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Audiobook: Chronological Retrospect of the History of Yarmouth and Neighbourhood: from A.D. 46 to 1884 by Finch-Crisp, William

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Audiobook: Chronological Retrospect of the History of Yarmouth and Neighbourhood: from A.D. 46 to 1884 by Finch-Crisp, William

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Title: Chronological Retrospect of the History of Yarmouth and Neighbourhood from A.D. 46 to 1884

Author: William Finch-Crisp

Release Date: December 13, 2012 [eBook #41618]

Language: English

Character set encoding: UTF-8


Transcribed from the third edition by David Price, email [email protected]


Chronological Retrospect OF THE History of Yarmouth and Neighbourhood, FROM A.D. 46 TO 1884,


[Picture: Shield of Yarmouth]

“It is to Chronology that History owes its use and beauty; as being without it a mere chaos, a jumble of facts confusedly heaped together, and consequently capable of affording neither pleasure nor instruction.”—LOCKE.

* * * * *


Author of “Printer’s Business Guide,” “Printer’s Book of Reference,” “Punctuation Simplified,” “Handbook to Angling,” &c., &c.


’Tis well to wander back at times Through Memory’s faded Halls, And gaze upon the many Scenes That hang upon its Walls.


Few words only are necessary to introduce this Third Edition to our readers, beyond expressing a hope that the contents will meet with general approbation, and that much pleasure will be derived from its perusal, now and for many years to come. We would ask, as a SPECIAL FAVOUR, in order to ensure a wider circulation, that our friends will recapitulate the comments of the Press, by recommending this History of Yarmouth as “worthy of a place in every library.” It is seven years since the Second Edition, without supplement, was published.

No greater honour could have been conferred upon the Author than when the Heir Apparent to the Throne of England (His Royal Highness the PRINCE OF WALES, K.G.), on his visit to Yarmouth in 1882, expressed his pleasure, through Colonel Teesdale, in the acceptance as a present, of a copy of this History; and the placing of this work, with supplement (A.D. 46 to 1879) in the principal stone of the New Town Hall in 1880 by the then Mayor (C. C. Aldred, Esq.) was also gratifying.

EDWARD BIRKBECK, ESQ., M.P., writing to us from the House of Commons, on March 19th, 1884, says:—“I do not think my name is worthy of having a book dedicated to me, but I shall nevertheless be proud to have it placed where you suggest.” The people of Yarmouth will endorse our sentiments when we say, for his zeal and untiring energy in promoting many special objects in the “good old town,” that he is worthy of greater eulogiums than we can bestow, and therefore tender our best thanks to that gentleman for his courtesy in allowing this volume to be dedicated to him—a privilege that was also given us in a first issue, by his predecessor in the Imperial Parliament, the lamented COLONEL DUFF. Neither must we forget to express our obligation to a select list of subscribers to the work.





The following dates refer to the time of election, November 9th, after the year 1836.

Abbon Robert 1749 Albertson John 1688 Aldred C. C. 1856, ’65, ’79, ’81, ’82 Artis James 1710 Artis Samuel 1727 Baker John 1832 Baker Richd. 1754, ’60 Barber Robt. D. 1874 Barker Samuel 1800 Barnard Wm. 1883 Barnby J. Eager 1875 Barnby John 1762 Bernard Chris. 1740* Barth W. 1824, ’26, ’36* Bateman Dr. G. 1829 Bateman Dr. T. 1819 Bird John 1730 Borrett Henry 1711* Bracey Andrew 1714 Bradford Thos. 1685 Brightin Chris. 1721 Browne W., sen. 1744 Browne William 1709, ’33, ’48, ’56 Burroughs W. N. 1846 Butcher William 1753 Cherry James 1853 Cobb Simon 1838 Colby Dover 1796 Colby E. H. H. 1878 Cooke Thomas 1732 Cory Robert 1803 Cory Robert, jun. 1815 Costerton Chas. 1825 Coteman Joseph 1704, ’45, ’57, ’59 Diver Charles 1877 Eagle Benjamin 1702* Ellys Anthy, jun. 1705 Ellys Anthy. 1708, ’19 Ellys Thomas 1739 England Benj. 1703 England George 1715 Fenn Samuel 1686 Ferrier Rich. 1706, ’20 Ferrier R., jun. 1724 Ferrier Robert 1750 Fielding B. 1787, 1810 Fisher J. 1767, 1802, ’11 Fisher Jas. 1774, 1809 Fisher William 1766, ’78, ’80, ’94, 1806 Fisher W., jun. 1786, ’99 Fisher J. jun. 1788, ’97 Fisher J. Goate 1820 Fuller Samuel 1707 Gooch Henry 1772 Gourlay David A. 1849 Harmer Wm. 1741 Horsley Thomas 1738 Ireland John 1716 Jay Samuel 1839 Johnson William 1841 Killett Samuel 1746 Lacon Edmund 1792 Lacon Sir E.* 1795, ’98, 1812 Lacon E. K. 1807 Lacon Mortlock 1828 Lancaster Robt. 1768 La Grice Thos. 1717 Lombe Henry 1725 Love Barry 1734 Love John Goslin 1763 Manclark Colman 1770 Marsh S. C. 1843, ’52 Martin Thomas 1747 Mew Mitchell 1687 Miles Thomas 1737 Moyse Richard 1764 Medowe Sir T. 1684* Neech John 1743 Nightingale S. 1860, ’68 Norfor John 1765 Pacey William 1722 Paget Samuel 1817 Palgrave William 1782, 1805, ’14 Palmer J. D. 1821, ’33 Palmer Chas. Jno. 1835, ’54, ’55 Palmer Samuel T. 1840, ’42, ’45 Palmer W. H. 1844 Pearson John 1723, ’36 Pearson Chas., R.N. 1850, ’51 Penrice George 1837 Pitt Thomas 1776 Preston I. 1816, ’22 Preston E. 1818, ’30 Preston Jacob 1793, 1801, ’18 Preston John 1827, ’31 Preston I., jun. 1834 Preston E. H. L. 1870, ’71* Pue Jonathan 1718 Pullyn Philip 1817, ’43 Ramey John 1760, ’73 Ramey Joseph 1778 Reynolds J. 1781, ’84 Reynolds F. R. 1804, ’23 Spooner William 1713 Spurgeon John 1712 Steward Robert 1858, ’61, ’62, ’63, ’64 Steward Thos. B. 1876, ’80 Symonds N. 1726, ’77 Taylor Anthy. 1731, ’71 Taylor Chris. 1752* Taylor William 1783 Teasdel Henry 1873 Thompson Geo. 1791 Tolver Samuel 1789 Turner James 1779 Wakeman Sand. 1765 Wakeman G. 1752, ’58 Wallis John 1761* Ward G. 1684*, 1728 Ward Robert 1729 Ward James 1751 Warmington Robert 1790, 1808 Watson John 1785 Woolverton Chas. 1869, ’71*, ’72 Worship Francis 1857 Worship W. 1859, ’67 Youell E. Pitt 1866

NOTE—Those with an *, see Historical Pages.

From 1688 to 1700, two Bailiffs were chosen instead of a Mayor.

Crisp’s History Of Great Yarmouth.

A.D. 46.

The Romans entered this part of Britain when the valleys of the Yare, Waveney, and Bure, as well as the sand-bank upon which Yarmouth stands, were covered by the ocean.


Burgh Castle, a Roman encampment, supposed to have been founded.


Cerdic, a Saxon Prince, and Qenrick his son, with five ships, entered the port of Yarmouth and named in Cerdic Shore. This Cerdic Shore seems to have been a great sand-bank formed along the shore between two branches or channels of the Yare called Havens, by which two channels the river entered the sea, one running near Caister and the other near Gorleston.


Between this and the year 640, a Saxon Monastery was founded at Burgh, by Fursey, an Irish monk.


Lodbrog, the Dane, driven by a sudden tempest from Denmark across the sea, and, entering the Yare, landed at Reedham, where the Court of Edmund, King of East Anglia, was then kept. Lodbrog is said to have been received into Court favour, but was soon afterwards murdered in a wood by the King’s huntsman (Bern) through jealousy. This led to the imprisonment and execution of Edmund, and put an end to the Saxon dynasty in East Anglia, after Hinguar and Hubba, two Danish chieftains, at the head of 20,000 men, had ravished all East Anglia.


First houses and habitations erected in Yarmouth on Fuller’s Hill, that being then the only dry land in Yarmouth.


Yarmouth belonged to the King in the reign of Edward the Confessor, and had 70 burgesses, besides a number of soccagers.


Bishop Herbert born; and in 1091 was consecrated Bishop of Thetford.


Cocklewater, or Grubb’s Haven, stopped up with sand.


St. Bennet’s Church pulled down. It was built in the time of Edward the Confessor.

Yarmouth governed by a Provost, the first constituted magistrate, whose public office was in the Congé, North Quay. Foreigners were only allowed to come to Yarmouth at the annual free-fair.


Bishop Herbert de Lozinga, the first Bishop of Norwich [translated from the See of Thetford in the 7th year of William II. (Rufus), whose Chamberlain he was], founded St. Nicholas’ Church, and re-built a Chapel on the North Denes. He was made Lord High Chancellor to Henry I. of England in 1104, and died August 11th, 1119.


St. Nicholas’ Church consecrated. Enlarged 1123, 1250, and 1338. The last attempt after 10 years’ labour in trying to build a west aisle, failing, the ruins were used in the building of a Chapel-of-Ease.


Forty thousand lives lost at sea during the war between King John and the Barons; a great multitude washed ashore on Yarmouth beach.


Monastery of Black Friars founded by St. Dominica.


Yarmouth had three galleys or vessels of war. Two were manned with seven score mariners.


First charter granted by King John, and Yarmouth incorporated as a borough. The document is still preserved (1834).


All vessels in the port with Scottish property on board were arrested.


Henry III. granted certain franchises. In 1261 he granted licenses for fortifying the town; and on Sept. 28th, 1262, granted a Charter for enclosing the town with a wall and moat, so as to resist the power of an invading enemy. (See 1396.)


The Tolhouse Hall, Middlegate Street, erected.


Yarmouth first called Magna (Great) in the reign of Edward I., to distinguish it from Little Yarmouth, or Southtown.


The town wall and fosse commenced at the north end of town.

St. Mary’s Hospital founded. It was a free Grammar School in 1551, and fitted up as a school for poor children in 1634.

The Carmelites, or Whitefriars, founded at Yarmouth, and took the north and some other parts of the town under their charge. (See 1509.)


King Henry’s Tower erected at the north-east corner of St. Nicholas’ churchyard.


St. Nicholas’ Church and churchyard consecrated by Bishop Middleton, of Norwich.


The sea flowed into St. Nicholas’ Church 4 feet deep, and the town was inundated.


A beautiful ship built at Yarmouth for King Edward II., and sent to Norway for the King’s daughter, upon her proposed marriage with the then Prince. She was heiress of Norway and Scotland.


No one allowed to draw wine after the Curfew bell had rung.


Yarmouth first summoned to send four Burgesses annually to Parliament.


Sir J. De Botetourt, a Norfolk Knight, had command of a Yarmouth fleet of fifty-three vessels. Fresh herrings sold for 37s. per last.


Simon Blaking, of Martham, fled into St. Nicholas’ Church, and confessed to having broken open a house at Hemsby and the prison at Southtown, and to having killed W. F. N. Blaking. The law in those days was, if a murderer could reach a church or churchyard before being apprehended, and confessed his crime to a coroner, justice, &c., he was set at liberty without taking a trial.


William Fastolf and H. Rose, Esqs., returned to Parliament, held at Lincoln.


Leather was not only used for various military purposes, but formed a considerable part of the common dress of the people before the introduction, and during the infancy, of the woollen manufacture.


Yarmouth claimed a free Borough by the Burgesses.


William Fastolf and H. Rose, Esqs., again returned to Parliament, held at Nottingham.

Price of pipe (120 gals.) of “red wine,” 20s.

1308 to 1472.

During the reigns of Edward II. and III., Richard II., Henry IV., V., and VI., and Edward IV., upwards of 160 Burgesses were returned to Parliament, 72 of which were held at Westminster, 6 at York, 1 at London, Ripon, and New Sarum, and 2 at Gloucester.


Two Parliaments held, but not represented by the same Burgesses.


A Castle stood on the site of the King Street Independent Chapel, but was demolished in 1621.


Great disputes between the Barons of the Cinque Ports and the Bailiffs of this Borough, concerning the free fair which the former attempted to remove.


Burgesses exempted from serving on Juries, Inquests, or at Assizes, within the Borough.


Blackfriars’ Tower completed.

Forty ships of war ordered to Yarmouth roads.

The Yarmouth navy, comprising 20 men-of-war, had orders to proceed to the port of Dort, to convoy the King’s four plenipotentiaries to the Court of Hainault from those parts to England. On their return they took two Flemish ships and their cargoes. The Bishop of Glasgow, who was on board one, died of his wounds at Sandwich.


Thomas De Drayton, a Yarmouth man, who had held the office of bailiff fifteen times, was appointed Admiral of the North Fleet.

Yarmouth magistrates, &c., fitted out a fleet of men-of-war, well equipped, at their own cost and charge, to go against the enemy at sea for the space of a month.


John Perebrown, a burgess of Yarmouth, led the King’s North Sea Fleet in the great battle of Sluys, and did great service; 230 ships and 30,000 Frenchmen were lost.


Oct. Edward III. embarked on board the Yarmouth squadron in his unsuccessful expedition to Brittany.

The principal inhabitants fined 1000 marks for committing trespasses, &c., on the sea coast.


The first Haven cut.


Yarmouth assisted Edward III. at the siege of Calais with 43 vessels of war and 1,075 mariners, which was 18 ships more than London sent, and more than any other port, except Fowey.


Plague carried off 7,052 persons out of the then population of 10,000.


Yarmouth gave to the St. George’s College of Windsor by charter, a last of red herrings, to be delivered annually for ever on St. Andrew’s day, concerning which many disputes have since arisen.


Passenger boat from Yarmouth to Norwich sunk near Cantley, and 38 persons drowned.


Fastolf, father of the renowned Sir John Fastolf, one of the bailiffs.


Six Yarmouth vessels captured and burnt in the Bay of Brittany.


John Lawers hung for not paying the Custom House dues.


Yarmouth first appointed a staple port.


August 22nd. Kirkley Road united to the town and port of Yarmouth by charter of Edward III., but repealed four years afterwards.


Price of coal, including freight, 5s. 6d. per chaldron.


The memorable rebellion of Wat Taylor. The town attacked by 20,000 rebel archers or bowmen, who plundered houses and did much damage, but who were defeated after much bloodshed.


June 20th. Violent shock of an earthquake, and much damage done.

June. King Richard II. visited Great Yarmouth.


Market Place paved, and a Cross and Pillory built.


William Bardolf, Baron Bardolf, died. He had large estates near Yarmouth.


Sir Henry Percy and Fauset Percy sent to Yarmouth with 300 men-at-arms and 600 archers, to guard the coast, an invasion from France being apprehended.


A Horse Ferry at Gorleston existed.


The second Haven made, and a third in 1408.


Several small Yarmouth and other ships taken by Danish pirates in a sharp conflict off the coast. Lost £20,000 in specie.


After a lapse of 111 years the fortifications of the town were completed—20 towers, 10 gates, and the wall, 2,280 yards in extent. (See 1544.)


Coals first imported here from Newcastle. Wood was used as fuel before this.


Henry IV. granted, by the consent of Parliament, that the shipping, weighing, and packing of wool, hides, and skins, should be done at Yarmouth, it being a frontier town.


Third Haven cut.


The annual election of four Bailiffs, reduced to two, and so continued until a Mayor was appointed in their stead.

Yarmouth Bridge, with 8 arches, built, before which a horse, cart, cattle, and foot ferry-boat existed. This was replaced by 4 successive drawbridges, i.e., 1553, 1570, 1785, and 1836. (See 1849.)


About 60 pilgrims sailed from Yarmouth in the ship “Falcon,” for the shrine at Santiago, in Spain; and in 1434, 20 more left.


The freedom of the Borough purchased for two marks.


Ralph Wadiswyke was made Comptroller of the Customs for taking Lord Doisemond, a French lieutenant, prisoner.


Caister Castle supposed to have been founded by Sir John Fastolf, K.G. He was born in 1377, and died in 1459 in his Hall at Caister, aged 82 years, and was buried in the Abbey Church of St. Bennet, at Holme, leaving his estate to John Paston, Esq.


July 24th. Lord Lieutenants of Counties first appointed.

1462 to 1586.

Sacred Dramas and Mysteries performed in St. Nicholas’ Church.


John Pedle, labourer, of Yarmouth, executed for coining and uttering 18 groats, made of copper and lead, as good and lawful money of England.


Our Lady’s organ in St. Nicholas’ Church built; the old and new organs in 1485; great old organs in 1486; and Jesus’ organ in 1550.


John Paston died in the Fleet Prison, after the seizure of his estates.


Fourteen persons hanged at one time upon a gallows erected on the beach.


The Duke of Norfolk, at the head of 3,000 men, laid siege to Caister Castle, which was surrendered to his Grace. He died in 1475, and Caister Castle again reverted to the Paston family.


Yarmouth threatened by the French fleet. 200 armed men sent from Norwich.

A whale came ashore south of Grubb’s Haven, which was cut to pieces and carried away in carts.


The Bailiffs feasted Sir John Paston, son of the late John Paston, on porpoise, then a royal fish.


May 16th. By charter of Henry VII., Burgesses were empowered to constitute Justices of the Peace.


The fourth Haven made; and the fifth Haven cut in the reign of Henry VIII., 1529.


House of Carmelites, or White Friars, destroyed by fire; founded in Edward I.’s time, 1278.


Southtown united with Gorleston.


Queen of France and her husband, Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk, entertained here three days.


Church of the Dominicans burnt down.


Great dearth of corn. The extravagant sale price then was 26s. 8d. per quarter. Several men were hanged for taking part in a riot arising from the same.

Gorleston began to be built upon. (See 1511.)

The first Yarmouth crane erected by Richard Bishop.


Duke of Suffolk suppressed a riot arising from the dearness of corn.


Nov. 1st. Tumult in St. Nicholas’ Church; twenty-four persons, with William Swarton, the chaplain, at their head, disturbed the congregation while the Rev. D. R. Cotton was preaching.


The high altar of St. Nicholas’ Church, remarkable for its richness and beauty, with the saints’ figures and pictures, broken and destroyed.


Oct. 28th. Four merchant heretics entered St. Nicholas’ Church, and created a great disturbance during the service.

Nov. 2nd. A merchant and shoemaker were fined 2s. each for bargaining and selling a last of white herring in the Church.

Sir Humphrey Wingfield returned to Parliament, held at Westminster.

Ordered that Aldermen should wear scarlet gowns, with fur tippets and straight hose, at assemblies and festivals.


Height of town wall, 23 feet. On war being declared the following year with France, a large rampire was thrown up on the eastern side, and afterwards extended along the north and south walls. (See 1396.)

Sir H. Wingfield again returned to Parliament.


At Corporate meetings no member allowed to depart without leave of the Bailiffs; otherwise was fined for disorderly conduct. Members of the Corporation compelled to wear scarlet gowns and straight hose, under penalty of fines.


Two French ships and 120 prisoners taken by the town.

A house for country butchers built.


The sixth Haven made. It was agreed that the money, plate, ornaments, robes, vestments, tunicles, albs, ameffes, belonging to St. Nicholas’ Church, should be disposed of, together with the bells in the steeple and other property in the Church, and the proceeds (£1,816 9s. 7d.) devoted to its construction. The Haven was then commenced, 100 men being employed daily upon it.

A rebellion in the town. Kett’s adherents advanced and destroyed all the materials for the Haven, and laid it in ruins; and the work of the Harbour was stopped till the following year. The next attempt also proved as unsuccessful. Another report says—The Norfolk rebellion, under Kett, the tanner, commenced; but their designs were frustrated by Yarmouth men, who, setting fire to a stack of hay on the west side of the Haven, were able to attack the enemy unseen, and defeated them, many insurgents being killed, 80 taken prisoners, and six pieces of ordnance secured. They were afterwards defeated by the Earl of Warwick at head-quarters in Norwich, and lost some 4,500 men; their leaders, William and Robert Kett, being suspended alive in chains on a gibbet.


Another great Plague. (See 1349.)

The Castle used as a Borough Gaol. During subsequent periods of alarm, it was again repaired. The upper part of it was taken down in 1620, and the following year the whole fabric was ordered to be dismantled and demolished.


Many of the brasses enclosing the inscriptions on the walls of St. Nicholas’ Church sent to London to be cast into weights and measures for the town’s use.

John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland, K.G., High Steward of the Borough.

A Grammar and Free School in existence in Yarmouth, the “Parson of Haddiscoe” being appointed for a quarter of a year on trial. He was succeeded the same year by an “expert man;” and it was agreed that each of the four-and-twenties (Aldermen) should pay towards his living 18d., and each of the eight-and-forties (Common Councilmen) 8d. a-year over the stipends, upon the well-doing of the schoolmaster. From 1551 till 1757, twenty-eight gentlemen were appointed to the Mastership. In 1757 the school appears to have been closed, for we find the master quitting possession and resigning his office; and on Feb. 5th, 1773, the chamberlains were directed to do necessary repairs, and to let the school to Mr. Richard Eaton, the younger, for £4 a-year. The school was re-established in 1863.


Sir W. Wodehouse, Knt., and N. Frymage, Esq., returned to Parliament. Every inhabitant found smoking tobacco or overcome with drink in any tippling-house was apprehended.


Oct. 1st. Robert Eyre and Simon More were chosen Burgesses of the Parliament.

Drawbridge erected to connect Southtown with Great Yarmouth, in place of the one built in 1427, but which was carried away in 1570 by the tide.

Beer sold at 3s. 4d. per thirty-two gallons.

This year and two following, six Aldermen were returned to Parliament.


Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk, High Steward of the Borough.

Fifty vessels wrecked off Yarmouth within 24 hours.

A fire beacon placed on the top of the Castle, as the Haven was very dangerous.


No brewer allowed to brew in the town unless by the appointment of the Bailiffs.

Another attempt to form a Haven, a ship being sunk at the mouth to stem the tide. But this project was abandoned the following year, and it was stopped up with furze bundles in 1557.

The Hermitage on the west side of the Haven given to the town.


Dec. 1st. The town inundated. Men rowed up and down the streets in boats, and several ships were drawn over the Denes with windlasses.

1558 to 1567.

The ground on the south side of Town Hall was, in the time of Queen Elizabeth, called “The South Foreland,” or “Furlong’s End.” In 1568 the houses there standing were given by William Garton to the churchwardens for the use of the Church. In 1622 they were repaired, and in 1674 rebuilt. John Fastolf, the father of Sir John Fastolf, of Caister Castle, had a house in the “Foreland,” but whereabouts cannot now be discovered. These houses were re-fronted by the present owner in 1866.

Sir T. Wodehouse, Knt., and William Barker, Esq., returned to Parliament.

The Market Cross repaired.


May 26th. Queen Elizabeth granted a Charter for the better security, defence, and protection of the town.


Jan. 8th. The present (seventh) Haven commenced. Joyce Johnson, the eminent Dutch engineer, who superintended the construction, was paid 4s. a day. This Haven was cut near the spot of the one made in 1529. Nearly 1,000 persons, including women and children, were employed about the works, which were completed on March 4th to the satisfaction of the inhabitants. In 1566 the water broke through, and made its old channel towards Newton Cross.

First Jetty erected, having a crane at the end to facilitate the landing of goods from boats. Re-built in 1767.


Three town wells opened.


Thomas Timperley and William Grice, Esqs., were returned to Parliament; the latter was also returned in 1570 with William Barker, Esq.; in 1571 with John Bacon, Esq.; and in 1584 and 1585 with Thomas Damett, Esq.

Three small silver maces, belonging to the Corporation, made.


Herrings very scarce, and sold for £9 a last.


Piers built on both sides of the Haven’s mouth.

The London Privy Council lent the town of Yarmouth £1,000 without interest, for repairing the Haven, which was refunded by instalments of £100 a-year.


Three ships of war compelled to leave by the town guns.

Haven expenses for the year, £1,230 12s. 4d.

The Paston family sold Caister Castle to meet their embarrassments.

Herrings sold for £8 a last; a tun (4 hogshds.) of wine was also of the same value.

Part of the town wall fell through being overcharged.


Mr. Vincent Goodwin first preacher appointed at St. Nicholas’ Church.

Drawbridge carried away by high tide, and another constructed in 1785, at a cost of £403 15s. 9d., notwithstanding £225 had been expended the year previous in repairs.


Thatched roofs to houses forbidden, and wood was substituted.


Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, K.G., High Steward of the Borough.

Brewers ordered to brew with coals instead of wood.

Every ale-house licensed by the Bailiffs.


Regulations made to prevent goods lying on the Quay longer than necessary.


A Bill introduced to Parliament to enroll Yarmouth as a Cinque Port; but this was not properly carried out. In 1702 the Government of Yarmouth was settled under Anne in its proper and present form.


Feb. 10th. Mr. Harbrowne elected to Parliament in place of John Bacon, Esq., but only served one day, the latter being re-elected.


Edward Owner born. He represented the town in Parliament four times, and died August 13th, 1650.

A part of the Hospital, Market Place, converted into a House of Correction.


Burgh Water Frolic first spoken of, being a grand event, and patronized by the Mayor and Corporation.


Inhabitants prohibited from washing their clothes near the public wells.

Lord Burleigh and the Earl of Leicester paid Yarmouth a visit, and were entertained at the Priory. Queen Elizabeth was expected, and a silver cup, in the form of a ship, costing £16, made for presentation to her Majesty, but she reached no further than Norwich.

Scratby Sand became entirely dry land, and raised its head so much above high-water mark, that grass, &c., grew on it, and sea birds built their nests. It was called “Yarmouth Island,” and was a favourite resort in the summer season for Yarmouth people.


May to Sept. Great plague; 2,000 persons died, and the Grammar School shut up for six months. (See 1349 and 1550.)


August 2nd. Dinner provided for 43 gentlemen on a sandbank out at sea, called Scratby Sand. In 1582 it was swept away by a strong easterly wind and tide, much to the disappointment of Sir Edward Clare, Knt., who had made a claim to it. Valuable wreckage was often found there.

2,000 lasts (2,640,000 single fish) of herrings brought in on one tide.


Large fish, 17 yards long, the jaw 3¼ yards long, body 4½ yards thick, caught at Caister.


No one could be elected a Burgess in Parliament unless he was an Alderman.


The Privy Council requested the town to provide ships for the transport of 400 soldiers into the Low Countries. To raise funds, every Alderman advanced £5, and every Common Councilman £2 10s., the rest of the money being raised by assessment.


Pulpit erected at the west-end of St. Nicholas’ Church; removed in 1635. Another erected in the south-east comer of the south aisle, which was also removed in 1846.

Number of “tippling houses” in Yarmouth restricted to 16.


John Stubbs and Roger Drury, Esqs., elected to Parliament.

William Cecil, Lord Burleigh, K.G., High Steward of the Borough. In 1578 he visited Yarmouth in company with the Earl of Leicester.

Preparations to receive the Spanish Armada. The fortifications put into the best state of defence, a boom thrown across the Haven at the south gates, and a mound of earth raised higher than the walls, called the “South Mount,” on which was placed several pieces of ordnance. Another mound, the “New Mount,” was afterwards thrown up near St. George’s Chapel, and a warlike ship fitted out at the town’s expense to annoy the enemy at sea, and preparations made to lodge and provision a garrison of 1,000 men. The sum of £1,355 4s. 9d. was assessed on the County.


No victualler or innkeeper allowed to retail any “strange beer” under pain of forfeiture.


An ale-house or tavern could only be kept by a Freeman or the widow of a Freeman.

Two Yarmouth ships required to carry out 150 soldiers to Normandy.


T. Damett, Esq., again returned to Parliament with John Felton, Esq.


The fishing nets used by boat owners valued at £50,000.


John Felton, Esq., again returned to Parliament with Sir H. Hobart.

Elizabethan House on the Quay, built by Benjamin Cowper. It was sold to John Carter, a friend of Oliver Cromwell. The supporters of Cromwell frequently assembled in this house, and it is supposed that the death of Charles I. was here determined on. It was for many years previously to Feb. 26th, 1867, the residence and property of the late Charles J. Palmer, Esq., F.S.A.

Arthur Wilson born at Yarmouth. He published an account of the life and reign of James I, written with much freedom, and displaying a thorough knowledge of Court intrigues; but the liberties he took in exposing the propensities of that monarch and his son towards the Catholic cause, brought upon him the vehement censure of the friends of the Stuart family, who said that he had written from conjectures rather than from records, and that his work was more like a pasquinade than an authentic history. He was for many years an attendant on the Earl of Essex, and afterwards steward to the Earl of Warwick. He died in 1652.


Seven hundred vessels in the Haven at one time.


The number of Rows was seven score (140).

The south side of the Hospital School used as a House of Correction.

Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex, K.G., High Steward of the Borough.


Rev. Thomas Nash published the “Lenten Stuffe,” containing a poetical and satirical description of Yarmouth, &c., and a play in “Praise of a Red Herring.” He was born at Lowestoft in 1567, and died in 1600. He was called by Dr. Lodge “the true English Gifford or Aretino.” His name is mentioned by Michael Drayton, and also in the play, “Return from Parnassus.” (Vide page 486, Pimperley’s “Encyclopædia of Literary and Typ. Anecdote.”)

One penny per swill by day and 1½d. at night were charged for carting herrings from the beach.

1599 to 1660.

Caister Castle deserted as a residence.


Sir Henry Hobart and T. Damett, Esq., again returned to Parliament; the latter, with John Wheeler, Esq., also returned on the accession of James I.

The Dutch Chapel, South Quay, built, and afterwards converted into a Theatre.

Every Alderman, or his deputy, with a constable, ordered to visit all ale-houses and taverns twice a week, and make inquiries respecting the customers.


The washing and rinsing of nets near the public wells forbidden.

The town required to provide and provision ships for transporting 600 soldiers to the Low Countries.

Charles Howard, Earl of Nottingham, K.G., Lord High Admiral of England, elected High Steward of the Borough.


A third Market Cross erected.


The three local rivers frozen over for 40 days.


James I. made Yarmouth a free Borough by charter, by the title of Bailiff, Aldermen, Burgesses, and Commonalty; which charter in 1683 (Charles II.) was surrendered to the King. (See July 22nd, 1684.)


Drapers, mercers, grocers, and haberdashers prohibited from having stalls in the market.

Herring Fair held. A great scarcity of herrings this year—a last of Windsor herrings being sold for £15 5s.


Great damage done to the Piers by a raging tide.

Aldermen who had held office as Bailiffs, compelled to wear scarlet gowns with tippets, under pain of a 40s. fine. (See 1541.)


The present Haven completed at a cost of £38,682, and from this date to 1770 inclusive, £215,644 had been expended about the Haven and Piers.


Sir Theophilus Finch and G. Hardware, Esq., returned to Parliament, but the former was succeeded soon after by Sir Henry Hobart.

One hundred jacobuses (a gold coin struck in the time of James I.) presented to King James I. by the town, as a mark of loyalty and affection.


At Corporate meetings no gentleman allowed to make uncomely and indecent speeches out of time and order, or create a disturbance when touching upon any public good, or even allowed to make a remark till the previous speaker had sat down, under penalty of fine or dismissal.


About 50 Yarmouth fishermen laid up their vessels, having no licenses for exportation.


License granted for the export of 600 lasts of herrings, which was annually renewed till 1624.


The Cage or Stock-house set up.

An ordinance made that all doors opening outwards into the Rows should be made to swing inwards, otherwise the constables would nail them up, and levy a fine of 5s. on the owners.


The last demand made by the Crown for furnishing vessels of war, until Charles I. resorted to that means of raising a revenue without the sanction of Parliament.


Dec. 21st. John Cowldham, J.P., four times a Bailiff, died, aged 84 years.

B. Cowper and Edward Owner, Esqs., free Burgesses, elected to Parliament.


“Tippling houses” had increased to 40, and were restricted to that number.


Benjamin Cowper, Esq., re-elected, with G. Hardware, Esq., to serve in Parliament.


Artillery yard on the site of present Unitarian Chapel.


Dec. 29th. Poor people were ordered not to marry unless sanctioned in writing by the Chief Alderman and Chief Constable.

Manship, who wrote the “History of Great Yarmouth,” died. He was Town Clerk in 1579.

Sir John Corbet and E. Owner, Esq., elected to Parliament; and in the same year Sir John was re-elected with Thomas Johnson, Esq.

Fish Market, on the site of the present, covered in and paved. Covering removed in 1844.


Robert Sydney, Earl of Leicester, K.G., High Steward of the Borough.

Nicholas Felton, Bishop of Ely, died. He was a native of Yarmouth, and one of the prelates employed by James I. in the new translation of the Bible.


Sir John Wentworth and Miles Corbet, Esq., elected to Parliament.


The town obtained leave to export 1,000 lasts of herrings, which continued till 1637, when £50 per annum was demanded by the Trinity for 10 years, and afterwards for 40 years.


Twelve hundred householders in Yarmouth.

Edward Sackville, Earl of Dorset, K.G., High Steward of the Borough.


Fishing with a trawl prohibited by proclamation.

£1 a quarter paid by the town to the Postmaster of Ipswich for carrying letters to and from Yarmouth for London.


Tobacco allowed only to be retailed in this town by one apothecary, six grocers, two hosiers, one merchant, and a chairmaker.

June 26th. Four Frenchmen executed for murdering Nicholas Harpley.


Aldermen’s wives compelled to wear velvet hats up to this date, when the ordinance was annulled.


Thirty-four brewing-houses in Yarmouth.


Miles Corbet, Esq., re-elected, with Edward Owner, Esq., as members of Parliament.

The East and West Flegg granted to the family of Cornwallis.


Oct. 12th. A ship, with 140 armed soldiers on board, through stress of weather, put into Yarmouth port; she was seized by the townsmen, and her crew and soldiers imprisoned on behalf of the Parliament.

Sept. Earl of Warwick, Lord High Admiral, visited Yarmouth, and was entertained by the Corporation.

Dec. 23rd. A rate of £1,200 assessed upon the inhabitants for the fortifications.

The town collected £136 for the relief of distressed subjects in Ireland.


Feb. Lord Grey of Werke required Yarmouth to send 80 dragoons to Cambridge.


The number of “tippling-houses” increased to 80, besides great inns and taverns; and in 1705 augmented to 120.

Letters between Yarmouth and London only passed once a week.

Twenty Iceland fishing barques belonging to Yarmouth merchants taken by pirates, only three escaping.


Additional fortifications made. Breastworks and platforms built at the seaside, and ordnance mounted on them.

The Earl of Lauderdale visited Yarmouth, and was sumptuously entertained at the town’s expense.


Sep. 9th. Lord Fairfax marched into Yarmouth, and the town was converted into a garrison.

Three men-of-war ships sent to convoy the fishers and guard the coast.

The Burgesses raised 600 foot and 50 horse soldiers, in lieu of having other forces marched into the town to do garrison duty.


Four Aldermen and 16 Common Councillors resigned office in the Corporation; 6 were afterwards reinstated.


The Puritans removed a fine old organ from St. Nicholas’ Church.

The Presbyterians made a doorway in the north wall of the Parish Church, and opened the north aisle of the chancel for public worship.


Up to this date prayer was always used before the commencement of public business.


Admiral Blake sent several ships to Yarmouth, which he had captured from the Dutch.

Dr. Thomes Soame died. He was the son of a fisherman at Yarmouth, but related to a wealthy family of the same name at Burnham. He lived in the reign of Charles I., and having entered holy orders he became minister of Staines in Middlesex, and Prebendary of Windsor. During the civil wars he was so zealously attached to Royalty that he sent all he had to the King, so that when the rebels came to plunder him he had nothing, for which he was imprisoned, first in Newgate, and afterwards in the Fleet Prison, where he died.


June 6th. Yarmouth sent 5 members to the “Little” Parliament summoned by Cromwell. Resigned Dec. 12th.

Aug. 29th. General Monk granted a warrant to free Yarmouth fishermen from being pressed into the service of the State.

Lord Henry, youngest son of Oliver Cromwell, High Steward of the Borough.


Norfolk sent ten members to Parliament.


Dec. 16th. Oliver Cromwell proclaimed in the Market Place Protector of the Commonwealth of the United Kingdom.

Colonel William Goffe and Thomas Dunne, Esq., were elected Burgesses to Parliament by 3 Aldermen and 26 Common Councilmen.


William Burton and C. G. Cock, Esqs., elected to Parliament.


W. Burton and C. G. Cock, Esqs., re-elected to Parliament.

Yarmouth people sent to Southwold 30 coombs of wheat and 10 coombs of rye for the sufferers from a fire which consumed the greater part of that town.


Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon, High Steward of the Borough.

A “Healing Parliament” called, and Sir J. Palgrave, Bart., and Miles Corbet, Esq., elected.


Sir William D’Oyley, Bart., and Sir W. Coventry, Bart., Secretary to the Admiralty, returned to Parliament.


Contention and bloodshed through concurrent jurisdiction ceased, when the Cinque Ports dissolved government with Yarmouth.

Dec. 10th. James Smith was fined £10 for saying of Sir Thomas Medowe, a Bailiff, “He is a fool, and I have killed a bull of 80s. that had better brains than Sir Thomas have.”


Jan. 22nd. Rev. John Brinsley, sen., lecturer in Yarmouth, died, aged 64.

Two thousand five hundred persons died of plague, including two ministers of St. Nicholas’ Church. (See 1349, 1550, and 1579.)


June 3rd. Great sea fight off Lowestoft, when the Dutch Admiral (Opdam) was defeated.

Every person receiving parish relief ordered to wear a pewter badge on the left arm, which was called “the badge of poverty.”


John Carter, twice Bailiff, and one of the Elders, died, aged 73.

Town farthings coined by the Overseers “for the use of the poor.” In 1673 they were cried down, and the town fined £90 for setting up a local mint. Lord Townshend petitioned the King on their behalf that he would pardon their offence.


Twenty-two thousand seven hundred and sixty chaldrons of coal imported.


An Act of Parliament passed appointing Haven Commissioners, viz., three for Norfolk, three for Suffolk, two for Norwich, and two for Yarmouth.

April 21st. Mitchell Mew, twice Bailiff, and once Mayor, died, aged 71 years.


Sep. 27th. Charles II. visited Yarmouth, accompanied by the Dukes of York, Monmouth, and Buckingham, and publicly entertained at a cost of £1,000.—The Corporation presented the King with four golden herrings and a chain, value £250. The King knighted three gentlemen of the Council.


May 28th. Duke of York, commander of the English fleet, defeated the Dutch fleet under De Ruyter, in Sole Bay, or Southwold Bay. The guns were heard at Yarmouth, and the sick and wounded afterwards brought here. Yarmouth sent presents of wine, sheep, lambs, lemons, fowls, and fish to the Duke of York, previous to the engagement.


April 8th. William Burton, sen., twice Bailiff of the town, died, aged 65 years.

Son of Sir William Paston created Baron Paston and Viscount Yarmouth; also created Earl of Yarmouth in 1679. In 1676 he was shot at and wounded while in his coach. He died in 1682.


Robert Paston, Viscount Yarmouth, chosen High Steward of the Borough.

The famous “Yarmouth Troll Cart” in use. At this date they were known by the name of “Yarmouth Coaches,” being more elegantly made, and let out to pleasure parties.

Bell factory supposed to have existed.

Haven expenses this year, £2,099 9s. 6d.


Grand celebration in Yarmouth on the marriage of William III., Prince of Orange, with Princess Mary.

Captain Booth executed in the town for stabbing a seaman.

The ground between the walls and the east side of the town, from the Market Place, along King Street to the Friars’ Lane, was sold for £2,265 17s. 6d., to sundry persons to build upon.


Bonfires, by order of the Corporation, made in the Market Place and other parts of the town, on the passing of the “Test Act” by both Houses of Parliament.


Sir W. Coventry, Knt., re-elected to Parliament, with Lord Huntingdon.


Richard Huntingdon and George England, Esqs., returned to Parliament.


Oct. 21st. Sir William Gooch, Bart., born at Yarmouth. Early in life he entered the army, and distinguished himself in the Rebellion of 1715. George I. made him Lieutenant-Governor of Virginia in 1727; and in 1740 he was appointed Colonel of an American Regiment, and assisted at the memorable siege of Carthagena. For his services he was promoted, being first made Brigadier and then Major-General, in which capacity, in 1747, he commanded in the expedition to Quebec. Died at Bath, Dec. 17th, 1751.

The whole body of Freemen claimed a right of electing members for the town, and accordingly chose Sir James Johnson, Knt., and George England, Esq. Before this, the Corporation had usually taken upon themselves this business, sometimes by a majority of the assembly, and sometimes by an inquest of six Aldermen and six Common Councilmen.

H.R.H. the Duke of York entertained to a sumptuous dinner in Yarmouth; afterwards embarked in the frigate “Gloucester,” but (May 6th) the vessel striking on the Leman and Ower sand, 12 leagues from Yarmouth, she filled with water, and the Duke escaped in a shallop, with Colonel Churchill, Earl of Aberdeen, Duke of Montrose, and a few other distinguished personages.


William Paston, Earl of Yarmouth, High Steward of the Borough.

Spire of St. Nicholas’ Church, being of wood and lead, set on fire by lightning. John Grice received from the Corporation a piece of plate, value £10, for extinguishing it.


April 26th. First Yarmouth Fair held.

May 7th. John Hall, Esq., died, aged 61 years. He was a merchant, Alderman by the old and new charters, and twice Bailiff of the town.

July 22nd. The charter granted by which a Mayor was substituted for the 2 Bailiffs, 18 Aldermen instead of 36, and 36 Common Councilmen instead of 18. By Charles II. a High Steward, a Recorder, a Sub-Steward, 2 Coroners, 2 Chamberlains, and a Clerk of the Courts were also appointed. Southtown was added to the liberties of the Borough. (See 1608, 1687, and 1763.) This charter also empowered them to hold two fairs yearly. The instrument was brought from London by the eldest son of the Earl of Yarmouth to Haddiscoe, and given to George Ward, Esq., the first Mayor elected. He, accompanied by a large train of carriages, and from 300 to 400 horsemen, proceeded to Haddiscoe to receive it. Great rejoicing in the town.

Lady Yarmouth, wife of the above Earl, died.

The Corporation Sword of Justice, carried before the Mayor, adopted.

Sir Thomas Medowe, Mayor, being the second elected the same year. Bailiffs prior to this year were chosen instead of Mayor.

Lord Huntingdon and George England, Esq., returned to Parliament; also in 1686 and 1688.

Town Charters surrendered to Charles II.


May 1st. Earl of Yarmouth invited Sir A. Dean and Sir H. Shiers to view the Haven and Piers. The latter was presented at the “Three Feathers” Inn with 100 guineas for his journey. He also visited the town in 1687, accompanied by Lord Dartmouth, who recommended that a ship be sunk, or jetty made, northward of the north Pier, to prevent the sand from coming into the Haven, and that a basin be formed westward of the “brush,” with a sluice to let out the water forcibly into the Haven towards the latter ebb.


Lord Huntingdon and George England, Esq., elected by the Freemen to serve in Parliament. The right of Freemen to vote was ever acquiesced in by the Corporation.


Aug. 12th. Prince George of Denmark landed at Yarmouth, and went post to Windsor.

James II. ejected 5 Aldermen and 12 Common Councilmen from the Corporate Body; and in the following year 3 Aldermen and 4 Councilmen, and placed others in their stead. This right of displacing the Corporate body was reserved by the King.


June 24th. Tumult and riotous proceedings took place in the town through the bigoted conduct of King James II.

Lord Huntingdon and G. England, Esq., again elected, and sent to the Convention Parliament the same year. Re-elected in 1690 and 1695.

Prince George of Denmark’s regiment of Dragoons sent to Yarmouth; and in 1696, two companies of Lieut.-General Bellasis’ Royal Fusiliers were quartered in the town.

The office of Mayor ceased, and the Government of the town again reverted to two Bailiffs, under King James II.’s proclamation. This continued till the time of Queen Anne. (See 1702.)

Haven expenses for the year, £2,323 5s. 4d.


Feb. 16th. Prince of Orange and the Princess Mary proclaimed in the Market Place.

George England and Samuel Fuller, Esqs., returned to Parliament; also in 1695, 1698, and 1700.


May 16th. Edmund Thaxter, Alderman and twice Bailiff, died, aged 62.

The Maces carried by the Mayor’s officers ordered to be made. At New Romney are now (1884) two maces used here at Herring Fair.


Anthony Ellys, Bishop of St. David’s, and author of several theological works, was born at Yarmouth. Died in 1761.


Oct. 18th. William III. landed at Yarmouth, and received with great enthusiasm. The Corporation spent £106 in entertaining him.

All Boroughs were reduced by proclamation to the same state of government as before the surrender of charters to Charles II. (See 1702.)

Two hundred vessels and nearly 1,000 lives lost in one night off this coast.


Sept. 11th. Thomas, second son of Sir George England, Alderman and twice Bailiff, died, aged 48 years.

Oct. 28th. John Albertson, Esq., Alderman and Bailiff in 1655, died, aged 71 years.


A Bar having formed across the Harbour’s mouth, the dangerous state of the Haven was made known by the beat of a drum, and the inhabitants desired to cut and dig a “gut” or trench through the Bar.

Proposed to break up the streets and lay pipes to supply the inhabitants with spring water from a large reservoir, collected from the wells on the Denes. Also in 1810. (See 1835 and 1855.)


Corporation voted an address to the King upon his safe return, and peace with the French King.


John Nicholson and John Burton, Esqs., returned to Parliament.


June 30th. George England, Esq., eldest son of Sir George, died, aged 58 years. He was Recorder, and several times member of Parliament for the Borough. (See 1693 and 1711.)

Fishermen’s Hospital (for 40 persons) erected by the Corporation.

The Corporation obtained a new charter, granted by Queen Anne, which again allowed them to choose a Mayor on Sept. 29th, instead of two Bailiffs. (See 1692.)

Benjamin England and J. Nicholson, Esqs., returned to Parliament; also in 1705.


July 3rd. Thomas Bradford, Esq., Mayor, died, aged 74 years.

March 11th. Twenty-fifth and last Charter granted by Queen Anne, re-appointing certain governors of the town. (See 1684.) When the Parliamentary and Municipal Reform Acts were passed (1832 and 1835), the Mayor was again required to be chosen from the whole body of the Corporation, whether Aldermen or Town Councillors.

A dreadful Fire broke out at the north end of the town, and several houses were blown up to prevent its spreading.


April 30th. Thomas Godfrey, twice Bailiff and many years Town Clerk of this Borough, died, aged 63 years. He was succeeded by John Carlow, and at his decease in 1710 by Francis Turner.


The expenses of Yarmouth Haven amounted to £2,710 7s. 5d.


April 27th. Thomas Bendish, Esq., died, aged 61 years. He was a descendant of the ancient family of Sir Thomas Bendish, Bart., of Essex, who was ambassador from Charles II. to the Grand Seigneur. He married Bridget, daughter of H. Ireton, Esq., of Ireton, for some time Lord Lieutenant of Ireland.


Hon. Roger Townshend and Richard Ferrier, Esq., returned to Parliament.


A Quaker had his Burgess Letter on taking his solemn affirmation only.


Nov. 7th. William Browne, Esq., Mayor, died, aged 46 years.

Richard Ferrier and Benjamin England, Esqs., returned to Parliament. Poll—F. 278; Eng. 269; Townshend 231; Ellys 173. Also in 1713.


April 30th. Benjamin England, Esq., third son of Sir George, died. He was several times Bailiff, Mayor, and Member of Parliament for the Borough.

Henry Borrett, Esq., was Mayor, but dying before his term of office was completed, Samuel Wakeman, Esq., was chosen.

Ordered that no license be granted to any person to draw or retail ale or any other liquor at any house by the sea-side, except during the fishing seasons.


Oct. 3rd. Twenty persons drowned on Breydon from the upsetting of a wherry.

An Act obtained for making a causeway over the Denes from Yarmouth to Caister.


The Charity School erected in the Market Place by a few benevolent persons; and in 1724 the Corporation built two large rooms.

First Town Hall built at a cost of £880. (See April 20th, 1880, and May 31st, 1882.)


Mayors and Justices allowed to wear different gowns to those of other Corporate members.

St. George’s Episcopal Chapel finished building. The contractors were Messrs. Price and Son, who built the Town Hall. The Chapel was consecrated Dec. 8th, 1815. Cost £3,800.

South Denes laid out as a race-course by John Holdrich and other innkeepers of Yarmouth; but annual races not held till 1810.

Easter Fair held on Good Friday until this date, when the Corporation ordered it to take place on the Friday following.

Geo. England, Esq., and the Hon. Horatio Townshend returned to Parliament.


It was agreed that the two last and every succeeding Mayor should receive £100 each, in lieu of the fishing thousand.

The Vicar’s house built by the Corporation.


An Act passed enforcing half the amount of ordinary duties on the Haven to be expended in improving the Haven, Piers, and Jetties; one-fourth part to be expended in deepening and cleansing the three rivers, and repairing the bridge and public quays at Yarmouth; and the remaining fourth part in cleansing and deepening Breydon.


Oct. 2nd. William Spooner, Bailiff, and afterwards Mayor, died, aged 67 years.

Hon. Charles Townshend and Hon. Horatio Walpole returned to Parliament. The latter created a Baronet in 1756.


Guildhall, near St. Nicholas’ Church, pulled down and replaced by an unsightly building, where Corporate assemblies were held till 1835.


The Charity School for 50 boys and 30 girls was built by subscription. (See, 1713).

Jan. 28th. James Artis, Esq., Bailiff, Mayor, and Captain of Fusiliers, died, aged 68 years.

Corbridge published his “West Prospect of Yarmouth.” Buck published one in 1741; and Laing’s Map came out in 1867.


July 14th. Mrs. Bridget Bendish, granddaughter of Oliver Cromwell, died at Southtown.


Hon. W. Townshend and Hon. Horatio Walpole returned to Parliament.

The Norwich Mercury of this date says:—“The persons appointed for choosing a Mayor for the town of Great Yarmouth (according to custom) were locked up in a room on Tuesday last at 12 o’clock, and did not determine the election till 9 o’clock on Thursday morning, when Samuel Artis, Esq., a gentleman of known loyalty and integrity, was declared Mayor-Elect for the year ensuing, to the great disappointment of the Tories.”


The Pillory removed.

£50 raised by the town for the relief of the English prisoners at Mequinez.


July. A remarkable storm and tempest; hailstones of prodigious magnitude fell.


Sir Robert Walpole, Earl of Orford, K.G., High Steward of the Borough.


Dec. 20th. Organ now at the Parish Church first opened. The Rev. Thos. Macro, D.D., minister of Yarmouth, preached the sermon on “The Melody of the Heart.”—Eph. 5, 19 verse. (See Jan. 25th, 1869.)


A poor fisherman named Danby obtained a verdict, with £15 damages, against William Brown, Esq. (the Mayor), Justice Artis, and Masters (the Bridewell man), for whipping and false imprisoning the plaintiff.

The Mayor’s gold chain and medal appendant having the arms of the Corporation on one side, and a ship under sail on the reverse, to be worn by every Mayor for ever. (See 1746.) It was subscribed for. The cost of the chain alone was £141 18s. 3d.

Organ at St. George’s Chapel built by Jordan.

Hon. Edward Walpole and the Hon. William Townshend returned to Parliament, but the latter dying in 1737, was succeeded by his brother, the Hon. Roger Townshend.

Sarah Johnson, a widow, was whipped upon a cart round the Market Place, for stealing three gold rings and a silver spoon. In 1763 two sailors were served in like manner, receiving four lashes under each public-house sign for stealing merchandise.


Elizabeth Thompson hanged for the murder of a Dutchman in the Gaol-row.


Jan. 14th. George II. landed a few miles south of Yarmouth.


Sir R. Walpole sent 50 guineas to be expended in coal for the poor.

Robert Ferrier appointed Town Clerk, and eleven years afterwards he filled the civic chair.


Chris. Bernard, Esq., elected Mayor, but died before completing his term of office.

Expenses of Yarmouth Haven were £3,299 15s. 9d.

Amelia Sophia de Walmoden, presumed to have been the mistress of George II., was created Baroness and Countess of Yarmouth for life. She died in 1750.


Hon. Roger Townshend and E. Walpole, Esq., returned to Parliament. Votes—T., 400, W., 391; Howling Luston, 104; Richard Fuller, 97.


John Thacker hanged for killing John Auger with a pistol ball in a shop near the “Wheel of Fortune.”


The inquest, chosen for electing a Mayor, locked up in the Guildhall for ten days; in 1765, six days; in 1767, three days and three nights; and in 1814, fifty-four hours.

Samuel Killett, Esq., Alderman, gave the Corporation of Yarmouth a silver oar, double gilt, the insignia of the Admiralty Court.


Ancient Order of Foresters first formed.

Robert Walpole, Earl of Orford, High Steward of the Borough.


Nov. 25th. Mayor’s medal appendant sold; its value applied for adding links to the chain, the two being valued at £166. (See 1734.)


Hon. E. Walpole and the Hon. Chas. Townshend elected to Parliament.

The Cage or Stock-house removed.


Nov. 30th. John Dobson Tongue hanged for robbing Mr. Halsden on the Southtown-road.


Oct. 13th. John Sullivan hanged for robbing Mrs. Meed on the Denes.


John Barcham, mariner, executed for the murder of Robert Bullen.

An Act passed appointing a committee of twelve inhabitants of Yarmouth to inspect the Haven works, and to summon the Commissioners in cases of need.

Mrs. Cromwell, lineally descended from Oliver Cromwell, died at Yarmouth, at an advanced age.

A live infant named Sarah Pycraft found in a basket in St. Nicholas’ Churchyard, and was taken to the Workhouse, where she died 96 years afterwards.


George Walpole, Earl of Orford, High Steward of the Borough.

Dr. John Butler, minister at St. Nicholas’ Church, and afterwards Bishop of Oxford and Hereford. He died in 1802.

An Act passed to open the port of Yarmouth for the importation of wool and woollen yarn from Ireland.


Chris. Taylor, Esq., Mayor, died before completing his term of office, and was succeeded by Giles Wakeman.

The Gallows-house on the North Denes removed.


Expenses of Yarmouth Haven amounted to £3,360 3s. 9d.


April 18th. Right Hon. C. Townshend and his former colleague, then Sir E. Walpole, K.B., and Chief Secretary for Ireland, elected to Parliament. Votes—T., 541; W., 518; R. Fuller, 397; and William Browne, 342.

Mr. Thos. Olivers made an unsuccessful attempt to introduce Methodism into the town. He and a friend were assailed on the Sunday with dirt, stones, and missiles of every description without mercy, and driven out of the town. Mr. Howell Harris made an attempt in 1760, which was more successful, though at great risk of his life.


July 23rd. William Burton, M.D., died, aged 53.

Sept. 1st. Naval engagement off Lowestoft between H.M.S. “Hazard” and a French privateer, “La Subtille,” carrying 12 guns and 86 men. After six hours the Frenchman struck off Winterton, and the next day (Sunday) the prisoners were landed and lodged in gaol. By undermining the prison wall, fourteen broke out, and only four were retaken.

C. Townshend, Esq., of Honingham, a cousin to the Hon. Charles, was elected to Parliament by a majority of 32 votes, on the latter accepting the office of Treasurer of his Majesty’s Chamber. Mr. C. Townshend was elected eight times in thirty-three years.

An Act for the better recovery of small debts within the liberties of the Borough obtained.


Oct. 7th. Joseph Ames, F.R.S., died. He was born at Yarmouth on Jan. 23rd, 1688, and was the author of “Typographical Antiquities”; being an historical account of printing in England, with memoirs of our ancient printers, and a register of the books printed by them, from the year 1471 to 1600, with an appendix concerning printing in Scotland and Ireland to the same time. It was dedicated to Philip, Earl of Hardwick, Lord High Chancellor of England. He was originally a piano maker, and afterwards a ship chandler at Wapping, which trade he carried on till his death. He was a great lover of history. In 1741 was appointed secretary of the Society of Antiquaries. Mr. Ames printed a “Catalogue of English Printers from 1471 to 1700,” “An Index to Lord Pembroke’s Coins,” also “A Catalogue of English Heads, or an account of about 2,000 prints,” describing what is peculiar on each; he drew up the “Parentalia, or Memoirs of the Family of Wren.” His collection of coins, curiosities, books, &c., were sold in 1760. Among the latter was a copy of Tindall’s New Testament, supposed to be the only one which escaped the flames, when the Bishop of London (Tonstall) ordered them to be burnt. Vide “Timperley’s Encyclopedia of Literary and Typ. Anecdote,” 1842, p. 703.


Yarmouth Sea-baths built. Cost £2,000. A handsome public room added in 1785.

Terrible affray with the 2nd Dragoons (Scotch Greys) and 6th Irish Dragoons (Enniskilling), who were quartered in the town. They attacked each other with swords.


John Willis, Esq., elected Mayor, but died before completing his term of office.

Hon. Sir Edward Walpole, K.B., and C. Townshend, Esq., returned to Parliament.


The number of boys and girls at the Hospital School reduced from 49 to 41.


Gorleston Parish, with the Hamlet of Southtown, in Mutford and Lothingland Hundreds (Suffolk) incorporated for the maintenance of the poor of its 24 parishes. Also by an amended Act in 1833.


Dec. 10th. Rev. Christopher Spendlove, sen., lecturer, of Yarmouth, died, aged 69 years.


Jan. 8th. Much distress caused through the high price of food, and a subscription was opened and liberally supported by the inhabitants—60,138 quartern loaves, weighing 4 lbs. 14 ozs., at 3d. each, distributed for three months, among the poor till April 25th.


100 ft. of the Jetty carried away by high tide.


C. Townshend, Esq., returned to Parliament, with the Hon. Richard Walpole. (Also in 1770, 1774, and 1780.)


Sept. 16th. Elizabeth Martin executed for the murder of her illegitimate child.


April 18th. The day of John Wilkes’s releasement from the Tower celebrated at Yarmouth with great rejoicings. He was an eminent English politician.

Nov. 8th. Rev. John Manclarke, minister of the parish, died, aged 38 years.

During a gale, thirty vessels and two hundred men lost.

Four of the Town Gates pulled down.

One guinea bounty offered to every able seaman at Yarmouth who would join the fleet to suppress the war with Spain.


“Clappermen” appointed to watch the vessels in the Harbour, and prevent any fire or light being used on board.


Jan. 11th. Henry Swinden, a diligent antiquary, who for twenty years collected and digested a large mass of information respecting his native town, author of “History of Great Yarmouth,” died, the same year his work was published, and while the last sheet was in the press, aged 55 years. (See 1776.)


Charles Townshend, Esq., and the Hon. Richard Walpole returned to Parliament. Votes—T., 310; W., 310; W. Beckford, 218; Sir Charles Saunders, K.B., 216. In 1777, Charles Townshend, Esq., vacated his seat, but was returned with W. Beckford, Esq. Votes—T., 502; B., 199.

The overseers’ account for the past year, ending at Easter, was—Money received, £2,694 16s.; money paid (including everything, and a new building at £201 10s.) left a balance in hand of £61 15s. 7d.


The “Nine houses” at Southtown built by John Eggoty, on the site of public tea-gardens and cream house.


“The History and Antiquities of Yarmouth,” by the Rev. Charles Parkin, M.A., Rector of Oxburgh, published.

John Ives, F.R.S., F.S.A., died. He was born at Yarmouth in 1730, and became eminent for his skill in antiquarian science. He published “Manship’s History,” wrote the preface, and erected a marble monument in St. Nicholas’ Church to Manship’s memory.


Dec. 4th. Theatre erected, and opened with the comedy of the English Merchant. Building cost £1,500. Renovated in 1828.


Jan. 1st. A tremendous storm and flood, and much damage done to shipping.

First Map of Yarmouth published by Mr. M. J. Armstrong. It was prepared by Swinden in 1722.


March 6th. A Monthly Book Club established by the Rev. R. Turner, B.D.

Armed Associations formed at Yarmouth.


William Penn, a pirate, hanged in London, and afterwards put on a gibbet on the North Denes.

Two batteries on the North Denes erected.


A fort erected on Gorleston heights, armed with six 24-pounders and a battery of nine 18-pounders, for the defence of St. Nicholas’ Gat. An invasion expected.

The Fisheries protected by an armed force.

Parliamentary Reform agitated; and the town was filled with troops, much to the annoyance of the inhabitants.

An Act passed for the better securing the duties payable on the importation of coal and cinders.

The Norfolk Rangers first established.


The celebrated John Wesley preached in Yarmouth, and on Oct. the 22nd opened a chapel. He paid the town several visits, the last in 1790, not five months before his death in 1791. Aged 87.

Right Hon. C. Townshend re-elected to Parliament.


First Census taken. Population 12,608.

Two vessels fitted out for the Greenland whale fishery.

Mr. S. Bream, of Yarmouth, advocated the extension of the North Pier for the removal of the Bar. Mr. J. Nichalls, an engineer, suggested in a report that the river should be straightened, and a weir placed across the river near its junction with Breydon.

June 22nd. A great part of the outward wall of the east end of the Parish Church fell down, and destroyed the tombs and gravestones to some distance.

Mr. Barrett died, aged 100 years.

Oct. The Prince of Wales (afterwards Geo. IV.) invited by the Corporation to dine at the Town Hall. Not accepted.

Sir John Jervis, K.B., returned to Parliament with H. Beaufoy, Esq.


Another town gate pulled down.

The Dutch sent over 87 boats for the herring fishery off our coast.

Wooden drawbridge across the stream near the Town Hall built, and existed till 1843.


Second drawbridge connecting Yarmouth with Southtown over the Yare re-built and opened to the public.

Josiah Curtis appointed town crier, an office which he held for 32 years.


Martha Stanninot, a peculiar woman known as “Queen Martha,” who fancied she should be Queen of England, lived and died in Row 28.


Nov. 1st. Forty vessels driven ashore between Yarmouth and Southwold; 80 fishing boats wrecked, and 120 bodies washed ashore between Yarmouth and Cromer.

An appointed day of thanksgiving for the King’s recovery, and the town illuminated.

Seven hundred lasts of herrings taken by 180 boats.


June 18th. Right Hon. Charles Townshend and Henry Beaufoy, Esq., returned to Parliament. Votes—T., 632; B., 455; J. T. Sandys, 182.

A pottery established at Yarmouth.


George Townshend, Marquis Townshend, High Steward of the Borough.

Feb. 3rd. Part of the Jetty carried away by a destructive high tide, and the Denes under water. On the Southtown-road the water was deep enough for boats to ply.

Oct. 27th. Riot on account of the dearness of provisions, but suppressed by the magistrates.


Feb. 7th. House of Commons petitioned by Yarmouth for the abolition of slave trade.

May 29th. The “Church and King Club” established, and first meeting held at the “Wrestler’s Inn.”

Dec. Meeting held in Yarmouth, pledging themselves to support the Constitution of King, Lords, and Commons, as established in 1688.


Feb. 11th. Embargo laid on all vessels at Yarmouth.

Feb. 28th. H.M.S. “Savage” brought in the French privateer, “Custine,” she being the first prize taken in the war.

Matthew Champion died at the age of 111 years.

The title of Earl of Yarmouth was revived as the secondary title of the Marquis of Hertford.


July. Subscription entered into and a benefit play performed at Yarmouth, for the relief of the widows and orphans of those killed on board the fleet in Lord Howe’s victory on June 1st.


May 29th. On the death of H. Beaufoy, Esq., Colonel S. Howe was elected to Parliament with George Anson, Esq. Votes—H., 483; A., 347.

Sir Edmund Lacon, Knt., Mayor. This hon. gentleman was knighted for quelling the riot which began in the Market Place, occasioned by the high price of provisions.

The Distillery, on the site of the Silk Factory purchased by Government, and Barracks made of wood, erected there for 1,600 men.

Jan. 19th. The illustrious fugitive, the Princess of Orange, with her daughter-in-law, little granddaughter, and the child’s nurse, accompanied by two gentlemen, embarked on board a fishing boat. They took up their quarters in the hold of the vessel, and were covered with the sails as a defence against the inclement weather. After being safely landed at Yarmouth, the military were drawn up, and their Royal Highnesses driven twice round the Market Place, and then entertained by the Mayor. The Prince unexpectedly came also and took his wife away. The next day the Duke of York visited Yarmouth for the purpose of welcoming them, and, though disappointed, was enthusiastically received by the inhabitants.

Another unfortunate Princess near landing on our shore. Princess Caroline of Brunswick, accompanied by the English envoy, Lord Malmesbury, embarked at Cuxhaven on board the “Jupiter,” 50 guns, and through stress of weather came within six leagues of the Beach.

A line of packets to Cuxhaven was started from our Port, and the Dover and Harwich packets removed.

Congratulatory address from the Corporation and inhabitants of Yarmouth presented to George III. on his escape from the attack made on his person while proceeding to Parliament House.


June. Lord C. P. T. Townshend and Colonel S. Howe returned to Parliament. Lord Charles on the day following his election was found dead in his carriage, shot in the mouth by a pistol ball. The same year (Oct. 26th), Major-General W. Loftus and H. Jodrell, Esq., were elected to Parliament. Votes—L., 599; J., 561; Sir J. Jervis, K.B., 418.

June 25th. First time that a squadron of men-of-war ships entered Yarmouth Roads. There were 13 British and 3 Russian, under the command of Admiral Macbride.

Freedom of the Borough presented to Captain Trollope, for defeating 8 French ships of war off the coast of Holland.

Aug. 19th. Whilst Thelwall, a political lecturer, was declaiming in a room at Yarmouth, a party of armed sailors from the ships in the Roads broke in, and in their attempt to seize the orator, knocked down every person who opposed them. Upwards of 40 persons were wounded in the scuffle; the orator escaped unhurt.


June 1st. Mutiny on board the North Sea Fleet at Yarmouth, and several sail of the line hoisted the red flag of defiance.

Sept. 18th. Admiral Duncan assumed the command of the North Sea Fleet in the Roadstead, vice Admiral Macbride.

Oct. 3rd. Admiral Duncan put into Yarmouth Roads, and six days afterwards went in search of the Dutch fleet, which was totally defeated (Oct. 11th) off Camperdown. The British fleet returned in triumph to Yarmouth Roads, bringing seven sail of the line as prizes. The wounded men were landed and conveyed to the Barracks and to Norwich—there being no Naval Hospital. Yarmouth for several days was thronged with visitors to see the victorious British fleet and their prizes. A subscription was raised on behalf of the wounded.

A high tide nearly demolished the Bath House.

Somerset Militia quartered in the town.

Captain Rysoort, of the “Hercules” (one of Admiral Duncan’s prizes), died in Yarmouth, and was buried with military honours.

A boat on the river Breydon upset, and six out of seven youths drowned.

Freedom of the town presented to Lord Duncan and Sir Richard Onslow for their victories over the Dutch fleet; also to Earl St. Vincent for the victory over the Spanish fleet on the 14th of February.

Mutiny broke out at the Nore, and extended itself to the vessels in Yarmouth Roads, but was quickly suppressed.


Mar. 2nd. Through financial pressure at the Bank of England, Yarmouth banks paid in their own notes, and fractional parts were paid in specie.

Two Volunteer Companies of Yeomanry Cavalry formed at Yarmouth under Samuel Barker and H. Worship, Esqs.

Oct. 1st. Intelligence of Admiral Viscount Nelson’s ever memorable victory off the mouth of the Nile received at Yarmouth with great rejoicing.

Oct. 1st. The Times says: At half-past twelve the following men-of-war in Yarmouth Roads got under weigh to cruise off the Texel:—“Monarch,” 74 guns, Admiral Sir Richard Onslow, Captain Sutton; “Monmouth,” 64, Deane; “Belligneux,” 64, England; “Ardent,” 64, Bertie; “Agamemnon,” 64, Fancourt. Remaining in the Roads:—“Kent,” 74, Lord Duncan; “Ganges,” 74, Captain M’Dowall; “America,” 64, Smith; “Veteran,” 64, Mosse; “Glatton,” 54, Cobb; with the “Europa” and “Mististoff” men-of-war.


Sept. 28th. The Duke of York’s army returned from an unsuccessful campaign, and the Guards and 24 other regiments, comprising 25,000 troops (infantry and cavalry), were landed at Yarmouth on their return from Holland.

An embargo laid on all shipping at Yarmouth.

Hospital for sick and wounded soldiers erected on the site of Grout’s Silk Factory. The wounded from Copenhagen were taken here.


Sept. 25th. Freedom of the Borough voted to Sir A. Dickson and Mr. Pitt.

Nov. 6th. Admiral Lord Nelson landed here after the battle of Aboukir, having been absent 2½ years from his native county, and was presented with an enthusiastic welcome and the freedom of the town. He stayed at the “Wrestler’s” Inn, Church Plain, and in a speech he made there, said, “I am myself a Norfolk man, and I glory in being so.” When he subsequently visited the Parish Church, the organ played, “See the Conquering Hero comes.” He was accompanied by Lady and Sir William Hamilton.

Nov. 20th. The herring fishery off Yarmouth was unusually productive this year, the catch being so great that one of Mr. Batley’s boats, after taking on board 14 lasts, was obliged to throw two lasts overboard.


Mar. 7th. The St. “George,” carrying 98 guns, and bearing the flag of Lord Nelson, arrived in the Roadstead.

Mar. 12th. The grand fleet of 47 ships of war, with 3,000 mariners, under the command of Admiral Sir Hyde Parker in the “London,” 98 guns, with Lord Nelson as his Vice-Admiral, sailed from Yarmouth, and proceeded, after they had been joined by seven sail of the line in Leith Roads, to Copenhagen to destroy the Danish navy.

Jan. 1st. This day being the first of the 19th century, and the day on which the union of Great Britain and Ireland took place, the Durham Militia fired a feu de joie at Yarmouth; and the ships in the Roadstead gave a royal salute and hoisted their new colours in honour of the union.

Mar. 16th. The “Invincible,” 74 guns (built in 1766), Rear-Admiral Totty, on her way to join the grand fleet, got on the ridge near Hasbro’ Sand, and remained till daybreak next morning, but had no sooner floated into deep water than she went down with her captain (J. Lawford), several officers, and about 300 men. By the exertions of Daniel Grigson, master of the cod-smack, “Nancy,” the Admiral, 7 officers, and about 190 of the crew, were saved.

April 14th. Intelligence received at Yarmouth of the destruction of the Danish navy in Copenhagen by the British fleet, on April 2nd, after four hours’ fighting. Great rejoicing in this town and country generally.

July 1st. Owing to Lord Nelson’s ill-health he again landed at the Jetty from the gun-brig, “Kite.”

Nov. 2nd. The Prince of Orange arrived at Yarmouth from London, and on the 6th sailed in the packet “Diana,” for Cuxhaven.

Census taken. Population of Yarmouth, 14,854; with Gorleston and Southtown, 16,573.

The batteries erected on the verge of the beach, and mounted with 32-pounders. The harbour was also defended on each side by two bastions of a mural construction. They were dismounted after the general peace, and guns returned to Woolwich.


Jan. 6th. The Public Library first instituted by a certain number of subscribers. In 1808 the Corporation granted the lease of the present building. The Dutch clock (removed in 1861) was erected on the exterior in 1600, when the building was used as a Dutch Chapel by the Hollanders; was afterwards used as an English Chapel, and previous to the Theatre being built the back premises were converted into a room for dramatic entertainments. New Reading Room opened Feb. 19th, 1859.

May 5th. The town illuminated on the proclamation of peace.

May 24th. The Duke of Cambridge sailed from Yarmouth in the frigate, “Amphion,” for Hanover, of which kingdom he was appointed Regent. (See June 13th, 1803.)

June 28th. Custom House opened.

July. Rear-Admiral Sir Thomas Trowbridge, Bart., and Thomas Jervis, Esq., returned to Parliament. The boat built for Sir Thomas to be chaired in, made of oak, 14 ft. long, and 3 ft. 9 in. wide, is still preserved (1884). On the stern is “Trowbridge and the Navy,” under which is a naval crown and trophy. It was built by Mr. James Hurry.

Three hundred persons impressed, but 250 were afterwards liberated. (See 1805.)

Montgomeryshire and Cheshire Militia left the town.


May 5th. An active press at Yarmouth.

May 16th. Embargo laid on all vessels in the Roads.

June 13th. H.R.H. the Duke of Cambridge and suite left Yarmouth for Norwich. They came in the same frigate which brought Prince William of Gloucester from Cuxhaven, where their Royal Highnesses were nearly being made prisoners by the advanced guard of the French army. Had they remained there another hour they would have shared the fate of the Hanoverian army. The French General in Holland put an immense number of fishing boats in requisition for the avowed purpose of invading England.

Oct. 25th. The Volunteer Regiments in Norfolk and Norwich resolved to perform permanent duty in Yarmouth in case of an invasion, and on Nov. the 9th two troops of Norfolk Rangers (established 1782), headed by the Marquis Townshend, the Lord Lieutenant, and commanded by Captain Sir M. B. Ffolkes, Bart., and Capt. Beauchamp, marched to Yarmouth on permanent duty; also the Norwich and the Fakenham Volunteers.

Nov. 5th. The Lord Lieutenants of the maritime counties received warrants under his Majesty’s sign-manual, commanding them, “as there was actual appearance of invasion,” to give the necessary orders in pursuance of the late statute, that on the approach of the enemy all waggons and carts, cattle, and stores of corn, likely to fall into their hands, be removed or destroyed, and also that all women and children be likewise removed. The proprietors to be indemnified.

Nov. 7th. Lieut.-Col. Harvey’s battalion of Norwich Volunteers arrived here for garrison duty; also the Norfolk Rangers and Norwich and Fakenham Corps.

Nov. 10th. The Yarmouth Volunteer Infantry received their colours (presented by the Corporation) from the hands of the Mayoress.

Dec. 6th. On the Norwich Volunteers’ return to Norwich, this regiment was succeeded in their fortnight’s garrison duty by the Yarmouth Volunteer Infantry (550), commanded by Lieut.-Colonel Gould.

Dec. 15th. The Lynn and Freebridge Yeomanry Cavalry, with the Artillery and Rifle Corps, marched through Norwich to Yarmouth, to relieve the Dereham and South Erpingham troops.

Dec. 22nd. The Dereham and Swaffham troops of Yeomanry Cavalry marched through Norwich for Yarmouth, to relieve the Lynn and Freebridge troops; and the Diss, North Walsham, Wells, and Old Buckenham Volunteer Companies of Infantry marched into Yarmouth for a fortnight’s duty.

Dec. 30th. The Hingham and Wymondham troops marched to Yarmouth, to relieve the Swaffham and Dereham troops.

Tower and spire of St. Nicholas’ Church removed; rebuilt in 1807 at a cost of £1,890. (See 1806.)

The Militia regiments of the county assembled at Yarmouth and were embodied.


April 4th. The “Antelope,” (Commodore Sir W. Sydney Smith,) the brig “Cruizer,” and the cutter “Prince of Wales,” arrived at Yarmouth, from the Flushing station, which made an unsuccessful attempt to cut out an armed brig near the Scaw. They were attacked by an armed schooner, and obliged to abandon their enterprize, with the loss of five killed and ten wounded.

April 11th. Rear-Admiral Sir W. Sydney Smith left Yarmouth for Norwich. The hero of St. Jean d’Acre proceeded next day on a tour of the country before accompanying the King of Portugal to Brazil.

May 2nd. The gibbet on which Payne was hung in 1781 taken down by order of the Corporation.

May 14th. Lynn Volunteers and (May 26th) North Walsham Light Infantry, came for a fortnight’s training.

The first newspaper, The Yarmouth Herald, printed in the town by a Mr. Black.

May 23rd. Blickling and Gunton Rifle Corps arrived here for a fortnight’s garrison duty.

May 25th. A general fast observed. The Shropshire Militia and the Volunteers at Yarmouth (nearly 25,000 men) attended divine service.

May 26th. The sloop “Helena,” 20 guns, and on Sept. 4th the brig “Musquito,” 18 guns, launched from Mr. J. Preston’s yard.

Sept. 6th. Sloop of war “Cygnet,” 18 guns, launched from Mr. Nathaniel Palmer’s yard.

Oct. 28th. Lord Viscount Chedworth, of Ipswich, died worth £500,000. Thomas Penrice, Esq., surgeon, of Yarmouth, was left a legacy of £20,000 and also residuary legatee, by which he came into possession of at least £300,000.

Nov. 26th. The Corporation and merchants of Yarmouth voted their thanks to Captain Hancock and his officers for capturing the notorious Blackman, who commanded a French privateer of 18 guns, and 98 prisoners were also taken.

Nov. 22nd. The “Romney,” 50 guns, which sailed from Yarmouth Roadstead on the 18th with bullocks and vegetables for the blockading fleet off the Texel, under Admiral Russell, was lost in a dreadful gale of wind on the South Haak Sand. All the officers and crew saved themselves on rafts, but were made prisoners by the Dutch. The officers were afterwards liberated on their parole by the Dutch Admiral Kikkert.

William Gould, Esq., appointed Lieutenant-Colonel of the 6th (Yarmouth) Norfolk Volunteer Infantry.

Night signals established along the coast, and special constables sworn in at Yarmouth.

Yarmouth Volunteer Infantry embodied for 14 days’ garrison duty.

The Rows first numbered; they formerly bore the names of houses in or near them, or persons living near them.

The public mind was much excited by a possible French Invasion, under Napoleon, and many Volunteer and Militia Regiments of Norfolk and Suffolk did garrison duty here.

The Gorleston Volunteers had a field day, when the manœuvres were done in a masterly style, under Captain J. B. Bell. They afterwards dined at the “Feathers” Inn.

Hay was sold at £4 10s. per ton.

The winter was a very severe one, more intense than in 1740. Coals were 2s. a chaldron.

Capt. Dickens, of the Shropshire Militia, walked from the “Angel” Inn, at Yarmouth, to the “Angel” Inn, at Norwich, and back again (47 miles) in 11½ hours, for a wager.

A very large sale of 50 prize ships was advertised to take place at Yarmouth on the 25th. These were principally Dutch vessels used as privateers and fishing vessels, and the description of them took about one column of space. No auctioneer was named, but catalogues were to be had of Mr. A. H. Steward, of Great Yarmouth.

Mr. Aldred, of Yarmouth, met with a serious loss by being robbed in Long Lane, Smithfield, of notes, bills, and jewellery, to the amount of £2,000. He was seized from behind a chaise by a daring street robber, who eluded the vigilance of the police.


April 27th. Two gun-brigs, 14 guns each, built in Mr. J. Preston’s yard, launched.

May 9th. One of the sharpest presses ever remembered in Yarmouth took place. No fewer than 300 persons of the town were impressed, of whom only about 50 were ultimately detained. (See 1802.)

Nov. 7th. Intelligence received of the glorious victory over the combined fleets of France and Spain, off Cape Trafalgar, on the 21st of October, though purchased by the ever-to-be-lamented death of Vice-Admiral Lord Viscount Nelson, who was born at Burnham Thorpe, Norfolk, September 29th, 1758. Congratulatory addresses were voted to his Majesty by Yarmouth; feu de joie fired by the military and volunteers.

Several regiments of Volunteers did garrison duty in the town till relieved by the Shropshire Militia.


April 19th. The frigate, “Boreas,” 28 guns, launched from Messrs. Stone and Constance’s yard; the sloop, “Ariel,” 18 guns, from Mr. N. Palmer’s yard.

June 9th. Vice-Admiral Russell, accompanied by several officers of the North Sea Fleet who were stationed at Yarmouth, visited Norwich.

July 26th. French frigate “La Guerrière,” brought into the Roadstead by the frigate “Blanche.” The former was captured on the 18th, after a desperate action of 45 minutes; she had taken eight Greenlandmen and one Yarmouth vessel, all of which she destroyed.

Aug. 14th. Frigate “Comus,” launched from Messrs. Constance and Co.’s yard.

Nov. 4th. Hon. E. Harbord (second son of Lord Suffield) and Stephen Lushington, Esq., returned to Parliament, but on June 25th, 1808, Dr. Lushington vacated his seat in favour of Giffin Wilson, Esq.

An Act of Parliament passed for repairing the Parish Church of Great Yarmouth and rebuilding the tower belonging to it. (See 1803.)

Southtown Armoury built by Wyatt, at a cost of £15,000. During the war 10,000 stand of arms were arranged in it, after the disposition observed in the Tower of London. After the war the arms were removed to the Tower.

The gun-brig, “Fancy,” built in Mr. J. Preston’s yard.


Feb. 17th. Gun-brig “Snipe,” with 30 French prisoners on board, wrecked on the Beach. Many of them were drowned, together with part of her crew and some women, in all upwards of 60. There were several other wrecks, for the wind blew a hurricane, and a drifting snow rendered the highways for a time impassable.

Feb. 18th. Capt. G. W. Manby, barrack-master at Yarmouth, first succeeded in projecting a line over a stranded vessel; and on Feb. 12th, 1808, seven lives were saved from a vessel 150 yards from the Beach. Parliament rewarded him at different times with grants amounting to £6,000. He was born at Hilgay, Norfolk. Captain Manby, at the age of 88 years, had the satisfaction of knowing that he had been instrumental in saving upwards of 1,000 lives in various parts of the world by his invention. The two ingenious painters (the Joys), brothers and sons of a mail-guard, owed much of their fame to the patronage and assistance afforded them in their youth by Captain Manby.

May 9th. Hon. E. Harbord and S. Lushington, Esq., returned to Parliament. Votes—H., 627; L., 604; William Jacob, 341; A. Upcher, 21.

July 3rd. Mrs. Cooper, relict of the Rev. D. Cooper, of Yarmouth, died. This lady, with an ardent desire to inculcate Christian morality, penned several publications, viz., “Fanny Meadows,” “The Daughter,” “The School for Wives,” and “Exemplary Mother.”

July 26th. The fleet, under Lord Gambier and Vice-Admiral Stanhope (69 pennants in all), sailed from Yarmouth Roads. Sir W. Sidney Smith sailed in Gambier’s flag-ship, “Prince of Wales,” 98 guns. Soon afterwards was fought the second battle of Copenhagen (Sept. 7th). Most of their prizes were brought to Yarmouth—64 vessels mounting 1,994 guns.

Aug. 14th. E. H. K. Lacon born. He was educated at Cambridge, and created a baronet in 1820 on the death of his father.

Sept. 7th. Norwich Volunteer Infantry marched to Yarmouth for garrison duty.

Oct. 29th. Several transports lost off Yarmouth and Lowestoft.

Nov. 14th. Privateer “Le Décide” brought into this port by the frigate “L’Amiable.” She had made no less than 30 prizes.

Nov. 2nd. Louis XVIII. (under the title of Count de Lille) landed at Yarmouth from a Swedish frigate. The Dukes d’Angouleme and De Berri, and several French noblemen, came with him. This was the first time since the memorable battle of Poictiers, in 1356, that a King of France had been in England.

Dec. A Telegraph erected upon the hill at Thorpe communicating with Yarmouth. An order from the Admiralty Office in London was received at Yarmouth in seventeen minutes.

North Gate removed to widen the roadway. It was flanked with square towers of curious workmanship.

One hundred and forty-four dead bodies washed ashore in this vicinity after a heavy gale.

A new peal of ten bells put in the tower of St. Nicholas’ Church, and first rung out on May 2nd, 1808. Cost £1,161 8s. 4d. The spire of the Church was also rebuilt the same year.


Jan. 10th. Lord Hutchinson and Lord Gower landed here from the “Bellette” sloop-of-war, from St. Petersburgh.

March 30th. Silver eel, 6 ft. long and 21 in. in girth, and weighing 42lbs., caught a mile below Yarmouth bridge in the harbour.

May 10th. Expedition, consisting of 105 transports, under Admiral Keats, left the Roadstead for the Baltic and the protection of Sweden. Sir John Moore commanded the troops. He sailed in the “Mars,” and Major-Generals Paget and Murray in the “Audacious.”

Aug. 20th. First pile of the present Jetty driven, and finished building and opened to the public Jan. 13th, 1809, at a cost of £5,000; 450 ft. long, and platform 21 ft. wide. Extended 60 ft. in 1846 at a cost of about £900, and again 60 ft. in 1870 at a further cost of £859 10s. Constructed on the site of one built in 1560.

Charles Townshend, Lord Bayning, High Steward of the Borough.

Shropshire and Cambridgeshire Militia left the town.


Jan. 28th. Owing to a rapid thaw and the inundation of the meadows the barges proceeding from Norwich to Yarmouth were obliged to return, because the men were unable to find the channel of the river.

Oct. 25th. Fiftieth anniversary of George III.’s reign celebrated in Yarmouth as a jubilee.

One thousand four hundred and sixty-four pounds of fresh salmon from Scotland landed in one day, and sold in Yarmouth market owing to the embargo on all shipping.

A very productive herring fishery.


May 10th. Vice-Admiral Sir J. Saumarez’s fleet left the Roadstead for the Baltic; also the “Victory” (100 guns) and seven other sail of the line.

May 20th. The Eight Hon. Charles, Lord Bayning, of Honingham Hall, a Privy Councillor and High Steward of Yarmouth, died in London, aged 81 years.

Aug. Yarmouth Annual Races first established by the Officers of the Berkshire Militia.

Berkshire Militia left the town.

Mrs. Hunter died, aged 102.

By the Paving Act, provision was made against placing materials on the Quays or other public places for a longer time than was necessary for removing and housing the same.

Nov. 2nd. The Beach from Yarmouth to Wells covered with wrecks and dead bodies after a heavy gale. Another gale and high tide on the 10th, and many vessels and lives lost.

Nov. 14th. Gustavus Adolphus IV., ex-King of Sweden, who had abdicated his throne, landed on the Beach from the sloop “Tartar.” He assumed the title of Count Guttorp, and afterwards proceeded to London.


March 28th. Count Guttorp sailed from Yarmouth on his return to the Continent.

Vice-Admiral Murray appointed to the Naval command of Yarmouth. In 1815 Admiral Drake was appointed Port-Admiral of Yarmouth, the last who held the appointment.

Census taken. Population of Yarmouth, 17,977; with Gorleston and Southtown, 19,691.

The Royal Hospital or Asylum built by Government at a cost of £120,000. Foundation-stone laid by Admiral Billy Douglas in 1809. (See 1815.) The building was erected by Mr. Peto (father of Sir S. Morton Peto), from designs by H. Parkington, Esq., for a naval Hospital. The 11 acres of ground to the east cost the Government £11,000 in 1875.


March 13th. The South Gate sold for £26 to Jonathan Poppy.

July 27th. General Viscount Cathcart’s embassy to the Court of Russia left the Roadstead in the frigate “Aquilon.” Lord Walpole, secretary of Legation to Lord Cathcart, sailed in the “Calipso” to the headquarters of the Russian army.

Oct. 6th. Edmund Knowles Lacon and William Loftus, Esqs., returned to Parliament. Votes—Lacon, 607; Loftus, 387; G. Wilson, 329.

Oct. 26th. Tremendous gale, and eight vessels driven ashore in the vicinity.

A. Royals died, aged 103.


Feb. A high wind blew down and completely demolished the Conventual Church at Gorleston, dedicated to St. Nicholas.

Feb. 18th. Gorleston steeple (about 100 ft. high), which stood near the Haven’s mouth as an immemorial sea-mark, was blown down in a gale.

March 24th. Volunteer Corps of Infantry disbanded, and deposited their arms in store on the establishment of the local Militia.

April 15th. Prince of Orange landed at the Jetty.

April 29th. H.R.H. the Duke of Cumberland arrived at Yarmouth, and embarked on board the frigate “Nymphen” for the Continent.

July 4th. News of Wellington’s victory over the French at Vittoria in Spain received here with great rejoicings.

Aug. 10th. First steam barge proceeded from Yarmouth to Norwich at the rate of five miles per hour.

Sept. 29th. Regent Street formed and opened at a cost of £30,000. Before the opening of this street there was no roadway between King Street and the Quay, except Fuller’s Hill and Friar’s Lane, the latter of which was widened in 1866.

Nov. 14th. Great rejoicing at Yarmouth on the splendid victories gained over the French in Spain and Germany.

The Lancasterian or British School erected; enlarged in 1861.

William III. landed at the Jetty.

North Mayo Militia left the town, and the Wexford Militia the following year.

Sept. 3rd. John Hannah (70) tried at the Yarmouth Sessions for the murder of Elizabeth, his wife, he being the last man executed in the town for murder. A bill issued, with the imprint of Clark, Broad Row, Yarmouth, read as follows: “Monday Morning, Sept. 6th, at about 11 o’clock. Everything being ready, the prisoner, attended by the gaoler and a number of constables, with a great concourse of spectators, moved from the Gaol at 11.15. They went at a slow pace, and at the entrance of Regent Street were joined by the Mayor and other Borough Officers. It was past 12 o’clock when the prisoner arrived at the place of execution; on his way thither he was perfectly composed, turning from one side to the other, viewing the populace. After ascending the scaffold, he spent some time in prayer, and when the hangman had placed the rope round his neck, he was asked if he had anything farther to say. He then confessed as follows: ‘That he was the murderer of his wife by strangling her with his hands, and not with a rope, as had been stated; he said they had lived a very uncomfortable life for many years past, owing to his wife giving her company to other men, which was the cause of his committing the murder.’ The instant before being turned off, he particularly requested to see his daughter, when he was informed it was not possible, as she was confined in Bedlam; he also desired the gaoler to look under the step of the cell, and he would there find four shillings and sixpence. A signal was then given, and the unhappy man was immediately launched into eternity. The body, after hanging the usual time, was delivered to the surgeons for dissection. The gaoler, on his return, found the money as described in the cell.”


July 6th. Peace proclaimed at Yarmouth; Mayor and Corporation went in procession, and at night the town was illuminated.

The Duke of Clarence (afterwards King William IV.), accompanied by his Duchess (Queen Adelaide), landed at Yarmouth, and stayed one night at the “Angel Hotel.”

March 11th. Henry Joddrell, Esq., Bayfield Hall, many years Recorder and Representative of Yarmouth, Chairman of the Norfolk Quarter Sessions, died in London.

April 21st. Restoration of Louis XVIII. to the throne of France. The inhabitants of Yarmouth subscribed £1,106 8s. 6d., for providing a grand dinner to all the inhabitants who chose to partake of it. Fifty-eight tables were spread in the open air along the Hall and South Quays, at which 8,028 persons were seated, and made an excellent dinner of roast beef and plum-pudding. A man personating Neptune in a car attended by Tritons and other deities paraded the town, headed by a band of music. In the evening a large bonfire was made on the North Denes, in which the effigy of Napoleon was consumed amidst much rejoicing, and in the presence of nearly 30,000 persons.

July 14th. First division of West Norfolk Militia landed at Yarmouth from Edinburgh, and marched to Norwich, and joined their Colonel, the Earl of Orford.

Aug. 11th. The Hon. John Wodehouse proposed, and T. W. Coke, Esq., seconded, resolutions recommending that a subscription should be opened for erecting a monument at Yarmouth to the memory of the late Lord Nelson. Lord and Lady Wodehouse, the Hon. Colonel Wodehouse, and Mr. and Miss Coke headed the list with £700. The Corporation of Norwich subscribed £200. (See Aug. 15th, 1817.)


Jan. 24th. A sea-eagle shot at Rollesby, which measured from tip to tip of its wings 7 ft. 6 in.

May 10th. Sharp press for seamen at Yarmouth.

John Thomas Townshend, Viscount Sydney, High Steward of the Borough. He died in 1831.

Six hundred wounded men from Waterloo lodged in the Naval Hospital. (See 1811.)

March 29th. The Nelson Monument Committee at Thetford, after inspecting 44 beautiful plans and designs, selected an Athenian Doric Column, sent by William Wilkins, Esq., architect, of London, a native of Norwich, and author of “Magna Græcia.” Nearly £7,000 was subscribed.


Feb. 16th. Very high tide, the sea and river meeting over the South Denes. A similar event had not occurred since Feb. 3rd, 1791.

Feb. 19th. Corporation petitioned Parliament for a continuance of the Property Tax.

Feb. 26th. Mr. Incledon, Master Taylor, and Mr. Collyer appeared at the Theatre Royal, in The Minstrel; or, a Tour Through England and Ireland. Prices—4s., 3s., 2s. 6d., and 1s.

Nov. 2nd. Thomas Penrice, Esq., of Yarmouth, to whom the late Lord Chedworth, of Ipswich, left the bulk of his immense property, died at Narford Hall, the seat of A. Fountaine, Esq., his son-in-law. (See Oct. 28th, 1804.)


Jan. 1st. £1,000 subscribed at Yarmouth to relieve and employ the labouring poor; 460 men were employed to form roads to the Bath House, Jetty, &c.

Feb. 4th. The Corporation voted a loyal address to the Prince Regent, expressive of their abhorrence of the attack made upon his Royal person on his return from opening Parliament on the 28th ult. Presented at the levée by Isaac Preston, Esq. (Mayor), accompanied by the High Steward and the Members for the Borough.

Feb. 13th. The new silver coinage of crowns, half-crowns, shillings, and sixpences exchanged for the old at the Town Hall.

Between 7,000 and 8,000 lasts of Herrings taken by 193 boats.

An Act passed to continue two former Acts for widening and amending the road from Yarmouth Bridge to Gorleston.

April 4th, Good Friday morning. Explosion on board the Norwich and Yarmouth steamer—ten persons killed and five injured—just as she was leaving the Foundry Bridge, Norwich. She had 22 men, women, and children on board. £350 raised for relief. These steamboats were first employed on Aug. 10th, 1813.

June 5th. The celebrated Mr. Betty performed at the Theatre in the Iron Chest, as “Sir Edward Mortimer;” and as “Frislam Fickle,” in The Weather Cock.

June 11th. Mr. Matthews appeared at the Theatre as “Goldfinch,” in the Road to Ruin; and as “Somno,” in the Sleep Walker. On 12th, as “Sir David Dundee,” in Ways and Means, “Chip,” in A Chip of the Old Block, and “Buskin,” in Killing no Murder. On the 16th, as “Rover,” in Wild Oats; and in the Adventures of a Mail Coach.

June 23rd. Munden appeared at the Theatre as “Sir Abel Handy,” in Speed the Plough, and as “Crack,” in the Turnpike Gate. On the 25th, as “Old Rapid,” in a Cure for the Heartache, and as “Dozey,” in Past Ten o’clock. On the 26th, as “Sir Anthony Absolute,” in the Rivals, and as “Sam Dabbs,” in Who’s Who? On the 28th, as “Bonus,” in Laugh When You Can, as “Nipperkin,” in the Rival Soldier, and “Lazarillo,” in Two Strings to Your Bow.

Aug. 15th. First stone of Nelson Monument laid by Col. Wodehouse. The column is 144 ft. high, ascended by a flight of 217 steps. The architect was Mr. Wm. Wilkin, R.A., a Norfolk man. There was a grand civic, military, and masonic procession from the Town Hall. After the ceremony, the Mayor, (Isaac Preston, Esq.) gave a dinner to the company; and in the evening he gave a grand ball to 350 of the élite, at the Town Hall.

The Rev. Fisher Watson, M.A., elected minister of St. George’s Chapel, on the death of the Rev. S. L. Cooper in June. On Aug. 9th, 1821, the Rev. John Homfray, and April 16th, 1833, the Rev. Mark Waters, were appointed at salaries of £100 per annum.

Aug. 20th. The great Edward Kean appeared at Theatre Royal in Richard the Third, when nothing but full prices were taken—Lower Boxes, 5s.; Green, 4s.; Pit, 3s.; Gallery, 1s.—and part of the Pit taken into the Boxes, and part of the Gallery railed off for the use of the Pit. Free list suspended during the engagement. On the 21st, Mr. Kean took the character of “Sir Giles Overreach,” in New Way to Pay Old Debts. On the 22nd, in Othello. On Sept. 5th, “Shylock,” in the Merchant of Venice. On Sept. 6th (Mr. Kean’s benefit) he appeared as “Octavia,” in the Mountaineers, and as “Paul,” in Paul and Virginia.

Nov. 19th. The remains of Princess Charlotte interred at Windsor. The bells tolled, the shops closed all the day, and the day solemnly observed.

Dec. 3rd. The Corporation voted addresses of condolence to the Prince Regent and Prince Leopold of Saxe-Cobourg on the death of Princess Charlotte.

Dec. 31st. At the Concert Room, Mr. Matthews, the celebrated Irish comedian, appeared in the entertainment of the Union, of the English, Irish, and Scotch characters.


Jan. 19th. £6,000 subscribed for aiding a plan to extend the navigation of the River Waveney from Bungay to Diss by the inhabitants of Yarmouth at a meeting at the New Hall.

March 4th. Several ships driven ashore in a heavy gale from the south-east.

June 1st. Miss Bryne sustained the part of “Adela,” at the Theatre Royal, in the Haunted Tower. On the 2nd, in Love in a Village as “Rosella,” and in No Song No Supper the part of “Margaretta.” On the 4th, “Rosina,” in Rosina, and “Leonora,” in the Padlock. On the 6th, “Lilla,” in Siege of Belgrade, and “Virginia,” in Paul and Virginia.

June 8th. Mr. Bartley appeared at the Theatre Royal as “Sir John Falstaff,” in Henry IV. On the 9th, as “Solas,” in Every One has His Fault, and “Michael,” in the Adopted Child. On the 11th, “Sir John Falstaff,” in the Merry Wives of Windsor. On the 13th, as “Governor Heartall,” in the Soldier’s Daughter.

June 19th. Hon. T. W. Anson and C. E. Rumbold, Esq., returned to Parliament. It was a three days’ poll, and one of the severest contests ever known in the Borough. Anson polled 780; Rumbold, 760; E. K. Lacon, Esq., 651; General Loftus, 612.

Aug. 3rd. At the Theatre Royal, Mr. Blanchard, of Covent Garden, appeared in the Soldier’s Daughter, as “Governor Heartall,” and “Crack,” in Turnpike Gate. On the 5th, as “Dr. Ollapod,” in the Poor Gentleman; and “Abnego,” in the Jew and Doctor. On the 6th, as “Tobby Allspice,” in The Way to get Married, and “Caleb Quotem,” in the Wags of Windsor. On the 8th, “Dr. Panglos,” in the Heir at Law, and “Davy,” in Bon Ton.

Sept. 4th. Miss O’Neil appeared at the Theatre as “Belvidere,” in Venice Preserved. On the 5th, as “Juliet,” in Romeo and Juliet. On the 7th, as “Mrs. Haller.”

Sept. 30th. Lord Viscount Anson died in London, aged 57; and the newly-elected Member of Parliament succeeded to the title.

Oct. 3rd. Sir Edmund Lacon, Knt., of Great Yarmouth; Thomas Hare, Esq., of Stow Hall; and Edward Stracey, Esq., of Rackheath Hall, created Baronets.

Dec. 2nd. The day of interment of her late Majesty Queen Charlotte at Windsor, observed with great solemnity. Addresses of condolence to the Prince Regent on the death of her late Majesty were voted by the Corporation of Yarmouth on the 7th.

John Bennie, Esq., engineer to the Haven Commissioners, drew up a report for improving the Bar and Haven. On 4th of Oct., 1821, he died in London, aged 64.

The Yarmouth Savings Bank established. The deposits in 1843 amounted to £80,246 19s. 7d., belonging to 2,550 depositors and 67 charities and friendly societies.

Nearly 100 vessels building at one time in our shipyards.

The gun-brig “Havoc” built in Mr. Stone’s yard.

Borough Gaol enlarged and House of Correction added; it was strengthened in 1835. The original built 609 years previously.


Feb. 15th. The Hon. George Anson unanimously elected Member of Parliament for the Borough (there being no other candidate), in the room of his brother, Lord Viscount Anson.

April. Velocipedes or Pedestrian Hobby-horses used this year. A person could walk from eight to ten miles an hour on them. Like the Kaleidoscope, they proved only “a nine-days’ wonder,” till 1872, when velocipedes again came into general use.

June 1st. Mr. Thomas Sutton (as surveyor) died on the top of the Nelson Monument, while giving directions. Aged 66 years.

June 14th. Mr. Edmund Kean again appeared at the Theatre as “Brutus,” in Brutus; and on the 15th as “Mortimer,” in the Iron Chest.

July 18th. Mr. N. B. Palmer presented with a piece of plate (an épergne), value 100 guineas, for his exertions in the election and firm support of his principles, which seated the Hon. G. Anson and C. E. Rumbold, Esq., as Members for the Borough.

Sept. 6th to 9th. The celebrated Young appeared at the Theatre in Hamlet, Revenge, Macbeth, King Lear.

Duty on coals, 6s. 6d. per chaldron.

Paxton’s “Picture of Great Yarmouth” published, illustrated with engravings of public buildings.


Jan. 29th. Death of George III., in the 82nd year of his age and 60th of his reign. On Feb. 1st George IV. was proclaimed at Yarmouth with much ceremony and rejoicing.

Feb. 28th. Parliament dissolved; and on the 10th of March, after four days’ sharp contest, the Hon. George Anson and C. E. Rumbold Esq., were returned to Parliament for the Borough. The Hon. G. Anson polled 754; C. E. Rumbold, Esq., 752; Lieut.-General John Michell, 612; and J. H. Stracey, Esq., 612 votes.

March 1st. A number of vessels stranded along the Beach. A high flood and tremendous storm, the like not known since Jan. 1st, 1779. On Nov. 4th there was another great gale.

April 19th. Frigate “Boreas,” 28 guns, launched from Messrs. Stone and Constance’s yard.

July 19th. Coronation day of George IV. at Westminster Abbey, which auspicious event was celebrated at Yarmouth by a public dinner at the Town Hall; bonfires, bullock roasting, fireworks, and other rejoicings also marked the occasion.

Aug. 15th. A grand Musical Festival at the Town Hall. The next morning, selections from the Messiah were performed at St. Nicholas’ Church; on Wednesday at the Town Hall; and again on the Thursday following the entire first part of the Creation was executed at the Church, with two miscellaneous acts selected from the Requiem, Mount of Olives, Judas Maccabeus, Israel in Egypt, and other esteemed compositions. The Church presented a very brilliant appearance, from the number of lamps and candles with which the orchestra (expressly built for the occasion) and the other parts of the edifice were dedicated. Among the eminent professors who aided in the festival was Lindley, the celebrated violoncello performer; Mr. Eager, and his principal second Mr. Cooper, conducted the instrumental band, and Mr. Buck presided at the organ.

Aug. 20th. Mrs. Bartley recited Collins’ Ode to the Passions, at the Theatre Royal.

Sept. 6th. Mrs. Davidson appeared at the Theatre Royal in the Jealous Wife, as “Mrs. Oakley.” On the 7th, in The Belle’s Stratagem, as “Letitia Hardy.” On the 9th, in The School for Scandal, as “Lady Teazle.” On the 11th, in Know Your Own Mind, as “Lady Bell.”

Nov. 3rd. Sir Edmund Lacon, Bart., died at Yarmouth, universally regretted, aged 69 years. He was the senior Alderman of the Borough.


Feb. 28th. An unusual supply of herrings caught off Yarmouth; and sold in the town twelve for one penny.

March 13th. Petition presented by E. Wodehouse, Esq., to the House of Commons from the owners and occupiers of land in the vicinity of Yarmouth, praying for a repeal of the Malt-tax, and a modified tax on property.

April 10th. A committee appointed and subscription entered into for forming a fund for rewarding boatmen who might save persons from shipwreck.

Nov. 4th. Tremendous gale—a great number of vessels foundered in the Roadstead, and also many came ashore near Yarmouth. It was just such another gale as was recorded Nov. 1st, 1789.

Dec. 23rd. A fine new East Indiaman, the “Indian,” 400 tons, totally wrecked off Yarmouth. The crew of twenty were saved, and a small part of the stores. The value of ship and cargo estimated at £10,000.

Dec. 25th. Season unusually mild; the thermometer stood at 50, and so continued throughout the following winter months. Many remarkable specimens of early vegetation; and swallows were seen flying about at Yarmouth. Since the 1st of Sept. there had been but eighteen days without rain.

There were 1,229 men, women, and children receiving out-door parish relief; and the income of the parish was £10,770. The income in 1875 was about £15,000 a year.

Census taken. Population of Yarmouth, 18,040; with Gorleston and Southtown, 19,968. Houses inhabited, 3,981; inhabited by families, 4,318; uninhabited, 157; building, 20—total, 8,476.


Jan. 31st. George IV. arrived, and anchored his vessel in the Roads.

July 29th. Samuel Tolver, Esq., elected Town Clerk. He was succeeded by Henry Palmer, Esq., on June 6th, 1848; John Clowes, Esq., on Nov. 26th, 1850; and Chas. Cory, Esq., on Nov. 9th, 1851. (See June 9th, 1869.)

Oct. 14th. The Revenue cutter “Ranger” lost at sea.

Oct. 21st and 22nd. Miscellaneous concert, under the direction of Mr. Sippe, given at the Theatre. Leader, Mr. Eager. The principals were Mrs. Salmon and the Misses Sapis and Beale.

Exported from the Port of Yarmouth—flour 105,377 sacks; barley, malt, oats, beans, pease, rye, and wheat, 298,147 quarters.

J. Matchett, of Lakenham, published “The Norfolk and Norwich Remembrancer and Vade Mecum.”


March 3rd. Samuel Hurst, Esq., died at Southtown.

Exported from the Port of Yarmouth—flour 126,768 sacks; barley, malt, oats, beans, pease, rye, and wheat, 264,546 quarters.

Grout and Co.’s Silk Crape Factory erected.

Admiralty Sessions for trial of Pirates last held in Yarmouth.

Porpoise found on the Beach—7 ft. long, and weighing 4 cwt.

Masonic Hall erected in Gaol Paved Row.

James Sayer, son of a Yarmouth block-maker, a celebrated caricaturist, and author of many satirical poems suitable to the political topics of the times, died in London.


Exported from the Port of Yarmouth—flour 148,252 sacks; barley, malt, oats, beans, pease, rye, and wheat, 326,789 quarters.

Gas Works constructed; enlarged in 1862 and 1864, and new additional works afterwards erected. About five miles of the main iron pipe were laid in the streets, and on Dec. 6th the street lamps, 150 in number, were first lighted.

Five beachmen drowned in rescuing a crew.

Luke Waller died, aged 105 years.

The number of vessels of all classes registered at the Custom House amounted to 549.


Sept. 3rd. Miss Cranmer appeared at the Theatre Royal in Don Giovanni; and “Adela,” in the Haunted Tower.

Sept. 8th. Mr. Chippendale played “Useph,” in The Siege of Belgrade; and “Chip,” in a Chip of the Old Block, at the Theatre Royal.

Oct. 11th. The Catholic Chapel, in George Street (the first built in the town), finished, and consecrated by the Rev. Joseph Tate.

The mackerel brought to Yarmouth realized £17,000.

River overflowed the Quays and entered the houses and stores, doing much damage.


M. A. Jefferies threw himself from the bridge.

May 15th. Lord Anson and C. E. Rumbold, Esq., presented with the freedom of the town, and returned to Parliament June 9th. Votes—R., 649; A., 645; Sir E. K. Lacon, 250; Lord Suffield, 250.

May 25th. The old Crane on South Quay blown down during a heavy gale of wind, and a new one erected at a cost of about £1,400.

Mariners’ Chapel built by George Palmer, Esq., service having previously been held in a vessel named the “Ark,” which fell into decay and so became useless.

“Historical and Topographical Notices of Great Yarmouth and its Environs,” by John Henry Druery, published. The work was dedicated to the Right Hon. George William, Lord Stafford, Baron Stafford and Baronet, of Costessey Park, Norfolk.


Feb. 6th. Mary Welch died, aged 73 years, leaving 102 children and grandchildren.

Vaughan and Murphey, two noted resurrectionists, stole several bodies from St. Nicholas’ churchyard, and caused great excitement in the town. The railings on the west side were subsequently erected in consequence.


Mr. David Service, the Yarmouth poet, died.


May 29th. The bells rang out a merry peal on the opening day of the Suspension Bridge. This structure, on the North Quay, was made chiefly of iron, and thrown across the river Bure by Robert Cory, Esq., under the powers of an Act of Parliament passed in the year 1827. It cost about £4,000.


Feb. 8th. Intense frost; river frozen as far down as the Public Library.

July 31st. Hon. Colonel G. Anson and C. E. Rumbold, Esq., returned to Parliament. Votes—A., 946; R., 945; H. Preston, 751; T. E. Campbell, 754.


Launches: March 8th, schooner “Sea Witch;” March 15th, brig “Ocean,” from Mr. Palmer’s yard; Aug. 1st, brig “Earl Grey,” from Mr. Teasdel’s yard.

March 15th. Marriage at Stokesby Church of Samuel Taylor, only son of Wm. Huke, of Yarmouth, with Charlotte Crowe Norton, of Stokesby.

May 2nd. Hon. G. Anson and C. E. Rumbold, Esq., again returned to Parliament.

July 7th. First stone of St. Peter’s Church laid, and finished building and consecrated Aug. 26th, 1838. Cost £12,000.

Sept. 12th. Mr. Power, of Covent Garden, appeared at the Theatre Royal, as “Colonel O’Dillon,” in The Married Lover.

Census taken. Population of Yarmouth 21,115; with Gorleston and Southtown, 28,231.

St. Mary’s Church, Southtown, erected. Site presented by the Earl of Lichfield; cost, raised by subscription, about £3,000.


April 3rd. The Hon. and Rev. E. Pellew appointed Chaplain of St. Nicholas’ Church, at £40 per annum.

April 17th. Mr. Wm. Hazard died, aged 72 years.

May 27th. Messrs. Grout and Co.’s Silk Crape Factory burnt down. Present one erected in the same place. A Hospital originally stood here. (See 1828.)

Oct. 11th. Russian Horn Band Concert at the Town Hall.

Dec. 11th. The Hon. G. Anson and C. E. Rumbold, Esq., returned to Parliament, after the passing of the Reform Bill.

Edw. Pellew, Admiral Viscount Exmouth, High Steward of the Borough.

District Visiting Society established, and failed for want of support; but another attempt was made to re-establish it April 10th, 1861.

Yarmouth Glee Society gave their first concert.

1832 to 1835.

By Municipal Reform Act the rest of Gorleston parish added to Yarmouth Borough.


Launches: Jan. 18th, schooner “Cornelia” from Mr. Holmes’ yard; May 6th, brig “Hudson” from Mr. Preston’s yard; July 12th, schooner “Abeona” from Messrs. Fellows’ yard; July 21st, brig “Margaret” from Messrs. Fellows’ yard; same year the barque “Harmony;” Dec. 10th, schooner “Fairy Queen,” and Dec. 12th, brig “Pioneer” from Mr. Lubbock’s yard.

Bishop of Norwich inspected the plate at St. Nicholas’ Church and St. George’s Chapel.

Horatio Walpole, Earl of Orford, High Steward of the Borough.


Jan. 15th. Divine Service performed in the Chancel of St. Nicholas’ Church for the first time.

Jan. 24th. Brig “Pioneer,” of Yarmouth, stranded near the Dungeness Light.

May 12th. Proprietary Grammar School at Southtown opened. It was demolished in July, 1858, to make room for the Goods Station of the East Suffolk Railway. The school cost £1,500.

June 16th. Yarmouth and Southtown Ferry opened.

Aug. 1st. First Annual Marine Regatta held.

The Fort removed.

Launches: May 18th, brig “Alexander,” from Mr. Preston’s yard; June 21st, schooner “Racer,” and Sept. 11th, schooner “Maria,” from Mr. Lubbock’s yard; Sept. 17th, brig “Vivid,” and Oct. 16th, schooner “Nora Creina,” from Messrs. Fellows’ yard.

An inquiry opened at the Tolhouse Hall, before J. H. Hogg and J. Buckle, Esqs., two of her Majesty’s Commissioners, respecting the state of the Yarmouth Corporation. After nineteen days’ inquiry, it was adjourned sine die. The evidence adduced was published the same year by Mr. Henry Barrett.


Jan. 7th. Thomas Baling and W. M. Praed, Esqs., returned to Parliament.

Jan. 23rd. Lord Walpole and E. Woodhouse, Esq., returned to Parliament.

April 7th. The “Baltic,” “Venus,” and “Wellington” left the Harbour with 200 emigrants for Canada.

Oct. 6th. Samuel Brock, a Yarmouth beachman, with a company, went off in the yawl “Increase” to the rescue of the crew of a Spanish ship, about twelve miles from land. They reached the vessel, and on returning in a squall the yawl was capsized, and nine men were drowned. Brock, the only surviving one, after battling with the waves for seven hours, was safely taken on board the brig “Betsy,” at 1 a.m. the next morning, and put ashore at Lowestoft. (See 1873.)

Dec. 26th. In pursuance of the Act, 6 William 4th, cap. 76, for the better Regulation of Municipal Corporations in England and Wales, the first Election of Councillors (under this Act) took place, when the returns were as follows:—North Ward—R. Hammond (108 votes), W. N. Burroughs (99), A. Sewell (94), Chas. G. Doughty (91), Benj. Sherrington (90), E. H. L. Preston (89). Market—Simon Cobb (135), Wm. Johnson (134), Wm. Hammond (131), B. Cobb (129), Edw. N. Clowes (128), Edw. Sewell (124). Regent—John Brightwen (98), S. T. Palmer (98), S. Charles Marsh (98), J. Tomlinson (98), Cufaude Davie (97), Benjamin Dowson (95). St. George’s—C. Sayers (91), Wm. Grave (91), G. Penrice (91), Wm. Barber (91), H. V. Worship (90), T. Lettis (89). Nelson—G. D. Palmer (147), R. Palmer Kemp (137), G. Garson (127), Matthew Butcher (124), John Symonds (122), S. Robinson (118). St. Andrew’s—J. S. Bell (115), T. Hammond (111), J. W. Dowson (105), Wm. Barth (101), Hezekiah Martin (91), Patrick Stead (87). At a Meeting of the Council, on the 31st Dec., 1835, the following gentlemen were elected the Aldermen for the Borough, viz.:—John Brightwen, Benj. Dowson, Captain Wm. Larke, Richard Sibbs Lonsdale, J. B. Palmer, Joseph Starling, Robert Teasdel, George Jeffries, Benjamin Fenn, Robert Wall, Thomas Pitt, Charles Nichols.

The custom of electing Mayors by an inquest abolished. They were elected previous to this date, Sept. 29th.

Scheme projected for supplying the Town with Fresh Water by means of a Reservoir on the high lands at Burgh Castle, but unsupported.

The Hon. and Rev. Edward Pellew, fourth son of Admiral Lord Viscount Exmouth, appointed to the incumbency of St. Nicholas’ Church, on the resignation of Mr. Turner.

The two stuffed figures representing John and Betty Goblett, annually exhibited in front of Tolhouse Hall, prohibited being placed there.

Capital Jurisdiction abolished.


William Barth, Esq., elected Mayor on Jan. 1st, and again on Nov. 9th.

Feb. 27th. Brig “Isis” wrecked on the South Beach. “The History, Gazetteer, and Directory of Norfolk, including Great Yarmouth,” by Mr. William White, of Sheffield, published; second edition in 1815.

Thomas William Anson, Earl of Lichfield, High Steward of the Borough.

Great storm, twenty-three vessels stranded on Yarmouth Beach, and upwards of forty lost on the coast.

The last Market Cross removed.

Rev. R. Pillans, while driving his carriage into the Angel yard, struck his head against a beam and broke his neck.


Nov. 12th. Captain William Watts died, aged 70 years.

Dec. 2nd. Brig “Valeria” launched from Mr. Lubbock’s yard.

First stone of the Wesleyan Chapel laid. The building cost £4,200.

On Queen Victoria ascending the Throne, C. E. Rumbold, Esq., was re-seated in Parliament, and the election of W. Wilshere, Esq., secured as a colleague.

G. D. Palmer, Esq., appointed as a Magistrate.


Aug. 28th. William Wilshere again returned to Parliament.

The new Workhouse opened. Cost of entire building up to 1860, about £10,000.

Sergeant John Wright died, aged 110 years.

The last of the Town Gates (Pudding) pulled down.

Yarmouth Hospital founded, mainly through the exertions of Mr. Wm. Steward, and completed in 1839.

Crew of ten hands, drowned from the fishing lugger “Walter and Ann.”


Feb. 14th. Brig “James,” of Yarmouth, lost off the coast of Scotland.

March 7th. A tremendous hurricane, and the streets and rows were strewn with débris from the roofs of houses, to which much damage was done.

Sept. 25th. Arthur Beevor, Esq. died, aged 82 years.

Launches: June 13th, schooner “Rob Roy,” from Mr. Lubbock’s yard; Aug. 29th, schooner “George Lord,” from Mr. Preston’s yard; Oct. 2nd, brig “Elizabeth,” from Messrs. Fellows’ yard; and Nov. 11th, schooner “Star,” from Mr. Teasdel’s yard.


Jan. 10th. The uniform penny postage first came into operation, and excited a great deal of ridicule, and its speedy failure predicted. Railways were in their infancy. Book post established in 1855, and Postal Cards introduced in 1870.

Jan. 30th. William Finch-Crisp, the compiler of this work, born at Hackney, afterwards lived at Erith, in Kent, for 11 years (where his father died on March 12th, 1850), and then came to reside in Great Yarmouth at the end of the year 1854, at which place he married Mary Ann, second daughter of the late Robert Boyce Crisp, on June 25th, 1870. His dearly-beloved mother died in Oxford on Dec. 5th, 1869, and her remains were interred in Jericho Cemetery, Oxford.

Nov. 4th. A selection of sacred music from Handel’s oratorios, Judas Maccabæus and the Messiah, performed at St. Nicholas’ Church by the Yarmouth Choral Society. Conductor, Mr. Woolman. Price (by ticket only), 2s. 6d., and for young ladies and gentlemen under 14 years of age, 1s. 6d.; book of words, 6d. Concert on behalf of Yarmouth Hospital and Dispensary.

Dec. Mr. James Burman conducted a complete peal of Bob Major on the Parish Church bells, composed of 5,040 changes, which were rung in 3 hrs. 25 min. In Jan., 1843, was rung a true and complete peal of Grandsire caters, containing 4,004 changes, in 3½ hours (composed by Burman), the only peal of the kind on record; also, same year, a peal of Treble Bob Royal, 5,040 changes, in 3 hrs. 35 min. (These records are now in the belfry.)

The old Post Office in Row 63 removed to the Hall Quay. The first office was in Row 107, about the year 1695.

John W. Shelly and Wm. Johnson, Esqs., were appointed Magistrates.

Gorleston National Schools erected.

John Clowes, Esq., presented with the silver medal of the Lifeboat Association for personal exertions rendered in the Nov. gale.


March 22nd. First stone of the Victoria Buildings laid.

June 29th. C. E. Rumbold and W. Wilshere, Esqs., returned to Parliament.

Nov. 14th. The Birmingham Gazette of 100 years ago (1741) says:—“From Yarmouth we hear there are great complaints this year in relation to their herring fishery; their men being all pressed into the service, and only boys left in the town for that employ.”

Nov. 18th. The barque “Iron Duke” came ashore, and sunk near the Britannia Pier. (See Oct., 1879.)

The Sawyers’ Arms public-house, Fuller’s Hill, destroyed by fire, and the Albion Tavern subsequently built on the site.

They were 49 persons in the Children’s Hospital, 223 in the Workhouse, 6 in the Royal Hospital, 37 in the Borough Gaol, 134 fishermen, &c., in boats and barges, and 173 absent mariners, according to return.

Launches: March 17th, the brig “Norfolk Lass,” and May 24th, the barque “Maria Soanes.”

Richard Hammond, J. F. Costerton, E. H. L. Preston, J. C. Smith, and W. Yetts, Esqs., were appointed as Magistrates.

Sir E. Lacon and Sons endeavoured to sink an Artesian well on their premises, but an accident to the pipes after boring 600 feet caused the undertaking to be abandoned. Sand and shingle were found to the depth of 111 ft., then 49 ft. of dark sand, below this very fine clay to the depth of 350 ft., then a layer of flints 5 ft. thick, and below them chalk, which was not penetrated.

Census taken. Population, 24,529—10,780 males and 18,529 females; Gorleston and Southtown making an addition of 3,779—total, 28,038. Of the inhabitants of Yarmouth, 3,340 were not born in Norfolk, and 13,430 were above 20 years of age—5,515 males and 7,915 females. Gorleston comprised 3,201 acres of land, and had 6,223 houses; of the latter, 5,408 were considered in Yarmouth, 164 were uninhabited, and 61 building.

Lifeboat Station first established at Caister.

Deaths: John Berney Crome.—August 18th, Giles Borrett, Esq., M.D.


Nov. 21st. First Concert of the Great Yarmouth Amateur Musical Society given at the Town Hall. Leader of the band, Mr. A. Suggate.

The present Hospital School erected on the site of the one built in 1278.

The duties levied on vessels entering the Port and discharging cargoes from the Roadstead amounted to £10,074 17s.

Police Court, Station House, and detention cells added to the Town Hall. (See Sept. 30th, 1879.)

Corn Exchange, Regent Street, attached to the Commercial Club-house, opened by a Company, to whom they both belonged. The former pulled down in Jan., 1871, and a new Post Office built.


Aug. 3rd. Children’s Hospital School opened after its re-erection.

Oct. 15th. Sarah Martin, the prison visitor, died; and in 1858 a memorial window to her memory was put in St. Nicholas’ Church. She was born in 1791, at Caister, and left an orphan at an early age.

The Round Tower near the Hospital built; ascended by a flight of 42 stairs. It was built by the merchants and shipowners, as an observatory tower, at a cost of £150.


May 1st. Railway between Norwich and Yarmouth opened, and the event was marked with great festivity and rejoicing. Messrs. Grissell and Peto contracted for the work at £10,000 per mile. Previous to this, steam packets plied twice a day on the Yare, between Norwich and Yarmouth.

Oct. Fish Market erected and opened on the site of the old one, but removed to widen the road.

Nov. 18th. Mrs. Harriet Chandler murdered in her grocery shop in Howard Street by Samuel Yarham, who was tried at Norwich on Mar. 27th, 1845, and executed there on April 11th. The prosecution cost £542. (See Jan. 30th, 1882.)

Dec. 13th. Paget’s Brewery, North Quay, pulled down.

Rev. Henry Mackenzie, incumbent of Bermondsey, appointed to the incumbency of St. Nicholas’ Church, but resigned in July, 1848, having the vicarage of St. Martin’s-in-the-Fields, Westminster, conferred upon him. On the 15th of February, 1870, the Town Council voted an address of congratulation on his being appointed Suffragan Bishop of Nottingham. This was the first appointment of a Suffragan Bishop in England for 200 years.

The Naval Hospital converted into a Lunatic Asylum. The building was re-modelled in 1868, and 37 new wards added, by Mr. G. Tyrrell. 80 inmates were received the same year (Sept.) from Haslar, making a total of 169. (See 1811.)

The Mackerel exported realised this year £14,500.

Gorleston Museum, containing many works of art, curiosities, antiquities, &c., established.

Her Majesty Queen Victoria passed through the Roadstead, on her way from Scotland, within a short distance of the shore. The Beach was lined with spectators, and several pleasure boats went off close to the Royal yacht to testify their loyalty.


Jan. 20th. Schooner “John,” of Jersey, stranded on the South Beach.

Jan. 26th. The yawl “Phœnix” and seven lives lost. Meeting convened on the 29th to relieve the widows and orphans left destitute.

April 16th. First stone of Unitarian Chapel, Middlegate Street, laid. Opened October 13th. Built on the site of the Old Meeting House.

May 2nd. Fall of the Suspension Bridge. 400 persons precipitated into the water, out of which number 79 were drowned. An immense crowd were attracted to the bridge and its precincts by a fête on the River Bure. The bill announcing the entertainment for the evening was headed, “Is it to be a benefit or not?” and underneath it a clown pointing to the above words. Then follows an address by Mr. Nelson as “a candidate for public favour,” who announces that “Friday night will be a grand banquet night,” and adds, “The following extraordinary fête will most positively be achieved, Mr. Nelson, the celebrated clown and modern Yorick, will sail on the River Bure, starting from Yarmouth Bridge to Vauxhall Gardens, at 5 o’clock on the above day in a common washing tub, drawn by four real geese, elegantly harnessed and caparisoned.” The tub was 18 inches deep. The annexed verses were on either side of a wood cut of the clown:—

Dear public, you and I of late Have dealt so much in fun; I’ll give you now a monstrous great Quadruplicated pun— Like a grate full of coals I’ll burn A great full house to see; And if I am not grateful too A great fool I must be.

The following artistes were to appear at the Circus (a wooden structure on the Theatre Plain)—Master Barlow, the four sons of Siberia, Mr. Alfred Cooke, Signor Germani, Mr. Charles Adams, Mr. George Cooke, Madame Culine, and Mr. W. Cooke.

Sept. 24th. Mr. Henry Teasdel’s warehouses destroyed by fire.

Gorleston Wesleyan Chapel re-built.

Yarmouth exported 327,000 quarters of corn; and in 1855, 258,000 quarters.


Sept. 2nd. Burgh Castle sold to Sir J. Boileau, Bart., of Ketteringham.

W. H. Palmer, W. Thurtell, J. Fenn, B. Jay, and W. H. Bessey, Esqs., were appointed Magistrates.

Lord Wodehouse, Lord Lieutenant of the County, died at Kimberley.


County Court first held at Yarmouth.

Steamer “Enterprise” seized for smuggling tobacco, and the engineer fined £100.

The Sea Wall in front of Britannia Terrace erected by C. Cory, Esq. Cost £2,000.

June 17th. The schooner “Ann and Jane” launched from Mr. King’s yard.

July 29th. Lieutenant-Colonel Arthur Lennox and O. Coope, Esq., returned to Parliament.

Aug. 31st. Jewish Synagogue, in Row 42, built and consecrated. It was built on the site of a former one.

Nov. 29th. Cart-load of hay burned on the Hall Quay.

Deaths: June 6th, Capt. H. Barrett, ballast-master.—Dec. 24th, Admiral Sir George Parker, K.C.B.


April 8th. The brig “Agenoria” wrecked on the North Beach.

May 17th. Address of Loyalty presented to her Majesty by the Mayor.

June 30th. A Bill brought into Parliament depriving the Freemen of Yarmouth of their votes. The number on the Register was 1,106. Only such householders as were on the Register allowed to vote at the ensuing election, when J. Saunders and C. E. Rumbold, Esqs., were returned to Parliament.

Aug. St. Nicholas’ Church re-opened after restoration.

Sept. 22nd. Richardson’s Rock Band Concert at the Town Hall.

Oct. 7th. Mr. Norman’s warehouse, in Blind Middle Street, burnt down.

Lord Fairfax, with a large retinue, arrived in the town.

Nov. 6th. Murder at Stanfield Hall of Mr. Isaac Jermy and his son, by James Blomefield Rush, who also wounded with pistol shots the son’s wife and a domestic. The victim’s family resided in Yarmouth. (See Dec. 27th, 1879.)

Deaths: Feb. 26th, at Southampton, Rev. H. G. Maul, formerly curate of St. Nicholas’ Church.—Sept. 1st, Rev. Alexander Creak.—Nov. 20th, James Gidney, Esq., at Southtown.—Dec. 9th, John Lacon, Esq., at Hopton.—Dec. 27th, James Norton Sherrington, Esq.


Feb. 12th. Stone coffin, containing a perfect skeleton wrapped in hempen sackcloth, discovered in the north wall of St. Nicholas’ Church.

The Fishing boat “William Tell,” of Yarmouth (and crew), lost off North Foreland.

Sept. 18th. Mr. John Driscoll buried in the Roman Catholic Cemetery; this was the first interment there.

Nov. 15th. General Thanksgiving Day for Deliverance from Cholera.

The remains of Bishop Stanley landed at the Crane Quay.

The new Bridge crossing the River Yare, and connecting Southtown with Yarmouth, commenced. Cost £50,000, including the site. 2,600 tons of stone and about 300 tons of iron were used in the construction, the two leaves of iron weighing about 45 tons each. (See 1427 and 1854.)


Jan. 28th. Parliamentary and Financial Reform Meeting held at the Corn Hall.

Mar. 31st. Mr. Waters’ Mill burned down.

Sept. 5th. Primitive Methodist Chapel opened. The Schoolroom adjoining was opened Oct. 29th, 1855, and cost about £450. (See Aug. 3rd, 1874, and June 22nd, 1875.)

Sept. St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church completed. Cost £10,000.

St. Peter’s National Schools erected.

Mr. Archard, with the assistance of Mr. C. C. Wilkinson (a resident of Yarmouth in 1880, and a relative of Mr. J. W. Argyle, of this town), brought out the invention for perforating postage stamps. They were before this date cut up with scissors. The former gentleman received a Government grant of £4,000 as inventor, and the latter £150 for constructing the machine. (See March 14th, 1881.)

Deaths: March 21st, William Glenister, Esq., architect.—March 24th, Rev. G. S. Barlow, rector of Burgh.—June 7th, Capt. Larke, R.N.—July 11th, J. Pritchard, Esq., surgeon.


Feb. 22nd. Sailors’ Riot for advance of wages. 11th Hussars sent from Norwich to suppress it. 18 persons taken prisoners.

The Duke of Northumberland awarded Mr. James Beeching 100 guineas for the Best Model of a Lifeboat. There were 280 competitors for the prize.

Census taken. The returns were as follows:—Population of Yarmouth, 11,867 males, 15,014 females, total, 26,881—321 males included being at sea. Gorleston, 1,195 males, and 1,391 females. Southtown, 572 males, and 840 females. The number of houses in Yarmouth was 6,328; and in Gorleston and Southtown, 948 houses—6,886 being inhabited.

Deaths: March 18th, Cufaude Davie, Esq., J.P., aged 56.—Oct. 23rd, Rev. J. Watson, D.D.—Lady Arabella Parker.


Jan. 1st. A procession of sailors through the town.

Jan. 3rd. Mr. Ransom’s mill burned down.

Jan. 17th. Douglas’ Travelling Theatre arrived here, and left on the 29th.

Jan. 18th. The brig “James and Margaret,” of Newcastle, whilst passing through the Roadstead, was discovered to be on fire, and she was run on shore opposite the Victoria Hotel. The fire was got under, and she was towed into the Harbour by the tug “Robert Owen.” After being temporarily repaired was sent home.

Feb. 5th. Mr. Bales’ Ball at the Town Hall.

Feb. 12th. Seventh Anniversary and Conversazione of Young Men’s Institute at Town Hall; Sir E. H. K. Lacon in the chair. A splendid collection of British and Foreign Goods, Pictures, and Curiosities were exhibited.

Feb. 20th. Mr. Ellis Mickleburgh, aged 80, accidentally killed by Mr. Roll’s van on the Lowestoft Road.

Feb. Gersham Davie, master of the Charity School, died.

Mar. 22nd. Jacobs, the Wizard, at the Theatre.

Mar. 22nd. Mr. Eccleston’s draper’s shop, Broad Row, was destroyed by fire at 11 p.m.

April 11th. A fire broke out in a Malt House, in Row 70, Howard Street. No material damage.

April 19th. Miss Fanny Kemble gave a Reading at the Town Hall. Subject: As you Like it. On Sept. 8th, another Reading from the Play of Measure for Measure.

May 17th. Grand Masquerade and Fancy Dress Ball at the Theatre Royal

May 30th. Public Anti-Mormon Meeting on the Chapel Denes for the purpose of exposing Mormonism. A Meeting also at Masonic Hall on Aug. 30th.

June 25th. Musical Reunion Conversazione at the Bath House Reading Room.

June 29th and 30th. Mr. Gill’s Midsummer Flower Show at his Nursery, Regent Road. Admission, 6d. to the Gardens.

July 8th. Sir E. H. K. Lacon, Bart., and C. E. Rumbold, Esq., elected to Parliament for the Borough. They were opposed by Vice-Admiral Sir Charles Napier and W. T. McCullagh, Esq. Returns next day—L., 617; R., 547; M’C., 523; N., 488. The proclamation was read on 2nd; hustings erected on north-front of Town Hall on the 5th; booths erected on 6th; and nomination on 7th.

July 13th and 14th. Yarmouth Roads Regatta.

Aug. 12th. Flower Show at Vauxhall Gardens postponed owing to bad weather, till next day.

Aug. 20th. Robbery at the shop of Mr. Mouse, George Street.

Aug. 27th. Mr. W. Cook’s equestrian troupe entered the town, and their marquee erected on the Chapel Denes.

Sept. 17th. Grand Balloon Ascent at 5.30 p.m., at the Vauxhall Gardens by Lieut. Chambers, R.N., amid the cheers of a vast multitude of people. It was postponed from the previous day owing to the wet weather. (See July 27th, 1868.)

Dr. Alfred Impey died at Cove Hall, Suffolk, aged 38.

Oct. 7th. The Lord Bishop of Norwich and the Rev. W. Hook, vicar of Leeds, and Chaplain to the Queen, preached at the Parish Church on behalf of the New Priory Schools. Between the services a cold collation was provided by Mr. Brown, of the “Angel” Hotel.

Oct. 7th. Priory National Schools opened and the restoration of the Old Hall celebrated. Built from a design by J. Flakewell, Esq. Cost, 1,850. Library and Museum built in 1868.

Nov. 18th. Funeral of the Duke of Wellington took place. By request all shops in the town were closed.

Nov. 28th. Fire on the premises of Mr. J. W. Darnell, baker, Howard Street.

Nov. 29th and 30th. Two Concerts at the Town Hall by Mr. H. Phillips and his daughter.

Dec. 14th. Mrs. Swan gave a Reading from the Play of Henry VIII. at the Town Hall.

R. Steward, T. Brightwen, B. Fenn, J. G. Plummer, J. Cherry, and C. C. Aldred, Esqs., were appointed Magistrates.

Caister Castle sold by auction to John Gurney, Esq., of Hoveton Hall. Norfolk.

Southtown Gas Works erected; enlarged in 1859. (See March 23rd, 1876.)

Local Board of Health established, succeeding the Board of Paving Commissioners.


June 28th. On Tuesday afternoon the ceremony of driving the first pile of the Wellington Pier took place. The beach and terrace were decorated with flags, &c. The pile driven had a brass plate inlaid, bearing the following inscription:—“This, the first pile of the Wellington Pier, was driven on the 28th of June, 1853, by S. C. Marsh, Esq., Mayor of this Borough. David Waddington, Esq., M.P., chairman of the Company; Mr. Peter Asheroft, Engineer; and C. J. Palmer, Secretary.” The procession from the Hall comprised a body of police, then a band, followed by the Mayor and Corporation, the Minister of the Parish, and the Town Clerk, the Ancient Order of Oddfellows bringing up the rear. The procession entered the Pier, marched to the far end, and there several blows by the “monkey” were given to one of the piles; speeches made, colours hoisted, guns fired, &c. When they retired the public were admitted free. The pier was decorated with flags and laurels. Cosgrove’s brass band was in attendance. Grand dinner at Victoria hotel at 8 p.m., and a ball at the Town Hall. The pier, which cost £7,000, was opened to the public on Oct. 31st, and the day being fine, the town was en fête. The structure was not finished till 1854.

July 28th. Re-opening of the Particular Baptist Chapel, after extensive alterations.

Aug. 27th. Mortlock Lacon, Esq., died at his residence, Hall Quay, aged 66, and was buried at South Walsham.

Aug. Coast visited by a very heavy gale, and on Jan. 4th of the following year, so boisterous was the wind that most of the shops in the Market had to be closed, except the doors. The market on Wednesday was suspended. The snow was of great depth.

About 90 boats employed in the mackerel fishery, each carrying ten men, and 65 trawling smacks, belonging to the Port of Yarmouth. Sale of fish realised nearly £27,000.

A herring 17½ in. long by 7½ in. in girth, and weighing 18 ozs., caught near Yarmouth.—In Nov., 1870, a mackerel caught weighing 2 lbs. 11 ozs., length 19 in., and girth 10¼ in.

The herring fishery during this year was very successful. About 100 sail of boats comprised the fleet of herring craft. Seven boats belonging to Mr. Letts and Mr. Skuckford brought in 650 lasts. The prices realised ranged from £4 10s. to £24 per last. The following ships left for different parts of the Mediterranean: Isis, 2,282 barrels; Fanny Palmer, 1,750; Acis, 1,488; Race Horse, 2,385; Stamboul, 1,811; Clarissa, 400; Tyro, 2,342; Fegossa, 1,728; Princess Royal, 1,480; Queen of the East, 1,925; Secret, 2,085; Earl Leicester, 2,800; Isma, 2,930.

Sept. 18th to Dec. 18th. The quantity of herrings sent by rail from Yarmouth:—To London, 202,844 packages, weighing 7,559 tons; to Norwich, 3,873 packages, or 387 tons; to Eastern Counties Railways, 18,298 packages, or 914 tons; Eastern Union, 5,252, or 200 tons; to stations beyond Peterborough on Midland, London and North-Western, and Great Northern, 51,782 packages, or 2,589 tons; herrings in bulk to Manchester, Birmingham, Worcester, &c., 500 tons—total, 281,850 packages, or 12,189 tons in weight.

Sept. Mr. Peter Coble, Mayor’s officer, died.

Dec. 31st. The Icehouse, situate near the Vauxhall Railway Station, was partly destroyed by fire. The roof being thatched, it burnt very fiercely, so that engines were not of much avail, and the fire continued burning all night, and up to Sunday evening of New Year’s Day. It is now (1884) occupied as a coal store.


July 19th. First stone of the Independent Chapel, King Street, laid. Building opened in June, 1855; cost £3,700, including site.

One hundred and eighty-four licensed public-houses and 50 beer-shops in the town.

George John Milles, Lord Sondes, High Steward of the Borough.

Oct. 18th. The Southtown Bridge opened to the public. (See 1849.)

Nov. 18th. Messrs. Gurneys and Co.’s Bank erected and opened.


Jan. 1st. The town and neighbourhood visited with one of the highest tides witnessed for many years. The wind blew hard from N.W., and the moon was at the full. Some parts of Southtown were inundated, as also the North Quay, reaching to the Laughing Image Corner. It reached the north and south terraces on the beach, and a large boat floated near the Holkham Steps.

July 28th. First number of the Yarmouth Free Press published; enlarged January 19th, 1856; and name altered to Yarmouth Independent, June 27th, 1857. (See August 14th, 1881.)

Aug. 11th. Collision between the Dover and Calais mail steamer “Vivid” and the schooner “Henry,” of Yarmouth, by which the latter was run down in Dover Roads.

Aug. 12th. Wesleyan Reform Chapel at Caister opened.

Aug. 20th. Affray with Militiamen. Several influential gentlemen sustained severe injuries.

Aug. Laing’s Map of Yarmouth published. It took fifteen months to complete, and cost £600. (See March, 1856.)

Sept. 5th. Brig “Venilia” launched from Mr. Rust’s yard.

Sept. 25th. Address voted by the Town Council to the Queen, on the fall of Sebastopol.

Sept. 30th. National Thanksgiving Day for the successful issue of the Crimean war.

Oct. 3rd. Three French gun boats came into the harbour.

Oct. 6th. Russian schooner “Sampo” captured by H.M.S. “Tartar,” and brought into our harbour.

Oct. 25th. Loss of the steamer “Isle of Thanet,” off Yarmouth, and three lives.

Oct. 26th. Sir E. H. K. Lacon, Bart., entertained the East Norfolk Militia at Hopton.

Oct. The New Cemetery walled-in, and consecrated by Bishop Spencer, July 16th, 1856. (See Sept. 7th, 1876.)

Nov. 3rd. Two war-ships, “Phœnix” and “Mæander,” anchored in the Roadstead.

Nov. 28th. Miss Fanny Kemble read Shakespeare’s Julius Cæsar at the Corn Hall.

Dec. 17th to 20th. Heavy gales; fifteen vessels driven ashore on the Beach.

Yarmouth Water Works Company completed laying the water-pipes throughout the town, and opened the works at Ormesby.

Deaths: Jan. 25th, Rev. Lithgoe, minister of the Roman Catholic Church.—April 24th, Charles Day, Esq.

The Rev. C. Smyth, formerly a curate of St. Nicholas’ Church, ascended to the summit of Monte Rosa and Monte Blanc.

The Yarmouth mackerel fishery realised a sum of £20,000, and 14,045 tons of fish of all kinds were sent from this town by rail. 20,248 barrels of herrings shipped at Yarmouth for foreign ports.

The Dene Well, Albion Road, covered up, and the ancient mode of drawing water replaced by a pump, which was ordered to be removed in Nov., 1876, on account of the impurity of the water.

Yarmouth Elocution Society established.


Jan. 30th. The Norfolk Artillery Militia left by rail for the camp at Colchester.

Mar. 19th. Sarah Hunnibell attempted to set fire to the Gaol.

Mar. J. Laing, Esq., appointed Town Surveyor of Hastings, a similar office to which he had held for several years in Yarmouth, and was succeeded by A. W. Morant, Esq. (See Aug., 1875, and July, 28th, 1881.)

April 16th. Steam tug “Robert Owen” sunk at the Haven’s mouth.

May 29th. Peace celebration at the conclusion of the Russian War.

May. The Rev. J. H. H. McSwinney, minister of St. Peter’s Church, presented with a silver salver before his departure for Cronstadt. Appointed minister of St. John’s on his return in 1884.

July 13th. Wesleyan Free Church, Regent Road, opened.

Sept. 24th. First general meeting of the directors of the Yarmouth and Haddiscoe Railway held at the Star Hotel.

Oct. 20th. Brigantine “Lizzie Lee” launched from Mr. J. Powell’s yard.

Oct. 23rd. “Parallax” lectured at the Corn Hall, and caused great excitement by his public discussions.

Nov. 25th. Very high tide and heavy gale.

Dec. Rev. W. D. Wade appointed to the incumbency of St. Mary’s Church, Southtown.

Commander Kisbie, R.N., awarded by the National Lifeboat Institution a medal for saving 90 lives.

Thirty thousand two hundred and twenty-seven barrels of herrings shipped at Yarmouth for foreign parts.

Marine Parade commenced. (See Mar. 7th, 1876.)

Deaths: Aug. 10th, Henry Humphrey, in the 100th year of his age.—Aug. 21st, Captain Charles Pearson, aged 72.


Jan. 8th. “Volunteer” steam-tug on fire in the harbour.

Jan. 13th. Inauguration Dinner of the Eastern Star Provident Association Friendly Society held at the Corn Hall. The society started with near 900 members in 12 branches established in Norfolk and Suffolk.

Jan. Rorqual whale, 45 feet in length, and weighing about 20 tons, caught at Winterton, and exhibited on Wrestler’s Plain.

Feb. 6th. Mr. J. B. Beales appointed Inspector of Weights and Measures, succeeded by Mr. E. D. Louttid, who resigned the office in Jan., 1871; and on Feb. 27th, 1871, Mr. F. W. Robinson was appointed. (See 1874.)

Feb. 20th. Man-of-war ship “Blenheim,” 74 guns, anchored in the Roadstead.

Feb. 28th. The schooner “Branch” launched from Mr. Fellows’ yard.

Mar. 1st. The iron screw-collier “Isby” run ashore south of Caister.

Mar. 28th. E. Watkin and W. Torrens McCullagh, Esqs., returned to Parliament for the Borough, by a majority of 158. Parliament dissolved on Mar. 21st. Grand procession of the United Seamen’s Association.

Mar. Mr. George Tewsley appointed Superintendent of the Borough Police. (See 1872, 1877, and 1878.)

April. A fine sturgeon, a Royal fish, caught off Yarmouth.

A mammoth tusk picked up at sea, which measured 4 ft. on the bend and 21 in. in girth.

May 15th. Thackeray, the novelist, lectured in Yarmouth: Subject—Georges III. and IV.

May 16th. Emily Major, dressed in male attire, attempted to escape from Gaol.

May 27th. Two Russian trophies received at Yarmouth. The Mayor applied to Lord Panmure for them in June, 1856.

June 7th. Corner-stone of St. John’s Church laid. This building, which cost £2,000, was opened Feb. 7th, 1858. In 1859 the southern aisle was added as a memorial to the late Miss Maurice, and opened by Bishop Hills before his departure for British Columbia.

June 8th. The Bill authorising the construction of the Britannia Pier read a third time and passed. This Pier was opened by a public company, July 13th, 1858, which has since dissolved.

Aug. 28th. Meeting of the British Archæological Association at the Town Hall.

Aug. 29th. The House of Commons decided the election to Parliament of W. T. McCullagh and E. Watkins, Esqs., as invalid. A. W. Young and J. Mellor, Esqs., were returned to Parliament in their place; the next day a monster meeting, between 10,000 and 12,000 people being present, was held on the Quay. E. Watkin, Esq., was drawn by men, by means of a rope attached to his carriage, from the Railway Station round the town.

Sept. 15th. Two Prize Fights took place on the banks of the Yare, between Batson and Slack, and Stamp and Turner.

Sept. 18th. Meeting at the Town Hall on the Indian Mutinies; £233 17s. subscribed in the room for the sufferers.

Sept. 24th. Organ at St. Peter’s Church opened. It was built by Messrs. Bishop and Starr, at a cost of £400.

Sept. 30th. Day of National Fasting and Humiliation.

Oct. 14th. Dinner given to Sir E. H. K. Lacon, Bart., at the Town Hall.

Oct. 22nd. Loss of the s.s. “Ontario” and 24 of her crew, on the Barber Sand. A dreadful gale and great destruction to the shipping.

Oct. Government Schools of Art and Navigation established, mainly through the exertions of the Rev. J. B. Bampton.—Exhibition of Paintings, &c., held at these schools in 1860. These schools occupy part of a Mansion formerly the residence of the Paget family.

Oct. 29th. Demonstration of the Liberal party at the Town Hall.

Nov. 12th. A warm Vestry Meeting (the second) at the Town Hall for making a Church Rate of 1½d. in the £, to include St. Peter’s. The report of the Church property in the town was made by a committee appointed at the first meeting, and it was resolved that no rate should be made. The Church party demanded a poll, which lasted till the following afternoon, but they lost it by 121 majority. The Church party finding they were defeated, the Parish Church and St. George’s Chapel Clocks were stopped till Dec. 22nd, when they were set going after nearly six weeks’ rest.

Nov. 17th. T. P. Burroughs, Esq., passed his examination for admission as a Solicitor.

Dec. 4th. The steamship “Rapid,” of Leith, sunk on the Cross Sands, and in 1858 divers were employed to raise some of her stores, consisting of wine, drapery goods, hearthrugs, smoked meats, tins of herrings, &c., which were sold at St. George’s Hall, Corn Hall, and on Hall Quay.


Jan. 1st. Fire in Jane Place, destroyed the roofing of three houses, and entirely demolished the whole of a net chamber. It originated in Mr. Moore’s workshop.

Jan. 11th. Testimonial, consisting of a splendid tea and coffee service, with an oval 24-inch waiter, weighing 203 ozs., presented to B. Fenn, Esq., by the Fishermen’s Provident Society.

Jan. 18th. The Aztec Lilliputians, the reputed Gods of the Pagan Temple of Iximaya, exhibited at the Corn Hall, Regent Street.

Feb. 11th. An Address voted by the Town Council to her Majesty on the marriage of H.R.H. the Princess Royal to H.R.H. Prince Frederick William of Prussia.

Feb. The Lord Chancellor appointed six (out of 15 candidates) new Magistrates for the Borough, viz., P. Pullyn, D. A. Gourlay, F. Palmer, W. T. Clarke, J. Barker, and J. Owles, Esqs.

Feb. 11th. The Town Battery ordered to be removed. The materials were sold for £84 12s.

Mar. 8th. The Fermanagh Light Infantry Militia (845 rank and file), commanded by Lord Enniskillen and the Hon. S. Crichton, arrived in Yarmouth.

Mar. 14th. The “Frederica,” 420 tons register and 600 tons burthen, launched from Mr. T. Branford’s yard. Between 8,000 and 4,000 persons witnessed the sight.

April 15th. Collision between the s.s. “Ernestide” and the Prussian ship “Thomas” off Yarmouth. The former foundered.

April 22nd. St. John’s Church consecrated, and in the same month the stone pulpit and the communion plate at this church were bought out of the proceeds of sale of the book, “Story of Samuel Brock.” The Church was opened Feb. 7th; enlarged in 1859, 1866, and 1868.

May 4th. Riot at Southtown between the Fermanagh Militia and some coalheavers.

May 19th. The brig “Nil Desperandum,” 800 tons register and over 500 tons burthen, launched from Mr. J. Rust’s yard. Thousands of persons witnessed the sight.

May 26th. The Corn Exchange, Regent Street, sold to R. Steward, Esq., for £1,540; and in 1870 was purchased by Government for the New Post and Telegraph Offices, &c.

June 10th. Sir E. N. Buxton, M.P., died at Cromer, aged 46 years.

June 15th. Congratulatory address voted by the Town Council to J. Paget, Esq., on his appointment as Surgeon-Extraordinary to her Majesty the Queen.

June 20th. Dawson Turner, Esq., M.A., F.S.A., F.R.S., &c., died at Brompton, aged 83 years, and his will was sworn under £70,000 personality. He was born Oct., 1775, at Yarmouth, where his father was a banker. He was educated at the Grammar School at North Walsham, and entered Pembroke College, Cambridge, in 1793. At his father’s decease he became a partner in the firm of Messrs. Gurneys and Co., and managed the Yarmouth bank. He married the daughter of the late William Palgrave, Esq., of Coltishall. His library comprised 40,000 volumes.

June 29th. County Election between Cooke and Stracey, for the vacancy caused by the death of Mr. Buxton. The former returned by a large majority. Each party had a booth in the Yarmouth Market Place.

July 4th. Rev. William Tritton, of Cambridge, preached his first sermon at the Independent Chapel, King Street.

July 13th. Britannia Pier opened. Déjeûner given in the afternoon on the Pier to the shareholders and their friends, 150 in number. The structure cost about £6,000.

July 16th. Grand Procession of the Freemasons to and from St. Nicholas’ Church to the Town Hall, where about 125 gentlemen sat down to an excellent dinner.

July 20th. Nottingham Order of Oddfellows opened a new Court in Middlegate Street, and next day was publicly commemorated by a procession through the town, headed by Hulley’s Saxhorn Band.

July. Fifty-seven invalids, mostly Indian sufferers, arrived at the military Hospital on the South Denes from Chatham.

Aug. 26th. The Norfolk Hotel sold by auction to Messrs. Hills and Underwood for £2,160.

Aug. 30th. G. Wells Holt, Esq., Magistrates’ Clerk, tendered his resignation to the Magistrates. He ably filled the office for over 22 years. His son William succeeded to the office, to whom a dinner was given at the “Crown and Anchor” on Oct. 4th. (See Dec. 4th, 1884.)

Sept. 2nd. Riot in Charlotte Street and Broad Row with the Fermanagh Militia. Tradesmen obliged to close their shops.

Sept. 4th. Royal yacht “Grille,” belonging to the King of Prussia, arrived in the Harbour.

Sept. 8th. Two Prussian frigates, “Thetis” and “Gefion,” under the command of the High Admiral Prince Adalbert, arrived in the Roadstead.

Sept. 23rd. The Louth Rifles, under the command of Sir John Robinson, and comprising 500 men and 24 officers, arrived in Yarmouth.

Oct. 1st. First Evening Service held at St. George’s Chapel after the gas had been laid on.

Oct. 6th. An elegant Church Service, bound in turkey morocco, presented to the Rev. Robert Boyle, LL.D., by the inhabitants of Gorleston, as a farewell token of their esteem.

Nov. 15th. The s.s. “Hunwick” sunk off the Jetty. Ship and cargo valued at £8,500. The crew saved.

Nov. The Rev. G. Hills, B.D. resigned the incumbency of St. Nicholas’ Church, on his appointment to the Bishopric of British Columbia. The degree of Doctor of Divinity was conferred by diploma at a convocation at Durham on the 30th.

Nov. Mr. G. Dowey appointed Station Master, and resigned in 1884.

Dec. 13th. The Rev. W. D. Wade, B.A., incumbent of St. Mary’s Church, Southtown, presented with a purse of 60 guineas.

Dec. 23rd. S. C. Burton, Esq., solicitor, sworn as a Commissioner to Administer Oaths in the High Court of Chancery of England.

Dec. Rev. H. R. Nevill, incumbent of St. Mark’s Church, Lakenham, near Norwich, appointed to the incumbency of Yarmouth; and the Rev. G. I. Pellew, curate of St. Nicholas’ Church, appointed to fill the vacancy at Lakenham.

Dec. Mr. J. M. Petts, late chief officer at the Coast Guard Station at Gillingham, Chatham, promoted by the Admiralty to be chief officer of the Yarmouth Coastguard. In March, 1866, he was presented with a gold watch and guard (value £65) and a silver cup (value £85), subscribed for by 121 gentlemen of the town, and presented at the Town Hall by the Mayor (C. C. Aldred, Esq.), in recognition of many acts of bravery in saving shipwrecked crews. He resigned the office on Oct. 1st, 1870. From Oct. 5th, 1859, to Feb. 14th, 1870, no less than 40 vessels were wrecked on the beach and off the coast, from which Mr. Petts, in conjunction with those under his command, was instrumental in rescuing 295 lives. Joined the service June 22nd, 1827.

Deaths: Jan. 17th, Rev. J. Pike, the much-esteemed minister of the Independent Chapel, Gorleston, died directly after leaving the pulpit, where he officiated in the service.—Mar. 4th, Sir Eton S. Travers, aged 69 years.—Mar. 15th, Mr. S. V. Moore, a respected member of the Town Council.


The winter was remarkably fine, neither wind, rain, nor snow interrupting fine weather till 31st March, when snow fell, and a severe frost followed.


Jan. 1st. Sailors’ Home established. Its completion on Feb. 2nd was celebrated by a tea given to a large party of beachmen and their wives at the Norfolk Hotel. The Home cost about £2,000.

Jan. 12th. Mr. James Buddrell, master of the fishing vessel “Hosannah,” presented with a first-class silver medal and diploma from the Emperor of the French for saving the lives of 11 men, the crew of the French brig “La Prospère,” off Hasbro’.

Jan. 12th. The Queen constituted the Colonies of British Columbia and Vancouver’s Island to be a Bishop’s See, and appointed the Rev. George Hills, D.D., to be ordained and consecrated Bishop of it. This ceremony was performed at Westminster Abbey by the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Bishops of Norwich and Oxford, on Feb. 24th. In Jan. Dr. Hills was presented with a handsome communion service by the members of his congregation, and on the 26th of May was presented at the Town Hall with a testimonial, value £400, as a token of esteem. He reached his new diocese in March, 1860.

Jan. 17th. The Rev. H. Hitcham died, aged 40 years.

Jan. 19th. The sloop “Eliza” launched from Mr. J. Rust’s yard.

Feb. 10th. An Address voted by the Town Council to her Majesty on the birth of a grandson, heir to the Throne of Prussia.

Feb. 17th. Cuthbert Collingwood Hall, Esq., of Beach House, on the Marine Parade, died at his seat, Collingwood Court, near Windsor. Mr. Hall was one of the earliest advocates of our Marine Parade, and gave £50 towards its construction. He married the granddaughter and co-heiress of the celebrated Admiral Cuthbert Lord Collingwood, who commanded at Trafalgar after Lord Nelson received his death wound.

Feb. 20th. The “reading-in” ceremony and first sermon preached by the Rev. H. R. Nevill at St. Nicholas’ Church. The text chosen was 1 Cor. ii. 1, 2.

Feb. Portrait of Lord Sondes, High Steward of the Borough, placed in the Town Hall.

Mar. 17th. St. Patrick’s Day was ushered in at break of day by the band of the Louth Rifles playing through our streets the Irish air dedicated to the patron saint.

Mar. 21st. East Suffolk Railway Bill read a third time in the House of Commons and passed. The line was opened at Southtown on the 1st of June.

April 5th. E. W. Watkin and A. W. Young, Esqs., addressed a large meeting of between 2,000 and 3,000 persons on the Hall Quay; and again on the 15th.

April 13th to 16th. Charles Stratton, commonly known as “General Tom Thumb,” with a company, gave an entertainment at the Theatre.

April 19th. The “Athelstan” launched from Messrs. Fellows’ yard. This fine vessel was commanded by Captain John Braccy, of Yarmouth. (See Aug. 18th, 1882.)

April 29th. Sir E. H. K. Lacon, Bart., and Sir Henry J. Stracey, Bart., returned to Parliament.—Votes—L., 693; S., 653; Watkin, 568; Young, 537. This was the first time of polling in wards. No hustings. Nomination from the “Crown and Anchor” balcony.

May 12th. Cardinal Wiseman, accompanied by Lord Stafford and a party of friends, paid a visit to Yarmouth.

May 26th. The house of Mr. Bradnum, at Gorleston, struck by lightning, the fluid knocking a chimneypot through the roof, smashing the windows and frames, and doing other damage.

May 27th. First meeting, called by the Mayor at the Town Hall, respecting the enrolment of Rifle Volunteers at Yarmouth.

June 7th. Miss Ann Turner, daughter of the late Dawson Turner, Esq., presented the Town Council with 17 rolls, &c., relative to the History of Yarmouth.

July 11th. Eighty invalids, mostly Indian sufferers, arrived at the Military Hospital on the South Denes from Chatham.

July. The schooner “Alma” brought to Yarmouth nine 68 and one 54-pounder guns from Woolwich for the North and South Batteries. There were six guns mounted on each battery, namely, three 82, two 68, and one long 24-pounders, some of them weighing as much as five tons.

July. B. Dowson and F. Worship, Esqs., appointed Deputy-Lieutenants of the County.

Aug. 12th. The fine vessel “Himalaya,” 375 feet in length, with her saloon of 100 ft., brought a portion of the Donegal Militia to Yarmouth, who were landed by the steam-tug “Robert Owen” at the Barrack Wharf; and on the 14th the vessel left, having previously embarked the Louth Rifles for Preston.

Sep. 1st. Appointment of officers for the Rifle Volunteers, and the services of the men accepted by Government.

Sept. 7th. Rev. W. Griffiths, M.A., minister of the Congregational body, ordained at King Street Chapel.

Sept. 12th. Fire at Mr. S. Ives’ premises, in Howard Street; estimated damage, £150. Another fire originated at the same place on June 5th, 1867, doing damage to the amount of £600.

Sep. 26th. C. P. Molly, Esq., of Liverpool, contributed a Mural Drinking Fountain for the Borough. R. Steward, Esq., contributed one in Nov., which is now placed in front of the Sailors’ Home.

Sept. 28th. Services of the Artillery Volunteer Corps accepted by Government, and the appointment of officers confirmed.

Sept. Water supplied by the Yarmouth Water Works Company to the inhabitants of Southtown.

Oct. 8th. Riot in King Street with four of the Donegal Militia, one of whom when in custody at the Police Station attempted to set fire to his cell, and a melée took place before it could be extinguished.

Oct. 25th. Violent gale, 14 lives lost off this coast, and 80 shipwrecked seamen lodged at the Sailors’ Home. A sloop driven through the Britannia Pier and severed it in two.

Nov. 30th. First stone of St. Andrew’s Church laid. Contract for building was £1,050 10s. In March, 1864, a schoolroom was built adjoining the church, which cost £500 more.

Dec. 16th. The Norfolk Standard, published by Mr. J. Cooper, was discontinued. The same publisher printed the Yarmouth Weekly News and the Yarmouth Standard previously.

Dec. 20th. Rev. F. W. Johnson, who was appointed in Jan., 1858, minister of St. John’s Church, died in London. By will he bequeathed £3,000 to endow the Beach and Harbour Mission.

Dec. 27th. Jacob Astley, Baron Hastings, and a baronet of England, died at his town residence, aged 62 years. He was born on Nov. 13th, 1797, and was the eldest son of Sir Jacob Henry Astley. The late lord married, on Mar. 22nd, 1819, Georgiana Caroline, youngest daughter of Sir Henry W. Dashwood, Bart., and sister of the late Marchioness of Ely. (See Dec. 24th, 1875.)

Francis Worship, E. P. Youell, and J. Clark, Esqs., appointed as Magistrates.

Bastard shark caught off Yarmouth.

Thirty-two thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine barrels of herrings shipped at Yarmouth for foreign ports.

Vice-Admiral Lovell, K.H., who had served under Nelson at Trafalgar, died, aged 72.

New Lifeboat-house erected by the National Association at a cost of £400.


Jan. 3rd. Three cases of wine, eight of spirits, and five of oil, and a cask of vinegar, landed here, having been picked up by the smack “Chance.”

Jan. 4th. Schooner “Hero,” of and for Yarmouth, went ashore on Palling Beach and became a total wreck. Sold for £9.

Jan. 20th. The people in Southtown alarmed by the report of a “Spring-heel’d Jack” in the locality for some days previous. The supposed fiend, who assaulted one of the employés on the East Suffolk railway, and left him insensible on the ground, was said to be a man clad in a white tight-skin dress, and goat’s horns fixed to his head.

Jan. F. Palmer, Esq., appointed hon. surgeon to the Rifle Volunteer Corps.

Feb. 2nd. The fishing lugger “Paymaster,” belonging to Mr. B. Fenn, sailed from Yarmouth to Portsmouth, a distance of 240 miles, in 23 hours.

Feb. 14th. A detachment of the Donegal Militia (162) left Yarmouth for Deptford.

Feb. 16th. The premises of Messrs. Bullimore, West, and Todd, coachbuilders, carpenters, &c., destroyed by fire.

Feb. 16th and 18th. Officers of the Donegal Militia performed at the Theatre on behalf of the Hospital. Used Up and the Irish Attorney were represented.

Feb. 17th. The fishing smack “John Bull” driven on Yarmouth beach in a gale. The crew of five were taken out of the rigging by a lifeboat crew, and all saved except one boy. George Milligan, at the risk of his own life, bravely rescued a helpless man who was lashed to the rigging. In March, he and Capt. T. Davies, R.N., inspecting commander of the Yarmouth Coastguards, received silver medals for their bravery on this occasion, and the lifeboat crew £24.

Feb. 24th. Enquiry opened in the House of Commons upon the petition against the return of Sir E. Lacon and Sir H. Stracey, Barts., as M.P.’s for the Borough. After seven days’ investigation, the Chairman of the Committee announced them as duly elected.

Feb. 28th. A tremendous hurricane, which for about half-an-hour in the afternoon raged with the greatest fury, the pressure per square foot being 30 lbs. The like not known before for many years. In 1839 it reached only 28 lbs.

Feb. A beautiful silver épergne, of Eastern design, representing a giraffe feeding under a palm tree, presented to the Rev. J. B. Bampton on his leaving Yarmouth for Dover, by the supporters and students of the Yarmouth Government School of Art and Navigation, as a token of esteem.

March 7th. At a Levée at St. James’ Palace, Captains S. C. Marsh and W. J. Foreman; Lieut. A. W. Morant and Dr. Stephenson, of the 1st Norfolk Artillery Volunteers; and Capt. J. H. Orde, Lieut. E. P. Youell, Ensign J. Tomlinson, and Hon. Assistant Surgeon F. Palmer, 2nd Norfolk Rifle Volunteers, were introduced to her Majesty by the Earl of Leicester, Lord Lieutenant of the County.

March 13th. A new fishing smack, “Harriett Todd” launched. Mr. Todd lost the smack “Viper,” and had three others damaged in the gale of the 20th Nov., 1861.

March. The brave crew of the Gorleston Lifeboat “Ranger” awarded the sum of £233 by the owner of the brig “Martin Luther,” for assisting his vessel into Harbour during the hurricanes of Feb. 28th.

March. Petition sent to the House of Commons for total abolition of Church rates; also a petition to suppress Bribery by a condign punishment upon all guilty of the practice. The latter was signed by 230 electors, and presented to the House on the 24th instant, by J. Mellor, Esq., M.P.

March. Loss of the Yarmouth fishing smack “Emerald,” and seven hands, about twenty miles east of the Leman and Owen Sands.

April 6th. Artillery and Rifle Volunteers’ first demonstration on the South Denes.

April 10th. Conservative Banquet at the Theatre. The entire pit was boarded over on a level with the stage, where the tables were arranged; and a military band played in the gallery. A marquee was erected on the plain as a reception room.

April 23rd. First stone of the Gorleston Methodist New Connexion Chapel laid. Building cost £250. It was opened July 22nd.

May 17th. The barque “Caroline” launched, after being repaired at an outlay of £5,000, from Mr. Powell’s yard. The band of the Donegal Militia played “Rule, Britannia” as she glided off the incline.

May 28th. Fearful gale and loss of life at sea; eight vessels—brigs, schooners, and a barge—lost on Scroby and in the Cockle Gat, with their crews; also 14 fishing vessels and 156 men and boys, lost off Yarmouth. The appeal to the town and nation on behalf of 50 widows and 160 orphans left destitute resulted in the handsome sum of £10,000. Her Majesty and Prince Consort headed the list with £100 each. In a former gale the north-east pinnacle of St. Peter’s Church fell over the nave and crashed through the roof into the organ gallery, the organ narrowly escaping. Damage estimated at £250.

June 5th. G. S. Harcourt, Esq., resigned the Secretaryship of the Sailors’ Home owing to ill-health.

June 30th. The Channel Fleet of 13 vessels, under the command of Sir C. Freemantle, anchored in the Roads, and comprised the “Royal Albert,” 121 guns; “Donegal,” 101; “Edgar,” 91; “Aboukir,” 91; “Conqueror,” 101; “Trafalgar,” 91; “Centurion,” 91; “Algiers,” 91; “Mars,” 80; “Mersey,” 40; “Diadem,” 32; also the “Greyhound” corvette, and “Locust.”

July 9th. Procession through the town of the Foresters and Members of the Eastern Star Provident Association to the Victoria Gardens, where a gala was given.

July 18th. Sir Samuel Morton Peto presented with a superb china dessert service, and an elaborately-worked plateau épergne candelabrum and other plate, value about £2,000, by 300 subscribers, as a token of regard and obligation to him in making the East Suffolk Railway.

July 24th. Prince of Wales’ Own Donegal Militia, under the command of Lieut.-Colonel Lord Claude E. Hamilton, left Yarmouth for Ireland, after staying twelve months.

Aug. 8th. The Norfolk Militia Artillery arrived at the Southtown Barracks, and were disbanded on the 20th. This regiment was embodied in April, 1859, and in May left for Sheerness, and thence for Woolwich.

Sept. 3rd. First prize competition meeting of the Rifle Volunteers held.

Sept. W. Strike, Esq., Collector of Customs, promoted to the Collectorship at Waterford; he was succeeded by W. C. Maclean, Esq., Comptroller at Portsmouth.

Oct. 15th. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kean, the celebrated Tragedians, appeared at the Theatre Royal in The Wife’s Secret.

Oct. 26th. A short sun-fish caught on the North Beach. It was 4 ft. in length, and weighed about 11 stone. A fine specimen was also caught off Yarmouth in 1821.

Nov. 3rd. Frightful boiler explosion on board the steamer “Tonning,” off Yarmouth.

Nov. 7th. Race by two herring traders—the brig “Susan Bailey,” of Ipswich, and schooner “The Belle,” of Brixton—from Yarmouth to Leghorn. The latter arrived at her destination after a run of nearly 17 days, the “Susan Bailey” being two days behind her.

Nov. 10th. The brig “Eleanor,” 300 tons register, launched in full rig from Messrs. Beeching’s yard.

Dec. 28th. Melancholy occurrence at the Theatre, caused by the sudden death of Tom Algar, the clown, during the Christmas Pantomime. On Jan. 4th Mr. Owen, the manager, gave a benefit to the widow and orphans.

Dec. 29th (Saturday). The town, in consequence of a hard frost, had the gas cut off from 5 p.m. till 9, and then only partially.

Dec. The Rev. Henry Ralph Nevill, M.A., nominated to the Honorary Canonry in the Cathedral Church in Norwich, vacated by the death of the Rev. W. M. Hanson.

Fish Depôt, near the Jetty, erected.

The sum collected in Market Tolls this year was £220 12s., about the average for the last 22 years.

Parliamentary returns show that the number of houses in Yarmouth compounded for by landlords was 1,098, of the annual gross-rent of £6; and 229 at £7.

About 1,300 Voters on the Register this year.


Jan. 1st. Yarmouth specially appointed as one of the 32 Ports into which wine in casks was allowed to be imported, but the “testing” not permitted unless by special grant.

Jan. 6th to 11th. Colder weather than had been experienced in Yarmouth within living memory.

Jan. 15th. Meeting at the Town Hall for the relief of the poor in the town; £330 subscribed in the room.

Feb. 1st. “Iconoclast” lectured at the Theatre to a crowded house. Subject, “What Must a Man Do to be Saved?” Admission, 6d. and 2d.

April 8th. Census taken. The returns were as follows: Population of Yarmouth, 13,207 males; 16,881 females—30,088. Gorleston and Southtown, 2,029 males; 2,456 females—4,485. Houses inhabited in Yarmouth, 6,861; uninhabited, 239; building, 73; inhabited in Gorleston and Southtown, 975.

April 13th. A detachment of the Royal Artillery, comprising 403 men, officers included, with 15 women and 19 children, arrived at the Armoury from Woolwich.

April 24th. The barque “Harmony,” 300 tons register, or about 450 burthen, launched from Mr. H. Fellows’ yard, after which a religious service was held on board. She was built for carrying Missionaries to Labrador, and was the second built by Mr. Fellows for the Moravian Mission, the one built in 1833 being of the same name.

May 20th and 21st. Riot in the town between the Royal Artillery and the E. N. Militia. About 100 men, armed with sabres, broke out of the Armoury, and rushed down the road towards the bridge like wild men, where several hundred civilians had congregated, but who fled before the soldiers, spreading terror in the neighbourhood. Tradesmen had to close their shops.

May 24th. Gable-end of a three-storey house, built on the site of the Convent of Blackfriars, in Friar’s Lane, fell out from top to bottom.

May 29th. The Rev. James Tann, 14 years Pastor of the Particular Baptists of this town, died.

June 18th. Stormy meeting at the Town Hall respecting the election of a Vestry Clerk. The four following days a poll was taken, which resulted in the return of Mr. S. B. Cory by a majority of 233 votes. Cory, 856; Mr. C. H. Chamberlin, 623. Mr. Cory died in Oct. 1876. (See Aug. 16th, 1861, and Nov. 1876.)

June 23rd. Rev. H. Squire, Unitarian Minister of this town, terminated 30 years’ Ministry. On Aug. 5th he was presented with a silver inkstand, value £30, by the members of the congregation. He died in London, Aug. 1869, aged 62.

June 30th. Comet first seen in Yarmouth. Its brightness and length of tail rivalled Donati’s, which appeared in 1858.

June. Mons. A. A. Desfougerais appointed as French Maritime Consul and Agent in Yarmouth, by the French Government.

June. Mr. F. Danby Palmer passed legal examination in honours, he being the first local candidate who obtained that distinction.

June. Lieutenant E. Leeds, R.A., instructor to the Artillery Volunteers, presented by the officers and men of the corps with a gold watch and chain, as a memento of their esteem.

July 6th. Sir Francis Palgrave, K.H., Deputy-Keeper of her Majesty’s Records, died, aged 72 years. He married the daughter of the late Dawson Turner, Esq., of Yarmouth, and was Knighted in 1832 for his services and attention to Constitutional and Parliamentary literature.

July. Mr. George Tyrrell, builder, of Southtown, received the Government contract for altering and re-constructing the Redoubt at Harwich. In May, 1862, he also obtained the Government contract for the erection of a Fort at Bembridge Town, Isle of Wight, at an outlay of about £40,000.

Aug. 16th. Purse of £70 presented to Mr. S. B. Cory, the newly-appointed Vestry Clerk. (See June 18th.)

Aug. Turkish Baths on Regent Road established, but were not in existence many months.

Aug. Mr. J. S. Cobb passed his examination at the Royal College of Surgeons, and obtained his diploma as a dental surgeon.

Sept. 1st. Mr. F. W. Rolfe played his opening service at St. Peter’s Church, and received his appointment as organist. In Nov., 1870, he was presented with a purse of £11 by the members of the St. Peter’s Musical Association. He died in 1884.

Sept. 12th. Yarmouth and other Norfolk Volunteers reviewed at the Earl of Leicester’s Park at Holkham.

Oct. 26th. Alarming Fire at Mr. J. Self’s fish storehouse and drying-rooms, in Row 145. Estimated damage, £400. And on Nov. 25th, Mr. T. W. Downing’s fish-stores; damage, £200.

Nov. 2nd and 3rd. Heavy gale and great loss of life and property; 19 shipwrecked seamen received at the Home; the previous ten days, 44.

Nov. 21st. New Lifeboat sent to Yarmouth by the National Institution.

Nov. 26th. A site on the South Denes, for erecting an Iron Mission Church and Schools, granted by the Town Council to the Rev. H. R. Nevill. The Church was opened for Service on March 4th, 1862. Cost, £500. (See May 26th, 1869.)

Nov. 28th. Artillery Volunteers’ First Distribution of Prizes and Presentation of eight Saluting Flags, which cost £14, the gift of fifty lady subscribers, took place at the Corn Hall.

Nov. The fishing-lugger “Triumph,” of Yarmouth, lost in a gale in the North Sea, and 11 hands, principally belonging to Sherringham. Mr. J. W. De Caux, assisted by the Mayor (R. Steward, Esq.), collected £52 13s. for the widows and orphans.

Nov. The Rev. Hezekiah Martin, B.A., Curate of Caister Church, presented by the parishioners with a silver salver as a tribute of esteem.

Dec. 14th. H.R.H. the Prince Consort died, aged 42. During the ensuing week all outward manifestations of sorrow were paid in Yarmouth to the deceased Prince—shops were partly closed, flags raised half-mast, mourning uniform worn by volunteers, &c. On the 23rd the Town Council adopted a vote of condolence to her Majesty.

Dec. The Rev. F. C. Skey, late Curate of St. Nicholas’ Church, appointed Minor Canon in Bristol Cathedral. A gold pencil case was presented to him (Dec. 19th) by the scholars and teachers of St. Peter’s School.

St. John’s School erected.

St. Andrew’s Institute established in Charlotte Street, but removed to the North Quay in 1865.

Deaths: Oct. 21st, Mr. David Hogarth, who ably filled the position of Postmaster of Yarmouth for upwards of twenty years, aged 68.—Nov. 1st, John Goate Fisher, Esq., aged 82.—Nov. 4th, Mr. T. W Chevalier, Head Master of the School of Design, aged 30.


March 1st. 1862 changes of grandsire triples, composed and conducted by Mr. William Lee, were rung on eight bells in the Parish Church Steeple.

April 9th. Suffolk Militia Artillery, commanded by Colonel Adair (460 men), arrived at Southtown.

May 5th. Corner stone of the Bethel laid, and the Chapel opened Aug. 15th. Cost about £300.

May 23rd. The Priory Musical Class presented Mr. Musgrave with a silver inkstand.

May 27th. A portion of the Channel Fleet anchored in the Roadstead. It comprised the “Revenge,” 91 guns; “Trafalgar,” 90; “Emerald,” 51; “Chanticleer,” 17; and the gunboat “Porpoise.” They waited the arrival of the “St. George,” the vessel in which H.R.H. Prince Alfred sailed.

May. C. J. Palmer, Esq., presented the Corporation with a scarlet gown and a black gown, originally worn by the Mayors. The former to be worn on extraordinary and the latter on ordinary occasions.

June 1st. The man-of-war ship “St. George,” 90 guns, with. 900 men on board, joined the Channel Fleet in the Roadstead. On the following morning (Monday) a royal salute of 21 guns was fired from the North Battery, and a gay display of colours hoisted by every ship in the Harbour, in honour of Prince Alfred. The same afternoon the Sailor Prince, accompanied by Major Cowell, the Rev. W. Lake Onslow, and the Hon. Manners Sutton, landed on the Beach, and proceeded to the South Denes, where a cricket match was played by 11 Officers of the Fleet against 11 Gentlemen of Great Yarmouth.

June 19th. Review of the Eastern Counties’ Volunteers at Yarmouth. No less than 30,000 spectators from all quarters of the country assembled on the South Denes to witness the review, which was of the grandest description. A dinner was afterwards given to the Volunteers (3,500) and about 250 other guests, on the St. George’s Denes, which passed off admirably. Purveyor, Mr. J. Franklin, Crown and Anchor. The cost to the town was about £530.

July 9th. Blondin, the Niagara rope-walker, appeared at the Victoria Gardens.

July 16th. Caister lifeboat, while lying on Caister Beach, was struck by lightning during a heavy thunderstorm.

July. H. R. Harmer, Esq., solicitor, appointed a Commissioner to Administer Oaths in Admiralty.

Aug. 19th. Sir E. Lacon assumed the command of the Artillery Volunteer Corps on the resignation of Major S. C. Marsh.

Sept. 12th. Grand fête of Norfolk Volunteers at Crown Point, Norwich.

Oct. 8th. The celebrated Rev. C. H. Spurgeon preached at the Wesleyan Chapel.

Oct. 20th. Fearful gale. About 1,000 vessels sheltered in the Roadstead. Five others were reported to have gone down on the Sands with their crews.

Nov. 21st. Public meeting at the Town Hall, for raising a fund to relieve the distressed Lancashire operatives. £160 was subscribed in the room.

Nov. The Trustees of the Municipal Charities received the sanction of the Charity Commissioners to erect a Grammar School at Yarmouth, which was built and opened July 29th, 1863.

Dec. 20th. High tide. On the Southtown Road the water was a foot deep, and many parts of the town were inundated. The tide was higher than that recorded in 1816. Mr. T. W. Downing lost the smack “Gem” in the gale.

Dec. 22nd. The brig “Lotus” launched from J. W. Rust’s yard. Dimensions—length, 103 ft.; breadth, 24 ft.; depth, 24 ft.; burthen, 258 tons.

Deaths: Feb. 27th, the Rev. Thomas C. Clowes, formerly Incumbent of St. Mary’s Church, and Head Master of the Preparatory Grammar School, Southtown, at Ashbocking Vicarage, aged 61.—March 20th, Mr. Henry Danby Palmer, third son of George Danby Palmer, Esq., aged 47.—Nov. 12th, Nathaniel B. Palmer, Esq., aged 37.


Jan. 1st. Assembly Rooms opened by a company. On Feb. 13th, 1870, the Billiard Rooms were destroyed by fire; damage, £700.

Jan. 20th. Smack “Baron Campbell,” belonging to Mr. Yaxley, foundered in a heavy gale. The crew, after battling with the fury of the waves for 13 hours, and being nearly exhausted at the pumps, were gallantly rescued by the crew of the smack “Greyhound.”

March 10th. Marriage of Prince Albert Edward with Princess Alexandra of Denmark, at Windsor. The display of enthusiasm at Yarmouth somewhat resembled the Volunteer Review of June 19th, 1862, with this difference—the town in the evening was brilliantly illuminated, and a display of fireworks took place in the Market Place. Nearly 600 Volunteers were entertained by Sir E. Lacon to a sumptuous repast at his stores on the North Quay. 4,669 school children were regaled with a tea at the town’s expense, which, with all other expenses, incurred an outlay of £259. The subscriptions amounted to £322.

March. 19th. The Yarmouth Gas Bill Clauses to incorporate the Company, and make further provisions for lighting the town, were agreed to by a Committee of the House of Commons. The bill was read a third time, and passed March 23rd.

March. The Rev. John Beazor ordained as Deacon by the Bishop of Tasmania.

April 18th. A fine otter captured on the Hall Quay.

April. The Royal Marriage Celebration Committee presented R. Steward, Esq., and Capt. W. J. Foreman with a silver medal as a souvenir of the eventful occasion, and in recognition of their valuable services.

May 12th. Sardinian barque “Mississippi,” with 1,000 tons of cargo, sprang a leak and was beached, but got off again by the Gorleston boatmen for £300, when (on the 16th) she stranded on the Bar. In June she was dry-docked in the yard of Messrs. Fellows and Sons.

May 26th. Charles Marsh, a nigger acrobat, went up the Nelson Monument, got outside, and after clambering up the caryatides to the figure of Britannia, performed some of his gambols, but accidentally missing his footing, fell headlong from the trident to the ground, a distance of 140 ft., and was killed.

May 31st. First service for the ordaining of priests and deacons held at St. Nicholas’ Church by the Bishop of Norwich. Five ordained as deacons and four as priests.

June 17th. The Norfolk Agricultural Society held their Annual Show of Stock and Implements for the first time at Yarmouth. The prizes offered were £558 in money, £53 in silver medals, and £37 in four silver cups.

June 24th. Bishop Hills returned to England upon a visit from British Columbia, and preached at St. Nicholas’ Church, Aug. 16th.

June 25th. Mr. N. Clowes, Secretary to the Young Men’s Association, was presented with “Routledge’s Edition of the Poets” (19 vols.), as a mark of esteem.

June 25th. The Yarmouth Gas Bill read a third time and passed, and received the Royal assent June 29th.

June. David Falcke, James Scott, and William Briggs, Esqs., were approved as Magistrates by the Lord Chancellor.

July 1st. The barque “Egbert,” 400 tons burthen, launched from Messrs. Fellows and Sons’ yard.

July 6th. Two men accidentally killed by the falling of a hatchway belonging to the wherry “Rigby,” while at Burgh Water Frolic with a freight of 90 or 100 pleasure-seekers, many of whom were precipitated into the water.

July 14th. The Channel Squadron, under the command of Admiral Dacres, visited Yarmouth Roads. It comprised the “Edgar,” 71 guns; “Black Prince,” 41; “Warrior,” 40; “Liverpool,” 39; “Royal Oak,” 35; “Emerald,” 35; “Resistance,” 16; “Defence,” 16; and the corvette “Trinculo.” Totals—293 guns, 6,800 horse-power, and 4,799 men.

Aug. 26th. Memorial stone of the new Baptist Chapel, St. George’s Park, laid. Contract for building, £1,500.

Sept. 15th. Review on Mousehold Heath of the Norfolk Volunteers, on which occasion Corporal J. Wilshak, of Yarmouth, was presented with the Champion’s Prize (£20 and bronze medal) from the hands of Lady Suffield.

Sept. 18th. Messrs. Churchwardens Steward and Aldred presented with a silver tea service each, by members of the congregation of St. Nicholas’ Church, in testimony of their esteem. (See Nov. 23rd, 1879.)

Sept. 26th. First number of Yarmouth Chronicle published by Messrs. Steer and Godfrey.

Oct. 3rd. The cutter “Samuel and William” (60 tons), belonging to Messrs. Smith and Sons, launched, this being the first built at Runham, near the Suspension Bridge. She was built by Messrs. Winter and Pigg. The father of the latter built the yacht, “Red Rover,” the property of S. Nightingale, Esq.

Oct. Mr. C. C. Newcombe, appointed Postmaster.

Oct. A pedestrian named Elson, of Nottingham, walked for several days from Yarmouth to Lowestoft and back three times each day—a distance of sixty miles a-day.

Nov. 2nd. The Board of Health decided to borrow £3,000 for extending the Parade south, on the suggestion of C. J. Palmer, Esq.

Nov. 9th. R. Steward, Esq., elected as Mayor. On March 10th, 1864, Mr. Steward was presented with a testimonial, value £200, subscribed for by the town. It comprised an elegant tea and coffee service, a silver salver, and a cake basket.

Nov. 16th. The Royal Sea Fisheries Commissioners held an enquiry at the Sailors’ Home.

Nov. 20th. Destructive fire at the farm of Mr. J. Hammond, at Gorleston.

Nov. 21st. Mr. Robert Hales, the Norfolk Giant, died in Yarmouth, aged 43 years. He was born at West Somerton, May 2nd, 1820. In the prime of life his height was 7ft. 6in., and he weighed 33 stone. He measured round the chest 64in., waist 62in., thigh 36in., calf of leg 21in., across the shoulders 36in. His father was 6ft. 6in., and mother 6ft. in height. His brothers averaged 6ft. 5in., and sisters 6ft. 3in.

Nov. 29th. Rear-Admiral Sir J. H. Plumridge, K.C.B., died at Hopton. He was distinguished for many gallant services in Egypt, Denmark, Genoa, and Bomarsund. He was Knighted in 1855.

Nov. 30th. Mr. H. Panks presented with a silver watch and chain, and a book, as a mark of esteem and appreciation of his efficient services as organist, by the congregation of St. John’s Mission Room.

Nov. The Rev. W. T. Harrison presented with a handsome pocket communion service.

Nov. The lifeboat “Friend of all Nations” launched from Mr. Critton’s yard. Cost nearly £400.

Dec. 3rd. Furious gale (more disastrous than recorded May 28th, 1860), attended with loss of 17 smacks, 2 schooners, and 1 brig, belonging to Yarmouth, and all their crews; also seven other vessels lost off the coast. The total number of lives lost was 145 men and boys, leaving 73 widows and 110 orphan children. Her Majesty’s gunboat “Ruby,” one of the vessels despatched from the Humber to search for the missing smacks, was lost on Texel Beach. On the 21st, the Government sent from Sheerness the steamer “Medusa” (800 tons) to search the North Sea for missing smacks, but she returned unsuccessful. On the 28th a meeting was convened at the Town Hall by the Mayor, for relieving the sufferers, £222 being subscribed in the room, which, with other subscriptions, amounted to nearly £2,000, her Majesty heading the list with £100.

The Yarmouth College, South Quay, established; and Sutherland House School in 1875.

Dec. 8th. Case of arbitration at the Town Hall between the Corporation and the Gas Company as to the value of 10,000 square yards of land for building the new Gas Works. The Corporation demanded £7,646, but the arbitrator (Mr. Rodwell, Q.C.) awarded £4,106 15s.

Dec. 14th. The schooner “Spray” on fire, and was run ashore near the Wellington Pier. She was laden with deals, coal, and coke; valued at about £700.

Dec. 16th. Owing to the death of Major S. C. Marsh on Aug. 30th, the Artillery Volunteers presented his family with a solid silver working model of a field piece, with a miniature officer at the trail end, the whole standing on a chased silver plateau and an ebony stand, as a memento of Mr. Marsh’s connection with the Corps.

Dec. 17th. Conversazione at the Public Library, many objects of interest exhibited.

Great Yarmouth Building Society established.

Deaths: Mar. 25th, William Yetts, Esq., J.P., aged 67.—April 6th, John S. Coxon, Esq., who held the office of Postmaster for one year, aged 32. April 29th, Joseph G. Plummer, Esq., J.P., aged 58.—May 8th, William T. Clarke, Esq., J.P., aged 49.—May 19th, Mr. William Green, many years Overseer of the Parish, aged 74.—Sept. 18th, Rosamond Matilda, widow of the late Dawson Turner, Esq., at Kirkley, Lowestoft, aged 52.—Sept. 25th, John Youell, Esq., A.L.S., aged 89.—Oct. 7th, Ambrose Reeve Palmer, Esq., of Haddiscoe Hall, aged 51.—Nov. 4th, Edmund Reeve Palmer, Esq., for many years Registrar of Yarmouth County Court, aged 63.—Nov. 30th, Capt. B. Love, E.N.M., aged 71.


Jan. 28th. Rev. John Walker, M.A., instituted to the Rectory of Bradwell; and the Rev. John James licensed to the Curacy of Southtown.

Jan. Rev. T. K. Richmond, six years Curate of St. Nicholas’ Church, elected Chaplain of St. George’s Hospital, London. On the 17th of March this gentleman was presented with a gold lever watch, value £27, and a purse of £10, by a number of parishioners; and a silver communion service by the Clergy.

Feb. 10th. The Danish corvette “Neils Juel,” 450 men and 47 guns, and a powerful ironclad gunboat captured a Prussian ship outside the sands, and after putting a prize crew on board, took her to Copenhagen.

Feb. 27th. D. Tomkins, Esq., elected a member of the College of Preceptors.

March 1st. The brig “William and Richard” foundered off the Monument. Seven men belonging to the Admiralty cutter “Dolphin,” seven beachmen, and five from the screw-collier “Ryhope,” were immersed in the water, four being drowned.

March 2nd. Petition presented to the House of Commons by Edward Howes, Esq., M.P., from the Haven Commissioners of Yarmouth, in opposition to the East Norfolk Railway Bill.

Launches: March 31st, the first barge, “The Garson;” April 26th, barge “Whitwell;” July 5th, the barque-rigged vessel “Oriental;” Aug. 20th, schooner “Shepherdess.”

March. The Rev. Arthur P. Holme, M.A., licensed by the Bishop of Norwich to the Incumbency of St. Andrew’s Church.

March. James Morris Hill, Esq., late Major Military Train, approved of by her Majesty to fill the Adjutancy of the 1st Norfolk Artillery Volunteers.

April 28th. John Dawson, Esq., admitted a member of the Royal College of Surgeons.

July 20th. The East of England Joint Stock Bank (established in Dec., 1835) suspended payment, with liabilities amounting to £576,963 7s. 5d., and assets £453,256.

Aug. 1st. Mr. S. Allies appointed Borough Gaoler.

Aug. Rev. A. B. Crosse resigned the Incumbency of St. John’s Church. On Dec. 30th this gentleman was presented with a handsome clock, value £30, and a purse of 60 guineas, previous to his leaving for Kessingland.

Aug. 15th. Three fishermen out of seven belonging to Cromer lost off the Haven’s mouth, out of the crab-boat “Garibaldi.”

Sept. 9th. Review of the members of the Norfolk Rifle Volunteer Association on the South Denes, in the presence of 9,000 people. Four battalions were reviewed, viz.—1st Norfolk A. V., 178; 1st Norfolk Rifles, 356; 2nd Norfolk, 218; and 2nd Norfolk Administrative Battalion, 294; Norwich Light Horse, 68—numbering in all, officers and men, 1,106.

Oct. 16th. The three-decked steamer “Ontario,” 4,000 tons burthen, 350 h.p., and laden with 2,000 tons of coal and iron, struck on Hasbro’ Sands. All efforts to get her off having failed, she was abandoned by her crew of 80, inclusive of officers, and on the 21st she foundered. 70 of the crew, rescued by the tug “Pioneer,” were afterwards forwarded to their respective homes by the Shipwrecked Mariners’ Society. The “Ontario” was built this year at Jarrow, Durham. Her registered tonnage was 2,083, length 370 feet, and depth 48 feet, and her estimated value £120,000—£90,000 covered by insurance.

Oct. 21st. Festival service to commemorate the partial restoration of St. Nicholas’ Church, which was thrown open for the first time for 200 years—the time of Cromwell, 1649.

Nov. 15th. The Rev. G. Firth, five years and four months pastor of the Independent Chapel, Gorleston, presented with an electro-plated tea service, as a mark of esteem, by his friends, previous to his leaving Gorleston.

Nov. 24th and following nights, very heavy gales. Six vessels out of several hundreds then lying in the Roadstead were driven ashore, and 10 lives lost off the coast. The barque “Sea Serpent” came ashore 20 yards off the Wellington Pier. Through the exertions of Capt. Bevon and Mr. J. M. Petts, ten men were brought ashore in the cradle of Manby’s apparatus. The s.s. “William Hull,” laden with 600 tons of coal, foundered in St. Nicholas’ Gat, and her crew of 16 hands all perished, except one. At Gorleston 23 sailors were saved by the beachmen and Manby’s apparatus.

Dec. 7th. A crew of 13 hands gallantly rescued by the Yarmouth lifeboat from the Austrian brig “Zornizza,” which foundered on Scroby Sands. The National Lifeboat Institution sent the beachmen £25, and they also received an acknowledgment of thanks from the Austrian Government.

Dec. 15th. The Haven Bill adopted by the Town Council.

St. Nicholas’ Churchyard contained 3,847 gravestones.

Deaths: Jan. 17th, Wm. Briggs, Esq., J.P., aged 63.—May 7th, Lieut.-Colonel C. S. Naylor, at Bognor, aged 75.—May 21st, John Brightwen, Esq., partner in Gurney’s banking firm, died at Thorpe, near Norwich, aged 81.—July 23rd, George W. Steward, Esq., M.B., M.A., second son of the Rev. G. W. Steward, Incumbent of Caister, aged 28.—Oct. 19th, the Rev. Mark Waters, Incumbent of St. George’s Chapel, aged 57.—Nov. 10th, Capt. Barry Haines, R.N.—Nov. 11th, Rev. E. B. Frere, M.A., aged 82.


Jan. 8th. Hopton Church destroyed by fire. On Sept. 27th, 1866, the new Church was consecrated by the Bishop of Norwich.

Jan. 11th. Mr. Robert Warner Durrell, organist of the Independent Chapel, Gorleston, presented with a splendid timepiece by the choir as a memento of their esteem; and on Jan. 11th, 1870, an easy chair.

Jan. Sergt. Berry promoted to the rank of Inspector; and on Dec. 15th, 1870, the town presented him with a gold watch, value £20, and a purse of £140 in money, in recognition of his valuable services.

Feb. 1st. Royal Hotel Company proposed to be formed in Yarmouth at a cost of £25,000, in 2,500 shares at £10 each. On Jan. 23rd, 1868, 1,182 shares had been taken by 48 shareholders, and the claims against the Company were £7,379 10s., including a mortgage of £3,000 on the Royal Hotel, which led to serious litigation.

Feb. 27th. The Haven and Port Bill passed its second reading in the House of Commons by a majority of 112.

March 8th. Mr. A. W. Morant appointed to the Town Surveyorship of Norwich. His office in Yarmouth was filled by Mr. H. H. Baker, on May 13th.

March 31st. Mr. J. R. Jones, who had been Head Master of the Government School of Navigation since its establishment on Oct. 1st, 1857, resigned his appointment, having accepted the post of Head Master of the Board of Trade Navigation School at Aberdeen.

June 13th. Lieut. H. R. Harmer presented with a silver salver by the Yarmouth Rifle Volunteers, as a mark of esteem on his retiring from the corps.

July 12th. Sir E. H. K. Lacon, Bart., and J. Goodson, Esq., returned to Parliament for the Borough. Votes—L., 828; G., 784; A. Brogden, Esq., 634; P. Vanderbyl, Esq., 589. J. C. Marshman, Esq., retired from the contest in favour of the latter.

Oct. 12th. Henrich Erenschiusen, a Dutch sailor, committed a shocking tragedy on a fellow-shipmate by stabbing him through the heart, at the City of London Tavern, Charlotte Street. Sentenced to twenty years’ penal servitude.

Oct. 25th. The lifeboat “James Pearce” launched from Messrs. Mills and Blake’s ship-yard.

Dec. The Gospel Hall erected by Mr. T. C. Foreman, subsequently proprietor of the Free Lance Newspaper.

Deaths: Jan. 8th, Benjamin Dowson, Esq., aged 77.—Jan. 14th, John Barker, Esq.—July 21st, Mr. Matthew Hastings Swann, aged 58. In 1835 this gentleman penned and published a “Guide to Yarmouth.”—Nov. 21st, B. Fenn, Esq., aged 73.


Jan. 13th. The lifeboat “Rescuer” upset at Gorleston Pier, and twelve of her crew drowned. The names of the rescued were E. Woods, Wm. Austin, Geo. Palmer, and Robt. Warner. Eight widows and over thirty orphan children were left unprovided for.

Jan. 27th. Exhibition of curiosities, &c., at the Town Hall, closed after five weeks.

Feb. St. George’s Denes laid out as a park and promenade, at a cost of £449 to the town. June 21st, 1807, an épergne of frosted silver and a silver salver were presented to Mr. Edward Stagg, by 200 subscribers, for the promoting and laying out of these grounds. A portion of it was laid out in 1884 as a lawn tennis ground.

Apr. 23rd. Foundation stone of the Gorleston Wesleyan Chapel laid.

May 7th. First Yarmouth Annual Spring Meeting held.

July 10th. H.M.S. “Dauntless,” 36 guns, and carrying 280 men; July 14th, H.M.S. “Trafalgar;” and on the 15th, H.M.S. “Irresistible,” anchored in the Roadstead.

July 19th. General holiday. Volunteer Review day; 1,300 Volunteers practised on the South Denes.

July 20th. Fishwharf and Tramway Bill passed in the House of Lords.

July 31st. The lifeboat “Leicester,” presented by Mrs. Hodges, launched at Gorleston. Cost, £600.

Aug. 16th. Royal Commission of Inquiry into the state of bribery at Parliamentary elections opened before Wyndham Slade, Lucius Henry Fitzgerald, and George Russell, Esqs., barristers-at-law, at the Town Hall. The inquiry lasted 34 days, and over 700 witnesses were examined. (See Feb. 15th, 1867.)

Dec. 3rd. The town, through an accident at the Gas Works, put in total darkness. Loss of gas estimated at about 100,000 cubic feet, value £1,000.

Dec. 12th. Loss of the fishing-lugger “William and Mary,” belonging to Mr. Utting, and nine lives, off Pakefield.

Dec. 30th. Meeting at the Town Hall on behalf of the sufferers from a colliery explosion in Yorkshire and Staffordshire.

“Chapters on the East Anglian Coast,” in two vols., 800 pages, published. The London Quarterly Review of April, 1807, says, “We have seldom met with a more elaborate, exhaustive, beautiful, and ably-written guide-book and local history.” It was penned by Mr. John Greaves Nall, who died in June, 1876.

Messrs. Lacons, Youell, and Co.’s Bank re-erected.

Top of Recent Road, near Town Wall House, widened by the Corporation.

A wooden circus building, on Mr. De Canx’s garden, converted into the Regent Hall, and used as a Theatre, &c. It has since been demolished.

Deaths: Feb. 2nd, Mr. W. P. Windham, at Norwich.—Feb. 9th, John Bessey Hilton, Esq., aged 44.—Feb. 18th, Isaac Preston, sen., Esq., aged 92.—Sept. 4th, David Falcke, Esq., J.P., at Paris.—Dec. 18th, Mr. Joseph Tomlinson, sen., brewer, aged 78.


Jan. 1st. Oddfellows’ Hall opened in Gorleston.

Jan. 5th. Eighteen hands lost from the brigs “Sarah” and “The Ark,” in collision in the South Ham, 500 yards off Gorleston Pier.

Jan. 8th. Mr. F. W. Maryson presented with a silver star, at the Steam Packet Tavern, by the Nottingham Order of Oddfellows.

Jan. 12th. Heavy gale. Six vessels lost, and 48 shipwrecked mariners afterwards taken to the Sailors’ Home.

Jan. Fish Wharf scheme proposed, and on April 20th the wharf was commenced by “turning the sod.” The Fish Wharf and Tramway Bill cost £2,481. (See Feb. 16th, 1869.)

Jan. 16th. Loss of the “Eclipse,” at Dieppe, and three lives.

Feb. 15th. The report of the Royal Commissioners laid before the House of Commons; March 15th, Petition presented by Sir Edmund H. K. Lacon, Bart., against the Disfranchisement of the Borough; May 30th, the Borough disfranchised; June 7th, another Petition presented to the House of Commons against the Disfranchisement; and one to the House of Lords, July 29th, but all proved unavailing.

Feb. 22nd. Mr. C. Rumbold appointed as a Relieving Officer.

Feb. 26th. The Elizabethan house of C. J. Palmer, Esq., sold by auction for £1,150, and the fixtures for £64 14s. 6d.

March 21st. Mr. S. Durrell resigned the Overseership of Gorleston Parish.

April 2nd. First meeting of the Port and Haven Commissioners under the new Act of Parliament. H. N. Burroughes, Esq., resigned the chairmanship.

April 4th. Foundation stone of the Gourlay Wesleyan Day Schools laid. The founder, D. A. Gourlay, Esq., J.P., gave £1,000 towards the building.

April 20th. A party of gentlemen, comprising Messrs. Spence, Fenner, Everard, R. Veale, Moore, Silvers, Douglas, Neave, and Harrison, had their boat upset on Ormesby Broad, 100 yards from the shore, and narrowly escaped drowning.

April 21st. Heavy gale, and loss of the smacks “Swan” and “Talisman” and twelve hands.

May 8th. Service of plate presented at the Duke’s Head Hotel to W. Heath, Esq., of Ludham Hall.

May 16th. Foundation-stone of the new Primitive Methodist Chapel, Queen’s Road, laid. Chapel opened Sept. 26th. Building cost £1,000.

May 20th. Reform meeting. Mr. Edmond Beales, the great Reformer, addressed from 2,000 to 3,000 people from the balcony of the Steam Packet Tavern.

June 1st. A halibut, weighing 161 lbs., 6 ft. in length, and 30 inches across, captured by a smack; and in March, 1868, two were caught off the coast—one weighing 198 lbs., and the other 140 lbs.

June 24th. Resolved by the Town Council to have new fire engines and a fire escape for the Borough; their capabilities were tested on Sept. 9th. On Aug. 20th an engine was provided for Gorleston.

June. Sergeant John Quince presented with a gold-mounted meerschaum pipe by the officers of the Artillery Militia.

July 6th. First London daily passenger boat to Yarmouth.

July. E. H. L. Preston, Esq., received from the Belgian Government the Decoration of Knight of the Order of Leopold, in recognition of 28 years’ service as Consul.

Aug. 29th. Roman Catholic Mortuary Chapel opened by the Bishop of Demerara. Foundation stone laid on Aug. 15th, 1866, by Lady Stafford.

Sept. 10th. “Routledge’s Magazine for Boys’” lifeboat for Caister launched. Built by Messrs. Beeching at a cost of £300.

Sept. Mr. G. B. Kennett, managing clerk to Mr. W. Holt, appointed clerk to the Norwich Magistrates.

Sept. Permanent Fund established. The surplus of £500 remaining from the relief fund of Dec., 1863, was added to this institution, and in Jan., 1868, the Princess of Wales sent a cheque for £25 to this Fund.

Oct. 3rd. The dead body of an infant found wrapped up in a bundle in Mr. Knight’s yard; Jane Jarron was examined on 11th, and committed for trial at the Assizes on the charge of murder on the 18th. Acquitted Dec. 5th.

Nov. 6th. Mr. James Sharman, keeper of the Nelson Monument, died, aged 82 years. He was a Trafalgar veteran, and one who assisted Lord Nelson in his dying moments.

Nov. 10th. The Rifle Volunteer Drill Hall opened by the Mayor, Captain E. P. Youell. Cost £1,200.

Dec. 2nd. High tide; the Southtown Road and various parts of the town near the river were inundated, through the banks of Breydon being broken. On the following day there was a heavy gale, when the Gorleston lifeboat “Rescuer” was again capsized (see Jan. 13th, 1866) through collision with the fishing lugger “James and Ellen,” and 23 were drowned, including 11 of the crew of the “George Kendall,” for whose widows and orphans a special donation of £234 was received. The number of men lost off the coast was 85, leaving 33 widows and 71 children destitute.

Launches: April 16th, fishing boat “Express,” from Messrs. Hastings Brothers’ yard; May 20th, smack “Spring Flower,” from Messrs. King and Baker’s yard; July 4th, smack “Pathfinder,” from Messrs. J. and H. Beeching’s yard; July 8th, smack “Hermit,” from Mr. A. J. Palmer’s yard; Aug. 13th, smack “Mermaid,” from Mr. Rust’s yard; Aug. 20th, model pleasure boat “Nonpareil,” from Messrs. Aldred and Morl’s yard; Sept. 10th, smack “Olga,” from Messrs. Fellows’ yard; Oct. 24th, smack “Silver Cloud,” from Messrs. Critten and Clarke’s yard; Oct. 31st, Mr. Lawrie’s small steamtug “Enterprise,” she being the first iron vessel built at this Port.

Dec. 6th. The Haven Commissioners resolved to borrow £27,188 15s. for Haven improvements.

Dec. 26th. An original local Christmas pantomime, entitled Neptune’s Decree, &c., was produced at the Theatre Royal, written by “Felix,” a local author.

Deaths: March 2nd, W. H. Bessey, Esq., J.P.—Dec. 25th, W. Mayes Bond, Esq., aged 66.—Dec. 31st, Mr. J. Norman, aged 80.


Jan. 3rd. The schooner “Roberts” driven on the North Sand near the mouth of the Harbour, 300 yards from the shore, and her crew bravely rescued out of her shrouds by Mr. J. M. Petts and four beachmen.—The brig “Carl Frederick” was lost the same morning on Hasbro’ Sand, with seven of her crew, two boys only being saved.

Jan. 9th. F. Diver, Esq., of Yarmouth, commander of the R.M.S. “Roman,” presented with a handsome watch, subscribed for by the passengers of the ship for having completed a voyage from this country to Table Bay in thirty days.

Jan. 23rd. At midnight a destructive fire took place in a shop in the Market Row, and three precious lives (a lady named Mrs. Pigg, and two children) were sacrificed, and property destroyed and damaged to the amount of £3,000.

Feb. 8th. The fishing lugger “Flying Fish” fouled the sunken wreck of the barque “Lord Clyde,” and foundered in the Roadstead.

March 6th. The cigar steamship “Walter S. Winans,” of Havre, arrived in the Harbour. Dimensions—length, 112 ft.; deck, 66 ft. in length; width amidships, 5 ft.; 24 tons register.

April 29th. The brig “Ewerette” foundered opposite the Monument.

April 29th. The Rev. W. T. Harrison, minister of St. John’s Church, presented with a chaste silver tea and coffee pot, cream jug, and sugar basin, value £50, by 300 of the members of his congregation, previous to leaving for Thorpe Morieux, Suffolk. He was succeeded by Rev. R. J. Dundas.

May 11th. The Regent Hall, a wooden structure on Regent Road, opened, after being converted from a circus to a music-hall. It was pulled down in 1874. (See 1866.)

May 23rd. Mr. William Jones died. In the early part of his life he served as a seaman in the navy, and was present at several engagements under Sir Charles Napier.

June. Robert Cory, Esq., passed his examination and admitted an Attorney of the Court of Queen’s Bench and other Courts, and as a Solicitor in Chancery.

June 10th. Mr. Robert Clifton, master mariner, died at Southtown, aged 85. In early life and during the French war he was seized by the press-gang while ashore at Newcastle, and carried on board a man-of-war, where he served several years till being landed an invalid.

July 13th to 22nd. Chang, the Chinese Giant, aged 22, and nearly 9 ft. in height, said to be the largest man in the world, with his wife King-Foo, exhibited at the old Corn Hall.

July 18th. C. Woolverton, E. R. Aldred, R. D. Barber, and C. E. Bartram, Esqs., sworn in as Magistrates for the Borough.

July 22nd. Horticultural and Floral Fête held at the Assembly Rooms.

July 27th. Balloon ascent by Professor Simmons from the Victoria Gardens. This was the first aërial ascent in Yarmouth since Sept. 17th, 1852.

Aug. 11th. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Young, the well-known actor and actress, presented with a testimonial—an address beautifully written on vellum, a port-monnaie, and a sum of money—at the Corn Hall, in recognition of their talented aid in an amateur entertainment given at the Regent Hall, on June 23rd, on behalf of the Yarmouth Hospital.

Aug. 18th. The corner-stone of the Methodist New Connexion Sunday School at Burgh laid by J. A. Horner, Esq., of Burgh Grange.

Aug. James Cherry, Esq., appointed Revising Barrister for Leicester and Rutland.

Sept. 23rd. The B battery C brigade of Royal Horse Artillery, under the command of Lieut.-Colonel Bishop, arrived at the Armoury.

Oct. 24th. Heavy gale and loss of three vessels. Upwards of sixty French fishing boats (1,200 to 1,400 men) sought refuge in the Harbour. The s.s. “Ganges,” 1,600 tons, struck on Hasbro’ Sands the previous day.

Oct. The Board of Health Act adopted in Gorleston, and on March 8th, 1869, 12 members, out of 27 nominated, were chosen for constituting the Board.

Nov. 14th. First number of the Yarmouth Gazette and North Norfolk Constitutionalist published by Mr. C. W. Godfrey. This journal subsequently became the sole property of Mr. E. W. Shortman.

Nov. 19th. The Scotch fishing-boat “Excellent” on fire in the Harbour, and was scuttled to extinguish it. Estimated loss, £200.

Nov. 22nd. During a gale the schooner “Seagull” broke the massive piles of the Britannia Pier, and smashed 100 ft. away. (See July 13th, 1858.) In Oct. 1859, a sloop was driven through, and did damage to the Pier amounting to £800 or £900. The Pier has since been shortened 50 ft.

Nov. 26th. The Hon. F. Walpole and Sir E. H. K. Lacon, Bart., elected M.P.’s for North Norfolk. Votes—W., 2,630; L., 2,563; Edmund R. Wodehouse, Esq., 2,235; Robert T. Gurdon, Esq., 2,078; including Yarmouth votes, viz., W., 913; L., 971; Wodehouse, 514; G., 476. On Sept. 15th, 1869, a Banquet was given at the Drill Hall, at which 800 or 900 persons were present, and a testimonial, value £600, was presented to Sir Edmund in honour of the successful issue of the petition. The testimonial was a magnificent piece of plate, weighing nearly 900 ozs., and consisted of a massive centre piece and plateau of silver; the base was flanked by three elaborate buttresses supporting brackets, with fluted columns, around which were grouped the figures of Agriculture, Commerce, and Art, the capital being encrusted with a frieze of lions’ heads and festoons of laurels, a figure of Fame crowning the summit. The Hon. F. Walpole died on April 1st, 1876; and on April 21st Colonel James Duff was elected M.P. for North Norfolk by a majority of 110.

Dec. 7th. The south aisle of St. Nicholas’ Church closed for restoration. In 1864 Mr. Seddon, architect, estimated that the restoration of the entire church would cost about £23,000.

Dec. 9th. A Grand Concert, under the patronage of the Mayor (S. Nightingale, Esq.) and the Mayoress; Right Hon. Lord Sondes, Right Hon. Lord and Lady Suffield, Sir E. Lacon, Bart., M.P., and the Deputy-Mayor and Mrs. Worship, was given at the Regent Hall. Distinguished artistes—Mdlles. Titiens and Sinico, Signors Bulterini and Campi, and Mr. Santley. Mr. Wehli, solo pianoforte; and Signor Bevignani acted as conductor.

Dec. 10th. The s.s. “City of Hamburg,” plying between this port and London, stranded close to the North Pier, and thereby sustained considerable damage.

Engine-house and reservoir erected on the north side of the Jetty for supplying the Bath House with water. (See 1759.)

An octagonal tower and observatory, 75 ft. high, erected on South Quay by the Trinity Corporation.

Launches: Aug. 17th, the carrier cutter “Chieftain,” from Messrs. Smith and Son’s yard; Sept. 23rd, the brig “Sultana,” 310 tons, from Messrs. Fellows and Son’s yard.

Deaths: Feb. 24th, Mr. Chas. C. Newcombe, postmaster, aged 49.—May 25th, Edward Norris Clowes, Esq., Solicitor, New Buckenham, aged 61.—June 2nd, Mr. W. Shuckford, 15 years Governor of the Workhouse, aged 62.—June 7th, Thomas Bunn, Esq., Corn Merchant, and an Alderman, at Southtown, aged 87.—Sept. 18th, Captain Robert Bensley Davie, Commander of the Cape mail steamer “Saxon,” at Southampton, aged 37.—Sept. 18th, John Palgrave, Esq., son of the late William Palgrave, Esq., Collector of Custom Dues at Yarmouth, and afterwards at Dublin, aged 55.—Nov. 2nd, John D’Ade, Esq., at Southtown, aged 86.—Dec. 5th, Mr. W. C. Nutman, many years Relieving-officer, aged 45.—Dec. 27th, Richd. Ferrier, Esq., Brewer, aged 73.


Jan. 25th. The Chancellor (E. Howes, Esq., M.P.) decided the long-pending question of removing St. Nicholas’ Church organ from the west end of the south aisle to the North transept, in the affirmative. This grand old organ, built by Jordan, Bridge, and Bayfield, in 1733; repaired by England (Jordan’s grandson) in 1812, and by Gray in 1840; was removed to the north transept in Feb., 1869.

Jan. Gaol Street Congregational Chapel (built in 1773) closed, and pulled down for the purpose of building the Middlegate Church.

Feb. 9th. The North-end Church Mission Room opened. Cost about £100. Mr. W. Wright was the architect.

Feb. 16th. The Fish Wharf, 2,251 ft. in length, shed 750 ft., completed. Total cost, £20,627. The sum borrowed and advanced by the Corporation for the works was £20,502 6s.; total amount of annual outgoings estimated at £1,587 17s. Offices and premises let at £565 16s.

Feb. 23rd. While the s.s. “Buccleuch,” was on the point of leaving the wharf in Yarmouth Harbour for Hull, with 20 passengers on board, her boiler burst, and several persons were scalded and otherwise slightly injured, the Captain (W. Wright) being seriously hurt. The steamer was much damaged, and her fittings amidships blown to a considerable distance.

March 1st. The full-rigged ship “Hannah Pattersen,” laden with 1,500 tons of coal, came ashore abreast of the Workhouse, where she became a total wreck. Insured for £2,000.

March 2nd. Ten tenders opened for re-building the south aisle of St. Nicholas’ Church, and Mr. Williams, of Cardiff, was selected, his estimate for the work being £4,755, out of which sum £480 was deducted for old materials.

March 9th. Mr. C. L. Chipperfield presented by Major Foreman with a handsome timepiece, in acknowledgment of his valuable services as Secretary of the Yarmouth Building Society.

March 10th. The smack “Silver Cloud” run into by the steamer “Earl of Durham,” off Winterton, and foundered with loss of all hands.

April 3rd. Schooner “Hickman,” 98 tons, struck by lightning.

April 15th. The Great Yarmouth Water Works Bill, for further extending its powers in a drainage scheme, passed in the House of Lords.

April 20th. The King of Prussia, through the Ambassador at the Court of St. James’, awarded Capt. Balls, of the schooner “George,” of Yarmouth, a gratuity of £10 for rescuing the crew of the Prussian schooner “Christine.”

April 22nd. New organ opened at Belton Church by Mr. F. W. Rolfe, organist of St. Peter’s, Yarmouth.

April 28th. Duke’s Head Hotel sold to Mr. J. Davy for £1,525.

April 29th. The iron s.s. “Lady Flora,” 1,000 tons burthen, 250 feet in length, ran ashore on Caister beach, and after unremitting efforts on the part of Mr. T. B. Carr, of Hull, Mr. Beeching, of Yarmouth, and a numerous gang of men, who bodily raised her massive weight on to blocks, she was again successfully launched on July 8th in the presence of several hundred spectators. In Dec. this steamer was totally lost in the Baltic.

May 19th. The Gorleston Company of the Yarmouth Rifle Corps first met for recruit drill. First competition prize match, Oct. 14th.

May 26th. First stone of the St. James’ Church laid by the Very Rev. Dr. Goulburn, Dean of Norwich.

June 4th. Violent explosion of gas at Mr. Gambling’s office at Southtown, doing damage in and around the premises to the extent of £200 or £300.

June 9th. Charles Cory, Esq., 18 years Town Clerk of the Borough, died at Lugano, Switzerland, aged 54 years. It was decided on June 28th to place a memorial window to his memory in St. Nicholas’ Church. His father and grandfather both held the office of Chief Magistrate of the Borough; the former died in 1840.

June 24th. Charles Diver, Esq., appointed as Town Clerk at a salary of £200, and £50 extra as Clerk to the Local Board of Health. (See Nov. 30th, 1875, and Dec. 5th, 1883.)

Aug. 24th. Comer stone of the residence of the Head Master of the Grammar School laid next the site for the intended new Grammar School.

Aug. The Hon. and Rev. Edward Pellew, M.A. (about eight years Incumbent of St. Nicholas’ Church, and which he resigned in 1844 in favour of the Ven. H. Mackenzie, M.A.), died at Crowe Hill, Nottinghamshire, aged 69.

Sept. 6th. Two gentlemen started on a voyage by the rivers and streams, a distance of about 130 miles—from Hitchin to Yarmouth, via Norwich and Reedham—in the canoes “Wanderer” and “Ruby,” which adventurous journey was completed in six days.

Sept, 9th. The French iron steamer “Fulton,” worth about £5,000, and cargo £650, through collision with the brig “Thomas Gales,” opposite the Monument, foundered, but her crew were saved. Insured for £3,200.

Sept. 15th. Mr. T. Todd’s smack “Ann” foundered.

Sept. 20th. Mr. H. Stonex presented by the Yarmouth Musical Society with a gold-mounted ivory baton and an inlaid walnut music-stool as a token of their appreciation of him as their conductor.

Sept. 23rd. Mr. William James Palmer admitted a licentiate of the Society of Apothecaries.

Sept. Commander T. S. Gooch, R.N., son of Admiral Gooch of Yarmouth, appointed to the command of H.M.S. “Beacon,” on the coast of Africa.

Oct. 5th. Mr. Thomas H. Colley, on resigning the office of House Surgeon at the Yarmouth Hospital, after 14 years’ service, was presented at the Town Hall with a gold watch and chain, value about £40, and a purse of 250 guineas, by 500 subscribers, for his zeal and kindness in the discharge of his duties.

Oct. 19th. Terrific gale. More than 70 smacks put in disabled, and some seven lost their crews (41 men), besides 14 other men washed overboard; 13 widows and 25 children left destitute.

Oct. 29th. The Italian barque “Oceana Antonio,” 529 tons, ran ashore south of the Wellington Pier.

Dec. 20th. Gas explosion at Messrs. Bracey and Son’s counting-house, whereby two persons were injured.

Launches: Feb. 1st, the schooner “Maria,” from Mr. Rust’s yard after extensive repairs.—Oct. 11th, the smack “Alice,” 40 tons register, from Mr. Rust’s yard.—Nov. 12th, the self-righting lifeboat “Penny Readings,” 33 feet long, cost £500, launched at Lynn, the boat having been built in Yarmouth.—Nov. 25th, the smack “Cambria,” from Messrs. Smith’s yard.

Deaths: Jan. 11th, Arthur Steward, Esq., aged 68.—March 4th, William Jex, Esq., Master of the Hopton Hunt, aged 68.—April 14th, William Hill Winmill, Esq., of Gorleston, aged 35.—Aug. 10th, Edward Trafford, Esq., of Wroxham.—Dec. 8th, Mr. Stephen Hardingham, aged 74.


Jan. 2nd. New organ at Roman Catholic Church opened.

Feb. 14th. The schooner “St. Cyran” came ashore south of the Britannia Pier, and the crew rescued by the rocket apparatus; the Austrian brig “Giovanning” came ashore in the South Ham; the steamer “Sea Queen,” 677 tons burthen or 903 dead weight, laden with 1,100 tons of coal, wrecked off Yarmouth, and her crew of 24 hands perished; and the barque “Victoria” wrecked on Gorleston Beach, 500 yards from the shore, and out of a crew of 16 but fire were rescued.

Feb. 15th. The schooner “Favourite” came ashore between the Jetty and Wellington Pier, and the crew, except one boy, saved; and on the same morning, the crew of the lifeboat “Friend of All Nations” courageously proceeded out of the harbour to a vessel in the South Ham, and the perilous venture of the crew was hailed with lusty cheers from a crowd assembled on the Gorleston Pier. In these gales the smack “Chance It” was burnt to the water’s edge off Yarmouth, and the crew gallantly rescued by the smack “William and Ann,” of this port.

Feb. 23rd. The organ at St. Nicholas’ Church, after being repaired by Messrs. Hill, of London, at a cost of £820, was opened by a grand choral service. Before removal it contained 2,133 pipes, which number has been increased to 2,873, viz., great organ 1,311, swell 908, choir organ 504, pedal organ 150; 45 stops and 7 couplers.

Feb. Rev. A. P. Holme appointed by the Bishop of Chester to the Rectory of Tattenhall, Cheshire; and on Mar. 1st the rev. gentleman was presented with a silver inkstand, value £25, marble timepiece £5, and an electro-plated cruet stand.

March 5th. Collision in the Roadstead between the s.s. “Chester,” value £8,000, and s.s. “Thames,” the former being run ashore north of the Britannia Pier.

March 20th. Fire on board the iron s.s. “Emily.”

April 27th. The first portion of St. James’ Church, which cost about £1,000, was opened by the Bishop of Columbia. The entire building, when finished, will cost £8,000 or £10,000.

April 28th. The south aisle of St. Nicholas’ Church, after being rebuilt, opened with a full choral service, the Lord Bishops of Rochester and Norwich officiating in the service. This service was the grandest since Aug., 1848, when Dr. Stanley and Dr. Wilberforce preached at the opening services, after the old galleries, pews, &c., had been swept away. The Church covers an area of 23,085 square feet; is 228 ft. long and 110 ft. wide, transept 148 ft.; and will accommodate 5,500 worshippers.

April. Captains Spencer Smyth, R.N., and C. Dent promoted to the rank of Rear-Admirals. The former served in several naval engagements from March, 1803 (when he entered as Midshipman on board the “Dreadnought,” 98 guns), to Oct. 22nd, 1827, the date he was promoted to the rank of Commander; and from 19th of March, 1833, to Oct., 1835, he filled the position of Assistant-Commander of the Coastguard at Yarmouth; and promoted to Captain on the reserve list F.G., July 28th, 1851, for meritorious services. (See Aug. 3rd.) Admiral Dent also served in several similar engagements since the year 1810.

May 18th. Gaol Street altered to its original name, Middlegate Street.

May. Baptist Chapel in Row 14 sold to Sir E. H. K. Lacon, and converted into a beer store. In excavating, an immense leaden coffin was discovered, besides the human bones of persons long since departed this life, which were re-interred. On Aug. 25th the cornerstone of the new Chapel on Wellesley Road was laid. (See April 7th, 1871.)

May 30th. Lord Mahon, eldest son of Earl Stanhope, returned as Member of Parliament for East Suffolk, including Gorleston. Votes—Mahon, 3,456; Colonel Sir Shafto Adair, Bart., 3,285; including Gorleston votes, M., 245; A., 183.

June 6th. Mr. E. Cattermoul, librarian, presented with a watch, value £25, and a cheque for £31 10s., by the subscribers to the Public library.

July 12th. Middlegate Congregational Church rebuilt and opened. This building alone cost £4,000, the architect being Mr. J. T. Bottle, of Yarmouth.

July 18th. John Bately, Esq., of Southtown, was admitted a licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians of London, having passed on Sept. 24th, 1864, the examination in Arts at Apothecaries’ Hall; on May 6th, 1868, admitted a member of the Royal College of Surgeons; and on July 2nd of the same year, a licentiate of the Society of Apothecaries of London. On October 1st, 1868, this gentleman, at the opening of the Medical Session of Queen’s College, Birmingham, by Lord Littleton, received from the hands of the Bishop of Worcester the Council Prize of the Sydenham College—the highest honour the College could confer.

July 27th. Mr. M. E. Sturge, the newly-appointed bandmaster of the East Norfolk Militia, presented with a richly-chased ebony and gold baton by the members of the band, as a mark of their respect and esteem.

Aug. 3rd. Police-constable Shreeve gallantly rescued a lady, who had fallen overboard while in the act of landing from the London passenger steamer “Albion,” from drowning.

Aug. 3rd. Mr. W. S. Stanford appointed Harbour Master in the place of Rear-Admiral S. Smyth.

Aug. 7th. H.M.S. “Penelope” put into Yarmouth, but left on the 12th. This ironclad vessel, under the command of Lieut. Mogel, is a double screw corvette, 600 horse-power, 3,096 tons, carries ten guns, and a crew of 400 all told.

Aug. 8th. Edward Youell, Esq., died at Yarmouth, aged 89 years. This much respected gentleman was a partner for 42 years in the banking firm, of Lacons, Youell, and Co., from which he retired in 1863, having been in the house nearly 70 years.

Aug. 8th. A fishing trawler driven into the new works of the Jetty (see Aug. 20th, 1808), carrying away one of the piles, and knocking down the pile-driving machine, which fell on her deck and completely crushed it.

Aug. Mr. William James Palmer, L.S.A., admitted a Member of the Royal College of Surgeons.

Aug. 18th. Mr. J. S. Dominy, previous to leaving for York, resigned the position of Head Master of the Government School of Art in favour of Mr. J. F. Ryan.

Aug. 20th. Mr. John Harrington gallantly rescued two men from drowning on Yarmouth Beach; and during the present year he was instrumental in saving the lives of two others, for which he was awarded a testimonial on vellum by the Royal Humane Society.

Aug. 23rd. Great Yarmouth Annual Marine Regatta took place. The first Annual Roads Regatta was held Aug. 1st, 1834.

Sept. 1st. Meeting convened by the Mayor at the Town Hall on behalf of the sick and wounded in the Franco-German war; £297 6s. 7d. collected in the town, out of which sum £291 16s. was forwarded, when the list closed in Jan., 1871, to the National Society.

Sept. 22nd. S. J. F. Stafford, Esq., surgeon, presented with an elegant crystal-and-gold claret jug, and on Dec. 29th with a silver salver by the Nottingham Order of Oddfellows, as a token of their esteem.

Sept. Miss Emma Pearson, daughter of the late Capt. Pearson, of Yarmouth, sacrificed the comforts of her home to undergo suffering and privation in a foreign country as head nurse amidst the carnage of battle fields, and too much cannot be said in praise of her conduct. On being invited by Count Bernstoff to the Prussian Embassy, she received many merited thanks for her kindness and attention to the German wounded. (See Aug., 1872.)

Oct. 14th. Heavy gale, in which the “Ex,” of Yarmouth, foundered; and on the 16th, the lugger “Proverb,” of Gorleston, and six other vessels.

Oct. 24th and 25th. The most beautiful display of the Aurora Borealis witnessed since 1707.

Nov. 18th. The s.s. “M. E. Clarke” totally lost on Hasbro’ Sands, and her crew of 16 hands landed at Cromer.

Nov. 26th. The s.s. “Dolphin,” with cattle for London, towed into Yarmouth Roadstead. To save the vessel, 150 bullocks and 250 sheep were thrown overboard.

Dec. 13th. The catch of herrings this season up to this date was 18,394 lasts, which realised no less a sum than £180,000. One boat brought in 142 lasts, another 132 lasts, and others were almost equally successful. Last year’s catch was about 13,221 lasts; and in 1868, 15,476 lasts. 12 vessels left with 28,390 barrels of bloaters for exportation.

During the summer season, the town was visited by upwards of 78,000 people, viz., 63,000 by rail, and 15,000 by the passenger steamers “Albion” and “Seine.”

A mackerel, 19 in. long, 10½ in. in girth, and weighing 2 lbs. 11 ozs., brought ashore.

One hundred and fifty-six fully-licensed public-houses, 16 hotels, and 88 beer-houses, including Gorleston—making a total of 260.

Deaths: Jan. 9th, Thomas Brightwen, Esq., J.P., senior local partner in the banking firm of Messrs. Gurneys, Birkbeck, and Co., aged 57.—Feb. 24th, D. Stewart, Esq., aged 79.—Feb., Mr. Henry Jay, shipowner, and formerly a Member of the Corporation.—April 4th, the Rev. John Meffin, 50 years minister of the Countess of Huntingdon Connexion, aged 93.—May 25th, John Branch, Esq., aged 74.—May 31st, Mr. George Alexander, artist, aged 64.—June 1st, at Yarmouth, Alex. John, son of the late Samuel Grimmer, Esq., of Haddiscoe Hall, aged 61.—July 21st, Mr. Samuel Cubitt Richmond, merchant, a Member of the Town Council.—Oct. 6th, at Portsmouth, Col. Edwin Wodehouse, C.B., R.A., Aide-de-camp to the Queen, eldest son of the late Admiral the Hon. Philip Wodehouse, aged 53.—Oct. 17th, Mr. Edward Stagg, a Member of the Town Council, aged 57 (see Feb., 1866).—Nov. 14th, C. E. Bartram, Esq., J.P., and Town Councillor, aged 72.—Nov. 30th, Henry Holt Barber, Esq., a Member of the Town Council, aged 38.—Dec. 19th, Mr. Henry Fellows, shipbuilder, at Southtown, aged 69.

The cost of lighting the town (330) lamps with gas this year was £1,178 12s.

Launches: Feb. 14th, the smack “Valentine;” June 20th, the brigantine “Ethel,” 100 feet long, and 200 tons register, belonging to W. J. Foreman, Esq., launched, after being repaired, from Mr. Rust’s yard; Aug. 29th, the new trawling smack “Bonny Boys;” Oct. 1st, the fishing lugger “Guiding Star;” Nov. 17th, the lifeboat “Bolton,” built by Messrs. Beeching, of Yarmouth, publicly inaugurated at Kessingland; Nov. 19th, trawling smack “Statesman;” Dec. 14th, smack “Galatea.”


Jan. 3rd. A male otter caught in one of the Broads near Yarmouth. It weighed 30 lbs., and was four feet long, the tail alone measuring 21 inches.

Jan. 9th. Lady King, late of Telegraph House, died at Maddingley Hall, Cambridge.

Jan. 13th. Race for £100 on the ice covering the Southtown marshes, between Mr. Barnes’ pony (ridden by the owner) and an excellent skater named Woodhouse. The rough-shod pony won by several yards.

Jan. 13th. Public subscriptions for aiding the wounded in the Franco-German war amounted to £297 6s. 7d. Jan. 27th. Forty-five screw steamers passed up through the Roadstead within three hours.

Jan. 18,709 lasts of herrings caught during the last voyage, or 5,353 lasts more than the previous year’s catch.

The rateable value of the Borough as per last poor rate, £96,556 10s., and the number of ratepayers 9,750.

Seventy-five schools provided accommodation for 5,370 pupils, viz., Yarmouth, 65 schools, 4,587 children; Gorleston and Southtown, 10 schools, 781 children.

The total receipts of the Board of Health for the past year were £6,819 8s. 8d., and the expenditure £6,698 19s.

Feb. 4th. Robert Steward, Esq., J.P., died at Cambridge, aged 57. This gentleman was five times Mayor of the Borough, and was also a Member of the Town Council for upwards of 20 years.

Feb. 7th. Fire in Broad Row at the shop of Mr. J. H. Lay. About £100 worth of damage done.

Feb. 18th. Mantby Hall destroyed by fire.

Feb. Two whitings caught by the smack “Dutch Trader”—one measured 26 inches and the other 24 inches.—The number of fishing boats belonging to Yarmouth, according to a Parliamentary return, amounted to 900, of the aggregate tonnage of 14,788, giving employment to 4,051 men and 530 boys.

March. Lieut. Fyson appointed Captain of the 2nd Company of Rifle Volunteers on the retirement of Capt. Tomlinson.

C. C. Aldred, Esq., appointed a Justice of the Peace for East Suffolk in place of the late R. Steward, Esq.

March 3rd. Police-constable George Shreeve met with a fatal accident by falling from the fire escape at the Police Station. (See Aug. 3rd, 1870.)

March 29th. Mr. A. D. Stone purchased the barque “Frederica,” with stores, &c., for £1,425.

April 3rd. Census taken. Population of Yarmouth, 33,880; Gorleston and Southtown, 6,645; exclusive of about 700 absentees at sea. Number of houses: Yarmouth, 8,098; Gorleston, 1,534. Population of surrounding villages: Belton, 582; Bradwell, 387; Burgh Castle, 409; Fritton, 221; Hopton, 309; Ashby, 95; Blundeston, 716; Corton, 530; Flixton, 52; Gunton, 73; Herringfleet, 230; Lound, 422; Oulton, 860; Somerleyton, 592; Flegg Hundreds, 9,381.

April 7th. The new Tabernacle on Wellesley Road opened for Divine worship. It cost £2,496. (See May, 1870.)

April 19th. Mr. H. Fenner’s smack “Sebastopol” destroyed by fire whilst at sea.

April 19th. Edmund Girling, Esq., formerly in Messrs. Gurneys and Co.’s bank, died in London, aged 75. He was a talented artist.

April 22nd. The screw steamer “Kestrel,” with emigrants for America (about 150), run down by the screw collier “Frankland,” near Cromer. All hands saved.

April 24th. The smack “Otter,” launched.

April. A beautifully-stained window placed in St. Nicholas’ Church to the memory of the late John Goate Fisher, Esq., Mayor of the Borough in 1820.

The number of wherries registered as belonging to the river Bure was 103, of 1,846 tons burthen.

May 4th. Mr. J. R. Baumgartner passed his examination at Apothecaries’ Hall.

May 6th. Richard Hammond, Esq., J.P., died at Yarmouth, aged 78. This much-respected gentleman was the oldest Magistrate of the Borough, having been called to the Bench in 1841; he was also a Port and Haven Commissioner. On the Bench he once remarked that our smacksmen “earned their money like horses, but spent it like asses.”

Under the general poor rate and compounds in Yarmouth, there were 5,136 tenements, of the total value of £81,222 10s.

May 31st. David A. Gourlay, Esq., J.P., died at Yarmouth, aged 88 years. He was elected Mayor of the Borough in 1849, and was for many years a respected member of the Town Council. (See April 4th, 1867.)

June 6th. Salmon Palmer, J. W. de Caux, and Garson Blake, Esqs., nominated by the Town Council as new Magistrates for the Borough.

June 10th. Nearly 50 porpoises observed disporting themselves in the Roadstead.

June 13th to 24th. The D. Battery B. Brigade of Royal Horse Artillery encamped on the North Denes, under the command of Captain Strangways. 120 rank and file, having 116 horses, and 6 9-pound rifle-loading guns, &c.

June 21st. Messrs. F. S. Smyth and R. G. Bately acquitted themselves satisfactorily in their preliminary examinations at the Royal College of Surgeons, London.

June. Major W. J. Foreman, 1st Norfolk Artillery Volunteers, passed his examination and received a certificate of efficiency at the School of Instruction formed at Woolwich, under Lieut.-Colonel Woolsey, R.A.

June. Messrs. J. T. Waters, F. Burton, and F. W. Dendy passed final examination at the London Incorporated Law Society.

July 9th. Fire on the fishing premises of Messrs. Bland Brothers, Queen’s Road. A public subscription was made on their behalf.

July 13th. Boat accident in the Roadstead, by which a man and two boys, out of a crew of five, were drowned, the youths being members of a Norwich Church Choir.

July 15th. The 1st Suffolk and (on the 18th) 1st Norfolk Rifle Volunteers encamped for a week on the North Denes. The former mustered in all about 600 men.

July 26th. H.M.S. “Repulse,” 12 guns, 3,749 tons burthen, 800 h.p., commanded by Capt. Rollins, came into the Roads to embark 50 coastguardsmen.

July 30th. A terrific thunder peal, the like not having been heard for many years. The electric fluid did a considerable amount of damage to the residence of Mr. Hinchman Hammond.

Aug. 1st. The new smack “Zephyr,” on Aug. 3rd the fishing boat “Henry and Edmund,” and on Aug. 7th the dandy smack “Coral” launched. Since August last year 30 smacks and fishing boats had been launched at the various shipyards in Yarmouth and Gorleston.

Aug. 7th. Miss E. Pearson, accompanied by Miss L. E. MacLaughlin, paid a visit to the Sailors’ Home, having just returned from the Franco-German War. In October these two ladies had conferred upon them the bronze cross and diploma of the Society de Secours aux Blessés of France, in recognition of their services on the battle fields of Metz, Sedan, and Orleans. (See Sept., 1870, Aug., 1872, and Aug. 8th, 1876.)

Aug. 11th. Fatal accident to Mr. Henry Worlledge, third son of the County Court Judge, while bathing at Folkestone.

Aug. 14th. E. P. Youell, Esq., who had for 11 years previous been Captain of the 2nd Company Rifle Volunteers, was presented by the members of his company at the Drill Hall with a handsome silver salver, value £13, as a mark of esteem.

Aug. 15th. Mrs. Levina Onslow died at Yarmouth, aged 75 years. This lady was the widow of the late Capt. John James Onslow, R.N., post-captain in H.M.’s Royal Navy, and last commanding H.M.S. “Daphne,” as senior officer in New Zealand in 1845; and mother of the late Rev. W. Lake Onslow, M.A., R.N., formerly chaplain on board the “St. George” with the Duke of Edinburgh, and subsequently domestic chaplain to the Prince and Princess of Wales at Sandringham. (See June 1st, 1862.) The Rev. Onslow was educated as a boy at the old Grammar School, under the Rev. T. C. Clowes, M.A., of Queen’s College, Cambridge, and his grandfather, as Admiral, commanded the squadron in the Roads after the Camperdown action.

Aug. 15th. A congratulatory address voted by the Town Council to Sir James Paget, on her Majesty conferring upon him a baronetcy. Sir James is the son of the late Samuel Paget, Esq., a long resident in this town. The same honour was conferred by George IV. in 1821 on Astley Cooper, Esq., son of Dr. Cooper, minister of St. Nicholas’ Church. (See June 15th, 1858.)

Aug. 15th. Brigantine “Edward,” belonging to Mr. W. J. Foreman, launched, after extensive repairs, from Mr. Rust’s yard. The same morning, a new lugger, belonging to Mr. G. Palmer, was launched from the same shipbuilder’s yard.

Aug. 17th. Tenders opened for laying a common sewer through Gorleston and Southtown, viz., 350 feet run of from 2 to 3½ feet brick sewer, and about 5,500 feet run of pipe sewer, from 9 to 15 inches in diameter. A tender of £1,725 was accepted by the Gorleston Board of Health. (See June 25th, 1872.)

Aug. 23rd. The sale of Mr. J. Tomlinson’s business premises, Howard Street, realised £11,390.

Aug. 25th. Fire at Mr. C. Garwood’s fish-house in Charlotte Street; very little damage done.

Aug. 28th. H.M.’s paddle-frigate “Terrible,” 1,850 tons burthen, 800 horse power, 19 guns, commanded by Capt. Travenen, passed through the Roadstead.

Aug. 31st. The Yarmouth Horticultural Society’s first show, held in St. George’s Park, which was entirely enclosed with boarding, was a grand horticultural and floral fête, and patronised by most of the élite of the town. The East Norfolk Militia and Artillery Militia bands played at intervals during the day.

Aug. H.R.H. the Prince of Wales accepted the hon. colonelcy of the Norfolk Artillery Militia, rendered vacant by the death of Lord Hastings.

Sept. Mons. A. A. Desfougerais, Vice-Consul to the French Government, after 11 years’ residence in Yarmouth, obtained an appointment in the Foreign Office in Paris. On Sept. 22nd this gentleman was presented with a claret jug and cup, value £40, as testimony of respect.

Sept. 11th. The dandy smack “Fern,” 54 feet long, 7 ft. 2 in. deep, and 32 4-100ths tonnage, launched from Mr. R. Rust’s yard.

Sept. 17th. Organ at St. George’s Chapel re-opened after being restored.

Sept. 17th. The Rev. C. Voysey, B.A., late Vicar of Heaulaugh, preached at the Unitarian Chapel.

Sept. 22nd. The smack “Maria and Isabella,” belonging to Mr. Seago, of this port, ran into by the barque “Rock City,” near the Dogger Bank, where she foundered, and four of her crew were drowned.

Sept. 25th. The captain of the passenger steamer “Albion,” plying between Yarmouth and London, fined £6 11s. for having on board 448 passengers, or 111 more than the vessel was chartered to carry.

Sept. 29th. The new General Post Office, Regent Street, opened.

Sept. 29th and 30th. The brig “New Fair Trader,” and the fishing lugger “Black-eye’d Susan,” of this port, received much damage.

Oct. Number of persons by excursion trains during the summer was—Vauxhall Station, 47,176; Southtown, 35,383; total, 82,559. Last season, V., 32,103: S., 26,009; total, 58,112.

Oct. 4th. The schooner “John Watson,” belonging to Messrs. Watling, of this port, collided with the barque “Thomas Knox,” in the Roadstead, and the former sunk. Crew saved.

Oct. 5th. Mr. William Mallam Vores admitted a licentiate of the Society of Apothecaries.

Oct. 16th. The screw steamer “Annie Bronghton,” 120 h.p., 782 tons register, 230 feet long, 32 ft. beam, drawing 19 ft. of water, and valued at £22,000, while on a voyage from Newcastle to Alexandria with 1,650 tons of coal, got on Hasbro’ Sands, but was assisted off after four days’ hard exertions. The salvage claims amounted to £1,300.

Oct. 16th. Fire at Mr. A. Tabraham’s jewellery shop on St. Peter’s Road. Considerable damage done.

Oct. 16th. A royal sturgeon caught off Yarmouth. It was 7 ft. 10 in. long, and weighed 28 stone.

Oct. 18th. The new Corn Hall, Howard Street, opened by a public dinner, to which nearly 200 gentlemen sat down, including Viscount Mahon, M.P., Sir E. H. K. Lacon, Bart., M.P., the Hon. F. Walpole, M.P., C. S. Read, Esq., M.P., E. Corrance, Esq., M.P., and the Mayor (E. H. L. Preston, Esq.) H. S. Grimmer, Esq., occupied the chair.

Oct. 24th. George S. Harcourt, Esq., of Ankerwych, formerly M.P. for Bucks, died at St. George’s Square, Belgravia, aged 64 years. This gentleman established the Yarmouth Sailors’ Home.

Oct. 26th. A silver tea-kettle, value £25, presented as a testimonial to the Rev. R. J. Dundas, prior to his leaving the town for Albury, near Guildford.

Oct. 30th. The Rev. W. Boycott, rector and patron of Burgh St. Peter, died at Ormesby, aged 73 years.

Nov. Mr. Ziba Rayson passed his third and final examination at the Law Society’s Hall, London.

Nov. 3rd. Fire at the drapery shop of Mr. E. Bostock, King Street, and damage done to the amount of £350. (See 1884.)

Nov. The smack “Evangeline,” built for Mr. Olley of this town, launched from Mr. Fellows’ shipyard.

Nov. 14th. The iron screw steamer “Benjamin Whitworth,” 639 tons register, 99 h.p. (Capt. John Smith), got upon the Cross Sands and encountered a terrifically heavy sea; but after great perseverance she was floated off on the following day. The steam tug “Reliance,” value £2,500, belonging to the Standard Company, while assisting the “Whitworth,” struck against a piece of sunken wreck, and so rendered leaky. She was run on to Caister beach, where she became a total wreck. (See Dec. 4th, 1875.)

Nov. 14th. A fleet of some 1,200 sailing vessels passed through the Roadstead.

Nov. 25th. The fishing lugger “Sailor’s Friend,” value, with nets, &c., about £850, the property of Mr. C. Rumbold, was run into by the French screw steamer “Union Bayonnaise,” which caused the lugger to founder. Crew all saved.

Nov. 30th to Dec. 2nd. Heavy gale. Lifeboat crews performed several daring acts of bravery, and although about 25 hands were unfortunately lost near Yarmouth, no less than 23 shipwrecked men were rescued and taken to the Sailors’ Home.

Dec. 4th. Smack “George and Elizabeth” ran ashore north of the North Pier, where she went to pieces, her crew being rescued by the rocket apparatus.

Dec. 4th. Rev. A. T. Shelley, Congregational minister at Aylesbury, and formerly of this town, died at Aylesbury, Bucks, aged 45.

Dec. 6th. Intense frost. Every street and road one mass of ice, and so smooth and slippery as to render walking upright impossible. Several accidents occurred to people and horses.

Dec. 9th. The smack “Friendship,” value £400, lost in the North Sea.

Dec. 10th. The new steamer “South Tyne” stranded on North Scroby Sand. She was got off the next morning after 100 tons of coal had been thrown overboard. Salvage services amounted to £1,000.

Dec. 11th. The market tolls, &c., were let by public competition by Mr. S. Aldred for £890 per annum. (See Aug. 21st, 1876.)

Dec. 15th. The smack “Dagmar” on fire in the harbour. Much damaged.

Dec. 19th. The smack “Emma,” valued at £300, totally destroyed by fire while in the North Sea. Crew rescued.

Dec. 19th. The screw collier “Magdeburg” struck on Scroby Sand, but was got off by the steam tug “Reliance” for £200.

Dec. In the 2nd Norfolk Rifle Volunteers in 1871 there were in the five companies 11 officers, 22 sergeants, and 460 men, 87 of whom were marksmen.

The 600 fishing craft belonging to this port pay annually for towage about £4,000.

A new Primitive Methodist Chapel opened at Bradwell.

Mr. J. T. Clarke, solicitor, appointed a Commissioner to administer oaths in the High Court of Admiralty in England.

Two hundred and forty millions of herring landed at the Fish Wharf during the whole of the present season.

The number of shipwrecked men received during the year at the Sailors’ Home was 228.

A whiting measuring 26 inches caught on the coast.


Jan. 1st, The barque “Sing Tai” (Rising Sun), 500 tons, launched from Messrs. Beeching’s shipyard.

Jan. 1st. The brigantine “Sybil,” belonging to Mr. H. H. Gambling, while entering the harbour got on the North Sand, and was wrecked. Value, £400.

Jan. 3rd. Rear-Admiral Charles Calmady Dent, of Yarmouth, died. (See April 4th.)

Jan. 5th. Sir Francis Crossley, Bart., M.P., of Somerleyton Hall, died at Belle Vue, Halifax, aged 54 years.

Jan. 10th. First prosecution for Sunday trading instituted, the magistrates fining two delinquents—Messrs. Duffell—5s. each and costs. This continued weekly for over five years.

Jan. 12th. Restoration of Gorleston Church mooted. On May 15th Mr. Hubbard’s (East Dereham) contract of £2,642 accepted. (See June 12th, 1873.)

Jan. 16th. Loyal addresses voted by the Council to the Queen on the recovery of the Prince of Wales from a severe illness; also congratulatory addresses to the Prince and Princess.

Jan. 17th. Gallant lifeboat service by the Caister beachmen during a heavy gale, in the preservation of the barque “Jessie,” and the whole of her crew.

Jan. 25th. The Gorleston Board of Health resolved to borrow £1,000, in addition to the £3,500 previously borrowed for the Southtown drainage. (See Aug. 17th, 1871.)

Jan. 28th. John Lomas Cufaude, Esq., solicitor, died, aged 61 years. The deceased was Clerk of the Peace, Clerk to the Board of Guardians, and Superintendent Registrar of this Borough.

Jan. 29th. Caleb Burrell Rose, Esq., F.G.S., died, aged 81 years.

Jan. 29th. Supt. G. Tewsley presented with a richly-chased silver cup, at the Bear Hotel, by the sergeants and constables of the Borough Police, as a memento of their esteem.

Feb. 2nd. F. Danby Palmer, Esq., elected Supt. Registrar, and on the 9th Clerk to the Board of Guardians.

Feb. 2nd. Further experiments in the Roadstead with Harvey’s sea torpedoes, under the inspection of gentlemen representing the American Government.

Feb. 9th, 10th, and 18th. Action in the Court of Chancery—I. and C. A. Preston versus the Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgesses of the Borough—to recover £20,000, lent by various mortgagees on the general district rates. Bill dismissed with costs. An appeal was made against the judgment in the same Court on June 19th, with a like result.

Feb. 13th. Isaac Preston, jun., Esq., elected Clerk of the Peace by the Town Council; and on March 5th, Visiting Justices’ Clerk.

Feb. 23rd. Brigantine “Isabella Walker” collided with the steam tug “Andrew Woodhouse,” the latter sustaining damage to the amount of £50.

Feb. 27th. General Thanksgiving Day for the recovery from sickness of the Prince of Wales observed in Yarmouth.

Feb. £4,680 required for the restoration of Gorleston Church. (See Jan. 12th, 1872, and April 28th, 1876.)

March 1st. Mr. G. M. Burton elected Vaccination Officer.

March 2nd. Smack “Queen of the Fleet” launched from Messrs. Smith and Son’s shipyard.

March 14th. J. Cherry, Esq., of the Norfolk Circuit, took the oaths and handed in his formal appointment as Clerk of the Peace for Suffolk, conferred by the Lord Lieutenant of the County (Lord Stradbroke), vacated by the late Mr. Borton, who held the office 30 years prior to his death.

March 22nd. Henry Negus Burroughes, Esq., died at Burlingham Hall, aged 82 years. This gentleman was elected M.P. for East Norfolk in Aug., 1837; July, 1841; Aug., 1847; and July, 1852, with the late Edmund Wodehouse, Esq., as a colleague, on the last two occasions without opposition. In 1855, however, Mr. Wodehouse, accepting the Chiltern Hundreds, Sir Henry J. Stracey was returned in the place of that hon. gentleman, but at the dissolution in March, 1857, they neither of them went to the poll. Mr. Burroughes was a Port and Haven Commissioner for over 45 years. The Rev. Randall Burroughes, who married a sister of Lord Suffield, succeeded to the possession of his fine landed property.

March 30th. Nathaniel Palmer, Esq., died at Coltishall. He was born at Yarmouth in Oct., 1792. In 1827 was called to the bar by the Inner Temple, and in 1886 appointed Judge of the Guildhall Court of Norwich and Recorder of Great Yarmouth.

March. The loop-line between Somerleyton and St. Olave’s on the Great Eastern Railway opened.

April 4th. Marriage of Lieut. Charles Francis Hastings Dent, commanding H.M.S. “Orwell,” eldest son of the late Admiral Dent and Lady Selina (daughter of the 11th Earl of Huntingdon), with Miss Jane Collins, of Bury, was celebrated at St. Mary’s Church. (See Jan. 3rd.)

April 19th. Corner-stone of the new schools in connection with St. James’ Mission laid.

April 24th. Simms Reeve, Esq., took the declaration at the Tolhouse Hall on acceptance of the office of Recorder of Yarmouth.

May 2nd. The fine new lugger “Sir Roger Tichborne” launched from Messrs. Smith’s shipyard at Runham.

May 13th. The smack “Renown,” belonging to Messrs. Smith and Son, fouled the South Pier, and afterwards sunk with her cargo of fish in the harbour.

May 13th. The Dutch man-of-war brig “Tornate,” used as a training ship, and having on board 110 boys and 10 men and officers, was towed into our harbour.

May 20th. A young shark, about six feet long, caught off Yarmouth, and landed on the beach.

May 20th. Serious accident to J. W. de Caux, Esq., J.P., by falling from a cart on the Marine Parade.

May. A salmon weighing 12½ lbs., and two salmon trout, one 15 lbs. in weight, and the other 2 ft. 4 in. long, taken near Caister.

May 29th. James Scott, Esq., J.P., a shipowner of this port, died, aged 69 years. (See June, 1863.)

June 6th. First visit to Yarmouth of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, attended by the Earl of Leicester, Major-General Probyn, C.B., and Col. Teesdale. This never-to-be-forgotten visit of the Heir Apparent to the Throne was the grandest event in respect to the general superb decorations and illuminations, together with the rapturous enthusiasm and open generosity of the populace, ever recorded in the annals of local history. Some 3,500 excursionists from Norwich, as well as numbers from neighbouring districts, flocked into the town on the two first days. The Prince and suite, who were entertained here by James Cuddon, Esq., J.P., at Shadingfield Lodge, left the Borough on the 8th by the East Suffolk line, en route for London.

June 6th. The new Grammar School opened by H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, K.G.

June 6th. Primitive Methodist Conference opened at Yarmouth, and lasted for a week. Number of members in 1872, 161,464.

June 13th. Two Companies of 33rd Regiment of Foot (Duke of Wellington’s) and the staff of the Essex Rifle Militia, 152 rank and file, arrived at the Southtown barracks, where they stayed for a month.

June 15th. At Cambridge, the degree of Doctor of Divinity conferred on the Rev. J. J. Raven, head master of the Yarmouth Grammar School.

June 15th. Mr. Edward Fyson, a member of the Town Council, and a Captain in the 2nd Norfolk Rifle Volunteers, died, aged 37 years.

July 9th. William Sheppard, Esq., died, aged 76.

July 11th. Heavy tempest. Mr. Burton Steward’s house struck by lightning, and the interior of more than one room was damaged by the electric fluid.

July 16th. The Royal Humane Society presented Mr. Thomas Joyce with the usual honorary testimonial on parchment for saving the life of a lad named F. J. Martin, while in a very precarious state in the sea. This was the second testimonial Mr. Joyce had received for his bravery.

July. Cuddon-Fletcher, Esq., of Somerton (son of James Cuddon, Esq., late of Shadingfield Lodge), created a Justice of the Peace for Norfolk.

Aug. The decoration of the Order of Sanitat Kreuz Militar of Hesse Darmstadt, conferred on Miss E. Pearson (of Yarmouth) and Miss L. E. MacLaughlin, for their attention as nurses to the wounded soldiers in the Franco-German war. (See Sept., 1870, and Aug. 7th, 1871.)

Aug. 8th. The new organ in St. Mary’s Church, Southtown, opened with a full choral service. This fine-toned instrument was built by Mr. W. C. Mack, of Yarmouth, at a cost of £250. (See Sept. 9th, 1875.)

Aug. 9th. Mr. R. Collins resigned the appointment of Town Hall keeper, which he had held for 20 years, and was succeeded on Aug. 13th by Mr. George Harvey. (See Oct. 20th, 1874.)

Aug. 10th. By an Act of Parliament this day in force different independent sanitary bodies were placed under one authority, including the Yarmouth and Gorleston Local Boards. Yarmouth Town Council then became the sanitary authority for the whole district, at the same time taking possession of the property in Gorleston and Southtown, assessed at £15,700.

Aug. 13th. H. Fellows, F. Dendy, and S. W. Spelman, Esqs., appointed as Magistrates for the Borough.

Aug. 13th. Mr. C. H. Chamberlin’s resignation as Borough Coroner accepted by the Town Council. Mr. William Holt was at the same meeting appointed his successor. (See Dec. 5th, 1883.)

Aug. 18th. John Hillam Mills, Esq., banister, died at Lowestoft. The deceased gentleman acted as Deputy-Recorder of Yarmouth during the many years’ protracted illness of the late Mr. N. Palmer. (See March 30th, 1872.)

Aug. 20th. Edward Harbord Lushington Preston, Esq., died. He was Mayor of the Borough at the time, and held several offices of responsibility. Born on Nov. 4th, 1806. The remains of deceased were intended in the family vault in St. Nicholas’ Churchyard, near the Cemetery.

Aug. 20th. The new smack “Star,” built for Mr. Fleming Hewitt, launched from the shipyard of Mr. J. H. Fellows.

Aug. 27th. Charles Woolverton, Esq., elected Mayor to the 1st of November, in the place of the late E. H. L. Preston, Esq.

Aug. 29th. Part of the fleet of H.M.’s ironclads, under the command of Rear-Admiral G. G. Randolph, C.B., anchored in the Roadstead. The fleet comprised the “Achilles,” 26 guns; “Hector,” 18; “Penelope,” 11; “Audacious,” 11; “Vanguard,” 14; “Black Prince,” 28; “Resistance,” 16; “Favourite,” 10; “Valiant,” 18; and the dispatch boat “Imogen.” In the whole squadron there were some 4,500 men, including about 1,500 coastguardsmen. The Admiral’s ship (“Achilles”) carried 750 men, had 40 furnaces, and when steaming at full speed consumed at the rate of 250 tons of coal a day.

Sept. 29th. The lugger “Bee” (formerly “Prima Donna”), belonging to Mr. T. Tyrrell, of this port, foundered about 60 miles abreast of Winterton.

Oct. 3rd. Destructive fire at the shop of Messrs. Leach Brothers, oilmen, &c., Market Place, which resulted in the almost entire destruction of the shop and stock-in-trade. Estimated loss, £1,000; property saved, value about £400.

Oct. 11th. Heavy gale. Loss of the schooner “Lucy,” belonging to Mr. R. Barber, of this port, on Whitby beach.

Oct. 14th. Sir E. H. K. Lacon, Bart., M.P., laid the first plate of the Gorleston tramway, which ceremony was celebrated by a banquet at the Town Hall in the evening.

Oct. 16th. Mr. J. Suffling’s smack “Humility” driven ashore in a gale north of Britannia Pier.

Oct. 17th. Terrible accident on the Great Eastern Railway near Kelvedon—18 people wounded and one killed, among the former being William Worship, Esq., of Yarmouth.

Oct. 26th. The schooner “Blyliam” foundered in the North Sea. Mr. Walter Haylett, master of the smack “Eclipse,” was subsequently awarded a silver medal and certificate of honour by the King of the Netherlands for rescuing the crew.

Oct. 29th and five following days. The sale of Mr. J. Owles’ collection of pottery and porcelain, at the Corn Hall, realised £4,738.

Oct. Mr. A. J. Rivett passed the minor examination of the Pharmaceutical Society.

Oct. The widow of Sir William J. Hooker died. This lady was the daughter of the late Mr. Dawson Turner, F.R.S., of Yarmouth, and mother of Dr. Hooker. She was married to Sir William in 1815.

Oct. The Rev. John Beazor, late of Yarmouth, appointed to the Rectory of Portland by the Bishop of Oxford. This rev. gentleman had for six years previously held the sole charge of Minster Lovell. (See March, 1863.)

Nov. to March, 1873. Pinder’s Royal Circus at Regent Hall.

Nov. 2nd. The lugger “Good Advice,” belonging to Mr. John Hart, of Gorleston, run down by a brig.

Nov. 11th to 17th. Heavy gains, the smacks “Coronella” and “Thomas and Edward” lost, and all hands (on the 12th), and Gorleston Pier was also damaged to the extent of £3,339.

Nov. 13th. Mr. A. E. Cowl, third son of Mr. Henry Cowl, passed his final examination prior to his admission as an attorney, at the Institute of the Incorporated Law Society, London.

Nov. 13th. Sudden death of Mr. S. C. Cooke, of Horstead, at the Thorpe Railway Station, aged 71. The deceased was a member of the Port and Haven Commission.

Nov. 26th. Captain John Garnham, R.N., died, aged 83. The deceased was 42 years a Magistrate for Suffolk, and was for some years a Lieutenant in the Royal Navy, and taken prisoner by the French in 1814, after which he returned to England.

Nov. 30th. The smack “Challenger,” reputed to be the largest built in Yarmouth, was launched from Messrs. Smith and Son’s yard.

Nov. Mr. F. J. Dowsett passed his final examination for an attorney at the Incorporated Law Society’s Hall, Chancery Lane.

Dec. 8th and for several days, a succession of gales. About 15 vessels in all foundered, and 100 shipwrecked mariners were received at the Sailors’ Home.

Dec. The Militia Depôt at Yarmouth offered to the Government at £12,500.

Dec. 21st 14,451 lasts of herrings delivered at the Fishwharf, as compared with 19,639 lasts for the corresponding period of 1871.


Jan. 3rd. Three men lost in the North Sea out of the smack “Peep o’ Day,” belonging to Mr. Jex.

Jan. 6th. Boiler explosion on board the s.s. “Druid,” seven miles off Yarmouth, resulting in the death of two men and serious injury to three others.

Jan. 8th. Great Yarmouth Licensed Victuallers’ Association established through the exertions of Mr. R. S. Steele.

Jan. 10th. The new building annexed to the Priory Schools for the accommodation of some 200 children, opened by the Mayor.

Jan. 20th. Dr. Lushington, judge, philanthropist, and politician, and late M.P. for Yarmouth, died at his seat near Ockham, aged 91 years.

Jan. 20th. Charles H. Chamberlin, Esq., Registrar of the Yarmouth County Court and Borough Coroner, died, aged 51 years.

Jan. 22nd. Mr. Blyth, of this port, and second mate of the “Northfleet,” lost in that ill-fated vessel, with over 300 passengers.

Jan. 27th. A halibut, 4 ft. 6 in. in length and weighing about five stone, caught near Yarmouth.

Jan. Henry John Walker, Esq., solicitor of Brompton, appointed to the Registrarship of the Yarmouth County Court. In March, 1875, resigned for a Registrarship in Southampton, and in Dec., 1876, District Registrar of High Court of Justice at Manchester.

Jan. A very handsome silver waiter presented to Alderman W. Laws by the teachers of St. Nicholas’ Sunday School, in token of their respect.

Feb. 1st. Mr. Holmes’s new smack “Serjeant Ballantine” launched from Mr. Mack’s shipyard.

Feb. 7th. Great Yarmouth and Eastern Counties’ Aquarium Company registered, with a capital of £50,000 in shares of £2 each. (See June 18th.)

Feb. 26th. The Rev. J. Partridge, formerly head master of the Yarmouth Preparatory Grammar School, Southtown, died at Thornbury, near Bristol, aged 46 years.

March 17th. Mr. George T. Watson, Superintendent of Sailors’ Home, presented with a handsome gold ring by the members of the Beachmen’s and Fishermen’s Friendly Society, as a memento of respect.

March 24th. The steam tug “Minnet” stranded on the North Sand at the mouth of the harbour.

March. The Rectory of Buckenham, Kent, conferred upon the Rev. William Cator, B.A., curate of St. Nicholas’ Church.

March 25th. The new brick-built reservoir at Gorleston, belonging to the Great Yarmouth Water Works Company, opened. It is 115 feet square inside; height from floor to roof, 16 ft., and holds 800,000 gallons of water, being, when full, 1½ feet from the top.

March. The Rev. Dr. Raven was presented with a handsome silver-plated coffee pot, teapot, cream jug, and sugar basin, by the pupils of the Yarmouth Grammar School as a mark of their esteem.

April 11th. Loss of the fishing smack “Vesper,” off the Holland coast; on 19th, in the North Sea, the dandy “Morgan;” and on 27th, the smack “Proctor.” Crews all saved.

April 13th (Easter Day). The new peal of bells at Gorleston Parish Church first rung out. These six bells were cast by Messrs. Mears and Hainbank, of Whitechapel, and presented to Gorleston by Miss C. Roberts, of Hersham, Esher. The tenor bell, weighing 10 cwt., is in the key of G, and has a chiming apparatus.

April 14th. John Owles, Esq., died at Great Yarmouth, aged 65 years. (See Feb., 1858, and Oct. 29th, 1872.)

April 17th. H. E. Buxton, Esq., and Captain John Gilbertson elected Churchwardens of the Parish Church. Stormy vestry meeting.

April 18th. The Rev. R. Shelley, Unitarian minister of Yarmouth, died at Newbury, Berks, aged 39 years.

April 24th. The Rev. H. R. Nevill, M.A., vicar of Yarmouth, formally installed a Canon of Norwich Cathedral. (See Jan. 25th, 1874.)

April 29th. The schooner “Margaret” sunk in the harbour whilst crossing the bar. She subsequently broke up, and the wreck and stores were sold for £40.

April. Bat.-Sergt.-Major E. Cooke, 1st N.A.V., presented with a massive electro-plated cup by T. Dawson, Esq.

May 1st and 2nd. Sir John Coode, E.C., visited Yarmouth to inspect and report upon the South Pier and Haven works, and on the 30th forwarded his report to the Port and Haven Commissioners. The estimated cost of improvements was put down by Sir John at £12,880.

May 3rd. Mr. James Mitchell died, in the 100th year of his age.

May 11th. Robert Palmer Kemp, Esq., J.P. for the Borough, and also for the County of Norfolk, died at Coltishall, aged 70 years.

May 12th. The Rev. J. W. Colvin, M.A., minister of St. Andrew’s Church, presented with a pair of handsome oak study candlesticks and a plated-chased biscuit caddy, by the Sunday School teachers, and members of the choir and Bible classes, as a memento of their kindly feeling towards him.

May 25th. Loss of the smack “Active” and three of her crew in the North Sea, by being run down by the steamer “Iris.” Value of smack, £1,000.

May 29th. John Fisher Costerton, Esq., J.P., of this Borough, died at Yarmouth, aged 88 years. (See 1841.)

May 30th. About 50 members of the Hon. Artillery Company came from Finsbury, London, to this town by rail, and marched from Yarmouth to Brundall—a distance of 14 miles—on the following morning, en route for Norwich.

June 7th. Three of the crew of the smack “Pioneer,” and one of the “Ethelwolf’s,” lost at sea whilst ferrying fish to the London carrying steamers.

June 12th. Rear-Admiral Spencer Smyth promoted to retired Vice-Admiral in her Majesty’s fleet. (See April, 1870.)

June 12th. Gorleston Parish Church opened by the Lord Bishop of Norwich, after its restoration.

June 18th. A resolution passed at a meeting of the Directors in London to dissolve the first Aquarium Company, the shares allotted being inadequate to carry out the project as designed. (See Feb. 7th.)

June 24th. The new smack “Daniel” launched from Mr. J. H. Fellows’ shipyard.

June. New Wesleyan school at Gorleston completed.

June. Six guns, weighing five tons each, and carrying shot and shell weighing 50, 71, and 78 lbs. respectively, landed at Yarmouth from Woolwich for the North and South batteries, in place of the old 68-pounders.

July 2nd. A young live seal, 2½ feet long, brought ashore by the crew of the smack “Flying Fish,”‘ who had captured it in the North Sea.

July 2nd. The Rev. W. Sumpter Beevor, senior curate of St. Nicholas’ Church, had the degree of M.A. conferred by the Trinity College, Dublin.

July. Mr. Arthur Vores passed his preliminary examination for the Fellowship of the College of Surgeons.

Aug. 16th. Mr. H. Jay elected to the office of Fishwharf Master, on the resignation of Mr. W. Capon.

Aug. A fine new fishing smack, “The Shah,” launched, also the “Falcon” and the “Albion.”

Aug. 26th. H.R.H. the Prince of Wales consented to become a patron of the Yarmouth Marine Regatta, and forwarded a cheque of £26 5s. through Sir Wm. Knollys for a competition prize.

Sept. 12th. The King of the Belgians’ superbly-fitted yacht, “Prince Baudoin,” put into Yarmouth harbour for coal previous to conveying his Majesty across the Channel from Dover to Ostend on the 16th.

Sept. 15th. The new smack “Mercy” launched from Messrs. Mack’s yard.

Sept. 25th. The will of Mrs. Jemima Bacon Ciocci, formerly the wife of Raffaelle Ciocci, late of Yarmouth, proved under £25,000.

Sept. 29th. A new steam tug, the “Star,” the property of the Star Steam Tug Company, launched from Messrs. Beeching’s shipyard. Length, 88 feet; width, 16 ft. 7 in.; depth, 9 ft. 9 in.; builders’ measurement, 113 tons; gross register, 88 tons, and cost over £2,000. Her lever engine of 45 h.p. was saved from the “Minnet.” (See March 24th.)

Sept. Shadingfield Lodge, the Royal residence during the Prince of Wales’ stay in Yarmouth, in June, 1872, purchased by S. Nightingale, Esq., for £3,000.

Oct. 1st. Destructive fire at the farm of Mr. T. W. Daniel, at Caister; damage over £1,000.

Oct. 1st. Loss of the s.s. “Whittington,” of Newcastle, with 400 tons of coal, on the Middle Cross Sand.

Oct. 7th. Three men lost belonging to the smack “Ellen,” whilst ferrying 29 packages of fish to the London carrying steamer, near the Dogger Bank.

Oct. 7th. R. Morgan, Esq., C.E., visited Yarmouth on behalf of the Local Government Board, and took evidence upon the matter of the Market Gates’ Improvement, for which a loan of £2,500 was required for 30 years. Sanction to the loan given.

Oct. 8th. The lugger “Young Charles” run down by the s.s. “Osborne,” off Smith’s Knowl (14 miles off Lowestoft), and the whole of her crew, 10 hands, unfortunately lost.

Oct. 10th. Demonstration of Freemasons at Yarmouth, on the opening of the Provincial Grand Lodge at the Hospital School by the Hon. F. Walpole, M.P., Deputy Provincial Grand Master of Norfolk.

Oct. 11th. The reputed fastest schooner yacht afloat, the “Livonia,” 128 tons burthen, and a crew of 16 hands, put into Yarmouth harbour.

Oct. 11th. Dr. James Borrett, late of Yarmouth, died at Clifton, near Bristol. His remains were interred in Castleton Churchyard.

Oct. 15th. The high lights on the N.E. corner of the Sailors’ Home, at an altitude of 60 ft. above high water, and the lower light on the Britannia Pier, at an elevation of 20 ft., used for the first time.

Oct. 23rd. The new smack “Livonia,” belonging to Messrs. Smith and Son, launched from their shipyard.

Oct. 24th. Inspector Berry resigned from the borough police force, having been unanimously chosen Chief Constable of Police for Gravesend out of 40 candidates for the appointment, at a stipend of £200 per annum. He entered on his new duties on Nov. 1st. (See Jan., 1865.)

Oct. 30th. A testimonial, comprising a gilt-framed document and a sealskin purse, containing £20, presented to Police-sergeant Brown by Captain Matthews, on behalf of 64 subscribers, as a mark of respect from the inhabitants of Gorleston.

Oct. Mr. W. M. Vores resigned the office of house-surgeon to the Yarmouth Hospital.

Oct. A memorial window, admirable in design and execution, placed in the Parish Church by the eminent surgeon, Sir James Paget, a native of Yarmouth, and brother of Professor Paget, in memory of his father and mother. Samuel Paget died in 1857, aged 83; Sarah Elizabeth Paget in 1848, aged 65. Twelve of their children rest within and near the church. (See June 15th, 1858.)

Oct. Henry E. Buxton, W. P. Brown, G. B. Palmer, J. H. Orde, A. D. Stone, and E. H. H. Combe, Esqs., appointed as Magistrates for the Borough by the Lord Chancellor of England. (See Jan., 1874.)

Nov. 3rd. A Local Government Board Inquiry opened by Inspector H. B. Farnall, Esq., at the Tolhouse Hall, and resulted in the ejection of three Liberal Guardians from the Board in Feb., 1874. This inquiry cost the town £187.

Nov. 10th. Disgraceful riot in Middlegate Street and at the Fishwharf with Sherringham fishermen. (See Jan. 12th, 1874.)

Nov. 18th. Thomas Baring, Esq., M.P., died at Fontmell Lodge, Bournemouth, aged 73 years. The deceased represented this Borough in Parliament in 1835.

Nov. 20th. Mr. R. S. Steele presented with a handsome tea and coffee service by the members of the Perseverance Lodge of Nottingham Order of Oddfellows, in recognition of his valuable services.

Nov. 27th. The Rev. J. W. Colvin, minister of St. Andrew’s, presented with a water-colour drawing by Mr. W. Platt; and on the following evening, by his congregation, a marble timepiece, set of bronze chimney ornaments and candlesticks, and a pair of salts, as souvenirs of their esteem, previous to his leaving Yarmouth. (See May 12th.)

Nov. 30th. Fire at the warehouse of Mr. J. Green, King Street, and damage done to the amount of about £15.

Dec. 10th. A gold Albert chain presented by the Yarmouth Bathing and Swimming Association to Mr. John Page, secretary, in acknowledgment of his kindness to the members.

Dec. 12th. Samuel Brock, better known as “Brock the swimmer,” died at Yarmouth, aged 70 years. (See Oct. 6th, 1835.)

Dec. 17th. Fire at the premises of Mr. W. Lawrie, manufacturer of vegetable black, ink, &c., and damage done to the extent of about £150.

Dec. 21st. 18,806 lasts of herring delivered at the Fishwharf, and sold at the average price of £11 10s., 4,000 lasts (equal to £46,000) in excess of the previous year’s catch.

Dec. The Rev. Dr. Gott appointed by the Queen to the Vicarage of Leeds.

Dec. The cutters “Brilliant,” “Diamond,” and “British Lion,” the property of Mr. I. Shuckford, sold to the Steam-Cutter Carrying Company, for £2,000.

The rateable value of the parish in 1873 was £84,600, of which sum £68,200 was apportioned to Yarmouth and the remaining £16,400 to Gorleston and Southtown, including Cobholm Island; and the Corporation was indebted to the extent of £29,522 for town improvements (including Regent Street and the Marine Parade). £14,000 out of the above was an old Paving Bond debt contracted in 1810 and 1851, which was being paid off at £100 a year.

Godfrey’s “Finger Post Guide to Yarmouth and its Norfolk and Suffolk Environs, embracing every object of Interest to Visitors,” (an illustrated work from the pen of W. F. Crisp) published.


Jan. 1st. Rev. D. W. Seppings, M.A., late minister of St. Andrew’s, Yarmouth, died, aged 37, at Bramley, Leeds, where he was for seven years the senior curate.

Jan. The Vicarage of Great Yarmouth vacated by the Rev. H. R. Nevill, and offered to the Rev. George Venables, S.C.L., four years the Vicar of St. Matthew’s, Leicester. (See Jan. 23rd, 25th, and Feb. 22nd.)

Jan. 1st. The screw smack “Pioneer,” built for the Steam Carrying Company, launched from Messrs. Fellows’ shipyard at Southtown. Dimensions—length of keel, 83 ft. 6 in.; 20 ft. beam; depth of hold, 10 ft., and capable of carrying 1,200 packages of fish. She made her first trial trip on the 24th, at a speed of six or seven knots an hour.

Jan. 1st. Richard Ferrier, Esq., brewer, died at Broughton, Chester, aged 51.

Jan. 3rd. William Maclean, Esq., for several years Secretary of H.M. Customs, died at Camberwell, Surrey, aged 78.

Jan. 5th. A. D. Stone, E. H. Combe, W. P. Brown, and G. B. Palmer, Esqs., sworn in as Magistrates before the Recorder. J. H. Orde and H. E. Buxton, Esqs., subsequently took the oaths of office.

Jan. 9th. The smack “William,” of this port, value £300, lost in a gale, and her crew saved by the smack “Rachel.”

Jan. 10th. Police-constable Layton bravely rescued a man and woman from the river opposite Queen Street. Another male and female fell over the quay-head on Jan. 15th, when Police-constable Green rendered good service.

Jan. 11th. Rev. J. B. Woolnough, the new minister of St. Andrew’s, preached his first sermon at this Church after his appointment.

Jan. Captain Gilbertson, Adjutant of N.A.M., appointed a Gentleman-at-Arms at Windsor Castle. He died on June 18th, 1870.

Jan. 12th. Six Sherringham fishermen convicted at a special Session, for creating, with others, a riot in the town.

Jan. H. Teasdel (Mayor) and E. H. H. Combe, Esqs., appointed trustees of the Southtown Road.

Jan. 13th. First meeting of Scientific Society at the Public Library.

Jan. 13th. John Godwin Johnson, Esq., late a member of the Yarmouth Port and Haven Commission for Norwich, died, aged 76. The deceased gentleman was Mayor of Norwich in 1855.

Jan. 18th. Mr. Frederick Diver, commander, Union Steam Shipping Company, died at Woolston, Southampton, aged 34. (See Jan. 9th, 1868.)

Jan. 23rd. A general holiday and day of rejoicing in celebration of the marriage of H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh to the Grand Duchess Marie of Russia; 200 gentlemen dining together at the Town Hall.

Jan. 23rd. Rev. Henry R. Nevill presented with a massive antique oak cabinet by the school teachers; and a handsome escritoire by the scholars of St. Andrew’s and Priory schools, as souvenirs.

Jan. 25th. Rev. H. R. Nevill preached his farewell sermon at the Parish Church. (See Dec., 1858.)

Jan. 25th. The Yarmouth sloop “Harriet” rundown by the steamer “Tanjore” off Chapman Head. Crew saved.

Jan. 26th. The first Aquarium Company liquidated, and the list of contributories settled.

Jan. 27th. James Curtis, one of the crew of the small river steamer “Alpha,” accidentally drowned on Breydon.

Jan. 27th. General Election. The Members for North Norfolk (Sir E. Lacon and the Hon. F. Walpole) issued an address to their constituency prior to the general election, but at the nomination at Aylsham on Jan. 31st there was no opposition to their return. (See Feb. 10th.)

Feb. 3rd. Rev. J. H. Rawdon, on leaving Yarmouth was presented, at the North-end Mission, with a biscuit basket and a chased-silver inkstand, as a mark of appreciation of his labours.

Feb. 4th. Messrs. H. Brand, J. Rivett, and W. T. Fisher, after an enquiry under Mr. H. B. Farnall, were unseated as guardians, in favour of Messrs. W. Laws, W. J. Foreman, and J. T. Bracey.

Feb. 6th. Mrs. H. Teasdel, the Mayoress, died at Southtown, aged 68.

Feb. 6th. Charles John, son of the late Charles John Moore, of Caister, killed by being thrown from his trap on Caister turnpike, aged 26.

Feb. 7th. The barque “Krona,” of Landskrona, with 2,364 quarters of oats, struck on Hasbro’ Sand and remained fast till the 9th.

Feb. 10th. Election of Members of Parliament for East Suffolk took place. Colonel Tomline (L) opposed Lord Mahon (C) and Lord Rendlesham (C); and the result of poll made known next day was:—Rendlesham, 4,136; Mahon, 3,896; Tomline, 3,014. Gorleston and Southtown polled 511, out of about 700 voters. (See May 30th, 1870, and Feb. 22nd, 1876.) The South Norfolk Election also took place on Feb. 10th.

Feb. 16th. The new smack “Reindeer” launched from Mr. Mack’s yard at Southtown.

Feb. 18th. Mr. R. W. Durrell, organist, presented with a handsome electro-plated sugar basin and a bottle by the members of the Gorleston Congregational Chapel choir as a memento of esteem.

Feb. 22nd. Rev. G. Venables, S.C.L., Vicar of Yarmouth, read himself in and preached his first sermons at the Parish Church, from (morning) 2 Tim. i. 13; (evening) Psalm xlviii. 12; before crowded congregations.

Feb. 24th. Rev. W. S. Beevor, assistant minister at St. Peter’s Church, presented, by 157 subscribers, with a silver inkstand, and a silver penholder with gold pen, by the Sunday School teachers and friends.

Feb. 25th. Meeting to dispose of the balance of the May Gale Fund. (See May 28th, 1860.) Statement of accounts: Subscriptions, £10,410 4s. 7d.; accumulated interest, £1,573 8s. 2d.; total, £11,983 15s. 9d. Paid in relief, £10,923 15s. 11d.; printing, &c., £779 6s. 9d. A mitigated balance of £50 or £60 was distributed among the remaining 44 widows and 22 children.

Feb. Two stained-glass windows placed in the south wall of Gorleston Church in memory of Mr. and Mrs. John Sayers Bell and Miss Jane Whaites, by their relatives.

March 2nd. James Crow, Esq., of Gorleston, died, aged 78.

March 6th. The result of the arbitration relative to the purchase by the Corporation of property for the Market Gates’ improvement received by the Town Clerk. The umpire’s award was £1,576.

March 10th. Excitable public meeting at the Town Hall to consider the abolition or retention of the annual Easter Fair. The latter chosen by a large majority.

March 10th. A fine otter caught two miles from Yarmouth, and subsequently made great havoc in the residence of Mr. S. J. F. Stafford, prior to that gentleman sending it to the Zoological Society, London.

March 18th. Mrs. Page, sister of the late Hales, the Norfolk giant, died in Yarmouth Workhouse. Deceased was 6 ft. 3 in. in height.

March 19th. The smack “Niobe,” and all hands, lost in the North Sea.

March 27th. The Rev. S. N. Vowler appointed chaplain of the Workhouse.

April 9th. Mr. Wm. Brogden, of Scarborough, appointed police detective and inspector by the Town Council, in place of Inspector Berry, resigned. Mr. Brogden entered on his duties in May, and was subsequently made chief constable. (See May 5th, 1881.)

April 14th. Seven smacks, late the property of Mr. Yaxley, sold by auction, and realised £1,597. On Dec. 29th, 1873, seven of Mr. W. Shuckford’s smacks realised £4,525 at an auction.

April 20th. The roof of Mr. Combe’s new malting premises at Southtown fell in, and resulted in killing two workmen and wounding three others.

April 21st. Another new steamtug, “Star,” launched from Mr. J. Beeching’s yard. Dimensions—length over all, 104 ft.; beam, 18 ft. 4 in.; depth, 9 ft. 6 in. Propelled by two engines, each 25 nominal horse power.

April 22nd. Thomas H. Palmer, Esq., of Norwich, eldest son of the late Nathaniel Palmer, Esq., who was formerly Recorder of Yarmouth, died, aged 58 years.

April 28th. Mr. B. M. Spanton, scripture reader, presented by 230 members and friends of the Market Mission with an eight-day timepiece, a purse of 9 guineas, and a morocco-bound book, for his zealous labours.

April 29th. The East Anglian Tramway Company summoned before the Magistrates and fined £5 for not keeping the Southtown Road in repair.

April 29th. Four smacks—the “Edgar,” “Ceres,” “Blue Jacket,” and “Mispah”—lost on the Dutch coast near Terschelling.

April 30th. John Thornhill Harrison, Esq., C.E., after an inquiry, this day decided that a provisional order would be issued by the Local Government Board for merging the district late under the jurisdiction of the Gorleston and Southtown Local Board into the Rural Sanitary District of the Mutford and Lothingland Incorporation.

May 4th. A lad named Everett Albert Parker thrown into a ditch at Flegg Burgh by four schoolboys and drowned.

May 8th. Mr. Samuel Linay, of Norwich (formerly a clerk in the office of the late John Lomas Cufaude, Esq., of Yarmouth, Clerk of the Peace), admitted an attorney and solicitor of the Court of Chancery, and subsequently catered into partnership with Wm. Sadd, Esq., of Norwich (to whom he served his articles)—firm, Sadd and Linay. The same year Mr. Linay was also appointed a Commissioner for taking oaths in the Superior Courts.

May 14th. Mr. F. W. Robinson resigned the office of Inspector of Weights and Measures (see Feb., 1857), and Mr. R. J. Buddery was appointed to the situation.

May 21st. Insubordination in the Gaol, and conspiracy to kill a warder.

May 27th. Mrs. Cator, wife of the Rev. Wm. Cator, and daughter of Lady Elizabeth Orde, died at Beckenham, Kent.

May 31st. The Mayor’s new robe first worn in public. It was purchased by the Corporation, and is made of flowered scarlet silk.

May 31st. Rev. Jas. Smith, B.A., eldest son of J. C. Smith, Esq., M.D., died, aged 57.

May. Mr. C. F. Laws passed his final examination for an attorney.

June 10th. The brigantine “Good Design,” of this port, lost off the Spurn. Crew saved.

June 11th. The Great Yarmouth Provisional Order Port and Haven Bill confirmed in the House of Commons.

June 11th. A deputation from Yarmouth waited upon the President of the Local Government Board (the Right Hon. Sclater-Booth) in London, respecting the “trickery” resorted to in the Election of Guardians, and urged a remedy.

June 13th. The brig “Eleanor,” of Yarmouth, collided with the barque “Belle Vue,” and was dismasted.

June 24th. Mr. J. E. Bales entertained at the Rose to a luncheon by his friends on the attainment of his 80th birthday. (See March 27th, 1876.)

June 25th. The “Refuge,” a model floating battery 40 ft. long, and in the form of two oblongs crossed like a star, with a sliding keel, water-tight compartments, &c., left the Roadstead for Shields.

June 30th. A massive and elaborately-chased silver salver and a sum of money presented by the parishioners to Archdeacon Nevill, in token of esteem. (See Jan. 23rd and 25th.)

June. Messrs. P. Chamberlin and J. S. Clowes, jun., passed examinations for attorneys. The latter died in 1884.

July 2nd. Mr. Shadrake, master of the Gorleston National Schools, presented with a gold watch and chain and a purse of 20 guineas, as a memento of esteem.

July 16th. Mr. Edward Morgan saved the life of George Daudy while bathing, and the 26th of Oct. received the Humane Society’s award on vellum for his courageous conduct.

July 22nd. A comet visible at Yarmouth for several days previous to this date. Its reputed distance from the earth was 27,000,000 miles.

July 27th. The Rev. J. Upjohn, M.A., of Queen’s College, Cambridge, for many years vicar of Gorleston, died in London.

July 30th. Rents first demanded by the Corporation for stalls on the beach, and subsequently for music-stands, chairs, &c.

July 31st. The smack “Elizabeth and Mary” launched from Messrs. Fellows’ yard.

Aug. 3rd. A new Primitive Methodist Temple, Priory Plain, to accommodate 1,100 persons—on the site of a Chanel built in 1850—decided upon at a public meeting and luncheon held this day. (See June 22nd, 1875.)

Aug. 10th to 24th. Local Government Board Inquiry, relative to the election of Guardians in St. George’s and Regent Wards in the previous April, was opened at the Tolhouse Hall, before George Taylor, Esq. Mr. J. H. Norman was subsequently unseated in favour of Mr. I. Preston, jun. (Regent), and Mr. W. J. Foreman gained the seat for St. George’s.

Aug. 20th. H.R.H. the Duke of Connaught, accompanied by two or three officers of the 7th Hussars, paid an unexpected visit to Yarmouth; and again on Aug. 28th, and proceeded to Lowestoft on the following day. He was entertained here by the Hon. Courtenay Boyle, in apartments at No. 3, Kimberley Terrace.

Aug. 23rd. Mr. Saml. Durrell, many years assistant overseer of Gorleston and Southtown, died, aged 82.

Aug. 27th. The Royal Assembly Rooms sold by auction to Mr. Henry W. Ulph for £2,050, and since then to the officers of the P.W.O. Royal Artillery. (See Jan. 1st, 1863.)

Sept. 4th. The dead body of a newly-born babe found on the river-side ridge of the Bridge, but how it came there was never traced out.

Sept. 10th. The never-to-be-forgotten appalling Thorpe railway accident, in which the Yarmouth night mail collided with the Norwich down train, and resulted in the death of 27 persons, besides wounding 50 others.

Sept. 16th. Sergt.-Major Hanlon, E.N.M., (on his retiring from the service after 22 years,) presented with a chaste silver tea-service and silver inkstand by Sir E. Lacon, Bart., M.P., and the officers and non-commissioned officers of his regiment, at the Town Hall.

Sept. 19th. The new three-masted schooner “Eunice” launched from Messrs. Fellows and Son’s yard. Dimensions—156 ft. over all; beam, 24 ft.; depth of hold, 13 ft.; registered tonnage, 260 tons.

Sept. 20th. The war ships “Northumberland,” “Sultan,” and “Monarch” anchored in the Roads, but left again on the 23rd.

Sept. 23rd. Lieut. F. A. Newington, R.M.L.I., of H.M.S. “Sultan,” after leaving a ball at the Town Hall, jumped into the river and rescued from drowning two women who had fallen overboard while in the act of landing from the steamtug “Victoria,” at 3.30 a.m. A public subscription amounting to £47 5s. 6d. was afterwards got up, and Mr. Newington was presented with a breach-loading gun, value £34, and an illuminated testimonial, for his bravery; on Nov. 17th he was also presented with a sword by the officers of his ship.

Oct. 1st. First annual meeting of the Young Men’s Christian Association held at the Town Hall.

Oct. 7th. Sir Thos. W. B. Proctor Beauchamp, Bart., died at Langley Park, aged 59.

Oct. 18th. The Rev. T. Allnut, after eight years’ ministration in Gorleston, preached his farewell sermons at St. Andrew’s Church, in that Parish. On May 14th, 1875, was instituted to the Rectory and Parish Church of Stibbard, Norfolk.

Oct. 19th. The smack “Alert,” of this port, run into by the full-rigged ship “Edith,” in the North Sea, and foundered. Two hands were drowned.

Oct. 20th. Mr. W. J. Lincoln appointed Town Hall keeper in place of Mr. G. Harvey, resigned.

Oct. 29th. The settlement of the Rev. Arthur Peaton, as Unitarian Minister at the Old Meeting, Middlegate Street, in the place of the late Rev. R. Shelley, decided by a public meeting.

Oct. H. R. Harmer, Esq., captured, on Hoveton Broad, a pike 8 ft. 1 in. in length, and weighing 15 lbs. It was presented to the Mayor.

Oct. The Misses Pearson and MacLaughlin received the War Medal granted by the Emperor of Germany. (See Sept., 1870.)

Nov. 7th. The Lowestoft, Yarmouth, and Southtown Tramway Company wound up by order of the Master of the Rolls.

Nov. 9th. C. C. Aldred, Esq., elected an Alderman, in the place of W. Laws, Esq., resigned.

Nov. 11th. Mr. William Webb passed his final examination before the Incorporated Law Society as an attorney and solicitor.

Nov. 12th. N. G. Barthropp, Esq., died, aged 60.

Nov. 16th. Mr. R. S. Steele presented with a handsome marble timepiece and a purse of three guineas by the Forester Brotherhood (Court Crown and Anchor), in appreciation of services as secretary.

Nov. 27th. The tenders of Mr. Davey (£276) and Messrs. Warner and Loup, of Ipswich (£688), for constructing a hot-water apparatus at the Workhouse, were accepted by the Guardians.

Nov. 29th. The fishing boat “William and Charles” lost off Winterton.

Dec. 11th. The smack “Rosa” came ashore in a gale near the Britannia Pier, where she became a total wreck. The crew were saved.

Dec. 14th. James Morris Hill, Adjutant 1st Administrative Brigade N.A.V., and late Major Military Train, died at Southtown, aged 51, and was interred with military honours in Gorleston churchyard. Deceased served in the Kaffir war in 1845, and received subsequently several marks of honour for his services abroad.

Dec. 17th. Mr. Edward Smyth, eldest son of the late E. H. L. Preston, Esq., died at Seaford, aged 37.

Dec. 17th. The Right Hon. Lord George John Sondes (4th baron), Lord High Steward of the Borough for 20 years, and also Deputy-Lieut. and J.P. for the County, died at Elmham Hall, Norfolk, aged 80, and his remains interred in Elmham Churchyard.

Dec. 21st. 17,724 lasts of herrings landed dining the season at the Fishwharf.

Dec. 23rd. The dandy cutter “Ben Nevis” foundered in Hollosley Bay. Crew saved.

Dec. The smack “Ace of Trumps” launched from Messrs. Hastings’ yard.

Dec. About 12 acres of Corporation land on the South Denes accepted by the Government at £100 per acre, for making Yarmouth a Military Depôt Centre, but was never established. (See Nov., 1875.)

Dec. The removal of the Parish Church organ to the north and south aisles of the chancel, estimated to cost £1,000.

The returns of the weight of fish carried from Yarmouth by the Great Eastern Railway this year were 27,517 tons, as against 20,399 tons in 1860; 27,222 in 1861; 28,346 in 1862; 31,947 in 1863; 34,432 in 1864; 22,764 in 1869; 26,894 in 1870; 31,898 in 1871; 27,400 in 1872; and 27,864 in 1878. The railway books containing the returns from 1865 to 1868 were destroyed by fire.


Jan. 4th. The closing of the Gaol and sending all prisoners to Norwich, by order of the Home Secretary, reported.

Jan. 5th. Mr. R. W. Durrell, organist, presented with a silver watch by the Gorleston Congregationalists, in recognition of his services; and on the 27th, Mr. and Mrs. Durrell were presented with an electro-plated cream jug and a pair of sugar tongs, as the remaining articles required to complete a previously-subscribed service.

Jan. 7th and 8th. Two consecutive explosions of oxygen gas, used in the pantomime of Ali Baba, took place at the Theatre Royal, but little damage was done to the building.

Jan. 8th. Board of Trade Inquiry at the Police Court into the circumstances attending the stranding and abandonment of the oak-built brigantine “Effort” on the 23rd of Dec. last. The vessel (160 tons register) was built at Yarmouth in 1830, and had at the time of her abandonment on the Cross Sand 120 tons of coal on board.

Jan. 11th. Jas. Cobb, Esq., solicitor, died, aged 84.

Jan. 13th. Mr. Joseph Fleming Neave, a late member of the Town Council, died at the age of 59.

Jan. 18th. The new St. Andrew’s Hall at Gorleston opened by the then Mayor (R. D. Barber, Esq.) at a public entertainment. This hall, built by a company, and situate in Now Street, is 60 ft. long by 40 ft. wide. It was sold to Mr. Bellamy in 1884.

Jan. 19th. The schooner “Shamrock,” of this port, struck on Scroby Sand, and subsequently foundered. Value of the vessel and cargo, £500.

Jan. 19th. Sir E. H. K. Lacon, Bart., M.P., elected by the Corporation to the office of High Steward in the place of the late Lord Sondes. A counter proposal that the Marquis of Salisbury, D.C.L., Secretary of State for India, be appointed, was negatived by 22 to 4.

Feb. 1st. Stormy meeting at Town Hall on the question of the School Board formation, and subsequently many other public meetings in various parts of the borough.

Feb. 16th. First election of a School Board for Yarmouth, and though 26 gentlemen were nominated, but 24 went to the poll, the greatest excitement being manifested as to the returns, which were published the next morning, as follows:—S. J. F. Stafford, 3,975; G. Baker, 3,149; D. Tomkins, 2,672; Rev. A. Peaton, 2,615; C. H. S. Geake, 2,411; J. Bracey, 2,131; T. P. Burroughs, 2,060; R. E. Dowson, 2,041; J. W. de Caux, 1,884; E. P. Youell, 1,858; and J. H. Orde, 1,827. The total number of persons polled was 9,901, and the votes given 39,295. The above gentlemen were elected for three years. (See May 28th.) On Mr. Burroughs resigning in 1876, Mr. H. E. Buxton took his seat.

Feb. 23rd. Four of Messrs. Watling and Son’s vessels sold by auction, and realised the following prices:—“Mary,” £890; “Isis,” £390; “Kate,” £385; and “John Wrey,” £340.

Feb. 24th. The schooner “Jessie Brown,” of this port, stranded on Scroby, but her cargo of 1,425 bags of flour (16 st. each) kept the vessel afloat.

Feb. F. D. Palmer, Esq., elected a Vice-President of the Legal Practitioners’ Society, London.

March 1st. First meeting of the School Board held at the Tolhouse Hall. Mr. J. H. Orde elected chairman, and Mr. D. Tomkins vice-chairman for three years.

March 2nd. Messrs. Massey and Norton obtained consent to a lease from Michaelmas, 1876, for 999 years, of a piece of ground north of the Britannia Pier—430 ft. by 100 ft.—for the purpose of making an Aquarium, &c., at an estimated cost of £60,000, which was confirmed by the Council on the 9th.

March 2nd. Action at the Police Court—Board of Trade v. Mr. Garson Blake—to recover costs for surveying the “True Blue,” £24 18s. Judgment for the Crown with costs.

March 2nd. Mr. Francis Sutton, of Norwich, appointed by the Council as a public analyst for the borough.

March 9th. Heavy gale and serious loss of life and property. The schooner “Elizabeth” and all hands lost near the Barber Sand.

March 19th. The brig “Tweedside” and the iron brig “Robert Anderson” collided in St. Nicholas’ Gat, causing the former to founder. Crew saved.

March 25th. The Yarmouth and Gorleston Tramway opened to the public by the Mayor, and a luncheon afterwards given at the Star Hotel, in celebration of the event.

March 25th. Number of wherries registered with the Norfolk Port and Haven Commissioners during the past year was 112, of the total burthen of 1,963 tons, being an increase of 93 tons on the year.

March 25th. From this date to June 14th, the total number of passengers conveyed by the tram cars to and from Gorleston was 95,912.

March 27th. The brig “Thirteen,” of Sunderland, struck on the Cross Sand in a heavy sea, and both vessel and cargo, value £1,100 and £350 respectively, foundered. The crew were gallantly rescued by the Caister lifeboatmen.

March. The Rev. E. M. Sanderson, M.A., senior curate of the Parish, presented by the Lord Chancellor to the living of Weston St. Mary, near Spalding, worth £300 a year.

April 1st. The “Ernestine,” a full-rigged Dutch East-Indiaman, of 1,296 tons, with a crew of 27 hands, and having 2,000 tons of coal on board, struck on Hasbro’ Sands, but was got off by the aid of five tugs and another steam vessel the next day, after 800 tons of coal had been thrown overboard. Value of ship and cargo, £7,162. On June 24th the Admiralty Court awarded £1,800., i.e., £1,000 to beachmen and £800 to steamers.

April 2nd. Mr. C. H. Wiltshire selected Clerk to the School Board, out of ten candidates nominated.

April 5th. Last meeting held in the old Primitive Methodist Chapel, Priory Plain. (See Sept., 1850.)

April 8th. Bradwell Church (St. Nicholas’) re-opened after £750 had been expended in restoring the fabric and interior fittings. This church, dating from the 14th century, consists of nave, north and south aisles, chancel, south porch, and round tower at west end.

April 9th. Mr. William Laws, after serving as a Guardian of the Poor for 25 years, retired from the Board, at the age of three score and ten.

May 1st. The smack “Harkaway” lost on the Barber Sand. Value £600.

May 7th. A paper balloon sent up at the Crystal Palace at Sydenham, fell at Belton same evening.

May 18th. Contracts for enclosing additional ground to New Cemetery, amounting to £3,086—viz., brickwork, £2,230, stone-work, £286, palisading, &c., £520—accepted by the Corporation, the work to be completed by 29th Sept. (See June 9th, 1875, and Sept. 7th, 1876.)

May 18th. The whaling ship “Labrador,” from the Arctic Seas, anchored in the Roadstead.

May 20th. Mr. G. W. Bond, of Pulham, Norfolk, was elected House Surgeon at the Great Yarmouth Hospital; vice Dr. Murrell, resigned.

May 20th. The foundation stone of the new Baptist Tabernacle on the Lowestoft Road, at Gorleston, laid by J. Edwards, Esq., of London. The building, of ornamental brick, cost about £600, and will accommodate 800 persons.

May 28th. The Returning Officer’s account for the newly-appointed School Board was £220 11s. 7d., but the Educational Department finally decided (Sept.) that £178 9s. 2d. was sufficient.

May. Petition forwarded to the Commissioners of Charities for England and Wales against the appointment of new Charity Trustees for this town, but on June 7th there was an excitable meeting at the Town Hall, called “for the purpose of considering the present position of the Children’s Hospital and other local charities, and the nomination of new trustees in conjunction with the existing five trustees—Sir E. H. K. Lacon, Bart., M.P., and C. C. Aldred, B. Jay, W. Johnson, and J. Palmer, Esqs.” July 28th, the Commissioners “concurred in the annual publication of local charity accounts,” and thought 15 trustees sufficient. In July, 1876, the Charity Commissioners appointed them as follows: The Vicar (for the time being), and W. Worship, R. S. Watling, T. B. Steward, H. E. Buxton, R. H. I. Palgrave, J. Bracey, C. H. Wiltshire, W. J. Foreman, and T. P. Burroughs, Esqs.

June 8th and 9th. Frank Buckland, Esq., Inspector of Salmon Fisheries, held an inquiry at the Town Hall, as to “the state of the crab, lobster, and other sea fisheries along this coast, with a view of preserving them for the future.” On Nov. 16th, 1863, Commissioners Caird, M.P., Lefevre, M.P., and Dr. Huxley held an inquiry here on the same subject, but saw no reason for legislative measures.

June 9th. The memorial stone of the new Cemetery laid by the Mayor. (See May 18th.)

June. The total cost of pauperism last year was—out-relief, £2,855, in-maintenance, £2,131—total, £4,986. For the previous year, £5,272. East and West Fleggs for first-named period, £855.

June 14th. Mr. Edward Owen (37), a native of Shrewsbury, schoolmaster and local preacher, in travelling from Yarmouth to Gorleston, accidentally fell while in the act of jumping from a tram-car in which he was riding, and the injuries received resulted fatally. Deceased had resided in Gorleston for six years. A public subscription of £100 was raised for his widow and four children.

June 15th. Two new smacks—“Albatross” and “Terrier”—launched from Messrs. Beechings’ shipyard.

June 22nd. The four chief stones of the Temple, Priory Plain, laid by Messrs. J. Riches, F. Salmon, J. W. Neave, and A. J. N. Chamberlin. A tea for 1,000 persons was served in the Drill Hall, and a public meeting held in the King Street Congregational Chapel. (See Aug. 3rd, 1874.)

June 22nd. The principal stone of the Walrond Smack-Boys’ Home laid by Vice-Admiral Sir John Walter Tarleton, K.C.B., Commander-in-Chief of Her Majesty’s Naval Reserve. The promoter (Rev. A. T. Walrond) died on Oct. 2nd, 1873, but the family raised £1,000 toward the building fund. (See Feb. 15th, 1876.)

June 23rd. The marriage between the Rev. E. M. Sanderson, M.A., and Miss Eveline Mary Venables (only daughter of the Vicar of this parish) solemnized with much festivity.

June 24th. The Yarmouth Gaol, after this date, to be used only as a lock-up for prisoners on remand, by order of the Home Secretary.

June 28th. Colour-Sergeant Chipperfield presented, at the New Royal Standard Tavern, with a marble timepiece by the officers and men of the D Company of Rifle Volunteers, as a memento of their esteem on his retirement and promotion to the office of Paymaster-Sergeant, after 15 years’ service.

June 29th. Mr. Hitchman Hammond, a late member of the Town Council, died, aged 46 years.

June 30th. Smack “William and Ann” launched from the yard of Messrs. S. K. Smith and Sons.

June 30th. The opening of St. Andrew’s Church, Gorleston, after its complete restoration, was commemorated by a full choral service and sermons by the Rev. George Venables, S.C.L., and the Rev. — Gibson, of Lound. The new pulpit was the gift of E. W. Bell, Esq.

June. Mr. E. W. Worlledge, solicitor (second son of John Worlledge, Esq., County Court Judge of this district, and Chancellor of the Diocese), appointed joint Registrar of Yarmouth County Court.

June. Dr. Macleod, of Yarmouth Naval Hospital, promoted to the rank of Inspector-General of Hospitals and Fleets; and Sub-Lieut. F. C. N. Knox to Lieut. in 2nd or East Norfolk Regiment.

July 6th. Full choral service held at the Parish Church at the re-opening of the fine old organ, after being removed, thoroughly repaired, and additional stops added by Messrs. Bishop and Son, of London. (See 1733, Jan. 25th, 1869, and Feb. 23rd, 1870.) The organ is now divided into two parts, and placed in the Chancel 60 ft. apart. They contain 280 motor, and the same number of pneumatic tubes for conveying the wind to the manuals, supplied by two low and one high pressure bellows. The number of stops is 48, and of sounding pipes about 3,100, viz., Great Organ CC to G, 56 notes 17 stops; Swell Organ CC to G, 17 stops; Choir Organ CC to G, 10 stops; north Pedal Organ CCC to F, 30 notes; south Pedal CCC to F, 30 notes; 7 couplers and 10 composition pedals.

July 13th. Mr. A. J. B. Howes’ tender of £385 accepted by the Corporation for erecting the Fish Wharf master’s house; the same contractor on Aug. 17th was appointed to alter the Refreshment Depôt at the Fish Wharf, at the cost of £145.

July 17th. A horse belonging to Mr. H. H. Gambling backed into the river near the Bridge, and was drowned.

July. The Norfolk Militia Artillery received the honour of being called “The Prince of Wales’ Own Regiment of Norfolk Artillery Militia,” H.R.H. the Prince of Wales being the Hon. Colonel.

July 19th. Richard Mann, Esq., died at Ditchingham, Suffolk, aged 72. Deceased was a County Magistrate and a member of the Port and Haven Commission for Suffolk. Mr. James Peto, of Lowestoft, was elected in Oct. a Commissioner in place of the above-named gentleman.

July 22nd. Public meeting at the Town Hall on the question of establishing an Aquarium at Yarmouth and for obtaining local co-operation in the project. A committee of 17 gentlemen was appointed. It was subsequently published that the capital required was £100,000, to be raised in shares of £5 each. The cost of the whole building would be £75,000, leaving £25,000 not called up. The Aquarium and Skating Rink would cost about £23,000, and a public hall to hold 3,000 people—194 ft. by 60 ft.—£30,000. (See March 2nd, Oct. 9th, and Nov. 3rd.)

July 24th. The French gunboat “Cuvier” with four guns and crew of 75 hands, put into Yarmouth Roadstead.

July 28th. Rev. T. W. Harrison, late of Yarmouth, instituted to the vicarage of Christ Church, Luton, Beds, by the Lord Bishop of the Diocese.

July 30th. A hoax, resembling somewhat the evergreen Cromer hoax of Sept. 2nd, 1868, apparently perpetrated. On the first occasion, large bills were previously posted over the town, representing that on this eventful day “a fine commodious steamer,” with every comfort and convenience, named the “Isis,” from London, would take excursionists on a day’s pleasure to Cromer and back, at the reasonable charge of 2s. 6d. a head. Tickets to be procured before Wednesday, the 2nd. About £14 worth—i.e. 112—were disposed of, and the money handed over to the “enterprising swindler.” Intending passengers waited long and patiently on the Jetty and Beach on the morning in question, but the steamer never came to view, and our townspeople retired home the wiser for their bought experience. On a later occasion, however, a steamer did go to Cromer, but left some 40 or 50 of her passengers to get home as best they could overland, owing to a heavy sea running.

July. Dr. Hubert Airy visited Yarmouth, by order of the Local Government Board, to enquire into the cause of zymotic diseases then prevalent. He issued his report with numerous suggestions in Nov.

Aug. 2nd. The barque “Ponda Chief,” named after a Kaffir tribe in Africa, one of the finest vessels ever built in Yarmouth, and the longest by some six or eight ft., launched from Messrs. Fellows’ ship-yard. Dimensions—140 ft. long, 28 ft. beam, 14 ft. 6 in. deep, and 416 tons register. A luncheon was afterwards given at the Crown and Anchor.

Aug. 3rd. (Regatta day.) The armour-plated corvette “Favorite,” of 2,094 tons and 400-horse power, got on Scroby Sand, but came off with the flood tide.

Aug. 10th. The War Department applied for additional ground, 2a. 3r. 0p., for the Military Centre Depôt, on the South Denes, at £100 per acre, but it was decided by the Council (Aug. 17th) not to dispose of the land for less than £500 for the two acres.

Aug. 11th. The new carrier-cutter “Flower of the Fleet” launched from Messrs. S. K. Smith and Son’s yard.

Aug. 17th. The Council were apprised by a letter from the Lord Chancellor’s Secretary, that Henry Teasdel, John Bracey, Robert Veale, and Robert Henry Inglis Palgrave, Esqs., had been appointed Justices of the Peace for the Borough.

Aug. 31st. An extraordinary race horse named Skardo jumped over the iron railings in front of the Town Hall, dashed into an iron gate, which was carried away, then crossing the garden to the south side in its mad career, knocked down the two entrance-gates; also several feet of iron railings across the road, but the force of the blow against the wall of Messrs. Fenner and Suffling’s office overpowered the animal. It has since won several races, and the fame of Skardo (alias Iron Duke) will be handed down to posterity among the wonders of the past.

Aug. 31st. Collision in the Tyne between the steamer “Glanabanta,” of Newcastle, and the schooner “Second Adventure,” of Lynn, the latter being sunk and the crew drowned. (See Jan. 23rd, 1876.)

Aug. 31st. Messrs. G. T. Clough and J. Bonnick accomplished, on bicycles, the journey from London to Yarmouth, 122 miles, in 17½ hours, or 12¼ hours exclusive of the 5¼ hours they stopped for refreshments. They left Bow at 4 a.m., and arrived here at 9.30 p.m. The same two gentlemen on Sept. 3rd completed 120 miles homeward in 11h. 55m., exclusive of 4h. 25m. stoppage.

Sept. 3rd. The cost for purchasing property and widening the Market Gates, up to this date, was £1,446 4s.; £1,400 being borrowed at 4 per cent. on mortgage of the General District Rates.

Sept. 6th. The new smack “Huntsman” launched from Mr. H. Critten’s yard. Length, 55 ft. over all; depth of hold, 7 ft. 4 in.; beam, 16 ft. 8 in.

Sept. 9th. The new organ in St. George’s Park (Baptist) Chapel opened. The instrument, built by Mr. W. C. Mack, contains 318 pipes, and one row of manuals, 54 notes, from CC to F, and 1½ octave of German pedals, from CCC to F. Five stops are in general swell. The cost, including alterations in fixing, was £200. (See Aug. 8th, 1872.)

Sept. 20th. Revs. W. J. Blake and H. J. Bode, B.A., were licensed as curates for Yarmouth, the Revs. R. V. Barker and E. R. Adams being about to be removed. (See Oct. 29th.)

Sept. 26th. One boat brought in 1,600 mackerel caught off the coast, which sold at 2d. each.

Sept. 28th. The deliveries of herrings up to this date far below those of last year and less than in 1873.

Sept. 30th. The body of a male child discovered in a rain-water cistern, after five or six months, on the premises of D. Meadows, Esq., surgeon, King Street, which was subsequently proved to have been illegitimate, and concealed by a maid-servant.

Oct. 7th. The Rev. Samuel Hurst, of Southtown, died very suddenly at Corton, near Lowestoft, aged 80. The deceased gentleman was much esteemed for his liberality to local charities.

Oct. 9th. A dead porpoise, weighing 70lbs., found on Breydon, and sold for 1s. to a smacksman.

Oct. 9th. The foundation-stone of the Aquarium laid by Lord Suffield, the ceremony being attended by the Mayor and other members of the Corporation, and a large concourse of spectators. The band of the P.W.O. Norfolk Militia Artillery played at intervals. A luncheon was afterwards spread at the Town Hall, to which about 100 gentlemen sat down, including the Mayor (R. D. Barber, Esq.) and Deputy-Mayor; Lord Suffield, Hon. F. Walpole, M.P., Colonel Duff, and the officials of the Aquarium Society. (See Sept. 5th, 1876.)

Oct. 10th. The smack “Notre Dame,” of this port, lost in a gale about 10 miles S. W. of the Newark lightship. Crew saved.

Oct. 10th. The smack “Vixen” lost three hands whilst ferrying fish to a steamer.

Oct. 14th. The Baptist Tabernacle at Gorleston opened. It is of white brick, and of the Italian order. The interior measures 57 ft by 31 ft. (See May 20th.)

Oct. 17th and 23rd. Very heavy gales. The barque “Young England,” of Middlesbro’, struck on the Cockle Sand and foundered (on the 20th), and 12 out of a crew of 17 were unfortunately drowned.

Oct. 21st. The trawler “Surf” launched from Messrs. Beeching’s yard. Dimensions—Length, 66 ft.; beam, 18½ ft.; depth of hold, 8½ ft.

Oct. 22nd. Captain William Bugg, of the schooner “Eliza Jane,” and his wife, walked over the quay-head near the Gorleston Ferry, in the dark, and were drowned, and a third person had a narrow escape.

Oct. 23rd. The brigantine “Saucy Jack,” belonging to Mr. G. Blake, of this port, run ashore opposite the Coastguard Station, and became a total wreck. The vessel was built in 1841, and valued at £500. Wreckage sold for £38.

Oct. A handsome specimen of the Maigre (Sciæna aquila) caught off Yarmouth. The fish was 4 ft. 9 in. long, and weighed 75 lbs. It is a Mediterranean fish, and seldom caught on the English coast.

Oct. 27th. Public meeting in the Town Hall to consider the projected Railway from Yarmouth to Stalham, at a cost of £70,000, the land alone being calculated to cost £13,000. The total length of the light line to be 22 miles, and pass through and near to 37 parishes. On Nov. 9th the Council accorded their approval of the whole scheme.

Oct. 27th. Captain William Swann Stanford, five years pier-master of this port, and eight years previously harbour-master, died suddenly at Gorleston.

Oct. 29th. Sale of six smacks by auction, late the property of Mr. R. Galleway, realised £3,105.

Oct. 29th. The Rev. E. R. Adams presented with a case of four elegant silver salt stands, by the congregation of St. Andrew’s; and on Nov. 1st was presented with a pair of silver fish carvers in morocco leather case, by the Sunday School Teachers.

Oct. 29th. Charles Diver, Esq., tendered his resignation as Town Clerk of the Borough. (See Nov. 30th and Dec. 16th.)

Nov. 3rd. Gallant lifeboat services rendered by the Caister beachmen. The brigantine “Harmston” lost on the Middle Cross Sand, but the crew of seven, who were in the rigging for several hours during a very heavy sea, were ultimately hauled through the surf to the lifeboat and saved. Up to 1874 the Caister boatmen, about 40 in number, had launched their boats on 122 occasions, and had rescued 541 lives. A public subscription was opened in Nov. through the exertions of the Misses Morton. (See Dec. 25th.)

Nov. 3rd. At a general meeting of the Shareholders of the Yarmouth Aquarium Society (Limited), held in London, Lord Suffield, K.C.B., Colonel Edward Money, and T. A. Masey, I. Strutt, and J. H. Orde, Esqs., were appointed the Executive Committee of Directors. It was stated at this meeting that the contractors, Messrs. Chas. Aldin and Sons, offered to take shares to the amount of £20,000, and that the contemplated outlay up to the date of opening would be about £35,000. In July the subscriptions amounted to £21,865.

Nov. 7th. Thirty-five large sound codfish captured in the Roadstead with hook and line by two men.

Nov. 9th. First school under the School Board opened at the Oddfellows’ Hall, Gorleston; on Nov. 26th the Yarmouth Temporary Grammar School was hired; and in Jan., 1877, the new Cobholm Island and Gorleston Schools were opened.

Nov. 11th. A conveyance made out to Her Majesty’s principal Secretary of State for the War Department of land and hereditaments situate on the South Denes for the purpose of a Military Depôt Centre, and release of certain rights. Purchase money, £1,635, was sealed by the Committee. (See Dec., 1874.)

Nov. 11th. Heavy rainfall; no less than 120 tons per acre fell in 24 hours.

Nov. 13th. Frederic Graham Lacon, late of the 17th Regiment of Foot, of Tharston, Norfolk, only son of John Edmund Lacon, Esq., died at Madeira, aged 26 years.

Nov. 13th. Sir E. H. K. Lacon, Bart., M.P.’s, brougham overturned near the Workhouse, the horse having become frightened and bolted, and although the coachman was much hurt, the baronet escaped with only a severe shaking.

Nov. 14th. Floods and much destruction of property throughout the country. There were 18 feet of water on the bar at our harbour, i.e., 9 feet more than the usual flood. The schooner “Elizabeth and Susan,” of this port, was lost off the Humber, and much damage done to fishing craft and shipping generally.

Nov. 17th. Mr. H. Stonex, organist of the Parish Church, presented, in the Record Room of the Town Hall, with a purse of £81, subscribed by the parishioners of the town as a token of respect.

Nov. 19th and 20th. Very heavy gale and serious loss of life and property. The schooner “Wild Wave” (95 tons), of Sunderland, laden with 600,000 bottles, run on to Caister beach (after fouling with the Cockle lightship) and two hands—master and boy—were washed off the rigging and drowned.

Not. 21st. A daring Scotchman, named Watson, again climbed through the caryatides outside the Nelson Monument of the roof, and after embracing the figure of Britannia, &c., descended by the lightning conductor wire outside, 144 feet, to the amazement of several spectators. (See 1863.)

Nov. 23rd. Mr. Edward Cattermole resigned the office of librarian at the Public Library, which he had held 15 years. (See Dec. 9th.)

Nov. 26th. The Rev. A. J. Spencer presented by the congregation of St. James’ with a silver pocket Communion service and some volumes of books, as tokens of regard.

Nov. 27th. A tar tank, containing about 50,000 gallons, on the works of Mr. Davy, Cobholm Island, burst, and the tar ran about in huge streams.

Nov. 30th. A Committee of the Town Council accepted Mr. Charles Diver’s resignation as Town Clerk of the Borough, the term to expire on Jan. 3rd, 1876. (See Dec. 16th.)

Nov. 30th. The smack “Chosen” ran ashore near the North Pier.

Nov. The Rev. R. V. Barker, M.A., presented previous to his leaving Yarmouth for a sojourn through the Holy Land, with a silver salver, silver tobacco jar, gold pencil case, and a box of mathematical instruments, by the congregation, Bible Class, and teachers and scholars of St. John’s Church.

Nov. The original manuscript of “Manship’s History of Yarmouth” found by the Rev. A. Peaton, at an old book shop in Bury St. Edmunds.

Nov. The “Perlustration of Great Yarmouth,” in three vols., by Charles John Palmer, Esq., F.S.A., printed and published by Mr. George Nall. It is an illustrated work of 1,282 quarto pages.

Nov. Mr. W. Saville Kent, F.L.S., F.Z.S., appointed Naturalist and Manager of the Aquarium.

Dec. 2nd. The schooner “Tantivy” of this port went ashore on Kessingland beach during a dense snowstorm.

Dec. 2nd. The Royal National Lifeboat Institution voted a silver medal and its thanks on vellum to Philip George, coxswain of the Caister Lifeboats; and to S. Bishop, chief boatman of H.M. Coastguard, at Caister, for their bravery in saving three of the crew of the “Wild Wave.” The Institution voted £10 for the others who rendered assistance. (See Dec. 25th.)

Dec. 4th. Another tug, named “Reliance,” struck the sunken wreck of the steamer “Gladstone,” off Hasbro’, and was run on to Eccles beach, where she became a wreck. Valued at £3,500; but insured for only £2,000. Crew saved. The hull was subsequently sold for £140. (See Nov. 14th, 1871.)

Dec. 4th. The schooner “X. L.,” of Goole, lost on Winterton beach; also two hands.

Dec. 5th. The billyboy “Three Anns” driven among the breakers off Gorleston, and the crew rescued by the lifeboat “Ranger.”

Dec. 6th. The Corporation resolved to erect a Contagious Disease Hospital next the Workhouse, at a cost of £500, and £200 for an enclosing wall, 200 ft. square by 7 ft. high. A contract of £1,050 was afterwards accepted.

Dec. 6th. Captain R. J. C. Day, harbour master of Ipswich, appointed as Pier Master by the Port and Haven Commission at a salary of £150 and residence.

Dec. 9th. Mr. C. Hall appointed librarian of the Public Library. (See Nov. 23rd.)

Dec. 16th. Mr. T. M. Baker appointed by the Town Council as Town Clerk, at a salary of £450 a year.

Dec. 21st. The returns of herrings landed at the Fishwharf during the season from Aug. 23rd to above date were 11,850 lasts and 2,600 fish. (18,200 to the last.)

Dec. 24th. Lord Hastings died at Calicut, Bombay, aged 20 years.

Dec. 25th. The sum of £197 2s. subscribed as a testimonial for the Caister Company of beachmen, for their bravery at the wreck of the “Wild Wave,” on Nov. 19th, and many former acts of daring in rescuing shipwrecked crews. On Jan. 4th the money was distributed, each of the 40 men receiving four guineas tied up in blue satin bags. (See Nov. 3rd.)

Dec. 26th. Edward Reynolds Aldred, Esq., J.P., died at Southtown, aged 68 years.

Dec. 29th. The new smack “Gem,” belonging to Mr. W. H. Stanley, of Southtown, launched from Messrs. J. and F. Mack’s yard.

Dec. 30th. Singular freak of a horse ridden by Mr. F. Danby Palmer. The animal having thrown his rider, bolted towards the sea, into which it dashed, and swam out with considerable energy for nearly a mile and a half, towards Scroby, when it was captured by some boatmen, and brought safely to shore again.


Jan. 3rd. Quarter Sessions. No prisoners for trial, a maiden session not having occurred for more than 20 years, the Mayor presented the Recorder with a pair of white kid gloves.—R. H. I. Palgrave, Esq., qualified as a magistrate for the Borough.

Jan. 4th. Arthur George Thompson (22), incautiously walked on an overhanging cornice at the top of the new Temple, Priory Plain, from which he fell 45 feet to the ground and was killed. The falling débris so injured Thomas Kirk as to result fatally.

Jan. 6th. Five of Mr. Malden’s smacks sold for £2,775.

Jan. 6th. Juvenile Fancy Dress Ball at Town Hall.

Jan. 10th. A woman (73), named Hannah Ives, was brutally murdered with a spade by an insane woman, named Swatman, at Belton.

Jan. 13th. Fire in the Card-room of the Town Hall, under the hearthstone, and damage done to the extent of £15 or £16.

Jan. 19th. The smack “Charley,” belonging to Mr. Alfred Fisher, launched from Mr. Fellows’ yard.

Jan. 20th. Marriage of Reginald Thorsby Gwyn, Esq., Captain of the 4th King’s Own Royals, and Adjutant of the 4th Norfolk Rifle Volunteers, with Miss Mary Joanna Farr, youngest daughter of Isaac Preston, Esq.

Jan. 23rd. Collision in the Roadstead, about 1 p.m., between the s.s. “Glanabanta” (Capt. Ablitt, of Yarmouth) and the s.s. “Transit.” The latter, with a crew of 21 all told, of Dieppe (described in the Veritas to be 548 tons gross, 373 tons net [French], engines 90 h.p., and built at Newcastle-upon-Tyne in 1871), was laden with 120 tons of coal and a general cargo of 290 tons, comprising machinery, silk, cotton, and light manufactures, valued between £30,000 and £40,000. The “Transit” was run on to the beach, opposite Trafalgar Road, where her hull still (1884) remains. The “Glanabanta” claimed £5,000 damages; but in a cross action the “Transit” claimed heavier damages, as the loss was computed to be £50,000. In the High Court of Admiralty, Sir R. Phillimore ruled that the “Transit” was alone to blame for the collision; but on an appeal in the High Court of Justice, Lord Justice Baggallay reversed the decision. The salvors were awarded £2,000.

Jan. 23rd. The Rev. Mangan, D.D., LL.D., late Dean of Limerick, after being appointed evening lecturer at St. Peter’s Church, preached his first sermon.

Jan. 26th. The cabin of the brigantine “William Crow,” whilst in harbour, caught fire, and damage was done to the extent of about £200.

Feb. 3rd. First “Spelling Bee” entertainment held in Yarmouth.

Feb. 15th. The Walrond Smack-Beys’ Home opened by Earl Nelson. (See June 22nd, 1875.) This Gothic building cost with fittings about £2,000, and will accommodate about 40 boys.

Feb. 21st. Mr. William Laws, as superintendent of St. Nicholas’ Sunday School since 1844, presented with several testimonials previous to his leaving for Beccles.

Feb. 22nd. East Suffolk Election. Lord Mahon having been elevated to the House of Peers on the death of his father, his seat in Parliament for East Suffolk became vacant, and Lieut.-Colonel St. John Barne (C.) and Charles Easton, Esq. (L.), contested for the seat. Poll—Colonel Barne, 3,659; Mr. Easton, 2,708—majority, 951. Colonel Barne’s election cost £4,140, and Mr. Easton’s £2,312.

Feb. 23rd. Fire at Mr. John Harris’ pipe manufactory, Priory Plain. Damage about £150.

Feb. 23rd and 24th. Sir Randal Roberts, Bart., appeared at the Theatre Royal, and impersonated “Charles Devereux” in the comedietta Under a Veil, written by himself; and on the 25th and 26th he appeared as “Lieutenant Ringston, R.N.,” in Naval Engagements, with the Maitland Blue Beard Burlesque Company.

The Marine Drive widened 60 feet, between Britannia and Wellington Piers, a distance of 3,000 feet; cost, £2,500. (See April 22nd.)

A new gasometer (No. 3), capable of holding 63,000 cubic feet of gas, and its tank 406,350 gallons of water, was erected at the Southtown Gas Works, which, with other modern improvements, cost £5,000.

April 1st. The Hon. Frederick Walpole, of Rainthorpe Hall, Flordon, M.P. for North Norfolk, died in London. Deceased was third surviving son of the third Earl of Orford, and was born in 1822.

April 14th. Loss of the “Cygnet” and all hands.

April 18th. The full-rigged ship “Humboldt,” with 349 emigrants on board, ran on to Winterton Beach.

April 20th. The Rev. G. Merriman, M.A., presented with a gold watch, silver tea service, and a silver claret jug, by the St. James’ congregation.

April 21st. Lieutenant-Colonel James Duff elected a Member of Parliament for North Norfolk, in place of the Hon. F. Walpole, deceased. (See April 1st, 1876, and Nov. 26th, 1868.) Poll—Colonel Duff (C.), 2,302; Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton, Bart. (L.), 2,192; majority, 110. Out of the 6,231 voters on register, only 4,494 voted. Number on register in the Borough (including Runham), 1,980; number voted in Yarmouth, 1,380.

April 22nd. R. Morgan, Esq., C.E., Government Board Inspector, visited Yarmouth respecting the borrowing of £3,300 by the Corporation, for widening the Drive, &c.

April 23rd. Lady Elizabeth Susan Orde died at Hopton. She was eldest daughter of Henry Charles, sixth Duke of Beaufort, and born June 23rd, 1798.

April 28th. E. P. Youell, Esq., presented by the parishioners of Gorleston with a massive silver four-glass épergne, value £80, for his zealous exertions in connection with the restoration of Gorleston Church. (See Aug. 14th, 1871.)

May 9th. The Yarmouth brig “Tradesman” lost on the Normandy coast.

June 2nd. Meeting at the Town Hall resolved to have a four-dial clock in St. Peter’s Tower, which was placed there the same year.

June 8th. The Gt. Yarmouth Bowling Green opened.

June 13th. Vice-Admiral Thomas Lewis Gooch, youngest son of the late Sir Thomas Sherlock Gooch, Bart., died at Yarmouth, aged 69 years.

June 22nd. Capt. Wm. Holt, 16 years connected with the 2nd N.R.V., presented, on his retirement, with four elegantly-chased silver dessert spoons by the members of D. Company. (See Dec. 4th, 1883.)

July 8th. Heavy thunderstorm. The electric fluid struck the chimney and entered a cottage in the factory yard, disarranging and breaking the furniture and ornaments in the room; it also did damage to other property in the town, including some amount of destruction of property belonging to Mr. H. Harding, St. Nicholas’ Road, who had a large chimney knocked down and many squares of glass broken.

July 10th. Fire in Church Street, Gorleston. Six cottages burnt down, and three others partly destroyed. Nearly 40 men, women, and children rendered homeless for a time.

July 27th. The Yarmouth Temple dedicated for Divine worship before its completion. Interior dimensions, 72 feet by 52 feet; height, 35 feet. Cost £4,000; accommodates 1,100.

July. St. Peter’s Road footway laid with concrete.

Aug. 8th. Miss E. Pearson, of Yarmouth, and Miss MacLaughlin, left London for Servia, via Vienna, their services as nurses to the sick and wounded in the Eastern war having been accepted by Archbishop Michael, at Belgrade. They were greeted by a torchlight procession on their arrival. (See Aug. 7th, 1871.)

Aug. 21st. The stallage, rents, and tolls in the Market and Fair let by auction for five years from Jan. 1st, 1877, to Messrs. Bower, of Leeds, for £925 per annum. (See Dec. 11th, 1871.) Some 13 years ago, the same lessees gave but £625 per annum.

Aug. 29th. A cyclone of great violence swept over some parts of this district, and carried trees, stacks, &c., away in its narrow track.

Aug. The Registrar-General’s returns show that the mortality of Yarmouth was 15 per 1,000—nine other places only out of 46 being lower.

Sept. 5th. The Yarmouth Aquarium opened to the public with much ceremony, and a recherché luncheon was spread in the corridor.

Sept. 7th. Another new cemetery (No. 3) consecrated by the Bishop of Norwich. It comprises about ten acres. (See Oct. 18th, 1855.)

Sept. 7th and 8th. East of England Great Horse Fête held on Southtown Marshes.

Sept. 8th. Meeting at Town Hall protesting against the Turkish atrocities.

Sept. 11th. Mr. W. J. Lincoln presented with a handsome timepiece by the members of the Foresters’ Court “Star of the East” (2728). He had been 18 years secretary.

Sept. 24th. At 6.30 p.m., an extraordinary meteor, resembling a brilliant ball of fire and shooting stars, illuminated the heavens for several seconds.

Sept. 27th. Commander Horatio Nelson, R.N., son of the late Thomas Atkinson, master of the flag-ship “Victory” at Trafalgar, and godson of the late Admiral Lord Nelson, died at Yarmouth, aged 78.

Oct. 13th. H. E. Buxton, Esq., elected a member of the School Board in place of T. P. Burroughs, Esq., resigned.

Oct. At the Norfolk Quarter Sessions, the Revs. R. J. Tacon (Rollesby), and T. J. Blofeld (Ormesby), and G. M. Beck, Esq. (Ormesby), qualified as County Magistrates.

Oct. 16th. Testimonials of £15 sterling—a richly-mounted walking stick, and a pipe—presented to pay-master-Sergt. Grier, on his leaving the E. N. Militia, after 22 years.

Oct. 19th. The screw gunboat “Cherub,” 60 h.p., and two guns, anchored in the Roadstead. Also the screw iron troopship “Assistance,” 1,300 h.p., and two guns, 2,037 tons burthen; and two Tyne gunboats, each having a 35-pounder.

Oct. 22nd. Heavy gale. Loss of the lugger “Cynthia,” and all hands.

Oct. 23rd. First burial in the new Cemetery—Samuel Mannall, many years in the Trinity service, aged 47.

Oct. 28th. A live stag found swimming at sea, over three miles from land. The crew of the smack “Gleaner” picked the animal up, and brought it safely to the Royal Hotel stables.

Nov. 5th. Mr. J. W. Parsley, smack owner, late of Greenwich, died at Gorleston, aged 46.

Nov. 8th. Schooner “Essex” driven ashore, and wrecked south of Gorleston Pier. On the 11th the brig “Vulcan” shared the same fate in the South Ham.

Nov. 15th. Mr. T. Elliot, of Ormesby, presented at the Aquarium with a testimonial—a handsome épergne or candelabrum, with a group of stags at the base—in acknowledgment of public services rendered to numerous charities.

Nov. 15th. Great Conservative Banquet held at the Drill Hall. About 600 guests present, including the members for North Norfolk, and Colonel Barne, M.P.

Nov. 17th. H. R. Harmer, Esq., appointed as Vestry Clerk without a poll, in place of the late Mr. S. Barnard Cory.

Nov. 23rd. Mr. W. Stockton, Master of the School of Navigation, presented with a travelling bag, completely fitted up, a silver pencil case, and set of gold studs, by his old pupils and friends, as a token of esteem.

Nov. The new steam tug “Comet,” built for the Yarmouth Star Steam Tug Company, arrived at this port.

Nov. Mr. Henry Spelman Palmer attained the degree of B.A. at the London University.

Nov. A patent wedge or railway key invented by Mr. James Gillings.

Nov. 29th. Mr. John Woodger, died, aged 63 years. Deceased was a member of the Yarmouth Corporation and Board of Guardians.

Nov. Mr. Thomas Small resigned the Consular Agency after 24 years, and the French Government presented him with a gold medal (in case) in recognition of valuable services.

Dec. 3rd. The Austrian barque “Olympo” stranded on Yarmouth beach. The smack “Steadfast” was lost on the following day, with two hands.

Dec. 6th. Mr. William Rudd presented with a handsome timepiece, silver inkstand and penholder, and two bronze candelabra, by the Sunday School teachers and congregation of St. Andrew’s.

Dec. 7th. Baptist Schoolrooms, Crown Road, built and opened. Cost, £950. The corner-stone was laid July 20th.

Dec. 8th. A black marble timepiece, inlaid with malachite, presented to Mr. J. Johnson (foreman to Messrs. Aldin), by the Directors of the Aquarium, for his skill and assiduity in conducting these prodigious works.

Dec. 12th. The smack “Gnat,” of this port, after a collision, foundered at the Silver Pits, value £1,000.

Dec. 13th. Sir Charles R. Turner, fifth son of the late Rev. Richard Turner of this town, died in London, aged 87.

Dec. 21st. The number of lasts of herrings for the present season landed at the Fishwharf was 18,836. The aggregate earnings of 20 boats amounted to £24,217, i.e., £1,210 per boat, and the gross expenses amounted to about £4,907. The previous year the aggregate of 20 boats was £18,787, i.e., £981 per boat, and the expenses reached £4,582.

Dec. 23rd. The barque “Ingleborough,” of Hull, lost on the Barber Sand. Value, £2,000; cargo, £900. On the 27th the “Countess of Zetland,” damaged by the floating wreck of the above, was ran ashore opposite the Aquarium, where she became a total wreck.

Dec. 28th. James Wright, master of the smack “Olive Branch,” awarded a silver medal by the King of Sweden and Norway for his bravery in saving the crew of a Norwegian brig.

Dec. 30th. H.M. paddle-steamer “Valorous,” and four iron twin-screw gunboats, of 360 tons each, arrived in the Roadstead.

Deaths: March 27th, Mr. J. Barney Beales, sheriff’s officer, aged 82.—Aug. 22nd, the Hon. Mrs. Harbord Harbord, daughter of Sir H. J. Stracey.—Oct. 21st, Mr. S. B. Cory, vestry clerk, aged 80.—Nov. 18th, H. E. B. Giles, solicitor, aged 65.

Launches: Jan. 30th, smack “Flash.”—May, smack “Ruby.”—July, yacht “Harry,” belonging to Mr. H. A. Morris.—July, fishing boat “Arab Steed.”—Aug. 19th, fishing dandy “Challenge.”—Oct. 4th, smacks “Sunbeam” and “Puss.”—Nov. 27th, schooner “Arthur.”—Dec. 11th, trawling smack “Carlisle.”


Jan. A portion of the North Denes levelled, preparatory to laying the rails of the North Norfolk Railway. (See Oct. 27th, 1875.)

Jan. 9th. Charles Diver, Esq., elected Justices’ Clerk for the East and West Fleggs, in place of the late Mr. S. B. Cory, deceased.

Jan. 9th. Fifteen fishing craft belonging to Messrs. Smith and Son, sold at the “Star” for £13,320; and on Feb. 5th ten of the late Mr. J. W. Parsley’s realised £5,615.

Jan. 16th. P.c. Edwards presented with a handsome timepiece and purse of £4 14s., by the salesmen, buyers, and boatowners, for his attention and courtesy to them at the Fishwharf.

Jan. 19th. The Stradbroke Road Board Schools, Gorleston, opened. Cost, with fittings, £3,000; accommodate 500 children. (See Nov. 9th, 1875.)

Jan. 30th. Very heavy gale and boisterous high tide, parts of the town being inundated. 18 Yarmouth smacks and over 100 hands were lost. The Yarmouth “Mark Lane” lifeboatmen bravely rescued the crew (12) of the barque “Constantia,” wrecked on Scroby. Fifty-five widows, 108 children, and 17 aged parents were left destitute in this locality. The local relief fund reached £2,540, and in London £6,800. The first grant voted for Yarmouth and district was £2,745.

Jan. 30th. Calico fancy dress ball at St. Andrew’s Hall, Gorleston.

Feb. 5th. Charles John Palmer, Esq., presented with a gold watch, a silver flower-basket, and a purse of 100 guineas, as a complimentary testimonial for his local literary researches &c.; 235 persons subscribed £233 9s. 6d. (See 1830.)

Feb. 18th. New oak pulpit in the parish church erected and used for the first time by the Vicar, the Rev. George Venables, S.C.L.

Feb. The Secretary of State for War decided on the formation of an Administrative Battalion, to consist of the 2nd Norfolk (Yarmouth), 4th Suffolk (Bungay), 14th Suffolk (Beccles), and 17th Suffolk (Lowestoft), under the title of the 1st Administrative Battalion Norfolk Rifle Volunteers, with headquarters at Yarmouth.

Feb. 19th. Sir James Paget, Bart., F.R.S., D.C.L., LL.D., appointed one of the Serjeant-Surgeons in Ordinary to the Queen, in the room of Sir William Fergusson, Bart., deceased. He is the son of the late Mr. Samuel Paget, of this town, and was born in 1814.

Feb. 21st. John Clowes, Esq., solicitor, died, aged 67 years. This gentleman formerly filled the office of Town Clerk of the Borough; he was also a member of the Council and Board of Guardians for many years, besides being Lord of the Manor of Caister. (See 1822 and 1840.)

Feb. The body of a male child, about five months old, sent from Liverpool Station to the Vauxhall terminus in a small black bag; but no clue was ever found to the supposed murderess or the gentleman to whom it was consigned.

March. J. H. Orde, Esq., resigned after 18 years’ service in the 2nd Norfolk Rifle Volunteer Corps. On June 21st he was presented with a valuable gold repeater watch by the Corps, at the Drill Hall, as a memento of esteem.

March 5th. Major General Francis Montague Maxwell Ommanney, B.A., died at Yarmouth, aged 50 years.

March 6th. Benjamin Daniels, a farmer of Scratby (five miles from the birthplace of Hales), and the last of the East Anglian giants, died and buried at Ormesby St. Margaret, aged 45 years. Height, 6 ft. 6 in.; weight, 24 stone; width across the shoulders, 20 in.; and possessed great strength.

March 25th. Income of the Haven Commissioners for the past year, £11,927 12s. 11d.; an increase of £782 11s. 5d. on the previous year. The imports in 1877 included 87,729 tons of coal, 288,032 qrs. of corn, and tonnage dues 176,475 tons, &c.; on fish and fishing vessels, £2,110. Number of wherries trading on the Bure, 108, of 1,934 tons burthen, and the income from this source, £455 16s. 3d.

March 28th. First Military Assault-at-Arms at the Drill Hall by the Non-commissioned officers and men of the 1st Royal Dragoons from Norwich; and a second on April 17th, 1879, by the 1st Norfolk Artillery Volunteers.

March 31st. The Registrar-General reported 300 births, 135 marriages, and 179 deaths, 66 of the latter being persons of 60 years old and upwards, in the Borough during the past three months.

April 16th. The schooner “Jane” (121 tons), of Colchester, lost, with six hands, in a heavy gale, on the Cross Sands; and on the 19th the Norwegian barque “Suez” was beached south of the Wellington pier, with the loss of one of her crew.

April 22nd. The Great Yarmouth Church of England, “Mission” opened, and lasted a week.

May 3rd and 5th. The Corporation versus J. W. de Caux. Arbitration proceedings taken respecting the ownership of the Town wall, on the site of “Town Wall House,” Theatre Plain, and subsequently decided in favour of defendant.

May 4th. The National Lifeboat Institution reported the gallant services rendered by the Yarmouth and Gorleston lifeboat crews in saving 22 men from shipwreck during recent gales.

May 8th and 9th. A locomotive engine, intended for the North Norfolk Railway, drawn on rails through Regent Street and Market Place en route to the Beach Station. It was named the “Ormesby,” and weighed about 18 tons; on the 9th and 10th July a second engine, the “Stalham,” was dragged by horses along Regent Street, Regent Road, and Nelson Road North. On Sept. 13th, a third engine, the “North Walsham,” and a fourth, the “Martham,” on March 28th, 1879. The carriages also had to be conveyed in like manner. (See Aug. 7th.)

May 17th. Rev. S. Hooke presented with a handsome timepiece by the congregation of St. Peter’s Church.

May 24th. Sergeant-Major Britton, Colour-Sergts. J. Norton and J. Wall, Sergt. J. Steel, Corporal W. Page, and Privates T. Freebury and R. Hayes, belonging to the 9th Regiment, each presented at Southtown Armoury with a medal for long service and good conduct.

May 25th. The smack “Dauntless” lost on Haak Sand.

May 27th. Rev. Edward Venables, B.A., son of the Vicar of Yarmouth, ordained by the Bishop of Chichester, and was appointed to a curacy at Hastings.

June 8th. The Royal Hotel partly rebuilt and re-modelled.

June 16th. Five gentlemen belonging to the Britannia Amateur Rowing Club rowed from Wroxham to Norwich, via Yarmouth (63 miles), in 10 hrs. 40 min.

June 17th. Three Gorleston young men—Edwin Darby, Augustus Hawes, and Arthur Thrower—accidentally drowned in the river Wensum.

June 24th. On the death of his father, Viscount Canterbury, K.C.B., G.C.M.G., Henry Charles, fourth Viscount (who married in 1872 Amyée Rachel, the only daughter of the late Hon. F. Walpole, M.P.), succeeded to the title.

July 2nd. The Norfolk and Suffolk Fisheries Bill passed the House of Lords, and Royal assent given by Commission on July 19th.

July. The billyboy “Breeze,” of this port, collided with H.M.S. “Wye,” off Carlton, and foundered.

July 9th. The inhabitants and the Board of Trade awarded Thomas Love and William Mann, of the smack “Fawn” two medals and two watches for their bravery in rescuing five hands from the smack “Bessie,” of London, during the gale of Jan. 30th.

July 10th. Mr. I. S. Cooper’s tender of £325 10s. for each of the two brick mortuary chapels in the new Cemetery accepted by the Corporation.

July 11th. The Royal Assembly Rooms purchased by Mr. W. Butcher for £1,975. (See 1851, and April, 1869.)

July 21st to 27th. Encampment of the 3rd and 4th Norfolk Rifles (about 920 rank and file), under command of Lieut.-Col. Duff, M.P., and Lieut.-Col. R. T. Gurdon, on the North Denes. On the brigade day about 2,000 volunteers, divided into 30 companies, were manœuvred, and it was estimated that some 20,000 civilians were present.

July 24th. Mr. Charles John Stokes (22), a member of the Lynn Volunteers, mysteriously drowned in the river Yare. On the 28th the body was picked up, and subsequently buried at Lynn; but by order of the Secretary of State it was (Aug. 31st) exhumed, and a post-mortem examination made, but no marks of violence were discovered.

July 25th. The two principal stones of the nave of St. James’ Church laid by the Mayor (T. B. Steward, Esq.) and Mayoress. Cost of the nave was given at £3,150.

July 27th. Capt. Stokes, of the smack “Falcon,” awarded a gold watch by the Emperor of Germany for rescuing the crew of the wrecked ship “Elise,” in Nov., 1876.

Aug. 7th. The North Norfolk Railway having been inspected the previous day by Major-General Hutchinson, R.E., was opened to the public as far as completed, namely, Yarmouth, Caister, and Ormesby (5½ miles). The line was constructed by Messrs. Wilkinson and Jarvis, of London. May 16th opened to Hemsby, and on July 15th, 1878, from this village to Martham. (See May 8th and July.)

Aug. 9th. St. George’s Board Schools, St. Peter’s Plain, opened, Mr. J. T. Bottle being the architect. This Gothic building comprises girls’ school, 64 ft. by 20 ft., and accommodates 200 children; infants’ room, 60 ft. by 23 ft., for 300 girls; and another room, 24 ft. by 20 ft.; also lobbies, offices, and an open and covered playground. Cost, £2,370.

Aug. 11th. Collision between the steam tugs “United Service” and “Express” at the Harbour’s mouth. Estimated damage to the latter, £200.

Aug. 21st. Mr. Charles Panchen, of this town, rescued from drowning a gentleman visitor whilst bathing from the South Beach, and in Nov. was awarded the Royal Humane Society’s bronze medal for his gallantry.

Aug. 21st. Miss Clementine Stirling-Graham died at Duntrune, aged 95. On the death of this lady, John Edmund Lacon, Esq., of this town, succeeded to her estates in Forfarshire, and to all papers and relics of the great Viscount Dundee.

Aug. 26th. Batt. Sergt.-Major Quince, (P.W.O.) Royal Artillery, rescued another gentleman in imminent danger of drowning, and in Jan., 1878, presented with the bronze medal of the Royal Humane Society for his bravery, and by order of H.R.H. the Duke of Cambridge it was presented by Lord Suffield on May 29th at a full parade, and permission given him to wear it on his breast.

Aug. Captain Balls, of the schooner “Benjamin,” belonging to W. J. Foreman, Esq., awarded a silver medal and certificate by the King of the Netherlands for gallant services in saving the crew of the “Fortuna.” (See April, 1869.)

Aug. 30th. Miss Emma Maria Pearson lectured at the Town Hall on “Servia during the War.”

Sept. Rateable value of the Borough, after deducting allowances and losses, £73,400; Gorleston, Southtown, and Cobholm Island, £19,000.

Sept. A new organ, built by Mr. W. C. Mack, of Yarmouth, presented to the Queen’s Road Primitive Methodist Chapel by G. Baker, Esq. It is 8 ft. 6 in. wide and 17 ft. high. One manual from CC to G, 55 notes, and l½ octaves, German pedals, &c., and contains 398 pipes. Opened Sept. 9th.

Sept. 5th. The smack “Joseph and Ann,” belonging to Mr. G. Grief, of this port, run down by a steamer on Cromer Knowl, and three of her crew drowned.

Sept. 9th. The Rev. S. Hooke preached his first sermon at St. Peter’s Church after appointment as curate.

Sept. Mr. Ambrose Hulley presented with a silver-mounted piccolo, in morocco case, with silver plate, at the Aquarium, in appreciation of his talent as a musician.

Sept. 12th. Meeting at the Town Hall to raise subscriptions for alleviating the distress caused by the famine in India. Total collected here, £516 6s. 2d.

Sept. 13th. First annual regatta and fête of the Yarmouth Rowing Club on the river Bure.

Sept. 29th. Mr. Edward Garrett presented at the Royal Hotel with an elegant silver tea and coffee service, and a massive silver salver, as a mark of esteem on his retiring from the post of Master of the Norfolk and Suffolk Harriers, which he had held 12 years.

Oct. 1st. The Temporary Grammar School opened as a Board School.

Oct. 4th. The phenomenon of a water spout, in the form of three immense pillars of vapour, and afterwards a spiral column, passed over Gorleston, but did not discharge itself.

Oct. Additions made to the Parish Church organ, viz., a “third rank” to the “mixture,” and an orchestral hautbois, the latter with the cremona being enclosed in a new small “swell case.” The organ now contains 3,188 pipes in actual use.

Oct. 8th. High tide and heavy gale. Much damage done to shipping in the Roadstead and at sea.

Nov. The School Board spent during the past year £7,600; and the expenditure for building alone since the establishment of the Board was just under £7,700.

Nov. 1st. Great excitement at Gorleston over the Municipal contest between Messrs. S. S. Bately, F. Dendy, and H. Denton. Result of poll:—Bately, 420; Dendy, 360; Denton, 221.

Nov. 3rd. Riot in the town between Scotch and Yarmouth fishermen.

Nov. 9th. Messrs. A. D. Stone, Wm. Worship, and P. Case elected as Aldermen in the places of Messrs. R. Purdy, G. S. Shingles, and W. D. Palmer, resigned.

Nov. 11th. Heavy gale, disastrous casualties among the shipping and loss of life, the “Allerton Packet” and “Beatrix” being stranded on the North Beach. In another gale on Nov. 24th the hull of the latter was carried against the Britannia Pier, breaking the piles, and damaging them to the extent of £300.

Nov. 28th. Mr. J. F. Ryan, master of the School of Art, presented at the Town Hall with an elaborately-chased silver salver, and a purse of 20 guineas, by the past and present students for his efficient teaching.

Nov. 29th. Mr. George Tewsley, after 21 years’ service as Superintendent of the Borough Police, resigned on a superannuation fee. He had been 17 years previously in the Metropolitan Force. On March 18th, 1878, the Police Force presented Mr. Tewsley with a handsome marble clock, as a memento of esteem, prior to his removing to Diss.

Dec. 2nd. The fishing lugger “Ceres” on fire near the Fishwharf. Damage about £100.

Dec. 8th. H. R. Harmer, Esq., captured in the Norfolk Broads a pike 41½ in. long, 19 in. in girth, and weighing 20 lbs.

Dec. 31st. 188 shipwrecked seamen received at the Sailors’ Home in the year, and 4,660 since the opening of the institution.

Dec. 277 English and foreign vessels, and 605 coasters arrived in port in the year. During the year, 87 put in wind-bound and 37 with loss of anchors; 21 were totally lost off this coast, two with all hands; 36 assisted in by lifeboat crews, and 36 casualties occurred in the river.

Dec. 31st. For the past 21 weeks 61,928 passengers had been carried by the North Norfolk Railway, representing in receipts £1,267 15s., with goods, £1,460.

Dec. During the past year 1,571 births occurred, and 913 deaths—increase of population, 658.

Marriages: April 10th, William Towler, eldest son of J. P. Hall, Esq., to Miss Ellen E. Bunn.—June 14th, F. Burton, Esq., solicitor, to Miss M. I. Meadows.—June 19th, Rev. A. Hume, M.A., to Miss E. T. Waters.—July 5th, H. J. N. Stratton, Esq., to Miss E. M. Youell, of Gorleston.—July 20th, T. B. U. Lacon, Esq., to Florence Dunbar Banks.—Aug. 18th, J. S. Clowes, Esq., solicitor, to Miss Isabella M. Clowes.—Oct. 23rd, T. P. Burroughs, Esq., to Miss S. Fulcher.

Deaths: Jan. 6th, Francis Worship, Esq., J.P., aged 75.—Feb. 8th, Major R. B. Nesbitt.—Feb. 21st, John Clowes, Esq., aged 67.—March 9th, Mr. William Shipley, M.R.C.V.S.—March 2lst, Henry Hammond, Esq., at Southtown, aged 70.—April 15th, John Fenn, Esq., J.P., aged 81.—May 16th, Captain C. Small, Vice-Consul, aged 60. July 18th, Mr. James Beeching, shipbuilder, aged 65.—July 23rd, Captain William S. Scroggs, aged 60.—July 26th, Mr. H. Pestell, aged 77.—Sept. 8th, Isaac Strutt, Esq., aged 38.—Oct. 19th, R. F. Veale, Esq., J.P., aged 46. Nov. 2nd, W. Thurtell, Esq., J.P., aged 82.—Nov. 3rd, Mr. R. W. Durrell, of Gorleston, aged 44.

Launches: June 12th, smack “Emma Eliza.”—July 19th, trawling smack “Chatterbox.”—Aug. 14th, fishing lugger “Seamew.”—Aug. 28th, fishing boat “Norfolk.”—Sept. 1st, cutter “Flare.”


Jan. The Rev. A. J. Worlledge, M.A., appointed by the Bishop of Lincoln to an honorary canonry of Lincoln Cathedral, at the early age of 29 years.

Jan. 15th. Two fires broke out in fishhouses and premises belonging to Mr. R. T. Seago, Row 137, and Mr. Wisker, Row 138.

Jan. 16th. John Van Hutton died, aged 102, being born on March 10th, 1776, and his remains buried in the New Cemetery.

Jan. 31st. First triennial election of the School Board, who held office till Feb. 16th. The following 11 gentlemen chosen without going to a poll:—Messrs. J. H. Orde, H. E. Buxton, J. W. de Caux, (Rev.) A. Peaton, G. Baker, D. Tomkins, R. E. Dowson, S. J. F. Stafford, T. Saul, J. T. Waters, and (Rev.) J. F. Splaine, eight being re-elected. On Nov. 29th Mr. F. Dendy elected in the place of Mr. Stafford.

Feb. 8th. The Rev. E. Whitehead, M.A., incumbent of Southtown, presented with a chased silver salver by the parishioners of Denham, Suffolk.

Feb. 26th. William E. Pretyman, Esq., grandson of the late Bishop of Lincoln, died at Yarmouth. This gentleman, up to the time of his decease, spent the greater part of his time in fishing like an ordinary smacksman, for which pursuit he owned a smack—the “Lincoln”—fitted up in a superior style.

Feb. 28th. Mr. J. Ogden, Inspector of Police at Hanley, appointed, out of 50 candidates, Superintendent of the Yarmouth Constabulary in the place of Mr. Tewsley.

Mar. Rev. G. Merriman, Vicar of Martham, appointed domestic chaplain to the Marquis of Ailesbury.

March 7th. Mr. Walter Teasdel gallantly rescued a boy named Coen (12) from drowning in the river, and in April the Royal Humane Society acknowledged his bravery.

March 7th. High and boisterous tide, the lower parts of the town being inundated, and a wherry, belonging to Mr. Goff, and the smack “Two Brothers” sunk in the harbour.

March. Loss of the smack “Fawn” and all hands.

March 22nd. The claims of the shareholders in the Yarmouth and Eastern Counties’ Aquarium Company, after five years, finally wound-up, 15s. out of each £ invested being refunded by the hon. liquidator, C. C. Aldred, Esq., who was presented with a magnificent silver salver by the shareholders. The amount invested was £3,431.

March 24th. The training-ship “Eurydice” wrecked off Dunnose, Isle of Wight, and over 360 lives lost. This vessel anchored in Yarmouth Roadstead in 1877.

March 25th. The annual income this year of the Port and Haven Commissioners was £12,478 10s. 3d., and for 1879, £12,110 15s. 1d.

March 28th. Loss of the smacks “Henry,” “Dairy Maid,” and “Deerhound;” also the barque “Theresa” and brig “Vladimir” in a gale.

April 1st. Major Hector Tullock, R.E., held an enquiry at Runham-Vauxhall respecting the borrowing of £1,000 for carrying out the water and drainage scheme; also on Feb. 11th, 1879.

April. Memorial window placed in the chancel-part of the Parish Church in memory of William Palgrave, Esq. (who died in 1838), and Elizabeth, his wife, by their surviving children.

April. Intelligence received at Yarmouth of the loss of the barque “Ponda Chief” off Natal. (See Aug. 2nd, 1875.)

April 17th. Public meeting at the Town Hall to oppose the Town Council in the proposed building of a new Town Hall, but on Jan. 16th, 1879, the loan of £30,000 was sanctioned by the Treasury.

April 20th. The Army and East Norfolk Militia Reserves called up, and subsequently the former sent to Colchester and the latter to Ireland.

April 23rd and 24th. Frank Buckland and Spencer Walpole, Esqs., two of her Majesty’s Commissioners, held an enquiry at the Sailors’ Home respecting the destruction of small soles and other trawl fish, by order of the Secretary of the Home Department.

April. A handsome and costly monument, rather above 20 feet in height, erected in the Cemetery. It bears the following inscription:—“Erected by his bereaved and sorrowing mother, in fond remembrance of Charles S. T. Mills, Esq. (the dearly beloved and only son of Charles and Maria Mills), who died at Great Yarmouth on the 19th December, 1875, aged 29 years. Gone before.” This monument is of solid Aberdeen polished grey granite, surmounted by a beautiful marble upright figure representing “Truth,” the latter being the work of an Italian sculptor. The tomb is surrounded at the base by floral wrought-iron railings, fixed in 1879. (See Sept., 1883.)

April. The congregation of St. Andrew’s presented the Rev. E. G. H. Murrell with a silver salver and two silver napkin-rings, as a wedding present.

May 1st. The new nave of St. James’ Church built and opened at a cost of £3,250. Interior length, 103 ft.; width, 33 ft.; height, 53 ft.; exterior height, 70 ft. Accommodates about 700 worshippers. This nave forms only a third of the proposed entire building.

May 2nd. Mrs. T. Burton Steward, wife of the Captain of the 1st Norfolk Artillery Volunteers, presented with a handsome silver-plated épergne, subscribed for by the officers and men of the corps.

May 3rd. Mr. Archibald Forbes, war correspondent to the Daily News, lectured at the Aquarium on the leading episodes, from personal experience, of the Battle of the Shipka Pass, crossing the Danube, and the Battle of Plevna. Mr. Forbes’ first visit to Yarmouth was in 1872, during the stay of the Prince of Wales.

May 6th. H.M. steam-yacht “Hawk” and schooner “Mermaid” anchored in the Roadstead.

May 7th. Rev. F. C. Villiers presented with a handsome épergne by the North-end Mission congregation in this town.

May. Sir Francis Goldsmid, Bart., Q.C., F.R.G.S., died from an accident. In 1854 he was a candidate with Mr. Rumbold for the representation of the Borough.

May 9th. Quay House sold by auction for £1,720.

May 12th. Fire at Messrs. H. and E. Brand’s outfitting premises, South Denes Road.

May 23rd. Fire in a tar store at Gorleston belonging to Mr. J. Fleming Hewett; damage £80.

May 26th. Mr. H. S. Baumgartner, of Gorleston, passed the preliminary examination of the Apothecaries’ Hall.

May 29th. The Venerable Archdeacon Perowne made his first visitation since being appointed to the place of Archbishop Hopper, deceased.

June 20th. Mr. Edward T. Ayers, author of several legal works, passed the intermediate examination under the Solicitors’ Act, 1877, held by the Incorporated Law Society; and on the same date Mr. W. H. Cowl successfully passed a similar examination.

June 24th. The Wellington Pier Company let by public tender their pier to Mr. S. Boughton, for three years, the average receipts for the previous three years being £481 5s. per annum.

June 28th. The Rev. George Venables appointed one of her Majesty’s Commissioners to enquire into the law and the existing practice as to the sale, exchange, and resignation of Ecclesiastical Benefices, and to recommend remedies for abuses if any found to exist.

June. A large dredger for the Haven, named the “FitzRoy,” costing £5,495, ordered by the Port and Haven Commissioners, which arrived here April 6th, 1879.

June 28th. Major Dods, E.N.M., presented with an elaborate silver épergne, with a greyhound at the base, as a testimonial, by the gentlemen forming the Norfolk and Suffolk Coursing Meeting, in token of respect, after 15 years their hon. sec.

June. Mr. Leggett’s contract of £855 for building the north transept, aisle, and porch of St. John’s Church accepted. Entire cost, £1,050.

July 4th. The Council elected Mr. William Hurry Palmer as an Alderman; and on Aug. 26th Mr. Charles Diver to fill the vacancy in the Haven Commission caused by the death of Mr. J. W. Bunn.

July 9th. Winterton Church re-opened after being partly restored at a cost of £3,000.

July 11th. Mr. Charles Jennings, son of C. H. Wiltshire, Esq., passed the preliminary examination of the Incorporated Law Society.

July. Forty-one designs for a new Town Hall for the Borough open to public inspection at the old Town Hall, three prizes having been offered by the Corporation for the three best.

July 13th. The smack “Admiral” sunk off Southwold, and on the same day one of Messrs. Hewitt’s steam-cutters collided with the steamboat “Naiad” off Gravesend.

July 26th. Encampment on the South Denes during the past week of the 3rd and 4th Norfolk Rifles, there being over 200 tents erected for their accommodation. (See July 21st, 1877.)

July 31st. Rev. G. Venables, Vicar of Yarmouth, appointed by the Bishop of Norwich Rural Dean of Flegg.

Aug. 1st. Serious fire broke out on the premises of Mr. H. Teasdel, ship-chandler, Southtown. On Sept. 24th, 1845, Mr. Teasdel’s warehouses were destroyed by the same element.

Aug. 12th. Alarming thunderstorm, accompanied with vivid flashes of lightning, heavy hail and rainfall, and a hurricane. The electric fluid did considerable damage to several houses in the town and neighbourhood, and in more than one dwelling played sad havoc with the furniture, &c.—a house in Row 63 coming off worst. A part of one of St. Mary’s Church (Southtown) pinnacles was dislocated.

Aug. 22nd. Loss of the “Norfolk Lass” (140 tons), of this port, and five hands, including Capt. A. W. Vince and his son, aged 12, on Corton Sand. She was built by Messrs. Fellows in 1841.

Aug. An old wreck found under-water near the entrance of the Harbour, supposed to have been sunk two centuries before to prevent the old fort from being undermined by the current. In 1555 a vessel was sunk here, but whether the same, is doubtful. It was 77 ft. long by 27 ft. wide.

Aug. 28th. A horse and cart belonging to Mr. Norton fell over the Quay-head opposite Town Hall and the animal drowned.

Aug. 29th. Eight houses in St. George’s Terrace sold by public auction for £4,400.

Sept. 3rd. A member of Mr. B. Fielding’s Concert Party lost his wife and two children among the 600 drowned in the ill-fated steamship “Princess Alice,” which collided with s.s. “Bywell Castle” off Barking.

Sept. 19th. Fishing boat “Stately” wrecked on Yarmouth Beach.

Sept. 25th. New Post office at Gorleston opened.

Sept. 26th. Vice-Admiral Spencer Smyth, of this town, promoted from the rank of Vice-Admiral to that of Admiral on the retired list. (See April, 1870, and June 12th, 1873.) He died on April 3rd, 1879, aged 87 years, and his remains were subsequently interred in Gorleston Churchyard.

Sept. 28th. The body of a newly-born female babe found by two smack-boys on the beach wrapped in a white cotton bundle, and a reward of £50 was offered by Government for the apprehension of any person concerned in the murder.

Sept. 29th. A fine sturgeon, 5 ft. long, and weighing about 90 lbs., captured in the Roadstead; also a young porpoise and (in Dec.) a live seal, all of which were taken to the Aquarium.

Sept. 29th. One thousand five hundred and twenty-six police cases summarily dealt with by the Magistrates during the past year.

Sept. 29th. The Port and Haven Commissioners’ receipts from dues for the past half-year amounted to £6,883 18s.

Sept. 30th to Oct. 1st. The celebrated actress, Mrs. Rousby, appeared at the Theatre Royal as “Princess Elizabeth” in ’Twixt Axe and Grown. Mrs. Rousby died in April, 1879.

Oct. The high flint wall enclosing St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Regent Road, pulled down, and a low wall, surmounted with a light handsome palisading, put in its place. In 1879 the Roman Catholic Cemetery, Caister Road, was enclosed with a stone wall mounted by an iron railing.

Oct. 10th. Three men belonging to the “Sea Gull,” owned by Messrs. Hewitt and Co., drowned at sea whilst ferrying fish.

Oct. 13th. The Lord Bishop of British Columbia (Dr. George Hills) again preached in St. Nicholas’ Church.

Oct. 15th. The Right Rev. Bishop Mackenzie, Sub-Dean of Lincoln and Bishop Suffragan of Nottingham, died at Lincoln. (See 1844 and Aug., 1869.)

Oct. 21st. Messrs. Grout and Co. presented at the Paris Exhibition with a gold medal for superiority in the manufacture of pure silk crape.

Oct. 23rd. The fishing lugger “Eustace” foundered at sea.

Oct. 23rd. Inspector George Tewsley, chief-clerk in the Leeds Police Force, and son of our late Superintendent of Police, promoted to Lieutenant in the Edinburgh Constabulary, at a salary of £170 a-year. On Jan. 1st, 1879, the Leeds Force presented him with an illuminated address.

Oct. 24th. The Gorleston Storm Company’s lifeboatmen gallantly rescued the crew of the brig “Fuschia,” which foundered on Scroby Sands.

Oct. E. P. Youell, Esq., appointed by the Lord Lieutenant a Magistrate for the County of Suffolk.

Nov. 2nd. Mr. J. Green, of Gorleston, sprang into the river at the Brush and rescued a child named Warner from drowning. In March, 1879, he was awarded the Royal Humane Society’s bronze medal and clasp for his gallantry.

Nov. 4th. A wooden building constructed on the North Nelson Road, which Messrs. W. and G. Pinder used as a circus up to March 22nd, 1879. Messrs. Pinder first made their acquaintance with Yarmouth during the existence of the Regent Hall.

Nov. 5th. 80th birthdays of Mrs. Bowles and Mrs. Marshall, twin sisters, of this town, the only two surviving “children” of the late Robert Blake, fish merchant, out of a family of 22.

Nov. 8th. A terrific gale and serious damage to fishing craft (about 70) and shipping generally, with loss of life, including three hands belonging to the smack “Olive Leaf.”

Nov. 16th. Destructive floods throughout the County—Norwich on this date being the greater sufferer; part of the Great Eastern Railway was submerged, as well as the Hundreds in the Northern and Eastern Divisions.

Nov. 27th. The Town Council appointed as Burial Board for the parish of Gorleston, and in 1879 the new Cemetery at Gorleston was formed.

Dec. 14th. The news of the death of her Majesty’s second daughter Princess Alice observed in the town with the usual outward manifestations of sorrow.

Dec. Smack “Ingomar” lost through a collision.

Dec. 18th. Robert David Barber, Esq., J.P., T.C., and Actuary of the Yarmouth Savings Bank, died, aged 72 years. Mr. Barber was Mayor of the Borough in 1874. He was succeeded in the Council by Mr. Fredk. Carpenter on Jan. 16th, 1879; W. Barnard, Esq., as a Magistrate on March 7th, 1879; and Mr. Alfred Teasdel in the banking firm.

Dec. 20th. The s.s. “C. S. Butler,” with 900 tons of coal, of London, wrecked on Hasbro’ Sand, but her crew of 17 saved by the “Tyro.”

Dec. 23rd. Lieut.-Colonel James Duff, M.P. for North Norfolk, died in London, aged 47 years. His remains were interred in the quiet churchyard at Westwick, Westwick Park. As a Statesman, an officer in the army, a Freemason, or a private gentleman, Col. Duff’s general manner, his courtesy, and his hospitality endeared him to the hearts of all classes and sects who had the honour of his acquaintance.

Dec. 26th. Three Yarmouth gentlemen skated a distance of 23 miles over the rivers Thirne and Bure.

Dec. 31st. During the past half-year the Y. and N. N. Railway had carried 89,762 passengers, and taken £2,607 14s. 5d. The gross receipts amounted to £3,503 16s., and the expenditure was £1,629 8s.

Dec. 31st. The number of herrings landed at the Fishwharf during the season amounted to 10,150 lasts; and in the previous year 19,405 lasts, by about 650 fishing boats.

Dec. One hundred and eighty-four public-houses and 121 beer-houses in Yarmouth.

Dec. Three hundred and thirty-seven English and foreign vessels arrived in port during the year. Number of coasters 973. 24 vessels were totally lost off this coast in 1878, one with all hands, and 67 assisted in by lifeboat crews.

The receipts for this year’s Roads Regatta were £203 7s. 8d. The expenditure left a balance of £11 2s.

Marriages: Jan. 10th, A. E. Cowl, Esq., to Miss Emma E. Gambling; Feb. 16th, E. B. K. Lacon, Esq., to Florence A. Foster; Feb. 27th, J. S. Cobb, L.D.S., R.C.S., to Caroline S. Simpson; March 5th, Mr. Jas. Rivett to Miss A. Pike; April 30th, Rev. E. G. H. Murrell to Miss Agnes E. Aldred; May 7th, Rev. R. J. Tacon, J.P., of Rollesby, to Caroline B. Pitt; June 11th, Rev. H. J. Bode to Miss G. H. Murrell; Aug. 8th, Mr. F. W. Dendy to Miss J. Baumgartner.

Deaths: Jan., Capt. Cox, late County Court Bailiff; Jan. 18th, Mrs. Geo. Danby Palmer, aged 91; Jan. 26th, Mr. H. W. Weller, seven years manager of Southtown Gas Works, aged 47; March 17th, Mr. T. G. Ridgway Knight; May 31st, Rev. G. W. Steward, of Caister, aged 73; June 1st, Mr. Frank Noverre, aged 71; June 4th, Mr. J. T. Savage, aged 52; June 2nd, Garson Blake, Esq., J.P., aged 63; June 3rd, Capt. John Porter Laws, aged 71; June 11th, Capt. T. Davis, R.N.; June 24th, Mr. Alderman J. W. Bunn, aged 49; Dec. 18th, R. D. Barber, Esq., J.P., aged 72; Dec. 30th, Rev. J. Randerson, aged 72; Dec. 31st, Mr. T. W. Attwood, aged 60.

Launches: Jan. 2nd, dandy smack “Charlie”; Jan. 11th, smack “Rover”; Feb. 7th, smack “Daylight”; May 16th, dandy cutter “Susie”; June 5th, dandy cutter “Moggy”; June 17th, smack “Oak”; Aug. smacks “Myrtle,” “Prompt” and “Violet May”; Aug. 29th, trawling smack “Cyprus”; Sept. “Hilda”; Sept. 18th, “Progress”; same month “William Henry” and “Ettie.”


The winter was one of the longest and severest known for many years past, lasting over seven months. The Southtown slabs and marshes were for several weeks covered with ice.


Jan. 1st. Rateable yearly value of property in Yarmouth was £92,603. Number of paupers relieved this day—indoor, 307; outdoor, 852. Expenditure for year ending Michaelmas, 1878, in-maintenance, £3,778; out-relief, £4,413. Salaries, rations, and superannuation of officers, £1,824; maintenance of lunatics in asylums, £1,273; other expenses, £1,401; total relief to the poor, £12,689.

Jan. Mr. J. T. Bottle, architect of this town, wrote and published a poetical play entitled, Brian Boru, of which the Spectator says:—“There is so much that is pure, and stately, and dramatic in the tragedy, that we cannot but hope much for the author.”

Jan. 18th. Weston, the American pedestrian, started from the Royal Exchange on a walk of 2,000 miles in 1,000 hours. After completing 1,782½ miles he lectured at the Yarmouth Theatre. On Feb. 28th, Weston had walked 1,977½ miles, being 22½ miles in arrear.

Jan. 21st. Edward Birkbeck, Esq., of Horstead Hall, Norwich, elected M.P. for North Norfolk, in place of the late Col. Duff, by a majority of 490 over Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton, Bart., of Warlies, Waltham Abbey, Essex. The declaration of the poll at Aylsham next day was—Birkbeck (C.), 2,742; Buxton, 2,252. About 1,600 voters polled in Yarmouth, and the remainder in the Division. The constituency comprised 6,474 electors, but 1,480 abstained from voting. It was a sharply-contested battle, and cost, according to official returns, Mr. Birkbeck, £3,496; and Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton, £3,189 14s. 8d.

Feb. 9th. Mr. F. Hewitt’s smack “Henry and Polly” foundered on the Shipwash Sand, and on Feb. 10th, the “William” on Scroby.

Feb. 12th. St. John’s Church re-opened.

Feb. The smack “Himalaya” launched.

Feb. 18th. Captain Wilson presented with a handsome silver flower-stand by the Mayor, on behalf of the Gorleston Company of the 2nd Norfolk Rifles, as a testimonial.

March 6th. In the skating contest of 12 hours, at the Norwich Rink, 33 rounds to the mile, for the Championship of the Eastern Counties, 16 entered, but only eight started, the son of Mr. E. Candler, now of “Angel” Hotel, Yarmouth, taking first prize—a gold medal, in a beautiful case, bearing the following inscription:—“Twelve hours’ skating contest, champion of Eastern Counties, won by E. F. Candler. Distance skated in twelve hours, 77 miles 7 laps.”

March 7th. T. B. Steward, Wm. Barnard, W. Harrison, Walter Brown, W. H. Bessey, R. E. Dowson, J. A. Norman, J. P. Baumgartner, and R. Bryant, Esqs., appointed Magistrates for the Borough.

March 25th. Receipts of the School Board for past half-year, £1,765; expenditure, £1,521. The rate was then 1d. on the £ per quarter.

March. The steamer “Luxor” (under the command of Captain Fill, son of the late Mr. S. Fill, of Yarmouth), on fire at Gravesend; and Chief-Constable Berry (late of Yarmouth), with Captain John Lake and the Fire Brigade, subdued the conflagration after 26 hours’ hard work.

March 24th. Gallant services rendered by the Caister beachmen in rescuing the captain and crew of the Norwegian brig “Cito” on Hasbro’ during a heavy gale and sea, after 14 hours’ exposure.

March. Rev. A. Aldred, curate of Horncastle, son of C. C. Aldred, Esq., presented by the Lord Chancellor to the living of Worlingham, near Beccles.

April 3rd. Mr. W. Sexton, Lay Vicar of Westminster Abbey (formerly of Yarmouth), appointed Professor of Music and Singing at the Westminster Endowed Schools (600 boys). Was also chosen choir-master of St. Peter’s, Eaton Square, on March the 25th.

April 3rd. First Yarmouth Bicycle Club opened with 16 members.

April 7th. The “Falcon,” of this port, stranded on Fedra Rocks; and on the 9th the Italian barque “Guiseppina N.” wrecked on Yarmouth Beach—value £4,900.

April 18th. Mr. T. Saul elected a member of the Town Council for St. Andrew’s Ward by a majority of 100 shove Mr. B. H. Press. Vacancy caused by death of Mr. T. W. Gooda, whose property was sold on May 15th, and realised £3,814 14s. 6d.

April 24th. The Vicar of Yarmouth presented with a life-size portrait of himself in gilt frame by a number of parishioners as a token of respect, on his 57th birthday. It was painted in oil by Mr. Baldry (Herbert Leslie).

Messrs. Hunter and English’s charge for constructing the new dredger (FitzRoy) was £5,647. On trial it raised 360 tons of loamy clay in 3½ hours, and since then 800 tons were dredged up in six hours. The consumption of coal was one ton for every 750 tons of soil raised. The old dredger was sold by auction in June, 1880, for £125.

April. Rev. S. Hooke, minister of St. Peter’s, presented by the members of his Bible Class with a small Communion service. On July 14th this gentleman, on the death of the Rev. R. F. Palmer, was instituted to the living at Clopton, worth about £600 or £700 a year. Mr. Hooke preached his farewell sermon on Aug. 31st, and on the following evening was presented at the Rifle Drill Hall with a silver tea and coffee service, silver salts, fish carver and fork, by his congregation and friends.

May. New Barracks on the South Denes built.

May 10th. The body of a dead female child found in Row 43. It was wrapped up in rags, and weighed 8 lbs. Supposed to have been murdered.

May 28th. Mr. L Preston, jun.’s, yacht “Maud” sold by auction for £120. She is now the property of Mr. Stanley.

June. Sir John Hawkshaw made a report on the causes of the late disastrous floods in the valley of the Wensum and at Norwich.

June 10th. Mr. Wm. Howes Hunt died, aged 72. He was born on Oct. 10th, 1806, and was originally apprenticed to a bookbinder, and served his time to it; but that not proving lucrative, he afterwards turned his attention to the drapery business—first as an assistant, then as manager, and afterwards as a partner in this town with Mr. C. Miller. His leisure time was spent in painting, and he became an artist of considerable ability, his works being much valued.

June. The so-called “Captain Alwyns,” of the yacht “Cynthia,” visited Yarmouth, and will be long remembered by some of our tradesmen who were duped by him, especially Mr. Sutton, of the “Victoria” Hotel, and Mrs. Sewell, grocer, with whom he dealt heavily. He was subsequently captured at Keswick, in Cumberland, and committed for trial.

June 17th. H.R.H. the Prince of Wales came to Yarmouth, via Norwich, this being his second visit, and the town was en fête. The principal streets were gaily decorated with bunting, and there was a grand display of fireworks from the Wellington Pier the same evening. He stayed at Shaddingfield Lodge till the 19th, during which time he inspected his own Artillery Regiment, the Volunteers, and the Duke of Edinburgh’s Band. He also visited the Theatre Royal (where the Gaiety Company had made arrangements for his delectation), and Somerleyton Hall, the seat of Lady and Sir Savile Crossley.

June 18th. Sir John Coode furnished a lengthy report for improving the South Pier and Haven Works, and the Commissioners decided to spend £3,650. The Spur Breakwater, of cement concrete, was estimated to cost £10,600. Sir John’s first report was dated April, 1873.

June 23rd. Sergt.-Major Britton, who had served nearly 23 years in the army, viz., 18 months in the 17th Hussars and Military Train respectively, and 21 years in the 9th Regiment, from which he now retires upon pension, was presented with a diamond-set gold scarf-pin in case, by his brother Non-commissioned Officers of the 31st Brigade Depôt, and a meerschaum pipe by Canteen Steward Welby. He was in the Crimea for 15 months, and served at the siege of Sebastopol.

June 25th. Dr. J. J. Raven presented with a testimonial by the scholars of the Grammar School on the anniversary of his birthday, as a mark of respect to him as their Head Master.

June 29th. Fatal boiler explosion on board the s.s. “Black Swan,” while in the Cockle Gat, and three men killed, and one other severely scalded, so much so that he died in the Yarmouth Hospital on July 13th. The ill-fated steamer was brought into this port, and an inquest held at the above Institute.

June 30th. Caister churchyard closed for burials, and a new Cemetery opened.

June 30th. The smack “Wild Duck” lost at sea; and on July 3rd the “Tantivy” shared the same fate. Crews saved.

July 8th. A vote of condolence proposed by the Yarmouth Town Council to the Empress Eugénie, the Ex-Empress of France, expressive of the town’s sympathy with her on the loss of her son (the Prince Imperial) in the Zulu War.

July 14th. The great tenor, Sims Reeves, accompanied by Miss Brooke and Signor Foli, gave a Concert at the Aquarium, under the direction of Mr. W. Pyatt. Formosa was performed the same evening at the Theatre Royal on the opening night of Mr. A. Terry Hurst’s season.

July 15th. A plague comprising millions of tiny spiders visited our shores, and exemplified their natural industry. A similar plague on April 24th, 1880. On Sept. 1st, 1880, there was a plague of myriads of flies on the beach.

July 18th. Fire at Mr. Smith’s fish office and premises in Row 123.

July 23rd. A handsome silver épergne, with glasses for flowers and fruit, and surmounted by a richly-chased cradle, bearing the Yarmouth Arms and Corporation Insignia, presented to the Mayor at the Town Hall. On the base of the épergne is inscribed:—“Presented to E. H. H. Combe, Esq., by the Justices and Town Council of the Borough of Great Yarmouth, in commemoration of the birth of a daughter during his mayoralty, 1878–9.” The health of the daughter was drunk in the “loving cup” after the ceremony.

July 24th. Boat capsized on Breydon, and the four men in it rescued by a wherryman, named James Paston. The wherry, however, sunk before they were got ashore, and Paston and his wife, together with the four men had a narrow escape, but were all brought to land safely in another boat which went to their rescue.

July 29th. One hundred and ninety-three building sites north of the Workhouse, and 18 to west of New Cemetery, belonging to the Corporation, offered by auction, but only a few found purchasers.

Aug. The new Police Station at Gorleston built.

Aug. 3rd. A terrible thunderstorm, accompanied by rain and lightning of a most dangerous character, at early morning, and lasted for several hours. There were also a gale and high tide. The lightning destroyed much property, Mr. Pycraft, of Exmouth Road, being among the greater sufferers, his residence being wrecked by the electric fluid; and in Gorleston several houses suffered from the same cause. Many parts of the district were flooded with water, as the rainfall was 2.43 inches, equal to 245.414 tons, or 54,972.796 gallons per acre; and on the square mile, 157,065.139 tons, or 35,182,592.919 gallons. Mr. W. H. Willis says:—“A dam, 2,000 feet long and 50 ft. wide, would require the sides and ends to be about 111 ft. 9 in. high to hold a fall of 2.43 inches.”

Aug. 8th. A smacksman attempted to murder a woman, named Alice Sutton, in George Street, by stabbing her several times with a knife.

Aug. 11th. A young man, named Harvey, saved three gentlemen whilst bathing from the beach. These made 11 he has saved from a watery grave.

Aug. 11th to 20th. The British Archæological Society held their 26th Annual Congress at Yarmouth, under the presidency of Lord Waveney, D.L., F.R.S., the Mayor being chairman of the local committee. The opening dinner was held in the Nelson Room, at the Star Hotel, and meetings every evening were convened at the Town Hall. Every place of interest in the town and neighbourhood were visited in the ten days.

Aug. 13th. The barque “Zurich” foundered on Hasbro’. Crew saved.

Aug. 25th. Eighty children baptized at St. Peter’s Church.

Aug. 27th. Tenders opened for erecting the new Municipal Buildings. Thirteen were sent in, viz.:—Messrs. Durrant and Evans, £31,300; T. Howes, £28,572; B. Springall, £28,208; Hubbard and Co., £27,995; Cornish and Gaymer, £27,740; I. S. Cooper, £27,650; Bardwell and Bros., £27,600; E. Howes and Cooper, £27,590; P. H. Dawes, £27,417; G. E. Howes, £26,900; Jones and Co., £26,533; H. Everett and Son, £26,000; and Lacey and Co. (Norwich), £26,200, the latter being accepted. For building the new Police Station, residence for chief constable, &c., in Middlegate Street, Mr. Bray’s tender of £1,447 was accepted.

Aug. 29th. R. F. Kemp saved a man from drowning near the beach, his bravery being afterwards recognised by the Royal Humane Society.

Aug. 29th. The opening of the Yare-side Iron Works at Southtown celebrated by a dinner to the work people of Messrs. Alexander and Wright.

Sept. 6th. A rate collector charged with embezzling £362 18s. 9½d., and afterwards imprisoned for 15 months. Another collector absconded in Nov., and was arrested by Inspector Dann at Liverpool, on the 21st.

Sep. 14th. A pike, 43 in. long and 20 in. in girth, weighing 27 lbs., caught at Cantley.

Sept. 24th and 25th. The seventh annual East of England Horse Show held at Southtown. This was the second time Yarmouth had been chosen.

Sept. 30th. Tom Massingham, of Newcastle, better known as “Steeple Jack,” removed the weather-cock off St. Nicholas’ spire for regilding. This wind-indicator is 141 years old, stands 2 ft. 8 in, in height, and is 4 ft. long. It had not been gilded for 39 years before. The act was a daring one, as the steeple is 168 feet high. The steeple is covered with tinned sheet copper.

Sept. 30th. Mr. S. Aldred sold by auction the old Town Hall, Police Station, &c., to be pulled down by purchasers, which realised a total of £535. The fixtures were sold previously. The Corporation “reserved to themselves” the foundation or memorial stone, with its contents, but this was “conspicuous by its absence.”

Oct. 1st. The Yarmouth ringers rang 1,008 grandsire trebles on the Parish Church bells, to celebrate the 84th birthday of Thomas Gooch, he himself taking the treble. Gooch was born at Richmond in 1795, and died at Yarmouth in 1883. His late father was steward to George III.

Oct. The hull of the “Iron Duke,” wrecked on the beach on Nov. 18th, 1841, discovered under the sand opposite the Aquarium, in a direct line with the third bay from the south end.

Oct. 4th. Fire on Mr. Robert George’s premises at Southtown. Damage, £1,150.

Oct. 9th. Gorleston Cemetery consecrated by the Lord Bishop of Norwich.

Oct. 19th. The Bishop of British Columbia preached at the Parish Church. (See Nov., 1858.) It is reported that he has now (1884) resigned the Bishopric.

Nov. 2nd. Loss of the smack “Florence and Johanna,” and five hands, the vessel being run down on the fishing grounds. Six other hands were drowned this day in a gale.

Nov. 1st. The Graphic published a sketch of the original Peggotty’s Hut in Yarmouth, which was then about to be demolished.

The poor rate for the year was 3s. 4d.; in 1869 it was 5s. 2d.; in 1873, 4s. 4d.; and in 1877, 3s. 6d.

Nov. 5th. The “Jetty Mills,” St. George’s Road, purchased by Mr. F. Carpenter for £1,170, and pulled down.

Nov. 23rd. Mr. Charles Samuel Dale Steward, Parish Churchwarden from 1848 till 1873, died, aged 77 years. A memorial window is placed in the Parish Church to his and the late Mr. Churchwarden Aldred’s memory. Subscriptions for this amounted to £151 12s. 6d.

Nov. 28th. Elizabeth, widow of Thomas Warren, a mail-coach driver, died in Row 21, at the advanced age of 104 years and 8 months.

Nov. 29th. Fire at Mr. W. S. Wigg’s, jeweller, Regent Street.

Dec. 11th. Rev. Joseph Tongue, Primitive Methodist Minister, received his B.A. degree at Cambridge University.

Dec. 27th. Miss Jermy, daughter of the late Recorder of Norwich, died, and was interred in the vault at Wymondham Churchyard, with the bodies of Isaac Jenny and his son, who were murdered by Rush. (See Nov. 6th, 1848.)

One hundred and five vessels imported timber here in the year; 112 in 1878; and 104 in 1877.

Marriages: Feb. 20th, Mr. J. Percival Smith, son of J. C. Smith, Esq., to Miss Eliza Jane Branch.—Aug. 20th, Rev. A. Aldred, rector of Worlingham, to Miss M. O. Clowes.—Sept. 2nd, H. Harvey-George, Esq., to Jessie, second daughter of Robert Hewett, Esq.

Deaths: Feb. 27th, Lieut.-Col. FitzRoy, J.P.—March 22nd, T. W. Gooda, Esq., T.C., aged 72.—April 6th, Sir Thomas B. Beevor, Bart., aged 81.—April 23rd, William Wright, Esq., architect and builder, aged 69.—May 5th, Captain J. Emerson, harbour master, aged 62.—May 26th, Philip Pullen, Esq., J.P., aged 87.—June 10th, Mr. W. H. Hunt, aged 72.—June 25th, Mr. James Burman, bell ringer and late parish clerk, aged 64.—July 20th, Mary, mother of Mr. J. H. Harrison, aged 87.

Launches: April 24th, smacks “Magpie” and “Greyhound.”—May 27th, Mr. Morgan’s yacht “Gnat.”—Sept. 8th, smack “Leonard.”—Sept. 16th, fishing boat “Promise.”


Jan. The Bure Preservation Society established.

Jan. 3rd. Schooner “Kate,” of Yarmouth, wrecked.

Jan. 13th. Fire at Mr. Pond’s shop, King Street; and on Jan. 30th a fire on the fishing premises of Mr. Joseph Ellis, Middle Market Road.

Feb. 21st. Major James Henry Orde, 2nd N.R.V., of Hopton Hall, Suffolk, son of the late General and Lady Elizabeth Orde, died, aged 49.

March 18th. A sad accident happened in the Market Place. Mr. Johnson’s horses, in a mourning coach, ran away, and overtaking a walking funeral (Mrs. Thompson’s), came in contact with the bearers, one of whom was knocked over and the coffin thrown to the ground. Damage was also done to some of the shops in the Butchery by the runaways.

March 20th. Fire on board the smack “Young Harry” whilst at sea, and several fishermen injured.

April 7th. The Parliamentary Election for East Suffolk, which includes Gorleston and Southtown, took place, and resulted as follows:—Lord Rendlesham (C.), 4,239 votes; Colonel F. S. N. Barne (C.), 3,620; Mr. R. L. Everett (L.), 3,502. The two first-named were re-elected. This election cost the two Conservative candidates £1,921 6s. each, and Mr. Everett, £1,230 13s. 2d.

April. The first dissolution of Parliament since March 5th, 1874. Although Sir E. H. K. Lacon, Bart., and E. Birkbeck, Esq., were returned to Parliament for North Norfolk without opposition, their expenses were £325 16s. 5d., including £87 for agency.

April 8th. Mr. T. P. George presented with a massive marble timepiece by the teachers of St. Nicholas’ Sunday School.

April 20th. The principal corner-stone (3 tons in weight), of the new Town Hall and Municipal Buildings was laid by the Mayor (C. C. Aldred, Esq.), in the presence of the Corporation and a large number of ladies and gentlemen. The Mayor was presented with a richly-chased silver trowel appropriately inscribed. In the cavity of the stone was deposited in two stone bottles, “Crisp’s Chronological History of Yarmouth” (A.D. 46 to 1879 inclusive); Times, April 20th; Yarmouth Independent and Gazette, April 17th; Builder, Feb. 22nd, 1879; Building News, Sept. 27th, 1878; a sequence of coin, from a sovereign to a farthing (exclusive of a crown and fourpenny-piece); photograph of Old Town Hall; Council’s Committee Book and statement of date of laying the principal stone, with the names of the Building Committee. (See May 31st, 1882.)

April 27th. Mr. William Smith, 20 years sick steward of the Good Samaritan Lodge (M.U.O.O.), presented with a silver watch and gold Albert chain and appendages by the brotherhood as a memento of esteem; and on June 15th Bro. R. Ladbroke, eight years treasurer to the Marquis of Lorne Lodge, presented with a marble timepiece.

May. R. Martins and S. Nightingale, jun., Esqs., appointed Borough Magistrates by the Lord Chancellor.

May 4th. Marriage of Mr. W. Teasdel with Alice, second daughter of J. E. Barnby, Esq.; June 3rd, F. J. Irwin with Kate, third daughter of Mr. Barnby; and on Oct. 12th Mr. Edgar Barnby with Edith Mary, third daughter of the late J. W. Bunn, Esq.

May 8th. The Mayor (C. C. Aldred, Esq.) and Dr. Mayo thrown out of a dog cart on Regent Road, caused by a runaway horse.

May 19th to 21st. Visit to Yarmouth of the Duke of Edinburgh, as Admiral Superintendent of the Naval Reserve, and considerable éclat was given to the occasion. The Duke also paid a flying visit to this town by the North Norfolk Railway on Nov. 24th.

May 22nd. St. Nicholas’ Church broken into by thieves.

May 25th. St. Nicholas’ change bell ringers rang, in 1 hr. 20 min., on the eight large Parish Church bells (the tenor 31 cwt.), 1,880 changes of Bob major, composed and conducted by William Lee.

May 26th. A Royal sturgeon, six feet long and weighing eleven stone, brought in by the cutter “British Lion.”

June. The Steward memorial drinking fountain removed to the Marine Parade.

June 15th. Mr. S. Sparrow, 14 years hon. treasurer to Court Star of West (A.I.O.F.), presented by the brotherhood with a silver watch, suitably inscribed.

June 17th. Opening of the new Congregational School Room and Lecture Hall, South Howard Street. Cost, with fittings, £3,000.

June 29th. A handsome brass-bound family Bible presented to Bro. Spanton, 10 years auditor to the St. Nicholas’ Lodge (N.O.O.), as a memento of esteem.

June 31st. J. Worlledge, Esq., resigned his position as County Court Judge. On Nov. 6th he was presented with an illuminated address, with 153 signatures. He died on July 19th, 1881. T. B. Bristowe, Esq., Q.C., was appointed Judge on July 28th.

July 1st. Captain Giles, A Company, 2nd N.R.V., presented with a testimonial in commemoration of his marriage by his brother officers and privates.

July 16th. The new Drill Hall, for the 1st Norfolk Artillery Volunteers, opened. The hall is 73 ft. by 40 ft., with orderly and committee rooms attached, each 17 by 13 ft.

July 20th. The first Gorleston Marine Regatta held in the South Ham and Roadstead.

July. On the retirement of Mr. S. Swarbrick from the office of General Manager of the Great Eastern Railway, Mr. William Birt, many years Goods Manager, succeeded to the post. Mr. Swarbrick was presented with a service of silver plate, value 250 guineas, by the heads of the department.

Aug. 14th. The Yarmouth Independent permanently enlarged. (See July 28th, 1855.)

Aug. 20th. Fire at Messrs. R. and A. Brown’s fishing premises, Friar’s Lane.

Sept. Mr. E. Hawkins resigned the management of the Southtown Tramway, and was succeeded by Mr. George Wright.

Sept. 3rd. The mail steamer “Grantully Castle” passed outside the sands on a voyage from Leith to Gravesend, having on board the Hon. William E. Gladstone and family. About 50 Yarmouth gentlemen went out in the tug “Meteor” to present him with an address of congratulation upon his convalescence.

Sept. Part of the original MSS. of “Swinden’s History of Yarmouth” and “Manship’s History” purchased by T. P. Burroughs, Esq., F.S.A. (See 1772).

Sept. 18th. The old wooden Grand Stand on the South Denes totally destroyed by fire.

Oct. 2nd. The three-masted schooner “Curlew,” with her captain and four of the crew, lost off Yarmouth, the result of a collision.

Oct. 4th. Heavy gale and loss of the lugger “Ebenezer” on the South Beach. About £400 worth of damage done to South Pier. On the 29th there was another gale, and many men injured and drowned at sea as well as great destruction of fishing property. The Yarmouth schooners “John Snell” and “Isis” lost. The smacks “Expert,” “Luna,” “Mystery,” “Harry,” and “Defiance” each lost six hands. The Swedish barque “Systers,” which came into port after the gale in a wretched state of dilapidation, was the best criterion of what she had encountered. The “Systers” was valued at £927 14s. 1d., and salvors were awarded £384. She was sold in London on Feb. 1st, for £295.

Oct. 7th. The wine and spirit stores and building site of Messrs. S. Grimmer and Co., at the south-east corner of Regent Street, sold by auction, and realized £5,300, but was afterwards re-sold to Mr. Bayfield by private contract.

Oct. 15th. The resident Inspector at the Vauxhall Station (Mr. Reeve) run over by a train and killed.

Oct. 18th. The Rev. R. Nicholson, founder of the Boys’ and Girls’ Homes, presented with a public subscription (£61) prior to leaving the town.

Oct. 18th. A petty juryman fined £5 for refusing to appear at the Quarter Sessions when summoned.

Oct. 24th. Great communion at the Parish Church, and 1,102 persons partook of the Sacrament this day.

Oct. 30th. A lad named Charles Meffin (15) fell from the inner scaffolding at the new Town Hall (26 ft.), and died from injuries received.

Oct. Cornelius Harley Christmas, a native of this town, whose property was sworn under £60,000, willed £15,800 to the poor of Great Yarmouth for ever, the yearly interest of which was upwards of £770, which sum was to be divided and spent every year, the week before Christmas, in coal, bread, and money. The £770 was reduced by other expenses to £696, viz., £199 for bread, £398 for coal, and £99 in money, to be distributed in wards, namely, North and South Wards each £100 coal, £50 bread, and £24 in money; Market, Regent, and St. George’s each £66 coal, £33 bread, and £17 in money. Not more than 2 cwt. of coal, 1s. in bread, and 1s. to 2s. in money, to be given to one house. But “if difficulties arose through litigation, the property to be realised, and the money to be distributed among the poor of Yarmouth, not more than £20 to occupier of each house.” This year nearly 8,000 cwts. of coal, 16,000 loaves, and more than £100 in money was distributed among 6,000 families, but Mr. Christmas’ death occurring afterwards (see Feb. 4th, 1881) the gift was passed into Chancery, and the poor will have to wait its resuscitation before they get further aid. Other charities were to be benefited. (See Feb. 4th, 1881).

Nov. 4th. Several uproarious meetings of the Board of Guardians commenced, relative to the election of a registrar of births and deaths for the South District.

Nov. 8th. First burial in Yarmouth under the New Burial Law; and on Dec. 27th, the first Nonconformist was buried in the churchyard without the rite of the Church of England.

Nov. 6th. Mr. B. Press elected as an Alderman in place of Mr. P. Case, resigned.

Nov. The beautifully-carved pulpit (designed by the Vicar) in the Parish Church finished. It cost £579 14s., and was 3½ years in making.

Nov. 25th. Mr. Waters presented with a marble timepiece by the senior members of St. James’ choir.

Dec. 23rd. That “a cat has nine lives” was partly verified by the fact that a feline was accidentally nailed under the floor at 47, South Quay, for three weeks without food, and was taken out alive.

Dec. 25th. The dead body of a woman named Harriet Parsons (60), of Norwich, found on Yarmouth Beach. Her husband left her for 27 years, and she, believing him dead, in the interval married again; and her first husband’s return home is supposed to have caused her to commit suicide.

Dec. 26th. Mr. H. T. Stonex ordained by the Bishop of Bath and Wells, and licensed to a curacy at Taunton.

Launches: Jan., smack “Nellie”; Jan. 28th, smack “Silver Dart”; May 3rd, smacks “Busy Bee” and “Edith Mary”; May 10th, smack “Greenheys”; Sept. 27th, smack “Francis”; Nov. 6th, fish carrier “Bessie”; Nov. 22nd, cutter “Phœnix.”

Marriages: March 31st, Rev. G. Merriman, of Martham, to Miss E. S. Steward; May 20th, Mr. G. W. Giles to Miss A. E. L. Blake; June 8th, R. E. Pinhey, Esq., to Emily Gertrude, eldest daughter of F. Palmer, Esq., J.P.; Oct. 21st, Mr. E. H. Morgan to Miss E. K. Press, of Southtown.

Deaths: Feb. 5th, Mr. Marcus John Grimmer, aged 63; Feb. 23rd, Mr. Thos. Todd, boatowner, aged 52; March 11th, Mr. Walter J. Lincoln, Town Hall keeper, aged 48; March 13th, Mr. Geo. Hastings, boat builder; May 28th, Wm. Danby Palmer, Esq., of Southtown, aged 46, June, Daniel Gurney, Esq., at North Runcton, aged 89; July 1st, Arthur G. W. Neale, B.A., aged 23; Aug. 27th. Hezekiah Martin, Esq., aged 86; Sept. 22nd, Mr. Wm. Hewke, many years head master at the Hospital School, aged 68; Oct. 19th, John Wilton Shelly, J.P., aged 70; Oct. 21st, Dr. J. Baily, aged 74; Dec., Frank Buckland, Esq., H.M’s. Inspector of Fisheries, aged 54.


Jan. 6th. Mr. W. H. Willis, boat owner of Gorleston, presented with a handsome timepiece by the Pilot Lodge (M.U.O.O.), of which he was hon. sec.

Jan. The Local Government Board consented to lend the Corporation £2,000 for wood and concrete pavements, the money spent in wood to be refunded in 15 years, and that for concreting in 20 years.

Jan. New Coastguard House on Gorleston Pier erected.

Jan. 7th. Mr. Robert Warner’s sail and net stores at Gorleston destroyed by fire; damage about £3,500; and on Jan. 26th a large fire at Mr. C. Seiver’s net chamber, at Gorleston. March 28th, one occurred at Mr. T. Gallant’s, “William the IV.” public house, Gorleston.

Jan. 11th. The North End Mission Room opened.

Jan. 11th. A large gallery in the north-west aisle of St. Nicholas’ Church removed.

Jan. 17th. Mr. C. H. Wiltshire elected an Alderman in the place of the late Mr. R. S. Watling.

Jan. 18th. One of the worst gales experienced in the present generation, when six out of a crew of nine brave beachmen and a volunteer lost their lives by the upsetting of the surf lifeboat “Abraham Thomas” whilst trying to rescue the mate of the schooner “Guiding Star” (Thomas Jones), whose vessel was stranded on the South Beach, opposite the Asylum. Jones was also lost out of the lifeboat. Highway traffic and the Great Eastern Railway was blocked for 24 hours. About 50 lives were lost off this coast. Besides the “Guiding Star,” the schooners “Rhoda,” and “Sarah Jane,” the French ketch “Manne du Ciel,” and the brig “Battle of Corunna” were driven ashore, and from the last-named, in the South Ham, seven hands, including a woman, were drowned. The names of the men in the lifeboat who were drowned were J. Ditcham (30), H. Masterson (15), J. Sherwood (44), Robert Symonds (37), Charles Henry Beckett (21), and William Green (whose body was not recovered), leaving 4 widows and 22 children. On the day of the interment (24th) thousands of people filled the Parish Church, and lined the route to the New Cemetery. At the funeral service the organ played the “Dead March” in Samson, and the Mayoress (Mrs. T. B. Steward) placed a beautiful floral wreath upon each of the coffins before they entered the church. The funeral cortège comprised five separate hearses, and thirteen mourning coaches with the relatives. The subscriptions raised for the relief of the widows and orphans reached over £3,000. The four survivors among the lifeboat men were W. Haylett, coxswain, W. Davey, R. Brown, and W. P. Smith.

Jan. Mr. W. G. Poll, of Yarmouth, and Mr. A. E. Richmond, of Southtown, passed their preliminary examinations of the Pharmaceutical Society.

Feb. 4th. Mr. C. H. Christmas died at Yarmouth, aged 86 years. (See Oct., 1880.)

Feb. Mr. W. H. Cowl, solicitor, awarded the special prizes of the “Timphron Martin” and “John Atkinson” gold medals for 1880.

Feb. 11th. The stoker on board the steam tug “Victoria,” Robert Jackman (46), accidentally killed after towing the Norwegian steamer “Norma” (652 tons register) on to Gorleston beach the day before, where she became a total wreck.

Feb. 11th. School Board Election. The following candidates were returned:—Messrs. Palgrave, Peaton, Moxon, Johnson, Dowson, Waters, Worlledge, Leach (Mrs.), Bately, Splain, and Tomkins. (See Feb., 1875.)

Feb. 12th. Marriage of the Baroness Burdett-Coutts, with W. Ashmead Bartlett, Esq., in London.

March. A fine shark, 7 ft. long, brought to the Fishwharf.

March 5th. Total loss of the Yarmouth schooner “Princess Royal” and all hands.

March 14th. Charles Crawshaw Wilkinson, inventor of the perforated stamp sheets, died at Yarmouth, aged 79 years. (See 1850.)

April. Lieut.-Col. Sir E. Lacon resigned his commission in the 2nd East Norfolk Militia, but retains the rank of hon. colonel.

April 18th to May 7th. The first National Fisheries Exhibition at Norwich, and many contributions were sent from Yarmouth.

April. The census of Yarmouth and Gorleston taken by 22 enumerators. Population of the Borough, 44,782, including 8,903 in Gorleston and Southtown, viz., 24,447 females and 20,335 males (many men at sea not included). Number of houses and buildings, 10,098. The increase on the past ten years was 7,009.

April 19th. The intelligence of the death this day of Earl Beaconsfield, in his 76th year, was received here with manifestations of sorrow. The very first flag hoisted on the New Town Hall, was half-mast, and that in respect to the memory of the deceased. This day is now known as “Primrose Day,” when the primrose is extensively used as a button-hole throughout the nation.

April 19th. The Rev. Bowyer Vaux, M.A., presented with a massive chased silver tea tray, together with an address on vellum, by the congregation of St. Peter’s Church, as a token of esteem, he having been minister there for 35 years.

April 28th. Opening of the New Organ at the Temple. It was built by Mr. W. C. Mack, of this town.

May 1st. Boat accident on Breydon, when William Hawkins. John McPhee, and Louis Feekins lost their lives by being drowned.

May 5th. Inspector Brogden elected Chief Constable for the Borough on the resignation of Mr. Joseph Ogden.

May 7th. Col.-Sergt. Fenton, E.N.M., presented with a silver cup by his late Captain, Major Lacon, for efficient services.

May 11th. The new Northgate Board Schools, in Ramp Row, opened. The site is 195 ft. by 150 ft., and the buildings, of red brick, set in dark mortar joints, are of a Gothic character. They cost, with fittings, legal expenses, &c., £5,660, and will accommodate 610 children.

May. On the removal of Mr. J. W. Keogh, collector of Customs at this port, Mr. J. Robertson was promoted to Yarmouth.

June 8th. The magnificent three-mast steam yacht “Northumbria,” 456 tons, belonging to Lord Lonsdale, came into harbour, and was inspected by the Prince of Wales. Her crew comprised 25 hands.

June 9th to 11th. The third visit to Yarmouth of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, who was joined here by H.R.H. the Duke of Cambridge, K.G., and other distinguished visitors. (See June 6th, 1882.)

June 10th. The Rev. E. C. Kemp, M.A., Incumbent of St. George’s Chapel, died at Yarmouth, aged 87. Dr. J. J. Raven, head master of the Grammar School, succeeded him as minister.

June 18th. W. Brewer’s Spanish bitch had a litter of 11 pups, and the previous Nov. she had 12, making 28 in 8 months.

June 18th. E. A. Ducket and F. H. S. Raven took their B.A. degrees at Cambridge.

June. The Lord Chancellor of England appointed Francis Roxburgh, Esq., Q.C., to be the Judge of the County Courts of the district, in place of S. B. Bristowe, Esq., Q.C., transferred.

June 18th. The smack “Excellent” lost on the Dutch coast.

June 27th. Isaac Hill, T. Saul, L. Blake, and A. Palmer, Esqs., took the oath as Borough Magistrates.

July. Mr. C. J. Wiltshire, son of C. H. Wiltshire, Esq., passed the intermediate examination of the Law Society.

July 9th. Review of nearly 60,000 Volunteers in Windsor Park by the Queen and other members of the Royal Family. Eleven officers and 309 men of the Yarmouth Corps attended. The Duke of Cambridge, Prince Edward of Saxe-Weimar, Sir Garnet Wolseley, and others rode down the lines.

July 12th. New Grand Stand, South Denes, first opened. (See Sept. 18th, 1880.)

July 14th. The wife of Mr. A. E. Blagg, Market Row, unfortunately knocked down and killed by a railway truck while passing over the level crossing on the Southtown Road.

July 19th. John Worlledge, Esq., late County Court Judge, died at Brooklyn, Ipswich, aged 72 years. (See June 31st, 1880.)

July 19th. The Duke of Argyle and Admiral Hamilton landed here from the Trinity yacht “Galatea.”

July 23rd. Another fire at Mr. R. Kemp’s premises at Gorleston, and damage estimated at £2,000; also on Dec. 8th (the sixth) on fishing premises.

July. The new valuation lists completed, and the town re-assessed, much to the dissatisfaction of many ratepayers. Oct. 3rd. Messrs. Lacons’ brewery assessed at £2,100 gross, on an estimated rental of £1,400. The brewery occupies la. 0r. 25p. On an appeal before the Recorder in June, 1882, these sums were reduced.

July. Mr. A. E. Gunton passed his preliminary examination in Pharmacy.

July 28th. Mr. Thos. Womack Branford, boat builder and inventor of a plan for speedily launching a boat from a ship’s deck, died at Burgh, aged 72 years.

July 28th. Mr. A. W. Morant died at Leeds, aged 53 years. (See March, 1856.)

Aug. 22nd. The Market tolls let by auction for five years to Mr. Percy, of London, at £970 per annum. They had let hitherto for £925 a year.

Sept. 17th. A viper, 25 inches long, killed at Caister, and found to have a common rat in its stomach.

Sept. 22nd. Captain Brown, 2nd N.R.V., presented with a handsome marble and bronze clock and a pair of bronzes to match, as a memento of esteem on his retirement from the corps.

Sept. 22nd. Rev. C. M. Hardy, B.A., ordained the minister of the Park Baptist Chapel in place of Rev. W. Vincent.

Sept. 29th. Mr. W. P. Creak, T.C., presented with a silver épergne by the teachers and officers of the Free Church Sunday School.

Oct. 9th. St. Nicholas’ Church again broken into, and the contents of the collection boxes rifled. (See May 22nd, 1880.)

Oct. 14th. Heavy gale, great destruction of property, and about 120 men and boys lost at sea. Nov. 26th we were visited with another gale.

Oct. The Town Council discussed the advisability of raising £30,000 by shares for carrying out a new dock scheme.

Oct. 31st. The Royal Aquarium put up to public auction, but withdrawn. It was subsequently purchased for £5,000 by Messrs. F. Carpenter, William Barnard, S. Gunton, and O. Diver. (See July 2nd, 1883.)

Nov. 11th. The s.s. “Fairy,” plying between this port and the Tyne, sunk off Flamborough Head, the result of a collision.

Nov. A challenge trophy provided for the 1st N.A.V. It is an excellent model, value 50 guineas, representing a 64-pounder M.L.R. gun on a temporary sleigh. (See Challenge cup, 1883.)

Nov. A mackerel, 20 in. long, 10½ in. girth, and weighing 2¾ lbs., and another 17 inches long, brought in from sea.

Dec. 10th. Fire on board the fishing boat “Eureka” at the Fish Wharf, causing the death of one of the crew.

Dec. The wife of Police-constable Allcock gave birth to triplets.

Dec. 29th. Edward Killington, formerly of this town, died in London, and bequeathed £1,000 to St. John’s Church, £500 to Sailors’ Home, £300 to Yarmouth Hospital, and £100 to National Lifeboat Institution.

The Great Eastern Railway conveyed in 1881 more fish inland than any other line, viz., 60,314 tons, and this town, among the ports it serves, provided the largest supply. By rail from Yarmouth, 32,696 tons; in 1879, 28,263; and in 1880, 31,238. In 1881, Lowestoft sent 23,019 tons.

Launches: Jan. 4th, smack “Serapis;” March 14th, the fishing boats “Young Florence” and the “William;” Aug. 2nd, the cutter “Gorleston;” Sept. 5th, smack “Success.”

Marriages: July 13th, James Hurry, son of the late Nathaniel Palmer, Esq., to Miss Ellen Boardman, of Stratford.—July 19th, Rev. D. W. Evans to Miss Alice Graham Lacon.—Oct. 4th, Edward P., son of P. E. Back, Esq., to Miss Ellen R. Shales.

Deaths: Jan. 5th, R. S. Watling, Esq., J.P., aged 70.—March 16th, Herr A. S. Dorla, bandmaster of the P.W.O. Artillery Militia, aged 61.—April 15th, Charles Venables, brother of the Vicar of Yarmouth, at Taplow, aged 61.—April 17th, Eliza, wife of K. Harvey, Esq., and daughter of the late Sir Edward K. Lacon, Bart., M.P., at Bath, aged 75.—April 19th, Judith, wife of James Hurry Palmer, Esq., aged 62.—Oct. 10th, Harriet, widow of the late Graham Lacon, Esq.—Nov. 12th, Mr. H. Hunt, watchmaker, Broad Row, aged 87.


Jan. 2nd. Mr. Henry H. Baker, town surveyor for nearly 20 years, died, aged 52 years. He succeeded Mr. Morant on his resignation in Nov., 1864. On Feb. 14th, Mr. J. W. Cockrill was appointed town surveyor.

Jan. 9th. First annual tea given to 600 aged poor people at the Drill Hall, inaugurated by Mr. T. C. Foreman.

Jan. 30th. James Hall, better known as “Jigger” Hall, died in the workhouse. He was one put upon his trial with Mapes and Royal for the murder of Mrs. Chandler, and acquitted. Hall was the last survivor of the accused. (See Nov. 18th, 1844.)

Jan. 31st. Silver wedding day of Mr. C. Woolverton celebrated by a dinner to his workpeople.

Feb. 18th. Rev. G. Venables, S.C.L., vicar of Yarmouth, was collated and instituted by the Bishop of Norwich to the office or place of an Honorary Canon in the Cathedral Church at Norwich, vacant by the death of the Rev. W. F. Patteson.

Feb. 28th. Loss of the steamer “Livadia” (1,447 tons) on the Middle Cross Sands, and 24 of her crew drowned, the boatman (Thomas Sewell, brother of the captain of the local tug “United Service”) being the only survivor, who was bravely rescued by the Gorleston Volunteer Lifeboat “Revenge.” A subscription was made for the 14 lifeboatmen by Mrs. Bowler, who gave them each one guinea, and the National Institution awarded £20. On March 12th, a lifeboat, marked “Livadia,” was picked up in the North Sea with three dead bodies in it.

March 2nd. Hannah Sarah, relict of the late T. Brightwen, Esq., died at Fritton, aged 73 years. Deceased’s personal estate was sworn under £50,000. She bequeathed £6,000 to the perpetual endowments of St. Andrew’s and St. James’ Churches; £500 to the Yarmouth Hospital, and numerous legacies to friends and dependants.

March. A leather bag, containing cheques and documents, value £6,000, dredged up at sea by the smack “Nelson,” of this port. The bag was lost out of the steamer “Annie Arbib,” which foundered in the North Sea in Nov., 1881.

March 6th. A “scene” in the Police Court over the appeals against the Poor-rate. Six magistrates left the Bench, and a “warm discussion” ensued.

March. E. W. Worlledge, Esq., appointed by the Lord Chancellor to be a Commissioner to administer oaths in the Supreme Court of Judicature.

March. Mr. F. E. Bowler presented with a handsome timepiece and an illuminated address by the assistants in Messrs. Chamberlins and Co.’s establishment, as a token of esteem on his 50th birthday.

March 31st. The Rev. A. R. Abbott, B.A., instituted to the vicarage and parish church of Gorleston and Southtown, on his own petition.

April 3rd. Fire in Mr. S. Randell’s stock room, Market Row. Damage about £30.

April 29th. Heavy gale, which played sad havoc among the fishing craft, those entirely lost with all hands including the “Jester,” “Phœnix,” and “Olive Leaf.”

April. Mr. A. Linder, of this town, chosen pier-master at Skegness, out of 76 candidates. On May 5th he was presented with a purse of £18 13s., as a mark of respect by the patrons of the Wellington Pier.

May 9th. The Town Council moved addresses of congratulation to the Duke and Duchess of Albany on their marriage on April 27th; and congratulation to the Queen.

May 18th. The Wellington Pier sold by auction to Mr. Chappell for £890, but through some discrepancy in the transfer the bid was withdrawn.

May 18th. Launch at Southtown of a new iron paddle boat, 100 ft. long, breadth 14 ft. 2 in., depth 7 ft., and owned by Mr. R. J. Blyth. It was built by Mr. H. E. Wright, Yare-side Iron Works, and Miss Wright christened it “Jumbo.”

May 30th. H.R.H. the Prince of Wales paid a fourth visit to this town, and left on June 2nd.

May 31st. Opening of the New Town Hall and Municipal Buildings by the Prince of Wales, the ceremony being on a very grand scale. Three hundred and fifty guests were invited to the déjeuner, including the Mayor of Yarmouth and the Lord Mayor of London, Lords Aylesford, Suffield, Rendlesham, and Carpington; Sir H. Clifford, Sir E. Lacon, Sir H. Bedingfield, Sir R. J. Buxton, Sir T. Boileau, Sir T. Beevor, Admiral Sir H. Keppel, Colonel Teesdale, E. Birkbeck, Esq., &c. In the evening there a grand display of fireworks on the Britannia Pier. The Hall was designed by J. B. Pearce, Esq., and the contractors Messrs. J. W. Lacey, of Norwich. The total cost was £35,764, as follows:—Building contract, £26,200; extras on building, new works, and fittings, £4,442 11s. 1d.; architect’s commission, £1,705 10s. 9d.; Clerk of Works, £417 5s.; Norman and Son, furniture and fittings, £1,177 7s. 9d.; Mr. Finch, ditto, £592 1s. 5d.; Chamberlins and Co., linoleum, £351 9s.; Aldred and Son, clock, £361 15s.; Mr. Keable, blinds, £26 15s. 3d.; Ellis and Son, mats, £22 15s. 10d.; decorations, opening ceremony, £28; premiums on designs for Town Hall, £70; foundation stone and the laying, £46 5s. 1d.; expenses of opening ceremony, £38 9s. 4d.; travelling expenses to inspect other Town Halls, £29 5s. 4d.; solicitor to H.M.’s Treasury, £17 6s. 10d.; miscellaneous charges and expenses, £239 14s. 6d. (See April 20th, 1880.)

May 31st. John Mooring, captain of the maintop of H.M.S. “Thunderer,” at the Battle of Trafalgar, died at the Yarmouth Naval Hospital, aged 102 years.

May. The Union Railway, from the Beach Station to the North Quay, completed.

May. Surgeon-Major C. C. Aldred resigned after 29 years his commission in the 2nd Brigade (E.D.) Royal Artillery. On April 24th, 1883, Mr. Aldred was presented with a pair of silver cups, on which was inscribed:—“Presented to Surgeon-Major Aldred, on his retirement from the regiment, by H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, K.G., and the officers who have served and are serving in the P.W.O. Norfolk Artillery Militia.” (See June 28th, 1884.)

May. Capt. Combe, promoted to the rank of Major in the 2nd Norfolk Rifle Corps.

May. Count Bismarck, son of Prince Bismarck, visited Yarmouth.

June 7th. Thos. George Wooden (15) died through being crashed by the buffer of a railway carriage at the Southtown Station.

July 17th. Mr. S. J. B. Batchelder, hon. sec. of Court Star of West (A.O.F.), presented with a marble clock and an illuminated list of subscribers for several years good service.

July 25th. Mr. J. T. Waters, ten years choir master of St. James’ Church, presented with a handsome silver keyless chronometer.

July 27th. Sham fight between 2,000 men belonging to the Royal Naval Reserves, 1st Norfolk Artillery, and 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Norfolk Rifles on the North Denes, in the presence of 2,000 or 3,000 people.

Aug. 18th. John Bracey, Esq., J.P., T.C., whilst out celebrating his 52nd birthday, with his family, at Fritton, died suddenly. On Dec. 13th, the mother of the above, and wife of J. T. Bracey, Esq., died, aged 68. (See April 19th, 1859.)

Sept. 5th. The Army and Navy Tavern, Blackfriars’ Road, sold by auction for £2,100, and £68 fixtures.

Sept. 5th. Commander Parker, R.N., presented with a handsome silver and polished oak salad bowl as a mark of esteem by the Caister Life-Saving Volunteer Corps; and on Sept. 23rd, the Gorleston L.S.V.C. gave him a marble timepiece and bronze ornaments; and Commander Parker presented the chief officer with a beautiful clock, and chief boatman Bridgeland with a book, “The World of Wit and Humour.”

Sept. 29th. £11,247 8s. 8d. had been expended on the Gorleston Spur Breakwater. £6,000 more required to complete the work.

Sept. 30th. This being the eve of the 88th birthday of the veteran ringer, Thomas Gooch, a merry peal was rung on the Parish Church bells. (See Aug. 27th, 1883.)

Sept. The council decided to allow the Tolhouse Hall to be retained by the Archæological Society, as a monument of antiquity, and the trustees subsequently accepted Mr. R. Davy’s contract (£485) for its restoration.

Oct. 3rd. St. John’s Church organ, after being enlarged and renovated by Mr. W. C. Mack, was opened. It has two manuals CC to F 54 notes, and pedal CCC to F 30 notes; 18 stops and 726 pipes, viz.:—Great organ, 408 pipes, swell, 288, and pedal, 30. The anchor lashed to a cross on the front panel of the case was designed by Mr. Chas. Harrison (a local artist of wide-spread popularity), and carved by Mr. Homes.

Oct. 10th and 11th. Board of Trade Fisheries Enquiry at the Town Hall, by Messrs. C. M. Norwood, M.P., E. Birkbeck, M.P., E. Heneage, M.P., Alderman Leak (Mayor of Hull), and T. Gray, sec. of the Marine Department.

Oct. 11th. St. George’s Chapel re-opened after extensive renovation, inside and out, at a total cost of £1,700.

Oct. 20th. Mr. G. R. Ceiley rewarded by the Humane Society for bravely saving the lives of James Simonds at Yarmouth, and four persons at Lowestoft.

Oct. 23rd. Cabmen’s shelter placed on the Hall Quay.

Oct. 24th. Heavy gale. Loss of the lugger “Edward and Ellen,” smack “Nancy,” the Yarmouth brigantine “Let me Alone,” and ketch “Hannah.”

Oct. 26th. The wife of Capt. Bunn presented with an elegant silver épergne, as a wedding present, by the A Company Rifle Volunteers, out of respect to their captain.

Oct. 28th. Gale of great severity, and another on Nov. 14th, when the brig “Kettland” came ashore on the South Beach, and great bravery was displayed by the Gorleston lifeboat, and also Mr. Lloyd, Inspector of Naval Reserve, in rescuing the crew. Commander Poynder presented Lloyd with two medals. Fifty fishermen were lost during the late gales, together with the fishing dandies “Sceptre,” “Silver Streak,” “Children’s Friend,” “Ich Dien,” &c., leaving 14 widows and 44 orphans.

In Yarmouth there are 621 fishing boats, 333 being smacks and the remainder luggers; their value is £372,000, and their nets and gear, £100,000 more. Their owners number 498, and crews 5,160. Scotch boats 800, and 120 smacks from Gorleston. Value of fish caught by trawlers of this port, £325,000. Number of herrings caught in five years, 71,458 lasts, which at an average of £10 a last gives a total of £714,580. The Corporation had up to date spent £34,916 in building the fishwharf, offices, &c., which latter let for £1,438 a year. Trawl fish caught in 1877, 11,863 packages; 1878, 39,508; 1879, 31,072; 1880, 28,400; 1881, 24,003. The dues were as follows:—In 1877, £1,574 on herring, and £59 on trawl fish; 1878, £846 herring, £164 trawl; 1879, £978 herring, £129 trawl; 1880, £1,163 herring, £118 trawl, 1881, £1,393 herring, and £100 trawl.

Nov. 11th. Mrs. Harriet Vade, wife of R. H. V. Walpole, of Yarmouth, and Suffolk Hall, Cheltenham, died.

Nov. £3,349 14s. 4d. spent about the erection and fittings of new nave of St. James’ Church.

Nov. 20th. The steamtug “Andrew Woodhouse” sold for £90.

Nov. 21st. J. C. Smith, Esq., elected Alderman of the Borough in place of the late Wm. Worship, Esq. Seventeen voted for Mr. Smith, and 11 for Mr. E. Worlledge.

Oct. 20th. The Swedish man-of-war frigate “Vanadis,” in the Roadstead; and on 26th, German war-ship “Leipzic,” 16 guns and 483 men.

Oct. 23rd. Fires at Mrs. Rigg’s wool shop, St. Peter’s Row, E; Nov. 16th at Mr. Jas. Ayers’ fishing premises, S. Market Road; Nov. 23rd, at Mr. H. Fenner’s, steam tannery works, S. Denes Road; Nov. 24th at Mr. Wigg’s jewellery shop, Regent Street; Dec. 10th, the net chamber of Mr. Hellenburgh, Ordnance Road; and at Mr. G. B. Palmer’s, Market Place.

Nov. 9th. Mr. F. Arnold presented with an elaborate salad bowl and pair of silver ladles on the opening of the Park Young Men’s Institute.

Nov. Rev. E. Venables appointed to the church and district of St. John’s the Evangelist, Drury Lane, London.

Nov. 12th. Wm. Worship, Esq., solicitor, died at Ormesby, aged 70 years. £1,000 was subsequently subscribed by the town for the founding of a scholarship at the Yarmouth Grammar School to perpetuate his memory.

The fishing smack “John Cooper” sunk by a steamer, and one man drowned.

1,028 lbs. 13 ozs. of tobacco (value £284 8s. 9d.) smuggled into Yarmouth during the year.

This year 99,422 coins were collected for various objects in the Parish Church, viz., 36,816 half-pence, 36,817 pennies, 10,756 threepenny pieces, 300 fourpenny pieces, 9,872 sixpences, 4,061 shillings, 412 florins, 289 half-crowns, nil crowns, 68 half-sovereigns, 28 sovereigns, and three notes. Total amount, £1,038 14s. 7d.

One thousand eight hundred and fifty plaints entered in the County Court for sums amounting to £10,639. In 1881, 2,591 plaints for £12,967.

Launches: March 7th, a steam launch launched from the Yare-side Iron Works; March 30th, smack “Morning Star”; July 4th, fishing boat “Muscotte.”

Marriages: Feb. 28th, Alexander Mitchell, Esq., M.D., to Ellen Eugénie Ramsdale, of E. Dereham; April 10th, Mr. W. H. Kempton, of London, to Miss H. M. Gamble; Mr. E. S. Brown to Miss A. M. Ulph, in London; April 6th, Mr. T. Ambrose Palmer to Miss E. J. Sheewan; June 8th, Mr. F. H. Smith, of Bradwell, to Miss Grace Dendy, of Gorleston.

Deaths: Jan., Henry B. Thompson, serjeant-at-mace and bellman, aged 65; March 25th, Caroline Louisa Bartlett, widow of Capt. H. J. Lacon, R.N., at Ipswich; March 31st, Mr. W. A. Hardingham, 45 years in the service of Messrs. Grout and Co., aged 59; May 4th, Mr. R. Dumbleton, ex-Town Councillor, aged 63; May 18th, Mr. W. R. P. Dick, senior cashier at Messrs. Lacon’s Bank, aged 50; Aug. 12th, Mr. John Clowes, grocer, aged 73; Sept. 24th, Chas. John Palmer, Esq., F.S.A., aged 78; Dec. 17th, Wm. Johnson, Esq., J.P., at Caister, aged 82.


Jan. 2nd. Frederick Redgrave (8), of Row 122, fell under the wheels of a railway truck on South Quay, and both his legs had to be amputated. £52 9s. 9d. was collected for his benefit.

Jan. Mr. Fisher’s smack “Reindeer” lost.

Jan. 23rd. Schooners “Jim Crow” and “Try,” of this port, stranded and became total wrecks.

Jan. 24th. Mr. James Brown, Beach Station Master, presented by the staff employed on the railway, with a silver-mounted inkstand and pencil case, on his birthday.

Jan. 24th. Very low tide, the water being 3 ft. 10 in. below zero, and 6 ft. 2 in. on the bar.

Jan. 25th. St. Paul’s Mission Church opened.

Feb. Mr. R. S. C. Keymer appointed organist of Gorleston Church.

Feb. A pike, weighing 20 lbs., caught at Horsey Mere.

Feb. Mr. F. W. Rolfe, organist, presented with a handsome timepiece by the choir of St. Peter’s Church.

March 1st. The upper and lower ferries let by auction for five years to Mr. A. Green, at the annual rent of £780, viz., lower, £410; upper (with cottage), £370.

March 6th. Heavy gale and high tide, the drive being inundated, and some of the boats “moored” at the lamp posts. Part of the Jetty was torn up, and “Uncle Tom’s Cabin,” under the Britannia Pier, made a complete wreck. The water was 21 or 22 ft. on the bar, and there was a flood tide in the harbour for 21 hours. Several trawlers were lost, including the “Musquito,” “Sea Flower,” “Clarence,” “Reaper,” and “Muscotte,” and 36 lives, leaving 15 widows and 16 children. £132 19s. 8d. was contributed by the Mansion House Fund. Mr. W. P. Brown’s brig “Mary” was lost on the following day with her crew.

March 11th. Major John Gillespie, 31st Brigade Depôt, died, and on 15th was buried with grand military honours in the Cemetery. About 500 of the military and 50 officers were present. Three military bands (including 9th from Colchester, 54), played at intervals, and thousands of civilians lined the streets.

March 12th. New Railway line from Yarmouth to Acle opened for traffic.

March 22nd. The iron gates leading to the Parish Church knocked down by a horse.

March 24th. The three-masted schooner “Orienten” (6,500 deals), stranded south of Wellington Pier.

April 5th. The property of the Earl of Lichfield at Southtown (26 lots, including the “Nine Houses”) sold, by auction for £10,699.

April. Mr. George Dowey, station master (G.E.R.), resigned his position after 25 years’ service, and on Oct. 25th was presented with £100 by 150 subscribers.

April 26th. Lord Suffield presented Bat.-Sergt. Major Quince with a clasp from the Royal Humane Society, and Mr. G. Ceiley with a bronze medal for their bravery in saving lives.

April 28th. James Sutton (64), gate-keeper at a level crossing on the Eastern and Midlands Railway near Hemsby, knocked down by a goods train and killed, while in the act of opening the gates at 9.20 p.m.

April. The Great Yarmouth Yacht Club established.

May 3rd. An elegant liqueur stand with three glasses presented to Mr. H. Pechey, at the Aquarium, by the Winter Assembly Class.

May 5th. Smack “Falcon,” on the North Sand, and crew bravely rescued by the Gorleston National lifeboat crew.

May 12th. The International Fisheries Exhibition in London opened by the Prince of Wales, E. Birkbeck, Esq., M.P., as president, taking especial interest in the show. Many exhibits were contributed by local gentlemen. Exhibition closed Oct. 31st, 2,703,051 persons, exclusive of 20,000 on the opening day, having visited it during the season.

May 18th. Mr. E. W. Worlledge elected as Alderman in place of the late Mr. J. T. Bracey.

May 19th. A handsome timepiece presented by Major Dods and officers and men of the Gorleston Coastguard to Chief-boatman Bridgeland.

May 20th. Rev. E. A. Ducket, B.A., ordained at Wells Cathedral, and licensed to a Curacy at Tiverton-on-Avon.

May. Regent Street paved with blocks of wood, and afterwards a part of King Street.

May 31st. Sergt.-Major Williams, 18 years drill sergeant in 2nd N.R.V., presented with an illuminated address and £35 on his retirement.

May 31st. About 30 yards of palisading and wall on the west side of the churchyard fell down.

June 2nd. Gas explosion in Apsley Terrace. The windows, doors, &c., were completely shattered, and Mr. Rushmer, who entered the drawing room with a lighted candle, was severely injured.

June 5th. Mr. James Ling, relieving officer of Gorleston, appointed registrar of births and deaths in place of the late Dr. Arnott.

June 6th. Mr. Robert Lane, 15 years lessee of the ferries, presented with a ten-guinea silver cup and an illuminated address by his respected patrons.

June 8th. Singing platform on the beach let for £210; and in 1884 for £150 to Mr. Chappell.

June. First prize meeting of the Yarmouth Golf Club.

June. The old Borough Gaol sold for £170 12s.

July 2nd. The Royal Aquarium opened by the Mayor, after its being nearly rebuilt and beautifully decorated at a cost of about £10,000. The event was celebrated by a luncheon and concert given by Madame Alice Barth’s Opera Company. The grand hall is 115 ft. by 60 ft., and 44 ft. high; and the minor hall 80 ft. by 38 ft., and 23 ft. high. The south front is faced with buff terra-cotta, the style Italian, freely treated. Messrs. Bottle and Olley were the architects, and Messrs. Cork and Beach and Mr. B. Springall, building contractors. (See Oct. 31st, 1881.) The same builders contracted for the new Board School, Church Road, Gorleston, on July 17th, at £4,348.

July 4th. C. C. Aldred, Esq., sworn as a Magistrate for the County of Norfolk. (See June 28th, 1884.)

July. Corporal S. J. Batchelder, 2nd N.R.V., won the champion medal of Norfolk at Norwich.

July. Invalid shelter on South Parade ordered by the Council. Cost £60.

July 9th. Retired Commander Francis Harris, R.N., a Trafalgar veteran, died at Southtown, and buried at Gorleston. He was born May 17th, 1795, and was 11 years old when the great battle was fought. He entered the Navy as First-class Volunteer on board the “Téméraire;” was at the battle of Trafalgar with his father, at the defence of Cadiz until Feb., 1811; removed to the “Unité;” assisted at the capture in 1811 of the French store ship “Dromédaire,” 800 tons; in the following May, in the same frigate, in company with the “Pemone” and “Scout,” at the destruction of the “Giraffe” and “Nourrice.” He participated in many boat affairs in the Adriatic; and in the same ship shared in a partial action, fought, 13th Feb., 1814, with the Toulon fleet, under Sir E. Pellew. He was advanced to the rank of Lieutenant in 1815, and made Commander in 1860. The Graphic, March 1st, 1879, published the portraits of the then seven survivors, including Commander Harris and Admiral Spencer Smyth, of this town.

July 13th. Sydney Stalley (20) drowned on Oulton Broad.

July 17th. Columbia Fish Market, London (built some ten years ago by the Baroness Burdett-Coutts, at a cost of £300,000), re-opened, to which large quantities of fish are consigned from Yarmouth.

July 22nd. On Sunday a man (name unknown) hung himself on one of the trees on Trafalgar Road, near the Grammar School.

Aug. 1st. The “Duke’s Head” and Corn Hall let by auction for seven years to Mr. Seaman at an annual rent of £460.

Aug. 23rd. Mr. A. E. Welch saved a gentleman from drowning, and received a testimonial from the Royal Humane Society; and in Sept. Rev. G. Wilson and J. W. Duffield were similarly recognised for their bravery.

Aug. 29th. Messrs. Ferrier and Co.’s brewery, Middlegate Street, with plant, machinery, residence, &c., also 21 public-houses and beerhouses, sold in one lot for £15,750 (exclusive of £669 for rolling stock).

Sept. 2nd. Very heavy gale.

Sept. An elegant obelisk, 24 ft. high, erected in the churchyard at the north-east corner of the Parish Church. It is made of polished red Aberdeen granite, resting on die and steps of the same beautiful stone, while under these is a massive grey granite platform, a single block, 9½ ft. square, surrounded with posts of like material, and rails of shining gun metal. It is erected by Mrs. Mills, of Nelson Road, to the memory of George J. Mills (died Nov. 6th, 1827, aged 37), and other members of her family. (See April, 1878.)

Sept. 17th. Steamer “Isis” stranded on Hasbro’.

Sept. 22nd. Rev. Henry Stebbings, D.D., F.R.S., died in London. He was born at Yarmouth in 1799, took his degree of B.A. at Cambridge in 1828, and ordained by Bishop Bathurst. He was the first editor of the Athenæum, and wrote the “Lives of the Italian Poets.”

Oct. 5th. Batt.-Sergt. Major Quince presented with a handsome timepiece by the pupils in his swimming class, in recognition of his kindness to them.

Oct. 22nd. Destructive fire on the premises of Messrs. Robert Yaxley and John Beckett, and total demolition of the intended Salvation Army barracks. It broke out about 6 p.m., and the group of buildings, comprising fish and tan houses, stable, net stores, &c., were soon one mass of ruins. On Nov. 1st £100 worth of damage by fire was done to Messrs. S. K. Smith and Son’s fishing premises, on St. Peter’s Road.

Nov. Remarkable sunsets, the western horizon night after night being resplendent, the sky changing from pale orange to blood red.

Nov. 19th. Smack “Puss” lost in the North Sea, through collision; and on Dec. 28th the fishing boat “Raven” collided with the “Daylight,” and sunk.

Nov. 27th. Mad pranks of a bull belonging to Mr. Southgate. It entered Mr. Harrison’s grocer’s shop in the Market, injuring one of the assistants and damaging the goods. Afterwards running down Regent Street and along the Hall Quay, it found its way to the Broad Row, where it smashed windows and did other injury, till being secured by a rope round a lamp-post, it was killed, and the carcase removed on a cart. The inhabitants were much terrified, and tradesmen quickly closed their shops.

Dec. 4th. William Holt, Esq., Magistrates’ Clerk and Borough Coroner, died, aged 57 years.

Dec. 4th. Mr. C. A. Goodwin passed a very successful examination as second mate at the London Local Marine Board.

Dec. 4th. Gale and heavy thunderstorm.

Dec. 5th. Mr. Charles Diver resigned his seat in the Council for Regent Ward, and paid the £25 fine; and Mr. Walter Brown was elected to the seat on 24th, by 224 votes, or 52 more than Mr. F. Burton. On Dec. 11th Mr. Diver was appointed Borough Coroner, and Dec. 13th as Magistrates’ Clerk. (See June 24th, 1869, and Jan. 8th, 1884.)

Dec. 8th. John Reeve (38), of Hopton, fell off a load of hay in Gorleston, and died from injuries received.

Dec. 9th. William Jackson, porter on the Eastern and Midlands Railway, at Yarmouth, was run over by a railway carriage, and one of his legs was subsequently amputated at the Hospital.

Dec. 11th and 12th. Another destructive gale and very high tide, the wind blowing “great guns.” Loss of Messrs. Bessey and Palmer’s “Francis” and three hands; the carrier steamer “Marie,” owned by the Baroness Burdett-Coutts, and all hands (12); also Mr. M. Barber’s brigantine “Susannah,” with a crew of four or five hands; and five smacks. About 60 lives were lost in all.

Dec. The season’s catch of herrings was 19,232 lasts.

Dec. Sir Francis Roxburgh, Q.C., appointed Mr. John Etheridge Chief Clerk to the Registrar of the County Court.

Dec. 14th. The derelict barque “Ulah” beached opposite the Nelson Monument. Crew lost.

Dec. W. N. Burroughs, Esq., gave a donation of £500 to the Yarmouth Hospital, and £500 to the Fishermen’s Hospital as a birthday present. Mr. Burroughs died on April 12th, 1884. (See June 11th, 1884.)

Dec. 22nd. Chief Constable W. Brogden presented with a handsome gold keyless hunter watch by the Mayor, on behalf of the Race Committee, for his vigilant attention to duty.

Winners of the Ladies’ Challenge Cups in the Yarmouth Volunteer Corps:—2nd Norfolk Rifles. As will be seen by the following list, Sergeant Buddery took the cup in 1883, after 24 years.

Pts. 1860. J. H. Bly 12 1861. H. Fenner 12 1862. Col.-Sgt. Chipperfield 17 1863. Bugle-Major Fenner 16 1864. G. W. N. Borrett 17 1865. H. E. Pestell 30 1866. Capt. E. P. Youell 45 1867. Corp. A. Gunton 43 1868. Corpl. Wilshak 47 1869. Sergt. G. S. Pearson 45 1870. A. J. Harpour 45 1871. Corp. Wilshak 50 1872. A. J. Harpour 43 1873. Ar.-Sgt.-Wales 47 1874. Wm. Hunt 44 1875. Corp. Goddard 82 1876. Wm. Hunt 80 1877. Corp. Goddard 78 1878. Corp. J. W. Cross 82 1879. W. Barrett 82 1880. Sergt. Goddard 88 1881. Sergt. Buddery 90 1882. „ „ 80 1883. „ „ 65

1st Norfolk Artillery Volunteers: The cup was first shot for in 1869, and after 13 years became the sole property of Battery-Sergt.-Major R. B. Smith, as will be seen by the annexed list of winners:—

1869. Lieut. H. H. Baker. 1870. Sergt. G. H. Self. 1871. „ 1872. Qr.-Master W. C. Mack. 1873. Gunner Woodhouse. 1874. Sergt. G. H. Sell. 1875. Qr.-Master Sergt. Mack. 1876. Qr.-Master Sgt. Mack. 1877. Bt.-Sgt. Major Self. 1878. „ ,, „ 1879. Sergt. R. B. Smith. 1880. Bat.-Sergt.-Major R. B. Smith. 1881. ,, ,, ,,

Launches: Feb. 24th, fishing boat “Nell,” from Messrs. Castle’s yard; March 12th, smack “Sylvia;” March 19th, smack “Little Tom;” May 23rd, Messrs. Morgan’s yachts “Midge,” and June 6th, “Red White;” June 28th, steam tug “Yare,” from Messrs. Beeching’s yard; July 9th, smack “E. Birkbeck,” from Mr. Critton’s yard; July 30th, dandy trawlers “Boy Ben” and “New Spray;” Nov. 3rd, lifeboat “Covent Garden,” from Messrs. Beeching’s yard.

Marriages: Jan. 25th, Mr. G. D. Gowing, Norwich, to Miss E. S. Gambling, Southtown.—May 5th, Mr. E. B. Sewell to Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. John Caleb Fenn, of Gorleston.—July 24th, Rev. E. A. Ducket, B.A., to Miss Maria H. Denny.—June 19th, G. A. Ward, Esq., to Katherine Scott, fourth daughter of E. P. Youell, Esq.—July 20th, Arthur H., second son of R. B. B. Norman, Esq., surgeon, to Edith L. Stevens, of Norwich.—Aug. 9th, Mr. Wm. E. Bovill to Persis, daughter of J. P. Baumgartner, Esq.—Sept. 20th, Mr. C. R. St. Aubyn, of Gorleston, to Miss Annie Adelaide Arnott.—Oct. 22nd, Charles A. S. Ling, M.R.C.S., L.S.A., of Gorleston, to Miss Ada A. Cooper.—Nov. 6th, Rev. R. V. Barker, M.A., to Miss Palgrave.

Deaths: Jan. 2nd, Rev. J. Mangan, D.D., aged 46.—Jan. 30th, Mrs. Garwood B. Palmer, of Gorleston, aged 63.—Mr. T. E. Gray, ironmonger, aged 74.—May 1st. Alderman J. T. Bracey, aged 82.—May 26th, Charles D. Arnott, Esq., M.D., at Gorleston, aged 62.—June 16th, Mr. G. S. F. Skoulding, T.C., chemist.—June 25th, Mr. George Farrow, aged 81.—July 25th, Elizabeth Tolver, wife of the Rev. A. Hume, and daughter of the late Rev. Mark Waters. July 27th, Mr. George Reginald Harmer, aged 28.—Aug. 3rd, Mr. Robert B. Moxon, aged 20.—Aug. 4th, Mary, relict of the late Samuel C. Marsh, aged 68.—Aug. 10th, Elizabeth Boyce Crisp, aged 27.—Aug. 27th, the veteran bellringer, Thomas Gooch, aged 88.—Nov. 3rd, Mr. Joseph Tomlinson, ex-Town Councillor, at Gorleston, aged 47.—Dec. 24th, F. H. S. Raven, B.A., son of Dr. Raven, aged 23.


Jan. 8th. J. T. Waters, Esq., elected Borough Coroner in place of C. Diver, Esq., resigned.

Jan. 15th. St. Andrew’s Hall, Gorleston, sold, including fittings and dwelling-house adjoining, for £430.

Jan. 23rd. Heavy gale; and another on 26th, accompanied with a heavy thunderstorm.

Jan. 26th. At midnight Mr. E. Bostock’s draper’s shop, King Street, burnt down, and stock-in-trade completely demolished; the Rose Tavern adjoining (occupied by Mr. W. Overed) was also partly destroyed by fire; at the same time part of Mr. Watts’ dyeing premises in Middlegate Street were in flames.

Jan. Mr. Keymer, organist of Gorleston Church, presented with a handsome five-o’clock tea service by the choir.

The past winter, and during several previous, were among the mildest on record, snow and frost being scarcely seen.

Feb. 4th. School Board Election.

Feb. 15th. Boiler explosion at Mr. Nall’s steam printing works, Row 63. Messrs. George Emmerson and John Hughes were severely scalded, and much damage was done to the building and machinery.

Feb. 16th. Fire at Mr. G. Archard’s, King Street.

March. The Rev. A. J. Spencer, M.A., prior to leaving the ministry at St. John’s Church for Hickley. Leicestershire, was presented with several costly presents by his congregation, church helpers, &c.

March. A clerical impostor, named John Lindsay, scripture reader connected with St. Peter’s Church, brought to bay, and subsequently imprisoned for solemnizing matrimony without a license.

March. Mr. C. W. Moss, F.C.O., appointed organist of St. Peter’s Church.

April 1st. Mr. Wm. Albrow, 14 years hon. sec. of the Market Ward Conservative Association, presented with a handsome ormolu clock under glass shade, by the members.

April 2nd. A young cow visited the shop of Mr. Baird, Regent Street, but being no judge of leather left without giving an order. Prior to this, Mr. F. Norris’ shop was visited by some sheep.

April 6th. Fire at the Belvedere Tavern, Caister Road.

April 7th. C. S. Orde, D. Tomkins, and F. Arnold, Esqs., sworn in as Borough Magistrates before the Recorder.

April 17th. Fire at Mr. W. Wilkins’ net chamber and residence, Southtown.

April 22nd. Destructive earthquake in East Anglia, but the shock was only slightly felt at Yarmouth, and no damage done.

May 15th. Quarter-Master Cooke, 1st N.A.V., presented with a silver tankard and a four-o’clock tea service, by the past and present officers of the corps and other friends, on his retirement; also an illuminated address.

May 15th. Wm. Smith attempted to murder his wife at Gorleston, and sentenced to 7 years’ imprisonment on July 25th.

May 21st to 23rd. An Ohio Englyshe Fayre at the Town Hall.

May 28th. The south transept of the Parish Church opened after restoration. (See Dec. 3rd.)

June 11th. The will of the late Mr. W. N. Burroughs proved, his personal estate amounting to over £11,000. (See Dec., 1883.)

June 28th. Chas. Cory Aldred, Esq., Deputy-Mayor, and five times Chief Magistrate of the Borough, died. He was born March 21st, 1811, and for 40 years was a very prominent member of society. To perpetuate his memory, his portrait, in robes, painted by Mr. J. B. Burgess, A.R.A., of Finchley Road, St. John’s Wood, and subscribed for by the town, is to be hung in the Town Hall.

June. The Guardians issued bills in all the Wards with the names of defaulting ratepayers upon them, which led to much ridicule, and a public indignation meeting was called on June 25th.

July 5th. Fire at Mr. Sharman’s, Regent Street.

Launches: Jan. 7th, the trawler “Ethel May;” Jan. 29th, smack “Sir Francis Burdett.”

Marriages: March 19th, Mr. W. Richardson, M.B., C.M., to Miss Helen S. Blake.—April 16th, Mr. R. P. Chamberlin, of Wroxham, to Miss Clara M. Wiltshire.

Deaths: Jan. 3rd, John Clarke, Esq., J.P., at Felbrigg; Jan. 9th, Quarter-Master Stembridge, P.W.O. Royal Artillery, aged 47; Jan. 3rd, Mr. Geo. M. Pulford, aged 80; Feb. 15th, Mr. H. H. Gambling, aged 60; Feb. 22nd, Mr. F. W. Rolfe, organist of St. Peter’s Church, aged 43; April 12th, W. N. Burroughs, Esq., aged 85; April 14th, Emma, widow of the late Robert Boyce Crisp, aged 68; April 16th, Arthur Palmer, Esq., J.P., aged 63; April 26th, J. S. Clowes, Esq., T.C., aged 35.

August. The following is a list of persons who died in this Borough of 90 years and upwards:—1793, Matthew Champion, aged 111; 1854, Eleanor Warren, 102; 1855, Thomas Burgess, 94; 1860, Ann Mann, 96; 1861, Thornton Fisher, 91; 1865, Susannah Clark, 97; 1866, Edmund Clarke 95; 1868, Sarah Crockett, 99; 1869, John T. Buston, 90; 1870, John Meffin, 93; 1873, James Mitchell 99, Mary Ablitt, 95, Susan Baldwin 90, Rebecca Willemite, 90; 1874, Ann Kippon, 97; 1875, Catherine Pullyn 90; Mary Thomas 93, Mary Hall, 91; 1876, Sophia Ranall 90, Mary Ann Blyth, 90; 1877, John Smith 90, Barker Crisp 94, Elizabeth Bristow 91, Martha Bryanton, 91; 1878, Mrs. George Danby Palmer 91, Wm. Plummer 96, Sarah Kelf 92, John Van Hutton 102, Hannah Fountain 91, Susannah Newman 91, Ann Pidgeon 94, Sarah Porter, 94; 1879, Sarah Haw 91, Jane Haw 93, April 6th, Ann Parker 95; Elizabeth Fenn, 90, Elizabeth Farrow 92, Mary Francis 93, Elizabeth Warren 104 and 8 months; 1880, Margaret Henry, 96; 1881, Samuel Yarham 94, M. A. Crickmay 90, Ralph Newby, 93; 1882, Sarah Parker 91, John Mooring 102, Susannah Dye, 94; 1883, Elizabeth Wright 94, Wm. Tyrrell 92, Mary Hogg 91, Maria Manship 96, Lydia Bulley 90, Mary Errington, 92; 1884, Feb. 9th, James Kemp 90, Elizabeth Roberts 97, Sarah Gates 91, Elizabeth James 90, and Wm. Wood 91.


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