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Audiobook: Chinese Mother Goose Rhymes by

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Audiobook: Chinese Mother Goose Rhymes by

The Project Gutenberg EBook of Chinese Mother Goose Rhymes, by Various

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Title: Chinese Mother Goose Rhymes

Author: Various

Translator: Isaac Taylor Headland

Release Date: August 13, 2012 [EBook #40425]

Language: English

Character set encoding: ASCII


Produced by David Edwards, Matthew Wheaton and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdp.net (This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet Archive)


[Illustration: LITTLE ORIENTALS]



Fleming H. Revell Company NEW YORK CHICAGO TORONTO


By Fleming H. Revell Company


There are probably more nursery rhymes in China than can be found in England and America. We have in our possession more than six hundred, collected, for the most part, in two out of the eighteen provinces, and we have no reason to believe that we have succeeded in getting any large proportion of what those two provinces contain.

In most of the rhymes there are features common to those of our own "Mother Goose," among which are those referring (1) to insects, (2) animals, (3) birds, (4) persons, (5) children, (6) food, (7) parts of the body, (8) actions, such as patting, grabbing, tickling, etc., (9) professions, trades and business.

We have tried to reproduce the meaning of the original as nearly as possible; this has not always been an easy task. Let it be understood that these rhymes make no pretentions to literary merit, nor has the translator made any attempt at regularity in the meter, because neither the original nor our own "Mother Goose" is regular. Our desire has been to make a translation which is fairly true to the original, and which will please English-speaking children. The child, not the critic, has always been kept in view.

Attention is called to the affection manifested in such rhymes as "Sweeter than Sugar," "Sweet Pill," "Little Fat Boy," and "Baby is Sleeping." There is no language in the world, we venture to believe, which contains children's songs expressive of more keen and tender affection than those we have mentioned. This fact, more than any other, has stimulated us in the preparation of these rhymes. They have been prepared with the hope that they will present a new phase of Chinese home life, and lead the children of the West to have some measure of sympathy and affection for the children of the East.

The compilation was much facilitated by the work done by Baron Vitali, of the Italian Legation in Peking; Rev. Arthur H. Smith, author of "Chinese Characteristics;" Miss Mabel Whiting, of Peking; Miss Mitchell, of Chinkiang; Mrs. McClure, of Honan; Miss Chalfant, of Shantung; Mr. Chao Tsz-chi, Chinese Consul at New York; Mr. Yamamoto, of Peking, and Rev. Chauncy Goodrich, of T'ung Chou, while the entire work is due to the fact that our attention was called by Mrs. C. H. Fenn, of Peking, to her old nurse repeating these rhymes to her little boy.

The illustrations have all been prepared by the translator specially for this work. I. T. H.



My little baby, little boy blue, Is as sweet as sugar and cinnamon too; Isn't this precious darling of ours Sweeter than dates and cinnamon flowers?


The small-footed girl With the sweet little smile, She loves to eat sugar And sweets all the while. Her money's all gone And because she can't buy, She holds her small feet While she sits down to cry.


On the top of a mountain A hemp stock was growing, And up it a cricket was climbing. I said to him, "Cricket, Oh where are you going?" He answered: "I'm going out dining."


Away goes the butterfly, To catch it I will never try; The butterfly's about to 'light, I would not have it if I might.


We keep a dog to watch the house, A pig is useful, too; We keep a cat to catch a mouse, But what can we do With a girl like you?


Fire-fly, fire-fly, Come from the hill, Your father and mother Are waiting here still; They've brought you some sugar, Some candy and meat, Come quick, or I'll give it To baby to eat.


Little baby, full of glee, Won't you come and play with me? Strike the stick and kick the ball, And at the pic-nic place we'll call. And you shall come and eat with me, And you shall come and drink my tea. When I invite you thus to play, How is it that you run away?


"There's a cow on the mountain." The old saying goes, On her legs are four feet; On her feet are eight toes; Her tail is behind On the end of her back, And her head is in front On the end of her neck.


Grandpa holds the baby, He's sitting on his knee Eating mutton dumplings With vinegar and tea. Then grandpa says to baby, "When you have had enough, You'll be a saucy baby And treat your grandpa rough."


My big son, My own boy, Baby is a sweet pill That fills my soul with joy.


Bat, bat, with your flowered shoes, Come to us here in the room, This little girl will be the bride, And I will be the groom.


You dear little baby, Don't you cry; Your father's drawing water In the south, near by, A red tasseled hat He wears on his head; Your mother's in the kitchen Making up bread. Walk a step, walk a step, Off he goes, See from his shoe-tips Peep three toes.


I want some thread, Both green and red; I want a needle long; I want some strands For ankle bands, To give to Mrs. Wang.


The tree leaves are murmuring hua-la-la, Baby's very sleepy and wants his mama; Go to sleep, my baby, and then go to bed, And any bogie-boo that comes, I'll knock him on the head.


Oh dear! oh dear! just see how far His head is from his feet! So far indeed he has to bend When e'er he wants to eat.

And when he wants to fight a man He lifts him up anon, And when he wants to wash his face He pours the water on.


My baby is sleeping, My baby's asleep, My flower is resting, I'll give you a peep; How cunning he looks As he rests on my arm! My flower's most charming Of all them that charm.


What a bonnie little fellow is this fat boy of mine! He makes people die of joy! What a fine little fellow is this fat boy of mine! Now whose is this loving little boy?

Do you want to buy a beauty? Do you want to buy a beauty? If you buy him he will watch your house, And do it as his duty.

And no matter as to servants, You may have them or may not, But you'll never need to lock your door Or give your house a thought.


The drum on the ground is so round, so round, My mother just whipped me so sound, so sound, And I, oh dear, am as floating grass here, But I'll only remain a year, a year.

A husband I'd love and serve so true, I'd worship his gods, that's what I'd do, And I'd call his mother my mother, too! You naughty girl, what's that you'd do?

I was saying the beans are boiling nice, And its just about time to add the rice.


When e're the Milky Way you spy Diagonal across the sky, The egg-plant you may safely eat, And all your friends to melons treat. But when divided toward the west, You'll need your trousers and your vest; When like a horn you see it float, You'll need your trousers and your coat.


The heaven is bright, The earth is bright, I have a baby who cries all night; Let those who pass read what I write, And they'll sleep all night, Till broad daylight.


A wee little boy Has opened a store, In two equal parts Are his front door, A wee little table, A wee little chair, And ebony chop-sticks And plate are there.


Lady-bug, lady-bug, Fly away, do, Fly to the mountain, And feed upon dew, Feed upon dew And sleep on a rug, And then run away Like a good little bug.


Little baby, go to bed, We'll put a hoop around your head, And with the oil we get thereby, Our little bean-cake we will fry.

And when we've fried our bean-cake brown, We'll see the king go into town, An iron cap upon his head; Now-you-must-surely-go-to-bed.


A nervous disposition He had when he was born, To hurry to a fair one day, He rose at early morn; Put on his wife's green trousers And started to the sale, A riding on a donkey-- His face turned toward its tail.


Little snail, little snail, With your hard, stony bed, First stick out your horns, Then stick out your head.

Your father and mother Have brought you some food, Fried liver and mutton, Now isn't that good?

And now, little snail, Just as sure as I say You must eat it at once, Or I'll take it away.

Oh where is the little snail gone, I pray tell? He has drawn himself up, head and horns, in his shell.


My brother waterman, Listen, I request, On the south river bank You sit and rest. When the day is bright, You carry all you can; And when the day is dark, You're a lazy old man.


It jumped the chequered wall, The bleating little lamb, And snatched a bunch of grass To feed its hungry dam.


Old Mr. Chang, I've oft heard it said, You wear a basket upon your head; You've two pairs of scissors to cut your meat, And two pairs of chopsticks with which you eat.


He climbed up the candlestick, The little mousey brown, To steal and eat tallow, And he couldn't get down. He called for his grandma, But his grandma was in town, So he doubled up into a wheel And rolled himself down.


Coming from the fair! Coming from the fair! We bought a little bottle For our baby over there;

Alas! for we broke it, And we tried to buy another, But the shops were all closed, So we hurried home to mother.


A sad old cow to herself once said, While the north wind whistled through her shed: "To head a drum they will take my skin, And they'll file my bones for a big hair-pin, The scraps of bone they will make into dice, And sell them off at a very low price; My sinews they'll make into whips, I wot, And my flesh they'll put in a big soup pot."


An old black crow sat on a tree, And there he sat and said to me: "Ho, Mr. Wang, there's a sheep on the hill, Which I wish very much you would catch and kill; You may eat meat three times a day, And I'll eat the parts that you throw away."


Pull up your black beans, Pull up your brown, Then light your lamp When the sun goes down.


If you wear your hat on the side of your head, You'll have a lazy wife 'tis said, If a slouchy coat and slipshod feet, You'll have a wife who loves to eat.


One grab silver, Two grabs gold, Three, don't laugh And you'll grow old.


The dragon pagoda, It touches the sky, The dragon pagoda, Thirteen stories high.


Like a little withered flower, That is dying in the earth, I am left alone at seven, By her who gave me birth.

With my papa I was happy, But I feared he'd take another, And now my papa's married, And I have a little brother.

And he eats good food, While I eat poor, And cry for my mother, Whom I'll see no more.


Just outside my door, I heard someone say, A man bit a dog in a dangerous way; Such a message I n'er for a moment could stand, So I took up the door and I opened my hand, I snatched up the dog I should say double-quick And threw him with all of my force at a brick; The brick--I'm afraid you will not understand-- I found in a moment had bitten my hand; I mounted a chair, on a horse I was borne, I blew on a drum, and I beat on a horn.


There was a little girl and she dreamed, folks say, That her future mother-in-law came one day, And gold and plated presents brought, And a flowered gown and embroidered coat.


Pat a cake, pat a cake, Little girl fair, There's a priest in the temple Without any hair.

You take a tile, And I'll take a brick, And we'll hit the priest In the back of the neck.


The wily Emperor, Ch'in Shih Huang, He built a wall both great and strong; The steps were narrow, but the wall was stout, So it kept the troublesome Tartars out.


Hard worm beans Without any bother, A wife he has married And doesn't want his mother. He must leave his mother, Or quarrel with his wife, And thus they are separated All their life.


He ate too much, That second brother, And when he had eaten He beat his mother.


He pulled up the wick With the candlestick knife, And found he had married A bald-headed wife.

Her eyes were askew, And her mouth was awry, And the silly old fellow Was so mad he could cry.


A newly made kettle is bright, A newly bought pig is a bother, A new married wife will not eat, But cries and thinks of her mother.


There was a little fellow, Who was mischievous, they say, They sent him to the melon-patch To watch it all the day. They told him he must stay there Till the melons all were white, And not come home to mama, Not even in the night.


Look at the white-breasted crows overhead! My father shot once, and ten crows tumbled dead. When boiled or when fried, they taste very good, But skin them, I tell you, there's no better food.


The thieving old magpie has taken our food, The chicken eats millet as if it were good, The faithful old watch-dog looks after the house, And the cat has come over to catch us a mouse.


As the sun came up, a ball of red, My teacher rode on his horse ahead, While I followed close on my dragon steed, He by the street and I by the mead.


Bump, bump go away, Do not let our mama see; If she sees you on baby's head, She'll give no money for nurse's bread.


A plum blossom foot, And a pudding face sweet, He's taller when he's sitting Than when standing on his feet.


My pretty little son, I love him best of all, Three years I have not seen him, And he's grown so very tall. My horse he can ride, My knife he can take, Can shoulder up my kneading board And help me sell my cake.


The tail of one magpie's as long as another, He married a wife and he gave up his mother, When asked by his mother to buy her some cake, He wanted to know how much money 'twould take; When his wife wanted pears he saddled his beast, And started to market to buy her a feast; He took off the peeling with very great airs, And asked her politely to have a few pears.


The magpie sells his bean-curd dear. If you owe me, Then you I would see On just five days from the end of the year.


This mischievous boy Is jumping around, On his head is a candlestick Weighing a pound; He is able to play All the nine kinds of tricks, From the bell and the foot-ball To wood-ball and sticks.


Someone is knocking loud at the door, The dog is making a great uproar; Now I inquire, who can it be? 'Tis only a donkey-man I see, Calling out at the top of his voice: Here's the place to get your rice, Coarse rice or fine, Just to your mind, Rice in the husk, Or cleaned by the wind.


I went ten steps outside the gate, Which brought me to the ditches, And there I found some chicken skin, To mend my leather breeches; If there had been no chicken skin, I could not mend my trousers thin.


We push the mill, The flour we make, And then for grandma A cake we'll bake.


In Spring, plant the turnip, In summer, the beet, When harvest is over, We sow the buckwheat.


We pull the big saw, We push the big saw, To saw up the wood, To build us a house, In order that baby May have a good spouse.


A purse, a purse, for better or worse, Indeed, would you know it, I've married a purse. My wife's little daughter once fell very ill, And we called for a doctor to give her a pill; He wrote a prescription which now we will give her, In which he has ordered a mosquito's liver, And then in addition the heart of a flea, And half pound of fly wings to make her some tea.


There was a little girl, Who would run upon the street, She took rice and changed it For good things to eat.

Her mother lost control of her Until she bound her feet, But now she's just as good a girl As you will ever meet.


The big fat merchant, He opened up a stall, But had to sell his trousers To get the capital.


There were two little sisters went walking one day, Partly for exercise--partly for play, Their kites they took with them they wanted to fly, Were a big centipede and a big butterfly; In a very few moments they floated up high, Like a dragon that seemed to be touching the sky.


It has both nose and eyes, But it has not breathed since birth, It cannot go to heaven, And it will not stay on earth.


Yellow dog, yellow dog, You stay and watch, While I gather roses In the south rose-patch.


The day has come, I hear the cock; Get up and dress, 'Tis six o'clock.


On the top of the mount, By the road, on a stone-- Or a big pile of bricks-- Sat a bald-headed crone.

On her head were three hairs, Which you'll reckon were thin, In which she was trying To wear a jade pin.

She put it in once, But once it fell out; She put it in twice, But twice it fell out.

But the old woman said, "I know what I'm about, I'll not put it in And it cannot fall out."


While out selling clothes, As our uncle must do, He married a wife Who is aunt to us two.

She loves to eat cake, As you'll readily see, For she's left but a half one For brother and me.


Do not fear, do not fear, We'll put the pants on mama's dear, Do not cry, do not cry, We'll put the coat on mama's boy.

Round bean cakes with red spots bright, The blind who eat them receive their sight; They cure the deaf and heal the lame, And preserve the teeth of the aged dame.

The bald who eat them grow a cue, And the priest can read his bible through, They help the Taoist a seat to take.

Their virtues are many--buy my cake. The man who eats fears not his wife, And the woman works better all her life.


Oh, my dear brother spider, With your stomach big and red, From the eaves you are hanging On a single little thread.


The small pug dog, It jumped over there; It has no tail, And it has no hair.

It never will bark, If a stranger come, But runs here and there Like a dog that is dumb.


The little boy, He bought some oil, But fell and spilled it On the soil.

His mother said: You careless lad, I'll box your ears, Because you're bad.


A big, dead snake is lying there, It has no ears and it has no hair; I breathe on it some magic air, And it lives and is running everywhere.


Up you go, Down you see, Granny's come To pour the tea; The tea is sweet, The wine is too; There are eighteen camels With clothes for you, The clothes are heavy, And the dragon-fly Has spurted water On your ankle-tie. Sister, sister, Stop your fuss, To-morrow the cart Will come for us; What cart, you ask, The cart, of course, With large, red wheels, And a big, white horse; And in it a beautiful girl, I note, With a squirrel cloak and an otter coat, Her betel-nut bag is a needle-worked charm, And the stem of her pipe is as long as your arm.


My little golden sister Rides a golden horse slow, And we'll use a golden whip If the horse doesn't go.

A little gold fish In a gold bowl, we see, And a gold colored bird On a gold blossomed tree.

A gold plated god In a gold temple stands, With a gold plated baby In her gold plated hands.

A cock's comb flower he wears on his head. For his clothes he needs neither thimble nor thread; Though you be a great man, I'd have you know, Ten thousand doors would open if he should crow.

The moon shines bright, The moon shines fair, The girl wants wedding gifts to wear in her hair; A few blocks of powder, Some incense tips, And two hundred rouge-pads to paint cheeks and lips.


Pound, pound, Pound the rice, The pestle goes up and down so nice, Open the pot, The fire is hot, And if you don't eat I'll feed you rice.


Mrs. Chang, Mrs. Lee, Mama has a small baby; Stands up firm, Sits up straight, Won't eat milk, But lives on cake.


Good bean sprouts, The water dropping out; Where's the wife that dares to drive her husband's father out? He'd take up a stick, And hit her a lick, And she could only shake her sleeve and run off quick.


The little girl Sits on the stool, And sews the shoe And beats the sole.


The wolf has come, The tiger has come, The old priest follows, Beating a drum.


He stitches the heel, And he stitches the sole, Two measures of millet he gets for the whole; They steam it, or fry it, When hungry they feel, And he eats with his mother a very good meal.


All come and see! All come and see! A black hen laid a white egg for me! Oh, look there! Oh, look there! A great, big rat all covered with hair!


In the first month, when it is night, If you are wise, your lamp you'll light; And when the second month you meet, If you are hungry you should eat; And in the third month most of all, To build a house you must lay a wall.


My nephew is a naughty boy, He comes here every day, He eats until he's very full, And then he runs away.


A red pepper flower, Ling, ling, ling, Mama will listen And baby will sing.


A mule going up hill, A donkey on the street, Or a horse coming down hill You never ought to beat.


A wee little flower-pot, very deep green, With just the sweetest flowers that ever were seen; Mother with her babies playing very funny, Father doing business, making lots of money, Grandpa very old, but never going to die, Grandma just as bright as a star in the sky.


A gilt-wood mace, And silvered things, My grandfather plays, And grandmother sings; My grandmother sings till broad daylight, And a baby comes to our home at night; They place the child by the pot on the ground, And it eats rice soup with a sucking sound.


The rain has come And has overflowed, The dew and the frost Are on the road.

The last of the grass Has drooped its head, The cicada is on it, Frozen dead.


My dear little brother, Is fat and is round, A bracelet he wears on his arm, A red chest protector, A green pair of pants, Keep him neither too cool nor too warm.

A small tuft of hair On the side of his head, In his cheeks dainty dimples that suit; When he toddles he trembles, To sister he says: "Tum an' buy itty bothy some f'uit."


There was an old woman, As I have heard tell, She went to sell pie, But her pie would not sell.

She hurried back home, But her door-step was high, And she stumbled and fell And a dog ate her pie.


Froggie, old froggie, Come over to me; You'll never go back To your home in the sea.

You're an idle old croker As ever I saw, And if not calling papa, You're calling mama.


The lazy woman She sweeps the floor, And leaves the dirt Inside the door.

She cooks her rice In a dirty pot, And sleeps at night On an old straw cot.


The tidy woman Is always clean, No dirt in her home Is ever seen.

Her food is fit For a king to eat, And her hair and clothes Are always neat.


One, two, three, and an old cow's eye, When a cow's eye's blind she'll surely die; A piece of skin and a melon, too, If you have money I'll sell to you; But if you're without, I'll put you out.


You strike three times on the top, you see, And strike three times on the bottom for me, Then top and bottom you strike very fast, And open a door in the middle at last.


Three horses are drinking, Three horses are feeding, The two men are fighting, The old woman pleading, The baby is crying, But no one is heeding.


Knock at the door, See a face, Smell an odor, Hear a voice, Eat your dinner, Pull your chin, or Ke chih, ke chih.


Flowers for sale, Flowers for sale, Come, buy my flowers, Before they get stale.


You first cross over and then cross back, And step in the well as you cross the track, And then there is something else you do, Oh, yes, you make a flower-pot too.


I water the flowers, I water the flowers, I water them morning and evening hours, I never wait till the flowers are dry, I water them e'er the sun is high; A basin of water, a basin of tea, I water the flowers, they're op'ning, you see; A basin of water, another beside, I water the flowers, they're opening wide.


There once was a bald-head, his name it was Lee, No one ever burned so much incense as he; Now, people burn incense to get them an heir, But baldy burned incense to get him some hair.

When he found in three days all his hair had returned, He the god gave a coat and more incense he burned; When he found in three days all his hair had dropped out, He upset the god and he kicked him about.

Then the god became angry and took up a sword, And made into dippers that bald-headed gourd.


When the leaves are green, And full of life, The king will want you For his wife.

When the leaves are yellow From time and tide, The king will want you For his bride.


If you steal a needle, Or steal a thread, A pimple will grow Upon your head; If you steal a dog Or steal a cat, A pimple will grow Beneath your hat.


All over the ground the old black woman rolled, And for not buying powder her husband did scold; He bought her some powder, which she would not use, And for not buying hemp him she'd soundly abuse; He bought her some hemp, but she only got worse, And scolded because he had not bought a horse; He bought her a horse but she never would feed it, And scolded because 'twas a clothes-press she needed; He bought her a clothes-press, but nothing she packed, And scolded because twas a rope that she lacked; He bought her a rope and she hung herself dead, And frightened her husband near out of his head.


A scarred-eyed man, He went to the fair, He picked up a turnip And thought it was a pear; He took a big bite, But found it was bitter, And, oh, what a pity, He threw it in the gutter.


Old Mr. blind man, come here quick, I see you carry a feeling-stick; To the river side you take your way, And feed the froggies every day; A frog, one day, stuck out his head, And bit your toe, I've heard it said.


A small boy came from the south of the farm, With a bamboo basket upon his arm, With mutton bones was the basket filled, From a sheep which his folks that day had killed.

A monkey came from a pile of stones To steal that boy's fresh mutton bones, But a big, spotted dog followed close at his heels, To bite a bad monkey whenever he steals.

A half of a brick lay there on the road, It upset the boy and he spilt out his load, The dog bit the monkey, the monkey ran away, The boy broke his basket and cried all day.

We pull the big saw, And we push it out straight, There's a Punch and a Judy At grandmother's gate, Our sisters and brothers Invite to the show, And all of us, even The baby, shall go.


Thistle-seed, thistle-seed, Fly away, fly, The hair on your body Will take you up high; Let the wind whirl you Around and around, You'll not hurt yourself When you fall to the ground.


While raking the hay on the mountain, A student came riding along, He was riding a dapple-gray pony, And singing a scrap of a song.

To the home of his bride he was going, But her father and mother were out, And he saw, as he pushed the door open, The girl he was thinking about.

Her cheeks were as pink as a rose-bud, Her teeth were as white as a pearl, Her lips were as red as a cherry, Most truly a beautiful girl.


A great big brother, And a little brother, so, A big bell tower, And a temple and a show, And little baby wee wee, Always wants to go.

This one's old, This one's young, This one has no meat, This one's gone To buy some hay, And this one's on the street.


Old Mother Wind Come this way, And make our baby Cool to-day.


Wash your face, you little tease, And you'll be free from all disease; Wash your head, your face, and throat, And you shall have a red silk coat.


A bald-head is sick, And the second's afraid, The third calls a doctor, The fourth gives him aid.

By the fifth he is borne, By the sixth he is buried, The seventh comes crying Because he is worried.

When asked by an eighth, Why it was that he cried, He said, "In my home, A dear bald-head has died."

"Come, bury him quickly, I fear a great hoard Of the seeds of his spirit Will spring from his gourd."


The big dog's gone to the city, The little dog's run away, The egg has fallen and broken, And the oil leaked out, they say, But you be a roller, And hull with power, And I'll be a mill-stone And grind the flour.


Pat, pat, A swallow's nest we'll make, And if we pat some money out We'll buy ourselves a cake.


The locust trees, See how they grow! Here in their shade We will have a show.

Other people's children All have come, But my little girl Is still at home.

Just as I speak, She is coming along, Riding a donkey And singing a song.

Her parasol open She holds in her hand, Her hair is done up In a neat little band.


Beat the drum, beat the drum, We're coming in a chair, Who will clear the way For the girl that's coming here? Beat the drum, beat the drum, See, the chair is coming, Ho'rh ho! clear the way! Don't you hear the drumming?


On the top of a mountain There stands a pig-stye And the fighting of parents Has made the child cry.

Baby, baby, Don't you cry, Wait, and I'll whip The old man by-and-by.


If you chance to be crossing The camel-back bridge, Each step leads you up Till you come to the ridge.

The lantern-grass floats On the pond like a sail, The silver-fish bites At the gold-fish's tail.

The big-bellied frog Sitting there on the rock, Keeps constantly calling Wa'rh wa, wa'rh wa.


Little eyes see pretty things, Little nose smells what is sweet, Little ears hear pleasant sounds, Mouth likes luscious things to eat.


We turn the cake, The cake we bake, We put in oil, or pork, or steak And when 'tis done, We'll have some fun, And give a piece to every one.


A big cow's horn We will blow, blow, blow, To our sister's wedding feast We will go, go, go.

Who will drive the cart? My big brother; Who will eat the feast? A sister of my mother.

Who will pack her trunk? My sister, whom you saw; Who will light the fire? Her own mother-in-law.


Roast, roast, Roast pig meat, The second pot smells bad, The big pot is sweet; Come, Mrs. Wang, please, And eat pig meat.


Up you go, down you see, Here's a turnip for you and me, Here's a pitcher, we'll go to town, Oh, what a pity we've fallen down; What do you see in the heavens bright? I see the moon and the stars at night; What do you see in the earth, pray tell? I see in the earth a deep, deep well; What do you see in the well, my dear? I see a frog, and his voice I hear; What is he saying there on the rock? Get up, get up; ke'rh kua, ke'rh kua.


Oh the pumpkin red, oh the gourd decayed, I am my father's mischievous maid; I am my brother's dear little sister; I am my sister-in-law's fly-blister. Father, when I marry, what will you give? A box and a ward-robe you shall receive.

Mother, when I marry, what will you bring? A little work-basket full of everything. Brother, when I marry, what will come from you? A fancy cloth towel; think that will do? My happiness, sister, you will not mar? I'll give a broken bottle and a little smashed jar, And send you, you nuisance, away very far.


Oh, here we all go to buy us a lock, What kind of a lock shall it be? We'll buy one of silver or buy one of gold, But what shall we use as a key? We'll use a broom handle; if that will not do, With a poker we'll try it alone; But if neither the broom nor the poker will do, We will open it then with a stone.


He stuck a feather in his hat, And hurried to the town, And children met him with a horse, For the gates were broken down.


On a very high mountain A family dwell, Of ten of their rooms, Nine of them fell.

The old man comes out With a great deal of trouble; His wife hobbles after, Her body bent double.

Their three-legged dog Is as thin as a rail, And their rat-fearing cat Is minus a tail.


You'll find whene'er the new year come, The kitchen god will want a plum; The girls will want some flowers new, The boys will want some crackers, too; A new felt cap will please papa, And sugar-cake will please mama.


My boat is turned up at both ends, All storms it encounters it weathers On its body you'll find not a board, But covered all over with feathers.

We daily re-load it with rice, 'Tis admired by all whom we meet, You will find not a crack in my boat, But you'll find underneath it two feet: A duck.


Knocking, knocking, who's at the door? Old Granny Chang, and nothing more.

Why don't you enter, granny, dear? The dog will bite me, child, I fear.

What are you shaking there at your feet? A string of garlic, good to eat.

What are you carrying under your arm? An old fur cloak to keep me warm.

Why don't you put the cloak on, granny? Fear the insects will bite me, sonny.

Why don't your husband kill such a pest? My husband's gone to the land of rest.

Where is the old man's burial spot? There, in the fire-place, under the pot.

Why don't you cry for your husband true? Old pot! old pan!! old man!!! boo-hoo!!!!


A peacock feather On a plum-tree limb, You catch me, And I'll catch him.


This little cow eats grass, This little cow eats hay, This little cow drinks water, This little cow runs away, This little cow does nothing, But just lie down all day; We'll whip her.


Printed in the United States of America

Transcriber's Note:

Special formatting to match illustrated pages removed.

End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of Chinese Mother Goose Rhymes, by Various


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