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Audiobook: A Middle English Vocabulary, Designed for use with Sisam's Fourteenth Century Verse & Prose by Tolkien, J. R. R. (John Ronald Reuel)

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Audiobook: A Middle English Vocabulary, Designed for use with Sisam's Fourteenth Century Verse & Prose by Tolkien, J. R. R. (John Ronald Reuel)

Project Gutenberg's A Middle English Vocabulary, by John Ronald Reuel Tolkien

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Title: A Middle English Vocabulary Designed for use with SISAM'S Fourteenth Century Verse & Prose

Author: John Ronald Reuel Tolkien

Release Date: September 15, 2013 [EBook #43737]

Language: English

Character set encoding: UTF-8


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[Transcriber's Note: Spelling and punctuation variants have not been standardized; <> marks letters supplied by the original editor. Superscripts have been marked thus ^1. Underscores have been used to indicate italic fonts; #bold# print was marked by # signs. See also the Transcriber's Note at the end. This vocabulary was designed for use with "Fourteenth Century Verse & Prose" by Kenneth Sisam, available at PG #43736.]






Designed for use with

SISAM'S Fourteenth Century Verse & Prose




Printed in England


AFr. Anglo-French.

allit. alliterative; (in) alliterative verse, &c.

cf. in etymologies indicates uncertain or indirect relation.

constr. constructed with; construction.

Du. Dutch.

E.; Mn.E. (Modern) English.

E.D.D. The English Dialect Dictionary.

Fr. French.

Fris. (Modern) Frisian (dialects).

from is prefixed to etymologies when the word illustrated has additional suffixes, &c., not present in the etymon.

G. German.

Goth. Gothic.

Icel. (Modern) Icelandic.

Kt.; OKt. Kentish; Kentish dialect of Old English.

L.; Med.L. Latin; Mediaeval Latin.

MDu. Middle Dutch.

ME. Middle English.

MHG. Middle High German.

MLG. Middle Low German.

N.E.D. The Oxford (New) English Dictionary.

Nth.; ONth. Northumbrian; Northumbrian dialect of Old English.

NWM. North West Midland.

OE. Old English.

OFr. Old French.

OFris. Old Frisian.

OHG. Old High German.

OIr. Old Irish.

ON. Old Norse, especially Old Icelandic.

ONFr. Northern dialects of Old French.

OS. Old Saxon (Old Low German).

prec. preceding word.

red. reduced; reduction.

Swed. Swedish.

WS.; OWS. West Saxon (dialect of Old English).

* is prefixed where forms are theoretically reconstructed.

+ between the elements shows that a compound or derivative is first recorded in Middle English.


This glossary does not aim at completeness, and it is not primarily a glossary of rare or 'hard' words. A good working knowledge of Middle English depends less on the possession of an abstruse vocabulary than on familiarity with the ordinary machinery of expression--with the precise forms and meanings that common words may assume; with the uses of such innocent-looking little words as the prepositions of and for; with idiomatic phrases, some fresh-minted and some worn thin, but all likely to recur again and again in an age whose authors took no pains to avoid usual or hackneyed turns of expression. These are the features of the older language which an English reader is predisposed to pass over, satisfied with a half-recognition: and space seldom permits of their adequate treatment in a compendious general dictionary or the word-list to a single text. So in making a glossary for use with a book itself designed to be a preparation for the reading of complete texts, I have given exceptionally full treatment to what may rightly be called the backbone of the language.

Brief indications of the etymology of each word are given, with references in difficult cases to the Oxford English Dictionary (N.E.D.). Apart from their usefulness as a basis for exercises in phonology and the analysis of vocabulary, these will serve to differentiate words distinct in origin which coincide in some of their forms or spellings. The Old English or Old French forms cited are those that best illustrate the Middle English; in consequence the Old English forms frequently differ from normal West-Saxon, and the Old French forms are especially those of the French current in England (Anglo-French is rarely specified). Old Norse words have usually been cited in the normal spelling (e.g. of Zoëga's Old Icelandic Dictionary). Accordingly, long vowels in Old Norse words are marked as in bráþ-r. In Old English words stable long vowels are marked as in brād; uncertain quantity or probable shortening in Old English times is marked as in adrǣ̆dd; vowels that were lengthened in the Old English period (e.g. before ld, mb, nd) are marked as in cáld, clímban, bíndan.

For the convenience of beginners the glossary is liberally supplied with cross references, and the prefixed Table summarizes the principal variations of form or spelling. Particular attention should be given to the following points of arrangement: (i) Ȝ has a separate alphabetical place following G; cross-references to gh are not given: (ii) Þ has a separate alphabetical place following T; variation between þ and th is disregarded, and initial Th is entered under Þ: (iii) U, V are alternative forms of the same letter; variation between them is disregarded, and initial U is entered under V: (iv) Y initially has its usual place; but medial or final Y will be found in the alphabetical position of I.

J. R. R. T.


1. a varies with o (before m, n); as land, lang, lamb--lond, long, lomb; man, name--(Western) mon, nome.

2. a (= ā) varies in Northern texts with (i) ai, ay; as (a) fare, fare--fayre (b) fayre--farest, fairest: (ii) with Southern o, oo; see 14.

3. ai, ay varies with (i) ei, ey; as mayntene--meyntene: (ii) a; see 2: (iii) o, oo; see 2.

4. au (before m, n) varies with a (chiefly in French words); as daunce--dance.

5. be-, prefix varies with bi-; as begynne--biginne.

6. c varies with k; as bac, court--bak, kort.

7. des-, prefix varies with dis-; as des-, disavauntage.

8. e (= ẹ̄) varies in Northern texts with ei, ey; as wel(e)--weill, weyl; stele--steill. See 13, 20.

9. ei, ey varies with (i) ai, ay (cf. 3); as weie, wey(e)--way(e): (ii) hence in Northern texts with a; as strat-ly--streyte: (iii) with e; see 8.

10. er varies with later ar; as fer, hertely--far, hartely.

11. f varies with u (= v): (i) initially (Southern); as fader--uader: (ii) finally (Northern); as haf(e)--haue.

12. ght varies with ȝt, cht (Scottish), ht, st; as nyght--niȝt, nycht, nyht, seuenist.

13. i (vowel) varies with y, passim: i, y varies with (i) e in Northern texts; as hider, liuen, myddel--heder, leue, medill: (ii) with e, (South) Western u; as hil, fyrst--hell, uerst--hul, furst.

14. o, oo (= ǭ) varies in Northern texts with (i) a; as hot, hoot--hate: (ii) hence also with ai (see 2): (iii) with oi, oy; see next.

15. o, oo (= ọ̄) varies in Northern texts with (i) ou, u; as god, good--goud, gud(e): (ii) oi, oy; as none, noon--noyne.

16. (s)sch varies with (s)sh, ss; as schewe--shewe, ssewe; fle(s)sch--flessh.

17. þ varies with th, passim.

18. u (in au, eu, ou) varies with w, passim; see 21.

19. u, v (= u) varies with o (esp. before m, n); as sun(ne)--sonne; but--bot(e); see also 15.

20. u, v (= ü) varies in Western texts with (i) e, eo; as erthe--(Western) eorþe, vrþe: (ii) with i, y, e; see 13.

21. w varies medially with gh, ȝ (u); as owen, own--oghne, oȝene, oune: initially (Scottish) with v; as woundit--voundit.

22. y (consonant) varies initially with ȝ; as ye--ȝe; medially with i, (i)gh, (i)ȝ; as say, se(i)gh, se(i)ȝe, saw.

23. single consonant varies with double; as sad--sadde.

24. single vowel varies with double; as breed--brede, breadth; wod--wood, mad.


#A#, pron. he, XIII a 27, 47, 48; they, XIII a 13, b 22, 36, 39, 61, 64, 66. [Unaccented form of ME. ha. See Hare, Ham.]

#A#, v. inf. have, I 127. [Reduced unaccented form of haue; see Habbe(n).]

#A(n)#, adj. one, IV b 34; indef. art. a(n), I 22, VIII b 7, &c. See Ane, On(e).

#A(n)#, prep. on, in, &c. II 137, III introd., 22, VIII a 43, XIII a 11, b 19, 34, &c.; a blode, with blood, XV g 16; a nyghtes, at night (OE. on niht, nihtes), VIII b 16; a þre, in three, XIII b 49 (see Ato, Atwynne); a Goddes half, for God's sake, XII b 80. [Weakened form of On, q.v.; an in III is possibly dialectal; a is used only before following consonant.] See Ane.

#Abandoune#, v. to abandon, resign, X 50. [OFr. abandouner.]

#Abasshed#, pp. perturbed, XVI 177 (note to XVI 59). [AFr. abaiss-; OFr. e(s)bair, e(s)baiss-.]

#Abate#, v. to lessen, XIV b 19; reduce, VIII a 209 (imper. sg.); intr. XVII 445; #Abatid# (of), pp. ceased, VII 104. [OFr. abatre.]

#Abedde#, adv. in bed, XII a 141. [OE. on bedde.] See Bedd(e).

#Abhomynable#, adj. abominable, XI b 90. [OFr. abominable.]

#Abide#, #Abyde#, #Habide#, v. (i) intr. to wait, remain, stay, II 84, IX 197, XVII 531; tarry, II 348; imper. wait!, V 149; halt!, XVI 213; (ii) trans. to await, XVII 334; withstand, endure, XIV b 31; #Abode#, pa. t. XIV c 68, XVII 373; #Abyde#, pp. in ys abyde, has survived, XIII b 50. [OE. ā-bīdan.] See Bide.

#Abite#, n. outward appearance, XI b 99. [OFr. (h)abit.]

#Able#, adj. able, VI 239, XI b 92. [OFr. (h)able.] See Vnable.

#Abone#, adv. above, XVII 146. See Aboue(n).

#Abosted#, pa. t. sg. threatened boastfully, VIII a 148. [ME. a- + Boste, q.v.]

#Aboue(n)#, #Abovin#, #Abuf#, adv. above, overhead, on top, V 149, VII 105, 135, IX 56, X 61; on the surface, VII 160; prep. above, higher than, XI b 182, XVII 83; quasi-sb. in be at here aboue, get the upper hand of them, XIII a 61. [OE. *on-bufan, abufan.] See Abone.

#Aboueseyd#, adj. aforesaid, IX 307. [Prec. + pp. of Seie.]

#Aboute(n)#, #Abowte#, #Obout# (XIV a), (i) adv. about, round, on all sides, here and there, to and fro, I 233, V 165, VIII a 297, XI b 270, XII a 143, b 117, XIV a 15, XV i 3, XVII 303, 351, &c.; round about, VII 83, &c.; round it, II 359; al aboute round, all round about, XII a 79; (ii) prep. about, round, &c. (often following n. or pron.), I 54, II 274, 284, V 95, XIV b 68, &c.; on, XI b 236; in, XI b 293, 296; about al, in all directions, II 387; aboute with for to (vnbynde), XVI 7. [OE. onbūtan, ābūtan.]

#Abrod#, adv. out wide, XII a 176. [OE. on + brād.]

#Abuf#. See Aboue.

#Abugge#, v. to pay for (it), VIII a 75, 159. [OE. ā-bycgan.] See Bigge.

#Ac#, conj. but, II 56, III 34, VIII 67, &c. [OE. ac.]

#Acheue#, v. achieve, VI 115. [OFr. achever.] See Cheue.

#Accordandly#, adv. accordingly, IV b 33. [From pres. p. of Acorde.]

#Acord(e)#, #Accord#, n. agreement, VI 149, XI a 32; concurrence, united will, XVII 30; made acorde of care and me, associated me with, caused me to know, care, VI 11. [OFr. acord(e).]

#Acorde(n)#, v. trans. to reconcile, V 337; to acorde me with, to associate myself with, V 312; intr. agree, XI b 128, XII b 145, XIII b 52. [OFr. acorder.] See Corden.

#Acountes#, n. pl. settlement of accounts, VIII a 83. [OFr. acont, acunt.]

#Acsede#. See Axe(n).

#Actif#, #Actyf#, adj. active, VIII a 245, XI b 74, 102. [OFr. actif.]

#Aday#, adv. in dyne aday, eat at (mid-day) meal, VIII a 303. [OE. on dæge, by day.]

#Ademand#, n. loadstone (magnetic iron ore), IX 123, 125, &c. [OFr. adema(u)nt, L. adamantem (acc.), properly 'diamond'. The application to 'loadstone' was due to false association with L. ad-amāre. The mediaeval 'adamant' in consequence often combined the properties of diamond and loadstone.] See Dyamand.

#Admytte#, v. to admit, XVII 551. [L. admittere.]

#Adoun#, #Adown#, adv. down, II 223, 435, VIII a 31, &c. [OE. of-dūne, adūne.] See Doun(e).

#Adrad#, pp. afraid, XII b 133; #Adred#, XVII 201. [OE. ofdrǣ̆dd, ofdrē̆dd, pp.] See Drede(n).

#Adreynt#, pp. drowned, II 397. [OE. ā-drencan, pp. ā-drenct.]

#Adresced#, pp.; therupon him hath adresced, has fastened himself to it, XII b 85. See Dresse. [OFr. adresser.]

#Aduersouris#, n. pl. adversaries, X 144. [OFr. adversier with alteration of suffix.]

#Afelde#, adv. to the fields, VIII a 136, 283. [OE. on felda.] See Feld(e).

#Aferd(e)#, adj. afraid, I 4, 67, 262, VIII a 115, XVII 316, &c. [OE. ā-fǣred.] See Ferde.

#Affaite#, v. train, tame, VIII a 32 (note). [OFr. afait(i)er.]

#Affeccyon#, n. affection, (worldly) desire, IV b 52, 71. [L. affectiōn-em through OFr.]

#Af(f)erme#, v. affirm, IX 77, XI a 50; confirm, IX 305. [OFr. afermer.]

#Affie#, v. to have (faith in), XVI 29. [OFr. afier.]

#Afforces# (thame), pres. pl. (refl.) endeavour, IV b 20. [OFr. s'afforcer.]

#Affray#, n. fear, XII a 142. [OFr. e(s)frai.]

#Afine#, adv. to the end, II 277. [OFr. a fin.]

#Afore#, adv. beforehand, XVII 164. [OE. æt-foran.]

#Aforth#, v. to afford, VIII a 192. [OE. (late) ge-forðian, to manage.]

#Afright#, pp. Not afright, undeterred, XVII 541. [OE. ā-fyrht.]

#After# (#-ir#, #-yr#, #-ur#), adv. after, behind, II 378, VII 24, XVI 376, &c.; afterwards, then, VII 46, VIII a 5, &c.; be the whiche ... after, in accordance with which (mixed Fr. and E. constr.), IX 302; prep. after, next to, I 215, XI b 27, &c.; according to, IX 220, 291, XI b 189, &c.; for (after desire, ask, &c.), VII 20, VIII a 291, XV h 5, XVI 242, &c.; conj. after, XVII 148. After þan, afterwards, II 597. [OE. æfter; æfter þā̆m.]

#Afterward#, #Aftyrward(e)#, &c., adv. afterwards, II 164, IV b 59, XI b 147, &c.; #Efterward#, III 16, 35, 38, 48. [OE. æfterweard (Kt. efter-).]

#Agayn(e)#, #Agane#, adv. back, again, IV b 83, XVI 11, XVII 180, 479, &c. See Aȝayn.

#Agaynes#, prep. against, IV b 18, 19. [Prec. + adv. -es.] See Aȝeines.

#Agaynste#, prep. against, XVI 280; to loke a., to gaze on, XVI 92. [Extended from prec.]

#Agast#, pp. afraid, XIV c 51, XVII 184, 297; astonished, XVII 449. [a- + OE. gæsted, afflicted.] See Gastli.

#Age#, n. age, time of life, VI 52, XII introd.; mature age, IX 22; old age, VII 6, XIV c 106, &c. [OFr. age.]

#Ago#, pp. gone by, XII a 34. [OE. ā-gān.]

#Agrete#, adv. collectively, as a body, VI 200. [OE. on + grēat.]

#Agreued# (for), pp. weighed down (with), V 302; annoyed (by), I 88. [OFr. agrever.]

#Aȝayn#, adv. again, back, V 53, 257, 332; #Aȝe#, XIII a 8; #Aȝein#, #Aȝeyn#, I 230, VIII a 44, XII a 28, &c.; #Aȝen#, IX 132; #Oȝain#, II 141, 162. [OE. ongēn, ongegn.]

#Aȝayn#, #Aȝen#, #Aȝein#, #Aye#, #Oȝain#, prep. against, III 58, V 48, IX 19; towards (of time), II 497, XII b 18. [As prec.] See Agayn.

#Aȝeines#, prep. against, contrary to, VIII a 309, 311, 315; #Aȝenes#, XIII b 17; #Aȝens#, I 261, 264, VIII b 78; #Aȝenus#, XI a 29. [Prec. + adv. -es.] See Agaynes.

#Aȝenst#, prep. against, IX 92, 315, XI b 43, 46, 97. [Extended from prec.] See Agaynste.

#Aȝleȝ#, adj. without fear, V 267. [ON. agi + OE. -lēas.] See Awe.

#A-hungrye#, adj. hungry, XVII 499. [a- + OE. hungrig.]

#Ai#, #Ay#, adv. always, ever, IV a 1, 14, VII 18, X 61, XV a 10, 17, &c.; for ay, for ever, XVII 26. [ON. ei.]

#Ay#, n. fear, in for loue or ay, in any event, II 571. [OE. ege.]

#Aye.# See Aȝayn.

#Ayenbyte#, n. remorse. See III introd. [OE. ongēn + bite.]

#Ayere#, #Aire#, n. air, IV b 5, VII 107, 110. [OFr. air.]

#Aire#, n. heir, VIII b 62. [OFr. (h)eir.]

#Ays.# See Ese.

#Aither#, #Ayþer#, #Athir#, #Eyþer#, adj. and pron. both, VII 65; either, V 112; eyþer oþer, each other, XIII b 57; athir othir in, one in the other, X 22. [OE. ǣgþer, both; ā(w)þer, either.] See Euþer.

#Ayther#, #Aþer#, conj. or, VI 131; ayther ... or, either ... or, XVII 477. [As prec.] See Or^2; Oþer, conj.

#Aywhere#, adv. on all sides, V 113. [OE. ǣghwǣr.]

#Aketh#, pres. pl. ache, VIII a 253 (see Wombe). [OE. acan.]

#Akyng#, n. aching, XI b 136.

#Al#, adj. all, I 120, II 114, III 6, &c.; #Alle#, I 19, &c.; pl. III 55, &c.; al(l) a(n), a whole, VII 183, VIII a 253, XIII a 32, 44, XIV c 4; al(le) maner(e), all kinds of, II 589, XI a 12 (cf. Alkyn); al(le) þing(e), see Þing; all way, weys, see Alway, Way; all it (þei, we), all of it (them, us), XV g 16, IX 104, XVII 456, &c.; here names of alle, the names of them all, I 37; of al and sum, in general and particular, in full, VI 224; as sb. all, XVI 303, &c.; every one (with sg. verb), VI 87. [OE. al(l).] See Algate, Alkyn, Alsaume, &c.

#Al#, #All(e)#, adv. entirely, quite, very, I 108, II 76, V 304, VIII a 138, &c.; in comb. with To-, II 81, 106, 262, IV a 78, VII 147; with For-, II 398, XV c 29. Al away, quite away, IV a 75; al one, alone, V 87, XII a 131, b 15; al oon, all one (and the same thing), XI a 41; al to, up to (the number of), III 56; all be (were) it þat, although, IX 50, 171, 302, 312; all if, although, XVII 231. [OE. al(l).]

#Al#, #All(e)#, n. all, everything, III 43, 51, &c.; about al, in all directions, II 387; ouer al, everywhere, II 208 (OE. ofer all). [OE. al(l).]

#Aldai#, #Al day#, adv. all day, V 166, XII introd. [OE. alne dæg.]

#Alde#. See Olde.

#Alepy#, adj. (a) single, I 159. [OE. ā̆nlēpig.]

#Algate#, adv. by all means, at any rate, I 107, II 231. [Cf. ON. alla götu, all along, always.] See Gate, n.^2

#Algatis#, adv. continually, XI a 38. [Prec. + adv. -es.]

#Aliens#, n. pl. foreigners, XIII b 61. [OFr. alien.]

#Aliȝt#, #Alihte#, v. to alight, II 377, XII a 76. [OE. ā-lihtan.] See Liȝt, v.^2

#Aliri#, adv. ? across one another (of legs), VIII a 116. [? Related to Lyre, n.^2]

#Alis#, v. See Eyleþ.

#Alyue#, adj. living, VI 85. [OE. on līfe.]

#Alkyn#, adj. of all kinds, VIII a 70. [OE. *alra cynna.] See Kyn.

#Allas#, interj. alas! II 107, &c. [OFr. alas.]

#Alleg(g)e(n)#, v. to cite (in support of a contention), XI b 56, XVI 277; to contend, XI b 79. [OFr. esligier, aligier, associated with unrelated L. allēgāre.]

#Allowe#, v. approve, receive with approval, XVI 330; #Alod#, pp. XVII 56 (note). [OFr. alouer, from L. allaudāre.]

#Allþough#, #Althogh#, conj. (even) though, IX 110, XII b 196, &c. [Al, adv. + Þogh, q.v.]

#Allweldand#, adj. almighty, XVII 494. [Cf. OE. alwáldende.]

#Almes(se)#, n. sg. an act, or works, of charity, charitable gift or offering, VIII a 121, 140, XI b 2, 163, 270, &c.; #Elmesses# pl. (OKt. elmessan), III 17. [OE. ælmesse.]

#Almyȝt#, adj. almighty, VI 138. [OE. æl-miht.]

#Almyty#, #-myghty#, adj. almighty, VIII b 105, XV i 12. [OE. æl-mihtig.]

#Alofte#, adv. in the air, aloft, V 220, XII a 94, &c. [ON. á loft.] See Lofte.

#Alod#, pp. See Allowe.

#Alone#, adj. alone, XVII 489; see Al, adv.

#Als#, adv. also, as well, V 292, VIII a 148, X 8, 11, XVII 126, 127. [Reduced form of Also, q.v.]

#Als#, #Alss#, conj. as (esp. in als ... as, as ... as), like, IV a 2, 63, 84, b 86, VIII a 37, &c.; as for instance, like, XVI 306, 308, 311; as, while, IV b 43, XV a 4; als ... þat, so ... that, IX 151; als b(i)liue, as quickly (as possible), straightway, II 531, 584. [As prec.] See As.

#Alsaume#, adv. (all) together, 198. [Cf. ON. allir saman.] See Sam(e), adv.

#Also#, #Alsua# (X), adv. also, as well, I 35, II 144, X 33, &c.; conj. like, II 508; also bliue, also spac, also swiþe, as quickly (as possible), straightway, II 142, 343, 574. [OE. al-swā.] See Als, As.

#Al(l)way#, #-wey#, adv. always, (for) ever, continually, XIII a 3, b 63, XVI 150, 168, &c.; in any case, certainly, XVI 164. [OE. alne weg.] See Algate(s).

#Am#, 1 sg. pres. ind. am, V 90, &c.; coalescing with prec. pron. in Icham, Ycham (q.v.). [OE. am.] See Ar, Art, Is, &c.

#Amaistrien#, v. to master, control, VIII a 205. [OFr. amaistrier.]

#Amang#, adv. in the meanwhile, XVII 247; #Emang#, at times, from time to time, XVI 262, 301. [OE. on-(ge)máng.] See Amonge.

#Ame#, v. to guess; as y kan ame, I guess, I 45. [OFr. aesmer, amer.]

#Amend(e)#, v. to make better, reform, set right, VIII a 268, IX 338, XI a 48, XVII 256. [OFr. amender.] See Mend(e).

#Amendement#, n. improvement, cure, I 238, II 200, VIII a 132. [OFr. amendement.]

#Amercy#, v. to fine, VIII a 40. [OFr. amercier.]

#Amidde#, prep. in the middle of, II 355. [OE. on-middan.]

#Amiddes#, adv. in the midst, XII a 170; prep. (from) among, II 191. [Prec. + adv. -es.]

#Amys#, adv. amiss, VIII a 322. [ON. á miss.] See Mysse.

#Amoner#, n. almoner, alms-giver, III 16. [OFr. au-moner.]

#Among(e)#, prep. among, II 220, VIII a 89, &c.; #Emang#, #Emong#, XVII 112; (follows noun) XVII 400. [OE. on-(ge)máng.] See Amang, Mong.

#Amonges#, prep. amongst, II 306, VII 37, &c. [Prec. + adv. -es.]

#Amorwe#, adv. on the next day, II 181, 497. [OE. on morgene.]

#An#, #And#, #Ant#, conj. and, I 254, VIII a 205, XI a 1, XV b 11, d 2, e 6, g 25, 26, i 5, &c.; an te, and the, XV e 19; if, II 43, VI 200, 238, VIII a 250, XIII a 44, b 39, XIV c 14, 103, XVI 208 (even if), XVII 297, 502. On postponement of and in Gower see note to XII a 26. [OE. and.]

#Ancres#, n. pl. anchorites, religious recluses, VIII a 139. [OE. ā̆ncra.]

#Andzuerede#. See Ansuere.

#Ane#, indef. art. a, X 5, 16, 31, &c.; representing older inflected forms, III 11 (first), 13, 49; adj. one, a single, IV a 58, X 157; (predicatively) one, united, IV a 56; pron. one, IV b 1, 43; a certain person, IV a 69, X 169. See A(n), On(e).

#Ane#, prep. on; ane his lhordes haf, on his master's behalf, III 11. [From OE. on, an, on anal. of in, inne.]

#Anely#, adv. only, IV b 81. [OE. ānlic, adj.] See Onely.

#Anewe#, adv. once more, XV a 22. [a- + OE. nēowe.]

#Angelis#. See Aungel.

#Anger#, n. grief, V 276. [ON. angr, grief.]

#Angré#, adj. angry, XVII 187. [From prec.]

#Angwys#, n. grief, IV b 28, [OFr. anguisse.]

#Ani#, #Any#, adj. any, I 2, 18, II 528, &c. [OE. ǣnig.] See Eny, Ony.

#Animal#, n. animal, II 364. [OFr. animal.]

#Anodir#. See Anoþire.

#Anoynt#, v. to smear, XVII 127. [Formed on OFr. enoint pp. of enoindre.]

#Anon(e)#, adv. at once, straightway, next, II 385, 499, VI 224, XVII 490, 526, &c.; #Onone#, VII 149, XVII 275. [OE. on ān.]

#Anothire#, #Anoþer#, adj. and pron. another, IV b 3, 34, IX 37, &c.; #Anoþur#, XIV c 27; #Anouþer#, I 140; #Anodir#, XVI 87. [OE. ān + ōþer.]

#Anouȝ#. See Ynoȝ.

#*Anowrned#, pp. adorned, II 363 (MS. anowed). [OFr. aourner; ? a- to an- on anal. of E. alternation a-, an-.]

#Ansuer(e)#, #Answere#, v. to answer, III 5, 25, IX 178, XII b 76; #Andzuerede#, pa. t. III 33. [OE. an(d)swerian.]

#Answar#, n. answer, VI 158. [OE. an(d)swaru.]

#Ant#. See An, conj.

#Antifeners#, n. pl. antiphonaries, XI b 229 (note). [OFr. antiphonier.]

#Apayed#, pp. pleased, satisfied, VIII a 102, 189. [OFr. apaier.] See Paie.

#Apassed#, pp. as prep. past, VI 180. [OFr. apasser.]

#Ap(p)ere#, #Appiere#, v. to appear, VI 45, XII a 132, XVI 368, XVII 173. [OFr. aper-; apareir.]

#Ap(p)eyre#, v. to do harm to, injure, impair, VIII a 126, 164, 212, XIII b 14; #Apeyryng#, n. impairing, XIII b 15. [OFr. empeirer.] See Empeyre.

#Apert#, adj. plain, V 324; adv. openly, plainly, I 200, VI 229; for all to see, II 586. [OFr. apert.]

#Apon#. See Vpon.

#Aposede#, pa. t. put a (hard) question to, VIII b 10. [OFr. oposer, aposer.]

#Apostel#, n. apostle, XI a 12, b 15, 99, 273, &c. [OE. apostol.] See Posteles.

#Apparaille#, v. to dress, VIII a 59. [OFr. aparailler.]

#Apparale#, n. preparations, apparatus, gear, X 3, 14, 44, 119. [OFr. aparail.]

#Apparence#, n. appearance, XII a 127. [OFr. ap(p)arence.]

#Appetit# (to), n. desire, appetite (for), VIII a 261, IX 15, XII a 87. [OFr. apetit.]

#Appiereth.# See Ap(p)ere.

#Approprid#, pp. assigned as personal property, XI b 97. [OFr. aproprier.]

#Aquit#, pp. requited, XII b 138, 197. [OFr. aquiter.]

#Ar#, conj. before (usually with subj.), VIII a 93, 196, 258, 261, 269, XV g 33, &c. [OE. ǣr, and with weak stress æ̆r(?).] See Are; Er(e), adv.; Or.

#Ar(e)#, pres. ind. pl. are, IV b 18, V 9, 27, &c.; #Aren#, VIII a 268, 270, &c.; #Arn(e)#, II 13, VI 24, 42, &c. [OE. (Nth.) aron.] See Art, Er(e), Ben, &c.

#Aray#, n. array, X 68; rank, estate, VI 131; of aray, stately, XVII 539 (or grete of aray, great in magnificence). [OFr. arei.]

#Arayed#, pp. arranged, XIII a 1. [OFr. areyer.]

#Aratede#, pa. t. rebuked, VIII b 11. [Unknown.]

#Archidekenes#, n. pl. archdeacons, VIII b 75. [OE. ærce-diacon, OFr. archedekne.] See Dyacne.

#Are#, adv. before, I 93, XVI 38, 98, 345. [ON. ár (? late Nth. ar); but see Ar, conj.]

#Arered#, pp. raised, set up, XIII a 11, 13, &c. [OE. ā-rǣran.]

#Arȝe# (wyth), v. to be terrified, quail (at), V 203, 209, 233. [OE. eargian.]

#Aryȝt#, adv. rightly, right well, XIII b 46; #Ariht#, XII a 67, XIV c 61. [OE. on-riht, ariht.]

#Arise#, #Aryse#, v. to arise, rise, get up, come to pass, II 311, VIII a 112, 261, 319, b 15; #Aros#, pa. t. sg. II 318, XV g 1 (note). [OE. ā-rīsan.]

#Arm(e)#, n. arm, I 112, VII 162, &c.; embrace, XII a 161. [OE. earm.]

#Armes#, n. pl. arms, weapons, (knightly) warfare, II 182, IX 109, &c. [OFr. armes.]

#Armyt#, #Armed#, pp. armed, II 395, X 7, 37, &c.; #Y-armed#, II 136, 184, 292. [OFr. armer.]

#Arn(e).# See Ar(e), v.

#Arryuen#, #Aryue#, v. to come to land, IX 184; to come (to a destination), VI 87. [OFr. arriver.]

#Art#, 2 sg. pres. ind. art, I 202, 204, II 422, &c.; #Artow#, art thou, II 421 (see Þou); #Ert#, VIII b 34. [OE. eart.]

#Artetykes#, adj. pl. arthritic, accompanied with inflammation of the joints, IX 314. See Gowtes. [OFr. artetique, corruptly from L. arthrīticus.]

#Arwes#, n. pl. arrows, IX 258. [OE. earh.]

#As(e)#, conj. as, I 24, II 290, III 48, &c.; as ... as (foll. by accus.), XVII 19; as that, as, XVII 182; as hys desserte, according to his deserts, VI 235; even as, seeing that, XVII 427, 552; as euer, as sure as ever, XVII 237, 395; so (in oaths, &c.), V 55, &c.; as if (usually with subj.) I 31, 121, 195, II 108, 402, V 106, 133, 134, 189, 194, 221, 326, VII 45; as relative particle, I introd., XVII 325; as swyþe, tyte, straightway, I 111, XVII 219. [Further reduced from Als, q.v.]

#Asalis.# See Assaylle.

#Askes#, n. pl. ashes, XIII a 4. [OE. axe.]

#Aske(n)#, #Aski# (II), v. to ask for, demand, I 131, II 450, 467, VI 220, &c.; require, VIII b 71; inquire, I 132, IX 176. [OE. ā̆xian.] See Axe(n).

#Aspien#, #Asspye#, v. to detect, observe, VIII a 123, 217, XI a 60; #Aspide#, pa. t. III 42. [OFr. espier.] See Spie.

#Assai#, #Assay#, n. test, trial; at assai, when put to the test, XIV c 5; set in, till, hard(e) assay, place in sore straits, X 62, 170, 188. [OFr. essai, assai.]

#Assaie#, #Assay(e)#, #Asay#, v. to test, prove, make trial, II 452, 568, V 294, IX 61, 102, 121, XIV c 66, XVII 219, 249, 433; to endeavour, VIII a 24, XII b 81. [OFr. essayer.] See Saye.

#Assaylle#, #As(s)ale#, #Assa(i)lȝe# (X), v. to assail, attack, IX 88, X 4, 12, 43, 114, 132, 144, XVII 295, &c.; #Assaling#, n. assault, X 41, 60. [OFr. as(s)aillir.]

#Asse#, n. ass, XV f 5, &c. [OE. assa.]

#Assemblid# (to), pa. t. assembled (at), VII 85. [OFr. assembler.]

#Assembly#, n. joining of battle, VII 57. [OFr. assemblee.]

#Assende#, v. to ascend, XVI 32. [OFr. ascendre.]

#Assent#, pp. sent for, XII b 208. See Of-sende.

#As(s)ente#, n. agreement; compliance, VI 31; of þare assente, of like mind with them, XVI 310. [OFr. asente.]

#Assent(e)#, v. to agree, VIII a 39, 57; pp. XVI 170. [OFr. asentir.]

#Assoylled#, pp. absolved, IX 286. [OFr. assoillir.]

#Asspye#. See Aspien.

#As(s)tate#, n. estate, (high) rank, VI 33, 130, VII 21. [OFr. estat.] See State.

#Astrangled#, pp. choked, II 396. [OFr. estrangler.]

#Asunder#, #-yr#, adv. apart, I 224; pleon. with parte, I 103. [OE. on-sundran.] See Sonder.

#Aswon(e)#, adj. in a swoon, I 195 (note), II 549. [OE. geswōgen.] See Falle(n); Swone.

#At#, prep. at, I 13, 74, &c.; in, VII 66, VIII a 63; IX 253; at wordes, in words, II 139; (of time) V 23, 100, IX 284, XI a 12; to, V 108, VII 13; with infin. (at do), see Do; according to, I 82, II 271, XIV b 56, XVI 258, XVII 4, 322; at the value of, VIII a 162, b 101, XVII 364; at the hands of, from, I 239, 240, 245, II 179, III 4, 31 (see Atte). #At on#, at one, in accord, VI 18; at þe full, completely, XI b 198; haue at þe, see Habbe(n). [OE. æt.] See Atte; Þare.

#At#, rel. particle; þat at, that which, what, VI 176 (note); quhar at, see Whar. [ON. at; þat at is possibly for þat tat (cf. Atte, Þou, &c.).]

#Ate#. See Atte.

#Atempree#, adj. temperate, IX 29. [OFr. atempré.]

#Aþer#, #Athir#. See Aither, Ayther.

#At-hold#, v. to restrain, II 88. [OE. æt- + háldan.]

#Atire#, n. apparel, II 299. [From next.]

#Atire#, v.; #Atird#, pp. equipped, II 158. [OFr. atir(i)er.] See Tired.

#Atled#, pa. t. intended, V 195. [ON. ǽtla.]

#Ato#, adv. in two, apart, II 125, IX 140; #Atwo#, VIII a 97. [OE. on twā.] See A(n) prep.; Tuo.

#Atour#, n. apparatus, equipment, X 125. [OFr. atour(n).]

#Atourned#, pp. equipped, II 291. [OFr. atourner.]

#Atrete#, adv. straight out, plainly, XIV c 78. [OFr. a trait.]

#Atslyke#, v. to slip away; atslykeȝ, is spent, VI 215. [OE. æt- + slīcan.]

#Atte#, #Ate#, at the, II 232, 379, III 4, VIII a 96, b 29; of the, III 31; in fixed expressions where Mn. E. has 'at', as: atte chirche, VIII a 50; at(t)e firste, last(e), mete, see Furste, Laste, Mete; atte nale = atten (OE. æt þam) ale, over the ale, VIII a 109. See At.

#Atteynte#, v. to convict, prove guilty, XVI 278. [From ateint, convicted, pp. of OFr. ateindre. See next.]

#Atteny#, v. to reach, VI 188. [OFr. ateign-, stem of ateindre.]

#Atwynne#, adv. in two, I 189, 191. [OE. on + twinn.]

#Atwo#, #Avay#. See Ato, Awai.

#Avayll#, #Avale#, v. to be of use to, XVII 154; it avalis you, (it) is your best course, XVII 296. [a- + OFr. vail-, valeir.]

#Avale#, #Availl# (X), v. intr. to descend, IX 195; trans. to let down, X 28. [OFr. avaler.]

#Avauntage#, n. advantage, XIII b 35, 36. [OFr. avantage.]

#Auctorité#, n. authority, XI b 61. [OFr. au(c)torité.]

#Auctour#, n. original authority, author, IX 304; #Autours#, pl. XI a 23. [OFr. autour, and (from 14th c.) auctour, &c.]

#Audience#, n. formal hearing, audience, XII b 209. [OFr. audience.]

#Aue Maria#, an Ave, Hail Mary, IX 323. [First two words of Latin prayer.]

#Auentur(e)#, #Auentour#, n. chance, (notable) occurrence, feat, II 15, 18, 32, &c.; risk, X 118; an auenture, (as conj.) in case, VIII a 43; at auentur, as chance directed, recklessly, XIV c 34. [OFr. aventure.] See Aunter.

#Aueril#, n. April, XV c 1. [OFr. avril.]

#Auȝt#. See Owe, v.

#Avys#, n. deliberation, IX 295, 297. [OFr. avis.]

#Avised#, pp.; wel avised, judicious, XII b 217. [OFr. aviser.]

#Aungel(l)#, n. angel, IV a 46, XI b 23, XVI 339, 389; #Angel#, XI b 152, &c. [OFr. a(u)ngel.]

#Aunsetris#, n. pl. ancestors, men of former days, VII 5. [OFr. ancestre, nom. sg.]

#Aunter#, n. chance, event, VII 5, 67, 155. [As Auentur; but due to older and more popular borrowing.]

#Auter(e)#, n. altar, I 74, 76. [OFr. auter.]

#Autours#. See Auctour.

#Auþer#. See Oþer, adv. and conj.

#Awai#, #Away(e)#, #Awei(e)#, #Awey(e)#, adv. away, VIII a 184, XII b 132, &c.; #Avay#, X 58, 187; #Oway#, II 192, 261, 329; #Owy# (in rime), II 96, 491, 561; don awei, abolished, XI b 206; wanne awaye, rescued, XVI 171; predic., gone, over, II 59 (oway), XVII 537. [OE. on-weg, aweg; ? with owy, cf. rare OE. wig.]

#Awake#, v. intr. to be aroused, wake up, II 77, VIII a 318, b 1, &c.; trans. to wake, II 73; #Awake#, pp. wakened, XV g 14. [OE. ā-wæcnan, str.; ā-wacian, wk.; both intr.] See Forwake, Wackenet, Wake.

#Awangelys#, n. pl. gospels, XV i 6. [L. ēvangelium.] See Euaungelistis.

#Awe#. See Owe, v.

#Awe#, n. fear; for Crystys awe, for fear of Christ, I 83. [ON. agi.] See Aȝleȝ.

#Awede#, v. go mad, II 87; #Awedde#, pp. (gone) mad, II 400. [OE. ā-wēdan.] See Wode, adj.

#Aweyward#, adv. (turned) in the opposite direction, XIII a 35. [OE. onweg + adv. -ward.]

#Awen#, #Awne#. See Owen, adj.

#Awenden#, pa. t. pl. thought, XV g 17. [a- + OE. wēnan.] See Wene(n).

#Awharf#, pa. t. sg. turned aside, V 152. [OE. ā-hweorfan.]

#Aworthe#. See Yworth.

#Awreke# (of), v. to avenge (on), VIII a 166; #Awroke#, pp. VIII a 195. [OE. ā-wrecan.] See Wreke.

#Ax#, n. axe, V 155, XIV e 1, &c. [OE. æx.]

#Axe(n)#, v. to ask, demand, inquire (of), VIII a 291, XI b 207, XII a 145, &c.; #Acsede#, pa. t. III 4, 25, 31. [OE. ā̆xian.] See Aske(n).

#Babelynge#, n. babbling, XI b 84. [Echoic; cf. Blabre.]

#Bad(de)#. See Bidde.

#Bagge#, n. wallet (for food), VIII b 54. [ON. baggi.]

#Bayarde#, n. bay horse (as typical horse name); þat was bake for B. = coarse horse-bread, VIII a 187. [OFr. baiard.] See Bred.

#Bayle#, #Bayll#. See Bale.

#Bayly#, n. dominion, VI 82. [OFr. baillie.]

#Bailyues#, n. pl. bailiffs, managers of estates, XI b 288. [OFr. baillif.]

#Baill#, n.^1 wall (of the outer court in a feudal castle), XVI 195; #Bale#, prison, custody, XVI 161 (but this may belong to Bale, q.v.). [OFr. bail.]

#Baill#, n.^2 bundle, X 27. [OFr. bale.]

#Bayn#, adj. obedient, V 90, XVII 308. [ON. bein-n, direct.]

#Bair#. See Bare.

#Bak#, #Bac# (II), #Backe#, n. back, II 344, VII 126, XVII 264, &c.; bak and bone, all over the body, XVII 407. [OE. bæc.]

#Bake(n)#, pp. baked, VIII a 187, 288, 305; #Ybake(n)#, VIII a 175, 278. [OE. bacan.]

#Bakoun#, #Bacoun#, n. bacon, VIII a 279, 304. [OFr. bacun.]

#Balde#. See Bold.

#Bale#; #Bayle#, #Bayll# (XVII); n. torment, misery, sorrow, IV a 77, V 351, VI 13, XIV a 28, XVI 275, XVII 26, 311, 552, &c.; at XVI 161 'torment' is possible, but see Bail, n.^1 [OE. balu.]

#Balȝ#, adj. rounded, or ? with level surface, V 104 (cf. Sir Gaw. 2032, and Prompt. Parv. balwe, planus).

#Balkes#, n. pl. (unploughed) ridges in a field, VIII a 101. [OE. balc(a).]

#Ban#, v. to curse, XIV b 94, XVII 94; #Banned# (MS.) I 188, ? read Bende (q.v.). [OE. bannan, proclaim; ON. banna, forbid, curse.]

#Bandis#. See Bond.

#Bane#. See Bon.

#Baner#, n. banner, II 294, XIV a 8. [OFr. banere.]

#Bank(k)es#. See Bonk(e).

#Baptiste#, pa. t. baptized, XVI 75. [OFr. baptiser.]

#Barbe#, n. cutting edge, V 242. [OFr. barbe, beard, barb (of arrow, spear, &c.).]

#Bard#, pp. penned, XVII 328. [OFr. barrer.] See Barres, Vnbarred.

#Bare#, #Bair# (X), adj. bare, naked, V 9, 188, VII 164, X 190, &c.; on bonkes bare, XIV b 20; despoiled, XIV a 20; bald (in style), VII 74; mere, V 284, X 113. [OE. bær.]

#Bar(e)#, #Bare(n)#. See Bore, n.; Bere, v.

#Barely#, adv. openly, XIV b 94; summarily, VII 68. [OE. bærlīce.]

#Baret#, n. strife, V 47 (see Bend). [OFr. barat.]

#Barfot#, adj. barefoot, II 232. [OE. bær-fōt.]

#Barga(y)n#, n. bargain, VIII b 100, XVII 94. [OFr. bargaine.]

#Barge#, n. a smaller sea-going ship belonging to a larger vessel, XIV c 53, 65; ship, VII 90. [OFr. barge.]

#Barly#, n. (as adj.) barley, VIII a 129. [OE. bærlic.]

#Barm#, n. lap, XV g 13. [OE. bearm.]

#Barm-fellys#, n. pl. leather aprons, XV h 11. [OE. bearm + fell; cf. bearm-clāþ, &c.]

#Barne#, n. child, VI 66, XVII 308, 419; barnes bastardes, bastards, VIII b 75. [OE. bearn.]

#Barouns#, n. pl. barons, II 201, 503, 550. [OFr. barun.]

#Barras#, n. defensive outwork, X 164. [OFr. barras.]

#Barres#, n. pl. bars, XVI 190. [OFr. barre.]

#Barste#. See Brest(e).

#Bastardes#, n. pl. bastards; as adj., VIII b 75. [OFr. bastard.]

#Baston#, n. stave, stanza, Introduction xv. [OFr. baston.]

#Batail(e)#, #Bataill#, #Batayl#, #Batel(l)#, n. embattled host, XIV b 52; battle, VII 56, 91, *XI b 154, XIV b 31, XVI 131, &c. [OFr. bataille.]

#Bataild#, adj. embattled, with battlements, II 360. [Modelled on OFr. bataillé.]

#Bath#. See Boþe.

#Batis#, n. pl. boats X 123. [OE. bāt.]

#Baþe#, v. to bathe (trans. and intr.), II 585, XIII a 25. [OE. baþian.]

#Baundoun#, n. control; in hire baundoun, at her disposal, XV c 8. [OFr. bandun.]

#Be#, conj. by the time (that), X 157. Cf. bi þat. See next.

#Be#, #Beo# (XIV c 44), prep. by (way of), IX 179, 192, 198; through, IX 112, 136, 137; (of time) by, at, in, VI 163, IX 204, 339, XII a 117, 131, XV i 15, 20; by (means of), through, III 22, VII 23, IX 67, 130, XII a 23, b 199, XVI 355, &c.; by (of agent), III 30, IX 112 (first), 298, 305, XII b 217, &c.; by (in oaths, &c.), XII b 45, 164. Counted ... beo, set value on, XIV c 44; for idiomatic expressions see the nouns. [OE. be.] See Bi.

#Be-#. See also Bi-, By-.

#Becam#, #Becomen#. See Bicome.

#Beclipte#, pa. t. embraced, XII a 178; #Byclypped#, pp. encircled, XIII a 21. [OE. beclyppan.]

#Bede#, v. to bid, offer, V 254, XIV a 9; #Bede#, pa. t. sg. (bade), V 22; offered, 180, 284. [OE. bēodan, early confused with biddan.] See Bidde, Forbede.

#Bed(e)#. See Bidde.

#Bedd(e)#, #Bede# (IV), n. bed, II 93, 242, XII a 99, &c.; dat. sg. in to bedde, to bed, VIII a 93, XII b 105; þe bede of blysse, ? the joyful bridal bed (of Christ and the soul), IV a 11. [OE. bedd.] See Abedde.

#Bedes#, n. pl. prayers, I 16. [OE. ge-bed.]

#Bedeyn#. See Bidene.

#Bedele#, n. herald, one who delivers the message of an authority, XI b 48. [OE. bydel; OFr. bedel.]

#Bedreden#, n. pl. the bedridden, VIII a 185, b 21. [OE. beddreda.]

#Bee#, #Bees#. See Ben.

#Beest#. See Best(e), n.

#Befalle#, v. to happen, chance, IX 129, &c.; to befall, XVII 514; pa. t. sg. Befell(e), VII 67, 155; #Bevil#, #Bifel#, it chanced, II 57, III 41; #Befalle(n)#, pp. II 21, IX 194. [OE. be-fallan.] See Falle(n).

#Begge#, to beg, VIII a 186, 233, b 29, &c. [? OE. bedecian; see N.E.D.]

#Begger(e)#, n. beggar, II 483, 499, VIII a 188, 197, &c. [See N.E.D.]

#Begyn(ne)#, #Bigin(ne)#, #Bygyn(ne)#, &c., v. to begin, act, do, come about, I 69, IV b 57, VI 187, VIII a 160, XIV b 25, c 83, XVI 268, 280, XVII 267, &c.; begyn of, b. with, XVII 253; #Be-#, #Bi-#, #Bygan#, pa. t. sg. began, I 154, &c.; did, XV a 7; came to pass, II 598; made (it) in the beginning, XVII 29; #Bygan#, pa. t. pl. I 72; #Bygonne#, VI 189; #Begouth#, X 94; #Begonne#, pp. IX 171; #Be-#, #Bygynnyng(e)#, n. IV b 58, IX 334, XIII b 9. [OE. beginnan; begouth is due to confusion of gan with can (couþe); See Gan; Can, auxil.]

#Begynnar#, #Bygynner#, n. beginner, causer, VI 76, XVII 406. [From prec.]

#Begon#, pp. adorned, XII a 54. [OE. be-gān.]

#Begonne#, #Begouth#. See Begynne.

#Beȝonde#, adv. beyond, further on, IX 263, 280. [OE. be-geóndan.]

#Beȝonde#, #Beȝounde# (I), #Biȝonde# (V), prep. across, beyond, I 252, V 132, IX 8, 76, 135, &c.; see See. [As prec.]

#Behald(e)#. See Bihold.

#Behalue#, n. behalf; on Goddes b., in God's name, I 78. [Originally be prep. and halfe dat. sg.; cf. Half.]

#Beheste#, n. promise, XII b 196. [OE. (late) be-hǣs.] See Heste.

#Behete#. See Bihote.

#Behevin#, pp. hewn down, X 163. [OE. be-hēawan.]

#Behielde#, #-helde#. See Bihold.

#Behihtest#. See Bihote.

#Behynd#, prep. behind, X 85; as sb., XVII 331. [OE. be-híndan.]

#Behufit#. See Bihoue.

#Beie#. See Bigge, v.

#Beyn#, #Beyng#. See Be(n).

#Beytter#, n. healer, XVII 311. [From Bete, v.^2]

#Belamy#, #Bellamy#, n. good friend (ironically), XVI 213, 338. [OFr. bel ami.]

#Beleeve#, n. belief, IX 289. [OE. ge-lēafa, with change of prefix.]

#Beleue#, #Bileue#, v. to believe, I 89, VIII a 82, IX 120, XV g 9. [OE. ge-lēfan, (late) be-lēfan.] See Leue, v.^3; Ylefde.

#Belyue#, adv. quickly, at once, straightway, VII 161, XVI 211; #Belife#, XVII 192; #Bilyue#, V 3; #Blyue#, IX 18; #Bliue#, in also bliue, II 142, als bliue, II 531, 584, as quickly as possible, immediately. [OE. *be līfe.]

#Bellewys#, n. pl. bellows, XV h 6. [OE. belgas, pl.]

#Ben#, v. to be, II 207, VIII a 96, &c.; #Be(e)#, I 4, XVI 7, &c.; #Buen#, XV c 18; future, 2 sg. #Best#, II 173; 3 sg. #Bees#, IV a 35, XVII 373, #Betȝ#, VI 251; pl. #Be#, V 43, XVI 331; pres. pl. #Be(n)#, are, II 3, 4, 12, &c.; #Beo#, XIV c 5; #Beoþ#, XIV c 103; #Beth#, #Beþ#, II 59, 110, 273, 582, VIII a 199, XV f 5; #Buþ#, XIII a 1, 6, 10, 13, &c.; #Be(e)#, #Beo#, pres. subj., II 165, 433, XIV c 98, d 3, &c.; #Ben#, XI b 73, 218, &c.; #Be(o)#, imper. 2 sg. XV g 10, f 7, &c.; 3 sg. IV a 55; pl. VIII a 118, XIV d 11 (first); #Be#, pp. I 195, VIII b 74, XI a 44, XII a 20, XVII 192, &c.; #Ben#, II 103, V 196, &c.; #Bene#, V 275, XVI 40; #Beyn#, XVII 445, 532; #Ybe#, XIII a 16; #Beyng#, pres. p. in in hytself beyng, inherent, VI 86. Ben (drepit, &c.), have been (smitten, &c.), VII 9, 11; be(e) war, see War(e); lete ben, &c., cease from, II 114, XVI 234. [OE. bēon.] See Ar(e), Es, Was, &c.

#Bend#, v. X 90, 98, XVII 253; #Bende#, pa. t. XII a 58, *I 188 (MS. banned); #Bende#, pp. V 47, 156; #Bendit#, X 80. The divergent senses are all derived from the original one of stringing, bending, a bow: ? to bind, *I 188 (note); to set ready for discharging, X 80, 90, 98; to make curve, bend, V 156, XII a 58, XVII 253; ? to make bow, bring low, beat down, in hatȝ ... on bent much baret bende, ? has upon the field overcome much strife (many opponents), V 47. [OE. bendan.]

#Bene#, adv. pleasantly, V 334. [Not known.]

#Bene#, n. bean, VIII a 175, 188, 209, 278, 288, 298, IX 54; as something of no value (cf. pees), XIV c 43. [OE. bēan.]

#Benedicite# (L. imper. pl.) bless (me, us); as exclamation of amazement, XVII 163.

#Benethe(n)#, #Beneyth# (XVII), adv. underneath, IX 56, XVII 137; in the lower part, IX 247. [OE. beneoþan.]

#Benome#. See Binam.

#Bent#, n. grass-slope, field, V 165; esp. in the allit. tag on bent, on the field (of battle), or (as variant of vpon grounde, &c.) on earth, V 47, 80, VII 91; on þis bent, here, V 270. [Perhaps a special use of bent, bent-grass, OE. beonet.]

#Beo#, #Beoþ#. See Ben; Beo, prep.

#Berd(e)#, n. beard, II 265, 507, 585, V 160. [OE. béard.]

#Ber(e)#, v. to bear, carry, wear, lift, take; to hold, possess, keep; to give birth to, produce; V 83, VIII a 136, IX 69, 109, XII a 197, XIII a 51, XVII 318, &c.; 2 sg. subj. VI 106; #Berth#, 3 sg. pres. ind. XII a 81; #Bar(e)#, pa. t. sg. I 146, VIII a 93, XIV c 23, 59, XV i 3; #Ber#, V 193, VI 66; #Baren#, pl. IX 148; #Bere#, II 307; #Bore#, pp. I 85, II 210; #Born(e)#, II 41, V 252, 326, XIV b 12, &c.; #Ybore#, II 546; #Yborn#, II 174. Bar þe flour, see Flour; b. þe felaȝschip, keep thee company, V 83; the depnes ... we bere, the depth (of water) we draw, XVII 434, 460; born open, laid open, V 2 (cf. OE. beran ūp). [OE. beran.] See Forbere.

#Bere#, n.^1 clamour, outcry, I 75, II 78, XVI 214. [OE. ge-bǣre.]

#Bere#, n.^2 byre, cattle-stall, XV f 4. [OE. bȳre.]

#Bere-bag#, n. bag-carrier, a contemptuous nickname for Scots, XIV a 20 (note). [Stem of Bere v. + ON. baggi.] See Bagge.

#Berȝ(e)#, n. mound, V 104, 110. [OE. be(o)rg.]

#Berȝe#, v. to protect, III introd. [OE. be(o)rgan.]

#Berien#, n. pl. berries, II 258 (note). [OE. beri(g)e.]

#Beringe#, n. birth, III introd. [From Bere, v.]

#Berking#, pres. p. barking, II 286. [OE. be(o)rcan.]

#Bernakes#, n. pl. barnacle-geese IX 147 (note). [Anglo-L. bernaca, OFr. bernaque.]

#Bernes#, n. pl. barns, VIII a 177. [OE. ber(e)n.]

#Berth#. See Bere, v.

#Beselé#, adv. earnestly, XVII 240. [OE. bisig + -līce.] See Bysy.

#Besy(nes)#. See Bysy(nes).

#Besyde#. See Bisyde.

#Beso(u)ghte#. See Biseche.

#Best(e)#, adj. superl. best, IV a 84, VIII a 197, IX 42, &c.; as sb., best (food), VIII a 295; do þi (doþ ȝour) best, see Don; wyth þe beste, among the best (people), with the saints, IV a 4; adv. best, most readily, most, VIII a 81, 107, XVII 472, &c.; þe best, VIII a 22. [OE. betst.]

#Best#, v. See Ben.

#Best(e)#, n. animal, creature, II 214, 280, VIII a 134, IX 88, XII a 78, &c.; #Beest#, XVII 3, 135, &c. [OFr. beste.]

#Beswyke#, #Byswyke#, v. to cheat, IV a 13, VI 208. [OE. be-swīcan.]

#Bet#, adv. compar.; predic. in he was þe bet, he was better off on that account, VIII b 100. [OE. bet.] See Best(e), Betre.

#Bete#, v.^1 to beat, I 6, VIII a 73, XVII 407; betes the stretes, frequents the streets, XIV a 25; #Bette#, pa. t. sg. VIII a 171; #Byete#, pa. t. subj. sg. III 40 (OE. bēote); #Bet#, pp. XVII 413; #Betin#, #Betyn#, XIV a 8, XVII 381. [OE. bēatan.] See Forbette.

#Bete#, v.^2 to assuage, remedy, IV a 77, VIII a 233, XIV a 28, 29. [OE. bētan.] See Beytter.

#Betȝ#, #Betidde#. See Ben, Bitide.

#Betraied#, pp. betrayed, XVI 331. [be- + OFr. traïr.]

#Bet(e)re#, #Better(e)#, #Bettre#, adj. compar. better, II 40, XI b 37, XIII a 60, XV c 33, &c.; him were betre, it would be b. for him, XII b 101; þat war better, for whom it would be b., XIV a 32; adv. better, XI b 275, XIV d 14, &c.; rather, XI b 288; þe better, all the better (for it), V 28, XVII 353; as conj., so that ... (the) better, VIII a 46, XVII 175. [OE. betera, bet(t)ra, adj.]

#Bette#. See Bete, v.^1

#Betweche#, v. ? to commit (to protection of God), XV i 18. Only in this passage; perhaps an error for becwethe (bequeath, commit), or beteche (see Bitaiste).

#Betwen(e)#, #Bytuene# (XV), #Bytwene# prep. between, among, IX 162, 166, XII a 68, b 89, XV c 1, &c.; (follows case), V 174, VII 91. [OE. betwēon(an).]

#Betwix#, #Bitwixe#, prep. between, XI a 32, XVII 185. [OE. be-twix.]

#Beþ#, #Beth#. See Ben.

#Bevil#. See Befalle.

#Beuore#. See Bifor.

#Beweile#, v. refl. to lament, XII a 32. [be- + ON. *veila; cf. veilan, lamentation.]

#Bewycche#, v. to bewitch, IX 86. [OE. be + wiccian.]

#Bewounde#, pp.; it hath b., wound (itself) about it, XII b 72. [OE. be-wíndan.]

#Bewty#, n. beauty, XVII 20. [OFr. beauté.]

#By#, adv. at the side, by; alongside (without coming on board), XVII 373; þat ... by, by which, IX 300. [OE. bī.] See Þer(e).

#Bi#, #By#, prep. (i) On, at, by, II 156, 470, VIII a 167, XV g 16, XVII 75, &c.; bi ... side, beside, II 66, V 76; by (way of), over, through, I 62, V 10, 16, 52, 93, X 11, XVII 477; along (with), beside, II 280, 308, V 9, VIII a 4, &c.; (following its case) II 301, V 21, XVII 18; against, touching, V 242; past, II 252, 290, V 36, 39. (ii) In, on, for (of time), II 8, 15, VIII a 95, 274, XV a 24, &c.; see Dai, While. (iii) Measured by, compared with, according to, &c., V 28, 158, 296, 297, VIII a 35, 58, 159, 248, b 57, XI b 5, &c. (iv) By (means of), through, &c., II 408, VII 6, &c.; by virtue of, XI b 20; lyue by, &c., live on, II 257, VIII a 284, b 26; by (of agent), XI a 59, &c. (v) By (in oaths, &c.), II 316, V 54, &c. Bi al þing, by every token, II 321, 375; by so, provided that, VIII b 40; bi þan, thereby, or thereupon (cf. after þan), II 553; bi þat, thereupon, V 84; by that time, VIII a 285; as conj., by the time that, VIII a 294. [OE. bī̆.] See Be.

#By#. See Bigge.

#Bi-#, #By-#. See Be-.

#Bible#, n. bible, VIII a 227, XI b 230, &c. [OFr. bible.]

#Bycause# (of), prep. because (of), XIII b 16; bycause, because þat, (conj.) because, XIII b 61, 62, IX 114, 226. [Be, Bi + Cause, q.v.]

#Biche#, n. bitch, XIV b 78. [OE. bicce.]

#Byclypped#. See Beclipte.

#Bicome#, #Become#, v. to arrive; become; befit; hyt bycomeþ for, it befits, VIII b 65; #Becam#, pa. t. sg. XII b 13; #Becomen#, pl. IX 148; #Bicome#, II 288; #Bicome#, pp. II 194; wher sche was bicome, whider þai bicome, wher he becam, what had become (became) of her (them, him), II 194, 288, XII b 13. [OE. be-cuman.]

#Bidde#, #Bydde#, #Bid#, v. to pray, beg, VIII a 233; to bid, I 265, VI 160, VIII a 210, XI b 79, XII a 48, XIV d 3, XVI 118, XVII 418, &c.; #Bad(de)#, pa. t. sg. bade, XII a 46, XV i 16, XVI 201, XVII 309, &c.; bad to, bade, XII b 87; #Bed#, prayed to, III 46 (OKt. bed); #Bad#, pl. II 88, 137; #Bede#, pp. XII a 42 (prayed), 101 (commanded). [OE. biddan; the confusion with bēodan began in OE.] See Bede.

#Bidderes#, n. pl. beggars, mendicants, VIII a 197. [OE. biddere.]

#Byd(d)yng#, #Bidding#, n. bidding, commands, I 86, XVI 257, XVII 76, 121, 375. [From Bidde.]

#Bide#, #Byde#, v. to abide (intr. remain, trans. await, face, endure), V 224, VI 39, XIV c 21, 47, XVI 23, 207, &c. [OE. bīdan.] See Abide.

#Bidene#, #Bydene#, #Bedeyn# (XVII), adv. forthwith, withal (often meaningless), VII 79, 127, XIV b 74, XVII 442; al bidene, XIV b 11. [See N.E.D.]

#Bye#, #Byete#. See Bigge, Bete, v.^1

#Bifel#. See Befalle.

#Bifor(e)#, #Byforn#, #Befor(e)#, #Beuore#, &c., adv. before (hand), II 147, VII 121, &c.; eir befor, X 140; as sb., XVII 331; prep. before, in presence of, &c., II 42, III 58, V 4, IX 126, &c.; (of time) VI 238, XI b 48, &c.; bifore þat, before (conj.), XI b 195; #Byfore#, conj. (with subj.), before, VI 170. [OE. be-foran.]

#Big#, #Bigge#, v. to take up one's abode; to big his boure, to establish his dwelling, XIV b 26; bigges him, settles himself, XIV b 24. [ON. byggja.] See Biging.

#Bigan#, #Began#, &c. See Begynne.

#Bigge#, #Bygge#, adj. strong, lusty, big, IV a 51, V 33, VI 14, VII 139, VIII a 207. [See N.E.D.]

#Bigge#, v. to buy, purchase, pay for, redeem, VIII a 275; #Beie#, XII b 24; #By(e)#, IV a 65, IX 113; #Byye#, VI 118; #Bugge#, XV g 3; pa. t. #Boght#, IV a 38; #Bouȝte#, VIII a 201; #Bouhte#, VIII b 100; #Boght#, pp. IV a 80, XII b 153, XVII 373; #Bought(e)#, XVI 8, 275; #Iboust#, XV g 26 (see App. p. 278); it bees boght full dere, you will pay for it dearly, XVII 373. [OE. bycgan, (Kt.) becgan.] See Abugge.

#Byggynge#, n. buying, IX 90. [From prec.] See Bying.

#Bigile#, #Bygyle#, v. to deceive, V 345, 348, 359, XIV b 44. [OE. be- + OFr. guiler.] See Gile.

#Biging#, n. dwelling, XIV a 20. [From Big, v.]

#Bygonne#, &c. See Begynne.

#Bigruccheth#, 3 sg. pres. grumbles at, VIII a 69. [OE. be- + OFr. groucher.] See Grucche.

#Byȝe#, n. ring, VI 106. [OE. bēg.]

#Bihold#, #Behald(e)#, v. to behold, look, II 387, 502, IV a 81, XVII 509, 534, &c.; bihold on, behold to, look at, II 367, XVII 343; #Beholdes#, imper. pl., XVI 195; #Behelde#, pa. t. sg. VII 64; #Biheld#, II 101, 320, 323, 530; #Behielde#, pl. XII a 164; #Bihold#, #-holde(n)#, pp. II 409, 417, XII b 116. [OE. be-háldan.] See Holde(n).

#Bihote#, #Byhote#, v. to promise, vow, VIII a 227; byhote God, I vow to God, VIII a 273; #Behihtest#, 2 sg. pa. t. XII b 43; #Behete#, pp. XVII 430; #Bihot#, XV a 20. [OE. be-hātan.] See Hote.

#Bihoue#, v. to need; impers. in me bihoues, I must, it is time for me to, V 228; pers. in #Bus#, 2 sg. pres.; þou bus be, you ought to be, XVI 338; #Behufit#, pa. t. had need (to), X 156. [OE. be-hōfian; with the reduced form bus cf. has, hast, &c.]

#Byye#. See Bigge.

#Bying#, n. redemption, XVI 12. [From By, to buy. See Bigge, v.; Byggynge.]

#Biis#, n. fine linen, II 242. [OFr. bysse.]

#Biknowe#, #Byknowe#, v. to confess, V 317 (I b. yow, I confess to you), VIII b 96; #Beknowen#, pp. in þou art b. of, you have confessed, V 323. [OE. be-cnāwan, only recorded in sense 'know'.]

#Bile#, #Bill# (XVII), n. beak, XII a 182, XVII 508. [OE. bile.]

#Byled#, pa. t. boiled, bubbled, V 14; #Boyled#, pp. V 106. [OFr. boillir; for similar development of vowel in V, see Nye, Disstryeȝ.]

#Bylyue#, n. food, VIII b 21, 29. [OE. bī-leofa.]

#Bylongeth#, v. impers. it belongs to, befits, VIII b 70. [Be- + Longe, v.^2]

#Bilow#, v. to humble, VIII a 223. [Formed on Lowe adj.]

#Bilt#, n. dwelling, *II 483 (MS. ybilt, but required sense 'lodged' is unexampled). [Obscurely rel. to ME. bilden, build; see N.E.D.]

#Binam#, pa. t. sg. in b. [hym] his mnam, deprived him of his talent, VIII a 237; #Benome#, pp. in b. þe poure ane peny, deprived the poor of a penny, III 13. [OE. be-niman.] See Nyme.

#Bynde#, v. to bind, unite, IV a 54, XVI 97; #Bond#, pa. t. sg. XII b 120 (but sb. = trosse is possible; see Bonde, n.); #Ybounde#, pp. II 394. [OE. bíndan.] See Vnbynde.

#Biqueste#, n. (bequest), will, VIII a 79. [OE. *be-cwiss, related to be-cweþan, bequeath; cf. Heste.]

#Bir#, #Byr#, #Bur# (V), n. a following wind, VII 126; speed (in with a byr, speedily) XVII 371; violence, V 254; strength, V 193. [ON. byr-r.]

#Byrd#. See Brid(d).

#Bireue#, v. to deprive; I wil it hym b., I will deprive him of it, VIII a 242. [OE. be-rēafian, be-rēfan.]

#Byrye#, v. to bury, I 137, 140, 142, 144. [OE. byrigan.]

#Byrne#, #Burne#, v. trans. and intr. to burn, X 21 (rime with in requires Bryn, q.v.), X 181, &c.; #Byrnand#, pres. p. IV a 26, X 27, 30. [OE. birnan, byrnan, &c., intr.] See Bren, Brin.

#Byrthen#, n. burden, IV a 49. [OE. byrþen.]

#Biseche#, #Bysech#, #Beseche#, v. to implore, II 113, 453, VI 30, IX 269, 328, XII a 38; #Besoghte#, pa. t. XII a 26; #Besoughte#, IX 294. [OE. be + sēcan.] See Seche.

#Bisemeȝ#, v. impers. it suits, V 123. [Be- + Seme, q.v.]

#Bisyde#, #Besyde#, adv. at the side, at one's side, hard by, I 209, V 20, 162, XII b 125. [OE. be sīdan, at the side.]

#Biside(n)#, #Be-#, #Bysyde#, prep. beside, XI b 57; (following its case) I 243, II 303, V 197, XIV b 28, &c. See prec.

#Bisides#, #Bisydeȝ#, adv. at the side(s), round about, II 401, V 96. [Prec. + adv. -es.]

#Bisides#, #Bysydes#, prep. beside, near, XIII a 10; (following pron.) II 281. [As prec.]

#Bysy(e)#, #Bysie#, #Besy# (aboute), adj. busy, occupied (with, in), XI b 252, 287, 289, 293, 297. [OE. bisig.]

#Bysynes(se)#, #Besynes# (IV), n. restlessness, IV b 28; industry, XIII b 24; worldly b. attention to worldly affairs, XI b 2, 309; b. of worldly occupacion, preoccupation with w. affairs, XI b 251. [OE. bisig + -nes.]

#Bis(s)chop#, #Bysshop(p)e#, #Bissoppe#, n. bishop, I 246, III 58 (dat. sg.), VIII a 143, b 74, XI a 66, &c. [OE. biscop.]

#Byswykeȝ#. See Beswyke.

#Biswynke#, v. to earn with toil, VIII a 207. [OE. be-swincan.]

#Bitaiste# (= bitaihte), pa. t. entrusted, XV g 21. [OE. betǣcan, pa. t. betǣ̆hte; on spelling see App. p. 278.]

#Byte#, v. to bite, XVII 229; apon the bone shal it byte, it shall cut to the bone, XVII 220. [OE. bītan.]

#Bitide#, #Bytyde#, &c., v. to happen; to happen to, befall, VI 37; pres. subj. V 127, 315, 341, XIV a 12; #Betidde#, pp. XVI 100; tide wat bitide, come what may, II 339. [OE. be + tīdan.] See Tide.

#Bityme#, adv. in all bityme, in good time, XIV b 27. [From bi tyme, in time; cf. OE. tō tīman.] See Tyme.

#Bitte#, #Bytte#, n. cutting edge, V 242; blade, V 156. [ON. bit, cutting edge; OE. bite, a cut.]

#Bittir#, #Bytter#, adj. bitter, IV b 27; salt (of water), IX 244; grievous, XIV c 68, XVI 207, &c. [OE. bitter.]

#Bytuene#. See Betwene.

#Bytwyste#, prep. between (following its noun), VI 104. [A form of ME. be-twixt(e), extended from Betwix, q.v.]

#Biwyled#, pp. deluded, V 357. [? OE. be + wiglian; cf. biwiȝelien, Layamon 969.] See Wiles.

#Blabre#, v. to babble, XI b 248. [Echoic; cf. Babelynge, Blubre.]

#Blac#, #Blak#, adj. black, II 265, IX 23, XII a 99; rowe and blac, with shaggy black hair, II 459; #Blake#, oblique and pl. IX 4, XII a 137, XV c 14. [OE. blæc.]

#Blame#, n. blame; scolding, XVII 299; v. to blame, V 300, IX 274 (mistranslation; see note), &c.; to blame, in the wrong, XIV b 85. [OFr. bla(s)me; bla(s)mer.]

#Blan#. See Blynne.

#Blasphemye# (to), n. blasphemy (against), XI b 110 [OFr. blasfemie.]

#Blawene#. See Blowe.

#Ble#, #Bleo# (XV), n. hue, complexion, in briȝt on ble, fair of face, II 455; radiance, XV b 16. [OE. blēo.]

#Blede#, v. to bleed, XIV c 13; #Bled(de)#, pa. t. I 119, II 80. [OE. blēdan.]

#Blefte#. See Bleue.

#Blende#, pa. t. mingled, in blende in his face, rose to his cheeks, V 303; #Blent#, pp. in blent ... in blysse, set amidst joy, VI 25. [ME. blenden obscurely related to OE. blándan, or ON. blanda.] See Vnblendyde.

#Blended#, pp. deluded, V 351. [OE. bléndan.] See Blyndiþ.

#Blenk#, v. to gleam, V 247. [OE. *blencan, possibly identical with recorded blencan, to cheat; for ME. blenchen, blenken, &c. = to gleam, look at, glance aside, blench, cheat. Compare Glent, Glyfte.]

#Blent#, #Bleo#. See Blende, Ble.

#Bleþeliche#, adv. gladly, III 53. [? Obscure alteration of OE. blīþelīce.]

#Bleue#, v. to remain; pres. subj. III introd.; #Blefte#, pa. t. III 18. [OE. belǣfan.] See Leue, v.^1

#Bleuȝ#, #Blew#. See Blowe.

#Blew#, n. blue (stuff), XVII 200 (note); cled in Stafford blew, beaten black and blue; cf. clothe here well yn Stafford blewe, Rel. Ant., I, p. 29. [OFr. bleu.] See Blwe.

#Blynde#, adj. pl. blind, deluded, XI b 79; as sb., the blind, VIII a 115, 185. [OE. blínd.]

#Blyndiþ#, 3 sg. pres. (blinds), deludes, XI b 7, 107. [OE. bléndan infl. by blínd, adj.] See Blended.

#Blyndnesse#, n. blindness, XI b 221. [OE. blindnes.]

#Blyn(ne)# (of), v. to cease (from), IV a 39, V 254, XVI 16, 236, XVII 110 (or I blyn = without stopping); #Blan#, pa. t. pl. I 73. [OE. blinnan.]

#Blis(se)#, #Blys(se)#, n. happiness, joy, IV a 11, 40, VI 12, XIV b 19, XV b 3, &c.; as haue I blys, so may I have (eternal) joy, XVII 402. [OE. bliss.]

#Bliss(e)#, #Blesse#, v. to bless, I introd., VI 76, XVI 400, 404, XVII 174, 256, 300, 467; bless with sign of the cross, V 3, XII b 86; #Blist#, pp. XVII 514. [OE. blē̆tsian, already infl. by blī̆tsian, blissian, to gladden.]

#Blisseful#, #Blysful#, adj. joyous, II 412, 438, VI 49; as sb., blissful one, VI 61; #*Blissefulest# (MS. blifulest), superl. II 527. [OE. bliss + ful.]

#Blissing#, #-yng#, n. blessing, XVI 401, XVII 178. [OE. blē̆tsing.] See Blis(se).

#Bliþe#, #Blyþe#, #Blith# (XIV b), adj. happy, glad, V 253, XIV b 49; bliþe of, glad at, II 573; þatow be bliþe of hir, that you may have joy of her, II 471. [OE. blīþe.]

#Blyþely#, happily, VI 25. [OE. blīþelīce.] See Bleþeliche.

#Bliue#, #Blyue#. See Belyue.

#Blo#, adj. black and blue, XVII 413. [ON. blá-r.]

#Blod(e)#, #Bloode#, n. blood, I 119, V 246, IX 141, XV g 16, XVI 12, &c.; creature, XII b 220; byndes blode and bane, keeps the body together, IV a 54. [OE. blōd.]

#Blodi#, #Blody#, adj. bloody, II 110, IV a 80, 86, &c.; blody bretheren, brothers in blood, fellow men, VIII a 201. [OE. blōdig.]

#Blom#, n. flower, perfection, VI 218. [ON. blóm, blómi.]

#Blosme(n)#, n. pl. flowers, blossoms, II 61, XV b 2. [OE. blō̆sma.]

#Blowe(n)#, v. to blow, VII 106, XIII a 7, XV h 6, &c.; to brag, XIV c 101; #Bleuȝ#, pa. t. sg. XIV c 77; #Blew#, VII 130, (sounded the trumpet) X 43; #Blawene#, pp. IV b 13. [OE. blāwan.]

#Bloweing#, n. blowing (of horns), II 285. [OE. blāwung.]

#Blubred#, pa. t. bubbled, V 106. [Echoic; cf. Blabre.]

#Blunder#, n. trouble, confusion, XVII 406. [Not known.]

#Blwe#, adj. blue, VI 63. [OFr. bleu.] See Blew.

#Bo#, adv. as well, too, II 27. [OE. bā, adj. neut.] See Boþe.

#Boc-house#, n. dat. sg. library, III introd. [OE. bōc-hūs.] See Bok(e).

#Bodeþ#, 3 sg. pres. predicts, portends, XIII a 62. [OE. bodian.]

#Bodi(e)#, #Body#, n. body, I 113, II 105, XVI 23, &c.; gon on bodi and bones, be in the flesh, live, II 54. [OE. bodig.]

#Bodyly#, #Bodely#, adj. of (the) body, bodily (opposed to 'spiritual'), VI 118, XI b 147, 158, &c.; bodely almes, (giving of) charitable gifts for the needs of the body, XI b 2, 270, 301, 303. [From prec.]

#Boffet#, n. buffet, V 275. [OFr. buffet.]

#Bogh#, #Boȝeȝ# (pl. V), #Bouȝ# (II), n. bough, branch, II 61, V 9, XV a 14, XVII 535. [OE. bōg.]

#Boght#. See Bigge, v.

#Boȝe#, v. to bend, bow; turn, go, V 110; #Boȝen#, pa. t. pl. turned, went their way, V 9; #Bowand#, pres. p. (bowing), obedient, XVII 76 (cf. Buxome, and Lowte). [OE. būgan.]

#Boyes#, n. pl. fellows, knaves, XVI 97, 145. [Obscure.]

#Boyled#. See Byled.

#Bok(e)#, #Boc#, n. book, III introd., VII 14, 65, IX 294, XI b 229, &c.; Bible, VIII a 248, b 39; Bible, or other book (as a book of the Gospels, a psalter, &c.) on which an oath could be taken, XII b 165. [OE. bōc.]

#Bold(e)#, #Balde#, adj. bold, II 139, IV a 51, 83, &c.; and that be ye bold, and be sure of that, XVII 524; #Boldely#, adv. XVI 178. [OE. báld.]

#Boldyng#, n. encouragement, VII 14. [From prec.; cf. OE. báldian, intr.]

#Bole#, n. bull; in bole-hyde, bull's hide, XV h 11. [ON. boli.]

#Bollyng#, n. swelling; for b. of her wombe, to prevent the swelling of their bellies, VIII a 209. [ME. bolle-n, bolne-n, ON. bolgna.]

#Bolted#, pp. bolted, shackled, VIII a 130. [From OE. bolt, n.]

#Bon(e)#, #Bane#, n. bone, II 54, IV a 54, VIII a 85, IX 141, XVII 220, 253, &c.; see Bak, Blod(e), Bodi, Flesch. [OE. bān.]

#Bond#. See Bynde.

#Bond(e)#, n. bond; bond to sheues, the straw binding for sheaves, VIII b 14; her bonde, the bondage they imposed, XIV c 47; #Bandis#, pl. bonds, XVI 190, 196; Our Lady's bonds, pregnancy, XVII 209 (see N.E.D., s.v. Band, Bond). [ON. band.]

#Bond(e)men#, n. pl. bondmen, serfs, VIII a 46, b 69; #Bondemenne#, gen. pl. VIII b 74. [OE. bōnda (from ON. bóndi) + mann, influenced in sense by prec. (etymol. unconnected).]

#Bone#, n. boon, request, I 131. [ON. bón.]

#Bonk(e)#, #Bonkke#, #Bank(k)e#, n. bank, XIII a 40; shore, VII 126; hill-side, V 9, 14, 94, 97, 104, 132, 149, XIV b 20. [ON. bakki, older *banke.]

#Bood-worde#, n. tidings, XVI 366. [Stem of OE. bodian + wórd; cf. ON. boð-orð, command.]

#Booste#. See Boste.

#Bord(e)#, n. board, XII a 92, XVII 119, 279; table, II 578, VIII a 262. [OE. bórd.]

#Bore#, #Bare# (XIV), n. boar, VIII a 31, XIV b 19, 25, 49, 87. [OE. bār.]

#Bore#; #Born(e)#. See Bere, v.

#Borelych#, adj. stout, V 80; massive, V 156. [Obscure.]

#Borgh#, #Borugh#, n. town, VIII a 301; in borugh, among townsfolk, XIV d 4. [OE. burg, buruh.]

#Borne#, #Burn#, n. stream, V 106, XIV a 2; #Buerne#, flood, sea (an allit. use), VII 159. [OE. búrne.]

#Borow#, n. surety; I dar be thi b., I'll go bail (for you), XVII 204. [OE. borg.]

#Borwed#, pa. t. borrowed, II 499, VIII a 93. [OE. borgian.]

#Boste#, #Booste# (XVI), n. boasting, XIV a 20; pride, XIV a 8; arrogance, XIV b 85, XVI 214. [Obscure.]

#Boste#, v. to boast, XIV c 101; #Bosting#, n. boasting, XIV a 9. [Obscure.]

#Bot(e)#, #But#, adv. only, but, II 228, IV a 32, V 97, VI 22, VIII a 276, IX 17, X 159, XIII a 38, &c. [OE. būtan.] See next, and Boute.

#Bot(e)#, #But#, conj. (i) Except, but, VI 136, VIII b 9, IX 198, &c.; ne ... bote, only, III 6, 22, &c. (cf. Bote, adv.); noȝt deop bote to þe kneo, only knee deep, XIII a 39; bote ȝef, except that, XIII b 5. (ii) Unless (with subj.), VI 68, VIII a 1, 39, 112, 143, b 95, X 73, XV c 17, g 21, XVII 44, 386, 550; bot(e) if, &c., unless, VIII a 17, 53, X 78, XVII 247, &c.; bot þat, unless, II 428. (iii) But, however, yet, I 21, II 74, IV a 57, V 61, VI 14, &c.; (misplaced) XII a 79 (note), 105; bot yit (ȝeit), and yet, X 95, XVII 35, 64, 213. [OE. būtan, būte.]

#Bot(e)#, n. cure, redress, salvation, IV a 7, VIII a 187, XIV c 84; #bote of#, cure for, II 552. [OE. bōt.]

#Botel#, n. bottle, VIII b 54. [OFr. botel.]

#Botened#, pp. cured, I 241, VIII a 185. [Formed on Bot(e), n.]

#Boþ(e)#, #Both#, #Bath# (IV, X), adj. and pron. both, IV a 56, V 315, VI 13; in hem boþe (after negative), in either of them, XI b 27; vs both, us two, XVII 185; on bath halfis, on both sides, X 198; vpon boþe halue, on either side, V 2, 97; as adv. (originally pron. in apposition), as well, too, V 306, VIII a 119, 162, 252, 274, b 46; boþ(e) ... and, bath ... and, both ... and, I 52, II 86, IV a 66, &c. [ON. báði-r.] See Bo.

#Boþem#, n. bottom, V 77. [OE. botm, *boþm (still NWM.); cf. bytme, byþme.]

#Bouȝ#. See Bogh.

#Bouȝte#, #Bouhte#, &c. See Bigge, v.

#Boun(e)#, #Bowne#, adj. ready, IV a 81, XIV a 9, XVI 201; prompt, XVI 257; make youe b., prepare yourselves, arm, XVI 178; make þe b., hasten, XVI 339; watȝ nawhere b., was not to be found anywhere, VI 174. [ON. búin-n, bún-.] See Busk.

#Bounté#, excellence, XV c 26. [OFr. bonté.]

#Bour(e)#, #Bower#, n. abode, XIV b 26, XV e 17, 18; pl. bowers, chambers, XVII 348. [OE. būr.]

#Bourde#, n. entertainment, II 445; #Bourdys#, pl. jests, II 9. [OFr. bourde.]

#Boute#, prep. without, V 285. [OE. būtan.] See Bot(e).

#Bowand#. See Boȝe.

#Bowe#, n. bow, IX 258, XII a 57. [OE. boga.]

#Bowers#. See Bour(e).

#Braggere#, n. braggart, VIII a 148. [From ME. braggen, of unknown origin.]

#Braid#. See Brode.

#Braide#, #Brayd#, #Brade#, n. a sudden movement; in a brade, in a trice, XVII 21; bittir braide, grievous onslaught, XIV c 68, XVI 207. [OE. brægd.]

#Brayde#, v. to move quickly; draw, V 251; #Brayde#, pa. t. threw, V 309; #Brayde#, pp. in brayde down, lowered, V 1. [OE. bregdan.]

#Brayn#, n. brain, XV h 6 (distrib. sg.; see Hert). [OE. brægn.]

#Brak#. See Breke(n).

#Brandis#, n. pl. pieces of burnt wood, X 113. [OE. bránd.]

#Bras#, n. brass, XVI 196. [OE. bræs.]

#Brast#. See Brest(e).

#Braunche#, #Branch#, n. branch, I 121, V 109, XVII 511. [OFr. branche.]

#Bre#, n. foaming sea, VII 152. [App. a curious allit. use of OE. brīw, *brēo, broth.]

#Bred(e)#, n. bread, VIII a 18, 129, 131, 207, 298; as euer ete I brede = so may I live, on my life, XVII 395; hors bred, houndes bred, bread of beans, bran, &c., for the food of horses and dogs, VIII a 208. [OE. brēad.]

#Bred-corne#, n. grain for bread, VIII a 64. [Prec. + OE. corn.]

#Brede#, #Breed#, n. breadth, XVII 126; of breed, in breadth, XVII 259. [OE. brǣdu.]

#Brede#, v. intr. (to expand), grow, VI 55. [OE. brǣdan.]

#Bredeȝ#, n. pl. planks, V 3. [OE. bred.]

#Breff#, adj. brief, meagre, VII 74. [OFr. bref.]

#Breke(n)#, v. to break, violate, VIII a 31, IX 46, XI b 187, XVI 257, XVII 387, &c.; intr. II 338, IX 118; #Brak#, pa. t. sg. X 106; #Breke#, pa. t. pl. V 14; #Broke#, pp. injured, VIII b 34 (see Broke-legged, VIII a 130); #Brokynne#, broken, XVI 195. [OE. brecan.]

#Brekynge#, n. breaking; smale b., breaking a long note into a number of short ones, fine trilling, XI b 138. [OE. brecung.]

#Brem(e)#, adj. fierce, violent, V 132, VII 139, 152, &c.; threatening, wild, V 77; passionate, VII 104; glorious, II 61; adv. gloriously, XV b 27. [OE. brēme, adj. and adv.]

#Brem(e)ly#, adv. fiercely, violently, V 251, VII 106; exceedingly, V 165. [From prec.]

#Bren#, #Bran#, n. bran, VIII a 175, 278. [OFr. bren.]

#Bren#, v. to burn; #Brent#, pp. VII 152, 159; #Brennynge#, pres. p. fervent, XI b 67; #Brennynge#, n. burning, IX 10. [ON. brenna.] See Byrne, Brin.

#Brent#, adj. steep, V 97. [Cf. OE. brant.]

#Bren-waterys#, n. pl. XV h 22, 'water-burners', i.e. blacksmiths (from the hiss of the hot iron when plunged in water). Compare burn-the-wind, a nickname for blacksmiths. [Bren, v. + Watter.]

#Brere#, n. briar, II 276. [OE. brǣr, brēr.]

#Brest#, n. breast, V 303. [OE. brēost.]

#Brest(e)#, #Brast# (XVII), v. trans. and intr. to burst, IV a 81, XV h 6, XVII 264; #Barste#, pa. t. sg. VIII a 171; #Brosten#, pp. XVI 196. [OE. berstan; ON. bresta.]

#Bretfull#, adj. full to the brim, VII 164. [OE., ME. brerdfull, prob. with substitution of ON. cognate form *bredd-; cf. Swed. bräddfull.]

#Brether(en)#. See Broþer.

#Breue#, v. to set down in writing; #Breuyt#, pa. t. sg. VII 65; pp. VII 14. [Med. L. breviāre, OE. brēfan.]

#Brid(d)#, #Byrd# (XVII), n. young bird, XII a 196; (small) bird, II 305, VII 104, XII a 169, 172, XVII 514, &c. [OE. bridd, young bird (late Nth. pl. birdas).]

#Brydel#, n. bridle, V 84. [OE. brīdel.]

#Brygge#, n. (draw)bridge, V 1. [OE. brycg.] See Draw-brig.

#Bryght(e)#, #Briȝt#, #Bryȝt#, #Briht# (XII), #Bryht# (XV), &c., adj. and adv. bright, II 152, 269, 455, IV a 72, b 6, V 158, XII b 130, XV b 26, XVII 9, &c. [OE. berht, byrht.]

#Brightnes#, n. splendour, XVII 15, 20. [OE. berht-nes.]

#Brimme#, #Brymme#, n. water's edge, V 104; brink, XII b 32. [OE. brymme.]

#Brin#, #Bryn#, v. trans. to burn, X 21 (implied by rime); #Brynt#, #Brint#, pa. t. X 113; pp. X 32, 165. [ON. brinna.] See Bren, Byrne.

#Bring(e)#, #Bryng(e)#, v. to bring, take, escort; cause to be; IV a 7, b 46, VIII a 64, IX 60, X 17, XI a 3 (adduce), XII a 193, XIV b 68, &c.; #Broght(e)#, #Broȝt(e)#, #Brought#, #Brouȝt(e)#, pa. t. I 123, II 93, III 11, VIII a 288, XII a 25, b 47 (subj.), XVI 161, &c.; pp. V 77, VII 90, XIV b 72, &c.; #Ybrouȝt#, II 389, 563; bryng it to an ende, accomplish it, IX 169; bringen forth, bring forth, produce, IX 60, XII a 193; to thay bryng, until they bring (something), XVII 499; broughte oute of, rescued from, XVI 161; brought it so breff, made it so meagre, VII 74; broght dede, brought to death, I 213. [OE. bringan.]

#Brynstane#, n. sulphur, X 20. [OE. bryn-stān.]

#Brytouns#, n. pl. men of Brittany, II 16. [OFr. Breton; L. Brit(t)ōnem, Briton.]

#Britoner#, #Brytonere#, n. a man of Brittany, VIII a 148, 169. [From prec.]

#Brockes#, n. pl. badgers, VIII a 31. [OE. brocc.]

#Brode#, adj. broad, V 1, 165, VII 106, XV g 5; #Brood#, XIII a 39; #Braid#, X 24. [OE. brād.]

#Broght(e)#, #Broȝt(e)#. See Bring(e).

#Broke#, n. brook, stream, V 14, 132, VIII a 129. [OE. brōc.]

#Broke#, #Brokynne#. See Breke(n).

#Broke-legged#, adj. broken-legged, crippled, VIII a 130. See Breke(n), Legges.

#Brood#. See Brode.

#Brosten#. See Brest(e).

#Broþe#, adj. fierce, V 165. [ON. bráð-r.]

#Broþely#, adv. fiercely, V 309. [ON. bráð-liga.]

#Broþer#, n. brother, I 210, XII a 6; #Brother#, gen. sg. XII a 18; #Brether#, pl. XVII 318, 320 (see note); #Breþeren#, brethren, VIII a 201, XI b 243, &c. [OE. brōþor; ON. brǽðr, pl.]

#Brouch#, n. trinket, XIII b 23 (translates L. crepundia). [OFr. broche.]

#Brouȝt(e)#, &c. See Bring(e).

#Broun(e)#, #Browne#, adj. brown, VIII a 301, XV c 14; dull-hued, IX 38, 98; dark, VI 177. [OE. brūn.]

#Browe#, n. pl. eyebrows, XV c 14; forehead, V 238. [OE. brū.]

#Buen#. See Ben.

#Buerne(s)#. See Borne, Burne.

#Bugge#. See Bigge, v.

#Bugles#, n. pl. bullocks, IX 256. [OFr. bugle.]

#Bur#. See Bir.

#Burde#, pa. t. subj. impers. (it would befit) in me burde, I had better, ought to, V 210, 360. [OE. ge-byrian.]

#Burgase#, #Buriays#, n. pl. burgesses, citizens, II 504, XIV b 65. [OFr. burgeis, sg. and pl.]

#Buriel#, #Buryel#, n. tomb, XIII a 46. [OE. byrgels.]

#Burne#. See Byrne.

#Burne#, n. warrior, knight, man, V 3, 21, 210, 247, 252, 270, 309, VI 37; voc. sir (knight), V 216, 254; #Buernes#, pl. VII 90, 91. [OE. béorn.]

#Burnist#, pp. polished, II 368. [OFr. burnir, burniss-.]

#Burþ-tonge#, n. native speech, XIII b 16, 43. [OE. byrþ- + túnge.]

#Bus#. See Bihoue.

#Busk#, v. (to prepare oneself); make haste, V 216; refl. in busk þe, hasten, XIV a 22; trans. (prepare), make, V 180. [ON. búa-sk, refl.] See Boune.

#Busshel#, n. bushel (a measure of volume varying very greatly at different times and places), VIII a 64. [OFr. buissiel.]

#But#. See Bot(e).

#Butras#, n. (? pl.) buttress, II 361. [? OFr. bouterez, nom. sg., or pl., of bouteret.]

#Buþ#. See Ben.

#Buxome#, adj. obedient, willing, VIII a 188. [Stem of OE. būgan + -sum.] See Boȝe.

#Caas#. See Cas(e).

#Cagge(n)#, v. to tie up, VI 152. [Not known; only allit.]

#Cayre#, v. to ride, V 52. [ON. keyra.]

#Calabre#, n. calaber (a squirrel fur), VIII a 265. [OFr. Calabre, Calabria.]

#Calde#. See Colde.

#Call(e)#, v. to call (cry, summon, name), I 32, IV b 47, VI 182, X 70, XVI 126, XVII 432, &c.; subj. sg. XVI 141; #Cald#, pp. named, VII 70, XVII 513. [OE. (late) ceallian, from ON. kalla.]

#Cam#. See Com.

#Cammede#, adj. XV h 5; ? snub-nosed (cf. Reeve's Tale, 14); ? crooked (fits context better, but see etym.). [Cf. OFr., ME. camus, snub-nosed; cammed, bent (from Welsh cam), is not else recorded till later.]

#Can#, v.^1 I know, know how to, can. Pres. ind. 1, 3 sg. #Can#, II 22, 437, XIII b 38 (knows), &c.; #Con#, V 70, 215, XV c 26; #Kan(ne)#, I 45, IV a 11, 90, XVI 74; 2 sg. #Can(ne)#, XVI 100, XVII 229; #Canstow# (see Þou), VIII b 12; pl. #Can#, IX 208; #Con#, VI 21; #Conen#, know, IX 185, 208; #Conne#, VI 161; #Conneþ#, VIII a 116, XIII a 17, b 22, 38 (know); #Cunne#, XIV c 101; #Kan(e)#, IV b 21, 41, 44, 86; #Konne#, VIII a 70; #Kunnen#, XI b 153 (know), 275; pres. subj. #Conne#, VIII a 143; #Kun(ne)#, XIV b 90, VIII a 250; pa. t. #Couþe#, #Cowþe#, I introd., V 115, 205, XII introd., b 200, &c.; cowþeȝ (2 sg.) with double constr., VI 124 (note); pa. t. subj. could, might (have), #Coude#, XI b 271, XVII 286; #Couþe#, V 276, 353; #Cowth#, XVII 473. Can no other red, XII b 102, see Red; how I can of, what I can do in the way of, XVII 250. It is sometimes difficult to distinguish this verb from the next (e.g. at V 205, VI 139, XVII 468). [OE. can, con; cūþe.]

#Can#, #Con#, v.^2 auxil. used with infin. as equivalent of simple pa. t. (con calle = called, V 144), and also, by confusion with prec., of a present (con dresse = brings about, VI 135); 1, 3 sg. #Con#, V 167, 227, VI 51, 77, 93, 181, 221, 223, &c.; 2 sg. #Coneȝ#, VI 122; pl. #Can#, X 50, 66, 108, 112; #Con#, VI 149, 191; pa. t. did, ? V 205 (see prec.). [Due to confusion in form, and partly also in sense, between Gan (q.v.) and prec.; cf. begouth (s.v. Begynne).]

#Canell#, n. cinnamon, IX 158. [OFr. canelle.]

#Caple#, n. horse, V 107. [Cf. ON. kapall; see N.E.D.]

#Cardinales#, n. pl. cardinals, XIV b 40, 41. [OFr. cardinal.]

#Care#, #Kare#, n. woe, misery, IV a 18, 44, 60, V 316, VI 11, &c.; care (of), anxiety (concerning), V 311. [OE. caru.]

#Care#, v. to have sorrow, XIV b 1. [OE. carian.]

#Carie#, v. to carry, XII b 27. [ONFr. carier.]

#Caroigne#, #Caryon#, n. dead body, carrion, VIII a 85, XVII 502. [ONFr. caroigne; the phonology of the second form is obscure.]

#Carp#, v. to converse, VI 21; prate, XVII 360. [ON. karpa, brag.]

#Carpyng#, n. narration, X introd. [From prec.]

#Cart#, n. cart, VIII b 13, XVII 534; v. to cart, VIII b 66; #Cartere#, n. carter (as a name), XIV d 3; #Cart-mare#, n. draught-mare, VIII a 282. [ON. kart-r, OE. cræt.]

#Cas#, #Case#, n. chance, general run of events, circumstances, plight, II 175, III 20, VII 25, 73, XII a 49, b 194, &c.; #Caas#, pl. XIII b 40; in cas, it may be, XI 101, 105, 216; per cas, by chance, XII a 7, b 4. [OFr. cas.]

#Cast(e)#, v.; #Cast(e)#, pa. t. V 249, XII b 70, &c.; #Kest#, V 207; #Casten#, pp. IV a 60; #Icast#, XIV c 79; #Kast#, I 143; #Kest#, V 174; to cast, throw, put, I 143, IV b 3, VIII a 61, X 33, XII b 103, &c.; (in charity), VIII a 16; to cast off, XVII 262; icast out, abandoned, XIV c 79; to offer, propose, V 174, 207; to scheme, XI b 306. [ON. kasta; for e forms before st cf. Morsbach, ME. Gram. § 87, n. 2.] See Kest, n.; Vpcaste.

#Castel(l)#, n. castle, II 159, X 173, XVII 349, 538; a tower or raised structure on the deck of a ship (see Topcastell), XVII 272. [OE. (late) castel from ONFr. castel.]

#Catel#, #Catayll#, #Catall#, n. sg. collect., goods, property, VIII a 86, 141, 214, XIV c 75, XVI 242, XVII 156 (cattle), 326. [ONFr. catel.]

#Cateractes#, n. pl. flood-gates, XVII 343, 451 (see Genesis, vii. 11, viii. 2; Vulgate cataractæ, sluices).

#Caue#, n. cave, V 114, XII a 65. [OFr. cave.]

#Cause# (of), n. cause, reason (of), XI a 17, 54, XIII b 66, XIV c 9; cause þerto, cause for it, XVII 102; cause, side in a quarrel, &c., IX 82, XI a 50. [OFr. cause.]

#Cawht#. See Kache.

#Cerched#. See Serche.

#Certayn(e)#, #Certeyn(e)#, #Sarteyn(e)# (XVI), adj. certain, sure; fixed, definite, XI b 113, XVI 225; some particular, IX 268; come to no certeyn, came to nothing, I 179; nouȝt of certeyne, no definite rule, VIII a 145; adv. assuredly, indeed, I 231, XVI 94, XVII 176, &c. [OFr. certain.]

#Certes#, #Certis#, adv. certainly, truly, VIII b 22, X 134, XI b 42, 293. [OFr. certes.]

#Cesse#, #Sesse#, v. to cease, leave off, come to an end, VIII a 172, XI b 205, XVI 44, 294; #Cest#, pp. XVII 451; #Cessynge#, n. ceasing, XI b 85. [OFr. cesser.]

#Chace#, n. quarry (in hunting), XII b 7. [OFr. chace.]

#Chace(n)#, to pursue, drive, IX 167, 229; chace of, drive, oust from, VI 83. [OFr. chacier.]

#Chaffare#, v. to engage in trade, VIII a 235, b 98. [From ME. chapfare, chaffare, n.; see Chapuare.]

#Chayngede#. See Chaunge.

#Chambre(s)#. See Chaumber.

#Chanel#, n. channel, river-bed, XIII a 57. [OFr. chanel.] Cf. Kanel.

#Chapel(le)#, n. chapel, private oratory (attached to a castle, &c.), V 35, 118, &c.; #Schapellis#, pl. XI b 234. [OFr. chapelle.]

#Chapelleyn#, #Chaplayn#, n. chaplain (a priest serving a 'chapel'; see prec.), VIII a 12, V 39. [OFr. chapelain.]

#Chapman#, n. merchant, XII b 179. [OE. cēap-man.]

#Chapuare#, n. trading, bargain, III 60. [OE. cēap + faru; cf. ON. kaup-för.] See Chaffare, v.

#Charde#, pa. t. sg. turned back, ceased to flow, VI 248. [OE. cerran.]

#Charge#, n. burden; weight, IV b 48; a þing of charge, a weighty, important matter, XIV c 52. [OFr. charge.] See next.

#Charge(n)#, v. to burden, IV b 51; charge(n) with, to burden with, to impose as an obligation, XI b 150, 198, 199, &c.; to enjoin, order (a person), XI b 15, 31, 71, 120, 193; to attach weight, importance, to, XI b 104, 106, 184, 188, 225. [OFr. charger.]

#Charious#, adj. burdensome, XI b 204. [OFr. chargeous, charjous.]

#Charité#, #Charyté#, n. charity, christian love (for God or one's fellows), IV b 15, VI 110, XI b 25, &c.; out of ch., not in a state of ch., XI b 26, 89; I will kepe ch., I will not lose my temper, XVII 235; par charité, for ch., for of saynte ch., (formulæ used in prayers, or requests), in the name of (holy) charity, VIII a 250, XV d 5, XVII 165, 174; amen for ch., a formula of conclusion, XVII 558. [OFr. charité; (de) par (sainte) charité.]

#Charke#, v. to creak, XII a 70. [OE. cearcian.]

#Charnel#, n. cemetery, VIII a 50. [OFr. charnel.]

#Chaste#, v. to rebuke, punish, VIII a 53, 318. [OFr. chastier.]

#Chastice#, #Chastis(e)#, #Chastyse#, v. to punish, chastise, curb, XIV c 70, d 5, XVII 398, 403. [OFr. (rare) chastiser.]

#Chaud(e)#, adj. hot, VIII a 306; (Fr. word indicating affectation of manners above labourers' station.)

#Chaumber#, #Chambre# (XVII), n. room (usually a smaller private room or bedroom), II 100, 196, 584, XVII 129, 281 (see Ches, and note), &c. [OFr. chambre.]

#Chaunce#, #Chance#, n. chance, fortune, adventure, event, I 22, 25, 28, 135, 221, V 331, VII 16; for ch. þat may falle, whatever may happen, V 64; he cheueȝ þat chaunce, he contrives that event, brings it to pass, V 35; per chance, XII b 18, 57. [OFr. ch(e)ance.]

#Chaunge#, #Change#, v. to alter, change, trans. and intr., IV a 2, 42, XII a 125, XIII a 4, 56, XV a 22, &c.; #Chayngede#, pa. t. XIII b 28; #Ychaunged#, pp. VIII b 85, XIII b 27. Chaunged his cher, V 101, see Chere. [OFr. changier; chaingier.]

#Chaungyng#, n. vicissitudes, VII 16; ch. of wit, alteration of sense, mistranslation, XI a 47.

#Chees#. See Chese, v.

#Cheyne#, n. chain, X 31. [OFr. chaine.]

#Chekes#, n. pl. cheeks, VIII a 169; maugré Medes (thi) chekes, in Meed's (thy) despite, VIII a 41, 151; see Maugré. [OE. cēace, cēce.]

#Chekke#, n. ill-luck, V 127. [OFr. eschec, checkmate.]

#Chelde#, adj. cold, XV e 16. [OE. (WS.) céald.] See Colde.

#Chenes#, n. pl. fissures, XIII a 8. [OE. cine, cion-.]

#Chepynge#, n. market, VIII a 294. [OE. cēping.]

#Cher(e)#, #Chiere# (XII), n. face, XV c 15; looks, XII a 120; demeanour, VI 47; mery chere, gladness, XVII 463. Chaunged his cher, V 101; ? altered the direction in which he faced, turned this way and that (cf. Sir Gaw., 711); but the phrase elsewhere always refers to colour or expression of face. [OFr. chiere, chere.]

#Cherche#, #Chirche#, #Churche#, n. church, Church, I 3, 21, VIII a 12, 50, b 12, 63 (note), XI a 62, b 178, &c. [OE. cirice, circe.] See Kirke.

#Chercheȝerd#, n. churchyard, I 3, 66, 263; #Cherche porche#, church porch, I 77. [Prec. + OE. géard; OFr. porche.]

#Cherles#. See Chorle.

#Cheruelles#, n. pl. chervils (a garden pot-herb), VIII a 289. [OE. cerfille.]

#Ches#, #Chese# (MS. chefe), n. in thre ches(e), three tiers or rows of, XVII 129, 281 (followed by sg. noun). [Perhaps a use of ME. ches, chess, as 'rows of squares' (OFr. eschez, pl. of eschec, see Chekke).]

#Chese#, v. to choose; chese ȝou, choose (for) yourselves, II 217; #Chees#, #Ches#, pa. t. sg. XI b 56, XII a 110; for past pple. see Ycore. [OE. cēosan.]

#Cheses#, n. pl. cheeses, VIII a 276. [OE. cēse.]

#Chesible#, n. chasuble (the outer vestment of a priest when celebrating Mass), VIII a 12. [OFr. chesible.]

#Chesouns#, n. pl. reasons, XI a 50. [Shortened from OFr. ache(i)son; see Enchesone.]

#Cheualrous#, adj. chivalrous, V 331. [OFr. chevalerous.] See Chiualrye.

#Cheue#, v. (to acquire), control, bring about; cheueȝ þat chaunce, brings that event to pass, V 35; #Cheuyt#, pp. brought about, VII 16. [OFr. chever and achever.] See Acheue.

#Cheuentayn#, n. chieftain, Lord, VI 245. [OFr. chevetaine.]

#Chibolles#, n. pl. chibols, a variety of small onion, VIII a 289. [ONFr. *chiboule, OFr. ciboule.]

#Chyche#, n. niggard, VI 245. [OFr. chiche, adj.]

#Chyde#, v. intr. to complain, find fault, VI 43, VIII a 307, 314. [OE. cīdan.]

#Chiere#. See Cher(e).

#Child#, #Chylde#, n. child, III 39, IV a 73, &c., child hys, child's, XIII b 23; #Childer#, #Chylder#, pl. XVII 327, 527; #Childern#, #Chyldern#, XIII b 16, 33, 37, &c.; #Children#, VIII a 91, &c. [OE. cíld; cildru, pl.]

#Child-bedde#, n.; on child-bedde, in travail, II 399. [OE. cíld + bedd.]

#Chillyng#, n. becoming cold, in for chillyng of here mawe, to prevent their stomachs getting cold, VIII a 306. [OE. cilian; but see N.E.D.]

#Chirche#. See Cherche.

#Chiries#, n. pl. cherries, VIII a 289. [ONFr. cherise, sg.; cf. OE. cires-bēam.]

#Chyteryng#, n. chattering, XIII b 14. [Echoic.]

#Chiualrye#, n. knighthood, the knights as a body, XIV c 42. [OFr. chev-, chivalerie.] See Cheualrous.

#Chorle#, n. common man, V 39; #Cherles#, pl. VIII a 50. [OE. céorl.]

#Cité#, #Cyté#, #Cytee#, #Citie#, #Sité#, n. city, II 48, 479, VII 66, 85, VIII b 94, IX 23, XIII b 67, &c. [OFr. cité.]

#Cytryne#, adj. lemon-yellow, IX 115. [OFr. citrin.]

#Clanly#, adv. elegantly, VII 53. [OE. clǣ̆n-līce.] See Clene.

#Clatere#, v. to clatter, resound, V 133, VII 137. [OE. clatrian.]

#Clateryng#, n. clattering, XV h 4. [OE. clatrung.]

#Clause#, n. clause (in grammar), XIV c 11 (see Construwe). [Med.L. clausa, OFr. clause.]

#Cled#, pp. clad; cled in Stafford blew, beaten black and blue, XVII 200; see Blew. [OE. clǣþan (rare).]

#Cleket#, n. trigger, X 82. [OFr. cliquet.]

#Clene#, adj. clean, IV b 6, V 323, 325; unmixed, VIII a 299; pure, VII 179, XI b 295, XV i 7; elegant, VII 77; splendid, VII 150 (or adv.). [OE. clǣne.] See Clanly, Clense.

#Clen(e)#, #Cleane#, adv. entirely, VII 150 (or adj.), XIV b 77, c 56, 80. [OE. clǣne.]

#Clengeȝ#, 3 sg. pres. clings, V 10. [OE. *cléngan.] See Clingge.

#Clense#, v. to cleanse, clear out, IV a 7, VIII a 98. [OE. clǣ̆nsian.]

#Clepe(n)#, #Clepyn#, v. to call (cry, summon, name), I introd., II 201, III 12, 24, IX 27, XII a 76, b 16; #Cleped#, #Clept#, pp. II 49, IX 3, XII a 6, &c.; #Ycleped#, II 52, III 17, 32. [OE. cleopian.]

#Clere#, adj. clear, bright, glorious, fair, II 269, 358, V 283, VII 107, 123, XVI 128, 389; free (from guilt), *XVI 356 (MS. clene); adv. clearly, VII 77; #Clerlych#, adv. clearly, XIII a 12. [OFr. cler.]

#Clerematyn#, n. (? lit. 'fine morning') appar. name of a fine flour, or bread made from it, VIII a 299. [? OFr. cler matin.]

#Clerk(e)#, n. one in holy orders, ecclesiastic (opp. to 'lay'), scholar, writer, II 2, VII 53, VIII b 56, 58, XI a 36, 59, b 55, 177, XVI 283, &c.; #Clerkus#, pl. VIII b 65. [OE. cler(i)c; OFr. clerc.]

#Clete#, n. cleat, small (wedge-shaped) piece of wood; ȝaf nouȝt a cl. of = cared not a rap for, XIV c 54. [OE. *clēat; cf. OHG. chlōȥ, MDu. cloot.]

#Cleue#, v. to split, V 133. [OE. clēofan.]

#Clyff#, n. cliff, rock, V 10, 133. [OE. clif.]

#Clingge#, v. XV a 8; the clot him clingge, may the earth of the grave cling to him (or waste him; cf. alþaȝ oure corses in clotteȝ clynge, Pearl 857); #Yclongen#, pp. withered, II 508. [OE. clíngan, shrivel, shrink.] See Clengeȝ.

#Clipte#, pa. t. sg. clasped, XII b 62. [OE. clyppan.]

#Cloise#. See Clos.

#Cloistre#, n. monastery, III introd., VIII a 141. [OFr. cloistre.]

#Cloke#, n. cloak, VIII a 265. [OFr. cloque.]

#Clomben#, pa. t. pl. climbed, V 10. [OE. clímban; pa. t. pl. clúmbon.]

#Cloos#, n. enclosure; in cloos, enclosed, IX 191. [OFr. clos.]

#Clos#, #Cloise# (oi = ō, cf. Coyll), adj. closed; secluded, forbidden, VII 179; close, VI 152 (man hit cl., make it secure); adv. (or predic. adj.) close, near, VII 137. [OFr. clos.]

#Close#, v. to close, enclose, IX 172, XI b 39; #Yclosed#, pp. XIII a 24, 40. [From prec.] See Enclose.

#Clot#, n. clod, XV a 8 (see Clingge); #Clottes#, pl. lumps, XIII a 5. [OE. clott.]

#Cloþ#, n. a cloth, XV f 8; cloth, VIII a 14; #Cloþes#, &c., pl. clothes, I 165, 236, II 408, VII 175, VIII b 18, XI b 257, XIII a 9, &c. [OE clāþ.]

#Cloþed#, pp. clothed, VIII b 2. [OE. (late) clāþian.]

#Cloþe-merys#, n. pl. ? mare-clothers (? contemptuous reference to blacksmiths as fashioning pieces of horse-armour; for similar compound see Brenwaterys), XV h 21. [Prec. + OE. mēre.]

#Cloude#, n.^1 clod of earth; under cloude, in the ground, XV b 31. [OE. clūd, mass of earth, or rock.]

#Cloud(e)#, #Clowde#, n.^2 cloud, VII 107, 137, XII a 137. [Prob. same as prec.]

#Clout#, n. piece of cloth, XV f 8, 11. [OE. clūt.]

#Cloute#, v. to patch; cloute more to, stick more on to it, XI b 200; go cloute thi shone, go and cobble your shoes, 'run away and play', XVII 353; #Yclouted#, pp. patched, VIII a 61. [OE. clūtian.]

#Clowe#; clowe gylofres, cloves, IX 157. [OFr. clou (nail) de girofle (gilofre).]

#Clustre#, n. bunch, IX 153, 160. [OE. cluster.]

#Cnistes#. See Knyght(e).

#Cnowe#. See Knowe.

#Coc#, #Cok#, n. cock, XII a 77, XV g 33. [OE. cocc.]

#Coffes#, n. pl. mittens, gloves, VIII a 62. [Unknown; cf. Prompt. Parv., 'cuffe, glove or meteyne'.]

#Coyll#, n. lit. cabbage; pottage, cabbage or vegetable soup, XVII 389. [OE. cāl; oy = ō (see the rimes).] See Koleplantes.

#Coke#, v. to put hay into cocks, VIII b 13. [From (obscure) ME. cocke, hay-cock; see N.E.D.]

#Coker#, n. a labourer (at haymaking or harvest), VIII b 13. [From prec.; cf. Cath. Angl., 'coker, autumnarius'.]

#Cokeres#, n. pl. leggings, VIII a 62. [OE. cocor, quiver; cf. Prompt. Parv., 'cocur, cothurnus'.]

#Coket#, n. very fine flour next in grade to the finest (wastell), VIII a 299. [Panis de coket occurs in 14th c. legal Latin; connexion between this and AFr. cokkette, Anglo-L. coketa, cocket, seal of King's Customhouse, has been suggested, but not proved.]

#Cold(e)#, adj. cold, I 119, VII 115, &c.; #Calde#, IV a 82. [OE. cáld.]

#Cold(e)#, n. cold, I 163, IX 31, XV f 13; for colde of, to keep the cold from (see For, prep.), VIII a 62. [OE. cáld.] See Chelde.

#Col(e)#, n. live coal, IV a 13; coal, XV h 5. [OE. col, live coal.]

#Coloppes#, n. pl. 'collops', eggs fried on bacon, VIII a 280. [See N.E.D., s.v. Collop, and Cockney.]

#Colour#, n. colour, IX 34, XII a 55, &c.; outward appearance, XI b 217. [OFr. colour.]

#Com#, #Come(n)#, #Cum# (X), v. to come, I 80, 176, II 137, V 43, X 45, 173, XVII 241, &c.; #Comest#, 2 sg. wilt come, XV g 5; #Commys#, 3 sg. XVII 507; #Cam#, pa. t. I 77, II 153, VIII a 294, &c.; #Com(e)#, I 32, II 91, III 3, V 107, VI 222, VII 83, &c.; pa. t. subj. (should come, &c.), VI 214, 238, VIII a 108, X 29, XV g 30; #Come(n)#, pp. I 161, II 29, 181, IX 314, &c.; #Comyn#, VII 40, 102; #Comne#, IV a 23; #Cumen#, XIV b 8, 87; #Ycome(n)#, II 203, 319, 404, 422, 478, 592. With dat. refl. pron. in: foret hym com, forth came, XV g 18; in him com ... gon, came (walking) in (cf. OE. cōm inn gān), XV g 24; him com, III 19. Comen of, descended from, II 29. [OE. cuman, cōm, cumen.]

#Coma(u)nde#, #Comawnde#, #Commaund#, v. to command, I 105, VIII a 16, XI b 66, XV i 1, XVI 341, XVII 118, &c.; with to, XI b 40; to commend, V 343; to entrust, give, XI b 222. [OFr. comander.]

#Com(m)aundement#, &c., n. commandment, IV b 15, XI b 63, 86, 226; gaf in comm., commanded, XVII 32. [OFr. comandement.] See Maundement.

#Comenci# (II), #Comse# (VIII), v. to begin, VIII a 34, 309; pres. subj. II 247 (note to l. 57). [OFr. comencer.] See Comessing.

#Comendacion#, n. 'Commendation of Souls', an office for the dead (made a part of daily office) which originally ended with the prayer Tibi, Domine, commendamus, XI b 132.

#Comessing#, n. beginning, II 57. See Comenci.

#Comford#, &c. See Conforte, v.

#Comyng(e)#, n. coming, advent, XII a 35, XVI 315, 363, &c.; hom comynge, homecoming, IX 285. See Com.

#Comyn(s)#. See Com, Comun.

#Comly(ch)#, adj. fair, beautiful, V 343, XVII 71. [OE. cȳmlic, influ. in ME. by assoc. with becomen.]

#Comlyng#, n. stranger, foreigner, XIII b 45. [OE. cuma + -ling.]

#Commys#. See Com.

#Commyxstion#, n. intermingling, XIII b 12. [L. commixtiōnem.]

#Comne#. See Com.

#Comounly#, adv. usually, IX 51; in common, IX 60. See Comun.

#Compayni#, n. company, II 462; #Company(e)#, VII 150, IX 312, &c.; #Cumpany(e)#, X 147, &c.; in cumpanye, in the society of men, I introd., IX 288. [OFr. compai(g)nie.]

#Comparison#, n. comparison; wiþoute comparison, XI b 237. [OFr. comparaison, -eson.]

#Compelle#, v. to compel, XI b 51, XIII b 18. [OFr. compeller.]

#Compilet#, pp. compiled, put together, VII 53. [OFr. compiler.]

#Comprehended#, pa. t. sg. comprised, embraced, IX 300. [L. comprehendere.]

#Compunccion#, n. repentance, XI b 180. [OFr. compunction.]

#Comse#. See Comenci.

#Comun(e)#, adj. common (people), XIV b 67; as sb., the community, VIII b 20, 79; #Comunes#, #Comyns#, pl. the common people; the Commons (as an estate of the realm), XIV b 67, c 73; lay men, XI a 39, 59. [OFr. comun; and direct from L. commūnis.]

#Con(en)#, #Coneȝ#. See Can, v.^1 and v.^2

#Concyens#, #Conscience#, n. conscience, IV b 15, VIII b 87, &c.; (personified) VIII b 6, &c. [OFr. conscience.]

#Condicioun#, n. nature, quality, XII a 120. [OFr. condicion.]

#Confederat#, adj. allied, XIII b 5. [L. con-fœderātus.]

#Confesse#, v. to confess, XI b 143; confessed clene, made clean by confession, V 323. [OFr. confesser.]

#Conforme#, v. (refl.), to suit (oneself), make (oneself) suitable, XII a 184. [OFr. conformer.]

#Confort#, #Coumforde#, n. support, comfort, consolation, VI 9, VIII b 79, XII a 151. [OFr. con-, cunfort.]

#Conforte#, #Com-#, v. to comfort, succour, support, IV a 15, VIII a 214; #Comford#, pa. t. pl. VII 173. [OFr. conforter.]

#Confusyun#, n. putting to shame, I 203. [OFr. confusion.]

#Congele#, v. to congeal, IX 64. [OFr. congeler.]

#Conig#, n. rabbit, XIV b 75. [OFr. conin, coning.]

#Conne#, #Conneþ#, &c. See Can, v.^1

#Connynge#, n. intelligence, IV b 56, 79. [From cunn-, old infin. stem of Can, v.^1]

#Conquerour#, n. conqueror, XIV c 92. [OFr. conquerour.]

#Conquest#, n. the (Norman) Conquest, XIII b 32. [OFr. conqueste.]

#Consaile# (#-sale#, #-seyl#, #-seille#), #Counsail(le)#, (#-sayle#, #-sayll#), n. counsel, deliberation, advice, II 179, VIII a 309, X 15, XIV b 40, 43, XVI 114, 163, XVII 157; prudence, IV b 56, 57, 61; council, VIII a 312, IX 296, 298. [OFr. conseil, c(o)unseil, counsel, council.]

#Conseille#, v. to advise, VIII a 14; #Counsell#, imper. sg. XVII 472. [OFr. conseillier.]

#Consente#, v. to agree; consented to o wyl, was agreed, I 49. [OFr. consentir.]

#Consider#, v. to reflect, XVII 291. [OFr. considerer.]

#Constreyne#, v. to force, VIII b 56, XI b 248. [OFr. constreign-, stem of constreindre.]

#Construccion#, n. construing, XIII b 28. [L. constructiōnem; see next.]

#Constru(w)e#, v. to construe, interpret, XIII b 18, 34; pres. subj. pl. in ȝif ȝe c. wel þis clause, if you see the point of what I say, XIV c 11. [L. construere.]

#Conteyne#, v. to contain, IX 337, XIII a 20. [OFr. contenir, conteign-, stem of subj.]

#Contemplacio(u)n#, #Contemplacyone#, n. contemplation (of God), IV b 51, XI b 11, 308. [OFr. contemplacion.]

#Contemplatyf#, #-if#, adj. contemplative, devoted to prayer and contemplation of God, VIII a 245, XI b 1, 8, &c. [OFr. contemplatif.]

#Continue#, v. to persevere, VIII b 40, 110. [OFr. continuer.]

#Contynuell#, adj. continual, IX 32. [OFr. continuel.]

#Contray# (XIII), #Contré#, #-ee#, #-ey#, (IX), #Countré# (XVII), #Cuntray# (II), #Cuntré# (I), #Cuntrey# (XI), n. country, land, region, I 253, II 351, IX 4, 9, 26, 134, 138, XI a 35, XIII a 41, b 63, XVII 487 (see Sere), &c., as adj. in contray longage, language of the land, XIII b 13. [OFr. contrée, c(o)untrée.]

#Contrarie# (to), adj. opposed (to), XI b 54. [OFr. contrarie.]

#Contrefetes#, n. pl. imitations, IX 117. [OFr. contrefet, pp., made like.] See Counterfete, v.

#Cop#, n. top, XIII a 45. [OE. copp.]

#Cope#, n. long cloak, XII a 53; esp. the out-door cloak of an ecclesiastic, VIII a 182. [OE. *cāpe, from Med.L. cāpa.]

#Cope#, v. to provide with 'copes', VIII a 141. [From prec.]

#Copuls#, 3 sg. pres. links, IV a 12; #Coppled#, pp. linked (in rime), Introduction xv; see Kowe. [OFr. copler.] See Couple, n.

#Corage#, n. heart, XII a 11; gallantry, XIV c 108. [OFr. corage.]

#Corde#, n. cord, XII b 53, 60, &c. [OFr. corde.]

#Corde(n)#, v.; corden into on, agree together, XV i 6. [Shortened from Acorde, q.v.]

#Cormerant#, n. cormorant, II 310. [OFr. cormoran.]

#Coround(e)#, pa. t. crowned, VI 55; pp. II 593, VI 120. [OFr. corouner.] See Crouned(e).

#Corouneȝ#, n. pl. crowns, VI 91. [OFr. coroune.] See Croun(e).

#Corsed(est)#. See Curse.

#Corseynt#, n. shrine of a saint, I 239. [OFr. cors saint, holy body.]

#Cortays(e)#, #Curteys# (II), adj. gracious, II 28, VI 73; as sb., gracious lady, V 343. [OFr. corteis, curteis.] See Kort.

#Cortaysye#, #Cortaysé#, #Courtaysye#, n. courtesy, grace, VI 72, 84, 96, 109, 121 (of cortaysye prob. only equivalent to cortayse, adj.); of courtaysye, by cortaysye, &c. by especial favour, VI 97, 108, 120. [OFr. corteisie, curteisie.]

#Cortaysly#, #Curteisly#, #-lich#, adv. courteously, VI 21, VIII a 34, 157. See Cortays.

#Cosseȝ#, #Cosses#, n. pl. kisses, V 283, 292. [OE. coss.] See Kysse.

#Cost#, n.^1 border, IX 192; #Costes#, pl. coasts, regions, VII 83, 146. [OFr. coste]

#Cost#, n.^2 expenditure, cost, XI b 169; ? means (to meet expense), XI b 141. [OFr. cost.]

#Costen# (in), v. to expend (on), XI b 234. [OFr. coster.]

#Costes#, n. pl. manners, disposition, V 292. [OE. (Nth.) cost from ON. kost-r.]

#Costy#, adj. costly, XI b 228, 234. [From Cost, n.^2]

#Cote#, n.^1 cot, mean dwelling, II 489, VIII b 2. [OE. cot.]

#Cote#, n.^2 coat; here a tunic (cf. 'waistcoat') worn beneath the outer gown, XVII 262. [OFr. cote.]

#Coth#, n. pestilence, XVII 417. [OE. coþu.]

#Cou#, #Cow#, n. cow, III 49, 52, 54, VIII a 282; pl. #Ken#, III 56; #Kyȝn#, IX 256; #Kyn(e)#, VIII a 134, b 18. [OE. cū; pl. cȳ (Kt. *cē).]

#Couaytyng#, #Coueytynge#, n. coveting, IX 90; object of coveting (cf. louyng, &c.), IV a 23. [From OFr. coveit(i)er.]

#Couaytise# (III), #Coueitise# (XI), #Couetyse# (V), #Coueteis# (XVII), n. covetousness, avarice, III 22, V 306, 312, XI b 55, 256, XVII 52. [OFr. coveitise.]

#Couche#, n. bed, XII a 89. [OFr. couche.]

#Coude#. See Can, v.

#Coueyne#, n. band (of conspirators), I 41. [OFr. cov(a)ine.]

#Coueitous#, adj. covetous, XI b 196. [OFr. coveitous.]

#Couenable#, adj. suitable, XIII a 20. [OFr. covenable.]

#Covenant#, #Couenaunde#, #-aunt#, n. covenant, agreement, V 260, 272, VI 202, 203, VIII a 153, XII b 41, 96, 199; pl. terms of the agreement, V 174; in c. þat, on condition that, VIII a 28. [OFr. covenant.]

#Coueryng#, n. covering, I 177, 184. [From OFr. co(u)vrir.]

#Coumforde#; #Counsail(le)#, &c. See Confort; Consaile (-seille).

#Counted#, pa. t. reckoned on (or heeded), VII 115; counted nouȝt a bene beo, gave not a bean for, XIV c 43. [OFr. cunter.]

#Counterfete#, v. to imitate (fraudulently), IX 114; to resemble, VI 196 (bad connotation often absent in this use, but possibly here present--'make them unjustly resemble us'). [Formed from ME. counterfete, imitated, OFr. contrefet.] See Contrefetes.

#Countes#, n. countess, VI 129. [OFr. cuntesse.]

#Countré#. See Contray.

#Countre note#, n. counterpoint, a melody added as an accompaniment to another, XI b 137 (note). [OFr. countre + note.]

#Couple#, n. match, pair, II 458 (note); #Copple#, couplet (in verse), Introduction xxxiii. [OFr. couple.]

#Cours(e)#, n. course, VII 102, XIII a 61, &c.; cours ... about, circuit, X 157; flow, VII 123; force, rushing, VII 115; by course, in due order, VII 73. [OFr. cours.]

#Court(aysye)#. See Cortaysye, Kort.

#Courtpies#, n. pl. short jackets, VIII a 182. [Current in 14th and 15th centuries; cf. MDu. korte pie, short coat of coarse woollen stuff.]

#Couþe#, #Couthe#. See Can, v.

#Couwee#, adj. tailed, in (ryme) couwee, rime in pairs followed by a shorter line, or 'tail', tailrime, Introduction xv. [OFr. rime couée.] See Kowe.

#Cowardise#, #Coward(d)yse#, n. cowardice, V 205, 306, 311. [OFr. couardise.] See Kowarde.

#Cowth#, #Cowþe(ȝ)#. See Can, v.

#Crache#, v. to scratch, II 80. [Obscure; cf. MDu., MLG. kratsen.]

#Cradel#, n. cradle, XIII b 22, XV f 4. [OE. cradol.]

#Craft(e)#, n. craft; industry, VIII b 20; knowledge, in to ken all the cr., to know the whole story, VII 25. [OE. cræft.]

#Crafty#, adj. skilled in a craft, VIII a 70. [OE. cræftig.]

#Cragge#, n. crag, V 115, 153. [Obscure.]

#Crak#, v. to crack, XIV a 10; #Crakked#, pp. XIV a 11. [OE. cracian, to crack (sound).]

#Craue#, #Crafe# (XVII), v. to demand, VIII a 86; to plead for, XVII 174; craue aftir, ask for, XVI 242. [OE. crafian, demand.]

#Creatoure#, #Creatur#, n. creature, XV i 4, XVII 78. [OFr. creature.]

#Crede#, n. the Creed, VI 125; sall ken ȝow ȝowre crede = will teach you what you ought to know, a lesson, XIV b 4. [OE. crēda, from L. crēdo, I believe (cf. VIII a 83).]

#Credence#, n. credence, IX 303. [OFr. credence.]

#Creem#, n. cream,VIII a 277. [OFr. cresme.]

#Cren#, n. crane (machine), X 16, 28. [OE. cran (bird); the above are the earliest recorded instances of the transferred sense.]

#Crepe#, v. to creep, XII b 173. [OE. crēopan.]

#Creuisse#, n. fissure, V 115. [OFr. crevasse.]

#Cri(e)#, #Cry#, n. lamentation, II 114, 220; held in o cri, lamented in the same strain, II 95; shouting, clamour, II 285, XV h 4; a cry, appeal, II 511 (see Sette). [OFr. cri.]

#Crie(n)#, #Crye(n)#, #Cry#, v. to cry out (shout, call, lament), proclaim, XI b 48, XII a 76, 140, XVI 186, 363, XVII 384, &c.; pres. subj. XVI 141; #Crid(e)#, pa. t. II 78, XII b 31, 69; #Cryit#, X 86; #Criand#, #-ende#, pres. p. XVI 73, XII b 16. Cryen after, shout for, XV h 5; crie on, appeal to, XVI 107; cry me mercy, cry to me for mercy, XVII 384 (the earliest recorded sense in E.). [OFr. crier.]

#Criere#, n. crier, herald, XI b 48. [OFr. crier.]

#Criing#, #Criyng(e)#, n. (loud) shouting, XI b 133, 249; at o criing, with one voice, II 581 (cf. at one cri, Havelok 2773); lamentation, II 195. [From Crie(n).]

#Cristal(l)#, n. crystal, II 358, IX 32, 103, &c. [OFr. cristal.]

#Crystemesse#, n. Christmas, I 29. [OE. crī̆stmesse.]

#Cristen(e)#, #Crystene#, #Crystyn# (I), #Krysten# (VI), adj. Christian, I introd., 82, VI 101, IX 211, XI a 37, &c.; as sb. pl. VIII a 89. [OE. crī̆sten.]

#Cristendom#, #-dam#, n. Christian lands, IX 214, XIV c 19. [OE. crī̆sten-dōm, Christianity.]

#Croft#, n. small field, VIII a 33, 285, b 17. [OE. croft.]

#Croppeth#, 3 pl. pres. nibble, VIII a 33. [ON. kroppa.]

#Crouders#, n. pl. fiddlers, II 522. [From ME. croud, crouþ (Welsh crwth), fiddle.]

#Croun(e)#, #Crowne#, n. crown, II 235, 415, VI 67, &c.; crown of the head, XIV a 10, 11. [OFr. coroune; cf. ON. krúna. In the sense 'crown of head' only the cr- forms appear.] See Corouneȝ.

#Crouned(e)#, pp. tonsured, admitted to holy orders, VIII b 58, 62, 67. [OFr. corouner.] See prec. (which also in ME. had sense 'tonsure'), and Corounde, Vncrouned.

#Crowe#, n. a crow, XII a 75. [OE. crāwe.]

#Crowe#, v. to crow, XV g 33 (with pleonastic reflex. pron.); to announce by crowing, XII a 77. [OE. crāwan.]

#Cruddes#, n. pl. curds, VIII a 277. [Obscure.]

#Cruell#, adj. cruel, IX 237. [OFr. cruel.]

#Cubite#, (#Cubettis#, pl.), n. cubit (Biblical length measure = ell), XVII 124, 136, 258, 261, 443. [OE. cubit, L. cubitus.]

#Cultur#, n. coulter, iron blade fixed in front of the share in a plough, VIII a 98. [OE. (from L.) culter.]

#Cum#, #Cumen#. See Com.

#Cumbrit#, pp. hampered, VII 183. [OFr. (en)combrer.]

#Cunesmen#, n. pl. kinsfolk, XV g 6. [OE. cynnes, gen. + mann.]

#Cunne(s)#. See Can, Kyn.

#Cuntek#, n. contest; yn cuntek, vying with one another, I 31. [OFr. (only AFr.) contek, of unknown origin.]

#Cuntenaunce#, n. bearing, II 293. [OFr. cuntenance.]

#Cuntray#, #-é#, #-ey#. See Contray.

#Cuppes#, n. cups, IX 256. [OE. cuppe.]

#Curse#, v. to curse, I 98, 130, &c.; #Corsed#, #Cursed#, pp. and adj. V 128, 306, IX 85, &c.; cursed shrewe, VII 183, VIII a 153. [OE. (late) cū̆rsian, from OIr. cúrsagim.]

#Cursyng#, n. cursing, I 128, 154, 261. [OE. (late) cū̆rsung.]

#Curteis#, #-eys#. See Cortays.

#Custome#, n. custom, IX 292, XI b 204, 206. [OFr. custume.]

#Dai#, #Day(e)#, n. day, I 138, VI 56, XII a 68, &c.; dawn, XII a 77; life-time, II 572, &c. (also pl. VI 56, VII 39); daies olde, old age, XII introd.; time, in withinne tuo monthe day, in two months' time, XII a 29; þise dayeȝ (gen. sg.) longe, all (this) day long, VI 173 (see Longe); by dayes, once upon a time, II 15; bi this dai, (for) this day, VIII a 274; but an oath at XV a 24, XVII 386; on a day, one day, II 303; þis othir daye, the other day, XVI 148; þis endre dai, a day or two ago (see Endre), XV a 4. [OE. dæg.]

#Dayeseȝes#, n. pl. daisies, XV b 4. [OE. dæges ēage.]

#Dalf#; #Dalt#. See Deluen; Delen.

#Dam(e)#, n. dame, lady, queen, II 63, 113, 322, VIII a 72, XVII 298, &c.; mother, VIII a 73, XVII 324. [OFr. dame.]

#Damisel#, #Damysel(le)#, n. damsel (esp. young lady-in-waiting), II 90, 144, VI 1, 129. [OFr. damisele.]

#Dampne#, v. to damn, condemn, XI b 197, 306; #Dampnet#, pa. t. pl. VII 50; #Dampned#, pp. XVI 272; as sb. XVI 377. [OFr. dam(p)ner.]

#Dan(e)#, #Danȝ#, Master, Dom, an honourable title esp. prefixed to names of members of religious orders, I introd., III introd. [OFr. Dan (nom. Danz, Dans); L. Dom(i)nus.]

#Danes#, n. pl. Danes, XIII b 13. [Med. L. Dani. (cf. ON. Danir).]

#Dang#. See Dynge(n).

#Dar#, v. dare, 1 sg. pres. II 336, VIII a 263, &c.; 3 sg. IX 88, &c.; #Dare#, pres. pl. XVI 145; #Dore(n)#, XI b 36, 199; #Dorst(e)#, pa. t. sg. dared, XII b 109, XIV c 21; #Durst#, II 140, 427, 482; pl. II 73, 84, X 130; #Durst#, pa. t. subj. (would) dare, XVII 479. [OE. dearr, durron; dorste.]

#Dare#, v. to cower, V 190; ? #Dard#, pa. t. sg. VI 249 (see note). [OE. darian.]

#Dase#, v. to be dumbfounded, XVII 314. [OE. *dasian; cf. darian, and ON. dasa-sk.]

#Dastard#, n. wretch, vile fellow, XVI 180, 203. [Perhaps formed with Fr. suffix -ard from dased, dast, pp. of prec.]

#Date#, n. date, used in VI in various senses, some strained; point of time, hour, VI 169, 181; season, 144 (see Dere), 145; limit (beginning or end), 133, 156, 157, 168, 180; to dere a date, ? too soon, 132 (cf. 126). [OFr. date.]

#Daunce#, #Dance#, n. dance, I 134, 227; fig. plight, XIV b 72. [OFr. dance, daunce.]

#Daunce#, #Daunse#, v. to dance, I 21, 72, 87, II 298, XV d 6; #Daunsynge#, n. dancing, XI b 139. [OFr. dancer.]

#Daw#, n. (jackdaw), fool, XVII 247. [OE. *dawe.]

#Dawing#, #Dawyng#, n. daybreak, first signs of dawn, IV a 94, X 42. [OE. dagung.]

#De#. See Deye.

#Deaw#, #Dew#, n. pl. dew, IX 59, XV b 28, &c.; May dew, dew gathered in May (believed to have medicinal and magical properties), IX 63. [OE. dēaw.]

#Debate#, n. parleying, wrangling, V 180, XVI 142; wythouten debate, putting aside contention, VI 30. [OFr. debat.]

#Debate#, v. to contend, XII b 225; #Debatande#, pres. p. debating, V 111. [OFr. debat-re.]

#Declare#, v. to set out, declare, VII 77, XII b 210. [OFr. declarer.]

#Declyne#, v. (to decline), fall; con d. into acorde, came to an agreement (cf. ME. fall at (or of) accorde), VI 149. [OFr. decliner.]

#Ded(e)#, adj. dead, I 195, 209, II 108, &c.; used as pp. of 'slay', VII 92, XVI 148; was broght dede, was brought to death, died, I 213. [OE. dēad.] See next, and Deþ.

#Ded(e)#, n.^1 death, I 212, IV a 48, b 71, X 51, 77, 118, XVI 317, XVII 193, 543. [A variant, usually Northern, of Deþ, q.v.]

#Ded(e)#, n.^2 deed, act, feat, event, III 45, VII 38, 88, IX 312, XI b 255, XVI 24, &c.; as obj. to do, I 79, VIII b 9, XII a 111; behaviour, way of acting, IV a 62, XI b 62; Dedis of Apostlis, Acts of the Apostles, XI b 285; in dede, in the actual performance, VII 23, XVI 72; to fre of dede, too lavish in its action, VI 121; in dede and þoȝte, in performance and intention, VI 164. [OE. dēd.]

#Ded-day#, n. death-day, VIII introd. [OE. dēaþ-dæg; see Dede (death), but here assimilation of þd to dd is possible.]

#Ded(e)#, #Deden#, v. See Don.

#Dedir#, v. to tremble, XVII 314. [Cf. MnE. dither.]

#Dedly#, adj. mortal, XI b 208, 209, 211. [OE. dēadlic.]

#Defaced#, pp. effaced, erased, III 36. [OFr. de(s)facier, defacer.]

#Defaute#, n. defect, XI a 43, 44, 57; lack, in for defaute of, for lack of, VIII a 200, XI b 250. [OFr. defaute.]

#Defence#, #Defens# (of), n. defence (against), IX 332, X 64, 135; of noble defens, nobly fortified, II 48. [OFr. defense.]

#Defend(e)#, v. to defend, V 49, VIII a 82, X 52, &c.; to make defence, X 61, 191; make defence against, ward off, VII 85; #Defending#, n. defence, X 194. [OFr. defend-re.]

#Defensouris#, n. pl. defenders, X 153. [OFr. defensour.]

#Deffie#, v. to defy, XVI 158. [OFr. de(s)fier.]

#Degiselich#, adj. strange, wonderful, II 360. [From OFr. de(s)guis(i)é.] See Gisely.

#Degrade# (rime-form of), pa. t. sg. degraded, XVII 20. [OFr. degrader.]

#Degré#, #Degree#, n. position, rank, VIII b 71, XVII 21, 489; state (of preparedness), X 40. [OFr. degré.]

#Deye# (VIII), #De# (X), #Dye(n)#, v. to die, II 189, VIII a 269, 325, IX 150, X 73, &c.; #Deye#, pres. subj. VIII a 92, 114; #Deyd#, pa. t. sg. I 215; #Dyȝede#, XIV c 106; #Deyden#, pa. t. pl. VIII b 41; do ... deye, garre ... dye, kill, VIII a 269, XVI 164. [ON. deyja.]

#Deill#, #Deyll#. See Dele, n.

#Deyned#, pa. t. pl. deigned, VIII a 303. [OFr. deigner.]

#Deynté#, n. delicacy, II 254. [OFr. deinté.]

#Delaiement#, n. delay, XII b 152. [OFr. delaiement.]

#Dele#, #Deill#, #Deyll#, n. part, quantity, in a grete dele, a great deal, XVII 450; ich a deyll, all, XVII 299; ylk a dele, ilke deill, altogether, IV a 27, X 75. [OE. dǣl.] See Euerydel, Halvendel, Somdel, &c.

#Dele(n)#, v. to divide, distribute, deal, mete out, perform, V 124, 217, VI 246, VIII a 91, XI b 270, 272; #Dalt#, pa. t. sg. V 350; #Deled#, pp. XIII b 49; dele with, have to do with, XVI 63; with cognate obj. dele penny doyll, XVII 390 (see Doyll); delen ato, part (intr.), II 125. [OE. dǣlan.]

#Dele#. See Deuel.

#Delit(e)#, #Delyte#, n. delight, IV b 39, XII a 88, XVI 63; delytes of, delight in, IV b 62. [OFr. delit.]

#Delitabill#, adj. delightful, X introd. [OFr. delitable.]

#Delytte#, v. in delyttes þaym (in), 3 pl. refl., take delight (in), IV b 42. [OFr. delit(i)er.]

#Deliuer#, adj. nimble, V 275; #Deliuerly#, adv. nimbly, quickly, X 58, 89. [OFr. de(s)livre.]

#Deliverance#, n. deliverance, XII b 17. [OFr. delivrance.]

#Deluen#, v. to dig; to bury; VIII a 135; #Dalf#, pa. t. sg. XIV introd.; #Doluen#, pa. t. pl. VIII a 184; #Doluen#, pp. (dead and) buried, VIII a 173. [OE. delfan.]

#Delueres#, n. pl. diggers, VIII a 101. [OE. delfere.]

#Deluynge#, n. digging, VIII a 244. [OE. delfing.]

#Deme#, #Dieme#, v. to judge, sentence, XII b 216, XVI 34; criticize, VIII a 75; consider, deem, XI b 190, 209, 211; ne deme thow non other, imagine nothing different, VIII a 173; speak, say, V 115 (note), VI 1; with cognate obj. domes for te deme, to tell their tales, XV b 30. [OE. dēman.]

#Den#, n. cave, XIII a 41, 42, 43. [OE. denn.]

#Den#. See Dynne.

#Deneȝ#, adj. Danish; Deneȝ ax, an axe with a long blade and usually without a spike at the back, V 155 (note). [OE. denisc; OFr. daneis.]

#Deop#. See Dep.

#Deores#, n. pl. wild animals, XV b 29. [OE. dēor.]

#Departed(e)#, #Depertid#, pa. t. separated, VI 18 (intr.), VII 145 (trans.); departed, IX 308, 320; pp. divided, IX 1. [OFr. de(s)partir.]

#Dep(e)#, #Deop# (XIII), adj. deep, XII b 11, XIII a 39, XVI 377; as sb., the deep (sea), VII 154, XII a 160; adv. deeply, VI 46. [OE. dēop; adv. dēope.]

#Depely#, adv. deeply, greatly, VII 114. [OE. dēop-līce.]

#Depertid#. See Departed.

#Depnes#, n. depth, XVII 434, 460, 520. [OE. dēop-nes.]

#Depriue#, #-pryue#, v. to deprive, VI 89, XVI 175. [OFr. depriver.]

#Dere#, adj. dear; prized, I 258; beloved, I 125, VI 8, VIII a 91, XIV c 1, XV f 1, XVII 172, 190, 419, 527; my dere, my friend, VIII a 251; pleasing, VI 40; good, &c. (vaguely applied in allit. poems), VI 132, 144, VII 61; #Derrist#, superl. best, VII 39. [OE. dēore; dē̆orra, compar. (whence also stem of ME. superl.).]

#Dere#, n. harm, I 166, XVII 317; maken þe worlde dere, do injury to mankind (? or 'make the world dear to live in'; but cf. 166), VIII a 154. [OE. daru, influenced by derian.]

#Dere#, v. to afflict, XIV b 10. [OE. derian.] See prec.

#Dere#, adv. dearly, at great cost, IV a 80, VIII a 75, XVII 373; as me dere liketh, to my liking, VIII a 286. [OE. dēore.]

#Derffe#, adj. doughty, VII 84. [ON. djarf-r, older, *dearf-.] See Deruely.

#Derke#, n. darkness, VII 167. [OE. de(o)rc, adj.] See Þerk.

#Derlyng#, n. darling, IV a 54. [OE. dēor-ling.]

#Derne#, adj. secret, XV b 29 (note). [OE. derne.]

#Derrist#. See Dere, adj.

#Derthe#, n. dearth, famine (personified), VIII a 324. [OE. dēorþu.] See Dere adj.

#Deruely#, adv. boldly, V 266. [ON. djarf-liga.] See Derffe.

#Des#, n. seat, throne, XVII 17. [OFr. deis; see N.E.D., s.v. Dais.]

#Des-#, #Dis-avauntage#, n. disadvantage, XIII b 35, 37. [OFr. desavantage.]

#Deschaunt#, n. descant, XI b 137 (note). [OFr. deschant.]

#Desert#, adj. uncultivated and desolate, IX 200; n. desert, uninhabited land, IX 179, XI b 24. [OFr. desert.]

#Deserue(n)#, v. to deserve, VIII a 43, b 32; to earn, VIII a 211, b 43, 47. [OFr. deservir.] See Serue(n).

#Desyre#, n. desire, IV a 5, XI b 295. [OFr. desir.] See Dissiret.

#Desplaid#, pp. unfurled, II 294. [OFr. despleier.]

#Desport#, n. amusement, IX 276; do desport, play, make merry, XII a 174. [OFr. desport.]

#Desserte#, n. deserts, merit, VI 235. [OFr. desserte.]

#Desspendoure#, n. steward, almoner, III 21. [OFr. despendour.] See Spendere.

#Destiné#, n. fate, V 217; Fate, VIII a 269. [OFr. destinée.]

#Destresse#, n. distress, II 514. [OFr. destresse.]

#Det#, n. debt, XVII 222; #Dettes#, pl. VIII a 92. [OFr. dette.]

#Determynable#, adj. decisive, authoritative, VI 234. [OFr. determinable.]

#Determinacion#, n. authoritative decision, XI b 263. [OFr. determinacion.]

#Deþ#, v. See Don.

#Deþ(e)#, #Deth#, n. death, II 332, V 37, VII 9, VIII a 324 (the Plague), &c. [OE. dēaþ.] See Ded(e), adj. and n.

#Deuel(l)#, #Deuelle#, #Deuyl(l)#, #Dele# (V), n. devil, Devil, IV b 20, 26, V 120, VIII a 56, 114, XI b 105, XV h 16, XVI 341, 399, &c.; what deuel, what the devil, XVI 223. [OE. dēofol.]

#Deuelway#; in þe d., in the Devil's name, XVI 133. [See N.E.D., s.v. Devil 19.]

#Deuere#, n. duty, XVII 319. [OFr. deveir.]

#Devyded# (in), pp. divided (into), IX 28. [L. dīvidere.]

#Deuise#, #-yse#, #Devise#, v. to descry, II 312; to describe, relate, IX 267, 268, 271. [OFr. deviser; see N.E.D., s.v. Devise.]

#Deuocio(un)#, #Deuocyun#, n. devotion, devoutness, pious practice, I 18, V 124, XI b 110, 120, XII a 14, &c. [OFr. devocion.]

#Deuote#, #Deuout#, adj. devout, VI 46, XI b 58, &c. [OFr. devot.]

#Deuoutnes#, n. devoutness, XIV c 79. [From prec.]

#Dew#, #Dewly#. See Du, Duly.

#Dyacne#, n. deacon, III 9, 12; #Diaknen#, dat. pl., III 5. [OE. diacon, OFr. diacne.] See Archidekenes.

#Dyamand#, #Dyamaund#, n. diamond, IX 33, 36, &c. [OFr. diamant, altered form of ademant; see Ademand.]

#Diche#, #Dyche#, n. moat, dike, II 361, VI 247; notion in VI appar. releasing of water pent up by a dam. [OE. dīc.]

#Dyd#, #Dide(n)#. See Do(n).

#Dye(n)#. See Deye.

#Diemed#. See Deme.

#Diete#, v. refl. to diet (oneself), VIII a 263. [From OFr. diete, n.]

#Diffynen#, pres. pl. determine, fix, IX 315. [OFr. definer.]

#Digge#, #Dyggen#, v. to dig, II 255, IX 231; #Digged#, pa. t. pl. VIII a 101. [? OFr. diguer; see N.E.D.]

#Dyggynge#, n. digging, IX 201.

#Dignyté#, n. dignity; of dignyte, worshipful, XVII 166. [OFr. digneté.]

#Dyȝede#. See Deye.

#Diȝte#, #Dighte#, #Dyȝte#, #Dyghte#, v. to arrange, prepare, make, I 30, V 155, VIII a 286; diȝte, arrayed for battle, XIV b 34; dyght to dede, put to death, XVII 543. [OE. dihtan.]

#Diken#, #Dyken#, v. to dig, VIII a 135, 184. [OE. dīcian.]

#Diker(e)#, #Dyker#, n. digger, ditcher, VIII a 101, 325. [OE. dīcere.]

#Dykynge#, digging, ditching, VIII a 244. [OE. dīcung.]

#Diligently#, adv. watchfully, IX 191. [From OFr. diligent.]

#Dim#, adj. faint, II 285; #Dimme#, adv. faintly, XII b 31. [OE. dimm.]

#Dymes#, n. pl. tithes, XI b 300. [OFr. di(s)me, from L. decima.]

#Dimuir#, adj. calm, XIV c 37. [OFr. *demeur, in demeurement, soberly.]

#Dyne#, v. trans. to eat (at dinner), VIII a 303; 2 sg. pres. subj. VIII a 257; #Dyned#, pp. intr. had dinner, VIII a 274. [OFr. di(s)ner.]

#Dyner#, n. dinner, VIII a 286. [OFr. di(s)ner.]

#Dynge(n)#, v. to strike, smite, beat, V 37 (MS. dynneȝ), VIII a 135, XVI 180, 203; #Dang#, pa. t. pl. X 54. [OE. *dingan; cf. dencgan, ON. dengja.]

#Dynne#, n. noise, XVI 234, 284; #Den#, XV h 2. [OE. dyne.]

#Dynt#, n. stroke, blow, V 48, 155, 196, XV h 2; dynt of honde, a blow (with a weapon), V 37, VII 92. [OE. dynt.]

#Diol#. See Dole.

#Dirige#, n. (dirge), matins in the office for the dead, VIII b 48, XI b 132 (note). [L. dirige.]

#Disceit#, n. deception, wile, XI b 171, 311. [OFr. deceite.]

#Disceyue(n)#, v. to deceive, IX 112, XI b 92. [OFr. deceiv-re, decev-eir.]

#Discende#, pa. t. descended, XVI 77. [OFr. descend-re.]

#Disciple#, n. disciple, XI b 15, XII introd. [OFr. disciple.]

#Discord#, n. discord; without discord, in peace (or incontestably; cf. Distance), XVII 31. [OFr. discord.]

#Discrecyone# (of), n. ? separation (from), IV b 69. [OFr. discrecion.]

#Discre(e)t#, adj. judicious, discerning, VIII b 88, IX 295. [OFr. discret.]

#Disour(e)s#, n. pl. professional story-tellers, jesters, I introd., VIII a 56. [OFr. disour.]

#Dispisen#, v. to despise, XI b 93, 179. [OFr. despire, despis-.]

#Dyspleseȝ#, #Displeases#, v. 3 sg. pres. displeases, VI 95, XVII 85; imper. pl. (intr.) be displeased, VI 62. [OFr. desplaisir.]

#Dysseuer#, v. depart, XVII 27. [OFr. dessevrer.]

#Dissiret#, pa. t. desired, VII 114. [OFr. desirer.] See Desyre.

#Disstryeȝ#. See Distroie.

#Distance#, n. quarrelling; without distance, indisputably, XVII 57. [OFr. destance.]

#Distreynen#, v. to afflict, IX 315. [OFr. destreindre, destreign-.]

#Distroie#, #-oy(e)#, #Destroye#, v. to destroy, VII 28, IX 215, XI b 215, XVII 93; #Disstryeȝ#, pres. pl. V 307. [OFr. destrui-re; with disstryeȝ cf. Byled, Nye.]

#Distroiynge#, n. destruction, XI b 100. [From prec.]

#Dysturble#, v. to disturb, I 16. [OFr. destourbler.]

#Ditees#, n. pl. poems, XII introd. [OFr. dité.]

#Diuers(e)#, #Dyuers(e)#, adj. varying, divergent, XIII b 44; different, various, IX 16, 287, 289, XII a 55, &c.; dyuers maner(e), different kinds of, XIII b 47, 48; ich maner diuers animal, every kind of different animal, II 364. [OFr. divers.]

#Dyuersitees#, #-eeȝ#, n. pl. (strange) varieties, IX 266, 280. [OFr. diversité.]

#Do(n)#, #Doo#, v. I 219, IV b 65, IX 169, &c. to do; to done (OE. tō dōnne), VIII a 104, 197, IX 160; 2 sg. #Dos#, XVII 196; #Doste#, VIII a 75; #Dotȝ#, VI 196; 3 sg. #Deþ# (OE. dēþ), III 60; #Dose#, IV a 57, &c.; #Dotȝ#, V 143; #Doþ#, II 112, &c.; pl. #Don(e)#, II 2, VIII a 220, &c.; #Dos#, I 157; #Doþ# (MS. doh), *XV b 22; imper. pl. #Dotȝ#, VI 161, 176; #Doþ#, I 82, II 218. Pa. t. sg. #Ded(e)#, I 176, II 232, III 17, &c.; #Dyd#, I 166, &c.; #Did(e)#, XI b 13, XVII 11 (2 sg.), &c.; pl. #Dede(n)#, II 32, XV i 13; #Diden#, XI b 247. Pres. p. #Doande#, IV b 9; pp. #Do#, XI b 271, XII a 107, &c.; #Doyne#, XVII 139; #Don(e)#, IX 326, XIV a 24, &c.; #Ydo#, II 381; #Ydone#, II 76. (i) To act, do, make, perform, work, II 32, III 17, IV b 9, 25, VI 161, XIV b 38, &c.; to exert, XI b 6; representing any verb understood, I 157, II 112, &c.; be to done, es to doo, is to be done, IV b 65, VIII a 197; doþ at, act according to, I 82; don gret pyne, toil hard, VI 151; don him felaschipe, bear him company, XII a 24; doþ ȝour best, do your best, II 218; do þi best, get on as best you can, II 126; made hymself to done, set himself to work, VIII a 104. (ii) To make, cause to, III 60, VI 196; ded come, fetched, I 176; do deye, kill, VIII a 269; dotȝ me drede, makes me afraid, V 143; do(n) to wyte, to vnderstande, give (one) to understand, inform, II 2, VIII a 56; followed by infin. (without expressed subj., as did it wryte, had it written), I introd., 218, VIII a 79 (note), and (merging into mere auxil. as in Mn.E.) I 167, XVI 203, XVII 326, &c. (cf. Gar). (iii) To put, I 219, VI 6; dede on (upon), donned, II 343, XII a 53; don awei, set aside, abolished, XI b 206. (iv) Refl. in dede him out, went out, II 232, 474. (v) Pp. finished, I 68, XVII 139; at an end, XIV a 24; past, over, II 76, VII 167, XVII 148; haue done, (get it done), be quick, XVII 316, 352, 480. I haue at do, I have something to do, XVII 235 (see At); do way!, enough!, II 226. [OE. dōn; dyde (dē̆de, dǣde), pa. t.; see Morsbach, ME. Gram., § 130, n. 6.] See Vndo.

#Docke#, v. to curtail, mutilate, XI a 57. [Obscure.]

#Doctours#, n. pl. doctors (of the Church), XI a 27. [OFr. doctour.]

#Doȝty#, #Doughty#, #Douhti#, adj. doughty, V 196, VII 84, XIV c 106; as sb., V 266. [OE. dohtig.]

#Doȝtyr#, #Doghter#, #-yr#, #Douȝter# (VIII), #Dowhter# (XII), n. daughter, I 44, 47, 215, VIII a 14, 73, XII a 192, &c.; #Doghtyr#, gen. sg. I 136. [OE. dohtor.]

#Doyne#. See Do(n).

#Doyll#, n. dole, what is distributed in charity; penny doyll, masspenny, the offering for a mass for the soul of one dead, XVII 390. [OE. (ge-)dāl.] See Dele(n).

#Doynge#, n.; d. awaye of, putting away, IV b 61; doyngis, affairs, XI b 290. [OE. dōung.]

#Dold#, adj. stupid, XVII 266. [? Related (as dulled to dull) to OE. dol.] See Dull.

#Dole#, #Diol# (II), n. lamentation, grief, misery, II 198, VIII a 114, XIV b 10, XVI 347. [OFr. dol, doel, deol, diol, &c.]

#Dol(e)ful#, adj. doleful, XIV b 72, XV h 16. [Prec. + -ful.]

#Doluen#. See Deluen.

#Dome#, n. judgement, XVI 319; doom, I 173; award, VI 220; domes for te deme, to converse, XV b 30 (see Deme). [OE. dōm.]

#Domesday(e)#, #Domysday#, n. Doomsday, IV a 35, XI b 48, XVII 25. [OE. dōmes dæg.]

#Donge#, n. dung, manure, VIII a 283. [OE. dúng.]

#Donkeþ#, pres. pl. moisten, XV b 28. [Unknown; cf. Mn.E. dank.]

#Dore#, #Doore# (XVII), n. door, XII a 70, XVII 137, 280, 376. [OE. duru; dor.]

#Dore(n)#, #Dorste#. See Dar.

#Dosnyt#, pp. dazed, stunned, X 129. [Obscure.]

#Dote#, n. dotard, fool, XVII 265. [? From next.]

#Dote#, v. to talk folly, XVII 367. [Cf. MDu. doten; ? OFr. redoter.]

#Dotȝ#, #Doþ#. See Do(n).

#Doubill#, #Double#, adj. double, X introd., XII a 162. [OFr. double.]

#Doufe#; #Douȝter#; #Douhti#. See Dowue; Doȝtyr; Doȝty.

#Doumbe#, adj. dumb, XI b 175. [OE. dúmb.]

#Doun#, n. down (feathers), XII a 95. [ON. dún-n.]

#Doun(e)#, #Down(e)#, adv. down, I 76, 194, II 69, X 101, &c. See Adoun.

#Dounes#, n. pl. hills, XV b 28. [OE. dūn.]

#Dousour#, n. sweetness, VI 69. [OFr. dousur.]

#Dout(e)#, n. fear, I 147, XII a 144, XIV a 14; (fear of) danger, X 38. [OFr. doute.]

#Doute#, v. to fear, VII 114; #Dutte#, pa. t. sg. V 189. [OFr. douter.]

#Dowhter#. See Doȝtyr.

#Dowid#, pp. endowed, XI b 140. [OFr. do(u)er.]

#Dowue#, #Dowfe#, #Doufe#, n. dove, XVI 78, XVII 484, 505, 514. [OE. ? *dūfe; ON. dúfa.]

#Drad#, #Dradde#. See Drede(n).

#Dragounes#, n. pl. dragons, IX 203. [OFr. dragon.]

#Dray(e)#, n. commotion, XIV b 34, XVI 146. [OFr. de(s)rai.]

#Draught#, n. (a move in chess), an artful trick, XVI 399 (see Drawe). [OE. *dræht, related to next.]

#Draw(e)#, v. trans. to draw, drag, pull, bring, &c., IV b 19, IX 124, X 82, XIII a 33, XVI 319; to cart, VIII a 283; intr. move, proceed, &c., XVII 245; #Drogh#, pa. t. sg. XV a 12; #Drou#, XV g 16; #Drouh#, #Drowh#, XII a 155, b 73, 124; #Droghe#, pa. t. pl. VII 88; #Drew#, X 58; #Drawe#, pp. XII b 90, XIII a 35; #Drawyn#, X 124; #Ydrawe#, II 295. Þou drawes to wittenesse, thou citest, XVI 279; drawe vs no draught, make no move against us, play us no trick (a chess metaphor; cf. Chaucer, Bk. Duchesse, 682), XVI 399; drou hymselue bi þe top, tore his hair, XV g 16; drawe to, toward, approach, XII b 124, XIII a 57; draweth <to> colour lyke, approaches the colour of, IX 34 (note); drawe after, take after, resemble, XIII b 6. [OE. dragan.] See Vp-, With-drawe.

#Draw-brig#, n. drawbridge, X 165. [Prec. + ON. bryggja.] See Brygge.

#Drawynge# (intill), n. coming (to), IV b 63.

#Drede#, n. fear, I 147, 211, &c.; doubt (cf. Dredles), in I puit ȝou holly out of d., I assure you, XIV c 12; ensample and drede aȝens, a fearful caution against, I 261; for drede, in fear, V 190, XVII 212; in spite of their fear (of me), XVI 146. [From next.]

#Drede(n)#, #Dred#, v. trans. to fear, IV b 85, V 287, XI b 141, XVII 47, 55; intr. to be afraid, IV a 31 (with of), 61, V 143; refl. to be afraid, XI a 61, XII b 67, 108 (dradde him vnto, was afraid of). #Dradde#, pa. t. XII b 67, 108; #Dredde#, I 145, XIV c 30, 62; #Drad#, pp. XIV c 19. [OE. (on)-drēdan, -drǣdan.] See Adrad.

#Dredles#, #Dreid<les>#, adj. fearless, V 266; (parenthetic) without doubt, X 88. [From Drede, n.]

#Dreed#, pp. endured, XVII 533. [OE. drēogan, str. v.]

#Dregh#, #Dreȝ#, adj. heavy; tedious, IV a 12; adv. heavily, forcibly, V 195. [ON. drjúg-r, older *dreog-.]

#Dreie#. See Druyȝe.

#Dreynte#, pa. t. drowned (intr.), XII a 135; #Dreinte#, pp. XII a 167. [OE. drencan, drencte.]

#Dreme#, n. noise, XV h 16. [OE. drēam.]

#Dremys#, n. pl. dreams, XI b 73. [ON. draum-r, appar. identified in form with OE. drēam, noise, music; see prec.]

#Drepit#, pp. smitten, VII 9. [OE. drepan.]

#Dresse#, #Dres#, v. (to direct); to arrange, ordain, VI 135; to set (up), X 16; I will dres me to, I will get ready to, XVII 238. [OFr. dresser.]

#Drife#, #Dryfe#. See Dryue.

#Dryȝtyn#, n. God, V 70. [OE. dryhten.]

#Drink#, #Drynk(e)#, #Dryng#, n. drink, XV e 14, 15; esp. in mete and drink, &c., see Mete; pl. potions, VIII a 269. [From next.]

#Drynke(n)#, v. to drink, IX 6, 256, &c.; drink strong drink, VIII a 257; fig. pay the penalty, pay for it, XVII 380 (or drown; but cf. N.E.D., s.v. Drink 16); #Drank#, pa. t. pl. I 158; #Dronken#, pp. in ben lyghtly d., easily get drunk, IX 14; #Ydronke#, VIII a 274. [OE. drincan.]

#Dryue#, #Driue#; #Dryfe#, #Drife# (XVII), v. trans. to drive, VIII a 128, 184, b 19, XV h 2, XVII 273; intr. to hasten, I 171, XVII 193; as þai miȝt driue, as fast as they could go, II 141; #Dryuen#, pp. (intr.) hurtled, V 195. [OE. drīfan.] See To-dryue.

#Drogh(e)#. See Draw(e).

#Drone#, #Drowne#, v. to drown, VII 154, XVII 372. [See N.E.D.]

#Dronke-lewe#, adj. given to drunkenness, XI b 197. [OE. druncen-lǣwe.]

#Dronken#. See Drynke(n).

#Drou(h)#, #Drowh#. See Draw(e).

#Drought#, n. dry weather, VIII a 283. [OE. drūgoþ, *drūhþ-.]

#Druyȝe#, #Dreie# (XII), #Dry(e)#, adj. dry, I 120, XII b 23, XVII 370; as sb., XIV c 30. [OE. drȳge (Kt. drēge).]

#Du#, #Dew#, adj. belonging; was dew to, belonged to, VII 61; hor du nyghtis, the nights belonging to them, VII 127; #Duly#, #Dewly# (XVI), adv. correctly, rightly, as is due, VII 60, 64, XVI 248. [OFr. deü, du.]

#Duell(e)#. See Dwelle(n).

#Duine#, pp. wasted, II 261. [OE. dwīnan; dwĭnen, pp.]

#Duk(e)#, n. duke, VII 84, 92, XIV c 65, &c. [OFr. duc.]

#Dull#, adj. stupid, foolish, VII 50. [OE. ? *dylle, rel. to dol.]

#Dulle#, v. to make dull, stupefy, XII introd. [From prec.]

#Dure#, #Duyre#, v. to endure, last, remain, VIII a 58, b 25, XIII a 3, XIV c 4. [OFr. durer.]

#Durst#. See Dar.

#Dusche#, n. crash, X 106. [Echoic.]

#Duschit#, pa. t. sg. crashed, X 101. [As prec.]

#Dutte#. See Doute.

#Dwelle(n)#, #Duell(e)#, v. to linger, tarry, XII b 146; to dwelle in, to dwell on, XI b 130; to remain, abide, IV a 90, IX 173, XII b 172, XVI 304, &c.; to live, dwell, IX 10, 165, 288, &c. #Dwelling#, n. XIV a 24. [OE. dwellan.]

#Ebreu#, n. Hebrew (language), XI a 44; #Ebrew#, IX 208, 212. [OFr. (h)ebreu.]

#Eche#, adj. each, VIII a 104, XI b 6, 19, &c.; eche a, every, VIII a 2, 189, 243; pron. each one, II 403, XI b 47. [OE. ǣlc.] See Ich, Ilk, Vch.

#Echone#, pron. each one, I 51, 196; #Echoune#, I 49. [Prec. + OE. ān.]

#Een#; #Eest#; #Eet#. See Eiȝe; Est; Ete(n).

#Eft(e)#, adv. afterwards, again, once more, thereupon, I 141, 143, 229, 235, II 211, V 227, 320, XVII 241, 448. [OE. eft.]

#Eftsone#, adv. (soon) afterwards, VIII a 163; immediately, XII b 68, 70. [Prec. + OE. sōna.]

#Eftsoneȝ#, adv. soon afterwards, straightway, V 349; #Eftsonis#, X 4. [Prec. + adv. -es.]

#Efterward#. See Afterward.

#Egge#, n. (edge, cutting weapon), axe, V 324. [OE. ecg.]

#Eggyng#, n. incitement, IV b 84. [From ON. eggja, to egg on.]

#Egyrly#, adv. fiercely, X 133. [From OFr. aigre, egre.]

#Egle#, n. eagle, IX 247, 251; egle hys for egles (gen. sg.), XIII a 22. [OFr. aigle, egle.]

#Eiȝe#, n. eye; sg. #Eye#, IX 304; #Ye#, I 149, 192; #Yȝe#, VI 207; #Yhe#, XII a 71; pl. #Een#, VII 57; #Eȝe#, XV c 14; #Eyen#, VIII a 168; #Eiȝe#, II 327, 591; #Eyȝen#, II 111; #Yhen#, XII a 106. [OE. ēage, ēge.]

#Eir#. See Er, adv.

#Eyleþ#, 3 sg. pres. ind. ails, troubles, VIII a 122, 254; #Alis#, XVII 294. [OE. eglan, to molest.]

#Eiste#, n. goods, XV g 20. [OE. ǣ̆ht. On st for ht, see App., p. 278.]

#Eyþer#. See Aither.

#Ek(e)#, adv. also, II 323, VIII a 282, XII b 195. [OE. ē(a)c.]

#Elles#, #-eȝ#, #-is#, #Els# (XVII), #Ell# (IX), adv. otherwise, else, if not, VI 131, VIII a 175, 227, IX 132, XI b 25, 241, 246, XVI 305, &c.; pleonastic in apodosis to bote, but if, I introd., VIII a 307; (any one) else, V 40; (introducing threat), or (else), XVII 299. [OE. elles.]

#Elleswhere#, adv. elsewhere, away, XII b 180. [OE. elleshwǣr.]

#Elmesses#. See Almes.

#Emang#, #Emong#. See Amang, Amonge.

#Emell#, prep. among (following pron.) XVI 104. [ON. á (or í) milli.]

#Empeyre#, v. to impair, IX 338. [OFr. empeirer.] See Apeyre.

#Emperise#, n. empress, VI 81. [OFr. emperesse, with substitution of fem. suffix -ice.]

#Emperour(e)#, n. emperor, IX 260, XII b 191, 211. [OFr. emper(e)our.]

#Empyre#, n. imperial sway, VI 94. [OFr. empire.]

#En#, prep. in Fr. phrase, en exile, in exile, II 493. [OFr. en.]

#Enarmede#, pp. armed, VII 87. [OFr. enarmer.] See Armyt.

#Encerche#, v. to explore, IX 273. [OFr. encerchier.] See Serche.

#Enchauntements#, n. pl. spells, IX 84. [OFr. enchantement.]

#Enchauntour#, n. sorcerer, IX 86. [OFr. enchant(e)our.]

#Enchesone#, #Enchesun#, n. cause, occasion, I 202; for þat enchesone of, on account of, I 43. [OFr. acheso(u)n, encheso(u)n, &c. For a similar alteration, see Endorde.] See Chesouns.

#Enclose#, v. to shut up, enclose, IX 165, 168, 174, 227. [en + Close; cf. in cloos, s.v. Cloos, n.]

#Encrees#, v. to increase (intr.), XVI 292. [OFr. encreis- (AFr. encres(s)-), stem of encreistre.]

#Ende#, n. (i) end, limit I 95, 187, V 112, VII 98, &c.; at þe ende, on the end, XII b 54; sette an e. of, put finishing touch to, XII introd.; withouten e., for ever, XVI 300, 404; the vttiremeste e. of all þi kynne, the furthest point (to which one can go back) in your ancestry, XVI 232; see Fer, Laste, Partener, Toune, Tweluemonth; (ii) borders, confines, IX 180; (iii) object, XII a 21; to þat e. þat, &c., in order that, IX 111, 281; (iv) result, success; [ben] triet in þe e., turn out trustworthy, VII 17; bryng to an e., accomplish, IX 169; make an e., bring it about, XII a 48; betre (wors) ende, advantage, disadvantage, XIII a 59, 60; (v) fate, death, VII 180; make e. of, destroy, XVII 104. [OE. énde.]

#Ende#, v. trans. to end, I 206; to complete, VII 4; intr. to come to an end, VII 29; to continue to the end, XI b 110. [OE. éndian.]

#Endyng#, n.; withowten e., for ever, eternally, IV a 96, IX 335. [OE. endung.]

#Endyte#, v. to suggest or dictate (the form of words to be said or sung), I 56. [OFr. endit(i)er.]

#Endles(se)#, adj. endless, eternal, IV a 90, VII 2, XVI 35, &c.; #Yendles#, XVI 124. [OE. endelēas; énde-; with Yend- cf. ȝederly (and see N.E.D., s.v. End).]

#Endorde#, pp. as sb. adored (one), VI 8. [OFr. adorer; confusion of prefix is probably English, but cf. Enchesone.]

#Endre#, adj. latter, just passed; þis endre dai, a day or two ago, XV a 4, Introduction xii. [ON. endr adv., formerly.]

#Enduir#, #-dure#, #Induyr#, v. to last, VII 39, XIV c 36, XVII 148, 283; to bear, have the strength (to), XIII a 42; endured in worlde stronge, suffered severely in the world (or ? remained strong in this world), VI 116. [OFr. endurer.]

#Enemy(e)#. See Enmy.

#Enes cunnes#. See Eny.

#Enew#. See Ynow.

#Engendren#, v. to beget offspring, IX 59. [OFr. engendrer.]

#Engendroure#, n. parentage, origin, VIII a 228. [OFr. engendrure.]

#Engynys#, n. pl. machines, X 33. [OFr. engin.] See Gyn(e).

#Engynour#, n. engineer (contriver of machines), X 71, 89. [OFr. engigneor.] See Gynour.

#Engliȝsch#, n. English (language), XI a 30, 37, 64, 65; #Englysch#, XIII b 29, 34, &c.; #English#, XI a 2; #Englis(s)#, III introd.; #Englysshe#, VII introd.; #Inglis#, I introd. [OE. englisc.]

#Engliȝsch#, adj. English, XI a 34; #Englisch#, XIV c 17; #Englyssh#, I introd.; #Inglis#, X 43, XIV a 26, b 10. [OE. englisc.]

#Engliȝsch(e)men#, #Englyschmen#, n. pl. Englishmen, XI a 28, 40, 52, XIII b 9, 43, &c. [OE. englisc + mann.]

#Eny#, adj. any, III 5, VIII a 251, XIII a 48; eny wyle, any length of time, VIII b 25; in eny weie, by any means, XII a 16; #Enes cunnes#, XV g 22, #Eny kyns#, VIII b 20, of any kind, any kind of (OE. *ǣniges cynnes). [OE. ǣnig, Kt. ēni(g).] See Ani, Ony.

#Enmy#, #Enemy(e)#, n. enemy, IV a 92, V 338, VIII b 78, IX 81, &c. [OFr. enemi.]

#Enogh#. See Ynoȝ, Ynow.

#Enquestes#, n. pl. inquests (inquiries into matters of public or state interest), VIII b 59. [OFr. enqueste.]

#Ensa(u)mple#, n. example, instance, I 202, XI b 298, 301; cautionary instance, warning, I 261 (see Drede; cf. next). [AFr. ensample altered, by confusion of prefixes, from OFr. essample.] See Sample.

#Ensamplen#, v. refl.; wherof [he] may ensamplen him, from which he may take warning, XII b 223 (cf. prec.). [From prec.]

#Entaille#, n. fashion, XII a 64. [OFr. entaille.]

#Entent(e)#, n. purpose, VII 27; to what e., for what reason, XII b 168; to þat e. to, to þat e. and ende þat, in order to, that, IX 120, 280; mind, X 184; will, desire, IV a 22; with all thare e., with their whole minds, XVII 113. [OFr. entent, entente.]

#Enterlacé#, adj. interlaced, (verse) with alternate rime, Introduction xv. [OFr. entrelacé.]

#Entyrludes#, n. pl. comic dramatic pieces, farces, I 5. [AFr. *entrelude, Anglo-L. interlūdium.]

#Entysyd#, pa. t. enticed, XVII 37. [OFr. enticier.]

#Entre#, #Entere#, v. to enter, XVI 270, 282; entered in Iudas, inspired Judas, XVI 165. [OFr. entrer.]

#Entrike#, v. to deceive, XII a 116. [OFr. entriquer.]

#Enveremyt#, pa. t. surrounded, X 46. [OFr. environner; the forms enverom- &c. first appear in English in 14th c.]

#Enuy#, n. envy, XVII 51. [OFr. envie.]

#Eorne#, v. to run; to flow, XIII a 23, 37, 54, 62; #Yarn#, pa. t. sg. ran, III 43; #Ourn#, pl. II 85; #Vrn#, II 89. [OE. éornan; pa. t. éarn, úrnon.] See Ryn.

#Eorþe#. See Erth(e).

#Erbeȝ#, #Herbes#, n. pl. (green) plants, V 122, XII a 82. [OFr. (h)erbe.]

#Erde#, n. dwelling-place, own land, VIII a 194; in tag in erde (on earth, among men), V 348, it is perh. a form of Erth(e). [OE. éard. The frequent ME. (Northern) form erd(e), earth, may, in part, be due to this; but cf. Dede n.^1]

#Er(e)#, #Eir# (X), adv. before, V 209, XII b 113; ere now, XVII 328; formerly, VI 12; earlier (with befor) X 140; conj. before (usually with subj.), II 190, 256, V 152, 204, 223, XII a 104, b 19; prep. before (in time), VIII a 140. [OE. ǣr.] See Ar, Are, Or.

#Er(e)#, pres. ind. pl. are, I introd., IV a 60, b 8, 53, 54, XIV a 6, 7, 12, 18, b 85, &c. [ON. eru.] See Ar(e), Es, &c.

#Ere#, n. ear, II 528, VIII a 263, XII a 104, b 32; #Eris#, pl. XI b 159. [OE. ēare.]

#Erie#, #Erye#, v. to plough, VIII a 4, 5, 67, 100, 110. [OE. erian.]

#Erles#, #Erls#, n. pl. earls, II 202, 503, VII 84. [OE. éorl, infl. in sense by cognate ON. jarl.]

#Erliche#, adv. early, VIII b 15; #Erly#, VI 146; e. and late, at all times, VI 32. [OE. ǣr-līce.] See Er(e), Ar.

#Ernde#, n. the business (on which one has come), V 235. [OE. ǣrende, message; ON. erinde, &c. message, business.]

#Erre#, v. to err, XI b 14. [OFr. errer.]

#Errour#, n. error, falsehood, heretical opinion, VII 46, XI b 44, 77, 215; speke errour, say what is mistaken, VI 62. [OFr. errour.]

#Ert#. See Art.

#Erth(e)#, #Eorþe# (XIII, XIV c), #Vrþe# (VI), n. earth, soil, IV b 4, 12; the ground, IV b 36, V 161, IX 149, XIII a 8, 15; the world, VI 82, XI a 8, XVII 180; in erth(e), on earth, in the world, IV a 47, IX 332, XVI 363, XVII 42, &c.; in eorþe, XIV c 110; vpon erthe, V 30; in erth (sc. lufe in erth), earthly (love), IV a 10. [OE. eorþe, éorþe.] See Erde.

#Erth(e)ly#, adj. earthly, IV a 29, b 12, 29, XVI 134, &c. [OE. eorþ-lic.]

#Erytage#, #Herytage#, n. inheritance, VI 57, 83. [OFr. (h)eritage.]

#Es#, 3 sg. pres. ind. is, I 7, *128 (note), IV a 1, 5, 10, &c., b 65, XIV a 5, 20, b 8, 9, XV a 9. [A Northern form. ON. es.] See Is, &c.

#Eschue#, #Eschuie#, v. to avoid, escape, VIII a 55, XII b 8. [OFr. eschiwer, eschuer.]

#Ese#, #Ays#, n. comfort, pleasure, in him is ays, gives him pleasure or comfort, II 239; at ese, comfortable, VIII a 144; well off, XVII 388. [OFr. aise, eise.] See Malais, Missays.

#Esely#, #Esily#, adv. without discomfort, XII b 91; easily, IX 119. [From ME. esé, OFr. aisié (related to prec.).]

#Est(e)#, #Eest# (XVII), east; adj. IX 2; adv. XVI 333; n. IX 73, XIII b 51, XVII 453. [OE. ēast, adv., ēaste, n.]

#Ete(n)#, v. to eat, VIII a 129, 258, 298, IX 142, 242, XV g 25, XVII 395 (see Bred), &c.; #Eet#, pa. t. sg. VIII a 291; #Ete#, pa. t. pl. I 158, II 396; #Eten#, pp. VIII a 261, IX 144; #Etin#, XIV b 74, 76, 77. [OE. etan.]

#Euaungelistis#, n. pl. evangelists, XI b 306. [L. ēvangelista.] See Awangelys.

#Euel(l)#. See Yuel.

#Euen#, #Eve#, n. evening, III 54, VIII a 178, XII b 18, XVII 205; see Morwe. [OE. ǣfen, ēfen.]

#Euen(e)#, #Euyn#, #Evin#, adv. equally, exactly, just, quite, indeed, I introd., VII 27, XII b 49, XVII 125, 290, 379, 462, &c.; also, too, VII 51, 154; evin (till), just opposite, X 81; euene ryȝt, exactly, XIII a 47; euen Hym by, on a level with Him, XVII 18; ful(l) euen, equally, as well, quite, XVI 280, XVII 10, 344. [OE. efen, efne.]

#Euenly#, adv. exactly, XVII 258. [OE. efen-līce.]

#Euensong(e)#, n. evensong, vespers, VI 169, XI b 131, 189, 224, 241. [OE. ēfen-sáng, -sóng.]

#Euentyde#, n. evening, VI 222. [OE. ēfen-tīd.]

#Euer(e)#, adv. ever; always, continually, for ever, I 94, VII 2, VIII a 271, b 100, &c.; at any time, II 42, V 57, IX 327, &c.; added to indef. relatives (q.v.), I 2, XVII 210, &c. [OE. ǣfre.]

#Euerich#, #Euerych(e)#, #Eueri#, adj. every, each, I 9, II 60, 517, 580, IX 63, XIII a 22, 26, &c.; euerich a, every, II 490, XVII 544. [OE. ǣfre-ylc.] See Eche, Ich, &c.

#Euerichon#, pron. every one, II 189; #Euerilkone#, XVI 311 (in apposition to prec. noun). [Prec. + OE. ān.]

#Everydel#, adv. in every detail, XII a 147. [Eueri + Dele, q.v.] See Somdel.

#Euermare#, #Euermore#, adv. (for) evermore, ever after, I 97, II 213, IV a 20, VIII a 236, XIV b 64, &c.; now and always, VI 231. [OE. ǣfre + māre.] See Mor(e).

#Euermo#, adv. evermore, II 168. [OE. ǣfre + mā.] See Mo.

#Euyll#. See Yuel.

#Evidence#, n. evidence, indication (of what is to come), XII a 128. [OFr. evidence.]

#Evin#, #Euyn#. See Euen(e).

#Euþer#, conj.; euþer ... and, both ... and, VII 57. [OE. ǣg-hwæþer, ǣgweþer.] See Aither.

#Examyne#, v. to examine, test, IX 295, 297, 300. [OFr. examiner.]

#Excellent#, adj. surpassing, IX 270, 330; #Exellently#, adv.; exellently of alle þyse oþer, conspicuously among all these others, V 355. [OFr. excellent.]

#Excuse(n)#, v. to excuse, V 63, 360, XI b 8, 145, &c. [OFr. excuser.]

#Exile#, n.; en exile, in exile, II 493. [OFr. en exile.]

#Expownd#, v. to expound; I expownd, it is my opinion, XVII 440. [OFr. expondre.]

#Expres#, v. to express, XVII 13. [OFr. expresser.]

#Expresse#, adv. definitely, XI b 63. [OFr. expres, adj.]

#Fabill#, #Fable#, n. fable, fabulous tale, VI 232, VII 34, X introd. [OFr. fable.]

#Face#, n. face, V 303, &c.; distrib. sg. (see Hert), XIII a 33; in His face, to His face, openly, XI b 179; mannes face, VIII a 234 (note). [OFr. face.]

#Fader#, #Fadir#, #-yr#, #Uader# (III), n. father, I 122, II 29, III introd., VIII b 37, IX 286, &c.; #Fadir#, gen. sg. XVI 79; #Fadris#, XVI 36. [OE. fæder.]

#Fadirhode#, n. fatherhood (as title), IX 294. [Prec. + OE. hād.]

#Faggatis#, n. pl. fagots, X 111. [OFr. fagot.] See Flaggatis.

#Faght#. See Fight.

#Fai#, #Fay#, n. faith, XIV c 7; in French formula par ma fay, by my troth, VI 129. [OFr. fei.] See Feith, Parfay.

#Faierie#. See Fairi.

#Fayll#, n. in withoutten fayll, without fail, XVII 149. [OFr. faille.]

#Fail(l)e#, #Fayl#, v. to fail, be wanting, VIII a 320, XI b 186, XIV c 35, XVII 274, &c.; faile (fayl) of, to fail in, miss, XVI 157, XVII 492; #Fayled#, 2 sg. pa. t. were at fault, V 288; #Failet#, pl. in f. hym, he lacked, VII 175. [OFr. faillir.]

#Fayn(e)#, adj. glad, VI 33, 90, VIII a 266, 295; fayn I wold (that), I would be glad (if), XVII 526. [OE. fægen.]

#Fayned#. See Feynen.

#Fair(e)#, #Fayr(e)#, #Feyre# (I), #Uayre# (III), adj. fair, beautiful, I 63, II 70, XV c 13, &c.; excellent, good, &c., I 260, III 2, V 250, VI 130, XIII a 30, &c.; seemly, I 80; as sb. in þat faire, that fair being, IV a 81; fayre myght the befall, may good luck come to you, XVII 514; #Feyrest#, #Fairest#, #Farest#, superl. II 53, XV c 28, XVII 79, &c.; as sb. the fairest (season), VII 99. [OE. fæger.]

#Faire#, #Fayre#, adv. fairly; courteously, VIII a 25; well, V 161, XVII 255; deftly, V 241; properly (set out), VII 82. [OE. fægre.]

#Fayre(s)#. See Fare, v.

#Fairi#, #-y#, #Feyré#, #Faierie# (XII), n. faëry, fairyland, II 10 (the feyré), II 283, 562; magic, II 193, 404, 492, XII b 67. [OFr. faierie.]

#Fairnise#, n. beauty, II 56. [OE. fæger-nes.]

#Fais#. See Foo, n.

#Faitest#, 2 sg. pres. beg under false pretences, VIII b 30. [Back-formation from Faitour.]

#Fayth#, &c. See Feith.

#Faitour#, n. impostor; beggar, or idler, feigning disease or injury, VIII a 115, 177; (as term of abuse), XVI 157, 209. [OFr. faitour.]

#Falce#. See Fals.

#Fall#, n. fall, XII b 14. [OE. (ge-)fall.]

#Falle(n)#, #Fall#, v. to fall; #Fel#, #Fell(e)#, pa. t. sg. I 23, VII 25, XII b 28, &c.; #Fyl#, I introd., 25, 28, 186; #Falled#, V 175; #Fell(en)#, pl. VII 95, IX 149; #Fyl#, #Fillen#, I 194, II 15; #Fal#, #Falle(n)#, pp. VII 93 (slain), XII b 57, XVII 521, &c.; fal yn a swone (corrupt. of fallyn aswone; see Aswone), I 195. To fall (down), I 194, II 327, &c.; fel on slepe, fell asleep, II 72; to happen, turn out, come to pass, I 23, II 8, V 183, 310 (see Foule), VII 25, XII b 18, &c.; (with dat. pron.) to happen to, befall, VII 171, XII b 28, 184; to fall to one's share, V 175, 259, VII 76; hit fell hom of a foule ende, an evil fate overtook them, VII 180; as fell for the wintur, for winter, VII 124. And my fry shal with me fall, my children who will share my fate (? or who I may happen to have) XVII 66; #Fallyng#, n. VII 109. [OE. fallan.] See Befalle.

#Fals(e)#, #Falce#, adj. false, lying, dishonest, V 314, VII 18, VIII a 213, XI a 11, XVII 35, 201, &c.; as sb. VII 41; #Falsly#, adv. XI b 81. [OE. fals, from L. falsus.]

#Falshed#, n. lying, VII 34. [Prec. + OE. *hǣdu.]

#Falssyng#, n. breaking of faith (applied to the girdle as the cause; cf. Kest), V 310. [From ME. fals(i)en; cf. OFr. falser.]

#Fame#, n. rumour, tale, XII b 189; of good f., of good repute, XVII 141. [OFr. fame.]

#Famyn#, n. famine, VIII a 319. [OFr. famine.]

#Fand(e)#. See Fynde(n).

#Fang#. See Fonge.

#Fantasyes#, n. pl. delusions, imaginings, IX 84, XI b 73. [OFr. fantasie.]

#Fantosme#, n. illusion, XII b 75. [OFr. fantosme.]

#Fare#, n. behaviour, practices, V 318, XVI 158; his feynit fare þat he fore with, the deceit he practised, VII 44. [OE. faru.] See Wel-fare.

#Fare#, #Fayre# (XVII), v. to go, fare, behave, II 604, XVII 190, 255, 415; fare by, to, wiþ, behave towards, treat, I 256, VI 107, XIV c 95; fareȝ well, &c., farewell, V 81, XVII 238; #Fore#, pa. t. VII 93; fore with, practised, VII 44; dealt with, VII 176; #Faren#, pp. departed, gone (by), VII 29, VIII a 99. [OE. faran.] See Ferde, pa. t.

#Farest#. See Faire.

#Farleis#. See Ferly, n.

#Fasor#, n. appearance, VI 71. [OFr. faisure.]

#Fast(e)#, adv. securely, I 101, II 94, IX 173, XII b 30, &c.; as intensive adv. varying with context, II 118, V 335, VIII a 102, XI b 187, XII b 69, XVI 107, XVII 488, &c.; quickly, V 147, XI b 274, XII b 104, &c.; fast by, hard by, XIII a 50. [OE. fæste.]

#Fastes#, 3 pl. pres. fast, IV b 49. [OE. fæstan.]

#Fath#. See Feith.

#Fauco(u)n#, n. falcon, II 307, 312, VIII a 32, &c. [OFr. fauco(u)n.]

#Fauntis#, n. pl. children, VIII a 278. [Shortened from OFr. enfa(u)nt.]

#Fauour(e)#, n. grace, beauty, VI 68, XVII 79. [OFr. favour.]

#Fautlest#, adj. superl. in on þe f., the (one) most faultless, V 295. [Error for, or red. of, fautlesest; OFr. faute + OE. -lēas.]

#Fautours#, n. pl. supporters, XI a 1, 49. [L. fautor.]

#Fawty#, adj. faulty, V 314, 318. [From ME., OFr. faute, n.]

#Fe#. See Fee, n.^1

#Feaw#, #Few(e)#, adj. pl. few, VI 212, VII 52, XIII b 50, XV a 19, &c. [OE. fēawe.] See Fone.

#Fecche#, v. to fetch, VIII a 150; #Fette(n)#, pa. t. VIII a 287, XII b 150, XVI 382; #Yfet#, pp. II 170. [OE. fetian, feccan.]

#Fede#, v. to feed, VIII a 247, XI b 281; #Fedde#, pa. t. VIII a 292, XI b 278, &c.; #Uedde#, subj. would feed, III 8; #Fedde#, pp. IV b 39. [OE. fēdan.]

#Fedynge#, n. feeding; in f. of, for feeding, XI b 258. [OE. fēding.]

#Fee#, #Fe#, n.^1 goods, XVII 309, 326. [OE. fe(o)h, fēo-.] Distinguish next.

#Fee#, n.^2 fee (as a term of venery, the share given to the dog, falcon, &c.); some small gain in their hunting, XVII 490. [OFr. feu, fe, &c.]

#Feeldes#; #Feele#; #Feende#; #Feere#; #Feest#. See Feld(e); Fele, adj.; Fende; Fere n.^1, n.^2; Fest.

#Feghtande#. See Fight.

#Feye#, adj. doomed to die, XV c 20. [OE. fǣge.]

#Feill#. See Fele, adj.

#Feynd(is)#. See Fend(e).

#Feyne(n)#, #Fayne# (VII), v. to feign, pretend, invent, VII 41, XI b 1, 81, &c.; feyned hem, pretended to be, VIII a 115; to falsify, VII 34; #Feynit#, pp. false, VII 18; feynit fare, deceit, VII 44. [OFr. feindre, feign-.]

#Feyré#; #Feyre(st)#. See Fairi; Faire.

#Feith#, #Fayth#, #Fath# (XVII), &c., n. faith, XI b 13, 171, XVI 364, &c.; plighted word, troth, V 216; bi my feith, in (god) fayth, &c., upon my word, V 297, VIII a 266, XVII 228, 330, &c. [OFr. feid, later fei.] See Fai.

#Feythful#, adj. honest, VIII a 247; #Feithfulliche#, adv. honestly, VIII a 71; #Faithfully#, accurately, VII 78. [Prec. + OE. -ful.]

#Fel#. See Falle(n).

#Felaȝschip#, #Felaschipe# (XII), #Felaushepe# (I), #Felowship# (XVII), n. community, I introd.; company, in bere, don f. (with dat. pron.), keep (one) company, V 83, XII a 24; friendship, XVII 363. [Next + OE. -scipe.]

#Felawe#, #Felowe#, n. fellow, I introd., XIV d 7, 16; (contemptuous), XVI 284. [OE. fēo-laga, from ON. fé-lagi.]

#Feld(e)#, #Filde#, #Fylde#, n. field, II 60, VIII a 134, 232; field of battle, VII 45, 93; #Feeldes#, pl. XIII a 19. [OE. féld.] See Afelde.

#Fele#, #Feele# (XVI), #Feill# (X), #Uele# (III), adj. many, II 401, 522, III 2, V 349, VI 79, VII 29, X 55, 63, 141, XV b 10, XVI 61, &c. [OE. fela, adv.]

#Fele#, #Feele#, v. to feel, perceive, experience, IV a 25, b 45, V 125, XIII a 26, XVI 346 (see Fitte), XVII 121, &c.; 2 sg. subj. V 204; #Felte#, pa. t. I 156, 163. [OE. fēlan.]

#Fell#, v. to fell; to destroy, IV a 47. [OE. fellan.]

#Fell(e)#, #Fellen#. See Falle(n).

#Fell(e)#, adj. deadly, cruel, V 154, VI 7, VII 82, 109, XIV b 33; #Felly#, #Fellyche# (I), adv. cruelly, terribly, I 130; fiercely, V 234. [OFr. fel.]

#Felloune#, adj. grim, deadly, X 115, 192. [OFr. feloun.]

#Femayll#, #Femele# (IX), adj. female, IX 58, XVII 152. [OFr. femelle.]

#Fend(e)#, n. devil, Devil, V 125, VIII a 82, IX 93, XI b 3, 220, XVI 340, &c.; #Feende#, XVI 9, 14, &c.; #Feynd#, XVII 35, 43. [OE. fēond.]

#Fende#, v. to defend, XVI 30. [Shortened from Defende, q.v.]

#Fenyl#, n. fennel, XV b 18. [OE. finu(g)l.]

#Fenyx#, n. Phœnix, VI 70. [OE. fenix, L. phœnix.]

#Fer#, #Ferre#, #Far#, adj. and adv. far, IV b 36, V 24, XIII a 27, XV g 5, XVII 439, &c.; as fer as, in so far as, IX 293; (vn)to the fer(re) ende, to the very end, VII 78, 95. #Fer(re)#, #Fyrre# (V, VI), compar. farther, V 83, XIV b 18; away, XVI 156, 336; further, VII 97; moreover, V 53, VI 184; fyrre þen, beyond, VI 203. [OE. feorr; feorr, firr compar.] See Ferforth, Fyrþer.

#Ferde#, n. fear, in for ferde, in fear, V 62, 204, XVII 315. [Prob. false division of for-fer(e)d, pp., terrified; OE. *for-fǣran, -fēran.] See next.

#Ferd(e)#, pp. afraid, V 314, XIV b 93, XVII 102; at XVI 209 rime requires flaide (see Flay and note). [OE. fǣran, fēran.]

#Ferd(e)#, pa. t. fared, XII a 43, 145; ferd with, dealt with, X 172. [OE. fēran.] See Fare, v.

#Fere#, #Feere# (XVI), n.^1 companion, XV f 5; wife, V 343, XVI 352. [OE. fēra.]

#Fere#, #Feere#, n.^2 company, in in fere, &c., all together, collectively, XVI 126, 364, 385. [OE. ge-fēre; but this use is prob. partly developed from ME. y-fere(n), OE. ge-fēran, pl., (as) companions.] See Yfere.

#Fere#, n.^3 fear, VIII a 177, 292. [OE. fǣr, fēr.]

#Fere#, n.^4 outward appearance, VII 18. [Shortened from OFr. afe(i)re.]

#Fere-flunderys#, n. pl. fiery sparks, XV h 12. [See Fyr; cf. Mn.E. and dial. flinders, splinters.]

#Ferforth#, adv. far, XII b 190. [OE. feorr + forþ.] See Fer.

#Ferked#, pa. t. sg. flowed, V 105. [OE. fer(e)cian, go.]

#Ferly#, adj. wonderful, II 4 (note); adv. wondrously, extremely, I 145, XV b 10. [OE. fǣr-līce, suddenly, prob. infl. by ON. ferliga monstrously; see next.]

#Ferly#, n. a marvel, V 346, X 134; #Farleis#, #Ferlies#, pl. VII 95, XVI 61. [OE. fǣr-lic, sudden, prob. infl. by ON. ferlíki (ME. ferlike) monster.] See prec.

#Ferre#. See Fer.

#Ferryit#, pp.; f. wes, had farrowed, X 109. [Formed on farrow, ferry; OE. færh, ferh, young pig.]

#Fers(e)#, adj. fierce, bold, II 293, XIV b 33, XVI 131. [OFr. fer-s, nom. sg.] See Fuersly.

#Fersch#, adj. fresh, XIII a 29, 49. [OE. fersc.] See Fresch.

#Ferste#, #Uerst#. See Furst.

#Feruent#, adj. hot, IX 10; burning bright, XVII 8; eager, XVII 77. [OFr. fervent.]

#Fest#, #Feest# (XVII), n. feast, festival, V 333, XVII 454 (? with topical allusion to the Corpus Christi festivities). [OFr. feste.]

#Feste-dayes#, n. feast-days (of the Church), VIII b 30. [From prec.]

#Fest(e)#, v. make fast, confirm, XVI 340; pa. t. V 279; pp. fixed, made fast, IV a 1, 82, XVI 335, 337. [OE. fæstan; on the vowel see Cast.]

#Festnyt#, pp. fastened, X 124. [OE. fæstnian; see prec.]

#Fet(e)#. See Fote.

#Fethre-bed#, n. feather-bed, XII a 94. [OE. feþer-bedd.]

#Fette(n)#. See Fecche, Fote.

#Feurþe#, adj. fourth, XIII a 18. [OE. fēorþa, fēowerþa.] See Fowre.

#Fewe#. See Feaw.

#Ficht#. See Fight.

#Fift#, #Fyft#, adj. fifth, VII 129, X 2. [OE. fī̆fta.]

#Fyfteyn#; #Uyf-#, #Vif-#, #Vyftene# (III); adj. fifteen, III 21, 26, 29, XVII 443. [OE. fī̆ftēne.]

#Fight#, #Fyght(e)#, #Fiȝte#, v. to fight, IV b 26, VIII a 36, XVI 131, &c.; #Ficht#, X 66; #Fiste#, XV g 31 (see Appendix, p. 278); fyght with, oppose, XVII 138; #Faght#, pa. t. sg. XVI b 48; #Foght#, pl. VII 45; #Feghtande#, pres. p. in are f., fight, IV b 18; #Yfouȝte#, pp. VIII a 146. [OE. fe(o)htan.]

#Fight#, #Fiht#, n. fighting, battle, VII 29, 52, XIV c 60; #Ficht#, X 115, 198. [OE. fe(o)hte.]

#Figure#, n. shape, XII a 114. [OFr. figure.]

#Fyked#, pa. t. sg. flinched, V 206. [OE. *fician; cf. be-fician, and next.]

#Fikel#, adj. fickle, XIV c 7. [OE. ficol.]

#Fyl#. See Falle(n).

#Filde#, #Fylde#. See Feld.

#File#, n. worthless creature, XIV b 47. [ON. fýla.]

#Fyled#, pp. sharpened, V 157. [OE. fīlian, to file; or OFr. afiler.] See Fylor.

#Fill#, v. to fill, XVII 180. [OE. fyllan.]

#Fill(e)#, #Fulle#, n. one's fill, II 256, VIII a 261, XVII 207. [OE. fyllo.]

#Fille#, n. chervil (see Cheruelles), or wild-thyme, XV b 18. [OE. fille; in glosses fil, cerfille = cerpillum (i.e. serpyllum thyme, but perhaps confused with chærephyllum, chervil).]

#Fillen#. See Falle(n).

#Fylor#, n. whet-stone, V 157. [Cf. OFr. afiloir.] See Fyled.

#Filthe#, n. filth, IV a 37, b 16; corruption, XVI 380 (see note). [OE. fylþ.]

#Fyn(e)#, adj. fine, VII 175, IX 64. [OFr. fin.] See Fine.

#Finaly#, adv. in the end, XII b 107. [From OFr. final.]

#Fynde(n)#, #Finde#, #Fynd#, v. to find, discover, II 1, 256 (subj.), VI 148, VII 82, IX 75, XIII a 17, XVI 6, XVII 330, &c.; to get, XII a 17, XVI 288; to invent, devise, II 4, 14, XI b 137; to provide for, VIII b 80; to provide one with (as fynden hem tode), VIII a 71, b 21, 27, 51, 92; founden me to scole, provided the means to put me to school, VIII b 37; founden with, provided with, XI b 140. #Fint#, #Fynt#, 3 sg. pres. (OWS. fint) II 239, VIII b 92; #Fand#, pa. t. sg. X 182, 186; #Fond(e)#, I 37, II 426, VIII b 41, XII a 59, XV a 13, &c.; #Founde#, II 537, 569 (subj.); #Fande#, pl. XVI 62; #Found#, #Founde(n)#, II 309, VII 172, VIII b 37; #Fon#, pp. XVII 503; #Fonden#, IV a 63; #Founde(n)#, I 229, VII 66, XI b 140, &c.; #Fun#, XIV b 93; #Funden#, XIV b 47, 50; #Yfounde#, II 4, 14, XIII a 64. [OE. fíndan.]

#Fyndynge#, n. finding, IX 234; invention, XI b 226. [From prec.]

#Fine#, adv. extremely, very, II 94. [Cf. Afine, Fyn; see Zupitza, (15th c.) Guy of Warwick, l. 9086 (note).]

#Fynen#, pres. pl. refine, IX 45. [OFr. finer.]

#Fynger#, #Finger#, n. finger, II 109, VI 106, VIII a 10. [OE. finger.]

#Fint#, #Fynt#. See Fynde(n).

#Fyr(e)#, #Fire#, #Fuyr#, n. fire, II 398, IV a 6, XII a 69, XIII a 3, 4, &c.; #Fere#, in fere-flunderys (q.v.), XV h 12. [OE. fȳr (Kt. fēr).]

#Firmament#, n. firmament, heavens, VII 124, 134, XVII 7, 422. [(Christian) L. firmāmentum; first appears in E. c. 1050.]

#Fyrre#. See Fer.

#Firste#, #Fyrst(e)#. See Furst(e).

#Fyrþer#, adv. further, I 255. [OE. furþor, ? infl. by firr.] See Fer, Forþer.

#Fysch#, #Fische#, #Fysh#, n. fish, VIII a 305, XIII a 37, XVII 3. [OE. fisc.]

#Fiste#. See Fight.

#Fitte#, n.; fele þi fitte, undergo your turn of woe, XVI 346. [ME. fit, terrible or violent experience, &c.; ? OE. (once) fitt, contest.]

#Fyue#; #Uif#, #Vif#, #Vyf# (III); adj. five, III 22, 23, 27, V 125, VI 91 (see Þo, adv.), VIII a 319, XIII b 32, &c. [OE. fīf.]

#Flaggatis#, n. pl. fagots, X 23, 25, 27. [? Alteration of Faggatis, q.v.; another reading is fagaldis.]

#Flaȝ(e)#. See Fle(n), Flye.

#Flay#, v. to put to flight; terrify, XVII 380; #Flaide#, pp. *XVI 209 (required by rime; MS. ferde). [OE. flēgan.]

#Flayles#, n. pl. flails, VIII a 178. [OE. *flegel, fligel; OFr. flaiel.]

#Flapten#, pa. t. pl. lashed, laid on, VIII a 178. [Cf. Du., G., flappen.]

#Flasshet#, pa. t. sg. flashed, VII 134. [Obscure.]

#Flaw#. See Flye.

#Flawme#, n. flame, IV a 14, 66. [OFr. flaume.]

#Fle(n)#, v. to flee, V 57, 62, XV i 16, XVII 292, 296; #Fles#, 2 sg. pres. V 204; #Flese#, pres. pl. IV b 86; #Fleth#, imper. pl. XIV d 14; #Flaȝ(e)#, pa. t. sg. V 206, 208 (second); #Fley#, XI b 273; #Flowen#, pl. VIII a 177; #Fled#, pa. t. and pp. XIV b 48, 51, 80. [OE. flēon, str.] See Flye.

#Flee#, #Fle(e)ynge#, #Fleȝe#; see Flye. #Fley#; see Fle(n).

#Fleme#, n. a fugitive, XV b 36. [OE. flēma.]

#Flemmynges#, n. pl. Flemings, people from Flanders, XIII b 7. [OE. *flǣming; cf. ON. flǽming-r, MDu. vlāming.]

#Fles(e)#. See Fle(n).

#Flesch(e)#, #Flessche#, #Flessh(e)#, n. flesh, meat, I 129 (note), V 245, VIII a 18, 150, 305, IX 141; flesshe or bone, a limb, I 197. [OE. flǣ̆sc.]

#Flesch(e)ly#, adj. carnal, of the body, IV a 57, b 71; #Flecshly#, carnal-minded, worldly, XI b 158. [OE. flǣ̆sc-lic.]

#Flete#, v. to float; #Flietende#, pres. p. XII a 157; #Flett#, pp. XVII 436. [OE. flēotan, str.]

#Fleth#. See Fle(n).

#Flett#, n. floor, XVII 223. [OE. flett.]

#Flex#, n. flax, VIII a 13. [OE. flex.]

#Flye#, #Flyghe#, #Flee# (IV), v. to fly, I 193, IV b 4, 30, 38, 41, &c.; #Flaȝ#, pa. t. sg. V 208 (first); #Flaw#, X 92; #Fleȝe#, was, VI 71 (note); #Fle(e)ynge#, pres. p. IX 148, 252; #Flone#, pp. XVII 487. [OE. flē(o)gan.] See Fle(n).

#Flyeghynge#, #Flyghyng(e)#, n. flying; of gude (ill) fl., strong (weak) in flight, IV b 34, 35, 38. [From prec.]

#Flietende#. See Flete.

#Flyt#, #Flitte#, v. trans. and intr. to move, remove, escape, depart, XVI 210, 336, 340 (subj.), XVII 223, 263; #Flyt#, pa. t. XVII 17; #Flyt#, #Flit(t)#, pp. XVII 454, 540; in synder flit, separated, XIV c 31. [ON. flytja.]

#Flo#, #Floo#, v. to flow, XVII 101, 115. [OE. flōwan, ON. flóa.]

#Flone#. See Flye.

#Flood(e)#, #Flod(e)#, n. flood, water, stream, V 105, VII 160, XII a 166, XVI 76; (in pl.) waters, waves, VII 123, 142, 171; floods, VII 109, VIII a 320, XVII 101, &c. [OE. flōd.]

#Floterand#, pres. p. weltering, tossing, VII 160. [OE. floterian.]

#Flour#, #Flowre#, n. flower, II 60, 67, IV a 57, XV e 19, &c.; in the floures, in the bloom, XII introd.; excellence, in bar þe flour, excelled (all), XIV c 23; flour, VIII a 150. [OFr. flour; the sense in VIII was not differentiated in spelling until end of 18th cent.]

#Flowen#. See Fle(n).

#Flowyng#, n. flood, XVII 540. [From OE. flōwan.] See Flo.

#Flume#, n.; flume Iordanne, River Jordan, XVI 76. [OFr. flum.]

#Fo#. See Foo.

#Fode#, #Foode#, n. food, VII 175, VIII a 21, 71, 200, 264, XVI 10 (see Frute), &c. [OE. fōda.] See Fede.

#Foght#; #Fois#. See Fight; Foo.

#Foysoune#, n. abundance, great number, X 166. [OFr. foison.]

#Fold(e)#, n. earth, in (vp)on folde, allit. tag of little meaning, V 305, XIV b 18. [OE. fólde.]

#Fold(e)#, quasi-sb. (variety, repetition) in many oþer folde, manifold other things, I 20; other wise many fold, in manifold other fashions, XVII 54; bi foldis seuen, seven times, XVII 13. [False division of OE. manig-fáld, seofon-fáld, &c., where -fáld is adj. suffix.]

#Folde#, v. to fold; enfold, XV f 9, 10; #Folde#, pp. (? or pa. t.) in folde vp, ? covered with her hands, or upturned, VI 74. [OE. fáldan.]

#Fole#, #Folys#, &c. See Fool.

#Folehardi#, adj. foolhardy, II 426. [OFr. fol-hardi.] See Fool.

#Folȝed#. See Folwen.

#Foly#, n. folly, I 67, XI b 123. [OFr. folie.]

#Folk(e)#, n. people, II 389, VIII a 292, 295, &c.; mortals, VII 45; #Folkes#, pl. peoples, XVI 70. [OE. folc.]

#Folwen#, v. to accompany, VIII a 2; #Folȝed#, pa. t. V 354 (see note). [OE. folgian.]

#Fome#, n. foam, VII 172. [OE. fām.]

#Fomen#, n. pl. foemen, XIV c 85. [OE. fāh-mann.] See Foo.

#Fon#, #Fond(e)#, #Fonden#. See Fynde(n).

#Fonde#, v. to endeavour, seek (to), VIII a 213, XII a 183, XII b 171, XIII b 24; #Fondet#, pa. t. V 57. [OE. fándian, fóndian.]

#Fone#, #Fune#, adj. and pron. few, XIV a 28, 29, XVII 99. [ME. also fo; ? obscurely rel. to Feaw, q.v.]

#Fonge#, v. to get, take, VI 79, 119; #Fang#, XVII 245. [OE. fōn, ge-fángen; cf. ON. fanga.] See Onderuonge.

#Fonnyd#, (pp.) adj. infatuated, XI b 37, 38, 76, 167, 215. [From ME. fon(ne), fool; obscure.]

#Foo#, adv. as an enemy, fiercely, V 258. [OE. fāh, fā-.]

#Foo#, n. foe, XIV d 12; #Fo#, II 112, VIII b 60; frende nor foo, nobody, XVI 287; ichon other fo, each hostile to the other, every man against his neighbour, XVII 112; #Fais#, pl. X 55, 65, 197, #Fois#, XVI 30; #Fooes#, XVI 386. [OE. ge-fā.]

#Fool#, #Fol(e)#, n. fool, I 30, V 346, XI b 42, 184, &c. [OFr. fol.]

#For#, conj. for, I 109, XVII 231, &c.; #Uor#, III 6, 8, &c.; because, V 300, VII 178, VIII a 235, 237, XIII b 16, XVI 258, 295; so that, XII a 93, 194, XVI 251; for that, so that, XII b 133. [OE. for þam (þe), for, because; for þȳ þæt, so that.] See Forþi.

#For#; #Uor#, #Vor# (III); prep. for (i) Cause: because of, on account of, through, I 134, II 32, III 17, IV b 35, V 279, VII 183, IX 130, X 136, XI a 32, b 28, 256, XV b 24, &c.; for of (OFr. de par) for sake of, XV d 5; for why (whi)? and why?, XVII 14, 284, 518; for (fear of), V 57, 199, XVII 102, &c.; (as precaution) against, VIII a 9, 62, 87, 209, 306, XIV a 36, XV h 12. (ii) Indir. object: for (benefit of), III introd., VIII a 278, &c.; for sake, on behalf, of, I 90, III 40, IV a 88, &c. (iii) Dir. object: for (purpose of), with a view to, to get, &c., IV a 69, VII 32, 88, VIII a 230, X 41, XI b 126, 182, 235, XVI 220, &c.; for (uor) to, for te, in order to, so as to, I 81, II 568, III introd., 44, XV b 30, c 18, &c.; for till, X 149, 169; as equiv. of for with vbl. sb., X 8, 33, 105; merely equiv. of to, till, I 21, II 37, X 143, &c. (iv) Equivalence: in favour of, VII 13, XI b 215; (in exchange, return, &c.) for, IV a 42, V 284, VIII b 76, IX 190, XI b 162, XV g 20, &c.; as result of, IX 201; for, as, VII 49, 50, VIII a 206, XII a 180, XIV c 92, &c. (v) Reference: with regard to, III 9, &c.; for the, for all you care, XVII 193; in spite of, II 571, V 64, XIV a 24, XVI 146; for all(e), despite (all), I 73, 86, XIV b 23, XVI 158. (vi) Time: during, VI 226, VIII a 236, &c. See Maystrie, Nones, Soþe; Þar(e), Þere(fore), &c. [OE. for(e).]

#Forbede#, v. to forbid, VI 19; forbede þat (with neg.), forbid to, I 78; #Forbodyn#, pp. I 7. [OE. for-bēodan.] See Bede, v.

#Forbere#, v. to spare, XIV b 12. [OE. for-beran.] See Bere, v.

#Forbette#, pp. cruelly beaten, IV a 86. [OE. for- + bēatan, str.] See Bete, v.^1

#Force#, n. strength, XVI 210. [OFr. force.]

#Fordo#, v. to destroy, XVII 100, 114; #Fordon(e)#, pp. XVII 145; ben fordon, come to grief, Introduction xv. [OE. for-dōn.] See Do(n).

#Fore#. See Fare, v.

#Forest#, n. forest; wild, unenclosed, and partly wooded, land, II 160, 246. [OFr. forest.]

#Foret#. See Forþ.

#Forfete#, v. to transgress, V 326; #Forfette#, pa. t. XVI 352. [From OFr. forfait, -fet, n.

#Forgaa#. See Forgon.

#Forgete#, v. to forget, IV a 79; #Forgetynge#, n. IV b 68. [OE. for- + ON. geta; cf. OE. forgetan.] See Gete, Forȝete.

#Forgon#, v. to give up, XV b 35; #Forgoo#, V 142; #Forgaa#, IV b 31. [OE. for-gān.]

#Forȝ#, n. force, waterfall, V 105 (the earliest recorded instance in E.). [ON. fors.]

#Forȝelde#, v. to repay, VIII a 272. [OE. for-géldan.] See Ȝelde.

#Forȝete#, v. to forget, XI b 157; #Forȝete#, pp. XII b 202, XIV c 8, &c. [OE. for-getan.] See Forgete, Vnderȝete.

#Forȝeue#, v. to forgive, IX 324. [OE. for-gefan.] See Ȝeue.

#Forloyne#, v. to go astray, VI 8. [OFr. forloignier.]

#Forlorn#, (pp.) adj. ruined, in pitiful plight, I 136, II 127. [OE. for-loren, pp.] See Lese, v.^1

#Forme#, adj. superl. first, V 305. [OE. forma.]

#Forme#. See Fourme.

#Forne#, adv. of old, V 354. [OE. foran, forne.]

#Forsake#, #Fursake# (XV), v. to deny, XV g 33; forsake, V 312; (foll. by infin.) to refuse to, neglect to, XV c 19, XVII 273; #Forsoke#, pa. t. sg. forsook, II 227. [OE. for-sacan.]

#Forschape#, pp. transformed (to something worse), XII a 8. [OE. for-scapen, pp.] See Schap(e).

#Forschreynt#, pp. withered (by fire), II 398. [OE. for-screncan, oppress, rel. to forscrincan, wither.]

#Forseyde#, pp. aforesaid, XIII b 49; #Uore-yzede#, #Uorzede#, III 19, 23. [OE. fore-sægd (Kt. -sēd).]

#Forsworn#, adj. perjured, XIV a 21. [OE. for-sworen.] See Swere.

#Forto#, prep. until, XIII a 28, 29. [OE. forþ tō.]

#Fortune#, n.; by (be) f. by chance, VII 99, 180, IX 207; by good fortune, VII 171. [OFr. fortune.]

#Forþ(e)#, #Forth#, adv. forth, away, out, on, forward, II 193, V 248, &c.; #Foret#, XV g 18 (see Appendix § 6); #Fourth(e)#, XVI 298, 386; #Furþ(e)#, #Furth(e)#, I 72, 87, X 87, XVI 140, XVII 480, &c.; forþe ygete, produced, II 14; fra thine furth, thenceforward, X 130. [OE. forþ, fórþ.]

#Forþer#, adv. further, II 481. [OE. furþor, forþor.] See Fyrþer.

#Forþered#, pp. furthered, advanced, XI b 231. [From prec.; cf. OE. fyrþr(i)an, forþian.]

#Forþi# (#-þy#, #-thi#, #-thy#), adv. and conj. wherefore, and so, therefore, II 461, IV b 35, V 42, 50, VIII a 79, 88, b 86, XII introd., b 170, XV c 22; because, IV b 26. [OE. for-þī, for-þī þe.]

#Forwake#, pp. worn out with lying awake, XV c 29. [OE. for- + wacen, pp. of wæcnan.] See Awake.

#Forward(e)#, n. agreement, covenant, V 279, VIII a 36, XVI 5, 166, 238. [OE. fore-weard, n.]

#Forwes#, n. pl. furrows, VIII a 98. [OE. furh.]

#Fote#, #Foot(e)#, #Fut# (X), n. foot, V 248 (see Spenne), IX 17, &c.; collect. (dat.) sg. in on fote (fut), on foot, V 295; on their legs, X 57; vnder fote, XIV c 85; foot's length, V 83, VIII a 2, XVII 263, 366; #Feet#, #Fet(e)#, pl. II 79, 441, IX 255, &c.; #Fette#, IV b 4; #Fote#, #Foot#, orig. gen. pl. in two fote long, &c., V 157, IX 155, XIII a 38, &c.; orig. dat. pl., in on his, to (my) fote, V 161, 208, VII 174. [OE. fōt.]

#Foul(e)#, n. bird, II 68, VIII a 32, XV b 6, 10, c 3, &c.; #Fowhel(e)#, IV b 33; #Fowle#, IV b 47, XVII 3, 487, &c.; #Fowll#, XVII 472; #Foull#, pl. XVII 156. [OE. fugol.]

#Foule#, adj. foul, loathsome, bad, II 464, VII 180, VIII a 320, XVI 337, &c.; #Uoul#, III introd.; adv., in foule mot hit falle, evilly may it fare, V 310. [OE. fūl.]

#Founde#, v. to hasten, V 62, 161. [OE. fúndian.]

#Founde(n)#, &c. See Fynde(n).

#Fourme#, #Forme#, n. manner, fashion, V 62, IX 305. [OFr. fo(u)rme.]

#Fourth(e)#. See Forþ(e).

#Fourty#, #Forty#, adj. forty, XVII 148, 445, &c. [OE. fēowertig.]

#Fowe#, adj. streaked or variegated (fur), vair, in fowe and griis (partial transl. of ME., OFr. vair & gris), II 241. [OE. fāg.]

#Fowheles#, #Fowle(s)#, #Fowll#. See Foul(e), n.

#Fowre#, #Four(e)#, adj. four, I 232, V 33, 157, XIII a 37, &c. [OE. fēower.] See Feurþe, Fourty.

#Fra#. See Fro, prep.

#Fray#, n. strife, XVII 184. [Shortened from Affray, q.v.]

#Frayne#, v. to inquire, VII 97. [OE. (ge)frægnian.]

#Fraist#, #Frast# (XVII), v. to question, inquire of, XVII 183; fraist of, investigate, VII 97. [ON. freista.]

#Fram#; #Uram#. See From.

#Franche#, adj. French, XIV b 33, 46; #Frensche#, XIV c 101; #Frankys#, n. French language, I introd.; #Freynsch#, XI a 27, XIII b 19, &c.; #Frensch#, XIII b 34, &c. [OE. frencisc; the forms show infl. of OE. Francan, OFr. France, &c.]

#Franklens#, n. pl. franklins (men of free, but not noble birth, holding land by freehold), VIII b 68. [OFr. franclein.]

#Frast#. See Fraist.

#Fraunchyse#, n. privilege, or liberality, VI 249; the interpretation depends on that of Dard, Rescoghe (q.v. and note). [OFr. franchise.]

#Fredom#, n. freedom, XI b 150, 205, 206, &c. [OE. frēo-dōm.]

#Free#, #Fre#, adj. free, VIII b 68, XVI 295; lavish, VI 121; noble, good, XVI 5, XVII 327; as sb., noble one, XVII 310; #Freest#, superl. noblest, V 354. [OE. frēo.]

#Freend#. See Frende.

#Freike(s)#. See Freke.

#Freynsch#. See Franche.

#Freke#, n. man, knight, V 57, 206, VIII a 212, &c.; #Freike#, VII 160, 172. [OE. freca.]

#Freles#, adj. without reproach, VI 71. [ON. frýja + OE. -lēas.]

#Frely#, adj. pleasant, II 4 (note). [OE. frēolic.]

#Frely#, adv. freely, IX 90, XI b 201, 245, 258. [OE. frēo-līce.]

#Fremmede#, adj. not akin, IV b 22. [OE. fremede.]

#Frenchype#. See Frendschip.

#Frende#, #Freend#, n. friend, VI 198, XIV d 12, XVII 118; fr. nor foo, nobody, XVI 287; #Frendes#, &c. pl. friends, IV b 22, XIV a 28, XVI 29, 385; kinsfolk, VIII b 37, 41, XVI 62. [OE. frēond, friend; ON. frǽndi, kinsman.]

#Frendschip#, #-ship#, n. friendship, love, XIV c 3, XVII 121; #Frenchype#, IV b 29; #Frenship#, XVII 362. [OE. frēond-scipe.]

#Frensch#. See Franche.

#Freris#, n. pl. friars, XI a 1, 33, 49, 55. [OFr. frere.]

#Fresch#, adj. fresh, VIII a 305. [Prob. OFr. freis, fresche (fem.), rather than OE. fersc.] See Fersch.

#Frese#, n. danger, in no frese, doubtless, XVII 391. [MDu. vreese (OFris. frēs, OS. frēsa).]

#Frese#, v. to freeze, II 247. [OE. frēosan.]

#Frete#, pa. t. pl. devoured, II 539. [OE. fretan, pa. t. pl. frǣton.]

#Frewte#. See Frut(e).

#Fry#, n. offspring, XVII 66, 177. [ON. frǽ, frjó, seed.]

#Frydays#, n. pl. Fridays, VIII b 30. [OE. frīg(e)dæg.]

#Fryed#, pp. fried, VIII a 305. [OFr. fri-re.]

#Friþ#, #Fryth#, n. woodland, park, II 160, 246, V 83. [OE. fyr(h)þ, gefyrhþe, wood.]

#Fro#, #Froo#, adv. away, XVI 210; to and fro, to and fro, on all sides, XVII 111. [ON. frá.]

#Fro#, conj. from the time when, since, VI 15 (cf. fra þat). [As prec.]

#Fro#, prep. (away) from, I 76, V 263 (follows pron.), VI 15, VII 90, VIII a 29, IX 26, &c.; #Fra#, IV a 18, b 34, X 130, &c.; fra þat, from when first, IV a 25; þat ... fro, whence, IX 230; ther ... fro, to where ... from, XII a 33; fro whom ... fro, from whom (mixed Fr. and E. constr.), IX 329 (see next). [ON. frá.]

#From#, #Fram#, prep. from, II 190, 225, VIII a 51, XIII a 27, &c.; #Uram#, III introd., 4; uram þet, from the time that, III 38; adv. in of whom ... from, from whom (mixed E. and Fr. constr.), IX 78 (see prec.). [OE. from, fram.] See Þere, Þare.

#Frote#, v. to rub; wring, tear at, II 79; #Frotyng#, pres. p. grating, XIII b 59. [OFr. froter.]

#Frounse#, v. to pucker, V 238. [OFr. fronci(e)r.]

#Frut(e)#, n. fruit, II 257, VIII a 320, IX 143; #Fruyt#, IX 139, 148, XIII a 51; #Frewte#, in f. of erthely foode, ? the fruit of the tree, which was earthly food, XVI 10. [OFr. fruit.]

#Fuersly#, adv. fiercely; fuersly fell, turned out stormy, VII 129. See Fers(e).

#Fuyr#. See Fyr.

#Ful#, II 388; see note.

#Ful#, #Full(e)#, adj. full, complete, II 60, XV e 3, 6, &c.; #Uol#, III 47; as sb., in at þe full, completely, XI b 198; his fulle, see Fille. [OE. full.]

#Ful#, #Full(e)#, adv. full, quite, very, I 22, II 443, 559, IV b 27, V 19, IX 244, &c. [OE. ful.]

#Fulfille(n)#, #Fulfylle#, v. to fill, IX 331, XII introd.; to fulfil, finish, perform, accomplish, IV b 15, 73, VIII a 36, 319, IX 317, XI b 86, 88, XVI 6, &c.; #Uolueld#, pp. III introd. [OE. fulfyllan (Kt. -fellan).]

#Fun#, #Funden#. See Fynde(n).

#Fune#. See Fone.

#Furred#, pp. fur-trimmed, VIII a 264. [OFr. fo(u)rrer.]

#Fursake#. See Forsake.

#Furst#, adv. first, II 14, XIII b 12, 20; #Fyrst#, #First#, I 154, II 121, XVII 42, &c.; at first, I 226, 228, V 159; firstly, XI a 6, b 5, &c.; #Uerst#, at first, III 33; boþ furst and last, throughout, XIV c 76. [As next.]

#Furste#, adj. first, original, XIII a 7, b 4, 26; #Ferste#, XII a 112; #Fyrst(e)#, I 214, VI 188, &c.; #Firste#, in atte firste, at once, VIII a 165. [OE. fyr(e)st, (Kt. ferst).]

#Furth(e)#. See Forþ(e).

#Fut#. See Fote.

#Ga#, #Gaa#. See Go(n).

#Gabberes#, n. pl. swindlers, IX 112. [From ON. gabba, to mock.]

#Gadre#, v. to gather, pick up, assemble, XII b 22, 113, 117; #Ged(e)re#, #Gedyr#, IV b 81, V 192, VII 86; #Ygadered#, pp. III 44; gedereȝ þe rake, ? picks up the path, V 92. [OE. gæderian.]

#Gaf#, #Gaffe#. See Giffe.

#Gay(e)#, adj. gay, gallant, V 297, VII 111; as sb., fair one, VI 73. [OFr. gai.]

#Gayne#, n. gain (i.e. the three kisses), V 281. [OFr. gaigne.]

#Gaynesay#, v. to speak against, IV b 75. [ON. gegn + OE. secgan.] See Agayn, Seie.

#Gam(e)#, #Gaume# (I), n. game, play, I 1 (see Somer), 99; sport, II 315; game (birds), II 309; trickery, XVII 214; merriment, XVII 529; wiþ game, merrily, II 19; #Gamys#, pl. rejoicings, XVI 20. [OE. gamen.]

#Gan#, pa. t. sg.; #Gune#, XVI 47, &c.; #Gan#, pl. II 504; #Gonne#, II 371; #Gun#, I 193: began, II 118, VIII a 146; (without to) II 425; made, II 438; did (without to, as equiv. of simple past) I 193, II 77, 78, 272, 371, 495, 504, 510, 530, XVI 47, 286. [OE. ginnan.] See Begyn(ne); Can, auxil.

#Gane#. See Go(n).

#Gang#, v. to go, depart, fare, X 4, XVI 144, 303, XVII 246. [OE. gángan.]

#Garn#, n. yarn, thread; ther is garn on the reyll other, there is other thread on the reel, other business on hand, XVII 298. [ON. garn.]

#Garre#, #Gar#, v. to make, cause to, IV a 26 (subj.), XVI 20, 144, 199, 334, XVII 346; #Gert(e)#, pa. t. and pp. VIII a 296, X 198; caused (men to), X 16, 70, 82, 90, 98, 185; garre dye, kill, XVI 164; gert ga, cum, sent, brought, X 168, 173. [ON. gøra; the a forms are difficult to explain.]

#Garryng#, adj. grating, harsh, XIII b 15. [Cf. MDu., MLG. garren, v.]

#Gase#; #Gast(e)#, &c. See Go(n); Gost(e), &c.

#Gastli#, adj. terrible, XII b 126. [OE. (once) gǣ̆st-lic; cf. gǣstan, v.] See Agast; distinguish Gostly.

#Gate#, n.^1 gate, II 379. [OE. gæt, pl. gatu.] See ȝate.

#Gate#, n.^2 way, V 51; hyȝe gate (figuratively) highway, VI 35; gang (ȝede) his gate, go (went) his way, VI 166, XVI 144; #Gatis#, pl. in many gatis, in many ways, XI b 117. [ON. gata.] See Algate, Sogat, Þusgate.

#Gate#. See Gete, v.^1

#Gaud#, n. trick, in gaudes and gile, XIV a 18, 30; gaudis and gilery, XVI 160. [? Cf. AFr. gaudir, to jest.]

#Gaume#. See Gam(e).

#Gawle#, n. gall; rancour, VI 103. The spelling and rimes are noteworthy at so early a date. [OE. galla.]

#Ged(e)re#, #Gedyr#. See Gadre.

#Gedlyng#, n. fellow (contemptuous), XVI 212. [OE. gædeling.]

#Gees#, n. pl. geese, VIII a 276, b 19. [OE. gōs, pl. gēs.]

#Gef#. See Giffe.

#Geynest#, adj. superl. most gracious, XV c 35. [ON. gegn.]

#Gentil(l)#, #Gentyl(e)#, #Ientil# (III), adj. of gentle birth, III 18, 23, VIII b 82, XIII b 20, &c.; noble, II 463, V 117, VI 245; gentle, graceful, &c., II 305; docile, XVII 505; þat gentyl, that gentle lady, VI 242; ientilman, gentleman, III 18, XIV introd. [OFr. gentil.]

#Gere#, #Geir# (X), n. sg. tools, apparatus, necessary things, X 110, XVII 245, 316, 326; arms, XVI 211; contrivance (the ark), XVII 274; affair, business, V 137. [ON. gervi.]

#Gered#, pp. attired, V 159. [From prec. in frequent sense 'apparel'.]

#Gernier(e)#, n. garner, storehouse (for corn), III 43, 46. [OFr. gernier.]

#Gert(e)#. See Garre.

#Gesse(n)#, v. to be of opinion; to expect, XI b 167; to conceive, form an idea, VI 139 (note). [Cf. MLG. gissen.]

#Geste#, n. tale, VII introd., Introduction xxxiii. [OFr. geste.]

#Gestis#, n. pl. joists, frame-timbers, X 5. [OFr. giste.]

#Get(e)#, v.^1 to get, find, XIV c 38, 110, XVII 184 (subj.); pres. as fut. XIV b 3, XVII 299; lay hold of, catch, XVII 339; do get in, get in (trans.), XVII 326; #Gate#, pa. t. sg. VII 76; #Getyn#, #Ygete#, pp. in getyn agayne, won back, XVI 11; forþe ygete, set forth, produced, II 14. [ON. geta.] See Forgete.

#Get#, v.^2 to guard; get for, look out for, XIV a 36. [ON. gǽta.]

#Geþ#. See Go(n).

#Gyaunt#, n. giant, VIII a 328. [OFr. geant.]

#Gyde#, n. guide, VIII a 1. [OFr. guide.]

#Gif#, #Gyf#, conj. if, IV a 85; bot gif, unless X 78, 180. [Northern variant of Ȝif; the g (where not graphic for ȝ) is difficult to explain.]

#Gif(fe)#, #Gyf(fe)#, v. to give, IV a 18, b 66, V 327, VI 183, XVI 114, &c.; #Gyue#, XV h 21; #Gaf(fe)#, pa. t. sg. XVI 163, XVII 16; #Gef#, V 5 (wished), 281 (2 sg.); #Gifen#, pp. XIV b 88 (surrendered); #Gyf(f)ene#, IV b 53, 66; gaf in commaundement, gave orders, XVII 33. [ON. gefa, OSwed. gifa; see N.E.D.] See Ȝeue.

#Gyfte#, n. gift, IV b 53, 59, 69, VI 247; giving (? or privilege), VI 205. [ON. gift.] See Ȝiftis.

#Gile#, #Gyle#, n. guile, treachery. II 7, XIV a 6, d 4, XVII 214, &c. [OFr. guile.] See Wiles, Bigile.

#Gilery#, n. fraud, XVI 160. [OFr. gilerie, from prec.]

#Gill#, woman's name, Jill, XVII 219; for Iak nor for Gill, for nobody, XVII 336. [Shortened from Gillian, OFr. Juliane.]

#Gylofres#, n. pl. in clowe gylofres, cloves, IX 157. [OFr. gilofre.] See Clowe.

#Gyn(e)#, n. engine, machine, X 90, 99; contrivance, XVII 128, 276. [Shortened from OFr. engin.] See Engynys.

#Gyng#, n. troop, company, VI 95. [OE. genge; ? infl. by gang.]

#Gynour#, n. engineer (contriver of machines), X 98, 126. [Shortened from OFr. engigneor.] See Gyn(e), Engynour.

#Girdelstede#, n. waist, II 266. [OE. gyrdel + stede.] See Gurdel.

#Gyrde#, v. to strike; gyrdeȝ he to, strikes spurs into, V 92. [? Same as next.]

#Gyrdit#, pp. girt, X 24. [OE. gýrdan.]

#Gisely#, adv. skilfully, II 299. [From OFr. guise, n.] See Degiselich.

#Giserne#, n. battle-axe, V 197. [OFr. guiserne.]

#Gyue#. See Gif(fe).

#Glad(e)#, v. to make glad, VIII a 113, XVII 491; #Gladde#, IV a 49. [OE. gladian.]

#Gladde#, #Glad(e)# (of), adj. happy, glad (at), II 583, XII introd., XVI 42, 241, &c.; #Gladly#, adv. XII b 37; beren gladly, are glad to wear, IX 109. [OE. glæd, glæd-līce.]

#Gle#, #Glew# (I, IV), n. mirth, pleasure, play, II 34, 267, IV a 44, 72, XVII 529; (skill in) making music, minstrelsy, II 383, 434, 444, 529, &c.; made hem glew, directed their singing, I 39. [OE. glēo(w).]

#Gleme#, n. radiance, XVI 42. [OE. glǣm.]

#Glent#, pa. t. started aside, V 224. [Obscure; ME. glenten (mod. glint) has same senses as Blenk, q.v.]

#Glew#. See Gle.

#Glyde#, v. to glide, V 198, XII b 126. [OE. glīdan.]

#Glyfte# (on), pa. t. glanced sideways (at), V 197. [Obscure; ME. gliffen, and gliften, with same senses as Blenk, q.v.]

#Glode#, n. ? glade, open space, V 113; on glode, appar. a variant of on bent (q.v.), on earth, where he stood, V 198. [Unknown.]

#Glorius#, #-ous#, adj. glorious, XVI 42, XVII 166. [OFr. glori(o)us.]

#Glotyny#, #Glotony#, n. gluttony, XVII 37, 52. [OFr. gloutonie.]

#Glotoun#, n. Glutton (personified), VIII a 296. [OFr. glouton.]

#Gloue#, n. glove, VIII a 147. [OE. glōfe.]

#Gnacchen#, v. to gnash the teeth, XV h 9. [Echoic, on model of next.]

#Gnauen#, v. to gnaw, grind the teeth, XV h 9. [OE. gnagan.]

#Go(n)#, v. VIII a 296, XV g 24, &c.; #Goo#, XI b 41, &c.; #Ga#, X 168; pres. 2 sg. #Gost#, II 129; 3 sg. #Gase#, IV a 11, XIV a 25; #Geþ# (OE. gǣþ), II 238, 551; #Gotȝ#, VI 5; #Goth#, IX 178, &c.; pl. #Gaa#, IV b 43; #Goo#, #Go(n)#, IX 18, 177, XI b 15, &c.; #Gotȝ#, VI 150; #Goþ#, XIII b 64, 65; subj. #Go#, VI 170, XVI 156; imper. pl. #Gos#, VI 161; #Gotȝ#, V 51, 175; pp. #Gane#, X 84, 100, &c.; #Go#, I 222, II 196; #Gon(e)#, I 161, II 492 (ago), VI 16, XVII 408 (done for), &c.; #Ygo#, II 349, 541 (ago); #Goande#, pres. p. V 146. To walk, V 146, IX 18, XIV a 25; in him com ... gon (OE. cōm inn gān), came walking in, XV g 24; to be (alive), V 41; gon on bodi and bones, see Bodi; to go, II 190, 345, XV g 12, &c.; gon (be), travel (about), IX 112; go hunte, &c., go and hunt, &c., VIII a 30, 32; go slepe, go to sleep, VIII a 296; hadde go, had gone on, I 222; hou it geþ, what is the (inevitable) course of things, II 551; is go(n), &c., went, II 196, X 176, XII b 176; war tharin gane, were in it, X 128; to come, get, IX 164, 186, &c.; gotȝ (goth) out, issues, VI 5, IX 178. [OE. gān.] See Ȝede.

#Gobet#, n. small share, VIII b 106. [OFr. gobet.]

#God#, n. God, I 89, V 81, VI 241, &c.; #Godd(e)#, I 78, V 51, 137, &c.; #Godys# (MS. God; see XVII 88, note), gen. sg. XVI 241; #Godes#, #Goddes#, pl. gods, II 31, VII 45, 176, 181, &c.; gef hym God and goud day, wished him Godspeed and good day, V 5. [OE. god.] See Goddes.

#God(e)#, adj. good, I 9, II 35, V 281, &c.; #Good(e)#, VIII b 71, XI b 121, &c.; #Goud(e)#, V 50, 202, VI 208; #Gud(e)#, IV b 15, X 47, XIV a 14, &c.; #Guod#, III 59 (guode, wk., III 30, 31, &c.); goud day, see God. [OE. gōd.]

#God(e)#, #Good(e)#, #Guode# (III), #Gude# (IV, XIV b), n. sg. good, IV b 9, V 59, XII a 149; good thing, II 230; collective, goods, wealth, III 8 (dat.), IV b 81, VIII a 225, XII b 35, XIV c 75, &c.; #Godes# (and forms as above) pl., goods, III 1, VII 122, VIII a 218, XI b 272, XII b 48, XIV b 11, &c. [OE. gōd, n.]

#Goddesse#, n. goddess, XII a 44. [OE god + OFr. -esse.]

#Godenisse#, #God(e)nesse#, #Goodnesse#, n. goodness, bounty, II 55, VI 133, VIII a 132, IX 329, &c. [OE. gōd-nes.]

#Godhede#, n. divinity, VI 53, XI b 280, XVI 249. [OE. god + *-hǣdu; cf. OE. god-hād.]

#Godspelle#, n. (dat. sg.) gospel, III 57; #Gospel(l)#, VI 138, XI a 23, b 20, &c. [OE. godspell.]

#Goyng#, n.; for goyng, as a result of moving about, I 157. [From Go(n).]

#Gold(e)#, n. gold, II 150, XV g 22 (dat. sg.), &c. [OE. góld.]

#Golde-hemmed#, adj. bordered with gold, V 327. [Prec. and OE. hemm, border.]

#Golf#, n. abyss (of water), VI 248. [OFr. golfe.]

#Gome#, n. man, V 50, 159, 171, 191, 202, VII 54, VIII a 210. [OE. guma.]

#Gon(e)#, #Goo#. See Go(n).

#Gonne#. See Gan.

#Gore#, n. triangular strip (of cloth), gore; by synecdoche for 'gown', in under gore, in gown (among women, alive), XV c 35. [OE. gāra.]

#Gos#, #Gost#. See Go(n).

#Goshauk#, n. goshawk (usually a large short-winged hawk), XII a 9. [OE. gōs-hafoc.]

#Gost#, n. spirit, soul, V 182; #Haly Gast(e)#, #Hooly Gost(e)#, &c., Holy Ghost, IV b 53, IX 331, XI a 11, XVI 77, XVII 162, &c. [OE. gāst.]

#Gostly#, adj. spiritual, IX 332, XI b 281, 289; #Gast(e)ly#, IV a 51, b 70, 85. [OE. gāst-lic.]

#Goteȝ#, n. pl. streams, VI 248. [OE. *got- rel. to gēotan.]

#Gotȝ#, #Goþ#, &c. See Go(n).

#Goud(e)#. See Gode.

#Gouerned#, pa. t. controlled, XIV c 26. [OFr. governer.]

#Goune#, #Gowne#, n. gown (outer robe), V 328, XVII 262. [OFr. goune.]

#Gowrdes#, n. pl. gourds, IX 139. [OFr. gourde.]

#Gowtes#, n. pl.; gowtes artetykes, attacks of arthritic gout, IX 314. [OFr. goute.] See Artetyke.

#Grace#, n. favour, IX 296, XIV b 46, &c.; consideration, VIII a 117; grace, mercy (of God), I 186, VI 76, 252, VIII a 120, b 106, XV i 8, XVII 551, &c.; personified in our Lord, VI 65; what God may send, XVII 334; favour of fortune, luck, VII 76, VIII b 102, XII b 169, 186; lot, II 547. [OFr. grace.]

#Graciouse#, #-yous#, #Gracius#, adj. pleasing, VIII a 222; gracious, XVII 28, 165. [OFr. gracious.]

#Gradde#. See Grede.

#Graidly#. See Graythely.

#Graielis#, n. pl. books containing the 'gradual' (part of the Mass), XI b 229 (see note). [OFr. graël.]

#Grayne#. See Greyne.

#Grayþed#, pa. t.; grayþed hym, got ready, V 191; #Grathed#, pp. made ready, XVI 211 (rime requires Graide). [ON. greiða.]

#Grayþely#, #Grathely# (XVI), #Graidly# (VII), adv. readily; ready, V 224; aptly, VI 139; carefully, VII 54; directly, XVI 92. [ON. greið-liga.] See prec., and Grath.

#Grame#, n. wrath, XVII 89. [OE. grama.] See Greme.

#Gramer(e)#, n. grammar, XIII b 36; mayster of gr., (title of) a licensed teacher of grammar, XIII b 28. [OFr. gramaire.]

#Gramerscole#, n. grammar-school, XIII b 28, 33, 38. [Prec. + OE. scōl.]

#Grant merci#, gramercy, thank you (lit. great thanks), V 58, XII b 92. [OFr.]

#Grapes#, n. pl. grapes, IX 159, 160. [OFr. grape.]

#Grases#. See Gresse.

#Grath#, n. readiness, in with grath, promptly, XVII 482. [ON. greiði.] See Grayþed, &c.

#Graue#, n. grave, I 139, XVI 23, 393. [OE. græf.]

#Graunt(e)#, #Grante#, v. to consent, I 51; to grant, VII 3, VIII a 326, XIV b 46, XV i 8, XVII 178, &c.; (with infin.) I 199, II 604. [OFr. graanter, AFr. graunter.]

#Greate#. See Gret(e), adj.

#Grece#, n. fat, V 245. [OFr. gresse.]

#Grede#, v. to cry out, II 104; #Gradde#, pa. t. XII b 68. [OE. grǣdan.]

#Greyn#. See Grene.

#Greyne#, #Grayne#, n. grain, corn, VIII a 113, 120. [OFr. grain.]

#Grekes#, #Grekys#, n. pl. Greeks, VII 40, 61, 86, 111, 176. [OE. Grē(a)cas, L. Græcī.]

#Grem(e)#, #Gremy# (VII), n. anger; resentment, VI 105; mortification, V 302; cause for anger, harm, V 183; with greme (gremy), wrathfully, V 231, VII 176. [ON. gremi; OE. gremian, v.] See Grame.

#Grene#, #Greyn# (XVII), adj. green, II 353, V 35, VIII a 276, &c.; n. green, V 123, 159, 191, 227; green sward, II 72; earth, XVII 534. [OE. grēne.]

#Gresse#, n. grass, II 244, V 113; #Grases#, pl. herbs, II 260. [OE. gærs, græs.]

#Gret(e)#, #Greate# (III), adj. great, large, I 22, 210, II 101, 240, III 9, 17, &c.; greatly esteemed, VII 40; big, boastful, XVII 379; many grete, many important people, XI b 207; smale and grete, grete and small, all, XIV c 22, XVII 90, 344; #Grettere#, compar. IX 70, 91; #Grettest#, superl. IX 182. [OE. grēat; grē̆ttra, compar.]

#Gret(e)#, v.^1 to greet, XII introd., XIV d 2. [OE. grētan.]

#Grete#, v.^2 to weep, V 89; #Grette#, pa. t. IV a 87. [OE. grētan (*grǣtan), or grēotan.]

#Gretnesse#, n. size, IX 54. [OE. grēat-nes.]

#Greu#, n. Greek (language), XI a 45. [OFr. greu.]

#Grevance#, n. offence, sin (or affliction), XVII 58. [OFr. grevance.]

#Greue#, v. to grieve, offend, VI 111, VIII a 225, XV f 3; oppress, VIII a 313; injure, VIII b 60; greueth hym aȝeines, voices a grievance against, VIII a 311; #Greuyng#, n. offending, insulting, VII 181. [OFr. grever.]

#Greuous#, adj. grave, IX 287; #Greuously#, adv. gravely, XI b 144. [OFr. grevous.]

#Grew(e)#. See Growe(n).

#Gryed#, pa. t. sorrowed (inwardly), V 302. [Not known; cf. XI Pains of Hell (OE. Miscell.) l. 160, gryd and wept.]

#Griffoun#, n. griffin, IX 245, 248, 251. [OFr. griffon.]

#Griis#, n. grey (fur), II 241 (see Fowe). [OFr. gris.]

#Grymme#, #Grim#, adj. fearsome, grim, II 184, V 192. [OE. grimm.]

#Gryndel#, adj. wrathful, V 270; #Gryndelly#, adv. wrathfully, V 231. [? Back-formation from *grindlaik (gryndellayk Sir Gaw. 312), ON. grimmd + leik-r; cf. ON. grimm-leikr.]

#Gryndel-ston#, n. grindstone, V 134. [OE. *grindel (from gríndan) + stān.]

#Grys#, n. pl. young pigs, VIII a 276. [ON. grís-s.]

#Grisbittyng#, n. gnashing of the teeth, XIII b 15. [OE. gristbitung.]

#Gryste#, n. resentment (? lit. grinding of the teeth), VI 105. [OE. grist, grinding.]

#Grochinge#, n. reluctance, III 10. See Grucche.

#Gron(e)#, v. to lament, complain, V 89, XVII 409; groan, VIII a 255, XV h 9. [OE. grānian.]

#Gronyngys#, n. pl. lamentations (as a sign of repentance), XI b 99. [OE. grānung.]

#Grot#, n. small bit; euerich a grot, every detail, II 490. [OE. grot.]

#Ground(e)#, #Grownd# (XVII), n. ground, XII a 80, &c.; bottom, XII b 71; bottom of the sea, XVII 439, 462; deep pool, XIII a 52; land, XVII 465; foundation, cause, VI 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, VII 80; (vp)on grounde, on earth, V 82, VIII a 225; to grounde, on the ground, II 549, VI 74. [OE. grúnd.]

#Grounde#, v. in nouȝt groundiþ hem, they have no foundation, XI a 4; groundid (in), based (on), XI b 52; ben not gr. in God, have no divine sanction, XI a 62. [From prec.]

#Grounden#, pp. ground, V 134; #Ygrounde#, XIV d 9. [OE. gríndan, ge-grúnden.]

#Grow#, v. to feel terror, X 94. [Cf. MLG. grūwen.]

#Growe(n)#, #Grufe#, v. to grow, VIII a 113, IX 33, 53, XII a 80, &c.; to come into being, in begynnys to grufe to vs, is about to begin for us, XVII 463; #Grew(e)#, pa. t. I 164, 236, VI 65, VII 80; #Growe#, pp. II 266, XIV c 89, 98; #Growynge#, n. growth, IX 71. [OE. grōwan; grufe is freq. Northern form.]

#Grucche#, #Gruch#, v. to grumble, VIII a 210, 311; grumble at, V 183; #Gruchyng#, pres. p. reluctant, V 58. [OFr. gr(o)ucher.] See Grochinge, Bigruccheth.

#Grufe#. See Growe(n).

#Grwe#, n. jot, in no grwe, not a jot, not at all, V 183. [? OFr. gru, grain; cf. Grot.]

#Gud(e)#, #Guod(e)#, &c. See Gode.

#Gun(e)#. See Gan.

#Gurdel#, n. girdle, V 327; #Girdel#, V 290. [OE. gyrdel.]

#Guttes#, n. pl. entrails, VIII a 171. [OE. guttas.]

#Ȝa#, #Ȝaa#, adv. yea, yes, XVI 109, 305. [OE geā.] See Ȝe, Yei.

#Ȝaf#. See Ȝeue.

#Ȝalow#, adj. yellow, IX 34, 115, 116; fair (-haired), IX 22. [OE. geolu, geolw-.]

#Ȝalownesse#, n. fairness (of hair), IX 22. [From prec.]

#Ȝar#, adj. ready, X 110. [OE. gearo.]

#Ȝare#, adv. fully, V 342. [OE. gear(w)e.]

#Ȝarkke#, v. to ordain, decree, V 342; #Yȝarked#, pp. II 547. [OE. gearcian.]

#Ȝate#, n. gate, II 232 (dat.), 385; #Ȝet#, X 167, 181, &c.; #Ȝateȝ#, #-es#, #-iis#, pl. V 2, IX 223, XVI 124, &c. [OE. ge(a)t, gæt (pl. gatu); the pls. above show infl. of sg.] See Gate, n.^1

#Ȝe#, adv. yea, yes, VIII a 38, 227, b 110. [OE. gēa.] See Ȝa, Yei.

#Ȝe#, pron. 2 pl. nom. you, I 38, II 215, &c.; #Ȝee#, IX 187, 219, 284; #Ye#, XV g 25, &c.; #Yee#, XVII 397. #Ou#, acc. and dat. (to) you, XIV c 97; #Ȝou#, II 24, 204, &c.; #Ȝow#, I 22, VIII a 6, 14, &c.; #You(e)#, XVI 402, XVII 294, &c.; #Yow#, V 23, 26, &c.; refl. (acc.) yourselves, VIII a 112, XIV b 7, XVI 178; yourself, V 49, VIII a 25; (dat.) for yourselves, II 216, 217; ȝif ȝou lyke, it lyke ȝou, if it please you, IX 74, 284; ȝou to, for yourselves, XIV d 7. #Ȝor#, poss. adj. XIV c 13, 106; #Ȝour(e)#, I 84, II 218, &c.; #Ȝowre#, VIII a 14, 21, XIV a 8, 10, b 4, &c. The plural forms are often used to a superior, as: II 582, VIII a 118, ff., &c.; but also without special reason and intermingled with þou, &c., as: II 466, V 42, 256-7, &c. [OE. gē, ēow, ēower.]

#Ȝede# (pa. t. of Gon, q.v.), fared, went, &c., I 53, 104, II 301, 476, VIII a 93, &c.; walked, II 509; was, V 265; ȝede atwynne, broke apart, separated, I 191; ȝede on fote = lived, V 295; ȝede his gate, went his way, VI 166. [OE. ēode; see N.E.D., s.v. Yede, and Luick, Hist. Gramm. d. engl. Sprache § 261 n. 3; § 360.]

#Ȝederly#, adv. ? promptly, ? fully, V 257. [? OE. ǣdre, ēdre, quickly, fully; cf. Yendles.]

#Ȝeer#, n. year, IX 61, 63, &c.; #Ȝer(e)#, I 151, V 332, VIII a 44, XIII a 44, &c.; #Yeare# (dat.), III introd.; #Yer(e)#, III 44, VII 12, 99, XIV e 2, XVII 57; #Ȝer(e)#, pl. I introd., II 264, 492, 541, VI 123, VIII a 319, b 36, XVI 39, 354; #Ȝeres#, I introd. [OE. gēr, gēar.] See Toȝere.

#Ȝef#, #Yef#; #Ȝif#, #Ȝyf#, conj. (usually with subj.) if, I 17, II 169, III 13, 28, V 230, VI 122, VIII a 163, XIII a 35, 48, XV b 34, &c.; whether, I 17, III 5, &c.; #Hyf#, VIII b 43; #If(f)#, VIII a 123, XVI 331, &c.; #Iif#, V 275; #Yf#, IV b 24; #Yiif#, XV a 23; ȝif (if) þat, if, IV a 24, 88, IX 219, 271, XII a 16, b 46, XIV c 69; whether, XII a 184; all if, although, XVII 231; see also Bote. [OE. gef, gi(e)f.] See Gif.

#Ȝeit#. See Ȝet(e), adv.

#Ȝelde(n)#, v. to yield, give (back), pay, repay, V 155, 257, VIII a 44, IX 189; #Yelde#, III 50; #Ȝelde#, subj. (imper.) in ȝ. hit ȝow, requite you for it, V 342; ȝ. ȝow (of), reward you (for), VIII a 121; #Ȝolden#, pp. surrendered, XIV b 89; #Yyolde#, restored, III 58 (see the French). [OE. géldan.] See Forȝelde.

#Ȝemen#, n. pl. yeomen, hired labourers, VI 175. [? OE. geong-man, ME. ȝengman, ȝemman, ȝēman; see N.E.D., s.v. Yeoman.]

#Ȝeply#, adv. cunningly; (allit. only) quickly, promptly, V 176. [OE. gēap-līce.]

#Ȝer(e)#. See Ȝeer.

#Ȝern(e)#, adv. eagerly, readily, II 323, VIII a 103, 292. [OE. géorne.]

#Ȝerne#, v. to desire, long for; #Yȝyrned#, pp. XV c 32 (the relative before ychabbe is omitted); #Ȝhernyng#, n. (the object of) desire, IV a 22 (cf. Couaytyng, Lufyng). [OE. géornan, gírnan; géorning.]

#Ȝet#. See Ȝate.

#Ȝet(e)#, #Ȝeit# (X), #Yet#; #Ȝit(t)#, #Ȝyt#, #Yit#; #Ȝut# (VIII b); adv. yet; up to now, even now, XI b 243, XII a 196, XIV c 84, XVI 373, XVII 359, &c.; strengthening (n)euere, II 103, 147, VI 89, VIII b 41, XVI 136; still, once more, in addition, moreover, II 464, VI 14, VIII a 38, 250, IX 40, 200, XII b 75, &c.; all the same, none the less, I 225, II 174, V 151, VI 83, VIII b 98, XI b 119, XV g 31, XVII 12, &c.; conj. and yet, but, XVII 17, 197; ac ȝete, but ȝit, bot yit (ȝeit), &c., and yet, II 191, IX 99, X 95, XI b 239, XVII 35, &c. [OE. gēt(a), gett, gī(e)t, gȳt, &c.]

#Ȝete#, v. to grant, give; no waning I wyl þe ȝete, I wish to give you no curtailment (of what is due), VI 198. [OE. (late) gēatan, prob. modelled on ON. játa.]

#Ȝeue#, #Yeue# (III), v. to give, grant, III 7, IX 79, 293, XI b 162, &c.; #Ȝiue(n)#, II 454, VIII a 121 (subj.), XII b 35, 42, &c.; #Ȝyue#, XI b 300; #Ȝifth#, 3 sg. pres. XII a 87. #Ȝaf#, #Yaf#, pa. t. sg. III 39, 44, VIII a 192, 238, XI a 11; #Yeaf#, III 10, 22, 52; #Ȝaf#, pa. t. pl. II 20; #Yeaue#, pa. subj. III 21, 51. #Ȝouen#, pp. IX 90, XI b 264; #Yeue#, III 7, 14; #Y-yeue#, III 25, 29; ȝaf of, gave (cared) for, XIV c 54. [OE. gefan, giefan, gyfan.] See Giffe, Forȝeue.

#Ȝhernyng#. See Ȝerne, v.

#Ȝif# (#Ȝyf#); #Ȝifth#. See Ȝef; Ȝeue.

#Ȝiftis#, n. pl. gifts, VIII a 42, XI b 265. [OE. gift; see N.E.D., s.v. Gift.] See Gyfte.

#Ȝit(t)#, #Ȝyt#, #Yit#. See Ȝet(e), adv.

#Ȝiue(n)#, #Ȝyue#. See Ȝeue.

#Ȝoked#, pp. yoked, IX 253. [OE. geocian.]

#Ȝolden#. See Ȝelde(n).

#Ȝole#, n. Yule, Christmas; ȝole nyȝt, Christmas night, I 187. [OE. gēol; cf. ON. jól, n. pl. Yule; jóla-nátt, Yule-night.]

#Ȝon#. See Yone.

#Ȝong(e)#, #Yong# (XVII), adj. young, VI 52, 114, 175, VIII b 36, IX 21, XVII 397; old or ȝong, any one, II 221; ȝong and alde, every one, IV a 49. [OE. geong.]

#Ȝor#. See Ȝe, pron.

#Ȝore#, adv. (since long ago), a long while, II 559, V 46, VI 226, XV c 32. [OE. geāra]

#Ȝou#, #Ȝour(e)#, #Ȝow(re)#. See Ȝe.

#Ȝouen#. See Ȝeue.

#Ȝut#. See Ȝet(e), adv.

#Haade#. See next.

#Habbe(n)#, v. to have, possess, get, take, put, and auxil., XIII a 59, 60, XV g 23; #A#, I 127; #Haf(e)#, IV a 64, V 150, &c.; #Haif#, XVII 286; #Han#, XIV c 6, XV h 22; #Haue(n)#, I 107, VIII a 74, XII a 66, &c.; #Hawe#, X introd. #Haf#, #Haue#, 1 sg. pres. V 23, IX 289, &c.; see Ichabbe, Ichaue; #Has(e)#, 2 sg. XVI 243, XVII 430, &c.; #Hast(e)#, I 131, XVI 223, &c.; #Hatȝ#, V 173, 228, 273, 324; #Hauest#, VIII b 26; #Habbeȝ#, 3 sg. *V 271 (note); #Hase#, IV a 39, XVII 550, &c.; #Haþ#, #Hath#, I 11, XVI 356, &c.; #Hatȝ#, V 46, 126, 340; #Haues#, XV a 20; #Haueþ#, VIII b 98; #Habbeþ#, pl. III 2, XIII a 15, &c.; #Haf(e)# (with pron.), IV b 16, VI 159, X 16, &c.; #Han# (the commonest form), II 21, V 25, &c.; #Has(e)# (sep. from pron.), IV a 2, X 52, XIV b 71, XVII 95, &c. #Haue#, pres. subj. V 219, VIII a 114, 261; as haue I (thou), so may I (you) have, XVII 237, 333, 402. #Haf#, #Haue#, imper. sg. V 75, I 124, &c.; #Haueth#, pl. XIV d 13. #Hadde#, pa. t. I 100, II 51, XI b 265, &c.; #Had(e)#, I 116, V 13, XI b 202, &c.; #Hedde#, III 5, 42, &c. (OKt. hefde); #Hadde#, 2 sg. XVI 219; #Hadestow#, II 533 (see Þou); #Hadyn#, pl. VII 126. #Haade#, pa. t. subj. had, would (should) have, XI b 270; #Hadde#, #Had(e)#, II 559, I 195, V 196, &c.; #Hed(d)e#, III 13, 30, &c.; #Hadeȝ#, #Hadest#, 2 sg. subj. II 573, V 326. #Yhad#, pp. II 249, 253. Haf (haue) at þe, have (i.e. let me get) at thee, V 220, XVII 219; haue done, be quick, XVII 316, 352, 480; his lyf hade, preserved his life, VII 163. [OE. habban.]

#Habide#. See Abide.

#Habundant#, adj. abundant, IX 330. [OFr. abundant.]

#Hacches#, n. pl. hatches; of a buttery, or kitchen, VIII b 29; of a ship, VII 147. [OE. hæcc.]

#Hade#, see Habbe(n), Heued; #Hadestow#, see Habbe(n).

#Haf(e)#. See Habbe(n), Half.

#Hafyng#, n. possession, VI 90. [From stem of Habben; cf. OE. hæfen.]

#Hay(e)#, n. hay, XVII 159; mowing grass, IV a 33. [OE. hēg.]

#Haif#. See Habbe(n).

#Hayle#, n. hail, I 162. [OE. hægl.]

#Hayroun#, n. (collective), herons, II 310. [OFr. hairon.]

#Haithill#. See Haþel.

#Haywarde#, n. hayward (who had charge of fences, enclosures, &c., and was sometimes keeper of the cattle on the common land), VIII b 16 (see note). [OE. hægweard.]

#Hald(e)#, &c. See Holde(n).

#Haldynge#, n.; haldynge vp, maintaining, XI b 168. See Holde(n).

#Hale#, v. to draw, pull, XII b 87; #Halt#, pp. in vp halt, uplifted, high, V 11. [OE. *halian (OFris. halia), or OFr. haler.]

#Half#, #Halue#, #Haf# (III), n. side, X 198; vpon boþe halue, on both sides, V 2, 97; o this half, on this side (of the world), IX 250; behalf, in ane ... haf (with intervening gen.) on behalf of, III 11; (vp)on Goddeȝ halue, a (on) Goddes half, &c., in God's name, for God's sake, V 51, 81, XI a 15, XII b 80; adj. and adv. half, IX 241, XII b 35, 79, &c. [OE. half.] See Behalue.

#Halȝeȝ#, n. pl. saints, V 54. [OE. hā̆lga.] See Holi.

#Haly#. See Holi.

#Halydam#, n. halidom, holy thing (such as relics of the saints, but frequent coupling with God, and help, seems to show word to imply the saints as a body; cf. prec. line), V 55. [OE. hāligdōm.]

#Hall(e)#, n. mansion, hall, home, II 219, V 261, XVI 136, XVII 67, 348, 516, &c. [OE. hall.]

#Halme#, n. shaft, V 156. [OE. halm, stalk; cf. Stele.]

#Halpeny#, n. halfpenny in halpeny ale, ale at a halfpenny a gallon, small beer, VIII a 300. [OE. half-penig.] See Pené.

#Hals#, n. neck, VIII a 63. [OE. hals.]

#Halsed#, pa. t. embraced, greeted, XVI 64. [OE. h(e)alsian, *embrace, implore, usually confused with next. Cf. ON. heilsa (= next), greet; hálsa, embrace.]

#Halsen#, v. to interpret (dream), XII a 148. [OE. hǣ̆lsian, hā̆lsian, interpret omens, &c.]

#Halt#, see Hale; #Halue#, see Half.

#Halue-acre#, #Half-acre#, n. half-acre, small plot, VIII a 4, 5, 100, 110. [OE. half + æcer.]

#Halvendel#, n. half, XII b 49, 218. [OE. halfan dǣl, accus.] See Dele.

#Halwid#, pp. consecrated, XI b 29. [OE. hā̆lgian.] See Halȝeȝ, Holi.

#Ham#, #Hamsylf#. See Hi, pron. pl.

#Hame#. See Hom, adv.

#Hamerys#, #Hamers#, n. pl. hammers, XV h 10, 13. [OE. hamor.] See Homered.

#Hamese#, n. pl. alleged oriental name for diamonds, IX 37 (so in French original).

#Han#, see Habbe(n); #Hand(e)#, see Hond.

#Handled#, pp. wielded, XV h 13. [OE. handlian.]

#Hange#, v. to hang (trans. and intr.), I 219, VIII a 63, XVI 307; #Hongeþ#, 3 sg. pres. II 506, 507; #Heng(e)#, pa. t. sg. II 344, 500; #Yhonged#, pp. XIII a 14. [OE. hōn (pa. t. hēng), trans.; hángian, intr.; cf. ON. hanga (str.) intr.]

#Hap#, #Happ#, n. chance, fortune, XII b 8, XV c 9; #Happes#, pl. happenings, II 8, XIII a 62. [ON. happ.] See Myshap.

#Happe#, v. impers. happen, VIII a 47; #Happed#, #Happit#, pa. t. it befell, VII 117, VIII b 99. [From prec.]

#Happene#, #Happyn#, v. to happen, IX 47, 207, XVII 481; #Hapneth#, 3 sg. pres. XII b 6. [Extended from prec.]

#Hard#. See Here, v.

#Hard(e)#, adj. hard, harsh, cruel, I 28, 135, II 243, &c.; strong, immovable, IV a 48; as sb., what is hard, VI 246; adv. hard, V 85, XV h 13; grievously, VII 117; closely, X 150, XVI 151. [OE. heard; hearde.]

#Hardely#, #Hardily#, #Hardiliche#, adv. boldly, VIII a 30, XVI 143; (parenthetic), certainly, I may say, V 322, XVII 522. [From next.]

#Hardi#, #Hardy#, adj. bold, II 27, VIII a 179, &c. [OFr. hardi.]

#Hardyment#, n. (act of) daring, X 183. [OFr. hardement.]

#Hardynesse#, n. hardihood, boldness, IX 79. [OFr. hardi + -ness; cf. OFr. hardiesse.]

#Hardis#, n. pl. hards (coarser part of flax), X 20. [OE. heordan, pl.]

#Hare#. See Hi, pron. pl., and fem.

#Harkens#, &c. See Herkne.

#Harlot#, n. rascal, scurrilous fellow, VIII a 54, [XVI 185]. [OFr. harlot.]

#Harm(e)#, n. grief, misfortune, injury, detriment, I 147, V 204, 209, VI 28, XII a 162, XIII b 39, XIV a 26, XVI 323, &c. [OE. hearm.]

#Harp#, n. harp, II 19, 231, &c. [OE. hearp.]

#Harpe#, v. to harp, II 37, 271, &c. [OE. hearpian.]

#Harpour(e)#, #Harper#, n. harper, minstrel, II 35, 40, 513, 522, &c. [OE. hearpere; OFr. harpour.]

#Harpyng#, n. harping, minstrelsy, II 3, 43, 277, &c. [OE. hearpung.]

#Harryng#, n. snarling, XIII b 15. [Echoic.]

#Harrowe#, #Herrowe#, interj. a cry for help, XVI 185, 343; as sb., uproar, XVI 98. [OFr. harou.]

#Harrowing#, n. despoiling, XVI title. [OE. hergung.]

#Hartely#. See Hertely.

#Harwen#, v. to harrow, VIII b 19. [Cf. ON. herfi, OSwed. harva, a harrow.]

#Hasell-note#, n. hazel-nut, IX 55. [OE. hæsel-hnutu.]

#Hast(e)#, n. violence, haste, VIII a 291, XVII 411, &c; an haste, III 22, 43, 47; in hast(e), V 150, VIII a 167, XVII 158, 293, 447, speedily, immediately. [OFr. haste; cf. Heste, n.^2]

#Hast(e)#, v. intr. and refl. to hasten, VIII a 317, XVII 182; hastis hemselue to hange, rashly (precipitately) hang themselves, XVI 307. [OFr. haster.]

#Hast(e)ly#, adv. speedily, XVII 39, 109. [From Haste, n.; cf. OE. hǣstlice.]

#Hate#. See Hoot.

#Hate#, n. hatred, VI 103, &c. [Stem of next.]

#Hate#, #Hatie#, 2 sg. pres. subj. (you should) hate, IV a 47, VIII a 52. [OE. hatian.]

#Hatȝ#, #Haþ#, &c. See Habbe(n).

#Hatte#, n. hat, V 13, XIV b 41. [OE. hætt.]

#Hatte#, see Hote, v.; #Hatter#, see Hoot.

#Haþel#, #Haithill# (VII), adj. noble, VII 38; n. knight, V 263, 340. [OE. æþele, adj., and hæleþ, warrior; see Björkman, Morte Arthure, 358 (note, and refs.).]

#Hauenes#, n. pl. harbours, XIII b 68, XIV c 38. [OE. hæfen(e).]

#Hauer-cake#, n. oat-cake, VIII a 277. [ON. hafri + ME. cake (cf. Icel., Swed. kaka).]

#Haukin#, n.; on haukin, a-hawking, II 308. [OE. hafoc, ON. hauk-r, a hawk.]

#Haunche#, n. haunch; app. = shoulder, I 120. [OFr. hanche.]

#Haunt#, n. frequentation; wel gode haunt, great plenty, II 309. [OFr. hant, from next.]

#Haunteþ#, 3 sg. pres. frequents, I 2. [OFr. hanter.]

#Hawe#. See Habbe(n).

#He#, pron. 3 sg. masc. he, I 4, 10, &c.; #Hee#, XVI 185; #A#, XIII a 27, &c. (see A); indef. one, VIII a 130, 131, 211; as he which, as (being) one who, XII a 23 (note), b 37, &c. #Him#, #Hym(e)#, acc. and dat. I 63, II 51, &c.; refl. (for) himself, I 10, 70, II 244, 485, IV b 78, 80, V 191, VI 118, XVI 126; often pleonastic (dat.) with verbs of bodily action, II 289 (note), XV b 7 (note), g 33; esp. of motion, III 19, V 86, XIV c 61, XV g 18, 24 (note), 27, 29, 30; orig. refl. accus. II 475, 501. #Himself#, #Hymself(e)#, #-selue(n)#, #-seluyn#, #-sylf#, nom. himself, IV b 82, V 41, VII 69, XI b 225, XIII a 27, &c.; he himself, II 37, VII 161; acc. refl. XI b 223, XV g 16, &c. #Hiis#, poss. adj. (orig. gen.) XIV d 7; #Hys#, #His#, I 46, II 29, &c.; #Hysse#, VI 58; #Hus#, VIII b 60, 101, 102; #Is#, XV g 7, 24, 29; #Us#, VIII b 106; #Hise#, pl. XII a 156, &c.; as sb., his folk, I 135, XVII 553; written for genitive inflexion, XIII a 22 (see note), b 23. [OE. hē, nom.; his, gen.; him, dat.] See Hi, Hit.

#He#, pron. fem. she, II 408, 446, XV c 7, 15, 17, &c. (see Hi, pron. fem.); pl. they, II 185 (see Hi, pron. pl.). [OE. hēo.]

#He#. See Heigh(e).

#Hebenus#, n. ebony, XII a 91. [L. ebenus.]

#Hed(e)#, see Habbe(n), Heued; #Hedde(n)#, see Habbe(n).

#Hede#, n. heed, notice, VIII a 15, XIV c 10; take hede, look you, XVII 424. [Stem of OE. hēdan.]

#Heder#, #-ir#. See Hider.

#Hee#. See He, masc.; Heie, adv.

#Heele#, n. heel, XIII b 39; #Heleȝ#, pl. V 85. [OE. hēla.]

#Heele#. See Hele, n.

#Heep#, #Hep#, n. host, VIII a 181; an hep (without of), a host of, XII a 82. [OE. hēap.]

#Heere#. See Her(e), adv. and n.

#Heggen#, v. to make and trim hedges, *VIII b 19 (MS. eggen). [From next.]

#Hegges#, n. pl. hedges, VIII a 31. [OE. *hecg.]

#Heght#. See Hight.

#Heie#, #Hye# (X), #Hyȝ(e)#, #Hee# (IV); adv. high, IV a 9, VI 113, X 16, 124, XV g 12; loudly, V 144, X 86. [OE. hēh.]

#Heigh(e)#, #Heiȝ(e)#, #Heih#, adj. high, noble; loud; II 26, 205, 326, 356, VIII a 4, XI b 133, XIV c 18, 100, 109, &c.; also #He#, XVII 469; #Hegh#, VII 142; #Heȝe#, V 129; #Hye#, IX 196, XVII 553; #Hyȝe#, V 19, VI 35, XIII a 40, &c.; #High(e)#, #Hygh#, I 13, VII 101, IX 137, &c.; #Hihe#, XII a 51; an hyȝ, on hegh, on high, VII 142, XIII a 11; hyȝe gate, see Gate, n.^2; heighe pryme, full prime, the end of the period 'prime' (6-9 a.m.), VIII a 106; hygh tymes, festivals, I 13; heigh way, highway, VIII a 4; #Hyar#, compar. taller, X 10. [OE. hēh.]

#Heighlich#, adv. at a high rate, VIII a 307. [From prec.; cf. OE. hēa-līce.]

#Heiȝing#, n. haste; an heiȝing, in haste, II 137. [From Hy, v.]

#Heiste#; #Heite#; #Held(e)#. See Hote; Hete, n.; Holde(n).

#Helde#, v. intr. to incline, turn, V 263; #Heldand#, pres. p. inclined, IV a 28. [OE. #héldan#.]

#Hele#, #Heele# (XVI), n. health, VIII a 256, b 7, 10; restoration, XII a 18; salvation, XVI 38, 67, 106. [OE. hǣlu.] See Hol(e).

#Hele#, v. to heal, VIII a 186, IX 92. [OE. hǣlan.]

#Heleȝ#. See Heele.

#Heling#, n. covering, X 6. [From OE. hel(i)an.]

#Hell#. See Hil.

#Hell(e)#, #Hel#, n. hell, IV a 48, 64, VI 82, &c.; originally gen., in helle pitte, the abyss of hell, XVI 348; fendis in h., hell-fiends, XI b 216 (cf. OE. fēond on helle). [OE. hell.]

#Helme#, n.^1 helm(et), V 75, 129, &c. [OE. helm.]

#Helm(e)#, n.^2 helm (of rudder), XIV c 59, XVII 272, 420. [OE. helma.]

#Help(e)#, n. help, reinforcements, VII 3, VIII a 240, X 180, &c.; forces, XIII b 65. [OE. help.]

#Helpe(n)#, #Help(pe)#, v. to help, avail, II 116, V 141 (note), VIII a 21, 241, &c.; pres. subj. V 55, XVII 247; #Holpyn#, pa. t. pl. VIII a 100; #Hulpen#, VIII a 110; #Helping#, n. X 18. [OE. helpan.]

#Hemself#, #-selue#. See Hi, pl.

#Hende#, adj. courteous, gracious, II 563, XVI 45; as sb., good sir, V 262; #Hendely#, adv. courteously, V 340. [OE. (ge-)hénde, convenient, at hand.]

#Hendy#, adj. gracious, fair, XV c 9, 37, &c. [Extended from prec.]

#Henge#. See Hange.

#Hennes#; #Hence#, #Hens# (XVII), adv. from here, VIII a 273, b 84, XVII 292, 507; from now, ago, VIII b 36, XVII 25. [ME. henen(e), henne (OE. heonane) + adv. -es.]

#Hent(e)#, v. to catch, seize, get, receive, I 112, V 249, VI 28 (pres. subj.), VIII a 167, 181; hent to, lay hold of, XVII 420; #Hent#, pp. IV a 24, V 209, 255; #Yhent#, XV c 9, 37, &c. [OE. hentan.]

#Hep#; #Heore#. See Heep; Hi, pl.

#Her(e)#, #Heere#, #Hier(e)#, (III, XII), adv. here, at this point, III 2, VI 159, XI a 1, b 82, XII b 34, 118, XVI 40, &c.; here is, XII b 161, XVI 325; here abowte, hereabouts, XV i 1. #Her(e)-#, #Hyer-#, used for neut. pron. (this &c.) in: #Her(e)fore#, for this reason, XI a 22, 33, b 139; #Hereinne#, VI 217; #Her(e)of#, #Hyerof#, at, of this, III 1, VIII a 177, IX 150, XI a 54. [OE. hēr.]

#Her(e)#, #Heere# (I), n. hair, I 164, 237, II 265, 506, XV c 13. [OE. hǣr, hēr.]

#Her(e)#, see Hi, pron. fem. and pl.; #Hereself#, see Hi, fem.

#Herbarwe#, #Herberowe#, n. lodging, II 434, XVI 136. [OE. here-beorg.]

#Herber#, n. arbour (grassy place with trees), XV a 13. [OFr. herbier.]

#Here#, n. host (of foes), V 203. [OE. here.]

#Here#, v. to hear, listen to, hear of, I 81, II 43, V 136, 205, VIII a 54, 206, XI b 223 (subj.), &c.; #Heryn#, II 17; #Heris#, 2 sg. pres. XVI 101; #Herd(e)#, pa. t. I 75, 239, &c.; #Hard#, pp. XVII 46; #Herd(e)#, IV a 24, IX 172, XVI 98. For likyng to here, VII 71, see Likeing. [OE. hēran.] See Yhere.

#Heremites#, #Heremytes#, n. pl. hermits, VIII a 139, 181, b 4. [Med.L. (h)erē̆mīta; OFr. (h)ermite.]

#Hereres#, n. pl. hearers, IX 276, 321. [From Here, v.]

#Heresye#, n. heresy, XI a 1, 64. [OFr. heresie.]

#Heretik#, n. heretic, XI a 4; #Heretikis#, #-ys#, pl. XI b 37, 45, &c. [L. hǣreticus.]

#Heryen#, v. to praise, XI b 152. [OE. herian.]

#Heryng(e)# (of), n. hearing (of), listening (to), IX 277, X introd., XI b 59, &c. [OE. hēring.]

#Herkne#, #Herken#, v. to listen, II 443, 525; imper. sg. II 557, XV c 36; pl. II 23; #Harke#, imper. sg. XVI 137; #Harkens#, pl. XVI 37. [OE. hercnian; cf. OFris. herkia.]

#Herrowe#. See Harrowe.

#Hert(e)#, n. heart, II 338, IV a 8, VI 4, VIII a 208, &c.; distrib. sg. for pl. (usual ME. idiom in similar contexts, cf. Kne, &c.), IV a 16, b 41; hertes lif, life, XII a 4. [OE. heorte.]

#Hertely#, #Hartely#, adj. heartfelt, XVI 245; adv. in heart, XVII 388. [Prec. + OE. -lic(e).]

#Heruest#, n. autumn, harvest, VII 101, VIII a 68, 285, 294, b 7. [OE. hærfest.]

#Heruest-tyme#, n. harvest-time, VIII a 108. [OE. hærfest-tīma.]

#Hespyne#, n. boat, X 127. [ON. esping-r, a ship's boat.]

#Heste#, n.^1 command(ment), XI b 106; #Hestis#, pl. XI b 70, 187, 191, &c. [Extended from OE. hǣs; cf. Beheste, Biqueste.]

#Heste#, n.^2 violence, VII 142. [OE. hǣst (allit.). This form has hitherto escaped record (?); prob. distinct from Hast(e), q.v.]

#Het(e)#, #Hette#, &c. See Hote, v.

#Hete#, n. heat, I 163, VI 194, VII 138, IX 13; #Heite#, VII 101. [OE. hǣtu.]

#Heterly#, adv. bitterly, violently, suddenly, V 223, 243, 249, VI 42. [Blend of OE. hete-līce, and ON. hatr-liga.]

#Hethen#, adv. hence, IV a 17. [ON. héðan.]

#Heþ(e)#, n. heath, II 237, 243. [OE. hǣþ.]

#Heþenisse#, n. pagan lands, II 513. [OE. hǣþen-nes.]

#Heu#. See Hew(e).

#Heue#, v. to raise, exalt, V 220, VI 113 (2 sg.). [OE. hebban, hef-.]

#Heued#, n. head, VI 99, 105, XV g 13; ? leader, XIV d 8; #Hade#, II 391; #Hed(e)#, V 75, 249, VIII a 322, XI b 136, &c.; on hed, on his head, II 149. [OE. hēafod, hē̆afd-.]

#Heuen(e)#, #Heuyn#, n. sky, heaven, Heaven, IV a 9, b 10, V 11, VII 137, 153, XIII b 52, &c.; #Heueneȝ#, pl. the heavens, VI 63, 81; Crystes (þe Lordes, &c.) loue of heuene, love of Christ (&c.) in heaven, VIII a 19, 214, XIV d 10. [OE. heofon.]

#Heuenly#, adj. heavenly, XI b 291. [OE. heofon-lic.]

#Heuenryche#, #Heuenryke#, n. Heaven, IV a 15; vnder heuenryche, on earth, V 355. [OE. heofon-rīce.] See Ryche.

#Heuy#, adj. heavy, XV h 13; heuy in, laden with, IV b 29. [OE. hefig.]

#Heuynes#, #Hevynesse#, n. heaviness, IV b 35; sorrow, XII a 10. [OE. hefig-nes.]

#Hew(e)#, #Heu# (XV), n. hue, complexion, beauty, I 165, 237, IV a 69, XV c 13; shade (of colour), XII a 55. [OE. hēow.]

#Hi#, pron. 3 sg. fem. she, III 32, 33, 55, 60 (it, ref. to fem. noun), &c.; #Hy(e)#, II 81, 337, III 45; #He#, II 408, 446, XV c 7, 15, 17; #Ho#, VI 68, 77, 83, 84, 94, 96. #Hare#, acc. and dat. III 55; #Her(e)#, I 53, II 92; #Hir(e)# (the most usual form), II 73, VI 68, X 30, XII a 27, 44, 107, 145, XV c 17 (refl.), &c.; #Hyr#, VI 67, 70; #Hure#, VIII b 53. Poss. adj. (orig. gen.) #Hare#, III 33, 35, 45; #Her(e)#, I 210, 243, II 565; #Hir(e)# (the most usual form), II 56, IV b 6, &c.; #Hyr(e)#, IV b 4, VI 69, XV c 4, &c. #Hereself#, #Hirself#, refl. acc. herself, XI b 57, XII a 32, 184. [OE. hēo (heō), also hē, hīe, hī, nom. and acc.; heore, hire, &c., gen. and dat. On vowel of hare see next.]

#Hi#, pron. 3 pl. they, III 58; #Hy(e)#, II 91, XIII a 17, b 9, 11; #Hii#, VIII a 15; also #He#, II 185, III 57 (second); #A#, XIII a 13, &c. (see A). Acc. and dat. #Ham# (to, for) them, III introd., XIII a 23, b 39; #Hem# (the most usual form), I 39, II 88, &c.; #Hom#, V 353, VII 24, 35, &c.; refl. (to, for) themselves, I 200, II 69, VI 191, VII 33, VIII a 69, 181, 182, XI b 40, XV h 10, &c.; pleonastic (dat.), XI a 61; cf. He. #Hamsylf# (XIII); #Hemself#, #-selue#, nom. themselves, XI b 190; acc. and dat., XI b 198; (refl.) VIII a 144, XI b 93, 109, XIII b 24, XVI 307; of hemself, by themselves, XI b 73. Poss. adj. (orig. gen.) #Hare#, their, III introd.; #Heore#, XIV c 7, 45, &c.; #Her(e)# (the most usual form), I 39, II 16, &c.; #Hire#, IX 165, 185, &c.; #Hor#, V 345, VII 8, 181, &c.; #Huere#, XV b 8, 11, 29; #Hure#, VIII b 50; (pronom.) here, theirs, XI b 129; here names of alle, the names of all of them, I 37; at here aboue, see Aboue(n). [OE. hī, hīe (hē, hēo), &c., nom., acc.; heora, hira, &c. gen.; heom, him, dat. The vowel of a, hare, ham, is prob. due to infl. of OE. þā̆, þā̆ra, þā̆m.] See Þai, His(e).

#Hy#, #Hyȝ# (V), #Hie#, v. to hasten; intr. XI b 274, XII b 104, XVII 371; refl. V 53, XVII 289, 312 (1 pl. imper.). [OE. hīgian.]

#Hy(e)#, n. haste, in in hy(e), in haste, swiftly, X 46, 82, XVI 367, &c.; in (full) gret hy, X 80, 90, &c. Cf. Heiȝing. [From prec.]

#Hy(e)#. See Heie, Heigh(e); Hi, pron. fem. and pl.

#Hyar#. See Heiȝ(e).

#Hide#, v. to hide, keep secret, XI a 57; refl. XIV b 22; #Hidde#, pa. t. II 268, XVI 249 (intr.); #Hidd#, pp. XII b 187. [OE. hȳdan.]

#Hyde#, n. skin, V 244; hide, XV h 11. [OE. hȳd.]

#Hydel#. See Ydel.

#Hider#, adv. hither, II 422, V 23, XIV c 47, &c.; #Heder#, XVII 290; #Hedir#, to me, XVII 291. [OE. hider.]

#Hiderward#, adv. hither, VIII a 317. [OE. hiderweard.]

#Hidous#, #Hidus#, adj. awful, XVII 101, 417; #Hydously#, adv. terribly, XVI 138. [OFr. hidous.]

#Hiere#, #Hyerof#, see Her(e), adv.; #Hyf#, see Ȝef; #Hyȝ(e)#, see Heie, Heigh(e); Hy, v.

#Hight#, #Hyȝt# (VI), #Heght# (XVII), n. height, XVII 260; of h., in height, XVII 125; on h., on high, above, up, VI 141, XVI 88, 235, XVII 136. [OE. hēhþu.] See Heigh(e).

#Hiȝt(e)# (#Hyght#, #Hihte#, &c.); #Hihe#. See Hote, v.; Heigh(e).

#Hii#, see Hi, pl.; #Hiis#, see He, masc.

#Hyle#, v. to protect, I 184. [ON. hylja.]

#Hil#, #Hill(e)#, #Hyll(e)#, n. hill, II 354, V 13, 131, XVII 337, 442, 466, &c.; #Hell#, XII a 65, 79, 86; #Hul# (#Hulles#, pl.), XIII a 18, 45; by hylle ne be vale, nowhere, under no circumstances, V 203. [OE. hyll (Kt. hell).]

#Him#, #Hym(e)#. See He, masc.; Hit. #Himself#; #Hymself#, #-selue#, #-sylf#, &c. See He, masc.

#Hyndrid#, pp. hindered, XI b 232. [OE. hindrian.]

#Hyne#, n. servant, VIII a 125; pl. labourers, VI 145. [OE. hīga, gen. pl. hīgna.]

#Hypped#, pa. t. hopped, V 164. [OE. *hyppan; cf. hoppian.] See Hoppit.

#Hir(e)#, #Hyr(e)#. See Hi, prons.

#Hyre#, #Hire#, #Huyre# (VIII), n. hire, pay, reward, VI 163, 223, VIII a 133, 189, 192, &c.; (in bad sense) XIV b 66, XVI 167, 260. [OE. hȳr.]

#Hyre#, v. to hire, VI 147; #Huyred#, pp. VIII a 108, 307. [OE. hȳr(i)an.]

#Hirself#. See Hi, pron. fem.

#Hys#, #His(e)#. See He, masc.; Hit; Is.

#His(e)#, pron. acc. sg. fem. her, III 32, 53; acc. pl. them, III 7, 8, 28 (see note). [See N.E.D., s.v. His.]

#Hysse#. See He, masc.

#Hystoriale#, adj. historical, VII title and introd. [OFr. historial.]

#Hit#, pron. 3 sg. neut. (nom. and acc.) it, III 27, IV a 52, &c.; #Hyt#, I 19, XIII a 12, &c.; #It#, II 132, &c.; pleonastic, XII a 56; as anticipated subject, it is (ere), there is (are), I introd., II 552; it (with pl. verb, ref. to prec. or following plural), they, VIII a 56, b 62, IX 139, XIII a 11; them, VIII a 43, 44. Dat. #Him#, (to) it, IX 124, 127; #It#, IV a 16, II 20 (indef. or pl.). Poss. adj. #His#, #Hys#, IX 130, 132, XIII a 61, XIV c 59; #Hytself#, refl. itself, VI 86. [OE. hit, him, his.]

#Hitte#, v. to strike, to hit (a mark), V 228; #Hit#, #Hyt#, pa. t. V 85, X 103, 127; #Hitte#, pp. V 219. [OE. (late) hittan from ON. hitta.]

#Ho#, #Hoo#, interj. ho!, esp. used to call a pause, V 262 (or imper. of next), XIV d 13, XVII 229. [Cf. OFr. ho!]

#Ho#, v. to pause, XVII 411. [From prec.]

#Ho#, pron. she; see Hi, fem.

#Hobbe#: familiar form of Robert (used contemptuously), XI b 176; Hobbe þe Robbere, XIV d 6 (see note).

#Hode#, n. hood, II 229, V 229, VIII a 264. [OE. hōd.]

#Hogges#, n. pl. hogs, VIII a 174. [OE. hogg.]

#Hoylle#. See Hol(e), adj.

#Hoyne# (= hōne), v. to delay, XVII 319. [? Related to Ho, v.]

#Hol(e)#, adj. whole, sound, entire, (a)mended, V 322, VI 46, VIII a 61, IX 80; #Hoylle#, XVII 388; #Holle#, V 228. [OE. hāl.] See Hele, v.

#Hold(e)#, n. stronghold, XII a 98; captivity, XVI 151. [OE. (ge-)háld.]

#Holde#, adv. loyally, V 61. [OE. hólde.]

#Holde(n)#, #Hold#, #Hald(e)#, v. trans. to hold, keep, guard; possess, have; regard as, think; II 295 (inf. dep. on se 289), 495, IV a 52, 95, V 145, 280, 322, VI 94, 130, X 31, XI b 186, XIV b 37, &c.; refl. keep (oneself), remain, VIII a 194, IX 279, XIV d 15, XV h 10 (holdyn, pres. pl.); think oneself, IV b 12, V 273, XVI 325; intr. keep, remain, II 95, X 57. #Held(e)#, pa. t. II 94, VII 21, &c.; 2 sg. subj. if you kept, V 61; #Holdyn#, pa. t. pl. VII 50; #Halden#, pp. V 29, 209; #Holde(n)#, VII 38, XI b 45, XII introd., &c.; #Yhold#, II 31. Held in hond, ruled, II 488; holde vp her hertis, keep up their spirits, (or sustain them), VIII a 208; holde with, have to do with, VIII a 54; holde it for, treasure it as, VIII a 206; hold none slyke, reckon none like (her), XVII 233; holde (to), beholden (to), XII introd.; holden, bound, under obligation, VIII a 88, XI b 298, 300. [OE. háldan.] See Bihold.

#Hole#, n. hole, V 112, IX 222, XIV b 22, &c. [OE. hol.]

#Holȝ#. See Holwe.

#Holi#, #Holy#, adj. holy, I 12, XI b 299, &c.; #Hooly#, XI a 10, 11; #Haly#, IV a 84, b 50, 53, 75; #Holyere#, compar. XI b 28. [OE. hālig.] See Halȝeȝ, Halwid.

#Holy#. See Holliche.

#Holicherche#, n. Holy Church (personified), VIII a 239; #Holikirke#, VIII a 28. See Holi, Cherche, Kirke.

#Holynesse#, n. sanctity, XI b 100. [OE. hālig-nes.]

#Holle#. See Hol(e).

#Holliche#, #Holly#, #Holy# (VI), adv. wholly, altogether, VI 58, XIV c 12, 97. [From Hol(e).]

#Holpyn#. See Helpen.

#Holtes#, n. pl. woods, II 214. [OE. holt.]

#Holwe#, #Holȝ#, adj. hollow, II 268, V 114. [OE. holh, n.]

#Holwenes#, n. cavity, XIII a 15. [From prec.]

#Hom#. See Hi, pron. pl.

#Hom(e)#, n. home, XII b 181; long home, eternal home (after death), I 207. [OE. hām; cf. langne hām gesēcean, Fates of Apost., 92.]

#Hom(e)#, #Hame# (XVII), adv. home(-wards), II 162, III 54, V 53, VIII a 194, IX 285, 314, XVII 143, &c.; back, VIII a 92. [OE. hām.]

#Homely#, adv. familiarly, XVI 64. [OE. *hām-līce.]

#Homered#, pa. t. (hammered), struck, V 243. [From OE. hamor, homor, n.] See Hamerys.

#Homward#, adv. homewards, XII b 104, 154, XVII 182. [OE. hām-weard.]

#Hond(e)#, #Hand(e)#, n. hand, I 101, II 470, IV a 27, V 37, XIV c 45 (pl. or distrib. sg.; see Hert), &c.; #Hend(e)#, pl. IV a 65, 80, XVI *75, 400, XVII 34, 255; #Honden#, pl. II 79. Held in hond, ruled, II 488; at our h., at hand, VII 13; hand yn h., I 151, 223; on hond, on the wrist, II 307; out of honde, straight away, V 217; tak vpon hand (without to), undertake to, X 130. [OE. hónd, hánd; pl. hánda; ON. pl. hend-r.]

#Hondqwile#, n. moment, VII 117. [OE. hónd-hwīl.]

#Hondred#, #Hundred#, adj. and n. (orig. foll, by gen. pl.), II 143, 291, III 12, 15, XIII b 31, XV g 30 (see note), &c.; (as ordinal) hundredth, IX 301. [OE. hundred.] See Hund(e)reth; Part.

#Hondreduald#, adj. hundredfold, III 50. [From prec.; cf. OE. hund(tēontig)fáld.]

#Hongeþ#. See Hange.

#Hony#, n. honey, IV b 19, 20, 26. [OE. hunig.]

#Honnoure#, #Honour(e)#, n. honour, II 36, VI 64, XVI 132, 133, &c. [OFr. honour.]

#Honoure#, v. to honour, adorn, VIII a 12; pp. as adj. V 344. [OFr. honourer.]

#Honourable#, adj. worthy (of honour). IX 311. [OFr. honourable.]

#Hoo#, see Ho, interj.; #Hooly#, see Holi.

#Hoot#, #Hot(e)#, #Hate# (IV, VI), adj. hot, burning, II 58, VI 28, VIII b 7, IX 7, 11, XIII a 1, XV h 10, &c.; grievous, bitter, IV a 31; #Hatter#, compar. IV a 13. [OE. hāt; hā̆ttra, compar.]

#Hope#, v. to hope, expect, imagine, V 233, VIII introd., a 88, XIV c 91, XVI 43, &c.; hoped of, hoped for, V 240. [OE. hopian.]

#Hoper#, n. sower's seed-basket, VIII a 63. [See N.E.D., s.v. Hopper.]

#Hoppit#, pa. t. leapt, VII 142; #Hoppyng#, pres. p. dancing, I 233; verbal n. I 226. [OE. hoppian.] See Hypped.

#Hor#. See Hi, pron. pl.

#Hore#, adj. hoar, grey, II 214, VIII a 77. [OE. hār.]

#Hors#, n. horse, V 85, &c.; pl. XIII a 34 (beside horses, XIV b 73); on hors, on horseback, II 304, 395; gen. in hors bred (see Bred). [OE. hors.]

#Hose#, n. pl. hose, long stockings, XVII 225. [OE. hosa, hose.]

#Hospitalité#, n. hospitality, XI b 254. [OFr. hospitalité.]

#Host#. See Ost.

#Hote#, v. to bid; promise, assure, VIII a 256, 258; #Hete#, V 53, VI 42, XIV a 26. Pa. t. (act.) #Het#, bade, III 7, 20; #Hyȝt(e)#, #Hiȝte#, promised, V 150, 273, VIII a 125, 230. Passive (pres. and pa. t.), is (was) called, #Hatte#, III introd., VIII a 45, XIII a 63; #Heiste# (= heihte; see Appendix § 6, end), XV g 18; #Hette#, XV g 19; #Hyȝt(e)#, #Hyght#, #Hiȝte#, #Hight#, I 27, 40, 45, VIII a 72, XVI 231, &c.; #Hihte#, XII a 85, b 20, &c. [#Het#], pp. promised, XVII 301; #Hight(e)#, XVI 351, 396, XVII 46; #Yhote#, called, II 601; commanded, III 29. [OE. hātan; hēt, heht, pa. t.; hā̆tte, pass. Hette, hiȝte, &c., are due to blending in form and function of the pa. t. forms with pass. (taken as wk. pa. t.). Hete, pres., is prob. back-formation from hette.]

#Hote#. See Hoot.

#Hou#, adv. interrog. (dir. and indir.), how, in what way, that, II 132, 507, III 1, XI a 62, 233, &c.; #Houȝ#, XI b 281, XIII a 13, b 1, 42; #How(e)#, XVI 3, &c.; hou euere, however, XI b 255; how þat, how (indir.), IX 220, XII a 43, &c.; hou, how (it happened), II 115. [OE. hū.] See Wou.

#Houed#; #Houndes#. See Hufe; Hund.

#Houped#, pa. t. sg. shouted, VIII a 165. [OFr. houper.]

#Houreȝ#. See Oure, n.

#Hous(e)#, n. house, II 432, III 54 (dat.), XII a 47, XVI 136, &c.; houses of offyce, XVII 134, see Office. [OE. hūs.]

#Housebonde#, n. husband, XII a 133; #Husband#, XVI 45, XVII 208, &c. [OE. hūsbunda, from ON. húsbóndi.]

#How(e)#, interj. ho!, VIII a 110, XVI 213. Cf. Ho.

#Huanne#; #Huere#; #Huerof#. See Whan(ne); Hi, pron. pl.; Wher(e).

#Hufe#, v. to tarry, XVII 461; #Houed#, pa. t. halted, V 100. [ME. hōve(n); obscure.]

#Huge#, adj. great, V 13, 352, IX 233, XIII a 10. [Cf. OFr. ahuge.]

#Huyre(d)#; #Hul(les)#; #Hulpen#. See Hyre; Hil; Helpen.

#Hund#, #Hound#, n. dog, II 286, XIV b 21, 76; houndes bred, see Bred(e). [OE. húnd.]

#Hund(e)reth#, adj. and n. hundred, V 226, X 147, XVI 39, XVII 57, &c. [ON. hundrað.] See Hondred.

#Hungre#, #Hunger#, n. hunger, VIII a 233, XVII 155, &c.; Famine (personified), VIII a 165, &c. [OE. hungor.] See A-hungrye.

#Hunt(e)# (to), v. to hunt (after), II 284, VIII a 30; #Huntinge#, n. XII b 5. [OE. huntian; huntung.]

#Hure#. See Hi, pron. fem. and pl.

#Hurt#, v. trans. to hurt, V 223; pp. and pa. t. V 243, X 56. [OFr. hurter.]

#Hus#. See He, masc.; We.

#Hw-#. See Wh-.

#I#. See Ich; In, prep.

#Iacke#, #Iak#. Jack, XI b 176; Iak nor Gill, nobody, XVII 336. [ME. Iakke, &c., pet-name assoc. with 'John'.]

#Iaies#, n. pl. jays, XI b 249. [OFr. jai.]

#Iangle#, v. to quarrel, VIII a 309. [OFr. jangler.]

#Iape#, n. trick, delusion, XI b 137, XII a 129, b 66. [Not known.]

#Iboust#. See Bigge, v.

#Ic#; #Icast#. See Ich, pron.; Cast.

#Ich#, adj.^1 (after þis or þat), same, very, II 63, 455, 540; #Yche#, I 208, 216. [OE. ilca.] See Ilk(e), adj.^1

#Ich#, #Yche#, adj.^2 each, every, II 179, 254, 364 (see Manere), VII 19, XVII 151 (see Kinde), 170, &c.; #Vch#, V 13, VI 243, XV b 6; ich a, every, II 187, 276 (not 307); each, XVII 273; vch a, VI 15, 76, 101, XIV c 20, 99; ich a deyll, ylk a dele, see Dele, n.; in ich ways, see Way, Wise; #Ich#, pron. each (one), II 184, 292, 295, 307. [OE. ylc.] See Eche; Euerich; Ichon; Ilke, adj.^2; Þe.

#Ich#, pron. 1 sg. I, II 113, III 2, VIII b 1, XV c 5, d 4, f 6, &c.; #Ic#, XV g 26, 31; #Icche#, XV a 2, 11; #I#, #Y#, passim; coalescing with foll. word in Ichabbe, Icham, Ichaue, Ichil, Ichim, Ichot, Ichulle, q.v. #Me#, acc. and dat. (to, for) me, V 138, 145, VI 205, XV a 20, c 10, 31 (see Reue), and passim; #Mee#, XVI 274; ethic dat. (I beg), V 76; in impers. constr. (where Mn.E. has 'I'), II 177, IV a 10, XV b 34; me is wo, woe is me, II 331; refl. acc. myself, IX 279, XVI 325, XVII 238, &c.; dat. (pleonastic with verb of motion) XV a 4. #Mi#, poss. adj. II 120, 124, &c.; #My#, passim; #Min#, #Myn(e)#, I 126, II 205, VIII a 31, XV g 11, &c.; as sb. (my property, people, &c.), VI 206, VIII a 142, XVI 217, 312, XVII 226 (see Þat, pron.). #Miself(f)e#, #Myselue(n)#, nom. myself, II 566, V 293, VIII a 80, IX 292, &c.; I myself, VIII a 252, XVI 67, 212; acc. and dat. (me) myself (not refl.), VIII a 28, 131. [OE. ic, mē, mīn, mē selfan, &c.] See Self.

#Ichabbe#, 1 sg. pres. ind. I have, XV c 9; #Ychabbe#, XV c 32; #Ichaue#, II 209, 516. [OE. ic hæbbe (hafo, but not WS.).] See Habbe.

#Icham#, 1 sg. pres. ind. I am, II 127, 382, 513, XV c 8, 29, d 1; #Ycham#, XV b 23. [OE. ic am.]

#Ichil#, 1 sg. pres. ind. I will, intend to, II 132, 212, 341, 451; (with ellipse of verb of motion) I will go, II 129, 316; #Ichulle#, XV c 19; ichil þatow be, may you be, II 471. [OE. ic wile, wylle.] See Wille, v.

#Ichim# = Ich him (acc.), II 428.

#Ichon#, #Vchon# (VI, VIII), pron. each one, every one, II 161, VI 90, VIII a 202, &c.; in apposition with pl. noun, XVII 279. [OE. ylc + ān.] See Ich, adj.^2; Echone, Euerichon, Ilkane.

#Ichot#, 1 sg. pres. ind. I know, XV b 23, c 10. [OE. ic wāt.] See Wite(n).

#Ichulle#. See Ichil.

#Icnowe#, v. to know, XV g 32. [OE. ge-cnāwan.] See Knowe(n).

#Ientilman#. See Gentil.

#Ieu#, #Iewe#, n. Jew, IX 163, XI b 201, XV g 18, XVI 147, &c. [OFr. giu, older ju(i)eu.]

#If(f)#, #Yf#, #Iif#. See Ȝef.

#Ile#, n. island, IX 40; #Yle#, IX 134, 261 (note), 310. [OFr. ile.]

#Ileid#, #Ileyd#. See Lay.

#Ilyche# (MS. inlyche), adv. equally, alike, VI 186, 242. [OE. ge-līce.] See Lyke.

#Ilyke#, adj. equal, the same, IV a 14. [OE. ge-līc.] See Lyke.

#Ilkane#, #Ilkone#, pron. each one, every one, X 160 (note), XIV b 74. [OE. ylc + ān.] See Ilk, adj.^2; Ichon; Echone.

#Ilk(e)#, adj.^1 (only after þe, þis, þat) very, same, III 45, V 65, VIII a 155 (see While), XII a 190, b 29, &c.; þe ilke zelue, (namely) that same man, III 27. [OE. ilca.] See Ich, adj.^1; Thilke; Þe.

#Ilk(e)#, #Ylk# (IV), adj.^2 each, every, X 35, XVI 273; ilk(e) a, every, IV a 27 (see Dele, n.), X 133, XVI 130, 253. [OE. ylc.] See Ich, adj.^2; Eche.

#Ill#, #Yll#, adj. bad, IV b 35; grievous, IV a 31; evil, wicked, IV b 84, XVII 208; as sb. (pl.), the wicked, XVI 34; #Ill(e)#, adv. ill, XV b 24 (see Like); badly, evilly, cruelly, unluckily, VIII a 198, XIV a 31, XVI 139, XVII 203, 220, 246, &c. [ON. ill-r; illa, adv.]

#Illusiouns#, n. pl. deceptions, IX 85. [OFr. illusion.]

#Imete#, v. to meet, XV g 6; imette wid, he met, XV g 7. [OE. ge-mētan.] See Mete(n).

#Impe#. See Ympe.

#In#, #Yn#, adv. in (of motion), I 80, II 347, XIII a 9, XV g 24, XVI 270, &c.; #Inne#, V 128. [OE. inn.] See Into, Intill; Inne; Þare.

#In#, n. lodging, II 565; pl. in takes he his ines, takes up his quarters, XIV b 27. [OE. inn, n.]

#In#, #Yn#, #I# (XV a, g), prep. (i) In, I 3, II 13, XIII a 3, XV a 9, g 5, 13, &c.; into, II 349, XII a 125, &c.; according to, as regards, with respect to, &c., VI 239, IX 141, XI b 26, 204, &c.; in all his myghte, with &c., IV b 77. (ii) On, IV b 41, V 157, 279 (of time), IX 122, 286, XIII a 45, &c. In cas, in feere (fere), see Cas, Yfere (Fere). [OE. in.] See In, Inne, advs.

#Incontynence#, n. unchastity, IX 130. [OFr. incontinence.]

#Indede#, adv. indeed, XI b 108, &c. [OE. in + dǣde, dat. sg.]

#Induyr#. See Enduir.

#Informacioun#, n. information, IX 291. [OFr. informacion.]

#Infortune#, n. evil fortune, XII a 162. [OFr. infortune.]

#Inglis#. See Engliȝsch.

#Inne#, #Ynne#, adv. in (inside), IX 188, XIII a 21; after rel. in þat ... in(ne), in which, I 190, VIII a 298, XV i 10; #Ine#, prep. in, III introd. 16, 33, 35, 49, 50; on (of time) III introd. [OE. innan, prep., adv.; inne, adv.] See In, adv., prep.; Þare; Þer(e).

#Innoghe#, #Inogh(e)#. See Ynoȝ.

#Inpossible#, adj.; inpossible ... to be, impossible, IX 152. [OFr. impossible.]

#Inspiracioun#, n. inspiration, IX 331. [OFr. inspiracion.]

#Instrumentis#, n. pl. appliances, X 8. [OFr. instrument.]

#Insuffisance#, n. inability, IX 313. [OFr. insuffisance.] See Suffise.

#Intil(l)#, #Intyl(l)#, prep. into, IV a 3, 9, 16, 21, b 30, &c.; in, X 118, 122. [OE. inn + ON. til.] See In, adv.; Til, prep.

#Into#, #Ynto#, prep. into, I 146, II 163, &c.; onto, in putten hem into, embark on, IX 183; up to, until (cf. To), XII a 190, 221; (un)to, XIV c 25. [OE. inn tō, intō.] See In, adv.

#Inward#, adv. inside, XII a 72. [OE. in(nan)-weard.]

#Inwardly#, adv. heartily, earnestly, XVI 361. [OE. in-weard-līce.]

#Inwyt#, #Inwytte#, n. conscience, III title and introd. [OE. in + witt; cf. in-gewitnes, conscience.]

#Inwith#, adv. within, V 114. [OE. in + wiþ.]

#Iohan#, #Iohon#. John, XIV d 2, 3, 6, 9, 16. [L. Iōhannēs; cf. OFr. Jehan.] See Iacke.

#Ioie#, #Ioy(e)#, n. joy, II 6, 45, IV b 54, XII a 175, &c.; makes ioie, rejoice, XVI 383. [OFr. joie.]

#Iolif#, adj. gay, joyous, II 305. [OFr. jolif.]

#Iolité#, n. riotous mirth, levity, XI b 116, 129, 182. [OFr. joli(ve)té.]

#Ioparde#, n. hazard; lys no ioparde of, there is no question of, VI 242. [OFr. ju (jeu) parti, even game, doubtful chance.]

#Iourneyes#, n. pl. day's journeys, IX 259. [OFr. journée.]

#Ipotayne#, n. hippopotamus, IX 240. [Ipotaine, mistake (in for m) for OFr. ypotame, convenient corruption of L. hippopotamus.]

#Ire#. See Yre, n.^2

#Irnebandis#, n. pl. iron bands, X 24. [OE. īren + ON. band; cf. OE. īren-bend.] See Bond; Yre, n.^1

#Is#, #Ys#, #His# (XI), 3 sg. pres. ind. is, I 9, 19, VIII b 105, XI b 256, &c.; exists, IX 146; (without pron.) it is, I 253, 254, V 121, &c.; 2 sg. art, XVI 360; pl. are, VIII b 48, X 124, XVII 10, &c.; rime requires Es (q.v.) at I 128 (note), XVII 10. [OE. is.] See Es, Nis.

#Is#, gen. sg. See He.

#Iseȝe#, #-seye#, #-seiȝe#. See Se(n).

#Isold#. See Selle(n).

#Issue#, n. way out, IX 198, 235. [OFr. issue.]

#Ist#, is it, XVII 517. See Is.

#It#; #Itake#. See Hit; Take(n).

#Iueler#, n. jeweller, XII b 150. [OFr. juel(i)er.]

#Iuelis#, n. pl. jewels, XI b 283. [OFr. juel.]

#Iuge#, v. to judge, XVI 320. [OFr. jugier.]

#Iuggement#, n. judgement, XII b 207. [OFr. jugement.]

#Iuntly#, adv. close, X 97. [From OFr. joint, juint, pp.]

#Iustice#, n. justice, VIII a 324. [OFr. justice.]

#Iwis#, #Iwysse#, adv. certainly, indeed (often, esp. in rime, practically meaningless), V 121, 172, VI 34, XIV b 17, XVII 550. [OE. ge-wiss, adj.; cf. mid (to) gewisse.]

#K-#. See also C.

#Kache#, v. to chase, catch; kacheȝ his caple, urges on his horse, V 107; #Kaȝt# (to), pa. t. took hold (of), V 308; #Cawht#, pp. caught, XII a 161. [ONFr. cachier, conjugated on anal. of ME. la(c)chen.]

#Kaies#, #Kayes#, n. pl. keys, XIV a 36, b 88, 89. [OE. cǣg.]

#Kalf#, n. calf, VIII a 282. [OE. calf.]

#Kanel#, n. (wind-pipe), neck, V 230. [ONFr. canel.] See Chanel.

#Karol(l)e#, v. to perform a 'carol' (see next), I 54, 83, &c.; #Karollyng#, n. I 55. [OFr. carol(l)er.]

#Karolle#, n. a carol, a dance accompanied with song (often used with ref. to song only), I 1, 14, &c. [OFr. carolle.]

#Kauelacion#, n. cavilling, quibbling objection, V 207. [OFr. cavillacion.]

#Keyng(es)#. See Kyng.

#Kele#, #Keill#, #Keyle#, v. to cool, IV a 26 (intr.); to kele (keill) cares, to assuage sorrows, XVI 84, XVII 300; with person as dir. obj., from cares the to keyle, to preserve thee from grief, XVII 118. [OE. cēlan.]

#Ken#, #Kenne#, v. to make known, VII 25 (see note); to teach, VIII a 14, 22, 24, XIV b 4 (see Crede), XVI 50, &c.; to know, in daw to ken, to be known for a fool, XVII 248; will ȝe it ken, if you will recognize the fact, XIV b 8; understand, I introd.; pp. (well) known, XIV b 9. [OE. cennan, prob. infl. by senses of ON. kenna.] Cf. Knowe(n).

#Ken#. See Cou, Kyn.

#Kene#, adj. keen, bold, eager, XIV a 2, b 9, 76; bitter (enemy), V 338. [OE. cēne.]

#Kepe#, n. heed; in tok no kepe of, XII a 159. [From next.]

#Kepe#, v. to guard, preserve, keep, tend, II 208, V 80, 230, VIII a 85, 134, 153, IX 206, XI b 146, XVII 235 (see Charité), &c.; kepe seyntewarie, minister in the sanctuary, VIII b 83; to care to, in þe lette I ne kepe, I have no wish to stop you, V 74; #Kepynge#, n. XI b 70. [OE. cēpan.] See Vnkept.

#Kertel#. See Kirtel.

#Kerue(n)#, v. to cut, VIII a 98; prune, VI 152. [OE. ceorfan.]

#Kest#, n. a 'cast' (see Cast, v.); a blow, V 230; plot, treachery, V 345; used as 'treacherous thing' (cf. Falssyng), V 308. [ON. kast.]

#Kest(e)#. See Cast, Kysse.

#Ketten#. See Kutten.

#Keuer(e)#, v. to (re)gain, recover; intr. recover, survive, V 230; keuereȝ, 'gets', makes his way, V 153. [OE. ā-cofrian, intr., and OFr. (re-)covrer, 3 sg. -keuvre, trans.] See Recoueren.

#Kidde#, #Kyd#; #Kyend#; #Kyȝn#, #Kyn(e)#. See Kyþe; Kinde; Cou.

#Kille#, #Kylle#, v. to kill, VIII a 32, V 43. [? OE. *cyllan; earliest ME. sense appar. 'beat'.]

#Kyn#, #Kynne#, #Ken# (III), n. sg. kindred, relatives, III introd., VIII b 81, XVI 232 (see Ende); kind, sort: #Cunnes#, #Kyns#, gen. sg. in enes cunnes, (of any kind), any sort of, XV g 22; eny kyns, VIII b 20; nones cunnes, (of no kind), no sort of, XV g 20; (with loss of inflexions) na kyn, X 59 (see Þing); nor ... no kyn, nor ... any (sort of), XVII 138; cf. Alkyn, Wolues-kynnes. [OE. cynn (Kt. cenn).] See Eny, No(ne).

#Kinde#, #Kynd(e)#, #Kyend# (IV), n. nature, natural character (of body or mind), kind, IV a 41, 44 (see note), V 312, VIII a 157, IX 56, XII a 8, 125, &c.; in hir kinde, in her own way, XII b 128; species, in ich kynd (without of), every kind of, XVII 151; #Kyndis#, pl. characteristics, IV b 1. [OE. (ge-)cýnd.]

#Kynde#, adj. inborn, naturally belonging to one, VIII a 243, b 58; to his kynde name, as his proper name, VII 70; Kynde Witt, natural intelligence, common sense, VIII a 243 (personif.). [OE. (ge-)cýnde.] See Vnkinde.

#Kynd(e)ly#, adv. kindly, VI 9, VII 173, &c. [From prec. in developed sense 'having natural feeling'; OE. ge-cýnde-līce, naturally.]

#Kindel#, v. to kindle; trans. to cause (sorrow), XIV a 10; intr. to begin, XIV a 19. Cf. Kele. [Rel. to ON. kynda (cf. kyndill, torch); distinct from ME. kindlen, beget.]

#Kyndom#, n. kingdom, VI 85. [OE. cyne-dōm.] See Kyngdome.

#Kyng#, #King#, #Keyng# (IV), n. king, I 27, II 25, IV a 8, 66, V 207 (note), XIV d 10 (note), &c.; #Kynggis#, pl. XI b 284. [OE. cyning, cyng, &c.]

#Kyngdome#, #Kingdom#, n. kingship, XI b 268, XVI 186; kingdom, II 206, &c. [OE. cyningdōm.]

#Kirke#, #Kyrk#, n. church, Church, V 128, VIII a 85; see note to VIII b 63. [ON. kirkja.] See Cherche.

#Kirtel(l)#, #Kertel# (III), n. kirtle (a short coat reaching about to the knees, worn under an outer garment), II 229, III 39, XIV b 61. [OE. cyrtel, Kt. *certel.]

#Kysse#, v. to kiss; #Kyssedes#, 2 sg. pa. t. V 283; #Keste#, 3 sg. XII a 178. [OE. cyssan (Kt. cessan).] See Cosseȝ.

#Kiþ#, #Kyth#, n. country, people, V 52, XIV c 92. [OE. cȳ̆þþu.]

#Kyþe#, v. to make known, reveal; #*Kyþeȝ# (MS. lyþeȝ), imper. pl. show, VI 9; #Kidde#, pp. revealed, XII b 188, XVI 251; #Kyd#, shown, offered, V 272; acknowledged, VII 173; #Kud#, famed, XIV c 91. [OE. cȳþan, pp. (ge-)cȳ̆dd.]

#Knacke(n)#, v. to sing in a lively or ornate manner (ref. esp. to the breaking up of simple notes into runs and trills; cf. smale brekynge), XI b 161, 173, 177; #Knackynge#, n. trilling, XI b 159, 182. [Prob. same as ME. knacken, to crack, snap, &c.]

#Knackeris#, n. pl. trill-singers, XI b 145. [From prec.]

#Knape#, n. fellow, V 68. [OE. cnapa.]

#Knappes#, n. pl. studs, bosses, VIII a 265. [OE. cnæpp.]

#Knarreȝ#, n. pl. ? crags, ? gnarled boulders, V 98. [? Cf. LG. knarre, knot.]

#Knaue#, #Knafe# (XVII), n. a lowborn man, servant, VIII a 51, b 66, XVI 244, XVII 173; #Knauene#, gen. plur. VIII b 56, XV h 4. [OE. cnafa.]

#Knaw(e)#. See Knowe.

#Kne#, #Kneo# (XIII), n. knee, II 507, XIII a 39, XVII 488 (distrib. sg.; see Herte). [OE. cnēo.]

#Knele#, #Kneole# (XIII), v. to kneel, II 223, 418, 472, V 4, XIII a 48; #Kneland(e)#, pres. p. II 250, VI 74, XVII 488. [OE. cnēowlian.]

#Knet#; #Knew(e)#. See Knit; Knowe.

#Knight(e)#, #Knyght(e)#, #Kniȝt#, #Knyȝt(e)#, #Kniht# (XIV), n. knight, II 86, III 14, V 63, VII 87, VIII a 22, IX 108, XIV c 58, &c.; #Kniȝte#, dat. sg. III 11, 25; #Cnistes# (for Cniste, gen. pl.) XV g 30 (note). [OE. cniht, servant; on cnistes, see Appendix, p. 278.]

#Knyght-fees#, n. pl. estates of land (held by a knight under obligation of armed service), VIII b 81. [Prec. + OFr. fé.]

#Knit#, #Knyt#, #Knet# (XII), pp. tied, bound, closed together, XII b 30, 54, XIV c 29, XVII 451. [OE. cnyttan.]

#Knok(ke)#, #Knock(e)#, n. knock, blow, V 311, XV h 4, XVII 342. [From next.]

#Knokkeþ#, 3 sg. pres. knocks, II 379. [OE. cnocian.]

#Knokled#, adj. knobbed, rugged, V 98. [From ME. knok(e)le, knob, knuckle; cf. OFris. knok(e)le.]

#Knorned#, adj. ? gnarled, V 98. [Unknown.]

#Knowe(n)#, v. to know, V 26, IX 75, &c.; #Cnowe#, VIII a 213; #Knaw(e)#, I, IV, VI, XVI, XVII; #Knewe(n)#, #Knew#, pa. t. II 408, IV a 43, IX 291, &c.; #Knowe(n)#, pp. VII 46, XI b 231, XIV c 91; #Knowun#, XI a 2, 7, &c.; #Yknowe#, XIII a 12, b 1: to know, understand, recognize, I 220, IV b 86, V 174, VI 50, VIII a 51, IX 75, 114 (subj.), XI a 40, &c.; knowe (fro, fram), distinguish (from), VIII a 50, XIV d 12; to experience, in vnrid to knowe, grievous to endure, XVII 41; to confess, acknowledge (cf. Biknowe), XVI 315; the soth for to knaw, to tell the truth, XVII 246; to make known, declare, XVI 283. [OE. (ge-)cnāwan.] See Icnowe, Ken.

#Knowing#, n. knowledge, XI a 41, 66. [From prec.]

#Knoweleche#, #Knowlage#, n. knowledge, VII 73; for knoweleche, for fear of recognition, II 482. [? Stem of ME. knowelechen, OE. *(ge-)cnāwlǣcan; but the noun is recorded first.]

#Koyntly#. See Queynt.

#Kokeney#, n. (lit. cocks' egg), small egg, VIII a 280. [ME. cokken(e), gen. pl. (OE. cocc) + ey (OE. ǣg); see N.E.D., s.v. Cockney.]

#Kole-plantes#, n. pl. cabbages (and similar vegetables), VIII a 281. [OE. cāl + plante.] See Coyll.

#Kongons#, n. pl. changelings, misshapen creatures, XV h 5. [ME. conjoun (frequent); from ONFr. *ca(u)ngiūn, OFr. changon (very rare).]

#Konne#. See Can, v.

#Kort#, n. court, V 272; #Court(e)#, I 232, II 376, &c. [OFr. co(u)rt.]

#Kowarde#, adj. coward(ly), V 63. [OFr. couard.] See Cowardyse.

#Kowe#, n. tail, (verse in) tail-rime; couthe not haf coppled a k., could have made nothing of an intricately rimed verse, Introduction xv. [OFr. coue.] See Couwee.

#Kronykeles#, n. chronicles, I 251. [OFr. cronicle.]

#Kud#. See Kyþe.

#Kun#, #Kunne(n)#. See Can, v.

#Kutten#, v. to cut, IX 140; #Cut#, VII 146; #Ketten#, pa. t. pl. VIII a 182. [? OE. *cyttan; see N.E.D.]

#Labour(e)#, n. labour, VIII a 27, 247, b 44, &c. [OFr. labour.]

#Labor(e)#, #Labour(e)#, v. to labour, VIII a 118, b 8, 70, &c.; laboure with londe, till the soil, VIII a 267; trans. to labour upon, cultivate, VI 144. [OFr. labo(u)rer.]

#Laborer(e)#, n. labourer, VIII a 302, 313, b 77, XI b 296. [From prec.; cf. OFr. laboreor.]

#Lac#, n. blemish, flaw, II 460. [Cf. MLG. lak.] See Lakke.

#Lacche#, v. to catch; to get, VIII a 223; #Laghton#, pa. t. pl. in laghton þe watur, put to sea, VII 119. [OE. læccan, læhte.]

#Lace#, n. thong, V 158 (see note).

#Lacyd#, pp. ensnared, caught, IV a 79. [OFr. lac(i)er.]

#Ladde#, n. low-born fellow, XVI 243. [Obscure.]

#Ladde#. See Lede(n).

#Ladyschyp#, n. queenly state, VI 218. [OE. hlǣ̆fdige + -scipe.] See Leuedi.

#Laghton#. See Lacche.

#Lay#, #Legge# (VIII), #Lei#, #Ley(e)#, #Leyn#, v. to lay, set, put, I 217, IX 125, XV f 12, g 13, XVII 461; lay on, smite, XVI 143; leid to wedde, deposited in pledge, mortgaged, VIII b 77; to wager, VIII a 263, XVII 479; lay down, establish (law), XVI 329. #Layde#, pa. t. in layde þeron, applied to it, II 38; #Leyde#, VIII a 116; #Ileyd#, #Ileid#, pp. in ileid ... lowe, laid low, XIV c 71, 81; #Layd#, #Laide#, I introd., XVI 83, XVII 282, &c.; #Leyd#, #Leid(e)#, I 109, XII b 33, 119, &c. [OE. lecgan, leg-; legde.] See Ligge(n).

#Lay#, #Layȝ#. See Ligge(n).

#Lay(e)#, n. lay, II 3, 13, 599, &c.; see note to II 12. [OFr. lai.]

#Layf#, #Laiff#, n. remainder, rest, X 132, 142. [OE. lāf.]

#Layne#, v. to conceal; layne yow (me), keep your (my) secret, V 56, 60. [ON. leyna.]

#Laite#, n. lightning, VII 135, 153. [OE. lēget(u).]

#Laited#, pa. t. searched for, VII 170. [ON. leita.]

#Lake#, n. lake, IX 182, XIII a 63, 64. [OE. lacu, stream infl. by unrelated OFr. lac, lake.]

#Lakke#, v. intr. with dat. to be lacking (to); yow lakked a lyttel, you were somewhat at fault, V 298; trans. to find fault with, VIII a 219. [From Lac, n.; cf. MDu. laken.]

#Lammasse#, n. Lammas (August 1st), VIII a 284 (note). [OE. hlāf-mæsse, hlā̆mmæsse.]

#Lance#, v. to utter, V 56. [OFr. lanc(i)er, cast.] See Launchet.

#Land(e)#; #Lang-#. See Lond; Long-.

#Langage#, #Longage# (XIII), language, VII 59, IX 185, XI a 12, XIII b 2, 4, &c. [OFr. langage.]

#Langett#, n. thong (for tying hose, shoes, &c.), XVII 224. [OFr. languette.]

#Lante#. See Lene, v.^1

#Lanterne#, n. lantern, VIII a 170. [OFr. lanterne.]

#Lapidarye#, n. treatise on precious stones, IX 75 (see note). [L. lapidārium.]

#Lappe#, n. loose end, or fold, of a garment, VIII a 288, XV f 11. [OE. læppa.]

#Large#, adj. generous, II 28; ample, VI 249; broad, large, V 157, IX 18, 155, 254 &c.; #Largelich#, adv. generously, II 451. [OFr. large.]

#Larges#, n. generosity, V 313. [OFr. largesse.]

#Lascheth#, 3 sg. pres. ? belabours, XV h 17. [See N.E.D., s.v. Lash.]

#Lasse#, #Les(se)#, adj. compar. less, smaller, IV a 92, V 158, VI 131, IX 29, 48, XIII b 36, &c.; quasi-sb., less, VI 241, &c.; ? a smaller piece, XV h 17; þe lasse in werke, those who have worked less, VI 239, 240 (see Longe, adv.); more and les(se), les and more, see More; adv. less, V 300, VIII a 161, XI a 58, &c.; neuer þe lesse, nevertheless, I 71. #Leest#, #Leste#, superl. least, IV b 85; both the most and the leest, all, XVII 452. [OE. lǣ̆ssa (lǣ̆s, adv.); lǣ̆st.]

#Last#, #Lest#, conj. lest, XI b 242, XV c 31, XVII 55. [OE. þe lǣ̆s-þe.]

#Last(e)#, superl. adj. last, VI 187, 211, &c.; quasi-sb. in at þe, atte, ate last(e), at last, in the end, II 93, VIII b 99 (MS. latiste), XII a 105, b 188, &c.; at þe laste ende, in the end, VIII b 101. [OE. latost, lætest.] See Atte, Late, Furst.

#Last(e)#, v. to endure, last, extend, IV a 1, 25, IX 199, XVI 66, XVII 265, &c.; #Last# (OE. lǣ̆st), 3 sg. pres. II 335; #Last#, pa. t. sg. VII 56; be lastand, endure, IV a 58; euer to last, everlasting, VII 2; #Lastynge#, n. endurance, perseverance, IV b 73, XI b 122. [OE. lǣ̆stan.]

#Lat(e)#. See Lete.

#Late#, adv. late, I 108, VI 178, XIV b 91, &c.; lately, recently, XVII 442; erly and late, at all times, VI 32; nowe late, just lately, XVI 162, 329. [OE. late.] See Laste.

#Lateyn#, #Latyn(e)#, n. and adj. Latin, I 58, 96, XI a 18, &c. [OFr. latin.]

#Latte#. See Lete.

#Laþed#, pa. t. invited, V 335. [OE. laþian.]

#Laude# (of), v. to praise (for), XVI 384. [L. laudāre.]

#Laue#, v. trans. and intr. to pour, VI 247, XV g 16. [OE. lafian.]

#Launce#, n. lance, V 129. [OFr. lance.]

#Launchet#, #-it#, pa. t. darted, leapt, VII 135, 153; launchet to, reached, VII 163. [ONFr. lancher.] See Lance.

#Launde#, n. glade, grassy space, V 78, 86, 103, 265. [OFr. la(u)nde.]

#Laund-syde#, n. shore, VII 170. [OE. land + sīde.] See Lond(e).

#Law#. See Lowe, adj.

#Law(e)#, n.^1 law, VIII a 159, 313, XI a 2, 22, XIV b 63, XVI 313, &c.; practice, customary behaviour, in doþ at Crystyn mennys l., behave as Christians, I 82. [OE. lagu, from ON.]

#Lawe#, n.^2 mound, knoll, V 103, 107. [OE. hlāw.]

#Lawse#, v. to loose(n), undo, V 308; #Lowsyd#, pa. t. delivered, XVII 209. [From ME. laus, lous, adj.; ON. laus-s.]

#Leche#, n. physician, VIII a 268. [OE. lǣce.]

#Lechecraft#, n. (art of) medicine, VIII a 251. [OE. lǣce-cræft.]

#Lechery(e)#, n. sensuality, VIII a 137, XVII 53. [OFr. lecherie.]

#Ledderis#, n. pl. ladders, X 53. [OE. hlǣ̆dder.]

#Lede#, n.^1 man, knight, V 27, VII 62, 75; voc. my good man, VI 182; #Leyde#, XVII 48, in euery liffyng l., everybody; #Leude#, V 265, 321, 353. [OE. (allit.) lēod, prince.]

#Lede#, #Leede#, n.^2 people, country, in þurgh land and lede, over the earth, I 227; in leede, on earth, XVI 70, 135. [OE. lēode, pl., and lēod, fem.]

#Lede(n)#, #Ledyn#, #Leyd# (XVII), v. to lead, bring, I 153, IX 214, XVI 391; guide, direct, XI a 55; to pass, lead (life), IV a 49, 63, VI 32, XV h 20, XVII 393. #Ledys#, pres. pl. IV b 55; #Ladde#, pa. t. II 584; #Ledde#, I 63, III 55; #Led#, pp. treated, XVII 202. [OE. lǣdan.]

#Ledeing#, n.; at his l., under his control, XIV b 54. [From prec.]

#Leder#. See Lyþer.

#Leders#, n. pl. leaders, XIV b 94. [From Lede(n).]

#Leede#. See Lede, n.^2

#Leef#, #Lef#, n. leaf; item (with ref. to books), VIII a 251; sette ... at a lef, made light of, VIII b 101; #Leues#, #Leves#, pl. II 244, VII 103, IX 154, XV b 14. [OE. lēaf.]

#Leel#; #Leere#. See Lele; Lere.

#Lees#, #Lese#, n. falsehood; without(en) lees, &c., truly, XVI 127, XVII 390. [OE. lēas.] See Lesing.

#Leest#; #Leet#; #Leeue#. See Lasse; Lete; Leue, v.^2

#Lef#, #Leof# (XIV), adj. dear, II 102, *406; eager, XIV c 6; #Leue# (wk. in voc.), XV g 10; as sb., dear one, VI 58. #Leuer#, compar. in l. me were to, I would rather, II 177; #Leueste#, most pleasing (to God), VIII b 89. [OE. lēof.]

#Lef#, see Leef; #Lef(f)e#, #Lefte#, see Leue, v.^1

#Leggaunce#, n. (performance of) duty to his liege lord, XIV c 67. [OFr. legiance.]

#Legg#, n. leg, VI 99, V 160, VIII a 116. [ON. legg-r.]

#Legge#, #Lei#, #Ley(e)#, &c. See Lay, v.

#Leid(e)#, #Leyd(e)#. See Lay, v.; Lede, n.^1; Lede(n).

#Leif(f)#, #Leyf#, #Leyue#. See Leue, v.^1 and v.^3

#Leymonde#. See Leme.

#Lele#, #Leel#, adj. lawful, VIII b 109; faithful, XVI 65; according to covenant, XVII 446. [OFr. leël.]

#Lelly#, adv. loyally, faithfully, V 56, 60, XVI 403. [From prec.]

#Leme#, v. to shine, flash, V 158; #Leymonde#, pres. p. VII 153. [OE. *lēomian; ON. ljóma.]

#Lemes#. See Lym(e).

#Lemman#, n. lover, XV a 20. [OE. *lēof-man; early ME. leofmon.]

#Lende#, v. trans. and intr. to 'land'; lende (on), to come, fall (upon), XVI 47, 54; lendes (in), brings (into), IV a 44; #Lended#, pa. t. remained, XIV b 45; #Lent#, pp. gone, taken away, XV c 11, 39; #Ylent# (on), come (upon), XV c 24. [OE. lendan, go, arrive; the ME. sense development is obscured by confusion with Lene, v.^1]

#Lene#, adj. lean, II 459. [OE. hlǣne.]

#Lene#, v.^1 to grant, give, VIII a 17, (absolutely) VIII a 215; #Lante#, pa. t. V 182; #Lent#, pp. IV a 21. [OE. lǣnan.]

#Lene#, v.^2 to lean; lened (with), inclined, V 187: lened (to), leant (on), V 264. [OE. hleonian.]

#Leng#; #Lengar#, #-er#. See Long(e), adv.

#Lenghe#, n. length, VI 56. [OE. lengu.)

#Lent#. See Lende, Lene, v.^1

#Lenten#, n. spring, XV b 1; #Lenten-tyde#, Lent, I 242. [OE. lencten, lencten-tīd.]

#Lenþe#, #Lennthe#, #Lenght#, n. length, V 248, XVII 123, 257. [OE. lengþu.]

#Leof#. See Lef.

#Lepe#, v. to leap, run; lepeȝ hym, gallops, V 86; #Lepte#, pa. t. leapt, XII a 160. [OE. hlēapan, str.]

#Lepys#, n. pl. leaps; wyth sundyr lepys, ? dancing separately, I 234 (but see Sonder, and note). [OE. hlēp.]

#Lere#, n. face, VI 38. [OE. hlēor.] See Lyre.

#Lere#, #Leere#, v. trans. to teach, instruct, VIII a 251, XVI 55, 127, 330, 391; intr. to learn, IV a 17, XIV b 57, XVI 313, 321; #Lerid#, pp. educated (i.e. clergy), XI a 38. [OE. lǣran, teach.]

#Lerne(n)#, v. to learn, II 39, VII 20, &c. #Lurne(n)#, XIII b 29, 34, 36. [OE. léornian.]

#Lernyng(e)#, n. learning, XI b 169; instruction, in for l. of us, for our instruction, VII 32; knowledge, XVI 85. [OE. léornung, intr.]

#Les(e)#. See Lasse, Lees.

#Lese#, v.^1 to lose, II 178, V 74, IX 130; #Lose#, XVII 363; #Lore#, pp. XII a 187; #Lorne#, XVI 198; #Lost#, VII 148, VIII b 99; #Ylore#, II 209, 545. [OE. (be-, for-)lēosan, pp. -loren; cf. losian, be lost.] See Forlorn.

#Lese#, v.^2 to glean, VIII a 68. [OE. lesan.]

#Lesing#, n. a lie, II 465; #Lesyngis#, pl. XI b 39; lesyngis on, lies against, XI b 98. [OE. lēasing.] See Lees.

#Lesse#. See Lasse.

#Lesso(u)n#, n. lesson, VIII a 272, XIII b 19. [OFr. leço(u)n.]

#Lest(e)#. See Lasse; Last, conj.

#Lete#, #Lette# (IV a 88), v. to let, &c.; #Lat(e)#, IV b 41,X 30; #Lat(e)#, #Latte#, imper. sg. VIII a 40, 262, XVI 194, &c.; #Let(e)#, II 114, V 140, &c.; #Leteȝ#, pl. V 319. #Leet#, pa. t. sg. IX 223, 232; #Let(e)#, II 386, III 34, &c.; #Lette#, V 189; #Lete#, pl. II 74; #Ylete#, pp. III 32, *VIII b 3. (i) To let, allow, II 74, IV b 41, &c.; bequeathe, III 32, 34; cause to (as leet make, caused men to make, had it made), IX 223, 232, XII b 192; let untrusse, unloaded, XII b 52; forming periphrastic imper., XIV b 90; lete ben, latte be, cease, stop, II 114, XVI 234; let be, left unheeded, XII b 94. (ii) To give up, abandon, IV a 88, VIII a 266, XIV c 6; lose, II 177; cease, II 279; neglect (to), XIV c 70. (iii) Lette as, behaved as if, V 189; lete liȝte of, make (made) light of, give little thought to, VIII a 161, XIV c 63; lytel ylete by, held in small esteem, *VIII b 3. [OE. lǣtan, lētan; forms with a perhaps due partly to ON. láta, and partly to early shortening (? orig. in imper. sg.).]

#Lette#, n. hindrance, obstacle, XII a 72; delay, XII a 154. [From next.] See Ylet.

#Lette(n)#, #Let# (of, fro), v. to hinder, prevent, keep (from), V 74, 235, XI a 41, b 3, 155, 179, XVII 341 (subj.), 470; #Let#, pp. XII b 10; #Lettid#, XI b 181; lette to sue (studie), prevent from following (studying), XI a 41, b 112. [OE. lettan.] Distinguish Lete.

#Lettynge#, #-ing# (to), n. hindering (from), hindrance, XI a 26, b 307; delay, interruption, VIII a 7, XI b 80. [OE. letting.]

#Lettres#, n. pl. letters, III introd.; #Letturs#, writings, VII 26, 59. [OFr. lettre.]

#Leþeȝ#, 3 sg. pres. softens, is assuaged, VI 17. [OE. (ge-)liþian, -leoþian, distinct from līþian.]

#Leude#. See Lede, n.^1

#Leue#, n. permission, VIII a 68; leave, in tok his leve, XII a 31. [OE. lēaf, fem.]

#Leue(n)#, v.^1 to leave (alone, behind, off), abandon, neglect, cease (to), V 86, XI b 10, 50, 301, XIII a 56, XVI 284, &c.; #Lef(f)e#, IV b 66, XVI 376; #Leif(f)#, X 156, 198; #Leueþ#, imper. pl. stop, I 265. #Left(e)#, pa. t. and pp. I 71, IV b 74, VII 26, XI b 261, XII b 179, XVI 314, &c.; #Leuid#, #Leuyt#, #Levit#, VII 74, 126, X 159, XIV b 78; #Yleft#, pp. XIII b 8, 41. For to leue for to, that you may cease to, I 21; to lefe, to be left undone, avoided, IV b 66. [OE. lǣfan.] See Bleue.

#Leue(n)#, #Leeue#, v.^2 to grant, in Crist leue, Christ grant, XIV c 87, 95. [OE. lēfan.] See Leue, n.

#Leue(n)#, v.^3 to believe, V 60, 353, VI 65, 109, VIII a 84; #Leyf#, #Leyue#, imper., VIII b 3, 24. [OE. (ge-)lēfan.] See Beleue, Ylefde.

#Leue#, #Leu-#, &c. See Leef, Lef, Liue(n).

#Leued#, adj. leafy, I 62. [From Leef.]

#Leuedi#, n. lady, mistress, II 53, 89, 347, 455, XV c 23, &c.; #Ladi#, XII a 50, 144, &c.; #Lady#, gen. sg. in oure Lady day, I 242. [OE. hlǣ̆fdige.]

#Levyn#, n. lightning, XVII 346. [? OE. *lēfn- < *lau(h)mni- (cf. Goth. lauhmuni).]

#Levyr#, n. liver; l. and long, allit. elaboration of hert, XVII 399. [OE. lifer.]

#Lew#. See Lo.

#Lewed(e)#, #Lewid#, adj. lay, ignorant, uneducated, III introd., VIII b 4, XI a 3, XII b 144; lerid and lewid, XI a 38. [OE. lǣwede.]

#Lewté#, n. loyalty, fidelity, V 298, 313. [OFr. le(a)uté.] See Lele.

#Lhord#, &c. See Louerd.

#Lyand#. See Ligge(n).

#Libben#, v. to live, XV a 10; #Libbe#, 1 sg. pres. XV c 5; #Libbeth#, #Lybbeth#, pres. pl. VIII a 20, 71. [OE. libban, libbe, libbaþ.] See Liue(n).

#Lich(e)#; #Lyckend#. See Lyk; Likne.

#Lie#, v. to tell lies, VIII a 227. [OE. lē(o)gan.]

#Lye#. See Ligge(n).

#Lif#, #Lyfe# (obl. stem #Lif-#, and #Lyu-# &c.), n. life, manner of life, lifetime, I 199, V 44, VI 32, VIII a 170, XI a 57, b 40, XVII 398, &c.; #Liffe#, XVI 66; #Liif#, II 124, &c.; living being, IV a 43, XII a 117, 121; lef liif, beloved (one), II 102, *406. #Lyfes#, gen. sg. IX 328; #Lyueȝ#, VI 117 (see Longe, adv.), 218; #Liue#, #Lyue#, dat. sg. II 583 (being still alive), III 16, XII a 168; bi my lyue, during my life, VIII a 95; yn þys lyue, in this world, I 170; vpon lyue, alive (lede vpon l. = man), V 27. [OE. līf.] See Liue(n).

#Lyf-holynesse#, n. holiness of life, VIII b 84. [OE. līf + hālignes.]

#Lyflich#, adj. active, XIV c 93. [OE. līf-lic.]

#Liflode#, #Lyflode#, n. (means of) living, sustenance, food, VIII a 17, 230, 267, 284, b 43, 47, XII b 25. [OE. līf-lād.]

#Lift#, #Lyfte#, #Left#, adj. left (hand, &c.), V 78, IX 69, XIII b 39, &c. [OE. lyft.]

#Lift#, n. sky, X 100. [OE. lyft.] See Loft(e).

#Lyfte#, v. to raise, IV a 15, V 241; #Lyft(e)#, pp. IV a 9, VI 207 (see Lyþer). [ON. lyfta.]

#Lyf-tyme#, n. lifetime, VIII a 27. [OE. līf + tīma.]

#Ligge(n)#, #Lygge#, #Lig#, v. to lie (down, idle, &c.), be (lodged, situated, &c.), II 74, VIII b 16, XIII a 53 (subj.), XVII 409; #Lye#, VII 172, IX 19; #List# (OE. līst), 2 sg. pres. XV f 2; #Lyeþ#, 3 sg. is to the point, is admissible, VIII b 93; #Liggeth#, lies idle, VIII a 156; #Ligis#, XVII 84; #Lys#, exists, VI 242; #Liþ# (OE. līþ), II 243, XII a 95; #Liggeþ#, pl. II 441, VIII a 15; #Lyse#, IV a 61. #Lay#, pa. t. sg. I 181, II 133, IX 286, &c.; pl. II 394, 399, X 1 (were encamped), &c.; #Layȝ#, subj. XI a 52. #Lyand#, pres. p. X 55; #Ligand#, XIV b 71; #Liggeand#, II 388 (see note); #Lyggyng#, I 139. Liggen oute, be abroad, out of doors, VIII b 16. [OE. licgan; the g(g) forms in I, XIV b, XVII prob. represent dial. lig from ON. liggja.]

#Lightnes#, n.^1 splendour, XVII 16. [OE. lī̆ht-nes.]

#Lightnes#, #Liȝtnesse#, n.^2 lightness; gladness, VII 15; ease, unburdensomeness, XI b 151. [OE. lī̆ht^2 + -nes.]

#Lyȝt#, #Light#, #Lyht#, n. light, VII 135, XI b 291, XV b 25. &c. [OE. lē̆(o)ht.)

#Liȝt#, v.^1 to shine, II 371. [OE. lī̆htan.^1]

#Lyȝt#, #Liȝte#, #Light#, v.^2 trans. to lighten, relieve, IV a 70; intr. to alight, V 108; come down, V 152; #Lyht# (on), pp. lit (on), settled (on), XV c 12. [OE. lī̆thtan.^2]

#Lyȝte#, #Liȝt#, #Lyhte#, adj.^1 light, bright, II 369, VI 140, XV b 14. [OE. lē̆(o)ht, lī̆(o)ht, adj.^1]

#Liȝte#, #Lyght#, #Liht#, adj.^2 light, slight, easy, I introd., IV a 49; lete liȝte (liht) of, make (made) light of, give little thought to, VIII a 161, XIV c 63; #Lyȝttere#, compar. easier, XI b 238. [OE. lē̆(o)ht, lī̆(o)ht, adj.^2]

#Liȝtly#, #Lightly#, #Lyghtly#, adv. lightly, easily, IV b 5, V 241, IX 14, 118. [OE. lī̆ht-līce.]

#Lyȝtnyng#, n. lightning, I 166. [From ME. liȝtne(n), extended from Liȝt, v.^1]

#Liif#. See Lif.

#Lik#, v. to sup, taste; lik on, have a taste of, XVII 378; cf. Drynk. [OE. liccian.]

#Lyk(e)#, #Like#, #Lich(e)#, adj. and adv. usually foll. by (un)to, like, IV a 16, VI 72, 141, IX 35, 98, XII a 57, XVII 506. [OE.(ge-)līc; (ge-)līce, adv.] See Ilyche.

#Like#, #Lyke#, v. to please, II 251, 449, 529, VI 206, VIII b 42, XI b 142; impers. with dat. (as vs liketh, it pleases us, we please), V 66, 178, VIII a 150, 286, IX 177, XII a 115, XVI 321 (or pers. pl. 'like', as below), &c.; ȝif ȝou lyke, if it pleases you, IX 74 (cf. ȝif it lyke ȝou, 284); for loue þat likes ille, that are wretched bec. of love (or bec. of love that is painful), XV b 24; quasi-pers. (with it) V 267, IX 284; pers. to like, XVII 361. (OE. līcian.]

#Likeing#, #Likyng#, #Lykyng(e)#, n. delight, pleasure, IV a 30, VII 20, 75, XI b 158, XVII 75, &c.; for likyng to here, to be heard with delight, to give pleasure in the hearing, VII 71; of gode likeing, well-pleasing, II 599. [OE. līcung.]

#Likne#, #Lykne#, #Lyken#, v. to make like, XIII b 23; to compare, IV a 6, VI 140, XIV c 74; #Lyckend#, pp. (to be) compared, IV a 33. [From Lyk, adj.]

#Liknes(se)#, n. likeness, appearance, XII a 9, 133, 172, XVII 28. [OE. līc-nes.]

#Lilie#, n. lily, XV b 17; #Lilie-flour#, lily, XV e 19. [OE. lilie; see Flour.]

#Lym(e)#, n. limb, member, VI 102, XIV c 93; #Lemes#, pl. IX 80; #Limes#, #Lymes#, II 171, VIII a 118, b 8; Lymmeȝ, VI 104. [OE. lim; pl. leomu, limu.]

#Lymbo#, #Lymbus#, n. limbo; the 'border' (of hell) where the souls of the just who died before Christ awaited His coming, XVI 102, 198. [L. limbus (patrum); in limbo.]

#Lymp(e)#, v. ? to limp; lympit of the sothe, ? stumbled from, fell short of, the truth, VII 36. [Cf. OE. lemp-healt, limping; MHG. limphin, to limp. Not recorded otherwise in E. until much later.]

#Lynage#, n. kindred, VIII b 26; tribe, IX 163. [OFr. li(g)nage.]

#Lynde#, n. lime-tree; (allit.) tree, V 108. [OE. línd(e).]

#Lyne#, n. sounding-line, XVII 461. [OE. līne; OFr. ligne.]

#Lynt#, n. lint, refuse of flax used as an inflammable stuff, X 20. [ME. lin(e)t, obscurely rel. to OE. līn (OFr. lin), flax.]

#Lyoun#, n. lion, II 538, IX 247, 249. [OFr. lioun.]

#Lippe#, #Lyppe#, n. lip, V 238, VIII a 259, XI b 84, XII a 181, &c. [OE. lippa.]

#Lyre#, n.^1 face, XVI 119. [ON. hlýr.] See Lere.

#Lyre#, n.^2 flesh, calves, V 160. [OE. līra.]

#Lys(e)#, #List#. See Ligge(n).

#List(e)#, #Lyst(e)#, v. impers. to desire, wish (as me list, I desire), IV a 77, V 65, 74, XVI 68, 277; prob. pers. at IX 302, XVI 313; þat hym list after, what he has a desire for, VII 20; #List#, pa. t. VII 166. [OE. lystan.]

#Lyste#, n. joy, VI 107. [Alteration of Lust, under infl. of prec.; or ON. lyst.]

#Lystens#, imper. pl. listen, XIV b 57. [OE. *hlysnan (ONth. lysna) infl. by hlystan.]

#Lite#, adv. little; bot gode lite, of but little worth, II 258. [OE. lȳt.]

#Lyte#, n. waiting; on lyte, in delay, V 235. [From ME. līten, to expect, await, tarry; ON. hlíta, to trust.]

#Litel#, #-ill#, #Lytill#, #Littel#, #Lyttel#, #Lutel# (XV c), &c., adj. little, small, slight, unimportant, IV b 45, VI 214 (or adv. 'little time there'), 244, IX 14, 21, 141, XV a 6, c 3, &c.; quasi-sb. in a lityl(l), &c., a little, V 298, IX 62; ? a small piece, XV h 17; somewhat (adv.), V 199, IX 103, 110; a little way (adv.), V 78, 103, XVII 507; for litill, for little cause, XVII 187; litel or nouȝt, little or nothing, XI b 188 (adv.), 258; wyth lyttel, with little result (or ? soon), VI 215; #Litel#, #Litle#, #Lyttill#, adv. little, IV b 24, VII 36, VIII b 3, XI b 253, &c. [OE. lȳtel, adj.] See Lite.

#Liþ#, #Lyth#, n. limb, VI 38, XIV c 93. [OE. liþ.]

#Liþ#, #Lith#. See Ligge(n).

#Lyþer#, #Leder#, adj. bad; sluggish, XVII 289; as sb., in to lyþer is lyfte, ? is turned towards evil, VI 207. [OE. lȳ̆þre.]

#Liue(n)#, #Lyue(n)#, v. to live, II 168, VI 117, VIII a 70, &c.; #Lif(fe)#, #Lyf(e)#, IV a 17, 73, XVI 68, 70, XVII 4, 58, 145, &c.; #Leue#, XVI 243, 322, 353, &c.; #Lyfed#, 2 sg. pa. t. VI 123; pres. p. living, (while) alive, IV b 31, XII a 171, XVI 55, XVII 47, 48, 73, &c.; lyue men, let men live, XI a 46; liuen bi, &c., live on, II 257, VIII b 26 (but lyue on, VIII b 46, &c.); lyue (leue) with, live by, VIII b 44, XVI 160. [OE. lifian, leofian.] See Libben, Lif.

#Lo#, #Loo#, interj. lo! II 381, 556, XVII 239; look, see, II 505, 507; #Lew#, XVII 507; we loo, alas! V 140 (see We, interj.). [OE. lā; ME. vowel and usage show infl. of Loken.]

#Lode#, n. load, XII b 26. [OE. lād.]

#Lodesman#, n. leader, I 39. [Cf. OE. lād-mann.]

#Lofers#, n. pl. lovers, IV a 50. [From Louye.]

#Lofte#, n. air, in on lofte, aloft, V 193. [ON. loft, á loft.] See Alofte, Lyft.

#Logede#, pa. t. dwelt, VII 62. [OFr. logier.]

#Loȝe#, #Loh#. See Louȝ.

#Loke#, pp. locked, I 101. [OE. lūcan, pp. locen.] See Vnlokynne.

#Loke(n)#, #Look#, v. to look, I 124, XVII 129, &c.; #Lokyt#, pa. t. VII 36; #Yloked#, pp. III 58. Intr. (i) to look, gaze, I 124, II 112, III 34, V 78, &c.; have an expression, VIII a 315; appear, VIII a 170; loken (app)on, look at, VIII a 179, XI b 175; read, VII 75; on lusti to loke, pleasant to read, VII 15; loke agaynste, gaze (straight) at, XVI 92; loke to, look at, V 265; (ii) to make investigations, VII 36; (iii) to see to it, take care; foll. by þat and subj., II 165, XVI 152, 211; without conj., IV a 19, 46, VIII a 39, XIV d 7, XVII 129. Trans. to watch over, in God þe mot loke, may God have you in his keeping, V 171; adjudicate, III 58; ordain, decree, VIII a 313. Loke what, consider what (i.e. whatever, interrog.), VI 103 (cf. OE. lōc(a) hwæt, indef.). [OE. lōcian.]

#Lokyng#, n. examination, VII 26. [From prec.]

#Lokkeȝ#, n. pl. locks (of hair), V 160. [OE. locc.]

#Lollare#, #-ere#, n. idler, vagabond, VIII b 2, 4; #Lollarene#, gen. pl. VIII b 31. [From ME. lollen, to lounge; see Piers Pl. C X 215.]

#Lomb(e)#, #Lamb#, n. lamb, IX 142; used of Our Lord, VI 47, 53. [OE. lómb, lámb.]

#Lome#, n. tool, weapon, V 241, VIII b 47. [OE. lōma.]

#Lond(e)#, #Land(e)#, n. land, country, soil, I 25, II 208, 355, VII 163, VIII a 267, IX 179, XIV b 63, &c.; in land(e), on earth, XVI 68, 314, XVII 145; þurgh land and lede, I 227 (see Lede, n.^2). [OE. lónd, lánd.]

#Long#, n. lung (see Levyr), XVII 399. [OE. lungen.]

#Longage#. See Langage.

#Long(e)#, adj. long, II 506, IX 152, 155, &c.; longe clothes, clerical garb, VIII b 42; tall, VIII b 24; lasting long, I 203, VIII a 7; þy long home, your eternal home (after death), I 207 (OE. lang hām); for long ȝore, a long while, VI 226; þe long day, the l. night ouer, al þe woke l., all day (&c.) long, VI 237, VII 166, XIII a 28 (cf. next); tedious, IX 267. [OE. láng, lóng.]

#Long(e)#, #Lang#, adv. a long while, II 335, V 232, VIII a 19, b 84, XV c 19, XVII 244, &c.; after an advb. gen., in hys lyueȝ longe, þise dayeȝ longe, all his life (this day) long, VI 117, 173 (cf. prec.); #Leng#, compar. longer, II 84; #Lenger(e)#, #Lengar#, I 79, II 330, V 235, XI b 130, XII b 146, XVI 68, 193; euer þe lenger þe lasse þe more, the further (you pursue the argument) the less (work) the more (pay), VI 240; #Longer#, XVII 531. [OE. lónge, lánge; compar. léng (adv.), lengra (adj.).]

#Long(e)#, v.^1 to long, VII 113; #Langand#, pres. p. in langand es, longs, IV a 91. [OE. lóngian, lángian.]

#Long(e)#, v.^2; longe to (into), to belong (to), befit, V 313, XIV c 25, 53; #Longande#, pres. p. that belongs, VI 102. [From ME. (i)long, adj.; OE. ge-láng (on), dependent (on).] See Bylongeth.

#Longinge#, #-yng#, n. longing, VII 119, XV c 24; #Langyng# (til), longing (for), IV a 93. [OE. lóngung, lángung.] See Loue-longinge.

#Longith#, 3 sg. pres. lengthens, ? beats out long, XV h 17. [From Long, adj.]

#Lording#, #-yng#, n. man of high rank, II 26, 520; sir (as a polite address, esp. of minstrel to his audience), II 23, 204. [OE. hlāfording.] See Louerd.

#Lordischipes#, #-is#, n. pl. lordships, estates, XI b 97, 141. [OE. hlāford-scipe.]

#Lore#, n. (method of) teaching, XI a 39, XIII b 28. [OE. lār.]

#Lore#, #Lorne#, pp. of Lese, v.^1

#Lorel(l)is#, n. pl. good-for-nothings, wastrels, XI b 140, 161, 173. [Prob. from prec.] See Loseles.

#Los#, n. fame, XIV c 111. [OFr. los.]

#Loseles#, n. pl. wastrels, VIII a 116. [Prob. from ME. lose(n), variant of lore(n) pp. of Lese, v.^1] See Lorel(l)is.

#Losengerye#, n. lying flattery (of a parasite), VIII a 137. [OFr. losengerie.]

#Lossom#, #Lossum#. See Louesum.

#Lost#, n. loss, VIII b 101. [Rel. to Lese, v.^1; cf. OE., ME. los.]

#Lote#, n. noise, V 143. [ON. lát (pl.), behaviour, noise; cf. Bere, n.^1]

#Loþ#, #Lothe#, adj. hateful, I 9; loath, unwilling, XIV c 6. [OE. lāþ, adj.]

#Loþe#, n. grief, VI 17. [OE. lāþ, n.]

#Loþli#, #Loþlich#, adj. horrible, II 78; unpleasing, II 461. [OE. lāþ-lic.]

#Loud(e)#, adj. loud, II 511, XII a 138; loud or still, under all circumstances, XIV b 54. [OE. hlūd.]

#Loue#, n. love, II *12, 55, &c.; #Louue#, XV a 21; #Luf(e)#, I introd., IV a 1, 5, XVII 82; with object. gen. (as mi lordes loue, love for my master), II 518 (note), VIII a 19, 214; þi loue, love of thee, VIII a 27; for loue or ay, in any event, II 571. [OE. lufu.] See Louye.

#Louely#, adj. gracious, beautiful, pleasant, VIII a 10, 272, XVI 119. [OE. luf(e)lic.] See Luflyly.

#Lou(u)e-longinge#, n. unsatisfied love, XV a 9, c 5. [OE. lufu + lóngung.] See Longinge.

#Louerd#, n. lord, (the) Lord, master, husband, XV g 1, 11, &c.; #Lhord#, III introd., 11, 29, 46; #Lord(e)#, II 120, 518, VIII a 19, 272, XII a 157, &c.; #Lordene#, gen. pl. VIII b 77. [OE. hlāford.]

#Loues#, n. pl. loaves, VIII a 278. [OE. hlāf.] See Pese-lof.

#Louesum#, #-som#, adj. beautiful, lovely, II 111, 460; #Lossom#, #-sum#, XV b 17, c 15; #Lufsoum#, as sb., lovely one, VI 38. [OE. lufsum.]

#Louȝ#, pa. t. sg. laughed, II 314; #Loȝe#, V 321; #Loh# (on), smiled (upon), XV c 15. [OE. hlæhhan, pa. t. hlōh.]

#Louy(e)#, #Louie#, v. to love, like, V 27, 31, VIII a 202; #Loue(n)#, II 34, IX 100, 101, XII a 5, &c.; #Luf(e)#, #Luffe#, IV a 4, b 7, V 300, XVI 403, XVII 47, &c.; #Yloued#, pp. II 123. [OE. lufian.]

#Louyly#, adj. ? lawful, VI 205 (note). [OE. lah-lic.] See Lawe, n.^1

#Louyng#, #Lufyng#, n.^1 love; beloved (one), IV a 5 (note), 56. [From Louye.] Distinguish next.

#Louyng#, n.^2 praise, IV a 24, XVI 405. [OE. lofung.] Distinguish prec.

#Loupe#, n. any jewel of imperfect brilliance (esp. sapphire, with which it is often joined), IX 116. [OFr. loupe.]

#Lowable#, adj. praiseworthy, VIII b 109. [OFr. louable.]

#Low(e)#, #Law#, adj. low, VII 102, X 137, XVII 21; near the bottom, VI 187; lowly, VIII a 223, &c.; heiȝe and lowe, all men, XIV c 100; adv. low, V 168, XII b 11, &c.; thus low, here below, in so lowly a place, XVII 173. [ON. lág-r.]

#Low(e)#, n. flame, VII 136, 152, 159. [ON. logi.]

#Lowe#, v. to praise; to lowe, praiseworthy, II 12 (MS. Harl.); cf. Sir Gaw. 1399, and (for idiom) Wale. [OFr. louer.] See Allowe.

#Lowsyd#. See Lawse.

#Lowte#, v. to bow; trans. (but see Þat, rel.) bow before, reverence, XV i 4; #Lutte#, pa. t. sg. bowed, V 187; refl. V 168. [OE. lūtan, str.]

#Lud#, n., in on hyre lud, ? in her own language, XV c 4. [? OE. lēoden, lȳden, language.]

#Lufe#, n. palm of the hand, XVII 462. [ON. lófi.]

#Luf(f)-#. See Loue-; Louy(e); Louyng, n.^1

#Luflyly#, adv. courteously, V 321; in seemly manner, V 108. [From Louely.]

#Lunatyk#, adj. suffering from recurrent fits of insanity (thought to depend on the changes of the moon), IX 93. [L. lūnāticus.]

#Lurdans#, n. pl. rascals, XVI 102. [OFr. lourdein, lazy fellow.]

#Lurnede#, #Lurneþ#. See Lerne.

#Lust#, n. pleasure, desire, IV a 16, 59; lust, IV b 17, IX 277. [OE. lust.] See Lyste.

#Lustful#, adj. pleasure-loving, XI b 256. [OE. lust-ful.]

#Lusti#, adj. pleasant, VII 15. [From Lust.]

#Lutel#; #Lutte#. See Litel; Lowte.

#Ma#. See Make(n), Fai.

#Maad(e)#, #Mad(e)#, &c. See Make(n).

#Madde#, adj. mad, XVI 247. [OE. (ge-)mǣ̆dd, pp.]

#Madde#, v. to act madly, V 346. [From prec.]

#Magesté#, n. majesty, VII 1. [OFr. majesté.]

#Magré#. See Maugré, prep.

#Maȝtyly#, adv. powerfully, forcibly, V 194, 222. [OE. mæhtig-līce.] See Myȝt(e).

#Mai#, v. 1 & 3 pres. (ind. and subj.), am able to, can, may, may well, have reason to, &c., IV a 31, XII a 66, XIV c 1, &c.; #May(e)#, IV a 6, 36, &c.; #May(e)#, 2 sg. IV a 20, XVI 173, &c.; #Meist# (= meiht; see Appendix, p. 278), XV g 6; #Miȝt#, #Myȝt(e)#, II 452, VIII a 217, b 35. #Mai#, #May#, pl. IV a 61, IX 213, &c.; #Moun#, VI 176; #Mowe#, I 115, VIII a 40, IX 164, &c. #Micht#, #Mycht#, pa. t. (ind. and subj.), was able to, could, might, &c., X 17, 139, &c., #Miȝt(e)#, #Myȝt(e)#, I 16, II 221, VIII a 133, XI a 44, b 283, &c.; #Myȝtte#, XI b 30, 103; #Myght(e)#, I 184, IX 276, &c.; #Mihte#, #Myhte#, XII a 16, 75, XIV c 36, &c.; #Moȝt(e)#, VI 67, 115, 119, #Moghte#, IV b 31. [OE. mæg (meaht, miht, 2 sg.); late pl. mugon, subj. muge; pa. t. mihte (late muhte).]

#Mai#, #May#, n.^1 maiden, VI 75, XV a 6, 16, c 28, Introduction xii. [ON. mǽ-r, gen. meyj-ar; cf. OE. mǣg, woman (in verse).]

#May#, n.^2 May, II 57, IV a 57; #May dew#, dew gathered in May (thought to have special properties), IX 63. [OFr. mai.] See Deaw.

#Maid(e)#. See Make(n).

#Mayde(n)#, #Maiden#, n. maiden, virgin, I 41, II 64, VIII a 323, XV i 7, &c. [OE. mægden.]

#Mayll#, #Male#, adj. male, IX 58, XVII 152. [OFr. ma(s)le.]

#Mayn#, n. might, XVII 310. [OE. mægen.]

#Mais#; #Maister#. See Make(n); Mister.

#Maysterful#, adj. arrogant, VI 41. [From next.]

#Maistre# (#-er#, #-ur#), #Mayster#, n. lord, Lord, II 413, VI 102, VII 1, XIII a 2; master, V 22, VIII a 41, 236, 314, XV h 17; mayster of gramere, a title, XIII b 27 (see note). [OFr. maistre; OE. mægester.)

#Maistrie#, #Maystrie#, n. mastery, VIII a 323; for the maystrie (OFr. pour la maistrie), to the utmost possible degree, IX 233; pl. (partly due to OFr. maistrise, sg.) in make maistries, do a wonderful, mighty (here masterful, high handed) deed, XVI 116, 202, 216, 217. [OFr. maistrie.]

#Make#, n. mate, XV b 20, c 18, 31, XVII 139. [OE. (ge)maca.]

#Make(n)#, #Mak#, v. to make, do; (with or without to) cause, compel; VIII a 205, 280, IX 120, 206, XIV b 87, &c.; #Ma#, X 14, 167; #Mase#, 3 sg. IV a 15; #Matȝ#, VI 250; #Mais#, pl. X 72; #Man#, VI 152; #Mase#, XIV b 34, XVI 116; #Makes#, #Maketh#, imper. pl. VIII a 14, XVI 383. #Mad#, #Made(n)#, pa. t. I 39, II 20, VI 179, &c.; #Maid(e)#, X 5, XVII 3 (2 sg.), 28, &c.; #Maked#, II 329, 498, &c. #Maad(e)#, pp. XI b 101, 196, &c.; #Mad#, VI 126, VIII b 74, &c.; #Maid(e)#, X 3, XVII 73, &c.; #Ymad#, III introd.; #Ymaked#, VIII a 180. Mad sumoun, caused (men) to summon (them), VI 179; makes ioie, rejoice, XVI 383: it maketh, brings it about (that), VIII a 199; ich made of, I summed up (as Mn. E. idiom), VIII b 5; see also Dere, Qwart, Ylet, &c. [OE. macian; with the reduced forms cf. Taken.]

#Makeleȝ#, adj. matchless, VI 75. [OE. ge-maca + -lēas.]

#Maker#, n. maker, causer, I 204; Creator, VII 1, XVI 2, XVII 1. [From Maken.]

#Makyng(e)#, n. building, work, I 183; making, XI b 230. [OE. macung.]

#Malais#, n. hardship, II 240. [OFr. malaise.] See Ese.

#Malice#, #Malis#, n. evil purpose, ill-will, VII 177, IX 119, XVI 302. [OFr. malice.]

#Malt#, pa. t. sg. melted, V 12. [OE. meltan, pa. t. malt.]

#Man#. See Make(n).

#Man(e)#, #Manne#, n. man, mankind, (any)body, one, I 102, II 27, IV a 12, b 62, XVII 236, &c.; #Mon#, V 32, 170, 271 (note), VI 160, &c. Gen. sg. (often generic, equiv. to 'human', &c.), #Manes(se)#, II 552, XV i 16; #Mannes#, #-is#, #-ys#, #-us#, III 54, VIII a 234 (note), XI b 113, 114, XII b 139, XVI 246, &c.; #Mans#, in mans wonder, monster, XVII 408. #Manne#, dat. sg. III 19. #Men(e)#, pl. I 32, IV b 9, &c.; #Men(ne)#, #Mene#, gen. pl. men's, people's, &c., IV b 69 (footnote), VIII b 29, XIII b 20; #Mennes#, #-ys#, #-us#, I 82, VIII a 96, XI b 119, 192; #Mens#, IV b 50, *69 (footnote). [OE. man(n), mon(n).] See Men, Noman.

#Manaced#, pa. t. threatened, VIII a 163; #Mansed#, V 277. [OFr. manecier, manasser; cf. Comsed, for the reduction.]

#Manans#, n. threat, X 72. [OFr. manace, with confusion of suffix.]

#Mandeþ#, 3 sg. pres. sends forth, XV b 16, 25. [OFr. mander.]

#Maner(e)#, #Manyere# (III), n. (a) manner, way, I 80, X 103, XI a 11, XIII b 30 (without foll. of), &c.; in his manere, after his fashion, VIII a 104; custom, II 431, XIII b 17, 26; kind, sort, IX 102, 139, &c.; any (ich) maner, any (every) kind of, II 364, VIII a 213; with sg. form after al(le), meny, and numerals (usually without of), II 302, III introd., VIII a 20, XIII a 37, b 1, 9, &c.; deuyse, tell, the maner (of), describe, IX 264, 268; #Manereȝ#, pl. courtesy, *VI 22 (MS. marereȝ). [OFr. man(i)ere.]

#Manes(se)#. See Man(e).

#Manfully#, adv. manfully, X 117. [From OE. mann + -full.]

#Manhode#, n. virility, IX 80. [OE. mann + hād.]

#Mani(e)#, #Many(e)#, adj. many, I 133, II 294, III 41, VIII a 100, &c.; #Meny(e)#, VIII b 36, XIII a 6, &c.; #Moni#, #Mony#, V 201, VI 212, &c.; mani (moni) a, &c., many a, II 432, XIV c 68, 92, &c.; (without a), I 157 (note), II 520, XVII 355, 436; many ... fold(e), see Fold(e). [OE. manig, menig, monig.]

#Manyere#. See Maner(e).

#Manyfold#, adj. many times multiplied, great, XII b 154. [OE. manig-fáld.] See Fold.

#Mankyn#, n. mankind, XVII 71. [OE. man-cyn(n).]

#Mankunde#, #Mankynde#, n. mankind, XIII a 2, XVI 15. [OE. mann + cýnd; cf. prec.]

#Mannus#, &c.; #Mansed#. See Man(e); Manaced.

#Mappa Mundi#, n. map, or descriptive geography, of the world, IX 301. [Latin; also appears in ME. in Fr. form mappe-mounde.]

#Mar#, #Marre#, v. to hinder, stop, XVI 116, XVII 129 (subj.); marre ... to, prevent from, XVI 173; to destroy, V 194, XVI 208. [OE. merran, hinder, spoil.]

#Marchant#, n. merchant, XII b 166. [OFr. marchand.]

#Marchaundise#, n. commercial dealings, XI b 290. [OFr. marchandise.]

#Marches#, n. pl. (frontiers), regions, IX 273. [OFr. marche.]

#Marche#, v.; marcheth (to, upon), borders on, IX 193, XII a 61. [OFr. marchir, from prec.]

#Mare#. See Mor(e).

#Maryage#, n. marriage; to Hys m., as His spouse, VI 54. [OFr. mariage.]

#Mark#, n. a mark (about 2/3 of a pound, 13s. 4d.), XI b 162. [OE. marc, a borrowed word of disputed origin.]

#Marked#, n. market-place, VI 153. [Late OE. marcet, from ONFr. market.]

#Martyrdome#, n. martyrdom, I 34. [OE. martyr-dōm.]

#Mase#. See Make(n).

#Mased#, adj. bewildered, XVI 247. [Cf. OE. ā-masod.]

#Masse#, n.^1 Mass, VIII a 88, XI b 131, &c.; #Messe#, I 8, 69, VI 137, &c. [OE. mæsse, messe; OFr. messe.]

#Masse#, n.^2 conglomerate mass, IX 44, 46. [OFr. masse.]

#Masse-prest#, n. (secular) priest, V 40. [OE. mæsse-prēost.]

#Mast#. See More, Mor(e).

#Mast#, n. mast, X 123, XIV c 49, &c. [OE. mæst.]

#Mate#, adj. dejected, VI 26. [OFr. mat, orig. 'mated' in chess.]

#Mater(e)#, #Matiere#, n. matter, subject, VII 35, 98, IX 111, XII a 45, XIV c 14. [OFr. mat(i)ere.]

#Matȝ#. See Make(n).

#Matyn(n)es#, #-ys#, n. pl. matins (first of the canonical 'hours', properly recited at midnight or before daybreak), V 120, XI b 131, 189, &c.; applied to all the morning office preceding public Mass, I 68, ? XI b 208; matynes of Oure Lady, matins proper to Our Lady (made a part of daily morning office), XI b 132. [OFr. matines.]

#Maugré#, n. displeasure, ill-will, VIII a 236. [OFr. maugré.]

#Maugré# (#-ee#), #Mawgree#, prep. in spite of, VIII a 69, IX 197, 314; #Magré#, X 197; m. Medes (þi) chekes, in spite of Meed (you), VIII a 41, 151 (an extension of ME. maugré þin, his, &c. where þin, &c., are orig. gen.). [OFr. maugré.]

#Maulardes#, n. pl. mallards, wild-duck, II 310. [OFr. mallart.]

#Maundementis#, n. pl. commandments, XI b 184. [OFr. mandement.]

#Maunged#, pp. eaten, VIII a 255. [OFr. mangier.]

#Mawe#, n. belly, VIII a 167, 306 (pl. or distrib. sg.; see Herte). [OE. maga.]

#Me#. See Men; and Ich, pron.

#Measse#, n. mess, portion (of food), XVII 389. [OFr. mes.]

#Mecull#. See Mekill, adj.

#Mede#, n. reward; Lady Meed (personif. of bribery, &c.), VIII a 41; to mede, in payment, as reward, IV a 64, XIV b 2, XVII 122; qwite hym his m., pay him out, XVII 216. [OE. mēd.]

#Medeful#, adj. profitable, XI b 247. [From prec.]

#Medycyne#, n. cure, I 244. [OFr. medicine.]

#Medill-erd#. See Myddel-erde.

#Medyn#, ? n. pl. meadows, XV i 14 (such a pl. form is remarkable in this text, if genuine). [OE. mǣd, mēd.]

#Meditacioun# (of), n. meditation (upon), XI b 295. [OFr. meditacion.]

#Meete#, n. measure(ment), XIII a 47. [OE. ge-met.] See Meteth.

#Meyny#, n. household, body (of servants, &c.), retinue, company, VI 182; #Meneye#, XVII 290; #Menȝhe#, X 39; #Menye#, VII 37, XVII 22. [OFr. mai(s)nee.]

#Meyntene(n)#, #Mayntene#, v. to maintain, defend, support, keep up, VIII a 37, XI b 43, 55, 166, XIV c 76; subj., XIV c 100; #Meyntenynge#, n. upholding, XI b 170. [OFr. maintenir.]

#Meist#. See Mai, v.

#Meke#, adj. meek, humble, submissive, IV a 74, VI 44, VIII a 199, XI b 58, XVI 1. [ON. mjúk-r, earlier *meuk-.]

#Mekenesse#, n. meekness, gentleness, VI 46, VIII a 41 (personified), XI b 118, 122. [From prec.]

#Mekill#, adj. great, X 116, XIV b 84, XVI 129, XVII 109, &c.; #Mecull#, VII 10. [OE. micel.] See Miche, Mochel, More.

#Mekill#, adv. greatly, much, IV b 23. [OE. micel, micle.] See Moche, Mor(e), Mo.

#Mekis#, 2 sg. pres. in mekis þiselffe, humblest thyself, XVI 350. [From Meke, adj.]

#Mele#, v. to speak, say, V 227, 268, 305, VI 137, 229, ? *XV b 20 (MS. miles). [OE. mǣlan.]

#Melke#, #Milke#, n. milk, II 146, VIII a 176. [OE. me(o)lc, milc.]

#Mell#, v.^1 to announce, declare; ? grant, XVII 44 (or from next, in vague use extended from that seen in XVI). [OE. meðlan.] Cf. Mele.

#Melle#, v.^2 to mix, mingle, XVI 302; #Mellit#, pp. X 22; #Ymelled#, XIII b 3; #Mellyng#, n. mingling, XIII b 12. [OFr. mesler, meller.]

#Melody#, n. melody, (sweet) music, II 46, 278, 442, 523, 590, IV a 67. [OFr. melodie.]

#Membre#, n. limb, member, V 224, VIII b 34; fig. VI 98. [OFr. membre.]

#Memoire#, #Memorye#, n. memory, XII b 221; commemoration (of the faithful departed), VIII a 89. [OFr. memoire, memorie.]

#Men#, impers. subject sg. one, IX 69; also freq. (esp. in men may) in syntactically doubtful cases prob. apprehended as pl., as IX 75 (first), 118, XV h 3, &c.; #Me#, III 3, 16, 48, 51, XIII a 9, XV g 8, 28. [OE. man, reduced under wk. stress.] See Man (esp. V 170).

#Mencioun#, n. mention, IX 267. [OFr. mencion.]

#Mend(e)#, v. to improve; make better (free from fault), XVI 359; increase (joy), XVI 79; mend ȝow of ȝoure misdede, reform your evil ways, XIV b 7; #Mendyng#, n. improvement, VI 92. [Shortened from Amend.]

#Mendinauns#, n. pl. beggars, VIII b 80. [OFr. mendinant.]

#Men(e)#. See Man(e).

#Mene#, adj. common, thin (ale), VIII a 176. [OE. (ge-)mǣne.]

#Mene(n)#, v.^1 to mean; signify, I introd., VIII b 38, XVI 46; declare (as one's intention), XVI 174; to intend, *XVI 301 (MS. mouys); to imagine, suppose XI b 74 (or imply); impers. in me menys, I call to mind, XVI 231; #Menede#, pa. t. VIII b 38; #Mente#, pa. t. I introd.; pp. XVI 174; #Ymende#, pp. noted, III introd. [OE. mǣnan.]

#Mene#, v.^2 to complain, XV b 22; refl. in mened hem, made their complaint, VIII a 2. [OE. mǣnan, v.^2; prob. distinct from prec., and rel. to Mon(e), q.v.]

#Meneye#. See Meyny.

#Mengen#, v. to remember, VIII a 89. [OE. myn(d)gian.]

#Menȝhe#. See Meyny.

#Meny(e)#. See Mani, Meyny.

#Menyng#, n. mention, XVI 103. [From Mene, v.^1]

#Menne(s)#, #-ys#, #-us#. See Man(e).

#Menskes#, n. pl. honours, V 342. [ON. mennska, humanity, kindness, ? hence in ME. grace, courtesy, honour; cf. senses of OE. ār.]

#Menstraci#, n. minstrelsy, music, II 302, 420, 589. [OFr. menestralsie.]

#Menstrel#, n. minstrel, II 430, 449, 532; #Minstrel#, II 382, 486. [OFr. menestral, -el.]

#Mente#. See Mene, v.^1

#Merci#, #Mercy(e)#, #Mersy#, n. mercy, I 167, II 113, III 1, VI 23, VIII a 40 (personified), XVI 359, &c.; grant merci, thank you, V 58, XII b 92 (see Grant). [OFr. merci.]

#Mercii#, n. pl. Mercians, men of the Midlands, XIII b 54. [Med.L. Mercii; OE. Merce.]

#Mery#. See Miri(e).

#Meridionall#, adj. Southern, IX 2, 3. [L. meridionālis.]

#Merke(nes)#. See Mirke, Myrknes.

#Mersh#, n. March, XV c 1. [AFr., ONFr. march(e).]

#Merþe#. See Mirthe.

#Meruayl(l)e#, #-uail(e)#, #-ueyl(l)e#, &c. (of), n. amazement, wonder (at), I 211, IX 151, 226; marvel, II 409, 598, IX 143, 146, 292, &c.; a marvel (without a), I 115, 205, IX 18; no meruayle þaȝ (with subj.), no wonder (if), V 239. [OFr. merveille.]

#Merueyl(l)ous#, adj. marvellous, I 247, IX 145; #Merveilous#, XII a 64; #Mervelus#, XVII 12, 164. [OFr. merveillous.]

#Meschaunce#; #Meschief#. See Myschance; Myschefe.

#Mese#, n. moss, II 248. [OE. mēos.]

#Message#, n. errand, XII a 52, 102; message, XII introd. [OFr. message.]

#Messagere#, n. messenger, XII a 46; #Messengere#, XVI 362. [OFr. messager.]

#Messais#. See Missays.

#Messe#. See Masse, n.^1

#Mesurable#, adj. moderate, reasonable, VIII a 192. [OFr. mesurable.]

#Mesure#, n. capacity, XI b 113; moderation, XVI 302. [OFr. mesure.]

#Mesurit#, pp. measured, X 25. [OFr. mesurer.]

#Mete#, n. food, VIII a 133, IX 15, XV e 7, g 3, XVII 160, &c.; #Mette#, XVI 230; esp. joined with drink, I 158, II 254, VIII a 20, XI b 257, XVII 197; at(te) mete, at table, II 519, VIII a 55, XV g 24. [OE. mete.]

#Mete(n)#, v. to meet, II 510, V 138, 167, VI 20, XIV a 27; #Mette#, pa. t., VIII a 163, b 6. [OE. mētan.] See Imete.

#Meteþ#, 3 sg. pres. measures, XIII a 46. [OE. metan.] See Meete.

#Methles#, adj. immoderate, violent, V 38. [OE. mǣþ-lēas.]

#Mette#, pa. t. dreamt, XII a 139, 153. [OE. mǣtan, impers.]

#Meue#, #Moue#, v. to move; trans. (inspire), XI a 66, b 246; intr. proceed, pass on, VII 98; #Meuyt#, pa. t. passed, VII 30; #Mevid#, pp. carried away, XVII 542. [OFr. moveir; accented stem moev-, meuv-, &c.]

#Mezeyse#. See Missays.

#Mi#, #My#. See Ich, pron.

#Miche#, #Myche#, adj. great, much, II 278, 523, 560, VII 41, 122. [OE. micel.] See Mekill, Mochel, More.

#Micht#, #Mycht#. See Mai, v.; Myȝt(e).

#Mid#, #Midde# (XV), prep. with, III introd., 9, 51, 55, XV a 19. [OE. mid.] See Þer(e).

#Myddel#, adj. central, Midland, XIII b 10, 54. [OE. middel.]

#Middel#, #Myddel#, n. middle, XIII b 11; waist, XV c 16. [OE. middel.]

#Myddel-erde#, #Medill-erd#, n. the world, V 32, XVII 100, 234. [Altered by assoc. with prec. from OE. middan-(g)eard.]

#Mydyng#, n. midden, dunghill, XVII 376. [Cf. Danish mögdynge, mödding (ON. *myk(i)dyngja) muck-heap.]

#Mydnyȝt#, n. midnight, V 119. [OE. mid-niht.]

#Myghtfull#, adj. mighty, XVII 1. [OE. miht + -ful.]

#Mighty#, #Myghty#, adj. mighty, VII 177, &c.; was so myghty to, had the power to, XVI 91; quasi-sb. mighty princes, VII 118. [OE. mihtig.]

#Myȝt(e)#, n. might, power, strength, capacity, I 84, 186, VIII a 195, XI b 114; #Mycht#, X 48, 65, &c.; #Myght#, IX 197, XVI 233, &c.; #Miste#, #Myste# (see App. p. 278), XV g 29; of myste, mighty, VI 102; pl. deeds of power, XVI 174; do (all) his myȝt, &c., do all in his power, X 79, XI b 6; with thair mychtis all, with all their might, X 95; at my myght, as far as I can, XVII 322. [OE. miht.]

#Miȝte#, #Mihte#, &c. See Mai, v.

#Mykeȝ#, n. pl. ? favourites, VI 212 (note); see Mike, n. in N.E.D. [Unknown.]

#Milde#, #Mylde#, adj. gentle, kindly, IV a 74, b 75, XV g 2, &c. [OE. míld.]

#Mile#, #Myle#, n. mile; sg. for pl. after numerals, II 350, XIV b 42; wel a four grete myle, fully (a distance of) four 'long miles', IX 200 (see note). [OE. mīl.]

#Miles#, ? n. pl. XV b 20; ? read meles murge <wi>þ, call lovingly to; see Mele, v.

#Myn#, adj. smaller, in more and myn, all, XVII 112, 278. [ON. minni; meiri ok minni.]

#Myn#, #Mynne#, v. to remember, recall, mention, VII 30, 37; myn(ne) of, be mindful of, VI 223, XVII 551. [ON. minna, remind; minna-sk, remember.]

#Min#, #Myn(e)#. See Ich, pron.

#Mynd(e)#, n. mind, memory, VII 10, 11, 30, IX 319, XVI 2; take in m., recollect, XII a 194, b 223. [OE. (ge-)mýnd.]

#Myne#, n. ore, IX 46, 52. [OFr. mine.]

#Myne(n)#, v. to mine, tunnel, IX 222, 224, 231, X 8. [OFr. miner.]

#Mynestres#, n. pl. servants, VIII b 63. [OFr. ministre.]

#Ministre#, #Mynstre#, n. monastery, VIII b 95, XIII a 50. [OE. mynster.]

#Mynget#, #-it#, pa. t. mingled, VII 131; pp. VII 108. [OE. méngan.]

#Mynt#, #Munt#, n. aim; feint, pretence at a blow, V 277, 282, 284. [From next.]

#Mynte#, v. to aim, swing (an axe), V 222; #Mynte#, #Munt#, pa. t. sg. V 194, 206. [OE. myntan.]

#Miracle#, n. miracle, XI b 280. [OFr. miracle.]

#Mire#, #Myre#, mire; fig. a desperate situation, XIV b 71, XVI 256. [ON. mýr-r.]

#Miri(e)#, #Myrie#, adj. merry, joyous, gay, II 58, 436, VIII a 151, XV a 11, 16, &c.; #Mery#, VIII a 69, XVII 463; #Myryest#, superl. VI 75; #Muryly#, adv. pleasantly, playfully, V 227, 268, 277. [OE. myrge.] See Mirth(e), Murgeþ.

#Mirke#, #Merke#, adj. dark, VII 108; n. darkness, XVI 53. [OE. myrce, ON. myrk-r, adj.]

#Myrknes#, n. darkness, IV a 64; #Merkenes#, VII 131. [From prec.]

#Mirth(e)#, #Myrth#, n. joy, mirth, IV a 44, XIV b 3, XVI 79, &c.; #Merþe#, II 6. [OE. myrgþ.]

#Mys#. See Misse, Mysse.

#Mysbede#, v. to ill-use, VIII a 46; #Mysboden#, pp. V 271. [OE. mis-bēodan.]

#Myschance#, #Meschaunce#, n. disaster, misfortune, V 127, IX 87, XIV b 30. [OFr. mescha(u)nce.]

#Myschefe#, #-cheif#, #-chief#, n. distress, damage, misfortune, I 175, VIII a 199, X 136, 178; #Meschief#, XII b 14. [OFr. mesch(i)ef.]

#Misdede#, n. wrong-doing, XIV b 7. [OE. mis-dēd.]

#Miself(f)e#, #Myselue(n)#. See Ich, pron.

#Myserecorde#, n. mercy, VI 6. [OFr. misericorde.]

#Myshap#, n. accident, VIII b 35. [OE. mis- + Hap, q.v.]

#Myslyke#, v. impers. it displeases, is unpleasant to; subj. IV b 58, V 239. [OE. mis-līcian.]

#Missays#, #Messais#, n. hardship, suffering, II 262, 325; #Mezeyse#, III 42. [OFr. mesaise, -eise.] See Ese.

#Mysse#, #Mys#, n. (sense of) loss, VI 4; misery, XVII 551; #Mysses#, pl. offences, faults, V 323. [OE. miss, and mis- prefix.] See Amys.

#Misse#, #Mys(se)#, v. to miss; misse (of), fail (in), VII 118, XVII 404; to do without, XVII 237; lack, VI 22. [OE. missan.]

#Mysspended#, pp. misspent, VIII b 97. [OE. mis- + spéndan.] See Spende.

#Myste#, #Mist#, n. mist, V 12, VII 108, &c. [OE. mist.]

#Miste#, #Myste#. See Myȝt(e).

#Mister#, #Myster#, n. need, IV b 58, 67, X 151, 161; #Maister#, in hom maister were, was their duty, VII 35. [OFr. mest(i)er, meistier.]

#Myst-hakel#, n. cloak of mist, V 13. [OE. mist + hacele.]

#Mnam#, n. (mina), talent, VIII a 237, 238; #Nam#, VII a 235. [L. m(i)nam, accus.]

#Mo#, adj. and quasi-pron. more (in number), others, I 133, II 90, 350, V 254, IX 153, XIV d 7, XV b 22, XVI 358, XVII 134, &c.; #Moo#, XVI 208, 328. [OE. mā, compar. adv.]

#Moche#, adv. greatly, much, IX 101, 300, XI b 107, 183, &c.; to a great extent, XIII b 41; #Much(e)#, VI 14, XI b 297, &c. [OE. mycel, mycle.] See Mekill, Mor(e), Mo.

#Mochel#, adj. (and quasi-sb.), great, much, XII a 105, b 212; #Moche#, II 36, III 25, 32, XIII a 51, &c.; #Much#, V 72, 268, VI 244, &c.; in so moche, to the corresponding extent, XI b 232; in so moche þat, in as much as, IX 299. [OE. mycel.] See Mekill, Miche, More.

#Mod#, n. mood, temper, VI 41. [OE. mōd.]

#Mody#, adj. as sb. the passionate (lover), XV b 22. [OE. mōdig.]

#Moder#, #-ir#, n. mother, II 30, III 40, V 252, XVI 250, &c.; #Moder#, gen. sg. XI b 29; as adj. in modir tunge, XI a 40. [OE. mōdor.]

#Moȝt(e)#, #Moghte#. See Mai, v.

#Moyne#. See Mone.

#Moyst#, adj. moist, IX 95. [OFr. moiste.]

#Mol#, n. dust, VI 22 (cf. mul, Pearl 905). [OE. myl.]

#Mold(e)#, n. earth, in tag (ap)on mold(e), on earth, alive, XIV b 3, XVI 1, 91, XVII 62. [OE. mólde.]

#Mon#. See Man(e).

#Mon(e)#, n. complaint, lamentation, grief, II 198, VI 14, VIII a 117, XIV a 27. [OE. *mān, rel. to Mene, v.^2]

#Mone#, n. moon, XV b 16, 25, XVII 355; #Moyne#, XVII 6; lunar month, 478; abouen þe m., to the skies, ridiculously high, XI b 182. [OE. mōna.]

#Moneday#, n. Monday, XIII a 29. [OE. mōnan-dæg.]

#Mong#, prep. among, VII 120. [Shortened from Amonge, q.v.]

#Moni#, #-y#. See Mani.

#Moniales#, n. pl. nuns, VIII b 80. [Med.L. moniālis.]

#Monk(e)#, n. monk, V 40, VIII a 322, b 80. [OE. munuc.]

#Monthe#, n. month, VIII b 52, XII a 34, &c.; pl. (orig. gen.) in tuo monthe day, two months' time, XII a 29 (see Day). [OE. mōn(a)þ.] See Tweluemonth(e).

#Moo#; #Moost#. See Mo; Mor(e).

#Mor#, n. moor, V 12, XV e 1, &c. [OE. mōr.]

#More#, adj. compar. greater, V 32, IX 28, 245, &c.; more, further, &c. (easily passing into adv., as XIV b 3, &c.), II 264, V 180, XVI 106, &c.; quasi-sb. a greater amount, more, VI 193, 217, 240 (see Longe adv.), &c.; more and les(se), les and more, all, XVI 383, XVII 11, 94; more and myn, all, XVII 112, 278 (see Myn). #Mast#, superl. greatest, most, X 18, 38, 104; #Most(e)#, XI b 25, XIV c 15, XVI 360; both the m. and the leest, all, XVII 452; þe most, (the) most (part), I 23. [OE. māra; mǣst (late Nth. māst, with vowel of compar.).] See Mekill, &c.

#Mor(e)#, #Mare# (IV, XIV), adv. compar. more, VI 193, &c.; forming compar., VI 239, IX 248, XII b 130, &c.; longer, further, in the future, again, &c. (esp. in no more, na mare, &c.), I 83, 144, IV a 58, XIV b 3 (or adj.), &c.; moreover, VI 205; noȝt ... more, not ... either, VI 228; no more bot, none the more except that, V 243. #Mast# (IV), #Moost#, #Most(e)#, superl. most(ly), for the most part, II 12, 33 (see Ony), IV a 77, VII 10, XI a 20, &c.; forming superl., IX 42, &c. [As prec.; for older compar. adv. see Mo.] See Mekill, &c.; Nomore.

#Moreyn#, n. plague; þe furste moreyn, the Black Death (1349), XIII b 26. [OFr. morine.]

#Morn(e)#, n. morning, morrow, I 137, V 282. [OE. morne dat. sg.] See Morwe.

#Mornyf#, adj. mournful, VI 26. [Stem of Mournen + OFr. -if; cf. OFr. morni.]

#Mornyng#, n. morning, XVII 498. [From Morne.]

#Mornynge#. See Mournen.

#Morter#, n. mortar, VIII a 136. [OFr. mortier.]

#Morthereres#, n. pl. murderers, VIII a 268. [Cf. OE. myrþra, OFr. mordreour.]

#Morwe#, #Morow#, n. morning, morrow, VIII a 140, XII a 152, b 176, &c.; fram m. til euen, all day, VIII a 178, (reversed for rime) XVII 205. [OE. morgen.] See Morn(e).

#Most(e)#, &c. See Mor(e), and next.

#Mot(e)#, v. may, II 532, V 52, XI b 115, XIV c 87, &c.; must, II 125, 248, VIII a 284, XI a 38, &c.; #Most# (to), 2 sg. pres. must go (to), XV g 3; #Most(e)#, pa. t. might, II 233, 330; must, is (was) bound to, II 468, IX 197, 287, XI b 205; #Must(e)#, XVI 274, XVII 130 (2 sg.); impers. in must vs, we must, XVII 292, 334. [OE. mōt, pa. t. mōste.]

#Mote#, n. a whit, V 141. [OE. mot.]

#Mote#, v. to argue, XVI 256 (see note). [OE. mōtian.]

#Mournen#, v. to mourn, XV c 34; #Mournyng#, n. mourning, sorrow, IV a 72; #Murning#, XIV b 2; #Mornynge#, XI b 118, 125, 130, &c. [OE. múrnan.]

#Moun#. See Mai, v.

#Mountayne#, n. mountain, IX 161, 162, &c. [OFr. muntai(g)ne.]

#Mounteȝ#, n. pl. hills, V 12. [OE. munt; OFr. munt.]

#Mouthed#, pa. t. uttered, VIII a 234. [From next.]

#Mouþe#, n. (dat. sg.) mouth, II 465; be mouthe, by word of m., XII b 199. [OE. mūþ.]

#Mowe#. See Mai, v.

#Mowe(n)#, v.^1 to mow, VIII b 14 (first). [OE. māwan.]

#Mowe(n)#, v.^2 to stack (in mows), VIII b 14 (second). [OE. mūga, mūwa, a mow, heap.]

#Mowres#, n. pl. Moors, IX 5. [OFr. Maure, More.]

#Much(e)#. See Moche(l).

#Muged#, pa. t. drizzled, was damp, V 12. [Cf. Norw. mugga, drizzle, and Mug^4 in E.D.D.]

#Muk#, #Mukke#, n. dung, VIII a 136, XVII 62. [Cf. ON. myki.]

#Mullere#, n. Miller, XIV d 3, 9. [OE. *mylnere.]

#Mulne#, n. mill, V 135. [OE. mylen.]

#Multiplye(n)#, v. to multiply, increase; trans. III 1, VIII a 120, 323; intr. IX 60, XVII 31, 179. [OFr. multiplier.]

#Multitude#, n. multitude, XI b 228. [OFr. multitude.]

#Mun#, v. auxil. will (fut.), XIV b 2. [ON. munu.]

#Munt#. See Mynt(e).

#Murgeþ#, pres. pl. gladden, XV b 20 (see Miles). [OE. (ā-)myrgian.] See Miri(e).

#Muryly#. See Miri(e).

#Murning#. See Mournen.

#Mused#, pa. t. mused; existed, were, V 356 (characteristic action of 'homo rationalis' standing for verb 'to be'; cf. flaȝe, VI 71). [OFr. muser.]

#Muster#, #-ir#, v. to show, manifest, XVI 86, 104, 174. [OFr. moustrer.]

#Na#. See No, Non(e).

#Nabbe#, 1 sg. pres. ind. have not, XV f 8, 11; #Nade#, pa. t. had not (with another neg.), II 392. [OE. nabban, næfde.] See Habbe, Ne.

#Nacion#, n. race, nation, XIII b 4, 17. [OFr. nacion.]

#Naȝt#, n. night; be naȝt, by night, by the time night has come, VI 163. [OE. næht.] See Nyght.

#Naȝt#, pron. nothing (with neg. adv.), III 18; #Naȝt#, #Nauȝte#, adv. not, VIII a 43; (with neg. verb) III 42. [OE. nā-wiht, nā(u)ht.] See Nat, Noȝt.

#Nay(e)#, adv. nay, II 131, III 26, XVI 335, &c.; as sb., in withoutten nay, undeniably, XVII 2 (cf. No). [ON. nei.]

#Nail(e)#, #Nayle#, #Naill(e)#, #Nayll#, n. nail, XVII 119, 273, 277; finger-nail, I 164, 236, II 106, VIII a 62. [OE. nægel.] See Naule.

#Nayled#, pp. nailed, IV a 86. [OE. nægl(i)an.]

#Nale#; atte nale = atten ale, at the ale, over their ale, VIII a 109. [OE. alu.] See Atte.

#Nam#, 1 sg. pres. ind. am not; nam bot, am only, II 430. [OE. nam.] See Ne.

#Nam#. See Mnam, Nyme.

#Name#, n. name, I 37, VII 60, XV i 10, &c.; good name, praise, XI b 257; #Nome#, VII introd.; be name (nome), by name, individually, I introd., 46, VII 37; by name, especially, XVI 190; bi Godes name (oath), II 316. [OE. nama, noma.]

#Nameles#, adj. (as a name) Nameless, Nobody, XIV d 2. [OE. nama + -lēas.]

#Namely#, #-liche#, adv. namely, especially, I 264, VIII a 55, XI b 253. [OE. nama + -līce.]

#Namore#; #Nane#. See Nomore; Non(e), pron.

#Nar(e)#, pres. ind. pl. are not (with neg.), II 390, V 24. [OE. naron.] See Ne.

#Narwe#, adj. narrow, mean (dwelling), II 483. [OE. nearu.]

#Nas#, #Nes# (III), pa. t. sg. (usually with neg.) was not, II 98, 150, 354, III 42, XV g 28; #Nere#, pl. II 123; subj. would be, II 457. [OE. næs (Kt. nes); nǣron, nǣre.]

#Nat#, neg. adv. not, I 12, 97, 132, VIII b 93. [Reduced form of Naȝt, q.v.]

#Natheles#. See Noþeles.

#Nature#, n. nature, XII a 113. [OFr. nature.]

#Nauȝte#. See Naȝt.

#Nauȝty#, adj. (worth nought), penniless, VIII a 218. [Cf. OE. nāht-lic.] See Naȝt.

#Nauy#, n. navy, VII 111, 143. [OFr. navie.]

#Naule#, n. finger-nail, VI 99. [ON. nagl, or OE. nægl, *naglas.] See Naile.

#Nauþer#, #Nawþer#, V, VI; #Noþer#, I, VIII, XIII; #Nouþer#, #-ur#, XIV c; #Nowder#, XVII; #Nowþer#, #Nowther#, XIV b; #Nowthir#, XVI; adv. neither, either (after a neg.), V 299; conj. neither (foll. by ne, nor), I 118, V 206, XIV b 75, 78, c 57, 62, XVI 287, XVII 534, &c.; (foll. by then) XVII 535; nor, XIII a 13, 37. [OE. nā-hwæþer, nō-hwæþer, nā(w)þor, nōþer, &c.] See Neyther, Noiþer.

#Nawhere#. See Nowhar(e).

#Ne#, adv. not (preceding verb), I 73, V 74, VIII a 138, 172, &c.; (usually with another neg., esp. noȝt, &c.), I 71, 156, III 18, VI 2, &c.; coalescing with auxil. verbs, see Nabbe, Nam, Nar(e), Nas, Nil, Nis, Not; conj. nor, I 118, 160, IV a 2, &c.; ne ... ne, neither ... nor, nor ... nor, I 158, IX 201; (foll. by another neg.) and, I 12, 153, VIII a 280, IX 181, &c. [OE. ne.]

#Nede#, #Neid# (X), n. need, IV b 67, X 18, XI b 259, XVII 426; at nede, in time of need, VIII a 113; pl. wants, business, V 148. [OE. nēd.]

#Nedes#, adv. needs, of necessity, II 468, IX 288, XI b 205. [OE. nēdes.]

#Nedeth#, #Nudeþ#, pres. (impers.) sg. (it) is necessary, VIII a 240, b 20; hem nedeth, they have need, VIII a 203; #Neyd#, with mixed constr. in neyd thowe, you need, XVI 242. [OE. nēodian; cf. next.]

#Nedid#, pa. t. compelled, XI b 75; pp. XI b 9, 35. [OE. nēdan.]

#Nedeful(l)#, #Nedfull#, adj. necessary, IX 113, 131, XI a 51. [OE. nēd + -ful.]

#Nedy#, adj. needy, in want, VIII a 15, 218; as jocular name, XVII 405. [OE. nēadig-, *nēdig.]

#Nedle#, n. needle (of compass), IX 124, &c. [OE. nēdl.]

#Nee#. See Nyȝ.

#Negh# (nere), v. intr. to approach, XVI 224; #Nyghys#, 3 sg. pres. XVII 370; #Neighed#, pa. t. VIII a 294. [From Nyȝ, q.v.]

#Neid#; #Neyd#; #Neiȝe#; #Neir#. See Nede; Nedeth; Nyȝ; Ner(e).

#Neyther#, #Neiþer#, adv.; ne neyther, and neither, VIII a 276; neiþer ... ne, neither ... nor, XI b 190, 286. [OE. ne + ǣgþer; cf. nāhwæþer.] See Nauþer, Noiþer.

#Nek#, n. neck, V 187, 242. [OE. hnecca.]

#Neltow#. See Nil.

#Nemeled#, pp. named, mentioned, XV i 10. [OE. nemnan, with mn > ml.]

#Nempned#, pa. t. named, II 600. [OE. nemnan.] See Neuen(e).

#Ner(e)#, #Neir# (X), compar. adj. and adv. nearer, I 255; as pos., near, X 77, XII b 114, XVI 43, 224, XVII 370; adv. nearly, VIII a 171, XVII 412; prep. near (to), VI 44, VIII a 294, X 67; #Nest#, superl. next, I 215; #Next(e)#, nearest, VII 13; next, I 138, &c. [OE. nēar(a), compar. (cf. ON. nǽr, compar. and pos.); nē̆st(a), nē̆xt(a).] See Nyȝ.

#Nere#, #Nes#. See Nas.

#Nesch#, adj.; quasi-sb. (what is) soft, pleasant, VI 246. [OE. hnesce.]

#Nest#. See Ner(e).

#Nest(e)#, n. nest, IV b 36, IX 252, XIII a 22. [OE. nest.]

#Neuen(e)#, v. to name, mention, I introd., XVII 12. [ON. nefna.]

#Neuer(e)#, adv. never, I 152, VIII a 23 &c.; not at all, I introd., XVII 313; neuer sa, so, no matter how, IV a 75, V 61, VI 211; neuer þe lesse, nevertheless, I 71. [OE. nǣfre.]

#New(e)#, #Nw(e)# (V, VI), adj. new, II 217, V 176, 332, VI 167, VIII a 294, &c.; quasi-sb. IX 275; na new, no new thing, IV a 42; for new, in exchange for new (ones), VII 13; adv. anew, II 593; newly, V 155; now newe (OE. nū nīowan), just lately, XVI 314. [OE. nīowe.]

#Next#; #Nye#. See Ner(e); Noy(e).

#Nyghys#. See Negh.

#Nyght#, #Niȝt#, #Nyȝt#; #Nycht# (X); #Nyht# (XII); n. night, I 29, II 370, VII 127, X 197, XII a 68, &c.; be nyȝt, nyhte (dat.), at night, XII a 117, 131, XV i 15; on nyght, at night, XV h 22; see next. [OE. niht.] See Naȝt.

#Nyghtes#, #Nihtes#, #Nytes# (XV), adv. at, by, night, XV c 21; with prep., a nyghtes, be nytes, VIII b 16, XV i 20. [OE. nihtes.]

#Nyght-rest#, n. rest at night, IV a 83. [OE. niht + rest.] See Ryste.

#Nygromansye#, n. necromancy, black magic; (used vaguely as) impious nonsense, XI a 5. [OFr. nigromanc(i)e.]

#Nyȝ#, #Nyh#, #Nee# (IV), #Neiȝe# (II), adv. nigh, at hand, close (by), XII a 155, b 13, XIII a 52, b 61; nyh aboute, near at hand, XII a 74; almost, II 199; prep. near (to), IV a 11 (note), XII b 29. [OE. nē(a)h.] See Ner(e), Welneȝ.

#Nyȝt-olde#, adj. kept over night, a day old, VIII a 303. [OE. niht-áld.]

#Nyhte#, v. to become night, grow dark, XII b 19. [From Nyght, n.]

#Nyhtegales#, n. pl. nightingales, XV b 5. [OE. nihtegale.]

#Nil#, 1, 3 sg. pres. ind. will not (usually with another neg.) II 211, 332, 338; #Nul#, XV g 20; #Neltow# (nelt + þow), 2 sg. VIII a 149; #Nule#, pl. XV g 25; #Nold(e)#, pa. t. would not, was unwilling to, II 140, 280, V 163, VIII a 232; subj. V 82; wold ich nold ich, whether I would or not, willy nilly, II 154. [OE. nyllan, nellan; nólde.] See Ne.

#Nym(e)#, v. to take, catch, seize; receive; take one's way, go (cf. haþ þe way ynome, II 477); VIII a 43; nyme to þyseluen, take upon yourself, be responsible for, V 73; #Nymmeth#, imper. pl. VIII a 15; #Nam#, pa. t. sg. I 76, II 154, XII b 84, 156; #Nom#, III 53; XII b 182; #Nom(e)#, pl. I 233, II 92, 287, VI 227; #Ynome#, pp. II 182, 193, 403, 477, 565 (note). [OE. niman.] See Vndernome.

#Nyne#, adj. nine, XIII b 33. [OE. nigon.]

#Nis#, #Nys#, 3 sg. pres. ind. is not (usually with another neg.), II 131, 306, 552, XII b 118, XIV c 27, XV c 25. [OE. nis.] See Ne.

#Nist#; #Nytes#. See Not, v.; Nyghtes.

#No#, #Na# (IV), adj. no, none, (with neg.) any, I 11, 156, IV a 16, 36, 42 (see Newe), &c.; #Non(e)# (before h or vowel, or sep. from noun) I 15, 160, II 354, 392, V 38, VIII a 54, IX 182, &c.; na (no) kyn, see Kyn, Þinge; non oþer, nothing different, see Oþer(e); na thyng, no þing, see Þinge; #Nones#, gen. sg. in n. cunnes, see Kyn. [OE. nān.] See Non(e), pron.

#No#, #Na#, adv. not, no, I 79, II 84, IV a 58, &c.; see Mor(e), No-more. Used in II as equivalent of Ne (q.v.); adv. not, II 84, 147, 225, &c.; conj. nor, and (with neg.), II 140, 150, &c.; no ... no, neither ... nor, II 229. As sb. in wiþouten no, undeniably, II 50 (cf. Nay). [OE. nā.]

#Noble#, #Nobel#, #-ill#, #-ull#, adj. noble, excellent, II 48, VII 5, 49, XIII b 67, XIV b 65, c 18, XVII 128, 276, &c. [OFr. noble.]

#Nobleie#, n. splendour; fame and n. of þe world, ? reputation for splendour among men, XI b 235. [OFr. nobleie.]

#Noblesse#, n. nobility, in ȝoure ... noblesse as form of address, IX 270. [OFr. noblesse.]

#Nobot#, conj. only, V 114. [OE. nā + būtan.]

#Noȝt#, #Noght(e)#, #Noth# (XV f), #Nouȝt(e)#, #Nouht#, #Nout#, &c., and reduced #Not#, adv. not at all, not, I 64, 86, II 22, 73, 348, IV b 2, VIII a 46, b 94, XV f 7 (see App. p. 278), &c.; (with further neg.) I 15, II 306, 336, IX 196, &c. [OE. nā-(wi)ht, nō-(wi)ht.] See Naȝt.

#Noȝt#, #Noght(e)#, #Nocht#, #Nouȝt(e)#, n. nothing, VIII a 142, 241, X introd., XI a 4, XVII 96, 287; (with addit. neg.), VI 160; for noȝt, to no purpose, I 183, XIV b 55; no good, in nouȝt nis (nere), is (would be) impossible, II 131, 457 (cf. OE. nāht, worthless). [As prec.]

#Noy(e)#, #Nuy#, #Nye# (V), n. harm, distress, V 73, VII 149, XIII a 49; noy for to here, grievous to hear (cf. Pine, Reuþe), VII 133. [Shortened from OFr. anoi, anui; with Nye compare Byled, Strye.]

#Noye#, v. to do harm, XIII a 36. [Shortened from OFr. anoier.]

#Noys(e)#, #Noise#, n. noise, I 75, VII 133, XV h 3, &c. [OFr. noise.]

#Noise#, v. intr. to make a noise, XII a 78 (note). [From prec.]

#Noiþer#, pron. neither, II 324; conj. in noiþer ... no, neither ... nor, II 346. [Nauþer, Noþer infl. by Neyþer.]

#Nolde#. See Nil.

#Noman#, n. nobody, XII a 67, b 8, &c. [OE. nān + mann.]

#Nombre#, #Nowmber#, n. number, VII 86, IX 195. [OFr. numbre, nombre.]

#Nom(e)#. See Name, Nym(e).

#Nomore#, n. nothing more, VIII a 90; #Namore#, VIII a 140. [OE. nā + māre, neut.] See Mor(e).

#Non(e)#, #Nane# (IV, X), pron. none, not one, I 197, V 102, X 143, XII b 13, XIII a 23, &c.; no one, (with neg.) any one; I 153, II 423, IV a 13, V 36, VI 83, X 130, &c. [OE. nān.] See No, adj.

#None#, #Noyne# (X), #Noon#, n. noon, mid-day hour, II 372, VII 129, X 67, XIII a 28, XVII 317, &c.; #Nones#, pl. mid-day meal, VIII a 139. [OE. nōn, L. nōna (hōra).]

#Nonetide#, n. noontide, II 497. [OE. nōn-tīd.]

#Nones#; for þe nones, for the nonce (practically meaningless tag), II 53, XII a 83. [For for þen ones (OE. *for þam ānum + adv. -es) as regards that particular thing, occasion, &c.]

#Norysscht#, pp. nourished, IX 59. [OFr. norrir, norriss-.]

#Normans#, n. pl. Normans, XIII b 13, 20. [OFr. Normant, pl. Normans.]

#Norþ#, n. and adj. north, XIII b 53, 64, XVII 477, &c. [OE. norþ, adv.; norþ-.]

#Norþeron#, adj. northern, XIII b 10, 56. [OE. norþerne.]

#Northumbres#, n. pl. Northumbrians, XIII b 58. [Cf. OE. Norþ-hymbre.]

#Not#, 1 sg. pres. ind. know not, XII b 164, XIV c 110; #Nist#, pa. t. (with neg.) knew not, II 288, 296, 494. [OE. nāt, nyste.] See Ne, Wite(n).

#Note#, adj. ? useful, required; desired, V 24. [? Rel. to next.]

#Note#, n.^1 affair, business, XVI 268 (with pl. vb.), XVII 264; ado, XVII 368. [OE. notu.]

#Note#, n.^2 (musical) note, II 438, XI b 162, &c.; tune, II 602, XV a 11. [OFr. note, L. nota.] See Countre note.

#Note#, n.^3 nut, IX 157 (note). [OE. hnutu.]

#Notemuges#, n. pl. nutmegs, IX 157. [Prec. + OFr. #mug(u)e#, musk; cf. OFr. nois mug(u)ede, &c.]

#Noth#. See Noȝt, adv.

#Notwiþstondinge#, prep. in spite of, XI a 25. [Noȝt + pres. p. of ME. wiþstonden, OE. wiþstándan.]

#Noþeles#, adv. all the same, nevertheless, XIII a 6, b 3, &c.; #Natheles#, IX 51, XII #a# 130, &c. [OE nā-þe-lǣs.]

#Noþer#, adj. no other; <no> no noþer, nor any other, II 230. [OE. nān + ōþer.]

#Noþer#; #Noþynk#. See Nauþer; Þing(e).

#Nouelrie#, n. newfangledness, new invention, XI b 124, 164, 169, 200, 206, 210, 215. [OFr. novelrie.]

#Novels#, n. pl. news, something new, XVII 508. [OFr. novel(l)e.]

#Nouȝt(e)#, #Nou(h)t#. See Noȝt.

#Nouþe#, #Nouthe#, adv. just now, II 466; at present, VIII a 199. [OE. nū-þā.] See Now(e).

#Nouþer#, #-ur#. See Nauþer.

#Now(e)#, #Nou#, adv. now, I 128, IV b 43, XI a 21, &c.; oþer now oþer neuer, now or never, V 148; see Late, New(e); conj. since, now that, V 352, VI 29; now ... now, now that, VI 17. [OE. nū.]

#Nowder#. See Nauþer.

#Nowhar(e)#, #-where#, #Nawhere# (VI), adv. nowhere, V 96, VI 174, XIII a 17; in no case, not at all, V 186. [OE. nā-hwǣr.] See Whar(e).

#Nowmber#; #Nowþer#, &c. See Nombre; Nauþer.

#Nudeþ#; #Nuy#; #Nul(e)#; #Nw(e)#. See Nedeth; Noy(e); Nil; New(e).

#O#. See Of, On, On(e).

#Obediand#, adj. obedient, XVII 121. [OFr. obedient with substitution of pres. p. -and.]

#Obediencer#, n. an obedientiary, one owning obedience (to a monastery, &c.); an administrative officer of a religious house, VIII b 95. [OFr. obediencier.]

#Obitte#, adj. dead, XVI 269. [Nonce-use of L. obitus, deceased.]

#Obout#. See Aboute(n).

#Occean#, n. Ocean (as name of Indian Ocean), IX 9. [OFr. occean.]

#Occupacio(u)n#, n. occupation, employment, XI b 156, 251, 288, &c. [OFr. occupacion.]

#Occupied# (aboute, in), pp. occupied (with, in), XI b 114, 218, 242, 262. [OFr. occuper, altered on anal. of verbs in -fier, -plier, &c.]

#Od#, adj. odd, (some) over, XVII 57. [ON. odda-, in odda-maðr; see N.E.D., s.v. Odd.]

#Oder#. See Oþer(e), adj.

#Of#, #Offe#, adv. off, V 181, 340; of, out of, from (after þat relative), VI 65, IX 135, 282, &c.; (with infin.) IX 257, 282, &c.; of the whiche ... offe, see next. [OE. of.] See Her(e), Þar(e), Þer(e).

#Of#, #Off#, VII 5; #O#, II 12, 283, VI 69, VII 18; prep. of. (i) From, off, out of, II 29, III 4, 36, V 131, 153, 179, VI 247, VII 169, VIII a 204, &c.; out of, (made) of, in, II 4, 362, IX 115, XVII 119, &c. (ii) By, III 18, IV b 5, V 99, IX 55, XI b 31, 204, &c.; by (means of), with, II 364, IX 65, &c. (iii) Of, about, concerning, I 160, II 5, 12, III 3, VIII a 197, IX 147, XI b 1, 295, &c. (iv) Forming equiv. of gen.: as possess., I 34, 216, &c.; adjectival, II 3, IV b 34, &c. (see the nouns); in, as regards, &c., V 170, VI 71, VII 18, 38, 164 (first), VIII a 52, XII a 9, XVI 129, XVII 543, &c.; of breed, &c., in breadth, &c., XVII 123, 125, 259, 520; (introd. actual measurement), IX 155, XVII 126; objective gen., at, for, on acc. of, &c., II 471, 573, VIII a 38, 117, XI b 10 (first), XII a 144, &c.; grame ... of, wrath against, XVII 90; partitive, of, among, in, VII 43 (see Oþere), VIII a 259, IX 182, XI a 39, XVI 388 (cf. note to II 388); after Fr. idiom, IX 158, 227, 275, XII a 66; see Ony, Oþer(e), Owen; adverbial (of time), for VIII a 253; in, XI b 136. Of the whiche ... offe, of whom ... from, of which, from whom (mixed E. and Fr. constr.), IX 25, 77; of preiere of holy lif (XI b 83), see Vnderstonden; for other idiomatic uses see the nouns, &c., concerned. [OE. of.]

#Offend#, v. to offend, XVII 108. [OFr. of(f)endre.]

#Office#, n. duty, XI b 18, 21, 47, 60; houses of offyce, quarters, stables (orig. places set apart for menial duties), XVII 134. [OFr. office.]

#Offringis#, n. pl. offerings, offertories, XI b 300. [OE. offring.]

#Of-hild#, pa. t. sg. withheld, III 10. [OE. of-héaldan, pa. t. -hēold.]

#Of-sende#, v. to send for, II 428. [OE. of-séndan.] See Assent.

#Oft#, #Ofte(n)#, adv. often, II 1, 197, III 39, &c.; ofte(n) tyme(s), IX 61, 129, XVI 370. [OE. oft.]

#Oftesithes#, #Oft(e)sythes#, adv. often, IV b 27, VII 182, IX 63. [OE. on oft-sīþas.] See Sithes.

#Oghne#. See Owen(e).

#Oght(e)#, #Oȝt#, #Ought#, #Ouȝt#, pron. anything, IV b 45, V 147, XII b 99, 107, XVI 100; adv. in any way, at all, XIV c 69. [OE. ō(wi)ht.]

#Oghte#. See Owe.

#Oȝain#; #Oȝe#; #Oȝene#. See Aȝayn; Owe, v.; Owen(e).

#Oyl(l)e#, n. oil, IX 35; fig. XVII 46. [OFr. oile.]

#Ok#, n. oak, XIV c 57. [OE. āc.]

#Old(e)#, #Alde#, adj. old, V 114, VII 5, XII introd. (see Dai), &c.; as sb., in old or ȝong, ȝong and alde, any one, every one, II 221, IV a 49; of olde, of old, VII 26, 182. [OE. áld.]

#Olif-tre#, n. olive-tree, XVII 510. [OFr. olive + Tre.]

#On#, adv. on, II 343 (see Do); (still) V 232; (with infin. or relative), upon, at, in, I 89, II 367, VII 15, XV f 9, 10, XVI 179. [OE. on.] See Þer(e).

#On#; #O#, VII 106, IX 250, XV a 5, g 28; prep. on. (i) On, upon, I 92, 194, II 303, XV c 24 (following pron.), &c.; on him seiȝe, saw he had, II 325; on my frenship, as you value my f., XVII 362. (ii) At, V 112 (first), XV c 15, h 3, 22, XVII 137, &c.; (iii) In, I 99, XIV b 79, XV a 5, XVII 422, &c.; see Bodi, Lyte, Lud, &c.; after 'believe', I 89, VI 65; with manere, wise, I 80, V 124, VII 65, 77, XI a 11, XIV b 95, &c.; (reference) II 455, XV c 13, &c.; on Englyssh tunge, into English, I introd. (iv) Of (after 'think') I 221, &c. (v) A, in on a day, a day, VI 150 (OE. on dæg). (vi) A-, on (in adv. expressions), as on haukin, a-hawking, II 308; see Behalue, Fote, Lofte, Slep, &c. [OE. on.] See A-; A(n), prep.; Vpon.

#Onderuonge#, pp. received, III 28. [OE. under-fōn, pp. underfángen.] See Fonge.

#On(e)#; #Oon(e)#, XI a 41, XVII 2, &c.; #Oo#, I 180, 231; #O#, I 49, &c.; adj. one, a single, II 306, V 83, VI 170, IX 17, XI a 45, XIII b 45, XIV d 8, XVII 136, &c.; one (and the same), I 49, 231, II 95 (see Cri); one (indivisible), VII 2, IX 334, XVII 2, 169; one (as opposed to 'other'), I 180, IX 180, &c. (see Þe, Ton); o, a certain, II 308; oone or two, one or two, some, XVII 133, 484; quasi-sb. in into on, together, XV i 6; at on, at one, in harmony, VI 18; al oon, (all) one and the same thing, XI a 41. [OE. ān.] See A(n), Ane, One.

#On(e)#, pron. one (thing or person), V 348, VI 197, IX 24, XI b 223, XIII a 24, XV b 23, 34, &c.; #Oone#, XVII 209; #Onen#, dat. sg. III 4; one (opposed to 'another'), IX 53, XIII b 16; boþe þat on and þat oþer, both, V 344; see Þe, Ton; (some) one, a certain person, V 149, VII 54 (with name). [As prec.]

#One#, adj. alone, only, V 6, VIII b 54, XIV b 61; strengthened with al, V 87, XII a 131, b 15; a ... one, one ... only, V 181, 277; oure one, by ourselves, V 177 (note); let ... one, leave alone, avoid (cf. OE. ān-forlǣtan), v 50. [OE. āna.]

#Onehed#, n. unity, or ? simplicity; onehed of wit, the uniformity of men's understanding (interpretation) of the Bible, or ? the ease of understanding it, XI a 32. [OE. ān + *-hǣdu.]

#Onely#, adj. in onely alepy, a single solitary, I 159; #Oon(e)ly#, adv. only, XVII 288, 307. [OE. ān-lic, adj.] See Anely.

#Ones#, #Oneȝ# (V), #Onys# (XVII), adv. once, on a single occasion, I 182, II 122, V 212, XII b 92; formerly, V 150, VIII a 202; at some (future) time or other, XVII 207, 389. [OE. ānes.]

#Onest#, adj. trustworthy, VII 48. [OFr. honeste.]

#Ony#, adj. any, IX 85, 245, XI b 300, &c.; most of ony þing, above all things, more than anything, II 33; pron. any, IX 326, XI b 147. [OE. ǣnig, infl. by ān.] See Ani, Eny.

#Onone#. See Anon(e).

#Oo#, adv. ever, continually, XV b 7. [OE. ā.]

#Oo#, #Oon(e)#, &c. See On(e), &c.

#Oostré#, n. inn, lodging, XVII 329. [OFr. host(e)rie.]

#Opan#, #Opon#. See Vpon.

#Opyn#, #Open#, adj. open, V 2, XVII 344; manifest, XI b 42. #Opynly#, adv. manifestly, XI b 52; publicly, XI b 62. [OE. open, open-līce.]

#Opynne#, #Oppen#, v. to open, XVI 122, 194. [OE. openian.]

#Oplondysch#. See Vplondysch.

#Or#, conj.^1 or, I 1, &c.; or ... or, either ... or, VIII a 244. [Reduced form of Oþer, conj.]

#Or#, conj.^2 before, ere (usually with subj.), VIII a 79, X 2, XVI 154 (see Ware), adj. 156, 278, XVII 110 (see Blyn), 153, 263, &c.; (postponed) XVII 130; lest, XIV d 11. [See next.]

#Or#, prep. before, ere, XVI 224, XVII 317, 481. [? OE. ǣr, pos. and compar. (once late Nth. ar) infl. by ON. ár, pos.] See Ar(e), Er(e).

#Orchard#, n. garden, orchard, II 66, 91, 163; #Orchard-side#, II 134. [OE. ort-geard, orceard.]

#Ordayn(e)#, #Ordainy#, v. to decree, establish, appoint, direct, arrange, contrive, fashion, &c., II 205, XVII 309; #Ordand#, XVII 119, 468; #Ordeigne#, XII b 216; #Ordeyn(e)#, I 55, 148, VIII b 57, XI b 125, 132, &c.; #Ordand#, #Ordanit#, pa. t. X 11, 34, XVI 25, 226; ordaynede to, destined to, IV b 54. [OFr. ordener, 3 sg. ordei(g)ne, -aine.]

#Ordynal(e)#, #-alle#, n. a book setting out the order and manner of church services and ceremonies, XI b 1, 183, 186. [Med.L. ordināle.]

#Ordenaunse#, #Ordynaunce#, n. ordinance, decree, law, XI a 15, b 100, &c.; preie oure ... ordynaunce, say the prayers we have appointed, XI b 38. [OFr. ordenance.]

#Ordre#, #Order#, #-yre#, n. order, rank, VIII a 159, XI b 20; pl. religious orders, XI a 61; the (nine) orders of angels, XVII 10; moderation, in holde þe ordyre of, keep the rule of, observe moderation in, IV b 22. [OFr. ordre.]

#Orgon#, n. diaphony; singing in two parts, XI b 138 (note). [OE. organ, song, from L. organum.]

#Orysun#, n. praying; yn orysun, at prayer, I 17. [OFr. oreisoun.]

#Oritore#, n. oratory, chapel, V 122. [OFr. oratour, infl. by prec.]

#Orpedly#, adv. actively, V 164. [OE. orped-līce.]

#Ost#, #Host#, n. (armed) host, army, II 290, X 43, 45; multitude, XIII a 32. [OFr. (h)ost, army.]

#Oþeȝ#, #Othes#, n. pl. oaths, V 55, XII b 44. [OE. āþ.]

#Oþer(e)#, #Other(e)#, #-ir(e)#, #-yre#; #Oder#, XVII 160; #Ouþer#, I, (i) Adj., other, another, other kinds of, I 18, 258, IV b 16, 45, V 274, IX 227, XII b 170, XVII 298 (see Garn), &c.; #Othre#, pl. XII a 82, 136; many oþer folde, see Folde; othere gude, some other good (thing), IV b 9; oþer mani, many other, II 496; þat oþer, see Þe; þis othir daye, the other day, XVI 148. (ii) Pron. sg. another, some one (something) else, the other, I 101, II 324, VI 89, X 22 (see Aither), &c.; #Oþereȝ#, gen. sg. VI 90; ichon other, each man to his neighbour, XVII 112; non other, nothing different (from what has been said), VII 42, VIII introd., a 173; oþer oþer, þat oþer, see next and Þe; pl. (uninflected), others, I 211, IV b 67, 78, V 355, VII 48, X 154, &c.; #Othre#, pl. XII introd., a 41; #Oþren#, dat. pl. III 53; derrist of other, most excellent of (illogically for 'more worthy than') all others, VII 39. [OE. ōþer.] See Anoþire, Toþer.

#Oþer#, #Other#; #Auþer#, V 225; #Ouþer#, #Outhire#, #Owthyre#, IV b 8, 23, IX 276; adv. and conj. or, I 3, II 350, V 39, VIII a 305, &c.; oþer oþer, or any one else, V 34; oþer ... oþer, either ... or, V 148; oþer ... or, I 197, IV b 8, 23, IX 276; introducing alternative questions, VIII b 34, 35; adv. in or oþer, or else, I 6; oþer ... auþer, or else, V 225. [OE. ā-hwæþer, ā(w)þer; ō-hwæþer, ōwþer.] See Or^2, Ayther, Euþer.

#Oþer-while#, #Other-while#, #Oþer-wyle# (VIII b), adv. on another occasion, XVII 213; at other times, II 289, 297; now and again, VIII b 52; other while ... other while, sometimes ... sometimes, XII a 128. [Oþer, adj. + While.]

#Ou#. See Ȝe.

#Ouer(e)#, #Our(e)#, prep. over, I 177, V 246, X 84, 112, &c.; over and above, XI b 150; (of time) through, VII 166 (following noun); adv. over, II 578, V 164, &c.; all ... ouer, all over, in all parts, VII 134 (cf. next); too, I 130, IV b 23, 24, VI 113, VII 36, &c. [OE. ofer.]

#Oueral#, adv. everywhere, II 62, 208, XII introd., b 184. [OE. ofer all.]

#Ouercast#, pp. overcast, clouded, VII 107, XVII 353. [OE. ofer- + ON. kasta.]

#Ouercoms#, 3 sg. pres. overcomes, IV a 68. [OE. ofer-cuman.]

#Ouergrowen#, pp. overgrown, V 113, 122. [OE. ofer + grōwen, pp.]

#Ouerheghede#, pp. raised too high, IV b 5. [Ouer, adv. + ME. heiȝen from Heigh.]

#Ouerlaide#, pp. covered over, submerged, XVII 306. [OE. oferlecgan.] See Lay.

#Ouermoche#, adj. and n. too much, VIII a 255, XI b 219; cf. IV b 23. [OE. ofer-mycel.] See Mochel.

#Ouerraght#, pa. t. revised, VII 69. [OE. ofer + ? rǣcan ? reccan.]

#Ouersen#, v. to supervise, VIII a 107. [OE. ofer-sēon.]

#Ouerset#, pp. overthrown, defeated, XIII a 59. [OE. ofer + settan.]

#Ouertake#, v. to (re)gain, V 319 (note). [OE. ofer + ON. taka.]

#Ouerte#, adj. open, plain to see, VI 233. [OFr. overt.]

#Ouerturnyt#, pp. overturned, VII 148. [OE. ofer + túrnian (see Turne).]

#Ought#, #Ouȝt#, #Ouhte#. See Oght, Owe.

#Oune#. See Owen.

#Oure#, n. hour, time, I 188, 189, VI 170, 191, &c.; #Houre#, I 190, VI 195. [OFr. (h)oure.]

#Our(e)#; #Our(e)#, #Ous#, &c.; #Ourn#. See Ouer(e); We; Eorne.

#Out(e)#, #Owt(e)#, adv. out, I 50, IV b 3, XI b 26 (see Charité), XVI 18, &c.; abroad, out of doors, VIII b 16; as exclam. of anger, dismay, &c., XVI 185, 195, 343; out(e) apon the, fie on thee, XVII 229, 408. [OE. ūt, ūte.]

#Outguoinge#, n. ate outguoinge of, on departing from, III 4. [From OE. ūt-gān.] See Go(n).

#Ouþer#, #Outhire#. See Oþer(e), adj. and conj.

#Outraye#, v. to transgress, XIV c 69 (ouȝt is adv.). [OFr. outreier.]

#Oway#. See Awai.

#Owe#, #Owyn#, #Oȝe#, v. to have; to have (to), be bound (to), ought, XI b 6, XV i 4; with mixed pers. and impers. constr., in vus oȝe, we ought, VI 192; to owe, VI 183; #Awe#, 2 sg. pres. XVII 171; #Oghte#, pa. t. possessed, XII b 48; #Ouhte#, ought to, VIII b 73; #Auȝt#, was bound to, II 555. [OE. āgan, pa. t. ā̆hte.]

#Owen(e)#, #Owne#, adj. own, I 126, V 291, VIII b 63, IX 185, &c.; #Oghne#, XII a 4; #Oȝene#, III introd.; #Oune#, XIII a 47, b 18, &c.; #Owhen#, II 163, &c.; #Awen#, V 73, 233; #Awne#, XVI 237, XVII 74; quasi-sb. in of hire owne, of their own, IX 188; haue of myn owen, have property of my own, VIII a 77. [OE. āgen.]

#Owher#, adv. anywhere, II 17. [OE. ō-hwǣr.]

#Owy#; #Owr(e)#; #Owte#. See Awai; We; Out(e).

#Owth#, adv. on top, X 6. [? Reduction of OE. ufan, ufe- + wiþ; cf. ME. out-wiþ.]

#Owthyre#. See Oþer, conj.

#Oxe#, n. ox, XV f 5; Oxen, pl. IX 253, 255. [OE. oxa.]

#Page#, n. knave, fellow, XVI 125. [OFr. page.]

#Pay#, n. pay, V 179. [OFr. paie.]

#Paie#, #Pay(e)#, v. to please, satisfy, VIII a 304; payes to, is pleasing to, IV a 29; impers. in me paies, I am pleased, XVI 82; to pay, II 451, VI 164 (fut.), VIII a 87, XIV d 10; #Paied#, #Paid(e)#, &c., pp. satisfied, content, V 273, XVI 325, XVII 283; paid, VI 224, 243. [OFr. payer.] See Apayed.

#Paiement#, #Payment#, n. payment, VI 238, XII b 151. [OFr. paiement.]

#Payn(e)#, #Peyne#, n.^1 pain, suffering, torment, I 163, XI b 32, XVI 4, 122, XVII 547, &c. [OFr. peine.] See Peynen.

#Payne#, n.^2 bread, VIII a 144. [OFr. pain.]

#Payneme#, n. pagan, IX 171. [OFr. pai(e)nisme, sg. collect., pagans.]

#Palays#, n. palace, II 85, 157 (see note), 439. [OFr. palais.]

#Pale#, adj. pale, II 110, IV a 10; wan, chill (connoting 'fatal', 'ill-omened'), VII 100, 116, 125. [OFr. pale.]

#Palfray#, n. palfrey, saddle-horse (esp. for use of women), II 156. [OFr. palefrei.]

#Palmer#, n. pilgrim (properly one that had been to the Holy Land and bore a palm-branch in token of this), VIII a 66. [OFr. palm(i)er.]

#Pans#. See Pené.

#Panter#, n. snare (for birds); fig. XI b 220. [OFr. pantiere.]

#Pappe#, n. breast, XV f 12. [Children's language.]

#Par#, #Per# (XII), prep. (with French words), by, through, for, VI 129, VIII a 250, XII a 7, b 18, &c. (see the nouns); transl. (in Fr. phrases) by for, thurgh, XII b 8, XV d 5, XVII 557, &c. [OFr. par, per.] See Paramoure, -aunter, -fay, Perdé.

#Paradys#, #Paradis(e)#, n. Paradise, II 45, 376, XVI 48, &c. [OFr. paradis.]

#Parage#, n. (noble) lineage, VI 59, XIV c 109. [OFr. parage.]

#Paramoure#, adv. with all (his) heart, XVII 80. [OFr. par amour.] See Par.

#Paraunter#, #Peraunter# (IX), #Peraventure# (XVII), adv. perhaps, V 275, VI 228, IX 272, XVII 503. [OFr. par aventure.] See Auentur(e), Par.

#Parceyuet#, #Persauit#, pp. perceived, X 76, XIII a 13. [OFr. parceiv-re.]

#Pardoun#, n. forgiveness of sins, VIII a 66. [OFr. pardun.]

#Parfay#, interj. by my troth, II 315, 339, 382. [OFr. par fei (fai).] See Fai.

#Parfyt#, #Perfyte#, #-fite#, adj. perfect, IV b 84, VIII b 88, IX 338. [OFr. parfit(e).]

#Parfytnesse#, n. perfection, perfect conduct, VIII b 94. [From prec.]

#Parforme#, #Performe#, v. to complete, IX 170; to perform, XI b 194, 286. [OFr. parfourmer.]

#Parische#, #Parysshe#, n. parish; attrib. in p. prest, p. chirchis, I 201, XI b 97. [OFr. paroche, paroisse.]

#Parlement#, n. parliament, council, II 216. [OFr. parlement.]

#Parloures#, n. pl. parlours, living rooms, XVII 133. [OFr. parlour.]

#Part#, n. part, share, VI 213, IX 31, 325, XI b 57, &c.; more be an hundred part, more (by) a hundred times, IX 301 (lit. more by the hundredth part: the use seems modelled on that of ME. dele; see N.E.D., s.v. Deal, I e). [OFr. part.]

#Part(e)#, v. to divide, share, XII b 201; separate, I 103; refl. in part me ... with, part with, leave, VII 96; #Partinge#, #-yng#, n. distribution, XI b 275; separation, IV a 31. [OFr. partir.]

#Partener(e)#, n. sharer, IX 325; parteners of þe endes, sharers (in their linguistic peculiarities) with the extremes, XIII b 55. [OFr. parson(i)er, infl. by Part.]

#Pas#, n. pace, gait; queynt pas (as adv.), with skilful steps, II 300. [OFr. pas.]

#Party#, #Partie#, n. part, IX 1, 2, X 156, XIII b 52, &c.; side, IX 72; party (in legal proceeding), XII b 215; most party, most (part) of, XVII 49. [OFr. parti, partie.]

#Passage#, n. passage, pass, IX 205, 206. [OFr. passage.]

#Passe(n)#, #Pas#, #Pasi# (III), v.; #Passed#, #-it#, #Past(e)#, pa. t. and pp. (i) Intr. to pass, proceed, go, get, IV b 34, VII 125, VIII a 78, XVI 296, &c.; go one's way, depart, pass on, V 61, VII 112, VIII a 196, XVI 66, 96, 152, 194, &c.; pass away, XI a 9; passe bi (be), pass (by), V 36, &c.; go over (through), IX 8, 137, &c.; passe the see, go abroad, IX 308, XIII b 39; was past to, had reached, VII 100; pp. past, gone by, over, VII 9, IX 317, XVI 105, XVII 181, &c. (ii) Trans. to cross, go over (through), pass (safely), V 3, VII 116, 171, IX 308, XIII b 39, &c.; to surpass, VI 68; passynge, exceeding(ly), IX 11, 232; to pass (time), III 44. #Passed#, #Passit#, pp. as prep. past, VI 168, X 2. Cf. Apassed. [OFr. passer.]

#Pater#, #Pater-noster#, n. the 'Our Father', Lord's prayer, VI 125, VIII b 48, 91, IX 323, XI a 33, 35.

#Patrones#, n. pl. patrons, those holding advowson, or right of presentation to benefices (earliest use in E.), VIII b 82. [OFr. patron.]

#Pece#, n. piece, VIII a 304, IX 46. [OFr. pece.]

#Pauement#, n. pavement, I 194. [OFr. pavement.]

#Pees#, #Pesse#, n. peace, XIV d 15, XVI 66, 296. [OFr. pais, pes.]

#Pees#. See Pese.

#Peiere#, v. to impair, damage, XI b 250; peierid imperfect, XI b 26. [Shortened from Ap(p)eyre, Empeyre.]

#Peyne#. See Payn(e), n.^1

#Peynen#, v. refl. to take pains, endeavour, IX 272. [OFr. se pener, 3 sg. peine.] See Payne, n.^1

#Peler#, n. robber, XIV a 15. [From ME. pelen, OFr. peler, rob.]

#Pelrinage#. See Pilgrimage.

#Penaunce#, n. penance, V 324, VI 117, VIII a 78, b 88. [OFr. pen(e)ance.]

#Pené# (VI), #Peny#, #Penny#, n. penny (a silver coin, a twelfth of the shilling), III 13, VI 150, 186, VIII a 275, &c.; penny doyll, see Dele, Doyll; #Pans#, pl. pence, III 6, 10, &c. (cf. ME. paneyes, and OFris. panning). [OE. peni(n)g, pæn(n)ing.] See Halpeny.

#Peny-ale#, n. ale at a penny a gallon, thin ale, VIII a 304 (cf. Halpeny-ale). [Prec. + OE. alu.]

#Pennes#, n. pl. quills, barrels of the feathers, IX 257. [OFr. penne.]

#Peopull#, #People#, n. people, VII 16, 82, XIII b 1, &c.; #Peple#, VIII a 287, IX 165, XI b 19, &c.; #Pepul(l)#, VII 145, XVI 194; #Poeple#, VIII a 156; #Puple#, XI a 13, 20, b 268, XIV b 67, &c. [OFr. people, poeple, puple, &c.]

#Peraventure#, #-aunter#. See Paraunter.

#Perce(n)#, v. to pierce, penetrate, IX 224, XII a 104. [OFr. percer.]

#Percil#, n. parsley, VIII a 281. [OFr. persil.]

#Perdé#, interj. (by God), indeed, XVII 512. [OFr. pardieu, -dé.] See Par.

#Pereles#, adj. peerless; unequalled, XVI 4. [From ME., OFr. per.]

#Perfite#, #-fyte#. See Parfyt.

#Peril#, n. peril, VIII a 87, 111, &c.; #Perellis#, pl. VII 116. [OFr. peril.]

#Peril(l)ous#, #Perelous#, #Perlous#, adj. perilous, dangerous, parlous, V 29, VIII a 45, XI b 44, XVII 431, &c. [OFr. perillous.]

#Perish#, v. to perish, XVII 94, 155. [OFr. perir, periss-.]

#Perl(e)#, n. pearl, V 296, VI 16, IX 66, &c. [OFr. perle.]

#Persauit#. See Parceyuet.

#Person(e)#, n. person, IX 304, XI a 46, XII a 115, XVII 2. [OFr. persone.]

#Pese#, #Pees#, n. a pea, V 296, IX 48; at a pees, at nought, VIII a 162; #Pesen#, pl. peas, pease, VIII a 189, 293; Peses, VIII a 180. [OE. pise, peose.]

#Pese-coddes#, n. pl. peascods, pea-pods, VIII a 287; #Pese-lof#, n. loaf made of pease-meal, VIII a 172. [Prec. + OE. codd, hlāf.]

#Pesible#, adj. tranquil, *XI b 67 (MS. posible). [OFr. paisible, pesible.]

#Pesse#; #Pet#; #Peté#. See Pees; Pyt; Pité.

#Philosophie#, n. philosophy, natural science, IX 77. [OFr. philosophie.]

#Phisik#, n. (art, practice, of) medicine, VIII a 266; (personified) VIII a 264. [OFr. fisique, L. physica.]

#Picche#, v.; picche atwo, ? to thrust apart, divide (on the sharp point of the pyk-staf), VIII a 97; to pitch, load (hay, in homing the crop), VIII b 13. [Perh. distinct verbs; see N.E.D., s.v. Pitch.] See Pike.

#Pictes#, n. pl. Picts, XIII b 6. [L. Picti; cf. OE. Pihtas.]

#Pie#, n. magpie, XI b 249, XII a 75. [OFr. pie.]

#Pik#, #Pyk#, n. pitch, X 19, XVII 127, 282. [OE. pic.]

#Pike#, v. to pick; piked vp, ? dug out (with a pointed implement), VIII a 105; #Pykeȝ#, 3 pl. ? pick out, get, VI 213. [ME. pi(k)ken, with variety of senses prob. due to confusion of distinct words; see N.E.D., s.v. Pick, Pike, &c.]

#Pykers#, n. pl. pilferers, VIII b 17. [? From prec.]

#Pykstaf#, n. pikestaff, staff with a spike at lower end, VIII a 97. [OE. pīc + stæf; cf. ON. (late) pík-stafr.]

#Piler#, n. pillar, II 367. [OFr. piler.]

#Pylgrym#, #Pilgryme#, n. pilgrim, VIII a 59, 96, 99, XIII a 48. [OFr. pele(g)rin, &c.; cf. OHG. (from Fr.) piligrim.]

#Pilgrimage#, #Pylgrymage#, &c., n. pilgrimage, VIII a 66, 78, IX 325; #Pelrinage#, XII a 12. [OFr. pel(e)rinage, pelrimage, peligrinage, &c.]

#Pilwe#, n. pillow, XII a 95. [OE. pyle, (once in gloss.) pylu.]

#Pyn#, n. pin (as a something valueless), XVII 364. [OE. pinn.]

#Pynd#, pp. confined, penned, XVII 332. [ME. pinne(n), or pinde(n); OE. pýndan.]

#Pine#, #Pyne#, n. torment, suffering, grief, I 213, III 9, IV a 32, 50, 60, XVII 227, 437; toil, VI 151; pyne to behold, (parenthetic), grievous to see, VII 145 (cf. Noy, Reuþe). [OE. *pīn; cf. next.]

#Pyne#, v. to torment, XVI 4, 219. [OE. pīnian.]

#Pypynge#, n. piping, playing on pipes, I 6. [OE. *pīpian, from pīpe, pipe.]

#Pyt#, #Pitte#, #Pet# (XII), n. hole, pit, I 143, XII b 9, 11, 29, &c.; pit (of hell), XVI 271, 348. [OE. pytt (Kt. pett).]

#Pité#, #Pyté#, #Peté#, n. compassion, pity, II 101, IV b 57, 75, VIII a 193; es ... pyté, is pitiful, IV a 87. [OFr. pité.]

#Piteuous#, adj. full of pity, III 39; #Pytosly#, adv. compassionately, VI 10. [OFr. pitous; piteuous is due to anal. of words like Plenteuous, q.v.]

#Piþ#, n. pith, XIV c 90. [OE. piþa.]

#Placebo#, n. Vespers of the Dead, VIII b 48, XI b 131 (see note).

#Play(e)#, #Pley#, n. mirth, rejoicing, IV a 59, XVI 392; (dramatic) play, XI a 34. [OE. plega.]

#Play(e)#, #Pleie#, v. to play, amuse oneself, II 66, XIII b 22; rejoice, XII b 159; #Playinge#, n. disport, XV a 5. [OE. pleg(i)an.]

#Plain#, #Playne#, adj. flat, level, II 353; plain, clear, XVI 48; #Playnly#, #Pleynly#, adv. plainly, clearly, XI b 43, 47, XVI 267, 326. [OFr. plain.]

#Playni#, #Pleigne#, #Pleyne#, #Pleny#, v. to complain, III 19, VI 189; refl. in pleyned hym, made complaint, VIII a 152; to sue (at law), XII b 215. [OFr. plaindre, plaign-.]

#Planettis#, n. pl. planets, XVII 345. [L. planēta.] See Starne.

#Plas#, #Place#, n. place, I 155, II 40, X 152, &c. [OFr. place.]

#Platen#, n. pl. (plates), pieces of (silver) money, XV g 4, 15, 21, 23 (cf. 'plates' in Wiclifite version, Matt. xxvi 15, &c.). [OFr. plate.]

#Plee#, n. (plea, lawsuit), quarrel, IX 81. [OFr. plai(d), plait, plet, &c.] See Plete.

#Pleigne#, #Pleny#. See Playni.

#Plenté#, #-ee#, n. plenty, abundance, II 253, VIII a 156, XIII a 63, XVI 392; quasi-adv. in plenté, abundantly, XVII 146; more plentee, in greater abundance, IX 245. [OFr. plenté.]

#Plenteuous#, adj. abundant, XI b 265. [OFr. plentivous, -evous.]

#Plese#, v. to please, VI 124, VIII a 105, 290, b 89, IX 321; #Plesynge#, n. in to pl. of, so as to please, *XI b 108. [OFr. plaisir, ple(i)sir.]

#Plesance#, n. pleasure, liking, IX 327, X introd.; do the plesance, perform the pleasant office, XII a 185. [OFr. plaisance, ples-.]

#Plesant#, adj. pleasant, IX 278. [OFr. plaisant, ples-.]

#Plete#, v. to sue for; claim, VI 203. [OFr. plaitier, pleder, &c.] See Plee.

#Plyȝt#, n. (liability), offence, V 325. [OE. pliht.]

#Pliȝte#, v. to plight, pledge, VIII a 35. [OE. plihtan.]

#Plom#, n. plummet; as adj. vertical, straight down (measured by the plumb-line), XVII 520. [OFr. plomb.]

#Plouman#, #Plouȝman#, #Plowman#, n. ploughman, VIII a 3, 147, 152, XIV d 5. [Next + OE. mann.]

#Plow(e)#, n. plough, VIII a 96, 99, 156, &c.; #Plogh#, XVII 534; #Plowgh#, IX 254. [OE. plōg (a land-measure); ON. plóg-r.]

#Plow-fote#, n. a stave supporting the plough-beam and regulating furrow's depth, but here appar. = 'plough-staff' (cf. other readings 'plou-bat'), a staff ending in a small spade for clearing earth, &c., from mould-board, VIII a 97. [Prec. + OE. fōt.]

#Plus#, adv. (in French phrase) more, VIII a 306. See Chaude.

#Poeple#, See Peopull.

#Poesie#, n. poetry, poem, XII a 1, 62. [OFr. poesie.]

#Poeuere#. See Pouer(e).

#Poyet#, #Poete#, n. poet, VII 33, 47, XII introd. [OFr. poete.]

#Poynt(e)#, #Point#, n. (i) (sharp) point, V 324, IX 118; (ii) point (of time or place), VII 100, XII a 68; at the poynt, to hand, IX 253; bryng me to þe poynt, come to the point with me, V 216; item, detail, instance, matter, &c., VI 234, VIII a 38, IX 287, XI b 106, XVI 105, 326, &c. [OFr. (i) pointe, (ii) point.]

#Poynted#, adj. pointed, IX 55, 105. [From prec. (i).]

#Poysoun#, n. poison, IX 94. [OFr. poison.]

#Poysoun#, v. to poison, VIII a 293. [OFr. poisonner.]

#Poletes#, n. pl. pullets, chickens, VIII a 275. [OFr. polete.]

#Polyse# (V), #Pollis(s)che#, #Pollysch#, v. to polish, IX 35, 41, 119, 121, &c.; to cleanse, V 325. [OFr. polir, poliss-.]

#Pond#, n.^1 pool, lake, XIII a 19, 31, 43, &c.; #Pound#, XIII a 21, 23, 24, 25. [OE. *púnd, cf. pýndan.]

#Pond#, n.^2 pl. pounds, III 21, 24, &c.; #Poundis#, XI b 162. [OE. púnd.]

#Pope#, n. Pope, I 249, VIII b 82, IX 286, XI b 46. [OE. pāpa.]

#Popi#, n. poppy, XII a 81. [OE. popig.]

#Por-#. See Pur-.

#Porche#, n. porch, I 77. [OFr. porche.]

#Pore#. See Pouer(e).

#Poret(te)#, n. (young) leek or onion, VIII a 281; collect. sg. VIII a 293. [OFr. poret, leek; porette, small onion.]

#Porful#, adj. poverty-stricken, XV f 2. [From Pouer(e), Pore.]

#Porpos#. See Purpos.

#Porter#, n. porter (at the gates), II 380, V 4, &c. [OFr. port(i)er.]

#Portos#, n. (pl. as sg.) breviary, XI b 228 (see note). [OFr. portehors.]

#Possyble#, adj. possible, VI 92. [OFr. possible.]

#Post(e)les#, n. pl. apostles, XV g 24, 25; itinerant preachers, VIII a 143. [OE. postol.] See Apostel.

#Potage#, n. (vegetable) soup, VIII a 144. [OFr. potage.]

#Potful#, n. potful, VIII a 180. [OE. pott + full (properly adj. with prec. noun).]

#Pound#. See Pond.

#Pouerlich#, adv. in humble guise, II 236, 567. [From prec.]

#Pouer(e)#, adj. poor, humble, II 430, 486, XII b 20, 36, &c.; #Poeuere#, XI b 272; #Poure#, III 48, IV b 20, VIII b 82; #Pore#, VI 213, VIII a 18, XI b 255, &c.; adj. pl. as sb., poor (people), the poor, III 8, 41, VIII a 18, &c.; #Pouren#, dat. pl. III 7. [OFr. pov(e)re, poure.]

#Pour-#. See Pur-.

#Power(e)#, #Pouer#, #Poure#, n. ability, power, VIII a 35, XII a 187, XVI 219; authority, VIII a 143; forces, XIV c 46. [OFr. po(u)eir, pouer.]

#Pray(e)#, n. prey, II 313, XVI 175; fig. (of good things won as prize) VI 79. [OFr. preie.]

#Prece#, #Pres(s)#, v. to press; thrust, force, X 49, 69, &c.; intr. and refl. to press forward, hasten, V 29, X 131; pressit on, assailed, X 190; hardest pressit, most hard pressed, X 150. See Prees. [OFr. presser; on forms prece, pre(e)s, see N.E.D.]

#Preche#, v. to preach, VIII a 143, XI b 7, 24, XVI 51, &c.; #Prechinge#, #-ynge#, n. preaching, III 49, XI b 3, &c. [OFr. prech(i)er.]

#Precious#, #Precy(i)ous(e)#, adj. precious, costly, IX 42, 99, XI b 257; precious ston, II 151, 366, IX 123. [OFr. precious.]

#Preef#, n. test, IX 128. [OFr. proeve.] See Preue.

#Prees#, #Press#, n. press; crowd, XII b 213; uproar, commotion, XVI 125. [From Prece, q.v.]

#Preeued#. See Preue.

#Preie#, #Preye(n)#, #Prey#, #Pray(e)#, v. to pray, beg, II 534, IV b 8, VIII a 119, 250, XI b 37, XVII 242, &c.; #Praid#, #Preide#, #Preyd(e)#, pa. t. I 89, II 224, VIII a 117, XII b 69; pray, pray to, VI 124; preye of, beg for, VIII a 38, 117; preye to, pray (to), IX 320, 322; #Preiynge#, n. in p. of lippes, prayer with lips (only), XI b 89. [OFr. preier.]

#Preiere#, #Preyer(e)#, #Preȝer# (XIV c), n. prayer, VIII a 244, b 88, XI b 36, XIV c 78, &c.; preiere in lippis, p. with the lips (only), XI b 90. [OFr. preiere.]

#Preise(n)#, #Preyse#, #Prayse#, v. to praise, esteem, V 4, VIII a 102, b 31, XI b 176, 182. [OFr. preis(i)er.] See Prese, Prys, Prist.

#Preostes#. See Prest(e), n.

#Pres(s)#. See Prece, Prees.

#Prese#, n. praise, great worth, VI 59. [Stem of Preise(n) with AFr. monophthongization.]

#Presence#, n. presence, IX 94, XII b 127, &c. [OFr. presence.]

#Present(e)#, adj. present, IX 128, 336; as sb. in in your presente, in your presence, VI 29. [OFr. present.]

#Present#, n. present, gift, I 123, VIII a 42, 290. [OFr. present.]

#Presente#, v. to give gifts to, IX 24. [OFr. presenter.]

#Prest#, adj. prompt, quick, VIII a 190, XIV b 67; #Prestly#, adv. promptly, VIII a 87. [OFr. prest.]

#Prest(e)#, n. priest, I 8, 9, III 49 (dat.), 53, &c.; #Preost#, XI b 291. [OE. prēost.]

#Presthod#, n. priesthood, XI b 47. [OE prēost-hād.]

#Pretermynable#, adj. who predetermines, fore-ordains, VI 236. [Appar. invented for rhyme from pre + terminable used actively.]

#Preue#, #Preeue#, v. to prove, show, VII 47, IX 298; to test, IX 297; to approve, IX 305. [OFr. preuv-, proev-, &c. accented stem of prover.] See Preef, Proue.

#Pryde#, #Pride#, n. pride, magnificence, IV a 59, b 14, XI b 55, XVII 543, &c.; of pryde, proud, XVI 182. [OE. prȳdo.] See Proude.

#Priis#. See Prys.

#Prike#, v. to spur; intr. gallop, II 141, XIV a 15. [OE. prician, to prick.]

#Pryme#, n. prime, first division of the day according to the sun (varying with the season), or a fixed period 6-9 a.m.; heighe pryme, fully prime, end of the period of prime, about 9 a.m., VIII a 106. [OE. prīm, from L. prīma (hōra).]

#Prymer#, n. devotional manual, VIII b 48 (note). [Origin of name doubtful; see N.E.D.]

#Primerole#, n. primrose, XV e 9, 10, 13. [OFr. primerole.]

#Prynce#, #Prince#, n. prince, V 4 (i.e. Sir Gawayne), XIV c 59, XVI 182, &c. [OFr. prince.]

#Princypall#, #Principall#, adj. and n. chief, IX 1, 28, XVI 111; #Principaly#, adv. in the first place, XI b 96. [OFr. principal, or L. principālis.]

#Pryour#, n. priory, VIII b 95. [OFr. priorie; with this form of the suffix cf. Oritore.]

#Prys#, #Prise#, #Priis# (II), n. worth, excellence, V 296, VI 59; of priis, &c., worthy, excellent, noble, II 51, 64, 249, V 330, VII 47. [OFr. pris, earlier prieis.] See Preise(n), Prist.

#Prisoune#, #Prison#, n. prison, XI b 126, XVI 220 (or read prisounes, prisoners; see note). [OFr. priso(u)n.]

#Prist#, pp. esteemed, VII 33. [OFr. pris(i)er.] See Preise(n).

#Processioun#, n. procession; pomp, II 587. [OFr. procession.]

#Proferi#, #Profre#, v. to offer, II 434, V 278, VIII a 25, XII b 122, &c. [OFr. proffrir; proferer.]

#Profession#, n. declaration; vows (on entering religious order), in singular prof., special vows, as opposed to the regular vows taken by all priests, XI b 101. [OFr. profession.]

#Profit#, n. profit, VIII b 107. [OFr. profit.]

#Profit-#, #Profytable#, adj. profitable, advantageous, VIII a 270, XIII b 68. [OFr. profitable.]

#Prologe#, n. prologue, VII 96, [OFr. prologue.]

#Property#, n. property, special virtue, VI 86. [OFr. proprieté.]

#Prophet(t)e#, n. prophet, XI b 18, XV g 9, XVI 267, &c. [OFr. prophete, L. prophēta.]

#Prophecye#, #Prophicye#, n. prophecy, IX 216, XVI 27. [OFr. prophecie.]

#Prophicied#, pa. t. prophesied (MS. prophicie), XVI 188. [From prec.]

#Propre#, adj. proper, separate, IX 187; #Propurly#, adv. properly, rightly (or of my own knowledge, at first hand), IX 264. [OFr. propre.]

#Proude#, #Prowd(e)#, adj. magnificent, glorious, II 376; proud, haughty, arrogant, V 36, 201, VIII a 191, XV b 32, &c.; prowdist of pryde, greatest in pride (or splendour), XVII 543; #Prowdly#, adv. out of pride, XVII 17. [OE. prūt (rarely prūd), from OFr. prout, prou(d), valiant.]

#Proue#, #Prufe#, v. to prove; demonstrate, show, X 74, XVI 255; test, try, XVII 460. [OFr. prover; cf. OE. prōfian.] See Preue.

#Prow(e)# (to), n. benefit, good (of), IV b 82, XVI 220, 326; may to prow, may be of benefit ('prow' prob. apprehended as infin.), I introd. [OFr. prou.]

#Psalme#, n. psalm, VIII a 246; Seuene Psalmes, the Seven Penitential Psalms, VIII b 49; note allit. with s. [OE. (p)salm, L. psalmus.]

#Puire#, #Puit#. See Pure, Putte(n).

#Pull#, v.; #Puld#, pa. t.; to drag, VII 178; pull up, hoist, VII 125, XVII 153. [OE. pullian.]

#Puple#. See Peopull.

#Puplisshid#, pp. (rime requires puplist), openly declared, XVI 59. [OFr. puplier + -is(h) from other verbs of Fr. origin.]

#Purchase#, #Porchase#, #Pourchace#, v. to acquire, obtain, VI 79, VIII b 81, XII a 18. [OFr. p(o)urchac(i)er.]

#Pure#, #Puire#, adj. pure; elegant, seemly (cf. Clene), V 330; utter, sheer, VIII a 111, IX 31, XIV c 13. [OFr. pur.]

#Pure(n)#, v. to purify, V 325, IX 45. [OFr. purer.]

#Purgatorie#, n. Purgatory, VIII a 45. [L. Purgātōrium.]

#Purge#, v. to purge out, IV b 77. [OFr. purg(i)er.]

#Purper#, adj. purple, II 242. [OFr. purpre; cf. OE. purpuren.]

#Purpos(e)#, #Pourpos#, #Porpos#, n. intention, purpose, resolve, IV b 73, VI 148, VII 118, XII a 21, XIV b 39; put in a p., resolved, VII 112. [OFr. po(u)rpos.]

#Purpose(n)#, v. to intend, XI b 110. [OFr. po(u)rposer.]

#Purs#, n. purse, XII b 157, 173, 182. [OE. purs.]

#Pursewe#, #Pursuen#, #Poursuie#, v. to follow, pursue, IX 229. XII b 7; persecute, torment, IX 93; pursewe to, go eagerly to, XVI 316. [OFr. pursiwer, pursuer.]

#Purvaye#, #Purueye# (to), v. to provide, prepare (for), XVI 69, XVII 553. [OFr. po(u)rveier.]

#Putte(n)#, #Puit# (XIV c), v.; #Put(te)#, pa. t. and pp.; to thrust, IV b 3, 10, X 187, XVI 259, XVII 39; to put, set, VII 112 (see Purpos), VIII a 191, XII b 141, XIV c 12, XVII 21; to impose, XI a 64; putte awey, do away with, XI b 127; putten errour in, impute error to, XI b 77; put hom þerto, set themselves to the task, VII 33; putten hem into, put out on, IX 183; put vnto payn, set in torment, XVII 547; putte wryten, set in writing, IX 318. [OE. pū̆tian, pȳtan, potian; see N.E.D.]

#Qu(h)-#. See also Wh-.

#Qualitee#, n. degree (of goodness), question of how good, IX 335. [OFr. qualité.]

#Quantytee#, #Quantité#, n. limitation of greatness, question of how great, IX 336; capacity, quantity, X 26. [OFr. quantité.]

#Quarell#, n. cross-bow bolt, IX 258. [OFr. quar(r)el.]

#Quaþ#, #Quath#, pa. t. sg. quoth, said, II 127, VIII b 26, &c.; #Quatȝ#, VIII a 3; #Quod#, V 58, VI 61, &c. [OE. cwæþ.]

#Queer#, n. choir, VIII b 63, XI b 172. [OFr. cuer.]

#Queynt#, adj. skilful, elegant, II 299, 300 (see Pas); #Koyntly#, adv. cunningly, V 345. [OFr. cointe, queinte, &c.]

#Quelle#, #Qwell#, v. to kill, destroy, IV a 92, V 41. [OE. cwellan.]

#Queme#, adj. pleasant, V 41. [OE. cwēme.]

#Quen#. See Whan(ne).

#Quen(e)#, #Queen(e)#, n. queen, II 51, 71, VI 55, IX 190, XII a 195, &c. [OE. cwēn.]

#Querele#, n. (legal) complaint, accusation, XII b 209. [OFr. querel(l)e.]

#Questioun#, n. question, IX 178. [OFr. questioun.]

#Quhedirand#, pres. p. whirling, or whirring, X 92. [Cf. Early ME. to-hwideren, -hwiðeren, whirl to pieces; OE. hwaþerian, make a rushing noise.]

#Quhelis#, n. pl. wheels, X 17. [OE. hwē(o)l.]

#Quhen#; #Quhill#. See Whan(ne), Whil.

#Quyk#, adj. alive, V 41. [OE. cwic.]

#Quyte#; #Qwyte#, #Qwite# (XVII); v. to pay, repay, V 176, 256, VI 235, XVII 216, 228; Quitte, pp. paid, VIII a 92. [OFr. quiter.]

#Quite#, #Quyte#. See Whyyt.

#Quo(m)#; #Quod#. See Who; Quaþ.

#Qwake#, v. to tremble, IV a 61. [OE. cwacian.]

#Qwart#, n. health; mase in qwart, heals, IV a 15. [ON. kvirt, (neut. adj.) untroubled.]

#Qwiles#. See Whiles.

#Race#, #Rase#, n. headlong course, XVII 429; onslaught, violent blow, V 8. [ON. rás infl. by senses of related OE. rǣs.]

#Raȝt#, #Raid#. See Reche; Ride.

#Rayle#, v. to order, array, XV b 13. [OFr. reiller.]

#Rayn#, v. to rain, XVII 147; #Renys#, pl. are raining down, XVII 351. [OE. regnian.]

#Rayn(e)#, n.^1 rain, VII 109, 132, XVII 445; #Reyn(e)#, I 162, XIII a 18. [OE. regn.]

#Rayne#, n.^2 rein, V 109. [OFr. raigne, rainne, &c.]

#Raysede#, pp. uplifted, IV b 71. [ON. reisa.]

#Rake#, n. path, V 76, 92. [OE. racu, water-course, or ON. rák, streak (Norw. dial. raak, path).]

#Ram-skyt#, n. a term of abuse, XVII 217. [OE. ramm + ON. skita.]

#Ran(ne)#. See Ryn.

#Randoune#, n.; in a randoune, with a rush, X 102. [OFr. en un randon.]

#Ranke#, adj. brave, fine, VII 122. [OE. ranc.]

#Rape#, v. refl. to hasten, VIII a 112, b 108. [ON. hrapa.]

#Rapely#, adv. hastily; quickly, V 151; rashly, VI 3. [ON. hrapalliga.]

#Rapes#; #Rase#. See Ropis; Race.

#Rather#, adv. earlier, VIII a 112. [OE. hraþor.]

#Rathly#, adv. quickly, XIV b 6. [OE. hræþ-līce.]

#Raton#, n. rat, XV i 1, 9, 18. [OFr. raton.]

#Raþeled#, pp. entwined, V 226. [See N.E.D. s.vv. Raddle, v.^1, Ratheled.]

#Raue#, v. rave, talk foolishly, VI 3. [OFr. raver.]

#Ravyn#, n. raven, XVII 479, 499. [OE. hræfn.]

#Rauysche#, v. to carry off captive, carry away, IV a 16; #Reuey<se>d#, pp. II 82. [OFr. ravir, raviss-.]

#Rawe#; #Rawþe#. See Rowe; Reuþe.

#Real#, adj. royal, II 356. [OFr. real.]

#Reame#, n. realm, kingdom, VIII b 78; #Reume#, XI a 25, 32, 52; #Rem(e)#, VI 88, XIII b 47, 48; #Roialme#, IX 261. [OFr. re(i)alme, re(a)ume; later roialme.]

#Reasoune#. See Reson.

#Rebalde#, n. Rascal, XVI 99. [OFr. ribauld.] See Rybaudry.

#Rebuke#, v. to rebuke, VI 7, VIII b 86. [ONFr. rebuk(i)er.]

#Receyue#, v. to receive, take, VIII b 73; #Res(s)ayue#, V 8, XVI 390; #Resceyued#, pp. XI b 265. [OFr. receiv-re.]

#Reche#, #Recche#, v.^1 to reck, care, VIII a 114; me no reche, I care not (mixed pers. and impers. constr.), II 342. [OE. reccan.]

#Reche#, v.^2 to give, V 256; #Raȝt#, pa. t. V 229; #Raȝteȝ#, 2 sg. V 283. [OE. rǣcan, rǣ̆hte, rā̆hte.]

#Reches#, n. sg. riches, IV b 61. [OFr. richesse.]

#Recorde#, v. to ponder, go over in one's mind, IX 317; record, XII introd., b 111. [OFr. recorder.]

#Recoueren#, v. to regain, IX 131. [OFr. recovrer.] See Keuer(e).

#Recuyell#, n. compilation, VII introd. [OFr. recueil.]

#Red(e)#, adj. red, II 107, XIV b 41, XV e 19; red(e) gold, red gold, II 150, 362. [OE. rēad.]

#Red(e)#, n. advice, III 51 (dat.); counsel, plan, in can no other red, sees nothing else for it, XII b 102 (cf. Wane, n.). [OE. rǣd, rēd.]

#Red(e)#, #Redyn#, #Reede#, v. to advise, counsel, IV a 45, V 43 (note), VIII b 108, XIV c 97, XVII 341, &c.; to read, II 1, IV b 9, X introd., XII a 112, &c.; to read aloud, I 14; to reckon, VIII b 73; to think, XVII 427; hard red (inf.), heard read, XVII 46; #Ret# (OE. rǣ̆tt, rē̆t), 3 sg. pres. reads, III 3, 16; #Rede#, pp. read, XVI 317. [OE. rǣdan, rēdan, str., later wk.]

#Redere#, n. reader, IX 321. [OE. rǣdere.]

#Redi#, #Redy#, adj. prompt, ready (to hand), II 380, VI 231, X 34, XII b 119, XVI 394; al redy, prompt(ly), XVI 120; #Redyly#, adv. promptly, V 256. [Extended from OE. (ge-)rǣde.]

#Redresse#, v. to redress, set right, XII b 206. [OFr. re-dresser.]

#Reformed# (of), pp. changed back to his proper form (from), XII a 19. [OFr. reformer.]

#Refuseþ#, pres. pl. reject, VIII b 82. [OFr. refuser.]

#Reghtewysnes#, #Reghtwysely#. See Ryghtwyse.

#Regioun#, n. region, IX 161, XII a 13. [OFr. regioun.]

#Regne#, n. kingdom, VI 141. [OFr. regne.]

#Regni#, #Regne#, v. to reign, II 425, IX 339. [OFr. regner.]

#Reherce#, #Reherse#, v. to repeat, XI a 4, XII a 103; #Rehercyng(e)#, n. recounting, IX 274, 279. [OFr. rehercer.]

#Reyll#, n. reel, XVII 298 (see Garn). [OE. hrēol.]

#Reynand#. See Ren.

#Reyny#, adj. rainy, XII a 53. [OE. regnig.] See Rayn(e), n.^1

#Rele#, v. to reel, behave wildly, sway (in combat); rele as vs likeȝ, let us fight as fiercely as we please, V 178. [Prob. related to Reyll.]

#Relece#, v. to release, V 274. [OFr. relaissier, relesser.]

#Relees#, #Reles#, n. release, discharge, VIII a 84, XVI 288, 290. [OFr. reles.]

#Releif#, #Releue#, v. to relieve, give relief to, X 151, 161, XI b 255. [OFr. relever.]

#Religioun#, n. religious rule, or order, VIII a 145. [OFr. religion.]

#Relikes#, n. pl. heirlooms, precious things, VII 122. [OFr. relique.]

#Rem(e)#. See Reame.

#Remembraunce#, n. recollection, VIII b 11. [OFr. remembra(u)nce.]

#Remene# (to), v. to compare (to), interpret (as), XIV c 41. [? OFr. remener, bring back; senses seem due to assoc. with Mene, v.^1]

#Remissioun#, n. discharge, pardon, VIII a 84. [OFr. remissioun.]

#Remytte#, v. to hand on, refer (for consideration), IX 296. [L. remittere.]

#Remnaunt#, #Remenaunte#, n. remainder, V 274, 333, VIII a 94. [OFr. remenant.]

#Remorde#, pp. afflicted, VI 4. [OFr. remord-re.]

#Remwe#, v. to take away, VI 67. [OFr. remuer.]

#Ren#, #Renne#, v. to run, XIV b 6; to flow, IX 179, XII a 84; ? #Reynand#, pres. p. XVII 111; see Ryn. [ON. renna.]

#Renys#. See Rayn, v.

#Renk#, n. knight, man, V 138 (see note), 178, 269. [OE. rinc.]

#Renne-aboute#, Gad-about, Vagabond, VIII a 142. [From Ren.]

#Renoun#, #Renowne#, n. renown, glorious name, in of renoun, renouns (pl. in Fr. constr., with ref. to several persons), I 248, II 202, XIV b 81. [OFr. renoun.]

#Rent#, pp. torn, VII 147. [OE. rendan.]

#Rental#, n. rent-book, VIII a 84 (see note). [OFr. rental.]

#Rentes#, n. revenues from property, VIII b 77, XI b 96. [OFr. rente.]

#Reparde#, pp. shut off, barred, VI 251. [OFr. re- + ME. parren.]

#Repe#, v. to reap, VIII b 15. [OE. rī̆pan; on stem-vowel see N.E.D. s.v. Reap.]

#Repent(e)#, v. to repent, XVII 81, 91, 117. [OFr. repentir.]

#Repentance#, n. repentance, XVII 56. [OFr. repentance.]

#Repereyue#, n. head-reaper, harvest-overseer, VIII b 15. [OE. rip, harvest (or stem of prec.) + rēfa.] See Reue, n.

#Repleye#, v. XVI 380 (see note). [Cf. OFr. repley(i)er, &c. or replevir; see N.E.D. s.vv. Repledge, Replevy, &c.]

#Reprené#, v. to reprehend, find fault with, VI 184. [OFr. reprendre, preign-.]

#Repreue#, #Reprouen# (of), v. to reprove (for), V 201, XI b 187. [OFr. repro(u)ver, repreuv-.]

#Reprufe#, n. disgrace, XVII 84. [OFr. repro(u)ve.]

#Rerd#, #Rurde# (V), n. loud voice V 269, XVII 230; noise, V 151 (see Rusche), XVII 101. [OE. réord.]

#Rert#, pp. ? (aroused), ready, VI 231. [OE. rǣran.]

#Res(s)ayue#, #Resceyued#. See Receyue.

#Rescowe#, #Rescoghe#, n. rescue, V 240; matȝ rescoghe, ? comes to the rescue (cf. make reschewes, Morte Arthure 433), VI 250 (see note). [Stem of ME. rescouen, v., OFr. rescourre.]

#Resette#, n. (place of) refuge, shelter, V 96. [OFr. recet.]

#Residue#, n. residue, VIII a 94. [OFr. residu.]

#Reson#, #Resoun(e)#, #Reasoune#, n. reason, (good) sense, VIII a 311, XI a 30, 48, b 6, XII b 225, XVII 501, &c.; (personified) VIII b 5, &c.; what is reasonable, XVI 263; reasoning, XVI 255; argument, saying, XVI 337; by reson, as a logical consequence, XVII 81; motive, in by þat resoune, with that intent, XVI 248. [OFr. raison, re(i)son.]

#Resonabele#, adj. reasonable, VI 163. [OFr. resonable.] See Vnresounable.

#Restay#, v. to stop; intr. to pause, VI 77. [OFr. resteir; see N.E.D., s.v. Stay, v.]

#Restor(e)#, v. to restore, V 215, XVI 13, XVII 29; trwe mon trwe restore, let an honest man honestly restore (another's property), V 286. [OFr. restorer.]

#Ret#. See Red(e), v.

#Reue#, n. reeve, manager of an estate, VI 182, XI b 288. [OE. (ge-)rēfa.]

#Reue#, v. to rob, steal, IV b 20; constr. with dat. pron. of person deprived, IV a 83, XV c 31. [OE. rēafian.]

#Reuey<se>d#. See Rauysche.

#Reuel#, v. revel, V 333. [OFr. reveler.]

#Reuerence#, n. reverence; at þe r., out of respect, V 138; do a r., make an obeisance, XII b 128. [OFr. reverence.]

#Reuerse#, v. to reverse, countermand, XI a 15. [OFr. reverser.]

#Reuest#, pa. t. (refl.) vested, robed (himself), I 70. [OFr. revestir.]

#Reulis#, n. pl. rules, XI b 203. [OFr. reule.] See Rewle.

#Reuþe#, #Rawþe#, n. (mental) pain, grief; hedde r. þerof, was grieved at that, III 20; r. to here, grievous to hear, V 136 (cf. Noy, Pine). [Extended with suffix -þ from OE. hrēow; cf. ON. hrygð.] See Rewe(ful).

#Reward(e)#, n. regard, consideration, in takeþ r. of (to), give a thought (to), XIV c 105-7; reward, VI 244, XII b 42. [ONFr. reward.]

#Rewardeþ#, 3 sg. pres. gives reward, VIII b 32. [ONFr. rewarder.]

#Rew(e)#, v. to rue, regret, II 570, XVII 202; it shal him rewe, he shall rue it, XV a 23. [OE. hrēowan, pers. and impers.]

#Reweful#, #Ruful# (V), adj. rueful; piteous, II 114; grievous, V 8. [OE. hrēow + full.]

#Rewle#, v. to guide, XVII 429. [OFr. reuler.] See Reulis.

#Rybaudry#, n. ribaldry, coarse jesting, II 9. [OFr. ribauderie.] See Rebalde.

#Ribbes#, n. pl. ribs, IX 257. [OE. ribb.]

#Riche#, #Ryche#, adj. of high rank, noble, II 326, 446, VIII b 26, XV g 18, &c.; wealthy, III 52, &c.; splendid, costly, rich, II 81, 161, 356, &c.; high (feast), V 333; quasi-sb. noble (steed), V 109; adv. (or predic. adj.) richly, II 362. [OE. rīce; OFr. riche.]

#Ryche#, n. kingdom, VI 241. [OE. rīce.] See Heuenryche.

#Reume#. See Reame.

#Richt#, #Rycht#. See Right.

#Rydde#, v. to separate (combatants), V 178. [Blend of OE. hreddan, rescue, and ON. ryðja, rid.]

#Ryched#, pp. directed, intended, V 138. [OE. reccan, but form prob. due to confusion with ME. richen, ruchen (OE. *ryccan), draw.]

#Rifild#, pp. despoiled, XIV a 16, 17. [OFr. rifler.]

#Ride#, #Ryde#, v. to ride, II 340 (subj.), 347, V 39, 76 (note), &c., #Raid#, pa. t. sg. X 149; #Rod(e)#; I 62, V 21, XV a 4; him rod, sailed, XIV c 61; #Riden#, pl. II 308; #Ryden#, pp. gone on military service (as knights), VIII b 78. [OE. rīdan.]

#Ryfis#. See Ryue.

#Rigge#, n. back, II 500; #Rugge#, XV g 4. [OE. hrycg.]

#Right#, #Ryght#, #Rihte# (XII), adj. right, proper, true, XII a 124, XVI 255, XVII 471, &c.; right (hand), IX 70. [OE. riht.]

#Right#, #Ryght#, #Riȝt(e)#, #Ryȝt#, #Riht# (XII, XIV c); #Richt#, #Rycht# (X); adv. straight, right, II 100, 186, V 94, &c.; ful riȝt, straight (away), II 85, 191; ryght vprise (cf. Vpperight), rise up, XVI 31; correctly, XVII 139; exactly, just, right, I 94, II 166, V 236, IX 64, X introd., 102, XII a 146, XVII 513, &c.; richt evin, just, X 93; (with neg.) at all, VI 160, VIII a 145, b 86, XVII 524, &c.; very, IX 150, X 138, XIV c 10, &c. [OE. rihte.]

#Right#, #Ryght#, #Ryȝt#, n. right, XIV b 37; justice, V 278, VI 136, 231; just cause, VIII b 78; by þe way of ryȝt to aske dome, if they demand an award acc. to strict justice, VI 220; #Ryȝtes#, #Riȝttis#, pl. duties, XI b 203; obligations, V 274. [OE. riht.]

#Rife#, adj. plentiful, VII 122. [Late OE. rȳfe, *rīfe.]

#Right#, pa. t. corrected, VII 69. [OE. rihtan.]

#Rightfull#, adj. just, IX 82; #Riȝtfulleste#, superl. XI b 193. [OE. (late) riht-ful.]

#Ryghtfulnesse#, n. Justice, VIII b 32. [From prec.]

#Ryghtwyse#, adj. righteous, IV b 7; #Reghtwysely#, adv. righteously, IV b 55; #Reghtewysnes#, n. righteousness, IV b 80. [OE. rihtwīs (rehtwīs), -līce, -nes.]

#Riȝtes#; al to riȝtes, quite correctly, fittingly, II 136; to his riȝtes, as he should be, fittingly, II 292. [Extension of to riȝt, according to what is right (see Right, n.), with adv. -es.]

#Ryme#, n. riming poem, I introd.; #Rymys#, pl. (trivial) popular poems, I 14; #Ryme couwee#, see Couwee. [OFr. rime.]

#Ryn#, v. to run, flow, pass swiftly, X 17, XVII 101, 277, 305, 357; #Ran(ne)#, pa. t. I 155, IV a 9 (note), X 107; #Runne#, pp. in be runne, may have mounted up, VI 163. [OE. rinnan.] See Eorne, Ren(ne).

#Rinde#, n. bark, II 260. [OE. rínd.]

#Ryne#, v. to touch, V 222 (see note). [OE. hrīnan.]

#Rynge#, v. to ring, resound, XV b 12; #Ronge#, pa. t. V 136; #Ry<n>kande#, pres. p. V 269 (confus. of ng, nk, freq. in this poem). [OE. hríngan, wk.]

#Ryot#, n. strife, violence, IX 83. [OFr. riot(e).]

#Rype#, #Ripe#, adj. ripe, VIII a 289, IX 140. [OE. rīpe.]

#Ris#, n. leafy spray, II 305. [OE. hrīs.]

#Rise#, #Ryse#, v. to rise, IV a 62, V 17, XVI 394, &c.; #Ros#, pa. t. sg. VI 77, 146, 159; #Ryse#, pl. I 208; #Rysen#, pp. XVII 442; #Rysing#, n. resurrection, XVI 317. [OE. ā-rīsan.]

#Ryste#, n. repose, rest, IV b 10; #Rest(e)#, II 74, IV a 3, &c. [OE. rest; on y-form see N.E.D. s.v. Rest.]

#Ryste#, #Rest(e)#, v. to rest; intr. IV b 42, V 263; refl. IV b 38, IX 20. [OE. restan; see prec.]

#Ryue#, v. to tear (asunder), cleave, V 222 (note); #Ryfis#, 3 sg. pres. intr. is torn, XVII 399; #Roue#, pa. t. V 278; #Ryue#, pp. I 121. [ON. rīfa.]

#Riueling#, n. a rough shoe (as nickname for a Scot), XIV a 19. [OE. rifeling.]

#Riuer(e)#, #Ryuer(e)#, n. river, II 160, 308, IX 12, XII a 85, XIII a 16, &c. [OFr. rivere.]

#Ro#, n. peace, XVII 237. [OE. rōw, ON. rō.]

#Robbe#, v. to rob; #Yrobbed#, pp. III 18; #Robbing#, n. XIV b 6. [OFr. rob(b)er.]

#Robbere#, n. robber, XIV a 6. [From prec.; OFr. robbour.]

#Robe#, n. robe, II 81. [OFr. robe.]

#Roc#, #Rokke#, n. rock, V 76, 130, XV g 12. [Cf. OE. gloss stānrocc, scopulus; OFr. ro(c)que.]

#Roche#, n. rock, II 347, V 131, IX 33, 62, &c.; #Rooch(e)#, XIII a 21, 22. [OFr. roche.]

#Roché#, adj. rocky, V 226. [From prec.]

#Rod(e)#. See Ride.

#Rode#, n.^1 rood, cross, VIII a 94, XIV c 73. [OE. rōd.]

#Rode#, n.^2 rosy hue, fair face, II 107, XV b 13. [OE. rudu.]

#Rof#, adj. rough; grievous (with sore), or ? n. gash, V 278 (note). [(i) As next with alteration of final spirant (cf. Þof), though this is not the usual form of 'rough' in this text. (ii) Related to Ryue, v.]

#Roȝ(e)#, adj. rough, rugged, V 94, 109, 130; #Rouh#, XIV c 37; #Rowe#, II 265, 459 (see Blac); #Ruȝe#, V 98. [OE. rūh, rūg-, rūw-.]

#Roialme#. See Reame.

#Royis#, 2 sg. pres. talkest folly, XVI 99. [Unknown.]

#Rok#, n. distaff, XVII 338. [Cf. ON. rokk-r, MDu., MLG. rocke(n).]

#Rokke#. See Roc.

#Romayn#, n. a Roman, VII 69. [OFr. romain.]

#Romance#, n. (French) romance, story, XIV b heading. [OFr. romanz.]

#Rome#, v. to wander, make one's way, V 130, VIII b 11. [ME. forms point to OE. *rāmian.]

#Rooch(es)#. See Roche.

#Rooris#, 2 sg. pres. roarest, XVI 99. [OE. rārian.]

#Rooþur#. See Roþur.

#Ropis#, #Rapes#, n. pl. ropes, VII 147, XIV b 68. [OE. rāp.]

#Ros#. See Rise.

#Rose#, n. rose, XV b 13, e 19. [OE. rose from L. rosa.]

#Rote#, n.^1 root, V 226, VI 60 (origin), VIII a 97, XIV c 82; #Rote#, pl. (or collect. sg.), II 256, 260. [ON. rōt.]

#Rote#, n.^2 way, in bi rote, on the way, V 139. [OFr. rote.]

#Roted#, pa. t. rotted, I 236. [OE. rotian.]

#Roþur#, #Rooþur#, n. rudder, XIV c 25, 29, 36, 57. [OE. rōþor.]

#Roue#; #Rouh#. See Ryue; Roȝ(e).

#Roun(e)#, n. speech, voice, XV b 2, 29 (see note), c 36; [OE. rūn.]

#Round#, adj. round; adv. in al aboute round (as prep.) round, XII a 79; #Roundnesse#, n. roundness, IX 67. [OFr. roönd, round.]

#Rout(e)#, n.^1 host, company, (great) number, II 283, X 176, XII b 118, XIV a 16; on a route, in a mass, tumultuously, XVII 305. [OFr. route.]

#Rout#, n.^2 roar, loud noise, X 92. [Stem of OE. hrūtan, or ON. rauta; see Rowtyn.]

#Rouwed#, pa. t. rowed, XIV c 61. [OE. rōwan, str.]

#Rowe#, #Rawe#, n. row, VI 185; be rowe (rawe), on rawe, in (due) order, in turn, XV h 15, XVI 317, 401. [OE. rāw.]

#Rowe#. See Roȝ(e).

#Rowtyn#, pres. pl. they crash, beat, XV h 15. [OE. hrūtan; but see N.E.D. for various sources and senses of Rout, n. and v.]

#Rude-evyn#, n. eve of the feast of the (Exaltation of the) Cross, X 42. [OE. rōd + ǣfen.] See Rode, n.^1

#Ruful#. See Reweful.

#Rugge#; #Ruȝe#. See Rigge; Roȝ(e).

#Rugh-fute#, n. rough-footed, XIV a 19. [OE. rūh + fōt.] See Roȝ(e), Fote.

#Ruysand#, pres. p. glorifying, in r. hyme of, glorying in, taking credit to himself for, IV b 80. [ON. hrósa sér.]

#Runne#; #Rurde#. See Ryn; Rerd.

#Rusche#, v. to rush; make a loud rushing noise, V 136; rusched on þat rurde, ? went on with that rushing noise, V 151. [Echoic, but app. based on OFr. r(e)usser, AFr. russ(h)er.]

#Sa#, #Saat#. See So; Sitte(n).

#Sacramente#, n. sacrament, XVI 316. [L. sacrāmentum.]

#Sacrifise#, #-ice#, n. sacrifice, XI b 202, XII a 15, 40. [OFr. sacrifice.]

#Sacrylage#, n. sacrilege, I 4, 19. [OFr. sacrilege, infl. by suffix -age.]

#Sad(de)#, adj. steadfast, IX 92; heavy, grievous, XVI 44; sette hym sadde, give him sorrow, XVI 204; #Sadly#, adv. sufficiently, long enough, V 341. [OE. sæd, sated, wearied; ME. shows also senses 'heavy, firm', &c.]

#Sadel#, n. saddle, V 42. [OE. sadol.]

#Saf(e)#, see Saue; #Sagh#, see Se(n); #Say#, #Sai-#, see Se(n), Sei(e).

#Saye#, v. to make trial of, explore, XIV c 34. [Shortened from Assaie.]

#Sayf#. See Saue, prep.

#Sayl(l)#, #Sail#, n. sail, VII 125, XIV c 50, XVII 153, 271, &c. [OE. segl.] See Seile.

#Sayn#, #Saytz#, see Sei(e); #Saynte#, see Seynte.

#Sake#, n. in for ... sake (with interven. gen. or poss. adj.), (i) for (one's) sake, VIII a 96, XII introd.; (ii) on (one's) account, XV c 23; (with loss of prec. inflexion) I 177, XVII 88 (note). [OE. sacu; cf. ON. fyrir sakir because of.]

#Sakke#, n. sack, VIII a 9. [OE. sacc.]

#Sakles#, adj. innocent (i.e. against whom you had no just quarrel), XIV a 3. [OE. sac-lēas, from ON. sak-lauss.]

#Sale#, n. in to the sale, for sale, XII b 148. [OE. *salu, (once) sala.]

#Sal(l)#, #Saltou#. See Schal.

#Salt(e)#, adj. salt, VIII a 279, IX 13, XII a 166, &c.; n. XIII a 30. [OE. salt, adj. and n.]

#Salvacioun#, n. salvation, IX 333. [OFr. salvacioun.]

#Sam(e)#, #Samen#, #Somyn# (VII), adv. together, VII 66, XVI 170, 239, XVII 316; brether sam, brothers both, XVII 320; al samen, all sam (togeder), (all) together, XVII 292, 530; with one accord, VI 158; see Alsaume. [OE. æt samne, somne; (late) somen; cf. ON. allir saman.]

#Same#, adj. same I 188, &c.; pron. in þe (þis) same, the very one (or thing), XII b 78, XVI 56, 71, &c. [ON. sam-r.]

#Samon#, n. salmon, XIII a 64. [OFr. saumon.]

#Sample#, n. illustration, parable, VI 139. [Shortened from OFr. essample.] See Ensample.

#Sand#, n. sand, shore; bi see and bi sand, everywhere, XVII 75. [OE. sánd.]

#Sang#, #Santis#. See Song(e), Seynte.

#Sap#, n. sap, XIV c 90. [OE. sæp.]

#Saphire#, n. sapphire, IX 115, 116 (see Loupe), 122. [OFr. safir.]

#Sapience#, n. Wisdom; personif. of the 'sapiential' books (Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Canticles, Wisdom, Ecclesiasticus), VIII a 231 (the ref. is to Prov. xx. 4). [L. sapientia.]

#Sare#. See Sore.

#Sarri#, adj. ? vigorous, XIV c 90. [OFr. serré; see note.]

#Sarteyne#; #Sat#. See Certeyne; Sitte(n).

#Sauce#, n. sauce, VIII a 259. [OFr. sauce.]

#Saue#, #Saf#, adj. safe; a saue, have safe, save, I 127 (see Habben); vochen saf, VIII b 51, see Vouche-saf. [OFr. sauf, sauve (fem.).]

#Saue#, #Saf#, #Sayf# (XVII), prep. save, except, IX 174, 228, XVII 106; saue þat (conj.), V 161. [OFr. sauf.]

#Saue#, #Safe# (XVII), v. to preserve, keep safe, V 5 (subj.), 71, XV i 19, XVII 309, 517, &c.; rescue, bring to salvation, XI a 38, b 305, XVI 108, &c. #Sauynge#, n. preservation, XI b 304. [OFr. sa(u)ver.]

#Saufly#, adv. safely, XII b 174. [From Saue, adj.]

#Saugh#. See Se(n).

#Saul(e)#, #Saull#, #Sawl(e)#, #Soule#, n. soul, IV a 24, 32, 61, VIII a 81, XVI 272, XVII 390, &c.; distrib. sg. (see Herte), XI b 250; #Soule#, gen. sg. I 212. [OE. sāwol.]

#Sauour# (to), n. savour, IX 153; relish (for), XI b 254. [OFr. savour.]

#Sauoure#, v. to give a savour to, VIII a 259. [OFr. savourer.]

#Sauter#, #Sawter#, n. the Psalter, Book of Psalms, VI 233, VIII a 246, b 49, XVI 187. [OFr. saut(i)er.]

#Sawe#, n. saying; aftir þi sawe, according to thy word, XVI 397; proverb, XVI 281. [OE. sagu.]

#Saw(e)#. See Se(n).

#Sawte#, n. assault, VII 57, 85. [Shortened from OFr. as(s)aut.]

#Saxon#, adj. Saxon, XIII b 49; #Saxonlych#, adv. in the Saxon fashion, XIII b 8. [OFr. saxon.]

#Scaffatis#, n. pl. scaffoldings, temporary wooden structures for assailing walls, X 9. [Cf. OFr. escadafaut, eschaffaut.]

#Scarslych#, adv. scantily, scarcely, XIII b 50. [From ONFr. escars.]

#Scaþe#, #Skathe#, n. damage, injury, V 285, XV i 13. [ON. skaði.]

#Scere#, adj. bright, pure, in Scere Þorsday, Sheer, Holy, or Maundy, Thursday, XV g 1. [OE. *scǣre, rel. to scīr; cf. ON. skǽr-r, skír-r, and ON. Skíri-Þórsdagr, OSwed. Skær(a)-Þorsdagher.] See Schyre, Skyre.

#Schadewe# (aȝen), v. to screen (from), IX 19. [OE. sceadwian.]

#Schaft#, n. handle, V 264. [OE. sceaft.]

#Schaȝe#, n. shaw, small wood, V 93 (see Side). [OE. scaga.]

#Schakeled#, pp. shackled; protected with greaves, XV h 12. [OE. sceacul, fetter.]

#Schal#, #Schall(e)#, #Shal(l)#, #Sal(l)#, v. auxil. 1 and 3 sg. pres. am (is) to, must, shall, will, I 22, II 172, 207, IV a 7, 79, IX 69, XIV a 34, XV a 10, XVI 15, XVII 164, &c.; 2 sg. #Sal(l)#, IV a 17, 40; #Schal(l)#, #Shal(l)#, V 79, XVI 299, XVII 121, 381, &c.; #Schalt(e)#, #Shalt#, I 206, II 130, VI 204, &c.; (with suffixed pron.) #Saltou#, XIV a 23; #Shaltow#, VIII a 223; pl. #Sal(l)#, IV a 62, XIV b 18, &c.; #Schal#, #Schall(e)#, V 332, XVI 49, 192, &c.; #Schyn#, V 333; #Scholle#, XIII b 39; #Schull#, #Schulle(n)#, #Shul(en)#, I 38, VIII a 140, IX 63, 210, XI a 9, b 82, &c. Pa. t. (ind. and subj.), was going to, ought to, was (were) to, should, would; #Schold(e)#, #Shold(e)#, II 467, VIII a 36, b 67, 80, IX 89, XII a 111, &c.; #Schuld(e)#, #Shuld(e)#, I 50, 69, 106, II 44, 190, V 16, XI a 21, &c.; #Ssolde#, III 7; #Suld(e)#, IV a 91, b 19, X 12, &c.; 2 sg. #Schulde#, XVI 241; #Schust#, II 420, 570, &c. Note ellipse of a foll. verb, as 'have', XVII 227; freq. 'go', 'come', II 130, IV a 91, V 16, 332. Which slepe schal, that may (at any time) sleep, XII a 117; when it schuld be, whenever it was, II 370. [OE. sceal; sculon, scylon; scólde, &c.]

#Schalk#, #Shalke#, n. man, V 200, 304, VII 72, 89. [OE. scealc, servant, (in verse) man.]

#Scham(e)#, #Schome# (V), #Shame#, n. shame, XIV c 13; disgrace, XII b 224; disgraceful thing, V 304; ignominy, disaster, harm, XIV a 12, b 84, XV i 18, XVII 301; pl. shameful things, I 2. [OE. scamu, scomu.]

#Schamfully#, adv. ignominiously, IV a 66. [OE. scamful-līce.]

#Schank(e)#, n. leg (below the knee), XV h 12. [OE. scanca.]

#Schapellis#. See Chapel(le).

#Schap(e)#, #Schappe#, #Shappe#, v.; #Schop#, #Shope#, pa. t. V 260, VII 72; #Schaped#, pp. V 272; #Schape(n)#, XII a 130, 169, &c.; #Yschape#, XIII a 45. Trans. to fashion, make, V *261, 272, VII 72, VIII b 18, IX 107; to turn (into), XII a 169, XIII a 45; to contrive, bring (it) about, V 70, XII a 130; ordain, appoint, V 260; schappe ȝou to, appoint for yourselves, XIV d 7; refl. in shappis hym, designs, intends, XVI 155; intr. to prepare, be about (to), X 14. [OE. sceppan, scōp, ge-scapen.] See Forschape.

#Schapp#, n. shape, IX 248. [OE. ge-sceap.]

#Scharp(e)#, #Sharp(e)#, adj. keen, sharp, harsh, bitter, severe, II 38, 539, V 199, XI b 142, XIII b 59, XIV c 21, 33, XVII 350, 356, &c.; as sb., the sharp blade, V 245, 264. [OE. scearp.]

#Schaterande#, pres. p. intr. dashing, splashing, V 15. [OE. *scaterian; cf. MDu. scheteren.]

#Schaued#, pa. t. shaved, II 585. [OE. scafan, str.]

#Schawys#. See Schewe(n).

#Sche#, pron. fem. sg. she, II 75, 77, 323, &c.; #She#, I 48, &c.; #Scho#, IV b 1, 2, 4, 6, &c.; ref. to inanimate thing (gyne), X 80. For obl. cases, &c., see Hi, fem. [See N.E.D. s.v. She.]

#Schede#, v. to spill; intr. fall, VI 51 (cf. Pearl 10); #Shedyng#, n. spilling, VIII a 9. [OE. scādan, scēadan.]

#Scheep#, #Shep#, n. pl. sheep, VIII b 18, IX 238. [OE. scē(a)p.] See Schep.

#Schelde#, n. shield, V 250. [OE. scéld.]

#Scheltrom#, n. rank of armed men, II 187. [OE. sceld-truma.]

#Schene#, #Shene# (VII), #Schine# (II), adj. fair, goodly, VII 89, 120, 151, 157; bright, II 358, V 246; as sb., bright blade, V 200. [OE. scēne, scȳne, scīne.]

#Schende#, v. to ruin, destroy, V 198, VIII a 166, XVI 155; #Schente#, pp. brought to nothing, I introd. [OE. scéndan.]

#Schep#, n. Shepherd, Pastor, XIV d 1. [OE. *scēpa.] See Scheep.

#Schere#, v. to cut, score, IX 122. [OE. sceran.]

#Schert#, #Sserte#, n. shirt, II 230, III 40. [OE. scyrte (Kt. *scerte); see Appendix p. 280.]

#Schewe(n)#, #Shewe#, v. to show, reveal, declare, (make) manifest, II 159, IV b 10, V 188, IX 285, XI a 3, b 19, XII a 49, XVI 22, XVII 82; #Schawys#, 3 sg. X introd.; #Sseweþ#, pl. III 59; #Shewyng#, n. in of feyre sh., that puts the case plainly (or of fair seeming, very presentable), I 260. [OE. ge-scēawian.]

#Schylde#, #Sheld#, v. to defend, protect, IV a 76, XVII 301; forfend, in God schylde, God forbid, IV a 91. [OE. scíldan, scéldan.]

#Schille#, adv. shrilly, loudly, II 104, 526. [OE. *sciell, scyl, adj.]

#Schille#, v. to shrill, resound, II 272. [OE. sciellan.]

#Schyn#; #Schine#. See Schal; Schene.

#Schyne#, #Shyne#, v. to shine, XVI 94, XVII 9, 453; to be conspicuous, IV b 70; #Schon#, pa. t. sg. II 152; #Schine#, pa. t. pl. II 415. [OE. scīnan.]

#Schipman# (#-mannes#, gen. sg.; #-men#, pl.), n. sailor, IX 124, X 119. [OE. scip-mann.]

#Schip(pe)#, #Ship(pe)#, n. ship, VII 89, 120, X 120, XIV c 17, &c.; #Schipe#, dat. sg. XII a 23. [OE. scip.]

#Schir#. See Sir(e).

#Schyre#, #Shire# (VII), adj. bright, clear, fair, lovely, V 15, 245, VII 151, 157; quasi-sb. fair (flesh), V 188. [OE. scīr.] See Scere, Skyre.

#Scho#; #S(c)hold-#, #Scholle#; #Schome#; #Schon#; #Schop# (#Shope#). See Sche; Schal; Scham(e); Schyne; Schap(e).

#Schore#, n. (shore), bank, V 15, 93; vpon schore on the ground (by the river), V 264. [Cf. MDu., MLG. schore.]

#Schort(e)#, #Short#, adj. short, brief, IV b 45, VII 72, XI b 136. [OE. scort.]

#Schote#, v. trans. to shoot, IX 258; intr. shot, sprang, in #Schot#, pa. t. sg. V 246, 250; #Shotton#, pl. VII 120. [OE. scēotan.]

#Schoueles#, n. pl. shovels, VIII a 183. [OE. scofl.]

#Schour#, #Show(e)r#, n. shower, VII 108, XVII 350; squall, XIV c 21. [OE. scūr.]

#Schowue#, v. intr. to thrust, make one's way, V 15, 93. [OE. scūfan.]

#Schranke#, pa. t. sg. shrank; flinched, winced, V 199, 304; schrank to, penetrated into, V 245. [OE. scrincan.]

#Schrifte#, n. in do thi schrifte, made your confession, XII introd. [OE. scrift.]

#Schuldereȝ#, #-es#, n. pl. shoulders, V 199, 246, 250. [OE. sculdor.]

#S(c)hul-#. See Schal.

#Schunt#, n. a sudden jerk and swerve, V 200. See next.

#Schunt#, v. to flinch; pa. t. V 212. [Prob. rel. to OE. scunian.]

#Schust#. See Schal.

#Science#, n. knowledge, learning, IX 77. [OFr. science.]

#Sclauain#, #Sclauin#, n. a pilgrim's mantle, II 228, 343. [OFr. esclavine.]

#Sclaundre(n)#, v. to scandalize, XI b 242. [OFr. esclandrer.]

#Scole#, n. school, VIII b 37, XIII b 17. [OE. scōl.]

#Score#, n. score, twenty, XIII a 20, 21, &c. [ON. skor, notch, twenty.]

#Scornes#, n. pl. taunts, XIV c 102. [OFr. (e)scarn; see N.E.D.]

#Scottes#, #Skottes#, n. pl. Scots, XIII b 3, XIV a 1, &c.; #Skot#, sg. XIV a 33. [OE. Scottas.]

#Scoumfited#, pp. defeated, XIV c 60. [ME. (di)scomfite(n), formed on OFr. desconfit, pp.]

#Scowtes#, n. pl. jutting rocks, V 99. [ON. skúti.]

#Scrippe#, n. pilgrim's wallet (for food), VIII a 63. [OFr. escreppe; ON. skreppa.]

#Se#. See See.

#Se(n)#, #See(n)#, #Seo# (XV b), v. to see, perceive, I 149, II 11, 462, VIII b 93, IX 225, XV b 17, &c.; #Seþ#, 3 sg. II 251, 321. #Sagh#, pa. t. sg. I 175; #Say#, I 174; #Saugh#, IX 169; #Saw#, X 161, &c.; #Seȝ(e)#, V 96, 102, &c.; #Seigh#, VIII a 231; #Seiȝe#, II 147, &c.; #Seih#, XV a 6; #Siȝe# (riming heiȝe), II 355; #Sih#, #Syh#, XII a 139, 146, &c.; #Saugh#, pl. IX 226; #Saw(e)#, I 221, X 13; #See#, VII 57; #Segh#, VII 22; #Seiȝe#, II 592. #Iseȝe#, #-seye#, #-seiȝe#, pp. XIV c 8, 16, 88, &c.; #Yseye#, XIII a 16, 18; #Seȝe#, #Seyȝe#, XIV c 24, 32, &c.; #Seun#, in wolden be seun, would like to appear, XI a 51; #Seen(e)#, #Sene#, (properly adj.; see Ysene), seen, visible, plain, IV a 33, VII 182, IX 102, XII a 196, XIV a 3, b 79, XVI 67, &c. [OE. sēon; se(a)h, sæh; sāwon, sēgon; (ge)-sewen, segen; ge-sēne, adj. (late pp.).]

#Seasonable#, adj. opportune, favourable, VII 128. [OFr. seisonable.] See Sesoun.

#Seche#, v. to seek, V 101, IX 108, &c.; to visit, II 432; to try, XII b 177; intr. to go (to), see the pp.; for to seche, absent, lacking, XII a 37; #Sekeþ#, imper. pl. XIV d 15; #Soght#, pa. t. IV a 39; #Soȝt#, #Soght#, pp. VII 54, XIV b 50, XVII 157; so watȝ ... her answar soȝt, such was the answer they found (to give), VI 158; were soght to, had got to, VII 168. [OE. sēcan, sō̆hte.]

#Secound#, #Secunde#, adj. second, XI a 54, XIII a 9, b 32. [OFr. secund.]

#Secte#, n. sect, IX 289. [OFr. secte.]

#Securly#. See Sikerlich.

#Sed#, n. seed, XII a 81. [OE. sǣd, sēd.]

#Sedgeyng#, n. telling, narrating (as a 'Segger', q.v.), Introduction xxxiii.

#See#, n. sea, IX 9, XII a 25, XIV c 34, &c.; #Se#, VII 125, X 11, XIII a 28, &c.; #Sea#, VII 143, &c.; beȝo(u)nde þe see, in foreign lands, I 252, IX 76, 128, 271; bi see and bi sand, on se and bi side, on sea and land, everywhere, XVII 75, 542. [OE. sǣ.]

#Seede#, XVI 48. A pa. t. is perh. concealed by corruption: ? seeded, was born (from Sed; cf. my moder of whom I dede sede, Cov. Myst. 393); ? deede, died (from Deye, q.v.).

#Seek#; #See(n)#; #Seere#. See Sike; Se(n); Ser(e).

#Sege#, n. siege, X 1, XIV b heading. [OFr. s(i)ege.]

#Segge#, n. man, V 339. [OE. secg.]

#Seggers#, n. pl. (professional) story-tellers, I introd. [From ME. segge(n) to tell (see Seie); cf. OE. secgend, and Disour.]

#Segh#, #Seȝ(e)#. See Se(n).

#Sei(e)#, #Seye(n)#, #Sein#, #Seyn(e)#, &c. v. to say, tell, mention, I 254, VIII a 123, 279, IX 76, 134, XI a 34, b 8, XII a 27, XIV c 9, &c.; herd seye, heard men relate, IX 221; #Say(n)#, #Sai(e)#, IV a 74, VII 182, XIV b heading, XVI 169, XVII 382, &c.; #Zigge#, in yhyerde zigge of, heard it said by, III 49. #Seist#, 2 sg. pres. VIII a 226; #Sais#, #Says#, VI 49, XVI 60, &c.; #Seyt#, 3 sg. II 556; #Seiþ#, &c., I 97, VIII a 246, &c.; #Saytȝ#, VI 97, 141; #Zayþ#, III 48; #Sais#, pl. XVI 108; #Seith#, imper. pl. XIV d 13. #Seyd(e)#, #Sayd(e)#, &c., pa. t. I 78, II 188, &c.; #Zayde#, #Zede#, III 12, 28; #Seyd#, #Saide#, pp. I 108, IX 297 (aforesaid), &c.; þat is sone saide, that is easily said, easier said than done, XVI 205. [OE. secgan (segþ); sægde, sǣde.] See Aboueseyd, Forseyde.

#Seigh#, #Seiȝe#, #Seih#, &c. See Se(n).

#Seiynge#, n. saying, assertion, XI b 12, 222. [From Sei(e).]

#Seile#, #Saile#, #Sayle#, v. to sail, VII 128, XII a 31, XIV c 33. [OE. segl(i)an.] See Sayll.

#Seyll#; #Seymland#. See Sele; Sembland.

#Seynt(e)#, #Saint#, #Saynt(e)#, adj. holy, I 246, XV d 5; Saint, I 34, III introd., 3, VIII a 3, XIV d 1, &c.; n. saint, XI b 87, 95, &c.; #Sant#, XVII 555; #Sauynt#, III introd.; #Sent#, XV i 7, 11. [OFr. saint.]

#Seyntewarie#, n. sanctuary, VIII b 83. [OFr. saintuaire.]

#Seyr#, see Ser(e); #Seist#, #Seyt#, #Seiþ#, &c., see Sei(e); #Seke#, see Sike; #Sekeþ#, see Seche.

#Selde(n)#, adv. seldom, VI 20, XIV c 8, 40, &c. [OE. seldan.]

#Sele#, #Seyll# (XVII), n. happiness, prosperity, V 341, 354 (see note), XVII 301. [OE. sǣl.]

#Self(e)#, #Selue#, #Seluen#, #Zelue# (III), adj. same, very, II 341, V 79; þe burne seluen, Troy selfe, the knight himself, Troy itself, V 309, VII 63; quasi-sb. self, person, V 88, 233; þe ilke zelue þet, the very one who, III 27 (see note); see the personal prons. [OE. self(a).]

#Selle#, n. prison-cell, XVI 342. [OFr. celle.]

#Selle(n)#, #Sell#, v. to sell, IV a 46, VIII a 264, IX 113, &c.; #Sulle#, XV g 19, 20, 22; #Solde#, pa. t. XVI 147; #Sold#, #Isold#, pp. in boght and sold, iboust ant isold, XII b 153, XV g 26; to selle, for sale, VIII a 301. [OE. sellan (late WS. syllan).]

#Selly#, adj. strange, curious, V 102. [OE. sel(d)-lic.]

#Seluer#. See Siluer.

#Sembland#, #Seymland#, n. looks, countenance, XIV b 79, XVII 211. [OFr. semblant.]

#Seme(n)#, v. to beseem, suit, XV b 33; to seem fitting, XI a 6; to seem, appear, IV b 50, VIII b 27, 94, XI b 288, &c. [ON. sóma (sœ́mdi, pa. t. subj.); cf. next.]

#Semly#, adj. seemly, fair, II 411, XIV b 28, XV b 26; #Semlokest#, superl. XV c 6. [ON. sœ́m-r + OE. -lic, -lucost; cf. ON. sœ́mligr.]

#Sen#. See Siþen, Se(n).

#Sendal#, n. a kind of thin rich silk, VIII a 11. [OFr. cendal.]

#Sende#, v. to send, I 51, VIII a 132, &c.; #Sende#, pa. t. V 294; #Sent# (after), sent (for), II 424; sent word, VIII a 321; #Zente#, III 23, 37; #Send(e)#, #Sent#, pp. I 92, XVI 56, 398, XVII 254, &c.; #Yzent#, III 14, 30. [OE. séndan.]

#Sent#. See Seynt(e).

#Sentence#, #-ense#, n. (considered) opinion, authoritative pronouncement, XI b 264; passages from (authoritative) writings, XI a 27; (subject) matter, XI a 30; meaning, sense (opp. to words), XI b 134, 143, 174; in þis sentense, as follows, XI a 55. [OFr. sentence.]

#Septentrion#, n. North, IX 31. [OFr. septentrion.]

#Serche#, v. to search; to inquire (of), VII 24; #Cerched#, pp. explored, IX 310. [OFr. cerchier.] See Encerche.

#Ser(e)#, #Seere#, #Seyr# (XVII), adj. special, XVI 41, 387, 398; various, different, manifold, IV b 42, 60, X 44, 152, XVI 122, 294; into seyr countré, abroad, XVII 487; fele sere, many and various (women), V 349. [ON. sér, dat. sg., for (by) itself; separately.]

#Serely#, adv. individually, differently, IV b 60. [ON. sér-liga, apart.]

#Sergont#, #Ser<g>ant#, n. servitor, III 11; man-at-arms, XIV b 28. [OFr. serjant.]

#Serymonyes#, n. pl. ceremonies, XI b 202. [OFr. cerimonie.]

#Serpent(e)#, n. serpent, IX 203, XII b 72, 126. [OFr. serpent.]

#Seruaunt(e)#, #-ant#, n. servant, V 71, XI b 170, XVI 65, XVII 65, &c.; #Seruand#, XVII 110; #Seruauntz#, pl. VIII a 252. [OFr. servant.]

#Serue(n)#, v.^1 to serve, be servant to, do one's duty to, VIII b 65, 70, XI b 178, XII a 189; deal with, treat, XVI 206; (without obj.) to serve mass, VIII b 12. [OFr. servir.]

#Serue(n)#, v.^2 to deserve, VI 193 (or 'served', from prec.); #Yserued#, pp. VIII a 81. [Shortened from Deseruen, q.v.]

#Seruyce#, #-ys(e)#, #Servise#, n. service, IV b 37, XI b 181, XII b 122; church-service, I 81, XI b 174. [Late OE. serfise from OFr. servise.]

#Sese#, v. to seize, V 339; sesed in, seised in, put in legal possession of, VI 57. [OFr. seisir.]

#Sesoun#, n. season, time, V 17. [OFr. se(i)son.]

#Sesse#. See Cesse.

#Sete#, n. seat, throne, XIV c 86. [ON. sǽti.]

#Sete(n)#; #Seþ#; #Seþen#, #Seþþe(n)#, &c. See Sitte(n); Se(n); Siþen.

#Sett(e)#, #Set#, v. to set; #Yset#, pp. XIII a 12. To seat, VIII a 48; set in sete, enthroned, XIV c 86; refl. to sit, I 200, II 69, XVII 340; to set, put, place, IV b 23, V 162, X 48, 62, XVI 140, 387, &c.; to set up, erect, I 91, 180; fix (time), XII a 35; to cause to be, make, XVI 204, 205; to value, XII b 149; set(te) at, set, value at (the rate of), VIII a 162, b 101, XVII 364. Sette aboute, occupied with, XI b 115; sett a crie on, appealed to, II 511 (see Crien, v.); set his entent (apon), determined (on), X 184; settes (1 sg.) my ioy ... when, account it happiness when, IV a 30; settis no store bi, has no regard for, XVII 92; set till, trained on, X 81; set vp, to open, X 185. [OE. settan.]

#Settel#, n. throne, IV a 9. [OE. setl.]

#Seuen(e)#, adj. seven, IV b 53, XVII 13, &c.; See Psalme, Starne. [OE. seofon.]

#Seuenyst# (#Seuenistes#, &c.), n. seven nights, a sennight, week, XV e 3, 6. [OE. seofon niht (pl.); see Appendix, p. 278.]

#Seuered#, pa. t. intr. severed, was cut (or trans. with omitted he), V 244. [OFr. sev(e)rer.]

#Seun#, #Sewingly#. See Se(n); Sue(n).

#Sex#, #Six#, adj. six, IX 106 (see Squared), XVI 39, XVII 57, &c.; #Sexti#, sixty, II 90, 304. [OE. sex, sextig.]

#Sh-#. See Sch- (except as below).

#Shaltow#; #Shep#; #Sheld#. See Schal; Scheep; Schylde.

#Sheues#, n. pl. sheaves, VIII a 135, b 14. [OE. scēaf.]

#Shlepe#. See Slep(e), n.

#Shon(e)#, n. pl. shoes, VIII b 18, XVII 353 (see Cloute). [OE. sc(e)ō, late gen. pl. sceōna.]

#Shotton#; #Showr#. See Schote; Schour.

#Shrewe#, n. a bad man, evil-doer, VII 183, VIII a 153. [OE. scrēawa, shrew-mouse; see N.E.D.]

#Sybbe#, adj. related, akin, IV b 22. [OE. sibb.]

#Sic#; #Sich(e)#; #Sicht#. See Swilke; Swiche; Sight.

#Side#, #Syde# (#Siddis#, pl.), n. side, II 156, V 112, IX 69, XVII 542 (shore; see See), &c.; bi (at) ... side, (orig. with intervening gen.) beside, II 66, V 76, 93; on the see syde, in the direction of the sea, IX 177; in (on) no syde, in no direction, V 102, IX 164, 192; in on syde, in one respect, XIII b 35; on alle siddis, in all respects, XI b 238; quasi-adj. lying on either side, XIII b 55. [OE. sīde.]

#Sygh(e)#, v. to sigh, IV a 69, 85; trans. to lament, regret, IV a 59. [Alteration of OE. sīcan, ME. siken, aided by ME. pa. t. sihte.]

#Sight#, #Siȝt#, #Syght(e)#, #Syȝt#, #Sicht# (X), n. sight, view, II 334, IV b 50, X 192, XV i 16, XVII 555, &c.; at a syght, at one view, XVII 469; be sight, by sight, XVI 229; to sight, to look upon, XVI 90; with sight, by looking (reading), VII 24. [OE. gesihþ, -siht.]

#Signe#, #Syngne# (V), n. sign, token, evidence, V 96, XI a 3, XVI 19, 41, &c. [OFr. signe.]

#Siȝe#. See Se(n).

#Sih#, #Syh#. See Se(n).

#Sike#, adj. sick, ailing, morbid, XI b 242; #Seek#, XV a 2; #Seke#, XVII 61. [OE. sēoc, sēc.]

#Sykel#, n. sickle, VIII b 23. [OE. sicol.]

#Sikenesse#, #Syke-#, n. sickness, disease, VIII a 122, 254. [OE. sē(o)c-nes.]

#Siker#, #Syker#, adj. safe, sure, secure, II 35, VIII b 40, XI a 238, XIV c 49, 55. [OE. sicor.]

#Sikerlich#, #Securly#, adv. certainly, II 571, XVII 38, 372. [From prec.]

#Sikernesse#, n. security, XII b 40. [As prec.]

#Silke#, n. silk, VIII a 11. [OE. seolc; silcen, adj.]

#Siluer#, #Syluer#, #Seluer#, #Zeluer# (III), n. silver, money, II 150, III 5, VIII a 186, b 76, XV g 4, &c. [OE. seolfor, silfor, &c.]

#Symented#, pp. cemented, IX 233. [OFr. cimenter.]

#Symonye#, n. simony, XI b 98. [OFr. simonie.]

#Symple#, #Simple#, adj. simple, ignorant, XII b 95, XVII 173. [OFr. simple.]

#Syn(e)#. See Synn(e), Siþen.

#Synder#, adv. in in synder, asunder, XIV c 31. [OE. synder-; see Sonder.]

#Syndry#, adj. sundry, various, X 3, 9, 152. [OE. syndrig.] See Sondri.

#Synful#, #Synffull#, adj. sinful, XI b 105, 133, &c.; synffull care, the woe due to sin, XVI 292. [OE. synn-ful.]

#Synge(n)#, #Sing(g)e#, v. to sing, I 14, 56, II 68, VIII b 72, XV a 7, b 6, &c.; #Sinkestou#, singest thou, XV a 17. #Songen#, pa. t. pl. VIII a 109; #Sung(g)e#, I 57, 66, 168; #Songen#, pp. XI b 133, 135, 143; #Syngynge#, n. I 5. [OE. síngan.]

#Synglerty#, n. uniqueness, VI 69. [OFr. senglierté.]

#Syngne#. See Signe.

#Singuler#, adj. individual; unusual, irregular, XI b 101; #Singulerly#, adv. uniquely, solely, XI a 52. [OFr. singuler.]

#Synke#, v. to sink, XVI 348; #Sonkyn#, pp. having sunk, VII 161. [OE. sincan.]

#Sinkestou#. See Synge(n).

#Synn(e)#, #Syn(e)#, #Zen# (III), n. sin, III introd., IV a 7, b 16, 76, VI 250, IX 324, &c.; #Syn#, gen. sg. (before sake), XVII 88. [OE. synn (Kt. senn).]

#Synn(e)#, #Syn#, v. to sin, XI b 28, 144, XVII 37, 49. [From prec.]

#Synnelees#, adj. without sinning, VIII a 226. [OE. synn-lēas.]

#Sir(e)#, #Syr(e)#, #Schir# (X), n. lord, master, XIV b 69, XVI 117; sire, father, XVI 254; oure syre, the master of our house, XVII 396; (as polite form of address) sir, II 131, 431, XIV c 105, XVII 294, &c.; sir swete, my good sir, V 169; (pref. to names and titles) Sir; e.g. of knights, V 50, X 36, &c.; but used also of kings, II 24, XIV a 9, b 32, &c.; ecclesiastics, I 201, XI b 176; and generally, II 512, VIII a 262, b 55, XVI 169. [OFr. sire.]

#Syster#; #Sité#. See Suster; Cité.

#Sythe#, #Syþe#, n. scythe, V 134, VIII b 23. [OE. sigþe.]

#Sithes#, n. pl. times, IX 244. [OE. sīþ.] See Oftesithes.

#Sitte(n)#, #Sytt#, #Sit#, v. to sit, sit at table, V 42, VIII a 262, XV g 25, XVII 247, &c.; I sit not dry, it isn't dry where I sit, XVII 370; to dwell, remain, IV a 64, XVI 272, 342; #Sitt#, 3 sg. pres. (OE. sitt), II 443; #Saat#, pa. t. sg. XI b 57; #Sat#, II 42, 519, &c.; #Sete#, II 413, 580; #Sete(n)#, pl. II 276, 395, VIII a 109, XV g 24, &c.; #Sete#, pp. seated, II 520; #Sittynge#, n. XI b 58. [OE. sittan.]

#Sitthenes#, adv. afterwards, VIII a 65. [OE. siþþan + adv. -es.] See Siþen.

#Siþen#, #Sythen#, &c. adv. after that, afterwards, next, then, since, IV a 59, 85, V 153, VII 66, &c.; #Seþþe(n)#, I 248, II 162, 587, &c.; #Seþthe#, XIII b 27; #Syne#, X 22, 35, &c.; ay syne, ever since, XVI 223; or syne, ere long, XVII 228. [OE. siþþa(n), seoþþan; ON. síðan.]

#Siþen#, #Syþen#, conj. after, when, since, seeing that, V 26, 326, XI a 35, &c.; #Sytthen#, VIII b 41; #Sith#, #Siþ#, VIII b 74, XI b 8, &c.; sith þat, IX 176; #Seþ(þ)en#, I 116, II 121, 469; seþþen þat, II 425; #Suþthe#, XIII b 19; #Syn#, VI 159, VII 29, &c.; syn þat, V 252; #Sen#, XVI 169, 254, &c. [As prec.]

#Sk-#. See also Sc-.

#Skayned# (of), pp. grazed (by), V 99 (see note). [ON. skeina.]

#Skant#, n. little, XVII 198. [ON. skam(m)-t, neut. adj.]

#Skelp#, n. a smack, XVII 323. [Unknown.]

#Skewe#, #Skwe# (V), n. cloud, V 99, VII 132, 136. [ON. ský, earlier *skiwj-.]

#Skyfte#, v. to apportion, arrange, VI 209. [ON. skifta.]

#Skill#, n. discernment, reason; as it is skill, as is reasonable, XVII 334. [ON. skil.]

#Skipte#, pa. t. leapt, XII b 61. [Obscure.]

#Skyre#, adj. bright, VII 136. [ON. skír-r.] See Scere, Schyre.

#Skirmyt#, pa. t. skirmished; darted to and fro, VII 136. [OFr. eskirmir.]

#Sklayre#, n. veil, VIII a 7. [MLG. sleier.]

#Skryke#, v. to shriek, XVII 232. [? OE. *scrīc(i)an; cf. ON. skrǽkja.]

#Skunnyrrit#, pa. t. shrank, were dismayed, X 59. [Obscure; ? cf. Schunt, and OE. scunian.]

#Skweȝ#. See Skewe.

#Slade#, n. valley, V 79. [OE. slæd.]

#Slayn#. See Slo.

#Slake#, v. to slacken, die down, XIII a 4. [OE. slacian.]

#Slang#, pa. t. pl. flung, X 53; #Slongyn#, pp. VII 165. [ON. slyngva.]

#Sle#, adj. cunning, X 15; working in secret, IV a 10 (see note). [ON. slœ́g-r.] See Slyght.

#Slep(e)#, #Sleep#, #Shlepe#, n. sleep, XI b 219, XII a 81, 88, XV g 14, &c.; (personified) XII a 47, 89, &c.; on slepe, asleep, II 72; slydyn vppon shlepe, fallen into oblivion, or fallen asleep, dead, VII 6. [OE. slēp, slǣp.]

#Slepe(n)#, v. to sleep, II 407, 456, XII a 141, XV a 3, &c.; refl. in slep þou þe, go to sleep, XV g 13; go slepe, go to sleep, VIII a 296; #Slepe#, pa. t. II 75, 134, 402; #Slepte#, I 159, 243. [OE. slēpan, slǣpan, str. and wk.]

#Slepi#, adj. sleepy, drowsy, XII a 91, 104, 109. [OE. in un-slēpig.]

#Sleuthe#, #Sloth#, n. sloth, VIII a 137, XVII 53. [OE. slǣwþ.] See Slowe.

#Slewe#. See Slo.

#Slydyn#, pp. slipped; fallen, VII 6. [OE. slīdan.]

#Slyght#, n. skill, XVII 137. [ON. slœ́gð.] See Sle.

#Slike#, #Slyke#, adj. such, XIV b 35; none slyke, (that) no one (is) like her, XVII 233. [ON. slik-r.] See Swilke.

#Slip#, v.; slip this spyndill, strip, spin off all that is on this spindle, XVII 364. [Cf. MLG. slippen; ON. sleppa.]

#Sliper#, adj. slippery, untrustworthy, XIV c 5. [OE. slipor.]

#Slyttyng#, adj. harsh, piercing, XIII b 59. [OE. slītan, ? slittan.]

#Slo#, v. to slay, II 332; #Slewe#, pa. t. XVI 306; #Slogh#, XIV a 3; #Slouȝ#, II 313, XIV c 45; #Slayn#, pp. XVII 307, 546. [OE. slēan]; ON. slá.]

#Slober#, n. slime, ooze, VII 165. [Cf. ME. slobere(n), v., and similar forms in Du., Fris.]

#Sloken#, v. to extinguish, IV a 6. [ON. slokna, intr.]

#Slombrende#, pres. p. slumbering, drowsy, XII a 106. [OE. *slūmerian; cf. slūma.]

#Slomeryng#, n. slumber, sleep, VII 6. [As prec.]

#Slongyn#. See Slang.

#Slowe#, #Slouȝ#, adj. sluggish, slothful, XI b 219; dull (unfeeling or spiritless), XIV c 103. [OE. slāw.]

#Sluche#, n. sludge, ooze, VII 165. [Obscure.]

#Smal(e)#, adj. small, slender, fine, II 109, IX 46, XI b 138, XIII a 30, &c.; adv. fine, in small pieces, II 538, XI b 177, XIV d 9, &c. [OE. smæl; smale, adv.]

#Smateryd#, pp. be-grimed, XV h 1. [Cf. ME. smoter-lich, bi-smoteren.]

#Smekyd#, (pp.) adj. smoky, smoke-blackened, XV h 1. [OE. smē(o)can.]

#Smertly#, adv. suddenly, swiftly, X 83, 91, 168. [ME. smert, sharp; cf. OE. smeart.]

#Smeþes#, n. pl. smiths, XV h 1. [OE. smiþ.]

#Smyle#, v. to smile, XVII 215. [? OE. *smīlian, rel. to MHG. smielen, Sw. smila, &c.]

#Smyte#, #Smytte#, v. to smite, V 192, XVII 215, 218, 220; to rebuke, IV b 76; #Smytte#, pp. XVI 338. [OE. smītan, smear.]

#Smoþe#, adj. smooth, level, II 353. [OE. smōþ.]

#Snaw(e)#, #Snogh# (I), #Snowe#, snow, I 162, V 20, 166, 247, XVI 89; snowe-white, II 145. [OE. snāw; snāw-hwīt.]

#Snewe#, v. to snow, II 247. [OE. snīwan, *snēowan.]

#Snyrt#, pa. t. touched, grazed, V 244. [Cf. ON. snerta, str.]

#So#, #Soo# (XVI), #Sa# (IV, X), adv. (i) Demonstr. so, thus, in this (that) way, I 90, 150, IV a 20, XVI 206, &c.; (in adjurations, &c.; cf. As) so, II 532, VI 127, &c.; in like manner, the same, V 213, XV b 22 (or as, rel.), XVI 373, XVII 391, &c.; so, to such a degree, &c., II 39, IX 11, 202, XVI 99, XVII 357; (intensifying adjs. and advs.) I 28, VI 20, X 133, &c.; (before adjs. without a) such (a), II 148, 426, IX 159, X 47, &c.; neuer sa, (n)ever so, IV a 75; (giving indef. sense to relatives, q.v.) so ever, II 340, IV a 71, VI 206, &c.; so ... till þat, so that, until, IX 223, 229, 231; so as, (in so far) as, XII a 126, 174, 177, &c.; so þat, so long as, provided, XI b 223. (ii) Relative as, II 112, VIII a 215, XV b 33, c 30, g 14; as ... so, as ... as, II 352; so may be, may be, VIII b 34; by so, provided that, VIII b 40. [OE. swā.] See As(e), Swa.

#Sobre#, adj. earnest, serious, VI 31, 172. [OFr. sobre.] See Vnsober.

#Socour(e)#, n. succour, help, XII b 17, XVII 157, 254. [OFr. sucurs, infl. by related verb; see Succur.]

#Sod#, n. sod, clod, XVII 58. [MLG., MDu. sode.]

#Sodeinli#, #Sodonly#. See Soudein.

#Soferan#, n. sovereign lord, XVII 92; #Souereynes#, superiors, VIII a 74. [OFr. soverain.]

#Softe#, adj. soft, tender, gentle, VII 130, XII a 181; adv. softly, gently, XII a 93, b 89; #Softly#, adv. II 300. [OE. sōfte, adj. and adv.]

#Sogat#, adv. in this way, XIV b 96. [So + Gate, n.^2] See Þusgate.

#Soght#, #Soȝt#; #Soyne#. See Seche; Sone, adv.

#Soio(u)rne#, v. to dwell, II 47, XVI 221; stay, V 341. [OFr. sojourner.]

#Solace#, #Solas#, n. consolation, solace, IX 316, XVI 28, 41, 46; enjoyment, VII 22, IX 276; solace make, amuse themselves, I introd.; joy, XVI 387, 398, 407. [OFr. solas.]

#Solas#, v. to delight, II 383. [OFr. solacier.]

#Sole#, n. (level) place, XVII 391. [OFr. sole.]

#Solempne#, adj. awe-inspiring, XVI 355. [OFr. solem(p)ne.]

#Solitarie#, adj. solitary, *XI b 36 (MS. solarie). [L. sōlitārius.]

#Solowe#, v. to be soiled, sullied, I 165, 237. [OE. *solgian, cf. solian.]

#Som(e)#, #Somme#, #Sum(me)#, #Zome# (III), adj. some, (a) certain, V 51, VI 68, VII 33, IX 119, XVI 19, XVII 157, &c.; pron. sg. one, I 135; some, (a) part, II 516, XI a 56, &c.; pl. some, II 5, III 2, VI 148, VIII a 9, &c.; #Sum time#, #Som tyme#, &c., adv. once (upon a time), II 31, XIII b 5, XIV c 17, 43, d 1; sometimes, VIII b 49, IX 47, 240, XIV a 32. [OE. sum.]

#Somdel(l)#, adv. somewhat, IX 13, XIII b 27. [OE. sume dǣle.]

#Somer#, n. summer, II 257, 352; #Somour games#, summer-games, I 1. [OE. sumor.]

#Somyn#. See Sam(e), adv.

#Somwhat#, adv. somewhat, a little, VIII a 257, XIII b 6. [OE. sum + hwæt indef.]

#Son#. See Sonne.

#Son(e)#, adv. at once, straightway, I 69, II 71, XIV b 7, XV a 16, XVII 353, &c.; soon, II 153, XVI 205 (see Seie), &c.; #Soyn(e)#, X 70, XVII 21, 28, 189; #Sunner#, compar. I 10; conj. as soon as, XV a 11 (cf. sone so, XV g 14). [OE. sōna.] See Eftsone(ȝ).

#Sonder#, #Sundyr#, #Swndir#, adv. in in sonder, &c., asunder, X 106, XVII 407 (cf. ON. í sundr); #Sundyrlepys#, adv. separately, (corruptly) in wyth s. l., I 234 (see Lepys, and note). [OE. sundor, on-sundran, sundorlēpes.] See Asunder, Synder.

#Sondre#, #Sundir#, v. to disperse, VII 143; intr. to separate, XVI 240. [OE. (ā-)sundrian.]

#Sondri#, adj. (with sg.) sundry, XII introd., b 185. [OE. syndrig under influence of sundor.] See Syndry.

#Sone#, n. son, I 46, VIII a 74, b 76, &c.; #Sonne#, XVI 241, XVII 141; #Sun#, XIV b 70, 92. [OE. sunu.]

#Song(e)#, #Songge#, #Sang# (IV), n. song, singing, I 66, 168, IV a 24, VII 104, XI b 1, 112, &c. [OE. sáng, sóng.]

#Songen#; #Sonkyn#. See Synge(n); Synke.

#Sonne#, n. sun, sunlight, II 152, VI 170, XII a 66, &c.; #Son#, XVII 6, 354, 453; #Sunne#, V 17, VI 159, &c.; #Sun#, VII 101, &c. [OE. sunne.]

#Sonne(s)#; #Soo#; #Soon#. See Sone; So; Soun.

#Sopers#, n. pl. soap-dealers, VIII b 76. [From OE. sāpe, soap.]

#Sopertyme#, n. supper-time, VIII a 260. [OFr. so(u)per + OE. tīma.]

#Sore#, #Sare#, adj. sore; in pain, XVI 204, 205; grievous, V 48, X 51; n. wound, V 278 (see Rof, and note); pain, grief, II 263, 560, XV c 33; adv. sore(ly), bitterly, exceedingly, I 88, IV a 59, VI 190, X 141, XIV b 60, &c. [OE. sār, n. and adj.; sāre, adv.]

#Sori#, #Sory#, adj. woeful, wretched, I 123, II 458 (note), XVII 61, 211, 264. [OE. sārig.]

#Sorȝe#, n. sorrow, pain, V 315, 347; #Sorow(e)#, #Sorwe#, I 210, IV a 66, IX 84, XV h 21, &c. [OE. sorg.]

#Sorowand# (of), pres. p. sorrowing (for), IV b 80. [OE. sorgian.]

#Sort#, n. company, VII 168; kind, XII a 173. [OFr. sorte.]

#Soster#. See Suster.

#Soth(e)#, #Soþ(e)#, #Suth# (XIV b), adj. true, VI 122, VII 11, XI a 51, b 58, &c.; n. (the) truth, VII 36, VIII a 124, IX 247, XIV b 58, &c.; in soth to me, IX 100 (see note); the soth for to knaw, to tell the truth, XVII 246; for soþe, &c., (OE. for sōþ) for a fact, with certainty, IV a 74, V 26, 291, VIII b 3; indeed, certainly, II 12, V 234, 339, VIII b 90, &c.; adv. actually, certainly, I 24, V 42. [OE. sōþ, adj. and n.; sōþe, adv.] See Suthfast.

#Sothful#, adj. truthful, VI 138. [OE. sōþ + full.]

#Sothlé#, #Sothly#, adv. truly, V 294, XVII 496. [OE. sōþlīce.]

#Soudein#, adj. sudden, XII b 6; #Sodeinli#, #Sodonly#, #Suddan(d)ly#, adv. suddenly, VII 130, X 179, 184, XII b 61. [OFr. soudain.]

#Souereynes#; #Soule#. See Soferan; Saul(e).

#Soun#, #Soon# (XIII), n. sound, II 272, 436, XII a 119; voice, VI 172; pronunciation, XIII b 44, 46. [OFr. soun; OE. sōn.]

#Sounde#, adj. unharmed, safe, II 592; #Soundly#, adv. without mishap, VII 128. [OE. gesúnd, gesúnd-līce.]

#Sounyng#, n. pronunciation, XIII b 52. [From ME. soune(n), OFr. souner.]

#Soupe#, v. to sup, VIII a 211. [OFr. souper.]

#Souþ#, #Southe#, n. and adj. south, IX 8, XIII b 53, 64, XVII 477. [OE. sūþ, adv.]

#Souþeron#, adj. southern, XIII b 10, 56, 60. [OE. sūþerne.]

#Sow#, n. a sow; a movable structure with a strong roof, X 5 (note), 29, 109, &c. [OE. sugu; cf. Med.L. sūs, scrōfa, in this sense.]

#Sowe#, v.^1 to sew, VIII a 9, 11. [OE. sēow(i)an.]

#Sowe(n)#, v.^2 to sow, VIII a 26, 65, 67; #Sowen#, pp. VIII a 5. [OE. sāwan.]

#Sownd#, v. to sound (for depth), XVII 438. [OFr. sonder; cf. OE. súnd-līne.]

#Spac#, adj. quick; adv. in also spac, straightway, II 343 (see Also). [Cf. ME. sprac-liche, mod. dial. sprack (? rel. to ON. spark-r, sprǽk-r); but see N.E.D.]

#Space#, n. space; place, XVI 110; space of time, while, XVII 337; in þat (this) space, then (now), VI 78, XVII 552. [OFr. (e)space.]

#Spak(e)#; #Spar#, v. See Speke(n); Spere.

#Spar#, n. piece of timber, XVII 130. [MLG., MDu. spar(re), OFr. esparre.]

#Spare#, v. to abstain from; trans. to spare, XVII 379; intr. to hesitate to, XIV b 13; to desist, stop, XIV b 23; #Spard#, pa. t. in no sp. noiþer stub no ston (cf. sparede he neyþer tos ne heles, Havelok 898), stopped for nothing, went as fast as he could, II 346. [OE. sparian.]

#Sparke#, n. spark, XII a 69. [OE. spearca.]

#Spec#. See Speke(n).

#Speche#, n. speech, talk(ing), language, what is said, VI 40, VII 34, XII b 212, XIII b 4, &c. [OE. sp(r)ǣc.]

#Special(l)#, adj. special, IX 296, XVI 110; in special, especially, particularly, in detail, XII a 110, 135, &c.; #Specialych#, #Specyaly#, #Special(l)y#, especially, particularly, I 13, V 25, XI a 37, XIII b 58. [OFr. (e)special.]

#Spede#, n. prosperity; (cause of) success, asset, XIV c 15. [OE. spēd.]

#Spede#, v. intr. to succeed, prosper, fare, I 110, VIII a 46; #Spedde#, pa. t. XII b 106; all ill mot þou spede, curse you, XVI 139; trans. to speed, make prosperous, V 52, VI 127; to further, V 148; God spede, God speed thee (as greeting), XVII 190. [OE. spēdan.]

#Speke(n)#, v. to speak, talk, tell, say, II 138, V 234, IX 212, XI b 256, XIII b 8, XVII 206 (as fut.) &c.; #Spak(e)#, pa. t. sg. I 225, XII a 100, &c.; als I spake, according to my word, XVI 28; #Spec#, XV g 2, 28, 29; #Speke#, II 324, VI 78; #Spak#, pl. I 200; #Speke#, pp. XII b 99; #Spoke(n)#, I 100, IX 135, &c.; #Spekynge#, n. speaking, conversing, XI b 121, 160. [OE. sp(r)ecan.]

#Spelle#, n. tale, speech, talking, V 116 (see Deme), VI 3, XV h 8; gospel, III 50. [OE. spell.]

#Spelle#, v. to tell, declare, V 72, XV h 8. [OE. spellian.]

#Spend(e)#, v. to dispense, XVI 28; to spend, VIII b 28, 73; use (up), XVII 130; lose (life), V 45; spende aboute, spend on, XI b 236; #Spent#, #Yspent#, pp. ended, dead, II 199, 215. [OE. spéndan.]

#Spendere#, n.^1 dispenser, steward, III 22, 24, 28. [Shortened from Desspendoure, q.v.]

#Spendour#, n.^2 spender, spendthrift, VIII b 28. [From Spende.]

#Spenne#, V 248; ? spenne-fote, ? with feet together (a standing jump). [ON. spenna, clasp + OE. fōt.]

#Sper(e)#, n. spear, V 75, X 138, XIV b 13; spere lenþe, spear's length, V 248. [OE. spere.]

#Spere#, #Spar#, v. to bar, shut, XVI 139; out to spar, to keep out, XVII 128; #Sperde#, pp. shut up, XVI 110. [OE. ge-sparrian; MDu. sperren.]

#Sperhauke#, n. sparrowhawk, VIII a 190. [OE. spear-hafoc.] See Haukin.

#Spices#, n. pl. spices, IX 158. [OFr. espice.]

#Spie#, #Spy#, v. to spy; spyde with, detected in, XVII 544; to search, enquire (after), V 25 (cf. Sir Gaw. 901). [OFr. (e)spier.] See Aspien.

#Spyll#, #Spill#, v. to destroy, waste, IV a 32, XIV a 33. [OE. spillan.]

#Spille-tyme#, n. idler, VIII b 28. [Prec. + OE. tīma.]

#Spyndill#, n. spindle, XVII 364. [OE. spinl; OFris., MDu. spindel.]

#Spyn(ne)#, v. to spin, VIII a 13, XVII 238, 359, 361; #Span#, pa. t. sg. XIV introd.; #Spon#, pp. XVII 337. [OE. spinnan.]

#Spyryt#, #Spirit(e)#, n. spirit, IX 85, XI b 39, XIII a 2. [OFr. (e)spirit.]

#Spyttyn#, pres. pl. spit, XV h 8. [OE. spitt(i)an.]

#Spitus#, #Spytus#, adj. ill-tempered, XVII 416; cruel, XVII 455. [Shortened from OFr. despitous.]

#Spoke(n)#; #Spon#. See Speke(n); Spyn(ne).

#Spornande#, pres. p. stumbling, VI 3. [OE. spórnan.]

#Sprai#, #Spray#, n. (leafy) spray, XV a 1, c 2, &c. [? OE. *spræg (cf. spræc).]

#Spraulyn#, pres. pl. sprawl, move in ungainly fashion, XV h 8. [OE. sprēawlian, move convulsively.]

#Sprede(n)#, v. to spread, unfold; intr. II 67, IX 217; #Spradde#, pa. t. (trans.) XII a 176; #Sprad#, pp. outspread, XII a 156. [OE. sprǣdan.]

#Spring(e)#, #Spryng#, #Sprinke#, to spring; sprout, II 67, XV a 1, b 9, c 2, &c.; con spryng, was born, VI 93; #Sprang#, pa. t. sg. rose, broke (of day), VII 167; #Yspronge#, pp. scattered, XIII a 19. [OE. spríngan.]

#Spryng#, n. sunrise, early morning, IV a 94. [From prec. (cf. VII 167); cf. OE. up-spríng.]

#Sprit#, pa. t. sprang, V 248. [? OE. spryttan, to sprout; cf. senses of spríngan.]

#Spurye#, v. to enquire (after), V 25. [OE. spyrian (æfter).]

#Square#, adj. square; of regular geometric shape, IX 55, 105; #Squared#, in six (&c.) squared, with six (&c.) regular facets, IX 106; #Squarenesse#, geometric, crystalline, shape, IX 68. [OFr. esquar(r)e, n.; esquarré, adj.; esquarrer, v.]

#Squier#, n. squire, II 86. [OFr. (e)squier.]

#Sserte#, #Sseweþ#, #Ssolde#. See Schert, Schewe, Schal.

#Stabyl#, v. to make steadfast, IV a 27. [OFr. (e)stablir.]

#Stabylnes#, n. steadfastness, constancy, IV a 42, b 46. [From next.]

#Stable#, adj. steadfast, VI 237, XI b 119. [OFr. (e)stable.]

#Stad#, #Sted(de)#, pp. placed, set; stad, stratly stad, hard sted, hard put to it, sore bested, VII 156, X 145, XVII 199; stad with, furnished with, V 69; see note XVI 40. [ON. steðja, pp. stadd-r.]

#Staf#, n. staff, stick, XII b 55, XVII 381; #Staue# (dat.), V 69. [OE. stæf.]

#Staffing#, n. hitting (with a staff); beating, X 193. [From prec.]

#Stage#, n. stage; degree of advancement, VI 50; the hihe stage, the high places (of the gods), XII a 51. [OFr. (e)stage.]

#Stalke#, v. to stalk, stride, V 162. [OE. in be-stealcian, stealcung.]

#Stall#, n. (distrib. sg.) place, station, XVII 345. [OE. stall.] See Stold.

#Stalward#, #-worþ#, adj. valiant, strong, II 27, IV a 48, X 6; #Stalworthly#, adv. valiantly, XIV b 86. [OE. stælwyrþe.]

#Stande(n)#, #Stant#; #Stane#, &c. See Stonde; Ston(e).

#Stane-still#, adj. perfectly silent, XIV a 32. [OE. stān + stille.] See Still(e), Ston(e).

#Stark#, adj. stiff, XVII 268; stark ded, stiff in death, XII a 156; hard, XV h 14; strong, X 31; #Starkast#, superl. X 105. [OE. stearc.]

#Starne#, #Sterne#, n. star, XVII 8; the seven starnes, the Seven Stars, usually the Pleiades (cf. OE. seofon steorran, seofon-stierre), but here the seven 'planets' (Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Moon, Saturn, Sun, Venus), XVII 423 (cf. 345). [ON. stjarna, earlier *stern-.]

#Start#, #Sterte(n)#, v. to start; flinch, V 218; pa. t. sprang, XII a 143, 152. [OE. styrtan (once), *stertan.]

#State#, n. state, position; in a higher state, at a greater height, XVII 443. [OFr. estat; L. status.] See As(s)tate.

#Statut#, n. decree, ordinance, VIII a 315, XI b 105. [OFr. statut, L. statūtum.]

#Staue#; #Sted#. See Staf; Stad.

#Sted(e)#, #Stedde#, #Steed(e)#, n.^1 place, I 15, IV a 46, V 145, XVI 40 (see note), &c.; in þis (other) stede, here, elsewhere, V 255, XII b 177; town (or distrib. sg. posts), X 117; stead, in in mi stede, in stede of, II 207, VIII a 63; pl. estates, II 161. [OE. stede.] See Stude.

#Stede#, n.^2 steed, II 145. [OE. stēda.]

#Stedfastly#, adv. steadfastly, IV a 90. [OE. stede-fæst, adj.]

#Steem#, n. esteem (of men), Introduction, xxxiii. [OFr. estime.]

#Steke#, v. to fasten, shut, &c.; #Stoken#, pp. shut, XVI 193; stoken vp, hidden away, VII 11; hatȝ stoken me þis steuen, has 'stuck me with' this tryst, imposed it on me, V 126. [OE. in be-stecan; see N.E.D. s.v. Steek.]

#Stele#, n.^1 stem; shaft, handle, V 162. [OE. stela.]

#Stele#, #Steill#, n.^2 steel, X 122; trew as stele, XVII 120. [OE. stēle.]

#Stele#, v. to steal, XIV b 14; #Stole#, pp. II 491. [OE. stelan.]

#Stelyd#, pp. made of steel, XV h 14. [OE. stēled.]

#Stende#, pa. t. subj. should stone, XV g 8. [OE. stǣnan.]

#Stere#, #Steer(e)#, v. to steer, XIV c 26, XVII 175. [OE. stēoran.]

#Stereman#, n. steersman, captain, XVII 427. [OE. stēor-mann.]

#Steren#. See Sturne.

#Stere-tre#, n. tiller, XVII 433. [OE. stēor + trēo.]

#Steryd#, see Stire(n); #Sterne#, see Starne, Sturne; #Sterte(n)#, see Start.

#Steuen#, #Stevyn#, n.^1 voice, V 268, XVII 72. [OE. stefn, fem.]

#Steuen#, n.^2 tryst, appointed meeting, V 126, 145, 170. [OE. stefn, masc., time; ON. stefna, tryst.]

#Steward#, n. steward, master of (king's) household, II 205, 495, &c.; cf. X 36, 171. [OE. (late 11th c.) stī-ward.]

#Stie#, v. to mount, XI b 123. [OE. stīgan.]

#Stif(fe)#, adj. unyielding, dauntless, V 31, 301, XIV c 20. [OE. stīf.]

#Stiȝtel#, #Styȝtel#, v. to control, govern; stiȝtleȝ, is master, V 145; sturn ... to stiȝtel, ill to deal with (or harsh in his rule), V 69; refl. in styȝtel þe vpon, limit yourself to, V 184. [Cf. OE. stihtan.]

#Stik#, v. to thrust through, XIV b 14. [OE. stician.]

#Still#, v. to quieten, XVII 217. [OE. stillan.]

#Still(e)#, #Styll(e)#, #Styl#, adj. still; motionless, I 196, II 117, V 184; quiet, silent, I 265, II 443, 525, XII a 83, XV g 10, 32, &c.; inactive, XI b 37; calm, II 103; holde me stille, hold my peace, IX 279; stylle as þe ston, still as (a) stone, firm as a rock, V 225, XVII 525; perfectly quiet, XVII 406; adv. quietly, XV b 21; without contention, V 317; secretly, II 567; perpetually, ever, IV a 42, XVI 168. See Loud(e). [OE. stille.]

#Stynk#, v. to stink; to thou stynk, until you stink, XVII 381; #Stynkynge#, pres. p. disgusting, XI b 99. [OE. stincan.]

#Stynt#, v. trans. to stop, check, X 65, 105; #Stint#, pp. ceased, II 447. [OE. (ā)-styntan.]

#Stire(n)#, #Stir(e)#, #Styr(e)#, v. trans. and intr. to stir, move, I 197, XVII 366; to toss, VII 141; to rouse, incite, induce, XI b 39, 93, 129, 310, XVII 37, &c.; #Steryd#, pa. t. I 197. [OE. styrian.]

#Stith(e)#, adj. stout, doughty, VII 7; violent, VII 141, 156; quasi-sb. doughty men, VII 21. [OE. stīþ.]

#Stod(e)#; #Stoken#. See Stonde; Steke.

#Stoking#, n. stabbing, X 193. [OFr. estoquer; MLG. stoken.]

#Stok(ke)#, n. stem, tree-trunk, I 121, XIV c 82; block, XIV e 1; anvil, XV h 14; by stok oþer ston, anywhere, VI 20; nouþur stok nor strete (rime-substitute for ston), nothing, XIV c 62; cf. Stub(be). [OE. stocc.]

#Stold#, pp. fixed, XVII 525 (for *Stald; see note). [OE. stallian.]

#Stole#. See Stele, v.

#Ston(e)#, #Stoon#, #Stane# (X), n. stone, rock, precious stone, II 151, IX 88, X 54, 83, XI b 40, XII b 130, XIII a 53, XV g 12, &c.; stone floor, ground, II 197, V 162; trew ... as ston in the wall, XVII 515; for other phr. see Still(e), Stok(ke), Stub(be); cf. Stane-still. [OE. stān.]

#Stony#, adj. of stone, XIII a 5. [OE. stānig.]

#Stonde#, #Stand(e)#, v.; #Stant#, 3 sg. pres. XII a 74, &c.; #Stont#, II 556; #Stod(e)#, pa. t. I 74, II 391, V 301, &c.; #Stood#, XIII a 32; #Stude#, X 196; #Standen#, pp. VI 159. To stand, I 8, V 184, VI 154, &c.; up him stod, stood up, XV g 27, 29 (see He, masc.); to stand firm, endure, remain, IV a 42, X 196, XII a 188, b 221, XIV d 4; to stonde for, stand up for, XI a 66; stonde þe a strok, stand a blow from you, V 218; to stand still, I 64, 169; lete ... stonde, left, VIII a 106; to be, XII a 165, XVII 416; hou that it stod(e), how it had been settled, XII b 202; how matters stood, XII a 150; how so euer it standis, whatever the circumstances, XVII 210; to stonde in, consist of, XI a 55, 60; upon hem stant, is based on, consists of, these, XII a 127. [OE. stándan, stóndan.]

#Store#, n. store, stock, in settis no store bi, has no regard for, XVII 92. [OFr. (e)stor.]

#Storyis#, #Stories#, n. pl. stories, VII 11, 21, X introd. [OFr. (e)storie.]

#Storke#, n. stork, IV b 47; see Strucyo. [OE. storc.]

#Stounde#, n. space of time; in þat stounde, thereupon, II 550. [OE. stúnd.]

#Stoupe#, v. to stoop, VIII b 24. [OE. stūpian.]

#Stour(e)#, n. conflict, battle, VII 7, 28, XIV c 20, XVI 130. [OFr. (e)stour.]

#Stout(e)#, adj. proud, II 293; fierce, II 184, XIV a 13, XVII 304, 347; adv. stoutly, II 360; #Stoutly#, adv. boldly, X 60. [OFr. (e)stout.]

#Strak#; #Straught# (#Strauhte#). See Strok(e); Strecche.

#Strange#, #Straunge#, adj. foreign, outlandish, strange, IX 274, 311, XII a 13, XIII b 14, 40, &c.; #Strangelych#, adv. in a foreign tongue, XIII 62. [OFr. (e)strange.]

#Strangere#, Introduction xv; ? n. stranger, foreigner, as name of (unknown) variety of stanza; ? adj. compar. stranger (metre; i.e. than 'rime couée'). [OFr. estrangier, or estrange.]

#Stratly#, adv. straitly; stratly stad, hard put to it, X 145; ferd ... stratly with, pressed sorely on, X 172. [From Streyte.]

#Strecche#, #Streche#, v. to stretch; intr. extend, IX 30, 180; to direct one's course, go, II 341; #Strauhte#, pa. t. (refl.) in strauhte him to, made for, XII b 93; #Straught#, pp. departed, VII 11; see Streght. [OE. streccan; stræhte, strehte.]

#Streem#, #Strem#, n. stream, XIII a 17, 37, XV b 21. [OE. strēam.]

#Streght#, adj. straight; streght vp, sheer, IX 197. [Pp. of Strecche.]

#Streyt(e)#, adj. narrow, IX 205; adv. closely, IX 229. [OFr. (e)streit.] See Stratly.

#Strenghe#, n. strength, fortitude, IV b 56, 73. [OE. stréngu.]

#Strenght#, #Strengthe#; #Strinth#, #Strynth# (X); n. strength, force, IX 71, 199, X 187, 195, XIII b 65; full strenght, ? in full measure, fully, XVII 261. [OE. strengþ(u).]

#Streny# (hem), v. refl. to exert (themselves), VI 191. [OFr. (e)streindre, (e)streign-.]

#Stret(e)#, n. street, II 509, XIV a 25, c 62 (see Stokke), XV g 5. [OE. strēt, strǣt.]

#Streuyn#. See Stryue.

#Strydeȝ#, 3 sg. pres. strides, V 164. [OE. strīdan.]

#Strye#. See Struye.

#Strif#, #Stryf(fe)#, n. strife, quarrel, VII 28, IX 83, XVII 400; withoute stryf, unresisting, V 255. [OFr. (e)strif.] See Stryue.

#Stryke(n)#, #Strik(e)#, v. trans. to strike, V 31, 237, X 139, XV h 14, XVII 231 (subj.), &c.; intr. to glide, flow, II 252, XV b 21; strykeȝ, shall come (i.e. for his reward), VI 210. [OE. strīcan.]

#Strinth#, #Strynth#. See Strenght.

#Stryþe#, n. stance, firm position of the feet, V 237 (cf. stryþþe, Sir Gaw. 846). [? Cf. OE. stride, stride.]

#Stryue#, #Stryfe#, v. to strive; stryue aȝeines, with, rebel against, disobey, VIII a 315, XVII 107; #Streuyn#, pp. striven, XIV b 86. [OFr. (e)striver.]

#Strok(e)#, #Strak# (X), n. blow, stroke, V 184, 255, X 105, XVII 382, &c. [OE. *strāc, rel. to strīcan, Stryken.]

#Stronde#, n. sea-shore, XII a 134. [OE. stránd.]

#Strong(e)#, adj. strong, valiant, VI 171, VII 7, IX 92, XVI 130, &c.; violent, XIII a 7, 42; severe, IX 204; adv. severely, VI 116 (see Enduir, and note); #Strongly#, adv. vigorously, IX 231. [OE. stráng, stróng; stránge, stránglīce, adv.]

#Strowed#, pp. strewn, XII a 96. [OE. strēowian.]

#Strucyo#, n. ostrich (wrongly explained as 'Storke'), IV b 47. [L. strūthio, ostrich, stork.]

#Struye#, v. to destroy, VIII a 29; #Strye#, V 126. [Shortened from OFr. destrui-re; with vowel of strye cf. Nye, Byled.] See Distroie.

#Strumpatis#, n. pl. harlots, XI b 176. [Obscure.]

#Stub(be)#, n. tree-trunk, stump, V 225; noiþer stub no ston, nothing, II 346 (cf. Stokke). [OE. stybb, stubb.]

#Stude#, n. place, XV g 28. [OE. styde.] See Sted(e).

#Stude#. See Stonde.

#Study#, #Studie#, n. deep thought, V 301; study, XI b 227. [OFr. (e)studie.]

#Studie#, v. to study, XI b 112, 135, &c.; subj. pl. let (many) study, XI a 46; #Studiynge#, &c., n. XI b 230, 293, &c. [OFr. (e)studier.] See Vnstudied.

#Stuf#, v. to furnish, provision, XVII 155; refl. to gorge, glut (oneself), XVII 85. [OFr. estofer, to furnish; ? infl. by estoffer, to choke.]

#Sturdy#, adj. obstinate, X 194; #Sturdely#, adv. resolutely, X 45. [OFr. (e)stourdi.]

#Sturn(e)#, adj. grim, V 31, 68 (see Stiȝtel); #Steren#, XIV a 13; #Sterneliche#, adv. grimly, VIII a 315. [OE. stýrne, *stéorne.]

#Subieccioun# (of), n. subjection (to), IX 218, 219. [OFr. subjection.]

#Substance#, n.: þat God comaundid Himself to þe s. þerof, of which God gave Himself to be the substance, XI b 223. [OFr. substance.]

#Succur#, v. to bring help, X 39. [OFr. succur-re.] See Socour(e).

#Such(e)#; #Suddan(d)ly#. See Swiche; Soudein.

#Sue(n)#, v. to follow, VII 24, XI a 38, b 65, &c.; #Suiende#, pres. p. XII a 122; #Sewyngly#, adv. in seye ȝou s., go on to tell you, IX 134. [OFr. suir, sewir.]

#Suete#. See Swete, adj.

#Suffise# (to), v. to be sufficient (for), IX 270; to be able, capable, XII a 177 (with pleon. mai). [OFr, suffire, suffis-.]

#Suffre#, #Suffer#, v. to endure, suffer, bear, I 34, II 264, IV a 88, IX 7, &c.; permit, let, VIII a 74, 174, XVI 378; #Ysuffred#, pp. II 559. [OFr. suffrir.]

#Suffrance#, n. sufferance (of God), VIII a 138. [OFr. suffrance.]

#Suiende#. See Sue(n).

#Suir#, adj. sure, XIV c 39; #Sure#, adv. securely, well, XVII 282. [OFr. s(e)ur.]

#Suld(e)#; #Sulle#; #Sum(me)#. See Schal; Selle(n); Som(e).

#Summer#, n. (main) beam, X 104. [OFr. som(i)er, sumer.]

#Sumoun#, v. to summon; mad sumoun, made (men) summon (them), VI 179. [OFr. sumuner.]

#Sun#; #Sundir#; #Sung(g)e#; #Sun(ne)#; #Sunner#. See Sone, n.; Sonder; Synge(n); Sonne; Sone, adv.

#Supplantoreȝ#, n. pl. usurpers, VI 80. [OFr. sousplanteor, L. supplantator.]

#Suppos(e)#, v. to imagine, XVII 221; suppos that, even supposing that, X introd. [OFr. supposer.]

#Surfait#, n. surfeit, excess (personified), VIII a 262. [OFr. surfait.]

#Sustenaunce#, n. sustenance, livelihood, XI b 297. [OFr. sustena(u)nce.]

#Suster#, n. sister, I 36; #Soster#, XV g 7, 10; #Syster#, #-yr#, I 112, 126. [OE. s(w)uster, swoster; ON. systir.]

#Sutelté#, n. cunning, skill in invention, X 74. [OFr. s(o)utilté.]

#Suth#; #Suþthe#. See Soth(e); Siþen.

#Suthfast#, adj. true, X introd. [OE. sōþ-fæst.] See Soth(e).

#Suthfastnes#, n. truth, X introd. [OE. sōþfæst-nes.]

#Swa#, #Zuo# (III), adv. demonstr. thus, so, in this way, III 17, 39, IV b 19, 45, X 13; thereupon, III 28; therefore, III 36; in the same way, IV b 49; so mightily, X 144; swa þat, zuo þet, so that, III 18, X 155, 157. [OE. swā.] See So.

#Swage#, v. to become assuaged; to grow less, XIV c 111. [Shortened from OFr. asouagier.]

#Swalprit#, pa. t. floundered, VII 162. [? Only recorded here; cf. Du. zwalpen; G. (dial.) schwalpen.]

#Swange#. See Swynke.

#Swappit#, pa. t. let fly, X 83, 91, 99. [? Altered form of OE. swāpan.]

#Swarte#, adj. black, XV h 1. [OE. sweart.]

#Swat#. See Swete, v.

#Swavnand#, pres. p. swooning, X 56 (v.r. swonande). [Not a possible Scottish form of Swone, q.v. Perh. scribal corruption of swalmand, or swemand; see N.E.D., s.vv. Swalm, Sweam.]

#Swech#. See Swiche.

#Sweng#, n. labour, VI 215. [OE. (ge-)swenc, -swinc, occas. -swing.] See Swynke.

#Swerd#, #Sworde# (V), n. sword, II 295, V 251, XIV b 13, 61, XVII 103. [OE. sweord, swurd, &c.]

#Swere#, v. to swear, take one's oath, V 54, VIII b 59, XII b 165, XVII 227, &c.; #Swor#, pa. t. XII b 200; #Swoir#, X 73; #Swore#, pp. XII b 44. [OE. swerian.] See Forsworn.

#Swete#, adj. sweet, II 414, 442, IV a 73, V 169 (see Sire), XV f 1, &c.; #Suete#, XV b 5; swete wille, good pleasure, II 384; (þat) swete, (that) sweet one, IV a 78, XV f 7; #Swettere#, compar. (adv.) VIII a 211; #Suetest#, #Swettest#, superl. IV a 53, Introduction xii. [OE. swēte; compar. swēttra.] See Swote.

#Swete#, v. to sweat, IX 96; (joined with allit. swynke or its translation trauayle), VIII a 26, 122, b 59, XIV c 94, XVII 195; #Swat#, pa. t. VI 226. [OE. swǣtan, pa. t. swǣ̆tte.]

#Swetnesse#, #Swettnes#, n. sweetness, IV a 89, b 44. [OE. swēt-nes.]

#Sweuene#, n. dream, IX 83, XII a 49, 97, 127, 147. [OE. swefn.]

#Swiche#, #Swych(e)#, adj. such, I 2, 92, II 198, 317, &c.; #Swech#, XV h 3; #Sich(e)#, XI a 41, b 159, XVII 400, &c.; #Such(e)#, II 46, IX 227, &c.; swych, such, such a, I 79, XII a 86; swiche a, what a!, II 505; swech ... a, such a, XV h 16; suche, of like kind, XII a 82; pron. pl. VIII a 33, 213; alle swyche (with sg. verb), everything of the kind, I 9. [OE. swelc, swilc, swylc, swulc.] See Swilke, Slike.

#Swyft#, #Swifte#, adj. swift, VI 211, XIV c 65; #Swiftenes#, n. swiftness, swift passing, VII 12. [OE. swift, swift-nes.]

#Swikele#, adj. treacherous, XV g 7. [OE. swicol.]

#Swilke#, #Swylk(e)#, adj. of this kind, such, IV a 35, XVI 38, 116; #Sic#, X 40, 66, 74, 103, 135; pron. pl. such folk, IV b 25. [Northern form of Swiche, q.v.]

#Swym#, n. dimness, oblivion, VII 12. [OE. swīma, swoon.]

#Swimme#, to swim; #Swimmende#, pres. p. XII a 170, 172; #Swam#, pa. t. VII 162. [OE. swimman.]

#Swyn#, n. pl. swine, VIII b 19. [OE. swīn.]

#Swyngyng#, n. swinging, strokes, VII 162. [OE. swíngan.]

#Swynke#, n. toil; in sudore (L.) and swynke (var. on usual swete and swink), VIII a 229. [OE. (ge-)swinc.] See Sweng.

#Swynke#, v. to toil (freq. allit. with swete), VIII a 26, 122, 188, 210, b 59, XVII 195; #Swange#, pa. t. pl. VI 226. [OE. swincan, and occas. in same sense swingan.]

#Swire#, #Swyre#, n. neck, XIV b 68 (distrib. sg.; see Herte), XV c 27. [OE. swīra.]

#Swiþe#, #Swyþe#, #Swith#, adv. very, II 118; exceedingly, II 472; (very) quickly, I 106, II 474, V 191, XIV b 51; also swiþe, as swyþe, at once, I 111, II 574 (see Also, Ase). [OE. swīþe.]

#Swndir#; #Swoir#. See Sonder; Swere.

#Swolowet#, pp. swallowed, VII 12. [OE. swe(o)lgan.]

#Swon#, n. swan, XV c 27. [OE. swan, swon.]

#Swone#, n. swoon, in fal yn a swone, fallen in a swoon, I 195 (note); orig. false analysis of fallyn aswone, fallen swooning (cf. II 549). [OE. ge-swōgen, ME. (y)swowen, &c., pp.] See Aswone.

#Swone#, v. to swoon, II 197. [ME. swo(w)nen, from prec.]

#Swor(e)#. See Swere.

#Swot(e)#, adj. pleasant, sweet, XV a 13, 18. [OE. swōt.] See Swete, adj.

#Ta#. See Take(n).

#Tabernacle#, n. high-seat under a canopy, II 412. [OFr. tabernacle.]

#Tabourer#, n. player on the tabour, II 521. [From next.]

#Tabure#, #Tabour#, n. tabour, small drum, I 6, II 301. [OFr. tabour.]

#Tache#, v. to fasten, V 108; fig., to set, implant, VI 104. [Shortened from OFr. atachier.]

#Taȝt#. See Teche(n).

#Tagyld#, pp. entangled, encumbered, IV b 62. [Obscure; appar. peculiar to Rolle.]

#Taile#, n. tail, XVI 159 (see Top). [OE. tægl.]

#Tayll#. See Tale.

#Takelles#, n. pl. tackle, gear, VII 148. [MLG. takel.]

#Take(n)#, #Tak#, #Ta# (V, X), v. (i) to catch, capture, VII 121, IX 243, X 71, XIII a 38, &c.; seize, fall upon, VIII a 138, 258; get, VI 192, VIII a 133, &c.; take, II 74, V 289, IX 123, X 130 (see Hond), 143, XIV d 6, &c.; see also In(e), Mynde, Reward(e), &c.; pick (up), II 550, XII b 136; assume, XII a 114; choose, VIII b 83, XI b 76, &c.; accept, receive, XI b 268, XVI 331; (ii) to commit, entrust, see pp.; (iii) to make, XVII 137, 272. #Takth#, 3 sg. pres. XII b 136; #Tas#, V 237; #Totȝ#, goes, VI 153 (cf. Nyme; see note). #Tok(e)#, #Took#, pa. t. I 136, II 19, 64, V 175 (2 sg.) XI b 273, XIV c 45, &c. #Take#, pp. XI b 271; hath take, has been stricken with, XII a 11; #Takyne#, X 71; #Tane#, X 19, XVI 172 (entrusted); hase tane, has (got), IV a 53; #Tone#, committed, V 91 (see VI 153, note); #Itake#, #Ytake#, XIII a 38, XV g 15. [ON. taka.]

#Tald(e)#. See Telle.

#Tale#, #Tayll# (XVII), n. tale, story; talk; word(s), what one has said, I 247, V 56, VI 230, XII b 88, XVI 273, XVII 315, &c.; upon the tale, immed. after their talk, XII b 147; pl. idle tales, VIII a 52, 54; see Telle, and next. [OE. talu.]

#Talk#, v. to talk; speak of, V 304; with cognate obj. in talk þe tale, hold the converse, V 65. [Prob. OE. *talcian, rel. to prec.]

#Talouns#, n. pl. talons, IX 254. [OFr. taloun.]

#Tane#. See Take(n).

#Tappe#, n. tap, knock, V 289. [Echoic; cf. OFris. tap; OFr. taper, v.]

#Targe#, n. (small) shield, XIV c 55. [OFr. targe.]

#Tary(e)#, #Tarie#, v. to harass; trans. to hinder, delay, keep (waiting), IX 111, XVII 236; intr. for refl. to be troubled (or as next, but cf. Tene, v.), XVII 210; to linger, tarry, XII b 28, XVII 244, 497, 499; #Taryy(i)ng#, n. delay, XVII 377, 475. [OE. tergan, &c. annoy; OFr. tarier, torment; the sense-development is curious.]

#Tas#. See Take(n).

#Tasse#, n. pile, XII b 22. [OFr. tas.]

#Tast(e)#, v. to test; to sound (water), XVII 448; to experience, XVI 358. [OFr. taster.]

#Taterynge#, n. tearing (long notes) to fragments (cf. smale brekynge, 138), or babbling, singing without regard to the sense, XI b 159. [ME. tateren (i) to tear to rays; cf. ON. töturr, tatters: (ii) to babble; cf. MDu. MLG. tateren, babble.]

#Tauȝte(n)#, #Tauhte#. See Teche(n).

#Taxoure#, n. assessor, VIII a 40. [OFr. taxour.]

#Te#, prep. in for te (with infin.), to, XV b 30, c 18. [Unaccented reduction of To.]

#Te#, v. to draw; intr. to go, II 212, 290, 318; #Teþ#, pres. pl. draw near, II 274. [OE. tēon.]

#Te#. See Þe def. art.; Þou.

#Teche(n)#, v. to teach, show (the way), direct, *IV b 60 (see note), V 7, VIII a 6, 76, XI b 5, &c.; #Taȝt#, pa. t. V 311; #Tauȝt(e)#, VIII a 202, 296, XI a 20, b 12, &c.; #Tauhte#, VIII b 5; #Tauȝt(e)#, pp. VIII a 23, XI a 6, &c.; #Ytauȝt#, XIII b 21; #Techinge#, #-ynge#, n. teaching, XI a 56, b 121, XIII b 30, &c. [OE. tǣcan, tǣ̆hte, tā̆hte.]

#Teyn#. See Tene, n. and v.

#Tell(e)#, #Tel#, v. to enumerate, recount, II 263, 373, XV c 26; to account, consider, I 19; to tell, relate, mention (foll. by dat. without to), I 22, 58, II 115, V 62, XVII 164, &c.; herd slike tales tell, heard such tales told, XIV b 35; to recite, V 120. #Telþ#, 3 sg. pres. III 38; #Talde#, pa. t. IV a 84; #Told(e)#, I 262, II 86, &c.; #Toolde#, XI a 65; #Tald(e)#, pp. IV a 50, X 140; #Told(e)#, XII a 147, XVI 149, &c.; #Ytold# (of), highly thought (of), XIII b 25. [OE. tellan; pa. t. tálde.]

#Teme#, n.^1 team (for ploughing), VIII a 128. [OE. tēam.]

#Teme#, n.^2 theme, subject, VIII a 23. [OFr. tesme, *teme; L. thema.]

#Teme(n)# (to), v. to be attached (in loyalty to), belong, VI 100. [OE. tēman, appeal (to an authority).]

#Temperal#, adj. temporal, XI b 140, 272. [L. temporālis.]

#Tempest(e)#, n. storm, tempest, VII 103, XII a 137, &c.; gen. sg. (before sake; see XVII 88, note), I 177. [OFr. tempeste.]

#Tempre#, v. to tune, II 437, 526. [OE. temprian, from L. temperāre.]

#Tenaunt#, n. tenant, VIII a 39. [OFr. tenant.]

#Tendre#, #Tender#, adj. soft, IX 39, 40; tender, VI 52; #Tenderly#, adv. tenderly, IV a 87. [OFr. tendre.]

#Ten(e)#, adj. ten, II 99, 183, &c. [OE. tēn(e).]

#Tene#, #Teyn# (XVII), n. suffering, grief, IV a 36, b 28, VII 81, VIII a 127, XVII 533; anger, VIII a 111; injury, in in tene, wrongfully, VII 178; as adj. dismal, ill, V 7. [OE. tēona.]

#Tene#, #Teyn# (XVII), v. trans. to injure, VIII a 39; intr. to feel grief, XVII 210. [OE. tēnan, tēonian.]

#Tent#, adj. tenth, XVII 478. [ME. tenðe, tend(e), tent (cf. Fift); ON. tíundi.]

#Tente# (on), n. notice (of), VI 27. [Shortened from OFr. atente.]

#Tent(e)#, v. to look after, XVI 172, XVII 433; tent (to, hedir), pay attention (to, to me), XVII 291, 421. [From prec.]

#Teorneþ#. See Turne.

#Ter#, n. tar, X 19; #Tar#, XVII 127, 282. [OE. te(o)ru.]

#Teres#, n. pl. tears, II 327. [OE. tēar.]

#Terme#, n. appointed period, VI 143. [OFr. terme.]

#Testament#, n. testament, will, III 33, 35, XII introd. [L. testāmentum.]

#Teþ#, n. pl. teeth, II 539. [OE. tēþ, pl.]

#Teþ#. See Te, v.

#Tethee#, adj. touchy, irritable, XVII 186. [Obscure; see N.E.D., s.v. Teethy.]

#Text#, n. text; words or account of the original authority, VII 51 (cf. Destr. Troy 407). [OFr. texte.]

#Th-#. See Þ-.

#Tyde#, n. time; þat yche tyde, at the same time, together, I 208; (at, in) þat tyde, then, thereupon, V 18, 100, XVII 39; þis tyde, now, XVI 184, 215. [OE. tīd.]

#Tide#, v. to happen, befall; tide wat bitide, come what may, II 339; #Tid(e)#, pa. t. VII 81; þat tid for to, chanced to, did, VII 178. [OE. tīdan.]

#Tydely#, adv. quickly, XVII 291. [ON. tíð-liga, with ME. ðl > dl.] See Tyte.

#Tiding#, #Tydinge#, #Tythyng# (XVII), n. (piece of) news, tidings, II 97, XII a 36; pl. news, II 487; newe tydynges, tythyngis, IX 278, XVII 199. [OE. tīdung; ON. tíðindi.]

#Tyȝe#, #Tye#, v. to tie, XVII 225; as an allit. synonym of Tache (q.v.), VI 104. [OE. tēgan.]

#Tyȝt#, pp. come, arrived, VI 143. [ME. tihten; OE. tyhtan, draw. Cf. Te, v.]

#Tyyl#, n. brick, XIII a 25. [OE. tīgele.]

#Til#, #Tyl#, #Till(e)#, conj. until, VII 167, VIII b 38, XII a 150, XVI 24, &c. [From next.]

#Til#, #Till(e)#, #Tyl(l)#, prep. (in Northern texts synon. and interchangeable with To; not with To- prefix, as scribal error at X 75), to, towards, into, up to, IV a 6, 18, 33, X 26, 81, XIV b 72, XVI 32, &c.; (postponed) IV a 30, X 77, XVI 393; with infin. X 4, 14, &c. (and see For); for, IV a 93, b 25; until, I 185, II 75, IV a 35 &c.; till þat, tyl ... þat, until (conj.), VI 188, IX 224, 229, XIV c 98, &c. [OE. (rare Nth.) til; ON. til.] See Intil, Þar(e).

#Tyl#, v. to entice, I 50. [Cf. OE. be-tillan, for-tyllan.]

#Tilye#, v. to labour for, earn, VIII a 229; to till, VIII a 232. [OE. tilian.]

#Tyme#, #Time#, time, period, season, occasion, I 142, VI 143, VII 19, VIII b 106, XII a 27, &c.; whan tyme is, when it is (the) time, VIII a 11, 72; (life)time, day, I 27, VII 8, VIII b 107, &c.; pl. periods, hours, VIII b 107; any tyme, at any time, IV b 44; at þis tyme, (for) now, V 23, IX 270; for þe tyme, for the time being, XI b 128; fram tyme þat, from the time (conj.), XIII b 21; in tyme, opportunely, XVI 149; many tyme, often, IX 44; see Heigh, Ofte(n), Som(e), &c. [OE. tīma.]

#Tymed#, pp. timed, V 173. [From prec.]

#Timliche#, adj. temporal, III 1, 60. [OE. tīm-lic.]

#Tyne#, v. to lose, IV a 52; to tyne, for nothing, in vain, XVII 441; #Tynde#, #Tynt#, pp. VII 103, VIII b 97. [ON. týna.]

#Tyrantis#, n. pl. tyrants, XVI 311. [OFr. tyrant.]

#Tired#, pa. t. attired, II 586. [Shortened from Atire, q.v.]

#Tyste#, VI 100. Usually interpreted as tyȝte (see App., p. 278), tight, close; this is not else recorded until early Mn.E. (where it is obscure alteration of ME. þiȝt, ON. *þéht-, þétt-r). Read Tryste, q.v.

#Tyte#, adv. quickly, XVI 332; as tyte, at once, XVII 219. [ON. títt, neut. of tíð-r.] See Tydely.

#Tythe#, n. tenth part, tithe, VIII a 86. [OE. ti(o)goþa, &c., tenth.]

#Tythingis#. See Tiding.

#To#, adv. too, I 108, II 335, V 232, VI 121, VIII a 260, b 23, 24, IX 267, XIV a 2, b 91. [OE. tō; orig. same word as To, prep.]

#To#, conj. till, XVII 241, 381, 499; cf. Til. [From next; cf, OE. tō-þæs-þe.]

#To#, prep. to, I 9, &c.; (postponed) II 119, 517; to him was, he had, XI b 285-6; (hunt) after, VIII a 30, 31; at, II 441, 579, V 265, VII 85, XVII 343 (see Biholde); to my hend, in, under, my hands, XVII 255; in, according to, XVII 28; (turn) into, IV a 94, b 26; on, on to, II 549, V 264, VI 74, VII 174, VIII a 66, IX 182; up to, III 56; until, XI b 25; towards, with regard to, VI 108 (see Fare, v.); against, XI b 111; for, II 485, VI 147, VIII b 14, XI b 56, 59, XVII 109, &c.; ȝou to, for yourselves, XIV d 7; to me (IX 100), see note; for, by way of, as, in, VII 70, IX 150, XI b 223, XII a 3; see Mede; to plesynge (&c.) of, so as to please, &c., IX 333, XI b 108, &c. Adv. to it, on, XI b 200; go to, get along, XVII 236; þat ... to, to which, I 33, V 29; to and fro, XVII 111. [OE. tō.] See Te, Þar(e).

#To#. See Tuo.

#To-breke#, v. intr. to burst, break, IV a 78; subj. sg. in þin herte þe (dat.) tobreke, may your heart be stricken with remorse (or literally break) within you, XV g 10. [OE. tō-brecan.]

#To-chine#, pp. cracked; al to-chine, all scarred, II 262. [OE. tō-cīnan.]

#To-dele#, v. to divide, XIII #a# 55. [OE. tō-dǣlan.]

#To-dryue#, v. to dispel, destroy; subj. sg. XV h 16. [OE. tō-drīfan.]

#To-for(e)#, adv. before, XII a 188; nou tofore, just now, XII b 43; prep. before, in front of, XII b 131, XIII a 43, b 26. [OE. tō-foran.]

#To-fruschyt#, pa. t. smashed to pieces, *X 75 (MS. till frusche; see Til). [OE. tō- + OFr. fruissier.]

#Toȝere#, adv. this year; noȝt toȝere, not for a long time yet, VI 228. [OE. tō gēare.]

#To-gidre#, #-gider(e)#, #-gyd(e)re#, adv. together, II 121, IX 173, 253, XI b 9, XV h 9, &c.; #To-gedre#; #-geder#, #-yr#, #-ur#, I 229, VII 131, IX 53, XIV c 29, &c. [OE. tō-gædere.]

#Togideres#, adv. together, VIII a 175. [Prec. + adv. -es.]

#Toȝt#, adj. taut, firmly bound; made hit toȝt, ? made a compact of it, VI 162. Maken hit tough(t), is a fixed expr. = raise objections, make conditions (see forms and senses in N.E.D., s.v. Tough); but this would require ne for and. [OE. *toht, rel. to tēon, draw.]

#Toiþer#. See Toþer.

#Tok(e)#, #Token#. See Take(n).

#Token#, #-yn#, #Tokne#, n. token; sign, omen, XII a 149, XVII 471, 517; memento, V 330. [OE. tācn.]

#Tokynyng#, n. indication, proof, XVII 476. [OE. tācnung.]

#Told(e)#. See Telle.

#Tole#, n. weapon, V 192, XVI 179. [OE. tōl.]

#Tolled#, pa. t. enticed, I 53. [OE. *tollian, rel. to Tyl, v.]

#Tom(e)#, #Tume# (X), n. leisure, opportunity, VII 43, X 143; time, VI 225. [ON. tóm.]

#Tomorwe#, adv. to-morrow, II 165, XII b 170. [OE. tō morgen.]

#Ton#, pron. in þe ton, the one, XI b 27, 104. [False division of þet on; on þet see Þe, def. art.] See On(e), Toþer.

#Tone#. See Take(n).

#Tong(e)#, #Tung(e)#, n. tongue, II 222, IV a 89, XVII 398 (distrib. sg.; see Herte); speech, language, I 58, VIII a 52, XI a 7, XIII b 2, &c.; hold þi tong, XVII 217; (spekynge) in tonge, (words) on tongue, on our tongues, XI b 121. [OE. túnge.]

#Toolde#. See Telle.

#Top#, #Toppe#, n. hair on the crown of the head, XV g 16; top, XVII 469; (of a ship = Topcastell), XVII 271; fro toppe to taile, from top to bottom, beginning to end, XVI 159. [OE. topp.]

#Topcastell#, n. fighting top, embattled platform at mast-top for archers, &c., VII 148, X 121. [Prec. + Castell, q.v.]

#To-rett#, pa. t. rent in pieces, II 81 (riming witt). [OE. tō- + ME. ritten, OE. *rittan.]

#Torfer#, n. hardship, VII 81. [ON. tor-fœ́ri.]

#Torne#. See Turne.

#To-rochit#, pp. torn to shreds, VII 147. [OE. tō- + *ryccan, pull (see Ryched).]

#Totȝ#. See Take(n).

#Toþer#, #-ir#, #Toiþer#, #Touþer#, adj. and pron. in þe toþer, &c., the other, I 181, VII 63, IX 4, X introd., XI b 104. [False division (not merely in spelling--see allit. at VII 63) of þet oþer; see Þe, def. art.] See Oþer(e), Ton.

#To-þrete#, v. to menace, XIV c 102. [OE. tō- + þrēatian.]

#To-tore#, #To-torn#, pp. torn (to pieces), II 106, 171, 173, 538. [OE. tō-teran, pp. tō-toren].

#Tou#, #Tow#. See Þou.

#Touche#, #Toche#, #Towch#, v. to touch, reach, affect, *IV b 60 (note), XV h 18 (note), XVII 462; toucheth to, joins on to, IX 182; touche of, touch on, treat of, IX 282, XII a 90. [OFr. toucher.]

#Toumbe#, n. tomb, I 243. [OFr. tumbe.]

#Toun(e)#, #Tounne#, #Town(e)#, n. town. I 32, II 588, VII 112, 121, X 12, 46, XIV a 7, b 83, XVII 539, &c.; out of toun, out of the town (or from the society of men; see below), II 236; to toune, to town, XII b 27; þe tounes ende, end of the main street, outskirts of the town, II 481, 564; the dwellings of men, the world, XV b 1, c 28 (cf. OE. lencten gǣþ to tūne); in ilke a toune, among all men, XVI 253. [OE. tūn.]

#Tour#, #Towre#, n. tower, II 159, 245, 359, XVII 349; (of a ship = Castell), XIV c 18. [Late OE. tūr from OFr. tour.]

#Tourne(s)#. See Turne.

#Touþer#. See Toþer.

#Toward(e)#, prep. towards, in the direction of, IX 31, 71, 136, &c.; me towarde, to me, VI 78; with regard to, in the eyes of, XII a 17; #Towardes#, prep. towards, IX 225. [OE. tō-weard, -weardes.]

#Towch(ith)#. See Touche.

#Tray#, n. misery, XVII 533. [OE. trega.]

#Trayne#, n.^1 stratagem, guile, VII 94, XVI 9. [OFr. traïne.]

#Trayne#, n.^2 error for tayner, burrow, fox's earth, IX 222. [OFr. taignere.]

#Trayst#, adj. faithful, IV a 41. [ON. traust-r, infl. by next.] See Tryste, Trystyly.

#Traist(e)#, #Traste# (on, to), v. to trust (in), rely (on), IV a 68, XVI 179; tru for to traist, to be relied on, trustworthy, VII 17 (cf. XVII 515). [ON. treysta.] See Trist.

#Traytoure#, n. traitor, XVI 150. [OFr. traitre, acc. sg. traitour.]

#Transforme#, v. transform, XII a 123; of that he hadde be transformed, from that (into which) he had been changed, XII a 20. [OFr. transformer.]

#Translate#, v. to translate, VII 71, XI a 17, 19, 26; #Translating#, n. XI a 43. [OFr. translater.]

#Trantis#, n. pl. tricks, XVI 159. [? Cf. MDu. trant, step.]

#Traste#. See Traist(e).

#Trauail(le)#, #Trauayl(e)#, #Traueile#, #Trauel#, &c., n. labour, toil, I 206, IV a 3, b 8, XI b 227, XII b 197; trauel and tene, toil and trouble, IV a 36, VIII a 127; affliction, I 204; travel, journey, V 173. [OFr. travail(le).]

#Trauail(l)e#, #Trauayl(l)e#, #Traval(e)#, #Trauele(n)#, v. to toil, labour, IV b 11, VI 190, VIII a 133, X 142, XI a 17, 49, XII b 140, XIV c 94; travel, XIII b 40; trans. subject to hardship, IX 272; afflict, IX 93; #Trauaillynge# (in), n. assiduity (in), VIII a 244. [OFr. travailler.]

#Traues#, v. to thwart; 3 sg. pres. XVI 150. [OFr. traverser.]

#Traw(e)#; #Trawþe#. See Trow(e); Treuthe.

#Tre#, #Tree#, n. tree, II 268, 508, XII a 74, XVII 34, &c.; wood, XIII a 44; piece of timber, XVII 253; cross, IV a 86; #Trees#, pl. VII 103, &c.; #Treis#, logs, X 21; #Tren#, trees, XIII a 51, 53; pieces of wood, XIII a 44. [OE. trēo.]

#Treble#, n. ? treble note, XV h 18. [OFr. treble.]

#Trechery(e)#, n. treachery, II 7, V 315. [OFr. trecherie.]

#Treson#, n.; do him tr., work treason against him, XIV b 38. [OFr. traïson, AFr. treson.]

#Tresour#, #Tresowre#, n. treasure, VII 121, XI b 283. [OFr. tresor.]

#Trete#, v. to treat, consider, XIV c 14. [OFr. traitier, tretier.]

#Tretys#, n. treatise, IX 290. [AFr. tretiz.]

#Treuthe#; #Trouthe#, #Trowthe#, XII; #Trawþe#, V, VI; #Truth(e)#, VII; n. truth, VII 42, 51, 94; (personified) VIII a 16, 39, &c.; fidelity, XII a 164; faith, (plighted) word, troth, V 219, VIII a 35, XII b 164, 203; compact, V 280; honesty, VIII a 70, 90; equity, VI 135. [OE. trēowþ.] See Vntrawþe.

#Trew(e)#; #Treue#, XI b 51; #Tru#, VII 17; #Truee#, V 173; #Trwe#, V 286, VI 61; adj. faithful, loyal, II 554, IV a 41, XI b 51, XII a 195, XV a 21, &c.; trusty, honest, V 173, 286; (vaguely, as compliment), II 23; true, truthful, VIII a 52, IX 298, XI a 27, b 71, 121, XVI 273, &c.; true (in fact), VI 61, XVII 201; #Trwe#, adv. loyally, VI 100; honestly, V 286. [OE. (ge-)trēowe.] See Vntrewe.

#Trewe#, n. truce, VIII a 326. [OE. trēow.] See Truse.

#Trew(e)ly#, #Treuly# (IX), #Trw(e)ly# (V), adv. loyally, faithfully, V 280; correctly, rightly, VIII a 23, XI a 37; indeed, IX 247; confidently, IV a 68, V 44, XVI 95. [OE. trēow-līce.]

#Trewman#, n. honest fellow; (as name), XIV d 6, 16.

#Tribute#, n. tribute, IX 190. [OFr. tribut, L. tribūtum.]

#Triet#, pp. proved (true), VII 17. [OFr. trier.]

#Trifuls#, n. pl. nonsense, foolish lies, VII 43. [Cf. OFr. trufle.]

#Trinité#, #Trynyté#, #-tee#, #-ty#, n. (the) Trinity, IX 338, XVII 30, 83, 169, &c. [OFr. trinité.]

#Trist#, #Tryst#, #Trust#, v. to trust, XVII 505; trew for to trist, to be relied on, trusty, XVII 515 (cf. VII 17); trust ye non other, believe nothing else, VII 42 (cf. Deme); þerto ȝe tryst, be sure of that, V 257. [OE. *trȳ̆stan, or ON. *trýsta, rel. to Traist(e); cf. MHG. trǖst.]

#Tryste#, adj. trusty; adv. faithfully, in trwe and tryste, *VI 100 (MS. tyste). [Related to Traiste as prec.]

#Trystyly#, adv. faithfully, V 280. [From ME. tristi, &c., extended from prec.]

#Trompour#, n. trumpeter, II 521. [OFr. trompour.] See Trunpes.

#Trosse#. See Trusse.

#Troteuale#, n. idle tale, I 257. [Unknown (used several times by Manning); ? cf. walt(e)rot, Piers Pl. B XXI, 146.]

#Trouble#, adj. muddy, not clear, IX 12, 34, 104. [OFr. trouble.]

#Trouthe#, #Trowthe#. See Treuthe.

#Trow(e)#, v. to believe (in), be sure, think, I 23, II 429, V 137, IX 151, XI a 31, XIII b 60, XVI 95, &c.; #Traw(e)#, VI 127, XVII 45, 244, &c.; #*Trod#, pp. I 254 (MS. trowed; riming God--see etym. and note); trowe þe ... of, trust you in, V 170; (with double obj.) trawe me þat, believe me in that, V 44. [OE. trēowan, trūwian, and perh. OEast Scand. tróa (I 254).]

#Tru(ee)#; #Truth(e)#. See Trew(e); Treuthe.

#Trunpes#, n. pl. trumpets, II 301. [OFr. trumpe.] See Trompour.

#Trus#, v.; trus sam, pack up, XVII 316. [OFr. tro(u)sser.] See Vntrusse.

#Truse#, n. truce, VII 94. [Orig. pl.; OE. trēow, and trēowa (pl. in sg. sense).] See Trewe.

#Trusse#, #Trosse#, n. bundle, XII b 30, 104, 120. [OFr. tro(u)sse.]

#Trust#. See Trist.

#Trwe#, #Trw(e)ly#. See Trew-.

#Tuaye#, #Twey(n)#, adj. two, I 41, III 10, XIII b 16, XV h 18. [OE. twēgen, masc.] See Tuo.

#Tulk(e)#, n. man, V 65, VII 63. [? Cf. ON. túlk-r, spokesman.]

#Tume#; #Tunge#. See Tom(e); Tong(e).

#Tuo#, adj. (orig. fem. and neut. of Tuaye, and still so distinguished in use in III), two, II 83, III 12, XII a 29, 136, 180; #Two#, V 284, &c.; #Twa#, IV b 14; #To#, II 64, 111, 135; in two, (broken) in two, XVII 412; oone or two, one or two, several, XVII 133, 484. [OE. twā.] See Ato.

#Turmente#, v. to torment, persecute, XVI 312. [OFr. turmenter.]

#Turmentis#, n. pl. torments, XVI 358. [OFr. turment.]

#Turn(e)#; #Teorne#, XIII a 53; #Torne#, IV a 44 (see note), XII passim; #Tourne#, IV a 3, V 7; v. trans. to turn, IX 73, XIII a 32; turned into, diverted to, XI a 229; with (in)til, (in)to, change, turn (into), IV a 94, b 26, VIII b 107, XII a 168, XIII a 43, &c.; pervert, VII 42, XVI 332; translate, XI a 36; refl. turn, IV b 37; intr. turn (back), IV b 83, XII a 33, b 142; turne vntill, turn upon, XVII 218; turne to, return upon, IX 87; pass, proceed (to), V 7, XIV a heading; (with til, into) change, turn (into), IV a 72, XIII a 30, 53; turneth to ben, turns, becomes, IX 23. #Yturnd# (to), inclined to, fond of, XIII b 64; #Turnyng#, n. translating, XI a 44. [OE. túrnian, týrnan; OFr. to(u)rner.]

#Turtill#, n. turtle-dove, XVII 506. [OE. turtle.]

#Twa#; #Twey(n)#. See Tuo; Tuaye.

#Twelue#, adj. twelve, I 30. [OE. twelf(e).]

#Tweluemonth(e)#, #Twelmonyþ#, n. twelvemonth, year, I 97; quasi-adv. a year ago, V 175; þat tweluemonþe, all that year, I 103; (at þe) tweluemonth ende, at the end of a year, I 95, 187. [OE. twelf mōn(a)þ, pl.]

#Twyneth#, 3 sg. pres. twines, joins, XV h 18 (see note). [ME. twīnen; ? from OE. twīn, twine, n.]

#Twynkelyng#, n. twinkling, in yn tw. of an ye, I 192. [OE. twinclian.]

#Twyn(ne)#, v. intr. separate, part, IV a 19, XVI 278. [Cf. OE. (ge-)twinn, double.] See Atwynne.

#Twyys#, adv. twice, I 182; for the second time, XVII 362. [OE. twi(g)a + adv. -es.]

#Twnnys#, n. gen. sg. tun's, great cask's, X 26. [OE. tunne.]

#Þaȝ(e)#, #Þau# (XV), conj. (with subj.) though, even if, III 40, V 44, 68, VI 8, XV g 30; if, that (after 'no wonder'), V 239, 346. [OE. unacc. form þah, or ON. *þoh; see Þogh, Þei.]

#Þai#, #Þay#, #Þei#, #Þey#, adj. pl. those, X 25, 27, 135; pron. pl. those, IX 128, 149, 216 (second), X 13, 68, &c.; they, I 32, II 32, 523, IV b 8, VIII a 144, XVII 24, &c.; alle þay, all of them, V 357, IX 104. Acc. and dat. (to, for) them, those: #Þaym(e)#, IV b 2, 19, 23, 37, &c.; #Þam(e)#, IV b 25, X 13, XIV b 14, &c.; refl. (to, for) themselves, IV b 20, 37, 39, X 3, 41, &c.; #Þamselfe#, acc. themselves, IV b 12. Poss. adj. (gen. pl.), their: #Þair(e)#, IV a 61, b 14, 19, X 28, &c.; #Þar(e)#, IV a 59, X 78, XVI 18, 310, &c.; #Þeire#, #Þeyre#, IV b 27, 41; #Þer(e)#, VII 9, XI a 1, XVI 20, 30, &c. [ON. þei-r, þeim (dat.), þeira.] See Hi, pron. pl.

#Thair#. See Þar(e), adv.

#Þan(e)#. See Þanne, conj.; Þat; Þe, def art.

#Þank#, n. favour, XI b 167. [OE. þanc.]

#Thank(e)#, v. to thank, XVI 381, XVII 172, &c.; #Þonk(k)e#, II 472, V 340, XII b 135; #Thankynge#, n. IX 334. [OE. þancian, þoncian.]

#Þan(ne)#, adv. then, thereupon, afterwards, in that case, consequently, I 224, III 7, VII 169, VIII a 34, XI b 16, 150, &c.; #Þen(e)#, V 131, 191, 227, &c.; #Þenn(e)#, V 78, 92, 268, 321, &c.; or than, or else, X 51. [OE. þonne, þanne, þænne.]

#Þan(ne)#, #Þane#, #Þen(n)#, conj. than, I 11, IV b 82, V 32, VI 195, IX 249, XVII 13, &c.; nor, XVII 108 (see note), 535. [As prec.]

#Thapparence# = Þe + Apparence.

#Þar#, 3 sg. pres. need, V 287; impers. in ȝow (acc.) þar, you need, I 132. [OE. þearf.]

#Þar(e)#, #Thair#, adv. there, IV b 39, V 105, X 31, 156, XIII a 10, &c.; anticipatory IV a 70, 89, &c.; rel. (in cases) where, when, IV a 1, 41, 82, XIII a 4; combined with prep. or adv., there-, it, them: #Tharat#, X 182, 186, &c.; #Þar(e)for(e)#, on that account, &c., I 88, 254, XV f 6, &c.; #Þarfram#, (after þat rel.) from, XIII a 37; #Þar(e)in#, #Þarynne#, IV a 26, X 128, XIII a 38; #Þar(e)of#, IV b 57, X 23; #Thartill#, to it, X 48; #Þarto#, IV a 68, X *97, 181; #Tharwith#, thereby, *IV b 63. [OE. þǣr, þār(a); and prob. unaccented þær, þara.] See Þer(e), Þore.

#Þar(e)#. See Þai.

#Þat#, #Þet# (III), conj. (i) With indic. that, I 30, II 333, III 5, &c.; so that (of result), II 439, V 246, XV b 12, &c.; until, II 76; after Swa (So), Swych, &c., passim; (with neg.), without (with vbl. sb.) I 156, 197, &c. (ii) With subj. that, to (with infin.; esp. after verbs of commanding, desiring, purposing, &c.), II 534, III 7, 37, XI b 217, XIV c 99, &c.; loosely connected with what precedes, VIII a 11 (note), 52, XI b 247; lest (after 'fear'), XI a 61, XVII 184, 372, &c.; so that (of purpose), in order that, lest (with neg.), I 220, IV a 22, b 13, XVI 199, 399, &c.; see Forbede. So that, in order that, XII a 19, &c.; wende ... þat, go ... and, VIII a 271. Indef. where, if, IV b 75, 83, &c. (iii) Forming conjunctions with preps. and advs. (orig. a pro-nominal use as in OE. for þam þe), see the preps. &c.; subjoined to other conjs. (as Ȝif, &c.), see the conjs.; or to rel. and interrog. advs. (see Þat, rel.), as whan that, when, IX 22, &c.; hence used to obviate repetition of a conj., in whan (that) ... and that, when ... and when, XII a 36, b 155-6, 180-2; similarly pleonastic in þe more þat, the more, XI b 114. [OE. þæt, þætte.]

#Þat#, #Þet#, demonstr. adj. (i) As def. art. (orig. neut.), see Þe. (ii) Emphatic that, I 93, 108, &c.; the same, that very, I 95, 190, 226, &c. #Þane#, acc. sg. masc. that, III 9. For pl. see Þo, Þos. [See next.]

#Þat#, #Þet# (III), pron. that, it, the same, II 131, 543, III 56, V 44, XIII b 49, &c.; even that, VIII a 306; am I that, is it I (you mean), XV g 27; that is myne, there's one from me, XVII 226; that withoute, what is outside, XII a 73; quasi-adv. (at) that, too, XVII 146; as regards that, XVII 524 (see Bold). #Þan#, dat. sg. in after (bi) þan, after (by) that, II 553, 597; see Bi, Wiþ. [OE. þæt (Kt. þet), neut.; þane, acc. masc.; þā̆m, dat.]

#Þat#, #Þet# (III), rel. pron. indecl. that, which, who(m), I 11, 16, 47, III 17, &c.; for whom, XIV a 32 (see Betre; but here þat is perh. already felt as nom.); a thing which, XI b 26, &c.; þat þat, that which, what, IV b 65, IX 70, &c.; þat at, VI 176; it ... þat, VIII a 242, &c.; (elliptically) þat, that which, I 178, 180, II 516, XVII 164, &c.; he who, V 196; him that, VIII a 114; those whom, XVI 8; same þat, just what, XVI 71, &c.; (loosely, or with ellipse of prep.) þat, to whom, VI 64, XV i 4; (as that) in which, I 188; (from that) in which, IX 320; that into which, XII a 20. Supplemented by pers. prons., as þat ... hym, whom, V 37; þat ... hit, which, I 185, IV a 36, V 127, IX 6, X 6; þat þai, which, XIV b 76; that ... thame ilkane, X 160 (see note); similarly, þat ... þat tyde (= then), when, V 17; þat ... þerof, of which, XI b 222-3; cf. XIII a 36-7. For use with separated preps. and advs. (as, þat ... of, of whom, VI 65) see the preps., &c.; note þat ... after, that after which, VII 20, same þat ... fro, same as that from which, IX 230. Subjoined to other relatives, and indir. interrogatives, see Hou, Whan, What, &c.; cf. Þat, conj. [Substitution of prec. for OE. þe; þat, that which, may in part repres. OE. þæt-þe, þætte.] See App., p. 289.

#Þatow#, = þat þou, that thou, II 165, 454, 471; cf. þat tou, XV g 9. See Þou.

#Þau#. See Þaȝ(e).

#Þe#, adv.; demonstr. (by) so much, for that, the, V 300, VIII b 100; (pleonastic), VIII a 112; the wars I thee see, so much the worse for seeing you, XVII 191; rel. by which, in þe better, (so) that ... better, VIII a 46, XVII 175; correl. in þe ... þe (... þe), the ... the, I 255, VI 240 (see note). [OE. þȳ, þē̆.] See Forþi.

#Þe#, def. art. the, I 8, *XVI 170 (MS. ȝe), &c.; generic, IX 109, &c.; see Whiche, Whilke, Who. #Te#, in an te, and the, XV e 19; #Th-# (before vowels), XII a 127, b 191, 211. #Þane#, acc. sg. masc. III 10, 14, 59; #Þat#, #Þet#, neut. sg. III 41, 44, 46, 57; with French masc. III 46; before vowels and merging into Þat demonstr., I 43; esp. in þat yche, ilk(e), the same, &c., I 208, V 65, &c.; but þe ilke, masc. and fem., III 27, 45; þat o(n), the one, V 244, 344, IX 176, XV h 7; þat oþer(e), the other, V 72, 169, 200, 344, XII a 118, XV h 7; see Ich, Ilke, Ton, Toþer, &c. [OE. se (late þe), &c.]

#The#, v. to prosper, in as euer myght I the, so may I prosper, on my life, XVII 328. [OE. þēon.]

#Þe#, #The(e)#. See Þou.

#Þede#, n. (folk), land, II 475, 494, 535, VI 123. [OE. þēod.]

#Þedyr#, #-ur#, &c. See Þider.

#Þeeues#, n. pl. thieves, VIII b 17; #Þeuys#, XI b 176; #Þieues#, III 18. [OE. þēof (Kt. þīof).]

#Þei#, #Þey#, conj. though, even if, II 173, 247, 433, XIII a 32; #Þeyȝ#, #Theigh#, VIII a 220, XIII b 9. [OE. þē(a)h.] See Þogh.

#Þeire#; #Þeise#. See Þai; Þes.

#Themperour# = Þe + Emperour.

#Þen(e)#, #Þenn(e)#. See Þan(ne), adv., conj.

#Þenche#, #Þenk(en)#, v. to think, I 221, II 373, XI b 253, &c.; #Þinke#, #Thynk(e)#, II 44, IV a 78, VII 30, &c.; #Þoȝte#, #Thoghte#, pa. t. III 57, XII a 11, &c.; #Thoucht#, X 28, &c.; #Þouȝte#, #Thoughte#, VIII a 293, IX 167; #Thoght#, #Þouȝt#, pp. II 390, XIV b 53, &c.; to consider, XVI 3; þ. on (vpon), think, be mindful, of, IV a 78, 95, V 329, VI 10, &c.; intend to, be resolved to, VII 30, X 79; expect to, XII a 28; þ. to (for to, till), expect to, VIII a 293, X 28, XIV b 36, &c.; conceive, imagine, II 373, 390, XVII 286, &c.; #Thynkynge#, n. IV b 68. [OE. þencan, þō̆hte.] See Þinke.

#Þenne#, adv. thence, I 153. [Cf. OE. þanone.] See Thine.

#Þens#, adv. thence, in from þens, IX 259, XVII 548. [Prec. + adv. -es.]

#Þer(e)#, adv. demonstr. there, I 98, II 189, III 42, &c.; correl. in þere ... where, where, IX 222; indef. (unaccented; see Þyr), II 10, 39, XII a 75, &c.; rel. where, when, I 154, V 8, 52, 329, VIII a 240, XII a 141, &c.; equiv. to neut. pron. it, that, them, and occas. rel. which: #Þer(e)aboute(n)#, (round) about it, IX 156, *XI b 252; #Þerafter#, afterwards, V 350, VIII a 108, &c.; according to it, XI b 244; #Þerap(p)on#, on it, &c., VII 75, XVII 282; #Þerate#, there, II 380, VI 154; #Þerby(e)#, by that means, XI a 13, XVI 161; on that account, XIII b 35; according to it, XVI 322; #Þer(e)for(e)#, #Þeruore#, &c., on that account. I 71, III 41, V 211 (pleonastic), 289, XVII 20, &c.; on account of which, XVI 167; because, IX 108 (note); #Þerfro#, XVI 295; ther ... fro, whence, XII a 33; #Þerin(ne)#, #-ynne#, II 278, V 106, XIII a 16, &c.; rel. wherein, II 413; #Ther(e)myd(d)e#, therewith, VIII a 69, 151; #Þer(e)of#, #Þereoffe#, of it, from it, &c., III 20, IV a 39, VIII a 191, IX 6, &c.; rel. of which, XIII a 31; see Þat, rel.; #Þeron#, of it, VI 27; #Þerto#, to it (that), V 257, XVII 385; at it, XIII a 48; for it, XI b 254; in addition, XII b 200; (after rel.) to, XI b 246, XIII a 37; #Þer vnder#, underneath (them), V 11; #Þerupon#, at it, XII b 162; #Þer(e)with#, by that means, VIII a 95, 102, &c.; with it (after Part, v.), VII 96. [OE. þǣr, þēr.] See Þar(e), Þyr, Þore.

#Þer(e)#. See Þai; Thire.

#Þerewhiles#, adv. in the meantime, VIII a 8. [OE. (on) þǣre hwīle + adv. -es.] See Þerwhile.

#Þerk#, adj. dark, II 370. [OE. *þeorc (þeorcung = deorcung); see Kluge, Urgerm. § 37 d.]

#Þerwhile#, conj. while, VIII a 156; see While. [OE. on þǣre hwīle þe.] See Þerewhiles.

#Þes#, demonstr. adj. (and pron.) sg. this, VIII b 78, XV i 18; #Þis(ē)#, #Þys(se)#, I 20, II 47, VI 10, 173, &c.; #Þhis#, XVI 61; this, this woman, XVII 403; #Þeise#, pl. these, IX 117, 318; #Þes#, VIII b 42, XI a 61, &c.; pron. V 354, VII 50, &c.; #Þese#, I 43, 47, &c.; #Þis#, #Þys#, II 13, 340, VI 145 (note), XVII 445, &c.; #Þise#, #Þyse#, III 59, V 355, XVII 181, &c.; #Þuse#, VIII b 70. [OE. þes, þēos, þis; see N.E.D.]

#Þet#. See Þat; Þe, def. art.

#Þeuys#. See Þeeues.

#Þi#, #Þy#. See Forþi, Þou.

#Thicke#, adj. dense, pouring (rain), VII 107, 132. [OE. þicce.]

#Þider#, adv. thither, II 316, 318, &c.; #Þedyr#, #Thedir#, #-ur#, I 43, VII 88, XVII 312, &c. [OE. þider.]

#Þyderward#, #Thederward#, adv. thither, in that direction, XIII a 33, XVII 245. [OE. þiderw(e)ard.]

#Þieues#. See Þeeues.

#Thilke#, adj. that (same), XII b 59, 205, 220; #Þulke#, those, XIII a 2. [OE. þylc, such; treated in sense as a contraction of Þe + Ilk(e), q.v.]

#Thine#, adv. thence, in fra thine furth, thenceforward, X 130. [Obscure red. of ME. þeþen (cf. ON. þaðan); cf. sine from siþ(þ)en, seþen.]

#Þin(e)#, #Þyn(e)#. See Þou.

#Þing(e)#, #Þyng#, #Þynk# (VI), n. thing, II 33, IV a 29, &c.; al þat þing, everything there, II 417; al this thyng, all this, XVII 154. Na thyng, no þing (þynk, &c.), nothing, anything (with neg.), II 172, IV a 6, VI 136, 227, IX 275, &c.; as adv. no whit, in no way, I 67, II 39, V 168, XVII 289; na kyn thing, no whit, X 59; for no þing, for any (other) cause, II 98. #Þing#, &c., pl. things, affairs, matters, I 7, II 4, 218, 297, XI b 249; #al(le) þing#, &c. (constr. as sg. or pl.) everything, II 11, IV a 68, VIII a 203, IX 239, XIV c 2, XVII 73, &c.; all things, XV c 6; bi al þing, by every token, II 321, 375; #Þinges#, #Thyngeȝ#, &c., II 496, IV b 62, &c.; compositions, tasks, XIII b 19. [OE. þing.]

#Þink(e)#, #Þynk(e)#, #Þenk(e)#, v. to seem to (with dat. pron.), II 442; #Þynkkeȝ#, thou seemest, V 294; impers. in me þinkeþ, thynkys me, &c., it seems to me, VIII b 55, XIV c 28, XVII 511, &c.; endingless form in, me (him, vs) þink, &c., it seems to me, I think, &c., II 375, IV a 10, 12, V 41, VI 192, 230, XVII 399, &c.; þynk me, XVII 255; with nom. pron. in thou thynk, (it) seems good to you, XVII 196, 379. #Þoȝt#, #Thoght(e)#, pa. t. (it) seemed to, V 95, XII b 74, XVII 82, 425; with nom. pron. in þey þoȝt, they thought good, I 87. [OE. þyncan, þū̆hte. The endingless forms prob. arose in 1 sg. by confusion with Þenche, q.v.; but cf. ON. þykki mér.]

#Þyr#, adv. indef. there, I 170. [Reduced unaccented form of Þer(e); y repres. obscure vowel, as (e.g.) in þedyr, 171.]

#Thire#, adj. and pron. pl. these, IV b 55, 59; #Þer#, XVI 97, 399. [Obscure; usually Northern.]

#Thirté#. See Þritti.

#Þis(e)#, #Þys(se)#, &c. See Þes.

#Þiself(f)e#, #Þiselue(n)#. See Þou.

#Þo#, demonstr. adj. pl. those, V 130, VII 113, VIII b 5, IX 33, &c.; pron. they, those, &c. II 575 (second), VI 197, VIII a 155, IX 48, XV b 23, XVI 279, XVII 228. [OE. þā.] See Þat.

#Þo#, adv. then, thereupon, II 49, 117, III 12, VIII a 22, XII a 6, &c.; in addition, more, in þo fyue, five (times) more, VI 91; rel. when, III 3, 32, 44, 54, 56. [OE. þā.]

#Þof#, conj. though, even if, IV a 12, 75, VII 29. [As next, with alteration of final spirant; cf. Þouþ; Rof.]

#Þogh#, conj. though, (even) if, IX 207, XII a 187, &c.; þogh þat, though, I 224; #Þou#, XV f 8; #Þouȝ#, #Þough#, IX 139, XIV c 37, &c.; #Þowȝ#, #Þowgh#, VIII a 36, 40, &c. [ON. þó, earlier *þoh.] See Þaȝe, Þei, Allthough.

#Þoȝt(e)#, #Thoght(e)#. See Þenche, Þinke, Þouȝt.

#Þolien#, #Þole#, v. to endure, IV a 14, V 351, XV c 33; #tholid ... for to be#, suffered myself to be, XVI 3. [OE. þolian.]

#Thoner#; #Þonk(k)e#. See Þundyr; Thanke.

#Þore#, adv. there, then, I 96, 175, V 288, VI 202. [OE. þāra.] See Þar(e).

#Þorgh#, prep. through; throughout, over; because of, out of; by (means of): IX 87, XV i 3, &c.; #Thoro#, XVII 278; #Þorw#, VIII a 20, XIV c 19, &c.; #Thorwgh#, VIII a 320; #Þourgh#, VIII a 320; #Throu#, X 15; #Throughe#, VII 16, 92; #Þurch#, II 237, &c.; #Þurȝ#, V 83, VI 53, &c.; #Þurgh(e)#, I 186, IV b 71, VII 103, &c.; adv. through, IX 224. [OE. þurh, þorh.]

#Þorghout#, prep. throughout, IX 217; #Thurghout#, adv. in every detail, XII b 219. [OE. þurh-ūt.]

#Þorsday#, n. Thursday, XV g 1. [OE. þōresdæg from ON. pórsdag-r.] See Scere.

#Þos#, pron. pl. those, VI 155; #Those#, XVII 45, &c. [OE. þās.] See Þat.

#Þou#, pron. thou, you, I 130, II 108, &c.; #Þow(e)#, IV a 22, V 256, XVI 242, &c.; #Þu#, VII 94; #Tou#, #Tow# (after closely connected words ending in d, t, s), II 452, XV a 17, g 9; see also artow, canstow, hadestow, neltow, saltou, shaltow, þatow, wiltou, wolte (with further reduction). #Þe#, #The(e)#, #Te# (after is), acc. thee, you, II 116, XVII 118, 407, &c.; dat. (to, for) thee, II 132, V 175, 218, 291, XV g 10, &c.; concerning thee, XV g 28; what is te, what þe is, what is the matter with thee, II 102, 115; for the, as far as you are concerned, XVII 193; refl. (to, for) thyself, yourself, V 184, 229 (first), 289, VIII a 32, 223, XV f 13, XVII 224, &c. #Þi#, #Þy#; #Þin#, #Þyn(e)# (usually before vowels); poss. adj. thy, your, I 125, II 105, V 235, VI 207, &c.; (objective) of thee, VIII a 27, XV g 31, &c.; #Þine#, #Þyne#, oblique and pl. II 109, XV c 23, &c.; pron. belonging to thee, XVI 221; thy folk, XVI 252. #Þiselffe#, #-selue#; #Þyseluen#, #-self(e)#, nom. (thou) thyself, XVI 206, 261, 299: refl. thyself, V 73, VI 113, XVI 350, &c. [OE. þū̆, -tū̆; þē̆; þīn.]

#Þou#, #Þouȝ#, #Þough#. See Þogh.

#Thoucht#, #Þouȝt(e)#, &c. See Þenche.

#Þouȝt#, n. thought, mind, imagination, II 373; #Þoȝte#, VI 164, see Dede; #Thoght(e)#, IV a 5, b 23, XVII 156, &c. [OE. (ge-)þō̆ht.]

#Þourgh#. See Þorgh.

#Þousand(e)#, #-end#, #-ond#; #Þouzond#; #Thowsande#; n. sg. and pl. thousand, III 30, 34, VIII a 185, XI b 279, XIII b 31, XVI 39, &c. [OE þūsend.]

#Thousendfold#, adj.; many thousendfold, in many thousands, XII a 97. [OE. þūsend-fáld.]

#Þouþ#, conj. though, even if, XI b 190. [As Þogh, with alteration of final spirant; cf. Þof.]

#Þow(e)#; #Þowȝ#, &c. See Þou; Þogh.

#Thrall#, n. slave; predic. as adj. in bondage, subject, XVI 134. [OE. þrǣ̆ll, from ON. þrǽl-l.]

#Þre(e)#, adj. three, I 196, II 70, IX 244, &c.; #Þri#, III 6, 15; þre (squared), IX 106; a þre, in three, XIII b 49. [OE. þrēo, fem., neut.; þrī(e), masc.]

#Þrepe#, n. contest, V 329. [Cf. OE. þrēapian, v.]

#Þresch#, v. to thrash; smite, V 232. [OE. þerscan, late þrescan.]

#Þrestelcoc#, n. (male) throstle, song-thrush, XV b 7. [OE. þrostle + cocc; on form see N.E.D., s.v. Throstle.]

#Þrete#, v. to threaten, V 232, XIV a 31; to wrangle, VI 201; refl. in him þreteþ, wrangles, chides, XV b 7 (note). [OE. þrēatian; ? ON. þrǽta (in sense 'wrangle').]

#Threting#, n. threatening (language), XIV a 30. [OE. þrēatung.]

#Thretty#. See Þritti.

#Þrewe#, pa. t.; ouer ... þrewe, overturned, II 578. [OE. þrāwan, twist; pa. t. þrēow.]

#Þri#. See Þre(e).

#Þrid(de)#, #Þryd(de)#, adj. third, III 10, IX 30, XII a 122, &c. #Thirde#, #Thyrde#, IV b 6, XVI 31; at þe þrid, on the third occasion, V 288; þe þryd(de) tyme, for the third time, I 142, XII b 81, XVII 460. [OE. þridda, late Nth. þirda.]

#Þrien#, adv. thrice, XV g 33. [OE. þri(g)a.] See Þryys.

#Thrife#, #Thryfe#. See Þriue.

#Thryft#, n. prosperity; in oath by my thryft = as euer myght I thrife (see The, Þriue), XVII 218. [ON. þrift.]

#Thrifty#, adj. prosperous; goodly, fine, VII 158. [From prec.]

#Þryys#, adv. thrice, I 182. [OE. þri(g)a + adv. -es.] See Þrien.

#Þrynge#, v. to press; intr. make one's way, V 329; #Thringand#, pres. p. pressing, X 166. [OE. þríngan.]

#Þritti#, adj. thirty, XV g 4, 15, 21; #Thretty#, VII 158; #Thirté#, #Thyrty#, XVII 125, 260. [OE. þrit(t)ig.]

#Þriuaund#, pres. p. prosperous; goodly, noble, VII 158. [From next.] Cf. Thrifty.

#Þriue#, #Thrife#, #Thryfe#, v. to prosper; I may not thryfe, I can ill bear it, or may scarcely recover, XVII 414; in oaths: so mot þou þriue, as euer myght I thrife, &c., so may you (I) prosper, on your (my) life, II 532, XVII 191, 243 (cf. The, v.). [ON. þrífa-sk.]

#Þro#, adj. fierce, V 232. [ON. þrá-r, stubborn.]

#Throu#, #Throughe#. See Þorgh.

#Þrowe#, n. time, moment, XII b 59; a þrowe, for a time, I introd., V 151. [OE. þrāg.]

#Þrublet#, pa. t. crowded, gathered (intr.), VII 132. [Obscure. In N.E.D. as var. of Trouble, grow dark; but cf. Purity, 504, 879.]

#Þu#; #Þulke#. See Þou; Thilke.

#Þundyr#, n. thunder(storm), I 166; #Thoner#, VII 132, XVII 346. [OE. þunor.]

#Þurch#, #Þurȝ#, &c. See Þorgh.

#Þus#, adv. thus, so, I 37, XI b 270, XII a 88, XVI 283, &c.; therefore, XI a 40. [OE. þus.]

#Þus(e)#. See Þes.

#Þusgate#, adv. in this way, VIII b 53. [Þus + Gate, n.^2] See Sogat.

#U-#, #V-#; for init. u, v (in III) see also F.

#Vayn(e)#, adj. frivolous, vain, worthless, IV b 28; #Veyn#, XI b 104, 124, 137, &c.; yn veyn, in vayn, in vain, I 178, XVII 360. [OFr. vain.]

#Vale#, n. vale, V 203 (see Hil). [OFr. val.]

#Valay#, #Valeye#, n. valley, V 77, 177, IX 195, XI b 155. [OFr. valée.]

#Vald#; #Vall#. See Wille, v.; Wal.

#Value#, n. value, X 132. [OFr. value.]

#Vanyté#, n. frivolity, vanity, vain thing, IV b 13, 52, XI b 181, 219, XIV c 3. [OFr. vanité.]

#Vapnys#; #Var#. See Weppen; Was.

#Vauntwarde#, n. vanguard, VIII b 60. [ONFr. avant-warde.]

#Vch(on)#. See Ich(on).

#Velany#. See Vylany.

#Vedde#. See Fede.

#Veyn#. See Vayn(e).

#Venge# (on), v. to take vengeance (on); it schal ben venged ... so, such vengeance shall be taken, XII b 100. [OFr. venger.]

#Venia(u)nce#, #Vengaunce#, n. vengeance, punishment, I 92, 129, VIII a 138, XI b 49, XVII 55, &c. [OFr. venjance.]

#Venym(e)#, n. poison, IV b 86, IX 94. [OFr. venim.]

#Venymous#, adj. poisonous, IX 203. [OFr. venimous.]

#Ver(r)ay#, adj. true, IX 65, XVII 1; adv. truly, very, XVII 198; #Verayly#, adv. truly, V 177. [OF. verai.]

#Verament#, adv. assuredly, XVII 6. [OFr. veirement, veraiment.]

#Verce#, n. verse, VI 233. [OE. fers; OFr. vers.]

#Verrit# (for), pp. averred, declared (to be), VII 49. [Shortened from OFr. averer.]

#Verst#. See Furst.

#Vertu(e)#, n. power, peculiar property, quality, IX 67, 70, 74, XII b 175, XV i 3, &c.; virtue, IV b 16, V 307; kyng of vertues, XVI 128 (see note). [OFr. vertu.]

#Vertuous#, #Virtuus#, adj. in possession of its proper qualities, IX 126; virtuous, VII 49. [OFr. vertuous.]

#Ves#. See Was.

#Vessel(l)#, n. vessel, I 218, (ship) XVII 327. [OFr. vessel.]

#Vggely#, #Vgly#, adj. forbidding, horrible, V 11, 122, XVI 101. [ON. ugg-ligr.]

#Vgsom#, adj. horrible, VII 133. [Cf. ON. uggsam-ligr.]

#Victorye# (of), n. victory (over), IX 81, XI b 153. [OFr. victorie.]

#Vif(tene)#, &c. See Fyue, Fyfteyn.

#Vylany#, #Velany#, n. unknightly conduct, V 307; ignominy, shameful fate, XVII 67. [OFr. vilanie.]

#Vile#, adj. worthless, IV b 12; miserable, II 548. [OFr. vil.]

#Vilté#, n. vileness, IV b 77. [OFr. vilté.]

#Vyndland#, pres. p. turning over and over, X 129. [Cf. ON. vindla, wind.]

#Vyne#, n. vineyard, VI 142, 161, &c.; vine, IX 158. [OFr. vi(g)ne.]

#Violastres#, n. pl. as supposed name of a kind of diamonds of inferior lustre; due to mistransl. of French violastres (adj. pl.), purplish, IX 97 (note).

#Vyolentlych#, adv. violently, XIII a 33. [From OFr. violent.]

#Vyolet#, #Violet(te)#, n. violet (flower), IX 99, XV e 13; (colour), IX 98; see IX 97 note. [OFr. violet(te).]

#Vyrgyne#, n. Virgin, virgin, I 85, 240, &c. [OFr. virgine.]

#Vyrgynflour#, n. perfect maidenhood, VI 66. [Prec. + Flour.]

#Virtuus#. See Vertuous.

#Visage#, n. face, II 80. [OFr. visage.]

#Vyse#, n. vice, V 307. [OFr. vice.]

#Vitayll#, n. victuals, provisions, XVII 155. [OFr. vitaille.]

#Vithall#, #-in#. See Withal, -inne.

#Vmbethoucht# (hym), pa. t. bethought (him), reflected, X 179. [OE. *ymb(e)-þencan (cf. ymbe-þanc); but prefix is influenced by ON. umb.]

#Vmbreide# (of), pa. t. subj. reproached (with), XII b 98. [OE. ūp-gebregdan, upbraid, with prefix assimilated to ME. umb(e) as in prec.]

#Vnable#, adj. incapable, IX 313; impossible, VII 46. [OE. un- + OFr. hable.] See Able.

#Vnablen#, v. to render incapable, XI b 109, 117. [From prec.]

#Vnbarred#, pp. unbarred, V 2. [OE. on- (un-) + OFr. barrer.] See Bard, Barres.

#Vnbynde#, v. to unbind, release, XVI 8; #Vnbounde#, pp. I 228. [OE. on-bíndan, late un-bíndan.]

#Vnblendyde#, adj. unpolluted, IV b 16. [From pp. of Blende, q.v.]

#Vncessantlé#, adv. unceasingly, XVII 147. [From OFr. incessant.]

#Vnclene#, adj. impure, IV b 17. [OE. un-clǣne.]

#Vncouþe#, #Vnkowthe#, adj. strange, unknown, II 535, VII 146. [OE. un-cūþ.]

#Vncrouned#, adj. without the tonsure, lay, VIII b 66. See Crounede.

#Vndede#. See Vndo.

#Vnder#, #-ur#, prep. under, II 70, IX 179, XIII a 15; (postponed) V 250; see Gore, Heuenryche; adv. underneath, XVII 409; in reality (opposed to appearance on surface), VII 18, XIV a 18; see Þere. [OE. under.]

#Vnder#, n. 'the third hour', about the middle of the morning, VI 153. [OE. undern.] See Vndertide.

#Vnderȝete#, pa. t. pl. perceived, II 576. [OE. under-getan, pa. t. pl. -gē(a)ton.]

#Vnderlynge#, n. inferior, VIII a 47. [OE. underling.]

#Vndernome#, pp. taken in (mentally), realized, II 320. [OE. underniman, pp. -numen.] See Nym(e).

#Vnderstonde#, #Vndirstand(e)#, &c., v. to understand; comprehend, I 12, IV b 76, IX 214, XI b 117, XIII b 55, &c.; learn, be told, I 26, II 215, IX 187, &c.; vnderst. bi, intend (to be understood) by, XI a 9; vnderst. of preiere of holy lif, mean by 'prayer' (that consisting in) holy living, XI b 82; #Vnderstod#, pa. t. XII b 36, 88, &c. [OE. understándan, -stóndan.]

#Vnderstondyng(e)#, #-standynge#, &c., n. comprehension, XI b 134; intelligence, IV b 49, 56, 65; of kynde vnderst., it stands to ordinary reason, naturally, VIII b 58. [OE. under-stánding.]

#Vndertake#, v. to undertake, XIV c 52; warrant, XVII 274; #Vndertake#, pp. XII a 52. [OE. under- + ON. taka.]

#Vndertide#, #Vndrentide#, n. (orig.) mid-morning, (esp. as time for a rest from work), but often vaguely applied and appar. nearly equiv. to 'noon', II 65, 76, 133, 181, 282; slepe her undertides, were taking a noontide sleep, II 402. [OE. undernīd.] See Vnder, n.

#Vndisposid# (to), adj. indisposed, disinclined (to), XI b 135. [From OFr. disposer.]

#Vndo#, v. to undo, open, XVI 182; #Vndede#, pa. t. II 385. [OE. on-dōn, un-dōn.] See Do(n).

#Vnglad#, adj. in misery, XVII 22. [OE. un-glæd.]

#Vnité#, n. coherence of mind, sanity (? but this sense unexampled), VIII b 10. [OFr. unité, unity.]

#Vnkept#, adj. not kept, broken, XI b 233. See Kepe.

#Vnkinde#, #Vnkuynde#, adj. unnatural (in conduct, &c.); disloyal, XIV c 103; hard-hearted, XII b 1, 220, 224. [OE. un(ge)cýnde.]

#Vnkindenesse#, #Vnkyndnes#, n. unnatural conduct, XII b 205, XVII 12. [From prec.]

#Vnkowþe#. See Vncouþe.

#Vnlokynne#, pp. opened, XVI 197. [OE. on-lūcan, un-; pp. -locen.] See Loke, pp.

#Vnmanerly#, adv. discourteously, V 271. [From ME. maner-ly, formed on Maner(e), q.v.]

#Vnneþe#, adv. with difficulty, hardly, II 221, 416, XIII b 60, XIV c 4. [OE. un-ēaþe.]

#Vnoccupied#, adj. unoccupied, XI b 127. See Occupied.

#Vnreso(u)nable#, adj. unreasonable, VI 230, VIII a 145. [From OFr. resonable.] See Resonabele.

#Vnrid#, adj. hard, cruel, XVII 40. [OE. un-gerȳde, rough.]

#Vnryghtwysely#, adv. unrighteously; more than is right, IV b 24. [OE. un-rihtwīs-līce.]

#Vnschape#, adj. formless, XIII b 59. [OE. un-gescapen, unformed.]

#Vnschette#, v. to open, XII a 71. [OE. on- (un-) + scyttan (Kt. *scettan).]

#Vnsober#, adj. violent, VII 143; #Vnsoberly#, adv. violently, VII 130. [From OFr. sobre.] See Sobre.

#Vnsoght#, adj. unexpiated, not atoned for, XVII 97. [ME. un-sa(u)ght, from ON. ú-sáttr (older *un-saht-); cf. OE. un-seht. The orig. rimes were prob. naght, saght, wraght; see Werche.]

#Vnstudied#, adj. not studied, XI b 165, 232. See Studie.

#Vntil(l)#, prep. to, XII a 132, XVI 370, XVII 218 (see Turne); until, XVI 52. [As next with subst. of interchangeable til.]

#Vnto#; #Vntew#, XVII 505; prep. to, I 111, II 186, XII a 25, XVI 319, XVII 241; towards, for, XVI 246; up to, until, I 95, VII 95, IX 328. [? OE. *untō; cf. OS. untō, prep.; Goth. untē, conj.]

#Vnto#, conj. until, I 68. [As prec.] See To, conj.

#Vntrawþe#, n. perfidy, V 315. [OE. un-trēowþ.] See Treuthe.

#Vntrew(e)#, adj. inaccurate, untrue, VII 47, XI a 43. [OE. untrēowe.] See Trew(e).

#Vntreweliere#, adv. compar. less accurately, XI a 59. [OE. untrēow-līce.]

#Vntrusse#, v. to unload, XII b 52. [OE. on- (un-) + OFr. trusser.] See Trus.

#Vnwar#, adj. (or adv.) unawares, XII b 9. [OE. unwær, adj. and adv.] See War(e).

#Vnworthi#, adj. unworthy, IX 308. [Extended from OE. unweorþ(e).] See Worþy.

#Vochen saf#. See Vouchesaf.

#Voided#, pp. 'cleared out', been dismissed, II 574. [OFr. (a)voider.]

#Vois#, n. voice, XII a 119, b 31, &c.; #Voyce#, #Voice#, XVI 73, 79. [OFr. vois.]

#Vol(ueld)#. See Ful(fillen).

#Vorbisne(n)#, n. pl. examples, illustrations, III 2, 59. [OE. for(e)-bisen.]

#Vore-yzede#, #Vorzede#. See For-seyde.

#Vouche-saf#, #Vowch-sayf#, v. to vouchsafe, deign, IX 330, XVII 172; #Vochen saf#, pres. pl. guarantee (sc. me), VIII b 51. [OFr. vo(u)cher sauf.]

#Voundit#. See Woundit.

#Vousour#, n. vaulting, II 363. [OFr. vousure.]

#Vp#, #Vpp(e)#, adv. up, I 200, II 96, V 11, XVI 113, &c.; open, X 185; (open) wide, XVI 122, 194; vp wiþ, up with, lift up, hold high, XIV c 99. [OE. ūp, upp(e).]

#Vpcaste#, pa. t. lifted up, XII a 106. [OE. up(p) + ON. kasta.] See Cast(e).

#Vpdrawe#, pp. drawn up, XII b 64. [OE. up(p) + dragan.]

#Vplondysch#, #Oplondysch#, adj. rustic, XIII b 23, 50. [Cf. OE. ūp-lendisc.]

#Vp(p)on#; #Vpo#, XV g 4; #Opan#, II 506; #Opon#, II 72, &c.; #Apon#, IV a 86, X 123, &c.; prep. (i) (up)on, V 134, VIII a 135, IX 33, X 183, XII a 126 (see Stonde), XIII a 12, &c.; (postponed) II 500, 506; (of time) I 29, &c.; immediately after, XII b 147; (commenting) on, XI b 20; upon this matiere, on this business, XII a 45. (ii) in, VI 185, X 66, XII introd., a 175; (believe) in, XV g 9; into, VII 6, 140; (iii) to, V 184 (see Stiȝtel); (iv) (think) of, V 329, VI 10. See Grounde, Half, Out(e), Þer(e), &c. [OE. up(p)-on.]

#Vpon#, adv. on; dede upon, put on, XII a 53. [As prec.]

#Vpperight#, adv. (straight) up, XVI 394. [OE. ūp-rihte.]

#Vprise#, v. to rise up, XVI 31 (see prec.). [OE. up(p) ā-rīsan.]

#Vpward#, adv. in the upper part, IX 246. [OE. ūp-weard.]

#Vr(e)#; #Vrn#; #Vrþe#. See We; Eorne; Erþe.

#Vs#. See He, We.

#Vsage#, n. usage, XIII b 17. [OFr. usage.]

#Vse#, #Vss(e)#, n. use, XIII a 1; usage, ritual, XI b 189, 196, &c. (see note, XI b 183). [OFr. us, L. ūsus.]

#Vse#, v. to use, practise, have dealings with, V 38, 358, XIII b 14, XIV a 30; #Y-vsed#, pp. XIII b 26. [OFr. user.]

#Vtmast#, adj. outermost, II 357. [OE. ūt(e)mest.]

#Vttiremeste#, adj. extreme, furthest, XVI 232 (see Ende). [Formed on ME. utter(e), OE. ū̆ttra, on anal. of prec.]

#Vus#. See We.

#Wa(a)#. See Wo.

#Wack(e)net#, pa. t. and pp. awoke, (was) aroused, VII 105, 110. [OE. wæcn(i)an.] See Wake.

#Wage#, v. to undertake, guarantee, pay (hire), &c.; intr. or absol. ? (used for) securely continue, or ? bring reward, VI 56. [ONFr. wager.]

#Wagh(e)#, #Wawe#, #Wawgh(e)#, n. wave, water (of the sea), VII 140, XII a 157, XIV c 33, XVII 426, &c. [ON. vág-r.]

#Wai#, #Way#, interj. woe! II 234, 546; wai es him, unhappy is one (who), XV a 9. [ON. vei.] See We, interj.; Wo.

#Way(e)#, #Wey(e)#, #Weie#, #We# (X), n. way, course, manner, distance, &c., II 476, VII 144, VIII a 6, IX 220, X 85, XII a 16, XVI 74, &c.; all way, all weys, continually, XVII 500; always, IX 212, 277; by þe way of, see Right, n.; in þe waye, on (by) the way, IV b 41; in ich ways, in every way, II 158 (see note); adv. away, in do way, have done, enough, II 226. [OE. weg.] See Alway, Awai, Heigh.

#Waik#, adj. weak, VIII b 23. [ON. veik-r.]

#Waille#, v. to bewail, VIII a 308. [ON. *veila (cf. ON. vǽla, Swed. veila).]

#Wayte#, v. to look, V 95, 221. [ONFr. wait(i)er.]

#Wake#, v. to lie awake, keep vigil, IV b 49, XV c 21; trans. to arouse, kindle, XVII 89. [OE. wacian, intr.] See A-, Forwake.

#Wal#, #Wall#, n. wall, II 357, XI b 40, XIII a 24, XVII 515 (see Ston), &c.; #Vall#, X 131. [OE. wall.]

#Wald(e)#. See Wille, v.

#Wale#, v. to choose; to wale (to be chosen), conspicuous, excellent, VII 8. [ON. val, n.; velja (pa. t. valdi), v.]

#Walk(e)#, v. to walk, wander, V 110, VI 39, XII b 21, XVI 53, 333; walkes wide, is spread abroad, XIV b 29 (see Word); #Ywalked#, pp. XIII a 16. [OE. walc(i)an, roll, go to and fro.]

#Wallande#, pres. p. welling, bubbling, VI 5. [OE. wallan.]

#Walschmen#, n. pl. Welshmen, XIII b 3. [OE. wē̆lisc, wǣ̆lisc + mann.]

#Walt#, v. to roll; trans. pa. t. rolled, VII 140 (rel. to blastes omitted); intr. infin. totter (and fall), VII 138; pa. t. was tossed, VII 144 (rel. to nauy omitted). [OE. (Nth.) wælta.]

#Wan#. See Wanne, Wynne(n).

#Wan(e)#, v. to decrease, subside, XVII 450, 458, 493. [OE. wanian.]

#Wane#, n. expectation (of success), in I ne wate na better wane, I know no better alternative, IV a 55; cf. Rede, n. [ON. ván, expectation.] See Wones.

#Wandren#, v. to wander, VIII a 297. [OE. wandrian.]

#Wandreth#, n. trouble, distress, IV a 19, XVII 40. [ON. vandrǽði.]

#Waning#, n. curtailment, VI 198 (see Ȝete, v.). [OE. wanung.]

#Wan(ne)#, #Won# (XV), adj. gloomy, VII 140; sickly, wan, II 108, IV a 10, XV c 22. [OE. wann, wonn, dark.]

#Wanne#. See Whan, Wynne(n).

#Want#, n. lack (esp. of food), XVII 194. [ON. vant, neut. adj.] See Wonte.

#Wap#, n. a blow, V 181. [Cf. ME. wappen, w(h)op, beat; echoic.]

#Wapin#. See Weppen.

#War# (with), v. imper. guard (against), beware (of), XIV a 6. [OE. warian, refl.]

#War(e)#, adj. in be war (of), be on one's guard (against), beware (of), take care, V 320, XI b 217, 311, XIV d 4; be war or ye be wo, look before you leap, XIV d 11 (see Wo). [OE. wær.] See Vnwar.

#War(e)#. See Was.

#Ward(e)#, n. custody, XVI 222; post (in the defence), X 35. [OE. weard.]

#Warda(i)ne#, n. warden, commander of the garrison, X 146, 169, XIV b 83. [ONFr. wardein.]

#Ware#, adj. XVI 154; see Werre, and note.

#Ware#, v. to lay out, spend, VII 19; #Waret#, pp. given (in exchange), dealt, V 276. [OE. warian (recorded once as 'treat with') rel. to waru, wares.]

#Wary#, v. to curse, XVII 208; #Wery#, XIV a 23. [OE. wærgan, wergan.]

#Wark#, v. to feel pain, ache, XVII 269. [OE. wærcan; cf. ON. verkja.]

#Wark(e)#; #Warld#. See Werk(e); World(e).

#Warn(e)#, v. to warn, inform, VIII a 125, 158, 316, 321, XVII 124; forewarn, XVII 110. [OE. war(e)nian.]

#Warnist#, pp. furnished, manned, X 121. [ONFr. warnir, warniss-.]

#Warp#, v. to cast; offer, V 185. [OE. weorpan; ON. varpa.]

#Wars#; #Warth#. See Wors; Worþe, v.

#Was#, pa. t. sg. was, I 28, &c.; have been, VIII a 160; 2 sg. XVII 120; #Ves#, X 15, 32; #Watȝ#, V 1, VI 4, &c.; 2 sg. V 326, VI 12, &c.; #Wes#, III 16, X 2, XV g 1, &c.; subj. was, were, might (would, &c.) be, #Var#, X 38; #War(e)#, IV a 19, 23, &c.; #Weor#, XIV c 89;#Wer(e)#, I 92, II 108, IV a 75, XV g 8, XVI 199, &c. Pl. ind. and subj. #War(e)#, X 10, XIV b 93, &c.; #Weir#, X 137; #Wer(e)#, #Weren#, #Weryn#, #Wern(e)#, I 41, II 18, III 58, V 354, VI 18, 225, &c.; #Wore#, I 114, VI 214, *XVI 17 (note). [OE. wæs (wes), wǣron, &c.; ON. pl. várum, &c.] See Nas.

#Wasche#, v. intr. to wash, XIII a 25. [OE. wascan.]

#Waste#, n. wild, uninhabited place, V 30. [ONFr. wast; OE. wē̆ste.] See Wysty.

#Waste(n)#, v. trans. to waste, VIII a 127, 155; intr. XIV c 2. [ONFr. waster.]

#Wastour(e)#, n. waster, despoiler, rogue, VIII a 29, 124, 146, &c. [ONFr. wastur.]

#Wat#; #Wate#; #Watȝ#. See What(e); Wite(n); Was.

#Watches#, n. pl. watches; watchmen, XVI 140. [OE. wæcce.]

#Waþe#, n.^1 peril, V 287; #Woþe#, VI 15; #Woth#, XVII 416. [ON. váði.]

#Wathe#, n.^2 (something gained in) hunting, XVII 486; cf. Fee, n.^2 [ON. veið-r.]

#Watter#; #Watur#, #-er#; n. water (sea, lake, flood), V 163, VII 119, VIII a 318, &c.; #Watres#, pl. IX 12, 243. [OE. wæter.]

#Wattered#, pa. t. intr. watered, VIII a 168. [OE. wæterian, trans.]

#Wawe#, #Wawghes#. See Wagh(e).

#Waxe(n)#, #Wax#, v. to increase, grow, become, XV b 15, 32, c 22, XVII 60, 179; #Wexe(n)#, #Wex#, II 62, IX 22, 95, XVI 344, &c.; #Wax#, pa. t. I 237; #Wex#, VI 178. [OE. we(a)xan.]

#We#, interj. (of grief, consternation, surprise, &c.) alas, ah, &c.; II 176, V 117, XVI 139, 149, 301, XVII 217, 238; we loo, V 140. [OE. wǣ (lā).] See Wai, Wo.

#We#, pron. pl. we, I 64, &c. Acc. and dat. (to, for) us, #Hus#, XVII 46; #Ous#, II 167, 604, VIII b 92, &c.; #Vs#, IV a 7, VII 32, &c.; vs must, see Mot(e); #Vus#, V 174, VI 94, &c.; vus þynk vus oȝe, see Owe, Þinke; #Vs self#, refl. ourselves, XI b 157; #Our(e)#, #Owr(e)#, poss. adj. our, I 203, III 29, IV a 16, 55, XV g 26, &c.; #Vr(e)#, XIV c 15, 84, XV g 1, 24; oure one, alone by ourselves, V 177 (see note); #Oure#, pron. ours, XI b *128, 129; #Ouris#, X 88. [OE. wē, ūs, ūre.]

#We#. See Way(e).

#Wecht#, n. weight, X 101. [ON. vétt-r, earlier *weht-.]

#Wedde#, n. pledge, in leide to wedde, pledged, assigned as security, mortgaged, VIII b 77. [OE. wedd; lecgan to wedde.]

#Wede#, n. garment, article of attire, II 146, V 290; wight in wede, valiant (in arms), XIV b 5. [OE. wǣd, ge-wǣde.]

#Weder#, #-ir#, #-ur#, n. weather, II 269, XVII 470; foul weather, storm, VII 114, VIII a 320, XIV c 35, XVII 451. [OE. weder.]

#Wedes#, n. pl. weeds (plants), VIII a 105. [OE. wēod.]

#Wedmen#, n. pl. wedded folk, XVII 400. [OE. wedd + mann.] See Wedde, Yweddede.

#Wedows#; #Wees#, #Wegh(es)#; #Weete#; #Weie#, #Wey(e)#; #Weyn#; #Weir#. See Wodewe; Wyȝe; Wete; Way(e); Wene(n); Was.

#Wel(e)#, #Well(e)#, #Weyl# (I), #Weill# (X), adv. well, I 110, II 136, X 12, XIV d 2, &c.; very, II 309, 345, XIII a 26, XIV c 39, &c.; wel riȝt, wel sone, &c. at once, II 71, 270, X 70; fully, quite, I 254, II 553, &c.; (esp. with numbers) II 183, IX 199, XIV b 42, &c.; (with compar.) a good deal, much, II 464, X 10, XVI 334; without disadvantage, IV b 31; easily, VIII a 47, XVII 5, &c.; predic. good, XV e 7, &c.; prosperous, VIII a 271; well were he, happy were he who, XVII 339; well is vs, happy are we, XVII 459; wel worth þe, may it go well with thee, V 59; wele wurth þe while, happy the occasion, XIV a 5, &c.; cf. Wo. [OE. wē̆l.] See Welneȝ.

#Wela#, adv. very, in wela wylle (see Wylle), V 16. [OE. wel + lā (intensive).]

#Welcom#, #Welcum#, #Wolcome#, adj. welcome, II 433, V 172, VIII b 52; as interj. VI 39. [OE. wil-cuma infl. by wel(-cwēme); cf. ON. vel-kominn.]

#Welde#, v. to possess, IV a 20. [OE. (ge-)wéldan.]

#Wele#, #Weole#, n. (usually allit. with Wo, q.v.) happiness, prosperity, wealth, II 5, IV a 2, b 74, V 66, VI 34; worldes wele, good things of this world, wealth, IV a 28, XIV b 16; wunne we(o)le, wealth of joy, XV b *11 (MS. wynter), 35. [OE. we(o)la.]

#Weleful#, adj. prosperous, XIV b 17. [Prec. + OE. -full.]

#Wel-fare#, n. welfare, easy life, VIII b 8. [Wel + Fare, n.]

#Welkyn#, n. sky, VII 138. [OE. wolcen, weolcn.]

#Well(e)#, n. spring, fount, VI 5, IX 5, XIII a 1, &c.; fig. XIV c 108. [OE. well(a).]

#Welle-spring#, n. spring, XV e 16. [Cf. OE. well(e)-spryng.]

#Well-wirkand#, adj. righteous in deeds, XVII 120. [Cf. OE. wel-wyrcende.] See Werche.

#Welneȝ#, #Welnyȝ#, #Welnygh#, adv. almost, VI 168, XIII b 4; welnygh now, but a moment ago, VI 221. [OE. wel-nē(a)h.] See Wel(e), adv.; Nyȝ.

#Welth(e)#, n. happiness, IV a 32, XVI 324. [Extended from Wele with abstract -þ.]

#Wen#, n. blemish, diseased growth; fig. III introd. [OE. wenn, tumour.]

#Wende#, v. trans. to turn, V 84; intr. to turn (and toss), XV c 21; to return, I 199; go, come, I 94, II 427, VIII a 6; depart, VIII a 67, 79, 271; refl. go, II 475, 501; #Went(e)#, pa. t. I 113; #Wende#, I *189 (see note), II 65, 185, &c.; #Went(e)#, pp. gone, departed, I 93, VIII a 198, &c.; is went, went, X 178; #Ywent#, come about, III introd. [OE. wéndan.]

#Wene(n)#, to think, imagine, expect, IV a 35, V 336, VIII a 242, XI b 72, &c.; #Weyn#, XVII 444, 535; #Wende#, pa. t. I 110, 127, XII b 66. [OE. wēnan.] See Awenden.

#Wenges#; #Wenne#. See Wyng; Whan(ne).

#Wente#, n. turn(ing), XII b 6. [From Wende, v.]

#Weole#; #Weor#. See Wele; Was.

#Wepe#, n. weeping, in w. and wo, II 195, 234. [OE. wōp, assimilated to stem of next.]

#Wepe#, #Weepe#, v. to weep, II 118, XII a 32, XIV b 60, XV f 6; #Wepte#, pa. t. sg. I 174; #Wepe#, pl. II 591; #Wepeing#, #Wepyng(e)#, n. II 219, IV a 32, XI b 155, &c. [OE. wēpan; pa. t. wēop (ONth. wǣpde).]

#Weppen#, n. weapon, V 154; #Wapin#, XIV b 15; #Vapnys#, pl. X 190. [OE. wēpn; ON. vápn.]

#Wer(e)#, n. war, VII 8, 88, XIV b 15; #Werre#, IX 81, XIV c 76. [ONFr. werre.]

#Wer(e)#, #Weryn#, &c. See Was.

#Werby#. See Wher(e), adv.

#Werche#, v. to work, labour; make; bring about, cause; act, do; I 90, 218, VIII a 297; #Werke#, XVI 334; #Wirk(e)#, XIV b 20, XVI 265, XVII 116; #Wyrk(e)#, VI 176, XVII 262; #Worch(e)#, V 28, VI 151, VIII a 8, b 25, &c.; #Werkis#, 2 sg. XVI 264; #Wroȝt(e)#, #Wroght#, pa. t. I 65, 168, V 293, VI 165, XVII 4 (2 sg.), &c.; #Wrouȝte#, VIII a 103, 243 (subj.), &c.; #Wrouhte#, VIII b 87 (subj.); Wroȝt, #Wroght#, pp. V 276, VII 58, &c.; #Wrouȝt#, II 374, VIII a 308; #Wraght#, *XVII 98 (MS. wroght; see Vnsoght); let God worche, let God do as He wills (? read worthe; see Worþe, Yworth), V 140. [OE. wyrcan; pa. t. worhte (warhte, wrohte); with er forms cf. Scherte, Werse, and see App. p. 280.]

#Were#, v.^1 to ward (off), I 167. [OE. werian.^1]

#Were#, v.^2 to wear (clothes), V 290; #Ywerd#, pp. II 241. [OE. werian.^2]

#Were#, v.^3 to wear (out), decay, XIV c 2; til hit be wered out, until the present state has passed away, VIII b 85. [A sense-development of the prec. (cf. OE. for-wered, worn out); but the infl. of forms of quite distinct origin, such as OE. for-weren, -woren, worn out, decayed, (for)weornian, decay, was perh. ultimately responsible.]

#Wery#. See Wary, v.

#Wery#, adj. weary, XI b 135, XIII a 48, XV c 30. [OE. wērig.]

#Werynes#, n. wearyness, I 156, XIII a 49. [OE. wērig-nes.]

#Werk(e)#, #Wark(e)#, n. work; labour, VI 239, VIII a 191, &c.; fabric, II 374; werkis, works, fortress, XVI 191; action, deed, IV a 65, 84, VII 58, XI b 106, &c.; task, VIII b 56, XVII 130, 244, 255, &c.; written work, VII 4, 55; in sg. deeds, doings, dealings, &c., II 317, V 299, XVI 17, 200. [OE. we(o)rc.]

#Werke#. See Werche.

#Werkman#, #Workeman#, labourer, craftsman, VIII a 308, b 25; #Werk(e)men#, pl. VI 147, VIII a 53, IX 119, &c.; my werkemen, doers of my will, XVI 17. [OE we(o)rc-mann.]

#Werldes#; #Wern(e)#. See World; Was.

#Wernyng#, n. refusal, V 185. [From OE. wérnan.]

#Werre#, adj. and adv. compar. in worse plight, worse, XVI *154 (MS. ware; see note), 334. [ON. verri; adv. verr.] See Wors(e).

#Werre#; #Werse# (#Werst#); #Wes#. See Wer(e); Wors(e); Was.

#West(e)#, adv. and n. west, VII 105, XVI 333. [OE. west, adv.]

#Wete#, adj. and n. wet, II 80, VII 110, XIV c 30. [OE. wǣt; wǣta, n.]

#Wete#, #Weete#, v. to wet, IX 62, XIII a 34. [OE. wǣtan.]

#Weþer#. See Wheþer, conj.^1

#Weue(n)#, v. to weave; pp. #Wouen#, woven, V 290. [OE. wefan, pp. wefen; cf. ON. pp. (v)ofinn.]

#Weued#, pa. t. presented, V 291 (see note). [OE. wǣfan.]

#Wexe(n)#. See Waxe(n).

#Wha(m)#. See Who.

#Whan(ne)#, adv. interrog. and rel. when, I 104, 161, V 163, IX 19, XI a 8, &c.; whan that, when, IX 22, XII a 28, 155, &c. (see Þat); #Huanne#, III 27, 31; #Quen#, V 206, 247, VI 18; #Quhen#, X 40, 171; #Wanne#, VIII b 1, 52, &c.; #Wenne#, VIII b 7; #When#, I 221, &c.; #Whon#, XIV c 110. [OE. hwonne, hwanne, hwænne.]

#Whar(e)#, #Hwar#, adv. interrog. and rel. where, XIV a 7, XV a 6, XVI 294; (with subj.) wherever, II 170; #Quhar#, to the place where, X 18; quhar at, quhar that, where, X 38 (see At rel.), 149. As neut. pron. in: #Whar(e)fore#, for what (which) reason, IV b 33, XIII a 13. [OE. hwǣr, hwāra, and prob. unacc. hwær, hwara.] See Nowhar(e); Wher(e), adv.; cf. Þar(e).

#Wharred#, pa. t. whirred, V 135. [Echoic.]

#What(e)#, #Wat#, #Quat# (V, VI), pron. interrog. what, II 102, XI b 195, XV e 8, XVII 163, &c.; indir. I 56, IV b 65, V 111, VIII b 38, &c.; indef. (with subj.) whatever, II 339, 450, 467; approaching rel. XII b 142 (cf. VIII a 242), XVI 174 (see note and App. p. 289); exclam. what!, XVI 101; lo! V 133-6; quat so, whatsoever, VI 206; what with ... and (as Mn.E. idiom), XVII 214. Adj. interrog. what, VI 115, &c.; indir. VI 32, VII 83, &c.; indef. (with subj.) whatever, VI 163; exclam. what!, II 234; loke what, see Loke; what man (þing), who, what, II 421, 116, &c.; what ... þat, what, VII 92; whatever, XII a 115, XIII a 58 (with subj.). [OE. hwæt.]

#Wheder#; #Whedir#. See Wheþer; Whider.

#Whelp#, n. whelp, pup, XIV b 78. [OE. hwelp.]

#Wher(e)#, #Quere# (VI), adv. interrog. and rel. where, whither, II 194, VI 16, XVI 272, 377; wherever (with subj.), XVI 402; wher(e) þat, (to the place) where, IX 184, XII a 59, 153,&c.; in a case where, when, XII b 139; wherever, IX 177. As neut. pron. in: #Werby#, #Wherby#, on account of which, VIII b 35; by which, XII b 55; #Wherfore#, wherefore; why, IX 176, &c.; and so, V 210, IX 135, 202, &c.; #Wher(e)of#, #Huerof#, (out) of which, III 2, 8, IX 153, 238, XII b 120, &c.; on account of which, XII a 10, 38, 71, 190, b 159, &c.; concerning which, II 16, XII b 212, &c.; wherof that, whereby, wherefore, XII a 116, 140, b 222; #Whereon#, in which, II 267. [OE. hwǣr, hwēr.] See Whar(e).

#Wher(e)#, conj., interrog. (introd. a direct question), XI b 64, 171, 197, 266, 274; (indir.) whether, XI a 51, b 207. [Reduction of Wheþer^1, q.v.]

#Whestones#, n. pl. whetstones, XIII a 45. [OE. hwet-stān.]

#Whete#, n. wheat, VIII a 9, 33, 299; adj. wheaten, VIII a 131. [OE. hwǣte; adj. hwǣten.]

#Wheþer#, #Whethire#, #Wheder# (XVII), #Weþer# (VI), conj.^1 interrog. with ind. or subj.; (introd. a direct question) V 118, VI 205; (indir.) whether, XVII 363; (alternative condition) whethire ... or, whether ... or, IV b 76; #Queþersoeuer#, (with subj.) whether, VI 246. [OE. hwæþer.] See Wher(e), conj.

#Wheþer#, conj.^2 however, (and) yet, VI 221. [OE. hwæþere.]

#Whette#, pa. t. ground; made a grinding noise, V 135; #Quettyng#, n. sharpening, grinding, V 152 (note). [OE. hwettan.]

#Whi#, #Why#, #Hwi#, adv. interrog. why, I 64, II 332, XV a 17, XVII 294, &c.; for whi, XVII 14, 518; #Quy#, VI 201; #Wi#, XV g 25; #Wy#, VI 173, 204; indirect in þe cause why, the reason why, XIII b 66; exclam. why then, V 232. [OE. hwī.]

#Which(e)#, #Wiche#, interrog. adj. which, what, II 494, &c.; pron. which, who, VIII a 126, &c.; rel. adj. in the whiche, which, IX 2; pron. who, which, XII a 52, 61, 111, &c.; the which(e) (wiche), which, whom, VIII b 31, IX 276, 298, XII a 35, &c.; the whiche þat, who(m), IX 190, 337; of the whiche ... offe, of which, IX 24; as he which, &c., see note XII a 23. See App., p. 289. [OE. hwilc.] See Whilke.

#Whider#, #Whedir# (XVII), adv. interrog. whither, II 128, 288, 296, XIV a 21, XVII 313; indef. whithersoever, II 129, 130; #Whider so#, (with subj.) whithersoever, II 340. [OE. hwider.]

#Whyyt#, adj. white, XIII a 31; #Whyte#, #White#, II 105, XVI 89, &c.; #Quyte#, #Quite#, V 20, 296; #Whittore#, compar. XV c 27. [OE. hwīt; compar. hwī̆ttra.]

#Whil(e)#, #Whyl(e)#, #Wyl#, #Quhill# (X), conj. while, I 8, VII 56, XIV c 29, 36, &c.; until, VI 168, X 32, 67, 197; quhill þat, until, *X 63. [OE. þā hwīle þe; see next.]

#While#, #Whyle#, #Wyle#, n. time, while, V 301, XIV a 5 (see Wel), 23, &c.; by whyle, from time to time, II 8; eny wyle, for any length of time, VIII b 25; þat ilke while ... þerwhile, while (conj.), VIII a 155-6; þe while, while (conj.), VIII a 58, 283. [OE. hwīl.] See Hondqwile, Oþerwhile, Þerewhiles, &c.

#Whyle#, adv. for a while, XV c 33. [OE. hwīle, hwīlum.]

#Whiles#; #Whils#, #Whyls#; #Qwiles# (VII); conj. while, VII 39, VIII a 314, XVI 55, XVII 397. [Extended from While, conj., with adv. -es.]

#Whilke#, #Wylke#, rel. pron. which, XVI 14; þe wylke, which, IV b 30. [OE. hwilc.] See Which(e).

#Whilom#, #Whilum#, adv. once, formerly, XII a 179, b 2, XIV b 5. [OE. hwīlum.]

#Whyne#, v. to scream, XVII 229. [OE. hwīnan.]

#Whyp#, n. whip, XVII 378. [Obscure.]

#Whyrlande#, pres. p. whirling, V 154. [OE. hwyrf(t)lian; ON. hvirfla.]

#White#, #Whittore#. See Whyyt.

#Who#, #Wha# (IV), #Quo# (VI), pron. interrog. who, II 263, IV a 14, VI 67, &c.; who is, who is it, XVII 295; indir. I 50, &c.; indef. in who that, whoever, if any one, XII b 24. Obl. case: #Wham#, interrog. whom, II 128; #Quom#, #Whom(e)#, rel. VI 93, IX 77, XVI 82, &c.; #Whos#, gen. sg. rel. whose, I 91, XII b 79; the whos, whose, XII a 113. #Whasa#, #Whoso (euer)#, indef. whoever, I 2, IV a 71, VIII a 67, &c.; but whoso, unless one, VIII a 1. [OE. hwā, dat. hwā̆m.]

#Whon#. See Whan(ne).

#Wi#, #Wy#. See Whi.

#Wycche#, n. wizard, IX 85. [OE. wicca.]

#Wiche#; #Wicht#. See Which(e); Wight, adj.

#Wid#. See With.

#Widder#, v. to wither, XVII 63. [OE. *widr(i)an, expose, be exposed, to the weather.]

#Wyde#, #Wide#, adj. wide, spacious, II 365, XVII 541; adv. wide open, X 185; far and wide, XIV b 29. [OE. wīd; adv. wīd(e).]

#Wydwes#. See Wodewe.

#Wif(e)#, #Wyf#, #Wiif# (II), n. wife, II 178, V 283, XII a 3, XVII 106, &c.; #Wyue#, dat. sg. III 52; #Wiues#, #Wyues#, #Wifis#, pl. II 399, VIII a 13, XVII 144, &c. [OE. wīf.]

#Wyfman#, n. woman, III 30, 31, 36; #Wymman#, III 23; #Wimon#, XV g 7; #Wom(m)an#, II 211, XI b 61, &c.; #Wymmen(e)#, pl. IV b 54, V 347, XV b 32, c 11, &c.; #Wommen#, I 53, VIII a 8, &c.; #Women(e)#, IV b 42, XVII 208. [OE. wī̆f-mann, wimman.]

#Wight#, #Wyht#, #Wicht# (X), adj. valiant, X 122, 148, XIV b 5 (see Wede); ? adv. quickly, straightway, XV b 36. [ON. víg-r, neut. víg-t.]

#Wight#, #Wyght#, n. creature, person, VIII a 243, XVII 47, &c.; #Wyȝte#, VI 134; #Wiht#, XII b 77; #Wytes#, pl. XV i 19. [OE. wiht.]

#Wyȝe#, #Wegh#, n. knight, man, V 6, 30, VII 19, &c.; vocative, Sir (knight), &c., V 23, 59, 172; #Wyȝeȝ#, #Weghes#, #Wees#, pl. VI 219, VII 23, 55. [OE. wiga, warrior.]

#Wiȝtliche#, adv. vigorously, VIII a 21. [From Wight, adj.]

#Wiif#. See Wif.

#Wyke#, n. week, VIII a 253. [OE. wice.] See Woke.

#Wikid#, #Wikked#, #Wykked#, #Wicked#, adj. bad, evil, wicked, IV a 65, VIII a 1, 29, IX 85, XVI 234, &c. [Extended from (obscure) ME. wikke, bad; cf. Wrecched.]

#Wil#, #Wyl(e)#. See Whil(e); Wille, n. and v.

#Wild#. See Wille, v.

#Wild(e)#, #Wylde#, adj. wild, II 214, 257, V 95, &c.; unruly, self-willed, in þof he wer neuer sa wylde, however sinful were his life, IV a 75. [OE. wílde.] See Wylle, adj.

#Wildernes#, #-nisse#, n. wilderness, II 212, 560. [OE. wildeornes (in Sweet).]

#Wiles#, #Wyles#, n. pl. wiles, V 347, 352, XIV b 55. [OE. wig(e)l coalescing with ONFr. *wile (OFr. guile); see Napier, O.E. Glosses, p. 159 (note).] See Gile, Biwyled.

#Wylyde#, adj. ? guileful, V 299.[From prec.]

#Wylke#. See Whilke.

#Will(e)#, #Wyll(e)#, #Wil#, #Wyl#, n. pleasure, desire, will, intent, purpose, I 49, II 224, 345, 568, IV a 29, V 90, X 47, XI b 7, XV b 34, c 3, &c.; good will, favour, V 319; at his owhen w., at his pleasure, II 271; at my (his) wille, subject to my (his) will, VIII a 200, XIV b 56; wiþ wille, joyously, XV b 15; with my wille, with my consent, XVI 297; lightnes of w., levity, VII 15; swete w., good pleasure, II 384. [OE. ge-will, willa.]

#Wylle#, adj. bewildering, wandering (path), V 16. [ON. vill-r.] See Wild(e).

#Wille#, v. desire, wish, be willing; be likely, wont; intend, will, &c., and as auxil. of fut. 1 and 3 sg. pres. #Wil#, #Wyl#, I 10, V 89, 147, VIII a 24, 39, IX 252, &c.; #Will(e)#, #Wyll#, III 2, IV a 31, 52, &c.; #Wol(e)#, II 24, IX 279, XI a 48, &c.; #Woll(e)#, VIII b 40, XV c 17, XVI 7, &c.; 2 sg. #Wil#, #Wyl(l)#, IV a 4, 17, 88, VIII a 222, &c.; #Wylt#, V 73. #Wolt#, VIII a 271, XII b 42, XV g 33; (with suffixed pron.) #Wiltou#, #-ow#, II 128, XIV a 21, &c.; (further reduced) #Wolte#, XV g 19, 22; pl. #Wyl#, #Wil(l)#, I 259, IV b 2, IX 118, &c.; #Wol#, #Wole(n)#, VIII b 85, IX 64, XI b 64, 161, XIII b 23, &c.; #Wolle#, XVI 240 (rime--fille); wiltow or neltow, whether you are willing or not, VIII a 149 (cf. II 154); (without expressed infin.) will go (come), V 64, XVII 504; wilt thou so, you'll do that, will you? XVII 226. Pa. t. desired, wished, was willing; was likely, used; intended, would; subj. would (be willing), would (should) like, could wish, &c.; as auxil. of condit. or pa. t. subj. would, should, &c.: #Vald#, X 79; #Wald(e)#, IV a 39, X 21, XIV b 12, &c.; #Wild#, I introd. (? ON. vilda); #Wold(e)#, I 185 (rime colde), II 188, 279, III 37, IV b 25, V 28, VI 30, VIII a 204, XI a 51, XIV c 20, XVI 253, XVII 47, &c.; #Wulde#, I 47, 90, 171; 2 sg. #Wold(e)#, #Woldeȝ#, #-est#, II 454, V 59, VI 50, XVI 362, XVII 172, &c.; wold awede, was like to go mad (or was going mad) II 87; wold ich nold ich, whether I would or no, II 154 (cf. VIII a 149); (without expressed infin.) wold vp (in), desired to rise (enter), II 96, 378; whider þai wold, where they were going to, II 296; walde away, would depart, IV a 75. [OE. willan, wyllan; pa. t. wólde, wálde.] See Ichil, Ichulle.

#Wilnest#, 2 sg. pres. desirest, VIII a 256. [OE. wilnian.]

#Wymman#, #Wimon#, &c. See Wyfman.

#Wind(e)#, #Wynd(e)#, #Wynt#, n. wind, breath, IV b 5, VII 116, XIII a 8, XIV a 33, c 35, &c.; #Wynd blast#, blast of wind, XVII 355. [OE. wínd.]

#Wyndo(w)#, n. window, XVII 136, 280. [ON. vind-auga.]

#Wyne#, n. wine, IV a 51 (footnote). [OE. wīn.]

#Wyng#, #Weng#, n. wing, IV b 6, 48, IX 257, XII a 176, &c. [ON. vǽng-r.]

#Wynke#, n. a wink (of sleep), I 159. [From OE. wincian, v.]

#Wynne#, #Wyn#, n. gain, profit, V 352; hym to mekill wyn, to his great profit, XVII 109. [OE. (ge-)winn.]

#Wynne(n)#, #Winne#, #Wyn#, v. to win; #Wan(ne)#, pa. t. sg. VIII a 90, XVI 9, &c.; pl. VII 174; #Wonne(n)#, pp. V 23, VI 157, &c.; #Wonen#, V 347, VII 169; #Won#, IV a 40, &c.; #Ywon#, II 561: trans. to procure (with toil), VIII a 21, 127; to win (in contest, &c.), win over, IV a 8, 20, XIV b 16, 56, XVI 9, &c.; to earn, VI 219, VIII a 90, XVI 230, &c.; to gain, get, XVI 132, XVII 363, &c.; to (manage to) bring, get, IV a 40, V 23, 347, VII 174; wynne (away), rescue, II 561, XVI 18, 171, 266, 406; intr. to labour profitably, earn (something), VIII a 155, 316, XII b 37; to win one's way, get (to), V 163; get (away, from), escape, XVII 24, 549, &c.; (were) wonen of, had escaped, VII 169; wyn to end, succeed in completing, XVII 130; to go, come, V 147, VI 157. [OE. ge-winnan and ON. vinna.]

#Wynnynge#, n. gain, profit, VIII b 102. [From prec.; ON. vinning-r.]

#Wynt#. See Wind(e).

#Wynter#, #Wintur#, #-er#, n. winter, II 259, VII 100; as adj. XV b 8, 11 (see note); #Winter-schours#, #-tyde#, winter storms, winter time, II 59, XIV b 26. [OE. winter; winter-scūr, -tīd.]

#Wypped#, pa. t. sent flying, V 181. [Cf. Fris., Du., LG. wippen.] #Wyrde#, n. fate, V 66, 350 (cf. 217); wyrdes, chances, VIII b 102. [OE. wýrd.]

#Wyre#, v. to turn; throw, X 112. [OFr. virer.]

#Wirk(e)#, #Wyrk(e)#, &c. See Werche.

#Wis(e)#, #Wys(e)#, adj. wise, IV a 2, VII 31, XI b 250, XII b 222, &c. [OE. wīs.]

#Wys(e)dome#, #Wisdome#, n. wisdom, IV b 56, 68, VIII a 53; piece of wisdom, VIII a 206. [OE. wīs-dōm.]

#Wyse#, #Wise#, n. manner, fashion, guise. *II 158 (note), V 124, VII 65, 77, VIII a 59, XVI 25; in many wise, in many ways, XII a 39; in no(ne) wise, at all, VIII a 300, IX 283; in the wise as, just as, XII a 101; other wise many fold, in many another fashion, XVII 54. [OE. wīse.]

#Wish#, n. desire, will, XVII 4. [Stem of OE. wȳ̆scan, v.]

#Wysli#, #Wysely#, adv. thoughtfully, carefully, XIV c 14, XVII 435. [OE. wīs-līce.]

#Wisse#, #Wysshe#, v. to guide, direct, VII 4 (note); wissed hym bettere, directed him (to do) better, VIII a 158. [OE. wissian.]

#Wist(e)#, &c. See Wite(n), v.^1

#Wysty#, adj. lonely, deserted, V 121. [OE. wē̆stig; for vowel cf. Ryste, and see Morsbach, M.E. Gram., § 109.]

#Wit#, #Witt(e)#, #Wyt#, #Wytt(e)#, n. sg. mind, senses, wits, II 82, III 46 (dat.), XII b 137, XVI 344, &c.; wisdom, XI a 10; intelligence, discernment, understanding, I 11, VII 4, VIII a 53, XI a 12, 32 (? interpretation), 52, XII b 198, &c.; sense, meaning, XI a 6, 47, 53, &c.; pl. intelligence, II 38, XI b 113; senses, wits, XII a 158; fyue wytteȝ, five senses, V 125. Bi my wytte (wit), as I think, V 28, XVII 452; do ... his wit, apply his mind, XI b 6; gode wytt, sound mind, IX 83; Kynde Witt, (natural) good sense, VIII a 243. [OE. witt.]

#Wit#, #Wyt#. See With.

#Wite(n)#, #Wyte#, #Witte#, v.^1 to know, learn, be aware, I 38, VIII a 204, XI b 82, XII a 43, &c.; #Wate#, 1 and 3 sg. pres. IV a 16, VI 142, XVII 444, &c.; #Woot#, XI a 43, 50; #Wote#, I 38, VIII a 124, XVII 313, &c.; see Ichot, Not; #Wost#, 2 sg. VI 51; #Wote#, XVI 222; #Wate#, pl. I introd.; #Wyte#, I 250; #Wotte#, XVI 171. #Wist(e)#, #Wyst(e)#, pa. t. I 160, II 194, III 27, 45, VII 23, XV g 11 (subj.), &c.; would know (subj.), IX 184; see Nist. Don to wyte, inform, II 2; We wille ȝe witte, we intend that you should know (i.e. have full warning of the rescue of the souls), XVI 176; witte þou wele, be assured, XVI 305. [OE. witan; wāt pret. pres.; wiste, &c.] See Ywyte.

#Wite#, v.^2 to guard, keep, II 206, XV f 13. [OE. witian, but in ME. the senses and forms due to OE. wītan (str.), witan (pret. pres.), and witian (wk.) were confused.]

#Wyte#, v.^3 fade, vanish, IV a 34. [OE. ge-wītan.]

#Wyter#, adj. wise, XV c 25. [Late OE. witter, from ON. vitr.]

#Wyterliche#, adv. clearly, VIII b 38. [From prec. in ME. sense 'plain'.]

#Wytes#. See Wight, n.

#With#, #Wyþ#, #Wid# (XV g), #Wit# (VIII b 6), #Wyt# (XV d 6), &c., prep. with, against, XIV b 36, XVII 138, &c.; (meet) with, II 510, VIII b 6, XV g 7; (together) with, among, I 54, 133 (see Wo), II 84, IV a 4 (see Beste), 5, XV g 30, &c.; es noghte with, does not associate with,IV b 2; at, XII a 142; with þat, thereupon, VIII a 239; with (instr.) II 106, IV b 62, XV g 8, 29, &c.; by (means, reason of), II 404, VII 142, XVI 160, 297, &c.; by (agent), V 348, 351, 358, VII 53, &c. With al, entirely, VIII a 76 (OE. mid alle); with all this, meanwhile, X 114; wyth lyttel, with little result, VI 215; what with ... and with, what with ... and, XVII 214. Bowes ... to schote with arwes (to shoot arrows with) is normal ME. order, IX 258; cf. VIII a 259, 290, &c. [OE. wiþ blended with mid (miþ).] See Þar(e), Þer(e).

#Withal#, #Vithall#, adv. withal, X 9; forth withal, straightway, XII b 82, 129. [OE. mid alle; see prec.]

#Withdrawe#, v. to withdraw; intr. retire, VIII a 324; pp. reft (from her), XII a 158. [OE. wiþ + dragan.] See Draw(e).

#Wythhalde#, v. to hold back, V 200; #Withhelde#, #Wythhylde#, pa. t. V 100, 223, &c. [OE. wiþ + háldan.] See Holde(n).

#Within(ne)#, #Wiþynne#, #Vithin# (X), &c., adv. inside, IX 141, X 13, 70, XIII a 16, XV i 2, &c.; in (his) heart, V 302; prep. within, in, VI 80, &c.; (freq. postponed) IV a 38, 40, XVI 282, &c.; (of time) XII a 29. [OE. wiþ-innan.]

#Withoute(n)#, #-outten#, #-owte(n)#, #-out#, &c., adv. outside, X 68, XV i 2, XVII 127, &c.; prep. without, II 460, IV a 96, VI 30, XVI 300, XVII 149, &c.; see Ende, Lees, Nay, No, &c. [OE. wiþ-ūtan.]

#Withtakand#, pres. p. reprehending, IV b 9. [OE. wiþ- + ON. taka.] See Take(n).

#Witnesse#, v. to testify, VIII b 91. [From Wittenesse.]

#Wit-sunday#, n. Whitsunday (with pun on Wit), XI a 12. [OE. se hwīta sunnan-dæg.]

#Witt(e)#, &c. See Wit, Wite(n).

#Wittenesse#, n. witness, testimony, XVI 279; see Drawe. [OE. ge-wit(t)nes.]

#Wyues#, #Wiues#. See Wif.

#Wlaffyng#, n. stammering, indistinct utterance, XIII b 14. OE. wlaffian.]

#Wlyteþ#, pres. pl. pipe, warble, XV b 11. [Imit. of sound, or corrupt for ? wrytleþ; cf. OE. writian, warble, ME. writelinge, n.]

#Wo#, n. woe, grief, pain, sorrow, &c., I 168, II 5, XV b 8, XVII 40, &c.; #Woo(e)#, XVI 18, 300, &c.; #Wa(a)#, IV a 23, XVI 406, &c.; wo was wyth (hym), (he) was grieved, I 132; me is wo, woe is me, unhappy am I, II 331, 542; (with nom. pron.) or ye be wo, ere you are in trouble, XIV d 11 (see Ware, adj.); with (mochel) wo, (very) painfully, VII 169, XII a 105; wepe and wo, II 195, 234; for wele ne wa(a), on no account, IV a 2, b 74; worþe hit wele oþer wo, whatever happens, V 66 (see Worþe, v.). [OE. wā.]

#Wod(e)#, n. wood(land), I 62, II 237, V 16, 84, &c.; trees, XV b 14; wood, fuel, XII b 113, 123, &c.; to wode, into the woods, XII b 5. [OE. wudu.]

#Wode#, #Woode# (XVI), adj. mad, furious, II 394, V 221, XII a 138, XV g 17, XVI 344, XVII 426. [OE. wōd.] See Awede.

#Wodehed#, n. madness, recklessness, I 31. [OE. wōd + *-hǣdu.]

#Wodenes#, n. fury, VII 138. [OE. wōd-nes.]

#Woderoue#, n. woodruff, XV b 9. [OE. wudu-rofe.]

#Wodewe#, n. widow, III 23; #Wydwes#, pl. VIII a 13; #Wedows#, XVII 389. [OE. wuduwe, wid(e)we.]

#Wogh#, n. evil, misery, XVII 533. [OE. wōh.]

#Woke#, n. week, XIII a 28. [OE. wucu.] See Wyke.

#Wol(e)#, #Wold(e)#, #Woll(e)#. See Wille, v.

#Wolcome#. See Welcom.

#Wolle#, n. wool, VIII a 13, IX 142, 238, 239. [OE. wull(e).]

#Wolt(e)#. See Wille, v.

#Wolues#, n. pl. wolves, II 539; #Wolues-kynnes#, of wolf's kind, wolvish, VIII a 154. [OE. wulf; wulfes (gen. sg.) + cynnes.] See Kyn.

#Wombe#, n. belly, VIII a 168, b 54; distrib. sg. (see Herte) VIII a 209, 253; womb, XI b 30. [OE. wámb, wómb.]

#Wom(m)an#, &c. See Wyfman.

#Won#. See Wan(ne), Wynne(n).

#Won(e)#, v. to dwell, abide, V 30, VI 44, XII a 191, XIII b 5, 7, XIV a 23, &c.; #Wonne#, XVI 15, 235, 379, &c.; #Wonyd#, pp. dwelt, V 46; #Wont#, accustomed, VIII a 160, XII a 179. [OE. (ge)-wunian, dwell, be accustomed.] See Ywon(ed); Wones, n. pl.

#Wonder#, #-ur#; #Wounder# (XV b); #Wunder#, #-yr#; (i) n. wonder, amazement, (a) marvel, IV a 85, XIII b 42, XVII 265, &c.; miraculous deed, I 102; mans wonder, amazement of mankind, monster, XVII 408; spake of hem wunder, spoke wonderingly of them, I 225; #Wondres#, pl. marvels, XIII a 6; (ii) adj. (orig. loose compound), marvellous, XIII a 31, XVII 496; (iii) adv. (cf. OE. wundrum), marvellously, II 104, 356, V 132, XIII a 10, XV b32, &c. [OE. wundor, wúndor.] See Wundred.

#Wonderfol#, #Wondirful(l)#, adj. wonderful, IX 144, 266, XIII a 7. [OE. wundor-ful.]

#Wonderli#, #Wonderlych#, adv. marvellously, XII a 54, XIII a 14. [OE. wundor-līce.]

#Wondringe#, n. wonder, XII b 213. [OE. wundrung.]

#Woned#, I 189: ? read wende, went; see note.

#Wonen#. See Wynne(n).

#Wones#, #Woneȝ#, n. pl. halls, II 365; (with sg. sense) dwelling, V 130, 332. [? ON. ván, expectation, occas. used as 'place where one may be expected to be' (cf. Norweg. von, expectation, haunts of game); but the word was infl. by assoc. with Wone, dwell (q.v.), with which it was often joined in allit. ME. rimes all require wǭn or wān.] See Wane, v.

#Wonges#, n. pl. cheeks, XV c 22. [OE. wáng, wóng.]

#Wonne(n)#. See Wynne(n), Won(e).

#Wonte#, v. to be lacking; yow (dat.) wonted, you lacked, V 298; ȝef me shal wonte, if I do not have, XV b 34. [ON. vanta.]

#Woo(e)#; #Woode#; #Woot#. See Wo; Wode, adj.; Wite(n), v.^1

#Worchinge#, #-yng#, n. working, operation, IX 56; wondur w., miraculous property, XIII a 32. [OE. wyrcung.] See Werche.

#Worchip#. See Worschipe.

#Word(e)#, #Woord#, #Wurde# (I), n. word, I 108, II 139, 222, V 305, XI a 10, XVII 380, &c.; plighted word, II 468; fame, in þe word of him walkes ful wide, his fame is spread abroad, XIV b 29; worchip and wordes, obsequious words, VII 174. [OE. wórd.]

#Wore#, n. ? troubled pool, XV c 30 (note). [OE. wār (in doubtful gloss), turbid, muddy water (see Napier, O.E. Glosses, p. 49 (note); but cf. OE. wārig; ME. wōri, muddy).]

#Wore#; #Workis#; #Workeman#. See Was; Werche; Werkman.

#World(e)#, n. world, earth, men, I 225, II 41, IX 72, &c.; #Warld#, II 403, XVII 70, 303; warld so wide, XVII 541; #Werld#, XIV b 16; in world, of the w., on earth, XV c 25, IX 183; werldes, worldes, (gen.) of the world, worldly, in worldes reches, IV b 61; worldes wele, see Wele, n. [OE. w(e)orold.]

#Worldly#, adj. worldly, secular, temporal, XI b 2, 55, 96, 140, &c. [OE. worold-lic.]

#Worm#, n. snake, worm, II 252, IV b 27, XII b 195, XV b 31. [OE. wyrm.]

#Worschipe#, #Worschyp#, n. honour, VI 34, 119, IX 109, 333; #Worchip#, VII 174; #Worshep#, VIII b 79; #Wurschyp#, I 91. [OE. w(e)orþ-, wurþ-scipe.]

#Worschip(e)#, v. to honour, worship, VIII a 95, XI b 168; #Wurschyppeþ#, imp. pl. I 84. [From prec.]

#Wors(e)#, adj. compar. worse, XI b 75, XIII a 59, XVI 320, &c.; #Wers(e)#, XVI 200; neuer him nas wers, never had he been more unhappy, II 98; #Wars#, adv. in the wars, so much the worse that, XVII 191 (see Þe, adv.). #Werst#, adj. superl. worst, meanest, II 367; #Worst#, V 30. [OE. wyrsa, wyrsta; with er- forms cf. Werche, Scherte.] See Werre.

#Worst#. See Worþe, v.

#Wortes#, n. vegetables, VIII a 303. [OE. wyrt.]

#Worþe#, #Wrþe#, adj. worth, VI 91; worthy, in þou were wrþe, you would be worthy, you deserve, XV g 8 (cf. Worþy). [OE. weorþe, wyrþe.]

#Worþe#, v. to come to pass, become, be, and auxil. of passive (esp. with fut. sense); #Worst#, 2 sg. pres. wilt be, II 170, 174; #Worth#, 3 sg. will be, VIII a 48; will come to pass, VIII a 156; #Worþe#, #Worth#, #Wurth#, subj. pres. be, let there be, V 306, VI 2; worþe hit wele oþer wo, come weal or woe, V 66 (see Wo); wel worth þe, may it go well with thee, V 59; wele wurth þe while, good luck to the time, happy the occasion, XIV a 5, &c. (see Wel). #Warth#, pa. t. sg. in hym warth, accrued to him, VIII b 102; #Worþed#, subj. would fare, V 28; #Worþen#, pp. in is w. to, has turned to, is become (one of), VI 34. [OE. weorþan, wurþan.] See Yworth.

#Worþy#, #Worthi#, adj. merited, just, XVI 324; worthy, deserving (constr. to and infin.), IV b 10, IX 172, XVI 132; w. to reherse, worth repeating, XI a 4; were w. (be), deserve (to be), XVI 357, XVII 200 (were is subj.; cf. Worþe, adj.); worthy (of honour), worshipful, VI 134, IX 269, XI a 25, XII a 165, XVII 19; worthiest (of), most worshipful (in), XVII 489. #Worthier#, compar. adv. more honourably, VIII a 48; #Worþili#, adv. honourably, XIV c 67. [OE. wyrþig merited.] See Vnworthi.

#Wost#, #Wot(t)e#. See Wite(n), v.^1

#Woth#, #Woþe#. See Waþe, n.^1

#Wou#, adv. how (is it that), why, XV g 25. [OE. hū, ? infl. by hwȳ, &c.] See Hou.

#Wouen#. See Weue(n).

#Wounde#, n. pl. wounds, II 393; #Woundis#, X 51. [OE. wúnd.]

#Wounder#. See Wonder.

#Woundit#, pp. wounded, X 141, 154; #Voundit#, X 63. [OE. wúndian.]

#Wowes#, #Woweþ#, pres. pl. woo, make love, XV b 19, 31. [OE. wōgian.]

#Wowyng#, n. love-making, love-suit, V 293, 299, XV c 29. [From prec.]

#Wrake#, n. injury, XVII 138. [OE. wracu.]

#Wrang(e)#, adj. and adv. wrong, unjust(ly), VI 128, XVI 264, 265, 305, XVII 188. [Late OE. wráng, from ON. *wrang-, OIcel. rang-r.]

#Wrappe#, v. to wrap, XV f 10. [Obscure; ? cf. ME. (w)lappen, wrap.]

#Wrastlynges#, n. pl. wrestling-matches, I 1. [OE. wrǣ̆stlung.]

#Wrath#, v. to anger; to wrath hym (refl.), to become enraged, VIII a 146; #Wrathed#, pp. wronged, brought to grief, V 352. [From next.] See Wrethe.

#Wraþþe#, #Wrathþe#, n. anger, XI b 94; offence, VI 2. [OE. wrǣ̆þþo, anger, injury.] See Wroþ, Wreth.

#Wrechched#, adj. afflicted, troubled, IX 317; #Wrechidnes#, n. misery, IV b 29. [From next.]

#Wreche#, n. unhappy one, II *333 (MS. wroche), 544; #Wretche#, XIV a 21, 23. [OE. wrecca.]

#Wreke#, n. vengeance, XVI 191. [OE. wracu or wrǣc, infl. by next.]

#Wreke#, pp. revenged, XV g 11; #Wroken#, #Wrokin#, (banished), removed, VI 15; revenged, XIV a 4, 5, XVI 199. [OE. wrecan, expel, punish.] See Awreke.

#Wreth#, n. anger, IV a 75. [OE. wrǣþo, wrǣ̆þþo.] See Wraþþe.

#Wrethe#, v. to anger, offend, IV b 85. [Cf. OE. ge-wrǣþan, refl., to be enraged.] See Wrath.

#Wryȝt#, n. carpenter, I 176; #Write#, XVI 230. [OE. wyrhta, wryhta.]

#Wrightry#, n. carpentry, XVII 250. [Prec. + OFr. -(e)rie.]

#Wryng(e)#, v. to wring; wring (the hands), IV a 65, XVII 211; #Wronge#, pa. t. sg. wrung, twisted and pinched, VIII a 168. [OE. wríngan.]

#Writ(e)#, #Writt(e)#, #Wryt#, n. writing, III 36 (dat. sg.); Scripture, I 12, IV b 76, XI a 10, b 23, &c. [OE. writ.]

#Write#, #Wryte#, v. to write, VIII a 79, b 72, IX 122; #Wrote#, pa. t. sg. I 247; pl. VII 58; #Writen#, pa. t. pl. XI a 23; #Write(n)#, #Wryte(n)#, pp. I 37, 40, IV a 2, VII 31, IX 318 (see Putte), XII a 1, &c.; #Ywryte#, #Ywrite#, II 1, 13, III introd., 33; #Writyng(e)#, n. VII 23, XI b 305. [OE. wrītan.]

#Write#. See Wryȝt.

#Wriþ#, 3 sg. pres. covers, II 244. [OE. wrēon, 3 sg. wrīþ.]

#Wryþe(n)#, v. to twist; bind, VI 151; turn aside (from the just course), VI 128. [OE. wrīþan.]

#Wro#, n. nook, corner, V 154. [ON. *wrá, OIcel. rá.]

#Wroȝt(e)#; #Wroken#; #Wronge#. See Werche; Wreke; Wryng(e).

#Wrote#, v. to root in the earth, II 255. [OE. wrōtan.]

#Wroþ(e)#, #Wroth#, adj. angry, at variance, II 122, VI 19, XV f 7, XVII 36, &c.; make hym (refl.) wroth, become angry, I 10. [OE. wrāþ.] See Wraþþe.

#Wroþely#, adj. fiercely, V 221; #Wroþeloker#, compar. more severely, V 276. [OE. wrāþ-līce, -lucor.]

#Wrouȝte(n)#, #Wrouhte#. See Werche.

#Wrþe#. See Worþe, adj.

#Wruxled#, pp. in wr. in grene, ? changed into, turned, green, V 123; but 'adorned' is usually assumed here and for wruxeled, Purity 1381. [OE. wrixl(i)an, (ex)change. A sense 'adorned' might be derived from an (unrecorded) earlier sense, 'turn, wind round' (? rel. to wrēon, wrigels), or perh. from OE. wrixlan (blēom), change colours, exhibit varied hues.]

#Wulde#. See Wille, v.

#Wundred#, pa. t. wondered, I 114. [OE. wundrian.] See Wonder.

#Wunne#, n. joy; gen. sg. in wunne wele (weole), wealth of joy, XV b *11 (MS. wynter), 35. [OE. wynn.]

#Wurde#; #Wurschyp-#; #Wurth#. See Word(e); Worschip(e); Worþe, v.

#Y-#; see also Ȝ, I. For past participles in y- not entered below see the verbs concerned.

#Yaf#. See Ȝeue.

#Y-arched#, pp. in y-arched of gold, built of gold in the shape of an arch, II 362. [OFr. archer, v.]

#Yarn#. See Eorne.

#Ybilt#, pp. ? lodged, II 483 (MS.; see note); see Bilt. [See N.E.D. s.vv. Build, Built.]

#Ybore#, #-born#; #Ybounde#. See Ber(e); Bynde.

#Yclongen#. See Clinge.

#Yclosed#, pp. enclosed, XIII a 24, 40. [ME. closen, from Clos, q.v.]

#Ycore# (orig. pp. of Chese, q.v.), chosen, excellent; as mere intensive rime-tag, II 105, 148. [OE. ge-coren.]

#Ydel#, #Ydill# (IV), #Hydel# (VIII), adj. unemployed, idle, IV b 1, VI 154, 155, VIII b 27, &c.; slothful, IV b 9, XI b 219. [OE. īdel.]

#Ydelnesse#, #Ydyllnes# (IV), n. lack of (useful) employment, idleness, IV b 7, XI b 64, 127, 197. [OE. īdel-nes.]

#Ydronke#. See Drynke(n).

#Ye# (= ï̄e). See Eiȝe.

#Yeaf#, #Yeaue#. See Ȝeue.

#Yei#, adv. yes indeed, XVII 370, 458; oh yes (ironic), XVII 353. [? Reduction of a reiteration ȝē-ȝē, or assimilated to ME. nei, nay; see N.E.D. s.v. Yea.] See Ȝa, Ȝe.

#Yelp#, n. boast(ing), XVII 321. [OE. gelp.]

#Yendles#; #Yer(e)#. See Endles; Ȝeer.

#Yfere#, adv. in al yfere, all together, II 223. [Orig. yfere(n), OE. ge-fēran, pl., (as) companions.] See Fere, n.^2

#Yfet#; #Yfouȝte#; #Yfounde#; #Yȝe#; #Yȝyrned#. See Fecche; Fight; Fynde(n); Eiȝe; Ȝerne.

#Ygraced#, pp. thanked, VIII a 118. [OFr. gracier.]

#Yhad#; #Yhe(n)#. See Habbe(n); Eiȝe.

#Yhere#, v. to hear, II 420; #Yherd#, pa. t. II 528; #Yhyerde#, III 49. [OE. ge-hēran.] See Here.

#Yhyȝt#, pp. (adorned), arranged, XIII a 1. [ME. hihten, prob. from OE. hyht, pleasure (hyhtlic, pleasant).]

#Yhis#, adv. yes, XVI 61 (MS.). [OE. gise.]

#Yhonged#; #Yiif#. See Hange; Ȝef.

#Ylefde#, pa. t. believed, III 36. [OE. ge-lēfan.] See Beleue; Leue, v.^3

#Yleft#; #Ylent#. See Leue, v.^1; Lende.

#Ylet#, n. hindrance; ȝif þou makest ous ylet, if you offer any resistance to us, II 169. [Not recorded elsewhere; usual ME. form is Lette, q.v. Other MSS. read ony let.]

#Ylokked#, pp. locked up, IX 174. [ME. lok(k)en, from lok, OE. loc, n.; cf. ON. loka, v.] See Loke, pp.; Vnlokynne.

#Ylond#, n. island, XIII a 20, b 2, 44. [OE. īg-lánd.]

#Ylore#; #Ymad#. See Lese, v.^1; Maken.

#Ymaymed#, pp. maimed, VIII b 35. [OFr. m(ah)ainier, &c. cf. meshaim, mayhem, &c., n.]

#Ymake#, adj. becoming, comely, XV c 16. [OE. ge-mæc.]

#Ymarked#, pp. marked out, appointed, II 548. [OE. mearcian.]

#Ympe#, #Impe#, n. sapling, scion, XIV c 83, 89, 98. [OE. impa, shoot, graft.]

#Ympe-tre#, n. orchard-tree, II 70, 166, 186, 407, 456. [Prec. + trēo.]

#Ynence#, prep. towards, *IV b 22 (MS. ynesche). [OE. onef(e)n, onemn + adv. -es.]

#Ynoȝ#: #Ynouh#, adj. enough, XII b 123; #Ynowȝ#, XI b 190, 192; #Ynowþȝ#, XI b 149; #Inogh#, abundant, much, XV a 15; #Innoghe#, pl. many, in abundance, V 55; #Anouȝ#, adv. II 62, #Enogh#, XVII 532, #Inoghe#, VI 252; #Ynouh#, XII b 74; #Ynoȝ# (of), abundance (of), III 8; #Ynoh#, very, XV c 13. [OE. ge-nōg, ge-nōh.] See Ynow(e).

#Ynome#. See Nyme.

#Yond#, adj.; as pron. that (over there), XVII 453. [OE. geond, thither; cf. Goth. jaind.]

#Ynow(e)#, adj. enough; as sb., IX 160, 282, XIV d 13; #Ynowe#, #Enew#, pl. in abundance, great numbers, XI b 284, X 7; #Ynow#, adv. enough, XIII b 8; very, IX 4. [OE. ge-nōg-, oblique forms of ge-nōh.] See Ynoȝ.

#Yone#, adj. that (over there), XVI 340; #Ȝon#, V 76. [OE. (once) geon, cf. Goth. jain-s. See N.E.D., s.v. Yon.]

#You(e)#, #Yow#. See Ȝe, pron.

#Ypocrisie#, n. hypocrisy, XI b 12. [OFr. ipocrisie.]

#Ypocritis#, n. pl. hypocrites, XI b 7, 44, 56, 72, &c. [OFr. ipocrite.]

#Yre#, n.^1 iron, XIII a 44; #Yrne#, V 199; #Yrnes#, pl. irons (supporting injured leg), VIII a 130. [OE. īren.] See Irnebandis.

#Yre#, #Ire#, n.^2 anger, XVII 51; in hor gret yre, so as greatly to anger them, VII 181. [OFr. ire.]

#Yrokked#, pp. rocked, XIII b 22. [OE. (late) roccian.]

#Y-se#, v. to see, II 530; #Yzeȝ#, pa. t. sg. III 35, 41, 56; #Yseiȝe#, pa. t. pl. II 328; for pp. see Se(n). [OE. ge-sēon.]

#Yseye#, #Yseiȝe#. See Se(n), and prec.

#Ysene#, adj. visible, II 354. [OE. ge-sēne.] See Se(n).

#Ysode#, pp. boiled, XIII a 30. [OE. sēoþan, pp. ge-soden.]

#Yspent#; #Yspronge#; #Ytauȝt#. See Spend(e); Springe; Teche(n).

#Ythes#, n. pl. waves, VII 106. [OE. ȳþ.]

#Ytold#. See Telle.

#Ytuiȝt#, pp. snatched, II 192. [Cf. OE. twiccian.]

#Yuel(e)#, adj. evil, wicked, IX 237; difficult, VIII a 50; #Euyll#, evil, IX 83. [OE. yfel, adj.]

#Yuel#, n. evil, wrong, VIII introd., a 220; #Euel(l)#, IV a 76, IX 338, XV g 28. [OE. yfel, n.]

#Yvsed#. See Vse.

#Yweddede#, pp. (lawfully) married, VIII b 68. [OE. weddian, to betroth.] See Wedmen.

#Ywent#; #Ywerd#. See Wende; Were, v.^2

#Ywyte#, pres. subj. pl. understand, III introd. [OE. ge- + witan.] See Wite(n).

#Ywon#, adj. accustomed, II 317. [OE. ge-wuna.]

#Ywon#, pp. See Wynne(n).

#Ywoned#, pp. accustomed, III 55, XIII b 37. [OE. ge-wunian.]

#Yworth#, #Aworthe#, v. to be, go on as before, in late God yworth, late þow G. aworthe, meddle not with God, it is God's affair, VIII a 76, 220. [OE. geweorþan.] See Worþe, v.

#Y-yeue#; #Y-yolde#. See Ȝeue; Ȝelde(n).

#Yzede#; #Yzeȝ#; #Yzent#. See Seie; Y-se; Sende.

#Zayde#, #Zayþ#, #Zede#, #Zigge#. See Sei(e).

#Zelue#, #Zeluer#, #Zen#, #Zente#, #Zome#, #Zuo#. See Self, Seluer, Syn(e), Sende, Som(e), Swa.


For the personifications in VIII, generic names (as Bayarde), and names of peoples (as Brytouns), see also the Glossary.

Abell, Abel, XVI 306.

Abirdene, Aberdeen, XIV a 1.

Abiron, Abiram, XVI 309.

Adam(e), Adam, V 348, XIV introd., XVI 37, 45, &c., XVII 30.

Adrian, XII b 2 (note), 34, 56, 68, 78, 208; Adrianes, gen. 219.

Aȝone, Azo, I 46, 105, 110, 122.

Aiax; Oelius Aiax, Oïleus Ajax, VII 155 (see 178 note).

Alceone, Halcyone, XII a 3, 132; Alceoun, XII a 195, 197 (note).

Alisandre, King Alexander the Great, IX 166, 223, 232.

Alysoun, Alison, XV c 12, 40.

Amazoine, Amazonia, land of the Amazons, IX 190, 206.

Ambrose, St. Ambrose, XI b 126.

Anaball, a dependent of Satan, XVI 113 (note).

Antecrist, Antichrist, IX 210, 221; Anticristis, gen. XI b 55.

Arabye, Arabia, IX 38; Fenyx of Arraby, VI 70 (note).

Archedefell, (corrupt. of) Ahithophel (Achitophel), XVI 308.

Arestotill, Aristotle, IV b 18; Arystotill, IV b 33.

Armonye, Armenia, XVII 466.

Arþur, King Arthur, V 229; Arþureȝ, gen. V 34, 261; kyngeȝ hous Arthor, V 207 (note).

Astrotte, Ashtoreth (Astarte), XVI 113.

Atthenes, Athens, VII 67.

Aucerre, Auxerre, *III 3 (MS. Aucerne).

Aue, I 48, 50, 106, 126, 138, 209, 216.

Austyn, St. Augustine of Hippo, XI b 87, 94, 142; Saynt Austyne, IV b 70.

Austin; Sauynt Austin, St. Augustine of Canterbury, III introd.; Saynt Austines, St. Augustine's (monastery), III introd.

Bacharie, -ye, Bactria, IX 137, 236.

Banocburn, Bannockburn, XIV a heading; þe Bannokburn, XIV a 2.

Baptist, St. John the Baptist, XI b 28; Ion Baptist, XI b 24, 34; Iohan<nes> Baptista, XVI 73; Baptista, XVI 361.

Bardus, XII b 20, 50, 63, 73, 80, 87, 94, 134, 155, 194; see XII b 2 note.

Barsabe, Bathsheba, V 351.

Bathe, Bath, XIII a 51.

Bele-Berit, Baal-Berith, XVI 115.

Belliall, Belial, XVI 139; Belial XVI 115.

Belsabub, Beelzebub, XVI 97, 109, 137, 169, 198, 205, 345.

Berwik, Berwick, XIV a 1, 35.

Betannye, Bethania, XVI 162.

Bethleem, Bethlehem, IX 25.

Beuo, (in Latin) I 59; Beu<u>ne, I 55 (note); Beuolyne, diminutive for rime, I 62.

Boece, Boëthius, Introduction xxi.

Boniface, Saint, St. Boniface of Ferentia, III 38 (note).

Brytayn, Little Britain, Brittany, II 13; Bretaine, II 597.

Brytayn, (Great) Britain, XIII a 1, 6.

Brig, Bruges, XIV a 22 (note); see Burghes.

Brunne wake, Bourn (in Kesteven, Lincs.), I introd. Wake is the name of the family, part of whose estates lay about Bourn.

Brunyng, Bruno, afterwards St. Leo IX, I 246 (note).

Bukcestre, Seynt, sister of St. Magnus, I 35 (note).

Burghes, Bruges, XIV a 25; see Brig.

Cayme, Cain, XVI 306.

Calabre, Calabria; see glossary.

Calais, XIV b heading, 59, 91, 95; Calays, XIV b 1 (as adj.), 42, 53.

Caldilhe, ? Korea, the land where the lamb-gourd grows, IX 138.

Cam(e), Ham, XVII 142, 528.

Canterberi, Canterbury, III introd.

Caspye, Caspia, lands about the Caspian Sea, IX 161, 216; See of Caspye, Caspian Sea, IX 175, 178.

Cassandra, VII 179.

Cathaye, Cathay, China, IX 136 (note).

Caton, Dionysius Cato, traditional name of the author of Disticha de moribus ad filium; gen. Catones, VIII a 309.

Cecile, Seynt, St. Cecilia, Introduction xxi.

Ceïx, Ceÿx, XII a 2.

Chaucer, XII introd.

Cherdhol, ? Cheddar, XIII a 14 (note).

Chestre, Chester, XIII a 54.

Chymerie, Cimmeria, land of fabulous Cimmerii who dwelt in perpetual darkness (form perhaps due to assoc. with OFr. chimere, chimæra), XII a 61.

Cipre, Ile of, Cyprus, IX 40.

Clyron, alleged name of 'strait passage' leading out of land of the enclosed Jews, IX 205.

Colbek, Kölbigk (in Anhalt, Saxony), I 32 (note).

Colchestre, Colchester, XIV d 2.

Cornehulle, Cornhill, VIII b 1 (note).

Cornelius, Cornelius Nepos, VII 70 (note).

Cornwal, Iohan, a 'Master of Grammar', XIII b 28.

Crab, Iohne, a Flemish engineer, X 110; Crabbis, gen. *X 15 (MSS. Craggis, Crabys).

Crist(e), Christ, IV a 1, 39, &c.; Cryst(e), I 185, IV a 16, &c.; Kryst(e), V 52, VI 98, 209; Cristes, gen. VIII b 63; Cristis, XI b 7, 38, &c.; Crystes, VI 23, VIII a 214; Crystys, I 83; bi Crist, &c., VIII a 22, 24, 280, b 93.

Cusis, alleged name of Ethiopia, IX 17; see Saba, and cf. Cush, Genesis x. 6-8.

Dalyda, Delilah, V 350.

Dares, Dares Phrygius, reputed author of the De Excidio Troiae, VII 60, 64.

Datan, Dathan, XVI 309 (note).

Dauid, David, XVI 127, 187, 369, 373; Dauyth, V 350.

Dawe, Daw (as typical peasant's name), VIII a 325.

Dedalion, Dædalion, XII a 7.

Dee, þe ryuer, the R. Dee, XIII a 54, 62.

Dites, Dictys Cretensis, reputed author of the De Bello Troiano, VII 61; Dytes, VII 60.

Dondé, Dundee, XIV a 24.

Edyght, Seynt, St. Edith of Wilton, I 240 (note), 245.

Edward, King Edward the Confessor, I 27.

Edward, King Edward III, XIV b heading, 36, 56; King Edward, XIV a 4; E. þe þridde, XIV c 58; Sir Edward, XIV a 9, 16, b 4, 44, 60, 62; þe third Edwardes tyme, I introd.

Edward, Prince, the Black Prince, XIV c 107; see also 59, 62.

Emanuel, XV i 17.

Emlak (for *Euilak), Havilah IX 27 (note).

Englond, England, XI a 29, 33; Engelond, XIII a 55, 58, b 20, 33, 46, 48, 54, 63; Ingland, I 26, XIV b 84; Inglond, II 26.

Erceldoun, Thomas of Erceldoun, Introduction xxxiii.

Ethiope, Ethiopia, IX 1, 12, 16, 21, 23 (note), 26.

Eua, Eve, XVI 45; Eue, XIV introd., XVI 357, XVII 30.

Felyp, Dane, Dom Philip de Burton, prior of Sempringham (? 1303-1332), I introd.

Fraunce, France, XIII b 48, XIV c 44, 46, 54; Fraunse, XI a 25; France, XIV b 32, 70.

Gawayn, V 5, 58, 81, 88, 137, 146, 171, 182, 192, 197, 202, 212, 224, 231, 297; Sir Gawayn(e), V 50, 167, 328; Wowayn, V 121 (note).

Genesis, (personification of) the Book of Genesis, VIII a 228.

Geretrude, Sent, St. Gertrude, XV i 7 (note).

Gerlew, Gerlevus, I 40, 56; see Grysly.

Germain, Saint, St. Germanus of Auxerre, III 3 (note); Germayn, III 6.

Gydo, Guido de Columna, compiler of the Historia Troiana, VII 54, 76.

Gill; see glossary.

Goth and Magoth, Gog and Magog, IX 163-4 (note).

Gregori, Saint, St. Gregory the Great (Pope 590-604), III 38 (note); Gregory, XI b 20 (note), 94; Seynt Gregoryes, gen. XI b 52.

Grese, Greece, VII 90; Grice, VII 40.

Gryngolet, Gawayn's horse, V 92.

Grysly, error for Gerlew, I 65 (note).

Ȝork, York, XI a 34, XIII b 58, XIV d 1.

Hector, *V 34 (MS. Hestor).

Hely, Elias, XVI 87.

Henri, Duk, Henry, first Duke of Lancaster, XIV c 65.

Henry, þe Emperoure, Henry II of Germany, I 172 (note), 218.

Herodis, Dame, Eurydice, II 52; Dam(e) Heurodis, II 63, 322, 406, 594.

Hobbe, XIV d 6, see notes and glossary.

Homer, VII 38.

Iacke, Iak, see glossary.

Iame, Seynt, St. James; bi Seynt Iame, VIII a 57.

Iaphet, Japheth, XVII 142, 528.

Ierom, Seynt, St. Jerome, XI a 17.

Ieromye, Jeremiah, XI b 29.

Iesu, IV a 74, &c., VI 93, XIV b 30, XV f 1, 7, XVI 349; Iesus, XV g 19, XVI 1, 121, &c.; Iesu Crist(e), &c., IV b 30, VI 98, XI a 23, &c.; Iesus Crist, XI b 77.

Ingland, &c., see Englond.

Innocent, Pope, Innocent III, author of De Miseria Conditionis Humanae, Introduction xxi.

Iob, Job, XVI 285.

Iohn(e), Ion, &c., see the accompanying names.

Iohn: Sir Iohn (of France), son of Philip VI and afterwards King John of France, XIV b 32, 70, 92.

Iohnes: Saint Iohnes toune, Perth, XIV a 7 (note).

Iohon Schep, 'John Pastor', pseudonym of John Ball, XIV d 1.

Ion, St. John the Evangelist, VI 23, XV i 5; Iones Gospel, XI b 269.

Ion þe Amoner, St. John the Almoner, III 16 (note).

Iordanne, flume, the R. Jordan, XVI 76.

Irla(u)nde, Ireland, XV d 1, 3, 7.

Ithecus, Icelos (according to Ovid), XII a 118 (note).

Iudas, Judas Iscariot, XV g 2, 3, 8, 12, 14, 27, XVI 147, 165, 308.

Iudas, St. Jude, Judas brother of James, III introd.

Iuno, the goddess Juno, XII a 40, 44, 102; King Iuno, as ancestor of Orpheo's mother, II 30 (note).

Iurselem, Jerusalem, XV g 3, 17.

Iustinian, Justinian, XII b 191 (note).

Kasi, Sent, XV i 11 (note).

Kendale, Thomas of Kendal, Introduction xxxiii.

Kent, III introd.

Kesteuene, Kesteven, southern division of Lincs., I introd.

Kytte, VIII b 2 (note).

Laȝar, Lazarus, XVI 162, 171.

Leoun, þe pope, St. Leo IX, I 249.

Lethes, the rivere, the River Lethe (Oblivion), XII a 85. Properly gen. sg. (Ovid, Metamorphoses, Bk. xi 603, rivus aquae Lethes).

Londen(e), London, VIII b 46; London, VIII b 4.

Lucifer, XVII 16; as dependent of Satan, XVI 119, 197.

Luke, St. Luke, XV i 5.

Lukes, Lucca, VIII a 94 (note).

Macedoyne, Macedonia, IX 41.

Magdaleyne, St. Mary Magdalen, XI b 56; Magdeleyne, XI b 59, 68; Maudeleyne, Introduction xxi.

Magne, Seynt, St. Magnus, I 34 (note), 90; Seynt Magnes, gen. I 37.

Magoth, see Goth.

Mahounde, Mahomet; as a dependent of Satan, XVI 343.

Malton, Malton, Yorks., site of a house of the Gilbertine order, I introd.

Marie, Mary, XVI 231, 250; Mary(e), VI 65, XV i 3; gen. VI 23 (note), also in Seynte Marie prest, XVI d 1 (note); Mary-ȝet, X 163, 177. Mary (as oath), V 72, XVII 209, 220, 226.

Mark, St. Mark, XV i 5.

Mathew, St. Matthew (in his Gospel), VI 137 (note), XV i 5; Matheus Gospel, XI a 35; Mathew with mannes face, VIII a 234 (note).

Maundevyll, Iohn, IX 307 (see IX introd.).

Medé, Media, land of the Medes, IX 30.

Melane, Milan, III 4.

Merswynde, I 42, 52; Merswyne, I 62 (see I 55 note); Merswyndam (accus., in Latin), I 60.

Michel, Michael; Dan Michelis (gen.) of Northgate, III introd.

Mighill, St. Michael the Archangel, XVI 339, 389. Forms with ȝ, gh, &c., appear only to be used of the archangel.

Mynerua, the goddess Minerva (or Athene), *VII 177 (MS. Mynera); taken as a male divinity, XIII a 3.

Moyses, Moses, XVI 85, 86.

Moretane, Mauretania (modern Morocco and part of Algeria), IX 3.

Morpheüs, son of the God of Sleep, XII a 113, 131.

Neptalym, Naphtali, XVI 51 (see 49 note).

Nicholl Nedy, 'Nicholas Needy', allit. nickname used mockingly, XVII 405.

Noe, Noah, XVII 65, 106, 110, 118, &c.; Noy, XVII 532.

Oelius, see Aiax.

Origenes, Origen, to whom was falsely attributed a De Maria Magdalena, Introduction xxi.

Orphewe, Sir, Orpheus, II 24; (Sir) Orfeo, II 25, 97, 120, 182, 314, 379, 518, 524, 543, 558, 603; as name of a lay, 601; King Orfeo, II 175, 553, 576, 593; Orpheo, II 33, 42.

Ouyde, Ovid, VII 48.

Panthasas, Phantasos (according to Ovid), XII a 123.

Pectoun, the Peak of Derbyshire, XIII a 7 (note).

Pencrych, Richard, XIII b 29, 30.

Pentexoire, Yle of, IX 261 (note).

Peres, Piers (Peter), VIII a 106, 180, 191, &c.; Pieres, VIII a 35, 38, 111, &c.; Piers, VIII a 9, 225; Pieres, gen. VIII a 72; Pieres þe plowman, VIII a 147, 152; Peres plouȝman, as type of honest labourer, XIV d 5 (see 14 note).

Perkyn, diminutive of prec. (applied to same character), VIII a 25, 59, 99, 102, 105; Perkyn þe plouman, VIII a 3.

Persie, Persia, IX 181.

Peter, St. Peter, XI b 285, XV g 29, 32; bi Seynt Peter of Rome, VIII a 3; Peter!, XVII 367.

Philip, Sir, Philip (de Valois) VI of France, XIV b 32 (note), 47, 69, 92; Philip þe Valas, XIV b 51.

Pilatus, Pilate, XV g 18, 30.

Pimbilmere, Lake Bala in Wales, XIII a 63.

Pluto, King, as ancestor of Orpheo's father, II 29 (note).

Poul, St. Paul, XI b 80, 82; Saynt Poule, VI 97; bi Seynt Poule, VIII a 25, 270.

Prestre Iohn, Prester John, fabled Christian Emperor of the far East, IX 260 (note).

Richard, þe secunde Kyng, King Richard II, XIII b 32; Kyng Richarde, XIV e 2.

Roberd, Robert, surnamed Mannyng, of Brunne, I introd. (q.v.).

Robert; Danȝ Robert of Malton, I introd.

Robert, priest of Colbek, I 45; Syre Robert, I 201.

Robert Renne-about, 'Robert the Vagabond', as type of itinerant preacher, VIII a 142 (note).

Rome, I 172, 232, 250, III 4, VIII a 3, IX 285, XII b 3, 84, 189.

Saba, a city of Ethiopia, IX 23; cf. Cusis, and Psalm lxxii. 10; Isaiah lx. 6.

Salamon, Solomon, V 349, XVI 281; Salomon, XI b 91 (note).

Salesbury, Salisbury, XIII a 10; Salisbury, XI b 2, 183; Salisbury vss(e), XI b 189, 196, 228, 308.

Samson, V 349.

Satan, XVI 117, 199; Sattan, XVI 125, 133, 145, &c.; Sir Sattanne, XVI 169; Sathanas, gen. XI b 311.

Saturne, Saturn, VIII a 321 (note).

Sem, Shem, XVII 142, 528; see 320 note.

Symeon, Simeon, XVI 60, 61.

Symon, St. Simon (Zelotes), III introd.

Symondes sone, son of Simon Magus, practiser of simony, VIII b 83.

Sympryngham(e), Sempringham, Lincs., I introd.

Sythye, Scythia, IX 166.

Sixille, Sixhill, Lincs., I introd.

Stafford, XVII 200 (note); see glossary, s.v. Blew.

Steward, Schir Valter the gude, Walter the Steward of Scotland, X 36 (note); Schir Valter Steward, X 170.

Stonhenge, Stonehenge, XIII a 9.

Striflin, Stirling, XIV a 13.

Telamon, Telamon (properly Telamonius Ajax), VII 178 (note); Kyng Telamon, VII 150.

Teodryght, Theodric, I 241.

Tolous, Toulouse (for rime's sake substituted for Toul), I 246 (note).

Traciens (Thracians), Thrace; identified with Winchester, II 47, 50.

Trocinie, 'Trachinia tellus', the land about the city of Trachis, XII a 2.

Troy, VII 27, 63.

Valas, Valois; see Philip.

Valter, see Steward.

Vber, alleged local name of the mountains of Caspia, IX 162.

Viene, Sir Iohn de, Jean de Vienne, XIV b 82 (note).

Virgille, Vergil, VII 49.

Wake, see Brunne.

Wales, XIII a 58, b 7.

Wat Wynk, allit. nickname used mockingly, XVII 382. Wat is an abbreviation of Walter.

Wybessyne, I 42, 52.

Williem, William; a typical man's name, XI b 177.

Wynburney, Wimborne (in Dorset), XIII a 50.

Winchester, II 49, 478; Wynchestre, XIII a 41.

Wowayn, see Gawayn.

Ynde, India, vaguely applied to central, southern, and eastern Asia, IX 26, 27, 43, 49, 50, 97, 157 (note), 260 (note): high Ynde, IX 27, 137; Ynde þe lesse, IX 29; (Ynde) þe more, IX 28.

Yris, Iris, messenger of Juno, XII a 46, 51, 98.

Ysaias, Isaiah, XVI 50; Isaiah, *XVI 49 (MS. Isaac).

Zabulon, Zebulun, XVI 52 (see 49 note).

Printed in England at the Oxford University Press

[Transcriber's Note: A number of glossary entries have been changed here (the reference is given in parentheses):

#Aboute(n)#--vn-bynde changed to vnbynde (Sisam) #Biwyled#--bewiȝelien changed to biwi[gh]elien (Madden) #Blew#--biew changed to blew (Sisam) #Face#--59 changed to sg. (s.v. Hert) #Grekes#--Grǣci changed to Græcī #Herkne#--O.Fr. changed to OFris. #Makyng#(ē) changed to #Makyng(e)# #Rusche#--r(e)usssr changed to r(e)usser (Godefroy s.v. reuser) #Trew(e)#--(gē-)trēowe changed to (ge-)trēowe

This vocabulary was designed for use with Fourteenth Century Verse & Prose by Kenneth Sisam, available at PG #43736. The CORRIGENDA to Sisam's Fourteenth Century Verse & Prose from the end of this glossary has been moved to that volume.]

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