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Audiobook: English-French and French-English dictionary of the motor car, cycle, and boat by Lucas, Frederick

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Audiobook: English-French and French-English dictionary of the motor car, cycle, and boat by Lucas, Frederick

The Project Gutenberg EBook of English-French and French-English dictionary of the motor car, cycle, and boat, by Frederick Lucas

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Title: English-French and French-English dictionary of the motor car, cycle, and boat

Author: Frederick Lucas

Release Date: October 29, 2012 [EBook #41217]

Language: English

Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1


Produced by Marcia Brooks, Bibimbop, Hugo Voisard and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdp.net (This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet Archive)

Transcriber's Note: Bold text is denoted by =equal signs=. A more detailed note is located at the end of this book.

Note de transcription: Le texte en gras est entour� par =le signe �gal=. Une note plus d�taill�e se trouve � la fin du volume.









[Illustration: Printer's logo]





The object of this work is to assist those interested in the motor industry and pastime to read the foreign technical literature devoted to the subject. I have translated into the respective languages the technical terms used in the various journals and the catalogues of the leading English and French makers. The work embodies all the component parts of the vehicles and machinery at present on the market, and should therefore be of service to the user, the manufacturer, and the patent agent.

The technical terms which are peculiar to cycles are printed in italics.









Accelerator Acc�l�rateur.

Accelerator control gear Mouvement de commande d'acc�l�rateur.

Accelerator pedal P�dale d'acc�l�rateur.

Accelerator rod Tige d'acc�l�rateur.

Accelerator rod spring Ressort de tige d'acc�l�rateur.

Accelerator rod washer Rondelle de tige d'acc�l�rateur.

Accelerator sector, or quadrant Secteur d'acc�l�rateur.

Accelerator shaft Arbre d'acc�l�rateur.

Accessories Accessoires.

Accident Accident.

Accumulator Accumulateur.

Accumulator cap Bouchon d'accumulateur.

Acetylene gas Gaz ac�tyl�ne.

Acetylene lamp Lanterne � ac�tyl�ne.

Acetylite Ac�tylite.

Active material Mati�re active.

Adhesion Adh�sion.

Adjust the ball-bearings, to Ajuster les roulements � billes.

Adjustable bearings Coussinets ajustables.

Adjustable cone bearings Coussinets � c�nes r�glables.

Adjustable cup bearings Coussinets � cuvettes r�glables.

Adjustable seat Si�ge ajustable.

Adjusting cone C�ne de r�glage.

Adjusting nut Ecrou de r�glage.

Adjustment R�glage.

Advance, sparking Avance � l'allumage.

Air chamber Chambre � air.

Air chimney Tube de prise d'air; chemin�e d'aspiration.

Air inlet pipe Tube de prise d'air.

Air lever Manette d'admission d'air.

Air nozzle for carburetter Tuy�re de carburateur.

Air piston Piston � air.

Air port Prise d'air.

Air pump Pompe � air.

Air tight Etanche � l'air.

Air tube Chambre � air.

Air valve Soupape � air.

Alcohol Alcool.

Alight, to Descendre.

Aluminium Aluminium.

Amateur Amateur.

Ammeter Amp�rem�tre.

Amperage Amp�rage.

Ampere Amp�re.

Angle bar Corni�re.

Angle plate Equerre.

Anneal, to Recuire.

Apply the brake, to Freiner; serrer le frein.

Apron Tablier.

Arbor shaft Cardan.

Arbor shaft system of Transmission � Cardan. transmission.

Arm sling Brassi�re.

Armature Induit.

Artillery wheel Roue d'artillerie.

Ascent, steep Mont�e rapide.

Asbestos Amiante.

Asbestos cloth Toile d'amiante.

Asbestos cord Corde d'amiante.

Asbestos millboard Carton d'amiante.

Asbestos paper Papier d'amiante.

Asbestos washer Rondelle d'amiante.

Ash Fr�ne.

Automatic Automatique.

Axle Essieu; axe.

Axle arm Fus�e d'essieu.

Axle box Bo�te � graisse.

Axle seat Port�e de calage.


Back balance, crank Contrepoids de vilebrequin.

Backbone Corps.

Back fire Allumage pr�matur�; choc en arri�re.

Back fork Fourche arri�re.

Back fork stays Tirants de la fourche arri�re.

Back forks, end of Pattes arri�re.

Back hub Moyeu arri�re.

Back hub adjusting cone C�ne de r�glage du moyeu arri�re.

Back hub chain ring Pignon de roue arri�re.

Back hub fixed cone C�ne fixe du moyeu arri�re.

Back kick Choc en arri�re.

Back mudguard Garde-boue arri�re.

Back mudguard stays Tirants du garde-boue arri�re.

Back pedal, to Contre-p�daler.

Back-pedalling brake Frein � contre-p�dalage.

Back pressure Contre-pression.

Back rim Jante de la roue arri�re.

Back stay Tube montant arri�re.

Back step Marchepied d'arri�re.

Back tyre { Bandage de la roue arri�re. { Pneumatique de la roue arri�re.

Back wheel Roue arri�re.

Back wheel spindle nuts Ecrous de moyeu arri�re.

Back wing Aile d'arri�re.

Badge Insigne.

Baffle plate Contre-plaque.

Baffles, arranged as En chicanes.

Bag Sac.

Balance gear Mouvement diff�rentiel.

Balance weight Contre-poids.

Ball Bille.

Ball bearing axle Essieu � billes.

Ball bearing axle arm nut Ecrou d'essieu � billes.

Ball bearing axle washer Rondelle d'essieu � billes.

Ball bearing thrust But�e � billes.

Ball bearings Coussinets � billes.

Ball for axle arm Bille pour fus�e d'essieu.

Ball for carburetter Bille pour carburateur.

Ball for oil pump Bille pour pompe � huile.

Ball, governor Boule de r�gulateur.

Ball head T�te � billes.

Ball joint Joint � rotule.

Ball lever Levier � boule.

Ball race Rang�e de billes.

Ball race cup Cuvette � billes.

Ball race of back axle Cuvette arri�re d'essieu � billes.

Ball race of front axle Cuvette avant d'essieu � billes.

Ball valve Soupape � bille.

Band Collier; bande.

Band brake Frein � bande; frein � collier; frein � enroulement.

Bank up the corners of the track, Relever les virages de la piste. to

Bar of iron Barre de fer.

Base Socle; base.

Battery Batterie.

Beaded edge of tyre cover Talon; bourrelet.

Beam Traverse; poutrelle.

Beam (breadth of boat) Largeur au ma�tre-bau.

Bearing Coussinet.

Bearing block Palier.

Bearing keep Chapeau de palier.

Bearing spring Ressort de suspension.

Beech H�tre.

Bell Timbre; grelot; sonnette; clochette.

Bell crank Manivelle � cloche.

Bell, dome of Calotte de timbre.

Belt Courroie.

Belt butt Crupon pour courroie.

Belt, cemented Courroie coll�e.

Belt, edged Courroie � talon.

Belt fastener Agrafe de courroie.

Belt, flat Courroie plate.

Belt grease Enduit pour courroies.

Belt lace Lacet; lani�re.

Belt, round Courroie ronde.

Belt, sewn Courroie cousue.

Belt, slack Courroie l�che.

Belt, slipping of Glissement de la courroie.

Belt, stretching of Allongement de la courroie.

Belt, tight Courroie tendue.

Belt tightener Tendeur pour courroie.

Belt, to lengthen the Allonger la courroie.

Belt, to shorten the Raccourcir la courroie.

Belt, to throw off the D�brayer la courroie.

Belt, to tighten the Tendre la courroie.

Belt, to untwist the D�tordre la courroie.

Belt, twist Courroie torse.

Belt, twisted Courroie tordue.

Belt, V Courroie en V.

Bending strain Effort de flexion.

Bent handle bar Guidon cintr�.

Bevel gear Engrenage conique.

Bevel pinion Pignon d'angle.

Bevel wheel Roue d'angle.

Bevelled Biseaut�.

Bicycle Bicyclette.

Bicyclist Bicycliste.

Billing spanner Clef am�ricaine � molette "Billing."

Bike B�cane.

Birchwood Bouleau.

Blacklead Mine de plomb.

Blacksmith Forgeron.

Blade (coil) Lame de bobine.

Blades, fork Fourreaux de fourche.

Bleriot lamp Phare Bl�riot.

Blind flange Bride borgne.

Blind nut Ecrou borgne.

Block Bloc; cale; sabot.

Block chain Cha�ne � blocs.

Blowpipe Chalumeau.

Blow through tap Robinet de purge.

Body Caisse.

Body spring Ressort d'essieu.

Boil (on cover) Hernie; ger�ure.

Boiler Chaudi�re.

Boiler, flash G�n�rateur � vaporisation instantan�e.

Bolt Boulon.

Bolt (of door) Verrou.

Bolt and nut Boulon et �crou.

Bonnet Entourage; capot couvre-moteur.

Bonnet door Porte d'entourage.

Bore Al�sage.

Boss Moyeu.

Bottom bracket P�dalier.

Bottom head cone C�ne du raccord inf�rieur avant.

Bottom head cup Raccord inf�rieur avant.

Bottom stay Tube de la fourche arri�re.

Bottom tube Tube inf�rieur.

Bowden wire C�ble flexible Bowden.

Box Bo�te.

Box spanner Clef � douille.

Box-wood Buis.

Bracket, lamp Porte-lanterne.

Bracket seat Strapontin.

Brad Clou � parquet.

Bradawl Poin�on.

Braid Tresse.

Brake Frein.

Brake adjusting clip Collier de tube de frein.

Brake band Collier de frein; bande de frein.

Brake detachable clip Collier de levier de frein.

Brake guide Guide de frein.

Brake holder Serre-frein.

Brake horse-power Force en chevaux effectifs; puissance au frein.

Brakeless Sans frein.

Brake lever Levier de frein.

Brake lever connecting rod Bielle de levier de frein.

Brake lever catch Cliquet du levier de frein.

Brake lever handle spring Ressort du cliquet de levier de frein.

Brake pedal spring Ressort de rappel de p�dale de frein.

Brake plunger Tube de frein.

Brake pulley Poulie de frein.

Brake rod Tige de frein.

Brake rod end Chape de tige de frein.

Brake rod fork Fourchette de tige de frein.

Brake screw Boulon, vis de frein; vis de m�canique.

Brake segment Segment de frein.

Brake spoon, or shoe Patin, sabot de frein.

Brake spring Ressort de frein.

Brake, to apply the Serrer le frein.

Brake tube Tube de frein.

Brake and clutch lever connecting Bielle de commande de d�brayage rod et de frein.

Brass Cuivre jaune; laiton.

Braze, to Braser.

Breadth Largeur.

Break-down Panne.

Break down, to Rester en panne.

Breaking strain Charge de rupture.

Bridge Pont.

Bridge, back fork Tirant de la fourche arri�re.

Bridge piece Culotte.

Bridge piece for exhaust Culotte d'�chappement.

Bridge piece for inlet valve Culotte d'aspiration.

Bright parts Parties polies.

Broad Large.

Brougham Coup�.

Brush, dynamo Balai.

Bucket seat Baquet.

Buckled wheel Roue voil�e; roue tordue.

Buffer Tampon.

Buffer guide Boisseau de butoir.

Buffer head T�te de butoir.

Buffer spring Ressort de choc.

Bulb (glass) for accumulator cap Ampoule verre pour bouchon d'accumulateur.

Bulge (on cover) Hernie; ger�ure.

Bulb of horn Poire de cornette.

Bulk, in En vrac.

Bumpy road Route cahotante.

Burn well, to Br�ler bien.

Burner Br�leur.

Burner cage Lanterne.

Burner case Monture des br�leurs.

Burner cup Cuvette de br�leur.

Burner for acetylene lamp Bec.

Burner guard, or hood Capuchon de br�leur.

Burner mount Monture de br�leur.

Burner needle Aiguille pour br�leur.

Burner nipple Bec de br�leur.

Burner tank Lampe.

Burst, to Eclater; crever.

Burst (tyre) Crevaison.

Bush Douille; bague.

Bushed Fourr�; garni.

Butt-ended spokes Rayons renforc�s.

Butterfly nut Ecrou � oreilles; papillon.

Butterfly valve Soupape � papillon; papillon.

Button Bouton.

Butt-welded Soud� par rapprochement.


Cab Cab.

Cam Came.

Cam, ignition Came d'allumage.

Cam shaft Arbre � cames.

Cam shaft cover Couvercle d'arbre � cames.

Cam shaft roller Galet d'arbre � cames.

Camel hair belt Courroie poil de chameau.

Candle Bougie.

Candle lamp Lanterne � bougie.

Canopy, removable Ballon d�montable; couvercle d�montable.

Canvas Toile.

Canvas for repairing cover Toile dissolutionn�e; toile gomm�e.

Cap Chapeau; bouchon.

Cap for oil hole Bouche-trou.

Cap for steering connecting rod Bouchon de bielle de commande de direction.

Cap for water tank Bouchon d'emplissage de r�servoir d'eau.

Cap of draw link Chapeau de tension.

Capacity (of tank) Contenance.

Car Voiture.

Car wheel Roue de voiture.

Carbide Carbure de calcium.

Carburetter Carburateur.

Carburetter connecting rod Bielle de commande de carburateur.

Carburetter float Flotteur de carburateur.

Carburetter float cap Bouchon de dessus de carburateur.

Carburetter float needle Aiguille de carburateur.

Carburetter float spindle Axe de flotteur de carburateur.

Carburetter hand regulator R�gulateur � main de carburateur.

Carburetter lever spring Ressort de rappel de levier de carburateur.

Carburetter nipple Bec de carburateur.

Carburetter piston Piston de carburateur.

Carburetter piston rod end Chape de piston de carburateur.

Carburetter piston spring Ressort de piston de carburateur.

Carburetter valve Soupape de carburateur.

Carburetter valve spring Ressort de la soupape de carburateur.

Cardan Cardan.

Cardan joint Joint Cardan.

Carpet Tapis.

Carriage builder Carrossier.

Carriage clock Horloge de voiture.

Carriage road Route carrossable.

Carriage work Carrosserie.

Carrier, luggage Porte-bagage.

Carrier tricycle Tricycle porteur.

Carrying axle Essieu porteur.

Carter gear case Carter.

Carvel built A franc bord.

Case Gaine; caisse.

Cased Blind�.

Case harden, to C�menter.

Casing Blindage.

Cash prizes Prix en esp�ces.

Cast iron Fonte.

Cast steel Acier fondu.

Castor oil Huile de ricin.

Catalytic Catalytique.

Catalysis Catalyse.

Catch Cliquet; verrou.

Catch for bonnet door Verrou d'entourage.

Catch for change speed lever Verrou de levier de changement de vitesse.

Caulk, to Calfater.

Cedar C�dre.

Cell El�ment.

Celluloid Cellulo�d.

Cement (for tyres) Colle; mastic.

Centaur cylinder Cylindre-culasse.

Centering gauge Trusquin � centrer.

Centering ring Bague de centrage.

Central driving tricycle Tricycle � cha�ne centrale.

Centre to centre D'axe en axe.

Centre bearing Palier central.

Centrifugal pump Pompe centrifuge; pompe turbine.

Chain adjustment Tension de cha�ne.

Chain Cha�ne.

Chain adjusting rod; long end; Bielle de tension de cha�ne; small end grand c�t�; petit c�t�.

Chain, block Cha�ne � blocs.

Chain block Bloc de cha�ne.

Chain bolt and nut Boulon et �crou de cha�ne.

Chain brush Brosse � cha�ne.

Chain, double roller Cha�ne � doubles rouleaux.

Chain guard Garde-cha�ne; couvre-cha�ne.

Chain link Maillon.

Chain ring lock nut Contre-�crou du pignon arri�re.

Chain ring, back hub Pignon de la roue arri�re.

Chain, roller Cha�ne � rouleaux.

Chain roller Rouleau de cha�ne.

Chain, single roller Cha�ne � simples rouleaux.

Chain wheel Grand pignon.

Chain wheel Roue de cha�ne.

Chamois leather Peau de chamois.

Champion Champion.

Championship Championnat.

Change speed connecting rod Bielle de changement de vitesse.

Change speed gear Changement de vitesse.

Change speed lever Levier de changement de vitesse.

Change speed lever catch Cliquet du levier de changement de vitesse.

Change speed lever catch fork Chape du cliquet de levier de changement de vitesse.

Change speed lever rod Tige de levier de changement de vitesse.

Change speed lever spring Ressort de levier de changement de vitesse.

Change speed rod Tringle de changement de vitesse.

Change speed shaft Arbre de changement de vitesse.

Channel iron Fer en U.

Charge, to Charger.

Chassis Ch�ssis.

Check valve Soupape de retenue.

Checker (in a race) Pointeur.

Cheek Flasque.

Chestnut Ch�taigner.

Chinese lantern Lampion; lanterne v�nitienne.

Chrome leather Cuir chrome.

Chronometer Chronom�tre.

Circuit Circuit.

Circuit, primary Circuit primaire.

Circuit, secondary Circuit secondaire.

Circuit, short Court circuit.

Circuit, to close a Fermer un circuit.

Circulation pump Pompe de circulation.

Clamp Bride; pi�ce d'attache; presse patte.

Clamp for fastening motor Pi�ce d'attache du moteur.

Clasp brake Frein � m�choires.

Clean Propre.

Clean, to Nettoyer.

Clear, in the Dans l'oeuvre.

Clearance Jeu.

Clinch of the rim Crochets de la jante.

Clincher built A clin.

Clip Collier de serrage.

Clip brake Frein � m�choires.

Clip for spring Bride de ressort.

Close the circuit, to Fermer le circuit.

Closure tyres Caoutchoucs auto-r�parables.

Cloth for cleaning Torchon.

Club Cercle; soci�t�; club.

Club costume Costume social.

Club, cycling Soci�t� v�locip�dique.

Club run Sortie officielle.

Clutch Embrayage.

Clutch cone C�ne d'embrayage.

Clutch cone spring Ressort de c�ne d'embrayage.

Clutch fork Fourchette de d�brayage.

Clutch lever Levier d'embrayage; yatagan.

Clutch lever pedal P�dale � levier de d�brayage.

Clutch lever roller Galet de d�brayage.

Clutch shaft Arbre d'embrayage.

Clutch shaft spring Ressort d'arbre d'embrayage.

Clutch sleeve Manchon.

Clutch spring Ressort d'embrayage.

Coach, house Remise.

Cobble stones Pav�.

Coefficient of friction Coefficient de friction.

Coil Bobine; serpentin.

Coil, electric Bobine �lectrique.

Cog Dent; denture.

Cog wheel Roue dent�e; pignon.

Cog wheel, larger Grand pignon.

Cog wheel, smaller Petit pignon.

Collapse, to (of tyres) S'affaisser; crever.

Collar Bague.

Collar for digger Bague de biellette de rappel de tige.

Collision Collision.

Colour Couleur.

Combustion chamber Chambre de combustion; chambre d'explosion.

Come off, to Se d�tacher.

Commutator Distributeur d'allumage; distributeur de courant; collecteur.

Commutator brush Balai de distributeur d'allumage.

Commutator brush spring Ressort de balai de distributeur.

Commutator bush Bague pour corps de distributeur d'allumage.

Commutator cam shaft Axe portant la came de distributeur d'allumage.

Commutator glass Glace de couvercle de distributeur d'allumage.

Compass Boussole.

Compensating spring Ressort compensateur.

Compression relief D�compression.

Compression relief lever Manette de commande; manette de compression; d�compresseur.

Compression stroke Temps de compression.

Compression tap Robinet de compression.

Compression valve Soupape de compression.

Compression valve spring Ressort de soupape de compression.

Concealed hinge Charni�re avec cache-fente.

Condenser Condenseur.

Conductor Conducteur.

Cone C�ne.

Cone bearings Coussinets � c�nes.

Cone clutch Embrayage � c�nes.

Connecting plug Interrupteur � cheville.

Connecting rod Bielle.

Connecting rod end T�te de bielle.

Consolation race Course de consolation.

Constant level carburetter Carburateur � niveau constant.

Contact Contact.

Contact breaker Trembleur; allumeur; rupteur.

Contact breaker spring Ressort de trembleur.

Contact screw Vis de contact.

Containing case Bac.

Contour map Carte avec profils.

Control Commande.

Controlling lever Manette de commande.

Controlling wheel Roue de commande de marche.

Convex Bomb�.

Cool, to Rafra�chir; refroidir.

Cooler Refroidisseur.

Cooler, beehive Refroidisseur nid d'abeilles.

Cooling Refroidissement.

Cooling flanges Ailettes.

Cooling surface Surface de refroidissement.

Copper Cuivre rouge.

Copper plated Cuivr�.

Copper wire Fil de cuivre.

Cord Corde; cordon.

Core, iron Noyau de fer.

Cork float Flotteur en li�ge; macaron.

Cork handle Poign�e en li�ge.

Corner Coin.

Corner plate Gousset.

Cost of the trip Frais de voyage.

Cotter Clavette.

Cotton waste D�chets de coton.

Countershaft Arbre interm�diaire.

Countersunk head T�te frais�e; t�te noy�e.

Counterweight Contre-poids.

Cover (lid) Couvercle.

Cover (tyre) Enveloppe; bandage.

Cover for oil hole Bouche-trou.

Cover 80 miles in a day, to Couvrir 80 milles dans la journ�e.

Cover of contact breaker Couvercle d'allumage.

Covers wired on Pneumatiques � tringles.

Covers with beaded edges Pneumatiques � talon.

Cow hide Peau de vache.

Crack rider Coureur de premi�re force.

Crank Manivelle; vilebrequin.

Crank bracket P�dalier.

Crank bracket adjusting collar Collier de r�glage des cuvettes de p�dalier.

Crank bracket axle Axe du p�dalier.

Crank bracket barrel Cuvette de p�dalier.

Crank bracket cotter pin Clavette de p�dalier.

Crank case Carter; b�ti de moteur.

Crank case lubricator Graisseur de b�ti.

Crank cotter Clavette de manivelle.

Crank disc Plateau de manivelle.

Crank, left Manivelle gauche.

Crank lever Levier coud�.

Crank pin Bouton de manivelle.

Crank, right Manivelle droite.

Crank shaft Vilebrequin; arbre � manivelle.

Crank starting handle Manivelle de mise en marche.

Crank washer and nut Rondelle et �crou de manivelle.

Crate Caisse � claire-voie.

Crate, folding Caisse pliante.

Cross frame Cadre en croix.

Cross head Crosse.

Cross section Coupe transversale.

Cross shaft Croisillon.

Crossways Carrefour.

Crown, front fork Couronne de fourche.

Cup, bottom head Raccord inf�rieur avant.

Cup (of bearings) Cuvette.

Cup, top head Raccord sup�rieur avant.

Cup valve Soupape en champignon renvers�.

Current Courant.

Current, high tension Courant de haute tension.

Current, low tension Courant de basse tension.

Current, strength of Force du courant.

Curtain Rideau.

Curve Courbe.

Curved frame Ch�ssis cintr�.

Cushioned seat Si�ge � coussins.

Custom house Douane.

Custom house officer Douanier.

Customs pass Passavant.

Customs receipt Quittance douani�re.

Customs seal Plomb de la douane.

Customs ticket Carte de douane.

Cut off valve Soupape de d�tente.

Cut out Coupe-circuit.

Cycle Velocip�de; v�lo.

Cycle, to Monter � v�lo.

Cycling Velocip�die.

Cyclist V�locip�diste; cycliste.

Cyclometer Compteur; cyclom�tre.

Cylinder Cylindre.

Cylinder full (of mixture) Cylindr�e.

Cylinder head Culasse.

Cylinder head cover Couvercle de culasse.

Cylinder head stay end Chape de tige entretoise de culasse.


D shackle Menotte.

D valve Tiroir � coquille.

Damage Dommage.

Damage, to Endommager.

Danger board Poteau avertisseur.

Dangerous hill Descente dangereuse.

Dash board Planche pare-crotte.

Day's stage Etape journali�re.

Dead centre Point mort.

De-clutch, to D�brayer.

Deflate, to D�gonfler.

Delivery pipe Tuyau de refoulement.

Densimeter Densim�tre.

Design, to Etudier.

Detachable D�montable; d�tachable.

Detachable crank Manivelle d�tachable.

Detailed plan Plan de d�tail.

Detour D�tour.

Devil B�quille.

Diagonal Diagonal, -e.

Diagonal tube Tube diagonal.

Diagram Diagramme; sch�ma.

Diagrammatic arrangement Disposition sch�matique.

Diameter Diam�tre.

Diaphragm Diaphragme.

Diaphragm piston Piston � air.

Diaphragm spring Ressort de piston � air.

Differential brake Frein de diff�rentiel.

Differential brake bolt Axe du levier de frein de diff�rentiel.

Differential brake lever end Chape de frein de diff�rentiel.

Differential brake pedal P�dale de frein de diff�rentiel.

Differential brake segment Segment de frein de diff�rentiel.

Differential brake spring Ressort de rappel de frein de diff�rentiel.

Differential gear Mouvement diff�rentiel.

Differential gear box Bo�te de diff�rentiel.

Diffuser Diffuseur.

Digger fork Fourchette de rappel de tige.

Digger rod Tige de rappel; culbuteur.

Digger spring Ressort de rappel de tige.

Direct drive on top speed Grande vitesse en prise directe.

Direct spokes Rayons directs.

Disc Disque.

Discharge, to D�charger.

Disengage, to D�brayer.

Disengaging lever Levier de d�brayage.

Dish, to Emboutir.

Dismantling D�montage.

Dismount, to Descendre.

Distance Distance.

Distance between axles Ecartement des essieux.

Distance run Distance parcourue.

Distance, to Distancer.

Distributor Distributeur.

Divided axle Essieu bris�.

Dog clutch Embrayage � griffes; manchon � griffes.

Dome of bell Calotte de timbre.

Door Porte; porti�re.

Door handle Bouton de porte.

Door lock Loqueteau de porti�re; serrure de porti�re.

Door pillar Montant de porte.

Dotted line Ligne pointill�e.

Double ball bearings Coussinets � double filet.

Double branch spanner Clef � deux branches.

Double butted spokes Rayons renforc�s aux deux bouts.

Double driving gear Mouvement diff�rentiel.

Double ended spanner Clef double.

Double helical gear Engrenage � chevrons.

Double male screwed Filetage double m�le.

Double roller chain Cha�ne � doubles rouleaux.

Down tube Tube diagonal.

Dragon tongue Dard.

Drain tap Robinet de vidange.

Draught Courant d'air.

Draught of water when empty Tirant d'eau � vide.

Draught of water when loaded Tirant d'eau en charge.

Drawlink (chain) Tension de cha�ne.

Drawlink cap Chapeau de tension.

Dray Camion.

Dress guard Garde-cha�ne; garde-jupe.

Dressing room Vestiaire.

Drill Foret.

Drill a hole, to Faire un trou.

Drip feed lubricator Graisseur compte-gouttes.

Drip tap Purgeur continu.

Drive, to Faire marcher.

Driver Chauffeur; conducteur.

Driving axle Essieu moteur.

Driving power Force motrice.

Driving pulley Poulie de transmission; poulie motrice.

Driving shaft Axe de volant; axe moteur.

Driving shaft Arbre moteur.

Driving wheel Roue motrice.

Drop counter Compte-gouttes.

Drop shackle Huit.

Drum Tambour.

Drum brake Frein � tambour.

Dry battery Pile s�che.

Dust Poussi�re.

Dust cap tube Tube pare-poussi�re.

Dust guard Pare-poussi�re.

Dust proof Etanche � la poussi�re.

Dust-shield, gauze Grille m�tallique; grille anti-poussi�re.

Duty free Exempt de douane; en franchise.

Duty, to pay Payer les droits d'entr�e.

Dynamo Dynamo.

Dynamo brush Balai de dynamo.

Dynamo wheel Volant de dynamo.


Easy gradient Pente faible.

Easy running Tr�s roulant.

Ebonite Ebonite.

Ebony Eb�ne.

Eccentric Excentrique.

Eccentric rod Tige d'excentrique.

Eccentric sheave Disque d'excentrique.

Eccentric strap Collier d'excentrique.

Efficiency of motor Rendement du moteur.

Elbow Coude.

Electric Electrique.

Electric coil Bobine �lectrique.

Electric ignition Allumage �lectrique.

Electric wire Fil �lectrique.

Elliptic spring Ressort elliptique; ressort � pincette.

Elm Orme.

Elm, grey Orme blanc.

Elm, rock Orme noir.

Emery cloth Toile d'�meri.

Emery paper Papier d'�meri.

Enamel Email.

Enamel, to Emailler.

Enamelled plate Plaque �maill�e.

End elevation El�vation de bout.

End of back forks Pattes arri�re.

Endless Belt Courroie sans fin.

Endurance Endurance; fond.

Engine Moteur.

Engine shaft Arbre de moteur.

Entrance fee Droit d'entr�e.

Entrance for a race Inscription pour une course.

Erratic steering Direction erratique.

Exhaust Echappement.

Exhaust box R�servoir d'�chappement; pot d'�chappement.

Exhaust fork Fourchette d'�chappement.

Exhaust fork guide Guide de fourchette d'�chappement.

Exhaust fork roller Galet de fourchette d'�chappement.

Exhaust fork roller bolt Axe de fourchette porte-galet d'�chappement.

Exhaust fork roller spring Ressort de fourchette porte-galet d'�chappement.

Exhaust gas Gaz de la d�charge; gaz br�l�; gaz d'�chappement.

Exhaust lift cam Came d'�chappement.

Exhaust pipe Tube d'�chappement.

Exhaust port Lumi�re d'�chappement.

Exhaust pot Pot d'�chappement.

Exhaust steam Vapeur de d�charge.

Exhaust stroke Temps d'�chappement.

Exhaust tubing Tuyauterie d'�chappement.

Exhaust valve Soupape d'�chappement.

Exhaust valve cap Bouchon de soupape d'�chappement.

Exhaust valve flange Bride d'�chappement.

Exhaust valve fork Fourchette d'�chappement.

Exhaust valve guide Guide de soupape d'�chappement.

Exhaust valve lift Taquet de soul�vement de soupape d'�chappement.

Exhaust valve lift rod Tige de soul�vement d'�chappement.

Exhaust valve spring Ressort de soupape d'�chappement.

Exhaust valve stem Tige de soupape d'�chappement.

Exhibition Exposition.

Exhibitor Exposant.

Expanding pulley Poulie extensible.

Expansion brake Frein � expansion.

Expansion of steam D�tente de vapeur.

Expired, the patent has Le brevet est dans le domaine public.

Explosion Explosion.

Explosion chamber Chambre d'explosion.

Explosion stroke Temps d'explosion.

Explosive mixture M�lange tonnant.

Extinguisher Extincteur.

Extra nuts Ecrous de rechange.

Extra price Plus-value.

Extra strong tube Tube renforc�.

Eye bolt Piton.


Fabric (of tyre cover) Toile.

Face of slide valve Glace du tiroir.

Faced in the lathe Dress� au tour.

Fall, to Tomber.

Fan Ventilateur.

Fast Rapide.

Fasten, to Attacher.

Fastener for bonnet Fermeture d'entourage.

Fat spark Etincelle chaude.

Feat Exploit.

Feat of skill Tour d'adresse.

Feat of strength Tour de force.

Feather Clavette.

Feed Alimentation; d�bit.

Feed heater R�chauffeur.

Feed pipe Tube d'alimentation.

Female cone C�ne femelle.

Ferrule Frette; virole.

Ferry Bac.

Ferry, to cross the Passer le bac.

Fibre Fibre.

Fibre cam Came fibre.

Fibre, insulation Fibre isolante.

File Lime.

File, to Limer.

Fillet Cong�.

Filter Filtre.

Finger post Poteau indicateur.

Fir Sapin.

Fire tube Carneau.

Firing nipple Bouchon d'inflammateur.

Fitting Montage; agencement.

Fixed cone C�ne fixe.

Fixed seat Si�ge fixe.

Flame guard Pare-flamme; capuchon de lanterne.

Flange Bride; collerette.

Flanged collar Bague � collerette.

Flanged shaft Arbre � plateaux.

Flap door Trappe.

Flap valve Clapet.

Flash boiler G�n�rateur � vaporisation instantan�e.

Flask Flacon.

Flat, on the En palier.

Flexible wire C�ble flexible.

Float Flotteur.

Float chamber Bo�te du flotteur; r�servoir � flotteur.

Float wire Tige de flotteur.

Flooder D�versoir.

Flush head T�te affleur�e.

Fluted rubber pedal P�dale � caoutchouc cannel�.

Flying start D�part lanc�.

Fly wheel Volant.

Foil Clinquant.

Fold, to Plier.

Folding bicycle Bicyclette pliante.

Folding seat Strapontin.

Folding tricycle Tricycle compressible.

Foot Pied.

Footpath Sentier; trottoir.

Foot pump Pompe � pied.

Foot rest Appui-pieds; repose-pied.

Foot warmer Chaufferette.

Foot warmer (hot water) Bouillotte.

Force the pace, to Forcer le pas.

Fore-carriage Avant-train.

Forge Forge.

Forgings Ebauch�s.

Fork Fourche; fourchette.

Fork (of a road) Bifurcation.

Form, in good En bonne forme.

Forward and reverse lever Levier de changement de marche.

Forward and reverse lever rod pin Axe de levier de changement de marche.

Forward movement Marche en avant.

Four cycle gas motor Moteur � quatre temps.

Four way coil Bobine quadruple.

Frame Cadre.

Frame Ch�ssis.

Frames (boat) Membrures.

Frame switch Interrupteur de cadre.

Free wheel Roue libre.

Free wheel, ratchet and pawl Roue libre � cliquet. clutch

Free wheel, roller clutch Roue libre � galet.

French chalk Talc.

Friction Frottement.

Friction clutch Embrayage � friction.

Friction plate Plateau de friction.

Friction roller Galet de friction.

Friction, to reduce the R�duire le frottement.

Front apron } Tablier d'avant. Front board }

Front driver Machine � roue motrice devant.

Front elevation El�vation de face.

Front fork Fourche avant.

Front fork blades Fourreaux de fourche avant.

Front fork crown Couronne de fourche.

Front hub Moyeu avant.

Front hub adjusting cone C�ne de r�glage du moyeu avant.

Front hub fixed cone C�ne fixe du moyeu avant.

Front mudguard Garde-boue avant.

Front mudguard stays Tirants du garde-boue avant.

Front rim Jante de la roue avant.

Front seat Si�ge d'avant.

Front steerer Tricycle � roue directrice devant.

Front steering bar Barre d'accouplement de direction.

Front tyre Pneumatique } Bandage } de la roue avant. Caoutchouc }

Front view Vue de face.

Front wheel Roue avant.

Front wheel spindle nuts Ecrous du moyeu avant.

Front wing Aile d'avant.

Full on, to put the brake Serrer le frein � bloc.

Funnel Entonnoir.

Funnel, with fine strainer Entonnoir avec toile m�tallique fine.

Funnel, with strainer Entonnoir avec grille.


Gaiter, tyre Manchon gu�tre pour pneu.

Garage Garage.

Gas Gaz.

Gas bag Ballon; poche � gaz.

Gas lever Manette d'admission de gaz.

Gas pipe to motor Tube d'alimentation.

Gas pliers Pinces � gaz.

Gas-tight Etanche au gaz.

Gasket Tresse; limande de garniture; garcette.

Gauge, measuring Jauge

Gauge, pressure Manom�tre.

Gauze dust shield Grille m�tallique.

Gauze filter Diaphragme; filtre en toile m�tallique.

Gear Multiplication; d�veloppement; engrenage.

Gear box Bo�te de mouvement; bo�te d'engrenages.

Gear box bearings Coussinets de bo�te de mouvement.

Gear case Garde-cha�ne; Carter; couvre-engrenages.

Gear, double-driving Mouvement diff�rentiel.

Gear, in Engren�.

Gear shaft Arbre de transmission; arbre de mouvement.

Gear, to throw into Embrayer.

Gear, to throw out of D�brayer.

Gear up, to Multiplier.

Geared bicycle, ordinary Bicycle multipli�.

Gearing, high Multiplication forte.

General plan Plan de l'ensemble.

General view Ensemble.

German silver Maillechort.

Gib Contre-clavette.

Gill Ailette.

Gimlet Vrille.

Gland Presse-�toupe.

Glass Glace; cristal; verre.

Globe joint Joint � rotule.

Goal, to reach the Gagner le poteau.

Goggles Lunettes de route.

Governed Command�.

Governor R�gulateur.

Governor ball Boule de r�gulateur.

Governor ball fork Chape de boule de r�gulateur.

Governor cam Came de r�gulateur.

Governor hammer Marteau de came de r�gulateur.

Governor hammer shaft Arbre porte-marteau de r�gulateur de moteur.

Governor lever Levier de r�gulateur.

Governor spring Ressort de r�gulateur.

Governor wheel Roue de r�gulateur; volant de r�gulateur.

Gradient Rampe; pente.

Gradometer Indicateur de pentes.

Grasshopper spring Ressort demi-pincette.

Gravel Gravier.

Grease Graisse.

Grease, Stauffer } Graisse consistante. Grease, thick }

Grease injector Seringue de graissage.

Green light Feu vert.

Green sheet (for lantern) Lame verte.

Grid Grillage.

Grind, to Roder; meuler.

Groove Cannelure; rainure.

Grooved pulley Poulie � gorge.

Grooved shaft Arbre � rainures.

Grooved wheel Roue � gorge; volant � gorge.

Grounds, petrol Lie; s�diment.

Gudgeon pin Goujon.

Guide Guide; toc; coulisseau.

Guide for clutch cone Toc d'embrayage.

Guide for governor lever Toc de levier de r�gulateur.

Gun clip Porte-fusil.

Gunwale Plat-bord.

Gusset Gousset.

Gutter Caniveau.


Hair seat Si�ge en crin.

Half-section Demi-coupe.

Half-speed shaft Arbre � cames.

Half-time gear Mouvement de r�duction � 1/2.

Hammer Marteau.

Hand control spring Ressort d'appareil de commande d'allumage.

Hand lever Levier � main.

Hand pump Pompe � main.

Hand pump lubricator Coup de poing.

Handicap Course proportionelle.

Handle Manette; poign�e; manche.

Handle bar Guidon.

Handle bar stem Tube plongeur du guidon.

Handle bar switch Poign�e d'allumage du guidon.

Handle of oil pump Poign�e de la pompe � huile.

Hard pumped (tyre) Gonfl� � bloc.

Hardened steel Acier tremp�.

Head and handlebar clip Collier de serrage du guidon.

Head and handlebar clip bolt and Boulon et �crou du collier du nut guidon.

Headlight Phare.

Headlock Arr�t de direction.

Head locking nut Contre-�crou de direction.

Head prop Goujon de capote.

Head socket Douille de direction.

Header (of tubular boiler) Collecteur.

Heat, the final La preuve finale; la belle.

Heat, the first La premi�re �preuve.

Heats, to run three Faire trois �preuves.

Heavy car Voiture lourde.

Heavy oil P�trole lourd.

Heavy road Route p�nible.

Height Hauteur.

Hemlock Hemlock.

Hemp cord Corde chanvre.

Hexagon-head bolt Boulon � 6 pans.

Hickory Hickory.

High speed trembler Rupteur � grande vitesse.

Hill climbing trial Course de c�te.

Hill, to mount a Gravir une c�te.

Hilly Accident�; montueux.

Hind wheel Roue de derri�re.

Hinge Charni�re; gond; compas.

Hire, to Louer.

Hired car Voiture de louage.

Hitch Accroc; anicroche.

Holding down bolt Boulon d'ancrage.

Hole Trou.

Hollow Creux; creuse.

Hollow rim Jante creuse.

Hollow tyre Caoutchouc creux.

Honeycomb radiator Radiateur nid d'abeilles.

Hood Capote; capuchon.

Hook Crochet.

Hook bolt Boulon � mentonnet.

Hooter Corne d'appel.

Horn Corne.

Horn bracket Porte-trompette.

Horn, bulb of Poire de cornet.

Horn handle Poign�e en corne.

Hot air inlet Prise d'air chaud.

House, to Remiser.

Hub Moyeu.

Hub brake Frein au moyeu.


Igniter Allumoir; appareil d'allumage.

Ignition Allumage.

Ignition cam Came d'allumage.

Ignition, electric Allumage �lectrique.

Ignition lever Manette d'allumage.

Ignition, magneto Allumage magn�to-�lectrique; allumage par magn�to.

Incandescent ignition Allumage � incandescence.

Inch Pouce.

Inclined water outlet Rampe de sortie d'eau.

Index (cursor) Curseur.

India-rubber Caoutchouc; gomme.

Induction coil Bobine d'induction.

Induction pipe Tube d'admission.

Induction valve Soupape d'admission.

Inflate, to Gonfler.

Injector Injecteur.

Inlet, petrol Orifice de remplissage.

Inlet valve Soupape d'admission; soupape d'aspiration.

Inlet valve cap Chapeau de soupape d'admission.

Inlet valve cotter Clavette de soupape d'admission.

Inlet valve flange Bride d'aspiration.

Inlet valve seat Si�ge de soupape d'admission.

Inlet valve spring Ressort de soupape d'admission.

Inlet valve stem Tige de soupape d'admission.

Inlet valve union Raccord d'aspiration.

Inn Auberge.

Inner tube Chambre � air.

Inspection plate Plaque de regard.

Insulate, to Isoler.

Insulation Isolation.

Insulator Isolateur.

Interchangeable parts Pi�ces interchangeables.

Intermediate shaft Arbre interm�diaire.

Interruptor plug Interrupteur � cheville.

Introducer (of club member) Parrain.

Inverted or spray cone C�ne renvers�; champignon.

Iron Fer.

Ironmonger Quincaillier.

Iron tyred wheel Roue ferr�e.

Irregularities of the road D�formations de la route.


Jack V�rin; cric.

Japan, to Vernir.

Jersey Tricot de laine.

Jet condenser Condenseur � jet.

Jet, petrol Gicleur; bec.

Jockey pulley Poulie de tension.

Joint Joint.

Journal (of shaft) Tourillon.


Keel Quille.

Keep Chapeau.

Kerbstone Pierre de rebord.

Key Clavette; clef.

Key, to Caler.

Key way Mortaise de clavette.

Kick back Choc en arri�re.

Knapsack Sac.

Knife Couteau.

Knock A-coup.


Label Etiquette.

Laced spokes Rayons tangents.

Lady cyclist V�locip�diste.

Lady's bicycle Bicyclette de dame.

Lady's machine Machine de dame.

Lamp Lanterne.

Lamp bracket Porte-lanterne; porte-phare.

Lamp oil Huile � br�ler.

Lamp side-lights Verres lat�raux de lanterne.

Lamp stump or socket Douille de lanterne.

Landau Landau.

Landaulet Landaulet.

Landing place D�barcad�re.

Lap (in a race) Tour de piste.

Lap-welded Soud� par recouvrement.

Larch M�l�ze.

Latch Loquet.

Lattice girder Poutre en treillis.

Lead Plomb.

Leak, to Fuir.

Leakage Fuite.

Leather Cuir.

Leather seat Si�ge de cuir.

Leather top of saddle Cuir de selle.

Left crank Manivelle gauche.

Left handed screw Vis � filet gauche.

Left, to the A gauche.

Length available for carriage work Tablier.

Length between perpendiculars Longueur de t�te en t�te.

Length, to win by a Gagner d'une longueur.

Lens Lentille.

Level crossing Passage � niveau.

Lever Levier.

Lever brake Frein � levier.

Liable to duty Passible de droits.

Lift, valve Soul�vement; poussoir.

Lifting jack Cric.

Light Lumi�re.

Light (adj.) L�ger, l�g�re.

Light railway Voie l�g�re.

Light vehicle Voiture l�g�re.

Lignum vit� Ga�ac.

Limousine Limousine.

Linch pin Clavette; esse.

Link Maillon; cha�non.

Linoleum Linoleum.

Linseed oil, boiled Huile de lin cuite.

Live axle Essieu moteur.

Lock Serrure; loqueteau.

Lock nut Contre-�crou.

Locksmith Serrurier.

Long commutator spring Ressort de rappel de distributeur.

Long distance race Course de fond.

Long frame Ch�ssis long.

Longitudinal section Coupe longitudinale.

Loose nut Ecrou desserr�; �crou l�che.

Loose road Chemin d�fonc�.

Loose spoke Rayon desserr�; rayon l�che.

Loose tyre Caoutchouc d�coll�.

Loosen a nut, to D�visser un �crou.

Loosen a screw, to Desserrer une vis.

Lorry Camion.

Lubricant Lubrifiant.

Lubricate, to Lubrifier; graisser.

Lubricating oil Huile � graisser.

Lubrication Graissage.

Lubricator Graisseur.

Lubricator ball seat Si�ge pour bille de graisseur.

Lubricator glass Glace de graisseur.

Lubricator pulley Poulie de graisseur.

Lubricator screw for wheel cap Vis graisseur pour chapeau d'essieu.

Lubricator tap Robinet pour alimentation de graisseur.

Lubricator wheel Roue de commande de graisseur.

Lug Oreille.

Luggage Bagage.

Luggage carrier, handle bar Porte-bagage de guidon.

Luggage guard Galerie.

Luggage top Couvercle et galerie.

Luggage van Fourgon des bagages.


Macadam Macadam.

Macadamised road Chauss�e en empierrement.

Machine Machine.

Magnet Aimant.

Mahogany Acajou.

Main axle Essieu principal.

Main road Grande route.

Maker Fabricant.

Male cone C�ne m�le.

Man's bicycle Bicyclette d'homme.

Map Carte; plan.

Maple Erable.

Maple, rock Erable dur.

Mask Masque.

Master patent Brevet principal.

Measurement over body Dimensions de la caisse.

Mechanically operated Command� m�caniquement.

Member (club) Soci�taire.

Membrane Membrane.

Mercury Mercure.

Mesh, to Engrener.

Metal M�tal.

Metal polish P�te � polir.

Metalled road Route en pierres concass�es.

Methylated spirits Alcool d�natur�.

Mica Mica.

Mile, English Un mille anglais.

Milestone Borne.

Milled Mollet�.

Milled edge nut Ecrou mollet�.

Misfire Rat� d'allumage.

Mixing M�lange.

Mixing chamber Chambre de m�lange; bo�te de m�lange.

Mixing tube Tube m�langeur.

Mixture M�lange.

Morocco Maroquin.

Motive power Force motrice.

Motor Moteur.

Motor and gear Groupe moteur.

Motor bearings Coussinets de moteur.

Motor bicycle Motocyclette; bicyclette � moteur.

Motor boat Bateau � moteur.

Motor car Automobile.

Motor cycle Motocycle.

Motor cyclist Motocycliste.

Motor house Garage.

Motor in front Moteur � l'avant.

Motor launch Canot automobile.

Motor piston Piston de moteur.

Motor quadricycle Quadricycle � moteur.

Motor tandem Tandem � moteur.

Motor tricycle Motocycle; tricycle � moteur.

Motor under the seat Moteur sous le si�ge.

Mount, to Monter.

Mud Boue; crotte.

Mudguard Garde-boue; garde-crotte.

Mudguard bridge Tirant des tubes montants arri�re.

Mudguard stay Tirant de garde-boue.

Multiple lubricator Graisseur � d�parts multiples.

Multitubular radiator Radiateur multitubulaire.

Mushroom cap Bouchon � champignon.

Mushroom valve Soupape en champignon.


Nail Clou.

Nail catcher Arrache-clous.

Name plate Plaque d'identit�.

Narrow tread bracket P�dalier �troit.

Nave hoop Frette.

Neat's foot oil Huile de pieds de boeuf.

Neck plate, 4 slat Eventail � 4 branches.

Needle Aiguille.

Needle valve Pointeau.

Nip, to Pincer.

Nipping Pin�age.

Nipple Bec; t�tine.

Nipple, spoke Ecrou de rayon.

Noise Bruit.

Noiseless Silencieux.

Non-deflatable Ind�gonflable.

Non-side-slipping Anti-d�rapant.

Non-skidding Anti-d�rapant.

Non-skidding band Bande anti-d�rapante.

Non-skidding protecting cover Contre-enveloppe anti-d�rapante.

Non-stretching belt Courroie inextensible.

Non-trembler coil Bobine sans trembleur.

Notch Cran.

Notched quadrant Secteur dent�.

Nozzle Tuy�re.

Number Num�ro.

Number plate Plaque num�rot�e.

Nut Ecrou.


Oak Ch�ne.

Oak, live Ch�ne vert; yeuse.

Oak, white Ch�ne blanc.

Odometer Odom�tre.

Offset reducing coupling Manchon excentrique de r�duction.

Oil Huile.

Oil bath Bain d'huile.

Oil can Burette.

Oil cup Godet � huile.

Oil funnel Entonnoir � huile.

Oil hole Trou de graissage.

Oil lamp Lanterne � huile.

Oil, lubricating Huile � graisser.

Oil pipe to crank case Tube de la pompe � huile au moteur.

Oil pipe to pump Tube du r�servoir � la pompe � huile.

Oil pump Pompe � huile.

Oil reservoir } R�servoir � huile. Oil tank }

Oil, to Huiler; graisser.

Oil way Goutti�re de graissage; rampe d'huile.

Oiling Huilage.

Omnibus Omnibus.

Opening, exhaust Orifice d'�chappement.

Operated Command�.

Option of purchase Facult� d'achat.

Order, to get out of Se d�traquer.

Ordinary car Voiture courante.

Ordinary geared bicycle Bicycle multipli�.

Otto cycle A quatre temps.

Outer cover of tyre Enveloppe.

Outlet Sortie; d�part.

Over all Hors oeuvre.

Overflow pipe Tube de trop-plein.

Overhanging shaft Arbre en porte � faux.

Overheating Echauffement.

Overtake, to D�passer.

Oxide of lead Oxide de plomb.

Oxide of zinc Oxide de zinc.


Pace Allure.

Pace, to go a good Aller bon train.

Pace, to increase the Acc�l�rer.

Pace-maker Entra�neur.

Pack, to Emballer; garnir.

Packing Emballage; garniture.

Packing collar for pump Bague de garniture pour pompe.

Padlock Cadenas.

Panel Panneau.

Para rubber Gomme de Para.

Parabolic reflector R�flecteur parabolique.

Paraffin P�trole lampant; paraffine.

Parcels van Voiture de livraison.

Passport Passeport.

Patch for repairing tyre Pastille pour r�paration de pneu.

Patent Brevet d'invention.

Path, cycle Accotement; trottoir cyclable.

Pattern Mod�le; �chantillon.

Paved road Route pav�e.

Pavement Pav�.

Pawl Linguet.

Peak, saddle Bec de selle.

Pedal P�dale.

Pedal adjusting cone C�ne de r�glage de p�dale.

Pedal adjusting nut Ecrou de r�glage de p�dale.

Pedal dust cap Couvercle anti-poussi�reux de p�dale.

Pedal fastening nut Ecrou d'axe de p�dale.

Pedal gear P�dalier.

Pedal pin Axe de p�dale.

Pedal rubber Caoutchouc pour p�dales.

Pedal shaft Arbre de p�dale.

Pedal washer Rondelle de p�dale.

Performance Performance.

Permit Permis de circulation.

Petrol Essence; p�trole.

Petrol, a supply of Une provision de p�trole.

Petrol can Bidon.

Petrol cup Godet � p�trole.

Petrol inlet Orifice de remplissage.

Petrol jet Gicleur.

Petrol pipe tap Robinet de tuyauterie � essence.

Petrol tank R�servoir � essence; r�servoir � p�trole.

Petrol tank tap Robinet de r�servoir � essence.

Petrol warmer R�chauffeur.

Petroleum Paraffine; p�trole.

Petroleum lamp Lanterne � p�trole.

Phaeton Phaeton.

Pin Goupille.

Pincers Tenailles.

Pinch, to (tyre) Pincer.

Pinching Pin�age.

Pine Pin.

Pinion Pignon.

Pillar, seat Tige de selle.

Pin driver Chasse-goupille.

Pin extractor Tire-goupille.

Pipe from carburetter to mixing Tube du carburateur � la bo�te de chamber m�lange.

Piping Tuyauterie.

Piston Piston.

Piston connecting rod Bielle de moteur.

Piston pin Axe de piston.

Piston rings Segments de piston.

Piston rod Tige de piston.

Pitch (screw-thread) Pas de vis.

Pitch pine Pitch-pin.

Pivot Pivot; tourillon.

Plan looking upwards Plan vu de dessous.

Planet wheel Roue plan�taire.

Planetary member Satellite.

Planking Bord�.

Plate Plaque.

Plate clutch Embrayage � plateaux.

Plate, to Nickeler.

Platinum Platine.

Platinum contact Contact platine.

Platinum contact on trembler Contact platine de ressort de spring trembleur.

Platinum tipped T�te platin�e.

Platinum tipped screw Vis platin�e de contact.

Platinum tube Tube de platine.

Play Jeu.

Pliers Pinces.

Plotting scale Echelle de r�duction.

Pneumatic Pneumatique.

Pneumatic tyre Caoutchouc pneumatique.

Points, sparking plug Points de la bougie.

Pole finder Indicateur de p�les.

Pole, negative P�le n�gatif.

Pole piece Pi�ce polaire.

Pole, positive P�le positif.

Polish, to Polir; astiquer.

Poncelet 1 H.P. = 3/4 Poncelet.

Porcelain Porcelaine.

Post road Route postale.

Pouch, tool Sacoche.

Press, the La presse.

Pressed steel Acier embouti.

Pressure gauge Manom�tre.

Pricker Aiguille.

Primary shaft Arbre primaire.

Prize, to win a Gagner un prix.

Projecting shaft Arbre en porte-�-faux.

Projector Projecteur.

Prop Tirette; renfort.

Prop, fork Contrefourche.

Propelling power Force motrice.

Propeller Propulseur; h�lice.

Protecting band for tyre Protecteur de bandage; croissant de protection.

Protecting cover Contre-enveloppe.

Protector Protecteur.

Public carriage road Grande route.

Pulley Poulie.

Pump Pompe.

Pump, air Pompe � air.

Pump bracket Support de pompe.

Pump bracket stud Goujon de support de pompe.

Pump clip Porte-pompe.

Pump connection Raccord de pompe.

Pump fan Roue � ailettes pour pompe.

Pump, foot Pompe � pied.

Pump, rotary Pompe rotative.

Pump, stirrup Pompe � �trier.

Pump, to (inflate) Gonfler.

Pump tube Tube de pompe.

Pump, tyre Pompe pour pneumatique.

Pump union Raccord de pompe.

Pump washer Rondelle pour pompe.

Pump with clapper valve Pompe � battant.

Puncture Perforation.

Puncture proof Imperforable.

Puncture, to Se perforer.

Punctured tyre Pneu perfor�.

Purlin Panne.


Quadrant Secteur.

Quadricycle Quadricycle.

Quadruple gear wheel Roue quadruple.

Quadruplet Quadruplette.


Race Course.

Racing car Voiture de course.

Racing machine Machine de course.

Racing man Coureur.

Rack Cr�maill�re.

Radiating fin } Ailette. Radiating flange }

Radiator Radiateur.

Radiator stay Tirant de radiateur.

Ratchet Encliquetage; cliquet.

Ratchet wheel Roue � cliquet.

Rattan Rotin.

Rattle, to Claquer.

Rat-trap pedal P�dale � scie.

Raw hide Cuir vert.

Reaction spring Ressort de rappel.

Record, to make a Etablir un record.

Red light Feu rouge.

Reed (horn) Anche.

Reference mark Point de rep�re.

Refill Recharge.

Reflector R�flecteur.

Regulations R�glement de circulation.

Regulator R�gulateur.

Relief valve Soupape de trop plein.

Removable D�tachable; d�montable.

Renew, to Renouveler.

Repair box Bo�te n�cessaire.

Repair outfit N�cessaire de r�parations.

Repair, to R�parer.

Repairer M�canicien.

Repairs, to do Faire des r�parations.

Re-rubbering Recaoutchouture.

Reservoir R�servoir.

Resin R�sine.

Retard sparking Retard � l'allumage.

Re-tyring Recaoutchouture.

Reverse movement Marche arri�re.

Reverse shaft Arbre de changement de marche.

Reverse shaft spring Ressort d'arbre de changement de marche.

Reversible handle bar Guidon r�versible.

Reversing gear Changement de marche.

Reversing lever Levier de changement de marche.

Reversing thrust But�e de changement de marche.

Revolution Tour.

Revolution counter Compte-tours.

Revolving seat Si�ge tournant.

Ribbon road Route en lacets.

Rideable hill C�te praticable.

Rideable road Route praticable.

Rifle clip Porte-fusil.

Right crank Manivelle droite.

Right handed screw Vis � filet droit.

Right, go to the Prendre � droite.

Rim Jante; couronne.

Rim brake Frein sur jante.

Rimer Al�soir.

Ring Couronne; bague; anneau.

Rivet Rivet.

Rivet, to River.

Rivet, chain Tourillon de cha�ne.

Road Route; voie; chemin.

Road, bad Mauvaise route; voie impraticable.

Road book Routier.

Road broken up by traffic Chemin d�fonc� par le roulage.

Road, carriage Route carrossable.

Road, good Bonne route.

Road map Carte routi�re.

Road mender Cantonnier.

Roadster Bicyclette de route.

Roadway Chauss�e.

Rod Tige.

Rod for brake lever Tige de levier de frein.

Rod for carburetter piston Tige de piston de carburateur

Rod for clutch pedal Tige de p�dale d'embrayage.

Rod for differential brake Tige de frein de diff�rentiel.

Rod for single cylinder Tige entretoise de culasse.

Roller Galet; rouleau.

Roller bearings Coussinets � rouleaux.

Roller chain Cha�ne � rouleaux.

Roof board Planche de toiture.

Rope Corde.

Rosewood Palissandre.

Rotary pump Pompe rotative.

Rotary valve Soupape rotative.

Rough (forging) Ebauch�.

Round (on a track) Tour de piste.

Roundabout way D�tour.

Row (radiator) Etage.

Rubber Caoutchouc.

Rubber pedal P�dale � caoutchouc.

Rubber sleeve of valve Tube caoutchouc de valve.

Runabout Voiturette.

Rust Rouille.

Rust, to Rouiller; se rouiller.

Rust, to remove D�rouiller.

Rut Orni�re.


Saddle Selle.

Saddle clip Serrage de selle.

Saddle cover Couvre-selle.

Saddle, cushion Selle � coussins.

Saddle frame Cadre de selle.

Saddle lug Raccord du pilier de selle.

Saddle, peakless Selle sans bec.

Saddle pillar Pilier de selle.

Saddle, pneumatic Selle pneumatique.

Safety bicycle Bicyclette.

Safety bolt Boulon de s�curit�.

Safety valve Soupape de s�ret�.

Sal ammoniac Sel ammoniac.

Sand paper Papier de verre.

Satin wood Bois de satin.

Saw Scie.

Screen, rotary Ecran rotatif.

Screw Vis.

Screw brake Frein � vis.

Screw-cut, to Tarauder; fileter.

Screw driver Tournevis.

Screw for fastening Vis de fixation de vis de contact. platinum-tipped screw

Screw for governor cam Vis de came de r�gulateur.

Screw for horn bracket Vis de collier de trompette.

Screw for piston pin Vis d'axe de piston.

Screw for starting bush Vis de clavetage de la douille de mise en marche.

Screw for steering Vis pour direction.

Screw tap for burner Vis pointeau de br�leur.

Screw tap for burner tank Vis pointeau de lampe de br�leur.

Screw, to Visser.

Screw wrench Clef anglaise.

Scroll iron Main de ressort.

Seamless tube Tube sans soudure.

Seat Si�ge; place.

Seat board Planche du si�ge.

Seat pillar Pilier de selle; tube de selle.

Secondary shaft Arbre secondaire.

Section iron Fer profil�.

Sectional radiator Radiateur cloisonn�.

Sector Secteur.

Sector support Support de secteur.

Security bolt with spring and cap Boulon de s�curit� � ressort et � chapeau.

Security stud with wing nut Boulon de s�curit� � oreilles.

Segment Segment.

Seize, to Gripper.

Seizing Grippement.

Self-propelling Automobile.

Self-sealing tyre Pneumatique auto-r�parable.

Semi-racer Machine demi-course.

Set of wires S�rie de fils.

Set screw Vis de rappel.

Shackle Menotte; esse.

Shade lines Traits de force.

Shaft Arbre.

Shearing strain Travail de cisaillement.

Sheet iron T�le de fer.

Sheeting T�lerie.

Shoe, brake Sabot de frein.

Shop Atelier.

Short frame Ch�ssis court.

Shoulder Embase; �paulement.

Show Exposition.

Shutter Persienne; volet.

Side board Planche lat�rale.

Side door Porti�re lat�rale.

Side elevation El�vation de c�t�.

Side entrance Entr�e sur le c�t�.

Side plate of link Lame de maillon.

Side rail for folding seat Accotoir de strapontin.

Side slip D�rapage.

Side slip, to D�raper.

Side step Marchepied de c�t�.

Side thrust Pouss�e oblique.

Side timbers Ridelles.

Side view Vue de c�t�.

Sight feed lubricator Graisseur � d�bit visible; compte-gouttes.

Silencer Silencieux; pot d'�chappement.

Silver plated Plaqu� argent.

Single ended spanner Clef simple.

Single roller chain Cha�ne � simples rouleaux.

Single tube tyre Pneumatique � tube simple; pneumatique coll�.

Skid, to Patiner; d�raper.

Slack tyre Pneumatique d�gonfl�.

Sleeve Manchon; douille.

Slide Coulisse; glissi�re.

Slide rod Tige de distribution.

Slide rod guide Coulisseau de tige de distribution.

Slide valve Tiroir.

Slipping Glissement.

Small connecting rod Biellette.

Small plate Lame.

Smaller cog wheel Petit pignon.

Smear, to Enduire; barboter.

Snug Ergot.

Snug, with Ergot�.

Socket Manchon; douille.

Socket, head Douille de direction.

Soft soap Savon noir.

Solder, to Souder.

Sole bar Longeron.

Sole piece Semelle.

Solid D'une seule pi�ce.

Solid tyre Caoutchouc plein; bandage plein.

Solid wheel Roue pleine.

Spanner Clef.

Spanner for steering gear Clef pour rotules de direction.

Spare parts Pi�ces de rechange.

Spark Etincelle.

Spark gap Espace d'�tincelle.

Sparking Allumage.

Sparking advance Avance � l'allumage.

Sparking advance lever Manette d'avance � l'allumage.

Sparking plug Bougie; inflammateur; tampon d'allumage.

Sparking plug stud Goujon d'inflammateur.

Sparking retard Retard � l'allumage.

Specific gravity Gravit� sp�cifique.

Speed Vitesse.

Speed, at full A toute vitesse.

Speed gear box Bo�te de vitesse.

Speed indicator Indicateur de vitesse.

Spindle, pinion Axe de pignon.

Spindle, valve Tige de soupape.

Spiral spring Ressort � boudin.

Spirit Essence.

Spirit lamp Lampe � alcool.

Splash board Planche pare-crotte.

Split Fendu.

Split pin Goupille fendue.

Split pulley Poulie en deux pi�ces.

Split washer Rondelle Grover.

Spoke Rai; rayon.

Spoke nipple Ecrou de rayon.

Spoke tightener Serre-rayon.

Spoke washer Rondelle pour rais.

Sponge Eponge.

Spoon block Sabot forme cuiller.

Spoon brake Frein � sabot; frein � patin.

Sport Sport.

Sprag B�quille.

Sprag bracket Chape de b�quille.

Sprag pulley Poulie de b�quille.

Spray carburetter Carburateur � pulv�risation.

Spray chamber Chambre de pulv�risation; chambre de diffusion.

Spray nipple or nozzle Gigleur; bec.

Spray vaporiser Vaporisateur � pulv�risation.

Sprayer Diffuseur; c�ne renvers�; champignon de pulv�risation.

Spring Ressort.

Spring box Bo�te � ressort.

Spring clutch Embrayage � ressort.

Spring frame Cadre antivibrateur.

Spring of burner valve Ressort de vis pointeau de br�leur.

Spring of compression valve Ressort de soupape de compression.

Spring of contact breaker Ressort de trembleur.

Spring seat Si�ge � ressorts.

Sprocket axle support Support d'arbre de pignon de cha�ne.

Sprocket bolt Colonnette.

Sprocket shaft Arbre de pignon de cha�ne.

Sprocket wheel Pignon de cha�ne.

Sprocket wheel washer Rondelle de pignon de cha�ne.

Spruce Spruce.

Spur gear Engrenage droit.

Spurt, to Donner un coup de collier.

Square coil Bobine carr�e.

Squared shaft Arbre � carr�.

Stack of tubes Faisceau tubulaire.

Stage, day's Etape journali�re.

Staggered En quinconces.

Stand Support.

Stand (for spectators) Tribune.

Staple G�che; crampon.

Start, to D�marrer; mettre en marche.

Starting Mise en marche; d�marrage.

Starting catch or bolt Verrou de mise en marche.

Starting handle Manivelle de mise en marche.

Starting handle axle Axe de manivelle de mise en marche.

Starting pin Goupille de mise en marche.

Starting pinion Pignon de mise en marche.

Starting pinion bush Douille de pignon de mise en marche.

Stay Tirant; entretoise.

Stay rod Tige entretoise.

Stay tube Tube tirant.

Steel Acier.

Steel, cold drawn Acier �tir� � froid.

Steel cord Corde en acier.

Steel rim Jante en acier.

Steel wire Fil d'acier.

Steep ascent Mont�e rapide.

Steep descent Descente rapide.

Steep gradient Forte rampe.

Steer, to Diriger.

Steering Direction.

Steering axle Essieu directeur.

Steering bar Barre de direction.

Steering collar Emplanture pour direction.

Steering column Tube de direction; barre verticale de direction.

Steering gear box Bo�te de direction.

Steering lever Levier de direction.

Steering lock Arr�t de direction.

Steering post Tube int�rieur de direction.

Steering quadrant Secteur de direction.

Steering rod Bielle de commande de direction; tige de direction.

Steering rod bolt Axe de bielle de direction.

Steering sector Secteur pour direction.

Steering shaft Arbre de direction.

Steering wheel Roue directrice.

Steering wheel, hand Volant de direction.

Stem (boat) Etrave.

Stem, handle bar Tube plongeur de guidon.

Stem, valve Tige de soupape.

Step Marchepied.

Step bearing Crapaudine.

Step pulley Poulie �tag�e.

Step tread Palette de marchepied.

Stern frame Cadre d'h�lice.

Stern post Etambot.

Stern tube Tube d'arbre de l'h�lice.

Sticking plaster Taffetas.

Stirrup pump Pompe � �trier.

Stop Butoir.

Stop, to S'arr�ter.

Stop valve Soupape d'arr�t.

Stoppage Arr�t.

Stopping place Etape.

Straighten, to Redresser.

Strap Courroie.

Street Rue.

Stroke of piston Course du piston.

Stud Goujon.

Stud bolt Colonnette.

Stud, security Boulon de s�curit�.

Stud with projection Goujon ergot.

Studded tread band Protecteur antid�rapant � rivets.

Stuffed Rembourr�

Stuffing box Presse-�toupe; bo�te � garniture.

Subscription Abonnement; cotisation.

Suction Aspiration.

Suction stroke Temps d'aspiration.

Suction tubing Tuyauterie d'aspiration.

Suction valve cap Bouchon d'aspiration.

Suction valve flange Bride d'aspiration.

Sulphuric acid Acide sulfurique.

Superheater Surchauffeur.

Support Support.

Support for spring Main de support.

Surface carburetter Carburateur par surface.

Surface condenser Condenseur par surface.

Syringe Seringue.

Switch Interrupteur.

Switch block Sabot d'interrupteur.

Switch off, to Couper le circuit.

Switch on, to Fermer le circuit.

Swivel Emerillon.


Tack Pointe.

Tail-board Tablier d'arri�re.

Tail board fastening (wagon) Fermeture de hayon.

Tail board hook Crochet de tablier.

Tail end shaft Arbre porte-h�lice.

Tallow wood Arbre � suif.

Tandem Tandem.

Tandem safety Bicyclette-tandem.

Tandem tricycle Tricycle tandem.

Tangent spokes Rayons tangents.

Take to pieces, to D�monter.

Tank R�servoir.

Tap Robinet.

Tap, screwing Taraud.

Taper pin Goupille conique.

Tappet Toc; broche d'entra�nement.

Tarpaulin B�che.

Tax plate Plaque de contr�le.

Teak Teck.

Tee T�.

Telescopic pump Pompe t�lescope.

Template Gabarit.

Tenon Tenon.

Terminal Borne.

Thimble Cosse.

Thong Lani�re.

Thread, to Fileter.

Threaded pin Goupille filet�e.

Three way tap Robinet � trois voies.

Three way water tap Robinet � trois d�bits pour circulation d'eau.

Thread (screw) Filet.

Throttle valve Soupape � papillon; �trangleur.

Throw out of gear, to D�brayer.

Thrust Pouss�e; but�e.

Thrust bearing Palier de but�e.

Thrust block But�e.

Thrust collar Bague de but�e.

Thrust rod Bielle de pouss�e.

Thrust screw Vis de pouss�e.

Ticket of membership Certificat de membre.

Ticking for covering cushions Toile treillis pour coussins.

Tighten, to Serrer; tendre.

Tightener, belt Tendeur pour courroie.

Tiller Barre.

Timekeeper Chronom�treur.

Timing gear Appareil d'avance � l'allumage.

Timing sector or quadrant Secteur pour avance � l'allumage.

Toe clip Rattrape de p�dale; calepieds.

Tool bag Sacoche.

Tool pouch Sacoche.

Tommy bar Broche.

Tonneau Tonneau.

Tongs Tenailles; pinces.

Top head cup Raccord sup�rieur avant.

Top part of diaphragm Cuvette de piston � air.

Top shaft Arbre sup�rieur.

Top tube Tube sup�rieur; tube horizontal.

Torque Torque.

Tour Voyage; tourn�e.

Touring Le tourisme.

Touring car Voiture de tourisme.

Tourist Touriste.

Tow, to Remorquer.

Track, racing Piste.

Tractive power Effort de traction.

Tractor Tracteur.

Trade, the Le commerce.

Trade mark Marque de fabrique.

Traffic, heavy Encombrement de voitures.

Trailer Voiturette remorque.

Tread Chape; bande de roulement; croissant de protection.

Trembler Trembleur; rupteur.

Trembler coil Bobine � trembleur.

Tricycle Tricycle.

Trip Voyage de plaisir.

Trip rod Culbuteur.

Trip rod collar Bague de culbuteur.

Trip rod collar pin Goupille de bague de culbuteur.

Triple gear wheel Roue triple.

Triple inlet valve seat Si�ge triple de soupape d'aspiration.

Trouser clip Pince-pantalon.

True, to Rectifier.

True a wheel, to Centrer une roue.

Tube Tube.

Tube expander Sertisseur.

Tubular box spanner Clef en tube concentrique.

Tubular steel shaft Arbre tube acier.

Turning handle Poign�e tournante.

Turnpike road Route de grande communication.

Turpentine T�r�benthine.

Tyre Caoutchouc; pneumatique; bandage.

Tyre cement Colle; mastic.

Tyre cover Enveloppe.

Tyre pump Pompe � pneumatique.

Tyre remover D�monte-pneu; d�monte-bandage.

Tyre solution Dissolution.

Twin tap Robinet de m�lange.

Twist belt Courroie torse.

Two speed machine Machine � deux vitesses.

Two to one gear Mouvement de d�doublement.

Two to one shaft Arbre � cames.

Two way tap Robinet � deux voies.


Unattached Ind�pendant.

Underframe Ch�ssis inf�rieur.

Under stem of carburetter Dessous de carburateur.

Uniform, club Costume social.

Union Raccord.

Union, cycling Union v�locip�dique.

Universal joint Joint universel; joint � rotule.

Universal shackle Jumelle.

Unpuncturable Imperforable.

Unrideable Impraticable.

Unrivet, to D�river.

Unscrew, to D�visser.

Up hill, to go Monter une c�te.

Upholstered Garni; capitonn�.

Upholstering Garniture.


V belt Courroie trap�zo�dale; courroie en V.

V block on trembler Bloc en V du trembleur.

Valve, petrol inlet Clapet d'alimentation; pointeau d'arriv�e d'essence.

Valve Valve; soupape; clapet.

Valve chain Cha�nette de valve.

Valve chamber Chambre de soupapes.

Valve chamber cap Bouchon de chambre des soupapes.

Valve cone C�ne de soupape.

Valve dust cap Bouchon de soupape.

Valve lifter L�ve-soupape.

Valve plug (tyre) Obus.

Valve seat Si�ge de soupape.

Valve spindle } Tige de soupape. Valve stem }

Valve, to grind a Meuler une soupape.

Van Voiture de livraison.

Van, large Fourgon de livraison.

Vapourising carburetter Carburateur � �vaporation.

Variable speed Vitesse variable.

Vehicle V�hicule.

Ventilator Ventilateur.

Vertical section Coupe verticale.

Vibration Tr�pidation.

Vice Etau.

Victoria Victoria.

Voltage Voltage.

Voltmeter Voltm�tre.

Vulcanised fibre Fibre vulcanis�e.

Vulcanised rubber Caoutchouc vulcanis�.


Wagonette Wagonnette.

Wallet Sacoche.

Walnut Noyer.

Warmer R�chauffeur.

Warming pipe Tube-r�chauffeur.

Wash-board Fargue.

Washer Rondelle.

Waste oil screw Vis de purge pour l'huile de graissage.

Waste oil tap Robinet de purge pour l'huile de graissage.

Waste petrol screw Vis de purge pour carburateur.

Waste petrol tap Robinet de purge pour carburateur.

Watch holder Porte-montre.

Water Eau.

Water cap Bouchon de r�servoir.

Water circulation Circulation d'eau.

Water circulation connection Tubulure pour circulation d'eau.

Water cooling Refroidissement � l'eau.

Water gauge Niveau d'eau.

Water gauge glass Tube de niveau d'eau.

Water jacket Culasse � eau; enveloppe d'eau.

Water receiver round exhaust valve Poche d'eau autour de la soupape d'�chappement.

Waterproof Imperm�able; �tanche � l'eau.

Waterproof bag Sac en toile caoutchout�e.

Waterproof cape P�lerine.

Water tank R�servoir � eau; caisse � eau.

Water tube Bouilleur.

Watering cart Arrosoir; tonneau d'arrosage.

Wear and tear Usure.

Web (of a beam) Ame.

Wedge Coin; cale.

Weighing machine Bascule.

Weight Poids.

Weld, to Souder.

Weldless Sans soudure.

Well seat Si�ge profond.

Wheel Roue.

Wheel base Empattement.

Wheel cap Chapeau de roue.

Wheel cap spanner Clef pour essieux de voitures.

Wheel gauge Ecartement des roues.

Wheel guard Couvre-roues.

Wheel iron head Embrasure de ressort.

Wheel pulley Poulie jante.

Whip Cravache.

Whistle Sifflet.

White light Feu blanc.

Wick M�che.

Wind Vent.

Wind, head Vent contraire.

Wind shield Contrevent.

Winding road Route en lacets.

Window blind Store.

Wing Aile.

Winged nut Ecrou � oreilles.

Winning post Poteau d'arriv�e.

Wipe contact Distributeur d'allumage.

Wire clamp Serre-fil.

Wire clamp for commutator Serre-fil pour distributeur d'allumage.

Wire clamp for timing sector Serre-fil pour secteur d'avance � l'allumage.

Wire drawing of steam Laminage de la vapeur.

Wire gauze Toile m�tallique.

Wire, iron Fil de fer.

Wire rope C�ble m�tallique.

Wire seat Si�ge � tissu m�tallique.

Wired on cover Enveloppe � tringles.

Wooden rim Jante en bois.

Wooden seat Si�ge de bois.

Working drawing Dessin d'ex�cution.

Working load Charge utile.

Working parts Pi�ces m�caniques.

Working pressure Pression effective.

Workmanship Main d'oeuvre.

Works Ateliers; fabrique; usine.

Worm Filet; vis sans fin.

Wrench, adjustable Clef anglaise.

Wrist pin Axe d'assemblage.

Wrought iron Fer forg�.


Yew If.

Yoke Etrier.


Zinc Zinc.


Abonnement Subscription.

Acajou Mahogany.

Acat�ne Chainless.

Acc�l�rateur Accelerator.

Accessoires Accessories.

Accident� Hilly.

Accotement Cycle path.

Accotoir de strapontin Side rail for folding seat.

Accumulateur Accumulator; storage battery.

Ac�tyl�ne Acetylene.

Ac�tylite Acetylite.

Acier embouti Pressed steel.

Acier tremp� Hardened steel.

A-coup Knock.

Affaisser, s' To collapse (of tyres).

Agencement Fitting.

Agrafe de courroie Belt fastener.

Aiguille Needle; pricker.

Aile Wing.

Aile d'arri�re Back wing.

Aile d'avant Front wing.

Ailette Gill; flange; fin.

Ajour� With an opening.

Alcool d�natur� Methylated spirits.

Al�sage Bore.

Al�soir Rimer.

Allumage Ignition; sparking.

Allumage � incandescence Tube ignition.

Allumage �lectrique Electric ignition.

Allumage magn�to-�lectrique Magneto-ignition.

Allumage par magn�to Magneto-ignition.

Allumage pr�matur� Back fire.

Allumeur Contact breaker.

Allumoir Lighter; igniter.

Ame Web.

Amiante Asbestos.

Amp�rage Amperage.

Amp�re Ampere.

Amp�rem�tre Ammeter.

Ampoule verre Glass bulb.

Anche Reed.

Anti-d�rapant Non-skidding.

Arbre � cames Cam shaft.

Arbre � carr� Squared shaft.

Arbre � plateaux Flanged shaft.

Arbre d'acc�l�rateur Accelerator shaft.

Arbre de changement de vitesse Change speed shaft.

Arbre de diff�rentiel Differential shaft.

Arbre de direction Steering shaft.

Arbre d'embrayage Clutch shaft.

Arbre de moteur Engine shaft; motor shaft.

Arbre de mouvement Gear shaft.

Arbre de p�dale Pedal shaft.

Arbre de pignon de cha�ne Sprocket shaft.

Arbre de ralentisseur Accelerator shaft.

Arbre de transmission Gear shaft; counter shaft.

Arbre en porte-�-faux Overhanging or projecting shaft.

Arbre inf�rieur Clutch shaft; bottom shaft.

Arbre interm�diaire Reverse shaft; counter shaft; intermediate shaft.

Arbre porte-h�lice Tail end shaft.

Arbre porte-marteau de r�gulateur Governor hammer shaft. de moteur

Arbre primaire Primary shaft.

Arbre secondaire Secondary shaft.

Arbre sup�rieur Top shaft.

Arrache-clous Nail catcher.

Arr�t de direction Headlock; steering lock.

Arri�re-train After carriage.

Arriv�e d'essence Petrol inlet.

Aspiration Suction.

Astiquer To polish.

Atelier Workshop.

Attache Clamp.

Automobile Self-propelling; motorcar.

Autor�parateur, -rice Self-sealing.

Avance � l'allumage Sparking advance.

Avance � l'allumage, appareil d' Timing gear.

Avant-train Fore-carriage.

Axe Axle; bolt; pin; spindle.

Axe d'articulation de direction Steering rod bolt.

Axe d'assemblage Wrist pin.

Axe de bielle de direction Steering rod bolt.

Axe des abscisses Datum line.

Axe de flotteur de carburateur Carburetter float spindle.

Axe de fourchette porte-galet Exhaust fork roller bolt. d'�chappement

Axe de frein Brake pin.

Axe de galet du levier Exhaust fork roller bolt. porte-galet de moteur.

Axe de levier de changement de Forward and reverse lever rod pin. marche

Axe de manivelle de mise en marche Starting handle axle.

Axe des m�choires du frein de Differential brake bolt. diff�rentiel.

Axe de p�dale Pedal pin.

Axe de pignon Pinion spindle.

Axe de piston Piston pin; gudgeon pin.

Axe de volant Driving shaft.

Axe du p�dalier Crank axle.

Axe en axe, d' Centre to centre.

Axe moteur Driving shaft.

Axe principal Main axle.

Axe supportant les distributeurs Commutator cam shaft. d'allumage.

Bac d'accumulateur Containing case.

B�che Tarpaulin.

Bague Collar; bush.

Bague � collerette Flanged collar.

Bague de biellette de rappel de Collar for digger. tige

Bague de but�e Thrust collar.

Bague de captation Thrust collar.

Bague de culbuteur Trip rod collar.

Bague de centrage Centering ring.

Bague de corps de distributeur Commutator bush. d'allumage

Bague de r�glage de direction Steering head lock nut.

Bain d'huile Oil bath.

Balai Brush.

Balai des distributeurs d'allumage Commutator brush.

Ballon Gas bag; canopy.

Ballon d�montable Removable canopy.

Bandage Tyre.

Bandage plein Solid tyre.

Bande anti-d�rapante Non-skidding band.

Bande de roulement Tread.

Baquet Bucket seat.

Barbotage Smearing.

Barboter To smear or daub.

Barre d'accouplement de direction Front steering bar.

Barre franche Tiller.

Bascule Weighing machine.

Basse tension Low tension.

Bateau � moteur Motor boat.

B�ti de moteur Crank case.

Batterie Battery.

Batterie de piles s�ches Dry battery.

Bec Nipple; burner.

Bec de selle Peak of saddle.

B�cane Bike.

B�quille Sprag; devil.

Bicycle multipli� Ordinary geared bicycle.

Bicyclette Safety bicycle.

Bicyclette � moteur Motor bicycle.

Bicyclette de dame Lady's bicycle.

Bicyclette d'homme Man's bicycle.

Bicyclette pliante Folding bicycle.

Bicycliste Bicyclist.

Bidon Petrol can; oilcan.

Bielle Connecting rod; rod.

Bielle de changement de vitesse Change speed connecting rod.

Bielle de commande de d�brayage Brake and clutch lever connecting et de frein rod.

Bielle de commande de direction Steering rod.

Bielle de commande de frein Brake lever connecting rod.

Bielle de commande de piston de Carburetter connecting rod. carburateur

Bielle de moteur Piston connecting rod.

Bielle de pouss�e Thrust rod.

Bielle de rappel de tige Digger connecting rod.

Bielle de tension de cha�ne Chain adjusting rod.

Biellette Small connecting rod.

Bille Ball.

Bille de carburateur Carburetter ball or valve.

Bille de graisseur Lubricator ball.

Biseaut� Bevelled.

Blindage Casing.

Blind� Cased.

Bloc Block.

Bloc de cha�ne Chain block.

Bloc du trembleur Trembler block.

Bloc, gonfl� � Hard pumped (tyre).

Bloc, serrer le frein � To put the brake full on.

Bobine � trembleur Trembler coil.

Bobine carr�e Square coil.

Bobine d'induction Induction coil.

Bobine quadruple 4-way coil.

Bobine sans trembleur Non-trembler coil.

Bois d'arbre � suif Tallow wood.

Boisseau de butoir Buffer guide.

Bo�te Box.

Bo�te � garniture Stuffing box.

Bo�te � graisse Axle box.

Bo�te � ressort Spring box.

Bo�te de diff�rentiel Differential gear box.

Bo�te de direction Steering gear box.

Bo�te d'engrenages Gear box.

Bo�te de m�lange Mixing chamber.

Bo�te de mouvement Gear box.

Bo�te de vitesse Speed gear box.

Bo�te du flotteur Float chamber.

Bo�te n�cessaire Repair box.

Bomb� Convex.

Bord� Planking.

Borgne Blind.

Borne Terminal.

Bouche-trou Cap for oil hole.

Bouchon Cap; plug; nipple.

Bouchon � champignon Mushroom cap.

Bouchon d'accumulateur Accumulator cap.

Bouchon d'aspiration Suction valve cap.

Bouchon de dessus de carburateur Carburetter float cap.

Bouchon d'�chappement Exhaust valve cap.

Bouchon d'emplissage de r�servoir Cap for water pipe. d'eau

Bouchon d'inflammateur Firing nipple.

Bouchon de r�servoir Water cap.

Bouchon du regard d'�chappement Exhaust valve inspection cap.

Bouchon de valve Valve cap.

Bouchon de vidange Blow off plug.

Bouchon registre de prise d'air Carburetter air cap. pour carburateur

Bougie Sparking plug.

Bouilleur Water tube.

Bouillotte Footwarmer (water).

Boule de r�gulateur Governor ball.

Bouleau Birch-wood.

Boulon Bolt.

Boulon � mentonnet Hook bolt.

Boulon d'ancrage Holding down bolt.

Boulon de frein Brake screw.

Boulon de s�curit� Safety bolt; security stud.

Boulon de s�curit� � oreilles Security stud with wing nut.

Boulon de s�curit� � ressort et � Security stud with spring and cap. chapeau

Boulon du collier de direction Head and handle bar clip bolt.

Boulon, 6 pans Hexagon head bolt.

Boulon et �crou Bolt and nut.

Boulon et �crou de cha�ne Chain bolt and nut.

Boulon et �crou de la tige de Seat pillar bolt and nut. selle

Bourrelet Beaded edge of tyre cover.

Bouton Button.

Bouton d'arr�t Stop button.

Bouton de manivelle Crank pin.

Bouton de porte Door handle.

Braser To braze.

Brassi�re Arm sling.

Brevet d'invention Patent.

Brevet principal Master patent.

Bride Clamp; flange.

Bride d'aspiration Inlet valve flange.

Bride d'�chappement Exhaust valve flange.

Briquet Clamp.

Bride de ressort Clip for spring.

Broche Tommy bar; drift; gudgeon pin.

Broche d'entra�nement Tappet.

Brosse � cha�ne Chain brush.

Br�leur Burner.

Buis Box-wood.

Burette Oil can.

But�e Thrust block.

But�e � billes Ball bearing thrust.

But�e de changement de marche Reversing thrust.

Butoir Stop.

C�ble Wire; rope.

C�ble flexible Flexible wire.

Cache-poussi�re Dust cap.

Cadre Frame.

Cadre � ressorts Spring frame.

Cadre antivibrateur Spring frame.

Cadre de selle Saddle frame.

Cadre en croix Cross frame.

Cadre d'h�lice Stern frame.

Caisse Body.

Caisse � eau Water tank.

Caisse pliante Folding crate.

Cale Block; wedge.

Calepieds Toe clip.

Caler To key.

Calfater To caulk.

Calotte de soupape d'aspiration Inlet valve cap.

Calotte de timbre Dome of bell.

Came Cam.

Came d'allumage Ignition cam.

Came d'�chappement Exhaust lift cam.

Came de r�gulateur Governor cam.

Came fibre Fibre cam.

Camion Dray; lorry.

Caniveau Gutter.

Canot automobile Motor launch.

Caoutchouc India rubber; tyre.

Caoutchouc cannel� pour p�dales Fluted pedal rubber.

Caoutchouc creux Hollow tyre.

Caoutchouc plein Solid tyre.

Caoutchouc pneumatique Pneumatic tyre.

Caoutchouc pour p�dales Pedal rubber.

Capitonn� Upholstered.

Capot couvre-moteur Bonnet.

Capote Hood.

Capuchon Hood.

Capuchon de br�leur Burner guard.

Capuchon de lanterne Flame guard.

Carburateur Carburetter.

Carburateur � �vaporation Vapourising carburetter.

Carburateur � niveau constant Constant level carburetter.

Carburateur � pulv�risation Spray carburetter.

Carburateur par surface Surface carburetter.

Carbure de calcium Carbide.

Cardan Cardan; arbor shaft.

Carneau Fire-tube.

Carrefour Crossways.

Carrosserie Carriage work.

Carrossier Carriage builder.

Carter Crank case; gear case.

Carton d'amiante Asbestos millboard.

Catalytique Catalytic.

Catalyse Catalysis.

C�dre Cedar.

Cellulo�d Celluloid.

C�menter To case-harden.

Centrer une roue To true a wheel.

Cha�ne Chain.

Cha�ne � blocs Block chain.

Cha�ne � doubles rouleaux Double roller chain.

Cha�ne � rouleaux Roller chain.

Cha�ne � simples rouleaux Single roller chain.

Cha�nette de valve Valve chain.

Cha�non Link of chain.

Chambre � air Air tube; inner tube.

Chambre de combustion Combustion chamber.

Chambre d'explosion Explosion chamber.

Chambre de diffusion Spray chamber.

Chambre de m�lange Mixing chamber.

Chambre de pulv�risation Spray chamber.

Chambre de soupapes Valve chamber.

Champignon Inverted cone.

Champignon de pulv�risation Sprayer.

Chanfreiner To chamfer.

Changement de marche Reversing gear.

Changement de vitesse Change speed gear.

Chape Tread of tyre; end; bracket; fork.

Chape de b�quille Sprag bracket.

Chape de boule de r�gulateur Governor ball fork.

Chape du cliquet de levier de Change speed lever catch fork. changement de vitesse

Chape de levier de frein Brake lever end.

Chape de piston du carburateur Carburetter piston rod end.

Chape de tige de frein Brake rod end.

Chape de tige entretoise de Cylinder head stay end. culasse

Chapeau Cap; keep.

Chapeau de palier Bearing keep.

Chapeau de roue Wheel cap.

Chapeau de soupape Valve cap.

Chapeau de tension Cap of draw-link.

Charge de rupture Breaking strain.

Charge utile Working load.

Charger To charge.

Charni�re Hinge.

Charni�re avec cache-fente Concealed hinge.

Chasse-clous Nail-catcher.

Chasse-goupille Pin driver.

Ch�ssis Chassis; frame.

Ch�ssis cintr� Curved frame.

Ch�ssis court Short frame.

Ch�ssis inf�rieur Under-frame.

Ch�taignier Chestnut.

Chaudi�re Boiler.

Chaudi�re � vaporisation Flash boiler. instantan�e

Chaufferette Footwarmer.

Chauss�e Roadway.

Chauss�e en empierrement Macadamised road.

Chemin Road.

Chemin forain Wide thoroughfare.

Chemin�e d'aspiration Air chimney.

Ch�ne Oak.

Ch�ne blanc White oak.

Ch�ne vert Live oak.

Chevaux effectifs, force en Brake horse-power.

Cheville de l'interrupteur Connecting plug.

Chicanes, en Arranged as baffles.

Choc en arri�re Back fire; back kick.

Circulation d'eau Water circulation.

Cisaillement, travail de Shearing strain.

Clapet Flap valve; valve.

Clapet d'alimentation Feed valve.

Claquer To rattle.

Clavette Key; cotter; linch-pin.

Clavette de p�dalier Bottom bracket cotter pin.

Clavette de soupape d'admission Inlet valve cotter.

Clef Spanner.

Clef am�ricaine � molette Billing spanner. "Billing."

Clef anglaise Screw wrench.

Clef � deux branches Double branch spanner.

Clef � douille Box spanner.

Clef de serrage Spanner.

Clef double Double ended spanner.

Clef en tube concentrique Tubular box spanner.

Clef pour essieux de voitures Wheel cap spanner.

Clef pour rotules de direction Spanner for steering gear.

Clef simple Single ended spanner.

Clin, � Clincher built.

Clinquant Foil.

Cliquet Catch; ratchet.

Cliquet de levier de changement Change speed lever catch. de vitesse

Cliquet de levier de frein Brake lever catch.

Clochette Bell.

Cloison Partition.

Clou � parquet Brad.

Coefficient de friction Coefficient of friction.

Coin Wedge.

Colle Cement (for tyres).

Collecteur Commutator; header (of boiler).

Collet Collar.

Collier Band; strap.

Collier d'excentrique Eccentric strap.

Collier de frein Brake band; brake clip.

Collier de levier de frein Brake detachable clip.

Collier de r�glage des cuvettes Bottom, bracket adjusting de p�dalier collar.

Collier de serrage Clip.

Collier de serrage de direction Head and handle bar clip.

Collier de trompette Horn bracket.

Collier de tube de frein Brake adjusting clip.

Colonnette Sprocket bolt; stud bolt.

Command� Operated; governed.

Compas Hinge.

Compte-gouttes Drip feed lubricator.

Compte-tours Revolution counter.

Condenseur � jet Jet condenser.

Condenseur � surface Surface condenser.

C�ne Cone.

C�ne d'embrayage Clutch cone.

C�ne de moyeu arri�re Back hub cone.

C�ne de moyeu avant Front hub cone.

C�ne de p�dale Pedal cone.

C�ne de r�glage Adjusting cone.

C�ne du raccord inf�rieur avant Bottom head cone.

C�ne femelle Female cone.

C�ne fixe du moyeu arri�re Rear hub fixed cone.

C�ne fixe du moyeu avant Front hub fixed cone.

C�ne m�le Male cone.

C�ne renvers� Inverted or spray cone.

Cong� Fillet.

Contact platine Platinum contact.

Contour Outline.

Contre-clavette Gib.

Contre-�crou Lock-nut.

Contre-�crou de direction Head locking nut.

Contre-�crou du pignon arri�re Chain ring lock nut.

Contre-enveloppe Protecting cover.

Contrefourche Fork prop.

Contrep�daler To back-pedal.

Contre-plaque Baffle plate.

Contrepoids Balance weight.

Contrepoids de vilebrequin Crank back-balance.

Contre-pression Back pressure.

Contrevent Wind shield.

Corde Cord.

Corde d'amiante Asbestos cord.

Corde de chanvre Hemp cord.

Corde en acier Steel cord.

Cornet d'alarme Horn; hooter.

Corni�re Angle bar.

Cosse Thimble.

Costume social Club costume.

C�te praticable Navigable hill.

Coude Elbow.

Coulisse Slide.

Coulisseau Block; guide.

Coulisseau de tige de distribution Slide rod guide.

Coup, �- Knock.

Coup de collier Spurt.

Coup de poing Hand pump.

Coupe Section.

Coup� Brougham.

Coupe-circuit Cut-out.

Coupe longitudinale Longitudinal section.

Coupe transversale Cross section.

Coupe verticale Vertical section.

Couper le circuit To switch off.

Courant Current.

Couronne Ring; crown; rim.

Couronne de billes Ball race.

Couronne de fourche avant Front fork crown.

Courroie Belt; strap.

Courroie � talon Edged belt.

Courroie coll�e Cemented belt.

Courroie cousue Sewn belt.

Courroie en =V= =V= belt.

Courroie inextensible Non-stretching belt.

Courroie poil de chameau Camel hair belt.

Courroie sans fin Endless belt.

Courroie torse Twist belt.

Courroie trap�zo�dale =V=-belt.

Course du piston Stroke of piston.

Course de c�te Hill climbing trial.

Course de fond Long distance race.

Coussin Cushion.

Coussinet Bearing.

Coussinets � billes Ball bearings.

Coussinets � c�nes r�glables Adjustable cone bearings.

Coussinets � cuvettes r�glables Adjustable cup bearings.

Coussinets � double filet Double ball bearings.

Coussinets ajustables Adjustable bearings.

Coussinets � rouleaux Roller bearings.

Coussinets de bo�te de mouvement Gear box bearings.

Coussinets de moteur Motor bearings.

Couvercle Cover; canopy; top.

Couvercle antipoussi�reux Dust cap.

Couvercle d'allumage Cover of contact breaker.

Couvercle d'arbre � cames Cam shaft cover.

Couvercle de culasse Cylinder head cover.

Couvercle d�montable Removable canopy.

Couvercle et galerie Luggage top.

Couvre-cha�ne Chain guard.

Couvre-engrenages Gear case.

Couvre-roues Wheel guard.

Couvre-selle Saddle cover.

Crampon Staple.

Crapaudine Step bearing.

Cr�maill�re Rack.

Crevaison Burst (tyre).

Crever To burst; to collapse.

Cran Notch.

Cric Lifting jack.

Cristal Glass.

Crochet Bell fastener; hook.

Crochet de tablier Tailboard hook.

Crochets de la jante Clinch of the rim.

Croisillon Cross shaft.

Croissant de protection Protecting band; tread.

Crosse Cross head.

Crupon pour courroie Belt-butt.

Cuir Leather.

Cuir chrome Chrome leather.

Cuir de selle Leather top of saddle.

Cuir vert Raw hide.

Cuivr� Copper plated.

Cuivre jaune Brass.

Cuivre rouge Copper.

Culasse Cylinder head.

Culasse � eau Water jacket.

Culbuteur Trip rod; digger.

Culotte Bridge piece.

Culotte d'aspiration Bridge piece for inlet valve.

Culotte d'�chappement Bridge piece for exhaust.

Curseur Index; cursor.

Cuvette Ball race; cup (of bearings).

Cuvette arri�re d'essieu � billes Ball race for back axle.

Cuvette avant d'essieu � billes Ball race for front axle.

Cuvette de br�leur Burner cup or pan.

Cuvette de p�dalier Bottom bracket barrel.

Cuvette de piston � air Top part of diaphragm.

Cylindre Cylinder.

Cylindre-culasse Centaur cylinder.

Dard Dragon tongue.

D�bit Feed.

D�brayer To disengage; to de-clutch.

D�brayer la courroie To throw off the belt.

D�chets de coton Cotton waste.

D�compression Compression relief.

D�formations de la route Irregularities of the road.

D�gonfler To deflate.

D�marrage Starting.

D�marrer To start.

Demi-coupe Half section.

D�montable Detachable.

D�monte-bandage } Tyre remover. D�monte-pneu }

D�monter To take to pieces.

D�monteur de bandage Tyre remover.

Densim�tre Densimeter.

Dent de roue Cog.

Denture Tooth; cog.

D�part Outlet.

D�rapage Side slip.

D�raper To side slip; to skid.

Descente dangereuse Dangerous hill.

D�sengrener To throw out of gear.

Dessin d'ex�cution Working drawing.

Dessous de carburateur Under stem of carburetter.

D�tente de vapeur Expansion of steam.

D�traquer To get out of order.

D�veloppement Gear.

D�versoir Flooder.

Diaphragme Diaphragm.

Diffuseur Sprayer.

Dimensions de la caisse Measurement over body.

Direction Steering; head of a bicycle.

Disposition sch�matique Diagrammatic arrangement.

Disque Disc.

Disque d'excentrique Eccentric sheave.

Dissolution Tyre solution.

Distance parcourue Distance run.

Distributeur d'allumage } Distributeur de courant pour } Commutator; wipe contact. allumage }

Domaine public, le brevet est The patent has expired. dans le

Douille Bush; sleeve.

Douille de direction Head socket.

Douille de lanterne Lamp stump.

Douille de mise en marche Starting pinion bush.

Douille de r�gulateur Governor sleeve.

Dress� au tour Faced in the lathe.

Ebauch� Rough; forging.

Eb�ne Ebony.

Ecartement des essieux Distance between axles.

Ecartement des roues Wheel gauge.

Echappement Exhaust.

Echauffement Overheating.

Echelle de r�duction Plotting scale.

Eclater To burst (tyre).

Ecrou Nut.

Ecrou � encoches } Castle nut. Ecrou � entailles }

Ecrou � oreilles Butterfly nut.

Ecrou borgne Cap nut.

Ecrou d'axe de p�dale Pedal fastening nut.

Ecrou d'essieu � billes Ball bearing axle arm nut.

Ecrou de rayon Spoke nipple.

Ecrou de r�glage de p�dale Pedal adjusting nut.

Ecrou du collier de direction Head and handle bar clip nut.

Ecrou du moyeu arri�re Back hub spindle nut.

Ecrou du moyeu avant Front hub spindle nut.

Ecrou mollet� Milled edge nut.

Effort de flexion Bending strain.

Effort de traction Tractive power.

El�ment Cell.

El�vation de bout End elevation.

El�vation de c�t� Side elevation.

El�vation de face Front elevation.

Email Enamel.

Emailler To enamel.

Embase Shoulder.

Embouti Dished; pressed.

Embrasure de ressort Wheel iron head.

Embrayage Clutch.

Embrayage � c�nes Cone clutch.

Embrayage � friction Friction clutch.

Embrayage � griffes Dog clutch.

Embrayage � plateaux Plate clutch.

Embrayage � ressort Spring clutch.

Embrayer To throw into gear; to clutch.

Em�rillon Swivel.

Empattement Wheel base.

Emplanture pour direction Steering collar.

Encliquetage Ratchet.

Enduire To smear.

Enduit pour courroies Belt grease; belt dressing.

Engrenage Gear.

Engrenage � chevrons Double helical gear.

Engrenage conique Bevel gear.

Engrenage de d�doublement Two to one gear.

Engrenage droit Spur gear.

Engren� In gear.

Engrener To mesh (of cog wheels).

Ensemble General view.

Entonnoir Funnel.

Entonnoir avec grille Funnel with strainer.

Entonnoir avec toile m�tallique Funnel with fine strainer. fine

Entourage Bonnet.

Entr�e sur le c�t� Side entrance.

Entretoise Stay.

Entretoise des tubes montants Mudguard bridge. arri�re

Entretoise fourche arri�re Back fork bridge.

Enveloppe Cover; outer cover of tyre.

Enveloppe d'eau Water jacket.

Enveloppe du vilebrequin Crank case.

Enveloppe protectrice Protecting cover.

Epaulement Shoulder.

Equerre Angle plate.

Erable Maple.

Erable dur Rock maple.

Ergot� With snug.

Esse Linch-pin; shackle.

Essence Petrol; spirit.

Essieu Axle.

Essieu � billes Ball bearing axle.

Essieu bris� Divided axle.

Essieu directeur Steering axle.

Essieu droit Straight axle.

Essieu coud� Crank axle.

Essieu moteur Driving axle; live axle.

Essieu porteur Carrying axle.

Essieu tournant Live axle.

Etage (radiateur) Row.

Etambot Stern post.

Etanche � la poussi�re Dust proof.

Etape Stopping place.

Etape journali�re Day's stage.

Etincelle Spark.

Etincelle chaude Fat spark.

Etiquette Label.

Etir� � froid Cold drawn.

Etoquiau Detent pin.

Etrangler To throttle.

Etranglement Throttling.

Etrave Stem.

Etrier Yoke.

Etudier To design.

Eventail � 4 branches 4 slat neck plate.

Explosion pr�matur�e Back fire.

Exposant Exhibitor.

Exposition Exhibition; show.

Extincteur Extinguisher.

Fabrique Factory.

Faisceau tubulaire Stack of tubes.

Fargue Wash-board.

Fendu Split.

Fer en U Channel iron.

Fer forg� Wrought iron.

Fer profil� Section iron.

Fermer le circuit To close the circuit.

Fermeture Closing; fastening.

Fermeture de hayon Tailboard fastening.

Feu blanc White light.

Feu rouge Red light.

Feu vert Green light.

Fibre isolante Insulation fibre.

Fil d'acier Steel wire.

Fil de fer Iron wire.

Fil �lectrique Electric wire.

Filet Thread of a screw.

Filetage double m�le Double male screwed.

Filtre Filter.

Flasque Cheek.

Flotteur Float.

Flotteur de carburateur Carburetter float.

Fonte Cast iron.

Forte rampe Steep gradient.

Fou, folle Loose.

Fourche arri�re Back fork.

Fourche avant Front fork.

Fourchette Fork.

Fourchette d'�chappement Exhaust valve fork.

Fourchette de rappel de tige Digger fork.

Fourchette de tirage de levier de Brake rod fork. frein

Fourchette porte-galet Exhaust roller fork. d'�chappement

Fourgon de livraison Large van.

Fourr� Bushed.

Fourreau de fourche Fork blade.

Franc-bord, � Carvel built.

Frein Brake.

Frein � bande Band brake.

Frein � collier Band brake.

Frein � contre-p�dalage Back-pedalling brake.

Frein � enroulement Band brake.

Frein � expansion Expansion brake.

Frein � levier Lever brake.

Frein � m�choires Clasp brake; clip brake.

Frein � patin Spoon brake.

Frein � sabot Spoon brake.

Frein � tambour Drum brake.

Frein � vis Screw brake.

Frein du moyeu Hub brake.

Frein sur jante Rim brake.

Frein du diff�rentiel Differential brake.

Freiner To apply the brake.

Fr�ne Ash.

Frette Ferrule; nave hoop.

Frottement Friction.

Frottements � c�nes Cone bearings.

Fuite d'air Leakage of air.

Fus�e d'essieu Axle arm.

Gabarit Template.

G�che Staple.

Ga�ac Lignum vit�.

Gaine Case; sheath.

Galerie Luggage guard.

Galet Roller.

Galet d'arbre � cames Cam shaft roller.

Galet de cha�ne Chain roller.

Galet de d�brayage Clutch lever roller.

Galet de fourchette d'�chappement Exhaust fork roller.

Galet de friction Friction roller.

Garage Garage; motor house.

Garcette Gasket.

Garde-boue Mudguard.

Garde-boue arri�re Back mudguard.

Garde-boue avant Front mudguard.

Garde-cha�ne Chain guard; gear case.

Garde-crotte Mudguard.

Garde-jupe Dress guard.

Garni Upholstered; bushed.

Garniture Lining; upholstering; packing.

Gaz ac�tyl�ne Acetylene gas.

Gaz br�l� Burnt gas.

Gaz de d�charge } Exhaust gas. Gaz d'�chappement }

G�n�rateur � vaporisation Flash boiler. instantan�e

Ger�ure Boil; bulge on cover.

Gicleur; gigleur Petrol jet.

Glace Glass; window.

Glace de couvercle de Commutator glass. distributeur d'allumage

Glace de graisseur Lubricator glass.

Glace du tiroir Face of slide valve.

Glissement Slipping.

Glissi�re Slide.

Godet � huile Oil cup.

Godet � p�trole Petrol cup.

Gomme de Para Para rubber.

Gonfler To inflate; to pump (tyres).

Goujon Stud.

Goujon de capote Head prop.

Goujon d'inflammateur Sparking plug stud.

Goujon de support de pompe Pump bracket stud.

Goujon ergot Stud with projection.

Goupille Pin.

Goupille conique Taper pin.

Goupille de bague de culbuteur Trip rod collar pin.

Goupille de mise en marche Starting gear pin.

Goupille fendue Split pin.

Goupille filet�e Threaded pin.

Gousset Corner plate; gusset.

Goutti�res de graissage Oil ways.

Grain Thrust block.

Graissage Lubricator.

Graisse Grease.

Graisse consistante Stauffer grease; thick grease.

Graisser To lubricate.

Graisseur Lubricator.

Graisseur � d�bit visible Sight feed lubricator.

Graisseur � d�parts multiples Multiple lubricator.

Graisseur compte-gouttes Drip feed lubricator.

Graisseur coup de poing Hand pump lubricator.

Graisseur de b�ti Crank case lubricator.

Grand pignon Chain wheel.

Grande route Public carriage road.

Gravier Gravel.

Grelot Bell.

Griffe Dog.

Grillage Grid.

Grille anti-poussi�re } Gauze dust shield. Grille m�tallique }

Grippement Friction; seizing.

Gripper To seize.

Groupe moteur Motor and gear.

Guichet de prise d'air Air inlet flap or valve.

Guide Guide.

Guide de fourchette d'�chappement Exhaust fork guide.

Guide de frein Brake guide.

Guide de soupape d'�chappement Exhaust valve guide.

Guidon Handle bar.

Guidon cintr� Bent handle bar.

Guidon r�versible Reversible handle bar.

Haute tension High tension.

Hayon Front or tail board of a wagon.

H�lice Propeller.

Hernie Boil; bulge on cover.

H�tre Beech.

Horloge de voiture Carriage clock.

Huilage Oiling.

Huile Oil.

Huile � graisser Lubricating oil.

Huile de lin cuite Boiled linseed oil.

Huile de pieds de boeuf Neat's foot oil.

Huileur Oil hole.

Huit Drop shackle.

If Yew.

Imperforable Puncture proof.

Imperm�able � l'air Air tight.

Ind�gonflable Non-deflatable.

Indicateur de pentes Gradometer.

Indicateur de p�les Pole finder.

Indicateur de vitesse Speed indicator.

Induit Armature.

Inflammateur Sparking plug.

Injecteur Injector.

Insigne Badge.

Interrupteur Switch.

Interrupteur � cheville Connecting plug.

Interrupteur de cadre Frame switch.

Isolateur Insulator.

Jante Rim.

Jante creuse Hollow rim.

Jante de la roue arri�re Back rim.

Jante de la roue avant Front rim.

Jante en acier Steel rim.

Jante en bois Wooden rim.

Jauge Gauge.

Jeu Play; clearance.

Joint � rotule Ball joint.

Joint de Cardan Cardan joint.

Jumelle Universal shackle.

Lacet Belt lace.

L�che Slack.

Laiton Brass.

Lame Small plate; blade.

Lame � talon du rupteur Carpentier High speed trembler top plate.

Lame de collier de frein ordinaire Segment of ordinary brake.

Lame de maillon Side plate of link.

Lame verte Green sheet.

Laminage de la vapeur Wire drawing of steam.

Lampe de br�leur Burner tank.

Lampion Chinese lantern.

Lani�re Belt lace.

Lanterne Lamp; burner cage; diaphragm.

Lanterne � ac�tyl�ne Acetylene lamp.

Lanterne � bougie Candle lamp.

Lanterne � huile Oil lamp.

Lanterne � p�trole Petroleum lamp.

Lanterne de queue Tail light.

Largeur au ma�tre-bau Beam.

Lentille Lens (of lamp).

Levier Lever.

Levier � boule Ball lever.

Levier � main Hand lever.

Levier coud� Crank lever.

Levier de changement de marche. Reversing lever.

Levier de changement de vitesse. Change speed lever.

Levier de d�brayage Disengaging lever; clutch lever.

Levier de direction Steering lever.

Levier de frein Brake lever.

Levier de ralentisseur Accelerator lever.

Levier de r�gulateur Governor lever.

Levier de tirage de frein Brake lever.

Limande de garniture Gasket.

Lime File.

Linguet Pawl.

Longeron Sole bar.

Longueur de t�te en t�te Length between perpendiculars.

Loquet Catch; latch.

Loqueteau de porti�re Door lock.

Lubrifiant Lubricant.

Lubrifier To lubricate.

Lumi�re d'�chappement Exhaust port.

Lunettes de route Goggles.

Macaron Cork float.

Machine de route Roadster.

Maillechort German silver.

Maillon Link.

Main de ressort Scroll iron.

Main de support Support for spring.

Manche Handle.

Manchon Sleeve; socket.

Manchon � griffes Dog clutch.

Manchon excentrique de r�duction. Offset reducing coupling.

Manchon gu�tre pour pneu Tyre gaiter.

Manette Handle; hand lever.

Manette � ressort Spring handle.

Manette d'admission d'air Air lever.

Manette d'admission de gaz Gas lever.

Manette d'allumage Ignition lever.

Manette d'avance � l'allumage Sparking advance lever.

Manette de commande Controlling lever.

Manette de compression Compression lever.

Manivelle Crank; starting handle.

Manivelle � cloche Bell crank.

Manivelle de mise en marche Starting handle.

Manivelle d�tachable Detachable crank.

Manivelle droite Right crank.

Manivelle gauche Left crank.

Manneton Crank.

Manom�tre Pressure gauge.

Marche Movement; motion.

Marche arri�re Reverse movement.

Marche en avant Forward movement.

Marchepied Step.

Marchepied d'arri�re Back step.

Marchepied de c�t� Side step.

Maroquin Morocco.

Marteau Hammer.

Masque Mask.

Mati�re active Active material.

M�che Wick.

M�lange Mixture; mixing.

M�lange tonnant Explosive mixture.

M�l�ze Larch.

Membrures Boat frames.

Menotte Shackle; dee shackle.

Mentonnet Flange.

Meuler To grind.

Mine de plomb Blacklead.

Mise en marche Starting.

Mod�rateur Governor; regulator.

Mollet� Milled.

Montant de porte Door pillar.

Mont�e rapide Steep ascent.

Montueux Hilly.

Monture de br�leur Burner mount.

Moteur Motor.

Moteur � l'avant Motor in front.

Moteur � quatre temps Four cycle gas motor.

Moteur sous le si�ge Motor under the seat.

Motocycle Motor cycle.

Motocyclette Motor bicycle.

Motocycliste Motor cyclist.

Mouvement de commande de Accelerator control gear. ralentisseur

Mouvement de diff�rentiel Differential gear; balance gear.

Mouvement de r�duction � 1/2 Two to one gear; half time gear.

Moyeu Hub; boss.

Moyeu de la roue arri�re Rear hub.

Moyeu de la roue avant Front hub.

Multiplication Gear.

Multiplication forte High gearing.

Multiplier To gear up.

N�cessaire de r�parations Repair outfit.

Nickeler To plate.

Noyau de fer Iron core.

Noyer Walnut.

Obturateur Cap for oil hole.

Obus Valve plug (tyre).

Odom�tre Odometer.

OEuvre, dans l' In the clear.

OEuvre, hors Over all.

Oreille Lug.

Orifice d'�chappement Exhaust opening.

Orifice de remplissage Petrol inlet.

Orme Elm.

Orme blanc Grey elm.

Orme noir Rock elm.

Orni�re Rut.

Palette de marchepied Step tread.

Palier Bearing block.

Palier central Centre bearing.

Palier de but�e Thrust bearing.

Palier, en On the flat.

Palissandre Rosewood.

Panne Purlin; break-down.

Panne, rester en To break down.

Panneau Panel.

Papier d'amiante Asbestos paper.

Papier d'�meri Emery paper.

Papier de verre Sand paper.

Papillon Throttle valve; butterfly nut.

Paraffine Paraffin.

Pare-crotte Dash-board.

Pare-flamme Flame guard.

Pare-poussi�re Dust-guard.

Pas de vis Pitch; thread of screw.

Pastille pour r�paration de pneu. Patch for repairing tyre.

P�te � polir Metal polish.

Patin de frein Brake spoon or shoe.

Patiner To skid.

Patte d'attache Clamp.

Pattes arri�re End of back forks.

Pav� Cobble stones.

Peau de vache Cowhide.

P�dale Pedal.

P�dale � caoutchouc Rubber pedal.

P�dale � dents de scie Rat-trap pedal.

P�dale � levier de d�brayage Clutch pedal.

P�dale � scie Rat-trap pedal.

P�dale au yatagan Clutch pedal.

P�dale d'acc�l�rateur Accelerator pedal.

P�dale de d�brayage Clutch pedal.

P�dale de d�brayage et frein Disengaging and brake pedal.

P�dale de frein Brake pedal.

P�dale de secteur d'acc�l�rateur. Accelerator sector pedal.

P�dalier Crank bracket; bottom bracket.

P�dalier Pedal gear.

P�dalier �troit Narrow tread bracket.

Peinture aluminium Aluminium paint.

Pente dure } Pente forte } Steep gradient. Pente raide }

Pente douce } Easy gradient. Pente faible }

Perforation Puncture.

Perforer, se To puncture.

Persienne Shutter.

P�trole lampant Paraffin; heavy oil.

P�trole lourd Heavy oil.

Pha�ton Phaeton.

Phare Headlight.

Pi�ce d'attache Clamp.

Pi�ces de rechange Spare parts.

Pi�ces interchangeables Interchangeable parts.

Pi�ces m�caniques Working parts.

Pi�ce polaire Pole piece.

Pierre de rebord Kerbstone.

Pignon Pinion.

Pignon conique } Bevel wheel. Pignon d'angle }

Pignon de cha�ne Sprocket wheel.

Pignon de d�doublement Gear wheel.

Pignon de la roue motrice Rear hub chain ring.

Pignon de mise en marche } Starting pinion. Pignon de mise en train }

Pignon droit Spur pinion.

Pignon, grand Chain wheel.

Pile s�che Dry battery.

Pilier de selle Saddle pillar.

Pin Pine.

Pince Pliers.

Pin�age Pinching (of tyre).

Pincer To pinch.

Piston � air Air piston.

Piston de carburateur Carburetter piston.

Piston de moteur Motor piston.

Pitch-pin Pitch pine.

Piton Eye bolt.

Pivot Pivot.

Place Seat.

Plan de d�tail Detailed plan.

Plan de l'ensemble General plan.

Plan de niveau Datum line.

Plan vu de dessous Plan looking upwards.

Planche de toiture Roof board.

Planche du bout End board.

Planche du si�ge Seat board.

Planche lat�rale Side board.

Planche pare-crotte Dash board; splash board.

Plan�taire Planetary.

Plaque Plate.

Plaqu� argent Silver plated.

Plaque de contr�le Tax plate.

Plaque d'identit� Identification plate.

Plaque �maill�e Enamelled plate.

Plaque num�rot�e Number plate.

Plat bord Gunwale.

Plateau de friction Friction plate.

Plateau de manivelle Crank disc.

Plus-value Extra price.

Pneu-cuir Tread.

Pneumatique Tyre; cover.

Pneumatique � talons Cover with beaded edges.

Pneumatique � tringles Cover wired on.

Pneumatique � tube simple Single tube tyre.

Pneumatique auto-r�parable Self sealing tyre.

Pneumatique coll� Single tube tyre.

Pneumatique d�gonfl� Slack tyre.

Pneumatique de la roue arri�re. Back tyre.

Pneumatique de la roue avant Front tyre.

Poche � gaz Gas bag.

Poche d'eau autour de la soupape Water receiver round exhaust d'�chappement valve.

Poign�e Handle.

Poign�e d'allumage du guidon Handle bar switch.

Poign�e de la pompe � huile Handle of oil pump.

Poign�e en corne Horn handle.

Poign�e en li�ge Cork handle.

Poign�e tournante Turning handle.

Point de rep�re Reference mark.

Point mort Dead centre.

Pointeau Needle valve.

Pointeau d'arriv�e d'essence Petrol inlet valve.

Pointes de la bougie Points of sparking plug.

Poire de cornette Bulb of horn.

Pompe Pump.

Pompe � air Air pump.

Pompe � battant Pump with clapper valve.

Pompe � �trier Stirrup pump.

Pompe � huile Oil pump.

Pompe � pied Foot pump.

Pompe centrifuge Centrifugal pump.

Pompe de circulation Circulation pump.

Pompe pneumatique Tyre pump.

Pompe rotative Rotary pump.

Pompe t�lescope Telescopic pump.

Pompe turbine Centrifugal pump; turbine pump.

Porte Door.

Porte � coulisse Sliding door.

Porte-�-faux, arbre en Overhanging or projecting shaft.

Porte-bagage Luggage carrier.

Porte d'entourage Bonnet door.

Porte-fusil Gun clip.

Porte-lanterne Lamp bracket.

Porte-montre Watch holder.

Porte-phare Lamp bracket.

Porte-pompe Pump clip.

Port�e de calage Axle seat.

Porti�re Door.

Porti�re lat�rale Side door.

Pot d'�chappement Exhaust box; exhaust pot; silencer.

Poteau avertisseur Caution board.

Poteau d'arriv�e Winning post.

Poteau indicateur Finger post.

Poulie Pulley.

Poulie de b�quille Sprag pulley.

Poulie de commande Driving pulley.

Poulie de frein Brake pulley.

Poulie de graisseur Lubricator pulley.

Poulie de tension Jockey pulley.

Poulie de transmission Driving pulley.

Poulie �tag�e Step pulley.

Poulie extensible Expanding pulley.

Poulie jante Wheel pulley.

Poulie motrice Driving pulley.

Pouss�e Thrust.

Pouss�e oblique Side thrust.

Poussi�re Dust.

Poussoir de soupape d'�chappement. Exhaust valve lift.

Poutre � treillis Lattice girder.

Presse Clamp.

Presse-�toupe Gland; stuffing box.

Pression effective Working pressure.

Prise d'air Air port; air inlet.

Prise directe Direct drive.

Propulseur Propeller.

Protecteur Protector.

Protecteur antid�rapant � rivets. Studded tread band.

Protecteur de bandage Protecting band for tyre.

Puissance au frein Brake horse power.

Purge Blow off.

Purgeur continu Drip tap.

Quadricycle � moteur Motor quadricycle.

Quadruplette Quadruplet.

Quille Keel.

Quinconces, en Staggered.

Raccord Union; pipe connection.

Raccord d'aspiration Inlet valve union.

Raccord de pompe Pump union.

Raccord du pilier de selle Saddle lug; seat lug.

Raccord inf�rieur avant Bottom head cup.

Radiateur Radiator.

Radiateur � alv�oles Honeycomb radiator.

Radiateur cloisonn� Sectional radiator.

Radiateur multitubulaire Multitubular radiator.

Radiateur nid d'abeilles Honeycomb radiator.

Rafra�chir To cool.

Rai Spoke.

Rainure Groove.

Ralentisseur; acc�l�rateur Accelerator.

Rallonge Extension piece.

Rampe Guard.

Rampe d'huile Oil-way.

Rampe de sortie d'eau Inclined water outlet.

Rampe, en On a gradient.

Rang�e de billes Ball race.

Rappel, tige de Digger rod.

Rat� d'allumage Misfire.

Rattrape de p�dale Toe clip.

Rayon Spoke.

Rayons directs Direct spokes.

Rayons renforc�s Butt ended spokes.

Rayons renforc�s aux deux bouts Double butted spokes.

Rayons tangents Tangent spokes.

Rebord de la fus�e Collar.

Recaoutchouture Re-tyring; re-rubbering.

Recharge Refill.

R�chauffeur Petrol warmer; warming pipe; feed heater.

Rectifier To true.

Recuire To anneal.

Recuit Annealed.

R�flecteur parabolique Parabolic reflector.

Refoulement, tuyau de Delivery pipe.

Refroidir To cool.

Refroidissement � l'eau Water cooling.

Refroidisseur Cooler.

Refroidisseur nid d'abeilles Beehive cooler.

Regard Inspection plate or cover.

R�glage Adjustment.

R�glement de circulation Regulations.

R�gulateur Governor; regulator.

R�gulateur � main fix� sur le Carburetter hand regulator. carburateur

Rembourr� Stuffed.

Remiser une voiture To house a car.

Remorquer To tow; to haul.

Rendement du moteur Efficiency of motor.

Renfort de fourche Prop for fork.

Repose-pied Foot rest.

R�servoir Tank.

R�servoir � eau Water tank.

R�servoir � essence Petrol tank.

R�servoir � flotteur Float chamber.

R�servoir � huile Oil reservoir.

R�servoir d'�chappement Exhaust box.

R�servoir de p�trole Petrol tank.

Ressort Spring.

Ressort � boudin Spiral spring.

Ressort � pincette Elliptic spring.

Ressort compensateur Compensating spring.

Ressort d'appareil de commande Hand control spring. d'allumage

Ressort de choc Buffer spring.

Ressort d'embrayage Clutch spring.

Ressort d'essieu Body spring.

Ressort demi-pincette Grasshopper spring.

Ressort de piston � air Diaphragm spring.

Ressort de rappel Reaction spring.

Ressort de rappel de distributeur Long commutator spring.

Ressort de rappel de frein Brake spring.

Ressort de rappel de levier de Carburetter lever spring. carburateur

Ressort de rappel de tige Digger spring.

Ressort de r�gulateur Governor spring.

Ressort de soupape de robinet Petrol tap spring.

Ressort de suspension Bearing spring.

Ressort de tige de ralentisseur Accelerator rod spring.

Ressort de trembleur Contact breaker spring.

Ressort de vis pointeau des Burner valve spring. br�leurs

Ressort elliptique Elliptic spring.

Retard � l'allumage Retard sparking.

Rideau Curtain.

Ridelles Side timbers.

Robinet Tap.

Robinet � deux voies Two-way tap.

Robinet � trois d�bits pour Three-way water tap. circulation d'eau

Robinet � trois voies Three-way tap.

Robinet de compression Compression tap.

Robinet de m�lange Twin tap; mixing tap.

Robinet de purge Blow through tap.

Robinet de purge pour carburateur Waste petrol tap.

Robinet de purge pour l'huile de Waste oil tap. graissage

Robinet de r�servoir Petrol tank tap.

Robinet de tuyauterie � essence Petrol pipe tap.

Robinet de vidange Drain tap.

Robinet pour alimentation de Lubricator tap. graisseur

Roder To grind.

Rondelle Washer.

Rondelle d'amiante Asbestos washer.

Rondelle de pignon Sprocket wheel washer.

Rondelle de r�glage de pompe Pump washer.

Rondelle Grover Split washer.

Rondelle pour bossage de rais Spoke washer.

Rotin Rattan.

Rotule, joint � Globe joint; universal joint.

Roulements � billes Ball bearings.

Roue Wheel.

Roue � ailettes pour pompe Pump fan.

Roue � cliquet Ratchet wheel.

Roue � gorge Grooved wheel.

Roue d'angle Bevel wheel.

Roue d'arri�re Back wheel.

Roue d'artillerie Artillery wheel.

Roue d'avant Front wheel.

Roue de cha�ne Chain wheel.

Roue de commande de graisseur Lubricator wheel.

Roue de commande de marche Controlling wheel.

Roue de r�gulateur Governor wheel.

Roue de voiture Car wheel.

Roue dent�e Cog wheel.

Roue directrice Steering wheel.

Roue ferr�e Iron tyred wheel.

Roue folle Free wheel.

Roue libre Free wheel.

Roue libre � billes Ball bearing free wheel.

Roue libre � cliquets Free wheel, ratchet clutch.

Roue libre � galets Free wheel, roller clutch.

Roue motrice Driving wheel.

Roue motrice Rear wheel.

Roue plan�taire Planet wheel.

Roue pleine Solid wheel.

Roue quadruple Quadruple gear wheel.

Roue triple Triple gear wheel.

Roulant, tr�s Easy running.

Rouleau de cha�ne Chain roller.

Route Road.

Route cahotante Bumpy road.

Route carrossable Navigable road.

Route d�fonc�e Loose road.

Route d�fonc�e par le roulage Road broken up by traffic.

Route de grande communication Turnpike road.

Route d�partementale High road.

Route en lacets Ribbon road; winding road.

Route en pierres concass�es Metalled road.

Route nationale Main road.

Route pav�e Paved road.

Route praticable Rideable road.

Routi�re Roadster.

Rupteur Trembler; contact breaker.

Sabot Block.

Sabot bois pour interrupteur Wooden switch block.

Sabot de frein Brake spoon or shoe.

Sabot forme cuiller Spoon block.

Sac Bag.

Sac en toile caoutchout�e Waterproof bag.

Sacoche Tool bag.

Sans-cha�ne Chainless.

Sapin Fir.

Satellite Planetary member.

Satin, bois de Satin wood.

Sch�ma Diagram.

Secours, bo�te de Repair box.

Secteur Sector; quadrant.

Secteur dent� Notched quadrant.

Secteur de levier de ralentisseur Accelerator sector.

Secteur pour avance � l'allumage Timing sector.

Secteur pour direction Steering quadrant.

Segment de piston Piston ring.

Selle Saddle.

Semelle Sole piece.

S�rie de fils Set of wires.

Seringue Syringe.

Seringue de graissage Grease injector.

Serpentin Coil.

Serrage de selle Saddle clip.

Serre-fil Wire clamp.

Serre-rayon Spoke tightener.

Serrer le frein To apply the brake.

Sertisseur Tube expander.

Si�ge Seat.

Si�ge � coussins Cushioned seat.

Si�ge ajustable Adjustable seat.

Si�ge � ressorts Spring seat.

Si�ge � tissu m�tallique Wire seat.

Si�ge d'avant Front seat.

Si�ge de bois Wooden seat.

Si�ge de cuir Leather seat.

Si�ge de soupape Valve seating.

Si�ge en crin Hair seat.

Si�ge fixe Fixed seat.

Si�ge profond Well seat.

Si�ge rembourr� Stuffed seat.

Si�ge tournant Revolving seat.

Si�ge triple de soupape Triple inlet valve seat. d'aspiration

Silencieux Exhaust box; silencer.

Soci�t� Club.

Socle Base.

Soie de manivelle Crank pin.

Sonnette Bell.

Sortie Outlet.

Soud� par rapprochement Butt welded.

Soud� par recouvrement Lap welded.

Soul�vement Lift.

Soupape Valve.

Soupape � air Air valve.

Soupape � bille Ball valve.

Soupape � papillon Butterfly valve; throttle valve.

Soupape d'admission Inlet valve; induction valve.

Soupape d'arr�t Stop valve.

Soupape d'aspiration Inlet valve.

Soupape de d�tente Cut-off valve.

Soupape d'�chappement Exhaust valve.

Soupape de retenue Check valve.

Soupape de s�ret� Safety valve.

Soupape de trop-plein Relief valve.

Soupape en champignon Mushroom valve.

Soupape en champignon renvers� Cup valve.

Soupape rotative Rotary valve.

Store Window blind.

Strapontin Bracket seat; folding seat.

Support de pompe Pump bracket.

Surchauffeur Superheater.

Surface de refroidissement Cooling surface.

Surface de roulement Tread.

Tablier Apron; length available for carriage work.

Tablier d'arri�re Tail board.

Tablier d'avant Front apron; front board.

Talc French chalk.

Talon Beaded edge of tyre cover.

Tambour Drum.

Tambour de frein Brake drum.

Tampon Plug; buffer.

Tampon d'allumage Sparking plug.

Tandem � moteur Motor tandem.

Tapis Carpet.

Taquet de soul�vement de soupape Exhaust valve lifter. d'�chappement

Taraud Tap.

Tasseau de bois Wood clamp; block.

T� Tee.

Teck Teak.

Temps, � quatre Otto cycle.

Temps d'aspiration Suction stroke.

Temps de compression Compression stroke.

Temps d'�chappement Exhaust stroke.

Temps d'explosion Explosion stroke.

Tendeur Jockey pulley.

Tendeur pour courroie Belt tightener.

Tendre To tighten.

Tenon Tenon; stud.

Tension de cha�ne Chain adjustment; draw-link.

T�r�benthine Turpentine.

T�te Head; crown.

T�te affleur�e Flush head.

T�te de bielle Connecting rod end.

T�te de butoir Buffer head.

T�te de fourche avant Front fork crown.

T�te frais�e Countersunk head.

T�te noy�e Countersunk head.

T�te platin�e Platinum tipped.

T�tine Nipple.

Thermosiphon Thermo syphon.

Tiers-point Triangular file.

Tige Rod; stem; spindle.

Tige � fourchette Fork rod.

Tige d'acc�l�rateur Accelerator rod.

Tige de but�e de d�brayage Rod for end of clutch shaft.

Tige du cliquet de levier de Change speed lever rod. changement de vitesse

Tige de distribution Slide rod.

Tige d'excentrique Eccentric rod.

Tige de flotteur Float wire.

Tige de frein Brake rod.

Tige de levier de frein Rod for brake lever.

Tige de la p�dale au yatagan Rod for clutch pedal.

Tige de la soupape de compression Stem of compression valve.

Tige de la soupape d'�chappement Exhaust valve stem.

Tige de piston Piston rod.

Tige de poussoir d'�chappement Exhaust valve lift rod.

Tige de ralentisseur Accelerator rod.

Tige de rappel de soupape Digger rod for exhaust valve. d'�chappement

Tige de selle Seat pillar.

Tige de soupape Valve spindle or stem.

Tige de tirage de frein Brake rod.

Tige entretoise Stay rod.

Tige entretoise de culasse Rod for single cylinder.

Timbre Bell.

Tirant Stay.

Tirant d'eau � vide Draught of water when empty.

Tirant d'eau en charge Draught of water when loaded.

Tirant de la fourche arri�re Back fork bridge.

Tirant de radiateur Radiator stay.

Tirant des tubes montants Mudguard bridge.

Tire-goupille Pin extractor.

Tirette Prop.

Tiroir Slide valve.

Tiroir � coquille D valve.

Toc Guide; tappet.

Toc d'embrayage Guide for clutch cone.

Toc de levier de r�gulateur Guide for governor lever.

Toile Fabric (of tyre cover).

Toile d'amiante Asbestos cloth.

Toile d'�meri Emery cloth.

Toile dissolutionn�e Canvas for repairing cover.

Toile gomm�e Canvas for repairing cover.

Toile m�tallique Wire gauze.

Toile treillis Ticking.

T�le Sheet of metal; sheet iron.

T�le emboutie Dished plate.

T�lerie Sheeting.

Tonnant Explosive.

Tordre une roue To buckle a wheel.

Touche Interrupter plug; contact.

Toucheau Contact piece.

Tour d'adresse Feat of skill.

Tour de force Feat of strength.

Tourn�e Tour.

Tournevis Screwdriver.

Tourillon Journal; pivot.

Tourillon de cha�ne Rivet of chain.

Tracteur Tractor.

Train balladeur Balladeur train.

Traits de force Shade lines.

Transmission � Cardan Arbor shaft system of transmission.

Trappe Flap door.

Travail de cisaillement Shearing strain.

Traverse Sole bar; beam.

Trembleur Contact breaker; trembler.

Tr�pidation Vibration.

Tresse Gasket; braid.

Tribune Stand.

Tricycle � cha�ne centrale Central gear tricycle.

Tricycle � moteur Motor tricycle.

Tricycle � roue directrice Front steerer tricycle. devant

Tricycle compressible Collapsible tricycle.

Tricycle porteur Carrier tricycle.

Tricycle tandem Tandem tricycle.

Tringle de changement de vitesse Change speed rod.

Tringle de garde-boue Mudguard stay.

Tringle de relevage Drag link.

Tringles, � Wired on.

Trottoir Footpath.

Trottoir cyclable Cycle Path.

Trou graisseur Oil hole.

Trusquin � centrer Centering gauge.

Tube d'admission Induction pipe.

Tube caoutchouc Rubber tube.

Tube caoutchouc de valve Rubber sleeve of valve.

Tube d'alimentation Gaspipe to motor; feed pipe.

Tube d'arbre de l'h�lice Stern tube.

Tube d'�chappement Exhaust pipe.

Tube d'entr�e d'air Air chimney.

Tube de direction Steering column; head socket.

Tube de frein Brake tube.

Tube de fourche arri�re Bottom stay.

Tube de la pompe � huile au moteur Oil pipe to crank case.

Tube de niveau d'eau Water gauge glass.

Tube de platine Platinum tube.

Tube de prise d'air Air inlet pipe.

Tube de trop-plein Overflow pipe.

Tube diagonal Diagonal tube.

Tube du carburateur � la bo�te de Pipe from carburetter to mixing m�lange chamber.

Tube inf�rieur Bottom tube.

Tube int�rieur de direction Steering post.

Tube m�langeur Mixing tube.

Tube montant arri�re Back stay.

Tube pare-poussi�re Dust cap tube.

Tube plongeur du guidon Handle bar stem.

Tube renforc� Extra strong tube.

Tube sans soudure Seamless tube.

Tube sup�rieur Top tube.

Tube tirant Stay tube.

Tubulure Nozzle; connection.

Tuyau Pipe.

Tuyauterie Tubing.

Tuyauterie d'aspiration Suction tubing.

Tuyauterie d'�chappement Exhaust tubing.

Tuy�re Nozzle.

Tuy�re de carburateur Air nozzle for carburetter.

Usine Factory.

Usure Wear and tear.

Valve Valve.

Vapeur de d�charge Exhaust steam.

Vaporisateur � pulv�risation Spray vaporiser.

Vaporisation Steam production.

V�hicule Vehicle.

V�locip�de; v�lo Cycle.

Ventilateur Ventilator; fan.

V�rin Jack.

Vernir To japan.

Verre Glass.

Verrou Catch; bolt.

Verrou d'entourage Catch for bonnet door.

Verrou de levier de changement de Catch for change speed lever. vitesse

Verrou de mise en marche Starting catch or bolt.

Vilebrequin Crank; crank shaft.

Virole Ferrule.

Vis Screw.

Vis � filet droit Right handed screw.

Vis � filet gauche Left handed screw.

Vis bouchon de purge Run off screw.

Vis d'axe de piston Screw for piston pin.

Vis de but�e du rupteur Carpentier Screw for high speed trembler blade.

Vis de came de moteur Screw for governor cam.

Vis de clavetage de la douille de Screw for starting pin or bush. mise en marche

Vis de collier de trompette Screw for horn bracket.

Vis de contact Contact screw.

Vis de couvercle de carburateur Screw for carburetter cover.

Vis de fixation Fixing screw.

Vis de fixation de la vis de Screw for fastening platinum contact tipped screw.

Vis de marteau de came Governor hammer screw.

Vis de m�canique Brake screw.

Vis de pouss�e Thrust screw.

Vis de purge pour carburateur Waste petrol screw.

Vis de purge pour l'huile de Waste oil screw. graissage

Vis de rappel Setscrew.

Vis de r�glage Setscrew.

Vis de s�ret� Setscrew.

Vis fixant la lame platin�e � Screw for high speed trembler top talon du rupteur Carpentier plate.

Vis graisseur pour chapeau Lubricator screw for wheel cap. d'essieu

Vis platin�e de contact Platinum tipped screw.

Vis pointeau de lampe de br�leur Screw tap for burner tank.

Vis pointeau de support de br�leur Screw tap for burner.

Vis pour direction Screw for steering.

Vis pour ralentisseur Screw for accelerator.

Vis sans fin Worm.

Visiter To examine.

Visser To screw.

Vitesse en prise directe, grande Direct drive on top speed.

Voie Road.

Voie impraticable Bad road.

Voie l�g�re Light railway.

Voil�e, roue Buckled wheel.

Voiture Car.

Voiture courante Ordinary car.

Voiture de course Racing car.

Voiture de livraison Parcels van.

Voiture de tourisme Touring car.

Voiture l�g�re Light vehicle.

Voiture lourde Heavy vehicle.

Voiturette Runabout.

Voiturette remorque Trailer.

Volant Fly-wheel; hand wheel.

Volant � gorge Grooved wheel.

Volant de direction Steering wheel.

Volant de dynamo Dynamo wheel.

Volant de pompe Pump wheel.

Volant de r�gulateur Governor wheel.

Volet Shutter.

Voltm�tre Voltmeter.

Vrac, en In bulk.

Wagonnette Wagonette.

Yatagan Clutch lever.

Yeuse Live oak.


* * * * *

SHORT LIST August 1912




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=Practical Hints to Young Engineers Employed on Indian Railways.= By A. W. C. ADDIS. With 14 illus. 154 pp. 12mo. (1910) net 3 6

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=Practical Designing of Retaining Walls.= By Prof. W. CAIN. Fifth edition, 14 illus. 172 pp. 18mo, boards. (New York, 1908) net 2 0

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=On Curved Masonry Dams.= By W. B. COVENTRY. 8vo, sewed. (1894) 2 0

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=Handbook of Cost Data for Contractors and Engineers.= By H. P. GILLETTE. 1854 pp. crown 8vo, leather, gilt edges. (New York, 1910) net 1 1 0

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=High Masonry Dams.= By E. S. GOULD. With illus. 88 pp. 18mo, boards. (New York, 1897) net 2 0

=Railway Tunnelling= in Heavy Ground. By C. GRIPPER. 3 plates, 66 pp. royal 8vo. (1879) 7 6

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=Table of Barometrical Heights to 20,000 Feet.= By LT.-COL. W. H. MACKESY. 1 plate, 24 pp. royal 32mo. (1882) 3 0

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=Study of Electricity for Beginners.= By N. H. SCHNEIDER. 54 illus. 88 pp. crown 8vo. (S. & C. SERIES, No. 6.) (New York, 1905) net 1 6

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=Electricity Simplified.= By T. O. SLOANE. Tenth edition, 29 illus. 158 pp. crown 8vo. (New York, 1901) net 4 6

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=A Text Book of Paper Making.= By C. F. CROSS and E. J. BEVAN. Third edition, 97 illus. 411 pp. crown 8vo. (1907) net 12 6

=C.B.S. Standard Units and Standard Paper Tests.= By C. F. CROSS, E. J. BEVAN, C. BEADLE and R. W. SINDALL. 25 pp. crown 4to. (1903) net 2 6

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=Ice-Making Machines.= By M. LEDOUX and others. Sixth edition, 190 pp. 18mo, boards. (New York, 1906) net 2 0

=Brewing with Raw Grain.= By T. W. LOVIBOND. 75 pp. crown 8vo. (1883) 5 0

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=Sugar, a Handbook for Planters and Refiners.= By the late J. A. R. NEWLANDS and B. E. R. NEWLANDS. 236 illus. 876 pp. 8vo. (1909) net 1 5 0

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=Leather Chemists' Pocket Book.= A short compendium of Analytical Methods. By Prof. H. R. PROCTER. Assisted by Dr. E. STIASNY and H. BRUMWELL. (In the Press.)

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=Breweries and Maltings.= By G. SCAMMELL and F. COLYER. Second edition, 20 plates, 178 pp. 8vo. (1880) net 6 0

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=Spons' Encyclop�dia of the Industrial Arts=, Manufactures and Commercial Products. 1500 illus. 2100 pp. super-royal 8vo. (1882) In 2 Vols, cloth net 2 2 0

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=Practical Handbook on the Distillation of Alcohol from Farm Products.= By F. B. WRIGHT. Second edition, 60 illus. 271 pp. crown 8vo. (New York, 1907) net 4 6

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=The Nile Reservoir Dam at Assuan=, and After. By Sir W. WILLCOCKS. Second edition, 13 plates, super-royal 8vo. (1903) net 6 0

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=Treatise on the Richards Steam Engine Indicator.= By C. T. PORTER. Sixth edition, 3 plates and 73 diagrams, 285 pp. 8vo. (1902) 9 0

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=Treatise on the Design and Construction of Mill Buildings.= By H. G. TYRRELL. 652 illus. 490 pp. 8vo. (New York, 1911) net 17 0

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=Life of Railway Axles.= By T. ANDREWS. 8vo, sewed. (1895) 1 0

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=A Dictionary of Metric and other useful Measures.= By L. CLARK. 113 pp. 8vo. (1891) 6 0

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=Manual of Assaying Gold, Silver, Copper and Lead Ores.= By W. L. BROWN. Twelfth edition, 132 illus. 589 pp. crown 8vo. (New York, 1907) net 10 6

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=Handbook of Mineralogy=; determination and description of Minerals found in the United States. By J. C. FOYE. 180 pp. 18mo, boards. (New York, 1886) net 2 0

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=Cost Keeping and Management Engineering.= A Treatise for those engaged in Engineering Construction. By H. P. GILLETTE and R. T. DANA. 184 illus. 346 pp. 8vo. (New York, 1909) net 15 0

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=Handbook on Railway Stores Management.= By W. O. KEMPTHORNE. 268 pp. demy 8vo. (1907) net 10 6

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=Aid Book to Engineering Enterprise.= By E. MATHESON. Third edition, 916 pp. 8vo, buckram. (1898) 1 4 0

=Office Management.= A handbook for Architects and Civil Engineers. By W. KAYE PARRY. New impression, 187 pp. medium 8vo. (1908) net 5 0

=Commercial Organisation of Engineering Factories.= By H. SPENCER. 92 illus. 221 pp. 8vo. (1907) net 10 6



=The Entropy Diagram= and its Applications. By M. J. BOULVIN. 38 illus. 82 pp. demy 8vo. (1898) 5 0

=Physical Problems and their Solution.= By A. BOURGOUGNON. 224 pp. 18mo, boards. (New York, 1897) net 2 0

=The Colourist.= A method of determining colour harmony. By J. A. H. HATT. 2 coloured plates, 80 pp. 8vo. (New York, 1908) net 6 6

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=Handbook on Railway Stores Management.= By W. O. KEMPTHORNE. 268 pp. demy 8vo. (1907) net 10 6

=Railway Stores Price Book.= By W. O. KEMPTHORNE. 487 pp. demy 8vo. (1909) net 10 6

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=The Westinghouse E.T. Air-Brake Instruction Pocket Book.= By W. W. WOOD. 48 illus. including many coloured plates, 242 pp. crown 8vo. (New York, 1909) net 8 6 SANITATION, PUBLIC HEALTH AND


=Sewers and Drains for Populous Districts.= By J. W. ADAMS. Ninth edition, 81 illus. 236 pp. 8vo. (New York, 1902) net 10 6

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(See also HYDRAULICS.)

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=Carnegie Scholarship Memoirs.= Published Annually, 8vo, cloth.

=The Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers.= Edited by P. F. ROWELL, Secretary.

=The Proceedings of the Institution of Municipal and County Engineers.= Edited by THOMAS COLE, Assoc. M. Inst. C.E. Secretary. Published Annually, 8vo, cloth, 21s. net.

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=Proceedings of the International Association for Testing Materials.= (English Edition.)

=Transactions of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers.= Published Annually, 8vo, cloth, 25s. net.


Transcriber's Note: This book contains a dictionary plus a book advertisements section. The punctation has been homogenized in the dictionary but not in the advertisements. The spelling of some names in the dictionary can differ between the French/English part and the English/French part; this has not been fixed.

The following typos have been fixed in the dictionary: * p55: corrected "concass�s" into "concass�es" ("Route en pierres concass�es") * p68: corrected "R�tard" into "Retard" ("Retard � l'allumage.")

Note de transcription: Ce livre contient un dictionnaire, plus une section publicit�s. La ponctuation a �t� homog�n�is�e dans le dictionnaire, mais pas dans les publicit�s. L'ortographe de certains mots diff�re dans le dictionnaire entre les versions French/English et English/French; celle-ci n'a pas �t� corrig�e.

Les erreurs suivantes ont �t� corrig�es: * p55: corrige �concass�s� en �concass�es� (�Route en pierres concass�es�), * p68: corrige �R�tard� en �Retard� (�Retard � l'allumage.�).

End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of English-French and French-English dictionary of the motor car, cycle, and boat, by Frederick Lucas


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