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Title: King Horn, Floriz and Blauncheflur, The Assumption of Our Lady

Author: Various

Editor: J. Rawson Lumby George H. McKnight

Release Date: May 15, 2013 [EBook #42713]

Language: English

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[Transcriber’s note:

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For this e-text, the printed book’s circumflex accents have been shown as macrons--that is, ǣ instead of æ̂ and similar--except for “true” circumflexes in modern French citations and the word “rôle”. The character shown here as e͞o was printed as “eo” joined by a single circumflex. In the Trentham MS. of Floriz and Blauncheflur, and a few times in the Assumption, some letters were printed with “end flourishes” (see Introduction under “Manuscripts”). All are shown here as a free-standing tilde ~ after the letter. In the same passages, the double letter “ll” printed with a joining wavy line is shown as łł.

In the primary texts, italics representing editorial expansions are shown with {braces}. Roman (non-italic) words within italic passages are shown the same way. Other italics are shown conventionally with lines. Boldface is shown as #A#, #B#. Large initial letters are shown with double or triple preceding + as ++Horn, +++Alle to avoid “breaking” the text. The number of + signs reflects the size of the original (two lines or more).

Footnotes have been numbered continuously through the Introduction, and separately for each of the three original texts. For mechanical reasons some footnotes in the primary text will seem to be out of order. Line numbering is by multiples of 4.

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King Horn, Floriz and Blauncheflur, The Assumption of our Lady.

Early English Text Society. Original Series, No. 14

1866 (re-edited 1901; reprinted 1962)

Price 30s.




First Edited in 1866 BY J. RAWSON LUMBY,

And Now Re-Edited From The Manuscripts, With Introduction, Notes, And Glossary, by GEORGE H. McKNIGHT.


First Published (Edited by J. Rawson Lumby) 1866 Re-edited by George H. McKnight 1901 Reprinted (1901 Version) 1962

Original Series, No. 14

Reprinted in Great Britain by Richard Clay and Company, Ltd., Bungay, Suffolk.


Page Preface vi Introduction vii King Horn, from three MSS.: Cambr. Univ. MS. Gg. 4. 27. 2 1 Laud Misc. MS. 108 1 Harl. MS. 2253 1 Floris and Blauncheflur, from three MSS.: Trentham Ms 71 Ms. Cott. Vitell. D. III 74, 84 Cambridge MS. Gg. 4. 27. 2 80 The Assumption of Our Lady, from three MSS.: Cambr. Univ. MS. Gg. 4. 27. 2 111 Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 10,036 111 Harl. MS. 2382 118 Notes 137 Glossary 155


The triple labour involved in editing three independent works in one volume will, it is hoped, serve as an excuse for some of the shortcomings of the present publication. Under the circumstances it has been impossible to make the work as definitive as might have been the case with a single text. For example, while I have been able to print the three existing manuscript texts of King Horn, of the other two poems, the textual material is not nearly so complete.

The texts, it is hoped, are accurately printed. The credit for this is due, in large measure, to Dr. Furnivall,--who has read with the MSS. the proofs of all the British Museum texts,--and to the proof-readers at Oxford and Cambridge. The notes to King Horn represent a good deal of labour, and may, I trust, prove useful. The glossary, though not so complete as that in Wissmann’s excellent critical edition of King Horn, is intended to fit the volume, and to supply explanation of words and uses of words not intelligible to ordinary readers of Early English Texts.

It is my pleasant duty to acknowledge assistance from various quarters. I am indebted to the libraries of the British Museum and Cambridge University, and the Bodleian library at Oxford for the use of manuscripts; also to the Duke of Sutherland for permission to copy the text of Floris and Blauncheflur from the manuscript in his private library; also to the Cornell University library for conveniences placed at my disposal in the preparation of this volume. I must also acknowledge timely words of advice from Prof. J. M. Hart, notes on Layamon from Dr. B. S. Monroe, and assistance in proof-reading by Prof. W. Strunk, jr. But above all I must acknowledge the less apparent work of Dr. Furnivall in preparing the texts for press, a work the amount of which one who has not edited for the E.E.T.S. is not likely to realize.

G. H. M. K.

Ithaca, N.Y., July 8, 1901.



§ 1. Setting of the Story, p. vii. § 2. Versions, p. viii. § 3. Elements of the Story, p. xvi. § 4. Topography, p. xvii. § 5. Style, p. xx. § 6. Versification, p. xxi. § 7. Dialect, p. xxiv. § 8. Manuscripts, p. xxviii.


By the beginning of the 13th century, when literature in the English tongue began to show some signs of revival, the earlier English epic tales seem to have been almost entirely obliterated from memory. A solitary survival seems to have been the story of the dragon-killing Wade with his famous boat Guingelot; but even this story is lost to us save for occasional references,[I-1] and from these we must infer that all definite idea of its origin was lost, since Wade is associated, now with Weyland, now with Horn and Havelok, now with Lancelot. The place of these earlier epic tales was filled in Middle English times by a new set of tales for the most part no longer of purely native, popular origin. Tales were imported from every conceivable quarter, though usually by way of France, and even in the popular romances of Guy of Warwick and Bevis of Hampton, which are supposed to contain a kernel of genuine English tradition, the original story is almost unrecognizable amid the embellishments added. Similarly in the stories of Waldef and Hereward the historical facts are almost lost amid this mass of added foreign matter, and in the late romance of Richard Cœur de Lion we have to do, not with the historical Richard, but with a conventionalized hero of mediæval romance.

Standing apart from these largely conventionalized tales are the stories of Havelok and King Horn. These are supposed to have been among the first products of the second growth of English story. They seem to preserve, more than the other, later romances, their primitive traits, and are hence usually classed as English, or Germanic, in origin.

[Footnote I-1: Cf. Skeat’s Chaucer. Note to Marchaundes Tale 1424, and Tr. and C. iii, 614.]


The story of Horn is known in several different versions. Of these the one printed in the present volume is the oldest and in many respects the most archaic. The story, which it will be unnecessary to summarize here, is told in a simple, direct style with a noticeable lack of unnecessary description inserted for embellishment. The explanation of the peculiar features of this version is no doubt to be found in the purpose for which this version was used. It was probably intended to be sung, as one would infer from the opening lines, and perhaps is such a song, or ballad, as the one which, as the French version informs us (R. H. 2776 ff. cf. p. xiv. below), Horn sang about his love Rigmenil. The manner of the narrative is determined by the song character of the poem. There is more detail than in a modern song, at the same time less detail than in a modern story. Events are sometimes simply referred to as though already known instead of being fully described. The bravery of Murry, Horn’s father, is alluded to in such a manner as to lead one to expect to hear more about his feats of prowess. No motive is given for the journey to Ireland. We are conducted from place to place with Horn, from Aylmer’s court in Westernesse to that of Thurston, or from Horn’s wedding feast at Aylmer’s court to the annihilation of the Saracen invaders of Suddenne, almost in a breath. In this way sometimes incidents are thrown absurdly out of perspective. For instance, when Horn wishes to ‘prove his knighthood’ (v. 588), while the others are at table, he sets out on his ‘fole,’ and at the seashore finds a shipload of heþene honde. He slays about a hundred of them. At eureche dunte þe heued of wente. He fixes the leader’s head on the point of his sword and thus returns to the hall. All this, which forms the matter for about four hundred twelve-syllabled lines in the more prolix French version, is here related in an off-hand manner, in about forty short lines. The pitched battle of the French version becomes here a mere after-dinner recreation. It would be possible to multiply instances (cf. pp. x-xii) showing the abridged character of the present version.

Very different from the English gleeman’s version, is the highly elaborated French version of the story. This version,[I-2] which is preserved in three MSS. at Oxford, at Cambridge, and at London, consists of about 5250 lines of twelve syllables, arranged in laisses, or strophes, of about twenty lines bound together by a single rime. Here we have a full-fledged romance, with descriptions of rich adornments, of feastings, of battles, of games, and of tournaments quite in the manner of the contemporary romances current in France and in Norman England. The archaic traits of the English King Horn are no longer so obvious. The names of persons and of places, with the exception of those of Horn, Rymenhild : Rigmel (Rigmenil), Fiken(h)ild : Wikele, Modi : Modin, Westernesse : Westir (Yrlaunde), and Sudden(n)e, are quite different in the two versions.

But with all this difference of detail, the story in its essential elements is the same in the two versions. Wissmann,[I-3] in the introduction to his critical edition, says, “der französische roman (R. H.) weist kein einziges notwendiges bindeglied, keinen schönen altertümlichen zug auf, den das englische gedicht, King Horn (K. H.) nicht enthielte; dieses dagegen hat trotz seines geringen umfanges, eine reiche von alten, wahrhaft poetischen motiven jenem voraus.” And further, “aus alle dem ergibt sich, dass K. H. keine bearbeitung des französischen romans sein kann.” Wissmann’s further conclusions, however, are less tenable, when he continues: “das umgekehrte verhältniss dagegen ist nicht nur denkbar, sondern bis zu einem gewissen grade sogar notwendig; eine ältere quelle als das lied von King Horn für R. H. vorauszusetzen sind wir durch nichts berechtigt.”

Limited space forbids a thorough-going comparison of the two versions. The essential elements of the story are in each case nearly the same. In the French version (R. H.) again Horn the prince with his companions is set afloat from Suddenne in an open boat, arrives in Bretaigne, is hospitably received by King Hunlaf, is loved by the princess Rigmenil, from whom he receives a magic ring, is betrayed by Wikele, one of his companions, and is exiled from Bretaigne. He takes ship for Westir, the court of King Godreche, and is well received by the king and his two sons. He distinguishes himself in all things, and is loved and wooed by the princess Lemburc. But after delivering the Irish kingdom (Westir) from an African invasion, he is recalled by a messenger to Bretaigne, where, after vanquishing his rival Modun in a tournament, he rescues Rigmenil and himself plays the part of bridegroom at the wedding prepared. He then repairs to Suddenne, and after ridding his father’s kingdom of the invaders, is warned in a dream of Wikele’s second treachery, and returns again just in time to save his bride from a forced marriage with Wikele. With the death of Wikele and the establishment of Horn’s loyal friend Haderof (Athulf) in Ireland and of Horn and Rigmenil in Suddenne, the French story ends.

In addition to this similarity in general outline must be mentioned occasional parallelism between the two versions in minor details or even in phraseology. As instances of the first we may cite: Of his feire siȝte Al þe bur gan liȝte K. H. 385-6; De la belte de horn tute la chambre resplent. R. H. 1053. Drink to horn of horne K. H. 1145; Mes com apelent horn li engleis naturer R. H. 4206. He lokede on his rynge And þoȝte on Rymenhilde K. H. 873-4; Si regarde sa main e lanel kest gemmeȝ. Ke li fud de Rimel al departir doneȝ R. H. 3166-7. And whan þu farst to woȝe tak him þine gloue K. H. 793-4; Mes une rien uus di joe dont seieȝ purgardez, Si alez donneier ke oue uus nel menez Kar il est de beaute issi enluminez ke uus la v il iert petit serreȝ preiseȝ R. H. 2323-6. Biuore me to kerue And of þe cupe serue K. H. 233-4; Horn me seruira vi de ma cupe portant R. H. 463. As instances of phrases from King Horn reflected in R. H., we may cite: Stiwarde, tak nu here Mi fundlyng for to lere Of þine mestere, Of wude and of riuere K. H. 227-30; De bois de riueer refet il altre tal R. H. 377. Wiþute sail and roþer K. H. 188; Kil naient auirun dunt a (!) seient aidanȝ Sigle ne guuernad (!) dunt il seint naianȝ R. H. 60-61. Ston he dude lade, ant lym þerto he made K. H. 1502 H. Vn castel ad ia fet de pere e de furment R. H. 5097. These instances, which might be multiplied, will serve to show how closely related in origin are these two versions, English and French.

The identity of the two versions is, however, by no means complete. The more condensed version (K. H.) presents some traits not to be found in R. H. We may mention: Horn’s farewell to his boat, 139 ff.; Rimenhild’s assistance in bringing about the dubbing of Horn, 435 ff.; Rimenhild’s dream, 651 ff.; Horn’s charge to Athulf to care for Rimenhild, 743 ff.; the drowning of the messenger from Rimenhild to Horn, 968 ff.; the palmer’s account of Rimenhild’s grief, 1035 ff.; Athulf’s watching from the tower, 1091 ff.; Horn’s fictitious tale to Rimenhild of his own death, 1175 ff.

If K. H. offers these few traits independent of R. H., the latter, longer narrative introduces episode after episode either barely suggested in a single line of K. H., or entirely foreign to the English version. For example, we may mention: the more circumstantial account of Horn’s descent, and of the heroic death of Aaluf, 250 ff.; Rimel’s amusing method of wheedling Athelfrus into bringing Horn to her, 604 ff.; her confidences to her maid Herselot, 729 ff.; the elaborate account of Horn’s victory over Malbroin and Rodmund, 1295 ff.; Wikele’s contrived pretext for a quarrel with Horn, 1839 ff.; Horn’s loathness to take oath, though he is willing to vindicate his word by meeting in combat any two or even five or six chosen antagonists, 1924 ff.; the love of princess Lemburc for Horn, 2394 ff.; the stone-throwing contest, 2568 ff.; the game of chess, 2696 ff.; Lemburc’s apartments, 2709 ff.; the harp-playing, 2776 ff.; the elaborate battle description once more, 3234 ff.; the death of Egfer, 3358 ff.; the meeting of Horn with Wikele and Modin, 4094 ff.; the tournament at Rimil’s wedding, 4456 ff.; the victory, with Hardre’s aid, over the Saracens in Suddenne, 4604 ff.; the touching description of Horn’s meeting with his mother, 4882 ff.; the besiegement of Hunlaf and Rimel by Wikele, 5100 ff.; the intervention of Wikele’s brother, Wothere, 5052 ff., etc.[I-4]

If the subject matter in the two versions is different, the style is far more so. The simple, condensed, somewhat archaic manner of K. H. stands in marked contrast to the sophisticated style of the French romance. The difference is perhaps that to be expected between two versions, one intended for English-speaking, the other for French-speaking people.[I-5] But the difference is perhaps more largely that between ballad and romance. In K. H. the author gives no evidence of himself directly or indirectly, whereas Thomas, the author of R. H., continually addresses his public in the second person and directly introduces his personal opinion. The incidents which in K. H. are condensed almost to unintelligibility, in R. H. are liberally supplied with motives and explanations. The character of Rimenhild in K. H., almost wild in its naturalness, suggests somewhat one of the female divinities of Germanic mythology. Rimel, of the French romance, is an eminently sophisticated, almost modern young woman who understands the arts of coaxing and of coquetry.

The luxury and refinement described in the French version, contrast[I-6] markedly with the primitive manners and surroundings suggested in the English version. Rimenhild shares her single sleeping-room with her six maidens; Rimel has so many maids that these have private rooms, Rimel keeping by her only her one trusted maid. Rimenhild on her wedding day, has four maid attendants; Rimel, thirty. King Murry’s retinue consists of two knights, and the sons of the king of Westir appear to have been without retinue; in R. H. the two princes in their mesnée privée have vingt de gens ben escernée. Even the seneschal of King Hunlaf has twenty knights in his retinue. Stimming further points out the feudalistic relations existing between Horn and his companions in R. H. (as well as in H. C.) of which one can hardly detect a trace in K. H. Further the author of the romance, quite in keeping with the conventions of contemporary romances, has introduced and elaborated descriptions of battles and of sports and tournaments on every possible occasion. In R. H. Horn is a curteis knight, whose knightly honour forbids him to take oath.

Stimming further points out the difference in cultivation of manner as reflected in the love-making scenes of the two versions. When Athulf is introduced to Rimenhild’s bower, Anon vpon Aþulf child Rymenhild gan wexe wild, K. H. 295-6, she has him seat himself on her bed, embraces him, and offers herself as his bride. Rimel, on the other hand, who before Aþulf’s coming has carefully regarded the glass, pur veer sa belted, Pur saver de su vis cum il est culured, on his appearance, takes him by the hand, leads him to a seat, seats herself beside him, and then expresses the wish, “Bels amis, dès ore voil estre mise en vostre justise,” politely adding, “si vostre plaisir est.”

All this, Stimming concludes, is an unmistakable evidence of the later time of R. H.’s composition. Granting the truth of this conclusion, the difference of treatment in the two versions is also no doubt in part due to the difference in the public for which each version was intended, and also still more, perhaps, to the difference in function of the two works. It must be noted that K. H. is a popular ballad-like poem perhaps of the kind referred to in R. H., while the French R. H. is an artificial and conventionalized romance of prowess and love.

That the ballad-like version K. H., simple, even primitive in matter, in manner, and in metrical form, should have been derived from the sophisticated, artificial romance, R. H. deserves little consideration. On the other hand that the artificial romance should have been derived from the simple ballad-like story, incomplete in its record of details, is even more unworthy of consideration, though quite probably Thomas, the French romancer, may have been to some extent influenced by this English version, with which he was probably acquainted, as we may infer from the following passage:

Mes un lai ai oi dunt ioe sai la meitie Si iol sousse tut, par ma crestiente En cest nostre pais nad taunt bone cite Ki tant me fust a main e á ma uolente Ke ainz ne la perdisse ke lousse ublie .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . Mut en auez oi parler en cest regne E de lamur de horn ke ele od taunt ame .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . Coe est ueir dist Guffer, Rigmel est mut loéé Bele soeur de beaute en meinte cuntréé E de horn ai oi meinte feiz renoméé Quil est pruz e uallanz e corteis sanz pounéé.

R. H. 2783-2801.

The French romance is no doubt constructed from an English story, as we may infer from the proper names, which in general seem to be Germanic in origin, from occasional English words, e.g. welcumeȝ 800, wite God, wrec 150, etc., from references to English such as, Mes com apelent horn li engleis, R. H. 4206, and especially from the general features of the story which seem to be Germanic. Further, “in the introduction to the French romance of Waldelf we are informed that the romance of Horn was taken from an English original” (T. Wright, Essays on Middle Ages, I, 102. London, 1846). The English gleeman’s version quite likely was composed directly from oral tradition, while the romance rests upon some version of the story, the “parchemin” so often referred to. This hypothetical version, judging from the identity of the story in its main outline with that in K. H., must be the version upon which R. H. rests also, or must rest upon the same tradition with K. H.

A third version of the story of Horn is the romance of Horn Childe and Maiden Rimnild, the only copy of which is the incomplete one contained in the famous collection of the Auchinleck MS. of the 14th century. (One leaf lost in the middle and one or two at the end.) Of this romance, which is composed in twelve-lined strophes, rime couée, there are preserved 1136 lines, that is to say, 96 strophes, not all complete. The story, very briefly summarized, is as follows:

Haþeolf, king of “al Ingelond fram Humber norþ,” has one son named Horn. To Horn Haþeolf gives eight companions and puts all under the instruction of Arlaund. Haþeolf annihilates a host of Danish invaders, but within nine months is again attacked, this time by three kings from Ireland, and after an heroic fight, in which he slays five thousand, is stoned to death, and “an erle of Northumberland” seizes the kingdom.

Herlaund conducts the nine boys “fer souþe in Inglond,” where they are received by Houlac the king. The king’s only daughter, Rimneld, loves him and asks Herlaund to bring Horn to her bower. As in the other versions, Arlaund first brings Haþerof, but the second time brings Horn to Rimneld, and the princess gives Horn rich presents, and promises to be his if he shall be dubbed knight. But Wikard and Wikel, two of Horn’s companions, calumniate Horn and Rimneld to the king, and Horn is banished. After vain attempts at a reconciliation with the king, he takes leave of Rimneld, who gives him a ring with a magic stone:

“When þe ston wexeþ wan Þan chaungeþ þe þought of þi leman When þe ston wexeþ rede Þan haue y lorn mi maidenhed.”

Horn takes the name of Godebounde, has heroic adventure in the forest, wins a great tournament in Wales, then crosses over to Ireland, and delivers king Finlawe (Finlak) from his enemy, Malkan, the one who had slain Horn’s father. Atula, Finlak’s daughter, loves Horn, but he remains true to Rimneld, notices that the stone in his ring has turned pale, and with a hundred knights, crosses over into England in time to save Rimneld from marrying King Moioun, overthrows Moioun in the tournament, slays Wigard and smites out the eye of the false Wiȝel, Wigard’s brother. Horn marries Rimneld, and, after five days of feasting, makes ready a force to go into North-Humberland to win back his father’s kingdom. The single MS. ends abruptly at this point.

It will be seen that the main outline of the story as told in the other two versions, is here preserved, but with many modifications, with some omissions and some additions. The scene of action has shifted. We hear no more of the to us obscure names Suddenne and Westir; the whole action takes place in the British isles. The names of the persons, too, are greatly transformed, Horn and Rimneld, and possibly Moioun being about the only names common to all the versions. The whole introduction of the present version, dealing with the bravery and death of Haþeolf, Horn’s father, which forms about a quarter of this romance version as preserved to us, is entirely strange to K. H. and to R. H. Other features peculiar to H. C. are: Haþeolf’s instructions to the boy companions of Horn, to bear fealty to Horn, 137 ff.; the fine gifts and rich entertainment by Rimnild of Herlaund and Haderof and, later, of Horn, 330 ff., 377 ff.; the manner of the courtship, where Horn no longer plays the reluctant part, urging his poverty as an excuse, 373 ff.; the episode of the departure of Horn’s companions Tebeaud, Winwald, Garins and Aþelston for foreign lands, 445 ff. Wikel here does not accuse Horn of designs on the king’s life and kingdom, 486 ff. Horn remains at home from the hunting, not to visit Rimnild, but “for blodeleteing, Al for a maladye.” 485 ff. There is no Saracen invasion of Houlac’s kingdom. Horn tries to appease the king, 541 ff. The ring has a different function, 571 ff. The ring it is that prompts Horn’s return to Rimnild. Still other features peculiar to this edition are: the heroic adventure in the forest, 613 ff.; the tournament at the court of Elidan in Wales, 664 ff.; and the whole account of Horn’s experiences in Ireland, the occasion of his journey there, the character of the battle (in which Horn is wounded), and the absence of mention of king Finlak’s proposal to give his daughter and kingdom to Horn.

All these independent traits in H. C. lead us to conclude that this version must rest, directly or indirectly, on a tradition different from that underlying K. H. and R. H. That, as Stimming thinks probable, the writer “unmittelbar aus der sage selbst geschöpft” seems unlikely considering the highly sophisticated[I-7] nature and artificial form of this version, and the frequent remarks of the author, “in boke as we rede,” etc. More likely it rests directly on an earlier version of the story, which in its turn rests on a Northern tradition of the story. That such a Northern tradition existed we have evidence in the Scottish ballads of Hind Horn [Child’s (F. J.) English and Scottish Ballads. Boston, 1882-84], which while emphasizing only one element, the separation of the two lovers and their reunion through the agency of the magic ring, agree with the H. C. version rather than with that of K. H. and R. H.

What, then, is the relation of H. C. to K. H. and to R. H.? Wissmann says, apparently with truth: “Das Gedicht von Horn Childe hat von dem Gehalt des K. H. nichts bewahrt, was nicht auch R. H. hätte.” On the other hand H. C. has a number of important traits in common with R. H., for instance, the names: Herland (R. H.); Herlaund, Arlaund, Harlaund, Arlond, etc. (H. C.); Allof (R. H.); Haþeolf (H. C.); Wikel (R. H.); Wiȝel (H. C.); Haþerof (R. H.); Haderof (H. C.) and Hunlaf (R. H.); Houlac (H. C.); further, Haderof’s ignorance of Herland’s intention to palm him off as Horn, the love of the Irish princess for Horn, Horn’s meeting with Moioun (Moging) and Wikard, and his riddle of the net told here, the tournament and the contest between Horn and Moioun, Horn’s thanks to king Houlac (Hunlaf). From the considerable French element in the vocabulary of H. C., including frequent rime words, the French form Cornwayle riming with the French phrase saun faile, it is reasonable to suppose that the author was acquainted with French, and the general tone of the romance, the feudalism inculcated by King Haþeolf, 133 ff., the tournaments and the general air of luxury in addition to the above-mentioned striking traits in common with R. H., suggest almost inevitably that the author of H. C. must have been acquainted with, and influenced by, the French version.

The Scottish ballads of Hind Horn (cf. Child, as above, I, 187), as said above, emphasize only one element of the original story, namely, the separation of Horn and the princess, and their reunion through the agency of the magic ring. The story in Hind Horn agrees more closely (notably in the function of the ring, peculiar to the Northern versions) with H. C. than with R. H. or K. H., and seems to rest, along with H. C., on a northern version of the story.

The later French romance Ponthus et la belle Sidoine is an adaptation of the French version (R. H.) of the Horn story. It is purely an artificial product based on R. H., and has little bearing on the origin and history of the version in hand. It is interesting in this connection as showing how possible it is to tell the same story with different names, the only name in common between R. H., and the adaptation being that of the steward Herlant. (Cf. English translation, King Ponthus and the Fair Sidone, edited by F. J. Mather, Publ. of the Mod. Lang. Assoc. of America, xii, 1-150.) The story of Ponthus also appears in a German Volksbuch (cf. Simrock, I. 1 ff.).

[Footnote I-2: Brede (R.) und Stengel (E.). Das agn. Lied vom wackern Ritter Horn. Ausg. u. Abh. VIII. Marburg, 1883. Also Fr. Michel. For the Bannatyne Club, 1845.]

[Footnote I-3: Wissmann (Th.), Quell. u. Forsch. XVI. Strassburg, 1876.]

[Footnote I-4: For complete list of traits peculiar to R. H. cf. J. Caro, in Eng. Stud. xii, 331-2.]

[Footnote I-5: Cf. the relation of the English version of Fl. and Bl. to the French original.]

[Footnote I-6: Cf. Stimming. Review of Wissmann’s ed. of K. H. Engl. Stud. i, 357 ff.]

[Footnote I-7: The author of H. C. endeavours to be realistic. There are no more vague terms, like Sarazins, etc. Further, there is a parallelism with the story of Harold, suggesting that this version has been influenced by historical events.]


The story of Horn, it is generally believed, had its origin in the turbulent times of the Danish invasions, but the kernel of genuine historical tradition is probably small. How the different elements in such a story aggregate, we can plainly see in the case of the Hereward: “The writer of the life of Hereward,” according to Wright, “had, among other sources of information, the work of the presbyter, Leofric, Hereward’s archdeacon. This Leofric, he tells us, occupied himself in collecting for the edification of his hearers, all the acts of the giants and warriors from the fables of the ancients, or, in the instance of more modern heroes, from the trustworthy relations of those who had known them, and in writing them in English that they might be preserved in people’s memories.” In this way grew the Hereward story, and in a similar manner, we may suppose, that the story of Horn attracted to itself many new and foreign elements, receiving its development and final form probably at the hands of the jongleurs, or gleemen, whom we are to think of as wandering widely and gathering romantic material from the most remote regions.

In another place (Publ. of the Mod. Lang. Assoc. of America, xv. 221-232) I have attempted to point out some of the ‘Germanic elements’ in the story. It seems possible to distinguish two essential elements in the story: (1) Horn’s expulsion from his kingdom and his return and avengement of his father’s death; (2) the separation and reunion of the faithful lovers. Of these elements the first seems to be especially Germanic. At least historic incidents which might supply the nucleus for such a tale were particularly common in connection with the continual wars between Denmark, Norway and Sweden, and also with the invasions of England, Danish and Norman. (Cf. the death of Beaduheard. Eng. Chron. (Winch.) a. 787, also the death of Aethelwulf at hands of Danes, avenged by his brother Aethelstan. Gaimar, 2391 ff.) The second element also may have been of Germanic origin, though it has become greatly conventionalized and has come to be the more prominent element in the story. The minor features of the story, though often purely conventional, and, therefore, belonging to no distinct nationality, at times show Germanic traits, as for instance in the comitatus relation existing between Horn and his followers, in the manner of wooing and of wedding, in the etiquette of the feasts, in the etiquette of the duel, and in the formal challenge on the part of a champion of an invading host, to a duel upon the result of which shall depend the marriage of a princess or the fate of a kingdom (cf. Mod. Lang. Assoc. Publ., as above, pp. 228-231).

The story as it is preserved in K. H., the earliest of existing versions, is no doubt a greatly expanded form of the original nucleus. The timely rescue of the princess from a forced marriage, which in the Scottish ballad has been preserved at the expense of the complete loss of the other element, the recovery of the kingdom and the avengement of the father’s death, even in the earlier K. H. version has come quite to overshadow the recovery and revenge element. It seems very probable also that there has been a duplication of the rescue scene, due either to the desire of the jongleur, or minstrel, to repeat a successful climax, or to a blending of two versions of the same story, a not at all uncommon feature in such romances,[I-8] and that the second rescue scene, with its more archaic and more particularly Germanic features, represents the sole turning-point in an earlier and simpler version, the first and more conventional rescue scene being an expansion contributed by a later composer. All this, which rests largely on conjecture, would assume for the nucleus of the story a relatively simple incident in which there are involved only two places, the kingdom from which the prince is expelled and which he regains, and the kingdom where he finds refuge.

[Footnote I-8: Cf. the seeming duplication of names, Rymenhild, Reymyld etc.; Reynild, Ermenyld, etc., all of which may have come from an original Eormenhild (cf. OE. Leechdoms), the variants being due to metathesis as in OE. yrnan : rinnan. Cf. also the explanation of Westernesse below, p. xx.]


The topography of the Horn story offers some difficult but interesting problems. In the northern version (H. C.) all is made relatively clear. The author of this version assigns the events to very definite places. Horn’s father is king of “al Ingelond fram Humber norþ.” He repels a Danish invasion on the east coast, and is slain by invaders from Ireland. Horn and his companions take refuge “fer souþe in Inglond.” Thence Horn goes in exile to Wales and later into Ireland. The Norman trouvère, also, clarifies matters somewhat by assigning definite names to two of the three kingdoms involved, Bretaigne and Westir (Ki ore est Hirlonde lors westir fu apelee, 2184, H). But both the Norman and the older English versions have consistently the perplexing name Sudenne (Sodenne); and the earlier English version has also the vague name Westernesse (Westnesse), leaving as a certain starting-point in our study of the topography only Yrlonde, also referred to as westene lond (754 H).

From internal evidence in King Horn we learn little that is definite about the situation of Suddenne. In drifting from Suddenne to Westernesse, Horn and his companions spend “Al þe day and al þe niȝt, Til hit sprang dai liȝt,” K. H. 122-3; and again we are told of the same voyage “Dai hit is igon and oþer, Wiþute sail and roþer,” 187-8. On the return voyage to Suddenne, Biþinne daies fiue, þat schup gan ariue, 1295-6. On hearing of Fikenhild’s second treachery Horn exclaims, “Crist for his wundes fiue, To niȝt me þuder driue,” 1423-4, and then, Er þan horn hit wiste, To fore þe sunne vpriste, His schup stod vndur ture At Rymenhilde bure, 1435-39. From all which we can only conclude that ideas of direction and distance are very vague in the mind of the English composer.

In regard to the kingdom of Suddenne, some have thought that the name must be connected with Suðdene mentioned in Beowulf, which would make Suddenne refer to some place in northern Europe, possibly in Denmark. (Parallelism with the Havelok would also support this opinion.) But neither the proper names of the story, nor the phonology of the word Suddenne itself, support this view. Ward[I-9] suggests that the name is a mere vague poetical designation, and brings together historical facts and internal evidence in the attempt to determine the definite place. He cites the name Hornesbeorh on the Isle of Purbeck, Dorsetshire, calls attention to the phrase in King Horn, “y come into þis yle,” referring to the Sarazin incursion in which Horn’s father was killed, and from the fact that “it was upon Dorsetshire that a descent of the Northmen took place, which was the first recorded appearance in Wessex, and which evidently made a great impression upon the people,” concludes that “Dorsetshire has a very fair claim to be considered the birthplace of the Horn legend.”

One is loath, however, to let go the only thread that seems to lead to an explanation of the name Suddenne itself. Francisque Michel was the first to point out that in the Brit. Mus. text of Gaimar’s L’estorie des Engleis, one reads that “Edelbrit fu feit reis de Kent E de Sudeine ensement,” vv. 955-6. In spite of the fact that the other three versions have; one, Surrie, the other two Suthreie, one is tempted to cling to this clew, and the fact that in the same manuscript later, Gaimar, in referring to the same political division says,[I-10] “Puis regnat son fiȝ, E Adelstán, un rei gentils, Li uns out Westsexe, e laltre Kent, Suthdreie, e Suthsexe ensement, vv. 2388-91, gives ground for the supposition that Sudeine[I-11] may refer collectively to Surrey and Sussex. In that case the coast of Sussex was probably the scene of the first act in the Horn drama.

Whichever of these views is the true one, we may be reasonably certain that the Suddenne in the mind of the composer of K. H. lay on the south coast of England. Knowing this, we may perhaps determine, at least approximately, the situation of Westernesse. In the Harleian and Laud MSS., the messenger sent to seek Horn, says, Ich seche from Westnesse horn knight of estnesse,” which indicates that the composer conceives Westernesse to be west of Suddenne. Further it is very certain, as Ward (as above, p. 449) points out, that an early version of the Horn story has supplied several of the incidents of the Hereward. The influence of the story of Horn on the Hereward is particularly obvious in chapters 4-6, where Hereward gets into trouble at the court of a king of Cornwall named Alef, by killing a champion who had claimed the princess in marriage; Hereward is imprisoned, but is released by the princess, who sends him to her chosen lover, the son of a king of Ireland; a letter subsequently reaches him, saying that she is about to be forced into marriage with another Irish prince. Hereward reaches Cornwall again, visits the bridal feast in disguise, and is presented with the cup by the princess. “This,” as Ward remarks, “is certainly some evidence that the Westnesse or Westernesse of our poem may be taken to signify Cornwall. The name, Aylmar (i.e. Athelmar), also does not oppose this view. The name was a very common one in South England, and was borne by two of the Aldermen of Devonshire, who seem to have had some authority over Cornwall also, one about 930, another in the early part of the 11th century, and both bearing the epithet ‘Ailmer the Great.’”

Another possible explanation of Westernesse may be suggested. The duplication of names and incidents in Westernesse and Ireland has been referred to above. The -er suffix of Westernesse certainly suggests the -r termination in Westir (the name in R. H.), which is probably a Norse name for Ireland (cf. the other Norse names in Ireland: Thurston, Regnild, = Norse Ragnhilda, and Harild. Cf. also R. H. 2184 H, quoted above, p. xviii), and it is not at all impossible to conceive that in the original, simpler form of the story, there were but two scenes to this drama, and that Westernesse of the English version, and Westir of the Norman version, alike refer to Ireland, only that on account of the amplification of the story, one came to think of Aylmar’s kingdom as in England, and added a -nesse to the Norse form Westir (Vestr) so as to make the term fit a promontory on the western end of the south coast of England, in Devonshire or in Cornwall.

[Footnote I-9: Ward (H. L. W.), Catalogue of Romances in the British Museum, I, 450.]

[Footnote I-10: Aethelwulf was King of Kent, Surrey and Sussex (Gaimar, 2391. Cf. also 2476, 2480-82). Aethelstan had Wessex, for see 2480-82. Aethelwulf was defeated by the Danes (2440-46), and was avenged by his brother Aethelstan, who defeated the Danes (2480-83).]

[Footnote I-11: All three MSS. of K. H. say of Horn’s father, “king he wes by weste,” perhaps referring to this western division of the eastern kingdom. Asser visits Alfred at the latter’s royal ‘vill’ which is called Denne. East Dene (or Dean) and West Dene are two villages near Chichester. There are also two villages of the same name near Eastbourne.]

§ 5. STYLE.

As we have seen, the story of Horn belongs to a second growth of English story. The manner of expression, and the general movement of the story are quite different from those peculiar to Anglo-Saxon poetry, lacking almost entirely the parallelism,--the appositional construction and the heaped-up epithets, or kennings of the earlier stories. With the large French element in the vocabulary, there seems to have been introduced a manner of expression more like the French than like the earlier English. The movement is direct, and the imagery very simple and popular. Cf. He was briȝt so þe glas. He was whit so þe flur, Rose red was his colur, 14-16, Also blak so eny cole, 624. Also he sprunge of stone, 1102, etc. In this respect King Horn is less closely linked with the past than is Layamon’s Brut, which was composed in the West Midlands, where the OE. traditions in poetry persisted the longest. The Brut, while presenting many of the modern features of manner and of phrase, still preserves much of the manner of the past. There are in King Horn a number of the conventionalized phrases, to be found also in Layamon (cf. Notes to vv. 11, 67, 69, etc.), but the number of such instances is much smaller than one would have expected, and if Layamon’s West Midland work represents an earlier stage than King Horn in the development from the Anglo-Saxon manner of writing, the composer of Horn has certainly been subjected to many new and modernizing influences.

The very element in common between Layamon and King Horn is, perhaps, the new, the modern phraseology more often than the old phraseology rooted in the past. While, then, there are but few traces of the older English poetic phraseology, there is much in common between King Horn and the romances of the 13th and 14th centuries. The language in King Horn seems to be already again crystallizing into new conventional forms. In spite of the different demands of the metre of Horn from those of the later, more regular, forms of versification, there are a very great number of stereotyped phrases common to King Horn and to the contemporary and succeeding romances composed in the other metre. I have brought together in the Notes a number of instances of this agreement in phraseology. The minor elements, also, are often rather mediæval than Anglo-Saxon, and the customs described, the princess’s manner of receiving visitors, the manner of salutation in meeting and in parting, etc., if truly representing the manners of the time of the composition of King Horn, soon became conventionalized and common to the whole body of Middle English romance. (Cf. Notes to vv. 315, 319, 321, 403, 537, 739, etc.) In these respects the composer of K. H. no doubt at times follows the conventional mode of composition of his time, but he is probably also at times an innovator, for several scenes in Horn seem to have been prototypes directly imitated in later romances in the Ipomydon and in the Richard Coeur de Lion. (Cf. Notes to 239 ff., 264.)

On the whole, then, we see that the language of King Horn is much less influenced, than one would expect, by older English models. The language of the second growth of story seems to have fallen into new conventional moulds quite independent of the older tradition.


As we have seen, the phraseology of King Horn shows relatively little trace of influence by the older English traditional stereotyped forms of expression. In this respect if Layamon is the link connecting native English poetry with the past, King Horn is the link joining to the newer traditions of poetry, which were forming. For, as we have seen, if King Horn has some phrases in common with Layamon, these are the modern forms of expression more often than the phrases rooted in the older English tradition. And, as we have seen, while King Horn has relatively little of phraseology inherited from the past, it has a multitude of stereotyped phrases in common with the poetry of contemporary and later composition (cf. Notes). In the same way in versification, if Layamon is the link connecting with the Anglo-Saxon mode of versification, King Horn is the link connecting with the newer mode, of Romance or mediæval Latin origin.

The exact theory of the versification of King Horn remains yet to be established. Luick in his article in Paul’s Grundriss offers the very ingenious hypothesis that in the ‘beginnings of English as well as of German rimed verse, we have before us the coming to light again of the primitive Teutonic measured song verse.’ This hypothesis, though ingenious and plausible, does not admit of verification, and it is perhaps safer to adhere to the view of Schipper (Grundriss der englischen Metrik), who sees in Layamon’s verse the direct traditional descendants of the OE. types, and in King Horn a further development of the versification of Layamon.

We see then, probably, in the versification of King Horn a transitional stage in the development of native English metre, connecting, as we have seen, more closely with the future than with the past. It was probably the occurrence in each verse of two syllables marked from the other syllables by a stronger stress, that gave rise to a feeling of uniformity in rhythm. This tendency toward uniformity in rhythm was fostered by the regular introduction of rime, for since the riming syllable naturally bore one of the two verse accents, and since the riming syllables in two riming verses would occupy the same relative position, hence in a riming verse the second of the two verse accents must balance with that in the other verse of the pair, and the balance established between the second pair of accents would naturally lead to a complete balance between the two verses. In other words the two verses would be levelled to the same rhythm.

The regular introduction of rime was, no doubt, attended by the gradual loss of alliteration, which would cease to be significant as marking the verse accent, since it could hardly be made to fall regularly on the same syllable with the rime, and would hence be merely an unorganic adornment of the verse. As the position of the two verse accents came to be a fixed one, there seems to have been a tendency by raising some of the syllables bearing merely a logical stress, to rhythmic importance, thus to bring about a verse with regular measure.

The most natural products of this development are the two types: (1) with three accents and feminine rime, the natural product of the OE. A, D, and C metrical types, (2) with four accents and masculine rime, the natural product of the OE. B and E types. These forms of verse were very similar, as Schipper has pointed out (as above, § 39), to two popular Romance forms of verse--namely: the first form, three accents with feminine ending, to the half verses of the Alexandrine; and the second form, four accents with masculine ending, to the verses of the short riming couplets and to the first member of the septenar. The development toward regular measure, which had its origin as explained above, was furthered by the influence of the Romance and Mediæval Latin forms of verse. In certain ME. poems, notably the Bestiary, there are to be found verses constructed regularly after Romance or Mediæval Latin models along with native forms in all the stages of development:

1. His muð is yet wel unkuð Wið pater noster and crede; Faren he norð, er fare he suð Leren he sal his nede.   vv. 112-15.

2. Ðe mire muneð us Mete to tilen, Longe liuenoðe, ðis little wile.   vv. 273-6. Ðe leun stant on hille And he man hunten here.   vv. 1-2.

The native forms must have been influenced by this close association with foreign forms.

To these conditions and to this course of development we must probably attribute the origin of the versification in King Horn. The rime has become a regular and essential element, the alliteration, a rare and unessential element in the verse. The forms mark a transitional stage in development, but are more closely related to the new than to the old. There has been a half-hearted attempt to introduce regularity of measure, but the rhythm of the OE. types has still influenced the ear of the composer. The most frequent verse form is the one with three accents and feminine rime, about 1300 verses (Schipper). This is developed from the OE. through a stronger accent on one of the original theses; e.g., king he was biweste so longe so hit laste, vv. 5, 6 C, where the measure has been developed from the OE. #A.# type through stronger stress on was and so respectively. Sometimes the original OE. #A.# type is preserved; e.g., Hi slóȝen and fúȝten þe níȝt and þe úȝten, 1473-4 C. But that this was not considered normal is shown by the fact that the other two texts, #L# and #H#, have made these two verses quoted, fit into the new normal form, by adding a new syllable in each verse, so that we have in MS. L, He smýten ánd he foúten þe nýȝt and éke þe oúȝten, vv. 1473-4 L. Cf. also H. The next most frequent type is the one with four accents and masculine rime; e.g., Here sone hauede to name horn; Feyrer child ne micte ben born, 9, 10 L. Less frequent types are; that with three accents and masculine ending, e.g., þu art gret and strong, Fair and euene long, 99-100 C; and that with four accents and feminine rime, e.g., To deþe he hem alle broȝte, His fader deþ wel dere hi boȝte, 951-2 C (but cf. #L# and #H#, which have more normal forms).

While nearly all the verses may be made to fit into one of the types mentioned above, there are some which do not fit naturally into any one of the new types, but which seems rather to be a stereotyped form handed down from OE. tradition; e.g., Bi þe se side (OE. #C# type) 35, of alle wymmanne (OE. C type) 71, Wringinde here honde (OE. E type) 118, Bi þe se brinke 151, In to a galeie 199, He was þe faireste 187 C. (OE. #C# types). (Cf. L which tries to make this verse fit better into the new versification, For þat he was fayrest), We ben of sodenne 189 L, Of Cristene blode (OE. type E) 191 C. And þi fairnesse 227 C. þoru out westnesse 228 L (MS. C adapts the verse by changing the westnesse of L. H. to West{er}nesse).

Compound proper names seem to have been a source of confusion. Should both[I-12] elements of the name receive stress, primary and secondary, as in OE., or should only one? Notice the struggles of the scribes with verse 169: Hy metten wiþ almair king C, Metten he with aylmer king L, metten hue Eylmer, þe kyng H. Also 257. Ailbrus gan lere C, And aylbrous gan leren L, Aþelbrus gon leren H. On the whole the scribes have been fairly successful in making the native material fit into the new forms, but not unfrequently may be detected traces of the rhythm of the native OE. types, especially of the C type.

[Footnote I-12: The rimes throughout indicate that the second syllables in compound words and the more important suffixes still bore an accent. Cf. 169-70, 199-200, 209-10, 219-20, 1353-4, etc.]


In what dialect King Horn was originally composed, it is not easy to determine. This is a particularly difficult matter because the real pronunciation is disguised behind a great diversity of written forms. Under the circumstances the only safe guide is to be found in the rimes. Even these are very unsatisfactory since they are too few to permit any safe generalizations. For instance, it is impossible to apply satisfactorily Prof. Hempl’s -wǭ-, -wō- test (cf. Journ. of Germ. Phil. I, pp. 14-30). In a similar way it is impossible to apply Pogatscher’s ingenious test by means of the shortened product of WG. ā, WS. ǣ (cf. Anglia, xxiii, pp. 301 ff.) because of want of rime material. Another difficulty in using the rime-test is the double pronunciation indicated, notably in the case of WS. -eald-, éa- as the result of contraction (e.g. WS. sléan), and of words with initial palatal ȝ- (e.g., WS. geong). Cf. examples below.

From a consideration of the phonology of the poem Wissmann concludes (King Horn, Untersuchungen, Strassburg, 1876, p. 33) that, “Im Allgemeinen ist der Charakter des Vocalismus ein südöstlicher, der jedoch von dem kentischen in vielen Punkten sich unterscheidet. Die grösste Wahrscheinlichkeit hat Essex als Gegend der Entstehung für sich.” A further investigation reveals to me no reason for dissenting from this view. Some of the more prominent features of the phonology are as follows:

In all of the three MSS. the sign æ has been disused. In its place occurs, now a, now e, so that the indication of pronunciation is often ambiguous. That the letter a sometimes denotes the æ sound seems certain (cf. Wissmann, Untersuchungen, as above, p. 10). The original pure #ă#, as in some districts of America, had nearly disappeared, or been lengthened, or become o or part of a diphthong. The letter a was thus left free to denote the æ sound, though sometimes assisted in this function by the letter e.

OE. æ̆ and OE. ǣ (ē) shortened.

In the North and the Midland, OE. æ̆ and ǣ (umlaut of WG. ai) shortened, appear as a, OE. (WS.) ǣ (= WG. ā) shortened usually as e. In the West-Southern and Middle-Southern, (1) early writings have e (æ, ea), (2) later writings have a. In Kentish and East-Southern the prevailing vowel is e. (Cf. Morsbach, §§ 96-105.)

In K. H. OE. æ̆ appears (1) in C usually as a (one exception bed 536), (2) in H as e, e.g., sumwet : net 725-6, (3) in L as a or e. OE. ǣ (i-umlaut) shortened seems to have been written the same. Cf. 5-6, 653-4, 1249-50, with some variations from the rule in 21-2, 553-4, 1305-6, 701-2 C H. The pronunciation of this shortened OE. ǣ (i-umlaut) seems to have been e. Cf. geste : feste 553-4, 1305-6, biweste : laste 5-6. Apparent evidence to the contrary are haste : laste 653-4 C L (but beste : leste H), and icaste : ilaste 701-2 C H (but keste L), hadde : ladde 21-2, hadde : dradde 1249-50 C L, but hedde : dredde 1249-50 H.

Note 1. OE. (WS.) ǣ must have had a close pronunciation (ẹ̄) if we may judge from the rimes; here : lere 241-2, lede : ȝede 309-10 C, ete : suete 1349-50, lere : yfere 257-8, swete : forlete 231-2, seche : speche 183-4, 483-4, etc. Or perhaps we must conclude that ẹ̄ close and ę̄ open were not carefully distinguished in rime, for cf. stede : drede 273-4 C, and Note 2.

Note 2. OE. a when lengthened in open syllables seems to have had an open ę̄ sound. Cf. makede : verade 179-80, þere : fare 497-8 L H, speke : take 567-8, þere : aylmere 537-8 L, C H, 1613-14, ȝate : late 1123-4 C, 1593-4 C, brake : gate 1157-8 C, lede : made 1501-2 L H, slape : rape 1531-2 C. Cf. also the ai : ei rimes. L and H write ai, ay, ei, and ey without distinction. Cf. 1087-8 L, 1361-2 C, 1399-1400, etc.

Note 3. Pogatscher’s ingenious test (Anglia, xxiii, 301 ff.) can not be applied here, because, so far as I can see, there are no instances of rimes with shortened OE. ǣ (WG. ā). This ǣ with original length occurs in rime, now with a lengthened in open syllable (cf. Note 2, above), now with ē. Cf. seche : speche 183-4, swete : forlete 231-2, etc.

On the whole, then, we may conclude that it is possible to assume for K. H. the East-Southern product e, but that if we do so we must also assume either inaccuracy in the rimes or a mixed dialect.

WS. ea before l + consonant is written, sometimes eld, sometimes old. It seems also to have had a double pronunciation. Both pronunciations are supported by rimes. Such rimes as welde : ȝelde 513-14 C H, felde : welde 451-2 H, bihelde : felde 901-2, support one pronunciation based on the OE. (WS.) breaking ea before l + cons., while Admirad : bald C, amyraud : baud L, Admyrold : bold H 95-6, seem to testify to the unbroken sound in OE. lengthened before -ld to ā and then opened to ǭ. For other instances with varying spelling cf. 17-18, 323-4, 397-8, 639-40, 1499-1500. In v. 497 the L reading talede seems to represent the OE. broken form as opposed to the unbroken form tolde in #C# and #H#.

OE. ĕ. There are many instances of e : i rimes. But it is seemingly impossible to determine thereby much concerning the dialect. (Cf. Morsb. §§ 109, 114, N. 1.) For examples of this rime, cf. wïlle : telle 383-4, 1015-16 C; stille : duelle 393-4 C; þikke : nekke 1327-8; snelle : wille 1581-2 C, etc.

The form sigge seems to belong especially to the South-East. (Morsb. 114, N. 1, 109, N. 4, also Wissman, King Horn, p. xiv.) Cf. K. H. vv. 1367-8, ligge : wiþsegge C, ligge : sigge L; lygge : wiþsugge H.

OE. ȳ̆, umlaut of ū̆ offers many difficulties. It is represented in writing by y, i, u, e. The rimes show the prevailing sound to have been e; e.g., Suddenne : kenne 155-6, 923-4, pelle : fulle 421-2, leste : beste 505-6, also 617-18, 671-2, 647-8, 703-4, 917-18, 919-20 L, 805-6, 795-6, 1479-80, 1637-8, 1341-2, 1367-8, etc. But cf. y : i in kesse : ywisse 461-2 C H, liȝte : driȝte 1405-6 C. That y : i rimes should occur, might be expected in view of the vague distinction between e and i as shown by the e : i rimes, but the number of y : e rimes attests to a pronunciation e. This is the strongest available evidence that K. H. was composed in the south-eastern district.

That the dialect of King Horn is a mixed dialect is supported by the treatment of æ above, by the double pronunciation of WS. -eald, and by further double pronunciations. OE. (WS.) slēan, flēan seem to have had double pronunciations. The ō pronunciation is attested to by the rime, slon : vpon C, slon : on L H, 47-8. The OE. e͞a is rendered probable by the written forms, sle : fle 1467-8 C, etc. Other double pronunciations are ȝonge : ispronge 579-80, and more frequently the i rime ȝonge : bringe 295-6, ringe : ȝonge 599-600.

Prof. Hempl’s -wǭ-, -wō- test does not yield very definite results in this text, but seems to indicate a southern dialect. Cf. two : þo 53-4 C, 37-8 L H, go : also 103-4, 107-8 L H, wo : þo 121-2, 279-80. But cf. wo : do 291-2. This might perhaps be cited as another evidence of mixed dialect.

For consonants we have no definite rime tests, and consequently can learn concerning them little more than the scribal preferences. In all three texts, however, the southern forms are the favoured ones; e.g. ȝeue, ȝate. Here again, however, we have double forms; e.g. wurche : chirche 1481-2, but werke : derke 1547-8 C H; yliche : riche 19, 20, 357-8; ilike : biswike 305-6, though, perhaps, we are to seek the explanation of these double forms in difference of vowel-ending rather than in difference of dialect.

From the inflections as from the consonants we can gain no very exact information, and for the same reason. The evidence, however, such as it is, points in the same direction, toward the south. The regular endings of the present indicative seem to be -e, -est, -eþ for the singular and -eþ for the plural. The forms are not numerous on account of the infrequent use of the present tense. There are some departures from these normal endings. ben occurs occasionally in the plural of the verb ‘be’; e.g. 882 L, 1643 C L, 177 H. Other traces of the Midland ending -en are to be seen, wilen 2 L, 7 H, etc. Such forms as þou seydes 588 L, þou biginnes 608 L, wepes þou 696 L, are probably to be explained as mistakes of the scribe of this MS., who frequently leaves off a final consonant.

The conservative forms of the past participle, preserving the old prefix as i- or y-, also indicate a southern dialect for the scribes at least.

The personal pronouns preserve the conservative southern forms, rare exceptions being sche 380 L, in place of the normal he, and þei 1557 C, þe 55 L, for the normal hi.

From what has been said above, it seems fairly certain that the original dialect was a southern one, and probably a south-eastern one. There are, however, some features which distinguish the dialect of Horn from the Kentish. (Cf. Morsbach, § 9, b.) For instance, I may cite the history of the breaking ea before r + cons. In K. H. this is usually written a. (Cf. 481-2, 751-2, 1147-8.) But in case of lengthening before -rn, we see that the OE. broken ea pronunciation must have been the basis; e.g., werne : berne C L, werne : berne H, 753-4, 985-6, 749-50 L, 1513-14 H, erne : werne 937-8 H. The combinations ē̆o, ī̆o, ēa are very regularly monophthonged, not preserving any of the Kentish diversity of form.

The time of composition must have been fairly late, as we must infer from the number of French words even in the rimes. That K. H. was composed later than the beginning of the 13th century, we may conclude from the fact that OE. ā has been regularly converted into -ǭ-. Cf. drof : of 129-30, forsoke : loke 799-800, etc. That it was composed in the second half of the century seems certain from the regularity of the conversion of ā to ǭ-, and further from the lengthening of short vowels in open syllables. Of this latter phenomenon we have very few certain instances. Such rimes, however, as þere : fare 497-8 L H and stede : drede 273-4 C, seem to be certain enough. (Cf. also 179-80, 537-8, 567-8, 1123-4 C, 1157-8 C, 1501-2 L H, 1531-2 C, 1613-14.)


The English story of King Horn is preserved in three MSS.

1. The Cambridge University MS. Gg. 4. 27, 2, which forms the nucleus of the present volume, is merely a fragment of fourteen folios. It contains on its first folios the latter part of the story of Floris and Blauncheflur, which is printed in the present volume. This is followed by King Horn entire, which is followed by the fragment, printed in this volume, of the Assumption.

The Cambridge MS. is written in a very plain book-hand, apparently of the latter half of the 13th century. The folios are written in double columns, and occasionally, since the lines are short, two lines are joined in one. The initial letters are written a little apart from the rest, and are marked with strokes of red.

This text of King Horn is the one printed by Lumby in the first edition of the present volume.

2. Laud Misc. MS. 108 is well known because containing one of the earliest collections of legends. It contains sixty-one legends (the Southern Cycle) followed by three religious poems, these in turn followed by the romances of Havelok and Horn, and these followed by three further legends, in a later hand of the 15th century.

The MS. is written in double columns on parchment, and probably dates back to 1325. The texts of Horn and Havelok are written in a fine book-hand. The lives that are appended are written in a later, much less formal hand.

[For full description of the MS. and its contents, see C. Horstmann, Altenglische Legenden, pp. x-xii, Paderborn, 1875.]

This text of King Horn is printed by C. Horstmann in Herrig’s Archiv, 1872, pp. 39-58.

3. Harleian MS. 2253 is well known to all connoisseurs of early lyric poetry. It seems to be the collection of a genuine lover of poetry. In the words of the Brit. Mus. Catalogue it is, “A parchment book in small folio, written by several hands, upon several subjects; partly in old French, partly in Latin, and partly in old English; partly in prose, partly in verse.” The lyrical poems have been reprinted by T. Wright (Specimens of Lyric Poetry, Percy Society, London, 1842), who believes that the collection had its origin in the Abbey of Leominster in Herefordshire. The English poems have also been published by Dr. K. Böddeker (Altenglische Dichtungen des MS. Harl. 2253. Berlin, 1878).

The MS. is written in an informal, but legible hand, probably of the early 14th century. The writer of the text of King Horn seems to have been acquainted with the French version of the story, as we must infer from his substitution of Allof (R. H. aaluf) for Murry. The word geste in the heading, and the French orthography throughout, together with occasional forms as enimis 1024 H, nom. sing. of enemy (cf. Note), 659 H, maister gen. sing., 123 L, Horns, nom. sing. go along with the evidence of the French associations of the MS., to make us believe that the scribe was an Anglo-Norman.

This text of King Horn has been printed by J. Ritson (Anc. Engl. Metr. Rom., London, 1882, II, pp. 91-155).

We thus see that for the preservation of King Horn we are indebted to (1) a fragment of a collection of stories, (2) a southern collection of legends, to which have been appended Havelok and Horn, (3) a genuine literary collection probably made in Herefordshire by an Anglo-Norman.

Of these MSS. no one is derived from either of the others. To indicate their interrelations, I will borrow the diagram of Wissmann expressing the result of his studies in this matter. (Cf. Wissmann, King Horn, p. v, Strassburg, 1881.)


U / \ / \ / x / / | / / | / / | y | / \ | / \ | / \z / / \ H / \ / \ L C ]


§ 1. Introductory, p. xxx. § 2. History, p. xxx. § 3. English Version, p. xxxvii. § 4. Dialect, p. xxxix. § 5. Date of Composition, p. xli. § 6. Versification, p. xlii. § 7. Manuscripts, p. xlii.


If in King Horn we have a story Germanic in descent, and betraying everywhere traces of its Germanic origin, in Floris and Blauncheflur we have a romance of extraneous, probably ultimately of oriental origin, and the contrast is in many ways interesting and instructive. The love element, which in King Horn plays so large a part, in Fl. and Bl. is the all in all. This story of all-absorbing passion, which in spite of seemingly insurmountable obstacles and desperate perils, in the end reunites the devoted lovers, was one of the most popular during the Middle Ages, and one of the earliest to be imported from the East. The history of the tale vies in interest with the story itself. The story in a perplexing variety of versions spread over all the countries of Christendom, as we shall see later. It seems to be the basis of the charming chantefable, Aucassin and Nicolete, which Andrew Lang and Walter Pater have made so well known to the modern world. The English version, which unfortunately is incomplete at the beginning in each one of the four manuscripts in which it has been written down, was probably derived directly from one of the French versions, as we shall see.


(a) Origin.

The story of Floris and Blauncheflur is probably an oriental product, and shows many traces of Byzantine influence. It was one of the first of these oriental tales to be retailed in the Occident and had a wide circulation in all the countries of western Christendom, from Spain and Italy to the Scandinavian North. Its route from East to West it is not easy to trace with certainty, though the Crusades were quite probably the means of its importation. Further than this it is not easy to determine. The Provençals, whose active part in the Crusades is well known, may have been the agents, or, as is so often the case with the oriental tales, it may have been imported in a Latin dress.

The history of the story in the West is complicated on account of the puzzling multiplicity of versions among which it is sometimes exceedingly difficult to determine the interrelations. The clue to the difficulty was early hinted at by Sommer (E. Sommer, Einl. zu R. Fleckes Flore und Blaunscheflur, Quedlingburg und Leipzig, 1846), and more recently the matter has been very thoroughly explained by Herzog (H. Herzog, Die beiden Sagenkreise von Flore und Blanscheflur, Wien, 1884) in his investigation of the subject. Herzog points out that there are to be distinguished in the Occident, two distinct general versions of the story. In the first of these, #A#, seems to be preserved the story in its original and genuine form. The second of these versions, #B#, seems to be a remodelling of the original version in the attempt to adapt to common folk a story in its existing form intended for higher circles of society.[I-13] For this purpose slight allusions in #A#, are expanded in #B# into striking incidents. To bring out into strong light the injustice of Floris’s father and the final triumph of true love, supernatural and horrible elements and episodes are introduced. Since these new elements are of a kind common in other Byzantine tales, it is concluded that the remodelling of the story had already taken place before the importation from the East.

The second of these imported versions, #B#, first circulated in Italy, in Spain and in Greece. It also seems, somewhat indirectly as we shall see, to have served as a basis for the second French version and for one group of the German Volksbücher. The versions of #B#, if we leave the second French version out of consideration, all represent the parents of Blauncheflur as Italian, and in part have the same names for the characters. This circumstance, with other corroborating facts, seems to indicate that version #B# first took root in Italy, and from there spread into Spain and into Greece, possibly its original home.

Version #A#, on the other hand, seems first to have been imported into France, the great jobbing nation of the Middle Ages in all sorts of romantic stuffs and materials. From France it was early retailed to Germany, to England, to Scandinavia, and, possibly, to Italy. From Germany in turn it was re-exported into Bohemia. Version #A# was without doubt the first to become known, since we find it not only in the Old French, but in the Germanic versions springing from a French source, in an unperverted state. All the different versions of #B#, on the other hand, have been very noticeably influenced by #A#, indicating that the arrival of #B# was after #A# had become established and well known.

(b) In France.

We encounter the story of Floris and Blauncheflur earliest in France, and the French seem to have been the first to make the story a subject for poetic treatment. The story appears in French, besides in two songs celebrating episodes in this tale of true love, in two distinct versions. The earliest of these versions, which we may designate as I., had its origin, it seems, about 1160.[I-14] (Cf. F. Steinmeyer, H Z, xxi, 319.) Certain it is that a French version of #A# must have existed about 1170, to serve as a basis for one of the German (the low Rhenish) versions, Floyris und Blanscheflur. This French version, #I#, seems to represent fairly well the #A# general form of the story. As so often in the case of other romances, the jongleurs tried to bring this foreign importation into the cycle of French story by connecting in bonds of kinship, its characters with the names celebrated in French epic. Blauncheflur is represented as being the mother of Bertha of the big foot, the wife of Pepin, father of Charlemagne.[I-15]

Du Méril (E. du Méril, Floire et Blancheflor, Paris, 1876) in discussing the interrelations of the two French versions, characterizes one as a version for a select public, “version aristocratique,” and the second as a version for the entertainment of the masses, “version populaire.” The French II. version, the “version populaire,” is, according to Herzog, p. 4, the result of a sort of fusion of the #A# and #B# general forms of the story,[I-16] with which have been woven in various episodes which elsewhere are not known to either general form of the story, #A# or #B#. Herzog further on continues (p. 11), “Ich halte dafür dass dieselbe (the OF. II. version) ebenfalls aus Italien nach Frankreich hinübergewandert ist, wo ihr Bearbeiter den Inhalt des zweiten Kreises mit dem ihm geläufigen ersten Kreise so verschmolzen hat, dass dieser einige nur dem zweiten Sagenkreise angehörige Züge ganz verdrängte.”

The general style and manner of handling the story is quite different in the two French versions. The “version aristocratique” preserves the traits of an oriental romance, and Floire is represented as a love-sick youth. “Sans li ne puis jou pas aprendre” he replies when his father proposes to educate him alone. There is hardly a more sentimental passage in literature than the one in I. (212-266) describing the school-days of the children:

Ensamble vont, ensamble vienent Et la joie d’amor maintient Nus d’aus deus chose ne savoit Que lués a l’autre ne disoit. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . On ooient parler d’amors. Ensamble lisent et aprendent; A la joie d’amor entendent: Un vergier a li peres Floire .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . D’amors i chantent li oisel. Quant il mangoient et bevoient Li oisel seure aus se séoient; Des oiseles oent les chans: Cou est la vie as deus enfans. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . Et quant a l’escole venoient Lor tables d’yvoire prenoient, Adont lor veissiez escrire Letres et vers d’amors en cire. Letres et salus font d’amors Du chant des oisiaus et des flors.

The writer of I. is evidently a genuine poet, though perhaps somewhat of the ‘spring poet’ order. He exalts the sentiment of love, as we have seen, and feelingly describes the elaborately constructed tomb (vv. 530-652), the finely wrought cup (vv. 431-498), and the birds and flowers and fountains and trees of the gardens of the king and of the ‘Admiral.’ He dwells in sensuous fondness in his enumeration equally of the fine stuffs and precious stones; the mantiaus, vairs osterins and bliaus indes porprins (429-30), or the saffirs and calcidoines and boines jagonses and sardoines, etc. (1755-77), and of flowers and trees; the “poivre, canele et garingal,” or the “encens, girofle et citoval,” or the beuns, the plantoine, the alïer, the boins figiers, the peschiers, the periers and the noiers (1761-8).

The “version populaire,” on the other hand, seems to be adapted somewhat to the ideal of the native French epic, and Floire is represented as a model of courage and knightly virtue, in a class with the douze pers and the other heroes of the Charlemagne cycle of stories. The writer interpolates scenes in which Floire may display his fighting qualities. In the early part of the story, he returns from school just in time to rescue Blauncheflur, who is about to be committed to the flames. He accomplishes her rescue by acting as her champion and fighting the seneschal, who has accused her of attempting to poison the king. The combat is a stirring one quite in the manner of the Chansons de geste (vv. 920-1160). On the journey to Babylon, Floire has heroic adventures in a battle with Diogenes, son of Samones, king of the city of Fusis (1854-1984). Later, when the trial of Fl. and Bl. is interrupted by the arrival of an invader, Jonas de Handreas, Fl. offers to vanquish the invaders if his life be spared. At first he is unsuccessful in his attempt, but after being taken prisoner by the invaders, he is aroused by the reproachful words of Bl. and breaking loose, slays Jonas, thus delivering the city and winning Bl. (3120-3410). The writer of II. emphasizes the battle scenes at the expense of the descriptive passages, devoting to the description of the tomb only 32 verses, and to that of the wonderful cup, only 14. He seems also to be of a practical turn of mind, and instead of fondly enumerating the gems received for Bl., describes rather the circumstances of the sale. Babyloine is a rich city with no poor, and has a rent of three thousand ounces of gold each day (vv. 2319, 2342). From all these instances one can see that the sweet and sentimental tale of the I. version is quite modified in II. If we agree with Herzog that this version was the result of the blending of the #B# version imported from Italy, with the #A# version, which was already well known in France, we must conclude also that this “version populaire” is influenced by the ideals of contemporary French poetry of native origin, by the manners and conventions of the chansons de geste, and the heroic romances springing from or influenced by them.

(c) Provence.

Among the troubadours of Provence the story of Fl. and Bl. was early known and popular, as one must judge from the very frequent allusions. There is, however, no proof of the existence of a Provençal romance.

(d) In Germany.

In Germany are to be encountered many versions of the popular story. The earliest one seems to have been the Low Rhenish poem Floyris and Blaunchiflur, of about 3700 lines, translated by an unknown poet about 1170 (Steinmeyer, H. Z. xxi, 307-331). To the middle of the 13th century belongs the MHG. poem in 8006 lines by Konrad Fleck, composed, quite independently of the Low Rhenish version above mentioned, after an OF. original. (Ed. by E. Sommer, Quedlingburg u. Leipzig, 1846.) Somewhat younger is the Mid. Low Germ. poem, Floris ende Blancefloer of 3983 lines (Ed. by H. von Fallensleben, Leipzig, 1836, and by H. E. Moltzer, Groningen, 1879, in the Bibl. van Middelnederlands Letterkunde). The poet, Dideric van Assenede, says, himself, that he derived his material from the “Walsche.”[I-17] As a matter of fact his original seems to have been French. To the third half of the 14th century belongs the Low Germ. poem Flosse un Blankflosse of 1534 lines (Ed. by Stephan Waetzoldt, Bremen, 1880), which also seems to go back to a French original.[I-18]

If we look more closely into the question of the French original of the German poems, we must assume a version, χ, earlier than the version preserved in the three existing MSS. of French I. version. These three MSS. may be classed into a group, z, whose chief characteristic is the attempted suicide of Floris in the Lion pit. This scene appears in two of the existing MSS., and the writer of the third MS. seems to have had the scene in his original but to have left it out. (Cf. H. Sundmacher, Die altfrz. u. mittelhd. Bearbeitung der Sage von Fl. und Bl., diss. Göttingen, 1872.) Among the German versions it appears only in the LG. Flosse un Blankflosse. The other German versions must rest on an OF. version, χ, which at the hands of Fleck[I-19] underwent an artistic reconstruction, but at the hands of Dideric was translated simply, without the addition of any new ideas by the adapter.

In addition to these early German versions must be mentioned two groups of Volksbücher: (1) from Boccaccio’s Filocolo, (2) from Fleck’s poem, also a Bohemian adaptation and a German Jewish adaptation, (Cf. Hausknecht, ed. of Fl. u. Bl., pp. 13-20, Berlin, 1885.)

(e) In Scandinavia.

Our story had a wide circulation also in the North, as one must infer from the number of Scandinavian versions preserved: (1) the old Norweg. fragment of a saga (ed. by G. Storm, Nordisk Tidskrift for Filologi og Pædagogik, Copenhagen, 1874, pp. 24-28), (2) the complete Icelandic saga of Flóres ok Blankiflúr, (3) the fragments of a second Icelandic Saga (ed. by Brynjolf Snorrason, Annaler for nordisk old kyndighed og historie, 1850); (4) the Old Swed. poem (ed. by E. Klemming, Samlingar utgifna af svenska formskrift-sällskapet, I., Stockholm, 1844); and (5) the Danish translations from the Swedish (ed. by C. J. Brandt, Romantisk Digtning fra Middelalderen, I. and II. København, 1869-77). The distinguishing characteristic of the Northern versions is the conclusion. According to the Norse version, Floris, to refute the charge that he has gained admittance to Bl.’s tower by the use of magic tricks, offers to fight in single combat the bravest of the Admiral’s knights. In the ensuing combat he overcomes the Admiral’s champion, and receives as his guerdon, Blauncheflur. If we accept Herzog’s conclusions (pp. 15, 35, 45-6, 66) we must assume as an original for the Scandinavian versions, a French original, N, with the ending peculiar to the Northern versions. The development from this original is shown by the following plan (also borrowed from Herzog, p. 92).

Fr. N \ \ Norw. M* / \ / \ / \ Icel. M Norw. N* / \ / \ / \ Icel. N Swed. | | Dan. ]

(f) In Italy.

In Italy also the story of Fl. and Bl. enjoyed great popularity. The two chief versions were: (1) the Cantare, written by a popular poet in ottave rime; and (2) Boccaccio’s youthful production, his first prose romance, Filocolo. That the I. version of the story, the one most popular in France, was also current in Italy, we see in these two versions, both of which show, in addition to the special traits of II., many traits peculiar to version I. To determine exactly the interrelations of these two versions is no easy matter. From allusions in the Filocolo we know that the Cantare was the older. Internal evidence, however, forbids the supposition that the Filocolo has sprung from the Cantare. Rather the two versions go back to a common source. This Italian, or Franco-Italian, version, which probably had no differences of real moment from the Cantare in its present form, must in many points have been more ample and complete, and in individual instances nearer the French tradition, than the Cantare is.

In connection with the Italian group must also be mentioned the Greek poem of Florios and Platziaflore, composed in the 14th century and founded upon the Cantare.

(g) In Spain.

In Spain we find allusion to our story already in the 13th century, when the Gran conquista de Vltramar refers to Fl. and Bl. as the most devoted pair of lovers that one had ever heard of. But there is no proof of the existence of a Spanish version of the story as early as this. In the year 1512, appeared at Alcala the prose romance, Flores y Blancaflor, which is current to the present day. The close relationship of this to the Italian versions is very evident. Its source, however, seems hardly to be directly the Cantare. The beginning of the Spanish romance, which is entirely peculiar to this version, points rather to a version in the North of Italy, which the Spanish adapter has quite probably translated into Spanish without important alteration.

[Footnote I-13: G. Paris distinguishes three general versions, two French versions and a third, “Roman” version, in which the parents of Blauncheflur are not French but Roman.]

[Footnote I-14: The evidence cited by G. Paris, consists of allusions to--(1) History of Troy, (2) Siege of Troy, (3) Aeneid, etc. The place of origin, according to G. Paris, was probably in the region about Beauvais, lying between Normandy, Picardy and the Île de France.]

[Footnote I-15: Perhaps this is a mere coincidence, since in a poem about Berthe, her father happens to be named ‘Florie,’ a Florie with a different history, roi de Hongrie. Later this relationship was commonly assumed. In the Gran Conquista de Vltramar, the story of Berthe is intercalated. She is daughter of Blancaflor and Flores.]

[Footnote I-16: G. Paris makes this II. version the sole representative of a third distinct form of the story, the 2^o of his general classification, 1^o, 2^o, 3^o.]

[Footnote I-17: That is to say, French or Italian.]

[Footnote I-18: This version was evidently not translated from a French MS. but written from memory. The details are not always exactly identical with those of the French, though often so, enough so to make the origin of the poem unmistakable though it is much condensed and the order of events somewhat transposed.]

[Footnote I-19: Fleck’s work is a paraphrase. The details are identical but are amplified to 8006 verses.]


The story of Fl. and Bl. found its way into England in the 13th century, that is to say, when it had been for a hundred years familiar to French hearers and after it had already spread into many lands outside of France. As has been said, the English version goes back to a French original. This original was certainly of the I. form. Of the features peculiar to the French II. version, the English version does not show one, while it agrees with the French I. version to the extent of exact translation of many phrases and verses and even of reproduction of French rime-words. At the same time the French original that lay before the English adapter can not have been the text exactly as it is preserved in any one of the three extant French MSS., but rather an older, or purer text which we have designated by χ, a distinguishing feature of which is the absence of the attempted suicide of Floris in the lion pit. The text that must be assumed as the original of the English poem must have been very similar to the original from which Fleck and Dideric derived their German versions, but not exactly identical as is evidenced by frequent slight divergences.

The English poet has not expanded and amplified by the addition of further details or by the introduction of personal reflections, as the German Fleck has done. He has presented the essential features of the love story as it impressed him, in a condensed form to be sure, at the same time without bareness or baldness. Unlike the adapter of the Low Rhenish condensed version, he has preserved the original order of incidents, and has usually preserved faithfully the smallest details that have any essential bearing on the plot.

Some idea of the English writer’s fidelity to the details and even to the phraseology of his French original, and of his method of translating, may be gained from the following parallel passages:

Que bien sorent parler latin Et bien escrivre en parchemin vv. 263-4.

Inouȝ þey couþ of latyne And wel wryte on parchemyn vv. 33-4.

Faites la moi tost demander Ja li ferai le chief couper. vv. 399-400.

Let do bryng forþ þat mayde, Fro þe body þe heved schal goo. vv. 140-41.

Et il l’a tant bien acatée Qu’a fin or l’a sept fois pesée. vv. 507-8.

Þe amyral hur bouȝt anoon And gafe for hur, as she stood upryȝt, Seven sythes of gold her wyȝt. vv. 194-6.

Ci gist la bele Blanceflor A cui Floires ot grant amor. vv. 651-2.

Here liþ swete Blauncheflur Þat Floris loved par amur. vv. 217-18.

Un grafe a trait de son rapier . . . . . . . . . . En son cuer bouter le voloit, Quant sa mere cou apercoit. vv. 787-890.

His knif he droȝ ut of his scheþe And to his herte hit hadde ismite, Nadde his moder hit underȝite. vv. 308-10.

The grafe is elaborately described in vv. 788-98:

Li roi li done un palefroi, Qui d’une part estoit tous blans, De l’autre rouges comme sans. vv. 964-6.

Þe king let sadel a palfray Þe oon half white, so mylke And þat oþer reed, so sylk. vv. 382-4.

Fius, fait ele, gardez le bien; Tant com l’aurez, mar cremez rien; Car vous ja rien ne requer(r)iez Que tost ou tard vous ne l’aiez vv. 1003-6.

Mi sone, he rede, have þis ring; While he is þin, ne dute noþing. . . . . . . . . . And be hit erli and be hit late To þi wil þu schalt habbe whate. vv. 393-8.

La le troevent ou siet, sous l’arbre, Sor un perron qui fu de marbre. vv. 1355-6.

Þe briggere he fond ate frome, Sittinde on a marble ston. vv. 558-9.

Le millor conseil que jou sai v. 1858.

Þe beste red þat ihc þe can v. 742.

Si maudient qui s i foula v. 2060.

Hi beden God ȝive him wel fin Þat so manie flures dide þerin vv. 855-6.

Des flors sali un paveillon Des eles feri mon menton; Del paveillon tel paor oi, Que m’escriai plus tost que poi vv. 2093-6.

Þer fliste ut a buterfliȝe, Are ihc wiste, on mine iȝe. So sore ihc uas offerd of þan, Þat ihc loude crie bigan vv. 889-92.

Bele compaigne, Blanceflor, Volez vous veoir bele flor? vv. 2117-18.

And sede, “Swete Blauncheflur, Wiltu se a wel fair flur?” vv. 897-8.

Damoisele qui a amor Et joie en soi, doit avoir flor. vv. 2124-30.

Ho þat loveþ par amur, An haþ þerof joie, mai love flur. vv. 903-4.

In spite of this number of tolerably exact correspondences, in word and phrase, with the French original, the English poem is a condensed adaptation rather than a slavish translation. As in the French II. version, the tender and sentimental element is much condensed; but the English writer, unlike the writer of French II., does not introduce the heroic and warlike element in the form of duels and battles. He does not amplify by adding new details, as Fleck did, nor does he confuse the order of incidents as does the adapter of the Low Rhenish version. He makes rather a faithful condensation quite after the manner of English adapters from the French, which is no doubt to be explained as due not so much to difference between the writers, English and French, as to a difference between the hearing publics, French and English, for whom the production was intended.[I-20]

No doubt with his English public in mind, the English poet, in adapting the story from the French, has modified to some extent the tenderness and sentimentality, even at times the poetic descriptions, of his French original (compare vv. 1117-1194 of the French with the corresponding English vv. 457-72), and has omitted the enumeration of gems and of precious stuffs suggestive of an elegance perhaps unintelligible to an English speaking and hearing public at this time. The wonderful cup, to the description of which 67 verses (431-498) are devoted in the French romance, in the English poem is dismissed with 17 verses (163-184). The garden so elaborately described in the French, vv. 1724-1835, in the English poem occupies only vv. 685-732. The description of the knife (grafe), which serves no other purpose than that of external adornment in the French version (vv. 788-799), is entirely neglected in the English translation. The translator’s method is well illustrated in the case of the description of Floris’s equipage preliminary to setting out on his journey. The description of the saddle and harness occupies 37 verses (964-1000) of the French poem, and is dismissed by the English translator with 5 (vv. 382-389), I ne can telle ȝou noȝt Hu richeliche þe sadel was wroȝt, and three verses following.

To sum up, the English version is a free, somewhat condensed, translation from the French I. version. The translator has introduced almost no new traits, and the extent of the condensation may be judged by considering the 1296 verses of the English as compared with the 2974 verses in the French I. version. The manner of the condensation has been indicated. But with all the condensation, especially in the descriptive passages, it is important to note that in the essential features of the story, the translator follows his original faithfully, so that the main outline of the story is preserved as accurately in English as in French.

[Footnote I-20: This same consideration, as we have seen, probably explains in part the difference between the English King Horn and the Norman French Horn et Rigmenil.]


In Fl. and Bl. as in King Horn it is difficult to distinguish certain criteria of dialect on account of the variety of orthography in the different manuscripts. Here again the only safe guide is the rimes, and the evidence of these is not entirely uniform for the different texts. There is a great difference in age between MS. C, the oldest, and MS. T, probably the youngest of the four MSS. Further there is a difference in the dialects represented by the different scribes. The scribes of MSS. C and Cott. were evidently southerners, and seem, here and there, to have twisted the verses around to make them fit the Southern dialect. On the other hand the later scribe of MS. T seems to have changed verses to make them fit his later dialect. Either the phrases are less stereotyped than in Horn or the poem was not so well known; in any event the scribes of the individual texts seem to have allowed themselves greater independence. The result is that the rime test here is not a sure one. The evidence of rimes in MS. C is not necessarily valid for MS. T, and vice versā; and which rimes indicate the pronunciation of the original composer, it is often difficult to say. If we bear these points in mind we may perhaps draw some satisfactory conclusions from the following criteria:

1. OE. ȳ̆ seems to have been pronounced ī̆. e.g.; cusseþ : blisse, custe : wiste 549-52 C, ywys : kysse 1067 T, winne : kinne 806 C, blisse : kisse 786 C, fylle : wylle 738 T, lyke : lyte 782 T. Only apparent exceptions are meene : kyne 274 T (these words do not rime together in the original), and bygge : segge 989 T. Ostesse : kysse belongs only to MSS. T and Auch.

2. If we apply Prof. Hempl’s -wǭ-, -wọ̄- test we find some evidence of a Midland dialect, e.g.; too : soo 94 T, vndoo : soo 74 T, also : doo 224 T, 764 C, soo : doo 64 T, 336 T, 624 T, so : fordo 307-8 C. This test applied to Fl. and Bl. is not certain in itself, but supports the other evidence. That the test is uncertain we see from the occurrence of apparently inaccurate rimes such as hoom : doom 1079 T, 802 C, and from a few rimes which oppose the evidence of those above cited, e.g., þoo : twoo 30 T, two : mo 218 T (and Cott.), so : go 438 C, 824 C, bo : atuo 548 C, 614 C, þo : so 666 C, also : bo 780 C, whoom : froom 70 T. It would seem then that the change had affected the ā in OE. swā but not in twā and hwā. It must be noted that all the quoted so rimes with ọ̄ occur in MS. C, which, as we shall see later, has a strong Southern colouring.

3. The product of OE. a before l + cons. seems to be a, or with lengthening before -ed, ō. e.g.; wal : cristal 273-4 C (also 609-10 T), wolde : golde 208 T, tolde : holde, sholde : holde 435-6 T (also 77-80 C), wolde : beholde 751 T (also 449-50 C), 769-70 T (also 471-2 C). Exceptions occur in the Southern MSS. e.g.; elde : helde 102 Cott., halle : welle 230 C, welle : alle 224 C, 280 C, but are not paralleled in MS. T.[I-21]

4. The inflectional endings of the pres. indic. seem to be -e, -est, -eþ for the singular. There are rimes to prove the 3rd sing. in -eþ; seith : withe 106 T, he sit : nabit 40 C, geþ : deþ 200 C (also T and Cott.), 422 C (also T). The plural ending is less evident. The Cambr. MS. has rcularly -eþ. e.g.; habbeþ 20, serueþ 1256, beoþ 294, 295, weneþ 314, leteȝ 448, chaungeþ 510, goþ, seoþ, spekeþ 708 C, crieþ 526; the T. MS. -en, e.g.; seruen 590 T, cryen 815 T, ben 909 T, etc. That the -eþ ending did not belong to the original we may probably infer from the fact that while the -eþ of the 3rd sing. counts metrically, the -eþ of the plural usually does not. Cf. 20 C, 256 C, 448 C, 526 C, 708 C, etc. But cf. springeþ 296 C, bisecheþ 765 C, falleþ 786 C. These endings, then, point to an East Midland dialect. Cf. also the rimes; wepinge : bringe Cott. p. 105, cusseþ : blisse 549-50 C.

5. OE. æ̆ (e) and shortened OE. ǣ, umlaut of WG. ai, or WG. ā.

The OE. short æ appears regularly as a. trespas : was 1043 T, orgas : was 102 T, Cesar : bar 182 T, are probably to be explained as due to one of the Southern scribes of MSS. C and Cott. e.g. vnderȝet : set 166 C (but cf. vnderȝat : sat 98 C). The shortening of OE. ǣ (umlaut of WG. ai) also appears regularly as a. e.g.; glade : ladde 480 T, ilast : cast 338 C, glad : ilad 114 C. But cf. lasse : wytnesse 952 T. In the rime, rest : mest 120 C, 384 C, it is impossible to determine whether the ǣ is shortened to ĕ, as in parts of the South, or the ĕ is lengthened to ē. The shortening of OE. ǣ (WG. ā) does not occur in rime often enough to permit any safe conclusion. The rimes radde : madde 826 T and radde : hadde 1025 T, seem to show that the product of shortening was a. That the representative of WG. ā was the Saxon ǣ rather than the Anglian, and Kentish ē, seems probable from the rimes rede : seide 21-2 T, 51-2 T, 215-16 T, 263-4 T (66 Cott.); reede : deede 45-6 T, 53-4 T.

From these criteria, which seem to be the best available, we may infer that Fl. and Bl. belongs further north than King Horn. Further, the inflections seem to point to the Eastern rather than to the Western Midland, so that we may feel fairly safe in attributing Fl. and Bl. to the East Midland.

[Footnote I-21: That the Cambr. scribe was from the South is very apparent from: (1) the pres. indic. plur. endings in eþ, e.g. comeþ 282, etc., (2) the above rimes of OE. call : ell, (3) axede 576, 602, etc., (4) rede : hadde 453-4, (5) hi for ‘they’ 284, etc., heo for ‘she’ 303, etc., (6) ifere 502 C, in fere 827, 280 T, (7) vaire 16, wuder 114, etc.]


We shall probably be safe in setting the date of composition in the second half of the 13th century. Lengthening in open syllables seems to have taken place, e.g.; coome : soone 100 T, grome : coome 112 T, come : hoome 500 T, wite : vnderȝete 556 C (also Cott.), wite : wite 756 C, þerone : stone, 112 T, vppone : stone 172 T, 212 T, þare : ware 1036 T, etc. From this we must conclude that the date of composition is not earlier than 1250. On the other hand the earliest MS. (C) dates back to the second half of the 13th century. Indeed in this MS. there are still traces of the old distinction of grammatical gender, and OE. ū is still always represented by u; while the second oldest MS. (Cott.) has the newer writing ou. (Cf. Hausknecht, ed. of Fl. and Bl. p. 130, Berlin, 1885.)

The poem is composed in short rimed couplets. The normal verse has four stresses. In no one of the MSS., however, are all the verses perfectly regular, due largely, no doubt, in part to the variety of forms available to each composer and to the variety of spellings to choose from, also to the attempts of each scribe to make the verses of the original fit into his own dialect. The rimes may be masculine or feminine. At times they are mere assonances, e.g.; first : lyst 693-4, furste : luste 377-8 C, lyke : lyte 781-2 T, longe : sonde 795-6 C, coome : soone 100 T, etc. At times they are inaccurate, e.g.; grunde : honde 303-4 C, meene : kyne 273-4 T. Peculiar are the rimes; þerate : gate 153-4 C, etc., fyne : þeryne 369-70 T, 441-2 C, etc., þerone : stone 112 T, 212 T.


Floris and Blauncheflur appears in four MSS., in each of the four with a greater or smaller part of the beginning lost.

1. #T.#, the Trentham MS., is in the library of the Duke of Sutherland at Trentham Hall in Staffordshire. The MS. is a relatively late one (about 1440), and is written in a very legible, informal running hand, with loops to the b’s, l’s, etc. It contains a series of metrical romances; besides Floris and Blauncheflur, also Kyng Rychard, Bevous of Hampton, The Batell of Troye, Amys and Amylion, and Sir Eglamoure. Our poem stands on folios 98-111. The headings to the pages are; on the even, left-hand pages, Florence, on the odd, right-hand pages, & Blanchefloure. The MS. contains 1083 lines of our poem. The beginning of the poem is lost in this MS., as in the three others, and the first preserved folio is an odd, right-hand page, with the heading, & Blanchefloure. The first verse in this MS. corresponds to verse 193 of the French.

The reading of the MS. is made difficult and uncertain by the end flourishes to certain letters, e.g.; gold~, stoon~, vppon~, which it is hard to interpret. It has been collated with the three others by Hausknecht, in his admirable critical edition of the poem.

2. #Cott.#, the Brit. Mus. MS. Cott. Vitell. D. III., which probably belongs to the second half of the 13th century, suffered badly from fire in 1731. Of the original 219 folios of this parchment MS., 26 remain, and these are in many parts exceedingly difficult to read, so that the readings here offered, which are based mainly on Lumby’s text, are offered with apologies, and may no doubt be bettered here and there by comparison with the other MSS. Our poem, which occupies folios 6a-8b of the existing MS., is preceded by Versus de historibus sacris veteris et novi Testamenti, veteri lingua Gallicana (O. French), and in the same handwriting with Fl. and Bl. The following folios (9-26) contain in Latin prose, Expositiones quaedam sive comentarii in Macrobii Saturnalia.

Of our poem only 451 lines are preserved in this MS., and of these only 180 are completely legible. The first verse corresponds to about v. 508, and the last to about v. 2514 of the French. The writing is in a fine, apparently French, book hand.

This MS. has been printed by Lumby in the original to the present edition for the E.E.T.S., and has been used by Hausknecht in collation.

3. #A.#, the celebrated Auchinleck MS. of the Advocates’ Library in Edinburgh, is a veritable mine of romance. Perhaps the best description is still that given in Sir Walter Scott’s introduction to Sir Tristrem, where is to be found an enumeration of the 44 different articles, mostly romances, still contained (besides 13 lost). It is a large quarto on vellum, and according to Ellis, belongs to the very first of the 14th century. Of our poem, which occupies five double-columned folios (100-104), 861 verses are contained, of which the first corresponds to v. 1001 of the French.

Fl. and Bl. has twice been reprinted from the Auchinleck MS.: (1) C. H. Hartshorne, Ancient Metrical Tales, London, 1829, (2) David Laing, A Penni Worth of Witte, etc., Abbotsford Club, Edinburgh, 1857.

4. #C.#, the Cambr. Univ. MS. Gg. 4. 27. 2, has already been described. (See page xxviii.) Of the fragment of a MS. that now exists, the final 824 verses of Fl. and Bl. occupy folios 1a-5b. The first verse preserved corresponds to verse 1001 of the French poem.

The interrelations of these four MSS. have been carefully studied by Hausknecht (as above, pp. 98-108), whose results may be summarized as follows: MSS. A., Cott., T form a group x. Now #C.#, now group x has gaps, and neither is free from individual changes.

Within the group x, #A# and Cott. form a special sub-group, y going back to a common origin, but at the same time independent of each other.

We may borrow from Hausknecht the following diagram representing the interrelations.

U / \ / \ / \ X | / \ | / \ | / y | / / \ | / / \ | / A \ | / V | / | T C ]

As regards the relative value of the different MSS., it must be said that #T# is the least to be depended on for accuracy, but is valuable because it preserves more of the early part of the story than is preserved in any of the other MSS. As regards the relative value of #C# and x it is hard to decide. Still the instances in which #C#, in opposition to #A#, agrees with the French are more numerous than are the instances of the contrary case.

§ 1. Introductory, p. xlv. § 2. Setting, p. xlv. § 3. The rise of the Legend, p. xlvii. § 4. The place of our Legend of the Assumption, p. xlix. § 5. Origin, p. xlix. § 6. Other English Versions, p. lii. § 7. Manuscripts, p. liv. § 8. The Time and Place of Composition, p. lvi. § 9. Versification, p. lviii.

From the valorous atmosphere of King Horn and the sentimental atmosphere of Floris and Blauncheflur, to the devout atmosphere of the “Assumption,” is a very appreciable change. At the same time the oriental romance of Floris and Blauncheflur and our legend, also, no doubt, of eastern origin, betray their common descent in a certain similarity of sentimental tone; and further, both romances, Germanic and oriental, share to some extent their romantic colour with the religious legend. It is perhaps the love of this romantic colour, which the three poems have in common, that has brought them together in the Cambridge MS. (Gg. 4. 27. 2) which forms the nucleus of the present volume, though the fact that the existing manuscript is but a fragment, forbids any certain conclusion as to the tastes and probable purpose of the collector.


In turning from the romances of King Horn and Floris and Blauncheflur to the legend of the Assumption we are entering the most productive field of early English literature. The religious element is the predominant element in Anglo-Saxon poetry. Christianity, from the very first, was received in England with an extraordinary warmth. In the year closely following the conversion of England there came into bloom a rich Christian poetry which soon took the place of, almost displaced, the earlier national epos.

The Norman Conquest was the means of introducing a flood of romances of every conceivable origin, and probably explains the slight revival of genuine English romantic traditions such as those of Horn, Havelok and Waldef, and possibly of Wade. But through the period, immediately following the Conquest, of the domination of the French and Latin languages in English literature, there had persisted a thread of the old English tradition in the homilies which continued for a long time to be industriously read and copied. With these in the 12th century were associated new homilies (cf. R. Morris, Old English Homilies), the direct lineal descendants of those of Alfric and Wulfstan, and in the beginning of the 13th century, in the northern midlands the metrical Ormulum, which betrays some French influence in a somewhat scanty French element in its vocabulary and in its proper names (cf. F. Kluge, Engl. Stud. xxii), but which nevertheless is composed quite in the style and manner of the earlier time.

When, after two centuries, the English language had to some extent come back into use as a language of literature, Cynewulf also found successors, and the legend flourished once more. Indeed in this new period it came to flourish to an extent hitherto unparalleled. This revival was due in part, no doubt, to the story-telling spirit so manifest in this period, and in part to the fact that this period marks the highest point in the progress of saint worship.

Probably the earliest of these newer legends were those of St. Juliana, St. Margeret and St. Katherine, which are written in rhythmical alliterative prose clearly manifesting the earlier English tradition, but which give premonition of a new era in the ring of a lyrical tone and in the already richer, more highly coloured diction. (Cf. C. Horstmann, Altenglische Legenden, Neue Folge, p. xv, Heilbronn, 1881.) Quite romantic in tone and colour are the very early, fine poems, in four-line strophes, of Katerine, Gregory, Mergrete, and the Magdalen, all of which unfortunately are preserved only in later, remodeled forms, and are perhaps only scant remains of an originally much richer literature. (Cf. Horstmann, as above, p. xlii, 225, 242.) According to Horstmann, the poems of Margaret and Gregory belong to the most beautiful productions of the early English language. Even more finely constructed, but rather lyric than narrative in form, are the few legends which fall in with the movement, influenced by French and especially strong in the South of England shortly before 1250, toward the development of the religious lyric. (Cf. R. Morris, Old English Miscellany.) Of these semi-lyrical legends, Eustas (MS. Digby 86) and the legends of the Psalter (MSS. Digby and Auchinleck) are composed in six-line strophes. (Cf. Horstmann, pp. 211, 228.) Other poems of this period, such as the xi Pains of Hell, already have the short riming couplet. Nearly to this same time belongs the Assumption of our Lady, in riming pairs and also in the Southern dialect.

The Assumption thus finds its setting among the very finest of the English legendary poems. According to Horstmann (as above, p. xliii): ‘Never again has legendary poetry reached the same height of pathos, the same purity and beauty of form as in these older legends. The period immediately following shows a decided falling off in poetic power and in talent for form. The tone loses in depth and warmth, the style in fullness and swing.’ In the last quarter of the 13th century, as we shall see, the legendary poetry entered the service of the church, and was worked over by the monks into great collections for reading in the services. This no doubt explains the remarkable falling off in poetic style and quality.


The story of the rise[I-22] of the legend from the Acta Martyrorum, the earliest records concerning the saints, to the martyrologies, the records of the recognized martyrs in each individual church, which in turn were expanded after the 8th century, from mere lists of names to the Latin legendaries upon which rest the OE. collections of legends,--all this forms an interesting chapter in the history of the church and in the history of literature, but has no place here except in so far as it throws light on the origin of the poem with which we are concerned. The relation too of the legend to the service of the church has a very much involved history. The Lectiones or ‘readings’ in the daily offices of the church were of three kinds: either (1) selections from the Scriptures, or (2) selections from the commentaries or homilies of the church fathers, or (3) the Acta Sanctorum. The last kind came generally to be denoted as Legenda, or ‘legends.’ At first treated with distrust, in time the legend came to play an important part in the service of the church. It seems to have first found its full development in the ‘nocturns,’ into which it was admitted apparently by the Benedictines in the 8th century. There it first appeared in an amplified and extended form.

The height of the legend’s development lies in the 12th and 13th centuries, and coincides with the period (Horstmann, as above, p. xv) of full bloom of the cult of the saints. At this time the number of saints’ days multiplied. Each church honoured its special saints. One celebrated not alone the death-day of the saint, but that of the burial and the translation. New saints came to be venerated, and long-forgotten ones were again brought to memory. The relics and traditions were collected, and the lives were written. Special church offices were made for them, and hymns and songs were written in their praise. In these new offices of the church the legend found its use. These special festivals often fell on week-days, and one had to fill in lectiones for which nothing was ready. Under these circumstances the legend offered itself as if expressly fitted, and became the key to the entire religious celebration. In this situation, amid these most favourable circumstances, the legend developed its full power, and must have been an important factor in the religious life of the period.

In addition to this place of the legend in the offices of the church, it came later to be read within, or instead of the sermon, after the Evangelium during the mass, and in the popular language. From very early times it was permitted to the clergy, in place of original productions to read the homilies of others, and to this usage, no doubt, we owe such collections as the Blickling Homilies, Bede’s Homiliae de tempore, Aelfric’s collections, the Ormulum, etc. That the early legends were intended to be delivered as sermons, or in sermons, is apparent from the frequent direct appeals to the congregation, and from their association, in the MSS., with homilies.

During the 11th and 12th centuries the homily, the older element, continued to prevail even on saints’ days, but in the 13th and 14th centuries the homily came to be in great measure displaced by the legend on the festival days of the saints, and was used only for Sundays and for the Festae Christi. To make a complete liber festivalis, either to the book of homilies was joined a legendary for saints’ days, or later the legendary, on the other hand, absorbed the book of homilies, as happened for instance in the case of the Legenda aurea, which marks the final step in the development of the Latin legendary, and which presents the homilies of the Festae Christi, perhaps the remains of the book of homilies, side by side with the legends. In the north of England the collection of Evangelia dominicalia, that is to say the gospels for Sundays and Festae Christi, which, according to the original plan, embraced only the Sunday gospel readings with their expositio and a narratio (i.e. a legendary narrative as an illustration) came in later MSS. to be supplemented by a collection of legends, evidently intended to complete the work by providing also for the saints’ days something in the place of the proprium sanctorum (i.e. gospels for saints’ days). In the South of England, on the other hand, the complete liber festivalis grows out of the legendary, which comes to include the homilies.

To sum up, the place of the evangelium in the mass for saints’ days comes to be filled by the legend, while in the mass on Sunday, the evangelium is still retained, though probably often supplemented by an expositio and a narratio, or legendary tale as illustration for the expositio. In consequence the liber festivalis falls into two parts, the temporal (for Sundays and Festae Christi) and the sanctoral, or legendary for the saints’ days.

[Footnote I-22: Cf. Horstmann, as above, pp. xxviii ff.]


What then was the original function of our legend of the Assumption? The evangelium and the homily, as we have seen, still retained their places, in part at least, in the temporal, where the Assumption would belong, but were supplemented by legendary anecdotes, or even by entire legends. Was our poem originally intended for a place in the religious service, or was it rather a lyrico-romantic production with a sacred theme? What was the original purpose of the poem, it is not easy to determine. In actual use, however, it seems to have played a double role. In two of the six MSS. in which the present version of the story is preserved (viz. the Chetham MS. and Cambr. Univ. MS. Gg. 4. 27. 2.), the legend is associated with romances, and we must infer that it is the romantic quality of the legend that has appealed to the collectors. (Cf. also the slightly different version in the Auchinleck MS.) In the other four MSS., however, the associations, as will be seen later, are distinctly religious, though Harl. MS. 2382 seems rather a literary collection than one designed for church use. In all of the MSS. the poem is referred to as a tale (cf. Harl. MS. 2253, near the end, where occurs the line, This tale y haue tolde wit mouthe), and as a lesson, that is to say a ‘reading,’ and if we may judge by the general tone of the different versions, the place for this ‘reading’ was quite likely the church. Even if the reading was not confined to the church, it usually was of a professionally religious character as we must judge from the remarkable conclusion in Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 10036:

We biseche þee for alle þat hereþ þis vie Off oure ladi seynt marie, That Ih{es}u schelde hem fram g{ra}me Fro dedly synne {and} fro schame, Ne mysauenture schal bi falle þ{a}t man That þis a vie here can. Ne no womman þat ilke dai, That of oure ladi hereþ þis lai, Dien ne schal of hure childe; For oure ladi hure schal be mylde. Ne noone mys-auenture schall be-falle, In felde, in strete, ne in halle, In stede þer þis vie is rad, For oure ladi hure sone it bad, And þe archibisshop, seynt Edmou{n}d, Haþ g{ra}unted xl. daies to p{ar}dou{n} To alle þat þis vie wol here, Or with good wille wol lere. vv. 879-896.

§ 5. ORIGIN.

The legend of the Assumption, according to ten Brink (Geschichte der engl. Litt. I, p. 331), had its origin in the second half of the 4th century. Tischendorf (Act. Apocr. p. xxxiv, Leipzig, 1866) believes a still earlier origin to be not impossible. The story had a wide circulation in the East. Besides the Greek versions we know (cf. F. Gierth, Engl. Stud. vii, pp. pp. 1-33) of three Syriac, one Arabic, and one Sahidic version. Even in Ethiopia there exists a similar tale (Journ. of Sacr. Lit. and Bibl. Rec., Jan. 1865, p. 48). From the orient the legend spread into the literatures of western Christendom. Tischendorf (as above, p. xliii.) gives a list of a dozen Latin manuscripts of the legend, and from these he offers critical editions of two versions, which, with Gierth, we may indicate as: (1) Transitus Mariae, #A# (Tischendorf, pp. 113 ff.) in Latin prose; (2) Transitus Mariae, #B#, a fuller version differing from #A# in some respects, notably in the absence of the scene in which Thomas appears.

Other Latin versions are those published by Th. Graesse: (1) The section, De assumtione beatae Mariae virginis in Jacobi a Voragine Legenda Aurea,[I-23] ed. Th. Graesse, Dresdae et Lipsiae, 1846, pp. 504 ff., (2) De modo assumtionis beatae Mariae, published by Graesse, as above, pp. 517 ff.

In French may be mentioned the version by Wace (L’Établissement de la fête de la conception Nôtre-Dame dite la fête aux Normands. Caen, 1842, or, in another edition, Vie de la vierge Marie, Tours, 1859). For account of other unpublished French versions cf. E. Stengel, Mittheilungen aus franz. hss., etc., Halle, 1873, pp. 20 ff.

In German we may mention the version by Conrad v. Heimesfurt, about 1200 (HZ. viii, pp. 150 ff.).

Our story in its present form seems to have made its first appearance in England in the French version, above mentioned, by Wace, in the second quarter of the 12th century. (Cf. however, Assumptio sanctae Mariae virginis, Blickling Homilies, E.E.T.S. 58, 63, 73.) Of an English version of the present form of the legend, for English hearers, we have no trace before the middle of the following century, from which it seems we are to infer that the legend remained the property of the French clericals about a century before coming into general circulation in the English-speaking world. This earliest English version of the story is the one of the present edition in short riming couplets.

What then was the source of this earliest English version? Was it derived from Wace, or does it rest on one of the Latin versions? Wace’s poem consists of three parts (cf. Gierth, Engl. Stud. vii, p. 6): (1) the institution of the feast of the Conception of Mary, (2) her birth, rearing and marriage, (3) her death and burial. For the first part his source seems to have been the Miraculum de conceptione sanctae Mariae; for the second part, the Evangelium de nativitate Sanctae Mariae. About these two works, which he has followed almost word for word, Wace grouped a number of minor anecdotes and commentary notes from Anselm, Eadmer, and other of the church writers of the 11th and 12th centuries. For part (3) Wace seems certainly to have used the Latin version of the story, designated by Tischendorf as Transitus Mariae, #B#.

The English version has in common with Wace’s poem some traits that in the other versions are wanting. For instance, only in these two versions is it related that Mary cared for and instructed the maidens in the temple. (Engl. vv. 60 ff.) Another feature in common is contained in the speech of Christ to his mother shortly before her death, in which he promises her, La porte d’aidier auras A trestous ceus que tu vorras (Wace, p. 71, vv. 6, 7), which the English poet seems to have expanded into a number of verses, in which is promised pardon to every sinner who will betake himself to Mary.

On the other hand, in several instances the English agrees more closely with the Latin, where Wace has considerably abridged, and in these instances the French cannot have been the original of the English poem. A Latin original seems much more probable. The first two-thirds of the English poem corresponds almost exactly with the Tischendorf Latin #B# version. On the other hand, the introduction of Thomas in the last one-third of the poem is a feature of the Latin #A# version, but is foreign to #B#. In other respects the English poem corresponds more closely to a third Latin version from which Tischendorf quotes variants, the Codex Laurentius. The English has in common with the Legenda Aurea the peculiar trait of making no mention of the miraculous transit of John from Ephesus. Again, some traits in Latin #B# do not appear in the English version, and, on the other hand, the English version contains a few traits not to be found in any of the other versions spoken of.

From the above we must conclude either that the English version rests on a very composite version of which we do not know, or that the composer of the English version was very eclectic, and selected his material from very different sources. The latter explanation seems the more probable one. In this connection it is important to note an observation first made by Zarncke and afterwards corroborated by Kölbing (Engl. Stud. ii, pp. 281-2) that the different prose versions of legends influence each other reciprocally, producing mixed or composite forms of the legend (mischredactionen) whose exact descent it is impossible to trace. It is here that the learned element makes itself felt and differentiates the tradition of a legend from the tradition of a romance or of a song. The influence of this learned element we must probably assume in explaining the tradition of our legend of the Assumption, which seems to be a mischredaction.

[Footnote I-23: A legend cycle composed in Latin prose by the Italian Jacobus a Voragine, Bishop of Genoa.]


The story of the Assumption seems to have circulated, as we have seen, both as a romantic story and as a devout legend. It must have been in the first of these two rôles that it was admitted to the famous collection of romances in the Auchinleck MS. Here the story appears in a new dress, composed in six-line strophes, with rime couée, probably under the influence of the ballad singers. The content of this version (cf. M. Schwarz, Engl. Stud. viii, pp. 428 ff.) seems to be substantially that of the earlier version of the present volume. The first stanza of this version is,--

Who so bereȝ palm, þe tokne is þis, Þat in clene lif he is; Þat is to vnderstonde: Hit is tokning of loue, Þat god him haueȝ wraththe forȝoue, Þat bereȝ palm on honde.

The Assumption also forms a member of the Southern cycle of legends, which go to form a legendary. In this rôle it appears in Harl. MS. 2277, “a parchment book in a long 4to, imperfect at the beginning and elsewhere; which formerly contained the legends of the Saints, etc., according to the course of the year, written in very old English verse.... The handwriting of this MS. seems to be older than that year” (1320). The MS. contains 69 legends, of which number 38 is Assumpcio S. Marie, in 246 long riming lines, the first two of which are,--

Seinte marie godes moder : f{ra}m þaposteles nas noȝt Þo þe holi gost a wit sonedai : among hem was ibroȝt.

This version seems to rest on the Legenda Aurea[I-24] as an original, although the incident of the tardy arrival of Thomas, which is contained in the Latin, is wanting in this version.

This same version appears in a later MS., Bodl. 779,[I-25] of the 16th century. In this MS. the legend cycle is greatly extended by the addition of a whole new series of legends. The number of legends in this MS. reaches the number of 135, of which the version of the Assumption is number 57.

Another version of our legend is that belonging to the Northern legend cycle, and preserved in two MSS.: Harl. 4196 and Cott. Tiber. E. VII,[I-26] of which the latter is the older, but the former the more complete. These two texts correspond word for word, and apart from possible scribal blunder, letter for letter, abbreviation for abbreviation. Harl. MS. 4196 is a large folio on parchment, evidently of about the middle of the 14th century, and written in a beautiful large hand of the Northern type. It has 258 double-columned leaves, and contains (1) several parts of the gospel in verse, which end at fol. 132 a, then after a blank page, (2) collection of legends in verse, with special title and an introduction of eight verses (folios 133-205), then as a sort of appendix, (3) a metrical gospel of Nicodemus (folios 206-215 a), and (4) the Prick of Conscience in verse. This version, which appears as number 8 in the second division, the legend collection of the Harl. MS., and whose text is identical in the two MSS. above mentioned, opens as follows,--

Of mari milde now will I mene Þat of all heuyns es corond quene And lady of all erth to tell And also Emp{er}ise of hell.

Another version belonging to the Southern cycle is that contained in the younger MS. of this cycle, Lambeth MS. 223, a 4to parchment from the beginning of the 15th century. (Cf. Horstmann, Neue Folge, p. xlvii. and Notes.) In this MS. the Assumption appears, not in the legendary itself, but as the fifth and last division in the temporal, which is prefixed to the Southern cycle of legends. This version has frequent rimes within the verse, and the last half verse has four stresses. The version agrees in many respects with the Northern one just described and also with the earlier Southern version, the one of our present volume. The opening lines are as follows,--

Herkkenes alle gode men, ȝif ȝe ben wise and slye And I wole to ȝow rede þe assumpcioun of Marie How she was from erþe taken into heuen on hegh And þere she shal euer wone and sitte Ihesu negh.

Another English version of our legend is that incorporated into the Cursor Mundi (vv. 19993-20064). This version is translated into a Northern dialect from a Southern English poem. (Cf. Cursor Mundi, ed. by R. Morris, Introduction by Dr. Haenisch, pp. 42 ff.)

And sant edmund o ponteni Dais o pardun þam gis tuenti In a writt þis ilk i fand, He-self it wroght, ic understand. In sotherin englis was it draun And turnd it haue i till our aun Langage o northrin lede, Þat can nan oþer englis rede. vv. 20057-64.

The poet of Cursor Mundi follows the Southern author nearly line for line, so that there cannot be the slightest doubt that he refers to the Southern English version of the present volume. But now and then he has made additions, for some of which Haenisch finds no source. (Horstmann believes this version to have been translated from Wace.)

The fact that the poet of Cursor Mundi “attributes his original to Edmund of Pontenay was caused by a misunderstanding of the lines 893-96 of the SE. Assumption” (Haenisch).

Cursor Mundi, vv. 20057-60.

And sant edmund o ponteni Dais o pardun þam gis tuenti; In a writt þis ilk i fand He self it wroght, ic understand.

Assumption, vv. 893-6.

And þe archibisshop seynt Edmound Haþ graunted xl. daies to pardoun To alle þat þis vie wol here Or with good wille wol lere.

Still another version, which formed part of a work by Barbour, the author of the Scotch collection of legends, is mentioned in his prologue, but, along with the rest of this work referred to, is unfortunately lost.

Still further deserving of mention are (1) the prose version contained in the ‘Festial’ of Johannes Mirkus (Horstmann, Neue Folge, pp. cix. ff.), a collection of sermons, derived for the most part from the Legenda Aurea and written about 1400 for the festivals of the church, Festae Christi and Saints’ days;[I-27] and (2) that contained in the English translation of the Legenda Aurea (cf. Horstmann, Neue Folge, pp. cxxx ff.). “The Assumption of oure ladi” stands 111 in Harl. MS. 4775.

The above enumeration of versions of our legend will demonstrate effectively its popularity in England, also its use in the service of the church. Further investigation is needed to determine more exactly the interrelations of the various versions, though it is doubtful if such an investigation would produce any very conclusive results, since, as suggested above, many versions of the legends were probably mixed versions (mischredactionen).

[Footnote I-24: Cf. M. Schwarz, Engl. Studien, viii, pp. 461 ff. But cf. ten Brink, I, p. 336; Horstmann, Neue Folge, p. xxxix.]

[Footnote I-25: Cf. C. Horstmann, Altengl. Legenden, p. xxxiv, Paderborn, 1875.]

[Footnote I-26: Cf. Horstmann, Neue Folge, pp. lxxviii ff., Text, pp. 112 ff.]

[Footnote I-27: The sermons are arranged according to the calendar, so that here the book of homilies and the legendary are at length completely formed into one. In the oldest and best MS., Cott. Claud. A. II, the Assumption is number 52.]

The earliest English version, the one of the present volume, is known to exist in six manuscripts.

1. Cambr. Univ. MS. Gg. 4. 27. 2. (For description cf. introduction to King Horn, p. xxviii.) This fragmentary text (240 lines) is printed in the present volume.

2. Chetham MS. 8009, Manchester, a collection of romances and legends. (For description cf. Engl. Stud. vii, 195 ff., viii, pp. 1 ff.)

3. Cambr. Univ. MS. Dd. 1. 1., a long narrow MS. from about the middle of the 14th century and written in a large, informal, very legible hand. The content of the MS. is the Northern collection of Evangelia dominicalia, with which is included, in addition to the sermons with legends attached for the festivals of John and Peter and Paul, also our Southern legend poem of the Assumption, which is perhaps to be attributed to the scribe (named Staundon), who is Southern. (For a full account of this MS. cf. Horstmann, Neue Folge, p. xxvi. and pp. lxvii. ff.) This text of 544 verses has not been printed.

4. Cambr. Univ. MS. Ff. 2. 38, a paper MS. in an informal but legible hand by a Southern scribe. It contains miscellaneous religious writings, the list of which I neglected to copy. Our poem is followed by “þe lyfe of seynt Kateryn.” This text of 770 verses has not been printed.

5. Harl. MS. 2382, a paper book in 4to, in an informal hand, and containing nine miscellaneous theological poems by Lydgate, Chaucer, etc. Poem number 1 is Lydgate’s Life of the Virgin Mary, four books at the end of which stands this note, Explicit quartus liber de sancta Maria. The second poem is our present version of the Assumption, evidently the end of a sequel to Lydgate’s poem, for at the end stands the note, Explicit Sextus liber Sancte Marie, which shows that two other books were added to the original four of Lydgate, written in stanzas, to King Henry V. The other contents of this MS. seem also to be literary, and are as follows: 3. Oracio ad Sanctam Mariam, 4. The Testament of Dan Johan Lydgate, 5. Fabula Mornalis de Sancta Maria, Chaucer’s Prioress’s Tale, 6. Vita Sancte Cecilie, Chaucer’s Second Nonne’s Tale, 7. De Sancto Erasmo Martire, 8. Testamentum Cristi, 9. The Childe of Bristow. This text of 710 verses is in part reprinted in the present volume.

6. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 10036, a small parchment volume (about 8 × 4) of 100 folios, written in black letter, perhaps in the second half of the 14th century, and containing a miscellaneous religious collection: (1) History of the siege and destruction of Jerusalem by Vespasian (ff. 1-61), (2) The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin (ff. 62-80), (3) A question of the peynes of helle (prose, ff. 81-84), (4) Here bigynneth the thre arowis that God schal schete at domys-dais apon hem that schullen be dampned (prose, ff. 85-91), (5) The seven petitions in the Pater Noster (prose, ff. 91-94), (6) Ave Maria, Pardons and Indulgences for repeating (prose, f. 94), (7) Ten Commandments trans. and expl. (prose, ff. 94-96), (8) The 51st Psalm, Miserere mei, trans. into English verse (96-100). This text, in 904 verses, is printed in the present volume.

If for the sake of conformity with the German investigations, we designate Cambr. MS. Gg. 9. 27. 2. as #A#, Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 10036 as #B#, Harl. MS. 2382 as #C#, Cambr. MS. Dd. 1. 1. as #D#, Cambr. MS. Ff. 2. 38. as #E#, and Chetham MS. as #Ch.#, then the interrelations of the different texts of this version are about as follows (F. Gierth, Engl. Stud. vii, pp. 1 ff.). #A# and #B# form a special group as opposed to #C#, #D#, #E#, on the one hand, and to #Ch.# alone, on the other. No one of these versions is the direct source of any other. The different texts may be characterized somewhat as follows:

#A# offers the best text as far as it goes.

#B# introduces many important changes, and seems to be somewhat confused in the order of events, but in the passages preserved intact, preserves the text and the rime better than do #C#, #D#, or #E#.

#C# gives best the true course of the story, but often alters the rime, in particular, individual rime words.

#D# has many gaps, and is particularly defective after the entrance on the scene of Thomas.

#E# stands in closer relation to #D# than to #C#, and often takes an intermediate position between #C# and #D#. #Ch.# (cf. M. Schwarz, Engl. Stud. viii, p. 460) we must regard as a compilation of different MSS., and owes its origin perhaps to oral tradition. In the case of #Ch.#, as in the case of the other texts of this version, it will be safer not to set up any diagram representing the interrelations of MSS., since these MSS. are no doubt all of them influenced by written as well as by oral tradition, and, as has been pointed out above, there is at least a possibility, as in the case of #Ch.#, of mixed versions. In dealing with legend, even less than in dealing with romance, does one have to do with a purely epic growth.


We have already seen that the author of Cursor Mundi attributes the authorship of this version of the Assumption to Edmund of Pontenay (pp. liii, liv, above). But we have also seen the probable source of his error. In one thing the Northern writer is no doubt right, when he says (v. 20061), “In sotherin englis was it draun.” The poem is undoubtedly Southern in origin. To gain more definite knowledge is not easy. The rimes, our usual guide in such cases, in this poem are very uncertain. The writer’s ear seems to have been not a delicate one. He does not distinguish carefully open ę̨̄ and close ẹ̄, e.g. here : lere 4 Add., wel : del 212 C, 206 D, 218 Add., 256 C, 262 Add., were : here 716 Add., etc.

In a similar way he does not distinguish carefully open ǭ and close ọ̄, e.g. gone : done 86 Add., 594 H, done : one 416 Add., 562 H, 588 H, 750 Add., anon : done 530 Add., sloo : doo 508 H, þo : do 262 D, etc. In consequence we are not able to apply the -wǭ-, -wọ̄- test with any degree of certainty. OE. -wā rimes, now with ǭ, now with ọ̄, e.g. fro : so 342 Add., 324 D, so : fo 374 Add., tho : so 278 H, also : mo 17 C, etc.; but so : to 179 C, 184 Add., 214 C, 296 C, 300 Add., 314 H, 344 Add., 718 Add., 904 Add., atwo : do 280 H, whom : come 306 F (wham : cam 336 Add.), etc.

In the same way OE. æ, and shortened OE. ǣ, rimes now with a, now with e, e.g. was : gracias 310 Add., 774 Add., Thomas : was 656 C, Iosephas : was 582 H; but fless : was 34 C, best : lest 392 H, fed : bed 124 C, 132 A, les : wes 566 D.

In the same way OE. y rimes now with e, now with i, e.g. stede : dude 57 C, 62 Add., 88 Add., 800 Add., 82 C, 624 Add., kyng : geng 220 C, him (= ‘them’) : kyn 642 Add.; but mankyne : pyne 426 A, Inne : kynne 430 A, 478 A, 360 H, 338 D, 346 D, it : pytt 506 H, þerynne : synne 604 H, blisse : gladnesse 384 H, etc.

In the same way in the 3rd plur. pres. indic., the ending is sometimes -eþ, sometimes -n, e.g. listneþ 8 C, serueþ 418 H, goth 476 H, 593 A, buþ 22 C, 26 C, etc.; but ben 25 A, beon 141 C, 149 A, etc., and the rime kenesmen : ben 122 C, 130 A.

Details may be multiplied indefinitely to show the general Southern character of the language, e.g. the verbal endings in -i or -y, as blessi : herkni 7, 8 C, loky 47 C, gladie 75 C, etc.; the infinitive preserving its final -n, as quene : bene 6 Add., bene : ysene 40 A, gon : on 140 C, quen : ben 98 C, 104 A, 114 C, 120 A, etc.; but beo : gleo 10 C, etc.; the present participle in -and, as lepand : hande 614 A, etc.; the use of the palatalized consonants, as in yyeue 566 H, ayene 597 H, etc.

The dialect then certainly is of the Southern part of England; but the rimes do not enable one to locate the dialect more exactly. The composition is undoubtedly that of a scholar in whom one might expect a wider range in pronunciation. Doubtless both Southern and Midland dialects were familiar to him. The pronunciation, however, of OE. y as e and of OE. æ as e belongs to the East Southern, and we shall probably be safe in calling the dialect a compromise between East Southern and East Midland.

The time of composition was probably not later than 1250. The OE. ā had regularly changed to ǭ (if we neglect an isolated instance like thomas : ras 822 A); but I find no certain instance of lengthening in open syllables, and further, the oldest MS. (C) is not much later than 1250, as we have seen. It preserves the unmonophthonged eo, e.g. weop 29, treo 35, heo 36, beo 37, iseo 38, etc.


The legend, like the romance of Floris and Blancheflur, is composed in short riming pairs. Each verse nominally has four metrical stresses. The rime may be either masculine or feminine. Frequently assonance takes the place of perfect rime; e.g. weop : fet 30 C, gode : fote 70 Add., þolen : y-boren 220 Add., etc.

[Transcriber’s Note:

Line-initial þ was corrected to capital Þ on the assumption that capitalization was editorial. Individual changes are noted at the end of the e-text. Line-initial y was retained for consistency.]

Cambr. Univ. MS. Gg. 4. 27. 2.

Alle beon he bliþe Þat to my song lyþe, A sang ihc schal ȝou singe Of Murry þe kinge. 4

Laud Misc. MS. 108, fol. 219 b.

+++Alle ben he bliþe Þat to me wile{n} liþe, A song ich wille you si{n}ge Of morye þe kinge. 4

Harl. MS. 2253.

The | corresponds to a sign used in the MS. to mark the divisions between the lines.

[[See Transcriber’s Note about e-text format.]]

[Sidenote: [leaf 83]] Her bygynneþ þe geste of kyng Horn.

¶ Alle heo ben blyþe þat to my song ylyþe, a song ychulle ou singe of Allof þe gode kynge. 4

[Sidenote: King Murry and his queen, Godhild, have a son named Horn.]

King he was biweste So longe so hit laste. Godhild het his quen; Faire ne miȝte non ben. 8 He hadde a sone þ{a}t het horn; Fairer ne miste no{n} beo born, Ne no rein vpon birine, Ne su{n}ne vpon bischine. 12

King he was bi westen Wel þat hise dayes lesten, And godild hise gode quene; Feyrer non micte bene. 8 Here sone hauede to name horn; Feyrer child ne micte ben born. Ne reyn ne micte upon reyne, Ne no so{n}ne by schine. 12

kyng he wes by weste þe whiles hit yleste, ant godylt his gode quene; no feyrore myhte bene. 8 ant huere sone hihte horn; feyrore child ne myhte be born. for reyn ne myhte by ryne ne sonne myhte shyne. 12

[Sidenote: He is marvellously fair and fifteen years old.]

Fairer nis no{n} þane he was; He was briȝt so þe glas. He was whit so þe flur, Rose red was his colur. 16 [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] In none kinge riche Nas no{n} his iliche. 20

Fayrer child þa{n}ne he was, Brict so eu{er}e any glas, Whit so any lili flour, So rose red was hys colur. 16 He was fayr and eke bold And of fiftene winter hold. Was noma{n} him yliche Bi none kinges riche. 20

feyrore child þen he was, bryht so euer eny glas, so whit so eny lylye flour, so rose red wes his colour. 16 He wes feyr {ant} eke bold ant of fyftene wynter old. [Sidenote: [leaf 83, back]] Nis non his yliche in none kinges ryche. 20

[Headnote: Saracens invade the land.]

[Sidenote: Horn has twelve companions.]

Twelf feren he hadde Þ{a}t alle wiþ him ladde, Alle riche ma{n}nes sones, {And} alle hi were faire gomes, 24 Wiþ him for to pleie. {And} mest he luuede tweie; ++Þat on him het haþulf child, {And} þ{a}t oþ{er} ffikenild. 28

xij feren he hadde Þat he mid him ladde, And alle rich ki{n}ges sones, And alle swiþe fayre gomes, 24 Mid hym forto pleye. But mest he louede tueye; Þat on was hoten ayol child, And þat oþer fokenild. 28

tueye feren he hadde þ{a}t he wiþ him ladde, alle richemenne sones, {ant} alle suyþe feyre gomes, 24 wyþ him forte pleye. mest he louede tueye; Þ{a}t on wes hoten Athulf chyld, {ant} þ{a}t oþer Fykenyld. 28

[Sidenote: Athulf the best, and Fikenhild the worst.]

Aþulf was þe beste {And} fikenylde þe werste. Hit was vpon a som{er}es day, Also ihc ȝou telle may, 32

Ayol was þe beste And fokenild þe werste. ++Hit was sone som{er}es day, Also ich nou telle{n} may, 32

Athulf wes þe beste ant fykenyld þe werste. Hyt was vpon a someres day, also ich ou telle may, 32

[Sidenote: King Murry while riding, finds fifteen ships arrived on the strand.]

Murri þe gode king Rod on his pleing Bi þe se side, Ase he was woned ride. 36

Þat moye þe gode kinge Rod on his pleyhinge Bi þe se syde, Þer he was woned to ryde. 36

Allof þe gode kyng rod vpon ys pleyȝyng bi þe see side, þer he was woned to ryde. 36

[No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] He fo{n}d bi þe st{ro}nde, Ariued o{n} his lo{n}de, 40 Schipes fiftene, Wiþ sarazins kene.

With him ride{n} bote tvo; Al to fewe ware þo. He fond bi þe stronde, Ariued on his londe, 40 Schipes xv, Of sarazines kene.

wiþ him ne ryde bote tuo; al to fewe hue were þo. he fond by þe stronde, aryued on is londe, 40 shipes fyftene, of sarazynes kene.

He axede what isoȝte Oþ{er} to londe broȝte. 44 ++A Payn hit of herde And hym wel sone answarede, “Þi lo{n}d folk we schulle slon And alle þ{a}t Crist luueþ vpon, 48 And þe selue riȝt anon; Ne schaltu todai henne gon.”

He acsede wat he sowte Oþer to londe broucte. 44 A peynym it yherde And sone answerede, “Þi lond folc we wile{n} slon And al þat god leuet on; 48 And þe we solen sone anon; Sald þou neuere henne gon.”

he askede whet hue sohten oþer on is lond brohten. 44 a payen hit yherde {ant} sone him onsuerede, “þy lond folk we wolleþ slon þ{a}t euer c{ri}st leueþ on; 48 {ant} þe we wolleþ ryht anon; shalt þou neuer henne gon.”

[Headnote: Saracens kill Horn’s father.]

[Sidenote: After a brave defence, the king and his two companions are slain,]

Þe kyng aliȝte of his stede, For þo he hauede nede, 52 {And} his gode kniȝtes two; Al to fewe he hadde þo. Swerd hi gu{n}ne g{ri}pe {And} to gadere smite. 56 Hy smyten vnder schelde Þat sume hit yfelde. Þe king hadde al to fewe Toȝenes so vele schrewe. 60

Þe king licte adoun of his stede, For þo he hauede nede, 52 And hise gode knictes ij, But ywis he{m} was ful wo. Swerdes þe go{n}ne g{r}ipe And to gydere smyte. 56 He foute{n} an ond{er} selde Some of hem he felde. He weren al to fewe Ayen so fele srewe. 60

þe kyng lyhte of his stede, for þo he heuede nede, 52 ant his gode feren tuo; mid ywis huem wes ful wo. swerd hy gonne g{ri}pe {ant} to gedere smyte. 56 hy smyten under shelde, þ{a}t hy somme yfelde. ¶ þe kyng hade to fewe aȝeyn so monie schrewe. 60

[Sidenote: and the Saracens begin to waste the land.]

So fele miȝten yþe Bringe hem þre to diþe. ¶ Þe pains come to londe {And} neme hit in here honde. 64 Þ{a}t folc hi gu{n}ne quelle {And} churchen for to felle.

Sone micte{n} atteþ[KH-1] Bri{n}gen þre deþe. Þe paynimes come{n} to londe And nome{n} hyt al to honde. 64 Cherches he go{n}ne{n} felle, And folc he go{n}ne quelle.

[Footnote KH-1: after þ a letter erased]

so fele myhten eþe bringe þre to deþe. þe payns come to londe {ant} nomen hit an honde. 64 þe folk hy gonne quelle {ant} sarazyns to felle.

Þer ne moste libbe Þe fremde ne þe sibbe, 68 Bute hi here laȝe asoke {And} to here toke. Of alle wymmanne Wurst was godhild þanne. 72

Þer ne micte libbe Þe fremde ne þe sibbe, 68 Bote he here ley forsoken And to here token. Of alle wi{m}menne Verst was godyld o{n}ne. 72

þer ne myhte libbe þe fremede ne þe sibbe, 68 bote he is lawe forsoke {ant} to huere toke. of alle wymmanne werst wes godyld þanne. 72

[Sidenote: Godhild grieves much,]

For Murri heo weop sore {And} for horn ȝute more. [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] 76

For moy he wep sore And for horn wel more. Godild hauede so michel sore Micte no wimma{n} habbe more. 76

for Allof hy wepeþ sore {ant} for horn ȝet more. Godild hade so muche sore þ{a}t habbe myhte hue na more. 76

[Headnote: Godhild takes refuge in a cave.]

[Sidenote: but retires alone to a cave, where she continues to observe the Christian religion.]

He wenten vt of halle, Fram hire Maidenes alle, Vnder a roche of stone. Þer heo liuede alone. 80 Þer heo s{er}uede gode, Aȝenes þe paynes forbode.

Þe vente hout of halle, Fram hire maydenes alle, In to a roche of stone. Þar he wonede allone. 80 Þer he seruede god, Ayenes þe houndes forbod.

hue wente out of halle, from hire maidnes alle, vnder a roche of stone. þer hue wonede al one. 80 þer hue seruede gode, aȝeyn þe payenes forbode.

Þer he seruede c{ri}ste, Þ{a}t no payn hit ne wiste. 84 Eu{e}re heo bad for horn child, Þ{a}t Iesu c{ri}st him beo myld. Horn was in paynes honde Wiþ his feren of þe londe. 88 Muchel was his fairhede, For ih{es}u c{ri}st hi{m} makede.

Þer he s{er}uede c{r}iste, Þat paynimes ne wiste, 84 And eu{er}e bed for horn child, Þat ih{es}u c{r}ist him were mild. Horn was i{n} peynims honde, Mid his feren of þe londe. 88 Miche was his fayrhede, So ih{es}u him hauede made.

þer hue seruede c{ri}st, þ{a}t þe payenes hit nust. 84 ant euer hue bad for horn child, þ{a}t c{ri}st him wrþe myld. ¶ Horn wes in payenes hond, mid is feren of þe lond. 88 muche wes þe feyrhade þ{a}t ih{es}u c{ri}st him made.

[Headnote: Saracens deliberate over Horn.]

[Sidenote: The pagans save Horn and his companions on account of Horn’s fairness,]

Payns him wolde slen Oþ{er} al quic flen. 92 Ȝef his fairnesse nere, Þe children alle aslaȝe were. Þa{n}ne spak on Admirad, Of wordes he was bald, 96

Þo hundes wolde slon, And some him wolde flon. 92 Ȝif hornes fayrede nere, Þe child yslawe ware. ++Uan bi spek him amyraud, Of wordes he was swiþe baud, 96

payenes him wolde slo {ant} summe him wolde flo. 92 ȝyf hornes feyrnesse nere, yslawe þis children were. þo spec on Admyrold, of wordes he wes swyþe bold, 96

“Horn, þu art wel kene, {And} þ{a}t is wel isene; Þu art gret {and} st{ro}ng, fair {and} euene lo{n}g. 100 Þu schalt waxe more Bi fulle seue ȝere.

“Horn, þou art swiþe scene, And follyche swiþe kene; Þou art fayr and eke strong, Þou art eueneliche long. 100 Þou scald more wexe In þis fif yere þe nexte.

“horn, þou art swyþe kene, bryht of hewe {ant} shene; þou art fayr {ant} eke strong {ant} eke eueneliche long. 100 [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .]

[Sidenote: at the same time with forebodings that if Horn lives, he will take revenge.]

Ȝef þu mote to liue go, {And} þine feren also, 104 Ȝef hit so bi falle, Ȝe scholde slen vs alle. Þaruore þu most to stere, Þu {and} þine ifere. 108 To schupe schulle ȝe funde {And} sinke to þe grunde.

Ȝif þu to liue mictest go, An þine feren also, 104 Þat micte so bifalle Þou suldes slen us alle. Þe for þou scald to stron go And þine feren also. 108 To schip ye schule{n} sto{u}nde A sinke{n} to þe grunde.

ȝef þou to lyue mote go, ant þyne feren also, 104 þat ymay byfalle þ{a}t ȝe shule slen vs alle. [Sidenote: [leaf 84]] þare fore þou shalt to streme go, þou ant þy feren also. 108 to shipe ȝe shule founde {ant} sinke to þe grounde.

Þe se ȝou schal adrenche; Ne schal hit us noȝt of þinche. 112 For if þu were aliue, Wiþ swerd oþ{er} wiþ kniue We scholden alle deie, {And} þi fader deþ abeie.” 116

Þe se þe sal adrinke; Ne sal hit us of þinke. 112 For yf þou come to liue, With suerdes or with cniue We sholde alle deye, Þi fad{er}es det abeye.” 116

þe see þe shal adrenche; ne shal hit vs of þenche. 112 for ȝef þou were alyue, wiþ suerd oþer wiþ knyue we shulden alle deȝe, þy fader deþ to beye.” 116

[Headnote: Horn is put to sea in a boat.]

[Sidenote: Grieving sorely, the children are put aboard the boat,]

++Þe children hi broȝte to st{ro}nde, Wringinde here honde, Into schupes borde At þe furste worde. 120 Ofte hadde horn beo wo, At neure wurs þan him was þo. [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .]

Þe childre yede to stronde, Wringende here honde. [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . .] Ofte hauede horn child be wo, Bute neu{er}e werse þa{n} þo. Horns yede in to þe shipes bord Sone at þe firste word, 124 And alle hise feren, Þat ware him lef and dere.

þe children ede to þe stronde, wryngynde huere honde, ant in to shipes borde at þe furste worde. 120 ofte hade horn be wo, ah neuer wors þen hi{m} wes þo. [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .]

Þe se bigan to flowe {And} hornchild to rowe. 128 Þe se þ{a}t schup so faste drof, Þe children dradde þer of. Hi wenden to wisse Of here lif to misse, 132

Þe se bigan to flowen And horn faste to rowen. 128 And here schip swiþe drof; Þe childre{n} adred þer of. Þei wende{n} alle wel ywis Of here lif haued ymis, 132

¶ þe see bygon to flowen {ant} horn faste to rowen 128 ant þ{a}t ship wel suyþe drof, {ant} horn wes adred þer of, hue wenden mid ywisse of huere lyue to misse. 132

[Sidenote: and the following morning see land.]

Al þe day {and} al þe niȝt, Til hit sprang dai liȝt. ¶ Til horn saȝ on þe st{ro}nde Men gon i{n} þe londe. 136 “Feren,” q{ua}þ he, “ȝo{n}ge, Ihc telle ȝou tiþinge.

Al þe day and al þe nict, Til him sprong þe day lyt. Til horn bi þe stro{n}de Seth me{n} gon alonde. 136 “Feren,” he seyde, “singe, Y telle ȝou a tidinge.

al þe day {ant} al þe nyht, o þ{a}t sprong þe day lyht, Flotterede horn by þe stronde, er he seye eny londe. 136 “feren,” quoþ horn þe ȝynge, “y telle ou tydynge.

[Sidenote: Horn announces land to his companions.]

Ihc here foȝeles singe {And} þ{a}t gras him springe. 140 Bliþe beo we on lyue, Vre schup is on ryue.” Of schup hi gu{n}ne funde {And} setten fout to grunde. 144

Ych here foules singe And so þe g{ra}s him sp{r}inge. 140 Bliþe be we o liue, Houre schip hys come ryue.” Of schip þe gon fonde An sette fot on grunde. 144

Ich here foules singe, {ant} se þe grases sp{ri}nge. 140 blyþe be ȝe alyue, vr ship is come to ryue.” of shipe hy gonne founde {ant} sette fot to grounde. 144

[Headnote: Horn’s farewell to the boat.]

[Sidenote: All disembark, and Horn bids the boat a touching farewell, wishing it ‘dayes gode,’]

Bi þe se side Hi lete{n} þ{a}t schup ride. Þanne spak him child horn, In suddene he was iborn, 148 “Schup, bi þe se flode, Daies haue þu gode; Bi þe se brinke No wat{er} þe na drinke. 152 [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .]

Bi þe se side Here schip bigan to glide. Þa{n}ne spek þe chid horn, In sodenne he was yborn, 148 “Go nou, schip, by flode, And haue dawes gode. [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] Softe mote þou stirie, No wat{er} þe derie.

by þe see syde hure ship bigon to ryde. þenne spec him child horn, in sudenne he was yborn, 148 “nou, ship, by þe flode, haue dayes gode, by þe see brynke no water þe adrynke. 152 softe mote þou sterye, þ{a}t water þe ne derye.

[Sidenote: and charging it with messages to his mother and friends.]

Ȝef þu cume to Suddenne, Gret þu wel of myne ke{n}ne; 156 Gret þu wel my moder, Godhild, quen þe gode. And seie þe paene kyng, Iesucrist{e}s wiþering, 160 Þat ihc am hol {and} fer On þis lond ariued her. And seie þ{a}t hei schal fonde Þe dent of myne honde.” 164

Wa{n}ne þou comes to sodenne, Gret wel al mi kinne, 156 And grete wel þe gode Quen godild, my mod{er}. And sey þat heþene king, Ih{es}u c{r}istes wiþerling, 160 Þat ichc lef and dere, On londe am riued here. And sei þat he shal fo{n}ge Þe deth of mine honde.” 164

ȝef þou comest to sudenne, g{re}t hem þ{a}t me kenne. 156 gret wel þe gode quene godild, mi moder. ant sey þene heþene kyng, ih{es}u c{ri}stes wytherlyng, 160 þ{a}t ich hol {ant} fere, in londe aryuede here. ant say þ{a}t he shal fonde þen deþ of myne honde.” 164

[Headnote: King Aylmer welcomes the children.]

[Sidenote: The children set out from the shore and meet King Aylmer,]

[No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] Þe children ȝede to Tune Bi dales {and} bi dune. 168 Hy metten wiþ almair king, Crist ȝeue{n} him his blessing, King of West{er}nesse, Crist ȝiue him Muchel blisse. 172

Þe schip biga{n} to flete And horn child forto wepe. Þe children yede to towne Bi dales and bi downe. 168 ++Metten he with aylm{er} king, God him yeue god timing, King of westnesse, God him yeue blisse. 172

¶ Þe ship bigon to fleoten {ant} horn child to weopen. by dales {ant} by dounes þe children eoden to tounes. 168 metten hue Eylmer, þe kyng, c{ri}st him ȝeue god tymyng, kyng of westnesse, c[{ri}]st him myhte blesse. 172

[Sidenote: who greets them kindly and asks their history.]

He him spac to horn child Wordes þat were Mild, “Whannes beo ȝe, faire gumes, Þ{a}t her to londe beoþ icume, 176 Alle þrottene Of bodie swiþe kene? Bigod þ{a}t me makede, A swihc fair verade 180 Ne sauȝ ihc in none stunde Bi westene londe. Seie me wat ȝe seche.”

For he spek to horn child Wordes wel swiþe mild, “We{n}ne be ye, fayre grome, Þat here to londe ben ycome, 176 Alle xiij Of bodi swiþe schene? Bi ih{es}u þat me made, So fayre on ereþ clade, 180 Ne say neu{er}e stonde In al westnesse londe. Sey me wat ye seche.”

he spec to horn child wordes suyþe myld, “whenne be ȝe gomen, þat bueþ her a londe ycomen, 176 alle þrettene of bodye suyþe kene? by god þat me made, so feyr a felaurade 180 ne seh y neuer stonde in westnesse Londe. say me whet ȝe seche.”

Horn spak here speche, 184 He spak for he{m} alle, Vor so hit moste biualle. He was þe faireste {And} of wit þe beste. 188

Horn spak here speche, 184 Hor spak for hem alle, So hit moste by falle, For þat he was fayrest And of witte wisest. 188

horn spec huere speche. 184 ¶ Horn spac for huem alle, for so hit moste byfalle; he wes þe wyseste {ant} of wytte þe beste. 188

[Headnote: Horn tells his history.]

[Sidenote: Horn tells the king about their adventures,]

¶ “We beoþ of Suddenne, Icome of gode kenne, Of Cristene blode {And} kynges suþe gode. 192 Payns þer gu{n}ne ariue {And} duden hem of lyue. Hi sloȝen {and} to droȝe Cristenemen inoȝe. 196

“We ben of sodenne, ycome{n} of godeme{n}ne, Of c{r}istene blode And of swiþe gode. 192 Paynims þer were riued And broucte{n} men of liue. He slowe and to drowe C{r}istene men hy nowe. 196

“we bueþ of sudenne, ycome of gode kenne, of c{ri}stene blode, of cunne swyþe gode. 192 payenes þer connen aryue {ant} c{ri}stine brohten of lyue, slowen {ant} to drowe c{ri}stinemen ynowe. 196

So crist me mote rede, Vs he dude lede In to a galeie, Wiþ þe se to pleie. 200 Dai hit is igon {and} oþer Wiþute sail {and} roþer.

So god me mote rede. Vs he deden lede In to salyley, Wit þe se to pleye. 200 Day igo and oþer Wit ute{n} seyl and roþer.

so c{ri}st me mote rede, ous hy duden lede [Sidenote: [leaf 84, back]] In to a galeye, wiþ þe see to pleye. 200 day is gon {ant} oper wiþ oute seyl {ant} roþer.

[Sidenote: and bids him do his will with them.]

Vre schip bigan to swymme To þis londes brymme. 204 Nu þu miȝt vs slen, {and} binde Vre honde bihynde. Bute ȝef hit beo þi wille, Helpe þ{a}t we ne spille.” 208 ¶ Þanne spak þe gode kyng, I wis he nas no Niþing,

And hure schip swemme gan, And he to londe it wan. 204 Nou men us binde Oure honde{n} us bi hinde{n}, And yf it be þi wille, Help us þat we ne spille.” 208 Þo bispac aylm{er} king, Was he neu{er}e nyþing,

vre ship flet forþ ylome, {ant} her to londe hit ys ycome. 204 Nou þou myht vs slen, {ant} bynde oure honde vs bihynde. ah ȝef hit is þi wille, help vs þ{a}t we ne spille.” 208 ¶ Þo spac þe gode kyng, he nes neuer nyþyng,

[Headnote: Horn tells his name.]

[Sidenote: Aylmer asks Horn’s name,]

“Seie me, child, what is þi name? Ne schaltu haue bute game.” 212 Þe child him answerde, Sone so he hit herde, “Horn ihc am ihote, Icomen vt of þe bote, 216 Fram þe se side, Kyng, wel mote þe tide.”

“Sey me, child, wat is þi name, Ne schal þe tide bote game.” 212 Þat child him answerede, Sone so hit herde, “Hor hich am hote, Ycome out of þe bote, 216 Fram þe se syde, King, wel þe bityde.”

“sey, child, whet is þy name, shal þe tide bote game.” 212 þe child him onsuerede, so sone he hit yherde, “Horn ycham yhote, ycome out of þis bote, 216 from þe see side, kyng, wel þe bitide.”

[Sidenote: and learning it, puns upon it,]

Þanne hym spak þe gode king, “Wel bruc þu þin eueni{n}g. 220 Horn, þu go wel schulle Bi dales {and} bi hulle.

“++Hon child,” qwad þe king, “Wel brouke þou þi nami{n}g. 220 Horn him goth snille Bi dales an bi hulle;

“horn child,” quoþ þe kyng, “wel brouc þou þy nome ȝyng. 220 horn him goþ so stille bi dales {ant} by hulles.

[Sidenote: predicting that Horn’s fame shall spread like the sound of a horn.]

Horn, þu lude sune Bi dales {and} bi dune. 224 So schal þi name springe Fram kynge to kynge, {And} þi fairnesse Abute West{er}nesse, 228 Þe strengþe of þine honde Into Eurech londe.

And þoruuth eche toune Horn him shilleþ soune. 224 So shal þi name springe Fram kinge to kinge, And þi fayrnesse Þoru out westnesse, 228 And stregþe of þine honde Þoruouth eu{er}ich londe.

horn haþ loude soune þurh out vch a toune. 224 so shal þi nome sp{ri}nge from kynge to kynge, ant þi feirnesse aboute westnesse. 228 [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . .]

[Sidenote: He then leads Horn home.]

Horn, þu art so swete Ne may ihc þe forlete.” 232 Hom rod Aylmar þe kyng, {And} horn mid him his fundyng {And} alle his ifere, Þ{a}t were him so dere. 236

Horn þu art so swete No schal yþe for lete.” 232 Hom rod him aylm{er} king, And wit horn þe sweting And alle hyse feren, Þat weren lef and dere. 236

horn þou art so suete, ne shal y þe forlete.” 232 Hom rod Aylmer þe kyng, {ant} horn wiþ him, his fundlyng, {ant} alle his yfere, þat him were so duere. 236

[Headnote: Arrangements for education of the children.]

[Sidenote: The king entrusts Horn to Athelbrus, the steward, charging the latter to give Horn full instruction in hunting, fishing,]

¶ Þe kyng com in to halle Among his kniȝtes alle; Forþ he clupede aþelbrus, Þat was stiward of his hus. 240 “Stiwarde, tak nu here Mi fundlyng for to lere Of þine mest{er}e, Of wude {and} of riu{er}e, 244 [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .]

Þe king com in to halle Amo{n}g hise kinctes alle. He bad clepen aybrous, Þe heye stiward of his hous. 240 “Stiward, haue þou here Horn chil for to lere Of þine mestere, [No gap in MS. . . . .] Of wode and of felde 244 To riden wel wit shelde.

þe kyng com in to halle among his knyhtes alle. forþ he clepeþ Aþelbrus, his stiward, {ant} him seide þus, 240 “stiward, tac þou here my fundlyng, forto lere of þine mestere, of wode {ant} of ryuere, 244 [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . .]

[Sidenote: playing the harp, and in serving with the cup.]

{And} tech him to harpe Wiþ his nayles scharpe, 248 Biuore me to kerue {And} of þe cupe serue. Þu tech him of alle þe liste Þat þu eure of wiste. 252

Tech him of þe harpe, Wit his nayles sharpe 248 Biforn me for to harpen, And of þe cuppe seruen, And of alle þe listes Þat þou on erþe vistes. 252

and toggen o þe harpe wiþ is nayles sharpe; 248 and tech him alle þe listes þ{a}t þou euer wystest, byfore me to keruen {ant} of my coupe to seruen. 252

In his feiren þou wise In to oþere s{er}uise. Horn þu vnderuonge {And} tech him of harpe {and} songe.” 256 ¶ Ailbrus gan lere Horn {and} his yfere.

His feren deuise Of oþer seruise. ++Horn child þou vnderfonge; Tech him of harpe and so{n}ge.” 256 And aylbrous gan leren Horn and hise feren.

ant his feren deuyse wiþ ous oþer seruise. horn child þou vnderstond, tech him of harpe {ant} of song.” 256 ¶ Aþelbrus gon leren, horn {ant} hyse feren.

[Headnote: Rymenhild loves Horn.]

[Sidenote: Horn learns readily and becomes a general favourite.]

Horn in herte laȝte Al þat he him taȝte. 260 In þe curt {and} vte, {And} elles al abute, Luuede men horn child; {And} mest him louede Rymenhild, 264 Þe kynges oȝene dofter. He was mest in þoȝte.

Horn in h{er}te laucte Al þat men him taucte. 260 Wit hine þe curt and wit oute, And alle veie aboute, Men louede{n} alle horn child, And mest him louede rimenild, 264 Þe kinge owne dout{er}. He was eu{er}e in þoute.

horn mid herte lahte al þ{a}t mon him tahte. 260 wiþ inne court {ant} wiþ oute {ant} oueral aboute, Louede men horn child; {ant} most him louede rymenyld, 264 Þe kynges oune dohter, for he wes in hire þohte.

[Sidenote: Rymenhild falls passionately in love with him,]

Heo louede so horn child, Þat neȝ heo gan wexe wild; 268 For heo ne miȝte at borde Wiþ him speke no worde, Ne noȝt in þe halle Amo{n}g þe kniȝtes alle, 272 Ne nowhar in non oþ{er}e stede, Of folk heo hadde drede, Bi daie ne bi niȝte, Wiþ him speke ne miȝte. 276 Hire soreȝe ne hire pine Ne miȝte neure fine. In heorte heo hadde wo, {And} þus hire biþoȝte þo. 280

So hye louede horn child, Þat hye wex al wild. 268 Hye ne micte on borde Wit horn speken no worde, Noþer in þe halle Among þe kinctes alle, 272 Ne nower i{n} no stede, For for folc þer was so meche. Hire sorwe and hire pyne Nolde he neu{er}e fine. 276 Bi day ne bi nicte Wit him speke ne micte. In h{er}te hye haue kare and wo; Þus he hire bi þoucte þo. 280

hue louede hi{m} in hire mod, for he wes feir {ant} eke god. 268 {ant} þah hue ne dorste at bord mid hi{m} speke ner a word, ne in þe halle among þe knyhtes alle, 272 hyre sorewe ant hire pyne nolde neuer fyne bi daye ne by nyhte, for hue speke ne myhte 276 wiþ horn þ{a}t wes so feir {ant} fre, þo hue ne myhte wiþ him be. In herte hue hade care {ant} wo, {ant} þ{us} hue biþohte hire þo. 280

[Sidenote: and sends to Athelbrus.]

Heo sende hire sonde Aþelbrus to honde, Þ{a}t he come hire to, {And} also scholde horn do 284 Al in to bure, ffor heo ga{n} to lure. {And} þe sonde seide Þ{a}t sik lai þ{a}t maide, 288 {And} bad him come swiþe For heo nas noþing bliþe.

He sende hire sonde Aylbrous to honde. And be, he schold hire come{n} to, And also scholde horn do 284 In to hire boure, For hye gan to loure. And ysonde seyde Wel riche was þe mede, 288 And bed him come{n} swiþe, For hye nas naut bliþ.

Hue sende hyre sonde Athelbrus to honde, [Sidenote: [leaf 85]] þat he come hue to, {ant} also shulde horn do 284 in to hire boure, for hue bigon to loure. {ant} þe sonde sayde þ{a}t seek wes þe mayde, 288 {ant} bed him come suyþe, for hue nis nout blyþe.

[Sidenote: Rymenhild bids Athelbrus bring Horn to her bower,]

Þe stuard was in herte wo, For he nuste what to do. 292 Wat Rymenhild hure þoȝte, Gret wunder him þuȝte. Abute horn þe ȝonge To bure for to bringe, 296

Þe stiward was i{n} h{er}te wo, He ne wiste wat he micte do. 292 Wat reymnyld wroute, Mikel wond{er} him þoute. Abote horn þe ȝenge To boure for to bringe, 296

¶ Þe stiward wes in huerte wo, for he nuste whet he shulde do. 292 what rymenild bysohte, gret wonder him þohte, aboute horn þe ȝinge to boure forte bringe. 296

[Headnote: Athelbrus brings Athulf to bower.]

[Sidenote: but he, fearing some evil consequence, takes Athulf instead.]

He þoȝte upon his mode Hit nas for none gode. He tok him anoþer, Athulf, hornes broþer. 300

He þoucte on his mode Hit nas for none gode. He tok wit him anoþer, Þat was hornes wed broþer. 300

he þohte on is mode hit nes for none gode. he tok wiþ him an oþer, aþulf, hornes broþer. 300

¶ “Aþulf,” he sede, “riȝt anon Þu schalt wiþ me to bure gon, To speke wiþ Rymenhild stille {And} witen hure wille. 304 In hornes ilike Þu schalt hure biswike. Sore ihc me ofdrede He wolde horn misrede.” 308

“Ayol,” he seyde, “ryt anon Þou shalt wit me to boure gon, To speke wit reymyld stille And witen al hire wille. 304 In hornes ylyche Þou schalt hir{e} bi swike. Wel sore y me of drede Þat hye wile horn mis rede.” 308

“Athulf,” quoþ he, “ryht anon þou shalt wiþ me to boure gon, to speke wiþ rymenild stille, to wyte hyre wille. 304 þou art hornes yliche, þou shalt hire by suyke; sore me adrede þ{a}t hue wole horn mys rede.” 308

[Headnote: Reception of Athulf.]

[Sidenote: Athelbrus and Athulf go to Rymenhild’s bower, and Rymenhild, mistaking Athulf for Horn, embraces him]

Aþelbrus gan Aþulf lede {And} in to bure wiþ him ȝede. Anon vpon Aþulf child Rymenhild gan wexe wild. 312 He we{n}de þ{a}t horn hit were Þ{a}t heo hauede þere. Heo sette him on bedde, Wiþ Aþulf child he wedde. 316 On hire armes tweie Aþulf heo gan leie.

Aylbrous, and ayol hi{m} myde, Boþe he to bour{e} ȝede. Opon ayol childe Reymyld was naut wilde. 312 Hye wende horn hit were Þat hye hadde þere. Hye sette him on bedde, With ayol he gan wedde. 316 In hire armes tweye Ayol he gan leye.

Athelbrus {ant} Athulf bo to hire boure beþ ygo. vpon Athulf childe rymenild con waxe wilde. 312 hue wende horn it were þ{a}t hue hade þere. hue seten adoun stille ant seyden hure wille. 316 In hire armes tueye Athulf he con leye.

[Sidenote: and declares her love.]

“Horn,” q{ua}þ heo, “wel longe Ihc habbe þe luued st{r}onge. 320 Þu schalt þi trewþe pliȝte On myn hond her riȝte, Me to spuse holde, {And} ihc þe lord to wolde.” 324 ¶ Aþulf sede on hire ire, So stille so hit were,

“Horn,” hye seyde, “so longe Ich habbe yloued þe stronge. 320 Þou schalt me treuþe plyȝte In mine honde wel ryhcte, Me to spouse welde, And ich þe louerd to helde.” 324 And seyde in hire here, So stille so it were,

“horn,” quoþ he, “wel longe y haue loued þe stronge; 320 þou shalt þy treuþe plyhte in myn hond wiþ ryhte, me to spouse welde, {ant} ich þe louerd to helde.” 324 so stille so hit were athulf seyde in hire eere,

[Sidenote: Athulf discloses his identity, and bids her desist.]

[No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] “Þi tale nu þu lynne, For horn nis noȝt her in{n}e.

“Ne te þou more speche, Su{m} ma{n} þe wile bi keche. 328 Þi tale bi gyn to lynne, For horn nis nouth heri{n}ne.

“ne tel þou no more speche, may, y þe by seche. 328 þi tale gyn þou lynne, for horn nis nout her ynne.

[Sidenote: Athulf declares himself in every way inferior to Horn, and his unwillingness to deceive.]

Ne beo we noȝt iliche, Horn is fairer {and} riche, 332 Fairer bi one ribbe Þane eni Man þ{a}t libbe. Þeȝ horn were vnder Molde, Oþ{er} elles wher he wolde, 336 Oþer henne a þuse{n}d Mile, Ihc nolde him ne þe bigile.” ¶ Rymenhild hire biwente, {And} Aþelbrus fule heo schente. 340

Horn his fayr and riche, Be we naut yliche, 332 Fayror hond{er} ribbe Þan onyman þat libbe. Þei horn were hond{er} molde Oþer elles qwere e wolde, 336 Hanne ou{er} a þousond mile, Ne schulde ich him bigile.” Reymyld hire bi wende, Þe stiward sone he schende. 340

ne be we nout yliche, for horn is fayr {ant} ryche, 332 fayrore by one ribbe þen ani mon þat libbe. þah horn were vnder molde, {ant} oþer elle wher he sholde, 336 hennes a þousent milen, y nulle him bigilen.” ¶ rymenild hire by wente, ant Athelbrus þus heo shende, 340

[Headnote: Rymenhild rages at Athelbrus.]

[Sidenote: Rymenhild storms at Athelbrus, and drives him from the bower.]

“He{n}nes þu go, þu fule þeof, Ne wurstu me neure more leof Went vt of my bur, Wiþ muchel mesauenteur. 344 Schame mote þu fonge {And} on hiȝe rode anhonge. Ne spek ihc noȝt wiþ horn, Nis he noȝt so vnorn. 348 Hor[n] is fairer þane beo he, Wiþ muchel schame mote þu deie.”

“Aylbrous, þu foule þef, Ne worstu me neu{er}e lef. Wend out of mi bour{e}, Wyt muchel mesaue{n}ture. 344 Heuele ded mote þou fonge And on heuele rode on honge. Spak ich nou with horn, His he nowt me biforn. 348 He his fayror of liue; Wend out he{n}ne bilyue.”

“Aþelbrus, þou foule þef, ne worþest þou me neuer lef. went out of my boure, shame þe mote by shoure, 344 ant euel hap to vnderfonge {ant} euele rode on to honge. Ne speke y nout wiþ horne, nis he nout so vnorne. 348 [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . .]

[Headnote: Athelbrus promises to bring Horn.]

¶ Aþelbrus in a stunde Fel anon to grunde. 352 “Lefdi, Min oȝe, Liþe me a litel þroȝe.

Þo aylbrous a stounde On kneus fel to grunde. 352 “A, leuedy, min howe, Lyþe a litel þrowe.

¶ Þo Athelbrus astounde fel aknen to grounde. 352 “ha, leuedy, myn owe, me lyþe a lutel þrowe,

[Sidenote: Athelbrus explains his fears,]

Lust whi ihc wonde Bringe þe horn to honde. 356 For horn is fair {and} riche, Nis no whar his iliche. Aylmar, þe gode kyng, Dude him on mi lokyng. 360

[No gap in MS. . . . .] To bringe þe horn to honde. 356 Horn hys fayr and riche, His no man hys liche, And aylm{er}, þe gode king, Dede him in Mi loking. 360

ant list were fore ych wonde to bringen horn to honde. 356 for horn is fayr {ant} riche, nis non his ylyche. Aylmer þe gode kyng dude him me in lokyng. 360

Ȝef horn were her abute, Sore y me dute Wiþ him ȝe wolden pleie Bitwex ȝou selue tweie. 364 Þa{n}ne scholde wiþuten oþe Þe kyng maken vs wroþe.

Ȝyf horn þe were aboute, Wel sore ich me doute Þat ye schulde{n} pleye Bitwen hou one tweye. 364 Þan scholde wit oute{n} oþe Þe king hus maken wroþe.

Ȝif horn þe were aboute, sore ich myhte doute wiþ him þou woldest pleye bituene ou seluen tueye. 364 þenne shulde wiþ outen oþe þe kyng vs make wroþe.

[Sidenote: but asks Rymenhild’s forgiveness, and promises to bring Horn in all events.]

Rymenhild, forȝef me þi tene, Lefdi, my quene, 368 And horn ihc schal þe fecche, Wham so hit recche.”

For ȝyf me þi tene, My leuedi and my quene, 368 And horn ich wolle feche, Wam so hit eu{er}e reche.”

[Sidenote: [leaf 85, back]] Ah, forȝef me þi teone, my leuedy Ant my quene. 368 Horn y shal þe fecche, wham so hit yrecche.”

[Sidenote: Rymenhild is glad, and bids him bring Horn as a squire.]

¶ Rymenhild, ȝef he cuþe, Gan lynne wiþ hire Muþe. 372 Heo makede hire wel bliþe Wel was hire þ{a}t siþe.

Reymyld, ȝyf hye cowþe, Gan leyhe wyt hire mouþe. 372 Hye lowe and makede blyþe Wel was hire swiþe.

rymenild, ȝef heo couþe, con lyþe wiþ hyre mouþe. 372 heo loh {ant} made hire blyþe, for wel wes hyre olyue.

“Go nu,” q{ua}þ heo, “sone, {And} send him aft{er} none 376 Whane þe kyng arise, On a squieres wise. To wude for to pleie. Nis no{n} þ{a}t him biwreie; 380 He schal wiþ me bileue Til hit beo nir eue, To hauen of him mi wille. Aft{er} ne recchecche what me telle.” 384

“Go,” hye seyde, “sone, And bring him aft{er} none, 376 In a sq{u}ieres wise, Wan þe king aryse. He wende forþ to horne; Ne wolde sche him werne. 380 “He schal mid me bi leue Til hyt be ner heue. Had ich of hym my wille, Ne reche y wat men telle.” 384

“go þon,” quoþ heo, “sone, {ant} send him after none, 376 a skuyeres wyse, when þe king aryse. [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . .] 380 he shal myd me bileue þ{a}t hit be ner eue. haue ich of hi{m} mi wille, ne recchi whet men telle.” 384

[Headnote: Athelbrus invites Horn to Rymenhild.]

[Sidenote: Athelbrus finds Horn in hall, serving the king.]

¶ Aylbrus wende hire fro; Horn in halle fond he þo, Bifore þe kyng on benche, Wyn for to schenche. 388 [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .]

Aylbrous fram boure wende, Horn i{n} halle he fonde, Bi forn þe king abenche, Red win to schenche, 388 And aft{er} mete stale, Boþe win and ale.

¶ Athelbrus goþ wiþ alle; horn he fond in halle, bifore þe kyng o benche, wyn forte shenche. 388 [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . .]

[Sidenote: He bids him go to Rymenhild’s bower, at the same time urging him to be discreet.]

“Horn,” q{ua}þ he, “so hende, To bure nu þu wende, 392 Aft{er} mete stille, Wiþ Rymenhild to duelle. Wordes suþe bolde In herte þu hem holde. 396

“Horn,” he seyde, “so hende, To bour{e} þo most wende, 392 Aft{er} mete stille, wit With reymild to dwelle. Wordes swiþe bolde In h{er}te gon þu holde. 396

“Horn,” quoþ he, “þou hende, to boure gyn þou wende, 392 to speke wiþ rymenild þe ȝynge, dohter oure kynge, wordes suyþe bolde; þin horte gyn þou holde. 396

Horn, beo me wel trewe; Ne schal hit þe neure rewe.” Horn in herte leide Al þ{a}t he him seide. 400 He ȝeode in wel riȝte To Rymenhild þe briȝte.

Hor, be me wel trewe; Ne schal it þe nouth rewe.” [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] 400 ++Horn him we{n}de forþricte To reymyld þe brycte.

Horn, be þou me trewe, shal þe nout arewe.” [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . .] 400 He eode forþ to ryhte to rymenild þe bryhte.

[Headnote: Rymenhild’s reception of Horn.]

[Sidenote: Horn greets Rymenhild with fair words.]

On knes he him sette, And sweteliche hure grette. 404 Of his feire siȝte Al þe bur gan liȝte. He spac faire speche; Ne dorte him noman teche. 408

Hon kneus he him sette And rimyld fayre grette. 404 Of þat fayre wihcte Al þe halle gan licte. He spak fayre speche; Ne þar him no ma teche. 408

a knewes he him sette {ant} suetliche hire grette. 404 of is fayre syhte al þ{a}t bour gan lyhte. he spac faire is speche; ne durþ non him teche. 408

“Wel þu sitte {and} softe, Rymenhild þe briȝte, Wiþ þine Maidenes sixe Þ{a}t þe sitteþ nixte. 412 Kinges stuard vre Sende me in to bure. Wiþ þe speke ihc scholde; Seie me what þu woldest. 416 Seie, {and} ich schal here, What þi wille were.”

“Wel þou sitte and softe, Reymyld, kinges dout{er}, With þine maydnes syxe Þat sittet þe nexte. 412 Þe kinges stiward and hour{e} Sente me to boure. With þe hy speke schulde; Sey me wat þou wolde. 416 Sey, and ich schal here, Wat þi wille were.”

“wel þ{o}u sitte {ant} soþte, rymenild, kinges dohter, ant þy maydnes here þat sitteþ þyne yfere. 412 Kynges styward oure sende me to boure, [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . .] 416 forte y here, leuedy myn, whet be wille þyn.”

[Headnote: Conversation between Horn and Rymenhild.]

[Sidenote: She takes Horn by the hand and embraces him.]

¶ Rymenhild vp gan stonde {And} tok him bi þe honde. 420 Heo sette him on pelle, Of wyn to drinke his fulle. Heo makede him faire chere {And} tok him abute þe swere. 424 Ofte heo him custe, So wel so hire luste.

Reymild up gan sto{n}de And tok him bi þe honde. 420 Sette he him on palle; Wyn hye dide fulle, Makede fayre chere, And tok him bi þe swere. 424 Often hye him kiste, So wel hire luste.

rymenild vp gon stonde {ant} tok him by þe honde. [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . .] heo made feyre chere {ant} tok him bi þe suere. 424 ofte heo him custe, so wel hyre luste.

[Sidenote: Rymenhild tells Horn of her love for him, and bids him plight her his troth.]

[No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .]

“Wel come, horn,” hye seyde, “So fayr so god þe makede. 428 An heue and amorwe For þe ich habbe sorwe. Haue ich none reste; Slepe me ne liste. 432 Leste me þis sorwe, Lyue hy nawt to morwe. Horn, þou schalt wel swiþe My longe sorwe liþe; 436

“Wel come, horn,” þus sayde rymenild, þ{a}t mayde, 428 “an euen {ant} a morewe for þe ich habbe sorewe, þ{a}t y haue no reste, ne slepe me ne lyste. 432 [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . .] Horn, þou shalt wel swyþe mi longe serewe lyþe; 436

“Horn,” heo sede, “wiþute strif Þu schalt haue me to þi wif. Horn, haue of me rewþe, {And} plist me þi trewþe.” 440 ¶ Horn þo him biþoȝte What he speke miȝte.

Þou schalt, wit ute{n} st{r}iue, Habben me to wiue. Horn, haue on me rewþe, And plyct þou me þi trewþe.” 440 Horn child him bi þoute Wat he speke myȝte.

þou shalt wyþ-oute st{ri}ue habbe me to wyue. horn, haue of me reuþe, {ant} plyht me þi treuþe.” 440 ¶ horn þo him byþohte whet he speken ohte.

[Sidenote: Horn urges his low birth and foundling state in objection.]

“Crist,” q{ua}þ he, “þe wisse, {And} ȝiue þe heuene blisse 444 Of þine husebonde, Wher he beo i{n} lo{n}de; Ihc am ibore to lowe Such wi{m}man to knowe. 448

“God,” qwad horn, “þe wisse, And ȝyue þe ioye and blisse 444 Of þine hosebonde, Whare he be in londe. Ich am hy bor{n} to lowe Such a wyf to owe. 448

“c{ri}st,” quoþ horn, “þe wisse, {ant} ȝeue þe heuene blisse 444 of þine hosebonde, who he be a londe. [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . .] 448

Ihc am icome of þralle, {And} fu{n}dli{n}g bifalle. Ne feolle hit þe of cu{n}de To spuse beo me bunde. 452 Hit nere no fair wedding Bitwexe a þral {and} a king.” ¶ Þo gan Rymenhild mis lyke, {And} sore gan to sike. 456

Ich am bor{n} þralle, And fundlynge am bi falle. Ich am nawt of kende Þe to spouse welde. 452 Hit were no fayr wedding Bituene a þral and þe king.” Reymyld ga{n} to mys lyke, And sore forto syke. 456

ich am ybore þral, þy fader fundlyng wiþ-al. of kunde me ne felde þe to spouse welde. 452 Hit nere no fair weddyng bituene a þral {ant} þe kyng.” þo gon rymenild mis lyken, {ant} sore[KH-2] bigon to syken. 456

[Footnote KH-2: to syken crossed out after sore.]

[Headnote: Horn asks Rymenhild’s assistance.]

[Sidenote: Rymenhild swoons when she hears Horn’s reply.]

Armes heo gan buȝe; Adun he feol iswoȝe. ¶ Horn in herte was ful wo, {And} tok hire on his armes two. 460 He gan hire for to kesse, Wel ofte mid ywisse.

Armes hye na{m} boþe, And doune he fel yswowe. Hor hire ofte wende, And in hys armes trende. 460 [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .]

armes bigon vnbowe, {ant} doun heo fel y swowe. Horn hire vp hente {ant} in is armes trente. 460 he gon hire to cusse, {ant} feyre forte wisse.

[Sidenote: Horn caresses her, and promises that if she will help him to become dubbed knight, he will do her will.]

“Le{m}man,” he sede, “dere, Þin herte nu þu stere. 464 Help me to kniȝte, Bi al þine miȝte To my lord þe ki{n}g, Þ{a}t he me ȝiue dubbi{n}g. 468

“Le{m}ma{n},” qwat he, “dere, Þin h{er}te gyn þou to stere, 464 And hep þou me to knicte, Oppe þine myȝte To my louerd þe kinge, Þat he me ȝyue dobbinge. 468

“rymenild,” quoþ he, “duere, help me þ{a}t ych were 464 [Sidenote: [leaf 86]] Ydobbed to be knyhte, suete, bi al þi myhte to mi louerd þe kyng, þ{a}t he me ȝeue dobbyng. 468

Þa{n}ne is mi þralhod Iwe{n}t i{n} to kniȝthod, {And} i schal wexe more, {And} do, le{m}ma{n}, þi lore.” 472 ¶ Rymenhild, þ{a}t swete þing, Wakede of hire swoȝning.

And þa{n}ne hys my þralhede yterned in knyt hede, And þe{n}ne hy schal wite more, And don aft{er} þi lore.” 472 Þo reymyl þe ȝenge Com of hire swohinge,

þenne is my þralhede al wend in to knyhthede. y shal waxe more {ant} do, rymenild, þi lore.” 472 Þo rymenild þe ȝynge a-ros of hire swowenynge.

[Headnote: Rymenhild instructs Horn what to do.]

[Sidenote: Rymenhild promises Horn that he shall be made knight within a fortnight,]

“Horn,” q{ua}þ heo, “vel sone Þ{a}t schal beon idone. 476 Þu schalt beo dubbed kniȝt Are come seue niȝt. Haue her þis cuppe, {And} þis Ring þer vppe, 480 To Aylbrus {and} stuard, {And} se he holde foreward.

And seyde, “horn, wel ricte, Þou art so fayr and briycte, 476 Þou schalt worþe to knyte, hyt comeȝ sone nyȝte. Nym þou here þis coppe, And þis ryng þer oppe, 480 And beryt hour{e} styward, And bid helde foreward.

“Nou, horn, to soþe, y leue þe by þyn oþe, 476 þou shalt be maked knyht er þen þis fourteniht. ber þou her þes coppe, {ant} þes ringes þer vppe, 480 to Athelbrus þe styward, {ant} say him he holde foreward.

[Sidenote: and tells him to bid Athelbrus fall on his knees before the king, in his behalf.]

Seie ich him biseche, Wiþ loueliche speche, 484 Þ{a}t he adu{n} falle Bifore þe ki{n}g i{n} halle, {And} bidde þe king ariȝte Dubbe þe to kniȝte. 488 Wiþ seluer {and} wiþ golde Hit wurþ him wel iȝolde.

[No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] 484 Bid hym for þe falle To kinges fot i{n} halle, Þat he dubbe þe to knicte Wyt hys swerde so bricte. 488 Wyt siluer and wit golde Hyt worþ him wel hyȝolde.

Sey ich him biseche, wiþ loueliche speche, 484 þ{a}t he for þe falle to þe kynges fet in halle, þ{a}t he wiþ is worde þe knyhty wiþ sworde. 488 wiþ seluer {ant} wiþ golde hit worþ him wel yȝolde.

[Sidenote: Horn seeks out Athelbrus and tells his errand.]

Crist him lene spede Þin ere{n}de to bede.” 492

++Horn, god lene þe wel spede Þi h{er}dne forto bede.” 492

nou c{ri}st him lene spede þin erndyng do bede.” 492

¶ Horn tok his leue, For hit was neȝ eue. Aþelbr{us} he soȝte {And} ȝaf him þ{a}t he broȝte, 496 {And} tolde hi{m} ful ȝare Hu he hadde ifare, {And} sede hi{m} his nede, {And} bihet him his mede. 500

Horn tok hys leue, For it was ney eue. Aylbrous he sowte And tok him þat he browte. 496 He talede to him þere hou he hauede hy fare. He telde him of his nede, And bi het him his mede. 500

¶ Horn tok is leue, for hit wes neh eue. Athelbrus he sohte {ant} tok him þ{a}t he brohte, 496 ant tolde him þare hou he hede yfare. he seide him is nede, {ant} him bihet is mede. 500

[Headnote: The King promises to knight Horn.]

[Sidenote: Athelbrus goes before the king in hall,]

¶ Aþelbrus also swiþe We{n}te to halle bliue. [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] 504 “Kyng,” he sede, “þu leste A tale mid þe beste. Þu schalt bere c{ru}ne Tomoreȝe i{n} þis tune. 508

Aylbrous wel bliþe To halle he ȝede wel swiþe, And sette him on kneuling, And grette wel þe king. 504 “Syre,” he seyde, “wiltu luste Ane tale wit þe beste? Þou schalt bere corune In þis hulke toune. 508

Athelbrus so blyþe eode in to halle swyþe, [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . .] 504 ant seide, “kyng, nou leste o tale mid þe beste. þou shalt bere coroune to marewe in þis toune. 508

[Sidenote: and urges him to knight Horn at the feast the following day.]

Tomoreȝe is þi feste; Þ{er} bihoueþ geste. Hit nere noȝt for loren For to kniȝti child horn 512 Þine armes for to welde; God kniȝt he schal ȝelde.”

To morwe worþe þi festes; Me by houed gestes. Ich þe wolde rede ate lest Þat þou horn knict makedest. 512 Þi armes to him welde; God knict he schal be{n} helde.”

to marewe is þi feste; þe bihoueþ geste. Ich þe rede mid al my myht þ{a}t þou make horn knyht. 512 þin armes do him welde; god knyht he shal þe ȝelde.”

[Sidenote: The king accedes to the request, and promises that Horn and his twelve companions shall be knighted.]

¶ Þe ki{n}g sede sone, “Þ{a}t is wel idone. 516 Horn me wel iq{ue}meþ; God kniȝt hi{m} bisemeþ. He schal haue mi dubbing {And} aft{er}ward mi derling. 520

Þe king seyde sone, “Þat hys wel to done. 516 Horn me wole ben queme, To be knict him by seme. He schal habbe my dubbing And be my nowne derling. 520

þe kyng seide wel sone, “hit is wel to done. 516 Horn me wel quemeþ; knyht him wel bysemeþ. He shal haue mi dobbyng {ant} be myn oþer derlyng. 520

{And} alle his feren twelf He schal kniȝten him self. Alle he schal hem kniȝte Bifore me þis niȝte.” 524

And his feren xij Ich schal dobbe My selue. Alle ich hem schal knicte Bi for me to fyte.” 524

{ant} hise feren tuelue he shal dobbe him selue. alle y shal hem knyhte byfore me to fyhte.” 524

[Headnote: Horn is dubbed Knight.]

[Sidenote: On the morrow, Horn with his twelve companions presents himself before king Aylmer,]

Til þe liȝt of day sprang Ailmar hi{m} þuȝte la{n}g. Þe day bigan to spri{n}ge, Horn co{m} biuore þe ki{n}ge, 528 Mid his twelf yfere; Sume hi were luþ{er}e.

Amorwe her þe dey sp{r}onge ++Aylm{er} king þoute wel lo{n}ge. Þe day by gan to spri{n}ge, Horn cam bi forn þe kinge. 528 Wit swerde horn he girde Rit hond{er} hys h{er}te.

al þ{a}t þe lyhte day sprong aylmere þohte long. þe day bigon to sp{ri}nge; horn com byfore þe kynge, 528 wiþ his tuelf fere; alle þer ywere.

[Sidenote: and the king sets him on a red steed and dubs him knight.]

Horn he dubbede to kniȝte Wiþ swerd {and} spures briȝte. 532 He sette him on a stede whit; Þernas no kniȝt hym ilik. He smot him alitel wiȝt {And} bed him beon a god kniȝt. 536

He sette him on stede Red so any glede, 532 And sette on his fotes Boþe spores and botes, And smot alitel with, And bed him ben god knict. 536

Horn knyht made he wiþ ful gret solempnite, 532 Sette him on a stede red so eny glede, Smot him a lute wiht, {ant} bed him buen a god knyht. 536

[Sidenote: Athulf falls on his knees, and asks that Horn may dub him and the other companions.]

¶ Aþulf fel a knes þar Biuore þe ki{n}g Aylmar. “King,” he sede, “so kene, G{ra}nte me a bene. 540 Nu is kniȝ[t] sire horn Þ{a}t i{n} sudde{n}ne was iboren.

Ayol fel on knes þere By forn þe king aylm{er}e, And seyde, “king so kene, Graunte me my bene. 540 Þou hast knicted sire horn Þat i{n} sodenne was hy born.

Athulf vel a kne þer {ant} þonkede kyng Aylmer. [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . .] 540 ¶ “Nou is knyht sire horn þ{a}t in Sudenne wes yborn.

Lord he is of lo{n}de, Ou{er} us þ{a}t bi hi{m} stonde. 544 Þin armes he haþ {and} scheld, To fiȝte wiþ vpon þe feld. Let him vs alle kniȝte, For þ{a}t is vre riȝte.” 548

Louerd he hys in londe, Of vs þat bi him sto{n}de, 544 Mid spere and wit scelde To fyte{n} in þe felde. Let him os alle knicte, So hyt hys hise ricte.” 548

Lord he is of londe {ant} of vs þat by him stonde. 544 þin armes he haueþ {ant} þy sheld, forte fyhte in þe feld. Let him vs alle knyhte, so hit is his ryhte.” 548 Aylmer seide ful ywis, “nou do þ{a}t þi wille ys.”

[Sidenote: Horn knights his twelve companions.]

¶ Aylmar sede sone ywis, “Do nu þat þi wille is.” Horn adun liȝte {And} makede he{m} alle kniȝtes. 552 M{ur}ie was þe feste, Al of faire gestes.

Þo seyde þe king wel sone wis, “Do horn as hys wil hys.” Horn adown ga{n} lycte And makede hem to knicte. 552 Comen were þe gestes, Amorwe was þe feste.

Horn adoun con lyhte {ant} made hem alle to knyhte, 552 [Sidenote: [leaf 86, back]] for muchel wes þe geste {ant} more wes þe feste.

[Headnote: Rymenhild reminds Horn of his promise.]

[Sidenote: Rymenhild becomes impatient and sends for Horn.]

Ac Rymenhild nas noȝt þer, {And} þ{a}t hire þuȝte seue ȝer. 556 Aft{er} horn heo sente, {And} he to bure we{n}te.

Reymyld was nowt þere, Hire þoute seue yere. 556 Aft{er} horn hye sende; Hor to bour{e} wende.

þ{a}t rymenild nes nout þere hire þohte seue ȝere. 556 efter horn hue sende; horn in to boure wende.

[Sidenote: He takes Athulf as companion.]

Nolde he noȝt go one; Aþulf was his mone. 560 Rymenhild on flore stod, Hornes come hire þuȝte god,

[No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] He na{m} his felawe i{n} hys honde, And fonde Reymyld i{n} bour{e} sto{n}de.

He nolde gon is one; Athulf wes hys ymone. 560 [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . .]

[Sidenote: Rymenhild bids Horn fulfil his share of the compact by marrying her.]

And sede, “Welcome, sire horn, And Aþulf, kniȝt þe biforn. 564 Kniȝt, nu is þi time For to sitte bi me. Do nu þat þu er of spake, To þi wif þume take. 568 Ef þu art trewe of dedes, Do nu ase þu sedes. Nu þu hast wille þine, Vnbind me of my pine.” 572

“Welcome art þou, sire horn, And ayol chil þe bi forn. 564 Knict, nou it his tyme Þat þo sitte by me. Yf þou be trewe of dedes, Do þat þou arr{e} seydes. 568 Do nou þat we speke, To wif þou schalt me take.” [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] 572

¶ rymenild welcomeþ sire horn, {ant} aþulf knyht hi{m} biforn. 564 “knyht, nou is tyme forto sitte byme. do nou þ{a}t we spake; to þi wyf þou me take. 568 [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . .] Nou þou hast wille þyne, vnbynd me of þis pyne.” 572

[Headnote: Horn proposes first to prove his Knighthood.]

[Sidenote: Horn replies that it is the custom for a knight to fight for his leman with some other knight,]

¶ “Rymenhild,” quaþ he, “beo stille; Ihc wulle don al þi wille. Also hit mot bitide, Mid sp{er}e ischal furst ride, 576 {And} mi kniȝthod proue, Ar ihc þe ginne to woȝe.

“Reymyld,” qwat horn, “be stille; Hy schal don al þi wille. Hat first hyt mote by tyde Mid spere þat ich ride, 576 Mi knicthede for to p{ro}ue, Herst, here ich þe wowe.

“rymenild, nou be stille, ichulle don al þy wille. ah her hit so bitide, mid spere ichulle ryde 576 ant my knyhthod proue, er þen ich þe wowe.

We beþ kniȝtes ȝo{n}ge, Of o dai al isp{ru}nge, 580 And of vre mest{er}e So is þe man{er}e, Wiþ sume oþere kniȝte Wel for his lemman fiȝte, 584 Or he eni wif take; For þi me stondeþ þe more rape.

We beþ kinctes yonge, Alto day hy spronge; 580 Of þe mestere Hyt hys þe man{er}e, Wyt som oþer knicte For hys lema{n} to fycte, 584 Her ich eny wif take. Þer fore ne haue ich þe forsake.

we bueþ nou knyhtes ȝonge, alle to day yspronge, 580 ant of þe mestere hit is þe manere, wiþ sum oþer knyhte for his lemmon to fyþte, 584 er ne he eny wyf take oþer wyþ wymmon forewart make.

[Sidenote: and promises that after he has accomplished an act of prowess, he will make her his wife.]

Today, so crist me blesse, Ihc wulle do pruesse 588 For þi luue in þe felde, Mid spere {and} mid schelde. If ihc come te lyue, Ihc schal þe take to wyue.” 592 ¶ “Kniȝt,” quaþ heo, “trewe, Ihc wene ihc mai þe leue.

To day, so god me blisse, Ich sal do pruesce, 588 For þe lef wyt schelde, In mideward þe felde. And hy come to liue Ich take þe wiue.” 592 “Knict,” qwat reymyl, þe trewe, “Yich wene ich may þe leue.

to day, so c{ri}st me blesse, y shal do pruesse, 588 for þi loue mid shelde amiddewart þe felde. ȝef ich come to lyue ychul þe take to wyue.” 592 “knyht, y may yleue þe, why aut þou trewe be.

[Headnote: Rymenhild gives Horn a Ring.]

[Sidenote: Rymenhild gives Horn a ring, which she bids him wear for her love,]

Tak nu her þis gold ring, God him is þe dubbing. 596 [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] Þer is vpon þe ringe Ig{ra}ue, ‘Rymenhild þe ȝonge.’ 600 Þer nis no{n} bet{er}e anonder su{n}ne, Þ{a}t eni man of telle cu{n}ne. For my luue þu hit were, {And} on þi fing{er} þu him bere. 604

Haue nou here þis gold ring, He his god to þi dobbing. 596 Ne hys none swilk vnder so{n}ne, Þat man may offe konne. Hy g{ra}ue hys on þe Ringe, ‘Rymyld þi lef þe yenge’; 600 [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .]

¶ Haue her þis goldring; hit is ful god to þi dobbyng. 596 [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . .] yg{ra}ued is on þe rynge, ‘rymenild þy luef þe ȝynge.’ 600 nis non betere vnder sonne þ{a}t enymon of conne. For mi loue þou hit were, {ant} on þy fynger þou hit bere. 604

[Sidenote: and which will protect him if he will look on it and think of her.]

Þe stones beoþ of suche g{ra}ce, Þ{a}t þu ne schalt in none place Of none du{n}tes beon ofdrad, Ne on bataille beon amad, 608 Ef þu loke þ{er}an {And} þe{n}ke vpo{n} þi le{m}man. ¶ And sire Aþulf, þi broþer, He schal haue anoþer. 612

Þe ston him hys of swiche g{ra}ce, Þat þou ne schal i{n} none place Of none do{n}te fayle, Þer þou bigi{n}nes batayle. 608 [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] And sire ayol, þi broþer, He sal haue anoþer. 612

þe ston haueþ suche g{ra}ce, ne shalt þou in none place deþ vnderfonge, ne buen yslaye wiþ wronge, 608 ȝef þou lokest þeran {ant} þenchest o þi lemman. ant sire aþulf, þi broþer, he shal han en oþer. 612

[Sidenote: She then mournfully prays for Christ’s blessing on Horn’s undertaking.]

Horn, ihc þe biseche Wiþ loueliche speche, Crist ȝeue god erndinge, Þe aȝen to bringe.” 616 ¶ Þe kniȝt hire gan kesse, {And} heo hi{m} to blesse.

Horn, god hy þe bi teche, Wit morninde speche. God þe ȝyeue god endynge, An hol þe aȝen bringe.” 616 Þe knict hyre gan to kusse, And reymyld him blisse.

Horn, c{ri}st y þe byteche, mid mourninde speche. c{ri}st þe ȝeue god endyng, {ant} sound aȝeyn þe brynge.” 616 þe knyht hire gan to cusse, {ant} rymenild him to blesse.

[Sidenote: Horn takes leave, arms himself, mounts his black steed, and sets out in search of adventure.]

Leue at hire he nam {And} i{n} to halle cam. 620 Þe kniȝtes ȝeden to table, {And} horne ȝede to stable. Þar he tok his gode fole, Also blak so eny cole. 624 [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .]

Leue at hire he nom, And in to halle com. 620 Þe knictes ȝyede to table, And horn i{n} to stable. He tok forþ his gode fole, So blac so eny cole. 624 In armes he him schredde, And hys fole he fedde.

leue at hyre he nom, {ant} in to halle he com. 620 knyhtes eode to table, {ant} horn eode to stable, þer he toc his gode fole, blac so euer eny cole. 624 wiþ armes he him sredde, ant is fole he fedde.

Þe fole schok þe brunie, Þ{a}t al þe curt gan denie. 628 Þe fole bigan to springe, {And} horn murie to singe. Horn rod in a while More þan a myle. 632

Hys fole schok hys brenye, Þat al þe court gan denye. 628 Hys fole gan forþ sp{r}inge, And horn merie to synge. He rod one wile Wel more þan a mile. 632

[No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . .] 628 þe fole bigon to springe {ant} horn murie to synge. Horn rod one whyle wel more þen a myle. 632

[Headnote: Horn meets some Saracen invaders.]

[Sidenote: He finds at the seashore a ship filled with Saracens, and asks their purpose.]

He fond o schup stonde Wiþ heþene honde. [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] 636 He axede what hi soȝte, Oþ{er} to londe broȝte. ¶ An hu{n}d him gan bihelde Þ{a}t spac wordes belde, 640 “Þis lond we wulleȝ wynne, {And} sle þ{a}t þ{er} is inne.”

He sey a schip rowe, Mid wat alby flowe, Of out londisse ma{n}ne, Of sarazine kenne. 636 Hem askede qwat he hadde, Oþer to londe ladde. A geant him gan by holde, And spek wordes bolde. 640 “Þis lond we wile winne, And slen al þat þer ben hi{n}ne.”

he seh a shyp at grounde, wiþ heþene hounde. [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . .] 636 He askede wet hue hadden, oþer to londe ladden. an hound him gan biholde, {ant} spek wordes bolde. 640 “þis land we wolleþ wynne, {ant} sle þ{a}t þer bueþ inne.”

[Sidenote: Horn slays the Saracen leader, and then, after]

Horn gan his swerd g{ri}pe {And} on his arme wype. 644 Þe sarazins he smatte, Þat his blod hatte. At eureche dunte Þe heued of wente. 648 Þo gu{n}ne þe hu{n}des gone, Abute horn al one.

Horn gan hys swerd gripe, And on his arm hyt wipe. 644 Þe sarazin so he smot, Þat al hys blod was hot. At þe furste dunte Hys heued of gan wente. 648 Þo go{n}ne{n} þo hundes gon Aȝenes horn alon.

Horn gan is swerd g{ri}pe, ant on is arm hit wype. 644 þe sarazy{n} he hitte so, þ{a}t is hed fel to ys to. [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . .] þo gonne þe houndes gone aȝeynes horn ys one.

[Headnote: Horn bears the leader’s head before the king.]

[Sidenote: looking on his ring, slays a hundred more.]

He lokede on þe ringe, {And} þoȝte on rimenilde. 652 He sloȝ þer on haste On hundred bi þe laste. Ne miȝte noman telle Þ{a}t folc þ{a}t he gan quelle. 656 Of alle þ{a}t were aliue Ne miȝte þer non þriue.

He lokede on his gode ringe, And þoute on reymild þe yenge. 652 He slow þer on haste An hundred at þe leste. [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] 656 Of þat þe were aryue, Fewe he leued on liue.

[Sidenote: [leaf 87]] He Lokede on is rynge, ant þohte o rymenyld þe ȝynge. 652 he sloh þer of þe beste an houndred at þe leste. ne mihte no mon telle alle þ{a}t he gon quelle. 656 of þ{a}t þer were o ryue he lafte lut o lyue.

[Sidenote: Horn fixes the leader’s head on the point of his sword, and bears it before the king.]

Horn tok þe maist{er}es heued, Þ{a}t he hadde him bireued, 660 And sette hit on his swerde, Anouen at þan orde. He verde hom in to halle, Among þe kniȝtes alle. 664

Þe meyst{er} kinges heued He haddit him by reued. 660 He settit on hys swerde, Anoven on þe horde, Til he com to halle, Among þe knictes alle. 664

¶ Horn tok þe maister heued, þat he hi{m} hade byreued, 660 ant sette on is suerde, abouen o þen orde. he ferde hom to halle, among þe knyhtes alle, 664

[Headnote: Horn relates his adventure.]

[Sidenote: Horn relates his adventure.]

“Kyng,” he sede, “wel þu sitte, And alle þine kniȝtes mitte. To day, after mi dubbing, So irod on mi pleing, 668 I fond o schup Rowe, Þo hit gan to flowe, Al wiþ sarazines kyn, And none londisse Men. 672 To dai, for to pine Þe {and} alle þine.

He seyde, “king, wel mote þou sitte, An þine knictes mitte. Þer y rod on my pleying, Sone haft{er} my dobbing, 668 Y say a schip rowe Mid wat{er}e al by flowe, Of none londische me{n}ne, Bote sarazines ke{n}ne, 672 To deye, for to pyne Þe and alle þine.

“Kyng,” quoþ he, “wel þou sitte, {ant} þine knyhtes mitte. to day ich rod o my pleyyng, after my dobbyng, 668 y fond a ship rowen, in þe sound byflowen, Mid vnlondisshe menne, of sarazynes kenne, 672 to deþe forte pyne þe {ant} alle þyne.

Hi gonne me assaille. Mi swerd me nolde faille; 676 I smot he{m} alle to grunde, Oþer ȝaf he{m} diþes wunde. Þ{a}t heued iþe bri{n}ge Of þe maist{er} ki{n}ge. 680 Nu is þi wile iȝolde, King, þat þu me kniȝti woldest.”

He go{n}ne{n} me asaylen. My swerd me ne wolde fayle; 676 Ich broute he{m} alto grunde In one lite stounde. Þe heued ich þe bringe Of þe meyst{er} kinge. 680 Nou ich haue þe yolde, Þat þu me knicte{n} wolde.”

hy gonne me asayly. swerd me nolde fayly; 676 y smot hem alle to grounde in a lutel stounde. þe heued ich þe bringe of þe maister kynge. 680 nou haue ich þe ȝolde þat þou me knyhten woldest.”

[Sidenote: King Aylmar goes hunting.]

++A Moreȝe þo þe day gan sp{ri}nge, Þe king him rod an hu{n}tinge. 684 [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] At hom lefte ffikenhild, Þat was þe wurste moder child. 688 Heo ferde in to bure, To sen aue{n}t{ur}e.

++Þe day bi gan to sp{r}inge, Þe king rod on hunti{n}gg{e}. 684 To wode he gan wende, For to lacchen þe heynde. Wyt hym rod fokenild, Þat alþe werste mod{er} child. 688 And horn we{n}te in to boure, To sen auenture.

þe day bigon to sp{ri}nge, þe kyng rod on hontynge 684 to þe wode wyde, ant Fykenyld bi is syde, þat fals wes ant vntrewe, whose him wel yknewe. 688 ¶ Horn ne þohte nout him on, ant to boure wes ygon.

[Sidenote: Horn proceeds to Rymenhild’s bower, and finds her weeping.]

Heo saȝ Rymenild sitte Also he were of witte. 692 Heo sat on þe sunne, Wiþ tieres al biru{n}ne. Horn sede, “lef þinore, Wi wepestu so sore?” 696

He fond Reymild sitte{n}de, Sore wepende, 692 Whit so eny sonne, Wit teres albi ronne. He seyde, “le{m}man, þin ore, Wy wepes þou so sore?” 696

he fond rymenild sittynde {ant} wel sore wepynde, 692 so whyt so þe sonne, mid terres al byronne. Horn seide, “luef, þyn ore, why wepest þou so sore?” 696

[Headnote: Rymenhild tells Horn her Dream.]

[Sidenote: She tells him her dream, how a great fish broke her net.]

Heo sede, “noȝt ine wepe; Bute ase ilay aslepe, [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] To þe se my net icaste, {And} hit nolde noȝt ilaste.

Hye seyde, “ich nawt ne wepe, Bote ich schal her ich slepe. Me þoute in my metynge, Þat ich rod on fischinge. 700 To se my net ich keste; Ne Mict ich nowt lache.

Hue seide, “ich nout ne wepe, ah y shal er y slepe. me þohte o my metyng, þat ich rod ofysshyng. 700 to see my net ycaste, ant wel fer hit laste.

A gret fiss at þe furste, Mi net he gan to berste. 704 [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] Ihc wene þ{a}t ihc schal leose Þe fiss þat ihc wolde cheose.” 708

A gret fys ate furste Mi net he makede berste. 704 Þe fys me so by laucte, Þat ich nawt ne kaucte. Ich wene ich schal forlese Þe fys þat ich wolde chese.” 708

a gret fyssħ at þe ferste my net made berste. 704 þ{a}t fyssħ me so bycahte, þ{a}t y nout ne lahte. y wene y shal forleose þe fyssħ þ{a}t y wolde cheose.” 708

[Sidenote: Horn comforts her.]

¶ “Crist,” q{ua}þ horn, “{and} seint steuene, Turne þine sweuene. Ne schal iþe biswike, Ne do þ{a}t þe mislike. 712

“God and seynte steuene,” Qwad horn, “terne þi sweuene. Ne shal ich neu{er}e swike, Ne do þat þe mis like. 712

¶ “C{ri}st {ant} seinte steuene,” quoþ horn, “areche þy sweuene. no shal y þe byswyke, ne do þat þe mis lyke. 712

[Sidenote: Horn plights his troth to Rymenhild, but both weep and forebode evil from the dream.]

I schal me make þinowe, To holden {and} to knowe, For eurech oþ{er}e wiȝte; {And} þarto mi treuþe iþe pliȝte.” 716 Muchel was þe ruþe Þ{a}t was at þare truþe, For Rymenhild weop ille, {And} horn let þe tires stille. 720

Ich nime þe to my nowe, To habben and to howe, For euerich wyȝte; Þarto my treuwþe ich plicte.” 716 Miche was þat rewþe Þat was at here trewþe. Reymyld wel stille, And horn let teres spille. 720

ich take þe myn owe, to holde {ant} eke to knowe, for eueruch oþer wyhte; þerto my trouþe y plyhte.” 716 wel muche was þe reuþe þ{a}t wes at þilke treuþe. rymenild wep wel ylle, ant horn let terres stille. 720

“Le{m}ma{n},” q{ua}þ he, “dere, Þu schalt more ihere. Þi sweuen schal wende, Oþer sum Man schal vs schende. 724 Þe fiss þ{a}t brak þe lyne, Ywis he doþ us pine. Þ{a}t schal don vs tene {And} wurþ wel sone isene.” 728

He seyde, “le{m}ma{n} dere, Þou schalt more here. Þy sweuene ich schal schende. 724 [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . .] Þe fis þat brac þi seyne, Hy wis hyt was som ble[y]ne Þat schal us do som tene; Hy wis hyt worþ hy sene.” 728

“Lemmon,” quoþ he, “dere, þou shalt more yhere. þy sweuen shal wende; summon vs wole shende. 724 þat fyssħ þ{a}t brac þy net, ywis it is sumwet þ{a}t wol vs do sum teone; ywys hit worþ ysene.” 728

[Headnote: Fykenhild calumniates Horn.]

[Sidenote: Fykenhild tells the king that Horn is plotting to kill him and to marry Rymenhild.]

¶ Aylmar rod bi sture, {And} horn lai i{n} bure. Fykenhild hadde enuye {And} sede þes folye:-- 732 “Aylmar, ihc þe warne, Horn þe wule berne. Ihc herde whar he sede, {And} his swerd forþ leide, 736 To bringe þe of lyue, And take Rymenhild to wyue.

Þe king rod bi his toure, And horn was in þe boure. Fykenyld hadde envie, An seyde hise folye:-- 732 “Aylm{er}e, king, ich wole warne, Horn chil þe wile berne. Ich herde qware he seyde, And his swerd leyde, 736 To bringe þe of liue, And take rimenyld to wiue.

¶ Aylmer rod by stoure, ant horn wes yne boure. Fykenild hade enuye {ant} seyde þeose folye:-- 732 “Aylmer, ich þe werne, horn þe wole forberne. Ich herde wher he seyde, ant his suerd he leyde, 736 to brynge þe of lyue ant take rymenyld to wyue.

He liþ in bure, Vnder cou{er}ture, 740 By Ryme{n}hild, þi doȝt{er}; {And} so he doþ wel ofte. And þider þu go al riȝt; Þer þu him finde miȝt. 744

Nou he hys in boure, Al hond{er} cou{er}ture, 740 By reymyld, þi dout{er}; And so he hys wel oft{er}. Ich rede þat þu wende; Þer þu myct him schende. 744

[Sidenote: [leaf 87, back]] He Lyht nou in Boure, vnder couertoure, 740 by rymenyld, þy dohter; ant so he doþ wel ofte. [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . .]

Þu do him vt of londe, Oþ{er} he doþ þe schonde.” ¶ Aylmar aȝen gan turne, Wel Modi {and} wel Murne. 748 [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .]

Do him out of þi londe, Her do more schonde.” Aylm{er} king him gan torne, Vel mody and wel Mourne. 748 To bour{e} he gan ȝerne, Durst hym noma{n} werne.

do him out of londe, er he do more shonde.” ¶ Aylmer gan hom turne, wel mody {ant} wel sturne. 748 [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . .]

[Headnote: King Aylmar banishes Horn.]

[Sidenote: Aylmar finds Horn in Rymenhild’s embrace, and bids him leave the land at once.]

He fond horn in arme, On Ryme{n}hilde barme. 752 “Awei vt,” he sede, “fule þeof, Ne wurstu me neuremore leof. Wend vt of my bure, Wiþ muchel messauent{ur}e. 756

He fond horn wit arme, In rimenyldes barme. 752 “He{n}ne out,” qwad aylm{er} king, “Henne, þou foule wendling, Out of boure flore, Fram Reymyld, þi hore. 756

he fond horn vnder arme, in rymenyldes barme. 752 “go out,” quoþ aylmer, þe kyng, “Horn, þou foule fundlyng. forþ out of boures flore, for rymenild, þin hore. 756

Wel sone bute þu flitte, Wiþ swerde ihc þe anhitte. Wend ut of my londe, Oþ{er} þu schalt haue schonde.” 760 [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .]

Sone bote þe flecte, Wit swerd hy wole þe hette. Hout of londe sone, Here hauest þou nowt to done.” 760 Horn cam i{n} to stable, Wel modi for þe fable.

wend out of londe sone; 759 her nast þou nout to done. 760 wel sone bote þou flette, 757 myd suert y shal þe sette.” 758 Horn eode to stable, wel modi for þat fable.

[Transcriber’s Note: Here and in next section, lines rearranged by editor.]

[Sidenote: Horn saddles his horse, arms himself, and then visits Rymenhild.]

¶ Horn sadelede his stede, {And} his armes he gan sprede. 764 His brunie he gan lace, So he scholde, in to place. [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] His swerd he gan fonge; Nabod he noȝt to longe.

He sette sadel on stede, With armes he hym gan schrede. 764 Hys brenye he gan lace, So he scholde, i{n} to place. Þo hyt þer to gan ten, Ne durst hi{m} noma{n} sen. 768 Swerd he gan fonge; Ne stod he nowt to lo{n}ge,

he sette sadel on stede, wiþ armes he gon him shrede. his brunie he con lace, so he shulde, in to place. 766 his suerd he gon fonge; 769 ne stod he nout to longe. 770 to is suerd he gon teon; 767 ne durste non wel him seon. 768

[Headnote: Horn takes leave of Rymenhild.]

[Sidenote: He tells her that her dream has come true,]

He ȝede forþ bliue To Ryme{n}hild his wyue. 772 He sede, “le{m}man, derling, Nu hauestu þi sweuening. Þe fiss þ{a}t þi net rente, Fram þe he me sente. 776 [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .]

And ȝyede forþ ricte To reymyld þe bricte. 772 He seyde, “leman, de{r}ling, Now hauestu þi meting. Þe fys þi net to rente, Fram þe he me sente. 776 Þe king gynneþ wiht me st{r}iue; Awey he wole me driue.

[No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . .] He seide, “lemmon, derlyng, nou þou hauest þy sweuenyng. þe fyssħ þ{a}t þyn net rende, from þe me he sende. 776 þe kyng wiþ me gynneþ st{ri}ue; a wey he wole me dryue.

[Sidenote: that he is going to an unknown country for seven years.]

Rymenhild, haue wel godne day, No leng abiden ine may. 780 In to vncuþe londe, Wel more for to fonde. I schal wune þere Fulle seue ȝere. 784

Reymyld, haue god day, For nov ich founde awey, 780 In to onekuþ londe, Wel more forto fonde. Ich schal wony þere Fulle seve ȝere. 784

þare fore haue nou godneday; nou y mot fonnde {ant} fare away 780 In to vncouþe londe, wel more forte fonde. y shal wonie þere fulle seue ȝere. 784

[Sidenote: He bids her not to await him longer than seven years.]

At seue ȝeres ende, Ȝef ine come ne sende, Tak þe husebo{n}de, ffor me þu ne wo{n}de. 788 In armes þu me fonge, {And} kes me wel longe.”

Ate vij ȝeres hende, Bot ȝyf hy come oþer sende, Tac þou hosebonde, For me þat þou wonde. 788 I armes þou me fonge, An kusse swiþe longe.”

at þe seueȝeres ende, ȝyf y ne come ne sende, tac þou hosebonde, for me þ{a}t þou no wonde. 788 In armes þou me fonge, ant cus me swyþe longe.”

[Sidenote: Rymenhild faints.]

He custe him wel a stunde, {And} Rymenhild feol to grunde. 792 Horn tok his leue; Ne miȝte he no le{n}g bileue. He tok Aþulf, his fere, Al abute þe swere, 796

He kusten one stunde, And reymyld fel to gru{n}de. 792 Horn tok his leue, For hyt was ney heue. He nam ayol, trewe fere, Al aboute þe swete, 796

hy custen hem a stounde, {ant} rymenyld fel to grounde. 792 ¶ Horn toc his leue; he myhte nout byleue. He toc Aþulf, is fere, aboute þe swere, 796

[Sidenote: Horn entrusts his ‘new love’ to Athulf.]

{And} sede, “kniȝt so trewe, Kep wel mi luue newe. Þu neure me ne forsoke, Rymenhild þu kep and loke.” 800 His stede he gan bist{ri}de, {And} forþ he ga{n} ride. [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] 804

And seyt, “knict so trewe, Kep Mi leue wiue. So þou me neu{er}e forsoke, Reymyl kep and loke.” 800 ++Horn gan stede by stride, And forþ he gan ride. Ayol wep wit heye, And alle þat hym seye. 804

ant seide, “knyht so trewe, kep wel loue newe. þou neuer ne forsoke rymenild to kepe ant loke.” 800 his stede he bigan stryde, ant forþ he con hym ryde. Aþulf wep wiþ eyȝen, ant alle þat hit yseyȝen. 804

[Headnote: Horn sets sail from West[er]nesse.]

[Sidenote: He sets sail.]

To þe hauene he ferde, {And} a god schup he hurede, Þ{a}t hi{m} scholde lo{n}de In westene lo{n}de. 808 ¶ Aþulf weop wiþ iȝe, {And} al þ{a}t hi{m} isiȝe.

Horn chil forþ hym ferde; A god schip he him herde, Þat hym scholde wisse Out of westnisse. 808 Þe whyȝt him gan sto{n}de, And drof tyl hirelonde.

Horn forþ him ferde; a god ship he him herde, Þat him shulde passe out of westnesse. 808 Þe wynd bigon to stonde, ant drof hem vp o londe.

[Sidenote: Horn reaches land.]

To lo{n}d he hi{m} sette, {And} fot o{n} stirop sette. 812

To londe he gan flette, And out of schip him sette. 812

to londe þat hy fletten; fot out of ship hy setten. 812

[Headnote: Horn is received by Harild and Berild.]

[Sidenote: He meets two princes, Harild and Berild.]

He fo{n}d bi þe weie, Kynges sones tweie; Þ{a}t on hi{m} het harild, {And} þ{a}t oþ{er} berild. 816 Berild gan him preie Þ{a}t he scholde him seie What his name were, {And} what he wolde þere. 820

He mette by þe weye, Kingges sones tweye; Þat on was hoten ayld, And þat oþer byrild. 816 Byrild him gan preye Þat he scholde seye Wat hys name were, And qwat he wolde þere. 820

he fond bi þe weye, kynges sones tueye; Þ{a}t on wes hoten Aþyld, ant þ{a}t oþer beryld. 816 beryld hym con preye þat he shulde seye what he wolde þere, ant what ys nome were. 820

[Sidenote: He gives his name as Cutberd (Godmod),]

“Cutberd,” he sede, “ihc hote, Icome{n} vt of þe bote, Wel feor fram biweste, To seche mine beste.” 824 Berild gan him nier ride, {And} tok him bi þe bridel. “Wel beo þu, kniȝt, ifounde; Wiþ me þu lef a stunde. 828

“Cuberd,” he seyde, “ich hote, Come{n} fram þe bote, Fer fram bi weste, To chesen mine beste.” 824 Byryld him gan ryde, And tok hym by þe b{r}idel. “Wel be þou, knict, her{e} founde; Whyt me bileuest a stounde. 828

¶ “Godmod,” he seid, “ich hote, ycomen out of þis bote, wel fer from by weste, to seche myne beste.” 824 beryld con ner him ryde, ant toc hi{m} bi þe bridel. “wel be þou, knyht, yfounde; wiþ me þou lef a stounde. 828

[Sidenote: and is conducted by the princes before the king.]

Also mote i st{er}ue, Þe ki{n}g þu schalt s{er}ue. Ne saȝ i neure my lyue So fair kniȝt aryue.” 832 Cutb{er}d heo ladde in to halle, {And} he a kne gan falle.

So ich ne mote st{er}ue, Þe kyng þou schal s{er}ue. Ne sey ich neu{er}e on lyue So fayr knyt aryue.” 832 Cub{er}t he ledde to halle, And adoun gan falle.

also ich mote sterue, þe kyng þou shalt serue. ne seh y neuer a lyue so feir knyht her aryue.” 832 godmod he ladde to halle, ant he adoun gan falle,

[Sidenote: Cutberd greets the king.]

He sette him a knewelyng, And grette wel þe gode kyng. 836

He sette hym on knewlyng, And grette wel þe gode king. 836

[Sidenote: [leaf 88]] Ant sette him a knelyng, ant grette þene gode kyng. 836

[Sidenote: Berild asks that he be taken into the king’s service.]

Þa{n}ne sede Berild sone, “Sire king, of him þu hast to done. Bitak him þi lond to werie; Ne schat hit noman derie, 840 For he is þe faireste man Þ{a}t eureȝut on þi londe cam.”

Þo seyde byrild wel sone, “Whit hym haue{n} to done. Tak hym þi lond to werye; Ne schal hym noma{n} derye. 840 He hys þe fayreste man Þat eu{er}e in þis londe cam.”

þo saide beryld wel sone, “kyng, wiþ him þou ast done. þi lond tac hi{m} to werie; ne shal þe nomon derye, 840 for he is þe feyreste man þat euer in þis londe cam.”

[Headnote: Horn enters the service of the king.]

[Sidenote: The king welcomes Cutberd.]

¶ Þa{n}ne sede þe ki{n}g so dere, “Welcome beo þu here. 844 Go nu, Berild, swiþe, {And} make him ful bliþe. And whan þu farst to woȝe, Tak him þine gloue. 848 Ime{n}t þu hauest to wyue, Awai he schal þe dryue; For Cutberdes fairhede Ne schal þe neure wel spede.” 852

Þo seyde þe king so dere, “Wel come be he here. 844 Go nov, byryld, swyþe, An mak him glad and blyþe. Wan þou farest awowen, Tak hym þine glouen. 848 Þer þou hauest Mynt to wyue, Awey he schal þe dryue.” [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .]

¶ þo seide þe kyng wel dere, “welcome þe þou here. 844 go, beryld, wel swyþe, {ant} make hy{m} wel blyþe, ant when þou farest to wowen, tac him þine glouen. 848 þer þou hast munt to wyue, a wey he shal þe dryue; for godmodes feyrhede shalt þou no wer spede.” 852

[Sidenote: At the Christmas feast a giant appears.]

++HIt was at Cristesmasse, Neiþer more ne lasse, [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .]

Hyt was at C{r}istesmesse, Naþer more ne lesse. Þe king hym makede a feste, Wyt hyse knyctes beste. 856

hit wes at c{ri}stesmasse, nouþer more ne lasse. þe kyng made feste, of his knyhtes beste. 856

[Headnote: The giant’s challenge.]

[Sidenote: The giant proclaims a challenge.]

Þ{er} cam in at none, A Geau{n}t suþe sone, Iarmed fram paynyme, And seide þes ryme:-- 860 “Site stille, sire kyng, {And} herkne þis tyþyng. Her buþ pae{n}s ariued, Wel mo þane fiue. 864 Her beoþ on þe so{n}de, Ki{n}g, vpon þi londe.

Þer com ate none, A geaunt swiþe sone, Armed of paynime, And seyde i{n} hys rime, 860 “Syte, knytes, by þe king, And lusteþ to my tydyng. Her{e} beþ paynyms aryued, Wel mo þa{n}ne fyue. 864 By þe se stronde, Kyng, on þine lo{n}de.

þer com in at none, a geaunt suyþe sone, y-armed of paynyme, ant seide þise ryme:-- 860 “Site, kyng, bi kynge, ant herkne my tidynge her bueþ paynes aryue, wel more þen fyue. 864 her beþ vpon honde, kyng, in þine londe.

[Sidenote: One pagan will fight any three in the land,]

On of he{m} wile fiȝte Aȝe{n} þre kniȝtes. 868

One þer of wille ich fyȝte Aȝen þi þre knyctes. 868

on þer of wol fyhte to ȝeynes þre knyhtes. 868

[Sidenote: the combat to determine who shall possess the land.]

Ȝef oþ{er} þre slen vre, Al þis lond beo ȝoure; Ȝef vre on ouercomeþ ȝour þreo, Al þis lo{n}d schal vre beo. 872 Tomoreȝe be þe fiȝti{n}ge, Whan þe liȝt of daye sp{ri}nge.”

Ȝyf þat hour{e} felle þyne þre, Al þis lond schal vre be; Ȝyf þyne þre fellen houre, Al þys lond þa{n}ne be ȝyure. 872 To morwe schal be þe fyȝtyng, At þe so{n}ne op rysyng.”

ȝef oure þre sleh oure on, we shulen of ore londe gon; ȝef vre on sleh oure þre, al þis lond shal vre be. 872 to morewe shal be þe fyhtynge, at þe sonne vpsp{ri}nge.”

[Headnote: Horn, Berild and Alrid accept it.]

[Sidenote: King Thurston names Cutberd (Godmod), Harild and Berild as the three defenders.]

¶ Þa{n}ne sede þe kyng þurston, “Cutb{er}d schal beo þ{a}t on; 876 Berild schal beo þ{a}t oþer; Þe þridde, Alrid, his broþer. For hi beoþ þe strengeste, {And} of armes þe beste. 880 Bute what schal vs to rede? Ihc wene we beþ alle dede.”

Þo seyde þe king þurston, “Cubert he schal be þat on, 876 Ayld chyld þat oþer, Þe þrydde, byryld, hyse broþer. Hye þre beþ þe strengeste, And ín armes þe beste. 880 At wat schal do to rede? Ich wene we ben alle dede.”

¶ þo seyde þe kyng þurston, “godmod shal be þat on; 876 beryld shal be þat oþer; þe þridde, Aþyld, is broþer. for hue bueþ strongeste, ant in armes þe beste. 880 ah, wat shal vs to rede? y wene we bueþ dede.”

¶ Cutberd sat at borde, And sede þes wordes:-- 884

Cubert set on borde, And seyde þis worde:-- 884

Godmod set at borde, ant seide þeose wordes:-- 884

[Sidenote: Cutberd says that it were shame for three Christians to fight against one pagan, and offers to fight alone.]

“Sire ki{n}g, hit nis no riȝte, On wiþ þ{re} to fiȝte; Aȝe{n} one hu{n}de, Þre c{ri}ste{n} me{n} to fonde. 888 Sire, ischal al one, Wiþute more ymone, Wiþ mi swerd wel eþe Bringe hem þre to deþe.” 892

“Syre kyȝeking, hyt no ryȝcte, On wiþ þre to fyȝcte. [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] 888 At wille ich alone, With oute{n} ma{n}nes mone, Mid my swerd wel heþe Bringe{n} hem alle to deþe.” 892

“sire kyng, nis no ryhte, on wiþ þre fyhte, aȝeynes one hounde, þre c{ri}stene to founde. 888 ah, kyng, y shal alone, wiþ-oute more ymone, wip my suerd ful eþe bringen he{m} alle to deþe.” 892

[Headnote: Preparations for the combat.]

[Sidenote: He arms himself,]

¶ Þe kyng aros amoreȝe, Þ{a}t hadde muchel sorȝe; {And} Cutb{er}d ros of bedde, Wiþ armes he him schredde. 896 Horn his brunie gan on caste, {And} lacede hit wel faste,

Þe kyng ros a morwe, And hadde meche sorwe. Cubert ros of bedde; Wyt armes he hym schredde. 896 Hys brenye on he caste, Lacede hyt wel faste.

þe kyng aros amorewe; he hade muche sorewe. godmod ros of bedde; wiþ armes he him shredde. 896 his brunye he on caste, {ant} knutte hit wel faste,

[Sidenote: visits the king,]

{And} ca{m} to þe ki{n}ge, At his vp risinge. 900 “Ki{n}g,” he sede, “cu{m} to fel[de], For to bihelde Hu we fiȝte schulle, {And} togare go wulle.” 904

He cam biforn þe godeking, At hyse op rysyng. 900 He seyde, “king, com to felde, Me for to by helde, Hou we scholen fyȝte And to gydere hus dyȝcte.” 904

ant com hi{m} to þe kynge, at his vp rysynge. 900 “kyng,” quoþ he, “com to felde, me forte byhelde, hou we shule flyten ant to gedere smiten.” 904

[Sidenote: and with him rides to the combat.]

Riȝt at p{ri}me tide, Hi gu{n}ne{n} ut ride, And fu{n}de{n} on a g{re}ne, A geau{n}t suþe kene, 908 His fere{n} hi{m} biside, Hore deþ to abide.

Ryȝt at p{r}ime tyde, He go{n}ne hem out ryde. He founden in a grene, A geant swyþe kene, 908 Armed with swerd by side, Þe day for to abyde.

¶ riht at p{ri}me tide, hy gonnen out to ryde. hy fonnden in a grene, a geaunt swyþe kene, 908 his feren hi{m} biside, þat day forto abyde.

[Headnote: The fight begins.]

[Sidenote: Cutberd strikes so hard, that the giant asks for a breathing spell,]

¶ Þeilke bataille Cutberd gan assaille. 912 He ȝaf de{n}tes inoȝe; Þe kniȝtes felle iswoȝe. His dent he gan wiþdraȝe, For hi were neȝ aslaȝe. 916

Cubert him gan asayle; Wolde he nawt fayle. 912 He keyte duntes ynowe; Þe geant fel hy swowe. Hys feren go{n}ne{n} hem wyt d{ra}we, Þo here mayst{er} wa slawe. 916

Godmod hem gon asaylen; nolde he nout faylen. 912 [Sidenote: [leaf 88, back]] he ȝef duntes ynowe; þe payen fel y swowe. ys feren gonnen hem wiþ drawe, for huere maister wes neh slawe. 916

[Sidenote: and says he has never before experienced such blows, save at the hand of King Murry.]

{And} sede, “kniȝtes, nu ȝe reste One while, ef ȝou leste.” Hi sede, “hi neure nadde Of kniȝte dentes so harde. 920 [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] He was of hornes ku{n}ne, Iborn in suddenne.” 924

He seyden, “knyct þo reste Awile ȝyf þe luste. We neu{er}e ne hente Of ma{n}[KH-3] so harde dunte, 920 Bute of þe king Mory, Þat was so swyþe stordy. He was of hornes kinne; We slowe hym in sodenne.” 924

[Footnote KH-3: MS. adds ‘nes honde’ underdotted as a mistake.]

he seide, “knyht, þou reste a whyle, ȝef þe leste. y ne heuede ner of monnes hond so harde duntes in non lond, 920 bote of þe kyng Murry, þ{a}t wes swiþe sturdy. he wes of hornes kenne; y sloh him in sudenne.” 924

[Sidenote: Horn is enraged,]

¶ Horn hi{m} ga{n} to ag{ri}se, {And} his blod arise.

Cuberd gan ag{r}ise, And hys blod aryse.

¶ Godmod him gon agryse, ant his blod aryse.

[Sidenote: and renews the fight.]

Biuo hi{m} saȝ he sto{n}de Þ{a}t driue{n} hi{m} of lo{n}de, 928 {And} þ{a}t his fader sloȝ. To hi{m} his swerd he droȝ.

By for hym he sey stonde Þat drof hym out of londe, 928 And hys fad{er} aquelde. He smot hym hond{er} schelde.

byforen him he seh stonde þat drof him out of londe, 928 ant fader his a-quelde; he smot him vnder shelde.

[Sidenote: Cutberd looks on his ring, then smites the giant through the heart.]

He lokede on his rynge, {And} þoȝte on Rymenhilde. 932 He smot him þureȝ þe herte, Þ{a}t sore him gan to smerte. Þe paens þ{a}t er were so sturne, Hi gu{n}ne awei vrne. 936

He lokede on hys gode ri{n}ge, And þoute on reymyld þe ȝo{n}ge. 932 Myd gode dunt ate furste, He smot hy{m} to þe herte. Þe hondes go{n}ne{n} at erne In to þe schypes sterne. 936

he lokede on is rynge, ant þohte o rymenild þe ȝynge. 932 mid god suerd at þe furste, he smot him þourh þe huerte. þe payns bigonne to fleon, ant to huere shype teon. 936

[Headnote: Horn kills the Giant.]

[Sidenote: The pagans flee to their ship.]

Horn {and} his compaynye Gu{n}ne aft{er} he{m} wel swiþe hiȝe, [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .]

To schip he wolde{n} ȝerne, And cubert he{m} gan werne, And seyde, “kyng, so þou haue reste, Clep nou forþ ofi þi beste, 940 And sle we þyse hounden, Here we he{n}ne founden.”

to ship hue wolden erne; godmod hem con werne. [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .]

[Sidenote: The king’s sons are slain, but Cutberd annihilates the pagan host,]

[No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] {And} sloȝen alle þe hundes, Er hi here schipes funde.

Þe houndes hye of laucte, An st{ro}kes hye þere kaute. 944 Faste aȝen hye stode, Aȝen duntes gode. Help nawht here wond{er}; Cubert hem broute al hond{er}. 948 He schedde of here blode, And makede hem al wode.

þe kynges sones tweyne þe paiens slowe beyne. 944 þo wes Godmod swyþe wo, ant þe payens he smot so, þ{a}t in a lutel stounde þe paiens hy felle to grounde. 948 godmod ant is men slowe þe payenes eueruchen.

[Headnote: King Thurston’s two sons are slain.]

[Sidenote: thus avenging his father’s death.]

To deþe he he{m} alle broȝte; His fader deþ wel dere hi boȝte. 952 Of alle þe kynges kniȝtes, Ne scapede þer no wiȝte. Bute his sones tweie Bifore him he saȝ deie. 956

To deþe he hem browte, Hys fad{er} deþ he bowten. 952 Of al þe kinges rowe, Þer nas bute fewe slawe. Bote hys sones tweye By fore he sey deye. 956

his fader deþ {ant} ys lond awrek godmod wiþ his hond. 952 [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .]

[Sidenote: The king mourns.]

Þe ki{n}g biga{n} to grete, And teres for to lete. Me leide{n} he{m} in bare, {And} burde{n} he{m} ful ȝare. 960 [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .]

Þe king bi gan to grete, And teres for to lete. Men leyde{n} hem on bere, And ledde he{m} wel þere 960 In to holy kyrke, So man scholde werke.

þe kyng wiþ reuþful chere lette leggen is sones on bere, ant bringen hom to halle; muche sorewe hue maden alle. 960 in a chirche of lym {an}t ston me buriede hem wiþ ryche won.

[Headnote: King Thurston offers Horn his kingdom.]

¶ Þe ki{n}g co{m} i{n} to halle, Amo{n}g his kniȝtes alle. 964 “Horn,” he sede, “i seie þe, Do as i schal rede þe. Aslaȝe{n} beþ mine heirs, {And} þu art kniȝt of muchel pris, 968 {And} of g{re}te st{re}ngþe, {And} fair o bodie lengþe.

++Þe king cam hom to halle, Among þe kniyctes alle. 964 “Do, cubert,” he seyde, “As ich þe wolle rede. Dede beþ myn heyres, And þou þe boneyres, 968 And of grete strengþe, Swete and fayr of lengþe.

¶ Þe kyng lette forþ calle hise knyhtes alle, 964 ant seide, “godmod, ȝef þou nere, alle ded we were, [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .]

[Sidenote: He offers to make Horn (Cutberd) his heir,]

MiRe{n}gne þu schalt welde, {And} to spuse helde 972 Reynild, mi doȝt{er}, Þ{a}t sitteþ on þe lofte.”

Mi reaume þou schalt helde, And to spuse welde 972 Hermenyl, my dout{er}, Þat syt in bour{e} softe.”

[No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . .] þou art boþe god {ant} feyr; her y make þe myn heyr; for my sones bueþ yflawe, ant ybroht of lyfdawe. 976

[Sidenote: and to give him his daughter Reynild.]

¶ “O sire ki{n}g, wiþ wro{n}ge Scholte ihc hit vnd{er}fo{n}ge. 976 Þi doȝter þ{a}t ȝe me bede, Ower re{n}gne for to lede. Welmore ihc schal þe serue, Sire kyng, or þu sterue. 980 Þi sorwe schal wende Or seue ȝeres ende.

He seyde, “king, wit wronge Scholde ich hire hond{er} fonge, 976 Þing þat þou me bede, And þy reaume lede. At more ich wile þe s{er}ue, And fro sorwe þe berwe. 980 Þy sorwe hyt schal wende Her þis seue ȝeres hende.

dohter ich habbe one; nys non so feyr of blod ant bone. [KH-5](Ermenild, þat feyre may, bryht so eny someres day,) 980 hire wolle ich ȝeue þe, ant her kyng shalt þou be.”

[Footnote KH-5: This line was at first left out by the scribe, and then written in the margin of the MS.]

[Sidenote: Cutberd declines, but offers to continue in the king’s service.]

Wanne hit is wente, Sire ki{n}g, ȝef me mi rente. 984 Wha{n}ne i þi doȝter ȝerne, Ne schaltu me hire werne.”

And wa{n}ne he beþ wente, Kyng, ȝyf þou me my re{n}te. 984 Wan ich þi dout{er} h{er}ne, Ne schalt þou hire me werne.”

he seyde, “more ichul þe serue, kyng, er þen þou sterue. 984 when y þy dohter ȝerne, heo ne shal me noþyng werne.”

[Sidenote: During seven years he does not communicate with Rymenhild.]

Cutb{er}d wonede þere Fulle seue ȝere, 988 [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] Þ{a}t to Rymenild he ne sente, Ne him self ne wente. 992 Rymenild was in West{er}nesse, Wiþ wel muchel sorinesse.

++Horn child wonede þere fulle sixe yere. 988 Þe seuenþe, þat cam þe nexte Aft{er} þe sexte,[KH-4] To reymyld he ne we{n}de, Ne to hyr{e} sende. 992 Reymyld was i{n} westnesse, Myd michel sorwenesse.

[Footnote KH-4: MS. adds ‘yeres hende’ underdotted as a mistake.]

¶ godmod wonede þere fulle six ȝere; 988 [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . .] ant þe seueþe ȝer bygon; to rymynyld, sonde ne sende he non. 992 rymenyld wes in westnesse, wiþ muchel sorewenesse.

[Headnote: A king sues for Rymenhild.]

[Sidenote: A king sues for Rymenhild.]

¶ A king þ{er} gan ariue Þ{a}t wolde hire haue to wyue. 996 Aton he was wiþ þe ki{n}g, Of þ{a}t ilke weddi{n}g. Þe daies were schorte, Þ{a}t Rimi{n}hild ne dorste 1000 Lete{n} i{n} none wise. A writ he dude deuise;

A kyng þer was aryuede Þat wolde hyre habbe to wyue. 996 At sone ware þe kynges Of hyre weddinges. Þe dawes weren schorte, And reymyld ne dorste 1000 Lette in none wise. A writ he dede deuise;

a kyng þer wes aryue, ant wolde hyre han to wyue. 996 at one were þe kynges, of þ{a}t weddynge. þe dayes were so sherte, ant rymenild ne derste 1000 latten on none wyse. a wryt hue dude deuyse;

[Sidenote: Athulf writes a letter to Horn.]

Aþulf hit dude write, Þ{a}t horn ne luuede noȝt lite. 1004 Heo se{n}de hire so{n}de To eu{er}eche londe, To seche horn, þe kniȝt, Þ{er} me hi{m} fi{n}de miȝte. 1008

Ayol hyt dide write, Þat horn ne louede nawt lite. 1004 And to eu{er}yche londe, For horn hym was so longe, Aft{er} horn þe knycte, For þat he ne Myȝte. 1008

Aþulf hit dude wryte, þ{a}t horn ne louede nout lyte. 1004 hue sende hire sonde in to eueruche londe, to sechen horn knyhte, whe so er me myhte. 1008

[Headnote: Horn meets Rymenhild’s messenger.]

[Sidenote: Horn, while hunting, meets a page, who says that he is seeking Horn,]

Horn noȝt þ{er} of ne herde, Til, o dai þ{a}t he ferde To wude for to schete, A knaue he gan imete. 1012 Horn sede{n}, “Leue fere, Wat sechestu here?” “Kniȝt, if beo þi wille, I mai þe sone telle. 1016 I seche fra{m} biweste, Horn of west{er}nesse,

Horn þer of ne þoute, Tyl, on a day þat he ferde To wode for to seche, A page he gan mete. 1012 He seyde, “leue fere, Wat sekest þou here?” “Knyt, feyr of felle,” Qwat þe page, “y wole þe telle. 1016 Ich seke fram westnesse, Horn, knyt of estnesse,

Horn þer of nout herde, til, o day þ{a}t he ferde to wode forte shete, a page he gan mete. 1012 Horn seide, “leue fere, whet dest þou nou here?” [Sidenote: [leaf 89]] “Sire, in lutel spelle y may þe sone telle. 1016 Ich seche from westnesse, horn, knyht, of estnesse,

[Sidenote: and that Rymenhild is to marry King Mody of Reynes, on Sunday.]

For a Maiden Rymenhild Þ{a}t for him gan wexe wild. 1020 A ki{n}g hire wile wedde, {And} bri{n}ge to his bedde, Ki{n}g Modi of Reynes, On of hornes enemis. 1024 Ihc habbe walke wide Bi þe se side,

For þe mayde reymyld, Þat for hym ney waxeþ wild. 1020 A kyng hire schal wedde, A soneday to bedde, Kyng mody of reny, Þat was hornes enemy. 1024 Ich haue walked wide By þe se syde.

For rymenild, þ{a}t feyre may, soreweþ for him nyht {ant} day. 1020 A kyng hire shal wedde, a sonneday to bedde, Kyng Mody of reynis, þ{a}t is hornes enimis. 1024 ich habbe walked wyde by þe see side.

[Sidenote: The messenger laments that he cannot find Horn.]

[No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] 1028 Nis he no war ifu{n}de, Walawai þe stu{n}de. Wailaway þe while, Nu wurþ Rymenild bigiled.” 1032 Horn iherde wiþ his ires, {And} spak wiþ bidere tires,

Ich neu{er}e myȝt of reche Whit no londisse speche. 1028 Nis he nower founde, A weylawey þe stounde. Reymyld worþ by gile, Weylawey þe wile.” 1032 Horn hyt herde with eren, And wep with blody teren.

ne mihte ich hi{m} neuer cleche, wiþ nones kunnes speche, 1028 ne may ich of him here in londe fer no nere. weylawey þe while, him may hente gyle.” 1032 ¶ Horn hit herde wiþ earen, ant spec wiþ wete tearen,

[Sidenote: Horn discloses his identity, and sends word to Rymenhild that he will come Sunday before ‘prime.’]

“Knaue, wel þe bitide, Horn sto{n}dep þe biside. 1036 Aȝe{n} to hure þu turne, {And} seie þat heo ne murne, For ischal beo þ{er} bitime, A soneday bi pryme.” 1040 Þe knaue was wel bliþe, {And} hiȝede aȝen bliue. Þe se bigan to þroȝe Vnder hire woȝe. 1044

“So wel þe, grom, by tide, Horn stant by þy syde. 1036 Aȝen to reymyld turne, And sey þat he ne morne. Ich schal ben þer by tyime, A soneday by p{r}ime.” 1040 Þe page was blyþe, And schepede wel swyþe. [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] 1044

“So wel, grom, þe bitide, horn stond by þi syde, 1036 aȝeyn to rymenild turne, {ant} sey þat hue ne murne. y shal be þer bi time, a sonneday er p{ri}me.” 1040 þe page wes wel blyþe {ant} shipede wel suyþe. [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . .] 1044

[Headnote: The messenger on his return journey is drowned.]

[Sidenote: The messenger is drowned, and Rymenhild looks for him in vain.]

Þe knaue þer gan adrinke; Ryme{n}hild hit miȝte of þi{n}ke. Ryme{n}hild vndude þe dure pin Of þe hus þ{er} heo was in, 1048 [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .]

Þe se hym gan to drenche; Reymyld hyt Myȝt of þinche. Þe se hym gan op þrowe, Hond{er} hire boures wowe. 1048 Reymyld gan dore vn pynne, Of boure þat he was ynne,

þe see him gon adrynke; þ{a}t rymenil may of þinke. þe [see] him con ded þrowe vnder hire chambre wowe. 1048 rymenild lokede wide by þe see syde,

[Sidenote: Rymenhild grieves when she finds the drowned messenger.]

To loke wiþ hire iȝe, If heo oȝt of horn isiȝe. 1052 Þo fo{n}d heo þe knaue adrent Þ{a}t he hadde for horn ise{n}t, {And} þ{a}t scholde horn bringe; Hire fingres he gan wri{n}ge. 1056

And lokede forþ riȝcte Aft{er} horn þe knyte. 1052 Þo fond hye hir{e} sonde Drenched by þe stronde, Þat scholde horn bringe; Hyre fingres hye gan wringe. 1056

ȝef heo seȝe horn come, oþer tidynge of eny gome. 1052 þo fond hue hire sonde adronque by þe stronde, þat shulde horn brynge; hire hondes gon hue wrynge. 1056

[Headnote: Horn asks King Thurston’s aid.]

[Sidenote: Horn discloses his identity to King Thurston]

¶ Horn cam to þurston þe kyng, {And} tolde him þis tiþing. Þo he was iknowe Þ{a}t Rim{en}h[ild] was hise oȝe, 1060 Of his gode ke{n}ne, Þe ki{n}g of suddenne, {And} hu he sloȝ in felde Þ{a}t his fader q{ue}lde, 1064

Horn cam to þurston þe kinge, And telde hym hys tydinge. So he was by cnowe Þat reymyld was his owe. 1060 [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] 1064

¶ Horn com to þurston þe kynge, ant tolde him þes tidynge. ant þo he was biknowe, þat rymenild wes ys owe, 1060 ant of his gode kenne, þe kyng of sudenne, ant hou he sloh afelde hi{m} þ{a}t is fader aquelde, 1064

[Sidenote: and asks his pay and also aid to win Rymenhild.]

And seide, “ki{n}g þe wise, Ȝeld me mi s{er}uise. Ryme{n}hild help me wi{n}ne; Þ{a}t þu noȝt ne li{n}ne, 1068

He seyde, “kyng so wise, Ȝeld me my seruyse. Reymyld me help to wi{n}ne; Þat þou ich nowt ne lynne, 1068

ant seide, “kyng so wyse, ȝeld me my seruice. rymenild, help me to wynne, swyþe þ{a}t þou ne blynne, 1068

[Sidenote: He promises that Athulf shall marry Thurston’s daughter.]

{And} ischal do to spuse Þi doȝt{er} wel to huse. Heo schal to spuse haue Aþulf, mi gode felaȝe, 1072 God kniȝt mid þe beste, {And} þe t{re}weste.”

And hy schal to house Þy dout{er} do wel spuse. He schal to spuse haue Ayol, My trewe felawe, 1072 He hys knyt wyt þe beste, And on of þe treweste.”

ant y shal do to house þy dohter wel to spouse, for hue shal to spouse haue Aþulf, my gode felawe. 1072 he is knyht mid þe beste, {ant} on of þe treweste.”

[Sidenote: The king consents.]

Þe ki{n}g sede so stille, “Horn, haue nu þi wille.” 1076

Þo seyde þe kyng so stille, “Horn, do þine wille.” 1076

þe kyng seide so stille, “horn, do al þi wille.” 1076

[Sidenote: Horn levies men, and sets sail.]

He dude writes se{n}de Into yrlonde, Aft{er} kniȝtes liȝte, Irisse men to fiȝte. 1080 To horn come inoȝe, Þ{a}t to schupe droȝe. Horn dude him in þe weie, On a god Galeie. 1084 Þe him gan to blowe In alitel þroȝe.

++Horn se{n}te hys sonde In to eu{er}yche londe, After men to fyȝte, Hyrische men so wyȝte, 1080 To hym were come hy nowe, Þat in to schipe drowe. Horn tok hys p{re}ye. And dude hi{m} in hys weye. 1084 [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .]

he sende þo by sonde, ȝend al is londe, after knyhtes to fyhte, þ{a}t were men so lyhte. 1080 to him come ynowe, þ{a}t in to shipe drowe. ¶ Horn dude hi{m} in þe weye, in a gret galeye. 1084 þe wynd bigon to blowe in a lutel þrowe.

[Headnote: Horn arrives at the latest possible moment.]

[Sidenote: He arrives after the bells for the wedding have been rung.]

Þe se bigan to posse Riȝt i{n} to West{er}nesse. 1088 Hi st{ri}ke seil {and} maste, {And} Ankere gu{n}ne caste, Or eny day was spru{n}ge Oþ{er} belle iru{n}ge. 1092 Þe word bigan to sp{ri}nge Of Ryme{n}hilde weddi{n}ge. Horn was i{n} þe wat{er}e; Ne miȝte he come no lat{er}e. 1096

Here scyp gan forþ seyle, Þe wynd hym nolde fayle. 1088 He striken seyl of maste, And anker he go{n}ne kaste. Þe soneday was hy sp[ronge], And þe messe hy songe, 1092 Of reymylde þe ȝonge, And of mody þe kinge; And horn was i{n} wat{er}e; Myȝt he come no lat{er}e. 1096

þe see bi-gan wiþ ship to gon, to westnesse he{m} brohte anon. 1088 hue st{ri}ken seyl of maste, ant ancre gonnen caste. matynes were yronge {ant} þe masse ysonge, 1092 of rymenild þe ȝynge {ant} of Mody þe kynge, ant horn wes in watere; ne mihte he come no latere. 1096

[Sidenote: He leaves his ship, and comes to land.]

He let his schup sto{n}de, {And} ȝede to londe. His folk he dude abide Vnder wude side. 1100

He let scyp stonde, And ȝede hym op to londe. Hys folc he dide abyde Hond{er} þe wode syde. 1100

He let is ship stonde, ant com hi{m} vp to londe. His folk he made abyde vnder a wode syde. 1100

[Headnote: Horn meets a Palmer.]

[Sidenote: Horn sets forth alone, and meets a palmer,]

Hor[n] him ȝede alone, also he spru{n}ge of stone. A palm{er}e he þar mette, {And} faire hine grette. 1104 “Palm{er}e, þu schalt me telle Al of þine spelle.” [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .]

He wende forþ alone, So he were spronge of stone. A palmere he mette; Wyt worde he hym g{r}ette, 1104 “Palm{er}e, þou schalt me telle,” He seyde, “on þine spelle, So brouke þou þi croune, Wi comest þou fram toune?” 1108

[Sidenote: [leaf 89, back]] ¶ Horn eode forh al one, so he sprong of þe stone. on palmere he y-mette, {ant} wiþ wordes hyne grette, 1104 “palmere, þou shalt me telle,” he seyde, “of þine spelle, so brouke þou þi croune, why comest þou from toune?” 1108

[Sidenote: who tells him of the wedding]

He sede vpon his tale, “I come fram o brudale, Ihc was at o weddi{n}g Of a Maide Ryme{n}hild. 1112 [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .]

Þe palmere seyde on hys tale, “Hy com fram on bridale. Ich com fram b{r}ode hylde Of Mayden reymylde. 1112 Fram hond{er} chyrche wowe, Þe gan louerd owe,

ant he seide on is tale, “y come from a brudale, from brudale wylde of maide remenylde. 1112 [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . .]

[Sidenote: and of Rymenhild’s grief.]

Ne miȝte heo adriȝe Þ{a}t heo ne weop wiþ iȝe. 1116 Heo sede þ{a}t ‘heo nolde Ben ispused wiþ golde; Heo hadde on husebonde, Þeȝ he were vt of lo{n}de.’ 1120

Ne miyȝte hye hyt dreye Þat hye wep wyt eye. 1116 He seyde þat ‘hye nolde Be spoused Myd golde; Hye hadde hosebonde, Þey be nere nawt in londe.’ 1120

ne mihte hue nout dreȝe þ{a}t hue ne wep wiþ eȝe. 1116 hue seide, ‘þ{a}t hue nolde be spoused wiþ golde; hue hade hosebonde þah he were out of londe.’ 1120

{And} i{n} st{ro}ng halle, Biþinne castel walle, Þ{er} iwas atte ȝate; Nolde hi me in late. 1124 Modi ihote hadde To bure þ{a}t me hire ladde. Awai igan glide; Þ{a}t deol inolde abide. 1128 Þe bride wepeþ sore, {And} þ{a}t is muche deole!”

Mody Myd strencþe hyre hadde, And in to toure ladde, Into a stronge halle, Whit inne kastel walle. 1124 Þer ich was attegate; Moste ich nawt in rake. Awey ich gan glyde; Þe deþ ich nolde abyde. 1128 Þer worþ a rewlich dole, Þer þe bryd wepeþ sore.”

ich wes in þe halle, wiþ-inne þe castel walle. [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1124 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] a wey y gon glide; þe dole y nolde abyde. 1128 þer worþ a dole reuly; þe brude wepeþ bitterly.”

[Headnote: Horn exchanges clothes with the Palmer.]

[Sidenote: Horn changes clothes with the palmer,]

¶ Quaþ horn, “So c{ri}st me rede, We schulle chau{n}gi wede. 1132 Haue her cloþes myne, {And} tak me þi sclauyne. Today i schal þer drinke, Þ{a}t some hit schulle ofþinke.” 1136 His sclauyn he dude dun legge, {And} tok hit on his rigge. He tok horn his cloþes, Þ{a}t nere him noȝt loþe. 1140

“Palm{er}e,” qwad horn, “so god me rede Ich and þou wille{n} chaunge{n} wede. 1132 Tac þou me þi sclauyne, And haue þou cloþes myne. To day ich schal þer{e} drynke; Som man hyt schal of þinke.” 1136 Þe sclavyn he gan doun legge, And horn hyt dide on rigge. Þe palmere tok hys cloþes, Þat ne were{n} hym nowt loþe. 1140

quoþ horn, “so c{ri}st me rede, we wolleþ chaunge wede. 1132 tac þou robe myne, ant ȝe sclaueyn þyne. to day y shal þer drynke, þat summe hit shal of-þynke.” 1136 sclaueyn he gon doun legge, {ant} horn hit dude on rugge, ant toc hornes cloþes, þat nout him were loþe. 1140

[Sidenote: and blackens his face and neck with coal.]

Horn tok burdon {and} scrippe, {And} wro{n}g his lippe. He makede him a ful chere, {And} al bicolmede his swere. 1144 He makede hi{m} vn bicomelich; Hes he nas neuremore ilich.

++Horn toc burdoun and sc{r}ippe, And gan wringe hys lippe. He makede a foul cher{e}, And kewede hys swere. 1144 [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .]

¶ Horn toc bordoun {ant} sc{ri}ppe, ant gan to wrynge is lippe. he made foule ch{er}e, {ant} bicollede is swere. 1144 [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . .]

[Sidenote: The gate-keeper forbids Horn entrance.]

¶ He co{m} to þe gateward, Þ{a}t hi{m} answerede hard. 1148 Horn bad undo softe, Mani tyme {and} ofte. Ne miȝte he awynne Þ{a}t he come þ{e}rinne. 1152

He cam to þe gateward, Þat hym answered hard. 1148 He bed on do wel softe, Fele syþe and ofte. Myȝte he nowt wynne For to come þeri{n}ne. 1152

he com to þe ȝateward, þ{a}t him onsuerede froward. 1148 horn bed vn-do wel softe, moni tyme ant ofte. ne myhte he ywynne forto come þer-ynne. 1152

[Headnote: Horn enters the hall, and sits with the beggars.]

[Sidenote: Horn breaks through the wicket, after having thrown the gate-keeper over the bridge.]

Horn gan to þe ȝate turne, {And} þ{a}t wiket vnspurne. Þe boye hit scholde abugge; Horn þreu him ouer þe brigge, 1156 Þ{a}t his ribbes him to brake; {And} suþþe com in atte gate. He sette him wel loȝe, In begg{er}es rowe. 1160 He lokede him abute, Wiþ his colmie snute.

Horn gan to þe yate turne, And þe wyket op spurne. Þe porter hyt scholde abygg{e}; He pugde hym ofer þe b{r}igg{e}, 1156 Þat hys ribbes go{n}nen krake; And horn i{n}to halle rake. He sette hym wel lowe, In beggeres rowe. 1160 He loked al aboute, Mid hys kelwe snowte.

horn þe wyket puste, þat hit open fluste. þe porter shulde abugge; he þrew him a-doun þe brugge, 1156 þat þre ribbes crakede. horn to halle rakede, ant sette him doun wel lowe, in þe beggeres rowe. 1160 he lokede aboute, myd is collede snoute.

[Sidenote: He sees Rymenhild weeping, but looks in vain for Athulf.]

He seȝ Ryme{n}hild sitte Ase heo were of witte, 1164 Sore wepinge {and} ȝerne; Ne miȝte hure noman wurne. He lokede in eche halke; Ne seȝ he nowhar walke 1168 Aþulf his felawe, Þ{a}t he cuþe knowe.

He sey Reymyld sytte Al so hy were of witte, 1164 Wyt droupnynde chere, Þat was hys le{m}ma{n} dere. He lokede in eche halke; Sey he nowere stalke 1168 Ayol hys trewe felawe, Þat trewe was and ful of lawe.

þer seh he rymenild sitte ase hue were out of wytte, 1164 wepinde sore; ah he seh nower þore [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . .] 1168 Aþulf is gode felawe, þat trewe wes in vch plawe.

[Headnote: Athulf despairs of Horn’s coming.]

[Sidenote: Athulf from the tower watches in vain for Horn.]

Aþulf was i{n} þe ture, Abute for to pure 1172 Aft{er} his comynge, Ȝef schup hi{m} wolde bri{n}ge. He seȝ þe se flowe, {And} horn nowar rowe. 1176

Ayol was op i{n} tour{e}, Aboute for to pour{e} 1172 Aft{er} hornes cominge, Ȝyf wat{er} hym wolde bringe. Þe se he sey flowe, And horn nower rowe. 1176

¶ Apulf wes o tour ful heh, to loke fer {ant} eke neh 1172 after hornes comynge, ȝef water him wolde brynge. þe see he seh flowe, ah horn nower rowe. 1176

[Sidenote: In his soliloquy he says that Horn will be too late.]

He sede vpon his songe, “Horn, nu þu ert wel longe. Ryme{n}hild þu me toke, Þ{a}t i scholde loke. 1180 Ihc habbe kept hure eure; Com nu oþer neure. I ne may no le{n}g hure kepe; For soreȝe nu y wepe.” 1184

He seyde in hys songe, “Horn, þou art to longe. Reymyld þou me by toke, Þat ich hyr{e} scholde loke. 1180 Ich haue hi{r}e yloked eu{er}e, And þou ne comest neu{er}e.” [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .]

he seyde on is songe, “horn, þou art to longe. rymenild þou me bitoke, þ{a}t ich hire shulde loke. 1180 Ich haue yloked euere, {ant} þou ne comest neuere.” [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . .]

[Sidenote: Rymenhild bears wine and beer to the guests.]

¶ Rymenhild Ros of benche, Wyn for to schenche, Aft{er} mete i{n} sale, Boþe wyn {and} ale. 1188 On horn he bar anhonde, So laȝe was i{n} londe.

Reymyld ros of benche, Þe knyȝtes for to schenche. [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] An horn hye ber on honde, As hyt was lawe of londe.

Rymenild ros of benche, þe beer al forte shenche, after mete in sale, boþe wyn {ant} ale. 1188 an horn hue ber an honde, for þ{a}t wes lawe of londe.

Kniȝtes {and} squier Alle dronke{n} of þe ber; 1192 Bute horn al one Nadde þ{er}of no mone. Horn sat vpo{n} þe g{ru}nde; Him þuȝte he was ibu{n}de. 1196

Hye drank of þebere, To knyt and to squier{e}. 1192 [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] And horn set on þe grunde; Hym þoute he was bounde. 1196

hue dronc of þe beere, to knyht {ant} skyere. 1192 [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . .] horn set at grounde; him þohte he wes y-bounde. 1196

[Headnote: Horn addresses Rymenhild.]

[Sidenote: Horn asks Rymenhild to serve the beggars.]

He sede, “q{ue}n so he{n}de, To meward þu we{n}de. Þu ȝef vs wiþ þe furste; Þe beggeres beoþ of þurste.” 1200

He seyde, “quen so hende, To meward gyn þou wende. Schenk hus Myd þe furste; Þe beggeres beþ of þerste.” 1200

¶ he seide, “quene so hende, to me hydeward þou wende. [Sidenote: [leaf 90]] þou shenh vs wiþ þe vurste; þe beggares bueþ afurste.” 1200

[Sidenote: Rymenhild fills a gallon bowl with brown beer, and offers it to Horn.]

¶ Hure horn heo leide adun, {And} fulde him of a brun, His bolle of a galun, For heo wende he were a glotoun. 1204 He seide, “haue þis cuppe, {And} þi{s} þi{n}g þ{er} vppe. Ne saȝ ihc neure, so ihc wene, Beggere þat were so kene.” 1208

Þe horn hye leyde adoune, And fulde hem of þe broune, A bolle of one galun; Hye wende he were a glotoun. 1204 “Nym þou þe coppe, And drinkyt al oppe. Sey ich neu{er}e, ich wene, Begger{e} so bold and kene.” 1208

hyre horn hue leyde a doune, ant fulde him of þe broune, a bolle of a galoun; hue wende he were a glotoun. 1204 hue seide, “tac þe coppe, ant drync þis ber al vppe. ne seh y neuer, y wene, beggare so kene.” 1208

[Sidenote: He refuses it, saying that he will have nothing ‘bote of coppe white,’]

Horn tok hit his ifere, {And} sede, “que{n} so dere, Wyn nelle ihc, Muche ne lite, Bute of cuppe white. 1212

Horn tok þe coppe hys fere, And seyde, “quen so dere, No drynk nel ich bite, Bote of one coppe wite. 1212

horn toc hit hise yfere, {ant} seide, “quene so dere, no beer nullich i bite, bote of coppe white. 1212

[Sidenote: and that he is no beggar, but a fisher.]

Þu wenest i beo a beggere, {And} ihc am a fissere, “Wel feor icome bi este, For fissen at þi feste. 1216 Mi net liþ her bi honde, Bi a wel fair stronde.

Þou wenst ich be a begger{e}; For gode ich am a fyȝsser{e}, Hy come fram by weste, To fyȝen an þi feste. 1216 My net hys ney honde, In a wel fayr ponde.

þou wenest ich be a beggere; ywis icham a fysshere, wel fer come by weste, to seche mine bestee. 1216 Min net lyht her wel hende, wiþ-inne a wel feyr pende.

[Sidenote: Horn further alludes to her dream of the fish net, and bids her ‘drynke to horn of horne.’]

Hit haþ ileie þere Fulle seue ȝere. 1220 Ihc am icome to loke Ef eni fiss hit toke. [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] Ihc am icome to fisse; Dri{n}k to me of disse. Drink to horn of horne, Feor ihc am i orne.” 1228

Hyt hat hy be here Al þis seueȝere. 1220 Hyc am hy come to loke Ȝif any he toke. Ȝyf any fyȝs hys þerynne, Þer of þou winne. 1224 Ich am hy come to fyȝsse, Drink to me of þy disse; Drynk to horn of horn, For ich habbe hy ȝouren.” 1228

Ich haue leye þere, nou is þis þe seueþe ȝere. 1220 Icham icome to loke ȝef eny fyssħ hit toke. ȝef eny fyssħ is þer-inne, þer-of þou shalt wynne. 1224 For icham come to fyssħ, drynke nully of dyssħ. drynke to horn of horne; wel fer ich haue y-orne.” 1228

[Sidenote: Rymenhild looks at him and trembles, not fully comprehending his meaning.]

Ryme{n}hild hi{m} gan bihelde; Hire heorte bigan to chelde. Ne kneu heo noȝt his fissing, Ne horn hymselue noþing; 1232 Ac wu{n}der hire gan þinke, Whi he bad to horn drinke.

Reymyld hym gan by holde, And hyr{e} h{er}te to kolde. Neyȝ he nowt hys fyssing, Ne hym selue no þyng. 1232 Wond{er} hyre gan þynke, Wy he hyre bed drynke.

¶ Rymenild hi{m} gan bihelde; hire herte fel to kelde. ne kneu hue noht is fysshyng, ne hi{m} selue noþyng. 1232 ah wonder hyre gan þynke, why for horn he bed drynke.

[Headnote: Horn puts the ring in the horn.]

[Sidenote: She fills the horn with wine and bids him drink his fill, and then tell her if he knows aught of Horn.]

Heo fulde hire horn wiþ wyn, {And} dronk to þe pilegrym. 1236 Heo sede, “dri{n}k þi fulle, {And} suþþe þu me telle If þu eure isiȝe Horn vnder wude liȝe.” 1240

He fulde horn þe wyn, And dronk to þe pyleg{r}im. 1236 “Palmere, þou d{r}inke þy fulle, And syþe þou schalt telle, Ȝyf þou horn awt seye Hond{er} wode leye.” 1240

hue fulde þe horn of wyne, ant dronk to þat pelryne. 1236 hue seide, “drync þi felle, {ant} seþþen þou me telle ȝef þou horn euer seȝe vnder wode leȝe.” 1240

[Sidenote: Horn drinks, then throws the ring in the horn.]

Horn dro{n}k of horn a stu{n}de, And þreu þe ring to gru{n}de. [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] 1244

++Horn d{ra}nk of horn a stounde, A{n}d þrew hys ryng to þe grounde. He seyde, “quen, nou seche Qwat hys in þy drenche.” 1244

¶ Horn dronc of horn a stounde, ant þreu is ryng to grounde, ant seide, “quene, þou þench what y þreu in þe drench.” 1244

[Sidenote: Rymenhild goes to her bower, and finds the ring.]

Þe quen ȝede to bure, Wiþ hire maidenes foure. Þo fo{n}d heo what heo wolde, A ri{n}g ig{ra}uen of golde, 1248 Þ{a}t horn of hure hadde. Sore hure dr{a}dde Þ{a}t horn isteue were, For þe Ri{n}g was þere. 1252

Reymild ȝede to bour{e}, Wyt hyre maydenes four{e}. He fond þat he wolde, A ryng hy g{ra}uen of golde, 1248 Þat horn of hyre hadde. Wel sore hyre of dradde Þat horn child ded were, For þe ry{n}g was þere. 1252

þe quene eode to boure, mid hire maidnes foure. hue fond þ{a}t hue wolde, þe ryng yg{ra}ued of golde, 1248 þat horn of hyre hedde. fol sore hyre adredde þat horn ded were, for his ryng was þere. 1252

[Headnote: Rymenhild summons Horn to her bower.]

[Sidenote: She sends for the palmer, and inquires where he got the ring.]

Þo se{n}te heo a damesele Aft{er} þe palm{er}e. “Palm{er}e,” q{ua}þ heo, “trewe, Þe ri{n}g þ{a}t þu þrewe, 1256 Þu seie whar þu hit nome, {And} whi þu hider come.”

Þo sende hye a damysele Adoun aft{er} þe palm{er}e. “Palm{er}e,” hye seyde, “so trewe, Þe ryng þou here þrewe, 1256 Sey war þou ith nome, And hyder wi þou come.”

þo sende hue a damoisele after þilke palmere. “palm{er}e,” quoþ hue, “so trewe, þe ryng þ{a}t þou yn þrewe, 1256 þou sey wer þou hit nome, ant hyder hou þou come.”

[Sidenote: Horn says that in his wanderings he has met Horn by the strand.]

He sede, “bi sei{n}t gile, Ihc habbe go mani Mile, 1260 Wel feor bi ȝonde weste, To seche my beste. [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] 1264 I fond horn child stonde, To schupeward in londe.

He seyde, “bi seynt gyle, Ich aue hy go mani amyle, 1260 Wel fer her by weste, To seche my beste, My mete for to bidde, So hyt me by tidde. 1264 Þat fond ich horn child stonde, To scyppeward on stronde.

he seyde, “by seint gyle, ich eode mony a myle, 1260 wel fer ȝent by weste, to seche myne beste, Mi mete forte bydde, for so me þo bitidde. 1264 ich fond horn knyht stonde, to shipeward at stronde.

[Sidenote: He continues to relate how Horn, on ship board, fell ill and died, and how Horn charged him to bear the ring to Rymenhild.]

He sede he wolde agesse to ariue in west{er}nesse. 1268 Þe schip nam to þe flode, Wiþ me {and} horn þe gode. Horn was sik {and} deide, {And} faire he me p{re}ide, 1272 ‘Go wiþ þe ringe, To Ryme{n}hild þe ȝo{n}ge.’ Ofte he hit custe, God ȝeue his saule reste.” 1276

He seyde he wolde agesce To ryuen in westnesse. 1268 Þat scyp hym ȝede to flode, Myd me and horn þe gode. Horn was sech and ded, And for his loue me bed, 1272 ‘To schipe with me þe ring To Reymyld quene þe ȝeng.’ Ofte he me kuste, God ȝyue hys soule reste.” 1276

he seide he wolde gesse to aryue at westnesse. 1268 þe ship nom in to flode, wiþ me {ant} horn þe gode. Horn by-gan be sek {ant} deȝe, {ant} for his loue me preȝe 1272 to gon wiþ þe rynge, to rymenild þe ȝynge. wel ofte he hyne keste, c{ri}st ȝeue is soule reste.” 1276

[Headnote: Horn prevents Rymenhild from stabbing herself.]

[Sidenote: The princess raves with grief, and attempts to slay herself with a knife, but is prevented by Horn,]

¶ Ryme{n}hild sede at þe furste, “Herte, nu þu berste, For horn nastu namore, Þ{a}t þe haþ pined þe so sore.” 1280

Reymyld seyde ate ferste, “Herte, nou to berste; Horn ne worþ me na more, For wam hy pyne sore.” 1280

¶ Rymenild seide at þe firste, “herte, nou to berste. horn worþ þe no more, þat haueþ þe pyned sore.” 1280

Heo feol on hire bedde Þer heo knif hudde, To sle wiþ ki{n}g loþe, {And} hure selue boþe, 1284 In þ{a}t vlke niȝte, If horn come ne miȝte. To herte knif he sette; Ac horn anon hire kepte. 1288

Hye fel adoun on þe bed Þer hye hauede knyues leyd, To slen hire louerd loþe, And hyre selue boþe, 1284 In þat hulke [nyȝte], Bote horn come myȝte. Knyf to hyre h{er}te hye sette, And horn hire gan lette. 1288

[Sidenote: [leaf 90, back]] Hue fel adoun a bedde, ant after knyues gredde, to slein mide hire kyng loþe, {ant} hire selue boþe. 1284 wiþ-inne þilke nyhte, come ȝef horn ne myhte. to herte knyf hue sette, horn in is armes hire kepte. 1288

[Sidenote: who then wipes away the black from his face.]

Hys schirt lappe he gan take, And wiped awey þat blake

his shurte lappe he gan take, {ant} wypede a wey þe foule blake

[Headnote: Horn makes himself known.]

[Sidenote: Horn tells who he is, and bids Rymenhild kiss him.]

He wipede þ{a}t blake of his swere, {And} sede, “Quen so swete {and} dere, 1292 Ihc am horn þinoȝe; Ne canstu me noȝt knowe? Ihc am horn of west{er}nesse; In armes þu me cusse.” 1296

Þat was on hys swere, And seyde, “quene so dere, 1292 Canst þou me nawt knowe? Ne am ich al þyn owe? Ich am horn of estnesse; In þyn armes þou me kusse.” 1296

Þ{a}t wes opon his suere, ant seide, “luef so dere, 1292 ne const þou me yknowe? ne am ich horn þyn owe? Ich, horn of westnesse; in armes þou me kesse.” 1296

[Sidenote: After fond embraces, he tells her that he has armed men by the ‘wodes ende,’ who will prevent the wedding.]

Hi custe he{m} mid ywisse, And makeden Muche blisse. ¶ “Ryme{n}hild,” he sede, “ywende Adun to þe wudes ende. 1300 Þer beþ myne kniȝtes, Redi to fiȝte, Iarmed vnder cloþe.

Hye clepten and hye kuste Þe wile þat hem luste. “Reymyld,” qwad horn, “ich moste we{n}de To þe wodes hende, 1300 After mine knyȝtes, Hyrische men so wyȝte, Armed hond{er} cloþe.

yclupten {ant} kyste so longe so hem lyste. “Rymenild,” quoþ he, “ich wende doun to þe wodes ende, 1300 for þer bueþ myne knyhte, worþi men {ant} lyhte, armed vnder cloþe;

Hi schulle make w{ro}þe 1304 Þe ki{n}g {and} his geste Þ{a}t come to þe feste. Today i schal he{m} teche, {And} sore he{m} areche.” 1308

He scholen make{n} wroþe 1304 Þe king and hyse gestes Þat sytten atte feste. To day we schole hem keche, Ryȝt nou ich wolle hem teche.” 1308

hue shule make wroþe 1304 þe kyng {ant} hise gestes þ{a}t bueþ at þise festes. to day ychulle huem cacche, nou ichulle huem vacche.” 1308

[Sidenote: He leaves the bower, and Rymenhild sets out in search of Athulf.]

¶ Horn sprong ut of halle, {And} let his sclauin falle. Þe quen ȝede to bure, {And} fond Aþulf in ture. 1312 “Aþulf,” heo sede, “be bliþe, And to horn þu go wel swiþe.

++HOrn sprong out of halle; Þe sclavyn he let falle. And Reymyld wente to toure, And fond ayol lure. 1312 “Ayol, be wel blyþe, And go to horn swyþe.

¶ Horn sprong out of halle; ys brunie he let falle. rymenild eode of boure; aþulf hue fond loure. 1312 “aþulf, be wel blyþe, {ant} to horn go swyþe.

[Sidenote: Athulf goes to find Horn, and embraces him.]

He is vnder wude boȝe, {And} wiþ him kniȝtes Inoȝe.” 1316 ¶ Aþulf bigan to sp{ri}nge For þe tiþi{n}ge. Aft{er} horn he arnde anon, Also þ{a}t hors miȝte gon. 1320 He hi{m} ou{er}tok ywis; Hi makede suiþe Muchel blis.

He hys hond{er} wode bowe, And Myd hym felawe ynowe.” 1316 Ayol forþ gan springe, Wel glad for þat tydyngge. Faste aft{er} horn he rende; Hym þoute hys h{er}te brende. 1320 Of tok he horn hy wys, And kuste hym wit blys.

he is vnder wode bowe, wiþ felawes ynowe.” 1316 Aþulf gon froth sp{ri}nge, for þ{a}t ilke tydynge. efter horn he ernde; him þohte is herte bernde. 1320 he oftok hi{m} ywisse, ant custe him wiþ blysse.

[Headnote: Horn breaks up the wedding feast.]

[Sidenote: Horn, with his armed men, breaks into the hall and slays many of the guests,]

Horn tok his preie, {And} dude hi{m} i{n} þe weie. 1324 He co{m} i{n} wel sone, Þe ȝates were vndone, Iarmed ful þikke Fra{m} fote to þe nekke. 1328

[No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] 1324 He com aȝen wel sone, Þe gates weren ondone. [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] 1328

horn tok is preye ant dude him in þe weye. 1324 hue comen in wel sone, þe ȝates weren vndone; y-armed suiþe þicke from fote to þe nycke. 1328

Alle þ{a}t were þ{er}in, Biþute his twelf ferin {And} þe ki{n}g Aylmare, He dude he{m} alle to kare 1332 Þ{a}t at þe feste were. Here lif hi lete þere.

Hye þat ate feste heten, Here lyue he go{n}ne{n} þer leten. And þe kyng mody Hym he made blody. 1332 And þe king aylm{er}e Þo hauede myche fere.

alle þ{a}t þer euere weren, wiþ-oute is t{re}we feren ant þe kyng aylmare, ywis he hade muche care. 1332 monie þ{a}t þer sete, hure lyf hy gonne lete.

[Sidenote: but he does not understand Fikenhild’s treachery, for all deny the treason.]

Horn ne dude no wu{n}der Of ffike{n}hildes false tu{n}ge. 1336 Hi swore{n} oþes holde, Þat neure ne scholde

++Horn no wond{er} ne makede Of fykenildes falsede. 1336 He sworen alle and seyde Þat her{e} non hym by wreyde.

Horn vnderstondyng ne hede of Fykeles falssede. 1336 Hue suoren alle, ant seyde, þ{a}t hure non him wreyede

[Sidenote: All swear that they have not betrayed Horn.]

Horn neure bit{ra}ie, Þeȝ he at diþe laie. 1340 Hi Ru{n}ge þe belle, Þe wedlak for to felle. [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1344 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .]

And ofte he swore{n} hoþes holde, Þat þere non ne scholde 1340 No ware horn by wreyen, Þou he to deþe leyen. He rongen þe bellen, Þe wedding for to fulle{n}, 1344 Of hor þat was so hende, And of reymyld þe ȝonge.

ant suore oþes holde þat huere non ne sholde 1340 Horn neuer bytreye, þah he on deþe leye. þer hy ronge þe belle, þat wedlak{e} to fulfulle. 1344 [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . .]

[Headnote: Horn weds Rymenhild.]

[Sidenote: The wedding is celebrated in the king’s palace.]

Horn hi{m} ȝede with his, To þe ki{n}ges palais. 1348 Þer was brid {and} ale suete, For riche me{n} þ{e}r ete. Telle ne miȝte tu{n}ge Þ{a}t gle þ{a}t þ{er} was su{n}ge. 1352

Horn ledde hyre hom wit heyse, To hyr{e} fad{er} paleyse. 1348 Þer was brydale swete; Riche men þer hete. Tellen ne Myȝte no tonge Þe joye þat þer was songe. 1352

hue wenden hom wiþ eyse, to þe kynges paleyse. 1348 þer wes þe brudale suete, for richemen þer ete. telle ne mihte no tonge þe gle þat þer was songe. 1352

[Sidenote: Horn addresses the king, and begins to recount his history.]

¶ Horn sat on chaere, {And} bad he{m} alle ihere. “Ki{n}g,” he sede, “þu luste A tale mid þe beste. 1356 I ne seie hit for no blame, Horn is mi name. Þu me to kniȝt houe, {And} kniȝthod haue p{ro}ued. 1360 To þe ki{n}g me{n} seide Þ{a}t iþe bit{ra}ide;

++Horn set on hys cheyere, And bed he scholden alle here. He seyde, “kyng so longe, My tale þou hond{er}stonde. 1356 Hy was born i{n} sode{n}ne; Kyng was My fad{er} of kunne. Þo me to knyȝte þou ȝoue; My knyȝthede ich haue p{ro}ued. 1360 To þe of me men seyde War for þi h{er}te creyde.

¶ Horn set in chayere, {ant} bed hem alle yhere. he seyde, “kyng of londe, mi tale þou vnderstonde. 1356 Ich wes ybore in sudenne; kyng wes mi fader of kenne. þou me to knyhte houe; of knythod habbe y proue. 1360 [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . .]

[Sidenote: Horn explains to the king his innocence,]

Þu makedest me fleme, {And} þi lo{n}d to reme. 1364 Þu we{n}dest þ{a}t iwroȝte Þ{a}t y neure ne þoȝte, Bi Ryme{n}hild for to ligge, {And} þ{a}t i wiþsegge. 1368

Þou makedest me to rewe, Þo þou bote me fleme. 1364 Þou wendes þat ich wroute Þat hy neu{er}e ne þoute, Wyt Reymyld for ligge. I wys ich hyt wyt sigge. 1368

þou dryue me out of þi lond, {ant} seydest ich wes t{r}aytour strong. 1364 þou wendest þat ich wrohte þat y ner ne þohte, by rymenild forte lygge; ywys ich hit wiþsugge. 1368

[Sidenote: and says that he will not take Rymenhild to wife until he has regained his kingdom of Sudenne.]

Ne schal ihc hit bigi{n}ne, Til i suddene wi{n}ne. Þu kep hure a stu{n}de, Þe while þ{a}t i funde 1372 In to min heritage {And} to mi baronage.

Ich ne schal neu{er}e a gynne, Er ich sodenne wynne. Kep hire me a stounde, Þe wille ich he{n}nes founde 1372 In to myn h{er}itage, Mid myn hirysce page.

[Sidenote: [leaf 91]] Ne shal ich hit ner agynne, er ich sudenne wynne. þou kep hyre me a stounde, þe while þ{a}t ich founde 1372 In to myn heritage, wiþ þis yrisshe page.

Þ{a}t lond i schal ofreche, And do mi fader wreche. 1376 I schal beo ki{n}g of tune, {And} bere ki{n}ges crune. Þa{n}ne schal Ryme{n}hilde Ligge bi þe ki{n}ge.” 1380

Þat lond ich schal of reche, And do my fad{er} wreche. 1376 Ich schal be kyng of tune, And wite of kynges r[?]owne. Þenne schal Reymyld þe ȝonge Lygge{n} by horn þe kynge.” 1380

þat lond ichulle þorhreche, {ant} do mi fader wreche. 1376 ychul be kyng of toune, {ant} lerne kynges roune. þenne shal rymenild þe ȝynge ligge by horn þe kynge.” 1380

[Headnote: Horn sets sail for Sudenne.]

[Sidenote: He sets sail with Athulf and his Irish companions, and has a favouring wind.]

¶ Horn gan to schupe draȝe, Wiþ his yrisse felaȝes. Aþulf wiþ hi{m} his broþer; Nolde he no{n} oþer. 1384 Þ{a}t schup bigan to crude, Þe wind hi{m} bleu lude.

Hor gan to schipe ryde, And hys knyȝtes bi side. [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] 1384 Here schip gan to croude, Þe wynd hym bleu wel loude.

¶ Horn gan to shipe drawe, wiþ hyse yrisshe felawe. Aþulf wiþ hi{m}, his broþer, he nolde habbe non oþer. 1384 þe ship by-gan to croude; þe wynd bleu wel loude.

[Sidenote: They reach Sudenne within five days.]

Biþi{n}ne daies fiue Þ{a}t schup gan ariue, 1388 [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] Abute middelniȝte. Horn hi{m} ȝede wel riȝte. 1392

Hond{er} sode{n}ne syde Here schip bi gan to glide, 1388 [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] Abowte myd niȝte. Horn hym yede wel ryȝte, 1392

wyþ-inne dawes fyue þe ship began aryue. 1388 vnder sudennes side huere ship by-gon to ryde, aboute þe midnyhte. horn eode wel rihte; 1392

[Headnote: He finds a knight sleeping by the wayside.]

[Sidenote: Horn and Athulf land, and find a goodly knight sleeping by the wayside.]

He tok aþulf bi ho{n}de, And vp he ȝede to lo{n}de. Hi fou{n}de vnder schelde, A kniȝt he{n}de i{n} felde. 1396 [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] Þe kniȝt hi{m} aslepe lay Al biside þe way. 1400 Horn hi{m} ga{n} to take, {And} sede, “kniȝt, awake.

Na{m} ayol on hys honde, And yeden op hon londe. Hye found hond{er} schelde, A knyt liggen i{n} felde. 1396 Op þe scheld was drawe A crowch of ih{es}u c{r}i{s}tes lawe. Þe knyt hy lay on slepe, [KH-6]In armes wel ymete. 1400 Horn hym gan take, And seyde, “knyt, awake.

[Footnote KH-6: Between vv. 1399 and 1400 stands in the MS. Laud the incomplete line Horn hym gan m, underdotted to indicate that it is due to a mistake of the scribe.]

he nom aþulf by honde, {ant} ede vp to londe. hue fonden vnder shelde, a knyht liggynde on felde. 1396 o þe shelde wes ydrawe a c{ro}yz of ih{es}u c{ri}stes lawe. þe knyht hi{m} lay on slape, in armes wel yshape. 1400 ¶ Horn him gan ytake, {ant} seide, “knyht, awake.

[Sidenote: Horn bids him tell his business, under pain of death.]

Seie what þu kepest, {And} whi þu her slepest. 1404 Me þinkþ, biþine crois liȝte, Þ{a}t þu lo{n}gest to vre d{ri}ȝte. Bute þu wule me schewe, I schal þe to hewe.” 1408 Þe gode kniȝt vp aros; Of þe wordes hi{m} gros.

[No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] 1404 Me þynkeþ, by þe crowches lyste, Þat þou leuest on c{r}iste. Bote þou hit raþe schewe, Wyt Mi swerd ich schal þe hewe.” 1408 Þe gode knyt op aros; Of hornes wordes hym agros.

þou sei me whet þou kepest, {ant} here whi þou slepest! 1404 me þuncheþ, by crois liste, þ{a}t þou leuest on c{ri}ste; bote þou hit wolle shewe, my suerd shal þe to-hewe.” 1408 þe gode knyht vp aros; of hornes wordes hi{m} agros.

[Headnote: The knight tells his story.]

[Sidenote: The knight says that he serves the Saracens against his will,]

He sede, “ihc haue, aȝenes my wille, Payns ful ylle. 1412 Ihc was c{ri}stene a while, Þo i com to þis ille Sarazins blake, Þ{a}t dude me forsake. 1416

He seyde, “hy serue ylle Paynyms, aȝen My wille. 1412 Ich was c{r}istene som wyle, And þo were come i{n}to þis yle Sarazyns lodlike and blake, And dide me god forsake. 1416

he seide, “ich seruy ille paynes, toȝeynes mi wille. 1412 Ich was c{ri}stene sum while; y come in to þis yle. Sarazyns loþe {ant} blake me made ih{es}u forsake, 1416

[Sidenote: and tells how the Saracens invaded the land and slew King Murry.]

On C{ri}st ihc wolde bileue; On hi{m} hi makede me reue, To kepe þis passage Fra{m} horn þ{a}t is of age, 1420 Þ{a}t wunieþ bieste, Kniȝt wiþ þe beste. Hi sloȝe wiþ here ho{n}de, Þe ki{n}g of þis lo{n}de, 1424

Bi god on wam yleue, Þo he makede{n} me reue, To loke þis passage For horn þat hys of age. 1420 He woneþ alby weste, God knyt myd þe beste. He slow Mid hys honde Þe kyng of þise londe, 1424

[No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . .] to loke þis passage for horn þ{a}t is of age, 1420 þ{a}t woneþ her by weste, god knyht mid þe beste. hue slowe mid huere honde, þe kyng of þisse londe, 1424

[Sidenote: He wonders that Horn does not return to avenge his father’s death.]

{And} wiþ him fele hu{n}dred. {And} þ{er}of is wu{n}der Þ{a}t he ne comeþ to fiȝte; God se{n}de hi{m} þe riȝte, 1428 {And} wi{n}d hi{m} hider driue, To bri{n}ge he{m} of liue. Hi sloȝen kyng Murry, Hornes fader, king hendy. 1432 Horn hi vt of londe sente; Tuelf felaȝes wiþ him wente,

And wyt hym me{n} an hundred. Þer fore me þinkeþ wond{er} Þat he comeþ fiȝþcte. God yeue hym þe miyȝte, 1428 Þat wynde hym driue To bringen hem of liue. He slowen þe kyng mory, Hornes fad{er} so stordy. 1432 Horn to wat{er} he sente, xij children myd hym we{n}te.

ant wiþ hi{m} mony honder. þer fore me þuncheþ wonder þ{a}t he ne comeþ to fyhte; god ȝeue hi{m} þe myhte, 1428 þ{a}t wynd hi{m} hider dryue, to don hem alle of lyue. ant slowen kyng mury hornes cunesmon hardy. 1432 Horn, of londe hue senten; tuelf children wiþ hi{m} wenten.

[Headnote: The knight proves to be Athulf’s father.]

[Sidenote: He continues to tell how his son, Athulf, is Horn’s faithful companion.]

Amo{n}g hem aþulf þe gode, Min oȝene child, my leue fode. 1436 Ef horn child is hol and sund, {And} Aþulf biþute wund, He luueþ hi{m} so dere, {And} is him so stere, 1440 [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] Miȝte iseo{n} he{m} tueie, For ioie i scholde deie.” 1444

Þer mong was ayol þe gode, Myn owe child, myn owe fode. 1436 [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] He louede horn wel derne, And horn hym also ȝerne. 1440 Ȝyf horn hys hol and sounde, Ayol ne tyt no wounde. Bote ich nou se hem tweye, I wys ich wolle deye.” 1444

wiþ he{m} wes aþulf þe gode, mi child, myn oune fode. 1436 ȝef horn is hol ant sounde, aþulf tit no wounde. [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . .] 1440 he louede horn wiþ mihte, {ant} he hi{m} wiþ ryhte. ȝef y myhte se hem tueye, þenne ne rohti forte deye.” 1444

[Sidenote: The two make themselves known, and a joyful scene of recognition follows.]

¶ “Kniȝt, beo þa{n}ne bliþe, Mest of alle siþe. Horn {and} Aþulf his fere, Boþe hi be{n} here.” 1448 To horn he gan gon, {And} g{re}tte hi{m} anon.

“Knyt, be swiþe blyþe, Mest of alle syþe. Ayol and horn yfere Boþe he ben here.” 1448 Þe knyt to hem ga{n} steppe, And in armes cleppe.

¶ “knyht, be þenne blyþe, mest of alle syþe. Aþulf, {ant} horn is fere, boþe-we beþ here.” 1448 Þe knyht to horn gan skippe, {ant} in his armes clippe.

Muche ioie hi makede þere, Þe while hi togadere were. 1452 “Childre,” he sede, “hu habbe ȝe fare? Þ{a}t ihc ȝou seȝ hit is ful ȝare. Wulle ȝe þis lo{n}de wi{n}ne, {And} sle þat þ{er}is i{n}ne?” 1456

Þe joie þat he made, Myȝte no ma{n} rede. 1452 He seyde wit steuene ȝare, “Children, hou abbe ȝe fare? Wolle ȝe þis lond wi{n}ne, And wonye þer inne?” 1456

Muche ioye hue maden yfere, þo hue to gedere y-come were.” 1452 [Sidenote: [leaf 91, back]] He saide wiþ steuene þare, “ȝungemen, hou habbe ȝe ȝore yfare? wolle ȝe þis lond wynne, {ant} wonie þer ynne?” 1456

[Sidenote: The old knight informs Horn that his mother, the queen Godhild, still lives.]

He sede, “leue horn child, Ȝitt lyueþ þi moder Godhild. Of ioie heo miste, If heo þe aliue wiste.” 1460

He seyde, “leue horn child, Ȝet liueþ þy mod{er} godild.” [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] 1460

he seide, “suete horn child, ȝet lyueþ þy moder godyld. of ioie hue ne miste, o lyue ȝef hue þe wiste.” 1460

[Sidenote: Horn informs the old knight that he has with him many Irish companions.]

¶ Horn sede o{n} his rime, “Iblessed beo þe time I co{m} to sudde{n}ne, Wiþ mine irisse me{n}ne. 1464 We schulle þe hu{n}des teche To speken vre speche. Alle we he{m} schulle sle, {And} al q{ui}c hem fle.” 1468

Horn seyde on hys rime, “Hyblessed be þe tyme Ich am ycome to sode{n}ne, Wyt Myn hyrysce me{n}ne. 1464 Þis lond we schollen wi{n}ne And fle at þat þere ben i{n}ne. And so we scholen he{m} teche To speken our{e} speche.” 1468

Horn seide on is ryme, “yblessed be þe time Icham icome in to sudenne, wiþ fele yrisshemenne. 1464 we shule þe houndes kecche, {ant} to þe deȝe vecche. ánt so we shulen hem teche to speken oure speche.” 1468

[Headnote: Horn delivers Sudenne from the Saracens.]

[Sidenote: Horn blows his horn, and his men arrive;]

Horn gan his horn to blowe; His folk hit gan iknowe. Hi come{n} vt of st{er}e, Fram hornes ban{er}e. 1472

Horn gan hys horn blowe, Þat hys folc it gan knowe. He come{n} out of scyp st{er}ne, To horn ward wel ȝerne. 1472

¶ Horn gon is horn blowe; is folc hit con yknowe. hue comen out of hurne, to horn swyþe ȝurne. 1472

[Sidenote: and they attack and slay the Saracens, old and young.]

Hi sloȝen {and} fuȝte{n}, Þe niȝt {and} þe vȝten. [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1476 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] Þe Sarazi{n}s cu{n}de, Ne lefde þ{er} no{n} i{n} þe{n}de. 1480

He smyten and he fouten, Þe nyȝt and eke þe ouȝten. Myd speres hord he stonge, Þe held and eke þe ȝonge. 1476 Þat lond he þoru sowte{n}; To deþe he hus brouten Sarazines kende, Þe leuede on þe fende. 1480

hue smiten {ant} hue fyhten, þe niht {ant} eke þe ohtoun. [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . .] 1476 þe sarazyns hue slowe, ant summe quike to drowe. mid sp{er}es ord hue stonge þe olde {ant} eke þe ȝonge. 1480

[Sidenote: Then Horn causes chapels and churches to be built.]

Horn let wurche Chapeles {and} chirche;

Horn let sone werchen Chapeles and cherchen;

¶ Horn lette sone wurche boþe chapel {ant} chyrche.

[Sidenote: Horn causes the bells to be rung and masses to be celebrated.]

He let belles ringe, {And} Masses let singe. 1484

Bellen he dide ryngen, And p{re}stes messe synge{n}. 1484

He made belle rynge ant p{re}stes masse synge. 1484

[Sidenote: Then he seeks his mother, and all make merry.]

He co{m} to his Mod{er} halle, In a roche walle. [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] 1488 Corn he let serie, And makede feste merie. M{ur}ie lif he wroȝte; Ryme{n}hild hit dere boȝte. 1492

He sowte hys mod{er} ou{er}alle, Wit i{n}ne eu{er}iche walle.[KH-7] He custe{n} and hye clete{n}, And in to halle we{n}ten. 1488 Croune he go{n}ne{n} werie, And makede festes merye. Murye he þere wroute; Reymyld hyt aboute. 1492

[Footnote KH-7: This line repeated in the MS.]

He sohte is moder halle, in þe roche walle. He custe hire ant grette, ant in to þe castel fette. 1488 Croune he gan werie, ant make feste merye. Murie he þer wrohte, ah rymenild hit abohte. 1492

[Headnote: Fikenhild builds a strong castle.]

[Sidenote: In the meantime Fikenhild, by gifts, wins powerful support,]

¶ Fikenhild was prut on herte, {And} þat him dude smerte. [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1496 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] Ȝo{n}ge he ȝaf {and} elde, Mid hi{m} for to helde. 1500

Wile þat horn was oute, Fikenyld ferde aboute. To wiue he gan hire ȝerne; Þe kyng ne dorst hi{m} werne. 1496 Muche was hys prede; Þe ryche he ȝaf mede, Ȝonge and eke þe helde, Þat Mid hym scholde helde. 1500

¶ Þe whiles horn wes oute, Fikenild ferde aboute. [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . .] 1496 þe betere forte spede, þe riche he ȝef mede, boþe ȝonge ant olde, wiþ him forte holde. 1500

[Sidenote: and builds a castle entirely surrounded by the water.]

Ston he dude lede, Þ{er} he hopede spede. St{ro}ng castel he let sette, Mid see hi{m} biflette. 1504 Þ{er} ne miȝte liȝte Bute foȝel wiþ fliȝte; Bute wha{n}ne þe see wiþ droȝe, Miȝte come men ynoȝe. 1508

Ston he dede lede, And hym þerto he made. A kastel he dude feste Wit wat{er} alby sette. 1504 Miȝt no ma{n} hon on legge, By paþe ne by brigge; Bote wan þe wit drowe, Þer mu{n}the come. 1508

Ston he dude lade, ant lym þerto he made. Castel he made sette, wiþ water by flette. 1504 Þ{a}t þer yn come ne myhte bote foul wiþ flyhte; bote when þe see wiþ-drowe, þer mihte come ynowe. 1508

[Sidenote: Fikenhild then plots to wed Rymenhild, and sets the day for the wedding.]

Fikenhild gan we{n}de Ryme{n}hild to sche{n}de. [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1512 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] 1516

Þis fykenild ga{n}to we{n}de[KH-8] Reynyld for to wende. Þe day by ga{n} to wexe, Þat hem was by twexe. 1512 Fekenyld, her þe day gan sp{r}inge, Ferde to aylm{er} þe kynge, Aft{er} reynyld þe bryȝte, And spousede hire by niȝte. 1516

[Footnote KH-8: Written wē{n}de]

þ{us} fykenild gon by-wende Rymenild forte shende. [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . .] 1512 to wyue he gan hire ȝerne; þe kyng ne durst hi{m} werne. ant habbeþ set þe day, Fykenild to wedde þe may. 1516

[Sidenote: Rymenhild weeps tears of blood.]

To woȝe he gan hure ȝerne; Þe kyng ne dorste him werne. Ryme{n}hild was ful of mode; He wep teres of blode. 1520

He ledde hyre hom i{n} derke, To his newe werke. Þe festes he by go{n}ne, Her{e} aryse þe so{n}ne. 1520

wo was rymenild of mode; terres hue wepte of blode. [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . .]

[Headnote: Horn dreams of danger to Rymenhild.]

[Sidenote: Horn dreams that Rymenhild is shipwrecked, that she tries to swim to land, but that Fikenhild prevents her with his sword hilt.]

Þ{a}t niȝt horn gan swete, And heuie for to mete Of Rymenhild his make, Into schupe was itake. 1524 Þe schup bigan to blenche; His le{m}man scholde adrenche.

Þat nyȝt gan horn swete, And harde forto mete Of Reymyld hys make, Þat i{n} to schype was take. 1524 Þat schip scholde on hire blenche; Hys lema{n} scholde adrenche.

þilke nyht horn suete con wel harde mete of rymenild his make, þ{a}t in to shipe wes take. 1524 þe ship gon ouerblenche; is lemmon shulde adrenche.

Ryme{n}hild wiþ hire honde Wolde vp to londe. 1528 Fikenhild aȝen hire pelte Wiþ his swerdes hilte.

Reymyld wit hire honde Wolde sue{m}me to londe. 1528 Fykenyld hire ȝen pulte Wit his sword hylte.

¶ Rymenild mid hire honde, swymme wolde to londe. 1528 Fykenild aȝeyn hire pylte, mid his suerdes hylte.

[Sidenote: Horn awakes, and tells Athulf his dream.]

¶ Horn him wok of slape, So a man þ{a}t hadde rape. 1532 “Aþulf,” he sede, “felaȝe, To schupe we mote draȝe. Fikenhild me haþ idon vnder, {And} Rymenhild to do wunder. 1536 Crist, for his wu{n}des fiue, To niȝt me þuder driue.”

[No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] “Ayol,” qwat horn, “trewe felawe, Into schip go{n}ne we drawe. Fykenyld haueþ gon ond{er}, And don Reynyld som wond{er}. 1536 God, for his wordes fiue, To nyȝt us þyder driue.”

Horn awek in is bed; of his lemmon he wes adred. 1532 “Aþulf,” he seide, “felawe, to shipe nou we drawe. Fykenild me haþ gon vnder, ant do rymenild sum wonder. 1536 Crist, for his wondes fyue, to nyht þider vs dryue!”

[Headnote: Horn sets out to the rescue of Rymenhild.]

[Sidenote: He immediately sets sail, with a good wind.]

Horn gan to schupe Ride, His fere{n} him biside. 1540 [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] Fikenhild, or þe dai gan sp{ri}nge, Al riȝt he ferde to þe kinge, 1544

Horn ga{n} to Scype Ride, And his knyȝtes by side. 1540 [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] 1544

[Sidenote: [leaf 92]] ¶ Horn gon to shipe ride, his knyhtes bi his side. 1540 þe ship bigon to sture, wiþ wynd god of cure. ant fykenild her þe day sp{ri}nge, seide to þe kynge, 1544

[Sidenote: Fikenhild espouses Rymenhild by night, and leads her to his castle.]

Aft{er} Rymenhild þe briȝte, To wedden hire biniȝte. He ladde hure bi þe derke, Into his nywe werke. 1548

[No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] 1548

After rymenild þe brhyte, ant spousede hyre by nyhte. he ladde hire by derke, in to is newe werke. 1548

[Sidenote: They begin the feast before sunrise.]

Þe feste hi bigu{n}ne, Er þ{a}t ros þe su{n}ne. Er þane horn hit wiste, To fore þe su{n}ne vpriste. 1552

[No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] Here schip biga{n} to terne By þe wat{er}es sterne. 1552

þe feste hue bigonne, er þen aryse þe sonne. [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . .]

[Sidenote: Horn’s ship arrives under the castle.]

His schup stod vnder ture, At Rymenhilde bure.

Hys schip stod i{n} store, Hond{er} fikenildes bour{e}.

Hornes ship atstod in stoure, vnder fykenildes boure.

[Sidenote: Horn does not recognize the new castle, but meets Arnoldin, who is awaiting him,]

Rymenhild, litel weneþ heo Þ{a}t Horn þa{n}ne aliue beo. 1556 Þe castel þei ne knewe, For he was so nywe. [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] Horn fond sittinde Arnoldin, Þ{a}t was Aþulfes cosin, Þ{a}t þ{er} was in þ{a}t tide, Horn for tabide. 1564

Ne wiste horn on liue Whar he was a Ryue. 1556 Þe kestel he ne knewe, For he was so newe. Þe sond by gan to drye, And hyt hym makede weye. 1560 He fond stonde arnoldyn, Þat was ayolles cosyn, Þat was þere in tyde, Horn for to abyde. 1564

Nuste horn a-lyue wher he wes aryue. 1556 þene castel hue ne knewe, for he was so newe. þe see bigon to wiþ drawe; þo seh horn his felawe, 1560 þe feyre knyht arnoldyn, þ{a}t wes aþulfes cosyn, þat þer set in þat tyde, kyng horn to abide. 1564

[Headnote: Arnoldin explains the situation to Horn.]

[Sidenote: and who tells him that Fikenhild that day has wedded Rymenhild.]

“Horn kniȝt,” he sede, “kinges sone, Wel beo þu to londe icome. Today haþ y wedde fikenhild, Þi swete le{m}man, Rymenhild. 1568 Ne schal i þe lie; He haþ giled þe twie.

He seyde, “horn, kynges sone, Wel be þou her{e} to londe come. Nou hat wedded fikenyld Þy nowe lemma{n}, Reymyld. 1568 Nele ich þe nowt lye; He haueþ þe gyled twye.

he seide, “kyng horn, kyngessone, hider þou art welcome. to day haþ sire Fykenild yweddeþ þi wif, rymenild. 1568 white þe nou þis while; he haueþ do þe gyle.

Þis tur he let make Al for þine sake. 1572 Ne mai þ{er} come i{n}ne Noma{n} wiþ none gi{n}ne. Horn, nu crist þe wisse, Of Rymenhild þ{a}t þu ne misse.” 1576

Þis castel he dude make For Reymyldes sake. 1572 Þer may mo man on legge, By paþe neby brigge. Horn, nou c{r}ist þe wisse, Of Reymyld þat þou ne misse.” 1576

þis tour he dude make al for rymenildes sake. 1572 ne may þer comen ynne no mon wiþ no gynne. ¶ Horn, nou c{ri}st þe wisse, rymenild þ{a}t þou ne misse.” 1576

[Headnote: Horn enters the castle, disguised as a harper.]

[Sidenote: Horn, and some companions, disguise themselves as harpers, hiding their swords under their garments.]

¶ Horn cuþe al þe liste Þ{a}t eni man of wiste. Harpe he gan schewe, {And} tok felaȝes fewe, 1580 Of kniȝtes suiþe snelle, Þ{a}t schrudde he{m} at wille.

Horn her kenede al þe lyste Þat any ma{n} of wiste. To herpe he gan drawe, And wyȝt hys tweye felawe, 1580 Knyȝtes swyþe felle, And schurde hem in pelle.

Horn couþe alle þe listes þ{a}t eni mon of wiste. harpe he gon shewe, ant toc[KH-9] him to felawe, 1580 knyhtes of þe beste þ{a}t he euer hede of weste.

[Footnote KH-9: MS. tot]

[No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] Hi ȝeden bi þe grauel, Toward þe castel. Hi gu{n}ne m{ur}ie singe, And makede here gleowinge. 1588

Wyt swerdes he hem gyrte Anouen here schirte. 1584 He wenden on þe g{ra}uel Toward þe castel. He go{n}ne murye synge, And makede here glewinge. 1588

ouen o þe sherte hue gurden huem wiþ suerde. 1584 hue eoden on þe g{ra}uele, towart þe castele. hue gonne murie singe, {ant} makeden huere gleynge, 1588

[Sidenote: Fikenhild hears their singing, and bids bring them in.]

¶ Rymenhild hit gan ihere, {And} axede what hi were. Hi sede hi weren harpurs, {And} sume were gigours. 1592 He dude horn in late, Riȝt at halle gate. He sette hi{m} on þe benche, His harpe for to clenche. 1596

Þat fykenyld myȝt yhere; Hearkede wat hye were. Men seyde hyt harperes, Iogelours and fiþeleres. 1592 He dude hem in lete; At halle dore he sete. Horn set on þe benche; Hys harpe he gan clenche. 1596

þ{a}t fykenild mihte y-here; he axede who hit were. men seide hit were harpeirs, iogelers ant fyþelers. 1592 hem me dude in lete; at halle dore hue sete. horn sette hi{m} a benche; is harpe he gan clenche. 1596

[Sidenote: Horn makes a lay to Rymenhild, and she falls in a swoon.]

He makede Rymenhilde lay, {And} heo makede walaway. Rymenhild feol yswoȝe; Ne was þ{er} non þ{a}t louȝe. 1600 Hit smot to hornes herte So bit{er}e þ{a}t hit sm{er}te.

He makede Reymyld a lay, And reynyld makede weylawey. Reymyld fel yswowe; Þo was þer non þat lowe. 1600 Hyt ȝede to hornes herte; Sore hym gan smerte.

he made rymenild a lay, ant hue seide weylawey. ¶ Rymenild fel y swowe; þo nes þer non þ{a}t lowe. 1600 hit smot horn to herte; sore con hi{m} smerte.

[Sidenote: Horn looks on his ring and thinks of Rymenhild, then with his good sword slays Fikenhild and all his men.]

He lokede on þe ringe, {And} þoȝte on Ryme{n}hilde. 1604 He ȝede vp to borde, Wiþ gode suerdes orde. Fike{n}hildes c{ru}ne Þer ifulde adune, 1608 {And} al his me{n} arowe Hi dude adun þrowe!

Hey lokede on hys gode Ryng, And Reymyld þe ȝonge. 1604 Hey ȝede op to borde, Mid hys gode swerde. Fykenyldes crowne He leyde þere adowne; 1608 And alle hys men arewe He dide adoun þrewe.

he lokede on is rynge, ant o rymenild þe ȝynge. 1604 he eode vp to borde, mid his gode suorde. Fykenildes croune he fel þer adoune; 1608 ant alle is men arowe he dude adoun þrowe.

[Headnote: Horn slays Fikenhild, and makes Arnoldyn king.]

[Sidenote: He makes Arnoldin king there, after Aylmer,]

Wha{n}ne hi were{n} aslaȝe, Fike{n}hild hi dude to d{ra}ȝe. 1612 Horn makede Arnoldin þare Ki{n}g, aft{er} ki{n}g Aylmare, Of al west{er}nesse, For his meoknesse. 1616 Þe ki{n}g {and} his homage Ȝeue{n} Arnoldin t{re}wage.

Þo he weren alle yslawe, Fykenyld he dide to drawe. 1612 He makede arnoldyn kyng þer{e}, Aft{er} þe kyng aylm{er}e, [No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] Þe knytes and þe barnage Dude hym alle utrage. 1616

[No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . .] 1612 ant made arnoldyn kyng þere, after kyng aylmere, to be kyng of westnesse, for his mildenesse. 1616 þe kyng ant is baronage ȝeuen him t{ru}age.

[Sidenote: and taking with him Athulf and Rymenhild, sets out for King Modi’s kingdom.]

¶ Horn tok Rymenhild bi þe honde, {And} ladde hure to þe stronde, 1620 {And} ladde wiþ him Aþelbrus, Þe gode stuard of his hus. Þe se biga{n} to flowe, {And} horn gan to Rowe. 1624

Horn tok rymyld by þe hond, And ledde hire by þe se strond. 1620 He tok hym syre aylbrous, Stiward of þe kynges hous. He riuede in a reaume, In a wel fayr streume, 1624

¶ Horn toc rymenild by honde, ant ladde hire to st{r}onde, Ant toc wiþ hi{m} Aþelbrus, þe gode stiward of hire fader hous. 1620 [Sidenote: [leaf 92, back]] þe see bigan to flowen, ant hy faste to rowen. hue aryueden vnder reme, in a wel feyr streme. 1624

[Sidenote: Horn slays King Modi, and makes Athelbrus king in his place.]

Hi gu{n}ne for ariue Þ{er} ki{n}g modi was sire. Aþelfr{us} he makede þ{er} ki{n}g, For his gode techi{n}g. 1628 He ȝaf alle þe kniȝtes ore, For horn kniȝtes lore.

Þer kyng mody was syre, Þat horn slow wyt yre. Aybrous he makede þer kyng, For hys gode tydyng; 1628 For syre hornes lore, He was kyng þore.

kyng Mody wes kyng in þat lond; þ{a}t horn sloh wiþ is hond. Aþelbrus he made þer kyng, for his gode techyng; 1628 for sire hornes lore he wes mad kyng þore.

[Headnote: Athulf weds Reynild, and Horn marries Rymenhild.]

[Sidenote: He then proceeds to Ireland, and causes Athulf to marry the princess Reynild.]

Horn ga{n} for to ride; Þe wi{n}d hi{m} bleu wel wide. 1632 He ariuede in yrlo{n}de, Þ{er} he wo fo{n}dede. Þ{er} he dude Aþulf child Wedde{n} maide Reynild. 1636

[No gap in MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .] Horn ariuede in hyre londe, Þer he hadde woned so longe. Þer he dude ayol childe Wedden mayden h{er}menylde. 1636

¶ Horn eode to ryue; þe wynd hi{m} con wel dryue. 1632 he aryuede in yrlonde, þer horn wo couþe er fonde. He made þer Aþulf chyld wedde mayden ermenyld, 1636

[Sidenote: Then he returns to Sudenne, and makes Rymenhild his queen.]

Horn co{m} to sudde{n}ne, Amo{n}g al his kenne. Ryme{n}hild he makede his quene, So hit miȝte wel beon. 1640

Horn wente to sodenne, To hys owe kunne. Reymyld he makede quene, So ich Miyȝte wel bene. 1640

ant horn com to sudenne, to is oune kenne. Rymenild he made þer is quene, so hit myhte bene. 1640

[Sidenote: They live in true love, and cherish God’s law. ‘Nu ben hi boþe dede.’]

Alfolk he{m} miȝte rewe, Þat louede{n} he{m} so t{re}we; Nu be{n} hi boþe dede; Crist to heuene he{m} lede. 1644 Her endeþ þe tale of horn Þ{a}t fair was {and} noȝt vnorn. Make we vs glade Eure among, For þus him endeþ hornes song. 1648 Jesus þ{a}t is of heuene king, Ȝeue vs alle his suete blessi{n}g. EX--PLI--CIT. Amen.

Alle folc hyt knewe Þat he hem louede trewe. Nou ben he alle dede; God hem to heuene lede. 1644 [No gap in MS.  .  .  .  . .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 1648 .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .] Am . . . e . . . n.

In trewe loue hue lyueden ay, ant wel hue loueden godes lay. Nou hue beoþ boþe dede, c{ri}st to heouene vs lede. AmeN! 1644

[Transcriber’s Note: In the Trentham MS., spelling is normally “þ{o}u”, rarely “þow”. Any variations are as printed.]

Trentham MS., fol. 98 a; vellum, c. 1440: beginning lost. Headlines ‘Florence and Blanchefloure.’

Ne thurst men[FB-1] neu{er} in londe After feirer Children fonde. Þe Cristen woma{n} fedde hem þoo, Ful wel she louyd hem boþ twoo. 4 So longe sche fedde hem in feere þat þey were of elde of seuen ȝere. Þe kyng behelde his sone dere, And seyde to him on this manere, 8 Þat harme it were muche more But his son{e} were sette to lore On þe book~ letters to know, As men don{e}, both hye and lowe. 12 “Feire sone,” she seide, “þ{o}u shalt lerne, Lo þ{a}t þ{o}u do ful ȝerne.” Florys answerd w{i}t{h} wepyng, As he stood byfore þe kyng~; 16 Al wepyng~ seide he,

[Footnote FB-1: first ‘mey,’ then alterd]

[Sidenote: Floris says that he cannot learn unless Blauncheflur is with him.]

“Ne schal not Blancheflo{ur} lerne w{i}t{h} me? Ne can y noȝt to scole goon{e} W{i}t{h}-out Blanchefloure,” he seide þan{e}. 20 “Ne can y in no scole syng~ ne rede W{i}t{h}-out Blancheflo{ur},” he seide. Þe king~ seide to his soon{e}, “She shal lerne for þy loue.” 24

[Sidenote: The two are put to school together, and make good progress.]

To scole þey were put; Boþ þey were good of~ wytte. Wonder it was of~ hur lore, And of~ her loue wel þe more. 28 Þe Children louyd to-geder soo, Þey myȝt neu{er} p{ar}te a twoo. When þey had .v. ȝere to scoole goon{e} So wel þey had lerned þoo, 32 Inowȝ þey couþ of latyne, And wel wryte on p{ar}chemyn{e}. Þe kyng~ vnderstod þe grete Amoure Bytwene his son{e} and Blanchefloure, 36 And þouȝt when þey were of Age Þat her loue wolde noȝt swage; Nor he myȝt noȝt her loue w{i}t{h}drawe When Florys shuld~ wyfe after þe lawe. 40 [Sidenote: [98 b]] Þe king~ to þe Queene seide þoo, And tolde hur of~ his woo, Off~ his þouȝt and of his care, How it wolde of~ Floreys fare. 44

[Sidenote: The king begins to devise to separate the two, and proposes to put the maiden to death.]

“Dame,” he seide, “y tel þe my reed{e}, I wyl þat Blaunchefloure be do to deed{e}. When þat maide is y-slawe, And brouȝt of her lyf~ dawe, 48 As sone as Florys may it vnder ȝete, Rathe he wylle hur forȝete. Þan may he wyfe after reed{e}.” Þe Queene answerde þen and seid{e}, 52 And þouȝt w{i}t{h} hur reed{e} Saue þe mayde fro þe deed{e}. “Sir,” she seide, “we auȝt to fond{e} Þat Florens lyf~ wit menske in lond{e}, 56 And þat he lese not his hono{u}r For þe mayden Blauncheflo{u}r. Who so myȝt þat mayde clene, Þat she were brouȝt to deþ bydene, 60 Hit were muche more hono{u}r Þan slee þ{a}t mayde Blancheflo{u}r.” Vnneþes þe king~ g[{r}a]unt þ{a}t it be soo. “Dame, rede vs what is to doo.” 64

[Headnote: Floris is sent to Mountargis to school.]

[Sidenote: The queen suggests that Floris be sent away.]

“Sir, we shul oure soon{e} Florys Sende into þe londe of Mountargis. Blythe wyl my suster be Þat is lady of~ þat Contree. 68 And when she woot for whoom~ Þ{a}t we have sent him vs froom~, She wyl doo al hur myȝt, Boþ by day and by nyȝt, 72 To make hur loue so vndoo As it had neu{er} ben soo. And, s{ir},” she seide, “y rede eke Þat þe maydens moder make hur seek~. 76 Þat may be þat other resoun~ For þat ylk~ enchesou{n}, Þat she may not fro hur moder goo.” Now ben þese Children swyþ woo, 80 [Sidenote: [99 a]] Now þey may not goo in fere Drewryer þinges neu{er} noon{e} were. Florys wept byfore þe kyng~, And seide, “S{ir}, w{i}t{h}-out lesyng~, 84 For my harme out ȝe me sende, Now she ne myȝt w{i}t{h} me wende. Now we ne mot to-geder goo, Al my wele is turned to woo.” 88 Þe king~ seide to his soon{e} aplyȝt, “Sone, w{i}t{h}ynne þis fourtenyȝt, Be her moder quykke or deed{e},” “Sekerly,” he him seide, 92 “Þat mayde shal com{e} þe too.”

[Sidenote: Floris is sent to his aunt at Mountargis, with the promise that Blauncheflur shall follow within fourteen days.]

“Ȝe, s{ir},” he seid, “y p{ra}y ȝow it be soo. Ȝif þat ȝe me hur sende, I rekke neu{er} wheder y wende.” 96 Þat þe Child~ g{ra}unted þe kyng~ was fayn{e}, And him betauȝt his Chamburlayn{e}. W{i}t{h} muche honoure þey þeder coom{e}, As fel to a ryche kynges soon{e}. 100 Wel feire him receyuyd þe Duke Orgas, Þat king~ of þ{a}t Castel was, And his Aunt wiþ muche hono{u}r; But euer he þouȝt on Blanchefloure. 104 Glad and blythe þey ben him withe; But for no ioy þ{a}t he seith, Ne myȝt him glade game ne gle, For he myȝt not his lyf~ see. 108 His Aunt set him to lore Þere as other Children wore, Boþ maydons and grom{e}; To lerne mony þeder coom{e}. 112 Inowȝ he sykes, but noȝt he lernes; For Blauncheflo{ur} eu{er} he mornes. Yf~ enyman to him speke Loue is on his hert steke. 116 Loue is at his hert roote Þ{a}t no þing~ is so soote: Galyngale ne lycorys [Sidenote: [99 b]] Is not so soote as hur loue is, 120 Ne nothing~ ne non{e} other. So much he þenkeþ on Blancheflo{ur}, Of~ oo day him þynkeþ þre, For he ne may his loue see. 124

[Headnote: The King proposes to put Blauncheflur to death.]

[Sidenote: He grieves until the fourteen days are past.]

Þus he abydeth w{i}t{h} muche woo Tyl þe fourtenyȝt were goo. When he saw she was nouȝt ycoom{e}, So muche sorow he haþ noom{e}, 128 Þ{a}t he loueth mete ne drynke, Ne may noon{e} in his body synke.

[Sidenote: The chamberlain reports Floris’s sorrow to the king.]

Þe Chamberleyn{e} sent þe king~ to wete, His sones state al y-wrete. 132

[Sidenote: The king is very angry, and again proposes to put Blauncheflur to death.]

Þe king~ ful sone þe waxe to-brake, For to wete what it spake: He begynneth to chaunge his mood{e}, And wel sone he vnderstode, 136 And w{i}t{h} wreth he cleped þe Queene, And tolde hur alle his teene, And w{i}t{h} wraþ spake and sayde, “Let do bryng~ forþ þ{a}t mayde! 140 Fro þe body þe heued shal goo.” Þenne was þe Quene ful woo. Þan spake þe Quene, þ{a}t good lady,

[Sidenote: The queen proposes, instead, to sell the maiden.]

“For goddes love, s{ir}, mercy. 144 At þe next hauen þ{a}t here is, Þ{er} ben chapmen ryche y-wys, Marchaundes of~ babyloyn{e} ful ryche, Þat wol hur bye blethelyche. 148 Than may ȝe for þ{a}t louely foode Haue muche Catełł and goode. And soo she may fro vs be brouȝt, Soo þat we slee hur nouȝt.” 152 Vnneþes þe king~ g{ra}unted þis; But forsoþ so it is, Þe king~ let sende after þe burgeise, Þ{a}t was hende and Curtayse, 156 And welle selle and bygge couth, And moony langages had in his mouth.

[Sidenote: This is done, and for the maiden they receive among other things a magnificent cup with a romantic history.]

Wel sone þat mayde was him betauȝt; An to þe hauen{e} was she brouȝt. 160 [Sidenote: [100 a]] Þer haue þey for þ{a}t maide ȝolde xx. Mark~ of reed golde, And a Coupe good and ryche, In al þe world~ was non{e} it lyche. 164 Þ{er} was neu{er} noon{e} so wel graue; He þ{a}t it made was no knave. Þ{er} was purtrayd on, y weene, How P{ar}yse ledde awey þe Queene; 168 And on þe Cou{er}cle a-boue Purtrayde was þ{er} both her love; And in þe Pomel þ{er}on{e} Stood a Charbuncle stoon{e}. 172 In þe world~ was not so depe soler, Þat it nold~ lyȝt þe Botelere, To fylle boþ ale and wyne, Of syluer and g{o}ld{e} boþ good and fyne. 176 Enneas þe king~, þat nobel man, At Troye in batayle he it wan, And brouȝt it in-to Lumbardy, And gaf~ it his le{m}man, his Amy. 180 Þe Coupe was stoole fro king~ Cesar; A þeef~ out of his tresour hous it bar. And sethe þ{a}t ilke same þeef~ For Blaunchefloure he it ȝeef~. 184 For he wyst to wynne suche þree, Myȝt he hur bryng~ to his contree. Now þese Marchaundes saylen ou{er} þe see, W{i}t{h} þis mayde, to her contree. 188 So longe þey han vndernome,

[Headnote: Blauncheflur is sold and carried to Babylon.]

[Sidenote: Blauncheflur is taken to Babylon and sold to the Admiral.]

Þ{a}t to Babyloyn{e} þey ben coom{e}. To þe Amyral of~ Babyloyn{e} Þey solde þat mayde swythe soon{e}; 192 Rath and soone þey were at oon{e}. Þe Amyral hur bouȝt Anoon{e}, And gafe for hur, as she stood vpryȝt, Seuyn{e} sythes of~ gold{e} her wyȝt, 196 For he þouȝt w{i}t{h}out~ weene Þat faire mayde haue to Queene; Among~ his maydons in his bo{ur} He hur dide w{i}t{h} muche hono{ur}. 200

MS. Cott. Vitell. D. III., 6 a, col. 1.

The 3 leaves of this MS. are burnt and shrunk, and are hardly legible.

. . . . . [FB-2]so dere (196) . . . . wiþ þoute wene. . . þat maide to his quene. . his maidenes vp in is tur, 4 . hire wiþ muchel honur (200)

[Footnote FB-2: MS. note. See Introduction; also Floris et Blanch., Paris 1856, p. 28, l. 673.]

Now þese merchaundes þ{a}t may belete, [Sidenote: [100 b]] And ben glad of~ hur byȝete. ++nOw let we of Blauncheflo{ur} be, And speke of Florys in his contree. 204 Now is þe Bu[r]gays to þe king~ coom{e} W{i}t{h} þe gold{e} and his garyson{e}, And haþ take þe king~ to wolde, Þe seluer and þe Coupe of golde. 208

. . marchans þis maide forlete, . . . bliþe mid here by-ȝete. . . . . we blancheflur be. 8 . . floires in his cu{n}tre. (204) . burgeys to þe king icome. . . . gold {and} þisse garisome. . . . þan king i ȝolde. 12 . . þo cupe of golde. (208)

[Sidenote: The king and queen cause to be made a supposititious tomb for Blauncheflur.]

They lete make in a Chirche As swithe feire g{ra}ue wyrche. And lete ley þ{er}-vppon{e} A new feire peynted stone, 212 W{i}t{h} letters al aboute wryte W{i}t{h} ful muche worshipp{e}. Who-so couth þe letters rede, Þus þey spoken, and þus þey seide: 216 “Here lyth swete Blaunchefloure Þat Florys louyd P{ar}amoure.” Now Florys haþ vndernome,

. . . let at one chiriche. . . . . les wereche, . . . [þ]at anouen . . 16 . . pointe stonde (212) . . . . bi write. . . . . . hele worþsipe . . . þe lett{er}s rede. 20 . . . . . . . . . (216) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [h]aueþ vnder-nome 24

[Headnote: Floris returns and inquires for Blauncheflur. ‘She is dead.’]

[Sidenote: Floris returns, and asks his father and mother for Blauncheflur in vain.]

And to his Fader he is coome. 220 In his Fader halle he is lyȝt, His Fader him grette anoon{e} ryȝt, And his moder, þe Queene, also, But vnneþes myȝt he þ{a}t doo, 224 Þat he ne asked where his Le{m}man bee; Nonskyns answere chargeþ hee. So longe he is forth noom{e}, In to Chamber he is coom{e}. 228

. . faderlonde he is icome (220) . . . halle he is alyȝt . . . . he grette anonryȝt . . þe quene he grette also 28 . . . haueþ his greti{n}ge ido, (224) . . . askeþ war þ{a}t maide beo . . . were no{u} targeþ heo. . . . res hit haueþ vnder nome 32 . . boure & a is icome (228)

[Sidenote: He then asks the girl’s mother.]

Þe maydenys moder he asked ryȝt, “Where is Blauncheflo{ur}, my swete wyȝt?” “Sir,” she seide, “forsothe ywys, I ne woot where she is.” 232 She beþouȝt hur on þ{a}t lesyng~ Þat was ordeyned byfoore þe king~. “Þ{o}u gabbest me,” he seyde þoo, “Þy gabbyng~ doþ me muche woo. 236 Tel me where my leman be.” Al wepyng~ seide þenne shee,

. . . to hire ano{n}riȝt . [bl]ancheflur mi suete wiȝt . . . . . . ful iwis 36 . . . . . war heo is (232) [Sidenote: [leaf 6, col. 2]] Þine gabbinge deþ me wo; Tel me war my le{m}mon beo. Al wepinge onsuerede heo, 40

[Sidenote: The mother at length tells Floris that Blauncheflur is dead.]

“Sir,” shee seide, “deed{e}.” “deed!” seide he. “Sir,” sche seide, “for sothe, ȝee.” 240 “Allas, when died þ{a}t swete wyȝt?” [Sidenote: [101 a]] “Sir, w{i}t{h}ynne þis Fourtenyȝt Þe erth was leide hur aboute, And deed she was for thy loue.” 244

“Sire,” heo seyde, “ded.” “ded!” quad he. “Sire,” heo seyde, “for soþe ȝe, Alas, wenne deide my suete wyȝt?” “Sire,” heo seyde, “wiþ inne þis seueniȝt 44 Þat vrþe hire was leyd aboue, And ded heo is for þine loue.

[Sidenote: Floris swoons.]

Flores, þat was so feire and gent, Sownyd þ{er}e verament. Þe cristen woman began to crye To ih{es}u crist and seynt Marye. 248 Þe king~ and þe queene herde þ{a}t crye; In to þe Chamber þey ronne on hye. And þe Queene herde her byforn{e} On sowne þe Childe þat she had born{e}. 252

Floyres þat was so fayr {and} ge{n}t, He fel iswoue vp on þe paueme{n}t. 48 And þe cristene wi{m}mon go{n} to crie To crist {and} to sey{n}temarie. Þe king & þe quene iherdde þ{a}t cri; In to þe bure þo vrne hy. 52 And þe quene ate frome By wepeþ hire dere sone.

Þe kinges hert was al in care, Þat sawe his son{e} for loue so fare. When he a-wooke and speke moȝt, Sore he wept and sore he syȝt, 256 And seide to his moder ywys, “Lede me þ{er}e þat mayde is.”

{And} þe kinges herte is ful of care Þat he sikþ is sone vor loue so fare. 56 Anon he of swoninge awok {and} speke miste. Sore he wep {and} sore he syȝte, And on his moder he by siþt. “Dame,” he sayde, “led me þar þ{a}t mayde lyþ.” 60

[Sidenote: His mother comes to him, and conducts him to the supposititious tomb.]

Þeder þey him brouȝt on hyȝe; For care and sorow he wold{e} dyȝe. 260 As sone as he to þe graue com, Sone þ{er}e behelde he þen,

Þider heo hine broute wel suþe, Vor care a[n]d sorwe of hire deþe. Ano{n} þ{a}t he to þe burles com, Wel ȝerne he bi-hul þer-on, 64

[Headnote: Floris reads the inscription on the monument, and swoons.]

[Sidenote: Floris reads the inscription, and then swoons three times.]

And þe letters began to rede, Þat þus speke and þus seide: 264 “Here lytħ swete Blauncheflo{ur}, Þat Florys louyd p{ar}amoure.” Þre sithes Florys sownydde nouth; Ne speke he myȝt not w{i}t{h} mouth. 268 As sone as he awoke and speke myȝt, Sore he wept and sore he syȝt~.

And letteres bigon to rede. Þus spek {and} þus sede Þat þar lay suete blancheflur. [Þat] floyres louede par amur. 68 Þ . . . . swouneþ nouþe [[empty line]] And asone ase he speke myȝte. Sore he wep {and} sore he syȝte, And gon blancheflur bi mene 72 Wit teres riue ase a sc{ur} of r[e]ne.

[Sidenote: Floris weeps and sighs, and laments Blauncheflur’s death.]

“Blauncheflo{ur}!” he seide, “Blauncheflo{ur}!” So swete a þing was neu{er} in boure. 272 Of Blauncheflo{ur} is þat y meene, For she was com{e} of~ good kyn{e}.

“Blancheflur,” he seide, “blancheflur, So sute þing nas ner in bur, [Sidenote: [leaf 6, back]] Vor þou were ibore of gode cu{n}ne, 76 Vor in worle nes nere non Þine imake of no wimmon. Inouȝ þou cuþest of clergie And of alle curteysie. 80

Lytel and muche loueden þe For þy goodnesse and þy beaute. 276 Ȝif deþ were dalt aryȝt, We shuld be deed boþ on oo nyȝt. On oo day born{e} we were; We shul be ded boþ in feere.” 280

& muchel {and} litel hit louede þe Vor þi fayr hede {and} þi bunte. Ȝif þat deþ were ideld ariȝt, We scholden habbe idiȝed boþe in ar niȝt. 84 Vor in one deye ibore we were; Mid riȝte we scholden deie ifere.”

[Sidenote: He apostrophizes death.]

[Sidenote: [101 b]] “Deeþ,” he seide, “ful of~ enuye, And of alle trechorye, Refte þ{o}u hast me my le{m}man.” “For soth,” he seide, “þ{o}u art to blame. 284 She wolde haue leuyd, and þu noldest, And fayn{e} wolde y dye, and þu woldest.

“Deþ,” he seyde, “vol of enuie, {and} vol of alle tricherie, 88 Mid t{ra}isu{n} þ{o}u me hast mi lef binome. To bi-t{ra}ie þat folk hit is þi wone; Heo wolde libbe {and} þu noldest. Þou nelt me slen {and} ihc wolde; 92

[No gap in MS.]

Wiþ þere me wolde þat þou were. Nul tu no wiȝt come þere, {and} þer me wolde þ{a}t þou . . ne come, Þer þou wolt come Ilome. 96 Þilke þ{a}t buste best to libbe, Hem þou stikest under þe ribbe. {and} ȝif þer is eni forliued wrecche, Þat of is liue nouȝt ne recche, 100 Þat fawe wolde deie for sorewe & elde, On hem neltou nouȝht bi helde. No lengore ich nelle mi lef bileue, I chulle be mid hyre ere eue. 104

After deeþ clepe nomore y nylle, But slee my self~ now y wille.” 288

Nou after deþ clepie ich þe nulle, Ac mi sulue aslen ich wille.”

[Headnote: He tries to stab himself, but is prevented by his mother.]

[Sidenote: He attempts to stab himself with a knife, but is prevented by his mother.]

His knyf~ he braide out of his sheth; Him self he wolde haue doo to deth. And to hert he had it smeten{e} Ne had his moder it vnder ȝeten{e}. 292 Þen þe Queene fel him vppon{e}, And þe knyf~ fro him noom{e}. She reft~ him of~ his lytel knyf~, And sauyd þere þe Childes lyf~. 296 Forþ þe Queene ranne, al wepyng~, Tyl she com{e} to þe kyng~.

Ase a mo{n} þat draȝh him sulue to þe deþe, His knif he draȝh out of his scheþe, 108 {and} to his herte hit wolde habbe ismite, Nadde his moder hit vnder gete. Ac þe quene his moder . . fel vpon, & þis knif heo him binom. 112 Heo bi nom him his atel knif. [Sidenote: [leaf 6, back, col. 2]] Þat heo com bi . . . . . . .

[Headnote: The queen discloses to Floris the deception.]

[Sidenote: The queen persuades the king to reveal the truth.]

Þan seide þe good lady, “For goddes loue, s{ir}, mercy! 300 Of .xii. children haue we noon{e} On lyue now but þis oon{e}. And better it were she were his make, Þan he were deed for hur sake.” 304

Þanne spac þe quene þe . . {and} seyde to þe kinge, “sire, mercy, 116 Sire, of þis children nabbe we non, Non aliue bote þis on, {and} bote hit were þ{a}t hit wer . . Þane eyþer deȝede vor oþer . . . 120

“Dame, þ{o}u seist soþ,” seide he; “Sen it may noon{e} other be, Leuer me were she were his wyf~, Þan y lost my sonnes lyf~.” 308 Of~ þis word þe Quene was fayn{e}, And to her soon{e} she ran agayn{e}.

“Dame, þou seist soþ,” þo seyde he, “Nu hit nele no{n} oþer bee. Leuere me were þ{a}t heo were Þane ihc for lore mine sone l[yf].” 124 Of þisse wordes þe quene w . . To floyres, hire sone, . . .

[Sidenote: They tell him the facts, and together open the grave and find it empty.]

“Floryes, soon{e}, glad make the, Þy lef þ{o}u schalt on lyue see. 312 Florys, son{e}, þrouȝ engynne Of~ þy Faders reed and myne, Þis graue let we make, Leue son{e}, for þy sake. 316 Ȝif~ þ{o}u þ{a}t maide forgete woldest, After oure reed wyf~ þ{o}u sholdest.”

“Floyres, sone, glad make þe . For ut þou schalt þi lef . . 128 Leue sone . . . . . . . . . . . fader rede {and} . . . . . . . wo . . . Leue sone so . . . . . . 132 Vor [two lines illegible here] . . . . . vre rede . . .

Now eu{er}y word{e} she haþ him tolde, How þ{a}t þey þ{a}t mayden solde. 320 [Sidenote: [102 a]] “Is þis soth, my moder dere?” “For soth,” she seide, “she is not here.” Þe rowȝ stoon{e} adoun{e} þey leyde, And sawe þ{a}t was not þe mayde. 324

. . . word {and} ende him . Hou hei habbeþ þat mayde, 136 “{and} is þis soþ, mi moder dere?” “Ȝe, for soþe,” heo nis not . Þane stond hii panne . . . . He isay þ{a}t þere nas . . . . 140

[Sidenote: Floris declares his resolve to find Blauncheflur.]

“Now, moder, y þink þ{a}t y leue may. Ne shal y rest nyȝt ne day, Nyȝt ne day ne no stound{e}, Tyl y haue my le{m}mon found{e}. 328

Nu me þencheþ . . . . . . . . ne schal ihc . . . . Niȝt ne da . . . . . . . . . ich . . . . . . 144

[Some folios lost here. Continued at bottom of page 84.]

Hur to seken y wołł wend{e}, Þauȝ it were to þe worldes ende.” To þe king~ he goþ to take his leue, And his Fader bade him byleue. 332 “Sir, y wyl let for no wynne; Me to bydden it it were grete synne.” Þan seid þe king~, “seth it is soo, Seþ þ{o}u wylt noon{e} other doo, 336 Al þat þe nedeþ we shul þe fynde; Ih{es}u þe of~ care vnbynde.”

[Headnote: Floris equips a company with which to search for Blauncheflur.]

[Sidenote: He describes to the king the retinue that he would like.]

“Leue Fader,” he seide, “y telle þe Al þ{a}t þ{o}u shalt fynde me. 340 Þ{o}u mast me fynde, at my deuyse, Seuen horses al of~ prys, And twoo y-charged vppon~ þe molde Boþ w{i}t{h} seluer and wyþ golde, 344 And two ycharged w{i}t{h} monay For to spenden by þe way, And þree w{i}t{h} clothes ryche, Þe best of~ al þe kyngryche, 348 Seuen horses and seuyn~ men, And þre knaues w{i}t{h}out hem, And þyn{e} own{e} Chamburlayn{e}, Þat is a wel nobel swayn{e}. 352 He can vs wyssħ and reede, As marchaundes we shułł vs lede.” His Fader was an hynde king~,

[Sidenote: The king gives him also the marvellous cup, and an elegantly caparisoned ‘palfray.’]

Þe Coupe of golde he dide him bryng~, 356 Þat ilke self~ Coupe of golde Þat was Blauncheflo{ur} for ȝolde. “Haue þis, soon{e},” seide þe king~, “Herew{i}t{h} þ{o}u may þ{a}t swete þing~, 360 [Sidenote: [102 b]] “Wynne so may betyde, Blauncheflo{ur} w{i}t{h} þe white syde, Blauncheflo{ur}, þ{a}t faire may.” Þe king let sadel a Palfray, 364 Þe oon{e} half so white so mylke, And þat other reed so sylk~. I ne can telle nouȝt How rychely þat sadel was wrouȝt. 368 Þe Arson~ was of gold{e} fyn{e}, Stones of v{er}tu stode þ{er}yne, Bygon{e} aboute wit orfreys.

[Sidenote: The queen gives him a magic ring.]

Þe Queene was kynde and curtays, 372 Cast hur toward þe kyng~ And of~ hur fynger she brayde a ryng~:

Cambridge MS. Gg. 4. 27. 2.

Heo tok forþ a wel fair þing, Of hire finger a riche Ryng.

“Haue now þis ylke ryng~: While is it þyn{e}, douȝt no þyng~ 376 Of~ fire brennyng~ ne water in þe See; Ne yren~ ne steele shal dere thee.”

“Mi sone,” heo sede, “haue þis ring. “Whil he is þin, ne dute noþing, 4 Þ{a}t fur þe bre{n}ne ne adrenche se, Ne ire ne steil ne mai þe sle. And to þi wil þu schalt habbe g{ra}ce, Late {and} rathe in eche place.” 8

[Headnote: Floris and his company arrive at the haven.]

[Sidenote: Floris takes leave and comes to the haven, and lodges at the same house where Blauncheflur had been.]

He took~ his leue for to goo; Þ{er} was ful muche woo; 380 [No gap in MS.] Þey made him noon~ other chere Þan her soon~ were leide in bere.

++Floris nimeþ nu his leue; No long{er} nolde he bileue. He custe he{m} wiþ softe muþe; Al wepinge hi dep{ar}teþ nuþe. 12 Ne makede his Moder no{n} oþ{er} chere, Bute also he were ileid on bere. For him ne wende hi neu{er}e mo Eft to sen; ne dude hi no. 16

Furþ he went w{i}t{h} al his mayn~; W{i}t{h} him went þe Chamberlayn~. 384 So haue þey her hauyn~ nome Þat þey ben to þe hauyn~ come Þere Blaunchefloure was alnyȝt, Wel rychely þey ben dyȝt; 388

Forþ he wende wiþ al his mein, And wiþ hi{m} his fader chau{m}berlein. Fort to þe hauene hi beoþ icume, And þ{er} habbeþ here in inome. 20 At þe selue huse hi buþ aliȝt Þ{a}t blau{n}cheflur was þ{a}t oþ{er} niȝt. Riche sop{er} þer was idiȝt,

[Sidenote: They find there good entertainment.]

Þe lord of~ þe ynne was welle hende; Þe Child~ he sette next þe ende, In al þe feirest seete

And m{ur}ie hi verde{n} þ{er} aniȝt. 24 Floriz ne let for ne feo To finden al þ{a}t neod beo,

[Sidenote: All make good cheer except Floris, who thinks ever on Blauncheflur.]

Alle þey dronken and al þey ȝete: 392 [No gap in MS.] Ete ne drynke myȝt he nouȝt; On blauncheflour was al his þouȝt.

Of fless, of fiss, of tendre bred, Of whit win, {and} eke red. 28 Glad {and} bliþe hi weren alle Þ{a}t were{n} wiþ he{m} in þe halle, And pleide {and} gamenede ehc wiþ oþ{er}. Ac floriȝ þe{n}cheþ al on oþ{er}, 32 For he net ne dronk riȝt noȝt. On blau{n}cheflur was al his þoȝt.

[Headnote: Floris mourns. He hears of Blauncheflur, and is glad.]

[Sidenote: The hostess observes his ‘mourning,’ and tells him that she is reminded of the mourning of Blauncheflur.]

Þe lady of þat vnderȝat Þ{at} þe Childe mornyng~ sat, 396 And seide to her lord w{i}t{h} styl dreme, “Sir, nym{e} now good{e} ȝeme How þe Child~ mo{ur}nyng syttes: Mete and drynke he forȝetes: 400 [Sidenote: [103 a]] Lytel he eteþ, and lasse he drynkeþ; He is a marchaund, as me þynkeþ.”

Þe lefdi of þer inne vnderȝat Þ{a}t he m{ur}ni{n}ge sat. 36 To hire lou{e}rd heo sede wiþ stille dreme, “Sire, nimestu no ȝeme Hu þis child m{ur}ni{n}ge sit? Mete ne drinke he nabit. 40 He net mete ne he ne drinkeþ; Nis he no marchau{n}t, ase me þinkeþ.”

To Flores þen seide she, “Al ful of~ mo{ur}nyng~ y the see. 404 Þ{er} sate þ{er} þis sender day, Blauncheflo{ur}, þ{a}t swete may. Heder was þ{a}t mayde brouȝt W{i}t{h} Marchaundes þ{a}t hur had bouȝt; 408 Heder þey brouȝt þ{a}t mayde swete; Þey wold haue solde hur for byȝete; To Babyloyn{e} þey wyll{e} hur bryng{e}, Boþ of semblant & of~ mornyng{e}.” 412

“Floriz,” heo sede, “what mai þe beo, Þus m{ur}ninge as ich þe seo? 44 Þus her inne þis oþ{er} day Sat blau{n}cheflur, þ{a}t faire may.” Ord {and} ende he haþ him told, Hu blau{n}cheflur was þari{n}ne isold. 48 [No gap in MS.] “Þu art hire ilich of alle þinge, Boþe of semblau{n}t {and} of m{ur}ni{n}ge, Of fairnesse {and} of muchelhede, Bute þu ert a man {and} heo a maide.” 52

[Sidenote: Floris rejoices at the mention of the name. He gives the hostess a silver cup, etc., and inquires further about Blauncheflur.]

When Florys herd speke of~ his le{m}man, Was he neuer so glad a man, And in his hert bygan to lyȝt; Þe Coupe he let fulle anoon~ ryȝt: 416

Þo floriz iherde his le{m}ma{n} ne{m}pne, So blisful him þuȝte þilke steuene, He let fulle a cupe of win.

“Dame,” he seide, “þe fessel is þyn{e}, Boþ þe Coupe and þe wyn{e}, Þe wyn{e} and þe gold eke, For þ{o}u of my leman speke: 420 On hur y þouȝt, for hur y syȝt; I ne wyst where I hur fynde myȝt; Wynde ne weder shal me assoyn{e}, Þat y ne shal seche hur in Babyloyn{e}.” 424

“Dame,” he sede, “þis hail is þin, 56 Þ{a}t win {and} þ{a}t gold eke, For þu of mi le{m}ma{n} speke. For hire iþoȝte, for hire isiȝte, For inot wher hire seche miȝte. 60 Hire to seche ihc wille i wende, Þeȝ heo beo at þe wordles ende.”

Now Florys resteþ him al a nyȝt.

Floriz geȝ to his rest; On blau{n}cheflur he þoȝte mest. 64 Ac rest ne miȝte he nabbe none, Fort þe dide slep hi{m} nome.

[Sidenote: Floris sets sail once more.]

At morn{e}, when it was day lyȝt, He dide him in-to þe wylde flood~. Wynde and weder w{i}t{h} him stood; 428 Sone so Florys com{e} to londe, Þ{er}e he þanked goddes sonde

A moreȝe so sone so hit was day He tok his leue {and} we{n}te his way, 68 And dude him i{n}to þe salte flod; He hadde wind {and} weder ful god. Þe Marin{er} he ȝaf largeliche, Þ{a}t broȝte hi{m} ou{er} bluþeliche. 72

[Headnote: Floris reaches the land where his Leman is.]

[Sidenote: He arrives in the country where his leman is.]

To þe londe þ{er} his lyf~ ynne is: Him þouȝt he was in paradyse. 432

Þ{er} hi wolde{n} he{m} self alonde, For hi fu{n}de{n} he{m} so hende, To þe lond þ{er} his le{m}ma{n} is; Hi{m} þuȝte he was i{n} p{ar}ais. 76

Sone to Florys tydyng men tolde Þ{a}t þe Amyral wold~ Fest holde; His Erls, Barons, comyn~ sholde, And al þ{a}t wold~ of him lond holde, 436 For to herkyn~ his hest And for to honoure his Feest.

Ano{n} me hi{m} tiþi{n}ge tolde Þ{a}t þe admiral wolde feste h[olde]. Erles, baruns þ{er} come sch[olde], And þat wolden of hi{m} h[olde]. 80

Glad was Florys of þ{a}t tydyng~; He hoped to com{e} to þ{a}t gestyng~, 440 Ȝif~ he myȝt, in þ{a}t halle, His le{m}man see among hem alle.

Bliþe was floriz of þe tiþinge; He hopede come to þ{a}t gesni{n}ge. Wel he hopede among he{m} alle His le{m}ma{n} sen in þe halle. 84

[Sidenote: [103 b]] ++nOW to þ{a}t Citee Florys is com{e}; Feire he hath his ynne y-noom{e} 444 At a palaise; was non{e} it lyche; Þe lord of þ{a}t ynne was fulle ryche; He hadde ben ferre and wyde.

To a riche Cite hi buþ icume; Vaire hi habbeþ here i{n} inome, At one paleis suþe riche; Þe lord of þ{er} i{n}ne nas no{n} his liche. 88 Him feol gold inoȝ to honde, Boþe in water {and} in londe.

[Sidenote: At the inn there is good cheer, and Floris enters into conversation with the host.]

Þe Childe he set next his syde, 448 In al þe feirest seete. Alle þey dronken and ete, Al þat þ{er}ynne were, Al þey made good chere, 452 Þey ete and dronke echoon~ w{i}t{h} other; But Florys þouȝt al another, Ete ne drynke he myȝt noȝt, On Blauncheflo{ur} was al his þouȝt. 456

He hadde ilad his lif ful wide; Þis child he sette next his side. 92 Glad {and} bliþe hi weren alle, So fele so were in þe halle. [No gap in MS.] Ac floriz net ne dronk noȝt; Of blau{n}cheflur was al his þoȝt. 96

Þan spake þe Burgays Þat was hende and Curtays: “Ow, child~, me þynkeþ welle Þ{a}t muche þ{o}u þynkest on my catell{e}.” 460 “Nay, s{ir}, on Catel þenke y nouȝt,” (On Blauncheflo{ur} was al his þouȝt,) “But y þynke on al wyse For to fynde my marchaundise; 464 And ȝit it is þe most woo, When y it fynd, y shal it forgoo.”

Þe lord of þ{er}inne vnderȝat Þ{a}t þis child m{ur}ninge sat. “Floriz,” he sede, “what mai þe beo, Þus m{ur}ni{n}ge þ{a}t ihc þe seo? 100

Þan spak~ þe lord of~ þ{a}t ynne, “Þis sender day, þ{er} sate hereyn{e} 468 Þat faire Maide Blauncheflo{ur}, boþ in halle and in boure. Eu{er} she made mornyng chere, And bement Florys, her lyf~ fere; 472 Ioye ne blis made she noon~, But for Florys she made her moon~.”

[Þ]us heri{n}ne þis oþ{er} day [S]at blau{n}cheflur þ{a}t faire may. [I]n halle ne in bur ne at bord, [O]f hire ne herde we neure a word. 104 [B]ute of floriz was hire mone; [Heo] nadde in herte ioie none.”

Florys toke a Coupe of~ syluer clere, A mantyl of~ Scarlet w{i}t{h} menyuere: 476 “Houe þis, s{ir}, to þyn~ hono{ur}; Þ{o}u may þonke it Blauncheflo{ur}. He myȝt make myn~ hert glade, Þ{a}t couþ me tel wheder she is ladde.” 480

[Whanne] herde he ne{m}pnen his le{m}man, [Bliþe] he was iwis for þan. 108 [He lat] bringe a cupe of seluer [And eke] a pane of menuuer. [Þanne] he sede, “haue þis to þin honur, [So þ]u speke of blau{n}cheflur. 112 [Þu mi]ȝtest make min heorte ful glad; [Þu tel]le me wuder heo were ilad.” [Þanne] sede þe burgeis, [Þat was] wel hende {and} c{ur}tais, 116

[Headnote: The innkeeper tells Floris how the Admiral bought Blauncheflur.]

[Sidenote: The host tells him that Blauncheflur has been sold to the Admiral at Babylon.]

“Child~, to Babyloyne she is brouȝt; Þe Amyral hur haþ bouȝt: [Sidenote: [104 a]] He gaf~ for hur, as she stood vpryȝt, Seuen sithes of~ gold hur wyȝt; 484 For he þenkeþ w{i}t{h}-out weene, Þat faire may haue to Queene. Among~ his maydons in his toure He hur dide, w{i}t{h} much honoure.” 488

[“To Babi]lloigne he was ibroȝt; [Þe adm]iral hire haȝ iboȝt.”

Now Flores resteþ him þ{er}e al nyȝt, Tyl on þe morrow þe day was lyȝt; He roos on þe morownyng~, He gaf~ his Ost an hundryd shelyng~, 492 To his ost and to his Ostesse, And toke his leue, and feire dide kysse;

[Floriz go]þ to his rest; [On Blaunch]eflur he þoȝte mest. 120 Ac reste ne miȝte he habbe none; Fort þe dide slep him nome. Amoreȝe so sone so hit was day, He nem his liue, {and} we{n}de his way. 124

[Sidenote: Floris gives the host a hundred shillings, and asks his assistance.]

And ȝerne his ost he besouȝt, Þat he him help, ȝif he myȝt ouȝt, 496 Ȝif~ he myȝt~, w{i}t{h} any gynne, Þat feire may to him wynne.

And for his niȝtes gestinge He ȝaf his oste an hundred schillinge. [No gap in MS.] And ȝerne he haþ his oste bisoȝt Þ{a}t he him helpe wiþ al his þoȝt, 128 In Babilloine, oþ{er} wher a beo, Þ{a}t he miȝte hire iseo, Hu he miȝte mid sume ginne, His le{m}man blau{n}cheflur awinne. 132 Þa{n}ne sede þe burgeis, Þ{a}t was hende {and} curtais,

MS. Cott. Vitell. D. III.

[Sidenote: [leaf 7]] . . . . . . . by souht . . . . . mid al his mauht . . frend in babiloyne hadde . . wisede {and} wel radde . . . he mihte mid eni ginne . . . blancheflour iwinne

[Headnote: The innkeeper gives Floris instructions.]

“Childe,” he seide, “to a brygge þ{o}u shalt com{e}, The Senpere fynde at hoom{e}: 500 He woneth at þe brygges ende; Curtays man he is, and hende; We arn~ bretheren, and trouthes plyȝt: He can þe wyssh and rede a-ryȝt; 504

At babilloine atte frume, To one brigge þu schalt cume. 136 Whane þu comest to þe ȝate, Þe port{er} þu schalt find þarate. Wel hende man {and} fair he is; He is icluped sire daris. 140 Mi felaȝe he is þureȝ truþe ipliȝt, And he kan rede þe ariȝt.

. . one longe brugge þou schalt come . . . ngere finde þer ate frome. . . . c is ate brugge ende . . . mon he is {and} hende . . . breþeren {and} treweþe ipliht . . . wisi {and} reden wel riht.

[Sidenote: The innkeeper sends him with a ring of introduction to the bridge porter at Babylon.]

Þ{o}u shalt bere him a rynge Fro my-self~ to tokenynge, Þat he help þe in boure and halle As it were my self~ befalle.” 508 [No gap in MS.] Florys takeþ þe ryng~, and nemeþ leue, For long~ wold~ he nouȝt beleue.

Haue {and} ber him þis ring, On mine halue to tokning, 144 Þ{a}t he þe helpe in alle halue, Ase he wolde me selue.” Floriz herof was wel bliþe, And þonkede his oste wel suiþe. 148 Feire of him he nimeþ leue; No lengur nolde he bileue.

. . . bere him neseno[FB-3] ring . . . . . . to toking . . . . . elpe on eche halue . . . . . {and} takeþ is leue . . . . . . þer by sene

[Footnote FB-3: ?]

[Sidenote: Floris takes leave, and by midday reaches the bridge and finds the porter.]

By þ{a}t it was vndern~ hyȝe, Þe Brygge com{e} he swyth nye. 512 Þe Senperes name was Darys. Florys gret him wel feire ywys, And he him þe ryng~ arauȝt, And ful feire it him betauȝt. 516

Biþ{a}t hit was middai hiȝ, Floriz was þe brigge niȝ. 152 Þe he com to þe gate Þe port{er} he fond anon þ{er}ate, Sittinde one a marbelston, Suþe fair {and} hende mon, 156 And so him sede child floriz, “Rest þe m{ur}ie, sire daris,”

. . . . . . ondarne heyȝ . . . . . [bru]gge suiþe neyȝ . . . . . þane brugge icome . . . . . bruggere ate frome . . . . . . . a Marbreston . . . . . mon he was on . . . . . was of Muchel p{ri}s . . . . . . him sulf iwis . . . . . ys was i hote doyre . . . . . s him grette wel fayre . . . . . him þane ri{n}g arauht . . . [d] ayre hine him bi tauht

[Headnote: Floris presents his ring of introduction to Daris.]

[Sidenote: Floris presents the ring, and is hospitably received.]

Þrouȝ þe token of þ{a}t ilk~ ryng~ Florys had ful faire gestnyng~ Off~ Fyssħ and flessh and tender breed~, Of~ wyn~, both white and reed~: 520

And tok him to tokne þis ring; And þ{er}fore he hauede wel fair gestni{n}g. 160 Glade {and} bliþe hi weren alle, So fele so weren in þe halle,

. . . . þe tockne of þe ringe . hadde þ{er} aniht wel gode gistinge . . . . b of fles of tendre bred . . . . t win {and} eke of red

[Sidenote: Floris sits mourning.]

And eu{er} Florys sate ful colde, And Dares bygan þe Childe beholde:

Ac floriz net ne dronk noȝt; On blau{n}cheflur was al his þoȝt 164 Sire daris vnderȝet Þ{a}t floriz m{ur}ni{n}ge set.

. . . . re floyres sike {and} colde . . . . gon þ{a}t chil by holde

[Sidenote: Daris asks if he is not pleased with his entertainment.]

[Sidenote: [104 b]] “Leue Child, what may þis be, Þus þouȝtful as y the see? 524 And þ{o}u nouȝt al in feere, Þat þ{o}u makist þus sory chere, Or þ{o}u lykkest noȝt þis yn~?”

“Floriz,” he sede, “what mai þe beo, So þoȝtful ase ihc þe seo? 168 Me þincheþ bi þine chire, Þu nert noȝt glad of þi sop{er}e, Oþ{er} þe ne likeþ noȝt þis in.”

. . . . wat may þe be . . . . . þe i see . . . . . . . uoice al fere . . . . . . . . ele chere. [Sidenote: [leaf 7, col. 2]] . . . . . . . . þin in.”

Þan Floreys answered him~: 528 “Ȝis, s{ir}, by goddes ore, So good ne had y mony day ȝore: God let me abyde þat daye Þat y þe quyte wel may: 532

Þo floriz ansuerede him: 172 “Sire,” he sede, “bi godes ore, So god in nauede ihc wel ȝore, Vre lou{er}d me lete ibide þe day Þ{a}t ihc hit þe ȝulde may. 176

Bot floyres onswerede him, “Nay, sire, bi godes ore, So god nadde [I] wel ȝore. God lete me abide þane day Þ{a}t ich hit þe ȝelde May.

[Sidenote: Floris tells him, in veiled words, his real trouble.]

But y þenke on al wyse Most vppon~ my marchaundyse; [No gap in MS.] And ȝit it is most woo, When y hit Fynde, y shal it forgoo.” 536

Ihc þenche, sire, on fele wise Nu vpon mi marchau{n}dise, Last ine finde noȝt atte frume Þ{a}t þing for whi ihc am hider icume. 180 And þeȝ ihc hit finde hit is mi wo Lest ihc schulle hit forgo.”

Ac ich þenche on alle wise Vppon mine Marchaundise Ware vore ich am hider icome, Lest ich ne feynde hit ate frome, {and} þ{a}t is ȝet mi meste wo, Ȝif ich hit finde {and} hit forgo.

[Sidenote: Daris bids him speak plainly, and Floris speaks out.]

[No gap in MS.] “Childe, woldest þ{o}u telle me my gryf~, To hele þe, me were ful lyf~.”

Þo sede daris, þe freo burgeis, Þ{a}t was wel hende {and} curteis, 184 “Fain ihc wolde þe rede {and} lere, Þ{a}t þu muche þe bet{er}e were, Ȝef þu toldest me þi gref, To rede þe me were lef.” 188

Child, woldest þou telle me of þi gref To helpe þe me were lef.

[Headnote: Floris tells his story to Daris.]

Eu{er}y word he haþ him tolde, How þe mayde was fro him solde, 540 And how he was of~ Spayn~ a kynges son{e}, For grete loue þider y-com{e}, To fonde, w{i}t{h} quantyse and w{i}t{h} gyn~, Blauncheflo{ur} for to wynne. 544

Þo floriz bigan his consail schewe, {And} to daris beon iknewe. Ord {and} ende he haþ him told, Hu blau{n}cheflur was isold, 192 And hu he was a kinges sune, For hire luue þider icume, To fonde þureȝ sume cu{n}nes ginne His le{m}ma{n} blau{n}cheflur biwinne. 196

And now floyres hi{m} haueþ itold Hou þ{a}t mayd from him wa sold, {and} hou he was of spayne one kinges sone, Vor hire loue þider icome.

[Headnote: Daris begins to tell of the Admiral and the city.]

[Sidenote: Daris takes him to be a fool, and proceeds to tell the strength of the Admiral and the size of the city.]

“Now,” seith Dares, “þ{o}u art a Folt,”-- And For a Foole þe Childe he halt,-- “Now y woot how it gooth, Þ{o}u desirest þyn~ own~ death. 548 Þe Amyral haþ to his Iustinges Oþ{er} half~ hundred of ryche kinges; And þe Alder-rychest king~ Durst not begynne suche a þing~. 552

Daris þa{n}ne floriz bihalt, {And} for more þane fol him halt. “Floriz,” he sede, “iseo hu hit geþ; Þu ert abute þinoȝe deþ. 200 Þe Admiral haueþ to his gestninge Oþ{er} half hu{n}dred of riche kinges. Ne þ{er} nis no{n} so riche king Þ{a}t dorste ent{er}met{en} of eni such þing, 204 Þilke maide to awinne, Noþ{er} wiþ strengþe ne wiþ ginne,

Nou doyres þ{a}t chil[d] by halt, {and} for a fol he hine halt. “Child, nou ich wot al hou hit geþ; Iwis þou welnest þin owene deþ. Þe amirel haueþ to his iustninge Oþ{er} half hondert of riche kinge, Þe alre richeste kinge Ne dorste bi ginne swch a þing.

Ȝif~ Amyral myȝt it vnderstond{e}, He shulde be drawe in his owne londe, A-bout Babyloyne, y wene, Six longe myle and tene; 556 At eu{er}y myle is a walle þ{er}ate, Seuen sithes twenty ȝate; And .xx. toures þ{er} ben ynne, Þ{a}t eu{er}y day chepyng is ynne; 560

And þe Admiral hit miȝte iwite, Þ{a}t he n{er}e of his lif aquite. 208 And Babilloine, ihc vnderstonde, Dureþ abute furte{n}niȝt gonde. Abute þe walle þ{er} buþ ate, Seuesiþe tuenti ȝates. 212 And ine þe bureȝ amidde riȝt Beoþ twe tures ipiȝt.

And mihste þe amirayl hit vnder ȝete, Sone of his liue he were quite. Aboute babiloyne beþ to ȝonge wiþoute wene, Sixti longe Mile {and} tene, {and} ate walle þer beþ ate, Seuesiþe tuenti ȝate. And tueye toures þer beþ inne, Þ{a}t þe chepinge is eche day inne.

Eu{er}y day and nyȝt þrouȝ-out þe ȝere Þe Chepyng~ is y-lyche plenere; [Sidenote: [105 a]] And þauȝ al þe men þ{a}t ben bore, Had on hur lyf~ swore 564 To wynne þat maide feire and free, Al shul þey die, so moot y the.

Eche day in al þe ȝere Þe feire is þ{er} iliche plenere. 216 Seue hu{n}dred tures {and} two Beoþ in þe burȝ, biþute mo.

Nis þer day þoruh out þan ȝer, Þat þe chepinge is iliche plener. Seue hundred tures, wit oute{n} þan tuo, Þ[er] beþ in þan boruh {and} somdel mo. Þe alre febleste tour Nolde nouht duti þe amp{er}ur.

[Headnote: Description of the maidens’ ‘tower.’]

[Sidenote: Daris tells of the ‘towers,’ the spring, the wonderful carbuncle,]

In þ{a}t bo{ur}, in mydward pyȝt, Stondeþ a toure, y the plyȝt, 568 An hundryd fathum~ it is hye,-- Who-soo beholdeþ hit, fer or nere, An hundred fathum it is y-fere;-- It is made w{i}t{h}-out[en] pere, 572

And ine þe burȝ amidde riȝt, Beoþ twe t{ur}es ipiȝt, 220

Vor to come þer wiþ inne, No þ{er} wid stregþe ne wid ginne. [Sidenote: [leaf 7, back]] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . aȝen woo . schal to iwinne þat Mayd al so sone . . . . . þe so{n}ne {and} mone. . . . þe bor . . mid rift . . . . . . . . aplyft . . hondred teyse þe to{ur} is heie . . . . by halt fur {and} nei. {and} an hundret teyse hit is wid, {and} imaked wiþ muchel pruid.

Of lyme and of Marbulston{e}; In al þis world~ is suche noon{e}. Now is þe morter made so wele, Ne may it breke, iren ne steele. 576 Þe Pomel þat aboue is leide, It is made w{i}t{h} muche p{r}ide;

Of lym {and} of marbelston; In þe world nis swich t{ur} non. In þe tur þ{er} is a welle, Suþe cler hit is wiþ alle. 224 He vrneþ in o pipe of bras, Whider so hit ned was. Fra{m} flore in to flore Þe strimes vrneþ store, 228 Fram bure in to halle Þe st{ri}mes of þis welle. In þe tur is o kernel Of seluer {and} of crestel. 232 On þe tur anouenon Is a charbugleston Þ{a}t ȝiueþ leme day {and} niȝt, Ne bi hit neure so derk niȝt. 236

Of lym {and} of marbel ston; In cristiante nis swich non. Þ{a}t morter is i maked se wel, Ne May hit breke ire ne stel. And þe pomel about þe lede Is i wrouht mit so . . . . .

Þ{a}t man ne þar in þe Tour bern{e} Nouther torcher[FB-4] ne lantern{e}; 580 Suche a pomel was þ{er} bygo{n}e, Hit shyned a nyȝt so doþ þe soone.

[Footnote FB-4: MS. torther]

In þe bureȝ ne darf me berne Lampe ne torche ne lant{er}ne, Þ{a}t he ne ȝiueþ liȝt {and} leme As doþ a day þe su{n}ne beme. 240

Ne þarf me aniht . . . . . Nouþer torche . . . . . . . . . . . a pomel . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

[Headnote: How the maidens are guarded.]

[Sidenote: the porter on guard,]

Þ{e} port{er} is prud wiþalle; Eche day he goþ on þe walle. And ef þ{er} comeþ eniman Biþi{n}ne þilke barbecan, 244 Bute he him ȝeue leue, He wule him boþe bete {and} reue. Þe port{er} is culuart {and} felun; He wule him sette areisun. 248

[Sidenote: and the forty-four maidens kept in the ‘high tower.’]

Now arn~ in þat ilk~ Tour Twoo and fourty nobełł boure; 584 Wel were þat ilke man Þ{a}t myȝt woon{e} in þ{a}t oon~! Ne durst him neu{er} more ywys Couete after more blysse. 588

“Þer buþ in þe hiȝe tur Forti Maidenes {and} four. Wel were þ{a}t ilke mon Þ{a}t miȝte winne wiþ þ{a}t on. 252 Ne þorte he neure ful iwis Wilne more of p{ar}adis.

. . . . . beþ in þan . . Foure {and} fourti . . . . . [Þ]at wel were þ{a}t ilke . . . . . Mihte wonie . . . . . [About twenty lines illegible here.]

Naw arn~ þer Seriauntes in þ{a}t stage Þ{a}t s{er}uen þe maydons of hyȝe p{ar}age; But no s{er}ieaunt may s{er}ue þ{er}ynne Þ{a}t bereþ in his breche þat gynne 592 To s{er}ue hem day and nyȝt, But he be as a Capou{n} dyȝt. At þe gate is a ȝateward~; He is not a Coward~; 596 He is wonder proude w{i}t{h} alle; Eu{er}y day he goþ in ryche palle.

Þ{er} buþ seriau{n}s in þe stage Þ{a}t s{er}ueþ þe maidenes of p{ar}age. 256 Ac ne mot þ{er} no{n} ben inne Þ{a}t one þe breche bereþ þe ginne, Noþ{er} bi daie ne biniȝt, Bute he also capun beo idiȝt. 260

[Sidenote: The Admiral takes a new wife each year.]

And þe Amyral haþ a wonder woon~, Þ{a}t he þ{a}t is com{e} of cristendom{e}, 600 Euery ȝere to haue a new wyf~, Þen he loueþ his Queene as his lyf~.

And þe Admiral is such a gume, In al þe world nis such a sune. Ne bu his wife neure so schene, Bute o ȝer ne schal heo beon his q{ue}ne. 264 Þeȝ heo luue him ase hire lif, Þ{a}t he nele habbe anoþ{er} wif. And, floriz, imai þe telle fore, Heo schal beon his quene icore. 268

Neuer . . [leaf 7, back, col. 2] To chesen hire . . . . . . Þeyȝ he louede is quene . . .

[Headnote: Description of the wonderful orchard.]

[Sidenote: The maidens are brought down into a beautiful orchard in which is a marvellous spring and a wonderful tree.]

[Sidenote: [105 b]] Then shul men bryng{e} doun~ of þe Toure Al þe Maidens of grete honour, 604 And bryng{e} hem into an Orchard~, Þe feirest of al mydlerd~: Þeryn is mony fowles song~; Men myȝt leue þ{er}yn ful long~: 608 About þe Orchard is a walle,-- Þe fowlest stone is Cristall{e},--

Alle þe maidenes of p{ar}age Me schal bringe adu{n} of þe stage, And leden he{m} in to on orchard, Þe faireste of al þe Middellerd. 272 Abute þe orchard is a wal; Þe eþelikeste ston is cristal. Ho so wonede a moneþ in þ{a}t spray, Nolde him neure longe{n} away. 276 So m{er}ie is þ{er}i{n}ne þe foȝeles song, Þ{a}t ioie {and} blisse is eure among.

Me schul fecche adoun of þe . . Alle þe maydenes of parage. {and} bringe hem in on orcharde Þe fayreste of þe middel[erd]. Þer is fowelene song Ne mihte wel libbe hem a[mong] Abute þan orchard is a wa[l] . Su{m}me of þe stones be . . . Þ{er} me may ise uppon a . . . I write muchel of þe w . . .

And a wełł spryngeþ þ{er}ynne, Þ{a}t is made w{i}t{h} muche gynne; 612 Þe wel is of~ muche prys, Þe stremes com froo P{ar}adyse; Þe grauel of~ þe ground is p{re}cious stoones, And al of v{er}tu for þe noones. 616 Now is þe wełł of much{e} auȝt;

In þe orchard is a welle Þ{a}t is suþe cler wiþ alle. 280 Ihc mai seggen iwis, Þe st{ri}mes comeþ f{ra}m p{ar}adis. For in þe st{ri}mes þe smale stones, Hi beoþ þ{er} funden eurech one, 284

And a welle þ{a}t springeþ . . . Þ{a}t is i mad mid muchel . . . Þis welle is . . Muchel Þ{a}t grauel bi þe . . . . . And of v . eu . . . . Of safir . . {and} of . . . Of omcie {and} of . . . . . Þe welle is al . . . . . .

[Headnote: The marvellous spring and marvellous tree.]

[Sidenote: If any maiden, who is not a virgin, approach the spring, the water boils up as if mad.]

Ȝif a woman com þ{a}t is for-lauȝt, And she be doo to þe streeme For to wesshe her honndes clene, 620 Þe wat{er} wylle ȝelle as it were wood~, And bycom{e} red as blood~. On what maide þe water fareþ soo, Sone she shal to deþ be doo. 624 Þoo þat ben maidens clene, Þey may wessh{e} þ{er}yn, y wene; Þe water wołł stonde feire and clere; To hem makeþ it no daungere. 628 At þe walles hed stondeþ a tree, Þe feirest þat on erthe may be; It is cleped þe tree of loue: Flowers and blossomes spryngen aboue; 632

[Sidenote: The maiden upon whom first falls a blossom from this tree is chosen queen.]

Þen þey þat maydons clene bene, Þei shul be brouȝt vnder þe tren{e}, And whicħ so falleþ þe floure, Shal be queene w{i}t{h} muche hono{ur}. 636

Boþe saphirs {and} sardoines, And suþþe riche cassidoines, And Iacinctes and topaces, And onicle of muchel g{ra}ce, 288 And mani on oþ{er} direwerþe ston Þ{a}t ich nu ne{m}pne ne can. Aboue þe walle stant atreo Þ{a}t faireste þ{a}t miȝte in erþe beo. 292 Hit is ihote þe treo of luue, For lef {and} blosme beoþ þ{er} buue. So sone so þe olde beoþ idon, Þer sp{ri}ngeþ niwe riȝt anon. 296 Alle þilke þ{a}t clene maidenes beo, Schulle sitte arewe vnder þat treo; And which falleþ on þ{a}t furste flur Schal beo q{ue}ne {and} fonge þonur. 300 Ȝef þ{er} is eni maide forleie, Þe wal is of so muchel eie, An heo stepe to þe gru{n}de, For to wassche hire honde, 304 Ha bulmeþ vp so he were wod, {And} chau{n}geþ f{ra}m wat{er} in to blod. On wuche þe welle fareþ so, Also suiþe he wurþ fordo. 308

Ȝif þer come . . . . . . . . . . ho . . . . . . . For . . . . . . . . . . . w . . wele . . . . . . come al so . . . . . . . wlyche w . . . . . Wel sone . . . . . . . Alle þ{a}t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . wole . . . . . .

[About nine more lines illegible. Several folios lost here.]

[No gap in MS.] Ȝif~ any mayden þ{er} is Þat þe Amyral telleþ of~ more p{r}is, Þe flour shal be to her sent Þrouȝ art of~ enchauntement. 640

Ac ȝef þ{er} eni maide{n} is, Þ{at} þe Admiral luueþ mest of pris, On hire schal beo þ{at} flur i went, Þureȝ c{on}iureson {and} chau{n}tem{en}t. 312

Þe Amyral cheseþ hem by þe flo{ur}, And euer he herkeneþ after Blauncheflo{ur}. [Sidenote: [106 a]] Thre sithes Flores sownyd anoon~ Riȝt byfore hem eu{er}ychoon~: 644 When he awoke, and speke myȝt~, Sore he wept, and sore he syȝt,

Þus he cheoseþ his wif þureȝ þe flur; Alle weneþ hit schulle beo blau{n}cheflur.” Ihc wene ne darf me axi noȝt If floriz were of dreri þoȝt. 316

[Headnote: Daris suggests to Floris a plan.]

[Sidenote: Floris implores the aid of Daris.]

And seide, “Dares, y worth now deed~, But þ{a}t y hope of þe som reed~.” 648 “Leue soon~, wyl ȝe see Þat þy trust is muche on me; Þen is þe best~ reed þat y can~-- Other reed ne can y noon~-- 652

“Daris,” he sede, “ihc wurthe ded Bute if þu do me summe red.” Þa{n}ne se Daris, þe freo burgeis, Þ{a}t was wel he{n}de {and} c{ur}teis, 320 “Floriz,” he sede, “leue man, Þe beste red þ{a}t ihc þe can,

[Sidenote: Daris bids him go, disguised as a mason, to the tower,]

Wende to-morn~ to þe toure As þ{o}u were a good gynoure; Take on þy honde squyer and scantlon~ As þ{o}u were a free mason~; 656 Behold~ þe to{ur} vp and doun~, Þe porter is cruel and Feloun~; Wel sone he wyl com{e} to the, And aske what man{er} man þ{o}u be, 660 And bere on þe, Felonye, And sey þ{o}u art com{e} to be a spye.

Wend tomoreȝe to þe Tur, Also þu were a gud ginnur. 324 Ber wiþ þe sq{ui}re {and} schau{n}tillun, Also þu were a gud Mascun. Bihold of þe ture þe hiȝhede, And wiþ þi fot met þe brede. 328 Þe port{er} is culuert {and} felun; Forþ he wule sette{n} his resun, And bere vpon þe felonie, And segge þ{a}t þu art a spie. 332

And þow shalt~ answere swetlych{e}, And sey to him myldelych{e}, 664 Sey þ{o}u art a gynoure, To beholde þat feire Toure, For to loke and for to fonde To make suche another in þy londe. 668

Ansuare him wel hendeliche, And spek wiþ him wel sueteliche, And seie þert icome fra{m} ferre{n} lo{n}de, For to seche {and} for to fonde, 336

[Sidenote: and induce the porter to play at draughts.]

[No gap in MS.] Wel sone he wyl com þe nere, And wyl byd þe play at þe chekere. When þ{o}u art at cheker brouȝt, W{i}t{h}out seluer [be] þ{o}u nouȝt; 672 Þou shalt haue redy w{i}t{h} the XX. Marke beside þy knee;

If mi lif so longe ilast, To makie atur aft{er} þis cast, In þine londe ate frume Wha{n}ne þu ert hom icume. 340 Whane he þe hireþ speke so he{n}deliche, And ansuerie so sueteliche, Þe{n}ne he wule come þe nier, And bidde þe pleie at þe escheker. 344 Whane þescheker is forþ ibroȝt Biþute panes ne plei þu noȝt. Þu most habbe redi mitte Twenti Marc ine þi slitte. 348

Ȝif~ þou wynne ouȝt of~ his, Þow tel þ{er}of~ lytel prys; 676 And yf~ he wynne ouȝt of~ þyn~, loke þow leue it with hym~; So þ{o}u shalt, al w{i}t{h} gynne, Þe porters loue forsoth wynne, 680 Þ{a}t he þe help on þis day: But he þe help{e}, no man may.

Þeȝ þu biwi{n}ne oȝt of his, Hold hit of wel litel pris. If he biwi{n}neþ oȝt of þe, Ȝif hi{m} of þine suche þre. 352 Muche he wule þonki þe And of þe suþe iwu{n}dred beo, For he is suþe couet{us}, And at þescheker enuius. 356

[Headnote: Details of the plan.]

[Sidenote: Manage him so as to secure an invitation for the morrow.]

[Sidenote: [106 b]] Wel ȝerne he wyl þe bydde and p{ra}y Com{e} anoþer day to playe: 684 Þ{o}u shalt seye þ{o}u wylt soo; Þ{o}u shalt take w{i}t{h} þe suche twoo;

Ȝerne he wile þe bidde {and} p{re}ie Þ{a}t þu come amoreȝe {and} pleie. G{ra}nte hi{m} þ{a}t þu wilt so, And tak mid amoreȝe suche two. 360

[No gap in MS.] Þe þrydde day take an hundred pound~,

And wel þi nedes for to do Þ{a}t þridde day þu wend hi{m} to, And ber wiþ þe forti pund,

[Sidenote: Show him your cup, and he will be greedy for it.]

And þy Coupe hool and sound~: 688 Ȝeue him markes & pound{es} of þy male; Of~ þy tresour tel þ{o}u no tale; Wel ȝerne he wyl þe bydde and p{ra}y To lay þy Coupe, and to play. 692 Þ{o}u shalt answere alþ{er}first, Lenger to play þe ne lyst. Ful muche he wylle for þe Coupe bede, Ȝif~ he myȝt þe better spede; 696

And þine cupe hol {and} sund. 364 Wha{n}ne þu lest lest him þe cupe iseo, Wel angussus he wile beo. He wile beo wel coveitus, And hire to bigge suþe fus. 368 Muchel he þe wule beode If him miȝte þe bet{er}e spede. Ihc wot he wille þilke day Hon{ur}e þe so muche so he may. 372

[Sidenote: At length give him the cup.]

Þ{o}u shalt it blethly ȝeue him Ȝif it be of~ gold fyne; And he wol ful moche loue þe, And to þe bowe also, p{ar}de, 700

He wule þe lede to his i{n}ne Þe cupe of þe to biwi{n}ne. Ȝerne he wule þe bidde and p{re}ie Þ{a}t þu legge þe cupe to pleie. 376 Þu hi{m} ansuere atte furste, Þ{a}t no leng pleie þe ne luste. Ansuere hi{m} wel he{n}deliche, ‘Þin beo þe cupe,’ seie bluþeliche. 380 For his gode co{m}paygnie A wu{n}ne he haþ þi druerie.

Ihc wot þ{a}t he mai alrebest Of þine neode helpe þe mest. 384 Þu miȝt segge, ‘þe ne faileþ non Gold ne selu{er} ne riche won.’ Seie þu wilt p{ar}te wiþ him of þan, Þ{a}t he schal eure beo riche man. 388 Whanne he hereþ þe speke so richeliche, And ansuerie so hendeliche, Þa{n}ne he wile beo wel bliþe, And bigi{n}ne to luuie þe suiþe, 392

[Sidenote: Promise him unlimited gold and silver if he will aid you. He will then fall at your feet and be your man.]

Þat he wyl falle to þy foote, And become þyn~, ȝif~ he moote. And homage þ{o}u shalt fonge, And þe trouþ of his honde.” 704

And falle he wile to þi fote, And bicome þi man, if he mote. His ma{n}rede þu schalt fonge, And his truþe of his ho{n}de, 396 Þ{a}t he þe bere al þe helde Þ{a}t man schal to his lou{er}d ȝelde. And þus þureȝ þe cupe and his gi{n}ne Þu miȝt þi le{m}man best awi{n}ne. 400 Þa{n}ne þu miȝt beon iknewe, And þi cu{n}sail to hi{m} schewe.”

[Headnote: By this plan Floris wins over the ‘porter.’]

As he seide, he dide ywys; And as he ordeynd, so it is: Þe Porter ys Florys man bycom{e}, For his gold~ and his waryson{e}. 708

And alþus floris hath iwroȝt, As daris hi{m} haþ itaȝt. 404 Ac þureþ (sic) þe cupe {and} þureȝ g{er}sume, Þe port{er} is his man bicume.

[Sidenote: Then reveal to him your wishes.]

Florys seide, “now art þ{o}u my moon~, Al my trust is þe vppon~; Now my consel y wyl þe shewe; Rede me ryȝt, ȝif~ þ{o}u be trew.” 712

¶ Nu quaþ floriz, “þu art mi man; Al mi trest is þe vpon. 408 Þ{er}uore þu most me helpe nede; Biþute þe ne mai me spede.”

[Sidenote: Floris acts as advised, and discloses his identity.]

Now eu{er}y word he haþ him tolde, How þe mayde was fro him sholde, And how he was of~ Spayn~ a kynges soon~, For grete loue þeder ycoom~ 716 To fonden, w{i}t{h} som{e} gynne, Þat feire mayde for to wynne.

Ord {and} ende he haþ him told, Hu þ{a}t maide was isold, 412 And hu he was of spaygne a kinges sune, For hire luue he was þider icume, To fo{n}de mid sume ku{n}nes ginne, Hu he miȝte hire awinne. 416

[Headnote: The porter covers Floris in a basket of flowers.]

[Sidenote: The porter at first reproaches himself, but presently promises his aid.]

Þe Porter þat herde, and sore syȝt, And seide, “y am betrayde aryȝt; 720 Þrouȝ þy Catel, y am dismayde; Þerfore y am wel euyl a-payde [Sidenote: [107 a]] Now y woot how it gooþ; For þe shal y suffre deth; 724 I shal þe faile neuer moo, Þe while y may ryde and goo; Þy forwardes shal y holde alle, What-so-eu{er} may befalle. 728

I-wend nu, floriz, to þin i{n}ne, While i biþenche of sume gi{n}ne. 428 Ihc wulle fonde what ido may Bituene þis {and} þe þ{ri}dde day.” Floriz siȝte {and} weop among Þulke t{er}me him þuȝte long. 432 ++ÞE port{er} þoȝte what to rede; He let flures gadere on þe mede. Cupen he let fulle of flures, To strawe{n} in þe maidenes bures. 436

Wynde now hoom~ to þyn~) ynne While y beþenke me of su{m} gynne; Bytwene þis and þe þrydde day. Fonde y shal, what y do may. 732 Flores spake and wept among{e} And þouȝt þe terme al to long{e}. Þe Porter þouȝt þe best reed, And let geder floures in a meed~; 736 He wist it was þe maydons wylle. To lepes he lete of floures fylle:

Þo þe port{er} iherde þis, he siȝte, “Ihc am,” he sede, “bitraid wiþ riȝte, Þ{a}t þureȝ þis cupe {and} þis g{er}sume Ihc am nu þi man bicume. 420 Nu ihc seo hu hit geþ; For þe ihc drede þolien deþ. Noȝt for þan while ihc mai go, I ne schal þe failli neure mo. 424 What me bitide oþ{er} bifalle, Ihc schal þe foreward holde{n} alle.

[Sidenote: He covers Floris in a basket of flowers, which is borne above.]

Þat was þe best reed, as him þouȝt þoo, Floures in þat oon~ lep to doo. 740 Twoo maydens þe lepe bore; So heuy charged neuer þey wore, And bade god ȝeue hem euyl fyn{e}; To mony floures he dide þ{er}ynne. 744

Þ{a}t was his red to helpe him so; He let floriz on þ{a}t on cupe go. Tuei gegges þe cupe bere, And for heuie wroþ hi were. 440 Hi bede{n} God ȝiue hi{m} vuel fin, Þ{a}t so manie flures dude þ{er}in.

To Blaunchefloures Chamber þey shuld{e} tee; Þey ȝede to anoþ{er}, and let þ{a}t be: Þey shuld haue gon{e} to Blauncheflo{ur}, And ȝede to swete Clarys boure, 748

To þe chau{m}bre þ{er} hi scholde go, Ne ȝeden hi ariȝt no. 444 To anoþ{er} chau{m}bre hi beoþ agon, To blau{n}cheflures chau{m}bre no{n}.

[Sidenote: Floris mistakes another maiden for Blauncheflur and leaps forth.]

And cursed him so fele brouȝt to honde; Þey ȝede hoom~, and lete hem stonde. Clarys to þe lepe com{e} wolde, Þe Flores to hondel and to be-holde; 752 Florys wende it hadde be his swete wyȝt; Of~ þe lepe he stert vpryȝt;

Þe cupe hi sette to þe grunde, And goþ forþ {and} leteȝ hire stonde. 448 O maiden com {and} wolde Þe flures handlen {and} biholde. Floriz we{n}de hit were his swete wiȝt; Vt of þe cupe he lep ariȝt; 452

[Sidenote: The maiden cries out.]

And þe mayde, al for drede, Bygan to shrell{e} and to grede. 756

And þ{a}t maide, for þe drede, Bigan to crie {and} to grede.

[Sidenote: Floris covers himself again.]

When he sawȝ it was not shee, In-to þe lepe aȝen~ stert he, And held~ him betrayde clene; Of~ his lyf~ tolde he not a beene. 760

Þo nuste floriz what to rede, For þe ferlich þ{a}t he hadde. 456 Into þe cupe he sterte aȝen, And wiþ þe flures he hudde him. Þis maide þoȝte anon riȝt Þ{a}t hit was floriz, þ{a}t suete wiȝt, 460 For here chau{m}bres niȝ were; Selde was þ{a}t hi togadere nere; And ofte blau{n}cheflur hire hadde itold Hu heo was fram him isold. 464

[Headnote: Claris discovers Floris.]

Þ{er} com{e} maydons, and to Clarys lepe by ten, by twelf~, on an heepe [Sidenote: [107 b]] And þey asked what hur were, And why she made suche a bere. 764 Clarys byþouȝt hur anoon{e}ryȝt Þ{a}t hit was Blauncheflo{ur} þe white,

Nu Maidenes comeþ in to hire lepe, Wei fiftene in on hepe, And axede hire what hire were, And whi heo makede suche bere. 468 Wel heo was biþoȝt {and} whare, To finde{n} he{m} ansuare.

[Sidenote: The maiden conceals the fact by a clever story.]

And gaue þe Maydons answere anoon~, Þat to her Chamber were goon~, 768 Þat to þe lepe com{e} she wold{e}, Þe Flowres to hondel and to beholde; “And, or y it ere wyst, An Ott{er} fleyȝ a-geynst my brest: 772 I was so soore a-drad þan, Þ{a}t y loude crye can.” Þe Maydons þ{er}of~ hadden glee, And turned hem, and lete hur be. 776

[No gap in MS.] “To þe cupe,” heo sede, “ihc com {and} wolde Þis flures handlen {and} biholde, 472 Þer fliste vt a but{er}fliȝe, Are ihc wiste, on min iȝe. So sore ihc was offerd of þan, Þ{a}t ihc crie bigan.” 476 Þis oþ{er}e loȝen {and} hadde gleo, And goþ aȝen {and} leteþ beo.

[Sidenote: Claris bids Blauncheflur come see a ‘well fair flower.’]

As sone as þe maydons were gon~, To Blauncheflo{ur} she ȝede anoon~, And seide boldly to Blauncheflo{ur}, “Felow, com{e} and see a feire Flo{ur}! 780 Suche a flo{ur} þe shal wel lyke, Haue þ{o}u it sene a lyte.”

++CLarice hatte þ{a}t maide hende: To blau{n}cheflures chau{m}bre heo ga{n} we{n}de, 480 And sede, “suete blau{n}cheflur, Wiltu seo a wel fair flur? Hit ne greu noȝt on þis londe, Þat flur þ{a}t ihc bringe þe to honde.” 484

[Sidenote: Blauncheflur bids Claris depart, and reproaches Floris for his inconstancy.]

“Awey, Clarys!” q{uo}d Blauncheflo{ur}; “To scorne me, it is none honoure. 784 [No gap in MS.] I here, Clarys, w{i}t{h}out gabbe, Þat þe Amyral wyl me to wyf~ habbe;

“Away, Clariz,” quaþ blancheflur; “Ho þ{a}t luueþ p{ar} amur And haþ þ{er} of ioye, mai luue flures; Ac ic libbe in soreȝe in þis tures, 488 For ihc wene bithute gabbe, Þ{a}t þe Admiral me wule habbe.

But þ{a}t day shal neuer be, Þ{a}t he shal eu{er} haue me, 788 Þ{a}t y shal be of~ loue so vntrewe, Ne chaunge my loue for no newe; For no loue, ne for noon~ aye, Forsake Florys in his Contraye. 792 Now y shal swete Florys mysse, Ne shal noon~ other of me haue blysse.”

Ac þilke day ne schal neure be; Ne schal me neure at-wite me, 492 Þ{a}t ihc beo of luue vntrewe, Ne chau{n}ge luue for no newe, Ne lete þe olde for no newe be, So doþ floriz on his Contre. 496 Ac þeȝ floriz forȝe me, Ne schal ihc neure forȝete þe.”

[Headnote: Claris brings Blauncheflur to Floris.]

[Sidenote: Claris further urges Blauncheflur, who at length comes.]

Clarys stood and beheld þat rewth, And þe trewnesse of~ hur trewth, 796 And seide, “lady Blaunchefloure, Goo we see þ{a}t ilk~ floure.”

Clariz iherde þes ille reuþe, Of trewnesse {and} of trewþe. 500 Þe t{er}res glide of hire lere; “Blau{n}cheflur,” he sede, “go we ifere, Leue suete blau{n}cheflur, Cu{m} {and} se a well fair flur.” 504

To þe lepe þey went both. Ioyful man was Florys þoo, 800 For he had herde al þis.

To gedere hi goþ nu iwis, And floriz haþ iherd al þis.

[Sidenote: Floris springs forth, and they embrace one another.]

Of~ þ{a}t lepe he stert y-wys: [Sidenote: [108 a]] Wel sone Blauncheflo{ur} chaunged hewe; Ayther of~ hem other knewe: 804 W{i}t{h}oute speche togeder þey lepe, And klippt~ and kyst~ wonder swete.

Vt of þe cupe he lep anon, {And} to blau{n}cheflur he gan gon. 508 Eiþ{er} oþ{er} sone ikneu; Boþe nuþe hi chau{n}geþ heu. To gadere wiþute word hi lepen, Klepte {and} keste {and} eke weopen 512 Here kessinge ileste a mile; And þ{a}t he{m} þuȝte litel while.

[Headnote: Joyful reunion of the lovers.]

[Sidenote: Claris asks Blauncheflur if she knows this flower.]

Clarys beheld~ al this, Her countenaunce and her blysse, 808 And seide þen to Blaunchefloure, “Felow, knowist þ{o}u auȝt þis flo{ur}? [No gap in MS.] She shul konne ful muche of~ Art Þat þ{o}u woldest þ{er}of~ geue part~.” 812

Clarice biheold al þis, Here cu{n}tenau{n}ce {and} here blis. 516 Seide Clarice to blau{n}cheflur, “Knowestu oȝt ȝete þis flur? A litel er þu noldest hit se; Nu ne miȝte hit lete fram þe. 520 He moste ku{n}ne muchel of art Þ{a}t þu woldest ȝeue þ{er} of part.” “Certes,” q{ua}þ blau{n}cheflur to Clariz, “Þis is min oȝene suete floriz.” 524

[MS. lf. 8: Fr. p. 32, l. 522.] . . . . wel muchel of art . . woldest ȝeue þer of eny part. . . . . de blancheflur to clarise . . . min owene leue floyres

[Sidenote: Both beg Claris not to betray them.]

Now Blauncheflo{ur} and Florys, Boþ þese swete þinges ywys, Cryen her m{er}cy, al wepyng~, Þat she ne wrey hem to þe king~. 816

Nu boþe tuo, þes suete þinges, Crieþ hire m{er}ci, al wepinge, To þe Admiral þ{a}t hem ne wreie, For þe{n}ne were here soreȝe niwe. 528

. . . . þis ilke swete þinges . . . . clarisse merci . . Vnto þe amyrayl noȝt ne wreye . . . . . . scholden deȝe

[Sidenote: Claris promises silence.]

[No gap in MS.] “Ne douȝt no more of~ me in alle, Þan it were myself~ byfalle. Wete ȝe wel weturly, Heele y wyl ȝoure drury.” 820

Clarice hadde of hem pite; “Noþing,” heo sede, “ne dute ȝe, Ne dute ȝe na{m}more wiþ alle, Þ{a}t hit were to me bifalle. 532 Hele ihc wulle {and} noþing wreie, Ower beire cu{m}paignie.”

. . . . . namore mid alle . . . hit were to me by falle . . . . . wel wytterli . . . . . beyre drewori

To a bedde þey ben brouȝt, Þat is of palle and of~ sylke wrouȝt; And þ{er}e þey sette hem doun~ And drouȝ hem self~ al a room~: 824

Clarice he{m} haþ to bedde ibroȝt, Þ{a}t was of pal {and} selc iwroȝt. 536 In bedde heo broȝte he{m} adun, An hure self we{n}de he{m} fram.

. . bedde heo hem haueþ ibrouȝt . . selk {and} pal i wrouht . . heo sette hem þer adou{n} . . . . . . wende aroum . . . more bote cluppe {and} cusse . . . blancheflur hit wiste

[Sidenote: The two rejoice together greatly.]

Þ{er} was no man þ{a}t myȝt radde Þe ioye þ{a}t þey twoo madde. Florys þen to speke bygan~, And seide, “lord þat madest man, 828 I it þonke goddes sone Þat al my care I haue ou{er}com{e}; Now my leue I haue y-founde, Of~ al my care y am vnbounde.” 832

[No gap in MS.] Þo floriz furst speke bigan. “Vre lou{er}d,” he sede, “þ{a}t makedest man, 540 Þe ihc þonki, godes sune, Þ{a}t ihc am to mi leof icume. Mi leof, nu ihc habbe þe ifunde, Of al mi care ihc am vnbu{n}de.” 544

. . . . formest speke bigon . . . d þ{a}t makedest mon . . . . nou godes sone . . . . he is ouer [c]ome . . . . habbe ifounde . . . . . am vnbounde

[Headnote: The maidens are at mornings to assist at the ‘Admiral’s’ toilet.]

Clarys hem s{er}uyd al at wylle, Boþ dernlyche and stylle. ++cLarys w{i}t{h} þe white syde Rose vp on morn{e} tyde, 836 And cleped after Blaunchefloure To wende w{i}t{h} him in to þe Toure: She seide “y am co{m}maund~”; But her answere was slepaund~. 840

Nu aiþ{er} haþ oþ{er} itold Of here soreȝe {and} care cold, Þ{a}t hi hadde ifunde bo Suþþe hi were ideld atuo. 548 Nu hi cluppeþ and cusseþ And makeþ togadere muchel blisse. If þ{er} was aȝt bute custe, Swete blau{n}cheflur hit wiste. 552 Non oþ{er} heuene hi ne bede, Bute eure swich lif to lede. Ac lo{n}ge ne miȝte hi hem wite Þ{a}t hi neren vnderȝete. 556

. . . . . oþer haueþ told . . . . . kare ful cold . . . . . me wel stronge . . . . . rt so longe . . . . . serueþ al to wille . . . . [dern]eliche {and} stille . . . . heo noȝh longe wite . . . . eren vnder ȝete

[Sidenote: Each morning two maidens went to the Admiral’s tower to comb his hair and wash his hands,--]

Þe Amyral had such a woon{e}, Þ{a}t eu{er}y day shulde com{e} [Sidenote: [108 b]] Twoo maydons of~ hur bo{ur} Vp to him in to þe Toure, 844 [No gap in MS.] W{i}t{h} water and clooth, and basyn~, For to wesshe his hondes ynne:

Vor þe Admiral hadde such a wune, Ehc moretid þer moste cume Tuo maidenes wiþ muchel hon{ur} Into þe heȝeste Tur, 560 Þ{a}t were feire {and} suþe hende, Þ{a}t on his heued for to kembe, Þ{a}t [oþer] bringe towaille {and} bacin, For to wasse his honden in. 564

[Sidenote: but especially often, Claris and Blauncheflur.]

Þat day þey s{er}uyd him feire; Anoþer day com{e} another peire; 848 But most were wonyd into þe Toure, Clarys and Blauncheflo{ur}.

Swiche him s{er}ueþ a day so faire; Amoreȝe moste anoþ{er} peire. Ac mest were iwuned in to þe tur Maide Clariz {and} blau{n}cheflur. 568

. . . . wel hire mote bi tide . . . . . amorewe tide . . . . . ed blanche flur . . . . hire in to þan to{u}r . . . . ich am cominge . . . . . was slepinge

[Headnote: Claris invents an excuse for Blauncheflur’s absence.]

[Sidenote: The next morning Claris calls Blauncheflur, but she falls asleep again.]

Clarys com{e} þenne aloon~: Þe Amyral asked a-noon~, 852 [No gap in MS.] “Where is Blauncheflo{ur} so free? Why comeþ she not heder w{i}t{h} þe?”

Clarice, ioie mote hire bitide, Aros vp in þe moreȝentide, And haþ icluped blau{n}cheflur To go wiþ hire in to þe tur. 572 Q{ua}þ blau{n}cheflur, “ihc am cominge.” Ac heo hit sede al slepinge. Clariz co{m} i{n} to þe Tur; Þe Admiral axede blau{n}cheflur. 576

. . . . . . ane wine . . . . . . . . come . . . . of herd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [Sidenote: [leaf 8, col. 2]] . . . . . . . . . . . Þe amiral askede blanche[flur]

[Sidenote: Claris invents an ingenious excuse for her.]

“Sir,” she seide anoon~ ryȝt, “She haþ wakyd al þis nyȝt, 856 And y-cryde and y-loke And y-redde on hur booke, And y-bede to god her orysou{n} Þat he geue þe his benysou{n}, 860 And þat he holde long~ þy lyf~; And now þe mayde slepeþ swyth; She slepeþ so fast, þ{a}t mayde swete, Þat she may not com ȝete.” 864

“Sire, Alniȝt heo set at hire boke, And haþ þ{er}on irad {and} loke, And þ{er}on ibede hire oresun, Þ{a}t god, þ{a}t þolede passiun, 580 Þe holde, sire, longe aliue; And nu heo is asleped suiþe, [No gap in MS.] Þ{a}t heo ne mai come to þe.”

{and} clarisse seyde anonriȝht, “Sire, he haueþ i waked al niȝht, {and} iwaked {and} iloked, {and} irad on hire boke, {and} ibede to god hire orison, Þ{a}t ȝeue þe his beniscun, {and} god þe holde longe aliue. {and} nou þat mayde slepeþ so suiþe, Heo slepeþ so faste, þ{a}t mayde suete, Þat heo ne may nouȝt come ȝete.”

[No gap in MS.] “Certes,” seide þe kyng~, “Now is she a swete þing~: Wel auȝt me ȝerne her to wyf~, Þat so preyeth for my lyf~.” 868

“Is þ{a}t soþ?” sede he. 584 Heo sede, “ȝe, sire, withute lesing.” “Heo is,” he sede, “a suete þing; Wel aȝte ihc willen hire to wif, Þ{a}t so ȝerne biddeþ mi lif.” 588

{and} þo bi spak him þe king Iwis heo is a swete þing. Wel auȝhte ich wilny habbe hire to wiue So ȝerne heo bit for mine liue.

[Headnote: The ‘Admiral’ doubts Claris’s second story.]

[Sidenote: The following morning Claris again calls Blauncheflur in vain to go with her.]

Anoþ{er} day Clarys erly Aryst; Þ{a}t Blauncheflo{ur} wełł wyst, [No gap in MS.] And seide, “y com{e} anoon~,” When Clarys her clepe bygan~, 872 And fel in a slepe newe. Sone after it made hem to rewe:

Amoreȝe, þo Clariz arist, Blau{n}cheflur heo atwist Þ{a}t he makede so longe dem{ur}e. “Aris,” heo sede, “{and} go we ifere.” 592 Q{ua}þ blau{n}cheflur, “ich come anon.” Ac floriz cleppe{n} hire bigon, And he him also vnwise And feolle aslepe one þis wise. 596

Clarisse a noþer day arist, {and} haueþ blancheflur at wist Þat heo haueþ so longe de mere, “Aris vp nou {and} g[on]e ifere.” Þer heo seyde ich come anon . . . floyres hire . . . . Abode þe children ase don wise. Vell aslepe on þisse wise On þisse wise hey . . . . . Sone þer . . . . . . . .

Clarys to þe Pyler cam~; A basyn~ of gold~ in hond she nam~, 876 And Cleped after Blaunchefloure To wende w{i}t{h} hur in to þe Toure.

Þo Clarice to þe piler com, And þe bacin of golde nom, To bere wiþ into þe Tur, Heo lokede aft{er} blau{n}cheflur. 600

Clarise to þe piler wende anon A basin of gold þer heo nom, {and} haueþ ycleped [blanchef]lur To wende . . . . . . . Heo ne . . uerede ȝe ne . . Þo wende clarisse þ{a}t heo were ago.

[Sidenote: The Admiral again inquires for Blauncheflur, and not content with Claris’s story,]

Þe Amyral asked after Blauncheflo{ur}, [No gap in MS.] “What! is she not com{e} ȝet? 880 Now she me douteþ al to lyte.”

Þo Clarice com into þe tur, He axede aft{er} blau{n}cheflur. “Sire, ihc wende hire finde here; He was arise are ihc were. 604 Nis heo noȝt icume ȝete?” Q{ua}þ he, “heo duteþ me to lite.”

Þo clarisse com in to þe tur, Þe amiral askede blanchefl[ur], {and} askede whi heo ne come, Also heo was woned to done. “Heo was arise are ich were, Ich wende hire habbe ifunde þere. What nis heo . . icome . . Wod heo . . . me to . .

[Headnote: The ‘Admiral’ finds the children in bed together.]

[Sidenote: sends his chamberlain, who finds the two children in bed together.]

Forþ he cleped his Chamburlayn~, And bade him wende w{i}t{h} his mayn~ [Sidenote: [109 a]] To wete why she wyl not com{e} 884 As she was wonyd to doon~. Þe Chamburlayn~ is forth noom~; In to Chambre he is coom~,

He clupede to hi{m} his chau{m}berlayn, And het hi{m} go wiþ alle mayn, 608 For to wite whi heo ne come To his heste suthe sone. Forþ he wende sone anon To hire chau{m}bre þ{a}t he com. 612

. . . . . . . chaumberlen . . . . . . . his . . . . . . . . . . . . . So heo was . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

And stondeþ byfore hur bedde, 888 And fyndeþ þere, nebbe to nebbe, Nebbe to nebbe, and mouþ to mouþ. To þe Amyral it was sone couþ; Vp in to þe Toure he steyȝ, 892 And told his lord al þ{a}t he seyȝ.

In hire bedde he fond tuo, Wel faste iclupt, aslepe bo, Neb to neb {and} muþ to muþ; Sone were here soreȝ{er}en cuþ. 616 [T]o þe Admiral sone he teȝ [A]nd tolde him what he iseȝ.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [Sidenote: [leaf 8, back]] . . . . . a ȝe . . . . . . his louerd wat he i aȝheþ {and} ȝet he þouhte, are he hem quelle, Wat he were hui scholden telle. {and} seþþe he þoute he{m} to deþe don.

[Sidenote: The Admiral then goes with drawn sword and finds the children.]

Þe Amyral late him his swerd bryng{e}, For wete he wolde of~ þat tydyng{e}: [No gap in MS.] He went to hem þ{er}e þey lay: 896 Ȝit was she a-slepe þ{er}e ay.

[Þe] Admiral het his suerd bringe; [Iw]ite he wolde of þus þinge. 620 [Fo]rþ he wende wiþ al his mayn, [He] {and} his chaumberlayn. [In] þe bed heo fond tueie; [Ȝit] was þe slep in here eie. 624

Þe amirayl bed his swerd him bringe W[i]te he wolde of þisse tiþinge. Vorþ he wende mid al his mayn, Þat he com þer hei boþe leie. Þe ȝet was þe slep in here eȝe.

The Amyral lete þe clothes doun~ cast A lytel by-nethe hur brest, And sone he knew anoon~ 900 Þ{a}t oon~ was woman, & þ{a}t oþ{er} groom~. He quaked for tene þere he stood; Hem to sloon~ was in his mood~; Ȝit he þouȝt, or he hem quelde, 904 What þey were, þey shuld him telle, And seth he wyl w{i}t{h} dome hem done.

[He] let Adu{n} þe cloþes caste [Bin]eþen here breste. Bi here breste he kneu anon Þ{a}t on was maide {and} þ{a}t oþ{er} a mon. 628

Þe amiral het here cloþes adou{n} caste A lutel bi neþe here breste. Þo iseih he wel anon Þon was may {and} þoþer mon. Þe amirayl quakede, for angys þe astod, Hem to quelle, hit was on his mod.

[Sidenote: They awake and cry for mercy.]

Þe Children wakyd swyth soone, And saw þe swerde ouer hem drawe; 908 Þey ben adrad, and in awȝe. Þan seide Florys to Blauncheflo{ur}, “Of~ oure lyf~ is no soco{ur}.” But þey cryde him m{er}cy swyth, 912 For to length her lyue.

Þe children awoke þo anon And seȝe þe Admiral biuore he{m} gon, Wiþ his suerd al adraȝe; Sore hi beoþ offerd {and} wel maȝe. 632 “Seie,” q{ua}þ þe Admiral, “belamy, Ho makede þe so hardy, For to come in to mi Tur And to ligge bi blau{n}cheflur?” 636 Hi crieȝ him “m{er}ci,” boþe suiþe, Þ{a}t he ȝiue hem furst of liue.

Þe children a woken vnder soon (?) And seȝen þ{a}t swerd ou{er} hem a drawe, Hij weren agr . . {and} eþe hui mawe. . . . . . . . . belami Who makede þe so hardi . . . . . . . in my tour . . . . . . . blancheflur. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . þe . . . . fore. Þo seyde floyres to blancheflur, “Of vre liue nis no socur.” Ak hei crieþ him merci so suiþe Þ{a}t he ȝaf hem furst of here liue.

Vp he bade hem sytte booth, And do on boþ her cloþ; Seþ he dide hem bynde fast, 916 And in p{r}ison~ lete hem be cast.

Vp he bad hem sitte boþe, {and} don on here beyre cloþe, {and} þo he bad hem binde faste, {and} in to one p{ri}sun he het hem cast.

[Headnote: The ‘Admiral’ summons his counsellors.]

[Sidenote: The Admiral summons his counsellors and tells them the case.]

Now haþ he after his Barons sent, To wreke him after Iugement, Now han þe Barons vndernome, 920 And to þe Amyral þey ben coom{e}.

Aft{er} his barnage he haþ isend, To awreke him wiþ iugem{en}t. 640 And let he{m} þe while binde faste, And in to p{ri}son ben icaste. His palais þ{a}t was so faire ibuld, Of Erles {and} barons hit was ifuld. 644

. . . he . . after his barenage . . . . he him . . . . . . . barenage . . . . . Þ{a}t to nan amyrayl abeþ nome . . . . . . . . . . ibuld . . . . . . . . was ifuld.

He stood vp a-mong{e} hem al, W{i}t{h} semblant wroþ w{i}t{h}alle, [Sidenote: [109 b]] And seide: “Lordynges, w{i}t{h} much hono{ur}, 924 Ȝe herde speke of Blauncheflo{ur}, Þ{a}t y bouȝt hur dere a plyȝt For seuen sithes of golde hur wyȝt; For y wende w{i}t{h}-out wene 928 Þat feire mayde to haue had to Quene.

Vp he stod among he{m} alle, Bi semblau{n}t wel wroþ wiþ alle. “Lordinges,” he sede, “wiþ muchel hon{ur}, Ȝe habbeþ iherd of blau{n}cheflur, 648 Hu ihc hire boȝte apliȝt, For seuesiþe of gold hire wiȝt. To hire was mi meste wene, For to habbe to mi quene. 652

Þe amiral stod up among he{m} alle . . . . . . wreþ mid [alle] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [Sidenote: [leaf 8, back, col. 2]] . . . . . . wiþoute w[ene] To habben hire to mi quene

[Headnote: The trial of the children.]

Among~ my maydons in my Toure I hur dide, w{i}t{h} muche honoure; Byfore her bedde my self~ y coom~; 932 I fonde þ{e}ryn a naked man. Þan were þey to me so looþ, I þouȝt to haue sleyn~ hem booþ, I was so wroþ and so wood~. 936

[No gap in MS.] Nis noȝt ȝore þ{a}t i ne com And fond hire wiþ hordom, Me to schame {and} deshonur, In hire bedde on mi Tur. 656

. . . hire bedde miself ich co[me] . . . hire ane naked grome . . . . . . . me wel loþe . . . . . . . he{m} boþe. {and} ich was so wroþ {and} wod

Ȝit y w{i}t{h}drowȝ myn~ hoot blood~ Tyl y haue sende after ȝow, by assent, To wreke me w{i}t{h} Iugement. Now ȝit ȝe woot how it is goon~, 940 Wreke me soon~ of~ my foon~.”

[No gap in MS.] Ihc habbe ȝou told hu hit is went; A wrekeþ me wiþ Jugem{en}t.”

{and} ȝet ihc wiþ drou . . . . Þ{a}t ich hadde after . . . . To wreke me þo{r}uh iugem[ent]. Nou ȝe habbeþ iherd hou it is. Awrekeþ me of mine fon.”

[Sidenote: One suggests that the children be heard before being judged.]

Þan spake a kyng~ of þat londe, “We haue herd al þis shame and shonde; But, or we hem to deth deme, 944 Lat vs hem see, ȝif it þe Queeme, What þey wolde speke or sygge, Ȝif~ þey wyl auȝt ageyn~ vs legge: Hit were nouȝt ryȝt iugement, 948 W{i}t{h}out answere make acoupement.

Þa{n}ne spak a freo burgeis, Þ{a}t was hende {and} curt[eis], 660 “Sire, are hi beo to diþe awreke, We mote ihere þe childre{n} speke. [No gap in MS.] Hit nere noȝt elles rist iugem{en}t, Biþute{n} ansuare to acupem{en}t.” 664

¶ Þo spak a king of þulk . . “Ȝe habbeþ iherd þis . . . . Ak are we he{m} to deþe . . . We schullen i heren þe . . . What huy wolleþ speke . . . {and} ȝif huy wolleþ ou . . . Hit nis no riȝht iugem[ent].” Wiþ oute onsuere . . . . .

[Headnote: The trial continued.]

[Sidenote: The king of Nubia advises that they be instantly burned.]

Til þis is herde of~ more and lasse, What myster is, to bere wytnesse?”

Þe king of Nubie sede þo, “For soþ, ne schal hit noȝt go so. Hit is riȝt þureȝ alle þing Felons inome hond habbing, 668 For to suffre Jugeme{n}t Biþute ansuere oþ{er} acupeme{n}t.”

¶ Þe king of nubie . . . . “Sire, so ne schal hit . . . . Trait{ou}r þat is nome hond . . Hit is riȝht þo{r}u alle þ . . . To beo for don oþ{er} i sch . . Wiþ outen oni here of . . . Al þis ihe . . {and} lag . . {and} bereþ him þer of w . . .

After þe Children haue þey sent,-- 952 To brenne hem was his entent;-- Two s{er}ieauntes hem gan bryng{e} Toward~ hur al wepyng{e}. Drery booþ þese children goo; 956 Ayther bemeneþ oþ{er}is woo.

Aft{er} þe children nu me sendeþ; Hem to berne fir me tendeþ. 672

After þes childeren . . . . Hem to for berne þer . . . . Twene seriauns hem forþ bringe To fonge here dom sore wepin[ge] Dreri weren þo chyldren . . Her eyþer by wepeþ oþer . .

[Sidenote: Floris reproaches himself to Blauncheflur.]

Þan seide Florys to Blauncheflo{ur}, “Of~ oure lyf~ is no soco{ur}:

Seide floriz to blau{n}cheflur, “Of vre lif nis no sucur; Ac min is þe guld {and} þe vnmeþ, Þ{a}t þu for me schalt þolie deþ. 676

¶ Þo seyde floyres to blanche[flur] Of vre liue nis no soc[ur].

Yf~ kinde of~ man it þole myȝt, 960 Twyes y shuld dye w{i}t{h} ryȝt, Oones for my self~, anoþ{er} for the, For, þy deeþ þ{o}u hast for me.” [Sidenote: [110 a]] Blauncheflo{ur} seyde þoo, 964 “Þe gylt is myn~, of oure woo.”

Ac if cu{n}de hit þolie miȝte, Ihc oȝte deie tuye wiþ riȝte. O deþ for þe, on oþ{er} for me; For þis þu þolest nu for me. 680 For if i nere i{n} to þis t{ur} icume, Wiþ mireȝþe þu miȝtest her i{n}ne wune.”

[Sidenote: He gives her the ring, telling her of its properties.]

Florys drouȝ forþ þ{a}t ryng Þat his moder him gaff at her p{ar}tyng~: “Haue þis ryng~, le{m}man myn{e}; 968 Þ{o}u shalt not dye while it is þyn{e}.” Blaunchefloure seide þoo, [No gap in MS.] “So ne shal it neu{er} goo, Þat þis ryng~ shal help me, 972 And þe deed on þe see.”

He droȝ forþ a riche ring, His moder him ȝaf at his p{ar}ting. 684 “Haue þis ring, le{m}man min, Þu ne miȝt noȝt deie þe while he is þin.” Þe ring he haueþ forþ araȝt And to blau{n}cheflur bitaȝt. 688 “Þe ring ne schal neure aredde me; For deþ ne mai ihc se on þe.”

[Sidenote: She attempts to force the ring back on him; it falls to the ground and is picked up by an earl.]

Florys þ{a}t ryng~ hur rauȝt, And she it him agayn~ betauȝt, Nouther ne wyl other deed seene; 976 Þey let it falle hem bytwene; A king~ com~ after; a ryng~ he fonde, And brouȝt it forth in his honde.

Þe ring heo wolde aȝe reche, And to floriz hi{m} biteche. 692 Ac for al þ{a}t heo miȝte do, He hi{m} nolde aȝen ifo. And þe ring bi one stunde, Fel adu{n} to þe grunde. 696 A duc stupede {and} hi{m} vp nom, And was þer of wel bliþe mon.

Þus þe Children wepyng~ com~ 980 To þe fire and hur doom~. Byfore þe folk~ þey were brouȝt; Drery was her bothes þouȝt;

Nu þes childre forþ me bri{n}geþ To here dom, al wepinge. 700

[Headnote: The ‘fairness’ of the children excites compassion.]

[Sidenote: The ‘fairness’ of the children excites compassion.]

Þ{er}e was noon~ so stern{e} man 984 Þat þe Children loked oon~, Þ{a}t þey ne wolde, al wel fawe, Her iugement haue w{i}t{h}drawe, And w{i}t{h} grete Catel hem bygge, 988 Ȝif~ þey durst speke or sygge; For Flores was so feire a ȝonglyng~, And Blaunchefloure so swete a þing~, Þ{er} wyst no man whor hem were woo, 992 For no semblaunt þ{a}t þey made þoo.

Ac þ{er} nas no{n} so st{ur}ne mon, Þ{a}t he{m} lokede vpon, Þ{a}t nolde þo suþe saȝe Þ{a}t iugem{en}t were wiþdraȝe. 704 [No gap in MS.] For floriz was so fair ȝongling, And blau{n}cheflur so suete þing, Of me{n} {and} wi{m}me{n} þ{a}t buþ nuþe, Þ{a}t goþ {and} seoþ {and} spekeþ wiþ muþe, 708 Ne buþ so faire in here gladnesse, So hi were in here sorinesse.

[Sidenote: But the Admiral is very wroth.]

Þe Admyral was so wood~, Ne myȝt he nouȝt kele his hoot blood~; He bade þe Children fast be bound~, 996 And in to þe fire slong~.

Ac þe admiral was so wroþ {and} wod, He q{ua}kede for g{ra}me þ{er} he stod. 712 And het he{m} binde wel faste And i{n} to þe fire caste.

[Sidenote: The earl with the ring steps forward and speaks in behalf of the children.]

Þat ilk{e} king~ þ{a}t þe ryng~ fond~, To Amyral he spake and round~, And wolde hem saue to þe lyf~, 1000 And told~ how for þe ryng~ þey gon~ stryf~. Þe Amyral lete hem ageyn~ clepe, For he wolde here hem speke, [Sidenote: [110 b]] And asked Florys what he heete: 1004 And he tolde him ful skeete:

Þe duc þ{a}t þe ring fu{n}de, Com to þe Admiral {and} runde, 716 And al to gad{er}e he gan him schewe; Of þ{a}t þe children were biknewe. Þe Admiral let he{m} aȝe{n} clepe, For he wolde wiþ floriz speke. 720

[Headnote: The ‘Admiral’ is touched with pity.]

[Sidenote: Floris asks clemency for the maiden, and the maiden prays for him.]

“Sir,” he seide, “yf~ it were þy wylle, Þ{o}u ne getest not þ{a}t maide to spylle; But, good sir, quel þ{o}u me, 1008 And lete þ{a}t maide on lyue be.” [No gap in MS.] Blauncheflo{ur} seide byne, “Þe gilt of~ oure dedes is moyne.”

“++Sire,” q{ua}þ floriz, “forsoþ ihc telle, Þu noȝtest noȝt þ{a}t maide quelle. Of al þis gilt ihc am to wite; Ihc oȝte deie {and} he go quite.” 724 Q{ua}þ blau{n}cheflur, “aquel þu me, And let floriz aliue be. Ȝef hit n{er}e for mi luue, He n{er}e noȝt fram his londe icome.” 728

Þe Admyral seide þoo 1012 “I-wys ȝe shul dye boo.” His swerd he breide out of his sheeth, Þe Children to haue don{e} to deeth. Blaunchefloure put forþ hur swire, 1016 And Florys dide her agayn~ to tyre, And seide, “I am man; I shal byfore, W{i}t{h} wrong hast þ{o}u þy lyf loore.” Florys forth his swerd putte, 1020 And Blauncheflo{ur} agayn~ him tytte.

Q{ua}þ þe Admiral, “so ihc mote go, Ȝe schulle deie togadere bo. Miself ihc wulle me awreke; Ne schulle ȝe neure go ne speke.” 732 Floriz forþ his nekke bed, And blau{n}cheflur wiþd{ra}ȝe hi{m} ȝet. Blau{n}cheflur bid forþ hire suere, And floriz aȝen hire gan tire. 736 Neiþ{er} ne miȝte þ{er}e þole Þ{a}t oþ{er} deide bifore.

[Sidenote: The Admiral is at length touched with pity.]

Þe king~ seide, “dredry mot ȝe be, Þis rouþ by þis Children to see.” Þe king~ þat þe ryng~ hadde, 1024 For routh of~ hem sone he radde, And at þe Amyral wyl he spede, Þe Children fro þe deþ to lede.

Þo þe Admiral, þeȝ he wroþ were, Þ{er} he chau{n}gede his chere. 740 For he seȝ þ{a}t eyþ{er} wolde for oþ{er} deie, And for he seȝ mani wepinde eie, And for he luuede so muche þ{a}t mai, Al wepinge he t{ur}nde away. 744 His swerd fel of his hond to gru{n}de; Ne miȝte he hit holde þulke stu{n}de.

[Sidenote: The earl with the ring speaks for the children.]

“Sir,” he seide, “it is lytel prys, 1028 Þese Children for to slee y-wys; And it is wel more worship, Florys counsel þ{a}t ȝe weete, Who him tauȝt þ{a}t ilke gynne, 1032 Þy toure for to com{e} ynne, And who him brouȝt þare, And other, þ{a}t ȝe may be ware.”

Þe duc þ{a}t here ring hadde, For he{m} to speke wille he hadde. 748 “++Sire Admiral,” he sede, “iwis Hit is þe wel litel pris Þis feire childre{n} for to quelle. Ac bet{er}e hit is þ{a}t hi þe telle 752 Hu he com in to þi tur, To ligge þ{er} bi blau{n}cheflur. His engin whan þu hit wite, Þe bet{er}e wiþ oþ{er}e þu miȝt þe wite.” 756

Þan seide þe Amyral, “as god me saue, 1036 Florys shal his lyf~ haue, Ȝif~ he me telle who him tauȝt þ{er}to, Of Florys, þat shal y neuer doo.”

Alle þ{a}t herde wordes his, Bisecheþ þ{a}t he g{ra}nti þis. He het hi{m} telle his engin, Hu he to blau{n}cheflur co{m} in, 760 And to hi{m} radde {and} help þarto.

[Headnote: Floris tells his story.]

[Sidenote: Floris refuses to tell how he gained entry to the tower until pardon has been promised the porter.]

Now þey bydden al y-wys 1040 Þ{a}t þe Admyral g{ra}unted þis, To forȝeue þ{a}t trespas Ȝif~ Florys told how it was.

“Þ{a}t,” q{ua}þ he, “nelle ihc neure do, For þing þ{a}t me mai me do, Bute hit he{m} beo forȝiue also.” 764 Alle þoþ{er}e bisecheþ þis, And of þe Admiral ig{ra}nted is.

[Sidenote: He then tells his story.]

[Sidenote: [111 a]] Now eu{er}y word~ he haþ him tolde, 1044 How þ{a}t maide was for him solde, And how he was of~ spayn~ a kynges sone, For grete loue þeder y-com{e}, For to fonde, w{i}t{h} sum gynne, 1048 Þat feire maide for to wynne, And how þe porter was his man by-com{e}, For his gold and for his warysoun~, And how he was in þe Florys born{e}. 1052 Alle þe lordinges lowȝ þ{er}forn{e}:

Nu ord {and} ende he haþ he{m} itold, Hu bla[un]cheflur was fram him isold, 768 And hu he was of spaygne a kinges sone, For hire luue þuder icume, To fo{n}den wiþ sume gīnne, Hu he miȝte hure awi{n}ne, 772 And hu þureȝ þe cupe {and} þureȝ þe g{er}sume, Þe port{er} was his man bicume, And hu he was in a cupe ibore; Alle þes oþ{er}e lowe þ{er}uore. 776

[Headnote: Scene of reconciliation.]

[Sidenote: The Admiral lifts them up, dubs Floris knight, and causes them to be married in church with a ring.]

Now þe Admyral wol him tyde; Florys setteþ next his syde, And efte he made him stonde vpryȝt, 1056 And dubbed him þere knyȝt, And bade he shulde w{i}t{h} him be, Þe furthermost of his meyne.

++Þe Admiral þo, wel hi{m} bitide, Þ{a}t Child he sette bi his side, And haþ forȝiue his wraþþe bo, Floriz {and} blau{n}cheflur also. 780 And sede wiþ him hi scholde be, Þe beste of al his maine.

Florys falleþ doun~ to his feet, 1060 And p{ra}yeþ geue him his sweet. Þe Amyral gaf~ him his le{m}man~: Al þ{a}t þ{er}e were, þankyd him þanne. To a Chirche he let hem bryng{e}, 1064 And dede let wed hem w{i}t{h} a ryng{e}. Boþ þese twoo swete þinges y-wys Fel his feet for to kysse;

And floriz he makeþ stonde vpriȝt, And þ{er} he dubbede him to kniȝt. 784 Nu boþe togadere þes childre for blisse Falleþ to his fet hem to kisse. He let he{m} to one Chirche bringe, And spusen he{m} wiþ one gold ringe. 788

[Sidenote: The Admiral takes Claris to be his queen.]

And þrouȝ consel of Blauncheflo{ur}, 1068 Clarys was fet doun~ of þe Toure, And Amyral wedded hur to queene. Þ{er}e was fest swythe breeme; I can not telle al þe sonde, 1072 But rycher fest was neu{er} in londe.

Þureȝ þe red of blau{n}cheflur, Me fette Clariz adun of þe Tur. Þe Admiral hire nam to quene. Þilke feste was wel breme, 792 For þ{er} was alle ku{n}nes gleo, Þ{a}t miȝte at eni briddale beo.

[Sidenote: Messengers come to Floris announcing his father’s death.]

Was it nouȝt longe after þan~, Þat to Florys tydyng~ cam~, Þ{a}t þe king~ his Fader was deed~. 1076

Hit nas þ{er} aft{er} noþing longe Þ{a}t þ{er} co{m} floriz writ {and} sonde, 796 Þ{a}t þe king his fader was ded,

[Sidenote: The Admiral tries in vain to induce him to remain.]

Þe Baronage gaf~ him reed Þat he shuld wende hoom~, And fonge his feire kyngdoom~. At þe Amyral þey toke leue, 1080 And he byddeþ þem byleue.

And þ{a}t he scholde nime{n} his red. Þa{n}ne seide þe Admiral, “If þu dost bi mi consail, 800 Bilef wiþ me; ne wend naȝt hom, Ihc wulle ȝeue þe a kinedom Also long {and} also brod, Also eure ȝet þi fader ibod.” 804

[Sidenote: Floris makes rich presents in parting,]

Hom{e} he went w{i}t{h} royal array, And was crownyd w{i}t{h}-in a short day.

(Follows. The batełł of Troye, sithe þ{a}t god þis world~ wrouȝt~ Heuen and erthe made of~ nouȝt~ leaves 111-134. Then Amys and Amylion, leaves 134-147. MS. ends with one leaf of Sir Eglamour.)

Ac floriz nolde for no wi{n}ne; Leu{er}e hi{m} were wiþ his ki{n}ne. Þe Admiral he bid god day, And þo{n}kede Clariz þ{a}t faire may, 808 And to hire he haþ iȝolde Twenti pond of ride golde. And to Daris þ{a}t hi{m} so taȝte, Twenti pund he araȝte. 812 And alle þ{a}t for him dude{n} eidel, He ȝeld here while suþe wel.

[Headnote: Floris and Blauncheflur depart for their native land.]

[Sidenote: and comes home, where he and Blauncheflur reign as king and queen.]

He bitaȝte he{m} alle godalmiȝte And com hom whane he miȝte. 816 He was king wiþ Muchel hon{ur}, And heo his quene blau{n}cheflur. Nu ȝe habbeþ iherd þane ende Of floriz {and} his le{m}man hende, 820 Hu aft{er} bale comeþ bote; God leue þ{a}t vs so mote, Þ{a}t we him mote louie so, Þ{a}t we mote to heuene go.   AMEN. 824



++MErie tale telle ihc þis day Of sei{n}te Marye þ{a}t swete may. Al is þe tale {and} þis lescoun Of hire swete asso{m}pcioun, 4 Hu heo was fram erþe ynome In to blisse wiþ hire sone. Þe kyng of heuene hem blessi Þ{a}t þis listneþ {and} wel herkni. 8 Alle moten hi iblessed beo, Þat vnderstonde wel þis gleo.


Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 10,036, lf. 62.

++IN honorance of ih{es}u cryst Sitteþ stille {and} haueþ lyst; And ȝif ȝe wille to me here, Off oure ladi ȝe mai lere, 4 Floure of heuene, ladi {and} quene, As sche auȝt wel to bene, To wham au{n}geles dou{n} here myȝt To serue hure boþe day {and} nyȝt. 8 P{ar} auent{ur}e ȝe haue noȝt iherde How oure ladi went out of þ{i}s werde: Sitteþ stille {and} herkeneþ to me; Now ih{es}u cryst oure helpe be! 12

¶ Whan ih{es}u c{ri}st was don on rode, {And} þolede deþ for vre gode, 12 He clepede to hym sei{n}t Iohan Þ{a}t was his oȝe qenes man, {And} his oȝene moder also; Ne clepede he hym fere{n} no mo. 16

¶ Whan ih{es}u c{ri}st was dou{n} on þe rode And þolede deþ for oure goode, He callide to hym seynt Iohan, That was his fleschli kynnes man. 16 His moder swete he dide also; He callid no men mo him to.

And sede, “wif, lo her þi child, Þ{a}t on þe rode is ispild. [No gap in MS.] Nu ihc am ho{n}ged on þis tre, Wel sore ihc wot hit reweþ þe. 20 Mine fet {and} honden of blod [buþ red]; Biþute gult ih[c] þolie þis ded.

And seide, “wo{m}man, lo here þi sone, And, man, take hure to mod{er} i{n} good wone. 20 And þenkeþ on my sorwe nowe How I hange here abowe, How I hange apon{e} a tre, Ful sore, I wote, hit reweþ þee. 24 [Sidenote: [leaf 62, back]] Myn feet, myn hondes, of blode ben rede; With owte gilt I þole dede.

Mine men þ{a}t aȝte me to loue, For whan ihc co{m} fram heuene abuue, 24 Me haueþ idon þis ilke schame, Ihc naue no gult; hi buþ to blame. To mi fader ihc bidde mi bone Þ{a}t he forȝiue hit hem welsone.” 28

But þei haue wille to louen me For wham I hange on þis tree. 28 The Iewis me deden mychel schame; Ther of hadde I neu{er} blame.”

[Headnote: Jesus entrusts Mary to John.]

¶ Marie stod {and} sore weop; Þe t{er}res feolle to hire fet. No wu{n}der nas þeȝ heo wepe sore; Of soreȝe ne miȝte heo wite nomore, 32 Whe{n}ne he þ{a}t of hire nam blod {and} fless, Also his suete wille was, He{n}g Inayled on þe treo.

++MArie his moder sore dide wepe; The teeres fellen at hure fete. 32 Nas no wondre þouȝ sche wepe sore; Of sorwe wist sche neu{er} more. When he þat of hure flesche nam, For his holi swete nam, 36 Honge þ{er} nailed to a tre,

“Alas, my sone,” seide heo, 36 “Hu may ihc liue? hu may þis beo? Hu mai ihc al þis soreȝe iseo? Ne cuþe ihc neure of soreȝe noȝt; Mi leue sone, wat hastu þoȝt? 40 Hou schal ihc lyue biþute þe? Leue sone, what seistu me?”

“Alas, my sone,” þo saide sche, “How mai I lyue? how mai I bene? How mai I þis sorwe ysene? 40 Neu{er} ere wist I of sorwe nouȝt; Leue sone, what hauest þou þouȝt? How schal I leue w{i}t{h} oute þee? Leue sone, what saist þou to me?” 44

¶ Þo spac ih{es}u wordes gode, Þ{er} he heng vpon þe rode, 44 {And} sede to his moder dere, “Ihc schal þe teche a trewe ifere, Þ{a}t trewliche schal loky þe, Þe while þ{a}t þu in erþe be.” 48

Ih{es}u spak þo wordes goode, As he henge on þe rode, And seide to his moder dere, “I schal þee take a trewe fere, 48 [Sidenote: [leaf 63]] That trewly schal kepen þee, While in erþe þou schalt be.”

¶ Þo seide vre lord to sei{n}t Iohan, “For my loue qep me þis wymman. Ȝem hire wel wiþ al þi miȝte Þ{a}t noman do hure non vnriȝte.” 52

Than seide Ih{es}u to seynt Iohan, “For my loue kepe wel þis wo{m}man. 52 Kepe hure wel w{i}t{h} al þi myȝt, That no man do hure vnryȝt.” ¶ Þan nam þe apostel, seynt Iohan, On his kepynge þis wo{m}man. 56 He kept hure wel w{i}t{h} al his myȝt, That no man do hure none vnryȝt.[A-1]

[Footnote A-1: MS. viryȝt]

In to þe te{m}ple mid hire he nam, {And} also sone so he þar cam, Amo{n}g þe lefdis in þe stede, God to s{er}ui he hire dude. 56

To þe temple he hure nam, And also sone as he þer cam, 60 God to serue he hure dede, Amonge þe nu{n}nes in þat stede.

Þ{er} bilefte heo al hure lif; Ne louede he noþ{er} fiȝt ne st{ri}f, Þeo þ{a}t in þe temple were, Ne miȝte noȝt hire forbere. 60 Wiþ al hure miȝte þe while heo was þore, Heo s{er}uede boþe lasse {and} more; Poure {and} sike he dude god, {And} seruede he{m} to hond {and} fot. 64

Ther sche bileft al hure lyfe, Ne loued sche noþ{er} fiȝt ne stryf. 64 ¶ The ladies þat þ{er} Inne weren, Ful wel þei ne myȝt hure forberen, For eu{er} þe while sche was þore, Sche wolde serue las {and} more. 68 Seke {and} hole sche dide gode And seruede hem to hande {and} fote.

Poure {and} hu{n}grie wel faire he fedde, {And} sike heo broȝte in here bedde. Nas þ{er} non so hol ne fer, Þ{a}t to hire nadde mester. 68 Hi louede hure alle wiþ here miȝte, For heo seruede he{m} wel riȝte.

Naked {and} hungry sche cloþed {and} fedde; Colde {and} seke sche brouȝt to bedde. 72 [Sidenote: [leaf 63, back]] Ne was þ{er} noþ{er} seke ne fere, That þei nadde to hure mystere. Thei louede hure wel w{i}t{h} al here myȝt; Sche it serued {and} þat was ryȝt. 76

He wakede more þane slep; Hire sone to s{er}ui was al hire kep. 72 To him heo clupede wiþ Murie steuene, {And} hire he sente an au{n}gel fram heu{e}ne, Te gladie hire him self he cam, Crist þ{a}t fless of hire nam. 76

Sche woke more þan sche slepe; Hure sone to serue was al hure kepe, To hym sche callid w{i}t{h} rewful steuene, And he hure sent an angel fro heuene, 80 To glade hure, hym self he cam, That of hure bodi flesche nam.

[Headnote: Christ sends to Mary an angel messenger.]

¶ Sei{n}t Ion hire kepte {and} was hire dere; He was hire eure a trewe fere. Nolde he neure fram hire gon; Al þ{a}t heo wolde he dude anon. 80 Þe whiles hi were in þ{a}t stede, Al þ{a}t heo wolde he hit dede. Whane heo hadde beo þ{er} longe, Ten wynt{er}e he{m} amonge, 84 Hire sone wolde heo come hym to, Whane he hit wolde, hit was ido.

Seynt Io{ha}n hure kep{er} was hure dere, And to hure was a trewe fere. 84 Ne wolde he neu{er} fro hure gone; Al þat sche wolde he wolde done. While sche was in þat stede, Al þat sche wolde he hure dede. 88 When sche hadde þ{er} longe ben, That faire ladi, heuene quen, Than wolde hure sone sche com hi{m} to. When he wolde, hit was do. 92

¶ He sente hire on Au{n}gel of heuene, {And} grette hire wiþ murie steuene. 88 In þe temple he bad hire bede; Þ{er} liȝte þe au{n}gel i{n} þ{a}t stede, {And} sede, “lefdi ful of grace,

He sent to hure an angel of heuene, That gret hure w{i}t{h} myry steuene, Ther sche was {and} bad hure bede, Lyȝth an angel in þat stede, 96 [Sidenote: [leaf 64]] And seide, “ladi, ful of g{ra}ce,

[Headnote: The angel announces that Mary will be summoned to heaven.]

“Wel þe beo in eche place. 92 Ne beo noȝt of drad þeȝ ihc beo her; Ihc am þi sones Messager. Fram hym to þe ihc am icome Þe grette wel þi dere sone. 96 Flur of erþe, of heuene quen, Iblessed mote þu eure ben.

“Blessed be þou in eche place. Be nouȝt adrad þouȝ I be here; I am þi sones messagere. 100 Fro hym I am to þee come; He gret þee wel, þi dere sone. Floure of erþe, heuene quene, Blessed mote þ{o}u euer bene. 104

Wel beo þe time þ{a}t þu were ibore, For al þis wordle were forlore; 100 Ef þu nere {and} þ{a}t frut of þe, Marie lefdi, wel þe be. Lefdi, best of alle þinge, Wel bliþe bode ihc þe bringe, 104 Nym þis palm wiþ þi riȝt honde; Hit is þi dere sones sonde.

Wel be þat tyme þat þ{o}u was born, For al þis worlde hit was forlorn, Ȝif þou ne were {and} þe fruyt of þee; Marie, ladi, wel þee be. 108 Ladi, best of al þinge, Bliþe tiþynges I þee brynge, Thou take þis palme þ{a}t I brynge þee; Thi dere sone haþ sent it þee. 112

He þinkeþ lo{n}g hym to se; Ne schaltu her no leng{er} beo. 108 He wile senden aft{er} þe, Fram heuene adun of his meigne, {And} fecche þe in to his blisse, Þ{a}t eure schal leste wiþute misse. 112 Þer he is kyng þu schalt beo quen; Al heuene for þe schal bliþe beon.”

The þynkeþ longe hi{m} to see; Ther fore most I no lengere be, He schal sende after þee Of heuene ferde moche plente, 116 And brynge þee in to his blisse, That euer was {and} now is. Þer he is kyng, þou schalt be quene; Al heuen ryche bliþe schal bene. 120 [Sidenote: [leaf 64, back]] And alle him þenkeþ swiþe longe Til þou comest hem amonge.”

¶ Þa{n}ne ansuaredi vre lefdi, To þe au{n}gel þat stod hire by, 116 “Artu Mi sones Messager, Þ{a}t bringest me þis greting her? Haþ he set me any day Aȝenes þ{a}t ihc me greþi may, 120 {And} nyme lyue of mine kenesmen, {And} myne frend þ{a}t wiþ me beon, {And} of him þ{a}t haþ me cloþed {and} fed, {And} don also my sone hym bed?” 124

Than answerede oure ladi, And seide to þe angel, “belamy, 124 Art þou my sones massagere, That bryngest me þis bodes here? Haueþ he me sette any day, Aȝens when I me greithe may, 128 W{i}t{h} my frendes {and} my kynnes men, And w{i}t{h} hem þat I in erþe haue ben, And hem þ{a}t I haue fedde {and} clad, And don al þat my sone hem bad?” 132

¶ Þo sede þe aungel, “ihc telle þe; Þu ne schalt beo her bute daȝes þre. Þe þridde day we schulle come, Au{n}gles f{ra}m heuene aboue, 128 “And fette þe wiþ m{ur}ye song; For aft{er} þe us þinket long.”

Tho seide þe angel, “I sei þee; Thou schalt be here but daies þre. The þridde dai we schal come, Alle ix. ordres fram heuen a boue, 136 “And fecche þee with myry songe; For after þee vs þinketh longe.”

¶ Þanne ansuarede vre lefdy, “What is þi name, belamy?” 132 He sede, “my name ne telle ihc þe noȝt; Bute nym þis palm þ{a}t ihc habbe þe broȝt {And} kep hit wel ihc bidde þe; Ne let hit neure f{ra}m þe be. 136

To þat aungel seide oure ladi, “What is þi name, þat standeþ me bi?” 140 “My name seie I þee nouȝt; But take þis palme þ{a}t I haue brouȝt. Kepe it wel, I bidde þee, Ne lete it neu{er} be fro þee. 144

I ne dar no le{n}g dwelle her, For ihc was sent as Messager. To þe apostles ihc schal gon, {And} bidde he{m} alle, eurech on, 140 Þ{a}t hi beon her þe þridde day; No leng abiden I ne may.”

[Sidenote: [leaf 65]] Ne mai I no lengere abide here, For I am sent a massagere. I schal to þe apostles sone anone, And seie to hem sundry, on {and} one, 148 That þei ben here þe þridde dai; No leng{er}e abide I ne mai.”

[Headnote: Mary attires herself, then prays to her Son.]

¶ Þo he hadde ydon, to heuene he steȝ; Marie abod {and} was wel sleȝ, 144 {And} na{m} þ{a}t palm þ{a}t hire was broȝt, {And} of þ{a}t bode heo hadde gret þoȝt, In to hire Chau{m}bre stille he nam; {And} so sone so heo þar cam, 148 He dude of al hire hat{er}e, {And} wessch hire body wyþ clene wat{er}e, Þo heo hauede so idon, Al y newe schrud heo dude hire on. 152

When he had iseide, to heuene he steie; And marie þ{er} bi-left he. 152 [No gap in MS.] Vn-til hure chambre sone sche nam; And also sone as sche þider cam, Sche dide of hure cloþes alle, And wasche hure w{i}t{h} wat{er} of wille. 156 So sone as sche hadde dou{n}, Newe cloþes sche dide hure apou{n}.

Þo heo was schurd {and} faire iclad, To ih{es}u c{ri}st abone heo bad, {And} sede, “sone, ihc þonky þe Þ{a}t þu hauest iþoȝt of me. 156 Sone, þu ert of heuene kyng, Ihc bidde þe þi blessing; Sone, for þin holy name, Schild me fram pine {and} fram schame, 160 Þ{a}t þe deuel ne habbe no myȝt;

When sche was faire schred {and} clad, To ih{es}u cryst aboue sche bad, 160 And seide, “sone, I þanke þee, That þou hast yþouȝt on me, My sone, þat is heuene kynge, I p{ra}ie þee of þi blessing. 164 Sone, for þyn hye name, Schelde my bodi fro payne {and} schame, That þe deuel haue no myȝt;

To derie me hit were vnriȝt. Sone, help me nu ihc haue ned, Þat ine haue of þe feond no dred, 164 For wiþ þe giles þ{a}t he can, He bit{ra}ieþ many man.

To reyue þee hit were no ryȝt. 168 [Sidenote: [leaf 65, back]] Kepe me, sone; now is nede That I ne haue of þe deuel no drede. For with þe wiles þat he can, He bigileþ many a man. 172

[Headnote: She announces her departure to her friends.]

“Leue sone, ne ȝef him noȝt, Þ{a}t þu hauest so dere iboȝt. 168 Sune, þu art ful of pite; For senful manne bid ihc þe, Þ{a}t þu for þin holy g{ra}ce, ȝef he{m} boþe wille {and} space, 172

“Leue sone, ȝeue hym nouȝt Man kynde þat þou hast bouȝt. Mi sone, þat art ful of pite, For man kynne I p{ra}ie þee, 176 That þou, for þi holi g{ra}ce, Ȝeue hem boþe myȝt {and} space,

Hem to am{en}dy er hy beo ded, Þ{a}t þe deuel he{m} do no qued. Þenk, sone, þ{a}t þu hast hem wroȝt, {And} þ{a}t þu hauest hem dere iboȝt. 176 For he{m} þu þoledest pine {and} wo; Wite he{m} wel f{ra}m here fo.”

Hem to amende or þei ben dede, That þei haue of þe deuel no drede. 180 Thynke, leue sone, þ{o}u hast he{m} wrouȝt, And dere þat þou hast hem bouȝt.”

¶ Þo heo hadde bisoȝt so, Hire frend he clupede hire to, 180 Boþe sibbe {and} fremde Men, Wiþ reuful speche heo spak wiþ he{m}, And sede, “leue frend, my sone Nele no leng þ{a}t ihc her wone; 184 He wile ihc wende {and} mid him be.

When sche hadde p{ra}ied so, Hure frendes sche callid hure to, 184 [No gap in MS.] Hure sibbe {and} hure kynnes men. W{i}t{h} reuful steuene sche spak to he{m}, An seide, “leue frendes, my sone Wol no leng{er} þat I here wone. 188 He wol þat I with hi{m} be;

And bidde ihc ȝou p{ar} charite, Ȝef ihc habbe eny þing mis wroȝt, Telleȝ hit me, ne heleþ hit noȝt. 188 Ihc wulle ame{n}de, {and} þ{a}t is riȝt Þ{a}t my saule ne beo idriȝt.

Where fore I p{ra}ie ȝow p{ar} charite, Ȝif I any þinge haue mys wrouȝt, Seieþ me now; for-hele ȝe nouȝt. 192 [Sidenote: [leaf 66]] I it wole amende with my myȝt, That my soule haue no vnplyȝt,

Þat god ȝe habbeþ me ydon, Mi sone þ{a}t was in rode ydon, 192 Man to bigge fram þe ded, Ȝelde hit ȝou at ower ned, {And} bringe ȝou in to þat blis Þ{a}t eure ilest þar my sone is.” 196

The good þat ȝe haue dou{n} me, My sone þat was doun on þe tree, 196 Man to bigge fro þe quede, He ȝelde it ȝow at ȝoure nede, And brynge ȝow in to his blis, Ther I schal be {and} my sone is.” 200

¶ Alle þ{a}t stoden hire by, Of þ{a}t tiþinge were sory, {And} sede, “lefdi, hu mai hit be? Hu schulle we liue wiþ oute{n} þe? 200 [No gap in MS.] Lefdi dere, what hastu þoȝt? Reu of vs; ne wend þou noȝt. “In soreȝe {and} in Muche wo Schulle we lyue beo þu vs fro.” 204

++Alle þat weren hure bi, Off suche tiþinges weren sori, And saide, “lady, how mai þis be? How schulle we lyuen w{i}t{h} oute þee? 204 Ladi, þou hast vs serued so; Alas, how schulle we p{ar}te a two? Swete ladi, what is þi þouȝt? Rewe on vs; departe vs nouȝt. 208 “In moche sorwe {and} in myche wo Schulle we lyue, be þou a go.”

[Headnote: John comes and inquires the cause of her grief.]

¶ Þanne spak vre lefdy To hem þ{a}t were hire by, “Leteȝ beon; ower wepinge ne helpeþ noȝt; Habbeþ ioye in ower þoȝt. 208 Þe while ihc am her, wakeþ wiþ me; Hit doþ me god þ{a}t ihc ȝou se.

Þan answerede oure ladi To þat folke þat stode hure bi, 212 “Lateþ be ȝo{ur} greding~ hit helpeþ noȝt; And haueþ blis in ȝoure þouȝt. Whiles I am here, wakeþ w{i}t{h} me; Hit doþ me good þat I ȝow se. 216

Nabbeþ no drede ac witeþ hit wel; Of pine ne schal ihc þole no del. 212 Ne schal no soreȝ come me to, For my sone hit wule so, Mi body ne schal no pine þole, For he was þ{er} of ibore, 216 He þolede pine him self for me, Þo he deide vpon þe tre.

[Sidenote: [leaf 66, back]] Haueþ no drede in wel; Of peyne schal I þole no del. [No gap in MS.] Mi bodi mai no peyne þolen, For he was þ{er} of y-boren. 220 He þoled deþ him self for me; He honged nailed on þe tree.

He þ{a}t is almiȝtful kyng, Schal me sende of his geng. 220 Ioh{a}n {and} þe apostles, whei hy be, Alle hi schulle come to me.”

Mi sone þat is kyng~ of heuene, Schal me sende worde wel euene; 224 Ioh{a}n {and} þe apostles, where so þei bene, Schulle alle come for to sene.”

Þe while he spac þus to þis men, Of al þ{a}t þing nuste noȝt Ion. 224 He com to speke wiþ vre lefdi, {And} hym þuste heo was sori,

As sche so spak to þe mon, Off al þat wist nouȝt seynt Ion. 228 He come to speke w{i}t{h} oure ladi; Ferli him þouȝt þat sche was sory,

And sede, “lefdy, what is þe? For my s{er}uise tel hit me. 228 Lefdi, what is þe ised? Me were leffre to beo ded, Þane iseo þe make such chere. What is þe, my lefdi dere? 232 [No gap in MS.] Ne schal ihc neure habbe blis, Fort þ{a}t ihc wite what þe is.”

And seide, “ladi, what is þee? What is þis folk þat I here se? 232 Seie me, ladi, what is þee?” he sede; “For me were leu{er} þat I were dede, Than I þee se suche semblau{n}t make, “For schal I neu{er} suche a ladi take. 236 Hastou ouȝt herde þat I ne can, Off me or of any oþ{er} man? Schal I neu{er} haue blis Til I wite, ladi, what þee is.” 240

[Headnote: Mary consoles John.]

Vre lefdi wep {and} Ioh{a}n also; Trewe loue was bituex he{m} tuo. 236 “Lefdi,” he sede, “what is þe? For my loue, tel hit me.” Marie ansuerde wiþ Milde steu[ene], “A sonde Me ca{m} while er fram h[euene], 240

The MS. ends here. Continued from Harl. MS. 2382.

[Sidenote: [leaf 67]] Oure ladi wept and Ioh{a}n also, For trewe loue was bitwene he{m} two. Ioh{a}n seide, “ladi, what is þee? For þi sones loue, seie þou me.” 244 Marie answerde w{i}t{h} rewful steuene, And seide, “me cam bode fram heuene,

Harl. MS. 2382, lf. 78, bk.

fro my sone a messynger; he wołł no leng{er} that y be here. but y wote that rueth me, that y shałł dep{ar}te fro the; 244 for thi loue and thi s{er}uice that thu me dost in al wise. thu hast made me ofte glad; thu has don{e} as my sone bad. 248 my sone shal it yelde to the; y wol hym p{ra}y when y hym se.”

Fro my sone a massagere; He wol no lengere þat I be here, 248 Wite þou wel hit rewiþ me That I schal, Ioh{a}n, p{ar}te fram þee. For þi loue {and} þi seruyce That þou hast dou{n} on eche wise, 252 Thou hast me boþe fed {and} clad, And doun also my sone þee bad. My sone schal it wel ȝelde þee; I schal him telle when I him se.” 256

[Sidenote: Ioh{ann}es] Tho answerd to her{e} seynt Ioh{a}n, and was a fułł sory man~, 252 “A, lady Marie, what shal y be when y shałł the no leng{er} se? my ioye thu art eu{er}y dełł; no leng{er} in erthe worth y wełł, 256 now we shul dep{ar}te a two.”

Than answerde seynt Iohan, That was a ful sori man, And seide, “ladi, how mai þis be That I schal þee no more se? 260 Mi ioie, my blis, is do{u}n eche del; Ne schal me neu{er} worþen wel, Sithen we ben p{ar}ted atwo.”

[Sidenote: Maria] Then seid Marie, “whi seist þ{o}u so? for sothe, thogh y go be-fore, yet shal thu not be for-lore. 260 y shall p{ra}y my lef sone, that thu may vnto vs come. And o thyng, Ioh{an}, y bidde the, [Sidenote: [leaf 79]] for the loue thu hast to me, 264

Þo seide our ladi, “why saistou so? 264 [Sidenote: [leaf 67, back]] Wite þou wel, I go be-forn; Thi seruyse schal noȝt be forlorn; I schal to my sone seie of þee That þou with hym {and} me schal be. 268 But herestou now, my frende Io{ha}n, When þou sest þat I am gon,

[Sidenote: no{t}a hic v{er}b{is} Marie] loke anon{e} when y am nome, that the fals Iewys ne come my body for to don{e} shame, for thei haten moche my name. 268 thei wole feyn shame me, that honged my sone on þ{e} rode tre. y wote wełł thei loue me noght; ther-for thei ben{e} mysthought. 272

Kepe my bodi þat I ne be binomen, When þe fellon Iewes comen, 272 Mi bodi forto doun no schame, For þei hate no þing~ more þan my name. Mi sone þei hongen on a tre; Wel I wote so wolde þei me. 276 I wote wel þei louen me nouȝt; But þ{er} of be þi most þouȝt.

when y am be-nome fro the, to my body they do no foly. Ih{es}u Crist our{e} aller{e} dright, gef ham neu{er} that ilke myght.” 276

When I am p{ar}ted, Ioh{a}n, fram þee, That þei do my bodi none euelte. 280 My sone, þat woneþ i{n} heuene liȝt, Lete hem neu{er} þ{er} to haue myȝt.”

[Headnote: The apostles arrive from distant regions.]

[Sidenote: Ioh{ann}es] seynt Ioh{an} answerd tho, “sey me, lady, if it is so, that we shall dep{ar}te atwo. “swete lady, how shałł y do? 280 sey me þe tyme when it shal be, that thu shalt to heuene te.”

“Ladi, sithen hit is so, That we schal dep{ar}te a two, 284 Seie me how long hit is to þan.”

[Sidenote: Maria] she seid, “Ioh{a}n, that þ{o}u shałł se; ne bide y here but dayes thre.” 284 Then was Ioh{an} ful hertely sory.

“For soþe,” marie seide to Iohan, “Bi þis {and} þe þridde day, No leng{er} abide I ne may.” 288 [Sidenote: [leaf 68]] When he it herde, he was sory;

[Sidenote: Ioh{ann}es] wepand he seyd, “dame, m{er}cy! how shal y leue? how shal y fare? now cometh al my sorow {and} care. 288 my lord was hard y-broght to detħ, thurgh fals Iewis that couthe no metħ. now shal our{e} lady me fro; now cometh to me al my woo. 292 wold god that y wer{e} ded, for right now can y no red.”

He wept, {and} seide, “ladi, mercy. How schal I lyue? how schal I fare? How schal I blis or ioie haue? 292 Furst my lord was brouȝt to dede, Thorw þe felun iewes rede, And now my ladi wil me fro, Swete lord, now me is wo. 296 Wolde my lord I wolde be dede, For I ne can no bett{er} rede.”

[Sidenote: [leaf 79, back]]

[Sidenote: Maria] “Nay,” she seid, “whi seist thu so? angelis the shałł come to, 296 and loke to the wher{e} thu be, erlich and late to comfort the.”

“Ioh{a}n,” sche seide, “whi seistou so? Th[e] aungeles schal þee come to, 300 To kepe þee where so þou be, Erliche {and} late to gladen þee.”

[Sidenote: no{t}a de ap{osto}lis om{n}ib{us} mirac{u}lose.] when she spake to seynt Ioh{a}n, thapostellis cam yn eu{er}ychon~, 300 and none of hem wiste be-forn~, how thei wer{e} thed{er} y com,

Whiles he spak so to seynt Ion, Come þe apostles eu{er}ychon, 304 To gidre; but þei wist nouȝt How þei weren to gidre brouȝt;

and seid, “lady, ne drede þ{o}u noght, thi sone hath vs hider broght, 304 to knowe the for our{e} lady, while that we ben{e} the by.”

Off oþ{er}es come ne wist none; But of hure come bliþe was Ion. 308 He cust hem alle, so fayn he was, And seide, “deo gracias; Blessed, ih{es}u, be þi myȝt, For it is faire and hit is ryȝt 312 [Sidenote: [leaf 68, back]] That þi moder come to þee, That sche faire welcom be Of þine apostles þ{a}t most þee louen, I ne wote how þei ben hidre ycomen.” 316 Than seide Petyr to seynt Ion, “Whi art þou so sory A mon?

[Headnote: John bids them go and greet Mary.]

(Not in Harl. 2382)

“Whi wepistou, {and} what is þee? For felaschip telle þou me. 320 I schal þee seie, seynt Ion, Whi I am so sory a mon, But seie me furst, for godes loue, Whi ȝe arn hider icome, 324 And weryn so wide isprad: Seieþ what haþ ȝou hidre ilad.”

Tho seide Petyr a ferli þinge: “I was fer hens atte my p{re}chinge. 328 I was so henne i{n} anoþer londe And helde my boke in my honde, And tauȝt men of my sermo{u}n, I ne wote how I cam to þis toun.” 332 So seide alle þat weren þere, Suche wondre sawe I neu{er} ere.

None of hem ne wist þorw wham, [Sidenote: [leaf 69]] Ne what wai þei þidre cam, 336 Than seide seynt Io{ha}n, “for soþe, I wys, I schal ȝow telle what it is. Comeþ wiþ me in to þis hous; Oure ladi þer abideþ vs. 340 Sche ordeyneþ hure to fare vs fro, For hure sone hit wolle so. Hure sone haþ sent his messagere; He wol no lengere þat sche be here. 344 And hider he haþ ȝow alle ysent To kepe hure bodi when sche is went. Bi fore hure knele ȝe alle bi-dene And seieþ, ‘ladi, heuene quene, 348 Off alle wy{m}men, best þee be; Thi sone vs haueþ sent to þee, To kepe þee {and} do þi wille: Vs þenkeþ wel þat it is skille, 352 That heuene {and} erþe bowe þee to, For þi sone hit wol so, Thi sone, þat is heuene kynge, And alle þing haþ in his kepinge.’” 356 Than comen þe apostles alle, And bi hure bigan to falle. Vp ros oure swete ladi And kist þe apostles bi {and} bi. 360 [Sidenote: [leaf 69, back]] Off here come sche was glad; Alle þei dide þat sche bad. Sche asked hem how þei come þere, That sprad so sundry were. 364 The seide in ful good þouȝt, “Thi sone vs haþ hidre ybrouȝt To kepe þee, {and} by þee by; Ther fore we comen to þe, lady.” 368

[Headnote: Mary bids them keep her body from the Jews.]

[Sidenote: Maria] “Blessid,” she seid, “be my sone.” glad was she was of her{e} come. 308 “y am his mod{er},” so seid he, “glad ther for may y be. now when it is my sones wille to hym y come, {and} that is skyle, 312 to my body ye loke al so, that my foos ne come ther to.

Ful bliþe sche was of here come; “Blessed,” sche seide, “be my sone! [No gap in MS.] When it is my sones wille That I come him to, hit is skille. 372 Mi bodi ȝe schal kepe so That þ{er}-to come nouȝt my fo. Kepeþ faire my body, That none do me no vilany. 376 The Iewis ben ful of felony; My sone þei slow þorw enuye.

moche hateth they my name; ther for wold thei do me shame. 316 y you bidde p{ur} charite, for the loue ye haue to me, when y fare to heuene blisse, waketh ther my body ys. 320

The haten no þing more þan my name, God late hem neu{er} do me schame. 380 Ther fore I p{ra}ie ȝow, p{ur} charyte, And for þe loue þat ȝe haþ to me, When I am faren to heuen blis, Wakeþ alle þ{er} my body is. 384

loketh bothe nyght {and} day, that þ{e} Iewis bere it not away. thay wold it brenne or do shame. Ih{es}u, for thi holy name, 324 gef ham neu{er} strengthe to haue my bodi in erthe for to laue.”

[Sidenote: [leaf 70]] Kepiþ it boþe nyȝt and dai, That no Iewe stele it awai. Thei wolde it brenne or do it schame; But ih{es}u, for þi holi name, 388 Late hem neu{er} þ{er}-to haue myȝt, For sikirli hit were vnryȝt.”

[Sidenote: [leaf 80]] Thei answerd, “for sothe, y-wys, it shal be as thi wille ys.” 328 The whiles Marie badde her{e} bone to the apostellis eu{er}ychone,

Thei seiden, alle soþe, I wys, “Hit schal be, ladi, as þi wille is.” 392 Whiles oure ladi spak~ so To þe apostles þat come hure to,

[Sidenote: Angelus] an Angel a-light on that stede, and seid, “Marie, god herd þ{i} bede, 332 and all they that ben{e} w{i}t{h} the; “loke that thu arayed be. thu shalt to heuene {and} be quene; ful blithe may thi hert bene. 336 thu shalt in hast be in heuene.”

Come an aungel {and} stode hure bi, And seide, “wel þee be, ladi, 396 And so be alle þat ben þee bi; “Loke þou be ful redi. Þou schalt to heuene {and} be made quene; Ful bliþe mai þine hert bene. 400 Alle schal þee s{er}ue, þe company of heuene.”

when o{ur} lady herd this steuene the angel seid her{e} then to, ful of blisse was she tho. 340 to her{e} bed she went to aray, a-boute þ{e} tyme of hy mydday. Ioh{a}n the apostell sate her{e} by, to kepe her{e} body sikerly. 344

As soone oure ladi herd þat steuene That þe aungel seide hure to, Wel ful of Ioie was sche þo; 404 Sche ȝede to hure bedde {and} lai, A bowte þe tyme of myddai; Ioh{a}n {and} þe apostles weren hure bi, To kepen hure as oure ladi. 408 [Sidenote: [leaf 70, back]] Sche badde Io{ha}n {and} þe apostles alle, To kepen hure what so bi falle.

[Headnote: Jesus tells the angels about His life on earth.]

++Sitteþ now stille, boþe more {and} lesse, And herkeneþ of þe moche blesse 412 Off Ih{es}u, þ{er} he come so lyȝt: He dide his mod{er} ful moche riȝt, As a sone auȝt his moder to done, He callid þe aungeles eu{er}ychone, 416 And alle þe mayne þat was i{n} heuene, And seide to hem with mury steuene: “Co{m}meþ with me to my le{m}man! Sche is my moder; hure sone I am; 420 Off hure I toke flesche {and} blode. And sithen I hange on þe rode, I þ{a}t eu{er} was {and} ay schal ben, In al þis blisse þat ȝe here sen, 424 I hadde reuþe on al mankyne, That alle went to helle pyne. I made man to serue me, And þorw þe appel of a tre, 428 That adam toke {and} ete it Inne, To helle he went, {and} al his kynne.

[Sidenote: odor suauissim{us} de p{a}radiso venit] emonge them alle sone ywys, a swete smełł cam fro p{ar}adys, swete it was, and ferly, that alle þ{a}t wer{e} tho her{e} by, 348 bothe yong {and} olde {and} eu{er}ychon{e}, thei fełł a-slepe, {and} þ{a}t anon{e}. alle the slepte, saue our{e} lady.

“Hit rewid me, and for-þouȝt sore, And I it wolde þole no more. 432 [Sidenote: [leaf 71]] I lyȝt doun, {and} man bi-cam, And of þat maide flesche nam.

[Headnote: He announces that He will bring Mary to heaven.]

[Sidenote: no{t}a de t{ra}nsitu s{an}c{t}e Marie] herkeneth now, y tełł yow why. 352 and als sone thei wer{e} a-slepe, it gan to thondr{e} al vnmete, and the erthe so swithe gan quake, as al the world shuld to-shake. 356 Marie awaked then seynt Ioh{a}n and the apostels eu{er}ychon, thre maydens þ{a}t wer{e} the[re]-ynne, and no man els of hir{e} kynne. 360 “waketh now, and slepe ye nought! Sone y worth to heuene be broght; now is tyme y wer{e} a fare, Shałł y neu{er} more suffre care.” 364

“Bi fore alle oþ{er} I hure ches, And I was born of hure flesches. 436 Thritti wynt{er} {and} so{m}me del more, Men to wissen, I was þore. Men dide me moche euelte; Myn owyn þat ouȝt for to be, 440 Thei token me {and} bette me sore, And atte þe last þei dide wel more, With oute gult þei me swongen, And to a piler þei me bounden. 444 Nailes þei smyten in my fette; Off blode myne handes weren rede. Myn hert þei stongen w{i}t{h} a spere; That sawe alle þat weren þere. 448 Ther I hange nailed on þe tree, My modre was wel wo for me, And also was hure cosin Ion. I callid hure to me soone anon, 452 And seide, ‘Io{ha}n, for my loue, Kepe wel þis wyf; I am hure sone.’ Boþe þei wenten þo fro me; Al one I hanged on þe tree, 456 [Sidenote: [leaf 71, back]] Mi soule fram my bodi I nam, In to þe pyne of helle sone I came. Alle my frendes þat I þer fonde, I toke hem oute w{i}t{h} my ryȝt honde, 460 Adam {and} Eue {and} many mo, I dide hem oute of helle go. When I hadde harwed helle, And don as I ȝow telle, 464 And fet adam fro þe quede, The þridde dai I ros fro dede. Fram erþe to heuene I cam; God {and} man, bothe I am, 468 In heuene {and} in erþe is my myȝt; “Now I wol forþe in ryȝt, That my modre be me bi; This tyme I wol for þi, 472 Comeþ with me with mury songe, And do we hure come vs amonge.”

[Headnote: Conversation between Jesus and Mary.]

[Sidenote: Ih{es}us] Tho cam Iesus from heuene, w{i}t{h} angelis {and} archangelis seuene, yn to hir{e} bour{e} w{i}t{h} mery song; moche merthe was them among. 368 no wond{er} thogh ther be blisse in eche place ther Ih{esus} ys.

Than cam ih{es}u w{i}t{h} his mayne, Aungeles, archaungeles, moche plente, 476 In to þe chambre þ{er} sche was Inne, with ful many of hure kynne. That chambere was ful of moche blis, As eu{er} is þer ih{es}u is. 480

none of them that wer{e} there a soche blisse saw they ner{e}. 372 amonge al blisses of the trone Mary knew her{e} leue sone.

[Sidenote: Maria] when she hym saw, she was ful glad, he herd the bone that she bad. 376

[Sidenote: [leaf 72]] Tho seide alle þat were þere, Suche a blis sawe þei neu{er} ere. Amonge þat Ioie {and} þat glewe, Oure ladi, hure sone knewe. 484 When sche hi{m} sawe, sche was glad; Listeneþ þe bede þat sche bad:

“y-blessed mote that tyme be that thu wer{e} born{e} of me. hit is sene, y am thi moder when thu comest þi self hider. 380 Furst þ{o}u sendest thyn apostelis to me; now thu comest w{i}t{h} thi meyne, to fette me vnto that blisse that eu{er} lasteth w{i}t{h} ałł gladnesse. 384 Sone thu art hider y-come w{i}t{h} thyn angelis from a-bone. do þ{o}u now what thi wille ys; me hath longed to the, y-wys.” 388

“Sone, blessid mote þou be, That þou bicome man of me; 488 Hit is wel sene, I am þee dere, Now þi self art comen here. Thine apostles þou sendist furst to me, And now þou art come w{i}t{h} þi meyne, 492 To fecchyn me in to þi myȝt: Was neu{er} modre sone so bryȝt. Mi leue sone, now art þou come With þi meyne, here a bone. 496 Do, my sone, þat þi wille is; To þee me þinkeþ longe I wis.”

[Sidenote: Ih{es}us] Then Iesus to Marie sede, [Sidenote: [leaf 81]] “Moder, w{i}t{h} ioye y wołł the lede. of all wy{m}men the worth best, in heuene blisse that shal lest. 392 ther y am kyng; thu shalt be quene; in grete ioye thu shałł bene.”

[No gap in MS.] “Modre,” he seide, “come with me; Of alle wymen best þee be. 500 [No gap in MS.] Thou schalt to heuen {and} be made quene; Wel bliþe may þine hert bene.”

[Sidenote: Maria] “leue sone, y be-seche the o thyng that thu telle me. 396 shall y any deuyłł se, or any w{i}t{h} the shałł be? “for y loue them neu{er} on{e}, thei ben{e} noght, so mote y gon{e}.” 400

“Sone,” sche seide, “I be-seke þee O þing þat þou graunt me, 504 [Sidenote: [leaf 72, back]] That I noȝt þe deuel se, Ne none þat eu{er} w{i}t{h} him be. “I loue hem nouȝt; þei arn my fone; Ne wolde I neuer sene hem none.” 508

[Headnote: Jesus promises mercy to man for Mary’s sake.]

[Sidenote: Iesus] “Moder, y sey, drede thu noght; ne stode it neu{er} on my thoght, for thu shalt no deuyłł se, y wołł go be-fore the; 404 ne þ{o}u shalt no deuyłł heren{e}, but only me {and} my feren{e}. Maiden {and} mod{er}, eu{er} thu be wełł; thu shalt of sorwe wete no dełł. 408 alle the spirettes that meten w{i}t{h} the, buxom to the shałł they be. Moder, one thyng y gef to the; thu shalt be in heuene w{i}t{h} me. 412

“Moder,” he seide, “ne drede þee nouȝt; Ne come it neu{er} in my þouȝt; Ne wille I neu{er} more þole That any of hem come þee bi fore; 512 Ne schal þou neu{er} se-ne here But me {and} aungeles, þine fere. Moder, a ȝift I schal þee ȝyue, Thou schalt with me in heuene lyue, 516 And more schal I ȝeue þee; Al heuene companye schal s{er}ue þee.

“mod{er}, for the loue of the, y wołł haue m{er}cy and pite of al man kynde thurgh þ{i} p{ra}y{e}re, yf þ{o}u ne were, they wer{e} for-lore. 416

“Modre, for þe loue of þee I schal haue m{er}cy {and} pite 520 Off al man kynne for þi p{ra}iere, That were forlorn ȝif þou ne were.

[Sidenote: no{t}a bene de seruientib{us} s{an}c{t}e Marie deuote] “and of them namelich that the serueth trulich, and that to the don{e} m{er}cy crye and sey, ‘help vs, dere ladye,’ 420 In what synne that thei be, [Sidenote: [leaf 81, back]] mod{er}, for the loue of the,

“Alle þat dou{n} þee worschipe, And seruen þee wel, {and} treuliche 524 Bi seke to þee, {and} m{er}cy will crie, And seyn, ‘help, seynt marie,’ In what peyne so he be, Moder, for þe loue of þee, 528 [Sidenote: [leaf 73]] I schal hem reles sone anon; For þi loue I schal þus done.

“thogh a man had lad his lyf in onde, in synne, {and} in strif, 424 yf he on his last dawe wepe {and} crye, {and} to the be-knawe, and telle it oute vnto the preste,

“Ȝif any haue ben al his lyue In hede synne, maide or wyue, 532 And he wille, on his last þrowe, Schryue him {and} ben y-knowe, And telle it, ȝif he haue þe p{re}st,

[Sidenote: no{t}a bene de co{n}fessione] “or in case, vnto his nexte, 428 yf that he may do no more, but that he aruwe it sore, in what synne that he be, moder, for the loue of the, 432 I wołł of hym haue mercy. and sitthe he shałł come me by,

“Or a noþer man þat is him nest, 536 And ȝif he ne mai do no more, But þat him forþinkeþ sore, In what synne so he be, Moder, for þe loue of þee, 540 I schal on him haue m{er}cy, And sithen þei schulle wone þee bi.

[Headnote: Mary is borne to Heaven.]

“thogh a man had fully wroght all the synne that he had thought, 436 and he on his laste day in none other wise may, yf he wepe and telle to the, in what synne that he be, 440

“Ȝif a man hadde al one wrouȝt Alle þe synnes þat myȝt be þouȝt, 544 And he on his last dai, Ȝif he none ere ne mai, Repent him, {and} calle to þee, In what synne so he be, 548

full wełł y shałł his bone here, for thi loue, my moder dere.

I schal here his p{ra}iere, For þi loue, modre dere, Al þat þou wolt bi seke fore, Be it lasse, be it more, 552 [Sidenote: [leaf 73, back]] Hit schal ben aftur þi wille, For I it wille, {and} þat is skille, Þat no þing with seie þee, Off þat þou wolt biseke me.” 556

Alle tho that thu wolt bidde fore and blesse the tyme þ{a}t thu wer{e} bore. 444 of all{e} thyng y-blessid thu be, for that y bidde, thu g{ra}untes me.”

++Oure ladi knelid him bi forn, And seide, “þe tyme þ{a}t þ{o}u were born, Ou{er} alle oþ{er} blessed þou be, For alle þat I wol, þou g{ra}untest me.” 560

Then Ih{esus} his hand vp heue, and to his mod{er} his blessyng yeue, 448 and called to hym seynt Mighełł, and seid, “kep thu my mod{er} wełł, that she fele no man{er} fere; ther is no thyng to me so dere.” 452

¶ “So I auȝt, moder, {and} so I wille;” He left vp his hond {and} blessed hure stille; His blessing sche þouȝt good, And he hure soule vndrestode. 564 He callid to him seynt myȝhel, “Thou kepe me þis soule wel, Thou and alle þine fere; Is no þinge me so dere.” 568

[Sidenote: Ih{esus} assu{m}psit a{n}i{m}am matris] and when he had the soule hent, and she was fro the body went, Then all the verdoun{e} of heuene [Sidenote: [leaf 82]] fett that soule full aboue; 456 w{i}t{h} the verdoun{e} to heuene thei come, w{i}t{h} gret ioye she was yn nome. she was made quene of heuene and blessid hir{e} sone w{i}t{h} mylde steuene. 460

Alle þat mayne þat cam fro heuene, Thei syngen w{i}t{h} a myry steuene; Men myȝt wite bi here songe That moche ioie was hem amonge. 572 With alle þat mayne to heue{n} he hure nam; And as soone as he þer cam, He made hure quene of heuen liȝt; Blessid be hure sones myȝt! amen! 576

[Headnote: The apostles in procession bear the body through Jerusalem.]

[Sidenote: no{t}a modum assumpc{i}onis anime Marie p{er} ih{es}um] ++Now shałł ye here how she was nome, wher she was, {and} whed{er} be-come. when þe soule fro þe body was nome, god bede seynt Petr{e} to hym come: 464 “for the loue y owe to the my mod{er}-is body thu kep to me.

[Sidenote: [leaf 74]] ++Now schal we here of þe bodi, Where it bi cam, {and} where it li. When þe soule was þ{er}e fro hure nomen, Than bad god Pet{er} to him comen, 580 And seide, “Pet{er}, I comaunde þee, Mi moder bodi kepe þou me. Ioh{a}n {and} alle þine fere, Nis no þinge me so dere; 584

when y first to erthe came, of this body flesħ y name. 468 y was of this body bore, ther-for, Petr{e}, go thu be-fore, and thi bretheren forth w{i}t{h} the vnto Iosaphatħ that vale, 472 and leueth it ther{e} sone anon{e};

When I furst in þis worlde cam, Off hure bodi flesche I nam; Off hure bodi, I was born, Petyr, go forþe þou be forn, 588 Thou {and} alle þine feres w{i}t{h} þee, To Iosephat, to þat vale, And leiþ þe bodi in a stone;

and drede ye nothyng of yo{ur} foon{e}, To Ierusalem thurgh that toun{e} goth feire w{i}t{h} your{e} p{ro}cession{e}. 476

Haueþ no drede of ȝoure fone; 592 Goth with faire processioun To ier{usa}l{e}m þorwe þe toun. Doþ þe belles alle to ryngen, And loke þat ȝe mury syngen. 596 Loke þat ȝe haue candele, Torches boþe faire {and} fele.

foure of them shul bere þ{e} bere, for one shal kepe my mod{er} dere. and for no thyng dredeth ye, for y my self wol w{i}t{h} yow be.” 480 when Ih{esus} had thus y-seyd, and the body in bere was leyd, he yeaue them alle his blessyng, and styed to heuene, þ{er} he was kyng. 484 which blessyng he geue tiłł vs, our{e} blessid lord, swete Iesus.

Foure of þe apostles schal bere þe beere; Ther-on schal ligge me modre deere. 600 [Sidenote: [leaf 74, back]] Haueþ no drede of no Iew, For I my self schal be w{i}t{h} ȝow.” When ih{es}u hadde him so seide, And þe bodi was on bere leide, 604 He ȝaf hem alle his blessinge And stye to heuen, þ{er} he is kynge.

Tho to them seyd seynt Ioh{a}n, “go we thed{er} right anon{e}, 488 and g{ra}y we tħis p{ro}cessioun{e}, [Sidenote: [leaf 82, back]] And go we syngand thurgh þ{e} toun{e}.”

¶ To hym þo seide seynt Ion, “Felawes, go we soone anon, 608 And t{ur}ne we þis p{ro}cessioun, And synge we faire þorw þis toun.”

four{e} of the apostelis that ther wer{e}, that holy body fourth dud ber{e}. 492 ful mery thei song, {and} that was right; many tapers ther-w{i}t{h} thei light. The Iewis that wer{e} Cristes foon{e}, this thei herd sone anon{e}. 496

[See the parallel lines to these, below, on page 130, col. 2.]

[[a491-516 = h689-704]]

[Headnote: The Jews attack the procession, but are rendered motionless.]

thei asked what was the crye. we seid it was seynt Marie, that seynt Petr{e} and his fere bare Marye apon{e} a bere. 500

[Sidenote: no{t}a cont{r}a iudeos] “Allas,” q{uo}d the Iewis, “for shame, yf thei scape, we ben{e} to blame. arme we vs swithe anon{e} and let vs take them eu{er}ychon{e}. 504 that body also, take we it, and cast it in-to a foule pytt. Cast we it in a foule sloo, and moche shame we it do.” 508 Tho cam thei lepe thedeward; that be-fełł them swithe hard. two of the Iewis that ther{e} wer{e}, wer{e} honged ouer the bere. 512

[Sidenote: no{t}a mirac{u}l{u}m] Ih{esus} Crist wold se no shame, by his mod{er} swetely came. ful sone had thei godd{es} g{ra}me; he them made bothe holt {and} lame. 516

[Headnote: A Jew repents and receives his strength again.]

of alle þ{e} Iewes ther was none that eu{er} myghte further gone. one of them that ther{e} wer{e}, had knowed Petr{e} be-fore. 520

Ther was a Iew hem amonge, Off þe apostles harde þe songe. 612 To þe beere he cam lepand, And as he wolde lai on his hande;

[Sidenote: Iudeus] the Iewe gon clepe to Petr{e} sone, and seid to hym w{i}t{h} wepand bone: and seid then, “knowest þ{o}u noght, [Sidenote: [leaf 83]] when Crist was to deth broght, 524 how thu hym folwest, and y þe knew, now, y the p{ra}y, on me th{o}u ruwe, and pray to Crist, if it may be, that he now haue m{er}cy on me.” 528

To þe bere he cleued fast, And to Petir he criede atte þe last, 616 And seide, “Petir, þenkest þou nouȝt, When þi lord was to vs brouȝt, Thou him forsoke, {and} I þe knewe? P{ra}ie for me,” seide þe Iewe, 620 “P{ra}ie þi lord, ȝif I mai so be, That he haue m{er}cy on me.

Thenke,” q{uo}d þe Iewe, “what I þee dede. When þou was w{i}t{h} vs in þat stede, 624 [Sidenote: [leaf 75]] When þi lord was ytakyn, And þou haddest him forsakyn, Oure mayne þee knewe þat ilke nyȝt Bothe bi speche {and} by syȝt, 628 And seiden alle, for I stode þee bi,

That þou was of Ih{es}us companye. Thou seidest w{i}t{h} wordes {and} w{i}t{h} þouȝt, ‘For soþe þat þou knewe hi{m} nouȝt.’ 632 P{ra}ie þi lord of moche myȝt, And his moder þat art so bryȝt, That he me help at þis stounde, For I was neu{er} so harde ybounde. 636 As I þee helped atte þi nede, Ȝelde me, Petir, now my mede.”

[Sidenote: Petrus] Seynt Petr{e} answerid tho to the Iewe that was so woo, “yf thu wolt on hym be-leve, whom thy kynne broght to dethe, 532 and that he is goddis sone, and sithens man for vs be come, and that Marie hy{m} bare hir{e} be best, a clene Maide {and} right honest, 536 and clene vnwe{m}med w{i}t{h} outen man,

Seynt Petir answerde þo To þe Iewe þat was so wo, 640 “Ȝif þou woldest leue on him, That on þe rode dide þi kyn, That he is soþefast godes sone, God {and} man for him bi come, 644 That marie bare in hure lyf, Clene maide {and} clene wyf, Clene widewe w{i}t{h} oute wem,

we shal alle bidde for þ{e} than, to Ih{es}u Crist that is a-boue, for his owne moder loue, 540 he gef the myght for to go, and brynge the oute of this woo.”

For þee I wol p{ra}ie þen, 648 [Sidenote: [leaf 75, back]] Ih{es}u cryst vs liȝteþ aboue, That he, for his moder loue, So ȝeue þee myȝt for to go, And bringe þee oute of þi wo.” 652

[Sidenote: no{t}a {con}u{er}sione{m} Iudei] The Iewe that honged apon{e} the bere, answerd then as ye may here, 544 and seid, “y be-leue, vnd{er} that fourme, on Ih{es}u Crist, Maries sone, that Iewis peyned on the rode, w{i}t{h}-outen gilt, for our{e} gode, 548 and for vs he lost his lyf, that Marie bare, maide {and} wif. y be-seche that he me brynge of this peyne, thurgh yo{ur} biddynge.” 552

The Iewe þat henge apou{n} þe bere, Answerde anone as ȝe mai here, “I leue wel, {and} bett{er} I schal done, On ih{es}u crist, godes sone, 656 That Iewes diden on þe rode, And for vs he schedde his swete blode, That marie bare in hure lyf, Clene maiden {and} clene wyf; 660 He brynge me, I p{ra}ie it him, Oute of þe wo þat I am Inne.”

[Headnote: Peter christens the Jew and ordains him priest.]

Crist vnd{er}stode the Iewis bone. he was holpe, and that anone; on feet {and} hand he yeaue hy{m} myght, [Sidenote: [leaf 83, back]] and alle his lymes for to right. 556 he gan to stonde vp anon{e} before the Iewis eu{er}ychon{e}. he that was bothe halt {and} lame be gan to p{re}che in Cristes name, 560 and seid, “worship we eu{er}ychon{e} that soche a miracle hath don{e}.”

As soone as he hadde seide þis bede, He was al hole in þat stede: 664 Off fote, of honde, he hadde myȝt; Alle his lymes bi come ful ryȝt. He stode vp swiþe anone Bi-fore þe Iewes eu{er}echone, 668 That suche a myracle haþ done, Ih{es}u crist, godes sons, Of a wilde hou{n}de haþ made a lomb, To p{re}che his worde in eche a lond. 672

Tho seynt Petr{e}, that holi man{e}, that Iewe Crystened aft{er} anon{e}; 564 he taught hym his by-leue; he knew he was to god y-yeue; he ordeyned hym to prest anon{e}, and bade hym that he shuld gon{e}, 568 and p{re}che ou{er}ałł, of goddis sone, in eu{er}y lond where he be-come.

[Sidenote: [leaf 76]] Seynt Petir, þat holi man, The Iew he crystened anone, He tauȝt him al his bi leue; He wist he was to godes biheue; 676 He ordeyned him to p{re}st anone, And bad him soone for to gone And p{re}chen al of godes sone, In eche a lond where he come. 680

The palme þ{a}t Petr{e} had in hond, he toke it hym, thurgħ godd{es} sond, 572 and bade hym godd{es} word to telle to the Iewis that wer{e} so felle.

That palm þat Petir helde in his honde, He toke it him þorw godes sonde, And bad him godes wordes telle Among þe Iewes þat were so felle. 684

[Sidenote: Iudeus conu{er}sus p{re}dicabat i{ta} {christu}m] Tho he spake the fourthe day, he t{ur}ned into goddes fay 576 xx thousant, {and} somdel mo, thurgh the word þ{a}t he spake tho. all the apostolis that þ{er} were, that holy body fourth thei bere 580

So he spak þe furst day, That he t{ur}ned to godes lay Twenty þousand {and} so{m}medel mo, Thorw wordes þat he spak þo. 688

[See the parallel lines to these, on p. 127, col. 1, at foot, and p. 128, col. 1, at top.]

[[a495-516 = h689-704]]

Foure of þe apostles þat were þere, That swete bodi forþe þei bere, The Iewes þat were godes fone, Thei herde þe cri sone anone, 692 And þei asked what was þat crie, And men seiden it was mari, That seynt Petir {and} his fere Bare þare apou{n} a beere. 696 [Sidenote: [leaf 76, back]] “Alas,” seide þei, “for schame, Ascape þei vs, we schulle haue blame. Arme we vs alle sone anone, And take we hem alle þ{er} þei gone. 700 That bodi þ{a}t þei bere, nyme we it, And cast we it in a foule pit, Or brenne we it, {and} do it so{m}me where, Or cast we it in a foule sere.” 704

[Not in it]

Thei comen lepand þiderwarde, And þat hem fel swiþe harde. Ih{es}u wolde nouȝt þ{a}t schame; He made hem boþe blynde {and} lame. 708 Off hem alle, was þ{er} none That myȝt a fote on erþe gone. Here mouþes were to here nek went; Thei þouȝt alle þat þei were schent. 712 Boþe here feet {and} here handes Where bounde w{i}t{h} stronge bandes: Ful sore bounden þei were, For þei ne myȝt go ne here. 716 Than comen here frendes hem to, And seide, “alas, whi leie ȝe so, In ȝoure armo{ur} so fast ycliȝt, That beþ so faire {and} so bryȝt? 720 [Sidenote: [leaf 77]] Ȝoure speres, ȝo{ur} schildes, helpeþ ȝow nouȝt; Telleþ vs what ȝe haue þouȝt.” Thei answerd nouȝt þat leyen þere, For þei ne myȝt hem noȝt here, 724 But so{m}me of hem þat myȝt speke Seide, “alas! who schal vs wreke?” And eu{er} þei cryede many a stounde, “Alas, how harde we lie here ybounde!” 728 Off fyue þousand was þer none That myȝt of þat stede gone. Than seide some þat stode hem bi, That hadde ysene þat ferli, 732 That ‘seynt Petir {and} his fere Bare oure ladi on a beere, “Thise men wolde hure haue nomen,” And þus þei ben ou{er} comen. 736 The ladi þei wolde haue dou{n} schame; Ther fore þei hauen godes grame.’ The folke hem bad m{er}cy to crie To ih{es}u cryst of here folie, 740 And leue þat he is godes sone, And siþen crysten men bi come.

[Headnote: The Virgin Mary’s body is laid in the tomb.]

“We hope þ{a}t ih{es}u schal sone tyme Delyuere ȝow of ȝoure pyne.” 744 [Sidenote: [leaf 77, back]] Thei criede “m{er}cy” with good wille, So{m}me lowde {and} so{m}me stille, And ih{es}u, þorw his mochil myȝt, Here feet {and} handes gan to ryȝt. 748 Thorw myracle þat þer was doun, Bi-come cristene many on, And leuede on cryst and criede m{er}cy, That none oþ{er} god was so myȝty. 752

to the vale of Iosephas to ley her{e}, ther{e} her{e} wille was, [No gap in MS.] and leid the body in a ston{e},

The apostles went forþe on here way, To Iosephat, to þat Valay. When þe apostles comen were, Wel softe þei setten doun þe beere. 756 With gret deuocioun, eu{er}ychone, Thei leide þe bodi in a stone,

[Sidenote: Sepultu{r}a s{an}c{t}e M{ar}ie] ther-in was body neu{er} non{e}. 584 frendes and sibbe that þ{er} were, for her{e} wepte many a tere. [Sidenote: [leaf 84]] when she was in the ston don{e}, ayen{e} thei turned eu{er}ychon{e}. 588 all the apostelis then wer{e} sory for the deth of our{e} lady; and ther a voice cam them among, that ne lasted not full long, 592 and bade them alle for to gon{e} wher{e} thei had for to don{e}. The apostelis went hem ayen{e} in-to the Burgħ of Ierusalem; 596 and as thei sate atte mete, of many thynges thei gon speke. als thei wer{e} out of that place,

[Sidenote: resussitac{i}o corp{or}is M{ari}e] Iesus, w{i}t{h} his holy grace, 600 he gon to take vp anon{e} his moder body of the ston{e}. he hym self dud þ{er}ynne, that neu{er} had y-don{e} synne. 604 he wolde not in no manere that the body lafte there. in that body he dud a leme, bright{er} then the sonne beme, 608 and made her{e} quene of heuene blisse; in that place she was and ys.

And bileft alle in þat stede, As oure ladi hadde hem bede, 760 And woke þ{er} al þat nyȝt With many torches {and} candle lyȝt. On þe morwe when it was dai, Thei loked where þat bodi lai. 764 Thei ou{er}t{ur}ned þ{a}t ilke stone; Bodi þei founde þ{er} none; But þei sawe in þat stede þana Liand as it were a mana. 768 [Sidenote: [leaf 78]] That ma{n}na bitokned hure clene lyf, That sche was modre, maide, {and} wyf. Tho wist þe apostles, I wis, The bodi was in to p{ar}adis, 772 Also godes wille was. Thei seide, “Deo gracias.”

[Headnote: Mary lets fall her girdle to Thomas.]

[Sidenote: Thomas yndie] Seynt Thom{a}s of ynde thed{er}ward com, also swithe as he myght gon{e}, 612 and wold haue ben{e} at her{e} berying, yf he myght haue come be tyme. as he loked hym be syde, [Sidenote: [leaf 84, back]] he saw then a bright thyng glide 616 in that stede as he come, ther our{e} lady to heuene was nome.

Seynt Thom{a}s of ynde þiderward cam Also blyue as he myȝt gan, 776 And wolde haue ben at hure fyne, Ȝif he myȝt haue come bi tyme. As he loked him bi side, He sawe a briȝtnesse bi hi{m} glide; 780 Bi þat stede þer he come, Oure ladi to heuene was nome.

he kneled adoun{e} {and} seid, “lady, now on me thu haue mercy. 620 lady, quene of heuene bright, for thi mochel holy myght, send me a token this ilke day, soche thyng þ{a}t y bryng may 624 to my felawes, ther y ham fynde, that y was toward þ{i} berynge: thei wol not leue þ{a}t y was there; now g{ra}unte me, lady, my p{ra}yere.” 628

He knelede do{u}n {and} seide, “ladi, Off me, I p{ra}ie ȝow, haue m{er}cy. 784 Ladi, quene of heuene lyȝt, For þine swete mychel myȝt, Sende me token þis ilke day, What þing þat I say may 788 To myn felawis, þ{er} I hem fynde, That I was toward þi buriynge. Thei wil nouȝt leue þat I were; Now g{ra}unt me, ladi, my p{ra}iere.” 792

[Sidenote: no{t}a de zona s{an}c{t}e Marie] a-boute her{e} gurdel a mydełł sought, that she hir{e} self had y-wroght, of siluer {and} gold wonde in palle; a-doun{e} to hym she lete it falle. 632 he toke that gurdełł in his hond, and thanked her{e} of her{e} sond.

[Sidenote: [leaf 78, back]] A-bowte hure myddel a seynt sche souȝt, That sche hure self hadde wrouȝt, Off silk {and} gold wounden in pal; Doun to thomas sche lete it fal. 796 He toke þ{er} þe gurdel in his honde, And þanked hure of hure sonde.

fourth he went of that stede; toward the toun{e} he hym yede. 636 his felaus then he dud seche yf he myght hem ou{er} mete. atte temple of dominus he them founde alle in ane ho{us}. 640 ther ful feire he them grette; and ayenward thei hym chidde.

Forþe he went of þat stede; Toward þe toune he him dede, 800 His felawis for to seke on his fete, Ȝif he hem ouȝt myȝt mete. Atte þe temple dominus He fonde hem alle in an hous. 804 When he hem sawe, he gret hem, And þei answerde alle hym, And seiden, “thom{a}s of ynde, Eu{er} art þou bi-hynde. 808

[Headnote: The apostles find the tomb empty.]

“wher{e} has thu so long y-ben{e}? we haue beried o{ur} heuene quen{e}. 644 “thu lakkest eu{er} at euery nede; thu helpest neu{er} at gode dede.” “sore me thenketh þ{a}t y nas here; [Sidenote: [leaf 85]] but y ne myght come no nere. 648 I-blessid be the quene of blys, in the place ther{e} she ys, for wełł y wote in my thought, there ye her{e} layde is she nought.” 652

“Whare hast þou so longe bene? We haue buried heuene quene. Thou helpest noȝt at no good dede; Thou failest eu{er} at most nede.” 812 “Sore me forþinkeþ þat I ne was here, But I ne myȝt come no nere. Blessed be sche, quene of blis, In þat stede þ{er} now sche is! 816 [Sidenote: [leaf 79]] For wel I wote bi my þouȝt, Ther ȝe hure left, is sche nouȝt.”

Thei seid to hym swithe anon{e}, bothe Petr{e} and seynt Ioh{a}n, “thow woldest not be-leue, Thom{a}s, that our{e} lord y-nayled was. 656 eu{er} thu leuys amysse in mynde, and tales y-now thu dos fynde. thu bi-leuest in god right noght; soche tales ne kepe we noght.” 660

Than seide to him sone anone, Bothe Petir {and} seynt Ione, 820 “Thou ne woldest, leue thomas, That oure lord fram deth ras. Come, þou art mys bileuyd, And tales ynow þou canst fynde, 824 Thou leuest nouȝt on godes craft; Swylk felawis wille we nauȝt.”

[Sidenote: no{t}a de v{er}bis s{an}c{t}i Thome ap{osto}li.] “be stille,” he seid, “brother Ioh{a}n, why chide ye me so, one {and} on{e}? me thenketh ye can litel good, for y her{e} saw bothe flesħ {and} blood, 664 how our{e} lady to heuene wend; her{e} is the token that she me send.”

“Be stille,” he saide, “broþ{er} Io{ha}n. Whi chyde ȝe me eu{er}ychone? 828 I am ful wery man for-gone; Me ne list answeri neu{er} one. But I thanke oure lord god, I sawe hure w{i}t{h} flesche {and} blood, 832 Ther oure ladi to heuene went: Here is þe token þat sche me sent.”

Then seid seynt Petr{e}, “that is soth; this ilke webbe her{e} self woof. 668 w{i}t{h} her{e} y dud it on the bere; wond{er} me the thenketh þ{a}t it is here. go we swithe in-to the vale, to knowe the sothe of this tale 672 that he hath vs now y-sayde, for it was in the tombe y-laide.”

Quath seynt Petir, “þat is sothe. This seynt sche hure self wof. 836 We dide it on hure in þe beere; Wonder me þinkeþ þat it is here. Go we swiþe in to þe vale, To wite þe sothe of þis tale 840 [Sidenote: [leaf 79, back]] That he haþ vs here yseide, For it was in þe tumbe ylaide.”

[Headnote: Jesus appears to the apostles and blesses them.]

[Sidenote: no{t}a de sepulc{r}o Marie vacuo.] owte of þ{a}t that place then they yede, and the tumba they vndede. 676 nothyng ther-on ther{e} thei founde [Sidenote: [leaf 85, back]] but a flour{e} atte grounde.

Oute of þe place swiþe þei ȝede, And þe tumbe þei vndede; 844 No þing þ{er} Inne þei ne fou{n}de, But a manere floure at þe grounde.

[Sidenote: Manna] That flo{ur} manna was cleped that in the tumba was steked. 680 they went ałł a-boute þe tumbe and kneled on the bare g{ro}unde, and seid, “Ih{es}u, goddis sone, ałł that thu sendes, it is wel-come. 684 Mightefułł is the heuene kyng; and that we know bi thi sayng. no man may know his p{ri}uyte, nother his swete dignite.” 688

That floure was ‘manna’ yclepid; Hit was in þe tumbe ystekyd. 848 Thei ȝeden alle abowte þe tumbe And knelede on þe bare grounde, And seiden, “ih{es}u, godes sone, Al þi sonde be welcome. 852 Myȝtful art þou, heuene kynge; That mai we wite bi þis tokenynge; For no man mai wite ne se What is þi derne p{ri}uete.” 856

Amonge þe apostolis alle a light, the kyng that is in heuene bright, and blessid ham alle in fere emonge the angelis þ{a}t ther{e} were, 692 and seid, “my pees be w{i}t{h} yow nowthe, blessid ye be of goddis mowthe.”

Cryst of heuene, þat is so bryȝt, Amonge þe apostles sone he lyȝt, And gret hem alle yfere, W{i}t{h} aungeles fele þ{a}t w{i}t{h} hi{m} were, 860 And seide, “now pees be w{i}t{h} vs! Blessed be ȝe,” seide Ih{es}us.

[Sidenote: no{t}a miracul{u}m ap{osto}lor{um}.] A mysty cloude cam aft{er} than{e}, and ou{er}sprad them eu{er}ychon{e}, 696 and bare them alle þ{er} they wer{e}, in-to the stede that they wer{e} er{e}.

A lyȝt cloude come aft{er} þan, And ou{er} sprad hem eu{er}y man, 864 [Sidenote: [leaf 80]] And bar hem alle þat ben þere, In to here stedes þ{er} þei p{re}ched ere; And fonden alle þat folke ȝete, Sittand stille atte here fete. 868 And þei bigo{n}ne for to p{re}che, And þe folke for to teche.

moche wond{er} then hem thought how thei wer{e} thed{er} y-brought, 700 for thei ne wiste whi ne whan{e}; and thei seid euerychon{e} that rightfull is heuene kyng, Ih{es}us lord ou{er} ałł thyng. 704

Moche wondre hem þo þouȝt How þei weren þidre brouȝt. 872 Miȝtful art þou, heuene kynge, Ih{es}u Crist, in alle þinge! The apostles kneled in þat stede; To ih{es}u þei bede a bede. 876 Ih{es}u herde here p{ra}iere, For þei were hi{m} leue {and} dere.

[Headnote: Conclusion and invocation.]

¶ This tale y haue tolde w{i}t{h} mouthe, w{i}t{h} wordes that ben{e} ful couthe. it is cleped the Assumpciou{n}; Iesus gef vs his benesou{n}. 708 Iesu crist, for his myght, [Sidenote: [leaf 86]] we p{ra}y to hym w{i}t{h} herte light, and w{i}t{h} his holy grace, gef vs bothe myght {and} space, 712 soche workes for to worche, thurgh the lore of holy churche, that we may to heue[ne] wende, that is w{i}t{h} oute begy{n}nyng {and} ende. 716 Amen!

Explicit Sextus liber s{an}c{t}e Marie.

++WE biseche þee for alle þ{a}t hereþ þ{i}s vie Off oure ladi seynt marie, 880 That Ih{es}u schelde hem fram g{ra}me, Fro dedly synne {and} fro schame. Ne mys auent{ur}e schal bi falle þ{a}t man That þis a vie here can. 884 Ne no wo{m}man þat ilke dai That of oure ladi hereþ þis lai, Dien ne schal of hure childe, For oure ladi hure schal be mylde. 888 [Sidenote: [leaf 80, back]] Ne none mys auenture schal be-falle In felde, in strete, ne in halle, In stede þ{er} þis vie is rad, For oure ladi hure sone it bad. 892 And þe archibisshop seynt Edmou{n}d Haþ g{ra}unted xl. daies to p{ar}dou{n} To alle þat þis vie wol here Or with good wille wol lere. 896 Ih{es}u, for þi modre loue, That woneþ in heuene vs aboue, Graunt vs, ȝif þi wille is, The mochil Ioye of p{ar}adis! 900 A p{ra}ier þer-to seie alle we, A Pater n{oste}r p{ur} charite, And an Aue marie þer-to, That Ih{es}us vs graunt so. Amen! 904 ¶ Celi regina sit sc{ri}ptori medicina.


4, H. Allof. An undoubted trace of the influence of the French version on the H text of the English version. The French has Aaluf.

6. laste. Cf. ‘Lay.’ 7017: þe while þe hit ilæste.

8. Fairer ... Cf. ‘The Erl of Tolous’ (ed. by G. Lüdtke, Berlin, 1881): were no fayrer undyr hevyn, That any man myght see, Fayre myght none bee. 354. Cf. also 980-1. Further, ‘The King of Tars.’ (Engl. Stud. xi. pp. 1 ff.): Feirer miȝt non ben oliue 8.

10, C. miste. In many southern texts the s- initial has the phonetic value sh-. Hence here it is to be assumed that medial -st- has the pronunciation -sht, a loose way of representing the pronunciation of the -ht, -ȝt like German -cht in nicht, etc.

11, 12. rine : schine. Cf. ‘Lay.’ 31889-90: þa sunne gon to scine, Þe rein bigon to rine; 28303, muchel rein him gon rine; 31086-7, nis nan feirure wifmon þa whit sunne seineð on.

14. briȝt so þe glas. Cf. ‘Rich. C. de L.’ (Weber, Early Engl. Romances, II.). 75. And a lady þerinne was bryght as the sunne thorough glas.

15. whit so þe flur. Cf. ‘Rich. C. de L.’: off that lady whyt so flour, 128.

17, 18. bold : old. Cf. ‘The Erl of Tolous’: He was a feyr chyld and a bolde, Twenty wyntur he was oold, 712-13; Reinbroun 4, 4. Faire child he was and bolde, He was boute seue winter olde. ‘Beues’ 3899-3900: Be þat he was seue winter old, He was a fair child and a bold.

19, 20. iliche. Cf. ‘Guy of Warwick’ 1336: In all þys worlde ys none hym lyke.

21, H. tueye feren. The H text here lacks one of the archaic features of the story, referring to only two companions, viz., Aþulf and Fikenhild. The other ten, save for the abrupt introduction of Arnoldin at the conclusion, play no active part in the present version.

23. riche menne sones. Cf. ‘Lay.’ 28932-3: monies riches monnes sune, monie hæðene gume.

25. for to with infinitive. This is frequent, especially in H, and is probably due to French influence, por à. Cf. 166 L, 242 H, 388 C H, 902, 1011, 1186, etc.

27. him het. For frequent use of reflexives cf. 134 L, 140 C L, 147 C, 173 C, 233 L, 293 C, 294, 526 C, 307 C, 364, 398 C, 426, 806 L, 802 L, 1250, 1269, 1297-8, 1386, 1410, 1545.

27, H. Athulf. In the early part of the H text th is used in proper names.

31-35. Cf. ‘Erl of Tolous’ 181-3: So hyt befell upon a day, The erl and he went to play, Be a reuer syde. Cf. also ‘Lyb. Disc.’ 25, 26 (Ritson): As hyt befelle upon a day, To wode he wente on hys play; also ‘Lay.’ 25661 A, bi þere sæ side; ‘Lyb. Disc.’ 645-6: Yesterday yn the mornynge y wente on my playnge.

42. sarazins. The conventional enemy in mediaeval romance. Probably due to French influence and ultimately due to the stories originating in the crusades and in the struggles between Mohammedans and Christians culminating in the Battle of Tours.

44. Oþer to londe brohte. Murry mistakes them for merchants (cf. also 637-8). The whole incident, vv. 39-62, reminds one of the quite parallel historical incident of the first landing of the Northmen in 787, and the death of Beaduheard and his retinue.

45. Payn. Cf. Note on Sarazins, 42. of herde, an unusual combination. This is the only instance cited in Bradley-Stratmann.

55. gunne = ‘did’ intensive, as frequently. See gan in Glossary, also con, couþe, began.

57. vnder schelde means perhaps ‘in arms.’ Cf. ‘Rich. C. de L.’ 5691-3: And yiff the sawdon off that land Myghte sloo Richard in that feeld With swerd or spere undyr scheeld. Cf. also Wissmann’s note.

67-8. libbe : sibbe. Cf. ‘Lay.’ 11605-6: þenne maȝen we libben mid sæhten & mid sibben (Wissmann).

69. hi here. The representatives of the OE. forms of the personal pronouns are usually very strictly adhered to. þei, þe occurs twice (55 L and 1557 C), sche once (380 L), ‘their’ and ‘them,’ not at all.

69, 70. asoke : toke. Cf. ‘Lay.’ 12114-16: & sūme heo god wiðsoken & to haðenescipe token (Wissmann). Also ‘Lay.’ 29187-8: for crist seolue he for soc, and to þon wursen he tohc.

82, L. hundes. Cf. also 91 L, 634 C H, 887, 1465, etc. For a possible explanation of the term cf. ‘Rich. C. de L.’ 337-40: Upon his creste a rede hounde. The tayle henge to the grounde. That was Sygnyfycacioun The hethene folke to brynge down. Cf. 634 Note.

89, 90. made. Cf. ‘Lay.’ 28067-8: deoren swið hende, þa ure drihten make (Wissmann). The contracted form made of L H, is that of the original as shown by the rime and rhythm.

92. quic flen perhaps a trace of a primitive custom in this crystallized phrase (cf. also 1468 C).

98. iseene. Cf. Chaucer, ‘Knight’s Tale’ 65: Now be we caytifs as it is wel seene (Wissmann).

100. strong : long. Cf. ‘Havelok’ 2242-3: Non so fayr, ne non so long, ne non so mikel ne non so strong.

107, C. stere. Cf. Glossary.

109. Cf. the parallel historical incident where Aethelstan sets his brother Eadwine adrift, in Thorpe’s translation of Lappenberg’s England under the Anglo-Saxon Kings, II, iii, London, 1845 (Wissmann).

118. wringinde. Cf. ‘Havelok’ 152: He wrungen hondes and wepen sore (Wissmann).

121-122. wo : þo. A stereotyped couplet in romance. Cf. ‘Lay.’ 8429-30, 20383-4, 8677-8, ‘Sir Isumbras’ 380-1, 759-60, ‘Rich. C. de L.’ 6521-2.

123. Horns. Perhaps a scribal error, so common in this MS.; perhaps a trace of the OF. inflection with -s in the nom. sing. Cf. Horns 1560 H, enimis 1023 C, 1024 H; also page and crois in Glossary.

127. flowe. Cf. ‘Proverbs of Alfred,’ v. 197 (M. and S. selections): Uppe þe see þat floweþ. Kölbing (Eng. Stud. vi. 154) thinks flowe means ‘flood’ as distinguished from ‘ebb.’

128. rowe. The ‘ship’ was a ‘galeie,’ cf. 199, 1084, 1086, etc.: cf. also ‘Rich. C. de L.’ 2521-4: They rowede hard, and sungge ther too With henelow and rumbelooo. The galeye wente also faste As quarrel dos off the arweblast.

131-2. ywis : ymis. Cf. ‘Lay.’ 19067-8: for æuere heo wende ful iwis þat it weoren þe eorl Gorlois.

134. sprang. Cf. ‘Owl and Nighting.’ 734: Wane þe liȝt of daie springe. Also ‘Ipomydon’ 776: To-morrow, or the day sprynge. Hence the modern word ‘dayspring.’ For reflexive phrase, him sprong, cf. 27 Note.

150, L. dawes, the natural phonetic development from OE. nom. accus. plur. dagas. The more usual forms daies, dayes, are formed by analogy with the singular.

161, C H. hol and fer. Cf. ‘Ass.’ 62 Cambr.: so hol ne fer.

168. dales and dune. A common collocation of words. Cf. ‘Lay.’ 27352-3: iseȝen alle þa dales, alle þa dunes (Wissmann).

170. blessing. The accent on the second syllables of dissyllabic words as revealed by the rimes in ‘Horn’ is an interesting feature. This accent is no doubt in part to be explained as a French characteristic, in part as the survival of an OE. secondary accent. For further instances cf. 209-10, 219-20, 233-4, 239-40, 243-4, 253-4, 263-4, 359-60, 467-8, 529-30, 609-10, 859-60, 1169-70, 1235-6, etc.

174. mild. Cf. ‘Rich. C. de L.’ 6887-8: Tho sayde to hym with mylde stevene, also a frequent phrase in the ‘Assumption.’

176. beoþ icumene. For other examples of beon as auxiliary cf. beþ ygo 310 H, am iorne 1228 C, etc. Cf. also ‘Lay.’ 13838-9: whæt cnihten ȝe seon & whænnenen ȝe icumen beon.

175 ff. Compare with Aylmer’s greeting the in many ways similar greeting of Vortiger to Hengest and Horsa. ‘Lay.’ 13826 ff.

180-2. Ne sauȝ ihc ... Cf. 180-2 Note.

202. sail and roþer. Cf. ‘R. H.’ 60-61: Kil naient auirum dunt a (!) seient aidanȝ sigle ne guuernad (!) dunt il seient naianȝ.

204. brymme. Cf. ‘Lay.’ 272: ferde bi þere sæ brimme (Wissmann).

206. honde bihynde. Cf. Wissmann’s parallel citations from Alexander (Weber, as above I.) 2013 ff. and ‘Chron. of Engl.’ (Ritson II.) 873.

208. spille. Cf. ‘Havelok’ 242: Helpe me nu in þis nede and late ye nouth mi bodi spille (Wissmann).

210. Niþing. Cf. Wissmann’s note.

221. schulle. Cf. Wissmann’s note and citation from ‘Oct. Imp.’ (Weber III.). 535. to blowe swyþe schylle.

239 ff. Horn’s education. Cf. the similar scene in the later romance, ‘Ipomydon’ 32 ff., which, like ‘Rich. C. de L.,’ has many traits in common with King Horn, and was no doubt influenced by King Horn. (Weber, as above, II, pp. 281 ff.):

A feyrer child myght no man see Tholomew a clerk he toke, That taught the chyld vppon the boke, Bothe to synge and to rede; And after he taught hym other dede; Aftirward to serve in halle Bothe to grete and to smalle Before the kyng mete to kerve, Hye and lowe feyre to serve: Bothe of howndis and haukis game Aftir he taught hym, all and same. In se, in feld, and eke in ryuère In wodde to chase the wild dere And in the feld to ryde a stede That all men had joy of his dede

Verses 67-70 of ‘Ipomydon’ remind more directly of the French version, ‘R. H,.’ so that perhaps it was by this version of the Horn story that the composer of ‘Ipomydon’ was influenced.

244. Of wude and of riuere. Cf. the similar phrase in ‘R. H.’ 377: De bois e de riuere, refait il autre tal.

247 ff. Cf. ‘Lay.’ 4893 ff.: Brennes wes swiðe hende [v] his hap wes þe betere. Brennes cuðe on hundes, Brennes cuðe on hauekes, he cuðe mid his honden hanlie þa harpe.

250. Cupe serue. Cf. ‘Ipomydon’ (as above) 295, where the princess says to Ipomydon, “Of the cuppe ye shall serve me,” and 320 where Ipomydon does serve with the cup. Cf. also ‘R. H.’ 471: Horn serui le rei bien de la cupe acel ior.

264 ff. Cf. the apparently borrowed scene in ‘Rich. C. de L.’ vv. 879 ff., where the princess falls in love with the captive Richard and bids the jailer, “And aftir soper, in the evenyng, To my chaumbyr thow hym bryng In the atyr of a squyer” (909-11).

266. He = ‘she’ as elsewhere (OE. hēo): mest in þoȝte. For similar phrase cf. Wissmann 254 Note.

268 wexe wild. A popular word combination. Cf. ‘Proverbs of Hendyng’ (Böddeker’s ed.) 121: Ne wax þou nout to wilde (Wissmann).

275. Bi daie ne bi niȝte. Cf. ‘Erl of Tolous’ 42: Be dayes and be nyght. ‘Launfal’ 412: Be dayes ne be nyȝt. ‘Lay.’ 13829: bi dæie no bi nihtes, etc.

282. him þuȝte. Cf. Wissmann’s note with incorrect reference to ‘Lay.’ 312. See present volume, 268 Note.

300. wed broþer. Cf. Glossary.

315. sette him on bedde. The usual mode of entertainment. Cf. ‘Beues of Hampton’ (E.E.T.S.) 1090; ‘Guy of W.’ (E.E.T.S.) 3043; ‘Sir Eglamour’ 679: sche sett hym on hur beddys syde.

319 ff. For other instances of the maiden wooing the man see ‘Beues of H.’ 1093 ff.; ‘Amis and Amiloun’ 550 ff.: ‘Sir Eglamour’ 674 ff., etc.

321. trewþe pliȝte. Cf. ‘Sir Eglamour’ 674: Therto ther trowthys they plyght. ‘Erl of Tolous’ 210: Therto my trouth y plyght, etc., frequently.

333. bi one ribbe. Not clear. Cf. Wissmann’s Note, also Kölbing (Engl. Stud. vi. 155), who translates bi, ‘im bezug auf,’ ‘with reference to.’

341. fule þeof. Cf. ‘Havelok’ 1780: Goth henne swiþe fule þeues (Wissmann).

350. mote þu deie. Cf. ‘Rich. C. de L.’ 6858: God geve the wel evyl pyne; 6862, God geve you wel evyl endyng.

364. hou one. Cf. 559 C H, 650 C H, also Glossary. The OE. weak form āna seems to have the same experience as seolfa, ‘self.’

366. vs wroþe. wroþe means ‘fearful’ (Mätzner).

373. makede hire bliþe. Cf. ‘Havelok’ 2244, ‘Rich. C. de L.’ 1606 (Wissmann).

378. squieres wise. Cf. 264 Note.

379, C. pleie. Cf. ‘Lyb. Disc.’ 25-26: As hyt befelle upon a day To wode he wente on hys play.

387-8. kyng on benche. Cf. ‘Lay.’ 14963-4: & heo gon scenchen, on þas kinges benche. Also ‘Ipomydon’ 229: Of þe cuppe ye shall serve me. Cf. also 1185.

403. On knes he him sette. The conventional mode of salutation. Cf. ‘Lay.’ 22147-8: Comen to þan ki[n]ge, & setten an heore cneowen. Cf. also ‘Lay.’ 13821 and ‘King of Tars.’ 719: & gret hir feir vpon his kne, also 90, 221. ‘Guy of Warwick’ 161-2: Gye on his kneys sone hym sett, And that mayden feyre he grett. ‘Rich. C. de L.’ 891-3, 1591; ‘Ypotis’ 15: On his kne he hym sette. Well fayr þe emperour þer he grette. ‘Ipomydon’ 267-8: Ipomydon on knees hym sette And the lady feyre grette. 187-8: Vppon {his} knees he hym sette, And þe kyng full feyr he grette. Cf. also 902-3, also ‘Erl of Tolous’ 1066: To the emperour he knelyd blyve. Cf. Wissmann’s Note.

405-6. of his feire siȝte ... Cf. ‘R. H.’ 1053: De la belte de horn tute la chambre resplent. Compare with this the flame which came from Havelok’s mouth when he slept.

420. honde. Cf. ‘Ipomydon’ 2164: Ipomydon toke hyr by the hond. Cf. also ‘Havelok’ 408; ‘Amis and Am.’ 550 ff.; ‘Guy of W.’ 217 ff.; ‘Rich. C. de L.’ 891-3: Fayr he grette that lady bryght, And sayde to her with herte free, What is thy wille, Lady, with {me}.

425. ofte heo hine custe ... Cf. ‘Lay.’ 5012-14: bitwixen hire ærmes heo hine nom, ofte heo hine clupte, & ofte heo hine custe.

436. liþe. Cf. ‘Life of Alex.’ 431: He wol solace me and lythe and in this care make me blythe, and ‘Will. de Shoreham’ (ed. Wright), p. 19: and lytheth oure pyne.

437. wiþute strif. Cf. ‘Erl of Tolous’ 240: Wythoute any stryfe. ‘Ipomydon’ 1607-8: He sayd, he wold haue hyr to wyffe, If she wold withouten stryff.

440. plist. Cf. 10 Note: trewþe. Cf. 321 Note, also Wissmann’s Note.

441-2. biþoȝte : miȝte. Cf. ‘Lay.’ 28410-11: Modred þa þohte, what he don mihte (Wissmann).

450, H. þy fader fundlyng. An instance of the preservation of the OE. ‘irregular’ genitive form. Cf. also 116 C H, 951 H; moder 1485 C.

451. ... cunde. ‘It would not be in keeping with thy rank’ (Mätzner).

452. welde. Cf. 324.

454. wedding. Cf. Wissmann’s ref. to Grimm, Rechtsalt. 439.

458. iswoȝe. Swoons are frequent in mediaeval romance. Cf. ‘Ipomydon’ 873-8: Uppon hyr bedde she gan downe falle On swoone, afore hyr maydens alle. Cf. also Wissmann’s Note.

464. stere. Cf. ‘Ritson’ III. 35, 825: Ther myght no man hure stere (Wissmann).

473, C. þat swete þing. Cf. ‘Ipomydon’ 1021: Than sory was that swete thynge. ‘King of Tars.’ 374: For Maries loue, þat swete þing; ‘Lyb. Disc.’ 2127, ‘Fl. and Bl.’ 272 T, etc.

474. swoȝning. Cf. ‘Ipomydon’ 875: And whan she roos of swounynge.

478, C. seue niȝt, a ‘week,’ like ‘fortnight.’

480. cuppe : vppe. Cf. also 1205-6, where the couplet is a stereotyped one and does not fit.

482. foreward. Cf. ‘Erl of Tolous’: Yschall hold thy forward {god}; also ‘Lay.’ III. 177 (Wissmann).

485. adun falle. Cf. 403 Note.

486. halle. Cf. ‘Havelok’ 157: Bifore þe king into þe halle (Wissmann).

492. bede. Cf. Wissmann’s Note.

506. mid þe beste. Cf. ‘Lay.’ 20449: cniht mid þam beste, also 23259.

520. derling. Cf. ‘Lay.’ A. 28342: i-sloȝen is Angell þe king, þe wes min aȝen deorling.

524. sprang. Cf. 134 Note, also ‘Lay.’ A. 28314: ase þe dæi gon lihte.

526. þuȝte lang. ‘Lay.’ A. 28297: feouwertyne niht him þuhte to lōg.

537. fel a knes. Cf. 403 Note.

562, C. þuȝte god. Cf. ‘Life of Alex.’ 1145 (Wissmann); also ‘Ipomydon’ 599: And of his comyng she was glad; and ‘Lay.’ 13832; for eouwer cumen ich æm bliðe.

572. vnbynd me of my pine. Cf. ‘Fl. and Bl.’ 308: of care vnbynde.

573-4. stille : wille. Cf. ‘Seven Sages’ (Weber III.) 485 (Wissmann).

581. mestere. Cf. ‘Sir Eglamour’ 252, The knight must accomplish “dedes of armys thre” before he can marry the princess. Cf. the similar conditions in ‘Guy of Warwick.’

586, L. forsake, ‘give up,’ ‘renounce.’ Cf. Wissmann’s Note and Ritson II. 70 ff., 159.

595. gold ring. The ring element is almost invariably present in mediaeval romance. Cf. ‘Guy of W.’ 7264; ‘Sir Eglamour’ 617-21; ‘Ipomydon’ 2060 ff.; ‘Rich. C. de L.’ 1635 ff.; ‘Erl of Tolous’ 392, 1029, 1077; ‘Fl. and Bl.’ etc. Cf. also discussion of the subject in Child’s Engl. and Scot. Metr. Ballads I. pp. 194 ff.

607, C. of drad. Cf. ‘Havelok’ 278: Al Engelond was of him adrad (Wissmann).

619. Leue at hire he nam. Cf. ‘Ipomydon’ 745-6: They toke there leve at the quene. And wente forthe all by dene.

624. blak so eny cole. Cf. ‘Ipomydon’ 2182: rede as any blode. ‘Rich. C. de L.’ 1515: Vpon a stede whyt so mylke. ‘Ipomydon’ 645: That one (steed) was white as any mylke. ‘Rich. C. de L.’ 824: ded as ony stone. ‘K. Horn’ 532 L H: red so eny glede.

628. gan denie. Cf. ‘Lay.’ 27441: þa eorðen gon to dunien (Wissmann). ‘Beowulf’ 226: syrcan hrysedon.

631-2. while : myle. Cf. Wissmann’s Note with parallel references to ‘Lay.’ I. 248; ‘Squyr of Lowe Degree’ 489; ‘Lyb. Disc.’ 5, v. 103 (Ritson II.); also Wolfram’s Parz. 132, 16.

634. heþene hunde. Cf. ‘Lay.’ 28982, 29202, etc.: heðene hundes alle; ‘King of Tars.’ 92 (Ritson II.).

637-8. Cf. 44 Note.

640. wordes bolde. Cf. ‘Rich. C. de L.’ 2407: And I say thee wordes bold.

641-2. wynne : inne. Cf. ‘Chron. of Engl.’ 465-6: Engelond to bywynne And sle that ther weren ynne (Wissmann).

643. swerd gripe. Cf. ‘Rich. C. de L.’ 4471: Her wepene he gunne þer to gripe; also 5070.

649-50. Abute horn al one. Cf. ‘Beues’ 3885, 4403: Al aboute þai gonne þringe. Also ‘Guy of W.’ 1072: And þey aboute syr Gye can goo.

659, H. maister gen. sing. Another trace of French influence on this text, the French gen. sing. without ending. Cf. enimis 1024 H, Horns 123 L.

678, L H. lite stounde. Cf. ‘Life of Alex.’ 947; ‘Chron. of Engl.’ 469 (Wissmann).

681, C. wile iȝolde. Cf. ‘worth while.’ Cf. Wissmann’s parallel citations; ‘Life of Alex.’ 734; ‘Chron. of Eng.’ 871, etc.

684. huntinge. Cf. ‘Erl of Tolous’ 937: He rod on huntyng on a day. ‘Guy of W.’ 1315: On huntyng Gye went on a day. Hunting was a favourite amusement at the time of the Danish invasions, as we know from the life of Alfred.

692, C. sat on þe sunne. The sun shone in the bower. Cf. Wissmann’s citation from The Squire of L. D.: Anone that lady, fayr and fre, Vndyd a pynne of yvere, And wyd the windowes open set; The sonne schone in at her closet.

710. turne þine sweuene. Cf. ‘Lay.’ 25573: Let þu mi sweuen to selþen iturnen (Wissmann).

716. treuþe iþe pliȝte. Cf. 321 Note.

729. bi sture refers to one of the rivers Stour. Cf. like opinions of Mätzner and Wissmann.

731 ff. Cf. ‘Guy of W.’ 3065 ff.; ‘Amis and Amil.’ 781 ff.; and ‘Rich. C. de L.’ 1000, for other instances of betrayal.

734. berne. Not clear. Cf. Mätzner, Ae. Sprachproben, p. 219.

740. Vnder couerture. Cf. ‘Life of Alex.’ 549: In he cam to here bur and crape under hire couertour (Wissmann).

767-8, L H. Meaning somewhat obscure. Cf. Wissmann’s Note with somewhat parallel citation from ‘The Squire of L. D.’. 507 ff.: his drawen swerd in his hande, There was no more with him wolde stande.

779. haue wel godneday. Common form of parting salutation. Cf. ‘Lay.’ 26002, 32187 (Wissmann); also ‘Rich. C. de L.’ 106: Lemman haue thou good day. ‘Ipomydon’ 463: Have good day; noue wille I fare, etc.

780. No leng abiden. Cf. ‘King of Tars.’ 283, 314, 760: The messengers nold no leng abide. Also ‘Yw. and Gaw.’ (Ritson I.) 2673-4: He said, No lenger dwell I ne may Beleves wele, and haves goday. Cf. also ‘Assumption’ 142 C, 288 A.

783-4. wune þere : seue ȝere. Cf. ‘Lay.’ 29437-8, also 30088-9 (Wissmann). Seven years, like seven days, is a period of time conventional in romance. Cf. ‘Squire of L. D.’ 117: I haue thee loved this seven yere. Also ‘Beues’ 1274, 3835, 3897, etc. Cf. also Grimm, Rechtsalt. 214.

798. Kep wel. Cf. ‘Beues’ 2372: I pray þe kepe wel Iosian.

808. westene londe. Ireland, without a doubt. Westnesse as distinguished from estnesse; Aylmer’s kingdom as distinguished from Murry’s.

809, L H. stonde, spring up, rise. Cf. ‘Lay.’ 20509: wind stod.

827 ff. Cf. the description of the coming of Hengest (‘Lay.’ 13785 ff.).

829. Also mot i sterue. For other forms of asseveration cf. 179, 197, 365, 437, 709, 1131, 1259, etc.

831. Ne saȝ i neure. Cf. ‘Lay.’ 13830-1: bi dæie no bi nihtes ne sæh ich nauere ær swulche cnihtes. Cf. also 180-2, also ‘Beowulf’ 246-7: Næfre ic māran geseah eorla ofer eorþan þonne is ēower sum.

834. Cf. 403 Note.

836. Cf. ‘Lay’ 13816 ff.

838, L. hauen to done. Cf. ‘Seven Sages’ 452: With me ne hadde he neuer to done. ‘Life of Alex.’ 1429: There he hadde thought to done, Ac he hit aleyde sone (Wissmann).

839. bitak ... to werie. Cf. ‘Lay.’ 3021 (Wissmann).

841. faireste man. ‘Lay.’ 13797-8: þis weoren þe færeste men þat auere her comen.

848. Tak him þine glorie. Cf. Wissmann, Note, also Kölbing (Engl. Stud. vi, 156). The glove had many significations. It might be used as a sign of challenge (cf. ‘Erl of Tolous’ 1100); or it might signify a handing over of authority from a superior to a subordinate (Grimm, Rechtsalt. 154, 4). It is in this latter way that Kölbing believes the word to be used here in Horn. When a prince for any reason left his land, he must leave some one behind, to hold the court (‘Sir Tristrem,’ v. 1985), and must supply this one with the badge of authority. This opinion of Kölbing’s seems very plausible. It is interesting, however, to note two other uses of the glove. Cf. ‘Rich. C. de L.’ 5696-1: Thertoo I holde, Thertoo my glove (= ‘make agreement’). And ‘R. H.’ 909-11 C: E horn uent cuntre li cumme il iest costumez, E lespée e les gaunz sire dist ca donez, Issil soleit faire ainz quil fust encusez. The clue to the meaning might be suggested by either one of these phrases. One thing seems certain; in our poem (K. H.) the king’s meaning is that Horn should be left at home. This is the meaning in R. H. 2324-6: Si alez doneer k’od vus ne le menez, K’il est de belté issi inluminez. Ke vus là ù il ert, petit serrez preisez.

861, C. site stille. Cf. ‘Lay.’ 28173, 24866: sitteð adun stille cnihtes inne halle (Wissmann).

867 ff. Regarding the custom of single combat, cf. ‘Publ. of Mod. Lang. Assoc. of America’ xv. pp. 228, 230. Cf. also the triple combat in ‘Rich. C. de L.’ 5691 ff. Cf. also the Arundel MS. version (French) of ‘Havelok,’ in which Havelok overcomes Hadulf in single combat and thus regains his Danish kingdom.

876-7. þat on : þat oþer. Cf. ‘Lay.’ 29215-16: him seoluen he heol þat ane, Isembard þat oðer.

881-2. to rede : alle dede. Cf. ‘Havelok’ 118: Louerd what schal me to rede; Böddeker, G. L., ix. 16, sone, what shal me to rede (Wissmann). Also ‘Lay.’ 13904-5: her-of þou most ræden, oðer alle we beoð dæden.

886. wiþ used in the OE. sense ‘against.’ Cf. the use of on (= ‘in’) and at, 619 Note. (= ‘from’) in Glossary.

895, H. ros of bedde. Cf. ‘Lay.’ 6717: þe king aros of bedde (Wissmann).

904, H. to gedere smiten. ‘Lay.’ 25605: heo smiten heom to-gaderen (Wissmann).

909. on a grene. Inconsistent with ‘at Cristesmasse,’ v. 853.

911 ff. Cf. Wissmann’s Note.

921-2. King Mory. This is one of several references to a fuller, longer tale, in which Murry must have played a more important rôle. Cf. vv. 4 ff. and the abrupt introduction of Arnoldin, 1561.

925. agrise. Cf. ‘King of Tars.’ 1202: so sore hem gan agrise.

931. rynge. Unlike the ring in the Scotch ballads and in H. C. the ring in this version serves as a protection.

933-4. smerte. Cf. ‘Havelok’ 2646: þorw þe brest unto þe herte þe dint bigan ful sore to smerte (Wissmann).

935. sturne. Cf. ‘Lay.’ 25841, 6732 (Wissmann).

947-8, H. stounde : grounde. Cf. ‘Rich. C. de L.’ 4537-8: Soone, withinne a lytyl stounde The moste party yede to grounde.

952. fader. OE. gen. sing. Cf. 116 ‘C. H.’

964 ff. Cf. the similar offer made to Brennes by Sequin, ‘Lay.’ 4919 ff.

974. lofte. In the sense ‘women’s apartments’ seems to be of Norse origin. Cf. Skeat, Etymol. Dict., also Wissmann, 928 Note. Cf. also 1050 L. It seems probable that the women’s apartments were in the ‘tower.’ Cf. also Kölbing (Engl. Stud. vi. 155).

1002-3. dude seems to be used in the modern, intensive sense, and not as ‘cause to’ or ‘put.’

1010-11. For similar situations cf. ‘Guy of W.’ 1315-16: On huntyng Gye went on a day, He mett a palmer by the way. Also ‘Erl of Tolous’ 937-8: He rode on huntyng on a day, A marchand mett he be þe way. Cf. also ‘Beues’ 1300 ff.

1021-2. wedde : bedde. Cf. ‘Lay.’ 31126-7 B: he þat maide weddede, and nam hire to his bedde.

1024, H. enimis. Perhaps trace of OF. nom. sing. ending in -s, due to French scribe. Cf. 123 Note.

1034. bidere, error for bitere (?).

1056. wringe. Cf. ‘Ipomydon’ 876: Hir handes fast gan she wrynge.

1068. linne. Hortative (?).

1073. kniȝt mid þe beste. A common phrase. Cf. ‘Lay.’ 20449, etc.

1077-8. sonde : londe. Cf. ‘Lay.’ 28676-7: and sende his sonde wide ȝeond his londe.

1089. striken. Stratmann suggests ‘strip.’

1091-2, H. yronge : ysonge. Cf. ‘Lay.’ 29441-2: no belle irungen. no masse isunge.

1093. word bigan to springe. Cf. ‘Havel.’ 959: of him ful wide þe word sprong. ‘Lay.’ 26242: Wel wide sprong þas eorles word (Wissmann). Also ‘King of Tars.’ 1065: þe word wel wide sprong. ‘Lyb. Disc.’ 264 ff.: Hys name ys spronge wide.

1102. sprunge of stone. The simile is one of quickness that of a spark from the stone in striking a light, like modern “quick as a flash.” Cf. He sprange als any spark one glede, ‘Sir Isumbras,’ 451.

1103-4. mette : grette. A very common rime. Cf. ‘Lay.’ 31041-2: þer he hine mette and fæire hine grette. ‘Beues’ 2051-2: þar wiþ a palmer he mette, And swiþe faire he him grette.

1117. nolde. Cf. ‘Lay’ 28900: and seiden þat he nolde.

1118 L. ispused wiþ golde. Reference, probably, to an old custom of buying the bride.

1121. Myd strencþe. Cf. ‘Squire of L. D.’ 443 (Wissmann).

1132 ff. chaungi wede. Compare with this ‘Beues’ 2051 ff., where Beues meets a palmer, learns from him the news, exchanges garments with him, and in disguise goes to see Iosiane after an absence of seven years. Disguises are an almost universal feature of these mediaeval tales. Cf. Brian’s disguise in ‘Pierre de Langt.’ (Rolls Series), pp. 248-350. Cf. also disguises in ‘Guy of W.’, ‘Layamon’ (17637 ff.), ‘Ypomydon,’ ‘Rich. C. de L.,’ ‘Isumbras,’ etc. They are frequent in Germanic story from the stories of Thor down.

1134. sclauyne. Cf. ‘Rich. C. de L.’ 611-12: with pyke and with sclavyn, As palmers were in Paynim.

1139. horn his = Hornes, evidently due to scribe’s mistake in hearing.

1144. bicolmede. Cf. ‘Lay.’ 17700-1, iblæcched he hæfde his licame: swulc ismitte of cole.

1147-8. gateward. Cf. ‘Ipomydon’ 245-6: They com to the castelle-gate, The porter was redy there at.

1155. abugge. Cf. ‘Lay.’ 3841, 8159 (Wissm.).

1158, L. rake. Cf. ‘Beues’ 2183: Let me wiþ þe reke.

1164. ȝerne. Cf. Ritson, II. 25, 589: þe mayde cryde yerne (Wissm.).

1184 ff. Cf. the story of Brian, ‘Lay.’ III., pp. 234-8: Brian, disguised as a palmer, enters the banqueting hall. Galarne, his sister, the queen, serves the guests to drink from a bowl. She recognizes Brian, and gives him a ring in token of recognition.

1185-6. benche : schenche. Cf. ‘Lay.’ 14963-4: & heo gon scenchen on þas kinges benche. Cf. also ‘Beowulf,’ 1226-54.

1190. so laȝe was in londe. Cf. ‘Rich. C. de L.’: Thenne as hit was lawe of land (Wissm.).

1191-2. Hye drank of þe bere To knyt and to squiere. An old Germanic custom. Cf. Wissmann, ‘Untersuchungen’ (‘Q. u. F.’ xvi. Strassb., 1876), p. 110.

1202. brune. Cf. Wissm., 1142 Note, also Kölbing (‘Engl. Stud.’ vi. 156). Wissmann takes brun to be a collective referring to ‘beer.’ Kölbing, with greater probability, takes brun to mean an ordinary brown horn, as distinguished from the cuppe white, which she has laid down, 1201.

1204. glotoun. The same phrase in Wolfram’s ‘Parz.’: si wænde, er wære ein garzūn (Wissm.).

1206. þing, probably a mistake for ring. Cf. 479-80.

1240. vnder wude liȝe. Cf. ‘Lay’: Ich eou wille leden forð to mine lauerd i þon wade rime þer he under rise lið (Wissm.).

1259. bi seint gile. Cf. Wissm. 1197 Note. Cf. also 829 Note.

1275. custe. Cf. ‘Erl of Tolous’ 401: And kyssyde hyt fele sythe. Cf. also 425 Note.

1281-2. Heo feol on hire bedde. Cf. ‘Erl of Tolous’ 871, 875: He hent a knyfe with all his mayn ... And fell {in} swoun upon hys bedd; also ‘Ipomydon’ 871 ff.: Uppon hyr bedde she gan downe falle. Cf. also 458, 792.

1282, H. gredde. Cf. ‘Beues’ 2151: After Bonefas ȝhe gan grede.

1297, L, H. kuste. Cf. ‘Lay.’ 15017-18, 5012-14.

1304. wroþe. Cf. 366 Note.

1311-12. bure : ture. Cf. ‘Havelok’ 2072-3: I shal lene þe a bowr þat is up in þe heye tour.

1321-2. ywis : blis. Cf. ‘Lay.’ 7605-7 B: Mochel was þe blisse þat hii makede mid iwisse.

1335. wunder. Cf. Mätzner 1247 Note.

1336. falsede. Early instance of a hybrid word.

1398. crouch. Lat. crucem, OE. cruce.

1410. hym agros. Cf. 925 Note.

1419. kepe þis passage. Cf. ‘Beowulf’ 230 ff.: se þe holmclifu healdan scolde, etc.

1420. of age. This phrase seems to have very nearly its modern meaning, and if so, is probably the earliest recorded instance. Cf. New Oxford Dict.

1422. bi este C, by weste L H. This confusion, here as elsewhere, seems due to changing points of view. Westernesse is of course west to Suddenne, and both are east to Yrlonde.

1428. þe riȝte, direct. Cf. Wissmann, 1356 Note.

1462. I blessed beo þe time. Cf. ‘Havel.’ 1215; ‘Chron. of Engl.’ 705 (Wissmann).

1465-6. teche : speche. Cf. ‘Lay.’ 26544: for þus we eou scullen techen ure Bruttisce speche, and 26834: Nu is we wulle teche Bruttisce spæche. For a very similar use cf. ‘Lay.’ 18424-25: we scullen heom to teon & tiðende tellen; 20605-6, and we heom sculleð tellen Bruttisce {spelles}; 21698, sorhfulle spelles; 24942, ȝeomere spelles. In all these instances, as in the phrase in K. H., the meaning seems to be to inflict dire punishment. Cf. also ‘Lay.’ 23503-4: & techen heō to riden þene wæi touward Romen.

1467-8. sle : fle. Cf. ‘Lay.’ 6417-18: oðer mid fure he lette hom slæn · oðer he heom lette quic flan. Cf. also ‘Lay.’ 27376-7, 29049-50; ‘Life of Alex.’ 1734 (Wissmann). Cf. also ‘Havelok,’ 612: He shal hem hangen, or quik flo. For details of the flaying, cf. ‘Havelok’ 2492 ff.

1469. horn to blowe. In both French versions of ‘Havelok,’ Havelok proves his identity in Denmark by his ability to blow the horn which Sigar presents to him, and which no one else can blow. Cf. also ‘Beues’ 3377: Saber is horn began to blow, þat his ost him scholde knowe. Cf. also Roland’s horn in the Song of Roland and a similar incident in the German romance, ‘König Rother.’

1481-2. wurche : churche. Cf. ‘Lay.’ 10205-6: chirchen he lettē areren monie & wel iwhare; also 29531-2.

1483-4. ringe : singe. Cf. ‘Havelok’ 242: Belles he deden sone ringen, monkes and prestes masse singen (Wissmann).

1487, L. cleten. Scribal error for clepten.

1501-2, L H. ston ... lym ... The combination of stone and lime is probably a sign of French influence on MSS. L and H. Cf. R. H. 5047: de pere e de furment. Cf. also ‘Erl of Tolous’ 467: Was made of lyme and stone; also ‘Sir Eglamour,’ 252.

1509-10. wende : schende. Cf. ‘Lay.’ 1793-9: Þe kaisere wende Walwaī to scende.

1516-17. For mode of marriage cf. ‘Rich. C. de L.’ 185-8.

1518. newe werke. Cf. ‘Rob. of Glouc.’ p. 449 (Wissmann).

1536. wunder = harm, evil. Cf. Mätzner, 1247 Note, 1422 Note.

1537. wundes fiue. Cf. ‘King of Tars.’ 57: þat suffred wowndes fiue.

1574. ginne. Cf. ‘Lay.’ 30567: þurh nanes cunnes giñe (Wissmann).

2, T. þe cristen woman, the captive mother of Blauncheflur.

28, T. louyd togeder, a French idiom, s’entr’amoient.

72, T. Boþ by day and by nyȝt. Cf. ‘K. Horn,’ 275 Note.

77, T. þat oþer, preservation of the OE. definite inflected form, þæt, source of modern English dialect ‘tother.’

80, T. ben ... wo. Cf. 142 T, and ‘K. Horn,’ 121 Note.

100, T. fel to, was due. Cf. Bradl.-Stratm. fallen.

110, T. wore : lore. Cf. were : fere, 82.

113-14, T. sykes, lernes, mornes. These forms seem due to Northern influence on MS. T.

140, T. Let do bring forth. A curious combination. ‘Let’ is beginning to usurp the place of ‘do’ in the sense of ‘cause to.’ Cf. 155 T, 211 T, 434 C, etc.

168, T ff. In these allusions to other romances are to be found the most certain clues as to the time of composition of ‘Fl. and Bl.’

193, T. at oone. Cf. ‘K. Horn,’ 997 Note.

194, T. Amyral, emir, saracen ruler.

210, T. wyrche. Cf. ‘K. Horn,’ 1481.

226, T. chargeþ. Error for targeþ. Cf. MS. Cott.

227, T. noome, gone. Cf. vndernome, 152, 219 T.

250, T. ronne on hye, ran to the chamber above.

270, T. wept. Cott. has the older form wep. Cf., however, Aryst (: atwist), 869 T and 589 C, and Cott.

272, T. So swete a þing. Cf. v. 525, also ‘K. Horn,’ 473 C, Note.

338, T. care vnbynde. Cf. ‘K. Horn,’ 572.

341-2, T. devyse : prys. These words have a meaning somewhat different from the modern meaning. Deuyse means direction, supervision; prys means value. Like charged 343, and monay 345, they are French words with French meanings.

343, T. charged, loaded. Fr. influence.

345, T. monay, small money. Fr. influence.

376, T. douȝt. This use of ȝ where it has no right etymologically shows that it was no longer pronounced. Cf. anooneryȝt : white 766 T.

40, C. nabit. Cf. ‘K. Horn,’ 1211 L., H.

67, C. Fort he dide slep him nome. ‘Until the dead sleep seized him.’ Fort he comes from for to he (Hausknecht).

76, C. parais. A French form. The -d- shaded out in French about 1110.

110, C. pane of meniuier. Cf. Hausknecht’s Note. Hausknecht reads: I paned al wiþ meniver, supplied with panes of meniver. Meniuier (menu + vair) means a kind of fur, probably of squirrel.

145, C. in alle halue. Cf. Map, 338, on alle halve (Bradl.-Stratm.).

173, C. furtenniȝt, a journey of a fortnight. (?)

176, C. amidde riȝt, right in the middle of. Cf. also 182.

231, C. kernel (kanel), canal (Hausknecht).

275, C. spray. Cf. Bradl.-Stratm.

300, C. þonur (þe + honur).

304, C. bulmeþ, error for welmeþ. (?)

308, C. for do, old force of for-. Cf. Germ. ver-.

448, C. hire stonde. Trace of gram. gender. Cf. Hausknecht, 854 Note.

465, C. lepe. Cf. Hausknecht, 875 Note.

486, C. Ho, who so. Early instance of loss of w-.

497, C. forȝe me (forȝete me).

513, C. ileste a mile, time to go a mile. Cf. ‘K. Horn,’ 631-2 Note.

536, C. pal. Cf. Hausknecht, 952 Note.

589, C. arist (: atwist). Early instance of a strong verb become weak.

597, C. piler, the pillar in the tower, the one in which the water-pipe runs. Cf. 223-232 C.

937, T. withdrowȝ, restrained. Rare in this sense.

941, T. soord. Hausknecht reads soon.

960, T. kinde of man. Fr. nature. Kind is felt to be no longer an exact equivalent of nature; hence in T, of man is added.

692, 697, C. him. Further traces of grammatical gender. Cf. 448, C Note.

988, T. lygge. Read bygge. French racatassent.

718, C. biknewe. Cf. Glossary.

1007, T. ne getest not. Scribal error. Cf. C and A.

1009, T. on lyue. Mod. Engl. alive. Cf. adown, a-fishing, etc.

1011-12, T. byne : moyne. byne not clear; moyne error for myne. (?)

1017, T. tyre (tear), did struggle toward her.

814, C. ȝeld here while, paid for their pains. Cf. ‘worth while.’


4, C. lescoun, reading. Lat. lectiones.

7, 8, C. blessi : herkni. Cf. blessyth : herkenythe F, blis : herkenis D.

15, 16, C. also : mo. H and F have also : two.

19-22. Add. Not in H or D, or F.

21-2, C. red : ded. The scribe has neglected to cross his d to make ð. D 21-2 has beth : deth.

17-44, C. Omitted in F.

29-30, C. weop : fet. let : fet in H and D.

33-4, C. fless : was. H and D have blode : mode.

41-2, C. Not in H, or F, or D.

51-56, C. In D (49-54) all is told in a command to John. F (25-32) follows D rather than C in rimes.

59-60, C. were : forbere. F (35-5) has saumpull : tempull. D (57-8) has exemple : temple.

61-2, C. þore : more. Cf. F (37-8) more : ore, D (59-60) more : lore.

63-4, C. Not in F or D.

69-70. fedde : bedde. Cf. F (43-4), D (65-6): Therfore þey loued hur well all (D is substantially, not exactly, the same as F): And sche hyt seruyd wele with all F.

[[The rimes are at 65-66, C, and 71-72, A.]]

70-1, C. slep : kep. Cf. F (45-6) and D (67-8):

Besy sche hur made þat swete may hur sone to serue nyght and day. F.

and H 67-8:

besy shee was day and nyght for to serue god almyght.

75-88, C. Not in F.

80-86, C. Cf. D (76-80):

al þat sche wolde he dide sone Crist hem sette boþe Iliche In to þe blisse of heuene riche But whan mane þat mayden hende Schulde out of þis world wende.

Cf. also H (75-78):

Crist ham blessid bothe y liche that sone hem brought to heuen riche. Tho Marie that mayden hende shuld out of this world wende, Crist here sent an Angel fro heuen.

97-8, C. quen : ben. Cf. F (57-8):

That hye flowre þat groweþ on a tree Mary modyr he sent to the.

also D (91-2):

þe lilye flour þat grew on the Mayden & moder wel the be.

also H (89-90):

lady þe flour that come of the mayde and moder y-heried þu be.

103-4, C. þinge : bringe. Cf. brynge : tithynge. F (61-2), D (97-8), H (95-6).

107-8, C. beo : þe. Cf. come : wone. F (65-6), D (101-2), H (99-100).

110, C. meigne. Cf. F 68, D 104, H 102, plente.

121-2, Add. F, D, and H have these verses and an additional couplet: lady swete y say to the That here schall þow no lengur be. F (75-6.) D and H have substantially the same.

116, C. hire by. F, D, and H have belamy in agreement with Add.

121-2, C. kenesmen : beon. Cf. H 118: and of my frendes that y kene.

127-8, C. come : aboue. Cf. H (123-4), come : doune.

131-2, C. lefdy : belamy. Cf. H (127-8):

Then seid Marie to þat angel fre. What is thi name tel thu me.

139-146, C. Cf. F (101-4):

The aungell to heuene wande Whan he had seyde hys errande Mary toke that palme in honde and thoght moche of þat sonde.

D (135-8) has substantially the same. H (135-8) has, yede : seide, hond : sond.

151-2, C. idon : on. Cf. F (109-10) ydo : to, D (143-4) ido : to.

162, C. vnriȝt. Cf. F (154): boþe be dayes & be nyght; do. D (154), H (154).

164, C. dred. H, F, and D have qued : for I dowte me of þe quede, F 156.

177-180 C. wo : fo, so : to. F (137-40) has bone : sone, also : to. D (171-4) has the same rimes. H (171-4) has bone : sone, also : tho.

190, C. idriȝt. F (148), D (172), and H (182) have plight.

193-4, C. ded : ned. F (151-2), D (185-6) have pyne : tyme. H does not have these verses.

199-200, C. Cf. F (157-60):

And sayde lady how may thys be yf thow wynde sory we bee. lady thou haste seruyd vs so allas how schall we the for goo.

D (191-4) has be : we, so : go. H (189-92) has:

and seid lady how may this be Yf þu wendist how shal we do lady whi dos thu serue vs so how shal we then lady do.

213-14, C. to : so. Cf. F (173-4):

ye schall see a wondur dreche whan my sone wole me fecche.

D (207-8):

schal no sorwe me drecche for my sone wile me fecche.

H (203-6):

ther shal me no sorow dery for my sone wol me wery. my body shal haue no woo for Ihesus sake to whom y go.

219-20, C. kyng : geng. Cf. F (179-80):

he þat y bare my leue sone schall sende me aungellys {soon}

D (213-14):

he þat I bar my leue sone wile þat good folk to me come.

H (209-10):

he þat y bare my lef sone he wol sende other come.

226, C. Two lines are omitted here. Cf. F (187-8).

Seynt John wyste ther of noght. what tydyng þat the angell broȝt.

With F agree D (221-2) and H (217-18).

231-4, C. chere : dere, blis : is. Cf. F (193-96):

Than thou haddyst ony schame where þorow Ihc myȝt me blame. and y schall neuyr blythe bee Tyll y wott what eyleyth {the}.

D (227-30) agrees with F. H (223-26) has the rimes, shame : blame, the : be.

247, H. glad. F (210) has:

Thou haste me bothe fedd and ladd.

C (244) has:

boþe þou feddist me & clad.

251-262, H. Not in D.

261-2, H. sone : come. F 223-4 has abouen : comen.

274, H. foly. F (236) and D (258) have velane.

275, H. oure allere dright. F (237) has: that ys so bryght. D (199) has: king ful of Right.

277-80, H. D has only two lines (261-2):

Seynt John answerid tho Swete ladi what schal I do.

289-92 H. deth : meth, fro : woo. Not in D. F (251-4) has dyght : ryght, froo : twoo.

298, H. At this point there follow in D (277-80):

For soþe þouh I go before Schalt þou no þing ben for lore. I schal bidde my leue sone, þat þou may to vs come.

301-2, H. beforn : com. D (283-4) has manere : there.

303 ff., H. From this point F and D follow Add. (309-340).

320, Add. Here D (299-300) has two lines not in Add. or F:

Telle þou me my leue fere Whi þou makist so drere chere

322, Add. mon. F (240): Why I wepe anone.

332, Add. F (301-2) and D (313-14) have two extra lines here:

So helpe me Ihesus y not how y come to thys howse.

355-6, Add. wham : cam. F (305-6) whom : come. D 317-18 nouht : brouht.

347 ff., F. At this point there is a transposition in Add. D and F agree in the main. After 346 A there follow in F (317-337):

Come now forthe now with me all before hur knele wee And seyde lady well thou be Thy sone vs hath sent to the 320 To serue the & be the by For now we be come to the lady anodur thyng seynt John To {the} apostolys oon be oon loke whan ye come ther yn 325 ye schall see many of hur kynne That sory semblant they make and sore wepe for hur sake But make we alle feyre chere For hur frendys that ben there 330 Than went þe apostelys oon lasse þen {xii} Euyn before oure lady hur selfe Into the chaumbur þat sche was ynne and many moo of hur kynne On kneys they sett them ylke oon 335 As them badd seynt John They seyde lady heuene queue etc.

357-8, Add. alle : falle. Cf. 331-2 above; also D 343-4.

360, Add. bi and bi. Cf. F 348: And welcomyd þe apostelys tendurly. D 358: & welcomid hem hendeli.

363-6, Add. þere : were, þouȝt : ybroȝt. F (351-4) has forme : come, noght : broght. 363-4, Add. are wanting in D. For 365 Add., D has: þei seyde : ladi doute þow nouht.

369, Add. come. D 365 has: Than seyde oure ladi as was hire wone.

309-10, H. he : be. F (359-60) has:

I am hys modur þat he me cutt Full fayne I am þat he me fett.

D (367-8) has:

I am his modur þat is full of myght ful fayne he haþ ȝow to me dight.

375-8, Add. Not in F or D.

315-16, H. name : shame. Not in D.

326, H. laue. F (376) has scathe. D (382) gabbe.

329, H. badde here bone. F (383) has speke theron.

327-30, H. Not in D.

331-2, H. stede : bede. F (381-2) and D (383-4) have hur by : mary.

339-40 H. Not in D.

341, H. went to aray. F (391) dud hur ley. D (391) ȝede and ley.

344, H. here body sikerly. F (344) hur os hys lady. D (394) wiþ al hire myght oure ladi.

409 ff., Add. F and D agree with H here. The address of Jesus to the angels is peculiar to Add.

365-6, H. heuene : seuene. F (415-16) meyne : plente.

348, H. Some leaves in D at this point are lost. D resumes at 477 H.

373-4. trone : sone. F (423-4) blys : with owt mys.

379-80, H. dere : here. F (429-30) moder : hider.

382, H. now thu comest with thi meyne. F (432) and thy aungels with mery glee.

384 H. with all gladnesse. F (434) with owt mys.

394, H. thu shall bene. F (444) schalt þere seene.

398, H. or any with the shall be. F (448) The syght of hym þou do fro mee.

399-400, H. one : gone. F (499-50) agrees in thought with Add. foone : oone.

403-4, H. se : the. F (453-4) agrees with Add. thole : before.

405-6, H. Not in F.

409-10, H. the : be. F (457-8):

all the goostys that wrathedd mee Blynde schall they all bee.

411-12, H. the : me. F (459-60) yeue : leue.

416, H. forlore. F (464): That were forlorne nere thow were. Cf. Add. (467-70).

419-22, H. F. transposes order, mary : ynne, crye : thee.

529-30, Add. anon : done. F (471-2):

I schall them helpe sone Swythe modur for þy louen.

424, H. and in strif. F (474) has: In deedly synne man or wyfe.

425-6, H. dawe : be-knawe. F (475-6), throwe : a knowe.

433-4, H. mercy : me by. F (483-4):

y schall haue of them pete and sone they schall sauyd bee.

444-6 H. bore, be : me. F (494-98):

Schall they neuer be for lore All hyt schall be at thy wylle [Sidenote: Cf. Add. 552-6:] So hyt schall be & þat ys skylle, Modur y wyll no thyng geyn sey the What thyng ryghtfull þow aske of me.

451-2, H. fere : dere. F (507-8):

Thou and all thy felaschypp That no wyght do hyt no dyspyte.

452, H. hent. F (509): to heuene sente.

455-60, H. Cf. F (511-18):

all the aungels of heuen songyn wyth a mery stevyn hyt was well seene in ther songe That moche yoye was þem among With all þe aungels of heuen sche wan and as sone as sche thedur came Sche was made heuene quene Soche a sone blessyd muste bene.

461-2, H. nome : be-come. F (519-20):

Now ye schall here a ferly case how the body kepte was.

583-4, Add. Not in F.

473, H. and leueth it. F 531: Do delue a pytt sone anoone.

485-6, H. vs : Iesus. Not in F or D.

488, H. theder right anone. F 544, frendys ylkeson.

491-2, H. Not in D.

504, H. euerychone. D (420), as þei gon.

505-6, H. Not in D.

507-8, H. it : pytt. D (421-2):

& caste we hem in a slouh & do we hem schame I nouh.

509-10, H. Not in D.

511-12, H. Not in D.

514-15, H. Not in F or D.

516, H. holt and lame. D (426), blynd & lame.

519, H. there were. F (573), hyng on þe bere.

520, H. before. D (430), ere.

623-638, Add. Peculiar to Add. Not in H, or F, or D.

535-6, H. be best : honest. F (589-90), D (443-4), that here lythe : and clene wyfe.

537-8, H. Not in D.

539-40, H. aboue : loue.

F (593): ys owre be houe.

D (445-6):

Ihesu þat was of hire born & ellis we had alle ben {lorn}.

544, H. as ye may here. D (450), as anoþer it were.

545-6, H. fourme : sone. D (451-2):

I beleue at þe forme come þat ihesu crist is goddis sone

551-2, H. Not in D.

552, H. thurgh your biddynge. F (606), þat y am yn.

554, H. anone. D (458), swiþe sone.

561-2, H. Not in D.

562, H. Here follows in F (617-18):

Of an hounde he hath made hys knyȝt To preche of hym day and nyght.

565-6, H. by-leue, y-yeue. F (621-2):

he wyste he was to goddys be hove he taght hym all goddys beleue.

569-72, H. D (471-4):

In eueri lond wher he becam ouer al to preche {in} goddis name a good palme of þe lond he betauht him in his hond.

571-2, H. Not in F.

574, H. that were so felle. D (476), for to spelle.

576, H. fay. F (630), D (478), lay.

577-8, H. Not in D.

691 ff., Add. The order here is peculiar to Add. F and D agree with H.

581-2, H. Iosephas : was. F (635-6):

In to the vale of Joseph Os ihesu cryste them badd hath.

D (481-2):

to þe vale of Josaphath þei lad as ihesu crist him self bad.

587-94. Not in D.

587-8, H. done : euerychone. F (641-2):

Whan þey had beryd þat body home þey goon sekurlye.

592, H. long. F (646), and a full mery songe.

598, H. Here follow in F (653-4):

as soone as they were at þe borde They began goddys worde.

603-4, H. Not in F or D.

607-8, H. leme : beme. F (661-2):

he broght the sowle in to þe body aȝen That was bryghter þen þe sunne beme.

D (499-500) has the same as F transposed, beme : aȝen.

609-10, H. blisse : ys. F (663-4) has ywys : ys. D (501-2), quen Iwis : heuene blis.

611-16, H. F (665-72):

Thedurward come seynt Thomas as soone as he myght passe he was not at hur forthfare Therfore he was in moche care he wolde fayne haue be there, yf that goddys wyll hyt were. as he thedur toke the way a bryghtnes hym thoght he say.

D (503-10) agrees in thought and rime with F, save in verses 509-10, which are:

& as he thedirward went a brightnes he saw in þe firmamente.

625-632, H. Cf. F 681-90:

To my felows some tokenyng That y was toward thyn endyng lady graunte me my boone Ellys y not what y schall done They will not leue for nothyng That y was at thy berying abowte hur myddyll was a gyrdyll That hur selffe louydd mekyll Of sylke ymade wele wythall adowne to Thomas sche let hyt falle.

D (519-24) has:

to my felawis sum tokenyng of thi bodili vpsteyeng. and certis þer aboute hire myddil sche had vpon a wel good girdil al of silk well wrouht wiþ alle & doun to Thomas sche lete it falle.

636, H. yede. D (528) has dede.

639-642. F (697-702) has:

In the tempull of Jerusalem at mete he fonde them Whan he þem sye he grett þem anoon and they hym chydd euerychon and sayde all to Thomas of ynde Euyr more thow art be hynde.

D (531-6) agrees in thought with F, and has, ierusalem : hem, Inouh : wouh, Inde : behynde.

645-6, H. Not in D.

647-50, H. F (707-712):

Sore me for thynkyth quod Thomas That y was not there sche beryed was as y myght not there come That wyste wele goddys sone I blessyd be that quene so mylde That ys in heuyn wyth hur chylde.

D (539-544) agrees in matter with F, and has, Thomas : was, come : sone, quen : schen.

657-60, H. F (719-24) has:

Or thou sye hys blody syde and hys wounde depe and wyde Of false be leue thou haste ybee Thou art so we may well see Thou art of an euyll beleue we kepe no soche maner fere.

D (551-6) agrees with F, save in v. 555: þou art of a lither manere.

662, H. F (726), wole ye all vpon me goone. D (558), I wile answer the a non.

Here follow in F (727-8):

Be iħc þat was in bedlem borne me lyste to answere of yon neuer oon.

664, H. F (730) has, os me thynkyth in my mode.

Then follow in F (731-2):

I sey hyt yow be my hode In the place there y stode.

D (559-62) has, gode : mode, hode : blode.

667-8, H. Cf. D (565-8):

Quod petir this is no les In þis seynt sche beryed wes Me þinkiþ wunder þat it is here for it was beried with bere.

F (735-38) agrees with H in thought, but inverts the last two lines, the last of which reads: For hyt was beryed with hur in fere.

675, H. yede. Cf. D (573): Ferth þei went of þat stede.

679-82, H. Not in D. D ends thus (576 ff.):

But a flour in þe grounde þei seyde ihesu goddis sone þi sonde to vs is welcome Jhesu crist ful of myght among þe apostlis þer a light & þe aungelis þat wiþ him were Grette þe apostelis alle in fere. & þan oure lord ihesu crist hem ouersprad wiþ a myst & brouhte hem alle in a stounde In selcouth place fro þe toumbe þei com alle to hire contray but non wiste be what way. Beseke we now þat swete may þat sche prey for vs nyght & day & bere oure arnde to hire sone þat we may to him come. In to heuene þer he is king & ȝeue vs alle good ending. amen.

686, H, sayng. F (754) reads: and þat þou wolde sende vs good tydyng.

687-8, H. Not in F.

689-90, H. F (755-6):

cryste of heuyn full ryght among þe apostelys he sente a lyght.

695 ff., H. F ends thus (761-790):

Soone aftur to heuyn wente cryste Vpon the apostelys spreed a myste and broȝt them all fro þat grounde In to sondry placys in a stounde Come they all in to ther cuntrey wyste noon how thedur come they. moche wondur þan þem thoght how they were thedur broght. cryste we thanke in euery place That hath sent vs thys grace. here endyth thys lesson That ys clepydd the assumpcion Of seynt mary meke and mylde That ys in heuyn wyth hur chylde. Beseche we all that swete may To pray for vs nyght and day and pray for vs to hur sone That we may to heuyn come To haue þat blys þere he ys kyng and gyf vs all goode endynge. amen.



Add. Brit. Mus. Add. MS. of Ass.

Ass. Assumption of our Lady.

C. Cambridge Univ. MS. Gg. 4. 27. 2. of King Horn and Assumption.

Cott. Cottonian MS. of Floriz and Bl.

F. & B. Floriz and Blancheflur.

H. Harleian MSS. of King Horn and of Assumption.

KH. King Horn.

L. Laud Misc. MS. 108 of King Horn.

OE. Old English.

OF. Old French.

T. Trentham MS. of Floriz and Bl.

V. Cottonian MS. of Floriz and Bl.

Yogh ȝ and thorn þ are alphabetized as “g” and “t”. I and J are alphabetized together. U/V as a vowel is alphabetized before V as a consonant.]

abegge, abeie, see beien.

abide, see bide.

acupement, sb. accusation, F. & B. 664, 670, etc., C. OF. acoupement.

Adam, Ass. 429, 461, 465 Add.

Admiral, sb. emir, F. & B. 164, 170 C.; amirel, amirayl, F. & B. 175, 179 Cott.; Admirad, amyraud, Admyrold, KH. 95.

adrenche, see drenche.

adriȝe, see dreȝe.

adrinke, see drinke.

adun, adv. down, KH. 458 C, 485 C; adune, adowne, adoune, KH. 1608 C L H; adun, adoun, KH. 1610.

age, sb. be of ----, KH. 1420, F. & B. 37 T, of age. Cf. KH. 1420 Note.

aȝenes, see ȝen.

agesse, see gesse.

agrise, see grise.

Ailbrus, Aylbrus, see Aþelbrus.

Ailmar, Aylmar, Almair, Eylmer, King of Westernesse, KH. 169, 233, 359, 526, 538, 549, 729, 733, 747, 753, 1331, 1514, 1614, etc. OE. Aeþelmær.

al, adv. all, quite, KH. 38 L H.

alle veile, everywhere, KH. 262 L.

Allof, father of Horn, KH. 4, 33, 73 H.

also, conj. as, KH. 32, 1102 etc. OE. eal swā.

angussus, adj. full of anguish, F. & B. 366 C. OF. angoissous.

anhitte, see hitten.

apliȝt, adv. on one’s faith; aplyȝt, F. & B. 88 T; aplyst, F. & B. 200 Cott.; apliȝt, F. & B. 649 C. OE. on + pliht.

aquelde, see quelle.

aquite, see quite.

araȝte, see areche.

areche, v. explain, recount; infin., KH. 1308 C.; 3 sing. pret. araȝte, F. & B. 812 C. OE. areccean.

arecche, see recche.

areche ?, see reche.

aredde, infin. rid, deliver, F. & B. 689 C. OE. ahreddan.

Arnoldin, Arnoldyn, KH. 1561, 1613, 1618.

aroum, adv. apart; aroom~, F. & B. 824 T; aroum, Cott. Cf. Gen. & Ex. 4000, 4021. OE. on rum, apart.

arre, see er.

arson, sb. saddle bow; n. s., F. & B. 369 T. OF. arçon.

aslawe, see slon.

asoke, see sake.

assoine, infin. prevent, F. & B. 423 T.

at, prep. from. KH. 619 etc. OE. æt.

atel, adj. dreadful, cruel, F. & B. 113 Cott. OE. atol, eatol.

Aþelbrus, Aylbrous, Ailbrus, etc., KH. 239, 257, 282, 309, 351, 385, 481, 495, 501, 1621, 1627.

Aþulf, Haþulf, ayol, KH. 27, 29, 300, 309, 311, 316, 537, etc. OE. Æthelwulf, Aþulf, or Eadwulf.

aton, adj. (at + one) agreed, KH. 997 C H.

at wite, v. find fault with, twit; infin. F. & B. 490 C.; 3 s. pret. atwist, F. & B. 490 C. OE. ætwītan.

awreke, v. avenge; infin., F. & B. 731 C.; 3 s. pret. awrek, KH. 952 H. OE. wrecan.

axede, askede, 3 s. pret. asked, KH. 43; askede H, axede C, acsede L. OE. āscian, āxian.

aye, see eie.

Babylon, dat. F. & B. 147 T; Babyloyn, 190 T, 191 T; -loigne, 119 C.; babyloyne, 147 T, 191 T; Babyloyne, 153 T; Babilloine, 172 C.; Babiloyne, 181 Cott.; Babilloigne, 120, 129 C.; Babilloine, 129 C, etc. French version has Babiloine, 406, 505, etc.

bale, sb. bale, calamity, F. & B. 821 C. OE. bealu.

barbecan, sb. outer work of a fortress, F. & B. 207 C. OF. barbecane.

barm, sb. lap, bosom; in bearme, KH. 752. OE. bearm.

barnage, sb. baronage, F. & B. 639 C. OF. baronage.

bede, sb. prayer, Ass. 89 C, 95 Add., 332 H, 486 Add. etc. OE. bēd.

bede, v. present, offer; infin., KH. 492; 2 pl. pres., KH. 977 C L. OE. bēodan.

beien, v. buy; 3 s. pret. boȝte, KH. 1442 C. abeie, v. atone for, expiate; infin. abeie C; abeye L, KH. 116; abugge C H; abygge L 1155; 3 s. pret. aboute L; abohte H, KH. 1493. OE. bycgan.

belamy, sb. good friend, F. & B. 633 C. OF. bel ami.

belde, see bolde.

belete, see leten.

bemeneþ, see bimene.

bene, sb. petition, KH. 590 C L. OE. bēn.

beode, v. offer; infin., F. & B. 369 C.; 3 s. pret. bed, F. & B. 733 C. OE. bēodan.

Berild, byrild, beryld, Byryld, KH. 816, 817, 825, 837, 845, 877, 878.

berwe, v. protect; infin., KH. 980 L. OE. beorgan.

beyne, num. both, KH. 949 H. OE. bēgen.

bi, by, prep. by, along, in, KH. 5, 20, etc. OE. be.

bicolwede, see colwen.

bidde, v. pray, beg; infin. bidde, bydde, KH. 1263; 1 s. pres. bidde, Ass. 135 C, 143 Add.; bid, 170 C; 3 s. pres. biddeþ, F. & B. 588 C.; byddeþ, F. & B. 1081 T; 3 s. pret. bad, bed, KH. 85, 1272; bad, badde, Ass. 90 C, 95 Add., 329, C; pp. ibede, F. & B. 579 C.; ybede, 859 T. OE. biddan.

bide, abide, v. (1) wait, (2) expect, (3) wait for, KH. 910, 1099, 1564. OE. ābīdan.

bidene, by dene, adv. at once, F. & B. 60 T, Ass. 347 Add.

bihelde, biholde, v. look on, behold, F. & B. 102 Cott., KH 639. OE. bihealdan.

biheue, adj. profitable, Ass. 676 Add. OE. behēfe.

bihoten, v. promise; 3 s. pret. bihet, KH. 500. OE. hātan.

biknewe, pp., see knowe.

bileue, see leue.

biliue, bliue, adv. quickly, KH. 350 L, 502 C, 771 C, 1042 C; blyue, Ass. 776 Add. OE. bī līfe.

bimene, v. bemoan, lament; infin., F. & B. 72 Cott.; 3 s. pres. bemeneþ, F. & B. 957 T. OE. bimǣnan.

binom, 3 s. pret. took away from, F. & B. 112 Cott.; pp. binomen, benome, Ass. 271 A, 273 C. OE. biniman.

birine, see reyne.

bisemen, v. befit, beseem; 3 s. pres. bisemeþ C, byseme L, bysemeþ H, KH. 518. Icel. sǣma.

bispac, see speke.

biswike, see swike.

bite, infin. bite, partake of as food, KH. 1211 L, H. OE. bītan.

biteche, 1 s. pres. entrust, KH. 613 L, H. OE. tǣcan.

bitide, see tide.

biþinne, prep. within, KH. 1122 C, 1387 C.

bitwexe, prep. between, KH. 454 C. OE. betweox, betwux.

biwente, see wende.

biwreien, see wreien.

Blancheflour, Blauncheflur, etc., nom. 18 T, 46 T, 22 V, 34 V; dat. 20 T, 22 T, 36 T, 58 T, 114 T, 122 T, 34, 46, 48, 64, 96, 102, 112 etc., C. Fr. Blanceflors, Blanceflor.

blenche, infin. overturn, KH. 1525 C L; ouerblenche, 1525 H. OE. blencan.

blesse, infin. bless, KH. 17 L H. OE. bletsian.

blessing, sb. blessing, KH. 170 C. OE. bletsung.

blethelyche, adv. blithely. OE. blīðelīce.

ble[y]ne, sb. whale, KH. 727 L. OF. baleine.

bliþe, blyþe, adj. blithe, KH. 1, 141, etc.

blynne, see linnen.

bode, dat. sing. message, Ass. 146 C; accus. bodes, Ass. 126 Add. OE. bod.

bold, bald, baud, adj. bold; sing. KH. 96; pl. belde, bolde, KH. 640. OE. beald.

bone, sb. prayer, boon, Ass. 522 H, 27 C, 329 C, 441 C. ON. bōn.

boneyres, adj. devoted, good looking, debonair, KH. 968 L. OF. bonaire.

bord, sb. (ship) board; dat. sing. borde, KH. 119, 123.

bord, sb. table, F. & B. 103 C, KH. 269, 1605.

bote, sb. remedy, redress, F. & B. 821 C. OE. bōt.

bote, KH. 1364 L; v. baddest, or scribal error.

bote, see bute.

braide, breide, 3 s. pret. draw, brandish, F. & B. 289 T, 1014 T. OE. brægd.

breche, dat. sing. breeches, F. & B. 258 C. OE. brēc.

breme, adj. valiant, spirited, famous, F. & B. 792 C, 1071 T. OE. brēme.

brenie, brunie, sb. coat of mail, KH. 627, 765, 897, 1310. OE. byrne.

bruken, v. use, enjoy; imper. 3 sing. bruc C, brouke L, brouc H, KH. 220. OE. brūcan.

brun, sb. beer (?); of a brun C, of þe broune L, H, KH. 1202.

brymme, sb. edge, shore, KH. 204 C.

buȝe, v. bow, writhe, twist, let fall (Mätzner); infin. buȝe C, unbowe H, KH. 458. OE. būgan.

bulmeþ, 3 sing. pres. boils, F. & B. 305 C. Probable error for welmeþ. Cf. ȝelle.

bur, sb. bower, women’s quarters, KH. 285. OE. būr.

burdon, sb. staff, KH. 1141. OF. burdoun.

burgeis, sb. burgess, citizen, F. & B. 115 C, 155 T, etc. Bugays, F. & B. 207 T. OF. burgeis.

burȝ, bureȝ, boruh, sb. castle, F. & B. 176, 181, 182 C.; boruh, F. & B. 190 Cott. OE. burg, burh.

burles, sb. tomb, sepulchre, F. & B. 63 Cott. OE. byrgels.

bute, bote, but, conj. but, unless, KH. 26 L, 69, 207 C, 37 L, H, etc. OE. būtan, except, unless.

buxom, adj. flexible, obedient, Ass. 410 H. OE. būhsum.

byȝete, sb. acquisition, F. & B. 202 T, and Cott. OE. begietan.

bygone, pp. surrounded, F. & B. 371 T. OE. bigān.

byne, (?), F. & B. 1010 T.

cacche, v. catch; infin. KH. 1307, 1465 H; 3 pl. pret. kaute, KH. 944 L.; infin. bikeche, KH. 328 L. OF. cachier.

can, v. can, know; 3 s. subj. pres. cunne; conne, KH. 602 C, H; infin. konne, KH. 598 L; 3 pl. pret. couþ, couth, F. & B. 33 T, 157 T. OE. cann.

care, sb. care, sorrow, KH. 279. OE. cearu.

catel, sb. property, capital, F. & B. 150 T, 988 T. OF. catel.

kele, infin. cool, F. & B. 995 T. OE. cēlan.

kelwe, see colmie.

ken, kenne, kunne, sb. race, people, KH. 156, 190, 1358. OE. cynn.

kende, cunde, sb. birth, kind, Nature, KH. 451, 1479 C, L; F. & B. 677 C, 960 T. OE. cynd.

kene, adj. keen, brave, KH. 42, 97, 178, 539, 1208, etc. OE. cēn.

kepe, v. (1) keep, (2) guard, protect, KH. 800, 1288 C H, Ass. 49 Add., 52 Add., 271 Add. OE. cēpan.

kep, sb. heed, care, Ass. 72 C, 78 Add.

kerue, v. carve, KH. 249. OE. ceorfan.

Cesar, F. & B. 181 T. French version has Cesar, v. 494.

chaere, sb. throne (?), KH. 1353. OF. chaere.

ycharged, pp. loaded, F. & B. 343 T. OF. charger.

chelde, kolde, kelde, infin. become cold, KH. 1230. OE. cealdian.

chepinge, sb. market, fair, F. & B. 186, 188 Cott. OE. cēapung.

chere, sb. mien, facial expression, KH. 1143, 1165 L. OF. chere.

child, sb. (1) child, (2) youth, KH. 10, 13, 27, 99, etc. OE. cild.

Claris, Clarice, Clariȝ, Clarys, F. & B. 895 T, 901 T, 905 T, 915 T, 931 T, etc.; C. 479, 485, 529, etc. French has Claris, 2125, 2131, 2115, 2339, etc.

cleche, infin. reach (with nails), KH. 1027 H ; pp. ycliȝt, Ass. 719 Add.

clef, scribal blunder (?), c + lef, KH. 161 L.

clenchen, infin. make to clink, KH. 1596.

clene, adj. pure, F. & B. 297 C. OE. clǣne.

clepe, clepen, clepede, clupede, cleped, icluped, etc., v. call, KH. 239, 840 L; F. & B. 137 T, 287 T, 137 T, 837 T; 607 C, 140 C, etc.; Ass. 707 H, 847 Add., 73 C, 180 C, etc. OE. cleopian.

clergie, sb. learned knowledge, F. & B. Cf. Hausknecht’s note.

cleppe, clippe, cluppe, klippt, klepte, iclupt, etc., v. embrace, KH. 1297 H, 1450; F. & B. 549 C, 594 C, 614 C, 806 T, 512 C, etc. OE. clyppan.

ycliȝt, see cleche.

knaue, sb. boy, servant, KH. 1012 C, 1095 C; F. & B. 166 T. OE. cnafa.

knowe, v. (1) know, (2) recognize, KH. 1294; (3) beon biknowe of = acknowledge (cf. Mätzner, KH. 983 Note; Lay. II. 355, III. 51; Alisaunder 724, etc.); pp. was iknowe C, was by cnowe L, was biknowe H, KH. 1059 = confessed. OE. cnāwan, becnāwan.

knyhty, v. knight, KH. 488 H, 547, 682.

colmie, kelwe, adj. sooty, KH. 1162, see colwen.

colwen, bicolwede, v. smear, blacken, KH. 1144, 1162.

con, v. auxil. = did, KH. 817 H, 825 H, 938 H, 1470 H, 1549 H, 1632 H; 3 s. pluperf. couþe, 1634 H, see gan.

icore, pp. chosen, F. & B. 268 C. OE. gecoren.

creyde, 3 s. pret. cried, KH. 1362 L. OF. crier.

crois, sb. cross, KH. 1405 C H; croyȝ, KH. 1398 H. OF. crois.

crowch, sb. cross, KH. 1398 L, 1405 L. Lat. crucem.

crude, infin. press, crowd, KH 1385. OE. crūdan.

crune, sb. skull, head, KH. 1607. ON. kruna.

culuart, adj. false, faithless, F. & B. 210, 329 C. OF. culvert.

cupe, sb. basket, F. & B. 435, 438, 452, 471 C, etc. OE. cȳpe, Lat. cūpa.

cuppe, cupe, coupe, sb. cup, KH. 250, 479; coupe, F. & B. 163 T, 181 T, 208 T, etc. OE. cuppa.

Cutberd, Cuberd, Cubert, KH. 876, 833, 851 C, 882, 895, 912, 938, 948, 965 L, 981. OE. Cūþbeorht.

cuþe, 1 s. pret. knew, Ass. 39 C; 3 pl. pret. couthe, Ass. 290 C.

cuþe, cowþe, couþe, 3 s. pret. subj. could, KH. 371.

dales, pl. valleys, dales, KH. 168. OE. dæl.

dar, v. dare, 3 s. pres. durþ, KH. 408 H; 3 s. pret. dorte, dorste, F. & B. 167 C, 204 T; 3 s. pret. subj. þorte, F. & B. 216 C, KH. 408 C. OE. dearr, dorste.

Daris, Dares, Dayre, daye, Darys, doyres, Darie, F. & B. 561, 570, 599, 737, 816. French has Daires, nom. 1470, 1531, 1853, etc. Dairon, accus. 1931.

dawes, pl. days, KH. 999 L; nom. sing. day. OE. pl. dagas.

ded, deed, sb. death, KH. 345 L.; dat. sing. deede, F. & B. 46 T.

deie, deye, deȝe, infin., KH. 115. ON. deyja.

del, sb. part, portion, deal, Ass. 212 C, 218 A, 261 A; dell, 225 C. OE. dǣl.

ideld, p. pl. separated, F. & B. 598 C. OE. dǣlan.

demure, demere, sb. delay, F. & B. 591 C. and Cott. OF. demeurer.

denie, v. din, rattle, KH. 628. OE. dynian.

dent, dunt, sb. stroke, blow, KH. 164 C, 607, 647, 913, 920, 933, 946. OE. dynt.

deol, dole, sb. grief, KH. 1128, 1129. OF. doel, duel.

dere, adj. dear, beloved, KH. 161 L, etc. OE. dēore.

derie, dere, infin. injure, harm, KH. 840, F. & B. 378 T, Ass. 162 C. OE. derian.

derne, adj. secret, hidden, Ass. 856 Add. OE. dierne.

deuise, 2 s. pres. subj. devise, KH. 253 L, H. OF. deviser.

direwurþe, adj. precious, F. & B. 289 C. OE. de͞orwyrðe.

don, dede, dude, v. (1) cause to, KH. 148, 284, 1069, Ass. 462 Add., 474 Add., etc. (2) put, KH. 360, 745, 1332 C; F. & B. 46 T, 200 T, 69 C.; Ass. 61 Add., etc. (3) intens. do, did, KH. 1003 (?), F. & B. 16 C, Ass. 17 Add., 80 C, etc. (cf. dede let wed, F. & B. 1065 T). OE. dōn, dyde.

dreden, 3 pl. pret. fear, dread, KH. 130; dradde C, adred L; pp. adred H; 1 sing. pres. of drede. C L; adrede H, KH. 307. OE. drǣdan.

dreȝe, adriȝe, infin. suffer, endure, KH. 1115. OE. dre͞ogan.

dreme, sb. sound, F. & B. 37 C, 397 T. OE. drēam.

drenche, v. drown; infin. adrenche, KH. 111 C H, 1526; to drenche, KH. 1045 L; pp. adrent, KH. 1053 C; drenched, KH. 1054 L. OE. drencan.

dright, driȝte, sb. lord, Ass. 275 C, KH. 1406 C. OE. drihten.

idriȝt, pp. troubled, Ass. 190 C. OE. gedreccan.

drinke, v. drink; infin. adrinke, adrynke, drown, KH. 111 L, 1045 C H. OE. drincan.

druerie, drury, sb. love, F. & B. 382 C, 820 T. OF. druerie.

dun, doun, down, sb. dune, hill, KH. 168. OE. dūn.

dunt, see dent.

dureþ, 3 sing. pres. extendeth, F. & B. 173 C. OF. durer.

durþ, see dar.

dute, v. fear, be afraid; infin. duti, F. & B. 4 C, 192 Cott.; 1 sing. pres. dute, doute, KH. 362; 2 pl. imper. douȝt, dute, F. & B. 817 T, 531 C. OF. douter.

dyȝcte, infin. arrange, KH. 904 L; pp. idiȝt, F. & B. 23, 260 C. OE. dihtan.

ede, see ȝede.

Edmound, seynt, Ass. 893 Add.

eidel, sb. anything, F. & B. 813 C. OE. ǣnig dǣl.

eie, aye, sb. fear, F. & B. 791 T. OE. ege.

eke, adv. also, KH. 17, 99, 1474, etc. OE. e͞ac.

enchesone, sb. occasion, F. & B. 78 T. OF. enchaisoun.

engynne, sb. device, scheme, artifice, F. & B. 313 T; engin, Ass. 755, 759 C. OF. engin.

Enneas, F. & B. 177 T. French version Eneas, 489.

entermeten, infin. meddle with, F. & B. 167 C. OF. entremetre.

er, arre, her, or, conj. before, ere, KH. 136 H, 567 C; arre, 567 L.

Ermenild, see Reynild, KH. 979 H. Cf. Eormenhild, daughter of Eorcenbriht, king of Kent, Leechdoms iii, index.

erndinge, sb. result of undertaking. OE. ǣrendung.

erne, v. run; infin. vrne, erne, KH. 936; 3 s. pret. arnde C, rende L, ernde H, KH. 1314; pp. iorne C, hy ȝouren L, yorne H, KH. 1228. OE. yrnan.

escheker, sb. chess board, F. & B. 344 C, etc. OF. eschekier.

Estnesse, KH. 1018 L H, 1295 L.

eþe, yþe, adv. easily, KH. 61, 891. OE. e͞aðe.

eþelikeste, superl. most precious, F. & B. 274 C. OE. æðel.

Eue, Ass. 461 Add.

euene, eueneliche, adv. equally, symmetrically, KH. 100.

euerich, adj. every, KH. 230. OE. ǣfrǣlc.

eure ȝut, ever yet, KH. 842.

fable, sb. story, KH. 762 L.

fader, sb. father; gen. sing. fader, C H; faderes L, KH. 116; fader, 1622 H.

fairhede, fayrhede, feyrhade, sb. fairness, KH. 89.

falle, v. fall; bifalle, biualle, happen, occur, become; infin., KH. 105, 186; pp. 450 C, L.

fawe, fain, F. & B. 986 T. OE. fægn.

fay, sb. faith, Ass. 576 C. OF. fei.

fayne, adj. glad, F. & B. 97 T. OE. fægn.

fayne, adv. gladly, F. & B. 286 T.

fecche, fette, infin. fetch, Ass. 129 C, 137 Add.; 3 pl. pret. fett, Ass. 456 C. OE. fetian.

feere, see fere.

feire, sb. market, fair, F. & B. 179 C. OF. feire.

felaurade, sb. company, KH. 180 H. ON. fēlagi.

yfelde, 3 pl. pret. feel, KH. 58. OE. gefēlan.

fele, vele, adj. many, KH. 60, 1425 C, 1464 H. OE. fela.

felle, v. fell, slay; infin., KH. 66; 3 pl. pret. felde, KH. 58.

felle, sb. skin, KH. 1015 L. OE. fell.

felle, adj. pl. fierce, cruel, fell, KH. 1581 L, Ass. 574 C, 684 Add. OE. fel.

felun, adj. savage, cruel, F. & B. 210, 329 C. OF. felon, felun.

fende, feond, sb. fiend, devil; dat. sing. KH. 1480 L, Ass. 164 C. OE. fēond.

feo, dat. sing. money, expense, F. & B. 25 C. OE. feo(h).

fer, adj. unharmed, sound, KH. 161 C, H; Ass. 67 C, 72 A. OE. fēre, Icel. færr.

veracle, sb. company, KH. 180 C. OE. ferræden.

ferde, sb. host, army; dat. sing., Ass. 116 Add. OE. ferd, fyrd.

ferde, 3 s. pret. went, KH. 663, 805, 1010. uerden, 3 pl. pret. behaved, F. & B. 24 C. OE. fēran.

fere, ifere, sb. companion, comrade; sing. accus. fere, Ass. 78 C, 84 Add., 78 Add.; ifere 46 C; dat. sing. ifere C, fere L, yfere H, KH. 1209; plur. feren, KH. 21, 53 H, 88, 108, 235 L, etc.; ifere C, yfere L, KH. 235; ferene, Ass. 406 C. OE. fēra, gefēra.

fere, feere, sb. companionship, F. & B. 5, 81, 280 T, etc. OE. gefēr.

ferli, ferlich, sb. miracle, wonder, F. & B. 456 C, Ass. 732 Add. OE. fǣrlīc.

ferli, ferly, adj. (1) fearful, (2) unexpected, sudden, (3) rare, wonderful, Ass. 327, Add. 347 C.

fett, see fecche.

Fikenhild, fykenyld, fykenild, fokenild, Fykenhild, Fekenyld, etc., KH. 28, 30, 731, 1336, 1493, 1509, 1513, 1516, 1543, 1554, 1567, 1589, 1613; gen. 1554, 1607.

fine, infin. end, KH. 274. OF. finer.

fiþeleres, fyþelers, sb. fiddler; nom. pl. KH. 1592. OE. fiðelere.

fle, infin. flay, KH. 1468 C. OE. flēan.

fleme, sb. fugitive, exile, KH. 1363 C, L. OE. flēma.

fleoten, flete, v. flow, float, swim; infin. flete, L; fleoten H, KH. 165; flette 811 L; 3 s. pret. flet, KH. 203 H; 3 pl. pret. fletten, 811 H; pp. bi flette, KH. 1504 C. OE. flēotan.

flitte, flecte, flette, 2 s. subj. pres. leave, depart, KH. 757. ON. flytta.

Floris, Florys, Floreys, Florens, Floyres, Floriȝ, Florice, Floures, Florisse, etc., F. & B. 40 T, 44 T, 49 T, 56 T, 65 T, etc. French version has Floires, Floire.

flotterede, 3 sing. pret. was tossed in the waves, KH. 135 H.

flur, flour, sb. flower, KH. 15, F. & B. 780 T, 482 C, etc.

flyten, infin. combat, KH. 903 H. OE. flītan.

fode, foode, sb. food, child, KH. 1436, F. & B. 149 T.

foȝel, foul, sb. bird, KH. 139, 1506; F. & B. 277 Cambr., etc. OE. fugol.

fole, sb. foal, horse, KH. 623. OE. fōla.

follyche, KH. 98 L. (?). OE. fūllīce.

fond, pret. sing. found, KH. 39. OE. findan.

fonde, v. try, experience, prove; infin., KH. 163 C H, 782, 1634 H; F. & B. 2 T, 55 T, 158, 399 C, etc.; 3 sing. pret. fonde, fondede, KH. 1634 C. OE. fandian.

fonge, underfonge, v. receive, take; infin. fonge, KH. 345 C L, 163 L, 769; F. & B. 300, 395 C. etc.; vnderfonge, KH. 607 H, 255, 976 C, etc. OE. fōn.

forbere, infin. do without, dispense with, Ass. 60 C, 66 Add. OE. forberan.

forbod, forbode, acc. sing. forbiddal, prohibition, KH. 82.

fordo, pp. destroyed, F. & B. 308 C. OE. fordōn.

foreward, forewart, sb. agreement, pledge, KH. 482, 586 H; F. & B. 426 C. OE. foreweard.

forȝolde, pp. paid for, F. & B. 388 T. OE. forgieldan.

forgone, pp. distressed, Ass. 829 Add.

forhele, 2 sing. imper. conceal, Ass. 192 Add. OE. forhelan.

forleie, forlauȝt, pp. commit adultery, F. & B. 301 Cambr., 618 T. OE. forlicgan.

forlesen, see lesen.

forliued, pp. mislived, F. & B. 99 Cott.

forloren, see lesen.

fort (for + to), until, F. & B. 66, 122 C.; fort he = for to þe.

forþinkeþ, 3 sing. pres., reflex., repent, Ass. 538 Add., 813 Add. ON. fyrirþykkja.

forto, forte, conj. in order to, KH. 25.

forto, prep. to, for to, KH. 166 L.

fremde, fremede, sb. foreigner, stranger, KH. 68. OE. fremede.

fremde, adj. strange, foreign, Ass. 181 C. OE. fremede, fremde.

frume, atte, first, F. & B. 135, 179, 345 C. OE. fruma.

ful, foul, foule, adj. foul, dirty, KH. 1143. OE. fūl.

fulde, 3 sing. pret. filled, KH. 1202. OE. fyllan.

funde, fonde, founde, v. go, KH. 109, 143, 780, 888, 942, 1372. OE. fundian.

fundlyng, fundyng, etc., sb. foundling, KH. 234 C H, 242 C, 450.

furst, sb. space of time, respite, F. & B. 638 C. OE. fyrst.

furthermost, foremost, F. & B. 1059 T.

fus, adj. ready, F. & B. 368 C. OE. fūs.

fyȝen, fissen, infin. fish, KH. 1216. OE. fiscian.

gabbe, joking, F. & B. 785 T.

gabbest, 2 sing. pres. (1) ridicule, (2) deceive, (3) chatter, F. & B. 235 T. ON. gabba.

gabbing, nom. sing., (1) deceit, (2) babble, F. & B. 236, T and Cott.

galeie, sb. galley, KH. 199, 1084 C, 1086 H. OF. galee.

game, sb. joy, pleasure, KH. 211. OE. gamen, gomen.

gan, v. auxil. did; gan, gon, KH. 257, 268, 312 C, 318 C, etc.; plur. gunne, gonne, gunnen, gonnen, KH. 55, 65, 193, 675, 1090, etc.; imper. gyn, KH. 329 H, 396 H; bigyn, KH. 329 L; bigan, began, did, KH. 127, 146 L, 203 C, 1271 H; con, did, KH. 372 H, 817 H, 825 H, 938 H, 1049 H, 1470 H, 1632 H, etc.; pluperf. couþe, KH. 1634 H.

ȝare, adv. quickly, KH. 497 C, 960 C, 1453 L. OE. gearu.

garysone, garisone, sb. treasure, F. & B. 206, T and Cott. OE. gersum, gersuma. OF. garison. Cf. gersume.

ȝede, yede, eode, v. pret. went; 3 sing. ȝede C, eode H, KH. 621, 622; yede Ass. 636 H; 3 pl. yede L, ede H, KH. 117; ȝede C, yede L, eoden H, KH. 167, 621; yede Ass. 634 H, ȝede Ass. 843 Add., ȝeden Ass. 849 Add., F. & B. 444 C.

gegges, sb. frivolous women (?), F. & B. 439 C.

ȝelde, yelde, v. (1) yield, (2) pay for; infin., KH. 514 C H, Ass. 249 C, 255 Add.; pp. iȝolde C, yolde L, ȝolde H, KH. 681; iȝolde C, hyȝolde L, yȝolde H, KH. 490; F. & B. 161 T, 809 C; 2 sing. subj. or imper. ȝeld, pay for, KH. 1066. OE. gieldan.

ȝelle = welle (?), F. & B. 621 T.

ȝem, 2 sing. imper. protect, care for. OE. gīeman.

ȝeme, sb. care, F. & B. 38 C.

ȝen, against; aȝeyn KH. 60, aȝenes C, ayenes L, aȝeyn H, KH. 82. OE. gegn, gēn.

ȝend, gonde, prep. throughout, KH. 1078; adv. yonder, far away; ȝent, KH. 1261 H; gonde, beyond, F. & B. 210 C. OE. geond.

geng, dat. sing. company, Ass. 220 C. OE. genge.

gent, adj. noble, F. & B. 47 Cott. OF. gent.

ȝere, yere, sb. year; pl. ȝere C, yere L, KH. 102. OE. ge͞ar.

ȝerne, v. desire, ask for; 1 sing. pres. ȝerne C H, herne L, KH. 985; infin. KH. 1495 L, 1517 C. OE. geornian.

ȝerne, adj. willing, desirous, eager, KH. 1165 C, 1472 H, etc. OE. georn.

ȝerne, adv. eagerly, F. & B. 127, 375, 588 C. OE. georne.

(þureȝ) gersume, reward, F. & B. 405, 419, 773 C. Cf. garisone.

gesninge, gestinge, iustinge, sb. entertainment, F. & B. 82, 125, 164 C., 175 Cott.

gesse, infin. guess (?), agesse C, agesce L, gesse H, KH. 1267.

ȝeuen, v. give, KH. 170, 172, etc. OE. giefan, gifan.

gigours, nom. plur. violin players, KH. 1592 C. OF. gigueour.

ginne, gynne, sb.? (1) contrivance, scheme. (2) tool, penis, KH. 1574 C H; F. & B. 131, 195, 206, 258 C., etc.; F. & B. 1032, 1048 T. ON. ginna, Lat. ingenium.

ginnur, sb. engineer, workman, F. & B. 324 C.

gle, glewe, sb. song, joy, KH. 1352 C H; Ass. 483 Add. OE. glēoẉ, glīw.

glede, sb. coal, KH. 532 L H. OE. glēd.

gleowinge, glewinge, gleynge, sb. play, KH. 1588.

glide, infin. (1) glide, (2) slip away, KH. 146 L, 1127. OE. glīdan.

gloue, glouen, acc. plur. gloves, KH. 848. OE. glōfa.

Godhild, Godild, Godyld, Godylt, KH. 7, 72, 75, 158, 159, 1458.

Godmod, Horn’s assumed name, KH. 821, 833, 879, 883, 895, 911, 925, 949, 952, 965, 987.

ȝonge, ȝynge, adj. young, KH. 137, etc. OE. geong.

ȝore, adv. long ago, F. & B. 174 C. OE. gēara.

grace, sb. virtue, power, KH. 605. OF. grace.

grame, sb. anger, wrath, F. & B. 712 C.; Ass. 515 H, Ass. 738 Add. OE. grama.

igraue, hygraue, ygraued, pp. scratched, engraved, KH. 599. OF. grafan.

grede, v. cry out; infin. F. & B. 454 C.; 3 sing. pret. gredde, KH. 1282 H. OE. grædan.

greding, sb. clamour, lamentation, Ass. 213 Add.

greithe, greþi, infin. prepare, make ready, Ass. 120 C, 128 Add. ON. greiða.

grete, infin. weep, KH. 957 C L. OE. grētan.

gripe, infin. grip, seize, KH. 55. OE. grīpan.

grisen, v. feel horror; infin. agrise C L; agryse H, KH. 925; 3 sing. pret. gros C, agros L, H, KH. 1410. OE. āgrīsan.

grom, sb. boy; nom. sing. grom, KH. 1035 L H; nom. pl. grome, KH. 175, F. & B. 111 T. ON. gromr.

grunde, grounde, sb.; dat. sing. ground, bottom, KH. 110, 144, 352, 1242.

gume, sb. man; nom. sing. gume, F. & B. 261 C.; nom. plur. gomes, KH. 24, gumes C, gomen H; grome L, KH. 175. OE. guma.

halke, dat. sing. corner, KH. 1167 C L. OE. healoc.

Harild, Alrid, Ayld, Aþyld, KH. 815, 877, 878.

harwed, 1 sing. pret. harrowed, Ass. 463 Add. OE. hergian.

hatere, sb. garments, Ass. 149 C. OE. hæteru.

hatte, 3 sing. pret. became hot, KH. 646 C. OE. hǣtan.

heele, 1 sing. pres. conceal, F. & B. 820 T, 533 C. OE. helan.

heete, 3 sing. pret. was named, F. & B. 1004 T. Cf. hoten.

helde, v., see holde.

helde, sb. faith, allegiance, F. & B. 397 C. OE. hyldo.

heleþ, 3 sing. imper. conceal, Ass. 188 C, see heele.

hende, adj. (1) prompt, gracious, alert, KH. 391, 1197, 1345, etc., F. & B. 156 T, etc.; (2) near, ready, KH. 1217 H. OE. (ȝe)hende.

henne, hanne, hennes, adv. hence, KH. 50, 337, 341 C.

hente, v. grasp, receive, get; infin. KH. 1032 H; 1 pl. pret. KH. 919 L; pp. hent, Ass. 453 C.

hepe, dat. sing. throng, crowd, F. & B. 466 C. OE. hēap.

her, see er.

here, poss. pron. their; nom. sing., KH. 9, etc.

heren, v. hire; 3 sing. pret. hurede C, herde L, herde L H, KH. 806. OE. hȳrian.

heste, dat. sing. command, hest, F. & B. 610 C. Cf. Skeat.

het, 3 sing. pret. bade, F. & B. 608, 619 C. OE. hātan.

heynde, sb. hind (?), KH. 686 L. OE. hind.

hiȝe, v. hasten, hie; 3 sing. pret. KH. 1042 C. OE. higian.

hiȝhede, sb. height, F. & B. 327 C.

hitten, v. hit, strike; 1 sing. pres. anhitte C; infin. hette L, KH. 758. ON. hitta.

hol, adj. safe, KH. 161 C H etc. OE. hāl.

holde, helde, v. hold, KH. 323, 482. OE. healdan.

holde, adj., accus. pl. faithful, KH. 1339 L H. OE. hold.

holt, adj. lame, halt, Ass. 516 H. OE. healt, halt.

hondhabbing, having in the hand, in the act, en flagrant delit, F. & B. 668 C. OE. hondhæbbende.

Horn, 9, 74, 121, 128, 135, 184, etc.; horn child 121 L, 128 C, 173, etc.; Horns 123 L; horn þe ȝynge 137 H; Hor 185 L, 397 L, 459 L, 558 L.

hoten, v. be called; 1 sing. pres. hote, KH. 821; 3 sing. pret. het C, hihte H, KH. 9, 27 C; pp. ihote C, hote L, yhote H, KH. 215, 1125 C. OE. hātan.

houe, 2 sing. pret. raised, KH. 1359 C H; ȝoue L. OE. hebban.

hurne, dat. sing. corner, KH. 1471 H. OE. hyrne.

hynde, adj. kind (?), F. & B. 355 T.

I--, I lome, etc., see lome, etc.

Ierusalem, Ass. 475 C, 594 Add.

Iewes, Iewis, Iewys, nom. sing. Iewe, Ass. 620 Add., 564 H, Iew 674 Add.; dat. sing. Iewe, Ass. 530 H, Iew, Ass. 620 Add.; gen. sing. Iewis, Ass. 553 H, etc.

Ihesu, Ass. 51 Add., 324 C, 388 Add., Ihesus 481 C, Iesus 486 C; gen. Ihesus 624 Add., Crist 76 C, Ihesu crist 248 T, etc.

ilk, ylk, adj. same; dat. sing. ilke, KH. 948 C, ylke F. & B. 78 T, vlke C, hulke L, KH. 1285, etc. OE. ilca.

ynde, India, Ass. 611 C, 775 Add., 807 Add.

Iogelours L, iogelers H; nom. pl. jugglers, KH. 1592. OF. jongleor.

Iohan, Ion, Ass. 14 C, 15 Add., 49 C, 52 Add., 55 Add., 77 C, 224 C, 228 Add., etc.; nom. sing. seynt Ione, 820 Add.

Iosaphath, Iosephas, Iosephat, Ass. 472 C, 581 C, 754 Add.

Irisse, yrisse, yrisshe, Hyrische, KH. 1080, 1302 L, 1382, 1464.

Irlond, hirelonde, yrlonde, KH. 810 L, 1078 C, 1633 C H.

lacchen, v. catch, take; infin. lacchen, KH. 686 L, lache KH. 702 L; 3 sing. pret. laȝte C, laucte L, lahte H, KH. 259; 3 pl. pret. laucte, KH. 943 L, by laucte 705 L; 3 pl. pret. of laucte, 943 L. OE. (ȝe)læccan.

laȝe, lawe, sb. (1) law, (2) religion, (3) custom, KH. 69 C H, 1190. OE. lagu.

largeliche, adv. liberally, F. & B. 71 C. OF. large.

laste, leste, v. last, endure, KH. 6, 433 L, etc. OE. lǣstan.

lay, ley, sb. law, religion, KH. 69 L, 1642 H, Ass. 686 Add. OF. lei.

lef, leue, leof, luef, adj. dear, KH. 126 L, 342, 695, 754, 1013, 1457, etc.; F. & B. 151 C., 321 C., etc.; Ass. 40 C, 167 C, 42 Add., 173 Add., etc. OE. lēof.

lef, leue, leof, lyfe, sb. dear one, darling, F. & B. 108 T, 89, 103 Cott., 312 T, 831 T, 542 C. OE. lēof.

leue, v. believe, F. & B. 325 T. OE. lēfan, lȳfan.

bileue, v. remain; infin. KH. 381, F. & B. 103 Cott., 51 C.; 3 sing. pret. bilefte, Ass. 57 T, bileft 63 Add., 151 Add.; 3 pl. pret. bileft, Ass. 759 Add., etc. OE. belǣfan.

leiȝe, leyhe, v. laugh; infin. leyhe L (lyþe H?), KH. 372; 3 sing. pret. lowe L, loh KH. 373, louȝe C, lowe L H, KH, 1600; 3 plur. pret. lowȝ, F. & B. 1053 T, 776 C. OE. hlehhan.

leme, sb. light, brightness, F. & B. 198 C, Ass. 607 H. OE. lēoma.

lemman, leman, sb. dear one, leman, KH. 463, 589, 721. OE. le͞ofmon.

lene, v. lend, KH. 491. OE. lǣnan.

leng, compar. longer, KH. 1183 etc. OE. leng.

lep, lepe, sb. basket, F. & B. 465 C., 738, 740, 741 T, 753 T, 758 T. OE. le͞ap.

lere, sb. cheek, F. & B. 501 C. OE hlēor.

lere, v. teach, KH. 257, F. & B. 148 C, Ass. 896 Add. OE. lǣran.

lese, leose, forlese, v. lose; infin. leose C. forlese L, forleose H, KH. 707; pp. forloren, KH. 511 C. OE. forle͞osan.

leste, luste, v. listen, KH. 355, 505, 1355 C. OE. hlystan.

leste, luste, v. desire, hanker, lust, KH. 426, 433, 918, 1298. OE. lystan.

lesing, lesyng, sb. falsehood, F. & B. 84 T, 233 T, 585 C. OE. le͞asung.

lete, late, v. let, permit, leave, lose, KH. 1124 C, 1330 L; belete, leave behind, F. & B. 201 T, 1593; forlete, desert, KH. 232, F. & B. 201 Cott. OE. lǣtan.

let, lette, v. hinder, retard, impede, KH. 100, F. & B. 333 T, 25 C. OE. lettan.

yliche, iliche, sb. like, equal, KH. 20, 305, 331, etc. OE. gelīca.

licte, lyhte, v. alight, KH. 51 etc; 3 sing. pret. aliȝte, KH. 51 C. OE. lihtan.

linne, lynne, blynne, v. cease, KH. 329, 372, 1068. OE. linnan.

list, sb. art, KH. 251, 1577. OE. list.

lite, lyte, adj., adv. little, KH. 1004, 678 L, 1211 C. ON. lītt.

liþe, lyþe, v. listen, KH. 2, 354, 372 H, 436 L. ON. hlȳða.

lodlike, adj. loathsome, hateful, KH. 1415 L.

lofte, sb. loft, upstairs, women’s apartments, KH. 974 C. OE. loft. ON. lopt. The peculiar turn of meaning is Scandinavian.

loke, loky, v. watch, guard, KH. 800, 1180, 1181 L H, 1419 L H, Ass. 47 C. OE. lōcian.

loking, lokyng, sb. care, watch, KH. 360.

ilome, adv. frequently, F. & B. 96 Cott. OE. gelōme.

londiss, adj. native, KH. 671. Cf. vnlondisshe, KH. 672 H. OE. lendisc.

longest, 3 sing. pres. belongest, KH. 1406 C. OE. longian.

lore, sb. teaching, bidding, KH. 472. OE. lār.

loþe, adj. hateful, KH. 1140, 1283. OE. lāð.

Lumbardy, F. & B. 179 T. French version has (En)Lombardie 49.

lure, v. (1) lour, look sullen (?), (2) lie in wait, set trap (?), KH. 286, 1312.

luste, impers. be pleasing, F. & B. 378 C.

lut, sb. little, KH. 658 H. OE. lȳt.

luþere, adj. evil, bad; nom. plur., KH. 530 C. OE. lȳðer. Cf. of þan luþer folke (= accursed), Lay. 29576 B.

lyst, sb. desire, pleasure, Ass. 2 Add. OE. lyst.

maine, meyne, meigne, sb. household, Ass. 110 C, 417, 475, 569, 573 Add.; F. & B. 782 C, 1059 T. OF. maisnee.

maister, sb. leader, KH. 659; maister-king, KH. 659 L, 680. OF. maistre.

make, sb. wife, spouse, KH. 1523, F. & B. 78 Cott., 303 T. OE. gemaca.

make, v. pretend to be, F. & B. 76 T.

male, sb. bag, pouch, F. & B. 689 T. OF. male.

manrede, sb. homage, F. & B. 395 C. OE. manrǣden.

Marie, Marye, gen. Maries, Ass. 29 C, 31 Add., 239 C, 241 Add., 253 C, 498 H, 500 H, 546 C, etc.; seynt Marye, F. & B. 248 T; seynte-marie, F. & B. 49 V.

may, sb. may, maid, KH. 329, 979 H, 1019 H, 1516 H; F. & B. 201 T, 393 T, 46, 102 C., etc.; Ass. 4 C, etc. OE. mǣg.

me, indef. pron. one, KH. 1008 C H, 1126 C; F. & B. 671, 672, 699 C., etc. OE. man(n).

mede, sb. mead, meadow, F. & B. 434 C. OE. mǣd.

mede, sb. reward, KH. 288 L, 500, 1498 L, Ass. 638 Add. OE. mēd.

meene, v. mourn, lament, 1 sing. pres. F. & B. 273 T. OE. (bi)mǣnan.

meigne, meyne, see maine.

meniuer, sb. a kind of fur, F. & B. 110 C. Cf. Hausknecht’s Note. Lat. minutus varius.

menske, sb. honour, F. & B. 56 T. OE. menniscu, humanity; Icel. menska, honour.

mesauenture, sb. ill luck, KH. 344 C L. OF. aventure.

mest, superl. adj. most, KH. 26.

mester, mystere, sb. (1) office, trade, (2) need, necessity, KH. 243, 581. OF. mestier.

mete, v. meet, encounter, 3 plur. pret. metten. KH. 169. OE. mētan.

ymete, adj. fit, reasonable, KH. 1401 L. OE. gemǣte.

mete, v. dream, KH. 1522. OE. mǣtan.

meting, metyng, sb. dream, KH. 699. OE. mǣtan.

mid, prep. with, KH. 22 L, 25 L, etc. OE. mid.

middelerd, sb. earth, world, F. & B. 272 C. OE. middangeard.

misliken, v. misplease, KH. 455. OE. mislīcian.

mod, sb. mood, mind, KH. 297, 1579 C H. OE. mōd.

modi, mody, adj. full of passion, angry, KH. 748. OE. mōdiȝ.

Modi, Mody, KH. 1023, 1094, 1121 L, 1331 L, 1626.

molde, sb. earth, KH. 335, F. & B. 343 T. OE. molde.

mone, ymone, sb. companion, KH. 560, 840 C L. OE. gemāna.

mone, sb. companionship, communion, participation, KH. 890 L, 1149 C.

mote, moste, v. may, might, was to; mote, KH. 197, 218 C, 829; moste, KH. 67 C, 186; munthe (?), KH. 1508 L.

Mountargis, F. & B. 66 T. French version, Montoire, 174, 316, etc.

murne, adj. troubled, KH. 748. OE. (un)murne.

Murry, Murri, morye, moye, moy, Mory, mury, KH. 4, 33, 73, 921, 1431. Cf. Maurius (Maurus), son of Aruiragus, Lay. 9895 ff. He defeats the invading Picts, and sets up a stone with runes to commemorate the victory.

nabod (ne + abod).

neb, nebbe, sb. face, F. & B. 615 C, 890 T. OE. nebb.

nime, v. take; infin. nyme, Ass. 121 C; 2 sing. subjunct. or imper. nym, KH. 1205 L; 1 sing. pres. nime, KH. 713 L; 3 sing. pret. nam, nom, KH. 619, 1269, Ass. 33 C, 35, 59 Add., etc.; 3 pl. pret. neme C, nomen L H, KH. 64; pp. ynome, Ass. 6 C; vndernome, F. & B. 128 T, 189 T, 219 T, 227 T, 920 T, etc.; nam = went, Ass. 53 C. Cf. vndernom. OE. niman.

niþing, sb. wretch, villain, evil man, KH. 210. OE. nīðing.

noȝ, enough, KH. 196; inoȝe C, hy nowe L, ynowe H. OE. genōh.

nonskyns, adj. of no kind, F. & B. 226 T. OE. nānes cynnes.

noþing, adv. not at all, KH. 290 C.

Nubil, F. & B. 665 C. French, (de) Nubie, 2492.

O, prep. until, KH. 134 H. OE. oð.

of drede, see dreden.

of reche, see reche.

on, prep. on, in; on mi lokyng, KH. 360 C; on kneuling, KH. 503 L.

onde, sb. envy, Ass. 424 C. OE. anda, onda.

one, sb. alone, solitary; hou one KH. 364 L, is one 559 L, go one 559 C, al one C, alon L, ys one H 650. Cf. Bradley-Stratmann.

oppe, prep. upon, KH. 466, 480 L.

or, see er, or oþer.

ord, sb. point, beginning; dat. sing. orde C H, horde L, KH. 662; dat. sing. ord H, hord L, KH. 1475; accus. sing., F. & B. 48 C. OE. ord.

ore, sb. favour, grace, KH. 695, 1629 C, F. & B. 173 C. OE. ār.

orfreys, sb. orfrey, gold fringe, F. & B. 371 T. OE. orfreis.

Orgas, F. & B. 101 T. French, Li dus Joras, 357.

oþer, num. second, KH. 201. OE. ōðer.

oþer, conj. or, KH. 44. OE. oððe.

oþer, pr. other, KH. 28. OE. ōðer.

otter (buterfliȝe C), sb. butterfly (?), F. & B. 772 T.

oueral, adv. everywhere, KH. 262 H. Cf. Germ. überall.

out londisse, adj. foreign, KH. 635 L.

ower, gen. plur. your, F. & B. 534 C. OE. e͞ower.

paene, adj. pagan, KH. 159 C.

payn, peynim, payen, pain, paynim, paen, etc., sb. paien, pagan, heathen, KH. 45, 63, 82, 87, 193, 935, 948, 950, 1412, etc.

paynime, sb. heathen land, KH. 859.

page, sb. boy, servant, KH. 1012 L H, 1379 H. OF. page.

pal, palle, sb. costly sort of cloth, F. & B. 822 T, and Cott.; Ass. 631 H, 795 Add. OE. pæll, OF. pal.

parage, sb. high birth, F. & B. 256, 269 C., etc. OF. parage.

paramur, adv. passionately, F. & B. 486 C., etc.

Paryse, nom. sing., F. & B. 168 T. Fr. Paris, 449, etc.

pel, pelle, sb. skin, KH. 421, 1582 L. OF. pel.

pelte, pulte, pylte, 3 sing. pret. pushed, KH. 1529.

pilegrim C, pylegrim L, pelryne H, KH. 1236 pilgrim. OF. pelegrin.

Petir, Petyr, Peter, Petre, Ass. 317, 327, 580, 581, 638, 639, 673 Add., 464, 470, 529 C, 499, 563 H, etc.

ipight, pp. placed, F. & B. 117, 183 C.

pine, pyne, v. pain; infin. KH. 726 C; 1 sing. pres., KH. 1280 L; pp. pined C, pyned H, KH. 1280. OE. pīnian.

pyne, sb. pain, torture, KH. 277 C H, Ass. 426, 458 Add. OE. pīn.

plawe, sb. sport, fight, KH. 1170 H. Cf. Bradley-Stratmann, plaȝe.

pleie, pleye, v. play, KH. 25, 200, 363. OE. plegian.

pleing C, pleyhunge L, pleyȝyng H, KH. 34, playing.

plener, plenere, adj. full, F. & B. 179 C., 188 Cott. OF. plenier.

pliȝte, v. plight; infin. pliȝte, plyȝte, plyhte, KH. 321; 2 sing. imper. plist, plyct, plyht, KH. 440; 1 sing. pres. indic. pliȝte C, plicte L, plyhte H, KH. 716; pp. ipliȝt, F. & B. 141 C. OE. plihtan.

pomel, sb. pommel, F. & B. 209, 213 Cott. OF. pomel.

porter, sb. doorkeeper, F. & B. 329 C. OF. portier.

posse, v. push; infin. KH. 1087 C; 3 sing. pret. puste, KH. 1153 H; pugde 1156 L. OF. pousser.

poure, pure, infin. pore, look, KH. 1172 C L.

prede, sb. pride, KH. 1497 L. OE. prȳta.

prime, sb. first quarter of the day, name of one of the offices of the Church, after ‘lauds,’ KH. 1040; at prime tide, KH. 905.

pris, prys, sb. value, worth, KH. 968 C, F. & B. 310, 350, 750 C., 1028 T. OF. pris.

pruesse, sb. brave deed, prowess, KH. 588. OF. proesse.

pugde, see posse.

quantyse, sb. cleverness, F. & B. 543 T.

qued, sb. bad, Ass. 174 C, 197, 465 Add. etc. OE. cwēd.

quelle, v. kill; infin. KH. 65, 656 C; 2 sing. imper. quel, F. & B. 1008 T, aquel 725 C.; 3 sing. pret. quelde, F. & B. 904 T, aquelde KH. 929 L H, aquelde H, quelde C, KH. 1064. OE. cwellan.

queme, v. please, KH. 517. OE. cwēman.

queme, adj. pleasing, KH. 501 L. OE. (ge)cwēme.

queþe, v. say; 3 sing. pret. quaþe, quoþ H, KH. 137, etc. OE. cweðan.

quic, quike, adj. alive, KH. 92 C, 1468 C, 1478 H. OE. cwic.

quite, aquite, pp. through with, quit of, F. & B. 171, 724 C., 180 Cott. OF. aquiter.

qware, where, KH. 735 L.

rake, infin. hasten, KH. 1126 L, 1158 L. OE. rācian.

rape, sb. haste, KH. 586 C, 1532 C.

rathe, adv. soon, quickly, KH. 1407 L, F. & B. 24 T, 193 T, etc. OE. hræð.

recche, rekke, v. reck, care for; 3 sing. pres. recche C, reche L, yrecche H, KH. 370; 3 sing. subj. arecche, KH. 710 H; 1 sing. pres. rekke, F. & B. 96 T. OE. reccan.

reche, areche, ofreche, þorhreche, v. reach; infin. areche, KH. 1308 C; of reche, gain, KH. 1375 C L; þorhreche, traverse, KH. 1375 H; pp. araȝt, F. & B. 687 C, rauȝt F. & B. 974 T. OE. rǣcan.

rede, reed, reede, sb. counsel, opinion, F. & B. 45 T, 50 T, 53 T, 314 T, Ass. 294, 298 Add., etc. OE. rǣd.

rede, v. (1) read, (2) counsel, advise; infin. KH. 308, 511 L, 881, 966 L, F. & B. 21 T, 148, 151 C.; 1 sing. pres. KH. 966 C, F. & B. 75 T; pp. rad, Ass. 891 Add., irad F. & B. 578 C., yredde 858 T. OE. rǣdan.

rein, sb. rain, KH. 11.

reme, sb. coast (?), OE. rima; or realm (?), OF. reaume, KH. 1625 H (reaume 1623 L).

rende, see erne.

rende, v. rend, tear; 3 sing. pret. rente C H, to rente L, KH. 775.

rente, sb. pay, wages, KH. 984 C L. OF. rente.

reue, sb. reeve, guard, KH. 1418. OE. (ge)rēfa.

reue, reyue, infin. rob, plunder, F. & B. 209 C., Ass. 168 Add. OE. re͞afian.

rewe, infin. rue, repent, KH. 398. OE. hrēowan.

rewlich, adj. sad, KH. 1129. OE. hre͞owlīc.

reyne, ryne, birine, infin. rain, KH. 11.

Reynes C, reny L, Raynis H, KH. 1023.

Reynild, Hermenyl, hermenylde, ermenyld, KH. 973, 1636. ON. Ragnhilda, OE. Eormenhild, daughter of Eorcenbriht, king of Kent.

riche, sb. kingdom, KH. 20. OE. rīce.

rigge, sb. back, KH. 1138. OE. hrycg.

rime, ryme, sb. rime, speech, KH. 860, 1461.

rive, adj. abundant, F. & B. 73 Cott. OE. rīf.

riuen, ariuen, v. arrive, land; infin. ariue C, aryue H, KH. 193; pp. riued, KH. 162 L, 193 L, ariued, aryued, KH. 40, 162.

riȝte, adv. direct, at once, KH. 1428 C.

roche, sb. rock, KH. 79.

rode, sb. cross, rood, KH. 346, Ass. 12, 19 C, 44 C, 46 Add., 270 C, etc. OE. rōd.

roþer, sb. rudder, KH. 202. OE. rōðer.

roune, rowne, sb. counsel, KH. 1378. OE. rūn.

runde, rounde, 3 sing. pret. whispered, F. & B. 716 C., 999 T. OE. rūnian.

Rymenhild, rimenild, rymenyld, reymnyld, rymenild, reymild, reymyld, Rymyld, rimenyld, etc., KH. 264, 293, 393, 472, 600, 652, 691, 738, 741, 1510, etc. Rimhild, OE. nomen mulieris.

ryue, sb. shore, KH. 142.

sake, v. contend, fight; 3 pl. pret. asoke C, forsoken L H, KH. 69, gave up. OE. sacan.

sale, sb. hall, KH. 1187 C H. OE. sal.

salyley, scribal error (?), KH. 199 L.

Sarazin, sarazyn, KH. 42, 636, 645, 671, 1415, 1477 H, 1479.

scene, schene, adj. beautiful, KH. 97 L, 178 L, F. & B. 263 C. OE. scēne.

schauntillun, sb. model, F. & B. 325 C.

schenche, v. give, serve, dispense; infin. schenche, shenche, KH. 1186; 2 sing. subjunct. or imper. shenh, KH. 1199 H. OE. scencan.

schende, v. (1) scold, (2) injure; infin. KH. 747 L, 724; 3 sing. pret. schente, schende, shende, KH. 340. OE. scendan.

schete, v. shoot, KH. 1011. OE. sce͞otan.

schillen, v. sound; 3 sing. pres. shilleþ, KH. 224 L. OE. scillan.

schonde, sb. harm, disgrace, KH. 746, 760 C, F. & B. 942 T. OE. scand, sceand.

schrede, v. clothe; 3 sing. pret. schredde L, sredde H, KH. 625, schredde C L, shredde H, KH. 896; 3 pl. pret. schrudde C, schurde L, KH. 1582. OE. scrȳdan.

schrewe, sb. shrew, evil person, KH. 60. OE. scre͞awa, barn mouse.

schulle, adv. shrill, sonorous, KH. 221 C. OE. scylle, scelle.

sclauyne, sb. pilgrim’s cloak, KH. 1134, 1137, 1310. OF. esclavine.

scrippe, sb. scrip, sack, KH. 1141. ON. skreppa.

scur, sb. shower, F. & B. 73 Cott. OE. scūr.

sekerly, see sikirli.

senpere, sb. bridge keeper (?), F. & B. 500 T, 513 T.

sere, sb. apparel (?), contrivance (?), Ass. 704 Add. OE. searo.

seriauns, sb. sergeant, man at arms, F. & B. 218 C. OF. sergant, serjant.

serie, infin. dispense, KH. 1489 C. OE. scerwen, ‘a scattering.’

seyne, sb. snare, fishing net, KH. 726 L. OE. segne, OF. seine.

shrelle, infin. cry, F. & B. 756 T.

sib, sibbe, sb. kinsman, kindred, KH. 68, Ass. 181 C, 185 Add., 585 H. OE. sibb.

side, syde, sb. (1) side, (2) shore, KH. 35, 145. OE. sīde.

sike, syke, syken, v. sigh, KH. 456; 3 sing. pres. sykes, F. & B. 113 T; 3 sing. pret. syȝt, syȝte, F. & B. 256, 270 T, 417, 431 C. OE. sīcan.

sikirli, sekerly, adv. certainly, Ass. 390 Add., F. & B. 92 T. OE. sicor.

siþe, syþe, sb. time, KH. 374 C, 1446, F. & B. 196 T. OE. sīð.

sithen, conj. since, Ass. 283, 422 Add. OE. siððan.

siþþe, sitthe, sithen, adv. afterwards, KH. 1185 C, 1238, Ass. 542 Add., 434 C. OE. siððan.

skeete, soon, quickly, F. & B. 1005 T. OE. scēot, ON. ski͞otr.

skille, skyle, sb. right, reason, Ass. 312 H, 352 Add. Icel. skil.

slitte, sb. opening in garment, pocket, F. & B. 348 C.

slon, v. slay; infin. slen C, slon L, slo H, KH. 91, 47; 3 pl. pret. sloȝen C, slowe L, slowen H, KH. 195; pp. aslaȝe C, yslawe L H, KH. 94. OE. slēan.

sloo, sb. slough, Ass. 507 H. OE. slōh.

smerte, v. pain, KH. 1602. OE. smeortan.

snelle, adj. quick, KH. 1581 C. OE. snell.

so, conj. as, KH. 14, 15, etc.

soler, sb. upper room, summer room, F. & B. 173. OF. solier, Lat. solarium.

sond, sonde, sb. (1) message, (2) dish at table, Ass. 634 H, 798 Add., F. & B. 1072 T.

sonde, sb. messenger, KH. 281, 287, (ysonde 287 L), 992 H, 1005 C H, etc., F. & B. 796 C., Ass. 106 C, 682 Add. OE. sand, sond.

sore, sb. pain, KH. 75 L H. OE. sār.

sore, adv. much, very, KH. 73, 362. OE. sāre.

soth, soþ, soþe, adj. true, F. & B. 321 T, etc. OE. sōð.

soune, sb. sound, KH. 224 H. Fr. son.

soune, adv. clearly, KH. 224 L.

Spaine, Spayne, Spaygne, Speine, F. & B. 413, 769 C., 1046 T.

spede, sb. speed, good luck, KH. 491. OE. spēd.

spede, infin. speed, have good fortune, KH. 852 C H, F. & B. 1026 T. OE. speke, bispac, spēdan.

spell, spelle, sb. tale, KH. 1015 H, 1106. OE. spell.

spille, spylle, v. perish, kill, KH. 208, 720 L, F. & B. 1007 T; pp. ispild, killed, Ass. 19 C. OE. spillan.

squire, sb. square, F. & B. 325 C. OF. esqvarre.

stage, sb. upper floor of a house, F. & B. 218, 270 C. OF. estage.

stede, sb. horse, steed, KH. 51. OE. stēda.

stede, sb. place, KH. 273, Ass. 730, 866 Add. OE. stede.

steke, v. pierce; 2 sing. pres. stikkest, F. & B. 98 Cott.

stere, sb. rudder, ship, KH. 107 C, 1471 C. OE. stēor.

stere, v. lead, command, KH. 464 C, L. OE. ste͞oran.

sterne, adj. stern, insolent, KH. 935 C, 784 H. OE. sterne, styrne.

sterte, v. start, leap, F. & B. 457 C. ON. sterta.

sterue, v. die, KH. 829, 980 C, 984 H, 1253 C. OE. steorfan.

steuene, sb. voice, KH. 1453 L, F. & B. 54 C., Ass. 73, 239 C, 79, 245 Add., etc. OE. stefn.

steyȝ, 3 sing. pret. climbed, F. & B. 892 C. OE. stīgan.

stonde, infin. spring up, rise, KH. 809 L, H. Cf. Lay. 20509.

stonge, 3 pl. pret. pierced, KH. 1475 L H, Ass. 447 Add. OE. stingan.

store, adj., nom. plur. great, strong, F. & B. 19 C. OE. stor.

stounde, stunde, sb. point of time, period of time, F. & B. 327 T, Ass. 635, 727 Add., KH. 181 C, 351, 791, 1030, 1371. OE. stund.

striken, 3 pl. pret. struck, stripped (Stratmann)?, striken L H, strike C, KH. 1089. OE. strīcan.

sture, infin. stir, move, KH. 1541 H. OE. styrian.

Sture, name of a river, KH. 729, 1551.

Suddene, Sodenne, Sudenne, Suddenne, KH. 155, 189, 542, 929, 1062, 1351, 1370, 1389, 1463, 1637.

sundry, adj. separate, apart, Ass. 148, 364 Add. OE. syndrig.

sune, 2 sing. subj. pres. sound, KH. 223 C. OF. soner.

swage, infin. assuage, abate, F. & B. 38 T. OF. asuager.

swere, swire, suire, sb. neck, KH. 796, 1144, 1291, F. & B. 1016 T. OE. swira, sweora.

sweting, sb. favourite, KH. 234 L.

sweuen, sb. dream, KH. 710, 723. OE. swefen.

sweuening, sb. dream, KH. 774.

swike, swyke, infin. deceive; biswike C L, bysuyke H, KH. 306; biswike C, swike L, byswyke H, KH. 711. OE. swīcan.

swilc, swihc, such, etc., such. OE. swylce.

swiþe, swyþe, suþe, adv. (1) very, KH. 96, 98 L H, 172, 192, etc., Ass. 355 C, F. & B. 87, 280 C.; (2) soon, quickly, rapid, KH. 129 L H, 374 L, 435 L, 289, 845, 1042, etc., F. & B. 148, 308 C., Ass. 612, 671 H, 839 Add., etc. OE. swīðe.

iswoȝe, yswowe, pp. in a faint, KH. 458, 914.

swoȝning C, swohinge L, swowenynge H, sb. fainting spell, swoon, KH. 474.

swongen, 3 pl. pret. suspended, (?) Ass. 443 Add. OE. swingan.

swymme, swemme, infin. move on water, KH. 203. OE. swimman.

take, v. take, give, KH. 568, 834, 1134, 1204, F. & B. 207 T, 159 C., Ass. 48, 682 Add., 572 H, etc.; bitak, KH. 839 C, bytoke L, bitoke H, KH. 1179. Cf. teche, biteche. ON. taka.

targeþ, v. delay, F. & B. 226 Cott. OF. targier.

te, ten, v. draw; infin. te, Ass. 282 C, ten KH. 767 T, teon 767 H; 3 sing. pret. teȝ, F. & B. 617 C.; 2 sing. imper. te, KH. 327 L. OE. tēon.

teche, v. usually ‘teach,’ sometimes ‘give’ (cf. take); infin. teche, give, Ass. 46 C; 1 sing. pres. biteche, KH. 619 L H.

tendeþ, v. set on fire, burn, F. & B. 672 C. OE. (on)tendan.

tene, teone, sb. injustice, harm, KH. 367, 727; anger, F. & B. 902 T. OE. te͞ona.

terme, sb. term, period, F. & B. 432 Cambr. OF. terme.

teyse, sb. measure of three yards, F. & B. 201, 203 Cott. OF. toise.

þar, v. need, KH. 408 L. OE. þearf.

þat, (1) demonstr. the, that, KH. 27, 28; (2) rel. that, KH. 2, 22; (3) conj. that, KH. 33 L; (4) comp. rel. him, who, KH. 1064 C.

the, infin. prosper, thrive, F. & B. 566 T. OE. ðēon.

þinke, v. seem; infin. KH. 1233; 3 sing. pres. þinkþ, KH. 1405 C, etc.; þincheþ, F. & B. 169 C.; of þinke, misplease, repent, infin., KH. 112, 1046 C H, 1136. OE. þyncean.

þo, adv. then, KH. 52, etc. OE. ða.

þole, þolie, v. endure, suffer; infin., F. & B. 422, 677, 678, 737 C., Ass. 22, 215 C, 26, 217, 219 Add.; 3 sing. pret., F. & B. 580 C., etc. OE. þolian.

Thomas, F. & B. 611 C, 659, 775, 796, 807, 821 Add.

þorhreche, see reche.

þral, þralle, sb. slave, thrall, KH. 449. OE. þrǣl.

þroȝe, sb. period of time, KH. 354, 1036. OE. þrāge.

þrottene, þrettene, num. thirteen. OE. þrēotȳne.

þulke (þe + ulke), the same, F. & B. 746 C., etc.

þurston, KH. 875, 1057. Seems to be Norse. A frequent name of Hus Carls. Thurstan (Turstayn) is one of two tax collectors sent by Hardicanute to Worcester.

tide, sb. time, KH. 1563. OE. tīd.

tide, bitide, v. happen, betide; infin., KH. 212 L H, 218 C; 3 sing. pres., tit, tyt, KH. 1442 L H; bitide, infin. KH. 218 L H, 575. OE. tīdian.

timing, tymyng, sb. success, KH. 1701 C H. OE. tīmian.

tire, tyre, infin. tear, F. & B. 736 C., 1017 T. OE. teran.

tiþing, tidinge, etc., sb. tiding, KH. 138, 1058, 1318.

to, (1) prep. to, KH. 2; (2) adv. too, KH. 37 L H; (3) prefix apart, asunder.

to-brake, 3 sing. pret. broke apart, F. & B. 133 T.

to-draȝe, to drawe, infin. draw to pieces (cf. draw and quarter), KH. 1612; 3 pl. pret. KH. 195. Cf. alle þa chirchen he to droh, Lay. 29135 A.

toȝenes, see ȝen.

to-shake, v. shake to pieces. Ass. 356 C.

trende, 3 sing. pret. roll, KH. 460 H. OE. trendan.

trewage, truage, sb. tribute, homage, KH. 1618. OF. truage.

trewþe, sb. truth, troth, KH. 321. OE. trēowð.

Troye, dat. sing., F. & B. 178 T.

Tune, sb. town, city, KH. 168. OE. tūn.

tweie, tueye, tweyne, num. two, twain, KH. 943 H, 955. OE. twēgen.

twie, twye, adv. twice, KH. 1570 C L. OE. tuwa, twiwa.

tytte, 3 sing. pret. pull tightly (Bradley-Stratmann).

vȝten, sb. morning, dawn, KH. 1474. OE. ūhte.

uncuþe, vncouþe, adj. unknown, KH. 781. OE. cūð.

vnderfonge, see fonge.

vnderȝete, v. perceive, learn; infin. F. & B. 49 T; 3 sing. pret. vnderȝat, F. & B. 35 C., etc.; pp., F. & B. 292 T, and Cott. 556 C. OE. undergietan.

vndern, sb. noon, F. & B. 511 T; ondarne, Cott. OE. undern.

vndernome, pp. journeyed, F. & B. 189, 219 T; vndernome, set out, gone, 920 T. Cf. noome, gone, F. & B. 227 T.

vndrestode, 3 sing. pret. received, Ass. 564 Add.

vnmete, adv. violently, Ass. 354 C. OE. unmete.

vnmeþ, sb. immoderation, F. & B. 675 C. OE. unmet.

vnneþes, adv. with difficulty, F. & B. 63 T. OE. une͞aðe.

unorne, adj. old, ugly, KH. 348, 1646 C. OE. unorne.

vnpliȝt, sb. peril, Ass. 194 Add.

unspurne, infin. kick open, KH. 1159. OE. spurnan.

vnwemmed, adj. spotless, Ass. 537 C. OE. wamm.

vrne, see erne.

utrage, sb. error for truage (?), KH. 1618 L.

verde, see ferde.

verdoune, sb. troop, company (?), Ass. 455, 457 H.

vertu, sb. power, strength, F. & B. 370 T. OF. vertu.

vie, sb. life, Ass. 879, 889, 891 Add. OF. vie.

warysoun, sb. reward, F. & B. 1051 T, see gersume, garisone.

wat, water, KH. 634 L.

waxe, wexe, v. grow, wax; infin., KH. 101, 268 C, 312 C; 3 sing. pret. wex, KH. 268 L. OE. weaxan.

wed-broþer, sb. pledged brother, KH. 300 L. Cf. Lay. 14469 and Note 32209. Sax. Chron. 30, brother by baptism. Wace has for Layamon’s wed-broðer, in one instance ‘cousin,’ in another ‘nephew.’ Cf. also Plummer, Two Saxon Chronicles, p. 25, bottom. ON. veð brōðar.

wedde, v. wed, marry; infin., KH. 1021; 3 sing. pret. wedde (wax mad?); pp. wedde, KH. 316 C, L. OE. weddian.

wede, sb. clothes, KH. 1132. OE. wǣd.

wel, adv., (1) well, KH. 374 etc., (2) very, KH. 74 L, 97 L, 98 C, 131, F. & B. 147 C. OE. wēl.

welde, wolde, infin. wield, rule, KH. 324, 452 L, 972 L, F. & B. 207 T. OE. wealdan.

wem, sb. spot, stain, Ass. 647 Add. OE. wamm.

wende, v. turn, wend, go; infin., KH. 971 C L, F. & B. 60 C.; 2 sing. imper. went C H, wend L; go, KH. 343, 755 C, 759 C H; pp. wend H, I wend C, turned, KH. 1170; went, turned, Ass. 346 Add.; biwente C, bywende L, bywente H; 3 sing. pret. turned around, KH. 339. OE. wendan.

wendling, sb. vagrant (?), KH. 754 L.

wene, v. think, KH. 131, 313, 1204, 1207, 1213, 1365. OE. wēnan.

wene, weene, sb. (1) thought, F. & B. 651 C.; (2) doubt, F. & B. 197 T, 181 Cott. OE. wēn.

were, 2 sing. pres. subj. wear. OE. werian.

werie, werye, infin. protect, KH. 839. OE. werian.

werne, wurne, v. prevent, KH.; infin., KH. 938 L H, 1166 C, 1496 L, 1518 C. OE. wyrnan.

werþe, v. become, shall be; 2 sing. pres. wurstu C, worstu L, worþest þou H, KH. 342; 3 sing. pres. wurþ C, worþ L H, KH. 490, 728. worþe, KH. 509. OE. weorðan.

westernesse, westnesse, westene londe, westnesse londe, westnisse, KH. 172, 182, 228, 808, 993, 1017, 1088 C H, 1268, 1295 C H, 1615 C H.

whannes, wenne, whenne, inter. adv. whence, KH. 175. OE. hwanne, hwenne.

weturly, wytterli, adv. surely, F. & B. 819 T, Cott. ON. vitrliga.

wif, sb. woman, Ass. 18 C. OE. wīf.

wiȝt, sb. (1) bit, KH. 535; (2) being, person, KH. 715. OE. wiht.

wis, ywis, adv. certainly, indeed; KH. 131 C, 54 L H, 131 L H, 210 C, etc.

wise, sb. guise, KH. 378. OF. guise.

wise, wisse, v. conduct, direct, KH. 253 C, 443, 807 L, 1575. OE. wīsian.

wit, witte, wytte, sb. intelligence, understanding, wit, KH. 188, 692 C, 1164. OE. witt.

wite, v. 1 know; infin. KH. 309, 471 L, F. & B. 170, 609, 620 C.; 1 sing. pres. wole, Ass. 332 Add.; 2 pl. pres. woot, F. & B. 940 T; 2 pl. subj. weete, F. & B. 1031 T; 2 sing. subj. wite, 755 C.: 3 sing. pret. wiste, C L, nust H, KH. 84. Cf. also Ass. 32 C, 240 Add., etc. OE. witan.

wite, iwite, v. 2 guard, keep; 2 sing. subj. white, KH. 1569 H; infin. wite, F. & B. 555, 756 C. OE. wītan, gewītan.

wiþerling C, wiþering L, wytherlyng H, sb. enemy, foe, KH. 160.

wiþsegge, v. deny, KH. 1368. OE. secgan.

wode, adj. mad, KH. 950 L. OE. wōd.

woȝe, wowe, awowen, wowen, infin. woo, KH. 578, 847, 1517 C. OE. wōgian.

woȝe, wowe, sb. wall, KH. 1048. OE. wāg.

wolde, see welde.

won, sb. store, quantity, pomp (?); wiþ ryche won, KH. 962 H, F. & B. 386 C.

wonde, v. hesitate, delay, KH. 355, 788. OE. wandian.

wone, wonie, wune, v. dwell, be accustomed to; infin. KH. 783, 1456, F. & B. 218 Cott., Ass. 184 C; pp. wonede, KH. 80 L H, iwuned, F. & B. 567 C., etc. OE. wunian.

wone, wune, sb. custom, practice, F. & B. 557 C., 90 Cott., Ass. 20 Add. OE. (ge)wuna.

wood, adj. mad, F. & B. 936, 994 T. OE. wōd.

worship, sb. dignity, honour, F. & B. 1030 T. OE. weorðscipe.

worstu, thou shalt be, see werþe.

wreche, sb. vengeance, KH. 1376. OE. wrǣc.

wreie, wreye, v. (1) bewray, (2) accuse, KH. 1338, 1341 L, F. & B. 816 T. biwreie, bewray, accuse, KH. 380 C. OE. wrēgan.

wreke, infin. avenge, Ass. 726 Add., F. & B. 919 T; awreke, 640 C. OE. wrecan.

wringe, v. wring, twist; infin. wringe, wrynge, KH. 1142 H; 3 sing. pret. wrong, 1142 C; pr. part. wringinde C, wringende L, wryngynde H, KH. 118. OE. wringan.

wroþe, adj. fearful, afraid, KH. 366, 1304. OE. wrāð.

wunder, wonder, sb. wonder, harm, KH. 1335, 1536. OE. wundor. Cf. Mätzner, King Horn, 1247 Note, 1422 Note.

wyȝte, adj. brave, dexterous, KH. 1080 L, 1302 L.

wynne, sb. joy, pleasure, F. & B. 333 T. OE. wynn.

y-, see i-.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

[Differences between this e-text and the printed book

Sidenotes giving leaf-and-column information were often abbreviated for space. The forms “lf.” and “bk.” have been silently regularized to “leaf” and “back”. The full word “leaf” has been supplied where missing, except in references to the Trentham MS., where it was consistently omitted in the original.

Notes were variously printed in the side margin or at the bottom of the page, depending on space constraints. They have been treated as footnotes or sidenotes according to their function: information about the text or MS. (footnote), leaf- or column numbering (sidenote), narrative summary (sidenote). Where more than one MS was used, narrative sidenotes are shown at the beginning of each group of lines.

The recurring words “No gap in MS.” are in the original; they are generally followed by one or more blank lines inserted to keep the texts parallel. The words are retained in King Horn to preserve the editor’s line numbering; in the other texts they were retained only when needed to prevent ambiguity. The notation [[empty line]] in double brackets was added by the transcriber.

Line numbering is as in the original. Printed numbers have been silently regularized to the EETS-standard multiple of 4.

Each page of King Horn was divided into three: the Cambridge and Laud versions in adjoining columns, and the Harleian across the bottom, with lines printed in pairs separated by a | divider. For this e-text, the Harleian text has been broken into single lines to match the other two. General sidenotes were originally printed in the Harleian section.

Except for footnote markers and Transcriber’s Notes, all brackets [ ] are in the original.

Other Texts

At time of preparation, the three diagrams shown in the Preface were available online at The Internet Archive:

Wissmann on King Horn: http://www.archive.org/details/dasliedvonkingh00wissgoog (page n16)

Herzog on Floris and Blancheflur in Scandinavia: http://www.archive.org/details/diebeidensagenk00herzgoog (page n100)

Hausknecht on Floris and Blancheflur: http://www.archive.org/details/florisandblaunc00hausgoog (page n131)

In the Introduction to Floris and Blancheflur, the English passages printed alongside the French version are from Hausknecht’s edition.



The forms “H Z”, “HZ.” and “H. Z.” (for “Haupt’s Zeitschrift für deutsches Alterthum”) each appear once.

The term “X type” (of OE. rime) appears both with and without period, and in both bold and ordinary type.

Some references to Hempl’s test have “-wǭ-, -wō-” instead of the expected “-wǭ-, -wọ̄-”. These are shown as printed.

In a few paragraphs, the abbreviation “O.E.” has been silently regularized to “OE.”


The abbreviations “V.” and “Cott.” (see beginning of Glossary) refer to the same MS., Cott. Vitell. D. III.

“MS. Gg. 4. 27. 2.” is written both with and without final period (full stop).

When the editor is writing in his own voice, the Introduction uses “æ” while the notes use “ae”. Middle English is always “æ” (one letter); Latin is always “ae” (two letters).

The Laud MS. always has “c{r}ist...” instead of the more common “c{ri}st...”

In the Notes, anomalous quotation marks such as ‘R. H.’ for R. H. (without quotes) are unchanged.

Typographical Errors

Introduction: King Horn

K. H. 385-6; [K. H. 385-6:] “Crist for his wundes fiue, To niȝt me þuder driue, [missing close quote] made a great impression upon the people, [missing close quote] (umlaut of WG. ai) [WG,] by the treatment of æ above, by the double pronunciation of [comma missing] 123 L, Horns, nom. sing. [123 H] [the note to l. 659 has the same error] [in the stemma, MS. “x” (above y and z) was missing. It has been supplied from Wissmann]

Introduction: Floris and Blancheflur

Nordisk Tidskrift for Filologi og Pædagogik [Paadagogik] Footnote I-16 ... 1^o, 2^o, 3^o. [2^o.] Ostesse : kysse belongs only to MSS. T and Auch. [MSS. T.] [Hausknecht diagram] [in the bottom row, T is printed as I]

Introduction: Assumption

the Sunday gospel readings with their expositio and a narratio [narration] Conrad v. Heimesfurt, about 1200 (HZ. viii, pp. 150 ff.). [text unchanged; correct reference is 156ff.] a misunderstanding of the lines 893-96 of the SE. Assumption” [893-960 the] Cambr. MS. Ff. 2. 38. as #E# [Ff. MS.] we must regard as a compilation of different MSS. [off] § 8. TIME AND PLACE OF COMPOSITION. [§ 7.] He does not distinguish carefully open ę̨̄ and close ẹ̄ [open ē] Inne : kynne 430 A, 478 A, 360 H, 338 D, 346 D, [346, D] § 9. VERSIFICATION. [§ 8.] gode : fote 70 Add., þolen : y-boren 220 Add., etc. [text has “Ass.” for “Add.” both times]

King Horn

As noted in the body text, line-initial þ was changed to Þ on the assumption that capitalization was editorial.

111 Þe se ȝou schal adrenche; [þe] 161 Þat ihc am hol {and} fer [þat] 219 “++Hon child,” qwad þe king, [spelling unchanged] 274 For for folc þer was so meche. [text unchanged: error for single “For” as in Hall and Wissman editions?] 393 Aft{er} mete stille, wit [underlining in original represents expunctuation in MS] 464 Þin h{er}te gyn þou to stere, [þin] 579 We beþ kinctes yonge, [text unchanged: error for “knictes”?] 630 {And} horn murie to singe. [{An}d] [759-60, 757-758] [lines transposed by editor] 961 in a chirche of lym {an}t ston [text unchanged: apparent error for “{ant}”] 971 MiRe{n}gne þu schalt welde, [text unchanged] 1047 Ryme{n}hild vndude þe dure pin [“e” in “dure” invisible] 1152 Þ{a}t he come þ{e}rinne. [text unchanged: error for “þ{er}inne”?] 1191 Hye drank of þe bere, [þebere] 1299 ¶ “Ryme{n}hild,” he sede, “ywende [text unchanged: may be error for “y wende”] 1350 For riche me{n} þ{e}r ete. [text unchanged: error for “þ{er}”?] 1417 On C{ri}st ihc wolde bileue; [{Cr}ist]

Floris and Blancheflur

[Footnote FB-1: first ‘mey,’ then alterd] [editor’s orthography and punctuation unchanged] V 75 [Sidenote: [leaf 6, back]] [printed “leaf 6/3”] T 334 Me to bydden it it were grete synne.” [text unchanged: error for single “it” as in Hausknecht?] T 545 “Now,” seith Dares, “þ{o}u art a Folt,”-- [art a “Folt,--] T 673 Þou shalt haue redy w{i}t{h} the [text unchanged: error for “Þ{o}u”?] T 675 Ȝif~ þou wynne ouȝt of~ his, [text unchanged: error for “þ{o}u”?] V 365 Wha{n}ne þu lest lest him þe cupe iseo, [text unchanged] T 712 Rede me ryȝt, ȝif~ þ{o}u be trew.” [close quote missing] V [= T860] Þ{a}t ȝeue þe his beniscun, [text unchanged: error for “benisoun”?] T 933 I fonde þ{e}ryn a naked man. [text unchanged: error for “þ{er}yn”?] T 963 For, þy deeþ þ{o}u hast for me.” [single for double quote] C 764 Bute hit he{m} beo forȝiue also.” [close quote missing] T 1044 [Sidenote: [111 a]] [110 a]


C 143 ¶ Þo he hadde ydon, to heuene he steȝ; [heueue] C 172 ȝef he{m} boþe wille {and} space, [text unchanged: error for “Ȝef”?] C 358 [sidenote for “leaf 80, back” missing: should be near here] H 442 for thi loue, my moder dere. [dere.”] A 670 Ih{es}u crist, godes sons, [text unchanged: error for “sone” as in Hackauf?] A 679 And p{r}echen al of godes sone, [text unchanged: error for “p{re}chen”?]

In the Notes section, missing commas in note references have been silently supplied.

Notes: King Horn

15. whit so þe flur. Cf. ‘Rich. C. de L.’: [close quote missing] 17, 18. bold : old. ... He was a fair child and a bold. [a{n}d] [in this section, “Faire child he was ...” is Beues l. 52; “Be þat he was ...” is Reinbroun st. 4 l. 4.] 123. ... Cf. Horns 1560 H [body text has “horn” alone] 128. ... With henelow and rumbelooo. [text unchanged] 176. beoþ icumene. [body text has “icume”] 175 ff. Compare ... [175. ff.] 180-2. Ne sauȝ ihc ... Cf. 180-2 Note. [printed as shown] 247 ff. ... Brennes wes swiðe hende [v] his hap wes þe betere. [247. ff.] [the symbol shown as [v] is a punctuation mark resembling an inverted caret] 659, H. ... Cf. enimis 1024 H, Horns 123 L. [text has “123 H” as in Preface] 684. huntinge. Cf. ‘Erl of Tolous’ 937 [Erl.] 831. ... also ‘Beowulf’ 246-7 [close quote missing] 921-2. King Mory. [991-2] 1121. Myd strencþe. Cf. ‘Squire of L. D.’ 443 (Wissmann). [(Wissmann.).] 1144. bicolmede. Cf. ‘Lay.’ 17700-1, [97700-1] 1275. custe.... Cf. also 425 Note. [426 Note] 1410. hym agros. Cf. 925 Note. [924 Note] 1536. wunder = harm, evil. Cf. Mätzner, 1247 Note, 1422 Note. [printed after note to l. 1574] 1537. wundes fiue. [1536.]

Notes: Floris and Blancheflur

227, T. 513, C. 589, C. [MS. references missing in all] 692, 697, C. him. [677]

Notes: Assumption

19-22. Add. Not in H or D, or F. [Ass.] 97-8, C. ... also H (89-90): [89-10] 121-2, Add. F, D, and H have ... [Ass.] 116, C. ... in agreement with Add. [Ass.] 277-80, H. [C.] 303 ff., H. From this point F and D follow Add. (309-340). [ff,] [text ends with colon: see next item] 320, Add. Here D (299-300) has two lines not in Add. or F: [following pair of lines printed before note] 347 ff., Add. [347 ff., F.] 565-6, H. by-leue, y-yeue. F (621-2): [by-leue-] 607-8, H. ... D (499-500) has the same as F transposed, beme : aȝen. [final . missing] 61-2, C. 373-4, H. 587-94, H. 639-642, H. [MS. references missing in all]


arson, sb. saddle bow; n. s., F. & B. 369 T. OF. arçon. [OE.] belamy, sb. good friend, F. & B. 633 C. OF. bel ami [final . missing] belde, see bolde [final . missing] Blancheflour, Blauncheflur, etc. ... C. Fr. Blanceflors, Blanceflor. [printed in roman (non-italic) type] dyȝcte, infin. arrange, KH. 904 L [404 L] follyche, KH. 98 L. (?). OE. fūllīce. [text unchanged: apparent error for “fullīce” (“fūl” with long ū is “foul”)] gabbest, 2 sing. pres. (1) ridicule, (2) deceive, (3) chatter. [3 chatter] ginne, gynne, sb.? ... F. & B. 131, 195, 206, 258 C., etc.; F. & B. 1032, 1048 T. [F. & B. 131, 158, 169, ... Ass. 1032] ginnur, sb. engineer, workman, F. & B. 324 C. [329] grom, sb. boy; nom. sing. grom, KH. 1035 L H; [1035 L H:] halke, ... OE. healoc [final . missing] hende, adj. ... OE. (ȝe)hende. [(ȝe) hende] heren, v. hire; 3 sing. pret. hurede C, herde L, herde L H, KH. 806. OE. hȳrian. [text unchanged] I--, I lome, etc., see lome, etc. [lome, etc,] Iewes, Iewis, Iewys [almost every citation in this entry is wrong: “674 H” error for 564 H = 674 Add. “Ass. 530 C” error for H “Ass. 620 Add.” is an error “Ass. 553 C” error for H] leng, compar. longer, KH. 1183 etc. OE. leng. [etc OE.] leste, luste, v. desire, hanker, lust [hanker.] Lumbardy, F. & B. 179 T. French version has (En)Lombardie 49. [text unchanged] maister, sb. leader, KH. 659; maister-king, KH. 659 L [body text has “maister king” as two words] sikirli, sekerly, adv. certainly [certainty] sonde, sb. ... Ass. 106 C [Ass 106 C] spede, infin. speed, have good fortune, KH. 852 C H, F. & B. 1026 T. OE. speke, bispac, spēdan. [last three words printed as shown; expected following entry “speke” is missing] tide, bitide, v. happen, betide [entry printed as two paragraphs with duplicate “OE.”: tide, bitide, v. happen, betide; infin., KH. 212 L H, 218 C; 3 sing. pres., OE. tit, tyt, KH. 1442 L H; bitide, infin. KH. 218 L H, 575. OE. tīdian.] vndernome, pp. journeyed, F. & B. 189 [152] wite, iwite, v. 2 guard, keep [missing “2”] wreke, infin. avenge [wreke.]

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