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Audiobook: Merck's 1899 Manual of the Materia Medica by Merck & Co.

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Audiobook: Merck's 1899 Manual of the Materia Medica by Merck & Co.

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Title: Merck's 1899 Manual

Author: Merck & Co.

Release Date: December 24, 2012 [EBook #41697]

Language: English

Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1


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[Illustration: CALENDAR FOR 1899.

Every addition to true knowledge is an addition to human power]


By the Analytic Laboratories of Merck & Co. New York

Examinations of Water, Milk, Blood, Urine, Sputum, Pus, Food Products, Beverages, Drugs, Minerals, Coloring Matters, etc., for diagnostic, prophylactic, or other scientific purposes.

All analyses at these Laboratories are so conducted as to assure the best service attainable on the basis of the latest scientific developments. The laboratories are amply supplied with a perfect quality of reagent materials, and with the most efficient constructions of modern apparatus and instruments. The probable cost for some of the most frequently needed researches is approximately indicated below:

Sputum, for tuberculosis bacilli, $3.00 Urine, for tuberculosis bacilli, 3.00 Milk, for tuberculosis bacilli, 3.00 Urine, qualitative, for one constituent, 1.50 Urine, qualitative, for each additional constituent, 1.00 Urine, quantitative, for each constituent, 3.00 Urine, sediment, microscopical, 1.50 Blood, for ratio of white to red corpuscles, 2.00 Blood, for Widal's typhoid reaction, 2.00 Water, for general fitness to drink, 10.00 Water, for typhoid germs, 25.00 Water, quantitative determination of any one constituent, 10.00 Pus, for gonococci, 3.00

The cost for other analyses--more variable in scope--can only be given upon closer knowledge of the requirements of individual cases.

All pharmacists in every part of the United States will receive and transmit orders for the MERCK ANALYTIC LABORATORIES.

Physicians are earnestly requested to communicate to Merck & Co., University Place, New York, any suggestions that may tend to improve this book for its Second Edition, which will soon be in course of preparation.

Whatever the Publishers can do to make Merck's Manual of still greater service to the Medical Profession will be gladly undertaken and promptly performed for all subsequent editions.

Therefore, any Physician who will propose improvements in the subject-matter (especially as regards the Newer Materia Medica), or in the arrangement, style, and form of this work, for future editions, will thus be rendering valuable service, not only to its Publishers, but to the entire Profession as well!

Transcriber's Note: Minor typographical errors have been corrected without note. Irregularities and inconsistencies in the text have been retained as printed. Text printed in italics is noted with underscores (italics) and text printed in bold is noted with tildes (~bold~). An apothecaries' symbol for 'minim' is used in some parts of the text and [min.] is used in place of the symbol. Numbers printed as subscripts are noted by being enclosed within braces (H{2}O{2}).

"Multum in Parvo" PRICE, $1.00











Compiled from the Most Recent Authoritative Sources and Published by


Copyright by Merck & Co., New York, 1899

MERCK'S MANUAL is designed to meet a need which every general practitioner has often experienced. Memory is treacherous. It is particularly so with those who have much to do and more to think of. When the best remedy is wanted, to meet indications in cases that are a little out of the usual run, it is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to recall the whole array of available remedies so as to pick out the best. Strange to say, too, it is the most thoroughly informed man that is likely to suffer to the greatest extent in this way; because of the very fact that his mind is overburdened. But a mere reminder is all he needs, to make him at once master of the situation and enable him to prescribe exactly what his judgment tells him is needed for the occasion.

In MERCK'S MANUAL the physician will find a complete Ready-Reference Book covering the entire eligible Materia Medica. A glance over it just before or just after seeing a patient will refresh his memory in a way that will facilitate his coming to a decision. In this book, small as it is, he will find the essential data found in the ponderous Dispensatories, together with the facts of newest record, which can appear only in future editions of those works.

Part I affords at a glance a descriptive survey, in one alphabetic series, of the entire Materia Medica to-day in general use by the American profession. Part II contains a summary of Therapeutic Indications for the employment of remedies, arranged according to the Pathologic Conditions to be combated. Part III presents a Classification of Medicaments in accordance with their Physiologic Actions.

The publishers may be allowed to state that they have labored long and earnestly, so to shape this little volume that it shall prove a firm and faithful help to the practitioner in his daily round of duty. They now send it forth in the confident hope that, the more it is put to the test of actual use, the more it will grow in the esteem of its possessor.


~Pages 9 to 82.~

~Part First.--THE MATERIA MEDICA, as in actual use to-day by American Physicians.~ (Alphabetically arranged.)

THIS PART EMBRACES all those Simple Medicinal Substances (that is, drugs and chemicals) which are in current and well-established use in the medical practice of this country; or which, if too recently introduced to be as yet in general use, are vouched for by eminent authorities in medical science;--also, the medicinally employed Pharmaceutic Preparations recognized by the United States Pharmacopoeia.

(Added thereto, for the convenience of those practitioners who prescribe them, are Medicamentous Mixtures advertised only to the Profession, but whose composition or mode of manufacture has not been made known with sufficient completeness or exactness to satisfy all members of the Profession. In the selection the publishers have been guided solely by the recognition accorded the various preparations by the Profession, according to the best information obtained.)

There has also been included, under the title of "Foods and Dietetic Preparations," a list of such preparations as are frequently prescribed for infants' diet, or for the sick or convalescent.

OMITTED from the Materia Medica chapter are: Medicaments that have become obsolete, or that are too rarely used to be of general interest; and such new remedies as are not yet safely accredited on reliable authority; also those galenic preparations (syrups, extracts, pills, essences, elixirs, wines, emulsions, etc.) which are not standardized according to the U.S. Pharmacopoeia; likewise all articles that are put up and advertised for self-medication by the lay public.

SEPARATE TITLES in the alphabetic series are accorded, as a rule, to the botanical drugs and other pharmaceutical mother-substances, to proximate principles (alkaloids, glucosides, organic acids, etc.), and to chemical compounds (salts, "synthetics," etc.); while the official galenic preparations, solutions and dilutions, derived from them, are mostly mentioned under the titles of their respective mother-substances. (Thus, for instance, "Dover's Powder" will be found under "Opium," while "Morphine" is described under its own title.)

(Smaller type has been employed--in order to economize space--for botanic drugs, gums, and some others of the older drugs and preparations which are so long and well known that but little reference will need be made to them.)

(Those substances of the Materia Medica which can be had of the MERCK brand are--for the convenience of prescribers--so designated).

* * * * *

~Pages 83 to 184.~

~Part Second.--THERAPEUTIC INDICATIONS for the use of the Materia Medica and other agents.~ (Arranged alphabetically under the titles of the various Pathologic Conditions.)

THIS PART SUMMARIZES in brief form, the principal means of treatment for each form of disease, as reported to be in good use with practitioners at the present time. The statements hereon are drawn from the standard works of the leading modern writers on Therapeutics, and supplemented--in the case of definite chemicals of more recent introduction--by the reports of reputable clinical investigators.

~Pages 185 to 192.~

~Part Third.--CLASSIFICATION OF MEDICAMENTS according to their Physiologic Actions.~ (Arranged alphabetically under the titles of the Actions.)

THIS PART RECAPITULATES, for ready survey, such statements as are already given in "PART I," as to the modes of action of the various medicaments.


THE MATERIA MEDICA, as in actual use to-day by American Physicians. (See pages 9 to 82.)

THERAPEUTIC INDICATIONS for the use of the Materia Medica and other agents. (See pages 83 to 184.)

CLASSIFICATION OF MEDICAMENTS according to their Physiologic Actions. (See pages 185 to 192.)

For Details, see Descriptive Table of Contents, on pages 6 and 7.


alm. = almost amorph. = amorphous arom. = aromatic comp. = compound cryst. = crystals or crystalline D. = dose decoct. = decoction dil. = dilute or diluted emuls. = emulsion ext. = extract extern. = externally F.E. or fl. ext. = fluid extract fl. dr. = fluid dram grn. = grain or grains infus. = infusion inject. = injection insol. = insoluble intern. = internally lin. = liniment liq. = liquid or liquor Max. D. = maximum dose min. or [min.] = minim or minims odorl. = odorless oint. = ointment oz. = ounce or ounces powd. = powder q.v. = which see (quod vide) sl. = slightly sol. = soluble or solubility solut. = solution spt. = spirit syr. = syrup tastel. = tasteless tr. = tincture wh. = white 3 t., 4 t. = 3 times, 4 times





Reader please note:--

The ~GALENIC PREPARATIONS~ of the United States Pharmacopoeia, when not listed under their own titles, will be found under the titles of the drugs from which they are derived.

~FOODS AND DIETETIC PRODUCTS~ proper will be found under the title: "Foods"; while Digestants, Hematinics, etc., are listed under their own titles.

~SMALL TYPE~ is employed for botanic drugs, gums, and some others of the older drugs and preparations which are so well known as to require but little description.

Those articles of which the ~MERCK~ brand is on the market, are--for convenience in prescribing--designated accordingly.

~Absinthin Merck.~

ABSINTHIIN--Yellow-brown, amorph. or cryst. powd.; very bitter.--SOL. in alcohol, chloroform; slightly in ether; insol. in water.--Bitter Tonic (in anorexia, constipation, chlorosis, etc.).--~Dose:~ 1-1/2--4 grn.


WORMWOOD.--Dose: 20--40 grn.--Infus. (1--2:64) and oil (D., 1--3 min.) used.


GUM ARABIC.--SOL. in water, insol. in alcohol.--Preparations: Mucilage, Syr.--both vehicles.

~Acetanilid Merck.--U.S.P.--Cryst. or Powd.~

ANTIFEBRIN.--Wh. scales or powd.; odorl.; burning taste.--SOL. in 194 parts water, 5 alcohol, 18 ether; very sol. in chloroform.--Antipyretic, Analgesic, Antirheumatic, Antiseptic.--USES: Intern., fever, rheumatism, headache, alcoholism, delirium, neuralgia, sleeplessness in children, etc.; extern., like iodoform, and as a preservative of hypodermic solutions (1:500).--~Dose:~ 3--10 grn., in powd., alcoholic solut., or hot water cooled down and sweetened to taste. MAX. D.: 15 grn. single, 60 grn. daily.--CAUTION: Avoid large doses in fever!

~Acetyl-phenyl-hydrazine Merck.~

HYDRACETIN; PYRODIN.--Prisms, or tablets: silky luster; odorl.; tastel.--SOL. in 50 parts water; in alcohol, chloroform.--Antipyretic, Analgesic, Antiparasitic--USES: Intern., to reduce fever generally, in rheumatism, etc.; extern., psoriasis and other skin diseases.--~Dose:~ 1/2--3 grn.--EXTERN. in 10% oint.

~Acid, Acetic, Merck.--Glacial.--U.S.P.--99.5%.--C.P.~

Caustic (in warts or corns) and Vesicant. Not used internally.--ANTIDOTES: Emetics, magnesia, chalk, soap, oil, etc.

~Acid, Acetic, Merck.--U.S.P.--36%.~

~Dose:~ 15--40 [min.], well diluted.

Acid, Acetic, Diluted--U.S.P.

6 per cent.--~Dose:~ 2--4 drams.

~Acid, Agaricic, Merck.~

AGARIC, LARICIC or AGARICINIC, ACID.--Powd.; odorl.; almost tastel.--SOL. in ether or chloroform; in 130 parts cold and 10 parts boiling alcohol.--Antihidrotic.--USES: Night-sweat of phthisis, and to check the sudorific effects of antipyretics.--~Dose:~ 1/6--1/2 grn., at night, in pills.

~Acid, Arsenous, Merck.--U.S.P.--Pure, Powder.~

White powd.; odorl.; tastel.--SOL. very slightly in water or alcohol.--Antiperiodic, Antiseptic, Alterative.--USES: Intern., malarial fever, skin diseases, chorea, neuralgia, gastralgia, uterine disorders, diabetes, bronchitis; extern., to remove warts, cancers, etc.--~Dose:~ 1/60--1/30 grn. 4 t. daily.--MAX. D.: About 1/12 grn. single; about 1/6 grn. daily.--Preparation: Solut. (1%).--EXTERN. on neoplasms in large amounts to get quick results: otherwise it is dangerous. Keep from healthy tissues, lest dangerous absorption may occur.--ANTIDOTES: Emetics; stomach pump or siphon if seen immediately; hot milk and water with zinc sulphate or mustard. After vomiting, give milk or eggs, and magnesia in milk. If saccharated oxide of iron or dialyzed iron is handy, use it. If tincture of iron and ammonia water are within reach, precipitate former with latter, collect precipitate on a strainer, and give it wet. Always give antidotes, be the case ever so hopeless.--INCOMPATIBLES: Tannic acid, infusion cinchona, salts of iron, magnesium, etc.

~Acid, Benzoic, from Benzoin,--Merck.--U.S.P.--Sublimed.~

Pearly plates, or needles; aromatic odor and taste.--SOL. in 2 parts alcohol; 3 parts ether; 7 parts chloroform; 10 parts glycerin; 500 parts water. (Borax, or sod. phosphate, increases sol. in water.)--Antiseptic, Antipyretic, Expectorant.--USES: Intern., to acidify phosphatic urine, reduce acidity of uric-acid urine, control urinary incontinence, also in chronic bronchitis and jaundice; extern., wound dressing (1:100), in urticaria, etc.--~Dose:~ 10--40 grn. 6 t. daily.--INCOMPATIBLES: Corrosive sublimate, lead acetate, etc.

~Acid, Boric, Merck.--U.S.P.--C.P., Cryst. or Impalpable Powder.~

~Dose:~ 5--15 grn.

~Acid, Camphoric, Merck.--C.P., Cryst.~

Colorl. needles or scales; odorl.; feebly acid taste.--SOL. in alcohol, ether; very slightly in water; 50 parts fats or oils.--Antihidrotic, Antiseptic, Astringent, Anticatarrhal.--USES: Extern., 2--6% aqueous solut., with 11% of alcohol to each 1% of acid, in acute skin diseases, as gargle or spray in acute and chronic affections of respiratory tract; intern., night-sweats, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, gonorrhea, angina, chronic cystitis, etc.--~Dose:~ 8--30 grn., in powd.--MAX. D.: 60 grn.

~Acid, Carbolic, Merck.~--Absolute, C.P., Loose Crystals or Fused.--U.S.P.

PHENOL.--~Dose:~ 1/2--2 grn., well diluted or in pills.--Preparations: Glycerite (20%); Oint. (5%).--ANTIDOTES: Soluble alkaline sulphates after emesis with zinc sulphate; raw white of egg; calcium saccharate; stimulants hypodermically.--INCOMPATIBLES: Chloral hydrate, ferrous sulphate.

MERCK'S "Silver Label" Carbolic Acid is guaranteed not to redden under the proper precautions of keeping.

~Acid, Carbolic, Iodized, Merck.--N.F.~

IODIZED PHENOL.--Solut. of iodine in carbolic acid.--Antiseptic, Escharotic.--USES: Uterine dilatation.--APPLIED pure, by injection.

~Acid, Caryophyllic,~--see EUGENOL.

~Acid, Cetraric,~--see CETRARIN.

~Acid, Chloracetic, caustic, Merck.~

Mixture of chlorinated acetic acids.--Colorl. liq.--USES: Escharotic.

~Acid, Chromic, Merck.~--Highly Pure, Cryst.; also Fused, in Pencils.

INCOMPATIBLES: Alcohol, ether, glycerin, spirit of nitrous ether, arsenous acid, and nearly every organic substance.--CAUTION: Dangerous accidents may occur by contact with organic substances. Avoid cork stoppers!

~Acid, Chrysophanic, medicinal,--so-called,~--see CHRYSAROBIN.

~Acid, Cinnamic, Merck.--C.P.~

CINNAMYLIC ACID.--White scales; odorl.--SOL. in alcohol, ether; very slightly in water.--Antitubercular, Antiseptic.--USES: Tuberculosis and lupus, parenchymatously and intravenously.--APPLIED in 5% emulsion or alcoholic solut.--INJECTION (intravenously): 3/4--3/4 grn., in 5% oily emulsion, with 0.7% solut. sodium chloride, twice a week.

~Acid, Citric, Merck.--C.P., Cryst. or Powd.~

SOL. in water, alcohol.--Antiseptic, Antiscorbutic, and Refrigerant.--USES: Extern., post-partum hemorrhage; pruritus; agreeable application in diphtheria, angina or gangrenous sore mouth; intern., cooling beverage to assuage fever, and remedy in scurvy.--~Dose:~ 10--30 grn.--Preparation: Syr. (1%).--EXTERN., for painting throat, 5--10% solut. in glycerin; gargle, 1--2%; cooling drink, 80 grn. to 1 quart.

~Acid, Cresotic, Para-, Merck.--Pure.~

White needles.--SOL. in alcohol, ether, chloroform.--Children's Antipyretic, Intestinal Antiseptic.--USES: Febrile affections, gastro-intestinal catarrh. Mostly used as Sodium paracresotate (which see).--~Dose~ (acid): Antipyretic, 2--20 grn., according to age; intestinal antiseptic (children's diseases), 3/4--1 grn., in mixture.--MAX. D.: 60 grn.

~Acid, Dichlor-acetic, Merck.--Pure.~

Colorl. liq.--SOL. in water, alcohol.--Caustic.--USES: Venereal and skin diseases.

~Acid, Filicic, Merck.--Amorph.~

FILICINIC ACID.--Amorph., sticky powd.; odorl.; tastel.--Anthelmintic.--~Dose:~ 8--15 grn.

~Acid, Gallic, Merck.--U.S.P.--Pure, White Cryst.~

~Dose:~ 5--20 grn.--INCOMPATIBLES: Ferric salts.

~Acid, Hydrobromic, Merck.--Diluted.--U.S.P.--10%.~

~Dose:~ 30--90 [min.], in sweet water.

Acid, Hydrochloric--U.S.P.

31.9 per cent. HCl.--~Dose:~ 5--10 minims, well diluted.--ANTIDOTES: Chalk, whiting, magnesia, alkali carbonates, and albumen.--INCOMPATIBLES: Alkalies, silver salts, chlorates, salts of lead, etc.

Acid Hydrochloric, Diluted--U.S.P.

10 per cent. HCl.--~Dose:~ 10--30 minims, in sweet water.

Acid, Hydrocyanic, Diluted--U.S.P.

2 per cent. HCN--~Dose:~ 2--5 min.--MAX. DOSE: 10 min.--EXTERN. 1: 8--16 as lotion, only on unbroken skin.--CAUTION: Very liable to decomposition. When brown in color it is unfit for use.

~Acid, Hydro-iodic, Merck.--Sp. Gr. 1.5.--47%.~

Deep-brown, fuming liq.--Antirheumatic, Alterative.--USES: Rheumatism, bronchitis (acute or chronic), asthma, syphilis, obesity, psoriasis, to eliminate mercury or arsenic from the system, etc.--~Dose:~ 5--10 [min.], in much sweet water.

~Acid, Hypophosphorous, Merck.--Diluted.--10%.~

~Dose:~ 10--60 [min.].

~Acid, Lactic, Merck.--U.S.P.--C.P.~

Caustic--APPLIED as 50--80% paint.

MERCK'S Lactic Acid is perfectly colorless and odorless.

~Acid, Laricic,~--see ACID, AGARICIC.

~Acid, Monochlor-acetic, Merck.~

Very deliquescent cryst.--SOL. in water.--Caustic.--USES: Warts, corns, etc.--APPLIED in concentrated solut.

Acid Nitric--U.S.P.

68 per cent. HNO{3}.--APPLIED (as an Escharotic) pure.--ANTIDOTES: Same as of hydrochloric acid.

Acid Nitric, Diluted--U.S.P.

10 per cent. HNO{3}.--~Dose:~ 5--30 minims, well diluted.

Acid, Nitro-hydrochloric, Diluted--U.S.P.

One-fifth strength of concentrated, which is not used therapeutically.--USES: Intern., jaundice, biliary calculi, dyspepsia, chronic rheumatism, etc.; extern., diluted, as sponge- or foot-bath, 2 or 3 t. a week.--~Dose:~ 5--20 minims, well diluted.--ANTIDOTES and INCOMPATIBLES: Same as of hydrochloric acid.

~Acid, Osmic,~--see ACID, PEROSMIC.

~Acid, Oxalic, Merck.--C.P., Cryst.~

Transparent cryst.; very acid taste.--SOL. in water, alcohol; slightly in ether.--Emmenagogue, Sedative.--USES: Functional amenorrhea, acute cystitis.--~Dose:~ 1/2--1 grn. every 4 hours, in sweet water.--ANTIDOTES: Calcium saccharate, chalk, lime-water, magnesia.--INCOMPATIBLES: Iron and its salts, calcium salts, alkalies.

~Acid, Oxy-naphtoic, Alpha-, Merck.--Pure.~

White or yellowish powd.; odorl.; sternutatory.--SOL. in alcohol, chloroform, fixed oils, aqueous solut's of alkalies and alkali carbonates; insol. in water.--Antiparasitic, Antizymotic.--USES: Intern., disinfectant intestinal tract (reported 5 times as powerful as salicylic acid); extern., in parasitic skin diseases (in 10% oint.), coryza, etc.--~Dose:~ 1-1/2--3 grn.

~Acid, Perosmic, Merck.~

OSMIC ACID.--Yellowish needles; very pungent, disagreeable odor.--SOL. in water, alcohol, ether.--Antineuralgic, Discutient, Antiepileptic.--USES: Intern., muscular rheumatism, neuralgia; extern., remove tumors, and in sciatica (by injection).--~Dose:~ 1/64 grn., several t. daily.--INJECTION: 1/20--1/6 grn. as 1% solut. in aqueous glycerin (40%)--ANTIDOTE: Sulphuretted hydrogen.--INCOMPATIBLES: Organic substances, phosphorus, ferrous sulphate, etc.--CAUTION: Vapor exceedingly irritating to the air-passages.

~Acid, Phosphoric, (Ortho-), Merck.--Syrupy.--85%.~

~Dose:~ 2--6 [min.], well diluted.

~do. Merck.~--Diluted.--10%.

~Dose:~ 20--60 [min.].--INCOMPATIBLES: Ferric chloride, lead acetate, etc.

~Acid, Picric, Merck.--C.P., Cryst.~

PICRONITRIC, PICRINIC, OR CARBAZOTIC, ACID.--Yellow cryst.; odorl.; intensely bitter.--SOL. in alcohol, ether, chloroform; sl. in water.--Antiperiodic, Antiseptic, Astringent.--USES: Intern., in malaria, trichiniasis, etc.; extern., in crysipelas, eczema, burns, fissured nipples, etc.: 1/10% solut. for cracked nipples, 1/2--1% hydro-alcoholic solut. on compress renewed only every 3 to 7 days in burns.--~Dose:~ 1/2--2 grn., in alcoholic solut.--MAX. D.: 5 grn.--ANTIDOTE: Albumen.--INCOMPATIBLES: All oxidizable substances. Dangerously explosive with sulphur, phosphorus, etc.--CAUTION: Do not apply in substance or in oint., lest toxic symptoms appear!

~Acid, Pyrogallic, Merck, (Pyrogallol, U.S.P.)--Resublimed.~

Used only extern., in 5--10% oint.

~Acid, Salicylic, Merck.--U.S.P.--C.P., Cryst.; and Natural~ (from Oil Wintergreen).

~Dose:~ 10--40 grn.

~Acid, Sozolic,~--see ASEPTOL.

~Acid, Sulpho-anilic, Merck.--Cryst.~

White efflorescent needles.--SOL. slightly in alcohol; 112 parts water.--Anticatarrhal, Analgesic.--USES: Intern., coryza, catarrhal laryngitis, etc.--~Dose:~ 10--20 grn. 1 to 2 t. daily, in aqueous sol. with sodium bicarb.

~Acid, Sulpho-salicylic, Merck.~

White cryst.--SOL. in water, alcohol.--USES: Delicate urine-albumin test.

Acid, Sulphuric, Aromatic--U.S.P.

20 per cent. H{2}SO{4}.--Best form for administration.--~Dose:~ 10--20 min.

Acid, Sulphuric, Diluted--U.S.P.

10 per cent. H{2}SO{4}.--(Concentrated Sulphuric acid is not used medicinally.)--USES: Intern., gastro-intest. disorders, phthisical sweats, exophthalmic goiter, etc.; also as solvent for quin. sulph., etc.--~Dose:~ 15--30 min., well diluted.--ANTIDOTES: Same as of hydrochloric acid.

Acid, Sulphurous--U.S.P.

6.4 per cent. SO{2}.--Antiseptic, Antizymotic.--~Dose:~ 15--60 min., well diluted. EXTERN. 10--25 per cent. solut.

~Acid, Tannic, Merck.--U.S.P.--C.P., Light.~

~Dose:~ 2--20 grn.--Preparations: Styptic Collodion (20%); Glycerite (20%); Oint. (20%); Troches (1 grn.).--INCOMPATIBLES: Ferrous and ferric salts, antimony and potassium tartrate, lime water, alkaloids, albumen, gelatin, starch.

~Acid, Tartaric, Merck.--U.S.P.--C.P., Cryst. or Powd.~

~Dose:~ 10--30 grn.

~Acid, Trichlor-acetic, Merck.--Pure, Cryst.~

Deliquescent cryst.; pungent, suffocating odor; caustic. SOL. freely in water, alcohol, ether.--Escharotic, Astringent, Hemostatic.--USES: Venereal and cutaneous warts, papillomata, vascular n�vi, pigment patches, corns, nosebleed, obstinate gleet, gonorrhea, nasopharyngeal affections and indolent ulcers.--APPLIED: As escharotic, pure, or in concentrated solut.; astringent and hemostatic, 1--3% solut.--CAUTION: Keep in glass-stoppered bottle.

~Acid, Valerianic, Merck.~

Oily liq., strong valerian odor; bitter, burning taste.--SOL. in water, alcohol, ether, chloroform.--Antispasmodic, Sedative.--USES: Nervous affections, hysteria, mania, etc.--~Dose:~ 2--10 drops, in sweetened water.

Aconite Root--U.S.P.

Preparations: Ext. (D., 1/4--1/2 grn.), F.E. (D. 1/4--1 min.); Tr. (q.v.).--See also, Aconitine.

~Aconitine, Potent, Merck.--Cryst.~--(Do not confound with the "Mild"!)

Alkaloid from Aconite, prepared according to process of Duquesnel.--White cryst.; feebly bitter taste.--SOL. in alcohol, ether, chloroform; insol. in water.--Antineuralgic, Diuretic, Sudorific, Anodyne.--USES: Intern., neuralgia, acute or chronic rheumatism, gout, toothache, etc.; extern., rheumatism, other pains.--~Dose:~ 1/640--1/200 grn. several t. daily, in pill or solut., with caution.--MAX. D.: 1/64 grn. single; 1/20 grn. daily.--EXTERN.: 1:2000--500 parts lard.--ANTIDOTES: Small repeated doses of stimulants; artificial respiration, atropine, digitalis, ammonia.--CAUTION: Never use on abraded surfaces. Danger of absorption! 10 times as toxic as the mild amorph. aconitine (below)!

~Aconitine, Mild, Merck.~--Amorph.--(Do not confound with the "Potent"!)

USES: As aconitine, potent, cryst.; but only 1/10 as powerful.--~Dose:~ 1/64--1/20 grn., very carefully increased.--EXTERN. 1/2--2% oint. or solut.

~Aconitine Nitrate Merck.--Cryst.~

~Dose:~ Same as of aconitine, potent, cryst.

~Adeps Lan� Hydrosus Merck.--U.S.P.~

HYDROUS WOOL-FAT.--Yellowish-white, unctuous mass. Contains about 25% water. Freely takes up water and aqueous solut's.--Non-irritant, permanent emollient, and base for ointments and creams; succedaneum for lanolin in all its uses.

~Adeps Lan� Anhydricus.~

(ANHYDROUS WOOL-FAT).--Contains less than 1% of water.

~Adonidin Merck.~

ADONIN.--Yellowish-brown, very hygroscopic, odorl. powd.; intensely bitter.--SOL. in water, alcohol; insol. in ether, chloroform.--Cardiac Stimulant, mild Diuretic.--USES: Heart diseases, especially mitral and aortic regurgitation, and relieving precordial pain and dyspnea.--~Dose:~ 1/16--1/4 grn. 4 t. daily, in pill, or solut. in chloroform water with ammonium carbonate.--MAX. D.: 1 grn.

~Agaricin Merck.~

White powd.; sweet, with bitter after-taste.--SOL. in alcohol; slightly in water, ether, or chloroform.--Antihidrotic.--USES: Phthisical night-sweats, sweating from drugs.--~Dose:~ 1/4--1 grn.


BISMUTH OXYIODOGALLATE, Roche.--Grayish-green, odorl., tastel. powd.--INSOL. in water, alcohol, etc.--Surgical Antiseptic, like iodoform; also Antigonorrhoic and Intestinal Astringent.--~Dose:~ 2--5 grn. 3 t. daily.--EXTERN. pure, 10% emuls. in equal parts glycerin and water, or 10--20% oint.

~Alantol Merck.~

Amber liq.; odor and taste like peppermint.--SOL. in alcohol, chloroform, ether.--Internal Antiseptic, Anticatarrhal.--USES: Instead of turpentine, in pulmonary affections.--~Dose:~ 1/6 [min.], 10 t. daily, in pill, powd., or alcoholic solut.


91 per cent.--Sp. Gr. 0.820.

~Aletris Cordial.~

Not completely defined.--(Stated: "Prepared from Aletris farinosa [or True Unicorn], combined with aromatics.--Uterine Tonic and Restorative.--~Dose:~ 1 fl. dr. 3 or 4 t. daily.")

~Allyl Tribromide Merck.~

Yellow liq.; cryst. mass in cold.--SOL. in alcohol, ether.--Sedative, Antispasmodic. USES: Hysteria, asthma, whooping cough, etc.--~Dose:~ 5--10 [min.], 2 or 3 t. daily, in capsules.--INJECTION: 2 or 3 drops, in 20 drops ether.

Almond, Bitter--U.S.P.

Preparations: Oil (D., one-sixth to 1/2 min.); Spt. (1 per cent. oil); Water (q.v.).

Almond, Sweet--U.S.P.

Preparations: Emuls. (as vehicle); Oil (D., 2--8 drams); Syr. (as vehicle).

Aloes, Barbadoes--U.S.P.

~Dose:~ 2--20 grn.

Aloes, Purified--U.S.P.

From Socotrine Aloes.--~Dose:~ 1--10 grn.--Preparations: Pills (2 grn.); Pills Aloes and Asafetida; Pills Aloes and Iron; Pills Aloes and Mastic; Pills Aloes and Myrrh; Tr. (1:10); Tr. Aloes and Myrrh.

Aloes, Socotrine--U.S.P.

~Dose:~ 2--10 grn.--Preparation: Ext. (D., 1--5 grn.).

~Aloin Merck.--U.S.P.--C.P.~

BARBALOIN.--~Dose:~ 1/2--2 grn.--MAX. D.: 4 grn. single, 10 grn. daily.--INJECTION: 1/4 grn. dissolved in formamide.

MERCK's Aloin, C.P., is clearly soluble, and meets all other requirements of U.S.P.


MARSHMALLOW.--Preparation: Syr. (1:20), as vehicle.


~Aluminium Acetate Merck.--Basic.~

Gummy mass or granular powd.--Insol. in water.--USES: Intern., diarrhea and dysentery; extern., washing foul wounds.--~Dose:~ 5--10 grn. 3 t. daily.

~Aluminium Aceto-tartrate Merck.~

Lustrous, yellowish granules; sour-astringent taste.--SOL. freely but very slowly in water; insol. in alcohol, ether, glycerin.--Energetic Disinfectant and Astringent.--USES: Chiefly in diseases of the air-passages.--APPLIED in 1/2 to 2% solutions; or as snuff, with 1/2 its weight of powdered boric acid; 50% solut. for chilblains.

~Aluminium Sulphate Merck.--U.S.P.--Pure.~

White lumps or powd.; odorl.; sweet-astringent taste.--SOL. in 1.2 parts water.--External Antiseptic, Caustic, Astringent.--USES: Fetid ulcers, fetid discharges; enlarged tonsils, scrofulous and cancerous ulcers; endometritis; nasal polypi, etc.--APPLIED in 1: 20 to 1: 100 solut., or concentrated solut.

~Aluminium & Potassium Sulphate Merck.~--(Alum, U.S.P.)--~C.P. Cryst. or Powd.; Pure, Burnt; and in Pencils (Plain or Mounted).~

~Dose:~ 5--15 grn.; emetic, 1--2 teaspoonfuls.

~Aluminum, etc.,~--see ALUMINIUM, ETC.

Ammonia Water--U.S.P.

10 per cent. NH{3}.--~Dose:~ 10--30 min.--Preparations: Lin. (3 per cent. NH{3}); Arom. Spt. (0.9 per cent. NH{3}).

Ammonia Water, Stronger--U.S.P.

28 per cent. NH{3}.--~Dose:~ 4--10 min., well diluted.--ANTIDOTES: Acetic, tartaric, dil. hydrochloric acids, after vomiting.--INCOMPATIBLES: Strong mineral acids, iodine, chlorine water, alkaloids.--Preparation: Spt. (10 per cent. NH{3}).


GUM or RESIN AMMONIAC.--~Dose:~ 5--15 grn.--Preparations: Emuls. (4 per cent.); Plaster (with mercury).

~Ammonium Arsenate Merck.~

White, efflorescent cryst.--SOL. in water.--Alterative.--USES: Chiefly in skin diseases.--~Dose:~ 1/2 grn., gradually increased, 3 t. daily in water.

~Ammonium Benzoate Merck.--U.S.P.~

~Dose:~ 10--30 grn. 3 or 4 t. daily, in syrup or water.

~Ammonium Bicarbonate Merck.--Pure, Cryst.~

SOL. in water, alcohol.--Antacid, Stimulant.--USES: Acid fermentation of stomach; stimulant depressed condition.--~Dose:~ 5--15 grn.

~Ammonium Bromide.--U.S.P.~

~Dose:~ 15--30 grn.

~Ammonium Carbonate Merck.--U.S.P.--C.P.~

~Dose:~ 5--20 grn.

~Ammonium Chloride Merck.--U.S.P.--Pure, Granul.~

~Dose:~ 5--20 grn.--Preparation: Troches (1-1/2 grn.).

~Ammonium Embelate Merck.~

Red, tastel. powd.--SOL. in diluted alcohol.--USES: Tape-worm.--~Dose:~ Children, 3 grn.; adults, 6 grn., in syrup or honey, or in wafers, on empty stomach, and followed by castor oil.

~Ammonium Fluoride Merck.--C.P.~

Very deliquescent, colorl. cryst.; strong saline taste.--SOL. in water.; slightly in alcohol.--Antiperiodic, Alterative.--USES: Hypertrophy of spleen and in goitre.--~Dose:~ 5--20 [min.] of a solut. containing 4 grn. to 1 ounce water.--CAUTION: Keep in gutta-percha bottles!

~Ammonium Hypophosphite Merck.~

White cryst.--SOL. in water.--USES: Phthisis, and diseases with loss of nerve power.--~Dose:~ 10--30 grn., 3 t. daily.

~Ammonium Ichthyol-sulphonate,~--see ICHTHYOL.

Ammonium Iodide--U.S.P.

Deliquescent, unstable powd.--Alterative, Resolvent.--~Dose:~ 3--10 grn.

~Ammonium Phosphate, Dibasic, Merck.--C.P.~

Colorl. prisms; odorl.; cooling, saline taste.--SOL. in 4 parts water.--USES: Rheumatism, gout.--~Dose:~ 5--20 grn., 3 or 4 t. daily, in water.

~Ammonium Picrate Merck.~

AMMONIUM PICRONITRATE or CARBAZOTATE.--Bright-yellow scales or prisms.--SOL. in water.--Antipyretic, Antiperiodic.--USES: Malarial neuralgia, periodic fevers, and headache.--~Dose:~ 1/4--1-1/2 grn., 3 t. daily, in pills.

~Ammonium Salicylate Merck.~

Colorl. prisms.--SOL. in water.--Antirheumatic, Antipyretic, Germicide, Expectorant.--USES: In febrile conditions, bronchitis, etc.--~Dose:~ 2--10 grn., in wafers.

~Ammonium Sulpho-ichthyolate,~--see ICHTHYOL.

~Ammonium Tartrate Merck.--Neutral, Cryst.~

Colorl.--SOL. in water.--Expectorant.--~Dose:~ 5--30 grn.

~Ammonium Valerianate Merck.--White, Cryst.~

~Dose:~ 2--8 grn.

~Ammonium & Iron Tartrate Merck.--U.S.P.~

~Ammonium Double-Salts,~--see under BISMUTH, IRON, POTASSIUM SODIUM, ETC.


Not completely defined.--(Stated to be "AMMONIATED PHENYLACETAMIDE.--Yellowish alkaline powd.: ammoniacal taste and odor.--Antipyretic, Analgesic.--~Dose:~ 5--20 grn., 3--6 t. daily, in caps., tabl., or wafers.")

~Amyl Nitrite Merck.--U.S.P.--Pure, or in Pearls (1--3 drops).~

CAUTION: Amyl Nitrite is so very volatile that it is practically impossible to so stopper bottles that they will carry it without loss, especially in warm weather. Shipped in cool weather and kept in a cool place, the loss is not material, but if kept in a warm place, or if agitated much, so as to keep up any pressure of the vapor within the bottle, the loss will be considerable, proportionately to the pressure.--~Dose:~ 2--5 drops, in brandy.

~Amylene Hydrate Merck.~

Colorl., oily liq.; ethereal, camphoric taste.--SOL. in 8 parts water; all proportions of alcohol, ether, chloroform, benzene, glycerin.--Hypnotic, Sedative.--USES: Insomnia, alcoholic excitement, epilepsy, whooping cough, etc.--~Dose:~ Hypnotic, 45--90 [min.]; sedative, 15--30 [min.]; in beer, wine, brandy, syrup, etc., or in capsules.

~Anemonin Merck.~

Colorl., odorl., neutral needles.--SOL. in hot alcohol, chloroform; insol. in water.--Antispasmodic, Sedative, Anodyne.--USES: Asthma, bronchitis, whooping cough, dysmenorrhea, orchitis, o�phoritis and other painful affections of female pelvis.--~Dose:~ 1/4--3/4 grn., 2 t. daily.--MAX. D.: 1-1/2 grn. single, 3 grn. daily.


Preparations: Oil (D., 5--10 min.); Spt. (10 per cent. oil); Water (one-fifth per cent. oil).

~Anthrarobin Merck.~

Yellowish-white powd.--SOL. in weak alkaline solut.; slightly in chloroform and ether; in 10 parts alcohol.--Deoxidizer, Antiseptic--USES: Extern., instead of chrysarobin in skin diseases, especially psoriasis, tinea tonsurans, pityriasis versicolor, and herpes.--APPLIED in 10 to 20% oint. or alcoholic solut.

~Antifebrin,~--see ACETANILID.


Not completely defined.--(Stated: "Coal-tar derivative.--Wh., odorl. powd.--Antipyretic, Analgesic.--~Dose:~ 5--15 grn., in powd. or tabl.")

~Antimony Oxide, Antimonous, Merck.~

Expectorant.--~Dose:~ 1--3 grn.--Preparation: Antimonial Powder (33%).

~Antimony Sulphide, Black, Merck.~--(Purified Antimony Sulphide, U.S.P.).

Diaphoretic, Alterative.--~Dose:~ 10--30 grn.

~Antimony Sulphide, Golden, Merck.--C.P.~

Alterative, Diaphoretic, Emetic, Expectorant.--~Dose:~ 1/6--1-1/2 grn.--INCOMPATIBLES: Sour food, acid syrups, metallic salts.

~Antimony, Sulphurated, Merck.~

KERMES MINERAL.--Alterative, Diaphoretic, Emetic.--USES: Cutaneous diseases and syphilis; alterative generally.--~Dose:~ 1--2 grn. in pill; as emetic, 5--20 grn.--Preparation: Pills Antimony Compound (0.6 grn.).

~Antimony & Potassium Tartrate Merck.--U.S.P.--Pure, Cryst. or Powd.~

TARTAR EMETIC.--~Dose:~ alter., 1/32--1/16 grn.; diaphor. and expect., 1/12--1/6 grn.; emetic, 1/2 grn. every 20 minutes.--Preparation: Wine Antimony (0.4%).--ANTIDOTES (as for antimonial compounds in general): Tannic acid in solut., freely; stimulants and demulcents.


Sodium salt of nosophen.--Greenish-blue powd., of faint iodine odor.--SOL. in water.--Antiseptic.--USES: Chiefly in vesical catarrh.--EXTERN. in 1/10--1/2 per cent. solut.


PHENYL-DIMETHYL-PYRAZOLONE.--SOL. in 1 part of water, 2 alcohol.---~Dose:~ 10--20 grn.--APPLIED (as Styptic) in 20 per cent. solut. or pure.--INCOMPATIBLES: Acids, alkalies, cinchona preparations, copper sulphate, spirit nitrous ether, syrup ferrous iodide; also tinctures of catechu, ferric chloride, iodine, kino, and rhubarb.


NARCEINE-SODIUM and SODIUM SALICYLATE, Merck.--Reddish, slightly hygroscopic powd.; 50% narceine.--SOL. in water.--Antispasmodic, Sedative, and Hypnotic.--USES: Whooping-cough, laryngitis stridula, irritating coughs, etc.--~Dose:~ (5% solut., 3--4 t. daily): under 1/2 year 3--5 drops, 1/2 year 5--8 drops, 1 year 8--10 drops, 2 years 10--12 drops, 3 years 15--20 drops, older children 20--40 drops.--CAUTION: Keep from air!

~Antitoxin, Diphtheria.~

From serum of blood that has been subjected to poison of diphtheria.--Limpid liq., generally preserved with 1/2% carbolic acid or other preservative.--~Dose~ (children): Prophylactic, 200--250 antitoxic units; ordinary cases, 600--1000 units; severe cases (or those seen late, or of nasal or laryngeal type), 1500--3000 units; given hypodermically, and repeated in about 8 hours if necessary. Adults receive twice as much. CAUTION: The various brands differ in strength.

~Apiol, Green, Merck.--Fluid.~

Greenish, oily liq.--SOL. in alcohol, ether.--Emmenagogue, Antiperiodic.--USES: Dysmenorrhea, malaria.--~Dose:~ 5--10 [min.], 2 or 3 t. daily, in capsules; in malaria 15--30 [min.].


Not completely defined.--(Stated: "True active principle of parsley, in 4-min. capsules.--Emmenagogue.--~Dose:~ 2 or 3 caps., with meals.")

~Apocodeine Hydrochlorate Merck.~

Yellow-gray, very hygroscopic powd.--SOL. in water.--Expectorant, Sedative Hypnotic.--USES: Chronic bronchitis, and other bronchial affections. Acts like codeine, but weaker; induces large secretion of saliva, and accelerates peristalsis.--~Dose:~ 3--4 grn. daily, in pills.--INJECTION: 1/6--1/2 grn., in 2% aqueous solut.


CANADIAN HEMP.--Diuretic.--~Dose:~ 5--20 grn.--Preparation: F.E. (1:1).

~Apomorphine Hydrochlorate Merck.--U.S.P.--Cryst. or Amorphous.~

~Dose:~ Expect., 1/60--1/20 grn.; emetic, 1/15--1/8 grn.--INJECT. (emetic): 1/10--1/5 grn.--ANTIDOTES: Strychnine, chloral, chloroform.--INCOMPATIBLES: Alkalies, potassium iodide, ferric chloride.--CAUTION: Keep dark and well-stoppered!

~Aqua Levico, Fortis and Mitis.~

NATURAL ARSENO-FERRO-CUPRIC WATERS, from springs at Levico, Tyrol.--ALTERANT TONIC.--USES: Anemic, chlorotic, neurasthenic, and neurotic conditions; in scrofulous, malarial, and other cachexias; and in various chronic dermatoses.--~Dose:~ Tablespoonful of Aqua Levico Mitis, diluted, after meals, morning and night. After a few days, increase dose gradually, up to 3 tablespoonfuls. After one or two weeks, substitute for the two doses a single daily dose of one tablespoonful of Aqua Levico Fortis, best with principal meal. Some days later, augment this dose gradually as before. Constitutional effects and idiosyncrasies are to be watched, and dosage modified accordingly. Decreasing dosage at conclusion of treatment, with a return to the "Mitis," is usual.

~Arbutin Merck.~

White needles; bitter.--SOL. in alcohol; slightly in water.--Diuretic.--USES: Instead of uva-ursi.--~Dose:~ 5--15 grn. 4 t. daily.

~Arecoline Hydrobromate Merck.~

White cryst.--SOL. in water, alcohol.--Myotic.--APPLIED in 1% solut.


8% solut. silver phosphate in 15% solut. ethylene-diamine.--Alkaline liq., turning yellow on exposure.--Antiseptic and Astringent, like silver nitrate.--USES: Chiefly gonorrhea.--Inject. in 1:4000 solut.


Silver-casein compound; 4.25 per cent. silver.--Wh. powd.--SOL. in hot water; ammonia increases solubility.--Antiseptic.--USES: Chiefly in gonorrhea, in 1--2 per cent. solut.


DITHYMOL DI-IODIDE.--Reddish-brown, tastel. powd.; 46% iodine.--SOL. in chloroform, ether, fatty oils; sparingly in alcohol; insoluble in water or glycerin.--Succedaneum for iodoform externally.--APPLIED like the latter.--INCOMPATIBLES: Ammonia, corrosive sublim., metallic oxides, starch, alkalies or their carbonates; also heat.--CAUTION: Keep from light!

Arnica Flowers--U.S.P.

Preparation: Tr. (D., 10--30 min.).

Arnica Root--U.S.P.

Preparation: Ext. (D. 1--2 grn.); F.E. (D., 5--10 min.); Tr. (D., 20--40 min.).


Not completely defined.--(Stated: "10 min. contain 1/32 grn. each gold and arsenic bromides.--Alterative Tonic.--~Dose:~ 5--15 min., in water, after meals.")

~Arsen-hemol Merck.~

Hemol with 1% arsenous acid.--Brown powd.--Alterative and Hematinic; substitute for arsenic, without untoward action on stomach.--~Dose:~ 1-1/2 grn., in pill, 2 to 3 t. daily, adding one pill to the daily dose every fourth day until 10 pills are taken per day.

~Arsenic Bromide Merck.~

Colorless, deliquescent prisms; strong arsenic odor.--SOL. in water.--USES: Diabetes.--~Dose:~ 1/60--1/15 grn.--MAX. D.: 1/6 grn.--ANTIDOTES: Same as arsenous acid.--INCOMPATIBLE: Water.--CAUTION: Keep well-stoppered!

~Arsenic Chloride Merck.~

Colorless, oily liq.--Decomposes with water.--SOL. in alcohol, ether, oils.--~Dose:~ 1/60--1/15 grn.

~Arsenic Iodide Merck.--U.S.P.--Pure, Cryst.~

~Dose:~ 1/60--1/15 grn., in pills.--MAX. D.: 1/8 grn.--INCOMPATIBLE: Water.--CAUTION: Keep from air and light!


~Dose:~ 5--15 grn.--Preparations: Emuls. (4 per cent.); Pills (3 grn.); Tr. (1:5).

~Asaprol Merck.~

CALCIUM BETA-NAPHTOL-ALPHA-MONO-SULPHONATE.--Whitish to reddish-gray powd.; slightly bitter, then sweet, taste.--SOL. in water; 3 parts alcohol.--Analgesic, Antiseptic, Antirheumatic, Antipyretic.--USES: Tuberculosis, rheumatism, pharyngitis, gout, typhoid fever, sciatica, diphtheria, etc.--~Dose:~ 8--15 grn.--EXTERN. in 2--5% solut.--INCOMPATIBLES: Antipyrine and quinine.--CAUTION: Keep from heat and moisture!


PLEURISY ROOT.--Preparation: F.E. (D. 20--60 min.).

~Aseptol Merck.~

SOZOLIC ACID.--33-1/3% solut. ortho-phenol-sulphonic acid.--Yellow-brown liq.; odor carbolic acid.--SOL. in alcohol, glycerin; all proportions water.--Antiseptic, Disinfectant.--USES: Extern., in diseases of bladder, eye, skin, and in diphtheria, laryngitis, gingivitis, etc.--APPLIED in 1 to 10% solut.--CAUTION: Keep from light!


MALE FERN.--~Dose:~ 30--90 grn.--Preparation: Oleoresin (q.v.).


QUEBRACHO.--Preparation: F.E. (D., 30--60 min.).

~Aspidospermine Merck.~--Amorph., Pure.

Brown-yellow plates; bitter taste.--SOL. in alcohol, ether, chloroform, benzene.--Respiratory Stimulant, Antispasmodic.--USES: Dyspnea, asthma, spasmodic croup, etc.--~Dose:~ 1--2 grn., in pills.

~Atropine (Alkaloid) Merck.~--U.S.P.--C.P., Cryst.

~Dose:~ 1/120--1/60 grn.--ANTIDOTES: Emetics; pilocarpine, muscarine nitrate, or morphine, hypodermically; tannin, or charcoal before absorption.--INCOMPATIBLES: Chemical, alkalies, tannin, salts of mercury; physiological, morphine, pilocarpine, muscarine, aconitine, and eserine.

~Atropine Sulphate Merck.--U.S.P.--C.P., Cryst.~

USES and DOSE: Same as of alkaloid.

(Other salts of Atropine are not described because used substantially like the above.)

Balsam Peru--U.S.P.

SOL. in absol. alcohol, chloroform; insol. in water.--~Dose:~ 10--30 min.

Balsam Tolu--U.S.P.

SOL. in alcohol, ether, chloroform; insol. in water.--~Dose:~ 5--15 grn.--Preparations: Syr. (1:100); Tr. (1:10).

~Baptisin Merck.--Pure.~

Brownish powd.--SOL. in alcohol.--Purgative in large doses; Tonic, Astringent in small doses.--USES: Scarlet fever, chronic dysentery, etc.--~Dose:~ 1/2--5 grn., in pills.

~Barium Chloride Merck.--C.P., Cryst.~

Colorl.; bitter, salty taste.--SOL. in 2-1/2 parts water; almost insol. in alcohol.--Cardiac Tonic and Alterative.--USES: Intern., arterial sclerosis and atheromatous degeneration, syphilis, scrofula, etc.; extern., eye-wash.--~Dose:~ 1/10--1/2 grn., 3 t. daily, in 1% sweetened, aromatic solut.--ANTIDOTES: Sodium or magnesium sulphate; emetic; stomach pump.

~Barium Iodide Merck.~

Deliquescent cryst.--Decomposes and reddens on exposure.--SOL. in water, alcohol.--Alterative.--USES: Scrofulous affections, morbid growths.--~Dose:~ 1/10--1/2 grn., 3 t. daily.--EXTERN. as oint. 4 grn. in 1 ounce lard.--CAUTION: Keep well stoppered!

~Barium Sulphide Merck.--Pure.~

Amorph., light-yellow powd.--SOL. in water.--Alterative.--USES: Syphilitic and scrofulous affections; depilatory (with flour).--~Dose:~ 1/2--1 grn. in keratin-coated pills.

~Bebeerine Merck.--Pure.~

BEBIRINE; BIBIRINE; supposed identical with BUXINE and PELOSINE.--Yellowish-brown, amorph. powd.; odorl.; bitter.--SOL. in alcohol, ether; insol. in water.--Antipyretic, Tonic, similar to quinine.--~Dose:~ Febrifuge, 6--12 grn.; tonic, 1/2--1-1/2 grn. 3 or 4 t. daily.

~Bebeerine Sulphate Merck.~

Reddish-brown scales.--SOL. in water, alcohol.--USES and DOSES: As of bebeerine.

Belladonna Leaves--U.S.P.

Preparations: Ext. (D., 1/8--1/2 grn.); Tr. (D., 5--20 min.); Plaster (20 per cent. ext.); Oint. (10 per cent. ext.)

Belladonna Root--U.S.P.

Preparations: F.E. (D., 1/2--2 min.); Lin. (95 per cent. F.E., 5 per cent. camphor).

~Benzanilide Merck.~

White powd., or colorl. scales.--SOL. in 58 parts alcohol; slightly in ether; almost insol. in water.--Antipyretic, especially for children.---~Dose:~ Children, 1-1/2--6 grn., according to age, several t. daily; adults, 10--15 grn.

~Benzene, from Coal Tar, Merck.--Highly Purified, Crystallizable.~

MISCIBLE with alcohol, ether, chloroform, oils.--Antispasmodic and Anticatarrhal.--USES: Whooping-cough, influenza, etc.--~Dose:~ 2--10 [min.] every 3 hours, in emulsion, or on sugar or in capsules.--MAX. D.: 45 [min.].


Preparations: Tr. (D., 20--40 min.), Comp. Tr. (D., 30--60 min.).


Not completely defined.--(Stated: "Alkaline solution of various highly approved antiseptics of recognized value in catarrhal affections; Dental and Surgical Disinfectant; Antifermentative.--Liq.--SOL. in water.--~Dose:~ 1 fl. dr., diluted.--EXTERN. in 10--30% solut.")


BENZOYL-GUAIACOL; GUAIACOL BENZOATE.--Wh., odorl., alm. tastel., cryst. powd.--SOL. in alcohol; insol. in water.--Antitubercular, Intest. Antiseptic.--~Dose:~ 3--15 grn., in pill, or powd. with peppermint-oil sugar.

~Benzoyl-pseudotropeine Hydrochlorate Merck,~--see TROPACOCAINE, ETC.

~Berberine Carbonate Merck.~

Yellowish-brown cryst. powd.: bitter taste.--SOL. in diluted acids.--Antiperiodic, Stomachic, Tonic.--USES: Malarial affections, amenorrhea, enlargement of spleen, anorexia, chronic intestinal catarrh, vomiting of pregnancy, etc.--~Dose:~ Antiperiodic, 8--15 grn.; stomachic and tonic, 1/2--1-1/2 grn. 3 t. daily; in pills or capsules.

~Berberine Hydrochlorate Merck.--Cryst.~

Yellow, microcrystalline needles.--SOL. in water.--USES and DOSE: Same as berberine carbonate.

~Berberine Phosphate Merck.--Cryst.~

Yellow powd.--SOL. in water.--Most sol. salt of berberine, and easiest to administer, in pills, hydro-alcoholic solut., or aromatic syrup.---USES and DOSE: Same as berberine carbonate.

~Berberine Sulphate Merck.--Cryst.~

Yellow needles.--SOL. with difficulty in water; almost insol. in alcohol.--USES and DOSE: Same as berberine carbonate.

~Betol Merck.~

NAPHTALOL; NAPHTO-SALOL; SALI-NAPHTOL; BETA-NAPHTOL SALICYLATE.--White powd.; odorl.; tastel.--SOL. in boiling alcohol, in ether, benzene; insol. in water, glycerin.--Internal Antiseptic, Antizymotic, Antirheumatic.--USES: Putrid processes of intestinal tract, cystic catarrh, rheumatism, etc.--~Dose:~ 4--8 grn., 4 t. daily, in wafers, milk or emulsion.


BISMUTH METHYLENE-DIGALLATE, Merck.--Gray-blue powd.--SOL. in alkalies; insol. in water or gastric juice.--Intestinal Astringent (especially in diarrheas not benefited by opiates).--~Dose:~ 2--5 grn. every 3 hours, in wafers or powd.

~Bismuth Benzoate Merck.--C.P.~

White, tastel. powd.--27% of benzoic acid.--SOL. in mineral acids; insol. in water.--Antiseptic.--USES: Intern., gastro-intestinal diseases; extern., like iodoform on wounds, etc.--~Dose:~ 5--15 grn.

~Bismuth Beta-naphtolate.~

ORPHOL.--Brown, insol. powd.; 23% beta-naphtol.--Intestinal Antiseptic.--~Dose:~ 8--15 grn., in pills or wafers; children half as much.

~Bismuth Citrate Merck.--U.S.P.~

White powd.; odorl.; tastel.--SOL., very slightly in water.--Stomachic and Astringent.--USES: Diarrhea, dyspepsia, etc.--~Dose:~ 1--3 grn.

~Bismuth Nitrate Merck.--Cryst.~

BISMUTH TER-NITRATE or TRINITRATE.--Colorl. hygroscopic cryst.; acid taste.--Changed to sub-nitrate by water.--SOL. in acids, glycerin.--Astringent, Antiseptic.--USES: Phthisical diarrhea, etc.--~Dose:~ 5--10 grn., dissolved in glycerin and then diluted with water.

~Bismuth Oxyiodide Merck.~

BISMUTH SUBIODIDE.--Brownish-red, amorph., insol. powd.; odorl., tastel.--Antiseptic.--USES: Extern., on suppurating wounds, ulcers, in skin diseases, gonorrhea, etc.; intern., gastric ulcers, typhoid fever, and diseases of mucous membranes.--~Dose:~ 3--10 grn., 3 t. daily, in mixture, powd., or capsule.--EXTERN. like iodoform; in gonorrhea in 1% injection.

~Bismuth Phosphate, Soluble, Merck.~

White powd.--SOL. in 3 parts water.--Intestinal Antiseptic and Astringent.--USES: Acute gastric or intestinal catarrh.--~Dose:~ 3--8 grn.

~Bismuth Salicylate Merck.--Basic.--64% Bi{2}O{3}.~

White, odorl., tastel. powd.; insol. in water.--External and Intestinal Antiseptic and Astringent.--USES: Intern., phthisical diarrhea, summer complaint, typhoid, etc.; extern., like iodoform.--~Dose:~ 5--15 grn.

~Bismuth Sub-benzoate Merck.~

White powd.--Antiseptic, like iodoform.--USES: As dusting-powd. for syphilitic ulcers, etc.

~Bismuth Subcarbonate Merck.--U.S.P.--C.P.~

~Dose:~ 5--30 grn.

~Bismuth Subgallate Merck.~

Odorl., yellow, insol. powd.; 55% Bi{2}O{3}.--Siccative Antiseptic, and substitute for bismuth subnitrate internally.--USES: Extern., on wounds, ulcers, eczemas, etc.; intern., in gastro-intestinal affections.--~Dose:~ 4--8 grn., several t. daily.--EXTERN. like iodoform.

~Bismuth Subiodide~,--see BISMUTH OXYIODIDE.

~Bismuth Subnitrate Merck.--U.S.P.--C.P.~

~Dose:~ 5--40 grn.

MERCK'S Bismuth Subnitrate is a very light powder and fully conforms to the pharmacopoeial requirements.

~Bismuth Valerianate Merck.~

White powd., valerian odor.--INSOL. in water, alcohol.--Sedative, Antispasmodic.--USES: Nervous headache, cardialgia, chorea, etc.--~Dose:~ 1--3 grn.

~Bismuth and Ammonium Citrate Merck.--U.S.P.~

SOL. in water; slightly in alcohol.--~Dose:~ 2--5 grn.

Black Haw--U.S.P.

VIBURNUM PRUNIFOLIUM.--Nervine, Oxytocic, Astringent.--Preparation: F.E. (D., 30--60 min.)

~Borax~,--see SODIUM BORATE.


Not completely defined.--(Stated: "Contains 19-1/4% boric acid, 5-3/4% sodium fluoride, 3% benzoic acid, 42% gum vehicle, 1/2% formaldehyde, 29-1/2% water.--Colorl. liq.; miscible with water in all proport.--Surgical Antiseptic, Internal Disinfectant.--~Dose:~ 1/2--1 fl. dr., in water.--EXTERN. mostly in 5--20% solut.")


Not completely defined.--(Stated: "5% aceto-boro-glyceride, 0.1% formaldehyde, with the antiseptic constituents of pinus pumilio, eucalyptus, myrrh, storax, and benzoin.--Arom., slightly astring., non-staining liq.--Antiseptic, Disinfectant.--~Dose:~ 1/2--1 fl. dr., diluted.--EXTERN. in 5--50% solut.")

~Brayerin,~--see KOUSSEIN.


HEXAMETHYLENE-TETRAMINE BROMETHYLATE, Merck.--Colorl. lamin�, or white powd.--SOL. in water.--Nerve-sedative, Antiepileptic; free from untoward effects of inorganic bromides.--USES: As substitute for potassium bromide.--~Dose:~ 30--60 grn., several t. daily, in wafers or sweetened water.

~Bromides (Peacock's).~

Not completely defined.--(Stated: "Each fl. dr. represents 15 grn. combined bromides of potass., sod., calc., ammon., lithium.--Sedative, Antiepileptic.--~Dose:~ 1--2 fl. drs., in water, 3 or 4 t. daily.")


Not completely defined.--(Stated: "Each fl. dr. contains 15 grn. each chloral hydrate and potass. bromide, 1/8 grn. each ext. cannab. ind. and ext. hyoscyam.--Hypnotic, Sedative.--~Dose:~ 1--2 fl. drs.")


SOL. in alcohol, ether, chloroform, solut. bromides; also 30 parts water.--~Dose:~ 1--3 min., well diluted. EXTERN. 1/4--1 per cent. washes or oily paints; as caustic, pure or 1:1 alcohol.--ANTIDOTES: Stomach irrigation, croton oil in alkaline solut., inhalation of ammonia.

~Bromipin Merck.~

Bromine addition-product of sesame oil.--Yellow oily fluid, of purely oleaginous taste; contains 10% bromine.--Nervine and Sedative.--~Dose:~ Tea- to tablespoonful, 3 or 4 t. daily, in emulsion with peppermint water and syrup.

~Bromoform Merck.--C.P.~

Heavy liq., odor and taste similar to chloroform; darkens on exposure.--SOL. in alcohol, ether; almost insol. in water.--Antispasmodic, Sedative.--USES: Chiefly whooping-cough.--~Dose~ (3 or 4 t. daily): Under 1 year, 1--3 drops; 1--4 years, 4--5 drops; 5--7 years, 6--7 drops, in hydro-alcoholic solut. or in emulsion.--CAUTION: Keep well-stoppered!

~Bromo-hemol Merck.~

Hemol with 2.7% bromine.--Brown powd.--Organic, easily assimilable Nerve-tonic and Sedative; without the deleterious effect on the blood common to the inorganic bromides.--USES: Hysteria, neurasthenia, epilepsy.--~Dose:~ 15--30 grn., 3 t. daily.

~Brucine Merck.~--Pure.

White powd.--SOL. in alcohol, chloroform.--Nerve-tonic, like strychnine, but much milder.--~Dose:~ 1/12--1/2 grn., in pills or solut.--MAX D.: 3/4 grn.--ANTIDOTES: Chloral, chloroform, tannic acid.


Preparation: Tr. (D., 1--4 drams).


Preparation: F.E. (D., 15--60 min.).

~Butyl-Chloral Hydrate Merck.~

"CROTON"-CHLORAL HYDRATE.--Light, white, cryst. scales; pungent odor.--SOL. in water, alcohol, glycerin.--Analgesic, Hypnotic.--USES: Trigeminal neuralgia, toothache, etc., insomnia of heart disease.--~Dose:~ Hypnotic, 15--30 grn.; analgesic, 2--6 grn.; in solut. water, alcohol, or glycerin.--MAX. D.: 45 grn.--EXTERN. with equal part phenol.--ANTIDOTES: Atropine, strychnine, caffeine, artificial respiration.

~Cadmium Iodide Merck.~

Lustrous tables.--SOL. in water, alcohol.--Resolvent, Antiseptic.--USES: Scrofulous glands, chronic inflammation of joints, chilblains, and skin diseases.--APPLIED in oint. 1 in 8 lard.

~Cadmium Sulphate Merck.--Pure.~

White cryst.--SOL. in water, alcohol.--Antiseptic, Astringent.--USES: Instead of zinc sulphate in eye washes (1/2--1% solut.).

~Caesium and Ammonium Bromide Merck.~

White, cryst. powd.--Sol. in water.--Nerve Sedative.--USES: Epilepsy, etc.--~Dose:~ 15--45 grn., 1 or 2 t. daily.

~Caffeine Merck.--U.S.P.--Pure.~

THEINE: GUARANINE.--~Dose:~ 1--5 grn.--MAX. D.: 10 grn. single, 30 grn. daily.

~Caffeine, Citrated, Merck.--U.S.P.~

(Improperly called "Citrate of Caffeine").--50% caffeine.--White powd.; acid taste.--~Dose:~ 2--10 grn.

~Caffeine Hydrobromate Merck.--True salt.~

Glass-like cryst.; reddish or greenish on exposure.--SOL. in water, with decomposition.--USES: Chiefly as diuretic, hypodermically.--INJECTION: 4--10 [min.] of solut. caffeine hydrobromate 10 parts, hydrobromic-acid 1 part, distilled water 3 parts.--CAUTION: Keep well stoppered, in brown bottles!

~Caffeine and Sodium Benzoate Merck.~

45.8% caffeine.--White powd.--SOL. in 2 parts water.--USES: By injection, 2--10 grn.

~Caffeine and Sodium Salicylate Merck.~

62.5% caffeine.--White powd.--SOL. in 2 parts water.--USES: By injection; in rheumatism with heart disease, and in threatened collapse of pneumonia.--~Dose:~ 1-1/2--6 grn.


SWEET FLAG.--~Dose:~ 15--60 grn.--Preparation: F.E. (1:1).

~Calcium Bromide Merck.--U.S.P.~

White granules; very deliquescent; sharp, saline taste.--SOL. in water, alcohol.--Nerve Sedative, like potassium bromide.--USES: Epilepsy, hysteria, etc.--~Dose:~ 10--30 grn., 2 t. daily.

~Calcium Carbonate, Precipitated, Merck.--U.S.P.~

PRECIPITATED CHALK.--~Dose:~ 10--40 grn.

Calcium Carbonate, Prepared--U.S.P.

DROP CHALK.--Preparations: Comp. Powd. (D., 10--30 grn.); Mercury with Chalk (D., 3--10 grn.), Chalk Mixt. (D., 1--4 fl. drs.); Troches (4 grn.).

~Calcium Chloride Merck.--U.S.P.--Pure.~

~Calcium Glycerino-phosphate Merck.~

White cryst. powd.--SOL. in water; almost insol. in boiling water.--Directly assimilable. Nerve-tonic and Reconstructive.--USES: In rachitis, wasting diseases, and convalescence.--~Dose:~ 2--5 grn., 3 t. daily, in syrup or solut.

~Calcium Hippurate Merck.~

White powd.--SOL. slightly in hot water.--Alterative and Antilithic.--USES: Cystitis, lithiasis, scrophulosis, phthisis, difficult dentition, etc.--~Dose:~ 5--15 grn.

~Calcium Hypophosphite Merck.--Purified.~

~Calcium Lactophosphate Merck.--Cryst., Soluble.~

White, hard crusts; 1% phosphorus.--SOL. in water.--Stimulant and Nutrient.--USES: Rachitis, and conditions of malnutrition.--~Dose:~ 3--10 grn., 3 t. daily.--Preparation: Syr. (3%).

~Calcium Permanganate Merck.--C.P., Cryst.~

Deliquescent, brown cryst.--SOL. in water.--USES: Intern., gastro-enteritis and diarrhea of children; extern., as other permanganates for mouth lotions and for sterilizing water; and vastly more powerful than potassium permanganate.--~Dose:~ 3/4--2 grn., well diluted.

~Calcium Phosphate, Tribasic, Merck~--(Precipitated Calcium Phosphate, U.S.P.).--~Pure, Dry.~

~Dose:~ 10--20 grn.

~Calcium Sulphite Merck.--Pure.~

White powd.--SOL. in 20 parts glycerin, 800 parts water.--Antizymotic.--USES: Flatulence, diarrhea, and some dyspepsias.--~Dose:~ 2--5 grn., in pastilles.



COLUMBO.--~Dose:~ 5--20 grn.--Preparations: F.E. (1:1); Tr. (1:10).


~Dose:~ 2--5 grn.--Preparations: Cerate (1:50); Lin. (1:5); Spt. (1:10); Water (1:125).

~Camphor, Monobromated, Merck.~

~Dose:~ 2--5 grn., in pill or emulsion.

~Cannabine Tannate Merck.~

Yellow or brownish powd.; slightly bitter and strong astringent taste.--SOL. in alkaline water or alkaline alcohol, very slightly in water or alcohol.--Hypnotic, Sedative.--USES: Hysteria, delirium, nervous insomnia, etc.--~Dose:~ 8--16 grn., at bedtime, in powd. with sugar.--MAX. D.: 24 grn.

Cannabis Indica--U.S.P.

INDIAN HEMP.--Preparations: Ext. (D., 1/4--1 grn.); F.E. (D., 2--5 min.); Tr. (D., 5--20 min.).--See also, Cannabine Tannate.


Preparations: Cerate (32 per cent.); Collodion (q.v.); Tr. (D., 3--10 min.).--See also, Cantharidin.--ANTIDOTES: Emetics, flaxseed tea; opium per rectum; morphine subcut.; hot bath. Avoid oils!

~Cantharidin Merck.--C.P., Cryst.~

Colorl., cryst. scales; blister the skin.--SOL. in alcohol, ether, chloroform.--Stimulant, Vesicant, Antitubercular.--USES: In lupus and tuberculosis; also cystitis.--~Dose:~ Teaspoonful of 1:100,000 solut. in 1% alcohol (with still more water added before taking), 3 or 4 t. daily.--INJECTION is given in form of potassium cantharidate, which see.


CAYENNE PEPPER; AFRICAN PEPPER.--~Dose:~ 1--5 grn.--Preparations: F.E. (1:1); Oleores. (D., 1/4--1 grn.); Plaster; Tr. (1:20).


~Dose:~ 5--15 grn.--Preparations: Tr. (1:10); Comp. Tr. (vehicle).


Not completely defined.--(Stated: "Combination of medullary glyceride and unalterable fibrin of ox-blood.--Hematinic.--USES: Chiefly grave or pernicious anemia, and neurasthenia.--~Dose:~ 2--4 fl. drs., in cold water or sherry, 3--4 t. daily; avoid hot fluids!")

Cascara Sagrada--U.S.P.

Preparation: F.E. (D., 15--60 min.)


CHESTNUT.--Preparation: F.E. (D., 1--2 drams).


~Dose:~ 5--20 grn.--Preparations: Comp. Tr. (1:10); Troches (1 grn.).


Not completely defined.--(Stated: "Each fl. dr. represents 5 grn. each celery, coca, kola, viburnum, and aromatics.--Nerve Tonic, Sedative.--~Dose:~ 1--2 fl. drs.")

~Cerium Oxalate, Cerous, Merck.--Pure.~

White granular powd.; odorl.; tastel.--SOL. in diluted sulphuric and hydrochloric acids.--Sedative, Nerve-tonic.--USES: Vomiting of pregnancy, sea-sickness, epilepsy, migraine, chronic diarrhea.--~Dose:~ 1--5 grn.


ICELAND MOSS.--Preparation: Decoct. (D., 1--4 oz.).--See also, Cetrarin.

~Cetrarin Merck.--C.P., Cryst.~

Cetraric Acid.--White needles, conglomerated into lumps; bitter.--Sol. in alkalies and their carbonates; slightly in water, alcohol, ether.--Hematinic, Stomachic, Expectorant.--Uses: Chlorosis, incipient phthisis, bronchitis, digestive disturbances with anemia, etc.--~Dose:~ 1-1/2--3 grn.


~Chamomilla Compound (Fraser's).~

Not completely defined.--(Stated: "Mixture of mother tinctures of cinchona, chamomilla, ignatia, and phosphorus, with aromatics and nux vomica.--Nerve Tonic, Stomachic.--~Dose:~ 1 fl. dr. before meals and at bedtime, with tablespoonful hot water.")


WOOD CHARCOAL.--~Dose:~ 10--30 grn.


CELANDINE.--~Dose:~ 10--40 grn.


American Wormseed.--~Dose:~ 10--40 grn.--Preparation: Oil (D., 10 min. 3 t. daily; castor oil next day).


PIPSISSEWA; PRINCE'S PINE.--Preparation: F.E. (D., 30--60 min.).


~Dose:~ 10--30 grn.--Preparations: F.E. (1:1); Tr. (1:10).


CHLORAL-FORMAMIDE.--Colorl., bitter cryst.--SOL. in abt. 20 parts water (slowly); in 2 alcohol; decomp. by hot solvents.--Hypnotic, Sedative, Analgesic.--~Dose:~ 15--45 grn.

~Chloral Hydrate Merck.--U.S.P.--Loose Cryst.; also Flakes.~

~Dose:~ 10--30 grn.--MAX. D.: 60 grn.--CONTRA-INDICATED in gastritis; large doses must not be given in heart disease; in children and the aged, use with caution.--ANTIDOTES: Emetics, stomach siphon; cocaine, strychnine, or atropine, hypodermically; stimulants, oxygen, mucilage acacia.--INCOMPATIBLES: Carbolic acid, camphor, alcohol, potassium iodide, potassium cyanide, borax; alkaline hydrates and carbonates.

~Chloral-ammonia Merck.~

White, cryst. powd.; chloral odor and taste.--SOL. in alcohol, ether; insol. in cold water; decomposed by hot water.--Hypnotic, Analgesic.--USES: Nervous insomnia, neuralgia, etc.--~Dose:~ 15--30 grn.

~Chloralimide Merck.~--(Not: Chloralamide.)

Colorl. needles; odorl.; tastel.--SOL. in alcohol, ether, chloroform, oils; insol. in water.--Hypnotic, Analgesic.--USES: Insomnia, headache, etc.--~Dose:~ 15--30 grn., 2 or 3 t. daily.--MAX. D.: 45 grn. single; 90 grn. daily.

~Chloralose Merck.~

Small, colorl. cryst.; bitter, disagreeable taste.--SOL. in alcohol; slightly in water.--Hypnotic.--USES: Insomnia. Free from disagreeable cardiac after-effects and cumulative tendency of chloral hydrate. Acts principally by reducing excitability of gray matter of brain.--~Dose:~ 3--12 grn.

Chlorine Water--U.S.P.

0.4 per cent. Cl.--~Dose:~ 1--4 drams.--ANTIDOTES: Milk and albumen.

~Chloroform Merck.--Recryst. and Redistilled, for Anesthesia.~

~Dose:~ 10--20 [min.].--MAX. D.: 30 [min.].--Preparations: Emuls. (4%); Lin. (3%); Spt. (6%); Water (1/2%).--ANTIDOTES: Vomiting, stomach siphon, cold douche, fresh air, artificial respiration, etc.--CAUTION: Keep in dark amber. Never administer as anesthetic near a flame, as the vapor then decomposes, evolving very irritating and perhaps poisonous gases!

MERCK'S Chloroform is prepared by a new process insuring the highest attainable purity. It is absolutely free from all by-products that are liable to cause untoward effects.

~Chrysarobin Merck.--U.S.P.~

So-called "CHRYSOPHANIC ACID"; Purified Goa-Powder.--Antiparasitic, Reducing Dermic, etc. Not used internally.--EXTERN. 2--10% oint. or paint.--Preparation: Oint. (5%).--CAUTION: Very dangerous to the eyes!


BLACK SNAKEROOT; BLACK COHOSH.--~Dose:~ 15--45 grn. Preparations: Ext. (D., 2--6 grn.); F.E. (1:1); Tr. (1:5).--See also, Cimicifugin.

~Cimicifugin Merck.~

MACROTIN.--Yellowish-brown, hygroscopic powd.--SOL. in alcohol.--Antispasmodic, Nervine, Oxytocic.--USES: Rheumatism, dropsy, hysteria, dysmenorrhea, etc.--~Dose:~ 1--2 grn.


~Dose:~ Tonic, 5--15 grn.; antiperiodic, 40--120 grn.--Preparations: Ext. (D., 1--10 grn.); F.E. (1:1); Infus. (6:100); Tr. (1:5); Comp. Tr. (vehicle).--See also, its var. alkaloids.

~Cinchonidine Merck.--Pure, Cryst.~

SOL. in dil. acids; insol. in water.--~Dose:~ Tonic, 1--2 grn., in pills or syrup; antiperiodic, 15--30 grn., between paroxysms.

~Cinchonidine Sulphate.--U.S.P.~

SOL. in alcohol; sl. in water.--~Dose:~ Same as Cinchonidine.

~Cinchonine Merck.--U.S.P.--Pure, Cryst.~

SOL. in dil. acids; insol. in water.--~Dose:~ Same as Cinchonidine.

~Cinchonine Sulphate Merck.--U.S.P.~

SOL. in 10 parts alcohol, 70 water.--~Dose:~ Same as Cinchonine.

Cinnamon, Cassia--U.S.P.

CASSIA BARK.--~Dose:~ 10--30 grn.--Preparation: Oil (D., 1--3 min.).

Cinnamon, Ceylon--U.S.P.

~Dose:~ 10--30 grn.--Preparations: Oil (D., 1--3 min.); Spt. (10 per cent. oil); Tr. (1:10); Water (one-fifth per cent. oil).


ERYTHROXYLON.--Preparation: F.E. (D., 20--60 min.).--See also, Cocaine.

~Cocaine Hydrochlorate Merck.--U.S.P.--C.P., Cryst. or Powder.~

~Dose:~ 1/2--1-1/2 grn.--MAX. D.: 2 grn. single; 6 grn. daily.--ANTIDOTES: Chloral, amyl nitrite, caffeine, morphine, digitalis, alcohol, ammonia.

MERCK'S Cocaine Hydrochlorate strictly conforms to the U.S.P. and all other known tests for its purity.

~(Other salts of Cocaine are not described because used substantially as the above.)~

~Codeine Merck.--U.S.P.--Pure, Cryst. or Powd.~

~Dose:~ 1/2--2 grn.--INJECTION: 1/4--1 grn.

~Codeine Phosphate Merck.~

White powd.--SOL. in 4 parts water; slightly in alcohol.--Best codeine salt for hypodermic use; most sol., least irritating.--INJECTION: 1/2--1 grn.

~(Other salts of Codeine are not described because used substantially as the above.)~

~Colchicine Merck.--Cryst.~

Yellow cryst. powd.; very bitter taste.--SOL. in water, alcohol, ether, chloroform.--Alterative, Analgesic.--USES: Rheumatism, gout, uremia, chronic sciatica, asthma, cerebral congestion, and rheumatic sciatica.--~Dose:~ 1/120--1/30 grn., 2 or 3 t. daily.--ANTIDOTES: Stimulants.

Colchicum Root--U.S.P.

Preparations: Ext. (D., 1/2--2 grn.); F.E. (D., 2--8 min.); Wine (5--20 min.).

Colchicum Seed--U.S.P.

Preparations: F.E. (D., 3--10 min.); Tr. (D., 20--60 min.); Wine (D., 20--60 min.).


Not completely defined.--(Stated: "Caps, each containing 1/250 grn. colchicine dissolved in 3 min. methyl salicylate.--Antirheumatic, Antipodagric.--~Dose:~ 2--4 caps, with meals and at bedtime.")

~Collodion, Cantharidal, Merck.--U.S.P.~

(Blistering, or Vesicating, Collodion).--Olive-green, syrupy liq.--Represents 60% cantharides.--USES: Blister instead of cantharides.

Collodion, Styptic.--U.S.P.

20 per cent. tannic acid.--USES: Bleeding wounds.


~Dose:~ 3--10 grn.--Preparations: Ext. (D., 1--3 grn.); Comp. Ext. (D., 3--10 grn.).

~Colocynthin (Glucoside) Merck.--C.P.~

Yellow powd.--SOL. in water, alcohol.--Cathartic (not drastic and toxic, as the extract).--~Dose:~ 1/6--2/3 grn.--INJECTION: 1/6 grn.; rectal 4--16 [min.] of 4% solut. in equal parts glycerin and alcohol.

~Coniine Hydrobromate Merck.~

White needles.--SOL. in 2 parts water, 2 parts alcohol; chloroform, ether.--Antispasmodic, Antineuralgic, etc.--USES: Tetanus, cardiac asthma, sciatica and whooping-cough; large doses have been given in traumatic tetanus.--~Dose:~ 1/30--1/12 grn., 3--5 t. daily: children, 1/640--1/40 grn., 2--4 t. daily.--INJECTION: 1/20--1/15 grn.--ANTIDOTES: Emetics, stomach siphon; atropine, strychnine; picrotoxin with castor oil; caffeine, and other stimulants.


HEMLOCK.--Preparations: Ext. (D., 1/2--2 grn.); F.E. (D., 2--5 min.).--See also, Coniine Hydrobromate.


LILY OF THE VALLEY.--Preparation: F.E. (D., 15--30 min.).--See also, Convallamarin.

~Convallamarin Merck.~

Yellowish-white, amorph. powd.--SOL. in water, alcohol.--Cardiac Stimulant, Diuretic.--USES: Heart disease, oedema, etc.--~Dose:~ 3/4--1 grn., 6 to 8 t. daily.--INJECTION: 1/2 grn. every 4 hours, in sweet solut., gradually increasing to 5 grn. daily.--MAX. D.: 1 grn. single; 5 grn. daily.


Dose: 20--60 grn.--Preparations: Mass (94 per cent.); Oil (D., 5--15 min.); Resin (D., 5--15 grn.).

~Copper Acetate, Normal, Merck.--Pure, Cryst.~

~Dose:~ 1/8--1/4 grn.--ANTIDOTES (for all copper salts): Encourage vomiting, stomach pump, then milk and sugar or white of egg freely; pure potassium ferrocyanide (10 or 15 grn.).

~Copper Arsenite Merck.~

Yellowish-green powd.--SOL. in alkalies; slightly in water.--Intestinal Antiseptic, Antispasmodic, Sedative.--USES: Cholera infantum, dysentery, whooping-cough, dysmenorrhea, etc.--~Dose:~ 1/120 grn. every 1/2 hour until relieved, then every hour.--MAX. D.: 1 grn. single and daily.

~Copper Sulphate Merck.--U.S.P.--Pure, Cryst.~

~Dose~: Nervine and alterative, 1/6--1/3 grn.; emetic, 2--5 grn.

~Cornutine Citrate Merck.~

Brown, very hygroscopic scales or mass.--SOL. in water (incompletely).--USES: Hemorrhage from genito-urinary organs, paralytic spermatorrhea, etc.--~Dose~: Hemostatic, 1/12--1/6 grn.; spermatorrhea, 1/20--1/10 grn. daily.

~Cotarnine Hydrochlorate~,--see STYPTICIN.

Cotton-Root Bark--U.S.P.

Emmenagogue, Oxytocic.--Preparation: F.E. (D., 30--60 min.).


SAPONIFIED DEPHENOLATED COAL-TAR CREOSOTE, Pearson.--Dark syrupy liq.; tar odor.--SOL. in alcohol, ether, chloroform; milky emulsion with water; sol. in water to 2-1/2%.--Disinfectant, Deodorizer, Styptic, Anticholeraic, etc.--USES: Non-poisonous substitute for carbolic acid, etc. Removes odor of iodoform. Intern., dysentery, diarrhea, meteorism, gastric catarrh, worms, thrush, diphtheria, etc.; enema 1/2% solut. in dysenteric troubles; extern., 1/2 to 2% solut. in surgical operations, 1/10--1/2% injection for gonorrhea, 2--5% ointment in scabies and pediculi, erysipelas, cystitis, burns, ulcers, etc.--~Dose:~ 1--5 [min.] 3 t. daily, in pills. In cholera 16 [min.] every 1/2--1 hour for 5 doses, then at longer intervals.--CAUTION: Aqueous solut. should be freshly made when wanted.

~Creosote Carbonate.~

CREOSOTAL.--Light-brown, odorl., sl. bitter liq.--SOL. in oils (5 parts cod-liver oil), alcohol, ether; insol. in water.--Antitubercular.--~Dose:~ 20 min., grad. increased to 80 min., 3 t. per day.

~Creosote from Beechwood, Merck.--U.S.P.~

~Dose:~ 1--3 [min.], gradually increased to limit of tolerance, in pills, capsules, or with wine or brandy.--MAX. INITIAL D.: 5 [min.] single; 15 [min.] daily.--ANTIDOTES: Emetics, stomach pump, soluble sulphates (such as Glauber or Epsom salt).--CAUTION: Wherever Creosote is indicated for internal medication, Creosote from Beechwood should be dispensed; and under no circumstances should "Creosote from Coal Tar" be given, unless explicitly so directed. Wood Creosote and Coal-Tar Creosote differ very widely in their action on the human body: Wood Creosote is comparatively harmless; Coal-Tar Creosote decidedly poisonous.--Preparation: Water (1%).

MERCK'S Beechwood Creosote is absolutely free from the poisonous coerulignol found in some of the wood creosote on the market.

~Creosote Phosphite.~

PHOSPHOTAL.--Oily liq.: 90% creosote.--SOL. in alcohol, glycerin, oils.--Antitubercular, Anticachectic.--~Dose:~ Same as of creosote; in pills, wine, or elixir.


~Dose:~ 15--60 grn.--Preparations: F.E. (1:1); Oil (D., 5--15 min.); Oleores. (D., 10--30 min.); Tr. (1:5); Troches (1/2 min. oleores.).

~Cupro-hemol Merck.~

Hemol with 2% copper.--Dark-brown powd.--USES: Substitute for usual copper compounds in tuberculosis, scrofula, nervous diseases, etc.--~Dose:~ 1--3 grn., 3 t. daily, in pills.

~Curare Merck.--Tested.~

~Dose:~ 1/12--1/6 grn., hypodermically, 1 or 2 t. daily, or until effect is noticed.--CAUTION: Avoid getting it into a wound, as this may prove fatal!

~Curarine Merck.--C.P.~

Deliquescent brown powd.--SOL. in water, alcohol, chloroform.--Antitetanic, Nervine, etc.--USES: Rectal tetanus, hydrophobia, and severe convulsive affections.--INJECTION: 1/60--1/12 grn.--ANTIDOTES: Strychnine, atropine, artificial respiration and stimulants.


LADIES' SLIPPER.--~Dose:~ 15--30 grn.--Preparation: F.E. (1:1).

~Dermatol~,--see BISMUTH SUBGALLATE.


LEVULOSE.--Wh. powd.--SOL. in water.--Substitute for sugar in diabetes.

~Diastase (of Malt) Merck.--Medicinal.~

Yellowish-white to brownish-yellow, amorph. powd.; tastel.--USES: Aid to digestion of starchy food.--~Dose:~ 1--3 grn. pure or with pepsin.

~Dietetic Products~,--see FOODS AND DIETETIC PRODUCTS.

~Digitalin, "German," Merck.~

Yellowish-white powd.--SOL. in water, alcohol; almost insol. in ether, chloroform.--Non-cumulative, reliable Heart-tonic, Diuretic; well adapted to injection.--~Dose:~ 1/16--1/4 grn., 3 or 4 t. daily, in pills or subcutaneously.--ANTIDOTES: Emetics, stomach pump, tannic acid, nitroglycerin, morphine early, strophanthin later; alcoholic stimulants, etc.


~Dose:~ 1--3 grn.--Preparations: Ext. (D., 1/4--1/2 grn.); F.E. (1:1); Infus. (15:1000); Tr. (15:100).--See also, Digitalin and Digitoxin.

~Digitoxin Merck.--Cryst.~

Most active glucoside from digitalis.--White cryst. powd.--SOL. in alcohol, chloroform; slightly in ether; insol. in water.--Prompt, reliable, powerful Heart-tonic; of uniform chemical composition and therapeutic activity.--USES: Valvular lesions, myocarditis, etc.--~Dose:~ 1/240--1/120 grn., 3 t. daily, with 3 [min.] chloroform, 60 [min.] alcohol, 1-1/2 fl. oz. water. ENEMA: 1/80 grn. with 10 [min.] alcohol, 4 fl. oz. water, 1 to 3 t. daily.--MAX. D.: Daily, 1/32 grn.


Not completely defined.--(Stated: "1 fl. oz. represents 45 [min.] each fl. extracts viburn. prunifol., viburn. opulus, dioscorea villosa, aletris farinosa, helonias dioica, mitchella repens, caulophyllum, scutellaria.--Antispasmodic, Anodyne.--USES: Dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, etc.--~Dose:~ 10--30 [min.].")


~Duboisine Sulphate Merck.~

Yellowish, very deliquescent powd.--SOL. in water, alcohol.--Hypnotic, Sedative, Mydriatic.--USES: Principally as mydriatic, much stronger than atropine; also in mental diseases, usually hypodermically.--~Dose:~ 1/80--1/20 grn.--EXTERN. in 0.2 to 0.8% solut.


Preparation: F.E. (D., 30--120 min.).


~Elaterin Merck.--U.S.P.--Cryst.~

Cryst. powd.: very bitter taste.--SOL. in alcohol, chloroform; slightly in ether.--Drastic Purgative.--USES: Ascites, uremia, pulmonary oedema, poisoning by narcotics, etc.--~Dose:~ 1/20--1/12 grn.

~Elaterium Merck.--(According to Clutterbuck).~

~Dose:~ 1/8--1/2 grn.

~Emetin (Resinoid) Merck.~--(Do not confound with the Alkaloid!)

Yellowish-brown lumps.--Emetic, Diaphoretic, Expectorant.--~Dose:~ Emetic, 1/8--1/4 grn.; expectorant, 1/60--1/30 grn.

~Emetine (Alkaloid) Merck.~--Pure.--(Do not confound with the Resinoid!)

Brownish powd.; bitter taste; darkens on exposure.--SOL. in alcohol, chloroform; slightly in ether; very slightly in water.--Emetic, expectorant.--~Dose:~ Emetic, 1/16--1/8 grn.; expectorant, 1/120--1/60 grn.

~Ergot Aseptic.~

Standardized, sterilized preparation of ergot for hypodermatic use; free from extractive matter and ergotinic acid. Each 1 Cc. bulb represents 2 Gm. (30 grn.) ergot.


~Dose:~ 20--90 grn.--Preparations: Ext. (D., 5--15 grn.); F.E. (1:1); Wine(15:100).

~Ergotin (Bonjean) Merck.~

~Dose:~ 3--10 grn.--CAUTION: Decomposes in solut.; should be sterilized and kept with great care.


Liq. prepar. of ergot, 2-1/2 times strength of U.S.P. fl. ext.; stated to be permanent.--INJECT.: 5--20 min.


YERBA SANTA.--Preparation: F.E. (D., 20--60 min.).

~Erythrol Tetranitrate Merck.~

Cryst. mass, exploding on percussion; therefore on the market only in tablets with chocolate, each containing 1/2 grn. of the salt.--Vasomotor Dilator and Antispasmodic, like nitroglycerin.--USES: Angina pectoris, asthma, etc.--~Dose:~ 1--2 tablets.

~Eserine Salicylate Merck.~

PHYSOSTIGMINE SALICYLATE.--Slightly yellowish cryst.--SOL. in 150 parts water; solut. reddens on keeping.--Spinal Depressant, Antitetanic, Myotic--USES: Tetanus, tonic convulsions, strychnine poisoning, etc.; in 5% solut. to contract pupil.--~Dose:~ 1/120--1/30 grn.--MAX. D.: 1/20 grn.

~Eserine Sulphate Merck.~

PHYSOSTIGMINE SULPHATE.--Yellowish, very deliquescent powd.; bitter taste; rapidly reddens.--SOL. easily in water, alcohol.--USES, DOSES, ETC.: As Eserine Salicylate.


SULPHURIC ETHER.--~Dose:~ 10--40 min.--ANTIDOTES: Emetics, fresh air, ammonia.--CAUTION: Vapor inflammable!--Preparations: Spt. (32.5 per cent.); Comp. Spt. (32.5 per cent.).

~Ethyl Bromide Merck.--C.P.~

HYDROBROMIC ETHER.--Colorl., inflammable, volatile liq.; burning taste, chloroform odor.--SOL. in alcohol, ether, chloroform.--Inhalant and Local Anesthetic, Nerve Sedative.--USES: Minor surgery, spray in neuralgia, etc.; epilepsy, hysteria, etc. [It is of great importance to have a pure article for internal use, since with an impure one, alarming after-effects may occur; MERCK'S is strictly pure.]--~Dose:~ 150--300 [min] for inhalation; by mouth, 5--10 drops on sugar, or in capsules.--CAUTION: Keep from light and air!--N.B. This is not Ethylene Bromide, which is poisonous!

~Ethyl Chloride Merck.~

Gas at ordinary temperatures and pressures: when compressed, colorl. liq.--SOL. in alcohol.--Local Anesthetic--USES: Minor and dental surgery, and neuralgia, as spray; heat of hand forcing the stream from the tubes. Hold 6--10 inches away from part.--CAUTION: Highly inflammable!

~Ethyl Iodide Merck.~

HYDRIODIC ETHER.--Clear, neutral liq.; rapidly turns brown on keeping.--SOL. in alcohol, ether; insol. in water.--Alterative, Antispasmodic, Stimulant.--USES: Intern., chronic rheumatism, scrofula, secondary syphilis, chronic bronchitis, asthma, chronic laryngitis, and by inhalation in bronchial troubles; extern., in 10--20% oint.--~Dose:~ 5--16 [min], several t. daily, in capsules or on sugar; inhal., 10--20 drops.--CAUTION: Even in diffused daylight Ethyl Iodide decomposes quite rapidly, the light liberating iodine which colors the ether. When not exposed to light at all the decomposition is very slow; and with the least practicable exposure, by care in using it, it is not rapid. The decomposition is rendered still slower by the presence in each vial of about 10 drops of a very dilute solution of soda. When deeper than a pale wine color, it should be shaken up with 5 or 10 drops of such solution.

~Ethylene Bromide Merck.~--(Not Ethyl Bromide).

Brownish, volatile, emulsifiable liq.; chloroform odor.--MISCIBLE with alcohol; insol. in water.--Antiepileptic and Sedative.--USES: Epilepsy, delirium tremens, nervous headache, etc.--~Dose:~ 1--2 [Min.], 2--3 t. daily, in emulsion or capsules.

~Eucaine, Alpha-, Hydrochlorate.~

Wh. powd.--SOL. in 10 parts water.--Local Anesthetic, like cocaine.--APPLIED to mucous surfaces in 1--5% solut.--SUBCUT. 15--60 min. of 6% solut.

~Eucaine, Beta-, Hydrochlorate.~

Wh. powd.--SOL. in 28 parts water.--Local Anesthetic, specially intended for ophthalmologic use.---APPLIED in 2% solut.

~Eucalyptol Merck.--U.S.P.--C.P.~

~Dose:~ 5--16 [min.] 4 or 5 t. daily, in capsules, sweetened emulsion, or sugar.--INJECTION: 8--16 [min.] of mixture of 2--5 eucalyptol and 10 liq. paraffin.


Preparation: F.E. (D., 5--20 min.).--See also, Oil Eucalyptus and Eucalyptol.


Bismuth salt of nosophen.--Odorl., tastel., insol. powd.; 52.9% iodine.--Intest. Antiseptic and Astringent.--~Dose:~ 4--10 grn., 3--5 t. daily.


PYROGALLOL MONOACETATE, Knoll.--Syrupy, transparent, dark-yellow mass.--SOL. in water readily.--Succedaneum for Pyrogallol in obstinate chronic psoriasis; very vigorous in action.--APPLIED like pyrogallol.

~Eugenol Merck.--Pure.~

EUGENIC ACID; CARYOPHYLLIC ACID.--Colorl., oily liq.; spicy odor; burning taste.--SOL. in alcohol, ether, chloroform, solut. caustic soda,--Antiseptic, Antitubercular, Local Anesthetic.--USES: Extern., oint. with adeps lan� in eczema and other skin diseases, local anesthetic in dentistry etc.; intern., tuberculosis, chronic catarrhs, etc.--~Dose:~ 8--30 [min.].--MAX. D.: 45 [min.].


WAHOO.--Preparation: Ext. (D., 2--5 grn.).


BONESET.--Preparation: F.E. (D., 20--60 min.).

~Euonymin, American, Brown, Merck.~

Brownish powd.--USES: Cholagogue and drastic purgative, similar to podophyllin.--~Dose:~ 1-1/2--6 grn.

~Euphorin Merck.~--(Not Europhen.)

PHENYL-ETHYL URETHANE.--Colorl. needles; slight aromatic odor; clove taste.--SOL. in alcohol, ether, slightly in water.--Antirheumatic, Anodyne, Antiseptic, Antipyretic--USES: Intern., rheumatism, tuberculosis, headache, and sciatica; extern., dusting-powd. in venereal and other skin diseases, ulcers.--~Dose:~ 8--16 grn., 2--3 t. daily.


QUININE ETHYL-CHLOROCARBONATE.--Slightly bitter powd.--SOL. in alcohol, ether, chloroform; slightly sol. in water.--Succedaneum for other quinine salts, internally.--~Dose:~ About 1-1/2 times that of quin. sulph., in powd. or cachets, or with soup, milk, or cacao.


RESORCIN MONOACETATE, Knoll.--Viscid, transparent, yellow mass, readily pulverizable.--Succedaneum for Resorcin.--USES: Chiefly acne, sycosis simplex, seborrhea, etc.--EXTERN. in 5 to 20% oint.


CHRYSAROBIN TRIACETATE, Knoll.--SOL. in chloroform, acetone, ether; insol. in water. Succedaneum for Chrysarobin; very active reducer or "reactive."--EXTERN. in 1 to 20% solut. in acetone, with 5 to 10% of saligallol.


Yellow powd.; 27.6% iodine.--SOL. in alcohol, ether, chloroform, fixed oils; insol. in water or glycerin.--Antisyphilitic, Surgical Antiseptic.--~Dose:~ (by inject.): 1/2--1-1/2 grn. once daily, in oil.--EXTERN. like iodoform.

~Extract, Bone-Marrow, (Armour's).~

Not completely defined.--(Stated: "Medullary glyceride, containing all the essential ingredients of fresh red bone-marrow.--Hematinic, Nutrient.--USES: Anemia, chlorosis, etc.--~Dose:~ 1--2 fl. drs., in water, milk, or wine, 3 t. daily.")

~Extract Cod-Liver Oil,~--see GADUOL.

~Extract, Ergot, Aqueous, Soft,~--see ERGOTIN.

~Extract, Licorice, Purified, Merck.--U.S.P.--Clearly soluble.~

PURE EXTRACT GLYCYRRHIZA.--Used to cover taste of bitter mixtures, infusions, or decoctions; also as pill-excipient. Enters into Comp. Mixt. Glycyrrhiza.

~Extract, Male Fern,~--see OLEORESIN, MALE FERN.

~Extract, Malt, Merck.--Dry, Powd.~

Contains maximum amount diastase, dextrin, dextrose, protein bodies, and salts from barley.--Tonic, Dietetic. USES: Children, scrofulous patients, dyspeptics, etc.--~Dose:~ 1--4 drams.

~Extract, Monesia, Merck.--Aqueous, Dry~

Alterative, Intestinal Astringent.--USES: Chronic diarrhea, catarrh, scrofula, scurvy, etc.--~Dose:~ 2--5 grn.

~Extract, Muira-puama, Fluid, Merck.~

Aphrodisiac, Nerve-stimulant.--USES: Sexual debility, senile weakness, etc.--~Dose:~ 15--30 [min.].

~Extract, Opium, Aqueous, Merck.--U.S.P.--Dry.~

~Dose:~ 1/4--1 grn.--MAX. D.: 2 grn. single; 5 grn. daily.


FERRIC-CHLORIDE-ANTIPYRINE, Knoll; FERRIPYRINE.--64% antipyrine, 12% iron, 24% chlorine.--Orange-red non-hygroscopic powd.--SOL. in 5 parts water, 9 parts boiling water; in alcohol, benzene, slightly in ether.--Hematinic, Styptic, Astringent, Antineuralgic--USES: Intern., anemia, chlorosis, migraine, headache, neuralgia; extern., gonorrhea, nosebleed, etc. ~Dose:~ 5--15 grn., with peppermint-oil sugar, or in solut.--EXTERN. in 1--1-1/2% solut. for gonorrhea; 20% solut. or pure for hemorrhages.

~Firwein (Tilden's).~

Not completely defined.--(Stated: "Each fl. dr. contains 1/100 grn. phosphorus, 1/6 grn. iodine, 1/6 grn. bromine.--Alterative, Anticatarrhal.--USES: Chronic bronchitis, phthisis, catarrh, etc.--~Dose:~ 1--2 fl. drs., before meals.")

~Fluorescein Merck.~

Orange-red powd.--SOL. in ether, alkaline solut.--USES: Diagnosis of corneal lesions and impervious strictures of nasal duct. Solut. 10 grn., with 15 grn. sodium bicarbonate, in ounce water.

~Foods and Dietetic Products.~

BOVININE.--"Unaltered bovine blood."



GLOBON.--A chemically pure albumin.--See under "G."

HEMABOLOIDS.--"Iron-bearing nucleo-albumins, reinforced by bone-marrow extract, and antiseptically treated with nuclein."

HORLICK'S FOOD.--"Containing in 100 parts 3.39 water, 0.08 fat, 34.99 glucose, 12.45 cane sugar, 6.71 albuminoids, 1.28 mineral constituents, but no starch."

IMPERIAL GRANUM.--"Unsweetened food, prepared from the finest growths of wheat; contains no glucose, cane sugar, or malt."

INFANT FOOD, Keasbey & Mattison's.


MALTED MILK, Horlick's.

MALTINE.--"Extraction of all the nutritive and digestive properties of wheat, oats, and malted barley."--Maltine M'f'g Co., Brooklyn, N.Y.

MALTZYME.--See under "M."

MELLIN'S FOOD.--"Consists of dextrin, maltose, albuminates, and salts."

NESTLE'S FOOD.--"40% sugar, 5% fat, 15% proteids, 30% dextrin and starch."


PANOPEPTONE.--"Bread and beef peptone; containing the entire edible substance of prime, lean beef, and of best wheat flour."

PEPTOGENIC MILK POWDER.--"For modifying cow's milk to yield a food for infants, which, in physiological, chemical and physical properties, is almost identical with mother's milk."

PEPTONIZED MILK.--See Peptonizing Tubes.

PEPTONOIDS, BEEF.--"From beef and milk, with gluten."

PEPTONOIDS, LIQUID.--"Beef Peptonoids in cordial form."

SACCHARIN.--Antidiabetic and Hygienic Substitute for Sugar.--See under "S."

SANOSE.--"80% purest casein, 20% purest albumose."

SOMATOSE.--"Deutero- and hetero-albumoses."

TROPHONINE.--"Containing the nutritive elements of beef, egg albumen, and wheat gluten."


FORMALDEHYDE-PROTEID, Merck; from Casein.--Yellowish powd., almost odorl. and tastel.--Protective Vulnerary, forming a film from which formaldehyde is gradually liberated, thus persistently disinfecting the wound-surface.

~Formaldehyde Merck.~

Aqueous solut. formaldehyde gas; about 35%.--Colorl., volatile liq.; pungent odor.--Non-corrosive Surgical and General Antiseptic (in wounds, abscesses, etc., for clothing, bed-linen, walls, etc.); preservative of collyria and anatomical or botanical specimens.--APPLIED in vapor or solut.: In surgery, 1/4--1/2% solut.; general antisepsis, 1/4--2% solut. or in vapor: for collyria, 1/10% solut.; for hardening anatomical specimens, 4--10% solut. [Other brands of this preparation are sold under special names, such as "Formalin", "Formol", etc. The MERCK article is sold under its true chemical name: "Formaldehyde."]

~Formaldehyde, Para-,~--see PARAFORMALDEHYDE.

~Formalin or Formol,~--see FORMALDEHYDE.


HEXAMETHYLENE-TETRAMINE, Merck.--Alkaline cryst. powd.--SOL. in water, slightly in alcohol.--Uric-acid Solvent and Genito-urinary Antiseptic.--USES: Gout, cystitis, etc.--~Dose:~ 15--30 grn. daily, taken in the morning, or morning and evening, in lithia water or carbonated water.


BUCKTHORN.--Laxative.--Preparation: F.E. (D., 15--30 min.).

~Fuchsine, Medicinal, Merck.~

Fuchsine free from arsenic.--SOL. in water.--Antiseptic, Antinephritic.--USES: Intern., nephritis, cystitis; said to reduce anasarca and arrest albuminuria.--~Dose:~ 1/2--3 grn., several t. daily, in pills.--CAUTION: Do not confound with Fuchsine Dye!


ALCOHOLIC EXTRACT COD-LIVER OIL, Merck.--Brown, oily liq.; bitter, acrid taste; contains the therapeutically active principles of cod-liver oil (iodine, bromine, phosphorus, and alkaloids), without any of the inert ballast of the oil.--Alterative, Nutrient.--USES: Instead of cod-liver oil.--~Dose:~ 5--30 [min.], as elixir or wine.--[Further information in "Merck's Digest" on "GADUOL," containing detailed information, formulas, etc.]

~Gall, Ox, Inspissated, Merck.--Purified, Clearly Sol.~

Laxative, Digestive.--USES: Typhoid fever, deficiency of biliary secretion, etc.--~Dose:~ 2--5 grn., several t. daily, in capsules or pills.

~Gallanol Merck.~

GALLIC ACID ANILIDE.--Wh. or grayish powd.--SOL. in alcohol, ether; sl. in water, chloroform.--Antiseptic Dermic.--USES: Extern., instead of chrysarobin or pyrogallol; acute or chronic eczema, 1--7 parts in 30 parts ointment; psoriasis, 20% solut. in chloroform or traumaticin; moist eczema, 25% with talcum; favus, prurigo and tricophyton, 20% solut. in alcohol with little ammonia.

~Gallobromol Merck.~

DIBROMO-GALLIC ACID.--Small, grayish cryst.--SOL. in alcohol, ether, 10 parts water.--Sedative, Antiseptic, Astringent.--USES: Intern., instead of potassium bromide; extern., cystitis, gonorrhea, gleet, and other skin diseases.--~Dose:~ 10--30 grn.--EXTERN. in 1--4% solut., powd., or paste.


~Dose:~ 1--5 grn.--Enters in Comp. Cathartic Pills.


Lauded by Unna as an ideal water-soluble vehicle for the application of dermics. Forms a smooth, homogeneous covering without any tendency to stickiness. Does not stain the skin or the linen. Readily takes up 50% ichthyol, 40% salicylic acid, resorcin, or pyrogallol, 5% carbolic acid, and 1% mercuric chloride. Keeps insoluble drugs well suspended.

~Gelseminine (Alkaloid) Merck.--C.P.~

White microscopic cryst.--SOL. in alcohol, ether, chloroform.--(The hydrochlorate and sulphate are sol. in water.)--Antineuralgic, Antispasmodic.--USES: Neuralgia, rheumatism, dysmenorrhea, etc.; also antidote to strychnine.--~Dose:~ 1/120--1/30 grn.--MAX. D.: 1/30 grn. single, 1/5 grn. daily.--ANTIDOTES: Emetics early, atropine, strophanthin, artificial respiration, external stimulation.

~(The salts of Gelseminine are not described because used substantially as the above.)~


YELLOW JASMINE.--Preparations: F.E. (D., 2--5 min.), Tr. (D., 10--30 min.).--See also, Gelseminine.


~Dose:~ 10--30 grn.--Preparations: Ext. (D., 2--6 grn.); F.E. (D., 10--30 min.); Comp. Tr. (D., 1--2 drams).


CRANESBILL.--~Dose:~ 30--60 grn.--Preparation: F.E. (1:1).


~Dose:~ 5--20 grn.--Preparations: F.E. (1:1); Oleores. (D., 1/2--2 min.); Tr. (1:5); Troches (3 min. Tr.); Syr. (3 per cent. F.E.).


Chemically pure albumin.--Yellowish, dry, odorl., tastel. powd.--INSOL. in water.--Albuminous Nutritive and Reconstructive; more nutritious than meat, milk, or any other aliment; very easily assimilated.--USED in acute diseases and during convalescence therefrom; in anemia, gastric affections, diabetes, and gout; also in children.--~Dose:~ 1/2--1 dram several t. daily, best taken with amylaceous food; children 1/4--1/2 as much.


~Dose:~ 1--4 drams.--Preparation: Suppos. (95 per cent.).

~Glycerin Tonic Compound (Gray's).~

Not completely defined.--(Stated: "Combination of glycerin, sherry, gentian taraxacum, phosphoric acid, and carminatives.--Alterant Tonic [especially in diseases of chest and throat].--~Dose:~ 1/2 fl. oz., before meals, in water.")


Not completely defined.--(Stated: "Alkaline, antiseptic, cleansing solut. for treatment of diseased mucous membrane, especially nasal catarrh.--USED chiefly extern.: generally in 20% solut."--~Dose:~ 1 fl. dr., diluted.)


Not completely defined.--(Stated: "Result of the chemical reaction when glycerin is subjected to the action of 15 times its own volume of ozone, under normal atmospheric pressure at 0�C.--Colorl., viscid liq.; sp. gr. 1.26.--Disinfectant, Antizymotic--~Dose:~ 1--2 fl. drs., after meals, in water.--ENEMA: 1/2--1 fl. oz. in 1--2 pints water.")


LICORICE ROOT.--Preparations: Ext. and F.E. (vehicles); Comp. Powd. (D., 1--2 drams).; Comp. Mixt. (D., 2--4 fl. drs.); Troches Glyc. and Opium (one-twelfth grn. Op.).--See also, Glycyrrhizin, Ammoniated.

~Glycyrrhizin, Ammoniated, Merck.--Clearly Soluble.~

Dark-brown or brownish-red, sweet scales.--SOL. in water, alcohol.--Expectorant, Demulcent.--USES: Chiefly with bitter or neutral medicines, to cover taste; also as cough remedy.--~Dose:~ 5--15 grn.--INCOMPATIBLE with acids.

~Gold Bromide, Auric, Merck.~

GOLD TRIBROMIDE.--Dark-brown powd.--SOL. in water, ether.--USES, DOSE, ETC.: same as of Gold Bromide, Aurous.

~Gold Bromide, Aurous, Merck.~

GOLD MONOBROMIDE.--Yellowish-gray, friable masses.--INSOL. in water. Antiepileptic, Anodyne, Nervine.--USES: Epilepsy, migraine, etc; said to act, in small doses, quickly and continuously, without bromism.--~Dose:~ Antiepileptic, 1/10--1/5 grn. 2 or 3 t. daily, in pills; anodyne, 1/20 grn. 2 t. daily. Children, half as much.

~Gold Chloride Merck.~

AURIC CHLORIDE.--Brown, very deliquescent, cryst. masses.--SOL. in water, alcohol.--Antitubercular, Alterative.--USES: Phthisis and other tubercular affections; lupus.--~Dose:~ 1/50--1/15 grn.--CAUTION: Keep dry, from light!

~Gold Cyanide, Auric, Merck.~

GOLD TRICYANIDE.--Colorl. hygroscopic plates.--SOL. in water, alcohol. USES: Antitubercular.--Dose: 1/20--1/10 grn.--ANTIDOTES: As Gold Cyanide, Aurous.

~Gold Cyanide, Aurous, Merck.~

GOLD MONOCYANIDE.--Yellow cryst. powd.--INSOL. in water, alcohol, or ether.--~Dose:~ 1/16--1/4 grn., several t. daily, in pills--ANTIDOTES: Emetics, stomach siphon, artificial respiration, ferric or ferrous sulphate, ammonia, chlorine, hot and cold douche, etc.

~Gold Iodide Merck.~

AUROUS IODIDE.--Greenish or yellow powd.--Alterative.--USES: Scrofula and tuberculosis.--~Dose:~ 1/64--1/8 grn.

~Gold and Sodium Chloride Merck.--U.S.P.~

~Dose:~ 1/24--1/4 grn.--INCOMPATIBLES: Silver nitrate, ferrous sulphate, oxalic acid.


Preparation: F.E., (D., 20--60 min.).


RESIN GUAIAC.--~Dose:~ 5--15 grn.--Preparations: Tr. (D., 20--60 min.); Ammon. Tr. (D., 1--2 drams).

~Guaiacol Merck.~

Colorl., limpid, oily liq.; characteristic aromatic odor.--SOL. in alcohol; ether, 200 parts water.--Antitubercular, Antiseptic, antipyretic, Local Analgesic.--USES: Intern., phthisis, lupus, and intestinal tuberculosis, febrile affections.--~Dose:~ 2 [min.] 3 t. daily, gradually increased to 16 [min.], in pills, or in 1--2% solut. brandy, wine, etc., after meals.--EXTERN. (Analgesic and Antipyretic): 16--32 [min.], pure or with equal parts glycerin or oil.

~Guaiacol Benzoate,~--see BENZOSOL.

~Guaiacol Carbonate.~

DUOTAL.--Small, wh., odorl., tastel. cryst.--INSOL. in water.--Antitubercular.--~Dose:~ 4--8 grn. 2 or 3 t. daily, gradually increased to 90 grn. a day if necessary, in powd.

~Guaiacol Phosphite.~

GAIACOPHOSPHAL.--Oily liq.; 92% guaiacol.--SOL. in alcohol, glycerin, oils.--Antitubercular, etc., like guaiacol.--~Dose:~ Same as of guaiacol; in pills, elixir, or wine.

~Guaiacol Salol Merck.~

GUAIACOL SALICYLATE.--White, insipid cryst.; salol odor.--SOL. in alcohol; insol. in water.--Intestinal Antiseptic, Antitubercular, Antirheumatic--USES: Phthisical diarrhea, dysentery, rheumatism, marasmus, chorea, etc.--~Dose:~ 15 grn., several t. daily.--MAX. D.: 150 grn. daily.


QUININE GUAIACOL-BISULPHONATE.--Yellowish, acrid, bitter powd.; 61.36% quinine, 23.48% guaiacol.--SOL. in water, alcohol, dil. acids.--Antiperiodic, Intest. Antiseptic--~Dose:~ 5--10 grn., 3 t. daily, before meals.


~Dose:~ 15--60 grn.--Preparation: F.E. (1:1).

~Guethol Merck.~

GUAIACOL-ETHYL.--Oily liq., congealing in the cold.--SOL. in alcohol, ether, chloroform; insol. in water or glycerin.--Local Anesthetic, Topical and Internal Antitubercular.--USES: Chiefly as succedaneum for guaiacol; extern., in neuralgia, tubercular cystitis, etc.; intern. in phthisis.--~Dose:~ 5--10 [min.] 3 t. daily, in sweetened hydro-alcoholic solut.--EXTERN. as paint with equal part chloroform, or in 10--20% oint.

~Haema-, Haemo-,~--see under HEMA-, HEMO-, etc.


WITCHHAZEL.--Preparation: F.E. (D., 15--60 min.).


PENNYROYAL.--Preparations: Oil (D., 3--10 min.); Spt. (10 per cent. oil).


LOGWOOD.--Preparations: Ext. (D., 10--20 grn.).


HEMOGLOBIN REDUCED BY PYROGALLOL, Merck.--Reddish-brown powd. containing iron in condition for easy assimilation.--Hematinic, Constructive, Tonic.--USES: Anemia, chlorosis, chronic nephritis, diabetes, and in convalescence; readily transformed into blood coloring-matter in debilitated people, and uniformly well borne; much superior to inorganic preparations of iron.--~Dose:~ 4--8 grn., 3 t. daily, 1/2 hour before meals, in powd. with sugar, or in pills or chocolate tablets.

~Hemoglobin Merck.~

Brownish-red powd. or scales.--SOL. in water.--Hematinic--USES: Anemia, chlorosis, etc.--~Dose:~ 75--150 grn., daily, in wine or syrup.


HEMOGLOBIN REDUCED BY ZINC, Merck.--Dark-brown powd. containing easily assimilable iron, with slight traces of zinc oxide.--Hematinic, Antichlorotic--USES: Anemia and chlorosis, neurasthenia, etc.--~Dose:~ 2--8 grn., before meals, in powd. with sugar, or in wafers.

~Hexamethylene-tetramine,~--see FORMIN.

~Hexamethylene-tetramine Salicylate,~--see SALIFORMIN.


Wh. needles--SOL. in 40 parts water; undecomposed on boiling.--Local Anesthetic, like cocaine.--USES: Chiefly in eye diseases in 1% solut.

~Homatropine Hydrobromate Merck.~

Small white cryst.--SOL. in 10 parts water, 133 parts alcohol.--USES: Mydriatic in ophthalmic surgery; in night-sweats of phthisis, and as Sedative. Mydriatic effect commences in 1/4 to 1/2 hour, reaches maximum in 1 hour, and disappears in 6 hours. Accommodation paresis ceases earlier. ~Dose:~ 1/120--1/60 grn.--EXTERN., to the eye, in 1% solut.


Preparations: Clarified Honey; Honey of Rose; Confect. Rose--all vehicles.


Preparation: Tr. (D., 1--3 drams).

~Hydrastine (Alkaloid) Merck.--C.P.~

White prisms.--SOL. in alcohol, ether, chloroform; slightly in water.--Alterative, Tonic, Antiperiodic--~Dose:~ 1/4--1 grn.

~Hydrastine Hydrochlorate Merck.--C.P.~--(Not Hydrastinine, etc.)

Amorph., white powd.--SOL. in water.--Astringent, Dermic, Tonic, Hemostatic--USES: Intern., uterine hemorrhage, dyspepsia, hemorrhoids etc.; extern., gonorrhea, conjunctivitis, endometritis, leucorrhea, cervical erosions, acne, hyperidrosis, seborrhea, etc.--~Dose:~ 1/2--1 grn., every 2 hours if necessary.--EXTERN. as astringent, 1/10--1/2% solut.; in skin diseases, 1% oint's or lotions.

~Hydrastinine Hydrochlorate Merck.--U.S.P.--C.P.~--(Not Hydrastine, etc.)

Yellow, cryst. powd.--SOL. in water.--Uterine Hemostatic, Emmenagogue, Vaso-constrictor.--USES: Hemorrhages, congestive dysmenorrhea, metrorrhagia, epilepsy, hemoptysis, etc.--~Dose:~ 1/4--1/2 grn., 3--4 t. daily, in capsules.


GOLDEN SEAL.--Preparations: F.E. (D., 10--30 min.): Glycerite (1:1 [extern.]): Tr. (D., 30--120 min.).

~Hydrastis (Lloyd's).~

Not completely defined.--(Stated: "Solution in glycerin and water of the valuable properties of hydrastis.--Colorl. liq.--Astringent, Tonic--USED chiefly extern. (gonorrhea, leucorrhea, sore throat, etc.), in 1--2:16 dilut.--~Dose:~ 10--40 min., 3 t. daily.")

~Hydrogen Peroxide Solution,~--see SOLUTION, HYDROGEN PEROXIDE.


Not completely defined.--(Stated: "2 fl. drs. contain 80 min. cod-liver oil, 35 min. dist. water, 5 grn. pancreatin, 1/3 grn. soda, 1/4 grn. salicylic acid.--~Dose:~ 1/4--1/2 fl. oz., after each meal.")


Not completely defined.--(Stated: "30 vols. preserved aqueous solut. of H{2}O{2}.--Clear liq., acid taste.--Disinfectant, Cicatrizant.--~Dose:~ 1 fl. dr., well dil., before meals.--EXTERN. in 2 or 3% solut.")

~Hyoscine Merck.--True, Amorph.~

From Hyoscyamus niger.--Thick, colorl. syrup.--SOL. in alcohol, ether; slightly in water.--Hypnotic, Sedative.--USES: To quiet and give sleep to insane and others.--~Dose:~ For insane, 1/32 grn., cautiously increased or repeated until effect is produced; for sane, 1/200--1/100 grn.--INJECTION: For insane, 1/120--1/60 grn.; for sane, 1/400--1/200 grn.--ANTIDOTES: Emetics, stomach pump, muscarine, tannin, animal charcoal, emetics again; heat or cold externally; cathartics, etc.

~Hyoscine Hydrobromate Merck.--U.S.P.--True, Cryst.~

Colorl. cryst.--SOL. in water, alcohol.--USES and DOSES, same as Hyoscine.

~(Other salts of Hyoscine are not described because used substantially as the above.)~

~Hyoscyamine, True, Merck.--C.P., Cryst.~--(Much stronger than Amorph.!)

From Hyoscyamus niger.--White, silky, permanent cryst.--SOL. in alcohol, ether, chloroform, acidulated water; slightly in water.--Hypnotic, Sedative.--USES: To quiet insane and nervous; ease cough in consumption; asthma, etc.--~Dose:~ 1/128--1/32 grn., several t. daily, in pill or solut.; as hypnotic for insane, 1/8--1/4 grn.--ANTIDOTES: As for Atropine.

~Hyoscyamine, True, Merck.--Pure, Amorph.~--(Much weaker than Cryst.!)

Brown, syrupy liq.--~Dose:~ 1/8--1/4 [min.].

~Hyoscyamine Sulphate, True, Merck.--U.S.P.--C.P., Cryst.~

White, deliquescent, microscopic needles; acrid taste.--SOL. in water, alcohol.--USES, DOSE, ETC.: As of Hyoscyamine, True, Cryst.

~Hyoscyamine Sulphate, True, Merck.--Pure, Amorph.~

Yellowish, hygroscopic powd.--SOL. in water, alcohol.--~Dose:~ 1/8--1/4 grn.

~Other salts of Hyoscyamine are not described because (used substantially as the above.)~


HENBANE.--Preparations: Ext. (D., 1--3 grn.); F.E. (D., 5--15 min.); Tr. (D., 20--60 min.)


ICHTHYOL ALBUMINATE, Knoll.--Gray-brown, odorl., almost tastel. powd.; 4 parts equal 3 parts ichthyol.--SOL. in alkaline fluids (such as intestinal secretion); insol. in ordinary solvents and in diluted acids (as gastric juice).--Succedaneum for Ichthyol internally as an Alterant, Antiphlogistic, and Assimilative.--USES: Phthisis, scrofula, rheumatism, skin diseases, etc.--~Dose:~ 15--30 grn., 2 or 3 t. daily, before meals.--[Further information in "Merck's Digest" on "ICHTHALBIN," containing clinical reports and detailed information.]


AMMONIUM SULPHO-ICHTHYOLATE, Ichthyol Co.,--(NH{4}){2}C{28}H{36}S{3}O{6}.--Thick, brown liq.; bituminous odor; 15% easily assimilable sulphur.--SOL. in water, mixture alcohol and ether; miscible with glycerin, oils.--Antiphlogistic, Anodyne, Alterative, Antigonorrhoic, Dermic--USES: Intern., skin diseases, rheumatism, scrofula, nephritis; extern., 5 to 50% oint., solut., etc.: uterine and vaginal inflammation, urticaria, erosions, pruritus, gout, boils, carbuncles, acne, eczema, herpes, burns, catarrh, etc.; 2% solut. in gonorrhea.--~Dose:~ 3--10 [min.] in pills, capsules, or water.--(See "ICHTHALBIN",--a preferable form for internal use.)


Digestive ferment obtained from gizzard of chicken.--Yellowish powd.--~Dose:~ 5--20 grn.


Not completely defined.--(Stated: "Combination of active principles from green roots of stillingia, helonias, saxifraga, menispermum; with 5 grn. potass. iodide per fl. dr.--Alterative, Uterine Tonic--~Dose:~ 1--3 fl. dr., 3 t. daily.")

~Iodine Merck.--U.S.P.--Resublimed.~

~Dose:~ 1/4--1 grn.--Preparations: Oint. (4%); Comp. Solut. (5%, with 10% KI); Tr. (7%).--ANTIDOTES: Emetics, stomach pump; starchy food in abundance.--INCOMPATIBLES: Oil turpentine, starch, tannin.


Iodine addition-product of sesame oil.--Yellow fluid, of purely oleaginous taste; 10% iodine.--Alterative Tonic; carried even to remotest parts of body.--USES: Syphilis, scrofula, etc.--~Dose:~ 1--2 fl. drs., 3 or 4 t. daily, in emulsion with peppermint water and syrup; children in proportion.

~Iodo-bromide of Calcium Comp. (Tilden's).~

Not completely defined.--(Stated: "Each fl. oz. contains 72 grn. combined salts of bromine, iodine, and chlorine with calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium, potassium; together with combined constituents of 1 oz. mixed stillingia, sarsaparilla, rumex, dulcamara, lappa, taraxacum, menispermum.--Alterative, Tonic--USES: Scrofula, cancer, chronic coughs, eczema, etc.--~Dose:~ 1--2 fl. drs., in water, before meals.")

~Iodoform Merck.--U.S.P.--C.P., Cryst. or Powd.~

~Dose:~ 1--3 grn.--Preparation: Oint. (10%).--INCOMPATIBLE: Calomel.


IODOFORM ALBUMINATE, Knoll.--Brown-yellow, fine, dry, non-conglutinating powd.; about 3 times as voluminous as iodoform, more pervasive, and free from its odor.--Especially convenient, economical, and efficient form of Iodoform; liberates the latter, on contact with wound surfaces, gradually and equably, and hence is more persistent in action.


TETRAIODO-PYRROLE, Kalle.--Light, fine, grayish-brown powd.; 89% iodine.--SOL. in alcohol, chloroform, oils; 3 parts ether; slightly in water.--Antiseptic, Alterative.--USES: Intern., syphilis, scrofula, etc.; extern., 5 to 10% oint. in chronic ulcers, lupus, chancre, etc.; powd. or solut. on mucous membranes, as in ozena, tonsillitis, etc.--~Dose:~ 8--15 grn., daily, in wafers.


THYROIODINE.--Dry preparation of thyroid gland.--Alterative, Discutient.--USES: Goiter, corpulency, myxedema, etc.--~Dose:~ 15--40 grn. per day.


~Dose:~ Stomachic, 1/2--1 grn.; emetic, 10--20 grn.--Preparations: F.E. (1:1); Powd. of Ipecac and Opium (1:10 each); Troches (1/4 grn.); Syr. (7 per cent. F.E.); Tr. Ipecac and Opium (D., 5--15 min.); Troches w. Morphine (one-twelfth grn. ipecac, one-fortieth grn. morph.); Wine (10 per cent. F.E.).


BLUE FLAG.--Preparations: Ext. (D., 2--6 grn.); F.E. (D., 10--30 min.).

~Iron, by Hydrogen, Merck.~--(Reduced Iron, U.S.P.).

QUEVENNE'S IRON.--~Dose:~ 2--5 grn.

~Iron Acetate Merck.--Scales.~

~Dose:~ 3--10 grn.

~Iron Albuminate Merck.--Scales or Powd.~ Brown; very stable.--SOL. in water.--Hematinic.--~Dose:~ 3--10 grn.

~Iron Arsenate Merck.~

Yellowish-green, insol. powd.--~Dose:~ 1/16--1/8 grn., in pill.

Iron Carbonate, Mass--U.S.P.

VALLET'S MASS.--50 per cent. Fe CO{3}.--~Dose:~ 3--5 grn., in pill.

Iron Carbonate, Mixture--Compound Iron Mixture, U.S.P.

GRIFFITH'S MIXTURE.--~Dose:~ 1--2 fl. oz.

~Iron Carbonate, Saccharated, Merck,~ (Saccharated Ferrous Carbonate, U.S.P.).

~Iron Citrate Merck~ (Ferric Citrate, U.S.P.).--Scales.

~Iron Glycerino-phosphate Merck.~

Yellowish scales.--SOL. in water, dil. alcohol.--USES: Deficient nerve-nutrition, neurasthenia, etc.--~Dose:~ 2--5 grn., 3 t. daily, in cinnamon water.

Iron Hydrate with Magnesia--U.S.P.

ARSENIC ANTIDOTE.--(I) Solut. ferric sulphate 50 Cc., water 100 Cc., (II) magnesia 10 Gm., water to make 750 Cc. (in a 1000 Cc. bottle). For immediate use, add I to II.

~Iron Hypophosphite Merck~ (Ferric Hypophos., U.S.P.)~.--C.P.~

Whitish powd.--Insol. in water.--~Dose:~ 5--10 grn.

~Iron Iodide, Saccharated, Merck, (Saccharated Ferrous Iodide, U.S.P.).~

~Dose:~ 2--5 grn.--CAUTION: Keep dark, cool, and well-stoppered!

~Iron Lactate Merck (Ferrous Lactate, U.S.P.).--Pure.~

~Dose:~ 1--5 grn.

~Iron Oxalate, Ferrous, Merck.~

Pale-yellow, odorl., cryst. powd.--INSOL. in water.--~Dose~: 2--6 grn.

~Iron Oxide, Red, Saccharated, Merck.--Soluble.~

IRON SACCHARATE.--2.8% iron.--Brown powd.--SOL. in water.--USES: Antidote for arsenic; also in chlorosis, anemia, etc.--~Dose:~ 10--30 grn.

~Iron, Peptonized, Merck.--Powd. or Scales.~

5% iron oxide, with peptone.--SOL. in water.--USES: Mild, easily assimilable chalybeate.--~Dose:~ 5--20 grn.

~Iron Phosphate, Soluble, Merck, (Soluble Ferric Phosphate, U.S.P.).~

~Dose~: 5--10 grn.

~Iron Pyro-phosphate, with Sodium Citrate, Merck, (Soluble Ferric Pyro-phosphate, U.S.P.).~

~Dose:~ 5--10 grn.

~Iron Succinate Merck.~

Amorph., reddish-brown powd.--SOL. slightly in cold water; easily in acids.--Tonic, Alterative.--USES: Solvent biliary calculi.--~Dose:~ 10 grn., gradually increased to 60 grn. if necessary, after meals; associated with 10 drops of chloroform, 4 to 6 t. daily.

~Iron Sulphate, Basic, Merck.--Pure.~


~Iron Sulphate, Ferrous, Merck, (Ferrous Sulphate, U.S.P.).~

~Dose:~ 1--3 grn.

~Iron Sulphate, Ferrous, Dried, Merck.~

Best form for pills.--~Dose:~ 1/2--2 grn.

~Iron Tartrate, Ferric, Merck.~

Brown scales.--SOL. in water.--~Dose:~ 5--10 grn.

~Iron Valerianate Merck.--(Ferric Valerianate, U.S.P.).~

Brick-red powd.; valerian odor; styptic taste.--Tonic, Nervine, Emmenagogue.--USES: Anemia or chlorosis, with hysteria or nervous exhaustion; epilepsy, chorea, etc.--~Dose:~ 3--15 grn.

~Iron and Ammonium Citrate Merck.--U.S.P.--Brown Scales.~

SOL. in water.--~Dose:~ 3--10 grn.--Preparation: Wine (4%).

~Iron and Ammonium Sulphate, Ferric, Merck.--U.S.P.~

AMMONIO-FERRIC ALUM.--~Dose:~ 5--15 grn.

~Iron and Manganese, Peptonized, Merck.~

Brown powd.--SOL. in water.--~Dose:~ 5--20 grn.

~Iron and Potassium. Tartrate Merck.--U.S.P.~

~Iron and Quinine Citrate, Soluble, Merck.--U.S.P.~

~Dose:~ 3--10 grn.--Preparation: Bitter Wine Iron (5%).

~Iron and Quinine Citrate, with Strychnine, Merck.~

1% strychnine.--Green scales.--SOL. in water.--~Dose:~ 2--5 grn.

~Iron and Strychnine Citrate Merck.--U.S.P.~

1% strychnine.--~Dose;~ 2--5 grn.

~Itrol,~--see SILVER CITRATE.


~Dose:~ 10--30 grn.--Preparations: Ext. (D., 2--5 grn.); Comp. Powd. (D., 20--60 grn.); Resin (D., 2--5 grn.).

~Juice, Cineraria, Merck.~

USES: Extern., cataract of the eye; 2 drops 3 t. daily.


~Dose:~ 1--2 drams, with hyoscyamus, in honey.

~Kefir Fungi Merck.~

USES: In making Kefir ("Kumyss").--[Further information in descriptive circular.]

~Keratin, Pepsinized, Merck.~

Horn-substance purified by pepsin.--Yellowish-brown powd.--USES: Coating enteric pills.--[Further information in descriptive circular.]

~Kermes Mineral,~--see ANTIMONY, SULPHURATED.


~Dose:~ 10--20 grn.--Preparation: Tr. (1:10).

~Koussein Merck.--Amorph.~

BRAYERIN, KUSSE�N.--Yellowish-brown powd.--SOL. in alcohol, ether, chloroform; slightly in water.--Anthelmintic.--~Dose:~ 15--30 grn., divided into 4 parts, intervals of half hour; followed by castor oil. Children, half this quantity.


BRAYERA.--Preparation: F.E. (D., 1--4 drams).--See also, Koussein.


RHATANY.--~Dose:~ 5--30 grn.--Preparations: Ext. (D., 2--10 grn.); F.E. (1:1); Syr. (45 per cent.); Tr. (1:5); Troches (1 grn. ext.).


METHOXY-ACET-PHENETIDIN.--Colorl., odorl., powd.; faint bitter-pungent taste.--SOL. in 600 parts water; freely in alcohol, chloroform, ether.--Analgesic, Antipyretic.--~Dose:~ 8--15 grn. in tabl. or powd.


Not completely defined.--(Stated: "Contains pepsin, pancreatin, ptyalin, lactic and hydrochloric acids.--Grayish powd.--Digestant.--~Dose:~ 10--20 grn., in powd. or tabl.")


LACTYL-PHENETIDIN.--Wh., odorl., slightly bitter powd.--SOL. in 500 parts water, 9 alcohol.--Antipyretic and Analgesic.--~Dose:~ 8--15 grn.

~Lactucarium Merck.--U.S.P.~

~Dose:~ Hypnotic and anodyne, 5--20 grn.; sedative, 3--8 grn.--Preparations: Tr. (1:2); Syr. (1:20).


Wool-fat, analogous to Adeps Lan�, which see.


BURDOCK.--Alterative.--Preparation: F.E. (D., 30--60 min.)


Silver-albumin compound; 11% silver.--Gray powd.--SOL. in 9 parts water, also in glycerin.--Powerful Bactericide and Astringent, like silver nitrate but non-irritating and not precipitable by sodium chloride or albumin.--USES: Chiefly gonorrhea, in 1/4--1-1/2% solut. (according to stage), 3 t. daily.

~Lead Acetate Merck.--U.S.P.--C.P., Cryst. or Powd.~

~Dose:~ 1--4 grn.--ANTIDOTES: Emetics, stomach siphon: sulphate of sodium or potassium or magnesium; milk, albumen, opium (in pain).--INCOMPATIBLES: Acids; soluble sulphates, citrates, tartrates, chlorides, or carbonates; alkalies, tannin, phosphates.

~Lead Carbonate Merck.--C.P.~

Not used internally.--Preparation: Oint. (10%).

~Lead Iodide Merck.--U.S.P.--Powd.~

~Dose:~ 1--4 grn.--Preparation: Oint. (10%).

~Lead Nitrate Merck.--U.S.P.--Pure, Cryst.~

~Dose:~ 1--4 grn.

Lemon Juice--U.S.P.

Preparation: Acid, Citric (q.v.).

Lemon Peel--U.S.P.

Preparations: Oil; Spt.; Syr.--all flavorings.


PYROGALLOL TRIACETATE, Knoll.--White powd.--INSOL. in water; sol. with decomposition in warm aqueous solut's of alkalies.--Mild succedaneum for Pyrogallol: non-poisonous, non-irritating, and non-staining.--APPLIED in 1/2--5% oint.


CHRYSAROBIN TETRACETATE, Knoll.--INSOL. in water.--Mild "reactive" or "reducing" Dermic; succedaneum for Chrysarobin especially in herpes; non-poisonous, non-irritating, non-staining.--EXTERN. like chrysarobin.


CULVER'S ROOT.--~Dose:~ 20--60 grn.--Preparations: Ext. (D., 3--10 grn.); F.E. (1:1).

~Leptandrin Merck.--Pure.~

~Dose:~ Cholagogue and alterative, 1--3 grn.; purgative, 8 grn.

~Levico Water,~--see AQUA LEVICO.

~Lime Merck.--U.S.P.~

CALCIUM OXIDE; BURNT LIME.--Escharotic, in cancers, etc.

~Lime, Sulphurated, Merck.~

(So-called "CALCIUM SULPHIDE".)--~Dose:~ 1/4--2 grn.


~Liquor,~--see SOLUTION.


Not completely defined.--(Stated: "Essential antiseptic constituents of thyme, eucalyptus, baptisia, gaultheria, and mentha arvensis, with 2 grn. benzo-boric acid, in each fl. dr.--Clear, yellow liq. of arom. odor.--Antiseptic, Deodorant, Disinfectant.--~Dose:~ 1 fl. dr., diluted.--EXTERN. generally in solut. up to 20%.")

~Lithium Benzoate Merck.--U.S.P.~

~Lithium Bromide Merck.--U.S.P.~

~Lithium Carbonate Merck.~

~Lithium Citrate Merck.~

~Lithium Hippurate Merck.--C.P.~

White powd.--SOL., slightly in hot water.--~Dose:~ 5--15 grn.

~Lithium Iodide Merck.~

SOL. in water.--~Dose:~ 1--5 grn.

~Lithium Salicylate Merck.--U.S.P.--C.P.~


Preparations: F.E. (D., 2--10 min.); Tr. (D., 10--40 min.).--See also, Lobeline.

~Lobeline Sulphate (fr. Seed) Merck.~

Very deliquescent, yellow, friable pieces.--SOL. in water, alcohol.--USES: Chiefly asthma; also dyspnea, whooping-cough, and spasmodic neuroses.--~Dose:~ (Spasmodic Asthma): 1 grn. daily, gradually increasing to 3--6 grn. daily.--Children 1/6--3/4 grn. daily.--ANTIDOTES: Stomach siphon, emetics, tannin; later brandy, spirit ammonia; morphine.


Yellow, odorl., insol. powd. Forms emulsions with ethereal and oily fluids (especially w. collodion).--Succedaneum for iodoform externally.--APPLIED like the latter.


TRI-IODO-CRESOL.--Colorl. needles, peculiar odor; 80% iodine.--SOL. in ether, chloroform; insol. in water.--Antiseptic, Vulnerary, Dermic--EXTERN. in 1% solut. in 75% alcohol, or in 1--3% oint.


~Dose:~ 3--8 grn.--Preparations: F.E. (1:1); Oleores. (D., 2--5 grn.).


DIMETHYL-PIPERAZINE TARTRATE.--Wh. powd.--SOL. in water.--Uric-acid Solvent, Diuretic--USES: Gout, lithiasis, etc.--~Dose:~ 4--10 grn.


Used only extern., as dusting-powd.


50% solut. Ethylene-ethenyl-diamine.--Pinkish liq.; mousy odor.--MISCIBLE with water.--Uric-acid Solvent, Diuretic--USES: Gout, lithiasis, etc.--~Dose:~ 15--30 grn., in carbonated water.

Magnesium Carbonate.--U.S.P.

Antacid, Antilithic.--~Dose:~ 30--120 grn.

~Magnesium Citrate Merck.--Soluble.~

~Dose:~ 30--120 grn.

~Magnesium Oxide, Light, Merck, (Magnesia, U.S.P.).~

LIGHT or CALCINED MAGNESIA.--Light, white powd.; slightly alkaline taste.--SOL. in diluted acids, carbonic-acid water.--Antacid, Laxative, Antilithic.--USES: Intern., sick headache, heartburn, gout, dyspepsia, sour stomach, constipation, gravel, and as antidote to arsenous acid. Extern., ulcers and abraded surfaces; dusting-powd. for babies; and in tooth powders.--~Dose:~ 10--30--60 grn. Small doses are antacid or antilithic; large are laxative.

~Magnesium Oxide, Heavy, Merck, (Heavy Magnesia, U.S.P.).~

~Dose:~ 10--60 grn.

~Magnesium Salicylate Merck.--C.P.~

SOL. in water.--~Dose:~ 15--60 grn.

~Magnesium Sulphate Merck.--U.S.P.--C.P.~

EPSOM SALT.--~Dose:~ 1/2--1 oz.

~Magnesium Sulphite Merck.~

USES: Instead of sodium sulphite: has less disagreeable taste.--~Dose:~ 10--60 grn.


Not completely defined.--(Stated: "A concentrated, diastasic essence of malt.--Nutritive, Digestant--USES: Malnutrition, starchy indigestion, etc.--~Dose:~ 1/2--1 fl. oz., during meals; children in proportion.")

~Manganese Dioxide Merck.~

MANGANESE PEROXIDE; BLACK OXIDE OF MANGANESE.--Containing over 90% MnO{2}.--~Dose:~ 2--10 grn.

~Manganese Hypophosphite Merck.~

Permanent rose-red cryst.--~Dose:~ 10--20 grn.

~Manganese Iodide Merck.~

Brown, deliquescent masses.--SOL. in water, with decomposition.--USES: Anemia, chlorosis, scrofula, syphilis, and enlargement of spleen.--~Dose:~ 1--3 grn.

~Manganese, Peptonized, Merck.~

Brown powd.; 4% manganic oxide.--SOL. in water.--USES: Anemia and chlorosis.--~Dose:~ 10-30 grn.

~Manganese Peroxide,~--see MANGANESE DIOXIDE.

~Manganese Sulphate Merck.--U.S.P.--Pure, Cryst.~

SOL. in 1 part water.--~Dose:~ 5--15 grn.


~Dose:~ 1/2--1 oz.


HOREHOUND.--Used chiefly as infus. (1:16) taken hot, or as confectionery; in coughs, colds, etc.


MASTICHE.--Preparations: Pills Aloes and Mastic (2 grn. A., 2/3 grn. M.).


~Dose:~ 30--60 grn.--Preparations: F.E. (1:1); Tr. (1:10).


GERMAN CHAMOMILE.--Used chiefly as tea, in colds.


Not completely defined.--(Stated: "Liquefied combination of sodium phosphate with sodium nitrate; 1 fl. dr.=85 grn. sod. phosphate--Laxative, Nervine.--~Dose:~ Lax., 1--6 fl. drs., in water, before meals; nerv., 1/2 fl. dr., 3 t. daily.")


BALM.--Carminative.--See also, Spt. Melissa.


YELLOW PARILLA.--~Dose:~ 10--20 grn., in F.E. (1:1) or infus.

~Menthol Merck.--U.S.P.--C.P., Recryst.~

~Dose:~ 3--5 grn.--For toothache: put a crystal into cavity.--Tampons, 1 in 5 of oil.


Not completely defined.--(Stated: "10 min. contain 1/32 grn. each gold, arsenic, and mercury bromides.--Alterative, Antisyphilitic--~Dose:~ 5--15 min., in water, after meals.")


Brown powd.; 12.35% mercury, 28.68% iodine, with hemol.--Antisyphilitic (chiefly); without untoward action.--~Dose:~ 2--5 grn., 3 t. daily, in pills.


Preparations: Mass (33 per cent.): Mercury with Chalk (D., 3--10 grn.); Oint. (50 per cent.); Plaster (18 per cent.); Ammoniac and Mercury Plaster (30 per cent. Hg.).

~Mercury, Ammoniated,~--see MERCURY-AMMONIUM CHLORIDE.

~Mercury Benzoate, Mercuric, Merck.~

White cryst.--SOL. in alcohol, solut. sodium chloride; slightly in water.--USES: Syphilis and skin diseases.--~Dose:~ 1/32--1/8 grn., in pills or hypodermically.

~Mercury Bichloride Merck (Corrosive Mercuric Chloride, U.S.P.).--Recryst.~

~Dose:~ 1/32--1/12 grn.--MAX. D.: 1/8 grn. single; 1/2 grn. daily.--ANTIDOTES: Zinc sulphate, emetics, stomach siphon, white of egg, milk in abundance, chalk mixture, castor oil, table salt, reduced iron, iron filings. White of egg and milk 2 or 3 t. daily for a week.--INCOMPATIBLES: Reduced iron, sulphurous acid, albumin, alkalies, carbonates.

~Mercury Chloride, Mild, Merck.--U.S.P.~

CALOMEL.--INCOMPATIBLES: Sulphurous acid, hydrocyanic acid; alkali chlorides, bromides, iodides, sulphites, carbonates, hydrates; organic acids, lime water, etc.

~Mercury Cyanide Merck.~

~Dose:~ 1/16--1/8 grn., in solut.--EXTERN. (gargle) 1:10000.

~Mercury Imido-succinate,~--see MERCURY SUCCINIMIDE.

~Mercury Iodide, Red, Merck.~

MERCURY BINIODIDE.--~Dose:~ 1/16--1/4 grn., in pills.

~Mercury Iodide, Yellow, Merck--U.S.P.~

MERCURY PROTO-IODIDE.--~Dose:~ 1/2--2 grn. CAUTION: Never prescribe this with a soluble iodide, since mercury biniodide (highly poisonous) is formed!

~Mercury Oxide, Black (Hahnemann), Merck.~

HAHNEMANN'S SOLUBLE MERCURY.--Grayish-black powd.; decomposes on exposure to light.--~Dose:~ 1/4--3 grn.

~Mercury Oxide, Red, Merck.--U.S.P.--Levigated.~

Not used internally.--Preparation: Oint. (10%).--INCOMPATIBLES: Chlorides.

~Mercury Oxide, Yellow, Merck.~

~Mercury Oxycyanide Merck.~

White, cryst. powd.--SOL. in water.--Antiseptic.--USES: Extern., diphtheria, erysipelas, and skin diseases; said superior as antiseptic dressing to mercuric chloride because more active as germicide and less easily absorbed.--APPLIED in 0.6% solut. to wounds and in surgical operations.

~Mercury Salicylate Merck.~

White powd.; about 59% mercury.--SOL. in solut. of sodium chloride, dilute alkalies.--USES: Extern., chancre, gonorrhea, and venereal affections; 1% powd. or oint.; injection in urethra, 1--5% water.--Reported easily borne by the stomach, and to produce no salivation.--~Dose:~ 1/3--1 grn.

~Mercury Succinimide Merck.~

MERCURY IMIDO-SUCCINATE.--White powd.--SOL. in 25 parts water; slightly in alcohol.--Antisyphilitic, Alterative.--Said to be free from disagreeable local and secondary effects.--~Dose:~ 1/5 grn., hypodermically.

~Mercury Sulphate, Basic, Merck.~

MERCURY SUBSULPHATE; TURPETH MINERAL.--~Dose:~ Emetic, 2--5 grn.; alterative, 1/4--1/2 grn.; in pills or powd.

~Mercury Tannate Merck.~

Greenish-gray powd.; about 50% mercury.--Antisyphilitic.--~Dose:~ 1--2 grn., in pills.

~Mercury-Ammonium Chloride Merck.--U.S.P.~

WHITE PRECIPITATE; AMMONIATED MERCURY.--Not used internally.--Preparation: Oint. (10%).

~Methyl Salicylate Merck,--U.S.P.~


~Methylene Blue Merck.--C.P., Medicinal.~

Bluish cryst., or blue powd.--SOL. in 50 parts water.--USES: Rheumatism, malaria, cystitis, nephritis, etc.--~Dose:~ 2--4 grn., in capsules.--INJECTION: 1 grn.--MAX. D.: 15 grn., single or daily.--[Further information in "Merck's Digest" on "Methylene Blue," containing clinical reports.]


MEZEREON.--Alterative.--~Dose:~ 5--10 grn.--Preparations: F.E. (irritant). Enters into Comp. Decoct. Sarsaparilla, and Comp. F.E. Sarsaparilla.

Milk Sugar--U.S.P.

LACTOSE.--Nutritive, Diuretic--~Dose:~ 1--6 oz. a day, in milk.

~Monsel's Salt,~--see IRON SULPHATE, BASIC.

~Morphine Merck.--U.S.P.--Pure, Cryst.~

Almost insol. in water.--~Dose:~ 1/8--1/2 grn.--ANTIDOTES: Emetics, stomach tube, permanganate potassium, paraldehyde, picrotoxin, atropine, strychnine, caffeine, cocaine, exercise, electric shock, etc.--INCOMPATIBLES: Alkalies, tannic acid, potassium permanganate, etc.

~Morphine Hydrochlorate Merck.--U.S.P.~

SOL. in 24 parts water.--~Dose:~ 1/8--1/2 grn.

~Morphine Meconate Merck.~

MORPHINE BIMECONATE.--Yellowish-white powd.--SOL. in alcohol; 25 parts water.--Said to have less disagreeable effect on brain, stomach, and intestines than other morphine salts.--~Dose:~ Same as Morphine.

~Morphine Sulphate Merck.--U.S.P.~

SOL. in 21 parts water.--~Dose:~ 1/8--1/2 grn.--Preparations: Comp. Powd. (1:60); Troches Morph. and Ipecac (1/40 grn. M., 1/12 grn. I.).

~(Other salts of Morphine are not described because used substantially as the above.)~

~Muscarine Nitrate Merck.~

Brown, deliquescent mass.--SOL. in water, alcohol.--Antihidrotic, Antispasmodic--USES: Night-sweats, diabetes insipidus; antidote to atropine, etc.--~Dose:~ 1/32--1/16 grn.

~Muscarine Sulphate Merck.~

USES and DOSES: Same as the Nitrate.


Stimulant, Antispasmodic--~Dose:~ 3--10 grn.--Preparation: Tr. (1:20).

~Mydrine Merck.~

Combination of ephedrine and homatropine hydrochlorates (100:1).--Wh. powd.--SOL. in water.--Mydriatic--USES: Where evanescent mydriasis is desired; especially valuable in diagnosis.--APPLIED in 10% solut.


Astringent, Carminative. Cathartic, Emmenagogue.--~Dose:~ 5--20 grn.--Preparations: Tr. (1:20); Tr. Aloes and Myrrh (each 10 per cent.); Pills Aloes and Myrrh (2 grn. A., 1 grn. M.).

~Myrtol Merck.~

Constituent of essential oil of Myrtus communis, L.--Clear, colorl. liq.: agreeable, ethereal odor.--SOL. in alcohol.--Antiseptic, Sedative, Stimulant. USES: Chronic bronchitis, tonsillitis, cystitis.--~Dose:~ 1--2 [min.].

~Naftalan.--(Not Naphtalin!)~

NAPHTALAN.--Obtained by fractional distillation of a natural naphta from Armenia.--Blackish-green, unctuous, neutral mass; empyreumatic odor.--SOL. in fats, oils, ether, chloroform; insol. in water, glycerin.--Analgesic, Antiphlogistic, Parasiticide.--USES: Succedaneum for oil cade or oil tar in skin diseases; also in burns, contusions, epididymitis, etc.--CONTRA-INDICATED in very irritated conditions: ineffectual in psoriasis.--APPLIED pure, and well covered. The stains it may make readily disappear on immersion in kerosene or benzin.--Keep from air!

~Naphtalin Merck.--U.S.P.--C.P., Medicinal.~

USES: Intern., intestinal catarrhs, worms, cholera, typhoid fever, etc.; extern., skin diseases.--~Dose:~ 2--8 grn., in powd. or capsule; for tapeworm, 15 grn., followed some hours later by castor oil.--MAX. D.: 30 grn.

~Naphtol, Alpha-, Merck.--Recryst., Medicinal.~

Colorl. or pinkish prisms; disagreeable taste.--SOL. in alcohol, ether; slightly in water.--Antiseptic, Antifermentative.--USES: Diarrhea, dysentery, typhoid fever, and summer complaint.--~Dose:~ 2--5 grn.

~Naphtol, Beta-, Merck.--U.S.P.--Recryst., Medicinal.~

~Dose:~ 3--8 grn.--MAX. D.: 10 grn. single; 30 grn. daily.

~Naphtol, Beta-, Benzoate, Merck.--Pure.~

BENZO-NAPHTOL.--Whitish powd.; darkens with age.--SOL. in alcohol, chloroform.--Intestinal Disinfectant.--USES: Diarrhea, dysentery, typhoid fever, cholera, etc.--~Dose:~ 5--15 grn.

~Narceine-sodium and Sodium Salicylate~,--see ANTISPASMIN.


ACETYL-PARA-OXYPHENYL-URETHANE. Merck.--Colorl., inodorous cryst.--SOL. slightly in water.--Antineuralgic, Antipyretic.--USES: Sciatica, rheumatic pains, migraine, various forms of fever.--~Dose:~ 15--25 grn. as antineuralgic; 5--10 grn. as antipyretic.


Not completely defined.--(Stated: "Each fl. dr. represents 5 grn. each potass., sod., and ammon. bromides; zinc bromide 1/8 grn., ext. bellad. and ext. cannab. ind. each 1/64 grn.; ext. lupuli 4 grn.; fl. ext. cascara 5 min.; with aromatic elixirs.--Neurotic, Anodyne, Sedative.--Dose: 1--2 fl. drs.")

~Nickel Bromide Merck.~

Greenish-yellow powd.--SOL. in water, alcohol, ether.--Nerve Sedative.--USES: Epilepsy, etc.--~Dose:~ 5--10 grn.


TETRAIODO-PHENOLPHTALEIN.--Yellow, odorl., tastel., insol. powd.; 60% iodine.--Surgical Antiseptic, like iodoform.


GALLS.--Preparations: Tr. (D., 30--60 min.); Oint. (1:5).


Aromatic, Carminative.--~Dose:~ 5--20 grn.--Preparations: Oil (D., 1--5 min.); Spt. (5 per cent. oil).--Enters into Aromatic Powder, and Comp. Tr. Lavender.

Nux Vomica--U.S.P.

Stomachic, Tonic, Respir. Stimulant.--~Dose:~ 1--5 grn.--Preparations: Ext. (D., 1/8--1/2 grn.); F.E. (1:1); Tr. (2 per cent. ext.).--See also, Strychnine.

~Oil, Almond, Bitter-, Merck.--U.S.P.~

~Dose:~ 1/6--1/2 [min.]--ANTIDOTES: Emetics, stomach siphon, ammonia, brandy, iron persulphate.--CAUTION: Poison!

~Oil, Cade, Merck.--U.S.P.~

Juniper Tar.--USES: Only extern., in psoriasis, favus, etc.

Oil, Cajuput--U.S.P.

Stimulant, Diaphoretic.--~Dose:~ 5--20 min.

Oil, Castor--U.S.P.

~Dose:~ 1/2--1 fl. oz., with saccharin or in emuls.

Oil, Cod-Liver--U.S.P.

~Dose:~ 1--4 drams.--See also, Gaduol.

~Oil, Croton, Merck.--U.S.P.--Colorless.~

USES: Intern., obstinate constipation; amenorrhea, dropsy; extern., rheumatism, neuralgia, and indolent swellings; hypodermically to n�vi.--~Dose:~ 1--2 [min.], in pills.--ANTIDOTES: Stomach siphon, oils, mucilage, opium, cocaine, etc.--CAUTION: Poison!

~Oil, Eucalyptus, Australian, Merck.~

USES: Intern., intermittent and remittent fever, bronchitis, cystitis, and dysentery, and by inhalation in asthma or catarrh; extern., skin diseases.--~Dose:~ 5--15 [min.]

Oil, Gaultheria--U.S.P.

OIL WINTERGREEN.--~Dose:~ 5--20 min.--Preparation: Spt. (5 per cent.).

~Oil, Juniper Berries, Merck,~ (Oil of Juniper, U.S.P.).

Diuretic.--~Dose:~ 5--15 [min.].--Preparations: Spt. (5%); Comp. Spt. (0.4%).

~Oil, Mustard, Natural, Merck,~ (Volatile Oil of Mustard, U.S.P.)--Rectified.

~Dose:~ 1/8--1/4 [min.], with much water.--Preparation: Comp. Lin. (3%).

Oil, Olive--U.S.P. Emollient, Nutrient, Laxative.--~Dose:~ 1/4--1 oz.; in hepatic colic, 3--6 oz.

~Oil, Pinus Pumilio, Merck.~

OIL MOUNTAIN PINE.--Fragrant oil; terebinthinous taste.--SOL. in alcohol, ether, chloroform.--Antiseptic, Expectorant.--USES: Inhalation in pectoral affections; intern., as stimulating expectorant; extern., lately employed in glandular enlargements, boils, and skin diseases.--~Dose:~ 5--10 [min.], in capsules.

~Oil, Pinus Sylvestris, Merck.~

OIL SCOTCH FIR; OIL PINE NEEDLES.--Antiseptic, Antirheumatic.--USES: By inhalation, chronic pulmonary diseases; extern., in chronic rheumatism.

Oil, Rosemary--U.S.P.

Stimulant, Diuretic, Carminative, Emmenagogue.--~Dose:~ 2--5 min.

Oil, Santal U.S.P.

OIL SANDAL WOOD.--Internal Antiseptic, Anticatarrhal.--~Dose:~ 5--20 min. in emuls. or capsules.

Oil, Tar--U.S.P.

~Dose:~ 2--5 min.--Used chiefly extern.

Oil, Thyme--U.S.P.

~Dose:~ 3--10 min.--Used chiefly extern.--See also, Thymol.

~Oil, Turpentine, Rectified, Merck.--U.S.P.~

For internal use only the rectified oil answers.--~Dose:~ 5--30 [min.]; for tapeworm, 1--2 drams.--Preparation: Lin. (35%, with 65% resin cerate).

Ointment, Mercuric Nitrate--U.S.P.

CITRINE OINTMENT.--Stimulative and Alterative Dermic.--APPLIED in 10--50 per cent. dilution with fatty vehicle.

Ointment, Rose Water--U.S.P.

COLD CREAM.--18 per cent. borax.--Astringent Emollient.

~Oleate, Cocaine, Merck.~--5% and 10%.

Local Anesthetic.

~Oleate, Mercury, Merck.~--20% and 40%.

USES: Extern., skin diseases, pediculi. Also for endermic administration of mercury.

~Oleoresin, Capsicum, Merck.--U.S.P.~

SOL. in alcohol, ether.--Rubefacient, Stimulant.--USES: Intern., flatulence, and to arouse appetite; extern., diluted with soap liniment or olive oil, in lumbago, neuralgia, and rheumatic affections.--~Dose:~ 1/4--1 [min.], highly diluted, in beef tea or other hot liq.

~Oleoresin, Male Fern, Merck, (Oleoresin of Aspidium, U.S.P.).~

"EXTRACT" MALE FERN.--Thick, brown liq.; bitter, unpleasant taste. Efficacious and safe Anthelmintic.--~Dose:~ In T�nia solium (the usual kind of tapeworm), 2-1/2--3 drams, in T�nia mediocanellata 3--4 drams; in capsules, followed if necessary in 1--2 hours by calomel and jalap.

MERCK'S Oleoresin of Male Fern exceeds the requirements of the U.S.P., and conforms to the stricter demands of the Ph.G. III. MERCK'S preparation is made from rhizomes of a pistachio-green color inside, and only the crop of each current year is used.

~Opium, Merck.--U.S.P.~

Not less than 9 per cent. morphine.

~Opium, Powdered, Merck.--U.S.P.~

13--15 per cent. morphine.--~Dose:~ 1/2--2 grn.--ANTIDOTES: Emetics, stomach-pump, warm coffee; atropine or strychnine hypodermically, potass. permanganate, exercise.--Preparations: Deodorized (Denarcotized) Opium; Ext. (D., 1/4--1 grn.); Pills (1 grn.); Dover's Powder (Ipecac and Opium, ea. 10 per cent.); Tr. (1:10); Camph. Tr. (4:1000); Troches Liquorice and Opium (one-twelfth grn. O.); Vinegar (1:10); Wine (1:10).

Orange Peel, Bitter--U.S.P.

Preparations: F.E. (1:1); Tr. (1:5)--both flavorings.

Orange Peel, Sweet--U.S.P.

Preparations: Syr. (1:20); Tr. (1:5)--both flavorings.

~Orexine Tannate.~

PHENYL-DIHYDRO-QUINAZOLINE TANNATE, Kalle.--Yellowish-white, odorl. powd., practically tasteless.--Appetizer, Antiemetic, Stomachic.--USES: Anorexia in phthisis, chlorosis, cardiac diseases, surgical operations; also for vomiting of pregnancy. Contra-indicated in excessive acidity of stomach and in gastric ulcers.--~Dose:~ 4--8 grn., 2 t. daily; with chocolate.



Methyl Ester of Meta-amido-para-oxybenzoic Acid.--Wh. odorl. powd.--SOL. slightly in water.--Local and intern. Anodyne, Antiseptic--USES: Chiefly extern., on painful wounds, burns, etc.--APPLIED pure or in trituration or oint.--~Dose:~ 8--15 grn.

~Ovariin Merck.~

Dried ovaries of the cow.--Coarse, brownish powd.--USES: Molimina climacterica and other ills referable to the ovaries.--~Dose:~ 8--24 grn., 3 t. daily, in pills flavored with vanillin, or in tablets.

~Pancreatin Merck.--Pure, Powd. or Scales.~

~Papain Merck.~

PAPAYOTIN.--Concentrated active principle of juice Carica Papaya, L. (Papaw).--An enzyme similar to pepsin, but acting in alkaline, acid, or neutral solut.--Whitish, hygroscopic powd.--SOL. in water, glycerin.--USES: For dissolving false membrane, and for aiding digestion.--~Dose:~ 2--5 grn.--EXTERN. in 5% solut. equal parts glycerin and water, for diphtheria and croup.--CAUTION: Not to be confounded with the vastly weaker preparations from papaw, known by various names.


Not completely defined.--(Stated: "Anodyne principle of opium, without the narcotic and convulsive elements.--1 fl. dr. represents 1/8 grn. morphine.--~Dose:~ 1--2 fl. drs.")

~Paraformaldehyde Merck.~

PARAFORM; TRIOXY-METHYLENE.--White, cryst. powd.--Sol. in water.--Antiseptic, Astringent.--USES: Intern., cholera nostras, diarrhea, etc.; extern., to generate (by heating) formaldehyde, for impregnating antiseptic bandages and surgical dressings, and for disinfecting atmosphere of rooms.--~Dose:~ 8--15 grn., several t. daily.

~Paraldehyde Merck.--U.S.P.--C.P.~

Colorl. fluid; cryst. below 10.5� centigrade; peculiar, aromatic, suffocating odor and warm taste.--SOL. in alcohol, ether, oils, chloroform; about 10 parts water.--Hypnotic, Antispasmodic, Stimulant.--USES: Insomnia, and as antidote for morphine.--~Dose:~ 30--90 [min.], well diluted, with elixir, sweet water, brandy, or rum.


Diuretic, Laxative, Tonic--Dose: 30--60 grn.--Preparation: F.E. (1:1).

~Pelletierine Sulphate Merck.~

PUNICINE SULPHATE.--Brown, syrupy liq.--SOL. in water, alcohol.--Anthelmintic--~Dose:~ 6 grn., with 8 grn. tannin, in 1 ounce water.--Give brisk cathartic in half an hour.

~Pelletierine Tannate Merck.~

Grayish-brown, hygroscopic, tastel. powd.--SOL. in 800 parts alcohol, 700 parts water.--Anthelmintic. Principal and most efficacious salt of Pelletierine.--~Dose:~ 8--24 grn., in 1 ounce water, followed in 2 hours by cathartic.


~Dose:~ 3--15 grn.--Preparation: Oleores. (D., 1/4--1 min.).--See also, Piperin.


Preparations: Oil (D., .5 min.); Spt. (10 per cent. oil); Troches (one-sixth min. oil); Water (one-fifth per cent. oil).--See also, Menthol.

~Pepsin Merck.--U.S.P.--1:3,000; Powd., Granular, or Scales.~

~Dose:~ 5--15 grn.--INCOMPATIBLES: Alcohol, tannin, or alkali carbonates.

~Pepsin, Saccharated, Merck.--U.S.P.--1:300.~

~Dose:~ 60--150 grn.


Not completely defined.--(Stated: "Contains the digestive principles of the stomach, pancreas, liver, spleen, salivary and Brunner's glands, and Lieberkuhn's follicles.--Digestant.--~Dose:~ 3--10 grn., 3 t. daily, in tabl., powd., or elix.")

~Pepto-Mangan (Gude).~

Not completely defined.--(Stated: "Aromatized solut. peptonized iron and manganese.--Hematinic--~Dose:~ 1--4 fl. drs., before meals.")

~Peptonizing Tubes.~

Each containing 25 grn. of peptonizing powder (pancreatin 1, sod. bicarb. 4) sufficient to peptonize 1 pint milk.


BENZYL-MORPHINE HYDROCHLORATE, Merck.--White powd.--SOL. readily in water; insol. in alcohol, chloroform, and ether.--Substitute for Morphine as a Sedative and Anodyne.--USES: Coughs, catarrhs, rheumatic and neuralgic pains, etc.; almost wholly free from the by-effects of morphine.--~Dose:~ 1/3--1 grn., in pill or sweetened solut.


PARA-ACETPHENETIDIN.--Wh., tastel., cryst. powd.--SOL. in 1500 parts water, 16 alcohol.--Antipyretic, Antineuralgic, Analgesic.--~Dose:~ Antipyr., 8--10 grn.; analg., 15--24 grn.; children, up to 5 grn.


Not completely defined.--(Stated: "AMMONIO-PHENYLACETAMIDE.--Wh. powd., of ammoniacal odor and taste.--Antipyretic, Analgesic.--~Dose:~ Antipyr., 5--10 grn.; analg., 10--20 grn.; in tabl., caps., or cachets.")

~Phenocoll Hydrochlorate.~

Colorl. needles.--SOL. in 16 parts water.--Antipyretic, Analgesic, Antiperiodic--~Dose:~ 5--15 grn.


SOL. in oils.--~Dose:~ one one-hundredth to one-thirty-second grn.--Preparations: Elix. (21 per cent. Spt. Phosph.); Oil (1 per cent.); Pills (one one-hundredth grn.); Spt. (1/8 per cent.).--ANTIDOTES: Emetics, stomach-pump; 1 per cent. solut. potass. permang.; avoid oils.--INCOMPATIBLES: Sulphur, iodine, oil turpentine, potass. chlorate, etc.--CAUTION: Inflammable! Keep under water.


CALABAR BEAN.--Preparations: Ext. (D., one-twelfth to 1/4 grn.); Tr. (D., 5--15 min.).--See also, Eserine (Physostigmine).

~Physostigmine,--see ESERINE~.

Phytolacca Root--U.S.P.

POKE ROOT.--Alterative, Antifat.--~Dose:~ 1--5 grn.--Preparation: F.E. (1:1).

~Picrotoxin Merck.--U.S.P.~

COCCULIN.--Antihidrotic, Nervine, Antispasmodic.--USES: Night-sweats of phthisis; also paralysis, epilepsy, chorea, flatulent dyspepsia, dysmenorrhea; also antidote to chloral.--~Dose:~ 1/100--1/30 grn.--MAX. D.: 1/10 grn.--ANTIDOTES: Emetics, stomach siphon, chloral hydrate, and stimulants.

~Pilocarpine Hydrochlorate Merck.--U.S.P.~

Sialagogue, Myotic, Diaphoretic, Diuretic.--USES: Intern., dropsy, coryza, laryngitis, bronchitis, asthmatic dyspnea, uremic convulsions, croup, pneumonia, etc.; as antidote to atropine; contra-indicated in heart failure and during fasting; extern., 1--2% aqueous solut. for collyrium.--~Dose:~ 1/8--1/4 grn. in water, hypodermically, or by mouth.--MAX. D.: 1/3 grn.--ANTIDOTES: Emetics, stomach siphon, atropine, ammonia, brandy.--INCOMPATIBLES: Silver nitrate, corrosive sublimate, iodine, alkalies.

(~Other salts of Pilocarpine are not described because used substantially as the above.~)


JABORANDI.--~Dose:~ 10--30 grn.--Preparation: F.E. (1:1).--See also, Pilocarpine.


ALLSPICE.--Aromatic, Stomachic--~Dose:~ 10--40 grn.--Preparation: Oil (D., 2--5 min.).


DIETHYLENE-DIAMINE.--Colorl., alkaline cryst.--SOL. freely in water.--Antipodagric, Antirheumatic--~Dose:~ 5--10 grn. 3 t. a day, well diluted.

~Piperin Merck.--U.S.P.~

Stomachic and Antiperiodic.--USES: Feeble digestion, and as substitute for quinine in remittent and intermittent fevers.--~Dose:~ Stomachic, 1/2--1 grn.; antiperiodic, 6--8 grn., both in pills.

Pitch, Burgundy--U.S.P.

Used only extern., as counterirritant.--Preparations: Plaster (80 per cent.); Cantharidal Pitch Plaster (8 per cent. cerate cantharides, 92 per cent. pitch).

~Podophyllin,--see RESIN, PODOPHYLLUM.~


MAY APPLE.--Preparations: Ext. (D., 2--5 grn.); F.E. (D., 10--30 min.); Resin (D., 1/8--1/2 grn.).--See also, Resin Podophyllum.


~Dose:~ 1--2 drams, as decoct. (1:4) or fl. ext. (1:1).--See also, Pelletierine.

~Potassa,--see POTASSIUM HYDRATE.~

~Potassa, Sulphurated, Merck.--U.S.P.--Pure.~

USES: Intern., small doses increase frequency of pulse; large doses: rheumatism, gout, scrofula, painter's colic, skin diseases, catarrh, croup; antidote in lead and mercury poisoning; extern., lotion in parasitic skin diseases.--~Dose:~ 2--10 grn.--ANTIDOTES: Emetics, stomach siphon, lead or zinc acetate, brandy.--INCOMPATIBLES: Acids, alcohol, carbonated waters, etc.

~Potassa, Sulphurated, Merck.--Crude.~

USES: For baths in skin affections, 2--4 ounces to one bath.--CAUTION: Avoid metal bath-tubs, metal spoons, and water with much carbon dioxide.

~Potassium Acetate Merck.--C.P.~

Very deliquescent.--SOL. in 0.36 part water, 1.9 parts alcohol.--~Dose:~ 10--60 grn.

~Potassium Antimonate Merck.--Purified, Washed.~

DIAPHORETIC ANTIMONY; "WHITE OXIDE ANTIMONY."--White powd.--Diaphoretic, Sedative.--USES: Pneumonia, puerperal fever, etc.--~Dose:~ 8--24 grn.

~Potassium Arsenite Merck.--Pure.~

White powd.--SOL. in water.--~Dose:~ 1/32--1/16 grn.

~Potassium Bicarbonate Merck.--U.S.P.--C.P., Cryst. or Powder.~

SOL. in water.--Diuretic, Antilithic, Antacid.--USES: Dyspepsia, dropsy, lithiasis, sour stomach, jaundice, etc. Usually taken effervescent with tartaric or citric acid.--~Dose:~20--60 grn.

~Potassium Bichromate Merck.--U.S.P.--C.P., Cryst.~

SOL. in 10 parts water.--Corrosive, Astringent, Alterative.--USES: Intern., syphilis; extern., sweating feet, tubercular nodules, syphilitic vegetations, and warts.--~Dose:~ 1/16--1/4 grn.--EXTERN. in 5% solut. for sweating feet; 10% solut. as caustic.--ANTIDOTES: Emetics and stomach pump, followed by soap, magnesia, or alkali carbonates.

~Potassium Bisulphate Merck.--C.P., Cryst.~

Colorl., more or less moist, plates.--SOL. in water.--Aperient. Tonic.--USES: Constipation with weak appetite.--~Dose:~ 60--120 grn., with equal weight sodium carbonate.

~Potassium Bitartrate Merck.--C.P., Cryst. or Powd.~

CREAM OF TARTAR.--~Dose:~ 1--8 drams.

~Potassium Bromide.--U.S.P.~

~Dose:~ 15--60 grn.

~Potassium Cantharidate Merck.~

White, amorph. powd., or cryst. mass.--SOL. in water.--USES: Hypodermically in tuberculosis (Liebreich).--INJECTION: 3--6 [min.] of 3:5000 solut.

~Potassium Carbonate Merck.--U.S.P.--C.P.~

~Potassium Chlorate Merck.--U.S.P.--C.P.~

~Dose:~ 10--20 grn.--Preparation: Troches (4--1/2 grn.).--INCOMPATIBLES: Iron iodide, tartaric acid.--CAUTION: Do not triturate with sulphur, phosphorus, or organic or combustible compounds. Inflames or explodes with sulphuric acid and any organic powd. Do not administer on empty stomach!

~Potassium Citrate Merck.--U.S.P.--Pure.~

SOL. in 0.6 part water; slightly in alcohol.--USES: Rheumatism, lithiasis, fevers.--~Dose:~ 20--25 grn.

~Potassium Cyanide Merck.--C.P.~

SOL. in 2 parts water; slightly in alcohol.--Sedative, Antispasmodic, Anodyne. USES: Intern., dyspnea, asthma, phthisis, catarrh, whooping-cough, etc.; extern., 0.2--0.8% aqueous solut. in neuralgia and local pains; 0.6--1.2% aqueous solut. removes silver-nitrate stains from conjunctiva.--~Dose:~ 1/8 grn.--ANTIDOTES: Chlorine water, chlorinated-soda solut., ammonia, cold affusion, 10 grn. iron sulphate with 1 dram tincture of iron in ounce of water.--INCOMPATIBLES: Morphine salts, acid syrups, and silver nitrate.

~Potassium Glycerino-phosphate Merck.--50% Solut.~

Thick liq.--SOL. in water.--Nerve-tonic.--USES: Neurasthenia, phosphaturia, convalescence from influenza, etc.--INJECTION: 3--4 grn. daily, in water containing sodium chloride.

~Potassium Hydrate Merck.--C.P.~

CAUSTIC POTASSA.--SOL. in water, alcohol.--Escharotic, Antacid, Diuretic.--~Dose:~ 1/4--1 grn., highly diluted with water.--Preparation: Solut. (5%).--ANTIDOTES: Vinegar, lemon juice, orange juice, oil, milk; opium if pain; stimulants in depression.

~Potassium Hydrate with Lime (Potassa with Lime, U.S.P.).--Powder.~

VIENNA CAUSTIC; POTASSA-LIME.--USES: Extern., cautery, in paste with alcohol.

~Potassium Hypophosphite Merck.~

SOL. in 0.6 part water, 7.3 parts alcohol.--~Dose:~ 10--30 grn.--CAUTION: Explodes violently on trituration or heating with any nitrate, chlorate, or other oxidizer.

~Potassium Iodide Merck.--C.P.~

SOL. in 0.75 part water, 2.5 parts glycerin, 18 parts alcohol.--INCOMPATIBLES: Chloral hydrate, tartaric acid, calomel, silver nitrate, potassium chlorate, metallic salts, acids.--Preparation: Oint. (12%).

~Potassium Nitrate Merck.--U.S.P.--C.P.~

SALTPETER; NITER.--SOL. in 3.8 parts water.--~Dose:~ 10--60 grn.--Preparation: Paper (fumes inhaled in asthma).

~Potassium Nitrite Merck.--C.P.~

White, deliquescent sticks.--SOL. in water.--USES: Asthma, epilepsy, hemicrana.--~Dose:~ 1/4--2 grn. several t. daily.

~Potassium Permanganate Merck.--U.S.P.~

SOL. in 16 parts water.--Disinfectant, Deodorant, Emmenagogue.--~Dose:~ 1--2 grn., in solut. or pills made with kaolin and petrolatum, or with cacao butter, after meals.--INCOMPATIBLES: All oxidizable substances, particularly organic ones, such as glycerin, alcohol, etc.--Remove stains with oxalic, or hydrochloric, acid.

~Potassium Phosphate, Dibasic, Merck.--C.P.~

Deliquescent, amorph., white powd.--SOL. in water.--Alterative.--USES: Scrofula, rheumatism, phthisis, etc.--~Dose:~ 10--30 grn.

~Potassium Salicylate Merck.~

White, slightly deliquescent powd.--SOL. in water, alcohol.--Antirheumatic, Antipyretic, Analgesic.--USES: Rheumatism, pleurisy, pericarditis, lumbago, muscular pains, etc.--~Dose:~ 6--15 grn.

~Potassium Sulphate Merck.--U.S.P.--C.P.~

SOL. in 9.5 parts water.--USES: Constipation, and as antigalactic.--~Dose:~ 20--120 grn., several t. daily, in solut.

~Potassium Sulphite Merck.--Pure.~

White, opaque cryst., or slightly deliquescent, white powd.--SOL. in 4 parts water, slightly in alcohol.--Antizymotic.--USES: Acid fermentation of stomach, and gastric ulceration.--~Dose:~ 15--60 grn.

~Potassium Tartrate Merck.--Pure.~

SOLUBLE TARTAR.--Colorl. cryst.--SOL. in 1.4 parts water.--Diuretic, Laxative.--~Dose:~ Diuretic, 15--30 grn., laxative, 1--3 drams.

~Potassium Tellurate Merck.--C.P.~

White cryst.--SOL. in water.--Antihidrotic.--USES: Night-sweats of phthisis.--~Dose:~ 1/2--3/4 grn., at night, in pills or alcoholic julep.

~Potassium and Sodium Tartrate Merck.--U.S.P.--C.P.~

ROCHELLE, or SEIGNETTE, SALT.--~Dose:~ 2--8 drams.--Preparation: Seidlitz Powder.

Powder, Antimonial--U.S.P.

JAMES'S POWDER.--33 per cent. antimony oxide.--Alterative, Diaphoretic, Antipyretic.--~Dose:~ 2--10 grn.

~Propylamine~, so-called,--see SOLUTION, TRIMETHYLAMINE.


STANDARDIZED DRIED EXTRACT PROSTATE GLAND, Knoll.--USES: Hypertrophy of prostate.--~Dose:~ Up to 40 grn., daily, in tablets or powder.


Proteid compound of silver: 8% silver.--Yellow powd.--SOL. in water.--Antigonorrhoic.--APPLIED in 1/4--1% solut.


Not completely defined.--(Stated: "Obtained from the lymphoid structures of the body by direct mechanical and physiological processes.--Brownish powd.--Antitoxic, Invigorator, Cicatrizant.--~Dose:~ 3--10 grn., 3 t. daily.--EXTERN. [to cancers] pure.")

~Ptyalin Merck.~

Amylolytic ferment of saliva.--Yellowish powd.--SOL. in glycerin; partly in water.--USES: Amylaceous dyspepsia.--~Dose:~ 10--30 grn.


Antiphlogistic, Sedative, Antispasmodic.--Used chiefly in 1:10 tinct., the dose of which is 2--10 min.

Pumpkin Seed--U.S.P.

Anthelmintic.--~Dose:~ 1--2 drams.

~Pyoktanin, Blue.--Powder.--Also, Pencils.~

PENTA- and HEXA-METHYL-PARAROSANILINE HYDROCHLORATE, Merck.--Non-poisonous, violet, cryst. powd.; nearly odorl.; solut. very diffusible in animal fluids.--SOL. in 12 parts 90% alcohol, 50 glycerin, 75 water; insol. in ether.--Antiseptic, Disinfectant, Analgesic.--USES: Surgery, ophthalmiatric and otiatric practice, diseases of throat and nose, gonorrhea, leucorrhea, varicose ulcers, burns, wounds, malignant and syphilitic neoplasms, conjunctivitis, etc. Stains removed by soap, rubbing well and washing with alcohol.--~Dose:~ In pyloric carcinoma, 1--5 grn., in caps.: at first once daily, then 2, finally 3 t. a day.--MAX. D.: 10 grn.--EXTERN. pure, or 1:1000--1:100 solut.

~Pyoktanin, Yellow.--Powder.--Also, Pencils.~

IMIDO-TETRAMETHYL-DIAMIDO-DIPHENYL-METHANE HYDROCHLORATE, Merck; APYONINE; C.P. AURAMINE.--Yellow powd.--SOL. in water, alcohol.--Antiseptic, Disinfectant.--USES: Considerably weaker than the blue, and principally employed in diseases of skin and in ophthalmiatric practice.


PELLITORY.--Topical Sialagogue; not used internally.--Preparation: Tr. (1:5).

~Pyridine Merck.--C.P.~

Colorl., limpid, hygroscopic liq.; empyreumatic odor; sharp taste.--MISCIBLE with water, alcohol, ether, fatty oils, etc.--Respiratory Sedative, Antigonorrhoic, Antiseptic.--USES: Asthma, angina pectoris, dyspnea, gonorrhea, etc. Contra-indicated in heart weakness.--~Dose:~ 2--10 drops, several t. daily in water. Usually by inhalation; 45--75 [min.], evaporated spontaneously in room. As urethral injection, 1/3% solut.; as paint, 10% solut.

~Pyrogallol,~--see ACID, PYROGALLIC.


~Dose:~ 10--30 grn.--Preparations: Ext. (D., 2--5 grn.); F.E. (1:1); Tr. (1:10). Infus. (1:60).--Used by enema as teniacide.

~Quassin, Merck.--C.P.~

Intensely bitter cryst. or powd.--SOL. in alcohol, chloroform; slightly in water.--Tonic, Stimulant.--USES: Invigorate digestive organs.--~Dose:~ 1/30--1/3 grn.


SOAP BARK.--Expectorant. Antiparasitic. Antihidrotic--~Dose:~ 10--30 grn.--Preparation: Tr. (1:5).


ANALGEN.--Derivative of quinoline.--Wh., tastel., insol. powd.--Anodyne.--USES: Sciatica, migraine, gout, rheumatism, etc.--~Dose:~ 5--15 grn.

~Quinidine Merck.~

CHINIDINE; CONCHININE.--From some species of Cinchona bark.--Colorl. prisms; effloresce on exposure.--SOL. in 20 parts alcohol, 30 parts ether, 2000 water.--Antiperiodic, Antipyretic, Antiseptic, Tonic--USES: Substitute for quinine. Salts less agreeable to take, but more prompt in action.--~Dose:~ Tonic, 1/2--3 grn.: antiperiodic, 20--30 grn.; for a cold, 5--10 grn. in syrup, capsule, or pill.--MAX. D.: 40 grn.

~Quinidine Sulphate Merck.--U.S.P.~

SOL. in 8 parts alcohol, 100 water.--~Dose:~ As of quinidine.

~Quinine (Alkaloid) Merck--U.S.P.~

The salts are usually prescribed. For hypodermic use, the bisulphate, dihydrochlorate, or carbamidated hydrochlorate is to be preferred.--~Dose:~ Tonic, 1/2--2 grn. 3 t. daily; antiperiodic, 8--15 grn. 6--12 hrs. before paroxysm; antipyretic, 15--30 grn. in the course of an hour.

~Quinine Bisulphate.--U.S.P.~

SOL. in 10 parts water, 32 parts alcohol; eligible for subcutaneous use.--NASAL INJECTION (in hay fever): 0.2% aqueous solut.--~Dose:~ Same as of quinine alkaloid.

~Quinine Dihydrochlorate Merck.~

Well adapted to subcutaneous injection, on account of solubility.--~Dose:~ Same as of quinine alkaloid.

~Quinine Glycerino-phosphate Merck.~

Colorl. needles; 68% quinine.--SOL. in water, alcohol.--Nervine, chiefly in malarial neurasthenia, malnutrition, or neuralgia.--~Dose:~ 2--5 grn., 3 t. daily, in pills.

~Quinine Hydrobromate Merck.~

~Dose:~ Same as of quinine alkaloid.

~Quinine Hydrochlorate Merck.~

SOL. in 3 parts alcohol, 9 parts chloroform, 34 parts water.--~Dose:~ Same as of quinine alkaloid.

~Quinine Salicylate Merck.~

White, bitter cryst.--SOL. in 20 parts alcohol, chloroform, 120 parts ether, 225 parts water.--Antiseptic, Antipyretic, Analgesic--USES: Typhoid, rheumatism, lumbago, and muscular pain from cold.--~Dose:~ 2--30 grn., in pill or caps.

~Quinine Sulphate.--U.S.P.~

SOL. in dil. acids; 740 parts water, 65 alcohol, 40 glycerin.--~Dose:~ Same as of quinine alkaloid.--INCOMPATIBLES: Ammonia, alkalies, tannic acid, iodine, iodides, Donovan's solution, etc.

~Quinine Tannate Merck.--Neutral and Tasteless.~

Light-brown, insol. powd.--USED chiefly for children.--~Dose~ (Children): 5--15 grn., with chocolate, in powd. or tablets.

~Quinine Valerianate Merck.--U.S.P.~

Slight odor of valerian.--SOL. in 5 parts alcohol, 100 parts water.--Nerve-tonic, Antipyretic, etc.--USES: Hemicrania and debilitated or malarial condition with a nervous state or hysteria.--~Dose:~ 2--6 grn.

~Quinine & Urea Hydrochlorate Merck.~

CARBAMIDATED QUININE DIHYDROCHLORATE.--Colorl. cryst.--SOL. freely in water, alcohol.--Used by INJECTION: 2--8 grn.

~(Other salts of Quinine are not described because used substantially as the above.)~

~Quinoidine Merck.~

CHINOIDINE.--Very bitter, brownish-black mass.--SOL. in diluted acids, alcohol, chloroform.--Antiperiodic, Tonic, etc.--USES: Intermittent and remittent fevers. Best taken between paroxysms.--~Dose:~ 2--15 grn.


ROSIN; COLOPHONY.--Vulnerary; Irritant.--Preparations: Cerate (35 per cent.): Plaster (14 per cent.).

~Resin, Jalap, Merck.--U.S.P.--True, Brown.~

HEAVY JALAP RESIN.--SOL. in alcohol; partly solut. in ether.--~Dose:~ 2--5 grn.

~Resin, Podophyllum, Merck.--Perfectly and Clearly Sol. in Alcohol and in Ammonia.~

PODOPHYLLIN.--In habitual constipation, small continued doses act best.--~Dose:~ 1/8--1/2 grn.; in acute constipation, 3/4--1-1/2 grn.

~Resin, Scammony, Merck.--White, and Brown.~

~Dose:~ 3--8 grn.

~Resinol.--(Not Retinol!)~

UNGUENTUM RESINOL.--Not completely defined.--(Stated: "Combination of active principle of Juniperus oxycedrus and a synthetical derivative of the coal-tar series, with lanolin-petrolatum base.--Antipruritic, Antiphlogistic, Dermic.--EXTERN.: pure, night and morning.")

~Resorcin Merck.--C.P., Resublimed or Recryst.~

RESORCINOL.--White cryst.; reddish on exposure; unpleasant sweet taste.--SOL. in 0.5 part alcohol, 0.6 part water; ether, glycerin.--Antiseptic Antispasmodic, Antipyretic, Antiemetic, Antizymotic.--USES: Intern., for vomiting, seasickness, asthma, dyspepsia, gastric ulcer, cholera infantum, hay-fever, diarrhea, whooping-cough, cystitis, and diphtheria; extern., inflammatory diseases of skin, eyes, throat, nose, mouth, urethra, vagina, etc.--~Dose:~ Seasickness, chronic gastric catarrh, cholera nostras, or cholera morbus, 2--3 grn. every 1--2 hours, in solut. or powder; ordinary, 5--10 grn. several t. daily; antipyretic, 15--30 grn.--MAX. D.: 45 grn.--EXTERN. in 5--30% solut.

~Retinol Merck.~

ROSIN OIL.--Viscid, yellow, oily liq.--SOL. in ether, oils, alcohol, oil turpentine, glycerin.--Antiseptic.--USES: Intern., venereal affections; extern., oint. or liniment in skin diseases, and injection for gonorrhea; also solvent of phosphorus, salol, camphor, naphtol, carbolic acid, etc. Recommended as excipient for phosphorus.--~Dose:~ 5--10 [min.], 4--6 t. daily, in capsules.--EXTERN.: 10--50% oint.


~Dose:~ Tonic, 3--10 grn., lax., 10--20 grn.; purg., 20--40 grn.--Preparations: Ext. (D., 1--3--10 grn.); F.E. (1:1); Pills (3 grn.); Comp. Pills (rhub., aloes, myrrh); Tr. (1:10); Arom. Tr. (1:5); Sweet Tr. (1:10, with liquorice and glycerin); Syr. (10 per cent. F.E.); Arom. Syr. (15 per cent. arom. tr.); Comp. Powd. (rhub., 25; magnes., 65; ginger, 10). Rhus Glabra--U.S.P.

SUMACH BERRIES.--Astringent.--Preparation: F.E. (D., 30--60 min.).

Rhus Toxicodendron--U.S.P.

POISON IVY; POISON OAK.--Alterative, Cerebral and Spinal Stimulant.--Used mostly as 20 per cent. tr., 5--30 min. per dose.

~Rochelle Salt,~--see POTASSIUM & SODIUM TARTRATE.

Rose, Red--U.S.P.

Astringent.--Preparations: F.E. (30--60 min.); Confect. (8:100); Honey (12 per cent. F.E.); Syr. (12-1/2 per cent. F.E.).

~Rubidium Iodide Merck.~

White cryst.--SOL. in water.--Alterative.--USES: As potassium iodide. Does not derange stomach.--~Dose:~ 1--5 grn.

~Rubidium & Ammonium Bromide Merck.~

White, or yellowish-white, powd.; cooling taste; saline after-taste.--SOL. in water.--Antiepileptic, Sedative, Hypnotic.--USES: Epilepsy, and as soporific, instead of potassium bromide.--~Dose:~ Antiepileptic, 60--100 grn. daily, in solut.; hypnotic, 60--75 grn.


BLACKBERRY.--Astringent.--Preparations: F.E. (D., 30--60 min.); Syr. (25 per cent. F.E.).


YELLOW DOCK.--Alterative, Antiscorbutic.--Preparation: F.E. (D., 15--60 min.).

~Saccharin Tablets Merck.~

Each tablet equal in sweetness to a large lump of sugar.--USES: For sweetening tea, coffee, and other beverages.


BENZOYL-SULPHONIC IMIDE, Fahlberg; GLUSIDE.--White powd.; over 500 times as sweet as cane sugar.--SOL. in 50 parts ether, 30 parts alcohol, 230 parts water. Alkaline carbonates increase solubility in water.--Non-fermentable Sweetener.--USES: Sweeten food of diabetics and dyspeptics; cover taste of bitter and acrid remedies.


~Dose~: 10--20 grn.--Preparation: Tr. (1:10).

~Salicin Merck.~

SOL. in 28 parts water, 30 parts alcohol.--Tonic, Antiperiodic, Antirheumatic.--USES: Rheumatism, malaria, general malaise, and chorea.--~Dose:~ 20--30 grn.--MAX. D.: 150 grn. daily.


HEXAMETHYLENE-TETRAMINE SALICYLATE, Merck; FORMIN SALICYLATE.--White, cryst. powd., of agreeable acidulous taste.--SOL. easily in water or alcohol.--Uric-acid Solvent and Genito-urinary Antiseptic.--USES: Gout, gravel, cystitis, etc.--~Dose:~ 15--30 grn. daily.


PYROGALLOL DISALICYLATE, Knoll.--Resinous solid.--SOL. in 6 parts acetone, 15 parts chloroform.--Skin varnish, of weak pyrogallol effect.--USES: Chiefly as vehicle for eugallol, eurobin, and other dermics applicable as varnish.--EXTERN.: 2--15% solut. in acetone.


ANTIPYRINE SALICYLATE.--Wh. powd.; odorl.; sweetish taste.--SOL. in 250 parts water in alcohol, chloroform, ether.--Antirheumatic, Analgesic.--~Dose:~ 10--30 grn., in cachets.

~Salol Merck.--U.S.P.~

PHENOL SALICYLATE.--SOL. in 0.3 part ether; chloroform, 10 parts alcohol; fatty oils; almost insol. in water.--Antiseptic, Antirheumatic, Antipyretic, etc.--USES: Intern., typhoid fever, diarrhea, dysentery, fermentative dyspepsia, rheumatism, grip, and cystitis; extern., wounds, burns, sores, etc. Coating for enteric pills; such pills should be taken one hour or more after meals, and no oil with them.--~Dose:~ 3--15 grn.; as antipyretic, 30--45 grn.


ACETYL-PARA-AMIDOPHENOL SALICYLATE.--Wh., odorl., tastel. leaflets or powd.; 51% salicylic acid.--SOL. in alcohol, ether; insol. in water.--Antirheumatic.--~Dose:~ 15--20 grn.

~Salt, Epsom,~--see MAGNESIUM SULPHATE.

~Salt, Glauber,~--see SODIUM SULPHATE.


~Saltpeter,~--see POTASSIUM NITRATE.


SAGE.--Tonic, Astringent, Stimulant.--~Dose:~ 10--30 grn., as infus. (1:30) or fl. ext. (1:1).


ELDER.--Stimulant, Diuretic, Diaphoretic.--~Dose:~ 4--8 drams, in infus. drank hot.


BLOOD ROOT.--Expectorant, Emetic.--~Dose:~ 3--20 grn.--Preparations: F.E. (1:1); Tr. (15:100).--See also, Sanguinarine.

~Sanguinarine Merck.--C.P.~

Small, white needles; acrid, burning taste.--SOL. in chloroform, alcohol, ether.--Expectorant, Alterative, Emetic.--USES: Chiefly as expectorant; also in dyspepsia, debility, etc.--~Dose:~ Expectorant, 1/12--1/8 grn., in solut.; alterative, 1/6--1/4 grn.; emetic, 1/2--1 grn.

~Sanguinarine Nitrate Merck.~

Red powd.--SOL. in water, alcohol.--USES, DOSES, ETC., same as alkaloid.

~Sanguinarine Sulphate Merck.~

~Santonin Merck.--U.S.P.~

ANHYDROUS SANTONINIC ACID.--SOL. in 4 parts chloroform, 40 parts alcohol, 140 parts ether, 5000 parts water.--~Dose:~ 2--4 grn.; children of 2 years, 1/4--1/2 grn.--Preparation: Troches (1/2 grn.).


Preparations: Comp. Decoct. (D., 1--4 oz.); F.E. (30--120 min.); Comp. F.E. (D., 30--120 min.); Comp. Syr. (flavoring).


Carminative, Aromatic Stimulant.--Preparation: Oil (D., 1--3 min.)

Sassafras Pith--U.S.P.

Demulcent, Emollient.--Preparation: Mucilage (1:50).


Rubefacient. Emmenagogue.--Preparations: F.E. (D., 5--20 min.); Oil (D., 1--5 min.).


~Dose:~ 5--15 grn.--Preparation: Resin (D., 3--8 grn.).


BROOM.--Diuretic, Purgative.--~Dose:~ 30--60 grn., as fl. ext. (1:1) or infus. (1:20).--See also, Sparteine.

~Scopolamine Hydrobromate Merck.~

Colorl., hygroscopic cryst.--SOL. in water, alcohol.--Mydriatic, Sedative.--USES: Extern., in ophthalmology, 1/10--1/5% solut.; subcutaneously for the insane.--INJECTION: 1/250--1/64 grn.--ANTIDOTES: Emetics, stomach pump, muscarine, tannin, animal charcoal, cathartics, etc.


SCULLCAP.--Sedative, Antispasmodic.--Preparation: F.E. (D., 30--60 min.).


~Dose:~ 5--20 grn.--Preparation: F.E. (1:1); Syr. (20 per cent. F.E.).


Not completely defined.--(Stated: "Active constituents of Panax Schinseng in an aromatic essence.--Stomachic.--~Dose:~ 1 fl. dr.")


~Dose:~ 1--4 drams.--Preparations: Confect. (D., 1--2 drams), F.E. (1:1); Comp. Infus. (D., 1--3 oz.); Syr. (1:4).--Enters into Comp. Liquorice Powd.


VIRGINIA SNAKEROOT.--Tonic, Antiperiodic, Diaphoretic.--~Dose:~ 10--30 grn.--Preparations: F.E. (1:1) Tr. (1:10).--Enters into Comp. Tr. Cinchona.

~Serum, Antituberculous, Maragliano.--(Only in 1 Cc. [16 min.] tubes.)~

Antitoxin against Pulmonary Tuberculosis.--~Dose~ (subcutaneous): In apyretic cases, 16 [min.] (1 cubic centimetre) every other day for 10 days, then daily for 10 days, and 30 [min.] twice a day thereafter until sweats have entirely subsided, when 16 [min.] are injected for a month every other day, and finally once a week for a year. In febrile cases, if the fever be slight and intermittent, dosage the same as above; if continuous and intense, inject 160 [min.]; and if there be a marked fall of temperature repeat in a week, and so continue until fever is gone, then inject 16--32 [min.] daily.

~Silver Chloride Merck.~

White powd.; blackens on exposure to light.--SOL. in ammonia, potassium thiosulphate, potassium cyanide.--Antiseptic, Nerve-sedative.--USES: Chorea, gastralgia, epilepsy, pertussis, diarrhea, and various neuroses.--~Dose:~ �--1-� grn., in pills.--MAX. D.: 3 grn.

~Silver Citrate Merck.~

White, dry powd.--SOL. in about 4000 parts water.--Antiseptic Astringent.--USES: Wounds, gonorrhea, etc.--APPLIED in 1--2% oint., or 1--2:8000 solut.--Always prepare solut. fresh!

~Silver Cyanide Merck.--U.S.P.~

SOL. in solut's of potassium cyanide, ammonia, sodium thiosulphate.--Antiseptic, Sedative.--USES: Epilepsy, chorea.--~Dose:~ 1/60--1/20 grn., in pills.--ANTIDOTES: Ammonia, chlorine, mixture of ferric and ferrous sulphates, artificial respiration, stomach siphon.

~Silver Iodide Merck.--U.S.P.~

SOL. in solut. potassium iodide or cyanide, ammonium thiosulphate.--Alterative.--USES: Gastralgia and syphilis.--~Doses:~ 3/43/4--1 grn., in pills.

~Silver Lactate Merck.~

Small needles or powd.--SOL. in 20 parts water.--Antiseptic Astringent.--USES: Sore throat, gonorrhea, etc.--APPLIED in 1--2:4000 solut.

~Silver Nitrate Merck.--U.S.P.--Cryst.~

SOL. in 0.6 part water, 26 parts alcohol.--~Dose:~ 1/8--1/2 grn.--ANTIDOTES: Solut. common salt, sal ammoniac, mucilaginous drinks, emetics, stomach siphon, white of egg, milk, etc.--INCOMPATIBLES: Organic matter, hydrochloric acid, chlorides, phosphates, arsenites, opium, extracts, resins, essential oils, tannin, etc.

~Silver Nitrate, Moulded (Fused), Merck.--U.S.P.~


~Silver Nitrate, Diluted, Merck.--U.S.P.~

MITIGATED CAUSTIC.--33-1/3% silver nitrate.

~Silver Oxide Merck.--U.S.P.~

~Dose:~ 1/12--1/6--3/4 grn., best mixed with some chalk and put up in capsules.--INCOMPATIBLES: Ammonia, creosote, tannin, acids.--CAUTION: Do not triturate with oxidizable matter; may cause explosion!


WHITE CASTILE SOAP.--Detergent, Laxative.--~Dose:~ 3--10 grn.--Preparations: Lin.; Plaster.

~Soap, Soft--U.S.P.~

GREEN SOAP.--Not used internally.--Preparation: Lin.

~Sodium Acetate Merck.--U.S.P.--C.P.~

SOL. in 1.4 parts water, 30 parts alcohol.--Diuretic.--~Dose:~ 15--120 grn.

~Sodium Arsenate Merck.--U.S.P.~

SOL. in 4 parts water, 2 parts glycerin.--~Dose:~ 1/24--1/8 grn.--Preparation: Solut. (1%).--ANTIDOTES: Emetics, stomach siphon, fresh ferric hydrate, dialyzed iron, ferric hydrate and magnesia, demulcents, stimulants, warmth, etc.

~Sodium Benzoate Merck.--U.S.P.~

SOL. in about 2 parts water, 45 parts alcohol.--Antirheumatic, Antipyretic, Antiseptic--USES: Rheumatism, gout, uremia, cystitis, lithemia, tonsillitis, colds, etc.--~Dose:~ 10--40 grn.

~Sodium Bicarbonate Merck.--U.S.P.--C.P.~

~Dose:~ 10--40 grn.--Preparation: Troches (3 grn.).--CAUTION: Should not be given as acid-antidote, as it evolves large quantities of carbon dioxide gas.

~Sodium Bisulphite Merck.--U.S.P.~

SOL. in 4 parts water, 72 parts alcohol.--Antiseptic.--USES: Intern., sore mouth, diphtheria, yeasty vomiting; extern., skin diseases.--~Dose:~ 10--30 grn.

~Sodium Borate Merck.--U.S.P.~

BORAX; SODIUM PYROBORATE; so-called "SODIUM BIBORATE" or "TETRABORATE."--SOL. in 16 parts water; 1 part glycerin.--USES: Intern., amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, epilepsy, uric-acid diathesis; extern., sore mouth, conjunctivitis, urethritis, etc.--~Dose:~ 30--40 grn.

~Sodium Borate, Neutral, Merck.~

Erroneously designated as "SODIUM TETRABORATE."--Transparent, fragile, splintery, glass-like masses.--SOL. in water.--Antiseptic, Astringent.--USES: Extern., chiefly in diseases of nose and ear; a cold saturated solut. used for bandages.

~Sodium Borobenzoate Merck.--N.F.~

White, cryst. powd.--SOL. in water.--Antiseptic, Antilithic, Diuretic.--USES: Rheumatism, gravel, and puerperal fever.--~Dose:~ 30--120 grn.

~Sodium Bromide.--U.S.P.~

SOL. in 1.2 parts water, 13 parts alcohol.--~Dose:~ 10--60 grn.

~Sodium Carbonate Merck.--U.S.P.~

SOL. in 1.6 parts water, 1 part glycerin.--~Dose:~ 5--20 grn.--ANTIDOTES: Acetic acid, lemon juice, olive oil, etc.

~Sodium Chlorate Merck.--U.S.P.~

Colorl. cryst.; odorl.; cooling, saline taste.--SOL. in 1.1 parts water, 5 parts glycerin, 100 parts alcohol.--Deodorant, Antiseptic, Alterative.--USES: Intern., diphtheria, tonsillitis, pharyngeal and laryngeal inflammation, stomatitis, gastric cancer, mercurial ptyalism, etc.; extern., as wash, gargle or injection.--~Dose:~ 5--15 grn.--INCOMPATIBLES: Organic matters, easily oxidizable substances.--CAUTION: Do not triturate with sulphur or phosphorus, or any combustible substance; severe explosion may occur!

~Sodium Choleate Merck.~

DRIED PURIFIED OX-GALL.--Yellowish-white, hygroscopic powd.--SOL. in water, alcohol.--Tonic, Laxative.--USES: Deficient biliary secretion, chronic constipation, etc.--~Dose:~ 5--10 grn.

~Sodium Cinnamate Merck.--C.P.~

White powd.--SOL. in water.--Antitubercular, like cinnamic acid.--INJECTION (intravenous or parenchymatous): 1/3--1 grn. in 5% solut., twice a week.

~Sodium Dithio-salicylate, Beta-, Merck.~

Grayish-white, hygroscopic powd.--SOL. in water.--Antineuralgic, Antirheumatic.--USES: Intern., sciatica, gonorrheal rheumatism, etc.--~Dose:~ 2--10 grn.

~Sodium Ethylate, Liquid, Merck.~

Colorl. syrupy liq.; turns brown on keeping.--Escharotic.--USES: Warts, n�vi, etc.--APPLIED with glass rod, pure. Chloroform arrests caustic action.

~Sodium Ethylate, Dry, Merck.~

White or brownish, hygroscopic powd.--ACTION AND USES: As above.--APPLIED in solut. 1:3 absolute alcohol.

~Sodium Fluoride Merck.--Pure.~

Clear cryst.--SOL. in water.--Antispasmodic, Antiperiodic, Antiseptic.--USES: Intern., epilepsy, malaria, tuberculosis; extern., antiseptic dressing for wounds and bruises, as mouth-wash, in vaginitis, etc. Does not attack nickel-plated instruments.--~Dose:~ 1/12--1/6 grn., in solut. with sodium bicarbonate.--APPLIED: Wounds, in 1/20--1/10% solut.; mouth-wash, etc., in 1/2--1% solut.

~Sodium Formate Merck.~

White, deliquescent cryst.--SOL. in water, glycerin.--USES: Hypodermically in surgical tuberculosis.--INJECTION (parenchymatous): Children, 1/2--1 grn. in solut., every 7--10 days; adults, 3 grn., every 7--10 days.

~Sodium Glycerino-phosphate Merck.--50% Solut.~

Yellowish liq.--SOL. in water.--USES: Deficient nerve-nutrition, neurasthenia, phosphaturia, convalescence from influenza, etc.--INJECTION: 3--4 grn. daily, in physiological solut. sodium chloride.

~Sodium Hippurate Merck.~

White powd.--USES: In cachexias, and diseases due to uric-acid diathesis.--~Dose:~ 10--20 grn.

~Sodium Hydrate Merck.--U.S.P.--C.P.~

SODIUM HYDROXIDE; CAUSTIC SODA.--~Dose:~ 1/2--1 grn., freely diluted.--Preparation: Solut. (5%).--ANTIDOTES: Water, and then vinegar, or lemon juice.

~Sodium Hypophosphite Merck.--Purified.~

SOL. in 1 part water, 30 parts alcohol.--~Dose:~ 10--30 grn.

~Sodium Hyposulphite~,--see SODIUM THIOSULPHATE.

~Sodium Iodide Merck.--U.S.P.~

SOL. in about 1 part water, 3 parts alcohol.--USES: Rheumatism, pneumonia, tertiary syphilis, asthma, chronic bronchitis, scrofula, etc.--~Dose:~ 5--60 grn.

~Sodium Naphtolate, Beta-, Merck.~

MICROCIDIN.--Yellowish to white powd.--SOL. in 3 parts water.--USES: Surgical antiseptic on bandages, etc.--APPLIED in 3--5% aqueous solut.

~Sodium Nitrate Merck.--U.S.P.--C.P.~

CHILI SALTPETER.--SOL. in 1.3 parts water, 100 parts alcohol.--USES: Intern., inflammatory condition of intestines, dysentery, etc.; extern., rheumatism, 1:3 aqueous solut.--~Dose:~ 10--60 grn.

~Sodium Nitrite Merck.--C.P.~

White cryst. or sticks; mildly saline taste.--SOL. in 1.5 parts water; slightly in alcohol.--Antispasmodic, Diaphoretic, Diuretic.--USES: Angina pectoris, dropsy, and diseases of genito-urinary organs.--~Dose:~ 1--3 grn.

~Sodium Paracresotate Merck.~

Microcryst. powd.; bitter taste.--SOL. in 24 parts warm water.--Antipyretic, Intestinal Antiseptic, Analgesic.--USES: Acute gastric catarrh, acute rheumatism, pneumonia, typhoid fever, etc.--~Dose:~ 2--20 grn., according to age, 3 t. daily, in aqueous solut. with extract licorice.

~Sodium Phosphate Merck.--C.P.~

Colorl. cryst.--SOL. in about 20 parts water.--USES: Chronic rheumatism, stimulant of biliary secretion, mild laxative, and vesical calculi.--~Dose:~ 5--40 grn.; as laxative, 1/2--1 ounce.

~Sodium Pyrophosphate Merck.--U.S.P.~

SOL. in 10 parts water.--USES: Lithiasis.--~Dose:~ 5--40 grn.

~Sodium Salicylate Merck--U.S.P.~

SOL. in 1 part water, 6 parts alcohol; glycerin.--~Dose:~ 5--40 grn.--MAX. D.: 60 grn.--INCOMPATIBLES: Ferric salts.

MERCK'S Sodium Salicylate is the only brand which yields a clear and colorless solut.

~Sodium Salicylate Merck.--From Oil Wintergreen.~

USES, etc., as above.

~Sodium Santoninate Merck.~

Stellate groups of needles: mildly saline and somewhat bitter taste; turn yellow on exposure to light.--SOL. in 3 parts water, 12 parts alcohol.--Anthelmintic.--USES: Instead of santonin; less powerful.--~Dose~ (adult): 2--6 grn., in keratinized pills: children 4--10 years old, 1--3 grn.

~Sodium Silico-fluoride Merck.~

White cryst. or granular powd.--SOL. in 200 parts water.--Antiseptic, Germicide, Deodorant, Styptic.--USES: Extern., wounds, carious teeth, cystitis, gonorrhea, for irrigating cavities, and in gynecological practice.--APPLIED in 1/5% solut.

~Sodium Sulphate Merck.--C.P., Cryst. or Dried.~

GLAUBER'S SALT.--SOL. in 3 parts water; glycerin.--~Dose:~ Cryst., 2--8 drams; dried, 1--4 drams.

~Sodium Sulphite Merck.--U.S.P.~

SOL. in 4 parts water, sparingly in alcohol.--USES: Skin diseases, sore mouth, diphtheria, sarcina ventriculi, and chronic mercurial affections.--~Dose:~ 10--60 grn.

~Sodium Sulpho-carbolate Merck.--U.S.P.~

SOL. in 5 parts water, 132 parts alcohol.--Antiseptic, Disinfectant.--USES: Intern., dyspepsia, phthisis, typhoid fever, dysentery, etc.: extern., gonorrhea, putrid wounds, etc.--~Dose:~ 8--30 grn.--EXTERN.: 1/2--1% solut.

~Sodium Tartrate Merck.--C.P.~

White cryst.--SOL. in water.--USES: Tastel. substitute for Epsom salt.--~Dose:~ 4--8 drams.

~Sodium Tellurate Merck.~

White powd.--SOL. in water.--Antihidrotic, Antiseptic, Antipyretic--USES: Night-sweats of phthisis; gastric ulcerations, rheumatism, and typhoid fever.--~Dose:~ 1/4--3/4 grn., in alcoholic mixture or elixir.

~Sodium Thiosulphate Merck~ (Sodium Hyposulphite, U.S.P.)

SOL. in 1 part water.--USES: Parasitic skin diseases, sore mouth, sarcina ventriculi, diarrhea, flatulent dyspepsia, etc.--~Dose:~ 5--20 grn.--INCOMPATIBLES: Iodine, acids.

~Solanin Merck.--Pure.~

Colorl., lustrous, fine needles; bitter taste.--Analgesic, Nerve-sedative.--USES: Neuralgia, vomiting of pregnancy, bronchitis, asthma, painful gastric affections, epileptoid tremors, locomotor ataxia, etc.--~Dose:~ 1/4--1 grn.--MAX. D.: 1-1/2 grn. single, 8 grn. daily.

~Solution, Aluminium Acetate, Merck.~

8% basic aluminium acetate.--Clear, colorl. liq.--Antiseptic, Astringent.--USES: Intern., diarrhea and dysentery; extern., lotion for putrid wounds and skin affections, mouth wash.--~Dose:~ 3--15 [min.]--EXTERN., solut. 1:15; as mouth-wash or enema, 1:150.

Solution, Ammonium Acetate--U.S.P.

SPIRIT MINDERERUS.--Diaphoretic, Antipyretic, Diuretic--~Dose:~ 2--8 drams.

~Solution, Arsenic and Mercuric Iodides, Merck.--U.S.P.~

DONOVAN'S SOLUTION.--~Dose:~ 5--10 [min.]--ANTIDOTES: Same as for arsenous acid.--INCOMPATIBLES: Alkalies and alkaloids or their salts.

~Solution, Calcium Bisulphite, Merck.~

Liq.; strong sulphurous odor.--Disinfectant, Antiseptic--USES: Extern., diluted with 4--8 t. weight water, in sore throat, diphtheria, vaginitis, endometritis, wounds, etc.

Solution, Calcium Hydrate--U.S.P.

LIME WATER.--Antacid, Astringent.--~Dose:~ 1--4 oz.--Preparation: Liniment.

~Solution, Fowler's, Merck,~ (Solut. Potassium Arsenite, U.S.P.).

Never give on an empty stomach!--~Dose:~ 1--5 [min.].--ANTIDOTES: Emetics, stomach siphon; freshly precipitated ferric hydrate; or ferric hydrate with magnesia; or saccharated ferric oxide; etc.

~Solution, Hydrogen Peroxide.--U.S.P.~

3% H{2}O{2} (= 10 vols. available O).--SOL. in all proportions water or alcohol.--Disinfectant, Deodorant, Styptic, Antizymotic.--USED chiefly extern.: in diphtheria, sore throat, wounds, gonorrhea, abscesses, etc.; rarely intern.: in flatulence, gastric affections, epilepsy, phthisical sweats, etc.--~Dose:~ 1--4 fl. drs., well dil. EXTERN.: in 20% solut. to pure.--CAUTION: Keep cool and quiet. It rapidly deteriorates!

Solution, Iodine, Compound--U.S.P.

LUGOL'S SOLUTION.--5 per cent. iodine, 10 per cent. potass. iodide.--Alterative.--~Dose:~ 1--10 min.

Solution, Iron Acetate--U.S.P.

31 per cent. (= 7.5 per cent. iron).--Chalybeate, Astringent.--~Dose:~ 2--10 min.

~Solution, Iron Albuminate, Merck.~

Brown liq.--0.4% iron.--Hematinic; easily assimilable.--USES: Anemia, chlorosis, etc.--~Dose:~ 1--4 drams, with milk, before meals. MERCK'S Solution of Iron Albuminate is superior to other makes in point of palatability and stability, besides being perfectly free from acidity and astringency and hence not injuring the teeth or stomach.

Solution, Iron Chloride, Ferric--U.S.P.

37.8 per cent.--Styptic (chiefly in post-partum hemorrhage: 1 dram to pint water).

Solution, Iron Citrate, Ferric--U.S.P.

7.5 per cent. iron.--Hematinic.--~Dose:~ 5--15 min.

Solution, Iron Nitrate--U.S.P.

6.2 per cent. ferric nitrate.--Tonic, Intern. Astringent.--~Dose:~ 5--15 min.

Solution, Iron Subsulphate, Ferric--U.S.P.

MONSEL'S SOLUTION.--Styptic, Astringent.--USED chiefly extern.: pure or in strong solut.--~Dose:~ 2--10 min.

Solution, Iron and Ammonium Acetate--U.S.P.

BASHAM'S MIXTURE.--Hematinic, Astringent.--~Dose:~ 1/2--1 fl. oz.

Solution, Lead Subacetate--U.S.P.

GOULARD'S EXTRACT.--25 per cent.--Astringent, Antiseptic.--USED chiefly to make the Diluted Solution (lead water), and the Cerate (20 per cent.).

Solution, Magnesium Citrate--U.S.P.

Laxative, Refrigerant.--~Dose:~ 6--12 fl. oz.

Solution, Mercury Nitrate. Mercuric--U.S.P.

60 per cent.--Caustic.--USED only extern.: pure.

Solution, Potassium Hydrate--U.S.P.

POTASSA SOLUTION.--5 per cent. KOH.--Antacid, Antilithic, Diuretic.--~Dose:~ 5--20 min., well diluted.--INCOMPATIBLES: Organic matter, alkaloids, ammonium salts.--ANTIDOTES: Mild acids, oils, milk.

Solution. Soda, Chlorinated--U.S.P.

LABARRAQUE'S SOLUTION.--2.6 per cent. available chlorine.--Disinfectant, Antizymotic.--~Dose:~ 20--60 min., diluted.--EXTERN. in 3--10 per cent. solut.

Solution, Sodium Arsenate--U.S.P.

1 per cent.--Alterative, Antiperiodic.--~Dose:~ 3--10 min.

Solution, Sodium Hydrate--U.S.P.

SODA SOLUTION.--5 per cent. Na OH.--ACTION, USES, DOSE, etc.: As of Solut. Potass. Hydr.

Solution, Sodium Silicate--U.S.P.

20 per cent. silica, 10 per cent. soda.--Used only for surgical dressings.

~Solution, Trimethylamine, Merck.--10%.--Medicinal.~

So-called "PROPYLAMINE."--Colorl. liq.; strong fishy and ammoniacal odor.--Antirheumatic, Sedative.--USES: Rheumatism, chorea, etc.--~Dose:~ 15--45 [min.]; in chorea as much as 1-1/2 ounces daily may be given, in sweetened, flavored water.

Solution, Zinc Chloride--U.S.P.

50 per cent.--Disinfectant, Astringent.


MERCURY DIIODO-PARAPHENOL-SULPHONATE, Trommsdorff.--Orange powd.--SOL. in solut. of sodium chloride or potassium iodide.--Antisyphilitic, Antiseptic, Alterative. USES: Syphilitic eruptions and ulcers, enlarged glands, parasitic skin diseases, and diseased joints.--APPLIED in 2--20% oint. or powd.; Injection (hypodermically), 1--3 grn., in solut. of potassium iodide.


POTASSIUM DIIODO-PARAPHENOL-SULPHONATE, Trommsdorff.--White, odorl., cryst. powd.; 52.8% of iodine; 20% of phenol; and 7% sulphur.--SOL. slightly in cold water; insol. in alcohol.--Antiseptic Vulnerary; Non-poisonous Succedaneum for Iodoform.--USES: Extern., scabies, eczema, herpes tonsurans, impetigo, syphilitic ulcers, diphtheria, burns, and scalds; ozena, otitis, and rhinitis; injection for gonorrhea.--APPLIED in 10--25% oint's or dusting-powders, which are as effective as iodoform pure.--INCOMPATIBLES: Mineral acids, ferric chloride, silver salts.


SODIUM DIIODO-PARAPHENOL-SULPHONATE, Trommsdorff.--Colorl. needles.--SOL. in 44 parts water; alcohol, 20 parts glycerin.--Antiseptic, Astringent, Antipyretic.--USES: Intern., as intestinal antiseptic, and in diabetes; extern., gonorrhea, cystitis, nasal catarrh, ulcers, whooping-cough, etc.--~Dose:~ 5--30 grn. daily.--EXTERN.: 10% oint., with adeps lan�, 1% solut. in water, or 2% solut. in paraffin. In whooping-cough, 3 grn. daily, blown into nose.


ZINC DIIODO-PARAPHENOL-SULPHONATE, Trommsdorff.--Colorl. needles.--SOL. in 25 parts water, in alcohol, glycerin.--Antiseptic Astringent.--USES: Gonorrhea, nasal and pharyngeal catarrhs, etc.--APPLIED: Rhinitis, 5--10% trituration with milk sugar by insufflation, or 3--5% paint; gonorrhea, 1/2--1% solut.; skin diseases, 5--10% oint.; gargle, 1--2% solut.

~Sparteine Sulphate Merck.--U.S.P.~

SOL. in water, alcohol.--Heart-stimulant, Diuretic.--USES: Best where digitalis fails or is contra-indicated.--~Dose:~ 1/4--1 grn.


Preparations: Oil (D., 2--5 min.); Spt. (10 per cent. oil); Water (one-fifth per cent. oil).

~Spermine, Poehl.--Sterilized.~

2% solut. of spermine hydrochlorate with sodium chloride.--Nervine.--USES: Nervous diseases with anemia, neurasthenia, hystero-epilepsy, angina pectoris, locomotor ataxia, asthma, etc.; usually hypodermically.--INJECTION: 15 [min.], usually given on the lower extremities or near the shoulder-blade, once daily, for 8 or 10 days.--INCOMPATIBLE with potassium iodide treatment.

~Spermine Poehl.--Essence.~

4% aromatized alcoholic solut. of the double-salt spermine hydrochlorate-sodium chloride.--USES: Intern., for same diseases as the preceding.--~Dose:~ 10--30 [min.], in alkaline mineral water, every morning.


PINKROOT.--Anthelmintic.--~Dose:~ 1--2 drams.--Preparation: F.E. (1:1).

~Spirit, Ants, True, Merck.~

From ants.--Rubefacient.--USES: Counter-irritant in painful local affections.--APPLIED undiluted.

Spirit Glonoin--U.S.P.

SPIRIT (SOLUTION) OF NITROGLYCERIN (TRINITRIN).--1 per cent.--Antispasmodic, Vaso-dilator.--~Dose:~ 1--3 min.

~Spirit, Melissa, Concentrated, Merck.~

Rubefacient, Stimulant, Carminative.--USES: Extern., as counter-irritant; intern., in cardialgia, colic, and diarrhea.--~Dose:~ 1/2--1 dram on sugar.

Spirit, Nitrous Ether--U.S.P.

~Dose:~ 30--90 min.--INCOMPATIBLES: Antipyrine, tannin, acetanilid, phenacetin, iodides, fl. ext. buchu, tr. guaiac, and morphine salts.


~Dose:~ 1--3 grn.--Preparations: F.E. (1:1); Syr. (45 per cent. vinegar squill); Comp. Syr. (F.E. squill, 8 per cent.; F.E. senega, 8 per cent.; tartar emetic, one-fifth per cent.); Tr. (15:100); Vinegar (1:10).


STAVESACRE.--Parasiticide.--USED extern., in substance or 1:16 solut. of fl. ext. in dil. acetic acid.


Preparation: Glycerite (1:10).

~Starch, Iodized, Merck.~

2% iodine.--Bluish-black powd.--Disinfectant, Antiseptic.--USES: Intern., diarrhea, typhoid fever, etc.; extern., with adeps lan�, as substitute for tincture of iodine.--~Dose:~ 3--10 grn.


QUEEN'S ROOT.--Alterative, Resolvent.--Preparation: F.E. (D., 15--60 min.).


Stimulant, Antiseptic, Expectorant.--~Dose:~ 5--20 grn.--Enters into Comp. Tr. Benzoin.

Stramonium Leaves--U.S.P.

~Dose:~ 2--5 grn.

Stramonium Seed--U.S.P.

~Dose:~ 1--3 grn.--Preparations: Ext. (D., 1/4--1/2 grn.); F.E. (1:1); Oint. (10 per cent. Ext.); Tr. (15:100).

~Strontium Arsenite Merck.~

White powd.--Almost insol. in water.--Alterative, Tonic.--USES: Skin diseases and malarial affections.--~Dose:~; 1/30--1/15 grn., in pills.

~Strontium Bromide Merck.--Cryst.~

Deliquescent, colorl., odorl. needles; bitter-saline taste.--SOL. in alcohol; 1--2 parts water.--Gastric Tonic, Nerve-sedative, Antiepileptic, Antinephritic.--USES: Hyperacidity of stomach; rheumatism, gout, epilepsy, nervousness, hysteria, headache, etc.--~Dose:~ 10--40 grn. In epilepsy as much as 150 grn. may be given daily.

~Strontium Iodide Merck.~

White or yellowish, deliquescent powd. or plates; bitterish-saline taste.--SOL. in alcohol, ether; 0.6 parts water.--Alterative, Sialagogue.--USES: Substitute for potassium iodide in heart disease, asthma, rheumatism, scrofula, etc.--~Dose:~ 10--20 grn.

~Strontium Lactate Merck.--U.S.P.--C.P.~

White, granular powd.; slightly bitter taste.--SOL. in alcohol, 4 parts water.--Anthelmintic, Antinephritic, Tonic.--USES: Nephritis, worms, rheumatism, gout, and chorea. Decreases albumin in urine, without diuresis.--~Dose:~ 10--20 grn.; for worms, 30 grn. twice daily for 5 days.

~Strontium Salicylate Merck.--Cryst.~

SOL. in about 20 parts water, in alcohol.--Antirheumatic, Tonic.--USES: Rheumatism, gout, chorea, muscular pains, and pleurisy. ~Dose:~ 10--40 grn.

~Strophanthin Merck.--C.P.~

White powd.; very bitter taste.--SOL. in water, alcohol.--Heart Tonic, not Diuretic.--USES: Similar to digitalin.--~Dose:~ 1/200--1/60 grn.--ANTIDOTES: Emetics, stomach siphon, muscarine, atropine, camphor, picrotoxin.


Cardiac Tonic, like digitalis.--Preparation: Tr. (D., 3--10 min.).

~Strychnine (Alkaloid) Merck.--U.S.P.~

SOL. in 7 parts chloroform, 110 parts alcohol, 6700 parts water.--~Dose:~ 1/60--1/20 grn.--ANTIDOTES: Stomach pump, tannin, emetics, charcoal, paraldehyde, urethane, potassium bromide, chloroform, chloral hydrate, artificial respiration, etc.

~Strychnine Arsenate Merck.~

White powd.; very bitter taste.--SOL. in about 15 parts water.--Alterative, Antitubercular.--USES: Tuberculosis, skin diseases, malarial affections, etc.; usually hypodermically, 0.5% in liq. paraffin; of this 4--10 [min.] may be injected daily.--~Dose:~ 1/64--1/16 grn.

~Strychnine Arsenite Merck.~

White powd.--SOL. slightly in water.--USES, DOSES, ETC., as of the Arsenate.

~Strychnine Hypophosphite Merck.~

White cryst. powd.--SOL. in water.--USES: Tubercular affections, scrofula, and wasting diseases generally.--~Dose:~ 1/32--1/12 grn.

~Strychnine Nitrate Merck.~

Groups of silky needles.--SOL. in 50 parts water, 60 parts alcohol.--USES, DOSES, ETC.: About as the Alkaloid. Most frequently used in dipsomania.

~Strychnine Sulphate Merck.--U.S.P.~

SOL. in 50 parts water, 109 parts alcohol. USES, DOSES, ETC., same as of the Alkaloid.


COTARNINE HYDROCHLORATE, Merck.--Yellow cryst.--SOL. in water.--Hemostatic, Uterine Sedative.--USES: Uterine hemorrhage, dysmenorrhea, fibroids, subinvolution, climacteric disorders, etc.--~Dose:~ 2--5 grn. 4 t. daily, in pearls.--INJECTION (urgent cases): 2--3 grn., in 10% solut.


DIETHYLSULPHONE-DIMETHYL-METHANE.--Colorl., tastel, cryst.--SOL. 500 parts in water; 135 ether; 110 dil. alcohol.--Hypnotic, Sedative.--~Dose:~ 15--45 grn., in powd.

~Sulphur Merck.--Precipitated.~

LAC SULPHURIS; MILK OF SULPHUR.--~Dose:~ 1/2--2 drams.

Sulphur, Sublimed--U.S.P.

FLOWERS OF SULPHUR.--Intended for external use only.

Sulphur, Washed--U.S.P.

~Dose:~ 1--3 drs.--Preparation: Oint. (30 per cent.).--Enters into Comp. Liquorice Powd.

~Sulphur Iodide Merck.~

80% iodine.--Grayish-black masses.--SOL. in 60 parts glycerin.--Antiseptic, Alterative.--USES: Intern., scrofula, and chronic skin diseases; extern., in 5--10% oint., for eczema, psoriasis, prurigo, etc.--~Dose:~ 1--4 grn.


MUSK ROOT.--Antispasmodic, Sedative.--Preparation: Tr. (D., 15--60 min.).


Not completely defined.--(Stated: "Purified opium; 10% morphine; contains the anodyne and soporific alkaloids codeine and morphine, but excludes the convulsive alkaloids thebaine, narcotine, and papaverine.--~Dose:~ Same as of opium.")

Syrup, Hydriodic Acid--U.S.P.

1 per cent. absol. HI.--Alterative.--~Dose:~ 30--60 min.

Syrup, Hypophosphites--U.S.P.

Ea. fl. dr. contains 2-1/2 grn. calc. hypophos., 1 grn. ea. of pot. and sod. hypophos.--Alterative, Tonic.--~Dose:~ 1--2 fl. drams.

~Syrup, Hypophosphites, Fellows'.~

Not completely defined.--(Stated: "Contains hypophosphites of potash, lime, iron, manganese; phosphorus, quinine, strychnine.--Alterative, Reconstructive.--~Dose:~ 1--2 fl. drs., 3 t. daily, in wineglassful water.")

~Syrup, Hypophosphites, McArthur's.~

Not completely defined.--(Stated: "Contains chemically pure hypophosphites of lime and soda; prepared acc. to formula of Dr. Churchill, Paris.--Alterative, Reconstructive.--~Dose:~ 2--4 fl. drs., in water, after meals.")

Syrup, Hypophosphites, with Iron--U.S.P.

Ea. fl. dr. contains 2-1/2 grn. calc. hypophos., 1 grn. ea, of pot. and sod. hypophos., 3/4 grn. iron lactate.--Alterative, Hematinic.--~Dose:~ 1--2 fl. drams.

Syrup, Iron Iodide--U.S.P.

10 per cent. ferrous iodide.--Alterative, Hematinic.--~Dose:~ 15--30 min.

Syrup, Iron, Quinine, and Strychnine Phosphates--U.S.P.

EASTON'S SYRUP.--Ea. fl. dr. contains 1 grn. ferric phosph., 1-3/4 grn. quinine, one-ninetieth grn. strychnine.--Nervine, Hematinic.--~Dose:~ 1--2 fl. drs.

Syrup, Lime--U.S.P.

Antacid, Antidote to Carbolic Acid.--~Dose:~ 30--60 min.


(Diastase Takamine.)--Brownish powd.; alm. tastel.--SOL. in water; insol. in alcohol.--Starch-digestant (1 part stated to convert over 100 parts dry starch).--USED in amylaceous dyspepsia.--~Dose:~ 1--5 grn.


TANNIN ALBUMINATE, EXSICCATED, Knoll.--Light-brown, odorl., tastel. powd.; contains 50% tannin.--SOL. in alkaline, insol. in acid fluids.--Intestinal Astringent and Antidiarrheal. Not acted upon in stomach, but slowly and equably decomposed in the intestines; thus causing no gastric disturbance, while gently yet firmly astringent on entire intestinal mucosa. Innocuous, and without by- or after-effects.--~Dose:~ 45--150 grn. daily, in 15--30 grn. portions. In urgent acute cases repetition in 2- or even 1-hourly intervals has proved useful for promptly creating the first impression, the frequency being decreased with the improvement. The dose for nurslings is 5--8 grn.; for children, up to 15 grn.--["Merck's Digest" on "TANNALBIN" contains clinical reports and detailed information.]


ACETYL-TANNIN.--Gray, slightly hygrosc. powd.; alm. odorl. and tastel.--SOL. in alkaline fluids, alcohol; insol. in water.--Intestinal Astringent. ~Dose:~ 5--15 grn.

~Tannin,~--see ACID, TANNIC.


TANNIN-FORMALDEHYDE, Merck.--Loose, reddish powd.--SOL. in alkaline liqs.; insol. in water.--SICCATIVE ANTISEPTIC and DEODORANT.--USES: Hyperidrosis, bromidrosis, ozena, etc.--APPLIED pure or in 25--50% triturations.--[Further information in "Merck's Digest" on "TANNOFORM," containing clinical reports.]


HEXAMETHYLENE-TETRAMINE-TANNIN.--Brown, sl. hygrosc. powd.; 87% tannin.--SOL. in dil. alkalies; insol. in water, alcohol, or dil. acids.--Intestinal Astringent.--~Dose:~ 15 grn., several t. a day; children 3--8 grn.


Preparations: Oint. (50 per cent.); Syr. (D., 1--4 drams).


DANDELION.--Bitter Tonic, Hepatic Stimulant.--Preparations: Ext. (D., 10--30 grn.); F.E. (D., 1--2 drams).


~Tartar, Soluble,~--see POTASSIUM TARTRATE.

~Terebene Merck.~

Colorl. or slightly yellowish liq.; resinifies when exposed to the light; thyme-like odor.--SOL. in alcohol, ether; slightly in water.--Expectorant, Antiseptic, Antifermentative.--USES: Intern., in chronic bronchitis, flatulent dyspepsia, genito-urinary diseases, emphysema, phthisis, bronchitis, dyspnea, etc.; extern., uterine cancer, gangrenous wounds, skin diseases, etc. In phthisical affections it is given by inhalation (about 2 oz. per week).--~Dose:~ 4--20 [min.], with syrup or on a lump of sugar.

~Terpin Hydrate Merck.--U.S.P.~

Colorl., lustrous prisms; slightly bitter taste.--SOL. in 10 parts alcohol, 100 parts ether; 200 parts chloroform, 250 parts water.--Expectorant, Antiseptic, Diuretic, Diaphoretic.--USES: Bronchial affections, whooping-cough, throat affections, tuberculosis, genito-urinary diseases, etc.--~Dose:~ Expectorant, 3--6 grn.; diuretic, 10--15 grn.; several t. daily.

~Terpinol Merck.~

Oily liq., hyacinthine odor.--SOL. in alcohol, ether.--Bronchial Stimulant, Antiseptic, Diuretic.--USES: To diminish expectoration and lessen odor in phthisis; also for tracheal and bronchial catarrhs.--~Dose:~ 8--15 [min.].


STANDARDIZED DRIED EXTRACT TESTICULAR SUBSTANCE, Knoll.--1 part represents 2 parts fresh gland.--Powd.--USES: Spinal and nervous diseases, impotence, etc.--~Dose:~ 30 grn., 3 or 4 t. daily.

~Tetraethyl-ammonium Hydroxide Merck.--10% Solut.~

Alkaline, bitter, caustic liq.--Solvent of Uric acid.--USES: Rheumatism, gout, etc.--~Dose:~ 10--20 [min.] 3 t. daily, well diluted.--CAUTION: Keep well-stoppered!

~Thalline Sulphate Merck.~--(Not Thallium!)

Yellowish needles, or cryst. powd.; cumarin-like odor; acid-saline-bitterish, aromatic taste; turns brown on exposure.--SOL. in 7 parts water, 100 parts alcohol.--Antiseptic, Antipyretic.--USES: Intern., typhoid fever, malarial fever, etc.; extern., 1--2% injection for gonorrhea; in chronic gonorrhea a 5% solut. in oil is best.--~Dose:~ 3--8 grn.--MAX. D.: 10 grn. single, 30 grn. daily.

~Thalline Tartrate Merck.~--(Not Thallium!)

Cryst., or cryst. powd.--SOL. in 10 parts water, 300 parts alcohol.--USES, DOSES, ETC., as the Sulphate.

~Thallium Acetate Merck.~--(Not Thalline!)

White, deliquescent cryst.--SOL. in water, alcohol.--USES: Recently recommended in phthisical night-sweats.--~Dose:~ 1-1/2--3 grn., at bedtime.

~Theine,~--see CAFFEINE.

~Theobromine Merck.--C.P.~

White powd.; bitter taste.--SOL. in ether; insol. in water or chloroform.--Diuretic, Nerve-stimulant.--~Dose:~ 5--15 grn.

~Theobromine Salicylate Merck.--True Salt.~

Small, white, acid, permanent needles; not decomposable by water.--SOL. slightly in water.--USES: Powerful Diuretic and Genito-urinary Antiseptic; similar in action to diuretin, but perfectly stable.--~Dose:~ 15 grn., several t. daily, in wafers, or in powd. with saccharin.

~Theobromine and Lithium Benzoate,~--see UROPHERIN B.

~Theobromine and Lithium Salicylate,~--see UROPHERIN S.

~Theobromine and Sodium Salicylate Merck.~

DIURETIN.--White, fine powd., odorl.; containing 49.7% theobromine, 38.1% salicylic acid; decomposes on exposure.--Diuretic.--USES: Heart disease; nephritis, especially of scarlet fever.--~Dose:~ 15 grn., 5--6 t. daily, in powd., or capsules, followed by water.


ACETYL-PARAETHOXY-PHENYLURETHANE, Merck.--Colorl., odorl. cryst.--SOL. slightly in water.--Antipyretic, Analgesic.--USES: Typhoid, pneumonia, influenza, tuberculosis, etc. Temperature reduction begins in 1 hour after taking and reaches its lowest in four hours.--~Dose:~ Antipyretic, 5--10 grn.; anodyne, 15--20 grn.


POTASSIUM GUAIACOLSULPHONATE, Roche.--White, odorl. powd., of faint bitter, then sweet, taste; 60% guaiacol.--SOL. freely in water.--ANTITUBERCULAR and ANTICATARRHAL; reported non-irritating to mucos� of digestive tract, readily assimilated, uniformly well borne even by the most sensitive, and perfectly innocuous.--USES: Phthisis, chronic coughs and catarrhs, scrofulous disorders, etc.--~Dose:~ 8 grn., gradually increased to 30 or 40 grn., 3 t. daily; preferably in solut. with orange syrup.

~Thiosinamine Merck.~

ALLYL SULPHO-CARBAMIDE.--Colorl. cryst.; faint garlic odor; bitter taste.--SOL. in water, alcohol, or ether.--Discutient, Antiseptic.--USES: Extern., lupus, chronic glandular tumors; and for removing scar tissue. Possesses the power of softening cicatricial tissue, also tumors of the uterine appendages.--~Dose:~ 1/2 grn., grad. increased to 1-1/2 grn., twice daily, in diluted alcohol; hypodermically, 2--8 grn. in glycerino-aqueous solut., once every 3 or 4 days.

~Thymol Merck.--U.S.P.--Cryst.~

THYMIC ACID.--SOL. in alcohol, ether, chloroform; 1200 parts water.--USES: Intern., rheumatism, gout, chyluria, worms, gastric fermentation, etc.; extern., inhaled in bronchitis, coughs, coryza, etc.; for toothache and mouth-wash, and for wounds, ulcers, and skin diseases.--~Dose:~ 1--10 grn.


STANDARDIZED DRIED EXTRACT THYROID GLAND, Knoll.--1 part represents 2 parts fresh gland. Light-brownish, sweet, permanent powd., free from ptomaines.--Alterative.--USES: Diseases referable to disturbed function of the thyroid gland (myxedema, cretinism, struma, certain skin diseases, etc.).--~Dose:~ 15--25 grn. daily, gradually increased if necessary; children, 1/4--1/2 as much.

~Tincture, Aconite, Merck.--U.S.P.~

~Dose:~ 1--3 [min.].--ANTIDOTES: Emetics, stomach siphon, stimulants, strychnine, or digitalis.--CAUTION: Tincture Aconite, U.S.P., is 3-1/2 times as powerful as that of the German Pharmacopoeia.

~Tincture, Adonis �stivalis, Merck.~

Antifat.--~Dose:~ 10--30 [min.], after meals, in lithia water.--CAUTION: Do not confound with Tincture Adonis Vernalis!

~Tincture, Adonis Vernalis, Merck.~

Cardiac Stimulant, Diuretic; said to act more promptly than digitalis.--~Dose:~ 3--20 [min.].--ANTIDOTES: Emetics, stomach siphon, tannin, brandy, ammonia, opium.--CAUTION: Do not confound with Tincture Adonis �stivalis!

~Tincture, Arnica Flowers, Merck.--U.S.P.~

Antiseptic, Antipyretic.--USES:--Intern., to check fever; extern., chiefly in bruises and other injuries.--~Dose:~ 10--30 [min.].

~Tincture, Bursa Pastoris, Merck.~

TINCTURE SHEPHERD'S PURSE.--USES: Chiefly in vesical calculus.--~Dose:~ 30 [min.] three t. daily.

~Tincture, Cactus Grandiflorus, Merck.~

Heart-tonic; claimed free from cumulative action.--~Dose:~ 15 [min.], every 4 hours.--MAX. D.: 30 [min.].

~Tincture, Hydrastis, Merck.--U.S.P.~

Hemostatic, Astringent, Alterative.--USES: Uterine hemorrhages, chronic catarrh, hemorrhoids, leucorrhea, gonorrhea, etc.--~Dose:~ 30--60 [min.].

~Tincture, Hyoscyamus, Merck.--U.S.P.~

~Dose:~ 10--60 [min.].--ANTIDOTES: Animal charcoal followed by emetic; opium; pilocarpine hypodermically, artificial respiration, brandy, ammonia, etc.

~Tincture, Iron Chloride.--U.S.P.~

~Dose:~ 5--20 [min.]., diluted.--INCOMPATIBLES: Alkalies, alkali benzoates and carbonates, antipyrine, most vegetable infusions and tinctures, mucilage acacia, etc.

~Tincture, Nerium Oleander, from leaves, Merck.~

Succedaneum for Digitalis.--~Dose:~ 20 [min.], three t. daily.

~Tincture, Nux Vomica, Merck.--U.S.P.~

Assayed.--Containing 0.3 gramme of combined alkaloids of nux vomica in 100 cubic centimetres.--Tonic, Stimulant.--USES: Atonic indigestion; stimulant to nervous system; in chronic bronchitis, adynamic pneumonia; in poisoning by opium, chloral, or other narcotics; in all affections with impaired muscular nutrition; anemia, etc.--~Dose:~ 5--15 [min.].--ANTIDOTES: Emetics, stomach pump, tannin, potassium iodide, chloroform, amyl nitrite, opium, absolute repose, etc.

~Tincture, Pulsatilla, Merck.~

Antispasmodic, Sedative, Anodyne.--USES: Intern., asthma, whooping-cough, spasmodic dysmenorrhea, orchitis, etc.; extern., leucorrhea (1:10 water).--~Dose:~ 3--20 [min.].

~Tincture, Rhus Toxicodendron, Merck.~

USES: Chronic rheumatism, incontinence of urine, skin diseases.--~Dose:~ 15 [min.].

~Tincture, Simulo, Merck.~

Nervine, Antiepileptic.--USES: Hysteria, nervousness, and epilepsy.--~Dose:~ 30--60 [min.], two or three t. daily, in sweet wine.

~Tincture, Stramonium Seed, Merck.--U.S.P.~

~Dose:~ 5--10 [min.]. ANTIDOTES: Emetics, stomach siphon, animal charcoal, tannin, opium; pilocarpine hypodermically.

~Tincture, Strophanthus, Merck.--U.S.P.--1:20.~

~Dose:~ 3--10 [min.].--ANTIDOTES: Emetics, stomach siphon, cathartics, tannin, opium, coffee, brandy, etc.

~Tincture, Veratrum Viride, Merck.--U.S.P.~

~Dose:~ 1--5 [min.].--ANTIDOTES: Emetics, stomach siphon, tannic acid, stimulants, external heat, stimulation by mustard or friction.

~Toluene Merck.~

TOLUOL.--Colorl., refractive liq.; benzene-like odor.--SOL.: Alcohol, ether, chloroform; slightly in water.--USES: Topically, in diphtheria, as "Loeffler's Solution" = Toluene 18 cubic centimetres, Solut. Iron Chloride 2 cubic centimetres, Menthol 5 grammes, Alcohol 30 cubic centimetres.


Not completely defined.--(Stated: "Each fluid dram represents 30 grn. tonga, 2 grn. ext. cimicifuga, 10 grn. sod. salicylate, 1/10 grn. pilocarpine salicylate, 1/500 grn. colchicine.--Antirheumatic, Diaphoretic.--~Dose:~ 1--2 fl. drs.")

~Traumaticin Merck.~

10% solut. gutta-percha in chloroform.--Thick, viscid, dark-brown liq.--USES: Extern., in dentistry and surgery, as a protective covering for bleeding surfaces, cuts, etc.; also as a vehicle for application of chrysarobin or other antiseptics, in skin diseases.

~Tribromphenol Merck.~

BROMOL.--White cryst.; disagreeable, bromine odor; sweet, astring. taste.--SOL. in alcohol, ether, chloroform, glycerin, oils; insol. in water.--External and Internal Antiseptic.--USES: Intern., cholera infantum, typhoid fever, etc.; extern., purulent wounds, diphtheria, etc.--~Dose:~ 3--8 grn. daily.--EXTERN. in 1:30 oily solut., or 1:8 oint.; in diphtheria, 4% solut. in glycerin.

~Trimethylamine Solution, Medicinal,~--see SOLUTION, TRIMETHYLAMINE.


Colorl., odorl. plates; peculiar taste.--SOL. in 320 parts water; also in alcohol or ether.--Hypnotic, Sedative.--~Dose:~ 15--30 grn.--MAX. DOSE: 45 grn.


PROPIONYL-PHENETIDIN, Merck.--Colorl. cryst.--SOL. in 2000 parts water.--Antipyretic and Antineuralgic, like Phenacetin; prompt, and without by- or after-effect.--~Dose:~ Antipyretic, 4--10 grn.; antineuralgic, 15--20 grn.--[Further information in "Merck's Digest" on "TRIPHENIN", containing clinical reports.]


COUCH-GRASS.--Demulcent, Diuretic.--~Dose:~ 1--4 drams, in F.E. (1:1) or infus. (1:20).


Not completely defined.--(Stated: "Comp. Fld. Ext. Saw Palmetto and Triticum. Ea. fl. dr. represents 30 grn. fresh saw palmetto berries and 60 grn. triticum.--Genito-urinary Tonic.--~Dose:~ 1 fl. dr., 4 t. daily.")

~Tropacocaine Hydrochlorate Merck.~

BENZOYL-PSEUDOTROPEINE HYDROCHLORATE.--Colorl. cryst.--SOL. in water.--Succedaneum for Cocaine. According to Drs. Vamossy, Chadbourne, and others, tropacocaine is not half as toxic as cocaine. Anesthesia from it sets in more rapidly and lasts longer than with cocaine. It causes much less hyperemia than does cocaine. Mydriasis does not always occur, and when it does, is much less than with cocaine. The activity of its solution is retained for two to three months. Tropacocaine may replace cocaine in every case as an anesthetic.--APPLIED in 3% solut., usually in 0.6% sodium-chloride solut.--[Further information in "Merck's Digest" on "TROPACOCAINE", containing clinical reports.]

~Turpentine, Chian, Merck.~

Thick, tenacious, greenish-yellow liq.; peculiar, penetrating odor.--Antiseptic.--USES: Extern., cancerous growths.

Turpentine, Canada--U.S.P.

BALSAM OF FIR.--Used chiefly extern.--~Dose:~ 5--30 grn., in pill.


Not completely defined.--(Stated: "Alum ointment, with 2% carbolic acid, 5% ichthyol.--Antiseptic, Astringent, Antiphlogistic.--USES: Burns and other inflam. diseases of skin.")

~Uranium Nitrate Merck.--C.P.~

Yellow cryst.--SOL. in water, alcohol, ether.--USES: Diabetes.--~Dose:~ 1--2 grn., gradually increasing to 15 grn., two or three t. daily.

~Urea Merck.--Pure.~

CARBAMIDE.--White cryst.--SOL. in water, alcohol.--Diuretic.--USES: Cirrhosis of liver, pleurisy, renal calculus, etc.--~Dose:~ 150--300 grn. a day, in hourly instalments, in water.

~Urethane Merck.--C.P.~

ETHYL URETHANE.--Colorl. cryst.; faint, peculiar odor; saltpeter-like taste.--SOL. in 0.6 part alcohol, 1 part water, 1 part ether, 1.5 part chloroform, 3 parts glycerin, 20 parts olive oil.--Hypnotic, Antispasmodic, Sedative.--USES: Insomnia, eclampsia, nervous excitement, tetanus; and as antidote in strychnine, resorcin, or picrotoxin poisoning. Does not interfere with circulation; no unpleasant after-effects. In eclampsia it should be given per enema.--~Dose:~ Sedative, 10--20 grn., 1--4 t. daily: hypnotic, 30--45 grn., in 3 portions at 1/2--1 hour intervals, in 10% solut.--MAX. D.: 80 grn.--INCOMPATIBLES: Alkalies, acids.


Not completely defined.--(Stated: "Uniform combination of sodium sulphate, sodium chloride, sodium citrate, and lithium citrate.--Wh. granules.--SOL. freely in water.--Antilithic.--~Dose:~ 15--30 grn., in hot water, 3 t. daily.")

~Uropherin B.~

THEOBROMINE AND LITHIUM BENZOATE, Merck.--50% theobromine.--White powd.; decomposes on exposure.--Diuretic; works well with digitalin.--~Dose:~ 5--15 grn., in powd. or capsules, followed by water.--MAX. D.: 60 grn. daily.

~Uropherin S.~


~Urotropin,~--see FORMIN.

Uva Ursi--U.S.P.

BEARBERRY.--Tonic, Diuretic, Antilithic.--~Dose:~ 1--2 drams.--Preparations: Ext. (D., 5--15 grn.); F.E. (1:1).


~Dose:~ 10--30 grn.--Preparations: F.E. (1:1): Tr. (1:5); Ammon. Tr. (1:5 arom. spt ammonia).


MENTHOL VALERIANATE.--Colorl., syrupy liq.; mild, pleasant odor; cooling, faintly bitter taste.--Nerve Sedative, Carminative.--USES: Hysteria, epilepsy; flatulence, dyspepsia, etc.--~Dose:~ 10--20 drops, on sugar.


OXYGENATED PETROLATUM.--Faintly alkaline, yellowish-brown, syrupy mass, yielding emulsions with water and rendering such active medicaments as creolin, creosote, ichthyol, iodine, pyoktanin, etc., readily absorbable through the skin. Used combined with these, externally as well as internally. Iodine Vasogen (80 grn. daily) recommended by inunction in syphilis and glandular swellings, and internally in arterial sclerosis (4--6 grn. twice daily). Iodoform Vasogen used in tuberculous processes.

~Veratrine Merck.--U.S.P.~

White powd.; causes violent sneezing when inhaled; exceedingly irritating to mucous membranes.--SOL. in 2 parts chloroform, 3 parts alcohol, 6 parts ether; slightly in water.--USES: Intern., gout, rheumatism, neuralgia, scrofula, epilepsy; extern., stiff joints, sprains, and chronic swellings.--~Dose:~ 1/60--1/30 grn.--MAX. D.: 3/4 grn.--EXTERN.: 1--4% in oint.--Preparations: Oleate (2%); Oint. (4%).--ANTIDOTES: Tannic acid, emetics, powdered charcoal, stomach pump, stimulants; morphine with atropine hypodermically, heat, recumbent position.

Veratrum Viride-U.S.P.

AMERICAN HELLEBORE.--Cardiac Depressant, Diaphoretic, Diuretic.--Preparations: F.E. (D., 1--4 min.); Tr. (D. 3--10 min.).--See also, Veratrine.

Viburnum Opulus--U.S.P.

CRAMP BARK.--Antispasmodic, Sedative--Preparations: F.E. (D., 30--60 min.).

Viburnum Prunifolium.

BLACK HAW.--Astringent, Nervine, Oxytocic.--Preparations: F.E. (D., 15--60 min.).


Not completely defined.--(Stated: "Definite, stable compound.--Whitish, odorl., insol. powd.--Surgical Antiseptic, Deodorant.--USED only extern., pure.")

~Water, Bitter-Almond, Merck.--U.S.P.~

0.1% hydrocyanic acid.--USES: Chiefly as vehicle.--~Dose:~ 10--20 [min.].

~Water, Cherry-Laurel, Merck.~

0.1% hydrocyanic acid.--Turbid liq.--Anodyne, Sedative, Antispasmodic.--USES: Chiefly as vehicle; also in whooping-cough, asthmatic affections, dyspnea, etc.--~Dose:~ 10--20 [min.].

White Oak--U.S.P.

Astringent.--~Dose:~ 30--60 grn., as fl. ext. or decoct.

~White Precipitate,~--see MERCURY-AMMONIUM CHLORIDE.

Wild-Cherry Bark--U.S.P.

Astringent, Tonic, Sedative.--Preparations: F.E. (D., 20--60 min.); Infus. (D., 1--4 oz.); Syr. (D., 1--4 drams).


PRICKLY ASH.--Diaphoretic, Alterative, Counterirritant.--Preparation: F.E. (D., 15--60 min.).


TRIBROM-PHENOL-BISMUTH.--Yellow-green, alm. odorl. and tastel., insol. powd.; 50% tribromphenol.--Surgical and Intest. Antiseptic.--USES: Extern., infected wounds, buboes, etc.; intern., diarrheas of various kinds.--EXTERN. like iodoform.--~Dose:~ 5--15 grn.

~Zinc Acetate Merck.--U.S.P.~

SOL. in 3 parts water, 36 parts alcohol.--Astringent, Antiseptic, Nervine.--USES: Chiefly extern., collyrium in ophthalmia, injection in urethritis, and gargle in sore mouth or sore throat.--APPLIED: Eye-wash, 1--2 parts to 1000 water; gargle, 5--10 parts to 1000 water; injection, 2--5 parts to 1000 water.--~Dose:~ 1/2--2 grn.

~Zinc Bromide Merck.--U.S.P.~

SOL. in water, alcohol, ether, ammonia.--USES: Epilepsy, in very diluted solut.--~Dose:~ 1--2 grn.--MAX. D.: 10 grn. daily.

~Zinc Carbonate Merck.--U.S.P.~

USES: Wounds, ulcers, skin diseases, etc.; also face powd.--APPLIED pure or 20% oint. or powd.

~Zinc Chloride Merck.--U.S.P.~

SOL. in 0.3 part water; in alcohol, ether.--~Dose:~ 1/10--1/3 grn.--EXTERN.: Gonorrhea, 1:1000 solut.; wounds. 1:100--500; eyes, 1:1000, tuberculous joints, 1:10.--Preparation: Solut. (50%).--ANTIDOTES: Alkali carbonates, followed by water or milk; albumen, anodynes, stimulants, tea, etc.

~Zinc Cyanide Merck.--Pure.~

White, cryst. powd.--Alterative, Antiseptic, Anthelmintic.--USES: Chorea, rheumatism, neuralgia, dysmenorrhea, colic, gastralgia, cardiac palpitation. Small doses at first and gradually increased.--~Dose:~ 1/10--1/4 grn.--ANTIDOTES: Stomach siphon, ammonia, mixture of ferrous and ferric sulphates, chlorine inhalation, cold douche, etc.

~Zinc Ferro-cyanide Merck.~

White powd.--Alterative, Antiseptic.--USES: Dysmenorrhea, rheumatism, chorea, gastralgia, etc.--~Dose:~ 1/2--4 grn.

~Zinc Hypophosphite Merck.~

SOL. in water.--Antiseptic, Astringent, Antispasmodic.--USES: Gastric and intestinal catarrh, chorea, whooping-cough, epilepsy, skin diseases.--~Dose:~ 1/2--1-1/2 grn.

~Zinc Iodide Merck.--U.S.P.~

SOL. in water, alcohol, and ether.--~Dose:~ 1--2 grn.

~Zinc Lactate Merck.~

White cryst.--SOL. in 60 parts water.--Antiepileptic.--~Dose:~ 1/2--1 grn., gradually increased.--MAX. D.: 10 grn. daily.

~Zinc Oxide Merck.--U.S.P.~

EXTERN: in 5--20% oint. or powd.--USES: Intern., chorea, epilepsy, chronic diarrhea, etc.; extern., wounds, skin diseases, etc.--~Dose~: 1--5 grn.--Preparation: Oint. (20%).

~Zinc Permanganate Merck.--C.P.~

Violet-brown, or almost black, hygroscopic cryst.--SOL. in water.--Antiseptic, non-irritating Antigonorrhoic.--USES: 1:4000 solut. as injection in gonorrhea; and 1 or 2:1000 as eye-wash in conjunctivitis.--INCOMPATIBLES: All easily oxidizable or combustible substances. Explodes when compounded directly with alcohol, glycerin, sugar, dry or fluid vegetable extracts.

~Zinc Phosphide Merck.--U.S.P.~

INSOL. in the usual solvents.--USES: Sexual exhaustion, cerebral affections, melancholia, and chronic skin diseases.--~Dose:~ 1/20--1/4 grn., in pill.

~Zinc Stearate Merck.~

White, agglutinating powd.; turns darker on exposure.--INSOL. in water.--Antiseptic, Astringent.--USES: Gonorrhea, atrophic rhinitis, etc.--APPLIED in substance, or combined with iodole, iodoformogen, etc.

~Zinc Sulphate Merck.--U.S.P.--C.P.~

WHITE VITRIOL; ZINC VITRIOL.--SOL. in 0.6 part water, 3 parts glycerin.--~Dose:~ 1/4--1/2 grn.; emetic, 10--30 grn.--ANTIDOTES: Alkali carbonates, tannic acid, albumen, demulcents.

~Zinc Sulphocarbolate Merck.~

Colorl. cryst.--SOL. in 2 parts water; 5 parts alcohol.--Antiseptic, Astringent.--USES: Extern., gonorrhea, foul ulcers, etc.; intern., typhoid, fermentative diarrhea, etc.--EXTERN. in 1/2--1% solut.--~Dose:~ 2--4 grn.

~Zinc Valerianate Merck.--U.S.P.~

Decomposes on exposure.--SOL. in 40 parts alcohol, 100 parts water.--USES: Diabetes insipidus, nervous affections, neuralgia, etc.--~Dose:~ 1--3 grn.--MAX. D.: 5 grn.



~Abasia and Astasia.~--See also, Hysteria.

Sodium Phosphate: by hypodermic injection once a day for 25 days (Charcot).

~Abdominal Plethora.~--See also, Hepatic Congestion, Obesity.

Aliment: dry diet; avoid much bread, as well as salted or twice cooked meats, rich sauces, etc.

Cathartics, saline and hydragogue: to relieve portal congestion.

Grape cure.

Saline mineral waters.


Acid, Tannic: combined with opium and ipecac.

Cascara Sagrada: as a laxative.

Cimicifuga: as a prophylactic.

Cotton Root.

Creolin: 2 per cent. solution, injected after removal of membranes.


Diet and Hygiene.


Gold Chloride: to avert the tendency to abort.

Iodine: to inner surface of uterus after removal of membranes.

Iron: with potassium chlorate throughout the pregnancy when fatty degeneration present.

Opium or Morphine.


Potassium Chlorate.


~Abrasions.~--See also, Bruises, Burns, etc.







Solution Gutta-percha.

Sozoiodole salts.

~Abscess.~--See also, Suppuration, Boils, Anthrax.

Acid, Boric: a powerful non-irritating antiseptic dressing.

Acid, Carbolic: as dressing and as injection after evacuation.

Acid, Tannic.

Aconite: in full dose often aborts.

Alcohol: as a pure stimulant where a large quantity of pus is being poured out, draining the system.

Ammoniac and Mercury Plaster.

Arnica Tincture.

Belladonna: internally, and locally as a liniment or plaster, to abort the preliminary inflammation--e.g. of breast--afterwards to ease pain in addition.

Calcium Phosphate: where abscess is large or chronic, as a tonic.

Calcium Sulphide: small doses, frequently repeated, to hasten maturation or healing, especially in deep-seated suppuration.

Caustic Potassa: for opening abscess in liver, also in chronic abscess where the skin is much undermined, also used to prevent scarring if otherwise opened.

Chlorine Water.

Cod-Liver Oil: in scrofulous cases and in the hectic.

Counter-irritation: to surrounding parts, to check formation or hasten maturation.


Creosote: same as Carbolic Acid, as a stimulant to indolent inflammatory swellings.

Ether: to produce local anesthesia, used as a spray before opening an abscess.


Gaduol: in scrofulous and hectic cases.

Gold Chloride.

Hydrogen Peroxide: to wash out cavity of tubercular or slow abscess.

Ice: after opening.

Iodine: as injection into the sac, and internally to cause absorption of products of inflammation.

Iodoform Gauze: packed into cavity.

Lead Water.

Menthol: in ethereal solution 10 to 50 per cent., locally applied with camel's hair pencil.



Naphtol: 75 grn., alcohol, 10 fl. drs., hot distilled water q.s. to make 3 fl. oz. Inject a few drops.

Oakum: as a stimulating and antiseptic dressing.

Oleate of Mercury and Morphine: relieves the pain, allays the inflammation, and causes the absorption of the products.

Potassium Permanganate: as antiseptic.

Poultices: advantageously medicated, e.g. with belladonna or opium, to allay pain or inflammation.


Resorcin: in syphilitic and other unhealthy sores as an antiseptic.

Salicylic Acid: as antiseptic dressing.

Sarsaparilla: in chronic abscess with profuse discharges.

Sheet Lead: is useful in the chronic abscess of the leg as a dressing.

Silver Nitrate: a strong solution in spirit of nitrous ether, painted around the area of inflammation, will check it in superficial parts.

Sodium Gold and Chloride: in scrofulous abscesses as a tonic.

Strontium Iodide.

Sulphides: of potassium, sodium, ammonium, and calcium. They must be used in low doses, and are indicated in scrofulous abscess and in the chronic boils of children. To hasten suppuration.


Veratrum Viride: in full dose often aborts.

~Abscess of the Liver.~--See Hepatic Diseases.

~Acidity of Stomach.~

Acids: before meals, or as an acid wine during meals. For acid eructations, especially of sulphuretted hydrogen.

Acid, Carbolic: to stop fermentation or to relieve an irritable condition of the stomach.

Alkalies: after meals, best as bicarbonates; with flatulence give magnesia if there is constipation; lime water if there is diarrhea.

Ammonia: in headache from acidity.

Ammonium Bicarbonate.

Atropine: for gastric hypersecretion.

Bismuth: in gastritis due to chronic abscess or chronic alcoholism. Very well combined with arsenic in very chronic cases, with hydrocyanic acid in more acute cases.

Calcium Carbonate, precipitated.

Cerium Oxalate.

Charcoal: as biscuits.

Creosote: same as carbolic acid.


Ipecacuanha: in small doses in pregnancy where flatulence and acidity are both present.

Kino: useful along with opium.

Lead Acetate: in gastric catarrh and pyrosis.

Lime Water.

Liquor Potass�: useful for both gastric and urinary acidity.

Magnesium Carbonate.

Magnesium Oxide.

Manganese Dioxide: sometimes relieves, probably acting like charcoal.

Mercury: When liver deranged and stools pale.

Nux Vomica: in small doses before meals, especially in pregnancy, or in chronic alcoholism.

Potassium Bitartrate.

Potassium Carbonate.

Pulsatilla: every four hours in hot water.

Silver Nitrate: same as silver oxide.

Silver Oxide: especially useful when acidity is accompanied by neuralgic pains in stomach.

Sulphurous Acid: if associated with the vomiting of a pasty material, presence of sarcin�.

Tannalbin: when there is abundance of mucus.

Tannic Acid: in acidity associated with chronic catarrh and flatulence. Glycerin 1 minim, tannic acid 4 grn., as pill.


Adeps Lan�: topically.

Alkaline lotions: when skin is greasy and follicles are black and prominent.


Arsenic: in chronic acne; generally, though not always, prevents the acne from bromide or iodide of potassium.

Belladonna: as local application to check a too abundant secretion.

Berberis: for acne of girls at puberty.

Bismuth: as ointment or powder. In acne rosacea, if acute.

Borax: solution very useful.

Cajeput Oil: as stimulant in acne rosacea.

Calcium Sulphide: same as sulphur. For internal use.



Cod-Liver Oil.





Gaduol: internally, in scrofulous and hectic cases.

Glycerin: both locally and internally.

Hydrastine Hydrochlorate: as lotion.


Ichthalbin: internally.

Ichthyol: externally.

Iodide of Sulphur: in all stages of the disease.

Iodine: is of doubtful value.

Iodole: topically.

Levico Water.

Liquor Hydrarg. Pernitratis: a single drop on an indurated pustule will destroy without a scar.

Magnesium Sulphate.

Mercurials: internally.

Mercury Nitrate: solution topically.

Mercury Bichloride: solution as wash.

Mercury Iodide, red.


Nitric Acid.

Perosmic Acid.

Phosphorus: in chronic cases in place of arsenic. The phosphates and hypo-phosphites are safer and more valuable. The latter in acne indurata.

Potassium Bromide: sometimes useful in moderate doses in obstinate cases. This salt and the Iodide very often cause acne when taken continuously.


Sand: friction with, useful.

Sodium Bicarbonate.

Sulphur: internally, and externally as a lotion or ointment, most valuable agent.


Water: Hot sponging several times a day.

Zinc Salts.


Potassium Iodide.

Sodium Salicylate.

~Addison's Disease.~


Glycerin: in full doses.

Iron: with antiemetics and tonics.

Iron Glycerinophosphate.


Skimmed Milk: as diet.


~Adenitis.~--See also, Glandular Affections.

Calcium Phosphate: internally.

Calcium Sulphide: internally.

Carbon Disulphide.

Cod-Liver Oil: internally.

Gaduol: internally.

Ichthyol: topically as antiphlogistic.

Iodole: as cicatrizant.

Sozoiodole-Potassium: as granulator.

~Adynamia.~--See also, Anemia, Convalescence, Neurasthenia.

Acid, Hydriodic.

Acid, Hydrochloric.

Acid, Nitric.


Arsenic: for swelled feet of old or weakly persons with weak heart.

Calcium Phosphate.



Cinchona Alkaloids and their salts.






Hydrogen Peroxide.


Iron Valerianate.

Nux Vomica: in dipsomaniacs.


Solut. Ammonium Acetate.

Turpentine Oil.



~After-Pains.~--See also, Lactation.

Act�a Racemosa: it restores the lochia in cases of sudden suppression and removes the symptoms.

Amyl Nitrite.

Belladonna: as ointment.

Camphor: 10 grn. with 1/8 grn. morphine.

Chloral: in large doses arrests the pains; contra-indicated in feeble action of the heart.

Chloroform: liniment to abdomen, along with soap liniment.

Cimicifuga: same as ergot.

Copper Arsenite.

Ergot: to keep the uterus constantly contracted and prevent accumulation of clots and the consequent pain.

Gelsemium: stops pains when in doses sufficient to produce its physiological effect.

Morphine: hypodermically very useful, 1/6 to 1/4 grn. with 1/100 grn. atropine.

Opium: the same as morphine.

Pilocarpine: in agalactia.

Poultices: warm, to hypogastrium, relieve.

Quinine: 5 to 10 gr. night and morning, in neuralgic after-pains which do not yield to opiates.


~Ague.~--See Intermittent Fever.

~Albuminuria.~--See also, Bright's Disease, Nephritis.

Acid, Gallic: lessens albumen and hematuria.

Aconite: to lower a high temperature; and in the onset of acute nephritis in scarlet fever.

Alcohol: hurtful in acute stage; useful when a slight trace of albumen is persistent.

Alkaline Diuretics: to prevent formation of fibrinous plugs in the renal tubules.

Aqua Calcis: in large doses has been found to increase the urine, and decrease the albumen.

Arsenic: beneficial in very chronic cases. Albumen will return if the use of the drug be stopped.

Baths: warm water and hot air and Turkish, to increase action of skin after dropsy or uremic symptoms have appeared.

Belladonna: has been used to diminish the chronic inflammatory condition left by an acute attack.

Broom: as diuretic in chronic renal disease.

Caffeine: to increase secretion of solids, especially in cases dependent on cardiac disease. Should be combined with digitalis. Very useful in chronic Bright's disease; should be used with great caution in the acute stage.

Calcium Benzoate.

Cannabis Indica: as diuretic in hematuria.

Cantharides: 1 min. of tincture every three hours, when acute stage has passed off, to stop hematuria.

Chimaphila: as a diuretic.

Cod-Liver Oil: as a tonic.

Copaiba: to remove ascites and albuminuria dependent on cardiac or chronic Bright's disease, and in some cases of hematuria.

Counter-Irritation: dry cupping most useful when tendency to uremia.

Croton Oil: as liniment to the loins in chronic cases is sometimes useful.

Digitalis: the infusion is the most valuable in acute and tubal nephritis, and in renal disease attended with dropsy due to cardiac disease. Must be given with caution in granular kidney.

Elaterium: as hydragogue cathartic for dropsy; and when uremic symptoms have come on.

Eucalyptus: cautiously for a short time in chronic disease.

Fuchsine: In 1 to 3 grn. doses in the day, in albuminuria of renal origin, in children.

Gaduol: as a tonic.


Gold Trichloride: In contracted kidney, in the chronic disease, in doses of 1/20 grn.

Hemo-gallol: in anemia.

Hydrastis: lessens albumen.

Incisions: over the malleoli, to relieve the anasarca of the lower extremities.

Iron: to diminish anemia with a flabby tongue, give the per-salts. In dropsy associated with high tension, iron must be cautiously given, and withheld unless improvement is quickly shown. It always does harm if allowed to constipate.

Jaborandi: in uremia and dropsy due either to renal disease or occurring in pregnancy.

Juniper Oil: diuretic.

Lead: lessens albumen and increases the urine.

Milk Cure: pure skim-milk diet very useful when tendency to uremia; it also lessens the albumen.

Nitroglycerin: in acute and chronic albuminuria.

Nitrous Ether: as diuretic.

Oxygen: compressed, will, on inhalation, temporarily diminish albumen.


Potassium salts: especially the iodide and vegetable salts in syphilitic or amyloid disease.

Potassium Bitartrate: as hydragogue cathartic and diuretic.

Potassium Bromide: in uremic convulsions.

Strontium Acetate.

Strontium Lactate: if due to renal atony.


Tartrates: as diuretics.

Turpentine: as diuretic, 1/2 to 1 minim dose every two to four hours.

Water: in large draughts as diuretic when excretion of solids is deficient; and in dropsy.

~Alcoholism.~--See also, Delirium Tremens, Vomiting, Neuritis.

Act�a Racemosa: in irritative dyspepsia.

Ammonia: aromatic spirit of, as substitute for alcohol, to be taken when the craving comes on.

Ammonium Chloride.

Ammonium Acetate.

Arsenic: to lessen vomiting in drunkards, in the morning before food is taken; and also in the irritable stomach of drunkards.

Bismuth: with hydrocyanic acid, to relieve acidity and heartburn.

Bromides: useful during delirium tremens, or to lessen irritability, in 1 dram doses in the wakeful condition which immediately precedes it.

Capsicum: as a substitute for alcohol, and also to relieve the restlessness and insomnia.

Chloral Hydrate: to quiet nervous system and induce sleep in an acute attack. Must be used with caution in old drunkards.


Cocaine: to remove the craving.


Gelsemium: same as bromides.

Gold and Sodium Chloride.

Levico Water: as tonic.

Lupulin: along with capsicum as substitute for alcohol, also to quiet nervous system in delirium tremens.

Milk: at night.

Nux Vomica: as tonic and stimulant, both to nervous system and generally to aid digestion.

Opium: May be necessary to produce sleep; to relieve the pain of the chronic gastritis and the want of appetite.

Orange: slowly sucked, a substitute for alcohol.

Phosphorus: in chronic cases as nerve tonic.

Picrotoxine: for tremors.

Potassium Bromide.

Quinine: in the "horrors" stage it acts as a sedative to the brain and restores the digestive functions.

Strychnine Nitrate.

Sumbul: in the headache of old drinkers.

Water, cold: a glass taken in small sips at a time as substitute for alcohol.

Water, hot: one pint drunk as hot as possible an hour before meals will remove craving.

Zinc Oxide: in chronic alcoholic dyspepsia, and nervous debility. It also allays the craving.

~Alopecia.~--See also, Tinea Decalvans.

Acid, Carbolic: in Alopecia areata.

Acid, Gallic.

Acid, Nitric: with olive oil in sufficient quantity just to make it pugnant.

Ammonia: very useful; take Ol. amygd. dul., Liq. ammoni�, each 1 fl. oz., Spt. rosmarini, Aqu�, Mellis, each 3 fl. drams; mix; make lotion (E. Wilson).

Antimonium Tartaratum: as lotion, 1 grn. to 1 fl. oz. water.

Arsenic: internally.

Cantharides Tincture: one part to eight of castor oil rubbed in roots of hair morning and night.


Glycerin: very useful: either alone or in combination appears greatly to assist.



Pilocarpine: subcutaneous injection has been useful.


Savine Oil: Prevents loss of hair in Alopecia pityroides.

Sapo Viridis: very useful as a shampoo night and morning--Take Saponis virid. (German), Alcoholis, each 3 fl. oz. Ol. lavandul�, 30 drops.

Shaving: sometimes useful after illness.

Sodium Bicarbonate: as a lotion in Alopecia pityroides.

Sulphur Iodide: useful both internally and externally.

Tannin: watery solution or made up into ointment.

Thyraden, and other Thyroid preparations.

~Amaurosis and Amblyopia.~

Amyl Nitrite: useful in many cases of disease of the optic nerve.


Arnica: sometimes useful.

Digitalis: in toxic cases.

Emmenagogues: if due to menstrual disorders.

Mercury: when due to syphilis.

Myotomy: in asthenopia and hysterical amblyopia.


Nux Vomica.

Pilocarpine: in tobacco and alcoholic abuse.

Rue: in minute doses in functional dimness of vision, e.g. hysterical amblyopia.


Santonin: sometimes useful in later stages of iritis and chloroiditis, and in loss of power of optic nerve.

Seton: on temple; or blisters, along with iodide of potassium, in amaurosis coming on suddenly, and associated with tenderness of the eyeball on pressure; the disc is sometimes congested.

Silver Nitrate.

Strychnine: very useful in cases of tobacco amaurosis, alcoholic excess, nerve atrophy (without cranial disease), and in traumatic amaurosis.

Veratrine: to eyelids and temples. Care must be taken to keep out of the eye.

Zinc Lactate.

~Amenorrhea.~--See also Anemia, Chlorosis.

Acid, Oxalic.

Aconite: when menses are suddenly checked, as by cold, etc.

Act�a Racemosa: to restore the secretion, and remove the headache, ovarian neuralgia, etc., produced by its sudden stoppage.

Alcohol: in sudden suppression after exposure.

Aloes: alone or with iron. In torpor and anemia; best administered a few days before the expected period.

Ammonium Chloride: in headache.

Apiol: 5--10 min. twice a day for some days before the expected period; if there is a molimen, 15 grn. in a few hours. Useful in anemia and torpor only.


Arsenic: along with iron in anemia and functional inactivity of the ovaries and uterus.

Asafetida: along with aloes in anemia and torpor of the intestines.


Berberine Carbonate.

Cantharides: along with iron in torpor of the uterus.

Cimicifuga: at the proper time for a flow.

Cold Sponging: to brace the patient up.

Colocynth: in anemia with constipation.

Croton Oil.

Electricity: locally applied, sometimes useful.

Ergot: in plethoric subjects.

Eupatorium: in hot infusion, if due to cold.

Gold Salts: like asafoetida.

Guaiacum: mild stimulant to the uterus.

Iron: in anemia, q.v.

Iron Iodide.

Iron Phosphate.

Manganese Dioxide: in amenorrhea of young women; in delayed menstruation, or when a period has been missed through a chill. Perseverance is required, especially in the last case.

Myrrh: a tonic emmenagogue.

Nux Vomica: in combination with iron in anemia.

Polygonum: in torpor; with iron in anemia, aloes in a constipated subject. Contra-indicated in a plethoric condition. Should be given a few days before menses are expected.

Potassium Permanganate: like manganese dioxide.

Pulsatilla: like aconite.

Rue: in atonic conditions of ovaries or of uterus. Plethora contra-indicates.

Salines: in constipation in plethoric cases.

Sanguinaria: like rue.

Santonin: in two doses of 10 grn. each, one or two days before the expected period.

Savine: like rue.

Senega: a saturated decoction in large doses, a pint daily, about two weeks before period.

Serpentaria: in anemia.

Silver Nitrate: locally, to os uteri at period.

Sitz Baths: hot, alone, or with mustard, for some days before the period; with mustard, if suddenly arrested.

Sodium Borate.

Spinal Ice Bag: to lumbar vertebr�.




Acids: for a tonic action on the mucous membranes in anemia of young women.

Acid, Gallic: in anemia due to a chronic mucous or other discharge.

Alkalies: potash and soda as gastric and hepatic tonics.

Aloes: as tonic and slight purgative.

Arsenic: in the cases where iron fails of its effect or does not agree with the patient. Also in pernicious anemia.



Bullock's Blood: when iron fails, fresh or dried, by enema.

Cactus Grandiflorus.

Calcium Lactophosphate: during nursing or after exhausting purulent discharge.

Calcium Phosphate: during growth, or where system is enfeebled by drain of any kind.



Cold Sponging.




Gold Salts.



Hypophosphite of Calcium or Sodium: in cases of nervous debility care must be taken that it does not derange the digestion.

Iron: very useful. When stomach is at all irritable the carbonate is often best. Weak, anemic girls with vomiting after food are best treated with the perchloride. In coated tongue the ammonio-citrate is often best to begin with. The malate has been useful in pernicious anemia. In gastric disturbance and constipation, a combination with rhubarb is often very effectual. Where mucous membrane is very flabby, large doses of the perchloride. Chalybeate waters more often succeed than pharmaceutical preparations; one drop of the solution of perchloride in a tumbler of water is an approximate substitute for them.

Manganese salts: may be given with iron--not much use alone.

Mercury Bichloride.

Napthol, Beta-.

Nux Vomica: useful sometimes along with iron.

Oxygen: to be inhaled in anemia from loss of blood or suppuration.

Pancreatin: in feeble digestion.

Pepsin: in feeble digestion.

Quinine: in malnutrition.

Sea-bathing: good, but not in chlorosis.

Sodium Arsenate.

Sodium Hypophosphite.



Wine: with the food, to aid digestion.


Acid, Gallic, and iron.

Aconite: to relieve pain and slow the circulation.

Aliment: low diet; absolute rest.

Barium Chloride: in doses of 1/5 grn. Perhaps raises the arterial tension.

Calcium Chloride.

Chloroform: inhaled to relieve dyspnea.

Digitalis is contra-indicated (Hare.)

Electrolysis: sometimes useful in causing coagulation within the sac.

Ergotin: a local hypodermic injection has been successful.

Iron-Chloride Solution: to cause coagulation on injection into sac.

Lead Acetate: useful, combined with rest.

Morphine: with croton-chloral, for pain.

Potassium Iodide: very useful in doses of 30 grn. Should be combined with the recumbent position.

Veratrum Viride: along with opium in quieting circulation.

Zinc Chloride.

~Angina Catarrhalis.~--See also, Choking, Croup, Laryngitis, Pharyngitis, Throat Tonsillitis, etc.

Acid, Carbolic.


Creolin: by vapor-inhalation.

Iron Chloride: as gargle.

Ichthyol: as gargle.

Potassium Chlorate: as gargle.

Potassium Nitrate.


~Angina Diphtheritica.~--See Diphtheria.

~Angina Pectoris.~


Allyl Tribromide.

Arsenic: to prevent paroxysms.


Chamomile: in hysterical symptoms.

Chloral: in full doses.

Chloroform: cautiously inhaled to ease the pain.


Cold: applied to forehead gives relief.


Conline Hydrobromate.

Ether: to diminish pain, combined with opium in 1/4-grn. doses.

Erythrol Tetranitrate.

Morphine: hypodermically.

Nitrite of Amyl: gives great relief during paroxysms; in atheromatous arteries must be used with care.

Nitrites of Sodium and Potassium: less rapid than nitrite of amyl, but have more power to prevent return of symptoms.

Nitroglycerin: like nitrite of sodium.

Phosphorus: during intervals to lessen tendency.

Potassium Bromide: in full doses will relieve the spasm.


Quinine: when any malarious taint is present.

Spirit Ether.


Strychnine: sometimes useful in mild cases in very small doses.

Turpentine Oil: locally to the chest during paroxysms.

~Anorexia.~--See also, lists of Tonics, Gastric Tonics, etc.

Acid, Nitro-hydrochloric: when following acute disease.


Calomel: when following acute disease; nitro-hydrochloric acid generally preferable, however.

Capsicum: in convalescence.

Chimaphila: in dropsical cases, as a tonic and diuretic.





Nux Vomica Tincture.

Oleoresin capsicum.

Orexine Tannate: of very wide utility.

Quassia: especially valuable when following malarial fever.



Acid, Boric: as dressing.

Acid, Carbolic: as wash and injection after spontaneous discharge, or on lint after opening.

Alcohol: as needed.

Ammonium Carbonate: combined with cinchona, after a free purge.

Arnica: fresh extract spread on adhesive plaster and strapped; internal administration is also beneficial.

Belladonna Extract: with glycerin, as local anodyne.

Blister: to cover area, with hole in the center to allow discharge.


Butyl-Chloral Hydrate: to lessen the pain of facial carbuncle.

Calcium Sulphide: one-tenth grn. hourly useful.

Collodion: around base, leaving opening in the center.

Ether: sprayed on for a little time will cause an eschar to separate.

Ichthyol: topically.

Iodine: locally, to lessen pain and inflammation, should be applied around the base.

Iodoform: useful local antiseptic dressing.

Lead Carbonate.


Mercurial Ointment: early application will abort sometimes.

Opium: locally, mixed with glycerin.

Phosphorus: internally.

Potassium Chlorate and mineral acids: internally administered.

Potassium Permanganate: antiseptic lotion.

Poultices: to relieve pain.


Quinine and Carbolic Acid: internally.

Strapping: concentrically, leaving center free, lessens pain.

Terebene or Oil Turpentine: antiseptic application.

~Antrum, Disease of.~

Acid, Boric.

Bismuth Subnitrate.



Zinc Sulphate.

~Anus, Fissure of.~

Acid, Benzoic: as a local application.

Acid, Carbolic: one drop of 95 per cent. applied to fissure.

Belladonna: locally; relieves spasms.

Bismuth: with glycerin, as a local application.

Calomel: as ointment.

Carron Oil: as a dressing.

Castor Oil: to keep motions soft.

Chloral Hydrate: in dilute solution (2 per cent.) as a dressing.

Chloroform: diluted with half its bulk of alcohol, will aid healing.

Cocaine: in ointment.

Collodion: locally, to protect.

Dilatation, forcible: relieves spasm.

Hydrastis: local application.

Ice: to relieve pain after operation.


Iodoform: locally, to heal and relieve pain.

Iodoformogen: very beneficial.

Opium and Gall Ointment: relieves pain.

Potassium Bromide: with five parts of glycerin, locally.

Rhatany: injected after the bowels have been opened by enema.

Sulphur: to keep motions soft.

Tannin: useful as a local application.

~Anus, Prolapsus of.~--See Prolapsus Ani.


Acid, Nitric: in hoarseness from fatigue or indigestion.

Acid, Sulphurous: as spray or inhalation, in clergyman's sore-throat.

Aconite: in the painful contraction of the throat of singers.

Alum: as spray in chronic congestion of throat and larynx, with hoarseness.

Ammonium Chloride: as vapor in laryngeal catarrh.

Argenti Nitras: as local astringent.

Atropine: in hysterical aphonia; must be pushed enough to produce physiological symptoms.


Benzoin Tincture: by inhalation in laryngeal catarrh.

Borax: a piece the size of a pea slowly sucked in sudden hoarseness.

Chloroform: in hysterical and nervous cases.

Electricity: locally.

Ether: like chloroform.

Glycerite of Tannin: locally to pharynx.

Ignatia: like atropine.

Ipecacuanha: wine as spray in laryngeal catarrh.

Nux Vomica: locally applied in impaired nervous power.

Potassium Nitrate: like borax.

Rue Oil: as inhalation in chronic catarrh.

Turkish Bath: in acute laryngeal catarrh.

Uranium Nitrate: as spray in very chronic catarrh.

Zinc Sulphate: local astringent.

~Aphth�.~--See also, Cancrum Oris, Gums, Parotitis, Ptyalism, Stomatitis, Odontalgia, Tongue.

Acid, Hydrochloric: in small doses and as a local application.

Acids, Mineral: dilute solution as paint.

Acid, Nitric: in small doses.

Acid, Salicylic: as local application.

Acid, Sulphurous: well diluted as solution or spray.

Alum, Exsiccated: to aphthous ulcers which do not readily heal.

Argenti Nitras: locally.

Bismuth: as local application.

Borax: as honey or as glycerite, either alone or with chlorate of potassium.

Chlorine Water: locally applied.

Copper Sulphate: weak solution painted over the aphth�.

Coptis Trifolia: infusion is employed in New England.


Mercury with chalk: to remove the indigestion on which aphth� frequently depend.

Potassium Chlorate: exceedingly useful as wash, 10 grn. to the oz., alone or with borax, also given internally.

Potassium Iodide: as local application, solution of 1 to 5 grn. to the oz.

Quinine: 1 grn. every two or three hours, in aphth� consequent on diarrhea in infants.

Rhubarb: as compound rhubarb powder, to remove indigestion.

Saccharin: in 2 or 3 per cent. solut. with sodium bicarbonate.

Sodium Sulphite.


~Apoplexy.~--See also, Cerebral Congestion.

Aconite: to lower blood-pressure and prevent further hemorrhage, where pulse is strong and arterial tension high.

Arsenic: in cerebral congestion proceeding from apoplexy.

Bandaging the limbs.

Cactus Grandiflorus: when apoplexy is threatened.

Cold Water: to the head when face is congested.

Colocynth: as purgative.

Croton Oil: as purgative, one drop on back of tongue, or part of drop every hour.

Diet and Hygiene, prophylactic: meat and stimulants to be taken very sparingly; exposure to heat, over-exertion, and especially anger, to be avoided.

Elaterium: in suppository, or as enema during attack.

Electricity: to promote absorption, after partial recovery has taken place.

Ice: to head.

Mercurial purge.

Mustard plaster to feet, or mustard foot-bath, and ice to head, keeping head high and feet low.

Nitroglycerin: to lessen cerebral congestion.

Opium and calomel.

Potassium Bromide: in combination with aconite.

Potassium Iodide: to cause absorption of effused blood.

Stimulants: cautiously exhibited, when collapse is present.

Strychnine: hypodermically, if respiration fails.

Venesection or Leeches: to relieve arterial pressure when apoplexy is threatening.

Veratrum Viride.

~Appetite, Impaired.~--See Anorexia.

~Appetite, Loss of.~--See Anorexia.







Ichthyol: topically in 5--10 per cent. oint.


Lithium Salts.

Mercury Oleate.

Phenocoll Hydrochlorate.

Potassa Solution.



~Ascaris.~--See Worms.

~Ascites.~--See also, Dropsy.

Acidum Nitricum: in cirrhosis of the liver.

Aconite: in scarlatina nephritis at the onset of the attack.

Apocynum Cannabinum: as diuretic.

Arsenic: in old persons with feeble heart.

Asclepias: in dropsy of cardiac origin.

Caffeine: in cardiac dropsy.

Calomel: as diuretic in cardiac dropsy.

Cannabis Indica: as diuretic in acute and chronic Bright's disease with hematuria.

Copaiba: especially useful in hepatic and cardiac dropsy.

Croton Oil: in dropsy, in 1/3 of a drop doses every morning.

Cytisus Scoparius: in cardiac dropsy and dropsy with chronic Bright's disease.


Digitalis: best in cardiac dropsy; its action is increased by combination with squill and blue pill.

Elaterium: as hydragogue cathartic.

Gamboge: like elaterium. Large doses tolerated.

Jaborandi: in anasarca and uremia.

Jalap: in compound powder as hydragogue cathartic.

Levico Water: as alterant.

Milk Diet: sometimes very useful when kidneys are inadequate.

Podophyllin: in hepatic cirrhosis.

Potassium Bitartrate: in combination with jalap in hepatic cirrhosis.

Squill: as diuretic in cardiac dropsy.

Stillingia: in hepatic dropsy.

Theobromine Salicylate or its double-salts.

~Asphyxia from Chloroform.~

Artificial respiration.

Cold Douche.


~Astasia.~--See Abasia and Astasia.


Acid, Hydrocyanic: in irritable ophthalmia.

Atropine: to prevent spasms.

Eserine or Pilocarpine: in weak solution, to stimulate ciliary muscle.

Hot Compresses.


Myotomy, Intraocular: to relieve spasms.

Physostigma: in the paralysis produced by diphtheria, and in senile asthenopia.


Acid, Hydrocyanic.

Aconite: in spasmodic cases, also in asthma consequent on nasal catarrh in children.

Alcohol: in combination with amyl nitrite in spasmodic asthma.

Alkalies: in chronic bronchial catarrh.

Alum: 10 grn. of dry powdered alum put on the tongue may arrest a spasm.

Ammonia Vapor.

Ammoniacum: like Asafetida.

Ammonium Benzoate.

Amyl Nitrite: sometimes checks paroxysm in spasmodic asthma and dyspnea due to cardiac hypertrophy. Must not be given in chronic bronchitis and emphysema.


Anesthetics: as a temporary remedy in severe cases.

Antimony: in asthmatic conditions in children 1/80 a grn. of tartar emetic every quarter of an hour.


Apomorphine: emetic, in asthma due to a peripheral blocking of the air-tubes.

Arsenic: in small doses in cases associated with bronchitis or simulating hay fever, or in the bronchitis of children, or in the dyspeptic asthma. Inhaled as cigarettes with caution.

Asafetida: as an expectorant where there is profuse discharge.


Belladonna: internally in large doses to relieve paroxysm. It should only be administered during a paroxysm and then pushed.

Bitter-Almond Water.

Bromides: only available in true spasmodic asthma; soon lose their efficacy.

Caffeine: 1 to 5 grn.

Camphor: 2 grn. combined with 1 grn. of opium, in spasmodic asthma.

Cannabis Indica: sometimes useful in chronic cases.

Chamois-Leather Waistcoat: reaching low down the body and arms, in bronchial asthma.

Chloral Hydrate: during paroxysm.


Chloroform: relieves when inhaled from tumbler or with warm water.

Coffee: very strong, during paroxysm.

Colchicine or Colchicum: in gouty cases.

Compressed or Rarified air.

Coniine Hydrobromate or Conium: palliative in a chronic case.

Counter-irritation: applied for a short time only, at frequent intervals.

Creosote: vapor in bronchitic asthma.

Duboisine Sulphate.

Ether: in full doses at commencement of attack or administered by inhalation.

Ethyl Iodide: 15 to 20 drops inhaled may relieve spasm.

Eucalyptus: sometimes along with stramonium, belladonna, and tobacco.

Euphorbia pilulifera.

Galvanism of Pneumogastric Region: positive pole beneath mastoid process, negative pole to epigastrium.

Gelsemium: useful in some cases, but after a time may fail.

Grindelia: to prevent or cut short attack; used as cigarette.

Hyoscine Hydrobromate: in spasmodic asthma.

Iodine: painting the line of the pneumogastric nerve with liniment or tincture in pure spasmodic asthma.

Ipecacuanha: as a spray in bronchial asthma, especially in children; useless in true asthma.

Lobelia: to prevent and cut short paroxysm. Cautiously used in cardiac weakness.

Lobeline Sulphate.

Mercurials: in spasmodic and bronchitic asthma combined.

Morphine: combined with belladonna, very useful.

Nitroglycerin: in bronchitic, nephritic and spasmodic asthma.

Nux Vomica: in dyspeptic asthma.

Oil Eucalyptus.

Oil of Amber.

Opium: hypodermically during paroxysm.

Oxygen: as inhalation during paroxysm.

Pepsin: exceedingly useful in preventing attacks in dyspeptic subjects.


Pilocarpine Hydrochlorate: in spasmodic asthma, subcutaneously; also in humid asthma if there is no cardiac dilatation.

Potassium Cyanide.

Potassium Iodide: in large doses when asthma is due to acute bronchial catarrh.

Potassium Nitrate: inhalation of fumes of paper relieves paroxysm. Sometimes advisable to mix a little chlorate with it.

Potassium Nitrite.

Pyridine: in bronchial asthma, vapor to be inhaled.

Quebracho: good in nephritic and spasmodic asthma.

Quinine: during intervals when the attacks are periodical.

Resorcin: relieves dyspnea.

Sandalwood Oil.

Sodium Arsenate: as tonic, acts probably on respiratory centre.

Sodium Iodide.

Sodium Nitrate: like nitroglycerin.

Sodium Phosphate: sometimes efficacious.


Spermine: as tonic.

Stramonium: sometimes very useful. May be made into cigarettes, or 20 grn. of dried leaves may be mixed with nitrate of potassium, and the fumes inhaled. A little powdered ipecacuanha may often be added.

Strophanthus Tincture.

Strychnine: in weakness of the respiratory center.


Sulphurated Potassa.

Sulphur fumes: in bronchitic asthma.

Tobacco: smoking is sometimes beneficial.

Turkish Baths: in bronchial asthma.

Zinc Oxide.

~Asthenia.~--See Adynamia, Convalescence.


Suitable Glasses.

~Atheroma.~ See also, Aneurism.

Ammonium Bromide.

Ammonium Iodide: to promote absorption.

Arsenic: often useful, especially where there are cerebral symptoms.

Barium Chloride.

Calcium Lactophosphate.

Digitalis: requires caution; useful in general capillary atheroma.



Phosphorus: in minute doses along with cod-liver oil, in cases with cerebral symptoms.

Quinine: like arsenic.


Arsenic: In muscular atrophy.

Olive Oil: inunction to atrophied parts.

~Balanitis.~ See also, Phimosis, Gonorrhea.


Lime Water: as lotion.

Mercury: yellow wash, as lotion.

Silver Nitrate: molded.

Sozoiodole-Potassium: dusting powder.

Sozoiodole-Sodium: lotion.

Tannin or Zinc Oxide: as dusting-powder.


~Baldness.~--See Alopecia.

~Barber's Itch.~--See Sycosis.


Alcohol: as wash to prevent; afterwards dust with powdered starch.

Alum: with white of egg, as local application.

Balsam of Peru and Unguentum Resin�: equal parts spread on cotton wool.

Catechu: with lead sub-acetate, to harden skin.

Charcoal: as poultices, to stop bed-sores.

Galvanic Couplet: of zinc and silver; one element on sore, the other on adjacent part.

Glycerin: prophylactic local application.

Hydrargyri Perchloridum: a solution mixed with diluted alcohol.

Incisions: followed by irrigation, if sores tend to burrow.

Iron Chloride: as tonic.

Medicated Poultices: patient to lie with poultices under the parts likely to be affected; if fetor, cataplasma carbonis; if sloughing, addition of Balsam of Peru.

Quinine: local dressing.

Salt and Whisky: topically to harden skin.

Silver Nitrate: dusted over open bed-sores.

Soap Plaster: applied after washing with bichloride solution (1 in 5000) and dusting with iodoform or iodoformogen.

Sozoiodole Potassium.

Styptic Collodion.

Tannate of Lead: at an early stage.

Zinc Oxide: ointment.

~Biliousness.~--See also, Dyspepsia, Hepatic Congestion, Duodenal Catarrh.

Acids, Mineral: nitrohydrochloric acid especially useful in chronic hepatic affections, dysentery and dropsy of hepatic origin.

Aconite: as adjunct to podophyllin.

Alkalies: in indigestion due to obstruction to the flow of bile.

Alkaline Mineral Waters: in catarrh of the bile-duct, early stage of cirrhosis, and obstruction to the hepatic circulation.

Aloes: in constipation, and in deficient secretion of bile.

Ammonium Chloride: in jaundice due to catarrh of the bile-ducts, early stage of cirrhosis; deficient intestinal secretion.

Ammonium Iodide: in catarrh of duodenum and biliary ducts, in the early stage of cirrhosis, in the malarial cachexia; efficacy increased by the addition of arsenic.

Angostura: in bilious fevers.

Argenti Oxidum.

Bromides and Chloral Hydrate.

Bryonia: in bilious headache.

Calomel: in excessive production with deficient secretion; calomel or blue pill at night and a black draught in the morning.

Calumba: as stomachic tonic.

Carlsbad Water: a tumbler sipped warm on rising very useful.



Euonymin: at night, followed in the morning by a saline purge.

Friedrichshall Water: a wineglassful in a tumbler of hot water slowly sipped on rising.

Horse Exercise.

Hydrastis: when chronic gastric catarrh is present, in chronic catarrh of the duodenum and bile-ducts, with inspissation of the bile and gallstones.



Manganese: in malarial jaundice.

Mercurial Cathartics: in moderate doses night and morning, or in small doses more frequently repeated. Especially useful when the stools are pale, is the bichloride.

Mercury Iodide, Green.

Mercury Oxide, Yellow.

Milk Cure: in obstinate cases.

Mustard Plaster.


Podophyllum: in place of mercury when stools are dark.

Rhubarb: as hepatic stimulant.



Sodium Phosphate: in bilious sick headache; also in catarrh of the gall-duct in children: dose, 10 grn.

Stillingia: in cirrhosis; torpidity and jaundice following intermittent fever; ascites due to hepatic changes; to be combined with Nux Vomica, in deficient secretion.

~Bites and Stings.~--See Stings and Bites.

~Bladder Affections.~


Berberine Sulphate: for atony.



~Bladder, Catarrh of.~--See also, Cystitis.

Acid, Benzoic.

Ammonium Borate.




Creolin: by injection.


~Bladder, Inflammation of.~--See Cystitis.

~Bladder, Irritable.~ See also, Cystitis, Dysuria, Enuresis, Lithiasis, Calculi, Urinary Disorders.

Acid, Benzoic: in large prostate, and alkaline urine.

Alkalies: vegetable salts, especially of potassium when the urine is acid.

Ammonium Benzoate: like benzoic acid.


Belladonna: in the irritable bladder of children, more especially when causing nocturnal incontinence.

Buchu: in combination with the vegetable salts of potassium, when urine is very acid.

Cannabis Indica.

Cantharides: in women without acute inflammation or uterine displacement; also in irritable bladder produced by chronic enlargement of the prostate.

Copaiba: in chronic irritability.

Cubebs: like copaiba.




Indian Corn Silk (Stigmata Maydis): a mild stimulant diuretic; infusion ad lib.

Pareira: in chronic irritable bladder.

~Bladder, Paralysis of.~

Cannabis Indica: in retention from spinal disease.

Cantharides: in atonic bladder, painting around the umbilicus with the acetum.

Ergot: in paralysis, either of bladder or sphincter, when bladder is so that urine is retained, and incontinence in sphincter.

Galvanism: in lumbar region.

Nicotine: 1 fl. oz. of a 4 per cent. solution injected by catheter and then withdrawn in a few minutes.

~Blenorrhea.~--See Gonorrhea.

~Blenorrhea Neonatorum.~--See Ophthalmia Neonatorum.


Alkaline Lotions: warm, to remove the secretion.



Chloral Hydrate, 5 per cent. solution, to remove scabs and crusts.

Copper Sulphate: instil a very dilute solution.

Creolin, 1 or 2 per cent. solution.

Gaduol: as tonic.

Glycerinophosphates: as tonic.

Ichthalbin: as alterative.

Iron: to remove the anemia usually present.

Mercury-Nitrate Ointment: very useful application. If too strong, dilute with vaselin or simple ointment.

Mercury Oxide, Red.

Pulsatilla: internally and locally.

Pyoktanin: pencil.

Silver Nitrate: pencilling the border of the lid with the solid.

~Blisters.~--See Burns and Scalds.

~Boils.~--See also, Acne, Anthrax.

Acid, Carbolic: injection.

Acid Nitrate of Mercury: to abort at an early stage.

Acid, Salicylic.

Aluminium Acetate.

Aluminium Aceto-tartrate.

Arnica: locally as an ointment, and also internally.

Arsenic: to lessen tendency to recurrence.

Belladonna: internally, or as local application.

Boric Acid: as a dressing.

Calcium Sulphide: to hasten maturation or abort.

Camphorated Alcohol: as local application in early stage.

Camphor, Carbolated.


Chloral Hydrate.

Cocaine: to allay the pain.

Collodion: painted over whole surface to abort papular stage. Over base, leaving centre free, in pustular stage.

Counter-irritation: by plasters surrounding the boil.

Gaduol: as alterative.

Lead Subacetate Solution.

Levico Water: as alterative.

Mercury Ointment.

Opium: locally to remove pain.

Phosphates: especially of sodium, as a constitutional agent.

Potassium Chlorate: as an alterative.

Poultices: to relieve pain and hasten maturation.

Silver Nitrate: strong solution painted over the skin round boil.

Strapping: properly applied gives great relief.

Subcutaneous Incisions.

Sulphides: in small doses to abort or hasten maturation.

Sulphur Waters.

Solution Gutta-Percha.

Unguentum Hydrargyri: early applied around will prevent sloughing.

~Bone, Diseases of.~--See also, Caries, Exostosis, Nodes, Periostitis, Rachitis, Spina Bifida, etc.

Calcium Salts: the phosphate in rickets, in delay of union of fractures; the chloride in strumous subjects.

Cod-Liver Oil: in scrofulous conditions.

Iodine: alone, or with cod-liver oil.

Iodoform: as dressing to exposed bone.

Iodoformogen: as dusting-powder.

Mercury Iodide, Red.

~Brain, Anemia of.~--See Cerebral Anemia.

~Brain, Fever of.~--See Meningitis, Cerebrospinal Meningitis; Typhoid Fever, Typhus.

~Brain, Inflammation of.~--See Cerebritis.

~Brain, Softening of.~--See Cerebral Softening.

~Breasts, Inflamed or Swollen.~--See Mastitis, Abscess, Lactation, Nipples.

~Breath, Fetid.~

Benzoic Acid: in spray.

Carbolic Acid: dilute solution as wash to mouth.

Chlorine: liq. chloride or chlorinated lime as lotion.

Permanganate of Potassium: as wash to mouth.

~Bright's Disease, Acute.~--See also, Albuminuria, Hematuria, Scarlet Fever, Uremia.

Alkaline salts.





Hyoscine Hydrobromate.


Juniper Oil.


Oil Turpentine.

Potassium Citrate.

Sodium Benzoate.

Strontium Lactate.

Theobromine salts.

~Bright's Disease, Chronic.~--See also, Dropsy, Uremia.

~Bromidrosis.~--See Feet.

~Bronchiectasis.~--See also, Emphysema.

Chlorine: as inhalation to lessen fetor.

Creosote: as inhalation.

Iodine: as inhalation.

Phosphates and Hypophosphites.

Terebene: as inhalation.



Acid, Arsenous.

Acid, Camphoric.

Ammonium Iodide.

Ammonium Salicylate.

Astringent sprays for excessive secretion.

Antimony Sulphide, Golden.

Antimony and Potassium Tartrate.





Ethyl Iodide.

Mercury Subsulphate.


Oil Pinus Pumilio.

Oil Pinus Sylvestris.



Potassium Citrate with Ipecac.

Pyridine: an inhalation.





Terpine Hydrate.

~Bronchitis, Acute.~--See also, Cough.

Acid, Nitric: when expectoration is free and too copious.

Aconite: one-half to 1 min. every hour at the commencement of an acute catarrhal attack.

Act�a Racemosa: in acute catarrh and bronchitis when the more active symptoms have subsided.

Alkalies: to render mucus less viscid.

Amber Oil: counter-irritant over spine in children.

Ammoniacum: very useful in old people.

Ammonium Carbonate: Where much expectoration and much depression; or where the mucus is very viscid and adherent.

Apomorphine: causes a copious expectoration in the early stage.

Asafetida: like ammoniacum.

Belladonna: In acute bronchitis of children to stimulate respiratory centre.

Benzoin and Benzoic Acid: 1 dram inhaled from hot water eases cough and lessens expectoration.

Bleeding: from the superficial jugular veins in severe pulmonary engorgement.

Chloral Hydrate: to be used with caution, to allay pain.

Cod Liver Oil: relieves.

Colchicum: in gouty cases.

Copaiba: in advanced stage of disease.

Counter-irritants: dry cupping most efficacious in acute cases; mustard leaves; mustard poultices.

Croton Oil: as liniment; vesication must not be produced.

Cubebs: when secretion is copious.

Demulcents: licorice, linseed.

Eucalyptus: as liniment combined with belladonna in the early stage; internally in the late stage.

Garlic, Oil of: in the acute bronchitis of children.

Ipecacuanha: when expectoration is scanty, dryness in chest, ipecacuanha in large doses; also when expectoration has become more abundant but difficult to expel.

Jalap: with bitartrate of potassium instead of bleeding in engorgement of the right side of the heart.

Lead: in profuse discharge.

Lobelia: when cough is paroxysmal and there is much expectoration slightly nauseant expectorants are good combined with opium.

Mercury: In some cases useful where there is much congestion and little secretion.

Morphine: one-half grn. combined with Quinine (10 grn.) will abort the attack if given early enough.

Muscarine: in doses of 1/8 grn. at the commencement of the attack; well combined with digitalis.

Mustard: poultice in acute bronchitis of children and adults; foot bath.

Opium: as Dover's powder to cut short attack and along with expectorants to lessen cough.

Pilocarpine: in abundant exudation.

Potassium Chlorate: first increases the fluidity of the expectoration, then diminishes it in quantity, increasing the feeling of relief.

Poultices: in children to encircle the whole chest.

Quinine: to reduce temperature.

Sanguinaria: after acute symptoms have subsided.

Senega: in the advanced stage of acute disorder.

Squill Syrup: combined with camphorated tincture of opium after acute stage is over.

Tartar Emetic: in dry stage to promote secretion; most useful in first stage.

Turpentine Oil: when expectoration profuse; also as inhalation or stupe.

~Bronchitis, Capillary.~--See also, Cough.

Alum: as a nauseating expectorant and emetic.

Ammonium Carbonate: when much fluid or viscid expectoration and commencing lividity; also as an emetic.

Ammonium Chloride: to promote secretion.

Ammonium Iodide: in small rapid doses relieves much.


Apomorphine: to produce a plentiful fluid secretion; also as nauseant expectorant.

Camphor: as expectorant and stimulant.

Cupping: four to six dry cups over the back often give very great relief, and if the pulmonary congestion appears very great wet cups should be placed instead, and 8 to 10 oz. of blood withdrawn from adult.

Ethyl Iodide: as an inhalation.

Iodides: are very serviceable to diminish viscidity of expectoration if given in very low doses.

Ipecacuanha: as expectorant and emetic.

Mustard: as poultices.

Oil Amber with Olive Oil (1:3): applied to back and chest.

Pilocarpine: in abundant non-purulent exudation; not to be used in dilatation of veins and right side of the heart.

Poultices: over whole chest.

Serpentaria: in children as a stimulant expectorant.

Subsulphate of Mercury: as nauseant, expectorant and emetic.

Turpentine Oil: in languid circulation in the capillaries.

Water: hot and cold dashes if death is imminent from suffocation.

~Bronchitis, Chronic.~--See also, Cough, Emphysema.

Acids: to diminish a chronic copious expectoration.

Acid, Carbolic: as inhalation or as spray.

Acid, Gallic: in profuse discharge.

Acid, Nitric: in mixtures, to remedy the effect on digestion produced by sedatives like opium.

Acid, Sulphurous: as inhalation or spray.

Alum: in children with copious expectoration in doses of 3 grn.

Ammonia: when there is difficulty in bringing up expectoration.

Ammoniac: very useful, especially in elderly people.

Ammonium Chloride: to render the secretion less viscid.

Antimony: when secretion is scanty.

Apocodeine Hydrochlorate.

Apomorphine Hydrochlorate.

Arsenic: in emphysema and asthmatic attack as cigarettes, where there is much wheezing and little bronchitis following the sudden disappearance of eczematous rash.

Balsam of Peru: when expectoration is copious.

Balsam of Tolu: the same.

Belladonna: to children choked with secretion give 1 minim of tincture every hour to stimulate respiratory centre. It also lessens the secretion.

Benzoin: as inhalation or as spray.

Burgundy Pitch: emplastrum in chronic bronchitis.

Cannabis Indica: in very chronic cases.

Carbonic Acid Gas: inhaled.

Chamois Waistcoat.

Cheken: the fluid extract renders expectoration easier, and paroxysms less frequent.

Chloral Hydrate: a solution of 10 grn. to the oz. used as a spray to allay cough.

Cimicifuga: sometimes relieves the hacking cough.

Codeine: in place of opium when the latter disagrees.

Cod-Liver Oil: one of the most useful of all remedies.

Colchicum: in acute cases.

Conium: the vapor to relieve cough.

Copaiba: like Balsam Peru.

Creosote: inhaled to allay cough.

Crude Petroleum: in capsules or pills in chronic bronchitis.

Digitalis: where heart is feeble, especially in the aged.


Eucalyptus: stimulant expectorant.

Euphorbia Pilulifera.

Gaduol: a most useful remedy.

Galbanum: like ammoniac.

Grindelia: expectorant when the cough is troublesome.


Guaiacol Vapor.

Hydrastis: in chronic coryza.

Hypnal: for cough.

Iodides and Iodine: as inhalation or liniment to chest, to lessen expectoration in chronic bronchitis; in the hoarse hollow cough of infants after measles.

Ipecacuanha: the wine as spray in much expectoration; in emetic doses in children where the bronchioles are blocked up with mucus.

Iron: when expectoration is profuse.

Koumys regimen: sometimes very useful.

Lobelia: when there is spasmodic dsypnea.

Mercury: to diminish congestion.

Morphine: to quiet cough, in small doses.


Oil Sandalwood.

Opium: to lessen secretion and cough.

Peronin: in place of morphine for the cough.

Phosphates: in very chronic cases.

Physostigma: in chronic cases with great dyspnea.

Plumbic Acetate: in profuse secretion.

Potassium Carbonate: in viscid secretion.

Potassium Iodide: in combination with antim. tart. in cases of great dyspnea.

Sanguinaria: with other expectorants.

Senega: when expulsive efforts are feeble.

Serpentaria: like senega.

Spinal Ice-bag: in excessive secretion.

Squill: where expectoration is thick.

Steam Inhalations.

Stramonium: in dry cough.

Strychnine: as respiratory stimulant.

Sulphur: where expectoration is copious, bronchitis severe, and constitutional debility.


Tar: to lessen secretion and allay chronic winter cough; given in pill or as spray.

Terebene: internally or as inhalation.

Terpin Hydrate.

Turkish Bath: to clear up a slight attack and to render the patient less susceptible to taking cold.

Turpentine Oil: as liniment to chest in children.

Zinc Oxide: to control too profuse a secretion.

~Bronchocele.~--See Goiter.

~Bronchorrhea.~--See also, Cough.

Acid, Carbolic: as spray.

Acid, Gallic: remote astringent.

Alcohol: accordingly as it agrees or disagrees with patient.

Alum: a remote astringent.

Ammoniac: in the aged.

Ammonium Carbonate: stimulant expectorant.

Ammonium Chloride: stimulant expectorant.

Ammonium Iodide: small doses frequently repeated; value increased by the addition of arsenic.

Asafetida: like ammoniac.


Cod-liver Oil.

Copaiba: stimulant expectorant; to be given in capsules.

Eucalyptus Oil: sometimes very useful.

Gaduol: efficacious alterant tonic.

Grindelia: respiratory stimulant.

Iodine: as counter-irritant to chest, and as inhalation.

Lead Acetate: to lessen secretion.

Myrtol: in profuse fetid expectoration.

Oil Pinus Sylvestris: as inhalation.

Phosphates: tonic.

Quinine: tonic.

Spinal Ice-bag: to lessen secretion.

Sulphurous Acid: as inhalation or spray.

Turpentine Oil: stimulant expectorant, and also as inhalation.


Acid, Sulphurous: as local application constantly applied.

Aconite: liniment locally, to relieve pain.

Arnica: as local application no more use than alcohol, and sometimes gives rise to much inflammation; this it will do if the skin is abraded.

Capsicum: to remove discoloration of bruise.

Compressed Sponge.

Convallaria Polygonatum (Solomon's Seal): the juice from the fresh root will take away a "black eye."

Hamamelis: locally.


Lead Water: to allay pain.

Oil of Bay: same as Capsicum.

Opium: local application to relieve pain.

Sozoiodole-Potassium: as dusting powder.

Sozoiodole-Sodium: as wash.

~Bubo.~--See also, Chancroid, Syphilis.

Acid, Carbolic: by injection.

Acid, Nitric: as local application to indolent bubo.

Blisters: followed up by application of tinc. iodi. will often cause absorption.

Chlora Hydrate: 25 per cent. solution, antiseptic and stimulant application.

Copper Sulphate: 4 grn. to the oz.


Hydrargyri Perchloridum: epidermis is first removed by a blister and then a saturated solution applied; a poultice is then applied to separate the eschar, leaving a healthy ulcer.

Ice: to relieve pain and lessen inflammation.

Iodine: as counter-irritant applied round the bubo.

Iodoform: as local application.

Lead Lotions: compresses soaked in these will abort, or assist in the healing process.

Mercury: as local application after opening bubo, when syphilitic affection is great.

Peroxide of Hydrogen: wash and dress bubo with lint soaked in it.

Potassa Fusa: to open, instead of the knife.

Potassium Chlorate: applied as fine powder.

Silver Nitrate: lightly applied to surface in indolent bubo.

Sozoiodole-Potassium: incision at first sign of suppuration, followed by washing with antiseptics.

Sulphides: to check suppuration; not so useful as in an ordinary abscess.

Tartar Emetic: when inflammation is acute and fever considerable.


~Bunion.~--See also, Bursitis.

Iodine: painted on in indolent forms.

Rest: when thickened and painful. Pressure is removed by thick plasters, with a hole in the center.

~Burns and Scalds.~

Absorbent Dressings.

Acid, Boric: useful as ointment or lint dressings, or as boric oil.

Acid, Carbolic: 1 per cent. solution relieves pain and prevents suppuration.

Acid, Picric: dressing.

Acid, Salicylic: 1 in 60 olive oil.

Alkalies: soon remove the pain on exposure to the air after application.

Alum: finely powdered over foul, bleeding granulations.

Antipyrine: in solution or ointment.

Argenti Nitras: wash with a solution of 4 to 8 grn. to the oz. and wrap in cotton wool.

Bismuth Subgallate.

Bismuth Subnitrate: a thick paste with glycerin protective.

Calcium Bisulphite (sol.).

Carron Oil: in recent burns.

Chalk, Oil and Vinegar: applied as a paste of a creamy consistence, relieves pain at once.

Chlorinated Soda: in dilute solution.

Chloroform, Olive Oil and Lime Water: soon relieves the pain.

Cocaine: as lotion to allay the pain.

Cold: Instant application.

Collodion: flexible, to protect from air.

Cotton Wool: to protect from irritation and so lessen pain.

Creosote: like Carbolic Acid.

Digitalis: in shock.

Gall� Unguentum: 1 part to 8 of lard, to prevent cicatrix.

Iodoform: local anesthetic and antiseptic.

Iodoformogen: the same.

Lead Carbonate: i.e. white-lead paint, for small burns; should be applied instantly.

Linimentum Calcis (lime-water with linseed oil).

Morphine and Atropine: to allay pain.



Oil and Litharge: applied as a varnish, containing 5 per cent. Salicylic Acid.

Ol. Menth� Piperit�: painted on.

Phytolacca: to relieve pain.

Potassium Chlorate: solution 5 grn. to 1 oz.

Rhubarb Ointment: one part of root to two of lard.

Rhus Toxicodendron.

Soap Suds: instead of alkali, if it is not at hand.

Sodium Bicarbonate: immediate application of a saturated solution.

Sozoiodole-Potassium: as dusting-powder, with starch.

Stimulants, Local: such as Ung. Resin�, afterwards followed by astringents.

Thymol: one per cent. in olive oil, local anesthetic.

Warm Bath: keep whole body, with exception of head, totally immersed for some days in very extensive burns or scalds. It relieves pain, although it may not save life.

Whiting and Water: mixed to the thickness of cream and smeared over, excluding the air, gives instant relief.

Zinc Ointment and Vaselin: in equal parts for dressing.

Zinc Oxide: as dusting powder.


Acid, Carbolic: as injection.

Blisters: most useful.

Fomentations: to relieve pain.

Iodine: When chronic, Lin. Iodi may be used as a blister, or the liquor, after blistering or aspiration.

~Cachexi�.~--See also, Anemia, Scrofula, Syphilis, etc., and the list of Tonics.

Acid, Nitric: in debility after acute disease; in combination with the fresh decoction of bark.

Air: fresh.

Aliment: nutritious.

Ammonium Carbonate: with bark; after acute illness.

Arnica: Internally, in bad cases.


Arsenic: in malarial, also in cancerous, cachexia; in chronic malaria, combined with iron.

Baths: Turkish bath, useful.

Chalybeate Waters.

Cholagogues: most useful before, or along with other remedies, and especially in malarial cachexia before the administration of quinine.


Eucalyptus: in general cachectic conditions.

Euonymin: as cholagogue.

Glycerin: as a food.

Grape Cure.


Hydrastis: in malaria.

Iron: generally in all anemic conditions.

Manganese: along with iron and as syrup of double iodide.

Massage: exceedingly useful.

Mercury: in syphilitic cases.

Oils and Fat: cod-liver oil very useful. Cream as an addition to food; oil as inunction.

Phosphates: in scrofula, phthisis and malnutrition.

Podophyllin: as cholagogue, in children of a few months old improperly fed; in alcoholic excess; chronic morning diarrhea.

Potassium Iodide: in syphilitic and resulting conditions.

Purgatives, Saline: as adjuncts to cholagogues.

Quinine: in various forms of cachexia.

Sarsaparilla: in syphilis.

~Calculi.~--See also, Gravel.

Acid, Sulphuric, diluted.

Lithium Benzoate.

Lithium Carbonate.

Lithium Citrate.

Manganese Dioxide.

Sodium Phosphate.

Solution Potassa.

~Calculi, Biliary.~--(Gall-stones.)--See also, Colic, Jaundice.

Acid, Nitric: hepatic stimulant and alterative.

Acid, Nitro-hydrochloric: same as nitric acid.

Aliment: absence of starch and fat recommended.

Anesthetics: during the passage of the calculus.

Belladonna: relief during spasm.

Carlsbad Waters: prophylactic.

Chloral Hydrate: to relieve pain during paroxysm; good in combination with morphine.

Chloroform: inhalation from tumbler, most useful to relieve paroxysm.

Counter-Irritation: to relieve pain during passage.

Emetics: of doubtful value in aiding the expulsion of the calculus.

Ferri Succinas: as a resolvent for existing stones, and prophylactic.

Ferri Perchlor. Tinctura: like creosote, as an astringent. Useful if renal changes complicate.

Iridin: in doses of 1 grn. for its cholagogue properties.

Mercury: the green iodide, with manna and soap as a pill.

Morphine: 1/5 grn. (repeated if necessary) with 1/120 grn. atropine subcutaneously, to relieve pain and vomiting in paroxysm.

Nitro-hydrochloric Bath: to cause expulsion of calculus and to relieve pain.

Oil: in large doses has been followed by the expulsion of gallstones.

Salicylate of Sodium: as prophylactic.

Sodium Carbonate: in large quantity of hot water during passage of stone. At first there is usually vomitting but this soon ceases.

Sodium Phosphate: in 20 or 30 grn. doses before each meal as prophylactic. Should be given in plenty of water.

Turpentine Oil and Ether (Durande's remedy): Equal parts to relieve pain during paroxysm; also occasionally as prophylactic along with a course of Carlsbad or Vichy water.

~Calculi, Renal and Vesical.~--See also, Colic, Lithiasis, Oxaluria, etc.

Acid, Hippuric.

Acid, Nitric: dilute; as injection into the bladder to dissolve phosphatic calculi.

Alkalies, especially Potassa Salts: to resolve calculi, potash and soda to be used.

Alkaline Mineral Waters: especially Vichy and Bethesda.

Ammonium Benzoate: to resolve phosphatic calculi.

Anesthetics: to relieve pain during passage of calculus.

Belladonna: sometimes relieves the pain of the passage of calculus.

Borocitrate of Magnesium: to dissolve uric acid calculus. Formula: Magnesii carb. 1 dram; Acid, citric, 2 drams; Sodii biborat. 2 drams; Aqu�, 8 fl. oz. m. sig.; 2 drams 3 t.p.d.

Calcium Carbonate.

Calumba: to relieve vomiting.

Castor Oil: as purgative.

Chloroform: as in biliary calculi.

Cotton Root: as decoction to relieve strangury.

Counter-Irritants: to lessen pain during passage of calculus.

Lead Acetate.



Mineral Waters.

Morphine: hypodermically as in biliary calculi.


Potassium Boro-Tartrate: more efficient than the magnesium salt; prepared by heating together four parts of cream of tartar, one of boric acid, and ten of water. 20 grn. three times a day well diluted.

Potassium Citrate: in hematuria with uric acid crystals.

Water, Distilled: as drink.

~Camp Fever.~--See Typhus.

~Cancer.~--See also, Uterine Cancer.

Acid, Acetic: as injection into tumors.

Acid, Carbolic: as application or injection into tumor to lessen pain, retard growth and diminish fetor.

Acid, Chromic: as caustic.

Acid, Citric: as lotion to allay pain, 1 in 60.

Acid, Lactic.

Acid, Salicylic: locally applied as powder or saturated solution.

Acids: internally in cancer of stomach.

Aluminium Sulphate: a caustic and disinfectant application.


Argenti Nitras: a saturated solution injected in several places; to be followed by an injection of table-salt 1 in 1000.

Arsenic: as local application, causes cancer to slough out. Sometimes successful when the knife fails, but is dangerous. Internally, in cancer of stomach, lessens vomiting. Supposed to retard growth of cancer in stomach and other parts.

Arsenic Iodide.

Belladonna: locally relieves pain. Used internally also.

Bismuth Subnitrate: to relieve pain and vomiting in cancer of stomach.

Bromine Chloride: alone or combined with other caustics. To be followed by a poultice.

Bromine, Pure: as caustic to use round cancer.

Caustic Alkalies: in strong solution dissolve the cells.

Charcoal Poultices: to lessen pain and fetor.

Chian Turpentine: benefits according to some--acc. to others, it is useless.

Chloral Hydrate: to lessen pain.

Chloroform: vapor as local application to ulcerated cancer.

Codeine: as a sedative in cases of abdominal tumor.

Cod-Liver Oil: in cachexia.

Coffee: disinfectant, applied as fine powder.

Conium: as poultices to relieve pain. Used internally also.

Ferro-Manganous preparations.

Gaduol: in cachexia.

Gas Cautery: a form of actual cautery.

Glycerite of Carbolic Acid: same as carbolic acid.

Hematoxylin Extract: to a fungating growth.

Hydrastis: as palliative application.

Hyoscyamus: bruised leaves locally applied.

Iodoform: locally to lessen pain and fetor.

Iron and Manganese: internally as tonics.

Levico Water: internally.

Lime: as caustic.

Manganese Iodide.

Mercury Nitrate, Acid.

Methylene Blue.

Morphine salts.

Opium: locally and internally, to relieve pain.

Papain: as local application or injection.

Pepsin: as injection into tumor.

Potassium Chlorate: allays the pain and removes the fetor.

Potassium Permanganate.

Potassa Fusa: as escharotic.

Sodium Ethylate: a powerful caustic.

Stramonium: ointment to relieve pain.

Terebene: disinfectant dressing.

Vienna Paste.

Warm Enemata: to lessen pain in cancer of rectum.

Zinc Chloride: as caustic.

Zinc Sulphate: as caustic.

~Cancrum Oris.~--See also, Aphth�, Stomatitis.

Acid, Nitric: undiluted as local caustic.

Potassium Chlorate: internally in stomatitis; useless in noma.

Quinine: as syrup or enema.

~Carbuncle.~--See Anthrax.

~Cardiac Affections.~--See Heart.



Bismuth Valerianate.


~Caries.~--See also, Necrosis.

Acid, Carbolic: as a disinfectant lotion; often heals.

Acid, Phosphoric, Diluted: locally.

Gold: in syphiloma of bone.

Iodine: locally and internally.

Phosphates of Calcium and Iron.

Potassium Carbonate: concentrated solution, locally applied.

Potassa Fusa: to carious bone to remove disorganized portion.

Potassium Iodide: in syphilitic cases.


Sulphuric Acid: injection (one of strong acid to two of water) into carious joints, and locally to carious or necrosed bone. Useful only if disease is superficial.

Villate's Solution: cupri sulph., zinci sulph. 3 parts each, liq. plumb, subacetat. 6 parts, acid acet. 40 parts, as injection into a sinus.


Chloroform: inhaled.


Turpentine Oil: as enemata and embrocations to spine during paroxysms.


Cineraria Maritima Juice.

Codeine: in diabetic cases.

Diet and Regimen: nutritious in senile cases. Sugar and starch to be avoided in diabetic cases.

Galvanism: in early stage.

Mydriatics: to dilate pupil as a means of diagnosis.

Phosphorated Oil: instilled into the eye will lead to absorption if borne.

~Catarrh.~--See also, the various Catarrhs below.

Acid, Hydrocyanic, Dil.

Acid, Sulpho-anilic.


Aluminium Tanno-tartrate.

Calcium Bisulphite.

Cocaine Carbolate.


Sodium Nitrate.



~Catarrh, Acute Nasal.~--See also, Cough, Hay Fever, Influenza.

Acid, Carbolic: as inhalation or much diluted as spray. As gargle, 1 in 100, when catarrh tends to spread from nose into throat and chest, or to ascend from throat into nose.

Acid, Sulphurous: as inhalation, spray or fumigation.

Acid, Tannic: injection of a solution in rectified spirit.

Aconite: internally at commencement, especially in children.

Aconite and Belladonna: in sore-throat and cold with profuse watery secretion, one drop of tinct. of aconite to two of belladonna every hour.

Aconite Liniment: to outside of nose in paroxysmal sneezing and coryza.

Ammonia: as inhalation in early stage, while discharge is serous.

Ammonium Chloride: in young children.

Ammonium Iodide: one grn. every two hours.

Argenti Nitras: injection of a solution of 10 grn. to the oz.

Arsenic: internally, or as cigarettes, in paroxysmal and chronic cases: valuable In cases which exactly simulate hay fever.

Baths: hot foot-bath before retiring, Turkish, at commencement; cold bath is prophylactic.

Belladonna: 5 min. of tinct., and afterwards one or two doses every hour until the throat is dry.

Benzoic Acid: in ordinary catarrh, for its stimulant effects.

Bismuth: as Ferrier's snuff. Bismuth sub-nit., 2 drams; acaci� pulv., 2 drams; morph. hydrochlor., 2 grn.

Camphor: as inhalation.


Chloroform: by inhalation.

Cimicifuga: in coryza accompanied by rheumatic or neuralgic pains in head and face.

Cocaine Hydrochlorate.

Cold Powder: camph. 5 parts dissolved in ether to consistence of cream, add ammon. carbonat. 4 parts, and pulv. opii 1 part. Dose, 3 to 10 grn. To break up or modify cold.

Cubebs: powder as insufflation; also smoked; also the tincture in 2 dram doses with infusion of linseed.

Formaldehyde: by inhalation (2 per cent. solut.).

Hot Sponging: to relieve the headache.

Iodoform and Tannin: as insufflation.

Ipecacuanha: in moderate doses (10 grn.). Dover's powder at night will cut short an attack. The wine as spray to the fauces.

Jaborandi: as tincture. Or hypodermic injection of half a grain of pilocarpine hydrochlorate.

Nux Vomica: in dry cold in the head.

Oil: inunction to whole body to lessen susceptibility; locally to nose; sometimes ointment may be used.

Opium: as Dover's powder at commencement; but not in obstruction to respiration.

Pilocarpine Hydrochlorate (see Jaborandi).

Potassium Bichromate: solution locally, 1 to 10 grn. in 4 oz.

Potassium Chlorate: eight or ten lozenges a day to check.

Potassium Iodide: ten grn. at bedtime to avert acute coryza.

Pulsatilla: warm lotion applied to interior of nares; or internally but not in symptoms of intestinal irritation.

Quinine: ten grn. with 1/2 grn. morphine, at commencement may abort it.

Salicylate of Sodium: two and one-half grn. every half-hour to relieve headache and neuralgia associated with coryza.

Sanguinaria: internally, and powder locally.

Sea-water Gargle.

Spray: useful means of applying solutions such as ipecacuanha wine, already mentioned.

Sugar: finely powdered and snuffed up in the nose in catarrh due to potassium iodide.

Tartar Emetic: one-twentieth to one-twelfth grn. at commencement especially in children with thick and abundant secretion.

Turkish Bath.

Veratrum Viride: if arsenic fails.

Zinc Sulphate: as nasal injection 1 grn. to the oz.

~Catarrh, Broncho-Pulmonary.~--See Bronchitis, Bronchorrhea.

~Catarrh, Cervical.~--See Uterine Affections.

~Catarrh, Chronic Nasal.~--See also, Ozena.

Acid, Benzoic: inhaled as vapor.

Acid, Carbolic: one to 100 as spray, or 1 to 200 as douche. One part with 4 of iodine tincture as inhalation or by spray.

Alum: in powder by insufflation, or in solution by douche.

Ammonia: inhalation.

Ammonium Chloride: in thick and abundant secretion.

Asafetida: stimulant expectorant.

Balsam of Peru: stimulant expectorant.

Bromine: as vapor, inhaled with great caution.

Cubebs: in powder, by insufflation, or as troches.

Ethyl Iodide: as inhalation.

Eucalyptol: in chronic catarrh with profuse secretion.

Gold chloride.

Hamamelis: snuffed up nose.

Iodine: vapor inhaled.

Iodoform and Tannin: insufflated.

Potassium Bichromate.


Sanguinaria: in very chronic cases.

Sodium Chloride.

Turpentine Oil: as liniment to chest.

~Catarrh, Duodenal.~--See Duodenal Catarrh.

~Catarrh, Epidemic.~--See Influenza.

~Catarrh, Gastric.~--See Gastritis, Chronic.

~Catarrh, Genito-Urinary.~--See Bladder, Catarrh of; Cystitis; Endometritis; Gonorrhea; Leucorrhea, etc.

~Catarrh, Intestinal.~--See Dysentery, Jaundice.

~Catarrh, Vesical.~--See Bladder, Catarrh of.

~Cephalalgia.~--See Headache.

~Cerebral Anemia.~--See also, Insomnia.

Ammonia: inhaled is useful in sudden attacks.

Amyl Nitrite: to act on vessels.

Arsenic: in hypochondriasis of aged people; best combined with a minute dose of opium.

Caffeine: in hypochondriasis.

Camphor, Monobromated.

Chalybeate Mineral Water.

Chloral Hydrate: in small doses, with stimulants.

Gold: melancholic state.

Guarana: restorative after acute disease.

Nitroglycerin: to dilate cerebral vessels. Like amyl nitrite.

Phosphorus and Phosphates: to supply nutriment.

Zinc Phosphide.

~Cerebral Concussion.~

Rest: absolute to be enjoined.

Stimulants to be avoided.

Warmth: to extremities.

~Cerebral Congestion.~--See also, Apoplexy, Coma.

Aconite: in acute cases before effusion has taken place.

Arsenic: in commencing atheroma of cerebral vessels and tendency to drowsiness and torpor.

Belladonna: very useful.

Bromides: very useful.

Cathartics: to lessen blood-pressure.

Chloral Hydrate: when temperature is high.

Colchicum: in plethoric cases.

Colocynth: as a purgative.

Diet: moderate, animal food sparingly, and stimulants to be avoided.

Digitalis: in alcoholic congestion, and simple congestive hemicrania.


Ergot: in want of arterial tone, or miliary aneurisms causing vertigo, etc.

Galvanism of head and cervical sympathetic.

Gelsemium: in great motor excitement, wakefulness, horrors after alcoholic excess.

Venesection: a suitable remedy in cases of threatening rupture of a vessel.

Veratrum Viride: in acute congestion; the good ceases with exudation.

Water: cold douche to head, and warm to feet, alternately hot and cold to nape of neck.

~Cerebral Softening.~


Ammonium Chloride: locally.

~Cerebro-Spinal Fever.~--See Meningitis, Cerebro-Spinal.

~Chancre.~--See also, Syphilis.

Acid, Carbolic: locally.

Calomel: locally.

Camphor: finely powdered.

Canquoin's Paste: zinc chloride, 1 in 6, made into paste, local.

Caustics: chromic acid, bromine, acid nitrate of mercury, zinc chloride nitric acid, caustic alkalies.

Copper Sulphate.

Eucalyptol: mixed with iodoform and locally applied.

Hydrogen Peroxide: constantly applied to destroy specific character.

Iodoformogen: one of the best remedies.

Mercuric Nitrate Solution.

Mercury: internally. Also, locally: black wash; or yellow wash; or corrosive sublimate in solution.

Mercury Salicylate.

Monsel's Solution.

~Chancroid.~--See also, Bubo.

Acid, Carbolic: as injection and local application.

Acid, Nitric: locally as caustic.

Acid, Sulphuric: with charcoal.

Actual Cautery.

Bismuth Benzoate.

Bismuth and Zinc Oxide: or calomel and bismuth, as substitutes for iodoform.

Caustics: sometimes necessary.

Eucalyptol: with iodine.

Ferric Iodide: internally in phagedenic cases, or debility.

Ferrum Tartaratum: like ferric iodide.

Hot Sitz-bath.


Iodoformogen: very useful.

Mercury: acid nitrate as local application.

Potassium Chlorate: in fine powder.

Sozoiodole-Potassium, as dusting-powder.

Sozoiodole-Sodium, as wash.

~Chapped Hands and Lips.~

Acid, Sulphurous: as lotion or as fumigation.

Adeps Lan�.

Benzoin: compound tincture, 1 part to 4 of glycerin.

Calcium Carbonate, Precipitated.

Camphor Cream.

Glycerin: mixed with half the quantity of eau de cologne; or as glyceritum amyli.

Hydrastis: as lotion.


Lotio Plumbi.


Solution Gutta-Percha: protective.


Zinc Carbonate and Oxide.

~Chest Pains.~--See also, Myalgia, Neuralgia Pleuritis, Pleurodynia, Pneumonia.

Belladonna: in pleurodynia as plaster or ointment.

Iodine: in myalgia as ointment.


Bath: cold in hyperpyrexia; warm as diaphoretic.

Compress, Cold: if sore throat.



Acid, Carbolic: with tincture of iodine and tannic acid as ointment.

Acid, Sulphurous: diluted with equal part of glycerin, as spray; or fumes of burning sulphur.

Balsam of Peru: as ointment when broken.

Basilicon Ointment.

Cadmium Iodide: internally.

Cajeput Oil.

Capsicum, Tincture: locally, when unbroken with solution of gum arabic equal parts on silk.

Chlorinated Lime.

Copper Sulphate: solution of 4 grn. to the oz.

Ichthalbin: as alterant tonic.

Iodine: ointment or tincture to unbroken chilblains.

Lead Subacetate.

Tincture of Opium: locally to ease itching.

~Chlorosis.~--See also, Anemia, Amenorrhea.

Arsenic: in place of or along with iron.

Berberine Sulphate: inferior to quinine.

Calcium Hypophosphite.

Cocculus Indicus: in amenorrhea and leucorrhea.

Ergot: in chlorotic amenorrhea.

Ferri Iodidum.


Hemo-gallol: powerful blood-maker.

Hypophosphite of Calcium, or Sodium.

Ichthalbin: effective alterative.

Iron: carbonate, useful form; sometimes best as chalybeate waters. In irritable stomach the non-astringent preparations; in weak anemic girls, with pain and vomiting after food, the per-salts are best.

Manganese Salts: in general.

Massage: useful, combined with electricity and forced feeding.

Nux Vomica: useful, combined with iron.

Orexine: as appetizer.

Pancreatin: to improve digestion.

Purgatives: useful, often indispensable.


Zinc Valerianate.


Potassium Bromide: In children who choke over drinking, but who swallow solids readily.

~Cholera Asiatica.~

Acid, Carbolic: 2 min., along with 2 grn. of iodine, every hour.

Acid, Phosphoric.

Acid, Sulphuric, Diluted: alone, or with opium, is very effective in checking the preliminary diarrhea.

Acid, Tannic: by enemeta.

Alcohol: iced brandy, to stop vomiting, and stimulate the heart.

Ammonia: intravenous injection.

Arsenic: in small doses, has been used to stop vomiting.

Atropine: hypodermically in collapse.

Calomel: in minute doses to allay vomiting.

Camphor Spirit: 5 minims with tincture of opium, every ten minutes while the symptoms are violent; and then every hour.

Castor Oil.

Chloral Hydrate: subcutaneously, alone, or with morphine, in the stage of collapse.

Chloroform: 2 or 3 min., either alone or with opium, every few minutes to allay the vomiting.


Copper salts: sometimes used to stop vomiting.

Corrosive Sublimate.

Counter-Irritation over epigastrium.

Creosote: alone or with opium, to allay vomiting.

Dry Packing.

Enemeta of warm salt solution.

Enteroclysis associated with hot bath.

Ether: subcutaneously.



Ice to Spine: for cramps.


Lead Acetate; has been used as an astringent in early stages along with camphor and opium.

Morphine: one-eighth to one-fourth of a grain subcutaneously to relieve cramps.

Naphtalin: may be useful.

Naphtol Benzoate.

Opium: in subcutaneous injection 1--10 to 1--2 grn. to check the preliminary diarrhea, and arrest the collapse.



Strychnine: has been used during the preliminary diarrhea, and also as a stimulant to prevent collapse.


Table Salt Injections: into the veins have a marvellous effect during collapse in apparently restoring the patient, but their benefit is generally merely temporary.

Transfusion of Milk: has been used in collapse.


Turpentine Oil: sometimes appears serviceable in doses of 10 to 20 min. every two hours.

~Cholera Infantum.~

Acid, Carbolic: with bismuth or alone, very effective.

Aliment: milk.

Arsenic: for vomiting in collapse.

Beef Juice.


Bismuth Salicylate.

Brandy: in full doses.

Calomel: in minute doses to arrest the vomiting.

Camphor: where there is very great depression.

Cold: bath at 75 degrees F. every three or four hours, or cold affusions.

Cold Drinks.

Cupri Sulphas: in very minute doses up to the one thirty-secondth of a grain.




Ferri et Ammonii Citras.

Hot drinks, applications and baths, if temperature becomes subnormal.

Ice to Spine.

Iodoform and Oil injections to relieve tenesmus.

Ipecacuanha: when stools greenish or dysenteric.

Irrigation of Bowels.

Lead Acetate: very useful.

Liquor Calcis.

Mercury: 1/6 grn. of gray powder, hourly. In urgent cases a starch enema should be given containing a minute quantity of laudanum.

Mustard or Spice plaster to abdomen.

Oleum Ricini.

Peptonized Milk.

Podophyllin: if stools are of peculiar pasty color.

Potassium Bromide: in nervous irritability and feverishness.

Potassium Chlorate: as enemata.


Silver Nitrate: after acute symptoms are past.

Tannalbin: very useful and harmless.


Tannin and Glycerin.

Zinc Oxide: with bismuth and pepsin.

Zinc Sulphocarbolate.

~Cholera Morbus.~--See Cholera Simplex.

~Cholera Nostras.~--See Cholera Simplex.

~Cholera Simplex.~--See also, Cholera Asiatica and Infantum.

Acid, Carbolic: with bismuth.

Acid, Sulphuric.

Alcohol: dilute and iced.

Arsenic: to stop vomiting.

Atropine: hypodermically, an efficient remedy.

Cajeput Oil: used in India.

Castor Oil with Opium.

Calumba: as antiemetic.

Camphor: very useful.

Chloral Hydrate: subcutaneously, very useful.

Copper salts: as astringent.

Ipecacuanha: very useful.

Lead Acetate: at commencement after salines, and before administering opium, in order to deplete the vessels.

Morphine: hypodermic.

Mustard: internally as emetic; poultice over chest.


Salines: to precede the use of lead acetate.

Veratrum Album.


Aconite: 1 min. every hour.

Atropine: subcutaneously with morphine.

Belladonna: with camphor and opium, internally, very useful.

Bromides: especially of potassium.

Camphor: internally, useful in full doses.

Cantharis: one drop of tincture three times a day as prophylactic.

Colchicum: half fl. dr. of tincture at night.


Lupulin: as prophylactic.

Morphine: hypodermically in perineum at night.

Tartar Emetic: carried to the extent of producing nausea.

Tobacco Wine: just short of nauseating, at bedtime.


Ammonium Valerianate.

Antimony: in gradually increasing doses twice a day, to maintain nauseating effect.


Arsenic: useful sometimes; must be pushed till eyes red or sickness induced, then discontinued and then used again.

Bromalin: agreeable sedative.


Calcium Chloride: in strumous subjects.

Cannabis Indica: may do good; often increases the choreic movements.

Chloral Hydrate: sometimes very useful in large doses, carefully watched, also where sleep is prevented by the violence of the movements.

Chloroform: as inhalation in severe cases.

Cimicifuga: often useful, especially when menstrual derangement, and in rheumatic history.

Cocculus: in large doses.

Cold: to spine, or sponging, but not in rheumatism, pain in joints, fever; best to begin with tepid water.

Conium: the succus is sometimes useful, must be given in large doses.

Copper: the ammonio-sulphate in increasing doses till sickness produced.


Electricity: static.

Ether Spray: instead of cold to spine.


Gold Bromide.

Hot Pack.

Iron: chalybeate waters in anemia and amenorrhea.


Lobelia: only in nauseating doses.

Mineral Water Baths.

Morphine: subcutaneously in severe cases, until effect is manifested; by mouth in combination with chloral hydrate best.


Physostigma: three to 6 grains of powder a day for children, 10 to 20 for adult.

Picrotoxin: large doses.

Potassium Arsenite Solution.



Silver: the oxide and nitrate sometimes do good.

Silver Chloride.

Silver Cyanide.

Silver Oxide.


Stramonium Tincture.

Strychnine: useful at puberty or in chorea from fright.

Valerian: to control the movements.

Veratrum Viride: has been employed.

Water: cold affusion to spine useful.

Zinc Cyanide.

Zinc-Hemol: effective hematinic nervine.

Zinc Iodide.

Zinc Sulphate in small: but very frequent doses, and when the nausea produced is unbearable another emetic to be used.







~Climacteric Disorders.~--See also, Metrorrhagia.

Aconite: 1 minim hourly for nervous palpitations and fidgets.

Ammonia: as inhalation. Raspail's Eau S�dative locally in headache: take Sodii chloridum, Liq. ammoni�, each 2 fl. oz.; Spiritus camphor�; 3 fl. drs.; Aqua to make 2 pints.

Ammonium Chloride: locally in headache.

Calabar Bean: in flatulence, vertigo, etc.

Camphor: for drowsiness and headache.

Change: of air and scene useful adjunct.

Cimicifuga: for headache.

Eucalyptol: flushings, flatulence, etc.

Hot Spongings.

Hydrastinine Hydrochlorate.

Iron: for vertical headache, giddiness, and feeling of heat, fluttering of the heart.

Nitrate of Amyl: where much flushed.

Nux Vomica: useful where symptoms are limited to the head.



Potassium Bromide: very useful.

Stypticin: efficacious, hemostatic and uterine sedative.

Warm Bath.


Belladonna: plaster useful.

Chloroform: locally injected.


Surgical Treatment: in obstinate cases.


Cold Water: as prophylactic with friction and wrapping up.

Spinal Ice-bag: for cold feet.

~Colic, Biliary.~--See Colic, Renal and Hepatic.

~Colic, Intestinal.~

Ammonia: in children.


Antacids: in acidity.

Arsenic: when pain is neuralgic in character.

Asafetida: to remove flatulence, especially in children and hysterical patients.

Atropine: in simple spasmodic colic.

Belladonna: especially in children and intestinal spasm.


Chamomile Oil: in hysterical women.

Chloral Hydrate and Bromides: when severe in children.

Chloroform: by inhalation, to remove pain and flatulence.

Cocculus: during pregnancy.


Essential Oils: Aniseed, Cajeput, Camphor, Cardamoms, Cinnamon, Cloves, Peppermint Rue, Spearmint: all useful.

Ether: internally and by inhalation.



Ginger: stimulant carminative.

Lime Water: in children where due to curdling of milk.

Matricaria: infusion, to prevent, in teething children.

Milk Regimen: in enteralgia.

Morphine: very useful.

Mustard: plaster.

Nux Vomica: useful.


Potassium Bromide: in local spasm in children which can be felt through hard abdominal walls.

Poultices: large and warm, of great service.


Spirit Melissa.

~Colic, Lead.~--See also, Lead Poisoning.

Acid, Sulphuric: dilute in lemonade as a prophylactic and curative.

Alum: relieves the pain and constipation.

Bromides: as solvents alone or with iodides.

Castor Oil: given twice a day to eliminate.

Chloroform: internally and externally as liniment.


Electro-chemical Baths.

Magnesium Sulphate: most useful along with potassium iodide.

Morphine: subcutaneously to relieve pain.

Potassium Iodide: most useful in eliminating lead from the system, and combined with magnesium sulphate to evacuate it.

Potassium Tartrate.

Sulphur: to aid elimination.

Sulphur Baths.

~Colic, Nephritic.~--See Colic, Renal and Hepatic.

~Colic, Renal and Hepatic.~--See also, Calculi.

Aliment: abstain from starches and fats.

Alkalies: alkaline waters very useful.

Amyl Valerianate.

Baths: warm, to remove pain.

Chloroform: inhalation from tumbler during fit.



Counter-irritation: see list of Irritants, etc.


Horse-back riding.

Hot application over liver: as a relaxant.


Olive or Cotton-Seed Oil.

Opium: in small doses frequently repeated, or hypodermically as morphine.

~Collapse.~--See also, Exhaustion, Shock, Syncope.






Mustard Baths.


~Coma.~--See also, Cerebral Congestion, Uremia, Narcotic Poisoning.

Blisters: on various parts of the body in succession in the critical condition, especially at the end of a long illness.

Cold Douche: in the drunkenness of opium care must be taken not to chill, and it is best to alternate the cold with warm water.

Croton Oil: as a purgative in cerebral concussion, etc.

Mustard: to stimulate.

Potassium Bitartrate: purgative where the blood is poisoned.

Turpentine Oil: enema as stimulant.

~Condylomata.~--See also, Syphilis, Warts.

Acid, Chromic: with one-fourth of water locally, as caustic.

Acid, Nitric: as caustic, or dilute solutions as a wash.

Arsenic: as caustic.

Iodoform: locally.

Mercury: wash with chlorine water, or chlorinated soda, and dust with calomel and oxide of zinc in equal quantities.


Silver Nitrate: as caustic.

Thuja: strong tincture locally; small doses internally useful.

Zinc Chloride or Nitrate: locally, as a caustic or astringent.


Alum: after acute symptoms have subsided; but not if the epithelium is denuded, since perforation may then take place.

Argenti Nitras: solution 4 grn. to the fl. dr. in purulent ophthalmia. The solid in gonorrheal ophthalmia, to be afterwards washed with sodium chloride solution, 4 grn. to the fl. oz.

Belladonna: locally and internally.

Bismuth: locally, in chronic cases.

Blisters: behind ear.


Cadmium: as a wash instead of copper and zinc; the sulphate, 1 grn. to the fl. oz.

Castor Oil: a drop in eye to lessen irritation from foreign body.

Copper Acetate.

Copper Aluminate.

Copper Sulphate: as collyrium.

Creolin Solution, 1 per cent.

Ergot: the fluid extract, undiluted, locally in engorgement of the conjunctival vessels.

Euphrasia: as a mild astringent.


Hydrastine Hydrochlorate.

Iron Sulphate.

Mercury: as citrine ointment, very useful outside the lids in palpebral conjunctivitis.

Opium: fluid extract in eye relieves pain.

Pulsatilla: as wash and internally.


Tannin: as collyrium.

Zinc Acetate.

~Combustiones.~--See Burns.

~Constipation.~--See also, Intestinal Obstruction.

Aloes, see dinner pill.


Ammonium Chloride: in bilious disorders.

Apples: stewed or roast.

Arsenic: in small doses.

Belladonna Extract: one-tenth to 1/2 grn. in spasmodic contraction of the intestine leading to habitual constipation; best administered along with nux vomica as a pill at bedtime.

Bismuth Formula: take Aluminii sulphas, 1-1/2 grn.; bismuthi subnitratis, 1 grn.; extracti gentian�, q.s., make pill.

Bisulphate Potassium.


Carlsbad Waters: tumblerful sipped hot while dressing.

Cascara Sagrada: in habitual constipation, 10 to 20 minims of fluid extract an hour or two after meals.

Castor Oil: 10 to 20 minims in a teaspoonful of brandy and peppermint water before breakfast.

Cocculus: When montions are hard and lumpy, and much flatus.

Cod-Liver Oil: in obstinate cases in children.

Coffee: sometimes purges.

Colocynth: compound pill at night.

Croton Oil: when no inflammation is present, very active.

Dinner Pill: aloes and myrrh; aloes and iron; with nux vomica and belladonna or hyoscyamus, taken just before dinner.

Enemata: soap and water, or castor oil; habitual use tends to increase intestinal torpor; should only be used to unload.

Ergot: to give tone.

Euonymin: cholagogue purgative in hepatic torpor.

Fig: one before breakfast.

Gamboge: in habitual constipation.

Glycerin: suppositories or enemata.

Guaiacum: especially when powerful purgatives fail.

Gymnastics, horseback riding, or massage.

Honey: with breakfast.

Hydrastis: useful in biliousness.

Ipecacuanha: one grn. in the morning before breakfast.

Jalap: along with scammony.

Lime: saccharated solution after meals.

Licorice Powder, Compound: a teaspoonful at night or in the morning.

Magnesium Bicarbonate: solution useful for children and pregnant women.


Mercury: in bilious disorders with light stools.

Muscarine: to increase peristalsis.

Nux Vomica: 5 to 10 minims in a glass of cold water before breakfast or before dinner.

Oil Olives.

Opium: when rectum is irritable; also in reflex constipation.


Physostigma: 10 minims of tincture along with belladonna and nux vomica in atony of the walls.

Podophyllin or Podophyllum: very useful, especially in biliousness: ten drops of tincture at night alone, or the resin along with other purgatives in pill, especially when stools are dark.

Potassium Bisulphate.

Potassium and Sodium Tartrate.

Prunes: stewed, often efficient; if stewed in infusion of senna they are still more active.

Resin Jalap.

Rhubarb Compound Pill: at night; also for children, mixed with bicarbonate of sodium.

Saline Waters: in morning before breakfast.

Senna: as confection, etc.

Senna: with Cascara Sagrada.

Soap: suppository in children.

Sodium Chlorate.

Stillingia: 10 minims of fluid extract.

Strychnine: in atony of the walls.

Sulphates: in purgative natural waters, in small doses.

Sulphur: sometimes very useful as a good addition to compound licorice powder.

Tobacco: 5 minims of the wine at bedtime, or cigarette after breakfast.

Treacle: with porridge, useful for children.

Turpentine Oil: in atonic constipation with much gaseous distention of colon.

Water: draught in the morning before breakfast.

Whole-Meal Bread.

~Convalescence.~--See also, Adynamia, Anemia.

Alcohol: with meals.



Bitters: the simple.

Coca: either extract, or as coca wine for a nervine tonic.


Eucalyptus: a tonic after malarial disease.

Guarana: same as coca.

Hydrastis: as a substitute for quinine.

Ichthalbin: to promote alimentation.

Iron: as chalybeate waters.


Lime: as lime-water or carbonate of calcium.

Malt Extract, Dry.

Opium: as enema for insomnia.

Orexine: to stimulate appetite, digestion and assimilation.

Pancreatin: to aid digestion.

Pepsin: the same.


Sumbul: where great nervous excitability.

~Convulsions~--See also, Albuminuria, Epilepsy, Hysteria, Puerperal Convulsions, Uremia.

Acid, Phosphoric, Diluted.

Bromides: in general.


Mustard bath.

~Convulsions, Infantile.~

Alcohol: a small dose of wine or brandy arrests convulsions from teething.

Asafetida: a small dose in an enema arrests convulsions from teething.

Baths: warm, with cold affusions to the head.

Chloral Hydrate: In large doses--5 grn. by mouth or rectum.

Chloral Hydrate: with Bromide.

Garlic Poultices: to spine and lower extremities.

Ignatia: when intestinal irritation.

Pilocarpine Hydrochlorate (in uremic).

Spinal Ice-Bag.

Valerian: when due to worms.


~Corneal Opacities.~--See also, Keratitis.

Cadmium Sulphate.

Iodine: internally and locally.

Silver Nitrate: locally.

Sodium Chloride: injected under conjunctiva.

Sodium Sulphate.


Acid, Acetic.

Acid, Chromic.

Acid, Salicylic: saturated solution in collodion with extract of cannabis indica, 1/2 dram to 1 fl. oz.

Acid, Trichloracetic.

Copper Oleate.

Poultices: and plaster with hole in centre to relieve of pressure.

Sodium Ethylate.

~Coryza.~--See also, Catarrh.

Aconite: in early stages.

Allium: as a poultice to breast, or in emulsion, or boiled in milk for children.

Arsenic: taken for months; for persistent colds.

Bromides: for associated headache.


Hot Mustard foot-bath.

Iodine Fumes.


Pilocarpine Hydrochlorate.


Sweet Spirit of Niter.

Tartar Emetic.

~Coughs.~--See also, Bronchitis, Pertussis, Phthisis.

Acid, Hydrobromic.

Acid, Hydrocyanic, Diluted: for irritable cough, and in phthisis, and in reflex cough arising from gastric irritation.

Aconite: in throat-cough and emphysema.

Alcohol: relief by brandy or wine; aggravation by beer or stout.

Alum: as spray or gargle.

Argenti Nitras: in throat cough, a solution of 8 grn. to the fl. oz. applied to fauces.

Apomorphine: in bronchitis with deficient secretion: and as emetic in children where there is excess of bronchial secretion.

Asafetida: in the after cough from habit, and in the sympathetic whooping-cough of mothers.

Belladonna: in nervous cough and uncomplicated whooping cough.

Blue Pill: in gouty or bilious pharyngeal irritation.

Butyl-Chloral Hydrate: in night coughs of phthisis.

Camphor: internally or locally, painted over the larynx with equal parts of alcohol.

Carbonic Acid Gas: inhalation in nervous cough.

Cerium: in cough associated with vomiting.

Chloral Hydrate: in respiratory neurosis.

Chloroform: with a low dose of opium and glycerin in violent paroxysmal cough; if very violent to be painted over the throat.

Cod-Liver Oil: one of the most useful of all remedies in cough.

Conium: in whooping cough.

Creosote: in winter cough.

Cubebs: along with linseed in acute catarrh.


Gaduol: to improve nutrition.

Gelsemium: In convulsive and spasmodic cough, with irritation of the respiratory centre.

Glycerin: along with lemon juice, as an emollient.

Glycyrrhizin, Ammoniated.

Grindelia: in habitual or spasmodic cough.

Hyoscyamus: in tickling night coughs.

Ichthalbin: as alterative and assimilative.

Iodine: as inhalation in cough after measles, or exposure to cold, associated with much hoarseness and wheezing of the chest.

Iodoform: In the cough of phthisis.

Ipecacuanha: internally and as spray locally; in obstinate winter cough and bronchial asthma.

Ipecacuanha and Squill Pill: in chronic bronchitis at night.

Lactucarium: to relieve.

Laurocerasus, Aqua: substitute for hydrocyanic acid.

Linseed: in throat cough.

Lobelia: in whooping-cough and dry bronchitic cough.

Nasal Douche: in nasal cough.

Oil Bitter Almond.

Opiates: morphine locally to the throat and larynx, and generally.

Peronin: admirable sedative without constipating action.

Potassium Bromide: in reflex coughs.

Potassium Carbonate: in dry cough with little expectoration.

Prunus Virginiana.

Pulsatilla: as anemonin 1/2 to 1 grn. dose, in asthma and whooping cough.

Sanguinaria: in nervous cough.

Tannin: as glycerite to the fauces in chronic inflammation, especially in children.

Tar Water: in winter cough, especially paroxysmal, bronchial and phthisical.

Valerian: in hysterical cough.

Zinc Sulphate: in nervous hysterical cough.

~Coxalgia.~--See also, Abscess, Caries, Suppuration, Synovitis.

~Cramp.~--See Spasmodic Affections.


Thyroid preparations.

~Croup.~--See also, Laryngismus Stridulus, Laryngitis, Diphtheria.

Acid, Carbolic: spray.

Acid, Lactic: to dissolve membrane (1 in 20); applied as spray or painted over.

Acid, Sulphurous: as spray.

Aconite: in catarrhal croup.

Alum: teaspoonful with honey or syrup every 1/4 or 1/2 hour until vomiting is induced; most useful emetic.


Apomorphine: as an emetic; may cause severe depression.

Calomel: large doses, to allay spasm and check formation of false membrane.

Copper Sulphate: 1 to 5 grn., according to age of child, until vomiting is induced.

Creolin Vapors.

Ichthyol Vapors.

Ipecacuanha: must be fresh; if it does not succeed other emetics must be taken.

Jaborandi: beneficial in a few cases.

Lime Water: spray, most useful in adults.

Lobelia: has been used.

Mercury Cyanide.

Mercury Subsulphate: one of the best emetics; 3 to 5 grn., given early.



Quinine: in spasmodic croup, in large doses.

Sanguinaria: a good emetic; take syrup ipecac, 2 fl. oz.; pulv. sanguin., 20 grn.; pulv. ipecac, 5 grn.; give a teaspoonful every quarter-hour till emesis, then half a teaspoonful every hour.

Senega: as an auxiliary.

Sozoiodole-Sodium: insufflations.

Tannin: as spray, or glycerite of tannin.

Tartar Emetic: too depressant in young children.

Zinc Sulphate: sometimes used as an emetic.

~Croup, Spasmodic.~--See Laryngismus Stridulus.

~Cystitis.~--See also, Bladder, Irritable; Calculus; Dysuria; Enuresis; Hematuria.

Acid, Benzoic: in catarrh with alkaline urine.

Acid, Boric: as boroglyceride as injection, in cystitis with an alkaline urine due to fermentation.

Acid, Carbolic, or Sulphocarbolates: as antiseptics.

Acid, Osmic.

Acid, Salicylic: in chronic cystitis with ammoniacal urine.

Aconite: when fever is present.

Alkalies: when urine is acid and the bladder irritable and inflamed.

Ammonium Citrate: in chronic cystitis.

Arbutin: diuretic in chronic cystitis.

Belladonna: most useful to allay irritability.

Buchu: especially useful in chronic cases.

Calcium Hippurate.

Cantharides or Cantharidin: in small doses long continued, where there is a constant desire to micturate, associated with much pain and strain.

Chimaphila: in chronic cases.

Copaiba: useful.

Eucalyptus: extremely useful in chronic cases.



Hot compress over bladder.

Hot Enemata: to relieve the pain.

Hot Sitz Bath.

Hygienic Measures.

Hyoscyamus: to relieve pain and irritability.

Ichthyol Irrigations.

Iodine and Iodides.

Iodoform or Iodoformogen: as suppository.

Kava Kava.

Leeches: to perineum.

Mercury Bichloride: solution to cleanse bladder.

Milk Diet.

Oil Juniper.

Oil Sandal.

Opium: as enema to relieve pain.

Opium, Belladonna, or Iodoform: suppositories.

Pareira: in chronic cases.


Potassium Bromide: to relieve the pain.

Potassium Chlorate and other Potassium salts, except bitartrate.

Quinine: in acute cases.

Sozoiodole-Sodium: irrigations (1 per cent.).

Sozoiodole-Zinc: irrigations (1/2 per cent.).


Sulphites: to prevent putrefaction of urine.

Triticum Repens.

Turpentine Oil: in chronic cases.

Uva Ursi: in chronic cases.

Zea Mays: a mild stimulant diuretic.

~Cysts.~--See also, Ovaritis.


Chloride of Gold: in ovarian dropsy.


Iodine: as an injection after tapping.

Silver Nitrate: as an injection.

~Cyanosis.~--See also, Asphyxia, Asthma, Dyspnea, Heart Affections.


~Dandruff.~--See Pityriasis.


Cantharides: as ointment behind the ear.

Colchicum: in gouty persons.

Gargles: in throat-deafness.

Glycerin: locally.

Quinine: in Meni�re's disease.

Tannin: in throat deafness.

~Debility.~--See also, Adynamia, Anemia, Convalescence.

Acid, Hypophosphorous.

Alcohol: along with food often very useful; liable to abuse--not to be continued too long; effect watched in aged people with dry tongue.

Arsenic: in young anemic persons, alone or with iron, and in elderly persons with feeble circulation.

Bitters: useful as tonic.

Calcium salts: phosphates if from overwork or town life; hypophosphites in nervous debility.

Cholagogue Purgatives: when debility is due to defective elimination of waste.

Cinchona: a fresh infusion along with carbonate of ammonium.


Digitalis: where circulation is feeble.

Eucalyptus: in place of quinine.

Extract Malt, Dry.

Gaduol: in cachoxias.

Hemo-gallol: as a highly efficacious blood-producer; non-constipating.

Hydrastis: in place of quinine.

Iron: in anemic subjects.

Magnesium Hypophosphite.

Maltone Wines.

Manganese: alone or with iron.

Morphine: subcutaneously, if due to onanism or hysteria.

Nux Vomica: most powerful general tonic.

Orexine: for building up nutrition when appetite lacking.

Potassium Hypophosphite.

Quinine: general tonic.

Sanguinaria: when gastric digestion is feeble.

Sarsaparilla: if syphilitic taint is present.

Sea-bathing: in chronic illness with debility.

Turkish Baths: if due to tropical climate, with caution; in townspeople, when they become stout and flabby.

~Decubitus.~--See Bed-Sore.

~Delirium.~--See also, Cerebral Congestion, Fever, Mania.

Alcohol: when delirium is due to exhaustion.

Antimony: along with opium in fever, such as typhus.

Baths, Cold: in fever.

Belladonna: in the delirium of typhus.

Blisters: in delirium due to an irritant poison, and not to exhaustion.

Camphor: in 20 grn. doses every two or three hours in low muttering delirium.

Camphor, Monobrom.

Cannabis Indica: in nocturnal delirium occurring in softening of the brain.

Chloral Hydrate: in violent delirium of fevers.

Cold Douche: place patient in warm bath while administered.

Musk: in the delirium of low fever, and in ataxic pneumonia of drunkards with severe nervous symptoms.

Opium: with tartar emetic.

Valerian: in the delirium of adynamic fevers.

~Delirium Tremens.~--See also, Alcoholism.

Acid, Succinic.

Alcohol: necessary when the attack is due to a failure of digestion; not when it is the result of a sudden large excess.

Ammonium Carbonate: in debility.

Amylene Hydrate.

Antimony: along with opium, to quiet maniacal excitement and give sleep.

Arnica: the tincture when there is great depression.

Beef-tea: most useful.

Belladonna: insomnia when coma-vigil.


Bromide of Potassium: in large doses, especially when an attack is threatening.

Bromated Camphor: nervine, sedative, and antispasmodic.

Butyl-chloral Hydrate.

Cannabis Indica: useful, and not dangerous.

Capsicum: twenty to thirty grn. doses, repeated after three hours, to induce sleep.

Chloral Hydrate: if the delirium follows a debauch; with caution in old topers and cases of weak heart; instead of sleep sometimes produces violent delirium.

Chloroform: internally by stomach.

Cimicifuga or Cimicifugin: as a tonic.


Cold Douche or Pack: for insomnia.

Conium: as an adjunct to opium.

Croton Oil: purgative.

Digitalis: in large doses has had some success.


Enemata: nutritive, when stomach does not retain food.

Ethylene Bromide.

Food: nutritious; more to be depended on than anything else.


Hyoscyamus: useful, like belladonna, probably, in very violent delirium.

Ice to Head: to check vomiting.

Lupulin: as an adjunct to more powerful remedies.

Morphine Valerianate.

Opium: to be given with caution.


Quinine: to aid digestion.

Sodium Bromide.

Stramonium: more powerful than belladonna.

Sumbul: in insomnia and nervous depression and preceding an attack.


Veratrum Viride: very dangerous.

~Dementia Paralytica.~






Belladonna: in convulsions.

Bromide of Potassium: to lessen irritability and to stop convulsions.

Calumba: in vomiting and diarrhea.

Hypophosphites: as tonic.

Phosphate of Calcium: when delayed or defective.

Tropacocaine: weak solution rubbed into gums.




Aluminium Oleate.

~Diabetes Insipidus.~

Dry Diet.

Ergot: carried to its full extent.

Gold Chloride: in a few cases.

Jaborandi: in some cases.

Krameria: to lessen the quantity of urine.

Lithium Carbonate or Citrate with Sodium Arsenite: in gouty cases.

Muscarine: in some cases.

Opium: most useful; large doses if necessary.

Potassium Iodide: in syphilitic taint.

Rhus Aromatica.

Strychnine and Sulphate of Iron: as tonics.

Valerian: in large doses.

~Diabetes Mellitus.~

CAUTION: The urine of patients taking salicylic acid gives Trommer's test for sugar.

Acid, Gallic, with opium.

Acid, Phosphoric: to lessen thirst.

Acidulated Water or Non-purgative Alkaline Water: for thirst.

Alkalies: alkaline waters are useful, when of hepatic origin, in obese subjects; and in delirium.

Almond Bread.

Ammonium Carbonate.

Ammonium Citrate.

Ammonium Phosphate.

Arsenic Bromide.

Arsenic: in thin subjects.

Belladonna: full doses.

Calcium Sulphide.

Codeine: a most efficient remedy; sometimes requires to be pushed to the extent of 10 grn. or more per diem.

Colchicum and Iodides.


Glycerin: as remedy, and as food and as sweetening agent in place of sugar.

Hemo-gallol: efficacious hematinic in anemic cases.

Hydrogen Dioxide.

Iron: most useful along with morphine.



Lithium Carbonate or Citrate with Arsenic: if due to gout.

Pancreatin: if due to pancreatic disease.

Purgatives, Restricted Diet and Exercise: if due to high living and sedentary habits.

Saccharin: as a harmless sweetener in place of sugar.

Skim-Milk Diet.

Sodium Carbonate: by intravenous injection in diabetic coma.

Sodium Citrate.

Sodium Phosphate: as purgative.


Uranium Nitrate.

~Diarrhea.~--See also, Dysentery, Cholera.

Acids, Mineral: in profuse serous discharges, and in cholera infantum.

Acid, Nitric: with nux vomica to assist mercury, when due to hepatic derangement; combined with pepsin when this is the case with children.

Acid, Nitro-hydrochloric: when there is intestinal dyspepsia.

Acid, Nitrous: in profuse serous diarrhea, and the sudden diarrhea of hot climates.

Acid, Salicylic: in summer diarrhea, and diarrhea of phthisis.

Acid, Sulphuric, diluted in diarrhea of phthisis.

Aconite: in high fever and cutting abdominal pains.

Alkalies: in small doses in diarrhea of children, if due to excess of acid in the intestine causing colic and a green stool.

Aluminium Acetate Solution.

Ammonium Carbonate: in the after-stage, if there is a continuous watery secretion.

Ammonium Chloride: in intestinal catarrh.

Argentic Nitrate: in acute and chronic diarrhea as astringent.

Aromatics: in nervous irritability or relaxation without inflammation.

Arsenic: a few drops of Fowler's solution in diarrhea excited by taking food; in diarrhea with passages of membraneous shreds, associated with uterine derangement; and along with opium in chronic diarrhea of malarial origin.

Belladonna: in colliquative diarrhea.

Bismuth Subnitrate: in large doses in chronic diarrhea; with grey powder in the diarrhea of children.

Bismuth Citrate.

Bismuth Phosphate, Soluble.


Cajeput Oil: along with camphor, chloroform and opium in serous diarrhea.

Calcium Carbolate.

Calcium Carbonate: the aromatic chalk mixture in the diarrhea of children, and of phthisis and typhus.

Calcium Chloride: in the colliquative diarrhea of strumous children, and in chronic diarrhea with weak digestion.

Calcium Permanganate.

Calcium Phosphate: in chronic diarrhea, especially of children.

Calcium Salicylate.

Calcium Sulphate.

Calomel: in minute doses in chronic diarrhea of children with pasty white stools.


Calx Saccharata: in the chronic diarrhea and vomiting of young children.

Camphor: in the early stage of Asiatic cholera, at the commencement of summer diarrhea, acute diarrhea of children, and diarrhea brought on by effluvia.

Capsicum: in diarrhea from fish; in summer diarrhea; in diarrhea after expulsion of irritant.


Castor Oil: in the diarrhea of children.

Castor Oil and Opium: to carry away any irritant.

Catechu: astringent.

Chalk Mixture, see Calcium Carbonate.

Charcoal: in foul evacuations.

Chloroform: as spirits with opium after a purgative.


Cocaine: in serous diarrhea.

Cod-Liver Oil: to children with pale stinking stools.

Cold or Tepid Pack: in summer diarrhea of children.

Copaiba: for its local action in chronic cases.

Copper Sulphate: one-tenth grn. along with opium in acute and chronic diarrhea, associated with colicky pains and catarrh.

Corrosive Sublimate: in small doses in acute and chronic watery diarrhea, marked by slimy or bloody stools of children and adults; and diarrhea of phthisis and typhoid.

Coto Bark: in catarrhal diarrhea.


Diet: for summer diarrhea.

Dulcamara: in diarrhea of children from teething and exposure.

Enteroclysis: when mucous form becomes chronic.

Ergot: in a very chronic diarrhea succeeding to an acute attack.

Erigeron Canadense.

Eucalyptol or Eucalyptus.


Flannel Binder: adjunct in children.

Gaduol: as tonic in scrofulous and weakly children.

Galls: in chronic diarrhea.



Guaiacol Carbonate.

Guarana: in convalescence.

Hematoxylon: mild astringent, suitable to children from its sweetish taste.

Injection: of starch water, at 100� F., with tinct. opii and acetate of lead or sulphate of copper, in the choleraic diarrhea of children.

Ipecacuanha: drop doses of the wine every hour in the dysenteric diarrhea of children, marked by green slimy stools.

Kino: astringent.

Krameria: astringent.

Lead Acetate: in suppository or by mouth; in summer diarrhea (simple in children, with morphine in adults); with opium in purging due to typhoid or tubercular disease, in profuse serous discharge, and in purging attended with inflammation.

Magnesia: antacid for children.

Magnesium Salicylate.

Mercury: the gray powder in diarrhea of children, marked by derangement of intestinal secretion and stinking stools; to be withheld where masses of undigested milk are passed; in adults, see Corrosive Sublimate.

Monesia Extract.

Morphine Sulphate.


Nux Vomica: in chronic cases.

Oak Bark: infusion, astringent.

Opium: in tubercular and typhoid diarrhea; in acute, after expulsion of offending matter; as an enema, with starch, in the acute fatal diarrhea of children.


Pepsin: along with nitro-hydrochloric acid.

Podophyllum: in chronic diarrhea, with high-colored pale or frothy stools.

Potassium Chlorate: in chronic cases with mucilaginous stools.

Pulsatilla: in catarrhal.

Rhubarb: to evacuate intestine.

Rumex Crispus: in morning diarrhea.

Salicin: in catarrh and chronic diarrhea of children.

Saline Purgatives.

Sodium Carbolate.

Sodium Paracresotate.

Sodium Thiosulphate.

Starch, Iodized.

Tannalbin: has a very wide range of indications.

Tannin with Opium: in acute and chronic internally, or as enema.

Veratrum Album: in summer diarrhea.


Acid, Benzoic: in large doses.

Acid, Boric; or Borax: glycerin solution locally.

Acid, Carbolic: as spray or painted on throat; internally with iron.

Acid, Carbolic, Glycerite of: painted over twice a day.

Acid, Hydrochloric: dilute as gargle, or strong as caustic.

Acid, Lactic: a spray or local application of a solution of 1 dram to the oz. of water, to dissolve the false membrane.

Acid, Salicylic: locally as gargle, or internally.

Acid, Sulphurous.

Acid, Tartaric.

Alcohol: freely given, very useful.



Apomorphine: as an emetic.

Argentic Nitrate: of doubtful value.


Belladonna: at commencement, especially useful when tonsils are much swollen and there is little exudation; later on, to support the heart.

Bromine: as inhalation.

Calcium Bisulphite: solution, as paint.

Chlorinated-Soda Solution: as gargle or wash.

Chlorine Water: internally; locally in sloughing of the throat.

Cold: externally.

Copper Sulphate: as emetic.

Guaiacum: internally.

Ichthyol: paint.

Ice: to neck, and in mouth; with iron chloride internally if suppuration threatens.

Iron: the perchloride in full doses by the mouth, and locally painted over the throat.

Lemon Juice: gargle.

Lime Water: most serviceable in adults, as a spray.

Mercury: internally as calomel or cyanide, 1/20 to 1/40 of a grn.

Mercury Oxycyanide.

Oxygen: inhalations, with strychnine and atropine hypodermically. If suffocation is imminent, intubation or tracheotomy may be necessary.

Papain: as solvent of false membrane.

Pepsin: as membrane solvent, locally.

Pilocarpine Hydrochlorate: internally; sometimes aids in loosening the false membrane.

Potassa Solution: internally.

Potassium Bichromate: as emetic.

Potassium Chlorate: internally, frequently repeated, and locally as a gargle.

Potassium Permanganate: as gargle.

Pyoktanin: topically.

Quinine: strong solution or spray.

Resorcin: spray.

Sanguinaria: as emetic. See under Croup.

Sassafras Oil: locally.

Sodium Benzoate: in large doses, and powder insufflated.

Sodium Hyposulphite, or Sulphites: internally and locally.

Sodium Sulphocarbolate.

Sozoiodole-Potassium: as dusting-powder with sulphur.

Sozoiodole-Sodium: as preceding; or as solution.

Strychnine: subcutaneously for paralysis.


Tannin: five per cent. solution as a spray.

Tolu Balsam.

~Dipsomania.~--See Alcoholism.

~Dropsy.~--See also, Ascites, Hydrocele, Hydrocephalus, Hydrothorax, etc.

Aconite: at once in dropsy of scarlet fever if temperature should rise.

Acupuncture: in oedema about the ankles, to be followed up by hot bathing; not much use in tricuspid disease.

Ammonium Benzoate: in hepatic dropsy.

Ammonium Chloride: in hepatic dropsy.

Antihydropin: a crystalline principle extracted from cockroaches; is a powerful diuretic in scarlatinal dropsy; 15 grn. as a dose for an adult; the insect is used in Russia.


Arsenic: in dropsy of feet from fatty heart, debility, or old age.

Asclepias Syriaca: may be combined with apocynum.

Broom: one of the most useful diuretics, especially in scarlatinal, renal, and hepatic dropsy.

Bryonia: as drastic purgative, and diuretic.

Cactus Grandiflorus: tincture.

Caffeine: in cardiac and chronic renal dropsy.

Cannabis Indica: as diuretic.

Chenopodium Anthelminticum: in scarlatinal dropsy.

Chimaphila: in renal dropsy.

Colchicum: in hepatic, cardiac, and scarlatinal dropsy.

Convallaria: used by the Russian peasantry.

Copaiba: especially in hepatic and cardiac dropsy: not certain in renal.

Digitalis: in all dropsies, but especially cardiac dropsies. Infusion is best form.

Diet: dry.

Elaterium or Elaterin: useful hydragogues cathartics, especially in chronic renal disease; should not be given in exhaustion.

Erythrophleum: in cardiac dropsy instead of digitalis.

Gamboge never to be used!

Hellebore: in post-scarlatinal dropsy.

Hemo-gallol: when marked anemia present.

Iron: to correct anemia; along with saline purgatives.

Jaborandi: in renal dropsy with suppression of renal function.

Jalap: in some cases.

Juniper: exceedingly useful in cardiac, and chronic, not acute renal trouble.

Nitrous Ether: useful alone, or with other diuretics.

Oil Croton.

Parsley: a stimulant diuretic.

Paracentesis Abdominis.

Potassium Bicarbonate.

Potassium Bitartrate and Acetate with Compound Jalap Powder: most useful of the hydragogue cathartics.

Potassium Iodide: in large doses, sometimes a diuretic in renal dropsy.

Potassium Nitrate: as diuretic.


Scoparius Infusion.

Senega: in renal dropsy.

Squill: in cardiac dropsy.

Strophanthus: in cardiac dropsy.

Sulphate of Magnesium: a concentrated solution before food is taken.


Theobromine and salts.

Turpentine Oil: in albuminuria.

~Duodenal Catarrh.~--See also, Jaundice, Biliousness.

Acid, Citric.

Acid, Nitro-hydrochloric.

Arsenic: in catarrh of bile-ducts as a sequela.

Hydrastis: in catarrh associated with gall stones.


~Dysentery.~--See also, Diarrhea, Enteritis.

Acid, Boric: continuous irrigation with a two-way tube.

Acid, Nitrous: in the chronic dysentery of hot climates.

Aconite: when much fever.

Alum: to control the diarrhea.

Aluminium Acetate: solution.

Arnica: where much depression.

Arsenic: Fowler's solution along with opium if due to malaria.

Benzoin: in chronic cases.

Berberine Carbonate: in chronic intestinal catarrh.

Calomel: in acute sthenic type.

Castor Oil: in small doses, with opium.

Cathartics: to cause local depletion.

Cold: Enemata of ice cold water to relieve pain and tenesmus.

Copaiba: in some cases.

Corrosive Sublimate: in small doses, when stools are slimy and bloody.


Ergotin: in very chronic type.

Glycerin: with linseed tea, to lessen tenesmus.

Grape Diet.

Hamamelis: where much blood in motions.

Ice Water: injections.

Injections: in early stages, emollient; in later, astringent.

Ipecacuanha: in 30 grn. doses on empty stomach, with complete rest; or as enema, with small quantity of fluid; milk is a good vehicle.

Iron: internally, or as enemata.

Lead Acetate, by mouth, or as enema or suppository, along with opium.

Lemon Juice.

Magnesium Sulphate: in acute cases in early stage.

Naphtol, Alpha.

Nux Vomica: in epidemic cases, and where prune juice stools and much depression.

Opium: to check the diarrhea; given after the action of a saline.

Potassium Bitartrate: in advanced stages where much mucus.

Potassium Chlorate: as enema.

Quinine Sulphate: in large doses in malarial cases, followed by ipecacuanha.

Silver Nitrate: as injection.

Soda Chlorinata: as enema.

Sulphur: in chronic cases.

Tannin: conjoined with milk diet in chronic disease.

Turpentine Oil: with opium when the acute symptoms have passed off; also in epidemic of a low type.

Zinc Sulphate: by mouth or enema.


Aconite: in congestive form in plethorics; or sequent to sudden arrest.


Amyl Nitrite: in neuralgic form.

Apiol (Oil of Parsley): as emmenagogue in neuralgic form; to be given just before the expected period.

Arsenic: when membranous discharge from uterus.

Belladonna: in neuralgic form; along with synergists.

Borax: in membranous form.

Butyl-Chloral Hydrate: in neuralgic form.

Camphor: frequently repeated in nervous subjects.

Cannabis Indica: very useful.

Chloroform: vapor locally.

Cimicifuga: in congestive cases at commencement.

Electricity: the galvanic current in neuralgic; an inverse current in congestive.

Ergot: in congestive cases at commencement, especially if following sudden arrest.

Ethyl Bromide.

Ginger: if menses are suddenly suppressed.


Guaiacum: in rheumatic cases.

Hamamelis: often relieves.

Ipecacuanha; as an emetic.

Iron: in anemia.

Morphine: like opium.

Nux Vomica: in neuralgic form.

Opium: exceedingly useful in small doses of 3 to 5 min. of tincture alone, or along with 3 or 4 grn. of chloral hydrate.


Piscidia Erythrina.

Stypticin: useful uterine sedative.


Water: cold and hot, alternately dashed over loins in atonic cases.

~Dyspepsia.~--See also, Acidity, Biliousness, Flatulence, Gastralgia. Pyrosis.

Acids: before or after meals, especially nitro-hydrochloric acid.

Acid, Gallic: in pyrosis.

Acid, Hydrochloric, Dilute: after a meal, especially if there is diarrhea.

Acid, Hydrocyanic: in irritable cases.

Acid, Lactic: in imperfect digestion.

Acid, Nitric: with bitter tonics.

Acid, Sulphurous; in acid pyrosis and vomiting.

Acid, Tannic: in irritable dyspepsia.

Alcohol: along with food when digestion is impaired by fatigue, etc.

Alkalies: very useful before meals in atonic dyspepsia, or two hours after.

Aloes: as dinner pill, along with nux vomica, in habitual constipation.

Arsenic: 1 min. of liquor before meals in neuralgia of the stomach, or diarrhea excited by food.


Belladonna: to lessen pain and constipation.

Bismuth Subnitrate: when stomach is irritable; and in flatulence.

Bitters: given with acids or alkalies, to stimulate digestion.

Calabar Bean: in the phantom tumor sometimes accompanying.

Calcium Saccharate.

Calcium Sulphite.

Calumba: very useful.

Capsicum: in atonic dyspepsia.


Cerium Nitrate.


Charcoal: for flatulence.

Cholagogues: often very useful.


Cocaine: in nervous dyspepsia, 1/4 grn. twice or three times a day.

Cod-Liver Oil: in the sinking at the epigastrium in the aged without intestinal irritation.

Colchicum: in gouty subjects.

Cold Water: half a tumbler half an hour before breakfast.

Creosote: if due to fermentative changes.

Diastase of Malt.

Eucalyptus: in atonic dyspepsia due to the presence of sarcin�.

Gentian: in atony and flatulence.

Ginger: an adjunct.

Gold: the chloride in nervous indigestion.

Hops: a substitute for alcohol.

Hot Water: a tumbler twice or three times between meals, in acid dyspepsia, flatulence and to repress craving for alcohol.

Hydrastis or Hydrastine Hydrochlorate: in chronic dyspepsia or chronic alcoholism.

Ipecacuanha: useful adjunct to dinner pill, in chronic irritable dyspepsia.

Iron and Bismuth Citrate.

Iron Phosphates.

Kino: in pyrosis.

Magnesia: in acid dyspepsia.

Manganese: in gastrodynia and pyrosis.

Mercury: as cholagogue.

Morphine: subcutaneously in irritable subjects.

Nux Vomica: exceedingly useful in most forms along with mineral acids.

Opium: in sinking at the stomach partially relieved by food which, at the same time, produces diarrhea, a few drops of tincture before meals; with nux vomica in palpitation, etc.

Orexine Tannate: very potent.

Pancreatin: 1-1/2 or 2 hours after meals, very useful.

Pepper: in atonic indigestion.

Pepsin: sometimes very useful with meals; and in apepsia of infants.

Podophyllin: a cholagogue, used instead of mercury; useful along with nux vomica and mineral acids.

Potassa, Solution of.

Potassium Permanganate: like manganese.

Potassium Sulphide.



Quinine: in elderly people, and to check flatulence.


Sanguinaria: in atonic dyspepsia.


Silver Nitrate: in neuralgic cases.

Sodium Sulphocarbolate: in flatulence and spasm after a meal.

Strontium Bromide.

Turkish Bath: in malaise after dining out.

Wahoo (Euonymin): as a cholagogue.

Xanthoxylum: as stomachic tonic.


Acid, Hydrocyanic: as gargle.

Bromide of Potassium: in hysterical dysphagia; or dysphagia of liquids in children.

Cajeput Oil: in nervous dysphagia.

Cocaine: in tonsillitis, etc., as cause, 4 per cent. solution painted over.

Iced Fluids: slowly swallowed in spasmodic dysphagia.

~Dyspnea.~--See also, Angina Pectoris, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, Emphysema, Phthisis.

Acid, Hydrocyanic, Diluted.

Adonis Aestivalis: tincture.


Bitter Almond Water.

Cherry Laurel Water.

Dry Cupping over back: when due to cardiac or pulmonary trouble.


Stramonium: tincture.

Theobromine and Sodium Salicylate.

Thoracentesis: if there is pleural effusion.

~Dysuria.~--See also, Vesical Sedatives; Bladder, Irritable; and Cystitis.

Alkalies: when urine very acid.

Camphor: in strangury.

Cannabis Indica: in hematuria.

Cantharides: tincture.


Ergot: in paralysis, when bladder feels imperfectly emptied.

Nitrous Ether.


Almond Oil.

Atropine: along with opium.

Blisters: behind the ear.


Cardiac Sedatives: internally.

Chloroform: on swab, behind and in front of ear.

Cocaine: as spray.

Ether Vapor: to tympanum.

Heat, Dry: locally.

Hop Poultice.


Inflation of Eustachian tube with Politzer's air bag.

Lead Acetate and Opium: as wash.

Leeching: behind ear.

Menthol and Liquid Petrolatum as spray.

Puncturing of tympanum if it bulge, followed by careful cleansing and insufflation of boric acid.

Water: hot as it can be borne, dropped into the ear.

~Ear Affections.~--See also, Ear-ache, Deafness, Myringitis, Otalgia, Otitis, Otorrhea, Vertigo.

Cocaine Hydrochlorate (ringing).

Sodium Borate, Neutral.

~Ecchymosis.~--See also, Bruises, Purpura.

Alcohol: externally.

Arnica: internally and externally.

Compressed Sponge: bound over.

Solomon's Seal (Convallaria): the juice of the root, especially in a "black eye."

~Eclampsia.~--See Puerperal Convulsions.


Cod-Liver Oil: internally and locally.

Copper Salts.

Gaduol: internally, as resolvent tonic.

Grape regimen.

Ichthalbin: internally, as assimilative and regulator of nutritive processes.

Lead: locally.

Quinine: for the malnutrition.

Zinc Oxide: locally.

~Ectropium and Entropium.~


Acid, Carbolic: internally and locally.

Acid, Salicylic: locally, if there is much weeping.

Acid, Picric.

Alkalies: weak solutions as a constant dressing.

Alum: to check a profuse discharge; not curative.

Ammonium Carbonate: along with fresh infusion of cinchona.

Ammonium Urate.

Anacardium Orientale.

Argentic Nitrate: simple solution, or solution in nitric ether, painted over, in chronic form.

Arsenic: applicable only in squamous and chronic form, not in acute.

Belladonna: internally, or atropine subcutaneously, in acute stage.

Benzoin: compound tincture painted on to relieve itching.

Bismuth: where there is much exudation, the powder, or ointment, either of subnitrate or carbonate.

Black Wash.

Blisters: in chronic cases, especially of hand.

Borax: the glycerite in eczema of the scalp and ears.

Boric Acid Ointment: topically, especially in eczema of the vulva.

Calcium Lithio-carbonate.

Camphor: powder to allay heat and itching.

Cashew Nut Oil: ointment in chronic cases.

Chloral Hydrate: as ointment half dram in oz. of petrolatum; or as lotion.

Cinchona: powdered bark locally as an astringent.

Citrine Ointment; locally, alone or with tar ointment, in eczema of the eyelids.

Cocaine: to allay itching in scrotal eczema.

Cocoa Nut Oil: in eczema narium.

Cod-Liver Oil: in eczema of children due to malnutrition; and locally to skin to prevent cracking.

Copper Sulphate: astringent.

Croton Seeds: tincture of, as ointment.

Electricity: central galvanization in very obstinate cases.

Eucalyptol: with iodoform and adeps lan� in dry eczema.


Gaduol: internally in scrofula or malnutrition.



Glycerin: as local emollient after an attack.

Glycerite of Aloes: in eczema aurium.

Hamamelis: locally to allay itching.

Hygienic measures and Diet.

Ichthalbin: internally, as assimilative and tonic.

Ichthyol: locally.

Iris Versicolor: in chronic gouty cases.

Iron Arsenate.

Lead Salts: where there is much inflammation and weeping, a lotion containing a glycerin preparation; if dry and itching, a strong solution or an ointment.

Lime Water: a sedative and astringent; in later stages with glycerin.

Lithia: in gouty subjects.

Mercury, Ammoniated.

Methylene Blue: in eczema of the lids.

Oil of Cade: with adeps lan�.

Phytolacca: in obstinate cases.

Plumbago: ointment in eczema aurium.

Potassium Acetate: internally.

Potassium Cyanide: to allay itching.

Potato Poultice: cold, sprinkled with zinc oxide, to allay itching.

Rhus Toxicodendron: internally and externally; where much burning and itching, and in chronic eczema of rheumatism worse at night-time.

Soap: a glycerin soap to wash with, night and morning, will allay itching; green soap.

Starch Poultice.

Sulphides or Sulphur: internally, and as baths; but not in acute stage.

Sulphur Iodide.

Tannin Glycerite: after removal of the scales; or tar, or other ointment, may be required to complete cure.

Tar: ointment; and internally as pill or capsule in very chronic form.

Viola Tricolor: infusion along with senna; externally as ointment.

Warm Baths: in acute stages.

Yolk of Egg: with water locally.

Zinc: the oxide and carbonate as dusting powders; the oxide as ointment if the raw surface is indolent after inflammation has subsided.

Zinc Oleate.


Arsenic: along with five or six times as much black pepper.

Cashew Nut Oil.

Gurjun Oil.

Iodine: internally and externally.

Oil Chaulmoogra.

~Emissions and Erections.~--See also, Chordee, Spermatorrhea, and the list of Anaphrodisiacs.



Strychnine and Arsenic: in full dose.

Warm Bath: before retiring.

~Emphysema.~--See also, Asthma, Bronchitis, Dyspnea.

Apomorphine: when secretion is scanty.

Arsenic: in subjects who are affected with dyspnea on catching a very slight cold. Especially valuable if following on retrocession of rash.

Belladonna: if bronchitis and dyspnea are severe.

Bleeding: when right side of heart engorged.

Chloral Hydrate: in acute if sudden, a single large dose; if long continued, small doses.

Cod-Liver Oil: one of the best remedies.

Compressed Air: inhaled.

Cubebs: the tincture sometimes relieves like a charm.

Ether: internally, as inhalation.

Grindelia: in most respiratory neuroses.

Lobelia: where there is severe dyspnea, or capillary bronchitis.

Oxygen: in paroxysmal dyspnea.

Purging: instead of bleeding.



Strychnine: as a respiratory stimulant.


Aspiration, or free Incisions.

Acid, Carbolic: as injection to wash out cavity.

Acid, Salicylic: same as above.

Carbolate of Iodine: same as above.

Chlorine Water: same as above.

Ichthalbin: as assimilative and alterative.

Iodine: same as carbolic acid.


Quinine: same as carbolic acid.

~Endocarditis.~--See also, Pericarditis.

Acid, Salicylic: in the rheumatic form.

Aconite: in small doses frequently at commencement.




Chloral Hydrate: in moderate doses.

Ice-bag over precordium.

Leeches or Wet Cups: in early stages, to abort.

Lithium Citrate or Acetate.

Mercury: to prevent fibrinous deposits; conjointly with alkalies if of rheumatic origin.

Opium: in full doses.

Potassium Salts: to liquefy exudation.

Quinine: in full doses at commencement.

~Endometritis.~--See also, Uterine Congestion and Hypertrophy.

Acid, Carbolic: locally applied, undiluted, on cotton wool probe, in chronic form.

Acid, Chromic: strong solution, 15 grn. in 1 fl. dram of hot water in catarrh.

Calcium Bisulphite: solution.

Ergot: subcutaneously.

Hot Water Injections.

Hydrargyri Bichloridum: injection.

Iodo-tannin: solution of iodine in tannic acid, on cotton-wool.


~Enteric Fever.~--See Typhoid Fever.

~Enteritis.~--See also, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Cholera, Peritonitis, Typhlitis.

Aconite: in acute cases.

Argentic Nitrate: in chronic form.

Arsenic: in small doses along with opium.

Bismuth and Ammonium Citrate.

Bismuth-Cerium Salicylate.

Calomel: in obstructive enteritis with constipation, pushed to salivate.

Castor Oil: especially in the chronic enteritis of children. Very useful along with opium.

Copper Sulphate: in minute doses.

Extract Monesia.

Lead Acetate: sedative astringent.

Linseed: infusion as drink.

Magnesium Sulphate: the most valuable purgative.

Poultice, Hot.

Skim Milk: as diet, alone or with lime-water.

Ulmus: infusion as drink, or leaves as poultice.


Belladonna: very useful for children, but the dose must be large.

Buchu: in chronic cases.

Cantharides: internally; very useful in middle-aged women or the aged.

Chloral Hydrate: in children.

Collodion: to form a cap over prepuce.

Ergot: in paralytic cases.

Iodide of Iron: in some cases.


Potassium Nitrate: in children.

Santonin: when worms present.

Strychnine: very useful in the paralysis of the aged, and incontinence of children.

~Epididymitis.~--See also, Orchitis.

Aconite: in small doses frequently repeated.

Guaiacol: locally.

Heat, Moisture, and Pressure: in later stages, to relieve induration.


Iodine: grn. 4 to adeps lan� oz. 1, locally, to relieve induration.

Mercury and Belladonna: as ointment.

Mercury and Morphine: locally as oleate if persistent.

Pulsatilla: in very small doses along with aconite.

Punctures: to relieve tension and pain.

Rest in bed: elevation of pelvis and testicles, suspension of any local gonorrheal treatment.

Silver Nitrate: strong solution locally applied to abort.

Strapping and suspending testicle.

~Epilepsy.~--See also, Hystero-Epilepsy, Convulsions.

Acid, Perosmic.

Adonis Vernalis.

Ammonium or Sodium Nitrite.

Aniline Sulphate.

Apomorphine: to prevent; in emetic doses.

Argentic Nitrate: sometimes useful, but objectionable from risk of discoloring the skin.

Arsenic: in epileptiform vertigo.

Anesthetics: rarely.

Belladonna: in petit mal, in nocturnal epilepsy and anemic subjects; perseverance in its use is required.

Blisters: over seat of aura.

Bromides of Potassium, Sodium, Strontium, Lithium, and Iron: most generally useful; dose should be large; in cases occurring in the day-time, in grand mal, reflex epilepsy, and cerebral hyperemia.

Bromalin: mild yet very efficacious.

Caesium and Ammonium Bromide.

Calabar Bean.

Calcium Bromide.

Calcium Bromo-iodide.

Camphor: has been, but is not now, much used.

Cautery: frequently and lightly repeated.

Chloral Hydrate: full dose at bed-time in nocturnal attacks.

Chloroform: inhalation in hystero-epilepsy.

Copper Ammonio-sulphate: sometimes useful.


Hydrargyri Biniodidum: in syphilitic history.


Iron: in uterine obstruction, in cerebral and genital anemia; alone, or the bromide along with the bromide of potassium.

Lithium Bromide.

Lobelia: has been used as a nauseant to relieve the spasms.

Musk: has been tried.


Nitrite of Amyl: inhaled will cut short a fit; if there is appreciable time between aura and fit will prevent it, and cut short status epilepticus.

Nitrite of Sodium: in petit mal in 1 grn. dose thrice daily.

Nitroglycerin: like nitrite of amyl, but slightly slower in action.

Paraldehyde: instead of bromides.

Picrotoxin: weak and anemic type: or nocturnal attacks; must be persisted in.

Potassium Bromate.

Potassium Iodide: with bromide; alone in syphilitic history.

Quassia: injections when due to worms.

Rubidium-Ammonium Bromide.

Rue: when seminal emissions also are present.

Santonin: has been tried.

Seton: in the back of the neck.

Silver Salts.

Simulo Tincture.

Sodium Fluoride.

Solanum Carolinense: in epilepsy of childhood.

Strychnine: in idiopathic epilepsy and especially in pale anemic subjects; not if there is any organic lesion.

Turpentine Oil: if due to worms.

Valerian: sometimes does good, especially if due to worms.

Zinc Salts: the oxide, or sulphate; epileptiform vertigo due to gastric disturbance is often relieved by the oxide.

~Epistaxis.~--See also, Hemorrhage.

Acid, Gallic: along with ergot and digitalis.

Aconite: in small and frequent doses to children, and in plethora.

Alum: powder snuffed or blown up the nostrils.

Arnica: in traumatic cases.

Barium Chloride: to lower arterial tension.

Blister over Liver.

Cocaine: locally in hemorrhage from the nasal mucous membrane.

Compression of Facial Artery.

Digitalis: the infusion is best.

Ergot: subcutaneously, or by stomach.

Erigeron Oil.

Hot Foot-bath, or Hot or Cold-water Bags applied to dorsal vertebr�.

Ice: over nose and head.

Ipecacuanha: until it nauseates or produces actual vomiting.

Iron: as spray the sub-sulphate or perchloride.

Plugging anterior and posterior nares necessary, if epistaxis is obstinate.

Tannin: locally applied.

Transfusion: if death threatens from loss.

Turpentine Oil: internally in passive hemorrhage.

Warm Baths: to feet and hands, with or without mustard.

Warm Water Bags: to spine.


Calcium Carbide.

Mercury, Acid Nitrate: applied to part with glass rod.

~Erysipelas.~--See also, Phlegmon.

Acid, Benzoic: the soda salt 2 to 3 drams in the twenty-four hours.

Acid, Boric: lotion in phlegmonous erysipelas.

Acid, Carbolic: lint soaked in two per cent. solution relieves pain; subcutaneously 1/2 dram, alcohol 1/2 dram, water 2 oz.

Acid, Salicylic: as ointment, or dissolved in collodion as paint.

Acid, Sulphurous: equal parts with glycerin locally.

Aconite: at commencement may cut it short; valuable when skin is hot and pungent and pulse firm; also in erysipelatous inflammation following vaccination.

Alcoholic Stimulants: if patient passes into typhoid state.

Ammonium Carbonate: when tendency to collapse, and in typhoid condition; internally and locally; more adapted to idiopathic, especially facial erysipelas.

Bitters and Iron.

Collodion: locally in superficial erysipelas, useless when cracked.

Digitalis: infusion locally.

Hot Fomentations.

Iodine: solution not too strong painted over.

Iron: large doses frequently, and local application.


Potassium Permanganate: solution locally and internally.

Potassium Silicate.

Quinine: in large doses.

Resorcin: antipyretic and antiseptic.

Silver Nitrate: strong solution locally applied for an inch or two beyond inflamed area.

Sodium Salicylate: antipyretic.

Tartar Emetic: small doses frequently.



Tinct. Ferric Chloride.



White Lead: paint locally.


Acids: in cases of indigestion.

Alum: lotion.

Belladonna: in simple erythema.

Cold Cream.

Lead: the glycerite of the carbonate.

Quinine: in erythema nodosum.

Zinc: locally, as ointments or lotions.

~Excoriations.~--See also, Intertrigo.

Lead Cerate.

Lead Nitrate.

Lead Tannate.

Zinc Carbonate.

~Exhaustion.~--See also, Adynamia, Convalescence, Insomnia, Myalgia, Neurasthenia.



~Exhaustion, Nervous.~

Spirit Ammonia.

~Exhaustion, Sexual.~

Cornutine Citrate.

Muira Puama.


Acid Boric.

Barium Chloride: to raise arterial tension.

Chalybeate Waters: for the anemia.


Digitalis: if functional in young subjects; often relieves in other cases.

Galvanism of the cervical sympathetic, and pneumogastric nerves.


Iron: for the anemia.

Sparteine Sulphate.


~Eye Diseases.~--See also, Amaurosis, Amblyopia, Asthenopia, Cataract, Conjunctivitis, Corneal Opacities, Glaucoma, Iritis, Keratitis, Myopia, Opthalmia, Photophobia, Retina, Strabismus, etc.--See also lists of Mydriatics, Myotics and other agents acting on the eye.

Ammonium Acetate: solution.

Arecoline Hydrobromate.

Cineraria Juice.

Erythrophleine Hydrochlorate.


Mercury Nitrate.

Phenol, Monochloro-, Para-.

Phyostigmine (Eserine).

Rhus Toxicodendron: tincture.

Rubidium Iodide.


Scoparin Hydrobromate.

Zinc Permanganate.

~Eye-Lids, Affections of.~--See also, Blepharitis, Conjunctivitis, Ecchymosis, Ectropion, Ptosis, etc.

Coniine: for spasm.

Mercury and Morphine: for stye.

~False Pains.~

~Fauces, Inflammation of.~--See also, Throat, Sore.


Acid, Boric: locally in ethereal solution.

Acid, Carbolic: as a local parasiticide.

Acid, Salicylic: like above.

Acid, Sulphurous: like above.

Cod-Liver Oil: in a debilitated subject.

Mercury: the oleate as a parasiticide; also lotion of bichloride 2 grn. to the oz. of water.

Myrtol: parasiticide.

Oil Cade.

Oils: to get rid of scabs and prevent spread.

Resorcin: parasiticide.

~Feet.--Perspiring, Fetid, Tender, Swelled, etc.~--See also, Bromidrosis, Chilblains.

Arsenic: grn. 1/60 to 1/40 in swelling of old persons.

Borax: stocking soaked in saturated solution each day and allowed to dry while on.

Cotton, instead of woolen, stockings.

Lead Plaster and Linseed Oil: equal parts, applied on linen to feet, every third day, for sweating.

Rest: absolutely for swollen feet may be necessary.

Salicylic Acid and Borax: equal parts, in water and glycerin, for sweating and tender feet.

Tannoform: with starch or talcum, as dusting-powder in stocking; very efficacious.

~Felon.~--See Onychia.

~Fermentation, Gastro-Intestinal.~--See Flatulence.

~Fever.~--See also, the titles of the fevers in their alphabetical order.

Acids or Acid Drinks: to allay thirst and aid digestion.

Acid, Carbonate.

Acid, Salicylic: in rheumatic fevers, or in hyperpyrexia.

Aconite: small doses frequently in all sympathetic fevers.

Alcohol: often useful, but effect watched carefully,--quickly discontinued if it does not relieve symptoms.

Alkalies: febrifuges, and increase urinary solids.

Ammonia: in sudden collapse.

Ammonium Acetate: very useful as diaphoretic, chiefly in milder forms.

Ammonium Carbonate: in scarlet fever and measles, and in any typhoid condition.

Ammonium Picrate: in malarial fever.

Antipyrine: to reduce temperature.

Arnica: full doses of the infusion in sthenic reaction; low doses of the tincture in asthenia.

Arsenic: in malarious fevers; and in prostrating acute fevers to raise the patient's tone.

Belladonna: in eruptive fevers and in delirium.

Bitters: with acid drinks to quell thirst, e.g. cascarilla, orange peel, etc.

Blisters: flying blisters in various parts of the body in the semi-comatose state.

Calomel: in the early stages of typhoid.

Camphor: in adynamic fevers, and in delirium, in 20 grn. doses every two or three hours, and effects watched.

Carbolate of Iodine: in the later stages of typhoid; and in chronic malarial poisoning.

Chloral Hydrate: in the violent delirium and wakefulness of typhus, etc., and to reduce fever.

Cimicifuga: when cardiac action is quick and tension low.

Coca: as a supportive and stimulant in low fevers.

Cocculus: in typhoid, to lessen tympanitis.

Coffee: in place of alcohol.

Cold Applications: affusions, packs and baths, to lessen hyperpyrexia, and an excellent stimulant, tonic and sedative; the pack in acute fevers, especially on retrocession of a rash.

Digitalis: in inflammatory eruptive fevers, especially scarlet fever, as an antipyretic; much used also in typhoid.

Elaterium: hydragogue cathartic.

Eucalyptus: in intermittent fevers.

Gelsemium: in malarial and sthenic fevers, especially in pneumonia and pleurisy.

Guaiacol: topically.

Hot Affusions: for headache sometimes better than cold.

Hydrastis: inferior to quinine in intermittent fever.

Ice: to suck; bag to forehead.

Lemon Juice: an agreeable refrigerant drink.

Mercury: small doses at the commencement of typhoid or scarlet fever.

Musk: a stimulant in collapse; along with opium in an acute specific fever.

Opium: in typhoid delirium; with tartar emetic if furious; at the crisis aids action of alcohol.


Phosphate of Calcium: in hectic.

Quinine: in malarial, typhoid, and septic fevers; the most generally applicable antipyretic.

Rhus Toxicodendron: in rheumatic fever, and scarlet fever with typhoid symptoms.

Salicin: in rheumatic fevers, or in hyperpyrexia.

Salicylate of Sodium: in rheumatic fevers, or in hyperpyrexia.

Sodium Benzoate: in infectious and eruptive fevers; antiseptic and antipyretic.

Strychnine: subcutaneously for muscular paralysis as a sequela.

Sulphate of Magnesium: as a depletive and purgative.

Tartar Emetic: in small doses, with opium, if delirium is not greater than wakefulness; if greater, in full doses, with small doses of opium; diaphoretic; in ague aids quinine, also in acute.

Turpentine Oil: stimulant in typhoid, puerperal, and yellow, and to stop hemorrhage in typhoid.

Veratrum Viride: in delirium ferox.

Warm Sponging: in the simple fevers of children.

~Fibroids.~--See Tumors.

~Fissures.~--See also, Rhagades.

~Fissured Nipples.~--See also, Rhagades.

Bismuth Oleate.

Cacao Butter.


Bismuth Oxyiodide.

Capsicum: as weak infusion locally.


Sanguinaria: as injection.

~Flatulence.~--See also, Colic, Dyspepsia.

Abstention from sugar, starchy food, tea.

Acid, Carbolic: if without acidity, etc.

Acid, Sulphurous: if due to fermentation.

Alkalies: before meals.

Ammonia: in alkaline mixture a palliative.

Asafetida: in children; simple hysterical or hypochondriacal.

Belladonna: if due to paresis of intestinal walls.


Bismuth: with charcoal, in flatulent dyspepsia.

Calumba: with aromatics.

Camphor: in hysterical flatulence, especially at climacteric.

Carbolated Camphor.

Carlsbad Waters: if due to hepatic derangement.


Chloroform: pure, in drop doses in gastric flatulence.

Essential Oils.

Ether: in nervousness and hypochondriasis.

Eucalyptol: at climacteric, if associated with heat flushings, etc.


Hot Water: between meals.

Ipecacuanha: in constipation, oppression at epigastrium, and in pregnancy.

Mercury: when liver is sluggish.

Muscarine: in intestinal paresis.

Nux Vomica: in constipation, pain at top of head.

Oleoresin Capsicum.


Physostigma: in women at change of life.

Podophyllin with Euonymin, Leptandra, Chirata and Creosote.

Potassium Permanganate: in fat people.

Rue: most efficient.

Sulphocarbolates: when no acidity, and simple spasms.

Turpentine Oil: few drops internally, or as enema in fevers, peritonitis, etc.


~Fluor Albus.~--See Leucorrhea.

~Flushing and Heat.~--See also, Climacteric Disorders.

Eucalyptol: at climacteric.

Iron: most useful.

Nitrite of Amyl: if associated with menstrual irregularity (accompanying symptoms, cold in the extremities, giddiness, fluttering of the heart); inhalation, or internally in one-third of a drop doses; effects sometimes disagreeable.

Nux Vomica: with tinct. opii in the hysteria of middle-aged women.

Ovaraden or Ovariin: at menopause.

Zinc Valerianate: at climacteric.

~Fractures and Dislocations.~--See also, Wounds.

Arnica: internally and locally.

Calcium Glycerinophosphate: internally, to hasten union.

Iodine: antiseptic dressing.

Phosphate of Calcium: internally; quickens union.


Alkaline Lotions.


Mercuric Chloride: locally, with glycerin, alcohol, and rose water. Three-fourths of grn. to the oz.

Olive Oil.

~Frost-Bite.~--See also, Chilblains.

Aluminium Acetotartrate.


~Furunculus.~--See Boils.

~Gall Stones.~--See Calculi, Biliary.

~Gangrene.~--See also, Wounds, Gangrenous.

Acid, Carbolic: locally in strong solution to act as caustic; as a dressing to promote healthy action.

Acid, Chromic: local escharotic.

Acid, Nitric: next to bromine the most useful escharotic.

Acid, Pyroligneous.

Acid, Salicylic: locally.

Balsam of Peru.


Bromine: escharotic in hospital gangrene.

Charcoal: as poultice.

Chlorine Water: to destroy fetor.

Eucalyptol: along with camphor in gangrene of lungs, to prevent spread and lessen the fetor.

Lime Juice and Chlorine Water: in hospital gangrene.

Myrtol: to destroy fetor and promote healthy action.

Oakum: dressing.

Oxygen: as a bath.

Potassa: as caustic.

Resorcin: antiseptic, antipyretic.


Turpentine Oil: internally, and by inhalation.

~Gastralgia.~--See also, Acidity, Dyspepsia, Gastrodynia, Neuralgia.

Acid, Hydrocyanic: if purely nervous.

Acid, Salicylic: used in paroxysmal form; like quinine.

Acupuncture: sometimes gives great relief.

Alum: if pyrosis.

Arsenic with Iron.

Atropine: in gastric ulcer.

Bismuth: in irritable gastralgia.

Bismuth and Pepsin.

Charcoal: in neuralgia.

Chloral Hydrate: to relieve pain.

Chloroform: two or three drops on sugar.

Counter-irritation and a vigorous revulsive, especially useful in hysteria.

Emesis and Purgation: when due to indigestible food.

Ether: a few drops.

Galvanism: of pneumogastric and sympathetic.

Hot Applications.


Morphine: subcutaneously, in epigastrium, very useful; or with bismuth and milk before each meal.

Nitroglycerin: quickly eases.

Nux Vomica: to remove morbid condition on which it depends.


Quinine: if periodic in character.

Silver Iodide.

Silver Nitrate: nervine tonic.

Suppository of Gluten, Glycerin and Soap: to overcome constipation.

~Gastric Dilatation.~

Cod-Liver Oil or Gaduol, if due to rachitis.

Enemas Nutrient.

Faridization of Gastric walls.

Gentian and Columba.


~Gastric Pain.~--See Gastralgia.

~Gastric Ulcer.~--See also, Hematemesis.

Arsenic: in chronic ulcer it eases pain and vomiting, and improves the appetite.

Atropine: arrests pain and vomiting.

Bismuth Subnitrate: in very large doses.

Carlsbad Salts: before meals.

Charcoal: in chronic ulcer to allay pain.

Cold Compresses.

Ice-bag: to epigastrium.

Lead Acetate: to check hematemesis.

Lime Water with Milk: and diet.

Massage and Electricity.

Mercuric Chloride: small dose before meals.


Morphine: like atropine.

Nutritive Enemata.

Potassium Iodide: with bicarbonate, to lessen flatulent dyspepsia.

Potassium Sulphite.

Silver Nitrate: to relieve pain and vomiting.

Sodium Tellurate.

Spice Plaster.

Stimulants: guardedly.


Turpentine Oil: frequently repeated, to check hemorrhage.


Acid, Hydrocyanic: to allay pain.

Alum: when vomiting of glairy mucus.

Ammonium Chloride: in gastric catarrh.

Arsenic: in drunkards.

Atropine: in chronic cases.

Bismuth: in catarrh.

Caffeine: especially when associated with migraine.

Eucalyptus: in chronic catarrh.

Ice: to suck; and to epigastrium.

Ipecacuanha: in catarrh.

Lead Acetate: along with opium.

Nutrient Enemata.

Silver Nitrate: in chronic gastritis.

Veratrum Viride should never be used.

~Gastritis, Acute.~


Warm Water, internally, or Stomach Pump: to unload stomach at onset.

~Gastritis, Chronic.~--See also, Dyspepsia, Gastralgia.

Ichthalbin: internally, as regulator and tonic.

Orexine Tannate.

Silver Nitrate: by irrigation.

~Gastrodynia.~--See Gastralgia.

~Gastrorrhea.~--See Pyrosis.


~Glanders and Farcy.~


~Glandular Enlargement.~--See also, Bubo, Wen, Goiter, Tabes Mesenterica, Parotitis, Tonsillitis, etc.

Acid, Carbolic: injections of a two per cent. solution.

Ammoniacum Plaster: as counter-irritant on scrofulous glands.

Antimony Sulphide.

Blisters: to scrofulous glands.

Cadmium Chloride.

Calcium Chloride: in enlarged and breaking-down scrofulous glands.

Calcium Sulphide: for glands behind jaw with deep-seated suppuration.

Conium: in chronic enlargements.

Gold Chloride: in scrofula.


Iodine: internally; and painted around, not over the gland.

Iodoform: as a dressing to breaking-down glands.

Iodoformogen: equable and persistent in action on open glands.

Iodole: internally.

Lead Iodide: ointment.

Mercury: internally; locally the oleate of mercury and morphine.

Pilocarpine: in acute affections of parotid and submaxillary.

Potassium Iodide: ointment over enlarged thyroid and chronically inflamed glands.



Atropine has caused this disease.

Duboisine like atropine.

Eserine: lowers intraocular tension.

Iridectomy: the only cure.

~Glottis, Spasm of.~--See Laryngismus Stridulus.

~Gleet.~--See also, Gonorrhea.




Bismuth Oxyiodide or Subnitrate: suspended in glycerin or mucilage.

Blisters: to perineum useful in obstinate gleet.

Cantharides: minim doses of tincture frequently repeated.

Copaiba: internally, and locally smeared on a bougie and introduced; best used in chronic form.

Copper Sulphate: as injection.

Eucalyptol: in very chronic gleet.

Iron: either perchloride or sulphate as injection, along with opium.

Juniper Oil: like copaiba.


Lead Acetate: injection is sometimes used.

Mercury: half a grn. of bichloride in six ounces of water.

Peru, Balsam of.

Piper Methysticum.


Sandalwood Oil: useful both locally and generally.

Silver Citrate.

Tannin, Glycerite of: as injection.

Thalline Sulphate.

Tolu, Balsam of.

Turpentine Oil: in a condition of relaxation.

Uva Ursi.

Zinc Sulphate: as injection.


Bismuth: locally.

Electrolysis: in simple hypertrophy, and cystic.


~Glottis, OEdema of.~--See also, Croup, Laryngitis.

Ammonium Carbonate: as emetic.




~Glycosuria.~--See Diabetes.

~Goiter.~--See also, Exophthalmos.

Ammonium Fluoride.

Cadmium Oleate.

Ferric Chloride.

Iodine: internally, and locally as ointment or tincture, and as injection.

Mercuric Biniodide: as ointment, to be used in front of hot fire, or in hot sun.

~Gonorrhea.~--See also, Chordee, Gleet, Orchitis; Rheumatism; Gonorrheal; Urethritis, Urethral Stricture, Vaginitis.

Acid, Benzoic: internally.

Acid, Cubebic.

Aconite: in acute stage.

Alcohol not to be touched.

Alkalines: salts, or waters, as citrates or bicarbonates, to make urine alkaline.

Alum: as an injection.

Aluminium Tannate.

Antimony: if acute stage is severe.

Buchu: more useful after acute stage.

Cadmium Sulphate: astringent injection.

Cannabis Indica: to relieve pain and lessen discharge.

Cantharides: in small doses where there is pain along urethra and constant desire to micturate. The tincture in minim doses three times daily in chordee.

Cinnamon Oil.

Cocaine: injection to relieve the pain.

Colchicum: in acute stage.

Copaiba: after acute stage.

Cubebs: either alone or mixed with copaiba.


Erigeron, Oil of.

Eucalyptus, Oil of.

Glycerite of Tannin: injection in later stage.

Hydrastis: an injection.

Iron: astringent injection in later stage.


Largin: very effective.

Lead Subacetate, solution of.

Lead Water and Laudanum.

Mercury Benzoate.

Mercury Bichloride: weak solution, locally.

Methyl Salicylate.

Quinine: stimulant in later stage.

Quinoline Tartrate.

Sandalwood Oil: internally and locally.

Silver Nitrate: as injection, said to cut short at commencement.

Sodium Dithio-Salicylate.

Urinating: with penis in hot water, to relieve ardor urin�.

Veratrum Viride: in early stage of acute fever.

Warm Baths: lasting 1/2 to 2 hours, in early stage.

Zinc salts in general.

~Gout.~--See also, Arthritis, Lithemia.

Acid, Carbonic.

Acid, Di-iodo-salicylate.

Alkaline Mineral Waters.

Alkaline Poultice.

Ammonia Water.

Ammonium Tartrate.

Argentic Nitrate.



Cold Water.

Colocynth with Hyoscyamus: to unload bowels.

Diuretics and Alkaline drinks.

Ether: hypodermically.


Horse Chestnut Oil.

Hydrogen Sulphide.

Ichthalbin: internally, as resolvent and alterative.

Iodide of Potassium.


Oil of Peppermint.

Potass� Liquor.

Potassium Acetate.


Salicylates: large doses.

Sodium Carbonate.


Strontium Salicylate.

Sulphides: in chronic cases.

Tetraethyl-ammonium Hydroxide.


Turkish Baths.

Veratrine: as ointment.

Vichy Water.

Water: distilled.

~Granulations, Exuberant.~

Alum, Dried.

~Griping.~--See Colic.

~Growths, Morbid.~--See Tumors.

~Gums, Diseases of.~--See also, Mouth, Sore; Scurvy, Teeth.


Catechu: as a mouth wash.

Cocaine: locally.

Iodine Tincture: locally.

Pomegranate Bark.

~Hay Fever.~--See also, Asthma, Catarrh, Conjunctivitis, Influenza.

Arsenic: as cigarette.

Brandy Vapor.

Chlorate of Potassium.

Coffee, strong.

Ichthyol: as spray.



Potassium Iodide: internally and locally.

Quinine: locally as injection or douche.


~Headache.~--See also, Hemicrania.

Acid, Nitrohydrochloric: for pain just above eyeballs without constipation, also for pain at back of neck.

Aconite: when circulation excited.

Act�a Racemosa.

Ammonia: aromatic spirits, 1/2 to 2 drams.

Ammonium Chloride: 10 to 15 grn. doses in hemicrania.

Arsenic: in brow ague.

Atropine: locally to eye in migraine.

Belladonna: frequently given in frontal headache, especially at menstrual period, or if from fatigue.


Bromides: in large doses.

Caffeine, with antipyrine or sodium bromide.

Cajeput Oil: locally.

Camphor: internally, and saturated solution externally.

Camphor with acetanilid or antipyrine, in nervous headache.

Cannabis Indica: in neuralgic headache.

Capsicum: plaster to nape of neck.

Carbon Tetrachloride.

Chloroform, Spirit of: in nervous headache.

Cimicifuga: in nervous and rheumatic headache, especially at menstrual period.

Coffee and Morphine.

Cold Affusion.

Cup, to nape of neck, in congestion.

Digitalin: (German) 1/16 grn. twice a day for congestive hemicrania.

Ether Spray: locally, for frontal headache after illness or fatigue.

Friedrichshall Water.


Heat: as hot water-bag or poultice to nape of neck.

Hot Sponging.

Hot Water.

Hydrastis: in congestive headache with constipation.

Ice-bag: applied to head, or leeches back of ears, in severe cases.

Ichthalbin: to improve digestion and nutrition.

Ignatia: in hysterical headache.

Iodide of Potassium: in rheumatic headache with tenderness of scalp.

Iris: in supra-orbital headache with nausea.

Magnesium Citrate.

Magnesium Sulphate: for frontal headache with constipation.

Menthol: as local application.

Mercury: in bilious headache.

Mustard: as foot-bath, or poultice to nape of neck.

Nitrite of Amyl: as inhalation when face pale.

Nux Vomica: frequently repeated in nervous or bilious headache.

Oxygen Water.

Picrotoxine: in periodical headache.

Podophyllum: when constipation.

Potassium Cyanide: as local application.

Salicylate of Sodium: three grn. dose every half hour exceedingly useful.

Sanguinaria: in gastric derangement.


Skull-cap: as prophylactic.

Sodium Bicarbonate: with bitters before meals in frontal headache at the junction of hairy scalp and forehead, or pain in upper part of forehead without constipation. As wash to the mouth when headache depends on decayed teeth.

Sodium Phosphate: as laxative in bilious headache.

Spectacles: where the headache depends on inequality of focal length or astigmatism.

Tea: strong black or green, often relieves nervous headache.

Valerian: in nervous and hysterical cases.

~Headache, Bilious.~--See Biliousness.

~Heart Affections.~--See also, Angina Pectoris, Dropsy, Endocarditis, Pericarditis, Syncope.

Adonis �stivalis.

Ammonia and Ether, followed by Digitalis and Alcohol: in heart failure.

Ammonium Carbonate: in heart failure.

Barium Chloride: in heart failure.

Butyl-Chloral Hydrate.

Chloral Hydrate: in neurotic palpitation and pseudo-angina pectoris.


Diet and Exercise.


Hoffmann's Anodyne.

Hydragogue Cathartics.

Iron with Arsenic and simple Bitters.

Nicotine: for functional disturbance.


Suprarenal Gland.



Veratrine Ointment.

~Heartburn.~--See Pyrosis.

~Heart, Dilated.~

Sodium Nitrite.


~Heart, Fatty.~

Nitrite of Amyl.

~Heart, Hypertrophied.~

Aconite: to be used with care when valvular disease is present.

Camphor: in palpitation and dyspnea.

Digitalis: in small doses.

Lead Acetate: in palpitation.

~Heart, Palpitation of.~

Aconite: internally.

Belladonna: internally useful in cardiac strain.

Bromides: in fluttering heart.

Hot Bath.

Hyoscyamus: in nervous palpitation.

Milk Cure: in gouty persons.

Posture: head hung forward, body bent, arms by the sides, and breath held for a few seconds.

Valerian: in nervous cases with dyspnea.

Veratrine: as ointment to chest.

~Heart, Valvular Disease of.~--See also, Endocarditis.

Aconite: to quiet action; to be used with caution.

Comp. Sp. of Ether.

Digitalis: in mitral disease; to be avoided in purely aortic disease, but useful when this is complicated with mitral.

Jalap Resin.

Morphine: to relieve pain and dyspnea.

Nitrites: to lessen vascular tension.

Purgatives: to lessen tension and remove fluid.

Strychnine: as cardiac tonic.

~Hectic Fever.~--See Perspiration, Night-Sweats, Phthisis.


Ergot: hypodermically.

Ice: exceedingly useful.

Iron Perchloride, or Subsulphate.


~Hematocele, Pelvic.~



Alum: internally, or as injection into the bladder.

Bursa Pastoris.



Iron Perchloride.

Krameria: extract in large dose.


Sodium Hyposulphite.

~Hemeralopia and Nyctalopia.~

Blisters: small, to external canthus of the eye.

Mercury: locally.

Quinine: in large doses internally.

~Hemicrania.~--See also, Migraine.


Quinine Valerianate.



~Hemiplegia.~--See also, Paralysis, Facial.

~Hemoptysis.~--See also, Hematemesis.

Acid, Gallic: very useful.

Acid, Pyrogallic.

Astringent Inhalations.


Chloroform: to outside of chest.

Dry Cups: to chest.

Ergot or Ergotinin.

Ferric Acetate: very weak solution, constantly sipped.

Ferri Persulphas.

Hamamelis: very useful.

Hot Water Bag: to spine.

Iron: and absolute rest.

Larix: tincture.

Potassium Nitrate: when fever is present, along with digitalis or antimony.

Sodium Chloride: in dram doses.

Subsulphate of Iron.

~Hemorrhage and Hemorrhagic Diathesis.~--See also, Dysentery, Ecchymosis, Epistaxis, Hematemesis, Hemoptysis; Hemorrhage Post-Partum, Intestinal; Menorrhagia, Metrorrhagia, Purpura, Wounds, etc.

Iron Subsulphate.

Hydrastis Tincture.

Iodoform or Iodoformogen.

Manganese Sulphate.

~Hemorrhage, Intestinal.~--See also, Hemorrhoids, Dysentery, Typhoid.

Belladonna: for rectal ulcers.

Enemas, Styptic.

~Hemorrhage, Postpartum.~


Compression of Aorta.

Enemata, Hot.

Ergot: most efficient.

Ether Spray.

Hamamelis: for persistent oozing.

Hot Water: injection into uterus.

Ice: to abdomen, uterus or rectum.

Ipecacuanha: as emetic dose; good.

Iron Perchloride Solution: 1 in 4, injected into the uterus.

Mechanical Excitation of Vomiting.

Nux Vomica: along with ergot.

Opium: one-dram dose of tincture, with brandy, in profuse bleeding.

Pressure over uterus.

~Hemorrhage, Uterine and Vesical.~



Acid, Carbolic: injection into piles.

Acid, Nitric: as caustic; dilute as lotion.

Alkaline Mineral Waters: useful.

Aloes: as purgative.

Alum: in bleeding piles; powder, crystal or ointment.

Bromide of Potassium.

Cold Water Injection: in the morning.

Ferri Perchloridum.

Ferri Protosulphas: as lotion.

Galls Ointment with Opium: very useful.


Hamamelis: internally; and locally as lotion, injection, enema, or suppository.

Hydrastis: as lotion and internally.

Hyoscyamus: bruised leaves or ointment locally.

Iodoform or Iodoformogen: as ointment or suppository.

Liquor Potass�.

Malt Extract, Dry: as nutrient.

Nux Vomica: very useful.

Ol. Lini.

Ol. Terebinthin�.

Pitch Ointment.

Potassium Chlorate, with Laudanum: as injection.

Poultices: to effect reduction.


Senna: as confection; or better, compound liquorice powder.

Stillingia: in constipation and hepatic disease.

Sulphur: as confection, to produce soft passages.

Sulphurous Waters.


~Hepatic Cirrhosis.~--See also, Ascites.

Acid, Nitrohydrochloric.



~Hepatic Diseases.~--See also, Biliousness, Calculi, Jaundice, Cancer, Hepatalgia, Hepatic Congestion, Hepatic Cirrhosis, Hepatitis, Jaundice.

Acids, Mineral.

Ammonium Chloride: for congestion, torpor and enlargement.



Glycerinophosphates: for hypersecretion.

Iodine or Iodides.

Mercurials: as cholagogues.

Potassium salts.

Quinine: for congestion.


Acid, Nitro-Hydrochloric.


Iodine: as enema.

Nitre and Antimony.

~Hepatitis and Hepatic Abscess.~--See also, Jaundice.

Active treatment for dysentery if present.

Alkalies and Colchicine.

Antimony with Nitre.

Aspiration when pus forms.

Blister or Mustard-plaster.

Hot clothes or counter-irritation.

Quinine and Iron: after abscess develops.

Saline Purgatives: preceded by calomel.

Sweet Spirit of Niter: with potassium citrate, or diuretics, to regulate kidneys.


Chloral Hydrate: as enema.

Ether and Belladonna.

Forced Enemata.



Ammoniated Mercury.


Hydroxylamine Hydrochlorate.


~Herpes Circinatus.~--See Tinea Circinata.

~Herpes Tonsurans~ (Pityriasis Rosea).--See also, Seborrhea.

Acid, Carbolic: 2 parts with 3 parts each glycerin and water, applied twice daily.

Alkalies: internally, often control mild cases.

Baths: followed by shampooing and brisk friction.

Borax: saturated solution, to cleanse scalp; or glycerite, as paint.

Cod-Liver Oil or Linseed Oil: as lotion.

Ichthalbin: internally, as alterative tonic and regulator of digestive functions.

Lead-Subacetate Solution: with equal part glycerin and 2 parts water, as lotion when inflammation high.

Mercury: internally in obstinate cases; Donovan's solution highly successful.

Mercury-Ammonium Chloride: as 1 per cent. ointment.

Mercury Oleate, 5 per cent.: as paint.

Mercury Iodide: as 2 per cent. ointment.


Sulphur: as 1 to 8 ointment every morning; with almond-oil inunction at night.

Sulphurated Potassa: 1/2 oz. to pint lime water, as lotion.

Thyraden: as stimulant of cutaneous circulation.

~Herpes Zoster.~

Aconite and Opium: locally.

Alcohol: locally.



Silver Nitrate: strong solution locally.

Spirits of Wine.


Zinc Ointment.


Amber, Oil of.

Laurel Water.

Mustard and Hot Water.

Pressure over phrenic nerve, hyoid bone, or epigastrium.

Quinine: in full doses.

Sugar and Vinegar.


~Hordeolum~ (Stye).--See also, Eyelids.

Iodine Tincture.

Mercury Oleate with Morphine.

Pulsatilla: internally, and externally as wash, often aborts.

~Hydrocele.~--See also, Dropsy, Orchitis.

~Hydrocephalus, Acute.~--See also, Dropsy.

Blisters: to the nape of neck useful.

Croton Oil: liniment.

Iodoform or Iodoformogen: dissolved in collodion, or as ointment to neck and head; along with small doses of calomel as enemata.

Mercuric Chloride: small doses internally.

Tartar Emetic: ointment.

Turpentine Oil: by mouth or as enema at commencement.

~Hydrocephalus, Chronic.~--See also, Meningitis, Tubercular; Dropsy.

Iodide of Iron.

~Hydropericardium.~--See Dropsy.


Acid, Acetic or Hydrochloric.


Chloride of Potassium.

Chloroform: to control spasms.


Excision of Bitten Part.



Potassium Permanganate: as lotion to wound.


Silver Nitrate to wound, is of no use, even though applied immediately.

~Hydrothorax.~--See also, Dropsy.


Digitalis: as diuretic.

Iodine: injections after tapping.

Iron Chloride: tincture.

Resin of Copaiba.

~Hyperidrosis.~--See Perspiration.

~Hypochondriasis.~--See also, Melancholia.

Alcohol: as temporary stimulant.

Arsenic: in the aged.

Cimicifuga: in puerperal and spermatorrhea.

Gold Chloride: when giddiness and cerebral anemia.

Hyoscyamus: in syphilophobia.

Opium: in small doses.



Acid, Valerianic.

Aloes: in constipation.

Ammonia, Aromatic Spirits of.

Ammoniated Copper.



Atropine: in hysterical aphonia.

Bromide of Calcium.

Bromide of Sodium.

Bromide of Strontium.

Bromo-hemol: as nervine and hematinic.

Camphor: in hysterical excitement.

Cannabine Tannate.

Cimicifuga: in hysterical chorea.

Cold Water: poured over mouth to cut short attack.

Electricity: to cut short attack.


Galbanum: internally, and as plaster to sacrum.

Garlic: to smell during the paroxysm.

Ipecacuanha: as emetic.

Iron Bromide.

Lupulin: when sleepless.

Oil Amber.

Oil Wormseed.

Orexine: as appetizer and digestant.

Pellitory: for "globus."

Phosphorus: in hysterical paralysis.

Santonin: if worms present.

Spirit Nitrous Ether: to relieve spasm.

Volatile Oils.




Elm Bark: decoction useful.

~Impetigo.~--See also, Eczema.

Acetate of Lead.

Acid, Chrysophanic: locally.

Acid, Hydrocyanic: to relieve itching.

Acids, Mineral: internally.

Gaduol: internally as alterative tonic.

Glycerite of Tannin.


Ichthalbin: internally, as a regulator of digestive functions and as alterative.

Laurel Water: to relieve itching.

Mercuric Nitrate.

Potassium Chloride.


Solution Arsenic and Mercury Iodide.

Sulphate of Copper.

Sulphur: internally.

Tannin: locally.

~Impetigo Syphilitica.~


~Impotence.~--See also, Emissions, Spermatorrhea.

Arseniate of Iron.

Cold Douche: to perineum and testicles, in atonic types.


Ergotin: hypodermically about dorsal vein of penis, when it empties too rapidly.

Gold Chloride: to prevent decline of sexual power.


Zinc Phosphate: very useful.

~Indolent Swellings.~


~Infantile Diarrhea.~--See Diarrhea.

~Inflammation.~--See also, Bronchitis, Pleuritis, etc. Also list of Antiphlogistics.

Acid, Salicylic: most valuable.

Aconite: at the commencement of all inflammations, superficial or deep-seated: best given in small doses frequently repeated until pulse and temperature are reduced.

Alcohol: as antipyretic and stimulant, especially useful in blood-poisoning.

Antimony: 10 to 15 min. of vinum antimonii frequently repeated at commencement.

Belladonna: in gouty and rheumatic inflammation and cystitis.

Bryonia: in serous inflammations, after heart or pulse lowered by aconite.

Cannabis Indica: in chronic types.

Chloral Hydrate: when temperature is high and much delirium.

Cocaine Hydrochlorate: in acute types.

Cod-Liver Oil: in chronic inflammation.


Flaxseed: for inflamed mucous membranes.

Ice: locally applied.

Iodine: locally.

Mercury: in deep-seated inflammations, especially those of serous membranes, and iritis, and syphilitic cases.

Mercury inunctions.


Opium: exceedingly useful to check it at commencement, and relieve pain afterwards.

Pulsatilla: when purulent discharge from eyes, ears or nose and in epididymitis.

Quinine: in peritonitis and in acute inflammations, along with morphine.

Sodium Salicylate: most useful, especially in rheumatic affections.

Saline Cathartics.

Sulphides: to abort or to hasten maturation.

Turpentine Oil: as stupe.

Water: cold, as compresses.

~Inflammation, Intestinal.~--See Enteritis.


Acid, Agaric.

Acid, Carbolic: as spray and gargle.

Acid, Sulphurous: by fumigation or inhalation.

Aconite, Sweet Spirit of Nitre, and Citrate of Potassium, in combination: valuable in early stage.

Ammonium Acetate, with Nitrous or Chloric Ether.


Cold Baths as Antipyretic.

Ergot, Cannabis Indica, with Bromides: often relieve vertigo.

Opium with Ipecacuanha: useful for cough.

Potassium Nitrate: freely diluted, as lemonade.

Quinine: useful, especially in later stages.


Salol with Phenacetin.

Sanguinaria: sometimes very useful.

Spirit Nitrous Ether.

Steam, Medicated: inhalations.

Turkish Baths: useful.

~Insanity and Dementia.~--See also, Delirium, Hypochondriasis, Mania, Melancholia.

Scopolamine Hydrobromate.


Zinc Phosphate.

~Insomnia.~--See also, Nervousness: also, list of Hypnotics.

Aconite: one min. of tinct. every quarter hour when skin is dry and harsh.

Alcohol: sometimes very useful.

Atropine with Morphine: 1-120 to 1-100 grn. atropine to 1/4 or 1/2 grn. morphine.

Bath: cold in cerebral anemia, hot in nervous irritability.

Butyl-Chloral Hydrate: if heart is weak.

Camphor, Monobromamated.

Cannabis Indica: alone or with hyoscyamus.


Chloral Hydrate: very useful, alone or with bromide of potassium; the addition of a small quantity of opium to the combination assists its action.




Coffee: causes insomnia, but has been recommended in insomnia from deficient nervous power, or chronic alcoholism.

Digitalis: when deficient tone of vaso-motor system.

Ether: in full dose.

Gelsemium: in simple wakefulness.

Hot-water bags to feet and cold to head if due to cerebral hyperemia.

Humulus: a hop-pillow sometimes useful in the aged.

Hyoscyamus: alone or with cannabis indica; useful to combine with quinine.


Ignatia: in nervous irritability.

Musk: in irritable and nervous cases.



Opium: most powerful hypnotic: given alone or in combination.

Pellotine Hydrochlorate.

Phosphorus: in the aged.

Potassium Bromide: in full doses, alone or with other hypnotics.

Removal Inland.

Sitz Bath.

Sodium Lactate.

Sumbul: in nervous irritability and chronic alcoholism.

Tannate of Cannabin.

Tartar Emetic: along with opium when there is a tendency to congestion of the brain, which opium alone would increase.


Warmth: internally and externally.


Wet Compress.

Wet Pack.

~Intercostal Neuralgia.~--See Neuralgia.

~Intermittent Fever.~--See also, Malaria; also list of Antiperiodics.

Acid, Nitric: in obstinate cases.

Ammonium Carbazotate: one-half to one grn. in pill.

Apiol: in mild cases, 15 grns. during an hour, in divided doses, four hours before the paroxysm.

Arsenic: exceedingly useful, especially in irregular malaria.

Atropine: subcutaneously, to arrest or cut short cold stage.

Berberine: in chronic cases.

Camphor: taken before the fit to prevent it.

Capsicum: along with quinine as adjuvant.

Chloral Hydrate: as antipyretic when fever is high; and to check vomiting or convulsions in adults and children during malarious fever.

Chloroform: to prevent or cut short cold stage.

Cimicifuga: in brow ague.

Cinchonidine or Cinchonine: useful and cheap.

Cold Compress.

Cool drinks and sponging.

Cornus Florida: a substitute for quinine.

Emetics: if chill follows full meal.

Eucalyptus Globulus: during convalescence.

Ferric Sulphate.

Ferrous Iodide.

Gelsemium: pushed until it produces dilated pupils or double vision.

Grindelia Squarrosa: in hypertrophied spleen.

Hydrargyri Bichloridum.

Hydrastis: in obstinate cases.


Ice Pack: if fever is long continued and excessive.

Iodine Tincture: to prevent recurrence of ague.

Ipecacuanha: most useful as emetic.

Leptandra Virginica: after disease is lessened by quinine.

Morphine: along with quinine as an adjuvant.

Mustard: to soles of feet.

Narcotine: two to five grn. three times a day sometimes very useful.

Nitrite of Amyl: by inhalation to relieve or shorten cold stage.

Nitrite of Sodium.

Opium: in full doses to prevent chill.

Pepper: along with quinine.


Potassium Arsenite: solution.

Potassium Nitrate: ten grn. in brandy and water, or dry on tongue, to prevent fit.


Quinine: as prophylactic to abort fit and to prevent recurrence: its action is aided by purgatives, emetics and aromatics.

Quinine Hydrobromate: like quinine, and less liable to produce cinchonism.



Saccharated Lime.

Sodium Chloride: tablespoonful in glass of hot water at a draught on empty stomach.

Spider Web: as pill.

~Intertrigo.~--See also, Excoriations.

Acetanilid: locally.

Camphor: added to dusting-powders to allay heat and itching.

Carbonate of Calcium.

Fullers' Earth.

Lead Lotion.


~Intestinal Catarrh.~--See Catarrh, Enteritis, etc.

~Intestinal Inflammation.~--See Enteritis.

~Intestinal Irritation.~--See Enteritis, etc.

~Intestinal Obstruction.~--See also, Constipation, Intussusception, Hernia.

~Iritis.~--See also, Syphilis.

Acidum Hydrocyanicum.

Belladonna: internally and locally.


Dry Heat.

Duboisine: substitute for atropine.

Hot fomentations.

Iced compresses in early stages of traumatic iritis.

Mercury: most serviceable.

Opium: to lessen pain.


Saline Laxatives.


Turpentine Oil: in rheumatic iritis.

~Irritability.~--See also, Insomnia, Nervousness.

Acid, Hydrocyanic: in irritability of the stomach.

Alkaline Waters.

Almonds: as a drink in irritability of intestines and air passages.


Cantharides: in irritable bladder of women and children.

Cimicifuga: in uterine irritability.

Colchicum: with potash in large quantity of water when gouty.

Hops: in vesical irritability.

Hyoscyamus: for vesical irritability with incontinence.

Ignatia: in small doses.

Laxatives: in constipation.

Petrolatum: as a soothing agent in gastrointestinal types.

Piperazine: in bladder irritation due to excess of uric acid.

Potassium Bromide: in irritability of pharynx.


Strychnine: in small doses.

~Itch.~--See Scabies.

~Jaundice.~--See also, Hepatic Cirrhosis, Hepatic Diseases, Calculi.

Acid, Nitrohydrochloric: internally, and as local application over liver, or as bath in catarrhal cases.

Alkaline mineral waters in catarrh of duodenum or bile-ducts.

Ammonium Chloride: in scruple doses in jaundice from mental emotions.

Ammonium Iodide: when catarrh of bile-ducts.

Arsenic: in malaria.

Calomel Purgative: followed by saline, often very useful.

Carlsbad Salts.

Carlsbad Waters.

Enemata: cold water, one or two liters once a day.

Ether: when due to gall-stones.

Hydrastis: in cases of catarrh of ducts.



Iron Succinate.

Manganese: in malarial or catarrhal cases.

Podophyllum: in catarrhal conditions very useful.

Potassium Sulphate: as laxative.

Quinine: in malarial cases.

Rhubarb: in children.

Sodium Phosphate: very useful in catarrh of bile-ducts.

Stillingia: after ague.

~Joint Affections.~--See also, Arthritis, Bursitis, Coxalgia, Gout, Rheumatism, Synovitis.

Ammoniac Plaster.

Cadmium Iodide.

Iodoformogen: more diffusible and persistent than Iodoform.

Tartar Emetic Ointment.


~Joints, Tuberculosis of.~

~Keratitis.~--See also, Corneal Opacities.

Antisyphilitic treatment.



Massage of Cornea: and introduction of yellow-oxide ointment.

Mercurial Ointment.

Pressure: bandages if perforation threatens.

~Kidney Disease.~--See also, Albuminuria, Bright's Disease, Calculi; Colic, Renal; Diabetes, Dropsy, Gout, Hematuria.

Ammonium Benzoate: for atony of kidney.

Strontium Bromide or Lactate.

~Labor.~--See also, Abortion, After-Pains, False Pains, Post-partum Hemorrhage, Lactation, Puerperal Convulsions, Fever.

Eucalyptus Oil.

~La Grippe.~--See Influenza.

~Lactation, Defective.~--See also, Abscess, Agalactia, Mastitis, Nipples; also the list of Galactagogues.

Castor-Oil: topically.

Mustard Poultice.


~Lactation, Excessive.~


Camphor and Glycerin.

Conium: internally.


Hempseed Oil.


Tobacco: as poultice.

~Laryngeal Tuberculosis.~--See also, Phthisis.

~Laryngismus Stridulus.~--See also, Croup, Laryngitis.


Bromides: very useful in large doses.

Chloroform: as inhalation to stop spasm.

Cold Water: dashed in the face.

Coniine: pushed until physiological action observed.

Lancing Gums.

Mercury Sub-sulphate.

Worms, Removal of.


Napthol, Camphorated.

~Laryngitis, Acute.~--See also, Croup, Catarrhal; Laryngismus Stridulus, Pharyngitis.

Abstinence from talking, with bland and unirritating, but nutritious diet during attack.

Acid, Acetic: as inhalation.

Antimon. Pot. Tart.

Antipyrine: as a spray.

Benzoin: as inhalation.

Bromides: in full doses.

Calomel: in small and repeated doses followed by saline purges, also hot mustard foot-bath and demulcent drinks.

Creosote Spray: in subacute laryngitis.

Cubeb Cigarettes for hoarseness.

Dover's Powder.

Iodine: as inhalation and counter-irritant over neck.

Leeches: to larynx or nape of neck.

Scarification of Larynx.

Silver Nitrate: as spray.

Zinc Sulphate: as emetic.

~Laryngitis, Chronic.~--See also, Cough, Dysphagia, Laryngitis Tuberculosa, Syphilis.

Acid, Sulphurous: as fumigation, inhalation or spray.

Alum: as gargle.

Ammonium Chloride: as spray.

Bismuth: locally by insufflation.

Ferric Chloride: as spray, or brushed on interior of larynx.

Guaiacum: as lozenges or mixture.


Iodine: as counter-irritant.

Morphine: mixed with bismuth or starch as insufflation; most useful when much irritation, as in laryngeal phthisis.

Silver Nitrate: as solution to interior of larynx.

Tannin: as gargle or spray.

Uranium Nitrate: as spray.

~Laryngitis Tuberculosa.~

Maragliano's Serum.

~Lepra.~--See Leprosy.


Acid, Gynocardic.

Oil Gurjun.

~Leucemia.~--See Leucocythemia.


~Leucoplakia Buccalis.~

Balsam Peru.

~Leucorrhea.~--See also, Endometritis, Uterine Ulceration, Vaginitis.

Acid, Nitric, and Cinchona.

Alum: as injection.

Aluminium Sulphate.

Ammonio-Ferric Alum.

Bael Fruit.

Balsam of Peru: internally.

Balsam of Tolu: internally.

Belladonna: as pessary, for over-secretion and pain.

Bismuth: as injection or pessary.


Borax: as injection.

Cocculus Indicus.

Dry Red Wine.



Hot Sitz Bath or Vaginal Injections of hot water: if due to uterine congestion.

Hydrastis: locally.

Iodoform or Iodoformogen: as local application, alone or mixed with tannic acid.

Iron Chloride.

Lead salts.

Myrrh: internally.


Phosphate of Calcium: internally.

Potassium Bicarbonate: dilute solution as injection.


Tannin: as injection or suppository.


Grlycerite of Aloes.

Silver Nitrate: solution locally.

Tar Ointment.

Warm Baths.

~Lipoma.~--See Tumors.

~Lips, Cracked.~--See also, Fissures.

~Lithemia.~--See also, Lithiasis, Calculus, Dyspepsia, Gout.


Oil Wintergreen.

~Liver: Cirrhosis, Congestion, Diseases of.~--See Hepatic Cirrhosis, Congestion, Diseases.

~Locomotor Ataxia.~

Chloride of Gold.


Potassium Iodide: for syphilitic taint.

Silver Phosphate.


~Lumbago.~--See also, Myalgia, Rheumatism, Neuralgia.

Acid, Carbolic: hypodermically.

Aconite: small doses internally, and liniment locally.

Aquapuncture: sometimes very useful.

Capsicum: locally.


Chloroform: liniment.

Cimicifuga: sometimes very useful internally.


Eucalyptus Oil: as liniment.

Foot-bath and Dover's Powder.

Guarana: in large doses.

Hot Douche or Hot Poultice.

Ice: rubbed over back.

Ice-bag or Ether Spray to loins: if hot applications fail.

Ironing Back with laundry iron, skin being protected by cloth or paper.

Lead Plaster.

Mustard or Capsicum: plaster or blister over painful spot.

Nitrate of Potassium.

Phenacetin and Salol: of each 5 grn.

Pitch: plaster.

Potassium Salicylate.

Quinine Salicylate.

Turpentine Oil: internally and locally.


Acid, Cinnamic.

Calcium Lithio-Carbonate.


Chaulmoogra Oil.


Iodine: in glycerin.

Mercury Biniodide.

Mercury: internally and locally.

Plumbic Nitrate.

Potassium Cantharidate.

Sodium Acetate.


Sulphur Iodide: externally.

~Lymphangitis.~--See also, Bubo.

Lime, Sulphurated.

~Malaria.~--See also, Intermittent Fever, Remittent Fever.

Acid, Arsenous, and Arsenites.

Acid, Hydrofluoric.

Ammonium Picrate.



Cinchona alkaloids and salts.

Iron and Quinine Citrate.


Solution Potassium Arsenite.

Warburg's Tincture.

~Mania.~--See also, Delirium, Insanity, Puerperal Mania.

Apomorphine: in emetic dose.

Belladonna: useful.

Chloral: in full dose, if kidneys are healthy.

Chloral and Camphor.

Chloroform: for insomnia.

Cimicifuga: in cases occurring after confinement, not due to permanent causes.

Cold Douche: to head while body is immersed in hot water.

Coniine: alone or with morphine.

Croton Oil: as purgative.

Digitalis: in acute and chronic mania, especially when complicated with general paralysis and epilepsy.

Duboisine: as calmative.

Ergot: in recurrent mania.

Ether: in maniacal paroxysms.

Galvanism: to head and to cervical sympathetic.

Gelsemium: when much motor excitement and wakefulness.

Hyoscyamine or Hyoscyamus: in hallucinations and hypochondriasis.

Opium: alone or with tartar emetic.

Scopolamine: as a soporific.

Sulfonal: as a hypnotic.

~Marasmus.~--See Adynamia, Cachexia, Emaciation, etc.

~Mastitis.~--See also, Abscess, Lactation.

Ammonium Chloride: as lotion locally.

Belladonna: locally as liniment or ointment.


Calcium Sulphide: internally if abscess is forming.

Chloral Hydrate Poultice.

Digitalis Infusion: locally as fomentation.

Friction: with oil.

Hyoscyamus: as plaster to relieve painful distention from milk.

Ichthyol topically: one of the best remedies.

Mercury and Morphine Oleate: locally in mammary abscess.

Phytolacca: to arrest inflammation, local application.

Plaster: to support and compress mamm�.

Stramonium: fresh leaves as poultice.

Tartar Emetic: in small doses frequently repeated at commencement.

Tobacco Leaves: as poultice.

~Measles.~--For Sequel�, see Bronchitis, Cough, Ophthalmia, Otorrhea, Pneumonia, etc.

Acid, Carbolic: internally at commencement.


Mustard Bath: when retrocession of rash.


Potassium Bromide: when sleeplessness.

Potassium Chlorate: in adynamic cases.

~Melancholia.~--See also, Hypochondriasis, Hysteria, Insanity.

Acid, Nitrohydrochloric after meals: if associated with oxaluria.

Arsenic: in aged persons along with opium.

Chloral Hydrate: as hypnotic.

Cimicifuga: in puerperal or uterine despondency.

Nitrous Oxide.

Opium: in small doses especially useful.

Valerian: in hysterical and suicidal cases.

~Meni�re's Disease.~

~Meningitis, Cerebral, Spinal and Cerebro-Spinal.~--See also, Meningitis, Tubercular.

Antimony: in cerebro-spinal meningitis.

Blister to nape of neck in early stage, to prevent effusion; also in comatose state.

Bromides and Chloral: to allay nervous symptoms.

Bryonia: when effusion.

Calomel with Opium: in early stages.

Cold Baths.

Ice-bag to head.

Leeches: to nape of neck.

Mercury: as ointment or internally.

Milk Diet: in second stage.

Opium: in small doses, alone or with tartar emetic.

Phosphorus: in chronic meningitis.

Pulsatilla: in acute cases.

Purgatives: at commencement; calomel and jalap most useful.

Quinine: contraindicated in acute stage.

Venesection: in early stage of sthenic cases, if aconite or veratrum viride is not at hand; also when much excitement.

~Meningitis, Tubercular.~

~Menorrhagia and Metrorrhagia.~--See also, Amenorrhea, Hemorrhage, Uterine Tumors.

Acid, Sulphuric: when due to fibroid or polypus.

Aloes: as adjuvant to iron.

Ammonium Chloride: for headache.

Arsenic: with iron.

Calcium Phosphate: in anemia.

Cannabis Indica: sometimes very useful.

Cinnamon Oil: when erigeron is not at hand, in oozing flow.

Digitalis: sometimes useful.

Dry Cups over Sacrum: if due to congestion.

Ergot: most useful.

Hamamelis: useful.

Hot Water Bag: to dorsal and lumbar vertebr�.

Hydrargyri Perchloridum.

Ice: to spine.

Ipecacuanha: in emetic doses in evening, followed by acidulated draught in morning.


Magnesium Sulphate: sometimes useful.

Oil Erigeron.

Urtica Urens.

Vinca Major.

~Menstrual Disorders.~--See also, Amenorrhea, Dysmenorrhea, Climacteric Disorders.


Acid, Sulphurous: with glycerin.

Canada Balsam.

Copper: locally, as lotion.


Goa Powder.

Iodide of Sulphur.

Oil of Turpentine.

Oleate, Bichloride, or Nitrate of Mercury: as ointment or lotion.

Tr. Iodine, Compound.

Zinc and Copper Sulphate.

~Mercurial Cachexia.~


~Meteorism.~--See Tympanites.

~Metritis (Para- and Peri-).~--See also, Puerperal Fever, Puerperal Metritis.

Aloes: enema.

Nitrate of Silver.

Opium: as suppository or enema.

Potassa Fusa.

Saline Mineral Waters.

Turpentine Stupes.

~Migraine.~--See also, Hemicrania.


Croton Chloral.

Potassium Bromide with Caffeine.

~Miliary Fever.~

~Mitral Disease.~--See Heart Affections.

~Mollities Ossium.~--See Bone Diseases, Rachitis.

~Morphine Habit.~--See Opium Habit.

~Mouth, Sore.~--See also, Aphth�, Cancrum Oris, Gums, Parotitis, Ptyalism, Stomatitis, Toothache, Tongue.

Sodium Bisulphate.

~Mumps.~--See Parotitis.

~Musc� Volitantes.~

Alteratives, and Correction of anomalies of refraction.

Blue Pill: in biliousness.

Iron Perchloride: in anemia and climacteric.

~Myalgia.~--See also, Pleurodynia, Lumbago.

Belladonna Liniment: locally.

Belladonna Plaster.


Camphor Liniment.

Chloroform Liniment: with friction.

Clove Oil: added to liniment, as a counter-irritant.



Gelsemium: large doses.

Massage, or good rubbing, very necessary.

Oil Cajuput.

Potassium Acetate or Citrate.

Poultices: hot as can be borne.

Veratrine: externally.

Xanthoxylum: internally and externally.

~Myelitis.~--See also Meningitis, Spinal; Paralysis.

Electricity: in chronic cases.



Phosphorus: in paraplegia from excessive venery.

Silver Nitrate: useful.

~Myocarditis.~--See Heart Affections.


Extraction of lens.


~Myringitis.~--See Ear Affections.

~Myxedema.~--See also, Goiter.

Iron Salts.

Strychnine Salts.

~Nails, Ingrowing.~

Plumbi Nitras.



~Nasal Diseases.~--See also, Acne, Catarrh, Epistaxis, Hay Fever, Influenza, Ozena, Polypus, Sneezing.

Acid, Tannic: with glycerin.

Eucaine Hydrochlorate.

Holocaine Hydrochlorate.

~Nasal Polypus.~--See also, Polypus.

~Nausea.~--See also, Dyspepsia, Headache, Biliousness, Sea-Sickness, Vomiting, Vomiting of Pregnancy.

Ammonio-Citrate of Iron.

Cocculus Indicus: in violent retching without vomiting.

Hoffmann's Anodyne: when due to excessive use of tobacco.


Ipecacuanha: in sickness of pregnancy and chronic alcoholism; very small dose, 1 minim of wine.


Orexine: when with lack of appetite.


Pulsatilla: in gastric catarrh.

Spt. Nucis Juglandis.

~Necrosis.~--See Caries, Bone Disease, Syphilis, Scrophulosis.

~Neoplasms.~--See Tumors.

~Nephritis, Acute.~--See also, Albuminuria, Bright's Disease.

Aconite: at commencement.

Aqua Calcis.

Cannabis Indica: as diuretic, especially in hematuria.

Cantharides: one minim of tincture every three hours, to stop hematuria after acute symptoms have subsided.

Croton Liniment.

Cytisus Scoparius.

Eucalyptus: given cautiously.


Liquor Ammonii Acetatis.

Potassium Sulphate.

Poultices: over loins, very useful.

Tinctura Ferri Perchloridi.

Turpentine Oil: one minim every two to four hours.

~Nervous Affections.~--See also, Diabetes, Hemicrania; Headache, Nervous; Hemiplegia, Hysteria Insomnia, Locomotor Ataxia, Mania, Melancholia, Myelitis, Neuralgia, Neurasthenia, Neuritis, Nervousness, Paralysis, Paralysis Agitans, Spinal Paralysis, etc.

Acid Hypophosphorous.

C�sium and Rubidium and Ammonium Bromide.


~Nervous Exhaustion.~--See Adynamia, Neurasthenia.

~Nervousness.~--See also, Insomnia, Irritability.

Aconite: one minim. of tincture at bedtime for restlessness and fidgets.

Argenti Phosphas.

Bromide of Potassium: over-work and worry.

Caffeine: where much debility.

Hops: internally, and as pillow.

Hydrargyri Perchlorid.

Lime salts.

Musk: in uterine derangements.

Pulsatilla: tincture.


Simulo: tincture.

Sumbul: in pregnancy, and after acute illness.

Sweet Spirit of Nitre.

~Neuralgia.~--See also, Gastralgia, Hemicrania, Hepatalgia, Otalgia, Ovarian Neuralgia, Sciatica, Tic Douloureux, etc.

Aconite: locally.

Aconitine: as ointment.


Ammonium Chloride: one-half dram doses.

Antiseptic Oils.

Atropine: as liniment, or hypodermically near the nerve.

Auro-Terchlor. Iod.

Bebeeru Bark or Bebeerine.

Butyl-Chloral Hydrate: for neuralgia of fifth nerve.

Chloral and Camphor: equal parts, locally applied.

Chloral and Morphine.


Chlorate of Potassium: in facial neuralgia.

Chloroform: locally, and by inhalation, when pain is very severe.

Cimicifuga: in neuralgia of fifth nerve, and ovarian neuralgia.

Coniine Hydrobromate.

Cupri-Ammonii Sulphas.

Dogwood, Jamaica.


Ergot: in visceral neuralgia.

Ethyl Chloride.

Ferric Perchloride.

Freezing Parts: with ether or rhigolene spray.

Gaduol: as nerve-tonic and alterative.

Ichthyol: as alterative and hematinic.

Ignatia: in hysterical and in intercostal neuralgia.

Iodides: especially when nocturnal.



Methyl Chloride.

Mustard: poultice.

Nux Vomica: in visceral neuralgia.

Oil, Croton.

Oil, Mustard.

Oil of Cloves: locally.

Oil, Peppermint.

Peppermint: locally.

Pyrethrum: as masticatory.


Sodium Dithio-salicylate, Beta.

Sodium Sulphosalicyate.

Specific Remedies: if due to scrofula or syphilis.

Spinal Ice-bag.


Sumbul: sometimes very useful.




~Neurasthenia.~--See also, Adynamia, Exhaustion, Gout, Hysteria, Spinal Irritation.

Orexine: as appetizer, etc.

~Neuritis.~--See also, Alcoholism, Neuralgia, Spinal Irritation.

~Nevus.~--See also, Tumors, Warts.

Aluminum Sulphate.

Antimonium Tartaratum.


Iodine: paint.

Liquor Plumbi.

Nitrate of Mercury, Acid.

Zinc Nitrate.


Camphor Water.

~Night-Sweats.~--See also, Perspiration, Phthisis, etc.

Acid, Acetic: as a lotion.

Homatropine Hydrobromate.

Potassium Ferrocyanide.

Potassium Tellurate.

Thallium Acetate.

~Nipples, Sore.~--See also, Lactation, Mastitis.

Acid, Picric: fissures.

Balsam of Tolu.

Borax: saturated solution locally.

Brandy and Water.


Cocaine Solution (4 grn. to the ounce): applied and washed off before nursing, if breast is very painful.

Ferrous Subsulphate: locally.

Ichthyol: when indurated.

India Rubber.

Rhatany: one part extract to 15 of cacao butter.

Tannin, Glycerite of.

Yolk of Egg.

Zinc Shield.

~Nodes.~--See also, Exostosis, Periostitis.

Mercury Oleate: with morphine, locally.

Potassium Iodide: internally and externally.

Stramonium Leaves: as poultice.

~Nose-bleed.~--See Epistaxis.

~Nutrition, Defective.~--See list of Tonics, Gastric Tonics, etc.


Blisters: small to external canthus.



Bromide of Potassium: in large doses.

Camphor: in large doses.

Sulphur: when due to hemorrhoids.

Tobacco: so as to cause nausea; effectual but depressing.


Acids, Vegetable.

Adonis �stivalis: tincture.

Alkaline Waters: especially those of Marienbad.

Banting's System: living on meat and green vegetables, and avoiding starch, sugars and fats.

Cold Bath.

Fucus Vesiculosus.

Laxative Fruits and Purges.

Liq. Potass�.


Saccharin: to replace sugar in diet.

Vinegar very injurious.

~Odontalgia.~--See also, Neuralgia.

Acid, Carbolic: a single drop of strong, on cotton wool placed in cavity of tooth.

Acid, Nitric: to destroy exposed nerve.

Aconite: liniment or ointment in facial neuralgia if due to decayed teeth.

Alum: a solution in nitrous ether locally applied.

Argenti Nitras: the solid applied to the clean cavity and the mouth then gargled.

Arsenic: as caustic to destroy dental nerve.

Butyl-Chloral: in neuralgic toothache.

Calcium salts.

Camphor: rubbed on gum, or dropped on cotton wool and placed In tooth.

Camphor and Chloral Hydrate: liniment to relieve facial neuralgia.

Capsicum: a strong infusion on lint.

Chloral: solution in glycerin one in four, or solid, in cotton wool to be applied to the hollow tooth.


Chloroform: into ear or tooth on lint; a good liniment with creosote; or injected into the gum.

Cocaine: the hydrochlorate into a painful cavity.

Colchicum: along with opium in rheumatic odontalgia.

Collodion: mixed with melted crystallized carbolic acid, and put into cavity on cotton wool; first increases, then diminishes, pain.

Coniine: solution in alcohol on cotton wool and put into tooth.

Creosote: like carbolic acid.

Gelsemium: to relieve the pain of a carious tooth unconnected with any local inflammation.

Iodine: painted on to remove tartar on teeth; and in exposure of fang due to atrophy of gum.

Mercury: as alterative and purgative.

Morphine: subcutaneously injected.

Oil of Cloves: dropped into the cavity of a hollow tooth.

Opium: dropped into cavity.

Pellitory: chewed.

Pulsatilla: in rheumatic odontalgia.

Quinine: in full dose.

Resorcin: like creosote.

Sodium Bicarbonate: saturated solution to rinse mouth with.

Tannin: ethereal solution dropped in carious tooth.

Zinc Chloride: to destroy exposed pulp.

~OEdema.~--See Dropsy.

~OEsophageal Affections.~--See also, Choking, Dysphagia.

~Onychia and Paronychia.~


Acid, Carbolic: as local anesthetic.

Chloral Hydrate: locally.

Mercury: as ointment, alternately with poultices.

Silver Nitrate: at commencement.

~O�phoritis.~--See Ovaritis.

~Ophthalmia.~--See also, Blepharitis, Conjunctivitis, Keratitis.

Acid, Carbolic: pure, for chronic granulation; excess removed with water.

Acid, Citric: ointment or lemon juice.

Boroglyceride (20 to 50 per cent.): applied to chronic granulations.

Formaldehyde: for purulent ophthalmia.

Jequirity: infusion painted on inner side of eyelids.

Leeches: to temples.

Mercury Bichloride: as lotion.

Mercury Oxide, Red: as ointment.

Oil of Cade: 1 in 10.

Sulphur: insufflation for diptheritic conjunctivitis.

Tartar Emetic: as counter-irritant.

~Ophthalmia Neonatorum.~--See Ophthalmia.

~Opium Habit.~

~Orchitis.~--See Epididymitis.


~Osteomalacia.~--See also, Bone Diseases.

~Osteomyelitis.~--See also, Bone Diseases.

~Otalgia.~--See also, Otitis.

Oil Almonds.

Tincture Opium.

~Otitis.~--See also, Otalgia.

Ichthyol: in otitis media.

Pulsatilla Tincture.

~Otorrhea.~--See also, Otitis.

Alum: insufflation.

Cadmium: locally.

Cotton Wool.

Iodide: two grn. to the ounce, locally.

Lead Lotions.

Liquor Sod�: locally when discharge is fetid.

Mercury, Brown Citrine Ointment.

Permanganate of Potassium: as injection or spray.

Tannin, Glycerite of: very useful.

~Ovarian Diseases.~

~Ovarian Neuralgia.~--See also, Dysmenorrhea, Neuralgia, Ovaritis.


Tartar Emetic: as ointment.

Turpentine Oil: as counter-irritant.


~Ozena.~--See also, Catarrh, Chronic, Nasal.

Acetate of Ammonium.

Alum: as powder or wash.

Bichromate of Potassium.

Calomel Snuff.

Carbolate of Iodine.

Chlorinated Lime or Chlorinated Soda: injections of the solution.

Glycerin and Iodine.

Gold salts.

Hydrastis: internally and locally.


Iodine: as inhalation. Much benefit derived from washing out the nose with a solution of common salt, to which a few drops of the tincture of iodine have been added.

Medicated Cotton.

Mercuric Oxide, or Ammoniated Mercury.

Sodium Arseniate.

Thuj�: tincture.

~Pain.~--See also, After-Pains, Anesthesia, Boils, Chest Pains, Colic, Gastralgia, Headache, Hepatalgia, Inflammation, Lumbago, Myalgia, Neuralgia, Neuritis, Odontalgia, Otalgia, Ovarian Neuralgia, Rheumatism, etc. Also lists of Analgesics, Anesthetics and Narcotics.


Ethyl Chloride Spray.

Methyl Chloride Spray.

Solanine: in gastric pain.

~Pain, Muscular.~--See Myalgia.


Strophantus: tincture.

~Papilloma.~--See Tumors, Warts.

~Paralysis Agitans.~--See also, Chorea, Tremor.

Sodium Phosphates.

~Paralysis, Lead.~--See Lead Poisoning.

~Paralysis and Paresis.~--See also, Hemiplegia, Locomotor Ataxia, Paralysis Agitans.

~Parametritis and Perimetritis.~--See Metritis.


Bake Clothes: to destroy ova of parasites.



Ichthyol: pure.

Insect Powder.

Laurel Leaves: decoction.

Mercury Bichloride: in parasitic skin diseases.

Mercury Oxide, red.

Oil Cajuput will destroy pediculi.

Oil of Cloves.

Picrotoxin: against pediculi.


Gaduol: internally, as alterative.

Ichthalbin: internally, as tonic and alterative.

Mercury: one-half grn. of gray powder three or four times a day.



Castor Oil: to relieve constipation.

Creolin: as irrigation.

Mercuric Chloride.

Quinine: as a stimulant to uterus.

~Pediculi.~--See Parasites.

~Pelvic Cellulitis.~--See Metritis.


~Pericarditis.~--See also, Endocarditis.

Aspiration, gradual, if exudation threatens life.

Blisters: near heart.

Bryonia: useful in exudation.

Calomel and Opium: formerly much used.

Digitalis: when heart is rapid and feeble with cyanosis and dropsy.

Ice: bag over the precordium.

Oil Gaultheria.

Opium: in grain doses every three to six hours, very useful.


~Periones.~--See Chilblains.

~Periostitis.~--See also, Nodes, Onychia.

Iodide of Potassium, or Ammonium.

Mercury: internally.

Mercury and Morphine Oleate: externally.

Mezereon: in rheumatic and scrofulous cases.

Stavesacre: when long bones affected.

Tonics and Stimulants.

~Peritonitis.~--See also, Puerperal Peritonitis.

Bryonia: when exudation.

Chlorine Solution.

Cocculus Indicus: for tympanites.

Ichthyol: in pelvic peritonitis.

Mercury: when there is a tendency to fibrous exudation.

Opium: freely, most useful.

Plumbic Acetate.

Rectal Tube: milk or asafetida or turpentine injections, in tympanites.

Steam: applied to the abdomen under a cloth when poultices cannot be borne.

Turpentine Oil: for tympanites.

~Peritonitis, Tubercular.~

~Perspiration, Excessive.~--See also, Night-Sweats, Feet.

Acid, Agaricic.

Acid, Aromatic Sulphuric: in phthisis.

Acid, Carbolic: with glycerin locally for fetid sweat.

Acid, Gallic: in phthisis.

Acid, Salicylic: with borax in fetid perspiration.

Agaricin: in phthisis.

Atropine: in sweating of phthisis, internally.

Belladonna: as liniment for local sweats.


Copper salts.

Neatsfoot Oil: rubbed over the surface.

Opium: as Dover's powder in phthisis.

Permanganate of Potassium: locally for fetid perspiration.


Salicin: in phthisis.

Spinal Ice Bag.

Sponging: very hot.

Strychnine: in phthisis.


Vinegar: locally.

Zinc Oxide: in phthisis.

~Pertussis~ (Whooping-Cough).--See also, Cough.

Acid, Hydrocyanic: in habitual cough when the true whooping cough has ceased.

Acid, Salicylic: as spray.

Benzin: sprinkled about the room.

Blister: to nape of neck.


Castanea Vesca.


Cherry-Laurel Water.

Chloral Hydrate: in spasmodic stage.

Chloroform: as inhalation during paroxysm.

Clover Tea.


Decoction of Chestnut leaves, ad lib. Sometimes useful.


Ether, Hydriodic.

Gelsemium: in spasmodic stage.

Inhalation of atomized fluids.

Ipecacuanha: sometimes very useful alone, or combined with bromide of ammonium.


Lobelia: in spasmodic stage.

Monobromate of Camphor.

Opium: in convulsive conditions.

Potassa Sulphurata.

Quinoline Salicylate.

Sodium Carbolatum.

Tar: for inhalation.

Terpene Hydrate.



Valerianate of Atropine.

Wild Thyme.


~Pharyngitis.~--See also, Throat, Sore; Tonsillitis.

Alcohol: dilute as gargle.

Ammonii Acetatis, Liq.

Antipyrine: in 4 per cent. spray.

Capsicum: as gargle.

Cimicifuga: internally when pharynx is dry.

Cocaine: gives temporary relief; after-effects bad.

Copper Sulphate: locally.

Cubeb Powder.

Electric Cautery.

Ferric Chloride: locally as astringent, internally as tonic.

Glycerin: locally, alone or as glycerin and tannin.

Ipecacuanha: as spray.

Monsel's Solution: pure, or diluted with glycerin one half, applied on pledgets of cotton or camel's hair brush.

Pomegranate Bark: as gargle.

Potassium Chlorate: locally.

Quinine: as tonic.

Silver Nitrate: in solution locally.

Strychnine: as tonic.

Tannin: as powder or glycerin locally.

Zinc Sulphate: as gargle.


Belladonna: locally.

Elastic Ligament.

Lupulin: after operation.

~Phlebitis.~--See also, Phlegmasia, Varicocele.

Lead and Opium Wash.

Opium: to allay pain.

Rest, absolute.

~Phlegmasia Alba Dolens.~

Acid, Hydrochloric: with potassium chlorate, in barley water.

Ammonium Carbonate: in full doses when much prostration.

Belladonna Extract: with mercurial ointment locally.

Blisters: in early stage.

Creosote: as enemata.

Leeches: during active inflammation.

Opium: internally and locally to allay pain.

~Plegmon.~--See also, Erysipelas.

Acid, Carbolic: injections.




Belladonna: to eye.

Calomel: insufflation.

Chloroform Vapor.

Coniine: in scrofulous photophobia locally.

Mercuric Chloride: by insufflation.

Potassium Chlorate: in large doses.


~Phthisis.~--See also, Cough, Hemoptysis, Hectic Fever, Perspiration, Night Sweats, Laryngitis, Tubercular; Meningitis, Tubercular; Peritonitis, Tubercular; Tuberculosis, Acute; Tuberculous affections.

Acid, Phenylacetic.

Acid, Salicylic: when breath foul and expectoration offensive.

Acid, Sulphurous: as fumigation.

Alcohol: along with food or cod-liver oil.

Antimony Tartrate.

Antituberculous Serum.

Arsenic: to remove commencing consolidation, and also when tongue is red and irritable.

Atropine: to check perspiration.

Belladonna: locally for pain in muscles.

Benzoin: as inhalation to lessen cough and expectoration.


Bitter Almond Oil.

Butyl-Chloral: to check cough.

Carbo Ligni.

Chloral: as hypnotic.


Chloroform: as linctus to check cough.

Climate Treatment.

Clove Oil.

Cocaine: a solution locally to throat and mouth tends to relieve irritable condition and aphth�, especially in later stages.

Cod-Liver Oil: most useful as nutrient.

Coto Bark.


Creosote (Beech-Wood): as inhalation, and internally.

Croton Oil: to chest as counter-irritant.

Enemata: of starch and opium, to control diarrhea.

Glycerin: as nutrient in place of cod-liver oil, locally to mouth in the last stages to relieve dryness and pain.

Gold Iodide.

Guaiacol and salts.


Hypophosphites: very useful in early stage.

Ichthalbin: internally, to regulate digestive functions, increase food-assimilation and act as reconstitutive.

Ichthyol: by inhalation.

Inulin: possibly useful.

Iodine: liniment as a counter-irritant to remove the consolidation in early stage, and to remove pain and cough later; as inhalation to lessen cough and expectoration.

Iodoform: inhalation.


Mercury Bichloride: in minute doses for diarrhea.

Mercury Bichloride Solution (1:10,000): heat, and inhale steam, stopping at first sign of mercurial effect. In laryngeal phthisis: precede inhalation with cocaine spray (4 per cent. sol.).

Morphine, with Starch or Bismuth: locally to larynx, and in laryngeal phthisis most useful.

Mustard Leaves: most useful to lessen pain and prevent spread of subacute intercurrent inflammation.


Ol. Pini Sylvestris.

Ol. Lini and Whisky.

Opium: to relieve cough, and, with ipecacuanha and Dover's powder, to check sweating.

Orexine Tannate: as appetizer and indirect reconstituent.



Phosphate of Calcium: as nutrient, and to check diarrhea.

Picrotoxin: to check perspiration.

Pilocarpine: to check sweats.

Potassium Phosphate.

Prunus Virginiana: tincture.

Quinine: as tonic to lessen temperature, to check sweat.

Raw Meat and Phosphates.

Sea Bathing.

Sea Voyage.

Serum, Antitubercular.




Tannalbin: as antidiarrheal and indirect reconstitutive.




~Piles.~--See Hemorrhoids.

~Pityriasis.~--See also, Seborrhea; and for Pityriasis Versicolor, see Tinea Versicolor.

Acid, Carbolic: with glycerin and water locally.

Acid, Sulphurous: locally.

Alkalies and Tonics.

Arsenic and Mercury: internally.

Bichloride of Mercury.

Borax: saturated solution or glycerite locally.

Cajuput Oil.

Citrine Ointment.

Oleate of Mercury.

Sapo Laricis.

Sulphides: locally.

~Pityriasis Capitis.~--See Seborrhea.

~Pleurisy.~--For Chronic Pleurisy, see Empyema. See also, Hydrothorax, Pleuro-Pneumonia.

Aconite: in early stage.


Belladonna Plaster: most useful to relieve pain in old adhesions.


Bryonia: after aconite.

Cotton Jacket.

Digitalis: when much effusion.

Ice Poultice or Jacket: in sthenic cases.

Iodide of Potassium: to aid absorption.

Iodine: as a liniment to assist absorption, or as a wash or injection to cavity after tapping.

Local Wet Pack.

Oil Mustard.

Orexine: for anorexia.

Purgative salts.


Sodium Sulphosalicylate.

Strapping Chest: if respiratory movements are very painful.

~Pleuritic Effusions.~

~Pleurodynia.~--See also, Neuralgia.

Belladonna: plaster or liniment very useful.


Chloral Hydrate: with camphor locally.

Croton Oil: locally in obstinate cases.

Ether: as spray, locally.

Iron: when associated with leucorrhea.

Mustard Leaves.


Opium: liniment rubbed in after warm fomentations or hypodermic injections. Internally, most useful to cut short attack and relieve pain.

Plasters: to relieve pain and give support.

Wet-cupping: when pain severe and fever high.


Acid, Carbolic: two per cent. solution injected locally.

Turpentine Oil: locally.

~Pneumonia.~--See also, Pleuro-Pneumonia.

Aconite: very useful, especially at commencement.

Ammonium Carbonate: as stimulant.

Belladonna: at commencement.

Blisters: at beginning to lessen pain.

Bryonia: when pleurisy present.

Carbonate of Sodium.

Cold Compress to Chest.

Cups, dry and wet: in first stage.

Digitalis: to reduce temperature.

Dover's Powder: for pain at onset.



Hoffman's Anodyne.

Ice-bag: to heart, if fever be high and pulse tumultuous.

Ice Poultice or Jacket: in first stage of sthenic cases.

Nux Vomica: tincture.

Oxygen Inhalations.

Plumbi Acetas.

Poultices: to lessen pain.

Quinine: to lower temperature.

Salicylate of Sodium: as antipyretic.

Senega: as expectorant.

Serpentaria: with carbonate of ammonium as stimulant.

Turpentine Oil: as stimulant at crisis.

~Podagra, Acute and Chronic.~--See Arthritis.


Acid, Carbolic, and Glycerin.

Alcoholic Spray.

Alum: as insufflation.

Sesquichloride of Iron.

Tannin: as insufflation.

Tr. Opii Crocata.

~Porrigo.~--See also, Impetigo, Alopecia Areata, Tinea, etc.

Mercuric Nitrate Ointment.

Red Mercuric Oxide Ointment.

Solution Arsenic and Mercuric Iodide.

~Pregnancy, Disorders of.~--See also, Albuminuria, Nephritis, Nervousness, Ptyalism, Vomiting of Pregnancy.


Chloroform Water.

Orexine: for the vomiting; most efficacious.

~Proctitis.~--See Rectum.

~Prolapsus Ani.~

Alum: in solution locally.

Hydrastis: as enema or lotion.

Ice: when prolapsed parts inflamed.

Injections of hot or cold water.

Pepper: confection.

Podophyllum: in small doses.

Strychnine: as adjunct to laxatives.

Tannin: as enema.

~Prolapsus Uteri.~

Alum: as hip-bath and vaginal douche.

Cimicifuga: to prevent miscarriage and prolapsus.

Galls: decoction of, as injection.

Glycerin Tampon.

Ice: locally when part inflamed, and to spine.

Oak Bark: as injection.


~Prostate, Enlarged.~--See also, Cystitis.

Alkalies: when irritation of the bladder, with acid urine.

Ammonium Benzoate: for cystitis with alkaline urine.

Ichtalbin: internally.

Iodine: to rectum.

Iodoform or Iodoformogen: as suppository very useful.


~Prostatitis.~--See also, Prostatorrhea; and Prostate, Enlarged.

Blisters to Perineum: in chronic cases.


Cantharides: small doses of tincture.

Cold Water: injections and perineal douches.

Hot Injections.

Ichthalbin: internally, as vaso-constrictor or tonic.

Local treatment to prostatic urethra, and use of cold steel sounds, in chronic types.

Perineal incision to evacuate pus if abscess forms.

Rest in bed, regulation of bowels, leeches to perineum, medication to render urine alkaline, and morphine hypodermically or in suppository.

Soft Catheter: allowed to remain in bladder if retention of urine.

~Prostatorrhea.~--See also, Prostatitis.

~Prurigo.~--See also, Pruritus.

Acid, Carbolic: internally and locally, especially in prurigo senilis.

Acid, Hydrocyanic: locally.

Aconite: externally.

Adeps Lan�, Benzoated.

Alkaline Warm Baths.

Alum: a strong solution for pruritus vulv�.

Aluminium Nitrate.

Borax: saturated solution.

Calomel: ointment very useful in pruritus ani.

Chloroform Ointment.

Cod-Liver Oil: as inunction.

Corrosive Sublimate: for pruritus vulv�.

Cyanide of Potassium: as lotion or ointment, to be used with care.

Glycerite of Tar.

Goulard's Extract.

Iodide of Sulphur, Ointment of.

Iodoform: as ointment.

Oil of Cade.

Sapo Viridis.

Sulphate of Zinc.

Sulphur and compounds.

Tobacco: useful but dangerous.

~Pruritus.~--See also, Eczema, Erythema, Parasites, Prurigo, Scabies, Urticaria.

Oil Almond, Bitter.


Acid, Chromic: ten grn. to the ounce in psoriasis of tongue.

Acid, Chrysophanic.

Acids, Nitric and Nitro-hydrochloric: when irruption is symptomatic of indigestion.

Alkaline Baths.

Arsenic and Mercuric Iodides, Solution of.

Baths: alkaline, to remove scales.

Calomel: locally as ointment.

Chlorinated Lime or Chlorinated Soda, Solution of.

Corrosive Sublimate Bath.

Creosote Baths.

Electricity: constant current.


Fats and Oils.


Glycerite of Lead.

Hepar Sulphuris.

India-Rubber Solution.

Lead Iodide: locally.

Mercury: locally as ointment.

Mercury Ammoniated.




Silver Nitrate: in psoriasis of tongue.

Sulphur Iodide: internally and externally (ointment.)

Tar: as ointment.

Terebinthin� Ol.




Eucaine, Beta-



Arseniate of Sodium.

Tr. Iodi.

Veratrine: to the eyelids and temples.

~Ptyalism.~--See also, Mouth Sores; also list of Sialogogues and Antisialogogues.

Acids: in small doses internally and as gargles.

Atropine: hypodermically.


Chlorate of Potassium: as gargle.

Chloride of Zinc.

Iodine: as gargle, one of tincture to 30 of water.

Vegetable Astringents.

~Puerperal Convulsions.~--See also, After-Pains, Hemorrhage, Labor, Lactation, Mastitis, Nipples, Phlegmasia Alba Dolens, etc.

Aconite: in small doses frequently.

Cold: to abdomen.

Dry Cupping: over loins.

Morphine: hypodermically, very useful.

Mustard: to feet.

Nitrite of Amyl: of doubtful utility.

Ol. Crotonis.

Veratrum Viride: pushed to nausea, very useful.

~Puerperal Fever.~--See also, Puerperal Peritonitis.

Acid, Boric, or Creolin (2 per cent.), or Bichloride (1:8000) Solutions: as injections into bladder, to prevent septic cystitis.

Aconite: useful at commencement.

Alkaline Sulphates: in early stages.

Ammoni� Liq.

Calumba: as tincture.

Creolin see under "Acid, Boric," above.

Creosoted Oil.

Curette or Placental forceps: to remove membranes if fever continues after antiseptic injections.

Epsom Salts: if peritonitis develops.


Mercury Bichloride: see under "Acid, Boric," above.

Nutriment and Stimulants.

Opium: for wakefulness and delirium, very useful.

Permanganate of Potassium.

Potassium Oxalate.

Silver Nitrate or Zinc Chloride: to unhealthy wounds.

Stramonium: when cerebral excitement.

Tr. Ferri Perchloridi.

Turpentine Oil: when much vascular depression and tympanites.

~Puerperal Mania.~

Anesthetics: during paroxysm.


Cimicifuga: useful in hypochondriasis.

Hyoscyamus in mild cases.

Quinine: when much sickness.

Stramonium: when delirium furious but intermittent, or suicidal, or when impulse to destroy child.

Tartar Emetic: frequently repeated.

~Puerperal Peritonitis.~--See also, Puerperal Fever.

Cathartics: recommended by many; condemned by many; evidence in favor of mild aperients combined with Dover's powder or hyoscyamus.

Cimicifuga: in rheumatic cases.

Heat to Abdomen.

Ice to Abdomen.

Opium: very useful.

Turpentine Oil: as stimulant, 10 [min.] frequently repeated.

~Pulmonary Affections.~--See Lung Diseases.

~Pulpitis.~--See also, Inflammation.

~Purpura.~--See also, Hemorrhage, Scurvy.


Alum: locally with brandy.

Ergot: very useful.

Iron: internally.

Lime Juice.


Potassium Binoxalate.


Tr. Laricis.

~Pyelitis.~--See also, Bright's Disease, etc.



Pipsissewa (Chimaphila).


Ferri Chloridum.

Malt Liquor.

Oil Turpentine: as stimulant.

Potassium Permanganate: internally.

~Pyemia and Septicemia.~

~Pyrosis.~--See also Pyrosis and Cardialgia (below).

Manganese Oxide.

Oxide of Silver.

Pulvis Kino Compositus.

~Pyrosis and Cardialgia.~--See also, Acidity, Dyspepsia.

Melissa Spirit.

~Quinsy.~--See Tonsillitis.


Cool Sponging or Rubbing with salt and whisky.

Digestive Tonics.

Lime Salts.

Massage and Passive Movements.

Simple Bitters.

Sodium salts.

~Rectum, Diseases of.~--See also, Anus, Diarrhea, Dysentery; Rectum, Ulceration of; Hemorrhage, Intestinal; Hemorrhoids, Prolapsus.

~Rectum, Ulceration of.~

~Relapsing Fever.~--See also, Typhus Fever.


Leeches: as cupping for headache.

~Remittent Fever.~

Antipyrine: or cold pack if fever is excessive.

Gelsemium: in bilious remittents.


Monsel's Salt.

Packing: useful.


Potassium Salts.


Quinine: twenty to thirty grn. for a dose, once or twice daily.

~Renal Calculi.~--See Calculi.

~Retina, Affections of.~--See also Amaurosis.

Atropine: dark glasses, and later suitable lenses, in retinitis due to eye strain.

Ichthalbin: internally, as alterant and hematinic.

~Rheumatic Arthritis.~--See also, Rheumatism.

Buckeye Bark.

Cimicifuga: when pains are nocturnal.

Iodine: internally as tonic.

Potassium Bromide: sometimes relieves pain.

~Rheumatism, Acute and Chronic.~--See also, Arthritis, Lumbago, Myalgia, Pleurodynia, Sciatica.

Acid, Diiodo-Salicylic.

Arsenic and Mercury Iodides, Solution.

Blisters: very efficient.

Burgundy Pitch.

Caffeine and Sodium Salicylate.

Dulcamara: in persons liable to catarrh.

Fraxinus Polygamia.

Horse-Chestnut Oil.

Ice: cold compresses may relieve inflamed joints.

Ice and Salt.

Iodide of Potassium: especially when pain worst at night.

Lithium Bromide: especially when insomnia and delirium present.

Lithium Iodide.

Lithium Salicylate.



Mercury and Morphine Oleate: locally.

Mineral Baths.

Mustard Plasters.

Opium: one grn. every two or three hours, especially when cardiac inflammation.


Phenacetin: alone or with salol.

Pine-Leaf Baths.

Potassa, Sulphurated.

Potassio-Tartrate of Iron.

Potassium Iodide and Opium.

Propylamine (see Trimethylamine).

Rhus Toxicodendron: exceedingly useful in after-stage and subacute forms.


Sodium Dithio-salicylate.

Spir�a Ulmaria.

Splints for fixation of limb may relieve.

Steam Bath.

Tetra-ethyl-ammonium Hydroxide: solution.

Thuja Occidentalis.

Trimethylamine Solution.

~Rheumatism, Gonorrheal.~

~Rheumatism, Muscular.~--See also, Lumbago, Myalgia, Neuritis, Pleurodynia; Rheumatism, Acute and Chronic; Torticollis.

Croton-Oil Liniment.

Dover's Powder: with hot drinks and hot foot bath.


~Rhinitis.~--See also, Catarrh, Acute Nasal; Influenza, Nasal Affections.

Creolin: (1:1000) as a nasal douche.

Fluid Cosmoline in Spray.

Sozoiodole-Sodium and Sozoiodole-Zinc in atrophic rhinitis.

~Rickets.~--See Rachitis.

~Ring-Worm.~--See also, Tinea, etc.

Iron Tannate.

Tincture Iodine: topically.

~Rosacea.~--See Acne Rosacea.

~Roseola.~--See also, Measles.

~Rubeola.~--See Measles.

~Salivation.~--See Ptyalism.

~Sarcin�.~--See also, Dyspepsia, Cancer, Gastric Dilatation.

Gastric Siphon: to wash out stomach.

Wood Spirit.

~Satyriasis.~--See also, Nymphomania, and list of Anaphrodisiacs.


Acid, Benzoic: as ointment or lotion.

Acid, Carbolic: dangerous.

Acid, Sulphuric: internally as adjuvant.

Anise: as ointment.

Baking of clothes to destroy ova.

Balsam of Peru: locally; agreeable and effective.

Coal-Tar Naphta.

Cocculus Indicus: as ointment.

Kamala: as ointment.

Mercury: white precipitate ointment.

Oily Inunction.

Phosphorated Oil.

Soft Soap.

Stavesacre: as ointment.

Storax: with almond oil, when skin cannot bear sulphur.

Sulphur: as ointment.

Sulphur and Lime.

Tar: ointment.

~Scalds.~--See Burns and Scalds.

~Scarlet Fever.~--See also, Albuminuria, Bright's Disease, Uremia.

Acid, Carbolic: as gargle.

Acids, Mineral: internally and as gargle.

Acid, Sulphurous: inhalation when throat much affected.

Alcohol: indicated in collapse.

Aconite: harmful if constantly employed.

Amyl Hydride.

Arsenic: if tongue remains red and irritable during convalescence.

Benzoate of Sodium.

Carbonate of Ammonium: greatly recommended in frequent doses given in milk or cinnamon water.

Chlorine Water: as gargle.

Cold Compress: to throat.

Fat: as inunction to hands and feet during the rash, and over the whole body during desquamation.

Ferric Perchloride: in advanced stage with albuminuria and hematuria; very useful.

Ice: applied externally to throat, and held in mouth, to prevent swelling of throat.

Ice Bag, or rubber head-coil: to head, if very hot.

Ice: to suck, especially at commencement.

Jalap: compound powder, with potassium bitartrate, or hot dry applications, to produce sweat in nephritis.

Juniper Oil: as diuretic when dropsy occurs.

Mercury: one-third of a grn. of gray powder every hour to lessen inflammation of tonsils.

Mustard Bath: when rash recedes.

Packing: useful and comforting.

Philocarpine Hydrochlorate.

Potassium Permanganate: as gargle to throat.

Purgatives: most useful to prevent albuminuria.

Salicylate of Sodium as antipyretic.

Sodium Bromide: with chloral, when convulsions usher in attack.

Strychnine: hypodermically in paralysis.

Sulphate of Magnesium.

Tr. Ferri Chloridi.

Warm Wet Pack.

~Scars, to Remove.~

~Sciatica~--See also, Neuralgia, Rheumatism.

Acetanilid: absolute rest of limb in splints very needful.

Aconite: as ointment or liniment.

Cautery: exceedingly useful; slight application of Paquelin's thermo-cautery.

Chloride of Ammonium.

Chloroform: locally as liniment; inhalation when pain excessive.

Copaiba Resin.

Croton Oil; internally as purgative.

Ether: as spray.

Massage of Nerve with Glass Rod.

Morphine: hypodermically most useful.

Nerve Stretching.


Potassium Bitartrate or Citrate: 40 grn. thrice daily, in plenty of water, to regulate kidneys.

Salicylate of Sodium.

Sand Bath.

Sodium Dithiosalicylate.

Stramonium; internally, pushed until physiological action appears.

Sulphur: tied on with flannel over painful spot.

Turpentine Oil: in 1/2 oz. doses internally for three or four nights successively.

Wet or Dry Cups over course of nerve.

~Sclerosis.~--See also, Locomotor Ataxia, Atheroma, Paralysis Agitans

~Sclerosis, Arterial.~


~Scorbutus.~--See Scurvy

~Scrofula.~--See also, Cachexi�, Coxalgia, Glands, Ophthalmia.

Acacia Charcoal.

Barium Sulphide.

Blisters: to enlarged glands.

Cod-Liver Oil: exceedingly serviceable.

Excision, or scraping gland, and packing with iodoform gauze.

Fats: inunction.

Galium Aparinum.

Hyoscyamus: tincture.

Ichthyol: ointment.

Iodine: locally to glands, and internally.

Milk and Lime Water.

Peroxide of Hydrogen.



Walnut Leaves.

~Scurvy.~--See also, Cancrum Oris, Purpura.

Acid, Citric or Tartaric: as preventive in the absence of lime-juice.

Aconite: in acute stomatitis with salivation in scorbutic conditions.

Agrimony: useful in the absence of other remedies.

Alcohol: diluted, as gargle.

Alum: locally with myrrh for ulcerated gums.

Ammonium Carbonate: in scorbutic diathesis.

Arsenic: in some scorbutic symptoms.

Atropine: hypodermically when salivation.

Cinchona: as decoction, alone or diluted with myrrh, as gargle.

Ergotin Hypodermic, or Ergot by Mouth: to restrain the hemorrhage.

Ferri Arsenias: as a tonic where other remedies have failed.

Ferri Perchloridi, Tinctura: to restrain hemorrhage.

Laricis, Tinctura: like Ferri Perchl., Tinct.

Lemon Juice: exceedingly useful as preventive and curative.

Liberal Diet often sufficient.

Liquor Sod� Chlorinat�: locally to gums.

Malt: an antiscorbutic.

Oranges: useful.

Phosphates: when non-assimilation a cause.

Potassium Binoxalate: in doses of four grn. three times a day; if not obtainable sorrel is useful instead.

Potassium Citrate: substitute for lime-juice.


Quinine: with mineral acids internally.

Vegetable Charcoal: as tooth-powder to remove fetid odor.

Vinegar: very inferior substitute for lime-juice.

~Sea-Sickness.~--See also, Nausea, Vomiting.

Acid, Nitro-Hydrochloric: formula: Acidi nitro-hydrochlorici, dil. 3 fl. drams; Acidi hydrocyanici dil. half fl. dram; Magnesii sulphatis, 2 drams; Aq. 8 fl. oz.: 1 fl. oz. 3 times a day.

Amyl Nitrite: a few drops on handkerchief inhaled; the handkerchief must be held close to the mouth.

Atropine: one-hundredth grn. hypodermically.

Bitters: calumba, etc.

Caffeine Citrate: for the headache.

Cannabis Indica: one-third to one-half grn. of the extract to relieve headache.

Champagne, Iced: small doses frequently repeated.

Chloralamide and Potassium Bromide.

Chloral Hydrate: fifteen to thirty grn. every four hours most useful; should be given before nausea sets in; the combination with potassium bromide, taken with effervescing citrate of magnesia, is very good.

Chloroform: pure, two to five minims on sugar.

Coca: infusion quickly relieves.

Counter-irritation: mustard plaster or leaf to epigastrium.

Hyoscyamine: one-sixtieth grain with the same quantity of strychnine.

Magnetic Belt.

Nux Vomica: when indigestion with constipation.

Potassium Bromide: should be given several days before voyage is begun.

Salt and Warm Water.

Sodium Bromide: like potassium salt.

~Seborrhea.~--See also, Acne, Pityriasis.

Borax: with glycerin and lead acetate, as a local application.

Load Acetate: with borax and glycerin as above.

Liquor Potasss�: locally to hardened secretion.

Zinc Oxide: in inflammation the following formula is useful: Take Zinci oxidi, 1 dram; Plumbi carbonat. 1 dram: Cetacei, 1 oz.: Ol. oliv� q.s.; ft. ung.

~Septicemia.~--See Pyemia etc.

~Sexual Excitement.~--See Nymphomania, Satyriasis.


~Skin Diseases.~--See the titles of the various diseases in their alphabetic order.

~Small-Pox.~--See Variola.

~Sleeplessness.~--See Insomnia, Nervousness.

~Sneezing.~--See also, Catarrh, Hay Fever, Influenza.

Arsenic: in paroxysmal sneezing as usually ushers-in hay fever.

Camphor: as powder, or strong tincture inhaled in commencing catarrh.

Chamomile Flowers: in nares.

Cotton Plug: in nares.

Gelsemium: in excessive morning sneezings with discharge.

Iodine: inhalation.

Mercury: when heaviness of head and pain in limbs.

Potassium Iodide: ten grn. doses frequently repeated.

Pressure beneath Nose, over the termination of the nasal branch of the ophthalmic division of the fifth.

~Somnambulism~.--See also, Nightmare.


~Spasmodic Affections~--See list of Antispasmodics; also Angina Pectoris, Asthma, Chorea, Colic, Cough, Convulsions, Croup, Dysuria, Epilepsy, Gastrodynia, Hydrophobia, Hysteria, Laryngismus, Pertussis, Stammering, Tetanus, Torticollis, Trismus, etc.

~Spermatorrhea.~--See also, Emissions, Hypochondriasis, Impotence; also list of Anaphrodisiacs.


Arsenic: in functional impotence; best combined with iron as the arsenate, and with ergot.

Belladonna: in relaxation of the genital organs where there is no dream nor orgasm: one-fourth grain of extract, and a grain and a half of zinc sulphate.

Bladder to be emptied as soon as patient awakes.

Bromides: when it is physiological in a plethoric patient; not when genitalia are relaxed.

Calomel: ointment applied to urethra.

Camphor Bromide: or camphor alone; diminishes venereal excitement.

Cantharides: in cases of deficient tone, either from old age, excess, or abuse; should be combined with iron.

Chloral Hydrate: to arrest nocturnal emissions.

Cimicifuga: where emission takes place on the least excitement.

Cold Douching and Sponging.

Digitalis: in frequent emissions with languid circulation; with bromide in plethoric subjects.

Ergot: deficient tone in the genital organs.

Hydrastis: local application to urethra.

Hypophosphites: nervine tonic.

Iron: where there is anemia only.

Lupulin: oleoresin, to diminish nocturnal emissions.

Nitrate of Silver: vesication by it of the perineum; and local application to the prostatic portion of the urethra.

Nux Vomica: nervine tonic and stimulant.

Phosphorus: in physical and mental debility.

Quinine: as a general tonic.

Sulphur: as a laxative, especially if sequent to rectal or anal trouble.

Turpentine Oil: in spermatorrhea with impotence.

Warm bath before retiring.

~Spina Bifida.~

Collodion: as means of compression.

Cotton Wool over tumor.

Glycerin: injection after tapping.

Iodine: injection. Formula: Iodine, 10 grn.; Potassium Iodide, 30 grn.; Glycerin, 1 fl. oz.

Tapping: followed by compression.

~Spinal Concussion.~--See also, Myelitis.

Bleeding: to relieve heart.

Lead Water and Opium; as lotion.

Vinegar: to restore consciousness.

~Spinal Congestion.~--See also, Meningitis, Myelitis.

Antiphlogistic Treatment.

Cold Affusions: to spine.

Ergot: in large doses.

Wet Cupping.

~Spinal Irritation.~--See also, Meningitis, Myelitis, Neuritis, Neurasthenia.

Aconite Ointment: locally.

Belladonna: gives way to this more readily than to aconite.

Blisters: to spine.

Bromides: to lessen activity.

Cocculus Indicus: like strychnine.

Electricity: combined with massage and rest.

Ergot: when spinal congestion.

Sinapis Liniment: counter-irritant.

Strychnine: to stimulate the depressed nerve centres.

~Spinal Paralysis and Softening.~--See also, Locomotor Ataxia, Myelitis.

Argenlc Nitrate: in chronic inflammation of the cord or meninges.

Belladonna: in chronic inflammatory conditions.

Cod-Liver Oil: as a general nutrient.

Ergot: in hyperemia of the cord.

Hyoscyamus: in paralysis agitans to control tremors.

Iodide of Potassium: in syphilitic history.

Mercury: temporarily cures in chronic inflammation of the cord and meninges.

Phosphorus: as a nervine tonic.

Physostigma: in a few cases of progressive paralysis of the insane, in old-standing hemiplegia, in paraplegia due to myelitis, and in progressive muscular atrophy it has done good service.

Picrotoxin: spinal stimulant after febrile symptoms have passed off.

Strychnine: like picrotoxin.

~Spleen, Hypertrophied.~--See also, Malaria, Leucocythemia.


Aconite Liniment: well rubbed in.

Ammonium Chloride: prolonged application of cold saturated lotion.

Arnica: much vaunted, little use.

Bandaging: to give rest to the injured ligaments.

Calendula: as a lotion.

Camphor: a stimulating liniment.

Cold Applications.

Collodion: a thick coating to exert a firm even pressure as it dries.

Hot Foot-bath: prolonged for hours, for sprained ankle.

Hot Fomentations: early applied.

Inunction of Olive Oil: with free rubbing.

Iodine: to a chronic inflammation after a sprain.

Lead Lotion: applied at once to a sprained joint.

Oil of Bay.


Rhus Toxicodendron: as lotion.

Shampooing: after the inflammation has ceased, to break down adhesions.

Soap Liniment.

Soap Plaster: used as a support to sprained joints.

Soluble Glass.

Strapping: to give rest.

Turpentine Liniment: a stimulant application to be well rubbed in.

Vinegar: cooling lotion.

Warming Plaster.


Vocal Training: the rythmical method most useful.


Alkaline Injections: In excessively acid secretions from the vagina.

Aurum: where due to chronic metritis, ovarian torpor or coldness; also in decline in the sexual power of the male.

Borax: vaginal injection in acid secretion.

Cantharides: as a stimulant where there is impotence in either sex.

Cimicifuga: in congestive dysmenorrhea.

Dilatation of Cervix: in dysmenorrhea; in pinhole os uteri; and in plugging of the cervix with mucus.

Electrical Stimulation of Uterus: in torpor.

Gossypii Radix: in dysmenorrhea with sterility.

Guaiacum: in dysmenorrhea with sterility.

Intra-uterine Stems: to stimulate the lining membrane of the uterus.

Key-tsi-ching: a Japanese remedy for female sterility.

Phosphorus: functional debility in the male.

Potassium Iodide: as emmenagogue.

~Stings and Bites.~--See also, Wounds.

Acid, Carbolic: mosquito-bites and scorpion-stings.

Alum: for scorpion-sting.

Ammonia or other Alkalies: in stings of insects to neutralize the formic acid; and in snake-bite.

Aqua Calcis: in stings of bees and wasps.

Arsenic: as a caustic.

Chloroform: on lint.

Essence of Pennyroyal: to ward off mosquitoes.

Eucalyptus: plant in room to keep away mosquitoes.

Ipecacuanha: leaves as poultice for mosquito and scorpion-bites.

Ligature, or cleansing of wound, at once, to prevent absorption, in snake-bites.

Mint Leaves.

Oil of Cinnamon: 1 dram with 1 oz. of spermaceti ointment, spread over hands and face, to ward off mosquitoes.

Oil of Cloves: the same.

Potassa Fusa: in dog-bites a most efficient caustic.

Potassium Permanganate: applied and injected around snakebite, followed by alcohol in full doses.

Removal of Sting.



Silver Nitrate: a caustic, but not sufficiently strong in dog-bites.

Soap: to relieve itching of mosquito-bites.

Sugar: pounded, in wasp-stings.

~Stomach, Catarrh of.~--See Catarrh, Gastric.

~Stomach, Debility of.~--See List of Gastric Tonics and Stomachics.

~Stomach, Dilatation of.~--See Gastric Dilatation.

~Stomach, Sour.~--See Acidity.

~Stomach, Ulcer of.~--See Gastric Ulcer.

~Stomatitis.~--See also, Aphth�, Cancrum Oris; Mouth, Sore.

Acid, Boric: lotion of 1 in 50.

Acid, Carbolic: strong solution locally to aphth�.

Acid, Hydrochloric: concentrated in gangrenous stomatitis; dilute in mercurial, aphthous, etc.

Acid, Nitrohydrochloric: as gargle or internally in ulcerative stomatitis.

Acid, Salicylic: one part in sufficient alcohol to dissolve, to 50 of water, in catarrhal inflammation to ease the pain.

Alcohol: brandy and water, a gargle in mercurial and ulcerative stomatitis.

Alum, or Burnt Alum: locally in ulcerative stomatitis.

Argentic Nitrate: in thrush locally.

Bismuth: in aphth� of nursing children, sore mouth, dyspeptic ulcers, mercurial salivation; locally applied.

Borax: in thrush and chronic stomatitis.

Cleansing Nipples: in breast-fed babies.

Cocaine: before cauterization.

Copper Sulphate: locally in ulcerative stomatitis, and to indolent ulcers and sores.

Cornus: astringent.

Eucalyptus: tincture, internally.

Glycerite of Tannin: in ulcerative stomatitis.

Hydrastis: fluid extract locally.

Iris: in dyspeptic ulcer.

Krameria: local astringent.

Lime Water: in ulcerative stomatitis.

Mercury: in dyspeptic ulcers, gray powder.

Myrrh: tincture, with borax, topically.

Potassium Bromide: for nervous irritability.

Potassium Chlorate: the chief remedy, locally and internally.

Potassium Iodide: in syphilitic ulceration.

Rubus: astringent.


Atropine: to lessen converging squint when periodic in hypermetropia.

Eserine: to stimulate the ciliary muscles in deficient contraction.


Mercury: like Iodide of Potassium.


Potassium Iodide: in syphilitic history if one nerve only is paralyzed.

Shade over one Eye: in children to maintain acuity of vision.

Suitable Glasses: to remedy defective vision.

~Stricture, Urethral.~--See Urethral Stricture.

~Strophulus.~--See also, Lichen.

Antimonium Crudum.

Borax and Bran Bath: if skin is irritable.

Lancing the Gums.

Lead Lotion: to act as astringent.

Mercury: gray powder if stools are pale.

Spiritus �theris Nitrosi: where there is deficient secretion of urine.

~Struma.~--See Scrofula.

~Stye.~--See Hordeolum.

~Summer Complaint.~--See Cholera Infantum, Diarrhea, etc.


Aconite: not to be used with a weak heart.

Alcohol: is afterwards always a poison.

Ammonia: for its diaphoretic action.

Apomorphine: one-sixteenth grn. at once counteracts symptoms.

Artificial Respiration.

Bleeding: in extreme venous congestion.

Brandy: in small doses in collapse.

Chloroform: in convulsions.

Digitalis: to stimulate heart.

Ergot: by the mouth or subcutaneously.

Hot baths (105�--110� F.), or hot bottles or bricks, in heat exhaustion, and in collapse.

Ice: application to chest, back, and abdomen, as quickly as possible, in thermic fever, and to reduce temperature; ice drinks as well.

Potassium Bromide to relieve the delirium.

Quinine: in thermic fever.


Tea: cold, as beverage instead of alcoholic drinks.

Tonics: during convalescence.

Venesection: best treatment if face be cyanosed and heart laboring and if meningitis threaten after thermic fever (Hare).

Water: cold affusion.

Wet Sheet: where the breathing is steady; otherwise cold douche.

~Suppuration.~--See also, Abscess, Boils, Carbuncle, Pyemia.

Acid, Carbolic: lotion and dressing.

Alcohol: to be watched.

Ammonium Carbonate: in combination with Cinchona.

Calcium salts: to repair waste.

Cinchona: as tonic, fresh infusion is best.

Hypophosphites: tonic.

Iron Iodide: tonic.

Manganese Iodide: tonic.

Phosphates: like the hypophosphites.

Sarsaparilla: tonic.

Sulphides: when a thin watery pus is secreted, to abort, or hasten suppuration.

~Surgical Fever.~

Tinctura Ferri Perchloridi: as a prophylactic.

Veratrum Viride: to reduce the circulation and fever.

~Surgical Operations.~--See also, List of Antiseptics.

Mercury and Zinc Cyanide.

~Sweating.~--See Perspiration, Night-Sweats, Bromidrosis, etc.

~Sweating, Colliquative.~--See Night-Sweats.

~Sycosis.~--See also, Condylomata, Mentagra.

Acid, Sulphurous: in parasitic sycosis.

Arsenici et Hydrargyri Iodidi Liquor: when much thickening.

Canada Balsam and Carbolic Acid: in equal parts, to be applied after epilation in tinea sycosis.

Chloride of Zinc: solution in tinea sycosis.

Chrysarobini Ung.: in parasitic sycosis.

Cod-Liver Oil: in chronic non-parasitic.

Hydrargyri Acidi Nitratis: as ointment.

Hydrargyri Ammoniatum Ung.: in parasitic.

Hydrargyri Oxid-Rubri Ung.

Iodide of Sulphur Ointment: in non-parasitic.

Oleate of Mercury: in parasitic.

Oleum Terebinthin�: in parasitic.



~Syncope.~--See also, Heart Affections.

Alcohol: sudden, from fright or weak heart.

Ammonia: inhaled cautiously.

Arsenic: nervine tonic; prophylactic.

Belladonna: in cardiac syncope.

Camphor: cardiac stimulant.

Chloroform: transient cardiac stimulant; mostly in hysteria.

Counter-irritation to Epigastrium: in collapse.

Digltalis: in sudden collapse after hemorrhage; the tincture by the mouth, digitalin hypodermically.

Ether: in collapse from intestinal colic.

Heat to Epigastrium.


Nitrite of Amyl: in sudden emergency, in fatty heart, in syncope during anesthesia, and in hemorrhage.

Position: head lowest and feet raised.

Stimulants: undiluted.

Veratrum Album: an errhine.

~Synovitis.~--See also, Coxalgia, Joint Affections.

Acid, Carbolic: injections of one dram of a two per cent. solution into the joint.

Alcohol and Water: equal parts.

Antimony: combined with saline purgatives.

Bandage or Strapping: Martin's elastic bandage in chronic.

Blisters: fly blisters at night in chronic synovitis; if not useful, strong counter-irritation.

Calcium Sulphide: as an antisuppurative.

Cod-Liver Oil: tonic.

Conium: in scrofulous joints.

Gaduol: as alterative and reconstitutive.

Ichthalbin: as tonic and alterative.

Iodine: injection in hydrarthrosis after tapping; or painted over.

Iodoform: solution in ether, 1 in 5, injected into tuberculous joints; also as a dressing after opening.

Mercury: Scott's dressing in chronic strumous disease; internally in syphilitic origin.

Oleate of Mercury: to remove induration left behind.

Pressure: combined with rest.

Shampooing and Aspiration.

Silver Nitrate: ethereal solution painted over.


~Syphilis.~--See also, Chancre, Condylomata, Ptyalism, Ulcers.

Acid, Acetic: caustic to sore.

Acid, Boric: like benzoin.

Acid, Carbolic: to destroy sore, mucous patches, condylomata, etc.; as bath in second stage.

Acid, Dichlor-acetic.

Acid, Nitric: in primary syphilis, to destroy the chancre, especially when phagedenic.

Acid, Salicylic: antiseptic application.

Arsenic and Mercury Iodides: solution of.

Aurum: in recurring syphilitic affections where mercury and iodide of potassium fail.

Benzoin: antiseptic dressing for ulcers.

Bicyanide of Mercury: to destroy mucous tubercles, condylomata and to apply to syphilitic ulceration of the tonsils and tongue.

Bismuth and Calomel: as a dusting powder.

Calomel: for vapor bath in secondary; dusted in a mixture with starch or oxide of zinc over condylomata will quickly remove them.

Camphor: dressing in phagedenic chancres.


Cod-Liver Oil: tonic in all stages.

Creosote: internally in strumous subjects, and where mercury is not borne.

Denutrition: hunger-cure of Arabia.

Expectant plan of treatment.

Formaldehyde Solution: useful for cauterizing sores.

Guaiacum: alterative in constitutional syphilis.

Hydriodic Ether.

Iodides: followed by mercury.

Iodoform or Iodoformogen: dressing for chancre and ulcers.

Iron: in anemia, the stearate, perchloride, and iodide are useful.

Lotio Flava: dressing for syphilitic ulcers, and gargle in sore throat and stomatitis.

Manganese: in cachexia.

Mercuro-iodo-hemol: antisyphilitic and hematinic at the same time.

Mercury: the specific remedy in one or other of its forms in congenital and acquired syphilis in primary or secondary stage.

Mixed Treatment.

Oil of Mezereon: In constitutional syphilis.

Oil of Sassafras: in constitutional syphilis.

Ointments and Washes of Mercury.

Phosphates: In syphilitic periostitis, etc.

Podophyllum: has been tried in secondary, with success after a mercurial course.

Potassium Chlorate: local application of powder to all kinds of syphilitic ulcers; gargle in mercurial and specific stomatitis.

Pressure bandage and mercurial inunctions for periostitis.

Shampooing and local applications of croton oil or cantharides as a lotion, to combat alopecia.

Sarsaparilla: alterative in tertiary.

Soft Soap: to syphilitic glandular swellings.

Stillingia: most successful in cases broken down by a long mercurial and iodide course which has failed to cure; improves sloughing phagedenic ulcers.

Suppositories of Mercury.

Tonic and general treatment.

Turkish and Vapor Baths: to maintain a free action of the skin.

Zinc Chloride: locally to ulcers as caustic.

~Tabes Dorsalis.~--See Locomotor Ataxia.

~Tabes Mesenterica.~--See also, Scrophulosis.

Acid, Gallic: astringent in the diarrhea.

Acid. Phosphoric.

Arsenic: in commencing consolidation of the lung.

Barium Chloride: in scrofula.

Calcium Chloride: in enlarged scrofulous glands.

Diet, plain and nourishing.

Fatty Inunction.

Ferri Pernitratis Liquor: hematinic and astringent.

Gelsemium: in the reflex cough.

Olive Oil: inunction.

Phosphates: as tonic.

~Tape-Worm.~--See also, Worms.

Acid, Filicic.

Acid, Salicylic: followed by purgative.

Acid, Sulphuric: the aromatic acid.

Ammonium Embelate.

Areca Nut.

Balsam of Copaiba: in half-ounce doses.

Chenopodium Oil: ten drops on sugar.

Cocoa Nut: a native remedy.

Ether: an ounce and a half at a dose, followed by a dose of castor oil in two hours.

Extract Male Fern: followed by purgative.

Iron: tonic.




Mucuna: night and morning for three days, then brisk purgative.

Pelletierine: the tannate preferably.

Pumpkin Seeds: pounded into an electuary, 2 oz. at dose.

Punica Granatum: acts like its chief alkaloid, pelletierine.

Resorcin: followed by purgative.

Valerian: in convulsions due to the worms.

~Tenesmus.~--See Dysentery.

~Testicle, Diseases of.~--See also, Epididymitis, Hydrocele, Orchitis, Varicocele.

Acid, Phosphoric, and Phosphates: in debility.

Aconite: in small doses frequently repeated in acute epididymitis.

Ammonium Chloride: solution in alcohol and water; topical remedy.

Antimony: in gonorrheal epididymitis.

Belladonna: in neuralgia of the testis; as an ointment with glycerin in epididymitis or orchitis.

Collodion: by its contraction to exert pressure in gonorrheal epididymitis.

Compression: at the end of an acute and beginning of a subacute attack, as well as in chronic inflammation.

Conium: poultice of leaves in cancer.

Copaiba: in orchitis.

Digitalis: in epididymitis.

Gold salts: in acute and chronic orchitis.

Hamamelis: In some patients gives rise to seminal emissions.

Hot Lotions: in acute inflammation.

Ice Bag: in acute orchitis.

Iodine: Injection into an encysted hydrocele; local application in orchitis after the acute symptoms have passed off.

Iodoform or Iodoformogen: dressing in ulceration.

Magnesium Sulphate with Antimony: in epididymitis.

Mercury and Morphine Oleate: in syphilitic enlargement and chronic inflammation.

Nitrate of Silver: ethereal solution painted around an enlarged testis better than over.

Nux Vomica: in debility.

Potassium Iodide: in syphilitic testicle.

Suspension: in orchitis and epididymitis.

~Tetanus.~--See also, Spasmodic Affections.

Aconite: in large doses to control muscular spasm.

Acupuncture: on each side of the spines of the vertebr�.

Alcohol: will relax muscular action, also support strength.

Anesthetics: to relax muscular spasm.

Antimonium Tartaratum: in large doses, along with chlorate of potassium.

Apomorphine: as a motor paralyzer.

Atropine: local injection into the stiffened muscles to produce mild poisoning. Useful in both traumatic and hysterical tetanus.

Bromides: in very large doses frequently repeated.

Cannabis Indica: serviceable in many cases; best combined with chloral.

Chloral Hydrate: in large doses; best combined with bromide or cannabis indica.

Curare: an uncertain drug.


Duboisine: like atropine.

Freezing the Nerve: in traumatic tetanus has been proposed.

Gelsemium: in a few cases it has done good.

Heat to Spine: will arrest convulsions.

Hyoscyamus: in traumatic.

Ice-bag to Spine.

Lobelia: a dangerous remedy.

Morphine: injected into the muscles gives relief.

Nerve stretching: where a nerve is implicated in the cicatrix, has done good.

Neurotomy: in the same cases.

Nicotine: cautiously administered relieves the spasm; best given by rectum or hypodermically; by the mouth it causes spasm which may suffocate.

Nitrite of Amyl: in some cases it cures.

Nitroglycerin: like the preceding.

Opium: alone or with chloral hydrate.

Physostigma: the liquid extract pushed to the full. Given by the mouth, or rectum, or hypodermically.

Quinine: in both idiopathic and traumatic tetanus.

Strychnine: the evidence, which is doubtful, seems to show that it is beneficial in chronic and idiopathic tetanus: should be given only in a full medicinal dose.

Tetanus Antitoxin.

Vapor Baths.

~Tetter.~--See Herpes.

~Throat, Sore.~--See also, Diphtheria, Pharyngitis, Tonsillitis.

Acid, Carbolic: as a spray in relaxed sore throat and in coryza.

Acid, Nitric: as alterative with infusion of cinchona.

Acid, Sulphurous: spray.

Aconite: in acute tonsillitis with high temperature; in the sore-throat of children before running on to capillary bronchitis; best given frequently in small doses.

Alcohol: gargle in relaxed throat.

Alum: gargle in chronic relaxed throat, simple scarlatinal and diphtheritic sore-throat.

Arsenic: in coryza and sore throat simulating hay fever; in sloughing of the throat.

Belladonna: relieves spasm of the pharyngeal muscles; also when the tonsils are much inflamed and swollen.

Calcium Bisulphite Solution.

Capsicum: as gargle in relaxed sore throat.

Catechu: astringent gargle.

Chlorine Water: gargle in malignant sore throat.

Cimicifuga: in combination with opium and syrup of tolu in acute catarrh.

Cold Compresses: in tendency to catarrh.

Electric Cautery: in chronic sore throat to get rid of thickened patches.

Ferri Perchloridum: gargle in relaxed sore throat.

Ferropyrine: as a styptic in throat operations.

Glycerite of Tannin: to swab the throat in relaxed sore throat.

Guaiacum: sucking the resin will abort or cut short the commencing quinsy.

Hydrastis: gargle in follicular pharyngitis and chronic sore throat.

Ice: sucked, gives relief.

Iodine: locally to sores and enlarged tonsil.

Levico Water: as alterative tonic.

Liq. Ammonii Acetatis: in full doses.

Magnesium Sulphate: to be given freely in acute tonsillitis.

Mercury: in very acute tonsillitis, gray powder or calomel in small doses.

Mercury and Morphine Oleate: in obstinate and painful sore throat.

Myrrh: gargle in ulcerated sore throat.

Phytolacca: internally, and as gargle.

Podophyllum: cholagogue purgative.

Potassium Chlorate: chief gargle.

Potassium Nitrate: a ball of nitre slowly sucked.

Pulsatilla: in acute coryza without gastric iritation.

Sanguinaria: the tincture sprayed in extended chronic nasal catarrh.

Silver Nitrate: solution in sloughing of the throat or chronic relaxation; saturated solution an anesthetic and cuts short inflammation.

Sodium Borate: in clergyman's sore throat.

Sodium Salicylate: in quinsy.

Steam: of boiling water; and vapor of hot vinegar.

Sumach: the berries infused, with addition of potassium chlorate, a most efficient gargle.

Veratrum Viride: to control any febrile change.

Zinc Acetat.

Zinc Sulphate: a gargle.

~Thrush.~--See Aphth�.

~Tic Douloureux.~--See also, Hemicrania, Neuralgia, Neuritis, Odontalgia.

Aconitine: formula: Aconitin� (Duquesnel's) l/lO grn.: Glycerini, Alcoholis, aa, 1 fl. oz.; Aq. menth. pip., ad 2 fl. oz.; 1 dram per dose, cautiously increased to 2 drams.

Ammonium Chloride: in large dose.

Amyl Nitrite: in pale anemic patients.

Anesthetics quickly relieve.

Arsenic: occasionally useful.

Atropine: hypodermically and ointment.

Cautery in Dental Canal: where pain radiated from mental foramen.

Chloroform: inhalation; also hypodermically.

Cupric Ammonio-Sulphate: relieves the insomnia.

Delphinine: externally.

Gelsemium: valuable.

Iron: in combination with strychnia; the following formula is good: Ferri potassio-tartaratis, 4 scruples; Vin. opii, 1-1/2 drams; Aa. cinnam. ad 8 fl. oz. 1 fl. oz. ter in die.

Laurocerasi Aqua.

Ligature of the Carotids: in obstinate cases a last resort; has done good.

Nitroglycerin: in obstinate cases.

Ol. Crotonis: sometimes cures; will relieve.

Phosphorus: in obstinate cases.

Potassium Iodide: the following formula relieves: take Chloralis hydrati 5 grn.; Potassii iodidi, 3 grn.; Sp. ammoni� comp, 1 fl. dr.; Infusum gentian�, ad 1 fl. oz. The salt alone in syphilitic history.

Pulsatilla: relieves.

Salicin: instead of quinine, where pain is periodic.

Veratrine: ointment.

Zinc Valerianate: with extract hyoscyamus.

~Tinea Circinata~ (Ringworm of the Body).--See also, Ringworm.

Acid, Boric: in simple or ethereal solution.

Acid, Carbolic: solution or glycerite.

Copper Carbonate.

Goa Powder: as ointment, or moistened with vinegar.

Sulphites: or sulphurous acid.

Sulphur Baths: faithfully carried out.

~Tinea Decalvans~ (Alopecia Areata)--See also, Tinea Circinata.


~Tinea Favosa.~

Acid, Carbolic: lotion.

Acid, Nitric: caustic after the crust has been removed.

Acid, Sulphurous: 1 part to 2 parts glycerin assisted by epilation.


Epilation: followed up by using a parasiticide.

Mercury: a lotion of the bichloride, 2 grn. to the oz; or the oleate-of-mercury ointment.

Oil: to soften and remove scabs.

Petroleum: one part to two of lard after crusts are gone.

Turkish Bath: followed by the use of carbolic soap, instead of ordinary.

Viola Tricolor.

Zinc Chloride: dilute watery solution.

~Tinea Sycosis.~--See Mentagra.

~Tinea Tarsi.~

Blisters to Temple.

Epilation, removal of scabs, and application of stick of lunar caustic.

Mercury: after removal of scabs, Ung. hydrargyri nitratis diluted to half its strength. Also take Plumbi acetatis, 1 dram; Ung. hydrargyri oxidi rubri, 1 dram; Zinci oxidi, 1 dram; Calomelanos, half dram; Adipis, 2 drams; Olei palmat., 5 drams; ft ung. Also Oleate.

Tinct. Iodi: after removal of scabs, followed by application of glycerin.

Ung. Picis: touched along edge of tarsi.

Silver Nitrate, Molded.

~Tinea Tonsurans.~ (Ringworm of the Scalp).--See also, Porrigo, Tinea Circinata.

Acetum Cantharidis.

Acid, Acetic: strong, locally.

Acid, Boric: ethereal solution after head is thoroughly cleansed.

Acid, Carbolic: in early stages.

Acid, Chrysophanic: 30 grn. to the oz., as ointment.

Acid, Salicylic: strong solution in alcohol, 40 grn. to the oz.; or vaselin ointment of same strength.

Arsenic: tonic.

Coster's Paste: Iodine 2 drams, Oil cade, 3 drams.

Croton Oil: liniment followed by a poultice.

Iodine: the tincture in children.

Menthol: parasiticide and analgesic.

Mercury: white precipitate lightly smeared over; the oleate, pernitrate, and oxide, as ointments. The bichloride as a lotion 2 grn. to the dram.

Oil Cajeput.

Potassium Sulphocyanide.

Thymol: like menthol.

~Tongue, Diseases of.~

Acid, Nitric: in dyspeptic ulcers the strong acid as caustic.

Bi-Cyanide of Mercury: in mucous tubercles.

Borax: in chronic superficial glossitis; and in fissured tongue.

Cloves: as gargle.

Cochlearia Armoracia (Nasturtium Armoracia): as gargle.

Frenulum: should be divided in tongue-tie.

Ginger: as masticatory.

Hydrastis: in stomatitis.

Iodoform or Iodoformogen: to ulcers.

Mercury: in syphilitic disease.

Mezereon, Oil of: sialagogue.

Pepper: condiment.

Potassium Chlorate: in aphthous ulceration, chronic superficial glossitis, stomatitis.

Potassium Iodide: in tertiary specific ulceration and in macroglossia.

Pyrethrum: masticatory.

Silver Nitrate, caustic to ulcers.

Xanthoxylum: in lingual paralysis.

Zinc Chloride: caustic.

~Tonsillitis.~--See also, Throat, Sore.

Acetanilid: internally.

Acid, Salicylic: internally.

Belladonna: internally.

Capsicum and Glycerin.


Iron Chloride, Tincture: locally.

Monsel's Solution: locally.

Potassium Iodide: internally.

Quinine: internally.

Salicylates: internally.

Salol: internally.

Saline purgatives.

~Tonsils, Enlarged.~

Aluminium Sulphate: locally applied.

Barium Iodide.


Fel Bovinum, Inspissated: rubbed up with conium and olive oil as an ointment to be painted over.

Ferric Chloride: astringent in chronically enlarged tonsils.

Iodine Tincture: to cause absorption.

Massage: of the tonsils.

Silver Nitrate: caustic.

Tannin: saturated solution.

~Tonsils, Ulcerated.~

Acid, Sulphurous, mixed with equal quantity of glycerin, and painted over.

Cantharides: as vesicant.

Coptis: gargle.

Iron: gargle.

Lycopodium: to dust over.

Magnesium Sulphate: free purgation with.

Mercuric Iodide: in scrofulous and syphilitic ulceration.

Potassium Chlorate: gargle.

Potassium Iodide: in tertiary syphilis.

~Toothache.~--See Odontalgia.


Aconite: liniment externally; and tincture internally.

Arsenic: controls and finally abolishes spasm.

Capsicum: strong infusion applied on lint and covered with oiled silk.

Conium: when due to spasmodic action of the muscles.

Electricity: galvanic to the muscles in spasm; faradic to their paretic antagonists.

Local Pressure.

Water: hot douche.

~Tremor.~--See also, Chorea, Delirium Tremens, Paralysis Agitans.



Anesthetics: to allay spasm.

Belladonna: extract in large doses.

Chloral Hydrate: in T. neonatorum, one grn. dose by mouth, or two by rectum when spasms prevent swallowing.

Conium: the succus is the most reliable preparation.

~Tuberculous Affections.~--See Laryngitis, Tubercular; Lupus; Meningitis, Tubercular; Peritonitis, Tubercular; Phthisis; Scrophulosis; Tabes Mesenterica.

~Tumors.~--See also, Cancer, Cysts, Glandular Enlargement, Goiter, Polypus, Uterine Tumors, Wen.

Ammoniacum and Mercury Plaster.

Anesthetics: to detect the presence of phantom tumors; also to relax abdominal walls to permit deep palpation of abdomen.

Codeine: for pain.

Eserine: in phantom.

Lead Iodide.

~Tympanites.~--See also, Flatulence, Typhoid Fever, Peritonitis.

Acid, Carbolic, or Creosote: in tympanites due to fermentation.

Acids: after meals.

Alkalies: before meals with a simple bitter.

Asafetida: as an enema.

Aspiration: to relieve an over-distended gut.

Chamomile: enema.

Chloral Hydrate: as an antiseptic to fermentation in the intestinal canal.

Cubeb: powdered, after strangulated hernia.

Galvanism: in old cases, especially of lax fibre.

Glycerin: when associated with acidity.

Ice Poultice: prepared by mixing linseed meal and small pieces of ice, in tympanites of typhoid fever.

Ol. Terebinthin�: very efficient as enema, not for external application.

Plumbi Acetas: when due to want of tone of intestinal muscular walls.

Rue: very effective.

Vegetable Charcoal in gruel: in flatulent distention of the colon associated with catarrh; dry, in flatulent distention of the stomach.


Ice Bag: or poultice over the cecum.

Leeches: at once as soon as tenderness is complained of, unless subject is too feeble.

Magnesium Sulphate: only when disease is due to impaction of cecum.

Metallic Mercury.

Opium: better as morphine subcutaneously.

~Typhoid Fever.~--See also, Hemorrhage, Intestinal; Rectal Ulceration; Tympanites.

Acid, Hydrochloric: to diminish fever and diarrhea.

Acid, Phosphoric: cooling drink.

Acid, Salicylic: some hold that it is good in the typhoid of children, many that it does great harm.

Acid, Sulphuric, Diluted.

Aconite: to reduce the pyrexia.

Alcohol: valuable, especially in the later stages.

Alum: to check the diarrhea.

Antipyrine: to lower the temperature.

Argenti Nitras: to check diarrhea; in obstinate cases along with opium; should not be given until the abdominal pain and diarrhea have begun.

Arnica: antipyretic.

Arsenic: liquor arsenicalis with opium to restrain the diarrhea.

Bath: agreeable to patient, and reduces hyperpyrexia.

Belladonna: during the pyrexial stage it lowers the temperature, cleans the tongue, and steadies the pulse; afterwards brings on irritability of heart.

Benzanilide: antipyretic.

Bismuth Subnitrate: to check diarrhea.

Brand's method of cold bathing.

Calomel: 10 grn. first day, and eight each day after, the German specific treatment. Or: in small continuous doses without producing stomatitis.

Calx Saccharata: in milk, when the tongue is black and parched.

Carbolate of Iodine: one drop of tincture of iodine and of liquefied carbolic acid, in infusion of digitalis, every two or three hours.

Carbonate of Ammonium.

Cascara Sagrada.

Charcoal: to prevent fetor of stools, accumulation of fetid gas, and to disinfect stools after passage.

Digitalis: to lower temperature and pulse-rate; death during its use has been known to occur suddenly.

Enemas: to be tried first, if constipation lasts over two days.

Ergot: for intestinal hemorrhage.

Eucalyptus: thought to shorten disease.

Ferri Perchloridi Tinctura.

Glycerin and Water, with lemon juice, as mouth wash.

Iodine: specific German treatment; use either liquor or tincture.

Lead Acetate: to check diarrhea.

Licorice Powder.

Mercury Bichloride: 10 min. of solution 1/2 grn. in 1 oz. water, every two or three hours.

Morphine: in large doses, if perforation occur.

Opium: to check delirium and wakefulness at night, and to relieve the diarrhea.

Phosphorus: if nervous system is affected.

Potassium Iodide: alone or with iodine.

Quinidine: equal to quinine.

Quinine: in large doses to reduce the temperature.

Resorcin: antipyretic.

Rest and Diet.

Sodium Benzoate: antipyretic.

Tannalbin: with calomel.


Tartar Emetic: in pulmonary congestion.

Turpentine Oil: at end of the second week, 10 minims every two hours, and every three hours in the night; specific if the diarrhea continues during convalescence.

~Typhus Fever.~--See also, Delirium, Typhoid Fever.

Acid, Phosphoric: agreeable drink.

Acid, Salicylic: antipyretic.

Alcohol: where failure of the vital powers threatens.

Antimony with Opium: in pulmonary congestion, wakefulness, and delirium.


Baths: to reduce temperature. Instead of baths, cold compresses may be used.

Belladonna: cleans the tongue, steadies and improves the pulse; too long usage makes the heart irritable.

Calx Saccharata: in milk, when the tongue is black and coated.

Chloral Hydrate: in wild delirium in the early stages of the fever, but not in the later.

Chlorine Water: not much used now.

Coca: tentative.

Diet: nutritious.

Digitalis: to increase the tension of the pulse and prevent delirium; if a sudden fall of pulse and temperature should occur during its administration it must be withheld.

Expectant Treatment.

Oil Valerian.

Potassium Chlorate: in moderate doses.

Potassium Nitrate: mild diuretic and diaphoretic.

Quinine: in full doses to pull down temperature.

Strychnine: where the circulatory system is deeply involved.

Turpentine Oil: in the stupor.

Yeast: accelerates the course of the disease.

~Ulcers and Sores.~--See also, Chancre, Chancroid, Bedsores, Throat; Gastric, Intestinal and Uterine Ulceration; Syphilis.

Acid, Phenyloboric.

Alcohol: a useful application.

Alum: crystals, burnt, or dried.

Benzoin Tincture.

Iron Ferrocyanide.


Methylene Blue: in corneal ulcers.

Zinc salts.

~Ulcus Durum.~--See Chancre.

~Ulcus Molle.~--See Chancroid.

~Uremia.~--See also, Coma, Convulsions, Bright's Disease, Scarlet Fever; and the lists of Diaphoretics and Diuretics.

Saline or Hydragogue Cathartics.

~Urethra, Stricture of.~

~Urethritis.~--See also, Gonorrhea; and list of Astringents.

Alkalies: internally.

~Uric-Acid Diathesis.~--See Lithemia.

~Urinary Calculi.~--See Calculi.

~Urinary Disorders.~--See lists of Diuretics and of other agents acting on the Urine. Also, see Bladder; Albuminuria; Bright's Disease; Chyluria; Cystitis; Diabetes; Dysuria; Dropsy; Enuresis; Hematuria; Lithiasis; Nephritis; Oxaluria; Uremia; Urethral Stricture; Urine, Incontinence of; Urine, Phosphatic.

~Urine, Incontinence of.~

~Urine, Phosphatic.~

Acid, Hydrochloric, Dil.

Acid, Phosphoric, Dil.

Acid, Sulphuric, Dil.

~Urticaria.~--See also, Prurigo.

Calcium Chloride: to prevent.

~Uterine Affections.~--See Abortion, Amenorrhea, Climacteric, Dysmenorrhea, Endometritis, Hemorrhage Post-Partum, Leucorrhea, Menorrhagia, Menstrual Disorders, Metritis, Metrorrhagia, Prolapsus Uteri, Uterine Cancer, etc.

~Uterine Cancer.~

Glycerite of Tannin: mixed with iodine, to check discharge and remove smell.

~Uterine Congestion and Hypertrophy.~

~Uterine Dilatation.~

Acid, Carbolic, Iodized.

~Uterine Tumors.~--See also, Cysts, Tumors.

~Uterine Ulceration.~--See also, Ulcers.

Mercury Nitrate Solut.

~Uterine Hemorrhage.~--See also, Hemorrhage.

~Uvula, Relaxed.~


~Vaginitis.~--See also, Gonorrhea, Leucorrhea.

~Varicella.~--See Chicken Pox.

~Varicosis.~--See also, Hemorrhoids, Ulcers.



~Variola (Small-Pox).~

Acid, Carbolic, and Sweet Oil.

Brandy and Whiskey.

Flexible Collodion, Glycerite of Starch, or Simple Cerate: locally applied.

Ichthyol: to prevent pitting.

Mercury: to prevent pitting.

~Vegetations.~--See also Tumors.

Caustics: in general.

~Venereal Diseases.~--See Gonorrhea, Syphilis, etc.


Iron Citrate.

~Vomiting.~--See list of Antiemetics; also Cholera, Hematemesis Nausea, Sea-Sickness, Vomiting of Pregnancy.

Acid, Carbolic: in irritable stomach along with bismuth; alone if due to sarcin� or other ferments; in Asiatic cholera and cholera infantum.

Acid, Hydrocyanic: in cerebral vomiting, vomiting of phthisis and of acute disease of the stomach.

Acid, Sulphurous: if due to sarcin�.

Acids: in acid eructations given immediately after food.

Aconite with Bismuth.

Alcohol: iced champagne in sea-sickness, etc. Hot brandy is also useful.

Alkalies: especially effervescing drinks.

Alum: in doses of five to ten grn. in phthisis when vomiting is brought on by cough.

Ammonio-Citrate of Iron: in the vomiting of anemia, especially of young women.

Apomorphine: to empty the stomach of its contents.

Arsenic: in the vomiting of cholera; in chronic gastric catarrh, especially of drunkards; chronic, not acute gastric ulcer; and chronic painless vomiting.

Bicarbonate of Sodium: in children half to one dram to the pint of milk. If this fails, stop milk. Also, in acute indigestion with acid vomiting.

Bismuth Subnitrate: in acute and chronic catarrh of the stomach or intestine.

Blisters: in vomiting due to renal and hepatic colic.

Bromides: in cerebral vomiting and cholera infantum.

Calomel: in minute doses in cholera infantum and similar intestinal troubles.

Calumba: a simple bitter and gastric sedative.

Carbonic Acid Waters: with milk.

Cerium Oxalate: in doses of 1 grn. in sympathetic vomiting.

Chloral Hydrate: in seasickness and reflex vomiting.

Chloroform: drop doses in sea-sickness, and in reflex vomiting such as on passage of calculi.

Creosote (Beech-wood).

Electricity: in nervous vomiting; the constant current positive pole on last cervical vertebra, and negative over stomach.

Emetics: if due to irritating substances.

Enema of Laudanum and Bromide of Sodium.

Eucalyptus: in vomiting due to sarcin�.

Gelatin: to the food of babies who suffer from chronic vomiting of lumps of curded milk.


Ice: sucked.

Ice Bag: to spine or epigastrium.

Iodine: compound solut. in 3-to-5-minim doses.

Iodine and Carbolic Acid.

Ipecacuanha: in sympathetic nervous vomiting in very small doses; in the vomiting of children from catarrh and the vomiting of drunkards.

Kumyss: in obstinate cases.

Leeches: to epigastrium if tender, especially in malarial vomiting.

Lime Water: with milk in chronic vomiting, especially in the case of children. Saccharated lime is laxative.

Magnesia: in sympathetic vomiting.

Mercury: in vomiting with clayey stools; see Calomel.

Methyl Chloride: spray to spine.

Morphine: hypodermically injected in the epigastrium in persistent seasickness.

Mustard Plaster: over stomach.

Nitrite of Amyl: in concentrated form in sea-sickness.

Nitroglycerin: like nitrite of amyl.

Nutrient Enemata: in persistent vomiting.

Nux Vomica: in atonic dyspepsia.

Oil Cloves.

Opium: as a suppository in severe acute vomiting, especially associated with obstinate constipation, which is relieved at the same time.

Orexine Tannate: a specific when simple, asthenic, or anemic anorexia the cause. Also, in incipient or chronic phthisis.

Pepsin: in the vomiting of dyspepsia.

Potassium Iodide: in very small doses.

Pulsatilla: in catarrh.

Quinine: in sympathetic vomiting.

Rectal Medication: if vomiting is uncontrolable.

Seidlitz Powder.

Silver Nitrate: in nervous derangement.

Sodium Bisulphite.

Veratrum: in vomiting of summer diarrhea.

Zinc Sulphate: emetic.

~Vomiting of Pregnancy.~

Acid, Carbolic: an uncertain remedy.

Acid, Hydrocyanic: sometimes useful; often fails.

Aconite: in full doses, so long as physiological effect is maintained.

Arsenic: where the vomit is blood, or streaked with blood, drop doses of Fowler's solution.

Belladonna: either internally, or plaster over the hypogastrium.

Bismuth: along with pepsin.

Bromide of Potassium: controls in some cases in large doses.

Calomel: in small doses to salivate, or one large dose of 10 grn.

Calumba: occasionally successful.

Caustics: to the cervix if abraded.

Cerium Oxalate: the chief remedy besides orexine tannate.


Cocaine: ten minims of a 3 per cent. solution will relieve in a few doses.

Coffee: before rising.

Dilatation of the Os Uteri.

Electricity: same as in nervous vomiting.

Iodine: a drop of the tincture or liquor sometimes a last resort.

Ipecacuanha: in minim doses often relieves.

Kumyss: as diet.

Morphine: suppository introduced into the vagina: no abrasion should be present, or there may be symptoms of poisoning.

Naphta: one or two drops.

Nux Vomica: one and one-half drop doses of tincture.

Orexine Tannate: extremely efficacious and prompt, after few doses, except where actual gastric lesion.

Pepsin: like ingluvin but not so successful.

Plumbic Acetate: in extreme cases.

Potassium Iodide: like iodine.

Quinine: sometimes useful.

~Vulvitis.~--See also, Pruritus, Prurigo, Vaginitis.

~Warts.~--See also, Condylomata.

Acid, Acetic: touch with the glacial acid.

Acid, Salicylic: saturated solution in collodion with extract of Indian hemp.

Alum: saturated solution in ether.

Alum, Burnt.

Antimonic Chloride.

Fowler's Solution: locally applied.

Ferric Chloride Tincture.

Silver Nitrate: in venereal warts, along with savine.

~Wasting Diseases.~--See Emaciation.

~Weakness, Senile.~--See also, Adynamia, etc.



~Whites.~--See Leucorrhea, Cervical Catarrh, Endometritis, etc.

~Whooping-Cough.~--See Pertussis.

~Worms.~--See also, Chyluria, Tape Worm; and list of Anthelmintics.

Acid, Santoninic.

Ichthalbin: as tonic.

Male Fern.


Quassin: infusion enemas in thread worms.

~Worms, Thread,~ (Ascaris Vermicularis).

Acid, Carbolic: solution, 2 grn. to the oz, in doses of 1 dram; or as enema.

Aconite: in the fever produced.

Alum: injections.

Asafetida with Aloes.

Chloride of Ammonium to prevent accumulation of intestinal mucus, which serves as nidus.

Common Salt: along with antimony, to remove catarrhal state of intestine; or alone as enema.

Ether: injection of solution of 15 minims in water.

Eucalyptol: injection.

Ferri Perchloridi, Tinct.: enema.

Lime Water: enema.

Mercurial Ointment: introduced into rectum relieves itching and is anthelmintic.

Oleum Cajuputi.

Quassia: enema; or infusion by mouth.


Scammony: for threadworms in rectum.

Tannin: enema.

Vinegar: enema, diluted with twice its bulk of water.

~Wounds.~--See also, Bed Sores, Gangrene, Hemorrhage, Inflammation, Pyemia, Surgical Fever, Ulcers; also, list of Antiseptics.

Alcohol: in pyrexia, as an antiseptic and astringent dressing; and very useful in contused wounds.

Aluminium Chloride.

Anhydrous Dressings.

Blotting Paper: as lint, saturated with an antiseptic.



Chloral Hydrate: antiseptic and analgesic.

Collodion: to exclude air.

Form albumin.

Hamamelis: on lint to restrain oozing.


Nitrate of Silver: to destroy unhealthy granulations.


Orthoform: as local anodyne.

Sodium Chloride: one-half per cent, solution.

Sozoiodole-Potassium, -Sodium, and -Zinc.

Styptic Collodion: to prevent bedsores, etc.


Yeast: in hospital phagedena.

~Yellow Fever.~--See also, Remittent Fever.

Acid, Carbolic: subcutaneously and by the stomach.

Champagne: Iced.

Diaphoretics (see list of).

Diuretics (see list of).

Ergot: to restrain the hemorrhage.

Quinine: in some cases good, in others harmful.

Sodium Benzoate: by subcutaneous injection.

Sulphurous-Acid Baths.

Turpentine Oil: for vomiting.

Vegetable Charcoal.




Antimony salts.


Arsenic and Mercury Iodide Solution.

Arsenites; and Arsenates.

Colchicum or Colchicine.


Glycerin Tonic Comp.



Iodo-bromide Calcium Comp.


Silver salts.

~Analgesics.~--See Anodynes, General.


Coniine Hydrobrom.

Hyoscine Hydrobrom.

~Anesthetics, General.~--See also, Anodynes, General.

~Anesthetics, Local.~--See also, Anodynes, Local.

Camphor, Naphtolated.


~Anodynes, General.~

Acid, Di-iodo-salicylic.

Acid, Salicylic; and Salicylates.











~Anodynes, Local.~--See also, Anesthetics.

Aconite: tincture.

Oil Hyoscyamus.

~Antacids or Alkalines.~

Potassium Hydrate.

Sodium Hydrate.




Oleoresin Male Fern.

Pelletierine Tannate.

Pumpkin Seed.

Quassia Infusion.

Santonin (with calomel).

Sodium Santoninate.



Bismuth Subcarbonate.

Carbonated Water.


Camphor: topically.

~Antigonorrhoics~ (or Antiblennorrhagics).

Hydrastine Hydrochlor.


Potassium Permangan.


Acid Carbolic.

Muscarine Nitrate.

Pilocarpine Hydrochlor.


Acid, Benzoic; and Benzoates.

Lithium salts.

Sodium Pyrophosphate.


~Antiparasitics.~--See Parasiticides.


Acid, Arsenous; and Arsenites.

Cinchona; and alkaloids of.



~Antiphlogistics.~--See also, Antipyretics.





Cinchonine; and salts.

Phenocoll Hydrochlor.

Quinine and salts.


Veratrum Viride: tr.

~Antiseptics.~--See also, Disinfectants.

Acid, Boric; and Borates.

Acid, Oxy-Naphtoic, Alpha.

Acid, Paracresotic.

Bismuth Naphtolate.






Magnesium Sulphite.

Mercury Chloride.


Sodium Biborate.

Sodium Formate.

Sodium Sulphocarbol.


Zinc Carbolate.




Ammonium Valerian.



Creosote and salts.

Iodoform or Iodoformogen: topically.

Oil Cod-Liver.

Potassium Cantharidate: subcutaneously.

Sodium Cinnamate.

Sodium Formate: subcutaneously.

~Antizymotics.~--See Antiseptics and Disinfectants.

~Aperients.~--See Cathartics.


Muira Puama: fl. ext.


Aluminium Acetotart.

Bismuth Subgallate, and other bismuth salts.

Cadmium Acetate.

Hydrastis (Lloyd's).

Iron Sulphate, and other iron salts.

Lead Acetate, and other lead salts.

~Astringents, Intestinal.~



~Cardiac Sedatives.~

Antimony preparations.

~Cardiac Stimulants.~

Anhalonine Hydrochlorate.


Nerium Oleander: tr.



Orange Peel.









Oil Olive.


Oil Castor.



Sodium Tartrate.


Acid, Cathartinic.






Drastic Cathartics in large doses.


~Caustics.~--See Escharotics.

~Cerebral Depressants.~--See also, Narcotics.

Anesthetics, general.

Antispasmodics: several.



~Cerebral Stimulants.~


~Cholagogues.~--See Cathartics; also, Stimulants, Hepatic.

~Cicatrizants.~--See Antiseptics.

~Constructives.~--See Tonics.

~Counter-Irritants.~--See Irritants.











~Deodorants.~--See also, Disinfectants.

Ammonium Persulph.

~Deoxidizers.~ (Reducing Agents or Reactives).





Calcium Oxide.

Calcium Sulphydrate.

Sodium Sulphide.

~Depressants, various.~--See Cerebral, Hepatic, Motor, Respiratory.--Also, Cardiac Sedatives.

~Diaphoretics and Sudorifics.~


Extract Malt.



Orexine Tannate: indirectly by increasing peptic secretion and gastric peristalsis.


~Discutients~.--See Resolvents.

~Disinfectants.~--See also, Deodorants.

Ammon. Persulphate.



Calcium Permangan.


Lime, Chlorinated.

Sodium Naphtolate.

Solution Chlorinated Soda.


Chian Turpentine.

Digitalis preparations.

Oil Santal.



~Ecbolics.~--See Oxytocics.



Mustard, with tepid water.




Iron Chloride, and other salts of iron.


~Errhines~ (Sternutatories).

White Hellebore.

~Escharotics~ (Caustics).

Acid, Acetic, Glacial.

Acid, Dichloracetic.



Antimony salts in general.

Balsam Tolu.

Emetine, in small doses.



Castor Oil: topically.

~Gastric Tonics~ (Stomachics).


Bismuth salts.

Chamomilla Compound.


~Germicides.~--See Antiseptics and Disinfectants.

~Hematinics.~--See also, Tonics.

Acid, Arsenous; and arsenical compounds.


Ext. Bone-marrow.


Iron compounds.

Manganese compounds.


~Hemostatics.~--See Styptics and Hemostatics.

~Hepatic Depressants.~


Purgatives: many of them.



~Hepatic Stimulants.~

Acid, Nitrohydrochlor.

~Hypnotics~ (Soporifics).


~Intestinal Astringents.~--See Astringents.




Canada Pitch.

Spirit Ants.




~Laxatives.~--See Cathartics.

~Motor Depressants.~

Chloroform (large doses).

Quinine: large doses.

~Motor Excitants.~




Eserine (Physostigmine).

Muscarine Nitrate: internally.

~Narcotics.~--See also, Hypnotics.

~Nervines.~--See Antispasmodics, Anodynes, Sedatives, Anesthetics, Motor Depressants, Motor Stimulants, Narcotics.

~Nutrients.~--See Hematinics and Tonics.

~Oxytocics~ (Ecbolics).

Cotton-Root Bark.

~Parasiticides.~--See Antiseptics and Disinfectants.

~Ptyalagogues.~--See Sialogogues.

~Purgatives.~--See Cathartics.

~Pustulants.~--See Irritants.


Acid, Phosphoric, Dilute.

~Resolvents~ (Discutients).

~Respiratory Depressants.~

~Respiratory Stimulants.~

Aspidosperma (Quebracho).

~Restoratives.~--See Hematinics, Tonics.

~Rubefacients.~--See Irritants.

~Sedatives, Cardiac (or Vascular).~--See Cardiac Sedatives.

~Sedatives (Nerve).~--See also, Depressants.


Valerian, and Valerianates.

~Sialagogues~ (Ptyalogogues).

Acids and Alkalies.

Antimony compounds.

Iodine compounds.

~Soporifics~.--See Hypnotics.

~Spinal Stimulants.~--See also, Motor Excitants.

Camphor: small doses.

~Sternutatories.~--See Errhines.

~Stimulants, Bronchial.~--See Expectorants.

~Stimulants, Various.~--See Gastric, Hepatic, Renal, Spinal, Vascular, etc.

~Stomachics.~--See Gastric Tonics.

~Styptics and Hemostatics.~

Iron Terchloride.

~Sudorifics.~--See Diaphoretics.

~Teniafuges.~--See Anthelmintics.

~Tonics, Cardiac.~--See Cardiac Stimulants.

~Tonics, General.~--See also, Hematinics.




Acid, Arsenous; and its salts.

Calcium Glycerinophosphate.

Cerium salts.

Copper salts: small doses.

~Tonics, Nerve.~--See Nervousness, Neurasthenia, Neuritis, Opium Habit, in Part II.


Ergot and its preparations.


~Vascular Sedatives and Vascular Stimulants.~--See Cardiac Sedatives, and Cardiac Stimulants.

~Vermicides.~--See Anthelmintics.

~Vesicants.~--See Irritants.

~When in immediate need~

of Drugs or Chemicals not at hand, any pharmacist is in a position to use our EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT, which is in operation every day in the year, Sundays and Holidays included, until 9 p.m.--Hurry orders reaching us after regular business hours will receive prompt attention,--provided:

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As it is impossible for us to ascertain in each instance the identity of a Physician who might wish to make use of this department, we must insist (for the proper protection of the Profession against the unauthorized purchase of poisons, etc.; as well as in due recognition, by us, of the established usage in the traffic with medicines and drugs) that every such order be transmitted through an established Pharmacist; and pharmacists, when telegraphing orders to us, should always mention their jobber to whom the article is to be charged.

We trust that this Department will prove of value in cases of emergency and immediate need.

MERCK & CO., New York.

SOME OF THE ~Awards to the Merck Products~

1830: ~Gold Medal:~ } Pharmaceutical Society "For the Relief of Mankind." } of PARIS (France).

1853: ~Medal and Special Approbation:~ } Exh'b'n of the Industry "For Specimens of Alkaloids." } of all Nations, N.Y.

1861: ~Gold Medal and Diploma.~ } Industrial Exposition, } DARMSTADT.

1862: ~Medal: "Honoris Causa."~ } World's Fair, LONDON } (England).

1864: ~Award: "Beyond Competition."~ } "Numerous and varied collection of } Pharmaceutical Congress Alkaloids and very rare products; } of France, Physiological Preparations of high } STRASSBOURG. interest and very difficult to obtain } in any appreciable quantity." }

1867: ~Gold Medal:~ } Universal Exposition, "Chemical Preparations; Quinine } PARIS (France). Salts; Alkaloids." }

1873: ~Medal of Progress and Diploma.~ } World's Exposition, (The Highest Award.) } VIENNA (Austria).

1876: ~The Great Prize Medal } Industrial Exposition, and Diploma.~ } DARMSTADT.

1879: ~Highest Award.~ } International Exh'b'n, } SYDNEY (Australia).

1880: ~Gold Medal and Diploma:~ } Medical Association "A Fine and Vast Collection of the } of Italy, GENOA. Rarest Alkaloids and their Salts." }

1880: ~Gold Medal:~ } International Exh'b'n, "Vitam Excolere per Artes." } MELBOURNE } (Australia).

1883. ~The Diploma of Honor.~ } International Expo'n, } AMSTERDAM } (Holland).

1893: ~Highest Award; Medal and Diploma:~ } Columbian Exposition, "For a large variety of preparations } CHICAGO. of great purity;" and "For great } ["On Medicinal service rendered to the medical and } Chemicals."] pharmaceutical professions." }

1893: ~Highest Award; Medal and Diploma:~ } Columbian Exposition, "For excellence of chemicals for } CHICAGO. analytical and scientific uses." } ["On Guaranteed } Reagents."]

~Etc., Etc.~

Price: $1.00 Yearly



~The Materia Medica and its Uses~



~General Scope of Contents.~

[N.B.--This "General Scope" is not to be understood to state certain standing divisions or chapter heads for the contents of the journal; but rather to denote the character of the various classes of matter to be treated of.]

~"ORIGINAL RESEARCH"~--comprising Papers, Lectures, or Reports by reputable investigators on the results of experiments and collective trials, regarding the physiological actions and curative properties of Drugs, and the manner of their therapeutic Employment.

~"ADVANCE IN MATERIA MEDICA"~--being Condensed Reports, freshly compiled each month, on the latest advances in Medicinal Agents and in Methods of applying them--embracing the discoveries of New Remedies, and of New Uses of the older ones.

~"THE JOURNALS"~--a collection of noteworthy expressions of Medical Opinion on recent questions relating to Drugs and their Uses, as culled from the latest American and foreign journals.

~"THE PRESCRIPTION"~--a chapter of special interest and direct usefulness to the general practitioner--containing in each number a series of selected Formulas; and, occasionally, criticisms on Prescription Errors; information and suggestions on Incompatibilities and other Prescription Difficulties; what should be prescribed in Solid and what in Liquid form; the Regulation of General Dosage, in such various forms as: gargles, eye-washes, urethral injections, vaginal injections, medicated baths; as well as of Dosage by Age in enemas, suppositories, hypodermics, etc.

Besides the above, the journal will contain such minor but serviceable matters as: "QUERIES AND ANSWERS;" "NOTES AND HINTS;" "PROFESSIONAL NEWS," etc.

"MERCK'S ARCHIVES" does not profess to "do everything;" but it aims to do One Thing thoroughly,--to offer the practitioner new and valuable information on the Materia Medica and its recent developments.

"MERCK'S ARCHIVES" will lay before the practitioner the results of the Thought and Work of others on Drugs and their Uses, in such form as to be most directly serviceable to him.

The Condensed Reports on "Advance in Materia Medica" will give enough of the theoretical reasoning and clinical experience of the original authors, to make clear the value of their conclusions.

The Papers, etc., of "Original Research" will be only such as combine relative brevity with practical usefulness. At the same time they will be of such high character as to invite the attention of him also who reads from purely scientific interest.

The Selections from the world's medical Periodic Literature will be taken solely with a view to their suggestive value to the physician regarding remedial agents and their applications.

The significance of the other matters in "MERCK'S ARCHIVES" is evident from their description in the preceding synopsis of contents; while their presentation will likewise be in full accord with the principles indicated above:--Practical Usefulness; Scientific Exactness; Ethical Dignity; Palatable and Readily Digestible Form.

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