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Audiobook: The Toilet of Flora: or, A collection of the most simple and approved methods of preparing baths, essences, pomatums, powders, perfumes, and sweet-scented waters. With receipts for cosmetics of every kind, that can smooth and brighten the skin, give force to beauty, and take off the appearance of old age and decay by Buc'hoz, Pierre-Joseph

Read and listen to the book The Toilet of Flora: or, A collection of the most simple and approved methods of preparing baths, essences, pomatums, powders, perfumes, and sweet-scented waters. With receipts for cosmetics of every kind, that can smooth and brighten the skin, give force to beauty, and take off the appearance of old age and decay by Buc'hoz, Pierre-Joseph.

Audiobook: The Toilet of Flora: or, A collection of the most simple and approved methods of preparing baths, essences, pomatums, powders, perfumes, and sweet-scented waters. With receipts for cosmetics of every kind, that can smooth and brighten the skin, give force to beauty, and take off the appearance of old age and decay by Buc'hoz, Pierre-Joseph

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Title: The Toilet of Flora or, A collection of the most simple and approved methods of preparing baths, essences, pomatums, powders, perfumes, and sweet-sc

Author: Pierre-Joseph Buc'hoz

Release Date: November 24, 2013 [EBook #44276]

Language: English

Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1


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Illustration: FRONTISPIECE. The Graces.









RECEIPTS for COSMETICS of every Kind, that can smooth and brighten the SKIN, give Force to BEAUTY, and take off the Appearance of OLD AGE and DECAY.

By Pierre-Joseph Buc'hoz




Printed for J. MURRAY, No. 32, Fleet-street; and W. NICOLL, St. Paul's Church Yard.



The chief Intention of this Performance is to point out, and explain to the Fair Sex, the Methods by which they may preserve and add to their Charms; and by which many natural Blemishes and Imperfections may be remedied or concealed. The same Share of Grace and Attractions is not possessed by all of them; but while the Improvement of their Persons is the indispensable Duty of those who have been little favoured by Nature, it should not be neglected even by the few who have received the largest Proportion of her Gifts. The same Art which will communicate to the former the Power of pleasing, will enable the latter to extend the Empire of their Beauty. It is possible to remove, or, at least, to cover the Defects of the one Class, and to give Force and Lustre to the Perfections of the other.

The Author, however, though in general he has framed his Work for the Advantage of the Ladies, has not entirely confined it to them. The Virtues of Plants and Vegetables, beside the Service they furnish for the Toilet, have their Use in Articles of Luxury. He has thence been induced to address himself also to the Perfumer: and his Publication, he flatters himself, while it comprizes a very perfect Collection of the Methods which tend to improve Beauty, to repair the Wastes of Fatigue, and to avert the Marks of Age or Decline, includes likewise a full Account of whatever relates to domestic Oeconomy and Expence.

Uncommon Pains have been taken to improve the present Edition, which contains a System of the Cosmetic Art, infinitely superior to any that has hitherto appeared; and it has likewise uniformly rendered the various Prescriptions not only compatible with, but subservient to, the Preservation, and even the Improvement of Health; an Object of the greatest Importance in a Work of this Kind.


No. Page.

1. An Aromatic Bath 1

2. A Cosmetic Bath 2

3. An Emollient Bath for the Feet ib.

4. An Aromatic Bath for the Feet 3

5. An excellent Preservative Balsam against the Plague ib.

6. An excellent Cosmetic for the Face 5

7. A curious Perfume ib.

8. Perfumed Chaplets and Medals 6

9. Receipt to thicken the Hair, and make it grow again on a bald part ib.

10. An approved Depilatory Fluid 7

11. A Powder to prevent Baldness 8

12. To quicken the Growth of Hair ib.

13. A compound Oil for the same Intention ib.

14. A Fluid to make the Hair grow 9

15. A Liniment of the same Kind ib.

16. To change the Colour of the Hair 10

17. Simple Means of producing the same Effect ib.

18. To change the Hair or Beard black 11

19. A Fluid to dye the Hair of a flaxen Colour 12

20. A perfumed Basket 13

21. Natural Cosmetics ib.

22. A remedy for Corns on the Feet 14

23. A Coral Stick for the Teeth 14

24. A Receipt to clean the Teeth, and make the Flesh grow close to the Root of the Enamel 15

25, 26, 27. Receipts to strengthen the Gums and fasten loose Teeth 15, 16

28. For rotten Teeth 17

29. A Liquid Remedy for decayed Teeth ib.

30. A Powder to clean the Teeth 18

31. A Remedy for sore Gums and loose Teeth ib.

32. An approved Receipt against that troublesome Complaint, called the Teeth set on Edge ib.

33. A Liquid for cleansing the Teeth 19

34. A sure Preservative from the Tooth Ache, and Defluxions on the Gums or Teeth ib.

35, 36, 37, 38, 39. Methods to make the Teeth beautifully white 20-22

40. A Powder to cleanse the Teeth 22

41. Mr. Rae's Receipt for making a Powder for the like Purpose 23

42. Another ib.

43. An efficacious Tooth-Powder 24

44. A Powder to cleanse the Teeth ib.

45. A Tincture to strengthen the Gums, and prevent the Scurvy 25

46. Mr. Baum�'s Manner of preparing the Roots for cleaning the Teeth ib.

47. Manner of preparing Sponges for the Teeth 28

48. Rule for the Preservation of the Teeth and Gums 29

49. For stopping the Decay of Teeth 31


50. The Celestial Water 32

51, 52. Receipts to make the genuine Hungary-Water 35, 36

53, 54. Directions for making Lavender-Water 37, 38

55, 56. ----Rose-Water 39-41

57, 58. ----Orange-Flower Water 42, 43

59. Magisterial Balm-Water 46

60. Compound Balm-Water, commonly called Eau de Carmes 49

61. Sweet Honey-Water 50

62. Sweet-scented Water 52

63. German sweet-scented Water 53

64. Imperial Water 56

65, 66. Odoriferous Water 57

67. The Ladies Water 58

68. A beautifying Wash 59

69. A Cosmetic Water ib.

70. An excellent Cosmetic ib.

71. Venice Water highly esteemed 60

72. A Balsamic Water ib.

73. Angelic Water, of a most agreeable scent 61

74. Nosegay or Toilet Water 62

75. Spirit of Guaiacum 63

76. The Divine Cordial ib.

77. Compound Cypress Water 65

78. Imperial Water 66

79. All Flower Water 68

80. A curious Water known by the Name of the Spring Nosegay 69

81. A Cosmetic Water, that prevents Pits after the Small-Pox 71

82. A Cooling Wash ib.

83, 84. An excellent Water to clear the Skin, and take away Pimples 72

85. Venetian Water to clear a Sun-burnt Complexion 73

86. A Water for Pimples in the Face 74

87. A Fluid to clear a tanned Skin ib.

88. A Fluid to whiten the Skin ib.

89. A Beautifying Wash 75

90. A Water that tinges the Cheeks a beautiful Carnation Hue 76

91. A Cosmetic Water 77

92. A Water, christened, the Fountain of Youth ib.

93. A Water that preserves the Complexion 78

94. A Water that gives a Gloss to the Skin 80

95. A Preservative from Tanning ib.

96, 97, 98. Certain Means of removing Freckles 81, 82

99, 100. A Water to prevent Freckles, or Blotches in the Face 82, 83

101, 102. A Water to improve the Complexion 83

103, 104. A Cosmetic Water 84, 85

105. A simple Balsamic Water, which removes Wrinkles 85

106. A Water to change the Eye-brows black 86

107. To remove Worms in the Face 86

108. The Duchess de la Vrilliere's Mouth-Water 87

109. Another Water for the Teeth, called Spirituous Vulnerary Water 88

110. Receipt to make Vulnerary Water 89

111, 112, 113, 114. Waters for the Gums 90-92

115. A simple Depilatory 92

116. Prepared Sponges for the Face ib.

117. Spirit of Roses 93

118. Inflammable Spirits of all Kinds of Flowers 97


119, 120. Method of extracting Essences from Flowers 98-101

121. Essence of Ambergrise 102

122. A Remedy for St. Anthony's Fire, or Erysipelatous Eruptions on the Face 103


123. Manner of drying Flowers, so as to preserve their natural Colours ib.

124, 125. Different Methods of preserving Flowers 106-108

126. Another Method of preserving Flowers a long while, in their natural Shape and Colour. 109


127. White Gloves scented with Jasmine after the Italian Manner 110

128. Gloves scented without the Flowers 111

129. White Gloves scented with Ketmia or Musky Seed 112

130. To colour Gloves a curious French Yellow 113

131, 132. Curious Perfumes in Gloves 114

133, 134. Excellent Receipts to clear a tanned Complexion 115


135, 136. Receipts to sweeten the Breath 115, 116


137, 138. Cosmetic Oils 116

139. Oil of Wheat 117

140. Compound Oil, or Essence of Fennel ib.

141. Oil of Tuberoses and Jasmine 118

142. An Oil scented with Flowers for the Hair 119


143. Essential Oil, commonly called Quintessence of Lavender 121

144. To make Essence of Cinnamon 122

145. To make Quintessence of Cloves 123

146. A Cosmetic Juice 125


147. A safe and approved Cosmetic ib.

148, 149. Others, very easily made 126, 127

150. A Liniment to destroy Vermin 127


151. A Lotion to strengthen the Gums, and sweeten the Breath 128

152. Another Lotion to fasten the Teeth, and sweeten the Breath 130

153. An admirable Lotion for the Complexion 131

154. An admirable Varnish for the Skin 132

155. A Liniment to destroy Nits 133

156. A Liniment to change the Beard and Hair black ib.

157, 158. Depilatory Liniment 134, 135

159, 160. Excellent Lip-Salves 135, 136


161. A Liniment to promote the Growth and Regeneration of Nails 136

162, 163. Remedies for Whitlows; a Disorder that frequently affects the Fingers 137, 138


164. Scented Tablets or Pastils 138

165. A pleasant Perfume 139

166. Common perfumed Powder 141

167. A Cassolette ib.

168. To perfume a whole House, and purify the Air ib.

169. A Perfume for scenting Powder ib.


170, 171. Excellent Compositions to perfume a Room 143, 144

172. Fragrant Pastils made use of by way of Fumigation 145

173. Pastils of Roses 146


174. Paste of dried Almonds to cleanse the Skin ib.

175. Soft Almond Paste 147

176. Paste for the Hands 148

177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182. Pastes for the Hands 148-152


183. Cold Cream, or Pomatum for the Complexion 152

184, 185. Cucumber Pomatums 154, 155

186. Lavender Pomatum 156

187, 188, 189. Lip-Salves 158, 159

190. A Yellow Lip-Salve 160

191, 192, 193, 194, 195. Scarlet Lip-Salves 161, 164

196. White Pomatum 164

197. Red Pomatum 165

198. A Pomatum to remove Redness, or Pimples in the Face 166

199. A Pomatum for Wrinkles 167

200, 201. For the same Intention 167, 168

202. Pomatum for a red or pimpled Face 168

203. A Pomatum for the Skin 169

204. Pomatum to make the Hair grow on a Bald Part, and thicken the Hair 170

205. Another Pomatum for the Hair 171

206. Manner of scenting Pomatums for the Hair 172

207. Orange-Flower Pomatum 173

208. Sultana Pomatum 174

209, 210. Sweet smelling Perfumes 174-176


211. Orange-Flower Powder 177

212. Jonquil Powder 178

213, 214. Coarse Violet Powders 179, 180

215. Jasmine Powder 181

216. Ambrette Powder ib.

217, 218. Cyprus Powders 182, 183

219. Perfumed Powder 183

220. The White Powder that enters into the Composition of the Delightful Perfume 184

221. Prepared Powder ib.

222. A Powder to nourish the Hair 185

223. Common Powder 186

224. White Powder ib.

225, 226. Grey Powders 187

227. Flaxen-coloured Powder 188

228. Bean Flour ib.

229, 230. To sweeten the Breath 188, 189

231. A Remedy for scorbutic Gums 189

232. A Remedy for moist Feet ib.


233, 234, 235, 236. Certain Methods of destroying Fleas 190, 19


237. A Secret to take away Wrinkles 191


238, 239. Rouges for the Face 192, 193

240. The Turkish method of preparing Carmine 193

241. A Liquid Rouge that exactly imitates Nature 194

242. An Oil that possesses the same Property 195


243. A sweet-scented Bag to wear in the Pocket 196

244. Bags to scent Linen ib.

245. An agreeable sweet-scented Composition 197

246. Manner of making various sorts of these little Bags or Sachels ib.


247. White Soap 199

248. Honey Soap ib.

249. A perfumed Soap 200

250. A Fine Scented Wash-ball 201

251. A Wash-ball, an excellent Cosmetic for the Face and Hands 202

252. Bologna Wash-balls 203

253. Another excellent Wash-ball for the Complexion 204

254. Seraglio Wash-balls 205

255. An Hepatic Salt, to preserve the Complexion 206


256. To change the Eye-brows black 207


257, 258. To efface Spots or Marks of the Mother, on any Part of the Body 208

259. To take away Marks, and fill up the Cavities left after the Small-Pox 209


260. Certain Methods to improve the Complexion 210

261. The Montpellier Toilet ib.

262. Sweet-scented Troches to correct a bad Breath 212

263. A curious Varnish for the Face 213


264, 265, 266, 267, 268. Medicines to Cure Warts 215


269. Distilled Vinegar 216

270. Distilled Lavender Vinegar 217

271. Vinegar of the Four Thieves 219


272, 273, 274. For Watery Eyes 220, 221

275. An excellent Ophthalmic Lotion 221

276. An Ophthalmic Poultice 222

277. A Poultice for inflamed Eyes ib.

278. Sir Hans Sloane's Eye Salve 223

279. An Ophthalmic Fomentation ib.

280. A simple Remedy to strengthen the Sight 224



281. To take Iron Mould out of Linen 225

282. Stains of Oil ib.

283. Scowering Balls 226

284. Stains of Coomb ib.

285. Stains of Urine 227

286. Stains on Cloth of whatever Colour ib.

287. Spots of Ink ib.

288. Spots of Pitch and Turpentine 228

289. Spots of Oil on Satin and other Stuffs, and on Paper ib.

290. Spots on Silk 229

291. Balls to take out Stains ib.

292. To clean Gold and Silver Lace 229

293. To restore its original Lustre to Tapestry ib.

294. To clean Turkey Carpets 230

295. To refresh Tapestry Carpets, Hangings, or Chairs ib.

296. To take Wax out of Silk or Camblet 231

297. To take Wax out of Velvet of all Colours except Crimson 232

298. To wash Gold or Silver Work on Linen, or any other Stuff, so as to look like new ib.

299. To take Spots out of Silk or Woollen Stuff 233

300. To take Stains of Oil out of Cloth ib.

301. To take Stains out of White Cloth 234

302. To take Stains out of Crimson Velvet, and other coloured Velvets ib.

303. A Soap that takes out all Manner of Spots and Stains 235

304. Another Method to take Spots or Stains out of White Silk or Crimson Velvet 236

305. A Receipt to clean Gloves without wetting ib.

306. To colour Gloves 237

307. To wash Point Lace 238

308. To clean Point Lace without washing ib.

309. To wash black and white Sarcenet ib.

310. A Soap to take out all Kinds of Stains 239

311. An expeditious Method to take Stains out of Scarlet, or Velvet of any other Colour 240


312. Method of making Snuff 240

313. Method of cleansing Snuff in order to scent it 241

314, 315. Methods of scenting Snuff 243, 244

316, 317. Perfumed Snuff 245, 246

318. Snuff after the Maltese Fashion 246

319. The Genuine Maltese Snuff ib.

320. Italian Snuff 247

321. Snuff scented after the Spanish Manner ib.

322. Method of colouring Snuff Red or Yellow 249

323, 324, 325, 326. Herb Snuffs 250, 251

1. An Aromatic Bath.

Boil, for the space of two or three minutes, in a sufficient quantity of river-water, one or more of the following plants; viz. Laurel, Thyme, Rosemary, Wild Thyme, Sweet-Marjoram, Bastard-Marjoram, Lavender, Southernwood, Wormwood, Sage, Pennyroyal, Sweet-Basil Balm, Wild Mint, Hyssop, Clove-july-flowers, Anise, Fennel, or any other herbs that have an agreeable scent. Having strained off the liquor from the herbs, add to it a little Brandy, or camphorated Spirits of Wine.

This is an excellent bath to strengthen the limbs; it removes pains proceeding from cold, and promotes perspiration.

2. A Cosmetic Bath.

Take two pounds of Barley or Bean-meal, eight pounds of Bran, and a few handfuls of Borrage Leaves. Boil these ingredients in a sufficient quantity of spring water. Nothing cleanses and softens the skin like this bath.

3. An Emollient Bath for the Feet.

Boil, in water, a pound of Bran, with a few Marsh-mallow Roots, and two or three handfuls of Mallow Leaves.

4. An Aromatic Bath for the Feet.

Take four handfuls of Pennyroyal, Sage, and Rosemary, three handfuls of Angelica, and four ounces of Juniper Berries; boil these ingredients in a sufficient quantity of water, and strain off the liquor for use.

5. An excellent Preservative Balsam against the Plague.

Scrape fine twelve Scorzonera and Goatsbread Roots; simmer them over a gentle fire in three quarts of Lisbon or French White Wine, in a vessel closely covered, to prevent the too great evaporation of the vinous spirit. When the roots are sufficiently boiled, strain off the liquor through a linen strainer with a gentle pressure: then add to it the Juice of twelve Lemons, with Cloves, Ginger, Cardamom Seeds, and Aloes Wood, grossly powdered, of each half an ounce; and about one ounce of each of the following herbs, viz. fresh Leaves of Rue, Elder, Bramble, and Sage; boil all together over a gentle fire, till one quart is wasted away; strain the liquor off immediately through a strong linen bag, and keep it in an earthen or glass vessel close stopped. Drink every morning fasting, for nine days together, half a pint of this Balsam, by which means you will be able to resist the malignancy of the Atmosphere, though you even visit infected persons. The same end may be promoted by washing the mouth and nostrils with Vinegar; and by holding to the nose a bit of Camphire, slightly wrapped in muslin; or by frequently chewing a piece of Gum Myrrh.

6. An excellent Cosmetic for the Face.

Take a pound of levigated Hartshorn, two pounds of Rice Powder, half a pound of Ceruss, Powder of dried Bones, Frankincense, Gum Mastic, and Gum Arabic, of each two ounces. Dissolve the whole in a sufficient quantity of Rose-water, and wash the face with this fluid.

7. A curious Perfume.

Boil, in two quarts of Rose-water, an ounce of Storax, and two ounces of Gum Benjamin; to which add, tied up in a piece of gauze or thin muslin, six Cloves bruised, half a drachm of Labdanum, as much Calamus Aromaticus, and a little Lemon-peel. Cover the vessel up close, and keep the ingredients boiling a great while: strain off the liquor without strong pressure, and let it stand till it deposit the sediment, which keep for use in a box.

8. Perfumed Chaplets and Medals.

Take Marechal Powder, and make it into a paste with Mucilage of Gum Tragacanth and Arabic, prepared with All-flower-water (the receipt for which is contained in this book.) The mould into which it is put must be rubbed with a little Essence of Jassmine, or of any other sweet-scented herb, to prevent the Paste from sticking. This Paste in colour resembles Coffee.

9. Receipt to thicken the Hair, and make it grow on a bald part.

Take Roots of a Maiden Vine, Roots of Hemp, and Cores of soft Cabbages, of each two handfuls; dry and burn them; afterwards make a lye with the ashes. The head is to be washed with this lye three days successively, the part having been previously well rubbed with Honey.

10. An approved Depilatory, or a Fluid for taking off the Hair.

Take Polypody of the Oak, cut into very small pieces; put them into a glass vessel, and pour on them as much Lisbon, or French White Wine, as will rise about an inch above the ingredients: digest in balneo Mari� (or a bath of hot water) for twenty-four hours; then distil off the liquor by the heat of boiling water, till the whole has come over the helm. A linen cloth wetted with this fluid, may be applied to the part on which the hair grows, and kept on it all night; repeating the application periodically till the hair falls off.

The distilled water of the Leaves and Roots of Celandine, applied in the same manner, has the like effect.

11. A Powder to prevent Baldness.

Powder your head with powdered Parsley Seed, at night, once in three or four months, and the hair will never fall off.

12. To quicken the Growth of Hair.

Dip the teeth of your comb every morning in the expressed Juice of Nettles, and comb the hair the wrong way. This expedient will surprisingly quicken the growth of the hair.

Some, after having shaved the head, foment it with a decoction of Wormwood, Southernwood, Sage, Betony, Vervain, Marjoram, Myrtle, Roses, Dill, Rosemary, or Misletoe.

13. A compound Oil for the same Intention.

Take half a pound of green Southernwood bruised, boil it in a pint and a half of Sweet Oil, and half a pint of Red Wine; when sufficiently boiled, remove it from the fire, and strain off the liquor through a linen bag: repeat this operation three times with fresh Southernwood. The last time add to the strained liquor two ounces of Bears-grease.

This oil quickly makes the hair shoot out.

14. A Fluid to make the Hair grow.

Take the tops of Hemp as soon as the plant begins to appear above ground, and infuse them four and twenty hours in water. Dip the teeth of the comb in this fluid, and it will certainly quicken the growth of the hair.

15. A Liniment of the same Kind.

Take six drachms of Labdanum, two ounces of Bears-grease, half an ounce of Honey, three drachms of powdered Southernwood, a drachm and a half of Ashes of Calamus Aromaticus Roots, three drachms of Balsam of Peru, and a little Oil of Sweet Almonds. Mix into a liniment.

16. To change the Colour of the Hair.

First wash your head with spring-water, then dip your comb in Oil of Tartar, and comb yourself in the Sun: repeat this operation three times a day, and at the end of eight days at most the hair will turn black. If you are desirous of giving the hair a fine scent, moisten it with Oil of Benjamin.

17. Simple Means of producing the same Effect.

The Leaves of the Wild Vine change the hairs black, and prevent their falling off. Burnt Cork; Roots of the Holm-oak, and Caper-tree; Barks of Willow, Walnut-tree and Pomegranate; Leaves of Artichoaks, the Mulberry-tree, Fig-tree, Rasberry-bush Shells of Beans; Gall and Cypress-nuts; Leaves of Myrtle; green Shells of Walnuts; Ivy-berries, Cockle, and red Beet-seeds, Poppy-flowers, Alum, and most preparations of Lead. These ingredients may be boiled in Rain-water, Wine or Vinegar, with the addition of some cephalic Plant, as Sage, Marjoram, Balm, Betony, Clove-july-flowers, Laurel, &c. &c.

18. To change the Hair or Beard black.

Take Oil of Costus and Myrtle, of each an ounce and a half; mix them well in a leaden mortar; adding liquid Pitch, expressed Juice of Walnut Leaves and Laudanum, of each half an ounce; Gall-nuts, Black-lead, and Frankincense, of each a drachm; and a sufficient quantity of Mucilage of Gum Arabic made with a decoction of Gall Nuts.

Rub the head and chin with this mixture, after they have been shaved.

19. A Fluid to die the Hair of a flaxen Colour.

Take a quart of Lye prepared from the Ashes of Vine Twigs; Briony, Celandine Roots, and Turmeric, of each half an ounce; Saffron and Lily Roots, of each two drachms; Flowers of Mullein, Yellow Stechas, Broom, and St. John's-wort, of each a drachm; boil these ingredients together, and strain off the Liquor clear.

Frequently wash the hair with this fluid, and in a little time it will change to a beautiful flaxen colour.

20. A perfumed Basket.

Place a layer of perfumed Cotton extremely thin and even on a piece of Taffety stretched in a frame; strew on it some Violet Powder, and then some Cypress Powder; cover the whole with another piece of Taffety: nothing more remains to complete the work, but to quilt it, and cut it of the size of the basket, trimming the edges with ribband.

21. Natural Cosmetics.

The Juice that issues from the Birch-Tree, when wounded with an auger in spring, is detersive and excellent to clear the complexion: the same virtue is attributed to its distilled water. Some people recommend Strawberry-water; others the decoction of Orpiment, and some Frog-spawn-water.

22. A remedy for Corns on the Feet.

Roast a Clove of Garlic, or an Onion, on a live coal or in hot ashes; apply it to the corn, and fasten it on with a piece of cloth. This softens the corn to such a degree, as to loosen and wholly remove it in two or three days. Foment the corn every other night in warm water, after which renew the application.

The same intention will be yet more effectually answered by applying to the corn a bit of the plaster of Diachylon with the Gums, spread on a small piece of linen; removing it occasionally to foment the corn with warm water, and pare off the softened part with a penknife.

23. A Coral Stick for the Teeth.

Make a stiff Paste with Tooth Powder and a sufficient quantity of Mucilage of Gum Tragacanth: form with this Paste little cylindrical Rollers, the thickness of a large goose quill, and about three inches in length. Dry them in the shade. The method of using this stick is to rub it against the teeth, which become cleaner in proportion as it wastes.

24. A receipt to clean the Teeth and Gums, and make the Flesh grow close to the Root of the Enamel.

Take an ounce of Myrrh in fine powder, two spoonfuls of the best white Honey, and a little green Sage in fine powder; mix them well together, and rub the teeth and gums with a little of this Balsam every night and morning.

25. Ditto, to strengthen the Gums and fasten loose Teeth.

Dissolve an ounce of Myrrh as much as possible in half a pint of Red Wine and the same quantity of Oil of Almonds: Wash the mouth with this fluid every morning.

This is also an excellent remedy against worms in the teeth.

26. Another.

Dissolve a drachm of Cachoe (an Indian perfume) in a quart of Red Wine, and use it for washing the mouth.

27. Or rather.

Bruise Tobacco Roots in a mortar, and rub the teeth and gums with a linen cloth dipped in the Juice. You may also put some Tobacco bruised between the fingers into the hollow of the tooth. Or take the green Leaves of a Plum-tree, or of Rosemary, and boil them in Lees of Wine or Vinegar; gargle the mouth with the Wine as hot as you can bear it, and repeat it frequently.

28. For rotten Teeth.

Make a balsam with a sufficient quantity of Honey, two scruples of Myrrh in fine powder, a scruple of Gum Juniper, and ten grains of Roch Alum. Frequently apply this mixture to the decayed tooth.

29. A liquid Remedy for decayed Teeth.

Take a pint of the Juice of the Wild Gourd, a quarter of a pound of Mulberry Bark, and Pellitory of Spain, each three ounces; Roch Alum, Sal Gem, and Borax, of each half an ounce. Put these ingredients into a glass vessel, and distill in a sand heat to dryness; take of this liquor and Brandy, each an equal part, and wash the mouth with them warm. This mixture removes all putridity, and cleanses away dead flesh.

30. A Powder to clean the Teeth.

Take Dragon's Blood and Cinnamon, of each one ounce and a half, Burnt Alum, or Cream of Tartar, one ounce; beat all together into a very fine powder, and rub a little on the teeth every other day.

31. A Remedy for sore Gums and loose Teeth.

Boil Oak Leaves in spring-water, and add to the decoction a few drops of Spirit of Sulphur. Gargle the mouth with a little of this liquor every morning while necessary.

32. An approved Receipt against that troublesome Complaint, called the Teeth set on Edge.

Purslain, Sorrel, Sweet or Bitter Almonds, Walnuts, or burnt Bread, chewed, will certainly remove this disagreeable sensation.

33. A Liquid for cleansing the Teeth.

Take Lemon Juice, two ounces, Burnt Alum and Salt, of each six grains; boil them together about a minute in a glazed pipkin, and then strain through a linen cloth. The method of application is to wrap a bit of clean rag round the end of a stick, dipping it in the Liquid, and rub it gently against the teeth. You must be careful not to have too much of the Liquid on the rag, for fear it should excoriate the gums or inside of the mouth. This application ought not to be used above once every two or three months.

34. A sure Preservative from the Tooth Ache, and Defluxions on the Gums or Teeth.

After having washed your mouth with water, as cleanliness and indeed health requires, you should every morning rince the mouth with a tea spoonful of Lavender-Water mixed with an equal quantity of warm or cold water, whichever you like best, to diminish its activity. This simple and innocent remedy is a certain preservative, the success of which has been confirmed by long experience.

35. A Method to make the Teeth beautifully white.

Take Gum Tragacanth, one ounce; Pumice-stone, two drachms; Gum Arabic, half an ounce; and Crystals of Tartar, finely powdered, one ounce; dissolve the Gums in Rose-water, and adding to it the powder, form the whole into little sticks, which are to be dried slowly in the shade, and afterwards kept for use.

36. Or,

Take dried Leaves of Hyssop, Wild Thyme, and Mint, of each half an ounce; Roch Alum, prepared Hartshorn, and Salt, of each a drachm; calcine these ingredients together in a pot placed on burning coals; when sufficiently calcined, add of Pepper and Mastic, each half a drachm, and of Myrrh a scruple; reduce the whole into a fine powder, and make them into a proper consistence with Storax dissolved in Rose-water. Rub the teeth with a small bit of this Mixture every morning, and afterwards wash the mouth with warm Wine.

37. Or,

Dip a piece of clean rag in Vinegar of Squills, and rub the teeth and gums with it. This not only whitens, but fastens and strengthens the roots of the teeth, and corrects an offensive breath.

38. Or,

Take Rose-water, Syrup of Violets, clarified Honey, and Plantain-water, of each half an ounce; Spirit of Vitriol one ounce; mix them together. Rub the teeth with a linen rag moistened in this Liquor, and then rince the mouth with equal parts of Rose and Plantain-water.

39. Or,

Rub them well with Nettle or Tobacco Ashes, or rather with Vine Ashes mixed with a little Honey.

40. A Powder to cleanse the Teeth.

Take prepared Coral and Dragons-blood, of each an ounce; Cinnamon and Cloves, of each six drachms; Cuttle-bone, and calcined Egg-shells, of each half an ounce; Sea Salt decrepitated, a drachm, all in fine powder: mix them in a marble mortar.

41. The following was communicated by Mr. Rae, Surgeon Dentist, in the Adelphi, London.

Take of Cuttlefish-bone, and the finest prepared Chalk, each half an ounce; Peruvian Bark, and Florentine Iris Root, each two drachms: reduce the whole into a fine Powder, and mix them. This may be coloured with a little Rose Pink, and scented with a few drops of Oil of Cinnamon.

42. Or,

Take Pumice-stone prepared, Sealed Earth, and Red Coral prepared, of each an ounce; Dragons-blood, half an ounce; Cream of Tartar, an ounce and a half; Cinnamon, a quarter of an ounce; and Cloves, a scruple: beat the whole together into a Powder.

This Powder serves to cleanse, whiten, and preserve the Teeth; and prevents the accidents that arise from the collection of Tartar or any other foulness about them.

43. An efficacious Tooth-Powder.

Take Myrrh, Roch Allum, Dragon's Blood, and Cream of Tartar, of each half an ounce; Musk, two grains; and make them into a very fine powder. This, though simple, is an efficacious dentifrice; but nothing of this kind should be applied too frequently to the teeth for fear of hurting the enamel.

44. A Powder to cleanse the Teeth.

Take Pumice-Stone and Cuttle-fish Bone, of each half an ounce; Tartar vitriolated, and Mastich, of each a drachm; Oil of Rhodium four drops: mix all into a fine powder.

45. A Tincture to strengthen the Gums and prevent the Scurvy.

Take an ounce of Peruvian Bark grossly powdered, infuse it a fortnight or longer in half a pint of Brandy. Gargle the mouth every night or morning, with a tea spoonful of this Tincture diluted with an equal quantity of Rose-water.

46. Manner of preparing the Roots for cleaning the Teeth, according to Mr. Baum�.

The roots that are used to clean the teeth are formed at both ends like little brushes; and in all probability were substituted in the room of Tooth-brushes, on account of their being softer to the gums and more convenient. They are used in the following manner; one of the ends is moistened with a little water, dipped into the Tooth-Powder, and then rubbed against the teeth till they look white. Fibrous and woody Roots are best formed into little brushes, and on this account deserve a preference to others. The Roots are deprived of their juicy parts by boiling them several times in a large quantity of fresh Water. When Lucern Roots are used, those of two years growth are chosen, about the thickness of one's little finger; such as are thicker, unsound or worm-eaten, being rejected. They are cut into pieces about six inches long, and, as we have just observed, are boiled in water till all the juicy parts are extracted. Being then taken out, they are left to drain; after which each end of the roots is slit with a penknife into the form of a little brush, and they are slowly dried to prevent their splitting. In the same manner are prepared Liquorice Roots. Marsh-mallow Roots are prepared in an easier way; but, on account of the mucilage they contain, they become very brittle when dry. Such as are large and very even are made choice of, and rasped with a knife to remove the outer bark. They are dyed red by infusing them in the same dye as is used to colour spunges. When the Roots have remained twenty-four hours in the dye, they are taken out, slowly dried, and varnished with two or three coats of a strong Mucilage of Gum Tragacanth, each being suffered to dry before another is laid on. The whole is afterwards repeatedly anointed with Friars Balsam, in order to form a varnish less susceptible of moisture.

Lucern and Liquorice Roots are dyed and varnished in the same manner: those of Marsh-mallows, from the loss of their Mucilage, considerably diminish in thickness during the time they stand in infusion.

47. Manner of preparing Sponges for the Teeth

For this purpose very thin sponges are made choice of, which are to be washed in several waters; squeezing them with the hands, to loosen and force away the little shells that adhere to their internal surface. Being afterwards dried, they are neatly cut into the shape of balls about the size of small eggs; and when they have undergone this preparation, they are dyed in the following manner.

Take Brazil Wood rasped, four ounces; Cochineal bruised, three drachms; Roch Alum, half an ounce; Water, four pints: put them into a proper vessel, and boil till one half of the Liquor is consumed. Then strain the decoction through a piece of linen, and pour it hot upon the sponges, which are to be left in infusion twelve hours; at the expiration of which time, they are to be repeatedly washed in fresh water, as long as any colour proceeds from them. Being dried, they are afterwards dipped in Spirit of Wine, aromatized with Essential Oil of Cinnamon, Cloves, Lavender, &c. The sponges are then fit for use, and when dried by squeezing, are kept in a wide-mouthed glass-bottle well corked.

48. Rules for the Preservation of the Teeth and Gums.

The teeth are bones thinly covered with a fine enamel, which is more or less strong in different persons. When this enamel is wasted, either by a scorbutic humour or any external cause, the tooth cannot long remain sound, and must therefore be cleaned, but with great caution. For this purpose the best instrument is a small piece of wood, like a butcher's skewer, rendered soft at the end. It is generally to be used alone; only once in a fortnight dip it into a few grains of gunpowder, which has previously been bruised. This will remove every spot and blemish, and give your Teeth an inconceivable whiteness. It is almost needless to say, that the mouth must be well washed after this operation; for besides the necessity of so doing, the salt-petre, &c. used in the composition of Gunpowder, would, if it remained, prove injurious to the gums, &c. but has not, nor can have, any bad effect in so short a time.

It is necessary to observe, that very near the gums of people whose teeth are otherwise good, there is apt to grow a crust, both within and without, which, if neglected, separates the gums from the fangs of the teeth; and the latter being by this means left bare, are frequently destroyed. This crust must therefore be carefully scraped off.

49. For stopping the Decay of Teeth.

Take of Bole Armenian the quantity of a large nutmeg, a like quantity of Roch Alum, two penny-worth of Cochineal bruised, and a small handful of the Chips of Lignum Vit�; simmer them with four ounces of Honey in a new pipkin, for a little time, well stirring them all the while, till the ingredients are mixed. In using it, take a large skewer, on the end of which is tied a piece of linen rag; dip the rag in the medicine, and rub the teeth and gums with it. The longer you abstain from spitting, after the use of the remedy, the better. Wash the mouth well at least once every day, particularly after meals, first rubbing the teeth with salt upon the end of your finger. Teeth much decayed, or useless, should be drawn, if the operation can be performed with safety.

The reader will find several other receipts for the Teeth, under the article of Waters.

50. The Celestial Water.

Take the best Cinnamon, Nutmegs, Ginger, Zedoary, Galangals, and White-Pepper, of each an ounce; six Lemon-peels, pared thin; two handfuls of Damascene Grapes; as much Jujebs; a handful of Pith of Dwarf-Elder; four handfuls of Juniper-berries perfectly ripe; Fennel-Seeds, Flowers of Sweet Basil, St. John's-wort, Rosemary, Marjoram, Pennyroyal, Stechas, Musk Roses, Rue, Scabious, Centaury, Fumitory, and Agrimony, of each a handful; Spikenard, Aloes-Wood, Grains of Paradise, Calamus Aromaticus, Mace, Gum Olibanum, and Yellow Sanders, of each two ounces; Hepatic Aloes, fine Amber and Rhubarb, of each two drachms. All these drugs being procured good in their kind, beat in a mortar those that ought to be pulverized, and put the whole, thoroughly mixed together, into a large strong glass alembic; pouring as much genuine brandy upon them as will rise at least three fingers breadth above the ingredients. Then having well closed the mouth of the alembic, bury the vessel fifteen days in warm horse-dung, and afterwards distil the Tincture in balneo Mari�, the water almost boiling hot. When you perceive the water in the receiver change its colour, instantly stop the process, and separate the phlegm from the spirit, by another distillation conducted in the same manner. The liquor thus obtained is the genuine Celestial Water. Note, when you perceive this second water begin to lose its transparency, and incline to a reddish colour, put it by in a strong glass bottle closely stopped, and dissolve in the residue half a pound of the best Treacle, with as much Venice Turpentine and fresh Oil of Almonds. Place the alembic in a sand heat, and urge the fire to the first degree, to have the genuine Balsamic Oil, which ought to be of the consistence of clarified Honey.

If a person rubs himself in the morning with this water on the forehead, eyelids, back of the head, and nape of the neck, it renders him quick and easy of conception, strengthens the memory, enlivens the spirits, and greatly comforts the sight. By putting a few drops with a bit of cotton up the nostrils, it becomes a sovereign cephalic, and cleanses the brain of all superfluous cold and catarrhal humours. If a table spoonful is drank every third day, it tends to preserve the body in vigour. It is an excellent remedy against asthmatic complaints, and corrects an offensive breath.

51. A Receipt to make the genuine Hungary-Water.

Put into an alembic a pound and a half of fresh pickt Rosemary Flowers; Pennyroyal and Marjoram Flowers, of each half a pound; three quarts of good Coniac Brandy; having close stopped the mouth of the alembic to prevent the Spirit from evaporating, bury it twenty-eight hours in horse-dung to digest, and then distil off the Spirit in a water-bath.

A drachm of Hungary-Water diluted with Spring-Water, may be taken once or twice a week in the morning fasting. It is also used by way of embrocation to bathe the face and limbs, or any part affected with pains, or debility. This remedy recruits the strength, dispells gloominess and strengthens the sight. It must always be used cold, whether taken inwardly as a medicine, or applied externally.

52. Another Receipt to make Hungary-Water.

Fill a glass or stone cucurbit half full of fresh gathered Rosemary-tops picked in their prime; pour on them as much Spirit of Wine as will thoroughly soak them. Put the vessel in a water-bath, and having closely luted on the head and receiver, leave it to digest on a gentle fire for three days; at the expiration of which period unlute the vessel, and pour back into the cucurbit whatever liquor you find in the receiver. Then lute your cucurbit again, and encrease the fire so as to cause the Spirit to rise fast over the helm. When about two thirds of the liquor are drawn off, remove the fire, and let the vessel stand to cool; you will find in the receiver an excellent Hungary-Water, which is to be kept in a glass bottle closely stopped. Hungary-water must be drawn off with a brisk fire, or the Spirit of Wine will come over the helm, very little impregnated with the essence of Rosemary.

53. Directions for making Lavender-Water.

Fill a glass or earthen body two thirds full of Lavender Flowers and then fill up the vessel with Brandy or Melasses Spirits. Let the Flowers stand in infusion eight days, or less if straitened for time; then distil off the Spirit, in a water-bath with a brisk fire, at first in large drops or even a small stream, that the Essential Oil of the Flowers may rise with the Spirit. But as this cannot be done without the phlegm coming over the helm at the same time, the Spirit must be rectified. The first distillation being finished, unlute the still, throw away what remains in the body, and, fill it with fresh Flowers of Lavender, in the proportion of two pounds of Lavender Flowers to one pint of Spirit; pour the Spirit already distilled according to the foregoing directions, on the Lavender Flowers, and distil a second time in a vapour-bath.

54. Another Method.

Take fresh or dried Lavender Flowers, sprinkle them with White Wine, Brandy, Melasses Spirit, or Rose-water; let them stand in infusion for some days, and then distil off the Spirit. The distilled water will be more odoriferous, if the Flowers are dried in the sun in a glass bottle close stopped, and White Wine afterwards poured upon them.

If you would have speedily, without the trouble of distillation, a water impregnated with the flavour of Lavender, put two or three drops of Oil of Spike, and a lump of Sugar, into a pint of clear Water, or Spirit of Wine, and shake them well together in a glass phial, with a narrow neck. This Water, though not distilled, is very fragrant.

55. To make Rose-Water.

To make an excellent Rose-water, let the Flowers be gathered two or three hours after sun-rising in very fine weather; beat them in a marble mortar into a paste, and leave them in the mortar soaking in their juice, for five or six hours; then put the mass into a coarse canvas bag, and press out the Juice; to every quart of which add a pound of fresh Damask Roses, and let them stand in infusion for twenty-four hours. Then put the whole into a glass alembic, lute on a head and receiver, and place it on a sand heat. Distil at first with a gentle fire, which is to be encreased gradually till the drops follow each other as quick as possible; draw off the water as long as it continues to run clear, then put out the fire, and let the alembic stand till cold. The distilled water at first will have very little fragrancy, but after being exposed to the heat of the sun about eight days, in a bottle lightly stopped with a bit of paper, it acquires an admirable scent.

56. Or,

Infuse in ten or twenty pints of Juice of Damask Roses, expressed in the manner above described, a proportionable quantity of Damask Rose Leaves gathered with the usual precautions. After standing in infusion twenty-four hours, pour the whole into a short-necked alembic, distil in a sand heat, and draw off as much as possible, taking care not to leave the residuum quite dry, for fear the distilled water should have an empyreumatic or still-burnt flavour. After emptying the alembic, pour the distilled water a second time into it, and add a good quantity of fresh picked Damask Roses. Lute it well, placing it again in a sand heat, and repeat the distillation. But content yourself this time with a little more than half the water you put back into the alembic. To impress on Rose-water the utmost degree of fragrancy of which it is susceptible, it is necessary to expose it to the genial warmth of the sun.

Rose-water is an excellent lotion for the eyes, if used every morning, and makes a part in all collyriums prescribed for inflammations of these parts; it is also proper in many other complaints.

57. To make Orange-Flower Water.

Having gathered (two hours before sun-rise, in fine weather) a quantity of Orange-Flowers, pluck them leaf by leaf, and throw away the stalks and stems: fill a tin cucurbit two thirds full of these picked Flowers; lute on a low bolt-head, not above two inches higher than the cucurbit; place it in balneo Mari�, or a water-bath, and distill with a strong fire. You run no risk from pressing forward the distillation with violence, the water-bath effectually preventing the Flowers from being burnt. In this method you pay no regard to the quantity, but the quality of the water drawn off. If nine pounds of Orange Flowers were put into the still, be satisfied with three or four quarts of fragrant water; however, you may continue your distillation, and save even the last droppings of the still, which have some small fragrancy. During the operation, be careful to change the water in the refrigeratory vessel as often as it becomes hot. Its being kept cool prevents the distilled water from having an empyreumatic or burnt smell, and keeps the quintessence of the Flowers more intimately united with its phlegm.

58. Another Method.

Take four pounds of unpicked Orange Flowers, bruise them in a marble mortar, and pour on them nine quarts of clear Water. Distil in a cold still, and draw off five or six quarts, which will be exquisitely fragrant. If you are desirous of having it still higher flavoured, draw off at first full seven quarts, unlute the still and throw away the residuum; empty back the water already distilled, and add to it two pounds of fresh Orange Flowers bruised. Again luting the still, repeat the distillation, and draw of five or six quarts. Then stop, being careful not to draw off too much water, lest the Flowers should become dry and burn too.

The use of Orange-Flower Water is very extensive. It is high in esteem for its aromatic perfume; and is used with success for hysteric complaints.

Waters from all kinds of Flowers are made in the same manner as Orange-Flower and Rose-water; but waters from dried odoriferous plants, such as Thyme, Hyssop, Marjoram and Wormwood, are made as follows.

Fill two thirds of a large stone jar with the tops of the plant you propose to distil; boil, in a sufficient quantity of water, some twigs or tops of the same plant; and when one half of the water has evaporated, pour the remainder into a jar over the flowers, and let them stand to infuse three or four days; then distil them in a common or cold still. Care, however, must be taken not to distil to dryness, lest you risque the bottom of the vessel; to prevent which accident, the best way is never to draw off more than two thirds of the liquor put into the still. If you be desirous that the distilled water should acquire a higher flavour, after the first distillation unlute the still, throw out what remains at the bottom, and fill it half full of fresh tops of the plant, pouring on them the water already distilled; repeat the distillation, and this second time the water drawn off will be highly odoriferous. If the plant contains a large portion of Essential Oil, it will not fail to float on the top of the liquor contained in the receiver, and may be separated by the usual method.

59. Magisterial Balm-Water.

Take half a pound of Cinnamon, six ounces of Cardamon-seeds, and the same quantity of green Aniseeds; Cloves, four ounces; Coriander-seeds, eight ounces: beat these spices in a marble mortar, and putting them afterwards into a stone jar, add the Yellow Rind of eight Lemons, a pound of Juniper-berries bruised, twelve handfuls of Balm gathered in its prime, six handfuls of Rosemary-tops, as much Sage, Hyssop, and Angelica, Sweet Marjoram and Thyme, of each six handfuls; Wormwood a handful; cut the herbs very small, putting them into the jar with the spices, and pour on four gallons of Brandy or Melasses Spirits. When they have stood in infusion eight days, empty the ingredients and liquor into an alembic of a common height, and distil in a water-bath. At first draw off ten quarts, which are to be thrown again into the alembic, continue the same degree of fire for some time, then gradually lessen it till the aromatic spirit comes off in quick drops. Continue your distillation in this manner till you perceived the phlegm rise, which is easily known by the weakness of the Spirit, and when the process is ended, expose the aromatic spirit which has been drawn off to the rays of the sun, in a glass bottle, stopped only with a loose paper cork, to give the fiery particles an opportunity of evaporating. What remains in the body of the still is not to be considered as wholly useless. After evaporating it to dryness, burn the residuum of the plants and aromatics; and when the whole mass is reduced to ashes, throw them into a vessel of boiling water, in which let them remain two or three minutes on the fire. Then remove the vessel, and let the water stand till cold, when it is to be filtered through blotting paper: The water, which appears limpid, is to be set on the fire again, and wholly evaporated. At the bottom of the vessel, which ought to be a new-glazed earthen pot, will remain a pure white fixed salt, which may be dissolved in the Magisterial Balm-water.

This water is highly esteemed, and has even acquired a reputation equal to that of Hungary-water, (the receipt for preparing which has been already given) and in particular cases is preferable.

60. Compound Balm-Water, commonly called Eau de Carmes.

Take of the fresh Leaves of Balm, a quarter of a pound; Yellow Rind of Lemons, two ounces; Nutmegs and Coriander-seeds, of each one ounce; Cloves, Cinnamon, and Angelica Root, of each half an ounce: having pounded the spices and seeds; and bruised the leaves and roots, put them with a quart of Brandy into a glass cucurbit, of which stop the mouth, and set it in a warm place, where let it remain two or three days. Then add a pint of simple Balm-water, and shake the whole well together; after which distil in a vapour bath till the ingredients are left almost dry; and preserve the water thus obtained, in bottles well stopped.

This water has been long famous at Paris and London, and carried thence to most parts of Europe. It has the reputation of being a cordial of very extraordinary virtues, and not only of availing in all lowness of spirits, but even in apoplexies. It is also much esteemed in cases of the gout in the stomach; whence the Carmelite Friars, who originally were in possession of the secret, have reaped great benefit from the sale of this water.

61. Sweet Honey-Water.

Take of good French Brandy, a gallon; of the best Virgin Honey and Coriander-seeds, each a pound; Cloves, an ounce and half; Nutmegs, an ounce; Gum Benjamin and Storax, of each an ounce; Vanilloes No. 4; the Yellow Rind of three large Lemons: bruise the Spices and Benjamin, cut the Vanilloes into small pieces, put all into a cucurbit, and pour the Brandy on them. After they have digested forty-eight hours, distil off the Spirit in a retort with a gentle heat.

To a gallon of this water, add of Damask Rose-water and Orange Flower-water, of each a pint and a half; Musk and Ambergrise, of each five grains; first grind the Musk and Ambergrise with some of the water, and afterwards put all into a large matrass, shake them well together, and let them circulate three days and nights in a gentle heat. Then, letting the water cool, filtre and keep it for use, in a bottle well stopped.

It is an antiparalytic, smooths the skin, and gives one of the most agreeable scents imaginable. Forty or sixty drops put into a pint of clear water, are sufficient to wash the hands and face.

62. Sweet-scented Water.

Take Orange Flower-water and Rose-water, of each an equal quantity; put them into a large wide-mouthed glass, and strew upon the surface gently as much Jasmine Flowers as will cover it; then tie the mouth of the glass so carefully that the Flowers be not shook down to the bottom. Repeat the process, letting each quantity of the Flowers remain five or six days, until the water is strongly scented with them. Then dissolve Ambergrise and Musk, of each a scruple, in a few ounces of the water, which filtre and put to the rest.

This water may also be made by putting the whole into a retort with a sufficient quantity of Jasmine Flowers, and drawing it off in a vapour bath into a receiver well luted.

This is an excellent perfume, and taken inwardly, is of service in some nervous cases and languors.

63. German sweet-scented Water.

Begin with infusing for eight days in two quarts of Vinegar, two handfuls of Lavender Flowers, as many Provence Roses picked from the stalks, Wild Roses, and Elder Flowers. While they stand in infusion prepare a simple odoriferous water as follows: Put into a glass body the Yellow Rind of three Lemons, sweet Marjoram, Lilies of the Valley and Lavender Flowers, of each two handfuls; pour on them a pint of double distilled Rose-water, and a quart of Spring-water. Lute on a bolt-head, place the alembic in a sand heat, fix on a receiver, and leave matters in this state two days, then light a fire under it and distil quick. When you have drawn off a quart, stop your distillation, and keep this simple odoriferous water for the following use.

Take wild Thyme, sweet Marjoram, sweet Basil, and Thyme, of each a handful; Florentine Orrice and Cinnamon, of each half an ounce; Cloves, Mace, purified Storax, and Benjamin, of each three drachms; Labdanum, two drachms; Aspalathum, half an ounce; Socotrine Aloes, half a drachm; put all these ingredients, thoroughly bruised, into a stone jar, and add to them the Vinegar infusion, the distilled odoriferous water, and a quart of Frontiniac, Mountain, or Cowslip Wine. Stir them well together, and leave the whole to digest for fifteen days, at the expiration of which time, empty the infusion into a glass body, large enough to contain a sixth part more liquor; lute on the head, place it in a sand heat, and begin your distillation with a very gentle fire, increasing it gradually. It sometimes happens that the phlegm of the Vinegar comes over the helm first; when that is the case, set it aside as useless. As soon as the Spirit begins to rise, which you will directly perceive by its aromatic flavour, fix a receiver on the beak of the alembic, and distil off about three pints. Keep this by itself as the most spirituous part of your preparation; and continue to draw off the remainder as long as it runs clear.

The German sweet-scented Water is penetrating and incisive, admirably revives the vital spirits, removes headaches, comforts the heart, is excellent against unwholesome air, and of course a preservative from contagion.

64. Imperial Water.

Take five quarts of Brandy, in which dissolve an ounce of Frankincense, Mastic, Benjamin, and Gum Arabic; add half an ounce of Cloves and Nutmegs; an ounce and a half of Pine-nut Kernels, and sweet Almonds; with three grains of Musk. Bruise these ingredients in a marble mortar, distil in a vapour bath, and keep the water that is drawn off in a glass bottle, close stopped.

This water takes away wrinkles, and renders the skin extremely delicate; it also whitens the Teeth, and abates the tooth-ache, sweetens the breath, and strengthens the gums. Foreign ladies prize it highly.

65. Odoriferous Water.

Take sweet Basil, Mint, sweet Marjoram, Florentine Orrice-root, Hyssop, Balm, Savory, Lavender, and Rosemary, of each a handful; Cloves, Cinnamon, and Nutmegs, of each half an ounce; three or four Lemons, cut in thick slices; infuse them three days in a good quantity of Rose-water; distil in a water bath with a gentle fire, and add to the distilled water a scruple of Musk.

66. Or,

Take sweet Marjoram, Thyme, Lavender, Rosemary, Pennyroyal-buds, red Roses, Violet-flowers, Clove-july-flowers, Savory, and Orange-peels, of each equal parts; infuse in White Wine till they entirely sink to the bottom of the Wine; then distil in an alembic, two or three times. Keep the Water in bottles well corked; and preserve the residuum as a perfume.

67. The Ladies Water.

Take two handfuls and a half of Red Roses; Rosemary Flowers, Lavender, and Spikenard, of each a handful; Thyme, Chamomile Flowers, Sage of Virtue, Pennyroyal, and Marjoram, of each a handful; infuse in White Wine twenty-four hours; then put the whole into an alembic; sprinkle it with good White Wine, and throw on it a powder, composed of an ounce and a half of choice Cloves, Gum Benjamin, and Storax, strained, each two drachms. The distilled Water is to be kept in a bottle well stopped.

68. A beautifying Wash.

Take equal parts of White Tansey, and Rhubarb Water, and to every half pint add two drachms of Sal Ammoniac.

This fluid is applied with a feather or hair pencil, three or four times a day, to pimples or tetters, on any part of the body.

69. A Cosmetic Water.

Wash the face with the tears that issue from the Vine, during the months of May and June.

70. An Excellent Cosmetic.

Pimpernel Water is so sovereign a beautifier of the complexion, that it ought always to have a place on a Lady's toilet.

71. Venice Water, highly esteemed.

In the month of May, take two quarts of Cow's Milk, which pour into a bottle with eight Lemons and four Oranges, sliced; add an ounce of Sugar Candy, and half an ounce of Borax; distil in a water bath or sand heat.

This water is counterfeited at Bagdat in Persia, in the following manner. Take twelve Lemons peeled and sliced, twelve new-laid Eggs, six Sheeps Trotters, four ounces of Sugar Candy, a large slice of Melon, and another of Pompion, with two drachms of Borax; distil in a large glass alembic with a leaden head.

72. A Balsamic Water.

Take a pound of Venice Turpentine; Oil of Bays, Galbanum, Gum Arabic, Ivy Gum, Frankincense, Myrrh, Hepatic Aloes, Aloes-wood, Galangals, Cloves, Comfrey, Cinnamon, Nutmegs, Zedoary, Ginger, and White Dittany, each three ounces; Borax, four ounces; Musk, a drachm; Ambergrise, a scruple; after bruising such of the ingredients as are capable of being powdered, infuse the whole in six quarts of Brandy; and distil it. The Balsamic Water drawn off will be good to strengthen the limbs, and cause that beauty and vigour which so much delights the eye.

73. Angelic Water, of a most agreeable Scent.

Put into a large alembic the following ingredients, Benjamin, four ounces; Storax, two ounces; Yellow Sanders, an ounce; Cloves, two drachms; two or three bits of Florentine Orrice, half the Peel of a Lemon, two Nutmegs, half an ounce of Cinnamon, two quarts of Rose-water, a pint of Orange Flower-water, and a pint of Magisterial Balm-water. Put the whole into an alembic well luted; distil in a water bath; and what you draw off will prove an exquisite Angelic Water.

74. Nosegay or Toilet Water.

Take Honey-water, an ounce; Eau sans Pareille, two ounces; Jasmine-water, not quite five drachms; Clove-water, and Violet-water, of each half an ounce; Cyprus-water, sweet Calamus-water, and Lavender-water, of each two drachms; Spirit of Neroli or Oranges ten drops; mix all these Waters together, and keep the mixture in a vial close corked.

This water has a delightful scent; but its use is only for the toilet.

75. Spirit of Guaiacum.

Spirit of Guaiacum is prepared by infusing two ounces of Guaiacum Shavings in a quart of Brandy, ten or twelve days, shaking the vessel now and then. The Tincture is then filtred through paper, and used to gargle the mouth in the same manner as the Vulnerary-water.

76. The Divine Cordial.

To make this, take, in the beginning of the month of March, two ounces of the Roots of the true Acorus, Betony, Florentine Orrice-roots, Cyprus, Gentian, and sweet Scabious; an ounce of Cinnamon, and as much Yellow Sanders; two drachms of Mace; an ounce of Juniper-berries; and six drachms of Coriander-seeds; beat these ingredients, in a mortar, to a coarse powder, and add thereto the outer Peel of six fine China Oranges; put them all into a large vessel, with a gallon and a half of Spirit of Wine; shake them well, and then cork the vessel tight till the season for Flowers. When these are in full vigour, add half a handful of the following: viz. Violets, Hyacinths, Jonquils, Wall Flowers, Red, Damask, White, and Musk Roses, Clove-july-flowers, Orange Flowers, Jasmine, Tuberoses, Rosemary, Sage, Thyme, Lavender, sweet Marjoram, Broom, Elder, St. John's-wort, Marigold, Chamomile, Lilies of the Valley, Narcissuses, Honeysuckle, Borage, and Bugloss.

Three seasons are required to procure all these Flowers in perfection; Spring, Summer, and Autumn. Every time you gather any of these Flowers, add them immediately to the infusion, mixing them thoroughly with the other ingredients; and three days after you have put in the last Flowers, put the whole into a glass cucurbit, lute on the head carefully, place it in a water bath over a slow fire, keep the receiver cool, and draw off five quarts of Spirit, which will prove of a rare quality. As a medicine, it is far more efficacious than Balm-water; and for its fine scent, one of the best perfumes.

77. Compound Cyprus Water.

Take a gallon of Spirit of Jasmine, infuse in it half an ounce of Florentine Orrice grossly powdered, a quarter of an ounce of bruised Angelica-seeds, three scraped Nutmegs, three ounces of White Musk-roses bruised, a drachm of Spirit of Orange, and fifteen drops of Essence of Ambergrise. If it is not the season for Roses, when you make this Water, put instead of them a pint of Rose-water scented with Musk, and if that cannot be procured, use common Rose-water; draw off the Spirit in a water bath, and in a stream like a thread; taking care to place the receiver in cold water, that the Spirit may cool as fast as possible and thereby the better preserve its perfume.

78. Imperial Water.

Put into a gallon of Brandy, a quarter of a pound of picked Violets, an ounce of Florentine Orrice, a quarter of a pound of Double Jonquils, two ounces of picked Orange Flowers, two Ounces of White Musk-roses, three ounces of Tuberoses, a drachm of Mace, half a drachm of Cloves, an ounce of Quintessence of Bergamot, and an ounce of Quintessence of Oranges. All the Flowers must be gathered in their proper season. Observe to put into the Brandy at the same time with the Violets, the Orrice, Mace, and Cloves, in gross powder, then add the different Flowers as they come in season, remembering not to add the quintessences, till after the Tuberoses, which are the last Flower. Every time you put in a fresh Flower, shake the vessel, and cork it very tight. Eight days after the Tuberoses have been infused, put the whole into a glass body, lute on the head carefully, and place under the receiver an earthen vessel filled with cold water, that the Spirit may cool as fast as it comes over, by which means its scent will be the better preserved. You may draw off two quarts of a rectified Spirit, that will give perfect satisfaction to the most delicate judge.

79. All Flower Water.

Pour into a large vessel five quarts of strong Spirit of Wine, and infuse in it the following Flowers, as they come in season: Violets, Hyacinths, and Wall Flowers, of each a quarter of a pound; single and double Jonquils, of each two ounces; a quarter of a pound of Lilies of the Valley, and the same quantity of Spanish Jasmine; half an ounce of Rosemary Flowers; an ounce of Elder Flowers; two ounces of Wild, Damask, and White Roses, bruised; three ounces of Orange Flowers; a quarter of a pound of Clove-july-flowers, Syringo Blossoms, Tuberoses, and Tops of Mint in Flower; and thirty drops of Quintessence of Musk-seed. The latter, however, need not be added till the time of distillation, which must not be till three days after the last Flowers have been infused. Perform the operation in a water bath, and having carefully luted the head and receiver, which must be placed in a tub of cold water, to preserve the scent, draw off about three quarts and a pint with a moderate fire, then change the receiver, fix on another, and draw off another pint, which, though of an inferior quality, is well worth preserving.

80. A curious Water, known by the Name of the Spring Nosegay.

Take six ounces of Hyacinths, a quarter of a pound of picked Violets, the same quantity of Wall Flowers picked, and Jonquils; an ounce of Florentine Orrice bruised; half an ounce of Mace grossly powdered; and two ounces of Quintessense of Orange. Put the whole (the Jonquils, Wall Flowers, and Lilies of the Valley excepted) about the end of March, into a glass body, with a gallon of strong Spirit of Wine; bruise the Hyacinths, Violets, Orrice, and Mace; and towards the end of April, add the Jonquils, when in their perfection, that is to say, when full blown. A few days after, put in the Wall Flowers, the Petals only; then add the Lilies of the Valley, carefully picked, and shake all the ingredients well: Eight days after having put in this last Flower, empty the infusion into an alembic, lute on a head and receiver, which must be placed in cold water, and distil in a water bath, with a gentle fire. From the above quantity three quarts of excellent Spirit may be drawn off, that justly deserves the appellation of the Spring Nosegay.

81. A Cosmetic Water, of great Use to prevent Pits after the Small-Pox.

Dissolve an ounce and a half of Salt in a pint of Mint-water; boil them together, and skim the Liquor. This is a very useful Wash for the face after the Small-Pox, in order to clear away the scabs, allay the itching, and remove the redness.

82. A Cooling Wash.

Infuse in a sufficient quantity of clear Water, some Bran, Yolks of Eggs, and a grain or two of Ambergrise, for three or four hours; then distil the Water, which will prove an excellent Cosmetic, and clear the skin surprisingly. It is of service to keep it in the sun eight or ten days, in a bottle well corked.

The distilled Waters of Melons, Bean Flowers, the Wild-Vine, green or unripe Barley, and the Water that is found in vesicles on the leaves of the elm-tree, may also be used for the same intention.

83. An excellent Water to clear the Skin, and take away Pimples.

Take two quarts of Water, in which a quantity of Horse-beans has been boiled till quite soft; put it into an alembic, and add two handfuls of Pimpernel, the same quantity of White Tansy, a pound of Veal minced small, six new-laid Eggs, and a pint of White-Wine Vinegar; distil this mixture in a water-bath, and it will afford an excellent Lotion to remove all eruptions on the face, if washed with it every night and morning.

84. Another.

Knead a Loaf with three pounds of Wheaten Flour, a pound of Bean Flour, and Goats Milk, with Mild Yeast or Leaven. Bake it in an oven, scoop out the crumb, and soak it thoroughly in new Goats Milk and six Whites of Eggs; add an ounce of calcined Egg-shells. Mix all well together, and distil in a sand heat. You will obtain an excellent cosmetic water, by washing with which every day, the face will become smooth and clear.

85. Venetian Water to clear a Sun-burnt Complexion.

Take a pint of Cow's Milk, or, in the month of May, a pint of the Water that distils from the Vine when wounded, eight Lemons and four Seville Oranges cut in thin slices, two ounces of Sugar Candy, half an ounce of Borax in fine powder, and four Narcissus Roots beaten to a paste; distil these ingredients in a vapour-bath. Rectify the distilled Liquor by the same method, and keep it in a bottle closely corked.

86. A Water for Pimples in the Face.

Boil together a handful of the herbs Patience, and Pimpernel in Water; and wash yourself every day with the decoction.

87. A Fluid to clear a tanned Skin.

Take unripe Grapes, soak them in Water, sprinkle them with Alum and Salt, then Wrap them up in paper, and roast them in hot ashes; squeeze out the Juice, and wash the face with it every morning, it will soon remove the Tan.

88. A Fluid to whiten the Skin.

Take equal parts of the Roots of Centaury and the White Vine, a pint of Cow's Milk, and the crumb of a Wheaten Loaf; distil in a glass alembic. The distilled Water, for use, must be mixed with an equal quantity of Hungary Water: it then admirably clears the complexion.

The distilled Waters of Fennel, and White Lilies, with a little Gum Mastic, will produce the same effect.

89. A Beautifying Wash.

Put into a cucurbit five pints of French Brandy; add to it a pound and a half of Crumb of Bread, three ounces of Plum-tree-gum, two ounces of Litharge of Silver in fine powder, and four ounces of sweet Almonds. The ingredients are to be beat together into a paste, and left to digest in the Spirit eight days; then distil in a vapour-bath, and wash the face and hands with the water thus obtained. It must be suffered to dry on the skin without being wiped off, and the complexion will presently become clear and glossy.

90. A distilled Water that tinges the Cheeks a beautiful Carnation Hue.

Take two quarts of White Wine Vinegar, three ounces of Isinglass, two ounces of bruised Nutmegs, and six ounces of Honey; distil with a gentle fire, and add to the distilled Water a small quantity of Red Sanders, in order to colour it. Before the Tincture is used, a Lady should wash herself with Elder-flower Water, and then the cheeks will become of a fine lively vermillion, that cannot be distinguished from the natural bloom of youth.

91. A Cosmetic Water.

Take three Aron Roots minced small, three Melons of a middling size, three Cucumbers, four new laid Eggs, a slice of a Pumkin, two Lemons, a pint of Whey, a gallon of Rose-water, a quart of Water-lily-water, a pint of Plantain, as much White Tansy-water, and half an ounce of Borax. Distil the whole together in a vapour-bath.

92. A Water, christened, The Fountain of Youth.

Take an ounce of Sulphur Vivum; Olibanum and Myrrh, each two ounces; six drachms of Amber; a quart of Rose-water; distil the whole in a vapour-bath, and wash yourself with the Water every night going to rest: the next morning wash yourself with weak Barley-water, and your complexion will have a youthful air.

It is asserted also that the distilled Water of green Pine-apples takes away wrinkles, and gives the complexion an air of youth.

93. A Water to preserve the Complexion.

Mix together Water-lily Water, Bean-flower Water, Melon Water, Cucumber Water, and Lemon Juice, of each an ounce; to which add, of Bryony, Wild Succory, White Lilies, Borrage and Bean Flowers, each a handful. Take seven or eight White Pigeons, pick them, and cut off their heads and pinions, mince the rest of them small, and put them into an alembic with the other ingredients. To these add four ounces of Sugar Candy in powder, as much Camphor, and the Crumb of three small Wheaten Loaves, each weighing about half a pound; digest the whole eighteen or twenty days in an alembic, then distil, and keep the Water that is drawn off in proper vessels for use. Before washing with it, carefully observe to cleanse the face with the following composition.

Take a quarter of a pound of the Crumb of Rye Bread hot from the oven, the Whites of four new laid Eggs, and a pint of White Wine Vinegar; beat the whole well together, and strain through a linen rag. The use of these two preparations perfectly cleanses and clears the skin, preserves its freshness, and prevents wrinkles.

94. A Water that gives a Gloss to the Skin.

Take a handful of Bean, Elder, and Bugloss Flowers, a small Pigeon clean drawn, the Juice of two Lemons, four ounces of Salt, and five ounces of Camphor; distil them in a vapour-bath; add to the distilled Water a few grains of Musk, and expose it to the sun for the space of a month, observing to take the vessel within doors every night. The way to use this Water, is to dip the corner of a fine napkin in it, and gently rub the face.

95. A Preservative from Tanning.

Infuse in clean Water for three days a pound of Lupines, then take them out, and boil them in a copper vessel with five quarts of fresh Water. When the Lupines are boiled tender, and the Water grows rather ropy, press out the Liquor, and keep it for use. Whenever you are under a necessity of exposing yourself to the sun, wash the face and neck with this preparation.

The Oil of unripe Olives, in which a small quantity of Gum Mastic has been dissolved, possesses the same virtue.

96. To remove Freckles.

Take Houseleek, and Celandine, of each an equal quantity; distil in a sand heat, and wash with the distilled Water.

97. Or,

Apply the Juice of Onions to the part affected.

98. Or,

Boil Ivy Leaves in Wine, and foment the face with the decoction.

99. A Water to prevent Freckles, or Blotches in the Face.

Take Wild Cucumber-roots and Narcissus-roots, of each an equal quantity; dry them in the shade, and reduce them to a very fine powder, putting them afterwards into strong French Brandy, with which wash the face, till it begins to itch; and then wash it with cold water. This method must be repeated every day till a perfect cure is obtained, which will soon happen, for this water has a slight caustic property, and of course must remove all spots on the skin.

100. Or,

Take a handful of fresh Wood-ashes, boil them in a pint of clear Water, till one half is wasted away, then pour off the Liquor as long as it runs clear; boil it again a little while, and filter it through coarse paper.

101. A Water to improve the Complexion.

Take Snakeweed-roots and Narcissus-roots, of each an equal quantity; a pint of Cow's Milk, and the Crumb of a Wheaten Loaf; distil these ingredients in a glass alembic. This Water should be mixed with an equal quantity of Hungary-water.

102. Or,

Take Chick Peas, French Beans, and Garden Beans, of each four ounces; peel off their skins, powder them, and infuse in a quart of White Wine; add the Gall of an Ox, and the Whites of fifteen new laid Eggs. Mix the ingredients thoroughly, distil in a glass alembic with a sand heat; and wash the face with the distilled Water, as occasion requires.

103. A Cosmetic Water.

Take a pound and a half of fine Wheaten Bread, four ounces of Peach Kernels, the same quantity of the four Cold Seeds, viz. Gourd-seed, Cucumber-seed, Melon-seed, and Lettuce-seed; the Whites of twelve new laid Eggs, the Juice of four Lemons, three ounces of Sugar Candy, a gallon of Goat's Milk; mix the whole together, and distil in a vapour-bath. To every two quarts of the distilled Water, add a quarter of a pint of Spirit of Cherries.

104. Or,

Take six Aron Roots minced small, six ounces of Bran, four ounces and a half of Myrrh in powder, three pints of Milk, and the same quantity of Wine; distil according to the rules of art; and to the distilled Water add a small bit of Alum.

105. A simple Balsamic Water, which removes Wrinkles.

Take Barley-water, strained through a piece of fine linen cloth, and drop into it a few drops of Balm of Gilead; shake the bottle for several hours, until the Balsam is entirely incorporated with the Water, which is known by the turbid milky appearance of the Mixture. This greatly improves the complexion, and preserves the bloom of youth. If used only once a day, it takes away wrinkles, and gives the skin a surprising lustre. Before this fluid is used, the face should be washed clean with rain water.

106. A Water to change the Eye-brows black.

First wash your eyebrows with a decoction of Gall Nuts; then wet them with a pencil or little brush dipped in a solution of Green Vitriol, in which a little Gum Arabic has been dissolved, and when dry, they will appear of a beautiful black colour.

107. To remove Worms in the Face.

Make use of the distilled Waters of the Whites of Eggs, Bean Flowers, Water Lilies, White Lilies, Melon Seeds, Iris Roots, Solomon's Seal, White Roses, or crumb of Wheaten Bread, either mixed together, or separately, with the addition of the White of a new-laid Egg.

108. The Duchess de la Vrilliere's Mouth-Water.

Take Cinnamon, two ounces; Cloves, six drachms; Water Cresses, six ounces; fresh Lemon Peel, an ounce and a half; Red Rose Leaves, an ounce; Scurvy Grass, half a pound; Spirit of Wine, three pints. Bruise the Spices, cut the Water Cresses and Scurvy Grass small, and macerate the whole in Spirit of Wine, in a bottle well corked, during twenty-four hours; then distil to dryness in a vapour-bath, and afterwards rectify the distilled Water, by repeating the same process.

This Water strengthens the gums, prevents the scurvy, and cures aphth�, or little ulcerations in the mouth. It is used to gargle the mouth with, either by itself, or diluted with water, as occasion may require.

109. Another Water for the Teeth, called Spirituous Vulnerary Water.

For this intention are commonly used Spirituous Waters, that are no ways disagreeable; waters proper to strengthen and fortify the gums, as Spirituous Vulnerary Water tinctured with Cochineal, or Seed Lac; Guaiacum Water, or the Duchess de la Vrilliere's Water above described.

To tinge Vulnerary Water, put any quantity into a glass matrass, and infuse in it some bruised Cochineal; then filter the Vulnerary Water, and use it to gargle the mouth, after which the teeth are to be cleaned with Tooth Powder. This, when found too strong, may be lowered by the addition of Spring Water.

110. Receipt to make Vulnerary Water.

Take fresh gathered Leaves of Sage, Angelica, Wormwood, Savory, Fennel, and spiked Mint, of each four ounces; Leaves of Hyssop, Balm, Sweet Basil, Rue, Thyme, Marjoram, Rosemary, Origanum, Calamint, and Wild Thyme, fresh gathered, of each four ounces; the same quantity of Lavender Flowers, and a gallon of rectified Spirit of Wine.

Cut the Herbs small, infuse them ten or twelve hours in Spirit of Wine, and then distil in a vapour-bath. Preserve the Spirit drawn off, in a bottle well corked.

111. A Water for the Gums.

Take of the best Cinnamon, an ounce; Cloves, three drachms; the Yellow Peel of two Lemons; Red Rose Leaves, half an ounce; Water Cresses, half a pound; Scurvy Grass, four ounces; rectified Spirit of Wine, three gallons: bruise the Spices, and infuse the whole a sufficient time in the Spirit in a glass vessel; then distil off the Spirit for use, in a vapour-bath.

112. Another, prepared by Infusion.

Take two drachms of Cinnamon, finely powdered; half a drachm of Cloves, in fine powder; and half an ounce of Roch Alum; pour on them three gallons of boiling Water; when cold, add six ounces of Plantain Water, half an ounce of Orange-flower Water, a quarter of an ounce of Essence of Lemons, and a gill and a half of rectified Spirit of Wine; let the whole stand together in digestion four and twenty hours, then filter through paper, and reserve the clear water for use.

113. Or,

Take Mace, Cinnamon, Cloves, Pellitory of Spain, and Terra Sigillata, or Sealed Earth, of each half an ounce; beat the whole together in a mortar, and infuse it a month in a quart of Spirit of Wine. Strain off the Spirit, and add eight ounces of Spirit of Scurvy Grass. Drop six or seven drops in a glass of very clear Water, and rince the mouth; afterwards rubbing the gums with conserve of Hips acidulated with five or six drops of Spirit of Vitriol.

114. Another Water for the Gums.

Take of the best Cinnamon, an ounce; Cloves, three drachms; the Peel of two Lemons; half an ounce of Red Rose Leaves; half a pound of Water Cresses, four ounces of Scurvy Grass, and three gallons of rectified Spirit of Wine. Bruise the Spices, and let the whole stand in digestion in a glass vessel twenty-four hours; then distil in a vapour-bath.

115. A simple Depilatory.

Oil of Walnuts frequently rubbed on a child's forehead, will prevent the hair from growing on that part.

116. Prepared Sponges for the Face.

Steep in Water some time the finest and thinnest Sponges you can pick out; wash them well, dry them, and soak them in Brandy a whole day; then squeeze the Brandy out, and dry them again. Lastly, dip them in Orange-flower Water, and let them remain in it eleven or twelve hours. When squeezed, and thoroughly dried, they are fit for use.

117. Spirit of Roses.

To make the inflammable Spirit of Roses, take twenty pounds of Damask Roses, beat them to a Paste, in a marble mortar; put this Paste, layer by layer, with sea salt, into a large stone jar, or two jars, if one is not large enough to contain the whole quantity; that is to say, sprinkle every layer of the Paste about half an inch thick with Salt; and press the layers of Roses as close together as possible. Cork the jar with a waxed cork, cover the upper-most end of the cork, and the edges of the mouth of the jar, with wax also, and place it six weeks, or two months, in a vault, or some other cool place. At the expiration of this period, open the jar; if it exhales a strong vinous smell, the fermentation has arrived at its proper height; but if you do not perceive such an odour, throw into the jar a little Yeast, and stop it close in the same manner as before. A strong fermentation having been excited, take five or six pounds of your fermented Rose Paste, put it into a common cucurbit, and distil it with a very gentle fire in a vapour-bath. When you have drawn off as much water as you can, unlute the alembic; throw away what remains in the cucurbit, take five or six pounds more of the fermented Paste of Roses, and put it into the cucurbit, with the Water already drawn; distil in a vapour-bath with such a degree of fire, as will cause the distilled Water to run off in a middling sized stream. When you can draw off no more, empty the cucurbit, fill it again with fresh fermented Paste of Roses, and pour on it all the distilled Water that the preceding distillations have produced. Distil as before; and repeat these operations, till you have used all your fermented Paste of Roses. Every time you open the jar, be careful to cork it close, otherwise the most spirituous particles will evaporate. After the last distillation, you will have obtained a very fine scented Water, but not very spirituous, because loaded with a considerable quantity of phlegm; and it must therefore be rectified.

For this purpose make choice of a very long necked glass matrass of a reasonable size, fill it about three parts full with your unrectified Spirit of Roses; fit on a bolt-head, and receiver; lute the joints carefully, and distil in a vapour-bath with a very slow fire. When you have drawn off about a tenth part of what was put into the matrass, let the vessel cool, and set apart the Spirit that is found in the receiver. What remains in the matrass must not be thrown away as useless, for it is a Rose-water far superior to what is prepared according to the usual method.

After the first rectification of a part of the Spirit, repeat the same operation with another part, till the whole is rectified, and then rectify them all together once more. After this last operation, you will obtain a highly penetrating and inflammable Spirit of Roses. The phlegmatic part that remains in the matrass may be added to that procured from the preceding rectifications, and the whole kept for use in a cellar or other cool place in a bottle, well corked.

The scent of inflammable Spirit of Roses is extremely sweet; if only two drops of it are mixed with a glass of Water, they impart to the Water so high a perfume, that it exceeds the very best Rose-water.

118. Inflammable Spirits of all Kinds of Flowers.

To distil an inflammable Spirit from Flowers of all kinds, the preceding method must be used; as also to procure one from all kinds of vegetables. Only observe that in plants, and dried flowers, as Thyme, Betony, Mint, Stechas, Violets, and Jasmine, the Seeds must be bruised with the Flowers and Roots; as they also must with the Flowers of the Tuberose Lily, Angelica, Iris; in odoriferous Fruits, as Oranges, Lemons, Citrons, &c. add the Rind of those Fruits to the Flowers; and to the Flowers of Elder, Juniper, Lily of the Valley, and Acacia, &c. add the Berries well moistened; whether green or dry is of no signification.

119. Method of extracting Essences from Flowers.

Procure a wooden box lined with tin, that the wood may not communicate any disagreeable flavour to the Flowers, nor imbibe the Essence. Make several straining frames to fit the Box, each about two inches thick, and drive in them a number of hooks, on which fix a piece of callicoe stretched tight. The utmost care is requisite, to have the straining cloths perfectly clean and dry before they are used.

After having caused the cloths to imbibe as much Oil of Ben as possible, squeeze them a little, then stretch and fix them on the hooks of the frames; put one frame thus completed at the bottom of the box, and upon its cloth strow equally those flowers, the essence of which you intend to extract; cover them with another frame, on the cloth of which you are to strow more flowers, and continue to act in the same manner till the box is quite filled. The frames being each about two inches thick, the flowers undergo very little pressure, though they lye between the cloths. At the expiration of twelve hours, apply fresh flowers in the same manner, and continue so to do for some days. When you think the scent powerful enough, take the cloths from the frames, fold them in four, roll them up, and tie them tight with a piece of whip-cord, to prevent their stretching out too much, then put them into a press, and squeeze out the oil. The press must be lined with tin, that the wood may not imbibe any part of the oil. Place underneath a very clean earthen or glass vessel to receive the essence, which is to be kept in bottles nicely corked.

The essence of one kind of flower only, can be made in a box at the same time, for the scent of one would impair that of another. For the same reason, the cloths that have been used to extract the essence of any particular flower, cannot be used to extract the essence of another, till washed clean in a strong lye, and thoroughly dried in the open air. This method is of great use to obtain the scent of flowers which afford no Essential Oil by distillation, such as Tuberoses, Jasmine, and several others.

120. Or,

Take any flowers you please, and put them in a large jar, layer by layer, mixed with Salt, as directed for inflammable Spirit of Roses, till the jar is quite full; then cork it tight, and let it stand in a cellar, or some other cool place, for forty days; at the expiration of which time, empty the whole into a sieve, or straining cloth, stretched over the mouth of a glazed earthen or stone pan, to receive the essence that drains from the flowers upon squeezing them gently. Afterwards put the essence into a glass bottle, which must not be filled above two thirds; cork it tight, and expose it to the heat of the sun in fine weather, five and twenty or thirty days, to purify the essence, a single drop of which will be capable of scenting a quart of Water or any other Liquid.

121. Essence of Ambergrise.

Take of Ambergrise a quarter of an ounce; the same quantity of Sugar Candy; Musk, half a drachm; and Civet, two grains; rub them together, and put the mixture into a Phial: pour upon it a quarter of a pint of tartarised Spirit of Wine, stop close the Phial, which set in a gentle sand heat for four or five days, and then decant the clear Tincture for use. This makes the best of perfumes; the least touch of it leaves its scent upon any thing a great time; and in constitutions where such sweets are not offensive to the head, nothing can be a more immediate Cordial.

122. A Remedy for St. Anthony's Fire or Erysipelatous Eruptions on the Face.

Take Narcissus Roots, an ounce; fresh Nettle-seeds, half an ounce; beat them together into a soft Paste with a sufficient quantity of White Wine Vinegar, and anoint the eruptions therewith every night; or, bathe the part affected with the Juice of Cresses.

123. Manner of drying Flowers, so as to preserve their natural Colours.

Take fine White Sand, wash it repeatedly, till it contains not the least earth or salt, then dry it for use. When thoroughly dry, fill a glass or stone jar half full of Sand, in which stick the Flowers in their natural situation, and afterwards cover them gently with the same, about the eighth part of an inch above the Flower. Place the glass in the sun, or, if in winter-time, in a room where a constant fire is kept, till the Flower is perfectly dried. Then remove the Sand with the utmost precaution, and clean the Leaves with a feather brush. Particular Flowers lose in some measure their natural lively colours, but this may be helped by the assistance of art.

Roses and other Flowers of a delicate colour, recover their natural lustre by being exposed to a moderate vapour of Brimstone; but Crimson or Scarlet Flowers, by being exposed to the vapour of a solution of Tin in Spirit of Nitre. The vapour of a solution of Filings of Steel in Spirit of Vitriol, restores to the Leaves and Stalk, their primitive green colour. This method succeeds perfectly well in single Flowers. There are some difficulties with respect to Pinks, Carnations, and other double Flowers; to succeed with them, split the cup on each side, and when the Flower is quire dry, glue it together with Gum-water; or prick the cup in different parts with a large pin.

As to the scent, which is in great measure lost in drying, it may be restored, by dropping into the middle of the Flower a drop of its Essential Oil; for instance, a drop of Oil of Roses on a Rose, Oil of Cloves on a Clove-july-flower, Oil of Jasmine on a Jasmine Flower.

124. A Secret to preserve Flowers.

Fill an earthen, copper, or wooden vessel half full of sifted Sand, then fill it up to the brim with clear Spring Water, and stir the Sand well with a stick in order to detach the earthy particles. When the Sand has thoroughly settled, pour off the turbid Water by inclination, add fresh Water, and continue to wash the Sand, till all the Water that floats on its surface remains perfectly clear. The Sand being thus cleansed, expose it to the heat of the sun a sufficient time, to exhale entirely its humidity. Prepare for every Flower an earthen or tin vessel of a proper size, make choice of the finest, most perfect, and driest Flowers of their respective kinds, and be careful to leave the stalks of a good length. Place them upright in the vessel, with one hand as lightly as possible, about two or three inches below the rims, so as not to touch the sides, or each other; and with the other hand gradually pour on them the Sand till the stalk is quite covered; then lightly cover the Flower itself, separating the Leaves a little. The Tulip requires a farther operation. The triangular top that rises out of the middle of the cup, must be cut off, by which means the Leaves of the Flower will adhere better to the Stalk. When the vessel is filled with Flowers, leave it a month or two exposed to the rays of the sun; and the Flowers when taken out, though dry, will be very little inferior in beauty to new-blown Flowers, but will have lost their scent.

125. Another Secret to preserve Flowers.

Take the finest River Sand you can get, after having sifted it several times through a fine sieve, throw it into a glass vessel full of clear Water, and rub it a good while between your fingers to render it still finer; then pour off the Water by inclination, and dry the Sand in the sun. The Sand being thus prepared, bury the Flowers gently in it with their Leaves and Stalk, disposing them in such a manner that their form may not be in the least injured. After having thus kept Flowers some time, till their humid particles are entirely evaporated, take them out, and inclose them in bottles, well corked; secure them from all changes of the atmosphere, but let them enjoy a temperate warmth; for if the heat is too great, the colours fade; and if not kept sufficiently warm, the humidity of the Flowers will not wholly evaporate.

126. Another Method of preserving Flowers a long while, in their natural Shape and Colour.

Take the finest River Sand, divested of whatever impurities it may contain; then dry it in the sun or a stove, sift it through a sieve, and only make use of the finest part. Procure a Tin Box, or a Wooden Box lined with Tin, of any size you think proper, cover the bottom of the Box three or four inches deep with prepared Sand, and stick in it the Stalks of the Flowers in rows, but in such a manner that none of the Flowers may touch each other, afterwards filling the vacuities between the Stalks with Sand. Then spread the Sand all round the Flowers, which cover with a layer about two or three inches thick. Put this Box in a place exposed to the sun, or in some warm situation, for the space of a month. With respect to Tulips, the pistil that rises in the middle, and contains the Seed, must be dexterously cut out, and the empty space filled with Sand: too many Flowers should not be put into the same Box, nor should the Box be too large.

127. White Gloves Scented With Jasmine after the Italian manner.

Take half an ounce of White Wax; dissolve it over a gentle fire in two ounces of Oil of Ben. Dress your skins with this Liquid, dry them on lines, and clean them well with the purest water; when they are dried and properly stretched, make them up into gloves, which are to have the Jasmine Flowers applied to them eight days according to the usual method; then bring them into shape, and fold them smooth. This manner of working them up, communicates to the gloves the property of retaining the scent of the Flowers much better than those that are drest otherwise, and likewise imparts to them the virtue of preserving the hands and arms delicately soft and white.

128. Gloves scented without Flowers.

Take an ounce of Liquid Storax, an ounce of Rose-wood, the same quantity of Florentine Orrice, and half an ounce of Yellow Sanders. Beat the three last articles into a very fine powder, and add to it the Storax, with the earths that you use to dye your gloves, and a little Gum Arabic. Then take an equal quantity of Rose and Orange Flower Water, to temper this composition which you lay on your gloves; when they are dry, rub them well, and fold them up; then dress them afresh with a little Gum Water, in which has been dissolved some powder of Florentine Orrice; hang them up to dry, and afterwards bring them into form, and fold them up as fit for use.

129. White Gloves scented with Ketmia or Musk Seed.

Take an ounce of Yellow Sanders, an ounce of Florentine Orrice, an ounce of Gum Benjamin, two ounces of Rose-wood, and a drachm of Storax; reduce the whole to fine powder, with as much Ceruss as you choose. Mix them with Rose-water, and dress your gloves with the mixture as neatly as you can for the first coat; then rub them well, and open them when they are thoroughly dry. Use the same for the second coat, with the addition of a little Gum Arabic. For the third coat, levigate on a marble, eight grains of Ketmia Seed, four grains of Civet, a little Oil of Ben, and a very little Gum Tragacanth, dissolved in Rose-water; add to this composition a quarter of a pint of Orange Flower Water; after having applied this third coat to your gloves, bring them into form, before they get thoroughly dry.

130. To colour Gloves a curious French Yellow.

Take Chalk and Wood Ashes, of each an equal quantity, and make a strong Lye of them; then strain off the clear Liquor, and simmer it over the fire with a little Turmeric in powder, and a very little Saffron, till it becomes pretty thick; after which set the liquor by to cool, and it is fit for use.

131. An excellent Perfume for Gloves.

Take Ambergrise, a drachm; the same quantity of Civet; and of Orange Flower Butter, a quarter of an ounce; mix these ingredients well, and rub them into the gloves with fine Cotton Wool, pressing the perfume into them.

132. Or,

Take of Essence of Roses, half an ounce; Oil of Cloves and Mace, of each a drachm; Frankincense, a quarter of an ounce; mix them, and lay them in papers between your gloves. Being hard pressed, the gloves will take the scent in twenty-four hours, and afterwards hardly ever lose it.

133. An excellent Receipt to clear a tanned Complexion.

At night going to rest, bathe the face with the Juice of Strawberries, and let it lie on the part all night, and in the morning wash yourself with Chervil Water. The skin will soon become fair and smooth.

134. Or,

Wash yourself with the Mucilage of Linseed, Fleawort, Gum Tragacanth, or Juice of Purslain mixed with the White of an Egg.

135. To sweeten the Breath.

At night, going to bed, chew about the quantity of a small Nut of fine Myrrh.

136. Or,

Chew every night and morning a Clove, a piece of Florentine Orrice-root, about the size of a small bean, or the same quantity of Burnt Alum.

137. A Cosmetic Oil.

Take a quarter of a pint of Oil of Sweet Almonds, fresh drawn; two ounces of Oil of Tartar per Deliquium; and four drops of Oil of Rhodium: mix the whole together, and make use of it to cleanse and soften the skin.

138. Another Cosmetic Oil.

Take a pint of Cream, infuse in it a few Water Lilies, Bean Flowers, and Roses; simmer the whole together in a vapour-bath, and keep the Oil that proceeds from it in a vial, which is to be left for some time exposed to the evening dews.

139. Oil of Wheat.

This Oil is extracted by an Iron Press, in the same manner as Oil of Almonds. It is excellent for Chaps in either the lips or hands, tetterous eruptions, and rigidity of the skin.

140. Compound Oil, or Essence of Fennel.

Take five pints of the best French Brandy, and the same quantity of White-Wine; three quarters of a pound of bruised Fennel Seeds, and half an ounce of Liquorice Root sliced and bruised. Put the whole into an alembic, close the mouth with Parchment, and set it in a hot house, or in hot ashes, two days; then distil off the Liquor with an uniform middling fire. What remains after the distillation of the Essence, and is called the White Drops, is only fit to wash the hands with.

141. To make Oil of Tuberoses and Jasmine.

Bruise a little the Tuberoses or Jasmine Flowers in a marble mortar with a wooden pestle; put them into a proper vessel, with a sufficient quantity of Oil of Olives, and let them stand in the sun in a close stopped vessel twelve or fifteen days to infuse; at the expiration of which time, squeeze the Oil from the Flowers. Let the Oil stand in the sun to settle, then pour it clear off the dregs. This Oil is very fragrant, and well impregnated with the Essential Oil of these Flowers. Infuse a fresh parcel of Flowers, newly gathered, in the same Oil, and proceed as before: repeat this operation twelve or fourteen times, or even oftener if necessary, till the Oil is fully impregnated with the flavour of the Flowers. Some people use Oil of Ben instead of Sallad Oil, which in our opinion is preferable, being infinitely less apt to grow rancid. The Oils of Tuberoses, and Jasmine Flowers are of use for the Toilet on account of their fragrancy. There are cases in which they may be successfully used externally by way of friction, to comfort and strengthen the nerves, and brace up the skin when too much relaxed.

142. An Oil scented with Flowers for the Hair.

Sallad Oil, Oil of Sweet Almonds, and Oil of Nuts, are the only ones used for scenting the hair.

Blanch your Almonds in Hot Water, and when dry, reduce them to powder; sift them through a fine sieve, strewing a thin layer of Almond-powder, and one of Flowers, over the bottom of the Box lined with Tin. When the box is full, leave them in this situation about twelve hours; then throw away the Flowers, and add fresh ones in the same manner as before, repeating the operation every day for eight successive days. When the Almond-powder is thoroughly impregnated with the scent of the Flower made choice of, put it into a new clean Linen Cloth, and with an Iron Press extract the Oil, which will be strongly scented with the fragrant perfume of the Flower.


143. Essential Oil, commonly called Quintessence of Lavender.

Fill a cucurbit two thirds full with unwashed Lavender Flowers, pour upon them as much clear Water as will float about two inches above the Flowers. Fit to the cucurbit a head with a short neck, and lute on the refrigeratory vessel. Distil in the common manner with a fire of such a degree of strength as will cause the distilled water to run off in a thick thread. The phlegm and spirit will come over in a considerable quantity, and the Essential Oil, with which Lavender greatly abounds, will soon appear floating on the surface of the Water in the receiver; which is to be separated according to the rules of art. As soon as you perceive that no more Oil drops into the receiver, which generally happens to be the case a good while before the phlegm is entirely drawn off, finish your distillation. If you want a larger quantity of Quintessence, empty the still, put fresh Flowers, and adding the phlegm and spirit drawn off by the former distillation, instead of so much common Water, distil as before, till you have obtained a sufficient quantity. This Quintessence possesses great medicinal virtues, and is particularly serviceable in vapourish and hysteric disorders.

144. To make Essence of Cinnamon.

Take half a pound of Cinnamon, reduce it in a mortar to an impalpable powder, put it into a very long necked matrass, pour on it as much highly rectified Spirit of Wine as will cover the powder about an inch. Stop the matrass with a found cork coated with bees-wax, and expose it to the sun for a whole month, observing to shake it well twice a day. At the expiration of the month, uncork the matrass, using the utmost precaution not to disturb the sediment; and gently pour off the Tincture into a clean vial.

145. To make Quintessence of Cloves.

Take a pound of Cloves, beat them in a mortar, put them into a glass vessel, and pour on them a gallon of hot but not boiling water, cork the bottle close with a waxed cork, placed in a warm place, and let the Cloves infuse three weeks or a month; then empty the contents of the bottle into a middling sized still, fit on a low head with a short neck, and distil in the common manner, with a fire of such a degree of fierceness as to make the distilled Water run off in a stream, resembling a thick thread. The Quintessence will come over with the Spirit, mixed with a large quantity of Phlegm; but being heavier than either of those substances, will be found precipitated to the bottom of the receiver. Separate it in the usual manner, and keep it for use in a vial closely corked. Then unlute your still, and throw in the spirituous Water that remains after the separation of the Quintessence; distil it a second time, and you will obtain a small quantity more, which may be added to the former.

146. A Cosmetic Juice.

Make a hole in a Lemon, fill it with Sugar Candy, and close it nicely with leaf Gold applied over the Rind that was cut out; then roast the Lemon in hot ashes. When desirous of using the Juice, squeeze out a little through the hole, and wash the face with a napkin wetted with it. This Juice greatly cleanses the skin, and brightens the complexion.

147. A safe and approved Cosmetic.

Take equal parts of Gum Benjamin, and Storax, and dissolve them in a sufficient quantity of Spirit of Wine. The spirit will then become a reddish Tincture, and exhale a very fragrant smell. Some people add a little Balm of Gilead. Drop a few Drops into a glass of clear Water, and the Water, by stirring, will instantly become milky. Ladies use it successfully to clear the complexion, for which purpose nothing is better, or indeed so innocent and safe.

148. Another, very easily made.

Beat a quantity of Houseleek in a marble mortar, squeeze out the Juice and clarify it. When you want to use it, pour a few drops of rectified Spirit on the Juice, and it will instantly turn milky. It is a very efficacious remedy for a pimpled face, and preserves the skin soft and smooth.

149. Another.

Take a half-gallon bottle, pour into it a quart of Spirit of Wine, and a pint of clear Brandy; then add a quarter of a pound of the finest Gum Benjamin, two ounces of Storax, half an ounce of Cinnamon, two drachms of Cloves, and a Nutmeg, all bruised, and four drops of Quintessence of Egyptian Ketmia. Carefully cork the bottle, and expose it to the sun a month; but take it within doors in rainy weather. At the month's end, gently draw off the clear Tincture; and you will have a fragrant Milk, which is used by pouring a few drops on a wet napkin.

150. A Liniment to destroy Vermin.

Take an ounce of Vinegar, the same quantity of Stavesacre, half an ounce of Honey, and half an ounce of Sulphur; mix into the consistence of a soft liniment, with two ounces of Sallad Oil.

151. A Lotion to strengthen the Gums, and sweeten the Breath.

Take Mountain Wine, and the distilled Water of Bramble Leaves, of each a pint; half an ounce of Cinnamon; a quarter of an ounce of Cloves; the same quantity of Seville Orange-peel; Gum Lacque and Burnt Alum, of each a drachm, all in fine powder. Having added two ounces of fine Honey, put the whole into a glass bottle, and let them infuse on hot ashes the space of four days. On the fifth day squeeze the Liquor through a thick linen cloth, and preserve it in a bottle, well corked.

When the gums are relaxed, and want bracing, take a spoonful of this Liquid, and pour it into a glass. First use one half to rince the mouth; and after retaining it a little, spirt it out. Use the remainder in the same way, rubbing the gums with one of your fingers; and afterwards rince the mouth with warm-water. Repeat the operation every morning, or twice a day, if occasion requires.

To render this remedy more efficacious, add to the whole quantity of the Lotion half a pint of Cinnamon Water, distilled from White Wine.

The eastern nations, to procure a sweet breath, to render the teeth beautifully white, and fasten the gums, frequently chew boiled Chio Turpentine, or Gum Mastic. The Indians who live beyond the Ganges chew it all day long, and are so used to this habit, that they cannot without difficulty refrain from it.

The Spirituous Water of Guaiacum possesses the property of giving ease in the tooth-ache, and fastening the teeth in their sockets. The mouth is to be gargled with a quantity mixed in a glass of clear Water.

152. Another Lotion to fasten the Teeth and sweeten the Breath.

Pour three pints of Water into an earthen or stone jar, dip in it four different times a red hot poker, and then immediately add an ounce of bruised Cinnamon, six grains of Burnt Alum, an ounce of powdered Pomegranate Bark, three ounces of fine Honey; of Vulnerary Water, Rue Water, and Myrtle Water, each a quarter of a pint; and of Brandy, half a pint. The whole being well mixed, tie a wet bladder over the mouth of the jar, and let it stand in the sun, or any warm place, for twenty-four hours; then strain off the Liquor through a thick linen cloth, or strong straining bag. Add to it two ounces of Spirit of Scurvy-grass, and keep it in a bottle, well corked. It is used in the same manner as the preceding Lotion.

153. An admirable Lotion for the Complexion.

After having washed the face with Soap and Water, wash yourself with the following lixivium. Take clear Lees prepared from Vine Ashes, and to every pound of it, add an ounce of calcined Tartar, two drachms of Gum Sandarach, and as much Gum Juniper. Let this Lotion dry on the face without wiping it off, and afterwards wash yourself with Imperial Water.

154. An admirable Varnish for the Skin.

Take equal parts of Lemon Juice, and Whites of new laid Eggs, beat them well together in a glazed earthen pan, which put on a slow fire, and keep the mixture constantly stirring with a wooden spatula, till it has acquired the consistence of soft butter. Keep it for use, and at the time of applying it, add a few drops of any Essence you like best. Before the face is rubbed with this varnish, it will be proper to wash with the distilled Water of rice. This is one of the best methods of rendering the complexion fair, and the skin smooth, soft, and shining.

155. A Liniment to destroy Nits.

Take Oil of Bays, Oil of Sweet Almonds, and old Hogs Lard, of each two ounces, powdered Stavesacre, and Tansy Juice, of each half an ounce; Aloes, and Myrrh, of each a quarter of an ounce, the smaller Centaury and Salt of Sulphur, of each a drachm; mix the whole into a liniment. Before you use it, wash the hair with Vinegar.

156. A Liniment to change the Beard and Hair black.

Take Oil of Costus, and Oil of Myrrh, of each an ounce and a half; mix them well in a leaden mortar, adding of Tar, the expressed Juice of Walnut Leaves, and Gum Labdanum, each half an ounce; Gall Nuts in fine powder, and Black Lead, of each a drachm and a half; the same quantity of Frankincense; and a sufficient quantity of Mucilage of Gum Arabic, prepared with a decoction of Gall Nuts. Apply it to the head and chin after being clean shaved.

157. A Depilatory Liniment.

Take a quarter of a pound of Quick-lime, an ounce and a half of Orpiment, an ounce of Florentine Orrice, half an ounce of Sulphur, the same quantity of Nitre, and a pound or pint of a Lixivium made of Bean-stalk Ashes; boil the whole to a proper consistence, which may be known by dipping a wet feather into it. It is boiled enough when the feathery part of the quill easily separates from the other. Then add half an ounce of Oil of Lavender, or any aromatic Essence, and mix into a Liniment, with which if you rub the hair that grows on any part of the body, it will immediately drop off. When the hair is removed, foment the part with Oil of Sweet Almonds, or Oil of Roses.

158. Another.

Take a quarter of a pound of Gum Ivy dissolved in Vinegar, a drachm of Orpiment, a drachm of Ant Eggs, and two drachms of Gum Arabic dissolved in Juice of Henbane, in which half an ounce of Quick-lime has been boiled. Make the whole into a liniment with a sufficient quantity of Fowls Grease, and apply a little to the part where you would wish to destroy the Hair, after being clean shaved.

159. An excellent Lip-Salve.

Take an ounce of Myrrh, as much Litharge in fine powder, four ounces of Honey, two ounces of Bees-wax, and six ounces of Oil of Roses; mix them over a slow fire. Those who are inclined may add a few drops of Oil of Rhodium, and some Leaf Gold.

160. Or,

Take Armenian Bole, Myrrh, and Ceruss in fine powder, of each an ounce; mix with a sufficient quantity of Goose-grease into a proper consistence. It presently cures chaps in any part of the body.

161. A Liniment to promote the Growth and Regeneration of the Nails.

Take two drachms of Orpiment, a drachm of Manna, the same quantity of Aloes and Frankincense, and six drachms of White Wax. Make them into a liniment, which apply to the part with a thumb-stall.

162. A certain Remedy for Whitlows; a Disorder that frequently affects the Fingers.

Take Pellitory of the Wall, cut as small as possible, and mix it with a proportionable Quantity of Hog's Lard; wrap it up in several papers, one over the other, and place it in warm ashes, which though not hot enough to burn the paper, yet retain sufficient heat to roast the Pellitory of the Wall, and incorporate it thoroughly with the Lard. Then spread this Liniment on a piece of brown paper, wrap it round the Whitlow, and apply a fresh dressing, at least twice a day. That it may give the speedier relief, spread the ointment thick.

163. Another.

Take Vine Ashes, with which make a strong Lee; and in this, warmed, let the finger soak a good while. To keep up an equal degree of warmth, every minute pour into the vessel a little more hot lees. Repeat this operation two or three times, and you will speedily find the good effect of it.

164. Scented Tables or Pastils.

Beat into a fine powder, and sift through a hair sieve, a pound of the Marc or Residuum left in the still, after making Angelic Water; then put it into a mortar, with a handful of fresh-gathered Rose Leaves, and a small porringer full of Gum Tragacanth softened with Rose Water. Beat the whole into a Paste; roll it out on a dresser with a rolling-pin, and cut it into Lozenges with a knife.

To form scented Pastils, roll up bits of this Paste in the shape of a cone, that they may stand upright, and set them by to dry. These kind of Pastils are lighted in the same manner as a candle. They consume entirely away; and, while burning, exhale a fragrant smoke.

165. A pleasant Perfume.

Take a drachm of Musk, four Cloves, four ounces of Lavender-seed, a drachm and a half of Civet, and half a drachm of Ambergrise; heat your pestle and mortar, and rub the Musk, Cloves, and Lavender-seeds together, with a lump of Loaf Sugar and a wine-glass full of Angelic or Rose-water. Take a handful of powder, and incorporate it well with this mixture, then sift it through a sieve; add two or three pounds more powder, or even a larger quantity, till the perfume is brought to a proper degree of strength. As to the Civet, put it on the end of a hot pestle, and rub it well with a handful of powder; after which add, by little and little, six pounds of powder; then sift the whole through a hair sieve to incorporate it with the other perfumed powder. The Ambergrise must be well rubbed in the mortar; and by degrees two pounds of powder, either white or grey, must be added to it, till the Ambergrise is thoroughly incorporated with the powder; then sift through a hair sieve, and mix all the three powders together. This perfume is to be kept in a Leather Bag, the seams of which are well sewed with waxed thread.

166. Common perfumed Powder.

Take Florentine Orrice, a pound, dried Rose Leaves, a pound; Gum Benjamin, two ounces; Storax, an ounce; Yellow Sanders, an ounce and a half; Cloves, two drachms; and a little Lemon Peel; reduce the whole to a fine powder, and mix with it twenty pounds of Starch, or rather of grey or white powder; incorporate them well, and sift them through a lawn sieve.

167. A Cassolette.

Incorporate the Powders of Florentine Orrice, Storax, Benjamin and other aromatics, with Orange-flower Water; and put this Paste into a little Silver or Copper Box lined with Tin. When you have a mind to use this perfume, set the Box on a gentle fire, or on hot ashes, and it will exhale a most delightful odour.

168. To perfume a House, and purify the Air.

Take a root of Angelica, dry it in an oven, or before the fire, then bruise it well and infuse it four or five days in White Wine Vinegar. When you use it, lay it upon a brick made red hot, and repeat the operation several times.

169. A Perfume to scent Powder.

Take a drachm of Musk, four ounces of Lavender Seeds, a drachm and a half of Civet, and half a drachm of Ambergrise. Beat the whole together into powder, and sift through a hair sieve. Keep this perfume in a box that shuts very close, to scent powder with, according to your fancy.

170. An excellent Composition to perfume a Room agreeably.

Take four ounces of Gum Benjamin, two ounces of Storax, and a quarter of an ounce of Aloes-wood. When these ingredients have been well bruised, simmer them about half an hour over a slow fire, in a glazed earthen pipkin, with as much Rose-water as will cover them, and then strain off the liquor for use. Dry the Residuum or Marc, and pulverize it in a warm mortar with a pound of Charcoal. Dissolve some Gum Tragacanth in the reserved Liquor, then add to your powder a drachm of fine Oriental Musk dissolved in a little Rose-water, and form the whole into a Paste, of which make pastils about the length and thickness of the little finger, narrower at top than at bottom, that they may stand firm and upright. When they are thoroughly dry, light them at the narrow end, and let them burn till they are wholly consumed. While burning they afford an exquisite perfume. To render the perfume still higher, add six grains of Ambergrise.

171. Or,

Pulverize together two ounces of Gum Benjamin, half an ounce of Storax, a drachm of Aloes-wood, twenty grains of fine Civet, a little Sea Coal, and Loaf Sugar; boil the whole in a sufficient quantity of Rose-water, to the consistence of a stiff paste. If you are desirous of having your pastils higher flavoured, add twelve grains of Ambergrise just before you take the composition off the fire; and the ingredients being thoroughly mixed, form them into pastils.

172. Fragrant Pastils made use of by way of Fumigation.

Take the purest Labdanum and Gum Benjamin, of each two ounces; Storax and dry Balsam of Peru, of each three quarters of an ounce; choice Myrrh, half a drachm; Gum Tacamahac, a quarter of an ounce; Olibanum, a drachm; Liquid Balsam of Peru, half an ounce; Ambergrise, a quarter of an ounce; Musk and Civet, of each a scruple; Essential Oil of Rhodium, thirty drops; Essential Oils of Orange-flowers, Lemons, and Bergamot, of each four drops; Gum Lacque, in fine powder, two ounces and a half; Cascarilla, Aloes-wood, Rose-wood, St. Lucia-wood, Yellow Sanders, and Cinnamon, all powdered, of each a drachm. With the assistance of a vapour-bath reduce them to a mass, which form into pastils in the usual way.

173. Pastils of Roses.

Pulverize a pound of the Marc or Residuum left in the still after making Angelica Water; likewise a large handful of Roses; and with a sufficient quantity of Gum Tragacanth dissolved in Rose-water, beat them into a stiff paste, which is to be rolled out upon a marble with a rolling-pin, and cut into Lozenges, or formed into pastils. If you have a mind to ornament them, cover them with Leaf Gold or Silver.

174. Paste of dried Almonds to cleanse the Skin.

Beat any quantity you please, of Sweet and Bitter Almonds in a marble mortar, and while beating, pour on them a little Vinegar in a small stream to prevent their turning oily: then add two drachms of Storax in fine powder, two ounces of White Honey, and two Yolks of Eggs boiled hard; mix the whole into a paste.

175. Soft Almond Paste.

Blanch in warm water any quantity of Bitter Almonds, leave them to grow dry, and then beat them in a marble mortar with a little Milk, to form them into a paste. To prevent their turning oily, afterwards add the Crumb of a light White Loaf soaked in Milk. Beat it with the Almonds till they are incorporated into an uniform mass; then put the whole into a kettle, with some fresh Milk, and let them simmer over a gentle fire; keeping the composition stirring, till it is boiled into a soft paste.

176. Paste for the Hands.

Take Sweet Almonds, half a pound; White Wine Vinegar, Brandy, and Spring Water, of each two quarts; two ounces of Crumb of Bread, and the Yolks of two Eggs. Blanch and beat the Almonds, moistening them with the Vinegar; add the Crumb of Bread soaked in the Brandy, and mix it with the Almonds and Yolks of Egg, by repeated Trituration. Then pour in the Water, and simmer the whole over a slow fire, keeping the composition continually stirring, till it has acquired a proper consistence.

177. Or,

Take Bitter and Sweet Almonds blanched, of each two ounces; Pine-nuts, and the four Cold Seeds, of each an ounce; beat the whole together in a marble mortar with the Yolks of two Eggs, and the Crumb of a small Wheaten Loaf. Moisten the mass with White Wine Vinegar, put it into a deep pan, simmer it over a slow fire, and when the paste ceases sticking to the pan, it is sufficiently boiled.

178. Or,

Take blanched Almonds, a pound; Pine-nuts, four ounces; beat them together into a paste with the addition of two ounces of Loaf Sugar, an ounce of the finest Honey, the same quantity of Bean Flower, and half a gill of Brandy. This paste may be scented with the Essences of Cloves, Lemons, Bergamot, Jasmine, Rhodium, Orange Flowers, &c. or with a few grains of Musk, Civet, or a few drops of Essence of Ambergrise, for persons who have no aversion to those perfumes.

179. Or,

Beat half a pound of blanched Almonds, with half an ounce of Yellow Sanders, half an ounce of Florentine Orrice, and an ounce of Calamus Aromaticus, in fine powder; pour on them gradually an ounce of Rose-water, and then add half a Pippin sliced small, a quarter of a pound of stale Crumb of White Bread sifted fine, and knead the whole into a paste with two ounces of Gum Tragacanth dissolved in Rose-water.

180. Or,

Beat some peeled apples (having first taken out the Cores) in a marble mortar, with Rose-water, and White Wine, of each equal parts. Add some Crumb of Bread, blanched Almonds, and a little White Soap; and simmer the whole over a slow fire till it acquires a proper consistence.

181. Or,

Infuse some blanched Almonds, two or three hours, in Goat's or Cow's Milk, and beat them into a paste. Strain the infusion through a linen cloth with a strong pressure, and add to the strained Liquor half a pound of the Crumb of White Bread, a quarter of a pound of Borax, and as much Burnt Roch Alum. Simmer the whole together, and when almost boiled enough, add an ounce of Spermaceti. Stir the composition well with a spatula to prevent it from burning to the bottom of the pan; and let it simmer but very gently.

182. Or,

Dry, before the fire, half a pound of Bitter Almonds blanched, then beat them in a marble mortar as fine as possible, and add a little boiled Milk to prevent the Almonds from turning oily. Beat in the same manner the Crumb of two French Bricks, with four Yolks of Eggs boiled hard, and with the addition of some fresh Milk knead them into a paste, which incorporate with that of the Almonds.

183. Cold Cream, or Pomatum for the Complexion.

Take White Wax and Spermaceti, of each a drachm; Oil of Sweet Almonds, two ounces; Spring Water, an ounce and a half; melt the Wax and Spermaceti together in the Oil of Almonds, in a glazed earthen pipkin, over hot ashes, or in a vapour-bath; pour the solution into a marble mortar, and stir it about with a wooden pestle, till it grow cold, and seem quite smooth; then mix the Water gradually, and keep stirring, till the whole is incorporated. This pomatum becomes extremely white and light by the agitation, and very much resembles cream, from its similitude to which it has obtained its name.

This pomatum is an excellent cosmetic, and renders the skin supple and smooth. Some add a little Balm of Gilead to heighten its virtue; and it is sometimes scented, by using Rose-water or Orange-flower Water in the preparation, instead of Spring-water, or with a few drops of any Essence, as fancy directs. It is also very good to prevent marks in the face from the Small-pox; in which last case, a little powder of Saffron, or some desiccative powder, such as Flowers of Zinc or French Chalk, is usually added. Keep it for use in a large gallypot tied over with a bladder.

184. Cucumber Pomatum.

Take Hog's Lard, a pound; ripe Melons, and Cucumbers, of each three pounds, Verjuice, half a pint; two pippins pared, and a pint of Cow's Milk. Slice the Melons, Cucumbers, and Apples, having first pared them; bruise them in the Verjuice, and, together with the Milk and Hog's Lard, put them into an alembic. Let them infuse in a vapour-bath eight or ten hours; then squeeze out the Liquor through a straining cloth while the mixture is hot, and expose it to the cold air, or set it in a cool place to congeal. Afterwards pour off the watery part that subsides, and wash it in several Waters, till the last remains perfectly clear. Melt the pomatum again in a vapour-bath several times, to separate from it all its humid particles, and every extraneous substance; otherwise it will soon grow rancid. Keep it for use in a gallypot tied over with a bladder.

185. Or,

A more simple Cucumber Pomatum may be made by simmering together Hog's Lard and pared Cucumbers cut in thin slices. With respect to the rest of the process, follow the method laid down for preparing Lip-salve; and keep this pomatum in the same manner as the former.

Both these pomatums are good Cosmetics; they soften the skin, and preserve it cool and smooth.

186. Lavender Pomatum.

Take two pounds and a half of Hog's Lard, ten pounds of Lavender Flowers, and a quarter of a pound of Virgin's Wax; put two pounds of picked Lavender Flowers into a proper vessel with the Hog's Lard, and knead them with your hands into as uniform a paste as possible. Put this mixture into a pewter, tin, or stone pot, and cork it tight; place the vessel in a vapour-bath, and let it stand six hours; at the expiration of which time, strain the mixture through a coarse linen cloth, with the assistance of a press. Throw away the Lavender Flowers as useless, pour the melted Lard back into the same pot, and add four pounds of fresh Lavender Flowers. Stir the Lard and Flowers together while the Lard is in a liquid state, in order to mix them thoroughly; and repeat the former process. Continue to act in this manner till the whole quantity of Lavender Flowers is used. Then set in a cool place the pomatum separated from the Lavender Flowers, that it may congeal; pour off the brown aqueous juice extracted from them; and wash the Pomatum in several waters, stirring it with a wooden spatula, to separate any remaining watery particles, till the last water remains perfectly colourless. Then melt the Pomatum in a vapour-bath, and keep it in that state about an hour, in a vessel well corked; leaving it afterwards to congeal. Repeat this last operation till the aqueous particles are entirely extracted when the Wax must be added, and the Pomatum having been again melted, in a vapour-bath, in a vessel closely corked, be suffered to congeal as before. When properly prepared, fill it into gallypots, and tye the mouths over with wet bladders, to prevent the air from penetrating.

This Pomatum is extremely fragrant, but is used only for dressing the hair.

In the same manner are prepared, Orange-flower Pomatum, Jasmine Pomatum, and all Pomatums made of odoriferous flowers. Common Pomatum scented with the essences of any such flowers, may be used as a good succedaneum.


Take three ounces of Oil of Almonds, three quarters of an ounce of Spermaceti, and a quarter of an ounce of Virgin's Wax; melt them together over a slow fire, mixing with them a little of the powder of Alkanet Root. Keep stirring till cold, and then add a few drops of Oil of Rhodium.

188. Or,

Take prepared Tutty and Oil of Eggs, of each equal parts; mix, and apply them to the lips, after washing the latter with Barley or Plantain Water.

189. Or,

Place over a chafing-dish of coals, in a glazed earthen pan, a quarter of a pound of the best fresh Butter, and an ounce of Virgin's Wax; melt them together; when thoroughly melted, throw in the Stones of half a bunch of ripe Black Grapes, with some Alkanet Roots a little bruised. Simmer these ingredient together for a quarter of an hour; afterwards strain the mixture through a fine linen cloth; and pour into your pomatum, which must be again set on the fire, a spoonful of Orange-flower Water. Having let them simmer together a little while, take the pan off the fire, and keep the pomatum stirring till it become quite cold. It will keep a long while, and is a perfect cure for chapped lips.

190. A Yellow Lip-Salve.

Take Yellow Bee's Wax, two ounces and a half; Oil of Sweet Almonds, a quarter of a pint; melt the Wax in the Oil, and let the mixture stand till it become cold, when it acquires a pretty stiff consistence. Scrape it into a marble mortar, and rub it with a wooden pestle, to render it perfectly smooth. Keep it for use in a gallypot, closely covered.

It is emollient and lenient; of course good for chaps in the lips, hands, or nipples; and preserves the skin soft and smooth.

A Crust of Bread applied hot, is an efficacious remedy for pimples that rise on the lips, in consequence of having drank out of a glass after an uncleanly person.

191. A Scarlet Lip-Salve.

Take Hog's Lard washed in Rose-water, half a pound; Red Roses and Damask Roses bruised, a quarter of a pound; knead them together and let them lie in that state two days. Then melt the Hog's Lard, and strain it from the Roses. Add a fresh quantity of the latter, knead them in the Hog's Lard, and let them lie together two days as before; then gently simmer the mixture in a vapour-bath. Press out the Lard, and keep it for use in the same manner as other Lip-salves.

192. Or,

Take an ounce of Oil of Sweet Almonds cold drawn, a drachm of fresh Mutton Suet, and a little bruised Alkanet Root; simmer the whole together. Instead of Oil of Sweet Almonds you may use Oil of Jasmine, or the Oil of any other Flower, if you choose the Lip-salve should have a fragrant scent.

193. Or,

Take Oil of Violets, and the expressed Juice of Mallows, of each an ounce and a half; Goose Grease and Veal Marrow, of each a quarter of an ounce; Gum Tragacanth, a drachm and a half; melt the whole over a gentle fire.

194. Or,

Take half a pound of fresh Butter, a quarter of a pound of Bee's Wax, four or five ounces of cleansed Black Grapes, and about an ounce of bruised Alkanet Root; simmer them together over a slow fire till the Wax is wholly dissolved, and the mixture become of a bright red colour; then strain, and set it by for use.

195. Or,

Take Deer or Goat's Suet, six ounces; Hog's Lard, four ounces: cut them into little bits, and wash them five or six different times in White Wine; then by hard pressure squeeze out every drop of the Wine. Melt the fats in a new-glazed earthen pan with half an ounce of Orrice Roots cut in thin slices, a grated Nutmeg, two or three Pippins pared and sliced thin, a pint of Rose-water, an ounce of Bee's Wax, and half an ounce of bruised Cloves. Simmer the whole over a slow fire about half an hour; then strain through a linen cloth into a pan half full of clean Water. Let the pomatum remain in the pan till cold, then wash it well, and beat it in a marble mortar with two ounces of White Wax, till they be thoroughly incorporated. Apply a little to the lips every night going to rest; and rub it upon the hands every night and morning.

196. White Pomatum.

Take an ounce of Florentine Orrice-root, half an ounce of Calamus Aromaticus, and as much Gum Benjamin, a quarter of an ounce of Rose-wood, and a quarter of an ounce of Cloves. Bruise the whole into a gross powder, tie it up in a piece of linen, and simmer it in a vapour-bath, with two pounds and a half of Hog's Lard well washed; add a couple of Pippins pared and cut into small bits, four ounces of Rose-water, and two ounces of Orange-flower Water. After the ingredients have simmered together a little while, strain off the Liquor gently, and let the Pomatum stand till cold; then put it by for use in the same manner as other pomatums.

197. Red Pomatum

Is made by adding to the above more or less Alkanet Root bruised, according to the depth of colour you would wish to impart. Simmer the Pomatum and Alkanet together, stirring the mixture with a wooden spatula, till the Pomatum is sufficiently tinged; then strain it from the Roots, and set it by for use.

198. A Pomatum to remove Redness, or Pimples in the Face.

Steep in clear Water a pound of a Boar's Cheek till it becomes tolerably white, drain it quite dry, and put it into a new-glazed earthen pan with two or three pared Pippins quartered, an ounce and a half of the four Cold Seeds bruised, and a slice of Veal about the size of the palm of one's hand. Boil the whole together in a vapour-bath for four hours, then with a strong cloth squeeze out your pomatum into an earthen dish placed upon hot ashes; adding to it an ounce of White Wax, and an ounce of Oil of Sweet Almonds. Stir the pomatum well with a spatula till it become cold.

199. A Pomatum for Wrinkles.

Take Juice of White Lily Roots and fine Honey, of each two ounces; melted White Wax, an ounce; incorporate the whole together, and make a pomatum. It should be applied every night, and not be wiped off till the next morning.

200. Another for the same Intention.

Take six new-laid Eggs, boil them hard, take out the Yolks, and fill the cavities with Myrrh, and powdered Sugar Candy, of each equal parts. Join the Whites together neatly, and set them on a plate before the fire; mixing the Liquor that exsudes from them with an ounce of Hog's Lard. This pomatum must be applied in the morning, and be suffered to dry upon the skin, which is afterwards to be wiped with a clean fine napkin.

201. Or,

Take half an ounce of Sallad Oil, an ounce of Oil of Tartar, half an ounce of Mucilage of Quince Seeds, three quarters of an ounce of Ceruss, thirty grains of Borax, and the same quantity of Sal Gem. Stir the whole together for some time in a little earthen dish, with a wooden spatula, and apply it in the same manner as the former composition.

202. Pomatum for a red or pimpled Face.

Take two pared Apples, Celery, and Fennel, of each a handful; and Barley Meal, a quarter of an ounce. Simmer the whole together a quarter of an hour in a gill of Rose-water; then add an ounce of fine Barley Meal, the Whites of four new-laid Eggs, and an ounce of Deer's Suet. Strain through a canvas bag into a dish that contains a little Rose-water; wash the pomatum well in the Rose-water, and afterwards beat it in a mortar perfectly smooth. This pomatum is to be applied frequently through the day, to remove the redness of the face, pimples, and even freckles; but to answer the last mentioned purpose, it must be continued till they are entirely effaced. To prevent their return, the person must avoid the intense heat of the sun, and hot drying winds for some time.

203. A Pomatum for the Skin.

Take Oil of White Poppy Seeds, and of the four Cold Seeds, of each a gill; Spermaceti, three quarters of an ounce; White Wax, an ounce: mix them into a pomatum according to the rules of art.

A great quantity of a substance resembling Butter is extracted from the Cocoa Tree, which is excellent to mollify and nourish the skin, and has long been used for this purpose amongst the Spanish Creolian women.

204. Pomatum to make the Hair grow in a bald Part, and thicken the Hair.

Take Hen's Fat, Oil of Hempseed, and Honey, of each a quarter of a pound; melt them together in an earthen pipkin, and keep the mixture stirring with a wooden spatula, till cold. This pomatum, to obtain the desired effect, must be rubbed on the part eight days successively.

205. Another Pomatum for the Hair.

Cut into small pieces a sufficient quantity of Hog's Cheek, steep it eight or ten days in clean Water, which be careful to change three times a day, and every time the Water is changed, stir it well with a spatula to make the flesh white. Drain the flesh dry, and putting it into a new earthen pipkin, with a pint of Rose-water, and a Lemon stuck with Cloves, simmer them over the fire till the skum looks reddish. Skim this off, and removing the pipkin from the fire, strain the Liquor. When it has cooled, take off the fat; beat it well with cold Water, which change two or three times as occasion may require; the last time using Rose-water instead of common Water. Drain the Pomatum dry, and scent it with Violets, Tuberoses, Orange Flowers, Jasmine, Jonquils a la Reine, &c. in the following manner.

206. Manner of Scenting Pomatums for the Hair.

Spread your Pomatum about an inch thick upon several dishes or plates, strewing the flowers you make choice of on one dish, and covering them with another. Change the Flowers for fresh ones every twelve hours, and continue to pursue this method for ten or twelve days; mixing the pomatum well, and spreading it out every time that fresh Flowers are added. It will soon acquire a fragrant scent, and may be used in what manner you think proper. It is good for almost every cosmetic purpose, but more particularly for the hair, which it nourishes, strengthens, preserves, and thickens.

207. Orange-Flower Pomatum.

Take two pounds and a half of Hog's Lard, and three pounds of Orange Flowers; mix them together in a marble mortar; then put the mixture into an earthen vessel with some Water, and place it in a vapour-bath, where let it stand till the Lard is melted, and floats above the Flowers. When it has stood till cold, pour away the Water, and simmer in the usual manner, with three pounds of fresh Orange Flowers. Repeat the same operation twice more with two pounds of Orange Flowers each time; and the last time, while the mixture stands in infusion, add a gill of Orange-flower Water. Strain through a hair sieve held over an earthen dish; drain off the Water thoroughly when cold, and keep the Pomatum in a dry place, in a gallypot close tied over with a bladder.

In the same manner are prepared Jasmine, Jonquil, Tuberose, Lavender Pomatums, and all pomatums scented with Flowers.

208. Sultana Pomatum.

This pomatum is made of Balsam of Mecca, Spermaceti, and Oil of Sweet Almonds cold drawn. It clears and preserves the complexion, and is of use for red pimpled faces.

209. A sweet smelling Perfume.

Take a pound of fresh-gathered Orange Flowers, of common Roses, Lavender Seeds, and Musk Roses, each half a pound; of Sweet Marjoram Leaves, and Clove-july-flowers picked, each a quarter of a pound; of Thyme, three ounces; of Myrtle Leaves, and Melilot Stalks stripped of their Leaves, each two ounces; of Rosemary Leaves, and Cloves bruised, each an ounce; of Bay Leaves, half an ounce.

Let these ingredients be mixed in a large pan covered with parchment, and be exposed to the heat of the sun during the whole summer; for the first month stirring them every other day with a stick, and taking them within doors in rainy weather. Towards the end of the season, they will afford an excellent composition for a perfume; which may be rendered yet more fragrant, by adding a little scented Cypress-powder, mixed with coarse Violet-powder.

210. Another for the same Purpose.

Take Orange Flowers, a pound; common Roses picked without the Yellow Pedicles, a pound; Clove-july-flowers picked with the White End of their Leaves cut off, half a pound; Marjoram, and Myrtle Leaves picked, of each half a pound; Musk Roses, Thyme, Lavender, Rosemary, Sage, Chamomile, Melilot, Hyssop, Sweet Basil, and Balm, of each two ounces; fifteen or twenty Bay Leaves, two or three handfuls of Jasmine, as many little Green Oranges, and half a pound of Salt. Put them in a proper vessel, and leave them together a whole month, carefully observing to stir the mixture well twice a day with a wooden spatula or spoon.

At the month's end, add twelve ounces of Florentine Orrice-root in fine powder, and the same quantity of powdered Benjamin; of Cloves, and Cinnamon finely powdered, each two ounces; Mace, Storax, Calamus Aromaticus, all in fine powder, and Cypress-powder, of each an ounce; Yellow Sanders and Cyprus or Sweet Flag, of each three quarters of an ounce. Mix the whole thoroughly, by stirring, and you will have a very fragrant perfume.

211. Orange-Flower Powder.

Put half a pound of Orange Flowers into a box that contains twelve pounds and a half of powdered Starch; mix them well with the Starch, and stir the mixture at intervals, to prevent the Flowers from heating. At the expiration of twenty-four hours, remove the old flowers, and mix with the Starch the same quantity of fresh Orange Flowers. Continue acting in this manner for three days together, and if you think the perfume not sufficiently strong, add fresh Flowers once or twice more. The box must be kept close shut, as well after as during the operation.

212. Jonquil Powder.

Take of Starch Powder and Jonquil Flowers, in the same proportion as in the preceding article; strew the Flowers among the Powder, and at the expiration of twenty hours, sift it through a coarse sieve. Then throw away the Flowers, and add to the Powder the same quantity of fresh Flowers. Continue this method four or five days, observing never to touch the Powder while the Flowers lie mixed with it; and the former will hence acquire a very agreeable perfume.

In the same manner are prepared, Hyacinth, Musk Rose, and Damask Rose Powders, &c.

213. Coarse Violet Powder.

Beat separately into coarse Powder the following ingredients, viz. half a pound of dried Orange Flowers; of Lemon-peel dried, Yellow Sanders, Musk Roses, and Gum Benjamin, each a quarter of a pound; Lavender Tops dried, three ounces; of Rose Wood, Calamus Aromaticus, and Storax, each two ounces; an ounce of Sweet Marjoram, half an ounce of Cloves, two pounds of Florentine Orrice-root, and a pound of dried Provence Roses; mix the whole together. When you want to fill bags with this powder, mix a drachm of Musk and half a drachm of Civet, with a little Mucilage of Gum Tragacanth made with Angelic Water, and a little Sweet-scented Water, and rub the inside of the bag over with the composition, before you fill it with the Violet Powder.

214. Another coarse Violet Powder.

Mix together a pound of Florentine Orrice-roots, half a pound of dried Orange Flowers, a quarter of a pound of Yellow Sanders; of Coriander Seeds, Sweet Flag, and of the Marc or Residuum left after making Angelic Water, each two ounces; an ounce and a half of Calamus Aromaticus, and an ounce of Cloves; bruise the whole into a coarse Powder, and keep it for use in a jar, close stopped.

215. Jasmine Powder.

Powder French Chalk, sift it through a fine sieve, put it in a box, and strew on it a quantity of Jasmine Flowers; shut down the lid close, and add fresh Flowers every four and twenty hours. When the Powder is well impregnated with the scent of Jasmine, rub together a few grains of Civet, Ambergrise, and a little white Sugar Candy, and mix them with the Powder.

216. Ambrette Powder.

Take six ounces of Bean Flour, and the same quantity of worm-eaten Wood, four ounces of Cyprus Wood, two ounces of Yellow Sanders, two ounces of Gum Benjamin, an ounce and a half of Storax, a quarter of an ounce of Calamus.

Aromaticus, and as much Labdanum; beat the whole into a very fine powder, and sift it through a lawn sieve. Add four grains of Ambergrise, and half an ounce of Mahaleb or Musk Seeds; mix them with the rest of the powder, and keep the whole in a bottle close stopped for use. You may put any quantity you please of this Perfume into common powder, to give it an agreeable flavour.

217. Cyprus Powder.

Fill a linen bag with Oak Moss, steep it in water, which change frequently, and afterwards dry the Moss in the sun. Beat it to powder, and sprinkle it with Rose-water; then dry it again, sift it through a fine sieve, and mix with it a small quantity of any of the preceding powders.

218. Another Cyprus Powder more fragrant.

Wash Oak Moss several times in pure water and dry it thoroughly; then sprinkle over it Orange Flower and Rose-water, and spread it thin upon a hurdle to dry. Afterwards place under it a chafing-dish, in which burn some Storax and Benjamin. Repeat this operation till the Moss becomes well perfumed; then beat it to fine powder, and to every pound add a quarter of an ounce of Musk, and as much Civet.

219. Perfumed Powder.

Take a pound of Florentine Orrice-root, two ounces of Gum Benjamin, a pound of dried Roses, an ounce of Storax, an ounce and a half of Yellow Sanders, a quarter of an ounce of Cloves, and a small quantity of Lemon-peel; beat the whole together into fine powder, and then add twenty pounds of Starch-powder. Sift through a lawn sieve; and colour the powder according to your fancy.

220. The White Powder that enters into the Composition of the Delightful Perfume.

Take a pound of Florentine Orrice-root, twelve Cuttle-fish Bones, eight pounds of Starch, and a handful of Sheep or Bullock's Bones calcined to whiteness; beat the whole into a powder, and sift it through a fine hair sieve.

221. Prepared Powder.

Pour a quart of Brandy, or an ounce of highly rectified Spirit of Wine, on a pound or a pound and a half of Starch, mix them together; then dry the Starch, beat it to powder, and sift it through a fine lawn sieve. If you please you may add a little powder of Florentine Orrice-root.

222. A Powder to nourish the Hair.

Take Roots of the Sweet Flag, Calamus Aromaticus, and Red Roses dried, of each an ounce and a half; Gum Benjamin, an ounce; Aloes Wood, three quarters of an ounce; Red Coral prepared, and Amber prepared, of each half an ounce; Bean Flour, a quarter of a pound, Florentine Orrice-roots, half a pound; mix the whole together, then beat into a fine powder, and add to it five grains of Musk, and the same quantity of Civet. This powder greatly promotes the regeneration of the hair, and strengthens and nourishes its roots. The property of enlivening the imagination, and helping the memory is also attributed to it.

223. Common Powder.

The best Starch dried is generally the basis of all Hair-powders: as are, sometimes, worm-eaten or rotten Wood, dried Bones, or Bones calcined to whiteness, which are sifted through a fine hair sieve after they have been beaten to powder. This kind of Powder readily takes any scent, particularly that of Florentine Orrice, a root which naturally possesses a violet smell. Of these Roots, the whitest and soundest are made choice of; they are to be powdered as fine as possible, and this can only be done during the summer.

224. White Powder.

Take four pounds of Starch, half a pound of Florentine Orrice-root, six Cuttle-fish Bones; Ox Bones and Sheeps Bones calcined to whiteness, of each half a handful; beat the whole together, and sift the Powder through a very fine sieve.

225. Grey Powder.

To the Residuum of the preceding add a little Starch and Wood-ashes in fine powder; rub them together in a mortar some time, and then sift through a fine hair sieve.

226. Another.

Take the Marc or Residuum of the White Powder, mix with it a little Starch, Yellow Ochre, and Wood-ashes or Baker's Coals to colour it. Beat the whole well in a mortar, then sift it through a hair sieve. Beat the coarser parts over again, and sift a second time; repeating these operations till all the composition has passed through the sieve.

227. Flaxen coloured Powder.

Add to the White Powder a very little Yellow Ochre. The White Powder may be tinged of any colour, by adding ingredients of the colour you fancy.

228. Bean Flour.

Grind any quantity of Beans, and sift the Meal through a very fine lawn sieve. It will take no other scent than that of Florentine Orrice.

229. To sweeten the Breath.

Roll up a little ball of Gum Tragacanth, scent it with some odoriferous Essence or Oil, and hold it in the mouth. A little Musk may be added to the ball while rolling up, where that perfume is not disagreeable.

230. Or,

After having eat Garlic or Onions, chew a little raw Parsley. It will infallibly take away their offensive smell.

231. A Remedy for scorbutic Gums.

Bruise Cinquefoil in a marble mortar, squeeze out the juice, warm it over the fire, and rub the Gums with it every night and morning.

232. A Remedy for Moist Feet.

Take twenty pounds of Lee made of the Ashes of the Bay Tree, three handfuls of Bay Leaves, a handful of Sweet Flag, with the same quantity of Calamus Aromaticus, and Dittany of Crete; boil the whole together for some time, then strain off the liquor, and add two quarts of Wine. Steep your feet in this bath an hour every day, and in a short time they will no longer exhale a disagreeable smell.

233. A certain Method of destroying Fleas.

Sprinkle the room with a decoction of Arsmart, Bitter Apple, Briar Leaves, or Cabbage Leaves; or smoke it with burnt Thyme or Pennyroyal.

234. Or,

Put Tansy Leaves about different parts of the bed, viz. under the matrass, or between the blankets.

235. Or,

Rub the bed-posts well with a strong decoction of Elder Leaves.

236. Or,

Mercurial Ointment, or a fumigation of Pennyroyal Leaves, or of Brimstone, infallibly destroys Fleas; as likewise do the fresh Leaves of Pennyroyal, tied up in a bag, and laid upon the bed.

237. A Secret to take away Wrinkles.

Heat an Iron Shovel red hot, throw on it some Powder of Myrrh, and receive the smoke on your face, covering the head with a napkin to prevent its being dissipated. Repeat this operation three times, then heat the Shovel again, and when fiery hot pour on it a mouthful of White Wine. Receive the vapour of the Wine also on your face, and repeat it three times. Continue this method every night and morning as long as you find occasion.

238. A Rouge for the Face.

Alkanet Root strikes a beautiful red when mixed with Oils or Pomatums. A Scarlet or Rose-coloured Ribband wetted with Water or Brandy, gives the Cheeks, if rubbed with it, a beautiful bloom that can hardly be distinguished from the natural colour. Others only use a Red Sponge, which tinges the cheeks of a fine carnation colour.

239. Another.

Alum, beat them together into a coarse powder, and boil in a sufficient quantity of Red Wine, till two thirds of the Liquor are consumed. When this decoction has stood till cold, rub a little on the cheeks with a bit of cotton.

240. The Turkish Method of preparing Carmine.

Infuse, during three or four days, in a large jar filled with White Wine Vinegar, a pound of Brazil Wood Shavings of Fernambuca, having first beaten them to a coarse powder; afterwards boil them together half an hour; then strain off the Liquor through a coarse linen cloth, set it again upon the fire, and having dissolved half a pound of Alum in White Wine Vinegar, mix both Liquors together, and stir the mixture well with a spatula. The scum that rises is the Carmine; skim it off carefully, and dry it for use.

Carmine may also be made with Cochineal, or Red Sanders, instead Brazil Wood.

241. A Liquid Rouge that exactly imitates Nature.

Take a pint of good Brandy, and infuse in it half an ounce of Gum Benjamin, an ounce of Red Sanders, and half an ounce of Brazil Wood, both in coarse powder; with half an ounce of Roch Alum. Cork the bottle tight, shake it well every day, and at the expiration of twelve days the Liquor will be fit for use. Touch the cheeks lightly with this Tincture, and it will scarcely be possible to perceive that rouge has been laid on, it will so nearly resemble the natural bloom.

242. An Oil that possesses the same Property.

Take ten pounds of Sweet Almonds, an ounce of Red Sanders in powder, and an ounce of bruised Cloves; pour on them a gill of White Wine, and three quarters of a gill of Rose-water; stir them well every day. At the end of eight or nine days, squeeze the paste in a press in the same manner as when you mean to extract Oil of Almonds.


243. A Sweet-Scented Bag to wear in the Pocket.

Take thin Persian, and make it into little bags about four inches wide, in the form of an oblong square. Rub the inside lightly with a little Civet, then fill them with coarse powder a la Marechale, or any other odoriferous Powder you choose; to which add a few Cloves, with a little Yellow Sanders beaten small, and sew up the mouths of the bags.

244. Bags to Scent Linen.

Take Rose Leaves dried in the shade, Cloves beat to a gross powder, and Mace, scraped; mix them together, and put the composition into little bags.

245. An agreeable Sweet-Scented Composition.

Take Florentine Orrice, a pound and a half; Rose Wood, six ounces; Calamus Aromaticus, half a pound; Yellow Sanders, a quarter of a pound; Gum Benjamin, five ounces; Cloves, half an ounce; and Cinnamon, an ounce: beat the whole into powder, and fill your bags with it.

246. Ingredients for various Sorts of these little Bags or Satchels.

For this purpose may be used different parts of the Aromatic Plants; as Leaves of Southernwood, Dragon-wort, Balm, Mint both garden and wild, Dittany, Ground-ivy, Bay, Hyssop, Lovage, Sweet Marjoram, Origanum, Pennyroyal, Thyme, Rosemary, Savory, Scordium, and Wild Thyme. The Flowers of the Orange, Lemon, Lime, and Citron Tree, Saffron, Lavender, Roses, Lily of the Valley, Clove-july-flower, Wall-flower, Jonquil, and Mace. Fruits, as Aniseeds, &c. The Rinds of Lemons, Oranges, &c. Small green Oranges, Juniper-berries, Nutmegs, and Cloves. Roots of Acorus, Bohemian Angelica, Oriental Costus, Sweet Flag, Orrice, Zedoary, &c. The Woods of Rhodium, Juniper, Cassia, St. Lucia, Sanders, &c. Gums, as Frankincense, Myrrh, Storax, Benjamin, Labdanum, Ambergrise, and Amber. Barks, as Canella Alba, Cinnamon, &c.

Care must be taken that all these ingredients are perfectly dry, and kept in a dry place. To prevent their turning black, add a little common Salt. When you choose to have any particular Flower predominant, a greater quantity of that plant must be used in proportion to the other ingredients.

247. White Soap.

This soap is made with one part of the Lees of Spanish Pot-ash and Quick-lime, to two parts of Oil of Olives or Oil of Almonds.

248. Honey Soap.

Take four ounces of White Soap, and as much Honey, half an ounce of Salt of Tartar, and two or three drachms of the distilled Water of Fumitory; mix the whole together. This Soap cleanses the skin well, and renders it delicately white and smooth. It is also used advantageously, to efface the marks of burns and scalds.

249. A perfumed Soap.

Take four ounces of Marsh-mallow Roots skinned and dried in the shade, powder them, and add an ounce of Starch, the same quantity of Wheaten Flour, six drachms of fresh Pine-nut Kernels, two ounces of blanched Almonds, an ounce and a half of Orange Kernels husked, two ounces of Oil of Tartar, the same quantity of Oil of Sweet Almonds, and thirty grains of Musk: thoroughly incorporate the whole, and add to every ounce, half an ounce of Florentine Orrice-root in fine powder. Then steep half a pound of fresh Marsh-mallow Roots bruised in the distilled Water of Mallows, or Orange Flowers, for twelve hours, and forcibly squeezing out the liquor, make, with this mucilage, and the preceding Powders and Oils, a stiff Paste, which is to be dried in the shade, and formed into round balls. Nothing exceeds this Soap for smoothing the skin, or rendering the hands delicately white.

250. Fine scented Wash-ball.

Take of the best White Soap, half a pound, and shave it into thin slices with a knife; then take two ounces and a half of Florentine Orrice, three quarters of an ounce of Calamus Aromaticus, and the same quantity of Elder Flowers; of Cloves, and dried Rose Leaves, each half an ounce; Coriander-seeds, Lavender, and Bay Leaves, of each a drachm, with three drachms of Storax. Reduce the whole to fine powder, which knead into a Paste with the Soap; adding a few grains of Musk or Ambergrise. When you make this Paste into Wash-balls, soften it with a little Oil of Almonds to render the composition more lenient. Too much cannot be said in favour of this Wash-ball, with regard to its cleansing and cosmetic property.

251. A Wash-ball, an excellent Cosmetic for the Face and Hands.

Take a pound of Florentine Orrice, a quarter of a pound of Storax, two ounces of Yellow Sanders, half an ounce of Cloves, as much fine Cinnamon, a Nutmeg, and twelve grains of Ambergrise; beat the whole into very fine powder and sift them through a lawn sieve, all except the Ambergrise, which is to be added afterwards. Then take two pounds of the finest White Soap, shaved small, and infuse it in three pints of Brandy, four or five days. When it is dissolved, add a little Orange Flower-water, and knead the whole into a very stiff Paste with the best Starch finely powdered. Then mix the Ambergrise, with a little Gum Tragacanth liquefied in sweet-scented Water. Of this Paste make Wash-balls; dry them in the shade, and polish them with a Paste-board or Lignum Vit� cup.

252. Bologna Wash-balls.

Take a pound of Italian Soap cut in small bits, and a quarter of a pound of Lime; pour on them two quarts of Brandy, let them ferment together twenty-four hours, then spread the mass on a sheet of filtring paper to dry. When quite dry, beat it in a marble mortar, with half an ounce of St. Lucia Wood, an ounce and a half of Yellow Sanders, half an ounce of Orrice-root, and as much Calamus Aromaticus, all finely powdered. Knead the whole into a Paste with Whites of Eggs, and a quarter of a pound of Gum Tragacanth dissolved in Rose-water, and then form it into Wash-balls according to the usual method.

253. An excellent Wash-ball for the Complexion.

Take two ounces of Venetian Soap; dissolve it in two ounces of Lemon Juice, an ounce of Oil of Bitter Almonds, and the same quantity of Oil of Tartar. Mix the whole together, and stir the mixture till it acquires the consistence of a thick Paste.

254. Seraglio Wash-balls.

Take a pound of Florentine Orrice-roots, a quarter of a pound of Gum Benjamin, two ounces of Storax, two ounces of Yellow Sanders, half an ounce of Cloves, a drachm of Cinnamon, a little Lemon-peel, an ounce of St. Lucia Wood, and one Nutmeg. Reduce the whole to fine powder; then take about two pounds or White Soap shaved thin, steep it with the above Powder in three pints of Brandy, four or five days. Afterwards kneading the mass with a sufficient quantity of Starch, and adding to it the Whites of Eggs, with Gum Tragacanth dissolved in some odoriferous Water, form the Paste into Wash-balls of what size you please. A few grains of Musk or Civet, or a little Essential Oil of Lavender, Bergamot, Roses, Cloves, Clove-july-flowers, Jasmine, Cinnamon, in short, any that best pleases the fancy of the person who prepares these Wash-balls, may be incorporated with the Paste while forming into a mass.

255. A Hepatic Salt, to preserve the Complexion.

Take Roots of Agrimony, two pounds; Roots of Succory and Scorzonera, of each a pound; Bitter Costus and Turmeric, of each half a pound; Calamus Aromaticus and Rhapontic, of each a quarter of a pound; Wormwood, Southernwood, Sweet Maudlin, Harts-tongue, Fluellin, Liverwort, Fumitory, and Dodder of Thyme, of each three ounces; calcine the whole in a reverberatory furnace, and add Ashes of Rhubarb and Cassia Lignea of each an ounce and a half. Make a lee with these Ashes in a decoction of the Flowers of Liverwort, and extract the Salt according to art. This Salt causes the bile to flow freely, removes obstructions, cures the jaundice, takes away a sallow complexion, and imparts to the skin the ruddy vermillion bloom of health. Its dose is from twenty-four to thirty-six grains, in any convenient vehicle.

256. To change the Eye-brows black.

Rub them frequently with ripe Elder-berries. Some use burnt Cork, or Cloves burnt in the candle; others prefer the Black of Frankincense, Rosin, and Mastic. This Black will not melt nor come off by sweating.

257. To efface Spots or Marks of the Mother, on any Part of the Body.

Steep in Vinegar of Roses, or strong White Wine Vinegar, Borrage Roots stripped of their small adhering fibres, and let them stand to infuse twelve or fourteen hours. Bathe the part affected frequently with this Infusion, and in time the marks will totally disappear.

258. Or,

Take, towards the end of the month of May, the Roots and Leaves of the herb Bennet; distil them with a sufficient quantity of Water in an alembic, and frequently foment the marks with the distilled Water.

259. To take away Marks, and fill up the Cavities left after the Small-Pox.

Take Oil of the four larger Cold Seeds, Oil of Eggs, and Oil of Sweet Almonds, of each half an ounce; Plantain and Nightshade Water, of each three quarters of an ounce; Litharge and Ceruss finely powdered and washed in Rose-water, of each a drachm. Put the Litharge and Ceruss into a brass pot, and incorporate them over a fire, with the Oils, adding the latter gradually, and stirring the mixture all the while. Then add by degrees also the Nightshade and Plantain Water, and thus form a Liniment, with which anoint the face of the patient as soon as the scabs of the Small-pox begin to scale off; and repeat the application as occasion may require.

260. Certain Methods to improve the Complexion.

Brown ladies should frequently bathe themselves, and wash their faces with a few drops of Spirit of Wine, sometimes with Virgin's Milk, and the distilled Waters of Pimpernel, White Tansy, Bean Flowers, &c. These detersive penetrating applications, by degrees remove the kind of varnish that covers the skin, and thus render more free the perspiration, which is the only real cosmetic.

261. The Montpellier Toilet.

For this purpose a new light-woven linen cloth must be procured, and cut of a proper size to make a toilet. The first step you take must be to wash the cloth perfectly clean in several different Waters, then spread it out to dry, and afterwards steep it twenty-four hours in Sweet-scented Water, viz. half Angelic, and half Rose-water. On removing the cloth out of the water, gently squeeze it, and hang it up to dry in the open air. Then lay on it the following composition.

Take dried Orange Flowers, Roots of Elecampane, and Florentine Orrice, of each half a pound; of Yellow Sanders, four ounces; of the Marc or Residuum of Angelic Water, two ounces; of Rose-wood and Sweet Flag, each an ounce; of Gum Labdanum, Calamus Aromaticus, and Cloves, each half an ounce; of Cinnamon, two drachms; beat all these ingredients into powder, and make them into a Paste with Mucilage of Gum Tragacanth dissolved in Angelic Water. Rub this Paste hard on both sides of your cloth, leaving on it the little bits that may adhere, because they render the surface more smooth. Afterwards hang up the cloth, and when half dry, again rub both sides, with a sponge wetted with Angelic Water, to render the cloth yet more smooth; after which dry it thoroughly, and fold it up. This cloth is generally lined with taffety, and covered with sattin, and is never enclosed within more than two pieces of some kind of thin silk, as Taffety, &c.

262. Sweet-scented Troches to correct a bad Breath.

Take Frankincense, a scruple; Ambergrise, fifteen grains; Musk, seven grains: Oil of Lemons, six drops; double refined Sugar, an ounce. Form these ingredients into little Troches with Mucilage of Gum Arabic, made with Cinnamon Water. Hold one or two in the mouth as often occasion requires.

263. A curious Varnish for the Face.

Fill into a bottle three quarters of a pint of good Brandy, infusing in it an ounce of Gum Sandarach, and half an ounce of Gum Benjamin. Frequently shake the bottle till the Gums are wholly dissolved, and then let it stand to settle.

Apply this varnish after having washed the face clean, and it will give the skin the finest lustre imaginable.

264. A Medicine to cure Warts.

Take the Leaves of Campanula, bruise them, and rub them upon the warts. Repeat this operation three or four times, if they prove obstinate; and they will afterwards soon waste away without leaving the least mark behind. This plant perhaps is not to be met with every where, but Botanists have described it by the following marks. Its leaves, say they, resemble those of the Blue Bell Flower, or Ivy, are stringy, composed of five lobes, without down, are small at the end, and have a loose flabby stalk.

265. Another.

Take the inner Rind of a Lemon, steep it four and twenty hours in distilled Vinegar, and apply it to the warts. It must not be left on the part above three hours at a time, and is to be applied afresh every day.

266. Or,

Divide a Red Onion, and rub the warts well with it.

267. Or,

Anoint the warts with the milky Juice of the herb Mercury several times, and they will gradually waste away.

268. Another safe and experienced Method.

Rub the warts with a pared Pippin, and a few days afterwards they will be found to disappear.

269. Distilled Vinegar.

Fill a stone cucurbit about three parts and a half full of White Wine Vinegar; place the vessel in a furnace so contrived as to contain three parts of the height of the cucurbit; mould the openings that remain between the sides and the upper part of the vessel with clay tempered with water; lute the vessel, fix on a receiver, and begin your distillation with a moderate fire, which is to be increased by degrees till about five sixths of the Vinegar are drawn off, which is called Distilled Vinegar. A small quantity of acid Liquor still remains in the cucurbit of the consistence of Honey, which if you think proper may be dried hard by the assistance of a vapour-bath. The Vinegar distilled from this substance is infinitely more acid, than that which was drawn off by the first process.

To rectify distilled Vinegar, put it into a clean vessel, setting it in the same degree of fire as at first to separate more phlegm, and in every thing proceed as before, till the bottom is almost dry. Neither the fire nor distillation however must be urged too far, for fear of giving an empyreumatic flavour to that which is already distilled.

Distilled Vinegar is used externally, mixed with Water, to wash the face: it is cooling, and takes away the troublesome little pimples that sometimes affect this part.

270. Distilled Lavender Vinegar.

Put into a stone cucurbit any quantity of fresh-gathered Lavender Flowers picked clean from the Stalks; pour on them as much distilled Vinegar as is requisite to make the Flowers float; distil in a vapour-bath, and draw off about three fourths of the Vinegar.

In the same manner are prepared the Vinegars from all other vegetable substances. Compound Vinegars are made by mixing several aromatic substances together; observing only to bruise all hard woody ingredients, and to let them infuse a sufficient time in the Vinegar before you proceed to distillation.

Lavender Vinegar is of use for the Toilet; it is cooling, and when applied to the face, braces up the relaxed fibres of the skin.

271. Vinegar of the Four Thieves.

Take of the tops of Sea and Roman Wormwood, Rosemary, Sage, Mint and Rue, of each an ounce and a half; Lavender Flowers two ounces, Calamus Aromaticus, Cinnamon, Cloves, Nutmeg, and Garlic, of each a quarter of an ounce; Camphire, half an ounce; Red Wine Vinegar, a gallon. Choose all the foregoing ingredients dry, except the Garlic and Camphire; beat them into gross powder, and cut the Garlic into thin slices; put the whole into a matrass; pour the Vinegar on them, and digest the mixture in the sun, or in a gentle sand-heat, for three weeks or a month. Then strain off the Vinegar by expression, filter it through paper, and add the Camphire dissolved in a little rectified Spirit of Wine. Keep it for use in a bottle, tightly corked.

The Vinegar of the Four Thieves is antipestilential, and is used successfully as a preservative against contagious disorders. The hands and face are washed with it every day; the room fumigated with it, as are also the clothes, in order to secure the person from infection.

272. To cure watery Eyes.

Prepare a decoction with the Leaves of Betony, Fennel Roots, and a little fine Frankincense, which use as an Eye-water.

273. Or,

Frequently bathe the Eyes with a decoction of Chervil.

274. Or,

Drop into the Eyes now and then a little Juice of Rue, mixed with clarified Honey.

275. An excellent Ophthalmic Lotion.

Take White Vitriol and Bay Salt, of each an ounce; decrepitate them together, and when the detonation is over, pour on them, in an earthen pan, a pint of boiling Water or Rose-water. Stir them together, and let them stand some hours. A variously coloured skin will be formed on the surface, which carefully skim off, and put the clear liquor into a bottle for use.

This was communicated to the author as a great secret; and indeed he has found it by experience very safely to cool and repel those sharp humours that sometimes fall upon the Eyes, and to clear the latter of beginning films and specks. If too sharp, it may be diluted with a little Rose-water.

276. An Ophthalmic Poultice.

Take half a pint of Alum Curd, and mix with it a sufficient quantity of Red Rose Leaves powdered, to give it a proper consistence. This is an excellent application for sore moist eyes, and admirably cools and represses defluxions.

277. A Poultice for inflamed Eyes.

Take half a pint of a decoction of Linseed in Water, and as much Flour of Linseed as is sufficient to make it of a proper consistence. This Poultice is preferable to a Bread and Milk Poultice for inflamed Eyes, as it will not grow sour and acrid.

278. Sir Hans Sloane's Eye Salve.

Take prepared Tutty, one ounce; prepared Bloodstone, two scruples; Aloes in fine powder, twelve grains; mix them well together in a marble mortar, with as much Viper's Fat as is requisite to bring the whole to the consistence of a soft salve. It is to be applied with a hair pencil, the eyes winking or a little opened. It has cured many whose eyes were covered with opake films and scabs, left by preceding disorders of those parts.

279. An Ophthalmic Fomentation.

Take three quarters of an ounce of White Poppy Heads bruised with their Seeds, and boil them in Milk and Water, of each half a pint, till one half is wasted away; then dissolve in the strained Liquor a scruple of Sugar of Lead. This is an excellent application for moist, or inflamed Eyes.

280. A Simple Remedy to strengthen the Sight.

Snuff up the Juice of Eyebright, and drop a little into the eyes. It not only clears and strengthen the sight, but takes off all specks, films, mists, or suffusions.

Herb Snuffs are also excellent to strengthen and preserve the sight; various Receipts for making which will afterwards be given.

Manner of taking out all Kinds of SPOTS and STAINS from LINEN and STUFFS; and various other useful Receipts.

281. To take Iron Mould out of Linen.

Hold the Iron Mould over the Fume of Boiling Water for some time, then pour on the spot a little Juice of Sorrel and a little Salt, and when the cloth has thoroughly imbibed the Juice, wash it in Lee.

282. To take out Stains of Oil.

Take Windsor Soap shaved thin, put it into a bottle half full of Lee, throw in the size of a Nut of Sal Armoniac, a little Cabbage Juice, two Yolks of new-laid Eggs, and Ox-gall at discretion, and lastly an ounce of powdered Tartar: then cork the bottle, and expose it to the heat of the noon-day sun four days, at the expiration of which time it becomes fit for use. Pour this Liquor on the stains, and rub it well on both sides of the cloth; then wash the stains with clear Water, or rather with the following soap, and when the cloth is dry, they will no longer appear.

283. Scowering Balls.

Take soft Soap, or Fuller's Earth; mix it with Vine Ashes sifted through a fine sieve, and with powdered Chalk, Alum, and Tartar, of each equal parts; form the mass into balls, which dry in the shade. Their use is to rub on spots and stains, washing the spotted part afterwards in clear Water.

284. To take out Stains of Coomb.

Put Butter on the stain, and rub it well with a piece of brown paper laid on a heated silver spoon; then wash the whole in the same manner as directed for spots of Wax.

285. To take out Stains of Urine.

Wash the stained place well with boiled Urine, and afterwards wash it in clear Water.

286. To take out Stains on Cloth of whatever Colour.

Take half a pound of Honey, the size of a Nut of Sal Armoniac, and the Yolk of an Egg; mix them together, and put a little of this mixture on the stain, letting it remain till dry. Then wash the cloth with fair Water, and the stains will disappear. Water impregnated with mineral Alkaline Salt or Soda, Ox-gall, and Black Soap, is also very good to take out spots of grease.

287. To take out Spots of Ink.

As soon as the accident happens, wet the place with Juice of Sorrel, or Lemon, or with Vinegar, and the best hard White Soap.

288. To take out Spots of Pitch and Turpentine.

Pour a good deal of Sallad Oil on the stained place, and let it dry on it four and twenty hours; then rub the inside of the cloth with the Scowering Ball and warm Water.

289. To take out Spots of Oil on Sattin and other Stuffs, and on Paper.

If the spot be not of long standing, take the Ashes of Sheep's Trotters calcined, and apply them hot both under and upon the spot. Lay on it something heavy, letting it remain all night; and if in the morning the spot is not entirely effaced, renew the application repeatedly till it wholly disappear.

290. To take out Spots on Silk.

Rub the Spots with Spirit of Turpentine; this Spirit exhaling, carries off with it the Oil that causes the Spot.

291. Balls to take out Stains.

Take an ounce of Quick-lime, half a pound of Soap, and a quarter of a pound of White Clay; moisten the whole with Water, and make it into little balls, with which rub the stains, and afterwards wash them with fair water.

292. To clean Gold and Silver Lace.

Take the Gall of an Ox and of a Pike, mixed well together in fair Water, and rub the gold or silver with this composition.

293. To restore to Tapestry its original Lustre.

Shake well, and thoroughly clean the tapestry; then rub it twice over with Chalk, which, after remaining seven or eight hours each time, is to be brushed off with a hard brush; the tapestry being likewise well beaten with a stick, and shaked.

294. To clean Turkey Carpets.

To revive the colour of a Turkey Carpet, beat it well with a stick, till the dust is all got out; then with Lemon or Sorrel Juice take out the spots of ink, if the carpet be stained with any; wash it in cold Water, and afterwards shake out all the Water from the threads of the carpet. When it is thoroughly dry, rub it all over with the Crumb of a hot Wheaten Loaf; and if the weather is very fine, hang it out in the open air a night or two.

295. To refresh Tapestry, Carpets, Hangings, or Chairs.

Beat the dust out of them on a dry day as clean as possible, and brush them well with a dry brush. Afterwards rub them well over with a good lather of Castile Soap, laid on with a brush. Wash off the froth with common Water; then wash the tapestry, &c. with Alum Water. When the cloth is dry, you will find most of the colours restored. Those that are yet too faint, touch up with a pencil dipped in suitable colours, and indeed you may run over the whole piece in the same manner with water colours, mixed with weak gum water, and, if well done, it will cause the tapestry, &c. to look at a distance like new.

296. To take Wax out of Silk or Camblet.

Take Soft Soap, rub it well on the spots of wax, dry it in the sun till it grows very hot, then wash the spotted part with cold Water, and the wax will be entirely taken out.

297. To take Wax out of Velvet of all Colours except Crimson.

Take a Crummy Wheaten Loaf, cut it in two, toast it before the fire, and while very hot, apply it to the part spotted with wax. Then apply another piece of toasted Bread hot as before, and continue to repeat this application till the wax is entirely taken out.

298. To wash Gold or Silver Work on Linen, or any other Stuff, so as to look like new.

Take a pound of Ox-gall; Honey and Soap, of each three ounces; Florentine Orrice in fine powder, three ounces; mix the whole in a glass vessel into a Paste, and expose it to the sun during ten days; then make a decoction of Bran, and strain it clear. Plaster over with your bitter Paste, the places you want to clean, and afterwards wash off the Paste with the Bran-water, till the latter is no longer tinged. Then wipe with a clean linen cloth the places you have washed; cover them with a clean napkin, dry them in the sun, press and glaze, and the work will look as well as when new.

299. To take Spots out of Silken or Woollen Stuffs.

Take a sufficient quantity of the finest Starch, wet it in an earthen pipkin with Brandy, rub a little on the spots, let it dry on them, and then brush it off; repeat this operation till the spots are wholly taken out. You must be careful to beat and brush well the place on which the Starch was applied.

300. To take Stains of Oil out of Cloth.

Take Oil of Tartar, pour a little on the spot, immediately wash the place with warm Water, and two or three times after with cold Water, and the spot will entirely disappear.

301. To take Stains out of White Cloth.

Boil an ounce of Alum in a gallon and a half of Water, for half an hour, then add a piece of White Soap, and half a ounce more of Alum, and after it has stood in cold infusion two days, wash with this mixture stains in any kind of white cloth.

302. To take Stains out of Crimson Velvet, and coloured Velvets.

Take a quart of strong Lee made with Vine Ashes, dissolve in it half an ounce of Alum; and when the mixture has settled, strain it through a linen cloth. Then take half a drachm of soft Soap, and the same quantity of Castile Soap, a drachm of Alum, half a drachm of Crude Sal Armoniac, a scruple of common Salt, a little Loaf Sugar, Juice of Celandine, and the Gall of a Calf; mix the whole well, and strain off the Liquor. When you want to use it, take a little Brazil Wood Shavings with some Scarlet Flocks, boil them in this Liquor, and when strained off, it will be very good to take spots or stains out of crimson velvet or cloth. For velvets or cloths of other colours, you dye your Liquor of the proper colour, by boiling in it some Flocks of the same colour as the cloth you intend to clean.

303. A Soap that takes out all manner of Spots and Stains.

Take the Yolks of six Eggs, half a table spoonful of bruised Salt, and a pound of Venetian Soap; mix the whole together with the Juice of Beet-roots, and form it into round balls, that are to be dried in the shade. The method of using this Soap is to wet with fair Water the stained part of the cloth, and rub both sides of it well with this Soap; then wash the cloth in Water, and the stain will no longer appear.

304. Another Method to take Spots or Stains out of White Silk or Crimson Velvet.

First soak the place well with Brandy or Spirit of Wine, then rub it over with the White of a new-laid Egg, and dry it in the sun. Wash it briskly in cold Water, rubbing the place where the spot is, hard between the fingers; and repeat this operation a second and even a third time, if it has not previously succeeded.

305. A Receipt to clean Gloves without wetting.

Lay the Gloves upon a clean board; and mix together Fuller's Earth and Powder of Alum very dry, which lay over them on both sides with a moderately stiff brush. Then sweep off the Powder, sprinkle them well with Bran and Whiting, and dust them thoroughly. If not very greasy, this will render them as clean as when new; but if they are extremely greasy, rub them with stale Crumb of Bread, and Powder of burnt Bones, then pass them over with a woollen Cloth dipped in Fuller's Earth or Alum Powder.

306. To colour Gloves.

If you want to colour them of a dark colour, take Spanish Brown and Black Earth; if lighter, Yellow Ochre and Whiting, and so of the rest; mix the colour with Size of a moderate strength, then wet the Gloves over with the Colour, and hang them to dry gradually. Beat out the superfluous Colour, smooth them over with a sleeking stick, and reduce them to a proper size.

307. To wash Point Lace.

Draw the Lace pretty tight in a frame, then with a lather of Castile Soap a little warm, rub it over gently by means of a fine brush. When you perceive it clean on one side, turn it, and rub the other in the same manner; then throw over the Lace some Alum-water, taking off the Suds, and with some thin Starch go over the wrong side of the Lace; iron it on the same side when dry, and raise the flowers with a bodkin.

308. To clean Point Lace without washing.

Fix the lace in a frame, and rub it with Crumb of stale Bread, which afterwards dust out.

309. To wash black and white Sarcenet.

Lay the silk smooth upon a board, spread a little Soap over the dirty places, make a lather with Castile Soap, and with a fine brush dipped in it, pass over the silk the right way, viz. lengthways, and continue so to do till that side is sufficiently scowered. Then turn the silk, scower the other side in the same manner, and put the silk into boiling Water, where it must lie some time; afterwards rince it in thin Gum Water; if white silk, add a little Smalt. This being done, fold the silk, clapping or pressing out the water with your hands on a dry Carpet, till it become tolerably dry; if white, dry it over the Smoak of Brimstone till ready for smoothing, which is to be done on the right side with an Iron moderately hot.

310. A Soap to take out all Kinds of Stains.

Boil a handful of Strawberries or Strawberry Leaves in a quart of Water and a pint of Vinegar, adding two pounds of Castile Soap; and half a pound of Chalk in fine powder; boil them together till the water has evaporated. When you use it, wet the place with the sharpest Vinegar or Verjuice, and rub it over with this Soap; dry it afterwards before the fire or in the sun.

311. An expeditious Method to take Stains out of Scarlet, or Velvet of any other Colour.

Take Soapwort, when bruised strain out its Juice, and add to it a small quantity of black Soap. Wash the Stain with this Liquor, suffering it to dry between whiles; and by this means, in a day or two the Spots will disappear.

312. Method of making Snuff.

First strip off the Stalks and large fibres of the Tobacco, then spread the Leaves on a mat or carpet to dry in the sun, afterwards rub them in a mortar, and sift the powder through a coarse or fine sieve, according to the degree of fineness you would have your snuff; or grind the Tobacco Leaves, prepared in the manner before directed, in a snuff-mill, either into a gross or fine powder, according as you press close or ease the mill-stone.

313. Method of cleansing Snuff in order to scent it.

Fix a thick linen cloth in a little tub that has a hole in the bottom, stopped with a plug that can easily be taken out, to let the water run off when wanted. This cloth must cover the whole inside of the tub, and be fastened all round the rim. Put your Snuff in it, and pour on the Water. When it has been steeped twenty-four hours, let the Water run out, and pour on fresh; repeat this operation three times, if you would have the Snuff thoroughly cleansed, and every time squeeze the Snuff hard in the cloth, to discharge the Water entirely from it. Then place your Snuff on an ozier hurdle covered with a thick linen cloth, and let it dry in the sun; when it is thoroughly dry, put it again into the tub, with a sufficient quantity of Angelic, Orange Flower, or Rose-water. At the expiration of twenty-four hours take the Snuff out of the water, and dry it as before, frequently stirring it about, and sprinkling it with the same sweet-scented Water as was used at first. The whole of this preparation is absolutely necessary to render Snuff fit to receive the scent of Flowers.

If the Snuff is not required to be of a very excellent quality, and you are unwilling to waste more of it than can possibly be avoided, wash it only once, and slightly cleanse it. This purgation may the better suffice, if while drying in the sun, you take care to knead the Snuff into a cake several times, and often sprinkle it with some sweet-scented Water.

314. Method of scenting Snuff.

The Flowers that most readily communicate their flavour to Snuff are Orange Flowers, Jasmine, Musk Roses, and Tuberoses. You must procure a box lined with dry white paper; in this strow your Snuff on the bottom about the thickness of an inch, over which place a thin layer of Flowers, then another layer of Snuff, and continue to lay your Flowers and Snuff alternately in this manner, until the box is full. After they have lain together four and twenty hours, sift your Snuff through a sieve to separate it from the Flowers, which are to be thrown away, and fresh ones applied in their room in the former method. Continue to do this till the Snuff is sufficiently scented; then put it into a canister, which keep close stopped.

315. Or,

Put your Flowers that are placed over each layer of the Snuff, between two pieces of white paper pricked full of holes with a large pin, and sift through a sieve the Snuff that may happen to get between the papers. To scent the Snuff perfectly it is necessary to renew the Flowers four or five times. This method is the least troublesome of the two.

A very agreeable scented Snuff may be made with Roses, by taking Rose-buds, stripping off the green cup, and pistil that rises in the middle, and fixing in its place a Clove; being careful not to separate the Leaves that are closed together. The Rose-buds thus prepared, are to be exposed to the heat of the sun a whole month, inclosed in a glass well stopped, and are then fit for use.

To make Snuff scented with a thousand Flowers, take a number of different Flowers, and mix them together, proportioning the quantity of each Flower, to the degree of its perfume, so that the flavour of no one particular Flower may be predominant.

316. Perfumed Snuff.

Take some Snuff, and rub it in your hands with a little Civet, opening the body of the Civet still more by rubbing it in your hands with fresh Snuff; and when you have mixed it perfectly with the Snuff, put them into a canister. Snuff is flavoured with other perfumes in the same way.

317. Or,

Perfume your Snuff by mixing it well with the hands, in a heated iron or brass mortar, besmeared with a few grains of Ambergrise.

318. Snuff after the Maltese Fashion.

Perfume with Ambergrise, in the manner already described, some Snuff previously scented with Orange Flowers. Then grind in a mortar a little Sugar with about ten grains of Civet, and mix by little and little with about a pound of the foregoing Snuff.

319. The Genuine Maltese Snuff.

Take Roots of Liquorice, and Roots of the Rose-bush, peel off their outer skin, dry them, powder them, and sift the powder through a fine sieve, then scent them according to your fancy, or in the same manner as French Snuff, adding a little White Wine, Brandy, or a very little Spirit of Wine, and rubbing the Snuff well between your hands.

320. Italian Snuff.

Put into a mortar, or other convenient vessel, a quantity of Snuff already scented with some Flower, pour on it a little White Wine, and add, if agreeable, some Essence of Ambergrise, Musk, or any other Perfume you like best; stir the Snuff and rub it well between your hands. Scent Snuff in this manner with any particular flavour, and put the different scented Snuffs in separate boxes, which are to be marked, to prevent mistakes.

321. Snuff scented after the Spanish Manner.

Take a lump of double-refined Sugar, rub it in a mortar with twenty grains of Musk; add by little and little a pound of Snuff, and grind the whole with ten grains of Civet, rubbing it afterwards well between your hands.

Seville Snuff is scented with twenty grains of Vanilloes only. Keep your Snuff in canisters closely stopped, to prevent the scent from exhaling.

As Spanish Snuff is very fine and of a reddish colour, to imitate it nicely, take the best Dutch Snuff, well cleansed, granulated, and coloured red; beat it fine, and sift it through a very fine lawn sieve. After it has been cleansed according to the foregoing directions, it is fit to take any scent whatever.

There is no risk in using a sieve that retains the scent of any Flower, to perfume your Snuff with the flavour of Musk, Ambergrise, or any other Perfume. On the contrary, the Snuff receives the Perfume the more readily, and preserves its flavour the longer on that account.

322. Method of dying Snuff Red or Yellow.

Take the size of a nut or two of Yellow or Red Ochre, and to temper the colour mix with it a little White Chalk. Grind these colours on a marble, with a little less than half an ounce of Oil of Sweet Almonds, and moisten with as much Water as the colour will take up, till it becomes a smooth Paste. Then mix it with a thin Mucilage of Gum Tragacanth to a proper consistence, and put it into an earthen dish, stirring into it about a pint more of Water. Afterwards take any quantity of cleansed Snuff you please, throw it upon the colour, and rub it well between your hands. When the Paste is thoroughly tinged with the colour, leave it till next morning to settle, then spread it thin on a cloth to dry, and place it in the sun, stirring it about every now and then that it may dry equally. When dry, gum it with a very thin Mucilage of Gum Tragacanth made with some sweet-scented Water. To gum the Snuff as equally as possible, wet the palms of your hands with this Gum Water, and rub the Snuff well between them. Afterwards dry it in the sun, and sift the colour that does not adhere to it through a very fine sieve. The Snuff is then properly prepared to receive any flavour you choose.

323. Herb Snuff.

Take Sweet Marjoram, Marum Syriacum Leaves, and Lavender Flowers dried, of each half an ounce, Asarabacca Leaves, a drachm. Rub them all into a powder.

324. Or,

Take Betony Leaves and Marjoram, of each half an ounce; Asarabacca Leaves, a drachm. Beat them together into a powder.

325. Or,

Take Marjoram, Rosemary Flowers, Betony, and Flowers of Lilies of the Valley, of each a quarter of an ounce; Nutmegs, a drachm and a half; Volatile Salt, forty drops. Powder, and keep the mixture in a phial, close stopped.

326. Or,

Take Flowers of Lavender, and Clove-july-flowers, of each a quarter of an ounce; Lilies of the Valley, Tiel-tree Flowers, Flowers of Sage, Betony, Rosemary, and Tops of Marjoram, of each half a drachm; Cinnamon, Aloes-wood, Yellow Sanders, and White Helebore-root, of each a drachm; Oil of Nutmegs and Oil of Lemons, of each three drops; mix them into a powder.

A pinch or two of any of these Snuffs may be taken night and morning medicinally, or at any time for pleasure. Used externally, they are serviceable for weak eyes and many disorders of the organs of sight and hearing. They also relieve headaches, giddiness, palsies, lethargies, besides a variety of other complaints; and are, though agreeable and simple, far superior to what is sold under the name of Herb Snuff.


Transcriber's Notes.

There were large number of printing errors in this publication. The following words have been changed:

Eition is now edition

To it is now it to

Receips is now receipts

Cassolete is now cassolette

Whitloes is now whitlows

With with was repeated and amended

Fisrt is now first

Aftewards is now afterwards

Died is now dyed

Magisterail magisterial

Gont is now gout

Agrreeable is now agreeable

Viguor is now vigour

Suprisingly is now surprisingly

Chich is now chick

Squeese is now squeeze

Quantiiy is now quantity

Aud is now and

Cloaths is now clothes

Und is now and

Plantane is now plantain

End of Project Gutenberg's The Toilet of Flora, by Pierre-Joseph Buc'hoz


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