nēah, adj. later, latter, nearer.

neara- = nearo-

nearo (AO) = nearu

nearobregd f. crafty trick, #Jul# 302.

nearocræft m. skill in enclosing? B 2243.

nearofāh intensely hostile? B 2317.

nearogrāp f. close grasp, #Rd# 81^6.

nearolic oppressive, straitened, #El# 913. adv. -līce narrowly, closely, briefly, accurately, Æ, CP: strictly, stringently, oppressively.

nearonēd f. urgent need.

nearones f. strait, AO: oppression: distress, anxiety, trouble.

nearoðancnes f. wickedness, #LPs# 27^4.

nearoðearf f. dire need, #Cr# 69.

neart art not, Bo. [‘nart’; ne eart]

nearu I. † f? n? gs. nearu, near(o)we strait, danger, distress, difficulty. n. ðrōwian to be in straits: confinement, imprisonment: prison, hiding place. II. adj. narrow, confined, AO, G: limited, petty: causing or accompanied by difficulty, hardship, oppressive, Bl, Rd: strict, severe, CP. [‘narrow’]

nearu- = nearo-

nearusearu † f. dark cunning? imprisonment?

nearusorg f. crushing distress, #El# 1261.

nearuðanc m. wickedness, OEG.

nearuwrenc m. evil trick, #Mod# 44.

nearwe adv. narrowly, closely, strictly, B, Met: carefully, exactly, El; CP: oppressively, forcibly: artfully: anxiously. [‘narrow’]

nearwelīce = nearolīce

nearwian (±) to force in, cramp, confine, afflict: become smaller, shrink.

nearxnewang = neorxnawang

nēasian (#VPs#) = nēosian [[under “nēosan”]]

nēat n. animal, beast, ox, CP, VPs; pl. cattle. [‘neat’]

+nēat m. companion, follower (esp. in war), Chr, WW: dependant, vassal, tenant who works for a lord, v. LL 2·427. [v. ‘geneat’]

nēaten = nīeten

±nēatland n. land of a dependant or vassal, LL 196, 1, 1.

+nēatmann = +nēat

+nēatriht n. regulations as to the tenure of ‘genēatland,’ LL 445[2].

+neatscolu f. band of comrades, #Jul# 684.

nēawest (AO, CP), nēawist (Æ) fm. neighbourhood, nearness, presence: society, cohabitation. [nēah, wesan]

nēawung (N) f. nearness.

nebb n. bill, beak, beak-shaped thing, Cp, Ph: nose, LL: face, countenance, complexion, Æ, CP. [‘neb’]

nebb- = neb-

nebbian to retort upon, rebuke, confront, ÆH 1·256.

nebcorn n. pimple, #Lcd# 1·118.

nebgebræc n. nasal mucus, WW.

nebsealf f. antimony, face-powder, OEG.

nebwlātful barefaced, shameless, OEG 2^317.

nebwlātung f. barefacedness, impudence, OEG 4306.

nebwlite m. face, countenance, Æ.

nechebūr = nēahgebūr

necti- = nihte-

ned = net(t)

nēd = (1) nīed; (2) nēod

nēd- (A) = nēad-, nīed-, nȳd-

nēdl = nǣdl

nēdre (#VPs#), neddre = nǣdre

nefa m. (±) nephew, Æ, AO: stepson: grandson.

nefene f. granddaughter: niece.

nefne = nemne

nēfre = nǣfre adv.

nefte f. cat’s mint. [L. nepeta]

nēfugol m. bird of prey, #Gen# 2158. [*nēo, corpse; Goth. naus]

nēgan = nǣgan

negled- = nægled-

nēh == nēah

+nehe, +nehh(ig)e = +neahhe

nēhst = nīehst

nēhsta = nīehsta

neht == niht

neirxnawong (N) = neorxnawang

nēista = nīehsta

nele (AO, CP) = nelle (Æ) pres. 1, 3 sing., nelt = pres. 2 sg. of nellan.

nellan = *nyllan

nem-nan, -nian (±) to name, call, Æ, AO, CP: enumerate: address, speak to: nominate: mention, relate, Æ. [nama]

nemne (A; = WS nymðe) conj. and prep. unless, except, save, only.

nemnian = nemnan

nemniendlic, nemnigendlic naming, nominative, #ÆGr# 22^10.

nemning f. name.

nemðe = nymðe

nenā (WW 252^1) = ne nā v. nā.

nēnig (#KGl#) = nǣnig

nēobedd † n. corpse-bed, bed of death. [Goth. naus]

nēod I. f. (ē, īe, ȳ) desire, longing: zeal, earnestness: pleasure, delight. [Goth. niuðs] II. == nīed

nēode adv. (instr. of nēod) eagerly, zealously, diligently.

nēodfracu f. yearning, greed, #Met# 31^15 (v. ES 39·335).

nēodfrēond m. kinsman, friend, HL 18^150. [nīed]

nēodful zealous, earnest, #Jul# 720.

nēodhus n. necessary chamber, NC 312.

±nēodian (= ēa; impers. w. g.) to be necessary, require, be required, RB. [‘need’]

nēodlaðu f. wish, B 1320.

nēodlīce adv. eagerly, carefully, zealously, diligently, Æ: (†) greatly.

nēodlof n. zealous praise, #PPs# 148^12.

nēodspearuwa m. (restless?) sparrow, #PPs# 123^6.

nēodðearflic necessary, GD 148^6.

nēodweorðung f. zealous honouring, #PPs# 142^11.

neofa = nefa

nēol == neowol

nēo-lǣcan (#VPs#), -lēcan (MtL) = nēalǣcan

neom = ne eom (am not)

neoman = niman

nēomian to sound sweetly? #Wyrd# 84.

nēon = nīwan

+nēopan^2? to engulf, overwhelm, #Ex# 475.

nēor adv. = nēar

+neorð contented, Cp 544.

neorxnawang m. Paradise, Æ, CP; v. GK.

neorxnawanglic adj. of paradise, GD 179^1.

nēosan, nēosian (Æ) to search out, find out, inspect: (±) visit, go to: attack, visit with affliction.

nēosīð m. death, #Mod# 55.

neosu = nosu

±nēosung f. access: visitation, visit, Æ.

nēotan^2 (usu. w. g.) to use, have the use of, enjoy, employ. [Ger. geniessen]

nēoten = nīeten

neoð-an, -ane (i) adv. below, down, beneath, from beneath, Æ, Bl, Bo (-on). [‘nethen’]

neoðanweard adj. lower, WW 26^6 (io).

neoðe- = niðe-

neoðon == neoðan

neoðor = niðor

neoðor- = niðer-

neoðoweard = niðeweard

neoðra = niðera

nēow- = nīw-

neowel = neowol

nēowērno (WW 454^28) = nāwērn

neowol (i) precipitous: headlong: prone, prostrate, Æ, Bo (i): obscure, deep down, abysmal. [‘nuel’]

neowollic (i^1, e^2) profound, deep, ÆL 7^66.

neowolnes f. depth, abyss, chasm, Æ(i^1).

nēp only in phr. forðganges n. without power of advancing? #Ex# 469.

nēpflōd m. neap-tide, ebb, low tide, #Gl#.

nepte = nefte

±ner (ea) n. refuge, protection, ÆL, AO.

nēr = nēar

+ner-ednes, -renes f. deliverance.

nergend m. saviour, preserver (Christ, God).

±nerian to save, rescue, liberate, Æ, AO, CP: preserve, defend, protect. [Goth. nasjan; Ger. nāhren]

neriend, nerigend = nergend

nērra = nēar(r)a

+nerstede m. refuge, sanctuary, WW 186^23.

nerung f. guard, protection, OEG 5395.

nerw- = nearw-, nirew-

nerx- = neorx-

±nesan^5 (usu. +) to escape from, survive, be saved.

nese (æ) adv. no, Æ, CP. [ne, sī]

ness = næss

nest I. n. ‘nest,’ MtL, Ph; Æ: young bird, brood. II. n. food, provisions, victuals.

nēst = nīehst

nēsta (#VPs#) = nīehsta

nestan to spin, NG.

nestig = nistig

nestlian to make a nest, #LPs# 103^16.

nestpohha m. wallet, MtL 10^10.

net = nett

net- = nyt-

neta m. caul, WW 266^20.

netan = nytan

netel, netele f. ‘nettle,’ Lcd.

nēten (Bo, VPs) == nīeten

netenes = nytennes

nētl (Cp) = nǣdl

netle (Cp) = netele [[under “netle”]]

neton = nyton pres. pl. of nytan.

netrāp m. snare, gin, WW.

nett (y) n. ‘net,’ Æ, Bo, WW: netting, network, spider’s web, PPs. [Goth. nati]

nette (y) f. the net-like caul, WW.

nettgern n. knitting yarn, EC 377. [gearn]

+nettian to ensnare, OEG 4596.

±nēðan to venture on, dare, risk, AO. [nōð]

+nēðedlic = +nīededlic

+neðerian = +niðerian

nēðing f. boldness, daring, AO.

nēðl (A) = nǣdl

neurisn f. aneurism, #Lcd#.

newesēoða (i^1) m. pit of the stomach? bowels? #Lcd#.

nēwest = nēawest

nēxt (LWS) == nīehst

nī- = nīg-, nīw-

nic, nice adv. not I (= no). [ne, ic]

nicor (e^2) m. nap. nicras water-sprite, sea-monster, B, Bl: hippopotamus, walrus, Nar. [‘nicker’]

nicorhūs n. sea-monster’s dwelling, B 1411.

nīd = nīed

nīd- = nēad-, nīed-, nȳd-

nīed I. (ē, ēa, ēo, ī, ȳ) fn. ‘need,’ necessity, compulsion, duty, B (ȳ), BH (ē), NG (ē); AO, CP: errand, business, Æ (ēo): hardship, distress, difficulty, trouble, pain, AO: force, violence, VPs (ē): what is necessary: inevitableness: fetter, #Deor# 5: name of the rune for =n=. II. = nēod

nīed- v. also nēad-, nȳd-.

nīedan (ē, ī, ȳ) to compel, force, urge, press, Æ (ȳ), Bo, NG (ē); AO, CP. [‘need’]

nīedbād (ē, ȳ) f. toll, exaction, blackmail.

nīedbādere (ē) m. toll-collector, TC 29^10.

nīedbehǣfdlic necessary, BH 396^24.

nīedbehǣfednes f. necessity, Æ (ē^1).

nīedbehēfe needful, necessary, Æ(y^1).

nīedbeðearf (y^3) necessary, CP 7^7.

nīede, nīedes (ēa, ēo, ī, ȳ) adv. (instr. and gs. of nīed) of need, needs, necessarily, compulsorily, CP.

+nīededlic (ē) compulsory, BH 62^23 (v.l.).

nīedenga, nīedunga adv. necessarily, by force, forcibly, CP.

nīedfaru † f. compulsory journey, death.

nīedhǣmed (ē, ȳ) n. rape, LL.

nīedhīernes (e^1, e^2) f. slavery, DR 6^5.

nīedling m. slave, AO: sailor.

nīedmicel (ē) urgent.

nīednǣm f. seizure.

nīedscyld f. moral necessity, CP 57^6.

nīedsibb (ēa) f. relationship, OEG.

nīedðearf I. f. need, necessity, compulsion, force, CP: distress: want, thing needed. II. adj. necessary.

nīedðearfnes (ēa, ē, ȳ) f. need, necessity: compulsion: distress, trouble.

nīedðēow (ē, ȳ) m. slave.

nīedðrafung f. reproof, CP 297^22.

nīedwǣdla m. poor wretch, #Gen# 929.

nīehst I. adv. (superl. of nēah) most nearly, in closest proximity: last (in time), Bl, Gen (ē). II. adj. latest, last, Æ, Jud, VPs (ē): nearest, ‘next,’ CP, Chr, KC, MkL (ē). æt nīehstan at last, next.

nīehsta mf. closest friend, CP: (±) neighbour, MkL, VPs: next of kin, LL. [‘next’]

nieht (CP) = niht

nierwan = nearwian

nīeten (ē, ēo, ī, ȳ) n. small animal, beast, cattle, Bo, Lcd; AO, CP. [‘neten’; nēat]

nīetencynn n. kind of animal.

nīetenlic animal, brutish, #Bo# 35^28 (ē). adv. -līce like an animal, W 55^16 (ȳ).

nīetennes f. brutishness, Æ (ȳ).

nieðemest = niðemest

nieðer == niðer

nīewe = nīwe

nīfara m. new comer, stranger, #PPs# 38^15.

nifol dark, gloomy [= neowol]

nift f. niece, BH, Ep, TC: granddaughter: step-daughter. [‘nift’]

nīg- = nīw-

nigan == nigon

nīge- = nigo-

nīgecyrred newly converted, OEG 3447.

nīgefara = nīfara

nīgehalgod newly consecrated (of a king), newly crowned, ÆL 18^326.

nīgehwyrfed newly converted, ÆL 5^126.

nigenda = nigoða

nīghworfen newly converted, ÆH 2·130^27.

nigon ‘nine,’ A, Bl, Chr; AO, CP.

nigonfeald ‘ninefold,’ ÆGr.

nigongylde entitled to ninefold compensation, LL 470[7].

nigonnihte nine days old, ANS 129·22.

nigontēoða ‘nineteenth,’ Chr: ‘ninetieth,’ OEG 2521 (nigen-).

nigontīene (ȳ^3) ‘nineteen,’ A, Men.

nigontig ‘ninety,’ Lk; CP.

nigontȳnlic containing the number nineteen.

nigonwintre nine years old, AO 186^10.

nigoða (y) ‘ninth,’ Bl; MH (y): ninth part, Bl.

nigoðe ninthly, LL 181[9].

nīgslȳcod ptc. freshly smoothed, glossy, MH 206^27.

nigun = nigon

nīh (#KGl# 55^25) = nēah

nihold (#Gl#), nihol = neowol

nīhst = nīehst

nīhsta = nīehsta

nihstig = nistig

niht (æ, e, ea, ie, y) f. (gs. also nihtes) ‘night’ (often used in enumerations where mod. Eng. uses days); darkness, BH, Bl, Cr, Lcd; AO, CP.

niht- = nyht-

nihtbealu n. destruction by night, B 193.

nihtbutorflēoge f. beetle or moth which flies by night, WW 121^13; A 8·450.

nihtēage that can see at night, WW.

nihteald (night-old), that has happened yesterday, LL.

nihtegale (a, æ, e) f. nightingale, Cp: night-jar. [‘nightgale’]

nihtēge = nihtēage

nihtegesa m. nocturnal terror, #PPs# 90^5.

nihtelic = nihtlic

nihterne adv. by night: during a night, #Lcd#.

nihternnes f. night season, #Lcd# 3·288^21.

nihtes (æ) adv. (gs. of niht) by night, Æ.

nihtfeormung † f. shelter at night.

nihtgenga † m. night-goer, goblin.

nihtgenge f. night-prowler, hyæna, WW.

nihtgerīm † n. number of nights.

nihtgild n. night sacrifice or service, #Gl#.

nihtglōm m? gloom of night, #Gu# 916.

nihthelm † m. shades of night.

niht-hræfn, -hrefn, -hremn m. night-raven, night-jar.

nihthrōc m. night-raven, #LPs# 101^7.

nihthwīl f. space of a night, W 147^9.

+nihtian to become night, grow dark, NC 295.

nihtlang lasting through the night, Æ. adv. -langes, Æ.

nihtlic nocturnal, of the night, at night, Æ, CP.

nihtnehstig having fasted for a night, #Lcd#.

nihtremn = nihthræfn

nihtrest f. couch, #Gen# 2863.

nihtrīm = nihtgerīm

nihtsang m. compline: book of service for compline.

nihtscadu (a^3) night-shade (plant), WW 135^3.

niht-scūa † m., gs. -scu(w)an shades of night.

nihtslǣp m. night’s sleep, ÆL 23^442.

nihtsum = nyhtsum

nihtwacu f. night-watching, Seaf 7. [‘night-wake’]

nihtwæcce f. ‘night-watch,’ vigil, Lk.

nihtwaru f. clothing for night, RB 90^4.

nihtweard m. guardian at night, #Ex# 116.

nihtweorc n. deed done at night, B 827.

nīhð (MP 1·613) pres. 3 sg. of nēahwan. [[variant of “nēahwian”?]]

nīhwyrfed (OEG 3138) = nīgehwyrfed

nīlǣred newly initiated, OEG 3138.

nile = nyle, pres. 1 sg. of *nyllan.

±niman^4 (eo, io, y) to take, assume, undertake, accept, receive, get, Bo, VPs, etc.: hold, seize, catch, grasp, pluck up, carry off, Bl (eo): bear, carry, bring: betake oneself, go, Bo: contain: suffer, tolerate: give: (+) grasp, comprehend: (+) take to wife. frið +n. make peace. hē hine genam he collected himself, reflected. sige n. gain victory. on n. take effect, #Lcd#. [‘nim’]

-nimend, -nimendnes v. dǣl-n.

niming f. action of taking, LkL. [‘nimming’]

nimðe = nymðe

nīol = neowol

nīow- = nēow-

nip? sb. rope, GPH 399^451.

+nip darkness, mist, cloud, obscurity, Æ. [nīpan]

±nīpan^1 † to grow dark, obscure.

+nipful dark, gloomy, ES 39·347.

nirewett (nirw-) n. narrowness: narrow place, defile, pass, AO: hardness of breathing.

nirwan = nearwian

nirwð f. prison house, WW 399^5. [nierwan]

nis (Æ, Bo, VPs) = ne is (is not). [‘nis’]

nisēoða = newesēoða

nīsoden ptc. newly-boiled, OEG 326.

nistan (VPs), nistian (SPs) to build nests. [‘nest’]

nistig adj. fasting, #Lcd#. [ne, wist]

nist-lan (PPs), -lian (EPs) (y) to build nests. [‘nestle’]

nit- = nyt-

nīten = nīeten

niton (Bo) = nyton v. nytan. [‘niten’]

nið n. abyss, #Sat# 634?

nīð m. strife, enmity, attack, war: evil, hatred, spite, Bl, Cr, VPs; AO, CP: oppression, affliction, trouble, grief, AO. [‘nith’]

niðan = neoðan

nīðan to hate, GD 117^5.

niðas = niððas [[headword spelled “nīððas”]]

nīðcwalu f. violent death, destruction, #Cr# 1258.

nīðcwealm ‡ m. violent death, destruction.

nīðdraca m. hostile dragon, B 2273.

niðemest v. niðera.

niðer (io, y) adv. below, beneath, Æ, B, Bo; AO, CP. [‘nether’]

niðera (eo, y) (comp.) adj. niðemest, nyðemest (superl.; positive not found) lower, under, lowest, Bo, WW; CP. [‘nether’]

niðerāscūfan (ēo^4) to push down, Æ.

niðerāstīgan^1 to descend, Æ, CP.

niðerātredan^5 to tread down, tread under foot.

niðerbogen ptc. bent down, KC 4·72^1.

niðerdǣl m. lower part, #PPs# 138^12.

niðere adv. below, down, low down, Bo. [‘nether’]

niðerflōr f. lower story, GD 170^17.

niðergān (y^1) to descend, Æ.

niðergang (y) m. descent, #Lcd# 3·246^8.

niðerheald bent downwards, #Met# 31^23.

niðerhreosende (y) falling down, Æ.

niðerhryre (y^1) m. downfall, precipitation, #Sc# 229^12.

±niðerian (e, y) to depress, abase, bring low, oppress, Jud, Lk, VPs; AO, CP: condemn, accuse. +nyðred ignominious, ÆL 23b^14. [‘nither’]

+niðerigendlic (y) deserving condemnation, #Sc# 162^18.

niðerlic low, low-lying, inferior, lowly, CP.

niðernes (y) f. deepness, bottom, BH 212^21.

niðerra = niðera

niðerscēotende (y) rushing downwards.

niðerscyfe m. rushing downwards, descent, #HGl# 468.

niðersige (y^1) m. going down, #LPs#.

niðerstīgan = niðerāstīgan

niðerstige (y^1) m. descent.

niðertorfian to throw down, GPH 390.

niðerung f. humiliation, downthrow, condemnation, BH (y), OEG. [‘nither’]

+niðerung f. abasement, Æ: condemnation, Æ.

niðerweard adj. directed downwards. adv. -weardes.

niðeweard situated beneath, low, nethermost.

nīðful envious, quarrelsome, ill-disposed, evil, Æ. [‘nithfull’]

nīðfullīce maliciously, ÆH 1·46^25.

nīðgæst † (y^2) m. hostile alien, fell demon.

nīðgetēon n. attack, #Gen# 2068.

nīðgeweorc n. evil deed, B 683.

nīðgrama m. anger, malice, W 180^9.

nīðgrim † fierce, hostile.

nīðgripe m. fierce grasp, B 976? [or ? nȳd-]

nīðheard † (and #EPs# 27^4) bold, brave in battle.

nīðhell f. hateful hell, HL 15^150.

nīðhete † m. hostility, evil intent: affliction, torment: foe, #An# 833?

nīðhycgende † evil-scheming.

nīðhȳdig (ē^2) valorous, B 3165.

nīðig envious, malicious, OEG p. 224n.

nīðing m. wretch, villain, coward, outlaw, Chr, LL. [‘nithing’]

+nīðla † m. enemy: enmity, fierceness (? +nīðle).

nīðlīce adv. abjectly, OEG 744.

nīðloca m. place of torment, #Hell# 64.

niðor (eo, y) comp. adv. lower, Æ, CP.

nīðplega m. battle, fight, #An# 414.

niðr- = niðer-

nīðsceaða m. foe, persecutor, #Rd# 16^24.

nīðscipe m. wickedness, #LPs# 7^10.

nīðsele m. hall of conflict, B 1513.

nīðsynn f. grievovs sin, #Sat# 180.

nīððas † mpl. men.

nīðweorc n. battle, †#Chr# 973.

nīðwracu † f. severe punishment.

nīðwundor ‡ n. dire wonder, fearful portent.

nīwan (ēo) adv. newly, lately, Æ, AO.

nīwanācenned new-born, MH 170^12.

nīwancumen (WW) = nīwcumen

nīwane = nīwan

nīwbacen (nīg-) newly baked, Æ.

nīwcend new born, BH 144^23 (nīc-).

nīwcilct newly whitewashed, AO 286^30.

nīwcumen (nī(g)-) neophyte, RB.

nīwe (ēo, īe) I. (nīg-, nī-, in compounds) adj. ‘new,’ fresh, recent, novel, unheard of, untried, inexperienced, Æ, AO, BH, NG, Ph, WW; CP. nīwan stefne again. II. adv. (Bl) = nīwan. [‘new’]

niwel == neowol

nīwerne (ȳ) tender, Æ.

niwesēoða = newesēoða

nīwian to renew, restore, El, Lcd. [‘new’]

niwiht = nāht

nīwlic (ȳ) fresh. adv. -līce lately, recently, Æ, AO. [‘newly’]

nīwlinga (ēo) anew, GD 266^28.

nīwnes f. ‘newness,’ novelty, BH (ēo).

niwol = neowol

nīwtyrwed newly tarred, B 295.

nīwung f. rudiment, OEG 914.

nīwunga (eo) adv. newly, anew.

nixtnig = nistig

nō (CP) = nā

noctern m? n? nocturn (religious service), CM 220^561.

+nōg, +nðh I. adj. enough, sufficient, abundant, An, Bo, RB; CP: much, many. II. adv. sufficiently, Bo: fully, quite, abundantly, Bo. [‘enough’]

+nōgian to be abundant, NC 345.

nōh- = nāh-

nolde v. *nyllan.

nom pret. 3 sg. of niman.

nom-, nome- = nam-

non m. title of senior monks, RB.

nōn fn. (m. RB 73^14) the ninth hour (= 3 p.m.), B, BH, Lcd: nones (service held at the ninth hour), RB, WW. tō nōnes till three o’clock. [‘noon’; L. nona (hora)]

nōnbelle f. noon-bell.

nōngereord n. meal after nones, dinner, RB 74^8.

nōnmete m. afternoon meal, Sol, WW. [‘noonmeat’]

nonne = nunne

nōnsang m. service at 3 p.m., nones.

nōntīd f. ninth hour, Æ, Bl. [‘noontide’]

nōntīma m. ninth hour.

norð I. adj. comp. norð(er)ra, superl. norðmest northern, AO. II. adv. comp. norðor northwards, Chr, Met: in the north, ‘north,’ AO, B, Bl.

norðan adv. from the north, AO. be...norðan prep. (w. d.) north of, AO.

norðanēastan adv. from the north-east, north-easterly, AO.

norðanēastanwind m. north-east wind, WW.

Norðanhymbre, Norðhymbre mp. Northumbrians, Chr: Northumbria. [‘Northumber’]

norðanweard northward.

norðanwestan adv. from the north-west, north-westerly, AO.

norðanwestanwind m. north-west wind, WW 8^10.

norðanwind m. north wind.

norðdǣl m. north quarter, northern part, north, Æ, AO, Chr. [‘northdeal’]

norðduru f. north door, #Bl# 203.

norðēast sbm. and adv. ‘north-east,’ BC, Chr.

norðēastende m. north-east end, AO 14^14.

norðēasthyrne f. north-east corner, LV 71.

norðēastlang extending north-eastwards, AO.

norðemest = norðmest

norðende m. northern quarter.

norðerne ‘northern,’ Northumbrian, Scandinavian, Æ, Chr, Met.

norðerra (BC, Chr) comp. adj. v. norð. [‘norther’]

norðeweard adj. northward, north, AO.

norðfolc n. northern folk: people of Norfolk.

norðgemǣre n. northern limit, AO.

norðhealf f. north side, north, AO, Bl. [‘northhalf’]

norðhere m. army from the north, #Chr# 910#a#.

Norðhymbre = (1) Norðanhymbre; (2) Norðhymbrisc

Norðhymbrisc Northumbrian, Æ.

norðland n. northern land or shore, AO, Chr. [‘northland’]

norðlanu f. north lane, Ct.

norðlēode mp. northern folk, Angles, LL.

norðlic northern, WW 361^1.

norðmann m. dweller in the north, Scandinavian, Æ, AO, Chr. [‘Northman’]

norðmest (AO, Met) superl. of norð adj. and adv. [‘northmost’]

norðor (AO) v. norð. [‘norther’]

norðportic m. north porch, BH 106^2.

norðra v. norð.

norðrodor m. northern sky, #Gu# 1253.

norðryhte adv. direct northwards, due north, AO 17^9,12.

norðsǣ f. northern sea, ‘North Sea,’ Æ, Chr.

norðscēata m. northern point, promontory, AO 28^3.

norððēod f. northern people, BH 50^12.

norððunor m. thunder from the north, ES 39·351.

Norð-wēalas, -wālas mp. North Welsh (i.e. not Cornish): Wales.

Norðwēalcynn n. inhabitants of (North) Wales, #Chr#.

norðweard adj. and adv. north, ‘northward,’ Chr; AO.

norðweardes adv. ‘northwards,’ Chr.

norðweg m. a way leading northwards, #Ex# 68: Norway.

norðwest adv. ‘north-west,’ AO, BC.

norðwestende m. north-west end, AO.

norðwestgemǣre m. north-west limit, boundary, AO 8^31.

norðwind m. north wind, WW 378^8.

nōse † f. ness, promontory.

nosgrisele = nosugrisle

nosle (WW 153) = nostle

nostle f. fillet, band, CP, WW. [‘nostel’]

nos-ðīrl, -ðȳr(e)l, -terl (WW) n. ‘nostril,’ Æ, Lcd.

nosu f. gds. nosa, nose ‘nose,’ Æ, Chr, CP.

nosugrisle f. nose-gristle.

nōt m. mark, note, A 8·333. [L. nota]

nōtere m. one who makes notes, scribe, writer, OEG 2846. [L. notarius]

nōteðǣshwōn = nāteshwōn

notgeorn industrious, W 72^9. [nēotan]

±notian to enjoy: use, employ, Bo, RB, WW; Æ, CP: discharge an office: (+) ‘note,’ MtL.

notu f. enjoyment, use, advantage, utility, AO, RB: employment, office, discharge of a duty, RB; CP. [‘note’; nēotan]

notwrītere m. one who makes notes, scribe, WW 451^35.

nōð † f. daring, boldness: booty, plunder (GK), #Whale# 28?

nōðer (CP) = nāhwæðer. [‘nother’]

nōwend m. shipmaster, sailor, NC 312.

nōwēr = nāhwǣr

nō-wiht (CP, VPs), -wuht, -wyht = nāht. [‘nought’]

nōwðer (BC) = nāhwæðer. [‘nouther’]

nū I. adv. ‘now,’ at present, at this time, A, AO, Bl, VPs; CP: very recently, A, Bo: introducing commands, requests (Bl, Cr, Ps) and arguments (Æ, Bo, CP). nū gēn still. nū gīet as yet, still. nū ðā now, already, Æ (‘nowthe’). II. conj. now that, inasmuch as, because, since, when, Bl, Bo, VPs; AO, CP. III. interj. lo! behold! come! Æ. nū lā now.

+nugan* swv. impers. pres. 3 sg. +neah to suffice, not to lack.

numen I. pp. of niman. II. ‘vulsio,’ MkL p. 2^17 (v. A 16·74).

numol (æ^1, e^2, u^2) ‘capax,’ holding much, quick at learning, ÆGr, WW: ‘mordax,’ quick at seizing, NC 313. [‘nimble’]

nūna adv. now, WW 254^24.

nunfǣmne f. nun, GD 50, 340.

nunhīred m. nunnery, TC 232^6.

nunlīf n. life of a nun, GD 199^16.

nunmynster, nunnanmynster n. convent, nunnery.

nunne f. ‘nun,’ Æ, BH: pagan priestess, vestal, AO.

nunscrūd n. nun’s dress, TC 538^12.

nusēoða = newesēoða

nūðā v. nū.

nybðe (VHy) = nymðe

+nycled (#Gl#) = +cnycled

nȳd I. = nīed. II. = nēod

nȳd- = nēad-, nīed-

nȳdbebod n. command, #Creat# 72.

nȳdbe-hōf, -hōflic needful, necessary.

nȳdboda m. messenger of evil? #Ex# 474.

nȳdbrice (ē) m. requirement, need, ÆH 2·144^31.

nȳdbysgu f. toil, trouble, #Rim# 44.

nȳdbysig distressed, #Jul# 423.

nȳdcleofa † m. prison.

nȳdcosting f. affliction, #Gu# 1126.

nȳddǣda m. one who acts under compulsion, LL 36[26].

+nȳdenlic compulsory, BH 62^23#b#.

nȳdfara m. fugitive, exile, #Ex# 208.

nȳdgedāl † n. forced dissolution, death.

nȳdgenga m. wretched wanderer, #Da# 633.

nȳdgestealla m. comrade in need, B 882.

nȳdgewald m. tyranny, #Cr# 1451.

nȳdgild n. exaction, tribute, W 162^11.

nȳdgrāp f. (#Rim# 73), nȳdgripe m. (B 976) coercive grip.

nȳdhǣmestre (ē) f. mistress, concubine, OEG 4451.

nȳdhelp mf. help in trouble, LL (278^2).

±nȳd-mǣg m., -māge f. blood-relation, cousin, LL.

nȳdmægen (ē^1) n. force, DR 117^13.

nȳdnǣman to force, ravish, LL.

nȳdnes f. necessity, LL (158^10).

nȳdnima (ē) m. one who takes by force, NG.

nȳdniman^3 (ēa) to take by force, abduct, LL 360[73,2].

nȳdnimu (ē) f. rapine, forcible seizure.

nȳdnimung f. rapine, abduction.

nȳdriht n. imperative duty, office: due, tribute.

nȳdðēowetling m. bondslave, TC 628^13.

nȳdðēowigan to reduce to servitude, exact service from (an ecclesiastical establishment), LL 381[21].

nȳdwracu † f. violence, distress.

nȳdwrǣclīce violently, ÆL 23b^404.

nȳdwyrhta m. involuntary agent, LL.

+nyhe = +neahhe

nȳhst == nīehst

nyht == niht

+nyht fn. abundance, fulness, sufficiency, CP. [+nugan]

+nyhtful abundant, plentiful, WW 40^34.

+nyhtlīce abundantly, WW 3^2.

±nyhtsum abundant: (+) satisfied, contented, adv. -līce, #VPs#.

+nyhtsumian to suffice, abound, Æ.

+nyhtsumnes f. abundance, plenty, #VPs#.

+nyhð (W 196^21) = +nyht?

nyllan* anv. pret. nolde to be unwilling, Æ, B, CP, VPs; AO: refuse, prevent, PPs 5^3. [‘nill’; ne, willan]

nyman = niman

-nyme v. fore-n.

nymne = nemne, nefne

nymðe conj. unless, except.

+nyp = +nip

nypel m. trunk (of an elephant), Æ (4^286).

nȳr = nēar = nēah adv.

nyrgend = nergend

nyrðra = norðerra

±nyrwan, nyrwian to narrow, curtail, restrict: repress, oppress, constrain: blame, threaten. [v. ‘narrow’]

nyrwett = nirewett

nys = nis = ne is [[form of “wesan”]]

nysse, nyste (Bo, Bl, VPs) = ne wisse, ne wiste v. nytan. [‘nist’]

nystlan = nistlan

nyt = (1) nytt; (2) nett

+nȳt pres. 3 sg. of +nīedan.

[[main entry is nīedan without +]]

nytan (e, i) anv. pres. 1, 3 sg. nāt, 2 nāst, pl. nyton, pret. nyste, nysse not to know, to be ignorant, Æ, AO, CP. [ne, witan]

nyten ignorant, Æ. [ne, witan]

nȳten (Lcd) == nīeten

nytende adv. ignorantly, Æ.

nytendnes = nytennes

nytenlic ignorant, Æ.

nytennes (e, i) f. ignorance, laziness, ignominy, Æ.

nytlic useful, profitable. [Ger. nützlich]

nytlicnes f. utility, #Lcd# 1·314^8.

nytnes f. use, benefit, convenience.

nytt I. f. use, utility, advantage, AO, CP: duty, office, employment, B: supervision, care, GD 180^28. II. adj. useful, beneficial, helpful, profitable, AO, CP. [nēotan]

nytte = nette

±nyttian to enjoy, use, Lcd: eat. [‘nutte’]

nyttnes = nytnes

nyttol useful, #Lcd# 32b.

nyttung (i) f. profit, advantage, WW 116^37.

nytu (MtR 7^16) = hnutu

nytun = nyton = ne witon [[form of “witan”]]

nytweorð- = nytwierð-

nyt-wierðe (CP), -wirðe, -wyrðe (Æ) useful, profitable.

nytwierðlic useful, profitable. adv. -līce, CP.

nytwurð-, nytwyrð- = nytwierð-

nytwyrðnes (eo) f. utility, WW.

nyðan = neoðan

nyðe-, nyðer- = niðer-, niðr-

nȳw- = nīw-

nywel, nywol == neowol

nȳxt = nīehst


o = on

ō (N) = ā

ob = of

ob- (K) = of-

obet (Cp, Ep) = ofet

obst (Cp 217#e#) = ofost

oc = ac

ōc pret. 3 sg. of acan.

ōcon pret. pl. of acan.

ōcusta m. armpit, #Gl#.

ōden (ŏ?) f. threshing-floor.

ōdencolc hollow serving as a threshing-floor, EC 121^2.

+ōdon = +ēodon [[form of “±gān”]]

oe- = e-, ē-

oeg (N) = woeg = weg

ōeghwēr = ǣghwǣr

ōeghwelc (Cp) = ǣghwilc

oeht- (N) = ēht-

oembeht (Cp) = ambiht

oemseten (= ymb-) f. shoot, slip? (Swt), row (of vines)? (BT), Cp 534#a#.

oexen = exen v. oxa.

of I. prep. w. d. ‘of,’ from, out of, Æ, AO, Bl, G, etc.: among, concerning, about, AO, BH: by, Chr, etc.: derived from, made of, belonging to, Æ, AO, CP, etc. II. adv. off, away, absent, Bl, LL, Mt.

ofācēapian to buy off, LL 122[74].

ofāceorfan^3 to cut or prune off, AO, CP.

ofācsian to find out by asking, be informed, hear of, learn, Æ.

ofādōn anv. to pull out, tear out, LL 86[70,74]: leave out, except, LL 182[10].

ofādrīfan^1 to hurt, chase, drive.

ofādrincan^3 to drain, Æ: quench, AO.

ofādrygan to dry off, wipe off, CP 71^11.

ofæt = ofet

ofāhēawan^7 to cut off, ÆL 29^293.

ofāsceacan^6 to shake off, CM 993: excuse.

ofāsciran (e, y) to cut off, LL 68[35,5].

ofāsēoðan^2 to purge, purify, BH 288^9.

ofāslēan^6 to smite off, #Chr#.

ofātēon^2 to pull out, withdraw, CP.

ofāxian (Æ) = ofācsian

ofbēatan^7 to beat to pieces, beat to death, kill, AO.

ofblindian to blind, JnLR 12^40.

ofcalan^6 to chill, make or grow cold, Æ, #Rim# 24?

ofclipian to obtain by calling, call for, Æ.

ofcuman^4 to spring from, be derived from, Æ.

ofcyrf m. a section, cutting, Æ: amputation, Æ.

ofdæl inclined (downwards), #Bo# 53^14.

of-dæle, -dele n. decline, declivity, descent, abyss, CP.

of-dōn anv. pret. -dyde to put out, put off, take off (clothes).

ofdrǣdan^7 (but wk. pp. ofdrǣdd) to fear, be afraid, terrified, Æ, CP.

ofdrīfan = ofādrīfan

ofdūne adv. down, AO, CP.

ofdūneheald adv. directed downwards.

ofdūnesettan to set down, VHy.

ofdūnestīgan^1 to descend, #VPs#.

ofdūne-weard, -weardes adv. downwards, GD.

ofdūnrihte downwards, MFH 170.

ofearmian to be pitiful, #ERSPs# 36^22.

ofearmung f. compassion, #BlPs# 102^4.

ofēhtan to persecute, #RPs# 43^17.

ofelēte = oflǣte

ofen m., gs. ofnes furnace, MtLR: ‘oven,’ Æ.

ofenan = ufenan

ofenbacen baked in an oven, Æ.

ofen-raca m., -racu f. oven-rake, WW.

ofer I. prep. [w. d. (rest) and a. (motion)] ‘over,’ beyond, above, upon, in, across, past, Æ, AO, CP, etc. ofer bæc backwards, back: throughout, BH: against, in contravention of, contrary to, beyond, AO, BH, #Bl, Chr#: (time) after, through, during, at the end of, AO, Chr, Lcd: more than: in addition to, besides, beyond, Bo, LL, Mk. II. adv. above, on high, PPs: to or on the other side, AO: from side to side, across, AO: beyond, above (quantity), A, BH.

ōfer (o^2) m. (gs. ōfres) border, margin, edge: brink, river-bank, sea-shore, Æ, B, Lcd; AO. [‘over’; v. Mdf]

oferǣt m. gluttony, feasting, excess, CP; Æ: feast. [‘overeat’]

oferǣte gluttonous, RB 17^15.

oferāhebban = oferhebban

oferbæcgetēung f. tetanus, WW 112^20.

oferbebēodan^2 to rule, WW 178^37.

oferbecuman^4 to come in addition, supervene, CM 134^1060.

oferbecumendlic supervening.

ofer-bēon anv. pres. 3 pl. -sind to be over, command, CM 112; WW 178^37.

oferbīdan^1 to outlast, outlive, TC. [‘overbide’]

oferbiternes (y^3) f. excessive bitterness, SPs. [‘overbitterness’]

oferblica m. surface, OET 181^44.

oferblīðe too light-hearted, CP.

oferbrǣdan to spread over, suffuse, be spread over, overshadow, cover over, CP; Æ. [‘overbrede’]

oferbrǣdels m. outside, surface, covering: coverlet, veil, garment, Æ, CP: cerecloth, MF 153.

oferbrāw m. eye-brow, #Lcd# 3·188^5. [brǣw]

oferbrecan^4 to transgress, violate, AO.

oferbrēdan = oferbregdan

oferbrēdels (#KGl#) = oferbrǣdels

oferbregdan^3 to draw over, cover, overspread: be covered over, show a film over.

oferbrū f. eye-brow, #Gl#.

oferbrycgian to span as by a bridge, Æ. [‘overbridge’]

ofercæfed overlaid with ornament, GPH 394.

oferceald excessively cold, Run 11. [‘overcold’]

ofercerr m. passing over, MtL 1^11. [cierr]

ofercīdan to chide sharply.

ofercīdung f. chiding, reproof, #EPs# 149^7.

oferclif n. steep place, overhanging cliff, WW 480^2.

oferclimban^3 to climb over, AO 134^13. [‘overclimb’]

ofercræft m. fraud, LL (166^20).

ofercuman^4 to overcome, subdue, compel, conquer, AO, B, Lcd, WW; CP: obtain, attain, reach, overtake, BH, Cp, Jud, WW. [‘overcome’]

ofercyme m. arrival, BH 436^28.

ofercȳðan to outdo by preponderance of oaths, v. LL 2·689.

oferdōn anv. to ‘overdo,’ do to excess, Æ. oferdōne ðing excesses, Æ.

oferdrenc (Æ) = oferdrync

oferdrencan to make drunk, intoxicate, AO, CP.

oferdrīfan^1 to overcome, defeat, dispense, Æ, DR: confute, Æ: cover (by drifting sand), AO: outvote, LL. [‘overdrive’]

oferdrinc = oferdrync

oferdrincan^3 to drink too much, get drunk, CP, LL. [‘overdrink’]

oferdrincere m. drunkard, HL 12^95,124.

oferdruncen I. n. drunkenness, LL. II. ptc. drunk.

oferdruncennes f. drunkenness, intemperance, Æ, CP.

oferdrync m. over-drinking, drunkenness, CP: revelry, feasting. [v. ‘overdrink’]

oferdyre n. lintel, WW 280^16.

ofere over, across, v. LV 8.

oferēaca m. surplus, overplus, remainder, addition, increase, Æ.

ofereald (y) very old, RB 61^12.

oferealdormann m. chief officer, BH 264^1 (v.l.).

oferēca = oferēaca

ofereldu (HL 11^60#n#) = oferyldu

oferēt = oferǣt

ofer-etol (CP), -eotol, -ettol gluttonous.

oferetolnes f. gluttony, CP.

oferfær n. passing over, NG.

oferfæreld n. passage, journey over or across, Æ, AO.

oferfǣt too fat, WW. [‘overfat’]

oferfæðman to envelop, overshadow.

oferfaran^6 (intr.) to pass, cross, go over, Ps: (tr.) traverse, go through, penetrate, Gen, W; Æ, AO: come across, meet with, overtake: pass through, withstand, overcome. [‘overfare’]

oferfeallan^7 to attack, #Bl# 203.

oferfeng I. m. fibula, buckle, clasp, #Gl#. II. pret. 3 sg. of oferfōn.

oferfeohtan^3 to conquer, CP.

oferfēran to traverse, cross, pass over or through, Æ, AO: come upon, meet with.

oferferian to carry over, transport, OEG 3680.

oferfērnes f. chance of crossing, fordable place, BH 58^1.

oferfēðre overloaded, v. ES 43·312.

oferfil = oferfyll

oferflēdan to overflow, flood, #Lcd#.

oferflēde in flood, #Lcd#.

oferflēon^2 to fly over, Æ: flee from, yield to, B 2525.

oferflītan^1 to overcome, beat, confute, AO.

oferflōwan^7 to flow over, run over, ‘overflow,’ AO, Lk.

ofer-flōwednes, -flōwen(d)nes f. excess, superfluity.

ofer-flōwend (RB), -flōwendlic (#Bk# 18) superfluous. [‘overflowing’] adv. -līce.

oferflōwnes f. superfluity, CP.

oferfōn^7 to seize, take prisoner, AO.

oferfrēcednes f. pressure, oppression, #V^2Ps# 31^7.

oferfroren frozen over, AO.

oferfull too full, LPs. [‘overfull’]

oferfundennes f. trial, experiment, OEG 543.

oferfylgan to pursue, attack, CP.

ofer-fyll, -fyllu f. surfeit, gluttony, excess, Bo, Lcd; Æ, CP. [‘overfyll’]

oferfyllan to cram, RB, WW.

oferfylnes f. surfeit, excess, GD 339^3.

oferfyrr f. excessive distance, AO 24^21. [feorr]

ofergǣgan to transgress, Æ.

ofergǣgednes f. transgression, Æ.

ofergǣgend m. transgressor, ÆL 30^411.

ofer-gān anv., -gangan^7 to pass over, beyond, across, traverse, cross, Æ, Lcd, VPs; AO, CP: transgress, MtL: overrun, overcome, overspread, conquer, Chr, Ex, Lcd, Rd; Æ: come upon, overtake, seize, attach, Æ, An: pass off, pass away, end, AO, CP. [‘overgo,’ ‘overgang’]

ofergapian to be forgetful of, neglect, RB 112^2.

ofergēare old, #Lcd# 19a.

ofergeatu f. oblivion, #PPs# 128^6.

ofergeatul = ofergitol

ofergedrync n. excess in drinking, #Bl# 99^21.

ofergedyre = oferdyre

ofergemet n. excess, AS, CP.

ofergēmnes f. watching for, NG. [gīeman]

ofergenga m. traveller, #Lcd#.

ofergenihtsumian to superabound, #Sc# 131^15.

ofergeong (= gang) m. going across.

ofergeotan = ofergietan

ofergēotan^2 to pour upon, suffuse, flood, overwhelm, Æ.

ofergeotende forgetful, BH 114^22. [ofergietan]

ofer-geotol, -geottol == ofergitol

ofergesettan to set over, CP, #VPs#.

ofergestondan^6 to stand over.

ofergetilian to overcome, ÆL 23b^185.

ofergetimbran to erect, #Bl# 205.

ofergetol- = ofergitol-

ofergeweorc n. superstructure: sepulchre, Æ.

ofergewrit n. superscription, inscription.

ofergietan^5 to forget, disregard, neglect, CP.

ofergīfre gluttonous, CP.

ofergildan = ofergyldan

ofergīman to neglect, disregard.

ofergitan = ofergietan

ofer-gitol, -gittol (ea, eo, y) forgetful.

ofergitolian (e, eo) to forget, #JVPs#.

ofergitolnes (e, eo, y) f. forgetfulness.

oferglænged over-adorned, LL (386^10). [glengan]

oferglīdan^1 to glide over, traverse, pass over, overshadow, Æ.

ofergrǣdig too covetous, W. [‘overgreedy’]

ofergrōwan^7 to overgrow, CP 336^8.

ofergumian to neglect, disregard, RB 113^2.

ofergyld gilt, Æ.

ofergyldan (i) to encase, overlay or adorn with gold, Æ, CP.

ofergylden overlaid with gold, LL 460[10].

ofergȳman = ofergīman

ofergyrd ptc. girt, GPH 394.

ofergytan = ofergietan

ofergytnes f. oblivion, forgetfulness.

oferhacele f. hood, LL (140^22).

oferhangen covered, GD 202^19.

oferhēafod adv. especially, in particular, Æ. [Ger. überhaupt]

oferhēah very tall, lofty, Run 26. [‘overhigh’]

oferhealdan^7 to put off, neglect.

oferhealfhēafod n. crown of the head, WW 156^11.

oferheargian = oferhergan [[headword spelled “oferhergean”]]

oferhebban^6 to pass over, omit, neglect, AO, LL; CP. [‘overheave’]

oferhelian to cover over, conceal, Sc; CP. [‘overhele’]

oferhelmian to overshadow, B 1364.

oferhelung f. covering, veiling, concealing, #Sc# 223^5.

oferheortnes f. vehemence of feeling, AO 166^20.

oferhergean to overrun, ravage, AO.

oferhīdig = oferhygdig

oferhīeran (ēo, ȳ) to ‘overhear,’ hear, AO: disobey, disregard, neglect, AO.

oferhīernes (ē, ī, ȳ) f. neglect, disobedience: fine for transgression of law or legal orders (= ‘superauditio’), LL.

oferhigd = oferhygd

oferhige? m. pride, #PPs# 87^7. [hyge]

oferhigian to delude, turn the head of, B 2766.

oferhīran (AO) = oferhīeran

oferhlæstan to overload, AO.

oferhlēapan^7 to jump over, surmount, overcome, BH: pass over, Lcd. [‘overleap’]

oferhlēapend m. over-leaper, WW 190^2.

oferhlēoðrian to surpass in loudness.

oferhlēoður failing to hear, #PPs# 93^9.

oferhlīfan^1 (OEG), oferhlīfian (Æ, CP) to tower over, overtop, excel, exceed, surpass.

oferhlīfung f. loftiness, sublimity, #Gl#.

ofer-hlūd, -hlȳde clamorous, noisy, WW. [‘overloud’] adv. -hlūde.

oferhlȳp m. a jump (over something), A 8·308; 316.

oferhlyttrian to clarify, strain, #ÆGr# 222^8.

oferhoga m. despiser, proud man.

oferhogian to despise (Bl, Bo). [‘overhow’]

oferhogiend m. despiser, RB 48^6.

oferhogodnes f. pride, disdain, GD 144^3.

oferholt n. phalanx of shields, #Ex# 157.

oferhrǣgan (w. d.) to tower above? #Sol# 35.

oferhrēfan to roof over, cover.

oferhrēred overthrown, WW.

oferhrops greediness, WW 102^19.

oferhrȳfan = oferhrēfan

oferhrȳred = oferhrēred

oferhycgean to despise, AO, CP.

oferhȳd = oferhygd

oferhȳd- = oferhygd-

oferhygd (i) I. fn. pride, conceit, arrogance, CP. II. adj. haughty, proud.

oferhygdgian to be proud, #CVPs# 9^23.

oferhygdig I. n. pride. II. adj. haughty, proud.

ofer-hygdiglīce, -hīdlīce, arrogantly, NC 313.

oferhygdu f. = oferhygd I.

oferhylmend m. dissembler, #PPs# 118^119.

oferhȳran = oferhīeran

oferhȳre heedless, neglectful, LL (244^22).

oferhyrned having horns above, #Run# 2.

oferhȳrnes f. heedlessness, neglect, disobedience, LL.

+oferian to elevate, #HGl# 428.

oferīdyllīce vainly, emptily, #CPs# 30^7.

ofering f. superabundance, #Bo#.

oferlād f. ‘translatio,’ solemn removal of the body or relics of a saint to a shrine, DR 62^9.

oferlǣdan to oppress, Bl. [‘overlead’]

oferlǣfan to be left over, remain, LkLR. [‘overleave’]

oferlagu f. cloak, #Gl#.

oferlecgan to place over, CM 899: overburden, surfeit, HL 11^99; 12^73.

oferlēof very dear, #Run# 23.

oferlēoran to pass over, or by: transgress, prevaricate.

oferlēornes f. transgression, #CPs# 100^3.

oferlibban to survive, ÆGr, TC. [‘overlive’]

oferlīce excessively, W. [v. ‘overly’]

oferlifa (y^3) m. excess, NC 348.

oferlīfian = oferhlīfian [[under “oferhlīfan”]]

oferlīhtan to light upon, ÆL 23b^558: excel in brightness.

oferlīðan^1 to pass over.

oferlufu f. too great love, W. [‘overlove’]

oferlyfa = oferlifa

oferlyftlic above the air, NC 314.

ofermæcga † m. very illustrious being.

ofermægen † n. overpowering might.

ofermæstan to over-fatten.

ofermǣte excessive, immoderate, AO, CP. [‘overmete’]

ofermǣtlic vast, AO 52^10.

ofermǣto = ofermētto

ofermagan swv. to have greater power, prevail, #Sc# 97^19.

ofermāðum m. costly treasure, B 2993.

ofermearcung f. superscription, MkL p 5^1.

ofermēde I. n. pride, CP. II. adj. proud, arrogant. [mōd]

ofermēdla m. haughtiness, pride.

ofermēdu (CP) = ofermētto

ofermete m. gorging, gluttony, CP.

ofermētto f. (often in pl.) pride, Æ, AO, CP.

ofermicel over-much, excessive, AO, RB. [‘overmickle’]

ofermicelnes f. excess, #Sc# 13.

ofermōd (1) n. pride, insolence, Gen, Ma. [‘overmod’] (2) adj. proud, overbearing, insolent, Bl; Æ, CP.

ofer-mōdgian (CP), -mōdig(i)an to be proud, arrogant.

ofermōdgung f. pride, CP.

ofermōdig proud, arrogant, Lcd; AO. [v. ‘overmod’]

ofermōdignes f. pride, haughtiness, arrogance, Mk. [v. ‘overmod’]

ofermōdlic proud, haughty, insolent, CP. adv. -līce.

ofermōdnes = ofermōdignes

ofernēod f. extreme need, #Bk#, LL.

oferniman^4 (y) to take away, carry off, seize, ravish.

ofernōn fn. afternoon (after 3.0 p.m.), WW 175^47.

oferorn = oferarn pret. 3 sg. of oferyrnan.

oferprūt ‘over-proud,’ presumptuous, arrogant, haughty, Sc.

oferprȳda m. excessive pride.

oferrǣdan to read over, Æ: consider, infer. [‘overread’]

oferranc too luxurious, W 46^1. [‘overrank’]

oferreccan to confute, convince, convict, CP.

oferrencu f. extravagance, W 46^2.

oferrīcsian to rule over, CP 119^19.

oferrīdan^1 to ride across, BH. [‘override’]

oferrōwan^7 to row over, Æ.

ofersǣlic on the other side of the sea, BH 246^3.

ofersǣlig excessively happy, DD 246.

ofersǣlð f. excessive pleasure, #Met# 5^27.

ofersǣwisc from across the sea, foreign.

ofersāwan^7 to sow over, Mt 13^25.

oferscēadan^7 to scatter over, sprinkle over, #Lcd# 67b.

ofer-sceadian (CP), -sceadewian to overshadow.

ofersceatt m. usury, interest, MtR 25^27.

oferscēawian to superintend, LL.

oferscēawigend m. overseer, bishop, LL.

oferscīnan^1 to illuminate.

oferscūan to overshadow.

ofersēam m. bag, LkL 12^33.

ofersēcan to overtax, B 2686.

ofersegl m. top-sail, WW 7^4.

oferseglian to sail across, Mt. [‘oversail’]

ofersēgon = ofersāwon pret. pl. of ofersēon.

ofersendan to transmit, #ÆGr# 172^13.

ofersēocnes f. great illness, LL.

oferseolfrian (y) to cover over with silver, AO.

ofersēon^5 to see over, overlook, survey, observe, see, Bo: despise, neglect, W. [‘oversee’]

ofersettan to set over, #VPs#: overcome, GD 347^30.

ofersittan^5 occupy, possess, Bo, VPs: forbear, desist, refrain from, Æ, B. [‘oversit’]

oferslæge = oferslege

oferslǣp m. too much sleep, #Lcd# 1·342^13.

oferslēan^6 to subdue, overcome, RB 32^15.

oferslege n. lintel, Æ.

oferslop n. loose upper garment, surplice, stole, Lcd, LkL. [‘overslop’]

oferslype m. over-garment, surplice, Æ.

ofersmēaung f. too exhaustive consideration, CP 97^17.

ofersprǣc f. loquacity, CP.

ofersprǣce talkative, tattling, tale-bearing, Æ, CP.

ofersprǣdan to overlay, cover, RB.

oferspreca m. one who talks too much, OEG 28^9.

ofersprecan^5 to say too much, be abusive.

ofersprēce = ofersprǣce

ofersprecol talking too much, tattling, indiscreet, CP.

ofersprecolnes f. talkativeness, CP 308^16.

oferstǣlan to confute, convict, convince, Æ, CP.

oferstæppan^6 to over-step, cross: exceed.

oferstandan^6 to come upon, BH 308^25.

ofersteall m. opposition, ÆH 1·534^20.

oferstealla m. survivor, MH 210^28.

oferstellan to jump over, BH 400^22.

ofersteppan = oferstæppan

oferstīgan^1 to climb over, mount, scale, surmount, overcome, AO: Æ, CP: surpass, excel, exceed, BH; Æ, CP. [‘oversty’]

oferstige m. astonishment, ÆL 23^555.

oferstīgendlic superlative, #ÆGr# 15^18.

oferstigennes ‘extasis,’ passing over, OEG 405.

oferswimman^3 to swim over or across, B 2367. [‘overswim’]

oferswingan^3 ‘transverberare’! GD 344^33.

oferswīðan (ȳ) wv. and sv^1 to overpower, overcome, conquer, vanquish, Æ, AO, CP: excel, surpass.

oferswīðe adv. over-much, excessive.

oferswīðestre f. ‘victrix,’ WW 224^39.

oferswīðnes f. pressure, distress, NG.

oferswīðrian to prevail, conquer.

oferswīðung f. pressure, distress, NG.

oferswōgan^7 to cover, choke, #Bl# 203^9.

oferswȳðan = oferswīðan

ofersylfrian (AO) = oferseolfrian

ofersȳman to overload, oppress. [sēam]

ofertæl n. odd number, #Lcd# 1·288.

ofertǣle superstitious, #Sc# 218^10.

oferteldan^3 to cover over, #Ex# 81.

ofertēon^2 to draw over, cover, Æ: finish.

ofertogennes f. the condition of being covered.

ofertrahtnian to treat of, ÆH 1·202^28.

ofertredan to tread down, GPH. [‘overtread’]

ofertrūwa m. over-confidence, LL 180, 8, 7. [‘overtrow’]

ofertrūwian to trust too much, CP.

oferðearf f. great need, extreme distress.

oferðearfa m. one in great need, #Cr# 153.

oferðeccan to cover over, hide, Æ.

oferðēon^1,3 to excel, surpass, Æ, CP.

oferðoht thought over, considered, GD 316^20.

oferðrēawian (ā^3) ‘increpare,’ #EPs# 67^31.

oferðryccednes (i) f. pressure, oppression, #CPs# 31^7.

oferðrymm m. excessive power, DD 52.

oferwacian to watch over, Æ. [‘overwake’]

oferwadan^6 to wade across, AO 72^33. [‘overwade’]

oferwealdan^7 to get the better of, LL 454[7].

oferwealdend m. over-lord, ruler, #El# 1236.

oferweaxan^6 to overgrow, overspread, Æ, Bl. [‘overwax’]

oferweder n. storm, tempest, #Chr# 794#e#.

oferwelig very rich, NC 314.

ofer-wennan, -wenian to be proud, become insolent or presumptuous.

oferweorc n. sarcophagus, tomb, Æ, OEG. [‘overwork’]

oferweorpan^3 to throw over, overthrow, CP, Lcd: throw down, assault, LL 56[11,1]: cast something over another, sprinkle: stumble? B 1543. [‘overwarp’]

oferwīgan to overcome, #Sol# 299.

oferwillan^7 to boil down. [weallan]

oferwinnan^3 to contend with, overcome, subdue, Æ, AO; CP. [‘overwin’]

oferwintran to go through the winter, WW. [‘overwinter’]

oferwist f. gluttony, excess, CP.

oferwistlic supersubstantial, MtL 6^11.

oferwlencan to be very wealthy, AO 44^12. [wlanc]

oferwlencu f. excessive riches, #Gu# 389.

oferwrecan^5 to overwhelm, WW 35^14.

oferwrēon^1,2 to cover over, conceal, hide, VPs: clothe, Mt. [‘overwry’]

oferwrīgels n. covering, #Gl#.

oferwrit n. epistle, MtL p10^1.

oferwyllan = oferwillan

oferwyrcan to cover over, overlay, Sol; Æ, AO. [‘overwork’]

oferyld (W 147^17) = oferyldu

oferyldu f. extreme old age, MFH 170.

oferyrnan^3 to go or run over, Æ, Lcd: ‘overrun’, cover over, overwhelm, Æ, BH: run past, cross.

oferȳð f. overwhelming wave, #SPs# 54^25.

ofesc f. border? KC 3·393^10.

ofest = ofost

ofestan = ofstan

ofet, ofett (æ) n. fruit, legume, Gen, WW. [‘ovet’]

ofetrip? n. harvest, ZDPh 36·550.

ofeweard = ufeweard

offǣran = āfǣran

offaran^6 to intercept, overtake, fall upon, attack, Æ, AO. hindan o. to intercept from behind, cut off retreat, AO.

offeallan^7 to fall upon, cut off, kill, destroy, end, Æ, Chr; AO: fall away from, be lost to, LL 144[6]. hine offēoll committed suicide, #Chr# 962#a#. [‘offall’]

offellan = offyllan

offēran to overtake (an enemy), Æ.

offerenda m. psalm or anthem sung during the offertory, ÆP 168^15; ANS 84·5^29.

offerian to carry off, B 1583.

offestre f. a woman of some unknown calling? CC 10^22.

offlēogan^3 to fly away.

offrian to ‘offer,’ sacrifice, bring an oblation, Æ, AO, VPs; CP. [L. offerre]

offringclāð m. offertory cloth, NC 314.

offringdagas mpl. offering days, OEG 40^23.

offringdisc m. offering-dish, paten, Ct.

offringhlāf m. shew-bread, Mt 12^4.

offringsang m. hymn while an offering is made, ÆH 1·218^9; ÆP 214^23.

offringsceat m. offering-napkin, BC 3·366.

offrung f. presenting to God, oblation, sacrifice, Æ, Mt: thing presented, ‘offering,’ Æ. [offrung- v. also offring-]

offrunghūs n. house of sacrifice, NC 314.

offrungspic n. sacrificial bacon, ÆL 25^92.

offyligan to follow up, LkLR 1^3.

offyllan to strike down, destroy, kill.

of-gān anv., pret. -ēode; -gangan^7 to demand, require, exact, extort, Æ: attain, obtain, acquire, gain, Æ: start from, begin. [‘ofgo’]

ofgangend-e, -lic derivative, #ÆGr#.

ofgefen (Cp) = ofgifen pp. of ofgiefan.

ofgēotan^2 to moisten, soak, steep, Æ: quench, Æ.

ofgerād fitting, #Bo# 8^8.

ofgestīgnes f. descent, MtL p6^1.

ofgiefan^5 (i, y) to give up, resign, leave, quit, desert, AO. [giefan]

ofhabban to hold back, Æ.

ofhagian to be inconvenient, W.

ofhealdan^7 to withhold, retain.

ofhearmian (impers.) to cause grief.

ofhende (out of hand), lost, absent, #Met# 25^34.

ofhingrian to be hungry, Æ (3^551). [‘ofhingered’]

[[headword in OED is “ofhungered”]]

ofhnītan to gore to death, LL 32[21].

ofhrēosan^2 to overwhelm, cover over, Æ: fall down, fall headlong, Æ.

ofhrēowan^2 to cause or feel pity, Æ. [‘arewe’]

ofhwylfan to roll up? ARHy 2^12.

ofirnan^3 to overtake, Æ, Bo: tire with running, Æ. [‘ofrun’]

oflǣtan^7 to let go, lay aside, leave behind: let flow, #Bo# 66^29.

oflǣte (ā, ē) f. oblation, offering, Ps: sacramental wafer, Æ, Lcd. [‘oflete’; L. oblata]

oflǣthlāf m. sacramental wafer, GD 343^15.

oflangian to long, Æ. [‘oflonged’]

oflāte (VPs) = oflǣte

oflecgan to lay down, #PPs# 68^1.

oflēogan^2 to lie, be false, #PPs# 17^43.

oflēte = oflǣte

oflicgan^5 to overlay (a child), LL. [‘oflie’]

oflīcian (w. d.) to displease, be displeasing to, Æ.

oflinnan^3 to cease, stop, #Bl# 247^8.

oflongian = oflangian

oflystan to fill with desire, please, Bo; Æ. pp. of-lysted, -lyst desirous of, pleased with. [‘oflust’]

ofmanian to exact (a fine), LL.

ofmunan swv. to remember, recollect, CP.

ofmyrðrian to murder, #Chr# 979#e#.

ofn = ofen

ofnēadian to obtain by force, extort, TC 295^22.

ofnet n? closed vessel, #Lcd# 11b. [ofn]

ofniman^4 to fail, LL (170^6).

ofor = (1) eofor; (2) ufor; (3) ofer

ōfor = ōfer

ofost f. haste, speed, zeal, Æ. adv. -līce. on ofoste, of(e)stum speedily, hastily.

ofr (#Gl#) = hofer

ofrǣcan to get through (an ordeal) successfully, LL 333 col 2.

ōfres gs. of ōfer.

ofrian = offrian

ofrung (AO) = offrung

ofrīdan^1 to overtake by riding, overtake, Æ, Chr. [‘ofride’]

ofsacan^6 to deny a charge, LL 108#b# n. 5. [‘ofsake’]

ofscacan^6 to shudder, OEG 4160.

ofsceamian (a) to put to shame, Æ, Bo. [‘ofshame’]

ofscēotan^2 to shoot down, hit, kill, Æ, AO, CP. pp. ofscoten elf-struck (of cattle seized with sudden disease).

ofscleacnes (#APs# 43^22) = ofslegennes

ofscotian to shoot dead, AO.

ofsendan to send for, summon, Chr 1048. [‘ofsend’]

ofsēon^5 to see, behold, Æ. [‘ofsee’]

ofsetenes f. siege, WW 458^28.

ofsetnian to besiege, NC 349.

ofsettan (æ) to beset, oppress, afflict, Hept, Lcd; Æ. [‘ofset’]

ofsettung f. pressure, #Sc# 143^5.

ofsittan^5 to press down, repress, oppress, Æ, CP: occupy, Hept, Bo; CP: hedge in, compass about, besiege. [‘ofsit’]

ofslēan^6 to strike off or out, cut off: strike down, kill, AO, BH, Lcd; Æ, CP. [‘ofslay’]

ofslegennes f. slaughter, #JRVPs# 43^22.

ofslītan^6 to bite (of a serpent), Æ.

ofsmorian to suffocate, strangle, AO.

ofsnīðan^1 to cut off, kill, Æ.

ofspring m. ‘offspring,’ descendants, posterity, Æ, CD.

ofspyrian to trace out, LL 96[17].

ofst = ofost

ofstæppan^6 to trample upon, Æ.

ofstan to hasten, CM 186. [[from first edition; see “ofstende” below]]

ofstandan^6 to remain, persist, continue, Lcd; Æ: restore, make restitution. [‘ofstand’]

ofstede adv. immediately, #Sc# 193^12.

ofstende hastening, CM 186.

ofstician to pierce, stab (to death), transfix, AO.

ofstig swift, GPH 392.

ofstingan^3 to pierce, stab (to death), AO, Chr; Æ, CP. [‘ofsting’]

ofstint (= ofstent) pres. 3 sg. of ofstandan.

ofstlīce = ofostlīce [[form of “ofost”]]

ofstofen impelled, #PPs#.

ofstum v. ofost.

ofswelgan^3 to swallow up, #Bo# 46^15n.

ofswerian to abjure, deny on oath, LL.

ofswingan^3 to scourge (to death), AO 154^8.

oft adv. comp. oftor, superl. oftost often, frequently, CP, G; Æ. oftost symle continually. o. and gelome diligently. [‘oft’]

oftacan^2 to overtake, NC 325 (late).

oftalu f. rejoinder, verdict against a claim, TC 302^22.

oftēon^2 to withhold, withdraw, Æ, CP.

oftfēðre requiring many journeys to carry, v. ES 43·312.

ofthrǣd- = oftrǣd-

oftige m. withholding, LL.

oftorfian to stone to death, Æ, AO.

oftrǣde often or always available: frequent, #Bo# 136^17.

oftrǣdlic frequent, AO. adv. -līce, CP.

oftredan^5 to tread down, trample on, tread to death, Æ, AO. [‘oftread’]

oftsīð m. frequent occasion, AO. on oftsīðas frequently, #Chr# 979#c#.

oftðwēal n. frequent washing, NC 314.

oftyrfan to stone, AO 172^28.

ofðǣnan to moisten, #Lcd#.

ofðe or, OEG 11^177 and n.

ofðecgan to destroy, #Gen# 2002.

ofðefian to dry up? ÆL 34^144.

ofðencan to recall to mind, CP 349^10.

ofðennan = ofðænnan [[variant of “ofðǣnan”]]

ofðincð pres. 3 sg. of ofðyncan.

ofðinen moist (pp. of *ofðīnan).

of-ðreccan (#KGl#), -ðriccan = ofðryccan

ofðringan^3 to throng, press upon, Æ.

ofðryccan (e, i) to press, squeeze, Æ: oppress, afflict, repress, Æ: occupy forcibly.

of-ðryccednes, -ðrycnes f. distress, trouble, oppression, CP.

ofðryscan to repress, subdue, CP.

of-ðrysmian, -ðrysman to choke, stifle. [ðrosm]

ofðylman to choke, suffocate, NC 314.

ofðyncan (impers.) to give offence, insult, vex, displease, weary, grieve, Æ, AO, B, Bo, CP, LL. [‘ofthink’]

ofðyrstan to suffer from thirst, be thirsty, thirst (for), Hept, Soul; Æ. [‘athirst,’ ‘ofthirst’]

ofðȳstrian to obscure, #SPs# 73^21. [ðēostrian]

ofunnan swv. to begrudge, deny, grudge, envy, Æ, CP.

ofweard (MFH 170) = æfweard

ofweorpan^3 to stone (to death), kill by a missile, Æ, AO.

ofworpian to kill (by stoning), LL.

ofwundrian to be astonished, Æ.

ōfȳrit (WW 385^39) = āfȳred pp. of āfȳran.

ōga m. fear, terror, dread, Æ: terrible object, Æ. [ege]

ōgengel m. bar, bolt, WW 459^10.

ō-hilde (e^2, y^2), -heald sloping, inclined, #Gl#.

ōhsta = ōcusta

ōht I. † f. persecution? fear? [cp. Ger. acht] II. = āwuht

ohtrip v. ofetrip.

ō-hwǣr = ā-hwǣr

ō-hwæðer = ā-hwæðer

ōhwanon = āhwonan

ōhylde = ōhilde

ōl pret. 3 sg. of alan.

ōlǣc- = olece-

olbend = olfend

±ōleccan (æ, i) to soothe, caress, flatter: please, charm, propitiate, CP. [leccan]

ōleccere, ōlecere m. flatterer, CP (i).

ōleccung (æ) f. soothing, flattery, persuasion, allurement, charm, CP.

ōlectend m. flatterer, Cp 1519. [= ōleccend pres. ptc. of ōleccan]

ōlectung (MFH 170) = ōlehtung

ōlehtung f. flattery, MFH 170.

ōlfæt = ālfæt

olfend mf., olfenda m. camel, Bl, Mt; CP. [‘olfend’; L. elephantem]

olfendmyre f. she-camel, Æ.

ōlicc- = ōlecc-

oll n. contumely, contempt, scorn, insult, Æ. on oll ‘nequicquam,’ OEG 2000.

ollonc, ollunc, ollung (LWS; A) = andlang

ōlðwong m. strap, WW 379^32.

ōlyhtword n. flattering speech, #Bl# 99^26. [ōleccan]

ōm m. rust, Æ.

om- = am-

ōma? m. ome? f. a liquid measure, v. NC 314. [L. (h)ama; Ger. ohm]

ōman fp. eruptions of the skin, erysipelas, #Lcd#. [cp. healsōme]

omb- = amb-

ōmcynn n. corrupt humour, #Lcd# 31a.

omer (a^1, e^1) a bird, ‘scorellus,’ #Gl#.

ōmian to become rusty, #Sc# 196^5.

ōmiddan = onmiddan

ōmig rusty, rust-eaten, rust-coloured: inflammatory, #Lcd#.

ōmiht inflammatory, #Lcd#.

ompella = ampella

ompre = ampre I.

on I. prep. (w. d., instr., and a.) (local, etc.) ‘on,’ upon, on to (but ofer is more common), up to, among, AO, CP, Bo, BH, G: in, into, within, Æ, BH, Ps: (temporal) in, during, at, on, about, Æ, AO: against, towards, AO, BH, Mt: according to, in accordance with, in respect to, Æ, Bo, Ps: for, in exchange for. II. adv. on, BH, CP: forward, onward, #An#: continuously, Æ (forð on), on riht rightly. on ǣr adv. formerly. on ān continuously, in concert: at once, forthwith. III. pres. 3 sg. of unnan. IV. (M) = ond, and

on- I. often meaningless, and only rarely = prep. on. II. = an-. III. = un-

onāblāwan^1 to blow on, Æ.

onādōn anv. to put on, ÆL 7^156.

onǣht f. possession, #CVPs# 2^8.

onǣlan to set fire to, ignite, heat, inspire, incite, inflame, burn, consume, Chr (an-), Gen, Sol; Æ, CP. [‘anneal(ed)’]

onǣlend m. ‘incensor,’ GPH 399.

onǣlet n. lightning, #LPs# 143^6.

onǣr adv. formerly. [on]

onæðele (w. d.) natural to, #Met# 13^51.

onāhebban^6 to lift up, exalt, CP 56^19.

onāl n. burning: incense, what is burnt.

onārīsan^1 to rise up (against), #ERPs#.

onarn pret. 3 sg. of oniernan.

onāsāwan^7 to implant, instil, MFH 170.

onāscunung = onscunung

onāsendan to send into, implant in, impart to, CM 203.

onāsendednes (ǣ) f. ‘immissio,’ #LPs# 77^49.

onāsetednes f. a laying on (of hands), NC 349.

onāsettan to set upon, place on, impress upon, Æ, CM.

onāswēgan to sound forth, #LPs# 28^3.

onāwinnan^3 to fight against, #LPs# 34^1; 55^2.

onbæc adv. backwards, back, behind.

onbæcling (e) adv. backward, behind. o. gewend having one’s back turned, Æ.

onbærnan to kindle, ignite, heat, excite, inspire, inflame, burn, AO, CP.

on-bærning (#JPs# 65^15), -bærnes (#SPs#) f. incense.

onbǣru f. self-restraint? #Gu# 1027.

onbāsnung f. expectation, DR 4^34.

onbeblāwan^1 to blow upon, #LPs# 104^19.

onbecling (#EPs#) = onbæcling

onbecuman = oncuman

onbēgan = onbīgan

onbēgnes f. bending, curvature, WW. [bēgan, bīegan]

onbeht = ambiht

onbelǣdan to inflict upon, WW 90.

onbēn f. imprecation, BH 104^3.

onbēodan^2 to command, order, AO: announce, proclaim, Æ, AO.

onbeornan^3 to set fire to, inflame.

onbēotend threatening, impending.

onberan^4 to carry off, plunder: diminish, weaken.

onbergan = onbyrgan

onbescēawung f. inspection, examination, #Sc# 66^10.

onbescēofan^2 to thrust out, WW 220^19,21.

onbestǣlan to convict of crime, LL 30 [15].

onbestingan = inbestingan

onbid == anbid

onbīdan^1 to remain, wait: w. g. wait for, await, expect: attend upon, wait on.

onbīgan (ē) to subdue, subjugate.

onbiht = ambiht

onbindan^3 to unbind, untie, loosen: disclose.

onbirgan = onbyrgan

onbītan^1 (w. g.) to taste of, partake of, feed upon.

onblǣst m. ‘impetus,’ onrush, attack, EHy 5^8.

onblǣstan to break in, WW 428^1.

onblandan^3 to mingle, #An# 675.

onblāwan^7 to blow into, inspire: puff up.

onblāwing f. breathing upon, JnL p 8^6 (in-).

onblāwnes f. inspiration, #Bl# 7^26.

onblinnan (MFH 118) = āblinnan

onblōtan^4 to sacrifice, kill a victim, #Gen# 2933.

onbran = onbarn pret. 3 sg. of onbeornan.

onbrecan^4 to burst upon, attack, destroy.

on-bregdan, -brēdan^3 to move, bow, start up: burst open.

onbring m. instigation, LL.

onbringelle f. instigation, ÆL 23b^291.

onbrosnung f. decay, corruption, #EPs# 29^10.

onbryce m. inroad, OEG 2480.

onbryrdan (āb-, inb-) to excite, inspire, incite, encourage, Æ, CP. onbryrd excited, fired, ardent: contrite. [brord]

onbryrding f. incitement, WW 419^42.

onbryrdnes (e^2) f. inspiration, incitement, ardour, Æ: remorse, contrition.

onbūgan^2,1 to bend: bow, submit, yield, to agree with, Bl, Mt; Æ, AO: bend aside, deviate. [‘onbow’]

onbūtan prep. (w. d. a.) and adv. about, round about: round, around. adv. phr. west o. faran to go west about.

onbyhtscealc = ambihtscealc

onbyrdan = anbyrdan

onbyrgan I. (e, i) to taste, eat, Æ. II. to be surety, v. OEG 7^99.

onbyrging f. tasting, #Lcd# 1·136^12.

onbyrhtan to illuminate, #Bl# 105^31.

onbyrignes f. tasting, #Bl# 209^12.

onceig- (N) = oncīg-

oncennan to bear, bring forth, Æ.

oncer = ancor

oncerran = oncirran

oncīgan (ei^2) to call upon, invoke, DR.

oncīgnes, oncīgung (ei) f. invocation, DR.

oncirran (e, y) to turn, alter, change, transform: turn off or away, avert, prevent: turn oneself, go.

onclēow = anclēow

onclifian (eo, y) to adhere, stick to, persist in.

onclyfiende sticking to, tenacious, Ct.

onclypian to call upon, Æ.

on-cnǣwe, -cnāwe known, recognised.

oncnāwan^7 to understand, know, perceive, observe, Ma; Æ, CP: acknowledge, confess, disclose, Æ. [‘acknow’]

on-cnāwennes (Æ), -cnāwnes (CP) f. acknowledgment, knowledge.

oncnyssan to cast down, afflict, #CPVPs#.

oncnyttan = uncnyttan

oncor = ancor

ōncra = āncra

oncuman^4 to come upon, befal.

oncunnan swv. to know, #Gl#: reproach, blame, accuse, CP.

oncunnes f. accusation, #JVPs#; BH 212^15.

oncunning f. accusation, BH 212^15 (#b#).

oncwealdan to slay, #EPs# 61^4.

oncweðan^5 to answer, resound, echo, Æ: protest.

oncyrran = oncirran

oncȳðan to make known.

oncȳðdǣd f. hurtful deed, #An# 1181.

oncȳðig (#El# 725) = uncȳðig?

oncȳðð † f. pain, distress of mind.

ond == and

ondǣlan to infuse, DR.

ondǣlend m. one who imparts, infuser.

onde- = ande-

onder- = under-

onderslic, ondeslic (DR) = ondrysenlic

ondesn, ondesnes f. fear, DR.

ondgit = andgiet

ondlēan = andlēan

ondliota = ondwleota, andwlita [[“ondwleota” redirected to “andwlita”]]

ondlong = andlang

ondo (NG) = anda

ondōn anv. (1) to undo, open [= un-]: (2) to put on (clothes), CM 390; #Sc# 83^6. [= ondōn]

ondōung f. injection, #Lcd# 97b.

on-drǣdan^7 (and wv.) pret. 3 sg. -drēd, -drǣd, -dreord (A), also -drǣdde, pp. -drǣd (tr.) to dread, fear, B, Chr, Mt: (refl.) be afraid, El, Lk. [‘adread’]

ondrǣdendlic fearful, terrible, Æ.

ondrǣding f. dread, fear, terror, AO.

ondrencan to intoxicate, #Guth# 62^20.

ondresn = ondrysnu

ondrincan^3 (w. g.) to drink, BH.

ondrislic = ondrysenlic

ondruncnian to become intoxicated, #EPs# 35^9.

on-drysenlic, -drys(n)lic terrible.

ondrysne terrible: feared, venerated, venerable.

ondrysnlic = ondrysenlic

ondrysnu = andrysno

ondrystlic = ondrysenlic

onds- = ands-

ondw- = andw-

one = ono

onealdian to grow old, #SPs# 31^3.

oneardian to inhabit, #CSPs#.

oneardiend inhabitant, indweller, GD, #PPs#.

onefen, onefn = onemn

on-ēgan, -ēgnan (oe) to fear, dread. [ōga]

onemn I. prep. (w. d.) abreast of, alongside of, by, near, during, AO. II. adv. together, exactly, directly. o. ðǣm at the same time.

onemnðrōwigan to sympathize, ÆL 23b^243.

onerian to plough up, Æ, CP.

onerning f. attack, DR 36^1. [iernan]

ōnettan to hasten, hurry forward, be quick, Æ: be busy, brisk: anticipate, Æ, CP.

ōnettung f. precipitation, CP 455^15.

oneða † = anda

onēðgung f. breathing on, #ERPs# 17^16.

onfægnian to fawn on, #Bo# 102^15.

onfæreld n. going on, progress, journey: going in, entrance: attack, assault, incursion, #Sc# 212^5.

onfæstnian to pierce.

onfæðmnes f. embrace, #Bl# 7^26.

onfangend m. receiver, ES 9·37.

onfangennes f. reception, acceptance, Æ.

onfealdan^7 to unfold.

onfeall (e) m. swelling, Lcd. [‘onfall’]

onfeallende ptc. rushing on.

onfehtan (#VPs#) = onfeohtan

onfell = onfeall

onfeng I. = (+) andfeng. II. pret. 3 sg. of onfōn.

±onfeng- = andfeng-

onfeohtan^3 (e) to attack, assault, fight with, #Chr#.

onfillende ptc. falling upon, overwhelming, WW 420^19.

onfilte (WW) = anfilte [[under “anfilt”]]

onfindan^3 (but occl. wk. pret. onfunde) to find out, learn, perceive, feel, notice, observe, discover, CP: experience, suffer.

onfindend m. discoverer, GPH 391.

onflǣscnes f. incarnation, #Bl# 81^29; BHy 2^41.

onflyge m., onflygen n. infectious disease (BT), #Lcd#.

onfōn^7 to take, receive, accept, BH, Lcd, Mt; Æ: stand sponsor, #Chr#: harbour, favour unrighteously, LL: undertake, engage in, Bl. onfangenum gebede after engaging in prayer: begin: conceive, Ps. [‘onfang’]

onfōnd m. undertaker, supporter.

onfōndlic (an-) ‘accipendus,’ NC 314.

onfongenes = onfangennes

onforan I. prep. before (time), at the beginning of, Chr. II. adv. before, in front of, Ps. [‘afore’]

onfordōn ptc. destroyed, #LPs# 101^21.

onforeweard-um, -an adv. in front, in the first line, in the fore part, above all, Æ; A 5·455.

onforht = anforht

onforhtian to be afraid, fear.

onforwyrd n. destruction, #CSPs#.

onfundelnes f. experience, #Lcd#.

onfundennes f. explanation: trial, experiment, experience.

onga = anga

ongægn, ongǣn = ongēan

ongalan^6 to charm.

ongalend m. enchanter, #BlPs# 57^6.

ongalnes f. song, #BRPs# 70^6.

ongān I. = ongēan. II. anv. to approach, enter into, ES 38^20: attack, ES 41·325.

ongang m. entrance, incursion, assault, attack.

ongangan^7 = ongān

onge = enge

on-gēan (ā, ē), -geagn (æ, e) I. prep. towards, against, opposite to, contrary to, Æ, Lk; AO, CP: against, in exchange for. II. adv. opposite, back, Æ, Chr, Ct, Lk: ‘again.’ eft o. back again. o. ðæt on the other hand, on the contrary.

ongēancyme m. return, Æ.

ongēancyrrendlic relative, #ÆGr# 231^17.

ongēanfealdan^7 to fold back, roll back, #Sc# 148^11.

ongēanfēran (agēan-) to return.

ongēanflōwende ebbing and flowing, v. OEG 2363.

ongēanhworfennes f. turning again, OEG 2713.

ongēanhwyrf (ag-) m. return.

ongēanhwyrfan (ag-) to turn again, return.

ongēanlecgan to lay up, store up, #Sc# 156^6.

ongēansprecan^5 to speak against, revile, #RSPs# 43^17.

ongēanweard going back or towards, AO: near, #Bk# 4. adv. -weardes, Æ.

ongēanweardlic adversative. adv. -līce, #ÆGr#.

ongēanwerian to revile in return, RB 17^13. [wyrigan] [[redirected to “wyrgan”]]

ongēanwiðerian to oppose, #Sc# 33^20.

ongēanwyrdnes f. opposition, OEG 3975.

ongeboren in-born, OEG.

ongebrecan^4 to attack, ravage.

ongebringan to bring upon: impose, CM 36: enjoin, CM 1185: incline, induce, ÆL 25^549.

ongecīgan to call upon, invoke, RHy 1^4.

ongecīgung (ei^3) f. invocation, DR 99^13.

ongecoplīce = ungecoplīce

ongefæstnian = onfæstnian

ongefeht n. attack, DR. [feoht]

ongeflogen attacked by disease, #Lcd# 1·86^21. [cp. onflygen] [[under “onflyge”]]

on-gegen, -gegn = ongēan

ongehrēosan^2 to rush upon, fall upon.

ongehrīnan^1 to touch.

ongehȳðnes f. advantage, profit, LL 476[12].

ongel, Ongel = angel I., Angel

ongelǣdan = ingelǣdan

ongelihtan (AS 2^2) = onlihtan [[headword spelled “onlīhtan”]]

on-gemang, -gemong prep. (w. d.) and adv. among, during, CP: meanwhile, CM. o. ðisum, ðǣm meanwhile.

ongemet = ungemet

ongēn, ongend = ongēan

ongenǣman to take away (from), #Guth# 14^11.

ongeniman^4 to take away.

ongeotan = ongietan

ongēotung f. pouring in, #Lcd# 88a.

on-gerwan, pp. -gered (#VPs#) = ongirwan

ongesēon = onsēon

ongesetenes f. knowledge, BB 474^15.

ongeslēan^6 to slay, BH 44^17.

ongespanan^1 to draw on, allure, WW 421^22.

onget- = ongiet-

ongetǣcan to enjoin, CM 363.

ongetimbran to build up, AO.

ongeðwǣre = ungeðwǣre

ongewinn n. assault, #Sc# 33^17.

ongewiss = ungewiss

ongewrigennes (GD 139^1) = onwrigennes

ongieldan^3 (i) to atone for, be punished for, pay (the penalty) for, AO: pay, offer (gifts, sacrifice). [Ger. entgelten]

ongien = onginn

ongierwan (AS 59^20) = ongirwan

ongietan^5 (e, eo, i, y) to grasp, seize: understand, learn, recognize, know, distinguish, judge, consider, Mt (y); AO, CP: see, perceive: perceive by hearing, hear: feel, experience: know carnally: get, take away (āg-). [‘anget’]

ongietenes f. knowledge, understanding: meaning.

ongifan^5 (æ) to give back, Æ: forgive.

ongildan = ongieldan

onginn = anginn

onginnan^3 to begin, attempt, endeavour, try hard, Æ, G; AO, CP. (This vb. is often used periphrastically w. another vb. in the inf., to denote the simple action of the latter. The compound is best translated by the historical aorist of the second vb.): attack, assail: act (āg-). [‘ongin’]

onginnendlic inchoative, #ÆGr#.

onginnes f. undertaking.

on-girwan pret. -girede I. to unclothe, divest, strip. [= ungierwan] II. to clothe, #EPs# 131^16.

ongit = andgiet

ongit- = ongiet-

Ongle (AO) = Angle

Onglisc = Englisc

ongnora? ongnere = angnere

Ongol = Angel

ongong = ongang

ongris-, ongrys- = angris-

ongrype m. attack, W 187^2.

ongryrelic horrible, #Guth# 36^24.

ongseta = angseta [[under “angset”]]

ongunnenes = onginnes

ongy- = ongi-

ongyrdan to unbuckle, unfasten, BH 196^28.

ongyrnan to impose, inflict on, #Sc# 10^4.

ongytan = ongietan

onhādian to unfrock, divest of holy orders, LL 66[21].

onhǣldan (#VPs#) = onhieldan

onhǣle † secret, concealed, hidden.

onhǣtan to heat, inflame, AO, CP.

onhagian (impers.) to be possible or convenient, be fitting, suit, please, Æ, CP: be at leisure.

onhātan^1 † to promise.

onhātian to become hot, WW.

onhāwian to behold, ÆL 3^261.

onhealdan^7 (an-) to keep (peace), #Met# 11^42.

onhēaw m. trunk of tree, block of wood for hewing on, WW.

onhebban^6 (occl. wk. pret. onhefde) to raise up, erect, lift up, exalt, Æ: leaven: begin: take away.

onhefednes (an-) f. exaltation, RB 23^2.

onheld- = onhield-

onhergian to waste, ravage, BH.

onheri- = onhyri-

onhetting f. persecution, OEG 2^130.

onhicgan = onhycgan

onhieldan (CP) (i^2) to bend, bend down, lean, recline, incline: decline, sink.

onhieldednes (e^2, y^2) f. declining, #CVPs# 72^4.

onhierwan (u^1, y^2) to deride, blaspheme, W 70^15#c#.

onhigian to despoil, OEG.

onhigiend m. despoiler, OEG 2209.

onhindan, onhinder adv. behind, backward.

onhinderling adv. back, #PPs#.

onhīscan = onhȳscan

onhlīdan^1 to open, reveal, unclose: appear.

onhlinian to lean on, #Gl#.

onhnīgan^1 to bend down, bow, worship.

onhōhsnian to detest? (BT) hamstring, cripple, check? (Bugge), B 1944.

onhōn^7 to hang, crucify.

onhrægl n. covering, wrap, #HGl# 490.

onhrǣran = onhrēran

onhrǣs = onrǣs

onhrēodan^2 to adorn (or ? onrēodan = redden) #Gen# 2931.

onhrēosan^2 to fall upon, rush upon.

onhrēran to move, disturb, agitate, arouse, excite, CP.

onhrīnan^1 (w. g. or d.) to touch, lay hold of, CP.

onhrine m. touch, contact, #Lcd# 1·328^1.

onhrōp m. importunity, Æ.

onhupian to step back, retire, CP 441^28.

onhwelan^4 to bellow back, resound, WW 528^39.

onhweorfan^3 to change, turn, reverse, CP.

onhwerfan (y^2) to turn, change, turn round.

onhwerfednes (æ) f. change, AS 9^5.

onhycgan to consider, #Da# 473 (i).

onhyldan = onhieldan

onhyrdan † to strengthen, encourage. [heard]

onhyrenes f. imitation, CP.

onhyrgend m. emulator, imitator, WW.

onhyrian (e) to emulate, imitate, CP.

onhyring f. emulation, imitation, zeal, Æ, CP.

onhȳrsumian to be busied with, occupied in, RB 71^17.

onhȳscan (ī) to mock at, vilify, reproach: detest: deceive. [hūsc]

oniernan^3 (†) to give way, open (of a door): ‘currere,’ #BPs# 118^32: ‘incurrere,’ LL 410[3,5].

oninnan prep. (w. d.) and adv. within, into, among.

onlǣc (Cp 1725) = onlēac, pret. 3 sg. of onlūcan.

onlæc-can, -san to vex, #EPs#.

onlæccung (e^2) f. ‘irrita,’ #EPs#.

onlǣdan = inlǣdan

onlǣnan to lend, grant, let, lease, CP.

onlǣpnes (BH 128^23) = ānlīpnes

onlǣtan to relax, loosen, let go, permit.

onlang = andlang

onlēc = anlēc

onlec- = onlæc-

onlecgende (salve) to be applied, #Lcd#.

onlegen f. poultice, #Lcd#.

onlēogan^2 to misrepresent, #Bo#.

onlēoht- = onlīht-

onlēon^1 to lend, grant, give.

onlēoðian = onlīðigan

onlēs- = onlīes-

onlic (an-) like, resembling, similar, Mt; CP. adv. -līce, AO, CP. [‘anlike’]

onlicgan^5 to lay on.

+onlīcian (an-; -līcan, GD 75^4) to compare: make like.

onlīcnes f. resemblance, likeness, similitude, Gen: picture, image, idol, WW; AO, CP: parable: stature, form. [‘anlikeness’]

+onlīcung (an-) f. likeness, NC 270.

onlīesan (ē, ȳ) to loosen, set free, release, CP.

onlīesednes (ī^2) f. remission (of sins), AHy 9^77.

onlīesend (ȳ) m. liberator, #CPs# 39^18.

onlīesnes (ē) f. deliverance.

onlīgan (in-) to inflame, #Ps#.

onlīhtan (ēo, ȳ) to illuminate, give light to, enlighten, Bl, Bo; CP: restore to sight: shine. [‘onlight’]

onlīhtednes = onlīhtnes

onlīhting f. illumination, enlightenment, Æ.

onlīhtnes f. illumination.

onlīðigan (intr.) to become pliant, yield: (tr.) loosen, untie.

onlōcian to look on, behold, Æ, CP.

onlōciend m. onlooker, spectator, Æ.

onlong = andlang

onlūcan^2 (= un-) to unlock, open, unfold, reveal, disclose, CP.

onlūtan^2 to bow, incline, bend down, CP.

onlūtung f. ‘involucrum,’ GPH 402.

onlȳ- = onlī-

onlȳs- = onlīes-

onmǣdla = onmēdla

onmǣlan to speak to, #Da# 210.

onmang (Æ) = ongemang

onmearca m. inscription, MkL 12^16 (MkR in-).

onmearcung f. inscription, NG (e^2).

onmēdan to presume, take upon oneself, #Rd# 56^15?

onmēdla = anmēdla

onmeltan^3? to soften, #PPs# 88^38.

onmētan I. to paint, cover over? #PPs# 88^46. II. to come upon, find out, #EPs# 114^3.

onmiddan prep. (w. d.) amid, in the midst, at the middle of, Æ.

onmitta = anmitta

onmōd = anmōd

onmunan swv. pres. 3 sg. onman, pret. onmunde to esteem, think worthy of, consider entitled to, CP: refl. care for, wish: remind, B 2640.

onmyrran to mar, disturb, Ct.

onn = ann, pres. 3 sg. of unnan.

onnhīgan (WW 255^11) = onhnīgan

onniman^4 to receive, take, #PPs#.

onnytt = unnytt [[under “unnyt”]]

ono I. interj. lo! behold! II. = heonu

onoeðung (#VPs#) = oneðung [[variant of “onēðgung”?]]

onōrettan † to perform with effort, accomplish.

onorðung f. inspiration, inbreathing.

onoða (WW) = anda

onpennian to open, CP 277^8.

onrād f. riding on horseback, #Lcd#.

onræfniendlic = unræfniendlic

onrǣs m. onrush, impetus, assault, attack, Æ, CP.

onrǣsan I. to rush (on), VPs. [‘onrese’] II. nap. of wk. sb. irruptions, WW.

onred m. name of a plant, #Lcd#.

onrēodan v. onhrēodan.

onrettan = ōrettan

onrid n. riding horse, CC.

onrīdan^1 to ride (on a raid, etc.), #Chr# 871#a#.

onriht right, lawful, proper: partaking of? #Ex# 35^8. adv. AS 13^8. also -līce, #Bl# 43^16.

onrihtwīsnes = unrihtwīsnes

onrīptīd f. harvest-time, ES 39·352.

onrīsan (Æ) = ārīsan. [‘onrise’]

onryne m. running on, course: incursion, attack, assault.

onsacan^6 to contest, dispute, strive against, resist, repel: (†) attack: refuse, deny, contradict: exculpate, excuse oneself.

onsæc I. denying: excused. II. (LL 24[41] Ld) = andsæc

onsægan † to prostrate.

onsægd- = onsæged-

onsǣge assailing, attacking. [sīgan]

onsægednes (e) f. sacrifice, offering, Æ: oblation, (sacrificial) victim.

onsægnes f. holocaust, sacrifice, #BlPs# 65^15.

onsægung f. sacrifice, WW.

onsǣlan to untie, loosen.

onsæt I. pret. 3 sg. of onsittan. II. = onset

onsagu f. affirmation, accusation, reproach, Mt; Æ. [‘onsaw’]

onsand f. sending against, VPs. [‘onsand’]

onsang m. incantation, GD 73^26.

onsāwan^7 to sow: introduce into, implant, CM 658.

onsceacan^6 (a) to shake, shake off, remove.

onsceacnes f. excuse, #EPs#. [= onsacnes, Swt]

onsceamian = ofsceamian

onsceon- = onscun-

onsceortian to grow short, MH 104^23.

onscēotan^2 (un-) to cut up, open, eviscerate.

onscillan (= y^2) to give back a sound, reply, OEG 8^265.

onscōgan to unshoe. pp. onscōd unshod.

onscrȳdan to clothe, #EPs, Sc#.

onscunian (eo, y) to shun, avoid, fear, detest, hate, LL; Æ, CP: put away, reject, despise: irritate. [‘ashun’]

on-scuniendlic (CP), -scunigendlic (Æ) hateful, detestable.

onscunigend m. hater, #Bl# 111^29.

onscunung f. execration, abomination: exasperation.

onscynian = onscunian

onscyte m. attack, assault: defamation, calumny.

onseacan (Cp 665) = onsceacan

onsēcan require, exact, Jul. [‘onseek’]

onsecgan to renounce, deny: offer sacrifice, AO: impute, Æ: inform, Æ.

onsēgednes = onsǣgednes [[headword spelled “onsægednes”]]

onsēn (#VPs#) = ansīen

onsendan to send out, send forth, transmit, yield up, AO, CP.

onsēon I. (sv^5) to see, look on, behold, regard, take notice of, AO. II. (A) = ansīen

on-set, -setl, n. a sitting on, riding on, GD 183.

onsetenes f. laying on (of hands), MH 84^2.

onsetnes I. f. constitution, founding. II. f. snare, DR 121^19. [sittan]

onsetnung f. snare, DR 147^7.

onsettan to impose, oppress, bear down.

onsīcan^1 to sigh, groan, #Bo#.

onsīen = ansīen

onsīgan^1 to sink, decline, descend: approach, impend, Æ: assail, Æ.

onsit = onset

onsittan I. sv^5 to seat oneself in, occupy, Æ: oppress. II. sv^5 to fear, dread (= ond-).

onsittend m. rider, CHy 4^1.

onslæge m. blow, WW. [slege]

onslǣpan^7 and wv. to go to sleep, sleep, BH.

onslāpan = onslǣpan

onslūpan^7 to become loose, W 83.

onslȳpan to loosen.

onsnǣsan (LL 69[36]) v. snǣsan.

onsnīðan^1 to cut up, #Lcd# (ES 43·321).

onsond = onsand

onspǣc f. imputation, charge, claim.

onspannan^7 to unfasten, unbind, unloose, open, disclose, release.

onspeca m. accuser, claimant, LL 138[1,3].

onspecend m. accuser, TC 169^17.

onspornan = onspurnan

onspornend (= un-) not stumbling, #Sc# 187^8.

onsprǣc f. speech, discourse, GD 332^9 (an-).

onsprecan^5 to accuse: address.

onspreccan to enliven, #Rim# 9?

onspringan^3 to spring forth, originate, rise, burst forth, burst asunder.

onsprungennes f. eclipse, WW 225^39.

onspurnan^3 to strike against, stumble.

onstæl m. order, arrangement, #Gu# 796.

onstǣlan to impute to, accuse of, MFH 170.

onstæpe (e) m. ingress, #ESPs# 67^26.

onstæppan^6 to walk, go.

onstal (= ea?) m. provision, supply, CP 4^1.

onstāl m? charge, reproof, OEG.

onstandende urgent, importunate, #Sc# 111^4.

onstellan to institute, create, originate, establish, give the example of, Bl; AO, CP. [‘onstell’]

onstēpan (= īe) to raise, † Hy 4^38.

onstīgend m. one who ascends or mounts, VHy 4^1.

onsting m. claim, authority, jurisdiction, Ct.

onstīðian to harden, JnLR 12^40.

onstregdan^3 (and wk.) to sprinkle, #BJPs# 50^9; #VPs# (i^2).

onstydfullnes f. instability, DR.

onstȳran to govern, BH 276^11 (v.l.).

onstyr-ednes, -enes f. movement.

onstyrian to move, rouse, disturb, stir, agitate, excite, CP.

onsund == ansund

onsun-dran, -dron, -drum adv. singly, separately, apart: privately: especially.

onsundrian = āsyndrian [[under “āsyndran”]]

onswāpan^7 to sweep on, blow on, #Gl#: sweep away, banish.

onswarian = andswarian

onswebban to put to sleep, bury, #Gl#.

onswīfan^1 to swing forward, turn against: push off, put aside, turn away.

onswīðlic mighty, loud, ÆL 31^281.

onswōgan^7 (in-) to encroach upon, BH.

onswornod confused, NC 315.

onsymbelnes f. celebration (of mass), BH 112^8.

onsȳn = ansīen

onsȳne † visible, evident.

onsyngian = unsyngian

ontalu f. claim at law, TC 302^22.

ontēnan (#KGl# 65^5) = ontȳnan

ontendan to kindle, set fire to, inflame, Æ, Lcd, LL. [‘tind,’ ‘ontend’]

ontendnes (y) f. burning, fire, Æ: inflammation, Æ: incitement, fuel, Æ: passion.

ontēon^2 to draw to oneself, assume, undertake, CP: pull: (= un-) untie.

ontēona m. injury, oppression, #ERPs# 102^6.

ontige m. claim, usurpation, RB 140^9.

ontiht intent, attentive, eager, #Sc# 27^2.

ontihting f. attention, application, aim, intention, instigation, #Sc#.

ontimber matter, material, Æ: cause, reason, occasion, Æ.

ontimbernes f. material, MF 171: teaching, edification.

ontimbr-an, -ian, to instruct, BH.

ontre = antre

ontrēowan to entrust, confide, #Da# 269?

ontȳdran to nourish, foster, AO 182^26.

ontȳdre ‘sine foetu,’ effete, WW. [= ortydre?]

ontȳgnes f. accusation, LL 22[37].

ontyhtan to urge on, incite, B 3086.

ontȳnan (ē) to open, reveal, display, CP. [tūn]

ontyndnes = ontendnes

ontȳnnes f. opening.

onðæslic (#Sc# 33^20) = unðæslic

onðenian to stretch, #EPs# 63^3.

onðēodan to join oneself to, associate with, take part in.

onðēon^1,3 † to be useful, succeed, prosper.

onðēowigan to serve, CM 473.

±onðracian to fear, dread.

onðracung (an-) f. fear, awe, #LPs# 34^26.

on-ðræce, -ðræclic (an-) formidable, dreadful, Æ.

onðrēagung f. reproach, ÆL 23b^672.

onðrecan^5 refl. to fear, #Guth# 132^208.

onðringan^3 to press on or forward, AO: move, be moved? #Gu# 1300.

onðunian to swell up? move round? #Rd# 41^91: exceed bounds.

onðwægennes f. washing, HL 13^138,154.

onðwēan^6 to wash.

onu = heonu

onufan prep. (w. d.) and adv. above, upon, on, Jud; AO: beyond, after. [‘anoven’]

onunder (an-) under, MF (Vesp. D xiv).

onunwīsdōm? m. ignorance, #Bl# 89^10.

onuppan I. prep. (w. d.) upon, on, CP. II. adv. in addition, besides.

onwacan^6 to awake, AO: originate from, be born.

onwaccan f. incitement, arousing, DR 74^12.

onwacnian = onwæcnian [[under “onwæcnan”]]

onwadan^6 to penetrate into, attach, seize, occupy.

onwǣcan to weaken, shake (a resolution), soften, mollify, CP. [wāc]

onwæcenes f. arousing, GD 337^33.

on-wæcnan, -wæcnian (e) to awake, CP: arise, spring, be born.

onwǣld (N) == onweald

onwæmme = unwemme

onwǣre? adj. unripe, #Lcd# 12a.

onwæstm m. increase, DR 69^9. [ōwæstm]

onwæterig = unwæterig

onwald == onweald

onwalh == onwealg

onwarian to guard oneself against, MFH 171.

onwealcan^7 to roll, roll round.

onweald (a^1, a^2) I. mfn. authority, power, rule, sway, command, AO, Lk; CP: jurisdiction, territory, CP. II. adj. mighty, powerful. [‘onwald’]

onwealda m. ruler, governor, sovereign: the Lord, God.

onwealdend m. ruler.

+onwealdian (an-) to have dominion over, get possession of, #LPs#, LkLR (æ).

onwealdig (a^1, a^2) powerful.

onwealdnes f. power, possession, #ERPs# 2^8.

onwealg, onwealh whole, sound, entire, uninjured, safe, AO.

onwealglīce (an-) wholly, completely, CP.

onwealhnes f. soundness, wholeness, purity, modesty, chastity.

onweard (= and-) adj. acting against, opposed to.

onwecnian = onwæcnian [[under “onwæcnan”]]

onweg (aweg) adv. ‘away,’ forth, out, off, onward, along, B, Chr.

onwegācyrrednes, -cyrnes f. apostasy, BH 176 (v.l.).

onwegādrīfan^1 to drive away, #VPs#.

onwegādrifennes f. a driving away, GD 185^13.

onwegāfirran to remove away, VHy.

onwegālǣdnes f. removal, BH 446^16.

onwegānȳdan to drive away, repel.

onwegāscūfan^2 to push away, #VPs#.

onwegāwendan to remove, #VPs#.

onwegfæreld n. departure, GD 119^26.

onweggewit n. aberration (of mind), #VPs# 115^11.

onweggewitennes f. departure, BH 170^10.

onwegnȳdan = onwegānȳdan

onwegoncernes = onwegācerrednes [[headword spelled “onwegācyrrednes”]]

onwegpullian to pull away, ES 43·339.

onwendan to change, exchange: upset, end, overturn, turn aside, avert, #VPs#: change for the better, amend: change for the worse, pervert: transgress: deprive: return.

onwendedlic changeable, #Lcd# 3·164^8.

on-wendednes, -wendnes f. movement, change, alteration, #VPs#.

onweorpan^3 (in-) cast in one’s teeth, accuse: turn or throw aside: begin the web.

onweorpnes f. onpouring, BH 118^5.

onwēstan = āwēstan

onwīcan^1 to yield, give, way, #Gl#.

onwille wished for, agreeable, #Gu# 700.

onwindan^3 unwind, loosen: retire, retreat, #An# 531.

onwinnan^3 to attack, assail.

onwinnende assailing, aggressive, Æ.

onwist ‡ f. dwelling at a place, habitation.

onwlite = andwlite

onworpennes f. enticement, allurement, inspiration.

onwrecan = āwrecan

onwrēon^1,2 to uncover, unfold, display, explain, reveal, Æ, CP.

on-wrig(en)nes, -wrihnes f. revelation, exposure, exposition, Æ. [wrēon]

onwrīting f. inscription, Lk 20^24. [‘onwriting’]

onwrītung = onwrīðung

onwrīðan to unbind, unwrap, #Jud# 173.

onwrīðung f. ligament, bandage, WW 439^13 (onwrīt-).

onwunian to inhabit, remain, #Ps#.

onwunung f. dwelling-place: assiduity, OEG 75.

onwurpan = onweorpan

onwyllan to cause to boil, inflame, #Gu# 362.

onwylwan to roll up, roll together, EHy 2^12.

onȳðan to pour in, #Sc# 200^7.

onȳwan to show, manifest.

open ‘open,’ exposed, AO, B, Bl, Jn, WW: evident, well-known, public, manifest, plain, clear, AO, Bo, Jn.

openærs m. medlar, WW 137^36. [‘openarse’]

openere m. opener, A 8·326^5.

±openian to ‘open,’ open up, disclose, declare, reveal, Æ, BH, Ps; CP: (+) intr. become manifest: (+) be open to, exposed to.

openlic open, public, WW. adv. -līce ‘openly,’ manifestly, plainly, clearly, unreservedly, Bl, Bo, RB.

opennes f. openness, publicity, OEG.

±openung f., opening, disclosure, manifestation.

oportanie = aprotane

ōr n. beginning, origin: front. [cp. ord]

or prefix (lit. ‘out of’ = L. ex-) is privative, as in orsorg, orwēna; or denotes origin, antiquity, as in oreald. [Ger. ur-]

ōra I. m. border, bank, shore, #Chr#; Mdf. II. m. ‘ore,’ unwrought metal, BH, Ps, WW: brass, ÆGr, Cp, CP. III. a coin of Danish origin, LkL, LL (v. 2·601). [‘ora’]

orað = oroð

orblēðe bloodless, WW 397^29. [blōd]

orc I. m. pitcher, crock, cup. [Late L. orca; L. urceus] II. m. demon, #Gl#. [L. orcus]

or-cēape, -cēapes, -cēapunga, -cēapungum adv. gratis, without cause.

orc-eard, -erd (Æ, Lcd) = ortgeard

orcēas inviolable, unimpugned, unassailed, #Gl#.

orcēasnes f. immunity, purity, #Gl#.

orcerdlēh f. orchard. [ortgeard, lēah]

orcerdweard m. gardener, WW 333^25.

orcgeard, orcird = ortgeard

orcnǣwe (ā) easily recognised, evident, well-known.

orcnēas mp. monsters, B 112.

orcðyrs m. monster of hell, Orcus, WW.

orcyrd = ortgeard

ord m. point, spear-point, spear, B, CP: source, beginning, Æ, CP: front, vanguard, Æ: chief, prince; in pl. first men, the flower. [‘ord’]

ordǣle not participating, WW.

ordāl (ē) n. ‘ordeal,’ LL. [Ger. urteil]

ordālīsen n. iron used in an ordeal, LL 388[1].

ordbana m. (spear-slayer), murderer, #Gen# 1097.

ordceard = ortgeard

ordēl = ordāl

ordfruma m. fount, source, Æ: author, creator, instigator, AO: (†) head man, chief, prince.

ordstæpe m. spear-stab, wound, #Rd# 71^16.

ordwyga † m. warrior.

-ōre v. īsen-ō.

oreald very old, #Bo# 102^18. [Ger. uralt]

ōred- = ōret-

orel n. robe, garment, mantle, veil, Æ. [L. orarium]

oreldo = oryldu

orene I. excessive. II. n. excess.

orenlīce excessively, MF 171.

ōret † m. contest, battle.

ōret- = ōrett-

ōretfeld m. place of contest, OEG 8^50.

ōretla m. contumely, insult, GD 200^16.

ōretlof n. triumph, CM 497.

ōret-mæcga, -mecg, -mæcg m. champion, warrior.

ōretscipe (orret-) m. infamy, WW.

ōretstōw f. wrestling place, place of contest, OEG.

ōrett- = ōret-

ōretta † m. champion, warrior, hero.

±ōrettan to put to confusion, disgrace.

oreð = oroð

oreðian = orðian

orf n. cattle, live stock, Æ, Chr, LL. [‘orf’]

orfcwealm (a^2) m. cattle-plague, murrain.

orfcynn (i^2) n. cattle.

orfeorme (y) (†) destitute of, lacking: (†) empty, useless: squalid, filthy.

orfeormnes f. squalor, filthiness, Cp 488#s#.

orfgebitt n. grazing, WW 149^33.

orfiermu f. squalor, OET 96^933.

orfyrme = orfeorme

orfyrmð refuse, OEG 609.

organ m. canticle, song: voice.

organa? organe? f., organ-an, -on pl. musical instrument, Æ, ApT, Ps. [‘organ’; L. organum]

organe f. marjoram, Lcd. [‘organ’; L. origanum]

organian = orgnian

organystre player on a musical instrument, Æ (#Gen# 4^21).

orgeate = orgyte

orgel I. pride, WW (o^2). [‘orgel’] II. = organa

orgeldrēam m. sound of a musical instrument, Bl.

orgellic ignominious, CP. adv. -līce proudly, insolently, scornfully, Æ.

orgelnes f. pride, OEG 1108.

orgelword n. arrogant speech, Æ.

orgete = orgyte

orgilde not having discharged a payment (of ‘wergeld’), LL.

orglīce = orgellīce

orgnian to sing to an instrumental accompaniment, #ÆGr# 181^2.

orgol == orgel

orgyte (ea, e) well known, manifest, AO.

orh- = org-

orhlættre = orleahtre

orhlȳte without lot or share in, destitute of, Æ.

orīege out of sight, not visible, ANS 98·128.

orl m. = orel n.

orlæg † (e) n. fate.

orleahter m. ‘discrimen,’ lack of vice or defect, v. ES 37·179.

orleahtre blameless.

orleg = orlæg

orlegcēap m. battle-booty? #Gen# 1994.

orlege I. n. conflict, strife, war. II. adj. hostile, inimical.

orlegfrom keen in battle, #Rd# 21^15.

orleggīfre (æ) fond of strife, #Gen# 2287.

orleghwīl † f. war-time.

orlegnīð † m. war, hostility.

orlegsceaft f. ‘supplicium’? #Sol# 456? (GK).

orlegstund f. time of adversity, #Sol# 374.

orlegweorc n. battle. #Gen# 2020.

ormǣte I. (ā, ē) adj. boundless, huge, excessive, intense, Æ, Chr; AO. II. adv. [‘ormete’; metan]

ormǣtlic excessive, #Chr# 1117.

ormǣtnes f. excess, immensity, Æ.

or-mēte, -mette = ormǣte

ormōd despondent, despairing, hopeless, Bo, Hept; Æ, CP. [‘ormod’]

ormōdnes f. desperation, despair, CP.

orn (= arn) pret. 3 sg, of iernan.

orne = orene

ornest n. trial by battle, LL.

oroð n. breath, breathing, snorting.

orped adult, active. adv. -līce boldly: clearly, definitely.

orrest f. battle, combat, #Chr#. [ON. orrusta]

orret- = ōret-

orsāwle lifeless, dead, Æ.

orsceattinga gratuitously, BH 242^7.

orsorg (w. g.) unconcerned, without care or anxiety, safe, CP. [OHG. ursorg]

orsorglic (w. g.) secure, CP. adv. -līce carelessly, rashly, Æ, CP: without anxiety or hindrance: securely, safely, CP.

orsorgnes f. security, prosperity, CP.

orsorh = orsorg

ortgeard, orcerd m. garden, ‘orchard,’ CP.

ortgeard- = orcerd-

ortrēowe = ortrīewe

ortrēownes f. diffidence, mistrust.

ortrīewan (y) to despair of: (+) disbelieve.

ortrīewe despairing, hopeless, AO, W (ēo, ȳ): treacherous, faithless. [‘ortrow’]

±ortrūwian w. g. to despair, Æ. [‘ortrow’]

ortrūwung f. despair, #Sc# 131^3,4.

ortrȳw- = ortrīew-

ortȳdre barren, A 11·2^42.

orð (#KGl#) = oroð

orðanc I. mn. intelligence, understanding, mind: cleverness, skill: skilful work, mechanical art, Æ. [OHG. urdank] II. adj. ingenious, skilful.

orðancbend (o^2) f. cunning bond, band, #Rd# 43^15.

orðances † thoughtlessly.

orðanclic intelligent? GD 269^13.

orðancpīl (o^2) m. ploughshare? #Rd# 22^13.

orðancscipe m. mechanical art, #Gl#.

orðancum skilfully.

orðian to breathe, gasp, Æ: long for, aspire to, Æ. [oroð]

orðonc (CP) == orðanc

orðung f. breathing, breath, Æ: pore.

oruð = oroð

orwearde adv. unguarded, B 3127.

orweg trackless? A 19·110.

orwegnes f. state of being out of the way, WW 220^34.

orwegstīg f. out-of-the-way track, WW.

orwēna indecl. adj. (w. g.) hopeless, despairing of, Æ.

+orwenan to despair, Æ.

or-wēne, -wēna (w. g.) hopeless, despairing of, Æ: despaired of, desperate.

orwēnnes f. despair, Æ.

orwīge not fighting, unwarlike, cowardly: not liable to the legal consequences (of homicide), LL 76[42,5,7].

orwīte = orwīge

orwurð n. ignominy, #CPs# 82^17.

orwyrð (#VPs#), orwyrðu f. shame, dishonour: abuse.

+orwyrðan to disgrace.

orwyrðlic shameful, MH 156^21.

oryldu f. great age. [ieldo]

ōs m., gp. ēsa a divinity, god: name of the rune for =o=.

oser ‘vimen,’ osier, OEG 10^2.

ōsle f. ‘merula,’ ‘ouzel,’ blackbird, Cp, Ep, WW. [amsel]

ōst m. protuberance, knot, lump.

ōstig, ōstiht knotty, rough, scaly, #Gl#.

ostorscyll f. oyster-shell, #Lcd# 1·338^16.

osterhlāf m. oyster-patty, #Lcd# 79a.

ostre f. oyster, WW. [L. ostrca]

ot I. (#VPs#, N) = æt. II. = oð

oter (KC) = otor

oterhola m. otter’s hole, KC 3·23^28.

otor, otr (Ep), ottor m. ‘otter,’ WW.

otsperning (#KGl# 70^16) = ætspornung

oð I. prep. w. a. and (rarely) d. to, up to, as far as: until, Æ, AO, CP. oð ðisum up to now, ES 43·166. II. conj. until. III. as prefix. usu. denotes departure, separation, as in oðfeallan, oðwendan.

oðberan † to bear away, carry off: bring.

oðberstan^3 to break away, escape.

oð-brēdan, -bregdan^3 to snatch away, carry off, rescue, remove, withdraw, Gu; AO. [‘atbraid’]

oðclīfan^1 to cleave to, stick, adhere, #Cr# 1267.

oðcwelan^4 to die, LL 112[53].

oðcyrran to be turned from, perverted, #Jul# 338. [cierran]

oðdōn anv. to put out (eyes), LL 32[19].

oðēawan = oðīewan

oðēcan to add to, #VPs# 68^27. [ēac]

oðēhtian to drive away, #Lcd# 1·384^15.

ōðel = ēðel

oðēowan = oðīewan

ōðer I. pron. sb. or adj. (always strong) one of two, Æ, AO, BH, Bo, LL: second, Æ, Bo, BH, Mt: ‘other,’ BH, LL, Mt: something else, anything else, BH, Bo: alternate, next: remaining, rest, A, AO, Ps: further, existing besides, Æ, Bl, Bo: another: (in pl.) the rest, the others. ōðer...ōðer the one...the other, Æ, Bl, CP: other...than, CP. ōðer oððe...oððe either...or. ōðer healf one and a half, BH. II. (‘aut’) = āhwæðer. comp. adv. ōðerlīcor otherwise, RB 87^19. [‘otherliker’] III. word, speech (‘eloquium’), #PPs# 118^38. [ON. ōðr]

oðēwan = oðīewan

oðfæstan † to inflict upon: set to (a task), entrust, commit, CP.

oðfaran^6 w. d. to flee from, escape, Ex. [‘atfare’]

oðfeallan^1 to fall off, decline, decay, CP: fall away from, be lost to, be wanting, fail: cease to concern.

oðfēolan^3 to cleave, adhere, WW 416^24.

oðferian to take away, bear off: save (life).

oðflēogan^2 to fly away, #Ph# 347.

oðflēon^2 (w. d.) to flee away, escape, Æ, AO.

oðflītan^1 to gain by legal process, Ct.

oðgān anv. to go away, escape, B 2934.

oðglīdan^1 to glide away, escape, #Sol# 401.

oðgrīpan^1 to rescue, BH 408^27.

oðhealdan^7 to keep back, CP. [‘athold’]

oðhebban^6 to raise, exalt, lift up, CP.

oðhelde = oðhylde

oðhlēapan^7 to escape, LL 218[1,11].

oðhrīnan^1 to touch, HL 16^228.

oðhȳdan to hide from, AO 94^11.

oðhylde (e) contented, #Lcd#.

ōðian to pant. [cp. ēðian]

oðiernan^3 to run away.

oðīewan (ē, ēa, ēo, ī, ȳ) tr. to show, Gen; CP: show oneself, appear, become visible, El (ȳ). [‘atew’]

oðlǣdan to lead away, carry off, snatch from, withdraw.

oðrān = oðhrān, pret. 3 sg. of oðhrīnan.

oðrīdan^1 to ride, proceed, #Hell# 40.

oðrinnan^3 to run off, escape, #Met# 20^138.

oðrōwan^7 to escape by rowing, row away, #Chr# 897#a#.

oðsacan^6 (w. g.) to deny, abjure, AO.

oðscacan^6 to escape, LL 177[6,3].

oðscēotan^2 to escape, slip off, turn aside, Æ.

oðscūfan^2 intr. to move off, #Ph# 168.

ōðsperning f. stumbling-block, #KGl#.

oðspurnan^3 (o) to dash against.

oðstandan^6 to stand fixed, remain, stop, cease, AO: stand behind, Æ: perplex, hinder.

oðstillan to stop, #Lcd# 1·82^5.

oðswerian^6 to abjure, deny on oath, AO.

oðswīgan to cease speaking, become silent, OET 631.

oðswimman^3 (y) to escape by swimming, #Chr# 915#d#.

oðtēon^2 to take away, #Lcd# 87a.

oðða = oððe

oððæt conj. until.

oððe conj. or, Chr, Ct, VPs. oððe...oððe either...or, BH. [‘other’] (= oð ðe) until.

oððēodan to sever, dismember, #An# 1423.

oððet (#KGl# 61^19) = oððæt

oððicgan^5 to take away, #Ex# 338.

oððingian to obtain by unfair means, usurp, LL (412^9).

oððon conj. or. [= oððe]

oððringan^3 to deprive of, AO: drive out, GD.

oðwendan to turn away, divert, deprive of, Gen 403. [‘atwend’]

oðwindan^3 to escape, get away, #Chr# 897#a#.

oðwītan^1 to charge with, blame, reproach with, taunt, AO, CP.

oðwyrcan to harm? #Lcd# 1·384^5.

oðȳwan = oðīewan

ōwæstm m. shoot, branch, twig.

ōwana (N) = āhwonan

ō-web, -wef (ā) n. woof, weft, WW. [‘abb’]

ōwēr, ōwern (BH) = āhwǣr

ōwiht = āwiht

ōwisc f. edge, KC 3·388^25.

ōwðer = āhwæðer

ōwul = āwel

oxa m. nap. oxan, œxen, exen, dp. ox(n)um ‘ox,’ Ct, JnL, Rd, VPs, WW; CP.

oxancelf n. ox-calf, Æ.

oxangang m. an eighth of a ‘plough-land,’ hide.

oxanhyrde m. herdsman, OEG, WW.

oxanslyppe f. ‘oxlip,’ Lcd.

ōxn f. arm-pit, WW.

oxnahyrde = oxanhyrde

oxnalybb n. ox-heal (plant), #Lcd#.

oxstælde equal to? competent for? Cp 1032. (v. ES 43·314).

ōxta = ōcusta

oxum v. oxa.

oxumelle m. oxymel.


pād f. covering, coat, cloak, WW.

padde, pade, f. toad, frog, BC 2·377^16; #Chr# 1137. [ON. padda]

pǣca m. deceiver, #Bas# 40^21.

pǣcan to cheat, deceive.

pægel m. gill, small measure, wine vessel, WW 124^2 (A 8·450). [v. ‘pail’]

pǣl ?= pāl (v. OEG 19^3).

pæll (e) m. silk robe, cloak, ÆGr: ‘pall,’ hanging, covering, Æ: purple garment, purple, BH, WW. [L. pallium]

pællen (e) of costly stuff, purple, Æ. [‘pallen’]

pællerēad = fellerēad

pælm == palm

pæneg, pæning = pening

-pǣran v. ā-, for-p.

pærl? ‘enula,’ (‘gemmula’? Wülker), #ÆGr# 304^7.

pǣtig = (prǣtig), prættig

pæð (a) mfn. nap. paðas ‘path,’ track, Cp, Chr, Ps; Æ: valley, LkL.

pæððan to traverse, travel over, pass along, Met, Rd. [‘path’]

pāl m. ‘pole,’ stake, post, WW 334^2: spade. [L. palus]

palendse (AO), palentse, pal(l)ente f., pālent (Æ) m. palace. [Late L. palantium or palantia]

pālentlic belonging to a palace, palatial, WW 342^7.

palester = palstr

pallium m. pallium, ÆL 36^166. [L.]

palm (æ), palma m. ‘palm’ tree, Æ, JnL, VPs.

palm-æppel, -appel m. date, WW.

palmbearu m. palm-grove, WW 488^13.

palm-dæg (Æ), -sunnandæg (Lk 19^29) m. ‘Palm Sunday.’

palm-trēo, -trēow m. ‘palm-tree,’ Æ, Jn.

palmtwig n. palm twig, palm branch, Æ.

+palmtwigian † to deck with palm-branches.

palmwuce f. week of which Palm Sunday is the first day.

palstr, palster sb. prick, point, spike, #Gl#.

pandher m. panther, #Pa# 12.

panic m. a kind of millet, #Lcd#.

panmete m. cooked food, WW 409^9.

panne (o) f. ‘pan,’ CP, WW.

pāpa m. ‘pope,’ BH; Æ, CP. [L. papa]

pāpanhād m. papal office, Æ. [‘popehood’]

pāpdōm m. papacy, #Chr#.

paper m? papyrus, WW 523^7.

papig = popig

papolstān m. pebble, Æ. [‘pebblestone’; L. papula]

pāp-seld, -setl n. papacy, #Bl# 205^20.

paralisin ds. of sb. paralysis, ÆL.

pard m. panther. [L. pardus]

-parian v. ā-p.

part m. ‘part,’ ÆGr. [L. partem]

passion f. nap. passione the part of the gospel containing the account of Christ’s passion, OET 444^37.

pað = pæð

pāwa m. pāwe f. peacock, peahen, ÆGr, Ep, Lcd, WW. [‘po’; Lat. pavo]

pēa m. peafowl, Ph 312. [‘pea’]

peall? ‘defrutum’ (sc. vinum), OEG (v. ES 37·184).

peaneg = pening

pear-roc, -ruc m. ‘clatrum,’ fence with which a space is enclosed, Gl: enclosure, enclosed land, Bo, Chr, KC; ÆL. [‘parrock’]

pecg m? pig? BC 3·223 (pygg? v. #SkED#).

pell = pæll

pellen = pællen

pellican m. ‘pelican,’ Ps 101^5.

pen = penn

pending, pene(n)g, penig = pening

pening m. ‘penny,’ coin, money, Æ, Cp, Ct, G, LL (v. 2·614): pennyweight, Lcd.

pening-hwyrfere, -mangere m. money-changer, WW.

peningslæht m. coining money, MtL 17^25.

peningwǣg f. pennyweight, #Lcd# 47b.

peningweorð n. pennyworth, Lcd, KC (u^3); Æ.

penn m. ‘pen,’ fold, BC; Mdf. [L.]

pennig, penning = pening

pentecosten m. ‘Pentecost,’ A, Æ.

pēo = pīe

peonie f. ‘peony,’ Lcd 1·168^14. [L.]

peorð m. name of the rune for =p=, chessman? #Run# 38.

peose (piose, pyose) = pise

pere = peru

perewōs n. pear-juice, perry, WW 128^20.

perfince = perwince

pernex m. a supposed bird? (mistranslation of L. pernix), #Rd# 41^66.

per-sic, -soc, -suc m. peach. [L. persicum]

persoctrēow n. peach-tree, WW 138^1.

peru f. ‘pear,’ ÆGr. [L. pirum]

perwince f. ‘periwinkle’ (plant), WW.

petersilie f. ‘parsley,’ Lcd. [Ger. petersilie]

pētig = (prǣtig), prættig

peððan = pæððan

philosoph m. philosopher, AO.

pic n. ‘pitch,’ Ep, Sc; Æ. [L. picem]

pīc m. point, pointed tool, pick, pickaxe, Cp, WW. [‘pike’]

picen pitchy, of pitch.

+pīcian to cover with ‘pitch,’ Lcd 10a.

pīcung f. ‘pricking,’ Cp 572#s# (‘stigmata’).

pīe f. parasite, #Gl#.

pierisc Pierian, A 31·535.

pigment, pihment (y) drug, #Lcd#. [L.]

pihten part of a loom, OEG. [L. pecten]

pīl m. a pointed object, spike, nail, shaft, stake, Æ: arrow, dart, javelin: pl. hairs of plants, Lcd 1·304. [‘pile’; L. pilum]

pilce = pylece

pile = pyle

pīle f. mortar, CP. [L. pila]

pilece = pylece

pīlere m. one who pounds in a mortar, WW 141^9.

pīlian to pound in a mortar, WW 114^25.

pillsāpe f. ‘silotrum,’ soap for removing hair? WW 127^36 (v. ES 43·334).

+pilod piled up, #Ex# 16^14.

pīlstæf m. pestle, CP 267^2.

pīl-stampe f., -stocc m., pīlstre f. pestle, WW.

pīn f. pain, torment, anguish, torture. [L. poena]

pīnbēam m. pine-tree, Æ. [v. ‘pine’]

pinca = pynca

pīnecwalu m? n? torture, W 241^13.

pīnere m. tormentor.

pinewincle = winewincle

pingan = pyngan

pīn-hnutu f. ds. -hnyte fir-cone, Lcd. [‘pine-nut’]

±pīnian to torture, torment, AO, MtL; Æ, CP. [‘pine’; L. poena]

pinn sb. ‘pin,’ peg, A: pen. [L. penna]

pinnan obl. case of wk. sb. pinne? flask, bottle, WW 97^10.

pīnnes f. pain, torture, TC 369^34.

pinsian to weigh, consider, examine, reflect, CP. [L. pensare]

pintel ‘penis,’ WW 292^16. [‘pintle’]

pīntrēow n. ‘pine-tree,’ Lcd; ÆL.

pīn-trēowen, -trȳwen of or belonging to a pine-tree, #Lcd#.

pīnung f. torture, torment, punishment, Æ, AO.

pīnungtōl n. instrument of torture, Æ.

pionie (OEG 56^418) = peonie

piose = pise

pīpdrēam m. piping, #Lcd# 3·208^22.

pīpe f. ‘pipe,’ tube, Lcd; Mdf: wind instrument, W, ZDA.

pipeneale f. pimpernel.

piper = pipor

pīpere m. ‘piper,’ MtR, WW.

piperhorn m. horn for pepper, pepper-castor, LL 455[17].

pīpian to ‘pipe,’ (blow an instrument), NC (ZDA 34·234).

piplian (y) to show eruptions, break out in pimples, #Lcd#.

pīplic musical, OEG 1644.

pipor (e^2) m. ‘pepper,’ Æ, Lcd. [L. piper]

piporcorn n. ‘pepper-corn,’ Lcd.

piporcwyrn f. pepper mill, ANS 84·325.

±piporian, -piprian to season with ‘pepper,’ Lcd.

pirenisc Pyrrhenian, A 31·535.

pirge (#Gl#) = pirie

pirgrāf m. pear-orchard, KC 5·284^23.

pirie, pirige (Æ) f. pear-tree.

pīs heavy, NG. [L. pensum]

pise f. (eo, io, y) pea, Cp, Lcd, WW. [‘pease’]

pīsle f. warm chamber? WW 186^10. [Low L. pisalis]

pīslic heavy, NG. adv. -līce.

pistel == pistol

pistol m. letter, Æ: apostolic letter, Æ. [‘pistle’; L. epistola]

pistolbōc f. book of the epistles, LL. [v. ‘pistle’]

pistolclāð m. vestment worn by the epistoller, BC 3·366´.

pistolrǣdere m. epistle-reader, sub-deacon, CM 584 etc.

pistolrǣding f. a lesson in the church service, Æ. [v. ‘pistle’]

pistolrocc m. vestment worn by the epistoller, TC 429^22 (e^2).

pitt == pytt

piða wm. inward part, ‘pith,’ Bo; CP.

placunis = wlacunis [[headword spelled “wlacunes”]]

plæce f. open space, street, DR, MtLR. [‘place’; L. platea]

plæg- = pleg-

plæse, plætse = plæce

plætt m. slap, smack, ÆH 2·248^25.

plættan to buffet, smack, Jn 19^3. [‘plat’]

plagian = plegian

plante f. ‘plant,’ shoot, CP, VPs. [L. planta]

±plantian to ‘plant,’ Æ, CP, VPs.

plantsticca m. dibble, WW 106^17.

plantung f. ‘planting,’ WW: plant, Mt.

plaster I. n. ‘plaster’ (as medicament), DD, Lcd. [L. emplastrum] II. = palster [[II. under “palstr”]]

plasterplatian to cover with metal plates.

+platod plated (of gold), OEG 11^61.

platung f. metal plate, WW 196^24. [v. ‘plate’]

pleagian = plegian

plega (a, æ) m. quick motion, movement, exercise, Chr, Cp (æ), Cr, Gen, WW: ‘play,’ festivity, drama, game, sport, AO, Bl; Æ: battle, B: applause.

plegan, ±plegian (a, æ, eo) (pres. occly. strong) †to move rapidly, An, Gen: exercise, occupy or busy oneself, Bo, Bl, LL: ‘play,’ sport with, amuse oneself, dance, CP, MtL: contend, fight: play on an instrument, VPs: clap the hands, applaud, El, VPs: make sport of, mock, Æ, Gen: cohabit (with), Rd 43^2.

plegemann = plegmann

plegende ‘playing,’ Shr.

plegere m. ‘player,’ WW 108^9.

plegestōw = plegstōw

plegestre f. female athlete, OEG 4735.

pleghūs n. ‘playhouse,’ theatre, OEG 1752.

plegian = plegan

pleglic (#Gl#) athletic: scenic: comic.

plegmann m. gymnosophist, athlete, #Gl#.

plegol playful, jocular, ÆL 21^292.

plegscip n. small vessel, WW 181^40.

plegscyld (e^2) m. play-shield, small shield, #Gl#.

plegstōw f. playground, gymnasium, amphitheatre, Lcd, WW. [‘playstow’]

plēo ds. of pleoh.

pleogan = plegan

pleoh n. gs. plēos danger, risk, harm, Æ, AO, CP: responsibility, LL 70[36,2].

plēolic dangerous, hurtful, hazardous, Æ, AO.

plēon^5 (w. g.) to expose to danger, adventure oneself, CP.

plett f? fold, NG. [L. plecta]

plice v. plyccan.

plicettan? to play with, v. NC 315.

plicgan to scrape, scratch, GPH 396.

pliht m. peril, risk, danger, damage, VPs, WW; Æ. tō plihte dangerously. [plēon; ‘plight’]

plihtan to imperil, endanger, compromise, LL. [‘plight’]

plihtere m. look-out man at the prow, OEG.

plihtlic perilous, dangerous.

ploccan = pluccian

plōg, plōh m. what a yoke of oxen could plough in a day, a plough-land, Lcd. [‘plough’]

plont- = plant-

plot plot of ground, LL 400[3].

pluccian to ‘pluck,’ tear, Æ, Mt, WW.

plūmblǣd f. plum, #Lcd# 86a.

plūme f. ‘plum,’ Æ, Cp: plum-tree, Cp, Ep, Erf; Mdf.

plūmfeðer f. down, ES 9·39. [L. pluma]

plūmsēaw n. plum-juice, #Lcd# 3·114^21 (ē).

plūmslā f. wild plum, sloe, WW 139^4.

plūmtrēow n. plum-tree, Æ.

plyccan only in plice 2 sg. subj. (IM 122) and plyce (imperat.) (IM 127) to pluck, pull, snatch, NC 315. [‘plitch’]

plyhtlic = plihtlic

plȳme f. plum, plum-tree, #Gl#. [L. *prunea]

pocādl f. eruptive disease, pox, #Lcd#.

pocc m. ‘pock,’ blister, pustule, blain, ulcer, Lcd.

pocca (LkL) = pohha

pohha, poh(ch)a m. pocket, bag, CP, MkL. [‘pough’]

pohhede baggy, RB. [‘pough’]

pōl m. ‘pool,’ CP, JnL; Æ; Mdf.

polente? f. parched corn, Æ. [‘polenta’; L.]

pollegie f. pennyroyal, #Lcd#. [L. pulegium]

pollup m. scourge? (BT), LL (278^26).

pon- = pan-

pond = pynd

popæg (Cp) = popig

popelstān (OEG 1815) = papolstān

popig m? ‘poppy,’ Gl, WW.

por, porr, porlēac n. leek, Æ. [L. porrum]

port I. mn. ‘port,’ harbour, AO: town with a harbour, BH; Mdf. [L. portus] II. m. portal, door, gate, entrance, MtL, Ps; Mdf. [‘port’; L. porta]

portcwēne f. prostitute, NG.

porte f. = port II.

portgeat n. city gate, Æ.

portgerēfa m. ‘port-reeve,’ mayor, Æ, LL, WW.

portgeriht n. town-due, KC 3·138^10.

±portian to bray (in a mortar), CP.

portic mn. portico, ‘porch,’ vestibule, sanctuary, chapel, BH, Jn; Æ. [L. porticus]

portmann m. townsman, burgess, Æ, WW. [‘portman’]

portstrǣt f. public street, Ct.

portweall m. city wall, Æ.

port-wer, -weora (= -wara) m. citizen.

±pos n. cold in head, Lcd. [‘pose’]

posa = pusa

posl, postling m. pellet, pill, #Lcd#.

post m. ‘post,’ Æ, WW. [L. postis]

postol m. apostle, LkR. [‘postle’]

potian to push, butt, goad, Æ, W. [‘pote’]

pott m. ‘pot,’ Lcd 1·378 (v. late).

pottere m. potter, BC 3·49´.

prætt m. nap. prattas trick, craft, art, Æ, W, ZDA. [‘prat’]

prættig (e) tricky, sly, cunning, wily, astute, WW; Æ. [‘pretty’]

prafost (o^1, a^2, e^2) m. officer, ‘provost’ (of a monastery), KC, MH, RB; Æ. [L. propos(i)tus]

prafostfolgoð m. order or rank of provost, RB 126^6.

prafostscīr f. provostship, RB 124^16.

pranga v. wranga.

prass m. array, pomp, Æ.

prattas v. prætt.

prēan = prēon

prēde = prȳde, prȳte [[“prȳte” under “prȳto”]]

prēdicere m. preacher, #ÆGr# 276^1.

prēdician to preach, Lk 8^1.

prēdicung f. preaching, NC 315.

prēon m. ‘fibula,’ pin, brooch, TC, WW. [‘preen’]

prēost (ēa, ē, īo) m. ‘priest,’ presbyter, BH, LL, Mt, WW; AO, CP.

prēostgesamnung f. community of priests, NC 315.

prēosthād m. ‘priesthood,’ BH, OEG; Æ, CP.

prēosthēap m. body of priests, GD 302^25.

prēosthīred (ȳ^2) m. body of priests.

prēostlagu f. ecclesiastical law, canon law, LL 380[2,3].

prēostlic ‘priestly,’ canonical, CM 667.

prēostrēaf n. priestly garment, NC 316.

prēostregol m. canonical rule, NC 316.

prēostscȳr f. parish, LL. [‘priestshire’]

prēowthwīl f. twinkling of an eye, moment, Æ.

press f. press, A 9·263^12.

prica m., price f. ‘prick,’ point, spot, dot, Æ, Lcd, Mt: small portion of space or time, A, Æ.

-priccan v. ā-p.

pricel, pricels m. ‘prickle,’ goad, point, Lk, OEG: jot, tittle, MtL, LkL.

±prician tr. to pierce, Æ: intr. ‘prick,’ sting, Sc: (+) point out, A 8·324.

pricmǣlum adv. by points.

pricung f. ‘pricking,’ remorse, Æ 2·88^22.

prīm n? the first hour (6 a.m.): the service held at 6 a.m., ‘prime,’ WW. [L. prima (sc. hora)]

prīmsang m. prime-song, service of prime.

prince? twinkling of an eye, moment, v. OEG 2369.

prior m. ‘prior,’ TC. [L.]

prīt = prȳt [[form of “prȳto”]]

prodbor (prot-) n. auger? MtR.

profast = prafost

prōfian to assume to be, take for, LL. [L. probare]

profost = prafost

prūt ‘proud,’ arrogant, OEG, Sc.

prutene (ū?) f. southern-wood, wormwood, #Lcd#. [L. abrotanum]

prūtian to be ‘proud,’ NC 316.

prūtlice adv. proudly, pompously, magnificently.

prūtscipe m. arrogance, pride.

prūtswongor overburdened with pride, W 257^12 (v.l.).

prūtung f. pride, arrogance, OEG. [v. ‘proud’]

prȳde = prȳte [[under “prȳto”]]

prȳdecere = prēdicere

prȳto, prȳte f. ‘pride,’ haughtiness, pomp, Æ, LL, OEG, W.

psaltere (Lcd) = saltere

psealm (WW), psalm == sealm

pūca m. goblin, OEG 23^2. [‘puck’]

pūcel m. goblin, GPH 394^242. [‘puckle’]

pucian to poke, creep, GPH 397.

pudd m. ditch, GPH 399.

puduc m. wart, GPH 396.

pull = pōl

pullian to ‘pull,’ draw, A: pluck off (wool), Lcd 3·176.

pūlsper n. reed, MtL 11^7 (v. A 39·364).

pumic m? pumice. [L. pumicem]

pumicstān m. pumice-stone, WW 148^3.

pund n. ‘pound’ (in weight or in money), pint, A, Ct, G, Lcd; Æ, AO. [L. pondo]

pundar, pundor = pundur

pundere m. one who weighs, MtL p2^3.

pundern n. pair of scales, OEG.

pundmǣte adj. of a pound weight, RB 63^16.

pundur n. weight, plumb-line, Cp 264#d#. [L. pondere]

pundwǣg f. pound weight, measure (of corn), LL.

pūnere m. ‘pounder,’ pestle, Sc 95^19.

pung m. purse, #Gl#.

pungetung f. pricking, #Lcd#. [pyngan]

±pūnian to ‘pound,’ beat, bruise, Lcd, Sc.

punt punt, WW. [L. ponto]

pūr bittern? sea-gull? WW.

purlamb n. lamb without blemish, Æ (#Ex# 12^5).

purpl, purple (JnL) = purpur [[under “purpure”]]

purpure f., purpur (WW 152^20) ‘purple,’ a purple garment, AO, Mk; CP. [L.]

purpuren purple, WW 151^24. [‘purpurine’]

purs ‘purse,’ OEG 18#b#^36. [late L. bursa]

pusa (o) m. bag, scrip, Æ.

puslian to pick out, #Lcd# 127a.

-pūte v. ǣle-p.

pūtung f. instigation, v. NC 316. [‘putting’]

pȳcan to ‘pick,’ Chr 796#f#?

pyff a puff of wind, BDS 24·245; ES 38·295.

pyffan, pret. pyfte to puff, blow, v. OEG 1886.

pyhment = pigment

pylce (A 7·30) = pylece

pyle (i) m. ‘pillow,’ Æ, AO, CP, Lcd. [L. pulvinum]

pylece f. a warm fur garment, robe, pelisse, WW. [‘pilch’]

pylewer pillow, OEG 56^16. [‘pilliver’]

pyll = pull, pōl

pylu (OEG 29^4), pylwe = pyle

pynca (i) m. point, OEG 3683. [pyngan]

pynd? sb. cistern? lake? #Rim# 49.

+pyndan to impound, shut up, CP 276. [‘pind’]

pynding f. dam, CP 276. [v. ‘pind’]

pyngan (i) to prick, CP. [‘ping’; L. pungere]

pypelian = piplian

pyretre f. pellitory, #Lcd# 3·12^19. [L. pyrethrum]

pyrie = pirie

pyrige = pirige [[under “pirie”]]

pyrtan to strike, beat, GPH 401.

pyse (Æ) = pise

pysecynn n. sort of pea, #Lcd# 71a.

pȳsian = pinsian

pȳtan to put out (eyes), #Chr# 796#f#?

pytt m. ‘pit,’ hole, well, grave, AO, Ct, G, LL; CP; Mdf: pustule. [L. puteus]

pytted ‘pitted,’ dented, marked (of a sword), EC 225.

pyttel (i) m. hawk, kite, WW.


qu- is usually written cw-, which see.


rā m. nap. rān ‘roe,’ roebuck, BH, Erf, Lcd; Mdf.

rabbian to rage, W 84^11.

raca m. ‘rake,’ WW; GD 192.

racca m. part of the rigging of a ship, WW.

racente f. chain, fetter, Bl, Bo, Sc; AO. [‘rackan’]

+racentēagian to chain, ÆL 31^35.

racen-tēah f. gs. -tēage chain, fetter, Bl; Æ. [‘rakenteie’]

racete = racente

racetēage (Mk) = racentēah

racian (w. d.) to rule, govern, control: go forward, move, CP, W: hasten, NR 28^25. [‘rake’]

rācing (JnL) = rǣcing

racu I. f. exposition, explanation, observation, account, narrative, Æ, CP: rhetoric: comedy. [reccan] II. f. (LL 455^15) = raca

rād I. f. ride, riding, expedition, journey, BH, Bo, Lcd: raid, Chr, LL: modulation, #Run# 5: name of the rune for =r=. [‘road’; rīdan] II. pret. 3 sg. of rīdan. III. m. = rǣd

+rād I. n. reckoning, account: condition, stipulation: reason, wisdom, Æ, AO: accuracy. ðus +r. such, of this kind. hū +rādes how. II. adj. conditioned, circumstanced, CP: wise, clever, skilful, Bo; AO: straight, Guth. +rāde spræc prose.

-rād v. brand-r.

rādcniht m. tenant holding subject to service on horseback, v. L 1·73. [‘radknight’]

rade = hraðe

+rādegian = +rādian

rādehere, rādhere = rǣdehere

radelod having straight branches? BC 3·44.

rādhors n. riding-horse, HL. [‘roadhorse’]

radian = hradian

+rādian to reckon with, arrange, #Bo# 96^15: call to account.

+rādlic wise, prudent, learned, Æ. adv. -līce, Æ.

+rādnes f. compact.

rador == rodor

rādor = rāhdēor

radost = hraðost, v. hraðe.

rādpytt m. draw-well? #Rd# 59^15.

+rādscipe m. discretion, #Met# 22^48.

rādstefn f. term of service performed by a mounted man, LL 456[3]. [cp. rādcniht]

rādumbel = rāradumbla

rādwērig weary of travelling, #Rd# 21^14.

ræc = rec

ræcan, ræccan = reccan

rǣcan I. to ‘reach’ out, stretch out, Æ, B, CP, Cr, Sat: offer, present, give, grant, Jn, RB; Æ: extend (intr.), Gen, Rd, Sol: carry, convey, LL 447[4,1b]. II. = hrǣcan

+rǣcan ‘reach,’ attain, overtake, Bl, Sat: obtain by seizure, take, get, gain, Chr; AO: address, speak to: handle, deal with.

ræcc m. setter (dog), WW 276^4.

ræce f. (Cp) = raca

ræced == reced

rǣcing f. ‘reaching,’ holding out, presenting, JnL.

ræd = hræd

rǣd I. (ā, ē) m. advice, counsel, Æ, B: resolution, deliberation, plan, way, design, Æ, AO: council, conspiracy, Æ, B: decree, ordinance, CP: wisdom, sense, reason, intelligence, El; Æ: gain, profit, benefit, good fortune, remedy, Æ, Met: help: power, might tō rǣde +niman resolve, AO. tō rǣde ðincan seem advisable, Bl. [‘rede’] II. adj. = rēad. III. (ē) n. reading, lesson, NG. [‘read’]

rǣdan^7 (ē) pret. 3 sg. reord, rēd; also wv. (±) to advise, counsel, persuade, El, Ma; Æ: (±) consult, discuss, deliberate, plot, design, Æ, AO, BH: (±) decree, decide, Æ: rule, guide, have control over, possess, B, Bo, Da: provide for: bring, deliver (goods), LL: have an idea, guess, forebode, Æ, BH, Rd: (±) read, explain, Æ, Bl, Bo, G: learn by reading: (+) put in order, BH, EC (ē): help. [‘read,’ ‘rede’]

rǣdbana (ē) m. accessory to a murder, LL.

rǣdbora (ē) m. adviser, counsellor, Æ: (Roman) consul.

rǣdda m. robin, WW 44^18. [rēad]

rǣdde wk. pret. 3 sg. of rǣdan.

rǣde I. adj. (±) prepared, ready, ready for riding (horse), PPs. [‘i-rede’] II. n. (+) (ē) trappings, armour, accoutrements, ornaments.

rǣdecempa m. horse-soldier, WW 228^39.

rǣdegafol n. rent paid in one payment (in money or in kind), LL 118[67].

rǣdehere m. mounted troop, cavalry, AO.

+rǣdelīce = +rǣdlīce

rǣdelle = rǣdelse [[under “rǣdels”]]

rǣdels mf., rǣdelse f. enigma, ‘riddle,’ Æ (ē): consideration, discussion: imagination, conjecture, interpretation.

rǣdemann m. horseman, #PPs# 32^15.

rǣden (ē) f. condition, terms, stipulation, Æ: rule, government, direction: estimation, WW.

±rǣdend m. controller, disposer, ruler: diviner, #Sc# 75^12.

rǣdendlic relating to a decree, WW.

rǣdengewrit n. written agreement.

rǣdere m. ‘reader,’ ‘lector’ (ecclesiastical order), A, RB, LL: scholar, diviner, expounder, interpreter, OEG.

rǣdescamol m. couch, reading-desk? WW.

rǣdesmann m. counsellor, adviser: steward, EC. [‘redesman’]

rǣdewiga m. horse-soldier, WW 228^38.

rǣdfæst resolute, wise, Æ.

rǣdfæstnes f. reasonableness, LL (306^19).

rǣdfindende giving counsel, WW 383^8.

rǣdgeðeaht n. deliberation, consultation, counsel.

rǣdgifa m. counsellor, councillor, Chr, LL: consul. [‘redegive’]

rǣdgift ‘consulatus,’ ‘senatus,’ #Gl#.

rǣdhors n. riding-horse, Æ (8^233).

rǣdhycgende knowing, wise, FT 26.

rǣdic m. ‘radish,’ Lcd (e), WW. [L. radicem]

rǣdin = rǣden

rǣding I. f. ‘reading,’ a reading (passage read), lesson, narrative, Æ, CP, RB. II. = rǣden

rǣdingboc f. lectionary, book of the lessons.

rǣdinggewrit = rǣdengewrit

rǣdinggrād m. steps to lectern, NC 316.

rǣdingscam-ol (-ul) m. ambo, rostrum, lectern, reading-desk, OEG (= rǣdescamol).

rǣdistre f. female reader, #Gl#.

rǣdlēas (ē) ill-advised, unwise, helpless, rash, in disorder, Da: wretched, bad, miserable. [‘redeless’]

rǣdlic expedient, advisable, wise, AO, CP. adv. -līce wisely, prudently, skilfully, cunningly, CP, HL: deliberately, on purpose: fully, explicitly, GD 102^19. [‘redly’]

rædlice = hrædlice [[form of “hrædlic”?]]

rǣdmægen n. productive force, #Rim# 10? (or ? rādmægen)

rædnes = hrædnes

±rǣdnes f. agreement: decree: condition.

rǣdo f. (RB 62^15n.) = rǣd III.

+rǣdod harnessed, caparisoned, Æ (cp. +rǣde).

rædrīpe = hrædrīpe

rǣdsnotter clever, sage, #An# 473.

rǣdðeahtende † ptc. taking counsel.

rǣdðeahtere m. counsellor, AO.

rǣdðeahtung f. counsel, advice, AO 154^27.

+rǣdung f. decree, WW 383^25.

rædwǣn (AO) = hrædwǣn (or ? rǣd- = rād-).

rǣdwita m. counsellor, adviser, DD 299.

rǣdystre = rǣdistre

rǣf = rēaf

ræfen = hræfn

ræfn-an -ian (GD) to perform, do: undergo.

ræfs- = reps-

ræfter (e, ea) m. rafter, beam.

rǣge (ā) f. roe. [rā]

rægel = hrægl

rǣgerēose f. spinal muscles, #Lcd#.

rǣghār grey (like lichen), #Ruin# 10. [ragu]

rægl = hrægl

rægn = rēgn [[error for “regn”?]]

rægolfæst = regolfæst

rægu = ragu

rǣhte pret. 3 sg. of rǣcan.

ræm = hræfn

-rǣman v. ā-r.

rænc = renco

ræng- = reng-

ræp pret. 3 sg. of repan.

rǣpan (ȳ) (±) to bind, fetter, capture, enslave: yoke together, ÆL 31^785.

rǣping == rǣpling

rǣpling m. prisoner, criminal, Æ. [rǣpan]

rǣplingweard (ē) warder, WW 111^10.

ræps == reps

+rǣptan to bind, fetter, #Bo# 112^1.

rǣran to ‘rear,’ raise, build, create, BH, Gen: lift up, elevate, promote, Bl: establish, begin, commit, do, Cr, W; CP: arouse, excite, stir up, Rd. [rīsan]

rǣs m. rush, leap, jump, running, Æ, Cr: impetus, onrush, storm, attack, Æ, B. [‘rese’]

rǣsan to rush, hasten, CP: enter on rashly: rush upon, assault, attack, B, Bl, MH. [‘rese’]

rǣsbora † m. counsellor, leader, guide.

ræscan to vibrate, quiver, DHy 94^1.

ræscettan to crackle, creak, coruscate, DD, WW. [‘reschette’]

rǣsian = rǣswian [[under “rǣswan”]]

ræsn n. plank, beam, wall-plate, raising piece, Æ, WW. [‘rasen’]

ræst == rest

rǣswa † m. leader, counsellor, ruler, guide: chief, prince, king.

rǣswan, rǣswian to think, consider, conjecture, suspect, CP.

rǣswum dp. of *rǣs? or rǣsu? f. or *rǣswa? suggestion, deliberation, counsel, #Az# 126.

rǣswung f. reasoning, conjecture, #Gl#.

ræt m. ‘rat,’ WW 118^41.

rǣt pres. 3 sg. of rǣdan.

ræð- = hræð-

ræðe = hræðe = hraðe

rǣðe = rēðe

rǣw I. (±) (ā, ēa) f. row, line: succession, Lcd (ā): hedgerow. [v. ‘rew’ and Mdf] II. = hrǣw

+rǣwed, +rǣwe(n) arranged in rows, WW.

-rāfian v. ā-r.

rāge = rǣge

raggig shaggy, bristly, rough, OEG.

ragofinc = ragufinc

ragu (æ) f. lichen, Æ.

ragufinc (ea^1) m. name of a bird, kind of finch, WW.

rāha [Cp] = rā

rāhdēor n. roe-buck, Æ, Lcd. [‘roedeer’]

rāhte = rǣhte pret. sg. of rǣcan.

ram = ramm

ramesa = hramsa

ramgealla m. ram-gall (plant), #Lcd#.

ramm (o) m. ‘ram’ (sheep), Æ: (engine of war), Æ, CP: (zodiacal sign), A.

ran pret. 3 sg. of rinnan.

rān I. n. open robbery, rapine. [ON.] II. pret. 3 sg. of rīnan. III. nap. of rā.

ranc froward, proud, overbearing, Æ: noble, brave: ostentatious: full-grown, mature, ÆL 35^22. [‘rank’] adv. -līce boldly, A: ostentatiously, showily, LL.

rancstrǣt f. straight road (Cosijn), #Gen# 2112.

rand (o) m. border, edge? KC: (†) boss of shield, rim of shield: (†) shield, buckler, B (o). [v. ‘rand’]

rand-bēag, -bēah m. boss (of a shield), shield, Æ.

randburg f. fortified city? #Jul# 19: shield-wall of waves (in the Red Sea), #Ex# 463?

randgebeorh n. protecting shield of waves (in the Red Sea), #Ex# 296.

randhæbbend ‡ (o^1) m. shield-bearer, warrior.

rand-wiga †, -wīgend †, -wiggend m. shield-warrior, man at arms.

rānn = rān III.

rāp I. m. ‘rope,’ cord, cable, Æ, Bl, Bo, JnL, VPs; AO, CP. II. pret. 3 sg. of rīpan.

rāpgenga m. rope-dancer, WW 408^25.

rāpincel n. (small rope), cord, string, #Gl#.

rāplic adj. of rope, GPH 399.

+rār n. roaring, howling, MH 16^20.

rāradumbla m., rāredumle f. bittern, #Gl#. [Ger. rohrdommel]

rārian to ‘roar,’ bellow, cry, lament, mourn, Æ, MH, MtL.

rārung f. ‘roaring,’ howling, bellowing, WW.

rās pret. 3 sg. of rīsan.

rāsettan † to rage (of fire). [rǣsan]

rāsian to explore, B 2283.

ratian = hratian

raðe = hraðe

rāw (Lcd 89b) = rǣw. [‘row’]

+rāwan to cut in strips, WW.

raxan to stretch oneself, Guth. [‘rax’]

rēac pret. 3 sg. of rēocan.

rēad I. ‘red,’ Æ, Bo, CP, Gl; (of gold) Æ, Gen. II. pret. 3 sg. of rēodan.

rēada pl. small intestines, WW 159^38. [‘read’]

rēadbasu reddish purple, LL (e^2).

rēade adv. with red colour.

rēadfāh red of hue, #Ruin# 10.

rēadgoldlæfer f. plating of (red) gold, OEG 1070.

rēadian to be or become ‘red,’ Lcd, MtR; Æ.

rēadlēaf red-leaved, BC (Mdf).

rēadlesc ‘rubricata’ (pellis), v. OEG 5324.

rēadnes f. ‘redness,’ BH, Bl; Æ.

rēadstalede red-stalked, #Lcd# 1·378^17.

rēaf (ē) n. plunder, booty, spoil, LkL, Ps: garment, armour, vestment, Mt; Æ. [‘reaf,’ ‘reif’]

+rēafa = +rēfa

rēafere m. robber, plunderer, Æ, Bo, Lk; AO, CP. [‘reaver’]

-rēafetian v. wīn-(h)r.

rēafgend m. robber, KC 3·350^26.

±rēafian to rob, plunder, take by force, waste, ravage, Æ, Bo, B, G, VPs, W: carry off, transport: (+) strip, NG. [‘reave’]

rēafigende rapacious, ÆL. [‘reaving’]

rēaflāc nm. robbery, rapine, ÆH: plunder, booty, Bo. [‘reflac’]

rēafol rapacious, #Lcd#.

rēafolnes f. rapacity, OEG.

reafter = ræfter

rēafung f. spoliation, plundering, AO 84^21.

reagufinc (#Gl#) = ragufinc

reahte pret. 3 sg. of reccan.

reahtigan to dispute, discuss, AO 130^26.

rēam I. m. cream, Lcd 113b. [‘ream’] II. = hrēam

rēama = rēoma

rēamwīn? n. a drink, OEG.

rēat pret. 3 sg. of rēotan.

rēaðe = rēðe

rēaw = rǣw

rēawde = hrēawde

rēc m. smoke, Gen, Ps. [‘reek’]

+rec I. n. rule, government: decree: explanation. II. n. tumult, MtL 27^24.

recan^5 to bring, convey? WW 420^18: go, move, rush.

rēcan I. pret. 3 sg. rēhte to fumigate, expose to smoke, Lcd. [v. ‘reak’] II. = reccan II.

reccan I. to stretch, tend, go, CP: extend, hold out to, give: (±) explain, interpret, Æ: tell, narrate, B, Bo, G: correct, reprove: (+) to wield (authority), give judgment, decide, direct, control, Æ, CP: (+) prove: (+) count, reckon, Æ. [‘recche’] II. (rēcan) to take care of, be interested in, Æ, B, Bo, Cr: care for, Mk: care, desire (to do something), Bo, Lcd, LL, MkL, WW. [‘reck’]

recce- (CP), recci- = rēce-

-recce v. earfoð-r.

+reccelic = +reclic

rēccelīest (e^3, i^3) f. recklessness, carelessness, negligence, CP.

reccend m. ruler, guide, Æ, AO.

reccenddōm, reccendōm m. rule, governance, oversight, CP.

reccenes = recednes

reccere m. teacher, ruler, director, CP: interpreter, MtL p2^13.

reccing f. narrative, ÆL 30^375.

reced nm. building, house, palace, hall.

recedlic palatial, WW (æ).

±recednes f. narrative, history, Æ: interpretation: direction, correction. ānfeald +r. prose.

recedōm = reccendōm [[under “reccenddōm”]]

rēcel (v. MP 171) = rēcels

rēcelēas ‘reckless,’ careless, negligent, BH, Bo, Cp, W.

rēcelēasian to neglect, W. [‘reckless’]

rēcelēaslīce adv. heedlessly, carelessly, inattentively, negligently, CP (rēcce-), HL. [‘recklessly’]

rēcelēasnes f. ‘recklessness,’ carelessness, negligence, LL, W; Æ.

rēcelīestu = rēccelīest

rēcels (ī, ȳ) m. incense, frankincense, Gl, Lcd; Æ. [‘rekels’; rēc]

rēcelsbūc (ȳ) m. censer, WW.

rēcelsfæt (i) n. censer, Æ. [‘rekelfat’]

rēcelsian to perfume with incense, #Lcd#.

rēcelsrēoce f. burning of incense, FBO 75^19.

recen ready, prompt, quick, Wa: rapid, violent, Cr, Ps. [‘reken’]

recendōm = reccendōm [[under “reccenddōm”]]

recene (i, y) adv. instantly, at once, quickly, Æ.

+recenian to explain, recount, relate, Ex 525. [‘reckon’]

recenlīce (o^2) adv. immediately, forthwith, Gl. [‘rekenly’]

recennes = reccenes

rēcetung (#VPs#) = hrǣcetung

+reclic circumstantial, detailed, ample, CP 193^15#c#. adv. -līce directly, straight: methodically.

+recnes f. direction, inclination. #EPs# 138^3.

recnian to pay? Ct.

recon I. remuneration, #Gl#. II. == recen

recse = risce [[under “risc”]]

recyd = reced

rēd I. = rǣd. II. pret. 3 sg. of rǣdan.

red- = ræd-

rēd- = rǣd-

rēde = rēðe

redestān m. ‘synophites,’ red ochre? WW 47^15.

-rēdian v. ā-r.

rēdon pret. pl. of rǣdan.

±rēfa (usu. +) m. high official, ‘reeve,’ steward, sheriff, count (‘comes’), prefect, consul, BH, OET, Mk, MH.

+rēfærn n. court house, MH 124^13.

+rēfland v. sundorgerēfland.

+rēfmǣd f. reeve’s meadow, Ct.

+rēfmann m. official, courtier, GD 308·315.

refsan = ræfsan [[redirected to “repsan”]]

+rēfscipe m. reeve’s office, stewardship, Æ.

+rēfscīr f. steward’s office, prefecture, OEG.

refter (ē?) = ræfter

regellic = regollic

regen- = regn-, rēn-

regn (rēn; Æ, MH) m. ‘rain,’ VPs: showers of rain, Bl.

regn- = rēn-

regnan = rīnan

regnheard very hard, B 326. [ON. regin]

regnian I. to ‘rain,’ MtR 5^45. II. = rēnian

regnðēof † m. downright thief.

regol (eo) m. rule, regulation, canon, law, standard, pattern, Æ: monastic code of rules, Æ: ruler (instrument). [L. regula]

regolbryce m. breach of rules, W 166^22.

regolfæst (æ) rigid, strict, adhering to monastic rules, #Men# 44.

regolian to draw lines with a ruler, NC 316.

regollagu f. monastic law, LL 266[25].

regollic according to rules, canonical, regular. adv. -līce.

regollīf (eo) m. life according to ecclesiastical rules.

regolsticca m. rule, ruler (instrument), Æ.

regolðēaw m. discipline of (monastic) rule, A 10·144^125.

regolweard m. regulator, director, ruler, abbot, provost.

regul == regol

reht (#VPs#) = riht

rehte pret. 3 sg. of reccan.

rēhte pret. 3 sg. of rēcan II.

relicgang m. visiting of relics: procession of relics.

reliquias mpl. relics of saints (reliquium is used in sg.).

reliquiasōcn f. visit to a shrine, MFH 172.

rēman = rȳman

remian to mend, v. NC 317.

remm- = hremm-

remn = hræfn

rempan to be hasty, precipitate, CP 149^12.

rēn (AO, CP) == regn

+rēn (ī) n. ornament, CP: building, NG.

rēnboga m. ‘rainbow,’ Æ.

renco (æ) f. pride, ostentation.

rendan to ‘rend,’ tear, cut down, Gl.

rendegn m. house-officer, Erf 1137. [ærn, ðegn]

rēndropa m. ‘raindrop,’ Lcd 3·278^18.

rene = ryne

±rēne = ±rȳne

renel (#KGl#) = rynel

reng = regn

renge (y) f. spider, spider’s web. [L. aranea]

rengwyrm (æ) m. intestinal worm, #Lcd#.

±rēnian to prepare: (+) arrange, set in order, mend, set (trap): (+) adorn. +r. tō bismere humiliate, degrade, AO. [*regnian; Goth. raginōn]

rēniend m. arranger. #El# 880?

rēnig (Lcd), rēnlic (Æ) ‘rainy.’

+renned ‘coagulatus,’ #EPs# 67^16.

rēnscūr m. ‘rain-shower,’ Æ.

rēnsnægl m. snail, OEG 23^20.

+rēnung (regn-) f. arranging, WW 371^19.

rēnwæter n. ‘rain-water,’ Lcd.

renweard m. house-guardian, B 770. [ærn]

renwyrm m. earthworm, WW. [‘rainworm’]

rēo I. f. (obl. cases rēon) covering, rug, blanket, mantle. [rūh] II. = hrēoh

rēoc savage, furious, B 122.

rēocan I. sv^2 intr. to emit smoke, steam, ‘reek,’ Lcd, Ps; Æ: stink. II. (WW 244^36) = rēcan

rēocende (ē) smoking, steaming, Æ, Jud, MtL. [‘reeking’]

rēod I. ‘red,’ ruddy, Æ, Erf, MH. [‘reod’] II. n. red colour, WW. III. = hrēod

rēodan^2 to redden, stain with blood: (†) kill?

reodian to sift? #El# 1239.

rēodian = rēadian

rēodmūða m. ‘faseacus’ (bird), WW 234^25.

rēodnæsc (WW 38^13) ?= rēadlesc

rēofan^2 (only in pp. rofen) to rend, break, #Ex# 463.

reogol == regol

reohhe f. ‘ray,’ thornback? WW 181^6.

+rēohnung = +rēnung

reoht = riht

rēol = hrēol

reoma = rima

rēoma (ēa) m. membrane, ligament. [Ger. riemen]

rēon I. = rēowon pret. pl. of rōwan. II. v. rēo.

rēone asm. of rēo.

±rēonian to conspire, plot, Æ.

rēonig † mournful, sad: gloomy.

rēonigmōd † mournful, weary.

±rēonung f. whispering, muttering, conspiracy, Æ: astrology, OEG. [rūn]

reopa m. bundle of corn, sheaf, VPs. [‘reap’]

reopan (#VPs#) = repan

reopian = ripian [[headword spelled “rīpian”]]

±reord † I. fn. voice, B, Cr, Ps: language, speech, ÆL. [‘rerde’] II. f. sustenance, food: meal, feast. III. pret. 3 sg. of rǣdan.

reordan = reordian II.

reordberend † m. man.

reordhūs n. eating room, refectory, MkL 14^15.

reordian I. to speak, discourse, B, Cr, Gen: read. [‘rerde’] II. (±) to feed, refresh, entertain, feast.

+reordnes f. feasting, banquet.

±reordung f. refection, meal.

+reordunghūs n. refectory, WW 328^32.

+reordungtīd f. mealtime, GD 145^13.

reosan ‘pissli,’ name of a plant? WW 300^5.

+rēosan = +hrēosan

-rēose v. rǣge-r.

rēost rest (part of a plough), WW.

rēotan^2 † to weep, mourn, wail.

rēote v. rētu.

rēotig † mournful, sad, tearful.

rēow I. = rēo (hrēoh). II. pret. 3 sg. of rōwan.

rēowlic = hrēowlic

rēowot = rēwet

repan^5 to reap, #Chr#.

repel m. staff, rod, GD 20^26 (v. ES 37·192).

reppan = hreppan [[under “hrepian”]]

reps m. response (in a church service), Æ, RB. [L. responsorium]

repsan to reprove, blame, #Gl#.

repsung (æ) f. a division of the night: reproving. [= *ræfsung]

repung = hrepung

rēran = rǣran

+rerding = +reordung

resce = risce [[under “risc”]]

rēsele f. answer, solution, #Rd# 40^28. [= *rǣsele]

rēsian = rǣswian [[under “rǣswan”]]

+resp n. blame. [= *+reps]

rest (æ) f. ‘rest,’ quiet, repose, sleep, Æ, Bo, BH, Cr, VPs: (±) resting-place, bed, couch, Bl, Chr, MtL, MH, VPs: grave.

±resta f. bedfellow, consort, wife, Æ.

restan (absol. and refl.) to ‘rest,’ repose, Æ, Bl, Chr, Lcd, LL: (+) (w. g.) rest from, remain, lie, Æ, An, B, MkL.

rēstan to rejoice, exult? #PPs# 113^4.

restbedd n. bed, couch, #PPs# 131^3.

rest-dæg (æ), reste-, resten- (Æ) m. day of rest, Sabbath day, CP, Mt. [‘restday’]

restengēar n. year of rest from work, Æ.

restgemāna m. cohabitation.

resthūs n. chamber, #APs#, BH.

restlēas ‘restless,’ without rest, RB 121^14.

+restscipe m. cohabitation, BH 76^27.

rēsung (CP) = rǣswung

±rētan to delight, gladden, cheer, console, comfort, CP. [rōt]

rētend m. comforter, W 257^4.

rētu f. (only in d. rēote) joy, B 2457.

reðe righteous, just, #PPs# (or ?= rēðe).

rēðe (of persons) fierce, cruel, violent, harsh, severe, Æ, B, BH: (of things) terrible, dreadful, Bl, Bo, CP: zealous, CP. [‘rethe’]

rēðegian = rēðian

reðehygdig right-minded, #Alm# 2.

reðeman m. usurer (GK), #PPs# 108^11. [Goth. raðjo?]

rēðemōd † savage, cruel, fierce, indignant.

rēðen ? wild, ÆL 10^102.

rēð-ian, -igian to rage, be fierce, Æ.

rēðig fierce, WW 402^23.

rēðigmōd savage, fierce, #Met# 25^17.

rēðlic fierce, cruel, deadly. adv. -līce violently.

rēðnes f. cruelty, severity, harshness, Bl, CP; AO: savageness, ferocity, BH, Lcd; CP: zeal, CP. [‘rethness’]

±rēðra m. rower, sailor, #Gl#.

+rēðre ready, CP 306^15.

±rēðru np. oars.

rēðscipe m. fury, anger, WW 245^17.

rēwet, rēwut n. rowing, Æ: rowing-boat, vessel, Æ. [rōwan]

riaht (K) = riht I.

rib, ribb n. ‘rib,’ Æ, Cp, MH, Soul; AO.

ribbe f. hound’s-tongue, ribwort, Ep, Lcd, WW. [‘rib’]

ribbspācan np. ‘rib-spokes,’ the brisket? (BT), WW 265^24.

rīca m. influential man, ruler, Æ.

rīcan (BDS 16^367) = rēcan (*riecan)

rīcceter, rīccetere (Æ) = rīceter

rīce I. strong, powerful, Da; #Lcd#: great, mighty, of high rank, Æ, BH, MH; AO, CP: ‘rich,’ Æ, BH, Bo, Lk. II. n. rule, reign, power, might, authority, empire, Æ, Bl, Cr, MH; AO. fōn tō rīce to ascend the throne: kingdom, nation, diocese, B; AO, CP: reign (period of time). [‘riche’]

rīcedōm n. kingly rule, W 125^9. [‘richdom’]

rīcels = rēcels

ricen- = recen-

rīceter, rīcetere n. force, might, power, rule, dominion, glory, greatness, CP: ambition, Æ: tyranny, oppression, violence.

ricg, ricig = hrycg

rīclic sumptuous, AS 38^3. adv. -līce powerfully, Æ, CP: sumptuously, Lk. [‘richly’]

ricone = recene

rics = risc

rīcsere m. ruler, DR 113^3.

rīcsian to bear rule, reign, govern, tyrannize, Æ, AO, CP: dominate, prevail.

rīcsiend m. ruler, DR 102^8.

rīcsung f. domination, DR 174^10.

-rīda v. brand-r. [[headword spelled “brandrida”]]

rīdan^1 (±) to ‘ride,’ B, BH, Mt; AO: move about, swing, rock, ride (at anchor), B, Bo: float, sail, Gen: chafe (of fetters); (+) ride over, occupy (a country), seize: (+) ride up to.

ridda m. rider, man on horseback, horseman, horse-soldier, Æ.

riddere = rīdere

-rīdel v. for(e)-r. [[under “forrīdel”]]

rīdend m. rider, cavalier.

rīdere m. ‘rider,’ trooper, knight, Chr 1085#l#.

ridesoht f? fever, NG. [hrið? suht?]

ridon pret. pl. of rīdan.

rīdusende swinging, #Gl#.

rīdwiga m. horse-soldier, WW 110^28.

rīece = rīce

rīeht == riht

rif = hrif

rīf I. fierce, ravenous. II. generous, #Kl#.

+rif n. seizing, catch (of fish): number caught.

+rīf garment, v. NC 295.

-rife v. hege-r.

rifelede wrinkled, OEG 18b^78. [‘rivelled’]

rifeling m. shoe or sandal of raw hide, WW 125. [‘rivelling’]

+rifian to wrinkle, ÆH 1·614^14.

rift, rifte (y) n. cloak, veil, curtain, Æ, Cp, MtL. [‘rift’]

rifter m. reaping-hook, sickle, scythe, #Gl#.

riftre, riftere (y) m. reaper, Æ.

rige == ryge

rignan = rīnan

rīhsian = rīcsian

±riht I. (e, eo, y) n. (what is straight), ‘right,’ equity, justice, law, canon, rule, Æ, B, Bo, Bl, BH, CP, Ct: cause, legal action, Æ: a right, privilege, Bo, CP, Gen, LL: correctness, truth. on r.; mid rihte rightly, correctly, properly: what is due, duty, obligation, CP (y), Gen: reckoning, account. II. (æ, e, y) adj. straight, erect, direct, BH, Bl, Lcd, VPs: ‘right,’ proper, fair, just, equitable, lawful, permissible, Bl, Bo, Lk, W: true, correct, Bl, WW: fitting, appropriate, BH, LL: real, genuine, Æ, BH, Bl: right (as opposed to left).

rihtæðelcwēn f. lawful wife, W 298^18.

rihtæðelo (y) npl. true nobility.

rihtǣw f. lawful wedlock, W: lawful wife, LL.

±rihtan (e, y) to set right, correct, amend, Bl, LL, TC; Æ: guide, govern, direct, rule, Bl, Bo: set up, restore, replace, erect, Gen. [‘right’]

rihtāndaga m. proper (fixed) day, LL.

rihtandswaru f. retort, reproof, #PPs# 37^14.

rihtcynecynn (y^1) n. legitimate royal family, AO(y^1).

rihtcyning m. lawful king, BH 360^14.

rihtcynn n. true stock, W 13^6.

rihtdōnde ptc. doing what is right, #Bl#.

rīhte adv. ‘right,’ due, straight (of direction, as in right on, due east), outright, CP, Met: precisely, exactly, just, AO, Bl, Bo, Ps: rightly, duly, well, correctly, truly, properly, fairly, justly, B, Bl, Lk: directly, immediately, Æ. ðǣr rihte thereupon, straightway.

+rihte n. right, due, Æ, Chr (1074#l#): religious rite, office, ÆL. +rihtu pl. last offices. on +r. straight on. up on +r. upright. [‘i-riht’]

rihtebred n. measure, rule, square, WW.

rihtend m. director, leader, guide.

rihtendebyrdnes f. right order, NC 317.

rihtere m. director, ruler, Bo. [‘righter’]

rihtes (e) adv. right, straight, KC 3·392^6.

rihtfædrencynn (e, y) n. direct paternal descent or pedigree.

rihtfæsten n. properly ordained fast, LL 132[8].

rihtfæstendæg m. properly appointed fast-day, Æ.

rihtfæstentīd f. duly appointed time of fasting, Æ.

rihtfremmende (y) † acting rightly.

rihtful ‘rightful,’ honourable, #Chr# 1100#l#.

rihtgefēg n. proper joint, GD 248^26.

rihtgefremed catholic, orthodox, BH 456^15.

rihtgegylda m. duly appointed member of a guild, TC 606^14.

rihtgehātan^7 to pledge oneself, swear, #RPs# 14^4.

rihtgehīwan pl. lawfully married persons, LL 22n16.

rihtgelēafful orthodox.

rihtgelēaflīce adv. in an orthodox manner, CM 1167.

rihtge-lȳfed, -lēfed ptc. having the right faith, orthodox, catholic.

rihtgelȳfende believing rightly, faithful, #Bl#.

rihtgemet n. proper measure, NC 317.

rihtgesamhīwan pl. lawfully married persons, LL 22[38].

rihtgescēad n. right understanding, GD 56^2.

rihtgeset duly appointed, canonical, CM 412.

rihtgesetednes f. right ordinance, NC 317.

rihtgeðancod right-minded, #LPs#.

rihtgewitt (y) n. right mind, MH 192^22.

rihtgewittig in one’s right mind, GD 245^22.

rihtgifu f. irrevocable gift, LL 366[81]; 385.

rihthǣmed n. lawful wedlock, CP (y).

rihthāmscyld m. main entrance to a homestead? LL 5[32] (v. ANS 115·389).

rihthāmsōcn f. actual ‘hāmsōcn’ (v. hāmsōcn), LL 614[49,58].

rihthand f. right hand, #Nic# 492; 508.

rihthanddǣda m. actual perpetrator, LL 188[1,3].

rihtheort righteous, just, #CPVPs#.

rihthīwa m. lawful consort, CP (y).

rihthlāford m. rightful lord, LL.

rihthlāforddōm m. lawful authority, #Chr# 918#c#.

rihthlāfordhyldo (e^5) f. loyalty, W.

±rihtlǣcan to put right, rectify, set in order, RB, W. [‘rightleche’]

rihtlǣce m. duly qualified physician, W 12^12.

rihtlǣcung (y) f. criticism, correction, Æ, CP.

rihtlagu f. regular legal ordinance, W.

rihtlic (y) right, proper, just, fit, righteous, Æ: adapted, fitted. adv. -līce justly, uprightly, virtuously, Æ, Bl: properly, ‘rightly,’ regularly, BH: correctly, precisely, A, CP (y).

rihtlīcettere m. downright hypocrite, W 54^14.

rihtlīf n. right life, regular union (of married people), #Lcd# 3·176^22.

rihtlīflād m. right way of life, GD 336^1.

rihtliðlic articulate, WW 355^8.

rihtmēdrencynn (e^1, oe^2) n. direct mother’s line, OET 651.

rihtmēterfers n. correct hexameter verse, A 8·314.

rihtmunuc m. true monk, RB 73^19.

rihtnes (e) f. ‘rightness,’ rectitude, equity, Ps: perpendicularity, straightness, WW: reckoning, account, MtL (e): (+) correction.

rihtnorðanwind m. north wind, AO 17^17 (y).

rihtraciend m. expounder of righteousness (the preacher, Ecclesiastes), GD 264^27.

rihtracu (y) f. correct account, TC 170^4: right reason, GD 262.

+rihtreccan to guide, direct, AS 26^7.

rihtregul m. right rule, canon, OEG 5304.

rihtryne m. right or straight course.

rihtscīr (LL 252^21) = rihtscriftscīr

rihtscrīfend m. jurisconsult, lawyer, WW.

rihtscriftscīr f. properly assigned district of a confessor.

rihtscylling m. shilling of sterling money, LL (222^7).

rihtscytte (y) sure of aim, #Cra# 51.

rihtsmēaung (e^1) f. right reasoning or argument, MtL p9^10.

rihtstefn f. ordinary voice, GD 28^28.

riht-tīd f., -tima m. proper time.

riht-ðēow, -ðēowa m. lawful slave, GD 180^6.

rihtung f. action of guiding aright, direction, order, rule, guidance, Æ, RB: correction, reproof, Æ: body of rights, privilege? privileged district? #Chr# 983#e#: ‘regularis’ (in computation). [‘righting’]

rihtungðrēd m. plumb-line, WW 150^41.

rihtweg m. right way, W.

rihtwer m. lawful husband: legally correct ‘wergild,’ LL 466; 467.

rihtwestende m. extreme western limit, AO 8^32 (y^1).

rihtwīf n. lawful wife, LL 348[54,1].

rihtwillende wishing to do right, #Bo# 11^17.

rihtwīs ‘righteous,’ just, Bl, Bo, Chr; CP: right, justifiable, Bl.

rihtwīsend m. Sadducee, Mt 3^7.

rihtwīsian to make ‘righteous,’ justify, Lk, VPs; Æ: direct aright, rule.

rihtwīslic righteous, CP (y). adv. -līce rightly, reasonably, Bo. [‘righteously’]

rihtwīsnes f. ‘righteousness,’ justice, Mt: rightness, reason: righteous acts, Æ.

+rihtwīsung f. justification.

rihtwrītere m. correct writer, #Gl#.

rihtwuldriende orthodox, BH 310^33#b#.

rihtwyrðe proper, fitting, AS 13^25.

rihtymbren n. duly appointed Ember tide, W 117.

rihtymbrendagas mp. duly appointed Ember days, W 117.

rīm- = hrīm-

±rīm n. number, counting, reckoning, VPs; Æ, AO, CP. [‘rime’]

rima m. ‘rim,’ verge, border, coast, Cp, WW.

rīman (±) to count, number, AO, Ps; Æ: tell, enumerate, relate, CP: account, esteem as. [‘rime’]

rīmāð m. oath by a number of persons, LL 154[9].

+rīmbōc calendar, ÆH 1·98^28.

±rīmcræft m. arithmetic: calendar, ÆL 10^1.

rīmcræftig skilled in reckoning.

rīmcræftiga m. one skilful at figures, A 8·301^33.

-rīme v. earfoð-r.

rīmforst = hrīmforst

rīmge-tæl, -tel † n. number.

rimpan v. +rumpen.

rimpel wrinkle. [cf. hrympelle]

[[From first edition. The entry for “hrympelle” has the same definition, with bracketed cross-reference [?= rimpel].]]

rīmre m. reckoner, calculator, A 8·307^34.

rīmtæl = rīmgetæl

rīmtalu f. number, #El# 820.

+rīn (NG) = +rēn

rīnan^1 (and wv.) impers. and intr. to rain, (impers.) Æ, Bl; (intr.) Bl, Lk, VPs. [‘rine’; regn]

+rīnan = +hrīnan

rinc m. man, warrior, hero, B, Cr, Met. [‘rink’]

rincgetæl n. number of men, #Ex# 234.

rincsetl (#HGl# 489) = hringsetl

rind, rinde f. ‘rind,’ bark, outside, Bo, Cr, Lcd; CP: crust, Æ.

-rindan, -rindran v. be-r.

rindeclifer f. wood-pecker? nut-hatch? WW 427^29.

rinden of bark, GPH 390.

rindlēas having no bark, WW 190^31.

rīne = rȳne

ring = bring

rīning = hrīning

±rinnan^3 to ‘run,’ flow, Cp, Cr, Ps, Sat: (+) run together, blend, coagulate. [= iernan]

rinnelle f. runnel, rivulet, stream. [rynele?] [[headword spelled “rynel”]]

±rīp n. harvest, BH, Chr, Mt: cut corn, sheaf: ripeness, maturity, #PPs# 118^147. [‘ripe,’ ‘reap’]

rīpan I. (±) (ēo, ȳ) to ‘reap,’ Æ, AO, Chr, CP, G. II. (AS 10^5) = rīpian

rīpe ‘ripe,’ mature, BH, Bo.

rīpemann m. reaper, MtL (hr-). [‘reapman’]

rīpere m. ‘reaper,’ Mt.

rīpian to become ‘ripe,’ ripen, A, Æ.

rīpīsern n. sickle, MtLR 4^29.

rīpnes f. ‘ripeness,’ harvest, LPs.

riptere = riftere [[under “riftre”]]

rīptīma m. time of harvest, Mt. [‘reaptime’]

rīpung f. ripening, ripeness, maturity, A, RB, VPs. [‘riping’]

+rīs n. fury, #Gl#.

±rīsan^1 I. (usu. +) to ‘rise,’ stand up, Ps: be fit, be proper, Æ, Gu. [‘irise’] II. to seize, carry off.

risc, risce (e; = y) f. ‘rush,’ Cp; Mdf. [L.]

riscbedd n. bed of rushes, EC. [v. ‘rush’]

riscen made of rushes, Æ. [‘rushen’]

risclēac n. rush leek, rush garlic, WW 356^36.

riscðȳfel m. rush-bed, Ct, #Gl#.

risen- = risn-

+risen seizure, #Guth# 78^5. [rīsan]

rīsende? rapacious, #Bl# 225^17.

+risenlic convenient, suitable, becoming, AO, CP. adv. -līce.

risiendum ‘odorato’? OEG 23^4.

±risne fit, meet, proper, convenient.

+risnes f. congruity, WW 383^16.

+risnian to agree, accord, WW 336^37.

+risnu np. what is fitting, due, dignities, AO.

risoda m. rheum, #Lcd# 2·282^11.

rīt pres. 3 sg. of rīdan.

rið f. favour, indulgence, #Sc# 224^7.

rīð fm., rīðe? f. rivulet, stream, Æ, Bo, CP; Mdf. [‘rithe’]

rīðfald m. cattle-pen, cow-shed, WW 195^34. [hrīð-]

rīðig n. streamlet, Mdf.

riðða = ryðða

rix (Æ) = risc

rīxian (Æ) = rīcsian

rō = rōw II.

roc n. what is chewed, cud, WW.

rocc m. over-garment, rochet. [Ger. rock]

roccettan, rocettan to eructate, belch forth, utter, NG, #VPs#.

roccian to rock (a child), #Kl# 101^108.

rōd f. ‘rood,’ cross, gallows, Æ, Ct, G, MH; CP: rood (land measure), plot of land of a square rod, BC (Mdf).

rōdbīgenga m. worshipper of the cross, WW 216^16.

rōdbora m. cross-bearer, GPH 389.

rodd m? ‘rod,’ stick (to beat with), HL 15^110 (v. late).

rōdegealga m. cross, MP 1·610.

rōdehengen f. hanging, crucifixion, Æ.

roder = rodor

rōdewyrðe deserving hanging, HL 18^389.

+rōdfæstnian to crucify.

rodor (a) m., gs. rod(o)res ether, sky, heavens, firmament, Æ, CP.

rodorbeorht heaven-bright, #Da# 369.

rodorcyning † m. king of heaven.

rodorlic of the heavens, heavenly, celestial, Æ.

rodorlīhtung (roder-) f. dawn, #LPs#.

rodorstōl (a^1) m. heavenly throne, #Gen# 749.

rodortorht heavenly-bright, #Gen# 1416.

rodortungol n. star of heaven, #Gen# 1667.

rōdwurðiend m. cross-worshipper, #HGl# 403^30.

roeðe (Cp, NG) = rēðe

rōf † vigorous, strong, brave, noble, renowned.

rofen pp. of rēofan.

rōflēas = hrōflēas

rogian to flourish, #GnE# 119.

rōhte pret. 3 sg. of rēcan.

rom = ramm

Rōm, Rōmeburg f. Rome, AO.

Rōmān f. Italy.

Rōmān-e, -an pl. Romans, AO.

rōmānisc Roman, Æ, AO.

Rōm-feoh, -gesceot (LL) n., -penig (LL, W) m. ‘Rome-penny’, ‘Romescot’, Peter’s pence.

rōmian (w. g.) to possess? #Gen# 350.

romm = ramm

Rōmwalh (u^1) m. inhabitant of Rome. [wealh]

Rōm-ware (AO), -waran pl. inhabitants of Rome, Romans.

rond = rand

rop I.? broth, WW 272^9. II. = ropp

rōp liberal, #Rd# 58^3.

rōpnes f. liberality, WW.

ropp m. intestines, Lcd, WW (hr-). [‘rope’]

ropwærc m. colic, WW 211^12.

rōrend = rōwend

rōsbedd rose-bed, OEG 23^8.

rōse, rose f. ‘rose’ A, Æ, Bl, Bo, MH. [L. rosa]

rōsen made of roses, Lcd: rose-coloured, rosy, Æ, ZDA. [‘rosen’]

rōsig rosy, ÆH 2·334^30.

+rōsod roseate, OEG 3278.

rost = rust [[headword spelled “rūst”]]

+rostian to roast, dry, WW.

rot = hrot

rōt glad, cheerful, bright: noble, excellent.

rōt(e)? ‘root,’ NC 318.

rōtfæst (root-fast), firmly established, #Chr# 1127. [ON. rōt]

rōthwīl f. time of refreshing, #PPs#.

rotian ‘to rot’, putrefy, Æ, CP, Lcd.

rōtlīce gladly, cheerfully, BH 348^3.

rōtnes f. gladness, cheerfulness, DR: refuge, protection, #Pss#.

rōtsian to make sad, afflict, CP 417^9.

rōtsung f. refuge, protection, comfort, #EPs# 9^10.

rotung f. corruption, ulcer, WW 114^14. [rotian]

rōðer I. m. rower, sailor, CP. [rōwan] II. = rōðor

roðhund m. mastiff, WW. [ryðða]

rōðor n., gs. rōðres oar, scull, CP, WW. [‘rudder’]

rōðra = rēðra

rōw I. quiet, calm, gentle, soft, mild, CP. II. f. quietness, rest. [Ger. ruhe]

±rōwan^7 pret. pl. rēowon, rēon to go by water, ‘row,’ sail, swim, LkL (hr-), WW; Æ.

rōwend m. rower, CP: sailor, Æ.

rōwett = rēwet

rōwnes f. rowing, BH 384^22.

rōwung f. ‘rowing,’ NG.

rudduc m. robin, WW. [‘ruddock’]

rūde I. m. scabbiness, scab, WW 161^14 (= *hrūda? A 30·253). II. f. rue. [L. ruta]

rudig rubicund, ‘ruddy,’ OEG 2932.

rudon pret. pl. of rēodan.

rudu f. red colour, ApT: ruddy complexion, WW: red cosmetic, ÆL. [‘rud’]

rues = ryges gs. of ryge.

rūg = rūh

rugern m. month of rye-harvest, August? LL 12 Pro.

rūh gs. rūwes ‘rough,’ Guth, Rd; Æ: coarse (of cloth): hairy, shaggy, Æ: undressed, untamed, WW.

ruhha? m. ray (fish), NC 324 (suhha). [‘rough’]

rūm I. adj. (±) roomy, wide, long, spacious, ample, large, liberal, B, Bo, Mt, VPs; Æ, CP: unfettered, open, unrestricted, loose: noble, august. II. m. (±) space (extent or time), ‘room,’ Gen, Lk: scope, opportunity, B, Met. on +rum at large, apart.

+ruma † m. space, place.

rūman = rȳman

rūme (once +) adv. widely, spaciously, roomily, amply, liberally, extensively, abundantly, Gen, Lcd: light-heartedly: in detail, #Jul# 314. [‘room’]

rūmed- = rūmmōd-

rūmgāl revelling in release from confinement (Noah’s dove), #Gen# 1466. adv. -līce widely, NC 318.

rūmgifa (eo^2) m. bountiful giver, BH 194^33.

rūmgiful (y^2) bountiful, Æ, CP.

rūmgifulnes f. liberality, bounty, profusion, Æ.

rūmheort large-hearted, generous: free from care.

rūmheortnes f. liberality.

rūmian to become clear of obstructions, Lcd 1·76^13. [‘room’]

rūmlic benign, liberal: plentiful, Æ. adv. +rūmlīce at large, fully, kindly, liberally, abundantly, Æ, Bl, MtL. [‘roomly’]

rūmmōd liberal, lavish, kind, CP.

rūmmōdlic ample, large, full, liberal, gracious. adv. -līce.

rūmmōdnes f. large-heartedness, liberality, kindness.

rūmnes f. breadth, abundance, Æ.

rūmōd = rūmmōd

rūmor adv. comp. still further.

+rumpen twisted, wrinkled? WW 366^40.

rūmwelle spacious, MtL 7^13.

rūn f. mystery, secrecy, secret, El, JnL: counsel, consultation, B, KC, Wa: (secret) council: runic character, letter, BH: writing, An, Da. [‘roun’]

+rūna m. councillor, #Gl#.

rūncofa m. chamber of secrets, breast, bosom, #Met# 22^59.

rūncræftig skilled in mysteries, #Da# 734.

rūnere m. whisperer, tale-bearer, Æ. [‘rouner’]

rūnian to whisper, murmur, talk secrets, conspire, Æ, Ps, Sol. [‘round’]

rūniende whispering, WW 441. [‘rouning’]

runl foul? running? #Lcd# 3·36^17. [?= *hrunol]

rūnlic mystical, MtL p5^11.

-runn v. cȳs-gerunn.

+runnen pp. of +rinnan.

+runnenes f. that has been cooled or congealed, GPH 398.

rūnstæf m. runic letter, rune, Æ, B. [‘rune-stave’]

rūnung f. whispering, wheedling, Æ. [‘rouning’]

rūnwita † m. private adviser, counsellor, wise man.

rūst m. ‘rust,’ Cp, MtL, RB: moral canker, CP, HL.

rūstig ‘rusty,’ AO 251^21.

rūte = rūde

rūwa m., rūwe f. covering, tapestry.

rūwes v. rūh.

rūxlan to make a noise, MtR 9^23. [hrūxl]

ryc- = rec-

rȳc- = rēc-

rȳcð pres. 3 sg. of rēocan.

rȳd (LL 192, 2#b#) = rād I.

-ryddan, -rydran v. ā-r.

+rȳd(e)? prepared, ready.

ryden n. name of a plant, #Lcd# 122a.

rȳderian v. ā-r.

rȳe = rȳhe

rȳfe ‘rife,’ frequent, Lcd (v. late).

ryft (i, e) n. covering, veil, curtain, cloak, CP.

ryge (i) m. ‘rye,’ Cp.

rygen (i) made of rye, Lcd. [‘ryen’]

rȳhe f. rug, blanket, #Gl#.

ryht == riht

rȳm- = rīm-

±rȳman (ē) to clear, open up, A, B, Lk, Met, W: widen, extend, prolong, enlarge, Æ, CP: make room, retire, retreat, yield, Æ. [‘rime’; rūm]

rȳmet n. room, space, extent, Æ: comfort, benefit.

rȳmetlēast f. want of room, ÆH 1·34^22.

rȳmð f. amplitude, CM 17.

rȳn, rȳnan to roar, rage.

ryne (e) m. running, onward course, A, Æ, Bo, VHy; AO: flux, flow (water, blood), Lk; Æ: period of time, cycle, course of life: expanse, extent: orbit. [‘rune’]

±rȳne n. mystery, dark saying.

rynegiest m. running spirit (= lightning)? rain-foe? (Tupper), #Rd# 4^58.

-rȳnegu v. hel-r.

rynel (e) m. runnel, stream, Bl, GD, VPs: runner, messenger, Æ. [‘rindle’]

±rȳnelic mystical. adv. -līce.

rynelīce? ‘cursim,’ OEG 7^90.

rynestrong strong in running, #Rd# 20^7.

ryneswift † swift in running.

rȳnemann ‡ m. one skilled in mysteries.

ryneðrāg f. space of time, #Gu# 184.

rynewǣn † m. swift vehicle, chariot.

ryng- = reng-

rȳnig good in counsel? #Cra# 51. [rūn]

ryniga? m. liquid that runs off? #Lcd#.

rynning f. rennet, WW 128^43.

rȳnstæf (MF 172) = rūnstæf

rȳp = rīp

±rȳpan I. to spoil, plunder, rob, Chr, MtL, LL, W. [‘ripe’] II. pl. sheaves, #CSPs#. III. = rǣpan. IV. = rīpan

rȳpere m. robber, plunderer.

rȳping m. plunder, spoliation, OEG 3149. [‘riping’]

ryplen? made of broom. [A 31·536]

ryps = reps

-rȳric v. sǣ-r.

rysc- = risc-

rysel, rysl (Æ), rys(e)le m. lard, fat.

+rysen-, +rysn- = +risn-

rȳsig (OEG 8^337) = hrīsig

ryt rubbish for burning, underwood, LL 36[27].

rȳð I. = rīð. II. pres. 3 sg. of rȳn.

rȳðer = hrīðer

ryðða m. a species of dog, mastiff, Æ. [Ger. rüde]


sā m. tub, bucket, Gl. [ON. sār; v. ‘say’]

saban m? sheet, WW 502^33.

sac = (1) sacu; (2) sæc

saca nap. of sacu.

±saca m. opponent, foe, Æ.

sacan^6 to struggle, dispute, disagree, wrangle, fight: accuse, blame, bring a criminal or civil action against any one, lay claim to, LL.

sācerd mf. priest, priestess, Æ, CP. [L. sacerdos]

sācerdbana m. priest-slayer, W.

sacc (æ) m. ‘sack,’ bag, Æ. [L. saccus]

sācerdgerīsne befitting a priest, BH 206^12.

sācerdhād m. priesthood, CP.

sācerdland n. land allotted to priests, Æ.

sācerdlic sacerdotal, priestly, BH.

sācerhād = sācerdhād

sacful quarrelsome, contentious, Æ. [‘sakful’]

sacian to wrangle, strive, Æ.

saclēas innocent, LL: unmolested, safe, KC, MtL. [‘sackless’]

sacu f. (oblique cases often have sæc-) (±) conflict, strife, war, battle, feud, sedition, dispute, Æ, B; AO: affliction, persecution, trial: sin, fault, B, Ph: prosecution, lawsuit, action. s. and sōcn jurisdiction, right of holding a court for criminal and civil matters, LL (v. 2·455). [‘sake’]

sad- v. sæd.

sāda m. snare, cord, halter. [cp. Ger. saite]

sadel = sadol

±sadelian to ‘saddle,’ Æ, KC (‘saddled’).

sadian to be sated, get wearied, Bo: (+) satiate, fill, Ps. [‘sade’; sæd]

sadol (e^2, u^2) m. saddle.

sadolbeorht with ornamented saddle, B 2175.

sadolboga m. ‘saddle-bow,’ WW.

sadolfelg f. pommel of a saddle, #Gl#.

Saducēisc Sadducean; as sb. m. Sadducee.

sadul = sadol

sǣ mf. often indecl. but also gs. sǣs, sǣwe, sēo; nap. sǣs, gp. sǣwa, dp. sǣwum, sǣ(u)m sheet of water, ‘sea,’ lake, pool, Æ, B, Bo, G, Lcd, VPs.

sǣǣl m. sea-eel, WW 447^36.

sǣælfen = sǣelfen

sǣbāt † f. ‘sea-boat,’ vessel, ship, B.

sǣbeorg m. cliff by the sea: mountain of waves? #An# 308.

sǣburg f. seaport town, MtL 4^13.

sæc I. offensive, odious: guilty. II. (#KGl# 61^22) = sacc

sæc- = sec- (and v. sacu)

sǣc- = sēc-

sæcc I. f. strife, contest. [sacan] II. m. sackcloth, Æ. [‘sack’; = sacc]

sæcce pres. 1 sg. of sācan. [[headword spelled “sacan”]]

sæccing m. sacking, pallet, Mk 6^55.

sæcdōm = sceacdōm

sǣceaster f. seaport town, MtR 4^13.

sǣceosol m. sea-sand, shingle, Æ.

sæcerd == sacerd [[headword spelled “sācerd”]]

sæcgen = sægen

sǣcir m. sea-ebbing, #Ex# 291.

sǣclian (Chr) = sīclian

sǣclif n. cliff by the sea, Bo. [‘seacliff’]

sǣcocc m. cockle, WW 94^14.

sǣcol n. jet, WW 416^2. [‘seacoal’]

sǣcyning m. sea-king, B 2382.

sæcysul = sǣceosol

sæd (occl. sad- in obl. cases) w. g. sated with, weary of, satiated, filled, fill, Ps, Rd. [‘sad’]

sǣd n., nap. sǣd, sǣdu ‘seed,’ Mk, #VPs# (ē), Æ, CP: fruit, offspring, posterity, MkL, VPs: sowing, Met; Æ: growth.

sǣdberende seed-bearing, Æ.

sǣdcynn n. kind of seed.

sǣde pret. 3 sg. of secgan.

sǣdēor m. sea-monster.

sǣdere m. sower, Æ, MkL. [‘seeder’]

sǣdian to provide seed, LL 450[10].

sǣdlēap m. sower’s basket, A. [‘seedlip’]

sǣdlic belonging to seed, seminal, DR 146^5.

sǣdnað m. sowing, WW 147^4.

sædnes f. satiety, GPH 391.

sǣdraca m. sea-dragon.

sǣdsworn seed (fig. and collectively), REHy 8(9)^55.

sǣdtīma m. seed-time, #Hex# 12^28.

sǣearm m. arm of the sea, AO 22^4.

sǣelfen (æ^2) f. sea-elf, Naiad, WW.

sǣfæreld n. passage of the (Red) sea, AO 38^33.

sǣfæsten f. watery stronghold, ocean, #Ex# 127.

sǣ-faroð, -fearoð † m. sea-coast.

Sæfern f. Severn. [L. Sabrina]

sǣfisc m. ‘sea-fish,’ Cr.

sǣflōd mn. tide, inundation, flood, flow of the sea, flood-tide, AO: (†)sea. [‘seaflood’]

sǣflota m. (sea-floater), ship, #An# 381.

sǣfōr f. sea-voyage, #Seaf# 42.

±sǣgan to cause to sink, settle: cause to fall, fell, destroy. [sīgan]

sægd- = sæged-

sægde pret. 3 sg. of secgan.

sægdig (N) = sægde ic [[form of “secgan”]]

sǣgēap spacious (ship), B 1896.

±sǣgednes f. sacrifice, MkLR 12^33; #APs# 65^13: mystery, MtL 13^11 (gd-).

sǣgemǣre n. sea-coast, G.

±sægen (e) f. speech, statement, Æ, AO: premonition, prophecy, AO: report, story, legend. sēo hālge +s. Holy Writ.

sǣgenga m. † ship: sailor.

sǣgeset m. coast region, #Gl#.

sægl = sigel

sægnian = segnian

sǣgon pret. pl. of sēon.

sǣgrund m. sea-bottom, abyss, Æ, CP.

sæh = seah

sǣhealf f. side next the sea, #Chr# 1072#e#.

sǣhengest m. sea-horse, ship, #An# 488: hippopotamus, WW.

sǣhete m. boiling, surging of the sea, BH 384^24.

sǣholm m. ocean, #An# 529.

sæht = seht

sæhtlian = sahtlian [[under “sehtlian”]]

sǣhund m. sea-dog, sea-monster, OEG 26^61.

sæl n. nap. salu room, hall, castle, B, Rd. [‘sale’; Ger. saal]

sǣl (ē) I. mf. (occl. dp. sālum) time, season, opportunity, occasion, condition, position, Lcd; Æ, AO: prosperity, happiness, joy, B. on sǣlum happy; ‘gaudete,’ GD 202^6. tō sǣles in due time, NR 39. II. = sēl II.

sǣlāc † n. sea-gift, sea-spoil, B.

sǣlād † f. sea-way, sea-voyage.

sǣlāf † f. sea-leavings, jetsam.

±sǣlan I. (ē) to take place, happen. [sǣl I.] II. † to tie, bind, fetter, fasten: curb, restrain, confine. [sāl; Ger. seil]

sǣland n. coast, maritime district, Ct.

sæld = seld

sælen I. made of willow, WW 518^6. [sealh] II. = selen

sǣleoda = sǣlida

sǣlēoð n. song at sea, rowers’ song, WW 379^9.

-sæleða v. sealt-s.

sǣlic of the sea, marine, Æ.

sǣlida m. seafarer, sailor, mariner: pirate. [līðan]

±sǣlig (+ exc. at LL 300#a#) happy, prosperous, AO, Bo, Gen. [‘i-seli’]

+sǣlige happily, WW 407^23.

+sǣliglic happy, blessed, fortunate. adv. -līce, Bo. [‘sellily’]

+sǣlignes f. happiness.

sǣ-līðend, -līðende † m. sailor.

+sǣllic = +sǣliglic

sælmerige f. brine, Æ. [L. *salmoria; Gk. ἁλμυρίς]

+sæltan (NG) = sealtan

sæltna m. name of a bird, bunting? robin? WW 44^17.

sælð f. dwelling, house, #Gen# 785.

±sǣlð (ȳ) f. (usu. in pl.) happiness, prosperity, blessing, Bo; Æ, CP. [‘i-selth’]

sǣlwang (o^2) † m. fertile plain.

sǣm v. sǣ.

sǣma = sēma

+sǣman = +sȳman, sīeman

sǣmann m. ‘seaman,’ pirate, viking, B.

sǣmearh † m. sea-horse, ship.

sǣmend = sēmend

sǣmest superl. (of *sǣme?) worst.

sǣmestre = sēamestre

sǣmēðe weary from a sea-voyage, B 325.

sǣminte f. sea-mint, WW.

sæmninga = samnunga

sǣmra comp. (of *sǣme?) worse, inferior, weaker.

sæmtinges = samtinges

sǣn maritime, OEG 6^23.

sǣnaca m. sea-vessel, ship, #Hu# 26.

sǣnæs m. cape, promontory, maze.

sæncgan = sengan

sændan = sendan

sǣne (often w. g.) slack, lazy, careless, negligent, dull, cowardly.

sǣnet n. net for sea-fishing, WW 336^20.

sængan = sengan

sǣnian = sēnian

sæp (e) n. ‘sap,’ juice, Cr, WW.

sǣp (ÆL 3^162) = sēap

sæpig ‘sappy,’ juicy, succulent, OEG 16^1.

sæppe f. spruce fir, WW 269^14. [L. *sappinum; Fr. sapin]

sæpspōn f. a shaving with sap in it, #Lcd# 106b.

sǣre = sāre

sǣrima m. sea-border, sea-shore, coast, Chr. [‘searim’]

sǣrinc † m. seaman, pirate, viking.

sǣrōf hardy at sea, #Cra# 56.

særwian = searwian

sǣrȳric m. sea-reed? (GK); an ait? (BT), #Whale# 10.

sæs = sess

sǣs v. sǣ.

sǣsceaða m. pirate, WW 469^6.

sǣscell f. ‘sea-shell,’ MH 18^23.

sǣsīð m. sea-voyage, B 1149.

sǣ-snægl, -snǣl m. ‘sea-snail,’ WW.

sǣsteorra m. guiding star (for sailors), HL. [‘seastar’]

sæster = sester

sǣstrand m. ‘sea-strand,’ foreshore, Æ.

sǣstrēam, as mpl. waters of the sea, An. [‘seastream’]

sǣswalwe (hǣ-) f. sand-martin, WW 7^28.

sæt pret. 3 sg. of sittan.

sǣt f. lurking-place: snare, gin? LL 445[2]. [sittan]

+sæt n. act of sitting, MkL p5^14.

sǣta m? holding of land, EC 447^18.

-sǣta (ē) v. burg-s.

sǣtan = sǣtian

-sǣte v. an(d)-s.

sæterdæg = sætern(es)dæg

sǣt-ere, -nere (ē) m. waylayer, robber: spy: seditious one, seducer (the Devil), CP.

sætern-dæg, sæter(n)es- m. ‘Saturday,’ BH, Bl, Lk. [L. Saturni dies]

sæterniht f. Friday night, Æ.

sǣtian (ē) (w. g.) to lie in wait for, plot against, CP. [sittan]

sætil, sætl == setl

sǣtn- = sǣt-

+sætnes = +setnes

sǣton pret. pl. of sittan.

sǣtung (ē) f. ambush, trap, plot, snare, CP: sedition.

sǣð (ÆL 36^295) = sēað

sǣðēof v. hēahsǣðēof.

sæðerie f. savory (plant). [L. satureia]

sǣðrenewudu = sūðernewudu

sǣum v. sǣ.

sǣūpwearp jetsam, TC 421^32.

sǣwǣg m. sea-wave, #Da# 384.

sǣwæter n. ‘sea-water,’ Lcd 10b.

sǣwan = sāwan

sǣwār n. sea-weed, WW 135^21. [‘seaware’]

sǣwaroð n. sea-shore, beach.

sǣwe v. sǣ.

sǣweall † m. ‘sea-wall,’ seashore, beach, cliff, B: wall of water (in the Red Sea).

sǣweard m. coast warden, LL.

sǣweg m. path through the sea, Ps 8^8. [‘seaway’]

sǣwērig † weary from a sea-voyage, An. [‘seaweary’]

sǣwet n. sowing. [sāwan]

sǣwīcing m. sea-viking, #Ex# 333.

sǣwiht f. marine animal, BH 26^6.

sǣwong m. sea-shore, beach, B 1964.

sǣwð pres. 3 sg. of sāwan.

sǣwudu m. vessel, ship, B 226.

sǣwum v. sǣ.

sǣwylm m. sea-surf, billow, B 393.

sæx (#Gl#) = seax

sǣȳð f. sea-wave.

safene, safine f. savine (a kind of juniper). [L. sabina]

saftriende ptc. rheumatic, WW 161^34.

sāg pret. 3 sg. of sīgan.

saga I. imperat. of secgan. II. m., +saga n. = sagu II.

+saga n. narrative, LkL 1^1.

sagast pres. 2 sg., sagað pres. 3 sg., sagode pret. 3 sg. of secgan.

sāg-ol, -el m. (sāgl- in obl. cases) club, cudgel, stick, staff, pole, AO, GD, Mt; Æ, CP. [‘sowel’]

-sagol v. lēas-, sōð-, wær-s.

sagu (±) I. f. ‘saw,’ saying, report, story, tradition, tale, Lk, WW; Æ: presage, prophecy: witness, testimony. [secgan] II. f. ‘saw’ (tool), A, WW.

sāh I. pret. 3 sg. of sīgan. II. pret. 3 sg. of sēon II.

sahl- = sealh-

sāhl = sāgol

saht == seht

sāl mf. bond, rope, cord, rein, collar, B, Gen. [‘sole’; Ger. seil]

sala m. act of selling, ‘sale,’ WW.

salb = sealf

salch = sealh

salde = sealde pret. 3 sg. of sellan.

salf (Cp) = sealf

salfie, salfige f. sage, #Lcd#. [L. salvia]

salh (Gl), salig = sealh

salletan to sing psalms, play on, or sing to, the harp. [L. psallere]

salm- = sealm-

sālnes f. silence, A 8·319^29. [cp. Goth. silan]

salo == salu

salor = solor

salowigpād = saluwigpād

salt == sealt

saltere (ea) m. ‘psalter,’ collection of psalms, service book containing the psalms, BH, Ct; Æ: psaltery, Lcd (ps-). [L. psalterium]

salthaga m. robin redbreast? WW 286^11.

salu I. (ea) dark, dusky, Rd. [‘sallow’] II. nap. of sæl.

salubrūn (ea^1, o^2) dark brown, #Fin# 37.

sālum v. sǣl.

saluneb dark-complexioned, #Rd# 50^5.

salupād dark-coated, #Rd# 58^3.

saluwigpād = salwigpād

salwed ptc. darkened, painted black (with pitch), #Gen# 1481.

salwigfeðera ‡ having dark plumage.

salwigpād † having dark plumage.

sālwong = sǣlwang

sam conj. whether, or. sam...sam whether...or, AO. sam ge...sam ge; sam ðe...sam ðe whether...or.

sam- (= together) denotes union, combination, or agreement. [ON. sam-]

sām- (= half-) denotes a partial or imperfect condition. [L. semi-]

sama = same v. swā.

samad- = samod-

sāmbærned half-burnt, OEG.

sāmboren born out of due time, WW 356^2.

sāmbryce m. partial breach (of rules, laws, etc.), LL 468[9].

sām-cwic, -cucu (o^1) half-dead, Æ, AO.

same only in swā s. (swā) in like manner, also, as.

samed == samod

samen adv. together, JnR (o^1).

sāmgrēne half-green, immature, WW 405^4.

sāmgung young, CM 123. [geong]

sāmhāl unwell, weakly, W 273^10.

samheort unanimous, #PPs# 149^1.

±samhīwan pl. members of the same household, CP.

samhwyle pron. some.

sāmlǣred half-taught, badly instructed, Æ.

samlīce together, at the same time.

samlinga = samnunga

sāmlocen half-closed, NC 318.

sammǣle agreed, accordant, united.

sāmmelt half-digested, #Lcd# 69b.

±samnian to assemble, meet, collect, unite, join, gather together, (tr.) Da, Lcd; (intr.) Ps: glean. [‘sam’]

samninga = samnunga

±samnung (o) f. (but occl. gs. samnunges) assembly, council, MkL; Æ, CP. [‘samening’]

samnunga (æ, e, o) adv. forthwith, immediately, suddenly. [= semninga]

samnungewide (o^1) collect, DR 2^1.

samod (o^1) I. adv. simultaneously, at the same time, together, Æ, AO: entirely, Æ: also, as well, too. II. prep. (w. d.) together with, at (of time), Æ. [Ger. sammt]

samodberan^4 to bear together.

samodcumend flocking together, CM 282.

samodeard (o^1, u^2) ‡ m. common home.

samodfæst joined together, #Cr# 1581.

samodgang? m. communication between rooms, GD 170^23. (v. NC 318.)

samodgeflit (o) n. strife, WW 382^38.

samodgesīð m. comrade, GPH 400.

samodherian (o^1) to praise together, #RPs# 116^1.

samodhering f. praising, ES 40·302.

+samodlǣcan to bring together, #RPs# 112^8.

samodlīce adv. together, #Chr# 1123.

samodrynelas mpl. ‘concurrentes,’ A 8·302.

samodsprǣc f. colloquy, conversation, CM 511.

samodswēgende consonantal, #ÆGr# 5^17.

samodtang continuous, successive, v. NC 318.

samodðyrlic (o) adj. concordant, WW 378^40.

samodwellung (o^1) f. welding together, WW 380^44. [weallan]

samodwist f. a being one with, GD 224^4.

samodwunung f. common residence, living together, LL (422^29).

samodwyrcende ptc. co-operating, WW 384^12.

sāmra = sǣmra

samrād harmonious, united, #Met# 11^96.

sāmsoden half-cooked, LL (166^2n).

sāmstorfen half-dead, GPH 401.

sāmswǣled half burnt, OEG 4388.

samswēge (u^1) adj. sounding together, in unison.

samtinges (æ^1, e^1, e^2) adv. all at once, immediately, forthwith, Æ.

samðe conj. in phrase samðe...samðe... as well...as... (‘tam’...‘quam’...), CM 140, etc. [sam]

sāmweaxen half-dead, NC 319.

samwinnende ptc. contending together, WW 211^7.

sāmwīs stupid, dull, foolish, CP. adv. -līce.

samwist f. living together, cohabitation.

sāmworht unfinished, #Chr#.

samwrǣdnes f. union, combination. #Bo# 114^4.

sāmwyrcan to half do a thing, do it imperfectly, LL 350[61,1].

sanc I. pret. 3 sg. of sincan. II. = sang

sanct m. holy person, saint, Æ. [L. sanctus]

sand (o) I. f. action of sending, embassy, mission, deputation, Æ: message: (also m.) messenger, ambassador: sending, service, course of food, repast, mess, victuals, Ep; Æ. [‘sand’; sendan] II. n. ‘sand,’ gravel, Æ, VPs; AO; Mdf: sandy shore, sea-shore, beach.

sandbeorg m. sand-hill, sand-bank.

sandceosol m. sand, gravel, Æ.

sandcorn n. grain of sand, Æ.

sandgeweorp (u^3) n. sand-bank, quicksand.

sandgewyrpe n. sand-heap, KC 6·228^23.

sandgrot n. grain of sand, #Hell# 117.

sand-hlið n., nap. -hleoðu sandy slope, hillock, #An# 236.

sandhof ‡ n. sand-house, barrow, grave.

sandhricg m. sand-bank, #ÆGr# 75^8.

sandhyll m. ‘sand-hill,’ Cp (o).

sandig ‘sandy,’ Lcd.

sandiht (o) sandy, dusty, AO.

sandlond † (o) n. sandy shore.

sandrid n. quicksand, WW 183^7.

sang I. m. noise, ‘song,’ singing, B, Bo, Cr, LkL: psalm, poem, lay, Bl, CP, VPs (o). II. pret. 3 sg. of singan.

sangbōc f. singing-book, service-book, KC, LL. [‘songbook’]

sangcræft m. art of singing, composing poetry, or playing an instrument.

sangdrēam m. ‘cantilena,’ song, music, CM 638.

sangere (o) m. singer, poet, BH, Bl. [‘songer’]

sangestre f. songstress, ÆGr. [‘songster’]

sangpīpe f. pipe, GPH 389^26.

-sānian v. ā-s. [sǣne]

sann pret. 3 sg. of sinnan.

sāp f? amber, unguent, #Gl#.

sāpbox m. box for resin? soap-box? LL 455[17].

sāpe f. ‘soap,’ salve, Lcd, WW; Æ.

sār I. n. bodily pain, sickness, BH, Bl, Cr, VPs: wound, ‘sore,’ raw place, Gu, Lcd: suffering, sorrow, affliction, Bo, Chr. II. adj. sore, sad, grievous, painful, wounding, CP, Cr, Gen, Lcd, LL, Rd.

sārbenn † f. painful sore or wound.

sārbōt f. compensation for wounding, LL 500[10,1].

sārclāð m. bandage, WW.

sārcren sore, tender, #Lcd# 65b.

sārcwide † m. taunt, reproach: lament.

sāre (ǣ) adv. sorely, heavily, grievously, bitterly, B, Cr, Gen, Ps: painfully, B. [‘sore’]

sārettan to grieve, be vexed, lament, complain, CP.

sārferhð sorrowful, #Gen# 2244.

sarga m. trumpet, clarion, #Gl#.

sārgian (±) to cause pain, afflict, wound, grieve: be pained, suffer, languish, CP. [sārig]

sārgung f. lamentation, grief.

sārian to become painful, CP: grieve, be sad, feel sorry for, BH.

sārig ‘sorry,’ grieved, sorrowful, sad, Æ, Bo, Cr, Ps.

sārigcierm (e^3) m. wailing, MFH 128^8.

sārigferhð † sad-hearted.

sārigmōd dejected, mournful, B. [‘sorry-mood’]

sārignes f. sadness, grief, Æ, Chr. [‘sorriness’]

sārlic grievous, sad, doleful, painful, lamentable, bitter, Æ, B, Bo, Bl. adv. -līce ‘sorely,’ grievously, mournfully, bitterly, painfully, Æ, Bl, Bo, Jul; CP.

sārnes f. affliction, distress, suffering, pain, grief, Æ. [‘soreness’]

sārseofung f. complaint, WW 488^36.

sārslege † m. painful blow.

sārspell n. sad story, complaint.

sārstæf ‡ m. cutting word, abuse, insult.

sārung = sārgung

sarw- = searw-

sār-wracu † f., gds. -wræce grievous persecution, sore tribulation.

sārwylm m. pain, illness, #Gu# 1123.

saturege f. savory (plant), Lcd 147a. [‘satureie’]

sāul = sāwol

±sāwan^7 to ‘sow,’ strew seed, implant, Æ, Bo, Lcd, G, VPs: disseminate, Bo, CP.

sāwel == sāwol

+sāweled having a soul, G.

sāwend, sāwere (Mt) m. ‘sower.’

sāwl (CP) == sāwol

sāwlian to expire, Æ.

sāwlung (e^2) f. dying, Shr. [‘souling’]

sā-wol (-wel, -wul, -wl) f., gs, sāwle ‘soul,’ life, Æ, B, Bl, Bo, VPs; CP: spirit, Bl, Chr: living being, Æ.

sāwolberend m. human being, B 1004 (wl).

sāwolcund (e) spiritual, #Gu# 288.

sawoldrēor † n. life-blood.

sāwolgedāl † n. death.

sāwolgesceot = sāwolscot [[under “sāwolsceat”]]

sāwolhord (e^2, wl) † n. life, body.

sāwolhūs † n. (soul house), body.

sāwollēas soulless, lifeless, Æ.

sāwol-sceat (e^2), -scot m. payment to the church on the death of a person, LL.

sāwolðearf f. soul’s need, TC 474 (wl).

sāwon pret. pl. of sēon.

sāwul == sāwol

sca-, scā-, v. also scea-, scēa-.

scābfot = scāffōt

scād = +scēad I.

scāda m. crown of head, #PPs# 67^21. [‘shode’]

scādesealf (ēa) f. salve or powder (for the head?), #Lcd#.

+scādwyrt f. oxeye, #Lcd# 103a.

scæ- = scea-

scǣ- = scēa-

scæc, scec ‘boja,’ fetters, #JGPh# 1·329. [Du. schake]

scæcen pp. of sceacan.

scæd = (1) scead; (2) sceabb

scæftamund = sceaftmund

scæfð = sceafoða

scægð = scegð

scæm- = scam-

scǣnan I. (±) (ē, ēa) to break, wrench open, Æ. [‘shene’] II. (+) to render brilliant? #Sol# 222 (GK).

scænc = scenc

scændan = sciendan

+scǣningnes f. collision, WW 384^10.

scǣp == scēap

scæptlō (Cp) = sceaftlō

scær = scear I. and II.

scǣron pret. pl. of scieran.

scǣð I. (Gen) = scēað. II. = scegð

scæð- = sceð-, sceað-

scafa m. plane, Ep, LL. [‘shave’]

±scafan^6 (a, æ, ea) to ‘shave,’ scrape, polish, Cp, BH.

scāffōt splay-footed, #Gl#.

scalde = sceolde pret. 3 sg. of sculan.

scaldhūl papyrus-plant, Cp 1491 (v. ES 43·320).

scaldðȳfel = scealdðȳfel

scalu = scealu

scamel = scamol

scamfæst ‘shamefast,’ modest, CP.

scamful (eo) modest, DR. [‘shameful’]

scamian (ea, eo, o) (w. g.) to be ashamed, blush, B, CP: (impers., w. a. of pers. and g. of thing) cause shame, Æ (ea), CP. [‘shame’]

scamisc causing shame, WW 532^31.

scamlēas ‘shameless,’ impudent, immodest, CP.

scamlēaslic shameless, CP. adv. -līce ‘shamelessly,’ CP.

scamlēast (ea^1) f. impudence, shamelessness, immodesty.

scamlic (æ, ea) shameful, disgraceful, OEG; AO: modest. [‘shamely’] adv. -līce, CP.

scamlim n. private member, GPH 390.

scamol (æ^1, e^1, ea^1, eo^1, o^1; e^2, o^2) m. stool, footstool, bench, table (of money-changers), Bl (eo), VPs (o). [‘shamble’]

scamu (ea, eo, o) f. ‘shame,’ confusion, Cp (o), Lk (eo): disgrace, dishonour, Cr (o): insult, MkR (o): shameful circumstance, WW: modesty, CP: private parts, Gen, WW. s. dōn to inflict injury.

scamul = scamol

scamung (ea) f. disgrace, #LPs# 68^20.

scān pret. 3 sg. of scīnan.

scanca m. ‘shank,’ shin, leg, Ph, WW: ham? LL (sconc).

scancbend (scang-) m. leg-band, garter, WW 152^39.

scancforad broken-legged, CP.

scancgebeorg f. leg-greave, WW 535^9.

scancgegirela m. leg-clothing, leg-band, anklet, garter, WW 467^29.

scanclīra m. calf of the leg, WW 266^4.

scand I. (ea, eo, o) f. ignominy, shame, confusion, disgrace, Chr, Cr: scandal, disgraceful thing, CP. II. m. wretch, impostor, recreant, buffoon, Æ. III. f. bad woman. [‘shond’]

scandful shameful, disgraceful, MH. [‘shondfull’]

scandhūs m. house of ill fame, MH 26^24.

scandlic (ea, o) shameful, disgraceful, vile, unchaste, Bo; Æ, AO (o). [‘shondly’] adv. -līce shamefully, obscenely: insultingly.

scandlicnes f. shame, disgrace, CP (o): disgraceful act.

scandlufiende loving shamefully, ZDA 31·25.

+scandnes (e, y) f. shame, confusion, Æ, Ps. [‘shendness’]

scandword (ea) n. abusive, blasphemous or obscene language, W 255^15.

scang- = scanc-

+scāp- = +scēap-

+scapen pp. of scieppan.

scar- = scear-

scað- = sceað-

scēab (Cp) = scēaf

sceaba = scafa

sceabb m. ‘scab,’ CP. [‘shab’]

sceabbede purulent, having sores or scabs, OEG. [‘shabbed’]

sceacan^6 (tr. and intr.) to ‘shake,’ move quickly to and fro, MtL: go, glide, hasten, flee, depart, B; Æ: pass from, proceed, CP.

sceacdōm (æ) m. flight, Æ.

sceacel (e) m. ‘shackle,’ WW: plectrum.

scēacere m. robber, NG. [Ger. schächer]

sceacga m. rough hair, wool, etc., WW. [‘shag’]

sceacgede hairy, shaggy, WW.

sceaclīne (WW 182^26) = sceatlīne

sceacnes f. ‘excussio,’ #EPs# 140^4.

sceacul = sceacel

scead (a, æ, e) n. shadow, shade: shelter, protection: stye, Cp 1954 (ES 43·326).

+scēad (ā) n. separation, distinction, LkL: discretion, understanding, argument, Æ; CP: reason, ÆP 142^11: reckoning, account, Mt: accuracy. [‘shed’]

±scēadan^7 (ā, ē) (tr. and intr.) to divide, separate, part, Soul; #Lcd# (ā): discriminate, decide, determine, appoint: differ: scatter, ‘shed,’ Lcd.

sceadd m. ‘shad’ (fish), KC 6·147.

scēadelīce = scēadlīce

+scēaden rational, Æ.

scēadenmǣl n. damascened sword? B 1939?

scēadesealf = scādesealf

sceadew- = sceadw-

sceadiht shady, CVHy 5^3.

sceadlic shady, OEG 2885.

+scēadlic reasonable, discreet, wise, accurate, CP. adv. -līce.

+scēadnes? ‘auctoritas,’ NC.

sceadu (a) f., gs. scead(u)we, sceade ‘shade,’ shadow, darkness, Ex, Ps, Sol; CP: shady place, arbour, Lcd: shelter.

sceadugeard m. shady place, Cp 79#t#.

sceadugenga m. wanderer in darkness, B 703.

sceaduhelm (a^1) m. darkness, B 650.

sceadwian (a^1) to protect, shield, Ps 90^4. [‘shadow’]

sceadwig shady, RHy 5^3.

±scēad-wīs (a), -wīslic sagacious, intelligent, rational, wise, Æ. adv. -līce.

scēadwīsnes f. sagacity, reason.

sceadwung f. overshadowing, Æ.

scēaf I. m. ‘sheaf,’ bundle, Æ, Lcd; CP. II. pret. 3 sg. of scūfan.

sceafan = scafan

scēafmǣlum adv. into bundles, Mt 13^30.

sceafoða m. chip, shaving, slip, scraping.

sceaft (æ, e) m. staff, pole, ‘shaft,’ Met, WW: spear-shaft, spear, Æ; CP.

±sceaft fn., nap. -tu, -ta, -te created being, creature, Æ, CP: creation, construction, existence, Æ, CP: (+) dispensation, destiny, fate, CP: (+) condition, nature. [scieppan]

sceaft-lō, pl. -lōn spear-strap, Cp (sce(a)pt-).

sceaftmund (æ) f. span, LL. [‘shaftment’]

sceaftrihte adv. in a straight line, CC 54.

sceafð = sceafoða

sceaga (a) m. copse, Ct; Mdf. [‘shaw’]

sceagod = sceacgede

sceal pres. 1 and 3 sg. of sculan.

scealc m. servant, retainer, soldier, subject, member of a crew, Ps: man, youth, B. [‘shalk’]

sceald shallow, PST 1895-8, 532.

scealde = sceolde pret. 2 sg. of sculan.

scealdðȳfel m. ‘alga,’ seaweed, marsh plant, shrub, GD 100; 212 (v. ES 38·355; 43·318).

scealfor f., scealfra (Æ) m. plungeon, diver (bird). [cp. OHG. scarbo]

scealga (y) m. a fish, roach? rudd? WW. [‘shallow’]

sceall = sceal pres. 1 and 3 sg. of sculan.

sceallan pl. ‘testiculi,’ #Lcd#.

-scealian v. ā-s.

scealtu = scealt ðu (pres. 2 sg. of sculan, and pron. 2 pers.).

scealu (a) f. shell, husk, Ep (a): scale (of a balance), Æ: dish, KC. [‘shale’]

scēam m. pale grey or white horse? #Rd# 23^4. [Ger. schimmel]

sceam- = scam-

scēan pret. 3 sg. of scīnan.

scēanan = scǣnan

sceanc- = scanc-

sceand == scand

scēanfeld = scīnfeld

scēap (ǣ, ē, ī) n. ‘sheep,’ CP, WW.

+sceap (a) n., nap. -pu ‘shape,’ form, created being, creature, El, Gen, WW: creation: dispensation, fate: condition: (±) ‘genitalia,’ A.

-sceap v. for-s.

scēapætere (ǣ^1, ī^1; e^2) m. sheep’s carcase, LL 449[8].

sceapen pp. of scieppan.

scēapen adj. of a sheep, #Lcd#.

+sceapennes f. creation, formation, Æ.

scēaphām m. sheepfold, EC 373.

scēapheord f. flock of sheep, Æ.

scēapheorden n. shed, WW 185^15.

+sceaphwīl (æ) f. fated hour, B 26.

scēaphyrde (W; Æ) (i) m. ‘shepherd.’

scēaplic of a sheep, OEG 11^187.

+sceaplīce ably, fitly, BH 324^4 (ca).

scēapscearu (ē) f. sheep-shearing, Æ.

-sceapung v. for-s.

scēapwæsce f. place for washing sheep, Ct.

scēapwīc n. sheepfold, KC 3·405^5.

scear I. (æ, e) mn. ploughshare, Cp (æ), Sc (e). [‘share’] II. pret. 3 sg. of scieran.

scēara = scēarra

scearbēam m. wood to which the ploughshare is fixed, WW 196^28.

sceard I. n. incision, cleft, gap, Ct: potsherd, GPH. [‘shard’] II. adj. cut, mutilated, gashed, notched, hacked: (w. g.) bereft of, deprived of.

±scearfian to cut off, scrape, shred.

scearflian to scrape, #Lcd# 1·184^18.

scearfung f. scraping, scarifying, #Lcd#.

scearn (æ, e) n. dung, muck, Lcd, VPs. [‘sharn’]

scearnbudda m. dung-beetle, #ÆGr# 308^1n.

scearn-wibba (æ, e) -wifel (-fifel, WW) m. dung-beetle.

scēaron = scǣron pret. pl. of scieran.

scearp (a, æ) ‘sharp,’ pointed, prickly, Lcd, Soul, VPs: acute, keen, active, shrewd, Bo, Lcd: severe, rough, harsh, AO, Lcd: biting, bitter, acid, Lcd: brave. [scieran]

scearpe I. adv. ‘sharply,’ keenly, Hex, Ps; Æ. II. f. scarification, #Lcd#.

scearpecged ‘sharp-edged,’ Æ.

scearpian to score, scarify, #Lcd#.

scearplic sharp, severe, effectual. adv. -līce ‘sharply,’ acutely, keenly, CP: painfully, severely, OET, W: effectually, CM 192: attentively, A: quickly, WW.

scearpnes f. ‘sharpness,’ acuteness, keen observation, Bo, Cp, CP; Æ: tartness, pungency, acidity, Lcd, W; Æ: efficacy.

scearpnumol effective, #Lcd#.

scearpsīene keen-sighted, #Bo#.

scearpsmēawung f. argument, G.

scearpðanc(ful)līce adv. efficaciously.

scearpðancol quick-witted, keen, #Lcd# 3·440^28.

scearpung f. scarifying, #Lcd#.

scēarra fpl. shears, scissors, A, CP, WW. [‘shear’]

scearseax (e, i, ie, y) n. razor, CP.

scearu I. (a, æ, y) f. shearing, shaving, tonsure, Æ. II. (a) f. ‘share’-bone, groin, Lcd, WW (a).

scēat I. m. corner angle, edge, point, promontory, Mdf: quarter, district, region, surface (of the earth): lap, bosom, fold, CP: napkin, sheet, covering, cloak, garment, CP: inlet, creek, BH 90^27. [Ger. schoss] II. pret. 3 sg. of scēotan.

scēata m. angle, corner, AO: bosom, lap, lower part of a sail: napkin. [Ger. schote]

scēatcod m. wallet, WW 107^5. [codd]

sceatlīne f. sheet by which a sail is trimmed to the wind, WW 288^24.

sceatt (æ, e) m. property, treasure, coin, money, wealth, LL: payment, price, tribute, bribe, reward, Æ: money of account, denarius, twentieth part of a shilling (Kent), v. LL 2·634. [‘sceat’]

sceatwyrpan to make the payment to the bridegroom on which the bride passes into his power from that of the father, WW 386^1 (v. ES 42·170).

scēað (ǣ, ē) f. ‘sheath,’ Æ, JnL (ēæ): spike, nail, JnL 20^23? [cp. hornscēað]

sceaða (a) m. injurious person, criminal, thief, assassin, B, Mt; Æ: (†) warrior, antagonist: fiend, devil: injury, Gen 549. [‘scathe’]

sceaðan = sceððan

sceaðel f. shuttle? weaver’s slay? LL 455, 15, 1 (v. ANS 115^165).

sceaðenes = sceðnes

sceaðful hurtful, GD 209. [‘scatheful’]

sceaðian to injure, spoil, steal.

sceaðig (æ) injurious, #ÆGr# 63^15.

sceaðung f. injury, damage, TC 138^18.

scēawendsprǣc f. scurrility, buffoonery, WW 533^4.

scēawendwīse f. buffoon’s song, #Rd# 9^9.

scēawere m. beholder, spectator, observer, spy, B; Æ, CP: mirror. [‘shower’]

±scēawian to look, gaze, see, behold, observe, B; Æ, AO, CP: inspect, examine, scrutinize, Chr, Lk; Æ, AO: have respect to, look favourably on, Æ: look out, look for, choose, Æ: decree, grant. [‘show’]

scēawung (a) f. seeing, surveying, inspection, scrutiny, examination, contemplation, AO, CP: respect, regard: show, spectacle, appearance, Bl, MkL: toll on exposure of goods. [‘showing’]

sceb = sceabb

scēb = scēaf

scec = scæc

scecel = sceacel

sced = scead

scēd pret. 3 sg. of scēadan.

scef- = sceaf-, scyf-

scegð (æ, ei) mf. vessel, ship. [ON. skeið]

scegðmann (æ) m. sailor, pirate, viking, Æ.

scehð = scegð

sceið = scegð

scel = (1) sceal; (2) sciell

sceld = (1) scield; (2) scyld I.

sceld- = scild-, scyld-

scelēge (#Gl#) = sceolhēge

scelfan^3 (= ie) to totter, shake. [ON. skialfa]

scelfor = scealfor

scell I. = sceal. II. = sciell

scelle (= ie) separation? cutting off? Cp 777#c# (v. FM 100).

scemel = scamol

scēnan = scǣnan

scenc (æ) m. (±) drink, draught, Lcd, MtL: cup, CM 959. [‘shench’]

±scencan to pour out, give drink, B, LPs (æ), Sc; Æ, CP. [‘shench’; Ger. schenken]

scencingcuppe f. jug, TC 536^7.

scendan I. (±, i, ie, y) to put to shame, confound, discomfort, AO, VPs: blame, CP (ie): corrupt, injure, Cr, DR: disgrace, insult. [‘shend’] II. = scyndan I.

scendle f. reproach, LkLR 11^8.

+scendnes = +scandnes

scendung f. reproach, affliction, N.

scēne = scīene

scēnfeld = scīnfeld

scennum dp. of sb. pommel of sword-hilt? plate of metal on pommel? B 1694.

+scento, +scendðo (#VPs#) f. shame, confusion.

scēo I. cloud? #Rd# 4^41. II. = scēoh, scōh

sceo- = sco-, scu-

scēo- = scō-, scū-

scēoc pret. 3 sg. of sceacan.

sceocc- = scucc-

scēod I. = scōd pret. 3 sg of sceððan. II. pp. of scōgan.

scēofan = scūfan

scēogan (CP) = scōgan

scēoh I. ‘shy,’ timid, Rim 43. II. = scōh

scēohmōd timid, #Jul# 672.

sceol (*sceolh) squinting, awry, WW. [Ger. scheel]

sceolan = sculan

sceoldan = scieldan

sceolh-ēge, -ē(a)gede (y) squinting, Æ.

sceolu = scolu

sceom- = scam-

scēon (±) I. † to fall (to), occur, happen: go quickly, fly. II. = scōgan

scēon- = scīen-

scēona gp. of scēoh.

sceonc- = scanc-

sceond = scand

sceop = scop

scēop pret. 3 sg. of scieppan.

sceoppa m. booth, Lk 21^1. [‘shop’]

sceoppend = scieppend

sceopu nap. of scip.

scēor = scūr

sceoran = scieran

sceorf = scurf

sceorfan^3 to scarify, gnaw, AO: (+) scrape, shred.

sceorian = scorian

sceorp (o) n. ornament, clothing, AO: equipment, fittings (for a ship?), LL 444[1].

±sceorpan^3 to scrape, gnaw, #Lcd#.

sceort == scort

scēos gs., nap. of scēoh, scōh.

sceot == scot

±scēot ready, quick.

sceota m. ‘shoat,’ trout, WW 94.

±scēotan^2 to ‘shoot,’ hurl missiles, cast, Bl, Ma, ZDA; Æ: strike, hit, push, thrust, AO, Lcd, Ma: run, rush, dart, press forward, Æ, Jn: contribute, pay: refer to, appeal to, Æ, TC.

scēotend † m. bowman, warrior.

sceoton = scuton pret. pl. of scēotan.

sceoða = sceaða

scēo-ðwang, -ðong m. ‘shoe-thong,’ boot-lace, Jn.

scēowyrhta m. shoemaker, leather-worker, GD 322^1 (scōh-); WW 97^5.

scep = scyp I.

scep- = sciep-

+scep = +sceap

scēp (VPs) = scēap

scepen I. pp. of scieppan. II. = scypen. III. (N) = scieppend

sceppe f. a dry measure, NC 319. [ON. skeppa]

sceptlōh, sceptōg (#Gl#) = sceaftlō

scer = scear

scer- = scear-, scier-, scir-

scerero (OET) = scearra [[headword spelled “scēarra”]]

scernicge (= ie) f. actress, female jester, A; MH, #Rd# (sciren-).

+scert shortened, OEG 130. [scyrtan]

sceruru = scearra [[headword spelled “scēarra”]]

scēt = scēat pret. 3 sg. of scēotan.

scēte = scȳte

scetel (#KGl#) = scyttel

scett = sceatt

scēð = (1) scēað; (2) scegð

sceð-nes, -enes f. hurt, injury.

sceðdǣd (æ) f. injurious deed, crime, WW.

±sceððan^6 and wv. (ea, y) to scathe, injure, hurt, crush, oppress, disturb. [sceaða]

sceððend † m. adversary.

+sceððendlic hurtful, DR 118^16.

sceððu f. hurt, injury, #Lcd# 1·342^17.

sceðwrǣc hurtful, wicked, #Bl# 161^33.

sceu- = scu-

scēu- = scū-

scēwyrhta = scēowyrhta

scīa m. shin, leg, #Gl#.

sciccels, sciccel (y) m. coat, mantle, cloak.

sciccing m. mantle, cloak, cape, #Gl#.

scīd n. thin slip of wood, shingle, billet, Gl, WW. [‘shide’]

scīdhrēac m. rick or heap of firewood, EC 351.

scīdweall m. wooden palings, WW 146^28.

+scīe = +scȳ

-scīelan (ȳ) v. be-s. [[under “bescȳlan”]]

scield (e, i, y) m. ‘shield,’ protector, Bl, Ph: (±) protection, defence, VPs; AO, CP: part of a bird’s plumage? #Ph# 308.

scield- v. also scild-.

±scieldan (i, eo, y) to protect, ‘shield,’ (‘i-shield’) guard, defend, defend oneself, Æ, B, Bl, VPs; CP. +scieldod furnished with shields, Bl.

sciele (CP) pres. sg. subj. of sculan.

sciell f. ‘shell,’ Cp, MH; OEG: shell-fish: scale, CP; Æ, AO. [scalu]

sciellfisc (i, y) m. ‘shell-fish,’ Bo.

-sciellig (y) v. stān-s. [[under “stānscylig”]]

scielliht (e) having a shell, #Lcd#.

sciendan = scendan

scīene (ē, ēo, ī, ȳ) beautiful, Cr, Gen (ē), Pa, Ph (ȳ): bright, brilliant, light, Cr (ȳ). [‘sheen’]

scīenes (ēo, ī, ȳ) f. suggestion, instigation, CP. [scȳan]

scienn = scinn, scīn

scīenð pres. 3 sg. of scīnan.

±scieppan^6 (e, i, y) to create, form, make, Gen: order, destine, arrange, adjudge, assign, B, Wy. [‘shape,’ ‘i-shape’]

±Scieppend m. Creator, B (y); CP. [‘sheppend’]

±scieran^4 (æ, e, eo, i) to cleave, hew, cut, An, B: cut hair, Æ, CP: receive tonsure, Guth: ‘shear’ sheep, BC. pp. scoren abrupt, CP 215^8.

scierden (e) adj. of sherds, GPH 400. [sceard]

sciering (e) f. shearing, shaving, CM 610.

±scierpan I. to deck, clothe, equip, ÆL (y). [sceorp] II. (e, y) to sharpen, A, VPs: rouse. [‘sharp’]

+scierpla (i, y) clothing, garments.

scierseax = scearseax

scīet pres. 3 sg. of scēotan.

scīete (ē, ī, ȳ) f. cloth, towel, shroud, Æ, BH, Cp, Mk, WW. [‘sheet’]

scife = scyfe

±sciftan to divide, distribute, allot, LL (y): place, order, arrange, LL, W (y). [‘shift’]

scild = scield

scild- = scyld-

scildburh † (e, y) f. shield-wall, phalanx: roof of shields, testudo: castle, fortress, #Sat# 309 (e).

scilden f. protection, WW 52^17.

±scild-end, -ere (ie, y) m. protector, defender.

scildfreca (y^1) m. warrior, B 1033.

scildhete m. foe, #An# 85. [scyld]

scildhrēoða (y^1, e^2, ea^2) m. shield, buckler: testudo, phalanx.

±scildnes (ie) f. defence, protection.

scildtruma (y^1) m. testudo, phalanx, Æ, OEG. [‘sheltron’]

scildung f. protection, Æ.

scildweall (y^1) m. wall of shields, B 3118.

scildwiga (y^1) m. warrior, B 288.

scildwyrhta (y^1) m. shield-maker.

scile (CP) pres. subj. of sculan.

scilfix = sciellfisc

scilfor yellow, golden, OEG.

scill = sciell

scilling (y) m. ‘shilling’ (consisting of a varying number of pence), silver coin, Æ, G, LL (v. 2·640), WW.

scillingrīm n. count of shillings, #Wid# 92.

scima m. ray, light, brightness, effulgence, splendour, CP: twilight, gloom. [scīnan]

scimerian (y) to glisten, shine, OEG 23^51; NC 319. [‘shimmer’]

scīmian to shine, glisten, ÆGr, LkL: grow dusky, dim, be dazzled, bleared, Æ. [‘shim’]

scīn == scinn

scīnan^1 (ȳ) to ‘shine,’ flash, Æ, BH, Bl, Bo, Cp, Mt; CP: (+) shine upon, illuminate.

scinbān n. ‘shin-bone,’ WW.

scinccing (OET p. 26) = sciccing

+scincio np. the fat about the kidneys, #Lcd#.

scindan = scendan

scīndlāc = scīnlāc

scīnefrian to glitter, WW 348^19.

scinelāc = scīnlāc

scīnende ‘shining,’ MH (y), WW: eminent, distinguished, BH.

scīnendlic shining, #LPs# 18^9.

scīnfeld (ēa) m. Elysian fields, Temple.

scīngedwola m. phantom, WW 455^11.

scīngelāc ‡ n. jugglery, magical practices.

scinhosu f. greave, OEG.

scīnlāc I. n. sorcery, magic: apparition, spectre, delusion, superstition: frenzy, rage, AO. II. = scīnlǣce I.

scīnlǣca m. wizard, magician, AO(ā^2).

scīnlǣce I. magic, spectral, AO. II. f. sorceress, witch.

scinlic (y) spectral, NC 320.

scinn (CP) n., scinna m. spectre, illusion, apparition, phantom, evil spirit.

scinncræft (y) m. sorcery, magic, AO.

scinncræftiga m. sorcerer, GD 27^15; LL 248[7].

scinnere m. magician, #Gl#.

scīnnes I. f. radiance, MkL 13^24. II. = scīenes

scinnhīw n. spectre, illusion, phantasm.

scīnsēoc spectre-haunted, #Lcd# 1·364^4.

scinu (y) f. ‘shin,’ WW.

scip (y) n. ‘ship,’ BH, Bo, Cp; AO, CP.

scīp == scēap

scipbroc n. hardship on ship-board, #Bl# 173^6.

scipbrucol (y) destructive to shipping, GPH 401^9.

scipbryce m. right to claim wreckage, KC 4·208. [‘shipwreck’]

scipȳbme (y) f. ship’s trumpet, GPH 391.

scipcræft m. naval force, #Chr# 1048#d#.

scipdrincende shipwrecked, DR 61^16.

scipe m. pay, teage, WW; Æ 31^55: position, rank. [‘shipe’]

scipehere = sciphere

scipen (e, y) f. ‘shippon,’ stall, cattle-shed, A, BH (y).

scipere (y) m. shipman, sailor, Chr. [‘shipper’]

scipfæreld n. voyage, GD 273^18.

scipfæt n. a vessel in the form of a ship, WW 124^8.

scipfarend m. sailor, BH 3·15 (title).

scipfērend m. sailor, #An# 250.

scipfierd f. naval expedition, fleet, AO.

scipflota m. sailor, pirate, #Chr# 937#a#.

scipforðung f. equipment of ships, LL 314[´].

scipfultum m. naval aid, naval reinforcements, #Chr# 1049#c#.

scipfylleð private jurisdiction exercised over a group of three hundreds, KC 6·240 (v. BT).

scipfyrd = scipfierd

scipfyrdung f. fleet, naval expedition: fitting out of ships.

scipfyrð(r)ung f. equipment of ships.

scipgebroc n. shipwreck, AO, CP.

scipgefeoht (y) n. naval battle, GPH 389.

scipgefēre n. sailing, BH 150^2.

scipgetāwu f. tackling of a ship, WW 181^24.

scipgyld n. ship-tax, ship-money, Ct.

sciphamor m. hammer for giving a signal to rowers, WW.

sciphere m. naval force, fleet (usu. hostile), squadron, armada, AO, #Chr#: crew of a warship.

scipherelic naval, #HGl# 406^40.

sciphlǣder f. ship’s ladder, WW.

sciphlæst (y) m. ship-load, crew, AO, CP: ship of burden.

sciphlāford m. master of a ship, skipper, WW 181^21.

scipian to take ‘ship,’ embark: (±) man or equip a ship, Chr.

scipincel n. little ship, WW.

sciplād (y) f. journeying by sea, sailing, BH 198^29.

sciplæst = sciphlæst

sciplic naval, #Gl#.

sciplið n. naval force, #Chr# 1055#c#.

sciplīðend m. seaman, sailor: voyager, ÆL 33^138.

sciplīðende ptc. sailing.

scipmǣrls m. ship’s rope, cable, WW.

scipmann m. ‘shipman,’ sailor, rower, BH, Chr (y): one who goes on trading voyages.

scipp- = sciepp-

sciprāp m. ship’s rope, cable, AO.

sciprēðra (y) m. rower, sailor.

sciprōðor n. ship’s oar or rudder, WW 455^18.

sciprōwend m. rower, sailor, WW 455^14.

scipryne m. passage for ships, Ct.

scipsetl n. bench for rowers, WW.

scipsōcn f. = scipfylleð

scipsteall (y) m. place for ships, BC 3·316^16.

scipstēora m. steersman, pilot, CP.

scipsteorra m. pole-star, #Lcd# 3·270^20.

scip-stīera, -stȳra = scipstēora

scip-tearo, -ter, n., gs. -tearos scip-t(e)ara, -te(o)ra m. (ship-tar), bitumen, pitch.

sciptol m. passage money, Æ.

scipwealh m. servant whose service is connected with ships? (BT); one liable to serve in the fleet? (Swt), EC 376.

scipweard m. ship-master, #An# 297.

scipwered n. crew, WW 451^17.

scipwīsan (on) adv. like a ship, Æ.

scipwyrhta m. ‘shipwright,’ WW 112^5.

scīr I. (ȳ) f. office, appointment, charge, authority, supremacy, AO, Cp; CP: district, diocese, see, province, ‘shire,’ parish, AO, LL; Æ: tribe. II. adj. bright, gleaming, shining, resplendent, B, Bo: clear, translucent, Cr, WW: pure, unmixed, B, Bo: white, Jn 4^35. [‘shire’]

sciran = scieran

scīran (ȳ) to make clear, say, tell, declare, B, CP: arrange, determine, decide, decree, act in authority, CP: (±) clear from, get rid of, AO, CP.

scīrbasu bright purple, WW 193^12.

scīrbisceop m. bishop of a diocese, WW 173^30.

scīre adv. brightly, An: clearly: mightily, Cr 1142. [‘shire’]

scīre- = scīr-

scīrecg keen-edged, #Lcd# 1·390^7.

scirenicge (#Rd# 9^9) = scernicge

scīresmann = scīrmann

scirfemūs f. shrew (mouse), WW 477^16. [sceorfan]

scīrgemōt n. shire-moot.

scīrgerēfa m. ‘sheriff,’ KC.

scīrgesceat (ȳ) n. property of a see, Ct.

scīrham clad in bright mail, B 1895.

±scirian (e, y) to ordain, appoint: allot, assign, grant: (+) mark off, count, reckon.

sciriendlic (y) derivative, WW 222^23.

scīrigmann = scīrmann

scīrlett n. piece or measure of land, Ct.

scīrmǣled splendidly marked, brightly adorned, #Jud# 230.

scīrmann (ȳ) m. governor of a shire, prefect, sheriff, steward, procurator, official, KC; Æ, CP; v. LL 2·649: inhabitant of a district, Æ. [‘shireman’]

scīrnes f. elucidation, WW 279^23.

scirp- = scierp-

scirseax = scearseax

scīrðegen m. thane of a shire, BC 1·544^8.

scirung f. separation, rejection, RB 109^21.

scir-wæter (scyr-) n. water forming a boundary, #Chr# 656#e#. [scieran]

scīrwered brightly ornamented? bright? #Gu# 1262.

scīrwita m. chief man of a shire, W.

scītan^1 to ease oneself.

scīte = scȳte

scitefinger = scytefinger

scitol purgative, #Lcd# 66a.

scitte f. purging, Lcd. [‘shit’]

scittels (Æ) = scyttels [[under “scyttel”]]

sclāt (#Gl#) = slāt pret. 3 sg. of slītan.

scleacnes (#KGl#) == sleacnes [[headword spelled “slēacnes”]]

scmēgende (#VPs#) = smēagende pres. ptc. of smēagan.

scnīcend (#Gl#) = snīcend pres. ptc. of snīcan.

scō = scōh

sco- = sceo-

scōas = scōs v. scōh.

scobl = scofl

scōc pret. 3 sg. of sceacan.

scocca = scucca

scocha (= scohha) ‘lenocinium’, Ep 579.

scōcnyll m. signal for putting on shoes, ANS 84·10.

scōd I. pret. 3 sg. of sceððan. II. v. scōgan.

+scōe = +scȳ

scōere m. shoemaker, Gl. [‘shoer’]

scōf pret. 3 sg. of sceafan.

scofen pp. of scufan.

scofettan to drive hither and thither, CP 169^13.

scofl f. ‘shovel,’ A, Cp, Ep.

scōgan pp. sc(ē)od to ‘shoe,’ Æ, CP.

scōh, scō, scēo m. gs. nap. sc(ē)os, gp. sc(ē)one, dp. sc(ē)on, scōum ‘shoe,’ JnL, Mt, WW.

scōhere = scōere

scōhnægl m. shoe-nail, WW.

scōhðēn (ēo) m. shoe-cleaner, RBL 91^9.

scōian = scōgan

scōl f. ‘school,’ Æ, Lcd; AO.

+scola m. debtor, WW 15^28. [sceal]

+scōla m. fellow-student, OEG 2271.

scolde pret. 3 sg. of sculan.

scōlere m. ‘scholar,’ learner, A, LL.

scolh (WW 241^13) = seolh

scōliere = scōlere

scōlmann m. scholar, pupil: client.

scolu I. (eo) f. troop, host, multitude. [‘school’] II. = scōl

scom- = scam-

scōmhylte (scomm-?) n. shady copse, thicket, WW 411^3.

scōn = scēon v. scēoh.

scon- = scan-

scop (eo) m. singer, poet, B, Bo; AO. [‘scop’]

scōp pret. 3 sg. of scieppan.

scopcræft m. poetry, #ÆGr# 215^9.

scopgereord (eo^1) n. language of poetry, BH.

scoplēoð n. poem, AO.

scoplic poetic, OEG 119.

scora m. hairy garment, WW 278^1.

scoren pp. of scieran.

scorian (eo) I. to refuse, Æ. II. to jut out.

scorp = sceorp

scort (eo, y) ‘short,’ not long, not tall, Bo, GD (eo): brief, Æ, Bo, CP.

scortian to become ‘short,’ shorten, Lcd (eo): (±) run short, fail.

scortlic brief, Sc 214^16 (eo). adv. -līce ‘shortly,’ briefly, soon, AO; Æ.

scortnes f. ‘shortness,’ small amount: summary, abstract, Æ (eo): short space of time.

scortwyrplic (eo) shortly coming to pass, #Lcd# 3·156^2.

scoru a ‘score,’ NC 320. [scoren; scieran]

scōs gs. of scōh.

±scot (eo) n. ‘shot,’ shooting, OEG; AO: darting, rapid motion, Men: what is shot forth, AO, CP: (+) scot, payment: private apartment, sanctum, chancel, Æ.

scoten pp. of scēotan.

+scotfeoht n. shooting, battle, #PPs#.

scotfrēo scot-free, free of tribute, Ct.

±scotian (co) (tr. and intr.) to move rapidly, shoot, hurl a javelin, Æ.

scotlīra m. calf of the leg, #Lcd#.

scotspere n. dart, javelin, #HGl# 405.

Scottas mpl. the Scots, Æ, CP.

scotung (co) f. shooting: missile.

scōum v. scōh.

scōung f. provision of shoes, LL 450[10].

-scrād v. scrīðend-s.

[[Cross-reference does not appear to exist; it may be an error for “v. scrīðend [see scrīðan], scrāð” as separate words.

Entry from first edition: scrād a moving body? (v. scrīðan), a vessel? a body of travellers, BT.]]

scrādung = scrēadung

scræb m. cormorant? ibis? Cp 1311.

±scræf (ea, e) n. [obl. cases occly. have scraf-] cave, cavern, hole, pit, Æ, CP: hovel, Æ.

+scrǣpe = +scrēpe

scrætte f. adulteress, prostitute, #Gl#. [L. scratta]

scrǣwa = scrēawa

scrāf pret. 3 sg. of scrīfan.

scraf- v. scræf.

scrallettan † intr. to sound loudly.

scranc pret. 3 sg. of scrincan.

scrapian to scrape, IM. [‘shrape’]

scrāð pret. 3 sg. of scrīðan.

scrēad, scrēade f. ‘shred,’ cutting, scrap, WW.

±scrēadian to ‘shred,’ peel, prune, cut off, Æ.

scrēadung (ā) f. shred, cutting, fragment, MtL: pruning, trimming, WW. [‘shredding’]

scrēadungīsen n. pruning-knife, WW. [v. ‘shredding’]

screaf = scræf

scrēawa m. ‘shrew’ (mouse), Gl.

screb = scræb

scrēc = scrīc

scref = scræf

scremman to cause to stumble, Æ.

±screncan to cause to stumble, ensnare, deceive, CP, Ps: (+) cause to shrink or shrivel, MtL 13^6. [‘shrench’]

+scrence withered, dry, LkL 6^8.

+screncednes f. tripping up, #CVPs# 40^10.

screodu v. scrid.

+scrēope = +scrēpe

screopu = screpu

screpan^5 to scrape, scratch, Lcd, MkR. [‘screpe’]

scrēpan to become dry, withered, MkR 9^18.

±scrēpe (ǣ, ēo) suitable, adapted, fit. adv. -līce.

+scrēpnes (oe) f. convenience, Cp 568.

screpu (eo) f. strigil, curry-comb, #Gl#.

scrēwa = scrēawa

scrīban (#Gl#) = scrīfan

scrīc (ē, ū) shrike, missel-thrush? #Gl#.

scrid I. n. nap. screodu vehicle, chariot, litter. II. quick, fleet, #An# 496.

scrīdan = scrȳdan

scridon pret. pl. of scrīðan.

scridwǣn m. chariot: curule chair.

scridwīsa m. charioteer, WW 150^14.

+scrif n. judgement, edict, WW.

±scrīfan^1 prescribe, ordain, allot, assign, impose (punishment), LL; Æ: hear confession, ‘shrive,’ LL: have regard to, be troubled about, care for, CP.

scrifen ptc? painted? #Rim# 13.

scrift m. prescribed penalty or penance, LL: absolution, LL: confessor, CP, Cr; Æ: judge. tō scrifte gān to go to confession, W. [‘shrift’]

scriftbōc f. book of penances.

scriftscīr f. confessor’s area of jurisdiction: diocese, LL 164[26].

scriftsprǣe f. confession, LL.

scrimman^3 to shrink, contract, Lcd 2b. [‘shrim’]

scrīn (ȳ) n. chest, coffer, ark, Æ, Jn: ‘shrine,’ Æ: cage (for criminals). [L. scrinium]

±scrincan^3 to ‘shrink,’ contract, shrivel up, wither, pine away, Æ, AO, Lcd.

scrind f. swift course? #PPs# 103^24.

scringan = scrincan

-scripel (y) v. ear-s.

scrīpen, scrīpende ‘austerus,’ LkLR 19^21.

scripeð (Cp) pres. 3 sg. of screpan.

scripp m? scrip, bag, ÆH 1·394.

scritta m. hermaphrodite, WW.

scrið (v. OEG 2185) = scrid I.

scrīðan^1 to go, move, glide, B, Gu. [‘scrithe’; Ger. schreiten]

scriðe m. course, #Met# 28^11.

-scrīðol v. wīd-s.

scroepe, scrōpe = scrēpe

scrofel n? scrofula, #Lcd# 182a.

scrūc = scrīc

scrūd n., ds. scrȳd clothing, dress: garment, vestment, Æ, WW. [‘shroud’]

scrūdelshūs n. sacristy, vestry, ANS 84^15. [scrȳdan]

scrūdfeoh n. money for buying clothes, NC 320.

scrūdfultum m. grant towards providing clothes, Ct.

scrūdland n. land bequeathed as provision for clothing, Ct.

scrūdnian = scrūtnian

scrūdwaru f. garb, LL.

scruf [Lcd] = scurf

scruncon pret. pl. of scrincan.

scrūtnian (ūd) to examine, scrutinize, consider, Æ.

scrūtnung (ūd) f. search, investigation, #Lcd, ERPs#.

scrybb f. scrub, brushwood, TC 525^22.

scrȳd v. scrūd.

±scrȳdan to clothe, dress, Æ (ī), Bl, Lk, Mt. [‘shride’]

scryft = scrift

scrynce withered, JnL 5^3.

scua m. shadow, shade, darkness: protection.

scucca m. sprite, evil spirit, demon, B, Bo, Mt (eo): the devil. [‘shuck’]

scuccen (eo) devilish, NC 319.

scuccgyld (eu^1) n. idol, #PPs# 105^26.

scūdan^2 to run, hurry? #Gu# 828.

scūfan^2 (ēo) to ‘shove,’ thrust, push, Æ, Ma, MH; Æ: push with violence, urge, impel, Met: push out, expel, deliver up: (†) display: (intr.) to move, go.

sculan anv. pres. 1 sing, sce(a)l(l), scal, pl. sculon (eo), pret. sc(e)olde, sc(e)alde to be obliged (‘shall,’ have to, must, must needs, am bound to, ought to), Æ, AO, Bo, CP: owe, Mt, Lk.

scul-dor m., nap. -dru, -dra, +scyl-dru, -dre ‘shoulder,’ Bl, Ep, Lcd.

sculdorhrægl n. cape, WW 327^24.

sculdorwærc m. pain in the shoulders, #Lcd#.

sculdur = sculdor

scule pres. subj. of sculan.

sculthēta (WW) = scyldlǣta

±scunian to ‘shun,’ avoid, Guth: be afraid, DR: (tr.) abhor, TC.

scunung f. abomination, LHy 6^23 (? for on-s.).

scūr (ēo) m(f). ‘shower,’ storm, tempest, trouble, commotion, breeze, An (ēo), LkR, Ps; CP: storm of battle? shower of blows? #Jud# 79.

scūra † m. shower (of rain).

scūrbeorg f. roof, #Ruin# 5.

scūrboga m. rainbow, #Gen# 1540.

±scurf (eo) n. ‘scurf,’ BH: a skin-disease, Lcd.

scūrfān rainy, stormy, A 9·369; MF.

scurfede ptc. rough, scabby, #Lcd#.

scurfende ptc. scabby, #Lcd#.

scūrheard † made hard by blows (epithet of a sword).

scūrsceadu ‡ f. protection against storms.

scutel I. m. dish, platter, WW 280^22. [‘scuttle’] II. = scytel

scuton pret. pl. of scēotan.

scuwa = scua

+scȳ npl. pair of shoes.

scȳan? scȳn? to suggest, persuade, prompt, incite, tempt.

scyccel, scyccels = sciccels

scydd m. twist on a hillside? (Earle); alluvial ground? (BT), KC.

scȳde pret. 3 sg. of scēon and scȳan, scȳn.

scyfe (e, i) m. shove, pushing, precipitation, furtherance, instigation, CP. tō +sc. head-long.

scyfel, scyfele f. woman’s hood, head-dress, #Gl#.

scȳft pres. 3 sg. of scūfan.

scyftan = sciftan

+scȳgean to furnish with shoes, TC 616^26.

scyhhan to shy (of a mule), ES 43·318.

scyhte † pret. of a vb. *scyccan? impelled, prompted, urged, #Gen# 898; #Gu# 98.

scyl I. sonorous, shrill, #Rim# 27. [‘shill’] II. = sciell

scylcen f. female servant, slave, concubine, ÆH 2·162^33. [scealc]

±scyld I. (e) f. offence, fault, crime, guilt, sin, CP: obligation, liability, due, debt, CP. [sculan; Ger. schuld] II. = scield

scyld- = scield-, scild-

+scyldan to accuse, LL 156[11].

scyldfrecu f. wicked craving, #Gen# 898.

scyldful sinful, guilty.

scyldgian to sin: (+) place in the position of a criminal, render liable to punishment.

scyldgung f. sum demanded as ‘wergeld,’ LL 156[11].

scyld-hata, -hete † m. enemy.

scyldian = (1) scyldgian; (2) scyldan

scyldig (e, i) (usu. w. g.) guilty, criminal, sinful, Æ, B; CP. ealdres sc. having forfeited his life: liable, responsible, in debt to, CP. [‘shildy’]

scyldigian = scyldgian

scyldignes f. guilt, DR.

scyld-lǣta [-hǣta? cp. sculthēta] m. bailiff, WW 230^20.

scyldlēas guiltless, #Lcd#.

scyldo = scyld I.

+scyldru v. sculdor.

scyldu = scyld I.

scyldung = (1) scildung; (2) scyldgung

scyldwīte n. fine for a crime of violence, LL 567[38].

scyldwreccende ptc. avenging sin, #Cr# 1161.

scyldwyrcende † evil-doing.

scyle pres. subj. of sculan.

scylēagede = sceolhēgede [[under “sceolhēge”]]

scylf m. crag, peak, Mdf: pinnacle, turret, tower, Æ.

-scylfan v. ā-s.

scylfe m. shelf: floor.

scylfig rocky, OEG (scylp-).

scylfisc = sciellfisc

scylfor = scilfor

scylfrung (i) f. shaking, swinging? #Bl# 99^34; WW.

scylfð pres. 3 sg. of scelfan.

scylga = scealga

scylian (= ie) only in sc. of māle to pay off, discharge, Chr 1049. [‘shill’]

scyll = sciell

scyllan to resound, sound loudly, WW 215^15. [‘shill’]

scylling = scilling

scylp == scylf

scyltumend m. helper, #PPs# 27^8.

scylun (N) = sculon pres. pl. of sculan.

scymrian = scimerian

scȳn v. scȳan.

scȳn- = scīn-

±scyndan I. (e) (tr., intr.) to hurry, hasten, drive forward, impel: incite, exhort, CP. II. = scendan

scyndel m. disreputable person? A 8·321.

scyndendlīce adv. hastily, WW.

+scyndnes = +sceandnes [[redirected to “scandnes”]]

scȳne = scīene

scȳnes, scȳnnes = scīenes

+scynian to shun, dread, DR 32^5.

scynn n. skin, fur, #Chr# 1075#d#. [ON.]

scynu (WW 307^27) = scinu

scyp I. m. patch, v. ES 43·316. II. (Chr 1048) = scip

scypen = scipen

scypian to take shape, #Lcd# 3·146^15.

scypp- = sciepp-

scyr- = scear-, scier-, scir-

scȳr == scīr

±scyrdan (ie) to harm, injure, destroy. [sceard]

+scȳrdan = +scrydran [[variant of “scrȳdan”?]]

scyrf = scurf

scyrft scarifying? scraping? Cp 130#s#.

scyrfð pres. 3 sg. of sceorfan.

scȳrmǣlum adv. stormily, #Bo# 47^25. [scūr]

scyrp- = scierp-

±scyrtan tr. to shorten: intr. run short, decrease, fail. [sceort]

scyrte f. skirt, GPH 393. [‘shirt’]

scyrtest superl. of scort.

scyrting f. shortening, abstract, epitome, Æ.

scyrtra comp. of scort.

scȳt pres. 3 sg. of scēotan.

scyte (ē) m. shooting, hurling, AO: stroke, blow, ZDA: dart. [‘shute’; scēotan]

scȳte f. ‘sheet,’ linen cloth, BH, Cp, Mk. [scēat]

scytefinger m. forefinger.

scyte-heald, -healden inclined, sloping, precipitous, #Gl#.

scytel I. (u) m. dart, arrow, Erf, Ps: tongue of a balance. [‘shuttle’] II. m. excrement. [scītan]

scytelfinger = scytefinger

scytels = scyttel

scyterǣs m. headlong rush, WW 426^7.

scytere m. shooter, Ct.

scytheald = scyteheald

scytta m. shooter, archer, Æ, AO.

scyttan (usu. for-sc.) to bolt, ‘shut’ to, Æ: discharge, pay off.

scyttel, scyttels (e, i) m. bolt, bar, Æ, Bl, ZDA (e). [‘shuttle’; scēotan]

Scyttisc I. Scotch, Irish. II. Irish or Scotch language. [Scottas]

scyððan = sceððan

sē m., sēo f., ðæt n. pers. (dem.) pron. he, she, it, that, this: rel. pron. who, which: def art. ‘the.’ II. = sǣ. III. = swā

sēa (OET) = sēaw

sēad (NG) = sēod

sēada = sēaða

seafian (NG) = seofian

seah pret. 3 sg. of sēon.

seaht = seht I.

seal = sealh

sealde pret. 3 sg. of sellan.

±sealdnes f. act of giving, WW 389^35: grant, gift, Ct.

sēales gs. of sealh.

sealf (a) f. ‘salve,’ ointment, unguent, medicament, Lcd, Mk; CP.

sealfbox (e) m. salve-box, G, #Bk#.

sealfcynn n. an unguent, WW 351^30.

sealfe = sealf

sealfer- = seolfer-, seolfor-

±sealfian to ‘salve,’ anoint, WW.

sealfie = salfie

sealf-lǣcnung, -lǣcung (WW 114^16) f. curing by unguents, pharmacy.

sealh (a) m., gs. sēales willow, Lcd, Ps; Mdf. [‘sallow’]

sealhrind f. willow-bark, #Lcd#.

seallan = sellan

sealm (a, eo) m. ‘psalm,’ song, RB, Ps; Æ, CP.

sealma (e) m. bed, couch.

sealmcwide m. psalm, #LPs# 97^5.

sealmfæt n. only in phr. ‘on sealmfatum,’ ‘in vasis psalmorum,’ #PPs# 70^20.

sealmgetæl n. number of psalms, RB.

sealm-glīg, -glīw n. psaltery, psalmody, #LRPs#.

sealmian to play an accompaniment on the harp, Ps 107^1. [‘psalm’]

sealmlēoð n. psalm, #BlPs# 56^9.

sealmlof n. psalm, #LPs#.

sealmlofian to sing psalms, #LPs# 104^2.

sealmsang m. psalm: composition or singing of psalms, Æ: psaltery, #CPs# 32^2.

sealmscop (eo^2) m. psalmist, Æ, CP.

sealmtraht m. exposition of psalms, Æ.

sealmwyrhta m. psalmist, Æ. [‘psalm-wright’]

sealobrūn = salubrūn

sealt I. n. ‘salt,’ Lcd, Mt (a); CP. II. adj. salt, briny, Cr; AO, CP. [v. Mdf]

sealtan^7 to ‘salt,’ IM.

sealtbrōc (a) m. brook running from salt-works? KC 3·206^30.

sealtere I. m. ‘salter,’ salt-worker, WW; Æ. II. (CM 362, 679) = saltere

sealtern n. salt-works, BC. [‘saltern’]

sealtfæt n. salt-cellar, A, WW. [‘saltfat’]

sealthālgung f. consecration of salt, OET 587 (a^1).

sealtherpað (a) m. road to salt works, KC 3·206^26.

sealthūs n. ‘salt-house,’ WW.

sealtian to dance. [L. saltare]

sealticge f. dancer, MH 156^14.

sealting f. dancing, NC 320.

sealtlēaf n. ‘mozicia,’ a plant? WW.

sealtmere m. brackish pond, EC 449^30.

sealtnes f. ‘saltness,’ VPs (a).

sealtsæleða m. saltness, #LPs# 106^34; #RPs# (y).

sealtsēað m. saline spring, BH 26^22.

sealtstān m. rock salt, #Lcd# 1·374^14: pillar of salt, Gen; Æ. [‘saltstone’]

sealtstrǣt f. road to salt-works, Ct.

sealtwīc n. a place where salt is sold, KC.

sealtwylle f. salt spring, KC (a). [‘saltwell’]

sealtȳð † f. salt wave, sea-wave.

sēam I. m. burden, load, Æ, LkL, LkR (ēo): bag: harness of a beast of burden, Æ: duty of furnishing beasts of burden. [‘seam’] II. m. ‘seam,’ suture, junction, Æ, WW.

sēamere I. m. beast of burden, mule, WW. [L. sagmarius] II. m. tailor, Æ. [sēam II.]

sēamestre f. sempstress, (also of males) sewer, tailor, Æ, KC, WW. [‘seamster’]

sēamhors n. pack-horse, WW 119^42.

sēampending m. toll of a penny a load, KC.

sēamsadol m. pack-saddle, WW 119^41.

sēamsticca m. an appliance used in weaving, LL 455[15,1].

sēap pret. 3 sg. of sūpan.

sēar dry, ‘sere,’ barren, GPH 402^69.

seara-, seare- = searo-

sēargian = sārgian

sēarian to become sere, wither, Shr. [‘sear’]

searo (searu) n. art, skill, cleverness, cunning: device, trick, snare, ambuscade, plot, treachery, Æ, AO, CP: work of art, cunning device, engine (of war): armour, war-gear, trappings.

searobend m. artistic clasp, B 2086.

searobunden cunningly fastened, #Rd# 56^4.

searocǣg f. insidious key, #Gu# 1118.

searocēap n. artistic object, #Rd# 33^7.

searocēne very bold, †#PsC# 10.

searocræft m. artifice, treachery, wile, Æ: artistic skill, art: engine, instrument (of torture), Æ.

searocræftig skilful, cunning.

searofær n. artistic ship? #Rim# 65.

searofāh variegated, cunningly inlaid, B 1444.

searogemme = searogimm

searogimm m. curious gem.

searogrim fierce, formidable, B 594.

searohæbbend † m. warrior.

searohwīt brilliantly white, #Rim# 67.

searolic artistic, ingenious, cunning. adv. -līce.

searomete m. dainty, delicacy, NC 321.

searonet n. armour-net, corslet, B 406: ensnaring net, #An# 64; 945.

searonīð † m. cunning hostility, treachery, strife, battle.

searopīl m. artistic javelin, #Rd# 87^2.

searorūn f. mystery, #Creat# 15.

searosǣled cleverly bound, #Rd# 24^16.

searoðanc m. sagacity, ingenuity, skill, CP: cunning, artifice.

searoðancol shrewd, wise.

searowrenc (y^1, a^2) m. artifice, trick, AO.

searowundor n. strange object, B 920.

searu == searo

searw- v. searo.

searwian (æ) to be deceitful, dissimulate, cheat.

searwum (dp. of searo) skilfully.

searwung = sierwung

seatul, seatl (NG) = setl

sēað I. (ǣ) m. hole, pit, MkL; CP; Mdf: well, cistern, spring, fountain, lake, Mdf. [‘seath’; sēoðan] II. pret. 3 sg. of sēoðan.

sēaða m. heartburn? #Lcd# 21a.

sēaw m. sap, juice, moisture, Lcd. [‘sew’]

+sēaw succulent, #Lcd# 95b.

seax n. knife, hip-knife, short sword, dirk, dagger, Æ (e), B, Cp (æ); CP. [‘sax’]

seaxbenn (siex-) f. dagger-wound, B 2904.

Seaxe, Seaxan mpl. (gp. Seaxna) Saxons, AO.

Seaxland (e) n. England, #Shr# 16^4.

±sēcan I. to search for, ‘seek’ (‘i-seche’), inquire, ask for, look for, B, Bo, BH, Jul; Æ: strive after, long for, wish, desire, Jn; CP. s. on, tō look to for, expect from, CP: visit, go to, AO, B; Æ: approach, attain to, Bl, Ps: attack, pursue, B, Chr; AO: go, move, proceed, Æ. II. (#KGl#) = sȳcan

secce (B 600) = sæcce, gs. of sacu.

secful (#KGl#) = sacful

secg I. m. (n) ‘sedge,’ reed, rush, flag, Gl, Lcd, WW; Mdf. II. † f. sword. III. † m. man, warrior, hero, B. [‘segge’] IV. m. ocean, OET.

secga m. sayer, informant, LL 396[4].

±secgan (æ) to ‘say’ (‘i-seggen’), speak, inform, utter, tell, recite, Æ, Bl, G; AO, CP, Æ: signify, mean, Æ: attribute to: (+) avoid? LkL p 3^8. s. on accuse of, charge with, Æ.

secge f. speech, #Cr# 190.

secgend m. speaker, narrator, CP.

secggan = secgan

secggescere f. grasshopper, Cp 464.

secgihtig sedgy, WW 200^27.

secglēac n. sedge-leek, rush-garlic, #Lcd#.

secgplega m. sword-play, battle, #An# 1355.

secgrōf brave? #Ruin# 27.

secgscara m. landrail, corncrake, WW 287^11 and #n#.

sēcnes f. visiting, LkR 19^44 (oe).

sēd (#VPs#) = sǣd

+sēdan to satisfy, #PPs# 106^8. [sæd]

sēde = sægde pret. 3 sg. of secgan.

sedinglīne = stedinglīne

±sedl (NG) = setl

sefa (eo) m. mind, spirit, understanding, heart, †CP 9^10.

sēfer- = sȳfer-

sefian = seofian

sēfre = sȳfre

sēft comp. adv. more softly.

±sēfte soft, pleasant, comfortable, easy: gentle, mild: effeminate, luxurious.

sēftēadig prosperous, #Seaf# 56.

sēftlic luxurious, AS 38^3.

sēftnes f. rest, quietness, tranquillity, peace, Æ, AO.

segc- = secg-

segel == segl

segen = (1) sægen; (2) segn

+segenlic (A) = +sewenlic

segg = secg

segl I. mn. ‘sail,’ AO, Bo, MH; Æ: veil, curtain, #Cr# 1139: pillar of cloud, #Ex#. II. = sigel

±seg-lan, -lian (i) to ‘sail,’ AO: (+) equip with a sail.

seglbōsm m. bellying sail, #Gl#.

seglgerǣde n. sail-tackle, TC 549^17.

seglgyrd mf. sail-yard, yard, cross-pole, Cp (e^2), WW.

seglian = seglan

seglrād f. (sail-road), sea, B 1429.

seglrōd f. sail-rod, sail-yard. [v. ‘rood’]

seglung f. ‘sailing,’ BH.

segn mn. sign, mark, token, Gen: ensign, banner, BH. [‘senye’; L. signum]

segnberend m. warrior.

segnbora m. standard-bearer, #Rd# 41^20.

segncyning m. king before whom a banner is borne (BT), #Ex# 172.

segne f. ‘seine,’ drag-net, Ex, JnL.

±segnian (ǣn) to make the sign of the cross, cross oneself, consecrate, bless, Æ, BH. [‘sain’]

segnung f. blessing, consecration.

sēgon = sāwon pret. pl. of sēon.

seh (#VPs#) = seoh imperat. of sēon.

seht I. mf. settlement, arrangement, agreement, KC: friendship, peace, BH (ea). II. adj. reconciled, agreed, at peace, BC. [‘saught’]

±sehtian to conciliate, settle, LL. [‘saught’]

±sehtlian (a, æ) to reconcile, to come to an agreement, #Chr#.

±sehtnes f. agreement, reconciliation, peace, Æ. [‘saughtness’]

sēhð = sēcð pres. 3 sg. of sēcan.

±sehðe [= seh ðu] interj. behold!

seigl = segl

seign = segn

seim fat, #EPs# 62^6. [Late L. sagimen]

seista = siexta

sel sn. = sæl

sēl I. adj. comp. sēlra (Mt), sēlla (B), sȳlla, superl. sēlest (Lk), sēlost good, great, excellent, clever, skilful, AO: noble, honourable: fitting, fit, advisable: sound, healthy, happy, prosperous. [v. ‘sele’] II. (ǣ) comp. adv. (also sēlor) superl. sēlost better, more effectually, rather, sooner, in preference, Æ, CP. [sǣl]

sēlan (OET, Ct) = sǣlan I.

selcūð = seldcūð

seld † (æ) I. n. hall, palace, residence. II. n. seat, throne, daïs, VPs. [‘seld’]

+selda † comrade, retainer.

seldan adv., comp. seldor, seldnor, superl. seldost ‘seldom,’ rarely, CP; Æ.

seldcūð unusual, rare, strange, novel, Bo; Æ: various, WW. [‘selcouth’]

seldcyme m. infrequent coming, #Rd# 1^14.

selde f. vestibule, WW 183^99.

seldguma m. retainer? B 249.

seld-hwanne (CP), -hwænne (Æ) adv. seldom, rarely.

seldlic rare, strange, wondrous, B (syll-), Met (sell-): select, choice, excellent. adv. -līce, Æ. [‘selly’]

seldnor, seldor, seldost v. seldan.

seldon = seldan

seld-sīene (AO), -sȳnde (KC) rare, extraordinary, unfamiliar. [‘seldseen’]

seldun (CP), seldum (Sol) = seldan

sele m. hall, house, dwelling, prison. [Ger. saal]

+sele m. tabernacle, #EPs# 14^1.

seledrēam † m. hall-joy, festivity.

seleful n. hall-goblet, B 619.

selegesceot n. ‘tabernaculum,’ tent, lodging-place, nest, M. [Ger. geschoss]

selegyst m. hall-guest, B 1545.

selen (y) f. grant, gift: tribute, MkL p5^1: munificence, OEG. [sellan]

±selenes f. tradition: (+) giving, DR.

selerǣdend † m. hall ruler or possessor.

selerest f. bed in hall, B 690.

selescot = selegesceot

selesecg m. retainer, #Wa# 34.

selest pres. 2 sg., seleð pres. 3 sg. of sellan.

sēlest v. sēl.

seleðegn ‡ m. hall-thane, retainer, attendant.

seleweard m. hall-warden, B 667.

self I. (eo, i, y) pron. (str. and wk.) ‘self,’ AO, B, CP. mid him selfum by himself: own, B: adj. same, CP. II. == sealf

selfǣta (y) m. cannibal, #An# 175.

selfǣte f. a plant, wild oat? #Lcd#.

selfbana (o^2) m. one who takes his own life.

selfcwala (y) m. one who takes his own life.

selfcwalu (y) f. suicide, #Wy# 56.

selfdēma, self-demere (RB), -dēmende (OEG 58^19) (y) m. ‘sardbaita,’ monk living, subject only to his own rules.

selfdōm m. doing as one likes, independence.

selfe v. swā.

selflic (y) spontaneous, voluntary, OEG.

selflīce I. n. self-love, ‘amour propre,’ pride, vanity, CP: egotism, CP 25^7. II. adj. egotistic, puffed up, vain, CP.

selfmyrðra (y) m. one who takes his own life, WW 424^25.

selfmyrðrung (y) f. suicide.

selfren = seolfren

selfsceafte not begotten, #Gen# 523.

selfswēgend (y) m. vowel.

selfwealdlīce (eo^1, e^2) arbitrarily.

selfwill n. own will, free-will.

selfwille spontaneous, voluntary, Bo, Met. adv. -willes, Æ, RB (y). [‘selfwill’]

selfwillende voluntary, #LPs# 67^10.

selfwillendlīce indulgently, GD 289^5.

selian = sylian

sēlig == sǣlig

sēlla = sēlra, v. sēl.

±sellan (ea, i, ie, y) (w. d. pers. and a. thing) to give, furnish, supply, lend, Æ, B, Mt; AO, CP: give up, betray, JnL: entrust, deliver to: lay by, hide, WW 212^41: ‘sell,’ Æ, Jn: promise. āð s. make oath, swear, LL.

sellen = selen

sellend (y) m. giver: betrayer.

sellendlic adj. to be given, NC 321.

sellic = seldlic

selma (#Gl#) = sealma

selmerige = sælmerige

selnes = selenes

sēlor, sēlost, sēlra v. sēl.

selt- = sælt-, sylt-

selð pres. 3 sg. of sellan.

sēlð = sǣlð

+sēm n. reconciliation, LL 10[10].

sēma (ī, ȳ) m. arbitrator, judge, #ÆGr#, GD.

±sēman I. to smooth over, put right, settle, reconcile, pacify, AO, Chr, LL. [‘seem,’ ‘i-seme’] II. = sīeman

sēmann (#Run# 45) = sǣmann

sēmend (ǣ) m. conciliator, arbitrator, LL.

sēmestre = sēamestre

semian = seomian

semle = simble

semnendlic sudden, GB 235^4. adv. -līce by chance.

semninga (M) = samnunga

semtinges = samtinges

senap = senep

±sencan, tr. to sink, plunge (in water), submerge, drown. [sincan]

sendan I. (±) to ‘send’ (‘i-send’), send forth, despatch, BH, Bl, CP, MtL; Æ, AO: impel, drive, MkL: throw, hurl, cast: put, place, lay. II. to feast, banquet, B 600? [sand]

senderlīce (#KGl# 74^27) = synderlīce

senderlīpe (#HGl#) = synderlīpe

sendlic adj. about to be sent (on a journey), RBL 113^4.

sendnes f. sending, WW.

+sēne = +sīene

senep m. mustard. [L. sinapi]

senepsǣd n. mustard-seed, #Lcd#.

sengan (æ) to ‘singe,’ burn slightly, LL 449[6,2].

sēnian = segnian

senn (#HGl# 519) = synn

senop = senep

senoð (#Chr#) = sinoð

senscipe = sinscipe

senst, sent = sendest, sendeð pres. 2 and 3 sg. of sendan.

senu = sinu

sēo I. f. gas. sēo(n) pupil (of eye), Æ. II. pron. v. sē. [‘she’] III. gs. of sǣ. IV. pres. 1 sg. of sēon. V. pres. 2 sg. subj. of bēon (wesan).

sēoc ‘sick,’ ill, diseased, feeble, weak, Bl, Bo, Chr; Æ, CP: (†) wounded: morally sick, corrupt, Jul, RB: sad, troubled, FAp, Gu.

sēocan = sēcan

sēoclian = sīclian

sēocmōd delicate (in health), NC 321.

sēocnes f. ‘sickness,’ disease, LL, W: a disease, Lcd 3·126.

sēod (ēa) m. scrip, purse, bag, Æ.

seodo, seodu = sidu

seofa = sefa

seofafald (DR) = seofonfeald

seofan, seofen = seofon

seofeð- = seofoð-

seofian (e, ea, i, y) to sigh, lament, CP.

seofon ‘seven,’ Æ, AO, BH.

seofonfeald ‘sevenfold,’ A, Æ, BB.

seofonfealdlīce adv. seven times.

seofongetel (e^2) the number seven, OEG 1533.

seofonlēafe f. tormentilla, setfoil (plant), #Lcd# 1·232.

seofonniht fp. week.

seofonnihte adj. seven days old, #Lcd#.

seofon-tēoða (AO), -te(o)g(e)ða ‘seventeenth,’ BH.

seofontīene ‘seventeen,’ BH (y^3); AO.

seofontīenenihte seventeen days old, #Lcd# 3·180.

seofontīenewintre seventeen years old, AO 190^30.

seofontig seventy, AO.

seofontīne = seofontīene

seofonwintre (y) seven years old.

seofoða I. ‘seventh,’ MtL; Æ, AO, CP. II. = sifeða

seofoðe seventhly, LL 158[18].

seofung f. lamentation. [seofian]

seoh imperat. of sēon.

seohhe f. sieve. [sēon II.]

seohhian to drain, filter, ÆP 172^31.

seohter m., seohtre (i) f. drain, ditch, Ct (Mdf).

seolc, seol-oc, -uc m. ‘silk,’ silken cloth, Bo (io), Lcd.

-seolcan v. ā-s.

seolcen (i) ‘silken,’ made of silk, WW; Æ.

seolcwyrm m. ‘silkworm,’ WW.

sēoles v. seolh.

seolf (#VPs#) = self

seolfer = seolfor

seolfern = seolfren

seolfor (i, io, u, y) n., gs. seolfres silver, CP; Æ.

seolforfæt n. silver vessel, BH 252^16.

seolforgewiht (y) m. silver-weight, #Lcd# 3·92^14.

seolforhammen plated with silver, EC 225.

seolfor-hilt, -hilted (TC) ‘silver-hilted.’

seolforsmið m. ‘silversmith,’ WW.

seolforstycce m. piece of silver, A 9·8.

seolfren (e, i, y) made of silver, ‘silvern,’ Bo, Chr.

seolfring (y) m. silver coin, Æ.

seolh m., gs. sēoles ‘seal,’ AO, Lcd, WW.

seolhbæð n. seal’s bath, sea, #Rd# 11^11.

seolhpæð? n? seal’s path, sea, ocean, #An# 1710.

seolm (WW 101^16) = sealm

seoloc, seoluc == seolc

seolofr- = seolfr-

seoloð (io^1, e^2) m. sea, B 2367?

seolufr- = seolfor-, seolfr-

sēom = sēam I.

seomian † (e) to be tired, lie at rest, tarry, continue, stand: hang, swing, sway: lower (as a cloud): lay wait for, B 161.

sēomint (WW 136^31?) = sǣminte

±sēon I. (sv^5) to ‘see’ (‘i-see’), look, behold, B, G, Ps, Rd: perceive, understand, Cr, Ps: inspect, visit: experience, suffer, B, Cr. sīh ðe lo! behold! II. (sv^1) tr. to sift, strain, filter, Æ, AO: intr. run, ooze, trickle. III. v. sēo. IV. = sīen

seon- = sin-

seondon = sind pres. pl. ind. of wesan.

sēonian to languish, GD 284^2. [OHG. siunōn]

seono (i^1, u^2) f. ‘sinew,’ #An# (io); B, Lcd.

seonobend f. sinew-band? #Deor# 6.

seonobenn f. injury to a sinew, #Wy# 19.

seonod = sinoð

seonodolg n. injury to a sinew, #An# 1408.

seonoð == sinoð

seonwe gs. of seonu. [[under “seono”]]

seorðan^3 to lie with, MtL 5^27. [ON?]

seorwum (Cp) = searwum, dp. of searo.

sēoslig afflicted, #Gu# 899. [sūsl]

sēota = sǣta

seotl = setl

seotol = (1) setl; (2) sweotol

seotu nap. of set.

±sēoðan^2 ‘seethe,’ boil, Lcd (ȳ): be troubled in mind, brood, B: afflict, disturb.

seoððan = siððan

-sēoung (ēu) v. ēag-s.

sēow pret. 3 sg. of sāwan.

sēowan, sēowian (ī, ȳ) to ‘sew,’ knit together, link, unite, Æ, Cp (īo).

seox = siex

seoxter = sester

sep (GPH 391) = sæp

sēpan † to instruct.

serc m., serce f. (y) ‘sark,’ shirt, WW: corslet, coat of mail.

serede = sierwde pret. 3 sg. of sierwan.

serew- = searw-

serw- = sierw-

serð = seorð, imperat. of seorðan.

sescle f. sixth part. [L. sextula]

sess m. place for sitting, seat, bench.

sessian to grow calm, #An# 453.

sesta = siexta

sester (eo, y) m. a certain measure of bulk, Æ: vessel, pitcher, Æ. [L. sextarius]

set n. (±) seat, entrenchment, camp, stall, fold: setting (of the sun). [sittan]

+set n. ambush, DR 37^10.

sētan = sǣtian

sete imperat. of settan.

+setednes = +setnes

setel (CP) = setl

seten I. f. set, shoot, slip, #VPs#: plantation: occupied (tilled?) land, LL 118[68]. II. pp. of sittan.

+setennes = +setnes

seterndæg = sæterndæg

setgong = setlgang

sethrægl n. covering for a seat.

sētian = sǣtian

setin (#Gl#) = seten

setl (æ, ea, eo, i, o) n. seat, stall, sitting, place, residence, Æ, B, BH; CP. tō setle gān to set (of the sun), Æ: throne (of a king, or bishop, hence) see, CP, Æ: siege, AO. [‘settle’]

+setl n. assembly, OEG 1753.

+setla (æ) m. one sitting beside, ÆL 2^237: assessor, fellow-judge, OEG 56^20.

setlan to ‘settle,’ (cause to sit), place, put, Whale.

setlgang m. setting, sinking, Æ.

setlgangende ptc. setting, BH 476^13.

setlhrægel n. seat-cover, Ct.

setlrād f. setting, sinking, #Ex# 109.

setlung f. sitting, setting.

sētn- = sǣt(n)-

±setnes (+ exc. in N) f. foundation, creation, MtL: institution, law, ordinance, decree, will, Æ, BH, Mk: (+) record, narrative; (+) sentence, paragraph, figure of speech, composition. [‘i-setness’]

setol = setl

sēton = sǣton pret. pl. of sittan.

setrægl = sethrægl

settan (±) to make to sit, ‘set’ (‘i-set’), lay, put, deposit, place, fix, Æ, B, Bl, Bo, Gen, LL; CP: set or put down, El, LL; Æ: (±) appoint, assign, institute, prepare, ordain, make, found, build, Æ, AO, Bl, BH, Ps: sow, plant, Cp, Cr, Gen, MtL: settle (tr. and intr.), abate, subside, Bl, Lcd: compose, compile, write, Bo, Guth; Æ: translate: (+) people, garrison, Bl: be situated, MtL: set off: lay in wait, #LPs# 9^30. s. ūt issue, send forth, dismiss. s. of displace, depose. sīð s. travel, journey, El. ±s. wið, ongean, compare. s. tō gafole let land. [sittan]

settend m. creator, ordainer, #Da# 333.

+settendlic appointed, canonical, CM 362.

settere = sǣtere

setðorn m. a kind of tree, EC 291´.

+setu † np. dwelling, abode.

sētung = sǣtung

±sēðan to affirm, testify, Æ: prove. [sōð]

seðel (NG) = setl

±sēðend m. asserter, affirmer.

+sēðnes f. affirmation, NC 296.

seððe = sehðe

±sēðung f. affirmation, proof, Æ.

sēw = sēow pret. 3 sg. of sāwan.

sewen = sawen pp. of sēon.

+sewenlic visible. adv. -līce.

sex (NG) = (1) siex; (2) seax

Sexland = Seaxland

sexta = siexta

sī 3 p. sg. pres. subj. of wesan.

sibæðeling m. related noble, B 2708.

sibb (y) (v. LL 2·651) f. relationship, AO, B; Æ: love, friendship: peace, happiness, BH, Chr, VPs; AO, CP [‘sib’]

±sibb related, akin, B, LkL, W. as sb. kinsman, kinswoman, W, Soul. [‘sib,’ ‘i-sib’]

sibb- = sib-

sibbecoss m. kiss of peace, ES 33·176.

sibbegedriht = sibgedryht

±sibbian (y) to conciliate, reconcile, Æ, CP.

sibbs- = sibs-

sibcwide (y) m. pacific speech, #Leas# 29.

sibfæc n. degree of affinity, LL.

sibgebyrd f. blood-relationship, #Gen# 1901.

sibgedryht † f. related band: peaceful host.

sibgemāgas mpl. blood-relations, #Ex# 386.

sibgeornes f. pacific disposition, friendship, love, W.

sibge-sihð, -syhð f. vision of peace (lit. trans. of ‘Hierosolyma’), #Ps#.

sibi (#Gl#) sibian = sife, sifian

siblāc n. peace-offering, LL 146[2].

sibleger n. incest.

siblic of peace, peaceable, Æ. adv. -līce.

±sibling m. relative, kinsman, Æ. [‘sibling’]

siblufu † f. friendship, love.

+sibnes f. affinity, relationship, WW 345^16.

sibrēden f. affinity, relationship, Chr 1127. [‘sibred’]

±sibsum peace-loving, peaceable, friendly, CP. adv. -līce. [v. ‘i-sibb’]

+sibsumian to reconcile, Æ.

sibsumnes f. peace, concord, Chr; CP. [‘sibsomeness’]

+sibsumung f. peace-making, WW 172^41.

sibun (Cp) = seofon

sīc n. runnel, small stream, BC; Mdf. [‘sitch’]

sīcan I. (sv^1) to sigh, yearn for, AO, PPs. [‘siche’] II. = sȳcan

siccet-, siccett-, siccit- = sicett-

sicclian = sīclian

sice m. sigh, Lcd 1·388^11. [‘siche’]

sicel = sicol

sīcelian = sīclian

sicer- = sicor-

sicerian to trickle, penetrate, ooze, CP 437^14. [‘sicker’]

sicettan to sigh, groan, mourn, CP.

sicettung f. sighing, sigh, sob, lamentation, Æ.

sīcle sick, ill, ANS 129·21.

±sīclian (ǣ, ē, ēo, ȳ) to sicken, become ill or weak, Lcd; ÆL. [‘sickle’; sēoc]

sicol m. ‘sickle,’ A, Mk, WW (u^2).

sicor sure, certain, trustworthy, A: secure, CP. [‘sicker’]

sicorlīce (e^2) with full certainty, NC 321; FM 99. [‘sickerly’]

sicornes f. sureness, certainty, NC 321. [‘sickerness’]

sīd ample, wide, broad, large, vast, An, B, Gen. [‘side’]

sīdādl f. pain in the side, pleurisy, WW 112^32.

sīdan adv. wīdan and s. far and wide, BC. [v. ‘side’]

sīde I. adv. amply, widely, extensively, OEG. s. and wīde far and wide, El. [‘side’] II. (±) f. ‘side,’ Æ, Bl, CP, Gl, VPs. [Ger. seite] III. f. silk. [L. seta; Ger. seide]

sīdece m. pain in the side, #Lcd# 172a.

sideful (y) decorous, modest, pure, virtuous, honest, Æ. [‘sedeful’] adv. -līce.

sidefulnes f. virtue, modesty, Æ.

sidelic sober, discreet, GPH 389.

sidelīce adv. fitly, suitable, CP 153.

siden v. ælf-s.

sīden made of silk, OEG.

sīdewāre f. zedoary, #Lcd# 137b. [Late L.]

sīdfæðme, sīdfæðmed † wide-bosomed, capacious (of a ship), B.

sīdfeaxe, sīdfeaxode long-haired, Æ. [v. ‘side’]

sīdfolc † n. great people or number of people.

sīdian intr. to extend? #Rim# 65. [sīd]

+sidian (y) to arrange, set right, order. [sidu]

sīdland † n. extensive land.

sīdlingweg m. sidelong way, road that runs obliquely? (BT), KC 3·446^17.

sido = sidu

sīdrand m. broad shield, B 1289.

sidu (eo) m., gds. sida custom, practice, manner, habit, rite, CP: manners, morality, good conduct, purity, CP. [Ger. sitte]

sidung (y) f. rule, regulation, GPH 398.

sīdung (ȳ) f. extension, augmentation, A 8·306.

sīdwærc m. pain in the side, GD, #Lcd#.

sīdweg † m. long road: (in pl.) distance.

sīdwyrm (ȳ) m. silk-worm, WW.

sīe pres. 1 sg. subj. of wesan (bēon).

siehst pres. 2 sg., siehð pres. 3 sg. of sēon.

+siehð = +sihð

sielf = self

siellan = sellan

siellic = seldlic

±sīeman (ǣ) to load, burden, Æ (ȳ), LkL (ē). [‘seam’]

siemle = simble

sīen I. (ēo, ī, ȳ) f. power of sight, sight, vision, Jul (ȳ), Lcd (ēo): pupil, eye. [‘sene’] II. (= sīn) pl. pres. subj. of wesan.

siendon, sient (= sindon, sind) pl. pres. of wesan.

+sīene (e, i) seen, visible, evident, plain, B (y). [‘sene’]

+sīenelic (ē, ȳ) visible, BH 216^14. adv. -līce.

sierce = serce [[under “serc”]]

sīere ‘sere,’ dry, withered, BC 1·515. [sēarian]

sierian = sierwan

±sierwan (i, y) to plan, devise, contrive: plot, lay snares for, entrap, CP: put on armour: (+) fit out, arm, equip, #Ma# 159. [searu]

sierwung (ea, y) f. plotting, artifice, trap, snare, treachery, Æ.

sieððan = siððan

siex (e, eo, i, y) ‘six,’ AO.

siexbenn = seaxbenn

siexfeald ‘sixfold,’ WW.

siexhund six hundred, AO. [‘sixhund’]

siexta (e, i, y) ‘sixth,’ Chr; AO.

siexte (y) sixthly, LL 158[17].

siextig (e, i, y) ‘sixty,’ AO.

sife (y) n. ‘sieve,’ Cp, Lcd, WW.

sifeða (eo, y) m. and fpl. siftings, chaff, bran: tares, rubbish.

sifian = seofian

sifiða = sifeða

sīfre = sȳfre

siftan (e, y) to ‘sift,’ Æ (y), Bo, Cp.

sifun = seofon

sig = sī 3 p. sing. pres. subj. of wesan (bēon).

+sig n. victory, DR 28^2.

sīgan^1 I. (±) to sink, set (of the sun), decline, CP: descend, fall, fall down, Æ: move, advance, go to, approach. sāh ūt came out, Æ. II. to strain, filter, drain out, ooze, trickle.

sigbēh (NG) = sigebēah

sigdi (Ep) = sīðe

sige I. (y) m. victory, success, triumph, AO, Chr; Æ, CP. [‘sige’] II. m. sinking, setting (of the sun), #Met# 13^56. [sīgan]

sige-bēacn, -bēacen n. banner, Æ: emblem of victory, trophy, cross (of Christ), #El#.

sigebēah m. victor’s circlet, crown.

sigebēam † m. tree of victory, cross.

sigebearn † n. victor-child (Christ).

sigebeorht victorious.

sigebeorn m. victorious hero, #Fin# 38.

sigebrōðor m. victorious brother, #An# 183.

sigebȳme f. trump of victory, #Ex# 565.

sigecempa m. victorious champion, †#Ps# 50^10.

sigecwēn † f. victorious queen.

sigedēma † m. victorious judge.

sigedryhten m. lord of victory, God.

sigeēadig victorious, B 1557.

sigefæst victorious, triumphant, BH, Bl. [v. ‘sige’]

+sige-fæstan, -fæstnian (e^2) to triumph: crown as victor.

sīgefæstnes f. triumph, victory.

sigefest == sigefæst

sigefolc † n. victorious people.

sigegealdor (y^1) n. victory-bringing charm, #Lcd# 1·388^13.

sigegefeoht n. victory, BH 158^6.

sigegyrd f. victory-bringing rod, #Lcd#.

sigehrēmig † (ǣ) rejoicing in victory.

sigehrēð f. fame gained by victory? confidence or joy of victory? B 490.

sigehrēðig † victorious, triumphant.

sigehwīl f. hour of victory, B 2710.

sigel I. † (æ, e) m? n? sun: name of the rune for =s=. II. = sigil

sigelbeorht † sun-bright, brilliant.

sigele = sigle

sigelēan n. reward of victory.

sigelēas not victorious, defeated.

sigelēoð † n. song of victory.

Sigelhearwa m. Ethiopian, #VPs#.

sigel-hweorfa m., -hwe(o)rfe f. heliotrope.

sigelic victorious, WW.

sigeltorht † radiant.

Sigel-waras, -ware pl. Ethiopians.

sigemēce m. victorious sword, #Cr# 1531.

sīgend m. wave, WW. [sīgan]

siger- = sigor-

sīgere m. glutton, OET 72^568.

sigerēaf n. triumphal robe, WW 153^15.

sigerian = sigrian

sīgerian to be gluttonous, WW 489^14.

sigerīce † victorious, triumphant.

sigerōf † victorious, triumphant.

sigesceorp n. ornament of victory, #Gn# 136.

sigesīð (i^2) m. successful expedition, OET.

sigespēd † f. success.

sigetācen n. emblem of victory, sign.

sigetīber n. sacrifice for victory, #Ex# 402.

sigetorht brilliant in victory, #Sat# 240.

sigetūdor n. dominating race, #Gu# 838.

sigeðēod f. victorious people.

sigeðrēat m. victorious troop, #Cr# 844.

sigeðūf? m. triumphal banner, #Jud# 201.

sigewǣpen n. victorious weapon, B 804.

sigewang † m. field of victory.

sigewīf n. victorious woman, #Lcd# 1·384.

sigfæst = sigefæst

sigi- = sige-

sigil, sigl n. fibula, buckle, brooch, gem. [cp. sigle]

sigirian = sigrian

siglan (AO) = seglan

sigle I. n. necklace, collar. II. f. rye, black spelt, #Lcd# 48a. [L. secale]

sigor (y) m. victory, triumph, Æ. [sige]

sigorbēacen n. emblem of victory, #El# 985.

sigorbeorht triumphant, #Cr# 10.

sigorcynn n. victorious race, #El# 755.

sigorēadig † victorious.

sigorfæst victorious.

sigorfæstnes (siger-) f. victory, A 11·173.

sigorlēan † n. reward of victory.

sigorlic triumphal, #Gl#.

sigorspēd † f. good fortune in war.

sigortācen n. convincing sign, #Gu# 1089.

sigortīfer n. offering for victory, #Jul# 255.

sigorweorc m. deed of victory, #Ex# 316.

sigorwuldor n. glory of victory, #Gu# 93.

sigrian to be victorious, triumph over, vanquish, Æ.

sigriend m. victor, DHy 38^3.

sigsonte f. a plant, #Lcd#.

sigðe = sīðe

sihsta = siexta

-siht, -sihte v. blōd-, ūt-s. [[under “blōdsihte”]]

sīhte marshy?

+sīhte = +sȳhte pret. 3 sg. of +sȳcan.

sihtre = seohtre [[under “seohter”]]

sihð I. f. thing seen, vision, JnL, MkL. [‘sight’] II. pres. 3 sg. of sēon.

sīhð pres. 3 sg. of sīgan.

+sihð, +siht (ie, y) f. faculty or act of sight, Æ, Bo, Mk; CP: aspect: what is seen, vision, apparition. [‘i-sight’]

+sihðe (#BPs# 53^6) = +sehðe

+sihðnes £. vision, MtL p7^7.

silcen = seolcen

silf = self

silfor = seolfor

silfren = seolfren

Sīlhearwa (Æ) = Sigelhearwa

sillan = sellan

silofr = seolfor

sīma I. m. band, chain, #Gen# 765. II. = sēma

simbel (on) adv. always, continually, AO. [cp. simbles]

simbelfarende roving, nomadic, AO 26^16.

simbelgefēra m. constant companion, #Met# 11^50 (y).

simble (e, y) adv. ever, for ever, always, constantly, continually, continuously. oftost s. continually.

simbles adv. ever, always.

simblian (y) to frequent, DR 15^10.

simb-lunga, -linga (siml-) continually, constantly, DR.

simel = (1) simbel adv.; (2) symbel

simeringwyrt = symeringwyrt

siml = simbel

siml- = simbl-

sīn I. (ȳ) refl. possess, pron. his, her, its, their. II. = sīen. III. plur. pres. subj. of wesan.

sin- (y) prefix, perpetual, permanent, lasting, infinite, immense.

sinað- = seonoð-

sinbyrnende ever burning, #Met# 8^52.

sinc (y) † n. treasure, riches, gold, valuables, jewel.

sincald perpetually cold, #Ex# 472.

sincaldu f. perpetual cold, #Ph# 17.

±sincan^3 to ‘sink,’ become submerged, MtR: digest easily, act as aperient? Lcd 81b.

sincbrytta m. distributor of treasure, prince, A 3·71^17.

sincfæt † n. precious vessel.

sincfāg † richly adorned.

sincgestrēon † n. treasure, jewel.

sincgewæge ‡ n. abundance of treasure.

sinc-giefa, -gifa † m. giver of treasure, ruler, chief, lord, king.

sincgifu f. gift of treasure, #An# 1511.

sincgim † m. valuable gem, jewel.

sincgyfa = sincgiefa

sinchroden † ptc. adorned with costly ornaments.

sincmāððum m. treasure, B 2193.

sincstān m. precious stone, #Met# 21^21.

sincðego † f. receipt of treasure. [ðicgan]

sincweorðung † f. costly gift.

sind plur. pres. indic. of wesan.

sinder (y) n. ‘cinder,’ dross, scoria, slag, Cp, WW; CP.

sinder- = sundor-

sinderlīce = synderlīce

sinderōm m. rust, WW 402^41.

sindon plur. pres. indic. of wesan.

sindor = sinder

sindrēam † m. everlasting joy.

sindrig (Æ) = syndrig

+sīne = +sīene

sineht sinewy, #Lcd# 91a. [seono]

sine-wealt, -weald, -wælt (eo, y) round, globular, concave, Æ: circular, cylindrical. [sin-]

sinewealtian to be unsteady, WW 515^31.

sinewealtnes f. roundness, globularity.

sinewind artery, WW 352^25. [seonu] [[under “seono”]]

sinfrēa m. husband, B 1934.

sinfulle f. houseleek, #Lcd#, WW.

singal perpetual, everlasting, Æ, CP: continuous, constant, Æ: daily.

singala, singale, singales adv. always, ever, continually.

singalflōwende ptc. ever-flowing, WW 177^36.

+singalian (y) to continue, #ACPs# 88^51.

singallic incessant, continual, CP 61^21. adv. (±) -līce.

+singallician to continue, #JPs# 88^51.

singalnes f. perseverance, assiduity, OEG.

singalrene m. constant flow, #HGl#. [ryne]

±singan^3 (y) to ‘sing,’ celebrate in song, BH, Bl, MtL, VPs; AO, CP: crow, sing (of birds), Æ, Ph: chant, intone, OET, RB: read, recite, narrate, Bl, Bo, VPs: (of things) sound, resound, ring, clank, B, CP, W.

+singe (= +sinie?) f. wife, #Jul# 54. [cp. sinig]

singendlic that may be sung, #LVPs# 118^54.

singere = sangere

singestre = sangestre

singian (Æ) = syngian

singrēne (y) I. f. house-leek, periwinkle, Lcd. [‘sengreen’] II. adj. ever green: uncooked (of vegetables).

singrim adj. exceeding fierce, #Jul# 230.

sinhere m. huge army, B 2936.

sinhīg- = sinhīw-

±sin-hīwan, -hīgan npl. wedded couple, Æ, CP.

sinhīwscipe m. permanent tie (marriage), #Bo# 50^1.

sinhwurf- = sinhwyrf-

sinhwyrfel round.

sinhwyrfende ptc. round, OEG 114.

+sinig marriage, DR 108^7.

+sinigan, sinigian to marry, NG.

+sinigscipe = sinscipe

+sinlīce (y) adv. often, RB 97^14.

sinn = synn

sinnan^3 † (w. g.) to meditate upon, think of, care about: cease? [Ger. sinnen]

sinnig = synnig

sinniht † (y^1, ea^2) f. eternal night. adv. -nihtes in continual night, night after night.

sinnīð m. perpetual misery, #Rim# 52.

sinop = senep

sinoð (e, eo, y) f. synod, council, meeting, assembly. [L. synodus]

sinoðbōc (e, eo, y) f. record of the decrees of a synod, canon law, LL 46[49,8].

sinoðdōm (eo) m. decree of a synod, #El# 552.

sinoðgewrit n. records of a synod.

sinoðlic synodical, BH.

sinoðstōw f. meeting-place, place where a synod is held.

sinowalt = sinewealt

sinrǣden f. (continuing state), marriage, CP.

±sinscipe (e, y) m. cohabitation, marriage, Æ, CP: (+) married couple, CP.

+sinsciplic conjugal, LL (440^6).

+sinscippend married, GD 218^4.

sinsnǣd f. large piece, B 743.

sinsorg f. perpetual grief, #Wif# 45.

sint = sind plur. pres. indic. of wesan.

sin-trendende (OEG), -tredende ptc. round.

sintryndel (y^1, æ^2) adj. circular, globular.

sinðyrstende ptc. (w. g.) ever thirsting, AO 130^31.

sinu = seono

sinuwealt, sinwealt = sinewealt

sinwrǣnnes (y) f. constant lechery, WW 113^22.

sīo = sēo

siodo = sidu

siofa = sefa

siol- = seol-, sel-

sion ‘laber,’ a marsh plant? Lcd 1·254. [‘sion’]

sipian = sypian

sīpian to sink low, wane, decline, #Lcd# 3·151 (v. A 31·538).

sīre = sīgere

sirew-, sirw- = searw-, sierw-

sisemūs f. dormouse, WW.

sīst = sīhst pres. 2 sg. of sēon I.

sit pres. 3 sg. of sittan.

sitl = setl

sittan^5 to ‘sit,’ sit down, recline, Æ, B, Bo, Bl, Chr; AO, CP: remain, continue, be situated, Bo, Bl, Gen, LL: (±) settle, encamp, dwell, abide, reside, Chr, LkL; AO: lie in wait, besiege, invest, Chr, Met, VPs: preside over, Æ, MtL; CP: perch, roost, Gen, Ph: (+) sit out, finish. on cnēowum s. kneel. wið earm +s. lean. on s. (1) assail, attack; (2) press on, weigh down.

sīð (ȳ) I. m. going, motion, journey, errand, B, Bl, Lcd: departure, death: expedition, undertaking, enterprise: road, way: time, turn, occasion, Æ, G, Lcd, VPs; AO. on ānne s. at one and the same time, Bo, Lcd. ōðre sīðe...ōðre sīðe on one occasion...on another: conduct, way of life, manner, Æ: fate, destiny, experience, Æ, B, Chr. [‘sithe’] II. adv. late, afterwards. comp. sīð, sīðor later. ǣr and s. always. ne ǣr ne s. never. ǣr oððe s. ever: a comp. adj. sīðra late, later, and a superl. sīð(e)mest, sīðest latest, last are formed from sīð. æt sīðestan at last, finally. III. prep. and conj. after. s. ðam after, afterwards. [Ger. seit] IV. (±) = ±sihð pres. 3 sg. of sēon I.

+sīð I. m. (rare ds. +sīðan) (†) comrade, companion: (†) follower, retainer, warrior: count, thane. II. n. company, v. LL 2·427; 446.

sīðberend m. reaper, WW 235^3. [sīðe]

sīðbōc f. itinerary, OEG 2023.

sīðboda m. herald of departure (the pillar of cloud), #Ex# 250.

sīðboren ptc. late-born, #VPs#, WW.

+sīðcund fit to rank as a thane.

+sīðcundlic intimate, BH 120^33 (v.l.).

sīðdagas mpl. later times, #El# 639.

sīðe m. ‘scythe,’ Æ, Cp.

sīðemest, sīðest v. sīð II.

sīðfæt (Æ, CP), sīðfat mn. way, journey, voyage, expedition: path, road, course, Æ: experience, conduct: period of time.

sīðfrom † ready for a journey.

sīðgēomor travel-weary, #Ap# 1.

sīðian to go, depart, travel, wander, Æ, B. [‘sithe’]

+sīðlic = +sīðcundlic

sīðlīce adv. lately, after a time, Æ.

+sīðmægen † n. band of warriors.

+sīðmann = +sīð

sīðmest, sīðor, sīðra v. sīð II.

+sīðrǣden f. troop, WW 206^21.

+sīðscipe m. fellowship, society, BH.

sīðstapel step, track, #LPs# 16^5.

sīðð = sīð

siðða adv. and conj. afterwards, JnL, LkL; #Met#. [‘sith’]

siððan, siððon (co, y) I. adv. since, afterwards, from now on, hereafter, further, then, thereupon, after, later, Æ, Bl. II. conj. as soon as, when, since, after that, inasmuch as, Bl, Bo. III. prep. (w. a.) (LWS) after. [‘sithen’; sīð, ðam]

sīðweg (#Gu# 859) = sīdweg

sīðwerod n. travelling troop, #Gen# 2114.

±sīðwīf n. noble lady.

sīwan = sīwian

siwen pp. of sēon II.

siwen-īge, -igge, -ēge blear-eyed, CP.

±sīwian (ēo, ȳ) to sew, mend, patch: knit together, unite.

six = siex

six-; v. also siex-.

sixecge six-sided, hexagonal, WW.

sixfēte (y) adj. of six (poetical) feet.

sixgylde entitled to sixfold compensation, LL 3[1].

sixhynde belonging to the class whose ‘wergeld’ was 600 shillings, LL.

sixhyrnede having six angles, WW 179^13 (e^2).

sixnihte six days old, #Lcd#.

sixteogoða ‘sixtieth,’ ÆGr.

sixtēoða ‘sixteenth,’ MH (e^1), ÆGr (y^2).

sixtigǣre 60-oared ship. [ār]

sixtigfeald sixtyfold.

sixtigwintre sixty years old, Æ.

sixtȳne (y^1, e^2) ‘sixteen,’ MH.

sixtȳnenihte sixteen days old, #Lcd#.

sixtȳnewintre sixteen years old.

slā = slāh

slacful (= æ) lazy, #Gl, Lcd#.

slacian to slack off, become remiss, Æ. [‘slake’]

slād pret. 3 sg. of slīdan.

slǣ == slēa

slæc ‘slack,’ remiss, CP 125^1 (v. A 39·366).

slæcan = slacian

+slæccan to seize, #VPs# 7^3.

slǣd (ā, ē, ēa) n. valley, glade, AO; Mdf. [‘slade’]

-slǣfan v. tō-s.

slæg- = sleg-

slæge m., slæget n. = slege

slægen pp. of slēan.

slægnǣt = slegnēat

slǣgu (ē) f. lethargy, #Gl# (v. A 33·387).

slæht = slieht

slæhtan to strike, slay, NG. [Ger. schlachten]

+slæhte pret. 3 sg. of +sleccan.

slæhð = sliehð pres. 3 sg. of slēan.

slǣp I. (ā, ē, ēa) m. ‘sleep,’ Æ, CP: sleepiness, inactivity, B, CP: death, Cr. II. m? slippery place? KC.

±slǣpan^7 (ē, ā) pret. 3 sg. slēp, slēap; also wk. slǣpte, slēpte, slēpde to ‘sleep,’ BH, Bl, VPs; CP: be benumbed, motionless, inactive, Æ, CP, Lcd: lie with, Æ, LL: rest in the grave, die, Æ (ā), Mt.

slǣpbǣre soporific, #Lcd# 1·284^22.

slǣpere m. sleeper, Æ.

slǣpern (ā, ē) n. dormitory.

slǣplēas sleepless, GPH 399.

slǣplēast f. sleeplessness, Æ.

slǣpnes f. sleepiness, HL 14^106.

slǣpor drowsy, sleepy.

slǣpwērig weary and sleepy, #Rd# 5^5.

slǣt = sliehð pres. 3 sg. of slēan.

slǣtan to bait (a boar), Æ. [‘sleat’]

slǣting f. right of hunting, #Chr# 1087.

slǣw = slāw

-slǣwan v. ā-s.

slǣwð (ē) f. sloth, indolence, Æ, Bo; CP. [‘sleuth’; slāw]

slāg = slāh

slaga m. slayer, homicide, Æ, CP.

slagen pp. of slēan.

slagu = slægu [[headword spelled “slǣgu”]]

slāh, slāg f. ‘sloe’ (fruit of the blackthorn), Cp, Lcd, WW; Mdf.

slahe = slēa

slāhðorn m. blackthorn, Cp, Lcd; Mdf. [‘sloethorn’]

slāhðornragu f. lichen from blackthorn, #Lcd#.

slāhðornrind f. blackthorn bark, #Lcd#.

slān I. (K, N) = slēan. II. gs. of slā (slāh).

slanc pret. 3 sg. of slincan.

slāp == slǣp

slāpel = slāpol

slāpfulnes f. lethargy, WW 541^42?

slāpian to become sleepy, CP.

slāpol somnolent, lethargic.

slāpolnes f. somnolence, lethargy, Æ.

slāpornes f. lethargy, A 11·98.

slāpul = slāpol

slarege (i^2) f. ‘clary’ (plant), Lcd, WW.

slāt pret. 3 sg. of slītan.

slāw ‘slow,’ sluggish, torpid, lazy, Bo, CP, Mt.

slāwerm (#KGl# 80^22) = slāwyrm

slāwian to be slow, sluggish, Æ.

slāwlīce adv. ‘slowly,’ sluggishly, CP.

slāwyrm m. ‘slow-worm,’ snake, OEG, Sc, WW.

slēa f. slay, weaver’s reed, #Gl#. [slēan; cp. slege]

slēac (v. A 39·366) ‘slack,’ remiss, lax, sluggish, indolent, languid, Æ, B, BH; CP: slow, gentle, easy, Æ.

slēacian to delay, retard, slacken, relax efforts.

slēaclic slow, languid, idle. adv. -līce.

slēacmōdnes f. slackness, laziness, MFH 173.

slēacnes (e) f. slowness, A, Æ, Lcd: remissness, laziness, CP. [‘slackness’]

slēacornes f. laziness, A 11·98^40.

sleaht = slieht

slēan^6 to strike, beat, stamp, coin (money), forge (weapons), Æ, B, Bl, Lcd, VPs: throw, cast, Bo, Da: sting (snake): pitch (tent), Æ: strike across (country), dash, break, rush, come quickly, Æ: ‘slay,’ kill, Æ, AO, CP. wæl +s. to slaughter: cast into chains: (+) strike down: play (harp): (+) gain by fighting, win.

slēap I. pret. 3 sg. of slǣpan. II. pret. 3 sg. of slūpan. III. = slǣp

slēaw = slāw

slēbescōh = slēfescōh

slec- = sleac-

+sleccan to weaken, disable, #Cr# 149. [sleac] [[headword spelled “slēac”]]

slecg f. (‘sledge’-)hammer, mallet, Nar, WW; Æ.

slecgettan to beat, throb, #Lcd# 82b.

slecgwyrhta m. metal-worker, ANS 100·254.

slēd = slǣd

slēf = slīefe

slēfan to slip (clothes) on, Guth.

+slēfed furnished with sleeves. [‘sleve’]

[[Printed inline, as continuation of “slēfan” entry.]]

slēfescōh m. slipper, #Gl# (slēbe-).

slēflēas = slȳflēas [[redirected to “slīeflēas”]]

slege (æ) m. beating, blow, stroke, Æ: slaying, slaughter, murder, Æ, AO, CP: crash, impact, clap (of thunder): destruction, defeat, AO: (weaver’s) ‘slay,’ WW 188^5. [slēan]

slegebȳtl m. beetle, hammer, #Lcd# 122b.

slegefǣge doomed to perish, #Jud# 247.

slegel m. plectrum, WW 466^28.

slegen pp. of slēan.

sleghrȳðer (slægr-) n. cattle for slaughter, NC 321.

slegnēat n. cattle for slaughter, TC 105^4.

slēgu = slǣgu

sleh = sleah imperat. of slēan.

sleht = slieht

slehð = sliehð pres. 3 sg. of slēan.

slēow = slīw

slēp I. (M) = slǣp. II. pret. 3 sg. of slǣpan.

slēp- = slǣp-

slēpan = (1) slǣpan; (2) slȳpan

sleð (#VPs#) = sliehð pres. 3 sg. of slēan.

slēwð = slǣwð

slī (#Gl#) = slīw

slic (ī?) n. beater, mallet, hammer, LL 455^15; WW 75^16.

-slīcod (ȳ) v. nīg-s. [[under “nīgslȳcod”]]

slīdan^1 to ‘slide,’ glide, slip, fall, fall down, Guth: fail, err: pass away, be transitory or unstable, MH, Lcd.

sliddor = slidor

slide m. sliding, slip, fall, Æ, CP.

sliderian = slidrian

slidor I. slippery, Ps, Run. [‘slidder’] II. n? slippery place, WW.

slidornes f. slippery place, slipperiness, Ps. [‘slidderness’]

slidrian to slip, slide, CP, PPs. [‘sliddern’]

slīefe (ī) f. ‘sleeve,’ LL.

slīeflēas ‘sleeveless,’ RB (y), WW (e).

slieht (æ, ea, e, i, y) m. stroke, slaughter, murder, death, AO (i): animals for slaughter: (+) †battle. [‘sleight’; slēan]

sliehtswȳn (y^1) n. pig for killing, LL.

sliehð pres. 3 sg. of slēan.

slīf, slīfe = slīefe

-slīfan v. tō-s.

slifer slippery, #HGl# 405.

sliht (AO, Æ) = slieht

-slihtes v. eorð-s.

slihð pres. 3 sg. of slēan.

slīm n. ‘slime,’ CPs, WW.

slincan^3 to slink, creep, crawl.

slincend mn. reptile, Æ.

slingan^3 to worm, twist oneself. [Ger. schlingen]

slipa = slypa

slipeg, slipig slimy.

slipor slippery, filthy, Sc: shifty, Æ. [‘slipper’]

slipornes f. filthiness, DHy 36^8. [‘slipperness’]

+slit n. rending, biting, Æ: something to be torn or rent: backbiting, calumny.

±slītan^1 to slit, tear, split, shiver, rend to pieces, divide: bite, sting, wound, CP: backbite, CP. [Ger. schleissen]

slitcwealm m. death by rending, LL (166^24).

slite I. m. slit, rent, tear, bite. II. f? cyclamen.

sliten m. schismatic, heretic, MtL p8^9.

slītendlic gorging, WW 437^5.

slītere m. gorger, glutton, WW: destroyer, W 235^24.

+slitglīw n. raillery, WW 372^32.

slitnes f. desolation, destruction, tearing up.

slitol biting, pungent, GPH 394.

slītung f. tearing, biting, Æ.

slīðan^1 to injure, wound, #GnE# 202.

slīðe † I. adj. savage, fierce, dire, cruel, hard, hurtful, perilous. II. adv. savagely.

slīðelic graven, #EPs# 105^19.

slīðen cruel, hard, evil.

slīðheard (e^2) cruel, severe, savage.

slīðnes f. graven image, #EPs# 105^36.

slīw m. a fish, tench, mullet, #Gl#.

slōg I. pret. 3 sg. of slēan. II. = slōh I.

slōh I. mfn., gs. slō(ge)s, slō; das. slō(h) ‘slough,’ mire, BH, W. II. pret. 3 sg. of slēan.

-slop v. ofer-s.

slopen pp. of slūpan.

slota m. morsel, #Sc# 153^12.

slūma m. slumber, DD, Gu. [‘sloom’]

slūmere m. sleeper, NC 322.

sluncon pret. pl. of slincan.

slūpan^2 to slip, glide, move softly.

slȳf == slīef [[variant of “slīefe”?]]

slyht == slieht

slyhð = sliehð pres. 3 sg. of slēan.

slypa m. slime, paste, pulp, Lcd. [‘slip’]

slȳpan (ē) to slip, put on or off.

slȳpescōh m. slipper, WW 277^29.

slyppe f. paste, #Lcd# 163a.

slypræsn n. ? ‘ferna,’ WW 237^1. [ræsn]

slȳpð pres. 3 sg. of slūpan.

±smacian to coax, flatter, allure, seduce, #HGl# 476; OEG 3005.

smæc m. ‘smack,’ taste, WW: scent, odour, WW.

±smæccan to taste, ÆGr. [‘smatch’]

smæl I. (often smal- in obl. cases) sup. smalost, smælst ‘small,’ Bo, Cp, Lcd: thin, slender, narrow, AO, OET: fine, BH, CP, Lcd, WW. II. v. hēafodsmæl.

smæle = smale

smæleðerm (A 13·323) = smælðearme

smæll m. slap, smack, JnL. [‘small’]

smælðearmas (y^2) mp. small intestines.

smælðearme n. lower abdomen, CP.

smǣr (smǣre?) m. lip, #Gl, Lcd#.

smære- = smeoru-

smǣte pure, refined, Cp, MH; Æ. [‘smeat’]

smǣtegold n. pure gold, WW.

smǣtegylden adj. of pure gold, WW.

smal- v. smæl.

smale finely, into small pieces, Bo: softly (not loudly). [‘small’]

smalian to become thin, #Lcd# 2a (Harl.).

smalung f. reducing (of flesh), #Lcd#.

smāt pret. 3 sg. of smītan.

smēac pret. 3 sg. of smēocan.

smēade pret. 3 sg. of smēagan.

smēag- v. smēah.

±smēagan, smēan (ē) to think, think out, reflect, meditate on, deliberate, Æ, CP: examine, penetrate, scrutinize, look closely into, Æ: suppose: seek (opportunity).

smēagelegen (? v. OEG 4142n.) f. syllogism.

smēagendlic meditative, #ÆGr# 211^6.

smēagung = smēaung

smēah I. adj. (smēag- in obl. cases) sagacious, acute, subtle: penetrating. II. pret. 3 sg. of smūgan.

+smēah n. intrigue, #Chr# 1094.

smēalic searching, exhaustive, careful, CP: exquisite. adv. -līce closely, thoroughly, carefully, exhaustively, accurately, Æ, CP.

smēalicnes f. subtlety, NC 322.

smēamettas mp. delicacies.

smēan = smēagan

smēang = smēaung

smearcian (e) to smile, Bo; Æ. [‘smirk’]

smeart smarting, painful, W 295^10. [‘smart’]

smeartung (e) f. tickling, A 8·451.

smēað I. f. meditation, #SPs# 118^77. II. pres. 3 sg. of smēagan.

smēaðanclīce adv. in detail, A 8·309.

smēa-ðancol, -ðancollic subtle. adv. -līce exactly, thoroughly, exhaustively, studiously, Æ.

smēaðancolnes f. exactness, strictness, ÆH 2·80^34.

±smēaung (ē) f. reflection, thought, CP: inquiry, search: intention, effort: intrigue.

smēawung = smēaung

smēawyrhta m. skilled artisan, A 9·263.

smēawyrm m. intestinal worm, #Lcd#.

smec == smæc

smēc == smīc

smedma (eo) m. fine flour, pollen meal, Lcd; Æ. [‘smeddum’]

smedmen adj. of fine flour, #Sc# 154^1.

smēgan = smēagan

smēgawyrm = smēawyrm

smēh (ÆL 31^952) = smēah II.

smēhwrenc (= smēa-) m. cunning device, TC 339.

smelt I. (y) m. sardine, ‘smelt,’ Cp. II. = smolt

smelting (i, y) f. amber, Æ.

smēocan^2 to emit smoke, Æ, Lcd, WW: fumigate, Lcd. [‘smeek’]

smeoduma = smedma

smēoh = smēah

smeolt = smolt

smeortan^3 to ‘smart,’ AO 36^30 (or? fȳrsmeortende = smarting like fire).

smeoru (e), smeoruw n. ointment, fat, grease, lard, tallow, suet. [Ger. schmeer]

smeorumangestre (smere-) f. butter-woman, LL.

smeorusealf (e^1, a^2) f. unguent, #Lcd# 55b.

smeoruðearm (æ^1, e^1) m. entrail.

smeoruwig (smere-) rich, fat, #Lcd# 79a.

smeoruwyrt f. ‘smearwort,’ Cp, Lcd.

smeoðian = smiðian

smer- = smear-, smeor-, smir-, smier-

smēr = smǣr

smera = smeoru

smere- = smeoru-

smerian to laugh to scorn, MtL 9^24.

smeringwyrt f. name of a plant, ‘crispa, victoriola,’ WW 135^1. [cp. smeoruwyrt]

smeruwan = smierwan

smerwung = smirung

smēte- = smǣte-

±smēðan to smooth, soften, polish, CP: appease, soothe, CP.

smeðe (RB) = smiððe

smēðe smooth, polished, soft, Lk; Æ, AO, CP: suave, agreeable, CP: lenitive. [‘smeeth’]

±smēðian to smoothen, Lcd, OEG: become smooth. [‘smeeth’]

smēðnes f. smoothness, smooth place, Æ, WW. [‘smeethness’]

smēung = smēaung

smīc (ē, ȳ) m. vapour, smoke, Æ, AO, Bo, PPs, VHy. [‘smeech’; ‘smitch’]

smīcan (ē) to smoke, fumigate. [smēocan]

smicer beauteous, elegant, fair, tasteful, Cp, Shr, TC. [‘smicker’] adv. -ere, CP.

smicernes f. smartness, WW 416^31.

+smicerod well-fashioned, WW 406^21.

smicor = smicer

smidema = smedma

smīec = smīc

±smierwan (e, i, y) to ‘smear,’ anoint, salve, Bl, G, VPs (smirian); CP. [smeoru]

smilte = smylte

smilting = smelting

smirenes (e, y) f. ointment, unguent.

smirewan, smirian = smierwan

smiringele m. anointing oil, Æ.

smirung (e, y) f. ointment, unguent, Lcd: unction. [smeoru]

smirwan = smierwan

smītan^1 to daub, smear, soil, pollute, defile, Æ, Cp, Lcd. [‘smite’]

smitte f? smudge, smut, blot, OEG, RB. [‘smit’]

±smittian to befoul, pollute, WW: infect, OEG. [‘smit’]

smið m. handicraftsman, ‘smith,’ blacksmith, armourer, carpenter, Æ, B, Mt.

smiðbylg m. smith’s bellows, NC 322.

smiðcræft m. manual art, BH 442^16.

smiðcræftega m. skilled workman, #Gen# 1084.

smiðian (eo) to forge, fabricate, Æ, OEG. [‘smith’]

smiðlīce adv. dexterously, WW.

smiððe (smeðe) f. smithy, forge, Æ, BH. [‘smithe’]

smoc m. ‘smock,’ shift, WW.

smoca m. ‘smoke,’ LPs, Nar (cc).

smocen pp. of smēocan.

smocian to emit ‘smoke,’ Æ, LPs: fumigate, Lcd.

-smogu v. ǣ-s.

-smoh v. in-s.

smolt I. (e, eo) mild, peaceful, still, gentle, MtL. [‘smolt’] II. lard, fat, CM, NC. [‘smolt’]

smolte = smylte

smoltlīce adv. gently, ES 8·477.

smorian to strangle, choke, suffocate, Cp, MtR. [‘smore’]

smōð ‘smooth,’ serene, calm, Sc.

smucon pret. pl. of smēorcan. [[error for “smēocan”?]]

smūgan^2 to creep, Æ. [Ger. schmiegen]

smūgendlic creeping, #LPs# 68^35.

smȳc = smīc

smȳcð pres. 3 sg. of smēocan.

smygel, smygels m. retreat, burrow, #Gl#.

smyllan to crack (a whip), GPH 388.

smylt = smelt

+smyltan to appease, BH 386^12.

smylte I. mild, tranquil, peaceable, calm, CP: cheerful, prosperous. II. adv. softly. [smolt]

smyltelic = smyltlic

smylting (Æ) = smelting

smyltlic tranquil, serene.

smyltnes f. tranquillity, peace, quiet, silence, CP: gentleness, smoothness, mildness, composure, placidity, CP: evening calm.

smyr- = smier-, smir-

smyrels m. ointment, unguent, unction, Æ, LL. [‘smerles’; smeoru]

smytta = smitta [[headword spelled “smitte”]]

snā = snāw

snaca m. ‘snake,’ serpent, Lk, W.

snacc m. a small vessel, war-ship, Chr. [‘snack’; Dan. snekke]

snād = snǣd II.

-snæcce v. twi-s.

snǣd I. m. handle of a scythe, ÆH 2·162. [‘snead’] II. (ā) m. a clearing in a wood, Ct (Mdf). III. f. piece, morsel, slice, portion of food, Æ, Lcd. [‘snede’; snīdan]

snǣdan I. (ē) to cut, slice, lop off, hew, Ln, CP, Mt. [‘sned’; snīðan] II. to eat, take a meal, #Chr# 1048.

snǣdel (#Gl#) = snǣdelðearm

snǣdelðearm m. great gut, #Gl, Lcd#.

snǣding f. meal, snack, CM, RBL.

snǣdinghūs n. cook’s shop, WW 185^1.

snǣdingscēap n. sheep for slaughter, #PPs# 43^23.

snǣdmǣlum adv. bit by bit, #Lcd# 127a.

snægl (e), snægel m. ‘snail,’ Cp, Lcd, WW.

snǣl = snægl

snǣs = snās

snǣsan (or? onsnǣsan) to run through, pierce, spit, LL 69[36]. [snās]

snǣðfeld m. a defined tract of pasture or woodland (v. Mdf). [snǣd]

snās (ǣ) f. spit, skewer, WW 237^17 and #n#.

snāð I. pret. 3 sg. of snīðan. II. (?) n? killing (v. OEG 3070).

snāw m. ‘snow,’ Bl, Chr, Met, VPs: snowstorm, Bo.

snāwceald icy-cold, #Met# 29^8.

snāwgebland n. snow-storm, AO 186^34.

snāwhwīt snow-white, Æ.

snāwig ‘snowy,’ Lcd.

snāwīt = snāhwīt [[headword spelled “snāwhwīt”]]

snāwlic snowy.

sneare, snearh f. ‘snare,’ OEG.

snēdan = snǣdan

snēl, sneg(e)l = snægl

snell smart, ready, rapid, keen, fresh, brisk, active, strong, bold, An, B, Cr, Ph; AO. [‘snell’]

snellic smart, ready, quick, rapid, bold. adv. -līce, Wy. [‘snelly’]

snellscipe m. quickness, boldness, #Chr# 1057#d#.

snelnes f. agility, #ApT# 13^7.

snēome † adv. quickly, speedily, swiftly: immediately, at once.

+sneorcan^3 (e) to shrivel, dry up, #VPs# 30^13.

snēowan^7 (ō) † to hasten, go.

snēr f. harpstring. [cp. Ger. schnur]

+snerc pret. of sneorcan.

snīcan^1 to sneak along, creep, crawl, CP, Lcd. [‘snike’]

snid I. n. slice: (+) slaughter. [Ger. schnitt] II. m. saw, CP.

snide I. m. incision: slaughter. II. = snid II.

sniden pp., snidon pret. pl. of snīðan.

snidīsen n. lancet, #Lcd# 78a.

snirian = snyrian

snīte f. ‘snipe,’ Cp, WW. [‘snite’]

±snīðan^1 to cut, lance, CP: cut off, amputate, CP: hew down, slay, kill, Æ; CP: mow, reap. [‘snithe’; Ger. schneiden]

snīðstrēo carline thistle? (BT) chopped straw? (JGPh 1·328), Cp 358#s#.

snīðung f. incision, wound: slaughter.

snīwan to snow, BH, Cp, Nar; Æ. [‘snew’]

snōca m. nook? inlet, BC 3·141´ (v. Mdf).

snōd f. hood, head-dress, fillet, Æ.

snoffa m. ‘nausea,’ CM 50.

snofl phlegm, mucus, #Lcd# 9a.

snoflig full of phlegm, A 8·299.

snofol = snofl

snoru f. daughter-in-law, Æ, AO. [Ger. schnur]

+snot n. mucus, #Lcd# 20b.

snotor, snoter clever, prudent, intelligent, discerning, MtL; Æ, CP. [‘snoter’]

snotorlic (e^2) philosophic, wise. adv. -līce.

snotornes f. wisdom, prudence, Æ.

snotorscipe m. cleverness in argument, dialectics, OEG 3215; 2^172.

-snotorung (e^2) v. word-s. [[under “wordsnoterung”]]

snotorwyrde wise of speech, plausible, W 107^1.

snotter, snottor, snottra (wk.) = snotor

snōwan = snēowan

snūd I. adj. quickly approaching, #Cr# 842. II. n? speed, #An# 267.

snūde adv. quickly, at once.

snyflung f. mucus from the nose, NC 322. [‘snivelling’]

snyrian † to hasten, hurry.

snyring sharp rock, WW 371^22.

snȳtan to blow the nose, NC 322. [‘snite’]

snyteru = snyttru

snȳting f. blowing of nose, WW 162. [‘sniting’]

snytre clever, wise, #Gen# 2808.

snytrian to be clever, wise.

snytro, snytru == snyttru

±snyttru f. (often in pl.) wisdom, cleverness, prudence, sagacity, intelligence, AO, CP.

snyttrucræft † m. wisdom, sagacity.

snyttruhūs n. house of wisdom, #PPs# 77^60.

snyttrum adv. cunningly.

snyðian to go nose or beak forwards (of a plough), #Rd# 22^6.

-snyðian, -snyððan v. be-s.

soc I. (±) n. sucking, Æ. [‘sock’] II. m. soakings, Mdf.

sōc I. pret. 3 sg. of sacan. II. = sōcn

socc m. ‘sock,’ light shoe, slipper, Cp, RB. [L. soccus]

socian ‘to soak,’ Lcd. [sūcan]

sōcn f. seeking, question, inquiry, case, cause: visit, resort, Æ, W: attack, B 1777: refuge, asylum, sanctuary, Æ: the exercise of judicial power, jurisdiction, right of inquisition, right of taking fines, revenue (v. sacu), KC, LL (v. 2·454): district in which a ‘socn’ was exercised (Eng. Hist. Rev. 27·20). [‘soken’]

sōcnes = sēcnes

+sod n. cooking, boiling, CP.

soden pp. of sēoðan.

sōfte I. (= sēfte) adj. ‘soft,’ mild, gentle, Æ: quiet, calm, tranquil, undisturbed, Æ: luxurious: agreeable, A 9·28. II. adv. Gen, Lcd, Met.

sōftnes f. ease, comfort: ‘softness,’ luxury, Æ.

sogeða (o^2) m. hiccough, eructation.

sōht pp., sōhte pret. 3 sg. of sēcan.

sol n. mud, wet sand, wallowing-place, slough, CP.

sōl n. sun, #PPs# 120^6.

solar = solor

sōlate f. sunflower, heliotrope, #Lcd#.

sole f. shoe, sandal, WW 125^25. [L.]

solere = solor

solian to soil, become defiled, Rim 67. [‘sole’]

sōlmerca m. sundial, NC 350.

sōlmōnað m. February.

solor m. loft, upper room, CP, Ph: ‘palatium’ hall, dwelling, GD 248^14. [‘sollar’; L. solarium]

solsece (æ^2) f. heliotrope. [L. solsequia]

som == sam

sōm- = sām-

sōm f. arbitration, agreement, reconciliation, Æ, LL. [‘some’]

+sōm unanimous, peaceable, friendly, Æ.

somn- = samn-

somod == samod

sōmrǣden f. wedlock, CP 19^18.

somw- = samw-

sōn m. sound, music, CP. [L. sonus]

sōna adv. directly, forthwith, immediately, at once, Bl, Chr, CP, MtL, Sat. s. swā as ‘soon’ as, when, Bl, CP.

sonc = sanc pret. of sincan.

sōncræft m. music, A 13·38^306.

sond == sand

song I. = sang pret. 3 sg. of singan. II. sb. bed, NG. [ON. sæng] III. grape, EHy 6^32.

sonwald (NG) = sinewealt

sopa m. ‘sup,’ Lcd. [‘sope’]

sopcuppe f. sop-cup, Ct.

sopp ‘offula,’ ‘sop,’ OEG 61^10.

soppian to soak, ‘sop,’ Lcd 86a.

sore mote, MtL 7^3.

sorg f. (occl. gs. in -es) ‘sorrow,’ pain, grief, trouble, care, distress, anxiety, B, Bl, Bo; CP.

sorgbyrðen f. load of sorrow, #An# 1534.

sorgcearig † anxious, sorrowful.

sorgcearu f. sorrow, anxiety, #Gu# 939.

sorgful ‘sorrowful,’ sad, anxious, careful, Æ, B; CP: distressing, doleful, B, Ph.

sorgian (pres. ptc. sorgende) to ‘sorrow,’ care, grieve, be sorry for, be anxious about, B, Bl, Bo; CP.

sorglēas free from sorrow or care.

sorglēast (h) f. security, #Lcd#.

sorglēoð † (h) dirge.

sorglic wretched, miserable. adv. -līce. [‘sorrowly’]

sorglufu f. sad love, #Deor# 16.

sorgstafas, mp. anxiety, care, #Jul# 660.

sorgung f. ‘sorrowing,’ #w# 114^4.

sorgwīte (h) n. grievous torment, W 187^2.

sorgword (h) m. lamentation, #Gen# 789.

sorgwylm (æ^2) † m. wave of sorrow.

sorh == sorg

sorig sorry, CP 227^8.

sot = sott

sōt n. (what settles down), ‘soot,’ Cp, Lcd.

sotel, sotl, sotol = setl

+sotig dirty, grimy.

sotman m. foolish man, NC 350.

sotscipe m. dulness, folly, WW 171^33. [‘sotship’]

sott I. adj. foolish, dull, stupid. II. m. dullard, fool, A. open sott downright fool, Æ. [‘sot’]

sōð I. n. truth, justice, righteousness, rectitude, B, CP, Cr, Sol: reality, certainty. tō sōðe, tō sōðum in truth, truly, truthfully, accurately. tō sōðan, ðurh sōð verily, in truth. II. adj. true, genuine, real, Bo, Bl; AO, CP: just, righteous. [‘sooth’] III. == L. pro- in compounds, in DR and NG.

sōðbora m. soothsayer, astrologer, #Chr# 975#a# (reading doubtful).

sōð-cwed, -cweden veracious, NG.

sōðcwide m. true speech, truth, just saying: proverb, NG.

Sōðcyning † m. King of truth, God.

sōðe adv. truly, really, accurately, rightly, B, PPs. [‘sooth’]

sōðes adv. verily, Mt. [v. ‘sooth’]

Sōðfæder m. Father of truth, God, #Cr# 103.

sōðfæst (e^2) true, trustworthy, honest, Bl, Chr, Cr, VPs: just, righteous, JnL, PPs. [‘soothfast’]

±sōðfæstian to justify, NG.

sōðfæstlic (e) true, sincere, #An# 876. adv. -līce truly, honestly, OET 452. [‘soothfastly’]

sōðfæstnes f. truth, truthfulness, fairness, fidelity, Bl, Bo, CP, VPs: justice. [‘soothfastness’]

sōðfest == sōðfæst

sōðfylgan ‘prosequi,’ DR 29^18.

sōðgid (ie^2) † n. true report.

sōðhweðere conj. nevertheless, NG.

±sōðian to prove true, bear witness to, LL, NG. [‘soothe’; ‘i-sothe’]

sōðlic adj. true, truthful, real, genuine, right, Bo. -līce adv. truly, indeed, really, certainly, Bl, El, VPs. conj. for, now, then, but, CP. [‘soothly’]

sōðsagol truthful.

sōðsagu f. truth, W: true story, MtL. [‘soothsaw’]

sōðsecgan to speak the truth.

sōðsecgendlīce truly, genuinely, GD 185^17.

sōðsegen f. true statement, Æ.

sōðspǣce truthful, W 72^16#e#.

sōðspell n. true story, history, MtL p7^2.

sōðsprǣc f. true saying, DR 171^18.

sōðtācen n. prodigy, DR 43^16.

soðða (JnL, LkL) = siðða

sōðword † n. true word.

spāca m. ‘spoke’ (of wheel, etc.), Bo, WW.

spade = spadu

spādl = spātl

spadu (æ) f. ‘spade,’ Æ. [L. spatha]

spæc I. pret. 3 sg. of specan. II. mn? small branch, tendril, WW.

spǣc = sprǣc

spǣclēas ‘speechless,’ GPH 398^72.

spænð pres. 3 sg. of spanan.

spær sparing, #Sc# 52^6.

spær- = spear-

spæren adj. of plaster, #Gl#.

spærhende (y^2) sparing, #ÆGr#.

spærian (N) = sparian

spærlic (e) adj. sparing. adv. -līce.

spærlīra (e, ea, eo) m. calf of leg, Æ (ea). [‘sparlire’]

spærlīred with a thick calf, WW 161^27.

spærnes f. frugality, nearness.

spærstān m. gypsum, chalk, WW. [‘spar-stone’]

spǣtan to ‘spit,’ spew, Mk, Jn; Æ, CP.

spǣtl = spātl

spǣtlan, spǣtlian to spit, foam at the mouth.

spǣtung f. spitting, #Lcd# 65a.

spala m. substitute, LL 484[2,1].

spāld (El) = spātl. [‘spold’]

spaldur balsam, #Gl# (v. ES 37·186).

span = spann

+span n. persuasion, allurement, CP.

±spanan^7 to draw on, allure, seduce, mislead, persuade, instigate, Æ, AO, CP.

span-e, -u, pl. -a, -an f. teat.

spanere (o) m. seducer, enticer, WW.

±spang fn. clasp, buckle. [Ger. spange]

spann I. f. ‘span’ (measure), BH, WW. II. pret. 3 sg. of spinnan.

+spann n. fastening, band, buckle, CP.

±spannan^7 to join, link, clasp, fasten, attach, CP.

spannung f. span, WW.

-spanung (i^2) v. for-, lēas-s. [[headword spelled “lēassponung”]]

sparcian = spearcian

±sparian to ‘spare,’ be indulgent or merciful to, save, BH, CP, VPs: use sparingly, not to use, Æ: forbear, abstain from, Æ.

+sparrian to shut, bar, MtL 6^6.

sparwa = spearwa

spātl (ǣ) n. spittle, saliva, CP, Lcd, NG. [‘spattle’]

spātlian to spit out, WW 162. [‘spattle’]

spātlung f. what is spit out, spittle, WW 162. [‘spattling’]

spāðl = spātl

spāw pret. 3 sg. of spīwan.

speaft (MkL 8^23) = speoft

speara = spearwa

spearca (æ, e) m. ‘spark,’ Bo, BH; CP.

spearcian to throw out sparks, sparkle, #Sat# 78? (v. OEG 4029).

spearewa = spearwa

spearhafoc m. sparrow-hawk, WW. [‘spar-hawk’]

spearlīr- = spærlīr-

spearn pret. 3 sg. of spurnan.

spearnes = spærnes

spearnlian to spurn, kick, sprawl, Æ.

spearwa I. m. ‘sparrow,’ BH, Chr, Cp, VPs. II. m. calf (of the leg), #Gl#.

spec = spic

spēc = spǣc, sprǣc

specan = sprecan

specca m. ‘speck,’ spot, Cp, Lcd, WW.

specfāh spotted, blotched, Cp 22.

sped ‘glaucoma,’ sticky moisture, phlegm, Cp, OEG. [‘spade’]

spēd f. luck, success, prosperity, El, PPs: riches, wealth, abundance, Cr, Gen; AO: opportunity, power, faculty, Bl. †Ps: (only in dp. spēdum) ‘speed,’ quickness, Gen. on s. fluently, skilfully: offspring? #PPs# 103^16. [spōwan]

±spēdan w. d. to prosper, succeed, Ma. [‘speed’]

spēddropa m. useful drop (ink), #Rd# 27^8.

spediende suffering from ‘sped,’ WW.

spēdig lucky, prosperous, rich, AO: plenteous, abundant: powerful.

+spēdiglīce adv. prosperously, #LPs# 44^5.

spēdignes f. opulence, OEG 3605.

spēdlīce adv. effectually, effectively, #PPs#.

+spēdsumian to prosper, OEG 3630.

spēdum v. sped.

spel == spell

spelc m? splint, Lcd. [‘spelk’]

spelcan to fasten with splints, Lcd. [‘spelk’]

speld n., nap. speld, speldru ember, torch, OEG, WW. [‘speld’]

+spelia m. substitute, representation, deputy.

spelian to be substitute for, represent, Æ, RB. [‘spele’]

speliend m. substitute, representative, Æ.

speling f. deputyship, RB 10^12.

spell n. narrative, history, story, fable, Æ, B, Bo, Da; AO, CP: speech, discourse, homily, B, Bo, Lcd; CP: message, news: statement, observation. [‘spell’ and v. Mdf]

spellbōc f. book of sermons, TC 430^21.

spellboda m. messenger, ambassador, angel: speaker: prophet. [beodan]

spellcwide m. historical narrative, AO 100^12.

±spellian to speak, discourse, talk, Bo, Lcd, LkL; Æ: announce, relate, proclaim, #Bl#: conspire, GD 106^1. [‘spell’]

spellung f. speech, conversation, narrative, discourse, Æ.

spelt I. m. ‘spelt,’ corn, WW. [L.] II. ‘planca,’ board of a book, WW 164. [‘spelt’]

spelter (#Lcd# 3·136) = spaldur

spēn? m. fibre, WW 403^17.

-spendan v. ā-, for-s.

spendung f. ‘spending’, ÆH 556^29.

spēnn (= spēonn) pret. 3 sg. of spannan.

spennels m. clasp, WW 238^34.

spenst pres. 2 sg., spenð pres. 3 sg. of spanan.

speoft (MkR 8^23; MtL 27^30) redupl. pret. of *spatan? to spit. [v. ES 38·28f.]

+speoftian to spit upon, LkL 18^32. [ES 38·34]

spēon pret. 3 sg. of spanan, spannan.

speoru (#Gl#) nap. of spere.

speorulīra = spærlīra

spēow pret. 3 sg. of spōwan.

spēow- = spīw-

sper- = spær-, spear-, spyr-

spere n., nap. spe(o)ru ‘spear,’ javelin, lance, Æ, AO, CP, Cp: stitcking pain, #Lcd# 175a.

sperebrōga m. terror at spears, #Rd# 18^4.

sperehand f. male line (of descent), BC 3·340^19.

sperehealf f. male line of descent, TC 491^20.

sperelēas without a (spear)-head, WW 143^7.

sperenīð n. battle, #Gen# 2059.

speresceaft (æ^3) m. ‘spear-shaft’, GD 14^27.

sperewyrt (speru-) f. ‘spearwort,’ elecampane, Lcd, WW.

+sperod armed with a spear.

spic n. fat bacon, Æ. [Ger. speck]

spīce f. spīca m. aromatic herb, spice? [L. species]

spichūs n. larder.

spīcing m. spike, nail, ANS 125^51.

spicmāse f. titmouse, WW 286^15.

spīdenwiht (i?) ‘spider,’ Lcd 167b.

spigettan to spit, Æ.

spilæg ‘spilagius,’ a kind of snake, DR 125^15.

spilc == spelc

spild m. annihilation, ruin, CP.

spildan to waste, ruin, destroy.

spildsīð m. destructive expedition, #Ex# 153.

spilian to sport, play, LL, W. [‘spile’]

±spillan to destroy, mutilate, kill, Lk, JnL: waste, DR: (late) ‘spill’ (blood).

spillere m. parasite, OEG 679.

spilling f. waste, #Chr# 999#e#.

spilð (GL) = spild

spind sb. fat, WW.

spindel = sprindel

spinel f. gs. spinle ‘spindle’, A, Cp.

spinelhealf (nl) f. female line (of descent), TC 491^21.

spinge = spynge

spinil, spinl == spinel

-spinn v. in-s.

spinnan^3 to ‘spin,’ Æ, Cp, Lcd, Mt: twist, writhe, Æ.

spīr spike, blade, #Lcd# 99b.

spircend (y) sputtering, Æ: sparkling.

spircing (y) sprinkling.

spitel m. small spade, dibble, GD 201^20.

spittan to dig in with a spud, LL 454[10].

±spittan to ‘spit,’ LkR, MtR, MkL.

spittian to spit (for cooking).

spitu f. ‘spit’ (cooking), Æ, HL.

spīwan^1 to spit, spit out, ‘spew,’ vomit, Æ, Bl, Chr, CP.

spīwdrenc (i^2) m. liquid emetic, #Lcd#.

spiwe m. vomiting, #Lcd# 22b.

spiwedrenc = spīwdrenc

spīwere m. one who spews, WW 108^4. [‘spewer’]

spiweða = spiwða

spiwian (io) to spew, spit up (w. d.).

spiwol emetic, #Lcd#.

spiwða (eo) m. vomiting, vomit, Æ.

spiwung (eo) f. ‘spewing,’ WW.

splātan? to split, v. ES 49·156.

splin = spinl [[under “spinil”]]

splott m. spot, blot: patch (of land), Æ.

+splottod spotted, TC 537^33.

spōn I. m. sliver, chip, shaving, BH, Cp, Lcd. [‘spoon’] II. pret. 3 sg. of spanan.

+spon = +span

spong = spang

sponge f. ‘sponge,’ Mt.

sponn == spann

spor n. spoor, track, trail, footprint, CP: trace, vestige. [Ger. spur]

spor- = spur-

sporettan^1 to kick, CVHy 6^15.

sporettung (sport-) f. kicking, EHy 6^15.

spornettan to spurn, kick, WW.

sporning f. stumbling-block, #Sc# 134^5.

sporu m. spur.

sporwrecel? m. what is tracked after being driven off? (BT), TC 172^26.

±spōwan^7 to succeed, thrive, Æ, AO, CP: (impers.) profit, avail, help, Æ.

spōwendlīce adv. prosperously.

spracen n. berry-bearing alder.

spræc I. n. shoot, slip, WW 44^29. II. pret. 3 sg. of sprecan.

sprǣc (ē) f. language, Æ, Bo, Mt: power of ‘speech,’ Lcd, LL: statement, narrative, fable, discourse, conversation, Æ, Bl, CP, LPs: eloquence, Æ: report, rumour, Lk: decision, judgment: charge, suit, CP, PPs, TC: point, question: place for speaking, NG (ē).

spræcan = sprecan

sprǣccyn n. mode of speech, BH 486^1.

+sprǣce eloquent, affable.

+sprǣcelic incapable of being used alone (of the inseparable prepositions), #ÆGr#.

sprǣcful talkative, #LPs# 139^12.

sprǣchūs n. senate-house, curia: auditorium, WW; ÆL. [‘speech-house’]

sprǣcon pret. pl. of sprecan.

sprǣdan to spread: (+) stretch forth, extend.

sprǣdung f. propagation, DR 109^2.

sprængan = sprengan

spranc == sprang

spranca m. shoot, slip, branch, Gl. [‘spronk’]

sprang pret. 3 sg. of springan.

sprangettan to quiver, MP 1·610; WW 473^2.

sprēawlian to ‘sprawl,’ move convulsively, GPH 392^10.

+sprec n. faculty of speech: talk, discussion.

sprēc = sprǣc

±spreca m. spokesman, councillor, Æ.

±sprecan^1 to ‘speak,’ say, utter, make a speech, AO, B, Bo, CP, G, etc.: converse, converse with, B, Bl: declare, tell of, LPs: (+) agree, AO. sp. on lay claim to.

+sprecendlic (spec-) that should be spoken, #Sc# 123^2.

sprēcern n. place for speaking, NG. [sprǣc, ærn]

sprecolnes (spec-) f. loquacity, #Sc# 170^15.

sprecul talkative, #SPs# 139^12.

sprengan (æ) (±) to scatter, strew, sprinkle, sow, Æ, LL. sp. on administer a clyster: spring, break, burst, split. [causative of springan; ‘sprenge’]

sprēot m. pole, pike, spear, Cp, TC, WW. [‘sprit’]

spretting = sprytting

spreulian (OEG 50^34) = sprēawlian

spreut (#Gl#) = sprēot

spricð pres. 3 sg. of sprecan.

sprincel m. basket-snare (for catching fish), WW (v. ES 43·322; FM 200).

sprind vigorous, strong, OEG, Sol. [‘sprind’; springan]

sprindel m? tenter-hook, #Gl#.

-sprindlad v. ā-s.

sprindlīce adv. vigorously, OEG 738.

spring m. ‘spring,’ source, BC (y): sprinkling: ulcer: flux.

±springan^3 to jump, leap, ‘spring,’ burst forth, rise, B, Bo, Ma; Æ: spread, be diffused, grow, Æ, Bo, MtL.

springd = sprind

springwyrt f. caper-plant, #Lcd#.

+sprintan to emit, utter, JnL p187^12.

spritting = sprytting

sprot n., sprota m. sprout, twig, OEG, WW: peg. [‘sprote’]

sprott m. sprat, ÆL, NC. [‘sprot’]

sprungen pp., sprungon pret. pl. of springan.

-sprūtan v. ā-, geond-s.

sprycð pres. 3 sg. of sprecan.

spryng = spring

sprȳtan = spryttan

sprytle f. chip, BH 204^56 (v.l.).

spryttan to sprout, come forth, spring, germinate, yield fruit, BH, Lcd; Æ: incite. [‘sprit’]

sprytting (e, i) f. shoot, sprout.

spunnen pp., spunnon pret. pl. of spinnan.

spura m. spur, Æ.

-spure v. fōt-, hēl-s.

spurleðer n. spur-strap, WW 97^10.

±spurnan^3 (o) to strike against, kick, ‘spurn,’ reject, Æ, PPs.

spurnere (o) m. fuller, #ÆGr# 35^2.

spurul (= *spurnul?) given to kicking or trampling? OET.

spylian v. ā-s.

spynge (i), spyncge f. sponge, AO. [L. spongia]

spyrc- = spirc-

spyrd m. ‘stadium,’ race-course, NG.

spyremann (e^1) m. tracker, TC 172.

±spyrian (i) to make a track, go, pursue, travel, journey, CP: follow out, inquire into, ask about, investigate, BH, Bo. [‘speer’; spor]

spyrigend m. investigator, inquirer.

spyriung = spyrung

spyrran (e; = ie) to strike, GPH.

spyrring f. striking, OEG.

spyrte (e, i) f. wicker basket, eel-basket. [L. sporta]

spyrung f. asking, investigation, OEG 5214.

staca m. pin, ‘stake,’ AO, Lcd; Æ.

stacan (stagan) to pierce with a stake, spit (or? roast, ES 40·242), IM 124^71.

stacung f. the piercing of an effigy by a ‘staca’ (a method of injury by witchcraft), LL.

stæde- = stede-

stæf m., nap. stafas ‘staff,’ stick, rod, Æ, Bo, Cp, LPs, CP: pastoral staff: (often in pl.) letter, character, writing, Æ, Bo, WW: document: (in pl.) letters, literature, learning.

stæfad = stafod

stæfcræft m. grammar, Æ: (in pl.) learning, BH.

stæfcræftig lettered, OEG.

stæfcyst f. letters, learning from books, Æ.

stæfgefēg n. syllable: letters, #LSPs# 70^15.

+stæflǣred instructed, lettered, #Lcd#.

stæfleahtor m. grammatical fault, OEG 5467.

stæfleornere m. student, OEG 3126.

stæflic literary: literal, Æ. [‘staffly’]

stæfliðere f. sling, ‘balista.’

stæfn == stefn

stæfplega m. literary game, #Gl#.

stæfrǣw f. row of letters, line of writing, ÆL 23b^767: alphabet, BH 484^27.

stæfsweord n. ‘dolon,’ lance? javelin? WW. [‘staffsword’]

stæfwīs (e) lettered, learned, #Lcd#.

stæfwrītere = stærwrītere [[headword spelled “stǣrwrītere”]]

stæg n. I. ‘stay’ (rope), WW 288^24. II. pool, pond. [L. stagnum]

stǣgel steep. [stīgan]

stǣger f. ‘stair,’ staircase, Æ, WW. [stīgan]

stǣgl = stǣgel

stæl I. n. place, spot. on stale in place of, instead of. on stale bēon stand in (good) stead, be a help to, AO 232^23: situation, condition. [Ger. stelle] II. pret. 3 sg. of stelan.

stǣl = staðol

stæla = stela

±stǣlan to found, institute, carry on. synne st. to institute sin, i.e. enter on a conflict, #Men# 287: (w. d.) put upon, impute to, accuse of, charge with: (†)avenge. [= *stæðlian = staðolian]

stæle = stale ds. of stalu.

stǣlg = stǣgel

stælgiest m. thievish stranger, #Rd# 48^5.

stælherige m. predatory army, CP. [stelan]

stælhrān m. decoy-reindeer, AO 18^11.

stæll = steall

stællan (A) = stiellan

+stællan to stall, stable, MH 20^1.

stǣlon pret. pl. of stelan.

stæltīhtle f. charge of stealing, LL.

stælðing n. theft, NC 323. [stelan]

stǣlwierðe serviceable, CP, Chr, Shr. [staðol; ‘stalworth’]

stælwyrt f. water-starwort, WW 299^5.

stǣn- = stǣnen-, stān-

stǣna m. pitcher, jug, WW 415^18. [stān]

stǣnan (±) to stone, Æ, CP: adorn with precious stones, #El# 151. [stān]

stænc == stenc

stǣnen made of stone, stony, Æ, AO, CP. [stān]

stǣner stony ground, NG.

stæng = steng

stǣnilic stony, #Lcd# 1·216^20.

stǣning f. stoning, Æ.

stæpe (e) m. usu. nap. stapas (stæpan, #RPs# 139^5) going, gait, ‘step,’ pace, Æ, CP: power of locomotion: step, stair, Æ: pedestal: grade, degree, Æ. in stæpe instantly.

stæpmǣlum adv. step by step, by degrees, gradually, CP.

stæpp- = stepp-

stæpð pres. 3 sg. of steppan.

stær m., nap. staras starling, Cp, MtL. [‘stare’]

stǣr (ē) n. story, history, narrative. [v. A 37·56]

stærblind stone-blind, Cp. [‘stareblind’]

stærcedferhð = stercedferhð

stæreblind (Shr) = stærblind

stǣrleornere? m. student of history, v. OEG 4145n.

stǣrlīce adv. accurately, OEG 2^310.

stærling m. ‘starling,’ ZDA 33·241^54.

stærn = stearn

stǣrtractere m. commentator, historian, WW 207^1.

stǣrwrītere m. historian, AO.

stæð n. occl. gds. staðe, nap. staðas shore, river-bank, Æ, AO, CP. [‘staith’]

stæðfæst firm, stable, #Cr# 981.

stæðhlȳpe I. (ē) sloping, precipitous. II. f. a steep place, GD 95^16.

stæðhlȳplīce adv. steeply, #Bl# 207^20.

stæðswealwe f. sand-martin.

stæððan to support, #Rd# 4^74.

±stæððig staid, serious, Æ.

±stæððignes f. staidness, seriousness, Æ, CP.

stæðweall m. barrier of the shore, #Gen# 1376.

stæðwyrt f. a plant, #Lcd# 29a.

stafas nap. of stæf.

stafian to dictate, Æ.

stafod striped, Ep (e), Erf (æ).

stāg pret. 3 sg. of stīgan.

stagan = stacan?

stagga m. stag, LL 624[24]. [ON.; v. ‘stag’]

stāh pret. 3 sg. of stīgan.

+stal n. plaint, accusation, MF 163: contention, GD 329^15: opposition, W 186^17.

stal = steall

+stala m. accessory in theft, LL 100[25,1].

stalað = staðol

stald = steald

stale v. stæl.

stālern n. court of law, WW.

staleð- = staðol-

stalgong m. stealthy going, #Gu# 1113.

stalian to go stealthily, AO: (±) steal, Æ.

stālian to confirm, strengthen. [= staðolian]

stall == steall

stalu I. (±) f. stealing, robbery, theft, Bl, MtL; Æ: stolen article: fine for stealing. [‘stale’] II. ‘stale’ (wood to which harp-strings are fixed), WW 203^33.

stalung f. stealing, robbery, AO.

stam (o) stammering, #Gl#.

stamerian (omr-) to ‘stammer,’ GPH, HL.

stammetan to stammer, WW 447^30 (o).

stamor stammering, #Gl#.

stān m. (and n. in NG) ‘stone,’ rock, Æ, CP; Mdf.

stānæx f. stone-workers’ axe? WW.

stānbæð n. vapour bath made by the help of heated stones on to which water was poured (BT), #Lcd#.

stānbeorg m. rocky elevation.

stānberende stony, WW 427^36.

stānbill n. tool for working stone, WW 447^33.

stānboga † m. rocky arch.

stānbrycg f. stone bridge.

stānbucca m. mountain goat, #ÆGr# 68^5.

stānburg f. town or fort of stone, #Gen#; Mdf.

stanc I. pret. 3 sg. of stincan. II. sb. sprinkling, WW.

stāncarr m. rock, DR 19^11.

stānceastel (i^2) m. chestnut-tree.

stānceosel (i^2, y^2) m. sand, OEG.

stān-clif n., nap. -clifu, -cleofu (B) rock, cliff, crag, GD.

stānclūd m. rock, Æ, CP.

stāncræftiga m. clever stone-worker.

stancrian to sprinkle, WW 162^46.

stāncropp m. stone-crop (plant), #Lcd#.

stāncynn n. kind of stone, ZDA 34·233.

stāncysel = stānceosel

stān-cyst, -cysten chestnut-tree. [L. castanea]

stand (o) m. delay, MkLR 6^35. [v. ‘stand’]

±standan^6 (o) to ‘stand,’ (‘i-stand’) occupy a place, stand firm, B, Bl, VPs; Æ, AO, CP: remain, continue, abide, G; AO, CP: stand good, be valid, be, exist, take place, Æ, CP: oppose, resist: stand still, stop, Æ: (†) appear, flash out, B: arise, come, W: (†) be present to, come upon (of fear). ne s. tō ahte be of no account, W 82n. s. on consist: (+) stand up, keep one’s feet, Bo: (+) attack, assail, ÆL: (+) perform.

stāneht = stānihte [[headword spelled “stāniht”]]

stānex = stānæx

stān-fæt n., nap. -fatu stone vessel.

stānfāh † stone-paven.

stānflōr m. paving-stone, tessella, OEG 14^3. [cp. flōrstān]

stang pret. 3 sg. of stingan.

stāngaderung f. stone wall, #ERPs# 61^3.

stāngeat n. opening between rocks, Ct.

stāngefeall n. heap of stones, MH 212^21.

stāngefōg n. stone-laying, #El# 1021.

stāngella (i^2) m. ‘staniel,’ pelican, VPs, WW.

stāngetimbre n. stone-work, masonry, WW 441^6.

stāngeweorc n. art of building: stone-work, masonry, Æ.

stān-gripe m., dp. -greopum handful of stones? #El# 824.

stānhege m. stone fence, wall, #LPs# 79^13.

stānhīfet = stānhȳwet

stān-hlið † n., nap. -hliðu, -hleoðu rocky slope, cliff, rock.

stānhof n. stone building, #Ruin# 39.

stānhol n. hole in a rock.

stānhricg m. rocky ridge, OEG 5465.

stānhȳpe f. stone-heap, KC 3·431^9.

stānhȳwet n. stone quarry.

stānig (æ) stony, rocky, AO.

stāniht (æ) I. adj. stony, rocky, AO. II. n. stony ground.

stānincel n. little stone, A 13·31^86.

stānlesung f. building with loose stones, WW 117^34. [lesan]

stānlīm m. cement, mortar, WW 205^9.

stānmerce m. parsley, WW.

stānrocc m. high rock, obelisk, #Gl#.

stānscalu f. shale, EC 306^18.

stānscræf n. rocky cave.

stānscylf m. rugged rock, #HGl# 449.

stānscylig shaly, stony. [sciell]

stānsticce n. bit of stone, WW 376^18.

stānstrǣt f. paved road, TC 525^21.

stāntorr m. stone tower: crag, rock, GD 12.

stānweall m. stone wall, Æ.

stānweg m. paved road, BC 1·417.

stānweorc n. stone structure, Æ.

stānwong m. stony plain, #Rd# 88^6.

stānwurma m. mineral colour, OEG 1061.

stānwurðung f. worship of stones, LL.

stānwyrht? f. stone structure, WW 341^10.

stānwyrhta m. stone-mason, #Gl#.

stapa m. grasshopper, locust, WW.

stapas v. stæpe.

stapel = stapol

stapela m. post, stake, LL 387[4,2].

stapen pp. of steppan.

stapol m., nap. stapolas, staplas basis, trunk of a tree, post, prop, support, stay, pillar, column, An, MtL, WW: threshold? B 926: market and court, EC 466. [‘staple’; v. Mdf]

stapolweg m. staked-out road? KC 5·281^23.

-stapplian v. under-s.

stapul = stapol

staras v. stær.

starc = stearc

stareblind = stærblind

±starian to ‘stare,’ gaze, ÆL, B.

stað- v. stæð.

staðel == staðol

staðol (ea^1, e^2, u^2) m. base, foundation, support, BH, WW; AO, CP: station, position, state, condition, CP: stability, security: firmament, heavens: underside of a turf, Lcd. [‘staddle’; standan]

staðolǣht f. real estate, #Rim# 22.

staðolfæst fixed, firm, steadfast, Bo, MtL. [‘stathelfast’]

staðolfæstlic steadfast, firm, Æ. adv. -līce.

staðolfæstnes (ea) f. stability.

+staðol-fæstnian, -festian to make firm, establish.

staðolfæstnung f. foundation, #LPs# 136^7.

±staðolian (e^2) to fix, establish, Bl: confirm, make steadfast. [‘stathel’]

+staðoliend m. founder, #LPs# 47^2 (e^2).

staðolung f. foundation, settlement.

staðolwang † m. settling place.

staðul = staðol

steaf- = stæf-

stealc † lofty, steep, precipitous.

-stealcian v. be-s.

stealcung f. act of going stealthily, Æ. [‘stalking’]

steald pret. 3 sg. of stellan.

+steald † n. dwelling, habitation.

stealdan^7 † to possess, own.

steall (a) mn. standing, place, position, state, WW: ‘stall’ (for cattle), stable, Cp; Æ: fishing ground.

+steall † n. structure, frame.

-stealla v. eaxl-, hand-, ofer-s. [[error for “handgestealla”?]]

steallere (a) m. marshal, constable.

-steallian v. forð-s.

[[Cross-referenced word could not be identified.]]

stēam (ē, īe) m. ‘steam,’ vapour, moisture, exhalation, Æ: steaming fluid, blood, #Rood# 62.

stēap I. ‘steep,’ precipitous, deep: high, lofty, prominent, projecting, Æ: upright? B 2566. II. (ēo) m. ‘stoup,’ beaker, flagon.

stēap- = stēop-

stēapes adv. high.

stēaphēah very high, #Rd# 26^4.

stēapol m. cairn? Ct.

stearc (a) stiff, rigid, obstinate, Æ, El: stern, severe, hard, Æ: harsh, rough, strong, violent, impetuous, WW. [‘stark’]

stearcferð harsh, stern, #Jul# 636.

stearcheard excessive, DD 200?

stearcheort † stout-hearted.

stearcian to stiffen, become hard, GPH 402^56. [‘stark’]

stearclīce adv. stoutly, strongly, vigorously, Chr 1016#d#. [‘starkly’]

stearcmōd stubborn, NC 323.

stearn (æ, e) m. sea-swallow? tern?

stearra (DR) = steorra

steartlian to kick, struggle, OEG. [‘startle’]

stea-ðel, -ðul = staðol

steb = stybb

stebn (#Gl#) = stefn

stēda m. stud-horse, stallion, Æ: entire camel. [‘steed’]

stede m. place, site, position, station, Æ, Bo, Ct, Lcd, RB; CP; Mdf: firmness, steadfastness, fixity, Æ: strangury. of s. immediately. [standan; ‘stead’]

stedefæst ‘steadfast,’ firm, ÆL.

stedefæstnes (styd-) f. constancy, DR 50^2.

+stedegian to stand still, ÆL 31^242.

stedeheard † firm, strong.

stedelēas unsteady, unstable, Æ.

stedewang † m. field, plain.

stedewist f. steadiness, #HGl# 530^4.

+stēdhors n. stud-horse, stallion.

stedig sterile, Æ.

stedignes f. sterility, #ERSPs# 34^12.

stedinglīne f. stay (ship’s rope), WW.

stef- = stæf-, staf-

stefen = stefn I.

stefn (æ) I. f. voice, sound, Æ, CP. II. m. message, summons, turn (of military service), time. nīwan stefne anew, again: a body of men who take a turn at work, the English military force? (BT), KC 5·121. III. m. ‘stem,’ trunk: foundation, root: prow or stern of a vessel. [stæf; Ger. stamm]

stefna † (æ) m. prow or stern of a ship.

stefnan I. (±) to institute, arrange, regulate: alternate. II. (+) to provide with a fringe, CM 288.

stefnbyrd f. control, #Creat# 45.

stefnelof n. ‘vociferatio,’ #LPs# 26^6.

stefnian (w. d.) to summon: (+) determine, settle, MFH 162.

stela (æ, eo) m. stalk: support, Æ.

±stelan^4 to ‘steal,’ rob.

stēle (#Gl#) = stȳle

stellan I. (y) to place, put, set, AO, CP. +stelled bēon mid have an attack of, GD. [steall] II. = stiellan

stelmēle m. handled vessel, A 9·264^11.

stelscofl (eo^1) f. shovel with (long) handle? GPH 400^498.

stelð pres. 3 sg. of stelan.

stēm = stēam

stēm- = stīem-

steming = stemning

stemmǣlum alternately, CM 280. [stefn II.]

stemn (CP) = stefn

stemnettan to stand firm, #Ma# 122.

stemning f. border, hem: turn, shift.

stempan to pound, #Lcd# 1·378^18.

stempingīsern n. stamping-iron, WW.

+sten (æ) n. groaning, #PPs# 30^11.

stenan to groan, #PPs# 37^9.

stēnan = stǣnan

stenc m. odour, scent, fragrance, Æ, CP: stench, stink, Æ, AO. [stincan]

stencan to scatter: afflict? #PPs# 43^3.

stencbǣre stinking, BH 48^17.

stencbrengende odoriferous, DR 77^19.

+stence (æ) odoriferous, #Lcd# 1·282^19.

stencfæt n., pl. -fatu perfume-casket, OEG 8^239.

±stencnes f. odour.

stenecian to pant, OEG 6^5. [stenan]

steng m. stake, pole, bar, rod, staff, cudgel, CP. [stingan; v. Mdf]

stent pres. 3 sg. of standan.

steol- = stel-

stēold pret. 3 sg. of stealdan.

stēop = stēap

stēopbearn n. orphan, Æ.

stēopcild (ē, ēa) n. orphan, unprotected one.

stēopdohtor (ē) f. step-daughter, WW.

stēopfæder m. step-father, AO.

stēopmōdor f. step-mother, AO, CP.

stēopsunu m. step-son, AO.

stēor I. (ȳ) f. steering, direction, guidance, Æ: rule, regulation, Æ: restraint, discipline, correction, Æ, CP: penalty, fine, punishment, Æ, CP. II. m. steer, bullock, young cow, #Gl#.

stēora (īe, ȳ) m. steersman, pilot, guider, director, CP (stīora).

stēoran = stīeran

stēorbord n. ‘starboard,’ AO.

stēorend (ȳ) m. corrector, director, ruler.

stēorere m. steersman, CP 431^31.

stēoresmann = steormann

steorfa m. pestilence: carrion.

steorfan^3 to die, ÆH. [‘starve’]

steorglēaw clever at astronomy, OEG.

stēorlēas not under control or rule, wild, profligate, foolish.

stēorlēaslic unmanageable, GD 289^10.

steormann m. pilot, master of a ship, Æ.

steornægl m. handle of a helm, WW 312^4?

steornede having a bold forehead? WW. [cp. Ger. stirn]

stēoroxa m. steer, WW 120^26.

steorra m. ‘star,’ Chr, Lcd, VPs.

stēorrēðra m. steersman, master of a ship.

stēor-rōðer, -rōðor n. ‘rudder,’ Cp; CP.

steorscēawere m. astronomer, astrologer, WW.

stēorsceofol f. rudder, WW.

stēorsetl n. steersman’s seat, after part of a ship, Æ.

stēorsprec reproof, #RPs# 37^15.

stēorstefn m. stern (of ship), WW 482^15.

steort (e) sm. tail, Cp, Bo: spit of land, cape: plough-tail. [‘start’]

stēor-weorð, -wierðe blameworthy, reprehensible, CP 194, 195^3.

steorwigle n. astrology, #Gl#.

steorwīglere m. mathematician, astrologer, OEG 55^8.

steorwiglung f. astrology, A 13·33^141.

stēp- = stēop-

stēpan † I. (±) to erect, raise: elevate, exalt, honour, adorn, enrich: (+) help, support. [stēap] II. (±) to initiate, consecrate, WW.

stepe = stæpe

stepegong m. stepping, going? #Rim# 22.

stēpel = stīpel

±steppan^6 to ‘step,’ go, advance, Æ, CP (æ).

steppescōh (æ) m. slipper, WW.

stēr = stǣr

stēran I. to burn incense: fumigate. [stōr] II. = stīeran

stercedferhð † (æ) stout of heart, determined, bold, brave.

stēring f. incense, OEG 1512.

stermelda m. informer? complainant? LL 9[5]; v. 2·202.

stern = stearn

sterra (N) = steorra

stert = steort

sterung = styrung

stēða (WW) = stēda

stēup- (Ep) = stēop-

stī- = stig-

stic- = stycce-

sticādl f. pain in the side, stitch, WW 112^22.

sticca m. ‘stick,’ pointer: spoon.

sticce I. n. sticky matter. II. == stycce

sticcian = stician

±stice m. sting, prick, puncture, stab, CP: stitch, pain in the side.

sticel I. m. prick, goad, thorn, CP. II. = sticol

sticels (Æ) = sticel

sticfodder n. case for spoons? or twigs? LL 455[17].

stician (y) (±) tr. to ‘stick,’ prick, stab, transfix, goad, gouge out, AO, CP: kill: intr. stick, inhere, be placed, lie, remain fixed, be hampered, Æ, CP.

sticmǣlum (Æ) = styccemǣlum

stic-ol, -ul lofty, sharp, abrupt, steep, Æ: arduous, rough: scaly: biting, GPH 417.

sticolnes f. height, OEG 4437.

stictǣnel m. basket, WW 403^2.

sticung f. pricking, goading, stabbing, AO.

sticwærc m. stitch in the side, WW 112^21.

sticwyrt f. agrimony, WW 136^21.

stīegan = stīgan

stiell † m. jump, leap, spring, #Cr#.

±stiellan (æ, e, y) to leap, rush.

stīem = stēam

stīeman (ē, ȳ) to emit vapour, ‘steam,’ exhale. [stēam]

stīeme (ī) fragrant, #Lcd#.

stīeming (ē) f. fragrance, OEG.

stīep m. downfall? #Gen# 60?

-stīepan (ē, ēa, ēo, ȳ) v. ā-s. [[under “āstȳpan”]]

stīera = stēora

±stīeran (ēo, ī, ȳ) to ‘steer,’ guide, direct, govern, rule, CP: (w. d. or g.) restrain, correct, reprove, punish, AO, CP. [stēor]

-stierfan (æ, e, y) v. ā-s. [[under “āstærfan”]]

stiern- = styrn-

stīernes (ȳ) f. discipline, Æ.

stīf rigid, ‘stiff,’ GPH 394. [Ger. steif]

stīfearh m. little pig (kept in a sty), LL 449^7. [stig]

stīfian to be or become rigid, #ÆGr#.

stīfician (= *stȳfecian) to extirpate, root out, #Lcd# 3·184^17.

stīfig steep, BC (Mdf).

stig n. ‘sty,’ pen: hall.

stīg f. narrow path, way, footpath, track, road, course, line, CP. [Ger. steig]

±stīgan^1 to move, go: go up, spring up, ascend, rise, mount, scale, AO, CP: go down, descend, Æ, CP. [Ger. steigen]

stige m. ascent, descent.

stig-el (-ol) f. ‘stile,’ Ct, GD 24.

stigelhamm m. enclosure reached by a stile, KC 5·289^2.

stīgend m. stye (on the eye), WW 114^10.

stigian to shut into a sty.

stīgnes f. descent, LkL 19^37.

stigrāp m. ‘stirrup,’ WW.

stigu = stig

stigweard = stīweard

stigwita = stīwita

stihl = stigel

stihtan (±) to rule, direct, arrange, order, ordain, AO, CP: incite, instigate. [Ger. stiften]

stihtend m. disposer, #Jul# 419.

stihtere m. director, ruler, CP 391^22; GD 221^19.

stihtian (CP) = stihtan

±stihtung f. arrangement, direction, dispensation, providence, AO.

stīhð pres. 3 sg. of stīgan.

stileð = stylð pres. 3 sg. of stelan.

±stillan (y) to be still: (w. d. or a.) ‘still,’ (‘i-still’) quiet, calm, appease, hush, BH, Gen.

stille ‘still,’ quiet, calm, stable, fixed: gentle, Æ, CP: silent, Æ: secret.

stilles = stilnes

stillīce adv. silently, CM 266.

stilnes (AO, CP), stillnes f. stillness, quiet, silence: peace, AO, CP: release, relaxation, CP.

stīme = stīeme

stincan^3 to emit a smell, ‘stink,’ exhale, AO: sniff, B 2289: rise (of dust, vapour, etc.), #Rd# 30^12.

+stincan^3 tr. to smell, CP: have the sense of smell, PPs. [‘i-stink’]

sting (y) m. ‘sting,’ puncture, thrust.

stingan^3 I. to ‘sting,’ stab, pierce, push through, thrust, CP. st. on lay claim to, usurp. II. = stincan

stintan = styntan

stiorc = stirc

stīpel (ē, ȳ) m. ‘steeple,’ tower, Æ. [stēap]

stīpere m. post, prop, WW 126^11.

+stīr = +stȳr

stir- = styr-

stīran = stīeran

stīrāp = stigrāp

stirc (io, y) n. calf, Æ (y).

stirgan = styrian

stitian = stihtan

stīð stiff, thick, rigid, hard, resolute, firm, strong, brave, Æ: stubborn, unrelenting, austere, strict, fierce, harsh, cruel, Æ, CP.

stīðe I. adv. very much, strongly, well: harshly, strictly, severely, bitterly, Æ. II. f. name of a plant, #Lcd# 160b.

stīðecg stiff-edged, #Rd# 88^14.

stīðferhð † determined, stern.

stīðhycgende † (-hug-) determined, resolute, brave: stern, obstinate.

stīðhȳdig † determined, resolute.

stīðhygd determined, resolute, #Jul# 654.

+stīðian to become hard: become strong, grow up, mature, Æ.

stīðlic firm, stout, strong, hard: decided: harsh, stern, severe, Æ, CP. adv. -līce.

stīðmægen n. powerful force, DD 114.

stīðmōd † resolute, brave, firm, unflinching, stubborn, stern, severe.

stīðnes f. hardness, rigidity, strictness, severity, rigour, Æ: firmness, constancy, Æ.

stīðweg m. rough way, #Rd# 4^35.

stīweard m. ‘steward,’ housekeeper, guardian. [stig-]

stīwita m. housekeeper? householder? #Gen# 2079; #Rd# 4^10.

stoc I. m. ‘stock,’ stump, stake, log, Æ; Mdf: trumpet, MtL 6^2. [Ger. stock] II. n. place, house, dwelling, GD (v. ES 37·191).

stoccen made of logs? KC 3·73^20.

stoclīf n. dwelling-place, city.

stocweard m. citizen, OEG 5272.

stocwīc n. dwelling-place, GD 172^4.

stod mf. post, WW 106^33.

-stod v. wealh-s. [[headword spelled “wealhstōd”]]

stōd I. n. ‘stud’ (of horses), Mdf. II. pret. 3 sg. of standan.

stōdfald m. stud-fold, paddock, Ct.

stōdhors n. stud-horse, stallion, BH 138^1.

stodla m. (weaver’s) slay, LL 455[15,1].

stōdmyre (e^2) f. brood-mare, LL 58[16].

stōdon pret. pl. of standan.

stōdðēof m. horse-stealer, LL 54[9,2].

stofa, stofu mf. bath-room, #Gl#. [‘stove’]

stofbæð n. vapour bath.

stofn mf. trunk, stem, branch, shoot: progeny: station, position.

stōl I. m. ‘stool,’ chair, seat, CP: throne: bishop’s see. II. n. long outer garment, NG.

stole f. stole. [L.]

stolen pp. of stelan.

stom == stam

stonc = stanc pret. 3 sg. of stincan.

stond == stand

stōp pret. 3 sg. of steppan.

stōpel m. footprint, #Bl# 127.

stoppa m. bucket, pail, GD, #Gl#.

-stoppian v. for-s. [‘stop’]

stōr I. m. incense, frankincense, Æ. [L. storax] II. strong, great, #Chr# 1085. [ON. stōrr]

storc m. ‘stork,’ Æ.

stōr-cille, -cyl(le) f. censer, Æ.

stōrfæt n. censer, NC 323.

storm m. tempest, ‘storm’: (†) onrush, attack, tumult, disturbance, CP.

stormig? stormy, OEG 56^291.

stōrsæp n. resin, OEG 4027.

stōrsticca m. rod for stirring the incense in the censer? (BT), EC 250.

stot m. a kind of horse, v. NC 323.

stōw f. spot, site, station, locality, position, Æ, AO, CP; Mdf; (holy) place, LL.

stōwigan to retain, restrain, Cp 1713.

stōwlic local, limited by space, Æ. adv. -līce as regards place, Æ.

strāc pret. 3 sg. of strīcan.

strācian to ‘stroke,’ CP.

strācung f. stroking, WW 179^9.

stræc (ǣ? e) I. firm, strict, severe, stern, rigid, obstinate, hard, Æ, CP: strenuous, vehement, violent, Æ. [streccan] II. n. rigour: violence, force, Æ.

stræclic strict, CP. adv. -līce strictly, severely, vehemently, violently, CP.

strǣde f. pace, MtL 5^41.

strǣdon pret. pl. of strēdan.

strægd pret. 3 sg. of stregdan.

strægdnes f. aspersion, BH 446^15.

strǣgl = strǣl II.

strǣl I. fm. arrow, dart, missile. [Ger. strahl] II. f. curtain, quilt, matting, bed, #Gl#. [L. stragula]

strǣlbora m. archer, WW.

strǣle f. = strǣl I.

strǣlian to shoot (an arrow), #RPs# 63^5.

strǣlwyrt f. name of a plant, #Lcd# 36b.

strængð (#VPs#) = strengð

strǣt I. f. ‘street,’ high road, Æ, CP; Mdf. [L. strata (via)] II. f. bed, #CPs#. [L. stratum]

strǣtlanu f. street, NC 323.

strand n. ‘strand,’ sea-shore, Æ.

strang (o) comp. strengra, superl. strengest (from strenge) ‘strong,’ powerful, bold, brave, Æ, CP: constant, resolute, strenuous: strict, severe, CP: arduous: violent.

strange adv. comp. strangor, superl. strangost strongly, violently, furiously, severely.

stranghynde strong of hand, Æ.

±strangian to strengthen, confirm, Æ, AO, CP: be strong, prevail, #VPs#.

stranglic strong, stout, firm, solid, sound, robust, Æ: severe. adv. -līce strongly, firmly, stoutly, boldly, bravely, Æ, CP: fiercely, violently.

strangmōd resolute, RB 138^28.

strangnes f. strength, power, force.

±strangung f. strengthening, quickening, nourishing, Æ: vigour, Æ.

strapulas mp. breeches, WW 125^2.

strāwberige = strēawberige

strē (N), strēa = strēaw

streac = stearc

strēad pret. 3 sg. of strūdan.

streaht pp. of streccan.

strēal = strǣl

strēam m. ‘stream,’ flood, current, AO, CP: (†) pl. sea.

strēamfaru f. rush of water, #An# 1578.

strēamgewinn n. strife of waters, #Rd# 4^26.

strēamlic of water, ÆH 1·444^10.

strēamracu f. water-course, channel.

strēamrād f. course of a stream: sea-path.

strēamrynes adv. flowing like a stream, Æ.

strēamstæð n. shore, #Gen# 1434.

strēamweall m. shore, #Gen# 1494.

strēamwelm m. surging stream, #An# 495.

strēaw (ē) n. ‘straw,’ hay, Æ (ēo).

strēaw-berige, -beriewīse f. ‘strawberry.’

strēawian = strewian

strec (Æ) = stræc

streccan (±) to stretch, (‘i-stretche’) spread out, prostrate, Lcd: reach, Æ.

streccanmōd persistent, ÆP 80^10.

strecednes f. bed, couch, #LPs#.

streclic = stræclic

strecnes f. pertinacity: rigidity, GD 345^2.

strēdan^3 (and wv.) pret. 3 sg. strēdde, pl. strǣdon. (strong), pp. strēded, strēd [= stregdan]

+strēdd sprinkled, #Sc# 97^12. [stregdan] [[from first edition]]

strēgan = stregdan

stregdan^3 (and wv.) pret. strægd, strugdon (wk. stregde), pp. strogden (wk. stregd) to strew, sprinkle, disperse, scatter, straggle: to spread, extend.

strēgl = strǣl II.

strehte pret. 3 sg. of streccan.

strēl = strǣl

strēn = strēowen

strēnan = strīenan

streng I. m. ‘string,’ cord, ligature, sinew. in pl. tackle, rigging: lineage, race. II. = strengu

+strengan to fortify. +strenged formed, made, OEG 46^8.

strenge severe. #Gen# 60. [v. strang]

strengel m. ruler, chief, B 3115. [strang]

strengest (AO, CP) v. strang.

strenglic strong, firm, #Gen# 273.

strengra (Æ, AO, CP) v. strang.

strengð f., strengðu f. ‘strength,’ force, vigour: ability, superiority: firmness, fortitude, Æ: manhood, mature years: violence.

strengu f. strength, power, vigour, ability, CP: firmness, fortitude, CP: virtue.

strenð (#KGl#) = strengð

strēon I. (±) n. gain, acquisition, property, treasure, AO, WW; Æ, CP: traffic, usury: procreation, Æ. [‘i-streon’] II. = strēowen

strēonan = strīenan

+strēones (ēu) f. petty gain, GPH 389.

+strēonful costly, valuable, precious, Æ.

strēow == strēaw

strēowen (ē) f. resting-place, couch, bed.

strēowian = strewian

strēownes f. mattress, bedding, #Bl# 227.

strēt I. pres. 3 sg. of strēdan. II. = strǣt

strēw = strēaw

strēwen = strēowen

±strewian (ea, eo) to ‘strew,’ scatter, CP.

strewung f. what one lies on, #LPs# 131^3.

±stric n? plague? strife? sedition? #Lcd#, LL, W.

strica m. stroke, line, mark, Æ. [‘streak’]

strīcan^1 to pass lightly over the surface, stroke, rub, wipe: move, go, run. [‘strike’]

stricel m. I. fount, breast, #Gl#. II. implement for smoothing corn in a measure? (BT) rope? (ES 43·325), Cp 266#t#.

strīchrægl n. a cloth for wiping? CC 23^21.

+strician to knit together, mend (nets), MtL 4^21.

strīdan^1 to ‘stride,’ #Gl#. up on s. mount (a horse), GD 81^29.

stride m. stride, step, Cp 134#p#.

±strīenan (ēo, ī, ȳ) to acquire, gain, amass, CP: beget, AO, CP: increase, augment? CP. [strēon]

+strīenendlic (e, y) begetting, OEG: genitive, #ÆGr#.

strigdeð pres. 3 sg. of stregdan.

strīman^4 to resist, oppose, Cp.

strīna m. acquirer, v. OEG 27^1.

strīnan = strīenan

strīnend m. acquirer, ES 39·352.

strīpan (y) v. be-s.

stripligan ‘perfringere’? v. OEG 46^21.

strīð † m. strife, struggle, fight, contest, dispute, contention. [OS.]

stroccian to stroke, NC 323.

+strod n. plunder, robbery: confiscation.

strōd n. marshy land (covered with bushes or trees?) BC (Mdf); PST 95/98, 537.

stroden pp. of strūdan.

strogden pp. of stregdan.

±strogdnes f. scattering, sprinkling, DR.

strong == strang

strop ‘struppus,’ (oar)thong, strap, WW 181^42.

strosle (GD 100^19) = ðrosle

-strowennes v. ā-s. [[headword spelled “āstrowenes”]]

+strud (GD 162^32) = +strod

±strūdan^2 to ravage, spoil, plunder, carry off.

strūdend m. robber: money-lender.

strūdere m. robber, #Gl#.

±strūdian to plunder, NC 296^324.

strūdung f. spoliation, robbery.

strugde (NG) wk. pret. 3 sg. of stregdan.

strūta = strȳta

strūtian to stand out stiffly, ÆL 32^208.

strūtnian (ÆL 23^268) = scrūtnian

±strȳdan to rob, deprive.

+strȳdd = +strēdd

strȳdere = strȳndere

strȳn- = strīen-, strīn-

strȳnd f. generation, line of inheritance, race, stock, tribe.

strȳndan to waste, WW.

strȳndere m. squanderer, prodigal, WW.

+strynge m. wrestler, WW 465^40.

strȳta (ū) m. ostrich. [L. struthio]

stubb = stybb

stūc heap, ES 11·512.

studdian to look after, be careful for, #Kl# 17^79.

studding f. care, trouble, labour, #Kl# 17^63.

studu f., gs. stude, ds. styde (also indecl. in sg.), nap. styde column, pillar, post, buttress. [‘stud’]

stufbæð n. vapour bath, #Lcd#. [stofa]

stulor furtive, stealthy, stolen, Æ. adv. -līce, Æ.

+stun n. din, crash, whirlwind.

stuncen, pp., stuncon pret. pl. of stincan.

stund f. short space of time, moment, period, time. stunde now, at once, from time to time (v. also stundum): hour: signal. [Ger. stunde]

+stund n. noise, #Guth# 36^28 (= +stun).

-stundian v. ā-s.

stundmǣlum adv. from time to time, gradually: time after time, alternately.

stundum adv. from time to time, at times, Æ: with effort, laboriously, eagerly, fiercely, Æ. [dp. of stund]

stungen pp., stungon pret. pl. of stingan.

stunian to crash, resound, roar: impinge, dash. [‘stun’]

stunra (#KGl# 69^31) = stuntra, gp. of stunt.

stunt dull, stupid, foolish, Æ.

stuntlic stupid, foolish, Æ. adv. -līce, Æ.

stuntnes f. stupidity, folly, Æ.

stuntscipe m. foolishness, Mk 7^22.

stuntsprǣc f. silly talk.

stuntsprǣce talking foolishly, W 72^17.

stuntwyrde talking foolishly.

stūpian to ‘stoop,’ AO.

sturtende (DR 57^12) = styrtende [[form of “styrtan”]]

stūt m. gnat, WW.

stuðansceaft m. prop, AS 1^1,10.

stuðu = studu

stybb m. stump, Æ; Mdf. [‘stub’]

stycce (i) n. piece, portion, bit, fragment, Æ. ymbe st. after a short time: mite (small piece of money). [Ger. stück]

styccemǣlum adv. piecemeal, little by little, by degrees, gradually: to bits, to pieces, AO: here and there, AO.

stycian = stician

styde I. = stede. II. v. studu.

styfecung f. clearing? (land), Ct.

styfic a clearing in a wood, PST 95/98, 541.

styhtan = stihtan

stȳlan to harden, attemper, #Cr# 679. [Ger. stählen]

stȳle (ē) n. ‘steel,’ B, #Gl#.

stȳlecg steel-edged, B 1533.

stȳlen † of steel, hard as steel.

styll = stiell

styllan I. to make stalls for cattle? or to put them in stalls? LL 454[11,13]. II. = stiellan. III. = stillan

±styltan to be amazed, dazed, hesitate, NG.

stylð pres. 3 sg. of stelan.

stȳman = stīeman

styng = sting

stynt = stent, pres. 3 sg. of standan.

styntan to make dull, stupefy, Cp 89#h#. [stunt]

stȳpel = stīpel

+styr (i) n. stir, movement, DR 187^5.

stȳr = stēor

styra = styria

stȳran = (1) stīeran; (2) stēran

styrc = stirc

stȳrend = stēorend

styrenes f. power of motion, movement: commotion, disturbance, tumult: (+) tribulation, DR.

styrfig adj. belonging to an animal which died of disease, LL. [storfe] [[variant of “steorfa”?]]

styrfð pres. 3 sg. of steorfan.

styrgan = styrian

styria, styr(i)ga (i) m. name of a fish, sturgeon. [Ger. stör]

±styrian (i) to ‘stir,’ move (tr. and intr.), rouse, agitate, excite, urge, Æ, CP: cause: tell, rehearse, B 873.

styric = stirc

styrigendlic moving, Æ.

styrman to storm, roar, rage, cry out, shout.

styrne ‘stern,’ grave, strict, austere, hard, severe, cruel.

styrnenga adv. inexorably, #Sol# 282.

styrnlic hard, severe, harsh. adv. -līce, CP (ie).

styrnmōd stern of mood, #Jud# 227.

styrtan to ‘start,’ leap up. only in pres. ptc. sturtende (= styrtende), DR 57^12.

styrung (e) f. moving, motion, Æ, CP: disturbance, commotion, Æ: exercise.

styðe ds. and nap. of stuðu = studu

sū f. sow. [= sugu]

suā = swā

subdīacon m. subdeacon, ANS 84·15.

sūcan^2 to ‘suck,’ Æ, Lk, PPs, VHy.

sucga = sugga

sucht-, suct- = suht-

sudon pret. pl. of sēoðan.

sue- = swe-

sufel, suf(o)l n. relish eaten with bread (v. LL 2·754), Jn, RB. [‘sowl’]

+sufel, sufl adj. with a relish added to it? (of bread), Ct, LL.

suflmete m. delicacy, relish, GD 202^26.

sūftlēre = swiftlēre

sūgan^2 to suck, suck in, CP.

sugga m. a kind of bird, titlark? wagtail? #Gl#.

±sugian to be or become silent, AO. [cp. swīgian]

sugu f. ‘sow,’ Cp, CP; Æ.

suht (y) f. illness, #Gen# 472.

suhterga m. brother’s son, nephew: uncle’s son, cousin.

suhtergefæderan, suhtorfædran † mp. uncle and nephew.

suhtriga = suhterga

sūl (Æ), sulh (AO) sfm., gs sūle(s), ds. sylg (CP), syl(h), as. sūl, sulh; nap. sylh, syll (Æ), gp. sūla, dp. sūlum plough: furrow, gully: a measure of land. [Mdf]

sulf = sufl [[under “sufel”]]

sulfer = seolfor

sulfern (DR) = seolfren

sulhæcer m. a strip of land for ploughing, LL 450[9,1].

sulhælmesse f. ecclesiastical tax on ploughed land.

sulhandla m. plough tail, v. OEG 2357.

sulhbēam m. plough tail, WW.

sulhgang m. the land which can be gone over by one plough in a day, W 170^37.

sulhgesīdu np. ploughing tackle, LL 455^17.

sulhgetēog n. ploughing implements, #Lcd# 1·400^19. [cp. Ger. gezeug]

sulhgeweorc n. plough-making, #Gen# 1086.

sulhhæbbere m. ploughman, WW 495^19.

sulhscear n. ploughshare.

sūlincel n. small furrow, WW 348^34.

sull, suluh = sūl

sulung n. in Kent, the fiscal unit corresponding to the hide (or carucate in other counties) (NED) Ct, LL. [‘suling’]

sum indef. pron. (used substantively w. g.) a certain one, some one, something, one, B, Bo, G. sixa s. one of six: (used adjectivally) a certain, ‘some,’ any, Æ, AO, Bo, Bl. sume...sume some...others. hit...sum...sum... part of it...the rest...: (used adverbially) about, Bo, Chr, G. s. hund about a hundred. sumes, s. on dǣle to some extent, somewhat.

sumar, sumer == sumor

sūmnes f. delay, MtL 25^19. [cp. Ger. versäumniss]

sumor m., gs. sumeres, ds. sumera, sumere ‘summer,’ AO.

sumorbōc = sumorrǣdingbōc

sumorhǣte f. summer heat, AO.

sumorhūs n. summer-house, ÆL 36^98.

sumorlǣcan to draw on towards summer, ÆH 1·614.

sumorlang † summer-long, of the length of a summer’s day.

sumorlic of summer.

sumorlīda I. m. summer army or expedition (one which only comes for the summer), #Chr# 871. [līðan] II. (= -loda) m. shoot, twig, WW 450^30 (v. A 13·330).

sumormæsse f. midsummer.

sumorrǣdingbōc f. summer lectionary, TC 430^16 (e^2).

sumorselde f. summer-house, WW 184^1.

sumsende swishing (of rain), #Rd# 4^47.

sumswēge = samswēge

sumur = sumor

sunasunu m. son’s son, grandson.

sunbēam mf. sunbeam, Æ.

sunbearu m. sunny grove, #Ph# 33.

sunbeorht bright with sunshine, #Ph# 436.

sunbryne m. sunburn, #Lcd#.

suncen pp., suncon pret. pl. of sincan.

sund n. swimming, Æ, B, AO: capacity for swimming: (†) sea, ocean, water. [‘sound’]

+sund sound (‘i-sound’), whole, uninjured, healthy, Æ, B.

sund-būende †, -buend mp. sea-dwellers, man, mankind.

sundcorn n. saxifrage.

sundēaw rosemary? sundew? WW 301^7.

+sundelic (WW 496^24) = +syndlic [[under “sundlic”]]

sunder == sundor

sunderanweald m. monarchy, ES 11·66.

sunderfolgoð m. private office, AO 286^5.

sunder-frēodōm, -frēols m. privilege, Ct.

sunderlīpes separately, specially, OEG 206.

sundermǣlum separately, singly.

sundermēd f. private meadow, Ct.

sunderstōw f. special place, #Bo# 80^2.

+sundful sound, whole, wholesome, Æ: prosperous, Æ, Ps. [‘i-sundfull’]

+sundfullian to prosper, #Ps#.

+sundfullic sound, safe, sure. adv. -līce safely, prosperously, Æ.

+sundfulnes f. health, prosperity, Æ.

sundgebland n. commingled sea, sea-surge, sea-wave, B 1450.

sundgyrd (e^2) f. sounding-rod.

sundhelm † m. covering of water, sea.

sundhengest † m. sea-horse, ship.

sundhwæt good at swimming, #Whale# 57.

+sundig (y) favourable, BH 386^13Ca.

+sundlic (y) prosperous, BH: safe, GD 348^10. adv. -līce.

sundlīne f. sounding-line, lead, WW.

sundmere m. swimming-bath, WW.

sundnytt f. exercise of the power of swimming, B 2360.

sundor adv. asunder, apart: severally: differently.

sundor- v. also sunder-, synder-.

sundorcræft m. special power or capacity.

sundorcræftiglīce with special skill, BH 324^3Ca.

sundorcȳððu f. special knowledge, LL (322^32).

sundorfeoh n. private property, Ct.

sundorgecynd n. special quality, #Pa# 30.

sundorgenga m. solitary (animal), #Bl# 199^5.

sundorgerēfland n. land reserved to the jurisdiction of a ‘gerēfa’? WW 421^11.

sundorgifu f. special gift, privilege.

sundorhālga m. Pharisee, Æ.

sundorland n. land set apart, private property, GD, WW.

sundorlic special, CP 409^10. adv. -līce apart.

sundorlīf n. life in seclusion, BH 294^4.

sundormæsse f. separate mass, special mass, #Bk# 27´; RSL 11·486.

sundornotu f. special office, LL 456[2].

sundornytt f. special use, office, or service, CP.

sundorriht n. special right, privilege, WW.

sundorseld (u^2) n. special seat, throne.

sundorsetl n. hermitage, #Guth#.

sundorsprǣc f. private conversation, private conference, Æ, AO, CP.

sundorweorðung f. special honour, prerogative.

sundorwīc n. separate dwelling, BH 262^14.

sundorwine m. bosom friend, FT 29.

sundorwīs specially wise, #El# 588.

sundorwundor n. special wonder, #Mod# 2.

sundoryrfe † n. private inheritance.

sundplega † m. sporting in the waves, bathing.

sundrāp m. sounding line, lead, WW 358^17.

sundreced n. sea-house, ark, #Gen# 1335.

+sundrian † to separate. [‘sunder’]

sundrum (on) adv. singly, separately, apart: continuously, CM 211.

sundur == sundor

sundwudu † m. (sea-wood), ship.

suner (MtR) = sunor

sunfeld m. Elysian fields.

sunfolgend ‘solisequia,’ marigold? heliotrope? #Gl#.

sunganges adv. moving with the sun, LL.

sungen pp. of (1) singan; (2) swingan.

sungihte solstice, MH 104^19,21.

sungon pret. pl. of singan.

sunhāt ‘soliflua,’ OEG 56^205.

sunlic solar.

sunna m. sun.

sunnanǣfen m. eve of Sunday, Saturday. [Ger. Sonnabend]

sunnancorn gromel (plant), #Lcd# 1·314^18?

sunnandæg m. ‘Sunday,’ Æ.

sunnanlēoma m. light of the sun, sunbeam, GD 171, 172.

sunnanniht f. Saturday night, Æ: Sunday, LL 52[5,5].

sunnanscīma m. sunshine, MF 173.

sunnansetlgong m. sunset, #Chr# 773.

sunnanūhta m. Sunday morning (early), early service time, Æ.

sunnb- = sunb-

sunne f. ‘sun,’ Æ, AO, CP.

sunnebēam = sunbēam

sunnon pret. pl. of sinnan.

sunnu = sunne

sunor (e^2) fn. herd of swine, NG.

sunsceadu f. veil, WW 239^19.

sunscīene radiant, #Jul# 229.

sunscīn mirror, WW 519^4.

sunset n. west, NG.

sunstede m. solstice, #Lcd#.

sunsunu? m. grandson, v. LL 460[11n.].

sunu m., gds. suna ‘son,’ descendant, Æ, B, Bl, G, VPs: the Son, DR, G, VPs: young of animals.

sunucennicge f. mother, DR.

sunusunu = sunsunu

sunwlitig fair with sunshine, #GnC# 7.

±sūpan^2 to swallow, sip, taste, ‘sup,’ drink, Æ, CP: (+) sop up, absorb.

sūr ‘sour,’ tart, acid, BC, Lcd: made sour, fermented, Lcd, WW.

sūre f. sorrel.

sūr-ēagede, -ēgede, -ēge, -īge (sour-eyed), blear-eyed, Æ.

-sūrian v. ā-s.

sūr-milsc, -melsc, -melst adj. half sour and half sweet (apple).

sūrnes f. ‘sourness,’ WW 347^35.

sūsel == sūsl

sūsl nf. misery, torment, torture, Æ, AO.

sūslbona m. devil, #Sat# 640.

sūslcwalu (-sel-) f. painful death, W.

sūslhof n. place of torment, †Hy 10^31.

sūslstede (sel-) m. place of torment, hell, OEG 56^184.

suster = sweostor

sutel = sweotol

sūtere m. shoemaker, Æ. [‘souter’; L.]

-sūtian v. be-s.

sutol, sutul == sweotol

sūð* I. adj. comp. sūð(er)ra, sȳðerra, superl. sūðmest ‘south,’ southern, AO, Bl, Cp, LkL. II. adv. comp. sūðor, sȳð southwards, south, B, BH, Chr, Met; AO, CP.

sūðan adv. from the south, CP: on or in the south, AO. be s. (w. d.), wið s. (w. a.) south of.

sūðanēastan adv. in or from the south-east: to the south-east, AO.

sūðanēastanwind m. south-east wind, WW 144.

sūðanēasterne south-eastern, #LPs#.

Sūðanhymbre mp. Mercians.

sūðanweard = sūðeweard

sūðanwestan adv. from the south-west.

sūðanwestan-wind, -winda m. a south-west wind.

sūðanwind m. south wind.

sūðdǣl m. southern region, the south, Æ, VPs; AO. [‘southdeal’]

sūðduru f. south door, #Bl# 201^15.

sūðēast adv. south-east, AO.

sūðēastende m. south-east end, #Bo# 67^31.

sūðēasterne south-eastern, #ÆGr# 8^2.

Sūðengle p. South Anglians, people of southern England, LL.

sūðerige ‘satirion’ (plant). [L. satureia? cp. sæðerie]

sūðerne ‘southern,’ southerly, Æ, Bo, Lcd, MtL.

sūðernewudu m. ‘abrotanum,’ southernwood, wormwood.

sūðerra v. sūð.

sūðeweard adj. southward, south, southern, AO.

sūðfolc n. southern nation or people, Suffolk.

sūðgārsecg m. southern ocean, AO.

sūðgemǣre n. southern border, AO.

sūðheald † inclining southwards.

sūðhealf f. south side, AO; Æ. [‘southhalf’]

Sūðhymbre mpl. Mercians, #Chr#.

sūðland n. southern land or shore, Æ, Chr. [‘southland’]

sūðmǣgð f. southern province, BH.

sūðmann † m. man from the south.

sūðmest ‘southmost,’ AO.

Sūðmyrce (e) pl. southern Mercians, BH 238^34.

sūðor v. sūð.

sūðportic m. south porch, #Chr# 1036.

sūðra v. sūð.

sūðrihte (y) adv. due south, AO.

sūðrima m. south coast, #Chr#.

sūðrodor (a^2) m. southern sky.

Sūðsǣ mf. south sea, sea south of England, English Channel, Æ.

Sūð-seaxan, -seaxe pl. South-Saxons, people of Sussex: Sussex.

sūðstæð n. south coast, #Chr# 897#a#.

sūðwāg m. south wall, Æ.

sūðweard adv. towards the south, southwards, AO, Lcd. [‘southward’]

sūðweardes adv. ‘southwards,’ Met.

sūðweg m. southern country, #Ex# 155.

sūðwest I. m. the south-west. II. adv. ‘south-west,’ AO.

sūðwesterne ‘south-western,’ ApT.

sūðwind m. south wind, #Ex# 289.

suwian (LWS) = sugian

swā (ǣ, ē) I. adv. and conj. (w. ind. or subj.) so as, consequently, just as, so far as, in such wise, in this or that way, thus, so that, provided that, Æ, B, Bo. swā swā so as, just as, so that. swā same (swā) in like manner: therefore, on that account: as, like, B, Bo, Bl: (w. comparatives) the. swā...swā the...the: where: when, so soon, as soon: although, unless, yet: if, as if. II. pron. ‘so,’ the same, such, that. swā hwā swā whosoever. swā hwǣr swā wherever. bi swā hwaðerre efes swā on whichever side. swā ilce = swilce. swā selfe in the same way. ēac swā also. swā hwilc swā whosoever. swā...ne though...not. swā...swā whether...or. swā ðēah nevertheless, yet, however.

swāc pret. 3 sg. of swīcan.

swǣ = swā

swæc (CP), swæcc (e) m. flavour, taste: smell, odour, fragrance.

+swæccan (e) to smell (tr.), DD 206; (intr.) #ARPs# 113^14.

swæcehēow ‘insania’? #RPs# 395^5 (v. ES 38^22).

swæf pret. 3 sg. of swefan.

swǣfan? to burn, #Met# 8^47.

swæfen = swefn

swæflen = sweflen

swæg == swēg

swægl = swegl

±swǣlan (tr.) to burn.

swælc = swilc

swǣm m. trifler, idler: vain object.

-swǣman v. ā-s.

swæncan = swencan

swǣp enticement, persuasion, deceit? (v. OEG 2894n).

+swǣpa (ā, ē) pl. sweepings, rubbish. [swāpan]

swǣpels (#VPs#) m? swǣpelse f. robe, garment.

swǣpig fraudulent, OEG 2894.

swǣr I. (ā, ē) heavy, sad: oppressive, grievous: sluggish, inactive, weak. II. n. sadness, trouble, MF 173.

swǣrbyrd? f. difficult birth? #Lcd# 185a.

swǣre † (ā) grievously, oppressively.

+swǣre = swǣr

+swǣred oppressed, weighed down, #Lcd#.

swǣrlic adj. sore, deep, heavy, Æ.

swǣrlīce (ā) adv. grievously, heavily, Æ.

swǣrmōd indolent, sluggish, W 257.

swǣrmōdnes (ā) f. dulness, stupidity, CP 149^15.

swǣrnes (ā) f. heaviness, Æ: sluggishness.

swært (WW 2573^3) = sweart

±swǣs (ē) intimate, special, favourite, dear, beloved: own: agreeable, gentle, benevolent: sweet, sugary.

+swæse blandly, pleasantly.

swǣsenddagas mpl. ides (in Roman calendar), WW.

swǣsende (ē) n. (mostly used in pl. swǣsendu) food, meal, dinner, banquet, dainties: blandishments.

swǣsing- = swǣsend-

±swǣslǣcan (ē^1) to wheedle.

swǣslic kind, friendly, agreeable. adv. -līce pleasantly, kindly: properly: plausibly.

±swǣsnes f. blandishment, wheedling, Æ: pleasure.

swǣsung f. lenitive, soothing application, WW 241^24.

swǣswyrde fair spoken, WW 190^35.

±swǣtan to sweat, exude, AO: labour, toil, CP: bleed, #Cross# 20: (+) oppress, #CPs# 93^5. [swāt]

swæð (e) n., nap. swaðu footprint, track, CP: trace, vestige, CP. [cp. swaðu f.]

swæðel = sweðel

swæðelyne ‘pinguis,’ OEG 27^32.

swæðer pron. whichever, whosoever, CP. [swā, hwæðer]

+swæðian to trace out, investigate, #EPs# 138^3.

swæðlǣcan to search out, visit, CHy 9^68.

swæðorian = swaðrian, sweðrian

sweðu = swaðu

swāf pret. 3 sg. of swīfan.

swāhwætswā pron. whatsoever.

swāhwæðer pron. whichever.

swalewe = swealwe

swaloð = swoloð, sweoloð

swalwe = swealwe

swāmian to become dark, #Gu# 1069.

swamm (o) I. m. fungus, mushroom, Æ: sponge. [Ger. schwamm] II. pret. 3 sg. of swimman.

swan (o) m. ‘swan.’

swān m. herdsman, swineherd, peasant: (†)swain, youth, man, warrior.

swanc pret. 3 sg. of swincan.

swancor † slender, trim, lithe, supple: languishing, weak.

swang pret. 3 sg. of swingan.

swāngerēfa m. swineherd reeve, officer set over the depasturing of swine in forests, Ct.

swangettung f. movement, agitation, ANS 101·323.

swangor == swongor

swanrād f. swan’s-road, sea, B 200.

swānriht n. law as to swineherds, LL 449[6,1].

swānsteorra m. evening star, Cp 145#u#.

+swāpa = +swǣpa

±swāpan^7 to sweep, drive, swing, rush (of wind). [Ger. schweifen]

swār == swǣr

swarc- = swearc-

-swarian (e, eo, o) v. and-s.

swarn- = sworn-

swart = sweart

swās = swǣs

swāt m? n? ‘sweat,’ perspiration, exudation, CP: (†) blood: foam, LkR 9^39: toil: labour, Æ.

swatan (ā?) pl. beer, WW.

swātclāð m. ‘sudarium’, napkin, ÆP 178^2.

swātfāh † blood-stained, bloody.

swātig sweaty, AO: (†) gory.

swātighlēor with sweaty brow, #Gen# 934 (or? two words).

swātlīn n. napkin, CP.

swātswaðu f. gory track, B 2946.

swātðyrel n. pore of the skin, WW 159^13.

swāðēah adv. however, yet, nevertheless.

swāðēahhwæðre adv. however, Æ.

swāðēana adv. however.

swaðer = swæðer

swaðian to swathe, wrap up, #Kl# 17^109.

swaðorian, swaðrian = sweðrian

swaðu (æ, e) f. footstep, track, pathway: trace, vestige: scar. [‘swath’; cp. swæð]

swaðul m? smoke, B 782. [Ger. schwaden]

swē = swā

swealewe = swealwe

swealg, swealh pret. 3 sg. of swelgan.

swealt pret. 3 sg. of sweltan.

swealwe (a, o) f. ‘swallow.’

swearc pret. 3 sg. of sweorcan.

swearcian to become dark, Æ.

swearcmōdnes (a) f. pusillanimity, #LPs# 54^9.

swearcung (a) f. darkness, #RPs# 17^29.

sweard f? hide, rind, skin, #Gl#. [‘sward’]

swearm m. ‘swarm,’ multitude.

sweart swarthy, black, dark, Æ: gloomy: evil, infamous. [‘swart’]

swearte † adv. miserably, evilly.

swearthǣwen dark-blue, purple, violet, WW 376^24.

±sweartian to become black, Æ: make black.

sweartlāst with black tracks, #Rd# 27^11.

sweartnes f. blackness, black substance, #Gl#.

sweartung f. darkness, #EPs# 17^29.

swearð = sweard

±swebban to put to sleep, lull: (†) kill. [swefan]

swec (#KGl#) == swæc

swefan^5 to sleep, slumber, rest: (†) sleep in death: cease.

swefecere m. sleeper, NC 324.

swefecung f. sleep, NC 324.

swefed pp. of swebban.

swefel (æ) m. sulphur, Æ. [Ger. schwefel]

swefelrēc m. sulphurous smoke, #VPs# 10^7.

swefen == swefn

swefet = sweofot

swefeð pres. 3 sg, of swebban.

+swefian to put to sleep, lull, appease, Æ.

swefl = swefel

sweflen sulphurous, of brimstone, AO.

sweflennes (eo^1) f. sulphurousness, MF 123^3.

sweflenrēc (#APs#) = sweflrēc [[headword spelled “swefelrēc”]]

sweflsweart sulphurous? WW 49^20.

sweflðrosm m. sulphurous smoke, #ERSPs# 10^7.

swefn n. (often pl.) sleep, Æ, AO, CP: dream, vision. [swebban]

swefnian (w. a. pers.) to dream: (w. nom. pers.) appear in a dream.

swefnigend m. dreamer, Æ.

swefnracu f. interpretation of dreams, LL (154^29).

swefnreccere m. interpreter of dreams, WW 366^12.

swefot = sweofot

swēg (ǣ) m. sound, Æ, AO, CP: noise, clamour, tumult: melody, harmony, tone, Æ: voice: musical instrument: ‘persona,’ #Sc#. [swōgan]

swēgan to make a noise, sound, roar, crash, Æ: import, signify, Æ.

swēgcræft m. art of playing on an instrument, music, #ApT# 16.

swēgdynn m. noise, crash, #Cr# 955.

±swēge sonorous, harmonious, ÆL.

swegel == swegl

swēgendlic adj. vocal, vowel, #ÆGr# 6^15.

sweger f. mother-in-law, Æ. [Ger. schwieger]

swēgesweard m. organist (!) JGPh 1·64.

swēghlēoðor † m. sound, melody.

swēging f. sound, clang, roar.

swegl † (æ) I. n. sky, heavens, ether: the sun: music? II. = segl

sweglbefalden ether-begirt, #Sat# 588.

sweglbeorht ether-bright, radiant, #Gu# 1187.

sweglbōsm m. heaven, sky, #Gen# 9 (pl.).

sweglcondel f. heaven’s candle, sun, #Ph# 108.

sweglcyning † m. King of heaven.

swegldrēam † m. music. [cp. Goth. swiglōn]

swegle † I. adj. bright, ether-like, clear, brilliant, splendid. II. adv. clearly, brightly.

sweglhorn m. kind of musical instrument, #Gl#.

swēglic sonorous, CM 675.

sweglrād † f. modulation, music.

swegltorht † heavenly-bright.

sweglwered (gel-) ether-clad, B 606.

sweglwuldor n. heavenly glory, #Gu# 1160.

sweglwundor n. heavenly wonder, #Gu# 1292.

swegr = sweger

+swegra = +swigra

+swēgsumlīce? unanimously, HL 18^182.

swehor (#Gl#) = swēor

sweig (#KGl# 88^4) = swēg

sweigð = swēgeð, pres. 3 sg. of swēgan.

+swel = +swell

swelan^4 to burn, be burnt up: inflame (of wound).

swelc (AO, CP) = swilc. [v. ‘such’]

swelca m. pustule, WW 112^17.

swelce = swilce

+swelg n. abyss, OEG.

±swelgan^3 to ‘swallow,’ incorporate, absorb, imbibe, devour. [Ger. schwelgen]

swelgend (y) fmn. (±) whirlpool, vortex, gulf, abyss, CP: gormandiser, glutton, drunkard, debauchee, AO.

swelgendnes f. whirlpool, WW 373^2.

swelgere m. glutton, WW 102^15.

swelgnes f. whirlpool, WW 510^18.

swelhð = swelgð pres. 3 sg. of swelgan.

sweliend = swelgend

+swell n. swelling, tumour, boil, Æ.

±swellan^3 to ‘swell.’

swelling f. swelling, #El# 245.

±sweltan^3 (i, y) to die, perish, Æ, AO, CP.

sweltendlic about to die.

-swemman v. be-s.

±swenc m. trouble, tribulation, toil: (+) temptation, #LkL# 22^46.

±swencan (æ) to vex, distress, trouble, afflict, torment, oppress, Æ, CP. [causative of swincan]

+swencednes f. trouble, affliction, Æ.

sweng m. stroke, blow, cut, thrust. [swingan]

swengan to swing, rush, fly out. [‘swinge’; causative of swingan]

sweocol (CP) = swicol

sweofl- = swefl-

sweofot (e) n. sleep.

swēogian = swīgian

sweolce = swilce

Swēoland n. Sweden, AO 19^2.

sweoloð (a, o) m. burning heat, glow, fire, flame. [swelan]

sweoloðhāt ‘squalidus,’ OEG 56^202 (o^1).

sweolung? f. inflammation, #Lcd# 76b (sweop-).

Swēon pl. Swedes.

swēop pret. 3 sg. of swāpan.

sweop- = swip-

sweopung v. sweolung.

swēor I. (ē, ȳ) mf. pillar, column, prop, CP: bolt, bar, ES 37·183. II. m. father-in-law, Æ, AO, CP: (±) cousin. [Ger. schwäher] III. = swōr pret. of swerian.

swēora (ī, īo, ū, ȳ) m. neck, nape, AO, CP. [ON. svīre]

swēorbān n. neck-bone, neck.

swēorbēag (u) m. neck-band, necklace, collar, torque, Æ.

±sweorc (o) n. cloud, darkness, mist.

±sweorcan^3 to grow dark, darken (intr.), become overcast, be obscured: be troubled, sad, become grievous, troublesome, angry, ÆL: fall out (of mind), #JPs# 30^13.

sweorcendferhð sombre, sad, #Jud# 269.

±sweorcenes (o, cn) f. gloom.

swēorclāð m. neckcloth, WW 210^36.

swēorcops m. yoke, pillory, #Gl#.

swēorcoðu f. quinsy, #Lcd#.

sweord (o, u, y) n. ‘sword,’ Æ, AO, CP.

sweordbealo n. sword-bale, B 1147.

sweordberende sword-bearing, #Gen# 1060.

sweordbite m. sword-wound, #Jul# 603.

sweordbora (u) m. sword-bearer, swordsman.

sweordfætels m. sword-belt, Æ.

sweordfreca m. swordsman, warrior, B 1468.

sweordgenīðla ‡ m. sworded foe.

sweordgeswing ‡ (y^1) n. sword-brandishing.

sweordgifu (y^1) f. gift of swords, B 2884.

sweordgripe m. sword-attack, #Jul# 488.

sweordhwīta (u, y) m. sword-furbisher.

sweordlēoma ‡ (u^1) m. flashing of swords.

+sweordod (u) provided with a sword, Æ.

sweordplega m. fighting. #Wald# 22.

sweordrǣs m. attack, #Ap# 59.

sweordslege m. sword-thrust, #Jul# 671.

sweordtīg f. ‘framea,’ sword-sheath? #LPs# 9^7. [tēag]

sweordwegende (u^1) sword-bearing.

sweordwīgend m. warrior, #Ex# 260.

sweordwund ‡ wounded with the sword.

sweordwyrhta (u^1) m. sword-maker? #Lcd# 3·194^10.

+sweorf (y) n. filings, #Lcd#.

±sweorfan^3 to file or grind away, polish, wipe, rub, scour. [‘swerve’]

swēorhnitu f. nit which lives on the neck of animals, tick, WW.

Swēorīce n. Sweden, B.

swēorracentēh (ū^1) f. ‘catelle,’ neck-chain, WW 107^34.

swēorrōd f. cross worn on the neck, EC 250 (ū). [v. ‘rood’]

swēorscacul m. yoke, pillory, WW 116^9.

swēortēag (ē) f. collar, #Gl#.

+swēoru (ī, ȳ) np. hills, #PPs#.

swēorwærc m. pain in the neck, #Lcd#.

sweostor (e, i, u, y) f. indecl. in sg., nap. sweoster, sweostra, sweostru ‘sister,’ Chr; Æ, AO: nun, BH.

+sweos-tor, -tra, -tru fp. sisters, AO. +sweosternu bearn children of sisters, cousins.

sweostorbearn n. sister’s child, nephew, niece, WW 452^2.

sweostorsunu m. sister’s son, nephew, OET. [v. ‘sister’]

swēot † n. troop, army, company, body, swarm.

sweota? sweote? ‘scrotum,’ #Lcd#, v. A 30·134.

sweotel = sweotol

sweotol (i, u, y) distinct, clear, evident, manifest, open, public, AO, CP. [cp. Goth. swikunðs]

sweotole (e, o, u) adv. clearly, precisely, plainly, openly, visibly, CP.

±sweotolian (e, u, y) to show, reveal, make manifest: state, explain, prove.

sweotollic (y^1) clear, distinct. adv. -līce clearly, precisely, plainly, visibly, openly, Æ.

±sweotolung (i, u, y) f. manifestation, Epiphany: definition, explanation, exposition, declaration, Æ: written testimony, documentary evidence.

sweotolungdæg (e, u) m. Epiphany, Æ.

sweotul = sweotol

swēoðeod f. Swedes, Sweden.

sweoðerian = sweðrian

sweoðol I. m? heat, flame, B 3145. [cp. swaðul] II. = sweðel

swēowian = swīgian

+swēpa = +swǣpa

swēr = (1) swār; (2) sweger; (3) swēor

±swerian^6 (but occl. wk. pret. swerede) to ‘swear,’ Æ, AO, CP: speak? #Sol# 425. [Ger. schwören]

swerigendlic jurative, used in swearing (of certain adverbs), #ÆGr#.

swertling m. titlark? warbler? WW 131^15.

swēs == swǣs

swester (N) = sweostor

±swētan to make sweet, sweeten, Æ, CP.

swēte I. adj. ‘sweet,’ pure, fragrant, pleasant, agreeable, AO, CP. II. n. sweetness, sweet. [swōt]

swetelian (#KGl#) = sweotolian

swētian to be sweet, CP 425^14.

+swētlǣcan to batten, #RPs# 65^15.

swētlīce sweetly, pleasantly, BH 486^4.

swētmete m. ‘sweetmeat,’ dainty, CP 41^15.

swētnes f. sweetness, fragrance, CP: pleasantness.

swetole = sweotole

swētswēge agreeable (of sound), DHy 58^8.

swētwyrde smooth-spoken, WW: stuttering, WW.

sweð = swæð

sweðel (æ, eo) m. swaddling band, bandage, binding.

sweðerian = sweðrian

-sweðian v. be-.

sweðolian to relent, be appeased, #Chr# 1123.

±sweðrian (a, æ, eo, i) to retire, vanish, melt away, abate, dwindle, decrease, subside.

+sweðrung (æ) f. failure, #Lcd#.

sweðung f. poultice.

swic n. illusion, CM 441.

+swic n. offence, MtR, WW.

swica m. deceiver, traitor, betrayer.

±swīcan^1 (†) to wander: (†) depart: (w. g.) cease from, yield, give away, AO; CP: (w. d.) fail, fall short, be wanting, abandon, desert, turn traitor: deceive, Æ. ūt s. go forth. from s. fall off, rebel. [‘i-swike’]

swicc m. odour, smell, scent.

swiccræft m. treachery.

swicdōm m. fraud, deception, deceit, Æ, AO: betrayal, treason: scandal, offence.

swice I. m. (†) escape, end: (†) procrastination, delay, #Gu# 1007: offence, snare, treachery, deceit. II. adj. fallacious, deceitful. III. f. trap, snare, #Gl#. IV. = swicc

swīcend m. deceiver, HL 18^39,87.

+swicennes f. abstention, cessation, Æ: repentance.

swicful fraudulent, deceitful, #Gl#.

swician to wander: be treacherous, deceive, cheat, Æ: blaspheme: cause to offend.

+swīcing f. intermission, cessation, CM 103.

±swicn f. purgation, clearance, discharge, LL.

+swīcnan to clear (of a charge), LL.

swicol guileful, false, deceitful, Æ.

swicollic fraudulent, deceiving, deceptive, causing to stumble. adv. -līce.

swicolnes f. deceit.

swīcung f. deceit, fraud, deception: stumbling-block, offence.

swīfan^1 to revolve, sweep, wend: intervene, EC 164. [Ger. schweifen]

swiforu == swipor

swift (y) ‘swift,’ quick, Æ, AO. adv. -līce. [swīfan]

swiftlēre (u, y) m. slipper, Æ. [L. subtalaris]

swiftnes f. swiftness, speed, Æ.

swiftu f. swiftness, #Met# 28^3.

swīgan = swīgian

swīgdagas mp. days of silence (last three days of Holy Week), Æ.

swīge I. swigge f. silence, stillness, rest, Æ, CP. II. adj. still, quiet, silent, taciturn, CP.

swīgen f. silence, ÆH 2·532^4.

swīgeniht f. night of silence, ÆP 154^3 (v. swīgdagas).

±swīgian (ȳ; ī, ēo, ū) to be or become silent, keep silence, be quiet, still, CP.

swīgiendlīce adv. silently, HL 18^311.

swīglung f. silence, ANS 84·3.

swīgmæsse f. silent mass, NC 324.

swīgnes f. time of silence, WW 211^42.

+swigra (e) m. sister’s son, nephew, cousin.

swīgtīma (swīt-) m. silent time, eventide, early part of the night, A 8·319.

swīgūht m. dawn of the days of silence (v. swīgdagas), ANS 84·7.

±swīgung f. silence: time of silence: delay, NG.

swīgunga adv. quietly, secretly.

swilc (æ, e, y) pron. (used substantively) such a one, he, the same, Æ: (used adjectivally) ‘such,’ Bl, CP, etc.: (as relative) which, (Æ). swilc...hwilc such...as; so...as. swilc...swilc so much (many)...as; as much (many)...as, Æ, B, Bl, Bo.

swilce (e, eo, y) adv. and conj. (w. ind.) just as, as, in like manner, in such manner, likewise, resembling, thus: (w. subj.) as if, as though: also, moreover, too, Bo. [‘such’]

swilcnes f. ‘qualitas,’ nature.

swile (y) m. tumour, swelling. [swellan; Ger. schwiele]

swilian, swillan to ‘swill,’ wash, wash out, gargle.

swiling, swilling f. swilling, wash, gargle.

swilt = swylt

swiltan = sweltan

swilð pres. 3 sg. of swellan.

swīlunge = swīglunga [[form of “swīglung”?]]

swīma m. vertigo, dizziness: swoon, Æ.

swīmæsse = swīgmæsse

±swimman^3 (y) to ‘swim,’ float.

swimmendlic (y) able to swim, #ÆGr# 55^3.

swīn (ȳ) n. wild boar, pig, hog, pl. ‘swine,’ CP; Mdf: boar-image (on a helmet), B.

+swin n. song, melody, #Ph# 137.

+swinc n. toil, work, effort, Æ: (±) hardship, Gen. [‘i-swinch’]

±swincan^3 to labour, work at, strive, struggle, Æ, CP: be in trouble: languish. [‘swink’]

+swincdagas mp. days of tribulation, #Seaf# 2.

±swincful toilsome, painful, disastrous, Æ.

+swincfulnes f. tribulation, #LPs# 33^7.

±swinclēas (y) without toil, ÆH 2·364^9.

swinclic laborious? manual? (of work), W 294^17.

+swincnes f. hardship? NC 345.

swind = spind

swindan^3 to vanish, consume, pine away, languish. [Ger. schwinden]

swīnen adj. pig’s, swine’s.

+swing † I. n. surge, fluctuation. II. = +swinc

swingan^3 I. to beat, strike, smack, whip, scourge, flog, chastise, afflict, Æ, AO, CP. sw. on twā divide by a blow: ‘swing’ oneself, fly, B 2264. [Ger. schwingen] II. = swincan

swinge (y) f. stroke, blow, stripe: chastisement, CP.

swingell f. (often swingel-, swingl- in obl. cases); swingel(l)e f. whip, scourge, rod, Æ: stroke, stripe, blow: affliction, CP.

swingere m. striker, scourger, #Rd# 28^7.

swinglung f. dizziness.

swīnhaga m. pig-pen, Ct.

swīnhyrde (ī) m. swineherd, ZDA 33·230^21.

swīnin (#Gl#) = swīnen

swīnlīc n. boar-image (on a helmet), B 1452.

swinn m. melody, OEG.

swīnnes f. pork food, #EPs# 16^14.

swinsian (y) to sound melodiously, make melody, sing.

swinsung f. melody, harmony.

swinsungcræft m. music, WW 442^12.

swinsweg? (v. OEG xxxiii), melody.

swipa m., swipe f. = swipu

swipian † (eo) to whip, scourge, beat. [‘swipe’]

±swipor cunning, A, BH. adv. -līce.

+swipornes (e^2) f. wile, cunning, HL, MkR.

swippan = swipian

swipu (eo, o) f. whip, stick, scourge: chastisement, affliction. [Ger. schwippe]

swir- = sweor-

swīr- = swēor-

+swiria = +swigra

swirman to swarm, #Lcd# 1·384^22.

swister = sweostor

swital, switel, switol == sweotol

swītīma = swīgtīma

swīð (ȳ) strong, mighty, powerful, active: severe, violent. comp. swiðre right (hand, side, etc.).

±swīðan [wv. and sv^1? cp. unforswiðen] to strengthen, establish, support: use force against, Æ (v. A 36·66).

swīðe (ȳ) adv. very much, exceedingly, severely, violently, fiercely, Æ, AO, CP. comp. swīðor more, rather. superl. swīðost most, especially, exceedingly: almost, nearly. for swīðe, swīðe swīðe very much, very severely, CP.

swīðfæstnes f. violence, LL (138^27).

swīðfeorm rich, fruitful: violent.

swīðfeormende becoming violent, WW 374^11.

swīðferhð † (y) bold, brave, rash.

±swīðfrom very strong, vigorous. adv. -līce.

swīðhwæt very active, #Run# 5.

swīðhycgende (i) † bold-minded.

swīðian to become strong: prevail: fix.

swīðlic intense, excessive, severe, violent, Æ: immense, Æ: effective. adv. -līce, AO, CP.

swīðlicnes f. excess, RBL 73^7.

swīðmihtig very mighty, #PPs# 85^13.

swīðmōd stout-hearted, brave: insolent, arrogant.

swīðmōdnes f. magnanimity.

swīðnes f. excess, violence, CM 458.

swīðor comp. of swīðe.

swīðra comp. of swīð.

swiðrian = sweðrian

swīðrian to avail, prevail, Æ.

swīðsnel very quick, agile, #Cra# 82.

swīðspecende (ȳ) verbose, talkative, OEG 56^140.

swīðsprecel talkative, #LPs# 11^4.

swīðstincende strong-smelling, WW 408^18.

swīðstrang very strong, BH 38^6#b#.

swīðstrēme having a strong current, rapid, BH 38^6.

swīðswēge strong-sounding, heroic, OEG.

swīður = swīðor comp. of swīðe.

swiung f. spasm, cramp, WW 112^19.

swīunga = swīgunga

swodrian to be fast asleep, #SPs# 3^5.

swoeg = swēg

swoesendu = swǣsendu [[form of “swǣsende”]]

swoetnes (#Gl, VPs#) = swētness [[headword spelled “swētnes”]]

swōg (#VPs#) = swēg

swōgan^7 to sound, roar, howl, rustle, whistle, rattle, Cr, Gen. [‘sough’]

+swogen in a swoon, silenced, dead, Æ.

+swogennes v. in-s. [[headword spelled “inswōgennes”]]

+swōgung f. swooning, #Lcd#.

swol n. heat, burning, flame, glow. [swelan; Ger. schwül]

swoleð = sweoloð

swolgen pp. of swelgan.

swolgettan to gargle, wash the throat, #Lcd#.

swolig f. burning, #Lcd#, WW.

swollen pp. of swellan.

swoloð, swoloða m., swoloðe? f. (OEG 23^55) = sweoloð

swolten pp. of sweltan.

swoluð (Æ) = sweoloð

swolwe = swealwe

swom = swamm I. and II.

swon = swan

swoncor = swancor

swong = swang pret. 3 sg. of swingan.

swongor heavy, inert. [Ger. schwanger]

swongornes f. sloth, laziness, CP.

swonrād = swanrād

swopu (NG) = swipu

swor (#Ex# 239) = spor

swōr I. pret. 3 sg. of swerian. II. = sār. III. = swēor

swōra = swēora

sworc == sweorc

sworcen pp. of sweorcan.

sword = sweord

sworen pp. of swerian.

swōretendlic breathing hardly, short-winded, WW 355^9.

swōrettan to breathe hard, pant, yawn, sigh, Æ.

swōret-ung, -tung f. hard breathing, panting, sobbing, sighing, moaning, Æ.

sworfen pp. of sweorfan.

swornian (a) to coagulate, #Gl#.

swōron pret. pl. of swerian.

swostor = sweostor

swōt sweet, JnL, Nar, OEG. adv. swōte ÆGr. [‘soot’]

swōtlic savoury, sweet, CP 311^8. adv. -līce.

swōtmete m. sweetmeat, dainty, #Bo# 33^23.

swōtnes f. sweetness, DR, Shr. [‘sootness’]

swotol = sweotol

swōt-stence, -stencende sweet-smelling.

swoðung = sweðung

+swōwung = +swōgung

swūgian (CP) = swīgian

swulc = swilc

swulgon pret. pl. of swelgan.

swulton pret. pl. of sweltan.

swulung = sulung

swummon pret. pl. of swimman.

swuncon pret. pl. of swincan.

-swundennes v. ā-s.

swungen pp., swungon pret. pl. of swingan.

swur- = sweor-

swūr- = swēor-

swust-er, -or, -ur (Æ) = sweostor

swut-el-, -ol-, -ul- = sweotol-

swūwian = swīgian

swyc- = swic-

swyft == swift

swȳg- = swīg-

swȳge = swīge

swyl- = swil-

swyliend = swelgend

swylt (i) m. death. [sweltan]

swylt- = swelt-

swyltcwalu † f. agony of death.

swyltdæg † m. death-day.

swyltdēað m. death, #PPs# 55^11.

swylthwīl † f. hour of death.

swym- = swim-

swȳn == swīn

swyn- = swin-

swyp- (N) = sweop-

swȳr == swēor

swyrd == sweord

swyrfð pres. 3 sg. of sweorfan.

+swȳsnes = +swǣsnes

swyster = sweostor

swytel, swytol == sweotol

swȳð == swīð

swȳwian = sūgian, swīgian

sȳ = sīe pres. subj. of bēon.

syb, sybb == sibb

±sȳcan (ē, ī) to suckle: wean, #ASPs# 130^2. [sūcan]

syce (i, ī?) suckling, OEG 57^8.

sȳclian = sīclian

sycomer m. sycamore, #Bk# 4.

sȳcð pres. 3 sg. of sūcan; sȳcan.

+syd n. wallowing-place, WW 146^15. [sēoðan]

sȳd == sīd

+sydian = +sidian

syfan == seofon

syfe = sife

sȳferǣte abstemious, RB 119^25.

sȳferlic (ē) neat, cleanly, pure, sober. adv. -līce.

sȳferne asm. of sȳfre.

sȳfernes f. cleanliness, purity, sobriety, moderation, Æ.

syfeða = seofoða

syfian = seofian

+syflan to provide with relishes, flavour. [sufl] [[under “sufel”]]

syflige, syfling (Æ) f. food, pap, broth, soup: seasoning, relish.

syfol = sufel

syfon = seofon

sȳfre (ē, ī) clean, pure, chaste, sober, abstinent, temperate, Æ. [Ger. sauber]

syftan = siftan

syge I. m. sight, aspect, view, FT 64? II. = sige I.

sygel = sigel

sygor = sigor

syh = seoh imperat. of sēon

syht = suht

syhð pres. 3 sg. of sēon I. and II.

+syhðe (#BPs# 120^4) = +sehðe

syl = syle

sȳl I. f. column, pillar, support, AO. [Ger. säule] II. ds. of sūl, sulh. [[simple word “sūl”, compounds “sulh”]]

sȳla m. ploughman, OEG 2357. [sulh] [[under “sūl”]]

sȳlæx f. a kind of axe, WW 379^33 (v. ES 43·327).

syle, sylen miry place, wallowing-place, OEG. [sol]

sylen = selen

syleð pres. 3 sg. of syllan.

sylf == self

sylfer, sylfor, sylfur (M) = seolfor

sylfren (Æ) = seolfren

sylfwill- (Æ) = selfwill-

sylg ds., sylh ds. and nap. of sūl, sulh. [[simple word “sūl”, compounds “sulh”]]

Sȳlhearwa = Sigelhearwa

+sylhðe n. team of oxen. [sulh] [[under “sūl”]]

sylian to sully, soil, pollute, CP, Met. [‘sule’]

syll I. f. ‘sill’, threshold, foundation, base, basis, Æ, B, CP. II. nap. of sulh. [[under “sūl”]]

sylla m. giver, RBL 25^6. [sellan]

sȳlla (#Deor# 6) = sēlla (sēlra) v. sēl I.

syllan (Æ) = sellan

sylle = syll I.

syllend (Æ) = sellend

syllic == seldlic

sylofr = seolfor

sylofren = seolfren

sȳlra = sēlra v. sēl I.

±syltan (e) to salt, season, Æ. [sealt]

sȳma = sēma

sȳman = sīeman

symbel I. n. feast-day, festivity, revel, feast, AO: (†) festival, holy day. II. == simbel

symbelcalic m. chalice, TC 515^28.

symbelcennes f. feast of a nativity, DR.

symbeldæg m. feast-day, festival, holiday, Æ.

symbele = simble

symbelgāl boisterous with carousing, drunk, DD 79.

symbelgereord n. banqueting, feasting, carousal, #Sol# 407.

symbelgifa m. giver of feasts, #An# 1419.

symbelhūs n. guest-chamber, LkLR 22^12.

symbelian = symblian

symbellic festive: solemn. adv. -līce solemnly.

symbelmōnaðlic adj. of a festival month? WW 375^38.

symbelnes f. festival, feasting, festivity, Æ: solemn assembly, solemn office.

symbeltīd f. festival-time.

symbelwērig weary with feasting, #Gen# 2640.

symbelwlonc elated with feasting, #Mod# 40.

symbelwynn f. joy of feasting, B 1782.

symblan to feast, banquet, CP.

symble (Æ) = simble adv.

symblian (i) to feast, carouse, CP.

symel == symbel

symeringwyrt f. violet, WW 322^9.

syml = symbel I.

syml- = simbl-

symnenlic = semnendlic

syn = synn

sȳn I. = sīen f. II. = sīn, sīen pres. pl. subj. of wesan (bēon). III. = sīn I.

syn- v. also sin-, synn-.

synbend m. bond of sin, #Nic# 504^23.

synbōt f. penance, LL (316^31).

synbryne m? burning ardour of sin, MFH 143^18.

synbyrðen f. burden of sin.

synbysig guilt-haunted, B 2227.

synd = sind pres. pl. ind. of wesan (bēon).

+synd- = +sund-

syndǣd f. sinful deed.

syndan = sendan

synder- = sundor-

synderǣ (u^2) f. special law, DR 190^10.

synderlic (e) singular, separate, special, peculiar, private, Æ, CP: remote. adv. -līce. [sundor]

synderlicnes f. separateness, separation, seclusion, OEG: singularity, GD 286^11.

synder-līpe, -lȳpe, -lȳpig peculiar, special. adv. -līpes (ȳ).

synderwurðmynt fmn. special honour, prerogative, WW 178^47.

+syndgian to make to prosper, BH 320^12.

syndig skilled in swimming, #Cra# 58.

syndir- = synder-

+syndlǣcan (synt-) to cause to prosper, #RPs# 117^25.

syndolh n. deadly wound, B 817 (or = sin-?).

syndon = sindon pres. pl. ind. of wesan (bēon).

Syndonisc Indian, MF 173, MP 1·592. [L. Gk.]

syndra? m., syndre? f. = sinder

±syndrian to sunder, separate, divide.

syndrig (i) separate, single: ‘sundry,’ various, Æ: special, private, peculiar, exceptional, particular, Æ, AO, CP: characteristic: (distributive) one each. [sundor]

syndrige adv. separately, specially, apart, alone.

syndrigendlic discretive, #ÆGr# 229^7.

syndriglic special, peculiar. adv. -līce specially: separately.

syndrung v. ā-s.

syndurǣ = synderǣ

synew- = sinew-; and v. synu. [[headword spelled “sinu”]]

synfāh sin-stained, #Cr# 1083.

±syngian to sin, transgress, Æ, CP.

syngrigendlic = syndrigendlic

syn-grin, -gryn f. snare or mischief of sin, harm.

syngung f. transgression, HL 12^137. [‘sinning’]

synleahter m. stain of sin, W 134^24.

synlēas ‘sinless,’ guiltless, innocent, CP, Jn, W.

synlēaw sinful injury, W 165^25.

synlic sinful, foul, wicked. adv. -līce.

synn (e, i) f. (†) injury, mischief, enmity, feud: ‘sin,’ guilt, crime, Bl, Bo, Chr, VPs; CP.

synn- see also syn-.

synnadæg (N) = sunnandæg

synnecge f. female sinner, MH 126^4.

synnes adv. always? #Kl#, but v. LL 455^4.

synnful ‘sinful,’ guilty, wicked, corrupt, Bl, LkL, VPs; CP.

synngiend m. sinner, #EPs# 111^10.

+synnian to commit adultery, NG.

synnig guilty, punishable, criminal: sinful, CP.

synnlust m. desire to sin, Æ.

synoð = seonoð

synrǣs m. pressure of sin, temptation, LL (284^9).

synrūst m. canker of sin, #Cr# 1321.

syn-sceaða, -scaða † m. sin-stained wretch, sinful outrager.

synscyldig wicked, DD 168.

synt = sind pres. pl. ind. of wesan (bēon).

+synt- = +synd-

±synto f. soundness, health: prosperity, welfare, salvation. [gesund] [[listed as +sund]]

synwracu † f. punishment for sin.

synwund f. wound of sin.

synwyrcende † sinning.

sypan = sypian

sype m. wetting, act of soaking through, Bo. [‘sipe’]

sypian (i) to absorb, drink in, Lcd 94b. [‘sipe’]

sȳpian = sīpian

sypo, syppo = swipu

syrc m. = syric

syrce f. = syrice

syre = searwe, v. searo.

sȳre = sīere

syredon = sier(w)edon pret. pl. of sierwan.

syretung f. lurking place, WW 440^6. [searu]

syrewrenc = searowrenc

syrewung = searwung

syrfe f. service-tree, EC 373. [L. sorbus]

syrftrēow n. service-tree, KC 3·379^20.

syric = serc

syrice = serce [[under “serc”]]

sȳring f. sour milk, buttermilk. [sūr]

syrode = sierwde pret. 3 sg. of sierwan.

syru == searo

syrwa = searwa gp. of searo.

syr-wan, -wian (Æ) = sierwan

Syrware mpl. Syrians.

syrwung = sierwung

syrwwrenc = searowrenc

syster = sester

sȳð I. = sīð. II. v. sūð adv. III. pres. 3 sg. of sēoðan.

sȳð- = sīð-

syðan = siððan

sȳðerra (BC, Lcd) v. sūð. [‘souther’]

sȳðst pres. 2 sg. of sēoðan.

syððan = siððan

sȳwian = sēowian [[under “sēowan”]]

syx = siex

syx- (AO) = siex-, six-


tā I. f. ‘toe,’ Cp, LL, WW. II. f. (Æ) = tān m.

tabele, tablu f., tabul m. = tabule

tabule f. ‘table,’ BH: a wooden hammer, or piece of wood struck as a signal for assembling monks, CM: writing tablet: gaming table: table of the law. [L.]

tacan^6 to ‘take,’ seize, Chr 1072^5,6#d#.

+taccian to tame, subdue, GPH 402.

tācen, tācn n., nap. tācen, tācnu ‘token,’ symbol, sign, signal, mark, indication, suggestion, B, BH, CP, Lcd, SPs: portent, marvel, wonder, miracle, Bl; Æ: evidence, proof: standard, banner.

tācencircol m. indiction, TC 126^3.

tācnan (Cp) = tǣcnan

tācnberend m. standard-bearer, #ÆGr# 27^15.

tācnbora m. standard-bearer: guide.

±tācnian to mark, indicate: betoken, denote, signify, represent, Bl, Bo; CP: portend: demonstrate, express. [‘token’]

+tācni(g)endlic typical, emblematic, ÆH 2·278^14; ÆP 122^17.

±tācnung f. sign, presage, token, Bo: manifestation, signification, type, Bo, BH: indication, symptom, proof: dispensation, AO 60^1. [‘tokening’]

tācon, tācun = tācen

tācor, tācur m. brother-in-law, Æ.

tāde, tādi(g)e f. ‘toad,’ WW.

tæbere a weaving tool? tenterhook? WW 294^17.

tæcan to transfer, translate, Æ. [ON. taka]

±tǣcan to show, declare, demonstrate, Æ, AO, BH, LL, RB: ‘teach’ (‘i-tæche’), instruct, train, Æ, Bl, Bo, Lcd, LL; CP: prescribe, direct, Æ, CP, WW. +t. fram dismiss, LL 162[22].

tǣcing f. teaching, instruction, Æ: doctrine: direction, injunction, command, rule.

tǣcnan to mark by a token, denote, designate, mark out. [Ger. zeichnen]

-tǣcne v. earfoð-t.

tǣcnend m. indicator, A 13·329.

tǣcnian = tācnian

tǣcning f. demonstration, proof, #Bo# 90^1.

tæfel == tæfl

tæfl fn. cube, die, game with dice or tables. [L. tabula]

tæfl-an, -ian to gamble, #Gl#.

tæfle adj. given to dice-playing, #GnE# 185.

tæflere m. gambler.

tæflstān m. gambling-stone, die, #Gl#.

tæflung f. gaming, playing at dice.

tǣg = tēag

tægel, tægl (e) m. ‘tail,’ LL, WW; Æ.

tæglhǣr n. hair of the tail, #Lcd# 1·360^20.

tægðian (M) = teogoðian

tæherian (NG) = tēarian

tæhher (NG) = tēar

tǣhte pret. 3 sg. of tǣcan.

tæl (a, e) n. number.

tǣl (ā) f. blame, reproach, calumny, abuse, CP, WW: blasphemy. [‘tele’]

+tæl I. (e, ea) n., nap. +talu number, series, Mt; Æ: number of people, tribe: catalogue, WW 418^36: estimation, opinion. [‘i-tel’] II. adj. np. +tale swift, ready, #PPs# 56^5.

tæla = tela

±tǣlan (ē) to blame, censure, scold, reprove, reproach, accuse, Æ, AO, CP: speak ill of, slander, insult, deride, Bo, LL, WW: dispute. [‘tele’]

tælberend = telgberend

+tælcircul m. cycle, series, WW 204^42.

+tælcræft m. arithmetic, Æ (e).

+tæld = +teld

-tǣle v. lēof-, un-t. [[under “lēoftǣl”]]

tǣlend m. slanderer, backbiter: mocker, scoffer: reprover.

tǣlende censorious, slanderous.

tǣlere (ē) m. derider, scoffer, #KGl# 75^16.

+tælfæst measurable, #LPs# 38^6.

tǣlful (ā) blameworthy, NC 325.

tælg == telg

tǣlhlehter m. derision, WW 172^4. [hleahtor]

tælian = talian

tælla (GPH 394) = telga

tællan = tellan

tǣllēas blameless, CP. adv. -līce, CP.

tǣllic blameworthy, slanderous, blasphemous. adv. -līce.

tælmearc f. date, period, #Gu# 849. [talu]

tælmet n. measure, portion, #An# 113. [talu]

tǣlnes (ē) f. blame, reproof, CP: slander, calumny, insult.

+tælrīm n. order, succession, #Sol# 38.

±tælsum in numbers, rhythmic, OEG.

tǣlung f. reproof, CP: slander, derision.

tǣlweorð- = tǣlwierð-

tǣl-wierðe, -wierðlic reprehensible, blameworthy, CP. adv. -līce.

tǣlwierðlicnes (eo^2) f. reprehensible conduct, blameableness, CP 52^15.

+tælwīs discreet, capable, WW 207^40: skilled in arithmetic.

tǣlwyrd-, tǣlwyrð- = tǣlwierð-

tǣman = tīeman

tæmespīle f. sieve-frame, sieve-stand? sieve-stake? LL 455[17]. [ep. temsian]

tæmian (GD 11^9) = temian

tǣnel (ē^1, ī^2) m. wicker basket, Æ, WW. [‘teanel’; tān]

tǣnen made of twigs, OEG. [tān]

tæng- = teng-

tǣnil = tǣnel

tæppa m. ‘tap,’ spigot, IM.

tæppe f? strip of stuff or cloth, ‘tape,’ WW 107^33.

tæpp-ed, -et n. figured cloth, tapestry, carpet, TC, WW. [‘tapet’]

tæppelbred n. footstool, NG.

tæppere m. tapster, tavern-keeper, Sc, WW. [‘tapper’]

tæppestre f. tapstress, female tavern-keeper, Æ. [‘tapster’]

tæppet = tæpped

tæppian to open (a cask)? furnish it with a tap or spout? IM 125. [‘tap’]

tæppilbred = tæppelbred

tær pret. 3 sg. of teran.

tǣr = tēar

tǣsan (±) to pull, tear, comb, card, Lcd: (†) wound, injure, assault. [‘tease’]

±tǣse pleasant, Met: convenient, suitable, B. [‘i-tase’]

+tǣse n. advantage, convenience: pleasure, CP 387: useful thing, implement.

+tǣsed soothed? CP 297^18.

tǣsel f. ‘teasel’ (plant), Lcd 1·282^15.

+tǣslic convenient. adv. -līce conveniently: gently, softly, smoothly, CP.

tæslīce (NG) = ðæslīce

+tǣsnes f. convenience, WW.

tǣsu = teosu

tǣtan to caress, #Wy# 4. [tāt?]

tætteca m? rag, tatter, shred? Æ.

tǣð = tēð, v. tōð.

-tǣwe (ēo) v. æl-t.

tagantes helde f. ‘artemisia’ (plant). WW 296^20.

tāh pret. 3 sg. of tēon II.

tāhe (#Gl#) = tā

tāhspura m. spur, tip of toe? WW 197^14.

tāhte = tǣhte pret. 3 sg. of tǣcan.

tal (N) = talu

tāl == tǣl

tala = tela

tald = teald pp. of tellan.

+tale v. tæl.

talente f. ‘talent’ (money of account), AO. [L.]

talian (æ) (= tellan) to count, calculate, reckon, account, consider, think, esteem, value, CP: argue, CP: tell, relate, Æ: impute, Æ.

+talscipe m. multitude, NG.

talt- = tealt-

talu f. ‘tale,’ series, calculation: telling, relation, communication, narrative, Æ, KC: fable, tale, story: accusation.

+talu v. +tæl.

tālwyrð- = tǣlwierð-

tam ‘tame,’ Æ, Bo, WW: tractable, gentle, mild, Bo, Gn.

tama m. tameness, #Bo, Met#.

tamcian to tame, soothe, NC 326.

-tamcol v. un-t. [[headword spelled “untamcul”]]

tān I. m. twig, rod, switch, branch: rod of divination. II. shooting? spreading? #Gen# 2360. III. pl. of tā.

tānede having a disease of the toes? WW 161^28.

±tang, tange (o) f. (sg. and pl.) pincers, ‘tongs,’ forceps, Æ, BH, Cp, WW; Æ.

+tang (w. d.) in contact with (= pret. 3 sg. of +tingan).

+tanglīce together, RB 47^15.

tānhlyta m. soothsayer, augur, diviner, WW 189^3. [tān, hlot]

tānhlytere m. soothsayer, diviner, WW 183^32.

+tanned tanned, WW 118^7. [‘tan’]

tannere m. ‘tanner,’ KC 2·411.

taper (Lcd, WW) = tapor

taperæx f. small axe, #Chr# 1031#a#; CC 28^16. [ON. taparöx]

tapor (ea^1; e^2, u^2) m. lamp-wick, ‘taper,’ candle, CP: a feeble light, #Ph# 114. [Celtic?]

taporberend m. acolyte, #Gl#.

taran v. teoru.

targa? m., targe? f. small shield, buckler, KC. [v. ‘targe’]

+targed furnished with a shield, OEG 2259.

taru f. tear, rent. [teran]

tasol, tasul (#Gl#) = teosel

tāt soft, tender, joyous, Leo 806^12. [[from first edition]]

-tāwere v. flæsc-t. [[headword spelled “flǣsctāwere”]]

±tāwian to prepare, make ready, make: till, cultivate, BH: harass, afflict, insult, Æ, AO. t. tō bysmore outrage, profane, Æ, W. [‘taw’]

te- = tō-

tēa (NG) = tīen

+tēad (ē) pp. of +tēon.

tēafor I. n. red, red lead, vermilion, purple, WW. [v. ‘tiver’] II. or ? tēaforgēap (v. GK), meaning doubtful, #Ruin# 31.

tēag (ǣ, ē) f. cord, band, thong, fetter, Cr, WW (ē): case, chest: enclosure. [‘tie’]

tēagan = tēogan, tēon

tēagor (#Gu#) = tēar

tēah I. pret. 3 sg. of tēon I. and II. II. = tēag

teal- = tal-, tæl-, tel-

tēal- = tǣl-

+teald = +teld

tealde pret. 3 sg. of tellan

tealgor = telgor

tealt unstable, precarious, Run, W. [‘tealt’]

tealtian, tealtrian (a) to totter, shake, stumble, waver: be untrustworthy: amble. [cp. Ger. zelter]

tēam (ē) m. descendant, family, race, line, Æ, Mk, TC: child-bearing, Æ: company, band, Æ: ‘team’ (of horses, oxen, etc.), WW: vouching to warranty, right of jurisdiction in matters of warranty, EC (ē), LL.

+tēama (ȳ) m. warrantor, surety, LL.

tēaman = tīeman

tēamful fruitful, LPs, WW. [v. ‘teemfull’]

tēamian = tīeman

tēampōl m. breeding pool, EC 322´.

tēan- (A) = tēon-

teaper (K) = tapor

tēapor (Lcd) = tēafor

tēar m. drop, Cr, Lcd: ‘tear,’ B, Bl; CP: what is distilled from anything in drops, ‘nectar,’ WW; CM.

tearflian to turn, roll, wallow, Mk 9^20.

tēargēotende tear-shedding, tearful, #Nic# 508^15.

tēarian (tǣherian, ē^1) to weep, JnL. [‘tear’]

tēarig, tēarlic tearful.

tēarighlēor with tearful cheeks, #Gen# 2274.

tearn (WW 286^7) = stearn

tearos v. teoru.

teart sharp, rough, severe, Æ, OEG. [‘tart’; tær, pret. of teran]

teartlic sharp, rough, Æ. adv. -līce, OEG. [‘tartly’]

teartnes f. sharpness, roughness, hardness, OEG; Æ. [‘tartness’]

teartnumol biting, effectual, #Lcd# 1·152^3.

teaslīce (NG) = ðæslīce

tēað = tēoð, pres. pl. of tēon I. and II.

tebl = tæfl

tebl-, tebil- = tæfl-

tēc- = tǣc-

+tēd = +tēad

tēde pret. of (?)*tēn to grow rough. [tōh]

tēder == tȳder [[under “tīder”]]

tēdr- = tȳdr-

tefel, tefil = tæfl

tēfrung = tīfrung

tēg = tēag

tēgan (M) = tīegan

tēge = tīge [[form of “tīgan” under ‘tīegan’?]]

tegl = tægl [[under “tægel”]]

tēgð- = tēoð-

tēh = tēah pret. 3 sg. of tēon.

teherian (A) = tēarian

tehher, teher (NG) = tēar

tēhton = tǣhton pret. pl. of tǣcan.

teiss (N) = tǣsu

+tel == +tæl

tēl- = tǣl-

tela (i, ea, eo) I. adv. well, fitly, properly, rightly, very, good, CP: prosperously, beneficially. II. interj. well! good!

±teld n. tent, tabernacle, Æ, BH, TC. [‘teld’]

+teldgehlīwung f. tabernacle, A 8·308^34.

teldian to spread (net), set (trap), Cp, PPs. [‘teld’]

teldsticca m. tent-peg, Æ.

+teldung f. tabernacle, #EPs# 18^5; 77^60.

+teldwurðung f. feast of tabernacles, WW 107^17.

teldwyrhta m. tent-maker, Æ.

telede = tealde pret. 3 sg. of tellan.

+telfers nm. catalectic verse, OEG.

telg (æ) m. dye, colour, tincture.

telga m. twig, branch, bough, shoot, CP: pole, stock, EC 95´.

+telg-an, -ian to dye, WW.

telgberend yielding a dye, WW 462^19.

telgestre (æ^1) m. dyer, GD 342^3.

telgian I. to put forth branches, #Rim# 34. II. = talian. III. = telgan

telgor mf., telgra m., telgre f. twig, branch, shoot, Æ, Lcd. [v. ‘tille’]

telgung f. dye, purple dye, WW.

telian = tilian

±tellan (æ, ea) to ‘tell’ (‘i-telle’), reckon, number, compute, calculate, Æ, Bl, Lk: account, estimate, consider, think, esteem, believe, CP, Mt: charge against, impute to: state, recount, enumerate, announce, relate, Æ, Bo, Chr. t. gelīc compare. [talu]

-tellendlic v. un-t.

teltrē, teltrēo n. weaving-tool? tenterhook? tent-peg? WW.

tēm = tēam

tema = tama

tēman = tīeman

tēmbyrst m. failure to secure a voucher, EC 202. [tēam]

Temes, Temese f. river Thames, AO. [L. Tamisia]

±temesian to sift, MkL (i^2). [‘temse’]

±temian to tame, subdue, Æ, CP: (+) suffer, permit, ÆL 23^810.

tempel, templ n. ‘temple,’ Æ, Bl, CP, G, VPs. [L. templum]

tempel- = templ-

tempelgeat n. temple-door, W 49^25.

templgeweorc n. structure of the temple, W 277^25.

templhālgung f. dedication of the temple, OEG 40^36.

templic adj. of a temple, OEG.

±temprian v. to ‘temper,’ moderate, Æ, Sc: cure, heal, Æ: control, curb, Æ (refl.), Lcd, Sc. [Lat.]

temprung f. tempering, moderation.

tēn (#VPs#) == tīen

tēnan = tȳnan, tēonan

-tendan (y) v. ā-, for-, on-t.

tender = tynder

tend-ing, -ling f. burning, stinging, NC, GD. [‘tinding’]

tēne = tīen

tēnel (Ep) = tǣnel

±tengan (æ) to press towards, hurry, hasten, Æ. āweg t. get away, get off. +t. on assail, AO.

+tenge near to, resting on: oppressing, burdensome, AO.

tēnil = tǣnel

tennan to lure, coax? #Wy# 4?

tēo pres. 1 sg. of tēon I. and II.

teochian = teohhian

tēode pret. of tēon III., tēogan, teohhian.

teofenian † to join, put together.

tēofor = tēafor

tēofrian = tīfrian

tēogan (OHG. gizehōn) = teohhian

teogeða, teogoða = tēoða

teogoðian to ‘tithe,’ grant or pay tithes, CP; divide by ten, Æ.

teoh fm., gds. teohhe race: band, troop, company, society. [Ger. zeche]

tēoh imperat. of tēon.

+tēoh n. matter, material, universe? #Rim# 2.

teohhe v. teoh.

±teohhian to determine, intend, propose, Æ: consider, think, judge, estimate.

+teohhung f. arrangement, ordering, HL 13^69.

teohian = teohhian

teol- = tel-, til-

teolðyrl n. ‘foramen,’ ‘fenestra,’ OEG.

teom (MtR 21^5) = tam

tēon I. (±) sv^2 to pull, tug, draw, drag, row (boat), BH, CP, LL: withdraw, take, LL 356,70: entice, allure, induce, lead, bring, BH, Bl, Bo, Gu; CP: bring up, educate, Æ, Chr: arrogate, CP: bring forth, produce, Æ: restrain, LL: betake oneself to, go, roam, Bo: (+) string up, play (instrument). +togen lengthened, long (of vowels), #ÆGr# 49^14. [‘tee,’ ‘i-teon’; *teohan] II. sv^1 (but forms belonging to tēon I. often found) accuse, censure, Æ, LL; AO. [‘tee’; *tīhan] III. (±) to prepare, furnish forth, arrange, adorn, deck: produce, work, create, make, Æ: fix, establish, constitute, ordain. [= teohhian] IV. num. = tīen. V. n. = tēona. VI. = dēon (v. JAW 19)

tēona m. injury, hurt, wrong, Bl, Mt; AO: accusation, reproach, insult, contumely, Æ, AO, CP: anger, grief: malice, Æ: enmity, hostility. [‘teen’]

tēonan (ȳ) to injure, irritate, vex, trouble, grieve: slander, insult.

tēoncwide m. hurtful speech: blasphemy.

tēoncwidian to slander, calumniate, #Gl#.

tēond I. m. accuser, LL. II. drawer, BH 288^14.

tēone f. = tēona

tēonere m. slanderer, #LPs# 71^4.

tēonful slanderous, evil, rebellious, painful, SPs, W; Æ. [‘teenful’]

tēonhete † m. malicious hate.

tēonian (ȳ) injure, irritate, LPs: slander. [‘teen’]

tēonlēas free from suffering, MF 174.

tēonlēg † m. destroying flame.

tēonlic destructive, shameful, hurtful. adv. -līce.

tēonrǣden (e^2) f. abuse, wrong, injury, humiliation, Æ.

tēonsmið m. evil-doer, #Gu# 176.

tēontig = hundtēontig

tēonword n. reproach, abuse, calumny.

±tēorian to fail, cease, become weary, be tired, exhausted, Cp, Lcd, LL, WW: ‘tire,’ weary, exhaust, PPs. [teran]

+tēorigendlic failing, defective, #Sc# 181^4.

teoro = teoru

+tēorodnes f. debility, weariness.

teors m. ‘calamus,’ ‘veretrum,’ Lcd, WW. [‘tarse’]

teoru (e) n., occl. gs. tearos and wk. a. taran ‘tar,’ bitumen, distillation from a tree, resin, gum, balsam, Cp, Lcd: wax from the ear.

±tēorung f. exhaustion, weariness, Æ.

teosel (a, e) m. die (‘tessera’). [L.]

teosu (æ, e) f. harm, injury, ruin.

teosusprǣc f. harmful speech, #PPs# 139^11.

teosuword (teso-) n. calumny, harmful speech.

teoswian (e) to injure, harm, #Sol# 94.

tēoð pres. pl. of tēon I. and II.

tēoða (ē) ‘tenth,’ Æ, AO, Chr. tēoðan dǣl tenth part, ‘tithe.’ [teogeða

tēoðe tenthly, LL 181[10].

±tēoðian to divide by ten, tithe, Æ: take a tenth: give tithes, CP.

tēoðing = tēoðung

tēoðingdæg m. tithing day, tenth day.

tēoðingealdor m. ruler over ten, dean, captain of ten.

tēoðingmann m. ‘tithing-man,’ headborough, LL: captain of ten, Æ.

tēoðung f. division into ten, decimation, tenth part, tithe, ‘tithing,’ Æ, Lk, LL: band of ten men, LL.

tēoðungcēap m. tithe, #Bl# 39^11.

tēoðunggeorn diligent in paying tithes, A 12·518^26.

tēoðungland n. land set apart for tithes, LL 2·750.

tēoðungsceatt m. tithing-money, tithes.

tēowlic = tōwlic [[headword spelled “towlic”]]

teped (KGl), tepet = tæpped

tēr (Lcd) = tēar

+ter n. tearing, laceration: thing torn: tumult, discord.

±teran^4 (ea, eo) to tear, lacerate, Bo, Jud, LL, Sc.

terdnes (A 13·34) = teartnes

tergan = tirgan

termen m. term, end. [L. terminus]

tero, teru (Ep, WW) = teoru

tes- = teos-

+tēse = +tǣse

teter m. tetter, skin eruption, eczema, ringworm, #Gl#, CP.

teterwert f. celandine. [wyrt]

teting = tyhtung [[variant of “tyhting”?]]

tēð v. tōð.

tēða = tēoða

-tewestre v. wull-t.

Tī = Tīw

tīan (N) = tēon III.

tīber n. offering, sacrifice, victim.

tībernes f. sacrificing, destruction, AO 50^18.

ticcen (y) n. kid, Æ (y), MtL. [‘ticchen’]

ticgen (NG) = ticcen

ticgende proudly adorned, OEG.

ticia m. ‘tick’ (insect), Gl.

tictator m. dictator, AO 70^3. [L.]

tīd f. time, period, season, while, Æ, AO, B, BH, G. on tīde at the proper time: hour, Æ, Chr: feast-day, festal-tide, Chr, MH: canonical hour or service, LL, WW. [‘tide’]

tīdan (±) to betide, happen, Bo, LL: fall to (one’s lot), BC. [‘tide,’ ‘i-tide’]

tīdanðēnung = tīdðēnung

tidd- = tīd-, tȳd-

tīddǣg † m. lifetime.

tīdelīce = tīdlīce

tīdembwlātend = tīdymbwlātend

tīder, tīdre (ē, īe, ȳ) weak, frail, infirm, faint-hearted: fleeting.

tīderlic (ē, īe) weak, CP.

tīdernes (ē, īe) f. frailty (of body or soul).

tīdfara m. one who travels at his own convenience? #Cr# 1674 (or ? two words).

tīdgenge having a monthly course, periodical, GPH 392.

tīdlic timely, seasonable, opportune, AO: temporal: temporary. adv. -līce.

tīdlicnes f. opportunity, fit time, NG.

tīdran = tȳdran

tīdrēn m. timely rain, Æ.

±tīdrian (ȳ) to become feeble, weak: decay.

tīdsang mn. hour-services, canonical hours, lauds, Æ.

tīdscēawere m. astrologer, WW 176^4.

tīdscriptor m. chronographer, chronicler, WW 204^17 (hybrid word).

tīdðēnung f. service at one of the canonical hours, FBO.

tīdum adv. at times, occasionally.

tīdung f. (usu. pl.) event, tidings, news, Chr. [‘tiding’]

tīdwrītere m. chronicler, #Gl#.

tīdwurdung f. service at one of the canonical hours, HL 11^67.

tīdymbwlātend (e^2) m. astrologer, #Lcd#.

tīeder- = tīder-

tīedran = tȳdran

±tīegan (ē, ī, ȳ) to ‘tie,’ bind, Æ, CP: join, connect, ÆGr. [tēag]

tiegle = tigle

tieht- = tyht-

tīehð pres. 3 sg. of tēon I. and II.

tiel- = til-

tīema = tīma

tīeman (ǣ, ē, ī, ȳ) to bring forth, engender, beget, propagate, Æ, W: make answerable for another person, call as witness, Æ: vouch to warranty, LL. [‘teem’; tēam]

+tīeme I. (ē, ȳ) suitable. II. (ȳ) team, yoke, Æ.

tīen (ē, ī, ȳ) num. ‘ten,’ CP.

tīenambre holding ten ambers, #Lcd# 32b(ȳ).

tīenbebod (ē) n. decalogue, OEG 11^108.

tīenfeald (ȳ) tenfold.

tīengewintred (ȳ) ten years old, LL 19[27#h#].

tīenhund (ē) thousand.

tīennihte (ȳ) ten days old, ANS 129·22.

tīenstrenge (ē, ī) ten-stringed, #VPs#.

tīenwintre ten years old, Æ (ȳ).

tīer heap? (GK), drop? (Sedgef.), #Met# 20^81?

tife f. bitch, #Lcd# 64a.

tīfer = tīber

tīfrian (ēo, ȳ) to paint, depict, figure. [tēafor]

tīfrung (ē) f. picture, AS 20^15.

-tīg (ē, ȳ) v. fore-, forð-t.

Tīg = Tīw

tīgan = tīegan

tige == tyge

tigel, tigele f. earthen vessel, crock, pot, potsherd: ‘tile,’ brick, AO; Mdf: slabs for roofing, Cp, Lcd, VPs.

tigelærne f. tile kiln? house of brick? KC 3·130^29.

tigelen made of pot, earthenware, #SPs# 2^9.

tigelfāg tile-adorned, #An# 842.

tigelgeweorc n. brick-making, Æ.

tigellēah m. brick-field, KC 5·267^21.

tigelstān m. tile, ES 11·66. [‘tilestone’]

tigelwyrhta (y) m. brick-maker, potter.

tigen pp. of tēon II.

tiger pl. tigras ‘tiger,’ Æ, Nar.

tiggan = tīegan

tīging f. tie, connection, #ÆGr# 14^14. [tīgan]

tigl = (1) tigel; (2) tygel

tigle f. ‘muraenula,’ sea-mullet? WW 180^30.

tigle = tigel

tigol(e) = tigele [[under “tigel”]]

tigolgetel n. tale of bricks, Æ (#Ex# 5^18).

tigon pret. pl. of tēon II.

tīgrisc of a tiger, A 4·161.

tigðian (AO) = tīðian

-tīgu v. egeðgetīgu. [egðe]

tigule = tigele [[under “tigel”]]

tihian = teohhian

tiht == tyht

tīhð pres. 3 sg. of tēon II.

til I. good, apt, suitable, useful, profitable: excellent: brave: abounding. II. † n. goodness, fitness. III. n. = till. IV. (N) prep. to, MtL, OET. [‘till’]

tila = tela

tilen f. endeavour, GD 194^12.

tilfremmende well-doing, #Rd# 60^7.

tilgan = tilian

tili (OET) = twilic

tilia, tilig(e)a (y) m. tiller, workman, hand, labourer, farmer, husbandman, Mt; Æ. [‘tilie’]

tilian (eo, y) to aim at, aspire to, strive after, try, endeavour, Æ, Bl; CP: (±) procure, obtain, gain, provide, Æ, Chr, PPs: exert oneself, work, make, generate, Æ, CP: tend, cherish, cultivate, ‘till,’ plough, CP, Chr, Lcd, LL: trade, traffic, Æ: (±) treat, cure.

tiligea = tilia

tiling = tilung

till † n. station, standing-place.

till- = til-

+tillan to touch, attain, Æ.

tillic † adj. fit, good. adv. -līce.

tilmōdig † well-disposed, kind, good.

tilð, tilðe (y) f. ‘tilth,’ labour, husbandry, W: crop, harvest, A: gain, profit, OEG.

tilung (eo, ie, io, y) f. acquisition, procuring: care, solicitude: occupation, work, performance, CP: tending, culture, husbandry, Æ: produce, gain, income, Æ.

tīma m. ‘time,’ period, space of time, Æ, AO: fixed time, CP, G, WW: favourable time, opportunity, CP: a metrical unit, A.

tīman = tīeman

±timber n. ‘timber,’ building material, LL: act of building: building, structure, BH, Lcd, MtL, VPs: trees, woods, AO. [v. Mdf]

timbergeweorc n. cutting timber, BC 1·344^9.

+timberhālgung f. consecration of a building, OEG 56^287.

timberhrycg m. wooded ridge? KC.

timberland n. land given for repairing and maintaining buildings.

timbor = timber

±timbran, timbrian to build, construct, erect, effect, do, AO, CP, PPs; Æ: edify, instruct: cut ‘timber.’

+timbre n. building, structure, Æ, AO.

timbrend mf. builder.

timbrung f. act of building, Æ: structure: edification.

+tīmian (ȳ) to happen, fall out, Æ.

tīmlic adj. temporal, earthly. adv. -līce quickly, soon, early, Æ.

timpane f. timbrel. [L.]

timpestre f. female timbrel-player, #LPs# 67^26.

timple f. a weaver’s instrument, LL 455[15,1].

tin I. n. ‘tin,’ CP. II. f. beam, rafter, #Gl#. III. = tinen

tīn num. = tīen

tinclian to tickle, #Sc#.

+tinclic = +tingelic [[form of “tynge”?]]

tind m. spike, beak, prong, tooth of a fork, Cp, Ep, Sol. [‘tine’]

tindig spiked, WW 116^12.

tindiht forked, jagged, beaked.

tindre = tyndre

tinen made of tin, ÆGr. [‘tinnen’]

+ting = +tyng [[form of “tynge”?]]

tinge = tynge

+tingan^3 to press against, #An# 138.

+tingcræft m. mechanics, #HGl# 479.

-tīning v. gafol-t.

tinn beam, A 19·491.

tinnan to stretch, #Gl#: desire, long for? burn? #Rim# 54.

tinnen = tinen

tīnstrenge = tīenstrenge

tinterg == tintreg

tinterðegn = tintregðegn

tintreg (AO; Æ) n., tintrega m. torture, torment, punishment, AO, Lk, W. [‘tintregh’]

tintreganlic = tintreglic

tintregian to torment, afflict, torture, punish, Æ, AO.

tintreglic full of torment, infernal, BH 346^12.

tintregstōw f. place of torment, #Guth# 38^4.

tintregðegn m. torturer, executioner.

tintregung f. torture, punishment, Æ.

tintrian (AO) = tintregian

tio- = teo-

tiol- = tel-, til-

tīr (ȳ) m. (†) fame, glory, honour, ornament: name of the rune for =t=: name of a planet and a god (Mars), #Run# 17.

tīrēadig † glorious, famous.

tīrfæst † glorious, famous.

tīrfruma m. prince of glory, #Cr# 206.

tirgan (e, y) to worry, exasperate, pain, provoke, excite, Gu. [‘tar’]

tīrgīng (y) f. ‘zelus,’ provocation, #BlPs#.

tīrlēas inglorious, infamous, B 843.

tīrmeahtig † of glorious might.

tirð pres. 3 sg. of teran.

tīrwine m. (famous) follower, retainer, #Met# 25^21.

tit, tite = titt

tītelian to indicate by a written mark, entitle, ascribe, Æ. [L. titulus]

tītelung f. ‘recapitulatio,’ a giving of titles or headings, OEG 1153.

titolose ‘tidulosa’ (plant), OEG 56^425.

titt m. ‘teat,’ nipple, breast, Lcd, LkLR.

tittstrycel m. teat, WW 158^44.

tītul m. ‘title,’ superscription, MkL 15^26. [L. titulus]

tīð I. f. assent, permission: giving, grant, boon, favour, concession, Æ, BH (tigð). tīðe fremian to grant. [‘tithe’] II. pres. 3 sg. of tēon I. and II.

tīða m., tīðe f. (only in phr. t. bēon, weorðan) sharer in, receiver, grantee, BH, Mt. [‘tithe’]

±tīðian (often w. g. thing and d. pers.) to give, bestow, grant, permit, Æ, AO, BH. [‘tithe’]

tīðing = tēoðung

+tīung f. preparation, Cp 684#a#.

tīurung = tēorung

Tīw Tiw (northern god of war), Mars: name of the rune for =t=.

tīwesdæg m. ‘Tuesday,’ A; RB.

tīwesniht f. Monday night, #Lcd#.

tō I. prep. α (w. d.) (motion) ‘to,’ into. tō emnes abreast of: (rest) at: (figurative direction, object of verb) conducing to, to. fōn tō rīce to ascend the throne: (definition, destination) for, as a. wyrcan tō wīte to contrive as a punishment: in accordance with, according to: (time) at. tō midre niht at midnight. tō dæg to-day. tō langum fyrste for a long time: (with gerunds) to express purpose, etc. β (w. g.) (of time) at. II. adv. besides, also, Bo: ‘too,’ excessively, Bl, Cr: thereto: towards, in the direction of: in addition, besides. adverbial phrases;--tō ðām (ðǣm), tō ðæs (1) so (adeo), to such an extent. (2) to that end. (3) moreover, however. tō hwæs whither. tō ðām ðæt, tō ðȳ ðæt in order that. tō ðon ðæt until. tō ðæs ðe when, where. tō hwon, tō hwȳ for what, wherefore. tō sōðum truly. tō ðearfe according to what is needed. ðǣr tō ēacan in addition thereto. ne tō wuhte by no means. tō him next or nearest to him.

tō- prefix I. with accent (stress) it has the meaning of adv. tō (as in tōcweðan, tōbringan, tōcuman). [Ger. zu-] II. without accent = asunder (as in tōbrecan). [Ger. zer-]

tōætȳcan (ē^3) to add to, increase, BH 112^1. [ēac]

tōætȳcnes f. increase, BH 2·242.

tōāmearcian to mark out, assign, #Sc# 29^5.

tōāspanan^7 to entice to one, allure.

tōāwylian to roll to, roll.

tōbǣdan to elevate, exalt.

tōbēatan^7 to beat severely, destroy by beating, AO. [‘tobeat’]

tōbecuman^4 to come to, approach.

tōbefealdan^7 to fold together, WW 343^10.

tōbeflōwan^7 to flow round or up to.

tōbegietan^5 acquire, purchase, EHy 4^16.

tōbelimpan^3 (impers.) it belongs, behoves, #Bl# 49^1.

tōbēotian to threaten, BH.

tōberan^4 to remove, carry off, purloin, Æ, Bl: scatter, dissipate, distract, destroy: swell, CP: separate. [‘tobear’]

tōberennes f. difference, WW 390^27.

tōberstan^3 (intr.) to burst apart, go to pieces, Æ, AO: (tr.) cause to burst apart, shatter, Æ. [‘toburst’]

tōberstung f. bursting, #Lcd# 74a.

tōbīgend bowing down, tottering, WW 386^30.

tōblǣdd v. tōblāwan.

tōblāwan^7 (but with rare wk. pp. tōblǣdd) to blow to pieces, blast, scatter, Æ: puff up, inflate, distend, Æ, Lcd. [‘toblow’]

tōblāwennes f. inflation, Æ.

tōbodian to announce.

tōborstennes f. abscess, #Lcd# 1·322^22.

tōbrǣdan to spread abroad, disperse, scatter, Bo; AO, CP: spread out, extend, Mt; Æ: open, dilate: multiply. [‘tobrede’]

tō-brǣdednes, -brǣdnes f. broadness, breadth, #Ps#.

tōbrecan^4 to break in pieces, break up, shatter, destroy, ruin, wreck, overthrow, annul, Æ, Bo, Lcd; AO, CP: break through, violate, force, Æ, AO: interrupt. [‘tobreak’]

tōbrēdan I. = tōbregdan. II. = tōbrǣdan

tōbregdan^3 tear in pieces, wrench apart, rend, lacerate, AO, MtR: cast off, shake off: turn to, turn about. slǣpe tōb. awake, wake up. [‘tobraid’]

tōbrengnes f. oblation, offering, #EPs# 39^7.

tōbrittian = tōbrȳtan

tōbrocenlic brittle, fragile, W 263^13.

tōbrȳs-an, -ian to bruise, shatter, break to pieces, Mt; Æ. [‘tobruise’]

tōbrȳtan to break in pieces, destroy, Æ: be repentant. [‘tobryt’]

tōbrȳtednes f. contrition, sorrow, #LPs#.

tōbrȳtendlic brittle, fragile, WW 242^12.

tōbryting f. crushing, contrition, #Sc# 82^12.

tōbryttian = tōbrȳtan

tōc pret. 3 sg. of tacan.

tōceorfan^3 to cut, cut to pieces, cut off, cut away, Æ, MkL. [‘tocarve’]

tōcēowan^2 to bite to pieces, chew, eat, Æ. [‘tochew’]

tōch = tōh

tōcime = tōcyme

tōcīnan^1 to split open, cleave asunder, splinter, crack, Cp, Lcd; Æ. [‘tochine’]

tōcirhūs n. lodging-house, inn, WW 147^25.

tōclǣfan to split, cleave, OEG 18b^38.

tōclēofan^2 to cleave asunder, split, divide, Bo; Æ. [‘tocleave’]

tōcleofian = tōclifian

tōcleopian = tōclypian

tōclifian to cleave to, adhere, stick to, #BPs#.

tōclifrian to be torn in pieces, scratched about, Æ.

tōclip- = tōclyp-

tōclypian to call to, invoke.

tōclypigendlic vocative, #ÆGr#.

tōclypung f. calling upon, invocation, Æ.

tōcnāwan^7 to know, acknowledge, recognize, distinguish, discern, Æ, CP.

tōcnāw(en)nes f. understanding, discernment, ÆH 2·362^32; GD 311^11.

tōcnyssan to shake, RB 121^6.

tōcuman^4 to come, arrive, CP.

tōcwæs-cednes (#RPs# 105^30), -tednes (#SPs#) f. trembling, shaking.

tōcweðan^5 forbid, interdict, prohibit, Æ.

tōcwīsan = tōcwȳsan

tōcwylman to torment, HL 12^56.

tōcwȳsan to crush utterly, grind to pieces, bruise, destroy: be crushed, Æ.

tōcwȳsednes f. crushed condition, Æ: contrition, GD 125^11.

tōcyme m. coming, advent, arrival, Æ, Bl, CP. [‘tocome’]

tōcyrcanwerd towards church, ÆL 31^902.

tōcyrran (intr.) to part, separate, #Chr#.

tōdæg, tōdæge adv. to-day, Æ, AO, CP.

tōdǣl = tōdāl

tōdǣlan (ē) tr. and intr. to divide, separate, scatter, disperse, Æ, AO, Bo, Chr, W: dismember, cut off, destroy: distribute, Æ: discriminate, distinguish: be divided. [‘todeal’]

tōdǣledlīce adv. separately, distinctly, diversely, #ÆGr#.

tōdǣlednes f. division: severance, separation: intermission, respite, cessation, Æ.

tōdǣlendlic separable, distinct. adv. -līce.

tōdǣlnes f. division, separation, CP.

tōdāl n. partition, division, separation, Æ: difference, distinction, discretion, Æ: dispersion: ‘comma,’ dividing point, clause, section, period.

tōdēlan (#KGl#) = tōdǣlan

tōdēman to decide, judge, sentence, determine.

tōdihtnian to dispose, arrange, #BlPs# 82^6.

tōdōn anv. to apply, put to, add, #Lcd#: divide, separate, distinguish, Hex, LL: undo, open, unbind, PPs. [‘todo’]

tōdrǣfan to scatter, disperse, separate, drive out or apart, BH, Mt; Æ. [‘todreve’]

tō-drǣfednes (Æ), -drǣfnes f. dispersion, scattering.

tōdrēfan to disturb, bring into confusion, trouble. [drōf]

tōdrēosan^2 to be destroyed, perish, decay, MH. [‘todrese’]

tōdrīfan^1 to scatter, disperse, drive away, B, JnL; Æ: destroy, repel. [‘todrive’]

tōdwǣscan † to put out, extinguish.

tōēacan prep. and adv. besides, moreover, also, Æ, AO, CP.

tōēacen ptc. joined to, added.

tōēcan = tōēacan

tōēcnes = tōīcnes

tōefenes, tōemnes (AO) prep. (d.) alongside.

tōendebyrdnes f. order, series, BH 216^20.

toeð (#VPs#) = tēð

tōēðian to inspire, GD 270^13.

tōfæng = tōfeng

tōfær n. departure, decease, LkL 9^31.

tōfaran^6 intr. to be scattered, disperse, separate, disappear, Gen, Lcd; AO. [‘tofare’]

tōfealdan^7 to come to land (trans. of L. ‘applicare’), #ÆGr# 138^9.

tōfeallan^7 to fall down, collapse, AO: fall apart, fall off, Æ. [‘tofall’]

tōfeng I. (?) m. grip, seizure, #LPs# 123^6. II. pret. 3 sg. of tōfōn.

tōfēran to go in different directions, separate, disperse, Æ: deal out, distribute, Æ.

tōferian to carry different ways, scatter, disperse, get rid of: put off: digest, RB 32^14.

tōfēsian to drive away, rout, W.

tōfindan^3 to find out.

tōflēam m. refuge, #RPs# 93^22.

tō-flēon, -flēogan^2 to be dispersed, fly apart, burst, Lcd. [‘tofly’]

tōflēotan^2 to carry away by a flood, #Chr# 1097.

tōflōwan^7 to flow down or apart, be spilt, melt, Æ, CP: flow away, ebb: flow to, pour in: distract, CP.

tōflōw-(ed)nes, -en(d)nes f. flowing, flux, Æ.

tōfōn^7 to take to, accept, bring back.

tō-foran, -foren, -foron prep. (w. d.) (time and place) before, BH, Chr, G: (superiority) above, over, beyond, Æ, Bo: besides, ÆH 2·584. [‘tofore’]

tōforansettan to place before: come before, anticipate.

tōforlǣtan^7 to dismiss, OEG 605.

tōforlǣtennes f. remission, Æ.

toft m. homestead, site of a house, KC, Lcd; LL 400. [‘toft’]

tōfultumian to help, assist.

tōfyllan to smite in pieces, #PPs# 67^21.

tōfylstan to help, aid.

+tog n. tugging, spasm, #Lcd# 1·356^3.

tōgædereweard adv. towards one another, AO.

tō-gædre, -gædere, -gadere adv. ‘together,’ An, BC, Mt. tōg. gān, fōn, cuman to engage in battle, #Chr#. [gaderian]

tōgægnes = tōgegnes, tōgēanes

tōgǣlan to profane, defile, #LPs# 88^32.

tōgǣnan to say, affirm, #LPs# 93^4.

tōgān I. anv. pret. 3 sg. tōēode to go to or into: (impers. w. g.) come to pass, happen: separate, part, depart, Æ. [‘togo’] II. (#Lcd# 1·364) = tōgang

tōgang m. approach, access, attack.

tōgangan^7 to go away, pass away, BH, Rd. [‘togang’]

tōgēan prep. w. d. towards, MkL (-eægn). [‘togains’]

tōgēanes prep. w. d. and a.; adv. in opposition to, against, B, Chr, SPs: towards, to, Æ, Bl. him tōg. to meet him: before, CP: in return, in reply. [‘togains’]

tōgēare adv. in this year, A 8·327^10.

tōgeclifian (eo, y) = tōclifian

tōgeclipian (y^3) to call together, send for.

tōgecorennes f. adoption, DR 29^14.

tōgeēacnian to add to, increase.

tōgeēcan = tōgeīcan

tōgeefnan? to associate with, join oneself to? AS 38^8. [MS. tōgeenan]

tōgefultumian = tōfultumian

tōgegnes (A) = tōgēanes

tōgegrīpan^1 to seize, lay hold of.

tō-gehihtan, -gehyhtan to add to.

tōgehlytto f. fellowship, union, DR 109^15.

tōgeīcan to add to, increase, A 8·306; GD 62^24.

tōgeīcendlic added to, adjectival, adjective, #ÆGr#.

tōgeihtnes f. addition, increment, A 8·302.

tōgeladung f. assembly, MFH 174.

tōgelǣdan to lead to, bring in.

tōgelǣstan to accompany, WW 365^41.

tōgelaðian to invite to, summon to.

tō-gelengian, -gelencgan to join.

tōgelēstan = tōgelǣstan

togen pp. of tēon I. (and occly. II.).

tōgenēalǣcan = tōnēalǣcan

tōgenēdan = tōgenīdan

tōgēnes (A) = tōgēanes

tōgengan to separate, #Gen# 841.

tōgenīdan (ȳ) to compel, force.

tōgēotan^2 to pour away, spill: spread: exhaust.

tōgesamnian to assemble together.

tōgescēadan^7 to expound, interpret.

tōgescofen (CP) pp. of tōscūfan.

tōgesettan to put to, #RPs# 9^39.

tōgetellan to reckon, compute: compare.

tōgetēon^2,1 to draw towards, attract, #BPs#.

togettan impers. to twitch, be spasmodic, #Lcd# 81a. [togian]

tōgeðēodan (īe, ȳ) to adhere, cling to: adjoin, BH 56^30.

tōgewegen applied, BH.

tōgewunod accustomed, AS 23^9.

tōgeȳcan = tōgeīcan

togian to draw, drag, HL 15^308. [‘tow’]

tōgife, tōgifes adv. freely, gratis.

togīnan^1 to be opened, split, gape, yawn. [cp. Ger. gähnen]

tōglīdan^1 to glide away, split, slip, fall asunder, vanish, B, Met. [‘toglide’]

tōgotennes f. pouring out, effusion, shedding, spreading, #Lcd#.

+togu np. traces (of a horse), ÆL 31^973.

togung f. tugging, twitch, spasm, #Lcd#.

tōh ‘tough,’ Cp, Ep: tenacious, sticky, Lcd.

tōhaccian to hack to pieces, Æ (3^186). [‘tohack’]

tōhǣlan to emasculate, weaken, MFH 174.

tōhald = tōheald

tōheald (a, y) adj. and adv. inclined, forward, in advance.

tōhēawan^7 to hew in pieces, Æ, Chr. [‘tohew’]

tōhīgung f. result, effect, DR.

tōhiht = tōhyht

tohl = tōl

tōhladan^6 † to scatter, disperse, destroy (or ? *tōhlacan).

tōhlēotan^2 to divide by lot.

tōhlic tough, tenacious. adv. -līce.

tōhlīdan^1 to split, open, spring apart, burst, gape, break, AO.

tohlīne f. tow-line, WW. [togian]

tōhlocen = tōlocen pp. of tōlūcan.

tōhlystan to listen, CP.

tōhnescian to soften, #Lcd#.

tōhopa m. hope, Bo, PPs; CP. [‘tohope’]

tōhopian to hope, CP.

tōhopung f. faith, trust, ÆL 23^155.

tōhrēosan^2 to fall to pieces, decay, BH, W; ÆL. [‘toreose’]

tōhrēran to break, shake to pieces, destroy.

tōhricod ptc. cut off, dispersed, GPH 398,399.

tōhrȳran to shake in pieces, v. OEG 2261.

+toht n. battle array, battle, #Ma# 104.

tohte † f. fight, conflict, battle, campaign.

tōhwega adv. and sb. somewhat, some, a little.

tōhweorfan^3 to go away, separate, scatter, disperse, #Chr#.

tōhwon adv. wherefore, why: to which (point), to what extent, how far, how long: to which end, for what purpose or reason.

tōhyht m. hope, refuge, consolation.

tōhyld = tōheald

tōīcan (ē, ȳ) to increase, BH 112^1#b#.

tōīcnes (ē^2) f. increase, BH 226^31.

tōiernan^3 to run to, run together: flow away, be dispersed: run hither and thither, wander about.

tōirnan = tōiernan

tol = toll

tōl n. ‘tool,’ instrument, implement, Æ, Bo, LL: weapon, ZDA 9·424.

tōlǣgon pret. pl. of tōlicgan.

tōlǣtan^7 to disperse, relax, release.

tōlætennes f. despondency, #Lcd# 1·262^3.

tolcendlīce adv. wantonly, GPH 401.

tolcettende ‘indruticans,’ v. OEG 1218.

tolcetung f. wanton excitement, OEG.

tōlecgan to disjoin, separate. [Ger. zerlegen]

tōleoðian = tōliðian

tōlēs- = tōlȳs-

tolfrēo ‘toll-free,’ KC 4·209.

tolgetung = tolcetung

tōlic = tōhlic

tōlicgan^5 to lie or extend in different directions, separate, part, divide, AO, BC. [‘tolie’]

tōliðian (eo) to dismember, separate, Æ.

toll mn. impost, ‘toll,’ tribute, Chr, EC, Mt, OEG: passage-money, Æ: rent, Æ: act or right of taking toll, Æ.

tollere m. tax-gatherer, publican, Æ, WW. [‘toller’]

tollsceam-ol, -ul m. seat of custom, treasury, G.

tollscīr f. taxing district, ÆH 2·468^25.

toln f. toll, custom, duty, TC. [‘tolne’]

tolnere m. tax-gatherer, WW. [‘tolner’]

tolsetl n. place of toll or custom, Æ.

tōlūcan^2 to pull apart, dislocate, destroy, BH. [‘tolouk’]

tōlȳsan to dissolve, loosen, relax, Æ: unhinge, separate, break open.

tō-lȳsednes, -lȳsnes f. loosing, dissolution, dispersion, destruction, release, dismissal: desolation, GD: death.

tōlȳsend m. destroyer, WW 220^13.

tōlȳsendlic destructive, #LPs# 119^4.

tōlȳsing (ē) f. loosing, release, redemption: destruction, #Lcd# 3·20 6^20.

tom = tam

tōm adj. w. g. free from, Cr 1211. [‘toom’]

tōmældan to hinder by speech, DD 26. [meldian]

tōmearcian to distinguish, describe, note down, enrol.

tōmearcodnes f. enumeration, census, enrolment, Lk 2^2.

tō-mergen, -merigen (Æ) = tōmorgen

tōmetan^5 to mete out, #LPs# 107^8.

tōmiddes prep. (w. d.) amidst, among, in the midst of, Æ, Jn; AO, CP. adv. into the midst, B, Lcd. [‘tomids’]

tōmorgen adv. to-morrow.

tōn dsmn. of tōh.

tōnama m. other name, surname, Mk; Æ. [‘toname’]

+tōnamian v. +tornamian.

tōnēalǣcan to approach, #Pss#.

tōnemnan to distinguish by name, name, AO.

tōnēolīcan = tōnēalǣcan

tong = tang

tonge = tange [[under “tange”]]

tonian to thunder, #ÆGr# 138^3.

tonice = tunece

tōniman^4 to divide, separate, take apart: take away.

tōnom- = tōnam-

top m. ‘top’ (highest part), WW 143^25: tassel, tuft: top (plaything)? ball? #ApT# 13^13.

toppa m. thread, OEG 23^45.

tor = torr

tōrǣcan (pret. 3 sg. tōrǣhte) to join, put together, OEG 4489.

tōrændan = tōrendan

toranēage = torenīge [[under “torenēage”]]

tōrbegete (o?) hard to get, #Lcd# 43b.

torcht = torht

torct- = torht-

torcul n. wine-press, MtR 21^33. [L.]

torcyrre hard to convert, MH 110^15.

tord n. piece of excrement, dung, filth, #Lcd#.

tordwifel m. dung-beetle, #Lcd#.

toren pp. of teran.

tōrendan (æ) to rend apart, tear in pieces, MkL, PPs. [‘torend’]

toren-ēage, -īg(g)e, -īege blear-eyed, CP.

tōrēosan = tōhrēosan

tōrfian to throw, cast missiles, shoot, stone, Mk; Æ: be tossed, NC 326. [‘torve’]

torfung f. throwing, casting (of stones), AO.

torht I. n. clearness, brightness. II. adj. bright, radiant, beautiful, splendid, noble, illustrious, Ph. [‘torht’]

torhte adv. brightly, clearly: beautifully, splendidly.

torhtian to show, Cp 216#i#.

torhtlic † bright, clear, radiant, glorious. adv. -līce.

torhtmōd † glorious, noble.

torhtnes f. radiance, splendour.

tōrinnan (CP) = tōiernan

torn I. n. anger, indignation: grief, misery, suffering, pain. [Ger. zorn] II. adj. bitter, cruel, grievous.

+tornamian to name besides, surname, LkL 6^14 (= tōnamian, BT)

torncwide † m. offensive speech.

torne † adv. indignantly, insultingly, bitterly, grievously.

torngemōt n. battle, B 1140.

torngenīðla † m. angry opponent.

tornīge = torenīge [[under “torenēage”]]

tornlic sorrowful, grievous, #PPs# 125^5.

tornmōd angry, #Gu# 621.

tornsorg f. sorrow, care, FT 76.

tornword n. offensive expression, #Cr# 172.

tornwracu f. revenge, #Gu# 272.

tornwyrdan to be incensed? AO 54^2.

toroc grub, weevil? WW 224^38 (ES 41·164).

tōroren = tōhroren pp. of tōhrēosan.

torr m. ‘tower,’ watch-tower, CP, MtL; AO: rock, crag, Mdf. [L. turris]

tōryne m. running together, concourse, ES 39·353.

tōrȳpan to scratch, EC 164^18.

tōsǣlan (impers., w. d. pers. and g. thing) to be unsuccessful, fail: lack, want.

tōsamne = tōsomne

tōsāwan^7 to strew, scatter, spread, Æ.

tosca m. frog, toad, DR, #PPs#.

tōscacan = tōsceacan

tōscādan (#KGl#) = tōscēadan

tōscādennes = tōscēadenes

tōscægde v. tōscecgan.

tōscǣnan to break in pieces, break, Æ, JnL, MkLR. [‘toshene’]

tōsceacan^6 (a) to shake in pieces, WW: drive asunder, drive away, shake off, Æ. [‘toshake’]

tōscēacerian to scatter, ÆL 23^24.

tōscēad n. distinguishing, distinction, difference, Æ, CP.

tōscēadan^7 (ā) to part, separate, scatter, divide: set at variance, CP: discern, discriminate, distinguish, decide, Æ, Bo; CP: differ. [‘toshed’]

tōscēadend m. divider, separator, WW 223^34.

tōscēadenes (ā) f. separation: distinction.

tōscecgan (æ) to be separate, differ, BH 160^25n.

tōscelian = tōscylian [[under “tōscyllan”]]

tōscēotan^2 intr. to spring apart, disperse, Æ. [‘toshoot’]

tōscerian (#KGl#) = tōscirian

tōscirian (e, y) to divide, detach, separate, #Gl#.

tōscrīðan^1 to flow apart, disperse.

tōscūfan^2 to push apart, scatter: impel, incite, CP: do away, remove.

tōscyftan to divide, distribute. [sciftan]

tōscyl-lan, -ian (e) tr. and intr. to separate, divide, NC 351.

tōscyrian = tōscirian

tōsēcan to find out, AS 7^13?

tōsendan (tr.) to send to: send apart, send out, disperse: destroy.

tōsēoðan^2 to boil thoroughly, #Lcd#.

tōsetednes f. ‘dispositio’ #EPs# 72^7.

tōsettan ‘disponere,’ #Pss, Bl#.

tōsīgan^1 to wear out, be threadbare, Æ.

tōsittan^5 to be separated, AO.

tōslacian to slacken, relax, loosen, dissolve.

tōslǣfan to cut up, NR 32^2.

tōslēan^6 to strike in pieces, destroy, Æ, AO, Gl: drive away, RB 18^3,4. [‘toslay’]

tōslīfan^1 to split, WW.

tōslītan^1 to tear asunder, rend, wound, break open, open, Æ, CP: interrupt: separate, scatter, destroy, CP: distract: be different, NG.

tōslitnes (y^2) f. laceration: division.

tōslūpan^2 to slip away, be relaxed, fall to pieces, open, dissolve, Æ, CP: melt (with fear): be paralysed. tōslopen relaxed, loose, dissolute.

tōslūping f. dissolving, dissolution, #Sc# 68^8.

tōsmēagan to inquire into, consider, #Bo# 148^5.

tōsnǣdan to cut up, NR 28^5.

tōsnīðan^1 to cut asunder, cut up: cut off, amputate.

tōsōcn f. visiting, NC 326.

tōsōcnes f. pursuit, DR 28^18.

tōsōcnung f. pursuit, DR 81^7.

tōsomne adv. together, Æ, AO, Bl; CP. t. cuman to engage in battle. [‘tosame’]

tōsomnian to collect together, bring together, BH 230^7.

tōsōðan adv. in sooth, in truth.

tōspecan = tōsprecan

tōsprǣc f. speaking to (another), conversation, Æ, CP.

tōsprǣdan to spread out, IM; Æ. [‘tospread’]

tōsprecan^5 to speak to, speak. [[from first edition]]

tōspringan^3 to spring apart, fly asunder, crack, Æ. [‘tospring’]

tōsprytting f. inciting, #Chr# 1101.

tosta = tosca

tōstæncan = tōstencan

tōstandan^6 to be put off, not to occur: stand apart, differ from, be discordant, Æ.

tōstencan (ǣ) to scatter, disperse, drive apart, drag along, Æ, CP: nullify, destroy: perish, #SPs# 829^9.

tō-stencednes (Æ), -stenc(en)nes, f. dispersion, dissolution, destruction.

tōstencend m. prodigal, #Lcd#.

tōsteng- = tōstenc-

tōstician to pierce, AO 128^14.

tōstihtan to order, arrange, #CPs# 111^5.

tōstincan^3 to distinguish by smell, ÆH 2·372.

tōstingan^3 to thrust in, pierce, #Lcd#.

tō-stregdan, -strēdan^3 (and wv.) to scatter, dissipate, disperse, CP: distract: destroy.

tōstrēt (CP) pres. 3 sg. of tōstregdan.

tōsundrian to separate.

tōswāpan^7 † to disperse.

tōswellan^3 to swell out, Æ. [‘toswell’]

tōswengan to drive asunder, destroy. [swingan]

tōsweorcan^3 to obscure, OEG 1737.

tōswīfan^1 intr. to separate, #Met# 11^36.

tōsyndrian to sunder, separate, divide: discriminate.

+tot n. pomp, parade, vainglory, Æ.

tōtalu f. reputation, DR 102^3.

tōtellan to distinguish, #Met# 16^15.

tōtēon^2,1 to draw asunder, pull apart, rend, destroy, AO: take to oneself, claim for oneself, LL (or ? tō prep.).

tōteran^4 to tear in pieces, bite, lacerate, cut out, Æ, AO, CP: destroy: harass (mind).

tōtian to peep out, stick out, CP 105^5. [‘toot’]

tōtihting f. instigation, #Chr# 1094.

tōtorfian to cast about, toss, Mt 14^24.

tōtræglian to pull to pieces, strip, GPH 396^267.

tōtredan^5 to tread to pieces? #Gl#.

totrida m. swing? #Gl#, WW 276^27.

tōtwǣman (ē, ēa) to separate, divide, dis-sever, AO; Æ: break up, break in pieces, dissolve: cause to cease, LL: divorce, #Chr# 958#d#. [‘totweme’]

tōtwǣmednes f. separation, distinction.

tō-twēman, -twēaman = tōtwǣman

tōð m., ds. and nap. tēð, occl. ds. tōðe and nap. tōð(as) ‘tooth,’ Cp, Lcd, LL, MtR, VPs; AO: tusk, WW 397^27. tōðum ontȳnan to utter.

tōðece (æ^2) m. toothache.

tōðenednes f. stretching, distention, OEG 5452.

tōðēnian to attend upon, serve, #Sc# 102^9.

tōðening f. distension, OEG 2^476.

tōðēnung f. administration, CM 1185.

tōðerscan^3 to dash in pieces, #Chr# 1009.

tōðgār m. tooth-pick, #Lcd# 13b.

tōðindan^3 to swell up, inflate, puff up, Æ: be arrogant.

tōðlēas toothless, GPH 394.

tōðmægen n. strength of tusks, #GnC# 20.

tōðrǣstan to crush, destroy, #CPs# 106^16.

tōðreoma = tōðrima

tōðrescan = tōðerscan

tōðrima (eo^2) m. enclosure of teeth, gum.

tōðringan to drive asunder, #Rd# 4^27.

tōðsealf f. tooth salve, #Lcd#.

tōðsticca m. toothpick, WW 219^3.

tōðunden pp. of tōðindan.

tōðundenes f. the state of being puffed up, arrogance, Æ.

tōðundenlic arrogant. adv. -līce.

tōðunian to astonish, WW 346^22.

tōðwærc m. toothache, #Lcd#.

tōðwīnan^1 to disappear, HL 15^200. [dwīnan]

tōðwyrm m. a worm in the teeth, #Lcd# 19a.

tōward = tōweard

tōwælede (NG) pret. sg. of *tōwealwian to roll to.

tōwardes = tōweardes

towcræft m. spinning, HL 10^339.

tōweard I. adj. facing, approaching, impending, BH, Bl, Lcd: future, Æ, Bl, Bo, Mk. II. prep. (w. d., g.) towards, AO, CP. III. adv. towards, forwards. [‘toward,’ ‘towards’]

tōweardes = tōweard II., III.

tōweardlic in the future, Æ. adv. -līce, BH 368^21.

tōweardnes f. future, time to come.

tōweaxan^7 to grow apart, NR 22.

tōweccan to arouse, excite, B 2948.

tōwegan^5 disperse, scatter, #Ph# 184.

tōwendan to overthrow, subvert, destroy, Æ, AO. [‘towend’]

tōweorpan^3 (e, u, y) to cast down, break in pieces, dissipate, blot out, destroy, Æ, Bo, Mt; AO, CP: throw out, CP. [‘towarp’]

tōwerd = tōweard

tōwerpan = tōweorpan

tō-wesnes (CP), -wesenes, -westnes (BH) f. dissolution: separation, discord, dissension.

towettan to associate with, LL (322^31).

towhūs n. tow-house, spinning-house or chamber, WW 186^29.

tō-wiðere, -wiðre prep. (w. d., a.) against: in answer to.

towlic belonging to thread. t. weorc material for spinning, WW.

towmȳderce f. tow-chest? work-box? TC 538^21.

tōword (#VPs#) = tōweard

tōworpednes = tōworpennes

tōworpennes f. subversion, destruction, desolation, Æ, CP: dispersion: casting out, expulsion.

tōwrecan^5 † to drive asunder, scatter, dissipate.

tōwrītan^1 ‘adscribere,’ ‘describere,’ OEG 1065.

tōwritennes f. writing down, description, Æ.

tōwrīðan^1 to twist apart, distort. #ÆGr# 155^15.

towtōl n. spinning implement, LL 455[15,1].

tōwunderlic ‘admirabilis,’ #SPs# 41^4.

tōwurpan (Æ) = tōweorpan

tōwyrd I. f. opportunity, BH 52^21. II. = tōweard

tōwyrpan = tōweorpan

tōwyrpendlic destructible, GPH 394.

tōwyrpnes = tōworpennes

toxa (OEG 1858) = tosca

tōȳcan = tōīcan

tōyrnan = tōiernan

tracter funnel, NC 351. [L. trajectorium]

træd pret. 3 sg., trǣdon pret. pl. of tredan.

træf n., nap. tr(e)afu tent, pavilion: dwelling, building, #An# 844.

træglian to pluck, pull, GPH 398.

trændel = trendel

træppe = treppe

trafu v. træf.

trāg I. † adj. evil, mean, bad. II. f. evil, affliction, #El# 668.

trāge adv. evilly, cruelly, #PPs# 108^20.

-trāglice v. un-t. [[headword spelled “untrāglīce”]]

traht m. text, passage: exposition, treatise, commentary, Æ. [L. tractus]

trahtað m. commentary, WW. [L.]

trahtbōc f. (religious) treatise, commentary, Æ. [trahtian]

traht-ere, -nere (Æ) m. expounder, commentator, expositor.

±traht-ian, -nian (Æ) to treat, comment on, expound, consider. [L. tractare; Ger. trachten]

trahtnung, trahtung f. explanation, exposition, commentary, Æ.

trāisc tragic, BH 154^3.

tramet m. page (of a book), #ÆGr#.

trandende (o^1) precipitous, steep, Cp 805#p#.

trappe = treppe

tratung = trahtung [[under “trahtnung”]]

trē (NG), trēa (#VPs#) = trēow I.

treaflice grievously, #PPs# 102^6.

treafu v. træf.

±trēagian to sew together, mend, OEG.

treaht- = traht-

trēawa = trēowa

±tredan^5 (eo) tr. and intr. to ‘tread,’ step on, trample, B, CP, PPs; AO, Æ: traverse, pass over, enter upon, roam through, B.

treddan to tread on, trample: investigate.

-tredde v. ele-, wīn-t.

treddian † to tread, step, walk.

trede fit to tread on, firm, #Cr# 1166.

tredel m. step, WW 117^6: sole of foot, LL 438[21]. [‘treadle’]

tredend m. treader, WW 197^9.

trēg = trīg

trega m. misfortune, misery, trouble, grief, pain, Gen, Met, RB. [‘tray’]

tregian to trouble, harass, vex: grieve.

+tregian to feel repugnance at, A 2·358.

trehtere = trahtere

trem == trym

tremegan = trymian, trymman [[under “trymian”]]

tremes = trymes

tremm- = trymm-

-tremman v. wið-t.

trendan to turn round, revolve, roll, NC 326.

trendel (æ, y) n. sphere, circle, ring, orb, Æ, Chr, Lcd: circus. [‘trendle’]

trendeled (y^1, y^2) made round, WW 152^5. [v. ‘trindle’]

trendelnes f. circuit, surrounding space, #RPs# 11^9 (u^1).

-trendlian v. ā-t.

trēo == trēow

treodan (#VPs#) = tredan

trēoð = trēowð

trēow I. n. (nap. trēowu, trēow) ‘tree,’ Æ, BH, CP, VPs; Mdf: wood, timber, BH: beam, log, stake, stick, AO, Bl; CP: wood, grove: tree of the cross, cross, Rood. II. f. (ū, ȳ) truth, fidelity, faith, trust, belief: pledge, promise, agreement, treaty: favour, grace, kindness. [Ger. treue]

trēowa (AO, CP) = trūwa

trēowan = trīewan

trēowcynn n. species of tree, Æ.

trēowe I. = trīewe. II. = trēow II.

trēowen (ī, ȳ) of a tree, of wood, wooden, Lcd; Æ. [‘treen’]

trēowfæst true, faithful, MtL, PPs; Æ. [‘truefast’]

+trēowfæstnian to be trusty, MtL p4^12.

trēowfēging f. joining together (of boards), WW 206^34.

trēowfugol m. forest bird, #Gu# 707.

±trēowful faithful, trusty, true. adv. -līce.

+trēowfulnes f. ‘Israel’ (!) #RPs# 21^25; Hy 7^63.

trēowgeðofta † m. faithful comrade.

trēowgeweorc n. wood-work, a structure of timber, BH 272^5.

trēowgewrid n. thicket of trees, #Guth# 20^7.

trēowian = trīewan

±trēowlēas faithless, treacherous, false, CP: unbelieving.

trēowlēasnes f. treachery, faithlessness: unbelief, heresy.

trēowlic true, faithful, trusty. adv. -līce, PPs. [‘truly’]

trēowloga m. pledge-breaker, B 2847.

trēowlufu f. true love, #Cr# 538.

trēownes (ē) f. object of trust, Bo 149^25. [‘trueness’]

trēowrǣden f. state of fidelity, #Gen# 2305.

±trēowsian to plight one’s faith, Chr, LL (ȳ): exculpate oneself. [‘treowse’]

trēowsteall n. grove, plantation, EC, KC.

trēowstede m. grove, WW 149^17.

trēowteru (trēot-) n. tree-tar, resin, WW.

±trēowð (īe, ȳ) f. ‘truth,’ veracity, AO: troth, faith, fidelity, Æ, AO: pledge, covenant, Æ.

trēowðrāg f. time for faithfulness, fidelity, #Rim# 57.

trēowufæst = trēowfæst

trēowwæstm m. produce of trees, #Chr#.

trēowweorðung f. tree-worshipping, LL.

trēowwyrhta (ȳ) m. wood-worker, carpenter, joiner.

trēowwyrm m. cankerworm, caterpillar, #CJVPs# 77^46.

treppan I. to ‘trap,’ KGl. II. to tread.

treppe (a, æ) f. ‘trap,’ snare, WW.

tret (#KGl#) pres. 3 sg. of tredan.

trēu == trēo, trēow

trēw = trēow

trēw- = trēow-, trīew-

tribulian = trifulian

trideð, triedeð = tredeð, tritt pres. 3 sg. of tredan.

trīew- = trēow-

±trīewan (ē, ēo, ī, ȳ) w. d. to believe, trust in, hope, be confident, rely (on), B, Bo, Gen: (refl.) exculpate oneself, LL: (+) persuade, suggest: make true or credible: be faithful (to). [‘trow’]

±trīewe (ē, ēo, ī, ū, ȳ) ‘true’ (‘i-treowe’), faithful, honest, trustworthy, Æ, B, Chr, LL, WW; AO.

trifelung f. grinding, pounding, stamping, WW 423^25.

trifet (#KGl#), trifot (#Gl#) sb. tribute. [L. tributum]

trifulian to break, bruise, stamp. [L. tribulare]

trīg (ē) n. wooden board, ‘tray,’ Lcd.

trilidi = ðrilīði [[form of “ðrilīðe”?]]

trim- = trym-

trimilchi = ðrimeolce

trinda? m., trinde? f. round lump, ball, #Lcd# 139b.

trindhyrst m. circular copse?

tringan^3 press, #APs# 103^33 (? *twingan, BT).

trīo- = trēo-, trēow-

trit, tritt pres. 3 sg. of tredan.

trīw == trēow

trīwe = trīewe

trīwen (WW) = trēowen

trochscip = trogscip

trod n., trodu f. track, trace, B, LL. [‘trod’; tredan]

trog m. hollow vessel, ‘trough,’ tray, BC, Gl, JnL, Lcd: canoe, boat, AO.

trōg (NG) = drōg pret. 3 sg. of dragan.

troghrycg ridge where there is a water-trough? EC 447^20.

trogscip n. a kind of boat, WW.

troh (LWS) == trog

trōh = ðrōh

trondende precipitous, steep, Cp 805#p#.

tropere m. a book containing verses sung at certain festivals before the Introit. [Late L. troparium]

trūa = trūwa, trēowa

±trucian to fail, run short, Æ: deceive, disappoint. [‘troke’]

trūg- = trūw-

trūgon (NG) = drōgon pret. pl. of dragan.

trūht (u?) trout, Æ. [L. tructa]

trum firm, fixed, secure, strong, sound, vigorous, active, Æ, CP.

+trum n. legion, army, host.

truma m. (±) legion, troop, AO; Æ: regular order, array, AO. [‘trume’]

trumian to grow strong, recover health, amend, BH: (+) make strong.

truming f. recovery of strength, #Lcd# 3·210^30.

trumlic firm, durable, substantial, sound, CP: confirming, exhorting. adv. -līce.

trumnað m. confirmation, #Gu# 729.

trumnes f. soundness, health, CP: firmness, strength, stability, Æ: the firmament, heavens: confirmation, support.

trundulnes = trendelnes

trūs m. brushwood (for fuel), KC. [‘trouse’]

trūð m. trumpeter, buffoon, actor, Æ.

trūðhorn m. trumpet, clarion, #Gl#.

trūw = trēow

±trūwa (ēo, ȳ) m. fidelity, faith, confidence, trust, belief: pledge, promise, agreement, covenant: protection.

+trūwe = +trīewe

±trūwian (ēo, ȳ) occl. pret. trūwde to trust, Æ, CP, JnL. [‘trow’]

+trūwung f. prop, stay, confidence, #CPs# 88^19.

+tryccan to confide, trust, JnL 16.

tryddian = treddian

trydeð = tredeð, tritt pres. 3 sg. of tredan.

trym † (e) n. small piece, short length. fōtes t. a foot’s length.

trym- = trum-, trymm-

+trym n. firmament, #PPs# 71^16.

+trymednes (#LPs# 104^16) = +trymnes

try-mes (Mt) mf., -messe f., -messa m. a drachm weight: an English coin. (v. LL 2·683): a Roman coin, ‘tremissis,’ = 3 denarii. [‘thrimsa’]

trymian, trymman (e) to strengthen, fortify, confirm, comfort, exhort, incite, CP, Chr, Gen: set in order, arrange, prepare, array, arm, AO, Bl: become strong: be arrayed: give (hostages). [‘trim’]

-trymig, -trymmig v. un-t.

trymmend m. supporter: one who makes an agreement.

trymmendlic hortatory, encouraging.

±trymmung f. confirmation, strengthening, encouragement, Æ: support, prop: edification, Æ: ordinance: (+) fortress, #KGl# 67^4.

trymnes f. firmness, solidity: firmament, prop, support: (±) confirmation, strengthening, encouragement: (±) exhortation, instruction: (+) arrangement, setting in order. [trumnes]

tryms = trymes

trymð (i) f. strength, support, staff, prop, AS, #LPs#.

tryndel == trendel

trȳw = trēow

trȳw- = trēow-, trīew-

tu = ðu

Tū = Tīw

tū = twā

tua = tuwa

tuā = twā

tube f. trumpet, GPH 391. [L. tuba]

±tūcian to disturb, ill-treat, torment, punish, Æ, Bo, Met: (+) bedeck, #PPs# 44^11. [‘tuck’]

tud? mn., tudu f? shield, OEG 5025 (cp. 747n)

tudder, tuddor = tūdor

tuddorfōster m. nourishment of offspring, WW 219^17.

tuddorful prolific, fruitful, #Gl#.

tuddorspēd f. fertility, #Gen# 2752.

tuddortēonde † begetting issue.

tuddres gs. of tuddor. [[under “tudder”]]

tūdor, tūder n. posterity, offspring, descendant, issue, Æ, CP, Lcd, WW: fruit. [‘tudder’]

tūdorfæst fertile, WW 400^35.

tūdornes f. offspring, OEG 3849 (tydder-).

tugon pret. pl. of tēon.

tui- = twi-

tulge comp. tylg, superl. tylgest strongly, firmly, well.

tumbere m. tumbler, dancer, player, #ÆGr# 35^6.

tumbian to tumble, leap, dance, G. [‘tumb’]

tumbing f. dancing, NC 327.

tūn m. enclosure, garden, field, yard, Chr, Gl, G, Lcd: farm, manor, A, BC, LL: homestead, dwelling, house, mansion, AO, CP: group of houses, village, ‘town,’ Æ, Gl, JnL, v. LL 2·352. [v. Mdf]

tūn-cerse (æ^2) f., -cressa m. garden-cress, nasturtium, Cp, Ep, Lcd. [‘towncress’]

tūncirce f. church in a ‘tūn,’ TC.

tunder = tynder

tunece f. under-garment, tunic, coat, toga, Æ, AO. [L. tunica]

+tunecod clothed in a toga, GPH 393.

tūnesman (LL) = tūnmann. [‘townsman’]

tunge f. (m) ‘tongue,’ Æ, BH, CP, Lcd: speech, language, CP, Mk, RB.

tūngebūr m. inhabitant, resident, #Gl#.

tungel == tungol

tungele? talkative, OEG 56^139.

tūngerēfa m. town-reeve, bailiff, Æ: prætor.

tungeðrum tongue-ligament, Lcd. [v. ‘thrum’]

tungful talkative, #Sc# 81^9.

tungilsinwyrt = tunsingwyrt

tungle ds. of tungol.

tunglen starry, DHy. [tungol]

tunglere m. astrologer, #Gl#.

tungol nm., nap. tunglu, tungol and (late) tunglan luminary, star, planet, constellation, Æ, AO (-gul).

tungolǣ f. astronomy, OEG.

tungolbǣre (e^2) covered with stars, OEG.

tungolcræft m. star-craft, astronomy, Æ.

tungol-cræftiga, -cræftga m. magician, astrologer.

tungolcræftwīse (e^2) f. astronomy, WW 346^2.

tungolgescēad n. astrology, #Gl#.

tungolgim m. (bright) star, #Cr# 1151.

tungolwītega m. star prophet, astrologer, Æ.

tungul = tungol

tungwōd sharp-tongued, #Sc# 223^13.

tūnhōfe f. ground ivy, Lcd 123a. [‘tunhoof’]

tunice = tunece

tūnincel n. small property, small farm, #Gl#.

tuningwyrt = tunsingwyrt

tūnland n. land forming a ‘tūn’ or manor, EC 445^6.

tūnlic rustic, WW 127^15.

tūnmann m. villager, rustic, villein, Æ, WW. [‘townman’]

tūnmelde f. orach (plant), WW 215^33.

tunne f. ‘tun,’ cask, barrel, BC, Cp; Æ.

tunnebotm m. bottom of a cask, drum? WW 123^10.

tūnprēost m. village priest, #Chr# 870#f#.

tūnrǣd m. town council, ÆL 30^297.

tūnscipe m. ‘township,’ population of a village, BH, LL.

tūnscīr f. administration of an estate, stewardship, Lk 16.

tunsingwyrt f. white hellebore, #Lcd#.

tūnsōcn f. ‘villarum jura regalia,’ legal jurisdiction over a village, TC 308^7 (v. LL 2·455).

tūnsteall m. farm-stead, farm yard? KC.

tūnstede m. village, WW 144^26.

tunuce = tunece

tūnweg m. ‘privata via,’ by-road.

tūnyncel = tūnincel

tūr m. ‘tower,’ Chr 1097; DR 176^7.

turf f., gds. tyrf ‘turf,’ sod, soil, Cp, Guth; #Lcd#: greensward, BH, WW.

turfhaga m. grassy plot (or ?= tyrfhaga A 35·141), #El# 830.

turfhlēow n. covering of turf, KC.

turfian = torfian [[headword spelled “tōrfian”]]

turl ladle, Cp 290#t#. [L. trulla]

±turnian to turn, revolve.

turnigendlic revolving.

turning f. rotation, W 253^14.

turtla m., turtle f. turtle-dove, Æ. [L. turtur]

turtur m., turture f. turtle-dove.

tūsc m. ‘tusk,’ grinder, canine tooth.

tuu = tū, twā

Tuu = Tīw

tuwa (Æ, AO, CP), tuwwa (= twiwa) adv. twice.

tūx = tūsc

tūxel, tūxl m. tusk, canine or molar tooth.

twā I. (v. twēgen). II. adv. twice. tū swā lang(e) twice as long.

twa- = twi-, twy-

twaddung? twædding f. adulation, NC 327.

twǣde num. two parts out of three, two-thirds. [twā]

+twǣfan w. g. to separate from, deprive of: hinder: w. a. put an end to.

twǣgen (M) = twēgen

twælf (M) = twelf

twǣm v. twēgen.

±twǣman (ē) to divide into two, separate: cause to cease, adjust, settle. [twā]

twǣmendlīce adv. alternately, separately, OEG 1368.

twǣming f. parting, division, separation, Æ: distinction, Æ.

twǣonung = twēonung

twām v. twēgen.

+twang n. sport, OEG 1517.

twānihte two days old, #Lcd#.

twe- = twi-

twēgen num. nom. m.; nom. f. twā; nom. n. tū, twā; gen. mfn. twēg(e)a, twēgra; dat. twǣm, twām two, AO, CP. tū swā lang twice as long. t. and t., twām and twām in parties of two each.

twēgentig (oe; NG) = twēntig

twelf ‘twelve,’ CP.

twelffeald twelve-fold, Æ.

twelfgylde twelve-fold, LL 3[1].

twelfhund twelve hundred, LL.

twelfhynde adj. belonging to the class whose ‘wergild’ was 1200 shillings, LL.

twelfnihte twelve days old, #Lcd# 3·178^26.

twelfta I. ‘twelfth,’ AO. II. = Twelftadæg

Twelftadæg m. Twelfth day, LL 296[17].

twelfte, twelfthly, in the twelfth place, LL 182[12].

twelftig = hundtwelftig

twelfwintre twelve years old, CP.

twēman = twǣman

twengan to pinch, IM. [‘twinge’]

twēntig ‘twenty,’ Æ, AO.

twēntigfeald twenty-fold, #ÆGr#.

twēntigoða (io^3, o^3, u^3) twentieth.

twēntigwintre twenty years old, W 3^1.

twēo (+ at AS 21^4) m. doubt, ambiguity, Æ, AO, CP.

tweo- = twi-, twy-

twēogan = twēon

twēogende doubting, BH.

twēogendlic doubtful, uncertain, AO. adv. -līce.

tweolf = twelf

twēolic (ī, ȳ) doubtful, ambiguous, equivocal. adv. -līce, AO, CP.

±twēon I. pret. sg. twēode to doubt, hesitate, AO, CP: (impers. w. a. of pers.) seem doubtful. II. (ī, ȳ) m. doubt, #Bo#.

twēonelēoht n. twilight, WW 175^34.

±twēonian (ȳ) (pers. and impersonal) to doubt, be uncertain, hesitate, CP.

twēonigend, twēoniendlic (ī, ȳ) doubtful, expressing doubt, Æ. adv. -līce perhaps.

twēonol (ȳ) doubtful.

twēontig = twēntig

twēonullēoht (WW 175^39) = twēonelēoht

twēonum in phr. ‘be (sǣm, etc.) twēonum,’ between (the seas, etc.).

twēonung (ī, ȳ) f. doubt, scruple, Æ.

+tweosa = +twisa

twēoung = twēonung

tweowa = tuwa

twi, twia = tuwa

twī = twig n.

twi- prefix with meaning two, double (see also twy-). [Ger. zwie-]

twibēte adj. subject to double compensation, LL.

twibill n. (two-edged) axe, Æ.

twibille double-edged, WW 141^27.

twiblēoh twice-dyed, double-dyed, CP.

twibōte (adj. and adv.) = twibēte

twibrowen (y) twice-brewed, #Lcd# 45b.

-twicce (æ) v. angel-t.

twiccen = twicen

twiccere m. one who divided up the food in a monastery, WW 127^33.

twiccian to pluck, gather: catch hold of. [‘tweak’]

twi-cen, -cene, -cyne (y^1) f. junction of roads.

twicere = twiccere

twidæglic (ā, y) lasting two days, BH 350^32.

twidǣl m. double proportion (two-thirds), #Lcd#.

twidǣlan to divide into two: differ, #Sc#.

twidēagod twice dyed, OEG 1060.

-twidig v. lang-t.

twie- = twi-, twy-

twi-ecge, -ecgede two-edged.

twīendlīce doubtingly, #Guth# 70. [twēon]

±twi-feald (Æ), -fald (CP) two-fold, double, ambiguous, Æ, CP.

±twifealdan (y^1, y^2) to double, Æ.

twifealdlic (a) adj. twofold, double. adv. -līce.

twifealdnes f. duplicity, CP (ie).

twifēre accessible by two ways, WW 194^30.

twiferlǣcan (y) to dissociate, #Sc# 68^8.

twifēte (eo, y) two-footed, Æ.

twifeðerede as if with two wings, forked, #ÆGr# 288^11.

twifingre (y) two fingers thick, LL 110[49,3].

twifyldan = twifealdan

twifyrclede two-forked, divided into two, #ÆGr# 288^10 (y^1, e^2).

twifyrede two furrowed, #ÆGr# 288^11.

twig n. ‘twig,’ branch, sprout, shoot, small tree, Æ, CP.

twig- = twi-

twiga = (1) twig; (2) tuwa

twigǣrede cloven, #ÆGr# 288^10 (y).

twīgan = twēogan, twēon

twigea = tuwa

twigedēagod = twidēagod

twigilde (adj. adv. and ? sb.) paying double, liable to a double fine, LL.

twīh num. (acc.) only in phrase ‘mid unc twīh’ between us two, #Gen# 2253. [cp. Goth. tweihnai]

twiheafdede double-headed, #ÆGr# (y).

twiheolor f. balance, Cp 140#b#.

twihinde == twihynde

twi-hīwe (ēo), -hīwede of two colours or shapes.

twihīwian to dissimulate, #Sc# 44^8.

twihlidede having two openings, #ÆGr# 288^6 (y).

twihwēole two-wheeled, #Lcd#.

twihwyrft ‘bilustris,’ OEG 2513.

twihynde I. having ‘wergild’ of 200 shillings. II. a ‘wergild’ of 200 shillings, LL.

twihyndeman m. man of the ‘twihynde’ class, LL 601[87,4].

twiicce = twiecge

twilæpped with two lappets, WW 153^17.

twilafte two-edged, WW 194^35.

twilībrocen woven of threads of two colours? TC 537^23. [twilic]

twilic double, woven of double thread, #Gl#.

twīlic = twēolic

twimylt twice melted, OEG 4462.

twīn I. n. double thread, twist, ‘twine,’ linen-thread, CP: fine linen, (byssus). II. = twēon II.

twinclian to ‘twinkle,’ wink, CP.

twinebbe having two faces, GPH 397^448 (y).

twīnen of linen, OEG.

twing? sb. cluster, #HGl# 496.

twingan v. tringan.

twīnigend- = twēonigend-

twinihte two days old.

±twinn twin, double, two by two.

+twinn m. twin. pl. twins, triplets.

+twinnes (y) f. junction, A 8·331^35.

twīnung = twēonung

twīnwyrm, m. ‘buprestis,’ small insect, WW 122^27.

twio == tweo

twirǣde (io, y) uncertain: disagreeing.

twirǣdnes (y^1, e^2) f. disagreement, discord, sedition, Æ.

+twis having the same parents, #Gl#.

+twisa m. twin, Æ.

twisceatte adv. to the extent of a double payment, LL 84[68,1].

twiscyldig liable to a double penalty, LL 90#h#.

twiseht disunited, discordant, #Sc# 192^13 (y).

twisehtan to disagree, #Lcd# 3·204^24 (y)? ANS 125·56^295.

twisehtnes f. dissension, disagreement, #Sc# 6^12.

twiseltōð with forked teeth? WW 108^15.

twisla m. confluence, junction, KC 5·198^32.

twisled branched, forked.

twislian to fork, divide into two, KC.

twisliht forked, branched, KC.

twislung f. division, partition, #Lcd# 3·436^3.

twisnæcce double-pointed, cloven, #ÆGr# 288^11.

twisnēse double-pointed, cloven, GPH 393^73.

twisprǣc f. double speech, deceit, detraction.

twisprǣce double-tongued, deceitful, detracting, Æ.

twisprǣcnes (y) f. double speech, detraction.

twisprecan to murmur, NG.

twispunnen twice-spun, CP 83^23.

-twist v. candel-, mæst-t.

twistrenge two-stringed, #ÆGr# 288^10.

twitælged double-dyed, #Gl, VPs#.

twi-ðrāwen, -ðrǣwen twice thrown or twisted, twice woven, CP.

twiwa = tuwa

twiwǣg f. pair of scales, WW 194^28.

twiweg m. junction of two roads, WW 177^13.

twi-wintre -winter adj. two years old, Æ.

twiwyrdig ambiguous, AO.

twoelf = twelf

twōgon = ðwōgon pret. pl. of ðwēan.

twuga, twuwa, twuwu = tuwa

twux = tusc [[headword spelled “tūsc”]]

twy- = twi-

twȳ = twēo

twȳgean = twēogan, twēon I.

twȳlic (Æ) = twēolic

twȳn == twēon

twȳnihte = twānihte

twyspēcnes = twisprǣcnes

tȳ pres. 1 sg. of tȳn.

tyccen = ticcen

tycht-, tyct- = tyht-

tȳd I. f. = tīd. II. pp. of tȳn.

tȳd- = tīd-

tydd- = tīd-, tūd-

tȳdde I. pret. 3 sg. of tȳn. II. = tīðde, pret. 3 sg. of tīðian.

tȳde pret. sg. of tȳn.

±tȳdran to bring forth, produce, beget, propagate: be prolific. [tūdor]

tȳdred provided with offspring, #PPs# 143^17.

tȳdrian = (1) tīdrian; (2) tȳdran

tȳdriend m. propagator, WW 238^22.

tȳdrung f. propagation, production. [tūdor]

tȳfrian = tīfrian

tyg- = tig-

tȳg = tēag

tyge (i) m. drawing together, pulling, tug, pull, Æ: leading (water): draught (of water): deduction, inference, statement, Æ [tēag, tīegan]

tygehōcg (ī) m. hook for pulling, LL 455[15].

tygehorn (i) m. cupping-horn, #Lcd# 46a.

tygel m. pulling-rope, rein, Æ, WW. [‘tial’]

tygele f. ‘murenula,’ lamprey? WW.

tygðian = tīðian

tyhhian = teohhian

tȳhst pres. 2 sg. of tēon.

tyht I. (i) m. instruction, training, habit, Bo: going, course, motion, progress, El: region, #Gu# 1255. [‘tight’; tēon] II. m. charge, crime, LL, WW. [tēon II.]

±tyhtan I. (i) (+) to stretch, draw, pull, A: invite, incite, instigate, provoke, talk over, persuade, attract, lead astray, seduce, Æ: (+) teach, train, PPs. [‘tight’; tēon I.] II. to accuse. [tēon II.]

tyhtbysig (i) involved in accusations, of bad reputation, v. LL 2·305.

tyhten f. incitement, excitement, #Gl#. [tēon I.]

tyhtend m. inciter, instigator.

tyhtendlic (i) persuading, hortatory, Æ.

tyhtere (i) m. inciter, enticer, WW.

tyhting (i) f. incitement, impulse, instigation, exhortation, suggestion, instruction, advice, Æ: enticement, allurement, Æ. [‘tihting’]

tyhtle (i) f. accusation, suit, charge, AO. [tēon II.]

tyhtlian (i) to accuse, charge, LL.

tyhtnes (i) f. inward impulse, instinct, conviction, WW.

tȳhð pres. 3 sg. of tēon.

tyl == til

tyldsyle f. tent, WW 187^4. [teld]

tylg, tylgest v. tulge.

-tyllan v. for-t.

tȳm = tēam

tyma = tama

tȳma = tīma

tȳman (Æ) = tīeman

tymb- = timb-

tymp- = timp-

[[Printed on one line: tymb-, tymb- = timb-, timp-]]

±tȳn I. to instruct, teach, Æ, AO. II. (Æ) = tīen

tȳn- = tīen-

±tȳnan I. to hedge in, fence, enclose, shut, BH, LkL, LL, MkL. [‘tine’] II. = tēonan

tyncen n. bladder? AO 72^30.

tynder (e, i, u) f. ‘tinder,’ fuel, Bo, Sc; Æ: cautery. [tyndan] [[under “-tendan”]]

tyndercynn n. combustible, WW.

tyndig = tindig

tyndre, tyndren = tynder

+tȳne n. entrance, court, #PPs# 115^8.

±tynge I. adj. fluent, eloquent. II. adv. (also -līce) courteously, OEG 62853.

+tyngnes (i) f. fluency, eloquence, Æ, CP.

tyntreg = tintreg

tȳr == tīr

tyr- = tir-

-tyran (= ie) v. be-t.

tyrdelu, tyrdlu npl. droppings, small pieces of excrement, Lcd. [‘treddle’]

tȳrende having watery eyes, Lcd 1·72. [‘tear’]

tyrewa = tyrwa

tyrf v. turf.

+tyrfan to strike, afflict, GD 29^9. [torfian] [[headword spelled “tōrfian”]]

tyrfhaga f. hoe, mattock, Ln 17^2.

tȳrgan = tēorian

tȳriāca m. (treacle), sovereign remedy. [L. theriacum; Gk. θηριακός]

tȳrian = tēorian

tyrnan to turn, move round, revolve, Æ. [L. tornare]

tyrngeat n. turnstile, KC 3·405^4.

tyrning (u) f. turning round, rotation, OEG: rotundity, roundness, OEG: crookedness, deceit, OEG 56^86.

tyro = teoru

tyrð pres. 3 sg. of teran.

tyrwa m., tyrwe f. ‘tar,’ resin, Æ. [= teoru]

tyr-wan, -wian (e, i) to harass, vex, LPs. [‘tar’]

tyrwian I. to ‘tar,’ B 295. II. = tyrwan

tysca m. buzzard, WW 259^12.

tyslian to put on, CM 260.

tyslung f. dressing.

tysse f. coarse cloth. [OHG. zussa]

tȳtan to sparkle, shine, DD 45.

tytt = titt

tȳð == tīð

tȳw- = tīw-


ðā I. adv. and conj. then, at that time, Æ, AO, CP: after that time, thereupon, AO, Jul: when, at the time that, whilst, during, AO, B, Bl: there, where, #Chr#: seeing that, inasmuch as, if, when, since, as, because. ðā ðā when. ðā...ðā then...when. ðā hwīle ðe while, whilst, so long as. ðā gīet v. ðāgīet. [‘tho’] II. asf. and nap. of sē. ðā ðe which.

ðaca I. (±) m. roof, covering. II. gp. of ðæc.

±ðaccian to clap, pat, stroke, touch gently, CP, Shr: smack, beat, GD. [‘thack’]

ðacele = ðæcele

ðacian to thatch, LL 454[10].

ðacum dp. of ðæc.

ðadder (JnL 7^35) = ðider

ðæc I. (ea) n. covering, roof of a building, Chr, MtR, PPs: ‘thatch,’ Æ, BH. [‘thack’] II. = ðec pron. (das. of ðu).

ðæccille (N) = ðæcele

ðæce f. = ðæc I.

ðæcele (e) f. torch, lamp, light. [= fæcele]

ðæcen = ðecen

ðæcile = ðæcele

ðæctigile f. roof-tile, Cp 57#i#.

ðæder, ðædres = ðider

ðæderlendisc (MH 178^25n.) = ðiderlēodisc

+ðæf w. g. agreeing to, consenting to.

ðǣf (JnR) = ðēof

ðæfet- = ðafet-

ðæge mnp. pron. they, those, them, Lk, Jn. [‘thaie’]

ðægen == ðegen

ðægn == ðegn

ðǣgon pret. pl. of ðicgan.

ðǣh (N) = ðēah I. and II.

ðæht (N) == ðeaht

ðǣm (ā, ē) dsmn. and dp. of sē pron. be ðǣm, on ðǣm thereon, therein. ēac ðǣm in addition to this, besides this, also, moreover. ǣr ðǣm ðe before. æfter ðǣm after, later, next, after that (fashion). for ðǣm (ðe) therefore, on that account, for that reason, because. on ðǣm ðe in this, in that.

ðǣn = ðegn

ðǣnan to moisten, #Lcd#.

ðæncan = ðencan

ðæncung = ðancung

ðæne = ðone asm. of sē.

ðænnan = ðennan

ðænne = ðonne

ðǣr (ē) adv. and conj. ‘there,’ thither, yonder: where, whither: then: when: though, if, so far as, whilst, provided that: in that respect. ðǣr ðǣr where, wherever. ðǣr...of therefrom. ðǣr wið in regard to that.

ðǣra gp. of sē, sēo, ðæt.

ðǣrābūtan about that place, Æ.

ðǣræfter adv. thereafter, CP.

ðǣræt thereat, BH 282^6.

ðæran to dry, HL 13·103.

ðǣr-big, -bie adv. ‘thereby,’ thus, CP 42, 43^14.

ðǣrbinnan (o^3) adv. therein, Æ, AO.

ðǣrbufan besides that, CP.

ðǣre gdf. of sē.

ðærf = (1) ðearf; (2) ðeorf

ðærf- = ðearf-

ðǣrforan conj. before that, Æ.

ðærh = ðurh

ðǣrin ‘therein,’ wherein, Met.

ðǣrinne (ē) therein, CP. [‘thereinne’]

ðærle = ðearle [[form of “ðearl”?]]

ðǣrmid adv. therewith, Æ, LL.

ðǣrnēhst next to that, LL 280[2,1].

ðærnian to lose? #Chr# 1119 (v. MF 174).

ðǣrof adv. ‘thereof,’ of that, Lcd.

ðǣrofer over or above that, CP. [‘thereover’]

ðǣron adv. therein, Æ, CP: ‘thereon,’ Bl: thereinto, thereof.

ðǣronbūtan = ðǣreābūtan [[headword spelled “ðǣrābūtan”]]

ðǣrongēn adv. on the contrary, W 248^21.

ðǣronuppan adv. thereupon, Æ.

ðǣrrihte, ðærrihtes (ā, ē) adv. thereupon, forthwith, instantly, immediately, straightway, Æ.

ðærsc pret. 3 sg. of ðerscan.

ðærscan (NG) = ðerscan

ðærsc-wald, -wold = ðerscold

ðærst = dærst

ðǣrtō adv. ‘thereto,’ to it, to that place, Æ: besides, Æ, BH: for that purpose, Æ: belonging to, Æ.

ðǣrtōēacan adv. besides, in addition to that, Æ.

ðǣrtōgēanes adv. on the contrary, in opposition thereto, Æ.

ðǣrðǣr adv. wherever, Æ.

ðǣrunder adv. beneath, CP. [‘thereunder’]

ðǣruppan thereon, Æ.

ðǣrūt, ðǣrūte adv. outside, without, AO, CP. [‘thereout’]

ðǣrwið adv. against, in exchange for, Æ: ‘therewith,’ Bo.

ðǣrymbe adv. thereabout, on that point, W 273^1.

ðǣrymbūtan thereabouts.

ðæs I. adv. (gs. of ðæt) afterwards, AO: thence: accordingly, according as, Æ, BH, Bo: therefore, because, CP. ðæs ðe since, after, afterwards; therefore, wherefore, because, that; as, according as; provided; (to express proportion) the. tō ðæs to that point, to that degree. [‘thes’] II. gs. of sē and ðæt.

±ðæslǣcan to agree with, be fitting, suitable, #Gl#.

ðæslic I. adj. suitable, congruous, Æ: harmonious: fair, elegant. II. = ðyllic

ðæslīce adv. opportunely, suitably, aptly, after this manner, similarly, thus.

ðæslicnes f. fitness, convenience, Æ.

ðǣsma m. leaven, yeast, RB 10^18.

ðǣsternes = ðēosternes [[variant of “ðēostornes”?]]

ðæsðe = ðæs ðe v. ðæs.

ðæt I. conj. and adv. ‘that,’ so that, in order that, after that, then, thence. ðæt ðe that. II. nas. of sē, ðæt.

ðætte I. pron. which, that which. II. conj. that, so that, in order that. tō ðon ðætte so that. [ðæt ðe]

+ðafa m. favourer, supporter, helper, CP.

ðafetere, ðafettere m. one who acquiesces in, or condones, what is wrong, CP.

+ðafettan (æ, ea) to consent, EHy 6^27.

±ðafian (ea) to allow, suffer, endure, permit, tolerate, BH, LL; CP: approve, consent to, submit to, AO, CP. [‘i-thave’]

ðaforlic = ðaroflic, ðearflic [[“ðaroflic” redirected to “ðearflic”]]

+ðafsum consenting, agreeing, NG.

+ðafsumnes f. consent, agreement, NG.

±ðafung f. permission, consent, Æ.

ðāg, ðāh pret. 3 sg. of ðicgan, ðēon.

ðage = ðæge

ðāgēn = ðe āgēn who again, #Bl# 167^6.

ðāgīet, ðāgȳt adv. still: yet.

ðāgon pret. pl. of ðicgan.

ðāh == ðēah

ðām = ðǣm

ðamettan to clap (the hands)? #APs# 97^8.

ðan = ðon adv.

ðān I. adj. moist, irrigated, WW. II. n. irrigated land. [ðīnan] III. (LWS) = ðǣm

ðanan = ðanon

ðanc (o) m. thought, reflection, sentiment, idea, An, PPs; Æ: mind, will: grace, mercy, favour, pardon, Gen, PPs: thanks, gratitude, B, Bo, CP, Gen, RB; AO (ðonc), CP: pleasure, satisfaction, CP: reward, recompense, #Gu# 442. Gode ð. thanks (be) to God. Godes ðances through the mercy of God. Drihtnes ðances according to the will of the Lord. mīnes ðances by my favour, of my own will. on ð. willingly, gladly. an ðance acceptable, pleasant, AO. dēofla ðonces in honour of devils, AO. [‘thank’]

+ðanc mn. thought, mind, Lk. [‘i-thank’]

ðances adv. thankfully, gladly: voluntarily, gratis, BC, Bo, Chr. [v. ‘thank’]

ðancful adj. (+) thoughtful, ingenious, clever: ‘thankful,’ Bl: contented, satisfied, BH, WW: pleasing, agreeable, A: energetic, spirited. adv. -līce ‘thankfully,’ ÆL 2·198.

ðanchycgende thoughtful, B 2235.

±ðancian (o) (w. g. thing and d. pers.) to thank, give thanks, Æ, B, Bo, G, Sat; CP: recompense, reward: (w. i.) rejoice. [‘thank’]

+ðancmetian to think over, deliberate, #Gen# 1917. [metgian]

ðanc-metung (o^1, eo^2), -metegung f. deliberation, thought, BH 88^4 (v.l.).

±ðancol thoughtful, mindful: prudent, wise: (+) desirous: (+) suppliant.

ðancolmōd thoughtful, considerate, prudent, wise, attentive.

ðanc-snotor, -snottor † wise, prudent, ingenious.

ðancung f. ‘thanking,’ thanksgiving, Æ, AO, JnL.

ðanc-weorð, -weorðlic (u^2, y^2) thankworthy, acceptable: thankful, grateful: memorable. adv. -līce gladly, willingly, CP.

ðancword n. thanks, #Wid# 137.

ðanc-wurð, -wyrð(e) == ðancweorð

ðand pret. 3 sg. of ðindan.

ðane (#KGl#) = ðone

ðanēcan (o^1) adv. whenever, as often as.

+ðang = +ðanc

ðānian (ǣ) to be or become moist, moisten, WW.

ðanne = ðonne

ðanon (CP), ðanone (o^1, a^2) adv. from that time or place, thence, away, B, Bl, Mt, Jud: whence, from which, of which, CP, PPs. ðanon...ðanon thence...whence: then, thereupon, henceforth: by which, through that. [‘thenne’]

ðanonforð adv. after that, then, thenceforward, W.

ðanonweard adv. departing thence, #Bo# 103^7.

ðanun = ðanon

ðar- = ðear-, ðer-

ðār == ðǣr

ðāra I. = ðǣr. II. gp. of sē, sēo, ðæt.

ðarigend = derigend

[[No independent entry; see “derian” and “deriendlic”.]]

ðas = ðæs gsmn. of sē.

ðās I. afs. and nap. of ðēs. [‘those’] II. nap. of ðāw = ðēow

ðassum (N) = ðissum, dmns. of ðēs.

ðat = ðæt

ðāðā v. ðā.

ðāw I. = ðēaw I. II. = ðēow

+ðāwenian = +ðwǣnan

ðāwian to ‘thaw,’ Lcd 3·274.

ðe I. rel. pron. (when govd. by a prep. the prep. follows) who, which, that. ðe is often associated by attraction with pers. pronouns. ðe ic I. ðe we we. ðe...his whose. sē ðe his he whose. II. conj. when: or. hwǣðer ðe...ðe whether...or. ðe...ðe the...or, either...or: (= ðā) then: (= ðǣr) where, #El# 717: (with comparatives) than. III. art. the (indecl.), #Chr# 963#e# and late. IV. particle added to ðēah, for ðǣm, ðæs, etc., without affecting their meaning [Goth. ðau] V. das. of ðu.

ðē = ðȳ

ðēa (NG) = ðēow

ðeac = ðæc

ðeaca = ðaca

ðēada (#VPs#) = ðēoda gp. of ðēod I.

ðēadōm (DR) = ðēowdōm

ðēaf (NG) = ðēof

ðeafian = ðafian

ðeah pret. 3 sg. of ðicgan.

ðēah I. (ē) conj. and adv. ‘though,’ although, even if, that, however, nevertheless, yet, still, Bl, Bo; CP. ð. ðe although. swā ð. nevertheless, yet. ð. hwæðere v. ðēahhwæðere. II. pret. 3 sg. of ðēon.

ðēah-hwæðere, -hweðre adv. yet, moreover, however, nevertheless, but, Bl, CP. swā ð. yet, nevertheless. [‘thoughwhether’]

ðeaht n. counsel, advice, design, Æ. [ðencan]

+ðeaht fn. thought, consideration, counsel, advice: design, contrivance, scheme, Æ, CP: council, assembly, Æ.

+ðeahta m. adviser, counsellor, WW 99^5.

ðeahte pret. 3 sg. of ðeccan.

+ðeahtend m. counsellor, WW.

+ðeahtendlic deliberative, LL 12.

±ðeahtere m. counsellor, BH.

±ðeahtian to ponder, consider, deliberate upon, take counsel, Æ, CP.

±ðeahtung (æ) f. counsel, consultation.

ðēahðe = ðēah ðe

ðēana adv. nevertheless, yet. swā ð. however.

ðēara = ðāra, gmfp. of ðæt.

ðearf I. (a, e, y) f. need, necessity, want, behoof, B, Lcd; CP. tō ðearfe as is needed, according to what is needed: benefit, profit, advantage, utility, Æ: trouble, hardship, privation, distress, danger: duty, employment. [‘tharf’; ðurfan] II. = ðeorf. III. pres. 3 sg. of ðurfan.

ðearfa (æ, eo) I. m. poor man, pauper, beggar, Æ, CP. II. destitute, poor, needy, Æ.

ðearfan = ðurfan

ðearfednes f. poverty, BH.

ðearf-end, -igend (#Bk#) (o) m. poor man.

ðearfende needy, in want, poor, CP.

ðearfendlic needy, poor, miserable.

ðearfendnes = ðearfednes

ðearfian to starve, be in need, want, #PPs# 71^13. [Ger. darben]

+ðearfian to impose necessity, B 1103.

ðearflēas adj. without cause or need, Æ. adv. -lēase.

ðearflic profitable, useful, convenient, necessary, Æ. adv. -līce.

ðearflicnes f. want, poverty.

ðearl adj. vigorous, strong, severe, strict, harsh, violent, heavy, excessive. adv. ðearle, Æ, CP.

ðearlic severe, cruel, harsh, violent, grievous. adv. -līce, CP.

ðearlmōd † stern, severe, violent, strong, mighty.

ðearlwīs strict, severe, relentless, CP.

ðearlwīslic severe, GD. adv. -līce, CP.

ðearlwīsnes f. severity, strictness, BH, GD.

ðearlwȳs- = ðearlwīs-

ðearm (a) m. gut, entrail, Æ, Gl. [‘tharm’]

ðearm(ge)wind n. windpipe (= windðearm), OET 509 (v. ES 43·332).

ðearmgyrd m. belly-band, girdle, belt, WW 220^1.

ðearsc = ðærsc pret. 3 sg. of ðerscan.

ðearsm (BH 426^24) = ðrosm

ðēat pret. 3 sg. of ðēotan.

ðēatan = ðēotan

ðēater m? theatre, AO 154^2.

ðēatscipe (N) = ðēodscipe

ðēaw I. m. usage, custom, habit, conduct, disposition, AO, B, JnL; CP: (in pl.) virtues, (good) manners, morals, morality, Æ, CP. [‘thew’] II. = ðēow

+ðeawe customary, usual, GD.

ðēawfæst decorous, moral, virtuous, honourable.

ðēawfæstlīce correctly, ÆL 5^222.

ðēawfæstnes f. obedience, discipline, Æ.

ðēawful moral, virtuous, W 250^4.

ðēawian = ðēowian

ðēawlēas ill-mannered, Æ.

ðēawlic customary, Æ: decent, moral, Æ: figurative. adv. -līce.

+ðēawod well-mannered, moral, Æ.

ðēb- (#Gl#) = ðēof-

ðec das. of ðu.

ðeccan (±) to cover, cover over, conceal, B, Gen, Lcd, PPs: (†) swallow up? [‘thatch’]

ðeccbryce m. tile, #HGl# 459^42.

ðeccend m. protector, defender, #PPs# 70.

ðecele = ðæcele

ðecen f. thatch, tile, covering, roof: (fig.) house, Æ. [ðeccan]

ðecest pres. 2 sg, of ðeccan.

ðecgan I. to consume, #Lcd#. II. obl. case of sb? receptacle? (BT) or = ðeccan? (Lieb.), LL 454[10].

+ðēd = +ðēod

ðēde pret. of ðēon (ðȳwan).

ðēf = ðēof

ðēfanðorn, ðefonðorn (#APs# 57^19), ðēfeðorn = ðȳfeðorn

ðēfel = ðȳfel

ðefian to pant, heave, palpitate, #HGl#.

ðeften (#HGl# 461^56) = ðyften

ðēfð = ðīefð

ðegan to serve, #Gu# 140.

ðegen I. = ðegn. II. pp. of ðicgan.

ðegen- = ðegn-, ðēn-

ðegeð 3 p. sg. pres. of ðecgan.

ðegin = ðegn

ðegh (#Gl#) = ðēoh

ðegn (æ) [v. LL 456; 2·680] m. servant, minister, retainer, vassal, follower, disciple, BH, Bl, Bo, G, Gl; AO, CP: freeman, master (as opposed to slave): courtier, noble (official, as distinguished from hereditary), Æ, LL, WW: (†) military attendant, warrior, hero, AO, B. [‘thane’]

ðegn-, v. also ðēn-.

ðegnboren (ðegen-) well-born, LL.

ðegngylde n. legal money value of a thane, W 162^10.

ðegnhyse m. attendant, retainer, WW.

±ðegnian (æ, ēn) (w. d.) to serve, minister, wait on, B, BH, Bl, G; CP: supply another with anything: perform (an office). [‘theine’]

ðegnlagu f. rights, duties or privileges of a thane, LL, W.

ðegnlic noble, brave, loyal, Æ. adv. -lice.

ðegnrǣden f. thaneship, service.

ðegnriht n. rights or privileges of a thane, LL.

ðegnscipe m. thaneship, service, duty: ability, AO: manliness, valour, AO: body of retainers.

ðegnscolu f. band of vassals, WW 371^7.

ðegnsorh f. sorrow for loss of thanes, B 131.

ðegnung == ðēn-ung, -ing

ðegnweorud n. band of followers, #Cr# 751.

ðegnwer m. thane’s ‘wergild,’ LL.

ðego = ðegu

ðēgon = ðǣgon pret. pl. of ðicgan.

-ðegu v. bēah-, wīn-ð. [[under “bēagðegu”]]

ðeh (A) = ðec

ðēh I. = ðēoh I. II. (A, K) = ðēah

ðeht == ðeaht

ðel, ðell n. board, plank, (metal) plate. [Ger. diele]

ðelbrycg f. bridge of planks, Ct.

ðelcræft = ðylcræft

ðellfæsten n. fastness made of planks, ship, ark, #Gen# 1482.

ðellian = ðillian

-ðelu v. buruh-, benc-ð. [‘theal’] [[headword spelled “bencðel”]]

ðēm = ðǣm

ðēn == ðegn

±ðencan I. to ‘think’ (‘i-thenche’), imagine, think of, meditate, reason, consider, Æ, B, Bo, Bl, LL; AO, CP: remember, recollect, CP, RB: intend, purpose, attempt, devise, B, Bl: wish, desire, long for. [ðanc] II. (rarely) = ðyncan

ðencendlic thoughtful, MFH 174.

ðende = ðenden

ðēnde = ðēonde

ðenden conj. and adv. meanwhile, while, as long as, until.

ðene = ðone

ðēnest f. service, entertainment, #Chr# 1054#d#.

ðēnestmann (ēo^1) m. serving-man, retainer, #Chr# 656#e#.

ðēnestre f. servant, handmaiden, OEG 1358.

ðeng = ðegn

ðengel † m. prince, king, lord, ruler.

ðenian = ðennan

ðēnian (Æ, CP) = ðegnian

ðēnigmann = ðēningmann

ðēningfæt n. serving-vessel, RB.

ðēninggāst m. ministering spirit, Æ.

ðēninghūs n. workshop, GPH 394.

ðēningmann m. serving man, Æ, CP.

ðēnisc (religious) service, EC 265?

ðennan (±) to stretch, extend, Lcd (æ), PPs: prostrate: exert oneself: spread the fame of, magnify, OEG. [‘thin’]

ðenning f. stretching, extension, A 11·172.

+ðēnsum obedient, helpful, useful, Æ. [ðegen]

ðēnung (ðegn-) service, ministry, Bl, Bo; CP: (pl.) attendants, retinue: use: church service, mass-book: meal-time, meal, Æ. [‘theining’]

ðēnungbōc f. book for divine service, mass-book, Æ.

ðēnungwerod n. body of serving-men, MH 218^12.

ðēo I. = ðēow m. II. ds. of ðēoh. III. = sēo II. IV. pres. 1 sg. of ðēon.

ðēod f. people, nation, tribe, Chr, Lk; AO, CP; Mdf: region, country, province, Bo: men, war-troop, retainers: (in pl.) Gentiles, Æ, MtR: language. [‘thede’]

+ðēod pp. of +ðēon, ðȳwan.

±ðēodan to join, associate (with), attach or subject oneself to, Æ, CP: (+) engage in: (+) translate. ð. fram separate.

ðēodbealu † n. public calamity.

ðēodbūende † mp. earth-dwellers, human beings.

ðēodcwēn f. queen, empress, #El# 1156.

ðēodcyning m. monarch: (†) God.

ðēode pret. 3 sg. of ðēon.

+ðēode n. speech, language, AO, CP: nation: translation, Æ.

ðēodegsa m. general terror, #Cr# 834.

ðēoden m. chief of a tribe, ruler, prince, king: God, Christ. [ðēod; cp. dryhten from dryht]

ðēodend m. translator, OEG 15^6.

+ðēodendlic copulative, #ÆGr# 259^1.

ðēodengedāl n. separation from one’s lord (through his death), #Gu# 1324.

ðēodenhold † faithful to one’s lord.

ðēodenlēas without a ruler or chief, lordless, B 1103.

ðēoden-māðm (-mādm) m. treasure given by a prince, #Gen# 409.

ðēodenstōl † m. throne.

ðēodeorðe f. inhabited earth, W 240^15.

ðēodfēond m. public enemy, W.

ðēodfruma m. prince, ruler, #Met# 29^94.

ðēodgestrēon n. people’s treasure, great possession, B 44; 1218.

ðēodguma † m. man, warrior.

ðēodhere m. national army, host, #Gen# 2160.

-ðēodig, -ðēodig-lic, -nes v. el-ð.

ðēodisc I. † n. speech, language. II. adj. Gentile, OEG 8^350. [Ger. deutsch]

+ðēodlæcan to adhere, cleave to, #LPs# 24^21.

ðēodland n. inhabited land, district, country, empire: the continent.

ðēodlic national, #ÆGr# 65^6.

+ðēodlic social, intimate.

ðēodlīcetere m. public deceiver, arch-hypocrite, W 54^18.

ðēodloga m. arch-liar, W.

ðēodmægen n. troop, host, #Ex# 342.

±ðēodnes f. (+) joining, suture: conjunction, association: (+) conjugation, #ÆGr#: (+) translation.

±ðēodrǣden f. intercourse, fellowship, Æ.

ðēodsceaða m. public pest, criminal.

ðēodscipe m. I. nation, people, community, population. II. connection, association: discipline, training, teaching, instruction, testimony: learning, erudition, CP: administration, law, authority: conduct.

ðēodstefn m. tribe, nation, #PPs# 83^10.

+ðēodsumnes f. agreement, LkL p8^1.

ðēodðrēa f? m? general distress, B 178.

ðēodwiga m. great warrior, #Pa# 38.

ðēodwita m. learned man: senator, Æ.

ðēodwundor n. great wonder, #Cr# 1155.

ðēof I. (ǣ, ēa) m., criminal, ‘thief,’ robber, G, LL, OET. II. f. theft.

ðēofdenn n. robber’s cave, KC 3·15^28.

ðēofend (only found in pl.?) f. thieving, theft.

ðēofeðorn = ðȳfeðorn

ðēoffeng m. seizure of thieves by an owner on his own land: right to fines payable on conviction for theft? TC (v. BT).

ðēofgild n. payment for theft, LL.

±ðēofian to ‘thieve,’ steal, LL, TC.

ðēofmann m. robber, brigand, AO ÆP.

ðēofsceaða m. robber, v. ANS 129·24n6.

ðēofsceolu = ðēofscolu

ðēofscip n. pirate-ship, #Gl#.

ðēofscolu f. band of robbers, #Bo# 33^10.

ðēofscyldig f. guilty of theft, LL 226´.

ðēofslege m. slaying of a thief, LL 97.

ðēofsliht m. slaying of a thief, LL 104#b#.

ðēofstolen ptc. stolen, LL.

ðēofð = ðīefð

ðēofung f. thieving, NC 327.

ðēofunt (NG) = ðēofend

ðēofwracu f. punishment for theft, LL 174.

ðēoging f. increase, profit: advance, progress.

ðēoh I. (ē) n. (gs. ðēos, ds. ðēo; gp. ðēona) ‘thigh,’ hip, AO, CP, Gl, Lcd, MH. II. imperat. of ðēon.

ðēohece m. pain in the thigh, #Lcd#.

ðēohgelǣte n. thigh-joint, #Lcd#.

ðēohgeweald np. ‘genitalia,’ #Lcd#.

ðēohhweorfa m. knee-cap, #Lcd#.

ðēohscanca m. thigh-bone, #Lcd#, WW.

ðēohseax (æ^2) n. hip-sword, short sword, dirk, WW.

ðēohwræc m. pain in the thigh, #Lcd# 1·354^19.

±ðēon I. (sv^1,3) to thrive, prosper, flourish, grow, increase, ripen, Æ, B, Bl, Lk, Sc: be profitable, to become or be great, excel, CP: lengthen (of days). [‘thee,’ ‘i-thee’] II. (wv.) = ðȳwan. III. (wv.) † to perform, do.

ðēona v. ðēoh.

ðeonan = ðanon

ðēonde pres. ptc. of ðēon I.

ðeonen = ðanon

ðēonest = ðēnest

ðēonȳd = ðēownȳd

ðēor m? inflammation? #Lcd#.

ðēorādl f. inflammation? blistering heat? #Lcd#.

ðeorcung = deorcung

ðēordrenc m. a drink used for inflammation, #Lcd#.

ðeorf (æ, e, o) I. adj. unleavened, Æ, G, WW: fresh? skim? (milk), #Lcd#. II. n. unleavened bread, Æ. [‘tharf’]

ðeorfa = ðearfa

ðeorfdagas mp. days of unleavened bread, A 8·330.

ðeorfhlāf m. loaf of unleavened bread, Æ.

ðeorfling m. unleavened bread, WW.

ðeorfnes f. freedom from leaven, purity, Æ.

ðeorfsymbel n. feast of unleavened bread, Æ.

ðēorgerid n. inflammation? #Lcd# 187a.

ðeorscwold = ðerscold

ðēorwærc m. inflammatory disease? #Lcd# 45b.

ðēorwenn f. inflammatory tumour or blister, carbuncle, #Lcd# 123a.

ðēorwyrm m. inflammatory (parasitic) worm, #Lcd# 45a.

ðēorwyrt f. ploughman’s spikenard, fleabane, #Lcd#.

ðēos I. dem. pron., nom. fem. this. v. ðēs. II. gs. of ðēoh. III. gs. of (ðēo =) ðēow.

ðeossa = ðissa

ðeossum = ðisum

ðēoster == ðēostor

ðēostor, ðēostre (īe, ī, ȳ) dark, gloomy, B, BH: sad, mournful. [‘thester’]

ðēostorcofa † m. dark chamber.

ðēostorful dark, dusky, Æ, Mt (ȳ). [‘thesterfull’]

ðēostorfulnes (ē, ȳ) f. darkness, OEG.

ðēostorlic obscure, dark, Æ (e^2). [‘thesterly’]

ðēostorloca m. tomb, #El# 485.

ðēostornes (ǣ, ī, ȳ) f. darkness, AO, Bo. [‘thesterness’]

ðēostre = ðēostor, ðēostru

ðēostrian to grow dark, become dim, be eclipsed, BH: (±) darken, obscure, Bo, Mt. [‘thester’]

ðēostrig dark, obscure, blinded, GD (ȳ), Mk. [‘thestri’]

ðēostru f. (ī, īe, ȳ), ðēostre n. (often in pl.) darkness, gloom, BH; Æ. [‘thester’]

ðēostrung f. twilight, gloom.

ðeosum = ðissum [[form of “ðēs”]]

+ðēot I. n. howling, #Guth# 48^4. II. pres. 3 sg. of +ðēodan.

ðēotan^2 (ēa, ū) to roar, howl, Æ, Bo, Met: sound forth, resound, murmur, WW. [‘theoten’]

ðēote f. torrent, fountain, cataract, waterfall: conduit, pipe, Æ. [ðēotan]

ðēow I. fm. servant, slave, AO, CP, DR, G. II. adj. servile, Æ, AO, Bo, W. [‘theow’]

ðēowa m. (Æ, CP) = ðēow I.

+ðēowa m. enslaved person, v. MFH 104.

ðēowæt = ðēowot

ðēowan I. = ðēowian. II. = ðȳwan

ðēowatdōm = ðēowotdōm

ðēow-boren, -berde not free-born, born in servitude.

ðēowcnapa m. bondservant, ÆH 2·510^27.

ðēowdōm m. slavery, servitude, service, vassalage, subjection, Æ, AO; CP: divine service. [‘theowdom’]

ðēowdōmhād m. service, BH 480^10.

ðēowe f. female slave, handmaiden, BH, MtL (ī). [‘theow’]

ðēowen, ðēowene = ðēowe

ðēowet (Æ) = ðēowot

ðēowetling m. little servant or slave, Æ.

ðēowhād m. servitude, service, BH.

ðēowian I. (±) (ēa) (w. d.) occl. pret. ðēowde to serve, minister to, be subject to, Bo, Lk, Mt (ē); AO, CP: enslave, give over into slavery, Æ. [‘theow’] II. = ðȳwan I.

ðēowin = ðēowen

ðēowincel (īo) n. little servant, CVHy 3^3.

ðēowlic servile, #ÆGr# 55^1n.

ðēowne as. of ðēowen.

ðēownȳd (e^2) † f. serfdom, slavery.

ðēowot n. service, ministry, servitude, bondage, Æ, AO, CP.

ðēowotdōm m. service, CP.

ðēowotlic of a slave, servile, Æ (wt).

ðēowotling (e^2) m. servant, slave, Æ.

ðēowotscipe (wt) m. service, ÆH 23b^26.

ðēowracian to threaten, menace, #SPs# 102^9.

ðēowracu (Æ) = ðēowwracu

+ðēowrǣden (RB) = ðēodrǣden

ðēowt == ðēowot

ðēowð = ðēofð, ðīefð

ðēowu = ðēowe

ðēowut = ðēowot

ðēowwracu f. commination, threat, threatening, Æ.

ðeox hunting-spear, #HGl# 423.

ðēr == ðǣr

ðerc-, ðercs- = ðersc-

ðeran to rush, Cp 150#j#.

ðercan, ðerccan to ‘thrash,’ ‘thresh,’ beat, WW.

ðerexwold = ðerscold

ðerf = ðeorf

ðerflicnes (#KGl#) = ðearflicnes

ðerh (NG) == ðurh

ðērinne = ðǣrinne

ðērrihte = ðǣrrihte

+ðersc n. thrashing, beating, GD.

±ðerscan^3 (a, æ, ea, i, y) to thresh, ‘thrash,’ beat, strike, CP, DR, Sol, WW.

ðerscel (y) f. flail, WW. [‘threshel’]

ðerscelflōr f. threshing-floor, Mt 3^12.

ðersc-old, -wald, -wold, ðerx(w)old (æ, eo, i, y) m. ‘threshold,’ border, limit, Æ, Bo, WW.

ðes = ðæs

ðēs (e?) m., ðēos f., ðis n. dem. pron. ‘this.’ beforan ðissum, ǣr ðissum before this, formerly.

ðēster- = ðēostor-

ðēstrian = ðēostrian

ðet = ðæt

ðette = ðætte

ðēw- = ðēow-, ðȳw-

ðī = ðȳ

ðīada (#VPs# 134^15) = ðēoda gp. of ðēod.

+ðian = +ðēon

ðicce I. adj. ‘thick,’ viscous, solid, AO, Bo, Lcd, RB: dense, stiff, Bo, CP, Lcd: numerous, abundant, AO: hazy, gloomy, Æ, BH. II. adv. thickly, closely, Bl, Lcd, WW: often, frequently, Gen 684.

ðiccet n. thick bushes, ‘thicket,’ SPs. [ðicce]

ðiccian tr., intr. to thicken, Æ, WW: crowd together, Shr. [‘thick’]

ðiccnes = ðicnes

ðiccol, ðiccul fat, corpulent, WW.

ðicfeald dense, OEG 278.

+ðicfyldan to make dense, #Gl#.

±ðicgan^5 (and wv.) (a, æ, e, ea) to take, receive, accept, Chr, Lcd: partake of, consume, taste, eat, drink, Mk; AO, CP.

ðiclīce thickly, often, continually, frequently, in large numbers, AO.

ðicnes f. ‘thickness,’ density, viscosity, hardness, GD, Lcd, SPs: depth: anything thick or heavy (as clouds or rain), LPs, ZDA: thicket: darkness.

ðīdan = ðyddan

ðider (æ, y) adv. on that side, ‘thither,’ whither, Æ, BH, Bl (y); AO, CP. hider and ð. or. hidres ðidres (ðædres) hither and thither, CP: where, wherever.

ðidergeond thither, Æ.

ðiderinn (y^1, y^2) adv. therein, into that place.

ðidercyme m. a coming hither, NC 327 (late).

ðiderlēodisc to that people, native, MH 178^25.

ðiderweard, ðiderweardes adv. ‘thitherwards,’ thither, Æ, AO, Bo.

ðidres = ðider

ðīed- = ðēod-

ðieder (CP) = ðider

ðīef- = ðēof-

ðīefefeoh n. stolen goods, LL.

ðīefð (ē, ēo, ȳ) f. ‘theft,’ Lcd (ȳ), LL: stolen goods, LL (ðēoft). [ðēof]

+ðiegen = +ðigen

ðīen = ðȳwan

ðīende = ðēonde

ðīenen = ðīnen

ðienga = ðinga, gp. of ðing.

ðīestr- = ðēostr-

ðīf- = ðīef-, ðȳf-

ðigde, ðigede pret. 1, 3 sg. of ðicgan.

ðigen I. f. receiving, taking (of food or drink), eating, Æ: food or drink, Æ. [ðicgan] II. pp. of ðēon I. and ðicgan.

ðigeð pres. 3 sg. of ðicgan.

ðignen = ðīnen

ðīgon pret. pl. of ðēon I.

ðīhsl = ðīsl

ðihtig = ðyhtig

ðīhð pres. 3 sg. of ðēon I.

ðilc = ðyllic

ðile = ðyle

ðilian (e, y) to lay with planks, board over, Æ. [Ger. dielen]

ðilic = ðyllic

ðiling f. boarding, floor: table, GD 97^4.

ðille n. thin board, plank, flooring, #Gl#. [Ger. diele]

ðillian = ðilian

ðillic = ðyllic

ðimiama m. incense, Æ. [L. thymiama]

ðīn I. gs. of ðu. II. adj. pron. ‘thine,’ thy. III. f. = ðigen

ðīnan to grow moist, #Lcd# 13b.

ðinc = ðing

ðincan = (1) ðyncan; (2) ðencan

+ðincðo = +ðyncðo

+ðind n. swelling, #Lcd#.

ðindan^3 to swell, swell up, Æ: (wrongly, through confusion betw. ‘tabescere’ and ‘tumescere’) melt, pass away, #PPs# 111^9; 118^158: be angry.

ðīnen f. maid-servant, handmaid, Æ: midwife, Æ. [ðegn]

ðing n. ‘thing,’ creature, Æ, Lcd: object, property, Æ, Bo, Bl, Lcd: cause, motive, reason, Æ: lawsuit, PPs: event, affair, act, deed, enterprise, Æ, CP, Lcd, MtR: condition, circumstances, Æ: contest, discussion, council, assembly, An, B, Cr, LL: court of justice, v. LL 2·449: point, respect, #Bl#. mid nānum ðingum adv. not at all. for his ðingum for his sake. for ðisum ðingum for this reason. be fullum ðingum abundantly. ǣnige ðinga anyhow, in any way, somehow. raðost ðinga at the earliest. ælces ðinges entirely, in every respect.

ðingan to invite, address? #Gl#.

+ðingan = +ðēon

+ðinge n. meeting, council: agreement, covenant: fate.

ðingemann m. (Danish) mercenary. [[from first edition]]

±ðingere m. advocate, intercessor, mediator, priest, #Gl#, CP.

ðingestre f. female advocate, mediatrix, HL 10^698.

ðinggemearc n. † reckoning of time, allotted time.

ðingian (w. d.) to beg, pray, ask, intercede for, LL, Sat; CP: come to terms, covenant, conciliate, compound with, settle: (refl.) reconcile oneself (with): determine, purpose, design: talk, harangue. [‘thing’]

ðinglēas free (from sin or crime), LL 412.

ðingmann = ðingemann

ðingrǣden f. intercession, pleading, mediation, intervention, Æ.

+ðingsceat m. ransom, CP 339^10.

ðingstede † m. meeting-place, place of assembly.

ðingstōw f. meeting-place, place of council: place where ways meet, village: market.

+ðingðo = +ðyncðo

ðingum adv. (instr. pl. of ðing) purposely.

±ðingung f. advocacy, intercession, mediation, Æ, CP.

ðinn- = ðynn-

ðīnne asm. of ðīn II.

ðīnnen = ðīnen

ðinra = ðynra comp. of ðynne.

ðīnra gp. of ðīn II.

ðint pres. 3 sg. of ðindan.

ðīo = ðēo

ðio- = ðeo-

ðīr f. a female servant, JnLR 18^17. [ON. ðīr]

ðird- (NG) = ðrid-

ðīre = ðīnre gdsf. of ðīn II.

ðirel == ðyrel

ðirl- = ðyrl-

ðirnet = ðyrniht

ðirsceflōr, ðirscelflōr == ðerscelflōr

ðirsceð pres. 3 sg. of ðerscan.

ðirscwald = ðerscold

ðirst = ðurst

ðis v. ðēs.

ðisa = ðissa gp. of ðēs.

ðisan = ðisum dsmn. of ðēs.

ðises gsmn. of ðēs.

ðīsl f., ðīsle f. waggon-pole, pole, shaft. [Ger. deichsel]

ðislic = ðyllic

ðism = dism

ðisne as. of ðēs.

ðison = ðisum dsmn. of ðēs.

ðissa gp., ðisse, ðissere gdsf.; ðisson, ðissum dsmn. and dp. of ðēs.

ðistel m. ‘thistle,’ Gl, WW (y); Mdf.

ðistelgeblǣd n. blister caused by thistle, #Lcd# 162b.

ðisteltwige f. a kind of bird, goldfinch? linnet? #Gl#.

ðīsternes (CP) = ðēostornes

ðīstr- = ðēostr-

ðīstra m. trace, article of harness? WW.

ðisum dsmn. and dp. of ðēs.

ðiðer = ðider

ðīustr- (Cp) = ðēostr-

ðīwan = ðȳwan

ðīwen, ðīwon = ðēowen

ðīwwracu = ðēowwracu

ðīxl (#Gl#) = ðīsl

ðō f. clay, loam, #Gl#. [Ger. ton]

ðocerian, ðocrian to run up and down, WW.

ðoddettan to strike, push, W.

ðoden (ō?) n. whirlwind, high wind, whirlpool, Æ, Cp, CP, Chr. [‘thode’]

ðōdor = ðōðor

ðoft, ðofte f. bench for rowers, WW. [‘thoft’]

+ðofta m. comrade, mate, Æ, AO.

+ðoftian to join, unite, associate (wið), AO.

±ðoftrǣden f. fellowship, Æ.

±ðoftscipe m. companionship.

+ðogen virtuous, excellent. [pp. of ðēon]

ðōh (#Gl#) = tōh

ðōhe f. clay, #Gl# (= ðō).

±ðōht (+ exc. N) mn. process of thinking, ‘thought,’ LL: mind, Gl: a thought, idea, MtR: compassion, ‘viscera,’ LkLR 1^78. [ðencan]

+ðohta = +ðofta

ðōhte pret. 3 sg. of ðencan.

ðōiht clayey, WW 348^11.

ðol m. ‘thole,’ oar-pin, Cp, WW.

ðolebyrde patient, Sc. [‘tholeburde’]

ðolebyrdnes f. endurance, Sc 3^8 (i^2). [‘tholeburdness’]

ðolemōd = ðolmōd

±ðolian to suffer, endure, undergo, An, B, Gen, MkL; AO, CP: allow, KC: persevere, hold out (intr.), survive: (w. g.) to lose, lack, forfeit, be without, dispense with, Æ. [‘thole’]

ðoll = ðol

ðolle f. saucepan, OEG 4115.

ðolmōd I. forbearing, patient, Æ, Sc, OEG. II. m. patience? ÆL 1·16^334#d#. [‘tholemode’]

ðolmōdnes f. forbearance, patience, Æ. [‘tholemodeness’]

ðolo- = ðol(e)-

ðon I. instr. sing. of sē. II. adv. then, now: thence: (in negative clauses, with comparatives) in comparison with: inasmuch as, when. æfter ðon after that. ǣr ðon before that (antequam). nō ðon lange... not long until.... tō ðon to that extent. III. (#VPs#) = ðonne

ðōn = ðǣm

ðonan = ðanon

ðonc = ðanc

ðone asm. of sē the, that.

ðonēcan = ðanēcan

ðonen = ðanon

ðong == ðanc

ðonne (a, æ) adv. and conj. then, AO; CP: therefore, wherefore: yet: while, when: thereafter, henceforth: rather than, Ps: since: although: (with comparatives) ‘than,’ Æ, CP. ðonne...ðonne when...then. ð. hwæðere yet, nevertheless. ð. gȳt as yet, even. ð. ðe since.

ðonon = ðanon

Ðor m. Thor, #Lcd#, W.

ðorf (NG) = ðeorf

ðorfæst useful, NG. [ðearf]

ðorfend == ðearfend

ðorfte pret. 3 sg. of ðurfan.

ðorh (#VPs#) == ðurh

ðorhniht = ðorniht

ðorlēas useless, NG. [ðearf]

ðorn m. ‘thorn,’ thorn-bush, Æ, Bo, G, Gl; CP; Mdf: name of the rune for =ð=, Run.

ðorncynn n. a kind of thorn.

ðorngeblǣd n. blister caused by a thorn, #Lcd# 162b.

ðornian to lose, v. MF 174.

ðornig ‘thorny,’ Æ, WW.

ðorning m. thorny place, BC 1·480^8 (Mdf).

ðornrind f. thorn-bark, #Lcd# 19a.

ðorn-iht, -eht(e) thorny.

ðorof (MtL) = ðeorf

ðorp (ðrop) m. farm: village, Cp, Ep, WW (ro). [‘thorp’]

ðorscen pp. of ðerscan.

ðost m. dung, #Lcd#.

+ðōt = +ðēot

ðoterian to cry, howl, lament, Æ(o^2).

ðoterung f. groaning, wailing, Æ.

ðotor-, ðotr- = ðoter-

ðōð (#Chr# 1135) = ðēah I.

ðōðor, ðōðer m. ball.

ðox = dox

ðrā = ðrēa

+ðracen prepared, decked, Æ.

ðracian to fear, dread, shun, RHy 9^50.

ðracu † f., gs. ðræce pressure, fury, storm, violence: onrush, attack.

±ðræc (usu. +) n. throng, force, violence: equipment, OEG.

ðræcheard brave in battle, #El# 123.

ðræchwīl f. time of misery, #Jul# 554.

ðræcian = ðracian

ðræcrōf keen in fight, #Gen# 2030.

ðræcswald = ðerscold

ðræcwīg m. violent combat, #Ex# 182.

ðræcwudu m. spear, B 1246 (e^1).

ðrǣd (ē) m. ‘thread,’ Bo, Lcd; Æ.

+ðræf n. rebuke, censure, NC 297?

+ðrǣf (on) unanimously.

ðræft n. contentiousness, #Mod# 42.

ðrǣgan † to run.

ðrǣging = ðrēagung

ðrǣl (ēa) m. serf, ‘thrall,’ LL, NG.

ðrǣlriht n. serf’s right, W 158^15.

ðrǣs (ē) fringe, hem, #Gl#.

ðrǣscan = ðrǣstan

ðræsce (Cp) = ðrysce

ðræst = dærst

±ðrǣstan to writhe, twist, press, force, BH: crush, oppress, torment. [v. ‘threst,’ ‘i-thrast’]

+ðrǣstednes f. contrition, GD, WW.

ðrǣstnes f. trouble, pain, grief: (+) contrition.

ðrǣstung f. affliction, torment, CP 317^7.

ðrǣwen = ðrāwen pp. of ðrāwan.

ðrǣwung = ðrēagung

ðræxwold = ðerscold

ðrafian to restrain, reprove, CP: urge, push, press, Æ.

ðrafung f. reproof, correction, CP.

ðrāg f. space of time, time, while, period, season, Gen, Jul: occasion, B, Bl, Bo: evil times: paroxysm. ðrāge for a time, some time, long time. ðrāgum at times, sometimes. ealle ðrāge all the time, continually. [‘throw’]

ðrāgbysig long busy? #Rd# 5^1.

ðrāglic (ðrah-) long-continued, MF (Vesp. D xiv).

ðrāgmǣlum at times, sometimes.

ðrāh == ðrāg

ðrāll = ðrēal, ðrǣl

ðrang pret. 3 sg. of ðringan.

±ðrang n. throng, crowd, tumult.

±ðrāwan^7 to turn, twist, curl, Æ, WW; CP: rack. [‘throw’]

ðrāwingspinl f. crisping-pin, OEG.

ðrāwu (#Gl#) = ðrēa

ðrē = ðrēo

ðrēa I. mfn. threat, menace, abuse, CP: rebuke, castigation: oppression, attack: calamity, throe. [ðrēowan] II. imperat. of ðrēagan.

ðreacs = ðreax

ðrēade pret. 1, 3 sg. of ðrēagan.

±ðrēagan, ðrēawian (ē) to rebuke, chastise, correct, punish, CP, Mt; Æ: threaten, menace: attack, oppress, torture, afflict, vex, harass. [‘threa’]

ðrēagend m. reprover, OEG 5380.

ðrēagung (ǣ, ēaw-) f. threatening, reproof, correction.

ðreahs = ðreax

ðrēal I. f. discipline, correction, punishment, Æ: reproof: threat. II. = ðrǣl

ðrēalic † severe, terrible, calamitous.

ðrēan (Æ) = ðrēagan

ðrēanēd == ðrēanīed

ðrēang = ðrēagung

ðrēanīed † f. affliction, misery, distress, calamity.

ðrēanīedla (ē^2, y^2) † m. affliction, misfortune.

ðrēanīedlic calamitous, #Jul# 128.

ðrēanȳd == ðrēanīed

ðrēapian to reprove, correct, CP 165^17. [‘threap’]

ðrēapung f. reproof, CP 167^14.

ðrēat I. (ēo) m. press, crowd, throng, host, troop, B, El, Mk: oppression, coercion, calamity, Bl, Jul: threatening? Æ. [‘threat’] II. pret. 3 sg. of ðrēotan.

ðrēatend m. violent person, MtL.

ðrēatian to urge, press, force, attack, harass, Æ, Cp, MH, Mt: threaten, PPs: reprove, rebuke, Æ, CP. [‘threat’]

ðrēatmǣlum (ē) adv. in swarms.

ðrēatnes f. affliction, tribulation, NC 327.

ðrēatnian (Æ) = ðrēatian. [‘threaten’]

ðrēatung f. threatening, compulsion, ill-usage, AO: correction, reproof, CP.

ðrēaung = ðrēagung

ðrēaw pret. 3 sg. of ðrēowan.

ðrēawend = ðrōwend

ðrēaweorc n. misery, #Gen# 737. [OS.]

ðrēawian = ðrēagian [[headword spelled “ðrēagan”]]

ðrēawung = ðrēagung

ðreax (e) rottenness, rubbish, refuse, #Bas# 48^20; ÆL 35^150. [ON. ðrekkr; v. ES 43·332]

ðrec == ðræc

ðrece m. oppression, force: weariness. [ðracu]

ðrecswald = ðerscold

ðrēd (Cp) = ðrǣd

+ðrēgan = +ðrēan

ðrēgian = ðrǣgan

ðrehtig = ðrohtig

ðremm == ðrymm

ðrēo v. ðrīe.

ðreo- = ðri-

±ðreodian (y) to think over, deliberate: meditate.

ðreodung f. deliberation, consideration: scruple, hesitation.

ðreohtig = ðrohtig

ðrēohund n. three hundred, Æ.

ðrēohundwintre of the age of three hundred years, Æ.

ðreom v. ðrīe.

ðreoniht f. period of three days, #Pa# 38.

ðrēora v. ðrīe.

ðreosellic = ðrisellic

ðrēostru = ðēostru

ðrēot = ðrēat

ðrēotan^2 to vex, weary, AS 46^2.

ðrēotēoða ‘thirteenth,’ Æ, MH (-tegða), Mt (y^1); AO.

ðrēotīne ‘thirteen,’ BH (e^2), #Men# (y^2).

ðrēotīnegeare thirteen years old, MH 216^16.

ðrēott- = ðrēot-

ðrēow I. pret. 3 sg. of ðrāwan. II. = ðrīe

ðrēowan^2 to suffer, strive for. [ðrea] [[from first edition]]

ðrēowian = ðrōwian

ðreoxwold = ðerscold

ðrep? ‘fornix,’ Ln 34^59 (drep).

ðrepel = ðrypel [[headword spelled “ðrȳpel”]]

ðrerēðre = ðrirēðre

ðrēs = ðrǣs

ðrescan = ðerscan

ðrescold, ðrescwald = ðerscold

ðrēst- = ðrǣst-

ðrēt = (1) ðrēat; (2) ðrǣd

ðrēung = ðrēaung

ðrex = ðreax

ðrex- = ðersc-

ðrī = ðrīe

ðria = ðriwa

ðribeddod (y) three-bedded, having three couches, WW 184^24.

ðriccan = ðryccan

ðridæglic (eo, y) adj. lasting three days, BH 350^32.

ðridǣled (eo, y) tripartite, OEG.

ðridda (y) num. adj. ‘third,’ Bl, Cr, Lcd; AO, CP. ðridde healf two and a half.

ðridung = ðreodung

ðrīe (ī, ȳ) num. nam.; nafn. ðrēo; gmfn. ðrēora; dmfn. ðrim (ðreom) ‘three.’

ðrie- = ðri-

ðrīeste = ðrīste adv. [[under “ðrīst”]]

ðrīetan to weary: force.

ðrifeald threefold.

ðrifealdan to multiply by three, increase threefold. [[from first edition]]

ðrifealdlic threefold, triple. adv. -līce in three ways.

ðrifeoðor = ðrifeðor

ðrifēte ‘three-footed,’ ÆGr.

ðrifeðor triangular, #Gl#.

ðrifingre (v) three fingers broad or thick, LL 110[49,3].

ðriflēre (y) three-storied, ÆH 2·70^17.

ðri-fotede, -fotad ‘three-footed,’ WW (y).

ðrifyldan = ðrifealdan

ðrifyrede three-furrowed, #ÆGr# 288^12n.

ðrig = ðrīe

ðriga = ðriwa

ðrigǣrede three-pronged, #ÆGr# 288^10 (eo).

ðrigēare three years old: space of three years.

ðrigylde I. adj. subject to threefold payment, or compensation, LL. II. adv. LL.

ðrihēafdede ‘three-headed,’ ÆGr 67^11 (y).

ðrihing == ðriðing

ðrihīwede having three forms, #ÆGr# 287^10 (y).

ðrihlidede having three openings, #ÆGr# 288^6 (y).

ðri-hyrne, -hyrnede (eo) three-cornered.

ðrilēfe three-leaved. as sb. = trefoil? wood-sorrel? WW 133^22 (y).

ðrilen (WW 151^34, y), ðrilig, ðrili adj. woven with three threads, Cp, Ln, WW; LV. [‘thrile’]

ðrilic triple, threefold, VHy (y).

ðrilīðe n. year with an extra month (a third, named līða).

ðrim I. = ðrymm. II. v. ðrīe.

ðrim- = ðrym-

ðrimen (y) a third part, #Lcd# 47a.

ðri-meolce, -milce n. May.

ðrims, ðrimse = trymes

ðrindan = ðrintan

ðrinen (y) three-fold.

Ðrines f. Trinity, Æ, BH. [‘threeness,’ ‘thrinness’]

+ðring n. crowd, pressure, commotion, An; ÆL (y). [v. ‘thring’]

±ðringan^3 to press, squeeze, crowd upon, throng, An, Mk, Ph: press forward, rush on, hasten, advance, AO: oppress: (+) pinch (with cold). [‘thring’]

ðrinihte three days old, #Lcd#.

ðrinna three-fold, three times, LL. [‘thrin’]

Ðrinnes (Æ) = Ðrines

ðrintan^3 to swell, #Mod# 24.

ðrīo = ðrēo. v. ðrīe.

ðrīostr- (#KGl#) = ðēostr-

ðrirēðre with three rows of oars. as sb. trireme, AO (īe).

ðrisce = ðrysce

ðriscelflōr = ðerscelflōr

ðriscȳte (ȳ^1) triangular, AO. [scēat]

ðrisellic tripartite, #Nar# 35^29 (eo^1).

ðrislite tripod, three-forked, A 4·151 (ie?).

ðrisnæcce (y^1, e^2) three-forked, #ÆGr# 288^12.

ðrīsnes = ðrīstnes

ðrīst, ðrīste I. adj. daring, rash, bold: audacious, shameless, CP, W. II. adv. boldly, daringly. [‘thriste’; Ger. dreist]

ðrīstelic = ðrīstiglic

ðrīstful presumptuous, A 13·369.

ðrīsthycgende † brave-minded.

ðrīsthȳdig † bold, valorous.

+ðrīstian to dare, presume.

ðrīstiglic rash, bold, daring. adv. -līce.

±ðrīstlǣcan to presume, dare, CP.

ðrīstlǣcnes f. boldness, GD.

+ðrīstlǣcung f. presumption, MF 164.

ðrīstlēasnes f. want of boldness? A 11·101.

ðristlic == ðrīstiglic

ðrīstling m. bold person? (BT), thrush (Mdf), EC 450^15.

ðrīstlong m. very long? (or = ðristling?) BC 3·618.

ðrīstnes f. rashness, boldness.

ðrīstra = ðīstra

ðristrenge (eo, y) three-stringed, #ÆGr# 288^10.

ðrīt (Æ) pres. 3 sg. of ðrīetan.

ðrītig ‘thirty,’ B, Bl; AO, CP.

ðrītigfeald ‘thirtyfold,’ Mt.

ðrītigoða ‘thirtieth,’ ÆGr (tt), BH.

ðrītigwintre thirty years old, Æ.

ðrittēoða = ðrēotēoða

ðrittig == ðrītig

ðrīð == ðrȳð

ðriðing third part of a county, riding, LL (late).

ðriðinggerēfa m. governor or sheriff of a ‘ðriðing,’ LL (late).

ðriwa adv. thrice, Mk, RB; AO. [‘thrie’]

ðriwin-tre, -tra, -ter three years old, WW. [v. ‘thrinter’]

ðroc n. table, Mk 11^15: piece of wood on which the ploughshare is fixed.

ðroehtig = ðrohtig

ðrōh I. ‘rancor,’ #Gl#. II. ‘rancidus,’ OEG.

ðroht † I. m. exertion, labour, endurance, toil, trouble, suffering. II. adj. dire, troublesome, tormenting.

ðrohtheard † strong in enduring: hard to endure.

ðrohtig (e? eo) enduring, persistent, persevering, laborious.

ðrong = ðrang pret. 3 sg. of ðringan.

ðrop = ðorp

ðrosle = ðrostle

ðrosm m. smoke, vapour, Æ.

ðrosmig vaporous, smoky, W 138^26.

ðrostle (ō?) f. ‘throstle,’ thrush, BC, Cp, GD.

ðrota (WW 306^13) = ðrote

ðrotbolla m. gullet, windpipe, larynx, Æ, Gl, LL. [‘throatboll’]

ðrote, ðrotu f. ‘throat,’ Æ, Bo, WW.

ðroten pp. of ðrēotan.

ðrotu (Æ) = ðrote

ðrōung = ðrōwung

ðrowen pp. of ðrēowan.

ðrōwend m. serpent, scorpion, basilisk, Æ.

ðrōwend- = ðrōwiend-

ðrōwere m. sufferer, martyr.

ðrōwerhād, ðrōwethād m. martyrdom, GD.

±ðrōwian (o?) to endure, suffer, die, Æ, B Bl, Bo; AO, CP: pay for, atone for. [‘throw’]

ðrowiendhād (e^2) m. martyrdom, GD 231^8#c#.

ðrōw-iendlic, -igendlic suffering, enduring, passive, Æ. ð. dēað apoplexy.

ðrōwung f. suffering, Æ, CP: passion, martyrdom: painful symptom: anniversary of martyrdom. [‘throwing’]

ðrōwungrǣding f. reading about martyrs, martyrology, CM 286.

ðrōwung-tīd f., -tīma n. time of suffering.

+ðrūen pp. of ðweran.

ðrūh fmn. pipe, trough, Gl, MH: chest: tomb, coffin, Æ, BH. [‘through’]

ðrum = ðrim v. ðrīe.

-ðrum v. tunge-ð. [‘thrum’]

ðrungen pp., ðrungon pret. pl. of ðringan.

-ðrūt v. fisc-ð.

ðrūtigende strutting, bouncing, Æ: threatening, ÆL 10^273.

ðruton pret. pl. of ðrēotan.

ðrūtung anger, pride: threatening, ÆL 7^76.

ðruðhorn = truðhorn [[headword spelled “trūðhorn”]]

ðrȳ = ðrīe, ðrī

±ðryccan pret., ðrycte, ðryhte (tr.) to trample on, crush, oppress, afflict, Bo; CP: (intr.) press, push, Gu. [‘thrutch’]

+ðryccednes f. distress, trouble, MF (Vesp. D xiv).

ðrycnes f. tribulation, affliction, MtR.

ðrydda = ðridda

+ðrȳde pret. 3 sg. of +ðrȳn.

+ðrȳdfullod ‘elatus,’ #RPs# 130^1.

ðrydian = ðreodian

ðrȳdig = ðrȳðig

ðrȳdlīce = ðrȳðlīce

ðrydung = ðreodung

ðrȳh = ðrūh

ðryhte pret. 3 sg. of ðryccan.

ðryl = ðyrl, ðyrel

+ðrȳl n. crowd, multitude, ÆL 23^92. [ðrȳn]

ðrym = (1) ðrymm; (2) ðrim

ðrymcyme m. glorious coming, #Gu# 1230.

ðrymcyning † m. glorious king, king of glory, God.

ðrymdōm m. glory, W 254^14#d#.

ðrymen = ðrimen

ðrymfæst † glorious, illustrious, noble, mighty.

ðrymful † glorious, majestic, peerless.

ðrymilce = ðrimeolce

ðrymlic glorious, magnificent, AO: powerful, mighty. adv. -līce.

ðrymm m. multitude, host, troop, ÆL, Cr: torrent: force, power, might, ability: glory, majesty, splendour, CP. [‘thrum’]

ðrymma m. brave man, hero, #An# 1141.

ðrymme, ðrymmum adv. powerfully, violently.

ðrymrīce n. realm of glory, heaven, #Bl# 105^11.

ðrymsa = trymes

ðrym-seld n., -setl (Æ) n. seat of honour, throne.

ðrymsittende † ptc. sitting in glory, dwelling in heaven.

ðrymwealdend I. adj. all-ruling. II. m. lord of glory.

+ðrȳn to press, bind, v. NC 328.

ðrync (AO 76^34) = drinc, imperat. of drincan.

ðrynen = ðrinen

Ðrynes = Ðrines

ðryng sb. conduit, channel? (= ðring?) WW 198^14.

Ðrynnes (Æ) = Ðrines

ðryosm = ðrosm

ðrȳpel (ē) m. instrument of torture, cross? WW 225^41. [ðrēapian]

ðrȳpelūf ‘eculeus,’ ‘catasta,’ WW 180^13.

+ðryscan to weigh down, afflict, oppress, CP. [ðerscan]

ðrysce (æ, i, y) ‘thrush,’ WW.

ðryscel- = ðerscel-

±ðrysman, +ðrysmian to press, oppress, stifle, AO. [ðrosm]

ðryssce = ðrysce

ðrȳst == ðrīst

ðrȳst- = ðēost-

ðrȳt pres. 3 sg. of ðrēotan.

ðrȳð † f. (often in pl.) might, power, force, strength: majesty, glory, splendour: multitude, troop, host.

ðrȳðærn n. noble house, palace, B 657.

ðrȳðbearn n. strong youth, #An# 494.

ðrȳðbord n. strong shield, #El# 151.

ðrȳðcyning m. king of glory, God, #An# 436.

ðrȳðful † strong, brave.

ðrȳðgesteald ‡ n. splendid dwelling, palace.

ðrȳðig mighty, strong, #Gen# 1986?

ðrȳðlic strong, valiant. adv. -līce(?).

ðrȳðo = ðrȳð

ðrȳðswȳð † n. mighty, powerful, B.

ðrȳðu = ðrȳð

ðrȳðum very, violently.

ðrȳðweorc n. mighty work, #An# 774.

ðrȳðword n. lofty discourse, B 643.

ðu (ū) pron. 2 pers., gs. ðīn, das. ðe, ðec; dual n. git, gīt, g. incer, d. inc, a. incit, inc; np. gē, gīe, gp. ēower, dp. ēow, ap. ēowic, ēow ‘thou.’

ðūf m. tuft: banner, standard, crest. [L. tufa]

+ðūf thriving, luxuriant, WW.

ðūfbǣre leafy, OEG 2222.

ðūfeðistel = ðūðistel

ðūfian to shoot forth, grow luxuriantly, WW 408^2.

ðūfig leafy, WW 408^3.

ðūft m. thicket, WW 408^14.

ðugon pret. pl. of ðēon.

+ðūhsian to make misty, dark, W 137^9.

ðūhte pret. 3 sg. of ðyncan.

+ðuhtsum abundant, MH 138^15.

ðullic = ðyllic

ðūma m. ‘thumb,’ Ep, Lcd, LL.

ðumle sbpl. entrails, Cp 210#u#.

+ðun n. loud noise, #PPs# 45^3.

ðunar = ðunor

ðunden pp. of ðindan.

ðunelic = ðunorlic

ðuner = ðunor

ðuner- = ðun(o)r-

ðung m. a poisonous plant, wolf’s-bane, aconite, nightshade? #Gl#.

+ðungen full grown, thriven: competent, excellent, distinguished, virtuous, ÆL. [pp. of ðēon]

+ðungenlīce adv. virtuously, soberly.

±ðungennes f. growth: goodness, excellence, virtue, perfection.

ðunian to stand out, be prominent: be proud: roar, thunder, crash, groan.

ðunnung = ðūnung [[error for “ðunung”?]]

ðunnur = ðunor

ðunor (e^2, u^2) m., gs. ðun(o)res ‘thunder,’ AO, Cp, Jn, Rd: thunderclap, Lcd: the god Thunder, Thor: ‘Jupiter,’ WW; WW.

ðunor- = ðunr-

ðunorbodu f. sea-bream? WW 180^34.

ðunorclǣfre f. bugle (plant), #Lcd#.

ðunorlic (e^2) thundery, OEG.

ðunorrād f. thunder, thundering, Æ.

ðunorrādlic thundering, #HGl# 451^46.

ðunorrādstefn f. voice of thunder, #PPs# 76^14.

ðunorwyrt f. thunder-wort, houseleek, #Lcd#.

ðunresdæg m. ‘Thursday,’ Æ; LL.

ðunresniht f. the eve of Thursday, Wednesday night.

±ðunrian to ‘thunder,’ Bo, Jn (impers.); PPs (pers.).

ðunring f. thundering, #Chr# 1085.

ðunung f. creaking, noise, din, WW.

ðunur = ðunor

ðunur- = ðun(o)r-

ðun-wang (e, o), -wange (æ, e) f. (n?) temple (of the head), Æ, WW. [‘thunwang’]

Ður = Ðor

ðuren = ðworen pp. of ðweran.

ðuresdæg = ðunresdæg

ðurfan swv. pres. 1, 3 sg. ðearf, pl. ðurfon; pret. sg. ðorfte; subj. pres. ðurfe, ðyrfe to need, be required: must, have occasion to, Gen, LL; CP: want, be needy: be under an obligation, owe. [‘tharf’; ðearf]

ðurg = ðurh prep.

ðurh (e, o) I. prep. (w. d. a. g.) (space) ‘through’ (‘thorough’), G: (time) through, during, PPs: (causal: agent, means, instrument) through, by means of, in consequence of, because of, BH, Bl, G, Gen. ðurh ealle entirely: (manner) in, with, by, in conformity with: for the sake of, in the name of, Sat: (end, aim) with a view to, on behalf of. II. adv. through, throughout, PPs.

ðūrh = ðrūh

ðurhbeorht very bright, transparent, radiant, clear, Æ.

ðurhbiter thoroughly bitter, sour, perverse, #CERPs# 77^8.

ðurhblāwan^7 to inspire, animate, CM 370.

ðurhborian to bore through.

ðurhbrecan^4 to break through, Æ.

ðurhbregdan^3 to draw through, transport.

ðurhbrengan to bring through, #LPs# 77^13.

ðurhbrūcan^2 to enjoy fully, WW 98^1.

ðurhburnen thoroughly burnt, #Lcd# 165b.

ðurhclǣnsian to cleanse thoroughly, MtR 3^12.

ðurhcrēopan^2 to creep through, pass through, #Bo# 93^5.

ðurhdelfan^3 to dig through, pierce, Æ.

ðurhdōn 1. to go through, work through, finish, accomplish. 2. to make to pass through. [[from first edition]]

ðurhdrencan to saturate, #Kl# 17^148.

ðurhdrēogan^2 to work through, accomplish, pass (time), CM.

ðurhdrīfan^1 to drive or push through, strike: pierce, perforate: penetrate, imbue.

ðurhdūfan^2 to dive through, B 1619.

ðurhendian (e^1) to accomplish, perfect, LL 411[2,2].

ðurhetan^5 to eat through, consume.

ðurhfǣre = ðurhfēre

ðurhfæstnian to transfix, JnLR 19^37.

ðurhfaran^6 to pass through, traverse, penetrate, pierce, CP.

ðurhfarennes f. inner chamber, #ASPs# 104^28.

ðurhfēran to pass through, traverse, penetrate, BH. [‘thoroughfare’]

ðurhfēre I. penetrable. II. n. secret chamber.

ðurhflēon^2 to fly through, BH 136^1.

ðurhfōn^7 to penetrate, B 1504.

ðurh-gān anv., pret. -ēode to go through, pass through, penetrate, Æ. [‘throughgo’]

ðurhgangan^7 = ðurhgān

ðurhgedōn = ðurhdōn

ðurhgefeht n. war, Cp 205#p# (o^1).

ðurhgēotan^2 to fill entirely, imbue, saturate, impregnate.

ðurhglēdan to heat through, #Da# 244.

ðurhhǣlan to heal thoroughly, #Lcd#.

ðurhhālig most holy.

ðurhhefig very heavy, GD 104^26.

ðurhholod bored through, OEG 4035.

ðurhhwīt quite white, WW 163^6.

ðurhiernan^3 to run through, traverse, pierce, Æ.

ðurhlǣdan to lead forth, conduct.

ðurelǣran to persuade, #Sc# 38^12.

ðurhlǣred very learned, skilled, WW 118^23.

ðurhlāð very hateful, WW 130^28.

ðurhlēor-an, -ian to penetrate, GD, #JVPs#.

ðurhlōcung f. preface, introduction, WW 172^38.

ðurhrǣsan to rush through, #Rd# 4^36.

ðurhscēotan^2 to shoot through, pierce, Æ, AO.

ðurhscīnan to shine through, be transparent, WW 148^7 (y). [‘throughshine’]

ðurhscīnendlic illustrious, splendid, #LPs# 15^6.

ðurhscrīðan^1 to go through, traverse: examine, consider.

ðurhscyldig very guilty, Æ.

ðurhscȳne = ðurhscīne [[form of “ðurhscīnan”?]]

ðurhsēcan to search through, inquire thoroughly into, Sc 209^3. [‘throughseek’]

ðurhsēon^5 to look through, examine: penetrate, Bo. [‘thoroughsee’]

ðurhslēan^6 to strike or pierce through, Æ: attack, afflict, kill.

ðurhsmēagan to search thoroughly, investigate, think out.

ðurhsmūgan^2 to pierce, bore through, eat through: go through carefully.

ðurhsmyrian to smear, anoint, W 229^3.

ðurhspēdig very rich, ÆH 1·502^8.

ðurhsticcian to transfix, JnL 19^37 (o^1).

ðurhstingan^3 to pierce through, thrust through, prick, Æ, CP.

ðurhstrang very strong, OEG 50^25.

ðurhswimman^3 to swim through, WW 52^1.

ðurhswīðan to prevail, #LPs# 51^9.

ðurhswōgan to penetrate, BH 430^5 (v.l.).

ðurhsȳne limpid, transparent, OEG 23^35.

ðurhtēon^2 to carry or put through: finish, fulfil, carry out, effect, Æ, AO, CP: draw, drag: continue: afford: undergo.

ðurhtogennes f. a religious reading at monastic mealtimes, RBL 118^7.

ðurhtrymman to confirm, JnLR 10^25 (e^1).

ðurhðrāwan to twist through.

ðurh-ðyddan, -ðȳn to pierce, thrust through, Æ.

ðurhðyrel (i^2) pierced through, perforated, LL.

ðurh-ðyrelian (CP), -ðyrlian to pierce, penetrate.

ðurhūt prep. (w. a.) adv. right through, Æ.

ðurhwac-ol, -el, -ul wide-awake, sleepless, Æ.

ðurhwadan^6 to penetrate, go through, bore, pierce.

ðurhwæcendlic very vigilant, ÆL 23b^43.

ðurhwerod quite sweet, very sweet, #Gl#.

ðurhwǣt thoroughly wet, ÆP 172^18.

ðurhwlītan^1 † to look through, see.

ðurhwrecan^5 to thrust through.

ðurhwundian to pierce through, wound badly, LL 82[61,1].

ðurhwunenes f. perseverance, MF 176.

ðurhwunian to abide continuously, remain, continue, settle down, Æ, AO, CP: persevere, hold out, be steadfast, CP.

ðurhwunigendlic constant, continued. adv. -līce.

ðurhwunol perpetual, NC 328.

ðurhwunung f. perseverance, persistency: continued residence.

ðurhyrnan = ðurhiernan

ðurresdæg = ðunresdæg

ðurruc m. small ship? hold of a ship? WW 181^35. [v. ‘thurrock’]

ðurscon pret. pl. of ðerscan.

ðursdæg (Jn) = ðunresdæg

ðurst (y) m. ‘thirst,’ Lcd; Æ, AO, #VPs#.

ðurstig ‘thirsty,’ PPs, Mt (y); Æ: thirsting after, greedy, Bo.

ðuru = duru

ðuruh == ðurh

ðus adv. ‘thus,’ in this way, Bl, Cp, Lk: as follows, Bo, MH, MtR: to this extent (qualifying adjs.), Æ, B, Gl.

ðūsend num. (sbn., always followed by gen.) ‘thousand,’ Bl, Chr, WW; AO, CP.

ðūsend-ealdor, -ealdorman m. captain of a thousand men, v. OEG 4747.

ðūsendfeald ‘thousand-fold,’ Æ, W.

ðūsendgerīm ‡ n. computation by thousands.

ðūsendgetel n. a thousand. #ÆGr# 284^4.

ðūsendhīwe multiform, WW 101^1.

ðūsendlic adj. of a thousand.

ðūsendmǣle? adj. a thousand each, a thousand.

ðūsendmǣlum † adv. in thousands.

ðūsendmann m. captain of a thousand men, Æ.

ðūsendrīca m. chief of a thousand men, WW 110^11.

ðūsent- = ðūsend-

ðuslic = ðyllic

ðuss = ðus

ðūtan = ðēotan

ðūðistel m. sow-thistle, Gl, WW. [‘thow-thistle’]

+ðūxsian (#Dom# 105) = +ðūhsian

ðwā (NG) = ðwēa pres. 1 sg. of ðwēan.

ðwægen pp. of ðwēan.

ðwǣl = ðwēal

ðwǣle? (ē) f. fillet? towel? v. OEG 53^26.

±ðwǣnan to soften, moisten, BH, #Lcd#.

ðwæng = ðwang

ðwær- = ðwer-

±ðwǣre (usu. +) united, concordant, harmonious, Æ: compliant, obedient: agreeable, pleasant, gentle: peaceful: prosperous. adv. -līce.

±ðwǣrian (ē) to agree, consent to: reconcile: suit, fit.

±ðwǣrlǣcan^1 to agree, consent (to), ÆL: suit.

±ðwǣrnes f. concord, peace: gentleness.

ðwagen rare pp. of ðwēan.

ðwāh (A) imperat. of ðwēan.

ðwang mf. ‘thong,’ band, strap, cord, Æ, G, WW: phylactery, MtL (e), R (æ).

ðwār- = ðwǣr-

ðwarm = ðwearm

ðwastrian to whisper, HL 18^381.

ðwāt pret. 3 sg. of ðwītan.

ðwēa pres. 1 sg. of ðwēan.

ðwēal (ǣ, ē) n. washing, bath, laver, CP, JnL 12^3: soap, ES 43·334: ointment. [Goth. ðwahl]

±ðwēan^6 to wash, cleanse, Æ, CP: anoint, MtL 6^17.

ðwearm m? cutting tool, #Gl#.

ðwēhl = ðwēal

ðwēle = ðwǣle

ðwēnan = ðwǣnan

ðweng (NG) = ðwang

ðwēor, ðweorg = ðweorh

+ðweor v. buter-geð.

ðwēora m. perversity, CP 222^8.

ðwēores adv. (gen. of ðweorh) athwart, transversely, obliquely, AO: perversely.

ðweorh I. adj., gmn. ðwēores cross, transverse, bent, crooked: adverse: angry: perverse, depraved, CP. II. n. crookedness, wrong.

ðweorh-fero, -furu, -fyri cross-furrow, #Gl#.

ðweorhtēme = ðwēortīeme

ðweorian = ðweran

±ðwēorian to oppose, thwart, be opposed to.

ðwēorlic perverse, contrary, adverse, Æ: reversed, out of order. adv. -līce. CP.

ðwēornes (ȳ) f. perversity, frowardness, obstinacy, depravity, Æ.

ðwēorscipe m. perversity, CP.

ðwēortīeme (ē^2, ī^2, ȳ^2) contentious, perverse, wicked, CP.

ðweoton (BH 204^32) = ðwiton pret. pl. of ðwītan.

ðwēr, ðwerh = ðweorh

ðweran^4 to stir, churn: (†) beat, forge, render malleable, soften.

ðwihð (ie) pres. 3 sg. of ðwēan.

ðwīnan to decrease, lessen, #Lcd#.

+ðwinglod fastened up? (BT), HL 18^218.

ðwīr = ðweorh

ðwiril m. handle of a churn, whisk, WW 280^31. [ðweran]

+ðwit n. cuttings, BH 204^32 (v.l.). [ðwītan]

ðwītan^1 to cut, ‘whittle,’ cut off, cut out, BH, Lcd. [‘thwite’]

ðwōg, ðwōh pret. 3 sg., ðwogen pp. of ðwēan.

ðwong = ðwang

ðworen pp. of ðweran.

+ðwōrnes = +ðwēornes

ðwurh = ðweorh

ðwyhð pres. 3 sg. of ðwēan.

ðwȳr (Æ), ðwȳr- = ðweorh, ðwēor-

ðwyril = ðwiril

ðwȳrs = ðwēores

ðȳ I. pron. (instr. sing. of sē, ðæt). æfter ðȳ after (that), later. II. conj. and adv. because, since, on that account: therefore, Lcd: then: (with comparatives) the. ðȳ...ðȳ the...the. mid ðȳ while, when. tō ðȳ ðæt for the purpose that, in order that. for ðȳ ðe because. ðȳ lǣs (ðe) lest. [‘thy’]

ðȳan = ðȳn

ðyc- = ðic-

ðȳdæges adv. on the same day.

ðȳdan = ðēodan

ðyddan to strike, stab, CP: thrust, press, Æ. [‘thud’]

+ðȳde good, virtuous. #Cra# 68.

ðyder == ðider

ðȳf == ðēof

ðȳfel m. shrub, bush, copse, thicket, Lcd, LPs, WW; Æ. [‘thyvel’; ðūf]

ðȳfeðorn y? (ē, ēo, ī) m. buckthorn? hawthorn? bramble? Gl (ē, ēo), Lcd (ē), WW. [‘thevethorn’]

ðȳflen? (or ? ryplen) bushy, GPH 399^457.

ðyften f. handmaid, OEG. [‘thuften’]

ðȳfð = ðīefð

ðȳgan = ðȳn

+ðyht pleasing, #Rim# 18.

ðyhtig strong, B 1558.

ðȳhð pres. 3 sg. of ðēon.

ðȳlǣs conj. lest. ðȳ lǣs ðe lest.

ðylc = ðyllic

ðylcræft (e) m. elocution, rhetoric, OEG.

±ðyld (usu +) nf. patience, LkLR. [‘thild’]

±ðyldelic patient. adv. -līce patiently, quietly.

+ðyld-ian, -(i)gian to be patient, bear, endure, CP: give in, agree, OEG 3237.

±ðyldig (usu. +) adj. patient, DR; Æ, CP. [v. ‘thild’]

+ðyldmōd patient, W 72^7.

+ðyldmōdnes f. patience, NC 297.

+ðyldum patiently, steadfastly.

ðyle m. speaker, orator: jester, WW 385^3.

ðylian (Æ) = ðilian

ðyling = ðil(l)ing

+ðyll n. air, breeze, DR 121^18.

ðyllic pron. (such like), such, such a, AO, CP.

+ðyllic ‘densus,’ OEG 5^4 (?= +ðiclic; or +ðȳllic, from ðȳn).

+ðylmēd brought down, abased, #LPs# 19^9.

ðȳmel m. thumb-stall, ‘thimble,’ Lcd.

ðȳmele adj. of the thickness of a thumb, LL 110[49,3].

±ðȳn I. to press, squeeze, thrust, stab: coerce, restrain, oppress. [= ðyddan] II. = ðīn

±ðyncan (i) (impers. w. d.) pret. 3 sg. ðūhte to appear, seem, Bo, CP, El, Cr; AO. mē ðyncð methinks, Bo. him ðūhte it seemed good to him. [Ger. dünken]

±ðyncðo (usu. +) f. dignity, rank, office, Æ (i), CP: meeting, assembly: private arrangement (to defeat justice), LL 112[52].

ðynden = ðenden

±ðyngo progress, promotion, N: propitiation, DR 23^10.

ðynhlǣne wasted, shrunk, WW 446^24.

ðynne (i) ‘thin,’ BH, RB: lean, Lcd, WW: not dense, Æ, BC: fluid, tenuous, BH, Lcd, Met: weak, poor, BH, Lcd.

ðynnes (i) f. lack of density, tenuity, fluidity, Lcd 73b: poverty, feebleness (of sight), Lcd 1·134. [‘thinness’]

±ðynnian (i) to ‘thin,’ make thin, lessen, dilute, Æ, Lcd: become thin, ÆL.

ðynnol (u^2) lean, thin, WW 172^16.

ðynnung, ðynung f. ‘thinning,’ act of making thin, Lcd 98a.

ðynwefen thin woven, WW 439^34.

ðyrel (ȳ?) I. n. hole, opening, aperture, perforation, BH, MtL, Sc, WW. II. adj. pierced, perforated, full of holes, CP. [‘thirl’; durh]

ðyrelhūs n. turner’s workshop, WW 185^31 (ðryl-).

ðyrelian = ðyrlian

ðyrelung f. piercing, CP 153^25.

ðyrelwamb with pierced belly, #Rd# 79^11.

ðyrf == ðearf

ðyrfe subj. pres. sing. of ðurfan.

ðyrl = ðyrel

ðyrlian to perforate, pierce, excavate, Æ (i), WW. [‘thirl’]

-ðyrlic v. samod-ð.

ðyrn == ðorn

ðyrne f. thorn-bush, bramble, Æ; Mdf.

ðyrnen thorny, of thorns, Æ, CP. [‘thornen’]

ðyrnet n. thorn, bramble, thorn-thicket, OEG.

ðyrniht, ðyrnihte thorny, #Lcd#.

ðyrran to dry, render dry, #Rd# 29^4.

ðyrre withered: dry. [Ger. dürr]

ðyrs m. giant, demon, wizard, B, Cp; Mdf. [‘thurse’]

ðyrscel == ðerscel

ðyrscð pres. 3 sg. of ðerscan.

ðyrscwold = ðerscold

ðyrst = ðurst

+ðyrst thirsty, MH 170^6.

ðyrstan (pers. and impers.) to ‘thirst,’ thirst after, G, Lcd, Sc; AO, CP. [ðurst]

+ðȳrstgian = +ðrīstian

ðȳs instr. smn. of ðēs.

ðys- = ðis-

ðyslic = ðyllic

-ðyssa v. brim-ð.

ðȳster == ðēostor

ðȳstr- = ðēostr-

ðȳt, ðȳtt pres. 3 sg. of ðēotan.

-ðȳtan v. ā-ð. [OHG. dōzōn]

ðȳðel (#LPs# 79^11) = ðȳfel

ðyðer = ðider

ðȳw- = ðēow-

±ðȳwan to press, impress, Æ: stab, pierce: crush, push, oppress, check: threaten.

+ðȳwe = +ðēawe [[headword spelled “ðeawe”]]

ðȳwð = ðīefð

ðȳwung f. threat, threatening, GD 238^15.


uce = wuce

ucu = wucu

ūder n. ‘udder,’ WW 61^16.

udu (N) = wudu

ūf I. m. owl, #Gl#: vulture, #ÆGr# 48^17n. II. m. uvula, WW.

ufa = ufan

ufan (o) adv. from above, Æ, AO, CP: over, above, on high, CP. on u.; u. on ðæt besides. on u. hærfest in late autumn. on u. midne winter after Christmas. [Ger. oben]

ufancumende coming from above.

ufancund from above, supreme, divine, CP.

ufane = ufan

ufanweard adj. (often used w. d. as a prep.) highest, topmost, Æ. ufanweardum above, at the top.

ufemest (superl. of uferra, ufor) highest, uppermost, topmost, Æ. [‘ovemest’]

ufen == ufan

ufenan, ufenon I. adv. from above, Jn, W. II. prep. over and above, DD. on ufenan upon the top of. [‘ovenon’]

ufera = uferra

±uferian to delay, put off, Æ: (+) raise up, #Bk# 8: extol, honour, Æ. [ufor]

uferra comp. adj. above, higher, upper, BH; CP: outer, Lcd, WW: after (of time), later, future, AO, Lcd; CP. [‘over’]

uferung f. delay, GD 245^8.

ufeweard I. adj. upward, ascending, upper, higher up, Æ, CP: later. II. sb. upper part, outside, Æ.

ufewerd = ufeweard

uffrian = uferian

ufon == ufan

ufor adv. higher, further away, further up, Æ, CP: later, posterior, subsequent.

ufora = uferra

ufur = ufor

uf-weard, -werd = ufeweard

uht = wuht = wiht fn.

ūht, ūhta (Æ) m. twilight, dusk, early morning, dawn. on ūhtan at daybreak. tō ūhtes towards dawn: nocturns.

ūhtantīd = ūhttīd

ūhtantīma m. time of nocturns.

ūhtcearu f. sorrow at dawn, #Wif# 7.

ūhtentīd = ūhttīd

ūhtfloga m. twilight-flier, dragon, B 2760.

ūhtgebed n. morning prayer, matins.

ūhthlem m. crash at dawn, B 2007.

ūhtlic I. morning, matutinal, of matins. II. = ūtlic

ūhtsang m. morning song, matins, Æ: nocturns.

ūhtsanglic nocturnal, used at nocturns, CM 1014.

ūhtsceaða m. twilight foe, B 2271.

ūhttīd f. twilight, early morning, dawn.

ūhtðegnung f. matins, WW 129^33.

ūhtwæcca f. night watch, vigils, RB 40^10.

ūle f. ‘owl,’ Æ, Cp.

ulf (#JnL# 10^12) = wulf

ulmtrēow n. elm tree, WW 138^12. [L. ulmus]

ūma I. m. name of a plant, #Lcd# 103b. II. m. a weaver’s beam, WW.

umb = ymb

umbe = ymbe

umbor † n. infant.

umborwesende † being a child, B.

un- I. negative or pejorative prefix. II. occasionally = on- (prefix expressing reversal of a previous action) as in unbindan.

unābeden neg. ptc. unbidden, Æ.

unābēgendlic = unābȳgendlic

unāberendlic intolerable, unbearable, Æ, CP. adv. -līce, Æ, CP.

unāberiende unbearable, #Lcd# 3·260.

unābēt = ungebēt [[under “ungebēted”]]

unābindendlic indissoluble, #Bo#.

unāblinn n. irrepressible state, unceasing presence, #Guth# 46^10.

unablinnend-e, -lic unceasing, perpetual. adv. -līce, Æ, AO, CP.

unāboht = ungeboht

unābrecendlic inextricable, WW 419^2.

unābȳgendlic (ē) inflexible, WW 421^30.

unācenned unbegotten, ÆH 1·464^34.

unācnycendlic that cannot be untied or loosened, DR 108^10. [cnyccan]

un-ācumendlic (Æ), -ācumenlic unbearable, unattainable, impossible.

unacumenlicnes f. unbearableness, RBL 114^9.

unācwencedlic inextinguishable, unquenchable.

unādrēogendlic unendurable.

unādrūgod undried, not dried, not hardened, CP 383^32.

unādrysn-ende, -en(d)lic unquenchable, NG.

un-ādwǣsced, -ādwǣscendlic, -ādwēscedlic inextinguishable, unquenchable, Æ.

unǣaðe = unēaðe

unǣmta m. want of leisure, work, occupation, hindrance.

unæmtigian to deprive of leisure, AS 36^4.

unærh = unearg

unæsecgenlic (#EPs# 100^6) = unāsēðendlic?

unǣt f. gluttony, Æ.

unætspornen not hindered, GD 60^26.

unæðelboren not of noble birth, low-born, Æ.

unæðele of low birth, plebeian, ignoble, base, CP.

unæðelian (an-) to degrade, debase, #Bo, Met#.

unæðelice adv. ignobly, basely, BH 442^11.

unæðelnes f. ignobility, GD 151^24.

unǣwfæstlīce adv. irreverently: unlawfully.

unǣwisc (ē) ‘pudicus,’ WW 291^25.

unāfæhtendlic (N) = unāfeohtendlic

unāfandod untried, AS 32^7.

unāfeohtendlic (æ^3) what cannot be contended against, inevitable.

unāfīled undefiled, #LPs# 17^31.

unāfūliend = unfūliend

unāfunden undiscovered, Æ: untried.

unā-fylledlic, -fyllendlic that cannot be filled, insatiable, Æ. adv. -līce.

unāga m. one who owns nothing, #PPs# 112^6.

unāgǣledlīce unremittingly, #Bl# 121^5.

unāgān adj. not lapsed, in force, KC.

unāgelȳfed = unālȳfed

unāgen not one’s own or under one’s control, precarious, CP.

unāgifen unpaid, TC 201^23.

unāgunnen without a beginning, ÆH.

unāhefendlic unceasing, continual, MFH 176.

un-ālīef-, -lē(a)f- = unālȳf-

unālogen not false, true, NC 328.

un-ālȳfed (CP), -lȳfe(n)dlic (īe) not allowed, unlawful, illicit. adv. -līce unlawfully, without permission, #Sc#.

unālȳfednes (ē^2) f. what is forbidden, licentiousness, BH.

unālȳsendlic without remission, ÆH 1·500^18.

unāmælt unmelted, #Gl#.

unāmānsumod not excommunicated, in church fellowship, Æ.

unāmeten unmeasured, unbounded, Æ.

unāmetenlic immeasurable, immense, A 2·360.

unāmetgod immeasurable, immense, A 2·361.

unan- = unon-

unandcȳðignes (o^2) f. ignorance, #JVPs# 24^7.

unandergildes = unundergilde

unandett unconfessed, W 71^7.

unandgytful unintelligent, incapable, ignorant, foolish.

unandhēfe (-hoife) insupportable, MtR 23^4.

unandweard not present, absent, Æ.

unandwendlic = unāwende(n)dlic

[[Though the meanings are similar, “unāwendedlic” (under unāwend) and “unāwendendlic” (under unāwendende) are different words.]]

unandwīs unskilful, WW.

unangyttol = unandgytful

unānrǣdnes f. inconstancy, #Bl# 31^34.

unāpīnedlīce adv. with impunity, DR 113^15.

unār f. dishonour, AO.

un-āræfned, -āræfne(n)dlic not permissible, impracticable, Æ: intolerable.

unāreccendlic unexplainable, wonderful, #Sc# 26^15.

unārefnendlic (#VPs#) = unāræfnendlic [[under “unāræfned”]]

unāreht unexplained, #Bo# 77^16.

+unārian to dishonour, AO.

unārīmed adj. unnumbered, countless, innumerable, AO.

unārīmedlic innumerable, immeasurable, AO. adv. -līce, AO.

unārlic dishonourable, dishonest, disgraceful: contrary to what is fitting, unnatural (of a will), WW. adv. -līce dishonourably: unmercifully.

unarodscipe f. remissness, cowardice, CP 149^15.

unārwurðian (eo) to dishonour, Æ.

unārwurðlic dishonourable, NC 328.

unārwyrðnes f. irreverence, indignity, #Sc# 224^1.

unārȳmed = unārīmed

unāsæcgendlic = unāsecgendlic

unāsædd = unāsedd

unāscended unhurt.

unāscruncen not withered, undecayed, DR 24^16.

unāscyrigendlic inseparable, ÆH 1·326^27.

unāscyrod not separated, WW 253^3.

unāsecgende unspeakable, ineffable, BH 264^30.

unāsecgendlic indescribable, unspeakable, ineffable, Æ. adv. -līce.

unāsedd unsatisfied, unsatiated, #Gl#.

unāsēðenlic (#KGl#), -āsēðendlic insatiable.

unāsīwod (ēo) unsewed, without seam, Jn 19^23.

unāsmēagendlic inconceivable, inscrutable, unsearchable, Æ.

unāsolcenlīce diligently, RB 20^19.

un-āsperiendlic (#KGl#), -āsporiendlic (GD) unsearchable.

unāspring-ende, -endlic (GD) unfailing.

unāstīðod not hardened, not firm, CP 383^32.

unāstyr-ed, -od unmoved, GD.

un-āstyriende, -āstyri(g)endlic adj. immovable, firm: motionless, Æ.

unāsundrodlic inseparable, DR.

unāswundenlīce adv. diligently, BH.

unātaladlic (N) = unātellendlic

unāteald uncounted.

unātellendlic (ea) innumerable.

unātemed barbarous, BH.

unātemedlic untameable, wild, fierce, BH 162^28.

unātēoriende indefatigable, OEG.

unātēorigendlic lasting, permanent, unceasing, Æ: indefatigable, unwearied. adv. -līce.

unātēorod unwearied, OEG.

un-ātēriend-, -toriend- = unātēorigend-

unātwēogendlīce = untwēogendlīce

unāðrēotend unwearied, assiduous, persistent, #Cr# 388.

unāðroten unwearied, indefatigable, vigorous, CP 171^9. adv. -līce, CP.

unāwægendlic unshaken, TC 319^9.

unā-wæscen, -waxen unwashed, WW.

unāwemmed, -lic unstained, spotless, N.

unāwemmednes f. incorruption, A 8·330.

unā-wend, -wended(lic) unchangeable, unchanged, inviolate.

unāwendend-e, -lic unchangeable, unceasing. adv. -līce.

unāwerded (oe; = ie) unhurt, N.

unāwīdlod undefined, DR.

unāwriten unwritten, Æ.

un-bældo, -bældu = unbieldo

unbærende = unberende

unbald = unbeald

unbealaful guiltless, innocent, W.

unbeald (a) cowardly, timid, weak, irresolute, distrustful, CP.

unbealu n. innocence, #PPs# 100^2.

unbeboht unsold, AO 18^10.

unbebyriged unburied.

unbecēas incontestable, LL 112[53,1].

unbecrafod unquestioned, not subject to claims, LL 358[72].

unbecweden unbequeathed, TC.

unbeden unbidden, Æ.

unbe-fangenlic, -feonglic (BH 224^19 Ca) unintelligible, incomprehensible, Æ.

unbefliten undisputed, EC 69´.

unbefohten unopposed, unattacked, #Ma# 57.

unbefōndlic incomprehensible, BH 224^19#o#.

unbegān untilled: unadorned.

unbegrīpendlic incomprehensible, #Bl#.

unbegunnen without a beginning, Æ.

unbehēafdod not beheaded, Æ.

unbehēfe not suitable, inconvenient, WW 508^34.

unbehelendlīce adv. openly, without concealment, W 138^3.

unbehelod uncovered, naked, Æ.

unbehrēowsigende unrepenting, Æ.

unbelimp = ungelimp

unbeorhte (y) not brightly, #Bo#.

unberēafigendlic never to be taken away, ÆL 23b^243.

unberende unbearable: unfruitful, barren.

unberendlic unbearable, #Lcd# 3·260^23.

unberendnes f. barrenness.

unbermed unleavened, unfermented. [beorma]

unbesacen (æ^2) undisputed.

unbesǣndlic = unbesēondlic

unbesænged = unbesenged

unbescēawod improvident, inconsiderate. adv. -līce.

unbescoren unshorn, RB 135^29.

unbesenced = unbesenged

unbesenged not singed, unburnt, W 25^19.

unbesēondlic (BH 224^19) = unbefōndlic?

unbesmiten undefiled, pure, spotless, Æ.

unbesmitennes f. spotlessness.

unbesorh unconcerned, not interested, ÆH 2·486^9.

unbēted uncompensated, unexpiated, unatoned, #Cr# 1312.

unbeðōhte adv. unthinkingly, CP 434^2.

unbeðyrfe † useless, idle, vain.

unbeweddod unbetrothed, unmarried, Æ.

unbewelled not boiled away, #Lcd# 93b. [weallan]

unbiddende not praying, ÆH 1·156^4.

unbieldo (æ) f. want of boldness, diffidence, timidity, CP.

unbilewit (y^2) ‘immitis,’ OEG 56^232.

unbindan^3 to unbind, loose, Æ: pay (NG; trans. of ‘solvere’). [= onbindan]

unbiscopod not confirmed by a bishop.

unbiðyrfe = unbeðyrfe

unblēoh clean, bright.

unbletsung f. curse, LL (310^35).

unblinnendlīce incessantly, BH 34^6.

unbliss f. sorrow, affliction, Æ.

+unblissian to make unhappy, NC 297.

unblīðe joyless, sad, sorrowful, CP: unfriendly.

unblīðemēde sad of heart, MtL 26^37.

unblōdig bloodless, GPH 395^16.

unblonden unmixed, DR 68^15.

unboht unbought, free, NG.

unboren unborn, Æ, CP.

unbrād narrow.

unbræce † unbreakable, indestructible.

unbræcen = unbrocen

un-brece, -bri(e)ce = unbryce

unbroc v. unbrocheard.

unbrocen unbroken, whole, entire.

unbrocheard delicate, tender.

unbrosn-igendlic (Æ), -endlic (GD) indestructible, incorruptible.

unbrosnodlīce incorruptibly, GD 348^23.

unbrosnung f. incorruptibility, Æ.

unbryce † unbreakable: indestructible, everlasting. [brecan]

unbrȳce useless. [brūcan]

unbrȳde honestly, LL 400[2].

unbȳed uninhabited, desert, NG.

unbyergo np. uninhabited places, DR 1^9.

unbyrged unburied, MH 28^21.

unbyrhte = unbeorhte

unbyrnende without burning, B 2548.

unc pers. pron. (d. a. dual) us two.

uncænned = unācenned

uncāfscipe m. sloth, neglect, #Chr# 47.

uncamprōf unwarlike, GPH 399.

uncapitulod without headings (to chapters), LL (204^1).

uncēaped gratuitous, gratis, MtL 10^8.

uncēapunga gratuitously, #Da# 746.

un-cēas, -cēast n? oath of reconciliation, LL 104[35].

uncenned = unācenned

uncer I. g. dual of pers. pron. of us two. II. poss. pron. belonging to us two.

uncet = unc

unclǣmod unsmeared, GPH 398.

un-clǣne, -clǣnlic unclean, impure, CP. adv. -līce.

unclǣnnes f. uncleanness, impurity, AO, CP.

unclǣno f. uncleanness, NG.

±unclǣnsian to soil, pollute, AO, CP.

unclǣnsod unpurified, CP.

unclēn- = unclǣn-

uncnyttan to unbind, untie, loosen, Æ. [cnotta]

un-coða m., -coðu f. disease, Æ.

uncræft m. evil practice, LL, W.

uncræftig helpless, DD 239.

uncrafod (LL 232, 14) = unbecrafod

uncre gdf. of uncer II.

uncristen infidel, BH 2·357.

uncumlīðe inhospitable, W 257^14.

uncūð unknown, strange, unusual, AO: uncertain, CP: unfriendly, unkind, rough.

uncūða m. stranger.

uncūðlic unknown. adv. -līce in an unfriendly manner, unkindly.

uncūðnes f. strangeness, GD 278^15.

uncwaciende firmly, CP 41^7.

uncweden (unsaid), revoked, WW 114^45.

uncwēme not pleasing, MF 176.

uncweðende speechless, inanimate.

uncwisse dumb, BH 290^12.

un-cwyd, -cwydd uncontested, undisputed, LL.

uncȳme unseemly, mean, paltry, poor.

uncynde unnatural, #Bo# 91^21#b#.

un-cynn, -cynlic, -cynelic unsuitable, improper.

uncȳpe gratuitous, WW 514^31.

uncȳped = uncēaped

un-cyst, -cyste f. mistake, error: vice, wickedness, crime, Æ, CP: stinginess, parsimony, Æ: disease, #Lcd#. [cēosan]

uncystig mean, stingy, niggardly, Æ, CP.

uncȳð = uncūð

uncȳðig ignorant, unacquainted with: devoid of, #Gu# 1199.

un-cȳðð, -cȳððu f. ignorance, Æ, CP: foreign country.

undǣd f. wicked deed, crime.

undæftelīce = ungedæftelīce

un-dǣled, -dæld undivided, #Bo#.

undēaded not deadened, #Lcd# 3a.

undēadlic immortal, for all eternity, Æ. adv. -līce.

undēadlicnes f. immortality, Æ.

undēagollīce = undēogollīce

undearnunga adv. openly.

undēað- = undēad-

undēaw without dew, #Lcd# 35a.

undeclīnigendlic indeclinable, #ÆGr#.

undēd = undǣd

undēogollīce (ī) adv. plainly, clearly, CP.

undēop shallow, low, CP.

undēopðancol shallow, silly, ÆH 1·286^29.

undēor = undēore I.

undēore I. adj. cheap, CP. II. adv. cheaply.

undeornunga = undearnunga

under I. prep. w. d. and a. ‘under,’ beneath, among: before, in the presence of: under the shelter of, #Chr#: in subjection to, under the rule of: during: by means of, by. swerian u. God to swear by God. u. bæc = under-bæc. II. adv. beneath, below, underneath.

underāgendlic adj. ‘subnixus,’ DR 182^16.

underandfōnd (o^3, oe^4) ‘susceptor,’ DR 193^6.

under-bæc, -bæcling adv. backwards, back, behind, Æ, CP.

underbēgan to subject, N. [bīegan]

underbeginnan^3 to undertake, purpose, Æ.

underberan^4 to support, endure.

under-brǣdan, -bregdan to spread under.

underbūgan^2 to submit (to), Æ.

underburh f. suburb, Æ (#Deut# 32^32).

underburhware mp. dwellers in a suburb.

undercerran to overturn, subvert, LkLR 23^2. [cierran]

undercing = undercyning

undercrammian to stuff between, fill out underneath, ÆH 1·430^4.

undercrēopan^2 to be secretly grasped, seized by something, Æ: penetrate, undermine, GD.

undercuman^4 to assist, N.

under-cyning, -cyng m. under-king, viceroy, Æ.

underdelf n. undermining, #ASPs# 79^17.

underdelfan^3 to dig under, undermine, break through, Æ.

underdīacon m. subdeacon.

underdōn anv. to put under, Æ.

underdrencan to choke by drowning, MkL 5^13.

underdrifennes f. subjection, LkL p6^16.

underēade (N) = underēode, pret. 3 sg. of undergān.

undereoton (#Ruin# 6) = undereten pp. of underetan.

underetan^5 to eat underneath, undermine, subvert.

underfang ‘susceptor,’ #SPs#.

underfangelnes = underfangenes

underfangen (pp. of underfōn) neophyte, ÆL 31^730.

underfang-enes, -elnes f. undertaking, assumption: reception, hospitality, GD 76^22.

underfealdan ‘subdere,’ EHy 6^30.

underfeng I. m. undertaking, taking in hand, CP 23^22. II. pret. 3 sg. of underfōn.

underflōwan^7 to flow under, #Rd# 11^2.

underfolgoð m. subordinate office, AO 286^5#c#.

underfōn to receive, obtain, take, accept, Æ, AO, CP: take in, entertain: take up, undertake, assume, adopt, Æ, AO, CP: submit to, undergo: steal, GD, #Lcd#.

underfōnd m. one who takes anything in charge, #LPs#.

underfōnlic to be received, RBL 97^8.

underfyligan ‘subsequi,’ LkL 23^55.

undergān anv. to undergo: undermine, ruin.

undergangan^7 = undergān

undergend- = underigend-

undergeoc under the yoke, tame, MkL 21^5.

undergerēfa m. ‘proconsul,’ deputy-governor, Æ.

undergereord = underngereord

undergesett placed under, GD 307^12.

undergestandan^6 to stand under, LL 108[44].

undergeðēoded subject, LL 88´.

undergeðēodnes = underðēodnes

undergietan^5 (i, y) to note, mark, understand, perceive, AO.

underginnan^3 to begin, undertake, Æ.

undergitan (Æ) = undergietan

undergynnan = underginnan

undergytan (Æ) = undergietan

underhebban^6 to bear, support, lift, NG.

underhlystan ‘subaudire,’ to supply an omitted word, #ÆGr# 151.

underhlystung f. the act of supplying an omitted word, #ÆGr# 151.

underhnīgan^1 to submit to, undergo, Æ, CP: succumb to, sink under.

underholung f. ‘suffossum,’ LV^2 #Ps# 79^17.

underhwītel m. under-garment, WW 187^21.

underhwrǣdel = underwrǣdel

underi-ende, -gende, -gendlic inoffensive, harmless, AO.

underiernan^3 to run under: ‘succurrere,’ DR 43^8.

underlāttēow m. consul, AO 68^2#c#.

underlecgan to underlay, prop, support, Æ, CP.

underlicgan^5 to underlie, to be subject to, give way to, Æ.

underlihtan to alleviate, DR.

underling m. underling, inferior.

underlūtan^2 to bow or bend under: support, sustain, CP.

undermete = undernmete

undern m. morning (from 9.0 a.m. to 12.0 noon): the third hour (= 9.0 a.m.; later, 11.0 a.m.), Æ.

underne = undierne

underneoðan (æ^3, y^3) adv. underneath, AO.

underngereord m. morning meal, breakfast, AO.

underngeweorc n. breakfast, GD 66^12.

undern-giefl, -gifl n. repast, breakfast, CP 322^19.

underniman^4 to take in, receive, comprehend, understand, Æ: blame, be indignant at: take upon oneself, Æ: steal, #Lcd#.

underniðemest lowest of all, #Met# 20^35.

undernmǣl n. morning time, Æ.

undernmete m. morning meal, breakfast, AO.

undernrest f. morning rest, MH 42^6.

undernsang m. tierce (religious service about 9.0 a.m.).

undernswǣsendu np. early meal, BH 164^30.

underntīd f. the third hour (= 9.0 a.m.), noon, morning-time, Æ: tierce.

undernyðan (Æ) = underneoðan

underondfōnd = underandfōnd

underplantian ‘supplantare,’ #Sc, SPs#.

undersang = undernsang

underscēotan^2 to prop up, sustain, support, CP: intercept, pass under.

underscyte m. passage underneath, transit, Æ: brake, drag-chain, OEG 50^15.

undersēcan to examine, investigate, scrutinize, CP. [Ger. untersuchen]

undersettan ‘supponere,’ #LPs# 36^24?

undersingan^3 ‘succinere,’ #Gr# 181^2.

undersittan^5 ‘subsidere,’ #ÆGr# 157^5.

undersmūgan^2 to creep under, surprise.

understandan^6 (o^3) to ‘understand,’ perceive, Æ, CP: observe, notice, take for granted, ÆL 23b^186: ‘subsistere,’ DR.

understandennes f. ‘substantia,’ DR 31^20 (o^3).

understanding f. intelligence, #Sc# 221^13.

understapplian ‘supplantare,’ #LPs# 16^13.

understaðolfæst = unstaðolfæst

understingan^3 to prop up, support, CP 113^11.

understond- = understand-

understrēdan to strew under, MH 18^21.

undersyrc m. undershirt, WW 379^30. [serce] [[under “serc”]]

undertīd = underntīd

undertōdāl n. secondary division, #ÆGr# 291^5.

undertunge f. ‘sublingua,’ part under or behind the tongue, tongue-ligament, WW 264^17 (or ? two words, Cp, #LPs# 9^28; 65^17).

undertungeðrum tongue-ligament, Lcd. [v. ‘thrum’]

underðencan to consider, CP 49^23: (refl.) change one’s mind, repent, LL 438[22] (æ^3).

underðēnian to serve under, #Sc# 5^6.

underðēod subjected, subject: assistant, suffragan.

underðēodan (īe, ȳ) to subjoin, add: subjugate, subject, subdue, reduce, degrade, Æ, CP: support, OEG 4339.

under-ðēodendlic, -ðēodenlic subjunctive, #ÆGr#.

underðēodnes f. subjection, submission, obedience, Æ.

underðēow m. subject, slave, AO.

underðīedan (AO, CP) = underðēodan

underðīednes (ī^3) = underðēodnes

underðȳdan = underðēodan

underweaxan^6 ‘succrescere,’ #Sc# 104^8.

underwedd n. deposit, pledge, Æ.

underwendan ‘subvertere,’ #Sc# 196^6.

underweorpan ‘subjicere,’ #EPs# 143^2.

underwrǣdel m? waistband, WW 153^1.

underwreðian (eo, i, y) to support, sustain, uphold, strengthen, establish, Æ, CP.

underwreðung f. propping up, support, sustentation.

underwrītan to write at the foot of, subscribe, BH 312^30.

under-wriðian, -wryðian = underwreðian

underwyrtwalian ‘supplantare,’ #EPs# 17^40.

underȳcan to add, A 13·385^292. [īecan]

underyrnan = underiernan

undierne (i, y) I. open, manifest, clearly known: public, nuncupatory. II. adv.

undīgollīce = undēogollīce

undīlegod unerased, CP 423^23.

undolfen untilled, GD 202^4.

undōm m. unjust judgment, injustice.

undōmlīce indiscreetly, #Sc# 202^15.

undōn anv. to undo, open, loose, separate, Æ: cancel, discharge, abrogate.

undrēfed untroubled, undisturbed, undefiled, CP 31^3.

undrifen not driven or tossed, LL 222[2].

undruncen sober, CP 295^8.

undrysnende inextinguishable, MtL 3^12.

undȳre = undēore

undyrne = undierne

unēacen (ē) barren, OEG 27^31.

unēacniendlic unfruitful, sterile, OEG 1030.

unearfoðlīce adv. without difficulty, OEG.

un-earg, -earh (Æ), -earhlic (Æ) not cowardly, dauntless, bold, brave.

unēaðe I. adj. not easy, difficult, hard, disagreeable, grievous. II. adv. Æ.

unēaðelic difficult, hard, impossible: troublesome, MP 1·611. adv. -līce.

unēaðelicnes (ȳ^2) f. difficulty.

unēað-lǣce, -lǣcne, -lācne not easily cured, #Lcd#.

unēaðmylte indigestible, #Lcd# 82b.

unēaðnes (ē, īe) f. difficulty, inconvenience, trouble, worry, Æ: severity, harshness.

unēawfæstlīce = unǣwfæstlīce

un-efen, -efn, -efenlic unequal, unlike: anomalous, irregular, #ÆGr#. adv. -efne.

un-ēmetta, -ēmota = unǣmta

unemn = unefen

unendebyrdlīce in a disorderly manner, CP.

unered unploughed, uncultivated, WW 147^3.

unēstful ungracious, WW 191^17.

unēð- = unēað-, unīeð-

unēwisc = unǣwisc

unfǣcne (ā) without malice, sincere, honest, faithful.

unfæderlīce adv. in an unfatherly manner, W 106^6.

unfǣge † not fated to die.

unfæger not beautiful, unlovable, unlovely, deformed, ugly, hideous.

unfægernes (e) ugliness, GD 279^15: abomination, MtL 24^15.

unfǣglic not fatal, #Bo# 107^29.

unfægre (ǣ) adv. unfairly, foully.

unfǣhð f. peace, (dropping of a feud), LL 100[28].

unfǣle wicked, unlovely, unholy, evil.

unfæst not fixed, not firm, loose, unsteady, tottering, CP.

unfæstende not fasting, LL (252^1).

unfæstlīce adv. not firmly, vaguely, indistinctly, CP 156^13.

+unfæstnian to be without aim, ineffective, MFH 165.

unfæstrǣd unstable, inconstant, CP.

unfæstrǣdnes f. inconstancy, CP.

unfæsð- = unfæst

unfāh exempt from hostility, not under a ban, LL 186[1,1].

unfealdan^7 to unfold, open.

unfeax without hair, bald.

unfēcne = unfǣcne

unfēferig not feverish, #Lcd# 1·164^18.

unfeger- = unfæger-

unfēlende unfeeling, callous, #Lcd# 99a.

unfenge not acceptable, MF 176.

un-feor, -feorr adv. not far from, near.

unfeormigende (on-) inexpiable, ÆL 23b^426.

unfēre disabled, invalided.

unfērnes f. impotence, infirmity, MLN 4·5.

unflitme adv.? unreservedly? B 1097.

un-flycge, -fligge unfledged, OEG 28^13.

unforbærned unburnt, Æ, AO.

unforboden unforbidden, lawful, Æ.

unforbūgendlic unavoidable. adv. -līce without turning away, ÆL 23b^431.

unforburnen unburnt, ÆH 2·480^7.

unforcūð reputable, good, honourable, noble, brave, CP. adv. -līce. [fracoð]

unfordytt unobstructed, OEG 3613.

unforebyrdig impatient, #Sc# 8^13.

unfored (od) unbroken, Æ.

unforedlic (o^3) indissoluble, OEG.

unforesceaw-od, -odlic inconsiderate, hasty.

unforfeored unbroken? WW 231^33.

unforgifen unforgiven, CP: not given in marriage.

unforgitende unforgetting, mindful, #Guth# 76^22.

unforgolden unpaid, Æ.

unforhæfednes (fd) f. incontinence.

unforhladen unexhausted, WW 255^39.

unforht adj. fearless, bold. adv. -e, -līce.

unforhtigende fearless, ÆH 2·140^29.

unforhtmōd fearless, Æ.

unforlǣten (ē) not left, NG.

unformolsnod neg. ptc. uncorrupted, undecayed, Æ.

unformolten unconsumed, ÆH 1·488^7.

unforod = unfored

unforrot-edlic (#HGl#), -iendig (ÆP 14^7), -iendlic (OEG) incorruptible.

unforscēawodlīce unawares: inconsiderately, hastily.

unfor-spornen, -spurned not hindered, GD 60^28.

unforswǣled unburnt, ÆH 2·20^15.

unforswīgod not passed over in silence, ÆL 23b^35.

un-forswiðen, -forswȳðed unconquered.

unfortredde sb. the plant which cannot be killed by treading, polygonum aviculare, knot-grass.

unfortreden not destroyed by treading, #Lcd# 3·299´.

unforwandigendlīce adv. unhesitatingly, boldly.

unforwandodlic adj. unhesitating, fearless, CP. adv. -līce unhesitatingly, fearlessly, recklessly, CP: unswervingly.

unforwealwod unwithered, #Bl# 73^25.

unforwordenlic undecayed, OEG.

unforworht I. innocent. II. unrestricted, free, KC.

unforwyrded undecayed, NC 351.

un-fracodlīce, -fracoðlīce honourable, becomingly, fitly, #Bo#.

unfratewod unadorned, unpolished, GPH 396. [frætwian] [[under “frætwan”]]

unfremful unprofitable, Æ.

unfremu f. damage, hurt.

unfrēondlīce unkindly, #Gen# 2689.

unfricgende unquestioning, #Gen# 2649.

unfrið m. breach of peace, enmity, hostilities, war, AO: state of being outside the king’s peace.

unfriðflota m. hostile fleet, #Chr# 1000#e#.

unfriðhere m. hostile army, #Chr#.

unfriðland n. hostile land, LL 222[3,1].

unfriðmann m. man of a hostile country, LL 222[3,3].

unfriðscip n. hostile ship.

unfrōd not aged, young, inexperienced, B 2821.

unfrōforlīce uncontestably, OEG 56^187?

unfrom † inert.

unfūl ‘insulsum’ (?) MkLR 9^50.

unfulfremed imperfect, Æ.

unfulfremednes f. imperfection, CP.

unfulfremming f. imperfection, #LPs# 138^16.

un-fūliend (#HGl#), -fūliendlic (OEG) incorruptible.

unfullod unbaptized, LL.

unfulworht imperfect, unfinished, RB 20^3.

unfyrn adv. not long ago: soon.

ungænge useless, vain, MtR 15^6.

ungan = ongan pret. 3 sg. of onginnan.

ungeændod = ungeendod

ungeǣsce unheard of.

un-geǣwed (-iǣwed) unmarried, OEG 5248.

ungeandett without confession, W 135^32.

ungēara adv. not long ago, lately, recently: soon, shortly.

ungearo = ungearu

ungearu, gsm. ungear(o)wes unready, unprepared, untilled, AO, CP. on ungearwe unawares, AO.

ungearwyrd not respected, WW 421^32.

ungēaðe = unēaðe

ungeāxod unasked, ÆH 1·428^6.

ungebarde = ungebierde

ungebēaten unbeaten, unwrought, Ln 23^5.

ungebēgendlic = ungebīgendlic

ungebeorhlīce rashly? intemperately? ÆH 2·322^26.

unge-bēt(ed), -bett unatoned for, CP: unacquitted, EC 217.

ungebierde (a, y) beardless.

ungebīged unbent, OEG 2977.

ungebīgendlic inflexible: indeclinable, #ÆGr#.

ungebleoh of different colours, unlike, #ÆGr#.

ungeblētsod unblessed, #Jul# 492.

ungeblȳged intrepid, #Gu# 913. [blēoh]

ungeboden without being summoned.

ungeboht unbought, unbribed, LL 398[8].

ungeboren yet unborn, LL 126 Pro.

ungebrocen unbroken, WW 398^32.

ungebrocod unafflicted, uninjured, Æ.

ungebrosnendlic undecaying, BH, GD.

ungebrosnod not spoiled, uncorrupted, undecayed, Æ.

ungebrosnung f. incorruption, #Sc# 71^2.

ungebunden unbound, #ÆGr# 14^13; GD 214^16.

ungebyrde I. uncongenial, #Bo# 92^22. II. = ungebierde

ungebyredlic incongruous, DR 179^17.

ungecindelic = ungecyndelic

ungeclǣnsod unclean, impure, Æ.

ungecnāwen unknown, #ApT# 17^13.

ungecnyrdnes f. negligence, indifference, idleness, ÆH 2·552^35.

ungecoplic unsuitable, unbefitting, troublesome. adv. -līce, #Sc# 80^14.

ungecoren reprobate. u. āð oath taken by a body of persons generally (opposed to cyreāð), LL.

ungecost reprobate, BH 480^4.

ungecwēme unpleasing, disagreeable, #Sc# 38^15.

ungecyd unsaid, not declared, LL 212[9].

ungecynde unnatural, alien.

unge-cyndelic, -cyndlic, -cynelic unnatural, monstrous, terrible. adv. -līce.

ungecyrred unconverted, #Lcd# 3·442^1.

ungedæftelīce = ungedæftlīce

ungedæftenlic = ungedafenlic

ungedæftlīce adv. unseasonably, inopportunely, CP 97^16.

ungedæftnes f. untimely intervention or interruption, CP 97^19.

ungedafenlic improper, unseemly, Æ: unseasonable? troublesome? CP (v. A 33·272). adv. -līce improperly, unduly, unreasonably, unjustly, unsuitably.

ungedafenlicnes f. unfitness, inconvenience, #CPs# 9^22.

ungedafniendlic (#HGl# 492) = ungedafenlic

ungedallic infinite, without end, GD 337^11.

ungedēfe improper, not fitting, disagreeable. adv. -līce.

unge-dēfelic, -dēflic = ungedafenlic

unge-dered, -derod (Æ) unhurt, uninjured, unmolested.

ungederstig = ungedyrstig

ungedrehtlīce adv. indefatigably, WW 428^3.

ungedrȳme inharmonious, discordant. [drēam]

ungedwimorlīce clearly, without any delusion, NC 328.

ungedyrstig timid, CP 209^10.

ungeeahtendlic (æ, e) inestimable: indescribable.

ungeended = ungeendod

ungeendigendlic infinitive, #ÆGr#: infinite.

unge-endod (CP), -endodlic unending, endless, infinite, boundless.

ungefæd (a) want of reason, NC 328.

ungefǣglic = unfǣglic

ungefǣr- = ungefēr-

ungefandod untried, having no experience in, CP.

ungefaren impassable, without a road, #BlPs#.

ungefēa m. unhappiness, NC 328.

ungefēalīce miserably, #Chr# 755.

ungefēge unfit, improper, WW 191^22.

unge-fēle, -fēled without feeling, #Lcd#.

ungefēre I. impassable: impenetrable, inaccessible, CP. II. adv. impassably.

ungefēred inaccessible.

ungefērenlic unfrequented? #Nar# 17^7.

ungefērlic unsocial, internecine. adv. -līce in civil war.

ungefērne impassable, #VPs# (oe).

ungefeðered not feathered, WW 427^16.

unge-fōg, -fōh I. immoderate, excessive, Æ: overbearing, presumptuous, unbending, Æ. II. n. excess, NC 329. adv. -fōge excessively, AO.

unge-fōglic (AO), -fōhlic fierce, strong: immense. adv. -līce.

ungefrǣg-e, -elic unheard of, unusual, inconceivable. adv. -līce.

ungefrætwod unadorned, WW 419^11.

ungefrēdelīce adv. insensibly, callously, CP 265^16.

ungefrēglīce = ungefrǣglīce [[under “ungefrǣge”]]

ungefremed unfinished, Æ.

ungefremmung (on-) f. imperfection, #RPs# 138^16.

ungefullod I. unfulfilled, #Rd# 60^14. [fullian] II. = ungefulwod

ungefulwod unbaptized.

unge-fyld, -fylle(n)d(lic) insatiable.

ungefynde worthless, barren, sterile? CP 411^19.

ungefyrn adv. not long hence, not long ago, not long after, Æ.

ungegearwe = ungearwe, v. ungearu.

unge-gearwod (DR), -gerad (MtR) not clothed.

ungeglenged unadorned, OEG 1210.

ungegrēt ungreeted, #Guth# 22^20.

ungehādod not ordained, not belonging to an order (used of men and women).

un-gehǣlendlic, -gehǣledlic adj. incurable, VHy.

ungehǣmed unmarried, OEG 1174.

ungehæplic unsuitable, unfit, A 8·452.

ungehālgod unhallowed, unconsecrated, Æ.

ungehāten unpromised, unbidden, #Bl# 189^27.

ungehēafdod not having come to a head, #Lcd# 1·92^23.

ungehealdsum unchaste, Æ. adv. -līce.

ungehealdsumnes f. incontinence, unchastity, Æ.

ungehealtsum == ungehealdsum

ungehefegod ‘non...gravis,’ OEG 27^31.

ungehende (æ^3) remote, HL 12^8.

ungehendnes f. remoteness, distance, #ÆGr# 14^19.

ungeheort (y) disheartened, Æ.

ungehēred = ungehȳred

unge-hīersum (CP), -hīrsum (Æ) disobedient, rebellious.

ungehīrsumnes (ȳ) f. disobedience, Æ.

ungehīrsumod (ȳ) disobedient, RBL 12^8.

unge-hīwod, -hīwodlic unformed, not fashioned, unshapen: unfeigned, genuine.

ungehlēoðor inharmonious, WW 224^7.

ungehrepod untouched, Æ.

ungehrinen untouched, BH, GD.

ungehwǣde much, #Lcd# 53b.

ungehwǣrnes = ungeðwǣrnes

ungehȳred (ē^3) unheard of, untold, BH 40^33.

ungehȳrnes f. hardness of hearing, deafness, #Lcd#.

ungehȳr- = unge-hīer-, -hīr-

ungehyrt = ungeheort

ungel m. fat, tallow, suet, Æ.

ungelācnod unhealed, #Guth# 66^16.

ungelādod not acquitted, EC 217.

ungelæccendlic unreprovable, #Sc# 119^11.

ungelǣred untaught, illiterate, unlearned, ignorant, rude, Æ, CP. adv. -līce.

ungelǣredlic unteachable, GD 110^21.

ungelǣrednes f. unskilfulness, ignorance, CP.

ungelaðod uninvited, ÆH 1·128^18.

ungelēaf unbelieving, #PPs# 67^19.

ungelēafa m. unbelief.

ungelēafful unbelieving, Æ, CP.

ungelēaffullic unbelieving: incredible. adv. -līce.

ungelēaffulnes f. unbelief.

ungelēaflic incredible, Æ.

ungelēafsum unbelieving.

ungelēafsumnes f. unbelief, infidelity, heathenism, BH 70^25.

ungelēf- = ungelīf-

ungelēofa = ungelēafa

ungelīc unlike, different, dissimilar, diverse, CP. adv. -līce.

ungelīca m. one unlike others, ÆL 7^28.

ungelīclic improper. adv. -līce.

ungelīcnes f. unlikeness, difference, CP.

ungelīef- = ungelīf-

ungelīfed (ȳ) I. unbelieving, Æ. II. illicit, BH 2·229.

ungelīf-edlic, -endlic (īe, ȳ) incredible, extraordinary. adv. -līce.

ungelīfend (ē) m. unbeliever, NG.

ungelīfnes (ē) f. unbelief, NG.

ungeligen = ungelygen

ungelimp nm. mishap, misfortune, Æ.

ungelimplic inconvenient, unfortunate, disastrous, Æ: abnormal, unreasonable. adv. -līce.

ungelȳf- = ungelīf-

ungelygen not lying, true, LL.

ungēm- = ungȳm-

ungemaca m. ‘impar,’ not a match, #ÆGr#.

ungemæc unlike, GD 91^15; WW 223^35.

ungemæt == ungemet

ungemǣte I. immense. II. adv. immensely.

ungemǣtlic excessive, AO 28^27.

ungemēde unbearable, unpleasant. #Mod# 25.

ungemēdnes f. adversity, DR 63^13.

ungemeltnes f. indigestion, #Lcd# 68b.

ungemenged unmixed, pure, #Bo# 100^31.

ungemengednes f. purity.

ungemet n. excess, superfluity: immensity: want of moderation.

ungemēt not met with, unknown, OEG 2488.

ungemete I. adj. huge, GD 12^9. II. adv. excessively, immeasurably, immoderately, extremely, very.

ungemetegod (Æ) = ungemetgod

ungemetelice = ungemetlice [[form of “ungemetlic”?]]

ungemetes = ungemete II.

ungemetfæst not moderate, intemperate, excessive: (†) very firm.

ungemetfæstnes f. excess, intemperance, #Bo# 109^9.

ungemetgod out of due proportion, excessive, CP: unbridled, intemperate.

ungemetgung f. excess, want of moderation, Æ, CP.

ungemetlic immeasurable, immense, AO: excessive, immoderate, violent. adv. -līce, AO, CP.

ungemetnes f. extravagance, OET 180^3.

ungemetum adv. = ungemete

ungemīdlod unrestrained, unbridled, Æ.

ungemiht without strength, weak.

ungemihtig = unmihtig

ungemindig = ungemyndig

ungemōd discordant, dissentient, quarrelsome, CP.

ungemōdignes f. contentiousness, W 8^15n.

ungemōdnes f. strife, CP 344^9.

ungemolsnod undecayed, MH 78^1.

ungemunecod not made a monk, LL (142^4).

ungemylt undigested, #Lcd# 2·284.

ungemynd f. madness, #Lcd#.

ungemyndig (w. g.) unmindful, forgetful, heedless (of), Æ.

ungenæmnedlic unexpected, GD 341^13.

ungenīdd (ē, īe) uncompelled, AO, CP.

ungeocian to unyoke, #ÆGr# 277^3.

ungeorne negligently: unwillingly, AO.

ungeornful indifferent, remiss, slothful, CP.

ungerād I. (w. g.) ignorant, foolish, unskilled, unfit, Æ, CP: (w. d.) at variance, wrong, discordant, dissentient, Æ, AO: ill-conditioned, rude, Æ. II. n. discord, CP: folly, Æ.

ungerādnes (ǣ) disagreement, #Lcd#.

ungerǣd == ungerād

ungerǣde foolish, MF 176. adv. -līce sharply, roughly, violently.

ungerǣdnes f. disagreement, sedition, AO.

ungerec n. tumult, BH.

ungereccan to clear oneself of an accusation, LL 168[1,2].

ungereclic unruly, unrestrained, #Bl# 19^6 adv. -līce confusedly, recklessly.

ungerēdelīce = ungerǣdlīce [[form of “ungerǣde”]]

ungerēnod not ornamented, TC 515^26. [regnian]

ungereord uninstructed, barbarous, WW 193^3.

ungereordedlic insatiable, #Ps#.

ungereordod unfed, empty, Æ.

ungerepod = ungehrepod

ungerian = ungierwan

ungeriht = unriht

ungerihte uncorrected, unreformed, NC 329.

ungerīm I. n. countless number, host, Æ. II. countless, untold, Æ.

unge-rīmlic, -rīmed(lic) countless, untold.

ungerinen = ungehrinen

ungerinselīce = ungerisenlīce

ungerīped immature, too early, Æ.

ungerisedlīce = ungerisenlīce

ungerīsende indecent, OEG 3673.

ungerisene I. unseemly, improper: incongruous, inconvenient. II. = ungerisnu

ungerisenlic unbecoming, improper, CP. adv. -līce, CP.

ungerisnes (uni-) f. impropriety, #HGl# 507.

ungerisnu n. (often pl.) inconvenience: impropriety, indignity, disgrace, AO.

ungerwan = ungierwan

ungerȳde I. rough, boisterous, harsh. II. n. rough place, Lk 3^5.

ungerȳdelic rough, violent, GD 265^2; LV 47. adv. -līce suddenly, impetuously, Æ.

ungerȳdnes f. noise, tumult, #Sc# 82^2.

ungesadelod = unsadelod

ungesǣlig unhappy, unfortunate, Æ, AO, CP. adv. -līce unhappily: wickedly.

ungesǣlignes f. unhappiness, misfortune, BH, #Bl#.

ungesǣllīce = ungesǣliglīce [[form of “ungesǣlig”]]

ungesǣlð f. trouble, misfortune, unhappiness, sorrow, CP.

ungesawen = ungesewen

ungesawenlic = ungesewenlic [[under “ungesewen”]]

ungescaðignes = ungesceððignes

ungescēad I. n. want of intelligence, senselessness. II. adj. unreasonable. III. adv. exceedingly, #Da# 243. [cp. Ger. gescheit]

ungescēadlic unreasonable, indiscreet. adv. -līce unreasonably, absurdly.

ungescēad-wīs, -wīslic unintelligent, irrational, imprudent, foolish, Æ, CP. adv. -līce.

ungescēadwīsnes f. want of intelligence, indiscretion, folly, ignorance, CP.

un-gesceapen, -gescepen neg. ptc. uncreated, unformed, Æ.

ungescended unhurt, DR 146^11.

ungesceððed unhurt, BH 218^25.

ungesceððignes (a) f. innocence, MFH (Vesp. D xiv).

ungescrǣpe inconvenient, useless.

ungescrǣpnes (ē) f. discomfort, BH 322^30.

ungescrǣpo n. inconvenience, BH 382^3.

ungesegenlic = ungesewenlic [[under “ungesewen”]]

ungeseht adj. at variance, FM 358^28.

ungesēl- = ungesǣl-

ungesēne = ungesȳne

ungesēnod not signed with the cross. [segn]

ungesēonde blind, #Lcd# 1·368^24.

ungeseowenlic = ungesewenlic [[under “ungesewen”]]

unge-sewen, -sewen(d)lic unseen, invisible, Æ, CP. adv. -līce.

ungesibb (†) not related: unfriendly, hostile, #Bl#, BH.

ungesibsum not peaceable, quarrelsome, contentious, CP.

ungesibsumnes f. quarrelsomeness, discord, CP 351^1.

ungesilt = unsealt

ungesoden unsodden, unboiled, #Lcd#.

ungesom at variance, ÆH 1·478^25.

ungespēdig = unspēdig

ungestæððe- = ungestæððig-

ungestæððig unsteady, inconstant, unstable, fickle, CP. adv. -līce.

ungestæððignes f. inconstancy, frivolity, CP.

ungestrēon n. ill-gotten treasure, W 183^9.

ungestroden not subject to confiscation, LL 12[4,1].

ungesundlīce excessively, exceedingly, GD 15^2.

ungeswēge inharmonious, dissonant, discordant, out of tune, harsh, #Gl#.

ungeswenced unceasing, NC 329.

ungeswencedlic unwearying, BH 436^16.

ungeswicendlīce incessantly.

ungeswuncen not laboured over, not well done, WW 430^11.

ungesylt = unsealt

ungesȳne (ē) unseen, invisible, WW 17^46.

ungesȳnelic invisible, #Bl#.

ungetǣse I. n. trouble, hardship, severity, CP. II. adj. troublesome, inconvenient.

ungetǣslīce adv. inconveniently, AS 29^20.

ungetǣsnes f. unsuitableness, inconvenience, WW 419^38.

ungetel innumerable.

ungetemed = unātemed

ungetemprung f. inclemency, CM 461.

ungetēoriendlic inexhaustible. adv. -līce incessantly, LL.

ungetēorod unfailing, Æ.

ungetēse = ungetǣse II.

unge-tīmu f? -tīme n? evil time, adversity, mishap, AO, GD.

ungetinge (Æ), ungetingful (GPH) not eloquent. [tunge]

ungetogen uneducated, Æ.

ungetrēowe (ī, īe, ū, ȳ) untrue, faithless, Æ.

ungetrēownes f. unbelief, CP 447^6.

ungetrēowsian = untrēowsian

ungetrēowð f. unfaithfulness, treachery, W 160^6.

ungetrum weak, infirm, #Bo# 132^32.

unge-trūw-, -trȳw- = un(ge)trēow-

ungetwǣre (WW 248^17) = ungeðwǣre

ungetwēogendlīce (GD 231^21) = untwēogendlīce

unge-tȳd, -tȳdd ignorant, untaught, unskilful, CP.

ungetyred = ungetēorod

ungeðæslic unfit, improper, unseemly, WW 191^23.

ungeðanc mn. evil thought, W.

ungeðancful unthankful, ungrateful, W 241^4.

ungeðeaht n. evil counsel, RB 118^10.

ungeðeahtendlīce hastily, BH 124^13.

ungeðēawe adv. not customary, #Guth# 72^17.

ungeðēawfæst ill-regulated, RBL 14^16.

ungeðēod disunited, separate, #Gen# 1698.

ungeðinged unexpected, CP 317^13.

ungeðungen base, #Nar# 42^12.

ungeðwǣre I. disagreeing, quarrelsome, troublesome, stubborn, vexatious, undutiful, irreverent, Æ, CP. II. n. disturbance, MtR 26^5.

ungeðwǣrian to be discordant, disagree, be at variance with, Æ.

ungeðwǣrlic inharmonious, discordant, RB 19^2: hostile, GD 349. adv. -līce peevishly.

ungeðwǣrnes f. disturbance, quarrel, discord, AO.

ungeðwēre = ungeðwǣre

ungeðyld fn. impatience, CP. [ðolian; Ger. ungeduld]

ungeðyldelīce adv. impatiently, #Bo#.

ungeðyldig impatient, Æ, CP. [Ger. ungeduldig]

ungeðylð = ungeðyld

ungeðyre ‘discensor’? Cp 283#d#.

ungewæder = ungewider [[form of “ungewidere”?]]

ungewæm- = ungewem-

ungewǣpnod without weapons, unarmed, Æ.

ungewealden disordered (of the stomach), #Lcd#.

un-gewealdes, -gewaldes adv. involuntarily, by chance, CP.

ungeweaxen not full grown, immature, WW 352^27.

ungeweder = ungewider [[form of “ungewidere”?]]

un-gewemmed (Æ), -gewemmedlic unspotted, unblemished, undefiled, uninjured. adv. -līce uncorruptly, BH 276^20.

ungewem(med)nes f. freedom (from stain).

ungewende(n)dlic immovable, GD, #Lcd#.

ungewendnes f. unchangeableness.

ungewēned unexpected.

ungewēnedlic unhoped for, GD 347^14.

un-gewērged, -gewērigod unwearied, untiring.

un-gewidere n., gs. -gewidres bad weather, storm.

ungewiderung f. bad weather, #ChrR# 1086.

ungewild (y) unsubdued, OEG.

ungewilde (y) not subject to, independent of, AO: untamed, unbridled. [geweald] [[listed as “+weald”]]

ungewildelic (y) unyielding, Æ.

un-gewill displeasing, #Chr#.

ungewintred immature, young, LL 18[26].

ungewirhtum = ungewyrhtum

ungewis = ungewiss

ungewislic unaccustomed, #Bo# 15^22n.

ungewīsnes f. uncertainty, ignorance, BH.

ungewiss I. n. uncertainty, ignorance, Æ, AO: unconsciousness: ignominy, shame, #SPs# 82^15. II. adj. uncertain, Æ, CP: unwise, ignorant: doubtful, Æ: causing shame, shameful, #KGl# 75^10.

ungewisses unconsciously, involuntarily, CP.

ungewītendlic permanent, imperishable, ÆL 34^258. adv. -līce permanently, perpetually, CP 441^21.

ungewitfæstnes f. madness, #Lcd# 82b.

ungewitful unwise, senseless, mad, CP.

ungewitfulnes f. madness, CP 185^1.

ungewitlic stupid, foolish, #Lcd# 65a.

ungewītnigendlīce freely, with impunity, #ÆGr# 233^6n.

ungewītnod unpunished, Æ, CP.

ungewitt n. folly, madness, Æ.

ungewittig irrational, foolish, mad, Æ.

ungewittiglīce (-witte-) unwisely, foolishly, GD 2; 104.

ungewittignes f. folly, GD 163; 247.

ungewlitig not bright, dull, AS 31^10.

±ungewlitigian to disfigure, AS.

ungeworht unwrought, unformed, unfinished, Æ.

ungewriten unwritten, WW.

ungewuna I. m. evil habit, vice, CP 169^9. II. unusual, Æ: uninhabited, Æ.

ungewunelic unusual, strange, Æ. [Ger. ungewöhnlich] adv. -līce, Æ.

ungewuniendlic uninhabitable, #Lcd#.

ungewyder = ungewider [[form of “ungewidere”?]]

ungewyld- = ungewild-

ungewylles = unwilles

ungewynelic = ungewunelic

ungewyrded uninjured, #Ph# 181.

ungewyrhtum (be) adv. phr. without a cause, #CVPs#.

ungier-wan, -ian (e, i, y) to unclothe, divest of.

ungifre pernicious, #Gen# 2470.

ungifu f. evil gift, W.

ungin not great or broad, #GnE# 206.

ungl = ungel

unglad = unglæd

unglæd (a) cheerless, dull, #Bo# 14^14.

unglædlic implacable, GPH 392.

unglædnes f. ‘imperitia,’ WW 423^29. [mistake for unglēawnes?]

unglǣw == unglēaw

unglēaw ignorant, foolish, unwise, Æ. adv. -līce, CP.

unglēawnes f. want of discernment, folly, ignorance, #Pa# 70.

unglēawscīpe m. folly, #Sc# 83^16.

unglenged = ungeglenged

ungnȳðe not niggardly, not sparing, liberal. adv. -līce, GD (ē).

ungōd I. adj. not good. II. n. evil.

ungor = hungor

ungrāpigende not grasping, ÆH 1·366^27.

ungrēne not green, bare of grass, #Gen# 117.

ungrīpendlic irreprehensible, #EPs# 18^8.

ungrund vast, #Ex# 508.

ungrynde bottomless, #Rim# 49.

ungyfeðe unaccorded, B 2921.

un-gyld, -gylde n. excessive tax. [gieldan]

ungylda m. one who is not a member of a guild, TC 606^16.

ungylde adv. not entitled to compensation, LL.

ungyltig innocent, AO 184^9.

ungȳmen f. carelessness, BH.

ungȳmende careless, BH 434^5 (ē).

ungyrdan = ongyrdan

ungyrian = ungierwan

unhādian to deprive of orders, LL.

unhādod = ungehādod

unhādung f. ‘exordinatio,’ RBL 110^9.

unhǣl = unhāl, unhǣlu

+unhǣlan to weaken, debilitate, #Sc# 51^10.

unhǣlð f. ill-health, weakness, infirmity, sickness.

unhǣlu f. sickness, unsoundness, AO: mischief, evil, B.

unhǣmed unmarried, WW 530^19.

unhǣr = unhār

unhāl sick, ill, weak, CP.

unhālgod unhallowed, unconsecrated.

unhālian ‘tabescere,’ #BPs# 118^139.

unhālig (ǣ) unholy, profane, #ELPs# 42^1.

un-hālwende (RHy), -hālwendlic (Æ) incurable deadly.

unhandworht not made with hands, Mk 14^58.

unhār (= an-) hoary, grizzled, B 357.

unhēah (ē) not high, low, Æ.

unhēanlīce valiantly, #Chr# 755.

unhearmgeorn inoffensive, Æ.

unhēarsumnes = unhīersumnes

un-hēg, -hēh = unhēah

unhelde (#Chr# 1095) = unhyldo

unhelian to uncover, reveal, Lk 12^2.

un-hēor-, -hēr- = unhīer-

unhered unpraised, not celebrated, #Bo# 68^24.

unherigendlic not praiseworthy, ÆH 2·406^17.

unhetol peaceable, NC 329.

unhīere (ē, ēo, ȳ) I. horrible, monstrous, fierce, wild, tempestuous. II. adv. horribly.

unhīerlic wild, fierce, savage, gloomy. adv. -līce (GD 161^10).

unhīersum (y) disobedient. adv. -līce.

unhīersumnes (ȳ) f. disobedience, CP.

unhīredwist f. unfamiliarity, #Sc# 203^13.

unhīwe formless, GPH 399^259.

unhīwed colourless, OEG.

unhlēowe unfriendly, chill, #Ex# 494.

unhlīdan (Æ) = onhlīdan

unhlīs (unhlīse?) infamous, disreputable, #KGl# 68^42.

unhlīsa m. ill-fame, discredit, dishonour, Æ.

unhlīsbǣre disreputable, WW 354^17.

unhlīsēadig infamous, WW 420^15.

unhlīsful infamous, #Gl#.

unhlīsig infamous, #KGl# 56^5.

unhlitme (B 1129) = unflitme?

unhlūd not loud, GD 85^5.

unhlȳs- = unhlīs-

unhnēaw † generous, liberal.

unhoga foolish, MkL 7^18.

unhold disloyal, unfriendly, hostile, Æ. [Ger. unhold]

unholda m. monster, devil, #Cr# 762.

unhrædsprǣce slow of speech, Æ (#Ex# 6^30).

unhrēoflig not leprous, ÆH 1·124^24.

unhrōr not bent down, erect, #Bo# 146^26.

unhūfed bareheaded, OEG 4466.

unhwearfiende unchangeable, fixed, #Bo# 20^29.

unhwīlen † eternal.

unhȳdig ignorant, foolish.

unhȳhst = unhēhst superl. of unhēh. [[under “unhēah”]]

unhyldo (e) f. displeasure, disfavour, unfriendliness, CP. [Ger. unhuld]

unhyr- = onhier-, onhyr-

unhȳr- = unhīer-

unhȳðig † unhappy.

uni- = unge-

unīeð adv. (comp.) with greater difficulty, more hardly, CP. [ēað]

unīeð- = unēað-

unin-seglian, -sæglian (Æ) to unseal.

unīðe = unīeðe [[redirected to “unēathe”]]

uniucian = ungeocian

unlāb = unlāf

unlācnigendlic incurable, #Lcd# 1·262^1.

unlācnod unhealed, CP 61^4.

unlǣc = unlēac

unlǣce m. bad physician, #Lcd# 60b.

un-lǣd, -lǣde poor, miserable, wretched, unhappy, unfortunate: accursed, wicked: straying? (of cattle).

unlǣdlic miserable, NC 329. adv. -līce.

unlǣgne = unlīegne

unlǣne permanent, W 264^18.

unlǣred unlearned, untaught, ignorant, CP.

unlǣrednes f. want of learning.

unlæt unwearied, indefatigable.

unlætto f. sin, GD 289. [unlǣd]

unlāf f. posthumous child, WW.

unlagu f. abuse of law, bad law, oppression, injustice. æt unlagum unlawfully.

unland m. desert, waste: counterfeit, supposed land, #Whale# 13.

unlandāgende m. not owning land, LL 112.

unlār f. bad teaching.

unlēac pret. 3 sg. of onlūcan. [[from first edition]]

unlēafful = ungelēafful

unleahtorwyrðe not culpable, #PPs# 18^7.

unlēanod unpaid, EC 148^4.

unlēas not false, true. adv. -līce.

unlēcð = unlȳcð pres. 3 sg. of unlūcan.

unlēfedlic = unlȳfendlic [[headword spelled “unlyfendlic”]]

unlēgne = unlīegne

unlēof † not dear, hated.

unleoðuwāc (e^3) inflexible, rigid, stubborn.

unleoðuwācnes f. inflexibility, WW.

unlesan = unlīesan

unlib- = unlyb-

unlic = ungelic [[headword spelled “ungelīc”]]

unlīchamlic incorporeal, Æ, GD.

unlīcð (Æ) = unlȳeð pres. 3 sg. of unlūcan.

unlīcwyrðe displeasing, ÆL 23b^374.

unlīefed = unālīefed [[under “unālȳfed”]]

unlīegne (ǣ, ē) not to be questioned, LL.

unlīesan (ē, ȳ) to unloose, Æ: set free, put on a free footing.

unlīf n. death, MFH 176.

unlīfes dead, ÆL 18·203.

unlifiende, unlifigende (y) unliving, lifeless, dead. [libban]

unlītel = unlȳtel

unlīðe ungentle, harsh, severe, Æ.

unliðowāc = unleoðuwāc

unlofod unpraised.

unlond = unland

unlūcan^2 to unlock, open, Æ.

unlust m. evil desire, lust, sensuality, Æ: disinclination, weariness. [Ger. unlust]

+unlustian to loathe, #Bl# 59^8.

unlyb-ba m., -be f. poisonous drug, poison, Æ: witchcraft, Æ. [lybb]

unlybbende (MH 164^21) = unlifigende [[under “unlifiende”]]

unlybwyrhta m. worker with spells or poisons, wizard, Æ.

unlȳfednes = unālīefednes [[redirected to “unālȳfednes”]]

unlyfendlic illicit, unlawful, ZDA 31^8.

unlyfigende = unlifigende [[under “unlifiende”]]

unlyft f. bad air, #Lcd# 6a.

unlygen unlying, truthful, LL 156[12].

unlȳsan (Æ) = unlīesan

unlȳt n. a great deal, #PPs# 61^9.

unlȳtel not small, much, great, very large.

unmǣdlīce = unmǣðlīce

unmǣg? m. evil kinsman? alien? #Wald# 2^23.

unmǣge not akin, #PPs# 68^8.

unmægel = unmeagol

unmægnes f. weariness, WW 224^14.

unmægðlīce = unmǣðlīce

unmæht- (N) = unmiht-

unmǣle unspotted, immaculate, pure, virgin.

unmǣne not criminal, honest, innocent, truthful: free (from).

un-mǣre, -mǣrlic inglorious, #Bo#.

unmǣte excessive, immense, great, vast, Æ: countless, innumerable.

unmǣtlic enormous, A 4·152.

unmǣtnes f. vastness, excessive greatness, BH.

unmǣð f. transgression, sin, HL 13·234.

unmǣðful immoderate, excessive, NC 329.

unmǣðlic excessive, Æ. adv. -līce excessively, Æ: unmercifully, cruelly, Æ.

un-maga m., -magu f. needy person, dependent, orphan.

unmanig not many, few.

unmann m. monster, wicked man, Æ.

un-meagol, -meahl insipid, WW.

unmeaht = unmiht

unmedeme (Æ) = unmedome

unmedome (u^3) incompetent, unfit, unworthy, CP.

unmedomlīce adv. negligently, carelessly.

unmeht = unmiht

unmeltung f. indigestion, #Lcd# 95a.

unmendlinga = unmyndlinga

unmēne = unmǣne

unmenged unmixed.

unmenn nap. of unmann.

unmenniselic inhuman, #Bo# 70^26.

unmet- = unmǣt-

unmīdlod unrestrained, unbridled, CP.

unmidome = unmedome

unmiht (ie) I. f. weakness, CP. II. (æ) impossible, MtL.

+unmiht without strength, ÆL 25^771.

un-mihtelic, -mihtlic impossible.

unmihtig (æ, e) weak, powerless, Æ: impossible, NG.

unmihtignes f. weakness, #Lcd#.

unmilde not meek, harsh, BH 100^29.

unmildheort merciless, Æ.

unmilts f. severity, anger, Ct.

unmiltsigendlic unworthy of compassion, unpardonable, Æ. [milts]

unmiltsung f. hardness of heart, AO 64^16.

unmirigð = unmyrhð

unmōd n. depression, #Lcd# 65a.

unmōdig humble, CP: timid.

unmolsniendlic uncorrupted, OEG 60.

un-monig, -moneg = unmanig

unmurn untroubled, #PPs# 75^4.

unmurnlīce † adv. unpityingly, without sorrowing.

unmycel small, GD 133^7.

unmyhtig = unmihtig

unmylts- = unmilds-

unmyndgian = unmynegian

unmynd-linga, -lenga, -lunga adv. unawares, unexpectedly, Æ, AO: undesignedly.

unmynegian to overlook, not to demand, LL 382[43].

unmyrge unpleasant? sad? WW 211^16.

unmyrhð f. sadness, W 148^9.

unna m. = unne

±unnan pres. 1 sing. an(n), on(n), pl. unnon; pret. sg. ūðe, pp. ±unnen swv. w. d. pers. and g. thing to grant, allow, bestow, give, #Bo, Chr#; AO, CP, Æ. unnendre handa voluntarily: be glad to see, wish, desire. [‘i-unne’]

unne f. favour, approval, permission, consent: grant: liberality.

unnēah adj. adv. not near, far, away from.

un-nēde, -nēdig = unnīedig

unnēdelīce (GD 346^9; JAW 55, 56) = ungnȳðelīce [[form of “ungnȳðe”]]

unnēg, unnēh = unnēah

unnend m. one who grants, DR 5^5.

unnet = unnyt

unnīed-ig, -enga adv. without compulsion or restraint, willingly, CP. [nēad]

unnit = unnyt II.

unnīðing m. honest man (not an outlaw), #Chr# 1087; v. ANS 117·22.

un-nyt, -nytt I. adj. useless, unprofitable, Æ, CP. II. m. unprofitableness, emptiness, vanity, folly.

unnytenes = unnytnes

unnytlic useless, unprofitable, foolish, CP. adv. -līce.

unnytlicnes f. uselessness, #Lcd#.

unnytnes f. unprofitableness, frivolity, emptiness.

unnytwyrðe unprofitable, useless, Æ, CP. adv. -wurðlīce, Æ.

unofercumen unsubdued, #Gl#.

unoferfēre (oe^4) impassable, #Gl#.

unoferhrēfed not roofed in, #Bl# 125^21.

unoferswið-ed, -edlic, -ende, -endlic unconquerable, invincible.

unoferwin-nene, -nendlic invincible.

unoferwrigen not covered, ÆL 23b^209.

unoferwunnen unconquered, AO 156^28.

unoferwunnendlic = unoferwinnendlic [[under “unoferwinnene”]]

unoflinnedlīce unceasingly, NC 329.

unofslegen not killed, ÆH 2·544^31.

unondcȳðignes f. ignorance, #JVPs# 24^7.

unondgetful = unandgytful

unonlȳsendlic unpardonable, GD 348^4.

unonstyred unmoved, GD 270^9n.

unonstyrigendlic motionless.

unonwend-endlic, -edlic unchangeable, constant, immovable. adv. -līce.

unorne old, worn out, decrepit, #Ma# 256.

unornlic old, worn, Æ.

unplēolic not dangerous, safe, Æ. adv. -līce.

unrǣd m. folly, foolish plan: crime, mischief, injury, plot, Æ, AO.

unrǣden f. ill-considered act, #Gen# 982.

unrǣdfæst unreliable, incompetent, ÆP 212^15.

unrǣdfæstlīce unwisely, rashly, Æ.

unrǣdlic thoughtless, #Bl# 99^21. adv. -līce, Æ.

unrǣdsīð m. foolish enterprise, #Rd# 12^4.

unræfniendlic intolerable, #SPs# 123^4 (on-).

unreht == unriht

unrehthǣmdere = unrihthǣmere

unreordlic insatiable.

±unrētan to make sad, AO. [rōt]

unrētu f. sadness, A 4·165.

unrēðe not cruel, gentle, ÆH 2·44^25.

unrīce poor, LL, RB.

unriht (e, y) I. n. wrong, sin, vice, wickedness, evil, Æ: injustice, oppression, Æ. II. adj. wrong, unrighteous, wicked, false: unlawful.

unrihtcyst f. vice, LL (262^28).

unrihtdǣd f. evil doing.

unrihtdǣde iniquitous, #LPs# 9^24.

unrihtdēma m. unjust judge, W.

unrihtdōm m. iniquity, #Da# 183.

unrihtdōnd m. evildoer, #Bl# 63^15.

unrihte adv. unjustly, wrongly.

unrihtfēoung f. unrighteous hate, #Met# 27^1.

unrihtful unrighteous, wicked, NC 329.

unrihtgestrēon n. unrighteous gain, #Bl# 63^8.

unrihtgestrod n. ill-gotten, booty, NC 330.

unrihtgewilnung (y) = unrihtwilnung [[headword spelled “unrihtwillnung”]]

unrihtgilp m. vainglory, LL (262^27).

unrihtgītsung f. wrongful greed.

unrihthǣman to fornicate, commit adultery.

unrihthǣmdere (#VPs# 49^18) = unrihthǣmere

unrihthǣmed I. n. fornication, adultery. II. adj. adulterous.

unrihthǣmedfremmere m. adulterer, NC 330.

unrihthǣmend m. adulterer, #Bl# 63.

unrihthǣmere m. fornicator, adulterer, Æ.

unrihthǣmeð = unrihthǣmed I.

unrihthēmere (#KGl#) = unrihthǣmere

unrihtlic (e, y) unjust, unrighteous, wrongful, wicked, Æ. adv. -līce.

unrihtlust m. unlawful desire, #Bo# 19^20.

unrihtlyblāc nm. unlawful magic, W 253^11.

unrihtnes (e^2) f. wrong, unrighteousness, wickedness, #Bl#.

unrihttīd f. wrong time, improper occasion, MFH 177.

unrihtweorc n. secular work done on Sunday, LL (130^25).

unrihtwīf n. unlawful consort, mistress, TC 373^29.

unrihtwīfung f. unlawful wedlock, BH 116^3.

unrihtwillend m. evil-disposed person, CP 89^22 (y^2).

unrihtwillnung f. unlawful desire, lust, ambition, CP.

unrihtwīs unrighteous, wrong, unjust, Æ, CP. adv. -līce.

unrihtwīsnes (e, y) f. injustice, unrighteousness, iniquity, Æ, CP (y).

unrihtwrīgels n. covering of error, #Bl# 105^30.

unrihtwyrcend m. evildoer, #Bl#.

unrihtwyrhta m. evildoer, CP(y^2).

unrīm I. n. countless number, huge host, large quantity, mass. II. = unrīme

unrīme countless, innumerable.

unrīmfolc n. countless number (of people), CP 51^12.

unrīpe immature, unripe, #Gl#.

unrōt sad, dejected, Æ, CP: displeased, angry.

unrōtian to become sad: (±) make sad.

unrōtlic sad, gloomy. adv. -līce.

unrōtmōd sad-hearted, #Bl# 113^12.

unrōtnes f. sadness, contrition, disquietude, Æ, CP.

±unrōtsian to be or become sad, be grieved, Æ: make sad.

unrūh smooth, without seams, JnLR 19^23.

unryht (AO, CP) == unriht

unrȳne m. diarrhæa, #Lcd# 1·172^12.

unsac not accused of anything, innocent, #Lcd# 3·288^6.

unsadelod not saddled, LL.

unsæd unsated, insatiable, #PPs# 100^5.

unsǣd n. evil seed, W 40^23.

unsæht = unseht

unsǣl m. unhappiness, W 236^26.

unsǣlan to untie, unfasten.

unsǣle wicked, WW 421^23.

unsǣlig unfortunate, unhappy, wretched: mischievous, pernicious, #Gen# 637: wicked.

unsǣlð f. unhappiness, misfortune, adversity, misery, CP.

unsæpig sapless, ÆH 1·102^4.

unsalt = unsealt

unsamwrǣde contrary, incongruous, #Bo# 106^6.

unsār painless, CP.

unsāwen unsown, LL 450[10].

unscæðed (e^2) uninjured.

unscæðful (e, ea) innocent. adv. -līce, CP.

unscæðfulnes (ea, e) f. innocence, CP.

unscæðð-ednes, -ignes (e) f. harmlessness, innocence, Æ.

unscæðð-ende (e), -ig innocent, harmless.

unscamfæst impudent, shameless, #Gl#.

unscamfulnes f. shamelessness, immodesty, MkL 7^20 (eo).

unscamig unashamed, #Jul# 552.

unscamlic shameless, immodest, Æ. adv. -līce.

unscað- = unscæð(ð)-

un-scēadelīce, -scēadlīce unreasonably.

unscēadwīslic unreasonable, ÆH 2·210^30.

unsceaft f. monster? #Rd# 88^32.

unsceam- = unscam-

unscearp not sharp (of wine), #Lcd#.

unscearpnes f. dulness, BH 402^29.

unscearpsȳne not sharp-sighted, #Lcd# 11b.

unsceað- = unscæð-

unscelleht (= ie) not furnished with a shell, #Lcd# 33b.

unscende (y) † not discreditable, blameless, glorious.

un-scended, -scendende uninjured, uncorrupted.

unscennan to unharness, WW 91^13.

unscēod = unscōd pp. of unscōgan.

unscēogan = unscōgan

unsceom- (NG) = unscam-

unscēotan (WW 190^30) = onscēotan

unsceð- = unscæð-

unscildig (Æ) == unscyldig

unscirped unclothed, MtL 22^11.

unscōgan to unshoe, Æ, CP. pp. unscōd unshod.

unscom- = unscam-

unscoren unshorn.

unscortende not failing, LkLR 12^33.

unscrȳdan (ē^2, ī^2) to put off (clothes), undress, strip, deprive of, Æ. unscrȳdd pp. naked. [scrūd]

unscyld f. innocency, #SPs# 40^13.

unscyldgung f. innocence, #ERPs# 17^25.

unscyldig (i) guiltless, innocent, Æ, CP: not responsible.

unscyldiglic excusable, #Bl# 189^32. adv. -līce innocently, #Bk# 12.

unscyldignes f. innocence.

unscynde = unscende

unscȳrdan = unscrȳdan

unscyttan to undo, unbolt, ÆL 31^863.

unscyðende = unsceððende [[under “unscæððende”]]

unseald ungiven, HL 10^495.

unsealt (a, y) unsalted, insipid.

unsēfernes = unsȳfernes

unsefful ‘insensatus,’ RHy 6^31. [sefa]

unseht I. mfn. discord, disagreement, quarrel. II. adj. not agreed, hostile, #Chr#.

unsehtnes f. discord, quarrel, NC 330.

un-seldan, -seldon (Æ) not seldom, repeatedly, frequently.

unsēofene not sighing, MFH 177.

unsewenlic invisible, #Bo# 138^2.

unsibb f. dissension, contention, war, strife, AO.

unsibbian to disagree, WW.

unsibsumnes f. anxiety, JnL p6^1.

unsideful immodest, unchaste.

unsidefullnes f. immodesty.

unsidelice immodestly, NC 330.

unsidu m. bad custom, vice, impurity. [Ger. unsitte]

unsīf- = unsȳf-

unsigefæst not victorious, ÆL 18^44.

unsingian = unsyngian

unsīð m. unfortunate journey or expedition, misfortune, mishap, Æ.

unslǣpig sleepless, WW 427^15.

unslāw (æ, ea) not slow, active. adv. -līce, CP 381^1.

unsleac not remiss, active, diligent. adv. -līce.

unsleacnes f. diligence.

unslēaw = unslāw

unslid? unslit (Cp 33#s#) n. fat, grease, tallow. [Ger. unschlitt; or ?= unsylt]

unslitten untorn, JnL 19^23.

unslȳped open, unloosed, W 83^9.

unsmǣðe = unsmēðe

unsmeoruwig not greasy, #Lcd# 106b (smerig).

unsmēðe not smooth, uneven, rough, scabby.

unsmēðnes f. roughness, WW.

unsmōð = unsmēðe

unsnotor (e^3) unwise. adv. -līce.

unsnotornes- (yter-) f. folly.

unsnott- = unsnot-

unsnyttru f. folly, ignorance.

unsnyttrum † adv. foolishly.

unsoden not boiled or cooked.

unsōfte harshly, bitterly, severely, violently, Æ: with difficulty, hardly, scarcely: uncomfortably.

unsōftlīce harshly, ÆH 1·434^7.

unsōm f. disagreement, LL.

unsorh free from care, #Bl# 217^29.

unsōð I. adj. untrue, false. II. n. untruth, falsehood.

unsōðfæst untruthful: unjust, unrighteous.

unsōðfæstnes f. injustice, unrighteousness.

±unsōðian to falsify, disprove.

unsōðsag-ol, -ul untruthful, Æ.

unspannan^7 to unfasten, WW 231^35.

unspecende = unsprecende

unspēd f. want, poverty.

unspēdig poor, Æ, AO: not fertile.

unspiwol that stops vomiting? #Lcd#.

unspornend = onspornend

unsprecende not able to speak, Æ.

unstæfwīs illiterate, GPH 393.

unstæððig unstable, irregular, weak, frivolous, wanton, Æ.

unstæððignes f. instability, inconstancy, wantonness, Æ.

unstaðolfæst unstable, unenduring, weak, fickle, Æ.

unstaðolfæstnes f. instability, weakness, fickleness, Æ.

unstenc m. stench, stink.

unstille moving, changeable, restless, inquiet, uneasy, CP.

+unstillian to disturb, agitate, BH 278^10.

un-stilnes, -stillnes f. agitation, restlessness, disturbance, disquiet, trouble, disorder, tumult, Æ, AO.

unstrang not strong, weak, infirm, feeble, Æ.

unstrangian to be feeble.

unstrangnes f. feebleness.

unstrenge weak, ÆH 2·390^26.

unstydful inconstant, apostate, DR 121^10. [= unstede-]

unstydfullnes (on-) f. instability, DR.

unstyrendlic immovable, hard to carry, MtL 23^4.

unstyriende immovable, stationary, #Bo#.

unswǣs unpleasant, disagreeable, uncongenial. adv. -swǣse.

unswǣslic ungentle, cruel, #Jud# 65. [swǣs]

unswefn n. bad dream, #Lcd# 3·288^21.

unsweotol imperceptible, indistinct.

unswēte not sweet: foul.

unswicen unbetrayed, unharmed, safe, #Chr# 1048.

un-swicende, -swiciende true, faithful.

unswicol trustworthy, true.

unswīð not strong, #Lcd#. adv. -swīðe.

unsydeful = unsideful

unsȳferlic impure, #Bl# 43^17.

unsȳfernes f. impurity, foulness.

unsȳfre (ī) I. adj. impure, unclean, filthy. II. adv. filthily, #Cr# 1484?

unsylt = unsealt

unsyngian to exculpate, LL 98[21,1].

unsynnig guiltless, innocent, Æ.

unsynnum adv. guiltlessly, B 1072.

untǣle blameless, faultless, Æ.

untǣled unblamed, CP 351^20.

untǣllic (ā) blameless, immaculate, undefiled, praiseworthy. adv. -līce, Æ, CP.

untǣl-wierðe (y^3) blameless, CP. adv. -wierðlīce.

untæslic = unðæslic

untāl- = untǣl-

untala (NG) = untela

untamcul untameable, GPH 397.

unteala = untela

unteald uncounted, #Lcd# 3·264^11.

untealt stable, steady, #Chr# 897#d#.

untela adv. not well, amiss, badly, ill, improperly, wrongly, CP.

untellendlic indescribable.

untemed untamed, #CPs#, WW.

untēmende = untȳmende

untēnan (#KGl#) = ontȳnan

untēogoðad untithed, CP 439^29.

unteola = untela

untēorig untiring, unceasing, #Met# 28^17.

untīdǣt untimely eating, NC 330.

untīdfyl f. untimely eating or drinking, W 46^14.

untīdgewidere n. unseasonable weather, #Chr# 1095.

untīdlic unseasonable, AO. adv. -līce.

untīdspǣc f. untimely speech, LL (322^9).

untīdweorc n. work at an improper time (e.g. on Sunday), W.

untīena (AO) = ontēona

untīgan to untie, loosen, unchain, Æ. [tēag]

untilad destitute, #Bo# 16^12.

untīma m. unseasonableness, wrong time, CP: bad time, misfortune, W 297^7.

untīme ill-timed, unfortunate, Æ.

untīmnes f. evil times, W 207^18.

untīnan = ontȳnan

untōbrocen unbroken, Æ.

untōclofen uncloven, ÆL 25^45.

untōdǣled undivided, individual, indivisible, inseparable.

untōdǣledlic inseparable, indivisible, Æ. adv. -līce.

untōdǣlednes f. undividedness, A 8·318^17.

untō-dǣlend-, dǣl-, dāl-, -dēlen- = untō-dǣled-

untōlǣtendlīce incessantly, GD 117^23.

untō-lēsende, -lȳsende that cannot be loosed, inextricable, WW.

untōlȳsendlic unforgivable, GD 342^26.

untōsceacen unshaken.

untōslegen unshattered, AS 22^8.

untōsliten untorn, uninjured, CP.

untōsprecendlic ineffable, TC.

untōtwǣmed undivided, Æ.

untōworpenlic (e^2, a^4) inviolable, OEG 11^153.

untrāglīce frankly, #El# 410.

untrēow = untrēowð

untrēowe (ȳ) untrue, unfaithful.

untrēowfǣst (ȳ) unfaithful, unreliable.

untrēowlīce faithlessly, AO.

untrēowsian to defraud, deceive, CP: offend, G.

untrēowð f. unfaithfulness, treachery, AO.

untrum infirm, weakly, sick, ill, Æ, CP.

untrumian to be or become sick or infirm: make weak, Æ.

untrumlic infirm, weak, Æ.

untrumnes f. weakness, sickliness, infirmity, illness, Æ, AO, CP.

untrymed unconfirmed (by a bishop), LL (140^19).

un-trymig, -trymmig sick, infirm, NG.

untrymigan to become weak, JnL 6^2.

untrymmigo f. illness, MtL 10^1.

untrymnes = untrumnes

untrymð f. weakness, illness.

untrȳw- = untrēow-

untwēgendlīce = untwēogendlīce

untwēo m. certainty, #Cr# 961.

untwēod undoubting, #An# 1244.

untweofeald = untwiefeald

untwēogende unhesitating, not doubting, CP.

untwēogendlic indubitable, certain. adv. -līce indubitably, unhesitatingly, undoubtingly, AO, CP.

untwēolic (ī) undoubted, OEG. adv. -līce certainly, with certainty, Æ.

untwēonde = untwēogende

untwēon(d)līce = untwēogendlīce

untwēonigend (ȳ) undoubting, A 9·115^45.

untwī- = untwēo-

untwȳ- = untwie-

[[Printed on one line: untwī-, untwȳ- = untwēo-, untwie-]]

untwie-feald, -feld not double, CP: not double-minded, without duplicity, sincere, CP.

untȳd unskilful, inexperienced, CP.

untyddre = untȳdre

untȳdlic = untīdlic

untȳdre I. firm, unbending, #An# 1254. II. m. monster, B 111.

untȳdrende barren, #Lcd# 33b.

untȳgian = untīgan

untygða unsuccessful (in getting one’s wish), CP 257^18.

untȳmende barren, unfruitful, Æ. [tīeman]

untȳnan = ontȳnan

untȳned unfenced, LL 106[40].

untȳð = untygð [[form of “untygða”?]]

unðærfe in phr. ‘unðærfe ðing’ ‘nequaquam’ MtL 2^6. [unðearf]

unðæslic inappropriate, unseemly, unbecoming, absurd, Æ. adv. -līce, Æ.

unðæslicnes f. impropriety, ÆH 2·316^8.

unðæslicu f. incongruity, RB 124^13.

unðanc m. ingratitude, disinclination, displeasure, Æ, AO, CP: evil intention, an ill turn, Æ. his unðances against his will, involuntarily. [Ger. undank]

unðancful unthankful, CP, GD.

unðanc-ol, -ul ungrateful, NC 330.

unðanc-wurðe, -wyrðe ungrateful: not acceptable, disagreeable, Æ.

unðancwyrðlīce ungratefully, NC 330.

unðearf f. damage, hurt, detriment, ruin, Æ.

unðearfes without a cause, #PPs# 13^6.

unðēaw m. vice, sin, fault, Æ, CP.

unðēawfæst disorderly, ill-mannered, dissolute, Æ. adv. -līce.

unðēawful uncontrolled, disorderly, WW.

unðegenlīce basely.

unðinged unexpected, sudden, CP.

unðingod unatoned for, CP 423^35.

unðolemōdnes f. impatience.

unðoligendlic intolerable, #Sc# 208^14.

unðorfæst unprofitable, DR 179^17.

un-ðrīste, -ðrīeste diffident, CP.

unðrōwendlicnes f. impassibility, ZDA 31·14.

unðrōwigendlic unsuffering, Æ.

unðurhsceotendlic impenetrable.

unðurhtogen unperformed, neglected, CP 329^14.

unðwægen = unðwogen

unðwǣre = ungeðwǣre

+unðwǣrian to disagree, Æ, CP.

unðwǣrnes f. (ē) discord, division, #Chr#.

un-ðwean, -ðwagen, -ðwægen, -ðwegen, -ðwēn = unðwogen

unðwērnes = unðwǣrnes

unðwogen unwashed.

unðyhtig weak, OET 107.

unðyldig = ungeðyldig

unðyldlicnes f. difficulty, BH 2·340.

unundergilde (a^2) invaluable, #Bo# 27^20.

unwāclic † steadfast, strong, noble, splendid, adv. -līce.

unwǣded (ē) not clothed, MtL 22^11.

unwæder = unweder

unwælgrim gentle, merciful, GD 133^6.

unwæm- = unwem-

unwær (-war- in obl. cases) incautious, careless, unthinking, foolish, Æ, CP: unaware, unexpected. on un-wær, -waran, -warum unawares, unexpectedly.

unwæres = unwares

unwærlic unwary, heedless, CP. adv. -līce, Æ, AO, CP.

unwærnes f. heedlessness, W 299^7.

unwærscipe m. folly, ÆL 1·68^4.

unwæscen unwashen, #Lcd# 41b.

unwæstm mfn. barrenness: tare, weed.

unwæstmbǣre unfruitful, barren, sterile, Æ, CP.

unwæstm-bǣrnes (Æ, AO), -berendnes (Æ) f. unfruitfulness, barrenness, sterility.

umwæstmberend-e, -lic sterile.

unwæstmfæst barren, #Bl# 163^17.

unwæstmfæstnes f. barrenness, #Bl# 163^17.

unwæterig waterless, dry, desert.

unwandiende unhesitating, CP 381^25.

unwar- v. unwær.

unwares adv. unawares. [gs. of unwær]

unwarnod unwarned, LL 382^33.

unwealt steady, stable, #Chr# 897.

unwearnum † adv. irresistibly: suddenly, in a moment.

unwearð = unweorð

unweaxen † not grown up, young.

unwēded = unwǣded

unweder n. bad weather, storm, Æ.

unwederlīce adv. tempestuously, Mt 16^3.

unweg = onweg

unwegen not weighed, #Lcd# 1·376^7.

unwemlic unsullied, pure, WW 522^35.

un-wemme, -wemmed unblemished, unstained, unspotted, uninjured, Æ: inviolate.

unwemmend m. innocent man, #REPs# 36^18 (on-).

unwemming f. incorruptibility, incorruption, #Sc# 41^10.

unwemnes f. purity, HL 18^422.

+unwendnes = onwendnes [[under “onwendednes”]]

unwēne unexpected: hopeless, Æ.

umwēned unexpected.

unwēnlic adj. unpromising, hopeless, desperate, AO, CP. adv. -līce unexpectedly, by chance, GD 88^17.

unwēnunga unexpectedly, #Bo# 140^10.

unwēod n. ill weed, W 92^19.

unweoder = unweder

unweorcheard delicate, weakly, infirm, RB 75^8.

unweorclic (o) unsuitable for work, A 8·319^30.

unweorð (AO) = unwierðe

unweorðian (o, u) to slight, treat with contempt, dishonour, CP: (±) become worthless, vile, dishonour oneself.

unweorðlic (u) unworthy, dishonourable, AO: unimportant, humble, CP. adv. -līce unworthily, dishonourably, ignominiously, AO, CP: indignantly.

unweorðnes f. slight, contempt, disgrace, AO, CP.

unweorðscipe m. dishonour, disgrace: indignation, CP 222^9.

unweorðung (u) f. disgrace: indignation, CP 222^12.

unweotod = unwitod

unwer (#KGl#) = unwær

unwered unprotected, #Gen# 812.

unwērig unwearying, indefatigable, persistent, Æ, AO.

unwerlīce = unwærlīce

unwerod not sweet, CP 447^19.

unwestm = unwæstm

unweðer = unweder

unwīd not wide, NC 330.

unwidere n. bad weather, W.

unwīdlod unpolluted, DR 90^17.

unwierðe I. adj. unworthy, CP: worthless: contemptible, ignominious. II. adv.

unwīese = unwīse, unwīslīce

unwilla m. repugnance, displeasure.

unwillan = unwillum

unwillende unwilling, involuntary, CP.

unwilles adv. unwillingly, involuntarily, reluctantly, Æ.

unwillum adv. unwillingly, reluctantly. his unwillum against his will, AO: involuntarily, unintentionally.

unwilsumlīce adv. involuntarily, against one’s will, BH 442^23.

unwindan^3 (= on-) to unwind, uncover, Æ.

unwine m. foe, enemy.

unwinsum = unwynsum

unwīs unwise, foolish, ignorant, uninformed, CP.

unwīsdōm m. unwisdom, imprudence, folly, ignorance, CP.

unwīse = unwīslīce

unwīslic foolish. adv. -līce, Æ.

unwīsnes f. ignorance: wickedness, DR.

unwita m. witless person, ignoramus.

unwitende unwitting, ignorant, AO.

unwītnigendlīce without punishment, with impunity, #ÆGr# 233^6.

unwītnod unpunished, CP.

unwītnung f. impunity, #Sc# 235^5.

unwitod (io, u) uncertain.

unwittig unconscious, ignorant, stupid, Æ.

unwittignes f. folly, GD 163^34.

unwittol ignorant, #Sc# 80^12.

unwitweorc n. foolish work, #Bl# 111^2.

unwiðerweard friendly, CP 361^20.

unwiðerweardlic not discordant, NC 330.

unwiðmetenes f. incomparability, OEG 587.

unwiðmetenlic not comparable, incomparable, Æ. adv. -līce.

unwlite m. dishonour, WW.

unwliteg = unwlitig

unwlitegian to become disfigured, CP: disfigure, transform, CP.

unwlitegung f. disfigurement, WW 391^5.

unwlitig unsightly, deformed, disfigured, ill-favoured, Æ.

unwlitignes f. disfigurement, BH 384^4.

unworclic = unweorclic

unworht unwrought, unfinished.

unworðian = unweorðian

unwrænc = unwrenc

unwrǣne not lustful, #Lcd#.

un-wrǣst, -wrǣste (ē) feeble, weakly, AO: unsteady, untrustworthy.

unwrǣstlīce adv. weakly, incongruously, A 8·334^18.

unwrecen unpunished, unavenged.

unwrenc (æ) m. vice, evil design, Æ, CP.

unwrēon^1,2 to uncover, reveal.

unwrēst = unwrǣst

un-wrigednes, -wrigennes f. uncovering, revelation.

unwrigen open, unconcealed, MFH 101^7 (pp. of unwrēon).

unwriten unwritten, #Bo#.

unwrītere m. incorrect copyist, #ÆGr# 3^24.

unwrīðan to untwist, unbind, CP.

unwunden I. not wound. II. pp. of unwindan.

unwundod not wounded, #Gen# 183.

unwuniendlic uninhabitable, #Lcd# 3·262.

unwurð == unweorð

unwuted = unwitod

unwynsum unpleasant, Æ.

unwynsumnes f. unpleasantness, Æ.

unwyrcan to undo, destroy.

unwyrd f. misfortune, trouble.

unwyrtrumian to root out, MtL 13^29.

unwyrð- = unweorð-

unwyrðe = unwierðe

unymb-fangen, -fangenlic incomprehensible, GD.

unymbwendedlic unalterable, DR 164^16.

unymbwriten indescribable, GD 268^24.

unȳð- = unēað-

unȳðgian to trouble, #EPs# 34^15.

ūp [S 122] adv. ‘up’ (to a place), up stream, up country (inland): upwards. lǣtan ūp to put ashore. ūp forlǣtan divide.

ūpāberan^1 to bear up.

ūpāblāwan^7 to blow up, be in eruption (of a volcano), ÆL 8^222.

ūpābrecan^4 to break out, break through, boil up, Æ.

ūp-ābregdan, -ābrēdan^3 to lift up, raise up, exalt, CP.

ūpādelfan^3 to dig up.

ūpādōn anv. to take up, exhume.

ūpāfangnes f. reception, assumption, A 5·464.

ūpāhæf- = ūpāhaf-

ūpāhafenlīce (æ) adv. arrogantly, OEG 667.

ūpāhafennes f. exultation, presumption, arrogance, pride, CP: elevation, Æ.

ūpāhafu lifting up, NC 331.

ūpāhebban^6 to lift up, raise up, exalt, Æ, CP: rise in the air, fly.

ūpāhefedlīce arrogantly, #HGl# 422^8.

ūp-āhefednes (Æ), -āhefennes = ūpāhefennes [[headword spelled “ūpāhafennes”]]

ūpāhōn^7 to hang up, Æ.

ūpāmȳlan? to come to light, appear, #HGl# 463 (v. OEG 4784).

ūpārǣran to raise up, lift up, exalt, AO, CP: excite.

ūpāreccan to erect, raise, build, #VPs#.

ūpārīsan^1 to rise up, CP.

ūpārisnes f. resurrection, EHy 14^6.

ūpāspringan^3 to spring up, arise.

ūpā-springnes, -sprungnes f. uprising, #LPs# 102^12.

ūpāstandan^6 to stand up, rise up, emerge.

ūpāstīgan^1 to rise, ascend, Æ, CP.

ūp-āstīgenes, -āstīgnes f. ascent, ascension, means of going up.

ūpāstreccan to uplift, CM 38.

ūpātēon^2,1 to draw up, bring up, rear: draw out, pull out, pluck up: lift up, place in an upright position, Æ.

ūpāðenian to elevate, lift up, CP.

ūp-āweallan, -āwallan^7 to well up, steam up, boil up, Æ.

ūpāwegan^5 to lift up, support, Æ.

ūpāwendan to turn upwards, raise, Æ. pp. ūpāwend supine, #ÆGr#.

ūpberan^4 to bear up.

ūpbesēon^5 to look up.

ūpbrēdan^3 to reproach with, upbraid, W 248^9.

ūpcuman^4 to come up, arise.

ūpcund from above, heavenly, CP.

ūpcyme m. rising, origin, source.

ūpeard m. land above, heaven, #Gu# 1051.

ūpende m. upper end.

ūpengel † m. heavenly angel.

ūpēode pret. 3 sg. of ūpgān.

ūpfæreld n? ascension, ÆH 1·444^1.

ūpfeax bald in front, WW 276^32.

ūpfēgan to erect, CP.

ūpfēran to go forth, spring forth, GPH 401.

ūpferian to carry up, to raise, #Sc# 130^7.

ūp-flēogan (Æ), -flēon^2 to fly up.

ūpflēring f. upper floor (of house), Æ.

ūpflōr fm., ūpflōre f. upper chamber or story, garret, Æ.

ūpflugon pret. pl. of ūpflēogan.

ūpgān anv. to go up: make to go up, raise: rise (of sun), #Guth# 148^41.

ūpgang m. rising, sunrise, Æ: going up, approach, ascent: landing, going inland.

ūpganga m. landing, #Ma# 87.

ūpgeberan^4 to bear or carry up.

ūpgebrēdan (W 249^3) = ūpbrēdan

ūpgemynd ‡ n. contemplation of things above.

ūpgēotan^2 to well up, #Guth# 131^199.

ūpgetēon^2,1 to draw up.

ūpgodu np. the gods above, heathen gods, WW 497^25.

ūpgong = ūpgang

ūphafenes = ūpāhafennes

ūphēafod n. upper end, KC 6·79^10.

ūphēah uplifted, high, elevated: sublime, noble, upright.

ūpheald n. maintenance, KC 4·232^5.

ūphebbe f. water-hen, coot, #PPs# 10 3^17.

ūphebbing f. uprising, LkL 8^8.

ūp-hefenes (#VPs#), -hefnes = ūpāhafennes

ūpheofon m. heaven above, sky.

ūphladan^6 to draw up, #HGl# 418.

ūphūs n. upper room, WW 384^3.

ūpland n. country (as opposed to town).

ūplang upright, erect: tall.

ūplegen f. hair-pin, WW 223^16.

ūplendisc from the uplands, rural, from beyond the town, Æ. [ūpland]

ūplic upper, supreme, lofty, sublime, heavenly, celestial, Æ, CP.

ūplyft fnm. upper air, ether, sky.

ūpnes f. height, #LPs# 10 3^3.

ūpniman^4 to raise up, EHy 3^8.

upon = uppan

upp = ūp

uppan (o^2) prep. (w. d. and a.) on, upon, up to, against: (time) on, after: in addition to. wið u. above. on u. against.

+uppan = +yppan

uppe I. adv. above, aloft, up, inland, CP. u. on upon. II. = yppe

uppe- = ūp-

uppian to rise up, swell, CP 277^7.

uppl- = ūpl-

uppon = uppan

ūprador = ūprodor [[under “ūproder”]]

ūprǣcan to reach up, #Bl# 223^10.

ūpriht upright, erect, Æ: face upwards, OEG 2157. adv. -rihte.

ūprine = ūpryne

ūprocettan to belch up, #EPs# 118^171.

ūp-roder, -rodor † m. upper heavens, ether, firmament.

ūpryne m. ascent, rising (of sun).

ūpsittan^5 ‘residere,’ #ÆGr#.

ūpspring m. rising up, origin, birth, Æ: what springs up.

ūpsprungennes f. eclipse, BH 240^20#b#.

upstīge m. ascent, ascension, Æ: staircase, GD 170^24.

ūpstīgend m. one who mounts up, rider, DR; CHy 4^1.

ūpðyddan to swell up, #Guth# 131^197.

ūpwæg = ūpweg

ūpwæstm m. stature, A 17·113.

ūpware mp. inhabitants of heaven, WW 355^29.

ūpweallan^7 to boil up, AO.

ūpweard, ūpweardes adv. up, upwards: towards heaven.

ūpweg † m. ascent, ascension.

ūpyrnan^3 (eo) to run up, grow, increase: rise.

ūpyrne = ūpryne

ūr m. bison, aurochs: name of the rune for =u=. [Ger. auer]

ūre I. possess. pron. ‘our,’ ours, AO, CP, G. II. gp. of ic.

ūrelendisc of our country, #ÆGr# 93^17.

ūrigfeðere † dewy-winged.

ūriglāst leaving a damp track, #Wy# 29.

ūrne asm. of ūre I.

urnen pp., urnon pret. pl. of iernan.

ūron = ūrum dsmn. and dp. of ūre I.

ūs dap. of pers. pron. ic us.

ūser I. poss. pron. gen. ūsses our. II. gp. of ic.

ūsic, ūsig, ūsih = ūs

ūsse = ūre

ūsser = ūser

ūsses v. ūser.

ūssic = ūsic, ūs

ūsspīung f. expectoration, WW 113^9. [ūt, spīwung] [[headword spelled “spiwung”]]

ūssum dsn. of ūser.

ūt adv. ‘out,’ AO, Bo, G: without, outside.

ūta- (N) = ūtan-

ūtāberstan^3 to burst out, burst forth, CP.

ūtāblāwan^7 to blow out, breathe out.

ūtābrecan^4 to break out, Æ.

ūtābrēdan^3 to pluck out, take out or away.

ūtācnyssan to drive out, #ERPs# 35^13.

ūtacumen = ūtancumen

ūtacund extraneous, external, foreign, NG.

ūtacunda m. stranger, LkL 17^18.

ūtacymen = ūtancymen [[under “ūtancumen”]]

ūtādelfan^3 to dig out, #ÆGr#.

ūtādōn anv. to do out, put out, Æ.

ūtādrǣfan to drive out, expel, destroy, Æ.

ūtādrīfan^1 to drive out, disperse, dispel, LL.

ūtādrȳgan to dry out.

ūtǣðmian (ē) to breathe out, MFH 122^8.

ūtāfaran^6 to come forth, go out, depart, CP.

ūtāflēon^2 to flee away.

ūtāflōwan = ūtflōwan

ūtāflȳman to drive out or away.

ūtāfōn^7 to take out, except.

ūt-āgān anv., -āgangan^7 to go out, go forth.

ūtāgēotan^2 to pour out, dispense.

ūtāhrǣcan to spit out.

ūtālædan to lead out, LL, #VPs#.

ūtāmǣr-an, -ian to drive out, expel, depopulate, BH.

utan = wuton

ūtan adv. from outside, An; #Chr#: on the outside, without, Bo, Gen. ūtan landes abroad, PPs 64^8. [‘outen’]

ūtanbordes adv. from abroad, CP 3^11.

ūtan-cumen, -cymen I. foreign, strange, AO; Æ: belonging to another. [‘outcome’] II. m. stranger, foreigner.

ūtane adv. from without, outwards, outside, externally, AO, CP.

ūtanlandes v. ūtan.

ūtanweard external, outside, WW. [‘outward’]

ūtānȳdan to drive out, expel, #RPs# 43^3.

ūtāscēofan = ūtāscūfan

ūtāsceotan^2 to sprout forth, burst forth, CP: to pierce out, AO.

ūtāscūfan^2 to drive out, thrust out, shut out.

ūtāscyndan to drive out, Æ.

ūtāslēan^6 to strike outwards, break out, CP.

ūtāslīdan^1 to slip out.

ūtāspīwan^4 to spew forth, vomit up, CP 447^17,19.

ūtāstingan^3 to put out (eyes).

ūtātēon^2,1 to draw out, Æ.

ūtātȳnan to exclude, #VPs#.

ūtāðringan^3 to press out.

ūtāðȳdan to thrust out, cast out, Æ.

ūtaweard (NG) = ūtanweard

ūtāweorpan^3 to cast out, empty out.

ūtberstan = ūtāberstan

ūtcumen = ūtancumen

ūtcwealm (a, æ) m. utter destruction, extirpation, Cp 461#i#.

ūtcȳðan to promulgate, announce, A 4·166.

ūtdrǣf f. decree of expulsion, ÆH 21^85.

ūtdrǣfan to drive out, expel.

ūtdrǣfere m. driver out, WW 172^46.

ūtdragan^6 to remove, LL 454[9].

ūtdrīfan^1 to drive out or away, expel, scatter, disperse.

ūte adv. without, outside, abroad, BH; Æ: out. [‘oute’]

ūtemest = ȳtemest

ūten = ūtan

ūtene = ūtane

ūter == ūtor

ūtera, ūterra adj. (comp.) outer, exterior, external, AO, CP. superl. ȳtemest uttermost, utmost, extreme, last.

ūtermere m. outer sea, open sea, #Chr# 897#a#.

ūteweard adj. external, outward, outside, extreme, last. as sb. outward part, exterior. on ūteweardan on the outside, outwardly.

ūtfær n. going out, Æ.

ūtfæreld n. exodus, going out, Æ, AO.

ūtfaran^6 to go out.

ūtfaru f. going out, Æ, RB. [‘outfare’]

ūtfēran to go out, Æ.

ūtflēon^2 to flee out or away.

ūtflōwan^7 to flow out, Æ, CP: scatter, be dispersed, EHy 5^6.

ūtflȳman = ūtāflȳman

ūtfōr f. evacuation (from body), #Lcd# 6a.

ūtforlǣtan to cast out, Æ, AO, CP.

ūtfūs ready to start, B 33.

ūtgān anv. to go out, CP.

ūtgang m. going out, departure, exit, exodus: latter part, Guth, MtL, VPs: privy: dejecta, excrement, #Lcd#: ‘anus.’ [‘outgang’]

ūtgangan^7 = ūtgān

ūtgārsecg m. remotest sea, #Creat# 70.

ūtgefeoht n. external war, BH I, #XXII#.

ūtgegān = ūtgān

ūtgelǣdan = ūtlǣdan

ūtgemǣre n. extreme or remotest limit.

ūtgenga m. exit, MtR 22^9.

ūtgēð (#KGl#) pres. 3 sg. of ūtgān.

ūtgong = ūtgang

ūthealf f. outer side, WW 153^45.

ūthere m. foreign army, #Chr#.

ūthlēap n. fine for letting a prisoner escape, TC.

ūtian to put out, expel, LL: alienate (property). [‘out’]

ūtirning (io) f. flux, MkL 5^25.

ūtlād f. right of passage outwards by water, EC 344: bringing together (of material)? AS 2^7.

ūtlǣdan to lead out, bring out, LL 54[8,1].

ūtlǣdnes (ē) f. ‘abductio,’ EHy 6^36.

ūtlænda = ūtlenda

ūtlændisc = ūtlendisc

ūtlǣs f. out-pastures, KC 6·214.

ūtlaga m. ‘outlaw,’ Æ, W.

±ūtlagian to ‘outlaw,’ banish, Chr.

ūtlagu? f. outlawry. [ON. útlagi]

ūtlah outlawed, #Chr#, LL.

ūtland n. foreign land, #PPs#: outlying land (granted to tenants), TC 502. [‘outland’]

ūtlec = ūtlic

ūtlednes = ūtlædnes [[headword spelled “ūtlǣdnes”]]

ūtlenda m. foreigner, stranger, alien, #Gl#.

ūtlende = ūtlendisc

ūtlendisc (æ) I. strange, foreign, Æ, Chr. II. m. foreigner, stranger. [‘outlandish’]

ūtlēoran to go out, pass, GD.

ūtlic from without, foreign, BH.

ūtmǣran to tell out, make known, proclaim, announce, A 4·166.

ūt-mæst, -mest = ȳtemest

ūtniman^4 to take out, redeem.

uton = wuton

ūton = ūtan

ūtone = ūtane

ūtor (comp. of ūte) adv. beyond.

ūtorlic (e^2) external, #Kl# 14^77.

ūtrǣcan to reach out.

ūtrǣsan to rush out, #Chr#.

ūtre = ūterre f. and n. of ūterra. [[under “ūtera”]]

ūtrīdan^1 to ride or go away, LL 210[8].

ūtrine = ūtryne

ūt-roccettan, -roccian to belch out, #EJPs#.

ūtryne m. running away, issue, exit, outlet: what runs out.

ūtsang = ūhtsang

ūtscēotan^2 to abut on, EC 121: suffer to escape, aid the escape of, LL 194[6,1].

ūtscūfan^2 to push out, shut out, exclude, Æ.

ūtscyte m. outfall, outlet, exit, Æ.

ūtscytling m. stranger, foreigner, #Sc# 200^4.

ūtsendan to send out.

ūt-siht, -sihte f. flux, diarrhœa, Æ, AO.

ūtsihtādl f. diarrhœa, dysentery, #Lcd#.

ūtsīon^1 to issue out, AO 38^7.

ūtsīð m. going out, departure: death.

ūtspīwung v. ūsspīung.

utter, uttor = ūtor

uttermæst = ȳtemest

utun = wuton

ūtwǣpnedmann m. stranger, BH 354^25.

ūtwærc m. dysentery? #Lcd#.

ūtwald m. outlying wood, EC 289^17.

ūtwaru f. foreign defence, LL.

ūtweallan^7 to well out, flow forth, A 4·163.

ūtweard adj. outside of, going away, striving to get out.

ūtweardes adv. ‘outwards,’ CP.

ūtweorc = ūtwærc

ūtwīcing m. sea-rover, #Chr# 1098.

ūtyrnende diuretic, purgative, diarrhœic.

ūtyrning (io^2) f. flux, MkL 5^25.

ūð- intensitive prefix.

ūðe pret. sg. of unnan.

ūðgende = ūðgenge

ūðgenge fugitive, alien, fleeting, vanishing, departing.

ūðmǣte huge, MH 76^1n.

ūðon pret. pl. of unnan.

ūðuta = ūðwita

ūðweot- = ūðwit-

ūðwita (eo^2, u^2) m. scholar, sage, philosopher, scribe, Pharisee, Æ.

ūðwitelic = ūðwitlic

ūðwitian to study philosophy, #ÆGr# 146^2.

ūðwitlic philosophical, academical, WW.

ūðwuta (NG) = ūðwita

ūðwyt- = ūðwit-


wā I. (see also wēa) m. ‘woe,’ affliction, misery, evil, Æ. II. interj. (occly. governs d.) woe! alas! CP. wā lā, wā lā wā, wei lā wei ah! oh! alas!

wāc I. adj. weak, soft, feeble, effeminate, cowardly, timid, pliant, Æ, CP: slender, frail: insignificant, mean, poor, Æ: bad, vile. [Ger. weich] II. n. weakness, LL. III. pret. 3 sg. of wīcan.

wac- = wæc-

wacan^6 † to awake, arise, be born, originate. [v. ‘wake’]

waccor = wacor

wāce weakly, slowly, negligently.

wacel = wacol

wacen (æ^1, ea^1, a^2, o^2, u^2) f. wakefulness: watching, vigil: division of the night, NG: incentive, DR 63^15 (a^2).

wacian (æ, e) to be awake, keep awake, watch, Æ, CP. [v. ‘wake’]

wācian to become weak, languish: (±) waver, be cowardly, flinch. [Ger. weichen]

waciende watching, vigilant.

wāclic weakly, mean, vile, insignificant, trifling, Æ. adv. -līce, Æ.

wācmōd n. faint-hearted, cowardly, CP: weak-minded, irresolute, Æ.

wācmōdnes f. weakness (of mind or body), cowardice, CP.

wācnes f. weakness, insignificance, Æ.

wacnian = wæcnan

wacol awake, vigilant, watchful, attentive, Æ. adv. -līce, Æ.

wacon = wacen

wacor watchful, vigilant, CP. adv. -līce, CP.

wacsan = wascan

wācscipe m. weakness, slackness: insignificance, contempt.

-wacu v. niht-w.

wacul = wacol

wād I. n. ‘woad,’ #ÆGr#; Mdf. II. (?) dragnet, OEG 61^15 (v. A 31·528).

wad- v. wæd.

wadan^6 to go, move, stride, advance: ‘wade,’ AO: (+) traverse, pervade.

wadom = waðum

wādsǣd n. woad seed, LL 454[12].

wādspitl m. woad-dibble, LL 455[15].

wadung f. travelling, going, Æ.

wǣ (N, #VPs#) = wā

wæarhrōd = weargrōd

wæb, wæbb == webb [[under “web”]]

wǣc- = wāc-

±wǣcan to weaken, oppress, trouble. [wāc]

wæccan (±) to watch: wake. [= wacian]

wæcce f. ‘watch,’ vigil, wakefulness, Æ, CP.

wæccen = wacen

wæccende watchful, awake.

wæccendlīce watchfully, GD 242^14.

wæccer = wacor

+wǣcednes f. weakness, ÆH 2·552^29.

wæcen = wacen

wæcg (#Gl#) = wecg

wæcian = wacian

wæcnan, wæcnian [v. also wacan] to awake, come forth, spring from, arise, be born. [‘waken’]

wæd † n. [usu. pl.; wad- in obl. cases] ford, water, sea, ocean.

wǣd f. robe, dress, apparel, clothing, garment, covering: sail, ES 40·326. [‘weeds’]

+wæd n. ford, shallow. [wadan]

wǣd- = wēd-

wǣdbrēc fp. breeches, Æ.

wædd = wedd

±wǣde (ē) n. = wǣd f.

wǣdelnes (ē) f. poverty, CP.

wæden = waden pp. of wadan.

wǣden of woad, bluish, OEG 7^372; 8^374. [wād]

wæder = weder

wǣderāp m. stay, halyard; pl. rigging, WW 515^15.

+wǣdian to clothe, dress, equip, furnish.

wǣdl (ē, ēð) f. poverty, CP: barrenness, AO.

wǣdla (ē) poor, destitute. as sb. = beggar, poor man, Æ, CP.

wǣdle = wǣdl

wǣdlēas without clothing.

wǣdlian to be poor, destitute, beg, Æ.

wǣd-lig (Æ), -ligend (GD) poor.

wǣdlnes = wǣdelnes

wǣdlung f. poverty, want, Æ: begging, Æ.

wǣdo = wād

wæf pret. 3 sg. of wefan.

+wæf = +wef

wǣfan to clothe, W 119^6.

wǣfels (ē) mn. covering, mantle, cloak, dress, clothing, garment, Æ.

wæfergange f. spider, #CPs# 89^9. [wefan]

wæfergeornnes (ǣ?) f. eagerness for sight-seeing, LL (wæfereorn-).

wæferhūs n. amphitheatre, ÆL 24^49. [wafian]

wæferlic belonging to a theatre, theatrical, OEG 62.

wæfernes f. show, display, pomp, pageant, OEG 4465.

wæfer-sēn, -sēon = wæfersȳn

wæfersolor m. ‘pulpitum,’ OEG 3458.

wæferstōw (ea) f. theatre, #Lcd#.

wæfersȳn (ē^3, ēo^3, ī^3, īe^3) f. spectacle, sight, show, display, Æ. [wāfian]

wæflian to speak foolishly, v. NC 333.

wǣfon pret. pl. of wefan.

wæfre unstable, unsteady, wavering, wandering, restless: flickering, expiring. [wafian]

wæfs = wæps

wæfð, wæft f. show, spectacle.

wæfung (#Gl#) = wafung

wæg I. m. = weg. II. pret. 3 sg. of wegan.

wǣg (ā, ē) I. m. motion: wave, billow, flood, sea. [wegan] II. (±) = wǣge. III. = wāg. IV. = hwǣg

wægan = wegan

±wǣgan (ē) to trouble, afflict, CP: deceive, falsify, Æ: (+) frustrate, #Dom# 115.

wǣgbora m. child of the waves? B 1440.

wǣgbord n. ship, vessel, #Gen# 1340.

wǣgdēor n. sea-animal, #Cr# 988.

wǣgdropa m. water-drop, tear, #Gu# 1030.

wǣge I. f. weight, scales, balance, Æ: ‘wey’ (of cheese, wool, etc.): ‘pensum,’ burden. II. † (ē) n. cup, chalice.

+wǣge n. weight, measure.

wægel (WW 124^2) = pægel?

wægen == wægn

wægenðīxl = wægneðīxl [[‘wǣnes ðīxl’ under “wægn”]]

wǣgescalu = wǣgscalu

wǣgetunge f. tongue of a balance, WW 148^19.

wǣgfær n. sea-voyage, #An# 925.

wǣgfæt n. water-vessel, clouds, #Rd# 4^37.

wǣgfaru f. track in the sea, #Ex# 298.

wǣgflota † m. (wave-floater), ship.

wǣghengest † m. ship.

wǣgholm m. sea, ocean, B 217.

wæglǣst = weglǣst [[variant of “weglēast”?]]

wǣglīðend † m. sea-farer, sailor.

wæglīðende † seafaring.

wægn (wægen, wǣn) m. carriage, ‘wain,’ ‘waggon,’ chariot, cart, vehicle. Carles wǣn; wǣnes ðīxl the constellation of the Great Bear. [wegan]

-wægnan v. be-w.

wægnere (ǣn) m. waggoner, WW.

wǣgnere m. enticer, WW 436^12. [wǣgnian]

wægnest = wegnest

wægn-fær (ǣn) n., -faru f. chariot-journey.

wægngehrado (ǣn) waggon-plank, WW 267^33.

wægngerefa (ǣn) m. ‘carpenturius,’ waggon-master? WW.

wægngewæde (ǣn) n. waggon-cover, A 9·264.

+wǣgnian to deceive: condemn, NC 297.

wægnscilling m. tax on waggons, TC 138.

wægntrēow (ǣn) n. log given to the carter of a load of wood, LL 453[21,4].

wægnðol (ǣn) cart-pin? WW 343^39.

wægnweg (ǣn) m. cart-road, KC.

wægnwyrhta (ǣn) m. ‘carpentarius,’ cart-wright, WW.

wǣgon pret. pl. of wegan.

wǣgpundern n. weighing-machine.

wǣgrāp? m. wave-rope, wave-bond (ice), B 1611. [or? wǣlrāp]

wǣgryft = wāgrift

wǣgscalu f. scale of a balance, WW 437^19. [scealu; Ger. wagschale]

wǣgstæð n. sea-shore, #Rd# 23^2.

wǣgstrēam m. current, #Ex# 311.

wǣgsweord ‡ n. sword with wavy pattern.

wǣgðel † n. ship, vessel.

wǣgðrēa f. peril of the sea, #Gen# 1490.

wǣgðrēat m. deluge, #Gen# 1352.

+wǣht pp. of +wǣcan and +wǣgan.

wæl I. n. [nap. walu] slaughter, carnage, AO. w. +slēan to slaughter: field of battle: (in pl.) dead bodies, AO. [wōl; cp. Ger. walstatt] II. m. = wiell. III. = wel

wǣl m. whirlpool, eddy, pool, Æ: ocean, sea, river, flood.

wæl- = wel-

wǣl- = wēal-

wæla = wela

±wǣlan to afflict, vex, torment, #Gu#, MtR.

wælbedd † n. slaughter-bed.

wælbend f. death-bond, band of destruction, B 1936.

wælbenn f. deadly wound, #Ex# 491.

wælblēat deadly-pale? B 2725.

wælceald deadly cold, #Sol# 468.

wælcēasega m. carrion-picker (raven), #Ex# 164.

wælclomm m. deadly fetter, #Gen# 2128.

wælcræft m. deadly power, #Rd# 87^11.

wælcwealm m. violent death, #Rd# 2^8.

wæl-cyrige, -cyrie f. (chooser of the slain), witch, sorceress. [Ger. Walküre]

wældēað m. death in battle, violent death, B 695.

wældrēor † n. blood of battle, battle-gore.

wælegian = weligian

wæler = weler

wælfǣhð f. deadly feud, B 2028.

wælfæðm m. deadly embrace, #Ex# 480.

wælfāg blood-stained, B 1128.

wælfeall = wælfill

wælfel greedy for corpses, ghoulish, #El# 53.

wælfeld m. battle-field, #Chr# 937.

wælfill m. slaughter, death, destruction.

wælfūs awaiting death, B 2420.

wælfyll = wælfill

wælfyllo f. fill of slaughter, B 125.

wælfȳr † n. deadly fire: funeral pyre.

wælgæst † m. murderous stranger.

wælgār † m. deadly spear.

wælgenga m. sea-monster? OEG 5^41; 8^305.

wælgīfre † bloodthirsty, murderous.

wælgimm m. death-bringing gem? #Rd# 21^4.

wælgrǣdig flesh-eating, cannibal, #An# 135.

wælgrim fierce, violent, bloody, cruel: fateful, dire. adv. -līce, AO.

wælgrimnes f. cruelty, torture, GD.

wælgryre m. deadly horror, #Ex# 137.

wælhere ‡ m. army intent on slaughter.

wælhlem m. death-stroke, B 2969.

wælhlence † f. coat of mail.

wælhrēow (ēa^2) cruel, fierce, savage, bloodthirsty, CP. adv. -līce.

wælhrēownes f. cruelty, ferocity, atrocity, slaughter, Æ, CP.

wælhwelp m. destroying hound, #Rd# 16^23.

wælig = welig

wǣlisc = wīelisc

wæll = weall

wæll- = wæl-

wælla = willa II.

wællan (N) = willan

wælle (#VPs#) = wille

wælm == wielm

wælmist † m. mist of death.

wælnett n. death-net, #Ex# 202.

wælnīð † m. deadly hostility, war.

wælnot ‡ m. fatal mark, baleful inscription.

wælpīl m. deadly arrow, dart, #Gu# 1127.

wælræs † m. deadly onslaught.

wælræst = wælrest

wælrǣw = wælhrēow

wǣlrāp? m. flood-fetter, (ice), B 1610?

wælrēaf n. spoil from the slain: act of spoiling the slain.

wælrēc m. deadly reek, B 2661.

wælregn (ll) m. deluge, #Gen# 1350.

wælrēow = wælhrēow

wælrest (æ^2) † f. bed of slaughter, grave.

wælrūn f. mystery of carnage? war-song? #El# 28.

wǣlsc = wīelisc

wælsceaft m. deadly spear, B 398.

wælscel n? carnage, #Jud# 313.

wælseax n. dagger, B 2703.

wælsliht (ea, i, y) m. slaughter, carnage, #Chr#: (†) combat.

wælslihta m. murderer, slayer, GD 254^22.

wælslītende corpse-biting, W 187^14: deadly-biting, W 241^12.

wælspere n. deadly spear, #Ma# 322; #Lcd# 175b.

wælsteng m. spear-shaft, B 1638.

wælstōw f. place of slaughter, battle-field, AO. āgan wælstōwe geweald to obtain possession of the battle-field, conquer.

wælstrǣl mf. deadly shaft, #Gu# 1260.

wælstrēam m. deadly flood, #Gen# 1301.

wælsweng m. deadly thrust, #Gen# 987.

wælt part of thigh, sinew, LL 7[68]. [weald]

wæltan (wv. in NG) = wealtan

wælwang m. field of the slain, #An# 1227.

wælweg (#Seaf# 63) = hwælweg

wælwulf † m. warrior, cannibal.

wǣlwyrt = wēalwyrt [[headword spelled “wealwyrt”]]

wæm = (1) wamm; (2) hwamm

wæm- = wem-

wæmbede having a great belly, WW 161^22. [wamb]

wæmman = wemman

wǣmn (LWS) = wǣpen

wǣmnian = wǣpnian

wæmst- = wæstm-

wæn = wenn

wæn- = wen-

wǣn == wægn

wǣnan = wēnan

wǣnes = (1) wācnes; (2) wōhnes

wæng = wang

wænge = wange

wǣnunga = wēnunga

wǣpan = wēpan

wǣpen n. (nap. wǣp(e)n, wǣp(e)nu) ‘weapon,’ sword; pl. arms, Æ, AO, CP: membrum virile.

wǣpenbora m. weapon-bearer, warrior, knight, Æ.

wǣpend, wǣpened = wǣpned

wǣpen(ge)tæc n. ‘wapentake’ (subdivision of a riding), LL. [cp. ON. vāpnatak]

wǣpengeðræc n. encounter of spears? DR 168^3.

wǣpengewrixl(e) n. hostile encounter.

wǣpenhād = wǣpnedhād

wǣpenhete m. armed hate, #Ap# 80.

wǣpenhūs n. armoury, WW 348^13.

wǣpenlēas unarmed, Æ.

wǣpenlic male, WW.

wǣpenstrǣl fm. arrow, #PPs# 56^5.

wǣpentæc = wǣpengetæc

wǣpenðracu † f. storm of weapons.

wǣpenðrǣge weapon, equipment? #CrA# 61?

wǣpenwīfestre = wǣpnedwīfestre

wǣpenwiga m. armed warrior, #Rd# 15^1.

wǣpmann (Æ) = wǣpnedmann

wǣpn == wǣpen

wǣpnahūs = wǣpenhūs

wǣpned I. adj. male, AO. II. m. male person.

wǣpnedbearn n. male child, BH 76^8.

wǣpnedcild n. male child, Æ.

wǣpnedcynn n. male species, Æ.

wǣpnedhād m. male sex, Æ: sexual power, GD 26^30.

wǣpnedhand f. male line, TC 491^32.

wǣpnedhealf f. male line, TC 491^16.

wǣpnedmann m. male, man, AO.

wǣpnedwīfestre f. hermaphrodite, WW.

±wǣpnian to arm, Æ, CP.

wǣpnmann = wǣpnedmann

+wǣpnu np. arms, #LPs# 45^10.

wǣpnung f. armour, Æ: (+) army.

wæps m. ‘wasp,’ Æ. [L. vespa]

wær I. (napm. ware) wary, cautious, Æ, CP: (w. g.) aware of: ready, prepared, attentive. II. † n. sea, ocean. [ON. verr] III. = wer. IV. = wearr

wǣr I. adj. true, correct, #Gen# 681. II. f. faith, fidelity: keeping, protection: agreement, treaty, compact, pledge, covenant: bond (of friendship).

+wǣr wg. ‘aware’ (of), watchful, on one’s guard, Chr 1095.

wær- = war-, wear-, wer-, wier-, wyr-

wæran = werian

wærc (wræc) m. pain, suffering, anguish (A; often confused with WS. weorc. v. JAW 52).

wærcan to be in pain.

wærcsār (e) n. pain, MkR 13^8.

wære = wer II.

wǣre I. = wǣr II. II. pret. 2 sg. of wesan.

wǣrfæst (e^2) covenant-keeping, honourable, faithful, trusty.

wǣrg = wērig

wærgēapnes f. argument, WW 192^1.

wǣr-genga, -ganga (ē^1) † wm. one seeking protection, stranger (or ?= wer-).

wǣrigian = wērgian

+wærlǣcan to warm, Æ.

±wærlan to go, pass by, DR, NG.

wærlēas incautious, careless.

wǣrlēas † faithless, perfidious.

wǣrlīce adv. truly, #Gen# 652?

wærlic I. careful, wary, cautious, circumspect, CP. adv. -līce, Æ. II. = werlic

wærlicnes f. wariness, caution, HL 13^263.

wǣrloga † m. troth-breaker, traitor, liar, devil. [‘warlock’; lēogan]

wærlot n. craftiness, cunning, deceit, WW 354^31.

wærna = wrenna

wærnes I. f. wariness, caution. II. = weargnes

wǣron pret. pl. of wesan.

wærsagol cautious in speech, W 72^17.

wærscipe m. cunning, caution, prudence, AO, CP.

wǣrstlic = wrǣstlic

wærword n. word of warning, WW.

wærwyrde cautious in speech, FT 57.

wæs pret. 1, 3 sg. of wesan.

wæsc f. ablution, washing, A 13·441.

+wæsc n. only in wætera +w. ‘alluvium,’ WW 179^35.

-wæsce v. scēap-w.

wæscen = wascen pp. of wascan.

wæscere m. washer.

wæscern n. washing-place, WW 185^2.

wæscestre I. f. washer, house-keeper, ‘presbytera,’ GD 276. II. m. dyer, GD 191^23.

wæschūs n. washing-place.

wæscing m. washing, ablution, Ct.

wǣsend = wāsend

-wæsma v. here-w.

wæsp = wæps

wæst == west

wǣst- = wēst-

wæstling m. sheet, blanket, #Gl#.

wæstm (e) mn. (nap. wæst-mas, -me) growth, increase: plant, produce, offspring, fruit, Æ, CP: result, benefit, product: interest, usury: abundance: stature, form, figure. [weaxan]

wæstmaseten f. planting, Mt 5^13.

wæstmbǣre fruitful, Æ, CP.

+wæstmbǣrian to be or make fruitful, WW.

wæstmbǣrnes f. fruitfulness, fertility, Æ.

wæstmbǣro f. fruitfulness, AO 58^20.

wæstmbēorennes = wæstmbǣrnes

wæstmberende fertile, AO.

wæstmberendnes f. fruitfulness, fertility, BH 74^30#b#.

wæstme f. = wæstm

wæstmfæst fruitful, ANS 122^247.

wæstmian to grow, increase, bear fruit.

wæstmlēas fruitless, unfruitful, Æ.

wæstmlic fruitful, DR 18^13.

wæstmsceatt m. interest, usury.

wæsðm = wæstm

wǣt (ā, ē) I. adj. ‘wet,’ moist, AO. II. n. liquid, drink, Æ. ǣt and w. food and drink, Æ.

wǣta m. wetness, moisture, humours, fluid, water, Æ, CP: drink, Æ.

±wǣtan to wet, moisten, water, #ÆGr#.

wǣte f. = wǣta m.

wæter (e) n. (gs. wætres, wæteres) ‘water,’ Æ, CP; Mdf: sea.

wæterādl f. dropsy, #Lcd#.

wæter-ǣdre, -æddre f. spring of water, source, Æ.

wæterælfādl f. a disease, #Lcd#.

wæterælfen f. water-elf, WW 457^8.

wæter-berend (OEG 871), -berere (WW) m. water-bearer, sutler, camp-follower.

wæterbōh m. succulent shoot, sprig, WW 149^25.

wæterbolla m. dropsy, #Lcd#.

wæterbora m. water-bearer.

wæterbrōga † m. frightful flood.

wæterbūc m. water-vessel, water-pot, pitcher, Æ.

wæterbucca m. water-spider, WW 122^4.

wæterburne f. water-stream, DD 3.

wæterbyden f. bucket, cask, WW 503^14.

wæterclāð m. towel, RB 59^7.

wætercrōg m. water-pot, WW 484^28.

wætercrūce f. water-pot, Cp 283#u#.

wæterdrinc m. a drink of water, NC 331.

wæter-egsa, -egesa † m. water-terror.

wæterelfen = wæterælfen

wæterfæsten n. water-fastness, place protected by water, #Chr# 894#a#.

wæter-fæt n., nap. -fatu water-pot, flagon, Æ.

wæterflaxe f. water-pitcher, Mk 14^13. [v. ‘flask’]

wæterflōd m. water-flood, inundation, deluge, Æ, AO.

wæterfrocga m. water frog, NC 331.

wæterful dropsical, WW.

wæterfyrhtnes f. hydrophobia, WW 112^24.

wætergāt f. water spider, WW 122^4.

wætergeblǣd n. watery pustule? #Lcd# 162b.

wætergefeall n. waterfall, CC 116.

wætergelād n. conduit, WW 339^4.

wætergelæt n. aqueduct, WW 211^13.

wætergesceaft f. nature of water, GD 220^17.

wætergewæsc n. ‘alluvium,’ WW 187^1.

wætergrund m. sea-bottom, depth, #PPs# 106^23.

wætergyte m. ‘Aquarius’ (sign of the Zodiac), #Lcd# 3·246^4.

wæterhæfern m. crab, #Lcd# 16b.

wæterhālgung f. consecration of water, DR 117^1.

wæterhelm m. covering of ice, #GnE# 74?

±wæterian to water, moisten, irrigate, Æ, CP: lead (cattle) to water, Æ.

wæterig watery, watered, Æ.

wæterisc (e) watery, moist.

wæterlēas waterless, Æ.

wæterlēast f. want of water, HL 9·177.

wæterlic aquatic, GPH 394.

wætermēle (ǣ^3) m. bowl, basin, #ÆGr#.

wæternǣdre f. water-snake, WW.

wæterordāl n. water-ordeal, LL 388[2].

wæterpund n. ‘norma, libella aquatica,’ WW 150^37.

wæterpytt m. water-pit, well, Æ.

wæterrīðe? f. conduit (v. OEG 1714n).

wæterscēat m. napkin, towel, WW 127^3.

wæter-scipe (Æ, CP), -scype m. sheet of water, waters: conduit.

wæterscȳte f. towel, napkin, Æ.

wætersēað m. water-pit, cistern.

wætersēoc dropsical, Æ.

wætersēocnes f. dropsy, Æ.

wæterspryng m. water-spring, #Da# 386.

wætersteall m. standing water, pond.

wæterstefn f. voice of waters, #PPs# 92^4.

wæterstoppa m. bucket, GD 11^22.

wæterstrēam m. river.

wætertīge m. canal, aqueduct, #HGl# 418^50.

wæterðēote f. conduit, flood-gate, torrent, cataract, Æ.

wæter-ðīsa, -ðissa m. (water-traverser) whale, #Whale# 50: ship, #Gu# 1303.

wæterðrūh f. water-pipe, conduit, #Gl#.

wæterðrȳð f. rush of waters, #PPs# 106^22.

wæterung f. watering, providing with water, Æ.

wæterwǣdlnes f. dearth of water, ÆL 23b^538.

wæterweg m. watercourse.

wæterwrīte f. ‘clepsydra,’ water-clock, WW 378^39.

wæterwyll m. spring of water, fountain, LL 312[5,1].

wæterwyrt f. water star-wort.

wæterȳð f. billow, B 2242.

wǣtian to be wet, WW 447^1.

wætig (GPH 389) = pætig [[headword spelled “pǣtig”]]

wætla m. swathe, bandage, #Lcd# 78a.

wǣtnes f. moisture, LkL 8^6 (ē).

wætrian = wæterian

wætter (N) = wæter

wǣtung f. wetting, moisture, #Lcd#.

wæð n. ford, #Chr# 1073#d#. [ON. vað]

-wǣða v. here-w.

wǣðan to wander, roam about: hunt. [wāð]

wǣðeburne f. fishing stream? BC (Mdf).

wǣðelnes = wǣdelnes

wǣðl = wǣdl

wǣwærðlic good? A 8·335^30. adv. (e, y) -līce successfully? A 8·298; W 169^1.

wæx (N) == weax

wǣx = wēox pret. 3 sg. of weaxan.

wæxð pres. 3 sg. of wascan.

wafian to ‘wave,’ Æ.

wāfian to be agitated, astonished, amazed, gaze at, wonder at, admire, Æ: hesitate.

wāfiende ‘theatralis,’ ‘visibilis,’ OEG 233.

waforlic = wæferlic

wafung (æ, e) f. spectacle, display, pageantry, sight, Æ: astonishment, amazement, Æ. [wafian]

wafungstede m. place for shows, theatre, WW.

wafungstōw f. place for shows, theatre, #Lcd# 3·206^16.

wāg I. (ǣ) m. wall, Æ, AO, CP. [Goth. waddjus] II. = wǣg I.

wāghrægel n. tapestry, vail, NG.

wagian to move, shake, swing, totter, Æ. [‘wag’; wegan]

wagn = wægn

wāgon = wǣgon pret. pl. of wegan.

wāgrift (e, y) n. wall-hanging, tapestry, vail, curtain.

wāgðeorl doorway? #LPs# 61^4. [ðyrel]

wāgðyling (wāh-) f. wainscoting, WW 147^31. [wāg, ðille]

wagung f. moving, shaking, #Lcd#.

wāh == wāg

wāhmelu n. fine meal, #Lcd# 101b. [OHG. wāhi]

wahsan = wascan

wal = wæl I.

wal- = wæl-, weal-

wala (N) = wela I.

wālā! wālāwā! interj. (w. g.) oh! alas! wo! [‘wellaway’; wā]

walan v. walu I.

Wālas = Wēalas

walc- = wealc-

wal-crigge, -cyrge = wælcyrige

walcspinl (o^1) f. curling-iron, crisping-pin, WW 198^1; OEG 26^70.

wald (N, #VPs#) == weald

walde (CP 443^11) = wolde

waldmora = wēalmora

Wāle (= ēa) f. Welshwoman, female slave, #Rd#.

waler (DR) = weler

walh == wealh

wālic woful, lamentable, #Sat# 100.

wall (#VPs#) == weall

wallað (ÐR) = pres. pl. of wællan = willan

walm (N) = wielm

walu I. f. ridge, bank, Ct: rib, comb (of helmet), B 1031. II. f? m? weal, mark of a blow, OEG. III. v. wæl I.

wālwyrt = wēalwyrt [[headword spelled “wealwyrt”]]

wam = wamm

wamb (o) f. belly, stomach, Æ, CP, #VPs#: ‘womb’: hollow? KC 3·52.

wambādl f. stomach-ache, #Lcd# 81a.

wambhord n. contents of the belly, #Rd# 18^10.

wambscyldig? gluttonous? v. NC 331.

wambsēoc having pain in the stomach, #Lcd#.

wamcwide (o) † shameful speech, curse, blasphemy.

wamdǣd (o) † f. deed of shame, crime.

wamfreht (o) n. sinful divination, WW.

wamful † impure, shameful, sinful, bad.

wamlust m. allurement, enticement, A 13·28; OEG 7^37.

wamm (o) I. mn. stain, spot, disgrace, defect, defilement, sin, evil, crime: injury, loss, hurt, misfortune. II. adj. shameful, bad.

wamsceaða (o) † m. sin-stained, foe, devil.

wamscyldig sinful, criminal, #Gen# 949 (o).

wamwlite (o) m. wound in the face, LL.

wamwyrcende (o) worker of sin, #Cr# 1093.

wan I. (once +; o) (usu. indecl. and used predicatively) wanting, deficient, lacking, absent, CP. ānes wan ðe ðritig or ānes wana ðrittigum twenty-nine. II. pret. 3 sg. of winnan. III. = wann

±wana m. lack, want, deficiency, Æ. w. bēon to lack, fail.

wanǣht (o) f. want, poverty, †Hy 4^102.

wananbēam m. spindle-tree, #Gl#.

wancol (e) unstable, unsteady, tottering, vacillating, weak. #Bo#.

wand I. pret. 3 sg. of windan. II. f? mole (animal), #Gl#.

+wand n. shamefastness, RB 68^8: hesitation, scruple. [windan]

wandeweorpe f. mole (animal), Æ(u^3).

wandian (o) to hesitate, flinch, desist from, omit, neglect, Æ, CP: fear, stand in awe, Æ: have regard to, care for. [windan]

wandlung f. changeableness, #Bo# 15^27.

-wandodlīce v. unfor-w.

wandrian to ‘wander,’ roam, fly round, hover, CP: change: stray, err.

wandung f. feeling of respect, NC 332.

wand-wurp, -wyrp = wandeweorpe

wanfāh (o) dark-hued, #Rd# 53^6.

wanfeax (o) dark haired, #Rd# 13^8.

wanfōta m. pelican, WW 287^10.

wanfȳr (o) n. lurid flame, #Cr# 966.

wang I. (o) n. plain, mead, field, place: world. II. m. = wange

wangbeard m. whisker, #Lcd# 73a.

wange (e, o) n. jaw, cheek. [Ger. wange]

wangere m. pillow, bolster.

wangstede m. place, locality.

wangtōð m. molar, grinder.

wangturf f. meadow-turf, #Lcd# 1·400^7.

wanhæf- = wanhaf-

+wanhǣlan to weaken, Æ.

wanhǣlð f. weakness, sickness, #Sc# 54^19.

wanhǣw (o) bluish, WW 376^23.

wanhafa m. poor man, #SPs# 85^1.

wanhafol needy, Æ.

wan-hafolnes, -haf(e)nes (æ) f. want, hunger.

wanhāl unsound, weak, ill, sick, maimed, Æ, CP.

+wanhālian to make weak, HL 12^51.

wanhālnes f. weakness, ill-health.

wanhlȳte having no share in, free from, WW 398^33

wanhoga m. thoughtless one, fool.

wan-hygd, -hȳd † f. carelessness, recklessness, daring.

wanhygdig (hȳdig) † careless, rash.

±wanian to diminish (tr.), lessen, curtail, injure, impair, take from, Æ, AO: infringe, annul: diminish (intr.), dwindle, decline, fade, decay, Æ, CP: ‘wane’ (moon).

wānian to complain, bewail, lament, bemoan, AO. [Ger. weinen]

wan-iendlic, -gendlic diminutive, #ÆGr#.

wann I. (o) dark, dusky, lurid. [‘wan’] II. pret. 3 sg. of winnan.

wannhāl = wanhāl

wannian to become dark-coloured, turn black, NC 332: become discoloured? ÆP 178^11.

wanniht wan, pale, livid, WW 431^21.

wansǣlig † unhappy.

wansceaft † f. misery, misfortune.

wansceaf-ta m. (or -te f.) a disease, #Lcd#.

wanscrȳd poorly clad, ÆH 500^17.

wansēoc ‘commitialis’? v. OEG 4937.

wansian to diminish, #Chr# 656#e#.

wanspēd f. poverty, want, AO.

wanspēdig poor, indigent, Æ.

wanung (o) f. waning, decrease, deprivation, diminution, loss, injury, weakening, Æ.

wānung f. howling, lamentation, Æ.

wanwegende waning (moon), #Lcd#.

wāpe napkin, towel? IM 122^23.

wapelian, wapolian to bubble, froth, exhale, emit, pour forth.

wapul m? bubble, froth, WW.

war = wearr

wār I. n. sea-weed, #Gl#: sand. II. = wǣr

wara, gs. of waru.

-waran v. burg-, ceaster-, eorð-w.

waras (N) = weras nap. of wer I.

-waras v. burg-, eorð-w. [[under “eorðwaran”]]

warað = waroð

ward = (1) weard; (2) wearð (weorðan)

-ware v. burg-, eorð-, ceaster-w. [[under “ceasterwaran”]]

waren- = warn-

warht = worht

warian to beware: (±) guard, protect, defend: warn, CP: (†) hold, possess, attend: (†) inhabit. [wær]

wārig weedy, dirty, #GnE# 99.

wāriht full of sea-weed, #Gl#.

waritrēo = weargtrēow

warnian (ea, are) (±) to ‘warn,’ caution, Æ: (±) take warning, take heed, guard oneself against, Æ, CP: deny (oneself, etc.). [wearn]

warnung (ea) f. ‘warning’: foresight, caution. [Ger. warnung]

waroð (a^1, ea^1, e^1, a^2, e^2, u^2) n. shore, strand, beach.

wāroð n. alga, sea-weed, #Rd# 41^49.

waroðfaruð m. surf, #An# 197.

waroðgewinn (u^2) n. surf, #An# 439.

warp = wearp I.

warr = wearr

warscipe = wærscipe

warð I. (N) = waroð. II. (N) = wearð pret. 3 sg. of weorðan.

waru I. f. ‘ware,’ article of merchandise, Æ. II. f. shelter, protection, care, custody, guard, defence, vindication, Æ, AO.

-waru v. burg-, ciric-, eorð-w. [[under “eorðwaran”]]

waruð = waroð

wāruð = wāroð

was = wæs

-wāsa v. wudu-w.

wascan^6 (æ; acs, a(c)x) to ‘wash,’ bathe, lave: envelop, B 3115 (or ?= weaxan).

wase (v. OEG 1818) f. mire, marsh.

[[Entry in first edition: wāse f. ooze, mud, dirt, filth, mire, marsh, moor, water meadow, foreshore. [Ger. wiese] ]]

wāsend (ǣ) m. ‘weasand,’ windpipe, gullet.

wasescite f. cuttlefish, WW 181^7. [wase, scēotan]

wāst pres. 2 sg. of witan.

wāt I. pres. 3 sg. of witan. II. pret. 3 sg. of wītan. III. = wǣt

watel (o^2, u^2) m. ‘wattle,’ hurdle, covering: (pl.) thatching.

water = wæter

watol = watel

watr- = wætr-, wæter-

watul = watel

wāð † f. wandering, journey: pursuit, hunt, hunting, chase.

waðema = waðuma [[under “waðum”]]

wāðol wandering? or m. full moon? #Fin# 8?

wað-um, -uma † m. wave, flood, stream, sea.

wāwa = wēa

wāwan^7 to blow (of wind), #Rd# 41^81.

waxan = (1) wascan; (2) weaxan

waxgeorn = weaxgeorn

we (ē) pron. (1st pers. plur.) g. ūser, d. ūs, acc. ūs(ic) ‘we.’

wēa m. misfortune, evil, harm, trouble: grief, woe, misery: sin, wickedness.

weacen = wæcen

wēacwānian to lament, #Sat# 320.

wēadǣd † f. evil deed.

wēadhōc (Ep 887) = wēodhōc

weadu (K) = wudu

wēafod = wēofod

weag = weg

wēagesīð m. companion in trouble.

weagian = wagian

weahte pret. 3 sg. of weccan.

weahxan = weaxan

weal = (1) weall; (2) wæl

wēal == wealh

weal- = weall-, wel-

wēalāf † f. wretched remnant.

wēaland = wēalland

Wēalas (pl. of wealh) the Welsh: Wales. West Wē(a)las West-Welsh, Cornish.

+wealc n. rolling, tossing motion: attack, #Chr# 1100.

wealca (a) m. †billow, rolling wave: light floating garment.

wealcan^7 (±) to move round, revolve, roll, toss, CP: fluctuate: revolve in one’s mind, discuss, scheme, reflect, Æ, CP: wrap round, twist, curl; OEG: (+) traverse. [‘walk’]

wealcere m. fuller, WW 407^29.

±wealcian (a) to curl, roll up, OEG.

wealcol mobile, not firmly fixed, GPH 399^441.

wealcspinl (a, o) f. crisping-pin, OEG, WW.

Wēalcynn n. the Welsh kin, EC 146^24.

weald I. (a) m. weald, forest, wood, grove, AO: bushes, foliage, #Gen# 846. [‘wold’] II. m. power, AO (usu. +). III. powerful, RB 117^5. IV. conj. perhaps, possibly, haply, lest, Æ.

+weald n. might, power: control, command, dominion. his gewealdes of his own accord, intentionally: protection: subjection: groin: muscles of the neck? LL 88[77].

±wealdan^7 (a) w. g. d. (instr.) and a. to rule, control, determine, direct, command, govern, possess, AO, CP: wield (a weapon), exercise: cause, bring about, CP.

wealdbǣre n. place affording mast for swine, EC 60^23.

+wealden I. adj. subject (to), easily controlled: inconsiderable, small. II. adv. moderately.

wealdend (a) I. m. leader, controller, ruler, lord, king (often of God). II. f. female ruler.

±wealdende ruling, powerful.

Wealdendfæder m. Heavenly Father.

+wealdendlīce powerfully, #PPs# 135^16.

wealdendras late nap. of wealdend.

+wealdenmōd self-controlled, #Cra# 70.

wealdes (usu. +) of one’s own accord, CP 198^22.

wealdgenga m. robber, thief, Æ.

±wealdleðer n. rein, bridle, Æ.

wealdmoru = wēalmoru [[redirected to “wealhmoru”]]

wealdnes (a) f. rule, #VPs# 144^13.

wealdswaðu f. forest-track, B 1403 (a^1).

wealdung f. government, rule.

weale = wale [[form of “walu”?]]

wēales v. wealh.

wealfæsten = weallfæsten

wealg nauseous, CP 447^18.

wealgat = weallgeat

wealh (a) m. (gs. wēales) foreigner, stranger, slave: Briton, Welshman.

wealhāt boiling hot, red-hot, #Lcd# 96a.

wealhbaso f. foreign red, vermilion, #Gl#.

Wealhcynn n. men of Wales, Britons.

wealhen = wīelen

wealhfæreld (a) n. a force which patrolled the Welsh border? KC 2·60^27.

wealh-gefēra, -gerēfa m. commander of the ‘wealhfæreld,’ #Chr# 897#a#.

wealhhāfoc m. foreign hawk, falcon.

wealhhnutu (a) f. (foreign nut), ‘walnut,’ WW 452^34.

wealhisc = wīelisc

wealh-moru, -more (a^1) f., -mora m. carrot, parsnip.

wealhstōd m. interpreter, translator, Æ, CP: mediator, CP.

Wealhðēod f. Welsh nation, LL.

wealhwyrt = wēalwyrt [[headword spelled “wealwyrt”]]

wealian to be defiant? ÆL 12^48.

wēalic woeful, sorrowful, #Wy# 12.

weall I. (a, æ) m. ‘wall,’ dike, earthwork, rampart, dam, Æ, AO, CP; Mdf: (†) rocky shore, cliff. [L. vallum] II. = wæl. III. = wiell

weallan^7 (±) to be agitated, rage, toss, well, bubble, seethe, foam, be hot, boil, Æ, AO, CP: swarm: flow, Æ. ūp w. to rise (of a river), AO. [Ger. wallen]

wēalland n. foreign country, #Gen# 2706 (weal-): Normandy, #Chr# 1040#e#. [wealh]

Wēallas = Wēalas

weallclif n. sea-cliff, B 3132.

wealldīc f. a walled ditch? KC 5·346^19.

wealldor n. door in a wall, #Cr# 328.

wealle f. star-wort.

+wealled = +weallod

weallende boiling, fervid, ardent, energetic, fiery.

weallfæsten n. walled place, rampart, fortification, fortress.

weallgeat † n. rampart-gate, postern.

weallgebrec n. wall-breaking, act of making a breach, AO 134^30.

weallgeweorc n. building of a wall, Æ destruction of walls, #ÆGr# 12^5.

weallian to go abroad, travel, wander: go as pilgrim.

weallīm m. cement, mortar, Æ (#Gen# 11^3).

wēallisc = wīelisc

+weallod walled, Æ.

weallstān † m. stone used in building.

weallsteall m. wall-place, foundation? #Wa# 88.

weallstēap † steep as a wall, #Gen#.

weallstilling (y^2) m. repair of walls.

weallstōw = wælstōw

weallðrǣd (a^1) m. plumb-line, WW 522^27.

weallung (a, y) f. agitation, fervour, zeal.

weallwala † m. part of a house-wall? foundation? #Ruin# 21.

weallweg (a^1) m. walled road? Ct.

weallwyrhta m. mason, #Gl#.

weallwyrt = wealwyrt

wēal-mora, -more = wealhmoru

wealnes (#CPs#) = wealdnes

wealowian = wealwian

wealsāda m. cord (for binding slaves)? #PPs# 139^5. [wealh]

wealstilling (y^2) = weallstilling

wealstōd = wealhstōd

wealt I. shaky, unsteady. II. = wielt pres. 3 sg. of wealdan.

wealtan ? to turn about, roll, reel, stagger. [[from first edition]]

wealweorc n. masonry, Æ.

wealwian (a, y) to roll (intr.), ‘wallow,’ CP: roll (tr.): dry up, shrivel, wither, decay.

wealwyrt (a, æ) f. dwarf elder, endive. [wealh]

wēamēt, wēamētto f. passion, anger, Æ.

wēamōd ill-humoured, angry, CP.

wēamōdnes f. anger, passion, impatience, Æ, CP.

weaps = wæps

wear = (1) wearr; (2) hwer

wear- = wær-

wearas = weras npl. of wer.

wearc = wærc

weard I. fm. watching, ‘ward,’ protection, guardianship, AO, CP: advance post, AO: waiting for, lurking, ambuscade. II. m. keeper, watchman, guard, guardian, protector, AO: (†) lord, king: (†) possessor. III. adv. towards, to. wið...weard towards. IV. = wearð. V. ‘sandix,’ v. A 30·249.

weardian to watch, guard, keep, protect, preserve: hold, possess, occupy, inhabit. lāst w. keep the track of, follow closely. swaðe w. remain behind. leger w. keep one’s bed.

weardmann m. watchman, guard, patrol, Æ.

weardseld, weardsetl (Æ) n. guardhouse, watch-tower.

weardsteall m. watch-tower, WW.

weardwīte n. penalty for not keeping guard, TC 411^31.

wearf I. (EC 202) = wearp pret. 3 sg. of weorpan. II. = hwearf

wearg (e) I. m. (wolf), accursed one, outlaw, felon, criminal, Æ. II. (-erig, -yrig) adj. wicked, cursed, wretched. [ON. vargr]

weargberende villainous, WW 407^27.

weargbrǣde (-geb-) f. a warty eruption, impetigo, stye in the eye, tetter, ringworm, mole, freckle. [wearr]

weargnes (æ, e, y) f. evil, malice, cunning.

weargrōd f. scaffold, gallows, #Gl#.

weargtreafu (rht) np. home of the damned, hell, #El# 927.

weargtrēow (ari-) n. gallows, Ct.

weargung (e) f. misery, #EPs# 87^19.

wearh I. == wearg. II. = wearr

wēariht = wearriht [[under “wearrig”]]

wearm ‘warm,’ Æ, CP. adv. -e.

wearmelle = wurmille

±wearmian (eo, y) to become warm, Æ, CP.

wearmlic warm, #Da# 350.

wearmnes f. warmth, ÆL 11^160.

wearn I. f. reluctance, repugnance, refusal, denial, CP: resistance: reproaches, abuse. [waru] II. = worn

wearn- = warn-, wearrn-

wearnmǣlum (ē) adv. in troops, WW 25^1. [worn]

wearnwīslīce av. obstinately, WW.

wearod, wearoð = waroð

wearp I. (a) m. ‘warp,’ threads stretched lengthwise in a loom: twig, osier. [weorpan] II. pret. 3 sg. of weorpan.

wearpfæt n. basket, WW.

wearr (a, æ, eo) m. wart, callosity, Æ.

wearrig (Æ), wearriht warty, knotty.

wearrihtnes f. knottiness, roughness (of skin), #Gl#.

wearrnes (wearn-) f. knottiness.

weart, wearte (a, e) f. ‘wart.’

weartere (æ) m. occupier, dweller, #Chr# 565. [weard]

wearð I. n. = weorð. II. pret. 3 sg. of weorðan. III. = waroð

wearð- = weorð-

wēas adv. by chance, accidentally, CP. mid w. by chance.

weasc- = wæsc-

wēasgelimp n. a chance occurrence, WW 410^10.

wēaspell n. evil tidings, B 1315.

weastern (#Chr# 1015) = western [[form of “westerne”?]]

weastm = wæstm

wēatācen † n. sign of grief.

wēaðearf f. woful need, #Wif# 10.

weax (e) n. ‘wax,’ AO.

weaxæppel m. ball of wax.

±weaxan (e) I. sv^7 to ‘wax,’ grow, be fruitful, increase, become powerful, Æ, AO, CP. II. = wascan

weaxberende m. candle-bearer, acolyte, DR 195^8 (io^2).

weaxbred (e) n. writing-tablet, Æ: diagram, list, A 8·332.

weaxcandel (e^1, o^2) f. wax candle.

weaxen pp. of weaxan.

weaxgeorn (a) desirous of increase, very greedy, WW 102^13.

weaxgesceot n. payment made in wax, W 171^1.

weaxhlāf m. wax tablet, #Lcd#.

weaxhlāfsealf f. wax salve, #Lcd# 92b.

±weaxnes f. increase, growth.

weaxscot = weaxgesceot

weaxsealf (e) f. wax salve.

weaxung f. growth, increase.

web, webb n. ‘web,’ weft: woven work, tapestry, Æ. [wefan]

webba m. weaver, EC, WW.

webbēam m. weaver’s beam, WW.

webbestre f. female weaver, WW 188^11.

webbgeweorc n. weaving, HL, MH.

webbian to weave, contrive.

webbung (hw) f. plotting, conspiracy, OEG 2975: ‘scena’ (= wāfung? v. OEG 2920).

webgerēðru np. weaver’s implement? WW 294^16.

webgerod n. weaver’s implement, Cp 1988.

webhōc m. weaver’s comb, reed? WW.

weblic pertaining to a weaver, #Gl#.

websceaft m. weaver’s beam, WW 293^39.

webtǣg (æ) f. weaving-thread, OET 615. [tēag]

webtāwa m. thread, line, WW 433^8.

wēbung (Cp 180#s#) = wāfung [[headword spelled “wafung”]]

webwyrhta m. fuller.

wecca = weoca [[form of “weoce”?]]

weccan (±) to awaken, arouse, CP: call up, bring forth, produce: recall: exhort, encourage: move, set in motion: kindle. [wacan]

weccend m. instigator, GPH 393.

wēce = wāc I.

wecedrenc m. emetic, #Lcd#.

wecg m. ‘wedge’: mass of metal, lump, Æ: piece of money, Æ.

wecgan to move, agitate, drive hither and thither: be moved.

wecian (#VPs#) = wacian

wecnian = wæcnian [[under “wæcnan”]]

wed = wedd

wēd == wǣd

+wēd I. n. fury, rage, madness. [wōd] II. ‘obliquus, distortus,’ ZDA 31·9^168. [wōh]

±wēdan (ǣ) to be mad, rage, Æ, AO, CP. [wōd]

wēd-beorge, -berge = wēdeberge

wedbrice = wedbryce

wedbrōðor m. pledged brother (in a brotherhood of compact, not of blood), #Chr#. [wedd]

wedbryce m. breach of agreement, treachery.

wedd n. pledge, agreement, covenant, security, Æ, AO, CP: dowry, WW.

±weddian engage, pledge oneself, covenant, promise, vow: give to wife, betroth: ‘wed,’ marry.

weddung f. pledging, betrothal, #Nic# 474^33.

wēde I. raging, mad. [wōd] II. (A) = wǣde

+wēde n. fury, rage, madness, Æ. [wōd]

wēdeberge f. hellebore.

wēdehund m. mad dog, #Lcd, Met#.

wēdelnes (#VPs#) = wēðelnes

wēden (MF 178) = wǣden

wēdendsēoc mad, GD 135n; 223.

wēdenheort I. mad, insane, WW. II. n. madness.

wēdenheortnes f. madness, frenzy, CP.

weder I. n. ‘weather,’ air, AO: sky, firmament: breeze, storm, tempest. II. = weðer

+weder = +wider

wederblāc bleached by the weather, A 8·449.

wederburg f. exposed town, #An# 1699.

wedercandel f. sun, #Ph# 187.

wederdæg m. day of fine weather, #Az# 96.

wederfest weather-bound, #Chr# 1046#e#.

wederian to exhibit a change of weather.

wedertācen n. sun, #Gu# 1267.

+wederu np. weather. [OHG. giwitiri]

wederung (æ) f. (bad) weather, #Chr# 1085.

wederwolcen n. cloud, #Ex# 75.

wedewe = wuduwe

+wedfæstan (wet-) to betroth, Cp 635#s#.

wēding f. madness, GD 164^27; WW 409^38.

wēdl- = wǣdl-

wedlāc n. pledge, plighted troth, ‘wedlock’.

wedloga m. violator of agreement, traitor. [lēogan]

+wef n. woof, web.

wēf- = wāf-, wǣf-, wēof-

wefan^5 (eo) (±) to ‘weave,’ Æ: devise, contrive, arrange.

wefl I. f. woof, warp, #Gl#: an implement for weaving. II. = wifel

weft, wefta m. weft, WW.

weg I. (æ) m. ‘way,’ direction, Æ, AO: path, road, highway, Mdf: journey, Æ: course of action. ealne w. (ealneg) adv. always. on w. (aweg) adv. away. be...wege on the way (to) [Ger. weg] II. = wæg II.

wēg = (1) wǣge; (2) wīg

weg- = onweg-

wēg- = wǣg-

wegan^5 (±) to carry, support, sustain, bear, bring, CP: move: wear: (±) ‘weigh,’ measure.

+wegan to fight, B 2400.

weg-brāde, -brǣde (Æ) f. way-bread, plantain, dock.

wegfarende (ǣ, ē) wayfaring, Æ.

wegfērend m. wayfarer, traveller, GD.

wegfōr f. travel, journey, WW 423^33.

wegg = wecg

weggedāl n. road-dividing, cross-way, #Gl#.

weggelǣte fn. junction of roads, #Gl#, Ct.

weggē-sīð? -sīða? (v. OEG 861) travelling companion.

weggewit n. aberration (of mind), #CPs# 115^11.

weg-lā interj. ‘euge’! #PPs# 69^4.

weglēas out of the way, erroneous: without a road.

weglēast (ī^2) f. trackless place, wilderness, #ARSPs# 106^40.

wegnest n. food for a journey, viaticum.

wegrēaf n. highway robbery, LL.

wegtwiflung f. branching of roads, WW 179^16. [= -twislung]

wēgur = wīgār

wehsan = weaxan

wehte pret. 3 sg. of weccan.

wei v. wā.

weig = weg

wel I. adv. (comp. bet) ‘well,’ abundantly, very, very easily, very much: fully: nearly: pleonastic (as in ēac w. = also), sometimes = indeed, to be sure. tō w. too well. w. nēah nearly, almost. w. hwǣr, w. genwǣr for the most part, nearly everywhere. wella alas! (cp. wālā). II. = wæl. III. = wiell

wel- = hwel-, wæl-, weal-, wiel-

wēl- = wīel-

wela (a, ea, eo) m. ‘weal,’ prosperity, happiness, riches (often in pl.), AO, CP.

Wēland m. the Smith-God, Northern Vulcan.

welbescēawod discreet, considerate.

welboren well-born, of good family, noble.

welcn = wolcen

weldǣd f. good deed, benefit, kindness.

weldēd = weldǣd

weldōend [CP] = weldōnd pres. ptc. of weldōn.

weldōn anv. to do well, CP: benefit, satisfy, please, MtL 15^15.

weldōnd m. benefactor, #Gl#.

weldōnnes f. well-doing, kindness, DR 13^17.

weleg = (1) wilig; (2) welig [[(1) form of “wiliga”]]

welena gp. of wela.

weler (eo) mf. lip, Æ, CP.

weleðig rich, ANS 128^299.

welfremming f. good deed, benefit, DR 187^17.

welfremnes f. benefit, DR.

welg I. m. = wilig. II. adj. = welig [[I. form of “wiliga”]]

welga = weliga wm. of welig adj.

welgā interj. hail!

welgeboren = welboren

wel-gecwēme, -gecwēmedlic well-pleasing, acceptable, #SPs#.

welgecwēmnes f. favour, DR.

welgedōn well-done, good, beneficent, CP.

welgehwǣr = welhwǣr

welgelīcian to please well: be well pleased.

welgelīcwirðe well pleased, acceptable, #VPs# 118^108.

welgelīcwirðnes f. good pleasure, #VPs# 140^7.

welgespring = welspring

welgestemned having a good voice, ANS 84·6.

welgetȳd well-instructed, ES 39·354.

welgewende thriving, MF (Vesp. D xiv)

welgewlite beautiful.

welgewlitegod well-adorned.

welgian = weligian

welhǣwen well-hued, beautifully coloured, CP 411^28.

welhrēowlīce = wælhrēowlīce [[form of “wælhrēow”]]

welhwā pron. each, every.

±welhwǣr adv. (nearly) everywhere.

±welhwilc (e, y) pron. each, any, nearly every.

welig I. well-to-do, rich, prosperous, Æ, AO, CP. II. m. ‘willow.’

±weligian to be prosperous, abound: enrich, Æ. [v. ‘awelgien’]

weligstedende (woegl-) making rich, DR 98^9.

well = (1) will; (2) wel

wella = wiella [[under “wiell”]]

wellā = wā lā

welle = wille

wellende (#VPs#) = willende pres. ptc. of willan.

wellere bosom, fold, hollow, WW.

wellibbende (y^2) living well, well conducted, reputable, CP.

wellīcian to please well, MFH 178.

wellīcung f. agreeableness, #EPs#.

wellīcwyrðe (u^3) well-pleasing, #BCPs# 146^10.

wellyrge (#Gl#) = wellere

welm = wielm

-welm v. fōt-w.

Wēlond = Wēland

welor = weler

welp = hwelp

welrēab (Ep, Erf 642) = wælrēaf

welrūmlīce adv. graciously, DR.

welrūmmōd gracious, DR 12^20.

wel-spring, -sprynge (CP) = wyll(ge)spring [[redirected to “wilspring”]]

welstincende fragrant, CP 439^33.

welswēgende melodious, #SPs# 150^5.

welt, welð = wielt, wielð pres. 3 sg. of wealdan, weallan.

welðungen † honoured, in high repute.

weluc = weoloc

welung f. revolution, OEG 28^30. [wielwan]

welweorðe of high esteem, #Lcd# 3·432^29.

welwilled- = welwillend-

welwillende well-wishing, benevolent, kindly, good, Æ, CP.

welwillendlīce benevolently, lovingly, kindly.

wel-wille(n)dnes, -wilnes f. benevolence, goodwill, kindness, Æ.

wel-wyll-, -wylle(n)d- = welwillend-

welwyrcend m. well-doer.

welwyrcende well-doing.

wem = wamm

wēman to sound, be heard, #An# 740: announce, #An# 1480: (±) persuade, convince, lead astray.

wēmend m. herald, declarer, #El# 880.

wēmere m. procurer, WW 171^28.

±wemman (æ) to defile, besmirch, calumniate, profane, injure, ill-treat, Lk; Æ, CP: abuse, revile. [wamm; v. ‘awem’]

+wemmednes f. defilement, Æ.

±wemmend m. adulterer, fornicator, OEG.

+wemmendlic seducing, corrupting, OEG 2912.

±wemming m. defilement, blemishing, spoiling, OEG: (+) profanation.

+wemmodlīce (æ) adv. corruptly.

wemnes = wemmednes

wen = (1) wynn; (2) wenn

wēn I. f. belief, hope, opinion, expectation, supposition, CP: probability. w. is ðæt perhaps: name of the rune for =w=. II. = wægn

+wēn to bend, twist, NC 297 (A 14·139).

wēna m. hope, opinion, expectation, idea, fancy, CP.

±wēnan (w. g. or a.) to ‘ween,’ fancy, imagine, believe, think, expect, hope, fear, Æ, AO, CP: wonder, ES 37·191.

wenbȳl m. boil, carbuncle, #Lcd#.

wencel I. (i) n. child: maid-servant. II. = wancol

wend m. what turns up, an event.

+wend n. snail-shell, snail, WW. [windan]

±wendan to turn, direct, Æ, CP: ‘wend’ one’s way, go, Æ, AO: return: change, alter, vary, restore, Æ: convert: translate, CP. [windan]

wēnde pret. 3 sg. of wēnan.

Wendelsǣ mf. Mediterranean Sea, AO.

-wenden v. ed-w.

wendend m. that which turns round, WW 489^12.

wendende movable, revolving, #Sc# 97^4.

wendere m. translator, interpreter, OEG 5259.

Wendle mp. Vandals.

wendung f. change, turning, rotation, CP.

+wene perhaps, MkR 14^2 (oe).

wēnendlic to be hoped for, GD 269^14.

wēnere = wægnere

wēnes = wǣnes

wēnestu = wēnstu

weng = wang

±wenge n. cheek, Æ. [wang]

wenian to accustom, habituate, inure, train, Æ, CP: entertain, treat. w. mid wynnum treat kindly. w. tō wiste feast, entertain: break off, ‘wean’ from.

wēninga = wēnunga

wenlic comely, beautiful, Æ: ‘conveniens,’ MkL.

wenn I. mf. ‘wen,’ tumour. II. (K) = wynn

wennan = wenian

wenncīcen n. little wen, ZDA 31·46.

wennsealf (wen-) f. wen-salve, ointment for a tumour, #Lcd#.

wenspryng m. ‘nævus,’ mole, WW 451^19.

wēnstu = wēnst ðu pres. 2 sing. of wēnan.

wensum = wynsum

went pres. 3 sg. of wendan.

Wentas, Wente, Went-Sæte, -Sætas mp. people of Gwent (roughly = Monmouthshire).

wēnð pres. 3 sing. of wēnan.

wēnung f. expectation, hope, AO 112^12: doubt.

wēn-unga, -unge (ǣ) adv. possibly, perhaps, by chance, Æ.

wenwyrt f. crowfoot? lesser celandine? darnel? #Lcd#.

wēo (#Rd# 57^5) = wōh? or wēa?

wēobed, wēobud = wēofod

weoce I. f. ‘wick’ (of a lamp or candle). II. = wuce

wēocs = wēox pret. 3 sg. of weaxan.

wēocson pret. pl. of wacsan (= wascan).

wēocsteall (ES 11·64) = wēohsteall

weocu = wucu

wēod n. herb, grass, CP: ‘weed.’

weodewe = wuduwe

wēodhōc m. weed-hook, hoe, LL 455[15].

wēodian to weed, LL 454[9].

wēodmōnað m. August.

weodo, weodu == wudu

weoduma = weotoma [[under “wituma”]]

wēodung f. weeding, WW 105^3.

weofan (#VPs#) = wefan

wēofed = wēofod

wēofod nm. altar, Æ, CP. [wīg; bēod]

wēofodbōt f. fine for injuring a priest, which was applied in support of the altar, v. LL 2·276.

wēofodheorð (wībed-) m. altar-hearth, GD.

wēofodhrægl (wīgbed-) n. altar-cover, BH 90^2.

wēofod-scēat (Æ), -scēata m. altar cloth.

wēofodsteall m. place of the altar, LL (254n).

wēofod-ðegn, -ðēn m. altar-attendant, priest.

wēofodðēnung f. altar-service, LL 380[2].

wēofodwiglere (wīgbed-) m. soothsayer, WW 108^10.

+weofu pl. of +wef.

wēofud = wēofod

weofung f. weaving, WW 490^38.

wēog = wīg

weogas = wegas nap. of weg.

wēoh == wīg

wēohse = wēox pret. 3 sg. of weaxan.

wēohsteall m. place of the altar, sanctuary, choir, LL.

weol = weoll

weol- (A) = wel-

weolc I. pret. 3 sg. of wealcan. II. = weoloc

weolcn = wolcen

weolc-rēad, weolcen- = weolocrēad

weolctælg m. purple dye, WW. [telg]

weold pret. 3 sg. of wealdan.

weoll pret. 3 sg. of weallan.

weolm = wielm

weolme (= ea) f. choice, pick of one’s fellow-creatures, #Cr# 445.

weoloc (e, i, y) m. ‘whelk,’ cockle, murex: (purple) dye from the murex.

weolocbasu purple, #Gl#.

weolocbasuhǣwen purple-coloured.

weolocrēad shell-fish red, scarlet, purple.

weolocscyll (e^3) f. whelk, cockle, shell-fish.

weolt pret. 3 sg. of wealtan.

weonung = wining

wēop pret. 3 sg. of wēpan.

wēop- = wēp-

weor = wer I.

weorad = werod

weorc (e, o) n. ‘work,’ labour, action, deed, CP: exercise: (†) affliction, suffering, pain, trouble, distress (v. JAW 52). weorcum with difficulty: fortification.

+weorc n. work, workmanship, labour, construction: structure, edifice, Æ: military work, fortification.

weorcan = wyrcan

weorccræft m. mechanics, OEG 55^6.

weorcdǣd (oe^1, ē^2) f. action, operation, DR 125^18.

weorcdæg m. work-day.

weorce I. † adj. painful, bitter, difficult hard. II. adv. hardly, with difficulty.

weorcern n. workshop.

weorcful active, #Sc# 169^1.

weorcgerēfa m. foreman, overseer, Æ.

-weorcheard, -weorclic v. un-w.

weorchūs (e) n. workshop, WW.

weorcmann (e) m. workman.

weorcnes (y) f. working, operation.

weorcnȳten n. working cattle, LL 26n.

weorcrǣden f. corvée-work, EC 377^1.

weorcsige m. success in work, #Lcd# 1·3886^15 (v. A 31·58).

weorcstān m. hewn stone, Æ.

weorcsum painful, #Gen# 594.

weorcðēow mf. servant, slave.

weorc-uhta? m., -uhte? n. hour of matins on a non-festival day, NC 332 (cp. mæsseuhta).

weorcum v. weorc.

weorcwyrðe fit for work, able-bodied, MF 178.

weord = wyrd

weordungdæg (WW 206^32) = weorðungdæg

weored = werod I.

weoreld = woruld

weoren pp. of weosan.

weorf n. beast of burden (v. CC 129), cattle.

weorf- = hweorf-

weorfemeoluc? f. milk from wild cattle? #Lcd# 102a (MS ðeorfe-).

weorftord (-oruf-) m. excrement of cattle, #PPs# 112^6.

weorht = worht pp. of wyrcean. [[variant of “wyrcan”]]

+weorht = +wyrht

weorian = werian

weorld (#Bl#) = woruld

weorm = wyrm

weormian = wearmian

weorn = worn

weornan = wiernan

±weornian (u) to pine away, become weak, fade, wither, destroy, Æ.

weorod = werod I. and II.

weorold = woruld

+weorp n. throwing, dashing, tossing, #An# 306: what is thrown up.

±weorpan (o, u, y) I. sv^3 to throw, cast, cast down, cast away, Æ, AO, CP: throw off, out, expel: throw upon. w. handa on lay hands on (a person): (w. d. pers.) charge with, accuse of: (+) reach by throwing. [Ger. werfen] II. = wierpan

weorpere m. thrower, caster, #Rd# 28^7.

weorpian to pine away, #ERPs# 38^12.

weorras (Cp 161#c#) = wearras, nap. of wearr.

weort == wyrt

weorteard = ortgeard

weorð I. (e, ea, i, o, u, y) n. ‘worth,’ value, price, purchase-money, ransom, AO, CP. II. (ie, o, u, y) adj. worthy, honoured, noble, honourable, of high rank, CP: valued, dear, precious, AO, CP: fit, capable. III. = worð I.

±weorðan^3 (u, y) to become, be (passive auxiliary), be done, be made, CP: happen, come to pass, arise, take place, AO, Jn: (+) impers. get on with, please, agree, An, AO, Chr: think of, occur to. [‘worth,’ ‘i-worth’]

weorðe = weorð, wierðe

weorðere m. worshipper, JnL.

weorðful worthy, honourable, honoured, glorious, good, Æ (u).

weorðfullic (u) worthy, honoured, honourable, distinguished, CP. adv. -līce, AO.

weorðfulnes f. dignity, honour, AO.

weorðgeorn desirous of honour, high-souled.

±weorðian (o, u, y) to esteem, honour, worship, distinguish, celebrate, exalt, praise, Bo, PPs; AO, CP: adorn, deck: enrich, reward. [‘i-wurthi’]

weorðiend (u) m. worshipper.

weorðig = worðig

weorðlēas (u) worthless, WW 130^20.

weorðlic worthy, honourable, distinguished, exalted, CP: valuable: fit, becoming. adv. -līce.

weorðlicnes f. worthiness, honour, estimation.

weorð-mynd, -mynt (u) fmn. honour, dignity, glory, AO, CP: mark of distinction.

weorðnes (e, ie, o, u, y) f. worth, estimation: splendour, rank, honour: integrity, uprightness.

weorðscipe (o, u) m. worth, respect, honour, dignity, glory, AO, CP: advantage, good. [‘worship’]

weorððearfa (u^1, y^1) poor man, #Bk# 12.

weorðung f. honouring, distinction, honour, glory, CP: celebration, worship: excellence: ornament.

weorðungdæg m. day for bestowal of honours or offices, festival, #Bk# 23.

weorðungstōw f. place of worship, the Tabernacle, Æ.

weoruc = weorc

weorud = werod

weoruf = weorf

weoruld == woruld

wēos gs. and nap. of wēoh.

weos- = wes-

weosan^{1?} [S 382#n#2] to be or become weak. [[from first edition]]

weosnian = wisnian

weot- = wit-

weotod = witod

wēoðel == wēðel, wǣd(e)l

weoðerweard = wiðerweard

wēoðobān = wīðobān [[headword spelled “wiðobān”]]

weoðobend = wudubinde I.

wēox pret. 3 sg. of weaxan.

weoxian to cleanse? A 9·261^262.

±wēpan^7 to ‘weep,’ complain, Æ, AO, CP: bewail, mourn over, deplore, Æ.

wēpen == wǣp(e)n

wēpende adj. weeping, GD 18^31.

wēpendlic deplorable, mournful. adv. -līce.

wēpman = wǣpmann

wēpn == wǣpen

wēpned == wǣpned

[[Printed on one line: wēpn, wēpned == wǣpen, wǣpned]]

wēpnian = wǣpnian

wer I. m. man, Æ, AO, CP: husband, Æ: (†) hero: creature, B 105. II. m. the legal money-equivalent of a person’s life, a man’s legal value (= wergild), LL. III. m. ‘weir,’ dam, fish-trap, CP; Mdf: catch, draught. [werian] IV. (or were?) troop, band, WW, ÆL 30·195.

wēr = wǣr II.

weran = werian

werbēam m. warrior, #Ex# 486.

wer-borg, -borh m. pledge for the payment of ‘wergild.’

werc (#Gl, VPs#) = weorc

wercan = wyrcan

wercyn n. human race, tribe, #Rim# 61.

werdan = wirdan

were = wer II.

wēre (M) = wǣre II.

were- = wer-

wered == werod

wēreg = wērig

weregan (#KGl#) = wiergan

werfǣhð f. feud by which ‘wer’ is incurred, breach of the peace, LL.

werfan = hwierfan

werg == (1) wearg; (2) wyr(i)g

wergan (A) = (1) wiergan; (2) werian I.

wērgan wk. ds. of wērig.

wergeld = wergild

wergend = weriend

wērgenga = wǣrgenga

wergian = wiergan

±wērgian to weary, exhaust, Æ, AO, CP.

wergild (æ^1, e^2, i^2, y^2) n. compensation, value of a man’s life. [wer I., v. LL 2·731]

wergildðēof m. thief who might be redeemed by payment of his ‘wergild,’ LL.

wergnes = weargnes

wergulu f. crab-apple, #Lcd# 3·34^14.

wērgum dsmn. of wērig.

wergyld = wergild

werhād m. male sex, virility, manhood, Æ.

werhbrǣde = weargbrǣde

werhta = wyrhta

werhyrde m. keeper of a fishing-weir.

wēri = wērig

±werian (æ) I. to guard, keep, defend, AO: ward off, hinder, prevent, forbid: occupy, inhabit, #Gu# 322: dam up, CP 469^2. II. to clothe, cover over: put on, ‘wear,’ use.

wērian = wērgian

weriend m. defender, Æ.

werig = wyrig

wērig ‘weary,’ tired, exhausted, miserable, sad, AO, CP: unfortunate. [wōr]

werigan = werian

werigcweðan = wyrgcweðan

werigend = weriend

wērigferhð † adj. weary, cast down.

wērigian = wērgian

wērigmōd † weary, cast down.

werignes = wyrignes

wērignes f. weariness, Æ.

werilic = werlic

wērines = wērignes

wering f. weir, dam, CP 277^8.

werlād f. clearing or exculpation by the oaths of a number of men according to a man’s ‘wer,’ LL.

werlēas without a husband, LL.

werlic male, masculine, #ÆGr#: manly: marital. adv. -līce, Æ.

wērloga = wǣrloga

werm- = wearm-

wermǣgð † f. tribe, nation.

wermet n. man’s treasure, stature, WW.

wermōd m. ‘wormwood,’ absinthe, Æ.

wern- = wearn-, wiern-

werna = wrenna

wer-nægl, -nægel m. (man’s nail?), wart, Æ.

werod (eo^1, e^2) I. n. [nap. werodu, werod] throng, company, band, multitude, Æ: host, army, troop, legion, Æ, AO. [wer] II. sweet, Æ. III. † n. sweet drink, mead.

werodian to grow sweet, #Bo# 51^4.

+werodlǣcan (e^2) to make sweet or pleasant, #Sc# 196^5.

werodlēst f. lack of fighters, #El# 63.

werodlīce adv. sweetly.

werodnes f. sweetness, pleasantness, Æ.

werold = woruld

wēron (M) = wǣron pret. pl. of wesan.

weroð = waroð

werp f. recovery (from sickness), CP 457^16. [= wyrpe]

werpan = weorpan

werrēaf n. civil clothing (i.e. not eccl. vestments), NC 332.

werrest (#Bl#) = wierrest

werscipe = wærscipe

werse = wierse [[under “wiersa”]]

werst = wierrest

werstede m. place of a weir, EC 246^10.

wert (#KGl#) = wyrt

werte = wearte [[under “weart”]]

wer-tihtle, -tyhtle f. charge involving the penalty of ‘wer,’ homicide, LL.

werð = wierð pres. 3 sg. of weorðan.

werðēod † f. folk, people, nation.

werðnes (K) = weorðnes

werud = werod

weruld = woruld

wērun (NG) = wǣron

werwulf (-rew-) m. ‘werwolf,’ fiend, LL.

wes (#VPs#) = wæs pret. 3 sg. of wesan.

wēsa m. drunkard. [wōs]

wesan anv. pres. 1 sg. eom, bēo, 2 eart, bist, 3 is, bið; pl. sindon, sind; bēoð; pret. wæs, wǣron; subj. pres. sīe, sȳ, bēo; sīn, bēon; pret. wǣre, wǣren to be: happen. v. also bēon. [Ger. wesen]

+wesan to strive, contend? #Sol# 181. [cp. +wosa]

±wēsan to soak, macerate. [wōs]

wesand = wesend

wesc = wæsc

wēse moist, macerated. [wōs]

wesend (eo) m. bison, #Gl#.

wesendhorn m. bison’s horn, TC 536^1.

wesendlīce ‘essentialiter,’ GD 336; 337.

wesing f. ‘confectio,’ ‘debilitatio,’ v. OEG 1857.

wesle, weosule (#Gl#) f. ‘weasel.’

+wesnes f. dissension, BH 274^5.

wesp = wæps

west adv. westwards, ‘west,’ in a westerly direction, AO.

westan, westane adv. from the west, AO. be westan (prep. w. d.) west of.

±wēstan to lay waste, ravage, devastate, AO. [Ger. wüsten]

westanhealf f. west side.

westannorðan northwest (wind), OEG.

westansūðan southwest, AO.

westansūðanwind m. southwest wind, #CVPs# 77^26.

westanwind m. west wind, AO 17^15.

West-Centingas mp. people of West Kent, #Chr# 999.

westdǣl m. west quarter, western part, Æ, AO.

West-Dene mp. West Danes, B.

wēste waste, barren, desolate, deserted, uninhabited, empty, Æ, AO.

westem (#VPs#) = wæstm

westema v. westerne.

wēsten I. nmf. waste, wilderness, desert, Æ, AO, CP. II. adj. waste, desolate, Æ.

westende m. west end, AO.

wēstengryre m. terror of the desert, #Ex# 117.

wēstensetla m. hermit, anchorite, Æ.

wēstenstaðol m. waste place, #Ruin# 28.

westenwind = westanwind

wēstern = wēsten

westerne western, westerly; wester(r)a more westerly; westema, westmest (AO) most westerly.

westeweard = westweard

westhealf f. west side, Æ.

wēstig (oe) waste, deserted, desert, NG.

westlang adv. extending westwards, KC.

westm (#VPs#) == wæstm

westmearc f. western boundary, OET 484.

westmest v. westerne.

wēstnes f. desolation: desert place, #EPs# 77^19.

westnorðlang adv. extending north-westwards, AO 22^17.

westnorðwind m. north-west wind, WW.

westra = westerra; v. westerne.

westrīce n. western kingdom, AO.

westrihte (y^2) adv. due west, westwards, AO.

westrodor m. western (= evening) sky.

west-Sǣ f. western sea.

West-Seaxe, -Seaxan mp. West Saxons: Wessex.

westsūðende m. south-western extremity, AO 8^23.

westsūðwind m. south-west wind, WW.

westu = wes ðu 2 pers. imperat. of wesan.

West-Wēalas mp. Cornishmen, #Chr#.

west-weard, -werd adv. westwards, towards the west, Æ.

westweg m. western way, #PPs# 74^6.

westwind m. west wind, BH 458^17.

wesule = wesle

wēt I. pres. 3 sg. of wēdan. II. adj. = wǣt

wet- = wæt-

wēt- = wǣt-

wetēdre = wæterǣdre

+wetfæstan = +wedfæstan

wetma = weotoma [[under “wituma”]]

weðan to assuage, make calm, #PPs# 106^28.

wēðe sweet, mild, pleasant (A).

weðel swathe, bandage, WW 22^14.

wēðel = wēðl, wǣdl

wēðelnes = wǣdelnes

weðer I. m. wether sheep, ram, Æ. II. = weder I.

weðercynn n. the wether or male kind.

weðerwynde = wiðewinde

wēðl == wǣdl

±wēðnes f. suavity, mildness.

wex (#VPs#) == weax

wexe = weax

wēxon = wēoxon pret. pl. of weaxan.

wh- = hw-

wī I. = wīg. II. (K) = weg

wiaht (K) = wiht

wiarald, wiaruld (K) = woruld

wibba m. crawling thing, beetle, WW 121^25.

wībed (#VPs#) = wēofod

wiber = wifer

wibil (#Gl#) = wifel

wībora = wīgbora

wīc nf. dwelling-place, lodging, habitation, house, mansion, CP: village, town: in pl. entrenchments, camp, castle, fortress: street, lane: bay, creek. [‘wick’; v. Mdf]

wic- = wuc-

±wīcan^1 to yield, give way, fall down.

wīcbora = wīgbora

wicca I. m. wizard, magician, soothsayer, astrologer, Æ. II. = wicga

wicce (y) f. ‘witch,’ Æ.

wiccecræft m. witchcraft, magic, Æ.

wiccedōm m. witchcraft, #Bk# 20; HL 11^123.

wiccian to use witchcraft, LL.

wiccliende ptc. tottering, #Gl#.

wiccræft (#Cra# 70) = wiccecræft? or wicgcræft (skill with horses)? (BT).

wiccung f. enchantment.

wiccung-cræft, -dōm m. witchcraft.

wicdæg = wucdæg

wice I. mf. ‘wych’-elm. II. = wuce. III. = weoce

wīce f. office, Æ: officer, #Chr# 1120.

wīceard m. dwelling-place, #Gu# 907.

wīceng = wīcing

wicfreoðu f. protection of a dwelling, #GnE# 129.

wicg (y) n. horse, steed (very rare in prose).

wicga m. insect, beetle.

wīcgefēra (#Chr# 897#a#) = wīcgerēfa

wīcgerēfa m. bailiff, reeve of a ‘wīc’ or vill, #Chr# 897#bcd#: ‘publicanus,’ tax-gatherer.

wicgung = wiccung

wīcherpað m. a public road to a ‘wīc’ (BT), KC 3·418^26.

±wīcian to dwell, lodge, rest in, Æ, AO: encamp, bivouac, CP: harbour, anchor, AO. [wīc]

wīcing m. pirate, viking, AO.

wīcingsceaðe? f. piracy, #Gl#.

wīcnera, wīcnere (Æ) m. steward, bailiff.

wīcnian to attend upon, Æ, RB 127^3.

wīcscēawere m. provider of a home, #Bl# 163^12.

wīcsteall m. camping-place, #Ex# 92.

wīcstede † m. dwelling.

wīcstōw f. dwelling-place, residence: camp, encampment, Æ, AO.

wīctūn m. vestibule, court, #PPs#.

wicðēn == wucðegn

wicu == wucu

wid = wið

wīd ‘wide,’ vast, broad, long, Æ, AO, CP. w. and sīd far and wide. tō wīdan ealdre, tō wīdan fēore, wīdan fyrhð for ever.

wīdan adv. from far (v. also wīd).

wīdbrād wide-spreading, #Gen# 643.

wīdcūð adj. widely known, celebrated, Æ.

wīde adv. widely, afar, far and wide, Æ, AO, CP. sīde and w. far and wide.

wīdefeorh † = wīdeferhð

wīdefeorlic (wīder-) eternal, WW 117^21.

wīde-ferhð †, -fyrhð I. mn. (long life), long duration, long time. II. adv. always.

wider- = wiðer-

+wi-der pl. -dru n. weather (good or bad), storm, tempest, AO. [weder]

+widerian (impers.) to be fine weather, LL 454[12].

widewe = wuduwe

wīdfæðme † ample, extensive.

wīdfarend m. wanderer, CP 315^4.

wīdfeorh = wīdeferhð

wīdfērende † coming from afar.

wīdferhð = wīdeferhð

wīdfloga † m. wide-flier (of a dragon).

wīdfolc † n. great nation.

wīdgal == wīdgil

wīdgangol wandering, roving, CP.

wīdgenge wandering (monk), OEG 58^10.

wīd-gil, -gill (e, ie) wide-spread, broad, extensive, Æ, CP: wandering, GD.

wīdgilnes f. amplitude, spaciousness, Æ.

wīdgongel = wīdgangol

wīdgyl = wīdgil

wīdhergan to extol, CP 439^34.

wīdian to become wider, GD 315.

wīdl mn.? impurity, filth, defilement.

wīdland † n. extensive country.

wīdlāst † I. far-wandering. II. m. long wandering, long way or road.

±wīdlian to defile, pollute, profane.

wīdmǣre far-famed, celebrated, well-known, AO, CP.

±wīdmǣrsian (tr., intr.) to spread abroad, divulge, Æ: celebrate.

wīdmǣrsung f. proclamation, publication? #Sc# 96^11.

wīdmērsian = wīdmǣrsian

wīdobān = wiðobān

widor = weder

widor- = wider-

wīdor comp. of wīd.

wīdrynig far-flowing, #An# 1509.

wīdsǣ mf. open sea, ocean, Æ, AO.

wīdsceop adj. far extended, widely distributed, #Pa# 8.

wīdscofen scattered far and wide, B 936.

wīdscrīðol erratic.

wīðsīð † m. long journey: traveller in many countries.

wīdðil (DR 98^12) = wīdl

widu == wudu

widuw-, widw- = wuduw-

wīdwegas † mp. distant regions.

wīebed = wēofod

wiebel = wifel

wiece = wuce

Wieht = Wiht

wīel = wealh

wielde powerful, victorious, AO 156^22.

+wieldend (y) subduer, GPH 391.

wielede pret. 3 sg. of wielwan.

wīelen (ī, ȳ) f. foreign woman, female slave, AO.

wīelincel n. little servant, slave, GPH 401.

wīelisc (ǣ, ē, ēa, ī, ȳ) foreign: ‘Welsh’: not free, servile. [wealh]

wiell, wiella m., wielle (AO) f. (e, i, y) ‘well,’ fountain, spring, Mdf. [weallan]

wielle = wille pres. 3 sg. of willan.

wielm (a, æ, e, eo, i, y) m. boiling, swelling, surf, billow, current, stream: burning, flame, inflammation: fervour, ardour, zeal, CP. [weallan]

wielmfȳr (æ) n. blazing fire, #Cr# 932.

wielmhāt (y) burning hot, #Gen# 2584.

wieln- = wiln-

wielt I. pres. 3 sg. of wealdan. II. = wielð

wielð pres. 3 sg. of weallan.

wielwan (y) to roll.

wien- = win-

wieoldon = weoldon pret. pl. of wealdan.

±wierdan (e, i, y) to spoil, injure, destroy.

wiergan (æ, e, i, iri, yri, y) to abuse, outlaw, condemn, curse, proscribe, CP: do evil. [For compounds v. wyrg-, wyrig-] [wearg]

wiergen f. (gs. wiergenne) she-wolf.

wiernan (e, i, y) (w. g. of thing and d. of pers.) to withhold, be sparing of, deny, refuse, reject, decline, AO, CP: forbid, prevent from. [wearn]

wiernung (æ) f. refusal, LL 152[3].

wierp m. cast, throw, shot, blow, AO.

±wierpan (æ, y) to recover from illness, get better, CP.

wierpð pres. 3 sg. of weorpan.

wierrest (superl. of yfel) ‘worst,’ CP.

wiers (y) adv. ‘worse,’ CP.

wiersa m., wierse fn. (comp. of yfel) ‘worse,’ CP. [For comps. v. wyrs-]

wiersian (y) to get worse, Æ.

wierslic (y) bad, vile, mean.

wierst = wierrest

wierð pres. 3 sg. of weorðan.

wierðe (i, u, y) = weorð II.

wīese = wīse pl. of wīs.

wieste = wiste, v. witan.

wiet- = wit-

wīet- = wīt-

[[Printed on one line: wiet-, wīet- = wit-, wīt-]]

wiexð pres. 3 sg. of weaxan.

wīf n. woman, female, Æ, AO, CP: ‘wife,’ lady, Æ, AO, CP.

+wif I. n. fate, fortune. [wefan] II. n. a disease of the eye, #Lcd# 3·292^2.

wīfcild n. female child, BH 76^9.

wīfcynn n. womankind, female sex.

wīfcȳððu f. company of a woman? intercourse with a woman? #Chr# 755#a#.

+wife = +wif

wifel I. m. ‘weevil,’ beetle. II. = wifer

wifer missile, arrow, dart, v. OEG 1103.

wīfērend (#KGl#) = wegfērend

wīffæst bound to a wife, married, LL 348[54].

wīffex n. woman’s hair, WW. [feax]

wīffrēond m. female friend.

wīfgāl licentious, unchaste, CP 453^30.

wīfgehrine m. contact with women.

wīfgemædla m. woman’s talk, #Lcd# 122b.

wīfgemāna m. intercourse with a woman, #Lcd# 1·336.

wīfgeornes f. adultery, MtL 15^19.

wīfgifta fp. dowry, outfit? marriage? #Jul# 38.

wīfhād m. womanhood, Æ: female sex, Æ.

wīfhand f. female inheritor, female side, Ct.

wīfhealf f. woman’s (i.e. mother’s) side.

wīfhearpe f. timbrel, #CPs# 150^4.

wīfhīred n. nunnery, GD 27^8.

±wīfian to take a wife, marry (of the man), Æ. [‘wive’; ‘i-wive’]

wīflāc n. cohabitation, fornication, LL.

wīflēas unmarried, LL (190^3).

wiflēast f. lack of women, ÆL 10^216.

wīflic womanly, feminine, female, Æ. adv. -līce.

wīflufu † f. love for a woman.

wīfmann (o^2) m. ‘woman,’ Æ, AO, CP: female servant.

wīfmyne m. love for a woman, #Gen# 1861.

-wifre v. gange-w.

+wifsǣlig fortunate, WW 496^8.

wīfscrūd n. woman’s clothing, ÆP 142; TC 530.

wift = weft

wīfðegn m. procurer, WW.

wīfðing n. marriage, cohabitation.

wīfung f. (+) marrying (of the man), wedlock, Æ: (pl.) wives.

wīg I. n. strife, contest, war, battle, Æ, AO, CP: valour: military force, army, Æ. II. (wīh, wēoh) † n. idol, image.

wiga m. warrior, fighter: man.

wīgan^1 to fight, make war, Æ.

wīgār m. spear, lance. [wīg, gār]

wīgbǣre warlike, WW 193^18.

wīgbealu n. war-bale, B 2046.

wīgbed == wēofod

wīgbill n. sword, B 1607.

wīgblāc bravely caparisoned, #Ex# 204.

wīgblēd? m. luck in war, #Rim# 26 (wilbec).

wīgbora m. fighter, #ÆGr# 27^16.

wīgbord † n. shield.

wīgcræft m. war-power, art of war, AO.

wīgcræftig strong in battle, B 1811.

wīgcyng = wīcing

wīgcyrm m. noise of battle, #Gen# 1990.

wīgelung = wīglung [[headword spelled “wiglung”]]

wīgend † m. warrior, fighter.

wīgende fighting, Æ.

wīgfreca † m. warrior.

wīgfruma † m. war-chief.

wigg = (1) wīg I.; (2) wicg

wigga = wicga

wīggebed = wēofod

wiggend = wīgend

wīggetāwe fp. war-gear, B 368. [wīg, geatwe]

wīggild (wīh-) n. idol.

wīggryre m. war-terror, B 1284.

wīghaga † m. war-hedge, phalanx.

wīgheafola m. helmet, B 2661.

wīghēap m. troop of warriors, B 477.

wīgheard brave in battle.

wīghete m. hostility, B 2121.

wīghryre m. slaughter, defeat, B 1619.

wīghūs n. battlement, tower, AO, CP: turret (on an elephant’s back), ÆL 25^560.

wīghyrst f. war-gear, accoutrements, #Ruin# 35.

wīgian to fight, LL 132[6,5].

wigle n. divination, OEG.

wīglēoð n. war-cry, battle-signal, #Ex# 221.

wiglere m. soothsayer, wizard, Æ.

wiglian to take auspices, divine, Æ.

wīglic warlike. adv. -līce.

±wiglung f. soothsaying, augury, witchcraft, sorcery, Æ.

wīgmann m. warrior, LL, W.

wīgnoð m. warfare, war, WW 442^1?

wigol divining, foreboding, WW 133^2.

wīgplega † m. war-play, battle.

wīgrād (ō) f. war-path, #Gen# 2084.

wīgrǣden f. state of war, battle, #Wald# 1^22.

wīgsigor † m. victory in battle.

wīgsīð m. military expedition, #Gen# 2094.

wīgsmið I. m. maker of idols, #PPs# 113^12. II. † m. warrior.

wīgspēd † f. success in war.

wīgspere n. war-spear, dart, WW 143^14.

wīgsteall n. rampart, entrenchment.

wīgstrang mighty in war, WW 360^36.

wīgtrod n. path of an army, #Ex# 491.

wīgðracu † f. onslaught in battle, attack.

wīgðrīst bold in battle, #Jul# 432.

wīgur = wīgār

wīgwægn m. war chariot, AO.

wīgwǣpen n. weapon of war, W 170^8.

wīgweorðung † (ēoh^1) f. idol-worship, idolatry.

wīh = wīg

wīhaga = wīghaga

wihst pres. 2 sg. of weaxan.

wiht I. (u, y) fn. ‘wight,’ person, creature, being: ‘whit,’ thing, something, anything. II. adv. at all. ne w., nǣnig w. not at all. nān w. no whit. III. n. ‘weight.’

Wiht f. Isle of Wight, #Chr# [L. Vectis]

wihte adv. (d. instr. of wiht) at all.

+wihte n. ‘weight.’

wihtga = wītega

Wihtland n. Isle of Wight, Æ.

wihtmearc f. plumb-line, OEG 3005.

Wiht-sǣtan, -sǣte mp. inhabitants of the Isle of Wight.

Wihtware mp. inhabitants of the Isle of Wight.

wīhūs = wīghūs

wil = wiell

wīl n. ‘wile,’ trick, #Chr# 1128.

wil- = will-

wila (y) ‘catenarum,’ v. OEG 3560n and 7^257.

wīlamcel? (wīluncel? GPH 401) = wīelincel

wīlāwei = wā lā wā

wīlbec m. stream of tears, lamentations? #Rim# 26. [or? wīgblēd]

+wilbod n. commandment, WW 191^22.

wilboda m. messenger of joy, angel, #Gu# 1220.

+wilcð n. rolling, tossing, #JPs# 88^10. [wealcan]

wilcuma I. m. welcome guest. II. = wilcume

wilcume interj. welcome!

±wilcumian to welcome, greet, Æ.

wild? wild, OEG 4706n.

wildæg m. day of joy, #Cr# 459.

±wildan to control, tame, subdue, conquer, seize: (+) compel, LL 265[15]: (+) temper.

wilddēor = wildēor

wilddēoren pertaining to wild beasts, fierce, #Sc# 99^7.

wilddēornes f. abode of wild beasts, desert, wilderness.

wilde I. ‘wild,’ untamed, uncontrolled, Æ, AO: uncultivated, desert, AO. II. adv.

+wilde (y) in the power of, under the control of, Æ.

wildēar (N) = wildēor

wildefȳr n. lightning, #Chr#: erysipelas, WW.

wildēor n. (occl. dp. wildrum) wild beast, Æ, AO: deer, reindeer.

wildēorlic animal-like, savage, CP. adv. -līce.

wilder, wildor = wildēor

wildeswīn m. wild boar, ANS 129·44.

wildgōs f. wild goose, WW 364^1.

-wildian v. ā-w.

wile pres. 3 sg. of willan.

+wile = +will

wileg = wilig [[form of “wiliga”]]

wilege = wilige [[under “wiliga”]]

wīlen = wīelen

wilewīse = wiligwīse

wilfægen fain, glad, Æ.

wilfǣmne f. beloved woman.

wilgæst m. welcome guest, #Mod# 7 (e^2).

wilgedryht † f. willing band.

wilfullīce adv. willingly, OEG.

wilgehlēða † m. intimate companion. [hlōð]

wilgeofa = wilgiefa

wilgesīð † m. willing companion.

wilgest = wilgæst

wilgestealla = willgestealla

wilgiefa † (eo, i) m. gracious giver, king.

wilhrēmig rejoicing in satisfied desire, WW 376^26.

wilhrēðig exultant, #El# 1117.

wilia = wiliga

wilian (Æ) = wielwan

±wilian (y) to connect, bind, #Sc# 11^8; W.

wilie = wilige [[under “wiliga”]]

wiliga m., wilige (Æ) f. basket.

wiligwīse (wile-) basket-wise, #Bl# 125^21.

wiliht (y) full of willows, Ct.

wīlisc = wīelisc

will I. n. = willa m. II. (e, y) m. fountain, spring, CP.

+will n. will, wish, desire, AO.

will- = wyll-

willa m. I. mind, will, determination, purpose, Æ, CP. sylfes willum of one’s own accord: desire, wish, request: joy, delight, pleasure: desirable thing, valuable. II. (æ, e, y) fountain, spring.

willan (y) anv. pres. 1, 3 sg. ind. and subj. wile, wille, wielle, pret. wolde to ‘will,’ be willing, wish, desire, AO, CP: (denoting habit, repetition), to be used to: to be about to: (sign of the future tense) shall, will, AO, CP.

willcuma = wilcuma

wille (e, y) fm. fountain, spring. [weallan]

willeburne (y) † f. spring.

willecærse f. watercress.

willen = wyllen

-willen v. dol-w.

wīllendlic (BH) = hwīlwendlic

willendlīce adv. willingly, WW.

willes adv. willingly, voluntarily, Æ.

willestrēam (y) † m. stream.

willewæter (y) n. spring water, #Lcd#.

willfægen = wilfægen

willflōd † m. flood.

willgebrōðor mp. brothers, #Gen# 971.

willgesīð = wilgesīð

willgespryg = wilspring

willge-steald, -steall n. riches, wealth, #Gen# 2146?

willgestealla m. willing companion, #Gen# 2146?

willgesweostor fp. sisters, #Gen# 2607.

willgeðofta ‡ m. pleasant companion.

±willian to wish, desire.

willic (y) from a fountain, WW.

willīce (y) adv. willingly, voluntarily.

willnung = wilnung

willsele m. pleasant dwelling, #Ph# 213.

willsīð = wilsīð

willspell † n. good tidings, #El#.

willsum == wilsum

willung = wilnung

willwong m. pleasant plain, #Ph# 89.

wilm = wielm

wīln = wīelen

+wilnes f. desire, wish, #LPs# 20^3.

±wilnian (w. g. or a.) to wish, long for, desire, will, Æ, AO, CP: beg for, supplicate, entreat, petition for: tend towards, CP.

±wilniendlic desirable: capable of desire, ÆL 1^97.

±wilnung f. desire, longing, AO, CP.

wiloc = weoloc

Wil-sǣte, -sǣtan mp. people of Wilts: Wiltshire.

wīlsc = wīelisc

wilsīð m. desired journey.

wil-spring, -sprynge (e^1, y^1) m. spring.

wil-sum, -sumlic desirable, delightful: ready, willing, voluntarily, spontaneous: devoted. adv. -līce.

wilsumnes f. willingness, devotion: vow.

wilt I. pres. 2 sg. of willan. II. pres. 3 sg. of wealdan.

wiltīðe having obtained one’s wish, glad, OEG 2219^3589.

wilð pres. 3 sg. of weallan.

wilðegu f. agreeable food, #An# 153.

wiluc- = weoloc-

wīluncel = wīelincel

wīlwendlic = hwīlwendlic

wimman, wīman = wīfmann

wimpel (win-) m. ‘wimple,’ covering for the neck, cloak, #Gl#.

win == winn

wīn n. ‘wine,’ Æ, CP. [L. vinum]

wīnærn n. tavern, cellar, #Gl#: drinking hall, wine hall, B 655.

wīnbælg = wīnbelg

wīnbēam m. vine, WW.

wīnbeger n. grape, NG.

wīnbelg (æ) m. (leather) bottle for wine.

wīn-berge, -beri(g)e f. wine-berry, grape.

wīnbōh m. vine-shoot, vine, Æ.

wīnbrytta m. wine-seller, inn-keeper, WW.

wīnburg † f. festive city: walled vineyard, castle.

wīnbyrele m. innkeeper, WW 377^4.

wincan = wincian

wince f. winch, pulley, WW 416^6.

wincel I. m. corner, Ct. [Ger. winkel] II. = wencel

wincettan to wink, #PPs# 34^19.

wincian to ‘wink,’ blink, Æ, CP.

winclo = wenclu, nap. of wencel.

wīnclyster n. cluster of grapes, OEG 18#b#^2.

wīncolc wine vat, WW 439^30.

wīncynn n. wine, NC 333.

wind m. ‘wind,’ Æ, AO, CP.

+wind n. winding thing, winding path, WW.

windæddre f. windpipe, WW.

±windæg † m. day of strife or toil.

±windan^3 (tr.) to ‘wind,’ plait, curl, twist: whirl, brandish, swing: (intr.) turn, fly, leap, start, roll, slip, go, Æ, AO, CP: delay, hesitate, #Gu# 265.

windbǣre (ē^2) windy, OEG 43^10.

windbland (o^2) n. blast of wind, B 3146.

+winde blowing, BH 202^7.

-winde v. ed-, næddre-, wudu-w.

windecræft = wyndecræft

windel m., gs. windles basket, Æ.

windelocc m. curly lock, WW.

windelstān m. tower with a winding staircase, (BT), WW 145^17.

windelstrēaw n. ‘windle-straw,’ WW.

windeltrēow n. oleaster, willow, WW.

wind-fona, -gefon m. winnowing fan.

windfylled blown down, LL 452[19].

windgereste f. resting-place of the winds, B 2456?

windhlæden (a^2) windy.

windig windy, breezy, Æ.

windiht (GPH) = wundiht

windil = windel

windiuscoful = windscofl

windles v. windel.

windong something woven, hurdle.

windrǣs m. storm of wind, MkL 4^37.

wīndrenc (i, y) m. wine-drink, wine, Æ.

wīndruncen elate, intoxicated with wine.

windscofl fan, WW 478^25.

windsele m. † (windy hall), hall of misery, hell.

windswingel f. (wind-whip), fan, WW 154^10.

windumǣr (wudu- ?) f. echo, WW 474^8.

windung f. winnowing, chaff, tares, straw, NG.

windwian wv. to fan, ‘winnow.’ [wind]

windwig = windig

windwigceaf n. chaff, OEG 2439.

windwigsyfe n. winnowing-sieve, fan, WW 141^11.

wine † m. [occl. gp. winig(e)a] friend, protector, lord. [wynn]

wīneard == wīngeard

wine-dryhten (i^3) † m., gen. -dryhtnes friendly lord, lord and friend.

wīnegeard = wīngeard

winegēomor mourning for friends, B 2239.

winelēas † friendless.

winemǣg † m. dear kinsman.

wīnern = wīnærn

winescipe m. friendship.

winestre = winstre

winetrēow f. conjugal fidelity, #Hu# 50.

wineðearfende † friendless.

winewincle f. periwinkle (shell-fish).

wīnfæt n. wine-vessel, wine-vat, WW.

+win-ful, -fullic laborious, tedious, hard, BH, GD. adv. -līce.

wīngāl † flushed or intoxicated with wine.

wīngeard m. vineyard: vine.

wīngeardbōg m. vine-tendril, WW 118^3.

wīngeardhōc m. vine-tendril, WW 201^31.

wīngeardhring m. cluster of grapes or other fruit, WW 213^17.

wīngeardseax n. (vine-) pruning knife, WW 234^44.

wīngeardwealh (wīneard-) m. worker in a vineyard, NC 333.

wīngedrinc n. (†) wine-drinking, drinking bout: wine, WW.

wīngerd = wīngeard

wīngetredde = wīntredde

wīngyrd = wīngeard

wīnhāte f. invitation to wine, #Jud# 8.

wīnhrēafetian to gather grapes, #LPs# 79^13.

wīnhūs n. wine-house, tavern.

winiga, winigea v. wine.

wining (eo, y) m. leg-band, garter.

wīnland n. wine-growing country, NC 333.

wīnlēaf n. vine-leaf, OEG 18#b#^73.

wīnlic vinous, like wine, Æ.

wīnmere m. wine-vat, WW 439^30.

±winn n. toil, labour, trouble, hardship, BH, Lk: profit, gain, #PPs#: conflict, strife, war, Bo; AO. [‘i-win’]

±winna m. enemy, adversary, Æ, CP.

winnan^3 (y) to labour, toil, trouble oneself: resist, oppose, contradict: fight, strive, struggle, rage, Bl. on w. attack: (+) conquer, obtain, gain, Chr, Met: endure, bear, suffer. [‘win’; ‘i-win’]

+winnesful = +winful

±winnstow f. wrestling place.

winnung = windung

winpel = wimpel

wīnreced † n. wine-hall.

wīnreopan^5 (y) to gather in the vintage. [repan]

wīnsæd satiated with wine, #Jud# 71.

wīnsæl n. wine-hall, #Wa# 78.

wīnsele † n. wine-hall.

wīnsester m. wine-vessel, WW 122^31. [L. sextarius]

winstōw = winnstōw [[headword spelled “winnstow”]]

winstre I. adj. left, Æ, CP. II. f. left hand.

winsum == wynsum

wint pres. 3 sg. of windan.

wīntæppere m. wine-tapster, tavern-keeper, OEG 2652.

winter mn. [ds. wintra; nap. wintru, winter] ‘winter,’ Æ, AO, CP: pl. (in computing time) years, Æ, AO, CP.

winterbiter † bitterly cold.

winterburna m. winter-torrent, JnL 18^1.

winterceald † wintry-cold.

wintercearig winter-sad, sad with years? #Wa# 24.

winterdæg m. winter’s day, #Bo#.

winterdūn f. hill on which sheep were kept in winter? LL 453[1].

winterfeorm f. Christmas feast, LL 452[21,4].

winterfylleð October.

wintergegong m. fate, WW 406^6.

wintergerīm † n. number of years.

wintergetel † n. number of years.

wintergewǣde ‡ n. garment of winter, snow.

winterge-weorp, -worp n. winter-storm, snowstorm, #Ph# 57.

winterhūs n. winter-house, ÆL 36^95.

winterig = wintrig

winterlǣcan to grow wintry.

winterlic wintry, belonging to winter, winter, Æ.

winterrǣdingbōc f. lectionary for the winter, TC 430^16.

winterrīm = wintergerīm

wintersæt = wintersetl

winterscūr m. winter-shower, #Ph# 18.

winterseld = wintersetl

wintersetl n. winter-quarters, AO, #Chr#.

wintersteal m. stallion a year old, LL 378[7].

winterstund f. winter-hour, short time, year? #Gen# 370.

wintersufel n. food for winter, LL 450[9].

wintertīd f. winter-time, Æ.

wīntīber n. wine-offering, libation, WW 130^13 (-tīfer).

+wintīd f. time of affliction, GD 210^15.

wintra v. winter.

-wintre v. ān-, twi-w., etc.

+wintred grown up, adult: aged, AO.

wīntredde f. winepress, OEG 2647.

wintreg = wintrig

wīntrēow n. vine, Æ.

wīntrēowig adj. of the vine, GPH 390.

wintrig wintry, AO.

wīntrog m. wine-vessel, MtL 21^33.

wīntunne f. wine-cask (or? wīntūn wine-house), ÆP 19^1.

wīntwig n. vine-twig, WW.

winð pres. 3 sg. of winnan.

wīnðegu † f. banquet of wine.

wīnwircend m. vine-dresser.

+winworuld f. world of care, #Gu# 829.

wīnwringe f. winepress.

wio- = weo-, wi-, wu-

wīohbed = wēofod

wīpian to ‘wipe,’ cleanse, Æ.

wīr I. † m. ‘wire,’ metal thread, wire-ornament. II. (ȳ) m. myrtle, #Gl#; Mdf.

wir- = wear-, wier-, wyr-

wīrboga m. twisted wire? #Rd# 15^3.

wirc- = weorc-, wyrc-

+wirdan (e, y) to spoil, injure, destroy: violate, obstruct.

wirding (oe, y) f. bodily injury, LL 410[3,5]: blemish, OEG 649.

wirdnes f. injury, vice, DR (oe).

+wīred made of wire, TC 537^34.

wirg- (Æ) = wierg-, wyr(i)g-

wirgrǣfe? f. myrtle-grove, WW.

wirian = wiergan

wirig- = wierg-, wyr(i)g-

wirpð pres. 3 sg. of weorpan.

wīrtrēow n. myrtle, #Lcd#, WW.

wīrtrēowen (y^1, ȳ^2) adj. myrtle, #Lcd# 1·236^1

wirtruma = wyrtruma [[under “wyrtrum”]]

wirð I. = weorð I. II. = wierð pres. 3 sg. of weorðan.

wirðe = worð I.

wīs I. adj. ‘wise,’ learned, Æ, AO, CP: prudent, discreet, experienced, Æ, AO, CP. II. = wīse I.

+wis == wiss

wīsa † m. leader, director.

wisan = wesan

wīsan (#Dan# 35) = wīsian

wīsbōc f. instructive book? #PPs# 138^14.

wīsc- (Æ) = wȳsc-

wisce n. a piece of meadow, PST 95/98, 542.

wischere m. diviner? ÆL 21^466.

wīsdōm m. ‘wisdom,’ knowledge, learning: experience, Æ, CP.

wīse I. f. ‘wise,’ way, fashion, custom, habit, manner, Æ, CP: testamentary disposition: business, affair, thing, matter, Æ, CP: condition, state, circumstance, AO, CP: reason, cause, Æ: direction: melody: idiom. II. adv. wisely. III. (ȳ) f. sprout, stalk.

wīs-fæst, -fæstlic wise, sagacious, discreet, learned, intelligent.

+wīsfullīce wisely, GD 95^31.

wīshycgende wise, sagacious, B 2716.

wīshȳdig † wise, discreet, sagacious.

±wīsian (w. d. or a.) to direct, instruct, guide, lead, Æ, CP: point out, show, Gen. [‘i-wisse’]

wislic certain, sure, true. adv. (±) -līce certainly, truly, Lcd, Lk: moreover. [‘iwisliche’]

wīslic wise, sagacious, prudent, Æ, AO. adv. -līce.

wisligan = wistlian [[redirected to “hwistlian”]]

wisnian to dry up, wither, waste away. [weornian]

+wiss I. n. certainty, surety, Æ. II. adj. certain, sure, trustworthy, BH, Bo, Guth, Nic. tō gewissan, gewissum; mid gewisse especially, certainly, RB, HL. [‘i-wis’]

wiss- = wis-

wisse = wiste pret. 3 sg. of witan.

wīssefa m. wise-souled man, #Sol# 438?

wissian = wīsian

±wissian to direct, instruct, guide, Æ: point out, show, Æ. [‘i-wisse’]

wiss-iend, -igend m. governor, director: driver (of chariot), Æ.

+wisslīce = +wislīce

wisste = wiste pret. 3 sg. of witan.

wissum (tō) adv. altogether, completely, OEG.

±wissung f. showing, instruction, guidance, Æ: rule, regulation, government, Æ (in comp.). [v. ‘iwisse’]

wist f. being, existence: well-being, abundance, plenty: provision, nourishment, subsistence, food, meal, feast, delicacy, Æ, CP. [wesan]

wiste pret. 3 sg. of witan.

wīstfæstlic = wīsfæstlic [[under “wīsfæst”]]

wistfulgend m. banqueter, #EPs# 41^5.

wistfull productive, #Chr# 1112.

±wistfullian to feast, Æ.

wistfullīce adv. luxuriously, WW 513^6.

wistfullnes f. good cheer.

±wistfullung f. feasting, OEG.

wistfyllo f. fill of food, B 734.

wistgifende fertile, WW 457^25.

+wistian to feast, G.

wistl- = hwistl-

+wistlǣcan to feast, banquet, G.

wist-mete m., nap. -mettas, sustenance, ÆL 23b^582.

wiston pret. pl. of witan.

wisðlung = wistlung [[redirected to “hwistlung”]]

wīswyrdan to be wise in speech, A 13·38.

wīswyrde prudent in speech, W 72^18.

wit I. pron. 1 pers. (nom. dual), gs. uncer, d. unc, acc. unc(it) we two, CP. wit Æthered Æthered and I. II. (±) = witt

±wita (eo, ie, u) m. sage, philosopher, wise man, adviser, councillor, elder, senator (v. LL 2·737), Æ, AO: witness, Æ, CP: accomplice. [‘wit’; witan]

±witan (eo, y) swv. pres. 1, 3 sg. wāt, 2 wāst, pl. witon, subj. pres. sg. wite, pl. wit-en, -on; pret. sg. wiste, pp. witen to be aware of or conscious of, know, understand, BH, LG; AO, CP: observe, perceive. andan w. dislike. incan w. (tō) to have a grudge (against). ege w. to fear. dōn tō witanne to cause to know, inform. [‘wit’; ‘i-wite’]

wītan^1 (+) to look, behold, see, #PPs# 79^14: guard, keep, Æ: impute or ascribe to, accuse, reproach, blame, AO, CP: (±) depart, go, go out: die (often forðgew.).

wīte n. punishment, torture, plague, injury, Æ, CP: penalty, fine: contribution, in money or food, to sustenance of king or his officers, LL 356[69,2]: woe, misery, distress.

wītebend † mf. bonds of torture or punishment.

wītebrōga m. tormenting dread.

witedlīce = witodlīce

wīte-dōm (wītig-) m. prophecy, prediction, presage, oracle.

wītedōmlic prophetic, #Guth#.

wītefæst penally enslaved, TC.

wīt-ega, -(i)ga m. wise man: prophet, soothsayer: prophecy. [wītan; OHG. wīzzago]

wītegeard? m. amphitheatre, v. OEG 3333.

wītegdōm (i^2) m. prophecy, prediction: divination.

wītegestre f. prophetess, Æ.

±wītegian to prophesy, predict, Æ, AO.

wītegung f. prophecy, divination, Æ.

wītegungbōc f. book of prophecy, Æ.

wītehrægl n. penitential garb, sackcloth, #PPs# 68^11.

wītehūs n. torture-house, prison, hell: amphitheatre (as place of torture and martyrdom), OEG.

wītel = hwītel

wītelāc † n. punishment.

wītelēas without punishment or fine, LL 360[73,4].

wītelēast f. freedom from punishment or fine.

wītelic toilsome, carking, MFH 178: penal, GD 330; 332.

witelīce (GD 102^24) = witodlīce

witenagemōt n. meeting of the wise men, national council. [wita]

+wītende transitory, MFH 165.

wītendlic = wītigendlic

+wītendlic transitory, perishable, Æ, CP.

witendlīce = witodlīce

+wit-endnes, -ennes f. departure, death.

wīterǣden f. punishment, fine.

+witerian to inform, #Kl# 17^44. [witter]

wītern n. prison, WW 199^31. [ærn]

wītescræf n. pit of torment, hell, #Sat# 691.

wītesteng m. pole used for torture, OEG.

wītestōw f. place of torment or execution.

wīteswing ‡ m. scourging, punishment.

wītetōl n. instrument of torture.

wīteðēow adj. man reduced to slavery by the law (also sbm.).

+witfæst of sound mind, #Guth# 66^17.

wītg- = wīteg-

witian (eo) to order, arrange, provide, destine, conclude, establish.

witiendlic = witigendlic [[headword spelled “wītigendlic”]]

wītig = wittig

wītig- = wīteg-

wīt-igendlic, -t(i)endlic prophetic, OEG.

wītiglic punitive, of punishment, GD.

wītingstōw = wītnungstōw

±witlēas foolish, mad, Æ.

witlēasnes f. want of intelligence, folly, OEG 47^3.

±witlēast f. folly, madness. [witt]

+witloca † m. mind, †CP.

witmæreswyrt f. spoonwort? #Lcd# 12a.

wītnere m. tormentor, torturer, Æ.

±witnes f. knowledge, ‘witness,’ testimony, Bl, Bo: a witness. [‘i-witness’]

±witnian to punish, chastise, torture, afflict, Æ, AO, CP.

wītnigend m. ‘punitor,’ #EPSs# 78^11.

wītnung f. torment, torture, punishment, purgatory, Æ.

wītnungstōw f. place of punishment, purgatory, Æ.

witod I. = witodlīce. II. pp. of witian.

witodlic certain, sure, LkR 20^6 (wutud-); adv. -līce truly, for, verily, certainly, undoubtedly, indeed, thus, Æ, AO, CP. [witan] conj. but, and, for, therefore, wherefore. [witan]

witol knowing, wise. [witan]

witolnes f. wisdom, GD 331^15.

witon I. pret. pl. of witan. II. = wuton

wītrod = wīgtrod

+witscipe m. testimony, evidence.

+witsēoc possessed, insane, Æ.

±witt n. understanding, intellect, sense, Bo, Lk: consciousness. [wit; ‘i-wit’]

+witt- = +wit-

witter wise, prudent, #Chr# 1067#d#. [ON. vitr]

±wittig † wise, sagacious, skilful: in one’s right mind, Æ.

wittignes f. intelligence, OEG 78 (wytti-).

wittol = witol

wītu nap. of wīte.

witud == witod

wituma (e, eo, y) m. dowry (v. LL 2·739).

witumbora m. bridesman, paranymph, OEG 1774.

wītungstōw = wītnungstōw

wītword n. written evidence, will, covenant, LL.

wið I. prep. (w. a.) with, by, near, against, beside, at, through: (w. d.) from (separation), with (opposition), for, in return for, on condition of, beside, near, opposite: (w. g.) towards, to, at, against. w. ēastan (1) adv. to the east; (2) prep. east of. w. ūp upwards, above. w. ðān ðe because, in consideration of, provided that. wið...weard prep. (w. a.) towards. II. conj. until.

wiðæftan I. adv. from behind, behind, after. II. prep. behind, at, Æ.

wiðblāwan^7 to blow away, CP 439^24.

wið-bregdan^3, -brēdan^3 to withhold, restrain, withstand, oppose, Æ, CP.

wiðcampian (o) to fight against.

wiðcēosan^2 to reject. pp. wiðcoren rejected, reprobate, outcast.

wiðcostian ‘reprobare,’ NC 333.

wiðcwædenes = wiðcwedennes

wiðcwedennes f. contradiction.

wiðcwedolnes = wiðercwedolnes

wiðcweðan^5 to speak against, contradict, gainsay, oppose, resist, Æ: forbid, refuse, deny: reject, renounce, CP.

wiðcweðenes = wiðcwedennes

wiðdrīfan^1 to repel, drive off, #PPs#.

wiðe- = wiðig-

wiðēadon (N) = wiðēodon pret. pl. of wiðgān.

wiðēastan eastward, eastwards, AO.

wiðeftan = wiðæftan

wiðer prep. and adv. against.

wiðerbreca (a^3, eo^3, o^3, u^3) m. adversary: the devil, Satan.

wiðerbrocian to oppose, #CVPs#.

wiðerbrōga m. adversary, the devil, #Cr# 564.

wiðerbruca = wiðerbreca

wiðercerran to turn against, prance. [cp. wiðercyr]

wiðercora m. adversary, rebel, apostate, sinner, Æ.

wiðercoren rejected, reprobate, wicked.

wiðercorennes f. reprobation, ÆH 2·290^19.

wiðercwednes f. contradiction, CP 143^20.

wiðercwedol opposing, contradicting.

wiðercwedolnes f. contradiction, #Gl#.

wiðercwedung f. a speaking against, contradiction, #SPs# 51^4.

wiðercweð- = wiðercwed-

wiðercweðan^5 to withstand.

wiðercwida (y) m. contradictor, OEG 1893: opposer, rebel, WW 110^23.

wiðercwide m. contradiction: opposition, resistance.

wiðercwidel- = wiðercwedol-

wiðercwyd- = wiðer-cwed-, -cwid-

wiðercyr m. rearing (of a horse), #El# 926.

wiðerdūne (ē^3, y^3) narrow, NC 333.

-wiðere v. tō-w.

wiðerfeoht- = wiðfeoht-

wiðerflita m. opponent, adversary, AO, CP.

wiðerflītan^1 to contend against. [[from first edition]]

wiðerhabban to resist, #PPs# 72^20.

wiðerhlinian to lean against, #Gl#.

wiðer-hycgende, -hȳdig refractory, perverse, antagonistic, hostile. as sb. rival, adversary.

wiðerian to resist, oppose, struggle against, Æ: irritate, provoke: be provoked.

wiðerlǣcan (y^1, ē^3) to deprive, #EPs# 83^13.

wiðerlēan † n. requital.

wiðerling m. opponent, adversary, EHy 4^7.

wiðermāl n. counter-plea, defence, #Chr# 1052.

wiðermēde stiff-necked, antagonistic, perverse.

wiðermēdnes (oe) f. perversity, DR: adversity, DR.

wiðermēdo f. antagonism: perversity: adversity.

wiðermetan^5 to compare to, measure with, measure against.

wiðermōd unwilling, adverse, contrary, CP 212^7.

wiðermōdnes f. adversity, CP 83^19.

wiðermoednes (DR) = wiðermēdnes

wiðerrǣde contrary, opposed, adverse, perverse, rebellious, Æ: disadvantageous: disagreeable, unpleasant.

wiðerrǣdlic contrary, adverse, #ÆGr# 264^1.

wiðerrǣdnes f. opposition, discord, variance, disadvantage, adversity, Æ.

wiðerræhtes (= rihtes) adv. opposite, B 3039.

wiðerriht n. recompense, WW 118^12.

wiðersaca m. adversary, enemy, Æ: betrayer: apostate, Æ.

wiðersacian to renounce, become apostate, OEG: blaspheme.

wiðersacung f. apostasy: blasphemy.

wiðersæc I. n. contradiction, hostility, opposition, Æ: apostasy. [sacan] II. unfavourable, #Lcd# 97a.

wiðersprǣc f. contradiction.

wiðerstǣger steep, WW.

wiðerstandan^6 to resist, #EPs# 16^8.

wiðersteall (a^3) m. resistance, opposition, Æ.

wiðersȳnes adv. ‘widdershins,’ backwards, #Bl# 93^19.

wiðertalu f. contradiction, ÆH 1·530^6.

wiðertīhtle f. counter-charge, LL.

wiðertrod † n. return, retreat.

wiðertȳme troublesome, grievous.

wiðerweard contrary, perverse, adverse: rebellious, hostile, AO, CP: inconsistent: unfavourable, noxious, bad.

wiðerwearda m. adversary, #Bl#.

wiðerweardian (y^3) to oppose.

wiðerweardlic contrary, inimical, perverse, Æ. adv. -līce.

wiðerweardnes f. opposition, perversity, arrogance, enmity, Æ, CP: adversity, calamity, trouble, CP.

wiðerwengel m. adversary, ARHy 4^7.

wiðerwennung f. controversy, #Sc# 146^15. [winnan]

wiðer-werd-, -wi(e)rd- = wiðerweard-

wiðerwinn n. contest, OEG 2^3.

wiðerwinna m. opponent, rival, adversary, enemy, Æ, AO, CP.

wiðerwinnan^3 to revolt, GPH 389.

+wiðerworded (i^2) opposed, DR 114^1.

wiðerwyrd == wiðerweard

wiðewinde = wiðowinde

wiðfaran^6 to come off, escape, #Ex# 573.

wiðfeohtan^3 to fight against, rebel.

wiðfeohtend m. adversary, CP.

wiðfēolan^3 to apply oneself to, BH.

wiðferian † to rescue, redeem.

wiðflita = wiðerflita

wiðflītan = wiðerflītan

wiðfōn^7 (w. d.) to grasp at, clutch, B 760.

wiðforan I. prep. before, in the presence of. II. adv. before, previously.

wið-gān anv., -gangan^7 to go against, oppose: pass away, vanish, disappear.

wiðgehæftan = wiðhæftan

wiðgemetnes f. comparison, BH 430^20.

wiðgeondan prep. beyond, Mt 3^5.

wiðgrīpan^1 to grapple with, B 2521.

wiðgȳnan to reject, ÆL 23·541.

wiðhabban (w. d.) to oppose, resist, restrain, hold out, AO.

wiðhæbban = wiðhabban

wiðhæftan to take possession of. [[from first edition]]

wiðheardian to harden, #ARSPs# 94^8.

wiðhindan adv. behind, Æ.

wið-hogian ‡ (w. g.) to disregard, reject.

wiðhycgan † to reject, despise, scorn.

wīði- = wīðig-

wīðig, wīði(g)e m. withe, ‘withy,’ willow, Æ: band, fetter, fillet, garland.

wīðigrind f. willow bark, #Lcd# 37a.

wīðing- = wīðig-

wiðinnan I. adv. ‘within,’ from within, Æ. II. prep. (w. d. a.) within.

wið-inne, -innen, -innon = wiðinnan I.

wiðir- (N) = wiðer-

wiðlǣdan to lead away, take away, rescue, #Ps#.

wiðlǣdnes f. abduction.

wīðlan (N) = wīdlan [[variant of “wīdlian”]]

wiðlicgan^5 to oppose, resist.

wiðmetan^5 to compare with, liken to, Æ.

wiðmētednes f. invention, device, #SPs#. [mētan I.]

wið-metenlic, -metendlic comparative (in grammar), #ÆGr#. [metan]

wiðmetennes f. comparison, Æ.

wiðmeting f. comparison.

wið-neoðan (Æ), -niðan, -nyðan adv. below, underneath, beneath.

wiðobān (wido-) n. collar-bone.

wiðone (#Bl#) = wið ðone

wiðor- = wiðer-

wiðowinde f. convolvulus, woodbine, #Gl#.

wiðrǣde = wiðerrǣde

wiðre † n. resistance, opposition.

wiðrēotan^2 to abhor? resist? #El# 369 (GK).

wiðrian = wiðerian

wiðsacan^6 to oppose, strive against, AO: to refute, contradict: forsake, abandon, renounce, refuse, deny, Æ, AO, CP.

wiðsacendlic used in negations, #ÆGr# 226^3.

wiðsacung f. denial, renunciation, #Sc# 60^14.

wiðsceorian (o^2) to refuse, CP 59^12.

wīðscrīðel = wīdscrīðol

wiðscūfan^2 to thrust back, refute, repel, BH.

wiðsēon^5 to rebel, rise against, AO.

wiðsetnes f. opposition, #Gl#.

wiðsettan to withstand, resist, Æ.

wiðslēan^6 to oppose, bring to naught, Æ, CP.

wiðsprecan^5 to contradict, gainsay: converse, AS: revile: speak with, GD 345^8.

wiðspurnan^3 to hit against, MtL 4^5.

wiðstæppan^6 to step or go out of.

wiðstandan^6 (w. d.) to ‘withstand,’ resist, oppose, Æ, AO, CP.

wiðstandend m. opponent.

wiðsteall = wiðersteall

wiðsteppan = wiðstæppan

wiðstond- = wiðstand-

wiðstunian to dash against, #Lcd# 160b.

wiðstyllan to retreat, WW 17^26.

wiðstyltan to hesitate, doubt, MtL 21^21.

wiðtēon^2 to take away, withdraw: restrain, CP.

wiðtremman to step back, CP 441^27.

wiððe f. withy, cord, band, thong, fetter. [v. also wīðig]

wiððer- = wiðer-

wiððingian to come to terms with, be reconciled to, MF 178.

wiððir (DR 168^2) = wiðer

wiððyddan to blunt, v. OEG 4235.

wiðufan I. prep. (w. d.) above. II. adv. before, previously.

wið-uppon, -uppan adv. above.

wiðūtan I. prep. (w. d.) outside of, AO: except: without. II. adv. from outside, outside, Æ.

wiðweorpan^3 † to reject, repudiate.

wiðwinde = wiðewinde

wiðwinnan^3 to fight against, resist, oppose, AO, CP.

wiðwiðerian to resist, withstand, GD 117^19.

wixð = wiexð pres. 3 sg. of weaxan.

±wlacian to become lukewarm, be tepid, Æ, CP.

wlaco, wlacu, wlæc tepid, lukewarm, cool, CP.

wlacunes = wlæcnes

wlæc v. wlaco.

wlæce n. tepidity, GPH 397.

wlæclic lukewarm. adv. -līce.

wlǣclīce (#PPs# 148^5) = wrǣclīce

wlæcnes f. lukewarmness, CP.

wlæffetere m. stammerer, GPH 403.

wlæffian to stammer, speak indistinctly, v. NC 333.

wlænc = wlanc, wlenc

wlænco = wlenco [[under “wlenc”]]

wlǣta = wlǣtta

+wlǣtan to defile, debase, #Bo# 114^23.

wlætlīce = wlæclīce

wlǣtta m. loathing, nausea, eructation, heartburn, Æ: an object of loathing: disfigurement, OEG 4461.

wlǣtung (ā, ē) f. nausea: disfigurement, OEG 4461.

wlanc (æ, o) stately, splendid, lofty, magnificent, rich: boastful, arrogant, proud.

wlancian to become proud or boastful, exult.

wlanclic adj. proud, arrogant. adv. -līce, #Gl#.

wlāt pret. 3 sg. of wlītan.

wlātere m. spectator, NC 333.

-wlātful v. nebb-w. [[headword spelled “nebwlātful”]]

wlātian I. † to gaze, look upon, behold. [wlītan] II. (impers.) to loathe, Æ.

wlātung I. f. ‘spectaculum,’ NC 334. II. = wlǣt(t)ung

±wleccan to make tepid, CP. [wlæc]

wlenc, wlenco (AO, CP), wlencu f. pride, arrogance, haughtiness: glory, pomp, splendour, AO, CP: (†) bravado: prosperity, riches, wealth. [wlanc]

+wlencan to render proud: adorn, enrich, exalt.

wlēttung = wlǣtung

wlisp, wlips (Æ) lisping.

wlispian to lisp.

wlita m. countenance, #Gl#.

wlītan^1 † to gaze, look, observe.

wlite m. brightness: appearance, form, aspect, look, countenance: beauty, splendour, Æ: adornment, CP.

wliteandet? n. confession of splendour, #PPs# 103^2.

wlitebeorht † beauteous.

wliteful beautiful, #Sc# 21^8.

wlitelēas ugly, #An# 1171.

wlitelīce handsomely, #Bl# 205^6.

wlitescīne (ȳ^3) lovely, beautiful.

wlītesēon f. sight, spectacle, B 1650.

wlitetorht † brilliant, lovely.

wlitewamm (o^3) m. disfigurement of the face.

wliteweorð n. legal value of a man’s life, ransom, GD 179^21.

wlitig radiant, beautiful, fair, comely, Æ, CP. adv. -ige, -iglīce.

wlitigfæst of enduring beauty, #Ph# 125.

±wlitigian to beautify, adorn: become beautiful, #Seaf# 49: form, fashion, #Pss#.

wlitignes f. beauty, splendour, #Bl#.

wlitu = wlite

wlō = wlōh

wlōh f., dp. wlō(u)m fringe, ornament, tuft: bit, #Gu# 1127.

+wlōh adorned, #Gen# 1789.

wlonc = wlanc

wlott spot, blemish, OEG 648?

wlōum v. wlōh.

wlyt- = wlit-

wō == wōh

wōc (pret. of wacan).

wōcer = wōcor

wocie, wocige noose, OEG 962; 3560.

wōclic = wōhlic

wōcor † f. (gs. wōcre) increase, growth: offspring, progeny, posterity, race: usury.

wocorlīce = wacorlīce [[form of “wacor”]]

wōcs = wōsc pret. 3 sg. of wascan.

wōd I. adj. mad, raging, senseless, Æ, AO: blasphemous. II. pret. 3 sg. of wadan.

wōda I. m. madman, Æ. II. m. storm, flood? danger? TC 341^8.

wodawistle = wodewistle

woddor n. throat, gullet? #Sol# 95.

wōddrēam m. ‘dæmonium,’ #RPs# 95^5 (v. ES 38^25).

wōdelic = wōdlic

Wōden m. Woden: Mercury.

wōdendrēam m. madness, WW 245^10.

wōdenesdæg = wōdnesdæg

wodewistle f. hemlock, #Gl#.

wōd-frec, -fræc madly ravenous.

wōdheortnes f. madness, MFH 178.

wōdian = wēdan

wōdlic mad, furious, Æ. adv. -līce madly, furiously: blasphemously.

wōdnes f. madness, frenzy, folly, Æ.

Wōdnes gs. of Wōden.

wōdnesdæg m. Woden’s day, Wednesday.

wōdnesniht f. Tuesday night.

wōdōm = wōhdōm

wōdon pret. pl. of wadan.

wōdscinn n. madness, folly, W 80^3.

wōdscipe m. insanity, WW 245^12.

wōdsēoc mad, GD 135^1.

wōdsēocnes f. madness.

wōdðrāg f. paroxysm, madness, rage, fury, CP.

woe- (A) = we-, wē-

woecan (N) = wæccan

woerc- (N) = weorc-

woerd- = wird-

woffian to shout, rave: blaspheme.

woffung f. doting, madness, raving: blasphemy.

wōg == wōh

wōgere m. wooer, suitor, sweetheart, Æ.

wōgerlic amorous, NC 334.

wōgian to woo, court, marry, #Sc#.

wōgung f. wooing, ÆL 7^301.

wōh I. n. bending, crookedness: error, mistake, Æ: perversity, wrong, iniquity, depravity. on w. wrongly, wickedly. II. adj. bent, awry, twisted, crooked: wrong, perverse, evil, depraved, bad, unjust: false (weight), W 70^3. on wōn wrongfully, in error.

wōhbogen † bent, crooked.

wōhcēapung f. fine for illegal trafficking, KC 5·143^22.

wōhdǣd f. wrong deed, crime.

wōhdōm m. unjust judgment, A 8·336.

wōhfōted having deformed feet, WW 161^30.

wōhfremmend m. evildoer, #Met# 9^36.

wōhful wicked, NG.

wōhfulnes f. wickedness, NG.

wōhgeorn inclined to evil, W 183^8.

wōhgestrēon n. ill-gotten property, W.

wōhgod n. false god, idol.

wōhhǣmed n. fornication, adultery, CP.

wōhhǣmend m. fornicator, adulterer, CP.

wōhhǣmere m. fornicator, adulterer, CP 401^30.

wōhhandede maimed (of the hands), WW 161^29.

wohhian? to speak wildly, rave? NC 334.

wōhlic perverse, wrong, unjust, evil. adv. -līce, Æ.

wōhnebb n. grimace.

wōhnes f. crookedness, crooked place, Æ: wrong, error: wickedness, Æ.

wōhs, wōhson = wōsc, wōscon pret. 3 sg. and pret. pl. of wascan.

wōhsum evil, DR 27^9 (wōg-).

wōl mf. pestilence, plague, mortality, disease, AO, CP.

wōlbǣrnes f. calamity, pest, AO 62^34.

wōlberende pestilential, pernicious, CP.

wōlberendlic pestilential, #Chr# 1086.

wōlbryne m. pestilence, AO 86^24.

wolc (WW 175^20) = wolcen

wolc- = walc-, wolcen-

wolcen nm. (nap. wolcnu) ‘convolutio,’ ball, lump, #PPs# 147^5: cloud, Æ: sky, heavens. [‘welkin’]

wolcenfaru † f. scudding of clouds.

wolcengehnāst n. meeting of clouds (in a storm), #Rd# 4^60.

wolcenrēad = weolocrēad

wolcenwyrcende? ptc. cloud-making (Centaurs), WW 456^24.

wolcn == wolcen

wolcrēad = weolocrēad

wolcspinl = walcspinl

wol-cyrge, -cyrige = wælcyrige

wold = weald

wōldæg m. day of pestilence, #Ruin# 26.

wōldberendlic = wōlberendlic

wol-de, -don pret. 3 sg. and pret. pl. of willan.

wōlgewinn n. calamitous war, AO 64^15.

wōlic == wōhlic

wollentēare weeping, with flowing tears, B 3032.

-wolma v. fōt-w. [[under “fōtwelm”]]

wom == wam(m)

wōm I. = wōgum dp. of wōh, adj. II. = wōma

wōma m. noise, howling, tumult: terror, alarm. swefnes w. dream-tumult, vision: eloquence? OEG 8b^10.

woman intr. to infringe, EC 151^16: (+) tr. w. d. pers. and g. thing deprive of, EC 151^17. [wamm]

won I. = wan, wann. II. pret. 3 sg. of winnan.

wōn I. wk. gdsn. and dpmn. of wōh. II. = hwōn

won- = wan-

wōna gp. of wōh II.

wondor = wundor

wōnes = wōhnes

wong == wang

wōp I. m. cry, shrieking, weeping, lamentation, Æ, CP. [wēpan] II. = wēop pret. 3 sg. of wēpan.

wōpdropa m. tear, #Sol# 283.

wōpen pp. of wēpan.

wōperian to weep, HL 18^32.

wōpig sad, lamenting, Æ.

wōplēoð n. dirge, elegy, OEG 3504.

wōplic tearful, sad, Æ. adv. -līce.

wōpstōw f. place of mourning, Æ.

wōr = wōs, wāse [[“wāse” headword spelled “wase”]]

wōra gp. of wōh.

worc == weorc

word I. n. ‘word,’ speech, sentence, statement, Æ: command, order: subject of talk, story, news, report, Æ, AO: fame: verb, Æ: (incarnate) Word. II. rod, #CPs#: (gooseberry) bush? LkL 6^44 (v. ES 38·340; 40·152). III. = werod

word-bēot † n., -bēotung ‡ f. promise in words, plighted word.

wordcærse (WW 416^8) = *worðcærse, worðigcærse?

wordcennend m. the begetter of the Word, GPH 389.

wordcræft † m. poetic art, eloquence.

word-cwide, (e, y) -cwyðe m. words, speech, language, utterance.

worden pp. of weorðan.

wordes adv. with words, verbally, orally.

wordfæst true to one’s word, true.

wordful talkative, verbose, fluent.

wordgebēot = wordbēot

word-gecwide (æ^3) n., -gecweodu np. verbal agreement.

wordgemearc n. definition or limitation by words, #Gen# 2355.

wordgerȳne † n. secret expressed in words, dark saying.

wordglēaw skilful in words, #Da# 418.

wordgydd m. lay, dirge, B 3173.

wordhlēoðor † n. voice, speech.

wordhord † n. treasury of words.

wordig wordy, verbose, OEG 1416.

wordlāc n. speech, #LPs# 18^4.

wordlār f. teaching, NC 334.

wordlatu f. delay in speech? #An# 1519.

wordlaðu † f. conversation, speech.

wordlēan n. reward for song, #Rd# 78^9.

wordlian (u^1) to talk, commune: conspire, GD 106^1.

wordliend m. speaker, OEG 2321.

wordloc n. art of logic, WW 388^11.

wordloca † m. (word-hoard), speech.

wordloga m. deceiver, liar, W 40^10.

wordlung n. talk, discourse: empty talk.

wordmittung f. ‘collatio,’ WW 178^35.

wordpredicung f. preaching, NC 334.

wordrian = wordlian

wordriht n. suitable word, B 2631: spoken law, #Ex# 3.

wordsāwere m. word-sower, rhetorician, CP 97^4.

wordsige m. success in speech, #Lcd# 1·188^15.

word-snoter, -snotor eloquent, rhetorical, wise in words.

wordsnoterlic philosophical, learned, OEG 2270.

wordsnoterung f. sophism, OEG 2268.

wordsomnere m. enumeration, catalogue, WW 212^27.

wordsomnung f. ‘collatio,’ WW 178^35.

wordwīsa m. sophist, WW 493^30.

wordwrītere = wyrdwrītere

wordwynsum affable, WW 191^21.

wōre dsf. of wōh.

worf = weorf

worfian = woffian

wōrhana m. moor-cock, cock pheasant, #Gl#.

wōrhenn f. hen pheasant, WW.

wōrhona = wōrhana

worht pp., wōrhte pret. 3 sg. of wyrcan.

wōrian to roam, wander, Æ: move round, totter, crumble to pieces. [wōr, wērig]

world == woruld

worm = wyrm

wormōd = wermōd

worms (u) nm. matter, pus, virus, AO, CP.

worn (ea, eo) m. large amount, number, troop, company, multitude, crowd.

worngehāt n. promise of numerous offspring, #Gen# 2364?

wornlust = womlust [[variant of “wamlust”?]]

wornmǣlum adv. by troops.

worod = werod

woroht = wrōht

worold (AO, CP) = woruld

worpan = weorpan

worpen pp. of weorpan.

worpian to cast, throw, pelt, CP.

worsm = worms

wort = wyrt

worð I. (eo, u) nm. court, courtyard, curtilage, farm, Mdf: street. II. = waroð

worð- = weorð-

worðig (eo, u, y) m. enclosed homestead, curtilage, farm, Æ, CP; Mdf: street.

worðigcærse f. name of a plant, #Lcd# 3·303.

worðignetele f. nettle.

worðscipe = weorðscipe

worud = werod I.

woruftord = weorftord

woruld (e^1, eo^1, ia^1; o^2) f. ‘world,’ age, Æ, AO, CP: men, humanity: way of life, life: long period of time, cycle, eternity. tō worulde for ever. ā on worulda world, in woruld worulde world without end.

woruldǣht f. worldly possessions.

woruldafol (-el) n. secular or worldly power, LL, W (ES 45·161).

woruldār f. worldly honour, CP: secular property.

woruldbearn n. man, #Rd# 81^27.

woruldbisgu f. worldly occupation, LL.

woruldbisgung (eo^1, y^2) f. worldly business: worldly misery, trouble.

woruldbismer (o^2) nm. worldly reproach, CP 61^10.

woruldbliss f. worldly bliss, #Gu# 135.

woruldbōt f. compensation prescribed by the secular power, LL 128[2].

woruld-broc n., -bryce (o^2) m. worldly trouble, CP 259^2: use for secular purposes, MH 136^9.

woruldbūend † m. world-dweller.

woruldcamp m. secular warfare, LL (388^4).

woruldcandel f. sun, B 1965.

woruldcearu (a^3) f. worldly care, Æ.

woruldcempa m. earthly soldier, Æ.

woruldcræft m. secular art, Æ.

woruldcund worldly, secular, CP. adv. -līce, CP.

woruldcyning † m. earthly king, Æ.

worulddǣd f. worldly business, LL (414^33).

worulddēad dead, #PPs# 142^4.

worulddēma m. secular judge, LL.

worulddōm m. secular judgment, Æ.

worulddrēam † m. earthly joy.

worulddrihten m. lord of the world, God, #Met# 29^1.

woruldduguð † f. worldly riches.

woruldearfoð † n. earthly misery.

woruldege m. earthly fear, LL (310^19).

woruldende m. end of the world, B 3083.

woruldfægernes f. earthly beauty, MH 34^8.

woruldfeoh n. earthly goods, wealth, #Gen# 2142.

woruldfolgað m. worldly occupation, #Bl#.

woruldfrætwung (world-) f. worldly ornament, #Bl# 125^36.

woruldfrēond (ȳ^3) m. friend in this world.

woruldfrið m. worldly peace, LL 220[1].

woruldfruma m. primeval man, patriarch, #Guth# 12^28.

woruldgālnes f. lust of pleasure, W 219^14.

woruldgebyrd n. worldly origin or descent, BH.

woruldgedāl n. death, #El# 581.

woruldgefeoht (o^2) n. earthly fight, MH 36^26.

woruldgeflit n. dispute, law-suit? #Lcd# 3·174^19.

woruldgerǣdnes (eo^1) f. secular ordinance, LL.

woruldgeriht n. worldly justice, secular right or due, LL 210[2,1].

woruldgerȳsnu np. secular customs, LL.

woruldgesǣlig prosperous, #Ma# 219.

woruldgesǣlða fp. worldly fortune, AO(o^2).

woruldgesceaft † f. creature of this world: world.

woruldgestrēon † n. worldly riches.

woruldgeswinc n. earthly toil, misery, CP(o^2).

woruldgeðincð f. worldly honour, dignity, GD, W.

woruldgeðōht (world-) mn. worldly thought, #Bl# 15^14.

woruldgewinn n. earthly war, Æ.

woruldgewritu np. worldly literature, secular writings.

woruldgewuna m. customary law, LL 206[1a].

woruldgielp (i^3) mn. pride of this world, glory, CP.

woruldgifu f. worldly gift.

woruldgītsere m. coveter of worldly things, #Met# 14^1.

woruldgītsung f. covetousness.

woruldglenge m. worldly pomp.

woruldgōd n. worldly good.

woruldgylp (Æ) = woruldgielp

woruldgyrla (o^2) m. worldly garment, NC 334.

woruldhād m. secular state, BH, GD.

woruldhlāford m. secular lord, CP.

woruldhlīsa m. worldly fame, Æ.

woruldhogu (world-) f. worldly care.

woruldhremming (o^2) f. ‘impedimentum sæculi,’ NC 334.

woruldhyht m. earthly joy, #Az# 136.

woruldlǣce m. earthly physician, Æ.

woruld-lagu f., -laga m. civil law.

woruldlēan n. earthly reward, LL (422^12).

woruldlic earthly, Æ: worldly, secular, Æ. adv. -līce.

woruldlīf n. life in this world.

woruldlufu f. love of this world, Æ.

woruldlust m. worldly pleasure, #Bo#.

woruldmǣg m. earthly kinsman, #Gen# 2178.

woruldman m. human being, man of the world, Æ, CP: layman.

woruldmēd f. earthly reward, LL (422^14).

woruldnēod f. temporal need, LL 267[32].

woruldnytt f. worldly use or profit.

woruldprȳdo f. worldly pride, #Lcd# 3·428. [v. ‘pride’]

woruldrǣden f. way of the world, B 1143 (v. MLN 25·113).

woruldrica m. great man, Æ.

woruldrīce I. n. earthly kingdom, CP: world-realm, world. II. adj. having worldly power or riches.

woruldrīcetere (o^2) n. worldly power, NC 334.

woruldriht (y^3) n. secular or civil law: God’s law for the world.

woruldsacu f. worldly strife, W 170^9.

woruldsǣlða fp. earthly blessings, #Bo#.

woruldscamu (ea^3) f. public disgrace.

woruldsceaft † f. earthly creature.

woruldscēat m. part of the world, region.

woruldscēawung f. worldly sight, NC 334.

woruldscipe m. worldly matter, CP.

woruldscīr (world-) f. life in the world (i.e. not monastic), worldly affairs, business, GD 3^7.

woruldsnotor worldly-wise.

woruldsorg f. earthly care, CP.

woruldspēd f. worldly wealth, success in the world, CP.

woruldspēdig rich in this world, CP 333^2.

woruldsprǣc f. worldly talk, conversation about worldly matters, LL.

woruldstēor f. secular penalty, LL 258[51].

woruldstrang having worldly power, NC 334.

woruldstrengu f. physical strength, #Rd# 27^2.

woruldstrūdere m. world-spoiler, spoliator, robber.

woruldstund f. life in this world, sojourn upon earth, #El# 363.

woruldðearf f. this world’s needs, BH.

woruld-ðearf, -ðearfende poor in worldly goods.

woruldðearfa m. poor man, #PPs# 69^5.

woruldðēaw m. worldly affair, #Bo# 7^13.

woruld-ðegen, -ðegn, -ðēn m. earthly or secular servant, LL.

woruldðēnung (o^2) f. secular office, NC 334.

woruldðēostru (y^3) f. earthly darkness.

woruldðēowdōm m. secular service.

woruldðing (o^2) n. worldly affair, thing, Æ, AO, CP: earthly riches.

woruldwǣpn (o^2) n. earthly weapon, #Bl# 213^4.

woruldwæter n. ocean, sea.

woruldwela m. worldly wealth, CP.

woruldwelig rich in worldly goods, NC 335.

woruldweorc n. secular work.

woruldweorðscipe m. worldly honour.

woruldwīdl n. world-filth, #Cr# 1007.

woruldwig n. worldly contest, LL.

woruldwilla m. earthly good, #Bo# 24^2.

woruldwilnung f. earthly desire, CP.

woruldwīs worldly-wise, CP(o^2).

woruldwīsdōm m. worldly wisdom, science, Æ.

woruldwīse f. custom of the world, MH 68^9#b#.

woruldwita m. learned layman, philosopher, LL.

woruldwīte n. punishment on earth: civil punishment, fine.

woruldwlenco f. worldly magnificence, ostentation, CP.

woruldwrenc m. worldly cunning, CP(o^2).

woruldwrītere m. writer about the world, philosopher.

woruldwuldor n. worldly glory.

woruldwuniende (o^2) dwelling in the world, #Met# 13^17.

woruldwynn f. earthly joy.

woruldyrmðu f. earthly wretchedness, AO.

wōrung f. wandering, roving, Æ, MFH 179.

wōs I. n. sap, juice, #Lcd#. II. gs. of wōh.

±wosa m. conversation, intercourse, DR.

wōsan (NG) = wēsan

wōsc pret. 3 sg., wōscon pret. pl. of wascan.

wōse = wāse [[headword spelled “wase”]]

wōsig juicy, moist, #Lcd#.

-wost v. fore-w.

wōð † f. sound, noise: voice, song, poetry: eloquence.

wōðbora † m. orator, speaker, seer, prophet, poet, singer.

wōðcræft † m. art of speech or song.

-woðe v. got-w.

wōðgiefu f. gift of song, #Rd# 32^8.

wōðsong m. song, #Cr# 46.

wōum dp. of wōh, adj.

wōx I. pret. 3 sg. of weaxan. II. = wōsc

wracian to be banished, be in exile.

wraclīce = wræclīce

wracnian = wræcnian

wraco = wracu

wracu (e) f. (g. often wræce) revenge, vengeance, persecution, Æ, AO, CP. on ðā wrace in retaliation: punishment, penalty, AO, CP: cruelty, misery, distress, torture, pain, AO. [wrecan]

wræc I. (e) n(f?) misery, CP: vengeance, persecution: exile. [‘wreck’; wrecan] II. what is driven, OET 37^62. III. pret. 3 sg. of wrecan. IV. = wærc (A; v. JAW 52)

wræca = wræcca

wræcan = wrecan

wræcca (e) m. ‘wretch,’ CP: fugitive, outcast, exile, AO: adventurer, stranger.

wræccan = wrecan

wræce v. wracu.

wræcend = wrecend

wræcfæc n. time of exile, banishment, misery, #Rim# 64.

wræcful wretched, miserable, Æ.

wrǣchwīl f. period of exile or of distress, #Ph# 527.

wræclāst † (e) m. path of exile.

wræclāstian to banish, WW.

wræclic adj. foreign: strange, unfamiliar, extraordinary: wretched, exiled. adv. -līce.

wrǣclic = wrǣtlic

wræc-mæcg †, -mæcga ‡ m. exile, outcast, miserable man.

wræcmon m. fugitive, #Ex# 137.

wrǣcnan = wrǣcnian [[headword spelled “wræcnian”]]

wræcnes = wrecnes

wræcnian (e) to be banished, wander travel, Æ.

wrǣcon pret. pl. of wrecan.

wræcscipe (e) m. exile.

wræcsetl n. place of exile, #Gu# 267.

wræcsīð m. journey of exile or peril, pilgrimage, Æ: exile, persecution, Æ, AO: misery.

wræcsīðian to wander, travel abroad, be in exile, Æ.

wræcstōw f. place of exile or punishment.

wræcwīte n. punishment, #Bl#.

wrǣcworuld f. miserable world, W 1^2.

wrǣd f. band, bandage, ‘wreath,’ CP: bundle: band, flock. [wrīðan]

wrǣdmǣlum adv. in companies, WW 411^42.

-wrǣdnes v. sam-w.

wrǣg- = wrēg-

wrǣne (ē) unbridled, loose, lustful, AO.

wrænna (Æ) = wrenna

wrǣnnes f. luxury, lust, wantonness, AO, CP.

wrǣnsa m. wantonness, OEG 2347.

wrǣnscipe m. wantonness, OEG 5290 (ē).

wrǣnsian to be wanton, NC 335.

wrǣsnan to alter, change, modulate, #Rd# 25^1.

wrǣst (ā) firm, able, strong, excellent: delicate. adv. -e.

wrǣstan I. (±) to ‘wrest,’ bend, twist, twang. II. to be or make elegant? WW.

wrǣstlere m. wrestler, WW 431^26.

wrǣstlic I. pertaining to wrestling, WW. II. (ā) delicate, elegant, WW.

wrǣstliend wrestler, WW 431^25. [wrǣstan]

wrǣstlung f. wrestling, struggling, GD, OEG.

wræt m. = wrætte f.

wrǣt = wrǣtt

wrǣtlic artistic, ornamental: curious, wondrous, rare. adv. -līce. [wrǣtt]

wrǣtt † f. ornament, work of art, jewel.

wrætte f. rubea tinctoria? crosswort? hellebore? (A 30·248).

wrǣð I. = wrǣd. II. = wrǣððo

+wrǣðan to be enraged, #Lcd# 3·212^4.

wræðian = wreðian

wrǣðo = wrǣððo

wrǣð-studu, -stuðu (e) f. column, pillar support.

wrǣððo, wrǣð(ð)u (ā) f. ‘wrath,’ anger, indignation, NG.

wrǣxlian = wrǣstlian [[variant of “wrǣstan”]]

wrāh pret. 3 sg. of wrēon.

wrang I. n. ‘wrong,’ injustice. [ON. rangr] II. pret. 3 sg. of wringan. III. (o) = wranga

wranga (pr-) hold of a ship, WW.

wrangwīs perverse, OEG 1770.

wrāsen (ǣ) f. band, tie, chain.

wrāst == wrǣst

wrāt pret. 3 sg. of wrītan.

wrāð I. adj. ‘wroth,’ furious, angry, hostile, AO: terrible, horrible: grievous, harsh, bitter, malignant, evil, cruel. adv. -e. II. f. cruelty: hardship. [wrīðan] III. = wrǣð. IV. pret. 3 sg. of wrīðan.

+wrāðian (refl.) to be angry, Chr 1070. [‘iwrathe’]

wrāðlic † grievous, severe, bitter. adv. -līce.

wrāðmōd † angry.

wrāðscræf n. wretched hole, pit of misery, hell, #Rd# 41^41.

wrāððo = wrǣððu [[under “wrǣððo”]]

wraðu f. prop, help, support, maintenance.

wrāðum adv. fiercely.

+wraxl? wrestling-place, gymnasium, OEG 18b^68?

wraxlere m. wrestler, OEG.

wraxlian to wrestle, Æ.

wraxliende wrestling, contending, striving.

wraxlung f. wrestling, WW 150^8.

wrēah pret. 3 sg. of wrēon.

wrec == wræc

wrecan^5 (eo) to drive, impel, push: expel, persecute, CP: (±) ‘wreak,’ revenge, avenge, punish, AO: press forward, advance: fulfil, accomplish: utter, deliver, pronounce.

wreccan = (1) weccan; (2) wrecan

-wrecel v. spor-w.

wrecend m. avenger.

wrecnes (æ) f. vengeance, NG.

wrecscip (æ?) ‘actuaria’? ES 43·336.

wrecu (#VPs#) = wracu

±wrēgan I. † to excite, stir up. II. to accuse, impeach, Æ. [wrōht]

wrēgend m. accuser.

wrēgendlic accusative, #ÆGr# 22^20.

wrēgere m. accuser, informer, Æ.

wrēgistre (ǣ) f. female accuser, ÆL 2^208.

wrēgung f. accusation, Æ.

wrēhte pret. 3 sg. of wrēgan.

wrehtend m. instigator, WW 420^29.

wrēhtend m. accuser, #KGl# 73^23.

wrēn- = wrǣn-

wrenc m. wile, stratagem, trick, deceit, AO: (†) modulation, melody, song. [‘wrench’]

wrencan to twist: spin intrigues, devise plots, #Mod# 33.

wrenna (æ) m., wrenne f. wren, WW.

wreocan = wrecan

wreogan (M) = wrigon pret. pl. of wrēon.

wrēoh imperat. of wrēon.

±wrēon^1,2 to cover, clothe, envelop, conceal, hide: protect, defend.

wrēotan = rēotan

wreotian = writian

wreotu nap. of writ.

wrēoð = wrǣð

wreoðenhilt with twisted hilt, B 1699. [= *wriðenhilt]

wreoðian = wreðian

wrēoðian = wrīdian

wretbasu ‘rubeum’ (?= wrǣtt- or wrætte- v. A 30·248).

±wreðian to support, sustain, uphold, CP.

wreðstudu = wræðstudu [[headword spelled “wrǣðstudu”]]

wrīanne (N) = wrēonne gerund of wrēon I.

wricð, wriceð pres. 3 sg. of wrecan.

wrid m. shoot, plant, bush, #Lcd#; Mdf.

+wrid n. thicket? #Guth#.

wrīdan^1 to grow, thrive, flourish.

wriden pp. of (1) wrīdan; (2) wrīðan.

wrīdian grow, flourish, spring up. [wrīdan]

wriecð = wricð pres. 3 sg. of wrecan.

wriexl == wrixl

wrīgels mn. covering, veil.

wrigen pp., wrigon pret. pl. of wrēon.

wrigennes (gn-) f. a covering, #EPs# 60^5.

wrīgian † to go, turn, twist, bend: strive, struggle, press forward, endeavour, venture.

wrīhst pres. 2 sg., wrīhð pres. 3 sg. of wrēon.

+wrinclian to wind about, KC 4·34^9.

+wring n. liquor, drink, WW 128^17.

wringan^3 to ‘wring,’ twist: (±) squeeze, press out, Æ.

wringe f. (oil-)press, GD 250^15.

wringhwǣg n? strained whey, LL 451[16].

+wrisc = +wrixl

wrislan = wrixlan

wrist f. wrist, LL 386[2].

±writ n. writing: (±) book, treatise: scripture, Æ: ‘writ’ (‘i-writ’) charter, document, deed, AO, Bl: ‘stilus,’ GPH 402.

±wrītan^1 (ȳ) to incise, engrave, ‘write,’ draw, Æ, AO, CP: bestow by writing.

wrītbred n. writing tablet.

-wrīte v. wæter-w.

-writennes v. tō-w.

±wrītere m. writer, scribe, author, portrayer, painter, Æ, CP.

wrīteȳren (MH 146^12) = wrītīren

writian (eo) to chirp, chatter, v. OEG 37^3.

wrīting f. writing, #SPs# 44^2.

wrītingfeðer f. pen, #EPs# 44^3.

wrītingīsen n. style, pen, MH 146^12#c#.

wrītīren (y^2) n. writing instrument, style.

writseax n. style, pen, MtL p2^18.

writt- = wrīt-

wriða m. band, thong, bridle, Æ: collar, ring.

±wrīðan^1 (ȳ) I. to twist, wrap, bind up, tie, fasten, fetter. [‘writhe’] II. = wrīdan

+wriðelian to bind? OEG 23^7?

wrīðels m. band, fillet, bandage, WW 411^17.

wrīðian = wrīdian

wrixendlic mutual, GD 2^7. adv. -līce turn about, one by one, by turns, in turn.

wrixl f., wrixla m. change, exchange, barter, CP.

+wrixl, +wrixle n. turn, change: exchange, purchase: requital.

wrixlan (±) to change, barter, exchange, reciprocate, lend, AO. wordum w. converse: (+) recompense, requite: (+) obtain.

wrixlian = wrixlan

+wrixlic alternating, OEG 2^135.

±wrixlung f. exchange: loan.

wroegan = wrēgan

wrogen pp. of wrēon.

wroht = worht pp. of wyrcan.

wrōht I. f. blame, reproach, accusation, slander: fault, crime, sin, injustice, Æ: strife, enmity, anger, contention, dispute, AO, CP: hurt, injury, calamity, misery. [wrēgan] II. m. tale-bearer, #ÆGr# 217^2.

wrōhtberend m. accuser.

wrōhtbora m. accuser, monster: the devil.

wrōhtdropa m. bloodshed accompanied by crime, #GnE# 196.

wrōhtgemǣne pledged to punishment or revenge.

wrōhtgeorn contentious, CP 357.

wrōhtgetēme n. series of crimes? (BT), #Gen# 45.

wrōhtian to do harm? HL 15^105.

wrōhtlāc n. calumny, W 160^5n.

wrōhtsāwere m. sower of strife, CP 359.

wrōhtscipe m. crime, #Gen# 1672.

wrōhtsmið † m. worker of evil, evildoer.

wrōhtspitel slanderous, #EGl#. [spittan]

wrōhtstæf † m. accusation, #El# 926: injury, #Rd# 72^12,14.

wrong (WW 201^35) = wrang II.

wrōt m. snout, elephant’s trunk, WW.

wrōtan^7 to root up, Æ.

wrugon pret. pl. of wrēon.

wrungen pp. of wringan.

wrycð pres. 3 sg. of wrecan.

wryhta = wyrhta

wrȳhð = wrihð pret. 3 sg. of wrēon.

+wrynded founded (of a house), MtL 7^25.

wrȳt- = wrīt-

wrȳte (CM 56^83) = prȳte [[under “prȳto”]]

wrȳðan = wrīðan

wucaðēn = wucðegn

wuce = wucu

wuc-dæg, wuce-, wicu- m. week-day, Æ.

wucðegn (i^1) m. monk or priest appointed for a week’s duty, weekly servant.

wucðēnung f. service for a week.

wucu f. ‘week,’ AO, CP.

wucubōt f. penance lasting a week, LL (278^12).

wucweorc (i^1) n. (compulsory) work for a week, by a tenant.

wude == wudu

wudere m. wood-man, wood-carrier, WW 371^5.

wudewe = wuduwe

wudian to cut wood, Æ.

wudig wooded, having trees, #Az# 120.

wudigere, wudiere (WW) = wudere

wudiht thick (with trees), woody, forest-like, GPH 402.

wudo- = wudu-

wudu m., gs. wuda, wudes; nap. wudas, wuda ‘wood,’ forest, grove, Æ, AO, CP; Mdf: tree (the Cross): wood, timber, Æ, CP: (†) ship, B: spear-shaft, B 398.

wuduælfen = wuduelfen

wuduæppel f. wild apple, crab, #Lcd# 71a.

wudubǣre wood-bearing, OEG 1806.

wudubærnett n. burning of wood, LL 16[12]; 24n^2.

wudubāt n. wooden boat, #An# 907.

wudubēam † m. forest-tree.

wudubearo m. forest, grove.

wudu-bend, -bind m. = wudubinde

wudubill n. hatchet, GD, WW.

wudubinde I. (-bindle) f. woodbine, convolvulus. II. f. bundle of sticks, OET 35^18.

wudubior (= bora?) m. wood carrier, #HGl# 427.

wudublǣd † (-blēd) f. forest blossom.

wudubrūn n. bugloss, ox-tongue.

wudubucca m. wild buck, wild goat, #Lcd#.

wudubyrðra m. camp-follower, OEG 869.

wuducerfille f. wood-chervil, cow-parsley.

wuducocc m. woodcock, #Gl#.

wuducroft m. a croft with trees on it? (BT) KC 3·376^6.

wuduculfre m. wood-pigeon, WW.

wuducūnelle f. wild thyme, #Lcd#.

wuducynn n. an aromatic (?) wood, JnL 12^3.

wududocce f. wild dock, sorrel, #Lcd#.

wuduelfen f. wood-elf, dryad, WW.

wudufæsten n. place protected by woods, wood-fastness: ship.

wudufeld m. wooded plain, #PPs# 131^6.

wudufeoh n. forest-tax, #Lcd#.

wudufille = wuducerfille

wudufīn f. pile of wood, #ÆGr#.

wudufugol m. forest bird, wild fowl.

wudugāt f. wild goat, #Lcd#.

wudugehæg n. enclosed wood? (BT), KC 3·176^1.

wuduhēawere m. wood-cutter, Æ.

wuduherpað m. public path through a wood, KC 3·213^2.

wuduhīewet n. cutting of wood, LL 567[37].

wuduholt n. forest, wood, grove.

wuduhona m. woodcock, WW 38^8.

wuduhrofe = wudurofe

wuduhunig n. wild honey, Æ.

wudulād f. carting wood, LL 452[21,4].

wudu-lǣs f., gs. -lǣswe wood-pasture, run (for cattle) in a wood, Ct.

wuduland n. woodland.

wudu-leahtric, -lectric m. wood-lettuce, wild sleepwort. #Lcd#.

wudulēswe = wudulǣswe [[form of “wudulǣs”]]

wudulic adj. woody, wooded, Æ.

wudumǣr (ē^3) f. wood-nymph, echo, #Gl#.

wudumerce m. wild parsley, wood-mint.

wudurǣden f. wood-regulation, right of estovers, LL.

wudurēc m. smoke from a funeral pyre, B 3144.

wudurima m. border of a wood, KC 3·34^15.

wudurofe f. woodruff.

wudurose f. wild rose, #Lcd# 34b?

wudusnīte f. wood-snipe, thistle-finch? WW.

wudusūræppel f. crab-apple? #Lcd# 160a.

wudutelga ‡ m. twig or branch of a tree.

wudutrēow n. forest tree.

wuduðistle m. wood-thistle, #Lcd#.

wuduwa (wyde-) m. widower.

wuduwald m. forest, WW 426^35.

wuduwanhād m. state of a woman who has not a husband, chastity, widowhood, CP.

wuduwāsa m. faun, satyr.

wuduwe (i, eo, y^1; e^2) f. ‘widow.’

wuduweard m. forester, LL 452[19].

wudu-weax n., -weaxe f. wood-waxen, genista tinctoria, #Lcd#.

wuduwēsten mn. wild forest.

wuduwinde f. woodbine, #Gl#.

wuduwyrt f. plant which grows in woods, #Bl# 59^3.

wudwe = wuduwe

wuhhung f. rage, fury, madness: (pl.) the Furies.

wuht AO, CP = wiht

wuhung = wuhhung

wul == wull

wulder = wuldor

wuldor n. glory, splendour, honour, Æ, CP: praise, thanks: heaven, #El#.

wuldor-bēag, -bēah m. crown of glory, Æ.

±wuldorbēagian to crown, Æ.

wuldorblǣd m. glorious success, #Jud# 156.

wuldorcyning m. † glorious king, King of Glory, God.

wuldordrēam † m. heavenly rapture.

Wuldorfæder † m. Glorious Father, Father of Glory.

wuldorfæst glorious. adv. -fæste, -fæstlīce.

wuldorfæstlicnes f. glory, Æ.

wuldorful glorious, Æ: vainglorious.

wuldorfullian to glorify, Æ.

wuldorfullīce adv. gloriously, Æ.

wuldorgāst m. angel, #Gen# 2912.

wuldorgeflogena m. one who has fled from glory, devil, #Lcd# 3·36^15.

wuldorgesteald † np. glorious dwellings, realms of glory.

wuldorgeweorc n. wondrous work, ES 43·167.

wuldorgifu † (eo) f. glorious gift, grace.

wuldorgim m. glorious jewel, sun, #Rd# 81^20.

wuldorhama † (o^3) m. garb of glory.

wuldorhēap m? glorious troop, NC 335.

wuldorhelm m. crown of glory, #Bl#.

wuldorlēan † n. glorious reward.

wuldorlic glorious. adv. -līce.

wuldormāga m. heir of heaven, #Gu# 1067.

wuldormago m. heir of heaven, #Gu# 1267.

wuldormicel gloriously great, †Hy 7^94.

wuldornytting f. glorious service, #Rd# 81^19.

wuldorsang m. glorious song, MFH 114^10.

wuldorspēd f. glorious wealth, #Gen# 87.

wuldorspēdig glorious, #An# 428.

wuldortān m. plant with medicinal virtues? (BT), #Lcd# 3·34.

wuldortorht † gloriously bright, clear, brilliant, illustrious.

wuldorðrymm m. heavenly glory.

wuldorweorud n. heavenly host, #Cr# 285.

wuldorword n. glorious word, †Hy 7^46.

wuldrian (±) to glorify, praise, extol, Æ: boast, brag, Æ: live in glory, Æ.

wuldrig glorious, DR.

wuldrung f. glorying, boasting.

wuldur == wuldor

wulf m. (he-)‘wolf,’ Æ, AO, CP; Mdf: wolfish person, devil.

wulfescamb m. wild teasel.

wulfesfīst m. bullfist, toadstool (plant).

wulfhaga m. shelter from wolves? CC 53.

wulfhēafodtrēo m. cross, gallows? #Rd# 56^12.

wulfheort † wolf-hearted, cruel.

wulf-hlið n., nap. -hleoðu hillside inhabited by wolves, B 1358.

wulfhol n. wolf’s hole, WW.

wulflȳs n. fleece of wool, WW 198^26.

wulfmod = wullmod

wulfsēað m. wolf’s hole, KC 3·264^5.

wulfslǣd n. valley of wolves, KC 3·456^6.

wull f. ‘wool,’ Æ.

wullcamb m. comb for wool, LL 454[15,1].

wullcnoppa (? hn-) m. tuft of wool, WW.

wulle = wull

wullen = wyllen

wullian to wipe with wool, #Lcd# 1·356^23.

wullic woolly, hairy.

wullmod m? distaff.

wulltewestre f. wool-carder, #Lcd#.

wulluc cover, wrapper, A 31·65.

wullwǣga f. scales for wool, WW 148^21.

+wun = +wuna

±wuna I. m. (usu. +) habit, custom, practice, rite, Bo; Æ. on gew. habban to be accustomed to. [‘i-wune’] II. (+ only) wonted, customary, usual.

wund I. f. ‘wound,’ sore, ulcer, Æ, CP: wounding, injury, Æ. II. adj. wounded, sore, AO.

wundel f. wound, LL, RB.

wundelīce = wundorlīce

wunden pp. of windan.

wundenfeax with twisted mane, B 1400.

wundenhals with twisted prow, B 298.

wundenlocc † with braided locks.

wundenmǣl etched, damascened (of a sword), B 1531.

wundenstefna m. ship with curved or wreathed prow, B 220.

wunder = wundor

±wundian to wound, Æ, AO, CP.

wundiend ‘vulnerator,’ ERHy 6^42.

wundiht, wundig ulcerous, full of sores.

wundle = wundel

wundlic wounding, wound-inflicting, GPH 402^51.

wundon pret. pl. of windan.

wundor (often confused with wuldor) n. (gs. wundres) ‘wonder,’ miracle, marvel, portent, horror, Æ, AO, CP: wondrous thing, monster.

wundoragræfen ‡ wondrously engraven.

wundorbēacen n. strange sign.

wundorbebod n. strange order, B 1747.

wundorblēo n. wondrous hue, #Cr# 1140.

wundorclam n. strange bond, #Cr# 310.

wundor-clofe, -clufe f. camphire (plant).

wundorcræft † m. wondrous skill, miraculous power.

wundorcræftiglīce with wondrous skill, BH 324^3#o#.

wundordǣd f. wondrous deed, #Bl#.

wundordēað m. wondrous death, B 3037.

wundorfæt (e^2) n. wondrous vessel, B 1162.

wundorful wonderful, Æ. adv. -līce.

wundorgehwyrft (e^4) wonderful turn, GPH 390.

wundorgeweorc = wundorweorc

wundorgiefu f. wondrous endowment, #Wy# 72.

wundorhǣlo (u^2) f. wondrous healing, BH 446^12.

wundorhūs? n. ‘solarium,’ upper room, GD 119^26.

±wundor-lǣcan, -līcian to make wonderful, magnify.

wundorlic wonderful, remarkable, strange, Æ, AO, CP. adv. -līce.

wundormāðm ‡ m. wonderful treasure.

wundorsēon f. wonderful sight, B 995.

wundorsmið m. skilled smith, B 1681.

wundortācen n. wondrous sign, #PPs# 104^23.

wundorweorc n. wonderful work, miracle.

wundorworuld f. wonderful world, #Rd# 40^17.

wundorwyrd f. wonderful event, #El# 1071.

wundres v. wundor.

±wundrian (w. g.) to wonder, be astonished (at), marvel, Æ, AO, CP: admire: make wonderful, magnify. [Ger. wundern]

wundrum adv. (d. of wundor) wonderfully, strangely, terribly.

wundrung f. wonder, astonishment, admiration, Æ: spectacle, OEG 4370.

wundswaðu (e) f. scar, #VPs# 37^6.

wundur == wundor

wundwīte n. compensation for wounding, LL 76#h#.

+wunelic usual, customary, Æ, CP. adv. -līce, BH. [‘i-wuneliche’]

wunenes, wununes f. dwelling, habitation: perseverance, DR. [wunian]

wungynde = wuniende pres. ptc. of wunian.

wunian (±) to inhabit, dwell, abide, exist, Æ, AO, CP: (+) remain, continue, stand, Æ, AO, CP: (±) be used to, be wont to: (+) habituate oneself to, CP 73^14. [Ger. wohnen]

wunigend m. inhabitant, #RBl# 5^11.

+wunlic = +wunelic

wunn = wynn

wunnen pp., wunnon pret. pl., of winnan.

wunones = wunenes

wunsum = wynsum

wununes = wunenes

wunung f. act of dwelling, living, RB 108^3: dwelling, habitation, Æ.

wunungstōw f. abiding-place, GD 31^19.

wuraðo (N) = wrǣððo

wurcan = wyrcan

wurd == (1) wyrd; (2) word

wurdon pret. pl. of weorðan.

wurht, wurhton = worhte pret. sg., worhton pret. pl., of wyrcan.

wurm == wyrm

wurma m., wurme f. murex, purple-fish: any dye, woad, purple: a plant used for dyeing.

wur-mille, -mele f. wild marjoram, #Gl#.

wurms = worms

wurnian = weornian

wurpan = weorpan

wurpul that which throws down, #Gl#.

wursm = worms

wurst = wierrest

wurt == wyrt

wurð == weorð

wurðe == weorð(e), wierðe

wurðig = worðig

wūscbearn n. (dear) little child, JnL 13^32. [wȳscan]

wūso (JnR 13^33) = wūscbearn

wussung = wissung

wuta = wita

wutan = wuton

wutedlīce, wutodlīce (NG) = witodlīce

wuton 1 pers. pl. subj. of wītan to go. used to introduce an imperative or hortatory clause let us...! come! CP.

wutu (M), wutum, wutun (N) = wuton

wutudlīce = witodlīce

wūðwuta (DR) = ūðwita

wȳc == wīc

wyc- = wic-

wȳd = wīd

wyd- = wud-

wyder- = wiðer-

wȳf- = wīf-

wyglere = wiglere

wyht = wiht

wyhtel f. quail. [Ger. wachtel]

wyl- = weal-, wel-, wi(e)l-

wȳl- = wīel-

wylcð pres. 3 sg. of wealcan.

wylf f. she-wolf.

wylfen I. adj. wolfish. II. f. she-wolf, fury, #Gl#.

wȳliscmoru = wēalmoru [[redirected to “wealhmoru”]]

wyll f. wool, LL (166n^4).

wyllen (i) made of wool, woollen.

wyloc = weoloc

wyn = wynn

wȳn- = wīn-

wynbēam m. tree of gladness, holy cross, #El# 844.

wynblis f. joy, GD 2^4.

wynburh f. delightful town, #PPs# 127^2.

wyncondel f. pleasant light, sun, #Gu# 1186.

wyndæg † m. day of gladness.

+wynde n. weaving, #Gl#.

wyndecræft m. art of embroidery, #Gl#.

wyndle f. wound, LL 381[23].

wyndrēam m. jubilation.

wyndrēamnes f. jubilation, #LPs# 150^5.

wyndrian = wundrian

wyne == wine

wynele m. gladdening oil, #PPs# 108^18.

wynfæst (e) joyful.

wynful full of bliss, joyful.

wyngesið m. pleasant companion, #PPs# 100^3.

wyngrāf mn. delightful grove, #PPs# 94^13.

wynigað (M) = wunigað pres. pl. of wunian.

wynland † (o^2) n. land of delight.

wynlic pleasant, beautiful, joyful. adv. -līce.

wynlēas † joyless.

wynlust m. sensual pleasure, Æ.

wynmǣg f. winsome maiden, #Gu# 1319.

wynn f. (occl. late as. wyn) joy, rapture, pleasure, delight, gladness, AO [wine]

wynn- v. also wyn-, win(n)-.

wynnum joyfully, beautifully. [wynn]

wynpsalterium n. psalm of joy, #PPs# 56^10.

wynrōd f. blessed cross, #Sol# 235.

wynsang m. joyful song, W 265^31.

wynstaðol m. joyous foundation, #Rd# 92^3.

wynsum (e, i; once +wuns-) ‘winsome,’ pleasant, delightful, joyful, merry, Æ, CP.

+wynsumian to rejoice, exult, DR.

±wynsumlic adj. pleasant, delightful. adv. -līce pleasantly, happily, Æ.

wynsumnes (i) f. loveliness, pleasantness, rejoicing, Æ.

wynwerod n. ‘chorus,’ joyous band, #Gl#.

wynwyrt f. pleasant plant, DD 5.

wynyng = wining

wyorðmynd (#Bl#) = weorðmynd

wȳr == wīr

wyrc == weorc

wyrcan (e, eo, i) to prepare, perform, do, make, ‘work,’ construct, produce, effect, Æ, AO, CP. ēastron w. to keep Easter, eat the passover: amount to: (w. g.) strive, after: deserve gain, win, acquire.

+wyrce n. chitterlings (of pig).

wyrcend m. worker, doer, Æ.

wyrcnes f. work, operation, BH.

wyrcta (Ep, MtL) = wyrhta

wyrcung f. working, work, DR.

±wyrd f. (m? n?) fate, chance, fortune, destiny, Æ, AO: Fate, Providence: event, phenomenon, transaction, fact: (+) condition. [‘wierd’; weorðan]

wyrdan = wierdan

+wyrde I. n. speech, conversation: eloquence, verbosity: ordinance. II. = +wyrðe

+wyrdelic historical, authentic, Æ. adv. -līce eloquently: accurately, verbatim: wisely, OEG 208.

+wyrdelicnes f. eloquence, A 13·38^1321.

wyrdgesceapum by chance, WW 400^25.

+wyrdignes f. eloquence, OEG 5488.

wyrdnes f. condition, state, #Bo# 128n.

+wyrdlian = +wierdan

wyrdstæf m. decree of fate, #Gu# 1325.

wyrdwrītere m. historian, chronicler, Æ.

wyred = werod

wyregung = wyrgung

wyrest = wierrest

wyrfan = hwierfan

wyrg = wearg

wyrg- = werg-, wirg-, wyrig-

wyrgan I. to strangle, Æ. [‘worry’] II. = wiergan

wyrgcwedol (e) ill-tongued, given to cursing.

wyrgcwedolian to curse, #VPs# (e).

wyrgcwedolnes (e^1, i^2) f. cursing, #Ps#.

wyrgcweðan (e) to curse.

wyrged (æ) the devil, NG.

-wyrgednes v. ā-w.

wȳrgels = wrīgels

wyrgend (e) m. reviler, evildoer.

wyrgende given to cursing, W 70^18.

wyrgðu (æ, e) f. curse, condemnation, punishment: evil, wickedness.

wyrgung (e) f. curse, cursing, condemnation, banishment, Æ.

+wyrht (eo) fn. work, deed, service: desert, merit, AO, CP. mid gewyrhtum deservedly: transgression: (†) decree of fate?

wyrhta m. ‘wright,’ artist, labourer, worker, maker, creator, Æ, CP: (+) fellow-worker: (+) accomplice.

wyri- = wearg-, wyrig-

wyrian = wiergan

wyricean = wyrcan

wyrig = werig

wyrig- = wearg-, wyrg-

wyrignes f. abuse, cursing.

wyrld = woruld

wyrm (eo, o, u) I. m. reptile, serpent, snake, dragon, Æ, AO: ‘worm,’ insect, mite. [wurma] II. = wearm

wyrma = wurma

wyrmǣt = wyrmǣte (I.)

wyrmǣte I. f. attack of worms, worm-eaten state, A, #Lcd#. II. adj. worm-eaten, #Lcd#.

±wyrman (æ, e, i) to warm, make warm.

wyrmbaso red, scarlet, OET 113^67.

wyrmcynn n. serpent-kind, sort of serpent, Æ, AO.

wyrmella = wurmille

wyrmfāh adorned with figures of snakes, damascened? B 1698.

wyrm-galdere, -galere (u) m. snake-charmer, Æ.

wyrmgealdor n. a charm, against serpents? #Lcd# 148a.

wyrmgeard m. abode of serpents, #Sol# 469.

wyrmgeblǣd n. swelling from snake-bite? #Lcd# 162b.

wyrmhǣlsere m. diviner by serpents, WW 441^35.

wyrmhīw n. likeness of a serpent, ÆL 10^104.

wyrmhord n. dragon’s hoard, B 2222.

wyrmlīc n. form of a serpent.

wyrmmelu n. worm-meal, ‘pulvis e vermibus confectus,’ #Lcd#.

wyrmrēad (u^1) purple, scarlet, Æ.

wyrms nm. virus, corrupt matter, Æ.

±wyrmsan to fester, CP.

+wyrmsed purulent.

wyrmsele m. hall of serpents, hell, #Jud# 119.

wyrmshrǣcing f. spitting up of matter, WW 113^8?

wyrmsig (u) purulent, WW.

wyrmslite m. snake-bite, W 188^1.

wyrmsūtspīung f. spitting up of matter, WW 113^8?

wyrmwyrt f. worm-wort, #Lcd#.

wyrn = wearn

wyrnan = wiernan

wyrp m. a throw, cast, Lk 22^41.

wyrpan = wierpan

wyrpe (= ie) m. revolution, change, recovery, relief, improvement. [weorpan]

+wyrpe n. heap? KC 5·78^29; Mdf.

wyrpel m. jess (in falconry), #Wy# 87 (v. ES 37·195).

-wyrplic v. scort-w.

wyrpst, wyrpð pres. 2 and 3 sg. of weorpan and wyrpan.

wyrrest = wierrest

wyrs == wiers

wyrshrǣcung = wyrmshrǣcing

wyrsman = wyrmsan

wyrst = (1) wrist; (2) wierrest

wyrt (e, i) f. herb, vegetable, plant, spice, AO, CP: crop: root. [‘wort’]

wyrtbedd m. bed of herbs, #Lcd#.

+wyrtbox f. herb or perfume box.

wyrtbrǣð m. fragrance, Æ.

wyrtcynn n. species of plant.

wyrtcynren n. the vegetable world, #LPs# 146^8.

wyrtdrenc m. herbal drink, medicine.

wyrteceddrenc m. herbal acid drink, #Lcd# 63b.

wyrtfæt n. scent-bottle, OEG.

wyrtforbor n. restraint from action by the operation of herbs (BT), #Lcd# 111b.

wyrtgælstre f. witch who works with herbs, #Lcd# 3·186^11.

wyrtgeard m. (kitchen) garden, #CPs# 143^13.

wyrt-gemang (Æ) n., -gemengnes f. mixture of herbs, spices, perfume.

wyrtgyrd = wyrtgeard

±wyrtian to season, spice, perfume.

wyrtig garden-like? full of herbs? ÆL 30^312.

wyrtmete m. dish of herbs, pottage, WW.

wyrt-rum, wyrt-(t)ruma m., -rume f. root, root-stock, CP: origin, beginning, stock. [v. CC 68]

wyrtrumian to take root: (+) root out, DR.

wyrttūn, ±wyrtūn (Æ) m. garden.

wyrttūnhege f. garden enclosure, GD 67^18.

wyrtung f. a preparation of herbs, #Lcd# 1·342^25.

wyrtwala (i, eo, u^1; æ, e^2) m. root, stock, base.

wyrtwalian (æ^2) to set, plant, root: root up, #ÆGr#.

wyrtwalu f. = wyrtwala

wyrtweard m. gardener, GD 23; Jn 20^15.

wyrtwela = wyrtwala

wyrð == weorð

wyrðan to irrigate with manure, A 36·77.

+wyrðan I. (= ie) to value, appraise. II. = +weorðan

wyrðe = weorð

+wyrðe (= ie) n. bulk, contents, amount, #Lcd#.

wyrðeland = yrðland

wyrðig I. fitting, deserved, AO 256^11. II. = worðig

wyrðing m. fallow land? cultivated land? WW 495^20.

wyruld- = woruld-

wys- = wis(s)-

wȳscan (ī) (w. d. pers. and g. thing) to ‘wish,’ Æ, AO, CP: adopt.

+wȳscednes f. adoption, RBL 11^14.

+wȳscendlic desirable, CM 109: optative (mood), #ÆGr#. adv. -līce.

+wȳscing (ī) f. adoption, RB 10^2.

wȳsdōm (Æ) = wīsdōm

wyt = wit pron.

wyt- = wit-

wȳt- = wīt-

wytt = wit pron.

wytuma m. paranymph, A 13·30^82. [= witumbora? (BT)]

wyð- = wið-

wyxð pres. 3 sg. of weaxan.


ybilberende (OEG 53^16) = yfelberende

ȳcan, ȳcean = īecan

yce f. ‘parruca,’ a kind of bird, WW 468^22 (v. ANS 119·434).

ȳce (ī) fm. toad, frog.

ȳcte pret. 3 sg. of ȳcan.

ȳdæges = īdæges

ȳddisc n? household stuff, furniture, possessions, Æ. [ēad]

ȳde = ēode

ȳdel == īdel

ydes = ides

ȳdisc = ȳddisc

ȳdl- = īdl-

yfæsdrype = yfesdrype

yfel I. adj. gsm. yfel(e)s bad, ill, Bl, Lcd, Mt: ‘evil,’ wicked, wretched, Bl, CP, Mt. comp. wiersa, wyrsa worse. superl. wierrest(a), wiersta, weorsta, wyr(re)sta worst, Æ, AO. II. n. ‘evil,’ ill, wickedness, misery, B, Bl, CP, G, VPs.

yfelādl f. ‘cachexia,’ consumption, WW 113^13.

yfelberende (ybil-) bringer of evil tidings, OEG 53^16 (v. ANS 85·310).

yfelcund evil, malignant, #LPs#.

yfelcwedolian (ð) to speak evil, #ERPs# 36^22.

yfel-cweðende, -cweðelgiende (#EPs#) evil-speaking, #SPs# 36^23.

yfeldǣd f. ill deed, injury, Æ.

yfeldǣda m. evildoer, Æ.

yfeldǣde evil-doing.

yfeldēma m. wicked judge, NC 335.

yfeldōnd m. evildoer, JnL 18^30.

yfeldōnde evil-doing, LL (424^20).

yfeldysig ‘stultomalus,’ WW 165^18.

yfele = yfle

yfelful malicious, wicked, A 11·116^13.

yfelgiornes f. malice, wickedness, DR.

±yfelian to inflict evil, hurt, wrong, injure, Ps: become bad, grow worse, suffer, W. [‘evil’]

yfelic, yfellic evil, bad, foul, ugly. adv. -līce.

yfellærrende persuading to evil, GPH 390.

yfelnes f. wickedness, depravity, Æ; CP. [‘evilness’]

yfelsacend m. blasphemer (eoful-).

±yfelsacian to blaspheme, #Bl# 189; GD 289.

yfelsacung f. calumny, blasphemy.

yfelsæc (eoful-) n? blasphemy, #El# 524.

±yfelsian (ebol-) to blaspheme.

yfel-sprǣce, -sprecende evil-speaking.

yfelsung (ebol-) f. blasphemy.

yfeltihtend m. inciter to evil, Æ.

yfeltihtende inciting to evil, Æ.

yfelwillende vicious, Æ, CP.

yfelwillendnes f. malice, #LPs#.

yfelwilnian to desire evil, #LPs#.

yfelwoerc n. evil deed, DR 103^1.

yfelwyrcende evil-doing, Æ.

yfelwyrde evil-speaking, ES 39·354.

yfemest superl. adj. highest, uppermost, CP. [ufan]

yfera = yferra

yferdrype = yfesdrype

yferra comp. adj. after, subsequent: higher. [ufan]

yfes f. = efes

yfesdrype (æ^2) m. ‘eaves-drop,’ EC 141^16.

ȳfig = īfig

yfle adv. (comp. wirs) evilly, badly, ill, wrongly, miserably, G, Ps. [‘evil’]

±yflian = yfelian

yflung f. injury, GD 197^12.

yfmest = yfemest

ygett = iggað

ȳgland = īgland

ȳgðelīce = īeðelīce

ȳhte = īhte

ȳl = īl

ylca (Æ) = ilca

ylcian = elcian

yld == ield

yle = ile

ylf = ælf

ylfe = ielfe

ylfet, ylfetu, ylfette (Æ) = ilfetu

ylful (#HGl# 529) = ieldful

ylp m. elephant, WW; Æ. [‘elp’]

ylpen (i) of an elephant.

ylpen- = elpen(d)-

ylpesbān = elpendbān

yltsta = ieldesta wk. masc. superl. of eald.

yltwist f? catching of birds, WW 351^6.

ym- = ymb-, ymbe-

ymb = ymbe

ymbærnan to travel round, BH 28^8.

ymbbegang = ymbgang

ymbbeorgan^3 to shield, defend.

ymbberan^4 to surround.

ymbbīgnes (bebīg-) f. bending round, bend, circuit, sweep (of a river), BH 424^10. [bīegan]

ymbbindan^3 to bind round, MkL 9^42.

ymbbūgan^2 to bend round.

ymbcæfian to embroider round, bedeck.

ymbceorfan^3 to circumcise, NG.

ymbceorfnes f. circumcision, JnR 7^23 (-cernes).

ymbcerr (= ie) m. turning about, going, migration, NG: tergiversation, trickery, DR.

ymbcerran = ymbcyrran

ymbclyccan to enclose, #RPs# 16^10 (v. ES 38·25).

ymbclyppan (i) to embrace, clasp, Æ.

ymbclypping f. embracing, OEG 4529 (emc-).

ymbcyme m. assembly, convention, LL 12 (ymc-).

ymbcyrran (e^2) to turn round, go round, make the circuit of: overturn, change, NG.

ymbdringend = ymbhringend

ymbe I. prep. w. a. d. and adv. (of place) around, about, at, upon, near, along, †Chr: (of time) about, at, after, before. ymb utan about, by, around: (causal, etc.) about, in regard to, concerning, on account of, owing to. ðæs y. lītel soon after. y. bēon to set about a thing. [‘embe’] II. n. swarm of bees, #Lcd# 1·384^17; Mdf.

ymbe- = ymb-

ymbeaht mp. ‘collatio,’ WW; OEG 53^22 (v. ES 11·492).

ymbeardian to dwell round, #VPs# 30^14.

ymbebǣtan to curb, restrain, #Met# 24^37.

ymbebēgnes = ymbbīgnes

ymbeornan = ymbiernan

ymbesprǣc f. conversation, comment, remark, criticism, Æ.

ymbe-ðanc, -ðonc, -ðanca m. thought, reflection, CP.

ymbeðencan = ymbðencan

ymbeðridian to deliberate, think about, NC 335.

ymb-fær (embef-) n., -færeld (Æ) nm. journey round, circuit.

ymbfæstnes f. enclosure, DR.

ymbfæstnung f. monument, tomb, JnL 19^41.

ymbfæðmian to embrace.

ymbfaran^6 to surround, AO 80^26: travel round, GD 490^3.

ymbfeng I. m. envelope, cover, OEG 468. II. pres. 3 sg. of ymbfōn.

ymbfēran to go about, journey round, A 4·156; GPH 396.

ymbflēogan^2 to fly around.

ymbfōn^7 to surround, encompass, embrace, grasp, seize, AO.

ymbfrætewian to decorate, surround with adornment.

ymb-gan anv., -gangan^7 to go round, surround.

ymbgang (eo^2) m. going about, circuit, circumference, surrounding belt, AO.

ymbgearwian to clothe, dress, NG.

ymbgedelf n. digging round, ÆH 2·408^11.

ymb-gefrætwian, -gefretwian (#VPs#) = ymbfrætewian

ymbgeong (N) = ymbgang

ymbgeoting? f. pouring round, OEG (in-, yn-).

ymbgerēnian to adorn or deck round, #BlPs# 143^15.

ymb-gesett, -geseten neighbouring, BH 2·362.

ymbgesettan = ymbsettan

ymbgirdan = ymbgyrdan

ymbgong == ymbgang

ymbgyrdan (i) to gird about, encircle, surround, Æ.

ymbhabban to surround, AO: include, contain.

ymbhaga m. enclosure for bees, #Lcd# 1·395^4. [ymbe II.]

ymbhaldan = ymbhealdan

ymbhammen surrounded, covered, WW 340^14.

ymbhangen pp. of ymbhōn.

ymbhealdan^7 to encompass, #Sat# 7.

ymbhēapian to heap round, crowd about, WW.

ymbhēdig = ymbhȳdig

ymbhegian to hedge round, Æ.

ymbhēpan = ymbhȳpan

ymbhīwan (WW 381^2) = ymbhȳpan

ymbhlennan (emb-) to surround, OEG 24.

ymbhoga m. care, anxiety, solicitude, consideration, CP.

ymbhogian to be anxious about, #LPs#.

ymbhōn^7 to surround, deck, clothe.

ymb-hringan to surround, fence round, CP: wind round, WW.

ymbhringend m. attendant, member of a retinue, #Gl#.

ymbhūung = ymbhȳwung

ymbhwearft = ymbhwyrft [[headword spelled “ymbhwyrf”]]

ymbhweorfan^3 (e^2, u^2) to turn round, revolve go round, encompass: tend, cultivate, CP.

ymbhweorfnes f. change, revolution, DR 37^18.

ymbhweorft (e^2) = ymbhwyrft [[headword spelled “ymbhwyrf”]]

ymbhwerf- (u^2, y^2) = ymbhweorf-

ymbhwyrf (e, ea, eo, i) m. rotation, revolution, turn: circle, extent, environment, circuit, orbit, Æ, CP: circle of the earth, orb, globe, world, Æ, AO: region, district: cultivation, Æ.

ymbhycgan to think about, reflect on, consider.

ymb-hȳde-, -hȳdi- = ymbhȳdig-

ymbhȳdig anxious, solicitous, careful, suspicious: to be observed, needing attention, Æ. adv. -līce.

ymbhȳdiglic anxious, careful, solicitous. adv. -līce.

ymbhȳdignes f. anxiety, solicitude, Æ.

ymbhygd f. anxiety, #Bl#, GD.

ymbhygdig = ymbhȳdig

ymbhȳpan to press round, assail.

ymbhȳwung (-hūung) f. circumcision, JnL 7^22.

ymbiernan^3 (io, y) to run round.

ymblǣdan to lead round, OET (VHy 7^18).

ymblǣrgian (emb-) to provide with a rim, surround, OEG 8^377. [lǣrig]

ymblicgan^5 to surround, enclose, AO.

ymblīðan^1 to sail round, BH 408^25.

ymblōcian to look round, NG.

ymblofian to praise, #LPs# 116^1.

ymblyt m. circle, circuit, circumference, #Sat# 7?

ymbren n. ‘Ember-’tide, Ember-day, Lk, LL. [ymbryne]

ymbrendæg m. Ember-day.

ymbrene = ymbryne

ymbrenfæsten n. periodical fast (at Ember-tide), Æ.

ymbren-wice, -wuce f. Ember-week, LL 78[43].

ymbrigdæg = ymbrendæg

ymbrine = ymbryne

ymbryne (e^2, i^2) m. revolution, circuit, course, anniversary, Æ: lapse of time, Æ.

ymbscēawian to look round, NG.

ymbscēawiendlīce adv. circumspectly, BH 450^21.

ymbscēawung f. ‘circumspectio,’ looking round, DR.

ymbscīnan^1 to shine round, Æ.

ymbscrīðan^1 to revolve about, #Met# 20^208.

ymbscrȳdan to clothe, Æ. [scrūd]

ymbscūwan to screen, defend (‘obumbrare’), #EPs# 139^8.

ymbscȳnan = ymbscīnan

ymbsēan (N) = ymbsēon II.

ymbsellan to surround, enclose, beset, Æ.

ymbsēon I. sv^5 to look round. II. f. beholding, regard.

ymb-set, -setl n. siege.

ymbsetennes f. siege.

ymbsetnung f. sedition: siege.

ymbsett neighbouring, BH 362.

ymbsettan to set round, surround, beset, encompass, Æ: plant.

ymb-sierwan, -sirwan pres. 3 sg. -sireð to design, plot, CP: lay in wait for.

ymbsittan^5 to set round, surround, invest, besiege, Æ, AO, CP: sit over, reflect upon.

ymbsittend † m. one living near, neighbour.

ymbsmēagung (embe-) f. consideration, WW 165^28.

ymbsnāð, ymbsniden, pret. 3 sg. and pp. of ymbsnīðan.

ymbsnidennes f. circumcision, Æ.

ymbsnīðan^1 to circumcise, Æ.

ymbspænning f. allurement, NC 335.

ymbspannan^7 to span or clasp round, embrace, BH 392^6.

ymbsprǣc f. conversation, comment, criticism, Æ.

ymbsprǣce ‡ spoken about, well known.

ymbsprecan^3 to speak about, Lk 19^7.

ymbstandan^6 to stand around, surround.

ymbstandend m. bystander, Æ (emb-).

ymb-standennes, -standnes f. ‘circumstantia,’ #Pss#.

ymbstrīcan to smooth round, #Lcd# 36b.

ymbstyrian to stir about, overturn, LkL 15^8.

ymbswǣpe f. digression, WW 5^28.

ymbswāpan^7 to sweep round, environ: envelop, clothe.

ymbswāpe = ymbswǣpe

ymbswīfan^1 to revolve round, NC 352.

ymbsyllan = ymbsellan

ymbsyrwan = ymbsierwan

ymb-trymian, -trymman (Æ, CP) to surround: fortify, protect.

ymbtrymming m. fortification, Æ.

ymbtȳnan to hedge round, surround, W 146^27. [tūn]

ymbtyrnan to turn round: surround.

ymbðeahtian to consider, reflect, CP.

ymbðencan to think about, consider, CP.

ymbðonc = ymbeðanc

ymbðreodian (embðryd-) to deliberate, #Gl#.

ymbðreodung (i, y) f. deliberation, consideration.

ymbðringan^3 to press round, throng about.

ymbðringend = ymbhringend

ymbðrydung = ymbðreodung

ymbūtan prep. (w. a.) and adv. around, about, outside, beyond, AO, CP.

ymbwǣfan to clothe, #LPs# 44^15.

ymbwærian to turn (oneself) about, turn towards, NG.

ymbweaxan^6 to grow round, surround, AO.

ymbwendan to turn round: turn away, avert.

ymbwendnes f. transmutation, change.

ymbwendung f. reviving, quickening: behaviour, DR.

ymbweorpan^3 to surround, #An# 1555.

ymbwīcigan to surround, beleaguer, #Ex# 65.

ymbwindan^3 to clasp round, hold: wind round.

ymbwlātian to contemplate, Æ 145^12.

ymbwlātung f. contemplation, Æ.

ymbwrītan^1 to score round, circumscribe, #Lcd# 124a.

ymbwyrcan to hedge in, wall in, CP: weave, MtL 27^29.

ymbyrnan = ymbiernan

ymcyme = ymbcyme

ymel (æ, e) m. weevil, mite, beetle, caterpillar, #ÆGr#; GD (e).

ymele, ymle f. scroll, Æ.

ymen m. ‘hymn,’ sacred song, Bl, Pss. [L. hymnus]

ymenbōc f. book of hymns, BH 484^23.

ymener = ymnere

ymensang m. hymn, GD, #AJPs#.

ymesēne blind, ÆH 1·418^22.

ymest = yfemest

ymle (Æ) = ymele

ymmon, ymn = ymen

ymnere m. hymn-book, EC 250. [‘hymner’; L. hymnarium]

ymnyttan = emnettan [[redirected to “efenetan”]]

ȳmon = ȳmen [[headword spelled “ymen”]]

ymryne = ymbryne

yn- = in-

ynce m. ‘inch,’ LL, Sol. [L. uncia]

yndse f. ounce, AO: piece of money, shekel. [L. uncia]

yngrian = hyngrian [[under “hyngran”]]

ynn- = inn-

ynnelēac (ene-, yne-, ynni-) n. onion, #Gl#.

ynse, yntse (Æ) = yndse

yplen (WW) = ypplen

±yppan to bring out, open, manifest: disclose, display, reveal, betray, CP: come forth, be disclosed: (+) utter.

yppe I. (u) f. upper room: raised place, high seat, tribune: stage, platform, WW 150^9. II. evident, known, open, manifest.

ypping f. manifestation: accumulation, extent, expanse? #Ex# 498.

yppingīren (ip-) n. crowbar? LL 455^15 (or ? cippingīren ANS 115·164).

ypplen n. top, height, OEG 2862.

ypte pret. 3 sg. of yppan.

ȳr I. † m. name of the rune for =y=: bow?: gold? horn? #Run# 27. II. m. back of axe, #Chr# 1012.

yrcðu = iergðu

yrd = eard

yrd- = yrð-

ȳre (pl. ōran) f. a coin of Danish origin, BC 3·371^2.

ȳren = īren

yreðweorh (#Jul# 90?) = ierreðweorh

yrfan to inherit: leave (by will).

yrfcwealm (a^2) m. murrain, #Chr# 986#ce#. [orf]

yrfe = ierfe

yrfebēc fp. will, testament, Æ.

yrfecwealm = yrfcwealm

yrfefyrst m. legal formality or delay before entering on an inheritance, WW 115^3.

yrfegedāl n. division of an inheritance, Æ.

yrfegeflit n. dispute about an inheritance, EC 145^16.

yrfegewrit n. will, testament, charter, EC 145.

yrfehand (e^1) f. natural successor, EC 111^14.

yrfelāf f. bequest, inheritance: heir, #Ex# 403.

yrfeland n. inherited land, CP (ie).

yrfelēas unprovided with cattle, TC 162^27 (ie).

yrfe-numa, -nama (MF 179) mf. heir, successor, Æ.

yrfestōl † m. hereditary seat, home.

yrfeweard m. heir, son, AO, CP (ie).

±yrfeweardian to inherit, #CLSPs#.

yrfeweardnes f. heritage, CP (ie).

yrfeweardwrītere, yrfewrītend m. will writer, testator, Æ.

yrfweard- = yrfeweard-

+yrgan = eargian

[[main entry is ±eargian]]

yrgð, yrgðo, yrhðu = iergðu

yrm- = eorm-, ierm-

yrnan = iernan

yrre == ierre

yrs- = iers-

yrsebin f. iron box, LL 455[17] (?= īsern, BT).

yrð (ea; = ie) f. ploughing, tilling, LL: standing corn, crop, produce, BH. [‘earth’]

yrðland (æ, ie) n. arable land, CD, WW; Æ. [‘earthland’]

yrðling (æ, e, eo, i) m. husbandman, farmer, ploughman, WW; Æ: wagtail? ANS 119·434. [‘earthling’]

yrðtilia = eorðtilia

ys = is, v. wesan.

ȳs == īs

ysel = esol

ysele = ysle [[spelled “ȳsle” under “ȳsl”]]

ȳsen = īsen

ȳsern = īsern

ȳsl, ȳsle f. spark, ember, Æ. [‘isel’]

yslende glowing, WW 235^28.

ysope f., ysopo (indecl.) ‘hyssop,’ Æ, Lcd, VPs.

ȳst f. storm, tempest, hurricane, AO, CP.

ȳstan to storm, rage, OEG.

ȳstas = ēstas np. of ēst.

ȳstig stormy, of the storm.

yt = itt pres. 3 sg. of etan.

ȳtan I. to drive out, banish, #Chr# 1058#d#: squander, dissipate, RB 55^4. [ūt] II. = ūtan

Ytas = Iotas [[headword spelled “Īotas”]]

ȳtemest superl. adj. uttermost, extreme, last, AO, CP. on ȳtemestum sīðe ‘in extremis.’ [ūte]

ȳtend m. devastator, WW 232^37.

yteren made of otter-skin, AO 18^21. [otor]

ȳterra = ūterra [[under “ūtera”]]

yteð = iteð, pres. 3 sg. of etan.

ȳting f. outing, journey, Æ.

ȳt-mest, -mæst = ȳtemest

ytst, ytt = itst pres. 2 sg., itt pres. 3 sg., of etan.

ȳttera, ȳttra = ūter(r)a

ȳð I. f. wave, billow, flood, Æ, CP: (†) sea: liquid, water. II. = īeð

ȳð- = ēað-, īeð-

ȳðan = (1) īðan; (2) ȳðgian

ȳðbord n. ship? ship’s side? #Cra# 57.

ȳðeg = ȳðig

ȳðegan = ȳðgian

ȳðfaru † f. wave-course, flood.

ȳðgebland † n. wave-mixture, surge.

ȳðgewinn † n. wave-strife, life in the waves.

ȳðgian to fluctuate, flow, surge, CP: roar, rage.

ȳðgung = ȳðung

ȳðhengest m. (wave-horse), ship, #Chr# 1003#e#.

ȳðhof † n. water-dwelling, ship.

ȳðian (Æ) = ȳðgian

ȳðig billowy, stormy, ÆL 16^70.

ȳðlād f. sea-voyage, B 228.

ȳðlāf † f. sand, shore, beach.

ȳðlid † n. ship, vessel.

ȳðlida m. wave-traverser, ship, B 198.

ȳðmearh † m. sea-horse, ship.

ȳðmere m. ocean of waves, #Ph# 94.

ȳðung f. agitation, commotion, Æ: inundation, Æ.

ȳðwōrigende wandering on the waves, WW 243^3.

ȳwan, ȳwian = īewan


* * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Errors in Anglo-Saxon words were treated more conservatively than those in the modern text. The most common change was adding or removing a macron in cross-references:

Printed text mēs (K) = mȳs, v. mus. Cross-referenced entry mūs f. gs. mūs, mūse, nap. mȳs ‘mouse,’ ...

Since both headwords have a long vowel, the cross-reference was changed to match. All apparent errors, whether corrected or not, are listed below in [[double brackets]]. The author’s corrections and additions are not repeated unless there is an error in the correction itself.

Most errors are trivial, such as missing or incorrect punctuation or misplaced italics. The word “invisible” in corrections means that there is an appropriately sized blank space in the printed text. Punctuation at the end of entries was silently regularized, and missing or invisible periods (full stops) after standard abbreviations such as “m.” or “pl.” were silently supplied. Other errors in punctuation or typography are listed separately, after the more substantive errors.

In references to the OED (“New English Dictionary”), hyphenization does not always correspond to the OED form. These inconsistencies were left as printed; words split at line-end were not generally checked against their OED form.


#Sc# = Defensor’s Liber Scintillarum [[printed SC in list, but always #Sc# in body text]]

Author’s Additions and Corrections:

ærendung ... [[body text has “ǣrendung”]] āsanian ... [[body text has “āsānian”]] +bearded having a beard ... [[r in “beard” invisible]] besceawere ... [[body text has “bescēawere”]] cwēme- = cwēm- [[cwem-]] +fadung ... [[body text has “±fadung”]] flogettan ... [[body text has “floggettan”]] forecweden aforesaid, GD 12; 344. [[error for 344^12?]] forlætednes (GD 227^16) = forlætennes [[error for ǣ in both?]] hūselbox ... [[huselbox]]

Dictionary Text:

āblisian (Æ) = āblysian [[āblȳsian]] ācǣgan = ācīgan [[acīgan]] ācwīnan^1 ... [[acwīnan]] ǣcelma m. chilblain, OEG, WW. [[æcelma]] ǣfæst = ǣwfæst [[æwfæst]] ǣhwǣr, -hwār = āhwǣr [[āhwær]] æig = æg [[error for “ǣg”?]] ǣlc [ēlc, ylc (#VPs#); v. ‘each’] [[elc]] ǣnlēp- = ānlēp- [[ānlep-]] ǣscære unshorn, untrimmed. [scieran] [[error for “ǣscǣre”?]] ǣstǣnan = āstǣnan [[āstænan]] ǣtere (ē^1) m. ‘eater,’ glutton, Prov; NG. [[“Prov” unchanged]] āgryndan [[āgrȳndan]] ālifian = ālibban [[alibban]] ālȳfed- = ālīefed- [[alīefed-]] anihst † last, in the last place. [[error for “anīhst”?]] āracsian = ārāsian [[ārasian]] ārgifa m. giver of benefits, #Cra# 11. [[#Craft#]] āsceortian = āscortian [[ascortian]] āsparian to preserve, GD 159^24. [[āspariān]] āðēstrian = āðēostrian [[aðēostrian]] āðrescan = āðerscan [[aðerscan]] āwārnian ... [[error for “āwarnian”?]] awel m. hook, fork, #Gl#. [[error for “āwel”?]] āwendedlic = āwendendlic [[āwendendlīc]] āwierg-an, -ian ... Æ, Mt, CP; VPs. [[VP]]

-bādere v. nīed-b. [[nied-b.]] benǣman ... [niman] [[nīman]] bīgegnes = bīgengnes [[bigengnes]] bisæc n? m? wallet, MtR 10^10. [L. bisaccium] [[LL.]] bisceophād ... CPPs. [[error for CPs, PPs?]] blēoh = blēo [[bleoh]] brēostgebeorh m. bulwark, WW 466^14. [[breostgebeorh]] brycgwyrcende ‘pontifex’! DR 194^16. [[exclamation mark in original]] bȳgel = bēogol [[beogol]] +byrðtid = +byrdtīd [[error for “+byrðtīd”?]] byrððīnenu f. midwife, GPH 392. [[error for “-ðinenu”?]]

ceīce (MtLR) = cēace [[error for “ceice”?]] cellender n., cellendre f. = celendre [[= cellendre]] cīepehūs (ǣ^1) n. storehouse, WW 186^11. [[cīepehus]] clā = clēa, clawu [[clāwu]] crīsten m. crīst(e)na f. ‘Christian,’ AO. [[crīst(e)na m.]] cwelm = cwealm (but v. MFH 106), cwielm- [[- missing or invisible]]

dǣdbōtnes = dǣdbētnes [[dǣdbetnes]] dægrima m. dawn, daybreak, morning, Æ. [[‘day-rim’]] [[dayrim i.e. misprinted as simple cross-reference rather than OED citation]] drohtung f. [[drohtnung]] +dȳrsian ... [dīere] [[diēre]]

ēacan = īecan [[eācan]] ealdlandrǣden [[ealdlandræden]] earcnanstān = eorcnanstān [[eorsnanstān]] ēarelipprica = ēarliprica [[ēarliprīca]] ēastan, ēastane [[eastane]] ēaðmēde = (1) ēaðmōd, (2) ēaðmēdu [[eaðmēdu]]

fāmblāwende v. līg-f. [[lig-f.]] -felma v. ǣger-f. [[æger-f.]] fērblǣd = fǣrblǣd [[færblǣd]] -fyrede v. twi-, ðri-f. [[-fȳrede]] fyrhtnes f. fear, AO. [[fryhtnes]]

gabote (u^2) f. side-dish, #EGl#. [[L. gabata]] [[#EGl# printed as shown: error for Erf?]] gȳt ... II. = gīet [[giet]] gorettan ... pour forth, emit, GPH 398. [[pour fourth]] gūðfona = gūðfana [[guðfana]] gūðgetāwe = gūðgeatwe [[guðgeatwe]]

hengetrēow (enge-) n. gallows, GPH 395. [[hengetreow]] heregeatland n. heriot-land, LL 220. [[L 220]] hīo v. hē. [[he]] hit v. hē. [‘it’] [[hīt]] hlāford-swīcung (MFN 167; W 225^28) [[MFN as shown]] +hnyst contrite, †#PsC# 127. [[error for #CPs#?]] hrǣron pret. pl. of hrēran. [[hreran]] hrȳst pres. 3 sg. of hrēosan. [[hēosan]] hundtwelftig num. hundred and twenty, Æ, AO. [[error for “hundred and twelve”?]] hweder = hwider [[hwīder]] -hwielfan (e, y) v. ā-, be-, of-hw. [hwealf] [[bē-]] hwīlum ... [[‘whilom’]] [[whilom i.e. misprinted as simple cross-reference rather than OED citation]] ±hyscan (ea, i) [[spelled “hȳscan” in 3 of 5 cross-references, compound “onhȳscan”; first edition also has “hȳscan”]]

īgbūend = īegbūend [[īegbuend]] innāwritting (LkL) = onwrīting [[onwriting]]

lǣgt = līget [[liget]] -lǣnung v. feoh-l. [[fēoh-l.]] -læppede v. fīf-l. [[fif-l.]] lēasbregd == lēasbrēd [[leasbrēd]] -lendisc v. dūn-, ūp-, ūre-, ūt-l. [[up-, ūre-, ut-l.]] līming f. smearing, plastering, WW. [‘liming’] [[limīng]]

magogeoguð f. youth, #Cr# 1429. [[#Cri#]] manðēof m. man-stealer, v. LL 2·542. [[L 2·542]] mealehūs = meluhūs [[meluhus]] megol == meagol [[meago]] mēs (K) = mȳs, v. mūs. [[mus]] mūha (Cp) = mūga [[muga]]

nēad- v. also nīed-, nȳd-. [[nīed]] nīge- = nigo- [[error for “nige-”?]] +nycled (#Gl#) = +cnycled [[+cyncled]]

ongefæstnian = onfæstnian [[onfæstian]] onhȳscan (ī) ... [hūsc] [[husc]] oportanie = aprotane [[aprōtane]] ōsle f. ... [amsel] [[error for “Ger. amsel”?]]

+rǣdelīce = +rǣdlīce [[+rædlīce]] rīning = hrīning [[hrīnung]]

-sagol v. lēas-, sōð-, wær-s. [[wǣr-s.]] sāh ... II. pret. 3 sg. of sēon. [[“of” missing]] -sānian v. ā-s. [[a-s.]] scēofan = scūfan [[scufan]] scēwyrhta = scēowyrhta [[sceowyrhta]] scofen pp. of scufan. [[error for “scūfan”?]] searocēne very bold, †#PsC# 10. [[error for “#CPs#”?]] sēoc ... FAp, Gu. [[FatAp]] -sēoung (ēu) v. ēag-s. [[eag-s.]] -snæcce v. twi-s. [[twī-s.]] swȳwian = sūgian, swīgian [[error for “sugian”?]]

tilia, tilig(e)a (y) m. tiller, workman, hand ... [[hind]] tōcleofian = tōclifian [[toclifian]] tōgenēalǣcan = tōnēalǣcan [[tōnealǣcan]] tōscyl-lan, -ian [[tōrscyl-lan]] trilidi = ðrilīði [[i and ī mismatched as shown]] twȳlic (Æ) = twēolic [[tweolic]] tymp- = timp- [[tymb-]]

ðegnlic noble, brave, loyal, Æ. adv. -lice. [[printed as shown: error for “-līce”?]] ðēowen, ðēowene = ðēowe [[ðeowe]] ðrēanȳd == ðrēanīed [[ðrēanied]]

un-āræfned, -āræfne(n)dlic [[un-aræfned]] unscæðð-ende (e), -ig innocent, harmless. [[unscæðð-ēnde]] unscyldiglic ... #Bk# 12. [[Bk]] unsidelice immodestly, NC 330. [[printed as shown: error for “-līce”?]] untō-dǣlend-, dǣl-, dāl-, -dēlen- = untō-dǣled- [[untō-dæled-]] unwerlīce = unwærlīce [[unwærlice]] ūpyrne = ūpryne [[upryne]]

wæglīðende † seafaring. [[error for “wǣglīðende”?]] wāgrift (e, y) n. wall-hanging, tapestry, vail, curtain. [[variant spelling of “veil”?]] wan I. (once +; o) (usu. indecl. and used predicatively) [[undecl.]] wealhhāfoc m. foreign hawk, falcon. [[error for “-hafoc”?]] wīdobān = wiðobān [[error for “widobān”?]] wiflēast f. lack of women, ÆL 10^216. [[error for “wīfleast”?]] wīnhrēafetian to gather grapes, #LPs# 79^13. [[winhrēafetian]] wurma ... any dye, woad, purple [[any die]]

ymb-hȳde-, -hȳdi- = ymbhȳdig- [[ymb-hȳde]] ysope f., ysopo (indecl.) ‘hyssop,’ Æ, Lcd, VPs. [[VP]]

Punctuation and Typography:

ābūfan (= on-) adv. above, #Chr# 1090#e#. [[1090E]] āc ... name of the rune for =a=. [[italicized to match other “rune for“ entries]] ācennednes (WG; Æ) [[punctuated and italicized as shown]] ādel I. = ādl. [[ādl;]] ādrēosan^2 to fall to pieces, decline, vanish, fail. [[, after “vanish” invisible]] adūnweard adv. downwards, ChrL. [‘a-downward’] [[hyphen in “a-downward” invisible]] ǣc I. f. = āc. [[āc;]] æfse I. = efes. [[efes;]] æl- prefix = I. eal(l)-. [[eal(l)-;]] ǣrist I. (ē) mfn. rising, VPs [[rising VPs]] ālīes-ednes, -(e)nes (ē, ȳ) f. redemption, ransom, MtWLR: [[MtWL, R]] andfeng (on-) m. seizing, receiving, taking, [[seizing, receiving, taking.]] ānemnan to announce, declare, Gu. [‘aname’] [[close quote missing]] arblast m. cross-bow, #Chr# 1079#d#. [OFr. arbaleste] [[O.Fr.]] æsc ... name of the rune for =æ=. [[italicized to match other “rune for“ entries]] āwirgan = I. āwyrgan. [[āwyrgan;]]

bānrift (y) n. leggings, leg-armour, greaves, #Gl#, WW (-rist). [[, after “greaves” invisible]] bēah I. = bēag. II. pret. 3 sg. of būgan. [[bēag II.]] beccen m. buyer, WW (#KGl#) 75^36. [= bycgend] [[KG]] ±bed ... II. = bedd. [[bedd]] ±beorh I. == beorg. [[beorg]] berēfian (#KGl#) = berēafian [[KG]] besmocian to smoke, envelop with incense, ANS 84·3. [[#Ans#]] betrendan to roll, ES 37·180. [[to roll ES]] betst ... AO, Chr, Cr [[CR]] +bregd I. n. movement, change, #Ph# 57. II. = brǣd III. [[PH]] broc ... WW. [[. after “WW” invisible]] bȳg- = bī-, bē-, bīg- [[bī, bē-]]

cēas I. = cēast. [[cēast;]] ±cīdan (w. d. or wið) contend, quarrel [[open parenthesis missing]] clomm I. m. = clamm. [[clamm]] cnēow I. (ēo) n. ‘knee,’ AO, Bl, El, Mt: [[Ao]] ±crēopan^2 (occly. refl.) [[occly refl.]] cwellere ... BH, Mk; Æ. [‘queller’] [[MK]] cwene f. woman, Rd, W: ... [[Rd, W;]] ±cwician ... [‘quick’] [[close quote missing]] ±cynd ... gender, Ph: [[ge in “gender” invisible]]

dæg ... ofer midne d. afternoon. [[afternoon,]] dēaf I. ... empty, barren, ... [[empty, barren.]] dēopnes f. depth, abyss, LPs, Nic: [[LPs, Nic.]] ±dōn ... betre, furðor d. prefer. [[furðor, d.]] dūnlic of a mountain, mountain-dwelling, WW 376^6. [[, after “dwelling” invisible]] ±dwola ... madman, deceiver, heretic, Æ, Bl: [[BL]] dȳpan ... anoint, #EPs# 140^5 [[anoint #EPs#]]

+efenlīcian ... #AV^2Ps# 25^3. [[printed as shown]]

fǣrdēað m. sudden death, WW 351^19. [[, after “death” invisible]] feðriht feathered, MtL p7^17. [[feathered.]] fīftig num. ‘fifty,’ Æ: sb. a set of fifty, Mk. [[a set of fifty.]] fitt ... v. #SkED# under fit (2) [[#SkED.#]] flǣsc (ē) n. ‘flesh,’ Æ, Cp, Lk, VP; CP: [[error for “VPs”?]] forgrindet n. grinding, pounding, Cp 776#c#. [[Cp.]] forðframian to grow to maturity, WW 465^10. [[to grow to maturity.]] fullendian to complete, BH. [‘fullend’] [[close quote missing]] fȳran I. = fēran. [[fēran]] fȳrtang f. ‘(fire-)tongs,’ A 9·263. [[printed (‘fire-)tongs,’]]

gamen ... B, Bo; Æ, CP. [[BO]] gēargetal (æ^1) n. number of years, #Lcd# 2·284. [[number of years #Lcd#]] geond-spurnan, -spyrnian to cause to stumble, NG. [[to cause to stumble NG.]] grimmān n. terrible sin, BH 50^8#b#. [[50, 8#b#]] gristbitian ... [‘gristbite’] [[printed ‘[gristbite’] ]]

hādor ... (or ? hador = heaðor) [[hador, =]] hearg (æ, e) nap. heargas, (e) [[heargas, e without parentheses]] hlēofæst consoling, protecting, #Cr#, RB. [[CR]] hoferede humpbacked, CP, Lcd, WW. [‘hovered’] [[. after “CP, Lcd, WW” invisible]] holm ... in prose, esp. in place-names [[mismatched close parenthesis after “place-names”: error, or missing open parenthesis before first “esp.”?]] hrurul ‘deciduus,’ BDS 30·11^33. [[#BDs#]] hūsul- = hūs(e)l- [[hūs(e)l]]

lætnes f. slowness, delay, ÆL 23b^647: sloth, GD 174^23. [[, after “sloth” invisible]] lāf ... tō lāfe alone. [[alone,]] lēag ... Ep, Lcd. [[d in “Lcd” invisible]] lēohtian I. to be lightened, relieved. [[t in “to be” invisible]] lēohtlic I. light, of little weight or importance, Æ, CP. [[, after “importance” invisible]] lēon I. (sv^1) to lend, grant. [[Ger. leihen]] [[i in “leihen” invisible]] listan = lystan [[l in “listan” invisible]] ±lōme ... oft (and) +l. constantly, diligently. [[second t in “constantly” invisible]] ±lūtan^2 to bend, stoop, decline, Æ, AO: [[: after “AO” invisible]] +lygnod perjured, Æ (i). [[printed as continuation of “lygnian” entry]]

+mæcca ... husband, wife, Æ, Mt, OET. [[husband, wife.]] +mǣl stained, dyed, #An# 1333. [[AN]] mǣne ... III. false, mean, wicked. [[. after “wicked” invisible]] mæssecrēda m. creed said at mass, Nicene creed. [[mass. Nicene]] marman-stān ... Æ, Bl. [‘marmstan’] [[missing . after “Æ, Bl”]] māse f. name of a small bird, #Gl#. [[... bird #Gl#.]] māðmcyst f. treasure-chest, Mt 27^6. [[, after “treasure-chest” invisible]] māðmhūs n. treasure-house, treasury, AO, CP. [[AO. CP.]] mōt ... III. pres. sg. of *mōtan. [[printed “pres. sg.” in italics]] munucbehāt n. monastic vow, HL 18^81,95. [[18,^81,95]]

nāgan* ... AO. nāhte ought not. [[AO nāhte]] nāhtnes f. worthlessness, #Chr# 449#a#. [[449a lower case]] nīehst ... CP, Chr, KC, MkL (ē). [[CP not italicized]] nytennes (e, i) f. ignorance, laziness, ignominy, Æ. [[, after “ignominy” invisible]]

ofer-gān ... Æ, An: [[: after “Æ, An” invisible]] ō-hwǣr = ā-hwǣr [[-ā-hwǣr]] onlīcnes f. resemblance, likeness, similitude, Gen: [[Gen.:]] onrīsan (Æ) = ārīsan. [‘onrise’] [[missing . after “ārīsan”]] onweald ... jurisdiction, territory, CP. [[missing . after “CP”]] onwegācyrrednes, -cyrnes f. apostasy, BH 176 (v.l.). [[anomalous italics in “v.l.”]]

prēostlagu f. ecclesiastical law, canon law, LL 380[2,3]. [[, after “canon law” invisible]]

rāw (Lcd 89b) = rǣw. [‘row’] [[rǣw [‘row’].]] rihtwīslic righteous, CP [[righteous CP]] ryplen? made of broom. [A 31·536] [[made of broom [A 31·536]. ]]

sagu (±) ... II. f. ‘saw’ (tool), A, WW. [[l in “tool” invisible]] sāh I. ... II. pret. 3 sg. of sēon. [[s in “sāh” and “sēon” both invisible]] samen adv. together, JnR (o^1). [[, after “together” invisible]] scēawung ... AO, CP: [[AO. CP:]] ±scencan ... Æ, CP. [‘shench’; Ger. schenken] [[Æ. CP.]] scernicge (= ie) f. actress, female jester, A; [[A,]] scīmian to shine, glisten, ÆGr, LkL: [[ÆGr. LkL]] scīnnes I. f. radiance, MkL 13^24. II. = scīenes [[#MkL#]] scipforðung f. equipment of ships, LL 314[´]. [[bracketed [´] in original]] scopgereord (eo^1) n. language of poetry, BH. [[, after “poetry” invisible]] sittan^5 ... Æ, B, Bo, Bl, Chr; AO, CP [[Bl. Chr]] +slēfed furnished with sleeves. [‘sleve’] [[printed as continuation of “slēfan” entry]] snōca m. nook? inlet, BC 3·141´ (v. Mdf). [[inlet BC]] ±swāpan^7 to sweep, drive, swing, rush (of wind). [[f in “of” invisible; close parenthesis missing]]

±temprian ... Æ (refl.), Lcd, Sc. [[Lcd Sc.]] ±trūwian ... to trust, Æ, CP, JnL. [[to trust Æ, CP, JnL.]] tungolgim m. (bright) star, #Cr# 1151. [[open parenthesis invisible]] twig n. ‘twig,’ branch, sprout, shoot, small tree, Æ, CP. [[, after “tree” invisible]] twiscyldig liable to a double penalty, LL 90#h#. [[first l in “liable” invisible]]

ðēote f. ... conduit, pipe, Æ. [ðēotan] [[conduit, pipe.]] ðrīst, ðrīste ... audacious, shameless, CP, W. [[audacious, shameless.]]

unacumenlicnes f. unbearableness, RBL 114^9. [[#RBl#]] unārlic ... contrary to what is fitting, unnatural (of a will), WW. [[first l in “will” invisible]] under-bæc, -bæcling [[under-bæc.]] underðēodan ... Æ, CP: support, OEG 4339. [[Æ, CP support]] unmiltsigendlic unworthy of compassion, unpardonable, Æ. [milts] [[unworthy of compassion. unpardonable.]] unondcȳðignes f. ignorance, #JVPs# 24^7. [[ignorance #JVPs#]] unræfniendlic intolerable, #SPs# 123^4 (on-). [[l in “unræfniendlic” invisible]] ūser I. poss. pron. gen. ūsses our. [[first s in “ūsses” invisible]]

wamwyrcende (o) worker of sin, #Cr# 1093. [[CR]] wealca ... light floating garment. [[l in “light” invisible]] weall ... Æ, AO, CP; Mdf: [[Æ AO, CP]] weallsteall m. wall-place, foundation? #Wa# 88. [[#Wand#]] +wēde n. fury, rage, madness, Æ. [wōd] [[fury, rage, madness Æ.]] weg I. (æ) m. ‘way,’ direction, Æ, AO: [[Æ AO:]] weorccræft m. mechanics, OEG 55^6. [[mechanics OEG]] weorc-uhta? ... hour of matins on a non-festival day, NC 332 [[... day NC]] ±wīcian ... encamp, bivouac, CP: [[encamp, bivouac.]] wiersa m., wierse fn. (comp. of yfel) [[close parenthesis missing]] +wif ... II. n. a disease of the eye, #Lcd# [[a disease of the eye #Lcd#]] willsele m. pleasant dwelling, #Ph# 213. [[pleasant dwelling #Ph#]] +winnesful = +winful [[ul in “winful” invisible]] ±winnstow f. wrestling place. [[lin in “wrestling” invisible]] winnung = windung [[g in “windung” invisible]] wīnreced † n. wine-hall. [[e-h in “wine-hall” invisible]] wiðerwinna m. opponent, rival, adversary, enemy, Æ, AO, CP. [[adversary enemy]] wōl ... AO, CP. [[AO.]] wrang I. n. ‘wrong,’ injustice. [ON. rangr] [[close bracket after “rangr” invisible]] wrangwīs perverse, OEG 1770. [[perverse OEG]] wyrcung f. working, work, DR. [[working work]]


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