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Title: Every-Day Errors of Speech

Author: L. P. Meredith

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Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year, 1872, by L. P. MEREDITH, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington.


Damas. * * * The Prince of Como does not understand his own language.

Melnotte. Not as you pronounce it: Who the deuce could?

It may be regarded as one of the commendable peculiarities of the English language that, despite provincialisms, vulgarisms, neglected education, foreign accent, and the various corrupting influences to which it is subjected, it may be understood wherever it is heard, whatever differences of distance or associations may have existed between the speaker and the listener, both claiming familiarity with it. Considering these influences and the arbitrariness of the orthoepical rules of the language, there has been expressed surprise that frequent degenerations into uncouth dialects or patois have not occurred. A decent regard for the common weal should cause gratification that such degenerations have not taken place, for were it not for the ability of our tongue to preserve its individuality against the tendency toward corruption, we might reasonably fear such a Babel-like confusion, that, when asked, "Do you speak English?" one might appropriately, sans the profanity, reply in the language of the text, "Not as you pronounce it: Who the deuce could?" While the majority of people place no other value upon language than that of convenience, and are indifferent to any corruption, so long as they can simply understand and be understood, there is happily a better class, the æsthetic cultivation of which is such that those who belong to it are anxious to preserve the purity of our vernacular and are ashamed of all errors of speech in their daily conversations. For such it will not be uninteresting to look over a number of errors, principally of pronunciation, that are not formally laid down as such in books, and which people, even many of the best educated, are constantly committing, just because they have never had their attention called to them. These errors are becoming more deeply rooted every day and if not soon eradicated, it will not be many years before our orthoepic standard will be overthrown as it was in England some years ago.

Smart, one of the most celebrated of English orthoepists, in the preface of his dictionary says: "The proprietors of Walker's dictionary, finding it would slide entirely out of use unless it were adapted to the present day, engaged me as a teacher of elocution, known in London since Walker's time, to make the necessary changes." A standard pronouncing dictionary is a work that involves an extraordinary amount of labor and research in its compilation, and exerts an influence almost autocratical. The possibility of its becoming worthless in a short time is strange, especially when it is not on account of any work claiming superiority, but merely because error long persisted in finally becomes more authoritative than the original exemplar. With little effort, however, we can discern the causes. Persons are apt to acquire the pronunciation and use of the greater number of words by imitation, rather than by study. With confidence in the knowledge of the parent, teacher, minister, physician and others, their examples are followed without ever considering that they are often very fallible guides.

A complete dictionary is an immense volume, and to turn over its pages with even a casual observation of each word, requires an amount of time that few would feel like devoting to it; and yet this is the only way in which a person can become assured of the sanctioned pronunciation and meaning of a great many words. If they would make it an invariable rule to make memoranda of all the words they read or hear spoken, about the orthoepy and import of which they are not absolutely certain, and at their first leisure opportunity would consult their chosen authority, it would not be long before the majority of errors would be corrected; but this requires memory, inclination, time, continuity of purpose, possession of dictionaries or access to them--circumstances that are seldom found combined. It will doubtless be useless to rehearse any of the arguments commonly employed to prove the necessity of having some sovereign standard, to the guidance of which we must be willing to submit. Those for whom this work is intended will be willing to admit that. Nor is it necessary to assert that as far as the English speakers of the United States are interested, the only works that lay claim to such a position are the dictionaries of Webster and Worcester. If the right of the opinions of the majority of scholars throughout the land were alone considered, the former would certainly be entitled to the preference; but the work of the latter is too full of merit and has too many adherents in the ranks of the educated to permit any one to say that it is not worthy of high esteem.

With my own preference for the former and with my willingness to acknowledge the worth of the latter, I have consulted both authorities concerning every word in the following vocabulary--that is, every word requiring reference to either. It will be seen that there is much less difference between the decisions of the two dictionaries than is commonly supposed. By this reference to each, I have not only corrected errors in an impartial manner, but have also stopped up that loop-hole through which so many try to escape by saying, when they are called to account according to one dictionary, that they do not accept that as their standard. As far as the people of this country are concerned, there is no escape from the conclusion that a person is considered a correct or an incorrect speaker of English, according to whether or not he conforms his discourse to one of the above mentioned authorities. At first glance it will appear that the size of this volume is not at all commensurate to the task of correcting the many errors that are heard in our communication with all classes that pretend to speak the English language. It is not intended to instruct those whose education has been so neglected that they are guilty of the grossest violation of syntax and orthoepy, nor to cultivate the taste of those whose selection of words and cant and slang phrases betrays the low grade of the associations by which they have been surrounded. It is designed rather as a collection of the more common of those errors, chiefly orthoepical, that I have before spoken of as being of constant occurrence even among people of education, unless they have paid considerable attention to philology or belles-lettres. If by presenting them in this convenient form, thus saving much time and trouble in referring to the dictionary, I have merited the thanks of my readers, or if I have contributed even a mite toward the conservation of the present usage, I shall feel amply repaid.

I have taken advantage of the alphabetical arrangement to introduce a few miscellaneous errors that might have been placed under a separate heading.

Instead of dividing the words into syllables and loading them with marks as is usually done in dictionaries, I have thought that it would make a deeper impression on the memory to present the words as they are commonly seen in print, depending on respelling to furnish the correct and incorrect accent and pronunciation.

The corrections have first been made according to Webster; if Worcester is unmentioned, it is to be understood that both authorities agree.

Cincinnati, December 20, 1871.

Errors of Speech.


The long sounds of a, e, i, o, u, are represented by ā, ē, ī, ō, ū. The short sounds of a, e, i, o, u, " ă, ĕ, ĭ, ŏ, ŭ. a, as in air, pair, is represented by â. a, " far, arm, " " ä or ah. a, " all, haul, " " aw. a, " what, squat, " " ŏ. e, " ere, where, " " ê. e, " obey, weight, " " ā. e, " her, term, " " ë. i, " machine, " " ē or ee. i, " dirk, whirl, " " ï. o, " done, son, " " ŭ. o, " woman, " " ŏŏ. o, " do, move, " " ōō. o, " for, storm, " " ô or aw. oo, " soon, moon, " " ōō. oo, " foot, good, " " ŏŏ. u, " rude, rule, " " ōō. u, " push, pull, " " ŏŏ. u, " burn, turn, " " ü. oi,} " oil, toy, " " oi. oy,} ou,} " found, owl, " " ow. ow,}

c, as in city, cite, is represented by s or ç. c, " can, cut, " " k. ch, " child, much, " " ch. ch, " machine, " " sh. ch, " chorus, " " k. g, " ginger, " " j. n, " think, uncle, " " ñ. qu, " require, " " kw. s, " these, ease, " " z.

Obscure vowel sounds, or those which are glided over in a word without any noticeable accent, are unmarked. In those cases where the pronunciation is so evident that mistakes seem improbable, the marks are also omitted.



=Abacus=--ab´a-kŭs, not a-băk´ŭs.

=Abdomen=--ab-dō´men, not ab´do-men.

=Acclimate=--ak-klī´māte, not ak´kli-māte.

=Acclimated= is also accented on the second syllable.

=Acclimatization=--ak-kli-mat-i-zā´shun, not ak-klī´ma-ti-zā-shun.

=Adult=--a-dŭlt´, not ăd´ult.

=Aerated=--ā´er-ā-ted, not ā´rē-ā-ted. "Areated bread" is a mistake that is frequently made.

=Ailantus=--ā-lăn´tŭs, not ā-lăn´thŭs; ăt-lăn´tus is a still worse error.

=Albumen=--al-bū´men, not al´bu-men.

=Alder=--awl´der, not ăl´der; it is the name of a tree and does not mean the ordinary elder.

=Alike.= It is sufficient to say that two persons or things are alike, not both alike. The word associated with alike is just as unnecessary as it is with resemble and equal in the following sentences: "These two men both resemble each other." "These two sums are both equal."

=Allopathy=--al-lŏp´a-thy, not al´lo-path-y.

=Allopathist= is similarly accented.

=Alpaca=--al-păk´a, not al-la-păk´a.

=Altercate=--ăl´ter-kāte, not awl´ter-kate.

=Amenable=--a-mē´na-ble, not a-mĕn´a-ble.

=Among.= A thing is divided among many and between two.

=Amour=--a-mōōr´, not am´-mōre nor ā´mōōr.

=Angry.= Say angry with a person and at a thing.

=Animalcula= is the plural of animalculum; there is no such word as animalculœ. Animalcule (singular) and animalcules (plural), are proper words; the former is pronounced an-i-mal´kūle and the latter an-i-mal´kūlz.

=Antarctic=--ant-ärk´tik, not ant-är´tik.

=Antepenult=--an-te-pe-nŭlt´, not an-te-pē´nŭlt.

=Apex=--ā´pex, not ăp´ex.

=Apparatus=--ap-pa-rā´tus, not ap-pa-răt´us.

=Aquaria=, not aquariums, is the plural of aquarium.

=Arabic=--ăr´a-bĭk, not a-răb´ĭk, a-rā´bĭk, nor ăr´a-băk; which errors are very common, especially in the compound word gum-arabic.

=Arbitrary= is often incorrectly pronounced as if spelled ar-bi-ta-ry.

=Archangel=--ärk-ān´jel, not ärch-ān´jel.

=Archbishop=--ärch-bish´op, not ärk-bish´op.

=Archipelago=--ärk-i-pel´a-gō, not ärch-i-pel´a-gō.

=Architect=--är´ki-tect, not är´chi-tect.

=Archives=--är´kīvez, not är´chīvez, nor är´kēvez.

=Arctic=--ärk´tik, not är´tik.

=Arid=--ăr´id, not ā´rid.

=Aroma=--a-rō´ma, not ăr´o-ma.

=At= should not be used when it has no possible connection with the other words of a sentence; as, "Where are you living at?"

=At all=, not a tall.

=Attacked=, not attackted.

=Auction=--awk´shun, not ŏk´shun.

=Ay= or =Aye=, meaning yes, and =aye=, an affirmative vote, are pronounced äĭ and not ī nor ā.

=Aye=, meaning forever, always (used chiefly in poetry), is pronounced ā not ī nor äĭ.


=Bade=--băd, not bāde.

=Badinage=--băd´in-äzh, not băd´in-āje. Worcester gives the same pronunciation, but places the accent on the last syllable.

=Balance.= There are two common errors connected with this word. One is to write it ballance: the other is to use it in the sense of remainder, rest, etc.; as, the balance of the day, the balance of the people. Balance means properly "the excess on one side, or what added to the other makes equality." The corrupt use of the word, as above mentioned, is laid down as a vulgarism.

=Bantam=, not banty.

=Bellows=--bĕl´lŭs, not bĕl´lōz. The plural is the same as the singular.

=Besom=--bē´zum, not bē´sum. A broom.

=Betroth=--be-trŏth, not be-trōth. =Betrothed=, =Betrothal=, etc., are similarly pronounced.

=Blacking=, not blackening for boots and shoes.

=Blouse=--blowz, not blowss.

=Bologna=--bō-lōn´ya, not bō-lō´na. Bologna sausage, Bologna phial, etc.

=Bona fide=--bō´na-fī´de, not bō´na-fīde nor bŏn´a-fīde.

=Booth.= The th is sounded as in the preposition with, not as in both.

=Bouquet=--bōō-kā´ or boōō´kā, not bō-kā´.

=Bourgeois=, meaning a kind of type, is pronounced bür-jois´, not like the following word:

=Bourgeois=, a citizen, pronounced bōōr-zhwaw´.

=Brand-new=, not bran-new. Although the latter adjective is much used, it is evidently a corruption of the former. An article in its newness may be bright like a brand of fire, or the brand of the manufacturer may remain intact, but there is certainly no bran about it.

=Breeches=--brĭtch´ez, not as spelled.

=Bretzel=, not pretzel. A brittle German cake.

=Brilliant.= A diamond of the finest cut, with its faces and facets so arranged as to secure the greatest degree of brilliancy--whence the name. The name to many conveys the idea of paste, or imitation. A rose diamond may be just as pure, but its depth does not permit it to be made a brilliant of without a much greater loss of substance.

=Brougham=--brōōm or brōō´am, not brō´am nor brow´am. A kind of carriage.

=Burst=, =Burst= and =Bursting=, not bust, busted and busting.


=Calliope=--kal-lī´o-pe, not kal´li-ōpe.

=Calvary=, not cavalry, when the place of our Saviour's crucifixion is meant.

=Camelopard=--ka-mel´o-pärd or kam´el-o-pärd, not kam-el-lĕop´ard.

=Cantatrice=--kăn-ta-trē´che, not kăn´ta-treess.

=Canon=--kăn´yun, not kăn´nun. A deep gorge or ravine. Spelled also =Canyon=, pronounced kän-yōn´ or kăn´yon.

=Capoch=--ka-pōōtsh´, not ka-pōch´. =Capouch= is another orthography.

=Caption= in the sense of the heading of a discourse, chapter, page, etc., is not sanctioned by good writers.

=Carminative=--kär-mīn´a-tive, not kär´mi-nā-tive.

=Casualty=--kăzh´u-al-ty, not kăz-u-ăl´i-ty.

=Cater-cornered=--kā´ter-cor-nered, not kăt´ty-cor-nered. Not down, thus compounded in Webster, but his pronunciation of the separate words is as given. Worcester gives the word as above and defines it as an adjective--diagonal. It is generally used though, I believe, as an adverb; as, "the piano stands cater-cornered" (diagonally). It is regarded as an inelegant word, diagonal and diagonally being preferred: though it is probable that this opinion has been caused by the abominable pronunciations catty and kitty cornered.

=Catalpa=--ka-tăl´pa, not ka-tawl´pa.

=Catch=, =Catching=--kătch and kătching, not kĕtch and kĕtching.

=Catholic= means liberal, general, not bigoted, and not Roman Catholic, unless specially so applied.

=Caucasian=--kaw-kā´sian,not kaw-kāzh´ian, kaw-kăsh´ian, kaw-kāz´ian nor kaw-kăss´ian.

=Cayenne=--kā-ĕn´, not kī-ĕn´.

=Chaps=--chŏps, not chăps. The jaws. =Chops= is also correct orthography.

=Chasten=--chās´en, not chăs´en. =Chastened=, =chastening=, etc., have also the long a.

=Chew=, not chaw. The latter word either as a verb or noun is now considered quite vulgar.

=Chid=, not chī´ded, is the imperfect tense of chide.

=Chimera=--kĭ-mē´ra, not chi-mē´ra, nor kī-mē´ra.

=Chivalric=--shĭv´al-rik, not shĭv-ăl´rik. Worcester allows the latter.

=Chivalrous=--shĭv´al-rŭs, not shĭv-ăl´rus. Worcester gives chĭv´al-rus also.

=Chivalry=--shĭv´al-ry, not chĭv´al-ry. Worcester sanctions both.

=Cicerone=--chē-che-rō´ne or sĭs-e-rō´ne, not sĭs´e-rōne. A guide.

=Citrate=--sĭt´rate, not sī´trate. "Citrate of magnesia."

=Climbed=, not clomb (klum). One climbs up but does not climb down.

=Cochineal=--kŏch´i-neel, not kō´chi-neel nor kō´ki-neel.

=Cocoa= (kō´kō) is not made from the cocoa-nut or tree, but from the seeds of the cacao (ka-kā´o) or chocolate tree. The word is evidently a perversion, but it has gained a permanent footing in its present signification.

=Cognomen=--kŏg-no´men, not kŏg´no-men.

=Cold-chisel=, not coal-chisel. It is a chisel of peculiar strength and hardness for cutting cold metal.

=Cole-slaw.= In the former editions of some dictionaries it has been taught that this word is derived from cole meaning cabbage, and slaw meaning salad. Cole-slaw--cabbage-salad. The uninstructed soon changed the cole into cold and substituted hot for the other extreme of temperature, thus entirely changing the signification. What was really meant, was hot cole-slaw and cold cole-slaw. Many persons still regard cole-slaw as the proper word, and receipt books give that orthography. The last editions of Webster and Worcester, however, only give the words cole and slaw in separate places and define the latter as "sliced cabbage."

=Combatant=--kŏm´bat-ant, not kom-băt´ant.

=Combativeness=--kŏm´bat-ive-ness, not kom-băt´ive-ness.

=Come= is often thoughtlessly used for go or some other word. If How is just leaving Howard's house it is right for How to say, "I'll come to see you soon," but Howard could not properly say, at that place, the same thing. He should say, "I will go to see you soon." If they both live in Philadelphia and should meet in New York, neither could say appropriately, "I'll come to see you after I get home;" that would mean that one would travel back from his home in Philadelphia to New York to see the other. But either might say, "Come and see me when you get home."

=Comparable=--kŏm´pa-ra-ble, not kŏm-păr´a-ble.

=Complaisance=--kŏm´pla-zans, not kŏm-plā´zăns. In complaisant and complaisantly, the accent is also on the first syllable. Worcester places it on the third, thus: complaisant (kom-pla-zănt´), etc.

=Comptroller=--kon-trōl´ler, not kŏmp-trōl´ler.

=Conduit=--kŏn´dĭt or kŭn´dit, not kŏn´duĭt or kŏn´dūte. A pipe or canal for the conveyance of fluid.

=Confab=, not conflab. A contraction of confabulation.

=Congeries=--kŏn-jē´rĭ-eez, not kon-jē´rēz nor kŏn´je-rēz. A collection of particles into one mass.

=Contemptuous=, not =contemptible=, when the manifestation of contempt for another is meant. I once heard a young lady describing how she had withered at a glance a poor young man that had incurred her displeasure. "O, I gave him such a contemptible look," said she. If in the enthusiasm of the rehearsal, the look that dwelt upon her features was akin to that given upon the occasion mentioned, no auditor doubted the exact truth of what she said; but she meant differently.

=Contiguous=--kon-tig´ū-ŭs, not kon-tĭj´ū-ŭs.

=Contour=--kŏn-tōōr´, not kŏn´tōōr. The boundary lines of a figure.

=Contra-dance= is better than country-dance, the latter word being a corruption; but it has become admissible from long use. Contredanse is the French original, and means that the parties stand opposite to each other.

=Contrary=--kŏn´tra-ry, not kon-trā´ry, interfering with the rhythm of the distich from Mother Goose's Melodies:

"Mary, Mary, quite contrary, How does your garden grow?"

=Contumacy=--kŏn´tu-ma-sy, not kon-tū´ma-sy. Obstinacy, stubbornness.

=Contumely=--kŏn´tu-me-ly not kŏn-tū´me-ly. Insolence, contemptuousness.

=Conversant=--kŏn´ver-sant, not kon-vĕr´sănt.

=Conversazione=--kŏn´ver-sät-se-ō´nā, not kon-ver-săs´si-ōne. A meeting for conversation. Worcester pronounces it kŏn-ver-sät-ze-ō´nā. The plural is conversazioni (-nē).

=Corporal= punishment, not cor-pō´re-al.

=Cortege=--kôr´tāzh, not kor´tēje. A train of attendants.

=Councilor=, is a member of council.

=Counselor=, one who gives advice. Worcester's spelling is councillor and counsellor.

=Creek=, not krĭck.

=Creole.= From Webster's dictionary are taken the following definitions and remarks:

1. "One born in America, or the West Indies, of European ancestors.

2. "One born within or near the tropics, of any color. 'The term creole negro is employed in the English West Indies to distinguish the negroes born there from the Africans imported during the time of the slave trade. The application of this term to the colored people has led to an idea common in some parts of the United States, though wholly unfounded, that it implies an admixture greater or less of African blood.'--R. Hildreth."

=Crinoline=--krĭn´o-lĭn, not krĭn´o-līne nor krĭn´o-leen.

=Cuirass=--kwē-răs´ or kwē´răs, not kū´răs. A piece of armor.

=Cuisine=--kwe-zēn´, not kū-seen´ or kū-zīne´. Cooking or cooking department.

=Calculate= is often inappropriately used in lieu of believe, suppose, expect, etc., as in the following sentences: "I calculate you are my friend;" "I calculate the report is true." Still worse than this passive misuse is that active one of using the word in some such sense as this: "Doctor, I know that you are a man of great intelligence and I have unlimited confidence in your honor and ability; but I must say that I think the course of treatment pursued by you during this epidemic, is calculated to increase the mortality among your patients." How inconsistent with the encomium is the dreadful accusation just following! As if the Doctor had sat down and calculated how he could cause injury rather than benefit. Calculate means to ascertain by means of figures or to study what means must be used to secure a certain result. A person may make a speech, write a book, or do anything else calculated to do good, or more rarely, evil, but the intention to accomplish the object spoken of must be present, before the word can be properly used.

=Culinary=--kū´li-na-ry, not kŭl´i-na-ry.

=Cupola=--kū´po-la, not kū-po-lō´.


=Dahlia=--däl´ya or dāl´-ya, not dăl´ya.

=Dare not=, not darse'nt.

=Data=--dā´ta, not dăt´a, is the plural of datum (dā´tum).

=Debris=--dā-brē´, not dē´brĭs nor dā´brē. Rubbish, ruins.

=Decade=--dĕk´ade, not dē´kade nor dē-kāde´. Ten in number.

=Defalcate=--de-făl´kate, not de-fawl´kāte.

=Defalcation=--dē-făl-kā´shun not dē-fawl-kā´shun. Worcester gives dĕf-al-kā´shun. No such word as defalcater is seen.

=Deficit=--dĕf´i-sit, not de-fī´sit nor de-fĭs´sit. A deficiency.

=Delusion=, not illusion, when deception occurs from want of knowledge of the world, ignorance of business or trade, or from lack of acumen generally. Illusions are deceptions arising from a temporarily or permanently disordered imagination, or from phenomena occurring in nature: thus we speak of the illusions of fancy, of dreams, and of optical illusions. The mirage of the desert and the fata Morgana are instances of the latter.

=Demonstrative=--de-mŏn´stra-tive, not dĕm´on-strā-tive.

=Demonstrator=--dĕm´on-strā-tor, not de-mŏn´strā-tor. Worcester allows the latter.

=Depot=--de-pō´ or dē´pō, not dā´pō, nor dĕp´po. Worcester sanctions de-pō´ only. I once had a friend, deceased now, of course, who called it de-pŏt´.

=Dereliction=--der-e-lĭk´shun, not dĕr-e-lĕk´shun. A forsaking, abandonment.

=Deshabille=--dĕs-a-bĭl´, } =Dishabille=--dĭs-a-bĭl´, } not dĕs´ha-beel nor dĭs´ha-beel. The French is déshabillé, pronounced about like dā-zä-be-yā, without any particular accent. Some persons, in their vain efforts to get the peculiar liquid sound of the double l, sometimes used, distort the word terribly, pronouncing it even as broad as dĭs-ha-beel´yuh.

=Desideratum=--de-sid-e-rā´tum, not de-sĭd-er-ăt´um; plural, de-sĭd-er-ā´ta. Something particularly desired.

=Desperado=--des-per-ā´do, not des-per-ä´do.

=Dessert=--dĕz-zërt´, not dĕz´zert, nor dĕs´sert: dessert-spoon (dez-zërt´-spoon).

=Die.= One dies of a disease, not with it.

=Differ.= One differs with a person in opinion; one person or thing differs from another in some quality.

=Disappointed.= One is disappointed of a thing not obtained and in a thing obtained. "He will be disappointed of his expectations."

=Discourse=--dis-kōrs´, not dĭs´kōrs.

=Disputable=--dis´pu-ta-ble, not dis-pū´ta-ble.

=Disputant=--dis´pu-tant, not dis-pū´tant.

=Distich=--dĭs´tĭk, not dĭs´tĭch. Two poetic lines making sense.

=Docible=--dŏs´i-ble, not dō´si-ble. Tractable; teachable.

=Docile=--dŏs´ĭl, not dō´sīle.

=Dolorous=--dŏl´or-ŭs, not dō´lor-oŭs. =Dolorously= and =Dolorousness= are similarly accented; but =dolor= is pronounced dō´lor.

=Doubt.= "I do not doubt but that it is so," is a very common error. The meaning conveyed is just the opposite to that which the speaker intends. He declares in other words, that he has no doubt but a doubt that it is so; or he does not doubt that it is false. "I have no doubt but," and "there is no doubt but,"--are similar mistakes. The word "but" should be left out.

=Dough-face= means one that is easily molded to one's will, or readily changed in his views, and not a putty-faced or white-faced person.

=Dragomans=, not dragomen, is the plural of dragoman, an Eastern interpreter.

=Drama=--drä´ma or drā´ma, not drăm´a. Worcester says drā´ma or drăm´a.

=Dramatis Personæ=--drăm´a-tīs per-sō´nē, not dra-măt´is pĕr´so-nē.

=Drank=, not drunk, is the imperfect tense of drink.

=Ducat=--dŭk´at, not dū´kat.


=Ear=--ēar, not yēar. Persons frequently speak of the year-ache, and occasionally "a year of corn," may be heard.

=Ecce Homo=--ĕk´sē hō´mō, not ĕk´kē hō´mō.

=Eider=--ī´der, not ē´der. Eider-down and eider-duck.

=Elm= is pronounced in one syllable and not ĕl´lum.

=Elysian=--e-lĭz´i-an, not e-lĭs´sian. Worcester gives e-lĭzh´e-an.

=Embryo=--em´bry-ō, not em-bry´ō.

=Employe= (Fr. employé)--ĕm-ploy-ā´ or ŏng-plwaw-yā´, not employ´ē or ong-ploy´ā. Employee is not allowed.

=Encore=--ŏng-kōr´, not ŏng´kōr nor ĕn´kōr.

=Eneid=--ē-nē´id not ē´ne-id. A poem of Virgil. Worcester sanctions both methods of pronunciation.

=Ennui=--ŏng-nwē´, not ŏng´wē. Worcester gives a much simpler pronunciation, viz: än-wē´.

=Enquiry=--en-kwī´ry, not ĕn´kwĭ-ry.

=Epsom Salt=, not Epsom Salts.

=Equable=--ē´kwa-ble, not ĕk´wa-ble.

=Equally well=, etc., not equally as well, etc.

=Espionage=--ĕs´pe-on-āje or ĕs´pe-on-äzh, not ĕs-pī´o-nāje nor es-pē´on-äzh.

=Esquimau=--ĕs´ke-mō, not ĕs´qui-maw: plural, =Esquimaux= (ĕs´ke-mōz), not ĕs´ke-mawz nor ĕs´ke-mō.

=Etagere=--ĕt-a-zhâr´, not e-tăzh´er-y nor at-tăzh´ĭ-a. Worcester's pronunciation is ā-tä-zhâr´. A piece of parlor furniture with shelves, used for placing small ornaments and fancy articles upon; a what-not.

=Excrescence=--ex-krĕs´sense not ex-krē´sense. A superfluous appendage: morbid outgrowth.

=Expect= has reference to the future only, and not to the present or past. "I expect that you are wrong." "I expect you were disappointed yesterday," are errors. There is an abundance of words that may be correctly used, as suppose, suspect, imagine, believe and think.

=Expose= (Fr. exposé)--ĕks-po-zā´, not ex-pōz´. An exposition; statement.

=Exquisite=--ĕks´quĭ-zĭt, not eks-quĭz´itĕ. =Exquisitely= is accented on the first syllable also.

=Extant=--ex´tant not ex-tănt´.

=Extol=--ex-tŏl´, not ex-tō´. =Extolled=, ex-tŏld´, etc.


=Facet=--făs´set not fā-sĕt´. A small surface or face; as one of the facets of a diamond.

=Falchion=--fawl´chun, not făl´chĭ-on. A sword. Worcester sanctions fawl´shun, also.

=Falcon=--faw´kn, not făl-kŏn.

=Fang.= When applied to a tooth, fang means the portion that is outside of the jaw. This name is often, even by dentists, erroneously given to the root or part that is set into the jaw.

=Far=, not fur.

=Febrile=--fē´brĭl or fĕb´rĭl, not fē´brīle. Relating to fever.

=February=, as it is spelled, and not Fĕb´u-a-ry, as many say and write it.

=Feod=, =feodal=, =feodality=--fūd, fūd´al, and fū-dăl´i-ty. Relating to a kind of tenure formerly existing in Europe, in which military services were rendered by the tenant as a consideration. =Feud=, =feudal=, =feudality=, is the orthography generally adopted now.

=Ferret.= A ferret is an animal of the weasel kind, used to drive rabbits out of their burrows, and not a species of dog.

=Fetid=--fĕt´id, not fē´tid.

=Fetor=--fē´tor, not fĕt´or.

=Finale=---fe-nä´lā, not fī´nāle or fī-năl´ly.

=Finance=--fĭ-năns´, not fī´-năns.

=Finances=--fĭ-năn´sĕz, not fī´năn-sĕz.

=Financier=--fĭn-an-seer´, not fī-nan-seer´. =Financial=, and =financially=, have also the short i in the first syllable.

=Finis=--fī´nis, not fĭn´is.

=Firmament= means the expanse of the sky: the heavens. The meaning, solid foundation, is obsolete.

=Flannel=, not flannen.

=Florid=--flŏr´id, not flō´rĭd.

=Florin=--flŏr´in, not flō-rĭn. A piece of money.

=Florist=--flō´rist, not flŏr´ist.

=Forage=--fŏr´aje, not fō´raje.

=Forceps=--fôr´seps, not fōr´seps. The word is spelled the same in both the singular and the plural numbers. Such mistakes as, "hand me a forcep," instead of "hand me a forceps," are very common. Strictly speaking, "a pair of forceps," ought, I suppose, to mean two forceps; but like the expressions "a pair of scissors" and "a pair of stairs," the phrase has been in use so long that it must be tolerated.

=Forehead=--fŏr´ed, not fōr´hĕd. Worcester allows either.

=Foreign=--fŏr´in, not fŭr´in.

=Fortnight=--fôrt´nīte, not fōrt´nīte, fōrt´nĭt nor fôrt´nĭt. Worcester gives what is authorized above and fôrt´nĭt.

=Fortress=--fôr´tress, not fōr´tress.

=Fragile=--frăj´ĭl, not frā´jĭl nor frā´jīle.

=Fritter=, not flitter, is the name of a kind of fried cake.

=Frivolity=--fri-vŏl´i-ty, not frĭv´ol-ty.

=Frontier=--frŏnt´eer, not frŭnt´eer nor frŭn-teer´.

=Fuchsia=--fōōk´sĭ-a, not fū´shĭ-a. Worcester gives the latter.

=Frontispiece=--frŏnt´is-pēse, not frŭnt´is-pēse.

=Fuzz=, not furze, is the word to use, if used at all, when the embryo whiskers, or the downy surface of fruit, etc., are meant. Down is the more appropriate word. Furze is the name of an evergreen shrub.


=Gallivating=, not gallivanting. Gallivanting is a word that is used to some extent, being applied to persons that are roaming about for amusement or adventure; as, "this young man has been gallivanting around." If it is a corruption of gallanting, it should certainly be abolished as a vulgarism; but if it is a corruption of gallivating, from gallivat, the name of a small sailing vessel, it might be clothed in its proper garb and retained as a useful word in our language. If either is used, the one above preferred should be chosen, at any rate.

=Gallows=--găl´lus, not găl´lōz. =Gallowses=, plural.

=Gamin=--ga-măng´, not găm´in nor gā´min. A street child.

=Gape=--gäpe or gāpe, not găp.

=Gargle.= One gargles, not gurgles, the throat.

=Gaseous=--găz´e-us, not găss-e-us. Worcester gives gā´ze-us too.

=Gather=--găth´er, not gĕth´er.

=Genealogy=--jĕn-e-ăl´o-jy, not jē-ne-ăl´o-jy nor je-ne-ŏl´o-jy.

=Genealogist= (jĕn-e-ăl´o-jist), =genealogical= (jĕn-e-a-lŏj´i-kal) and =genealogically= (jĕn-e-a-lŏj´i-kal-ly).

=Generic=--je-nĕr´ik, not jĕn´er-ik, nor je-nē´rik. Relating to a genus, or kind.

=Gerund=--jĕr´und, not jē-rund. A kind of verbal noun in Latin.

=Get=, not gĭt.

=Giaour=--jowr, not gī´ōōr, jī-owr´ nor jōōr. An epithet applied by the Turks to a disbeliever in Mahomet; the name of one of Byron's poems.

=Gibbet=--jĭb´bet, not gĭb´bet.

=Glamour=--glā´mōōr, not glăm´mur. Worcester gives glā´mer, also. A charm in the eyes, making them see things differently from what they really are.

=Gneiss=--nīs, not nēs nor gnēs. A kind of rock.

=Gondola=--gŏn´do-la, not gon-dō´la.

=Got.= There are some sticklers for niceties that overdo themselves in contending that the use of the verb got is generally unnecessary and incorrect in conjunction with have and had. Get means to procure, to obtain, to come into possession of, etc., and it is a very tame assertion that one simply has a thing that cost much mental or physical labor. A scholar has his lesson, but did it creep into his head while he passively shut his eyes and went to sleep? On the contrary, he got it or learned it by hard study, and it is proper to say that he has got it. A man has a cold, but he got it or took it by exposing himself. A person has a sum of money, but he got or earned it by his labor. Another has good friends, but he got or secured them by his pleasant address. The great causes of the warfare against this word are, I think, that have and had, though generally used as auxiliaries, can sometimes be used as principal verbs and make good sense; and that it has not been recollected that in the majority of cases got either stands for, or can be substituted for another verb. In confirmation of this last statement, is appended the following composed by Dr. Withers: "I got on horseback within ten minutes after I got your letter. When I got to Canterbury, I got a chaise for town, but I got wet before I got to Canterbury; and I have got such a cold as I shall not be able to get rid of in a hurry. I got to the Treasury about noon, but first of all I got shaved and dressed. I soon got into the secret of getting a memorial before the board, but I could not get an answer then; however, I got intelligence from the messenger, that I should most likely get one the next morning. As soon as I got back to my inn, I got my supper and got to bed. It was not long before I got asleep. When I got up in the morning, I got my breakfast, and then I got myself dressed that I might get out in time to get an answer to my memorial. As soon as I got it, I got into the chaise and got to Canterbury by three, and about tea-time, I got home. I have got nothing for you, and so adieu."

Applying this test of substitution to any doubtful case, I think it right to assert that if there is no other verb, or participle, that will appropriately take the place of "got," the latter word is unnecessary; but it should hardly be considered as an error, as it is so slight an impropriety compared with many others that are allowed, and especially because we have long had the usage of many of the best writers to sanction the employment of the word. The very people that appear to be so shocked at the use of the superfluous got, may generally be heard making use of such expressions as "fell down upon the ground," "rose up and went away," "covered it over," and "a great, big fire." The down, up, over and big are certainly superfluities, but they have been heard so long that they are seldom mentioned as errors.

=Gourmand=--gōōr´mänd, not gôr´mand, unless the orthography =gormand= is used.

=Gout=--gowt, not gōōt, as actors are sometimes heard pronounce it in the following line from Macbeth: "On thy blade and dudgeon, gouts of blood."

=Government=--gŭv´ern-ment not gŭv´er-ment. It is a mistake, frequently made, to write and pronounce the word as if it had no "n" in the penultimate.

=Gramercy=--gra-mër´sy, not grăm´er-sy. A word formerly used to express thankfulness with surprise.

=Granary=--grăn´a-ry, not grā´na-ry. There are no such words as grainery and grainary.

=Gratis=--grā´tis, not grăt-is.

=Grenade=--gre-nāde´, not grĕn´ade. A kind of explosive shell.

=Guardian=--gärd´ĭ-an, not gär-dē´an.

=Guerdon=--gër´don, not gwĕr´don nor jĕr´don. A reward; a recompense.

=Guild=--gĭld, not gīld. A society; a fraternity.

=Guipure=--ge-pūr´, not gĭm-pūre´ nor gwĭ-pūre´. An imitation of antique lace.

=Gunwale=--commonly pronounced gŭn´nel and spelled so sometimes.

=Gutta-percha=--gŭt´ta-për´cha, not gŭt´ta-për´ka.

=Gyrfalcon=--jër´faw-kn, not jēr´făl-kun.


=Habitue= (Fr. habitué)--ä-bĭt-u-ā´, not hăb-it-u-ē nor hăb-ĭt-u-ā´.

=Halloo= (hal-lōō´), =holla= (hŏl´lä), =hollo= (hŏl´lō or hŏl-lō´) or =hollow= (hŏl´lōw), but not hŏl´ler. Worcester gives =halloo= (hal-lōō´), =holla= (hŏl-lä´), =hollo= (hŏl-lō´) and =hollow= (hŏl´lōw or hŏl-lōw´). It is strange that with such a variety of words to choose from, people generally say "holler."

=Hanged= is preferable to hung, when the infliction of the death penalty by hanging is meant.

=Harass=--hăr´ass, not ha-răss´.

=Harem=--hā´rem, not hăr´em. Worcester gives hä´rem also. Written also =haram= (ha-răm´).

=Hardly.= Don't and can't should not be used with =hardly=. Such errors as, "I don't hardly believe it," are not uncommon. Hardly means scarcely, and the use of don't or can't gives an opposite signification to the sentence.

=Haunt=--hänt, not hănt.

=Haunted=--hänt´ed, not hănt´ed.

=Hawaiian=--ha-wī´yan, not ha-waw´yan. Relating to the island of Hawaii.

=Hearth=--härth, not hërth.

=Hearth-stone=--härth´stone, not hërth´stone.

=Heather=--hĕth´er, not hēth´er. Worcester gives hēth´er as the pronunciation.

=Heinous=--hā´nus, not hē´nus, hēn´yus nor hān´yus.

=Herb=--ërb, not hërb.

=Herbaceous=--her-bā´shus, not er-bā´shus.

=Herbage=--ërb´ej or hĕrb´ej, not hĕr´bāje.

=Heroine=--hĕr´o-ĭn, not hē´-ro-īne nor hē´ro-ĭn. Worcester gives the first and the last of the above.

=Heroism=--hĕr´o-izm, not hē´ro-ĭzm. Worcester sanctions both.

=Hieroglyphic=--hī-er-o-glĭf´ik, not hī-er-o-grĭf´ik.

=Hindoostanee=} =Hindustani= } hin-dōō-stăn´ee, not hin-dōō´stăn-ee. Worcester's orthography is Hindostanee and Hindostany, but the accent is on the penult as above.

=Homage=--hŏm´aje, not ŏm´-aje.

=Homeopathy=--hō-me-ŏp´a-thy, not hō´me-o-păth-y.

=Homeopathist=--hō-me-ŏp´a-thist, not hō´me-o-păth-ist.

=Hooping-cough=--hōōp´ing-cough, not hŏŏp´ing-cough. Spelled =Whooping-cough=, also.

=Horizon=--ho-rī´zon, not hŏr´i-zon.

=Horse-radish=--horse-răd-ish, not horse-rĕd-dish.

=Hough=--hŏk, not hŭff. To disable by cutting the sinews of the ham. As a noun, the word means the joint at the lower portion of the leg of a quadruped; written =hock=, also.

=Houri=--howr´y, not owr´y. A nymph of paradise.

=Hovel=--hŏv´el, not hŭv´el.

=Hundred=, as spelled, not hun´derd.

=Hydropathy=--hī-drŏp´a-thy, not hī´drō-păth-y.

=Hydropathist=--hī-drŏp´a-thist, not hī´drō-păth-ist.

=Hygiene=--hī´ji-ēne, not hī-geen´ nor hī´geen. Worcester authorizes the first and last.


=Illustrate=--il-lŭs´trate, not ĭl´lus-trāte. =Illustrated=, =illustrating=, =illustrative= and =illustrator=, are likewise accented on the second syllable.

=Imbroglio=--ĭm-brōl´yō, not ĭm-brŏl´yō. Worcester says ĭm-brōl´ye-ō.

=Immobile=--im-mŏb´ĭl, not ĭm-mō´bĭl nor ĭm-mō´bīle.

=Imperturbable=--im-per-tür´ba-ble, not ĭm-per-tōō´ra-ble, nor ĭm-për´tu-ra-ble. Incapable of being disturbed.

=Implacable=--im-plā´ka-ble, not ĭm-plăk´a-ble.

=Impotent=--im´po-tent, not ĭm-pō´tent. =Impotency= and =impotence= are accented similarly.

=Improvise=--im-pro-vīze´, not ĭm´pro-vīze.

=Incognito=--in-kŏg´ni-tō, not in-cŏn´i-to nor in-cŏg-nĭsh´ō. =Incog= is an authorized abbreviation. =Incognita=, is a female in disguise.

=Indiscretion=--ĭn-dis-krĕsh´un, not ĭn-dis-krē´shun.

=Indissoluble=--in-dĭs´so-lu-ble, not ĭn-dĭs-sŏl´u-ble. =Indissolubly=, etc.

=Industry=--in´dus-try, not ĭn-dus´try.

=Infinitesimal=--in-fin-i-tĕs´i-mal, not ĭn-fĭn-tĕs´i-mal.

=Ingenious=--ĭn-jēn´yŭs, means possessed of genius; skillful, etc.

=Ingenuous=--ĭn-jĕn´yu-us, means noble, open, frank, generous, etc.

=Inquiry=--in-kwī´ry, not ĭn´kwĭ-ry.

=Inveigle=--ĭn-vē´gle, not ĭn-vā´gle. =Inveigler= (in-vē´gler) and =inveiglement= (in-vē´gle-ment).

=Irate= ī-rāte´, not ī´rāte. Worcester gives the latter.

=Irrational=--ir-răsh´un-al, not ĭr-rā´shun-al. =Irrationally= (ĭr-răsh´un-al-ly), etc.

=Irrecognizable=--ir-re-kŏg´ni-za-ble, not ĭr-rĕk´og-nī-za-ble.

=Irrelevant=, not irrevelant. Not applicable; not suited.

=Isinglass= ī´zĭng-glass, is a kind of gelatine prepared from the sounds or air-bladders of certain fish, and is used in jellies, for clarifying liquors, etc.; while the transparent substance, frequently called isinglass, which is used in the doors of stoves and lanterns, is really mica, a mineral that admits of being cleaved into thin plates.

=Isolate=--ĭs´o-lāte, not ī´so-late. =Isolated= (ĭs´o-lā-ted), etc. Worcester gives ĭz´o-lāte, etc.

=Itch=--ĭtch, not ēch.


=Jamb=, not jam is the spelling of the side-piece of a door, window or fire-place.

=Jaundice=--jän´dĭs, not jan-ders.

=Jean=--jāne, not jeen. A twilled cotton cloth. Written also =jane=.

=Jew's-harp=--jūz´härp, not jūs´härp.

=Jocund=--jŏk´und, not jō´kund. =Jocundity=, =jocundly=, =jocundness=, have also the short o.

=Jugular=--jū´gu-lar, not jŭg´u-lar.

=Jujube=--jū´jūbe, not jū´jū-be. "Jujube paste."

=Just=, not jĕst in such sentences as: "I have just done it;" "He has just enough," etc.


=Knoll=--nōl, not nŏl.


=Lamm=, to beat, is not spelled lăm nor lămb.

=Lapel=--la-pĕl´, not lăp´el. That part of a coat which laps over the facing.

=Lariat=--lăr´i-at, not lā´ri-at. A lasso.

=Lay=. This word in the sense here considered is a transitive verb, or one in which the action or state implied by the verb, passes over to an object. The present tense is lay; the imperfect tense and past participle are laid; and the present participle laying. Requiring an object in each of the various meanings attached to it, it is proper to say: "The hen lays an egg every day;" "The man laid his load on the ground;" "The rain has laid the dust;" "The hunter is laying a snare." The verb lie is an intransitive verb and can have no object after it. The present tense is lie; the imperfect tense is lay; the past participle is lain; the present participle is lying. Having no objective case to which the action or state passes over, it is correct to say: "Ohio lies north of Kentucky;" "The sick man lay upon the bed yesterday;" "He has lain there helpless for weeks;" "The goods I bought are lying on my hands." Contrasting the sentences under each verb it will be readily seen that Ohio does not lie Kentucky, but the hen lays the egg; the invalid did not lay the bed like the man laid his load; he has not lain anything, as the rain has laid the dust; and the goods are not lying anything, as the hunter is laying the snare. If the foregoing differences have been carefully observed, I imagine that it will always be easy to select the proper word by remembering the following rules:

1. If the person or thing spoken of exerts an action that must pass over to an object, use lay, laid and laying.

2. If the person or thing spoken of exerts an action that does not pass over to an object, use lie, lay, lain and lying.

"He laid upon the bed," then, is incorrect, for the verb has no object. It should be: "He lay upon the bed." But, "He laid himself upon the bed," would be correct, for there is an objective case, himself, supplied. "Let these papers lay," should be, "Let these papers lie." "The ship lays at anchor," should be, "The ship lies at anchor." "The ship laid at anchor," should be, "The ship lay at anchor." "They have laid in wait for you," should be, "They have lain in wait for you." "This trunk is laying in our way," should be, "This trunk is lying in our way." Errors connected with the use of these verbs are more common, probably, than any others in our language, being detected in the conversation and writings of many of the best educated people. Attention to the above rules, and a few trial sentences in the different moods, tenses, numbers and persons, ought to make the selection of the proper word so simple, that persons should seldom make mistakes.

=Learn.= Learning is done by the scholar or student, and teaching by the instructor. "She will learn me how to play," should be, "She will teach me how to play," etc.

=Leasing=--leez´ing, not lēs´ing. An obsolete word meaning falsehood; lying. "Thou shalt destroy them that speak leasing."--Bible.

=Leg.= Of late years there has become quite popular a prudish notion that it is indelicate to say leg when one of the limbs that supports the human body is meant, limb being preferred instead. Leg is certainly a less euphonious word than limb, and if the latter had the same signification attached to it, there would be no objection to its employment; but limb means arm just as much as it does leg. There is nothing immodest in the sound or meaning of the word leg; if there were, it would be well to speak of the limb of a table, a limb of mutton, or a three limbed stool; and the mention of such words as legacy or legate should cause the blush to rise to our cheeks. The very use of the word limb indicates what is passing in the mind of the speaker--a thought of leg, an indelicate meaning attached to it, and a fear to speak the word. The mind of the listener is affected similarly and the result is that a conversation intended to be perfectly pure, has a slight stain left upon it. If we could pass through life without ever finding it necessary to speak of our legs to strangers, there would be no danger of compromising ourselves; but run-away and other accidents are constantly occurring in which legs are broken or otherwise injured. When a surgeon is called, if he is told that a limb is injured, he has one chance in four of guessing the riddle. It is not always safe to trifle thus with some of the serious, practical old followers of Esculapius. Before now they have given such rebukes as to make people ashamed that they did not say leg in the first place; or they have left the bedside abruptly with such a remark as: "When you find out whether it is your arm or your leg, send for me again." If people will persist in using limb for leg, it is to be hoped that they will adopt some adjective prefix to remove all ambiguity. How would north-east, south-east, etc., do? Any one informed that the south-east limb was fractured, would know at once that it was the right leg.

=Legate=--lĕg´ate, not lē´gāte.

=Legendary=--lĕj´end-a-ry, not lē´jĕnd-a-ry.

=Leisure=--lē´zhur, not lĕzh´ur, nor lā´zhur. =Leisurely= (lē´zhur-ly).

=Length=, not lĕnth. Every letter is sounded, also, in =lengthy=, =lengthen=, =lengthiness=, etc.

=Lenient=--lē´ni-ent, not lĕn´i-ent. =Leniently= (lē´ni-ent-ly), etc.

=Lethe=--lē´the, not lēth; the th is as in both. The mythological and poetical name of a river of the infernal region, the drinking of a portion of which caused forgetfulness of the past.

=Lethean=--lē-thē´an, not lē´the-an.

=Let's.= It should be remembered that let's is really let us, the apostrophe denoting the elision of the u. Such expressions then as: "let's us go," "let's him and me go," should he, "let us go" (or let's go), and "let him and me go;" for who wishes to say "let us us go," or "let us him and me go."

=Leverage=--lĕv´er-aje, not lē´ver-aje.

=Licorice=--lĭk´o-rĭs, not lĭk´er-ĭsh.

=Lie.= See =Lay=.

=Lien=--lē´en or lī´en, not leen. A charge upon property for the satisfaction of a debt.

=Lighted= is preferable to lĭt as the imperfect tense and past participle of light. "He lighted the gas," instead of, "He lit the gas." "I have lighted the fire," instead of, "I have lit the fire." The same remarks apply to the imperfect and participle of light taken as an intransitive verb. "The bird has lighted upon the tree," instead of, "has lit upon the tree." Lit is condemned as common.

=Lithographer=--lĭ-thog´ra-pher, not lĭth´o-grăph-er, nor lī-thŏg´ra-pher. =Lithography= (lĭ-thŏg´ra-phy).

=Loath=--lōth, not lŏth; the th is as in both. Reluctant. Written sometimes =loth=. The verb is =loathe=, with the th as in breathe.

=Lyceum=--lī-sē´um, not lī´se-um.


=Machiavelian=--măk-i-a-vēl´ian, not măsh-i-a-vĕl´ian. pertaining to Machiavel; politically cunning.

=Mad.= In the sense of provoked, wrathful or indignant, angry is generally considered the more appropriate word. "Mad as a March hare," is an indelicate term that should not be used on account of its origin.

=Madame=--mä-däm´, not măd´am.

=Magna Charta=--magna kär´ta, not magna chär´ta.

=Manes=--mā´nēz, not mānz. The souls of the dead.

=Manor=--măn´or, not mā´nor.

=Marigold=--măr´i-gold, not mā´ri-gold.

=Matin=--măt´in, not mā´tin.

=Matins=--măt´inz, not mā´tinz.

=Mattress=--măt´tress, not ma-trăss´. Written also =matress= and pronounced as the first.

=Meaw=--mū, not meyow. To cry like a cat.

=Mediocre=--me´di-ō-ker, not mē-di-ō´ker, nor mē-di-ŏk´er.

=Melange=--mā-lŏngzh´, not me-lănj´.

=Melanotype=--me-lăn´o-type, not me-lān´o-type.

=Melodrama=--mĕl-o-drā´ma, not mĕl-o-drăm´a, nor mĕl-o-drä´ma.

=Memoir=--mĕm´wor or mēm´wor, according to Webster; Worcester gives mē-moir´ or mĕm´wär.

=Mesdames=--mā-däm´, not mĕz-dāmes´.

=Metallurgy=--mĕt´al-lur-jy, not me-tăl´lur-jy.

=Metaphor.= The failure to distinguish between metaphors and similes, is a very common mistake. In a metaphor the resemblance is implied without any words to show the similarity; as soon as the latter are added it becomes a simile. "Hope is an anchor," and "Judah is a lion's whelp" are metaphors. "Hope is like an anchor," and "Judah is like a lion's whelp" are similes.

=Metrical=--mĕt´rik-al, not mē´trik-al.

=Mezzo=--mĕd´zō or mĕt´zō, not mĕz´zō. An Italian word meaning middle; not extreme. =Mezzo-soprano= (mĕd´zo-so-prä´no); between contralto and soprano; said of the voice of a female singer. =Mezzotinto=, etc.

=Microscope=--mī´kro-scope, not mĭk´ro-scope. =Microscopic= (mī-kro-scŏp´ic). =Microscopy= (mī-kros´co-py).

=Mien=--meen, not māne.

=Mineralogy=--min-er-al´o-jy, not min-er-ŏl´o-jy.

=Minuet=--mĭn´ū-et, not mĭn-ū-ĕt´. A dance.

=Mischievous=--mĭs´che-vŭs, not mĭs-chē´vŭs, nor mis-chē´ve-us. =Mischievously= and =mischievousness= are also accented on the first syllable.

=Modulate.= This word is often used incorrectly instead of moderate in such sentences as: "Modulate your voice," when it is meant to command or request that the tone be moderated or lowered. Modulate means to vary or inflect in a musical manner, and although the word might often be used with propriety in such sentences as the above, yet it is not always what is meant by the speaker. A person's voice may be perfectly modulated and yet the tone may be so high that it is desirable, upon certain occasions, to have it moderated.

=Moire=--mwôr, not mōre nor mō´re. =Moire antique= (mwor ăn-tēk´).

=Molasses.= It may seem incredible to those who have never heard the error I am about to mention, that such a ridiculous blunder could occur. I should hardly have believed it myself, if I had only heard of it; but I was once in a portion of the country where all the people for miles around spoke of molasses as if it were a plural noun, and I frequently heard such remarks as the following: "These molasses are very good; they are the best I have seen for some time." I once began to remonstrate with one of the champions of the plurality of the treacle, and insisted that he should say, "this molasses" and, "it is good," etc.; but it was of no avail. He insisted that the word was analogous to ashes, and if one was plural so was the other. There was no good dictionary or other reliable authority in the neighborhood, as might be imagined from what has been said, so they were left happy in their ignorance.

=Monad=--mŏn´ad, not mō´nad. An ultimate atom.

=Monogram=--mŏn´o-gram, not mō´no-gram.

=Monograph=--mŏn´o-graph, not mō´no-graph.

=Monomania=--mŏn-o-mā´nia, not mō-no-mā´nia. =Monomaniac= (mŏn-o-mā´ni-ac).

=Moor=--mōōr, not mōre. An extensive waste; a heath. Moor, the name of a native of North Africa, is similarly pronounced.

=Morale=--mo-räl´, not mŏr´āle nor mō-răl´.

=Mountainous=--mount´ain-ous, not moun-tā´ni-oŭs.

=Multiplication=--mŭl-ti-pli-cā´tion, not mŭl-ti-pi-cā´tion.

=Murrain=--mŭr´rĭn, not mŭr´rāne. A disease among cattle.

=Museum=--mu-zē´um, not mū´ze-um.

=Mushroom=, not mush-roon.

=Musk-melon=, not mush-melon; but anything before mush-million.

=Mussulmans=, not musselmen, is the plural of =Mussulman=.

=Mythology=--mĭ-thŏl´o-jy, not mī-thŏl´o-jy.


=Naiad=--nā´yad, not nā´ĭd nor nā´ăd. A water nymph.

=Nainsook=--nān-sōōk´, not năn-sōōk´. A kind of muslin.

=Naive=--nä´ēv, not nāve nor näve. Natural; artless.

=Naivete=--nä´ēv-tā, not nā-vēte´ nor nā-vē´ta.

=Nape=--nāp, not năp. The back part of the neck.

=Nasal=--nā´zal, not nā´sal nor năs´al.

=Nasturtium= or =Nasturtion=, not asturtion.

=Negligee=--nĕg-li-zhā´, not nĕg-li-jē´, nor nĕg´li-zhā.

=Newspaper=--nūz´pā-per, not nūs´pā-per.

=Niche=--nĭch, not nĭck, when a concave recess in a wall for an ornament is meant. If a piece is chopped roughly out of anything, it is a nick. Nick of time, not niche of time, when a critical moment is meant; but in figurative language there is no doubt that the phrase "niche of time," may be appropriately used. A great event may be said to stand in a niche of time as an example for coming ages.

=Nomad=--nŏm´ad, not nō´-mad. One of a wandering tribe. Written =nomade= (nŏm´ade) also.

=Nomenclature=--no-men-clā´ture, not nō´men-clātūre.

=Nominative=, not nom-a-tive.

=Nonillion=--nō-nĭll´ion, not nŏn-ĭll´ion.

=Nook=--nōōk, as given by Webster. Worcester sanctions both nōōk and nŏŏk.

=Notable=--nŏt´a-ble, not nō´ta-ble, when it is applied to a person distinguished for thrift, management, care, etc.; as a notable housekeeper.

=Nymphean=--nĭm-fē´an, not nĭmf´e-an. Relating to nymphs.


=Obesity=--o-bĕs´i-ty, not o-bē´si-ty.

=Obligatory=--ŏb´li-ga-to-ry, not ŏb-lĭg´a-to-ry.

=Often=--ŏf´n, not ŏf´tĕn.

=Omega=--o-mē´ga or o-mĕg´a, not ŏm´e-ga. Worcester allows the first only.

=Onerous=--ŏn´er-ous, not ō´ner-oŭs.

=Only=--ōn´ly, not ŭn´ly.

=Onyx=--ō´nyx, not ŏn´yx.

=Opal=--ō´-pal, not ō-păl´ nor ō-pawl´.

=Opponent=--op-pō´nent, not ŏp´po-nent.

=Ordnance=, not ordinance, when cannon, artillery, etc., are intended. Ordinance is a rule established by authority.

=Orgeat=--ôr´zhat or ôr´zhā, not ôr´je-at. Worcester gives ôr´zhat.

=Orthoepy=--ôr´tho-e-py, not ôr-thō´e-py.

=Orthoepist=--ôr´tho-e-pist, not ôr-thō´e-pist.

=Overflowed=, not overflown.


=Palaver=--pa-lä´ver, not pa-lăv´er.

=Pall-mall=--pĕl-mĕl´, not pawl-mawl´. The name of a game formerly played in England; and the name of a street in London. Written also pail-mail and pell-mell, both pronounced as above. Pell-mell used as an adverb means mixed together in a disorderly manner; but one person can not rush pell-mell.

=Papaw=--pa-paw´, not pŏp´paw as commonly called. Written also =pawpaw=.

=Papyrus=--pa-pī´rus, not păp´i-rŭs. A material used for writing upon by the ancients, made from the inner bark of a plant.

=Parent=--pâr´ent, not pā´rent.

=Parisian=--pa-rĭz´ian, not pa-rĭsh´ian nor pa-rĭss´ian. Worcester gives pa-rĭzh´i-an.

=Paroquet=--păr´o-quet, not păr-o-kĕt´.

=Parquet=--pär-kā´ or pär-kĕt´. Worcester allows pär-kā´ only.

=Parquette=--pär-ket´, not pär-kā´.

=Partner=, not pardner.

=Partridge=, not pattrij.

=Patent.= The adjective is pronounced either păt´ent or pā´tent. When used as a verb or a noun it is pronounced păt´ent.

=Patois=--păt-wŏ´, not păt´wŏ nor păt-waw´.

=Patriot=--pā´tri-ot, not păt´ri-ot. =Patriotic=, =patriotism=, etc., have also the long a. Worcester gives the same with the exception of patriotic, which he pronounces both pā´tri-ot-ic and păt´ri-ot-ic.

=Patron=--pā´tron, not păt´ron. =Patroness= and =patronless= have also the long a.

=Patronize=--păt´ron-īze, not pā´tron-īze.

=Patronage=--păt´ron-aje, not pā´tron-aje.

=Pease=, not peas, when an uncounted quantity is referred to, as: a bushel of pease, a plateful of pease, some more pease, etc. Peas when a certain number is mentioned, as: a dozen peas, fifty peas, etc.

=Pedal=--pĕd´al, not pē´dal, when that portion of a piano or harp that is acted upon by the feet, is meant. Pē´dal is an adjective, and means pertaining to the above, or to a foot.

=Perfect.= I have selected this as the representative of a class of adjectives that, strictly speaking, do not admit of comparison. I have noticed, invariably, that those who appear to be so anxious to correct the error of giving degrees of comparison to a few stereotyped words of this class, such as round, square, universal, chief, extreme, etc., are singularly remiss in calling attention to a great many other mistakes of the same kind that are equally prominent. Amongst the latter may be mentioned the comparison of correct, complete, even, level, straight, etc. It will be admitted that if anything is perfect it can not be more so; and as soon as it is less so it fails to be perfect at all. So, if anything is correct it is perfectly free from error; it can not be made more correct, and if its correctness is detracted from, it is not quite correct any longer. A straight line is one that does not vary from a perfectly direct course in the slightest degree; it can not be straighter and if it could be less straight, it would be curved. It is ridiculous for any one to insist upon a national reformation of a few such errors, and suffer a hundred others just like them to exist without remonstrance. Either nearer and nearest, more nearly, and most nearly, and the like, should be substituted for the degrees of comparison and used with all such words; or people should treat them as all other adjectives, just as the best writers and speakers have always done. The former course is the more desirable; the latter is certainly the more probable.

=Perfidious=--per-fĭd´i-ous, not pĕr´fĭd-oŭs. Worcester allows per-fĭd´yŭs in addition to the first.

=Peony=--pē´o-ny) =Pæony= (pē´o-ny) or =Piony= (pī´o-ny) not pī´ny as often called. A flower.

=Perambulate=, not preambulate.

=Period=--pē´ri-od, not pĕr´i-od. =Periodic=, =Periodical=, etc., have also the long e.

=Perspire=, not prespire.

=Perspiration=, not prespiration.

=Persuade.= This word carries with it the idea of success in one's endeavors to convince or induce. "I persuaded him for a long time, but he would not grant my request," should be, "I tried to persuade him," etc.

=Petrel=--pĕt´rel, not pē´trel. A bird. Worcester allows the latter also.

=Phaeton=--phā´et-on, not phā'te-on. A vehicle.

=Pharmaceutist=--fär-ma-sū´tĭst, not fär-mā-kū´tist nor fär-mā´kū-tist.

=Pharmacopœia=--fär-ma-co-pē´ya, not fär-mā-cō´pi-a.

=Piano=--pi-ä´no, not pī-ăn´o. Worcester allows pĭ-ăn´o.

=Piano-forte=--pĭ-ä´no-fōr´tā, not pī-ăn´o-fōrt. Worcester sanctions pĭ-ä´no-fōr´te, pĭ-ăn´o-fôr-te, and remarks in parenthesis, often pe-ăn´o-fōrt; but the last pronunciation is evidently not preferred.

=Pilaster=--pĭ-lăs´ter, not pĭl´as-ter. A square pillar set into a wall and projecting slightly.

=Piquant=--pĭk´ant, not pĭk´wănt nor pēk´wănt. =Piquantly= (pĭk´ant-ly), etc.

=Placard=--pla-kärd´, not plăk´ard.

=Placid=--plăs´id, not plā´sid. =Placidly= and =placidness= have also the short a.

=Plait=--plāt, not plăt nor plēt. A braid; or to braid. =Plat= (plăt) is a proper word, however, having the same meanings, but the difference in pronunciation must be observed, when the spelling is as above. =Plait=, meaning a fold of cloth, as in a shirt bosom, is also pronounced plāt. How common an error it is to speak of the pleets when alluding to such folds.

=Platina=--plăt´i-na or pla-tē´na, not pla-tī´na nor pla-tĭn´a. Worcester allows plăt´i-na only.

=Platinum=--plăt´i-num or pla-tī´num, not pla-tē´num nor pla-tĭn´um. Worcester gives plăt´i-num only.

=Plebeian=--ple-bē´ian, not plē´bi-an. Ple-bŏn´, as some pronounce it, is outrageous, neither French, English, nor Hottentot.

=Plenary=--plē´na-ry, not plĕn´a-ry. Full; entire. Worcester gives both methods.

=Poetaster=--pō´et-ăs-ter, not pō´et-tāst-er. A petty poet.

=Poniard=--pŏn´yard, not poin´yard.

=Posthumous=--pŏst´hu-mous, not pōst´hu-moŭs nor pŏst-ū´moŭs. =Posthumously= (pŏst´hu-mous-ly).

=Potable=--pō´ta-ble, not pŏt´a-ble. Drinkable.

=Potheen=--po-theen´, not pŏt-teen´. When spelled =potteen=, however, as it may be correctly, the latter pronunciation is proper.

=Prairie=--prā´ry, not per-rā´ry.

=Prebendary=--prĕb´end-a-ry, not prē´bend-a-ry. A clergyman of a collegiate or cathedral church, who enjoys a prebend.

=Prebend=--prĕb´end, not prē´bend. A stipend.

=Precedence=--pre-sē´dence, not prĕs´e-dence. =Precedency= and =precedently=, have the second syllable accented also.

=Precedent=--pre-sē´dent, not prĕs´e-dent. An adjective meaning antecedent.

=Precedent=--prĕs´e-dent, not pre-sē´dent nor prē´se-dent. A noun meaning an example or preceding circumstance. =Precedented= and =unprecedented= have also the short e.

=Precocious=--pre-kō´shus, not pre-kŏsh´ŭs. =Precociously= and =precociousness= have also the long o.

=Predatory=--prĕd´a-to-ry, not prē´da-tory. Plundering; pillaging.

=Predecessor=--prĕd-e-cĕs´sor, not prē-de-cĕs´sor.

=Preface=--prĕf´ace, not prē´face. =Prefatory= (prĕf´a-to-ry).

=Prejudice=, not predudice.

=Prelate=--prĕl´ate, not prē´-late.

=Presage=, not prestige, when something is meant that foreshows a future event; an omen. "This is a presage of victory."

=Prescription=, not perscription.

=Prestige=, not presage, when it is meant that some one carries weight or influence from past deeds or successes. "The prestige of the hero's name was half the battle."

=Presentiment=--pre-sent´i-ment, not pre-zent´i-ment.

=Pretty=--prĭt´ty, not prĕ´ty. =Prettily= (prĭt´ti-ly), etc.

=Preventive=, not preventative.

=Primeval=--prī-mē´val, not prĭm´e-val.

=Process=--prŏs´ess, not prō´sess.

=Prodigy=, not projidy.

=Produce=--prŏd´uce, not prō´dūce. The noun; the verb is pro-dūce´.

=Product=--prŏd´uct, not prō´duct.

=Progress=--prŏg´ress, not pro´gress. Noun; the verb is pro-gress´.

=Prosody=--prŏs´o-dy, not prō´so-dy nor prŏz´o-dy.

=Protean=--prō´te-an, not pro-tē´an. Assuming different shapes.

=Protege= (Fr. protégé)--prō-tā-zhā´, not prō´tēje. One under the care of another. =Protegee= (Fr. protégée)--prō-tā-zhā´, feminine.

=Psalm=--säm, not săm. =Psalmist= (säm´ist). Worcester gives săm´ist also for the latter word.

=Psalmody=--săl´mo-dy, not säm´o-dy nor săm-o-dy.

=Psychical=--sī´kĭk-al, not sĭk´ĭk-al nor fĭz´ĭk-al, as it is sometimes thoughtlessly pronounced in reading. Pertaining to the human soul.

=Pumpkin=, not punkin. Pumpkin itself is a corruption of pumpion or pompion, but is the word that is now generally used.

=Purulent=--pū´ru-lent, not pŭr´u-lent. Containing pus or matter. =Purulence= and =purulency= have also the long u in the first syllable.

=Put=--pŏŏt, not pŭt. This anomalous pronunciation is hard for some to adopt, the natural tendency being to sound the u as it is in a host of other words consisting of two consonants with a short u between them, as: bun, but, cut, dug, fun, gun, hut, nut, etc.

=Pyrites=--pī-rī´tez, not pe-rī´tez, pĭr´i-tez nor pī´rītez.


=Qualm=--kwäm, not kwăm. Worcester allows kwawm also.

=Quay=--kē, not kwā.

=Querulous=, means complaining, whining, etc., and not questioning.

=Quinine=--kwī´nīne or kwĭ-nīne´, not kwi-neen´. Worcester gives kwĭ-nīne´ or kwĭn´īne.

=Quoit=--kwoit, not kwāte.

=Quoth=--kwōth or kwŭth, not kwŏth.


=Rabies=--rā´bi-ēz, not răb´ēz. Madness, as that of dogs.

=Radish=--răd´ish, not rĕd-ish.

=Raillery=--răl´ler-y, not rāl´ler-y. Slight ridicule; pleasantry.

=Raise=--=Rise.= Raise is a transitive verb, or one in which the action passes over to an object. Present tense, raise; imperfect tense and past participle, raised; present participle, raising. Rise is an intransitive verb, the action not passing over to an object. Present tense, rise; imperfect tense, rose; past participle, risen; present participle, rising. Errors in the use of these words ought to be avoided by remembering the following rules:

1. If the person or thing spoken of exerts an action that passes over to an object, use raise, raised, and raising.

2. If the person or thing spoken of exerts an action that does not pass over to an object, use rise, rose, risen, rising. To avoid further repetition in the method I have adopted to impress upon the mind the difference between transitive and intransitive verbs by contrasted sentences, I would refer the reader to the remarks under =Lay=. "I will raise in the morning at five," should be, "I will rise," etc. "I will raise the window," etc., is correct, for the action passes to or affects the window. "I will raise myself if I have the strength" is correct, because an object, myself, is furnished. "The price of flour is raising," should be, "The price of flour is rising;" but it is right to say, "The merchants are raising the price of flour." "Gold has raised in value," should be, "Gold has risen in value." "The price of bonds raised in less than an hour," should be, "The price of bonds rose," etc. "The sun is raising," should be, "The sun is rising." "The sun is raising the temperature," is proper. The pulse has risen, but excitement has raised it. The river has risen in its bed and has raised the canal. Birds rise in the air. Arise can often be appropriately substituted for rise.

=Rampant=--răm´pant, not ram-pant´.

=Rapine=--răp´ĭn, not răp´een nor rā-peen´.

=Raspberry=--răz´ber-ry, not răss´ber-ry nor rawz´ber-ry. Worcester gives raz´ber-ry and räs´ber-ry.

=Rational=--răsh´un-al, not rā-shun-al. =Rationalist= (răsh´un-al-ĭst), etc.

=Recess=--re-cĕss´, not rē´cĕss.

=Recherche= (Fr. recherché)--rŭh-shêr-shā´, not re-shersh´. Worcester gives rā-sher-shā´.

=Recluse=--re-kluse´, not re-kluze´.

=Reconnoissance=--re-cŏn´noĭs-sänçe, not rek-on-nois´sançe. Worcester gives re-cŏn´noĭs-sänçe´. =Reconnaissance= is another method of spelling.

=Recriminations=, not mutual recriminations; the word itself tells of the mutuality.

=Redolent=--rĕd´o-lent, not redō´lent. Diffusing odor or fragrance.

=Relevant=, not revelant. Pertinent; applicable.

=Relic=, not relict, when that which remains, a corpse, or anything preserved in remembrance, is meant. =Relict= means a widow.

=Rendezvous=--rĕn´de-vōō, not rŏn´de-vōō nor rĕn´de-vōōz. Worcester gives rĕn´de-vōō and rĕn´de-vōōz. The plural is =rendezvouses= (rĕn´de-vōōz-ez).

=Requiem=--rē´kwi-em, not rĕk´wĭ-em. Worcester gives both pronunciations.

=Resume= (Fr. résumé)--rā-zū-mā´, not re-zūme´ nor re-zū´mā. Worcester gives rez-u-mā´.

=Reticule=, not ridicule, when a little bag of net-work is meant.

=Reveille=--re-vāl´yā, not rev-a-lē´. Worcester gives the first and re-vāl´.

=Ribald=--rĭb´ald, not rī´bald. Low; obscene. =Ribaldry= (rĭb´ald-ry).

=Rinse=--rĭnss, not rĕnse nor wrĕnch. "Wrench your mouth," said an uneducated dentist to a patient after wrenching out a large molar. "Thank you," replied the patient. "You have done that, but I'll rinse it, if you please."

=Ripples=, not riffles.

=Romance=--ro-manss´, not rō´manss.

=Roseate=--rō´ze-at, not rōz´āte. Worcester gives rō´zhe-at also.

=Roue= (Fr. roué)--rōō-ā´, not rōō. Worcester gives rōō´ā.


=Sacerdotal=--săs-er-dō´tal, not sā-ser-dō´tal, sā-ker-dō´tal nor săk-er-dō´tal.

=Sacrament=--săk´ra-ment, not sā´kra-ment. =Sacramental= (săk´ra-ment-al), etc.

=Sacrifice=--săk´rĭ-fīz, not săk´rĭ-fĭs nor săk´rĭ-fīse. Verb and noun the same. =Sacrificing= (săk´rĭ-fī-zĭng), etc.

=Sacristan=--săk´rist-an, not sā´krist-an nor sā-krĭs´tan. =Sacristy= (săk´rist-y).

=Salam=--sa-läm´, not sa-lăm´. Written =salaam= also, and pronounced similarly.

=Saline=--sa-līne´ or sā´līne, not sā-lēēn´. Worcester gives sa-līne´ only.

=Salve=--säv, not săv. Worcester gives sälv also.

=Samaritan=--sa-măr´i-tan, not sa-mā´ri-tan.

=Sanitary=, not sanatory, when pertaining to health is meant. =Sanatory= is more restricted in its application, and means healing; curative.

=Saracen=--săr´a-sen, not săr´a-ken.

=Sarsaparilla=--sär-sa-pa-rĭl´la, not săs-sa-pa-rĭl´la, nor sär-sa-fa-rĭl´la.

=Satyr=--sā´tur, according to Webster. Worcester gives săt´ir also.

=Saucy=--saw´sy, not sassy.

=Said.= Said (sĕd), not says (sĕz), in speaking of past remarks. Many of the most cultivated people are guilty of this vulgarism. "'I will call to see you soon,' sez he." "'I will be glad to see you at any time,' sez I." Where the details of a long conversation are given the frequent repetition of sez, or even said, is very grating to the refined ear. The use of asked, inquired, remarked, suggested, answered, replied, etc., instead, has a pleasing effect upon narrative or anecdote. It is preferable, also, to give the exact words of the speaker after said, etc., as: "When he had finished reading the letter, he said: 'I will attend to the business the first leisure moment I have.'" When the word that follows the said, the substance only of the remark may be given, as "He said that he would attend to the business the first leisure moment he had." Whichever form is used in narrative, it is not at all harmonious to give the exact words of one speaker and only the substance of the remarks of another, at least without regard to regularity in alternation.

=Schism=--sĭzm, not skĭsm.

=Seckel=, not sĭck-el. A kind of pear.

=See.= It is not uncommon to meet with people that incorrectly use see in the imperfect tense, as: "I see him yesterday," instead of, "I saw him yesterday." See is never used in any tense but the present, without an auxiliary, as did, shall, etc.

=Seignior=--sēn´yur, not sān´yor.

=Seine=--sēn, not sān. A net for catching fish.

=Senile=--sē´nīle, not sĕn´īle. Pertaining to old age.

=Separate=, not seperate. The loss of the a is not noticed in the pronunciation, but the mistake frequently occurs in writing this word as it does in the words =inseparable=, =inseparableness=, =separation=, etc.

=Servile=--sër´vĭl, not sër´vīle.

=Set.= Noun. There are many who incorrectly use sett in writing of a set of dishes, a set of chess-men, a set of teeth, or of some other collection of things of the same kind. A =sett= is a piece placed upon the head of a pile for striking upon, when the pile can not be reached by the weight or hammer.

=Set=--=Sit.= Blunders in the use of these words are amongst the most common we have. Set, as we shall first consider it, is a transitive verb, or one in which the action passes over to an object. Present tense, set; imperfect tense and past participle, set; present participle, setting. Sit is an intransitive verb, or one which has no object after it. Present tense, sit; imperfect tense and past participle, sat; present participle, sitting.

To avoid repetition as much as possible, I would refer any one to whom the explanation here given is not perfectly clear, to the rules and remarks under =Lay= and =Raise=, which are equally applicable here. "Will you set on this chair?" should be, "Will you sit on this chair?" "Will you set this chair in the other room?" is correct. "I set for my picture yesterday," should be, "I sat," etc. "This hat sets well," should be, "This hat sits well." "Court sets next month," should be, "Court sits next month." "The hen has been setting for a week," should be, "The hen has been sitting," etc. "As cross as a setting hen," should be, "As cross as a sitting hen." But a person may set a hen; that is, place her in position on eggs. One sits up in a chair, but he sets up a post. One sits down on the ground, but he sets down figures. Set is also an intransitive verb and has special meanings attached to it as such, but they may be readily understood by a little study of the dictionary, and no confusion need arise. The sun sets. Plaster of Paris sets. A setter dog sets. One sets out on a journey. Sit may also be used in two senses as a transitive verb, as: "The general sits his horse well," and "The woman sat herself down."

=Sew=--sō, not sū.

=Shampoo=, not shampoon. =Shampooing.= Written also =champoo=.

=Shekel=--shĕk´el, not shē´kel.

=Shumac=--shū´mak, not shū-mak´. Written also =sumac= and =sumach=, both accented on the first syllable.

=Sick= of, not sick with, as sick of a fever.

=Sienna=--si-ĕn´na, not senna, when paint is meant. =Senna= is a plant used as medicine.

=Simultaneous=--sī-mul-tā´ne-ous, not sĭm´ul-tā´ne-oŭs. =Simultaneously= (sī-mul-tā´ne-ous-ly), etc.

=Since=, not sence.

=Sinecure=--sī´ne-cure, not sĭn´e-cure. An office which yields revenue without labor.

=Sit.= See =Sat=.

=Slake=--slāke, not slăk, when the word is spelled as given, as: slaked lime, to slake one's thirst, etc. If spelled =slack=, the ordinary pronunciation is right.

=Slough=--slow, not slōō nor slō. A mudhole. Written =sloo= (slōō) also.

=Slough=--slŭf, not as above. The cast skin of a serpent. Dead flesh which separates from the living. The verb expressing this action is pronounced the same.

=Sobriquet=--so-bri-kā´, not written soubriquet. Worcester pronounces it sŏb´rē-kā´.

=Soften=--sŏf´fn, not sawf´ten.

=Sonnet=--sŏn´net, not sŭn´net.

=Soot=--sōōt or sŏŏt, not sŭt.

=Soporific=--sŏp-o-rĭf´ik, not sō-por-ĭf´ik.

=Sotto voce=--sŏt´tō vō´chā, not sŏt´to vōs´ nor sŏt´tō vō´sē.

=Souse=--souss, not sowze. To plunge into water.

=Spasmodic=, not spasmotic.

=Spectacles=--spĕk´ta-kls, not spĕk´tĭk´els.

=Spermaceti=--sperm-a-sē´tĭ, not sperm-a-çĭt´y.

=Spider=, not spiter.

=Splenetic=--splĕn´e-tic, not sple-nĕt´ic. Fretful; peevish.

=Spoliation=--spō-li-ā´tion, not spoil-a´tion.

=Spurious=--spū´ri-ous, not spŭr´i-oŭs. =Spuriously= (spū´ri-ous-ly), etc.

=Statical=--stăt´i-cal, not stā´ti-cal. Pertaining to bodies at rest.

=Stationery=, not stationary, when paper, envelopes, ink, etc., are meant.

=Statue=, not statute, when a carved image is meant.

=Statute=, not statue, when a law or decree is meant.

=Stearine=--stē´a-rĭn, not stĕr´ĭn.

=Stereoscope= (stē´re-o-scope), =Stereotype= (stē´re-o-type), etc., according to Webster; and stĕr´e-o-scope, stĕr´-e-o-type, etc., according to Worcester.

=Stolid=--stŏl´id, not stō´lid. Stupid; dull.

=Stratum=--strā´tum, not străt´um. =Strata= (strā´ta), the Latin plural is used much more than the English =stratums=. Errors like "a strata of gravel," are also not infrequently heard.

=Strategic=--stra-tē´jik, not străt´e-jĭk. =Strategical= (stra-tē´ji-cal) and =strategist= (străt´e-jist). Worcester gives stra-tĕj´ic and stra-tĕj´i-cal.

=Strum= or =Thrum= should be used, and not drum, when the noisy and unskillful fingering of a musical instrument is meant.

=Stupendous=--stu-pen´dŭs, not stu-pĕn´jŭs nor stu-pĕn´de-us.

=Suavity=--swăv´ĭ-ty, not swäv´ĭ-ty nor suăv´i-ty.

=Subtraction=, not substraction, when the act of deducting is meant. =Substraction= is a law term meaning the withholding of some right, for which, however, the word subtraction is also used. =Subtract=, not substract.

=Subtile=--sŭb´tĭl, not sŭt´tle.

=Subtle=--sŭt´tle, not sŭb´tle.

=Suffice=--sŭf-fīz´, not sŭf-fīs´.

=Suicidal=--sū-i-sī´dal, not sū-ĭs´i-dal. Worcester placed the principal accent on the first syllable.

=Suite=--sweet, not sūte. When the word =suit= is used, however, the latter pronunciation is correct.

=Sulphurous=--sŭl´phur-ŭs, not sul-phū´rŭs nor sŭl-phū´re-us. =Sulphureous= is another word.

=Summoned=, not summonsed.

=Supersede=, =superseded=, =superseding=. Observe the s in the penultimate. It is a common error to write supercede, etc.

=Supposititious=--sup-pos-i-tĭ´shus, not sup-po-sĭ´shus. Put by a trick in the place of another, as, a supposititious child, a supposititious record.

=Surtout=--sŭr-tōōt´, not sŭr-towt´ nor sŭr´tōōt.

=Swath=--swawth, not swawthe. Worcester gives swŏth. The sweep of the scythe in mowing.


=Tabernacle=--tăb´er-na-cle, not tăb´er-năk´cle.

=Tapestry=--tăp´es-try, not tā´pĕs-try.

=Tarlatan=--tär´la-tan, not tärl´tun. =Tartan= is a different material.

=Tarpaulin=--tär-paw´lin, not tär-pō´lin. Written also =tarpauling= and =tarpawling=.

=Tartaric=--tar-tăr´ic, not tar-tär´ic. Pertaining to or obtained from tartar, as tartaric acid.

=Tassel=--tăs´sel, not taw´sel. Worcester gives tŏs´sl also.

=Tatterdemalion=--tăt-ter-de-măl´ion, not tăt-ter-de-māl´ion.

=Telegraphy=--te-lĕg´ra-phy, not tĕl´e-grăph-y.

=Telegraphist=--te-lĕg´ra-phist, not tel´e-grăph-ist. A telegraphic operator. No such word as telegrapher is given.

=Terpsichorean=--terp-sĭk-o-rē´an, not terp-si-kō´re-an. Relating to =Terpsichore= (terp-sik´o-re), the muse who presided over dancing.

=Tete-a-tete=--tāt-ä-tāt´, not teet-ä-teet.

=Theatre= or =theater=--thē´a-ter, not the-ā´ter.

=Threshold=--thrĕsh´ōld, not thrĕz´ōld nor thrĕz´hold. Worcester gives thrĕsh´hold.

=Thyme=--tīm, not as spelled.

=Tic-douloureux=--tĭk´dōō-lōō-rōō´, not -dŏl-o-rōō´ nor -dō-lō-rōō´.

=Tiny=--tī´ny, not tee´ny nor tĭn´y.

=Tolu=--to-lū´, not tū´lū.

=Tomato=--to-mā´to or to-mä´to, not to-măt´o.

=Topographic=--tŏp-o-graph´ic, not tō-po-grăph´ic. =Topographical= and =topographically= have also the short o in the first syllable.

=Tour=--tōōr, not towr.

=Tournament=--tür´na-ment according to Webster. Worcester gives tōōr´na-ment also.

=Toward= and =towards=--tō´-ward and tō´wardz, not to-ward´ and to-wardz´.

=Tragacanth=--trăg´a-kănth, not trăj´a-sĭnth nor trăg´a-sănth. A gum used for mucilage.

=Traverse=--trăv´erse, not tra-verse´. =Traversable=, =traversing= and =traversed= have also the accent on the first syllable.

=Tremendous=--tre-mĕn´dŭs, not tre-mĕn´de-ŭs nor tre-mĕn´jŭs.

=Trilobite=--trī´lo-bīte, not trĭl´o-bīte nor trŏl´lo-bīte, as it is often called.

=Troche=--trō´kee, not trōsh, trō´she, trōke nor trŏtch. Plural, =troches= (trō´keez). A lozenge composed of sugar, mucilage and medicine, as: bronchial troches. =Trochee=--trō´kee, is a foot in poetry.

=Truculent=--trū´ku-lent, not trŭk´u-lent.

=Truths=--truths, not truthz, is the plural of =truth=.

=Tryst=--trĭst, not trīst. An appointment to meet. =Tryster= (trĭst´er), =trysting= (trĭst´ing).

=Turbine=--tür´bĭn, not tür´-bīne. A kind of water wheel.


=Umbrella=--um-brĕl´la, not um-ber-rĕl´ nor um-ber-rĕl´la.

=Upas=--ū´păs, not ū´paw nor ū´pawz.

=Usurp=--yū-zurp´, not yū-surp´. =Usurper= (yū-zurp´er), etc.


=Vagary=--va-gā´ry, not vā´-ga-ry.

=Valenciennes=--va-lĕn´si-ĕnz´, not văl-ĕn-seenz´. A French lace.

=Valleys=, not vallies, is the plural of =valley=.

=Vamos= (vä´mōs), or =vamose= (va-mōse´), not vam-moos´. To depart. (Inelegant.)

=Vase=, according to Webster; vāse or vāze, according to Worcester. The pronunciations väz and vawz are alluded to but not recommended.

=Vehemence=--vē´he-mence, not ve-hē´mence nor ve-hĕm´ence. =Vehemently= and =vehement= have also the accent on the first syllable.

=Vermicelli=---vër-me-chĕl-lĭ or vër-me-sĕl´lĭ, not vêr-me-sĭl´ly. Worcester sanctions the first method only.

=Veterinary=--vĕt´er-ĭn-a-ry, not ve-tĕr´in-a-ry.

=Vicar=--vĭk´ar, not vī´kar. =Vicarage= and =vicarship= have also the short i in the first syllable.

=Violent= (vī´o-lent), =violence= (vī´o-lence), =violet= (vī´o-let), =violin= (vī-o-lĭn´), etc., not voi´o-lent, voi´o-lence, voi´o-let, voi-o-lin´, etc.

=Viscount=--vī´kount, not vĭs´kount. =Viscountess= (vī´kountess), etc.

=Visor=--vĭz´or, not vī´zor.


=Wake=, etc. Wake is both a transitive and an intransitive verb. Present tense, wake; imperfect and past participle, waked; present participle, waking. Awake is also both transitive and intransitive. Present, awake; imperfect, awoke or awaked; participles, awaked and awaking. Awaken is another verb, both transitive and intransitive. Present, awaken; imperfect and past participle, awakened; present participle, awakening. Thus it is seen that we have a great many words to express the fact of being in a conscious state, and the arousing of a person who is asleep. With a little attention there is no reason for committing an error in the use of these words. One may say that he waked, awoke, or awakened early in the morning, but it is wrong to say that he woke in the morning, or that he woke another; for there is no such word as woke. "I wakened at five o'clock," should be, "I awakened at five o'clock;" for there is no such word as wakened. Up is used only with wake, waked and waking, but even then it is one of our most senseless superfluities. There is no stronger meaning in the assertion that a man was waked up, than that he was waked or awakened. If waking up meant to wake and make get up, it would be different, but it does not. One may be waked up and it is just as likely that he will go to sleep again as if he were simply awakened. Awake and awaken are more elegant words than wake.

=Wassail=--wŏs´sĭl, not wăs´sĭl. A festive occasion, carousal, the song sung at such a time, etc. The verb and the adjective are spelled and pronounced similarly.

=Water=--waw´ter, not wŏt´er.

=Welsh=, not Welch. The latter word is seldom used. =Welshman=, etc.

=Whinny=, not winny, when the cry of a horse is spoken of.

=Whisk=, not whist, when a small hand-broom is meant. =Wisp=, however, is a proper word, meaning the same thing.

=Whiting= is preferable to whitening.

=Widow.= It is not necessary to say widow woman; no one will suspect her of being a man.

=Wrestle=--rĕs´l, not răs´sl.


=Yacht=--yŏt, not yăt. =Yachting= (yŏt´ing), etc.

=Yeast=--yēst, not ēst.

=Yellow=--yĕl´lō, not yăl´lō.


=Zoology=--zo-ŏl´o-jy, not zōō-ŏl´o-jy. =Zoological= (zo-o-lŏj´i-cal), etc.


In the vocabulary just completed, it has been the design to point out the majority of errors occurring in the pronunciation of the words usually selected by people of fair or excellent education to carry on ordinary English discourse. In the portion of the work now under consideration, nothing like such thoroughness is contemplated.

After a moment's reflection, it will appear to any one, that to mention the thousands upon thousands of proper names, the erroneous pronunciation of which is rather to be expected than the correct, would require an elaborate volume. Every one who has striven to become a fine orthoepist has longed for the ability to comprehend the pronunciation of that myriad of names, any one of which is apt to confront him in any book or paper he may chance to pick up. But to become a proficient in this respect would require years of study and a knowledge of the principles of many foreign languages.

Amongst geographical names, for example, who but the specially instructed would think of pronouncing correctly Goes (Hŏŏce), Gelves (Hĕl´vĕs) or Jalapa (Hä-lä´pä); or amongst biographical names, Gaj (gī), Geel (Hāl) or Geijer (gī'er).

It is fortunate for the reputation of those who bear the name of being good scholars, that errors in the pronunciation of most proper names are excusable, which is not the case with the mistakes that have before been laid down. But there are some proper names, of such constant occurrence in daily lectures, reading and conversation, that errors connected with them are not to be overlooked. It is the intention here, simply to call attention to the more common of these, and to lead the reader to appreciate the fact that if one depends upon the usual power of the English letters to gain a correct pronunciation of proper names, he will be more often led astray than otherwise.

The Authorities consulted are the best--Webster, Worcester, Lippincott's Universal Pronouncing Dictionary of Biography and Mythology and Lippincott's Pronouncing Gazetteer of the World.


=Abednego=--a-bĕd´ne-gō, not ăb-ĕd-nē´go.

=Abiathar=--a-bī´a-thar, not ab-i-ā´thar.

=Adonibezek=--a-dŏn-i-bē´zĕk, not a-dŏn´i-be-zek.

=Adonijah=--ad-o-nī´jah, not a-dŏn´i-jah.

=Agee=--ăg´e-ē, not ā´jē.

=Ahasuerus=--a-hăs-u-ē´rus, not a-haz-u-ĕr´us.

=Aijalon=--ăj´a-lon, not ā´ja-lon.

=Akrabattine=--ăk-ra-băt-tī´ne, not ăk-ra-băt´i-ne.

=Alpheus=--ăl-phē´us, not ăl´phe-us.

=Amasai=--a-măs´a-ī, not ăm-a-sā´ī.

=Andronicus=--an-dron-ī´cus, not an-drŏn´i-cus.

=Antiochia=--an-ti-o-kī´a, not an-ti-ō´kia.

=Ararat=--ăr´a-răt, not ā´ra-răt.

=Arimathea=--ăr´i-ma-thē´a, not ăr-i-mā´the-a.

=Aristobulus=--ăr-is-to-bū´lus, not ar-is-tŏb´u-lus.

=Aroer=--ăr´o-er, not a-rō´er.

=Aroerite=--ăr´o-er-īte, not a-rō´er-ĭte.

=Asarael=--a-săr´a-el, not az-a-rā´el.

=Asmodeus=--az-mo-dē´us, not az-mō´de-us.

=Beelzebub=--be-ĕl´ze-bub, not bĕl´ze-bub.

=Belial=--bē´li-al, not be-lī´al.

=Bethhaccerem=--bĕth-hăk´se-rem, not beth-hăs´se-rem.

=Bethphage=--bĕth´pha-jē, not bĕth´phāje.

=Bethuel=--be-thū´el, not bĕth´u-el.

=Cainan=--ka-ī´nan, not kā´nan.

=Cherub= (a city)--kē´rub, not chĕr´ub.

=Chittim=--kĭt´tim, not chĭt´tim.

=Chloe=--klō´e, not klō.

=Crates=--krā´tēz, not krātz.

=Cyprians=--sĭp´ri-anz, not sī´pri-anz.

=Delilah=--dĕl´i-lah, not de-lī´lah.

=Ecbatana=--ek-băt´a-na, not ek-ba-tā´na.

=Eloi=--e-lō´ī not ē´loi.

=Esther=--ĕs´ter, not ĕs´ther.

=Eumenes=--ū´me-nēz, not ū-mē´nēz.

=Gennesaret=--gĕn-nĕs´a-rĕt, not jĕn-nĕs´a-ret.

=Gerar=--geĕ´rar, not jē´rar.

=Idumea=--ĭd-u-mē´a, not ī-du-mē´a.

=Iturea=--ĭt-u-rē´a, not ī-tu-rē´a.

=Jacubus=--ja-kū´bus, not jăk´u-bus.

=Jadau=--ja-dā´u, not jăd´a-u.

=Jairus= (Old Test.)--jā´i-rus.

=Jairus= (New Test.)--jā-ī´rus.

=Jearim=--jē´a-rĭm, not je-ā´rim.

=Jeiel=--je-ī´el, not jē´el nor jī´el.

=Jephthae=--jĕph´tha-ē, not jĕph´tha.

=Jeshohaiah=--jĕsh-o-ha-ī´ah, not jĕsh-o-hā´yah.

=Keilah=--kē´lah, not kī´lah nor ke-ī´lah.

=Kolaiah=--kŏl-a-ī´ah, not kŏl-ā´yah.

=Labana=--lăb´a-na, not la-bā´na.

=Lebanah=--lĕb´a-nah, not le-bā´nah.

=Magdalene=--măg-da-lē´ne, not măg´da-lēne.

=Mahalath=--mā´ha-lath, not ma-hā´lath.

=Mardocheus=--mar-do-kē´us, not mar-dō´ke-us.

=Matthias=--măth-thī´as, not măth´thi-as.

=Meremoth=--mĕr´e-moth, not me-rē´moth.

=Meshach=--mē´shăk, not mĕsh´ak.

=Methuselah=--me-thū´se-lah, not mĕth-ū´ze-lah.

=Moosias=--mo-o-sī´as, not mō´si-as.

=Nebuchadnezzar=--nĕb´u-kăd-nez´zar, not ne-bŭk´kad-nez´zar.

=Orthosias=--ôr-tho-sī´as, not ôr-thō´si-as.

=Othonias=--ŏth-o-nī´as, not ŏth-ō´ni-as.

=Oziel=--ō´zi-el, not ō-zī´el.

=Penuel=--pe-nū´el, not pĕn´ū-el.

=Perseus=--për´sūs, not për´se-us.

=Pethuel=--pe-thū´el, not pĕth´u-el.

=Phanuel=--pha-nū´el, not phăn´u-el.

=Pharaoh=--phā´rō or phā´ra-ō, not phăr´ō nor phăr´a-ō.

=Philippi=--phĭ-lĭp´pi, not phĭl´lip-pi.

=Philistine=--phĭ-lĭs´tĭn, not phĭl´ĭs-tīne.

=Pontius=--pŏn´shĭ-us, not pŏn´ti-us.

=Raguel=--ra-gū´el, not răg´u-el.

=Sabachthani=--sā-băk-thā´nī, not sa-băk´tha-nī.

=Sathrabuzanes=--săth-ra-bu-zā´nēz, not săth-răb´u-zānz.

=Shabbethai=--shăb-bĕth´a-ī, not shăb-bĕth-ā´ī

=Shadrach=--shā´drăk, not shăd´răk.

=Shemiramoth=--she-mĭr´a-moth, not shĕm-i-rā´moth.

=Shemuel=--she-mū´el, not shĕm´ū-el.

=Sinai=--sī´ā, not sī´nā-ī.

=Zaccheus=--zak-kē´us, not zăk´ke-us.

=Zerubbabel=--zē-rŭb´ba-bel, not ze-rub-bā´bel.

=Zipporah=--zĭp-pō´rah, not zĭp´po-rah.


=Actæon=--ăk-tē´on, not ăk´te-on.

=Adonis=--a-dō´nis, not a-dŏn´is.

=Alcides=--ăl-sī´dēz, not ăl´si-dēz.

=Amphion=--ăm-phī´on, not ăm´phi-on.

=Amphitrite=--ăm-phi-trī´te, not ăm´phi-trīte nor am-phĭt´ri-te.

=Anabasis=--a-năb´a-sis, not an-a-bā´sis.

=Antiope=--ăn-tī´o-pe, not ăn´ti-ōpe nor ăn-ti-ō´pe.

=Anubis=--a-nū´bis, not ăn´u-bis.

=Arion=--a-rī´on, not ā´ri-on.

=Aristides=--ar-is-tī´dēz, not ar-ĭs´ti-dēz.

=Aristogiton=--a-ris-to-jī´ton, not ar-is-tŏj´i-ton.

=Belides= (singular, masculine)--bĕ-lī´dēz.

=Belides= (plural, female descendants of Belus)--bĕl´-i-dēz.

=Bellerophon=--bel-lĕr´o-phon, not bel-ler-ō´phon.

=Cæculus=--sĕk´u-lus, not sē´ku-lus.

=Calliope=--kal-lī´o-pe, not kal-li-ō´pe nor kăl´li-ōpe.

=Caucasus=--kaw´ka-sus, not kaw-kā´sus.

=Charon=--kā´ron, not chā´ron nor chăr´on.

=Chæronea=--ker-o-nē´a, not cher-o-nē´a.

=Chimera=--ke-mē´ra, not kĭm´er-a nor chī-mĕr´a.

=Codrus=--kō´drus, not kŏd´rus.

=Corcyra=--kor-sī´ra, not kor´si-ra.

=Coriolanus=--ko-ri-o-lā´nus, not kor-i-ŏl´a-nus.

=Crete=--krē´te, not kreet.

=Cyclades=--sĭk´la-dēz, not sī´kla-dēz.

=Cyclops=--sī´klops, not sĭk´lops.

=Cyclopes=--sī´klo-pēz, not sī´klōps.

=Cyrene=--sī-rē´ne, not sĭ-rēne´.

=Cyzicus=--sĭz´i-kus, not sĭ-zī´kus.

=Danaides=--da-nā´ĭ-dez, not da-nī´dez.

=Darius=--da-rī´us, not dā´ri-us.

=Deianira=--de-ī-an-ī´ra, not de-yan-ī´ra.

=Diodorus=--dī-o-dō´rus, not dī-ŏd´o-rus.

=Diomedes=--dī-o-mē´dēz, not dī-ŏm´e-dēz.

=Dodonæus=--do-do-nē´us, not do-dō´ne-us.

=Echo=--ē´ko, not ĕk´ko.

=Endymion=--en-dĭm´i-on, not en-dī´mi-on.

=Epirus=--e-pī´rus, not ĕp´i-rus.

=Erato=--ĕr´a-to, not e-rā´to.

=Euripus=--ū-rī´pus, not ū´ri-pus.

=Eurydice=--ū-rĭd´i-se, not ū´ri-dīce´ nor ū-ri-dī´se.

=Ganymedes=--gan-ĭ-mē´dēz, not gan-ĭ-mēdz´.

=Geryon=--jē´rĭ-on, not je-rī´on.

=Halcyone=--hăl-sī´o-ne, not hăl´si-ōne nor hal-si-ō´ne.

=Hebe=--hē´be, not hēb´.

=Hecate=--hĕk´a-te or hĕk´at, not hē´kāte.

=Hecuba=--hĕk´u-ba, not he-kū´ba.

=Helena=--hēl´en-a, not he-lē´na.

=Hermione=---hĕr-mī´o-ne, not hĕr´mi-ōne nor hĕr-mi-ō´ne.

=Herodotus=--he-rŏd´o-tus, not her-o-dō´tus.

=Hiero=--hī´er-o, not hī-ē´ro.

=Hippocrene=--hip-po-krē´ne, not hip-pŏk´re-ne.

=Hippodromus=--hip-pŏd´ro-mus, not hip-po-drō´mus.

=Icarus=--ĭk´a-rus, not īk-ā´-rus.

=Iolaus=--ī-o-lā´us, not ī-ō´la-us.

=Iphiclus=--ĭph´i-klus, not ĭph-ī´klus.

=Iphigenia=--ĭph-i-je-nī´a, not ĭph-i-jē´ni-a.

=Irene=--ī-rē´ne, not ī-rēne´.

=Ithome=--i-thō´me, not īth´o-me.

=Lachesis=--lăk´e-sis, not la-kĕ´sis.

=Laocoon=--la-ŏk´o-on,not lā-o-kōōn´.

=Lethe=--lē´the, not lēth.

=Leucothoe=--lū-kŏth´o-e, not lū-kō´tho-e nor lū-ko-thō´e.

=Libitina=--lĭb-i-tī´na, not li-bĭt´i-na.

=Lycaon=--lī-kā´on, not lĭk´a-on.

=Lyceus=--lī-sē´us, not lĭs´e-us.

=Meleager=--mē-le-ā´ger, not me-le-ā´jer nor me-lē´a-jer.

=Meroe=--mĕr´o-e, not me-rō´e.

=Mitylene=--mĭt-ĭ-lē´ne, not mĭt´i-lēne.

=Myrmidones=--myr-mĭd´o-nēz, not myr´mĭ-dōnz nor myr-mĭ-dō´nēz.

=Naiades=--nā-ī´a-dēz, not nā´a-dēz.

=Nemesis=--nĕm´e-sis, not ne-mē´sis.

=Nereides=--ne-rē´i-dēz, not nēr´yi-dēz.

=Nereus=--nē´rūs, not ne-rē´us.

=Nicæa=--ni-sē´a, not nĭs´e-a.

=Nundina=--nŭn´di-na, not nun-dī´na.

=Oceanus=--o-sē´a-nus, not o-se-ā´nus.

=Ocypete=--o-sĭp´e-te, not o-si-pē´te.

=Œdipus=--ĕd´i-pus, not ē´di-pus nor e-dī´pus.

=Opigena=--o-pĭj´e-na, not op-i-jē´na.

=Orion=--o-rī´on, not ō´ri-on.

=Pactolus=--pak-tō´lus, not păk´to-lus.

=Palæmon=--pa-lē´mon, not păl´e-mon.

=Parrhasius=--par-rā´she-us, not par-răs´i-us.

=Pasiphae=--pa-sĭph´a-e, not păs-i-phā´e.

=Pegasus=--pĕg´a-sus, not pe-gā´sus.

=Penelope=--pe-nĕl´o-pe, not pĕn´e-lōpe.

=Phlegethon=--phlĕj´e-thon, not phlĕg´e-thon.

=Pleiades=--plē´ya-dĕz not plē´yădz.

=Polyphemus=--pol-y-phē´mus, not po-lĭph´e-mus.

=Priapus=--prī-ā´pus, not prī´a-pus.

=Proserpine=--prŏs´er-pīne, not pro-sĕr´pi-ne.

=Rhode=--rō´de, not rōde.

=Sarapis=--sa-rā´pis, not săr´a-pis.

=Sardanapalus=--sar-da-na-pā´lus, not sar-dan-ăp´a-lus.

=Semiramis=--se-mĭr´a-mis, not sĕm-i-rā´mis.

=Tereus=--tē´re-us, not te-rē´us.

=Terpsichore=--terp-sīk´o-re, not tĕrp´si-kōre.

=Thebæ=--thē´be, not thēbe.

=Theodamas=--the-ŏd´a-mas, not the-o-dā´mas.

=Theodamus=--the-o-dā´mus, not the-ŏd´a-mus.

=Theodotus=--the-ŏd´o-tus, not the-o-dō´tus.

=Theodorus=--the-o-dō´rus, not the-ŏd´o-rus.

=Thessalonica=--thes-sa-lo-nī´ka, not thes-sa-lŏn´i-ka.

=Thrace=--thrā´se, not thrāse.


=Adam.= As an English name is pronounced ăd´am; as French, ä-dóng´, as German, ä´däm.

=Annesley=--ănz´le, not ăn´nes-le.

=Arundel=--ăr´ŭn-dĕl, not a-rŭn´dĕl.

=Bacciochi=--bät-chō´kee, not băk-ki-ō´kee.

=Beatrice=--bā-ä-tree´chā or bē´a-treess, not be-ăt´rĭs.

=Beethoven=--bā´tō-ven, not beet´hō-ven.

=Belvedere=--bĕl-vā-dā´rā, not bĕl-ve-dēre´.

=Beranger= (Fr. Béranger)--bā-rŏng-zhā´, not bĕr´an-jer.

=Blucher=--blōō´ker, not blū´cher.

=Boccaccio=--bo-kät´cho, not bŏk-kăs´i-o.

=Boleyn=--bŏŏl´ĭn, not bō´lĭn nor bō-lĭn´.

=Boniface=--bŏn´e-fass or Fr. bo-ne-fäss´, not bŏn´e-face.

=Boucicault= or =Bourcicault=--bōō-se-kō´ or bōōr-se-kō´, not bōō´se-kawlt.

=Bozzaris=--bŏt´zä-rĭs, not boz-zăr´is, as generally called.

=Brown-Sequard= (Fr. Séquard)--brown-sā-kärr´, not see-kward´.

=Buchanan=--bŭk-ăn´an, not bū-kăn´an.

=Bull, Ole=--ō´lĕh bŏŏl, not ōl´ bŏŏl.

=Buonaparte=--bōō-o-nä-pärr´tā, not bō´na-pärt; the latter is the allowed English pronunciation when spelled =Bonaparte=.

=Bysshe=--bĭsh, not bĭsh´she.

=Cecil=--sĕs´ĭl or sĭs´ĭl, not sē´sĭl.

=Cenci=--chĕn´chee, not sĕn´see.

=Chevalier=--sheh-vä-le-ā´, not shev-a-leer´.

=Crichton=--krī´ton, not krĭk´ton.

=D'Aubigne= (Fr. D'Aubigné)--dō-bēn-yā´, not daw-been´.

=Daubigny=--dō-bēn-yē´, not daw-bē´ny.

=Disraeli=--dĭz-rā´el-e, not dĭz´rel-ee.

=Drouyn de Lhuys=--drōō-ăng´ deh lwee´.

=Gillot=--zhē-yō´, not jĭl´lot nor jĭl-lō´.

=Giovanni=--jo-vän´nee, not je-o-văn´nee.

=Goethe=--pronounced much like gür´teh, leaving out the r; not gŏth nor gōth.

=Hemans=--hĕm´anz, not hē´manz.

=Ingelow=--ĭn´je-lō, not ĭng´e-lō.

=Ivan=--e-vän´, not ī´van.

=Juarez=--jōō-ä´rĕz or Hōō-ä´rĕth, not jaw´rĕz.

=Lancelot=--lŏngss-lō´, not lăn´se-lŏt.

=Lavater=--lä´vä-ter or lä-vä-tair´, not lăv´a-ter.

=Macleod=--măk-lowd´, not mak-lē´od.

=Marat=--mä-rä´, not ma-răt´.

=Marion=--măr´i-on, not mā´ri-on.

=Medici=--mĕd´e-chee or mā´de-chee, not mĕd´i-see nor me-dē´see.

=Minie= (Fr. Minié)--me-ne-ā´, not mĭn´ne.

=Montague=--mŏn´ta-gū, not mŏn´tāg.

=Moultrie=--mōō´tre, not mōl´tre.

=Muhlbach=--(Ger. Mühlbach). The u in the first syllable of this word is very difficult for those to pronounce who are not German or French, and can not be well represented in English; but there is no need of coming so far from the mark as is generally done, especially in the last syllable. It is not mūl´băk nor mēl´băk; meul´bäk is nearer correct.

=Mundt=--mŏŏnt, not mŭnt.

=Neumann=--noi´män, not nū´man.

=Ovid=--ŏv´ĭd, not ō´vid [Ovidius].

=Paganini=--pä-gä-nee´nee, not păj-a-nĭn´ĭ.

=Pepin=--pĕp´ĭn or pĭp´ĭn, not pē´pĭn. French pronunciation peh-păng´.

=Piccolomini=--pēk-ko-lŏm´e-nee, not pĭk-ko-lo-mee´nee.

=Pliny=--plĭn´y, not plī´ny [Plinius].

=Ponce de Leon=--pōn´chā dā lā-ōn´, not ponss de lē´on.

=Rachel=--rä-shĕl´, not rā´chel as the English name. When a German name it is pronounced räk´el.

=Richelieu=--rēsh´e-lōō, not rĭch´e-lōō.

=Rochefort=--rosh-for´, not roch´fort.

=Rothschild=--ros´chīld or rōt´shĭlt, not rŏth´chīld.

=Stael=--stäl, stawl or stä-ĕl´, not stāle.

=Strauss=--strowss, not strawss.

=Taliaferro=--tŏl´i-vĕr, not tăl-i-fĕr´ro.

=Thiers=--te-air´, not theers.


=Abomey=--ăb-o-mā´, not a-bŏm´ey nor a-bō´mey.

=Acapulco=--ä-kä-pōōl´ko, not ăk-a-pŭl´ko.

=Adriatic=--ăd-ri-ăt´ĭk, not ā-drĭ-ăt´ĭk.

=Afghanistan=--äf-gän-is-tän´, not ăf-găn-ĭs´tăn.

=Agulhas=--ä-gōōl´yäs, not a-gŭl´hăs.

=Aix-la-Chapelle=--ākz-lä-shä-pĕl´, not ā-lä-shă-pĕl´.

=Alsace=--äl-säss´, not ăl´sās.

=Altai=--äl-tī´, not äl´tā nor äl´tī.

=Amherst=--ăm´erst, not ăm´herst.

=Amoor=--ä-mōōr´, not ăm´ōōr nor ā´mōre.

=Antilles=--ŏng-teel´, not ăn´-teelz.

=Araguay=--ä-rä-gwī´, not ăr´a-gwā.

=Aral=--ăr´al, not ā´ral.

=Arkansas=--är-kăn´sas, not är´kan-saw nor är-kăn-zaz.

=Asia=--ā´she-a, not ā´zhe-a.

=Bantam= (Java)--bän-täm´, not băn´tam.

=Barbados= or =Barbadoes=--bar-bā´dōz, not bär´ba-dōz. =Barbados=, a river of Brazil, is pronounced bar-bä´doce.

=Bayou=--bī´ōō or bī´ō, not bā´ū.

=Belfast=--bĕl-făst´, not bĕl´făst.

=Beloochistan=--bĕl-oo-chĭs-tän´, not bĕl-oo-chĭs´tan.

=Bingen=--bĭng´en, not bĭn´jen.

=Bombay=--bŏm-bā´, not bŏm´bā.

=Bremen= (Germany)--brĕm´en or brā´men, not brē´men. =Bremen= (U. S.)--brē´men.

=Buena Vista=--bwā´nä vees´tä or bō´na vĭs´ta, not bū´na vĭs´ta.

=Buenos Ayres=--bō´nos ā´riz or bō´nos airz, not bū´nos ārz; Spanish pronunciation, bwā´noce ī´rĕs.

=Cairo= (Italy and Egypt)--kī´ro, not kā´ro. =Cairo= (U. S.)--kā´ro.

=Calais=--kăl´ĭs or kä-lā´, not ka-lās´.

=Canton= (China)--kan-tŏn´, not kăn´ton. =Canton= (U. S.)--kăn´ton.

=Cape Girardeau=--jee-rär-dō´, not jee-rär´dō.

=Caribbean= or =Carribbean=--kăr-ĭb-bē´an, not ka-rĭb´be-an.

=Cashmere=--käsh-meer´, not kăsh´mere.

=Cayenne=--kī-ĕn´ or kā-yĕn´, not kā-ĕn´.

=Cheyenne=--she-ĕn´, not shī-ĕn´ nor chā-ĕn´.

=Chili=--chĭl´lee, not shē´lee.

=Christiania=--krĭs-te-ä´ne-ä, not krĭs-te-ā´ne-a nor krĭs-te-ăn´a.

=Chuquisaca=--chōō-ke-sä´kä, not chōō-kwĭs´a-kä.

=Cincinnati=--sin-sin-nah´tĭ, not sin-sin-năt´ta.

=Cochin China=--kō´chin chī´na, not kŏch´in chī´na.

=Delhi= (India)--dĕl´lee, not dĕl´hī. =Delhi= (U. S.)--dĕl´hī.

=Dubuque=--dū-bōōk´, not dū-būk´.

=Fezzan=--fĕz-zän´, not fĕz´zan nor fĕz-zăn´.

=Freiburg=--frī´bŏŏrg, not frē´burg.

=Genoa=--jĕn´o-a, not je-nō´a.

=Gloucester=--glos´ter, not as spelled. =Gloucestershire= (glos´ter-shir).

=Greenwich= (England)--grĭn´ĭdge, not as spelled. =Greenwich= (U. S.)--green´ĭch.

=Havre de Grace=--hăv´er de grass, not hā´ver de grās´. French pronunciation, hä´v'r deh gräss or ä´v'r deh gräss´.

=Iowa=--ī´o-wa, not ī-ō´wa nor ī´o-wā.

=Java= (Island)--jä´va, not jăv´a nor jā´va. =Java= (U. S.)--jā´va.

=Jeddo= (Japan)--yĕd´do, not jĕd´do. =Jeddo= (U. S.)--jĕd´do.

=Juniata=--jōō-ne-ah´ta, not jōō-ne-ĕt´a.

=Kankakee=--kan-kaw´kee, not kang-ka-kee´.

=Ladoga=--lä´do-gä, not la-dō´ga.

=Lausanne= (Switzerland)--lō-zän´, not law-san´. =Lausanne= (Pennsylvania)--law-săn´.

=Leicester=--lĕs´ter, not as spelled. =Leicestershire= (lĕs´ter-shir).

=Leipsic= (Saxony)--līp´sĭk, not leep´sĭk. =Leipsic= (U. S.)--leep´sĭk.

=Madrid= (Spain)--mä-drĭd´, not măd´rĭd; Spanish pronunciation, mä-DreeD´--almost maTH-reeTH´. =Madrid= (U. S.)--măd´rid.

=Mauch Chunk=--mawk chŭnk´, not mawch shunk´.

=Milan=--mĭl´an, not mī´lan.

=Modena= (Italy)--mŏd´en-a, not mo-dē´na. =Modena= (U. S.)--mo-dē´na.

=Nantes=--năntz, not năn´tez; French pronunciation, nŏngt.

=Neufchatel=--nush-ä-tĕl´, not nōōf´chăt-el.

=Newfoundland=--nū´fond-land´, not nu-found´land.

=Norwich= (England)--nŏr´rĭj, not nŏr´wich. =Norwich= (U. S.)--nŏr´wich or nŏr´rich.

=Otaheite=--ō-tä-hee´te, not ō-ta-heet´.

=Panama=--pän-a-mä´, not păn´a-maw.

=Persia=--per´she-a, not per´zhe-a.

=Pesth=--pĕst, not pesth; Hungarian pronunciation, pĕsht.

=Piqua=--pĭk´wa, not pĭk´wā.

=Pompeii=--pŏm-pā´yee, not pŏm´pe-ī.

=Popocatapetl=--po-po-kä-tā-pĕtl´, not po-po-kăt-a-pē´tel.

=Poughkeepsie=--po-kĭp´see, not po-keep´see.

=Quebec=--kwe-bĕk´, not kwē´bek.

=Queretaro=--kā-rā-tä´ro, not kwer-e-tā´ro.

=Sahara=--sä-hä´rä or sä´ha-rä, not sā-hā´ra nor sa-hăr´a.

=San Diego=--sän-de-ā´go, not săn-dī-ē´go.

=Sangamon=--săng´ga-mon, not săng-găm´on.

=San Joaquin=--sän-Ho-ä-keen´, not săn´jō´a-kwĭn.

=Shang-Hai=--shang-hī´, not shăng´-hā nor shăng´-hī.

=Siam=--sī-am´ or se-am´, not sī´am.

=Sumatra=--sōō-mä´tra, not sōō-mā´tra nor sōō-măt´ra.

=Swabia=--swā´bi-a, not swaw´be-a.

=Taliaferro=--tŏl´e-ver, not tăl-ĭ-a-fĕr´ro.

=Toulouse=--tōō-lōōz´, not tōō-lōōss´.

=Truxillo=--trōō-Heel´yo, not trŭx-ĭl´lo.

=Tyrol=--tĭr´ol or te-rŏl´, not tī´rol.

=Ulster= (Germany)--ŏŏl´ster, not ŭl´ster. =Ulster= (Ireland and U. S.)--ŭl´ster.

=Valenciennes=--vä-long-se-ĕnn´, not va-lĕn-se-ĕnz´.

=Valparaiso= (Chili)--väl-pä-rī´so, not văl-pa-rā´zo. =Valparaiso= (U. S.)--văl-pa-rā´zo.

=Venezuela=--ven-ez-wee´la or vā-nĕth-wā´lä, not ven-ez-ōō-ē´la.

=Vevay=--ve-vā´, not vē´vā.

=Vosges=--vōzh, not vŏs´jez.

=Worcester=--wŏŏs´ter, not as spelled. =Worcestershire= (wŏŏs´ter-shir).

=Wyandot= or =Wyandotte=--wī-an-dott´, not wī´an-dŏt.

=Wyoming=--wī-ō´ming, not wī´o-ming.

=Yang-tse-kiang=--yäng-tse-ke-äng´, not yang´ste-kī´ăng.

=Yo Semite=--yō-sem´e-te, not yō´se-mīte.

=Zanzibar=--zän-ze-bär´, not zăn´ze-bär.


=Ada=--ā´da, not ăd´a.

=Agnes=--ăg´nēz, not ăg´ness.

=Alphonso=--al-phon´so, not al-phŏn´zo.

=Artemas=--är´te-mas, not är-tē´mas.

=Augustine=--aw-gŭs´tĭn, not aw´gŭs-teen.

=Basil=--băz´il, not bā´sil nor băs´il.

=Bernard=--bër´nard, not bër-nard´. =Bernard= (French)--be<sc>R</sc>-na<sc>R</sc>´.

=Cecily=--sĕs´i-ly, not sē´si-ly.

=Deborah=--dĕb´o-rah, not de-bō´rah.

=Eben=--ĕb´en, not ē´ben.

=Eleanor=--ĕl´e-a-nor, not ĕl´en-or.

=Eva=--ē´va, not ĕv´a.

=Frances=--frăn´sez, not frăn´sess nor frăn´sĭs.

=Giles=--jīlz, not gīlz.

=Hosea=--ho-zē´a, not hō´se-a.

=Ivan=--ĭv´an, not ī´van. =Ivan= (Russian)--e-vän´.

=Irene=--ī-rē´ne, not ī-reen´.

=Jacqueline=--jăq´ue-lĭn, not jăk´a-līne.

=Joan=--jō-ăn´, not jō´an.

=Joshua=--jŏsh´u-a, not jŏsh´a-wā.

=Leopold=--lē´o-pōld, not lĕp´ōld. =Leopold= (German)--lā-o-pōlt.

=Lionel=--li´o-nel, not lī-ō´nel.

=Louisa=--lōō-ē´za, not lōō-ī´za.

=Penelope=--pe-nĕl´o-pe, not pĕn´el-ōpe.

=Phebe=--phē´be, not pheeb.

=Philander=--phī-lăn´der, not phĭl-ăn´der.

=Philemon=--phī-lē´mon, not phĭl´e-mon.

=Reginald=--rĕj'i-nald, not rĕg´i-nald.

=Rosalie=--rŏz´a-lē, not rō´za-lē.

=Rosalind=--rŏz´a-lind, not rō´za-lind.

=Rosamond=--rŏz´a-mond, not rō´za-mond.

=Rowland=--rō´land, not row´land.

=Sigismund=--sĭj´is-mund, not sĭg´is-mund. =Sigismund= (German)--see<sc>G</sc>´is-mŏŏnt.

=Silvester=--sĭl-vĕs´ter, not sĭl´vĕs-ter.

=Sophia=--so-phī´a, not sō´phi-a.

=Ursula=---ür´su-la, not ür-sū´la.

=Viola=---vī´o-la, not vī-ō´la.


=Achitophel=--a-kĭt´o-phel, not a-chĭt´o-phel. A nickname given to the Earl of Shaftesbury and used by Dryden in his satirical poem of "Absalom and Achitophel."

=Adonais=--ăd-o-nā´is, not a-dō´ni-as nor a-dŏn´i-as. A name given to the poet Keats by Shelley.

=Adriana=--ăd-ri-ăn´a, not ā-dri-ā´na nor ā-dri-ăn´a. A character in the "Comedy of Errors."

=Ægeon=--ē-jē´on, not ē´je-on. A Syracusan merchant in the "Comedy of Errors."

=Æmilia=--ē-mĭl´i-a, not ē-mē´li-a. Wife of Ægeon in the "Comedy of Errors."

=Agramante=--ä-grä-män´tā, not ăg´ra-mănt unless written =Agramant=. King of the Moors in "Orlando Furioso."

=Agricane=--ä-gre-kä´nā, not ăg´ri-kāne. Written also =Agrican= (ăg´ri-kăn). King of Tartary in "Orlando Innamorato."

=Al Borak=--äl bŏr´ak, not ăl bō´rak. An imaginary animal of wonderful appearance and fleetness, with which it was claimed that Mohammed made a journey to the seventh heaven.

=Alcina=--äl-chē´na, not ăl-sē´na. A fairy in "Orlando Innamorato."

=Alciphron=--ăl´si-phron, not ăl-sĭph´ron. The name of a work by Bishop Berkeley and of a character in the same. =Alciphron= is also the name of a poem by Thomas Moore and the hero of his romance, "The Epicurean."

=Almanzor=--al-măn´zor, not ăl´man-zor. A character in Dryden's "Conquest of Granada."

=Al Rakim=--är rä-keem´, not ăl rā´kim. The dog in the legend of the "Seven Sleepers of Ephesus."

=Al Sirat=--äs se-rät´, not ăl´ si-răt. An imaginary bridge between this world and the Mohammedan paradise.

=Angelica=--an-jĕl´i-ka, not an-jel-ë´ka. A princess of great beauty in "Orlando Innamorato."

=Angelo=--ăn´je-lo, not an-jĕl´o. A prominent character in "Measure for Measure." A goldsmith in the "Comedy of Errors."

=Archimago=--är-ki-mā´go, not är-chi-mā´go nor är-chĭm´a-go. A character in Spenser's "Faëry Queen."

=Argalia=--a<sc>R</sc>-gä-lee´ä, not är-gā´li-a. Brother of Angelica in "Orlando Innamorato."

=Argantes=--a<sc>R</sc>-gän´tess, not är-găn´tēz. An infidel hero in "Jerusalem Delivered."

=Asmodeus=--ăs-mo-dē´us, not ăz-mō´de-us. An evil spirit.

=Baba, Ali=--ä´lee bä´bä, not ăl´i bā´ba. A character in the "Forty Thieves."

=Baba, Cassim=--käs´sim bä´bä, not kăs´sim bā´ba. Brother of Ali Baba.

=Bajardo=--bä-e-a<sc>R</sc>´do, not ba-jär´do. Rinaldo's steed in "Orlando Innamorato."

=Balwhidder=--băl´hwĭth-er, not bawl´whĭd-der. A pastor in Galt's "Annals of the Parish."

=Banquo=--bănk´wo, not băng´ko. A Scottish warrior and a character in "Macbeth."

=Bassanio=--bas-sä´ni-o, not bas-sā´ni-o. Husband of Portia in "Merchant of Venice."

=Biron=--bĭr´on, not bī´ron. A character in "Love's Labor's Lost."

=Boyet=--boy-ĕt´, not bō´yet. A character in "Love's Labor's Lost."

=Bradamante=--brä-dä-män´tā, not brăd´a-mănt. Sister to Rinaldo, in "Orlando Innamorato."

=Brunehilde=--brōō´nā-hĭl´dā, not brŭn-hĭl´dah. Written also =Brunehild= (brōō´neh-hĭlt).

=Carrasco, Sanson=--sän-sōn´ kä<sc>R</sc>-<sc>R</sc>äs´ko, not săn´son kăr-răs´ko. A character in "Don Quixote."

=Cedric=--sĕd´rik, not sē´drik. A character in "Ivanhoe."

=Clarchen=--klĕ<sc>R</sc>´ken, not klär´chen. A female character in Goethe's "Egmont."

=Clavileno Aligero=--klä-ve-lān´yo ä-le-<sc>R</sc>ā´ro, not klăv-i-lē´no ăl-i-jē´ro. A celebrated steed in "Don Quixote."

=Consuelo=--kōng-su-ā-lō´, not kŏn-su-ĕl´o. The heroine of a novel of the same name by Georges Sand.

=Don Adriano Armado=--ăd-re-ä´no är-mä´do, not ā-dri-ā´no är-mā´do. A character in "Love's Labor's Lost."

=Don Cleofas=--klē´o-fas, not kle-ō´fas. Hero of "The Devil on Two Sticks."

=Don Juan=--jū´an, not jū-ăn´.

=Dulcamara=--dŏŏl-kä-mä´rä, not dŭl-sa-mā´ra nor dŭl-ka-mā´ra. The itinerant physician in "L'Elisire d'Amore."

=Egeus=--ē-jē´us, not ē´je-us. The Father of Hermia in "Midsummer Night's Dream."

=Eyre, Jane=--êr, not īre.

=Fata Morgana=--fä´tä mo<sc>R</sc>-gä´nä, not fā´ta mor-găn´a.

=Fatima=--făt´i-ma, not fa-tē´-ma. A female character in the story of Aladdin, or the Wonderful Lamp; also, one of the wives of Blue Beard.

=Fidele=--fī-dē´le, not fī-dēle´. A name assumed by Imogen, in "Cymbeline."

=Fra Diavolo=--frä de-ä´vo-lo, not frä de-ä-vō´lo.

=Genevra=--je-nĕv´ra, not je-nē´vra. =Ginevra= is pronounced the same as the above.

=Gil Blas=--zhēl bläss, not jĭl blä nor jeel bläz.

=Gotham=--gō´tham, not gŏth´am. A name applied to New York City.

=Haidee=--hī´dee, not hā´dee. One of the heroines in "Don Juan."

=Iachimo=--yăk´i-mo, not ī-ăk´i-mo. A prominent character in "Cymbeline."

=Iago=--e-ä´go, not ī-ā´go. One of the principal characters in "Othello."

=Jacques=--zhäk, not jăk´kwĕs. A character in "As You Like It."

=Klaus, Peter=--klowss, not klawz. The hero of a German tradition similar to that of "Rip Van Winkle."

=Lalla Rookh=--lä´la rōōk, not lăl´la rŏŏk. The heroine of Moore's poem of the same name.

=Laodamia=--la-ŏd-a-mī´a, not la-o-dā´mi-a. The wife of Protesilaus slain by Hector, and the name of a poem by Wordsworth.

=Lara=--lä´ra, not lā´ra nor lăr´a. The hero and name of Byron's poem.

=Le Fevre=--leh fĕv´r, not le fē´ver. A poor lieutenant in "Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy."

=Leonato=--lē-o-nä´to, not lē-o-nā´to. Governor of Messina in "Much Ado About Nothing."

=Mahu=--ma-hōō´ or mä´hoo, not mā´hu. A fiend spoken of in "King Lear."

=Maid of Orleans=--ôr´le-anz, not ôr-lēnz´. Another name of Joan of Arc.

=Meister, Wilhelm=--vĭl´helm mīs´ter, not wĭl´helm mēs´ter. The hero of a novel by Goethe.

=Mohicans, Last of the=--mo-hē´kans, not mo-hĭsh´ans nor mō´he-kans.

=Montague=--mŏn´ta-gū, not mon-tāg´. A noble family in "Romeo and Juliet."

=Moreno, Don Antonio=--än-tō´ne-o mō-rā´no, not ăn-tō´ne-o mō-rē´no. A gentleman in "Don Quixote."

=Munchausen=--mun-chaw´sen, not mun-kaw´sen. German, Münchhausen (mün<sc>K</sc>-how´zen).

=Oberon=--ŏb´er-on, not ō´ber-on. King of the fairies. Takes an important part in "Midsummer Night's Dream."

=Ossian=--ŏsh´an, not aw´si-an.

=Parizade=--pä-re-zä´dā, not păr´i-zāde´. A princess in "Arabian Nights' Entertainments."

=Parolles=--pa-rŏl´les, not pa-rōlz´. A follower of Bertram in "All's Well That Ends Well."

=Perdita=--për´di-ta, not për-dī´ta nor për-dē´ta. A princess in "Winter's Tale."

=Petruchio=--pe-trōō´chĭ-o, not pe-trōō´kĭ-o. A principal character in "Taming of the Shrew."

=Pisanio=--pĭ-zä´nĭ-o, not pĭ-sā´nĭ-o. A character in "Cymbeline."

=Posthumus=--pŏst´hu-mŭs, not pōst-hū´mŭs. Imogen's husband in "Cymbeline."

=Prospero=--prŏs´pe-ro, not pros-pē´ro. An important character in the "Tempest."

=Rosalind=--rŏz´a-lĭnd, not rōz´a-lind. The lady loved by Orlando in "As You Like It."

=Rosaline=--rŏz´a-lĭn or rŏz´a-līn, not rōz´a-leen. A lady in "Love's Labor's Lost;" also the name of a lady loved by Romeo before Juliet.

=Rosamond, Fair=--rŏz´a-mond, not rō´za-mond.

=Rozinante=--rŏz-i-năn´te, not rō-zi-năn´te. Don Quixote's famous horse.

=Ruggiero=--rōōd-jā´ro, not rŭg-gi-ĕr´o or rŭj-ji-ē´ro. A knight in "Orlando Furioso."

=Sakhrat=--sä<sc>K</sc>-rä´, not săk´rat. A sacred stone of great powers, in "Mohammedan mythology."

=Stephano=--stĕf´a-no, not ste-fā´no. A drunken butler in "Tempest;" also a servant of Portia in "Merchant of Venice."

=Titania=--tĭ-tā´ni-a, not tĭ-tăn´i-a. The wife of Oberon, king of the fairies.

=Tybalt=--tĭb´alt, not tī´balt. One of the Capulets in "Romeo and Juliet.

=Ulrica=--ul-rī´ka, not ŭl´ri-ka. An old sibyl in "Ivanhoe."

=Ursula=--ür´su-la, not ür-sōō´la. An attendant in "Much Ado About Nothing."

=Viola=--vī´o-la, not vī-ō´la. The disguised page of Duke Orsino in "Twelfth Night."


Although errors of speech are at all times to be deprecated, and are generally criticised without much leniency, it must be admitted that unless they are very gross, reasonable excuses are to be taken for those who have never made their language a subject of close study, and whose only use of words is entirely impromptu in the business affairs of life, in the home circle, or in the social gathering.

Though a person's descent from Belgravia or Billingsgate is in a great measure revealed by the propriety of his discourse, yet this refers principally to those words that are employed by the masses in the every-day conversations of life, rather than to technicalities and words related to particular professions, the use of which is generally confined to the specially instructed. But when a man stands forth as an orator, a teacher, a minister, or a professor of some college, it is certainly not unreasonable for those that sit under his instruction, to expect and demand that his speech should be almost free from errors.

One occupying such a position may well be excused for occasional embarrassment, poor voice, unpleasant address, hesitation of delivery, and various failings and peculiarities that can not be overcome, but little or no allowance can be made for constantly repeated errors.

Probably there has never been a public speaker so perfect in diction, that he has not in moments of embarrassment, or when much absorbed in his subject, been guilty of grammatical inaccuracies or mistakes of pronunciation; and doubtless he is as often aware of them as his listeners are, as soon as they drop from his lips, but it would be foolish to call attention to them by going back to correct them. But when these offenses are so glaring and so frequently repeated that it is evident the speaker knows no better, it is no wonder that the educated hearer often thinks that the teacher had better leave his position and submit to being taught.

What allowance can an intelligent congregation make for their minister who has nothing else to do but prepare his sermons, if, besides a multitude of common English mistakes, he pronounces more than half of his scriptural names in a manner that is not sanctioned by any authority?

When the orotund medical professor stands up to address his students, or to engage in the discussions of a convention, and rolls out technicality after technicality pronounced in a manner that would be disowned by the original Latin or Greek, and is totally at variance with established usage, who would not ask for a little less elegance and a little more education? If it required a great amount of labor outside of the usual course of study for professional men to acquire a knowledge of the pronunciation of words peculiar to the professions, the subject might be treated with more tolerance; but as the definitions and the orthoepy might be so readily learned together during those years of daily reference to books that are required before one should be considered competent to stand as a guide to others, it certainly seems that they do not properly appreciate the dignity of their position by thus laying themselves open to public criticism.

Many a student, in order to become instructed in certain branches, has been compelled to reluctantly sit for months or years at the feet of those that he felt were far inferior to him in common school education, hearing hourly such violations of orthoepy and syntax as would be a discredit to school children. And, doubtless, many such students have had such a charity for their teachers that they have wished to direct their attention to their faults, but have been restrained on account of the fear of enmity, expulsion, or of lessening the chances for passing the final examination.

The bare thought of being so criticised should be so galling to any one bearing the dignified title of "professor," that he ought to be stimulated to endeavor to make himself an authority concerning the proprieties of speech.

The study of orthoepy was held in such high esteem by the accent Greeks, and their delicate ears were so offended by any violation of its rules, that if an orator mispronounced a single word, the entire audience immediately hissed him.

During the present state of pronunciation it would indeed be embarrassing to the public speaker, if such a custom existed in this country. Let us imagine, for instance, our friend Professor Abdominous Gynæcophonus, with his face ebullient with smiles of self-conceit, arising to address such an audience. "Gentlemen: I have listened patiently to this op´po-nent (hisses) of al´lo-path-y (hisses) and now arise to make a few remarks and in´quir-ies (hisses). In answer to his objections against hy-os-cy-ā´mus (hisses) as an anodyne and sō´por-if-ic, (hisses) I would say that in cases of cough and sleeplessness, I have long used hyoscyamia combined in trō´chĕz (hisses) without any of those effects that the păt´ron (hisses) of hō´me-o-path-y (hisses) mentions. And having made almost a specialty of the treatment of făç´i-al (hisses) neuralgia or tic-dŏl-o-rōō´" (hisses)--and it would certainly be time for him to dolorously sit down, although he might raise the question--

"What's in a name? that which we call a rose, By any other name would smell as sweet,"

and argue therefrom that the pronunciation of a word should make no difference so long as its meaning was understood. Amongst professional men, it has been observed that physicians and dentists are by far more prone than others to orthoepical errors. Attention is requested to a few of the more common of these in addition to those found in the preceding vocabulary connected with words that are alike used by the professional and the unprofessional, such as: abdomen, acclimated, albumen, animalcula arabic, citrate, embryo, excrescence, fetid, fetor, forceps, homeopathy, hydropathy, jugular, jujube, nasal, pharmacopœia, purulent, spasmodic, sulphurous, tragacanth, etc. The authorities appealed to are Dunglison, Thomas, Webster and Worcester. Notwithstanding the superior merit of Dunglison's Medical Dictionary, as far as the comprehensiveness and reliability of its definitions are concerned, it is evident that it is almost useless as an orthoepical guide. The principal accent is in many cases marked, but the pronunciation of preceding and succeeding syllables can not be determined, and there is no attempt at syllabication.

Dr. Thomas' dictionary, though less comprehensive, is equally reliable in its definitions, and is excellent authority in regard to orthoepy; though it is to be regretted that in some words important syllables are not sufficiently marked. For instance, take the words as-bes´tos and bis´muth; how can it be determined whether the first should be pronounced ăs-bĕs´toss or ăz-bĕs´tōz or the latter bĭz´muth or bĭss´muth? Webster and Worcester are undoubtedly good authorities for the pronunciation of the medical words they give. In the following vocabulary all of the authorities that mention the words may be considered as agreeing, unless notice is made of their disagreement.


[In Latin and Latinized Greek words, the English sounds of the vowels are given as those used by the majority of professional men. If any one, however, prefers to adopt the continental method, sounding a as in father, y and i as e in veto, etc., and consistently applies it to all such words, no one, of course, has a right to object.]

=Adipose=--ăd´i-pōse, not ad´i-pōze.

=Ala=--ā´la, not ăl´a. =Alæ=, plural.

=Alis=--ā´lĭs, not ăl´ĭs. This as a termination of many words, such as =abdominalis=, =digitalis=, =frontalis=, =lachrymalis=, =transversalis=, etc., is often erroneously pronounced ăl´is.

=Alumen=--al-ū´men, not ăl´u-men.

=Alveolus=--al-vē´o-lus, not al-ve-ō´lus. Plural, =alveoli= (al-vē´o-lī). =Alveolar=--(al-vē´o-lar). Alveolus is the name given to the cavity in the jaw that is seen upon the removal of the root of a tooth, and it possesses no more tangibility than a pinch of air; almost daily, however, we hear dentists speak of extracting a tooth with a piece of the alveolus attached. What a curiosity for preservation in a museum is a tooth with a piece of a little hole fastened to the root! What is meant is a piece of the alveolar process, or portion of bone around the alveolus.

=Anæmic=--a-nĕm´ĭk, not a-nē´mĭk. Dunglison gives the latter.

=Andral=--ŏng-dräl´, not ăn´-dral.

=Aphthæ=--ăf´thē, not ăp´thē.

=Aqua=--ā´kwa, not ăk´wa.

=Arcus Senilis=--se-nī´lis, not sĕn´i-lis.

=Areolar=--a-rē´o-lar, not a-re-ō´lar.

=Aris=--ā´rĭs, not ăr´is in the termination of =angularis=, =medullaris=, =palmaris=, =orbicularis=, =pulmonaris=, etc.

=Asarum=--ăs´a-rum, not a-sā´rum.

=Asbestos=--ăs-bĕs´tŏss, not ăz-bĕs´tōz.

=Attollens=--at-tŏl´lenz, not at-tō´lenz.

=Azygos=--az´y-gos, not a-zy´gos.

=Bagge=--bäg´geh, not băg.

=Bimana=--bī-mā´na, not bī-mā´nĭ-a.

=Bismuth=--bĭz´muth, not bĭss´muth.

=Bitumen=--bĭ-tū´men, not bĭt´u-men.

=Cadaver=--ka-dā´ver, not ka-dăv´er.

=Caries=--kā´rĭ-ēz, not kā´rēz nor kăr´rēz.

=Carminative=--kar-mĭn´a-tive, not kar´mi-nā-tĭve.

=Caryophillus=--kăr-ĭ-o-phĭl´lus, not kăr-ĭ-ŏph´ĭl-lus.

=Cerebral=--sĕr´e-bral, not ser-ē´bral.

=Cerebric=--sĕr´e-bric, not ser-ē´bric.

=Cerebrum=--sĕr´e-brum, not ser-ē´brum. Dunglison gives both.

=Cerumen=--se-rū´men, not sĕr´ū-men.

=Cheyne=--chān or cheen, not shāne.

=Choledochus=--ko-lĕd´o-kus, not kŏl-e-dō´kus nor ko-lĭd´a-kus.

=Cicatrix=--si-kā´trix, not sĭk´a-trix nor si-kăt´rix. Plural, =cicatrices= (sĭk´a-trī´sēz), not sĭ-kăt´rĭ-sēz.

=Cimicifuga=--sĭm-ĭ-sĭf´u-ga, not sĭm-i-sĭ-fū´ga nor sĭm-ĭs´i-fū´ga.

=Cochlea=--kŏk´le-a, not kōk´le-a.

=Conein=--ko-nē´ĭn, not kō´ne-ĭn.

=Conium=--ko-nī´um, not kō´ni-um.

=Cranium=--krā´ni-um, not krăn´i-um.

=Cynanche=--sĭ-năn´kē, not sī-năn´chē.

=Diastase=--dī´as-tāse, not dī-as´tāze.

=Diastole=--dī-as´to-le, not dī´as-tōle.

=Diploe=--dĭp´lo-e, not dip-lō´e.

=Dulcamara=--dul-ka-mā´ra, not dul-sa-mā´ra. Webster gives dul-kam´a-ra also.

=Duodenum=--du-o-dē´num, not du-ŏd´e-num.

=Dyspnœa=--dĭsp-nē´a, not dĭs-nē´a.

=Emesis=--ĕm´e-sis,not em-ē´sis.

=Epiploon=--e-pĭp´lo-on, not ep-ip-lō´on.

=Facial=--fā´shal, not făsh´i-al.

=Foramen=--fo-rā´men, not fo-răm´en.

=Fungi=--fun´jī not fun´gī. Plural of =fungus=.

=Galbanum=--găl´ba-num, not gal-bā´num.

=Gingiva=--jĭn-jī´va, not jĭn´ji-va.

=Glenoid=--glē´noid, not glĕn´oid.

=Glutæus=--glū´tæ-us, according to Webster. The rest give glū-tæ´us.

=Helleborus=--hel-lĕb´o-rus, not hel-le-bō´rus.

=Hyoscyamus=--hī-os-sī´a-mus, not hī-os-sy-ăm´us nor hi-os-sy-ā´mus. =Hyoscyamine= (hī-os-sī´a-mĭn).

=Impetigo=--ĭm-pe-tī´go, not ĭm-pĕt´i-go.

=Incisive=--ĭn-sī´sĭv, not in-sĭs´ive.

=Iodoform=--ī-ŏd´o-form, not ī-ō´do-form. Dunglison gives ī´o-do-form.

=Itis.= According to Webster and Worcester this termination is pronounced ī´tĭs in =bronchitis=, =pleuritis=, =gastritis=, etc. Thomas and Dunglison do not specify, but the inference is that they intend the same. It is, however, so generally pronounced ē´tis, that many would object to the attention attracted by calling it ī´tis.

=Jejunum=--je-jū´num, not jĕj´u-num.

=Juniperus=--ju-nĭp´e-rus, not jū´ni-per-us nor ju-ni-pē´rus.

=Laudanum=--law´da-num, not lŏd´a-num.

=Lentigo=--len-tī´go, not lĕn´ti-go.

=Lepra=--lĕp´ra, not lē´pra. Dunglison gives the latter.

=Leuwenhoek=--lōō´en-hŏŏk or l<sc>U</sc>h´wen-hŏŏk (U as in fur), not lōō´wen-hōke.

=Levator=--le-vā´tor, not le-văt´or.

=Liquor= (Latin)--lī´kwor, not lĭk´ur as in English.

=Magendie=--mä-zhŏng-dē´, not mā-jĕn´dē.

=Malic=--mā´lic, not măl´ic. Thomas gives the latter.

=Matrix=--mā´trix, not măt´rix.

=Mistura=--mĭs-tū´ra, not mĭs´tu-ra.

=Molecule=--mŏl´e-kūle, not mō´le-kūle.

=Mollities=--mol-lĭsh´ĭ-ēz, not mŏl´lĭ-tēz.

=Molybdenum=--mŏl-ĭb-dē´num, not mo-lĭb´de-num.

=Nasmyth=--nā´smith, not năz´mĭth.

=Nicolai=--nee´ko-lī, not nĭk´o-lā.

=Nucleolus=--nu-klē´o-lus, not nu-kle-ō´lus.

=Oris=--ō´rĭs, not ŏr´is.

=Ovale=--ō-vā´le, not ō-văl´e.

=Panizzi=--pä-nĭt´see or pä-nēt´see, not pan-ĭz´zy.

=Pepys=--pĕps, not pē´pĭs nor pĕp´ĭs.

=Pes Anserinus=--pēz an-ser-ī´nus, not pĕz an-sĕr´i-nus. I once heard a professor describing the facial nerve to his class, and he dwelt upon this plexus for some time, calling it the "Pons Asinorum."

=Podagra=--pŏd´a-gra, not po-dā´gra. Worcester gives po-dăg´ra also.

=Podophyllum=---pŏd-o-phyl´um, not po-dŏph´yl-lum.

=Prostate=--pros´tāte, not prŏs´trāte.

=Purkinje=--pŏŏ<sc>R</sc>´kĭn-yeh or pŏŏr´kĭn, not par-kĭn´jē.

=Pylorus=--pĭ-lō´rus, not pī-lôr´us.

=Pyrethrum=--pĭr´e-thrum, not pī-rē´thrum.

=Quadrumana=--quad-rū´ma-na, not quad-ru-mā´nia.

=Rubeola=--ru-bē´o-la, not ru-be-ō´la.

=Sacrum=--sā´krum, not săk´rum.

=Sagittal=--săj´it-tal, not sa-jĭt´tal. Danglison gives the latter.

=Sanies=--sā´nĭ-ēz, not sā´nēz nor săn´ēz.

=Scabies=--scā´bĭ-ez, not scăb´ēz nor scā´bēz.

=Seidlitz=--sīd´lĭtz, not sĕd´lĭtz, unless spelled =Sedlitz=.

=Sinapis=--si-nā´pis, not sĭn´a-pis.

=Squamous=--skwā´mus, not skwaw´mus.

=Systole=--sĭs´to-le, not sĭs´tōle.

=Tinctura=--tinc-tū´ra, not tinct´u-ra.

=Titanium=--ti-tā´ni-um, not ti-tăn´i-um.

=Trachea=--tra-kē´a or trā´ke-a, not trăck´e-a.

=Tremor=--trē´mor, not trĕm´-or. Webster allows the latter also.

=Trismus=--triss´mus, not trĭz´mus.

=Umbilicus=--um-bĭ-lī´kus, according to Worcester, Thomas and Dunglison. Webster gives um-bil´i-kus.

=Variola=--va-rī´o-la, not va-ri-ō´la.

=Veratrum=--ve-rā´trum, not ve-răt´rum.

=Vertebral=--vĕr´te-bral, not ver-tē´bral.

=Virchow=--fĭr´ko, not vïr´chow nor vïr´kow.

=Zinci=--zĭn´si, not zink´ī.


The following extract is from the letter of a friend, to whom were sent some of the advance pages of this work: "I am absolutely filled with astonishment to see how many simple words I have been mispronouncing all my life, and would have kept on mispronouncing to the end of my days if my thoughts had not been directed to them. If I were in your place I would end the book with a story in which all the words would be used in the course of the narrative. I can imagine no amusement more instructive or interesting than for a social party to read in turns, under some penalty for each mistake."

I had myself conceived the idea of presenting the words untrammeled with explanation of the orthoepy, or marks of accent; but the form was not decided upon.

The effort to compose a narrative was abandoned after a fair trial; for to have a plot and also bring the words in natural position would require a large volume; otherwise, it made senseless jumble. In the trial sentences given the objects are gained in small space. Those objects are to allow readers to exercise the memory and test their friends; and at the same time to use the words syntactically. It is hoped that the reader will pardon any absurdities of context; as they can not be avoided where one is compelled to use so many selected words, and is obliged to force them into a small compass.


The invalid came from Bremen to America and hoped to be soon acclimated, but was stricken down with a disease that was not amenable to treatment, although he had many physicians: allopathists, hydropathists and homeopathists. He said that the aim of allopathy was to poison him; of hydropathy to drown him; and of homeopathy to let him die unaided.

* * * * *

One of the combatants struck his opponent in the abdomen with a club, cut off an alder tree; he was carried under the shade of an ailantus and immediately expired.

Sophia found the egg under a piony near the shumac tree; but she broke it in carrying, and spilled the albumen all over her alpaca dress.

The dose for an adult is a dessert-spoonful.

It was a plain supper--nothing but aerated bread, Bologna sausage and radishes.

He told his demonstrative disputant that he did not wish to get into an altercation, but it only appeared to arouse his combativeness still more.

Why do you accent the antepenult of espionage?

He illustrated his proposition by cutting off the apex of the figure, and then exhibited his apparatus for the production of statical electricity.

Two-thirds gum-arabic and one-third gum-tragacanth make a good mucilage.

The archbishop dreamed that an archangel came to him and told him to have his architect send to an island in the Grecian Archipelago for white marble for the pilasters.

Search the archives of history and you will not find another such prodigy as Admirable Crichton.

When, after traversing the ocean, you find yourself in the arid desert of Sahara, where there is no aroma of sweet flowers, or anything at all to regale your exhausted energies; where there is no herb nor herbaceous plant near you; where you are almost famished for want of some potable fluid; where you are in constant fear of being harassed by truculent nomads--then will you realize that there are no joys comparable to those that exist around the hearthstone of your humble home.

When the contents of the museum were sold by auction, the antiquary bought a roll of papyrus filled with hieroglyphics, a kind of bellows used by the ancients for starting their fires, and a fine collection of trilobites.

The attempt at a reconnoisance in force had been unsuccessful; immediately after reveille, the commander of the fortress put it to vote amongst his officers, whether or not they should surrender. The ayes carried it, although some vehemently opposed on account of the excellent morale of the garrison.

The heroine of the melodrama sent to her betrothed Seignior an exquisite bouquet, composed of catalpa flowers, dahlias, marigold and thyme, and prayed his forgiveness for not allowing him the promised tête-à-tête at the trysting place; she had been suffering with the tic-douloureux, she said. He generously forgave her and sent her a sonnet, in which he said that her voice was sweeter than that of Piccolomini, or any other cantatrice; that no houri could be more beautiful than she; he called her a fair florist, and after extolling her naïveté, roseate cheeks and nymphean graces, he swore eternal homage and that he would love her forever and for aye.

The judge bade the desperado cease his badinage and answer his inquiries, and threatened that if he did not, he would punish him for his contumacy.

The vicar was one of the notable men of his day; his wife was a pattern of industry, a notable housekeeper. While the birds were chirping their matin song, she might be seen with her besom in her hand.

Is this a bona fide transaction, or is it a Machiavelian attempt to inveigle the prelate into an imbroglio?

A booth was erected at the fair where the pretty Misses Agnes and Rosalind with much complaisance dispensed gratis to the visitors, soda-water flavored with orgeat or sarsaparilla.

General Silvester and his protégé, Reginald, met with a casualty that nearly cost them their lives. The horses attached to their Brougham became frightened at a yacht and made a tremendous leap over a high embankment into a creek.

At the zoological garden was found nearly every animal extant, from a mouse to a camelopard.

The rendezvous of the topographical surveyors was at the camp of some hunters on a knoll near the banks of a cañon.

The monk concealed his features with his capoch and would have been irrecognizable if his discourse had not betrayed him.

The étagère stands cater-cornered in a recess and contains many beautiful ornaments that his predecessor gathered within the last decade of years; amongst which may be mentioned the heads of Beethoven, Béranger, Goethe, Percy Bysshe Shelley, and many other celebrities, cut in onyx.

The Caucasian races obtained their name on account of originating near Mount Caucasus.

The mischievous children got cayenne all over their chaps, by which they were sufficiently punished without any further chastening.

The chivalric Don Quixote, having become a monomaniac on the subject of chivalry, bestrode his Rosinante, and, attended by his squire, started out to perform chivalrous deeds.

Lord C. has been absent since February, 1870; it is said that he has been traveling incognito, but it is certain that in Italy he has retained his cognomen. He is now at Modena awaiting the recovery of his Cicerone, when he intends to visit Genoa and Milan.

The obesity of the florid-faced prebendary is observed to increase with his prebend.

I have heard much of the gamins of Gotham, but I never realized what the gallows-deserving rascals were till I settled in New York City. I opened business as a pharmaceutist on a corner that was a favorite haunt of theirs. Such a crowd of tatterdemalions as stood in front of my show-window the first day I made my display of Parisian fancy goods, baffles description. One had the hooping cough, and every now and then would hoop till the perspiration rolled down his face; then he would shriek out the daily newspapers, in a voice like a calliope. One dirty-faced gourmand ate papaws till he had to gape for breath, and would shoot the seeds and throw the skins at his hundred comrades, half of them coming in my front door. Another, dressed in ragged jean, his face covered with soot, played the jew's-harp hour after hour, with as much pride in his ability as Paganini at his violin. Another, a tall, jaundice visaged youth with an embryo beard of about a dozen hairs, covered nearly to his heels with his great-grandfather's surtout, in the lapel of which was pinned a death's-head, danced upon the iron cellar door till it roared like distant artillery.

Then there were many other "partners" bearing such sobriquets as "Sore Snoot," "Pig Eye," "Limpy," etc., improvising irrational songs, boxing, wrestling, indulging in raillery and ribald jests, pitching quoits, meawing like cats, howling at my patrons and driving reputable patronage away. Every now and then they would send in little, saucy, precocious urchins, who offered to patronize me by asking for two cents' worth of jujube paste, tolu or licorice, or some Samaritan salve for Jim Biles' sore nose. At last, when the sun had reached the horizon, as a finale of the day's progress, one of the young villains hurled a bowlder through my French plate-glass, which, after its flight through a lot of citrate of magnesia, cochineal and quinine, finally spilled a large bottle of red ink all over my new pharmacopœia. Springing over the débris, I rushed to the door with implacable anger flashing from my eyes. But one glance at that imperturbable crowd showed me how impotent I was. One of them with placid countenance and stolid indifference simply accosted me with, "Say, Mister, are you going to see the 'Naiad Queen' to-night?"

I left that store in less than a fortnight.

The comptroller was appointed by the government upon the supposition that he was conversant with the details of finance; but he was only a mediocre financier and was not aware of the deficit in the finances, until the conscience-stricken defalcating officer acknowledged his defalcation.

The emigrants to the frontier chose a beautiful spot for their settlement; but they found that the wells dug there and on the contiguous prairies had a saline taste; so they were obliged to bring water from the mountainous region beyond, by means of a conduit.

From the congeries presented to the professor, he, at his leisure, isolated each genus and gave generic names to each; and at the next meeting of the lyceum, he solicited attention to his data and the truths he had deduced.

The handsome contour of Madame G's face has been spoiled by an excrescence like a raspberry on her nasal organ.

Young Philemon after reading Lalla Rookh, Lara, Don Juan, The Giaour, the productions of Mrs. Hemans, and a few others, was seized with the determination to become a poet; but he has only succeeded in becoming a poetaster, without any ideas of prosody. More metrical excellence and sense can be found in the distich:

"Mary, Mary, quite contrary, How does your garden grow?"

than in any of the products of his brain that he has given us. His brothers, Eben and Philander, have become stage-struck, and expect to excel in the Protean art. Their guardian, himself a great lover of drama, having foolish confidence in their success, grants them plenary indulgence in all their whims. They are habitués of the theatre, and have fitted up a suite of apartments next to a suit of rooms occupied by some stock actors, with whom they are bound in indissoluble bonds of friendship. There they spend the day in practice, and if you should call at any hour, there is no telling what will present itself to you. Perhaps Macbeth with the glamour of his eyes, viewing the imaginary gouts of blood; or Banquo with his gory locks; or some knight with his cuirass on and his visor down, plunging, without a qualm, his carmine-stained poniard into the jugular of some patriot. Possibly, Othello the Moor, King John with the Magna Charta, or a legendary warrior of frightful mien with his falchion drawn, will admit you. Or you may see a viscount with falcon, a rampant villain, a jocund host, or an irate, splenetic old man with spectacles, pronouncing with senile vehemence a curse upon some fragile female in negligee before him, who beseeches the aid of an immobile statue in a niche in the wall. You may get there in the nick of time to save Desdemona by an exposé of Iago'so villainy, to rescue Pythias whom Damon holds by the nape of the neck on the threshold of eternity, or to restrain the suicidal design of the Montague by informing him that the fair Capulet is only under the influence of a soporific--not dead. You may arrive soon enough to arouse the womanhood in the docile Kate, making her less docible, and talk woman's rights to Petruchio, making him more lenient.

And you will find the guardian of these promising youths, sitting there all day shouting encore to their absurdities, and not rational enough to see his indiscretion in permitting their frivolity.

The ennui, recently complained of, was relieved by an invitation to a party given by the Mesdames B., the same you met at the conversazione of the church guild. The ladies received their guests with their usual suavity. Their niece, Rosamond, recently from Madrid, was the attraction of the evening; she wore an elegant moire antique with a profusion of valenciennes; she had a beautiful set of jewelry--opal and diamonds. It was marvelous how her tiny hands flew over the piano-forte. She sings very sweetly too; her voice is a sort of mezzo-soprano. The naïve Miss Ursula was present, nearly smothered in black silk and guipure. She looks much prettier in dishabille. The little piquant Miss Irene, with her plaited hair, sang with a voice like a paroquet her favorite, "Tassels on the Boots." That disgusting young Leopold was there, feeling as important as a Rothschild, making his salams, and palavering sotto voce to all the girls, circulating his monogram cards and sporting his paste pin with its dazzling facets. He thinks he cuts a wide swath.

Late in the evening those that were fond of Terpsichorean amusement were ushered into a room where the tapestry was covered and there spent several hours in minuets, waltzes, quadrilles, etc.

The topics of conversation amongst the more sensible during the evening were the object of the visit of the new prelate, and the recent speeches of Disraeli and Thiers.

Madame B. caused a good deal of merriment by describing an improvement in her cuisine that had been introduced that day. Bridget, a late importation from Belfast, who had charge of the culinary department, was told to send for some vermicelli to put in the soup, but she ordered spermaceti instead.

There was an old superstition that when the sacristan caused the bell in the cupola to toll its dolorous funeral notes, the manes of former friends joined in the solemn cortege, and gathering around the grave moved their lips in inaudible requiem, and wrote in invisible letters upon the tomb, omega.

The great desideratum in the successful argument of disputable points, is the possession of an equable temper.

Alphonso, while out hunting partridges, fell into a slough. Being clothed only in nainsook, he took a severe cold, which soon resulted in febrile symptoms.

Dr. Mastiff's posthumous monograph on "Rabies" will soon appear. The frontispiece represents a group of dogs. Next to the preface is a memoir of the author. It was his own design to have "Finis" placed upon a cut of a tombstone. It almost seems that he had a presentiment of his death.

Suffice it to say that the dentist gave the patient enough letheon to produce unconsciousness, and then applied his forceps to the offending tooth. Letheon, accented on the first syllable, and lethean are derived from Lethe, the name of a river described in mythology, a draught from which caused forgetfulness.

Sulphurous acid is gaseous, not liquid.

It is reported in the Pall Mall Gazette that Basil S., whom you met several years ago at Leipsic, is dead. He lived the life of a roué for some years in Paris and London, and turned out to be a most perfidious villain. In the latter city he committed many heinous offenses and acts of subtle knavery that were almost without precedent. He was engaged for a long time in the manufacture of spurious money by a new process, in which dies were taken from gutta-percha impressions. He had purchased the services of an experienced professor of metallurgy, and the produce of their crime would have been immense, if some of his other crimes had not been betrayed. Placards, offering a large reward for his arrest, were posted all over the city. He fled to Venice where he was soon afterward drowned by falling from a gondola, thus cheating the gibbet of its dues.

The foolish lover, Ivan, rendered desperate because his rival Darius had gained the precedence in Marion's esteem, resolved to commit suicide and rushed toward the quay and plunged into the water. Some fishermen rescued him with their seine, poured some potheen down his throat, and carried him home on a piece of tarpaulin. His sousing cured him of his folly, but was a poor guerdon for his faithfulness.

The Saracens, taking advantage of the strategic point, made a sudden dash into the territory of the usurper; while a detachment houghed the horses of the enemy's cavalry, the rest proceeded on a predatory raid characterized by rapine and terror, and after the spoliation of the villages, and the burning of the granaries, returned to their own possessions.

Lionel, prejudiced against the world on account of onerous cares, concluded to make a sacrifice of his wealth and position and become a recluse. His little hovel on the heather, whitened with lime which he himself slaked, and the little flower garden redolent of spring, present a strange contrast with his former mansion and magnificent grounds.

Eva answered the inquiry of the French gentleman, "Parlez-vous français?" with a "Oui;" but when she came to converse with him, he understood about as much of her patois as he did of Hindoostanee.

There is a fabulous report that the upas tree exhales a subtile vapor that is fatal to animal life.

Since Joshua has obtained his lucrative sinecure, he spends his time in riding about in his phaeton and reading romances. He is loth to acknowledge that he was ever a plebeian and did all kinds of servile work. He is confident that his genealogy, if known, would show that he was unto a manor born, and that some supposititious child robbed him of his rights.

The knight dropped his wassail cup and sprang to the assistance of the ladies. "Gramercy," quoth they, simultaneously.

The veterinary physician said that the disease was murrain.

An infinitesimal quantity of yeast excited the fermentation.

Augustine studied microscopy just long enough to learn that a monad is one of the simplest kind of minute animalcules; he then tried chemistry and mineralogy, but he could not master the nomenclature; he then took a fancy for telegraphy, but soon abandoned the idea of becoming a telegraphist. At last accounts, he apprenticed himself to a druggist, but was told to vamos soon after making up a lot of Seidlitz powders with oxalic instead of tartaric acid.

Artemas has applied for a patent on an improved turbine wheel.

Mr. B., recollecting the precedent services of his servant, advanced him money enough to lift the lien on his dwelling.

The lithographer had only a poor melanotype to copy from, but he succeeded in making an excellent print.

"Thou shalt destroy them that speak leasing," is found in the sixth verse of the fifth psalm.

At the examination in orthoepy, Deborah had the following words given to her: contumely, crinoline, feudal, fetid, fetor, gerund, gneiss, gyrfalcon, harem, Hawaiian, hygiene, lariat, leverage, nonillion, obligatory, platina, platinum, psalmody, psychical, purulent, pyrites, recherché, résumé, sacerdotal, sacrament, schism, shekel, stearine and troches.

The objective, me, is often erroneously used instead of the nominative, I, in answer to the question--"Who is there?"

In the dramatis personæ of "Midsummer Night's Dream," Oberon and Titania, king and queen of the fairies, are introduced.

At the examination in geography, Ada was required to draw a map of Asia, which would have been well done, if she had not drawn Persia, Afghanistan and Beloochistan nearly twice their proper size. She was then asked to give the location and length of the Altai and Vosges mountains, and the height of their principal peaks; a description of the Aral, Adriatic and Caribbean seas; the course and length of the Amoor and Yang tse-kiang; and the location and population of Valparaiso (Chili), Bantam, (Java), Norwich, (Eng.), Pesth, Quebec, Valenciennes, Neufchatel, Nantes and Aix-la-Chapelle.

Her sister, Frances, was told to draw maps of Buenos Ayres and Otaheite, and to bound Venezuela and Arkansas; to give the length and direction of the Araguay, Juniata, Kankakee, Barbados and San Joaquin; the location of Cape Agulhas; the situation and population of Bingen, Calais, Canton, Acapulco, Chuquisaca, Delhi, Dubuque, Jeddo, Quereturo, Truxillo, Leicester and Vevay, and a description of Sumatra, Zanzibar, Barbadoes and the Antilles.

Sigismund has just returned from Yosemite Valley.

Cecily, Chloe and Viola have just passed their examination in biography. The names presented to them were the following: N. S. Adam (Fr.), G. Adam (Ger.), Beatrice Cenci, Blucher, Boccaccio, Anne Boleyn, Marco Bozzaris, Joseph Buonaparte, D'Aubigné, Daubigny, Drouyn de Lhuys, Juarez, Lavater, Marat, Marion, Catherine de Medici, Moultrie, Ovid, Pliny, Ponce de Leon and Richelieu.


Many, who claim to be good grammarians, are occasionally guilty of the violation of certain important rules. Attention is solicited to a few of the more common errors of this nature.


Certain compounds change the form of the first word in pluralizing, as: court-martial, brother-in-law, sister-in-law. Plural, courts-martial, brothers-in-law, etc. "John has three brother-in-laws," then, is incorrect.

But tea-spoonful, table-spoonful, cupful, pocketful, etc., are not considered such compounds; therefore, "two tea-spoonsful of medicine" and "two-cupsful of flour," should be, "two tea-spoonfuls of medicine," and "two cupfuls of flour."

When name and title are given, with a numeral adjective prefixed, the name is pluralized. "Are the two Misses Wilson at home?" should be, "Are the two Miss Wilsons at home?" But when the numeral is omitted the title must be pluralized. "Were the Dr. Browns there?" should be, "Were the Drs. Brown there?" The rule has been given that the name only of married ladies is pluralized, but there appears to be no reason except that of euphony: the Mrs. Clarks certainly sounds more agreeably than the Mistresses Clark. In giving the plural of such titles as: Hon., Rev., Squire and Capt., euphony is also often considered; but in such cases it would doubtless be better to add the numeral, as: the three Hon. Jacksons.


Each other applies to two; one another to more than two. "The three witnesses contradicted each other," and "the two men accused one another," are incorrect.


Neither and not are followed by nor, not or. "Neither James or Charles will come," and "it is not white or black," are incorrect.


Words united by to be, referring to the same person, must be of the same case.

"It is me," "It may have been him," "It could not be her," and "It was not them," are not correct: it, in each of the sentences, is nominative and the other pronouns should be I, he, she and they. "I took it to be he," and "I understood it to be they," are also wrong; for it is objective in both instances, and the following pronouns should be him and them.


Than and as implying comparison, have the same case after as before. "He loses more than me," "John knows more than him" and "James is not so tall as her," should be, "He loses more than I" (lose), "John knows more than he" (knows) and "James is not so tall as she" (is tall).


Errors connected with the use of this word are very common, even amongst good speakers.

"Who did you see?" "Who do you know?" and "Who did you hear?" are wrong: whom should be used, for it is the object of the transitive verbs, see, know and hear. Who in such sentences as: "Who are you looking at?" and "Who are you writing to?" should likewise be changed into whom, for it is the object of the prepositions at and to.


Adjectives are often erroneously used for adverbs in sentences like the following: "This is an uncommon good portrait," "It is a miserable poor painting. "Uncommonly good and miserably poor are right.

Adverbs are still more commonly used for adjectives. "Mary looked beautifully at the party," and "Janauschek looked majestically on the stage," are incorrect, for it is intended to describe the appearance of Mary and Janauschek, not their manner of looking; therefore the adjectives beautiful and majestic should be used.

When two objects are compared, the comparative degree should be used. "William is the heaviest of the two," and "Which is the most desirable--health or wealth?" ought to be, "William is the heavier of the two," and "Which is the more desirable--health or wealth?"


The plural demonstratives these and those are often erroneously used with singular nouns, as: "I don't like these kind of people," and "Those sort of things are very embarrassing." Kind and sort are singular and should have this and that.


Into, not in, is used to show the relation between verbs expressing motion, entrance, change of state, etc., and an objective case, as: "Come into the house," "Step into the carriage," and "Look into the room."

[Transcriber's Note:

* Text enclosed between equal signs was in bold face in the original (=bold=).

* Added punctuation as needed to preserve the author's and publisher's intent.

* Addition to the pronunciation guide:

Small capital "D" indicates a sound similar to "th" (this). Small capital "G" and "K" indicates the sound of the German "ch". Small capital "H" resembles a guttural and strongly-aspirated "h". Small capital "R" resembles the sound of "rr" (terror). Small capital "U" indicates the sound of the French "eu", and resembles the sound of the German "ö". The sound for the small capitals "TH" is unknown.

* Page 17 Corrected spelling of "spellling" to "spelling" in "Worcestor's spellling is".

* Page 29 Corrected spelling of "lenghten" to "lengthen" in "also, in lengthy, lenghten".]

End of Project Gutenberg's Every-Day Errors of Speech, by L. P. Meredith


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