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Title: Surnames as a Science

Author: Robert Ferguson

Release Date: September 24, 2011 [EBook #37520]

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That portion of our surnames which dates back to Anglo-Saxon times, and so forms a part of the general system by which Teutonic names are governed, is distinctly a branch of a science, and as such has been treated by the Germans, upon whose lines I have generally endeavoured to follow.

It has been a part of my object to show that this portion of our surnames is a very much larger one than has been generally supposed, and that it includes a very great number of names which have hitherto been otherwise accounted for, as well as of course a great number for which no explanation has been forthcoming.

Nevertheless, while claiming for my subject the dignity of a science, I am very well aware that the question as to how far I have myself succeeded in treating it scientifically is an entirely different one, and one upon which it will be for others than myself to pronounce an opinion.

This work is of the nature of a supplement to one which I published some time ago under the title of The Teutonic Name-system applied to the Family-names of France, England, and Germany (Williams and Norgate), though I have been obliged, in order to render my system intelligible, to a certain extent to go over the same ground again.

I will only say, in conclusion, that in dealing with this subject--one in which all persons may be taken to be more or less interested--I have endeavoured as much as possible to avoid technicalities and to write so as to be intelligible to the ordinary reader.






























A.S. Anglo-Saxon. O.N. Old Northern. O.G. Old German. O.H.G. Old High German.




As some things that seem common, and even ignoble, to the naked eye, lose their meanness under the revelations of the microscope, so, many of our surnames that seem common and even vulgar at first sight, will be found, when their origin is adequately investigated, to be of high antiquity, and of unsuspected dignity. Clodd, for instance, might seem to be of boorish origin, and Clout to have been a dealer in old rags. But I claim for them that they are twin brothers, and etymologically the descendants of a Frankish king. Napp is not a name of distinguished sound, yet it is one that can take us back to that far-off time ere yet the history of England had begun, when, among the little kinglets on the old Saxon shore, "Hnaf ruled the H�cings."[1] Moll, Betty, Nanny, and Pegg sound rather ignoble as the names of men, yet there is nothing of womanliness in their warlike origin. Bill seems an honest though hardly a distinguished name, unless he can claim kinship with Billing, the "noble progenitor of the royal house of Saxony." Now Billing, thus described by Kemble, is a patronymic, "son of Bill or Billa," and I claim for our Bill (as a surname) the right, as elsewhere stated, to be considered as the progenitor. Among the very shortest names in all the directory are Ewe, Yea, and Yeo, yet theirs also is a pedigree that can take us back beyond Anglo-Saxon times. Names of a most disreputable appearance are Swearing and Gambling, yet both, when properly inquired into, turn out to be the very synonyms of respectability. Winfarthing again would seem to be derived from the most petty gambling, unless he can be rehabilitated as an Anglo-Saxon Winfrithing (patronymic of Winfrith.) A more unpleasant name than Gumboil (Lower) it would not be easy to find, and yet it represents, debased though be its form, a name borne by many a Frankish warrior, and by a Burgundian king fourteen centuries ago. Its proper form would be Gumbald (Frankish for Gundbald), and it signifies "bold in war." Another name which wofully belies its origin is Tremble, for, of the two words of which it is composed, one signifies steadfast or firm, and the other signifies valiant or bold. Its proper form is Trumbald, and the first step of its descent is Trumbull. A name which excites anything but agreeable associations is Earwig. Yet it is at any rate a name that goes back to Anglo-Saxon times, there being an Earwig, no doubt a man of some consideration, a witness to a charter (Thorpe, p. 333). And the animal which it represents is not the insect of insidious repute, but the sturdy boar so much honoured by our Teuton forefathers, ear being, as elsewhere noted, a contraction of evor, boar, so that Earwig is the "boar of battle." Of more humiliating seeming than even Earwig is Flea (vouched for by Lower as an English surname). And yet it is at all events a name of old descent, for Flea--I do not intend it in any equivocal sense, for the stem is found in Kemble's list of early settlers--came in with the Saxons. And though it has nothing to do with English "flea," yet it is no doubt from the same root, and expresses the same characteristic of agility so marvellously developed in the insect.

Even Bugg, if he had seen his name under this metaphorical microscope, might have felt himself absolved from changing it into Howard, for Bugg is at least as ancient, and etymologically quite as respectable. It is a name of which great and honourable men of old were not ashamed; there was, for instance, a Buga, minister to Edward of Wessex, who signs his name to many a charter. And there was also an Anglo-Saxon queen, Hrothwaru, who was also called Bucge, which I have elsewhere given reasons for supposing to have been her original name. There are moreover to be found, deduced from place-names, two Anglo-Saxons named respectively Buga and Bugga, owners of land, and therefore respectable. In Germany we find Bugo, Bugga, and Bucge, as ancient names of men and women in the Altdeutsches Namenbuch. And Bugge is at present a name both among the Germans and the Scandinavians, being, among others, that of a distinguished professor at Christiania. As to its origin, all that we can predicate with anything like confidence is that it is derived from a word signifying to bend, and of the various senses thus derived, that of ring or bracelet (O.N. baugr) seems to me the most appropriate. The bracelet was of old an honourable distinction, and the prince, as the fountain of honour, was the "bracelet-giver."[2]

My object then at present is to show that many of our short and unpretending names are among the most ancient that we have, being such as our Saxon forefathers brought with them when they first set foot upon our shores, and such as we find whenever history gives us a yet earlier glimpse of the Teuton in his home. Bass, for instance, whose red pyramid to-day stamps authenticity on many a bottle, was in ancient times a well-known potter's name on the beautiful red Samian ware of the Romans. The seat of this manufacture was on the banks of the Rhine, and in the long list of potters' names, mostly of course Roman, there are not a few that are those of Germans or of Gauls. And there is one interesting case, that of a lamp found along the line of the Roman wall, in which the German potter, one Fus, has asserted his own nationality by stamping his ware with the print of a naked human foot, within which is inscribed his name, thus proving, by the play upon his name, that fus meant "foot" in the language which he spoke. Little perhaps the old potter thought, as he chuckled over his conceit, that when fifteen centuries had passed away, his trade-mark would remain to attest his nationality.

But to return to Bass, let us see what can be done to bridge the gulf between the princely brewers of to-day and the old potter on the banks of the Rhine. And first, as to Anglo-Saxon England, we find Bass as a mass-priest, and Bassus as a valiant soldier of King Edwin in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, as also a Bassa in the genealogy of the Mercian kings. Basing, the Anglo-Saxon patronymic, "son of Bass," occurs about the twelfth century, in the Liber Vit�. And Kemble, in his list of Anglo-Saxon "marks," or communities of the early settlers, finds Bassingas, i.e. descendants or followers of Bass, in Cambridgeshire and in Notts, while Mr. Taylor finds offshoots of the same family on the opposite coast in Artois. In Germany we find many instances of Bass, and its High German form Pass, from the seventh century downwards. And in the neighbourhood of the Wurm-See, in Bavaria, we find, corresponding with our Bassings, a community of Pasings, i.e. descendants or followers of Pass. We may take it then that our name Pass is only another form of Bass, both names being also found at present in Germany. As to the origin of the name, for which no sufficient explanation is to be found in the Old German dialects, Foerstemann has to turn to the kindred dialect of the Old Northern, where he finds it in basa, anniti, to strive contend.

Thus far we have had to do with Bass as a name of Teutonic origin. But it appears to have been a Celtic name as well, for Bassa, a name presumably Welsh, occurs in the pathetic lament of Llywarch, written in the sixth century, the name being, on the authority of the late Dr. Guest, still retained in Baschurch near Shrewsbury. The name Bass, then, or Pass, on Roman pottery might be either that of a German or of a Gaul, but more probably the former, especially as we find also Bassico, a form more particularly German, and some other forms more probably Teutonic.

Before parting with Bass, I may refer to one in particular of his progeny, the name Basin, formed from it by the ending en or in, referred to in a subsequent chapter. The original of our Basin has been supposed to have been a barber, the medi�val leech, but I claim for him a different origin, and connect his name, which is found as Basin in Domesday, with the name Basin of a Thuringian king of the fifth century.

Let us take another of our common surnames, Scott. This has been generally assumed to have been an original surname derived from nationality, and we need not doubt that it has been so in many, perhaps in most, cases. But Scott, as a man's name, is, not to say older than the introduction of surnames, but as old probably as the name of the nation itself. To begin with England, it occurs in the thirteenth century, in the Liber Vit�, where it is the reverse of a surname, Scott Agumdessune (no doubt for Agemundessune). I do not think, however, that Agumdessune is here a surname, but only an individual description, an earnest of surnames that were to be. For there is another Scott who signs about the same time, and it might be necessary to distinguish between these two men. There is in the same record yet another Scott, described as "Alstani filius," who, in the time of William the Conqueror, "for the redemption of his soul, and with the consent of his sons and of all his friends," makes a gift of valuable lands to the Church. Scott again occurs in an Anglo-Saxon charter of boundaries quoted by Kemble, "Scottes heal," i.e. "Scot's hall." And Scotta occurs in another in "Scottan byrgels," i.e. "Scotta's burial mound." In Germany Scot occurs in the ninth century in the Book of the Brotherhood of St. Peter at Salzburg, where it is classed by Foerstemann as a German name, which seems justified by the fact that Scotardus, a German compound (hard, fortis), occurs as an Old Frankish name in the time of Charlemagne. In Italy, where, as I shall show in a subsequent chapter, the Germans have left many Teutonic names behind them, we find a Scotti, duke of Milan, in the middle ages, whose name is probably due to that cause. Scotto is a surname at present among the Frisians, while among the Germans generally it is most commonly softened into Schott.

Scot however, as a man's name, seems to have been at least as common among the Celts as among the Teutons; Gluck cites four instances of it from ancient, chiefly Latin, authors, in only one of which, however, that of a Gaul, is the particular nationality distinguished. As to the origin of the name, all that can be said is that it is most probably from the same origin, whatever that may be, as the name of the nation; just as another Celtic man's name, Caled, signifying hard, durus, is probably from the same origin as that of Caledonia, "stern and wild."

Lastly, among the names on Roman pottery, we have Scottus, Scoto, and Scotni, the last being a genitive, "Scotni man�." Of these three names the first is the Latinisation of Scott; the second has the ending in o most common for men's names among the old Franks, but also found among the Celts; the third, as a genitive, presumably represents the form Scotten, the ending in en, hereafter referred to, running through the whole range of Teutonic names, but being also found in Celtic. Upon the whole, then, there does not seem anything sufficiently distinctive to stamp these names as either Teutonic or Celtic. I may observe that all these three forms, Scott, Scotto, and Scotten, are found in our surnames, as well as Scotting, the Anglo-Saxon patronymic, which assists to mark the name as in Anglo-Saxon use. We have also Scotland, which has been supposed to have been an original surname derived from nationality, and so I dare say it may be in some cases. But Scotland appears as a man's name in the Liber Vit� about the twelfth or thirteenth century, and before surnames begin to make their appearance. Scotland again occurs as the name of a Norman in the Acta Sanctorum, where it seems more probably of Frankish origin, and cannot at any rate be from nationality. The fact seems to be that land, terra, was formed into compounds, like bald, and fred, and hard, without reference perhaps to any particular meaning. Similarly we find Old German, apparently Frankish, names, Ingaland and Airland (more properly Heriland), which might account in a similar way for our surnames England and Ireland.

Let us take yet one more name, Gay, a little more complicated in its connections than the others, and endeavour to trace it up to its origin. "Nay! but what better origin can we have," I can fancy the reader saying at starting, "than our own word 'gay', French gai?" I would not undertake to say that our name is not in any instance from this origin, but what I say is that a proved Anglo-Saxon name is better than any assumed word, however suitable its meaning may seem to be. Moreover, the same Anglo-Saxon word will account, not only for Gay, but for a whole group of names, Gay, Gye, Gedge, Gage, Kay, Key, Kegg, Kedge, Cage,--all variations, according to my view, of one original name. It must inevitably be the case that a name dating back to a remote antiquity, and in use over a wide area, must be subject to many phonetic variations. And it matters nothing to etymology, so long as her own strict rules are complied with, if some of these names have not a single letter in common. Given, then, an Anglo-Saxon name Gagg, Gegg, with its alternative form Cagg, Keg, and we get from it all the forms that are required. For the English ear is averse, as a matter of euphony, to a final g, and while it most commonly changes it into y (which is in effect dropping it), as in A.S. dag, Eng. day, A.S. c�g, Eng. key, it also not unfrequently changes it into dg, as in A.S. bricg, Eng. bridge, &c. To come, then, to the Anglo-Saxon names concerned, Kemble, in his list of original settlers, has both Gagingas, i.e. descendants or followers of Gag, and C�gingas, i.e. descendants or followers of C�g. And the Anglo-Saxon names cited below, one of them the exact counterpart of Gay, are deduced from place-names of a later period. The Old German names do not, in this case, throw any light upon the subject, as, on account of the stem not being so distinctly developed as it is in Anglo-Saxon, they have been placed by Foerstemann to, as I consider, a wrong stem, viz. gaw, patria.

Anglo-Saxon names.--G�cg, Geagga, Geah, C�g, Ceagga, Ceahha (G�ging, Gaing, patronymics).

Old German names.--Gaio, Geio, Kegio, Keyo, Keio.

Present German.--Gey, Geu.

Present Friesic.--Kay, Key.

English surnames.--Gay, Gye, Gedge, Gage, Kay, Key, Kegg, Kedge, Cage.

As to the origin and meaning of the word, I can offer nothing more than a somewhat speculative conjecture. There is a stem gagen, cagen, in Teutonic names, and which seems to be derived most probably from O.N. gagn, gain, victory. We find it in Anglo-Saxon in Gegnesburh, now Gainsborough, and in Geynesthorn, another place-name, and we have it in our names Gain, Cain, Cane. It is very possible, and in accordance with the Teutonic system, that gag may represent the older and simpler form, standing to gagen in the same relation as English ward does to warden, and A.S. geard (inclosure), to garden.

As in the two previous cases, so also in this case, there is an ancient Celtic name, Geio, to take into account, and to this may be placed the names Keogh and Keho, if these names be, as I suppose, Irish and not English. Also the Kay and the Kie in McKay and McKie. Lastly, in this, as in the other two cases, there is also a name on Roman pottery, Gio, which might, as it seems, be either German or Celtic. Can there be any connection, I venture to inquire, between these ancient names, Celtic or Teutonic, and the Roman Gaius and Caius? Several well-known Roman names are, as elsewhere noted, referred by German writers to a Celtic origin.

It will be seen then that, in the case of all the three names of which I have been treating, there is an ancient Celtic name in a corresponding form which might in some cases intermix. And there are many more cases of the same kind among our surnames. Wake, for instance, may represent an ancient name, either German or Celtic; for the German a sufficient etymon may be found in wak, watchful, while for the Celtic there is nothing, observes Gluck, in the range of extant dialects to which we can reasonably refer it. So Moore represents an ancient stem for names common to the Celts, the Germans, and the Romans, though at least as regards the Germans, the origin seems obscure.[3]

Now it is quite possible, particularly in the case of such monosyllabic words as these, that there might be an accidental coincidence between a Celtic and a Teutonic name, without their having anything in common in their root. It is possible, again, that the one nation may have borrowed a name from the other, as the Northmen, for instance, sometimes did from the Irish or the Gael, one of their most common names, Niel(sen), being thus derived; while, on the other hand, both the Irish and the Gael received, as Mr. Worsaae has shown, many names from the Northmen. So also the Romans seem to have borrowed names from the Celts, several well-known names, as Plinius, Livius, Virgilius,[4] Catullus, and Drusus, being, in the opinion of German scholars, thus derived.

But though no doubt both these principles apply to the present case, yet there is also, as it seems to me, something in the relationship between Celtic and Teutonic names which can hardly be accounted for on either of the above principles. And I venture to throw out the suggestion that when ancient Celtic names shall have been as thoroughly collected and examined as, by the industry of the Germans, have been the Teutonic, comparative philology may--perhaps within certain lines--find something of the same kinship between them that it has already established in the case of the respective languages. Meanwhile, I venture to put forward, derived from such limited observations as I have been able to make, certain points of coincidence which I think go some way to justify the opinion expressed above. In so doing I am not so much putting forward etymological views of my own, as collecting together, so as to shape them into a comparison, the conclusions which have, in various individual cases, been arrived at by scholars such as Zeuss. There are, then, four very common endings in Teutonic names,--ward, as in Edward, ric, as in Frederic, mar, as in Aylmar, and wald, as in Reginald (=Reginwald). The same four words, in their corresponding forms, are also common as the endings of Celtic names, ward taking the form of guared or guaret, the German ric taking generally the form of rix (which appears also to have been the older form in the German, all names of the first century being so given by Latin authors), wald taking the form of gualed or gualet, and mar being pretty much the same in both. Of these four cases of coincidence, there is only one (wald = gualet) which I have not derived from German authority. And with respect to this one, I have assumed the Welsh gualed, order, arrangement, whence gualedyr, a ruler, to be the same word as German wald, Gothic valdan, to rule. But we can carry this comparison still further, and show all these four endings in combination with one and the same prefix common to both tongues. This prefix is the Old German had, hat, hath, signifying war, the corresponding word to which is in Celtic cad or cat. (Note that in the earliest German names on record, as the Catumer and the Catualda of Tacitus, the German form is cat, same as the Celtic. This seems to indicate that at that early period the Germans so strongly aspirated the h in hat, that the word sounded to Roman ears like cat, and it assists perhaps to give us an idea of the way in which such variations of tongues arise.)

I subjoin then the following names which, mutatis mutandis, are the same in both tongues, and which, judging them by the same rules which philology has applied to the respective languages, might be taken to be from some earlier source common to both races:--

Ancient German Names. Ancient Celtic Names.

Hadaward. Catguaret (Book of Llandaff). Haduric. Caturix (Orelli). Hadamar (Catumer, Tacitus). Catm�r (Book of Llandaff). Hadold (=Hadwald). Catgualet (British king of Gwynedd, A.D. 664). Catualda (Tacitus). Cadwalladyr (British king) (Catgualatyr, Book of Llandaff)

In comparing Catualda with the British Cadwalladyr I am noting an additional point of coincidence. Catualda is not, like other Old German names, from wald, rule, but from walda, ruler. There is only one other Old German name in the same form, Cariovalda,[5] also a very ancient name, being of the first century. This then may represent the older form, though this is not what I wish at present to note, but that Catualda is the counterpart of the British Cadwalladyr, which also is not from gualed, rule, but from gualedyr, ruler.

In suggesting that this coincidence may be confined within certain lines I mean to guard against the assumption that it would, as in the case of the language, be found to pervade the whole system, many of the formations of which may be of a more recent time. There are some other stems, considered by the Germans to be in coincidence, to only one of which I will refer at present, the Old Celtic tout, Welsh t�d = the Gothic thiuda. Hence the name Tudric, of a British king of Glamorgan, would be the counterpart of that of the Gothic king Theuderic, or Theoderic. I will take one more instance of a name presumed to be common to the Germans and to the Celts as an illustration of the manner in which--men's names being handed down from generation to generation without, even in ancient times, any thought of their meaning--a name may survive, while the word from which it was originally derived has perished out of the language, or is retained in a sense so changed as hardly to be recognised. The German name in question is that of Sigimar, the brother of Arminius, dating from the first century of our era, a name which we still have as Seymore, and in its High German form Sicumar we have as Sycamore, intermediate Anglo-Saxon names being found for both. The prefix sig is taken, with as much certainty as there can be in anything of the kind, to be from sig, victory; the ending mar, signifying famous, is a word to which I have already referred as common both to the Germans and to the Celts. Segimar was also an ancient Celtic name, but while the ending mar has a meaning to-day in Celtic speech, the prefix seg is a word of which they are hardly able to render any account. Only in the Old Irish (which seems to contain some of the most ancient elements) Gluck, finding a word seg with the meaning of the wild ox, urus, deduces from it the ancient meaning of strength (Sansc. sahas, vis, robor), and infers an original meaning akin to the German.

It happens, perhaps yet more frequently, that a German name, which cannot be explained by anything within the range of Teutonic dialects, may find a sufficient etymon from the Celtic. That is to suppose that a word originally common to the Teutonic and the Celtic, has dropped out of the former, and been retained only in the latter. Thus there is a word arg, arch, found in many Teutonic names, and from which we have several names, as Archbold, Archbutt, Archard, Argent, Argument, for which the meaning that can be derived from the German seems very inadequate, but for which the Irish arg, hero or champion, seems to offer as good a meaning as could be desired. So also all, from which, as elsewhere shown, there are a number of names, in its Teutonic sense of omnis, does not seem to give by any means so satisfactory a result as in its Celtic sense of "great" or, "illustrious." Many other instances might be adduced on both sides to show the way in which a word has dropped out of the one language and been retained in the other.

Before passing from this part of the subject, I may be allowed to adduce an illustration--a striking one I think, albeit that the name in this case is not that of a man but of a dog--of the way in which a name may be retained in familiar use, though the word from which it is derived has perished out of the language, though the language itself has passed out of use among us for more than a thousand years, and though the word itself is only used in a sort of poetical or sentimental sense. Who has not heard, in verse or in prose, of the "poor dog Tray"? And yet who ever heard, excepting in books, of a dog being called Tray, a word which conveys no meaning whatever to an English ear? What then is the origin, and what is the meaning, of the name? It is, I venture to think, the ancient British name for a dog, which is not to be found in any living dialect of the Celtic, and which is only revealed to us in a casual line of a Roman poet:--

Non sibi, sed domino, venatur vertragus acer, Ill�sum leporem qui tibi dente feret.


The British vertrag must have been something of the nature of a greyhound, though, from the description of his bringing back the game unmangled to his master, perhaps capable of a higher training than the greyhound generally attains to. Now the ver in vertrag is in the Celtic tongues an intensitive, and as prefixed to a word, gives the sense of preeminence. The ancient British word for a dog in general must have been trag, a word of which we find a trace in the Irish traig, foot, allied, no doubt, to Gothic thragjan, Greek [Greek: trechein], Sanscrit trag, to run. The ancient British name then for a dog, trag signified the "runner," and with the intensitive prefix ver, as in vertrag, the "swift runner."[6] And trag is, I take it, the word from which, g as usual in English becoming y, is formed our word Tray.

It may be of interest, in connection with the antiquity of our names, to take a few of the oldest Teutonic names of which history gives us a record, and endeavour to show the relationship which they bear to our existing surnames. It will be seen that not only have we the representatives of these ancient names, but also in certain cases names which represent a still more ancient form of the word.

And first let us take the name, dating back to the first century of our era, of the old German hero Arminius, brought before us with such magnanimous fairness by Tacitus. The old idea, let me observe, that Armin is properly herman, leader or warrior, has long been given up by the Germans. The name, of which the most correct form is considered to be Irmin, is formed from one single word of which the root is irm, and the meaning of which is, as Grimm observes, entirely obscure. We have then as English surnames Armine, Ermine, and Harmony, the last, no doubt, a slight corruption, though, as far as the prefix of h is concerned, it is as old as Anglo-Saxon times, for we find "Harmines den," Harmine's valley, in a charter quoted by Kemble. Then we have compounded with gar, spear, and corresponding with an O.G. Irminger--Arminger, Irminger,[7] and again as a corruption, Iremonger. And, compounded with hari, warrior, and corresponding with an O.G. Irminhar, we have Arminer. And, as a Christian name of women, one at least of our old families still retains the ancient name Ermentrude, the ending trude, as found also in Gertrude, being perhaps from the name Thrud, of one of the Valkyrjur, or battle-maidens of Odin. The French also, among the many names derived from their Frankish ancestors, have Armingaud, Armandet, and Ermingcard, corresponding with the ancient names Irmingaud, Irmindeot, and Irmingard. And Irminger, as I write, comes before me in the daily papers as the name of a Danish admiral. But Irmin is not the oldest form of the name,--"the older and the simple form," observes Foerstemann, "runs in the form Irm or Irim," and with this also we can claim connection in our family names. For we have the simple form as Arms and Harme; and as compounds we have Armiger, corresponding with an O.G. Ermgar; Armour, with an O.G. Ermhar; and Armgold, with an O.G. Ermegild. Lastly, I may observe that both Irm and Irmin are found also by Stark as ancient Celtic names. And certainly there is no stem more likely than this, of the origin of which all trace is lost in the darkness of the past, to be one that is older than the Arian separation.

The name Sigimar, of the brother of Arminius, I have already shown that we have, not only in its own form as Seymore, but also in its High German form as Sycamore, the Anglo-Saxon names from which they may be taken to be more immediately derived being also found in the chapter on place-names. And I have also shown that we have the name Cariovalda (or Harwald) of a prince of the Batavi, of the first century, in our Harold.

There was another old hero of the German race, not so fortunate as Arminius in finding an historian in a generous foe, whose name only comes before us in a line of Horace:--

Occidit Daci Cotisonis agmen.

Cotiso must have been a leader of some High German tribe, perhaps somewhere on the Upper Danube, and he must have made a gallant stand against the Roman arms, inasmuch as his final overthrow is deemed by the Roman poet a worthy subject on which to congratulate his imperial patron. Cotiso is a High German form of another name, Godiso or Godizo, elsewhere referred to, and hence may be represented, I venture to think, in our names Godsoe and Goddiss, while Cotiso itself may be represented in our Cottiss, the ancient vowel-ending being in our names, as I shall show in the next chapter, sometimes dropped and sometimes retained.

Another name which goes back to the first century of our era is Arpus, that of a prince of the Catti in Tacitus. The Eorpingas, descendants or followers of Eorpa, were among the original settlers, and seem to have confined themselves to Norfolk, where alone we have any traces of them. The name may perhaps be referred to Anglo-Saxon eorp, wolf, though other derivations have also been proposed. We have the name at present as Earp (the name of a member of the House of Commons), and also as Harp. Upon this stem is formed the name Arbogastes (gast, guest) of a Frankish general under the Emperor Gratian in the fourth century; and Arbogast is still a family name among the French.

Lastly, let us take the name of the German king, Ariovistus, brought before us by C�sar. The proper form of this name, there seems little doubt, is Arefastus, as found in some other O.G. names. There was also an Arfast, bishop of East Anglia, in the time of William the Conqueror. And Arfast is a present name among the Frisians, according to Outzen, who compares it--rightly, as it seems to me--with the old name Ariovistus. The corresponding name Arinfast (aro, arin, eagle) was also in ancient use among the Danes. It seems to me that our name Harvest may easily be a corruption of Arfast; it has generally no doubt been derived from a man's having been born at such a season, but I distrust, as a general rule, as elsewhere stated, derivations of this kind.

In connection with the subject of the antiquity of Teutonic names generally, and of English names as derived from them, I shall have, in a subsequent chapter, to refer to the names of original settlers in England as deduced by Kemble from ancient charters, and compare them with names of a similar kind found in Germany. The coincidence that will be found in these names at that early period, from England and Friesland in the north to Bavaria in the south, will, I think, be a very strong argument to show that these names could not have originated within the Teutonic area itself, and so dispersed themselves over it in its length and breadth, but that they must have been brought with them by the Teutonic invaders from their earlier homes.


[1] From the old Saxon fragment called the "Traveller's Song." Hnaf is no doubt from the Ang.-Sax. cnafa, cnapa, son, boy, the Anglo-Saxons often representing c by a (no doubt aspirated) h.

[2] Stark also adduces an instance in the eleventh century of Buggo as a contraction of Burchard.

[3] So at least Foerstemann seems to think, observing that we can scarcely derive it from Maur, �thiops, English "Moor." Nevertheless, seeing the long struggle between the Teutons and the Moors in Spain, it seems to me that such a derivation would be quite in accordance with Teutonic practice. See some remarks on the general subject at the end of Chapter IV.

[4] So that we may take it that Virgilius, as the name of a Scot who became bishop of Salzburg in the time of Boniface, was his own genuine Celtic name, and not derived from that of the Roman poet.

[5] This name, that of a prince of the Batavi, is considered by the Germans to be properly Hariovalda, from har, army, and hence is another instance of an initial h being represented among the Romans by a c. The name is the same as the Anglo-Saxon Harald, and as our present name Harold.

[6] For this explanation of vertragus I am indebted to Gluck.

[7] There was an English admiral of this name, though I do not know of it at present.


So long as our surnames are treated as if each name were something standing apart by itself, very little progress can be made in their elucidation; it is by collation and comparison that, in this as in any other science, definite results are to be obtained. And a moderate amount of attention to the forms in which these names appear, and to the various endings prevalent among them, will enable many names, otherwise unrecognisable, to be brought within the pale of classification and of possible explanation. I am of course referring to that portion of our surnames--a much larger one according to my judgment than is generally acknowledged--which dates back to Anglo-Saxon times, and so forms a part of the general system by which Teutonic names are governed.

I shall have, in the course of this work, frequently to refer to the Teutonic system, and to names which do, or do not, according to my judgment, enter into it. And I will therefore, before going further, endeavour to explain what I mean by the Teutonic system. There is, then, a class of words which, at a time of remote antiquity, have been adopted as stems upon which, in some cases by a sort of phonetic accretion, in some cases by the addition of a diminutive ending, in some cases by forming a patronymic, in some cases by taking in another word as a compound, a number of other names have been formed. Thus, when we find such a group of names as Dill, Dilly, Dillow, Dillen, Dilling, Dilke, Dilwyn, or as Budd, Budden, Buddle, Budding, Buddrich, Budmore, we may take it that these are all ancient names, of which Dill and Budd are respectively the stems. And whenever we find a group of names with endings such as it is my object in the present chapter to explain, and in compounds such as will be dealt with in a succeeding chapter, we shall be warranted in assuming the antiquity of the group.

The endings in a, ay, ah, ey, ie, o, oe, ow.

And in the first place, let us take the endings in a, i, and o, of which the above are nothing more than arbitrary variations of spelling. Now ancient Teutonic names formed of one single word had commonly, though not invariably (and the same thing applies also to ancient Celtic names), a vowel-ending in a, i, or o; this ending is in our names sometimes dropped and at other times retained. (It is to be observed, however, that even in Anglo-Saxon times it is not an unfrequent thing to find the same name variously with and without a vowel-ending, of which some instances may be noted in Chapter V.) Thus we have Abbe, Abba, and Abbey, we have Bell, Belly, and Bellow, we have Earl and Early, we have Dand, Dandy, and Dando, we have Brand and Brandy, we have Todd and Toddy, we have Dane and Dana, we have Marr, Marry, and Marrow. These are all ancient names, variously with and without the vowel-ending, and it will be readily seen how apt the addition is to disguise the name, and to give it the appearance of something else.

The question now to consider is--What is the value and meaning of this vowel-ending, which was only given to simple names and never to compounds? It might be, in some cases, used simply as a sort of euphonic rounding-off of a name which might seem meagre and insignificant without something of the sort. We ourselves appear to use s in the same manner in the case of some very short names, such as Wills and Epps, in which the final s may perform the same service that was rendered by the vowel-ending. But there is also another principle which I think obtains, and which, indeed, may be the guiding principle in such cases. In Anglo-Saxon (and the same principle applied to other Teutonic dialects), the addition of a to a word implied connection with it. Thus, from scip, a ship, is formed scipa, one connected with a ship, a sailor. Now, going back to the remote origin of names, there were many cases in which a man took a name from an abstraction, such as war, peace, glory, victory, or from a weapon, as the sword or the spear, and it is obvious that in such cases he required something to connect his name with it, and this is, as it seems to me, what was effected by the ending in question. And the principle is still a living one among us, and we form names daily in accordance with it, though we no longer use the ending in a, which has been superseded by that in i.[8] A connection with anything whatever is expressed by this ending, as when a stupid person is called "Duncey," one with a remarkable nose "Nosey," or one with a halting gait "Stumpy." The French seem to have retained their old ending, and, when they form names of this sort, to do it with the ending in o (eau) which appears to be in accordance with the genius of their language, as that in i (ey) is with that of ours.

Of these three endings, that in a is the one which was in use among the Goths, in such names as Cniva, Totila, Ulfila. And the same was also the case among the Saxons, a branch of the same Low German stock, in such names as Anna, Ella, Penda, Dodda. The ending in i was also common among the Old Saxons, and, if we may judge by the Liber Vit� of Durham (which might naturally be supposed to contain a large proportion of Northern names), was also prevalent in the ancient Northumbria. We have in that record the names Alli, Arni, Bynni, Betti, Cyni, Diori, Elsi, Paelli, Tidi, Tilli, Terri, all of which are found in our present names Alley, Arney, Binney, Betty, Kinney, Deary, Elsey, Paley, Tidy, Tilley, Terry. The ending in o was that which was in favour among the Franks and the High Germans generally, the oldest instance on record being probably that of Cotiso, p. 20. This is the usual ending in French names (so far as they are of Old Frankish origin, and come under this head), the form being generally eau, as in Baudeau, Godeau, Fredeau, representing the ancient names Baldo, Godo, Fredo. Hence our names ending in o may be taken to be, to some extent, names of Old Frankish origin come to us through the Normans. But the number of such names is larger than could reasonably be accounted for in such a way, and in point of fact, we meet occasionally with such names at a much earlier period. The Frisians certainly seem to have had names in this form, and it is a question whether such names may not be partly due to them. It must be observed, then, that names with these three various endings represent the stem just the same as those that are without it.

The ending in an, en, in, or on.

This ending runs through the whole range of Teutonic names, and is common in English surnames. Hence we have Doran, Lingen, Bolden, Hannen, Farren, the names on which they are formed being represented in Dore, Ling, Bold, Hann, Farre. As to the value and meaning of this ending, we have nothing more to guide us than its parallel use in the languages most nearly concerned, where it is what may be called formative. That is to say, it is a form of speech which is used to form the endings of words, not adding anything to the meaning, but forming a kind of euphonic rounding-off of the word. Thus from A.S. wearda is formed warden, from geard (inclosure) is formed garden, from Brytta is formed Briton, from m�gd, maid, is formed maiden. Cf. also the old word ratten for rat, still used in provincial speech. In many cases in Teutonic names we have words thus formed, and also the simpler forms on which they have been founded, e.g. we have bero, bear, and also berin, we have aro, eagle, and also arin (=A.S. earn), both forming the stems on which a number of other names have been built. I take the ending in en, then, to be most probably a kind of phonetic accretion, adding nothing to the sense, but sometimes representing a secondary word, and starting a stem on its own account.

The ending in ing.

This is the Anglo-Saxon and ancient German patronymic, as in Browning, "son of Brown," Dunning, "son of Dunn," Winning, "son of Winn." It must have been superseded during, or very soon after, Anglo-Saxon times, by the patronymic in son, inasmuch as no names of Scriptural origin appear to be formed with it. Hence we have such names as Bulling, Burning, Canning, Gambling, Halling, Harding, Hopping, Loving, Manning, Swearing, Telling, Walking, Willing, some of which have been popularly supposed to be from the present participle. All of the above except two, Swearing and Gambling, are found in the list of early Saxon settlers, and of these two (which are found in after Anglo-Saxon times) Swearing, which corresponds with an Old German Suaring, finds its stem in an Anglo-Saxon name Sweor, signifying important, honourable; and Gambling (properly Gamling) is the patronymic of an A.S. and O.N. name, Gamol, signifying "old," probably in the honorific sense of old descent. From this origin, I take it, are also our names Farthing and Shilling, the former from the stem fard, or farth, signifying "travel," found in several ancient names, and which I rather take to be the same as ford, found in the Fordingas among the early settlers. And Shilling, which corresponds with a present German Schilling, is probably the same as the Scilling in the "Traveller's Song," a supposed contraction of Scilding, from A.S. scyld, shield, in which case our name Shield would be the parent of Shilling. I have referred at the beginning of this book to the curious-looking name Winfarthing (quoted from Lower) as perhaps a corruption of an A.S. Winfrithing, though it is a case in which I do not feel much certainty, finding one or two other such names as Turnpenny, which may have been sobriquets.

The ending in el or il.

This ending in Teutonic names may be taken, as a general rule, to be a diminutive, though in a few cases it may be more probably, like that in en, formative. Thus in the list of early A.S. settlers we have Bryd(ingas) and we have Brydl(ingas), representing the words bride and bridle. Now, as German writers have taken the word brid in ancient names to mean "bridle," comparing it with French bride, it would seem probable that, in the above A.S. name, Brydl is not a diminutive, but the extended word "bridle." However, as a general rule, it may be presumed to be a diminutive, and in such sense I take the following, premising that this, as well as all other diminutives, except kin, lin, and et, is subject to a vowel-ending just the same as simple forms. We have Bable, corresponding with an A.S. Babel, and an O.G. Babilo; Ansell and Anslow (Ansilo), corresponding with an O.G. Ansila; Mundell and Mundella, with a Gothic Mundila;[9] Costall, Costello, and Costly, with an O.G. Costila. Costly is properly Costili, with the ending in i, as also Brightly is Brightili, and some other names with an adverbial look may be similarly explained.

The ending in ec or ic.

This ending, with rare exceptions, may also be taken to be a diminutive. The oldest instance on record is stated by Stark as that of the Vandal general Stilicho in the fourth century, though, as found on Roman pottery (in the names Bassico and Bennicus), it may be still older. It seems rather singular that, though, according to Grimm, this ending was more particularly in favour among the Saxons, not a single instance of it occurs among the names of our early settlers, nor indeed any other form of diminutive except that in el, though the form in question is not uncommon in after Anglo-Saxon times. This diminutive is still in living use among us, at least in Scotland, where a "mile and a bittock" (little bit) has proved a snare to many a tourist. We have Willock, Wilkie, and Wilke, corresponding with an O.G. Willico, and an A.S. Uillech; Lovick and Lubbock, corresponding with O.G. Liuvicho; Jellicoe, corresponding with O.G. Geliko, Jeliko, and an A.S. Geleca, some of these examples being with, and some without, the vowel-ending.

The ending in lin.

This ending, which is also a diminutive, is probably formed from that in el, by the addition of en. It is found in Foerstemann's list as early as the fifth century, but, as found on Roman pottery, must probably be still older. We have Bucklin, corresponding with a Buccellin, general of the Alemanni in the sixth century, and with a Buccellan on Roman pottery. Also Tomlin, corresponding with an O.G. Domlin; Applin, with an O.G. Abbilin; Franklin, with an O.G. Francolin; Papillon, with an O.G. Babolen, &c. This form of diminutive never takes a vowel-ending.

The ending in kin.

This diminutive ending is formed from that in ec by the addition of en. It is the youngest-born of all, not being found, unless in rare cases, before the tenth century. And it is one that is still in living use both in England and in Germany, in the latter country more especially. We have Wilkin, corresponding with an O.G. Williken, and an O.N. Vilkinr; Godkin, with an O.G. Gotichin; Hipkin, with an O.G. Ibikin or Ipcin; and Hodgkin, with an A.S. Hogcin.

The ending in et.

There is an ending in d or t in O.G. names, which may be taken, though perhaps not with anything like certainty, to have the force of a diminutive. Hence might be such a name as Ibbett, corresponding with O.G. names Ibed and Ibet, from an unexplained stem ib; also our names Huggett, Howitt, and Hewitt, corresponding with an Anglo-Saxon Hocget, and an O.G. Huetus, from the stem hog, hug, signifying study or thought. But some other endings are so liable to intermix, and particularly the common one had, war, that there is very seldom anything like certainty.

The ending in es or is.

I take this ending also to be diminutive, and to be possibly akin to our ish, as in blue-ish, which, as signifying a "little blue," seems to have the force of a diminutive. Hence we have Riches, corresponding with an O.G. Richizo, and a present French Richez; and Willis, corresponding with an O.G. Willizo. Then we have Godsoe, corresponding with an O.G. Godizo, of which Cotiso, mentioned in Horace (p. 20), is a High German form; and Abbiss, corresponding with the name, Abissa, of the son of Hengest, from, as supposed, Gothic aba, man. And we have Prentiss, corresponding with an A.S. Prentsa (=Prentisa), respecting which I have elsewhere suggested that the name should be properly Pentsa. Another name which I take to be from this ending is Daisy. There is an A.S. D�gsa, which as Dagsi, with the alternative ending in i, would give us Daisy. We have another name, Gipsy, which I take to be from Gibb or Gipp (A.S. geban, to give) with this ending. This ending in is is naturally very apt to be corrupted into ish, and it is from this source, I take it, that we have such names as Radish, Reddish, Varnish, Burnish, and Parish, the two last of which we have also in their proper form as Burness, and Parez or Paris.

The ending in cock.

This ending is not one that enters into the Teutonic system, unless so far as it may turn out to be a corruption of something else. I have not met with it earlier than A.D. 1400, nor do I know of anything to make me think that it is much older. There has been at different times a good deal of discussion as to its origin in Notes and Queries and elsewhere. Mr. Lower has supposed it to be a diminutive, for which I do not think that any etymological sanction can be found, unless indeed we can suppose it to be a corruption of the diminutive eck or ock before referred to, which seems not impossible. But on the whole I am disposed to agree with the suggestion of a writer in Notes and Queries that cock is a corruption of cot,--not, however, in the sense which I suppose him to entertain, of cot as a local word, but of cot as an ancient ending, the High German form of gaud or got, signifying, as supposed, "Goth." So far as the phonetic relationship between the two words cock and cot is concerned, we have an instance, among others, in our word apricot, which was originally apricock.

I am influenced very much in coming to the above conclusion by finding coq as a not unfrequent ending in French names, as in Balcoq and Billecoq, also in Aucoq, Lecoq, Videcocq, Vilcocq, which latter seem to be names corresponding with our Alcock, Laycock, Woodcock, and Willcock. They might all be formed on Teutonic stems, if we suppose Lecoq and Laycock to have lost a d, like Lewis and Lucas, from leod, people. Now, that the ending gaud, with its alternative forms got, caud, cot, is present in French names as well as in English will be clearly seen from the following. From the Old German Faregaud we have Faragut, and the French have Farcot; from the O.G. Benigaud they have Penicaud, and we have Pennycad; from the O.G. Ermingaud they have Armingaud, and from Megingaud they have Maingot; from the O.G. Aringaud we have Heringaud, from Wulfegaud we have Woolcot, from Adogoto we have Addicott, and from Madalgaud we have Medlicott. I am also disposed on the same principle to take Northcott, notwithstanding its local appearance, to represent the O.G. name Nordgaud, and in this case we have also the name Norcock to compare.

Presuming the above derivation to be the correct one, the question then arises,--Has this ending come to us through the French, or has the corruption proceeded simultaneously in both countries? That the latter has been the case, the French Videcocq, as compared with our Woodcock, goes some way to show, the one having the High German form vid or wid, and the other the Saxon form wud. I may also mention, as being, so far as it goes, in accordance with the above theory, that we have a number of names both in the form of cot and cock, as Adcock and Addicott, Alcock and Alcott, Norcott and Norcock, Jeffcock and Jeffcott. I do not, however, desire to come to a definite conclusion, though, as far as I am able to carry it, the inquiry seems in favour of the view which I have advocated. But the whole subject will bear some further elucidation.

[8] How or when this change took place is a question that awaits solving, but I observe that, in 1265, the Countess of Montford, giving names (or sobriquets) to her servants, calls one of her messengers Treubodi (trusty messenger), and not Treuboda, as the Anglo-Saxon form would have been.

[9] This name appears as [Greek: Moundilas] in Procopius, but, judging by the present pronunciation of Greek, it would sound as Mundila.


The subject of the relative antiquity of simple names (i.e. those formed from one single word) and of compound names is one which has occupied a good deal of the attention of the Germans. And the conclusion at which some of them at least seem to have arrived, and which perhaps has been stated the most distinctly by Stark, is that the compound names are the older of the two. And the principal ground upon which this conclusion is based seems to be this, that in a very great number of cases we find that a simple name was used as a contraction of a compound name, just as we use Will for William, and Ben for Benjamin. Stark, in particular, has gone into the subject with German thoroughness, and produced a most complete list of instances of such contractions, such as Freddo for Fredibert, Wulf for Wulfric, Benno for Bernhard; and among the Anglo-Saxons, Eada for Edwine, and Siga for Siwerd, &c., from which he seems to arrive at the general conclusion that simple names are in all cases contractions of compound names.

Nevertheless, I must say that it seems to me that to assume the compound to be older than the simple looks very much like something that is contrary to first principles, and indeed the very fact that simple names are so often used in place of compounds appears to me to show that they are more natural to men, and that men would generally adopt them if they could. I cannot but think then, going back to the far remote origin of Teutonic names, that the vocabulary of single words must have been exhausted before men began to take to the use of compounds. When this period arrived, and when the confusion arising from so many men being called by the same name could no longer be endured, some other course required to be adopted. And the course that was adopted was--I put this forward only as a theory--when the range of single names was exhausted, to put two names together. The number of changes that could be thus introduced was sufficient for all purposes, and there is, as I believe, no established case of a Teutonic name being formed of more than two words. From this point of view Teutonic names would not be translatable, or formed with any view to a meaning, and this is, as it seems to me, what was in fact the case, as a general rule, though I should be very far from laying it down as a universal principle. If names were formed with a view to a meaning, it does not seem very probable that we should have a name compounded with two words, both of which signify war; still less with two words, one of which signifies peace and the other war. "Bold in war" might have a meaning, but "bold in peace," if it means anything, seems satirical. In point of fact, there was a certain set of words on which the changes were rung in forming names without any apparent reference either to meaning or congruity. Thus we find that the early Frankish converts in the time of Charlemagne, the staple of whose names was German derived from their heathen ancestors, adopted not a few words of Christian import from the Latin or the Hebrew, and mixed them up with the old words to which they had been accustomed in their names. Thus a woman called Electa, no doubt meaning "elect," calls her son Electardus (hard, fortis); thus from pasc (passover) is formed Pascoin (wine, friend); from the name of Christ himself is formed Cristengaudus (gaud, Goth.) Now these are three of the common endings of German names, but no one can suppose that any sense was intended to be made out of them here, or that they were given for any other reason than that they were the sort of words out of which men had been accustomed to form their names. Indeed, the idea present to the minds of the parents seems to have been in many cases to connect the names of their children with their own, rather than anything else, by retaining the first word of the compound and varying the second. Thus a man called Girveus and his wife Ermengildis give their children the names of Giroardus, Girfridis, Gertrudis, Ermena, and Ermengardis, three of the names connecting with that of the father, and two with that of the mother. In the case of a man called Ratgaudus and his wife Deodata, the names of four of the children are Ratharius, Ratgarius, Ratrudis, and Deodatus, the names of two other children being different. Many other instances might be given of this sort of yearning for some kind of a connecting-link in the names of a family. Now the people by whom these names were given were common peasants and serfs, so that the case was not one like that of the Anglo-Saxon kings of Northumbria, among whose names the prefix os, signifying "semi-deus," and expressive of a claim to a divine lineage, was of such frequent recurrence. It may be a question then whether, while the former word of the compound connected with the father or the mother, the latter part did not sometimes connect with some other relative whose name it was desired to commemorate, giving the effect that is now frequently expressed by a Christian name and a surname. Again, when we look at the remote origin of these names, when we find in the opening century of our era, and who can tell for how many centuries before, precisely the same names that have been current in all these centuries since, we can hardly doubt that some of these names, derived from words that had long died out from the language, must have been used even in ancient times without any more thought of their meaning than parents have now when they call a child Henry or John. I desire, however, to put forward the above theory as to the origin of compound names rather with a view of raising the question than of expressing a definite conclusion.

The vowel ending in a, i, or o, to which I have referred as in general use in the case of simple names was not used in the case of compounds, unless indeed it happened to be an original part of the second word as in Frithubodo, from bodo, messenger. Only in the case of women, to mark the sex, the ending in a was given. And in the case of some names, such as Gertrud, in which the second part is a word that could only be given to a woman, as no vowel-ending was required, so none was given.

I now proceed to give a list of the principal compounds occurring in English names, with the ancient forms corresponding. I have been obliged, as a matter of necessity, to compare our names more frequently with Old German than with Anglo-Saxon equivalents, on account of the former having been collected and collated--a work which it remains for some one of our well qualified Anglo-Saxon scholars to do with regard to the latter.

The meanings which I have assigned for these names are such as have been most generally adopted by the German writers who have made a special study of the subject. But it must be borne in mind that this study is one in which there is no context by which conclusions can be verified, and that in the vast majority of cases we have nothing more to go upon than a reasonable presumption.

Adal, athel, ethel, "noble."

(Hard, fortis), Old Germ. Adalhard--Ang.-Sax. Ethelhard--Eng. Adlard. (Helm), O.G. Adalhelm--Eng. Adlam. (Hari, warrior), A.S. Ethilheri--Eng. Edlery. (Stan, stone), A.S. �thelstan--Eng. Ethelston.

Ag, ac, ec, "point, edge."

(Hard, fortis), O.G. Agihard--Eng. Haggard. (Hari, warrior), O.G. Agiher, Egiher--Eng. Agar, Eager. (Leof dear), O.N. Eylifr--Eng. Ayliffe. (Man, vir), O.G. Egiman--A.S. �cemann--Eng. Hayman, Aikman. (Mund, protection), A.S. Agemund--Eng. Hammond. (Ward), O.G. Eguard--A.S. Hayward--Eng. Hayward.

Agil, Ail, of uncertain meaning, but perhaps formed on the previous stem Ag.

(Gar, spear), O.G. Egilger, Ailger--Eng. Ailger. (Hard, fortis), O.G. Agilard, Ailard--Eng. Aylard. (Man), O.G. Aigliman--Eng. Ailman. (Mar, famous), O.G. Agilmar, Ailemar--Eng. Aylmer. (Ward, guardian), O.G. Agilward, Ailward--Eng. Aylward. (Wine, friend), A.S. Aegelwine--Eng. Aylwin.

Alb, Alf, signifying "elf."

(Hard, fortis), O.G. Alfhard--Eng. Alvert. (Hari, warrior), A.S. �lfhere--O.G. Alfheri, Albheri--Eng. Alvary, Albery, Aubrey. (Rad, red, counsel), O.G. Alberat--A.S. Alfred--Eng. Alfred. (Run, mystery), O.G. Albrun[10]--Eng. Auberon.

Ald, signifying "old."

(Bert, famous), O.G. Aldebert--Eng. Aldebert. (Hari, warrior), A.S. Aldheri--Eng. Alder, Audrey. (Gar, spear), A.S. Eldecar (Moneyer of Edmund)--Eng. Oldacre (?). (Rad, red, counsel), O.G. Aldrad--Eng. Aldred, Eldred. (Rit, ride), O.G. Aldarit--Eng. Aldritt. (Ric, rule), O.G. Alderich, Olderich, Altrih--Eng. Aldrich, Oldridge, Altree. (Man, vir), A.S. Ealdmann--Eng. Altman.

Amal, of uncertain meaning.

(Gar, spear), O.G. Amalgar--Eng. Almiger. (Hari, warrior), O.G. Amalhari, Amalher--Eng. Ambler, Emeler.

Angel, signifying "hook, barb"(?).

(Bert, famous), O.G. Engilbert--Eng. Engleburt. (Hard, fortis), O.G. Englehart--Eng. Engleheart. (Hari, warrior), O.G. Angelher--Eng. Angler. (Man), O.G. Angilman--Eng. Angleman. (Dio, servant), O.G. Engildeo--A.S. Angeltheow--Eng. Ingledew. (Sind, companion), O.G. Ingilsind--Eng. Inglesent.

Ans, High Germ, form of A.S. os, "semi-deus."

(Hard, fortis), O.G. Ansard--Eng. Hansard. (Hari, warrior), O.G. Ansher--Eng. Anser. (Helm), O.G. Anshelm--Eng. Anselme, Hansom.

Ark, Arch (see page 16).

(Bald, bold), Eng. Archbold. (Bud, envoy), O.G. Argebud--Eng. Archbutt. (Hard, fortis), O.G. Archard--Eng. Archard. (Hari, warrior), O.G. Erchear--Archere, Roll of Battle Abbey--Eng. Archer. (Rat, counsel), O.G. Archarat--Eng. Arkwright(?). (Mund, protection), O.G. Argemund--Eng. Argument.

Aud, Aut, High Germ. form of A.S. ead, "prosperity."

(Hari, warrior), O.G. Authar--Eng. Auther. (Ric, rule), O.G. Audricus--Eng. Auterac. (Ram, raven), O.G. Audram--Eng. Autram, Outram.

All (see page 16).

(Frid, peace), O.G. Alufrid--Eng. Allfrey. (Gar, spear), A.S. Algar--Eng. Alger. (Hard, fortis), A.S. Ealhard--Eng. Allard. (Mar, famous), O.G. Alamar--Eng. Almar. (Mund, protection), A.S. Ealmund--O.G. Alamunt--Eng. Almond, Alment. (Noth, bold), A.S. �lnoth--Eng. Allnut. (Ward), O.G. Aloard--A.S. Alwerd--Eng. Allward. (Wid, wood), O.G. Aluid--Eng. Allwood. (Wig, wi, war), A.S. Alewih--Eng. Allaway.[11] (Wine, friend), O.G. Allowin--Eng. Alwin.

Al, el, probably "foreigner."

(Bod, envoy), O.G. Ellebod--Eng. Albutt. (Gaud, Goth), O.G. Eligaud--Eng. Allgood, Elgood. (Gar, spear), O.G. Elger--Eng. Elgar. (Hard, fortis), O.G. Eleard--Eng. Ellard. (Hari, warrior), O.G. Elier--Eng. Ellery. (Mar, famous), O.G. Alimer--Eng. Elmore. (Mund, protection), Elmund, Domesday--Eng. Element. (Wine, friend), Elwin, Lib. Vit.--Eng. Elwin. (Wood), Elwod, Lib. Vit.--Eng. Elwood. (Gern, eager), O.G. Aligern--Eng. Hallgreen.

Ad, at (Gothic, atta), "father."

(Gis, hostage), O.G. Atgis--Eng. Atkiss. (Gaud, Goth), O.G. Adogoto--Eng. Addicott. (Hari, warrior), O.G. Adohar--Eng. Adier. (Mar, famous), O.G. Adamar--Eng. Atmore. (Ric, rule), A.S. �theric--Eng. Attridge. (Rid, ride), O.G. Atharid--Eng. Attride. (Wulf), A.S. Athulf--Eng. Adolph.

An, han (O.H.G. ano), "ancestor."

(Fred, peace), O.G. Enfrid--Eng. Henfrey. (Gar, spear), O.G. Anager, Eneger--Eng. Hanger, Henniker. (Man, vir), O.G. Enman--Eng. Hanman, Henman. (Rad, counsel), O.G. Henred--Eng. Hanrot. (Wald, rule), O.G. Anawalt--Eng. Anhault.

Arm, of uncertain meaning.

(Gar, spear), O.G. Ermgar--Eng. Armiger. (Gild, value?) O.G. Ermegild--Eng. Armgold. (Had, war), O.G. Ermhad--Eng. Armat. (Hari, warrior), O.G. Ermhar--Eng. Armour, Armory. (Rad, counsel), O.G. Ermerad--Eng. Ormerod.

Armin, of uncertain meaning

(Gar, spear), O.G. Irminger--Eng. Irminger, Arminger (Hari, warrior), O.G. Irminhar--Eng. Arminer.

Arn, ern (A.S. earn), "eagle."

(Hari, warrior), O.G. Arnheri--Eng. Harnor. (Helm), O.G. Arnhalm--Eng. Arnum. (Wald, rule), O.G. Arnoald--Eng. Arnold. (Wulf), O.G. Arnulf--Eng. Arnulfe.

Ask, ash, perhaps in the sense of "spear."

(Bert, famous), A.S. �scbyrht--Eng. Ashpart. (Hari, warrior), A.S. �schere--Eng. Asher. (Bald, fortis), Eng. Ashbold. (Man, vir), A.S. �scmann--Aschmann, Hund. Rolls--Eng. Ashman. (Mar, famous), A.S. �scmer--Eng. Ashmore. (Wid, wood), O.G. Asquid--Ascuit, Domesday--Eng. Asquith, Ashwith. (Wine, friend), A.S. �scwine--Eng. Ashwin. (Wulf), O.G. Ascolf--Eng. Ascough.

A.S. beado, "war."

(Hari, warrior), O.G. Bathari--Eng. Badder, Bather. (Hard, fortis), A.S. Badherd--Beadheard, Lib. Vit.--Eng. Beddard. (Man, vir), Badumon, Lib. Vit.--Eng. Badman. (Ric, rule), O.G. Betterich--A.S. B�dric--Eng. Betteridge. (Ulf, wolf), O.G. Badulf--Eng. Biddulph.

Bald, "fortis."

(Hari, warrior), A.S. Baldhere--Eng. Balder, Boldery. (Ric, rule), O.G. Baldric, Baldrih--Eng. Baldridge, Baldry. (Wine, friend), A.S. Baldwine--Eng. Baldwin.

A.S. band, bend, "crown, chaplet."

(Hard, fortis), O.G. Pantard--Eng. Pindard. (Hari, warrior), A.S. Pender--Eng. Pender. (Rad, counsel), O.G. Bandrad--Eng. Banderet, Pendered.

A.S. ben, "wound."

(Gar, spear), O.G. Benegar--Eng. Benger. (Gaud, Goth), O.G. Benegaud--Eng. Pennycad. (Hari, warrior), O.G. Beniher--Eng. Benner. (Man, vir), Eng. Beneman, A.D. 1535, Penman. (Nid, strife), O.G. Bennid--Eng. Bennet.

A.S. bera, "bear."

(Gar, spear), O.G. Bereger[12]--Eng. Berger. (Grim, fierce), O.G. Peragrim--Eng. Paragreen. (Hard, fortis), O.G. Berhard--Eng. Barehard. (Hari, warrior), O.G. Beriher--Eng. Berrier. (Helm), O.G. Perrhelm--Eng. Perriam. (Land, terra), O.G. Perelant--Eng. Purland. (Man, vir), O.G. Berman--Eng. Burman, Perman. (Mar, famous), O.G. Bermar--Eng. Barmore, Paramore. (Rat, counsel), O.G. Perratt--Eng. Perrott. (Dio, servant), O.G. Peradeo--Eng. Purdue. (Ward), O.G. Beroward--Eng. Berward. (Wise, sapiens), O.G. Berois (=Berwis)--Eng. Barwise.

Berin, bern, "bear."

(Gar, spear), O.G. Beringar--Eng. Berringer. (Hard, fortis), O.G. Berinhard--Eng. Bernard. (Hari, warrior), O.G. Bernher, Pernher--Eng. Berner, Pirner. (Wald, rule), O.G. Berneold--Eng. Bernold. (Kel, for Ketil), O.N. Biornkel--Eng. Barnacle.

Bil, supposed to mean "mildness, gentleness."

(Frid, peace), O.G. Bilfrid--Eng. Belfry. (Grim, fierce), O.G. Biligrim, Pilgrim--Eng. Pilgrim. (Mar, famous), O.G. Belemar--Eng. Billamore, Belmore. (Gard, protection), O.G. Biligard--Eng. Billiard. (Mund, protection), O.G. Pilimunt--Eng. Belment. (Wald, rule), Biliald, Lib. Vit.--Eng. Billyald.

Bert, "bright, illustrious."

(Ram, raven), O.G. Bertram--Eng. Bertram. (Land, terra), O.G. Bertland--Eng. Brightland. (Mar, famous), A.S. Brihtmar--Eng. Brightmore. (Rand, shield), O.G. Bertrand--Eng. Bertrand. (Ric, rule), O.G. Perhtric--A.S. Brihtric--Partriche, Hund. Rolls--Eng. Partrick, Partridge. (Wine, friend), A.S. Brihtwine--Eng. Brightwine.

Black, blake, signifying "brightness."

(Hari, warrior), O.G. Blicher--Eng. Blacker, Blaker. (Man), A.S. Bl�cman (genealogy of the kings of Northumbria), Blacman (Moneyer at Norwich)--Blaecmon, Lib. Vit.--Blacheman, Domesday--Eng. Blackman, Blakeman. (Wine, friend), Eng. Blackwin.

Bod, bud, "envoy."

(Gar, spear), O.G. Baudochar--Eng. Bodicker. (Hari, warrior), O.G. Botthar--Boterus, Domesday--Eng. Butter, Buttery. (Gis, hostage), O.G. Boutgis, Boggis--Eng. Boggis. (Mar, famous), O.G. Baudomir--Eng. Bodmer. (Ric, rule), O.G. Buttericus, Bauderich--Eng. Butterick, Buddrich. (Rid, rit, "ride"), O.G. Bodirid, Buotrit--Eng. Botright.

Boll, bull (prob. M.H.G. buole), "friend."

(Gar, spear), O.G. Pulgar--Eng. Bulger. (Hard), Pollardus, Domesday--Eng. Bullard, Pollard. (Hari, warrior), O.G. Bolheri--Eng. Buller. (Mar, famous), A.S. Bulem�r--Eng. Bulmer.

Burg, signifying "protection."

(Hard), A.S. Burghard--Eng. Burchard. (Hari, warrior), O.G. Burghar--Eng. Burger. (Wald, rule), O.G. Burgoald--Eng. Purgold. (Wine, friend), Eng. Burgwin.

Ball, bale, signifying "bale, woe."

(Frid, peace), O.G. Palfrid--Eng. Palfrey. (Mar, famous), O.G. Ballomar, Belimar--Eng. Balmer, Bellmore.

Coll, signifying "helmet."

(Brand, sword), A.S. Colbrand--Eng. Colbran. (Biorn, bear), O.N. Kolbiorn--Eng. Colburn. (Man, vir), A.S. Colman--Eng. Colman. (Mar, famous), A.S. Colom�r--Eng. Collamore. (Hard), A.S. Ceolheard--Eng. Collard.

Cost, cust, "skill, science" (Germ, kunst).

(Hard), O.G. Custard--Eng. Custard.

Dag, "day," in the sense of brightness, glory.[13]

(Bald, bold), O.G. Tagapald--Daegbald, Lib. Vit.--Eng. Daybell. (Bern, bear), O.G. Tagapern--Eng. Tayburn. (Burg, protection), O.G. Tagabirg--Eng. Tackabarry. (Gisil, hostage), O.G. Daigisil--Eng. Daggesell. (Hari, warrior), O.G. Daiher--Dacher, Lib. Vit.--Eng. Dagger, Dacker, Dayer. (Helm), O.G. Dachelm--Eng. Dacombe. (Mund, protection), O.G. Dagamund--A.S. Daiemond--Eng. Daymont. (Mar, famous), O.G. Dagemar--Dagemar on Roman pottery--Eng. Damer.

Dall, dell, as supposed, "illustrious."

(Bert, famous), O.G. Dalbert--Talbercht, Lib. Vit.--Eng. Talbert. (Fare, travel), O.G. Dalferi--Eng. Telfer. (Hari, warrior), O.G. Dealher--Eng. Deller. (Man), O.G. Dalman--Eng. Dalman, Tallman. (Wig, wi, war), Daliwey, Hund. Rolls--Eng. Dalloway.

Dan, den, of uncertain meaning, perhaps, "Dane."

(Hard), A.S. D�neheard--Eng. Denhard. (Gar, spear), O.G. Thangar--Eng. Danger. (Wulf), A.S. Denewulf--Eng. Denolf.

Dar, signifying "spear."

(Nagel, nail), A.S. Dearnagel--Eng. Darnell. (Gund, war), O.G. Taragun--Eng. Darrigon. (Wine, friend), O.G. Daroin--- Eng. Darwin.

Dear, "carus."

(Leof, dear), A.S. Deorlaf--Eng. Dearlove. (Man, vir), Dereman, Domesday--Eng. Dearman. (M�d, courage), A.S. Deormod--Eng. Dermott. (Wine, friend), A.S. Deorwyn--Eng. Derwin.

Gothic, thius (O.H.G. dio), "servant."

(Log, loh, clean?), O.G. Thioloh--Eng. Dialogue. (Mad, reverence), O.G. Deomad--Eng. Demaid. (Man, vir), O.G. Dioman--Eng. Demon. (Mund, protection), O.G. Thiomunt--Eng. Diamond.

Old North. dolgr, "foe."

(Fin, people's name), O.N. Dolgfinnr--Eng. Dolphin. (Man, vir), A.S. Dolemann--Eng. Dolman.

A.S. d�m (O.H.G. tuom), "judgment."

(Gis, hostage), O.G. Domigis, Tomichis--Eng. Tomkies. (Hard, fortis), O.G. Domard--Eng. Dummert. (Hari, warrior), O.G. Domarius--Domheri, Lib. Vit.--Eng. Dummer.

A.S. dugan, to be "doughty."

(Man, vir), O.G. Dugiman, Tugeman--A.S. Ducemann--Eng. Tugman, Duckman. (Mar, famous), O.G. Daumerus--Eng. Dugmore. Probably from the noun, duguth, virtue, A.S. Dogod--Eng. Doggett, Dugood.

Erl, supposed same as "earl."

(Bad, war), O.G. Erlebad--Eng. Hurlbat (Bert, famous), O.G. Erlebert--Eng. Hurlburt. (Hari, warrior), O.G. Erleher--Eng. Hurler. (Wine, friend), O.G. Erliwin, A.S. Herlawine--Eng. Urlwin.

Evor, "boar."

(Hard, fortis), O.G. Everhard--Eng. Everard, Earheart. (Rad, counsel), O.G. Eburrad--Eng. Evered, Everett. (Ric, rule), O.G. Eburicus--Eng. Every. (Wacar, watchful), O.G. Eburacar--Eureuuacre, Domesday--Eng. Earwaker. (Wig, war), O.G. Eberwic--A.S. Earwig--Eng. Earwig.

Anglo-Saxon e�d, "prosperity."

(Burg, protection), A.S. Eadburh--Eng. Edbrook. (Gar, spear), A.S. Eadgar--Eng. Edgar. (Mund, protection), A.S. Eadmund--Eng. Edmond. (Ric, rule), A.S. Eadric--Eng. Edridge. (Ward), A.S. Eadweard--Eng. Edward. (Wig, war), A.S. Eadwig--Eng. Edwick. (Wulf), A.S. Eadwulf--Eng. Edolph. (Wacar, watchful), O.G. Odoacer--A.S. Edwaker--Eng. Eddiker?

Far, fare, signifying "travel."

(And, life, spirit), O.G. Ferrand, Eng. Ferrand. (Gaud, Goth), O.G. Faregaud--Eng. Farragut, Forget. (Hari, warrior), O.G. Feriher--Eng. Ferrier. (Man), O.G. Faraman--Fareman, Hund. Rolls--Eng. Fairman. (Mund, protection), O.G. Faramund--Eng. Farrimond. (Ward), O.G. Faroard--Eng. Forward.

Fard, also signifying "travel."

(Hari, warrior), A.S. Forthere--Eng. Forder. (Man), O.G. Fartman--Eng. Fortyman. (Nand, daring), O.G. Ferdinand--Eng. Ferdinand. (Rad, counsel), Forthred, Lib. Vit.,--Eng. Fordred.

Fil, ful, signifying "great."

(Bert, famous), O.G. Filibert--Eng. Filbert. (Gar, spear),--Eng. Fullagar. (Leof, dear), O.G. Filuliub--Eng. Fullalove. (Man), O.G. Filiman--Eng. Fileman. (Mar, famous), A.S. Fealamar, O.G. Filomor--Eng. Fillmer, Phillimore. (Dio, thius, servant), O.G. Filethius--Eng. Filldew.

Frid, free,[14] signifying "peace."

(Bad, war), O.G. Fridibad--Eng. Freebout. (Bern, bear), O.G. Fridubern--Friebern Domesday--Eng. Freeborn. (Bod. envoy), O.G. Frithubodo--Eng. Freebody. (Lind, gentle), O.G. Fridulind--Frelond Hund. Rolls--Eng. Freeland. (Ric, rule), O.G. Frithuric--Eng. Frederick. (Stan, stone), A.S. Frithestan--Eng. Freestone.

Fin, supposed from "the nation."

(Bog, bow), Old Norse, Finbogi--Eng. Finbow. (Gar, spear), Old Norse, Finngeir--Eng. Finger.

Gad, of uncertain meaning, perhaps "friend."

(Man, vir), A.S. C�dmon--Eng. Cadman. (Leof, dear),--Eng. Gatliffe.

Gal, signifying "spirit, cheerfulness."

(And, life, spirit), Galaunt, Hund. Rolls--Eng. Galland, Gallant. (Frid, peace), A.S. Galfrid, Gaufrid--Eng. Geoffry. (Hard), Gallard Hund. Rolls--Eng. Gallard. (Wig, war), O.G. Geilwih--Galaway, Hund. Rolls--Eng. Galloway.

Gand, signifying "wolf."

(Hari, warrior), O.G. Ganthar--A.S. Gandar--Eng. Gander, Ganter. (Ric, rule), O.G. Gendirih, Cantrih--Eng. Gentery, Gentry, Chantrey.

Gar, signifying "spear."

(Bad, war), O.G. Kerpat--Eng. Garbett. (Bald), O.G. Garibald, Kerbald--Eng. Gorbold, Corbould. (Brand, sword), O.G. Gerbrand--Eng. Garbrand. (Brun, bright), O.G. Gerbrun--Eng. Gorebrown. (Bod, envoy), O.G. Gaerbod--Gerbode Lib. Vit.--Eng. Garbutt. (Hard), O.G. Garehard--Eng. Garrard. (Hari, warrior), O.G. Garoheri, Caroheri--Eng. Carary, Carrier. (Lac, play), O.G. Gerlac--Eng. Garlick. (Man), O.G. Garaman--A.S. Jaruman--Eng. Garman, Jarman. (Mund, protection), O.G. Garimund--Eng. Garment. (Noth, bold), O.G. Garnot--Eng. Garnett. (Rod, red), O.G. Kaerrod--Old Norse, Geirraudr Eng. Garrod. (Laif, relic), O.G. Gerlef--Eng. Gerloff. (Ferhth, life, spirit), Gerferth, Lib. Vit.--Eng. Garforth. (Stan, stone), O.G. Kerstin--Eng. Garstin. (Wald, power), O.G. Garold--Eng. Garrold. (Was, keen), O.G. Gervas--Eng. Jervis. (Wid, wood), O.G. Gervid--Eng. Garwood. (Wig, war), O.G. Garavig, Gerwi--Eng. Garroway, Garvey. (Wine, friend), O.G. Gerwin, Caroin--Eng. Curwen?[15] (Van, beauty), O.G. Geravan--Eng. Caravan.

Gan, gen, supposed to mean "magic, sorcery."

(Bert, famous), O.G. Gimbert--Eng. Gimbert. (Had, war), O.G. Genad--Eng. Gennett. (Hari, warrior), O.G. Genear, Ginheri--Eng. Genner, Jennery. (Rid, ride), O.G. Generid--Eng. Jeannerett.

Gab, Geb, Eng. "give."

(Bert, famous), O.G. Gibert--Eng. Gippert. (Hard), O.G. Gebahard, Givard--Eng. Giffard. (Hari, warrior), O.G. Gebaheri--Eng. Gaffery.

Gart, cart, signifying "protection."

(Hari, warrior), O.G. Gardar, Karthar--Eng. Garter, Carder. (Dio, servant), O.G. Cartdiuha--Eng. Carthew. (Ric, rule), A.S. Gyrdhricg--Eng. Cartridge.

Gald, gold, "reddere, valere."

(Birin, bear), O.G. Goldpirin--Eng. Goldbourne. (Red, counsel), O.G. Goltered--Eng. Coulthred. (Ric, rule), O.G. Goldericus--Eng. Goldrick. (Run, mystery), O.G. Goldrun, Coldrun--Coldrun Lib. Vit.--Eng Calderon. (Wine, friend), O.G. Gildewin--Eng. Goldwin.

Geld, gild, probably same as above.

(Hard), O.G. Gildard--Eng. Gildert. (Hari, warrior), O.G. Gelther--Eng. Gilder. (Wig, wi, war), O.G. Geltwi--Eng. Gildawie.

Gisal, gil, "hostage."

(Bert, famous), O.G. Gisalbert, Gilbert--Eng. Gilbert. (Brand, sword), O.G. Gislebrand--Eng. Gillibrand. (Frid, peace), O.G. Gisalfred--Eng. Gillford. (Hard), O.G. Giselhard--Eng. Gillard. (Hari, warrior), O.G. Gisalhar--- A.S. Gislher--Eng. Giller, Killer. (Had, war), O.G. Gislehad--Eng. Gillett. (Helm), O.G. Gisalhelm--Eng. Gilliam. (Man), O.G. Gisleman--Eng. Gillman, Killman. (Mar, famous), O.G. Gisalmer--Eng. Gilmore.

God, supposed to mean "Deus."[16]

(Bald), O.G. Godebald--Godebaldus, Domesday--Eng. Godbold, Godbolt, Cobbold. (Frid, peace), O.G. Godafrid--Eng. Godfrey. (Gisil, hostage), O.G. Godigisil--Eng. Godsell. (Heid, state, "hood"), O.G. Gotaheid--Eng. Godhead. (Hard), O.G. Godehard--Eng. Goddard, Goodheart. (Hari, warrior), O.G. Godehar--Eng. Goddier, Goodyear. (Laif, relic), O.G. Godolef--Eng. Goodliffe. (Lac, play), O.G. Godolec--Eng. Goodlake. (Land), O.G. Godoland--Godland Lib. Vit.--Eng. Goodland. (Man), O.G. Godeman--Godeman Lib. Vit.--Eng. Godman. (Mund, protection), A.S. Godemund--Eng. Godmund. (Niu, young), O.G. Godeniu--Eng. Goodnow. (Ram, raven), O.G. Godramnus--Eng. Goodram. (Rad, counsel), O.G. Gotrat--Eng. Goodred. (Rit, ride), O.G. Guderit--Godritius Domesday--Eng. Goodwright. (Ric, rule), Godricus Domesday--Eng. Godrick. (Scalc, servant), O.G. Godscalc--Eng. Godskall. (Ward), O.G. Godeward--Eng. Godward. (Wine, friend), A.S. Godwine--Eng. Godwin.

Goz, Gos, supposed High Germ. form of gaud=Goth.

(Bald), O.G. Gauzebald--Eng. Gosbell. (Hard), O.G. Gozhart, Cozhart--Eng. Gozzard, Cossart. (Hari, warrior), O.G. Gauzer, Cozhere--Eng. Gozar, Cosier. (Lind, gentle), O.G. Gauzlind--Eng. Gosland. (Mar, famous), O.G. Gozmar--Eng. Gosmer. (Wald, power), O.G. Gausoald--Eng. Goswold.

Grim, "fierce, terrible."

(Bald), O.G. Grimbald--Eng. Grimbald, Grimble. (Hari, warrior), O.G. Grimhar--Eng. Grimmer. (Mund, protection), O.G. Grimund--Eng. Grimmond. (Hard), O.G. Grimhard--Eng. Grimerd.

Gund, gun, signifying "war."

(Bald), O.G. Gundobald, Gumbald--Eng. Gumboil. (Hari, warrior), O.G. Gunther, Cundher--Eng. Gunter, Conder. (Ric, rule), O.G. Gunderih--Eng. Gundry. (Stan, stone), Old Norse, Gunstein--Eng. Gunston.

Hun, probably from "the people."

(Bald), O.G. Hunibald--Eng. Hunibal. (Frid, peace), O.G. Hunfrid, Humfrid--Eng. Humphrey. (Gar, spear), O.G. Hunger--Eng. Hunger. (Hard), O.G. Hunard--Eng. Hunnard. (Man), Huniman Hund. Rolls--Eng. Honeyman. (Wald, power), O.G. Hunewald--Hunewald, Lib. Vit.--Eng. Hunhold.

Had, hath, signifying "war."

(Gis, hostage), O.G. Hadegis--Eng. Hadkiss. (Mar, famous), O.G. Hadamar--Eng. Hattemore. (Rat, counsel), O.G. Hadarat--Eng. Hadrott. (Ric, rule), O.G. Hadaricus--Eng. Hattrick. (Wig, war), O.G. Hathuwi--Eng. Hathaway. (Wine, friend), O.G. Hadawin--Eng. Hadwen.

Hard, hart, "strong, hardy."

(Hari, warrior), O.G. Hardier--Eng. Harder. (Land, terra), O.G. Artaland--Eng. Hardland. (Man, vir), O.G. Hartman--Eng. Hardman. (Mund, protection), O.G. Hartomund--Eng. Hardiment. (Nagel, nail), O.G. Hartnagel--Eng. Hartnoll. (Nid, strife), O.G. Hartnit--Eng. Hartnott. (Rat, counsel), O.G. Hartrat--Eng. Hartwright. (Ric, rule), O.G. Harderich, Hertrih--Eng. Hartridge, Hartry. (Wulf), O.G. Hardulf--Eng. Hardoff. (Wig, war), O.G. Hardwic--Eng. Hardwick. (Wine, friend), O.G. Hardwin--Eng. Ardouin.

Har, her, "army" or "soldier."[17]

(Bad, war), O.G. Heripato--Eng. Herepath. (Bert, famous), O.G. Hariberaht--A.S. Herebritt--Eng. Harbert, Herbert. (Bord, shield), O.G. Heribord--Eng. Harboard. (Bod, envoy), O.G. Heribod--Eng. Harbud. (Gar, spear), O.G. Hariker--A.S. Hereger--Eng. Harker. (Gaud, Goth), O.G. Haregaud--Eng. Hargood. (Land, terra), O.G. Hariland--Eng. Harland. (Man, vir), O.G. Hariman--Eng. Harryman, Harman. (Mar, famous), O.G. Harmar--Eng. Harmer. (Mund, protection), O.G. Herimund--Eng. Harmond. (Sand, envoy), O.G. Hersand--Eng. Hersant. (Wald, rule), A.S. Harald--Eng. Harold. (Ward), A.S. Hereward--Eng. Harward. (Wid, wood), O.G. Erwid--Eng. Harwood. (Wig, war), O.G. Herewig, Hairiveo--Eng. Harvey. (Wine, friend), O.G. Harwin--A.S. Herewine--Eng. Harwin.

Hild, hil, "war."

(Brand, sword), O.G. Hildebrand--Eng. Hildebrand. (Gard, protection), O.G. Hildegard--Eng. Hildyard. (Hari, warrior), O.G. Hildier--Eng. Hilder, Hillyer. (Man, vir), O.G. Hildeman--Eng. Hillman. (Mar, famous), O.G. Hildemar--Eng. Hilmer. (Rad, counsel), O.G. Hildirad--Eng. Hildreth. (Ric, rule), O.G. Hilderic--Eng. Hilridge.

Ing, ink, "son, descendant."

(Bald), O.G. Ingobald, Incbald--Eng. Inchbald. (Bert, famous), O.G. Ingobert--Eng. Inchboard. (Hari, warrior), O.G. Inguheri--Eng. Ingrey. (Ram, raven), O.G. Ingram--Eng. Ingram. (Wald, power), O.G. Ingold--Eng. Ingold.

Ise, signifying "iron."

(Burg, protection), O.G. Hisburg--Eng. Isburg. (Man), O.G. Isman--A.S. Hysemann--Eng. Heasman. (Mar, famous), O.G. Ismar--Eng. Ismer. (Odd, dart), Old Norse, Isodd--Eng. Izod.

Isen, signifying "iron."

(Hard), O.G. Isanhard--Eng. Isnard. (Hari, warrior), O.G. Isanhar--Eng. Isner.

Ken, kin, "nobility."

(Hard), A.S. Cyneheard--Eng. Kennard, Kinnaird. (Laf, relic), A.S. Cynlaf--Eng. Cunliffe. (Mund, protection), A.S. Cynemund--Eng. Kinmonth. (Ric, rule), A.S. Cynric--Eng. Kenrick. (Ward), A.S. Cyneweard--Eng. Kenward. (Wig, war), Kenewi, Hund. Rolls--Eng. Kennaway.

Land, "terra."

(Bert, famous), O.G. Landbert, Lambert--Eng. Lambert. (Burg, protection), O.G. Landburg--Eng. Lambrook. (Frid, peace), O.G. Landfrid--Lanfrei Lib. Vit.--Eng. Landfear, Lanfear, Lamprey. (Hari, warrior), O.G. Landar--Eng. Lander. (Ric, rule), O.G. Landerich--Landric Domesday--Eng. Landridge, Laundry. (Wig, war), O.G. Lantwih--Eng. Lanaway. (War, defence), O.G. Landoar--Eng. Lanwer. (Ward), O.G. Landward--Eng. Landlord?

Laith, let, "terrible."

(Hara), O.G. Lethard--Eng. Leathart. (Hari, warrior), O.G. Lethar--Eng. Leather. (Ward), O.G. Lethward--Eng. Lateward.

Led, lud, "people."

(Burg, protection), O.G. Luitburc--Eng. Ludbrook. (Gar, spear), O.G. Leodegar--Eng. Ledger. (Gard), O.G. Liudgard--A.S. Lidgeard--Eng. Ledgard. (Goz. Goth), O.G. Luitgoz, Luikoz--Lucas Lib. Vit.--Eng. Lucas. (Hard), O.G. Luidhard--Eng. Liddard. (Hari, warrior), O.G. Liuthari--A.S. Luder--Eng. Luther. (Man), O.G. Liudman--A.S. Ludmann--Eng. Lutman. (Ward), O.G. Liudward--Eng. Ledward. (Wig, war), O.G. Liudwig--Eng. Lutwidge.

Anglo-Saxon leof, "dear."

(Dag, day), O.G. Leopdag--Luiedai, Domesday--Eng. Loveday. (Hard), O.G. Luibhard, Leopard--A.S. Lipperd--Eng. Leopard. (Hari, warrior), O.G. Liubheri, Libher--A.S. Leofer--Eng. Lover. (Lind, gentle), O.G. Liublind--Eng. Loveland. (Man), O.G. Liubman--A.S. Leofmann--Eng. Loveman.[18] (Mar, famous), O.G. Liubmar--Eng. Livemore. (Ric, rule), A.S. Leofric--Eng. Loveridge. (Drud, friend), O.G. Lipdrud--Eng. Liptrot.[19] (Gaud, goz, Goth), O.G. Liobgoz--Eng. Lovegod, Lovegood.

Mal, signifying to "maul."

(Hard), O.G. Mallard--Maularde, Roll. Batt. Abb.--Eng. Mallard. (Ric, rule), O.G. Malarich--Eng. Mallory. (Thius, servant), O.G. Malutheus--Eng. Malthus. (Wulf), O.G. Malulf--Eng. Maliff.

Man, as the type of "manliness."

(Frid, peace), O.G. Manfrit--Eng. Manfred. (Gar, spear), O.G. Mangar--Eng. Manger. (Leof, dear), A.S. Manlef--Eng. Manlove. (Gald, value), O.G. Managold--Eng. Manigault.

Mar, signifying "famous."

(Gaud, Goth), Merigeat Lib. Vit.--Eng. Margot. (Gild, value), O.G. Margildus--Eng. Marigold. (Wig, war), O.G. Merovecus, Maroveus--Eng. Marwick, Marvey. (Wine, friend), O.G. Maruin--Mervinus Lib. Vit.--Eng. Marvin.

Mag, may, Goth. magan, "valere."

(Hari, warrior), O.G. Magher--Eng. Mager, Mayer. (Had, war), O.G. Magodius--Magot Lib. Vit.--Eng. Maggot. (Ron, raven), O.G. Megiran--Eng. Megrin.

Main, also signifying "strength, vigour."

(Hard), O.G. Mainard--Eng. Maynard.

Mad, med, Anglo-Saxon math, "reverence."

(Hari, warrior), O.G. Mather--Eng. Mather. (Helm), O.G. Madelm--Eng. Madam. (Lac, play), O.G. Mathlec--Eng. Medlock. (Land), O.G. Madoland--Eng. Medland. (Man), O.G. Medeman--Eng. Maidman, Meddiman. (Wald, power), O.G. Meduald--Eng. Methold. (Wine, friend), Eng. Medwin. (Wig, war), O.G. Medoveus--Eng. Meadway.

Madel, medal, "discourse, eloquence."

(Hari, warrior), O.G. Madalhar--Eng. Medlar. (Gaud, Goth), O.G. Madalgaud--Eng. Medlicott.

Mil, mel, of uncertain meaning.

(Dio, servant), O.G. Mildeo--Eng. Mellodew, Melody, Melloday. (Hard), O.G. Milehard--Eng. Millard.

Mald, Anglo-Saxon meald, "strife, friction."

(Wid, wood), O.G. Maldvit--Maldwith, Domesday--Eng. Maltwood.

Ang.-Sax. m�d. O.H.G. m�t, "courage."

(Hari, warrior), O.G. Muatheri, Modar--Eng. Mutrie, Moder. (Ram, ran, raven), O.G. Moderannus--Eng. Mottram. (Ric, rule), O.G. Moderich--Eng. Mudridge.

Mark, of uncertain meaning.

(Hari, warrior), O.G. Marcher--A.S. Marker--Eng. Marcher, Marker. (Leif, relic), O.G. Marcleif--Eng. Marklove. (Wig, war), O.G. Marcovicus--Eng. Markwick.

Old North. �s, Ang.-Sax. �s, "semi-deus."

(Beorn, bear), A.S. Osbeorn--Eng. Osborn. (Got, goth), A.S. Osgot--Eng. Osgood. (Lac, play), A.S. Oslac--O.N. Asleikr--Eng. Aslock, Hasluck. (Man, vir), O.G. Asman, Osman--Asseman Hund. Rolls--Eng. Asman, Osman. (Mar, famous), O.G. Osmer--Osmer, Domesday--Eng. Osmer. (Ketil), O.N. Asketil--Eng. Ashkettle. (Mund, protection), A.S. Osmond--Eng. Osmond. (Wald, rule), A.S. Oswald--Eng. Oswald. (Wine, friend), A.S. Oswin--Eng. Oswin.

Rad, red, signifying "counsel."

(Brand, sword), O.G. Redbrand--Eng. Redband. (Geil, elatus), O.G. Ratgeil--Eng. Redgill. (Hari, warrior), O.G. Rathere, Rateri--Eng. Rather, Rattray. (Helm), O.G. Rathelm--Eng. Rattham. (Leif, relic), O.G. Ratleib--Eng. Ratliffe. (Man, vir), O.G. Redman--Eng. Redman. (Mar, famous), O.G. Radmar, Redmer--Eng. Radmore, Redmore. (Mund, protection), O.G. Redemund--Eng. Redmond. (War, defence), O.G. Ratwar--Eng. Redwar. (Wig, war), O.G. Redwi--Eng. Reddaway. (Wine, friend), A.S. Redwin--Eng. Readwin. (Bald, fortis), O.G. Ratbold--Eng. Rathbold. (Bern, bear), O.G. Ratborn, Ratbon--Eng. Rathbone.

Rag, ray, signifying "counsel."

(Bald, fortis), O.G. Ragibald--Eng. Raybauld, Raybolt. (Hari, warrior), O.G. Racheri--Eng. Rarey (=Ragheri). (Helm), O.G. Rachelm--Eng. Rackham. (Mund, protection), O.G. Raimond--Eng. Raymond, Rayment. (Ulf, wolf), A.S. Rahulf--Raaulf, Lib. Vit.--Eng. Ralph.

Ragin, rain, same as above.

(Bert, famous), O.G. Raginbert, Reinbert--Eng. Rainbird. (Bald, fortis), O.G. Raginbald--Eng. Raynbold. (Frid, peace), O.G. Rainfred--Eng. Rainford. (Gar, spear), O.G. Raingar, Reginker--Eng. Ranger, Ranacre. (Hard, fortis), O.G. Regnard, Rainhard--Eng. Regnard, Reynard. (Hari, warrior), O.G. Reginhar--A.S. Reiner--Eng. Reyner. (Helm), O.G. Rainelm--Eng. Raynham, (Wald, rule), O.G. Reginold--A.S. Reinald--Eng. Reynolds.

Ric, rich, signifying "rule."

(Bald, fortis), O.G. Richbold--Eng. Richbell. (Gard, protection), O.G. Richgard--Eng. Ridgyard. (Hard, fortis), O.G. Ricohard--Eng. Riccard, Richard. (Hari, warrior), O.G. Richer--Richerus, Domesday--Eng. Richer. (Man, vir), O.G. Ricman--Eng. Rickman, Richman. (Mund, protection), O.G. Richmund--Eng. Richmond. (Wald, rule), O.G. Ricoald--Eng. Richold. (Wig, war), O.G. Ricwi--Eng. Ridgway.

Ring, perhaps signifying "armour."

(Hari, warrior), O.G. Rincar--Eng. Ringer. (Wald, rule), A.S. Hringwold--Eng. Ringold.

Rod, signifying "glory."

(Bero, bear), O.G. Hruadbero--Eng. Rodber. (Bern, bear), O.G. Roudbirn--Eng. Rodbourn. (Bert, famous), O.G. Hrodebert--Eng. Robert. (Gar, spear), O.G. Hrodgar--Eng. Rodger. (Gard, protection), O.G. Hrodgard--Eng. Rodgard, Rodyard. (Hari, warrior), O.G. Hrodhari, Rotheri, Rudher--Eng. Rothery, Rudder. (Land), O.G. Rodland--Eng. Rolland. (Leik, play), O.G. Rutleich--Eng. Rutledge. (Ram, raven), O.G. Rothram--Eng. Rotheram. (Man, vir), O.G. Hrodman--Eng. Rodman, Roman. (Niw, young), O.G. Hrodni--Eng. Rodney. (Ric, rule), O.G. Hrodric--Eng. Rodrick. (Wig, war), O.G. Hrodwig--Eng. Rudwick. (Ulf, wolf), O.G. Hrodulf--Roolf, Lib. Vit.--Eng. Rolfe.

Ros, perhaps signifying "horse."

(Bert, famous), O.G. Rospert--Eng. Rosbert. (Kel, contraction of Ketel),[20] Old Norse Hroskel--Eng. Roskell.

Rum, O.H.G. hruam, "glory."

(Bald, bold), A.S. Rumbold--Eng. Rumbold. (Hari, warrior), O.G. Rumhar--Eng. Rummer.

Sal, perhaps meaning "dark."[21]

(Hari, warrior), O.G. Salaher--Eng. Sellar. (Man, vir), O.G. Salaman--Eng. Salmon. (Wig, war), O.G. Selwich--Eng. Salloway.

Sar, signifying "armour" or anything used for defence.

(Bod, envoy), O.G. Sarabot--Eng. Serbutt. (Gaud, Goth), O.G. Saregaud--Eng. Sargood. (Man, vir), O.G. Saraman--Eng. Sermon. (Had, war), O.G. Sarratt--Eng. Sarratt.

Sig, signifying "victory."

(Bald, bold), A.S. Sigebald--Eng. Sibbald. (Bert, famous), A.S. Sigiberht, Sibriht--Eng. Sibert. (Fred, peace), A.S. Sigefred--Eng. Seyfried. (Gar, spear), A.S. Sigg�r--Eng. Segar. (Man), O.G. Sigeman--Eng. Sickman. (Suff., Surn.). (Mar, famous), O.G. Sigimar, Sicumar--A.S. Sim�r, Secm�r--Eng. Seymore, Sycamore. (Mund, protection), O.G. Sigimund--Eng. Simmond. (Wig, war), O.G. Sigiwic--Eng. Sedgewick. (Wine, friend), O.G. Sigiwin--Seguin, Roll Batt. Abb.--Eng. Seguin.

Sea, "mare."

(Bera, bear), Sebar, Lib. Vit.--Eng. Seaber. (Bern, bear), Old Norse S�biorn--Sberne, Domesday--Eng. Seaborn. (Bert, famous), A.S. S�berht--Eng. Seabright. (Burg, protection), O.G. Seburg, Seopurc--Seaburch Lib. Vit.--Eng. Seabrook, Seabury. (Rit, ride), O.G. Seuerit--Eng. Searight, Sievewright. (Wald, rule), O.G. Sewald--Eng. Seawall. (Ward), O.G. S�ward--Eng. Seaward, Seward. (Fugel, fowl), A.S. S�fugl--Eng. Sefowl.

Stain, "stone," in the sense of firmness or hardness.

(Biorn, bear), O.N. Steinbi�rn--Eng. Stainburn. (Burg, protection), O.G. Stemburg--Eng. Steamburg. (Hard), O.G. Stainhard--Stannard Domesday--Eng. Stonard, Stoneheart. (Hari, warrior), O.N. Steinhar--Eng. Stainer, Stoner. (Wald, rule), O.G. Stainold--Eng. Stonhold, and perhaps Sternhold as a corruption.

Tank, perhaps "thought."

(Hard), O.G. Tanchard--Eng. Tankard. (Hari, warrior), O.G. Thancheri--Eng. Tankeray, Thackeray (Scandinavian form). (Rad, counsel), O.G. Tancrad--Eng. Tancred.

Tad, supposed "father."

(Hari, warrior), O.G. Tether--Eng. Tedder, Teather. (Man, vir), A.S. Tatmonn--Eng. Tadman.[22] (Wine, friend), O.G. Daduin--Eng. Tatwin.

Thor, supposed from the name of the god, a stem specially Danish.

(Biorn, bear), O.N. Thorbiorn--Thurbern Lib. Vit.--Eng. Thorburn. (Gaut, Goth), O.N. Thorgautr--Turgod Lib. Vit.--Eng. Thurgood, Thoroughgood. (Geir, spear), O.N. Thorgeir--Eng. Thorgur. (Fin, nation), O.N. Thorfinnr--Thurfin Lib. Vit.--Eng. Turpin. (M�d, courage), O.N. Thormodr--Eng. Thurmot. (Stein, stone), O.N. Thorsteinn--Turstin Lib. Vit.--Eng. Thurstan. (Wald, rule), O.N. Thorvaldr--Eng. Thorold. (Vid, wood), O.N. Thorvidr--Eng. Thorowood. (Ketil[23]) O.N. Thorketil--Eng. Thirkettle. (Kel, contraction of ketel), O.N. Thorkel--Turkillus Lib. Vit.--Eng. Thurkle. (Hence is borrowed as supposed the Gaelic Torquil.)

Ang.-Sax. theod, "people."

(Bald, fortis), A.S. Theodbald--Tidbald Lib. Vit.--Eng. Theobald, Tidball. (Hari, warrior), O.G. Theodahar, Tudhari--A.S. Theodhere--Eng. Theodore, Tudor. (Ran, raven), O.G. Teutran--Eng. Teuthorn. (Man, vir), O.G. Tiadman--Eng. Tidman. (Mar, famous), O.G. Thiudemer--A.S. Dydemer--Eng. Tidemore. (Ric, rule), A.S. Theodric--Eng. Todrig, Doddridge.

Wad, Wat, "to go," in the sense of activity?

(Gis, hostage), O.G. Watgis--Eng. Watkiss. (Gar, spear), O.G. Waddegar--Eng. Waddicar. (Mar, famous), O.G. Vadomar--Eng. Wadmore. (New, young), O.G. Wattnj--Eng. Watney.

Wald, signifying "power" or "rule."

(Hari, warrior), O.G. Waldhar--A.S. Wealdhere--Eng. Walter. (Man) O.G. Waldman--Eng. Waldman. (Ran, raven), O.G. Walderannus--Walteranus Domesday--Eng. Waldron.

Wal, "stranger" or "foreigner."

(And, life, spirit), O.G. Waland--Eng. Waland. (Frid, peace), O.G. Walahfrid--Eng. Wallfree. (Hari, warrior), O.G. Walaheri, Walher--Eng. Wallower, Waller. (Had, war), O.G. Wallod--Eng. Wallet. (Raven), Gothic Valerauan--Walrafan Lib. Vit.--Eng. Wallraven (Suffolk Surnames). (Rand, shield), O.G. Walerand--Walerandus Lib. Vit.--Eng. Walrond.

War, perhaps signifying "defence."[24]

(Bald, bold), O.G. Warbalt--Eng. Warbolt. (Burg, protection), O.G. Warburg--Eng. Warbrick. (Gar, spear), O.G. Weriger--Eng. Warraker. (Goz, Goth), O.G. Werigoz--Eng. Vergoose (Suffolk Surnames). (Hari, warrior), O.G. Warher--Eng. Warrior. (Laik, play), O.G. Warlaicus--Warloc Hund. Rolls--Eng. Warlock. (Man), O.G. Warman--A.S. Wearman--Eng. Warman. (Mar, famous). O.G. Werimar--Eng. Warmer. (Lind, gentle), O.G. Waralind--Eng. Warland.

Wern, in the sense of "nationality."

(Burg, protection), O.G. Warinburg--Eng. Warrenbury. (Frid, peace), O.G. Warnefrid--Eng. Warneford. (Hari, warrior), O.G. Warenher, Warner--Eng. Warrener, Warner. (Had, war), O.G. Warnad--Eng. Warnett.

Wag, way, to "wave, brandish."

(Hari, warrior), O.G. Wagher--Eng. Wager. (Bert, famous), O.G. Wagpraht--Eng. Weybret.

Wid, wit, of uncertain meaning.[25]

(Brord, sword), A.S. Wihtbrord, Wihtbrod--Witbred Hund. Rolls--Eng. Whitbread. (Gar, spear), O.G. Witker--A.S. Wihtgar--Eng. Whittaker, Whitecar. (Hard), O.G. Witart--Eng. Whitehart. (Ron, raven), O.G. Widrannus--Eng. Witheron. (Hari, warrior), O.G. Withar, Wither Domesday--Eng. Wither, Whiter. (Ring, armour), O.G. Witering--Eng. Wittering. (Lag, law), A.S. Wihtl�g,--Eng. Whitelegg, Whitlaw. (Laic, play), O.G. Widolaic,--A.S. Wihtlac--Eng. Wedlake, Wedlock. (Man, vir), O.G. Wideman, Witman--Eng. Wideman, Whiteman. (Mar, famous), Goth. Widiomar--Uitmer Lib. Vit.--Eng. Whitmore. (Rad, counsel), O.G. Widerad, Witerat--A.S. Wihtr�d--Eng. Withered, Whitethread, Whiterod. (Ric, rule), Goth. Witirich--A.S. Wihtric--Eng. Witherick, Whitridge.

Will, in the sense of "resolution"?

(Bern, bear), O.G. Wilbernus--Eng. Wilbourn. (Gom, man), O.G. Willicomo--Uilcom� Lib. Vit.--Eng. Wilcomb, Welcome. (Frid, peace), A.S. Wilfrid--Eng. Wilford. (Gis, hostage), A.S. Wilgis--Eng. Willgoss. (Hard, fortis), O.G. Willard--A.S. Willeard--Eng. Willard. (Heit, state, "hood") O.G. Williheit--Eng. Willett. (Helm), A.S. Wilhelm--Eng. Williams. (Mar, famous), O.G. Willemar--Eng. Willmore. (Mot, courage), O.G. Willimot--Eng. Willmot. (Mund, protection), A.S. Wilmund--Uilmund, Lib. Vit.--Eng. Willament.

Wind, Wend, supposed "from the people."

(Hari, warrior), O.G. Winidhar--Eng. Winder. (Ram, raven), O.G. Winidram--Eng. Windram. (Rad, counsel)--Eng. Windred.

Wine, "friend."

(Bald, fortis), O.G. Winebald--Eng. Winbolt. (Cof, strenuous), A.S. Wincuf--Eng. Wincup. (Gaud, Goth), O.G. Winegaud--Eng. Wingood. (Gar, spear), O.G. Wineger, Vinegar--A.S. Winagar--Eng. Winegar, Vinegar. (Hari, warrior), A.S. Wyner--Eng. Winer. (Laic, play), O.G. Winleich--Uinlac Lib. Vit.--Eng. Winlock. (Man, vir), O.G. Winiman--A.S. Winemen--Eng. Wineman, Winmen. (Stan, stone), A.S. Wynstan--Eng. Winston.

Wig, Wick, "war."

(Bert, famous), O.G. Wigbert, Wibert--Eng. Vibert. (Burg, protection), O.G. Wigburg--Wiburch Lib. Vit.--Eng. Wyberg, Wybrow. (Hard, fortis), O.G. Wighard, Wiart--A.S. Wigheard--Uigheard Lib. Vit.--Eng. Wyard. (Hari, warrior), O.G. Wigheri, Wiccar, Wiher--Uigheri Lib. Vit.--Eng. Wicker, Vicary, Wire. (Helm), A.S. Wighelm--Uighelm Lib. Vit.--Eng. Whigam. (Ram, raven), O.G. Wigram--Eng. Wigram. (Mar, famous), O.G. Wigmar, Wimar--Wimar Lib. Vit.--Eng. Wymer.[26] (Gern, eager), O.G. Wicchern--A.S. Weogern--Eng. Waghorn. (Had, war), O.G. Wicod, Wihad--A.S. Wigod--Eng. Wiggett, Wichett, Wyatt. (Man, vir), O.G. Wigman--Eng. Wigman, Wyman. (Ric, rule), O.G. Wigirich--Eng. Vickridge.

Ang.-Sax. wulf, "wolf."

(Bert, famous), O.G. Wolfbert--Eng. Woolbert. (Gar, spear), A.S. Wulfgar--Eng. Woolgar. (Gaud, Goth), O.G. Wulfegaud--A.S. Wulfgeat--Eng. Woolcot. (Hard, fortis), A.S. Wulfheard--Eng. Woollard. (Had, war), O.G. Wolfhad--Eng. Woollat. (Helm), A.S. Wulfhelm--Eng. Woollams. (Heh, high), A.S. Wulfheh--Eng. Woolley. (Mar, famous), A.S. Wulfmer--Eng. Woolmer. (Noth, bold), A.S. Wulfnoth--Eng. Woolnoth. (Ric, rule), A.S. Wulfric--Eng. Woolrych. (Sig, victory), A.S. Wulfsig--Eng. Wolsey. (Stan, stone), A.S. Wulfstan--Eng. Woolston.

Ang.-Sax. j�, O.H.G. �wa "law."[27]

(Hari, warrior), O.G. Euhar--Eng. Ewer. (Man, vir), O.G. Eoman--perhaps Iman and Iiman on Roman pottery--Eng. Yeoman, Yeaman. (Ric, rule), O.G. Eoricus--Eng. Yorick. (Wald, rule), O.G. Ewald--Eng. Ewald. (Ward, guardian), O.G. Euvart--Eng. Ewart, Yeoward. (Wolf), O.G. Eolf--Eng. Yealfe.

The foregoing is not put forward as by any means an exhaustive list of the ancient compounds represented in our names, but only of the more common and more important. And there are some ancient stems well represented in other forms, such as those referred to in Chapter II., from which I have not been able to trace any compounds. It will be observed that I have in two or three instances assigned a place to an English name, without finding an ancient form to correspond. This indeed I might have done to a greater extent than I have done, for when we have such a well-defined system, with the same forms of compounds regularly recurring, we may in many cases assign a place to a name even though the ancient equivalent may not yet have come to light.

[10] Hence I take to be the name of the fairy king Oberon. Albruna was also the name of a "wise woman" among the ancient Germans referred to by Tacitus.

[11] Probably also A.S. Haluiu--Eng. Halloway.

[12] Here probably the name Biracrus, on Roman pottery, corresponding with an O.G. form, Berecar.

[13] Or perhaps of beauty, like a Celtic stem tac, found in names of men, and perhaps a corresponding word.

[14] As an ending also frid commonly becomes free, as in Humphrey from Humfrid, Godfrey from Godfred, Geoffry from Galfrid.

[15] This name might perhaps be from the Irish Cwaran, whence probably the present Curran. This name appears also to have been sometimes borrowed by the Northmen, as in the case of Olaf Cwaran.

[16] But not in a Christian sense, the stem being much older than Christian times. There is another stem gaud, supposed to mean Goth, very liable to intermix.

[17] As a prefix this may mean "army," but as an ending, where it is often hari or heri (and perhaps was originally always so), it may be taken, as suggested by Grimm, to mean warrior.

[18] Also as a contracted form, Ang.-Sax. Leommann (=Leofmann, Eng. Lemon).

[19] This seems to be a name of an exceptional kind, the ending drud being a female one. That our name Liptrot (which I take from Lower), is really from the above origin is rendered the more probable by the corresponding name Liebetrut as a present German name, similarly derived by Foerstemann. But it may well be that the ending in this case is from a different word to that which, see p. 19, forms the endings of women's names, viz. O.H.G. trut, amicus, which, as a prefix, enters into several men's names.

[20] From the mythological kettle of the gods, which enters into many Old Norse men's names.

[21] "The Anglo-Saxons seem to have used sallow in the sense of dark. The raven is called sallow both by C�dmon and the author of Judith," Skeat. It seems to me, however, a question whether, seeing how frequently the names of nationalities enter into Teutonic men's names, the word contained in the above stem may not be "Salian." This, however, still leaves open the question as to what is the origin of Salian.

[22] A corresponding name may be the Dutch Tadema, if ma, as is supposed, stands for man.

[23] Probably from the mythological kettle of the �sir.

[24] So many different words might be suggested in this case that the meaning must be left uncertain. It is most probable that there may be an admixture.

[25] Three different words found in ancient names intermix so as to be hardly separable, viz., Anglo-Saxon wiht, strength or courage; wid, wood; and wit, wisdom.

[26] The name of Wigmore Street seems to imply a man's name Wigmore, but I do not know of it at present.

[27] Hence probably the name of the Eows, a tribe or family mentioned in the "Traveller's Song." Also probably the name Eawa, in the genealogy of the Mercian kings. The stem is represented in our names by Ewe, Yeo, and Yea, and we have also the patronymic Ewing (Euing in Domesday).


The researches of Mr. Kemble, supplemented by those of Mr. Taylor, in connection with the early Saxon settlements in England, have an important bearing upon the subject of our existing surnames. Mr. Kemble was the first to call attention to the fact that very many of the names of places in England, as disclosed by the forms in which these names appear in ancient charters, consist of a personal name in a patronymic form. Some of these names consist simply of a nominative plural in ingas, as �scingas, the sons or descendants of �sc, others of a genitive plural in inga, with ton, ham, &c., appended, as in Billingatun, the town of the Billings, i.e. sons or descendants of Billa. These he takes to denote tribal or family settlements, forming the Anglo-Saxon "mark," consisting of a certain area of cultivated land, surrounded by a belt of pasture land enjoyed by all the settlers in common, the whole inclosed by the forest.

Of these names he has made two lists, the one derived from the names found in ancient charters, and so perfectly trustworthy, the other inferred from existing names of places which appear to be in the same form. The latter list is of course subject to considerable correction and deduction, inasmuch as it depends entirely upon the ancient forms in which these names would appear whether they would come under this category or not. Thus, if a name were anciently Billingaham, it would be "the home of the Billings," while if it were Billingham, it would simply be the home of an individual man called Billing. And in looking through this list, a few names will be found, which a comparison with his own index of place-names shows to be incorrectly assigned. Thus he infers Impingas from Impington in Cambridgeshire, and Tidmingas from Tidmington in Worcester, whereas it appears from his index that the ancient name of the one was Impintun, and of the other Tidelminctun, both being thus from the name of an individual and not of a tribe or family. Sempringham again in Lincolnshire, whence he derives Sempringas, I find to have been Sempingaham, and so used already for Sempingas. I also feel very great doubt about names taken from places ending in by, thorp, and toft, in Lincolnshire and the ancient Denelaga, as being Scandinavian, and given at a distinctly later period. Indeed I have a certain amount of distrust of all names taken from the North of England, in the absence, as far as I know, of any distinct proof in any one case. Northumberland would perhaps be the county to which, as containing the greatest number of such forms, any such doubt would the least strongly apply. Moreover, I do not feel at all sure that ing is not in some cases simply a form of the possessive, and that Dunningland, for instance, is not simply Dunn's land. This doubt is considerably strengthened when the name is that of a woman, as in Cyneburginctun (now Kemerton in Glouc). Cyneburg is certainly a woman's name, and as such could not, I should suppose--though the question is one for more experienced Anglo-Saxon scholars--form a patronymic, in which case Cyneburginctun can only be "Cyneburg's tun." And if it be so in one case, it may of course be so in others. Mr. Kemble's second list, then, requires to be used with a certain amount of caution, though in the main his deductions may be taken as trustworthy.

The corresponding forms in Germany have since been collected by Professor Foerstemann from ancient charters up to the eleventh century, and must all be considered therefore as trustworthy. His list contains upwards of a thousand different names, but inasmuch as many of these names are found in different parts of Germany, the total number of such names must amount to many thousands. These consist sometimes of a form in ingas, same as in England, and this obtains more particularly in Bavaria, sometimes of a form in inga, which he takes to be also a nominative plural, but most commonly of a dative plural, in ingen, as in Herlingen, "to the Harlings." This dative plural explains the origin of many existing names of places in Germany, as G�ttingen, Dettingen, T�bingen, &c. A dative plural also occurs occasionally in England in the corresponding Anglo-Saxon form ingum, as in Godelmingum, now Godalming, Angemeringum, now Angmering, &c.

Meanwhile Mr. Taylor has instituted a detailed and very important comparison between the names contained in Mr. Kemble's two lists, and those of a corresponding kind in Germany, not indeed from ancient records, but from existing place-names. And he has further supplemented this by a list of similar forms disclosed by his own very interesting discovery of a Saxon area in France opposite to the shore of England, and which we can hardly doubt to be, as he considers it to be, the result of a Saxon emigration from England. He has, moreover, given some similar instances of German occupation in the north of Italy, and it can hardly be doubted that a more detailed examination would add to their number.

The question now to be considered is--what is the value of these various forms in ingas, inga, and ingen, in England and in Germany? In Anglo-Saxon and other Teutonic dialects ing is a patronymic, as in Bruning, son of Br�n. But it has also a wider sense implying any connection with a person or thing, and in certain of the names under consideration both in England and in Germany, it seems very clear that it is used simply in a geographical sense. Thus we cannot doubt that Madelungen and Lauringen, in Germany, signify, as Foerstemann suggests, the people of the Madel and of the Lauer, on which two rivers the places in question are respectively situated. Also that Salzungen signifies the people of the salt springs, in the neighbourhood of which the name is found.[28] So in England it seems clear that the Leamingas found in Leamington signifies the people of the Leam, on which river the place is situated. So also the Heretuningas, the Hohtuningas, and the Suthtuningas, must mean simply the people respectively of Heretun, of Hohtun, and of Suthtun, the Beorganstedingas the people of Beorgansted, the Eoforduningas the people of Eofordun, and the Teofuntingas, the people dwelling by the two fountains. But with these and perhaps one or two other exceptions, the word contained is simply a personal name, and the question is--in what connection is it used? Does Billingas mean the descendants of the man Bill or Billa, under whose leadership the settlement was made, or does it, as Mr. Kemble seems to think, refer to some older, perhaps mythical ancestor from whom the Billings claimed a traditional descent? Now, considering the great number of these names, amounting to more than a thousand in England alone, seeing the manner in which they are dispersed, not only over different counties of England, but as the annexed table will show, over the length and breadth of Germany, it seems to me utterly impossible to consider them as anything else than the every-day names of men common to the great German family. I am quite in accord then with the view taken by Sir J. Picton (Ethnology of Wiltshire).[29] "When the Saxons first invaded England, they came in tribes and families headed by their patriarchal leaders. Each tribe was called by its leader's name, with the termination ing, signifying family, and where they settled they gave their patriarchal name to the mark or central point round which they clustered." This is also the view taken by Foerstemann with regard to the German names, and I cannot doubt that Mr. Kemble, if he had had the opportunity of extending his survey over this wider area, would have come to the same conclusion. I take it then that the name contained in these forms is simply that of the leader under whose guidance these little settlements were made, and that, inasmuch as members of the same family would generally keep together, it is in most cases that of the patriarch or head of the family. Each man would no doubt have his own individual name, but as a community exercising certain rights in common, from which outsiders were excluded, they would require some distinctive appellation, and what so natural as that of their leader.

I now come to consider some points of difference between the Anglo-Saxon settlements and the German. While all the settlements in England must be taken to have been made by a Low German race, a large proportion of those in Germany must be taken to have been made by a High German people. Thus when we find B�bingas in England represented by Papinga in Austria, Bassingas by Pasingas, and B�dingas by Patinga in Bavaria, we have the distinction between High and Low German, which might naturally be expected. So when we find Eastringas represented by Austringa in Baden, we have again a High German form to compare with a Low German. But this distinction is by no means consistently maintained throughout, and we seem to have a considerable mixture of High and Low German forms. Thus we have both B�cgingas and P�ccingas, Dissingas and Tissingas, G�ringas and Coringas, Edingas and Odingas (representing as it seems the Anglo-Saxon ead or ed, and the High German aud or od). And even in some cases the rule seems to be reversed, and we have the High German in England, as in Eclingas against Egilinga in Bavaria, Hoppingas against Hobinga in Alsace, Ticcingas against Dichingen, &c. It would seem as if our settlements were made, at least in part, by a people who if not High German, had at any rate considerable High German affinities. To what extent the speech of the Angles which I suppose to have been the main element in the Northumbrian dialect, would answer these conditions, I would rather leave to our higher Anglo-Saxon scholars to decide. But it seems to me, so far as I may venture to give an opinion, that Lappenberg's theory, that the Saxons were accompanied by Franks, Frisians, and Lombards, would perhaps better than any other meet all the requirements of the case. Whence for instance could come such a form as Cwichelm for Wighelm, apparently a rather strongly marked Frankish form? Or Cissa (Chissa) for, as I suppose, Gisa, which would be apparently in conformity with a Frisian form? I have endeavoured to go into this subject more fully in a subsequent chapter, more particularly with regard to the Franks, and to show that there are a number of names in Anglo-Saxon times which might be of Frankish origin, and which perhaps it would be difficult to account for on any other theory. And it must be borne in mind that the earlier date now generally assigned for the first Teutonic settlements, naturally tends to give greater latitude to the inquiry as to the races by whom those settlements were made.

Another difference to be noted is that whereas all our settlements seem to have been made in heathen times, those of Germany extend into Christian times, as shown by such names as Johanningen, Jagobingen, and Steveningen, containing the scriptural names John, Jacob and Stephen. There is another and a curious name, Satanasinga, which, the place to which it is applied being a waste, seems to describe the people who lived in it, or around it, perhaps in reference to their forlorn condition, as "the children of Satan." The adoption of scriptural names seems to have taken place at a later period in England than either in Germany or in France. And we have not, as I believe, a single instance in our surnames of a scriptural name in an Anglo-Saxon patronymic form, as the Germans, judging from the above, might--possibly may--have.

Another point of difference between the Anglo-Saxon and the German settlements would seem to be this, that while the German list contains a considerable proportion of compound names, such as Willimundingas and Managoldingas, the Anglo-Saxon list consists almost exclusively of names formed of a single word, and the exceptions may almost be counted upon the fingers. With this I was at first considerably puzzled, but on looking more carefully into the lists, it seemed to me apparent that many of the names assumed by Mr. Kemble from names of places were in reality compound names in a disguised and contracted form. And as Tidmington, whence he derives Tidmingas, was properly Tidhelmingtun, so I conceive that Osmingas derived from Osmington, ought properly to be Oshelmingas, and Wylmingas, found in Wilmington, to be Wilhelmingas. So also I take it that Wearblingas, found in Warblington, ought to be Warboldingas, that Weomeringas, deduced from Wymering, ought to be Wigmeringas, and that Horblingas, found in Horbling, ought to be Horbaldingas. There are several other names, such as Scymplingas, Wramplingas, Wearmingas, Galmingas, &c., that seem as they stand, to be scarcely possible for names of men, and which may also contain compounds in a corrupted or contracted form. In addition to this, I note the following, found in ancient charters, which Mr. Kemble seems to have overlooked, �gelbyrhtingas, found in �gelbyrtingahyrst, No. 1041, Ceolredingas, found in Colredinga gemerc, 1149, and Godhelmingas found in Godelmingum, 314. If all these were taken into account, the difference, though it would still exist, might not be so great as to be unaccountable, considering that our settlements were made to a considerable extent at an earlier date, and by tribes more or less differing from those of Germany. It raises, moreover the question, dealt with in a very thorough manner by Stark, as to the extent to which these short and simple names may be contractions of compound names. I have referred to the subject in another place, and I will only observe at present that from the instances he cites the practice seems to have been rather specially common among the Frisians. Now it will be found on comparing the names of our ancient settlers with the Frisian names past and present cited by Outzen and Wassenberg, that there is a very strong family likeness between them, though we need not take it to amount to more than this, that the Frisian names may be taken as a type of the kind of names prevalent among the other neighbouring Low German tribes, until it can be more distinctly shown that there were settlements made by the Frisians themselves. And I have brought these names into the comparison simply as being the nearest representatives that I can find.

Notwithstanding the complete and valuable tables drawn up by Mr. Taylor for the purpose of comparing the Anglo-Saxon settlements with those of Germany, I have thought it useful to supplement them by another confined exclusively to the names drawn from ancient German records, and therefore, so far as they go, entirely trustworthy. And I take the opportunity to compare our existing surnames with these ancient names thus shown to be common to the great Teutonic family.

In the following table I have given then, first the Anglo-Saxon names from Kemble's lists, then the corresponding Old German from that of Foerstemann, with the district in which it is found, and, wherever identified, the existing name of the place, then names corresponding from the Liber Vit� or elsewhere to show continued Anglo-Saxon use, with also Frisian names as already mentioned, and finally, the existing English surnames with which I compare them. It will be seen that these surnames in not a few cases retain an ancient vowel-ending in a, i, or o, as explained in a preceding chapter.


Anglo-Saxon. German. Locality (L.V.), Liber Vit�. English in Germany. (F.), Frisian. Surnames.

Aldingas} Aldinge {Now Aldingen,} {Alda (L.V.),} {Allday, Allt, Oldingas} {in W�rtemburg} { Alte (F.) } { Old, Olding.

�ceringas[30] Aguringas {Now Egringen} Aker (L.V.) Ager, Acres. { in Bavaria}

�lingas Allingen Bavaria {Alli (L.V.),} Alley, Allo. { Alle (F.) }

�lfingas} Albungen Hesse Cassell Alef (F.) {Aulph, Alpha, �lpingas} { Elvy.

�feningas {Heveningare Appenzell Afun (L.V.) Heaven? Evening. { marca

Antingas Endinga {Now Endingen,} Anta (A.S.) {And, Andoe, { in Baden } { Hand.

�scingas Esginga ..... �sc (A.S.) Ask, Ashe.

�tingas Adinga Pruss. Saxony {Atta (A.S.),} Hatt. { Atte (F.) }

B�bingas Papinga {Now Pabing, } {Babba (A.S.),} Babb. { in Austria} { Babe (F.) }

Baningas Boninge ..... {Beana (L.V.),} {Bann, { Banne (F.) } { Banning.

B�dingas } {Now Beddingen, } {Bada, } {Batt, Batty, } Patinga { in Brunswick; } { Betti (L.V.)} { Betty, Beadingas} { also Baden, } { Batting. { Prussia, Austria}

Bassingas Pasingas Bavaria Bass (A.S.) Bass, Pass.

B�cgingas} Bachingen W�rtemburg } {Baga, } {Bagge, Back, Beccingas} Beckinga Rhenish Prussia} {Backa (L.V.)} { Beck, Peck. P�ccingas}

Bensingas Pinsinga Bavaria Benza (L.V.) Bence.

Bircingas Biricchingen ..... ..... Birch.

Bebingas Bebingun Bavaria, W�rtg. Bebba (A.S.) {Bibb, Bibby, { Beeby.

Billingas Bilinga {Hess., W�rt.,} ..... {Bill, Billow, { Friesland } { Billing.

Binningas Binnungen {Now Bingen, } {Bynni (L.V.),} {Binney, { on Rhine } {Binne (F.) } { Binning.

Bydelingas Budilingen {Luxembg.,} Botel (F.) Biddle. { Austria}

Briningas ..... ..... Bryni (L.V.) {Brine, { Brinney.

Beorningas Pirninga W�rtemburg Beorn (L.V.) {Burn, { Burning.

Bondingas ..... ..... Bonde (L.V., F.) Bond.

Beormingas Bermingahem ..... ..... Breem.

Brydingas Breidinge {Hesse Cass., } ..... Bride, Bird. { Pruss. Sax.}

Bridlingas Britlingi {Now Br�tlingen,} ..... Bridle. { in Hanr. }

Bl�cingas ..... ..... Blaca (L.V.) Black.

Bruningas Brunninga Austria {Br�n (L.V.),} {Brown, {Bruyn (F.) } { Browning.

Beorhtingas} Perhtingen Bavaria {Bercht (L.V.),} {Burt, Byrtingas } { Berti (F.) } { Bright, { Brighty, { Brighting.

Brihtlingas Bertelingas Rhen. Prussia ..... {Brightly, { Brittell.

Buccingas Puchinga ..... {Bocco, } Buck, Puck. { Buco (F.)} Bullingas Bollinga {Bullingen, in } Bolle (F.) {Bull, Bolley, { Rh. Pruss. } { Bulling. {Also Tyrol and} { Westphal. }

Byttingas} Buddinga {Baden, W�rt.,} Bota (L.V.) {Budd, Butt, { Friesland } { Botting.

Potingas } Potingin {Baden, Aust.,} Botte (F.) {Pott, Potto. { Friesland }

Bobingas } Bobinga {Bobingen,} {Bofa (L.V.),} {Boby, Poppy. Bofingas } { in Bav.} { Poppe (F.)}

Bosingas Bosinga Austria, W�rt. Bosa (L.V.) {Boss, Bossey.

Buslingas Buselingen {B�ssling, } ..... Bussell. { by Schaffhausen}

Burringas Buringen W�rtemburg. {Burra (L.V.),} Burr. { Bore (F.) }

C�gingas Cachinga ..... Kay, Key (F.) {Kay, Key { (see p. 10).

Callingas Callinge Holland Kalle (F.) Call, Callow.

Ceaningas Conninge W�rtemburg {Canio (L.V.),} {Cann, { Keno (F.) } { Canning.

Cearlingas Chirlingen {Kierling, } {Karl (L.V.),} {Charley, { in Austria} { Carl (F.) } { Charles.

Cif�ngas Cheffingin W�rtemburg Ceefi (L.V.) {Chaff, { Chaffey.

Ceopingas Chuppinga W�rtemburg ..... {Chope, Chubb.

Copingas Cofunga Hesse Cassel {Cufa, Coifi } {Coffey, Cuff, { (Ang.-Sax.)} { Cuffey.

Codingas } Cuttingas Near Metz {Goda, (L.V.) } {Goad, Codd, Cotingas } Gotinga Bavaria { Gode (F.) } { Coate, { Godding.

Colingas Cholinga Ceolla (L.V.) ..... {Coll, Collie, { Colling.

Cocingas Gukkingin {Gugging, } ..... Cock. { in Austria}

Cressingas Chresinga W�rtemberg ..... Cressy.

Cnottingas Knutingen ..... Cnut (L.V.) Knott.

Cnudlingas Cnutlinga Baden ..... Nuttall.

Cenesingas[31] {Kenzinga Kenzingen, } in Baden } ..... Chance? {Gensingen Gensungen, } Hess. Cass.}

Centingas Gandingen Friesland Kaenta (L.V.) {Cant, Gant, { Gandy.

Culingas ..... ..... ..... {Cull, { Cooling.

Denningas Daningen Baden Dene (L.V.) {Dane, Dana, { Denn, { Denning. Dillingas Dilinga {Dillengen,} { in Bav. } {Tilli (L.V.),} {Dill, Till, { Tilo (F.) } { Tilly.

Deorlingas} Darlingin Brunswick ..... {Darrell, Teorlingas} { Darling.

Dissingas} Tisinga Bavaria Tisa, Disa (F.) {Dyce, Dicey, Tissingas} { Tisoe.

Ticcangas Dichingen Friesland, Bav. Tycca (A.S.) Dick.

Dyclingas Tuchilingen Now Tuchling ..... {Dickle, { Tickle.

Doccingas Dockinga Friesland {Tocki (L.V.),} {Dock, { Tocke (F.) } { Tocque, { Docking.

Dodingas ..... ..... Doda (F.) Dodd, Todd.

Dunningas Tuningas ..... Duna (L.V.) {Dunn, Dunning.

Eastringas Austringa {Oestringen,} ..... Easter. { in Baden }

Edingas } Edinga {Holland, } {Ede (L.V.),} Eddy. { Baden, Bav.} { Edde (F.)} Oddingas} Odinga {Westphal., } {Oda (L.V.),} Oddy. { Bav. } Odde (F.) }

Elcingas ..... ..... ..... {Elk, Elcy, { Elgee.

Ecgingas Eginga {Schaffhausen,} {Ecga (L.V.),} Egg. { Bav. } {Egga (F.) }

Eclingas Egilinga Bavaria Ecgel (A.S.) {Edgell, Egle.

Elsingas Elisingun Hesse {Elsi (L.V.),} {Else, Elsey, { Ealse (F.)} { Elliss.

Eppingas} Ebinga Baden, Austria Ebbi (L.V.) {Epps. Ippingas} Ippinga {Ippingen, } Eppe (F.) {Hipp. { on Danube}

Everingas } Eburingen Pruss. Silesia ..... {Ever, Every, Eoforingas} { Heber.

Eorpingas Arpingi ..... {Earbe (L.V.),} Harp, Earp. { Arpe (F.) }

Fearingas Faringa {Upper Bav. ..... {Farre, { & L. Constance { Farrow.

Fearningas ..... ..... Forne (L.V.) Fearn.

Finningas Finninga ..... Finn (A.S.) {Finn, Finney.

Fincingas ..... ..... {Finc (A.S.),} Finch. { surname }

Folcingas Fulchingen ..... Folco (L.V.) Fulke.

Frodingas ..... ..... Frode (L.V.) Froude.

G�ringas} Geringen W�rtemberg ..... Gore, Cory. Coringas}

Gestingas ..... ..... ..... {Guest, { Gasting.

Geofuningas Gebeningen Austria Giffen.

Gisilingas} Gisilinga Bavaria {Gisle, } Gill. Gillingas } { Gille (L.V.)}

Gealdingas} Geltingen {Gelting, } {Golde (A.S.),} {Gold, Galt, Goldingas } { in Bav.} { Giolt (F.) } { Golding.

Hallingas Halinge Bavaria Halle (L.V.) {Hall, { Halling.

H�glingas Hegelinge Bavaria Hagel (A.S.) {Hail, { Hailing.

Hanesingas Anzinga Bavaria ..... Hance.

Heardingas} Hardinghen Pas de Calais Hart (F.) {Hard, Hardy. Heartingas} Hertingen Bavaria ..... {Hart, { Harding.

H�slingas} Hasalinge Near Bremen {Esel (L.V.), } Hasell. �slingas } { Hessel (F.)}

Hanningas} Heninge ..... {Anna (L.V.),} {Hann, Hanning, Heningas } { Hanne, } { Henn, Anningas } { Enno (F.) } { Anning, { Anne.

Hillingas} Illingun {Illingen, {Ylla (L.V.),} Hill. Illingas } { in Baden { Hille (F.)}

Honingas Oningas {Oeningen, } {Ona (L.V.),} Hone. { on L. } {Onno (F.) } { Constance}

Horningas ..... ..... Horn (A.S.) Horne, Horning.

Herelingas Herlingun Austria Harrol (F.) {Harle, Harley, { Harling.

Hoppingas Hobinga Near Metz {Obbe, } {Hopp, Hoby, { Hobbe (F.)} { Hopping.

H�cingas Hahhinga {Haching, {Hacci (L.V.),} {Hack, { near Munich { Acke (F.) } { Hacking.

Hafocingas Hauechingas Rhen. Pruss. Hauc (L.V.) Hawke.

Hocingas Hohingun {Near Cologne} Hoco (F.) Hockey. { and Zurich}

Hucingas Huchingen Friesland ..... Hook.

Huningas Huninga {H�ningen, } {Una (L.V.), } Hunn, Honey. { near Basle} { Hunne (F.)}

Huntingas Huntingun Baden ..... Hunt, Hunting.

Ifingas ..... ..... Ivo (L.V.) Ive, Ivy.

Immingas Eminga {Emmingen, } {Imma (L.V.),} {Eames, Yems, { in W�rt.} { Emo, } { Hime. { Imme (F.) }

L�feringas Livaringa Near Salzburg ..... Laver.

Lullingas Lolinga {Lullingen, in} Lolle (F.) Lull, Lully. { Rh. Pruss. }

Luddingas Liutingen Baden {Lioda (L.V.),} Lyde, Lutto. { Ludde (F.) }

Lofingas Luppinge ..... {Lufe (L.V.),} {Love, { Lubbe (F.)} { Loving.

Lidelingas Lutilinga W�rtemburg ..... Liddle.

Locingas ..... ..... Locchi (L.V.) {Lock, { Lockie.

Leasingas Lasingi ..... Leising (L.V.) Lees, Lessy.

Manningas Meningen ..... {Man (L.V.), } {Mann, Manning. { Manno (F.)}

Massingas Masingi ..... M�ssa (A.S.) {Massey, { Messing.

Madingas Madungen Sax-Weimar ..... Maddey.

M�gdlingas[32] ..... ..... M�dle Madle.

{Maching, in } { { Bavaria } Mecga (A.S.) {Maggy, May. M�ccingas Maginga {Mechingen, by } { { L. Constance} Mekke (F.) {

Mycgingas ..... ..... ..... {Mico, Michie.

Merlingas Marlingen Bavaria ..... {Merrill, Marl, { Marling.

Mundlingas Mundilinga Bavaria ..... {Mundell.

Marringas Maringen Baden, W�rt. Mar (A.S.) Marr.

Meringas Meringa Hanover ..... Merry.

Millingas Milinga {Bav., Rhen.} Milo (L.V.) {Millie, Milo, { Pruss. } { Millinge.

Myrcingas[33] Mirchingen Lower Austria Murk (F.) {Murch, { Murchie.

Nydingas } Nidinga {Neidingen, in} {Nytta (L.V.),} Need, Neate. Neddingas} { Rh. Pruss. } { Nette (F.) }

Nottingas Notingen Upper Bavaria Noedt (F.) {Nott, { Nutting.

Ossingas Ossingen Rh. Bavaria Hosa (L.V.) Hose.

Palingas ..... ..... Paelli (L.V.) {Palev, { Paling.

Pegingas Biginga Westphalia Pega (L.V.) Pegg, Bigg.

Penningas Penningin North Germany Benna (A.S.) Penn, Benn.

Puningas Buninga ..... Buna (A.S.) Bunn.

Pitingas Pidingun Austria ..... Pitt.

Poclingas Puchilinga {P�ckling, } ..... {Puckle, { on Danube} { Buckle.

Piperingas ..... ..... ..... Piper.

Readingas Radinga {Reding, Reid (F.) Read. { in Luxembg. Riccingas ..... ..... Riki (F.) {Rich, Richey.

Ridingas Ridingin {Rieding, } ..... {Riddy, Rita, { in Upp. Bav.} { Ridding.

Riclingas Richilinga {Reichling,} Rykle (F.) {Regal, { on Rhine} { Wrigley.

Riplingas Rupilinga Upper Bavaria ..... Ripley.

Rollingas Roldingen {Rolingen, } Rolle (F.) Rolle. { in Luxembg.}

R�fningas Ravininge Bavaria Reuen (L.V.) Raven.

Rodingas Hrotthingun {Rh. Pruss.,} {Rudda (L.V.),} {Rodd, Rudd, { Bav. } { Rode (F.) } { Rudding.

Rossingas Rossunga ..... Russe (F.) Ross.

Ruscingas ..... ..... Rosce (L.V.) Rush.

Rocingas Roggingun Bavaria {Rogge, } Rock. { Rocche (F.)}

Rucingas ..... ..... Rouke (F.) {Rugg, Ruck.

Sandringas Sinderingum W�rtemburg Sander (F.) Sander.

Swaningas Swaningun {Schwanningen, } { near } Suan (L.V.) Swan. { Schaffhausen}

Syclingas Sikilingin {Sittling,} ..... {Sickle, { in Bav.} { Sickling.

Seaxlingas Saxlinga ..... ..... Satchell?

Sceardingas Scardinga Bavaria ..... {Scard, Scarth.

Scytingas Scithingi ..... Scytta (A.S.) {Skitt, Skeat, { Shute.

Surlingas ..... ..... Serlo (L.V.) {Sarle, Searle.

Scyrlingas Skirilinga Schierling, in Bav. ..... Shirley.

S�lingas ..... ..... Salla (L.V.) Sale, Sala.

Sceafingas Sceuinge ..... ..... Sheaf.

Scealingas Scelinga ..... Sceal (L.V.) {Scally, { Scales.

Snoringas {Snoringer} Rh. Bav. Snearri (L.V.) Snare. { marca }

Snotingas Snudinga ..... Snod (A.S.) Snoad.

Sealfingas Selvingen ..... ..... {Self, Selvey.

Stubingas Staubingen {Staubing, } Stuf (A.S.) {Stubbs, { in Bavaria} { Stubbing.

Secgingas Siggingahem Belgium Sigga (L.V.) {Siggs, Sick.

Specingas Speichingas {Spaichengen, Spech (Domesday) Speck. { in Westph.

Sceaflingas Schuffelinga {Schiflingen, } ..... Shovel. { in Luxembg.}

St�ningas ..... ..... {Stean (L.V.),} {Stone, { Steen (F.) } { Stenning.

Sinningas Siningas ..... Sinne (F.) {Siney, Shinn.

Stellingas ..... ..... ..... Stell.

T�dingas Tattingas {Dettingen,} Tade (F.) {Tadd, Taddy. { in Bav. } T�lingas Telingen Bavaria {Tella (L.V.),} {Tall, { Tiele (F.) } { Telling.

Dorringas Torringun {T�rring, } Tori (L.V.) Torr. { in Austria

Tutlingas Tutlingun Dutling, in Bav. ..... Tuttle.

Trumpingas[34] ..... ..... ..... {Trump, { Trumpy.

Thorningas Thurninga {D�rningen, } ..... {Thorne, { in Alsace} { Thorning.

Terringas ..... ..... Terri (L.V.) Terry.

Tucingas Tuginga Switzerland {Tuk (A.S.), } Tuck, Duck. { Duce (L.V.)}

Duringas Turinga W�rtemburg ..... {Turr, Durre, { Turing.

Uffingas Uffingen {Oeffingen, } Offa (L.V.) {Ough, Hough, { in W�rtemburg} { Huff.

Wearningas Warningas ..... Warin (L.V.) {Warren, Warne.

Waceringas Wacheringa Friesland and Bav. ..... Waker.

Wealdringas Waltringen ..... Wealdere (A.S.) {Walder, { Walter.

Wasingas Wasunga {W�rtg., Sax.} Wasso (A.S.) Wass. { Mein. }

Wippingas ..... ..... ..... Whipp.

Wittingas Wittungen Pruss. Sax. {Uitta (L.V.),} Whit. { Witte (F.) }

Willingas Willinga Bavaria Wille (F.) {Will, Willow, { Willing.

Winingas Winninge {Winningen,} {Wynna, } {Wine, Winn, { on Rhine} { Uini (L.V.)} { Winning.

Wealdingas Waltingun Austria {Wald (A.S.),} {Waldie, Waldo. { Walte (F.)}

W�lsingas Walasingas ..... ..... Walsh.

Watingas Waddinga {Weddingen, } {Uada (L.V.),} {Watt, Waddy. { in Rh. Pruss.} { Uatto (F.)}

Wellingas Wellingen Baden ..... Well.

Wigingas } Wikinka Bavaria {Uicga (L.V.),} {Wigg, Wiccingas} { Wigge, } { Wicking. { Wicco (F.)}

Wylfingas Vulfinga ..... Wulf (A.S.) Wolf.

Wrihtingas Wirtingen Austria ..... Wright.

Watringas Wateringas {Wettringen, } ..... Water. { in Westph.}

Wendlingas Wenilinga Near Strasburg Windel (A.S.) {Windle, { Wintle.

Wrihtlingas Riutilinga {Reutlingen, ..... Riddle. { in W�rtg.

Wealcingas ..... ..... {Walch (L.V.),} {Walk, Walkey, { Walke (F.) } { Walking.

Wealcringas ..... ..... Wealcere (A.S.) Walker.

Wealingas {Walanger } On the Lahn Walls (F.) Wall. { marca }

Waplingas Waplinga ..... ..... Waple.

Wr�ningas ..... ..... ..... {Wren, Rennie.

Wilrincgas Williheringa {Willering, Wyller (A.S.) Willer. { on Danube

I may observe with regard to the Anglo-Saxon names in the above lists that there is occasionally a little corruption in their forms. The English trouble with the letter h seems to have been present even at this early day. We have Allingas and Hallingas, Anningas and Hanningas, Eslingas and Haslingas, Illingas and Hillingas, in all of which cases the analogy of Old German names would show the h to be in all probability an intruder. And the same applies to the Hanesingas, the Honingas, and the Hoppingas. There is also an occasional intrusion of b or p, thus the Trumpingas, whence the name of Trumpington, should be properly, I take it, Trumingas, A.S. trum, firm, strong. Stark suggests a Celtic word, drumb, but the intrusion of p is so easy that I think any other explanation hardly necessary. The Sempingas, found in Sempingaham, now Sempringham, should also, I take it, be Semingas, which would be in accordance with Teutonic names, whereas semp is a scarcely possible form. Basingstoke, the original of which was Embasingastoc, owes its name to a similar mistake. It would be properly I think Emasingastoc, which would correspond with a Teutonic name-stem. A similar intrusion of t occurs in the case of Gl�stingabyrig (now Glastonbury), which should I think be Gl�ssingabyrig; this again would correspond with an ancient name-stem, which in its present form it does not. So also I take it that Distingas, found in Distington in Cumberland, is only a phonetic corruption of Dissingas, if indeed, (which I very strongly doubt) Distington is from a tribe-name at all. Both of these intrusions are natural from a phonetic point of view, tending as they do to give a little more backbone to a word, and they frequently occur, as I shall have elsewhere occasion to note, in the range of English names.

My object in the present chapter has been more especially to show the intimate connection between our early Saxon names, and those of the general Teutonic system. But now I come to a possible point of difference. All the names of Germany would tend to come to England, but if Anglo-Saxon England made any names on her own account, they would not go back to Germany. For the tide of men flows ever west-ward, and there was no return current in those days. Now there do seem to be certain name-stems peculiar to Anglo-Saxon England, and one of these is peht or pect, which may be taken to represent Pict. The Teutonic peoples were in the habit of introducing into their nomenclature the names of neighbouring nations even when aliens or enemies. Thus the Hun and the Fin were so introduced, the latter more particularly by the Scandinavians who were their nearest neighbours. There is a tendency among men to invest an enemy upon their borders, of whom they may be in constant dread, with unusual personal characteristics of ferocity or of giant stature. Thus the word Hun, as Grimm observes, seems to have become a synonym of giant, and Ohfrid, a metrical writer of the ninth century, describes the giant Polyphemus as the "grosse hun." Something similar I have noted (in a succeeding chapter on the names of women, in voce Emma) as possibly subsisting between the Saxons and their Celtic neighbours. The Fins again, who as a peculiarly small people could not possibly be magnified into giants, were invested with magical and unearthly characteristics, and the word became almost, if not quite, synonymous with magician. This then seems to represent something of the general principle, upon which such names have found their way into the Teutonic system of nomenclature.

While then England received all the names formed from peoples throughout the Teutonic area, the Goth, the Vandal, the Bavarian, the Hun, and the Fin, in the names of men, there was one such stem which she had and which the rest of Germany had not, for she alone was neighbour to the Pict. Perhaps I should qualify this statement so far as the Old Saxons of the seaboard are concerned, for they were also neighbours, though as far as we know, the Pict did not figure in their names of men. From the stem pect the Anglo-Saxons had a number of names, as Pecthun or Pehtun, Pecthath, Pectgils, Pecthelm, Pectwald, Pectwulf, all formed in accordance with the regular Teutonic system, but none of them found elsewhere than in Anglo-Saxon England. Of these names we may have one, Pecthun, in our surname Picton, perhaps also the other form Pehtun in Peyton or Paton. The Anglo-Saxons no doubt aspirated the h in Pehtun, but we seem in such cases either to drop it altogether, or else to represent it by a hard c, according perhaps as it might have been more or less strongly aspirated. Indeed the Anglo-Saxons themselves would seem to have sometimes dropped it altogether, if the name Piott, in a will of Archbishop Wulfred, A.D. 825, is the same word (which another name Piahtred about the same period would rather seem to indicate). And this suggests that our name Peat may be one of its present representatives. We have again a name Picture, which might represent an Anglo-Saxon Pecther (heri, warrior) not yet turned up, but a probable name, the compound being a very common one.

I do not think it necessary to go into the case of any other name-stem which I do not find except among the Anglo-Saxons, inasmuch as, there being in their case no such reason for the restriction as in that to which I have been referring, it may only be that they have not as yet been disinterred.

[28] From a similar origin is the name of the Scandinavian Vikings, Vik-ing, from vik, a bay.

[29] Arch�ological Journal.

[30] The reader must bear in mind that Ang.-Sax. � is pronounced as a in "ant."

[31] I take the word contained herein to be "ganz," an ancient stem in names.

[32] Properly, I think, "M�dlingas," as it has nothing to do with Ang.-Sax. "m�gd," maid.

[33] The same, I take it, as the "Myrgingas" in the Traveller's Tale.

[34] Properly, I take it, "Trumingas," Ang.-Sax. "trum" firm, strong.


We have seen in a preceding chapter that the earliest Saxon place-names in England are derived from a personal name, and that the idea contained is that of a modified form of common right. We shall find that a very large proportion of the later Anglo-Saxon place-names are also derived from the name of a man, but that the idea contained is now that of individual ownership or occupation. The extent to which English place-names are derived from ancient names of men is, in my judgment, very much greater than is generally supposed. And indeed, when we come to consider it, what can be so naturally associated with a ham as the name of the man who lived in that home, of a weorth as that of the man to whom that property belonged, of a Saxon tun or a Danish by or thorp as that of the man to whom the place owed its existence? If we turn to Kemble's list of Anglo-Saxon names of places as derived from ancient charters, in the days when the individual owner had succeeded to the community, we cannot fail to remark to how large an extent this obtains, and how many of these names are in the possessive case. Now, it must be observed that there are in Anglo-Saxon two forms of the possessive, and that when a man's name had the vowel ending in a, as noted at p. 24, it formed its possessive in an, while otherwise it formed its possessive in es. Thus we have Baddan byrig, "Badda's borough," Bennan beorh, "Benna's barrow" or grave, and in the other form we have Abbodes byrig, "Abbod's borough," Bluntes ham, "Blunt's home," and Sylces wyrth, "Silk's worth" or property. And as compound names did not take a vowel ending, such names invariably form their possessive in es, as in Haywardes ham, "Hayward's home," Cynewardes gem�ro, "Cyneward's boundary," &c. I am not at all sure that ing also has not, in certain cases, the force of a possessive, and that �lfredincgtun, for instance, may not mean simply "Alfred's town" and not Alfreding's town. But I do not think that this is at any rate the general rule, and it seems scarcely possible to draw the line. From the possessive in an I take to be most probably our present place-names Puttenham, Tottenham, and Sydenham, (respecting the last of which there has been a good deal of discussion of late in Notes and Queries), containing the Anglo-Saxon names Putta, Totta, and Sida. With regard to the last I have not fallen in with the name Sida itself. But I deduce such a name from Sydanham, C.D. 379, apparently a place in Wilts, also perhaps from Sidebirig, now Sidbury, in Devon; and there is, moreover, a corresponding O.G. Sido, the origin being probably A.S. sidu, manners, morals. Further traces of such a stem are found in Sidel deduced from Sidelesham, now Sidlesham, in Sussex, and also from the name Sydemann in a charter of Edgar, these names implying a pre-existing stem sid upon which they have been formed.

As well as with the ham or the byrig in which he resided, a man's name is often found among the Anglo-Saxons, connected with the boundary--whatever that might be--of his property, as in Abbudes mearc, Abbud's mark or boundary, and Baldrices gem�ro, Baldrick's boundary. Sometimes that boundary might be a hedge, as in Leoferes haga and Danehardes heger�w, "Leofer's hedge," and "Danehard's hedge-row." Sometimes it might be a stone, as in Sweordes st�n, sometimes a ridge, as in Eppan hrycg, "Eppa's ridge," sometimes a ditch or dyke, as in Tilgares dic and Colomores s�c (North. Eng. syke, wet ditch). A tree was naturally a common boundary mark, as in Potteles tre�w, Alebeardes �c (oak), Bulem�res thorn, Huttes �sc (ash), Tatmonnes apoldre (apple-tree). Sometimes, again, a man's name is found associated with the road or way that led to his abode, as in Wealdenes weg (way), Sigbrihtes anstige (stig, a footpath), Dunnes stigele (stile). Another word which seems to have something of the meaning of "stile" is hlip, found in Freobearnes hlyp and in Herewines hlipgat. In Anglo-Saxon, hlypa signified a stirrup, and a "hlipgat" must, I imagine, have been a gate furnished with some contrivance for mounting over it. Of a similar nature might be Alcherdes ford, and Brochardes ford, and also Geahes ofer, Byrhtes ora, and �scmann's yre (ofer, contr. ore, shore or landing-place). Something more of the rights of water may be contained in Fealamares br�c (brook), Hykemeres str�m (stream), and Brihtwoldes w�re (weir); the two latter probably referring to water-power for a mill. The sense of property only seems to be that which is found in Cybles weorthig, �scmere's weorth (land or property), Tilluces leah (lea), Rumboldes den (dene or valley), Bogeles pearruc (paddock), Ticnes feld (field). Also in Grottes gr�f (grove), Sweors holt (grove), Pippenes pen (pen or fold), Willeardes hyrst (grove), Leofsiges geat (gate), Ealdermannes h�c (hatch), and Winagares stapol (stall, market, perhaps a place for the sale or interchange of produce). The site of a deserted dwelling served sometimes for a mark, as in Sceolles eald cotan (Sceolles old cot), and Dearmodes ald tun (Deormoda's old town, or inclosure, dwelling and appurtenances?).

But it is with a man's last resting-place that his name will be found in Anglo-Saxon times to be most especially associated. The principal words used to denote a grave are beorh (barrow), byrgels, and hloew (low), in all of which the idea seems to be that of a mound raised over the spot. We have Weardes beorh, "Weard's barrow," also Lulles, Cartes, Hornes, Lidgeardes, and many others. We have Scottan byrgels, "Scotta's barrow," also H�ces, Wures, and Strenges. And we have Lortan hl�w, "Lorta's low," also Ceorles, Wintres, Hwittuces, and others. There is another word h�, which seems to be the same as the O.N. haugr, North. Eng, how, a grave-mound. It is found in Healdenes h�, Piccedes h�, Scoteh� Tilmundes h�, C�gesh�, and Fingringah�. It would hardly seem, from the location of four of them, Worcester, Essex, Beds, Sussex, that they can be of Scandinavian origin. Can the two words, haugr and hlau (how, and hlow), be from the same origin, the one assuming, or the other dropping an l?

I take the names of persons thus to be deduced from Anglo-Saxon place-names, and which are in general correspondence with the earlier names in the preceding chapter, though containing some new forms and a greater number of compound names, to give as faithful a representation as we can have of the every-day names of Anglo-Saxons. And as I have before compared the names of those primitive settlers with our existing surnames, so now I propose to extend the comparison to the names of more settled Anglo-Saxon times.

Anglo-Saxon Men's Names. Place-Names. English Surnames.

Abbod Abbodesbyrig } Abbott Abbud Abbudesmearc } �cemann �cemannes ceaster Ackman, Aikman Acen Acenes feld Aikin �gelweard �gelweardes mearc Aylward Alberht Alcherdes ford Allcard Alder Aldrestub Alder �lfgar �lfgares gem�ro Algar �lfred �lfredes beorh Alfred, Allfrey �lfher, or } �lfheri } �lfheres stapol Alvary �scmer �scmeres weorth Ashmore �scmann �scmannes yre Ashman Alebeard Alebeardes �c Halbard Amber Ambresbyrig Amber �thelstan �thelstanes t�n Ethelston

Babel Babeles beorh Bable Badherd Badherdes sled Beddard Baldher Baldheresberg Balder Baldric Baldrices gem�ro Baldridge Baldwin Baldwines heath Baldwin Beored, or Beoret Beoredes tre�w Berrette Beornheard Beornheardes lond Bernard Beornwold Beornwoldes s�tan Bernold Blunt Bluntesham Blunt Bogel Bogeles pearruc Bogle Bohmer Bohmeres stigele Bowmer Bregen Bregnesford Brain Brochard Brochardes ford Brocard Buga Buganst�c } Bugg Bugga Bugganbr�c } Bulem�r Bulem�res thorn Bulmer Buntel Bunteles pyt Bundle Bunting Buntinged�c Bunting Burhgeard Burhgeardeswerthig Burchard

Carda Cardan hl�w Card, Cart Ceapa Ceapan hl�w Cheape Ceawa Ceawan hl�w Chew Cerda Cerdan hl�w Chard Cissa Cissan anstige Cheese Chetol (Danish) Chetoles beorh Kettle Creoda Creodan �c } Creed Cridd Criddes h� } Cumen Cumenes ora Cummin Ceatewe Ceatewesleah Chattoway Ceada Ceadanford Chad Catt Cattes stoke Cat, Catty C�st�l C�st�lesham Castle Cludd Cludesleah Cloud Coten Cotenesfeld Cotton Cruda Crudan sceat Crowd Colomor Colomores s�c Colmer Cydd Cyddesige Kidd Cyble Cybles weorthig Keble Celc Celces ora Kelk Cylman Cylmanstun Killman Cynlaf Cynlafes stan Cunliffe Cynric Cynrices gem�ro Kenrick Cyneward Cynewardes gem�ro Kenward Cyppa Cyppanham Chipp

D�gel, or D�glesford } Dale Deil Deilsford } Dearnagel Dearnagles ford Darnell D�neheard D�neheardes hegerawe Denhard Deorlaf Deorlafestun Dearlove Deormod[35] Deormodes ald tun Dermott Dodd Doddesthorp } Dodd Dodda Doddan hl�w } Dolemann Dolemannes beorh Dollman Duceman Ducemannestun Duckman Ducling Duclingtun Duckling Dunn Dunnes stigele Dunn Dogod Dogodeswel Doggett, Dugood Dydimer Dydimertun Tidemore

Ealder Ealderscumb Alder Ealdmann Ealdmannes wyrth Altman Ealdermann[36] Ealdermannes h�c Alderman Ealmund Ealmundes treow Almond Eanulf Eanulfestun Enough Earn Earnesbeorh Earney

Eastmond Eastmondestun Esmond Ecgell Ecgeles stiel Edgell, Eagle

Fealamar Fealamares br�c { Fillmore { Phillimore Flegg Flegges garan Flew Focga Focgancrundel Fogg, Foggo Freobearn Freobearnes hlyp Freeborn Friged�g Friged�ges tre�w Friday Fuhgel Fuhgeles beorh Fuggle, Fowl

Gandar Gandrandun Gander G�cg G�cges stapol { Gay Geah Geahes ofer { Gatehlinc Gatehlinces heafod Gatling Geleca Gelecancamp Jellicoe Geyn Geynes thorn Gain Giselher Gislhereswurth Giller Godincg Godincges gem�ro Godding Godmund Godmundesleah Godmund Godwin Godwines gem�ro Godwin Grobb Grobbes den Grove, Grubb Grott Grottes gr�f Grote Gund Gundestige Gunn, Gundey

H�rred H�rredesleah Herod Heafoc Heafoceshamme Hawk Hassuc Hassuces m�r Haskey Hering Heringesleah Herring Hnibba Hnibbanleah Knibb, Knipe Hayward Haywardes ham Hayward Healda Healdan gr�f Hald Healden Healdenes h� Haldan Helm Helmes treow Helme Helf�r Helf�res gem�ro Helper Help Helpestonne Helps Herebritt Herebrittes comb Herbert Herewin Herewines hlipgat Irwine Hiccemann Hiccemannes st�n Hickman Humbald Humbalding gr�f Humble Hycemer, or } Higemar } Hycemeres str�m Highmore Hn�f Hn�fes scylf Knapp Hocg Hocgestun Hogg, Hodge Horn Hornes beorh Horne Hringwold Hringwoldes beorh Ringold Hwittuc Hwittuces leah Whittock Hutt Huttes �sc Hutt Hygelac[37] Hygelaces git Hillock

Kyld Kyldesby Kilt

Leofer Leoferes haga Lover Laferca Lafercanbeorh Laverick Leofmann Leofmannes gem�ro Loveman Leommann Leommannes gr�f Lemon Leofsig Leofsiges geat Lovesy Leofric Leofrices gem�ro Loveridge Lidgeard Lidgeardes beorh Ledgard Lipperd Lipperdes gem�ro Leopard Lower Lowereslege Lower Locer Loceresweg Locker Lorta Lortanberwe Lord Lorting Lortinges bourne Lording Luder Luderston Luther Ludmann Ludmannes put Lutman Lull Lulles beorh Lull, Lully

Myceld Myceldefer Muckelt M�l Muleshl�w Moule

Negle Neglesleah Nagle N�l N�lesbr�c Nail Nybba Nybban beorh Nibbs

Oslac Oslaces lea Hasluck Ogged Oggedestun Hodgett, Howitt Oswald Oswaldes mere Oswald Orlaf Orlafestun Orlop Owun Owunes hild Owen

Pehtun Pehtuns treow Peyton Pender Penderes clif Pender Picced Piccedes h� Pickett Pinnel Pinnelesfeld Pennell Pippen Pippenes fen Pippin Pyttel Pittelesford Piddel Pitterich Piterichesham Betteridge Pottel Potteles treow Pottle Potten Pottenestreow Potten Punt Puntes st�n Punt Puntel Punteles treow Bundle Prentsa Prentsan hlaw Prentiss

Redwin Redwines thorn Readwin Rahulf Rahulfes furlong Ralph Rugebeorg Rugebeorges gem�ro Rubery Rumbold Rumboldes den Rumbold

Sceaft Sceaftesbirig Shaft, Shafto Sceoll Sceolles ealdcotan Sholl Scytta Scyttandun Skeat, Shute Scyter[38] Scyteres fl�d Shuter Scealc Scealces hom Shawkey, Chalk? Scyld Scyldes treow Shield Sim�r Sim�res ford Seymour Secm�r Secm�res ora Sycamore Sigbriht Sigbrihtes anstige Sibert Sibriht Sibrihtesweald Seabright[39] Siger Sigeres �c Segar Snell Snellesham Snell Snod Snodes hyl Snoad Streng Strenges h� Strong Stut Stutes hyl Stout, Stott Stutard Stutardes cumb Stothard, Studeard Sucga Sucgangr�f Sugg Sumer Sumeresham Summer Sumerled (Danish) Sumerledetun Sommerlat Sunemann Sunemannes wyrthig Sunman Sweor Sweores holt Swire, Swears Sweord Sweordes st�n Sword

T�cel T�celesbr�c Tackle Tatmonn Tatmonnes apoldre Tadman Tatel Tatlestrop Tattle Thuner Thunresfeld Thunder Thurgar (Danish) Thurgartun Thurgur Thrista Thristan den Trist Theodher Theoderpoth Theodore Thurold (Danish) Thuroldes gem�ro Thorold Toma Tomanworthig Tomey Ticcen Ticnesfeld Dickin Tilgar Tilgares d�c Dilger Tilluc Tilluces leah Tillick, Dilke Tilmann Tilmannes den Tilman Titferth Titferthes geat Titford

Upicen Upicenes hlyw Hopkin

Wahgen Wahgenes gem�ro Wain Wealden Wealdenes weg Walden

Wealder Wealderes weg Walter Westan Westanes treow Weston Wigheard Wigheardes stapol Wyard Wighelm Wighelmes land Whigam Wihtlac Wihtlaces ford Whitelock Wihtric Wihtricesham Whitridge Wilmund Wilmundes leah Williment Willher Willheres triow Willer Wicg Wicgestan Wigg Uuigga Wuiggangeat Winagar Winagares stapul Winegar Wileard Wileardes hyrste Willard Wistan for } Wistanes gem�ro Whiston Wigstan? } Wulfsig Wulfsiges croft Wolsey Wulfgar Wulfgares gem�ro Woolgar Wulfmer Wulfmeres myln Woolmer Wulfric Wulfrices gem�ro Woolrych Wyner Wyneres stig Winer Waring W�ring w�c Waring Wifel Wifelesham Whipple Woden[40] Wodnesbeorg Woodin? Wydda Wyddanbeorh Widow

The above names are deduced entirely from the names of places found by Mr. Kemble in ancient charters. The list is not by any means an exhaustive one, as I have not included a number of names taken into account in Chap. IV., and as also the same personal name enters frequently into several place-names. With very few exceptions these names may be gathered to the roll of Teutonic name-stems, notwithstanding a little disguise in some of their forms, and a great, sometimes a rather confusing, diversity of spelling. I take names such as the above to be the representatives of the every-day names of men in Anglo-Saxon times, rather than the names which come before us in history and in historical documents. For it seems to me that a kind of fashion prevailed, and that while a set of names of a longer and more dignified character were in favour among the great, the mass of the people still, to a great extent, adhered to the shorter and more simple names which their fathers had borne before them. Thus, when we find an �thelwold who was also called Mol, an �thelmer who was also called Dodda, and a Queen Hrothwaru who was also called Bucge, I am disposed to take the simple names, which are such as the earlier settlers brought over with them, to have been the original names, and superseded by names more in accordance with the prevailing fashion. Valuable then as is the Liber Vit� of Durham, as a continuous record of English names for many centuries, yet I am inclined to think that inasmuch as that the persons who come before us as benefactors to the shrine of St. Cuthbert may be taken to be as a general rule of the upper ranks of life, they do not afford so faithful a representation of the every-day names of Anglo-Saxons as do the little freeholders who lived and died in their country homes. And, moreover, these are, as it will be seen, more especially the kind of names which have been handed down from Anglo-Saxon times to the present day.

In connection with this subject, it may be of interest to present a list of existing names of places formed from an Anglo-Saxon personal name, as derived from the same ancient charters dealt with in the previous list. And in so doing I confine myself exclusively to the places of which the present names have been positively identified by Mr. Kemble. And in the first place I will take the place-names which consist simply of the name of a tribe or family unqualified by any local term whatever.

Name in Anglo-Saxon Charters. Present Name.

�feningas Avening Gloucestershire Angemeringum Angmering Sussex Ascengas Eashing Surrey Banesingas Bensington Oxfordshire B�rlingas Barling Kent Beadingum Beden Gloucestershire Berecingas Barking Essex Brahcingum Braughin Herts. Byrhtlingas Brightling Sussex Cerringes Charing Kent Ciwingum Chewing Herts. Culingas Cooling Kent Cytringas Kettering Northampton Diccelingas Ditchling Sussex Geddingas Yeading Middlesex Godelmingum Godalming Surrey Hallingas Halling Kent Herlinge Harling Norfolk Horningga Horning Norfolk Meallingas Malling Kent P�ccingas Patching Sussex Puningas Poynings Surrey Readingan Reading Berkshire Rodinges Roothing Essex St�ningas Steyning Sussex Swyrdhlincas } Swarling Kent (Swyrdlingas) } Terringes Tarring Sussex Terlinges Terling Essex Totingas Tooting Surrey Wellingum Wellwyn Herts. Werhornas Warehorne Kent Wihttringas Wittering Surrey Uoccingas Woking Surrey Wyrtingas Worting Hants.

I will now take the places which in a later and more settled time have been derived from the name of a single man, as representing his dwelling, his domain, or in not a few cases his grave.

Anglo-Saxon Man's Name. Place-Name. Present Name.

Abba Abbandun Abingdon Berks. { �gelesbyrig Aylesbury Bucks. �gel { �glesford Aylesford Kent { �geleswurth Aylesworth Nthmptn. Agmod Agmodesham Agmondesham Bucks. �sc �scesbyrig Ashbury Berks. �scmer �scmeres weorth Ashmansworth Hants. Amber { Ambresbyrig Amesbury Wilts. { Ambresleah Ombersley Worc. �lfreding �lfredincgtun Alfreton Derby.

Badda Baddanby Badby Nthmptn. Badhelming Badimyncgtun Badminton Glouc. Baldher Baldheresberg Baltonsborough Somerset. Becca Beccanleah Beckley Sussex. Beda Bedanford Bedford Beds. Benna Bennanham Beenham Berks. Benning Benningwurth Bengworth Worc. Bledda Bleddanhl�w Bledlow Bucks. Blunt Bluntesham Bluntisham Hunts. Bodeca Bodecanleah Butleigh Somerset. Bodek Bodekesham Bottisham Camb. Bocga Bocganora Bognor Sussex. Bordel Bordelestun Burleston Dorset. Brand Brandesburh Bransbury Hants. Bregen Bregnesford Bransford Worc.

Cada Cadandun Chadlington Oxford. C�g C�gesh� Keysoe Beds. Calmund Calmundes den Calmsden Glouc. Ceadela Ceadelanwurth Chaddleworth Berks. Ceadel Ceadeleshunt Chadshunt Warw. Ceader Ceadresleah Chaseley Worc. Cendel Cendeles funta Chalfont Bucks. Celta Celtenhom Cheltenham Glouc. Ceol Ceolesig Cholsey Berks. Cippa Cippenham Chippenham Wilts. Ceolbalding Ceolbaldinctun Chilbolton Hants. Ceort Ceortesege Chertsey Surrey Cinhild (woman) Cinildewyrth Kenilworth Warw. Cissa Cissanceaster Chichester Sussex. Coda Codanford Codford Wilts. Codda Coddanhrycg Cotheridge Worc. Coling Colingham Collingham Notts. Crym Crymesham Crimsham Sussex. Croppa Croppanthorn Cropthorn Worc. Cumen Cumenora Cumnor Berks. Cungar Cungaresbyrig Congressbury Somerset. Cwichelm Cwichelmes hl�w Cuckamslow hill Berks. Cyneburging[41] Cyneburgincton Kemerton Glouc. Cynlaf Kynleveden Kelvedon Essex. Ketel (Danish) Kitlebig Kettleby Linc.

D�cca, or } Daccanhaam Dagenham Essex. D�gga } D�gel D�glesford Daylesford Worc. De�rlaf Deorlafestun Darlaston Staffs. Dodda Doddanford Dodford Nthmptn. Dodd Doddesthorp Dogsthorp Nthmptn. Dogod Dogodeswel Dowdswell Glouc. Domec Domecesige Dauntsey Wilts. Duceling Duceling dun Ducklington Oxford. Dunning Dunnincland Donyland Essex. Dideling Didelingtun Didlington Dorset.

Eadric Eadricestun Edstone Warw. Eccing Eccingtun Eckington Worc. Eccle, or Egil Eccleshale Exhall Warw. Effing Effingeham Effingham Surrey. Erping Erpingham Erpingham Norfolk. Eof, or Eofa Eofesham Evesham Worc.

Fecca Feccanhom Feckenham Worc. Fl�da Fl�danburg Fladbury Worc. Folc Folcesstan Folkstone Kent.

Gidding Giddincford Gidding Suffolk. Gyseling Gyselingham Gislingham Suffolk. Godmer Godmeresham Godmersham Kent. Grim Grimaston Grimstone Norfolk. Gun or Gund Gunthorpe Gunthorp Nthmptn. Gyp Gypeswich Ipswich Suffolk.

Hauek Hauekestun Hauxton Camb. H�far H�faresham Haversham Bucks. Hamela Hamelend�n Hambledon Hants. H�rigeard H�rigeardesham Harrietsham Kent. Haling Halington Hallington Linc. Hanekyn Hanekynton Hankerton Wilts. Hanning Hanningtun Hannington Hants. H�da H�danham Haddenham Camb. Helming Helmyngton Hemington Nthmptn. Help Helpestonne Helpstone Nthmptn. Hemming Hemmingford { Hemingford } Hunts. { Abbots } Hengest { Hengesteshricg Henstridge Somerset. { Hengestesige Hinksey Berks. Hild Hildesd�n Hillersdon Bucks. Heorulf Heorelfestun Harleston Staff. Heorting Heortingtun Hardington Somerset. Honekyn Honekynton Hankerton Wilts. Honing Honingtun Honington Linc. Horning { Horningeseie Horningsea Camb. { Horningges h�th Horningsheath Suffolk H�d H�des�c Hodsoak Worc. Hunewald Hunewaldesham Windlesham Surrey Hunta Huntandun Huntingdon Hants. Hwiting Hwitingtun Whittington Worc.

Kyld Kyldesby Kilsby Nthmptn.

Laua Lauanham Lavenham Suffolk Lauing Lauingtun Barlavington Sussex Lamb (Danish?) Lambehith Lambeth Lott Lottisham Lottisham Somerset.

Mealdhelm Mealdumesburg Malmsbury Wilts. Myceld Myceldefer Mitcheldover Hants. M�l { M�leseige Moulsey Surrey { M�lesham Moulsham Essex Munda Mundanham Mundham Sussex

Neteling Netelingtun Nettleton Wilts.

Offa Offanleah Offley Herts. Orlaf Orlafestun Orleston Derby. Orm (Danish) Ormisby Ormsby Norfolk Osgot Osgotbi Osgodby Linc. Oshelming Osmingtun Osmington Dorset Oswald Oswaldeshlaw Oswaldslow Worc.

Pading Padingtun Paddington Parting Partingtun Patrington Yorks. Peda Pedanhrycg Petridge Surrey Peada Peadanwurth Padworth Berks. Peatting Peattingtun Pattingham Salop Pecga Pecganham Pagham Sussex Peden Pednesham Pensham Worc. Piterich Piterichesham Petersham Worc. Port Portesham Portisham Dorset.

Raculf Raculfcestre Reculver Kent Remn[42] for Raven Remnesdun Ramsden Sussex Rydem�r, or } Rydem�releah Redmarley Worc. Redmer } Riking Rikinghal Rickinghall Suffolk Ring Ringestede Ringstead Norfolk Rodda Roddanbeorg Rodborough Glouc. Rolf, for Rolfestun Rolleston Staffs. Rodulf Rollesby Rollesby Norfolk

Sidel Sidelesham Sidlesham Sussex Sceaft Sceaftesbirig Shaftesbury Dorset. Secg Secgesbearue Sedgeberrow Worc. Snodd Snoddesbyrig Upton Snodsbury Worc. Snoding Snodingland Snodland Worc. Sumer Sumeresham Somersham Hunts. Sumerled (Danish) Sumerledetun Somerleyton Suffolk Sunna Sunnandun Sundon Beds. Swythbriht Swythbrihtesweald Sibbertswold Kent Swithreding Swithr�dingden Surrenden Kent Sylc Sylceswyrth Silksworth Durham

Tadm�r Tadm�rtun Tadmarton Oxford.

T�fing T�fingstoc Tavistock Devon. Teotting Teottingtun Teddington Wor. Taling Talingtun Tallington Linc. Toda Todanhom Toddenham Glouc. Toma Tomanworthig Tamworth Warw. Theogen Theogendethorp Theddlethorp Linc. Thunar Thunresfeld Thundersfield Surrey Ticen Ticnesfeld Tichfield Hants. Tidhelming Tidelminctun Tidmington Worc. Tilling Tillingham Tillingham Essex Tocca Toccanham Tockenham Wilts. Toting Totingtun Tottington Norfolk Treding { Tredingtun Tredington Glouc. { Tredinctun Tredington Worc. Trosting Trostingtun Troston Suffolk Tuding Tudingtun Teddington Middlsx. Tunweald Tunwealdes st�n Tunstone Glouc. Turca Turcanden Turkdean Glouc. Twica Tuicanham Twickenham Middlsx. Thurgar (Danish) Thurgartun Thurgarton Norfolk

Ufing Ufinctun Ovington Hants.

Wacen Uacenesfeld Watchfield Berks. Watling U�tlinctun Watlington Oxford. Wassing Wassingburg Washingborough Linc. Wald Waldeswel Woldswell Glouc. Weard Weardesbeorh Warborough Oxford. Wifel { Wifeles cumb Wiveliscomb Somerset. { Wifelesford Wilsford Wilts. Wilburg (Woman) { Wilburgeham Wilbraham Camb. { Wilburhtun Wilburton Camb. Willer Willerseia Willersey Glouc. Weogern Weogernacester Worcester Worc. Wine { Uines hlau Winslow Bucks. { Wines hyl Winshill Derby. Wrening Wreningham Wreningham Norfolk Werot Uurotaham Wrotham Kent Wulfwarding Wulfweardigle� Wolverley Worc. Wendel, or Wendlesora, or Windsor Berks. Windel Windlesora

The last name, Windsor, is an amusing instance of the older attempts at local etymology. First it was supposed, as being an exposed spot, to have taken its name from the "wind is sore;" then it was presumed that it must have been a ferry, and that the name arose from the constant cry of "wind us o'er" from those waiting to be ferried across. It was a great step in advance when the next etymologist referred to the ancient name and found it to be Windelsora, from ora, shore, (a contraction of ofer?) Still, the etymon he deduced therefrom of "winding shore" is one that could not be adopted without doing great violence to the word; whereas, without the change of a letter, we have Windels ore, "Windel's shore," most probably in the sense of landing-place. The name Windel forms several other place-names; it was common in ancient times, and it has been taken to mean Vandal. I refer to this more especially to illustrate the importance of taking men's names into account in considering the origin of a place-name.

The above names are confined entirely, as I have before mentioned, to the places that have been positively identified by Mr. Kemble. And as these constitute but a small proportion of the whole number, the comparison will serve to give an idea of the very great extent to which place-names are formed from men's names.

[35] Cf. also Diormod, moneyer on Anglo-Saxon coins, minted at Canterbury. There is, however, an Irish Diarmaid which might in certain cases intermix, and whence we must take McDermott.

[36] I take Ealdermann to be, as elsewhere noted, a corruption of Ealdmann.

[37] Mr. Kemble, in default of finding Hygelac as a man's name in Anglo-Saxon times, has taken the above place-name to be from the legendary hero of that name. The fact is, however, that Hygelac occurs no fewer than four times as an early man's-name in the Liber Vit�, so that there does not seem to be any reason whatever for looking upon it as anything else than the every-day name of an Anglo-Saxon.

[38] From a similar origin is probably Shooter's Hill, near London.

[39] There is also an A.S. S�briht, from s�, sea, whence Seabright might be derived.

[40] Upon the whole I am inclined to think that Woden is here an Anglo-Saxon man's name, though the traces of it in such use are but slight. There is a Richard Wodan in the Lib. Vit. about the 15th century. And Wotan occurs once as a man's name in the Altdeutsches Namenbuch.

[41] Or Cyneburg; see p. 71.

[42] It seems clear from the names collated by German writers that ramn, remn, and ram in ancient names are contractions of raven. Compare the names of the ports, Soderhamn, Nyhamn, and Sandhamn, for, no doubt, Soderhaven, Nyhaven, and Sandhaven.


Corruptions may be divided broadly into two kinds, those which proceed from a desire to improve the sound of a name, and those which proceed from a desire to make some kind of sense out of it. The former, which we may call phonetic, generally consists in the introduction of a letter, either to give more of what we may call "backbone" to a word, or else to make it run more smoothly. For the former purpose b or p is often used--thus we have, even in Anglo-Saxon times, trum made into trump, sem into semp, and emas into embas. So among our names we have Dumplin, no doubt for Dumlin (O.G. Domlin), Gamble for Gamel, and Ambler for Ameler, though in these names something of both the two principles may apply. In a similar manner we have glas made into glast in Gl�stingabyrig, now Glastonbury (p. 88). So d seems sometimes to be brought in to strengthen the end of a word, and this, it appears to me, may be the origin of our names Field, Fielding, Fielder. The forms seem to show an ancient stem, but as the word stands, it is difficult to make anything out of it, whereas, as Fiell, Fielling, &c., the names would fall in with a regular stem, as at p. 50. So also our name Hind may perhaps be the same, assuming a final d, as another name, Hine, which, presuming the h not to be organic, may be from the unexplained stem in or ine, as in the name of Ina, King of Wessex. In which case Hyndman might be the same name as Inman. Upon the same principle it may be that we have the name Nield formed upon the Celtic Niel. So also f appears to be sometimes changed for a similar purpose into p, as in Asprey and Lamprey for Asfrid (or Osfrid) and Landfrid. The ending frid commonly becomes frey (as in Godfrey, Humphrey, Geoffrey), and when we have got Asfrey and Lanfrey (and we have Lanfrei in the Liber Vit�), the rest is easy.

The most common phonetic intrusion is that of r, and one of the ways in which it most frequently occurs is exhibited in the following group of names: Pendgast, Pendegast, Prendergast, Prendergrass. Pendgast is, I take it, an ancient compound, from the stem bend (p. 44), with gast, hospes. It first takes a medial vowel between the two words of the compound, and becomes Pend-e-gast. Then e naturally becomes er, passing the very slight barrier which English pronunciation affords, and the name, having become Pendergast, finds the need of a second r to balance the first, and becomes Prendergast. In the last name, Prendergrass, the other principle comes in, and a slight effort is made to give a shade of meaning to the word.[43] One of the features in men's names, it will be seen, is that as they have (differently to what is the case with regard to the words of the language) become crystallised in all stages, one is sometimes permitted to see the various steps of a process.

Now it is in such a way as that described above that the Anglo-Saxon name Ealdermann (whence our name Alderman) has, according to my opinion, been formed. There is another Anglo-Saxon name, Ealdmann, an ancient compound. Now if you, as in the previous case, introduce a medial vowel, and make it Eald-e-mann, there is virtually nothing left between that and Ealdermann. Such a name, as derived from the office, would be impossible as a regular Anglo-Saxon name. The only other alternative would be that he had been so called as a sobriquet by his office till it had superseded his regular name. And there does appear to have been such a case, viz., that of a man called Preost who was a priest, but the way which I have suggested seems to me to account more easily for the name. From a similar origin I take to be our name Ackerman, and the present German Ackermann. There is an Anglo-Saxon �cemann (p. 96), from which, on the principle described above, they might be derived. So also Sigournay may be formed in a similar manner from an old German name Siginiu (niu, "new," perhaps in the sense of "young"), and Alderdice from an old Frankish Aldadeus (deus, servant).

I have taken Prendergast for Pendgast as an illustration of the intrusion of r, and there is even in Anglo-Saxon times an example of the very same word as so treated. This is the name Prentsa (p. 101), (whence our Prentiss), and which I take to be properly Pentsa. This would bring it in as a regular Anglo-Saxon stem (Cf. Penda, Pender, Penduald, Pendwine), whereas otherwise it is difficult to know what to make of it. Among English surnames thus treated we have Bellringer for Bellinger, Sternhold for Stonhold (p. 63), Proudfoot for Puddefoot (bud, messenger), and possibly Cardwell for the Anglo-Saxon Cadweal.[44] On the same principle I think that Wordsworth, a name of local origin, may be, with an intrusive r, the same as Wodsworth or Wadsworth (Wad's property or estate). There is certainly a stem wurd (supposed to mean fate, destiny), in ancient names, but it is of rare occurrence, and I do not know of it in English names, though we have Orde, which I take to be from the Scandinavian form of it. On the other hand we have an instance in Anglo-Saxon times of the reverse process, viz., the elision of r, in the case of Wihtbrord, Minister of Edward the Elder, who, though he spells his names both ways, spells it more frequently Wihtbrod, the other being no doubt etymologically the correct form (brord, sword), though euphony is certainly promoted by the elision. This may probably be the origin of our name Whitbread, with the variation Wheatbread.

The intrusion of d has had the effect of changing a man's name into a woman's in two cases, Mildred and Kindred. The former should be properly Milred, answering to an Anglo-Saxon Milred, and the latter should be Kenred, answering to the German Conrad; Mildryd and Cynedryd were, and could only be, Anglo-Saxon women's names.

On the other hand, the loss of an r has had such a disastrous effect in the case of an American Bedbug as to compel him to apply, like his English namesake, for a change of name. For while, in America, all insects of the beetle tribe are called by the name of "bug," the "bedbug" is that particular insect which is a "terror by night," so that the name was pointedly disagreeable. It ought properly to be, I doubt not, Bedburg, a name of local origin, and the same as Bedborough.

Before going on to deal with the corruptions which originate in the desire to make some kind of sense out of a name, I propose to refer briefly to some of the changes and contractions which are more strictly in accordance with regular phonetic principles. I have referred at p. 9 to a final g as opposed to the English ear, and to two different ways in which it is got rid of, viz., by changing it into dg, and by dropping it altogether. There is yet a third way, that of changing it into f, as in Anglo-Saxon genug, English enough. And we can show examples of all these in the same name, from the ancient stem wag, probably signifying to wave, brandish, as in the name Wagbrand ("wave-sword"), in the genealogy of the Northumbrian kings. For we have the name in all four forms, Wagg, Way, Wadge, Waugh (Waff). The common ending in Teutonic names of wig, war, often, anciently even, softened into wi, most commonly in such case becomes in our names way. Thus we have Alloway from an ancient Alewih, Chattoway from Ceatewe, Dalloway from Daliweh, Galloway from Geilwih, Garroway from Gerwi, Hathaway from Hathuwi, Kennaway from Kenewi, Lanoway from Lantwih, Reddoway from Redwi, and Ridgway from Ricwi. I cite this as a case in which a number of coincidences prove a principle, which the reader, if he confined his attention to one particular case, might be disposed to question. We also generally drop the g in the middle of a word in such names as Payne, from A.S. Pagen,[45] Wain from A.S. Wahgen, Gain from A.S. Gagen, Nail from A.S. Negle. So also in Sibbald for Sigebald, Sibert for Sigebert, Seymore for Sigimar, Wyatt for Wighad, &c. There is also a frequent dropping of d, though I think that in this case the names have more frequently come down to us from ancient times in such contracted form, the practice being more specially common among the Franks, from whom I think that most of the names in question have been derived. Thus we have Cobbold for Codbald or Godbold, Cobbett for Godbet or Codbet, Lucas (Lucas, Lib. Vit.), from a Frankish Liucoz for Liudgoz, Boggis from a Boggis for Bodgis, Lewis for Leodgis, Rabbit for Radbod, Chabot for Chadbod. So also Ralph and Rolfe for Radulf and Hrodulf (though also for Ragulf and Hrogulf), Roland for Rodland, Roman for Rodman, &c. So f is often dropped when it is followed by m or n, as in A.S. Leomman for Leofmann, whence our Lemon. It is probable that our Limmer is a similar contraction of A.S. Leofmer.

As a case of transposition I may note Falstaff from, as supposed, the O.G. name Fastulf. It may be a question whether this is not an Old Frankish name come to us through the Normans, for at Gambetta's funeral the French Bar was represented by M. Falsteuf.

I now come to corruptions which arise from the attempt to give to a name something of an apparent meaning in English. Let me observe that, almost as an invariable rule, corruptions are made towards a meaning and not away from it; the ancient name Irminger might be corrupted into Ironmonger, but Ironmonger could not be corrupted into Irminger. It is natural to men to try to get some semblance of meaning out of a name, and all the more that it approaches to something which has a familiar sound to their ears. Thus H.M. ship, the Bellerophon, was called by the sailors the "Billy Ruffian," and a vessel owned by a fore-elder of mine, and which he christened the Agomemnon, invariably went among the sailors by the name of the "Mahogany Tom." Thus the Anglo-Saxon Trumbald has first become Trumbull and then Tremble, and as suggested by Mr. Charnock, Turnbull. So we have the Old Norse name Thorgautr (Turgot, Domesday) variously made into Target and into Thoroughgood.[46] In some cases a very slight change suffices to give a new complexion to the name, thus the Old Frankish Godenulf, (ulf, wolf), through a Norman Godeneuf, is scarcely changed in our Goodenough. Similarly we might have had Badenough (O.G. Badanulf), and Richenough (A.S. Ricnulf). We have Birchenough (reminding us of Dr. Busby) no doubt from a name of similar formation not yet turned up. Then we have several names as Garment, Rayment, Argument, Element, Merriment, Monument, from ancient names ending in mund or munt, supposed to mean protection, with only the change of a letter. I have referred in an earlier part of this chapter to the name Pendgast, and to the phonetic corruptions to which it has been subjected. But it seems also to have been subjected to a corruption of the other kind, for I take it that our name Pentecost is properly Pentecast, as another or High German form of Pendegast. Another case of a corruption easily made is that of our name Whitethread which seems obviously the Anglo-Saxon name Wihtr�d, of which also we have another obvious corruption in Whiterod. So also the Anglo-Saxon name Weogern, p. 111 (more properly Wiggern, wig, war, and gern, eager), by an easy transition becomes Waghorn. And in this way also the paradoxical-looking name Fairfoul, by a slight change of spelling, may be explained as Farefowl, "wandering bird," as a name probably given by the Saxon or Danish sea-rovers.

Let us take a name of a different kind, Starbuck, no doubt of local origin, from the place called Starbeck in Yorkshire. Now beck is a Northern word signifying brook; it is probably of Danish origin, inasmuch as its use precisely corresponds with the limits of the Danish occupation. So long then as Starbeck lived in the north among his own people, to whom beck is a familiar word, there would be no fear of his name being corrupted. But when he migrated to a part of England where beck has no meaning, then by and by the natural craving for some kind of a meaning would assert itself, and, as the best it could do, change beck into buck. But the name of the place itself affords an illustration of the same principle. For star is in all probability the same word as stour, so common as a river-name (Arm. ster, water, river), made into star in the craving for some kind of a meaning.

Let us take another name with the same ending, Clutterbuck, also, I doubt not, a name of local origin, though I am unable in this case to identify the place. But clutter seems evidently to be from the Anglo-Saxon, hluttor, clear, pure, limpid, and the word must have been hluttorbeck, "clear brook," so that this is another case of a similar corruption. The Anglo-Saxons, no doubt, strongly aspirated the initial h, so that the name has become Clutterbuck.

Another name which may be taken to be of the same kind is Honeybun, no doubt a corruption of another name Honeyburn, from burn, a brook, honey being apparently used by the Anglo-Saxons as an epithet to describe sweet waters. But to the modern ear Honeybun is a much more natural association than Honeyburn, particularly since the Anglo-Saxon burn for brook has passed out of use in England.

Among the Germans, corruptions towards a meaning are also common, as in such names as Guttwein for Godwine or Gotwine, Warmbadt for Warinbod, Leutenant for Liutnand (liud, people, nant, daring). There is a curious-looking and seemingly profane name Heiliggheist, as if from the third person of the Trinity, which may, however, be a corruption of an ancient name, perhaps of the name Haldegast.

The odd-looking names Oyster and Oysterman in Suffolk Surnames are probably the German names Oster and Ostermann (oster, orientalis) in an anglicised form, the marvellous power of assimilation possessed by the great Republic evincing itself, among other things, in the way in which it anglicises foreign names. Thus the name Crumpecker, placed by Bowditch among names from birds, is, we can hardly doubt, a corruption of a German Krumbacher, i.e. "a native of Krumbach," of which name there are several places in Germany. So also the ending thaler in German names, from thal, valley, is changed into "dollar" as its supposed equivalent. Hence the Americans have Milldolar, Barndollar, and Cashdollar, corruptions of some such German names as M�hlthaler, Bernthaler, and K�senthaler, signifying an inhabitant respectively of M�hlthal, of Bernthal, and of K�senthal. It would seem as if a man coming to this new world, where everything around him is changed--presumably for the better--accepts it as, among other things, a part of the new dispensation, that whereas his name has hitherto been, say K�senthaler, he shall henceforth answer to the name--perhaps not an inauspicious one--of Cashdollar.

[43] There is another name Snodgrass, which may be a similar corruption of Snodgast, from the stem snod, A.S. snot, wise.

[44] This however is by no means certain, inasmuch as there is a stem card or gard from which it might be formed, though the corresponding ancient name has not turned up. On the other hand it is to be observed that wealh is not one of the more common endings.

[45] Pagan occurs as an A.S. name, (Thorpe, p. 648), and may probably be referred to bagan, to contend. Cf. also Pagingas among the early settlers.

[46] According, no doubt, as the ancient name appeared as Thorgaut or Thorgaud.


To any one who takes note of the large proportion of French Christian names which are of German origin, the question, one would think, might naturally suggest itself--If such be the case with Christian names, may it not also be the case with regard to surnames? The Christian names Albert, Adolphe, Alfonse, Charles, Claude, Edouard, Edmonde, Ferdinand, Gerard, Henri, Louis, Philibert, Robert, Richarde, Rudolfe, Guillaume, and the women's Ad�le, Clotilde, Louise, Mathilde, H�l�ise, and many others, serve to remind us that the French have come of the Franks. That the same holds good also of French surnames I have in a previous work endeavoured to prove in considerable detail, and I will not go over the ground again further than at the end of this chapter to present as an illustration of my views upon the subject one or two stems complete with their branches.

The Franks being a branch of a High German, and the Saxons of a Low German stock, it follows that French names, as compared with English, should, in names of Teutonic origin, exhibit High German forms in comparison with our Low German. One of these differences is, for instance, au for ea, as in German auge, Anglo-Saxon, eage, English, eye. Thus the Anglo-Saxon ead, happiness, prosperity, so common in men's names, is in Frankish represented by aud, or od--hence the name of the Norman bishop Odo is the counterpart of an Anglo-Saxon Eada or Eda, and the name of the Lombard king Audoin (Audwin), is the counterpart of the Anglo-Saxon Eadwin. It will be seen then that the French Christian name Edouard is not a true Frankish form--the proper form is shown in two French surnames, Audouard and Audevard. I cannot account for the particular case of this Christian name on any other ground than that simply of euphony. The corresponding Italian Christian name, Odoardo, come to them through the Franks or the Lombards, represents, it will be seen, the proper High German form. The High German forms, then, that appear in English names may be taken to a great extent to represent Old Frankish names that have come to us through the Normans. But the number of such names appears to be greater than could reasonably be thus accounted for, and moreover we seem, as I have noted at p. 75, to have had such forms even in Anglo-Saxon times, e.g. both the forms ead or ed, and aud or od, in the names of our early settlers. And it appears to me therefore that Lappenberg's theory that Franks, Lombards, and Frisians were among the early settlers, is one that deserves most careful consideration. And I propose at present to deal with the subject, so far as the Franks are concerned, and to trace out to the best of my ability, the Frankish forms that seem to present themselves in Anglo-Saxon times, and also in our existing surnames. In so doing, I wish to disclaim any assumption of philological knowledge such as might be implied by dealing with the niceties of ancient dialects. All that I proceed upon is this--I find from German writers that certain forms prevailed in Frankish names, and I compare them with certain forms apparently of the same kind which I find in Anglo-Saxon times.

Now the ancient Frankish speech, along with the ordinary characteristics of a High German dialect, had some special peculiarities of its own, and it is through these that we have the best chance of obtaining satisfactory indications. Of these there are three forms in particular, with each of which I propose to deal in turn, placing at the head the group of surnames which I take to owe their origin to this source. And as assisting to throw light upon the subject I have in some cases introduced the present French names corresponding.


One of the peculiarities of the Frankish dialect especially during the Merovingian period, was the prefix of c before names beginning with h, as in Childebert and Childeric for Hildebert and Hilderic. Of this there seem to be considerable traces in Anglo-Saxon times, as will be seen from the following:--

Chad for had, war.

A.S. Chad, bishop of Lichfield--Ceada, found in Ceadanford--Cedda, found in Ceddanleah--Frankish, Chaddo. Eng. Chad, Chatto.


Frnk. Chadichus. Eng. Chaddock.


Eng. Chatting.


(Bad, war), Frnk. Chadbedo, Chabedo--Eng. Chabot.[47] (Wine, friend), Frnk. Chaduin--Eng. Chadwin, Chatwin. (Wig, war), A.S. Chatewe (wi for wig) found in Ceatewesleah--Eng. Chadwick, Chattoway.

(We have also the other form Hathaway, O.G. Hathuwi, to compare with Chattaway.)

Then we have a stem chard, chart, which it seems to me may be a similar Frankish form of hard or hart, durus, fortis, a very common stem for men's names.

Chard for hard.

A.S. Cerda (Cherda) found in Cerdanhl�w. Ceorta, found in Ceortan stapol. Ceort, found in Ceortesege, now Chertsey. Eng. Chard, Chart.

A.S. Cerdic, king of Wessex. Also Ceardic, found in Ceardices beorh.


(Har, warrior), Frnk. Charterius--Eng. Charter.

In the next group, child for hild, war, the Anglo-Saxon names seem rather uncertain, and though the Franks had many names from it, I only find one to compare in that form.

Child for hild, war.

A.S. Cild, found in Cildeswic--Cilta found in Ciltancumb, now Chilcomb in Hants--Frnk. Childi, Cheldio, Chillo--Eng. Child, Chill.

(Hari, warrior), O.G. Hilder--Eng. Childar. (Man, vir), O.G. Hildman--Childman, Hund. Rolls--Eng. Chillman, French, Chilman. (Mod, courage), O.G. Hildemod--Eng. Chillmaid. (Ran, raven), Frnk. Childerannus--Eng. Children.

We have a number of other names beginning with ch, which might with more or less certainty be brought in here, as Chaine comparing with an A.S. Chen, found in Chenestun, and with a Frankish Chaino for Chagno (Hagen-spinosus). Also Chubb and Choppin comparing with the Ceopingas (Chopingas) in Kemble's list. He has also Hoppingas and Upingas, different forms I take it, of the same name, and upon these might be formed by the prefix in question, the form Ceopingas. Compare also the present French names, Choupe, Chopin, Chopard.


Another peculiarity of the Frankish dialect was the change of hl at the beginning of a name into cl or chl, and hr into cr or chr. Hence the names of the Frankish kings Clothar, Chlodomir, and Clodowich, for Hlothar, Hlodomir, and Hlodowich. Of this form there appear to be considerable traces in Anglo-Saxon times; there are three names in Kemble's list of early settlers which may find a place here, the Crangas, the Cramlingas, and the Crucgingas. The name Crangas, as it stands, is difficult to deal with, and I should suppose it to be properly either Cringas or Craningas--in the former case from hring, circle, perhaps in the sense of shield--in the latter from chrann, as a Frankish form of raban or raven, Cf. Chrannus in the genealogy of the Merovingian kings. Cramlingas again compares with a Frankish name Chramlin from the same stem, while Crucgingas seems to be a Frankish form of Rucingas, also on Kemble's list.

The first group of names, Claude, Cloud, &c., are referred to O.H.G. laut, loud, in the supposed sense of famous.

Clod for hlod, fame.

A.S. Clodd (found in Cloddes heal), Clott (found in Clottism�r), Clud (found in Cludesleah)[48]--Frnk. Chlodio, Cludio, 5th cent.--Eng. Claude, Cloade, Clodd, Cloud, Clout.

(Gis or kis, hostage), O.G. Hludokis--Eng. Clukas (for Cludkis?). (Hari, warrior), Frnk. Clothar, Chluthar--Eng. Clothier, Clutter. (Man, vir), Eng. Cloudman, Cloutman (for which no ancient equivalents as yet turn up.)

The next group, Croad, Crowd, &c., may be referred to hrod, glory, the stem from which are formed Robert, Roland, Roger, &c.

Crod for hrod.

A.S. Cruda, found in Crudan sceat--Frnk. Chrodo, Crodio--Eng. Croad, Crowd, Crowdy, Croot, Crout.

Ending in en, p. 27.

Frnk. Chrodin--Eng. Cruden.

(Har, warrior), Frnk. Chrodohar--Eng. Crowder. (Gar, spear), Frnk. Crodeger--Eng. Croger (=Roger). (Mar, famous), A.S. Cruddemor, found in Cruddemores lacu--Frnk. Chrodmar--Eng. Cromar.

The next group, Croke, Crock, &c., are from a stem hroc, the root-meaning of which seems to be the same as Eng. croak, and the idea of which, as in some other stems (see im in voce Emma), may probably be that of strength, fierceness, or huge stature, derived from a harsh and gruff voice. Cf. O.N. hrokr, vir fortis et grandis.

Crock for hroc.

A.S. Crucga, found in Crucgingas; Croch, found in Crochestun, now Croxton in Norf.--Frnk. Crocus, Cruccus--Eng. Croke, Crock, Crooke, Crotch, Crutch.

(Her, heri, warrior), O.G. Roacheri--Eng. Croker, Crocker. Eng. Crockett might represent a Frankish Crochad or Crochat (had, war), not turned up.

Perhaps from a similar origin may be the name of Crida or Creoda, king of Mercia, as representing a stem, hrad, or hred (O.H.G. hradi, celer), whence probably the Hr�da in the Traveller's Song. Kemble has two tribe-names, Creotingas and Cridlingas (the latter, derived from a place in Yorkshire, being perhaps doubtful so far as regards the tribe, though a man's name all the same).

Crad for hrad.

A.S. Creoda, found in Creodan �c, Creodan hyl, Creodan treow--Cridda, found in Criddan wyl--Cridd, found in Criddes h�--Creota, found in Creotingas--Cretta, lib. vit.--Eng. Creed, Creedy.

Ending in el.

A.S. Cridel, found in Cridlingas--Eng. Criddle.

Perhaps the most characteristic peculiarity of the Frankish dialect is the prefix of g, or its sharper form c, before names beginning with w.[49] Hence it is that the French have such a word as guerre (=gwerre) which is g prefixed to a German wer or war. And such names as Guillaume, Gualtier, and Guiscard, which are from g prefixed to Wilhelm, Walter, and Wiscard (our Wishart). Hence, also, such a place-name as Quilleboeuf in Normandy, being, with a c prefixed, the same, I take it, as an English Willaby (boeuf, as Mr. Taylor has shown, representing the Danish by). I have referred, p. 75, to the name Cwichelm for Wighelm or Wichelm as a strongly-marked Frankish form, but I cannot say that I find such forms generally prevalent in Anglo-Saxon times. Kemble has three tribe-names in this form, Cw�dringas, Cw�ringas, and Queningas. The Cw�dringas answer to the W�tringas, and the Wedringas, both also on Kemble's list, and both, I take it, different forms of the same name; the Cw�ringas to the W�ringas and the Werringas, also different forms of the same name; the Queningas to the Weningas or the Winingas. One or two of our names beginning with gw, as Gwilliams, Gwatkin, and perhaps Gwalter, are probably due to the Welsh, of which this prefix is also a characteristic. As representing the Frankish form, we have more names in the sharper form cw, which is represented by q. Under the present head comes the name of the highest lady in the land, Guelph (further referred to in next chapter), being a Frankish form of Welf (O.H.G. hwelf; Eng. whelp). The names Welp, Whelps, and Guelpa, appear in Suff. Surn., but whether English or not does not appear.


The meaning of the stem war is very uncertain; Foerstemann proposes five different words, without including O.H.G. werra, Eng. war, and it seems very probable that there may be a mixture of different words.

Gwar, cwar, for war.

A.S. Cwara, found in Cw�ringas--Frnk. Guario--Eng. Quare, Quary, Quarry, Quear, Query--French Querrey.

(Hari, warrior), O.G. Warher--Eng. Quarrier. (Man, vir), O.G. Warman--Eng. Quarman--French Guermain.

The stem wid, on which is formed guid and cwid, may perhaps be referred to O.H.G. wid, wood, in the sense of weapon (see next chapter in voce Guido), though in this case also there may probably be a mixture of words.

Gwid, cwid, for wid.

Frnk. Guid, Guido, Quido--Eng. Quiddy--French, Guid�.

(Man, vir), O.G. Witman--Eng. Quitman. (Gis, hostage), O.G. Witichis--Eng. Quittacus (Suff. Surn.).

The stem wig or wic, on which are formed gwig and cwic, may be taken to be from wig, war.

Gwig, cwic, for wig, wic.

Frnk. Gwigo--Eng. Quig, Quick, Quy--Fr. Guiche, Quyo.

O.G. Wigilo--Eng. Quiggle.

O.G. Wigger, Wiher--Eng. Gwyer, Quier, Quire.

The stem will, on which are formed guill and cwill, may be referred to Goth. wilya, will, perhaps, in the sense of resolution.

Guil, cwil, for will.

Frnk. Guila--Eng. Guille, Guily, Quill--Fr. Guille, Quille.


O.G. Willic--Eng. Quilke--Fr. Quillac.

(Helm, helmet), Frnk. Guilhelm--Eng. Gwillam--Fr. Guillaume. (Man, vir), O.G. Wilman--Eng. Quillman--Fr. Guillemain. (Nand, daring), O.G. Willinand--Eng. Quillinan.

I am inclined, from the way in which the names run into each other, to take cwen and cwin to be one and the same stem, and to refer them to A.S. wine, friend.

Gwin, cwin, cwen, for win.

A.S. Cwena, found in Cweningas; Quena, found in Quenanden--Frnk. Guuine, Quino--Eng. Guiney, Quin, Queen, Queeney--Fr. Gueneau, Quenay, Quineau.

A.S. Cwenen, found in Cwenenabr�c--Eng. Guinan, Quinan, Queenan--Fr. Guenin.

(Hari, warrior), O.G. Winiheri--Eng. Quiner--Fr. Guinier, Guinery, Quinier. (Bert, famous), Frnk. Quinabert--Eng. Guinibert.

From the Ang.-Sax. wealh, stranger, foreigner, may be the following stem:

Gual, cwal, for wal.

Frnk. Gualo, Guala--Eng. Quail, Qualey--Fr. Guala.

Then there are some other stems not sufficiently represented to make it worth while to put them into a tabular form, as Quint, a Frankish form of Wind (the stem being supposed to mean Wend), with the present French, Quinty. Also Quaint and Quantock, representing Old German names, Wando and Wendico, the stem being perhaps as in the previous case. And Gwilt, Quilt, Quilty, and Quilter, which seem to be formed similarly on Wild (ferus) and Wilder. Also Quart for Ward or Wart, and perhaps Quaker for Waker and Quash for Wass (as in Washington from Wassingation).

With regard to this last Frankish peculiarity, which I conceive not to be of such ancient date as the preceding ones, I am inclined to suppose that the greater part of the English names in which it appears have come to us through the Normans. And with regard to the others I would venture the general remark that inasmuch as the Anglo-Saxons in all probability more or less aspirated an initial h, it would perhaps be going too far to conclude that, in all cases where it has been hardened into a c, Frankish influence is necessarily to be presumed. Still, I think that the general result of the comparison which I have instituted, more especially considering the comparatively limited area from which the Anglo-Saxon examples have been drawn, is such as to give considerable support to the theory that Franks were among the early settlers.

Besides the names of Old Frankish, i.e. German origin, which have come to us through the Normans, we have also received from them some names, mostly of a religious character, from the Latin, and from the Hebrew. I have even ventured to suggest, in the next chapter, that it is to the Franks that the Italians are indebted for the name of Dante (Durante) from Lat. durans. More certainly it is from them that the corresponding name Durand has come to us. The early Frankish Christians adopted several such names, some from the Latin, as Stabilis, Clarus, Celsus, Electus (perhaps in some cases from the names of Roman saints), some from the Hebrew, not only scriptural names of men and women, but also such words as Pasc (passover), Seraphim, Osanna, &c., and these they often mixed up with the Old German words to which they had been accustomed, the names of the Apostles Peter and Paul being so dealt with, and even the name of Christ himself. This probably arose from the desire of parents to connect the names of their children with their own, as seems clearly shown in the case of a woman called Electa, who gives to her two children the same name with a German addition, calling one Electard, and the other Electrudis. From one of these hybrid Frankish names, Clarembald, come our Claringbold and Claringbull and the French Cl�rambault. From the above word, pasc, we have Pascoe, Paske, and Pash, and the French have Pasquin, corresponding with a Frankish Pascoin (Pascwin). There is one Richard Osannas, a witness to an acquittance in the later Anglo-Saxon times, the name being probably from the Frankish Osanna, which seems, however, to have been originally a woman's name. In the same charter occurs also Jordan, another of these old Frankish names, taken presumably from the river--whence I take to be our Jordan, and the French Jordan, Jourdan, and Jourdain, probably also the name of the Dutch painter Jordaens. The name Crist, which seems most probably from this origin (Cristeus in the Pol. Irm.) is not very uncommon in France; it occurs also in Germany, and though I have not met with it in England, yet Bowditch gives it as the name of a member of the New York legislature, where it may, however, possibly be German. It is rather amusing to see how the learned Germans are occasionally a little mystified by these Old Frankish Scriptural names. Stark, for instance, sets down Elisaba (Elischeba, the Hebrew form, I take it, of Elisabeth) as Celtic, and Foerstemann, excusably perhaps, is posed with Erispa (Rispah, the daughter of Aiah?), though I think he might have guessed Osanna.

Before concluding this chapter I may refer to the Roll of Battle Abbey, containing the names of the principal Normans who came over with the Conqueror. This has been severely impugned by some excellent antiquaries on the ground that some of the names are, on the face of them, regular English names, and such as could not reasonably be supposed to have been borne by Normans. And hence it has been supposed that interpolations must have been made to gratify the vanity of certain families who wished their names to appear in the Roll. This in itself does not seem an improbable suspicion, and I do not desire to go into the question further than to express the opinion that so far as the names themselves are concerned, there is not one that might not be a genuine Norman name. Indeed, the undisguised English form of some of them is to me rather a proof of the honesty of the scribe, for it would have been so easy to have given them a thin Norman disguise. The suspicious-seeming names are of two kinds, names which appear to be from English place-names, as Argentoune, Chaworth, Newborough, Sanford, Valingford, Harewell; and names which seem to be from English surnames of occupation, or description, as Hayward, Archere, Loveday. The former did present a genuine difficulty, and did justify suspicion till now that Mr. Taylor's discovery of an area in the north of France full of regular Anglo-Saxon place-names, and no doubt settled by Anglo-Saxons, has disclosed the source from which they could be derived. I opine then that the English scribe has done nothing more in the case of such names than restore them to the original form from which they had been more or less corrupted. Nor indeed has he done it to as great an extent as he might have done, for I find several others which may be brought back to an Anglo-Saxon form, and it may be of some little interest to take a few of these Norman surnames derived from place-names of the kind discovered by Mr. Taylor, and compare them with corresponding Anglo-Saxon place-names in England. I will take the names ending in uil, "well," of which the scribe has Anglicised one (Harewell), and show how many more there might have been. We have Bereneuile and Boranuile, corresponding with A.S. Bernewell (now Barnwell, in Northamptonshire), from A.S. brune, brook, of which the well might be the source. Then we have Rinuuill, corresponding with an A.S. Runawel (now, Runwell in Essex), i.e. a running or flowing well, Berteuilay corresponding with A.S. Beorhtanwyl (now Brightwell, in Oxfordshire), and Vauuruile with an A.S. Werewell (now Wherwell, in Hants), an inclosed well; from A.S. woer, inclosure. Then we have Beteruile comparing with an A.S. Buterwyel (Butterwell, butter and honey being used apparently to describe sweet waters), Greneuile (Greenwell), and Glateuile, probably from A.S. glade, brook, and so same as Bernewell.

With respect to the second class of suspected names, such as Hayward, Archere, and Loveday, these are all Old Frankish names, and the resemblance to anything English is only an accident. Hayward represents an ancient Agward or Egward, and would be more properly Ayward, though we find it as Hayward (see p. 99) even in Anglo-Saxon times. So also Archere (see p. 42) and Loveday (p. 57) fall into their places as ancient Frankish names. Such names again as Brown and Gray, though a little Anglicised in spelling, are names common to the whole Teutonic system, and, as far as we are concerned, both came in with the Saxons, being found in Kemble's list of original settlers.

I do not think it necessary to go more at length into the ancient Frankish names contained in that Roll, but before leaving the subject I would call attention to some of the names derived from the Danish place-names of Normandy. There are four names, Dabitott, Leuetot, Lovetot, and Tibtote (our name Tiptoft), from the ending tot, which, as Mr. Taylor has shown, represents the Scandinavian toft. And two names, Duilby and Linnebey, representing the Danish by; house, habitation, village, so common in Yorkshire and Lincolnshire; also two more, Braibuf and Olibef, with the ending buf or boeuf, which, as Mr. Taylor has shown, also represents the Danish by, Olibef being, perhaps, Olafby, from the Danish name Olaf. Seeing this to be the case, I venture to hint a suspicion as to the redoubtable name Front-de-boeuf, and to suggest that it may after all be properly nothing more than one of these Norman place-names ending in boeuf. Such a name as, for instance, Frodeboeuf, from a Danish man's name, Frodi, might give it. On the other hand, the plebeian-looking name Chasseboeuf, which Volney is said to have changed rather than have it supposed that any one of his ancestors had been a cow-boy, is, I doubt not, from a similar origin. Such a name as Shaftsby (from the Anglo-Saxon man's name Shaft) would, when by became corrupted into boeuf, naturally be made into Chasseboeuf. I take, however, the name Leboeuf to be from a different origin, viz. from a Frankish Libolf or Liubolf. There is yet one more name, Lascales (our Lascelles), which I think may be also from a Danish place-name, the word scale (O.N. skali, a wooden hut) being common, particularly in the Lake District--in Cumberland and Westmoreland.

I purpose to conclude this chapter with a few stems illustrative of the common Teutonic element in French, English, and German names, including such Italian names as I have been able to fall in with. The first stem, from A.S. til, bonus, pr�stans, seems to have been more common among the Saxons than among the Franks, and there are, consequently, more names corresponding in English than in French.

Dill, till, bonus.

A.S. Dilla, Tilla, in Dillingas and Tillingas--O.G. Dilli, Tilli, Thilo; Tilli, Lib. Vit.; Dill, Tilly, Till�, Hund. Rolls--Eng. Dill, Dilley, Dillow, Till, Tilley--Germ. Dill, Till, Tilo--Fr. Dilly, Dill�, Tilly, Till�--Ital. Tilli.

Ending in ec, probably diminutive.

A.S. Tilluc--Eng. Dillick, Dilke, Tillick, Tilke--Fr. Dilhac.

Eng. Tilling--Germ. Dilling.

Tilne, Lib. Vit.--Eng. Dillon--Germ. Dillen--Fr. Dillon, Tillon.

(Fred, peace), Tilfred, Lib. Vit.--Eng. Tilford. (Gar, spear), A.S. Tilgar--Dilker, Hund. Rolls--Eng. Dilger, Dillicar. (Had, var), Tilhaed, Lib. Vit.--Eng. Tillott--Fr. Dillet, Tillot. (Man, vir), A.S. Tillman--Tilmon, Lib. Vit.--Tileman, Hund. Rolls--Eng. Dillman, Tillman, Tileman--Germ. Dillemann, Tilmann--Dutch. Tillemans--Fr. Tilman. (Mar, famous), O.G. Tilemir--Eng. Dillimore. (Mund, protection), A.S. Tilmund--Fr. Tilmant. (Wine, friend), Tiluini, Lib. Vit.--Eng. Dillwyn. (Her, heri, warrior), A.S. Tilhere (Bishop of Worcester)--Eng. Diller, Tiller, Tillier--Fr. Dillery, Tillier.

The following stem may be taken to be from A.S. hyge; O.H.G. hugu, mind, thought; A.S. hogian, to study, meditate. The form hig, which seems to be more particularly Saxon, intermixes considerably in the English names.

Hig, hog, hug, thought, study.

A.S. Hig, Hicca, Hocg--O.G. Hugo, Hug, Huc, Hughi, Hogo--Eng. Hugo, Hug, Hugh, Huie, Huck, Hogg, Hodge, Hoe, Hick, Hickie--Germ. Huge, Hugo, Hucke, Hoge--Fr. Hugo, Hug�, Hug, Huc, Hue, Hua--Ital. Ugo.

Ending in el, probably diminutive.

A.S. Hicel--O.G. Hugila, Huckili--Eng. Hugall, Huckell, Whewell, Hickley--Germ. H�gel--Fr. Hugla, Huel--Ital. Ughelli.

Ending in lin, probably diminutive.

A.S. Hugelin (Chamberlain to Edward the Confessor)--Hugelinus, Domesday--Hueline, Lib. Vit.--Eng. Huelin, Hicklin--Fr. Huguelin, Higlin--Ital. Ugolino.

Ending in et, probably diminutive.

A.S. Hocget--O.G. Huetus, thirteenth century--Hueta, Domesday--Eng. Huggett, Howitt, Hewitt--Fr. Hugot, Huet--Ital. Ughetti.

Ending in es, probably diminutive.

O.G. Hugizo--Eng. Hughes, Hewish, Hodges--Fr. Hugues.

Kin, diminutive.

Hogcin, Lib. Vit.--Eng. Hodgkin.

A.S. Hyeken--Hygine, Lib. Vit.--Eng. Hoggin, Hucken, Higgen--Fr. Hugan, Hogan, Huan, Hoin, Hienne.

(Bald, fortis), A.S. Higbald (Bishop of Lindisfarne), Hibald--O.G. Hugibald, Hubald--Eng. Hibble, Hubble--Fr. Hubault--Ital. Ubaldo, Ubald(ini). (Bert, famous), A.S. Higbert (Bishop of Worcester)--O.G. Hugubert, Hubert--Eng. Hibbert, Hubbard--Germ. Hubert--Fr. Hubert. (Hard, fortis), O.G. Hugihart, Hugard--Eng. Huggard, Heward--Fr. Hugard, Huard, Huart. (Laic, play), A.S. Hygelac--O.G. Hugilaih--O.N. Hugleikr--Eng. Hillock, Hullock--Fr. Hulek. (Lat, terrible,?), Hugolot, Lib. Vit.--Eng. Hewlet, Higlet. (Lind, mild), O.G. Hugilind--Eng. Hewland. (Man, vir), A.S. Hiccemann--Eng. Hugman, Hughman, Human, Higman, Hickman--Germ. Hieckmann--Fr. Humann. (Mot, courage), O.G. Hugimot--Eng. Hickmot. (Mar, famous), A.S. Hykemer--O.G. Hugimar--Eng. Hogmire, Homer, Highmore. (Wald, power), O.G. Hugold--Fr. Huault. Perhaps also, from noth, bold, though I do not find an ancient name to correspond--Eng. Hignett, and Fr. Hugnot, Hognet.

I will take for the last example the stem magin, main; A.S. m�gin, strength, force; Eng. main, which is rather better represented in French names than in English. There are names, Maianus and Meinus on Roman pottery, which might, however, be either German or Celtic.

O.G. Magan, Main--Main, Lib. Vit.--Eng. Magnay, Mayne--Germ. Mehne--Fr. Magn�, Magney--Ital. Magini.

(Bald, fortis), O.G. Meginbold--Fr. Magnabal. (Burg, protection), O.G. Meginburg--Fr. Mainbourg. (Frid, peace), O.G. Maginfrid--Fr. Mainfroy. (Gald, value), O.G. Megingald--Fr. Maingault. (Ger, spear), O.G. Meginger--Eng. Manger. (Gaud, Goth), O.G. Megingaud Fr. Maingot. (Had, war), O.G. Magenad--Fr. Maginot--(Hard, fortis), O.G. Maginhard, Mainard--Eng. Maynard--Germ. Meinert--Fr. Magnard, Maynard--Ital. Mainardi--(Hari, warrior), O.G. Maganhar, Mayner--Germ. Meiner--Fr. Magnier, Maynier--Ital. Maineri.

Perhaps also to this stem (with nant, daring) we may put Magnentius, the name of a German who usurped the imperial purple and was slain A.D. 353, also the Fr. Magnan and Maignan.

These three stems, in one of which the Anglo-Saxon predominates, and in another the Frankish or High German, while in a third there are two parallel forms, Anglo-Saxon and Frankish, running side by side, may be taken as fairly representative of the system upon which Teutonic names are formed.

[47] This name may be, not improbably, one of those that were brought over after the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes.

[48] We also find the other form, Hlud, in Hludes beorh, Hlud's barrow, or grave.

[49] Some further remarks on this Frankish prefix will be found in the succeeding chapter on Italian names.


The successive waves of German invasion that swept over Italy, leaving their record in the name of one of its fairest provinces, while they added a few German words to the language, left a much larger number of German patronymics in the names of its families. The Christian names borne by well-known Italians, such as Alberto, Arnolfo, Bernardo, Carlo, Enrico, Federigo (Frederic), Francesco, Leonardo, Luigi, Ludovico, Mainardo, Odoardo (Edward), Ridolphi, Sinibaldo, Ugo (Hugo or Hugh), Onofrio (Humphrey), all of German origin, sufficiently attest this to have been the case. And I think we shall be warranted in assuming, as in the case of France, that if this be the case with Christian names, it cannot be essentially different with regard to surnames.

But inasmuch as I have not had the same opportunity of collating and examining the mass of Italian surnames that I have had in the case of those of France, I propose to shape the comparison into a rather different form, and, without departing from its etymological purpose, to endeavour to give it something of an ethnical interest as well. This admixture of German blood could not fail to have an influence--and, we can hardly doubt, an invigorating influence--upon the character of the softer and more receptive Italian race. It may not then be without interest--though we need not attach more importance to the result than it deserves--to endeavour to trace the result of that admixture in the names of illustrious Italians. For it is somewhat remarkable how many of the men most distinguished in the council and in the field, in science, literature, and in art, bear names which testify to a German origin. And we are even able, in certain cases, to indicate with a fair amount of probability the particular race of Germans from whom these names may be taken to be derived. The rule laid down by Max M�ller (Science of Language) that words in Italian beginning with gua, gue, gui, may be taken to be pretty certainly of German origin, holds good also of Italian names. Now this form of gua, gue, gui represents the prefix of g before w, which was a special characteristic of the Franks, as it is still of their descendants, the French, in such names as Guillaume (=Gwillaume) for Wilhelm or William. In some cases, though more rarely, this prefix of g, in accordance with a High German tendency, becomes a hard c and is represented by q, as in Queringi and perhaps Quirini. Such names then as Gualdo, Guardi, Guido, Guicciardini, Guarnerius, may be taken as certainly of German, and I think, more especially of Frankish origin.

To begin with the names of warriors, the list may well be headed by that of the old hero, Garibaldi. Garibald (gar, spear, and bald, bold) was a well-known Old German name, being borne, among others, by a Duke in Bavaria in the sixth century, by six bishops in the three centuries following, and, what is more to the purpose, by two Lombard kings in Italy. We ourselves have the name in its Saxon form (gor for gar) as Gorbold and Corbould (O.G. Kerbald), and the French have it as Gerbault. "Blind old Dandalo" may also be claimed as German; Dandalo, corresponding with an O.G. Dantulo, being formed as a diminutive from the Old German name Dando. I have elsewhere made the suggestion, which I venture here to reproduce, that Bonaparte may also be a name of German origin, slightly changed to give it a seeming meaning in Italian. The case stands thus. Bonibert and Bonipert are found as Old Frankish names, respectively of the seventh and the ninth centuries. In that part of Italy which was overrun by the Franks, namely at Turin, is to be found the present Italian name Boniperti, which we can hardly doubt to be derived from the Old Frankish Bonipert. Now from this part of Italy came originally also the Bonapartes, and the question is simply this, May not the name Bonaparte originate in an attempt to give something of an Italian meaning to this other name Boniperti, which would convey no sense to an Italian ear? The French still have the Old Frankish name as Bompart (changing n before a labial into m, as they do in Edimbourg for Edinburgh); there was a vice-admiral of that name who proved his courage by engaging, though unsuccessfully, an English frigate of superior force. And we--or at any rate the Americans--have it in a Saxon form as Bonbright (Suffolk Surnames). And very appropriate, if we were to translate it, would be the meaning--bona, a slayer, and bert or pert, illustrious.

The two distinguished families of the Adimari at Florence and of the Grimaldi at Genoa both give evidence of German descent in their names (O.G. Adimar and Grimwald); as regards the latter indeed it is to be traced historically, though the position of the present representative, as ruler of the principality of Monaco and recipient of its doubtful gains, is perhaps hardly in accordance with the higher traditions of his family. The name, Alphonso, of a Duke of Ferrara in the middle ages, was one given also by the Germans to a still more illustrious lineage in Spain. Alphonso is a contraction of the O.G. Adalfuns (adal, noble, funs, eager). The Saxon form of funs being fus, it seems to me that our name Adolphus may be properly Adel-fus, and not a latinization of Adolph. German also are the names of the two great rival factions of the Guelphs and the Ghibellines, Guelph being a Frankish form of Welf or Welp, Eng. whelp, and the Ghibellines deriving from an Old German name Gibilin, traced by Mone to a Burgundian origin. Thus the Guelphs, given originally by Germany to Italy, were afterwards transplanted again to Germany, and thence to England, to rule far above all factions. And again, we find the Bonaparte, whose ancestor was expelled from Italy as a Ghibelline, come forward to pursue on a grander scale his hereditary feud with the Guelphs.

In the names of scholars and men of science the German element is very strongly represented. We find Accolti (O.G. Achiolt for Agiovald[50]), Alamanni (O.G. Alaman), Algarotti (O.G. Algar for Adelgar), Ansaldi (O.G. Ansald for Ansovald), Audifredi (O.G. Audifred), Bertrandi (O.G. Bertrand), Gualdo (O.G. Waldo), Giraldi (O.G. Girald), Gosselini (O.G. Gosselin), Guicciardini (O.G. Wichard), Lanzi (O.G. Lanzi), Lamberti (O.G. Lambert for Landbert), Manfredi (O.G. Manfred), Maraldi (O.G. Marald), Odevico (O.G. Ottwic for Audewic), Orlandi (O.G. Arland for Hariland), Raimondi (O.G. Raimund), Rolandini (O.G. Roland for Rodland), Roberti (O.G. Robert for Rodbert), Sacchi (O.G. Sacco), Quirini (O.G. Guerin, Werin). We may add to the list the name of the historian Sismondi (Sigismund), who, though born at Geneva, must, I apprehend, have been of Italian origin. The name in its uncontracted form, Sigismondi, is also found in Italy.

Among the names of distinguished explorers and discoverers, we have Americus (O.G. Emrich), who gave his name to America, and Belzoni (O.G. Belzo). German are also the names of the Pope Aldobrandini (O.G. Aldebrand), and of the philanthropist Odeschalchi (O.G. Odalschalch), whose name, if translated, would be the appropriate one of "Servant of his country."

The painters are not quite so strongly represented as the men of letters and science, the two principal names being those of Lionardo (O.G. Leonhard) and of Guido. Guido is one of the Frankish forms to which I have before alluded, and is formed by the prefix of g to the name Wido or Wito,--it was not an uncommon name among the Old Franks, and is found at present among the French as Videau, Viteau, and Guid�. The ill-omened name of the assassin Guiteau I take to be from the same origin, and to be of French extraction. So also may be our own name Widow, which corresponds with a Wido of about the twelfth or thirteenth century in the Liber Vit�. There is another Italian name, Guidubaldi, that of a Duke of Urbino, in the middle ages, formed on the same stem with the addition of bald, bold, and corresponding with a Frankish Guidobald. The word concerned seems to be most probably Goth. vidus, O.H.G. witu, wood, used in a poetical sense for weapon.[51]

Other names of painters are Baldi (O.G. Baldo), Baldovin(etti) (O.G. Baldwin), Anselmi (O.G. Anshelm), Ansuini (O.G. Answin), Aldighiero (O.G. Aldegar), Algardi (O.G. Alagart), Alberti (O.G. Albert for Adalbert), Alloisi (O.G. Alois = Alwis), Ghiberti (O.G. Gibert), Gherardini (O.G. Gerard), Gennari (O.G. Genear), Ghirlandaio (O.G. Gerland), Tibaldi (O.G. Tiebald for Theudobald). Also Guardi, another of the Frankish forms before referred to, representing an O.G. Wardi, and the same name as Eng. Ward, for which we find a corresponding A.S. Weard.

Of those eminent in the sister art of music, we have Castoldi (O.G. Castald for Castwald), and Frescobaldi. This last name does not figure in Foerstemann's list, but we can hardly doubt its German origin, bald being a typical German ending, while Fresc, as a Teutonic name, is found in the Fresc(ingas), early Saxon settlers in England, another instance of the common tie which binds all Teutonic names together. We may add to the list, as the name of a living composer, Guglielmo = Wilhelm or William. Among those who were accessory to music as instrument-makers, we have Stradivarius and Guarnerius (O.G. Guarner for Warinhar) corresponding with our own names Warriner and Warner, and present French names Ouarnier and Guernier. It will not be out of keeping with what we should expect if we find the German element develop itself in the conception rather than in the execution of music, and in the combination of science and patience which led to the success of the old instrument-makers.

But it is in the names of immortal singers that we find the German element most conspicuously represented. Dante himself bears a name which, though not in itself German, may yet have been given to Italy by the Germans, while as to his second title, Alighieri, there seems hardly any doubt of its German origin.[52] Dante is a contraction of Durante, which seems to be derived most naturally from Latin durans, and it might seem something of a paradox to suppose a Latin race to be indebted to the Germans for a Latin name. And yet I think that there are some grounds for supposing it to be a name adopted by the early Frankish converts to Christianity, and by them transmitted to the Italians. For we find Durant, Durand, and Durann as not uncommon German names, apparently Frankish, in the eighth and the ninth centuries. And we find the word moreover made up into a German compound as Durandomar (mar, famous). The French have moreover at present, derived we may presume from their Frankish ancestors, another name, Durandard, similarly formed (hard, fortis). Now this is precisely the same principle as that on which the early Frankish converts, as we find from the Pol. Irm. and the Pol. Rem., used to form many of their names, taking a word of Christian import from the Latin or otherwise, and mixing it up with the Old German compounds to which they had been accustomed. Thus, for an example, we find that a woman called Electa, which we can hardly doubt means "elect," gives to her son the name of Electard, a similar compound to Durandard. There seems then, on the whole, a fair amount of probability for this suggestion, which would moreover sufficiently account for the manner in which the name is common to France, Italy, Germany, and England. The French have it as Durand, Durant, and Durandeau (besides Durandard already noted); the Italians as Durante, Duranto, and Durandi; the Germans as Durand and Dorand; and we ourselves as Durand and Durant. Our names came to us no doubt through the Normans,--there is a Durand in the Roll of Battle Abbey, and it is not till after this period that we find it as an English name.

For the German origin of Tasso a rather stronger case can be made out, Tasso and Taso being found as ancient German names, and the latter in particular being a Lombard leader in Italy. But there was another Lombard called Taso, who, as a man of remarkable sanctity of life, and as the founder of a monastery at Volterra, was eminently likely to leave a name behind him in Italy. Tasso is still a current name in that country, and our surname Tassie, along with the French Tassy, may be taken to be the same name. Both we and the French have also Tassell, formed from it and corresponding with Tassilo, the name of a Bavarian king of the sixth century. The meaning of the word has not been satisfactorily explained, and this may be one of the cases in which the original word has either greatly changed in meaning, or else has perished out of the language.

Another name which we may take pretty certainly to be of German origin is Leopardi, corresponding with the O.G. Leopard, for Liubhard (liub, love, and hard, fortis). There was a Lombard named Leopard who was abbot of Nonantola in Italy in the tenth century. Then we have Amalungi, from the O.G. Amalung, fifth century, a patronymic form, "son of Amal or Amala," the (perhaps mythical) forerunner of the Goths. The French have the name, Hamel and Ameling, and we have Hammill, Hamling, and Hambling. This is another of the cases in which a name has outlived its etymon; we know that amal was a word of honourable meaning, but as to its origin even the patient research of the Germans has failed to find a clue. The name Amalthius may also be taken as certainly German, from amal as above, and the common Old German ending thius, dio, or tio, servant, though we do not find a name to correspond in the Altdeutsches Namenbuch. There was also a painter Amalteo, whose name is a variation of the same. Another name which I take to be German, without finding the ancient name to correspond, is Boiardo, boi (supposed by the Germans to mean Bavarian) being a common prefix in Old German names, and hard one of the most common endings. The French have, among other names derived from their Frankish ancestors, the corresponding names Boyard and Poyard, and we ourselves have Byard, which I take to be from the same origin. Then we have Berni (O.G. Berno), Bernini (O.G. Bernin), and Beroaldus (O.G. Berowald).

There remain yet two distinguished names, Alfieri and Guarini. The former may be from the O.G. Alfheri, alf, elf, and heri, warrior, the sense contained in the former word being perhaps that of occult wisdom. Hence it would correspond with our surnames Albery and Aubery, Alfheri and Albheri being convertible Old German names. Guarini may, with somewhat more of certainty, be taken to be from the Old Frankish name Guarin, formed on the principle already referred to on other Old German names, Warin and Warno. Hence our names Warren and Warne, and the French Gu�rin. The Wearningas, "sons or descendants of Wearn," are among the early Saxon settlers referred to in Chapter IV., and Warin is found as an early name in the Liber Vit�. There are some other names which may very possibly be of German origin, but the form of which is not sufficiently distinct to make the connection generally intelligible.

I conclude this chapter with a suggestion as to the possibly German origin of one who but of late occupied a considerable place in European politics, viz. Gambetta. This name is of Italian origin, and I venture to think may be one of those given to Italy by the Germans, and perhaps most probably by the Lombards. There was a Gambad who ruled over Ticino in the ancient duchy of Milan, and was subsequently driven out by Pertharit, who thereupon became the ruler of the whole of Lombardy. Gambad seems to be probably a Lombard form of Ganbad (gan, magic, or fascination, and bad, war), or it might be of Gandbad (gand, wolf), both ancient German stems. This name Gambad would in French take the form of Gambette,[53] and in Italian of Gambetta. It would be curious if this name were one left behind by the Lombards (or possibly even the Franks) in their invasion of Italy, and restored to France to rouse her to a gallant though unavailing attempt to stem the tide of another German invasion. And very suitable too would be the name, in the sense of magic or fascination, to one whose energy and eloquence acted as such a potent spell to revive the drooping courage of his countrymen.

[50] When there are two Old German names, the former is that which is found in a form most nearly corresponding with the Italian, the latter is that which may be taken to be the most correct form.

[51] Names of a similar kind are the O.G. Gervid, our Garwood, signifying "spear-wood." Also the O.G. Asquid, whence the Ascuit in Domesday, and our present names Asqwith and Ashwith, signifying "ash-wood," of which spears used to be made.

[52] Diez takes it to be a contraction of Adalgar.

[53] As in the French names Gerbet and Herbette, representing the Old Frankish names Gerbad and Herbad.


In the present chapter I propose to include a few stems which were not taken into account in my previous work, or respecting which I may have something more to say.

I have referred, at page 75, to Lappenberg's theory, that Franks, Lombards, and Frisians were associated with the Saxons in the early invasions of England. His theory seems to be based only upon the general relations which subsisted between these different tribes, and the various other occasions on which they are found to have been acting in concert. I have, in a previous chapter, referred to the subject so far as the Franks are concerned, and endeavoured to show that there were in Anglo-Saxon times, and that there are in our names at present, certain peculiarities which are in accordance with Frankish forms, and so far favour the theory that Franks were among the early settlers.

There is another peculiarity which seems to be found in some of the names of Anglo-Saxon times, the form ch for (as I suppose) g, as in such a name as Cissa (Chissa) and Cippa (Chippa). Cissa I should suppose to be the same name as Gisa, that of a bishop in the time of Edward the Confessor, and Cippa the same as Gyp in Gypeswich. May not this be a Frisian form? Chippo comes before us as a name apparently Frisian.


If the above be correct, Chipp, corresponding with an Anglo-Saxon Cippa found in Cippenham, a Ceapa found in Ceapan hl�w, and Cypa in Cypingas, also with a Chippo probably Frisian, would be another form of Gibb or Gipp, geban, to give. And Cheese, which appears as Chese in the Hundred Rolls, may represent Cissa as another form of Gisa (gis, hostage). There is a present Friesic name Tsjisse, which, though it looks more like an attempt to represent a sneeze than anything else, I take to have the sound of Chissa. Chesson may be taken to be from the ending in en, p. 27, and Chesnut might be from the ending noth, bold, frequent in Anglo-Saxon names. Churn and Chirney, corresponding with an O.G. Chirno, and perhaps with the Cearningas among the early settlers, might come in here as another form of gern, eager. And Chitty, perhaps the same name as that found in the Cidingas, may possibly be, on the same principle, another form of Giddy, Kiddy, or Kitty (stem gid, hilaris).


There are a few Old German names, mostly of women, in Mam and Mum. And there are also two Old Frankish women's names, Mamma and Momma (apparently overlooked by Foerstemann), in the Pol. Irm. It seems difficult to take these names as from anything else than the widely-spread word signifying mother. In an age when names sat much more lightly than they do now, one might fancy such a word superseding a woman's original name. I can even conceive the possibility of such a name, its origin having somewhat passed out of sight, being given in a masculine form to a son. We have several instances in the Pol. Irm. of such a custom; for instance, where, the mother being called Genesia, the son is called Genesius, and the mother being called Deodata, the son is called Deodatus. However, this cannot be taken for anything more than a somewhat speculative suggestion. As in present use, the French name Mumm is well known in connection with dry champagne; the Germans have Muhm, and though I am not quite certain of Mumm as an English name, I think we may count upon Mummy (ending in i, p. 24). Mummery might be a compound (hari, warrior), but from the facility with which n passes into m, I should be more disposed to take it to be a corruption of Munnery, corresponding with an O.G. Munihari, Goth. munan, to think.


Body I take to be from O.N. bodi, envoy or messenger. It is found as an ending in many ancient names, particularly among the Saxons. And in our surnames it appears sometimes as representing ancient names, and sometimes more probably as a sobriquet of a later period. In the "Household Expences" of Eleanor, Countess of Montford, A.D. 1265, the names of her three messengers are given as Treubodi, Gobithesty, and Slingaway. These are all sobriquets,--Treubody is "trusty messenger," Gobithesty is from A.S. sti, a footpath, hence the name may be equivalent to "short-cut," and the last explains itself. Our name Handsomebody has clearly been a sobriquet of the same kind, and, referring to the older sense of "handsome," means a handy or useful messenger. Peabody, which I think may have been originally Pipbody, from pipr, swift, active, may also have been a sobriquet. So may Goodbody and Lightbody, but it is by no means certain. We might take our Lightfoot to have been a sobriquet, but we find a corresponding name, Lytafus (fus, foot) on Roman pottery. Freebody probably represents the O.G. Frithubodo, compounded with frith, peace.


There are two different origins from which this stem might be derived, A.S. brego, king, ruler, and A.S. bracan, to break, subdue, crush, the former being perhaps preferable upon the whole. There are but very few names in Old German, and Foerstemann does not make any suggestion as to the origin.

A.S. Br�g (found in Br�geshale), Bracca (found in Braccanheal). O.G. Brachio, Thuringian, sixth century. Eng. Bragg, Brackie, Bray, Pray.

A.S. Bregen (found in Bregnesford). Eng. Bragan, Bracken, Brain.

Ending in el, prob. diminutive.

A.S. Brakel (found in Brakelesham). Eng. Breakell.

Eng. Bracking.

(Had, war?), A.S. Breged (found in Bregedeswere)--Eng. Brackett. (Man, vir), Eng. Brakeman, Brayman (Mod. G. Brackmann, French Braquemin). (Wine, friend), A.S. Bregowin (Archbishop of Canterbury)--Eng. Brewin.


We may take the above to be the same as an A.S. Lorta and Lorting, p. 100. And whatever may be the origin, it is certainly not A.S. hlaford, Eng. "lord." There are two isolated names in the Altdeutsches Namenbuch, Laurad and Lorad, both seventh century, of which the Anglo-Saxon name seems not improbably to be a contraction. The word concerned might be A.S. l�r, lore, learning, Old North. l�rdr (larad?), learned. Stark however seems to take Laurad and Lorad to be Celtic. But in the genealogy of the sons of Woden in the Edda of Snorro occurs the name Loride, which, though Snorro's names are not always trustworthy, seems to point to the existence of an ancient Teutonic name corresponding with those in the Altdeutsches Namenbuch, and so far to favour the derivation which I have suggested.


We find Anglo-Saxon names to account for all the names of the former of these two groups, viz., Stut, Stuter (her, warrior), and Stutard (hard, fortis). The word concerned does not seem to have anything to do with Eng. "stout," which seems to have lost an l, and to have been originally stolt. The group is no doubt parallel with the second group, which is more distinctly represented in Old German names, and which may be referred to O.N. stedia, firmare, staddr, constitutus, A.S. stide, stith, firm, steadfast; our Stidolph corresponding with an O.G. Stadolf, and a Stithuulf in the Liber Vit�.


There are Old German names Focco and Fucco, for which Foerstemann proposes O.N. fok, flight. And there is a Fuca, rather probably a corresponding name, on Roman pottery. Among the Anglo-Saxons we have Focingas, early settlers in Kent. Also Focga and Fucg, deduced from place-names, p. 99. Foerstemann seems to take this as the stem on which is formed fugal, fowl, bird.


The Fleccingas are among the early settlers inferred by Mr. Kemble. And there are also Anglo-Saxon names Flegg, Flecg, and Flogg, deduced from place-names, p. 99. The name Fl�ki, of a Northman in the Landnamab�k, also comes in here. There is also another Northman called Flugu-Grimr, "Fly or Flyer Grim," a kind of inverted surname. The origin may be taken to be A.S. fleogan, O.N. fliuga, to fly. And this group may be taken to be fundamentally parallel with the last.


There is a Clen in the genealogy of the Merovingian kings, and there is perhaps an A.S. Clena to be deduced from the place-names Clenanford, Clenancrundel, &c. It may probably be from A.S. cl�ne, clean, pure. "The original sense seems to have been bright."--Skeat. This may probably be the sense in names.


The stem swar, swer, in O.G. names, is referred by Foerstemann to O.H.G. suari, weighty, important, Goth. swers, honourable. There is an A.S. Sweor found in a place-name, p. 102, and there is an O.G. Suaring corresponding with our Swearing. Also a Suara on Roman pottery, which I take to be German, and to represent the stem of which Suaring is a patronymic. I take Squire and Square to be phonetic corruptions of Swire and Swear, and Squirrell to be properly Swirrell, a diminutive.


Lumbe is also a present German name, and seems to be the same as an O.G. Lumpe, which Stark takes to be a contraction of some compound name, perhaps Lundbert. Lump and the diminutive Lumpkin are from Suffolk Surnames, and may be German and not English.


Of the Cnyllingas, settled in Northamptonshire, I find no further trace in Anglo-Saxon times, nor anything to correspond in Old German names. The name is also a very uncommon one at present, the above Knell, Nelly, and Nill being all taken from Suffolk Surnames, though Knell at all events was an English name. Kneller, as the name of the painter, is of Dutch origin; it seems to be a compound from this stem (hari, warrior). The origin may perhaps be found in O.N. hnalla, to beat.


One of the oldest Low German names on record is Hnaf, mentioned in the "Traveller's Song," written, as supposed, about the fifth century. There is a corresponding O.G. Hnabi, eighth century, the origin being, no doubt, A.S. cnapa, cnafa, son, boy. To this may be placed our names Knapp, Napp, and the patronymic Knapping. (The name Naf, in Suffolk Surnames, may possibly not be English.) I also take the A.S. Cnebba[54] to come in here, also Hnibba, found in Hnibbanleah (Hnibba's lea), and Nybba, found in Nybbanbeorh (Nybba's barrow), and so connect also our names Knibb, Knipe, and Knipping. Stark also brings in here the name Cniva, of a Gothic king of the third century, and Cnivida, also the name of a Goth, placed by Foerstemann to A.S. cnif, knife. If this be correct, our name Knife might also come in here, parallel with Knipe, and also Knyvet as probably a diminutive. Also Napkin, another diminutive = Germ. knabchen.


The father of the Lombard king Rachis was called Pimo. There is also a Pymma about the tenth century in the Liber Vit�. As to the origin of the name, I am unable to offer any suggestion. It may be, as Stark opines, a contraction of some compound name.


Wamba was the name of a West-Gothic king in the seventh century, and there was also a deacon of the same name a few years earlier. I do not know of it as an Anglo-Saxon name, but I suppose Scott must have had some authority for introducing it as the name of the jester in Ivanhoe. The only derivation that can be suggested is from the Goth. wamba, belly, giving it the meaning of "paunchey." But it was not a nickname in the case of the Gothic king, for he bore it upon his coins, and it is difficult, as Stark observes, to suppose such a name for a king. Finding, however, on certain of his coins the variation Wanba, Stark is inclined to think that it may be a contraction of some name such as Wanbert. Was it by literary intuition that Scott pitched upon such a name for the jester, or did he know of its supposed meaning of "paunchey"?

The name may be represented in our Wambey, though it is perhaps quite as likely to be from some Danish place-name in by, such as Wanby or Wandby. Wampen, however, if there is such a stem, might be placed to it.


There are two A.S. forms, strang and streng, represented in the above. The only Anglo-Saxon names that I can find are a Stranglic dux in a charter of Ina, and a Streng, found in Strengesh�, "Streng's grave-mound." Stranglic is the A.S. stranglic, strong, and looks like a sobriquet which had superseded his original name. Streng might be the same as far as it is itself concerned, but there is an O.G. Strangulf (ulf, wolf) which, along with our own names Strangward and Strangwick, strongly suggests an ancient baptismal name, and a formation in accordance with the Teutonic system. The last name, Stringfellow, must have been a sobriquet,--it probably represents a medi�val Strengfelaw, and has been rather curiously corrupted, owing to the meaning of streng not being recognised.


Closely allied to strang and streng are A.S. strac and strec, violent, powerful, brave, whence I take the above. The only ancient names to correspond are an O.G. Strago, ninth century, and Strocgo, eighth century. Strain and Straight represent respectively the forms Stragin and Stragget, formed with the endings in en and in et referred to in Chapter II.


From the A.S. stearc, sterc, O.H.G. starah, starh, stiff, strong, I take the above. This form starc seems formed by metathesis from the above strac,--indeed, all the three forms, strang, strack, and stark, are etymologically very closely allied. This stem enters distinctly into the Teutonic system, but besides the simple form Stark, corresponding with O.G. Starco and Staracho, we have only Stericker, corresponding with an O.G. Starcher (her, warrior).


These names ending in staff might naturally be taken to have been sobriquets, to be classed along with Shakespear, Breakspear, and other names of the same kind. But as regards two of them at least, Hackstaff and Shakestaff, there may be something more to be said. There is an ending staf in Teutonic names, for which Grimm, referring to Gustaf, thinks of O.H.G. stab, A.S. staf, staff,--in the sense, as I should suppose, of baton, or staff of office. There are only discovered as yet two Old German names with this ending, Chustaff and Sigestab. The former, which seems to be from cunst or cust, science, learning, may be the original of the Swedish Gustaf, and possibly of Costiff, one of the curious names gathered by Mr. Lower. Corresponding with the O.G. Sigestab, we find an A.S. Sigistef, a moneyer of Coenwulf. And there is also a Hehstaf, witness to a charter (Thorpe, p. 69). Shakestaff, then, might be a not very difficult corruption of Sigestef (which in the form of Sicestaf would approach still nearer). And Hackstaff might represent the A.S. Hehstaf, in which the second h was no doubt strongly aspirated, and might be more like a hard c. I, however, only bring this forward as a possible explanation; there is quite as much to be said for the other view, unless other ancient names turn up.


There is in my view no more curious or puzzling set of names than those which, as above, are derived from nagel or nail, clavis. It appears to me, though the line is difficult to draw, that they may be divided into two groups, one of which is the representative of ancient baptismal names, and the other of surnames of a later, perhaps a medi�val, date.

Connected with the former we have Nagle and Nail, corresponding with an O.G. Nagal, ninth century, and an A.S. Negle and N�le, found in place-names, p. 101. Then there are two Old German compounds, Hartnagal (hard nail) and Swarnagal (heavy nail), respectively of the eighth and ninth centuries. The former of these two names we have as Hartnoll, and the Germans have it as H�rtnagel. Then I find two more examples among the Anglo-Saxons, Spern�gle in a charter of manumission at Exeter, and Dearnagle in a place-name, p. 98. Spern�gle is "spear-nail," and Dearnagle is probably the same, from O.N. d�rr, spear. The latter of these two names we seem to have as Darnell, and the Germans as Th�rnagel. Then we have Tuffnell, which, as Mr. Lower mentions, was in the seventeenth century spelt Tufnaile, and might be taken to mean "tough-nail," but for this we find no corresponding ancient name. There is a Celtic Dufnal, to which, as being a name adopted from them by the Northmen, and so having an increased chance of being represented, it might perhaps be placed. But if this be the case (which I rather doubt), it would have nothing to do with the present group. The sense in these ancient names may be taken to be a warlike one, as in the case of other names having the meaning of point or edge, acies. We find N�gling as the name given by an Anglo-Saxon to his sword, in accordance with the ancient custom, prevalent both among the Celts and the Saxons, of giving names to weapons, and this assists to point the meaning as that of edge, acies. And it seems to me hardly necessary to assume, with Mone (Heldensage), any connection with the mythological smith, Weland.

Then there is another set of names of which we have a considerable number, and the Germans still more, which appear to have been given at a later period, and to be perhaps, at least in some cases, derived from trade. Such are Horsnail, and the corresponding German Rosnagel; Hoofnail, and the German Hufnagel; while there are others, such as Isnell (iron nail), Coppernoll (and Germ. Kupfernagel), about which I hardly know what to think.


A very common stem in A.S. names is ean, the meaning of which remains yet unexplained. We seem to have received it both in the Low German form ean and the High German form aun or on. The Honingas (Oningas) among the early settlers must, I think, be placed to it. It is very apt to intermix with another stem an, to which I formerly placed a few names which I think should come in here.

Stem ean, en, aun, on.

A.S. Eana, Enna (found in Ennanbeorh), Hean (found in Heansp�l, &c). Also Onna (found in Onnandun). Hona, found in Honingas. Ona, Lib. Vit. O.G. Ono, Oni. Eng. Hean, Heaney, Hone. Fries. Onno.

A.S. Honekyn (found in Honekynt�n, now Hankerton). Eng. Onken.

(Frid, peace), A.S. Eanfrith--O.G. Aunefrit, Onfred--Eng. Henfrey.[55] (Hari, warrior), O.G. Onheri--O.N. Onar--Eng. Honnor, Ennor. (Rad, Red, counsel), A.S. Eanred--O.G. Onrada--Eng. Enright (=Enrat?). (Wine, friend), A.S. Eanwini, Inwine (found in Inwines burg)--Eng. Onwhyn. (Wulf, wolf), A.S. Eanulf--O.G. Aunulf brother of Odoaker, fifth century--Eng. Enough. (Ward guardian), Eng. Onword.


Mr. Kemble finds Impingas in Impington, in Cambridgeshire, though it would seem incorrectly, as far as the tribe or family is concerned, the name being only that of a man, Impin. The name Impa is found also in Ympanleage, in Worcestershire. A sufficient meaning may perhaps be found in A.S. impan, to plant, engraft. To this stem I place Impey, Hemp, and probably Hamp, while Hamper and Hemper may be compounds (hari, warrior). There is a stem umb in Old German names, which may perhaps claim relationship.


The Cenesingas, found by Kemble in Kensington, would, if the Anglo-Saxons had possessed the requisite letters, have been better represented by Kenzingas, being, as I take it, from a stem ganz, genz, kenz, referred by Foerstemann to ganz, integer. I am inclined to take our names Chance, Chancey, &c., to represent the form kanz in a softened form, come to us through the Normans. The forms of the name in the Roll of Battle Abbey, Kancey, Cauncy, and Chauncy, and the present French names, Cance, Chanceau, and Chanzy, seem to be in conformity with this view. The French seem to have some other names from the same stem, as Can�alon (O.G. Gansalin) and Gantz�re (O.G. Gentsar). The forms Cansick, Kensal (both diminutives, and the latter answering to Chancel), and Kensett, may be taken to represent the native form of the stem as found in Kenzingas.


Of the Snotingas, who gave the name to Snotingaham, now Nottingham, we have not many traces, either in Anglo-Saxon times or at present. There are three Anglo-Saxon names, Snode, Snodd, and Snoding, derived from place-names, p. 102. In Old German names it only occurs as the ending of two or three names of women. The meaning is to be found in A.S. snot, prudent, sagacious. The name Snodgrass may be a compound from this stem as a corruption of Snodgast, though no ancient correspondent has turned up,--compare Prendergrass, p. 114.


This is a very uncommon name; I never knew of an instance other than that of the brewer who is handed down to posterity as the friend of Johnson. So also in ancient times there is only one name on record, Thralo, for which Foerstemann proposes Old Friesic, thrall, swift, nimble.


The curious-looking name Earwaker is no doubt the same as an Eueruacer (Everwacer), in Domesday, from evor, boar, and wacar, watchful, and it is of interest as supplying a missing link in the study of Old German names. For the Old German name corresponding to this appears as Eburacer, and while some other German writers have taken the ending to be acer (Eng. acre), Foerstemann has, rightly as it is proved, suggested that it is a contraction of wacer. Similarly the ancient name Odoacer, of the king of the Heruli, is proved by corresponding Anglo-Saxon names, Edwaker in a charter of manumission at Exeter, and Edwacer on coins minted at Norwich (A.S. ed = O.H.G. od), to be properly Odwacer. From this A.S. Edwaker may be our name Eddiker; and some others of our names, as Goodacre and Hardacre, may represent ancient names not yet turned up.[56] The second part of the compound, wacer (whence our Waker), is itself a very ancient stem, being found on the one hand in the Wacer(ingas), among the early Saxon settlers, and on the other in the name Vacir, probably Frankish, on Roman pottery.


We may take it that our name Shawkey (Shalkey) is the same as an A.S. Scealc, p. 101, and as an O.G. Scalco, from scalc, servant. And the question is, whether our names Caulk, Chalk, and Chalkey, corresponding with an A.S. Cealca (found apparently in Cealcan gemero), and our name Kelk, corresponding with an A.S. Celc, p. 98, may not be forms of the same name without the initial s. Or whether they may be, as I before suggested, from the tribe-name of the Chauci or Cauci, one of the peoples included in the Frankish confederation. Of such a stem, however, there is not any trace in the Altdeutsches Namenbuch, which one might rather expect to be the case, seeing how fully Old Frankish names are therein represented. However, I am not able to come to any definite conclusion respecting this stem, which the forms above cited show to be an ancient one. The French names Chaussy, Chauss�e, Cauche, Cauchy, seem to be in correspondence, as also Chaussier, comparing with Chaucer, which, as a softened form, I think may have come through the Normans.

[54] Kemble explains Cnebba as "he that hath a beak," which would seem to make it a sobriquet. But it certainly seems more reasonable to bring it into an established stem.

[55] This name might also be deduced from another stem.

[56] Unless, as seems possible, Goodacre may represent the Old German name Gundachar.



It follows inevitably that, among the multitude of names such as are included within the scope of this work, there must be many which, though being of ancient origin, accidentally coincide with other words of modern meaning. And thus there are several which might be taken to be from names of women, such as the following:--


These are all English surnames, and have sometimes been accounted for on the supposition of illegitimacy. Now, I am very much inclined to doubt the existence, at least in England, of any names derived from women, inasmuch as in the whole range of our surnames I do not know of one that is unmistakably so derived. There is certainly a case, referred to at p. 57, of a surname ending in trud, a specially female ending, but, as I have there remarked, it does not necessarily follow that the word is the same as that used in women's names. There is, moreover, another name which a little puzzles me, Goodeve, which looks as if it were from the A.S. Godgefa, later Godiva. This is from a special female ending, and I know of no corresponding masculine. But this might be an exceptional case, for I doubt not that many a child in England, and possibly even boys, with an unwonted masculine ending, might be called after the noble woman who freed her people from the tax--

"And made herself an everlasting name."

However, whether this might be so or not, the case seems scarcely sufficient of itself to establish the principle. And with regard to names such as those of which I am now treating, the resemblance is only apparent, and, as I shall proceed to show, these are all in reality ancient names of men. Anna, for instance, was a king of the East Angles, and Moll the name of a king of Northumbria. Anna, Betti, Salla, Moll, Pega, are early men's names in the Liber Vit�, and all of the above are to be found in some kindred form in the Altdeutsches Namenbuch. And some of these names still bear their ancient meaning on their front, thus Pegg is the "pegger," and Moll (or Maule, the more proper form) is the "mauler," the stem being referred to Goth. mauljan, to maul.

To take, then, these names in order, Anne, which corresponds with many ancient names besides that of the king of the East Angles, among others with that of an Anna, Archbishop of Cologne in the eleventh century, may be referred to O.H.G. ano, ancestor. And Hannah (more properly Hanna) is, with the ending in a, p. 24, the same as Hanney and Hann, probably from the same stem, the h being falsely assumed. Nanny corresponds with an O.G. Nanno, referred to Goth. nanthian, audere. Betty, along with which we must take Batty, is to be referred to A.S. beado, O.H.G. bado, war, found in many ancient names. Sall, along with Sala, is from a stem, p. 62, supposed by Foerstemann to mean dark. Kitty, along with Kitt and Kitto, and also Kidd, corresponding with an A.S. Cydd, p. 98, and a Cyda, in the Liber Vit�, is from a stem gid, kit, referred to A.S. giddian, to sing. Babb, corresponding with an A.S. Babba, the name of a moneyer, and other ancient names, is from a stem which Foerstemann thinks must have been originally derived from "children's speech." Magg and Meggy, corresponding with an A.S. M�g and Mecga, and an O.G. Megi, are from a stem referred to Goth. magan, posse, valere; and May, along with Mayo, corresponding with an O.G. Maio, and perhaps with a Maio on Roman pottery, is a softened form of the same. Lucy corresponds with an O.G. Liuzi, a High German form from liud, people, and I think must have come to us through the Normans. Nelly, along with Knell, is referred to at p. 161, as probably from O.N. hnalla, to beat. Maude stands on a somewhat different footing from the rest, the surname being really in this case from the same origin as the woman's name. But the woman's name, as I shall endeavour to show in the next chapter, owes its origin to an ancient mistake, and is properly a man's name.

Names apparently from Animals.

Many of the names apparently from animals are also to be otherwise explained. A few of the nobler animals, as the bear, the wolf, and the boar, are to be found in the names of men throughout the Teutonic system. The lion also and the horse occur, though by no means so commonly. The urus, or wild ox, appears to have contributed a few names, of which our Ure may be one. I have met with the fox in one single instance, that of a Northman, F�ks, on a runic inscription quoted by Stevens, though it is rather probable that Foxes beorh, "Fox's barrow" (Kemble, Cod. Dip.), may also be from the name of a man. Among birds, the eagle, the raven, and the swan were common throughout the Teutonic system, the last, among the Germans, more especially in the names of women. To account for this, Weinhold observes that along with the beauty of the swan was contained a warlike sense derived from the swan plumage of the maids of Odin. But among the Danes and the Saxon sea-rovers Swan seems to have been common as a man's name, and in this case the idea was more probably that of the way in which the swan rides the waters as the ideal of a rover's life. The eagle, the raven, the swan, the hawk, and the finch seem to be found in the Earningas, the R�fningas, the Suaningas, the Haucingas, and the Fincingas, among our early settlers, though the two last do not seem to occur in the Teutonic system generally. I doubt all names that appear to be from fishes, and, with one notable exception, all names that appear to be from reptiles or insects. That exception is the snake, which was in special favour for the names of men among the Danes and Northmen, there being no fewer than twenty-four men called Ormr (worm or snake) in the Landnamab�k of Iceland. Hence the name Orme, rather common among us, and the Saxon form Worm, not by any means common. Among the Germans the snake was, according to Weinhold, who looks upon it as the type of fascination and insinuation, in especial favour for the names of women. The two principal words in use among them were lind (O.H.G. lint, snake) and ling (O.N. lingvi, serpent). Hence may be our Lind and Lindo, corresponding with an O.G. Linto; and Ling and Lingo, corresponding with an O.G. Lingo, and an O.N. Lingi. But both of these derivations are somewhat uncertain, and especially the former, for I venture to think that lind, gentle, is at least as appropriate for women as lind, snake. To come then to the names which I take to be otherwise explained.


Of the above, Camel is another form of Gamol, signifying old; there is a Northman called Kamol in a runic inscription in Stevens. Leopard (see p. 151) is a corruption of Liubhard. Buck is found among the early Saxon settlers, also as an O.G. Bucco, and a Buccus, rather probably German, on Roman pottery, and may be taken to be another form of Bugg, p. 3. Pigg, corresponding with an O.G. Pigo, must be referred to the same stem as Pegg, viz. bichen, to slash. Rabbit is no doubt the same as a Rabbod, a "Duke of the Frisians" mentioned by Roger of Wendover, a contraction of Radbod, p. 119. Catt, along with Cattey, is another form of Gatty, corresponding with an O.G. Gatto (gatten, to unite). Ratt, corresponding with a French Ratte, may be referred to an O.G. Rato (rad or rat, counsel). Along with Mouse I take Moss, also a present German Muss, and a French Mousse, all of which may be referred to an O.G. Muoza, a High German form of m�d, m�t, courage; this name having rather probably come to us through the Normans. Squirrell I have referred to at p. 160. Goose and Gosling I also take to have probably come to us through the Normans, as representing a High German form of the stem gaud (supposed to mean Goth). There are to compare French names Gousse, Gosselin, Josselin, corresponding with Old German names Gauso and Gauzelin, the latter a diminutive. Hence also, as a Christian name, Jocelyn, of Old Frankish origin, come to us through the Normans. Gander is from an A.S. Gandar, referred to in its place as a compound of gand, probably signifying wolf. Duck, corresponding with a Duce (hard c) in the Liber Vit�, is another form of Tuck, as in the Tucingas, early settlers in Kemble's list, from the stem dug, A.S. dugan, to be "doughty." And Duckling, corresponding with an A.S. Duceling, p. 98, and an O.G. Dugelin, is a diminutive (like Gosling) from the same stem. Ostrich represents an O.G. Austoric, and an A.S. Estrich (Auster or Easter orientalis). Wren, along with Rennie and Renno, is from a stem referred to ran, rapine; though it may also be the same name as Rain, from ragin, counsel. Lark and Laverock are perhaps a little uncertain; we find Anglo-Saxon names Lauerc, Lauroca, and Laferca, which might be from the A.S. laferc, O.E. laverock, lark. On the whole, however, I am rather more disposed to take them to be from Lafer among the early settlers (not I think a compound) with the diminutive ending ec, and similarly I would take Leverett to be formed from the same word, lafer or lefer, with the (perhaps also diminutive) ending et.

Coming to names apparently from fishes, I question very much whether Fiske and Fish are from A.S. fisc, pisces, though Foerstemann, in default of a better, gives that meaning in an ancient name, Fisculf. I think it is one of the cases in which a meaning is to be got from the Celtic, and take it that the Welsh ffysg, impetuous, supplies the sense that is required, of which also some slight traces are to be found in Teutonic dialects. Shark and Sharkey I take to be the same name as Sere in the Liber Vit�, from A.S. serc, Sco. "sark," shirt, in the sense of a shirt of mail. It is formed, according to Diefenbach, upon a stem sar or ser, signifying armatura, p. 62; whence an O.G. Saracho, corresponding with the above. The Sercings are a tribe or family mentioned in the "Traveller's Song," and in connection with the Serings:

"With the Sercings I was, and with the Serings."

The connection between the two, however, is here probably only for the sake of the alliteration. Dolphin is the Danish name Dolgfinnr, p. 48. There was a Dolfin, presumably of Scandinavian origin, governor of Carlisle in the time of Rufus. Herring and Whiting are both from the Anglo-Saxon patronymic, p. 28, and Haddock, with the M.G. H�dicke, is a diminutive from the stem had, war, p. 54. Tunny, along with Tunn and Tunno (Tunna, Lib. Vit.), is another form of Dunn, a common Anglo-Saxon name. Spratt I class along with Sprout and Sprott, comparing them with an O.G. Sprutho, as from Goth, sprauto, nimble, active. And Minnow, along with Minn and Minney, corresponding with an O.G. Minna, may be taken to be from A.S. myn, love, affection. Salmon is the same as an O.G. Salaman, from, as supposed, salo, dark; and Trout may be the same as an O.G. Truto, probably signifying beloved. Smelt may be taken to be from A.S. smelt, gentle; it occurs once as the name of an Anglo-Saxon, but does not seem to be a word entering into the Teutonic system, and may have been originally a sobriquet. Lamprey I have already referred to, p. 115, as a probable corruption of Landfred.

Of names apparently from insects, Moth and Mote (Mote, Hund. Rolls) are probably the same as an O.G. Moata, from m�d, m�t, courage, German muth. Fly and Flea are included in a stem, p. 159; and Emmet may be taken to be from A.S. emita, quies, found in several ancient names. Earwig I have taken, p. 49, to be a contraction of Evorwig, as Earheart of Everhard, and Earwaker of Evorwacer.[57] Many other names of the same sort might be adduced, but those I have given will I think be sufficient for the purpose.

Names apparently from Office or Occupation:


Lord, as noted at p. 158, can hardly be from A.S. hlaford, Eng. lord. Earl, however, along with Early, seems to be the same word as Eng. "earl," though as a name entering into the Teutonic system it is only a word of general honorific meaning, and may not represent any man who ever bore the title. Abbott I take to be the same as an A.S. Abbod, p. 96, the stem being, as supposed, from Goth. aba, man. Nunn, along with Nunney and Noon, compares with Nun, the name of a kinsman of Ina, king of Wessex, and with O.G. Nunno and Nunni, the meaning of which seems somewhat obscure. Bishop, at least in its origin, can hardly have been from the office, for there is a Biscop in the genealogy of the kings of the Lindisfari, who must of course have been a heathen. The name in this case may be a compound of bis (closely allied to bas, p. 5) and A.S. c�f, strenuous, which we find as the ending of some other A.S. names. But after the advent of Christianity, a man, though inheriting the old name, would no doubt wear it with a difference. Priest must, I think, be what it seems, there is a witness to a charter (Thorpe, p. 69) whose name is Preost, and whose description is "presbyter"; his original name, whatever it was, must have been so completely superseded by that of his office that at last he accepted it himself, and signed accordingly. Alderman I have taken, p. 116, to be, even in Anglo-Saxon times, a corruption. Such a name, as derived from office, could hardly be borne by an Anglo-Saxon, unless, indeed, as a sobriquet, superseding his original name. So also Prentice, from an A.S. Prentsa, I take to be due to a corruption in Anglo-Saxon times. I am not sure that Prince may not be from the same name, Prentsa, dropping the vowel-ending and becoming Prents. A name which has been mistakenly supposed to be from some office of agricultural oversight is Hayward; it is however an ancient name, more properly Agward or Egward. Howard, which has been sometimes confounded with it, is an entirely different name, the O.N. H�vardr (h�, high), introduced I think by the Danes or Northmen.

Some names formed with wright, as Arkwright, Hartwright, Sievewright, and Goodwright, will be found in their places in Chapter III. as, according to my view, ancient compounds. I might perhaps add Boatwright, from an O.G. Buotrit, and also Cheesewright, for which we have the stem, p. 155, though no ancient form to represent this particular compound. The Wrihtingas, in Kemble's list of early settlers, I take to be properly Ritingas, from a stem rit, supposed to be the same as Eng. "ride," though perhaps in an older and more general sense of rapid motion. Many names ending in er, as Ambler, Angler, Archer, Auther, &c., are in reality from an ancient ending in har, signifying warrior. Ambler represents an O.G. Amalher, p. 42, Angler an O.G. Angilher, p. 42, Archer an O.G. Erchear, p. 42, and Auther an O.G. Authar, p. 42. Farrier, along with Ferrier, may represent an O.G. Feriher, p. 49, and Hurler an O.G. Erlehar, from the stem erl already referred to. Gambler represents an O.G. Gamalher, and Player is the same as an A.S. Plegher, from pleg, play, probably the play of battle. Then we have Mariner and Marner, which, with French Marinier and Marnier, may be referred to an O.G. Marnehar (mar, famous), and in a similar manner Warrener and Warner may be taken to be from an O.G. Warnehar (Warin = Wern). Among names of this class we may also include Walker, of which there is abundant instance as an ancient name. Kemble has Wealceringas among the early settlers, as well as also Wealcingas representing the stem on which it is formed, probably A.S. wealh, stranger. There was in after Anglo-Saxon times a Walchere, bishop of Lindisfarne, and Ualcar is found in a runic inscription in Stevens; while, as O.G. names, we have Walachar and Walchar, and as a present German name we have Walcher. However, in view of the commonness of this name, it is perhaps only reasonable to suppose an admixture from A.S. wealcere, a fuller.

I may here observe that this same ending, har, so common in ancient names, give us many names which have the appearance of a comparative, such as Harder, Paler, Richer, &c., and in its other form, hari, many names such as Armory, Buttery, Gunnery, Flattery, which we have also in the other form as Armor, Butter, Gunner, and Flatter (flat, formosus).

Names apparently from Times and Seasons.

The names of this sort have generally been supposed to be derived from a person having been born at some particular time. That there are names of this sort, such as Christmas, Noel, and Midwinter, we cannot for a moment doubt, but, judging by the early records of our names, they are of very rare occurrence, and I conceive that in the majority of cases names of such appearance are to be otherwise accounted for.


Sunday may be Sunda, comparing with an O.G. Sundo, and an A.S. Sunta, perhaps from sund, sea. Similarly Munday may be Munda, to be referred, along with Mundy, to mund, protection, and comparing with an O.G. Mundo. The other four names ending in day seem to represent ancient compounds, and in what sense these were given it is difficult to say. Friday corresponds with an O.G. Frittag and with an A.S. Friged�g, p. 99, Holiday with an O.G. Halegdag, Loveday (Luiedai in Domesday) with an O.G. Liopdag (liub, love), and Hockaday, with a present French Hoced�, with an O.G. Hodag (hoh or hoch, high). From the character of these names, compounded with "high," "holy," "peace," and "love," they might be supposed to have been given in a religious sense, and their date, the ninth century, would be in conformity. The Anglo-Saxon name Friged�g, it will be observed, is from the same word as our "Friday," and not the same as the Old German name, which is from frid, peace. But it seems to me quite possible that the Anglo-Saxons, having received the name, might mistake its meaning and spell it according to their own views. This they seem to do in some other cases, as, for instance, the stem wit, common to the Teutonic system, and rather probably from wid, wood, they seem to take as from wiht, man, and spell it accordingly. Summer and Winter are both ancient names; in the Cod. Dip. Alamanni� there are two brothers called respectively Sumar and Winter, A.D. 858. Winter was also the name of one of the companions of Hereward the Saxon. Pentecost I have elsewhere supposed, p. 120, to be a corruption of Pentecast, as an ancient name. I rather doubt Lammas, which is found as Lammasse in the Hundred Rolls, and which corresponds with a French Lamas. Lamisso was the name of a Lombard king of the fifth century, and was derived, according to an old chronicler, from lama, water, because in his youth the king had been rescued from drowning--a derivation which may perhaps be regarded with some suspicion. Taking Lammas then as the representative of an ancient name, we might get from it our name Lamaison (ending in en, p. 27), though if Lammas were from the diminutive ending is, es, p. 32, it could not take a German en in addition; in this case the ending must be Romanic, which, from the French form of the name, seems very possible. As to the name January, I am inclined to look upon it as a corruption of another name, Jennery, which, along with Jenner, I take to be the same as the Old German names Genear and Ginheri, from, as supposed, gan, magic or fascination.

Names apparently from Parts of the Body.


With the exception of Foote and Tongue, I do not think that any of the above are what they seem. Head seems to be probably the same as A.S. Hedda, which, like another name, Hada, seems to be from had, war. Body is clearly from bodi, messenger, p. 157, and Arms is from an ancient origin, p. 19. Legg I take to be the same as Law, A.S. lag, found in several ancient names. Hence I take Legless to be the same as Lawless, and both to mean "learned in the law," from an ancient ending leis, explained by Foerstemann as "learned." This gives something like a meaning to some other names, as Bookless; "book-learned"; Fairless, "travel-learned"; perhaps Reckless (A.S. reccan, to reck, understand). Finger is a Scandinavian name, p. 50, Heart is a false spelling of hart, hard, and Earheart is Everard, p. 49. Side is from an A.S. Sida, p. 93, and Back (Bacca and Bacga in the Lib. Vit.) is another form of Bagge, bagan, to contend. Elbow I take to be Elbo, from alb or alf, signifying "elf." Foote may be taken to be what it seems, though I think that such a name must have had a vowel-ending, as its meaning must be "footy," i.e. nimble, as "handy," from hand. Comparing with our Foote there is a name Fus on Roman pottery, which, see p. 4, it is clear from his little joke, that the owner took to be from fus, foot. It does not follow, as a matter of course, that the old potter knew the meaning of his own name; there is a word funs, sometimes fus, occurring in O.G. names in the supposed meaning of eager; this word would more appropriately be used without a vowel-ending than would fus, foot. Foerstemann has a name, Fussio, which does not, however, throw any light upon it. Another name, however, also found on Roman pottery, Lytafus, corresponding with our Lightfoot, rather seems to favour the meaning of fus, foot. Two other names of a similar kind to Lightfoot are Fairfoot (properly Farefoot; faran, to go, travel), and Truefitt (properly Truefoot) a name like Treubodi, p. 26. The last name, Tongue, corresponds with an O.G. Tungo, which I take to be from tung, lingua, probably in the sense of eloquence. We must presume the name not to be High German.

Names apparently from Trees.

Names from trees have been generally taken to be derived from a local origin, as marking the site of a man's habitation. There are, however, a number of names which I take in some, or in all cases, to be from a different origin.


Aske or Ashe represents an ancient stem in Teutonic names, perhaps derived from a mythological origin, man being feigned to have been created out of an ash-tree, perhaps from being the wood out of which spears were made (Cf. Asquith, p. 148). The Ascingas were among the early settlers, and �sc was the name of the son of Hengest. Hence I take our names, Ash, Aske, and Askey, with several compounds. The Bircingas were also among the early settlers; the stem seems to be birg, supposed to mean protection, and entering into a number of names throughout the Teutonic system. Alder, which corresponds with an A.S. Aldher, and an O.G. Althar, is a compound of ald, old, and hari, warrior. The oak, as the symbol of strength, would seem suitable for men's names, but upon the whole it seems more probable that Oake and Oakey, Aikin (A.S. Acen, p. 96) and Aikman (A.S. �cemann, p. 96), are from ac, ec, perhaps "edge," acies. Ivy is the same as Ive with a vowel-ending, and compares with an O.G. Ivo, and an A.S. Iffa, perhaps from O.N. yfa, to rage. Linden is from lind, p. 175, with the ending in en, p. 27. Hasel and Thorn are both found in the list of early settlers, the former I take to be properly Asel, corresponding with an O.G. Asilo, from as or os, semideus; the latter, which does not seem to occur in the Teutonic system generally, I rather suppose to be a contraction of O.N. thoran, boldness. Willow, along with Will and Willey, is also found in the list of early settlers, and corresponds with an O.G. Willo, perhaps from will in the sense of resolution. Sycamore is from an O.G. Sicumar, p. 162, and Chestnut is referred to at p. 155. Rowantree is no doubt from the tree, and may perhaps have reference to its supposed magical powers. Rointru is also a French name, perhaps a relic of the many Scotchmen who have at different times taken refuge in that country, though possibly of older origin.

There are a few other names which may be included here.


Stubbe might be taken to be of local origin, for nothing would be more appropriate to mark a locality than a stub. But the patronymic Stubbing points to an origin of a different kind, and moreover we find Stubingas among the early settlers. And there was also a Stuf, nephew of Cerdic, and a Northman called Stufr in the Laxd�la-saga. The origin is to be found in O.N. stufr, stubbr, A.S. styb, branch, shoot, probably in the honorific sense of race or lineage. I take Grove, along with which I put Grubb, to be from Germ. grob, Dan. grov, coarse, clumsy; but no doubt in an older sense more suitable for men's names, and probably cognate with Eng. "gruff," the idea being that of great size and strength. We find Grobb as an Anglo-Saxon name, p. 99, and Griubinc (son of Griub) as an Old German name, of which, however, Foerstemann does not offer any explanation. Grobe and Grove are present German names (the latter Low German), and Grub and Grubi are found in France. Here also I may take Twigg, corresponding with an A.S. Twicga, moneyer of St. Edmund, also with a Tuica found in Tuicanham, now Twickenham. I take it to be from the same root as "twig," viz. A.S. tweg, two, and to have perhaps the meaning of "twin." (Names of a similar kind may be Twine, with its patronymic Twining, and also Twiss, corresponding with an O.G. Zuiso, A.S. twis, twin.) Sprigg I class along with Sprague, Sprack, and Spark, corresponding with a Spraga in the Lib. Vit., as from O.N. sprackr, Prov. Eng. spragg, sprack, smart, active. We have also, as a diminutive, Spracklin, corresponding with a Spraclingus in the Lib. Vit., and we have Spreckley, probably the same name as that of Sprakaleg, brother of Sweyn, king of Denmark, from O.N. spr�klegr, sprightly.

Names apparently from Complexion or Colour of Hair.

Such names as Black, White, Brown, have been no doubt in many, probably in most cases, original surnames. Nevertheless they are also ancient baptismal names, and it is not by any means certain that these are from the same origin as the surnames.


The Blacingas were among the early settlers. Blecca was the name of a governor of Lincoln, A.D. 627; Blaca is an early name in the Liber Vit�, and Blac is a name in Domesday. I am inclined to take Black, along with Blake, to be (of course as an ancient name) the same word as blic, found in some Old German names, and to find the sense concerned in A.S. blican, to shine (which indeed is the root of black), hence to give it, like Bright, the sense of "illustrious." Hence I take our Blacker and the French Blacher to be the same as an O.G. Blicker (hari, warrior)--the ancient family of Blacker, I believe, trace their origin to Nancy. I further take Blank and Blanchard (hard, fortis) to be a nasalised form of the above, and to have the same meaning. The stem will be found in more detail p. 46.

I take White, so far as it may be of ancient origin, not to be from colour; in some cases it may be from wid, wood, and perhaps in others from wit, wisdom. In Anglo-Saxon names it is spelt wiht, as if from wiht, man--Cf. O.G. Witgar, A.S. Wihtgar, O.G. Witleg, A.S. Wihtl�g, O.G. Widrad, A.S. Wihtr�d, though, as I take it, it is the same word common to the Teutonic system.

The Brownings (Br�ningas) were also among the early settlers, and Br�n frequently occurs in after Anglo-Saxon times; among others there is a Br�n bydel, "Brown the beadle," in a charter of manumission. Bruno also occurs as an Old German name, and Br�ni was not an uncommon name among the Northmen. I am rather disposed to question the derivation from brown, fuscus, and as in the case of Black, to take the sense contained in the root, which seems to be that of burning or brightness. One of the Northmen, called Br�ni, was surnamed "the white," so that in his case, at any rate, the name was not derived from complexion. Dunn is another name that is found among the early settlers, and also in after Anglo-Saxon times. It seems to me to be at least as probably from O.N. duna, thunder, as from dun, fuscus.

The Gr�gingas (A.S. gr�eg, grey) are also found in the list of early settlers, though the name does not seem to figure much in after Anglo-Saxon times. There are Old German names Grao and Grawo, and various compounds. The root-meaning seems to contain the sense of "horror," which may be that which is present in names, the idea being of course that of one who is a terror to others. As well as Gray, we have Gregg, and perhaps as another form Craig,[58] and the Germans have Grau. The Myrcingas among the early settlers may perhaps be represented in our Murch and Murchie (whence Murchison), possibly also in S(mirke). Whether the name is from A.S. mirc, dark, mirk, may be uncertain; Professor Skeat thinks of marc, limes, for the Myrcingas, who are probably the same as the Myrgingas of the "Traveller's Song."

Names apparently from Scriptural Personages.

While names taken from the eminent characters of Scripture have, ever since the advent of Christianity, been in favour for the names of men, there are among our surnames some names which we must reasonably suppose are to be otherwise explained.


Of the above, Pharaoh is only a misleading spelling of an O.G. name Faro, perhaps come to us through the Normans. And Esau is a similar perversion of another O.G. name Eso, probably from as or os, semi-deus. Cain is, along with Gain, from the name Gagin, Cagen, p. 10, probably signifying victory. Herod is, no doubt, the same as an A.S. Herrid in a charter of Wihtr�d, from, as supposed, A.S. herad, principatus, found also in some Old German names. Jael I take to be most probably a softened form of Gale, from a stem referred to A.S. galan, to sing. Potiphar, along with Puddifer, a French Potefer, and perhaps a Low German B�tefur,[59] I take to represent an ancient name not turned up, from bod, bud, or pot, envoy or messenger, and faran, to travel, found as an ending in some Old German names. Abel is a name which, as frequently used for a Christian name, might also be found in surnames. But there is a Teutonic word abal, signifying strength, which may be more probably that which is found in the French Abeillard, with which we have a name Ablard to correspond.

Names apparently Descriptive of Moral Characteristics.

There are a number of names which, if they had been found as Christian names, might have been supposed to be of Puritan origin, but which as surnames must be otherwise accounted for.


Of the above, Goodheart and Stoneheart are compounds of hart, hard, pp. 53, 63. So also Godward Lovegod, Lovegood, Loveman, Manlove, Goodliffe, and Fullalove will be found in their places as ancient compounds in Chap. III. Godliman I take to be a corruption of an O.G. Godalmand (the l being introduced in accordance with a principle referred to at p. 114) Goodenough is referred to at p. 119, and Thoroughgood at p. 120. Humble I take to be the same name as the German Humboldt, from an O.G. Hunbald, the ending bald often in our names becoming ble. Saint I take to be the same as Sant, sand or sant, verus, the stem on which is formed Sander in the list of early settlers.

Of the names apparently of an opposite character, Badman, corresponding with a Badumon in the Liber Vit�, is a compound of bad, war. Goddam stands for Godhelm as William for Willihelm. Swears and Swearing are explained, p. 160. Scamp corresponds with an O.G. Scemphio, derived by Foerstemann from O.H.G. scimph, jocus. This may possibly be the older sense of the word, and Scamp may have been nothing worse than a wag. Pagan, with its contracted form Paine, I have referred to p. 118. Bigot, along with Pigot, Pickett, and probably Beckett, and a Pigota and Picotus in the Liber Vit�, may be the same as an A.S. Picced, p. 101, which I take to represent the form Pichad or Bighad, from the stem big, with had, war. There is, however, another explanation suggested by our name Bidgood. This name, for which the ancient equivalent has not turned up, seems to be from bad, war, and might have been Bidgod (for god and good constantly interchange), which would readily contract into Bigod or Bigot.

Names apparently from Nationalities.

While we have a number of names derived from nations or races in accordance with the Teutonic system, there are some others which might seem more obviously than most others to be from such an origin, and yet which must I think be referred to some other source. Three of these, England, Scotland, and Ireland, I have already referred to at p. 9.


English I take to be a phonetic corruption of Inglis, which seems to be the same as an Ingliseus in the Pol. Irm., and which I rather suppose to be a transposition of an Anglo-Saxon Ingils, for Ingisil, from the stem ing, p. 56. Roman, I doubt not, is contracted from Rodman, p. 61, as Robert is from Rodbert, and Roland from Rodland. I introduce Norman here as not being, in my view, from "Norman" as we generally understand the term, but as representing more probably the word in its original sense of "Northman." Nordman was a Scandinavian name, and hence it is I think that we have the name, which seems to occur more especially in Scotland and the Danish districts of England. Genese I take to be most probably from the old Frankish name Genesius, perhaps from a stem gan, p. 52, with the ending in es, p. 33. Turk corresponds with an A.S. Turca, p. 111, which again is probably the same as a Gothic Turicus of the fifth century, a diminutive from the stem dur or tur found among the early settlers, and of uncertain meaning. Spain I take to be from the A.S. spanan, allicere, found in some ancient names, and from which I take to be our name Spenlove, (leof, dear) with the corruption, Spendlove. The name Spegen, corresponding with our Spain, occurs in the Liber Vit� more than once--Is its aspirated form due to the Northumbrian dialect?

Of the names which are truly derived from nationality I will here only refer to one as an illustration of successive forms built one upon the other in accordance with the principle referred to in treating of the ending en, p. 27.


There are three forms, the first representing the form boi, as found in the name of the Boii, who gave the name to Boioaria or Bavaria, the second representing the extended form found in German Baviar, the third the further extended form as found in Bavarian.


O.G. Boio, Beio, Peio, ninth century. A.S. Boia (in a charter of Cnut). Eng. Boy, Bye, Pye. Germ. Boye French, Boy, Boye, Poy, Poy�.

(Hard, fortis), Eng. Byard--French Boyard, Poyart--Italian Boiardo. (Man, vir), Eng. Boyman, Pyman.


O.G. Baior, Peior, ninth century. English, Boyer, Byer. French, Boyer, Boyreau, Poyer.

(Man, vir), English Beyerman.


O.G. Beiarin, eighth century. English Byron. French Boiron, Boyron.

Names apparently from abbreviated Christian names of men.

As I began this chapter with names apparently from women, such as Moll, Betty, Pegge, so now I propose to conclude it with names of a similar kind derived apparently from men.


No one would take our name Billing to be other than from the Anglo-Saxon Billing, of which so many traces are to be found in English place names. And no one, I venture to say, who looks into the subject, would dispute the ancient compounds formed on the stem, p. 45. Why then should any one doubt Bill himself, the father of them all, or Billy, ending in i, p. 24, and Billow, ending in o and corresponding with an O.G. Bilo? Moreover the name is common to all the races who share with us in a Teutonic ancestry; the Germans have Bille, the Danes have Bille, and the French have Bille and Billey. The same remarks apply to Will, Willey, and Willoe, with the diminutives Wilke, Wilkie, Wilkin, Willis, patronymic Willing, and compounds, p. 66. Dick I take to be the same word as found in Ticcingas, and suggest for it the meaning of power or vigour which seems to lie at the root. Hence Dickle and Tickle are the same as the Diccel found in Diccelingas, and Dicken is the same as an A.S. Ticcen, p. 102, while Dixie (Dicksie) may be from the ending in es, p. 33. Benn and Benny represent the stem on which are formed the compounds, p. 45. We have also as diminutives Bennoch, corresponding with an O.G. Bennico, an A.S. Benoc (in the genealogy of Ida, king of Bernicia), and a name Bennic (Bennici man�), on Roman pottery; and Bennell, corresponding with a Gothic [Greek: Benilos], in Procopius, besides other names in correspondence with ancient forms. Tom has its vowel shortened, but I take it to be the same as Tomb, Toomey, Tomey, and Dume, probably from A.S. d�m, O.H.G. tuom, judgment, "doom," ancient names in correspondence being Toma, p. 111, Tumma Lib. Vit., and Tomy Roll. Batt. Abb. With regard to the last, I may observe that the French still have corresponding names, as Thom�, Tombe, Thom, Dome, &c. Then, as diminutives, we have Dummelow, Dumbell, and Tommell, corresponding with O.G. Duomelo, Tomila, Tumila; and we have Tomlin, Dumlin (whence Dumplin), corresponding with O.G. Domlin, names in accordance with both of the above being also found in Germany and France. Harry, along with Harrow, and Harre, I take to represent the stem from which we have so many compounds, p. 55. Jack, along with Jago, and corresponding with an O.G. Jacco, I take to be from O.H.G. jagon, to hunt. Hence as a diminutive, we have Jacklin, corresponding with Jagelinus and Jachelinus (Domesday), and with present German Jacklin, and French Jacquelin. The stem seems to be somewhat better represented in French names than in English; among others they have Jacquard (ward, guardian), who gave his name to the Jacquard loom. Boby, Boffey, and Bubb I take to be the same as Boba, in a charter of Egbert, and Bofa, dux, in a charter of Ceolwulf of Mercia, also as Old German names, Bobo, Bovo, Boffo, and Bubo, the word concerned being probably to be found in German bube, Dutch boef, boy. Kemble has both Bobbingas and Bovingas, different forms, I take it, of the same name, in his list of early settlers. Our name Bobbin, which corresponds with an O.G. Bobin, may be taken as an example of the ending in en, p. 27.

I trust that I have succeeded in making it clear, from the definite place which the foregoing are shown to occupy in the Teutonic system, that they are not, as they have been generally supposed to be, familiar contractions of Christian names.

[57] Cf. also Eng. "e'er" for "ever."

[58] There seems probably an Anglo-Saxon name Crecga in Crecganford, now Crayford.

[59] Nomen honestissim� famili� Hamburgensis (Richey). He evidently takes it as a sobriquet "beet (i.e. make up) the fire."


The names of women, so far as they are of German origin, enter into the Teutonic system precisely as do the names of men, and there is, as far as I know, no instance of a stem used exclusively for the names of women. But in regard to the second part of the compound, which is that which governs the name, there are certain words which are only used for women. Some of these are such as from their meaning would not be suitable for anything else, such as trud, from which we have Gertrude and Ermentrude, both of which seem to be of Frankish origin, and to have come to us through the Normans. The Anglo-Saxon form appears to be dryth or thryth, as in Mildthryth, from which comes our Mildred, the only name, as far as I know, in that form. Another feminine ending among the Anglo-Saxons was gith, which, as elsewhere noted, I have supposed to mean woman or goddess. The only name we have with this ending is Edith, unless, as seems not impossible, an Anglo-Saxon Godgith (Godith, Lib. Vit.) has got mixed up with Judith. Another specially female ending was fled, in H.G. flat, the meaning of which seems to be beauty. As a prefix this word enters into the names of men, and we may have some names from it, as Flatt, Flattery, Flatman, &c. As an ending there may have been some word corresponding with O.N. fli�d, a beautiful woman, which has caused its special application. Then there are certain words, such as hild, war, and burg, in which the meaning (condere, servare) may perhaps imply in such case modesty or chastity; which, as endings, are used almost exclusively for names of women. But as a general rule the same range of words forms indifferently names of men and women, the latter being distinguished only by having the ending in a.

My object in this chapter is only to deal with a few names, in regard to which I desire to correct some wrong impressions, or to throw some new light upon the subject. And in the first place I have to refer to the connection between Isabel and Elizabeth, and to the manner in which I suppose the former name to have originated.

ISABEL another form of ELIZABETH, and how it came to be so.

Miss Yonge in her History of Christian Names, is no doubt right in taking Isabel to be another form of Elizabeth, with which it is historically shown to have interchanged. But the etymological process by which this has been brought about has been always somewhat of a puzzle, and it is upon this point that I have to suggest an explanation. Now the key to the puzzle is this: that the early Frankish converts in the time of Charlemagne, introduced the name, not only in its Latin form of Elizabeth, but also, and indeed more frequently, in its Hebrew form of Elischeba--it was Elischeba that was made into Isabel and not Elizabeth. Protected by its strong ending, Elizabeth has retained its form unchanged. Elischeba has been entirely lost to sight under a cloud of transformations. Slightly modified to suit Frankish pronunciation, it was introduced in the first instance as Elisaba, Elisabia, Alisabia, and Elisavia, all names of women in the Polyptique de l'Abb� Irminon and the Polyptique de Saint Remi de Reims. In the fourteenth century (if, indeed, it did not take place earlier) we find this old Frankish form El(isaba) abbreviated into Isabeau, its ending being made to conform to French ideas of spelling. Isabeau was the name of the wife of Charles VI. of France, and the name was still recognised as being the same as Elizabeth. We have got to forge the connecting link between Isabeau and Isabel, but the process is not a violent one. It would not be difficult to suppose that the French idea of the fitness of things in the case of a woman's name would lead them to change this masculine-seeming ending, beau, into what they would conceive to be its appropriate feminine, and so make Isabeau into Isabelle. We need not suppose that this took place all at once, or that because one man changed Isabeau into Isabel, everybody else forthwith proceeded to follow his example. It is more probable that the two names existed side-by-side, together, for some time before the struggle for existence terminated in the survival of (what seemed) the fitter. Throughout all these changes the identity of the name with Elizabeth had always been recognised; but when Isabel had finally succeeded in establishing its claim as the representative, the deposed Isabeau, its origin having been forgotten, might have become a man's name, and so capable of transmitting surnames, which would account for Isabeau as a family name in France at the present day.

But these are not the only changes which have come over this unfortunate name, for we find Elisavia, another of the old Frankish forms before noted, forthwith abbreviated into Lisvia, and further corrupted into Lisavir and Lisabir, all names of women in the two old Frankish chronicles before referred to. And if we can again suppose the name Lisavir (or rather Elisavir), its origin having been forgotten, to have become a man's name (towards which its masculine-looking ending, vir, might have assisted) it might well give the origin of the name Elzevir, of the famous printers at Amsterdam. Not that the name would necessarily be of Frankish origin, for the Hebrew form seems also to have been introduced into Germany, where we find the woman's name, Elisba, in the ninth century; and, it might be also into Holland, while the phonetic principles which regulate such changes are more or less of general application. Again, it seems not improbable that the Spanish woman's name, Elvira, for which no derivation at all satisfactory has been suggested, might be properly Elzvira, and so again another form derived from Elischeba. The question might naturally be asked how it is, seeing the various contractions which Elischeba has undergone, that Elizabeth has not been treated in the same way. In point of fact it seems probable that it has, for we find a solitary name Isabeth in the Liber Vit� about the thirteenth century. This was before Elizabeth had come into use in England, and the name might probably be an importation. But abbreviate Elizabeth as you will you cannot disguise it, and this is what I meant in referring to it as "protected by its strong ending." And now, having dealt with the diversified forms that have grown up around Elisabeth, I shall have, in a succeeding note, to endeavour to show that Eliza, which might more certainly than any other form be supposed to be derived from it, is, in fact, of entirely different origin, and a name that was in use long before Elizabeth was introduced; though at the same time we cannot doubt that as soon as ever that potent name came in, Eliza would be at once appropriated by it.


But in the meantime I may refer to some other names which seem cast in the same form as Isabel; as for instance, Annabella, Arabella, Claribel, Christabel, and Rosabel. With regard to these names, I am disposed to come to the conclusion, that though moulded into the same shape, they are not by any means all of a similar origin. Annabella would be a very natural corruption of Amabilla, a name in the Liber Vit� of Durham. The same record contains, as names of women, Amabilis, Amabel, and Mabilla, of course from Latin amabilis--whence our Mabel, on this theory the same name as Annabella. Arabella, again, might be a corruption of the old Frankish Heribolda--bold, as an ending often changing into bel, as in our surnames Grimble and Wimble, from Grimbald and Winibald, and Tremble (most infelicitously), from Trumbald (A.S. trum, firm, strong). So, also, Claribel might be from an old Frankish Clarebalda, of which, however, we have only on record the masculine form, Clarebald. This appears to be from Latin clarus, illustrious, and is not the only case in which the old Franks at that period mixed up Latin and German in the same name. It is possible that Christabel might be from a similar origin; for the early Frankish converts at that period freely adopted the name of Christ, and mixed it up with German compounds, such as Cristhildis, a woman's name, from hild, war. But on the whole I am rather disposed to suggest a different origin for Christabel. Finding among the Franks at that period such names as Firmatus, Stabilis, Constabulis,[61] and the woman's name, Constabilla, in the sense, no doubt, of "established in the faith," it might not be unreasonable to suggest such a compound as Christabila, "established in Christ," as the origin of Christabel.[62] As to the last named, Rosabel, the ordinarily-received expression of "fair rose" would be a natural and graceful name for women if the French had to form names at a later period. But there is a woman's name, Rosibia, in the Pol. Irminon, which suggests a possible process like that in the case of Isabel--viz., a corruption into Rosibeau, and then a change into Rosibel. However, as in this case the connecting links are wanting, I can only put this forward as a conjecture.

MAUD properly a man's name. Its interchange with MATILDA an ancient mistake.

As Isabel interchanged in former times with Elizabeth, so did Maud with Matilda, among other instances being that of the daughter of Henry I., who was called by both names. Yet, etymologically, Maud can no more be derived from Matilda than can Giles from �gidius, by which it used formerly to be always Latinized. And the interchange is rendered all the more curious by the fact that Maud, when traced up to its origin, seems to be properly a man's name. There has evidently been some ancient mistake or misappropriation, the origin of which I hope to be able to account for. The names Mald, Maald, Mauld (all names of women), found in the Liber Vit� before the introduction of surnames, and the Christian name Maulde, found in the fifteenth century, show the form from which our Maud is immediately derived. Then we have the older forms, Mahald, Mahalt, and Maholt, all also apparently names of women. And in one case, about the twelfth or thirteenth century, the name stands as "Mahald vel Matilda." Now no one who has given attention to the subject can doubt that Mahald, Mahalt, and the French form, Mahault, are the same as an Old Frankish Magoald, eighth century, from Gothic magan, posse, valere, and wald power. This is distinctly a man's name; indeed, wald, as an ending, is almost exclusively confined to men's names, as the ending hild, as in Matilda, is to those of women. There is but one way that I can see out of the difficulty, and it is this. There is in the Liber Vit� another name, Mahild, which is no doubt the same as an Old Frankish Mahilda, which Foerstemann (Altdeutsches Namenbuch) takes to be a contraction of Matilda. It would seem, then, that some mistake or confusion has in old times arisen between these two names, and that Mahild, which really represents Matilda, has been set aside in favour of Mahald, an entirely different name. The fact, however, of our having Maude as a surname would rather seem to show that this misappropriation was not universal, for surnames are not--unless it be in some very exceptional cases--taken from the names of women.


ALICE properly a man's name, and ELIZA its proper Feminine.

I have seen it stated, though I cannot at present recall the authority, that in one of our ancient families Alice is a name given to the sons and not to the daughters. This would at any rate be etymologically correct, for Alice is properly a man's name, and not a woman's. It is, there seems little doubt, derived from the Anglo-Saxon Adelgis, of which the female form was Adelgisa. It is clear that Alice (Aliss) represents Adelgis, and not Adelgisa, and that the proper female form would be Alisa, or, for euphony, Aliza. I venture to suggest that our Eliza, generally and very naturally assumed to be an abbreviation of Elizabeth, is in fact this missing name. Now, for the proofs of Aliza as the representative of Adelgisa, we must refer to the Liber Vit� of Durham, in which we can trace the changes that have taken place in Adelgisa since the first noble lady of that name laid her gift upon the altar. First we find it contracted into Adeliza, and then, from about the twelfth century into Aaliza and Aliza, the latter name being henceforward rather a common one. The former of these two contracted forms, Adeliza, though not a name in common use, is one still given to the daughters of certain of our noble families; the latter form, Aliza, I take to be the origin of our Eliza. (The initial vowel is of no account, the ancient name beginning indifferently with a or e, and Alice in some families appearing as Ellice). But concurrently with the above forms in the Liber Vit�, we have also Adaliz, Adliz, and Alis, at an early date, some of them at least being certainly names of women, so that the misappropriation is at any rate an ancient one.

Towards the close of the record, and about the end of the fourteenth century, another form, Alicia, begins to make its appearance in the Liber Vit�, and appears to have become at once a very favourite name. Then, as now, fashion seems to have ruled, and when a new name came in, there seems to have been a run upon it. But by this time Elizabeth had come into use, and as soon as ever that took place, the two names, Eliza and Elizabeth, would begin to get mixed up together as they are now, so that a new female form would, so to speak, be required for Alice. Alicia (or more properly Alisia), is an attempt to supply the euphony which is lacking in Alisa, by supplementing it with a vowel, just as, for the same reason, Amala has been made into Amelia.

About the beginning of the fifteenth century another Christian name for women, Alison, begins to make its appearance in the Liber Vit�. This name, however, I take to be from an entirely different origin. There is an old Frankish woman's name, Alesinda, Elesind, Alesint, of the eighth century, from which, dropping the final d, it would naturally come, and which is derived by Grimm from Gothic alja, alius (in the probable sense of stranger or foreigner), and sind in the sense of companion or attendant.

JANET: Not from JANE or any female form of JOHN.

It may seem rather a paradox to suggest that Janet has nothing to do with Jane, and yet I think that a pretty good case can be made out. We find Geneta as a woman's name in the Liber Vit� in the thirteenth century, before Jane or Joan or Johanna were in use. And in the two following centuries we have Gennet, Janeta, Janette, and Janet, of common occurrence as Christian names. (One of these cases is a very curious one. It is that of one Willelmus Richerdson and his wife Christina, who having a family of eighteen children, seem to have been so completely at their wits' end for names to give them, that two of the sons are called Johannes, two Willelmus, after their father, two of the daughters Christine, after their mother, and no fewer than three called Janet. Such reduplication of Christian names does not, however, seem to have been unusual at that time.) Now it seems clear that the above name, Geneta, is the same as our Janet, and equally clear that it is not derived from any female form of John. Foerstemann (Altdeutsches Namenbuch) has an old Frankish woman's name, Genida, tenth century, from a Codex of Lorraine. And I find also the woman's name, Genitia, in the Pol. Rem., one of the old Frankish chronicles before referred to. These old Frankish names might well leave a woman's name behind in France, which in after times might get mixed up with Jean, and from which our name may also have been derived. I may observe that we have also Gennet and Jennett as surnames, and the Germans have also Genett. But these, though from the same stem, must be taken to be from another form of it--viz., from Genad, eighth century, a man's name. From the same stem Foerstemann derives the woman's name, Genoveva, sixth century; whence, through the French, our Genevieve. As to the etymology of gen, the Germans are not agreed, Leo suggesting a borrowed Celtic word, with the meaning of love or affection, while Foerstemann seems to prefer Old High German gan, magic or fascination.

EMMA: Its Place in the Teutonic System.

The ordinary derivation of Emma from a Teutonic word signifying grandmother, or nurse, becomes impossible in face of the fact that among the Old Franks, from whom, through the Normans, we received it, the man's name Emmo was quite as common as the woman's, Emma. But in point of fact the stem, of which the older form seems to have been im, was one common to the whole Teutonic system, including the Low Germans settled in England. And the Immingas, descendants or followers of Imma, are ranged by Kemble among the early settlers. But among the Anglo-Saxons, with whom the ending of men's names (other than compounds) was generally in a, Imma would obviously not be suitable for names of women; and in point of fact it always appears in England, at that time, as a man's name. And probably, for this reason, the Frankish princess Emma, on becoming the wife of Cnut of England, considered it necessary to assume a Saxon name in addition to her own, and so become known as �lfgifu Imma. But a few centuries later, when the simple old Saxon names in a had very much died out, Emma coming in as something quite new, and with the stamp of Norman prestige, became at once, as appears from the Liber Vit�, a name in favour. As to the etymology, which is considered by the Germans to be obscure, I have elsewhere ventured to suggest Old Northern ymia, stridere; whence the name of the giant Ymir, in Northern mythology. The sense is that of a harsh and loud voice, which suggests huge stature. So, from Gaelic fuaim, noise, strepitus, comes fuaimhair, a giant, of which we may possibly have a lingering tradition in the nursery--"Fee, Fa, Fum" representing the giant's dreaded war-cry. And from what follows, "I smell the blood of an Englishman," one might almost think of the nurse as a Saxon, and the ogre as one of the earlier Celtic race, who might in those days be dangerous neighbours.

I give below the stem, with its branches, so far as it forms names of women. It also enters into some compounds, one of which, Americo, bequeathed by the Franks or Lombards to Italy, has the honour of giving the name to America.

Stem im or em.

Names of men.--O.G. Immo, Himmo, Emmo (among others, three bishops in the seventh and ninth centuries). A.S. Imma, found in Imman beorh, "Imma's barrow, or grave." Imma, Hemma, Hemmi, about the tenth century in the Liber Vit�. Eama, Anglo-Saxon moneyer.

Names of women.--O.G. Imma, Emma (among others Emma, daughter of Charlemagne).

Present surnames.--Eng. Him (?), Yem (?). Germ. Imm, Ihm. French, Eme, Emy.

With the ending in en, p. 27.

Names of men.--O.G. Imino, Emino, eighth century. A.S. Immine, a Mercian general, seventh century. Emino, Liber Vit�.

Names of women.--O.G. Immina, Emmina, eighth century. Early Eng. Ymana, Ymaine, Liber Vit�.

Present surnames.--Eng. Emeney. Fr. Emmon.

Ending in lin, p. 31.

Names of women.--O.G. Emelina, eleventh century. Emalina, twelfth century, Liber Vit�.

Present Christian name.--Eng. Emmeline.


Ethel and Adela are different forms of the same word, adal, athal, ethel, signifying noble. But while Adela is a correctly formed feminine, Ethel can hardly be said to be so. Both as a man's name and as a woman's it had usually a vowel-ending, and though this was not invariably the case, yet a name appearing without it would be rather assumed to be a man's name. Adeline is a diminutive like Eveline and Caroline; it represents the old name Adalina, eighth century, and Adalina, about the twelfth century, in the Liber Vit�, and comes probably through the French, the ending in e preserving the feminine by lengthening the syllable. Adelaide is from adal, as above, and H.G. haid, corresponding with Saxon hood, as in manhood. Hence the name seems to contain the abstract sense of nobility. The name must have come to us through the Normans; indeed, a woman's name could hardly be so formed among the Anglo-Saxons, for, curiously enough, this ending was a feminine one among the High Germans, and a masculine one among the Saxons. Hence perhaps it is that we have as surnames such names as Manhood and Mahood, the latter perhaps signifying boyhood, A.S. m�g, boy.


Edith is the only representative in women's names of A.S. ead, happiness, prosperity, from which we have so many men's names, as Edward, Edwin, Edmund, Edgar. It represents an A.S. Editha, a contraction of Eadgitha, and the question, which is not without a little difficulty, is, What is the origin of githa? Is it a phonetic variation of gifa (A.S. gifu, gift), so common in Anglo-Saxon names of women, as in God-gifa (Godiva), Sungefa (Suneva), &c., or is it a separate word? I am disposed to come to the conclusion, upon the whole, that it is a separate word, and though the traces of it as such are not strong, yet there are some traces. There is a woman's name Githa in the Liber Vit�, and this seems to be the same as an Old Norse woman's name Gyda in the Landnamab�k. There was also a Gytha, daughter of Swend, king of Denmark. Then there are two Old German names of women with the endings respectively gid and (H.G.) kid. And the origin of all I should take to be found in O.N. gydia, goddess, the exalted conception of womanhood.


There does not seem to be sufficient ground for Miss Yonge's suggestion that Eveline, a name which we have from the Normans, was borrowed by them from the Celts. On the contrary, they seem to have derived it from their Frankish ancestors, among whom we find it in the eleventh century in the form Avelina. This appears to be the original form, for we find it as Avelina in the Liber Vit� about the twelfth century. And again in the thirteenth century we find that one of the Earls of Albemarle married a lady named Aveline. It is probably a diminutive from the stem av, which Foerstemann refers to Goth. avo, in the probable sense of ancestor. The names Evelyn and Eveline should be kept sharply distinct, the former being a man's name, and the latter a woman's, being the French form of Evelina, as is Louise of Louisa.

From the same stem, av, is formed also the female name Avice, now become very rare. It appears as Auiza and Avicia in the Liber Vit�, and its original form I take to be found in Avagisa, eighth century, in the Altdeutsches Namenbuch, from gis, hostage. From a similar origin, but from the masculine form Avagis, may probably be Avis, included by Mr. Lower among Latinized surnames.

Another name from the same stem which seems to have been formerly rather common, but which now seems quite obsolete, is Avina.


This is another woman's name which has become almost extinct, and, seeing how uncomfortable a name it is to pronounce, I do not wonder that it should be so. It appears in the Liber Vit� as Hawysa, and in the Pol. Irminon as Hauis, but its proper form is to be traced up to the older name Hathewiza in the Liber Vit�, from hath, war, and wisa, leader. A surname corresponding, though of course from the masculine form of the name, may probably be the well-known one of Haweis.

Some other Obsolete or Obsolescent Names.

The name Helwis occurs in the Liber Vit� about the thirteenth century, and a more perfect form, Helewiza, about two centuries earlier. It seems rather probable, however, that its proper form would be Hildwisa, from hild, war, and wisa, leader. It occurs as Helois in the Pol. Irm., and is the same as the French Heloise (=Helwise). This name I take to be quite obsolete with us.

A name given by Miss Yonge as still in use is Amice or Amicia. It may probably be the same as the woman's name Amisa, Ameza, or Emeza of the eighth century in the Altd. Nam., which Foerstemann takes to be from A.S. emeta, quies. In that case it would probably be the same name in another form as Emmota, formerly not uncommon as a woman's name.

Another name which I rather suppose to be obsolete is Agace, Agaze, or Igusa, found in the Liber Vit� up to the fourteenth century, and probably the same as an O.G. Eggiza, eleventh century, from a stem ag, supposed to mean point or edge.

[60] The principal part of this chapter appeared in the Antiquary for March, 1882.

[61] Possibly, at least in some cases, the origin of the surname Constable.

[62] The earliest mention of this name that I have seen, occurs A.D. 1431, in the Liber Vit�, when one John Duckett, having died at the remarkable age of 127, his children, one of whom was called Cristabel, presented offerings at the shrine of St. Cuthbert. These would seem to be of the nature of propitiatory offerings on behalf of the dead, of which there are various instances recorded. One of these is that of one Maria del Hay, who in a large-hearted spirit, seems to have included in her offering, not only all who had gone before, but all who were to come after her. The entry is, "Maria del Hay, cum omnibus suis progenitoribus et successoribus."


FOERSTEMANN.--Altdeutsches Namenbuch.--Vol. I. Personennamen.--Vol. II. Ortsnamen. London, Williams Norgate.

POTT.--Personennamen. Leipzig, 1853.

STARK.--Beitrage zur kunde Germanischer Personennamen. Vienna, 1857.--Die Kosenamen der Germanen. Vienna, 1868.

WEINHOLD.--Die Deutschen Frauen in dem Mittelalter. Vienna, 1851.

GLUCK.--Die bei C. Julius C�sar vorkommenden Keltischen Namen. Vienna, 1857.

WASSENBERG.--Verhandeling over de Eigennaamen der Friesen. Franeker, 1774.

Islands Landnamab�k. Copenhagen.

Scriptores Rerum Langobardicarum et Italicarum, S�c. 6-9. Hanover, 1878.

Polyptique de l'Abb� Irminon, ou denombrement des manses, des serfs, et des revenus de l'Abbaye de Saint Germain-des-Pr�s sous le regne de Charlemagne. Paris, 1844.

Polyptique de l'Abbaye de Saint Remi de Reims, ou denombrement des manses, des serfs, et des revenus de cette abbaye vers le milieu du neuvi�me si�cle. Paris, 1853.

[asterism] The above two Old Frankish records contain a list of the names of all the serfs and dependants of the respective abbeys, with the names also of their wives and children.

KEMBLE.--Codex diplomaticus �vi Saxonici. London, 1845-48.

THORPE.--Diplomatorium Anglicum �vi Saxonici. London, 1865.

TAYLOR.--Names and Places. London, 1864.

STEPHENS.--The Old Runic Monuments of Scandinavia and England. London.

MISS YONGE.--History of Christian Names. London, 1863.

LOWER.--Patronymica Britannica. London, 1860.

BOWDITCH.--Suffolk Surnames. Boston, U.S.A.

Liber Vit� Ecclesi� Dunelmensis. Published by the Surtees Society, London, 1841.


Page 17.

We have also Tray as a man's name, and from the same origin as that which I have supposed for the dog's name, though the one is from the German and the other from the Celtic. The stem in men's names is referred to Goth, tragjan, to run, and may probably include also Trail (=Tragel) and Train (=Tragen), with the respective endings in el and en. Also, from the interchange of d and t, we may include Dray and Drain.

Page 20.

Among names of the first century is that of Ingomar, uncle of Arminius, which is represented in America by the dreadful name Inkhammer, though whether of English or of German origin seems uncertain.

Page 29.

From Shilling, as a man's name, is derived Shillingsworth, as a name of local origin (A.S. weorth, property), a name like Wordsworth, Dodsworth, &c.

Page 120.

Some doubt may be thrown upon the derivation I have suggested for Pentecost by the name Osbern Pentecost, which comes before us in Anglo-Saxon times. The name seems here to be a surname, and if so would be derived most naturally from the festival.

Page 159.

From this stem, as found in an A.S. Flogg, may be formed the Anglo-Saxon name Flohere (Thorpe, p. 636), from hari, warrior, whence may be our surnames Floyer, Flower, and Flowry.

Page 171.

Among other names apparently from women are Ella, Eva, and Louisa, in Suffolk Surnames. Of these, the first is a regular Saxon man's name, and the second is, I doubt not, the same, corresponding with Eafa found in Eafingas, and with Eafha, the name of a Mercian alderman. Louisa I should suppose to be the name Louis with a Romanic, perhaps Spanish, but not female, ending.


[asterism] All foreign names are printed in italic type, with the letters distinguishing their nationality within parentheses after them, thus--(D.) Dutch; (Dan.) Danish; (F.) French; (G.) German; (I.) Italian; (S.) Spanish.


Abba, 25

Abbe, 25

Abbey, 25

Abbiss, 32

Abbott, 96, 178, 179

Abingdon, 106

Ablard, 190

Accolti (I.), 147

Ackerman, 115

Ackermann (G.), 115

Ackman, 96

Acres, 79

Adcock, 35

Addicott, 34, 35, 43

Adela, 209

Adelaide, 209, 210

Ad�le (F.), 123

Adeline, 209

Adeliza, 204, 206

Adier, 43

Adimari (I.), 146

Adlam, 40

Adlard, 40

Adolph, 43

Adolphe (F.), 123

Adolphus, 146

Agar, 40

Ager, 79

Agmondesham, 106

Aikin, 96, 185

Aikman, 40, 96, 185

Ailger, 41

Ailman, 41

Alamanni (I.), 147

Albert, 96

Albert (F.), 123

Alberti (I.), 148

Alberto (I.), 143

Albery, 41, 152

Albutt, 43

Alcock, 34, 35

Alcott, 35

Aldebert, 41

Alder, 41, 96, 98, 185

Alderdice, 115

Alderman, 98, 115, 178, 180

Aldighiero (I.), 148

Aldobrandini (I.), 147

Aldred, 41

Aldrich, 41

Aldritt, 41

Alfieri (I.), 152

Alfonse (F.), 123

Alfred, 41, 96

Alfreton, 106

Algar, 96

Algardi (I.), 148

Algarotti (I.), 147

Alger, 42

Alice, 204-206

Alicia, 204-206

Alighieri (I.), 149

Alison, 204-206

Allard, 42

Allaway, 43

Allcard, 96

Allday, 79

Alley, 26, 79

Allfrey, 42, 96

Allgood, 43

Allnut, 42

Allo, 79

Alloisi (I.), 148

Alloway, 118

Allt, 79

Allward, 42

Allwin, 43

Allwood, 42

Almar, 42

Alment, 42

Almiger, 41

Almond, 42, 98

Alpha, 79

Alphonso (I.), 146

Altman, 41, 98

Altree, 41

Alvary, 41, 96

Alvert, 41

Amabel, 201

Amalteo (I.), 152

Amalthius (I.), 152

Amalungi (I.), 151

Ambler, 41, 180

Ameling (F.), 151

Americus (I.), 147, 208, 209

Amesbury, 106

Amice, 212

Amicia, 212

And, 79

Andoe, 79

Angleman, 42

Angler, 42, 178, 180

Angmering, 71, 105

Anhault, 43

Annabella, 201

Anne, 83, 171

Anning, 83

Ansaldi (I.), 147

Ansell, 30

Anselme, 42

Anselmi (I.), 148

Anser, 42

Anslow, 30

Ansuini (I.), 148

Applin, 30

Arabella, 201

Arbogast (F.), 21

Archard, 16, 42

Archbold, 16, 42

Archbutt, 16, 42

Archer, 42, 137, 138, 178, 180

Ardouin, 55

Argent, 16

Argument, 16, 42, 120

Arkwright, 42, 178, 180

Armandet (F.), 19

Armat, 43

Armgold, 19, 43

Armiger, 19, 43

Armine, 18

Arminer, 19, 44

Armingaud (F.), 19, 34

Arminger, 19, 44

Armor, 181

Armory, 43, 181

Armour, 19, 43

Arms, 19, 183, 184

Arney, 26

Arnold, 44

Arnolfo (I.), 143

Arnulfe, 44

Arnum, 44

Ascough, 44

Ash, 185

Ashbold, 44

Ashbury, 106

Ashe, 79

Asher, 44

Ashkettle, 59

Ashman, 44, 96

Ashmansworth, 106

Ashmore, 44, 96

Ashpart, 44

Ashwin, 44

Ashwith, 44, 148n

Ask, 79

Aske, 185

Askey, 185

Aslock, 59

Asman, 59

Asprey, 114

Asquith, 44, 148n, 185

Atkiss, 43

Atmore, 43

Attride, 43

Attridge, 43

Auberon, 41

Aubery, 152

Aubrey, 41

Aucoq (F.), 34

Audevard (F.), 124

Audifredi (I.), 147

Audouard (F.), 124

Audrey, 41

Aulph, 79

Auterac, 42

Auther, 42, 178, 180

Autram, 42

Avening, 105

Avina, 211

Avis, 211

Aylard, 41

Aylesbury, 106

Aylesford, 106

Aylesworth, 106

Ayliffe, 41

Aylmar, 13

Aylmer, 41

Aylward, 41, 96

Aylwin, 41


Babb, 79, 171

Bable, 30, 97

Back, 79, 183, 184

Badby, 106

Badder, 44

Badman, 44, 191

Badminton, 106

Bagge, 79

Balcoq (F.), 34

Balder, 44, 97

Baldi (I.), 148

Baldovinetti (I.), 148

Baldridge, 44, 97

Baldry, 44

Baldwin, 44, 97

Balmer, 47

Balton's borough, 106

Banderet, 44

Bann, 79

Banning, 79

Barehard, 45

Barking, 105

Barlavington, 109

Barling, 105

Barmore, 45

Barnacle, 45

Barndollar, 122

Barnwell, 137

Barwise, 45

Baschurch, 6

Basin, 6

Basingstoke, 88

Bass, 4, 79

Bather, 44

Batt, 79

Batting, 79

Batty, 79, 173

Baudeau (F.), 27

Beck, 79

Beckett, 192

Beckley, 106

Bedbug, 114

Beddard, 44, 97

Beden, 105

Bedford, 106

Beeby, 79

Beech, 185

Beenham, 106

Belfry, 45

Bell, 25

Bellmore, 47

Bellow, 25

Bellringer, 116

Belly, 25

Belment, 45

Belmore, 45

Belzoni (I.), 147

Bence, 79

Beneman, 45

Benger, 45

Bengworth, 106

Benn, 85, 194, 195

Bennell, 194, 195

Benner, 45

Bennet, 45

Benney, 194, 195

Bennoch, 194, 195

Bensington, 105

Berger, 45

Bernard, 45, 97

Bernardo (I.), 143

Berner, 45

Berni (I.), 152

Bernini (I.), 152

Bernold, 45, 97

Beroaldus (I.), 152

Berrette, 97

Berrier, 45

Berringer, 45

Bertram, 46

Bertrand, 46

Bertrandi (I.), 147

Berward, 45

Betteridge, 44, 101

Betty, 1, 26, 79, 171

Beyerman, 193, 194

Bibb, 79

Bibby, 79

Biddle, 80

Biddulph, 44

Bigg, 85

Bigot, 191, 192

Bill, 1, 79, 194, 195

Billamore, 45

Bille (F.), 195

Bille (G.), 195

Bille (Dan.), 195

Billecoq (F.), 34

Billey (F.), 195

Billiard, 45

Billing, 79, 194

Billow, 74, 194, 195

Billy, 1, 194, 195

Billyald, 45

Binney, 26, 179

Binning, 79

Birch, 79, 185

Birchenough, 120

Bird, 80

Bishop, 178, 179

Blacker (F.), 188

Black, 80, 188

Blacker, 46, 188

Blackman, 46

Blackwin, 46

Blake, 188

Blakeman, 46

Blaker, 46

Blanchard, 188

Blank, 188

Bledlow, 107

Blunt, 97

Bluntisham, 107

Bobbin, 194, 196

Bobby, 194, 196

Boby, 80

Bodicker, 46

Bodmer, 46

Body, 156, 183, 184

Boffey, 194, 196

Boggis, 46, 118

Bogle, 97

Bognor, 107

Boiardo (I.), 152, 194

Boiron (F.), 194

Bold, 27

Bolden, 27

Boldery, 44

Bolley, 80

Bompart (F.), 145

Bonaparte (F.), 145, 146

Bonbright, 146

Bond, 80

Boniperti (I.), 145

Bookless, 183, 184

Boss, 80

Bossey, 80

B�tefur (L.G.), 190

Botright, 46

Botting, 80

Bottisham, 107

Bowmer, 97

Boy, 193, 194

Boy (F.), 194

Boyard (F.), 152, 194

Boye (F.), 194

Boye (G.), 194

Boyer, 193, 194

Boyer (F.), 194

Boyman, 193, 194

Boyreau (F.), 194

Boyron (F.), 194

Bracken, 157

Brackett, 157

Brackie, 157

Bracking, 157

Brackmann (G.), 158

Bragan, 157

Bragg, 157

Brain, 97, 157

Brakeman, 157

Brand, 25

Brandy, 25

Bransbury, 107

Bransford, 107

Braquemin (F.), 158

Braughin, 105

Bray, 157

Brayman, 157

Braznell, 165

Breakell, 158

Breem, 80

Brewin, 157

Bride, 80

Bridle, 80

Bright, 80

Brighting, 80

Brightland, 46

Brightling, 105

Brightly, 30, 80

Brightmore, 46

Brightwell, 137

Brightwine, 46

Brighty, 80

Brine, 80

Brinney, 80

Brittell, 80

Brocard, 97

Brown, 80, 138, 188, 189

Browning, 28, 80

Bubb, 194, 196

Buck, 80, 175

Buckle, 85

Bucklin, 31

Budd, 24, 80

Budden, 24

Budding, 24

Buddle, 24

Buddrich, 24, 46

Budmore, 24

Bugg, 3, 97

Bulger, 46

Bull, 80

Bullard, 46

Buller, 46

Bulling, 28, 80

Bulmer, 46, 97

Bundle, 97, 101

Bunn, 85

Bunting, 97

Burchard, 46, 97

Burger, 46

Burgwin, 46

Burleston, 107

Burman, 45

Burn, 80

Burness, 33

Burning, 28, 80

Burnish, 33

Burr, 80

Burt, 80

Bussell, 80

Butleigh, 107

Butt, 80

Butter, 46, 181

Butterick, 46

Butterwell, 138

Buttery, 46, 181

Byard, 152

Bye, 193, 194

Byron, 193, 194


Cadman, 50

Cage, 9

Cain, 10, 190

Calderon, 52

Caledonia, 8

Calking, 170

Call, 80

Callow, 80

Calmsden, 107

Camel, 175

Cane, 10

Cann, 80

Canning, 28, 80

Cansick, 168

Cant, 81

Carary, 51

Caravan, 51

Card, 97

Carder, 52

Cardwell, 116

Carlo (I.), 143

Carrier, 51

Cart, 97

Carthen, 52

Cartridge, 52

Cashdollar, 122

Castle, 97

Castoldi (I.), 149

Cat, 97, 175

Cattey, 175

Catty, 97

Cauche (F.), 170

Cauchy (F.), 170

Caulk, 170

Caunce, 168

Chabot, 118, 125, 126

Chad, 97, 125, 126

Chadborn, 125

Chaddleworth, 107

Chaddock, 125, 126

Chadlington, 107

Chadman, 125

Chadshunt, 107

Chadwick, 125, 126

Chadwin, 126

Chaff, 81

Chaffey, 81

Chain, 125

Chalfont, 107

Chalk, 101, 170

Chalkey, 170

Chalklen, 170

Chance, 81, 168

Chancell, 168

Chancey, 168

Chaney, 125

Chantrey, 51

Chard, 97, 125, 126

Charing, 105

Charles, 80

Charles (F.), 123

Charley, 80

Chart, 125, 126

Charter, 125, 126

Chaseley, 107

Chasseboeuf (F.), 139

Chattaway, 126

Chatting, 125, 126

Chatto, 125, 126

Chattoway, 97, 118, 125, 126

Chatwin, 125, 126

Chatwood, 125

Chaucer, 170

Chauss�e (F.), 170

Chaussy (F.), 170

Cheape, 97

Cheese, 97, 155

Cheltenham, 107

Chertsey, 107, 126

Chesnut, 155, 185

Chesman, 155

Chesson, 155

Chew, 97

Chewing, 105

Chichester, 107

Chilbolton, 107

Chilcomb, 127

Child, 127

Childar, 125, 126

Children, 125, 126

Chill, 125, 126

Chillmaid, 125, 126

Chillman, 125, 126

Chipman, 155

Chipp, 98, 155

Chippenham, 107

Chipping, 155

Chirnie, 155

Chitty, 155

Cholsey, 107

Chopard (F.), 127

Chope, 81

Choppin, 125, 127

Choupe (F.), 127

Christabel, 201, 202 and n

Chubb, 81, 125

Chubback, 125

Churn, 155

Claribel, 201

Claringbold, 135

Claringbull, 135

Claude, 127

Claude (F.), 123

Clean, 160

Cl�rambault (F.), 135

Cline, 160

Cloade, 127

Clodd, 1, 127

Clothier, 127

Clotilde (F.), 123

Cloud, 97, 127

Cloudman, 127

Clout, 1, 127

Cloutman, 127

Clucas, 127

Clutterbuck, 121

Coate, 81

Cobbett, 118

Cobbold, 53, 118

Cock, 81

Codd, 81

Codford, 107

Coffey, 81

Colbran, 47

Colburn, 47

Coll, 81

Collamore, 47

Collard, 47

Collie, 81

Colling, 81

Collingham, 107

Colman, 47

Colmer, 97

Conder, 54

Congressbury, 107

Cooling, 81, 105

Coppernoll, 165

Corbould, 51

Cory, 82

Cosier, 54

Cossart, 53

Costall, 30

Costello, 30

Costiff, 164

Costly, 30

Cotheridge, 107

Cottiss, 20

Cotton, 97

Coulthred, 52

Craig, 188, 189

Creed, 97, 127

Creedy, 127

Cressy, 81

Criddle, 127

Crimsham, 107

Crist (I. and G.), 135

Croad, 127

Crock, 127

Croger, 127

Croke, 127

Croker, 127

Crooke, 127

Cropthorn, 107

Crotch, 127

Crotty, 127

Crowd, 97, 127

Crowder, 127

Crowdy, 127

Cruden, 127

Crumpecker, 122

Crutch, 127

Crute, 127

Cuckhamstow hill, 107

Cuff, 81

Cuffey, 81

Cull, 81

Cummin, 97

Cumnor, 107

Cunliffe, 56, 98

Curran, 51n

Curwen, 51

Custard, 47


Dacker, 47

Dacombe, 47

Dagenham, 108

Dagger, 47

Daggesell, 47

Daisy, 32

Dale, 98

Dalloway, 47, 118

Dalman, 47

Damer, 47

Dana, 25, 81

Dand, 25

Dandalo (I.), 145

Dando, 25

Dandy, 25

Dane, 25, 81

Danger, 48

Dante (I.), 134

Darlaston, 108

Darling, 81

Darnell, 48, 98, 165

Darrell, 81

Darrigon, 48

Darwin, 48

Daunsey, 108

Daybell, 47

Dayer, 47

Daylesford, 108

Daymont, 47

Dearlove, 48, 98

Dearman, 48

Deary, 26

Deller, 47

Demaid, 48

Demon, 48

Denhard, 48, 98

Denolf, 48

Denn, 81

Denning, 81

Dermott, 48, 98

Derwin, 48

Dettingen (G.), 71

Dialogue, 48

Diamond, 48

Dick, 81, 194, 195

Dicken, 194, 195

Dickin, 102

Dickle, 81, 194, 195

Dicksie, 195

Didlington, 108

Dilger, 102, 140

Dilhac (F.), 140

Dilke, 24, 102, 140

Dill, 24, 81, 139

Dill (G.), 139

Dill� (F.), 139

Dillemann (G.), 140

Dillen, 24

Dillen (G.), 140

Diller, 140

Dillery (F.), 140

Dillet (F.), 140

Dilley, 139

Dillicar, 140

Dillick, 140

Dillimore, 140

Dilling, 24

Dilling (G.), 140

Dillman, 140

Dillon, 140

Dillon (F.), 140

Dillow, 24, 139

Dillwyn, 24, 140

Dilly, 24

Dilly (F.), 139

Distington, 88

Ditchling, 105

Dixie, 195

Dock, 81

Docking, 81

Dodd, 81, 98

Doddridge, 64

Dodford, 108

Doggett, 49, 98

Dogthorpe, 108

Dollman, 98

Dolman, 48

Dolphin, 48, 175, 176

Dome (F.), 196

Doniland, 108

Doran, 27

Dorand (G.), 150

Dore, 27

Dowdeswell, 108

Drain, 215

Dray, 215

Duck, 86, 175, 176

Duckling, 98, 175, 176

Ducklington, 108

Duckman, 48, 98

Dugmore, 49

Dugood, 49, 98

Dumbell, 194, 196

Dume, 194, 195

Dumlin, 194, 196

Dummelow, 194, 196

Dummer, 48

Dummert, 48

Dumplin, 113, 194, 196

Dunn, 82, 98, 188, 189

Dunning, 82

Durand, 134, 150

Durand (G.), 150

Durand (F.), 150

Durandard (F.), 150

Durandeau (F.), 150

Durandi (I.), 150

Durant, 151

Durant (F.), 150

Durante (I.), 134, 149, 150

Duranto (I.), 150

Durre, 86

Dyce, 81

Dycey, 81


Eager, 40

Eagle, 99

Eames, 83

Earheart, 49, 178, 183, 184

Earl, 25, 178

Early, 25

Earney, 98

Earp, 21, 82

Earwaker, 49, 169, 178

Earwig, 2, 49, 175, 178

Eashing, 105

Easter, 82

Eavestaff, 164

Eckington, 108

Edbrook, 49

Eddiker, 49, 169

Eddy, 82

Edgar, 49, 210

Edgell, 82, 99

Edith, 197, 210

Edlery, 40

Edmond, 49, 210

Edmond (F.), 123

Edmund, 210

Edolph, 49

Edouard (F.), 123, 124

Edridge, 49

Edstone, 108

Edward, 13, 49, 210

Edwick, 49

Effingham, 108

Egg, 82

Egle, 82

Elbow, 183, 184

Elcy, 82

Eldred, 41

Element, 43, 120

Elgar, 43

Elgee, 82

Elgood, 43

Eliza, 204-206

Elk, 82

Ella, 216

Ellard, 43

Ellery, 43

Elliss, 82

Elmore, 43

Else, 82

Elsey, 26, 82

Elvira (S.), 200

Elvy, 79

Elwin, 43

Elwood, 43

Elzevir (D.), 200

Eme (F.), 209

Emeler, 41

Emeney, 209

Emma, 89, 207-209

Emmeline, 209

Emmett, 175, 178

Emmon (F.), 209

Empey, 167

Emy (F.), 209

England, 9

Engleburt, 42

Engleheart, 42

English, 192

Ennor, 166

Enough, 98, 117, 166

Enrico (I.), 143

Enright, 166

Epps, 82

Ermentrude, 19, 197

Ermine, 18

Ermingcard (F.), 19

Erpingham, 108

Esau, 190

Esmond, 99

Ethel, 209

Ethelston, 40, 96

Eva, 216

Evelina, 211

Eveline, 211

Evelyn, 211

Evening, 79

Ever, 82

Everard, 49

Evered, 49

Everett, 49

Every, 49, 82

Evesham, 108

Ewald, 68

Ewart, 68

Ewe, 2, 68n

Ewer, 68

Ewing, 68n

Exhall, 108


Fairfoot, 183, 185

Fairfoul, 120

Fairless, 183

Fairman, 49

Falstaff, 119

Falsteuf (F.), 119

Faragut, 34

Farcot (F.), 34

Farragut, 49

Farre, 27, 82

Farren, 27

Farrier, 178, 180

Farrimond, 49

Farrow, 82

Farthing, 28

Fearn, 82

Feckenham, 108

Federigo (I.), 143

Ferdinand, 50

Ferdinand (F.), 123

Ferrand, 49

Ferrier, 49, 180

Few, 159

Field, 113

Fielder, 113

Fielding, 113

Filbert, 50

Fileman, 50

Filldew, 50

Fillmer, 50

Fillmore, 99

Fin, 89

Finbow, 50

Finch, 82

Finger, 50, 183

Finn, 82

Finney, 82

Fish, 175, 177

Fiske, 177

Flack, 159

Fladbury, 108

Flagg, 159

Flatt, 198

Flatter, 181

Flattery, 181, 198

Flattman, 198

Flea, 3, 159, 175, 178

Fleck, 159

Flew, 99, 159

Flower, 216

Flowry, 216

Floyer, 216

Fluck, 159

Fly, 159, 175, 178

Fogg, 99, 159

Foggo, 99, 159

Folkstone, 108

Foote, 183, 184

Forder, 50

Fordred, 50

Forget, 49

Fortyman, 50

Forward, 49

Fowl, 99

Francesco (I.), 143

Franklin, 31

Fredeau (F.), 27

Frederic, 13

Frederick, 50

Freebody, 50, 156

Freeborn, 50, 99

Freebout, 50

Freeland, 50

Freestone, 50

Frescobaldi (I.), 149

Friday, 99, 182

Froude, 82

Fudge, 159

Fuggle, 99

Fulke, 82

Fullagar, 50

Fullalove, 50, 191


Gaffery, 52

Gage, 9, 10

Gain, 10, 99, 118, 190

Galland, 51

Gallant, 51

Gallard, 51

Galloway, 51, 118

Galt, 82

Gambetta (F.), 153

Gamble, 113

Gambler, 180

Gambling, 2, 28

Gander, 51, 99, 175

Gandy, 81

Gant, 81

Ganter, 51

Garbett, 51

Garbrand, 51

Garbutt, 51

Garden, 28

Garforth, 51

Garibaldi (I.), 145

Garlick, 51

Garman, 51

Garment, 51, 120

Garnett, 51

Garrard, 51

Garrod, 51

Garrold, 51

Garroway, 51, 118

Garstin, 51

Garter, 52

Garvey, 51

Garwood, 51, 148n

Gasting, 82

Gatliffe, 50

Gatling, 99

Gatty, 175

Gay, 9, 10, 99

Gedge, 9, 10

Genese, 192, 193

Genett (G.), 207

Genevieve, 207

Gennari (I.), 148

Genner, 52

Gennett, 52, 207

Gentery, 51

Gentry, 51

Geoffry, 50n, 51

Gerard (F.), 23

Gerbault (F.), 145

Gerbet (F.), 153

Gerloff, 51

Gertrude, 19, 197

Geu (G.), 10

Gey (G.), 10

Gherardini (I.), 148

Ghibellines (I.), 146

Ghiberti (I.), 148

Ghirlandaio (I.), 148

Gidding, 108

Giddy, 155

Giffard, 52

Giffen, 82

Gilbert, 52

Gildawie, 52

Gilder, 52

Gildert, 52

Gill, 82

Gillard, 53

Giller, 53, 99

Gillett, 53

Gillford, 53

Gilliam, 53

Gillibrand, 52

Gillman, 53

Gilmore, 53

Gimbert, 52

Gippert, 52

Gipsy, 33

Gislingham, 108

Goad, 81

Godalming, 71, 105

Godbold, 53

Godbolt, 53

Goddam, 191

Goddard, 53

Goddier, 53

Godding, 81, 99

Goddiss, 20

Godeau (F.), 27

Godfrey, 50n, 53

Godhead, 53

Godiso, 20

Godiva, 172

Godizo, 20

Godkin, 31

Godliman, 191

Godman, 53

Godmersham, 108

Godmund, 53, 99

Godrick, 53

Godsell, 53

Godskall, 53

Godsoe, 20, 32

Godward, 191

Godwin, 53, 99

Gold, 82

Goldbourne, 52

Golding, 82

Goldrick, 52

Goldwin, 52

Goodacre, 170

Goodbody, 156

Goodenough, 120, 191

Goodeve, 171

Goodheart, 53, 191

Goodlake, 53

Goodland, 53

Goodliffe, 53, 191

Goodnow, 53

Goodram, 53

Goodred, 53

Goodwright, 53, 178, 180

Goodyear, 53

Goose, 175

Gorbold, 51

Gore, 82

Gorebrown, 51

Gosbell, 53

Gosland, 54

Gosling, 175

Gosmer, 54

Gosselin (F.), 175, 176

Gosselini (I.), 147

Goswold, 54

G�ttingen (G.), 71

Gousse (F.), 175, 176

Gozar, 54

Gozzard, 53

Grau (G.), 189

Gray, 138, 188, 189

Greenwell, 138

Gregg, 188, 189

Grimbald, 54

Grimble, 54, 202

Grimerd, 54

Grimmer, 54

Grimmond, 54

Grimstone, 108

Grobe (G.), 187

Grote, 99

Grove, 99, 186, 187

Grove (G.), 187

Grub (F.), 187

Grubb, 99, 186, 187

Grubi (F.), 187

Guala (F.), 133

Gualdo (I.), 144, 147

Gualtier (F.), 130

Guardi (I.), 144, 148

Guarini (I.), 152

Guarnerius (I.), 144, 149

Guelpa, 131

Guelph (I.), 131, 146

Gueneau (F.), 133

Guenin (F.), 133

Gu�rin (F.), 152

Guermain (F.), 132

Guernier (F.), 149

Guest, 82

Guglielmo (I.), 149

Guicciardini (I.), 144, 147

Guiche (F.), 132

Guid� (F.), 132, 148

Guido (I.), 144, 148

Guidubaldi (I.), 148

Guillaume (F.), 123, 130, 133

Guille, 131, 132

Guille (F.), 132

Guillemain (F.), 133

Guily, 131, 132

Guinan, 131

Guinery (F.), 133

Guiney, 131, 133

Guinier (F.), 133

Guiscard (F.), 130

Guiteau (F.), 148

Gumboil, 2, 54

Gundey, 99

Gundry, 54

Gunn, 99

Gunner, 181

Gunnery, 181

Gunston, 54

Gunter, 54

Gunthorp, 108

Guttwein, 122

Gwillam, 131, 133

Gwilt, 131

Gwyer, 131, 132

Gye, 9, 10


Hack, 83

Hacking, 83

Hackstaff, 164

Haddenham, 108

Haddock, 175

Hadkiss, 54

Hadrott, 54

Hadwen, 54

Haggard, 40

Hail, 83

Hailing, 83

Halbard, 96

Hald, 99

Haldan, 99

Hall, 83

Hallgreen, 33

Halling, 28, 83, 105

Hallington, 108

Halloway, 43

Hambledon, 108

Hambling, 150

Hamel (F.), 150

Hamling, 150

Hammill, 150

Hammond, 41

Hamp, 166

Hamper, 166

Hance, 83

Hand, 79

Handsomebody, 156

Hanger, 42

Hankerton, 108, 109

Hanman, 43

Hann, 27, 83, 172

Hannah, 171

Hannen, 27

Hanney, 172

Hanning, 83

Hannington, 108

Hanrot, 43

Hansard, 43

Hansom, 43

Harbert, 55

Harboard, 55

Harbud, 55

Hard, 83

Hardacre, 170

Harder, 54, 181

Harding, 28, 83

Hardington, 109

Hardland, 54

Hardman, 55

Hardoff, 55

Hardwick, 55

Hardy, 83

Hargood, 55

Harker, 55

Harland, 55

Harle, 83

Harleston, 109

Harley, 83

Harling, 83, 105

Harman, 55

Harme, 19

Harmer, 55

Harmond, 55

Harmony, 18

Harnor, 44

Harnott, 55

Harold, 15n, 20, 55

Harp, 21

Harre, 196

Harrietsham, 108

Harrow, 196

Harry, 194, 196

Harryman, 55

Hart, 83

Hartnoll, 55, 165

Hartridge, 55

Hartry, 55

Hartwright, 55, 178, 180

Harvest, 21

Harvey, 55

Harward, 55

Harwin, 55

Harwood, 55

Hasell, 83, 185, 186

Haskey, 99

Hasluck, 59, 101

Hathaway, 54, 118, 126

Hatt, 79

Hattemore, 54

Hattrick, 54

Hauxton, 108

Haversham, 108

Haveys, 212

Haweis, 212

Hawk, 99

Hawke, 83

Hawoise, 212

Hayman, 41

Hayward, 41, 99, 137, 138, 178, 180

Head, 183

Hean, 166

Heaney, 166

Heart, 183, 184

Heasman, 56

Heaven, 79

Helme, 99

H�lo�se (F.), 123, 212

Helper, 99

Helps, 99

Helpstone, 109

Hemingford Abbots, 109

Hemington, 109

Hemp, 166

Hemper, 166

Henfrey, 43, 166

Henman, 43

Henn, 83

Henniker, 43

Henri (F.), 123

Henstridge, 109

Herbert, 55, 99

Herbette (F.), 153

Herepath, 55

Heringaud, 34

Herod, 99, 190

Herring, 99, 175

Hersant, 55

Heward, 141

Hewish, 141

Hewitt, 32, 141

Hewland, 141

Hewlet, 141

Hibbert, 141

Hibble, 141

Hick, 140

Hickie, 140

Hickley, 140

Hicklin, 141

Hickman, 100, 141

Hickmot, 141

Hieckmann (G.), 141

Hienne (F.), 141

Higgen, 141

Highmore, 100, 141

Higlet, 141

Higlin (F.), 141

Higman, 141

Hignett, 142

Hildebrand, 55

Hilder, 55

Hildreth, 56

Hildyard, 55

Hill, 83

Hillersdon, 109

Hillman, 56

Hillock, 100, 141

Hillyer, 55

Hilmer, 56

Hilridge, 56

Him, 209

Hime, 83

Hind, 114

Hine, 114

Hinksey, 109

Hipkin, 31

Hoby, 83

Hoced� (F.), 182

Hockaday, 182

Hockey, 83

Hodge, 100, 140

Hodges, 141

Hodgett, 101

Hodgkin, 31, 141

Hodsoak, 109

Hoe, 140

Hogan (F.), 141

Hoge (G.), 140

Hogg, 100, 140

Hoggin, 141

Hogmire, 141

Hognet (F.), 142

Hoin (F.), 141

Holiday, 182

Homer, 141

Hone, 83, 166

Honey, 83

Honeybun, 120

Honeyburn, 120

Honeyman, 54

Honner, 166

Honnington, 109

Hoofnail, 165

Hook, 83

Hopkin, 102

Hopp, 83

Hopping, 28, 83

Horne, 83, 100

Horning, 83, 105

Horningsea, 109

Horningsheath, 109

Horsenail, 165

Hose, 84

Hough, 89

Howard, 178, 180

Howitt, 32, 101, 141

Hua (F.), 140

Huan (F), 141

Huard (F.), 141

Huart (F.), 141

Huault (F.), 142

Hubault (F.), 141

Hubbard, 141

Hubbert (G.), 141

Hubble, 141

Hubert (F.), 141

Huc (F.), 140

Huck, 140

Hucke (G.), 140

Huckell, 140

Hucken, 141

Hue (F.), 140

Huel (F.), 140

Huelin, 141

Huet (F.), 141

Huff, 86

Hufnagel (G.), 166

Hug, 140

Hug (F.), 140

Hugall, 140

Hugan (F.), 141

Hugard (F.), 141

Hug� (F.), 140

Huge (G.), 140

H�gel(G.), 140

Huggard, 141

Huggett, 32, 141

Hugh, 140

Hughes, 141

Hughman, 141

Hugla (F.), 140

Hugman, 141

Hugnot (F.), 142

Hugo, 140

Hugo (F.), 140

Hugo (G.), 140

Hugot (F.), 141

Huguelin (F.), 141

Hugues (F.), 141

Huie, 140

Hulek (F.), 141

Hullock, 141

Human, 141

Humann (F.), 141

Humble, 100, 191

Humboldt (G.), 191

Humphrey, 50n, 54

Hun, 89

Hunger, 54

Hunhold, 54

Hunibal, 54

Hunn, 83

Hunnard, 54

Hunt, 83

Hunting, 83

Huntingdon, 109

Hurlbat, 49

Hurlburt, 49

Hurler, 49, 178, 180

Hutt, 100

Hyndman, 114


Ibbett, 32

Ihm (G.), 209

Imm (G.), 209

Impey, 167

Inchbald, 56

Inchboard, 56

Ingledew, 42

Inglesent, 42

Inglis, 192

Ingold, 56

Ingram, 56

Ingrey, 56

Inkhammer, 215

Ipswich, 108

Ireland, 9

Iremonger, 19

Irminger, 19, 44

Irwine, 99

Isabel, 198

Isabelle (F.), 199

Isburg, 56

Ismer, 56

Isnard, 56

Isnell, 165

Isner, 56

Ive, 83

Ivy, 83, 185, 186

Izod, 56


Jack, 194, 196

Jacklin, 194, 196

Jacklin (G.), 196

Jacquard (F.), 196

Jacquelin (F.), 196

Jael, 190

Jago, 194, 196

Jane, 206, 207

Janet, 206, 207

January, 182, 183

Jarman, 51

Jeannerett, 52

Jeffcock, 35

Jeffcott, 35

Jellicoe, 31

Jenner, 183

Jennery, 52, 183

Jennett, 207

Jervis, 51

Jocelyn, 176

Jordaens (D.), 135

Jordan, 135

Jordan (F.), 135

Josselin (F.), 176

Jourdain (F.), 135

Jourdan (F.), 135

Judith, 196


Kay, 9, 10, 80

Keble, 98

Kedge, 9, 10

Kegg, 9, 10

Keho, 11

Kelk, 98, 170

Kelvedon, 107

Kemerton, 71, 107

Kenilworth, 107

Kennard, 56

Kennaway, 56, 118

Kenrick, 56, 98

Kensal, 168

Kensett, 168

Kenward, 56, 98

Keogh, 11

Kettering, 105

Kettle, 97

Kettleby, 107

Key, 9, 10, 80

Keysoe, 107

Kidd, 98, 173

Kiddy, 155

Killer, 53

Killman, 53, 98

Kilsby, 109

Kindred, 117

Kinmonth, 56

Kinnaird, 56

Kinney, 26

Kitt, 100, 173

Kitto, 173

Kitty, 155, 170

Klyne, 160

Knapp, 100, 161

Knapping, 161

Knall, 161, 173

Kneller, 161

Knibb, 99, 161

Knife, 161

Knipe, 99, 161

Knipping, 161

Knott, 81

Knyvett, 161

Kupfernagel (G.), 166


Lamaison, 182

Lamas (F.), 183

Lambert, 56

Lamberti (I.), 147

Lambeth, 109

Lambrook, 56

Lammas, 182, 183

Lamprey, 56, 115, 175, 178

Lanaway, 57

Lander, 56

Landfear, 56

Landlord, 57

Landridge, 57

Landward, 57

Lanfear, 56

Langstaff, 164

Lanoway, 118

Lanwer, 57

Lanzi (I.), 147

Lark, 175, 176

Lascelles, 139

Lateward, 57

Laundry, 57

Lauringen (G.), 72

Lavenham, 109

Laver, 83

Laverick, 100

Laverock, 176

Lawless, 183, 184

Laycock, 34

Leamington, 73

Leathart, 57

Leather, 57

Leboeuf (F.), 139

Lecoq (F.), 34

Ledgard, 57, 100

Ledger, 57

Ledward, 57

Lees, 84

Legg, 183, 184

Leggy, 183

Legless, 183, 184

Lemon, 57n, 100, 119

Leonardo (I.), 142

Leopard, 57, 100, 173

Leopardi (I.), 151

Lessy, 84

Leverett, 177

Lewis, 34, 118

Liddard, 57

Liddle, 84

Lightfoot, 184

Limmer, 119

Lind, 175

Linden, 185, 186

Lindo, 175

Ling, 27, 175

Lingen, 27

Lingo, 175

Lionardo (I.), 148

Liptrot, 57

Lock, 84

Locker, 100

Lockie, 84

Lord, 100, 158, 178

Lording, 100, 158

Lottisham, 109

Louis (F.), 123

Louisa, 216

Louise (F.), 123, 211

Love, 84

Loveday, 57, 137, 138, 182

Lovegod, 57

Lovegood, 57, 191

Loveland, 57

Loveman, 57, 100, 191

Lover, 57, 100

Loveridge, 57, 100

Lovesy, 100

Lovick, 31

Loving, 28, 84

Lower, 100

Lubbock, 31

Lucas, 34, 57, 118

Lucy, 171

Ludbrook, 57

Ludovico (I.), 143

Luigi (I.), 142

Lull, 84, 100

Lully, 84, 100

Lumb, 160

Lump, 160

Lumpkin, 160

Luther, 57, 100

Lutman, 57, 100

Lutto, 84

Lutwidge, 57

Lyde, 84


Mabel, 201

McDermott, 98n

McKay, 11

McKie, 11

Madam, 58

Maddey, 84

Madelungen (G.), 72

Madle, 84

Mager, 58

Magg, 171

Maggot, 58

Maggy, 84

Magini (I.), 142

Maginot (F.), 142

Magnabal (F.), 142

Magnan (F.), 142

Magnard (F.), 142

Magnay, 142

Magn� (F.), 142

Magney (F.), 142

Magnier (F.), 142

Mahault (F.), 204

Mahood, 210

Maiden, 28

Maidman, 59

Maignan (F.), 142

Mainardi (I.), 142

Mainardo (I.), 142

Mainbourg (F.), 142

Maineri (I.), 142

Mainfroy (F.), 142

Maingault (F.), 142

Maingot (F.), 34, 142

Maliff, 58

Mallard, 58

Malling, 105

Mallory, 58

Malmsbury, 109

Malthus, 58

Maltwood, 59

Manfred, 58

Manfredi (I.), 147

Manger, 58, 142

Manhood, 210

Manigault, 58

Manlove, 58, 191

Mann, 84

Manning, 28, 84

Maraldi (I.), 147

Marcher, 59

Margot, 58

Marigold, 58

Mariner, 178, 180

Marinier (F.), 181

Marker, 59

Marklove, 59

Markwick, 59

Marl, 84

Marling, 84

Marnier (F.), 181

Marr, 25, 84

Marrow, 25

Marry, 25

Marvey, 58

Marvin, 58

Marwick, 58

Massey, 84

Mather, 58

Mathilde (F.), 123

Matilda, 203, 204

Maud, 203, 204

Maude, 171

May, 84, 171

Mayer, 58

Maynard, 58, 142

Maynard (F.), 142

Mayne, 142

Maynier (F.), 142

Mayo, 171, 173

Meadway, 59

Meddiman, 59

Medland, 59

Medlar, 59

Medlicott, 34, 59

Medlock, 59

Medwin, 59

Meggy, 171

Megrin, 58

Mehne (G.), 142

Meiner (G.), 142

Meinert (G.), 142

Melloday, 59

Mellowdew, 59

Melody, 59

Merrill, 84

Merriment, 120

Merry, 85

Messing, 84

Methold, 59

Michie, 84

Mico, 84

Mildred, 116, 197

Millard, 59

Milldolar, 122

Millie, 84

Millinge, 84

Milo, 84

Minn, 178

Minney, 178

Minnow, 175, 178

Mitcheldover, 109

Moder, 59

Moll, 1, 171

Monday, 182

Monument, 120

Moore, 11

Mote, 175, 178

Moth, 175, 178

Mottram, 59

Moule, 100

Moulsey, 109

Moulsham, 109

Mouse, 175

Mousse (F.), 176

Muckett, 100

Mudridge, 59

Mumm, 155

Mummery, 155

Mummy, 155

Munday, 182

Mundell, 30, 84

Mundella, 30

Mundham, 109

Mundy, 182

Murch, 84, 188, 189

Murchie, 84, 188, 189

Murchison, 189

Mutrie, 59


Naf, 161

Nagle, 101, 165

Nail, 101, 165

Nanny, 2, 171

Napkin, 161

Napp, 1, 161

Neate, 84

Need, 84

Nelly, 161, 171

Nettleton, 109

Nibbs, 101

Nield, 114

Nielson, 12

Nill, 161

Noon, 179

Norcock, 34, 35

Norcott, 35

Norman, 192, 193

Northcott, 34

Nott, 84

Nunn, 178, 179

Nunney, 179

Nuttall, 81

Nutting, 84


Oake, 185, 186

Oakey, 185, 186

Odeschalchi (I.), 147

Odevico (I.), 147

Odoardo (I.), 124, 143

Offley, 109

Old, 79

Oldacre, 41

Olding, 79

Oldridge, 41

Ombersley, 106

Onken, 166

Onofrio (I.), 142

Onwhyn, 166

Orlandi (I.), 147

Orleston, 109

Orlop, 101

Orme, 174

Ormerod, 43

Ormsby, 109

Osborn, 59

Osgodby, 109

Osgood, 59

Osman, 59

Osmer, 59

Osmington, 109

Osmond, 60

Ostrich, 175

Oswald, 60, 101

Oswaldslow, 109

Oswin, 60

Ouarnier (F.), 149

Ough, 86

Outram, 42

Ovington, 111

Owen, 101

Oyster, 122

Oysterman, 122


Paddington, 110

Padworth, 110

Pagan, 191, 192

Pagham, 110

Paine, 118, 192

Paler, 181

Paley, 26, 84

Palfrey, 47

Paling, 84

Papillon, 31

Paragreen, 45

Paramore, 45

Parez, 33

Paris, 33

Partrick, 46

Partridge, 46

Pascoe, 135

Pash, 135

Paske, 135

Pasquin (F.), 135

Pass, 79

Patching, 105

Paton, 90

Patrington, 110

Pattingham, 110

Payne, 118

Peabody, 156

Peat, 91

Peck, 79

Pegg, 2, 85, 171

Pendegast, 114

Pender, 44, 101

Pendered, 44

Pendgast, 114, 115

Penicaud (F.), 34

Penman, 45

Penn, 85

Pennell, 101

Pennycad, 34, 45

Pensham, 110

Pentecast, 120, 183

Pentecost, 120, 182, 183, 215

Perman, 45

Perriam, 45

Perrott, 45

Petersham, 110

Petridge, 110

Peyton, 90, 101

Pharoah, 190

Philibert (F.), 123

Phillimore, 50, 99

Pickett, 101, 192

Picton, 90

Picture, 91

Piddel, 101

Pigot, 192

Pilgrim, 45

Pim, 162

Pindard, 44

Piper, 85

Pippin, 101

Pirner, 45

Pitt, 83

Player, 178, 180

Plowman, 178, 180

Pollard, 46

Poppy, 80

Portisham, 110

Potefer (F.), 190

Potiphar, 190

Pott, 80

Potten, 101

Pottle, 101

Potto, 80

Poy (F.), 194

Poyard (F.), 152

Poyart (F.), 194

Poy� (F.), 194

Poyer (F.), 194

Poynings, 105

Pray, 157

Prendergast, 114, 115

Prendergrass, 114

Prentice, 178, 179

Prentiss, 32, 101, 116

Priest, 178, 179

Prince, 178, 179

Proudfoot, 116

Puck, 80

Puckle, 85

Puddifer, 190

Punt, 101

Purdue, 45

Purgold, 46

Purland, 45

Pye, 193, 194

Pym, 162

Pyman, 193, 194


Quail, 131, 133

Quaint, 131, 133

Quaker, 131

Qualey, 131, 133

Quantock, 131, 133

Quare, 131

Quarman, 131, 132

Quarrier, 131, 132

Quarry, 131

Quart, 134

Quary, 131

Quash, 131

Quear, 131

Queen, 131, 133

Queenan, 131, 133

Queeney, 131, 133

Quenay (F.), 133

Querrey (F.), 131

Query, 131

Quick, 131, 132

Quiddy, 131, 132

Quier, 131, 132

Quig, 131, 132

Quiggle, 131, 132

Quil, 131, 132

Quilke, 131, 133

Quillac (F.), 133

Quill� (F.), 132

Quillinan, 131, 133

Quillman, 131, 133

Quilt, 131, 134

Quilter, 131, 134

Quilty, 131, 134

Quin, 131, 133

Quinan, 131, 133

Quineau (F.), 133

Quiner, 131, 133

Quinier (F.), 133

Quint, 131, 133

Quinty (F.), 133

Quire, 131, 132

Quirini (I.), 147

Quitman, 131, 132

Quittacus, 131, 132

Quy, 131, 132

Quyo (F.), 132


Rabbit, 118

Raddish, 33

Rackham, 60

Radmore, 60

Raimondi (I.), 147

Rain, 176

Rainbird, 60

Rainford, 60

Ralph, 60, 101, 118

Ramsden, 110

Ranacre, 60

Ranger, 60

Rarey, 60

Rathbold, 60

Rathbone, 60

Rather, 60

Ratliffe, 60

Rattham, 60

Rattray, 60

Raven, 85

Raybauld, 60

Raybolt, 60

Rayment, 60, 120

Raymond, 60

Raynbold, 60

Raynham, 60

Read, 83

Reading, 105

Readwin, 60, 101

Reckless, 183

Redband, 60

Reddaway, 60

Reddish, 33

Redgill, 60

Redman, 60, 61

Redmarley, 110

Redmond, 60

Redmore, 60

Redwar, 60

Regal, 85

Reginald, 13

Regnard, 60

Rennie, 86, 176

Renno, 176

Reulver, 110

Reynard, 60

Reyner, 60

Reynolds, 60

Riccard, 61

Rich, 85

Richard, 61

Richarde (F.), 123

Richbell, 61

Richer, 61, 181

Riches, 32

Richey, 85

Richez (F.), 32

Richman, 61

Richmond, 61

Richold, 61

Rickinghall, 110

Rickman, 61

Ridding, 85

Riddle, 86

Riddy, 85

Ridgway, 61

Ridgyard, 61

Ridolphi (I.), 143

Ringer, 61

Ringold, 61, 100

Ringstead, 110

Ripley, 83

Ritta, 85

Robert, 61

Robert (F.), 123

Roberti (I.), 147

Rock, 85

Rodber, 61

Rodbourn, 61

Rodborough, 110

Rodd, 85

Rodgard, 61

Rodger, 61

Rodman, 61, 192

Rodney, 61

Rodrick, 61

Rodyard, 61

Rointru (F.), 186

Roland, 118

Rolandini (I.), 147

Rolfe, 61, 118

Rolland, 61

Rolle, 85

Rollesby, 110

Rolleston, 110

Roman, 61, 118, 192

Roothing, 105

Rosbert, 61

Roskell, 61

Rosnagel (G.), 166

Ross, 85

Rotherham, 61

Rothery, 61

Rowantree, 185, 186

Rubery, 101

Ruck, 85

Rudd, 85

Rudder, 61

Rudding, 85

Rudolfe (F.), 123

Rudwick, 61

Rugg, 85

Rumbold, 62, 101

Rummer, 62

Runwell, 137

Rush, 85

Rutledge, 61


Sacchi (I.), 147

Saint, 191

Sala, 86

Salaman, 178

Sale, 86

Salmon, 62, 175, 178

Sander, 85

Salloway, 62

Sargood, 66

Sarle, 85

Sarratt, 62

Satchell, 83

Scales, 86

Scally, 86

Scamp, 191

Scard, 83

Scarth, 85

Schilling (G.), 29

Scotland, 8

Scott, 6

Scotten, 8

Scotting, 8

Scotto, 8

Seaber, 63

Seaborn, 63

Seabright, 63, 102n

Seabrook, 63

Seabury, 63

Searight, 63

Searle, 85

Seawall, 63

Seaward, 63

Sedgeberrow, 110

Sedgewick, 62

Sefowl, 63

Segar, 62, 102

Seguin, 62

Self, 85

Sellar, 62

Selvey, 86

Sempringham, 88

Serbutt, 62

Sermon, 62

Seward, 63

Seyfried, 62

Seymore, 15, 20, 62, 118

Seymour, 102

Shaft, 101

Shaftesbury, 110

Shafto, 101

Shakestaff, 164

Shark, 175, 177

Sharkey, 175

Shawkey, 101, 170

Sheaf, 86

Shield, 29, 101

Shilling, 29, 215

Shillingsworth, 215

Shinn, 86

Shirley, 86

Sholl, 101

Shovel, 86

Shute, 85, 101

Shuter, 101

Sibbald, 62, 118

Sibbertswold, 110

Sibert, 62, 102, 118

Sick, 86

Sickle, 83

Sickling, 85

Sickman, 62

Side, 183

Sidlesham, 110

Sievewright, 63, 178, 180

Siggs, 86

Sigournay, 115

Siksworth, 110

Simmond, 62

Siney, 86

Sinibaldo (I.), 143

Sismondi (I.), 147

Skeat, 85, 101

Skitt, 85

Smelt, 175, 178

Smirke, 188, 189

Snare, 86

Snell, 102

Snoad, 86, 168

Snodd, 102

Snodgast, 169

Snodgrass, 114n, 168

Snodin, 168

Snodland, 110

Snowden, 168

Somerleyton, 110

Somersham, 110

Sommerlat, 102

Spain, 192, 193

Spark, 186, 187

Speck, 86

Spendlove, 193

Spenlove, 193

Sprack, 186, 187

Spracklin, 186, 187

Sprague, 186, 187

Spratt, 175, 177

Spreckly, 186, 187

Sprigg, 186, 187

Sprott, 177

Sprout, 177

Square, 160

Squarey, 160

Squire, 160

Squirrell, 160, 175

Stadd, 159

Stainburn, 63

Stainer, 63

Starbuck, 120

Starch, 164

Stark, 164

Starkie, 164

Starr, 164

Steamburg, 63

Steed, 159

Stell, 86

Stenning, 86

Stericker, 164

Sternhold, 63, 116

Steyning, 106

Stidolph, 159

Stitt, 159

Stoddart, 159

Stonard, 63

Stone, 86

Stoneheart, 63, 191

Stoner, 63

Stonhold, 63

Stothard, 102

Stott, 102, 159

Stout, 102, 159

Stradivarius (I.), 149

Straight, 163

Strain, 163

Strang, 163

Strangward, 163

Strangwick, 163

Strank, 163

Straw, 163

Stray, 163

Streek, 163

Stretch, 163

Strickett, 163

Stringfellow, 163

Stringle, 163

Strong, 102, 163

Stubbe, 186

Stubbing, 86, 186

Stubbs, 86

Studd, 159

Studeard, 102, 159

Sturge, 164

Sturgeon, 164

Sturgin, 164

Stutter, 159

Sugg, 102

Summer, 102, 182

Sunday, 182

Sundon, 110

Sunman, 102

Surrenden, 110

Swan, 83, 174

Swarling, 106

Swearing, 2, 28, 160, 191

Swears, 102, 160, 191

Swire, 102, 160

Sword, 102

Sycamore, 62, 102, 185, 186

Sycamore (G.), 20


Tackabarry, 47

Tackle, 102

Tadd, 86

Taddy, 86

Tadman, 63, 102

Tadmarton, 110

Talbert, 47

Tall, 86

Tallington, 111

Tallman, 47

Tamworth, 111

Tancred, 63

Tankard, 63

Tankeray, 63

Target, 119

Tarring, 106

Tassell, 151

Tassell (F.), 151

Tassie, 151

Tasso (I.), 151

Tassy (F.), 151

Tattle, 102

Tatwin, 63

Tavistock, 111

Tayburn, 47

Teather, 63

Tedder, 63

Teddington, 111

Telfer, 47

Telling, 28, 86

Terling, 106

Terry, 26, 86

Teuthorn, 64

Thackeray, 63

Theddlethorpe, 111

Theobald, 64

Theodore, 64, 102

Thirkettle, 64

Thom (F.), 196

Thom� (F.), 196

Thorburn, 63

Thorgur, 64

Thorne, 86, 185, 186

Thorning, 86

Thorold, 64, 102

Thoroughgood, 64, 110, 191

Thorowood, 64

Thrale, 169

Thunder, 102

Thundersfield, 111

Thurgar, 102

Thurgarton, 111

Thurgood, 64

Thurkle, 64

Thurmot, 64

Thurstan, 64

Tibaldi (F.), 148

Tichfield, 111

Tickle, 81

Tidball, 64

Tidemore, 64, 98

Tidman, 64

Tidmington, 111

Tidy, 26

Tileman, 140

Tilford, 140

Tilke, 140

Till, 81, 139

Till (G.), 139

Till� (F.), 139

Tillemans (D.), 140

Tiller, 140

Tilley, 26, 139

Tilli (I.), 139

Tillick, 102, 140

Tillier, 140

Tillier (F.), 140

Tilling, 140

Tillingham, 111

Tillman, 140

Tillon (F.), 140

Tillot (F.), 140

Tillott, 140

Tilly, 81

Tilly (F.), 139

Tilman, 102

Tilman (F.), 140

Tilmann (G.), 140

Tilmant (F.), 140

Tilo (G.), 139

Tiptoft, 138

Tisoe, 81

Titford, 102

Tockenham, 111

Tocque, 81

Todd, 25, 81

Toddenham, 111

Toddy, 25

Todrig, 64

Tom, 194, 196

Tomb, 194, 196

Tombe (F.), 196

Tomey, 102, 194, 196

Tomkies, 48

Tomlin, 31, 194, 196

Tommell, 194, 196

Toomey, 194, 196

Tooting, 106

Torr, 86

Tottington, 111

Trail, 215

Train, 215

Tray, 17, 215

Tredington, 111

Tremble, 2, 119, 202

Trist, 102

Troston, 111

Trout, 175, 177, 178

Truefitt, 183, 185

Trumbull, 2, 119

Trumby, 86

Trump, 86

Trumpington, 88

T�bingen (G.), 71

Tuck, 86

Tudor, 64

Tuffnell, 165

Tugman, 48

Tunn, 177

Tunno, 177

Tunny, 175, 177

Tunstone, 111

Turing, 86

Turk, 192, 193

Turkdean, 111

Turpin, 64

Turr, 86

Tuttle, 86

Twickenham, 111, 187

Twigg, 186, 187

Twine, 186, 187

Twining, 186, 187

Twiss, 186, 187


Ubaldo (I.), 141

Ubaldini (I.), 141

Ughelli (I.), 140

Ughetti (I.), 141

Ugo (I.), 140, 143

Ugolino (I.), 141

Upton Snodsbury, 110

Ure, 174

Urlwin, 49


Varnish, 33

Vergoose, 65

Vibert, 67

Vicary, 67

Vickridge, 67

Videau (F.), 148

Videcocq (F.), 34

Viking, 72

Vilcocq (F.), 34

Vinegar, 67

Viteau (F.), 148


Waddicar, 64

Waddy, 87

Wadge, 117

Wadmore, 64

Wager, 65

Wagg, 117

Waghorn, 67, 120

Wagstaff, 164

Wain, 102

Wake, 11

Waker, 87

Waland, 65

Walcher (G.), 181

Walden, 102

Walder, 87

Waldie, 87

Waldman, 64

Waldo, 87

Waldron, 64, 65

Walk, 87

Walker, 87, 178, 181

Walkey, 87

Walking, 28, 87

Wall, 87

Waller, 65

Wallet, 65

Wallfree, 65

Wallower, 65

Wallraven, 65

Walsh, 87

Walter, 64, 87, 103

Wambey, 162

Wampen, 162

Waple, 87

Warbolt, 65

Warborough, 111

Warbrick, 65

Ward, 149

Warden, 28

Warehorne, 106

Waring, 103

Warland, 65

Warlock, 65

Warman, 65

Warmbadt, 122

Warmer, 65

Warne, 87, 152, 181

Warneford, 65

Warner, 65, 149, 178, 180

Warnett, 65

Warraker, 65

Warren, 87, 152, 181

Warrenbury, 65

Warrener, 65, 181

Warringer, 149

Warrior, 65

Washingborough, 111

Washington, 134

Wass, 87

Watchfield, 111

Water, 87

Watkiss, 64

Watlington, 111

Watney, 64

Watt, 87

Waugh, 117

Way, 117

Wedlake, 66

Wedlock, 66

Welcome, 66

Well, 87

Wellwyn, 106

Welp, 131

Weston, 103

Weybret, 65

Wheatbread, 116

Whelp, 131

Wherwell, 137, 140

Whigam, 67, 103

Whipp, 87

Whipple, 103

Whiston, 103

Whit, 87

Whitbread, 66, 116

Whitecar, 66

Whiteheart, 66

Whitelaw, 66

Whitelegg, 66

Whitelock, 103

Whiteman, 66

Whitemore, 66

Whiter, 66

Whiteridge, 66

Whiterod, 66, 120

Whitethread, 66, 100

Whiting, 175, 177

Whitridge, 103

Whittaker, 66

Whittington, 109

Whittock, 100

Wichett, 67

Wicker, 67

Wicking, 87

Wideman, 66

Widow, 103, 148

Wigg, 87, 103

Wigget, 67

Wigman, 67

Wigmore, 67n

Wigram, 67

Wilbourn, 66

Wilbraham, 111

Wilburton, 111

Wilcomb, 66

Wilford, 66

Wilkie, 31, 194, 195

Wilkin, 31, 194, 195

Will, 87, 194, 195

Willament, 66

Willard, 66, 103

Willer, 87, 103

Willeroey, 111

Willett, 66

Willgoss, 66

Williams, 66

Williment, 103

Willing, 28, 87, 194, 195

Willis, 32, 194, 195

Willmore, 66

Willmot, 66

Willock, 31, 34

Willoe, 195

Willof, 194, 195

Willow, 87, 185, 186

Willy, 194, 195

Wilsford, 111

Wimble, 202

Wimbolt, 67

Wincup, 67

Winder, 66

Windle, 87

Windlesham, 109

Windram, 66

Windred, 66

Windsor, 112

Wine, 87

Winegar, 67, 103

Wineman, 67

Winer, 67, 103

Winfarthing, 2, 29

Wingood, 67

Winlock, 67

Winmen, 67

Winn, 87

Winning, 87

Winshill, 111

Winslow, 111

Winston, 67

Winter, 182, 183

Wintle, 87

Wire, 67

Wither, 66

Withered, 66

Witherick, 66

Witheron, 66

Wittering, 66, 106

Wiveliscomb, 111

Woking, 106

Woldswell, 111

Wolf, 87

Wolsey, 68, 103

Wolverley, 112

Woodcock, 34

Woodin (?), 103

Woolbert, 67

Woolcot, 34, 67

Wooley, 67

Woolgar, 67, 103

Woollams, 67

Woollard, 67

Woollat, 67

Woolmer, 68, 103

Woolnoth, 68

Woolrych, 68, 103

Woolston, 68

Worcester, 111

Wordsworth, 116

Worm, 175

Worting, 106

Wren, 87, 175, 176

Wreningham, 111

Wright, 87

Wrigley, 85

Wrotham, 112

Wyard, 67, 103

Wyatt, 67

Wyberg, 67

Wybrow, 67

Wyman, 67

Wymer, 67


Yea, 2, 68n

Yeading, 105

Yealfe, 68

Yeaman, 68

Yems, 83

Yeo, 2, 68n

Yeoman, 68

Yeoward, 68

Yorick, 68





End of Project Gutenberg's Surnames as a Science, by Robert Ferguson


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