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Audiobook: A Glossary of Words used in the Country of Wiltshire by Dartnell, George Edward & Goddard, E. H. (Edward Hungerford)

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Audiobook: A Glossary of Words used in the Country of Wiltshire by Dartnell, George Edward & Goddard, E. H. (Edward Hungerford)

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Title: A Glossary of Words used in the County of Wiltshire

Author: George Edward Dartnell Edward Hungerford Goddard

Release Date: May 29, 2014 [EBook #45809]

Language: English

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Transcriber's Note:

Underscores indicate italics. =Equal signs= indicate bold fonts. ~word~ indicates bold word in slightly smaller font.

* * * * *



A Glossary of Words








[All rights reserved.]


The following pages must not be considered as comprising an exhaustive Glossary of our Wiltshire Folk-speech. The field is a wide one, and though much has been accomplished much more still remains to be done. None but those who have themselves attempted such a task know how difficult it is to get together anything remotely approaching a complete list of the dialect words used in a single small parish, to say nothing of a large county, such as ours. Even when the words themselves have been collected, the work is little more than begun. Their range in time and place, their history and etymology, the side-lights thrown on them by allusions in local or general literature, their relation to other English dialects, and a hundred such matters, more or less interesting, have still to be dealt with. However, in spite of many difficulties and hindrances, the results of our five years or more of labour have proved very satisfactory, and we feel fully justified in claiming for this Glossary that it contains the most complete list of Wiltshire words and phrases which has as yet been compiled. More than one-half of the words here noted have never before appeared in any Wiltshire Vocabulary, many of them being now recorded for the first time for any county, while in the case of the remainder much additional information will be found given, as well as numerous examples of actual folk-talk.

The greater part of these words were originally collected by us as rough material for the use of the compilers of the projected English Dialect Dictionary, and have been appearing in instalments during the last two years in the Wilts Archæological Magazine (vol. xxvi, pp. 84-169, and 293-314; vol. xxvii, pp. 124-159), as Contributions towards a Wiltshire Glossary. The whole list has now been carefully revised and much enlarged, many emendations being made, and a very considerable number of new words inserted, either in the body of the work, or as Addenda. A few short stories, illustrating the dialect as actually spoken now and in Akerman's time, with a brief Introduction dealing with Pronunciation, &c., and Appendices on various matters of interest, have also been added; so that the size of the work has been greatly increased.

As regards the nature of the dialect itself, the subject has been fully dealt with by abler pens than ours, and we need only mention here that it belongs to what is now known as the South-Western group, which also comprises most of Dorset, Hants, Gloucester, and parts of Berks and Somerset. The use of dialect would appear gradually to be dying out now in the county, thanks, perhaps, to the spread of education, which too often renders the rustic half-ashamed of his native tongue. Good old English as at base it is,--for many a word or phrase used daily and hourly by the Wiltshire labourer has come down almost unchanged, even as regards pronunciation, from his Anglo-Saxon forefathers,--it is not good enough for him now. One here, and another there, will have been up to town, only to come back with a stock of slang phrases and misplaced aspirates, and a large and liberal contempt for the old speech and the old ways. The natural result is that here, as elsewhere, every year is likely to add considerably to the labour of collecting, until in another generation or so what is now difficult may become an almost hopeless task. No time should be lost, therefore, in noting down for permanent record every word and phrase, custom or superstition, still current among us, that may chance to come under observation.

The words here gathered together will be found to fall mainly under three heads;--(1) Dialect, as Caddle, (2) Ordinary English with some local shade of meaning, as Unbelieving, and (3) Agricultural, as Hyle, many of the latter being also entitled to rank as Dialect. There may also be noted a small number of old words, such as toll and charm, that have long died out of standard English, but still hold their own among our country people. We have not thought it advisable, as a general rule, to follow the example set us by our predecessors in including such words as archet and deaw, which merely represent the local pronunciation of orchard and dew; nor have we admitted cantankerous, tramp, and certain others that must now rank with ordinary English, whatever claim they may once have had to be considered as provincial. More leniency, however, has been exercised with regard to the agricultural terms, many that are undoubtedly of somewhat general use being retained side by side with those of more local limitation.

The chief existing sources of information are as follows:--(1) the Glossary of Agricultural Terms in Davis's General View of the Agriculture of Wilts, 1809; reprinted in the Archæological Review, March, 1888, with many valuable notes by Prof. Skeat; (2) The Word-list in vol. iii. of Britton's Beauties of Wilts, 1825; collated with Akerman, and reprinted in 1879 for the English Dialect Society, with additions and annotations, by Prof. Skeat; (3) Akerman's North Wilts Glossary, 1842, based upon Britton's earlier work; (4) Halliwell's Dictionary, 1847, where may be found most (but not all) of the Wiltshire words occurring in our older literature, as the anonymous fifteenth-century Chronicon Vilodunense, the works of John Aubrey, Bishop Kennett's Parochial Antiquities, and the collections by the same author, which form part of the Lansdowne MSS.; (5) Wright's Dictionary of Obsolete and Provincial English, 1859, which is mainly a condensation of Halliwell's work, but contains a few additional Wiltshire words; (6) a Word-list in Mr. E. Slow's Wiltshire Poems, which he has recently enlarged and published separately; and (7) the curious old MS. Vocabulary belonging to Mr. W. Cunnington, a verbatim reprint of which will be found in the Appendix.

Other authorities that must here be accorded a special mention are a paper On some un-noted Wiltshire Phrases, by the Rev. W. C. Plenderleath, in the Wilts Archæological Magazine; Britten and Holland's invaluable Dictionary of English Plant-names, which, however, is unfortunately very weak as regards Wilts names; the Rev. A. C. Smith's Birds of Wiltshire; Akerman's Wiltshire Tales; the Flower-class Reports in the Sarum Diocesan Gazette; the very scarce Song of Solomon in North Wilts Dialect, by Edward Kite, a work of the highest value as regards the preservation of local pronunciation and modes of expression, but containing very few words that are not in themselves ordinary English; the works of Richard Jefferies; Canon Jackson's valuable edition of Aubrey's Wiltshire Collections; and Britton's condensation of the Natural History of Wilts. In Old Country and Farming Words, by Mr. Britten, 1880, much information as to our agricultural terms may be found, gathered together from the Surveys and similar sources. Lastly, the various Glossaries of the neighbouring counties, by Cope, Barnes, Jennings, and other writers, should be carefully collated with our Wiltshire Glossaries, as they often throw light on doubtful points. Fuller particulars as to these and other works bearing on the subject will be found in the Appendix on Wiltshire Bibliography.

We regret that it has been found impossible to carry out Professor Skeat's suggestion that the true pronunciation should in all doubtful cases be clearly indicated by its Glossic equivalent. To make such indications of any practical value they should spring from a more intimate knowledge of that system than either of us can be said to possess. The same remarks will also apply to the short notes on Pronunciation, &c., where our utter inexperience as regards the modern scientific systems of Phonetics must be pleaded as our excuse for having been compelled to adopt methods that are as vague as they are unscientific.

To the English Dialect Society and its officers we are deeply indebted for their kindness and generosity in undertaking to adopt this Glossary, and to publish it in their valuable series of County Glossaries, as well as for the courtesy shown us in all matters connected with the work. We have also to thank the Wilts Archæological Society for the space afforded us from time to time in their Magazine, and the permission granted us to reprint the Word-lists therefrom.

In our Prefaces to these Word-lists we mentioned that we should be very glad to receive any additions or suggestions from those interested in the subject. The result of these appeals has been very gratifying, not only with regard to the actual amount of new material so obtained, but also as showing the widespread interest felt in a branch of Wiltshire Archæology which has hitherto been somewhat neglected, and we gladly avail ourselves of this opportunity of repeating our expression of thanks to all those who have so kindly responded. To Dr. Jennings we owe an extremely lengthy list of Malmesbury words, from which we have made numerous extracts. We have found it of special value, as showing the influence of Somersetshire on the vocabulary and pronunciation of that part of the county. To Sir C. Hobhouse we are indebted for some interesting words, amongst which the survival of the A.S. attercop is well worth noting. We have to thank Mr. W. Cunnington for assistance in many ways, and for the loan of MSS. and books, which we have found of great service. To Mr. J. U. Powell and Miss Kate Smith we owe the greater part of the words marked as occurring in the Deverill district. Mr. E. J. Tatum has given us much help as regards local Plant-names: Miss E. Boyer-Brown, Mr. F. M. Willis, Mr. E. Slow, Mr. James Rawlence, Mr. F. A. Rawlence, Mr. C. E. Ponting, Mr. R. Coward, the Rev. W. C. Plenderleath, Mr. Septimus Goddard, Mrs. Dartnell, the Rev. C. Soames, and the Rev. G. Hill must also be specially mentioned. We are indebted to Mr. W. Gale, gardener at Clyffe Pypard Vicarage, for valuable assistance rendered us in verifying words and reporting new ones.

We take this opportunity of acknowledging gratefully the assistance which we have throughout the compilation of this Glossary received from H. N. Goddard, Esq., of the Manor, Clyffe Pypard, to whose wide knowledge and long experience of Wiltshire words and ways we owe many valuable suggestions; from the Rev. A. Smythe-Palmer, D.D., who has taken much interest in the work, and to whose pen we owe many notes; from Professor Skeat, who kindly gave us permission to make use of his reprints; and last, but by no means least, from the Rev. A. L. Mayhew, who most kindly went through the whole MS., correcting minutely the etymologies suggested, and adding new matter in many places.

In conclusion, we would say that we hope from time to time to publish further lists of Addenda in the Wilts Archæological Magazine or elsewhere, and that any additions and suggestions will always be very welcome, however brief they may be. The longest contributions are not always those of most value, and it has more than once happened that words and phrases of the greatest interest have occurred in a list whose brevity was its only fault.

GEORGE EDWARD DARTNELL, Abbottsfield, Stratford Road, Salisbury.

EDWARD HUNGERFORD GODDARD, The Vicarage, Clyffe Pypard, Wootton Bassett.












The following notes may perhaps serve to give some slight indication as to pronunciation, &c., but without the aid of Glossic it is impossible accurately to reproduce the actual sounds.

A is usually lengthened out or broadened in some way or other.

Thus in hazon and haslet it would be pronounced somewhat as in baa, this being no doubt what the Monthly Magazine means by saying that 'a is always pronounced as r.'

When a is immediately followed by r, as in ha'sh, harsh, and paa'son, parson, the result is that the r appears to be altogether dropped out of the word.

Aw final always becomes aa, as laa, law, draa, draw, thaa, thaw.

In saace, sauce, au becomes aa.

A is also broadened into eä.

Thus garden, gate, and name become geärden, geät, and neäme.

These examples may, however, be also pronounced in other ways, even in the same sentence, as garne, yăt, and naayme, or often ne-um.

A is often softened in various ways.

Thus, thrash becomes draish, and wash, waish or weish.

It is often changed to o, as zot, sat, ronk, rank.

Also to e, as piller, pillar, refter, rafter, pert, part.

In vur, far, the sound is u rather than e.

The North Wilts version of the Song of Solomon gives frequent examples of oi for ai, as choir, chair, foir, fair, moyden, maiden; but this is probably an imported letter-change, chayer or chai-yer, for instance, being nearer the true sound.

E is often broadened into aa or aay.

Thus they gives us thaay, and break, braayke.

In marchant, merchant, and zartin, certain, the sound given is as in tar.

Ei takes the sound of a in fate, as desave, deceive.

Left, smell, and kettle become lift, smill, and kiddle.

In South Wilts ĕ in such words as egg or leg becomes a or ai, giving us aig and laig or lăg. Thus a Heytesbury Rosalind would render--

'O Jupiter, how weary are my legs!'

by 'O-my-poor-vit'n-laigs!' uttered all in one gasp. In N. Wilts the e in these words is not perceptibly so altered.

The ĕ in such words as linnet usually takes the u sound, giving us linnut. In yes it is lengthened out into eece in S. Wilts, and in N. Wilts into cez.

Long e or ee is shortened into i, as ship, sheep, kippur, keeper, wick, week, fit, vit, feet, the latter word sometimes being also pronounced as ve-ut.

Heat becomes het, and heater (a flat-iron), hetter; while hear is usually hire in N. Wilts.

I short becomes e, as breng, bring, drenk, drink, zet, sit, pegs, pigs.

Occasionally it is lengthened into ee, as leetle, little.

In hit (pret.) and if it usually takes the sound of u, as hut and uf or uv; but hit in the present tense is het, and if is often sounded as ef in N. Wilts.

At the beginning of a word, im, in, and un usually become on, as onpossible, ondacent, oncommon.

In present participles the sound given varies between un', en', and in', the g almost invariably being dropped.

O very commonly becomes a, as archet, orchard, tharn, thorn, vant, font, vram, from, carn, corn.

Quite as commonly it takes the au or aw sound, as hawp, hope, aupen, open, cawls, coals, hawle, hole, smawk, smoke.

In such words as cold and four, the sound is ow rather than aw, thus giving us cowld and vower.

Moss in S. Wilts sometimes takes the long e, becoming mēsh, while in N. Wilts it would merely be mawss.

Know becomes either knaw or kneow.

O is often sounded oo, as goold, gold, cwoort, court, mwoor'n or moor'n, more than, poorch, porch.

Oo is sometimes shortened into ŭ, as shut, shoot, sut, soot, tuk, took.

Very commonly the sound given to ō is wo or woä. Thus we get twoad, toad (sometimes twoad), pwoast, post, bwoy, boy, rwoäs, a rose, bwoän, bone, spwoke (but more usually spawk in N. Wilts), spoke.

Oa at the beginning of a word becomes wu, as wuts, oats.

Oi in noise and rejoice is sounded as ai.

In ointment and spoil it becomes ī or wī, giving intment and spile or spwile.

Ow takes the sound of er or y, in some form or other, as vollur and volly, to follow, winder and windy, a window.

U in such words as fusty and dust becomes ow, as fowsty, dowst.

D when preceded by a liquid is often dropped, as veel', field, vine, to find, dreshol, threshold, groun', ground.

Conversely, it is added to such words as miller, gown, swoon, which become millard, gownd, and zownd.

In orchard and Richard the d becomes t, giving us archet and Richut or Rich't; while occasionally t becomes d, linnet being formerly (but not now) thus pronounced as linnard in N. Wilts.

D is dropped when it follows n, in such cases as Swinnun, Swindon, Lunnon, London.

Su sometimes becomes Shu, as Shusan, Susan, shoot, suit, shewut, suet, shower, sure, Shukey, Sukey.

Y is used as an aspirate in yacker, acre, yarm, arm, yeppern, apron, yerriwig, earwig. It takes the place of h in yeäd, head, yeldin, a hilding; and of g in yeat or yat, a gate.

Consonants are often substituted, chimney becoming chimbley or chimley, parsnip, pasmet, and turnip, turmut.

Transpositions are very common, many of them of course representing the older form of a word. For examples we may take ax, to ask, apern, apron, girt, great, wopse, wasp, aps, the aspen, claps, to clasp, cruds, curds, childern, children.

F almost invariably becomes v, as vlower, flower, vox, fox, vur, far, vall, fall, vlick, flick, vant, font.

In such words as afterclaps and afternoon it is not sounded at all.

L is not sounded in such words as amwoast, almost, and a'mighty, almighty.

N final is occasionally dropped, as lime-kill, lime-kiln.

P, F, V, and B are frequently interchanged, brevet and privet being forms of the same word, while to bag peas becomes fag or vag when applied to wheat.

R is slurred over in many cases, as e'ath, earth, foc'd, forced, ma'sh, marsh, vwo'th, forth.

It often assumes an excrescent d or t, as cavaltry, horsemen, crockerty, crockery, scholard, scholar.

H has the sound of wh in whoam, home. This word, however, as Mr. Slow points out in the Preface to his Glossary--

Bob. Drat if I dwon't goo wom to marrer.

Zam. Wat's evir waant ta go wimm var.

Bob. Why, they tell's I as ow Bet Stingymir is gwain to be caal'd whoam to Jim Spritely on Zundy.--

is variously pronounced as wom, wimm, and whoam, even in the same village.

As stated at page 72, the cockney misuse of h is essentially foreign to our dialect. It was virtually unknown sixty or seventy years ago, and even so late as thirty years back was still unusual in our villages. Hunked for unked is almost the only instance to be found in Akerman, for instance. But the plague is already fast spreading, and we fear that the Catullus of the next generation will have to liken the Hodge of his day to the Arrius (the Roman 'Arry) of old:--

Chommoda dicebat, si quando commoda vellet Dicere, et hinsidias Arrius insidias ... Ionios fluctus, postquam illuc Arrius isset, Iam non Ionios esse, sed Hionios.

Touching this point the Rev. G. Hill writes us from Harnham Vicarage as follows:--'I should like to bear out what you say with regard to the use of the letter h in South-West Wilts. When I lived in these parts twenty years ago, its omission was not I think frequent. The putting it where it ought not to be did not I think exist. I find now that the h is invariably dropped, and occasionally added, the latter habit being that of the better educated.'

H becomes y in yeäd, head.

K is often converted into t, as ast, to ask, mast, a mask, bleat, bleak.

T is conversely often replaced by k, as masking, acorn-gathering, from 'mast,' while sleet becomes sleek, and pant, pank.

S usually takes the sound of z, as zee, to see, zaa, a saw, zowl, soul, zaat or zate, soft, zider, cider, zound, to swoon.

Thr usually becomes dr, as dree, three, droo, through, draish, to thrash.

In afurst, athirst, and fust, thirst, we still retain a very ancient characteristic of Southern English.

T is always dropped in such words as kept and slept, which become kep' and slep'.

Liquids sometimes drop the next letter, as kill, kiln; but more usually take an excrescent t or d, as varmint, vermin, steart, a steer, gownd, gown.

W as an initial is generally dropped in N. Wilts in such cases as 'oont, a want or mole, 'ooman, woman, 'ood, wood.

Occasionally in S. Wilts it takes the aspirate, 'ood being then hood.

Final g is always dropped in the present participle, as singin', livin', living; also in nouns of more than one syllable which end in ing. It is, however, retained in monosyllabic nouns and verbs, such as ring and sing.

Pre becomes pur, as purtend, pretend, purserve, preserve.

Sometimes a monosyllabic word will be pronounced as a dissyllable, as we have already mentioned, ne-um, ve-ut, ve-us, and ke-up being used concurrently with naayme, vit or fit, veäce, and kip or keep.

The prefix a is always used with the present participle, as a-gwain', going, a-zettin' up, sitting up.

The article an is never used, a doing duty on all occasions, as 'Gie I a apple, veyther.'

Plurals will be found to be dealt with in the Glossary itself, under En and Plurals.

Pronouns will also be found grouped together under Pronouns.

As is used for who, which, and that.

Active verbs govern the nominative case.

Verbs do not agree with their nominative, either in number or person.

The periphrastic tenses are often used in S. Wilts, as 'I do mind un,' but in N. Wilts the rule is to employ the simple tenses instead, merely altering the person, as 'I minds un.' In S. Wilts you might also say 'It be a vine night,' whereas in N. Wilts ''Tes a vine night' would be more correct.

In conclusion we would mention that we hope in the course of the next year or two to be able to deal with the grammatical and phonological sides of our Dialect in a somewhat more adequate manner than it has been possible to do on the present occasion.


[For full titles of works see Appendix.]

(A.) Words given for Wilts in Akerman. (B.) " " Britton. (C.) " " Cunnington MS. (D.) " " Davis. (G.) " " Grose. (H.) " " Halliwell. (K.) " " Kennett. (M.) " " Monthly Magazine. (S.) " " Slow. (Wr.) " " Wright.

N. & S.W. North and South Wilts, the place-names following being those of localities where the word is reported as being in use.

* An asterisk denotes that the word against which it is placed has not as yet been met with by ourselves in this county, although given by some authority or other as used in Wilts.


=A=. He; she. See ~Pronouns~.

=A=, pl. =As= or =Ais=. n. A harrow or drag (D.); probably from A.S. egethe, M.E. eythe, a harrow (Skeat).--S.W., obsolete. This term for a harrow was still occasionally to be heard some thirty years ago, in both Somerset and Wilts, but is now disused. Davis derives it from the triangular shape of the drag, resembling the letter A.

=A-Drag=. A large heavy kind of drag (Agric. of Wilts). Still used in South Wilts for harrowing turnips before the hoers go in.

=Abear=. To bear, to endure (S.). 'I can't abear to see the poor theng killed.'--N. & S.W.

=Abide=. To bear, to endure. 'I can't abide un nohow.'--N. & S.W.

=About=. (1) adv. Extremely. Used to emphasize a statement, as ''T'wer just about cold s'marnin'.'--N. & S.W. (2) At one's ordinary work again, after an illness. 'My missus were bad aal last wick wi' rheumatiz, but she be about agen now.'--N. & S.W.

=Acksen=. See ~Axen~.

=Adder's-tongue=. Listera ovata, Br., Twayblade.--S.W.

=Adderwort=. Polygonum Bistorta, L., Bistort.--S.W. (Salisbury, &c.)

=Afeard=, =Aveard=. Afraid (A.B.S.).--N. & S.W.

*=Agalds=. Hawthorn berries. (English Plant Names.) Aggles in Devon.

=Agg=. (1) To hack or cut clumsily (A.B.H.S.Wr.); also ~Aggle~ and ~Haggle~.--N. & S.W. (2) To irritate, to provoke.--N. & S.W.

=Ahmoo=. A cow; used by mothers to children, as 'Look at they pretty ahmoos a-comin'!'--S.W. (Som. bord.)

=Ailes=, =Eyles=, =Iles=, &c. The awns of barley (D.); cf. A.S. egle, an ear of corn, M.E. eile. Hail in Great Estate, ch. i.--N. & S.W.

=Aisles of wheat=. See ~Hyle~.

=All-a-hoh=. All awry (A.B.C.H.Wr.); also ~All-a-huh~. Unevenly balanced, lop-sided. A.S. awóh. 'That load o' carn be aal-a-hoh.'--N. & S.W.

=All-amang=, =Allemang=, =All-o-mong=. Mingled together, as when two flocks of sheep are accidentally driven together and mixed up (A.B.G.H.S.Wr.). Seldom heard now.--N. & S.W.

=All one as=. Just like. 'I be 'tirely blowed up all one as a drum.'--N.W. Compare--

''Twere all as one to fix our hopes on Heaven As on this vision of the golden year.'--TENNYSON.

=All one for that=. For all that, notwithstanding, in spite of, as 'It medn't be true all one for that.'--N.W.

=Aloud=. 'That there meat stinks aloud,' smells very bad.--N.W.

*=A-masked=. Bewildered, lost (MS. Lansd., in a letter dated 1697: H.Wr.).--Obsolete.

'Leaving him more masked than he was before.'

FULLER's Holy War, iii. 2.

=Ameäd=. Aftermath. See note to Yeomath.--N.W. (Cherhill.)

*=Anan=, ='Nan=. What do you say? (A.B.); used by a labourer who does not quite comprehend his master's orders. ='Nan= (A.B.) is still occasionally used in N. Wilts, but it is almost obsolete.--N. & S.W.

=Anbye=. adv. Some time hence, presently, at some future time. 'I be main busy now, but I'll do't anbye.'--N.W.

=Anchor=. The chape of a buckle (A.B.).--S.W.

=And that=. And all that sort of thing, and so forth. 'Well, he do have a drop tide-times and that.'--S.W.

=Aneoust=, =Aneust=, =Anoust=, =Neust=, or =Noust=. Nearly, about the same (A.B.G.).--N. & S.W.

=Anighst=. Near (A.S.). 'Nobody's bin anighst us since you come.'--N. & S.W.

=Anneal=. A thoroughly heated oven, just fit for the batch of bread to be put in, is said to be nealded, i.e. annealed.--S.W.

=Anoint=, ='Nint= (i long). To beat soundly. 'I'll 'nint ye when I gets home!' See ~Nineter~.--N.W.

*=Anont=, =Anunt=. Against, opposite (A.B.H.Wr.).

=Any more than=. Except, although, only. 'He's sure to come any more than he might be a bit late.' Usually contracted into ~Moor'n~ in N. Wilts.--N. & S.W.

=Apple-bout=. An apple-dumpling. (Cf. ~Hop-about~.)--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Apple-owling=. Knocking down the small worthless fruit, or 'griggles,' left on the trees after the apple crop has been gathered in. See ~Howlers~, ~Owlers~, and ~Owling~.--N.W.

=Aps=. Populus tremula, L., Aspen; always so called by woodmen. This is the oldest form of the word, being from A.S. æps, and is in use throughout the south and west of England. In Round About a Great Estate, ch. i. it is misprinted asp.--N.W.

=Arg=. To argue, with a very strong sense of contradiction implied (S.). 'Dwoan't 'ee arg at I like that! I tell 'ee I zeed 'un!' See ~Down-arg~.--N. & S.W.

=Arms=. 'The arms of a waggon,' such parts of the axle-tree as go into the wheels (Cycl. of Agric.).--N.W.

=Arra=, =Arra one=, =Arn=. See ~Pronouns~.

=Array=, ='Ray=. To dress and clean corn with a sieve (D.).--N.W.

=Arsmart=. Polygonum Hydropiper, L., and P. Persicaria, L.--S.W.

=Ashore=, =Ashar=, =Ashard=. Ajar. 'Put the door ashard when you goes out.'--N. & S.W.

=Ashweed=. Aegopodium Podagraria, L., Goutweed.--N. & S.W.

*=Astore=. An expletive, as 'she's gone into the street astore' (H.). Perhaps connected with astoor, very soon, Berks, or astore, Hants:--

'The duck's [dusk] coming on; I'll be off in astore.'

A Dream of the Isle of Wight.

It might then mean either 'this moment' or 'for a moment.'

=At=. (1) 'At twice,' at two separate times. 'We'll ha' to vetch un at twice now.'--N.W. (2) 'Up at hill,' uphill. 'Th' rwoad be all up at hill.'--N.W.

=Athin=. Within (A.B.).--N. & S.W.

=Athout=. Without; outside (A.B.S.).--N. & S.W.

*=Attercop=. A spider. A.S. atter-coppa.--N.W. (Monkton Farleigh), still in use. Mr. Willis mentions that Edderkop is still to be heard in Denmark.

*=Attery=. Irascible (A.B.).

=Away with=. Endure. This Biblical expression is still commonly used in Wilts. 'Her's that weak her can't away with the childern at no rate!'

=Ax=. To ask (A.B.S.).--N. & S.W.

*=Axen=. Ashes (A.B.); =Acksen= (MS. Lansd.: G.H.Wr.).--Obsolete.

=Babies'-shoes=. Ajuga reptans, L., Common Bugle.--S.W.

=Bachelor's Buttons=. (1) Wild Scabious (A.B.), Scabiosa arvensis, L., S. Columbaria, L., and perhaps S. succisa, L.--N.W. (2) Corchorus Japonica (Kerria Japonica, L.).--N.W. (Huish.)

=Back-friends=. Bits of skin fretted up at the base of the finger-nails.--N.W.

*=Backheave=. To winnow a second time (D.).

=Backside=. The back-yard of a house (A.B.).--N. & S.W., now obsolete.

=Backsword=. A kind of single-stick play (A.H.Wr.). Obsolete, the game being only remembered by the very old men. For an account of it see The Scouring of the White Horse, ch. vi.--N.W.

=Bacon=. To 'strick bacon,' to cut a mark on the ice in sliding; cf. to strike a 'candle.'--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Bacon-and-Eggs=. Linaria vulgaris, Mill., Yellow Toadflax. Also called Eggs-and-Bacon.--N. & S.W.

*=Bad, Bod=. To strip walnuts of their husks (A.B.H.Wr.); cf. E. pod.--N.W., obsolete.

*=Badge=. v. To deal in corn, &c. See ~Badger~.--Obsolete.

'1576. Md. that I take order of the Badgers that they do name the places where the Badgers do use to badge before they resieve their lycens.... Md. to make pces [process] against all the Badgers that doe badge without licence.'--Extracts from Records of Wilts Quarter Sessions, Wilts Arch. Mag. xx. 327.

*=Badger=. A corn-dealer (A.B.); used frequently in old accounts in N. Wilts, but now obsolete.

'1620. Itm for stayeinge Badgers & keepinge a note of there names viijd.'--F. H. Goldney, Records of Chippenham, p. 202.

Compare bodger, a travelling dealer (Harrison's Description of England, 1577), and bogging, peddling, in Murray. (Smythe-Palmer).

=Bag=. (1) v. To cut peas with a double-handed hook. Cf. ~Vag~.

'They cannot mow it with a sythe, but they cutt it with such a hooke as they bagge pease with.'--Aubrey, Nat. Hist. Wilts, p. 51, ed. Brit.

(2) n. The udder of a cow (A.B.).--N.W.

=Bake, Beak=. (1) v. To chop up with a mattock the rough surface of land that is to be reclaimed, afterwards burning the parings (Agric. of Wilts, ch. xii). See ~Burn-beak~. *(2) n. The curved cutting mattock used in 'beaking' (Ibid. ch. xii). (3) n. The ploughed land lying on the plat of the downs near Heytesbury, in Norton Bavant parish, is usually known as the ~Beäk~, or ~Bake~, probably from having been thus reclaimed. In the Deverills parts of many of the down farms are known as the ~Bake~, or, more usually, the ~Burn-bake~.--S.W.

=Bake-faggot=. A rissole of chopped pig's-liver and seasoning, covered with 'flare.' See ~Faggot~ (2).--N.W.

=Ballarag, Bullyrag=. To abuse or scold at any one (S.).--N. & S.W.

=Balm of Gilead=. Melittis Melissophyllum, L., Wild Balm.

=Bams=. Rough gaiters of pieces of cloth wound about the legs, much used by shepherds and others exposed to cold weather. Cf. ~Vamplets~.--N. & S.W.

'The old man ... had bams on his legs and a sack fastened over his shoulders like a shawl.'--The Story of Dick, ch. xii. p. 141.

=Bandy=. (1) A species of Hockey, played with bandy sticks and a ball or piece of wood.--N. & S.W. (2) A crooked stick (S.).

=Bane=. Sheep-rot (D.). ~Baned.~ Of sheep, afflicted with rot (A.B.).--N.W.

=Bang-tail=, or =Red Fiery Bang-tail=. Phoenicurus ruticilla, the Redstart.--N.W. (Wroughton.)

*=Bannet-hay=. A rick-yard (H.Wr.).

=Bannis=. Gasterosteus trachurus, the Common Stickleback (A.B.H.Wr.). Also ~Bannistickle~ (A.B.), ~Bantickle~ (A.Wr.), and *~Bramstickle~ (S.). 'Asperagus (quoedam piscis) a ban-stykyll.'--Ortus Vocab. A.S. bán, bone, and sticels, prickle. (See N.E.D.).--S.W.

*=Bannut=. Fruit of Juglans regia, L., the Walnut (A.B.).

=Bantickle=. See ~Bannis~.

*=Barber's Brushes=. Dipsacus sylvestris, L., Wild Teasel (Flower's Flora of Wilts). Also Brushes.--N.W.

=Bargain=. A small landed property or holding. 'They have always been connected with that little bargain of land.'--N.W., still in use. Sir W. H. Cope, in his Hants Glossary, gives 'Bargan, a small property; a house and garden; a small piece of land,' as used in N. Hants.

=Barge=. (1) n. The gable of a house. Compare architectural Barge-boards.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.) (2) v. Before a hedge can be 'laid,' all its side, as well as the rough thorns, brambles, &c., growing in the ditch, must be cut off. This is called 'barging out' the ditch.--N.W.

=Barge-hook=. The iron hook used by thatchers to fasten the straw to the woodwork of the gable.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Barge-knife=. The knife used by thatchers in trimming off the straw round the eaves of the gable.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Bargin=. The overgrowth of a hedge, trimmed off before 'laying.'--N. & S.W.

=Barken=. The enclosed yard near a farm-house (A.B.); ~Rick-Barken~, a rick-yard (A.), also used without prefix in this sense (Wilts Tales, p. 121).

'Barken, or Bercen, now commonly used for a yard or backside in Wilts ... first signified the small croft or close where the sheep were brought up at night, and secured from danger of the open fields.'--Kennett's Parochial Antiquities.

~Barton~ was formerly in very common use, but has now been displaced by Yard.--N. & S.W.

*=Barley-bigg=. A variety of barley (Aubrey's Wilts MS., p. 304).

*=Barley-Sower=. Larus canus, the Common Gull (Birds of Wilts, p. 534).

=Barm=. The usual Wilts term for yeast (A.B.M.S.).--N. & S.W.

*=Barn-barley=. Barley which has never been in rick, but has been kept under cover from the first, and is therefore perfectly dry and of high value for malting purposes (Great Estate, ch. viii. p. 152).

=Basket=. In some parts of S. Wilts potatoes are sold by the 'basket,' or three-peck measure, instead of by the 'sack' or the 'bag.'

=Baskets=. Plantago lanceolata, L., Ribwort Plantain.--S.W. (Little Langford.)

=Bat-folding net=. The net used in 'bird-batting,' q.v. (A.): more usually 'clap-net.'

=Bat-mouse=. The usual N. Wilts term for a bat.--N. & S.W.

=Batt=. A thin kind of oven-cake, about as thick as a tea-cake, but mostly crust.--N.W.

*=Battledore-barley=. A flat-eared variety of barley (Aubrey's Wilts MS., p. 304: H.Wr.).

=Baulk=. (1) ~Corn-baulk.~ When a 'land' has been accidentally passed over in sowing, the bare space is a 'baulk,' and is considered as a presage of some misfortune.--N.W. (2) A line of turf dividing a field.--N.W.

'The strips [in a "common field"] are marked off from one another, not by hedge or wall, but by a simple grass path, a foot or so wide, which they call "balks" or "meres."'--Wilts Arch. Mag. xvii. 294.

=Bavin=. An untrimmed brushwood faggot (A.B.S.): the long ragged faggot with two withes, used for fencing in the sides of sheds and yards; sometimes also applied to the ordinary faggot with one withe or band.--N. & S.W.

*=Bawsy=, =Borsy=, or =Bozzy=. Coarse, as applied to the fibre of cloth or wool. 'Bozzy-faced cloth bain't good enough vor I.'--S.W. (Trowbridge, &c.)

=Bay=. (1) n. A dam across a stream or ditch.--N.W. (2) v. 'To bay back water,' to dam it back.--N.W. (3) n. The space between beam and beam in a barn or cows' stalls.--N.W.

*=Beads=. Sagina procumbens, L., Pearlwort.--N.W. (Lyneham.)

=Beak=. See ~Bake~ and ~Burn-bake~.

=Bearsfoot=. Hellebore.--N.W. (Huish, &c.)

=Beat=. 'To beat clots,' to break up the hard dry lumps of old cow-dung lying about in a pasture.--N.W.

=Becall=. To abuse, to call names. 'Her do becall I shameful.'--N. & S.W.

=Bed-summers=. See ~Waggon~.

=Bedwind=, =Bedwine=. Clematis Vitalba, L., Traveller's Joy.--S.W.

=Bee-flower=. Ophrys apifera, Huds., Bee Orchis.--S.W.

=Bee-pot=. A bee-hive.--S.W.

'Lore ta zee zom on'ms hair, Like girt bee pots a hanging there.'--SLOW'S Poems, p. 43.

=Been=, =Bin=. Because, since; a corruption of being (B.S.). 'Bin as he don't go, I won't.'--N.W.

=Bees=. A hive is a ~Bee-pot~. ~Bee-flowers~ are those purposely grown near an apiary, as sources of honey. Of swarms, only the first is a ~Swarm~, the second being a ~Smart~, and the third a ~Chit~. To follow a swarm, beating a tin pan, is ~Ringing~ or ~Tanging~.--N.W.

*=Beet=. To make up a fire (A.B.C.G.). A.S. bétan, to better; to mend a fire (Skeat).--N.W., obsolete.

=Beetle=. (1) The heavy double-handed wooden mallet used in driving in posts, wedges, &c. ~Bittle~ (A.H.). ~Bwytle~ (S.). Also ~Bwoitle~.--N. & S.W.

'On another [occasion] (2nd July, 25 Hen. VIII) ... William Seyman was surety ... for the re-delivery of the tools, "cuncta instrumenta videlicet Beetyll, Ax, Matock, and Showlys."'--Stray Notes from the Marlborough Court Books, Wilts Arch. Mag. xix. 78.

(2) The small mallet with which thatchers drive home their 'spars.'--S.W.

*=Beggar-weed=. Cuscuta Trifolii, Bab., Dodder; from its destructiveness to clover, &c. (English Plant Names).

=Bellock=. (1) To cry like a beaten or frightened child (A.B.).--N.W., rarely. (2) To complain, to grumble (Dark, ch. x.).--N.W.

*=Belly vengeance=. Very small and bad beer.--N.W.

'Beer of the very smallest description, real "belly vengeance."'--Wilts Tales, p. 40.


'I thought you wouldn't appreciate the widow's tap.... Regular whistle-belly vengeance, and no mistake!'--Tom Brown at Oxford, xl.

=Belt=. To trim away the dirty wool from a sheep's hind-quarters.--N.W.

*=Bennet=. v. Of wood-pigeons, to feed on bennets (A.).

'They have an old rhyme in Wiltshire--

"Pigeons never know no woe Till they a-benetting do go;"

meaning that pigeons at this time are compelled to feed on the seed of the bent, the stubbles being cleared, and the crops not ripe.'--Akerman.

=Bennets=, =Bents=. (1) Long coarse grass or rushes (B.).--N.W. (2) Seed-stalks of various grasses (A.); used of both withered stalks of coarse grasses and growing heads of cat's-tail, &c.--N. & S.W. (3) Seed-heads of Plantain, Plantago major, L., and P. lanceolata, L.--N. & S.W.

=Bents=. See ~Bennets~.

=Bercen= (c hard). See ~Barken~. 'This form of the word is given in MS. Gough, Wilts, 5, as current in Wilts' (H.K.Wr.).

=Berry=. The grain of wheat (D.); as 'There's a very good berry to-year,' or 'The wheat's well-berried,' or the reverse. See Old Country Words, ii. and v.--N.W.

=Berry-moucher=. (1) A truant. See ~Blackberry-moucher~ and ~Moucher~ (A.).--N. & S.W. (2) Fruit of Rubus fruticosus, L., Blackberry. See ~Moochers~.--N.W. (Huish.) Originally applied to children who went mouching from school in blackberry season, and widely used in this sense, but at Huish--and occasionally elsewhere--virtually confined to the berries themselves: often corrupted into ~Penny-moucher~ or ~Perry-moucher~ by children. In English Plant Names Mochars, Glouc., and Mushes, Dev., are quoted as being similarly applied to the fruit, which is also known as Mooches in the Forest of Dean. See Hal., sub. Mich.

=Besepts=. Except.--N. & S.W.

'Here's my yeppurn they've a'bin and scarched, and I've a-got narra 'nother 'gin Zunday besepts this!'--Wilts Tales, p. 138.

=Besom=, =Beesom=, =Bissom=, &c. A birch broom (A.B.S.).--N. & S.W.

*=Betwit=. To upbraid (A.B.).

=Bide=. (1) To stay, remain (A.S.). 'Bide still, will 'ee.'--N. & S.W. (2) To dwell (A.). 'Where do 'ee bide now, Bill?' 'Most-in-general at 'Vize.'--N. & S.W.

=Bill Button=. Geum rivale, L., Water Avens.--S.W.

=Bin=. See ~Been~.

=Bird-batting=. Netting birds at night with a 'bat-folding' or clap-net (A.B., Aubrey's Nat. Hist. Wilts, p. 15, ed. Brit.). Bird-battenen (S.).--N. & S.W.

=Bird's-eye=. (1) Veronica Chamaedrys, L., Germander Speedwell.--N. & S.W. (2) Anagallis arvensis, L., Scarlet Pimpernel.--S.W. (3) Veronica officinalis, L., Common Speedwell.--S.W. (Barford.)

=Bird's-nest=. The seed-head of Daucus Carota, L., Wild Carrot.--N. & S.W.

'The flower of the wild carrot gathers together as the seeds mature, and forms a framework cup at the top of the stalk, like a bird's-nest. These "bird's-nests," brown and weather-beaten, endured far into the winter.'--Great Estate, ch. vii. p. 137.

'The whole tuft is drawn together when the seed is ripe, resembling a bird's nest.'--Gerarde.

=Bird-seed=. Seed-heads of Plantain.--N. & S.W.

=Bird-squoilin=. See ~Squail~ (S.).

=Bird-starving=. Bird-keeping.--N.W.

'This we call bird-keeping, but the lads themselves, with an appreciation of the other side of the case, call it "bird-starving."'--Village Miners.

=Birds'-wedding-day=. St. Valentine's Day.--S.W. (Bishopstone.)

=Bishop-wort=. Mentha aquatica, L., Hairy Mint.--S.W. (Hants bord.)

=Bissom=. See ~Besom~.

=Bittish=. adj. Somewhat. ''Twer a bittish cowld isterday.'--N. & S.W.

=Bittle=. See ~Beetle~.

=Biver=. To tremble, quiver, shiver as with a cold or fright (S.). Cp. A.S. bifian, to tremble.--N. & S.W.

'Bless m' zoul, if I dwon't think our maester's got the ager! How a hackers an bivers, to be zhure!'--Wilts Tales, p. 55.

=Bivery=. adj. Shivery, tremulous. When a baby is just on the verge of crying, its lip quivers and is 'bivery.'--N.W.

=Blackberry-moucher=. (1) A truant from school in the blackberry season (H.). See ~Berry-moucher, Mouch~, &c.--N.W. (Huish, &c.)

'A blackberry moucher, an egregious truant.'--Dean Milles' MS., p. 180.

(2) Hence, the fruit of Rubus fruticosus, L., Blackberry. See ~Berry-moucher, Moochers~, &c.--N.W. (Huish, &c.)

*=Blackberry-token=. Rubus caesius, L., Dewberry (English Plant Names).

=Black-Bess=. See ~Black-Bob~.

=Black-Bob=. A cockroach (S.). ~Black-Bess~ on Berks border.--S.W.

=Black-boys=. (1) Flower-heads of Plantain.--N.W. (Huish.) (2) Typha latifolia, L., Great Reedmace.--N.W. (Lyneham.)

*=Black Couch=. A form of Agrostis that has small wiry blackish roots (D). Agrostis stolonifera.

=Black Sally=. Salix Caprea, L., Great Round-leaved Sallow, from its dark bark (Amateur Poacher, ch. iv). Clothes-pegs are made from its wood.--N.W.

*=Black Woodpecker=. Picus major, Great Spotted Woodpecker (Birds of Wilts, p. 253). Also known as the Gray Woodpecker.

=Blades=. The shafts of a waggon (S.).--S.W.

=Blare, Blur=. To shout or roar out loudly (S.).--N. & S.W.

=Blatch=. (1) adj. Black, sooty (A.B.).--N.W. (2) n. Smut, soot. 'Thuc pot be ael over blatch.'--N.W. (3) v. To blacken. 'Now dwon't 'ee gwo an' blatch your veäce wi' thuc thur dirty zoot.'--N.W.

=Bleachy=. Brackish.--S.W. (Som. bord.)

=Bleat=. Bleak, open, unsheltered. 'He's out in the bleat,' i.e. out in the open in bad weather. See K for examples of letter-change.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Bleeding Heart=. Cheiranthus Cheiri, L., the red Wallflower (A.B.).--N.W.

=Blind-hole=. n. A rabbit hole which ends in undisturbed soil, as opposed to a Pop-hole, q.v. (Gamekeeper at Home, ch. vi. p. 120).--N.W.

=Blind-house=. A lock-up.

'1629. Item paied for makeing cleane the blind-house vijd.'--Records of Chippenham, p. 204.

=Blind-man=. Papaver Rhoeas, L., &c., the Red Poppy, which is locally supposed to cause blindness, if looked at too long.--S.W. (Hamptworth.)

*=Blink=. A spark, ray, or intermittent glimmer of light (A.B.). See ~Flunk~.

*=Blinking=. This adjective is used, in a very contemptuous sense, by several Wilts agricultural writers.

'A short blinking heath is found on many parts [of the downs].'--Agric. of Wilts, ch. xii.


''Twas a little one-eyed blinking sort o' place.'--Tess of the D'Urbervilles, vol. i. p. 10.

*=Blissey=. A blaze (A.H.Wr.). A.S. blysige, a torch.

=Blobbs, Water Blobs=. Blossoms of Nuphar lutea, Sm., Yellow Water Lily (A.B.); probably from the swollen look of the buds. Cf. ~Blub up~.

=Blood-alley=. A superior kind of alley or taw, veined with deep red, and much prized by boys (S.).--N. & S.W.

=Bloody Warr= The dark-blossomed Wallflower, Cheiranthus Cheiri, L. (A.B.S.).--N. & S.W.

=Blooens=. See ~Bluens~.

=Bloom=. Of the sun; to shine scorchingly (B.); to throw out heat as a fire. 'How the sun do bloom out atween the clouds!'--N.W.

=Blooming=. Very sultry, as ''Tis a main blooming day.'--S.W. (Salisbury.)

=Bloomy=. Sultry. ~Bloomy-hot.~ Excessively sultry (A.B.).--S.W.

=Blooth, Blowth=. Bloom or blossom.--S.W.

=Blossom=. A snow-flake. 'What girt blossoms 'twer to the snow isterday!'--N. & S.W.

'Snow-flakes are called "blossoms." The word snow-flake is unknown.'--Village Miners.

=Blow=. Sheep and cattle 'blow' themselves, or get 'blowed,' from over-eating when turned out into very heavy grass or clover, the fermentation of which often kills them on the spot, their bodies becoming terribly inflated with wind. See the description of the 'blasted' flock, in Far from the Madding Crowd, ch. xxi.--N. & S.W.

=Blowing=. A blossom (A.B.H.Wr.). See ~Bluen~.--N.W.

=Blowth=. See ~Blooth~.

=Blub up=. To puff or swell up. A man out of health and puffy about the face is said to look 'ter'ble blubbed up.' Cf. Blobbs.--N.W. Compare:--

'My face was blown and blub'd with dropsy wan.'--Mirror for Magistrates.

=Blue Bottle=. Scilla nutans, Sm., Wild Hyacinth.--S.W.

=Blue Buttons=. (1) Scabiosa arvensis, L., Field Scabious.--S.W. (2) S. Columbaria, L., Small Scabious.--S.W.

=Blue Cat=. One who is suspected of being an incendiary. 'He has the name of a blue cat.' See ~Lewis's Cat~.--S.W. (Salisbury.)

=Blue Eyes=. Veronica Chamaedrys, L., Germander Speedwell.--N.W.

=Blue Goggles=. Scilla nutans, Sm., Wild Hyacinth. Cf. ~Greygles~ or ~Greggles~.--S.W.

=Bluen= or =Blooens=. pl. Blossoms (S.). Also used in Devon.--N. & S.W.

=Blue-vinnied=. Covered with blue mould. See Vinney. Commoner in Dorset as applied to cheese, &c.--N. & S.W.

=Blunt=. 'A cold blunt,' a spell of cold weather. See Snow-blunt. Compare Blunk, a fit of stormy weather, which is used in the East of England.--N.W.

=Blur=. See ~Blare~. In Raleigh's account of the fight in Cadiz Bay, he says that as he passed through the cross-fire of the galleys and forts, he replied 'with a blur of the trumpet to each piece, disdaining to shoot.'

=Board=. To scold, to upbraid. 'Her boarded I just about.'--S.W. (occasionally.)

=Boar Stag=. A boar which, after having been employed for breeding purposes for a time, is castrated and set aside for fattening (D.). Cf. ~Bull Stag~.--N.W.

=Boat=. Children cut apples and oranges into segments, which they sometimes call 'pigs' or 'boats.'

=Bob=. In a timber carriage, the hind pair of wheels with the long pole or lever attached thereto.--N.W. In Canada 'bob-sleds' are used for drawing logs out of the woods.

*=Bobbant=. Of a girl, romping, forward (A.B.H.Wr.).--N.W.

=Bobbish=. In good health (A.B.S.). 'Well, an' how be 'ee to-day?' 'Purty bobbish, thank 'ee.'--N. & S.W.

=Bob-grass=. Bromus mollis, L.--S.W.

*=Bochant=. The same as ~Bobbant~ (A.B.G.H.Wr.).

=Bod=. See ~Bad~.

=Boistins=. The first milk given by a cow after calving (A.). See N.E.D. (~s.v. Beestings~).--N.W.

=Bolt=. In basket-making, a bundle of osiers 40 inches round. (Amateur Poacher, ch. iv. p. 69).

=Boltin=, =Boulting=. A sheaf of five or ten 'elms,' prepared beforehand for thatching. 'Elms' are usually made up on the spot, but are occasionally thus prepared at threshing-time, and tied up and laid aside till required, when they need only be damped, and are then ready for use. Cf. ~Bolt.~--N.W.

=Bombarrel Tit=. Parus caudatus, the Long-tailed Titmouse (Great Estate, ch. ii. p. 26). Jefferies considers this a corruption of 'Nonpareil.'--N.W.

=Book of Clothes=. See ~Buck~ (Monthly Mag., 1814).

=Boon Days=. Certain days during winter on which farmers on the Savernake estate were formerly bound to haul timber for their landlord.

*=Boreshore=. A hurdle-stake (S.).--S.W.

'This is a kind of hurdle stake which can be used in soft ground without an iron pitching bar being required to bore the hole first for it. Hence it is called bore-shore by shepherds.'--Letter from Mr. Slow.

*=Borky=. (Baulky?) Slightly intoxicated.--S.W.

*=Borsy=. See *~Bawsy~.

=Bossell=. Chrysanthemum segetum, L., Corn Marigold (D.). ~Bozzell~ (Flowering Plants of Wilts).--N. & S.W.

=Bossy=, =Bossy-calf=. A young calf, whether male or female.--N.W.

=Bottle=. The wooden keg, holding a gallon or two, used for beer in harvest-time (Wild Life, ch. vii).--N. & S.W.

=Bottle-tit=. Parus caudatus, L., the Long-tailed Titmouse.--N.W.

=Bottom=. A valley or hollow in the downs.--N. & S.W.

=Boulting=. See ~Boltin~.

=Bounceful=. Masterful, domineering. See ~Pounceful~.--N.W.

=Bourne=. (1) n. A valley between the chalk hills; a river in such a valley; also river and valley jointly (D.).--N. & S.W.

'In South Wilts they say, such or such a bourn: meaning a valley by such a river.'--Aubrey's Nat. Hist. Wilts, p. 28. Ed. Brit.

(2) v. In gardening, when marking out a row of anything with pegs, you 'bourne' them, or glance along them to see that they are in line.--N.W.

=Box= or =Hand-box=. The lower handle of a sawyer's long pit-saw, the upper handle being the ~Tiller~.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Boy's-love=. Artemisia Abrotanum, L., Southernwood (A.B.).--N. & S.W.

=Boys=. The long-pistilled or 'pin-eyed' flowers of the Primrose, Primula vulgaris, Huds. See ~Girls~.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Bozzell=. See ~Bossell~.

*=Bozzy=. See *~Bawsy~.

=Brack=. n. A fracture, break, crack (S.). 'There's narra brack nor crack in 'un.'--N. & S.W.

=Brain-stone=. A kind of large round stone (Aubrey's Nat. Hist. Wilts, p. 9, ed. Brit., H.Wr.). Perhaps a lump of water-worn fossil coral, such as occasionally now bears this name among N. Wilts cottagers.

*=Bramstickle=. See ~Bannis~ (S.).

=Brandy-bottles=. Nuphar lutea, Sm., Yellow Water-lily.--S.W. (Mere, &c.)

=Brave=. adj. Hearty, in good health (A.B.).--N.W.

=Bread-and-Cheese=. (1) Linaria vulgaris, Mill., Yellow Toadflax.--N. & S.W. (2) Fruit of Malva sylvestris, L., Common Mallow (S.).--S.W. (3) Young leaves and shoots of Crataegus Oxyacantha, L., Hawthorn, eaten by children in spring (English Plant Names).--S.W. (Salisbury.)

=Bread-board=. The earth-board of a plough (D.). ~Broad-board~ in N. Wilts.

=Break=. To tear. 'She'll break her gownd agen thuc tharn.' You still break a bit of muslin, but to tear a trace or a plate now grows obsolete.--N.W. Similarly used in Hants, as

'I have a-torn my best decanter ... have a-broke my fine cambrick aporn.'--COPE'S Hants Glossary.

=Brevet=, =Brivet=. (1) To meddle, interfere, pry into.--N.W.

'Who be you to interfere wi' a man an' he's vam'ly? Get awver groundsell, or I'll stop thy brevettin' for a while.'--Dark, ch. xix.

(2) To brevet about, to beat about, as a dog for game (A.).--N.W. Also ~Privet~.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard; Castle Eaton, &c.)

'Brivet, a word often applied to children when they wander about aimlessly and turn over things.'--Leisure Hour, Aug. 1893.

*(3) To pilfer. 'If she'll brevet one thing, she'll brevet another.'--N.W. (Mildenhall.)

=Bribe=. To taunt, to bring things up against any one, to scold. 'What d'ye want to kip a-bribing I o' that vur?'--N.W.

=Brit=, =Brittle out=. (1) To rub grain out in the hand.--N.W. (2) To drop out of the husk, as over-ripe grain (D.).--N.W.

=Brivet=. See ~Brevet~.

=Brize=. To press heavily on, or against, to crush down (S.). A loaded waggon 'brizes down' the road.--N. & S.W.

=Broad-board=. See ~Bread-board~.

=Broke-bellied=. Ruptured.--N.W.

=Brook-Sparrow=. Salicaria phragmitis, the Sedge Warbler; from one of its commonest notes resembling that of a sparrow (Great Estate, ch. vii; Wild Life, ch. iii).--N.W.

'At intervals [in his song] he intersperses a chirp, exactly the same as that of the sparrow, a chirp with a tang in it. Strike a piece of metal, and besides the noise of the blow, there is a second note, or tang. The sparrow's chirp has such a note sometimes, and the sedge-bird brings it in--tang, tang, tang. This sound has given him his country name of brook-sparrow.'--JEFFERIES, A London Trout.

=Brow=. (1) adj. Brittle (A.B.C.H.Wr.); easily broken. Vrow at Clyffe Pypard. Also ~Frow~.--N.W. *(2) n. A fragment (Wilts Arch. Mag. vol. xxii. p. 109).--N.W. (Cherhill.)

=Brown=. 'A brown day,' a gloomy day (H.Wr.).--N.W.

=Bruckle=. (Generally with off or away.) v. To crumble away, as some kinds of stone when exposed to the weather (Wilts Arch. Mag. vol. xxii. p. 109); to break off easily, as the dead leaves on a dry branch of fir. Compare brickle=brittle (Wisdom, xv. 13), A.S. brucol=apt to break.--N.W.

=Bruckley=. adj. Brittle, crumbly, friable, not coherent (S.).--N. & S.W.

=Brush=. 'The brush of a tree,' its branches or head.--N.W.

=Brushes=. Dipsacus sylvestris, L., Wild Teasel. See ~Clothes-brush~.--N. & S.W.

=Bubby-head=. Cottus gobio, the Bullhead.--N. & S.W.

=Buck=. A 'buck,' or 'book,' of clothes, a large wash--N.W.

=Bucking=. A quantity of clothes to be washed (A.).--N.W.

*=Buddle=. To suffocate in mud. 'There! if he haven't a bin an' amwoast buddled hisel' in thuck there ditch!' Also used in Som.--N.W. (Malmesbury.)

=Budgy=. Out of temper, sulky. A softened form of buggy, self-important, churlish, from the Old English and provincial budge, grave, solemn, &c. See Folk-Etymology, p. 42 (Smythe-Palmer).--N.W. Cp. Milton,

'Those budge doctors of the stoic fur.'--Comus.

=Bullpoll=, =Bullpull=. Aira caespitosa, L., the rough tufts of tussocky grass which grow in damp places in the fields, and have to be cut up with a heavy hoe (Great Estate, ch. ii; Gamekeeper at Home, ch. viii).--N.W.

=Bull Stag=. A bull which, having been superannuated as regards breeding purposes, is castrated and put to work, being stronger than an ordinary bullock. Cf. ~Boar Stag~.--N.W., now almost obsolete.

=Bulrushes=. Caltha palustris, L., Marsh Marigold; from some nursery legend that Moses was hidden among its large leaves.--S.W., rarely.

=Bumble-berry=. Fruit of Rosa canina, L., Dog-rose.--N.W.

=Bunce=. (1) n. A blow. 'Gie un a good bunce in the ribs.'--N.W. (2) v. To punch or strike.--N.W.

=Bunch=. Of beans, to plant in bunches instead of rows (D.).--N. & S.W.

=Bunny=. A brick arch, or wooden bridge, covered with earth, across a 'drawn' or 'carriage' in a water-meadow, just wide enough to allow a hay-waggon to pass over.--N.W.

=Bunt=. (1) v. To push with the head as a calf does its dam's udder (A.); to butt; to push or shove up.--(Bevis, ch. x.) N.W. (2) n. A push or shove.--N.W. (3) n. A short thick needle, as a 'tailor's bunt.' (4) n. Hence sometimes applied to a short thickset person, as a nickname.--S.W.

=Bunty=. adj. Short and stout.--N.W.

=Bur=. The sweetbread of a calf or lamb (A.).--N.W.

=Bur'=, =Burrow=, or =Burry=. (1) A rabbit-burrow (A.B.).--N. & S.W. (2) Any place of shelter, as the leeward side of a hedge (A.C.). 'Why doesn't thee coom and zet doon here in the burrow?'--N. & S.W.

=Burl=. (1) 'To burl potatoes,' to rub off the grown-out shoots in spring.--N.W. (2) The original meaning was to finish off cloth or felt by removing knots, rough places, loose threads, and other irregularities of surface, and it is still so used in S. Wilts (S.).

=Burn=. 'To burn a pig,' to singe the hair off the dead carcase.--N. & S.W.

*=Burn-bake= (or =-beak=). (1) To reclaim new land by paring and burning the surface before cultivation (Agric. of Wilts, ch. xii). See ~Bake~. (2) To improve old arable land by treating it in a similar way (Ibid. ch. xii). ~Burn-beke~ (Aubrey's Nat. Hist. Wilts, p. 103. Ed. Brit., where the practice is said to have been introduced into S. Wilts by Mr. Bishop of Merton, about 1639). (3) n. Land so reclaimed. See ~Bake~.--S.W.

=Burrow=. See ~Bur'~.

=Burry=. See ~Bur'~.

='Buseful=. Foul-mouthed, abusive.--N.W.

=Bush=. (1) n. A heavy hurdle or gate, with its bars interlaced with brushwood and thorns, which is drawn over pastures in spring, and acts like a light harrow (Amateur Poacher, ch. iv).--N.W. (2) v. To bush-harrow a pasture.--N.W.

=Butchers' Guinea-pigs=. Woodlice. See ~Guinea-pigs~.--S.W.

=Butter-and-Eggs=. (1) Narcissus incomparabilis, Curt., Primrose Peerless.--N. & S.W. (2) Linaria vulgaris, Mill., Yellow Toadflax (Great Estate, ch. v).--N. & S.W.

=Buttercup=. At Huish applied only to Ranunculus Ficaria, L., Lesser Celandine, all other varieties of Crowfoot being 'Crazies' there.

=Butter-teeth=. The two upper incisors.--N.W.

=Buttons=. Very young mushrooms.--N. & S.W.

=Buttry=. A cottage pantry (A.B.).--N.W., now almost obsolete.

=Butt-shut=. (1) To join iron without welding, by pressing the heated ends squarely together, making an imperceptible join (Village Miners). See ~Shut~. (2) Hence a glaringly inconsistent story or excuse is said 'not to butt-shut' (Village Miners).

=Butty=. A mate or companion in field-work (S.).--N. & S.W.

*=By-the-Wind=. Clematis Vitalba, L., Traveller's Joy.--S.W. (Farley.)

*=Caa-vy= (? Calfy). A simpleton (S.).--S.W.

=Cack=. See ~Keck~.

*=Cack-handed=, *=Cag-handed=. Extremely awkward and unhandy: clumsy to the last degree (Village Miners). Other dialect words for 'awkward' are Dev., cat-handed, Yorks., gawk-handed, and Nhamp., keck-handed. Cf. ~Cam-handed~.

=Caddle=. (1) n. Dispute, noise, row, contention (A.); seldom or never so used now.--N. & S.W.

'What a caddle th' bist a makin', Jonas!'--Wilts Tales, p. 82.

'If Willum come whoam and zees two [candles] a burnin', he'll make a vi-vi-vine caddle.'--Wilts Tales, p. 42.

(2) n. Confusion, disorder, trouble (A.B.C.S.).--N. & S.W.

'Lawk, zur, but I be main scrow to be ael in zich a caddle, alang o' they childern.'--Wilts Tales, p. 137.

(3) v. To tease, to annoy, to bother (A.B.C.). See ~Caddling~. 'Now dwoan't 'e caddle I zo, or I'll tell thee vather o' thee!' 'I be main caddled up wi' ael they dishes to weish.'--N. & S.W.

''Tain't no use caddlin I--I can't tell 'ee no more.'--Greene Ferne Farm, ch. viii.

(4) v. To hurry. 'To caddle a horse,' to drive him over-fast.--N.W. (5) v. To loaf about, only doing odd jobs. 'He be allus a caddlin' about, and won't never do nothin' reg'lar.'--N. & S.W. (6) v. To mess about, to throw into disorder. 'I don't hold wi' they binders [the binding machines], they do caddle the wheat about so.'--N. & S.W.

=Caddlesome=. Of weather, stormy, uncertain. ''T 'ull be a main caddlesome time for the barley.'--S.W.

=Caddling=. (1) adj. Of weather, stormy, uncertain.--N. & S.W. (2) adj. Quarrelsome, wrangling (C.).--N. & S.W.

'His bill was zharp, his stomack lear, Zo up a snapped the caddlin pair.'--Wilts Tales, p. 97.

'A cadling fellow, a wrangler, a shifting, and sometimes an unmeaning character.'--Cunnington MS.

(3) adj. Meddlesome (S.), teasing (Monthly Mag., 1814); troublesome, worrying, impertinent (A.B.).--N. & S.W.

'Little Nancy was as naisy and as caddlin' as a wren, that a was'.--Wilts Tales, p. 177.

*(4) Chattering (Monthly Mag., 1814): probably a mistake.

=Caffing rudder=. See ~Caving rudder~.

*=Cag-handed=. See ~Cack-handed~.

=Cag-mag=. Bad or very inferior meat (S.).--N. & S.W.

=Cains-and-Abels=. Aquilegia vulgaris, L., Columbine.--S.W. (Farley.)

*=Calf-white=. See ~White~.

=Call=. Cause, occasion. 'You've no call to be so 'buseful' [abusive].--N. & S.W.

=Call home=. To publish the banns of marriage (S.).--S.W.

'They tells I as 'ow Bet Stingymir is gwain to be caal'd whoam to Jim Spritely on Zundy.'--SLOW.

*=Callow-wablin=. An unfledged bird (A.).--S.W.

=Callus-stone=. A sort of gritty earth, spread on a board for knife-sharpening (Wilts Arch. Mag. vol. xxii. p. 109).--N. & S.W. (Cherhill, &c.)

=Calves'-trins=. Calves' stomachs, used in cheese-making. A.S. trendel. See ~Trins~. Halliwell and Wright give 'Calf-trundle, the small entrails of a calf.'--N.W.

*=Cam=. Perverse, cross. Welsh cam, crooked, wry.--N.W.

'A 's as cam and as obstinate as a mule.'--Wilts Tales, p. 138.

'They there wosbirds [of bees] zimd rayther cam and mischievul.'--Springtide, p. 47.

=Cam-handed=. Awkward.--N.W.

*=Cammock=. Ononis arvensis, L., Restharrow (D.).

=Cammocky=. Tainted, ill-flavoured, as cheese or milk when the cows have been feeding on cammock. See ~Gammotty~ (2).--S.W.

=Canary-seed=. Seed-heads of Plantain.--N. & S.W.

=Candle=. 'To strike a candle,' to slide, as school-boys do, on the heel, so as to leave a white mark along the ice.--S.W.

=Cank=. To overcome (H.Wr.): perhaps a perversion of conquer. The winner 'canks' his competitors in a race, and you 'cank' a child when you give it more than it can eat.--N.W.

=Canker=. Fungus, toadstool (A.B.).--N. & S.W.

=Canker-berries=. Wild Rose hips. ~Conker-berries~ (S.).--S.W. (Salisbury, &c.).

=Canker-rose=. The mossy gall on the Dog-rose, formed by Cynips rosae; often carried in the pocket as a charm against rheumatism (Great Estate, ch. iv).--N.W.

*=Cappence=. The swivel-joint of the old-fashioned flail, Capel in Devon.--N. & S.W.

=Carpet=. To blow up, to scold; perhaps from the scene of the fault-finding being the parlour, not the bare-floored kitchen. 'Measter carpeted I sheamvul s'marning.' 'I had my man John on the carpet just now and gave it him finely.'--N.W.

=Carriage=. A water-course, a meadow-drain (A. B. G. H. Wr.). In S. Wilts the carriages bring the water into and through the meadow, while the drawn takes it back to the river after its work is done.--N. & S.W.

=Carrier=, =Water-carrier=. A large water-course (Wild Life, ch. xx).--N. & S.W.

=Carry along=. To prove the death of, to bring to the grave. 'I be afeard whe'er that 'ere spittin' o' blood won't car'n along.'--N.W.

=Cart=. 'At cart,' carrying or hauling, as 'We be at wheat cart [coal-cart, dung-cart, &c.] to-day.--N.W.

=Casalty=. See ~Casulty~.

=Cass'n=. Canst not (A.S.).--N. & S.W.

=Cassocks=. Couch-grass.--S.W. (Som. bord.).

=Casulty=. (1) adj. Of weather, unsettled, broken (Green Ferne Farm, ch. i). ~Casalty~ (Wilts Arch. Mag. vol. xxii. p. 109).--N. & S.W. (2) Of crops, uncertain, not to be depended on. Plums, for instance, are a 'casalty crop,' some years bearing nothing.--N.W.

*=Cat-gut=. The ribs of the Plantain leaf; so called by children when drawn out so as to look like fiddle-strings (Great Estate, ch. ii).

=Cat-Kidney=. A game somewhat resembling cricket, played with a wooden 'cat' instead of a ball.--N.W. (Brinkworth.)

=Cat's-ice=. White ice, ice from which the water has receded.--N. & S.W. (Steeple Ashton, &c.).

'They stood at the edge, cracking the cat's-ice, where the water had shrunk back from the wheel marks, and left the frozen water white and brittle.'--The Story of Dick, ch. xii. p. 153.

=Cats'-love=. Garden Valerian, on which cats like to roll.--S.W.

*=Cats'-paws=. Catkins of willow while still young and downy.--S.W. (Deverill.)

=Cats'-tails=. (1) Equisetum, Horse-tail (Great Estate, ch. ii).--N.W. (2) The catkin of the willow.--N.W. (Lyneham.) (3) The catkin of the hazel.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Catch=. (1) Of water, to film over, to begin to freeze. ~Keach~, ~Keatch~, ~Kitch~, or ~Ketch~ (A.B.C.H.Wr.).--N. & S.W.

'A bright clear moon is credited with causing the water to "catch"--that is, the slender, thread-like spicules form on the surface, and, joining together, finally cover it.'--Wild Life, ch. xx.

Also see Bevis, ch. xl. (2) To grow thick, as melted fat when setting again.--N. & S.W. *(3) 'To catch and rouse,' to collect water, &c.

'In the catch-meadows ... it is necessary to make the most of the water by catching and rousing it as often as possible.'--Agric. of Wilts, ch. xi.

*(4) n. The same as Catch-meadow (Ibid. ch. xii).

*=Catch-land=. The arable portion of a common field, divided into equal parts, whoever ploughed first having the right to first choice of his share (D.).--Obsolete.

*=Catch-meadow=, =Catch-work meadow=, or =Catch=. A meadow on the slope of a hill, irrigated by a stream or spring, which has been turned so as to fall from one level to another through the carriages (Agric. of Wilts, ch. xii).

=Catching=, =Catchy=. Of weather, unsettled, showery (Agric. of Wilts, ch. iii. p. 11).--N. & S.W.

=Caterpillar=. A cockchafer.--N.W.

=Cattikeyns=. Fruit of the ash.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Cave=. (1) n. The chaff of wheat and oats (D.): in threshing, the broken bits of straw, &c. ~Cavin~, ~Cavings~, or ~Keavin~ in N. Wilts.--N. & S.W. (2) v. To separate the short broken straw from the grain.--N. & S.W.

=Cavin, Cavings=. See ~Cave~ (1).

*=Caving-rake=. The rake used for separating cavings and grain on the threshing-floor.

=Caving= (or =Caffing=) =rudder=, or =rudderer=. *(1) The winnowing fan and tackle (D.).--S.W. (2) A coarse sieve used by carters to get the straw out of the horses' chaff.--N. & S.W.

=Cawk=, =Cawket=. To squawk out, to make a noise like a hen when disturbed on her nest, &c. 'Ther's our John, s'naw [dost know?]--allus a messin' a'ter the wenchin, s'naw--cawin' an' cawkettin' like a young rook, s'naw,--'vore a can vly, s'naw,--boun' to coom down vlop he war!' ~Caa-kinn~ (S.).--N. & S.W. (Clyffe Pypard; Seagry, &c.)

*=Centry=. Anagallis tenella, L., Bog Pimpernel.--S.W. (Barford.)

=Cham=. To chew (A.B.C.S.). 'Now cham thee vittles up well.' An older form of Champ.--N. & S.W.

=Champ=. To scold in a savage snarling fashion. 'Now dwoan't 'ee gwo an' champ zo at I!' Used formerly at Clyffe Pypard.--N.W.

=Chan-Chider=. See ~Johnny Chider~.--S.W.

=Chap=. (1) v. Of ground, to crack apart with heat.--N & S.W. (2) n. A crack in the soil, caused by heat.--N. & S.W.

=Charm=. (1) n. 'All in a charm,' all talking loud together. A.S. cyrm, clamour (A.H.S.), especially used of the singing of birds. See Kingsley's Prose Idylls, i. Also used of hounds in full cry.--N. & S.W.

'Thousands of starlings, the noise of whose calling to each other is indescribable--the country folk call it a "charm," meaning a noise made up of innumerable lesser sounds, each interfering with the other.'--Wild Life, ch. xii.

Cp, Milton,

'Charm of earliest birds.'--P. L., ii. 642.

(2) v. To make a loud confused noise, as a number of birds, &c., together.--N. & S.W. (3) v. 'To charm bees,' to follow a swarm of bees, beating a tea-tray, &c.--N.W. (Marlborough).

=Chatter-mag=, =Chatter-pie=. A chattering woman.--N. & S.W.

=Chawm=, =Chawn=. A crack in the ground (A.).--N.W.

=Cheese-flower=. Malva sylvestris, L., Common Mallow.--S.W.

=Cheeses=. Fruit of Malva sylvestris, L., Common Mallow.--N. & S.W.

*=Chemise=. Convolvulus sepium, L., Great Bindweed.--S.W. (Little Langford.) This name was given us as ~Chemise~, but would probably be pronounced as ~Shimmy~.

=Cherky=. Having a peculiar dry taste, as beans (Village Miners).--N. & S.W.

=Cherry-pie=. Valeriana officinalis, L., All-heal, from its smell.--S.W.

=Cheure=. See ~Choor~.

=Chevil= (or =Chevril=) =Goldfinch=. A large variety of goldfinch, with a white throat. See Birds of Wilts, p. 203, for a full description of the bird.--N. & S.W.

=Chewree=. See ~Choor~.

=Chib=. 'Potato-chibs,' the grown-out shoots in spring. See ~Chimp~.--S.W.

=Chiddlens=, =Chiddlins=. Pigs' chitterlings (H.S.Wr.).--N. & S.W.

=Children of Israel=. *(1) A small garden variety of Campanula, from the profusion of its blossoms (English Plant Names). (2) Malcolmia maritima, Br., Virginian Stock, occasionally.

=Chilver=, =Chilver-lamb=. A ewe lamb (A.).--N.W.

=Chilver-hog=. A ewe under two years old (D.). The word hog is now applied to any animal of a year old, such as a hog bull, a chilver hog sheep. 'Chilver' is a good Anglo-Saxon word, 'cilfer,' and is related to the word 'calf.' A chilver hog sheep simply means in the dialect of the Vale of Warminster, a female lamb a year old. See Wilts Arch. Mag. xvii. 303.--N. & S.W.

=Chimney-sweeps=. Flowering-heads of some grasses.--N.W. (Lyneham.)

=Chimney-sweepers=. Luzula campestris, Willd., Field Wood-rush.--N.W.

=Chimp=. (1) n. The grown-out shoot of a stored potato (S.); also Chib.--S.W. (2) v. To strip off the 'chimps' before planting.--S.W.

=Chink=. Fringilla coelebs, the Chaffinch; from its note.--S.W.

=Chinstey=. n. The string of a baby's cap.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.) A horse's chin-strap.--S.W. Compare:--

'Oh! Mo-ather! Her hath chuck'd me wi' tha chingstey [caught me by the back-hair and choked me with the cap-string].'--The Exmoor Scolding, p. 17.

=Chip=. The fore-shoot of a plough.--S.W.

=Chipples=. Young onions grown from seed. Cf. ~Gibbles~ and ~Cribbles~.--S.W.

=Chisley=. adj. Without coherence, as the yolk of an over-boiled egg, or a very dry cheese. When land gets wet and then dries too fast, it becomes chisley. Compare:--'Chizzly, hard, harsh and dry: East,' in Hal.--S.W.

=Chism=. To germinate, to bud (A.B.C.). 'The wheat doesn't make much show yet, John.' 'No, zur, but if you looks 'tes aal chisming out ter'ble vast.'--N. & S.W.

=Chit=. (1) n. The third swarm of bees from a hive.--N.W. (2) v. To bud or spring (A.B.C.). 'The whate be chitting a'ter thease rains.'--N.W.

=Chitchat=. Pyrus Aucuparia, Gærtn., Mountain Ash.--S.W.

=Chitterlings=. Pigs' entrails when cleaned and boiled (A.B.); ~Chiddlens~ (H.S.Wr.).--N. & S.W.

=Chivy=. Fringilla coelebs, the Chaffinch.--S.W. (Som. bord.).

=Choor=. (1) v. To go out as a charwoman (A.); ~Cheure, Chewree-ring~ (H.Wr.); ~Char~ (A.S.). Still in use.--N.W. (2) n. A turn, as in phrase 'One good choor deserves another' (A.). Still in use.--N.W.

=Chop=. To exchange (A.B.S.). 'Wool ye chop wi' I, this thing for thuck?' (B.).--N. & S.W.

*=Chore=. A narrow passage between houses (MS. Lansd. 1033, f. 2); see N.E.D. (~s.v. Chare~).

=Christian Names=. The manner in which a few of these are pronounced may here be noted:--Allburt, Albert; Allfurd, Alfred; Charl or Chas, Charles; Etherd, Edward; Rich't or Richet, Richard; Robbut, Robert; &c.

=Chuffey=. Chubby. 'What chuffey cheeks he've a got, to be showr!'--S.W.

=Chump=. A block of wood (A.B.); chiefly applied to the short lengths into which crooked branches and logs are sawn for firewood (Under the Acorns).--N. & S.W.

=Ciderkin=, ='Kin=. The washings after the best cider is made.--N. & S.W.

=Clacker=. The tongue (S.).--S.W.

=Clackers=. A pair of pattens (S.).--S.W.

=Clangy=, =Clengy=, or =Clungy=. Of bad bread, or heavy ground, clingy, sticky.--N.W.

=Claps=. n. and v. clasp (A.).--N. & S.W.

=Clat=. See ~Clot~.

=Clattersome=, =Cluttersome=. Of weather, gusty.--S.W. (Hants bord.)

=Claut=. Caltha palustris, L., Marsh Marigold (A.H.Wr.).--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard, &c.)

=Clavy=, =Clavy-tack=. A mantelpiece (A.B.C.).--N.W., now almost obsolete. Strictly speaking, clavy is merely the beam which stretches across an old-fashioned fireplace, supporting the wall. Where there is a mantelpiece, or clavy-tack, it comes just above the clavy.

=Clean=. 'A clean rabbit,' one that has been caught in the nets, and is uninjured by shot or ferret, as opposed to a 'broken,' or damaged one. (Amateur Poacher, ch. xi. p. 212).--N. & S.W.

=Cleat=, =Cleet=. (1) The little wedge which secures the head of an axe or hammer.--N.W. *(2) n. A patch (A.B.C.).--N.W. *(3) v. To mend with a patch (A.B.C.)--N.W. *(4) Occasionally, to strengthen by bracing (C.).--N.W.

=Cleaty=. Sticky, clammy; applied to imperfectly fermented bread, or earth that will not work well in ploughing.--N.W.

=Cleet=. See ~Cleat~.

=Clengy=. See ~Clangy~.

=Clim=. To climb (A.S.). A cat over-fond of investigating the contents of the larder shelves is a 'clim-tack,' or climb-shelf.--N. & S.W.

=Clinches=. The muscles of the leg, just under the knee-joint.--N. & S.W.

=Clinkerbell=. An icicle.--S.W. (Som. bord.) occasionally.

=Clitch=. The groin.--N.W.

=Clite=, =Clit=. (1) n. 'All in a clite,' tangled, as a child's hair. A badly groomed horse is said to be 'aal a clit.'--N. & S.W. (2) v. To tangle. 'How your hair do get clited!'--N. & S.W.

=Clites=, =Clytes=. Galium Aparine, L., Goosegrass (A.). Usually pl., but Jefferies has sing., ~Clite~, in Wild Life, ch. ix.--N. & S.W.

=Clitty=. Tangled, matted together.--S.W.

=Clock=. A dandelion seed-head, because children play at telling the time of day by the number of puffs it takes to blow away all its down.--N. & S.W.

=Cloddy=. Thick, plump, stout (H.Wr.).--S.W.

=Clog-weed=. Heracleum Sphondylium, L., Cow-parsnip (Amateur Poacher, ch. vi).--N.W.

=Clot=. A hard lump of dry cow-dung, left on the surface of a pasture. See ~Cow-clat~.--N.W.

'On pasture farms they beat clots or pick up stones.'--R. JEFFERIES, Letter to Times, Nov. 1872.

'1661. Itm p^d Richard Sheppard & Old Taverner for beating clatts in Inglands, 00. 04. 08.'--Records of Chippenham, p. 226.

*=Clote=. n. Verbascum Thapsus, L., Great Mullein (Aubrey's Wilts MS.).--Obsolete.

=Clothes-brush=. Dipsacus sylvestris, L., Wild Teasel. Cf. ~Brushes~.--S.W.

=Clottiness=. See ~Cleaty~. Clottishness (Agric. Survey).

'The peculiar churlishness (provincially, "clottiness") of a great part of the lands of this district, arising perhaps from the cold nature of the sub-soil.'--Agric. of Wilts, ch. vii. p. 51.

=Clout=. (1) n. A box on the ear, a blow (A.B.C.S.). See ~Clue~. 'I'll gie thee a clout o' th' yead.'--N. & S.W. (2) v. To strike.--N. & S.W.

=Clue=. 'A clue in the head,' a knock on the head (Village Miners). A box on the ear. Cf. clow, Winchester College. See ~Clout~.--N.W.

=Clum=. To handle clumsily (A.B.), roughly, boisterously, or indecently (C.).--N.W.

=Clumbersome=. Awkward, clumsy.--N.W.

=Clumper=, =Clumber=. A heavy clod of earth.--N.W. (Marlborough.)

=Clums=. pl. Hands. 'I'll keep out o' thee clums, I'll warnd I will!'--N.W. ~Clumps~ is used in S. Wilts in a similar way, but generally of the feet (S.), and always implies great awkwardness, as 'What be a treadin' on my gownd vor wi' they girt ugly clumps o' yourn?'

=Clungy=. See ~Clangy~.

*=Cluster-of-five=. The fist. ~Cluster-a-vive~ (S.).--S.W.

=Clutter=. n. Disorder, mess, confusion. 'The house be ael in a clutter to-day wi' they childern's lease-carn.'--N. & S.W.

=Cluttered=. (1) 'Caddled,' over-burdened with work and worry.--N. & S.W.

'"Cluttered up" means in a litter, surrounded with too many things to do at once.'--JEFFERIES, Field and Hedgerow, p. 189.

*(2) Brow-beaten. Said to have been used at Warminster formerly.

=Cluttersome=. See ~Clattersome~.

=Cluttery=. Showery and gusty.--S.W.

*=Clyders=. Galium Aparine, L., Goosegrass.--S.W.

*=Clyten=. *(1) n. An unhealthy appearance, particularly in children (A.B.C.).--N.W., obsolete. *(2) n. An unhealthy child (C.).--N.W., obsolete.

*=Clytenish=. adj. Unhealthy-looking, pale, sickly (A.B.C.H.Wr.).--N.W., obsolete.

=Clytes=. See ~Clites~.

*=Coath=. Sheep-rot (D.S.).--N. & S.W.

=Cobbler's-knock=. 'To do the cobbler's knock,' to slide on one foot, tapping the ice meanwhile with the other.--S.W.

*=Cob-nut=. A game played by children with nuts (A.B.).--S.W.

=Cockagee=, =Cockygee= (g hard). A kind of small hard sour cider apple. Ir. cac a' gheidh, goose-dung, from its greenish-yellow colour (see N.E.D., ~s.v. Coccagee~).--S.W. (Deverill, &c.)

=Cocking-fork=. A large hay-fork, used for carrying hay from the cock into the summer-rick.--S.W.

*=Cocking-poles=. Poles used for the same purpose.--N.W.

=Cockles=. Seed-heads of Arctium Lappa, L., Burdock.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard).

=Cock's Egg=. The small eggs sometimes first laid by pullets.--N. & S.W.

=Cock-shot=. A cock-shy: used by boys about Marlborough and elsewhere. 'I say, there's a skug [squirrel]--let's have a cock-shot at him with your squailer.'--N. & S.W.

*=Cock's-neckling=. 'To come down cock's-neckling,' to fall head foremost (H.Wr.).--Obsolete.

=Cock's-nests=. The nests so often built and then deserted by the wren, without any apparent cause.--N.W.

*=Cock-sqwoilin=. Throwing at cocks at Shrovetide (A.Wr.). See ~Squail~.--N.W., obsolete.

'1755. Paid expenses at the Angel at a meeting when the By Law was made to prevent Throwing at Cocks, 0.10.6.'--Records of Chippenham, p. 244.

=Cocky-warny=. The game of leap-frog.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

*=Cod-apple=. A wild apple (Wilts Arch. Mag. xiv. 177).

=Codlins-and-cream=. Epilobium hirsutum, L., Great Hairy Willow-herb; from its smell when crushed in the hand. Cf. ~Sugar-Codlins~.--S.W.

*=Coglers=. The hooks, with cogged rack-work for lifting or lowering, by which pots and kettles were formerly hung over open fireplaces. Now superseded by Hanglers.--N.W., obsolete.

=Colley=. (1) A collar.--N. & S.W. *(2) Soot or grime from a pot or kettle (A.B.). Compare:--

'Brief as the lightning in the collied night.'--Midsummer Night's Dream.

'Thou hast not collied thy face enough.'--JONSON'S ~Poetaster~.

=Colley-maker=. A saddler. See ~Colley~ (1).--N. & S.W.

=Colley-strawker=. A milker or 'cow-stroker.'--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Colt's-tail=. A kind of cloud said to portend rain.--N.W.

'The colt's tail is a cloud with a bushy appearance like a ragged fringe, and portends rain.'--Great Estate, ch. viii.

*=Comb=, =Coom=. (1) n. The lower ledge of a window (Kennett's Paroch. Antiq.). (2) n. Grease from an axle-box, soot, dirt, &c. ~Koomb~ (S.).--S.W.

=Comb-and-Brush=. Dipsacus sylvestris, L., Wild Teasel.--S.W.

=Combe=, =Coombe=. (1) The wooded side of a hill (D.); used occasionally in this sense in both Wilts and Dorset.--N. & S.W. (2) A narrow valley or hollow in a hillside. This is the proper meaning.--N. & S.W. Used of a narrow valley in the woodlands in Gamekeeper at Home, ch. i.

=Come of=. To get the better of, to grow out of. 'How weak that child is about the knees, Sally!' 'Oh, he'll come o' that all right, Miss, as he do grow bigger.'--N. & S.W.

=Come to land=. Of intermittent springs, to rise to the surface and begin to flow (Agric. of Wilts, ch. xii).--S.W.

=Comical=. (1) Queer-tempered. 'Her's a comical 'ooman.'--N. & S.W. (2) Out of health. 'I've bin uncommon comical to-year.'--N. & S.W. (3) Cracky, queer. 'He's sort o' comical in his head, bless 'ee.'--N. & S.W. 'A cow he's a comical thing to feed; bin he don't take care he's very like to choke hisself.'--N.W. (Marlborough.) It should be noted that Marlborough folk are traditionally reputed to call everything he but a bull, and that they always call she!

=Coney-burry=. A rabbit's hole.--S.W. (Amesbury.)

=Coniger=, =Conigre=. This old word, originally meaning a rabbit-warren, occurs frequently in Wilts (as at Trowbridge) as the name of a meadow, piece of ground, street, &c. See Great Estate, note to ch. ix.

=Conker-berries=. See ~Canker-berries~.

=Conks=, =Conkers= (i.e. conquerors). (1) A boy's game, played with horse-chestnuts strung on cord, the players taking it in turn to strike at their opponent's conk, in order to crack and disable it.--N.W. (Marlborough.) (2) Hence, the fruit of Aesculus Hippocastanum, L., Horse-chestnut.--N.W.

=Coob=. A hen-coop (H.): invariably so pronounced.--N. & S.W.

=Cooby=. A snug corner. See ~Cubby-hole~.--N. & S.W.

=Coom=. See ~Comb~.

*=Coombe-bottom=. A valley in a hillside (Great Estate, ch. iv). See ~Combe~.

=Coom hedder=. (A.S.). See ~Horses~.

=Coop! Coop!= The usual call to cows, &c., to come in.--N. & S.W.

=Coopy-house=. A very small house or cottage (S.). See ~Cubby-hole~.--S.W.

*=Cooted=. Cut slanting, sloped off, as the ends of the upper part of an oblong hay-rick (D.).

'Hayricks are usually made round; sometimes oblong with cooted ends, not gable ends.'--Agric. of Wilts.

=Cord=. 'A cord of plocks,' a pile of cleft wood, 8 ft. long and 4 ft. in girth and width (D.).--N.W.

=Corn-baulk=. See ~Baulk~ (1).

=Corndrake=. Crex pratensis, the Landrail; almost invariably so called about Warminster and in some parts of N. Wilts.--N. & S.W.

*=Corn-grate=. The Cornbrash formation (Agric. of Wilts, p. 164).

*=Corn Grit=. Quarrymen's term for one of the building stone beds of the Portland series (Britton's Beauties of Wilts, vol. iii).

*=Corn Pop=. Silene inflata, Sm., Bladder Campion.--N.W. (Enford.)

=Corruptions=. Some of these are curious, and perhaps worth recording, as Rainball, rainbow (always used at Huish); Lattiprack, paralytic; Nuffin-idols, Love-in-idleness; Polly Andrews, Polyanthus. Also see Nolens-volens. Bronchitis is always Brantitus, and Jaundice always The Janders, plural. Persuade is always Suade. The crab-apple is usually Grab in N. Wilts. At Etchilhampton we find Plump for pump, and Moth for moss, while at Huish and elsewhere proud flesh is always Ploughed flesh. Pasmet, parsnip, and the universal Turmut, turnip, may be noted as illustrating a curious letter-change. Varley-grassey, gone green, is evidently from verdigris. In Great Estate, ch. iv, Jefferies traces Meejick ('a sort of a Meejick'=anything very strange or unusual) back to menagerie. Cavalry becomes Cavaltry, meaning horsemen, and crockery is usually Crockerty. Other more or less common perversions of words are Patty Carey, Hepatica; Chiny Oysters, China Aster; Turkemtime, turpentine; Absence, abscess (Cherhill); Abrupt, to approve (Huish); Tiddle, to tickle; Cribble, a cripple; Strive (of a tree), to thrive (Steeple Ashton); Hurly-gurly, a hurdy-gurdy (S.W.); Midger, to measure; Cherm, to churn (Slow, S.W.); Rumsey-voosey, to rendezvous, as 'He went a rumsy-voosing down the lane to meet his sweetheart'; Dapcheek, a dabchick; Drilly-drally, to hesitate, to dawdle over anything; Kiddle, a kettle.

=Couch=, =Cooch=. Couch-grass in general.--N. & S.W. ~Black Couch~, Agrostis stolonifera (D.); ~White Couch~, Triticum repens (D.); ~Couchy-bent~, Agrostis stolonifera (D.); ~Knot Couch~, Avena elatior.

=Couchy-bent=. See ~Couch~.

=Count=. To expect or think. 'I don't count as he'll come.'--N.W.

*=Coventree=. Viburnum Lantana, L., Mealy Guelder rose.--S.W., obsolete.

'Coven-tree common about Chalke and Cranbourn Chase; the carters doe make their whippes of it.'--AUBREY'S Wilts, p. 56, Ed. Brit.

*=Coward=. adj. Pure: used of unskimmed milk. Cf. 'cowed milk,' Isle of Wight (Wilts Arch. Mag. vol. xxii. p. 110).--N.W. (Cherhill.)

*=Cow-baby=. A childish fellow, a simpleton (S.).--S.W.

=Cow-clap=. A form of ~Cow-clat~, q.v.--N.W.

=Cow-clat=, =Cow-clap=. A pat of cow-dung (A.).--N.W.

*=Cow-down=. A cow-common (Agric. Survey).--Obsolete.

=Cows-and-Calves=. (1) Arum maculatum, L., Cuckoo-pint.--S.W. (2) When a saw has alternately long and short teeth, they are known as cows and calves respectively.--N.W.

=Cowshard=. Cow-clat.--N.W.

*=Cowshorne=. Cow-clats. Obsolete.

'The poore people gather the cowshorne in the meadows.'--JACKSON'S Aubrey, p. 192.

*=Cow-white=. See ~White~.

*=Crab=. To abuse (Wilts Arch. Mag. vol. xxii. p. 110). Compare North Eng. crab, to provoke, and crob, to reproach. Originally a hawking term, hawks being said to crab when they stood too near and fought one with another. See Folk-Etymology, p. 81 (Smythe-Palmer).--N.W. (Cherhill.)

*=Crandum=. The throat (S.).--N.W.

'I first heard this word near Hungerford, where some farm hands were having a spree. There was a six-gallon jar of beer on the table, which they were continually smacking with their hands, whilst they sang in chorus:--

"Let it run down yer crandum, An' jolly will we be," &c.

I have only heard it applied to the human throat, never to that of an animal.'--Letter from Mr. Slow.

*=Crap=. Assurance (H.Wr.). There is probably some mistake here.

=Craw=. The crop of a bird; hence, the bosom (A.). 'A spelt th' drenk down 's craw,' he spilt it down his bosom (A.).--N.W.

=Crazy=, =Craisey=, =Craizey=. The Buttercup (A.B.H.Wr.). Buttercups in general, Ranunculus acris, R. bulbosus, R. repens, and often R. Ficaria also, but at Huish never applied to the last-named. In Deverill the term Craizies is restricted to the Marsh Marigold. See N.E.D. (~s.v. Crayse~).--N. & S.W.

=Crazy Bets=. (1) The general name all over Wilts for Caltha palustris, L., Marsh Marigold; apparently always pl. in form. ~Crazy Betties~ (Great Estate, ch. ii) and ~Crazy Betseys~ are occasionally used, the latter at Little Langford, S.W. Cf. 'Pretty Bets,' Oxf. and Nhamp., for Red Spur Valerian and London Pride, and 'Sweet Betsey,' Kent, for the former. In Glouc. Marsh Marigold is merely a Crazy.--N. & S.W. *(2) Mr. Slow says that 'Crazy bets' is applied to the 'buttercup' in South Wilts. *(3) Chrysanthemum leucanthemum, L., the Ox-eye Daisy.--S.W. (Hampworth.)

=Crazy-mor=e, =Crazy-mar=, or =Crazy-moir=. (1) Ranunculus repens, L., Creeping Buttercup. More=root or plant.--N.W. (Devizes; Huish.) (2) At Clyffe Pypard, N.W., and probably elsewhere, ~Crazy-mar~ means a plant of any kind of buttercup.

=Crease=. A ridge-tile.--N.W.

'From the top of Aland's house ... a slate ridge-crest (or crease, as it is provincially termed) ... was carried northwards about 40 yards.'--The Great Wiltshire Storm, Wilts Arch. Mag. vol. vi. p. 378.

=Creed=. Lemna minor, L., Duckweed (Great Estate, ch. ii).--N.W.

*=Creeny=. Small (A.B.H.Wr.).

*=Creeping Jack=. Sedum, Stonecrop.--N.W. (Lyneham.)

=Creeping Jenny=. (1) Linaria Cymbalaria, Mill., Ivy-leaved Toadflax.--S.W. (Salisbury.) (2) Lysimachia Nummularia, L., Moneywort.--N. & S.W.

*=Cresset=, =Cressil=. Scrophularia aquatica, L., Water Figwort (Great Estate, ch. iv).

=Crew=. The tang of a scythe-blade, fastening into the pole-ring.--N.W.

=Cribble about=. To creep about as old people do.--N. & S.W.

=Cribbles=. Onions grown from bulbs. See ~Gibbles~ and ~Chipples~.--S.W. (Som. bord.)

=Crick crack=. People who try to talk fine language, and cannot, are said to use 'crick crack' words. ~Crick crach~: words not understood (S.).--N. & S.W.

'Crink-crank words are long words--verba sesquipedalia--not properly understood. See Proceedings of Phil. Soc. v. 143-8.'--COPE'S Hants Gloss.

=Crink=. A crevice or crack.--N.W.

*=Crippender=. Crupper harness.--S.W. (Bratton.)

=Critch=. A deep earthen pan (S.). Also used in Hants. Fr. cruche.--S.W.

=Crock=. A pot; especially an earthen one (A.B.S.).--N. & S.W.

=Croud=. See ~Crowdy~.

=Croupy down=. To crouch down (S.) as children do when playing hide-and-seek.--N. & S.W.

=Crow-bells= (pl. used as sing.). Scilla nutans, Sm., Wild Hyacinth (H.Wr.).--S.W. This is probably the flower referred to in Aubrey's Wilts, Roy. Soc. MS., p. 126 (p. 52, ed. Brit.), under the same name:--

'In a ground of mine called Swices ... growes abundantly a plant called by the people hereabout crow-bells, which I never saw any where but there. Mr. Rob. Good, M.A., tells me that these crow-bells have blue flowers, and are common to many shady places in this county.'

=Crowdy=. A kind of apple turnover (S.). ~Croud~ (H.Wr.).--N. & S.W.

=Crow-flower=. Scilla nutans, Sm., Wild Hyacinth.--S.W. (Hants bord.)

=Crow-hearted=. Young cabbage and broccoli plants that have lost their eye or centre are said to be 'crow-hearted.'--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Crowpeck=. (1) Scandix Pecten, L., Shepherd's-needle (D.).--S.W. (2) Ranunculus arvensis, L., Corn Crowfoot.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

*=Crow's-legs=. Scilla nutans, Sm., Wild Hyacinth.--N.W.

=Crump=. To crunch or munch.--N.W.

=Crumplings=, =Crumplens=. Small, imperfectly grown apples.--N. & S.W.

=Cubby-hole=. A snug corner, a sheltered place (A.S.). Also ~Cooby~; cf. ~Coopy-house~.--N. & S.W.

=Cuckoo=. About Salisbury Saxifraga granulata is known as ~Dry~ (or ~Dryland~) ~Cuckoo~, and Cardamine pratensis as ~Water Cuckoo~, from their respective habitats. The use of Cuckoo in a plant-name always implies that it flowers in early spring.

=Cuckoo-flower=. (1) Cardamine pratensis, L., Lady's Smock.--N. & S.W. (2) Anemone nemorosa, L., Wood Anemone.--S.W.

=Cuckoo fool=. Yunx torquilla, the Wryneck.--N.W. (Broadtown.)

=Cuckoo-gate=. A swing-gate in a V-shaped enclosure.--N. & S.W.

=Cuckoos=. Anemone nemorosa, L., Wood Anemone.--S.W. (Hamptworth.)

*=Cuckoo's bread-and-cheese=. The young shoots of the Hawthorn (Great Estate, ch. iii).--N.W.

=Cuddickwaay=! Order to a horse to 'Come this way.'

=Cue= (1), n. An ox-shoe (A.). Only used on flinty lands.--N. & S.W. (2) v. To shoe an ox.--N. & S.W.

=Cull=, or =Tom Cull=. Cottus gobio, the Bullhead (A.B.).

=Culls=. Sheep or lambs picked out of the flock, as inferior in size or in any other way, and sold. Fairs at which they are sold are called 'Cull Fairs.'--N.W.

=Curdle=. A curl of hair (S.).--N. & S.W.

=Curly-buttons=. Woodlice.--S.W.

=Curly-cob=. The Bullhead, Cottus gobio--S.W. (Bishopstone.)

=Curry-pig=. A sucking pig (H.Wr.). Also ~Cure-pig~.

=Cushion-pink=. Armeria maritima, Willd., Thrift; the garden variety.--N.W.

*=Cushions=. Scabiosa arvensis, L., Field Scabious.--N. & S.W. (Enford, &c.)

*=Cusnation=. An expletive (A.).

'Ha' done, Jonas! Dwon't 'e be a cussnation vool! I'll call missus!'--Wilts Tales, p. 83.

=Cut-finger-leaf=. Valeriana, All-heal. The leaves are good for application to sluggish sores, whitlows, &c. Mr. Cunnington quotes it as V. dioica.--N.W. (Huish, &c.)

=Cutty=. Troglodytes vulgaris, the Wren (S.).--S.W.

=D=. (1) In comparatives, &c., d is frequently added to liquids, as coolder, cooler; thinder, thinner; feeldins, feelings; and scholard, scholar. In Chronicon Vilodunense, fifteenth century, we find jaylarde, a gaoler. (2) It is also used for th, as draish, thresh; droo, through; dree, three. (3) D not sounded after a liquid; examples:--veel, field; vine, to find; dreshol, threshold.

=Daak=. See ~Dawk~.

=Dab=. An expert at anything; sometimes used ironically, as 'He's a perfect dab at gardening,' he knows nothing whatever about it.--N. & S.W.

=Dabster=. A proficient (A.). See ~Dapster~.--S.W.

=Dack=. See ~Dawk~.

=Daddick=, =Daddock=. n. Rotten wood (A.B.G.).--N.W.

=Daddicky=. adj. Of wood, decayed, rotten (A.B.S.). Cf. ~Dicky~.--N. & S.W.

*=Daddy's Whiskers=. Clematis Vitalba, L., Traveller's Joy.--S.W. (Farley.)

=Daffy=. The usual name in N.W. for the wild Daffodil.

=Daggled=. See ~Diggled~.

=Daglet=. An icicle (A.H.S.Wr.). See ~Daggled~.--N. & S.W.

'Thatched roofs are always hung with "daglets" in frost.'--Village Miners.

=Dain=. Noisome effluvia (A.B.C.H.Wr.). Formerly applied mainly to infectious effluvia, as 'Now dwoan't 'ee gwo too nigh thuck there chap; he've a had the small-pox, and the dain be in his clothes still.' (See Cunnington MS.). Now used of very bad smells in general.--N.W.

=Dainty=. Evil-smelling. 'That there meat's ter'ble dainty.'--N.W.

=Dall=. An expletive (S.).--N.W.

''Od dal th' vor'n ungrateful varment!'--Wilts Tales, p. 50.

=Dandy-goshen=. See ~Dandy-goslings~.

=Dandy-goslings=. (1) Orchis mascula, L., Early Purple Orchis. See ~Gandigoslings~, &c.--N.W. (2) O. Morio, L., Green-winged Meadow Orchis. ~Dandy-goshen~ at Salisbury (English Plant Names), also at Little Langford.--S.W.

*=Dane=, =Daner=. In Kingston Deverill there was an old man who called red-haired men 'Danes,' or 'Daners,' as 'Thee bist a Dane.' This being in the centre of the Alfred district, the term may be a survival. In Somerset red-haired men are often said to be 'a bit touched with the Danes.'

*=Dane's Blood=. Sambucus Ebulus, L., Dwarf Elder (Aubrey's Nat. Hist. Wilts, p. 50, ed. Brit.). It is popularly believed only to grow on the ancient battle-fields, and to have sprung originally from the blood of the slain Danes.

=Dap=. (1) v. To rebound, as a ball.--N. & S.W. (2) n. The rebound of a ball.--N. & S.W.

=Dap on=. To pounce down on, to take unawares.--N. & S.W.

=Daps=. (1) 'He's the daps on his feyther,' the very image of him (S.).--S.W. (2) 'He got the daps o' he's feyther,' he has the same tricks as his father.--N.W.

'~Dap~, a hop, a turn. The daps of any one would therefore be his habits, peculiarities, &c.'--JENNINGS, Somerset Gloss.

=Dapster=. *(1) A nimble boy.--S.W. (Deverill). (2) A proficient (S.). See ~Dab~.--S.W.

*=Dar=. n. 'To be struck in a dar, to be astonished or confounded.'--Cunnington MS. Apparently from O.E. dare, to frighten birds.--N.W., obsolete.

'Never hobby so dared a lark.'--BURTON, Anatomy of Melancholy.

*=Daver=. To fade, fall down, droop, as flowers or leaves on a hot day.--N.W. (Malmesbury.)

=Dawk=, =Dack=, =Daak=, =Dauk=. To incise with a jerk, or insert a pointed weapon with rapidity (H.Wr.). To stab and tear together as a cat's claw does. To puncture.--N.W.

'Should a savage cat tear out a piece of flesh from the hand, she is said to "dawk" it out. Dawk expresses a ferocious stab and tear combined.'--Village Miners.

Also used of a baker marking loaves:--

'Prick it and dack it and mark it with T, And put it in the oven for baby and me.'--Nursery Rhyme.

This seems to be identical with A.S. dalc, dolc, Dutch and Danish dolk, Icel. dálkr, Germ. dolch, all meaning a sharp piercing instrument, a skewer, a dagger, &c. (Smythe-Palmer).

=Dead hedge=. A wattled fence (Agric. of Wilts, ch. x).--N.W.

=Dead pen=. A sheep pen is occasionally so called in S. Wilts.

=Dead-roof=. A skilling roof made of bavins and thatched over.--N.W.

=Dead year=. Often used with possessive pronoun, as 'his dead year,' the year immediately following his death (Wilts Arch. Mag. vol. xxii. p. 111). A widow should not marry again 'afore the dead year's up.'--N.W.

=Deaf-nettle=. Lamium album, L., the Dead nettle. Cf. ~Dunch-nettle~.--S.W.

=Deaf-nut=. A rotten or empty nut. Deaf=useless, inactive.--S.W.

=Deedy=. (1) Industrious, busy, as 'He's a deedy man.'--N.W. (2) Intent, as 'What bist looking so deedy at?'--N.W.

*=Dee-gee=. Mr. William Cunnington writes us as follows:--

'"Twas a Dee-gee" was the name of a kind of dance, which our old nurse taught us as children, mostly performed by moving sideways and knocking the feet together.'

This would seem to be a survival of the Elizabethan heydeguies. See Spenser, Shepherd's Calendar, June.--N.W., obsolete.

*=Densher=. To prepare down-land for cultivation by paring and burning the turf (Aubrey's Wilts Nat. Hist., p. 103, ed. Brit.). See ~Bake~ and ~Burn-bake~.

=Desight=, =Dissight=. An unsightly object (H.Wr.).--N.W.

=Devil-daisy=. Matricaria Parthenium, L., Common Feverfew, and Anthemis Cotula, L., Stinking Camomile, from their daisy-like flowers and unpleasant odour.--S.W.

=Devil-in-a-hedge=. Nigella damascena, Love in a mist.--N.W.

=Devil-screecher=. Cypselus apus, the Common Swift.--N. & S.W.

=Devil's-ring=. A kind of hairy caterpillar which curls up on being touched (Wild Life, ch. xvii).--N.W.

'Devyls-gold-rynge, the colewort worme.'--Huloet.

'Oak-egger and fox moths, which children call "Devil's Gold Rings."'--KINGSLEY, Chalk-stream Studies.

=Dew-beater=. A man who has large feet, or who turns out his toes, so that he brushes the dew off the grass in walking (A.S.).--N. & S.W. Compare:--

'The dew-beaters [early walkers, pioneers] have trod their way for those that come after them.'--HACKET'S Life of Williams, i. 57.

=Dew-bi=. A very early breakfast (A.).--N. & S.W.

=Dew-pond=. A pond on the downs, not fed by any spring, but kept up by mist, dew, and rain. Such ponds rarely fail, even in the longest drought. Also ~Mist-pond~.--N.W.

*=Dewsiers=. The valves of a pig's heart (A.B.G.); a corruption of O.F. jusier.

=Deyhus=, =Da'us=, =Day'us=. A dairy, a cheese-room (A.B.). From deye, a dairymaid; Icel. deigja (Skeat). In this and similar words, as Brewhouse, Woodhouse, &c., house is always pronounced as A.S. hús (Akerman), the h, however, not being invariably sounded.--N.W.

=Dibs=. A game played by boys with sheep's dibs or knuckle-bones (S.).--N. & S.W.

*=Dick-and-his-team=. The Great Bear.--N.W. Compare Jack-and-his-team.

'I know the north star; there it is.... And the Great Bear; the men call it Dick and his Team.'--Greene Ferne Farm, ch. vi.

=Dicker=. (1) To bedeck. 'Gels be allus a dickerin' therselves up now-a-days.'--N.W. (Huish.) (2) 'As thick as they can dicker,' very intimate.--S.W. (Amesbury.) 'All in a dicker (or 'digger'),' very close together.--S.W.

=Dicky=. (1) Of vegetables, decayed. (2) Of persons or plants, weakly or in ill-health (Wilts Arch. Mag. vol. xxii. p. 110). Cf. ~Daddicky~.--N.W.

=Dicky-birds=. Fumaria officinalis, L., Common Fumitory.--S.W.

=Diedapper=. Podiceps minor, the Dabchick; Divedapper in Shakespeare. In common use at Salisbury until quite recently. Before the streams running through the city were covered over, it was an every-day occurrence to see a dripping urchin making for home, with an escort of friends at his heels yelling 'Diedapper, Diedapper, Diedapper, die!'--S.W.

*=Diggle=. v. To grow thickly together. 'They weeds be a coming up agen as thick as ever they can diggle.' See ~Dicker~.--N.W. (Potterne.).

=Diggled=, =Daggled=. Covered over or hung thickly with anything. Compare ~Daglet~. 'Thick may-bush be aal diggled wi' berries.'--S.W. (Salisbury.)

=Diggles=. n. Abundance, plenty (S.). 'Let's go a blackberryin'; there's diggles up Grovely.' See ~Diggle~.--S.W.

=Dill=, =Dill Duck=. A young duck.--N. & S.W.

=Dillcup=. Ranunculus Ficaria, L., Lesser Celandine (S.).--S.W.

=Diller=. The shaft-horse (H.Wr.). See ~Thiller~.--N.W.

=Dills=. See ~Thills~.

=Dimmets=. Dusk, twilight.--S.W.

=Ding=. To strike violently (Dark, ch. xv).--N.W.

=Dishabille=. A labourer's working clothes. The word is not used in Wilts in its ordinary sense of undress or negligent costume, but a common excuse for not appearing at church is that a man has nothing but his dishabille to wear. Fr. déshabillé.--N.W.

=Dishwasher=. (1) Motacilla flava, the Yellow Wagtail (A.S.).--N. & S.W. (2) M. Yarrellii, the Pied Wagtail (A.S.).--N. & S.W.

=Do=. 'To do for any one,' to manage or keep house for him.--N. & S.W.

*=Dock=. Malva sylvestris, L., Common Mallow (A.). Now restricted to Rumex.

=Dodder=, =Dudder=, =Duther=, &c. (1) v. To bewilder, to deafen with noise (A.B.H.S.Wr.). 'I be vinny doddered, they childern do yop so.'--N. & S.W. (2) n. 'All in a dudder,' quite bewildered (H.).--N. & S.W. (3) v. To deaden anything, as pain. 'It sort o' dudders the pain.'--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

*=Doddle-grass=. Briza media, L., Quaking Grass (English Plant Names).

=Doddler=. 'A bit of a doddler,' a small boy.--N. & S.W.

=Dog, how beest=? This phrase seems worth noting. At Clyffe Pypard a person complaining of loneliness, or the want of sociability or kindness amongst the neighbours, will say, 'There isn't one as 'll so much as look in and say, "Dog, how beest?"'

=Dog-Cocks=. Arum maculatum, L., Cuckoo-pint. Compare Dogs-dibble in N. Devon.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Dog-daisy=. Any large daisy-like white flower, such as Chrysanthemum leucanthemum, L., Ox-eye Daisy.--N. & S.W.

=Dogged=. (2 syl.) Very, excessively; as dogged cute (A.).--N. & S.W.

'Maester was dogged deep, but I was deeper!'--Wilts Tales, p. 110.

*=Dog out=. To drive out anything, as a sheep out of a quagmire, by setting the dog furiously at it (Great Estate, ch. viii).

=Dog's-mouth=. Linaria vulgaris, Mill., Yellow Toadflax.--N.W.

*=Dom=. A door case (H.Wr.): probably a mistake for Dorn or Doorn.

=Domel=. See ~Dumble~.

=Doner=. A man, animal, &c., 'done for' and past hope (S.). 'Thuck old sow be a dunner; her 'll be dead afore night.'--N. & S.W.

*=Donnings=. Clothes (A.B.).

*=Dooke=. (2 syl.) Do ye, will ye. 'Be quiet, dooke' (H.M.Wr.).

'Obsolete, having been superseded by do 'ee. It was pronounced as a dissyllable.'--SKEAT.

=Door-Drapper= (i.e. Dropper or Dripper). The piece of wood fastened to the bottom of cottage doors to shoot the water off the 'Dreshol' (threshold).--N.W.

*=Doorn=. A door frame (H.Wr.). Also ~Durn~ (S.). At Warminster applied only to the sides of a door-frame.--S.W.

=Double=. 'He is a double man,' i.e. bent double with age or infirmity.--S.W.

*=Double-Dumb-Nettle=. Ballota nigra, L., Black Horehound.--S.W. (Charlton.)

*=Double-ladies'-fingers-and-thumbs=. Anthyllis vulneraria, L., Kidney Vetch.--N.W. (Enford.)

=Double-mound=. A double hedge (Amateur Poacher, ch. xi; Wild Life, ch. ix. p. 152). See ~Mound~.--N.W.

*=Double Pincushion=. Anthyllis vulneraria, L., Kidney Vetch.--S.W. (Barford.)

=Doublets=. Twin lambs (Annals of Agric.).--N.W.

=Dough-fig=. The same as ~Lem-feg~. A Turkey Fig.--N.W.

=Dout=. To put out, as 'Dout the candle' (A.B.S.): to smother or extinguish fire by beating.--N. & S.W.

'An extinguisher "douts" a candle; the heel of a boot "douts" a match thrown down. But the exact definition of "dout" is to smother, or extinguish by beating.'--Village Miners.

=Dowl=. The fine down of a bird.--N.W.

'Coots and moor-hens must be skinned, they could not be plucked because of the "dowl." Dowl is the fluff, the tiny featherets no fingers can remove.'--Bevis, ch. vii.

=Down=. To tire out, to exhaust. 'That there 'oss's downed.'--N.W. (Wroughton.)

=Down-along=. 'He lives down-along,' a little way down the street (S.), as opposed to 'up-along.'--S.W.

=Down-arg=. To contradict in an overbearing manner (A.B.S.), to browbeat.--N. & S.W.

=Down-dacious=. Audacious (S.). 'Her's a right downdacious young vaggot, that her is!'--S.W.

*=Down-haggard=. Disconsolate (S.).--S.W.

=Down-hearten=. To feel disheartened. 'A be vurry bad, but I don't down-hearten about un.'--N.W.

=Dowse=. A blow (A.B.C.S.), as 'a dowse in the chops.'--N. & S.W.

=Dowst=. (1) Chaff or cave. ~Dust~ (D.). (2) 'To go to dowst,' go to bed, perhaps from dowst (chaff) being used to fill mattresses. Heard at Huish occasionally, but not traced elsewhere.

=Dowst-coob=. The chaff cupboard in a stable.--N. & S.W.

=Drag=. A harrow (D.).--N. & S.W.

=Drail=. (1) In a plough, the iron bow from which the traces draw, and by which the furrow is set (D.).--N.W. (2) Crex pratensis, the Landrail.--N.W.

*=Drainted=. Of dirt, ingrained (H.Wr.).

=Drang=, =Drangway=, =Drung=. (1) A narrow lane. ~Drun~ (H.Wr.).--S.W. (2) A narrow passage between walls or houses. Drun (H.Wr.).--S.W.

=Drangway=. See ~Drang~ (S.).

=Drashel=, =Dreshol=, &c. A flail (D.). The correct term for a flail is a drashel, but 'a pair o' drashells' (or 'dreshols') is more commonly used, as two men generally work together.--N. & S.W.

*=Drattle=. Much talk (S.).--S.W.

=Draught=. A cart-shaft. ~Draats~ (S.).--S.W.

=Draughts=. Hazel-rods selected for hurdle-making (D.). A 'draught' is not a rod, but a bundle of long wood suitable for hurdles or pea-sticks, bound with a single withe.--N.W.

=Drave=. 'I be slaving an' draving (i.e. working myself to death) for he, night and day.'--N. & S.W.

=Draw=. (1) A squirrel's dray or nest.--N.W. (Marlborough.) (2) Rarely applied to a large nest, as a hawk's. Compare:--'Draw, to build a nest (Berners),' an old hawking term.--N.W. (Marlborough.)

=Drawing=. See ~Drawn~.

=Drawn=. In a water-meadow, the large open main drain which carries the water back to the river, after it has passed through the various carriages and trenches.--S.W. In every-day use about Salisbury, and along the Avon and Wiley from Downton to Codford, but rarely heard elsewhere.

'Many of the meadows on either length [near Salisbury] abound in ditches and "drawns."'--Fishing Gazette, July 18, 1891, p. 40, col. 2.

'I ... descried three birds, standing quite still [at Britford] by the margin of a flooded "drawing."'--Wilts Arch. Mag. xxi. 229.

=Dredge=, =Drodge=. Barley and oats grown together.--S.W.

=Dribs-and-Drabs=. Odds and ends. 'All in dribs and drabs,' all in tatters.--N. & S.W.

=Drieth=. See ~Dryth~.

=Drift=. A row of felled underwood (D.).--N.W.

=Dripple= See ~Waggon~.

=Drive=. Of manure, to stimulate growth. 'Thur, that'll drive th' rhubub, I knaws!'--N. & S.W.

=Drock=. (1) A short drain under a roadway, often made with a hollow tree.--N. & S.W. (2) A broad flat stone laid as a bridge across a ditch (Amaryllis at the Fair).--N.W. (Castle Eaton, &c.)

'Drock, a water-way, or sometimes the stone slab over a narrow ditch.'--Leisure Hour, Aug. 1893.

'1674. Item Paid Richard Serrell for a Stone to make a Drocke.--Records of Chippenham, p. 230.

*(3) A water-course (H.Wr.). A water-way (Leisure Hour, Aug. 1893).--N.W. (Castle Eaton, &c.)

'Where meaning a water way, it is usually spoken of as a Drockway, "drock" alone being the passage over the ditch.'--MISS E. BOYER-BROWN.

*(4) Used in compounds such as ~Well-drock~, windlass.

=Drockway=. See ~Drock~ (3).

=Drodge=. See ~Dredge~ .

*=Dromedary=. (1) Centaurea nigra, L., Black Knapweed.--S.W. (Barford St. Martin.) (2) Centaurea Scabiosa, L., Hardheads.--S.W. (Barford St. Martin.)

=Dropping=. 'A dropping summer,' one when there is a shower every two or three days (Wild Life, ch. ii).--N.W.

=Drove=. A green roadway on a farm.--N. & S.W.

=Drown=. To turn the water over the meadows.--S.W.

=Drowner=. The man who attends to the hatches, managing the supply of water, and turning it on and off the meadows at the proper times.--S.W.

*=Drowning-bridge=. A water-meadow sluice-gate (A.B.G.H. Wr.).

=Drowning-carriage=. A large water-course for drowning a meadow. See ~Carriage~.--S.W.

*=Droy=. A thunderbolt (Aubrey's Wilts MS., H.Wr.).--Obsolete.

*=Drucked=. Filled to overflowing (S.).--S.W.

=Drug=. (1) 'To drug timber,' to draw it out of the woods under a pair of wheels (D.).--N.W. (2) 'To drug a wheel,' to put on some kind of drag or chain.--N.W.

*=Druid's-hair=. Long moss (H.Wr.).

=Drun=. See ~Drang~ (H.Wr.).

=Drunge=. (1) n. A crowd or crush of people (H.Wr.)--N.W. (2) v. To squeeze (S.).--S.W.

=Drunkards=. Flowers of Caltha palustris, L., Marsh Marigold; probably from the way in which they suck up water when placed in a vase. The reason assigned by children for the name is that if you look long at them you will be sure to take to drink.--S.W. (Som. bord.)

=Dry Cuckoo=, or =Dryland Cuckoo=. Saxifraga granulata, L., White Meadow Saxifrage. See ~Cuckoo~.--S.W.

=Dryth=, or =Drieth=. Dryness, drought.--N.W.

'1633. The cryer ... to give warninge to the inhabitants to sett payles of water at their doores in the late tyme of drieth and heate.'--Records of Chippenham, p. 206.

=Dub=. To pelt with stones. 'Just dub that apple down out of the tree, will 'ee?' See ~Frog-dubbing~.--S.W.

=Dubbed=. Blunt, pointless (A.B.).

*=Dubbing=. 'A dubbin' o' drenk,' a pint or mug of beer (A.B.H.Wr.).

=Dubby=. Oily.--N.W.

=Duck's-frost=. A very slight white frost.--N.W.

'That kind of frost which comes on in the early morning, and is accompanied with some rime on the grass--a duck's frost, just sufficient to check fox-hunting.'--Gamekeeper at Home, ch. vii.

=Duckstone=. A game played by boys with stones (S.).--S.W.

=Dudder=. See ~Dodder~.

=Dudge=. (1) A bundle of anything used to stop a hole.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.) *(2) 'Peg the dudge,' tap the barrel (A.B.G.H.Wr.).

=Dudman=. A scarecrow.--N.W. (Malmesbury.)

=Dumb-Ague=. A kind of ague which is not accompanied by the usual shaking fits. ''Tis what 'ee do caal the dumb-agey.'--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Dumble=. Stupid, dull (A.B.H.Wr.); also ~Domel, Dummel, &c.~--N.W.

'Severe weather ... makes all wild animals "dummel" in provincial phrase,--i.e. stupid, slow to move.'--Gamekeeper at Home, ch. vii.

=Dumbledore=, or =Dumble=. The Humble-bee (A.B.S.).--N. & S.W.

'Th' mak'st a noise like a dumbledore in a pitcher.'--Wilts Tales, p. 68.

=Dumb Nettle=. Lamium album, L., White Dead-nettle.--S.W. (Charlton.)

=Dump=. (1) n. 'A treacle dump,' a kind of coarse sweetmeat.--S.W. (2) v. To blunt, as 'I've dumped my scythe against a stone.'--N.W. (3) A pollard tree, as 'Ash-dump,' or 'Willow-dump.'--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Dum-put=. See ~Dung-pot~.

=Dunch=. (1) Deaf (A.B.C.); now rarely so used. In Cunnington MS. said to be at that time the usual N. Wilts term for deaf.--N & S.W.

'Ah! Molly, ye purtends to be as dunch as a bittle, but I kneows 'e hears ev'ry word I zays.'--Wilts Tales, p. 81.

(2) Stupid, heavy; now the common use. 'The wapses gets dunch' in late autumn. A labourer who can't be made to understand orders is 'dunch.'--N. & S.W. (3) Of bread, heavy (Wild Life, ch. vii). Cf. ~Dunch-dumpling.~--N. & S.W. ~Dunchy~ is frequently used in S. Wilts instead of ~Dunch~, but usually means deaf.

=Dunch-dumpling=. A hard-boiled flour-and-water dumpling (A.B.C.) See ~Dunch~ (3).--N.W.

=Dunch-nettle=, =Dunse-nettle=. (1) Lamium purpureum, L., Red Dead-nettle. ~Dunch~=stupid, inactive. Cf. ~Deaf-nettle~.--S.W. (2) Lamium album, L., White Dead-nettle.--S.W. (Barford.)

=Dung-pot=. A dung-cart (D.); rarely ~Dum-put~. See ~Pot~.--N. & S.W.

*=Dup=. 'To dup the door,' to open or unfasten it (Lansd. MS. 1033).--Obsolete. Cf. :--

'Then up he rose, and donn'd his clothes, And dupp'd the chamber-door.'--Hamlet, iv. 5.

The word now means the very reverse.

=Dutch Elder=. Aegopodium Podagraria, L., Goutweed.--S.W. (Farley, &c.)

=Duther=, =Dutter=. See ~Dodder~.

=Ea-grass=. After-grass (D.); Lammas grass as well as aftermath.--S.W.

=Eass= (sometimes =Yees=). An earthworm.--S.W.

*=Edge-growed=. Of barley, both growing and ripening irregularly; the result of a want of rain after it is first sown (D.).

=Eel-scrade=. A kind of eel-trap.--S.W.

'A trap used to catch eels, placed near a weir. The water is turned into the scrade when high, and the fish washed up to a stage through which the water finds an outlet, the fish, however, being retained on the platform by a piece of sloping iron.'--F. M. WILLIS.

=Eel-sticher=. An eel-spear.--S.W.

'Wishing to secure [a Little Grebe] in summer plumage, I asked the old "drowner" in our meadows to look out for one for me--and this he very soon did, fishing one out from under the water between the spikes of his eel-sticher, as it was diving under the water.'--Wilts Arch. Mag. xxii. 193.

=Effet=, =Evet=. Lissotriton punctatus, the Newt (A.S.)--N. & S.W.

'She ... sometimes peered under the sage-bush to look at the "effets" that hid there.'--Great Estate, ii.

=Eggs-and-Bacon=. Linaria vulgaris, Mill., Yellow Toadflax. Cf. ~Bacon-and-Eggs~.--N. & S.W.

*=Eggs-eggs=. Fruit of the hawthorn.--S.W. (Farley.)

*=Elet=. Fuel (H.Wr.). *~Ollit~ (Aubrey's Wilts MS.).--N.W., obsolete.

=Elm=, =Helm=, or =Yelm=. (1) v. To make up 'elms.'--N. & S.W.

'Two or three women are busy "yelming," i.e. separating the straw, selecting the longest and laying it level and parallel, damping it with water, and preparing it for the yokes.'--Wild Life, ch. vi.

(2) n. (Almost invariably pl.,'elms' being the usual form). Small bundles or handfuls of fresh straw, damped and laid out straight for the thatcher's use (Wild Life, ch. vi). See Wilts Arch. Mag. vol. xxii. p. 111. According to Prof. Skeat yelm, seldom now used in Wilts, is the correct form, from A.S. gilm, a handful. About Marlborough it is usually pronounced as Yelms, but at Clyffe Pypard there is not the slightest sound of y in it. Elsewhere it is frequently pronounced as Ellums.--N. & S.W.

=Eltrot=. Heracleum Sphondylium, L., Cow-parsnip (S.). *~Altrot~ at Zeals.--S.W.

=Emmet=. The Ant (S.). 'Ant' is never used in Wilts.--N. & S.W.

=Emmet-heap=. An anthill.--N. & S.W.

=En=. (1) pl. termination, as ~Housen~, houses; ~Hipsen~, rose-berries; ~Keyn~, keys; ~Facen~, faces; ~Wenchen~, girls; ~Bluen~, blossoms; ~Naas'n~, nests (rarely heard, Nestises being the usual form); ~Pigs'-sousen~, pigs'-ears.--N. & S.W.

'In North Wilts ... the formation of the Plural by affixing en to the Noun is almost universal, as house housen, &c.'--Cunnington MS.

(2) adj. term., as ~Harnen~, made of horn; ~Stwonen~, of stone; ~Elmin~, of elm wood, &c. '~Boughten~ bread,' baker's bread, as opposed to home-made. 'A ~dirten~ floor,' a floor made of earth, beaten hard. 'A ~tinnin~ pot.' 'A ~glassen~ cup.' ~Boarden~, made of boards; ~Treen-dishes~, wooden platters, &c. 'There's some volk as thinks to go droo life in glassen slippers.'--N. & S.W.

'Almost as universal too is the transformation of the Substantive into an adjective by the same termination as ... a Leatheren Shoe, an elmen Board, &c.'--Cunnington MS.

(3) See ~Pronouns~.

'The pronoun Possessive too is formed in the same way, as hisn hern Ourn theirn.'--Cunnington MS.

=English Parrot=. Picus viridis, the Green Woodpecker (Birds of Wilts, p. 251).--S.W. (Salisbury.)

=Ether=, =Edder=. The top-band of a fence, the wands of hazel, &c., woven in along the top of a 'dead hedge,' or wattled fence, to keep it compact (A.B.). A 'stake and ether' fence. A.S. edor.--N.W.

'Mughall [Midghall] had nothing to doe withought [without] the Eyther [hedge] between Bradene Lane and Shropshire Marsh.'--1602, MS., Perambulation of the Great Park of Fasterne, N.W., in Devizes Museum.

'An eldern stake and blackthorn ether Will make a hedge to last for ever.'--Wilts Saying (A.).

=Eve=. See ~Heave~.

=Even-ash=. Ash-leaves with an equal number of leaflets, carried by children in the afternoon of the 29th May (Wild Life, ch. v). See ~Shitsac~.--N.W.

=Evet=. See ~Effet~.

=Ex=, pl. =Exes=. An axle (S.).--N. & S.W.

=Eyles=. See ~Ailes~.

=F=. (1) F for th. Examples :.--Fust, thirst; afust, athirst. An old characteristic of the Western and South-Western groups of dialect. (2) F, at the beginning of a word, is frequently sounded as v, as fall, vall; flick, vlick; font, vant.

=Fadge=. See ~Fodge~.

=Fag=. See ~Vag~.

=Faggot=, =Fakket=. (1) A woman of bad character is 'a nasty stinking faggot (or vaggot).' Often used in a milder sense, as 'You young vaggot! [you bad girl] what be slapping the baby vor?'--N. & S.W.

'Damn you vor a gay wench, vor that's what you be, an' no mistake about it; a vaggot as I wun't hae in my house no longer.'--Dark, ch. xii.

(2) A rissole of chopped pig's-liver and seasoning, covered with 'flare': also known as ~Bake-faggot~.--N. & S.W.

'Tripe an mince meat, Vaggots an pigs veet, An blackpuddins stale, on which to regale.'--SLOW'S Poems, p. 26.

=Falarie=. Disturbance, excitement, commotion.--N. & S.W.

'"Look'ee here, there 've bin a fine falarie about you, Zur." He meant that there had been much excitement when it was found that Bevis was not in the garden, and was nowhere to be found.'--Wood Magic, ch. ii.

'Used about Wilton, but not so extensively as its synonym rumpus.'--Letter from Mr. Slow.

=Fall about=. v. Of a woman: to be confined. 'His wife bin an' fell about laas' night.'--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Fall down=. Of arable land: to be allowed to relapse of itself into poor rough pasture.--N.W.

'Some of the land is getting "turnip-sick," the roots come stringy and small and useless, so that many let it "vall down."'--Great Estate, ch. i. p. 6.

=Falling=. n. A downfall of snow. 'I thenks we shall have some vallen soon.' Only used of snow.--N. & S.W.

=Falling-post=. The front upright timber of a gate. Occasionally heard at Huish; ~Head~, however, being the more usual term there.--N.W.

=Falsify=. Of seeds, young trees, &c.: to fail, to come to nought.--N.W.

=Fancy man=. A married woman's lover. 'He be Bill's wife's fancy man, that's what he do be.'--N.W.

*=Fang=. To strangle; to bind a wounded limb so tightly as to stop the flow of blood (A.B.H.Wr.).

=Fantag=, =Fanteague=, &c. (1) n. Fluster, fuss. ~Fantaig~ (S.).--N. & S.W. (2) Vagaries or larks, as 'Now, none o' your fantaigs here!' At Clyffe Pypard, N.W., 'a regular fantaig' would be a flighty flirting lad or girl, a 'wondermenting or gammotty sort of a chap.'--N. & S.W.

*=Fardingale=. A quarter of an acre (H.Wr. Lansd. MS.). The old form is Farding-deal (Wr.). Compare Thurindale, &c.--Obsolete.

'1620. Itm, to the same Thomas & Nicholas Lea for theire helpe to laye the Acres into ffarendells.'--Records of Chippenham, p. 202.

'1649. Twoe ffarthendels of grasse.'--Ibid. p. 217.

=Farewell Summer=. The Michaelmas Daisy.--N. & S.W.

=Fashion=. The farcey, a disease in horses (A.H.Wr.). Fr. farcin.--N.W.

'An old Wiltshire farmer, when his grand-daughters appeared before him with any new piece of finery, would ask what it all meant. The girls would reply, "fashion, gran'váther!" when the old man would rejoin, "Ha! many a good horse has died o' th' fashion!"'--Akerman.

=Favour=. To resemble in features, &c. 'He doesn't favour you, Sir.... He is his mother's own boy.'--N. & S.W.

=Featish=. Fair, tolerable (A.B.). Used of health, crops, &c. 'How be 'e ?' 'Featish, thank 'e.'--'There's a featish crop o' grass yander!' (A.). M.E. fetis (in Chaucer), O.F. fetis, faitis.--N.W.

'The worthy farmer proceeded to ask how the children got on at the Sunday-school. "Oh, featish, zur ... Sally, yander ... her's gettin' on oonderful."'--Wilts Tales, pp. 139-140.

'"How's your voice?" "Aw, featish [fairish]. I zucked a thrush's egg to clear un."'--Greene Ferns Farm, ch. i.

'"Ees, this be featish tackle," meaning the liquor was good.'--Ibid. ch. vii.

'A' be a featish-looking girl, you.'--Ibid. ch. i.

*=Fern Buttercup=. Potentilla Anserina, L., Silverweed.--S.W. (Zeals.)

=Fess=. (1) Of animals: bad-tempered, fierce. A cat with its back up looks 'ter'ble fess.'--N. & S.W. (2) Cocky, impudent, confident. Also used in Hants.--S.W., occasionally. (3) Proud, stuck-up (S.).--S.W.

=Fet=. See ~Preterites~.

=Fevertory=. Fumaria, Fumitory, from which a cosmetic for removing freckles used to be distilled.--S.W.

'If you wish to be pure and holy, Wash your face with fevertory.'--Local Rhyme.

=Few=. 'A goodish few,' or 'a main few,' a considerable quantity or number.--N. & S.W.

'I ferrets a goodish few rabbits on bright nights in winter.'--Amateur Poacher, ch. vii.

=Fiddle-strings=. The ribs of the Plantain leaf, when pulled out. See ~Cat-gut~.--N.W.

*=Field=. The space, or bay, between beam and beam in a barn, as 'a barn of four fields.' (D.).

=Figged= (two syll.), =Figgedy=, =Figgetty=, =Figgy=. (1) Made with a few 'figs,' or raisins, as 'viggy pudden.' Figged Pudding, Plum pudding (Monthly Mag., 1814). Figgetty Pooden (S.).--N. & S.W. (2) ~Figged.~ Spotted all over, as a pudding is with plums.--S.W. A true-born Moon-raker, describing his first night in 'Lunnon,' where he made the acquaintance of numerous members of the 'Norfolk-Howard' family (Cimex lectularius), spoke of his face as being 'vigged aal auver wi' spots an' bumps afore marning.'

=Fighting-cocks=. Plantago media, L., and other Plantains. Children 'fight' them, head against head.--N.W.

=Filtry=. Rubbish. 'Ther's a lot o' filtry about this house.'--N.W.

=Fine=. Of potatoes, very small.--N.W.

=Fingers-and-Thumbs=. Blossoms of Ulex Europaeus, L., Common Furze (S.).--S.W.

*=Fire-deal=. A good deal (H.Wr.).

=Fire-new=, =Vire-new=. Quite new (A.)--N.W.

=Firk=. (1) To worry mentally, to be anxious; as 'Don't firk so,' or 'Don't firk yourself.' A cat does not firk a mouse when 'playing' with it, but the mouse firks grievously.--N.W. (Marlborough). (2) To be officiously busy or inquisitive, as 'I can't abear that there chap a-comin' firkin' about here.' A policeman getting up a case firks about the place, ferreting out all the evidence he can.--N.W.

*=Fitten=. A pretence (A.B.).--Obsolete. Compare:

'He doth feed you with fittons, figments, and leasings.'--Cynthia's Revels.

=Fitty=. In good health. 'How be 'ee?' 'Ter'ble fitty.'--N.W.

*=Flabber-gaster=. n. Idle talk (S.).--S.W.

=Flag=. The blade of wheat.--N.W.

'The wheat was then showing a beautiful flag.... The flag is the long narrow green leaf of the wheat.'--Great Estate, ch. i. p. 8.

=Flake=. n. (1) A frame, barred with ash or willow spars, somewhat resembling a light gate, used as a hurdle where extra strength is needed (Bevis, ch. xii; Wild Life, ch. iv). 'Flake' hurdles are used to divide a field, or for cattle, the ordinary sheep hurdles being too weak for the purpose.--N.W. (2) v. To make 'flakes.'--N.W.

=Flamtag=. A slatternly woman.--N.W. (Huish, &c.)

=Flare=. (1) The flick, or internal fat of a pig, before it is melted down to make lard.--N. & S.W. (2) The caul, or thin skin of the intestines of animals, used for covering 'bake-faggots,' &c.--N. & S.W.

=Fleck=. See ~Flick~.

=Flews=. A sluice is occasionally so called. See ~Flowse~.--S.W.

=Flewy=. Of a horse, troubled with looseness. 'He's what we calls a flewy 'oss, can't kip nothing in 'im.' Cf. North of Eng. Flewish, morally or physically weak. In Hants a horse of weakly constitution is said to be flue or fluey (Cope).--N.W.

=Flick=, =Fleck=. (1) n. The internal fat of a pig (A.B.C.S.).--N. & S.W. *(2) v. To flare (S.).--S.W.

=Flig-me-jig=. A girl of doubtful character. 'Her's a reg'lar flig-me-jig.'--N.W.

=Flirk=. To flip anything about (H.Wr.), as a duster in flicking a speck of dust off a table (Village Miners). Flirt is the S. Wilts form of the word.--N.W.

*=Flitch=. (1) Pert, lively, officious (A.B.H.Wr.).

'Right flygge and mery.' Paston Letters, iv. 412.

*(2) To be flick or flitch with any one, to be familiar or intimate (C.).--N.W., obsolete.

=Flitmouse=. The bat. A shortened form of Flittermouse.--N.W. (Marlborough.)

=Flitters=. Pieces. A cup falls, and is broken 'aal to vlitters.'--N.W.

*=Floating= or =Flowing meadow=. A meadow laid up in ridges with water-carriages on each ridge and drains between (D.). A lowland meadow watered from a river, as opposed to Catch-meadow (Annals of Agric.). ~Floted meadowes~ (Aubrey's Nat. Hist. Wilts, p. 51, ed. Brit.).

=Flod=. See ~Preterites~.

=Flop-a-dock=. Digitalis purpurea, L., Foxglove.--S.W. (Hants bord.)

=Floppetty=. adj. Of a woman, untidy, slatternly in dress or person. ~Flopperty~ (S.).--S.W.

=Flowing Meadows=. See ~Floating Meadows~.

=Flowse=. (1) v. act. You 'flowse,' or splash, the water over you in a bath.--N. & S.W. (2) v. neut. Water is said to be 'flowsing down' when rushing very strongly through a mill hatch. A horse likes to 'flowse about' in a pond.--S.W. (3) n. The rush of water through a hatch.--S.W. (4) n. Occasionally also applied to the narrow walled channel between the hatch gate and the pool below.--S.W.

=Flucksey=. adj. 'A flucksey old hen,' i.e. a hen who makes a great fuss over her chickens.--S.W. (Bishopstrow, &c.) Cope's Hants Glossary has:--'Flucks, to peck in anger like a hen.'

=Flump=. 'To come down flump, like a twoad from roost,' to fall heavily (A.B.S.); also used alone as a verb, as 'Her vlumped down in thic chair.'--N. & S.W.

=Flunk=. A spark of fire; probably a form of ~Blink~, q.v. ~Vlonker~ (S.).--S.W.

=Flush=. *(1) n. Of grass, a strong and abundant growth (Agric. of Wilts, ch. xii). (2) adj. Of grass, &c., luxuriant.--N.W. (3) adj. Of young birds, fledged (A.B.).--N. & S.W.

=Flustrated=. (1) Taken aback, flustered.--N.W.

'A didn't zay anything ... but a looked a leetle flustrated like.'--Wilts Tales, p. 119.

(2) Tipsy.--N.W.

=Fluttery=. Of weather, catchy, uncertain, showery. ''T ull be a main fluttery hay-making to-year, I warnd.'--N.W. (Huish.)

*=Fodder=. A labourer 'fodders' his boots--stuffs soft hay into them to fill up, when they are too large for him (Village Miners).

*=Fodge= (rarely =Fadge=). In packing fleeces of wool, when the quantity is too small to make up a full 'bag' of 240 lbs., the ends of the bag are gathered together as required, and the sides skewered over them, thus forming the small package known as a 'fodge.'--N.W.

=Fog=. v. To give fodder to cattle. Cf. Welsh ffwg, dry grass.--N. & S.W.

'Fogging, the giving of fodder ... from a Middle English root ... is common in Mid-Wilts.'--Leisure Hour, Aug. 1893.

=Fog off=. To damp off, as cuttings often do in a greenhouse.--N.W. (Marlborough.)

=Fogger=. A man who attends to the cows and takes them their fodder morning and evening (My Old Village, &c.). A groom or man-servant (H.Wr.), the duties of groom and fogger being usually discharged by the same man on farms about Marlborough.--N. & S.W.

*=Foldsail=, =Fossel=. A fold-shore (D.). See ~Sails~.--N.W.

'A fold stake, locally called a "fossle."'--Wilts Arch. Mag. xxi. 132.

'The "fossels" means the fold-shores, or the stakes to which the hurdles are shored up, and fastened with a loose twig wreath at the top.'--Ibid. xvii. 304.

=Fold-shore=. A stake pitched to support a hurdle (D.H.).--S.W.

=Follow or Follow on=. To continue.--N.W.

'If you do want a good crop, you must follow on a hoeing o' the ground; but you can't do no hoeing so long as it do follow raining.'--Wilts Arch. Mag. vol. xxii. p. 111.

=Folly=. A circular plantation of trees on a hill, as 'Harnham Folly,' or 'The Long Folly' on Compton Down. This seems quite distinct from its more general use as applied to a tower or other building which is too pretentious or costly for its builder's position and means.--N. & S.W.

'"Every hill seems to have a Folly," she said, looking round. "I mean a clump of trees on the top."'--Greene Ferne Farm, ch. vi.

*=Foot-cock=. The small cock into which hay is first put (D.).

=Footy=. Paltry (A.B.), as a present not so large as was expected (Village Miners).--N.W.

=For=. Often affixed to the verbs say and think. ''Tean't the same as you said for'; 'I bean't as old as you thinks for.'--N.W.

=Fore-eyed=. Fore-seeing, apt to look far ahead (S.).--S.W.

=Fore-spur=. A fore-leg of pork (S.).--S.W.

=Forefeed=, =Vorfeed=. To turn cattle out in spring into a pasture which is afterwards to be laid up for hay.--N.W.

=Foreright=, =Vorright=. (1) adj. Headstrong, self-willed. 'He's that vorright there's no telling he anything.'--N. & S.W. (2) adj. Blunt, rude, candid.--N.W. (Malmesbury.) (3) Just opposite. 'The geat's vorright thuck shard.'--N.W.

*=Forel=. The actual cover of a book, not the material in which it is bound. This is the usual term in Som. Old Fr. fourrel, a sheath, case.--N.W. (Malmesbury.)

=Fork=. The apparatus used by thatchers for carrying the elms up to the roof.--N.W.

=Forester=. (1) A New Forest horse-fly.--S.W. (2) Any very tall thistle growing among underwood.--N.W. (Marlborough.)

*=Fossel=. See ~Foldsail~.

=Fot=. See ~Preterites~.

=Frame= A skeleton. 'Her's nothing in the world but a frame.'--N.W.

*=Frea=, =Fry=. To make a brushwood drain (D.).

=Freglam=. Odds and ends of cold vegetables, fried up with a little bacon to give a relish. Compare Lanc. Braughwham, cheese, eggs, clap-bread, and butter, all boiled together.--N.W., obsolete.

*=French Grass=. Onobrychis sativa, L., Sainfoin.--N.W. (Enford.)

=Fresh liquor=. Unsalted hog's-fat (A).--N.W.

=Frickle=, =Friggle=. (1) To potter about at little jobs, such as an old man can do. 'I bain't up to a day's work now; I can't do nothing but frickle about in my garne.'--N. & S.W. (2) To fidget, to worry about a thing.--N.W.

'He freggled [fidgetted] hisself auver thuck paason as come a bit ago.'--Greene Ferne Farm, ch. vii.

=Frickling=, =Friggling=. adj. Tiresome, involving much minute attention or labour. Used of fiddling little jobs.--N.W.

=Friggle=. n. A worrying little piece of work. 'I be so caddled wi' aal these yer friggles, I caan't hardly vind time vor a bit o' vittles.' See ~Frickle~.--N.W. (Huish.)

=Frith=. (1) n. 'Quick,' or young whitethorn for planting hedges.--N.W. *(2) n. Thorns or brush underwood (D).--N.W.

'1605. Itm to James Smalwood for an Acre & halfe of hedginge frith out of Heywood.... Item for felling the same frith.'--Records of Chippenham, p. 194.

(3) v. To make a brushwood drain, as opposed to ~Grip~, q.v. (D).

=Froar=. Frozen (A.B.S.); generally ~Vroar~ or ~Vrŏr~ in N. Wilts, but the usual form at Wroughton, N.W., is ~Froren~. A.S. gefroren.--N. & S.W.

=Frog-dubbing=. Boys throw a frog into a shallow pool, and then 'dub' or pelt it, as it tries to escape. See ~Dub~.--S.W.

=Froom=. See ~Frum~.

=Frout=. Of animals: to take fright. 'My horse frouted and run away.'--S.W.

=Frouten=, =Froughten=. To frighten (S.).--N. & S.W.

'Lor, Miss, how you did froughten I!'--Greene Ferne Farm, ch. vii.

=Frow=. See ~Brow~.

=Frum=, =Froom=. Of vegetables, grass, &c.: fresh and juicy (A.B.); strong-growing or rank. A.S. from, vigorous, strong.--N.W.

*=Fry=. (1) n. A brushwood drain (H.Wr.). See ~Frith~ (3).--N.W. (2) v. To make a brushwood drain (D.). Also ~Frea~ and ~Frith~ (D.).--N.W.

'1790. For 234 Lugg Hollow frying in Englands 2.18.6.'--Records of Chippenham, p. 248.

=Fullmare=. n. In my childhood I remember being told more than once by servants at Morden, near Swindon, N.W., that a colt which was playing about in a field near was 'a fullmare.' Could this possibly have been a survival of the old word 'Folymare, a young foal,' which is given by Halliwell and Wright as occurring in a fifteenth-century MS. at Jesus College, Oxford? I have never heard the word elsewhere.--G. E. D.

=Fur=. n. The calcareous sediment in a kettle, &c.--N. & S.W.

=Furlong= (pronounced ~Vurlin~). The strip of newly-ploughed land lying between two main furrows.--N.W. (Lockeridge.)

=Fur up=. Water-pipes, kettles, &c., when coated inside with 'rock,' or the calcareous sediment of hard water, are said to 'fur up,' or to be 'furred up.'--N. & S.W.

*=Furze-hawker=. Saxicola oenanthe, the Wheatear.--N.W.

*=Furze Robin=. Saxicola rubicola, the Stonechat (Birds of Wilts, p. 150).--N.W. (Sutton Benger.)

=Fuzz-ball=. Lycoperdon Bovista, L., Puffball.--N. & S.W.

=Gaa-oot!= See ~Horses~ (A.).

=Gaam=. (1) v. To smear or bedaub with anything sticky. ~Gaamze~ (Village Miners). (2) n. A sticky mass of anything. See ~Gam~.--N. & S.W. Many years ago, at a Yeomanry ball in a certain town in N. Wilts, the Mayor, who had done his duty manfully up to then, stopped short in the middle of a dance, and mopping his face vigorously, gasped out to his astonished partner, a lady of high position, 'Well, I don't know how you be, Marm, but I be ael of a gaam o' zweat!'--N.W.

=Gaamy=, =Gammy=. Daubed with grease, &c., sticky. In Hal. and Wr. '~Gaam~, adj. sticky, clammy,' is apparently an error, gaamy being probably intended.--N.W.

=Gaapsey=. n. A sight to be stared at. See ~Gapps~.--N.W.

=Gaapus=. n. A fool, a stupid fellow. 'What be at, ye girt gaapus!'--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Gabborn=. Of rooms or houses, comfortless, bare (B.C.). ~Gabbern~ (A.H.) and ~Gabern~ (Great Estate, ch. iv. p. 78). This term always denotes largeness without convenience or comfort (Cunnington MS.).--N.W. ~Gabberny~ on Berks bord.

*=Gage-ring=. An engagement ring (Great Estate, ch. x).--N.W.

=Galley-bagger=. A scarecrow (S.).--S.W.

=Galley-crow=. A scarecrow (A.H.Wr.).--N. & S.W.

'"Maester," said the child, "wull 'e let m' chainge hats wi' thuck galley-crow yander?" ... pointing to a scarecrow at the other end of the garden.'--Wilts Tales, p. 103.

=Gallivant=. To be gadding about on a spree with a companion of the opposite sex (S.): to run after the girls, or 'chaps,' as the case may be.--N. & S.W.

=Gallow=. See ~Gally~.

=Gallows= (pronounced Gallus). *(1) A pair of braces. (2) Exceedingly. Used with any adjective; as 'Gallus dear,' very expensive (Great Estate, ch. iv. p. 75).--N. & S.W.

'A gallus bad wench her be!'--Dark, ch. xviii.

*(3) 'He's a gallus chap,' i.e. plucky.

=Gallows-gate=. A light gate, consisting only of a hinged style, top-rail, and one strut.--N.W.

=Gallus=. See ~Gallows~.--N.W.

=Gally=, =Gallow=. To frighten or terrify. ~Gallow~ (B.H., Lansd. MS.), ~Gally~ (A.B.S.), Pret. gallered, astonished, frightened (A.B.C.S.) 'He gallered I amwost into vits.' Still in use about Marlborough and in S.W. From M.E. galwen; A.S. agælwan, to stupefy.--N. & S.W.

'The wrathful skies Gallow the very wanderers of the dark.'--Lear, iii. 2.

The word is still commonly used in the whale-fishery:--

'Young bulls ... are ... easily "gallied," that is, frightened.'--MARRYAT, Poor Jack, ch. vi.

=Gam=. A sticky mass, as 'all in a gam.' See ~Gaam~ (2).--N. & S.W. In S. Wilts the a in this word and its derivatives is usually short, while in N. Wilts it is broad in sound.

=Gambrel=. The piece of wood or iron used by butchers for extending or hanging a carcase (A.). ~Gamel~ (S.).--N. & S.W.

=Gamel=. See ~Gambrel~.

=Gammer=. A woodlouse.--S.W.

=Gammet=, =Gamut=. (1) n. Fun, frolicsome tricks. 'You be vull o' gamuts.'--N.W. (2) v. To frolic, to play the fool. See ~Gammock~ and ~Gannick~. 'Thee bist allus a gammetting.'--N.W. (3) v. To play off practical jokes; to take in any one.--N.W.

=Gammock=. v. To lark about, to play the fool, to frolic. See ~Gannick~ and ~Gammet~.--N.W. (Marlborough.)

=Gammotty=, =Gammutty=. (1) adj. Frolicsome, larky. See ~Gammet~.--N.W. (2) adj. Of cheese, ill-flavoured. See ~Cammocky~.--N.W.

=Gammy=. (1) Sticky. See ~Gaamy~.--S.W. (2) Lame, crippled, having a 'game leg.'--N. & S.W.

=Gamut=. See ~Gammet~.

=Gander-flanking, To go=. To go off larking or 'wondermenting.' Perhaps a corruption of gallivanting.--S.W. (Upton Scudamore.)

=Gandigoslings=. Orchis mascula, L., Early Purple Orchis. Compare Gandergosses in Gerarde (Appendix), and Candle-gostes in Folk-Etymology. Also see ~Dandy-goslings~, ~Dandy-goshen~, ~Goosey-ganders~, ~Goslings~, ~Grampha-Griddle-Goosey-Gander~, and ~Granfer-goslings~.--N.W.

=Gannick=. To lark about, to play the fool. See ~Gammock~.--S.W. (Warminster, &c.)

=Gapps=, =Gaapsey=. To gape or stare at anything. 'Thee'st allus a gaapsin' about.'--N.W.

=Garley-gut=. A gluttonous person. Perhaps connected with gorle, to devour eagerly (see Halliwell).

'"Let's go to bed," says Heavy-Head, "Let's bide a bit," says Sloth, "Put on the pot," says Garley-gut, "We'll sup afore we g'auf" [go off].'--Nursery Rhyme.

=Gashly=. See ~Ghastly~.

=Gate=. n. Excitement, 'taking.' 'Her wur in a vine gate wi't.'--N.W.

=Gatfer=. See ~Gotfer~.

=Gauge-brick=. A brick which shows by its change of colour when the oven is hot enough for baking. Cf. ~Warning-stone~.--N.W.

'She knew when the oven was hot enough by the gauge-brick: this particular brick as the heat increased became spotted with white, and when it had turned quite white the oven was ready.'--Great Estate, ch. viii. p. 152.

=Gawl-cup=. See ~Gold-cup~.

=Gawney=. A simpleton (A.H.S.Wr.).--N. & S.W.

'Leave m' 'lone y' great gawney!'--Wilts Tales, p. 83.

=Gay=. Of wheat, rank in the blade (D.).--N.W.

=Gee=, =Jee=. To agree, to work well together (A.B.).--N.W.

=Genow=. See ~Go-now~.

*=Gentlemen's-and-ladies'-fingers=. Arum maculatum, L., Cuckoo-pint. Cf. ~Lady's-Finger~ (2).--S.W. (Farley.)

=Ghastly= (pronounced Gashly). This word is used in many ways, as 'Thick hedge wur gashly high, but it be ter'ble improved now.'--N.W. (Huish.) At Etchilhampton, N.W., a 'gashly ditch' is one that is cut too wide.--N. & S.W.

=Gibbles=. Onions grown from bulbs. Cf. ~Chipples~ and ~Cribbles~.--N. & S.W.

=Gicksey=. See ~Kecks~.

=Giggley=. See ~Goggley~.

=Gigletting=. adj. Fond of rough romping; wanton. Used only of females. 'Dwoan't ha' no truck wi' thuck there giglettin' wench o' his'n.'--N.W. (Malmesbury.)

=Gilcup=. Buttercups in general; occasionally restricted to R. Ficaria. Cf. ~Gold-cup~.--S.W.

*=Gill=. A low four-wheeled timber-carriage (Cycl. of Agric.).

*=Gilty-cup=. Caltha palustris, L., Marsh Marigold.--S.W. (Zeals.)

=Gin-and-Water Market=. See quotation.

'Some towns have only what is called a "gin-and-water" market: that is, the "deal" is begun and concluded from small samples carried in the pocket and examined at an inn over a glass of spirits and water.'--The Toilers of the Field, p. 28.

=Gipsy=. Carnation grass, Carex panicea, L., because it turns so brown.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Gipsy-rose=. Scabiosa atropurpurea, L., the Garden Scabious.--N.W.

=Girls=. The short-pistilled or 'thrum-eyed' blossoms of the Primrose, Primula vulgaris, L. See ~Boys~.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Gix=, =Gicksey=, &c. See ~Kecks~.

=Glory-hole=. A place for rubbish or odds and ends, as a housemaid's cupboard, or a lumber room.--N.W.

'This has nothing to do with Lat. gloria, but is connected with M.E. glorien, to befoul (Prompt. Parv.). Compare Prov. Eng. glorry, greasy, fat. Thus glory-hole=a dirty, untidy nook. See Folk-Etymology, p. 145.'--SMYTHE-PALMER.

*=Glox=. This is given by most authorities as a noun, and defined as 'the sound of liquids when shaken in a barrel' (A.B.H.Wr.); but it is really a verb, and refers to the motion and peculiar gurgling of liquids against the side of a barrel or vessel that is not quite full (C.). In Hants gloxing is the noise made by falling, gurgling water (Cope). Cf. ~Lottle~.--N.W., obsolete.

'Fill the Barrel full, John, or else it will glox in Carriage.'--Cunnington MS.

=Glutch=. To swallow (A.B.C.S.). According to Cunnington MS, the use of glutch implies that there is some difficulty in swallowing, while quilt is to swallow naturally.--N. & S.W.

=Glutcher=. The throat (S.). See ~Glutch~.--N. & S.W.

*=Gnaa-post=. A simpleton (S.).--S.W.

=Gnaing=. To mock, to insult (S.). Also used in West of England and Sussex.--S.W.

=Goat-weed=. Polygonum Convolvulus, L., Black Bindweed.--N.W.

*=Gob=. (1) n. Much chatter (S.).--S.W. (2) v. To talk.--S.W.

*=Goche=. A pitcher (H.Wr.). Perhaps a mistake, as Morton (Cycl. of Agric.) gives gotch under Norfolk.

=Gog=, =Goggmire=. A swamp or quagmire. Cf. ~Quavin-gog~. 'I be all in a goggmire,' in a regular fix or dilemma.--N.W.

'In Minty Common ... is a boggie place, called the Gogges.... Footnote. Perhaps a corruption of quag, itself a corruption of quake. "I be all in a goggmire" is a North Wilts phrase for being in what appears an inextricable difficulty.'--JACKSON'S Aubrey, p. 271.

=Goggle=. (1) n. A snail-shell. Cf. E. cockle (Skeat).--N.W.

'=Guggles=, the empty shells of snails--not the large brown kind, but those of various colours.'--MISS E. BOYER-BROWN.

(2) v. 'To go goggling,' to collect snail-shells (Springtide, p. 89).--N.W. (3) v. To shake or tremble, as a table with one leg shorter than the others. 'I do trembly an' goggly ael day.'--N. & S.W. (4) n. 'All of a goggle,' shaking all over, especially from physical weakness. 'How are you to-day, Sally?' 'Lor', Zur! I be aal of a goggle.' 'What on earth do you mean?' 'Why, I be zo ter'ble giggly, I can't scarce kip my lags nohow.'--S.W. (Steeple Ashton.)

=Goggles=. A disease in sheep (Agric. of Wilts, ch. xiv).--N.W. (Castle Eaton.)

=Goggly=. Unsteady, shaky. Sometimes ~Giggly~ is used, as in example given under ~Goggle~.--N. & S.W.

=Goggmire=. See ~Gog~.

=Gold=. Nodules of iron pyrites in chalk.--N.W. Heard once or twice, near Clyffe Pypard, years ago.--G. E. D.

'On past the steep wall of an ancient chalk-quarry, where the ploughboys search for pyrites, and call them thunderbolts and "gold," for when broken the radial metallic fibres glisten yellow.'--Greene Ferne Farm, ch. v.

=Gold-cup= (pronounced Gawl-cup). The various forms of Buttercup. Cf. ~Gilcup~.--N.W. (Malmesbury.)

=Golden Chain=. (1) Laburnum (S.). The general name for it in Wilts.--N. & S.W. (2) Lathyrus pratensis, L., Meadow Vetchling.--S.W. (Salisbury.)

=Goldlock=. Sinapis arvensis, L., Charlock.--S.W. (Zeals.)

=Go-now=, =Genow=, =Good-now=. Used as an expletive, or an address to a person (S.). 'What do 'ee thenk o' that, genow!' Also used in Dorset.--N. & S.W.

=Gooding Day=. St. Thomas' Day, when children go 'gooding,' or asking for Christmas boxes.--N.W.

*=Good Neighbour=. Jefferies (Village Miners) speaks of a weed called by this name, but does not identify it. See below.

=Good Neighbourhood=. (1) Chenopodium Bonus-Henricus, L., Good King Henry.--N.W. (Devizes.) (2) Centranthus ruber, DC., Red Spur Valerian (English Plant Names).--N.W. (Devizes.)

=Good-now=. See ~Go-now~ (S.). Used at Downton, &c.--S.W.

=Gooseberry-pie=. Valeriana dioica, L., All-heal.--S.W.

=Goosegog=. A green gooseberry (S.). Used by children.--N. & S.W.

=Goosehill=. See ~Guzzle~.

*=Goosen-chick=. A gosling (Wr.). *~Goosen-chick's vather~. A gander (Wr.). Both these words would appear to belong to Som. and Dev. rather than Wilts.

=Goosey-gander=. A game played by children (S.).--N. & S.W.

=Goosey-ganders=. Orchis mascula, L., Early Purple Orchis.--N.W.

*=Gore=. A triangular piece of ground (D.).

=Goslings=. Orchis mascula, L., Early Purple Orchis. See ~Gandigoslings~.--N.W.

=Goss=. Ononis arvensis, L., Restharrow. Gorse, Ulex, is always 'Fuzz.'--N.W.

=Gossiping=. A christening.--N.W., obsolete.

*=Gotfer=. An old man (H.Wr.). *~Gatfer~ is still in use about Malmesbury.--N.W.

=Grab-hook=. A kind of grapnel used for recovering lost buckets from a well.

=Graft=. (1) A draining spade.--N.W. (2) The depth of earth dug therewith.--N.W.

=Grained=. Dirty (A.H.Wr.); ~Grainted~ (B.); the latter being a mispronunciation.--N.W.

=Grains=. The tines of a gardening fork, as 'a four-grained prong.'--N. & S.W.

=Gramfer=. Grandfather (A.B.). ~Granfer~ (S.) and ~Gramp~ are also used.--N. & S.W.

=Grammer=. Grandmother (A.B.S.).--N. & S.W. Becoming obsolete.

=Grammered in=. Of dirt, so grained in, that it is almost impossible to wash it off. ~Grammered~: Begrimed (H.).--N.W.

*=Grampha-Griddle-Goosey-Gander=. Orchis mascula, L., Early Purple Orchis (Sarum Dioc. Gazette).--S.W. (Zeals.)

*=Granfer-goslings=. Orchis maculata, L., Spotted Orchis (Village Miners).--N.W.

*=Granny-jump-out-of-bed=. Aconitum Napellus, L., Monks-hood.--S.W. (Deverill.)

=Granny= (or =Granny's=) =Nightcap=. (1) Anemone nemorosa, L., Wood Anemone.--S.W. (Salisbury.) (2) Aquilegia vulgaris, L., Common Columbine.--N.W. (Huish.) (3) Convolvulus sepium, L., Great Bindweed.--N.W. (4) Convolvulus arvensis, L., Field Bindweed.--N.W.

*=Grate=. Earth (D.).

*=Grate-board=. The mould-board of a plough (D.).

*=Gratings=. The right of feed in the stubbles (D.). See ~Gretton~.

=Gravel-Path, The=. The Milky Way.--N.W. (Huish.)

*=Gray Woodpecker=. Picus major, the Great Spotted Woodpecker (Birds of Wilts, p. 253). See ~Black Woodpecker~.

=Great axe=. The large English woodman's axe (Amateur Poacher, ch. iv).

=Greggles=, or =Greygles=. Scilla nutans, Sm., Wild Hyacinth. Cf. ~Blue Goggles~.--S.W.

*=Gretton=. Stubble (Aubrey's Wilts MS.) See ~Gratings~.

=Greybeard=. Clematis Vitalba, L., Traveller's Joy, when in seed.--N.W.

=Greygles=. See ~Greggles~.

=Griggles=. Small worthless apples remaining on the tree after the crop has been gathered in.--N.W.

=Griggling=. Knocking down the 'griggles,' as boys are allowed by custom to do.--N.W.

=Grindstone Apple=. The crab-apple; used to sharpen reap-hooks, its acid biting into the steel. The 'Grindstone Apple' mentioned in the Eulogy of R. Jefferies, p. iv. is probably the 'Grindstone Pippin' of Wood Magic, not the crab.--N.W.

=Grip=, or =Gripe=. (1) To grip wheat is to divide it into bundles before making up the sheaves.--N.W. (2) n. 'A grip of wheat,' the handful grasped in reaping (A.). It is laid down in gripe when laid ready in handfuls untied (D.).--N.W. (3) v. To drain with covered turf or stone drains, as opposed to frith. To take up gripe, is to make such drains (D.).--S.W.

=Grist=, =Griz=. To snarl and show the teeth, as an angry dog or man (A.H.Wr.).--N.W.

=Grizzle=. To grumble, complain, whine, cry.--N. & S.W.

*=Grom=. A forked stick used by thatchers for carrying the bundles of straw up to the roof (A.B.G.).

*=Gropsing=. 'The gropsing of the evening,' dusk.--Obsolete.

'Both came unto the sayd Tryvatt's howse in the gropsing of the yevening.'--Wilts Arch. Mag. xxii. 227.

=Ground=. A field.--N.W.

'A whirlewind took him up ... and layd him down safe, without any hurt, in the next ground.'--AUBREY'S Nat. Hist. Wilts p. 16, ed. Brit.

*=Ground-sill stone=. Quarrymen's term for one of the beds of the Portland oolite--useful for bridges, &c., where great strength is required (Britton's Beauties, vol. iii).

=Ground-rest=. The wood supporting the share, in the old wooden plough (D.). Rest is a mistake for wrest (Skeat).--N.W.

=Grout=. (1) v. To root like a hog.--N.W. (2) v. Hence, to rummage about.--N.W.

=Grouty=. adj. Of the sky, thundery, threatening rain. It looks 'ter'ble grouty' in summer when thunder clouds are coming up.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Grump=. 'To grump about,' to complain of all sorts of ailments.--N.W.

*=Grupper=. To give up (Wr.). There would appear to be some mistake here, as we cannot trace the word elsewhere.

*=Gubbarn=. n. A filthy place, a foul gutter or drain (A.H.Wr.), ~Gubborn~ (B.). Should not this be adj. instead of n.? Compare Devon gubbings, offal, refuse.

=Guggles=. See ~Goggles~.

=Guinea-pigs=, =Pigs=. Woodlice. See ~Butchers'-Guinea-Pigs~.--N. & S.W.

*=Gule=. To sneer or make mouths at (A.). Also used in Hereford.

=Guley=, =Guly=. adj. (1) Of sheep, giddy, suffering from a disease in the head which affects the brain and causes a kind of vertigo.--N.W. (2) Of persons, queer, stupid, or silly-looking. Compare Guled, bewildered, Berks. After being very drunk over-night, a man looks 'ter'ble guley' in the morning.--N.W.

=Gullet-hole=. A large drain-hole through a hedge-bank to carry off water.--N.W.

*=Gurgeons=. Coarse flour (A.).

=Gushill=. See ~Guzzle~.

=Guss=. (1) n. The girth of a saddle (A.B.).--N.W. (2) v. To girth; to tie tightly round the middle. A bundle of hay should be 'gussed up tight.' A badly dressed fat woman 'looks vor aal the world like a zack o' whate a-gussed in wi' a rawp.'--N.W.

=Gustrill=. See ~Guzzle~.

=Gutter=. To drain land with open drains (D.).--N.W.

=Guzzle=. (1) The filth of a drain (B.). (2) A filthy drain (A.B.). ~Goosehill~ (Wr.), ~Gushill~ (K.), and ~Gustrill~ (H.Wr.), the latter being probably a misprint.--N.W.

=Guzzle-berry=. Gooseberry. Used by children.--N. & S.W.

=H=. It should be noted that the cockney misuse of H is essentially foreign to our dialect. Formerly it was the rarest thing in the world to hear a true Wiltshire rustic make such a slip, though the townsfolk were by no means blameless in this respect, but now the spread of education and the increased facilities of communication have tainted even our rural speech with cockneyisms and slang phrases.

=Hack=. (1) v. To loosen the earth round potatoes, preparatory to earthing them up. This is done with a 'tater-hacker,' an old three-grained garden-fork, which by bending down the tines or 'grains' at right angles to the handle has been converted into something resembling a rake, but used as a hoe. In Dorset hoeing is called hacking.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.) *(2) n. The shed in which newly-made bricks are set out to dry.--N.W. (Malmesbury.)

*=Hacka=. n. A nervous hesitation in speaking (Village Miners).--N.W.

'He speaks with so many hacks and hesitations.'--DR. H. MORE.

=Hacker=. (1) v. See ~Hakker~. (2) n. The instrument used in 'hacking' potatoes; also known as a ~Tomahawk~.--N.W.

=Hacketty=. See ~Hicketty~.

=Hackle=. *(1) n. The mane of a hog (A.H.Wr.). (2) n. The straw covering of a bee-hive or of the apex of a rick (A.).--N.W. *(3) To agree together (A.). (4) To rattle or re-echo.--N.W.

=Hagged=. Haggard, worn out, exhausted-looking. 'He came in quite hagged.' 'Her 've a had a lot to contend wi' to-year, and her 's hagged to death wi't aal.'--N. & S.W.

=Hagger=. See ~Hakker~.

=Haggle=. To cut clumsily. See ~Agg~.--N.W.

'They took out their knives and haggled the skin off.'--Bevis, ch. vii.

=Hag-rod=. Bewitched, hag-ridden, afflicted with nightmare. *~Haig-raig~, bewildered (S.).--S.W.

=Hail=. The beard of barley. See ~Aile~, which is the more correct form (Smythe-Palmer).--N. & S.W.

'The black knots on the delicate barley straw were beginning to be topped with the hail.'--Round about a Great Estate, ch. i. p. 8.

=Hain=, =Hain up=. v. To reserve a field of grass for mowing (A.B.D.).--N.W. Treated as a noun by Akerman.

'Three acres of grass ... to be hayned by the farmer at Candlemas and carried by the Vicar at Lammas.'--Hilmarton Parish Terrier, 1704.

=Haito=. A horse; used by mothers and nurses concurrently with Gee-gee. A contraction of Hait-wo, the order to a horse to go to the left. Highty is similarly used in N. of England.--N. & S.W.

=Hait-wo=. See above.

=Hakker=, =Hacker=. To tremble (S.), as with passion (A.), cold, or ague. ~Hagger.~ To chatter with cold (H.Wr.).--N. & S.W.

=Half-baked=, or =Half-saved=. Half-witted.--N. & S.W.

*=Hallantide=. All Saints' Day (B.).

=Hallege=, =Harrige=. n. The latter seems to be the original form of the word, and is still occasionally heard; but for at least seventy years it has been more commonly pronounced as hallege, l and r having been interchanged. We have met with it at Clyffe Pypard, Bromham, Huish, and elsewhere in N. Wilts; but, so far as we know, it is not used in S. Wilts. Havage=disturbance, which the Rev. S. Baring-Gould heard once in Cornwall, and made use of in his fine West-Country romance, John Herring, ch. xxxix, is doubtless a variant of the same word. (1) Of persons, a crowd; also, contemptuously, a low rabble. 'Be you a-gwain down to zee what they be a-doing at the Veast?' 'No, I bean't a-gwain amang such a hallege as that!'--N.W. (2) Of things, confusion, disorder. Were a load of top and lop, intended to be cut up for firewood, shot down clumsily in a yard gateway, it would be said, 'What a hallege you've a-got there, blocking up the way!--N.W. (3) Hence, it sometimes appears to mean rubbish, as when it is applied to the mess and litter of small broken twigs and chips left on the ground after a tree has been cut and carried.--N.W. (4) It is also occasionally used of a disturbance of some sort, as 'What a hallege!' what a row!--N.W.

=Ham=. (1) A narrow strip of ground by a river, as ~Mill-ham~ (A.D.). (2) See Haulm (S.).

=Hames=. Pieces of wood attached to a horse's collar in drawing (A.D.).--N. & S.W.

=Hanch= (a broad). Of a cow or bull, to thrust with the horns, whether in play or earnest.--N.W.

=Hand=. (1) n. Corn has 'a good hand' when it is dry and slippery in the sack, 'a bad hand' when it is damp and rough (D.).--N.W. (2) v. To act as a second in a fight.--N.W. (3) v. 'To have hands with anything,' to have anything to do with it. 'I shan't hae no hands wi't.--N.W. See ~Hank~.

=Hand-box=. See ~Box~.

=Hander=. The second to a pugilist (A.). See ~Hand~ (2).--N.W.

=Handin'-post=. A sign-post.--N.W.

=Hand-staff=. The part of the 'drashell' which is held in the hand.

=Hand-wrist=. The wrist.--N.W.

=Handy=. Near to, as 'handy home,' 'handy ten o'clock' (A.B.M.S.). 'A gied un vower days' work, or handy.'--N. & S.W.

=Hang=. 'To hang up a field,' to take the cattle off it, and give it a long rest, so as to freshen up the pasture.--N.W.

=Hang-fair=. A public execution, as 'Hang-fair at 'Vize,' formerly treated as a great holiday.--N.W., obsolete. The Pleasure Fair at Warminster on August 11 is known as 'Hang-Fair,' perhaps from the hanging of two murderers there on that day in 1813. See Wilts Notes and Queries, i. 40, 139.

=Hang-gallows=. A gallows-bird (S.).--N. & S.W.

'"Where's the money I put in th' zack, you hang-gallus?" roared Mr. Twink.'--Wilts Tales, p. 55.

=Hanging=. (1) The steep wooded slope of a hill.--N. & S.W. (2) A hillside field (S.).--S.W.

=Hanging Geranium=. Saxifraga sarmentosa, L.; from the way in which it is usually suspended in a cottage window; also known as ~Strawberry Geranium~, from its strawberry-like runners.--S.W.

=Hanging-post=. The hinder upright timber of a gate, by which it is hung to its post. Frequently heard, although ~Har~ is much more commonly used.--N.W. (Huish, &c.)

=Hanglers=. The hooks by which pots and kettles are suspended over open fireplaces in old cottages and farm-houses. See ~Coglers~.--N.W.

*=Hank=. Dealings with (S.). 'I won't ha' no hank wi' un,' will have nothing at all to do with him. Cf. ~Hand~ (3).--S.W.

*=Hants-sheep=, =Hants-horses=. See quotation.

'They were called [in Wilts] hants sheep; they were a sort of sheep that never shelled their teeth, but always had their lambs-teeth without shedding them, and thrusting out two broader in their room every year.... There were such a sort of horses called hants horses, that always showed themselves to be six years old.'--LISLE'S Husbandry, 1757.

=Happer-down=. To come down smartly, to rattle down, as hail, or leaves in autumn.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Haps=. (1) n. A hasp (A.B.).--N. & S.W. (2) v. To hasp, to fasten up a door or box (A.B.)--N. & S.W.

=Har=. The hinder upright timber of a gate, by which it is hung to its post. A.S. heorre, M.E. herre, the hinge of a door. See ~Head~ and ~Hanging-post~.--N.W. (Marlborough; Huish; Clyffe Pypard.)

'We wants some more heads and hars cut out.' Carpenters about Marlborough usually reduce the word to a single letter in making up their accounts, as 'To a new R to Cow-lease gate, &c.'--Rev. C. SOAMES.

=Hardhead=. Centaurea nigra, L., Black Knapweed.--N. & S.W.

=Harl=. (1) v. To thrust a dead rabbit's hind-foot through a slit in the other leg, so as to form a loop to hang it up or carry it by (Gamekeeper at Home, ch. ii). Hardle in Dorset.--N. & S.W. (2) v. To entangle (C.). Harl, knotted (A.S.), is a mistake for harled.--N. & S.W. (3) n. An entanglement (B.C.). 'The thread be aal in a harl.' A knot (Aubrey's Nat. Hist. Wilts, p. 51, ed. Brit.)--N. & S.W. *(4) Of oats, well-harled is well-eared (D).

=Harrige=. See HALLEGE.

*=Harrows=. The longitudinal bars of a harrow (D.).

=Harvest-trow=. The shrew-mouse (Wild Life, ch. ix); ~Harvest-row~ (A.H.Wr.)--N.W.

*=Hask=. A husky cough to which cows are subject (Lisle's Husbandry). See HUSK.

=Hatch=. (1) n. A 'wallow,' or line of raked-up hay.--N.W. (2) v. 'To hatch up,' to rake hay into hatches.--N.W. (3) n. A half-door (A.B.C.). 'Barn-hatch,' a low board put across the door, over which you must step to enter.--N.W.

=Haulm=, =Ham=, =Haam=, =Helm=. A stalk of any vegetable (A.B.), especially potatoes and peas.--N. & S.W.

=Haycock=. A much larger heap of hay than a 'foot-cock.'--N. & S.W.

*=Hayes=. A piece of ground enclosed with a live hedge; used as a termination, as ~Calf-Hayes~ (D.). A.S. hege (Skeat).

=Hay-home=. See quotation.

'It was the last day of the hay-harvest--it was "hay-home" that night.'--R. JEFFERIES, A True Tale of the Wiltshire Labourer.

=Hay-making=. Grass as it is mown lies in swathe (N. & S.W.); then it is turned (S.W.), preparatory to being tedded (N. & S.W.), or spread; then raked up into lines called hatches (N.W.), which may be either single hatch or double hatch, and are known in some parts as wallows (N.W.); next spread and hatched up again, and put up in small foot-cocks, cocks (N.W.), or pooks (N. & S.W.); finally, after being thrown about again, it is waked up into long wakes (N.W.), or rollers (S.W.), and if not made temporarily into summer-ricks (N.W.), is then carried. No wonder that John Burroughs (Fresh Fields, p. 55) remarks that in England hay 'is usually nearly worn out with handling before they get it into the rick.' Almost every part of the county has its own set of terms. Thus about Warminster meadow-hay is (1) turned, (2) spread or tedded, (3) put in rollers, (4) pooked; while at Clyffe Pypard it is tedded, hatched, waked and cocked, and at Huish waked and pooked. Roller is pronounced as if it rhymed with collar. Hay is 'put in rollers,' or 'rollered up.'

=Hazon= (a broad). To scold or threaten (A.B.C.H.Wr.). 'Now dwoan't 'ee hazon the child for 't.'--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Head=. The front upright timber of a gate. See Har and Falling-post.--N.W. (Marlborough; Huish; Clyffe Pypard.)

=Headland=. (1) adj. Headlong, as to 'fall headland' or 'neck-headland.'--N.W. (2) The strip where the plough turns at bottom and top of a field, which must either be ploughed again at right angles to the rest, or dug over with the spade; generally called the ~Headlong~ by labourers in S. Wilts.

=Headlong=. See ~Headland~.

=Heal=, =Hele=. Of seeds, to cover or earth over (D.); ~Heeld~, ~Yeeld~ (Great Estate, ch. viii). When the ground is dry and hard, and the wheat when sown does not sink in and get covered up at once, it is said not to heal well, and requires harrowing.--N.W.

=Heartless=. 'A heartless day' is a wet day with a strong south-west wind.--S.W.

=Heater= (pronounced Hetter). A flat iron (S.).--N. & S.W.

=Heave=, =Eve=. Of hearthstones, &c., to sweat or become damp on the surface in dry weather, a sign of coming change and wet. ~Eave~, to sweat (S.).--N. & S.W.

=Heavy= (pronounced Heevy). Of weather, damp. See ~Heave~.--N.W.

=Heaver=. Part of the old-fashioned winnowing tackle.--N.W.

*=He-body=. A woman of masculine appearance.--S.W. (Deverill.)

*=Hecth=. Height (A.).

=Hedge-carpenter=. A professional maker and repairer of rail fences, &c. (Gamekeeper at Home, ch. iii).--N.W.

=Hedge-hog=. The prickly seed-vessel of Ranunculus arvensis, L., Corn Buttercup (Great Estate, ch. vii).--N.W.

=Hedge-peg=. The fruit of the Sloe, q.v. Cf. ~Eggs-eggs~.--N.W. (Marlborough.)

=Hedge-pick=, =Hedge-speäk=. See ~Sloe~.--N.W.

=Heeld=. See ~Heal~.

=Heft=. (1) n. The weight of anything as poised in the hand (A.B.C.M.S.).--N. & S.W. (2) v. To weigh or test weight in the hand (A.B.), to lift.--N. & S.W.

=Hele=, =Heel=, =Hill=. (1) To pour out (A.B.H.Wr.), to serve out or dispense.--S.W. (2) See ~Heal~.

=Hellocky=. See ~Hullocky~.

=Helm= (1) See ~Elm~. (2) See ~Haulm~.

=Helyer=. A tiler. An old word, but still in use.--N.W.

=Hen-and-Chicken=. (1) Saxifraga umbrosa, L., London Pride.--N.W. (2) Saxifraga sarmentosa, L., from its mode of growth.--N.W.

=Henge=. See ~Hinge~.

=Hen-hussey=. A meddlesome woman.--N.W.

=Here and there one=. 'I wur mortal bad aal the way [by sea] and as sick as here and there one.'--N. & S.W.

*=Herence=. Hence (A.B.).

=Hereright=. (1) Of time: on the spot, immediately (A.B.), the only use in N.W. (2) Of place: this very spot (S.).--S.W. (3) Hence (A.), probably a mistake.

=Hesk=. See ~Husk~.

=Het=. 'A main het o' coughing,' a fit of coughing.--S.W.

=Hetter=. See ~Heater~ (S.).

=He-woman=. The same as ~He-body~.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard, &c.)

=Hicketty=. Hacking, as a cough.--S.W. ~Hacketty~.--N.W.

=Hidlock=. 'In hidlock,' in concealment. Akerman, by some mistake, treats this as verb instead of noun. 'Her kep' it in hidlock aal this time.'--N.W.

=Hike=. To hook or catch. 'I hiked my foot in a root.' See ~Hook~ and ~Uck~.--N.W.

=Hike off=. To decamp hastily, to slink off (A.B.C.S.); mostly used in a bad sense.--N. & S.W.

=Hile=. See ~Hyle~.

=Hill=. See ~Heal~.

=Hill-trot=. Apparently a corruption of ~Eltrot~. (1) Heracleum Sphondylium, L., Cow-parsnip. *(2) Oenanthe crocata, L., Water Hemlock.--S.W. (Charlton and Barford.)

=Hilp=. Fruit of the sloe.--N.W.

=Hilp-wine=. Sloe-wine.--N.W.

=Hilt=. A young sow kept for breeding (A.).--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Hinge=, =Henge=. The heart, liver, and lungs of a sheep or pig (A.). In some parts of S. Wilts used only of the latter.--N. & S.W.

=Hinted= Harvested, secured in barn (D.). 'Never zeed a better crop o' wheat, if so be could be hinted well.' A.S. hentan, to seize on, to secure.--N.W.

=Hit=. (1) To bear a good crop, to succeed: as 'Th' apples hit well t' year.' Treated by Akerman as a noun instead of a verb.--N.W. (2) v. To pour out or throw out. 'You ought to het a quart o' drenk into 'ee.' 'Hit it out on the garden patch.'--N.W.

=Hitchland=. See ~Hookland~.

=Hitter=. A cow which is ill and appears likely to die is said to be 'going off a hitter.'--N.W.

=Hittery=. Of cows: suffering from looseness, ill.--N.W.

=Hobby=. Yunx torquilla, the Wryneck.--S.W. (Bishopstone.).

*=Hob-lantern=. Will-o'-the-Wisp (A.B.).

=Hock about=. To treat a thing carelessly; drag it through the mud. 'Now dwoan't 'ee gwo a-hocken on your new vrock about.'--N.W. The usual form in S. Wilts is ~Hack-about~.

=Hocks=. (1) To cut in an unworkmanlike manner (A.). (2) To trample earth into a muddy, untidy condition.--N.W.

=Hocksy=, =Hoxy=. Dirty, muddy, miry.--N.W.

'It's about two miles in vine weather; but when it's hocksey like this, we allows a mile vor zlippin' back!'--Wilts Tales, p. 179.

*=Hodmandod=, =Hodmedod=. adj. Short and clumsy (B.).

=Hodmedod=. (1) n. A snail.--N.W. (Mildenhall.) *(2) Short and clumsy (B.). See ~Hodmandod~.

=Ho for=. (1) To provide for. See ~Howed for~.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard; Malmesbury.) (2) To desire, to long for. 'I did hankeran' ho a'ter 'ee zo.'--N.W. (Malmesbury.)

=Hog=. (1) n. Originally a castrated animal, as a hog pig (D.). (2) Now extended to any animal of a year old, as a chilver hog sheep (D.).

'We have wether hogs, and chilver hogs, and shear hogs ... the word hog is now applied to any animal of a year old, such as a hog bull, a chilver hog sheep.'--Wilts Arch. Mag. xvii 303.

'1580 ... Una ovis vocata a hogge.'--SCROPE'S History of Castle Combe.

(3) To cut a mane or hedge short (D.), so that the stumps stick up like bristles (Village Miners).--N. & S.W.

=Hogo=. (Fr. haut goût). A bad smell (Monthly Mag. 1814). Still frequently used of tainted meat or strong cheese.--N. & S.W.

*=Hollardy-day=. The 3rd of May. Apparently a perversion of 'Holy Rood Day.'--N.W. (Malmesbury.)

=Home, to be called=. To have the banns of marriage published.--S.W.

'They tells I as 'ow Bet Stingymir is gwain to be caal'd whoam to Jim Spritely on Zundy.'--Slow.

=Honesty=. Clematis Vitalba, L., Traveller's Joy, occasionally. *~Maiden's Honesty~ (Aubrey's Wilts MS.).--N.W.

=Honey-bottle=. (1) Heather. (2) Furze. It is not clear which is intended in Great Estate, ch. i.

*=Honey-plant=. Some old-fashioned sweet-scented plant, perhaps the dark Sweet Scabious, which used to be known as 'Honey-flower' in some counties.

'In the garden, which was full of old-fashioned shrubs and herbs, she watched the bees busy at the sweet-scented "honey-plant."'--Great Estate, ch. ii.

Also see Reproach of Annesley, vol. i. p. 119, for Hants use of the name:--

'Sibyl bent over a honey plant encrusted with pink-scented blossoms, about which the bees ... were humming--an old-fashioned cottage plant.'

=Honey-suckle=. (1) Lamium album, L., White Dead Nettle, sucked by children for its honey.--S.W. (Salisbury.) (2) Also applied to both Red and White Clover, Trifolium pratense and T. repens.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Hook=. Of a bull, to gore (S.). See ~Uck~.--N. & S.W.

'Compare huck, to push, lift, gore, Hants; and Prov. hike, to toss.'--SMYTHE-PALMER.

=Hookland= (or =Hitchland=) =Field=. A portion of the best land in a common field, reserved for vetches, potatoes, &c., instead of lying fallow for two years (Agric. of Wilts, ch. vii). Parts of some fields are still known as ~Hooklands~ in S. Wilts, though the system has died out. Sometimes defined as 'land tilled every year.'--N. & S.W.

=Hoop=. Pyrrhula vulgaris, the Bullfinch (A.B.); also ~Red Hoop~.--N.W.

=Hoops=, or =Waggon-Hoops=. The woodwork projecting from the sides of a waggon so as to form an arch over the hind wheels.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Hooset=. See ~Housset~.

=Hop-about=. An apple dumpling (B.C.), probably from its bobbing about in the pot. Cf. ~Apple-bout~.--N.W.

=Hopper=. A grig (Amateur Poacher, ch. i).

=Horse-daisy=. Chrysanthemum leucanthemum, L., Ox-eye Daisy.--N. & S.W.

*=Horse-Matcher=. Saxicola rubicola, the Stonechat (Birds of Wilts, p. 150).

'Horse-matchers or stonechats also in summer often visit the rick-yard.'--Wild Life, ch. x. p. 159.

=Horses=. In N. Wilts the orders given to a plough or team are as follows:--to the front horse, Coom ether, go to the left, and Wowt, to the right: to the hinder horse, Wo-oot, to the right, and Gie aay or Gie aay oot, to the left. The orders to oxen are somewhat different.

=Horse-shoe=. Acer Pseudo-platanus, L., Sycamore.--S.W. (Barford St. Martin.)

*=Horse's-leg=. A bassoon.

=Horse-Snatcher=. Saxicola oenanthe, the Wheatear (Birds of Wilts, p. 152).--N.W. (Huish, &c.)

=Horse-stinger=, =Hosstenger=. The Dragon-fly (A.B.S.).--N. & S.W.

=Hound=. The fore-carriage of a waggon.--N.W.

=House=, =Houst=. To grow stout. 'Lor, ma'am, how you've a-housted!'--N.W.

=Housset=, =Hooset=, =Wooset=. (1) n. A serenade of rough music, got up to express public disapproval of marriages where there is great disparity of age, flagrant immorality, &c. See article on The Wooset in Wilts Arch. Mag. vol. i. p. 88; cp. N. & Q. 4 Ser. xi. p. 225. In Berks the 'Hooset' is a draped horse's head, carried at a 'Hooset Hunt.' See Lowsley's Berks Gloss.--N.W. (2) v. To take part in a housset.--N.W.

*=Howe=. n. 'To be in a howe,' to be in a state of anxiety about anything (C.). See ~Ho for~.--N.W., obsolete.

*=Howed-for=. Well provided for, taken care of (A.B.C.H.Wr.).

=Huckmuck=. (1) A strainer placed before the faucet in brewing (A.B.H.Wr.).--N.W. (2) Parus caudatus, the Long-tailed Titmouse (Birds of Wilts, p. 173).--N. & S.W. (3) General untidiness and confusion, as at a spring-cleaning. A very dirty untidy old woman is 'a reg'lar huckmuck.'--N.W.

=Hucks=, =Husks=. (1) The chaff of oats (Village Miners).--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.) (2) Grains of wheat which have the chaff still adhering to them after threshing, and are only fit for feeding poultry.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Hud=. (1) n. The husk of a walnut, skin of a gooseberry, shell of a pea or bean, &c.--N. & S.W. (2) v. To take off the husk of certain fruits and vegetables. Beans are hudded and peas shelled for cooking.--N.W. (3) A finger-stall or finger of a glove (S.). Also ~Huddick~ (S.).--N. & S.W. (4) A lump or clod of earth.--N.W. Cf. ~Hut~.

=Huddy=, =Oddy=. Of soil, full of lumps and clods.--N.W.

*=Hudgy=. Clumsy, thick (A.B.C.H.Wr.).

=Hudmedud=. (1) n. A scarecrow (A.). In common use in N. Wilts.

'Mester Cullum i sends you back your saddell koz its such a cusnashun rum looking hudmedud of a theng that pipl woll no it direckly.'--Wilts Tales, p. 79.

'"That nimity-pimity odd-me-dod!"... Little contemptible scarecrow.'--Greene Ferne Farm, ch. iii.

*(2) adj. Short and clumsy (B.). See ~Hodmedod~.

=Hullocky!= 'Hullo! look here!' exclamation denoting surprise, or calling attention to anything (S.). This is usually pronounced Hellucky, and is a contraction of 'Here look ye!' Also Yellucks.--N. & S.W.

'"Now which way is it?"... "Yellucks," said the boy, meaning "Look here."'--Greene Ferne Farm, ch. v.

'"This be the vinest veast ... as ever I zeed.... Yellucks!"--as much as to say, Look here, that is my dictum.'--Ibid. ch. xi.

=Humbug=. A sweet or lollipop.--N.W.

=Humbuz=. A cockchafer.--N.W.

*=Humdaw=. To speak hesitatingly (Village Miners).

=Humming-bird=. Regulus cristatus, the Golden-crested Wren.--N.W. (Huish.)

'We always calls 'em humming-birds here, and they are humming-birds!' said the school-children at Huish, in the most decided manner, when cross-examined as to the Gold-crest. Apparently the same use obtains in Devon, as Martin speaks of the 'humming-bird' as occurring in certain localities about Tavistock, which are assigned to the Gold-crest by other writers. See MRS. BRAY'S Description of Devon, 1836, vol. ii. p. 146.

*=Hummocksing=. Clumsy, awkward, loutish.

'She had a lover, but he was "a gurt hummocksing noon-naw" ... a "great loose-jointed idiot."'--Great Estate, ch. iv.

=Humstrum=. A home-made fiddle (S.). Sometimes applied also to a large kind of Jew's-harp.--S.W.

=Hunch about=. To push or shove about.--S.W.

*=Hunder-stones=. Thunder-bolts (Aubrey's Wilts, Roy. Soc. MS.). Probably either belemnites, or else the concretionary nodules of iron pyrites, called 'thunder-bolts' by the labourers, are here intended. See ~Thunder-stones~.

=Hunked=. See ~Unked~ (A.H.).

=Hurdle-footed=. Club-footed.--S.W.

=Hurdle-shore=. The same as ~Fold-shore~.--S.W.

=Hurkle=. To crowd together, as round the fire in cold weather. An old form of hurtle.

'Hurtelyn, as too thyngys togedur (al. hurcolyn, hurchyn togeder). Impingo, collido.'--Prompt. Parv. c. 1440 (SMYTHE-PALMER).

=Husk=, =Hesk=. A disease of the throat, often fatal to calves. See ~Hask~.--N.W.

=Husks=. See ~Hucks~.

=Hut=. A lump of earth.--N.W. See ~Hud~ (4).

=Hutty=. Lumpy, as ground that does not break up well.--N.W.

=Hyle=, =Hile=, =Aisle=, &c. (1) n. A shock or cock of wheat, consisting of several sheaves set up together for carrying. The number of sheaves was formerly ten, for the tithing man's convenience, but now varies considerably, according to the crop. ~Tithing~ in N.W. ~Hile-a-whate~ (S.) The forms given by Davis, aisle, aile, and isle, seem purely fanciful, as also does the derivation there suggested, a hyle being merely a single shock. In some parts of Wilts the shape and size of a hyle will depend largely on the weather at harvest-time. Thus in a stormy season it will usually be built compact and round, while in a calm one it may sometimes form a line several yards in length.--S.W.

''Tis merry while the wheat's in hile.'--BARNES, Poems.

(2) v. To make up into hyles. Wheat and rye are always hyled, and oats usually so, about Salisbury.--S.W.

=Ichila-pea=. The Missel-thrush: only heard from one person, but perhaps an old name.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Iles=. See ~Ailes~.

=Imitate=. To resemble. 'The childern be immitatin' o' their vather about the nause.' Participle only so used.--N.W.

=In-a-most=. Almost.--N. & S.W.

'It inamwoast killed our bwoy Sam.'--Wilts Tales, p. 145.

=Innocent=. Small, neat, unobtrusive, as 'a innocent little primrose.' Virtually restricted to flowers.--N.W.

=Iron Pear=. Pyrus Aria, L., White Beam.--N.W. (Heddington, &c.) Iron-Pear-Tree Farm, near Devizes, is said to take its name from this tree.

*=Isnet=. Alkanet bugloss (D.).

*=Ivors=. Hanging woods (Slow).--S.W. There would appear to be some misunderstanding here. The word may refer to the coverts on the hillside above Longbridge Deverill, which are known as The Ivors, the farm below being Long Ivor Farm. At Wroughton a field is called 'The Ivory,' but this is perhaps a family name.

=Izzard=. The letter Z (A.S.). Still in use in S.W.

*=Jack=. A newt.--N.W. (Swindon.)

=Jack=, =Jack Ern=. Ardea cinerea, the Heron (Birds of Wilts, p. 395).--N.W. Also ~Moll 'ern~.

=Jack-and-his-team=. The Great Bear.--N.W. (Huish.) See ~Dick-and-his-team~.

=Jack-go-to-bed-at-noon=. Tragopogon pratensis, L., Goat's Beard.--N. & S.W.

=Jack-in-the-green=. (1) Adonis autumnalis, L., Pheasant's-eye.--S.W. (2) The hose-in-hose variety of Polyanthus.--N. & S.W.

=Jack-run-along-by-the-hedge=. Alliaria officinalis, Andrzj., Hedge Mustard.

=Jacky-Dinah=. Sylvia sylvicola, the Wood Warbler.--S.W. (Bishopstone.)

=Jacob's-ladder=. Polygonatum multiflorum, All., Solomon's Seal.--S.W. (Farley, &c.)

=Jag=. The awn and head of the oat. Oats are spoken of as 'well-jagged,' 'having a good jag,' 'coming out in jag,' &c.--N.W.

'The despised oats were coming out in jag ... in jag means the spray-like drooping awn of the oat.'--Round about a Great Estate, ch. i. p. 8.

=Jan-Chider=. See ~Johnny Chider~.

=Jarl=. To quarrel, to 'have words.'--N.W.

=Jaw-bit=. Food carried out in the fields by labourers, to be eaten about 10 or 11 o'clock.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Jee=. See ~Gee~.

=Jew-berry=. Rubus caesius, L., Dewberry; a corruption of the proper name (Wild Life, ch. xi).--N. & S.W.

=Jibbets=. Small pieces. 'You never did see such a slut! her gownd a-hangin' in dirty jibbets [rags] aal about her heels!'--N. & S.W.

*=Jiffle=. At Bishopston, N. Wilts, an old bell-ringer was recently heard to accuse the younger men of having got into a regular 'jiffle' (? confusion) while ringing. We have not met with the word elsewhere, but Hal. and Wright have jiffle, to be restless, var. dial.

=Jiggery-poke=. Hocus-pocus. ~Jiggery-pokery.~ Unfair dealing (S.): deception.--N. & S.W.

=Jigget=. v. To ride or walk at a jog-trot. 'Here we go a jiggettin' along.'--N. & S.W.

=Jiggetty=. adj. (1) Jolty, shaky. 'This be a ter'ble jiggetty train.'--N.W. *(2) Fidgetty (S.).--S.W.

=Jimmy=, =Sheep's Jimmy=. A sheep's head (S.).--N. & S.W.

*=Jimmy-swiver=. n. A state of trembling. Apparently connected with whiver or swiver.--N.W.

'"Lor, Miss, how you did froughten I! I be all of a jimmy-swiver," and she visibly trembled, which was what she meant.'--Greene Ferne Farm, ch. vii.

*=Jitch=, =Jitchy=. Such.--N.W. (Malmesbury.)

=Jobbet=. A small load (A.).--N.W.

*=Jod=. The letter J (A.S.).

=Johnny Chider=, =Chan-chider=. The Sedge Warbler, Salicaria phragmitis. So called 'because it scolds so.'--S.W. Jan Chider (S.).

=Jolter-headed=. Wrong-headed; used generally of a jealous spouse. 'Her wur allus a jolter-headed 'ooman.'--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Jonnick=. Honest, fair, straightforward in dealings (S.).--N. & S.W.

=Joseph-and-Mary=. Pulmonaria officinalis, L., Common Lung-wort, the flowers being of two colours, red and blue.--N.W.

=Joy-bird=. The Jay, Garrulus glandarius. The name commonly used in N. Wilts for the Jay. Fr. geai.--N.W. (Savernake Forest, &c.)

=Jumble=. A kind of coarse dark brown sweetmeat (My Old Village).--N.W.

=Jumping Jesuses=. The long-legged water-flies, Gerris, which skim along the surface of streams.--N.W. (Hilmarton.)

=Junk=. A hunch of bread-and-cheese, &c.; a lump of wood or coal. A solid piece (S.).--N.W.

=Junket=. A treat or spree; still in use. When potatoes were not so common as now, a man would complain of his wife's 'junketing wi' the taters,' i.e. digging them up before they were ripe, as a treat for the children.--N.W.

=Just about=. Extremely. See ~About~ (1).--N. & S.W.

*=Jut=. To nudge, to touch (S.).--N.W.

=K=. K sometimes becomes t, as bleat, bleak; blunt, blunk. Conversely, t becomes k, as sleek, sleet.

=Keach=, &c. See ~Catch~ (1).

=Keavin=. See ~Cave~ (1).

=Keck=. To retch as if sick (A.); to cough; also ~Cack~.--N.W.

=Kecker=. The windpipe (A.S.).--N. & S.W.

=Kecks=. Dry stalks of hemlock (A.B.). Hemlock must here be taken to mean several of the larger Umbelliferae, and to include occasionally growing plants as well as dry stems. There are many variants of the word, as ~Keeks~ (A.), ~Kecksey~ (A.B.), ~Gix~ (A.B.H.Wr.), ~Gicksies~ (Amateur Poacher, ch. iii), ~Gicks~ (Great Estate, ch. v).--N. & S.W.

=Keep=, =Kip=. Growing food for cattle, &c. (A.B.S.).--N. & S.W.

=Kerf=. A layer of turf or hay (A.B.C.). A truss of hay.--N.W.

=Ketch=. See ~Catch~ (1).

=Keys, or Keyn=. Fruit of ash and sycamore (A.B.).--N. & S.W.

*=Kibble=. *(1) To chip a stone roughly into shape (A.). Cf. Glouc. cabble, to break smelted pig-iron into small pieces, before proceeding to draw it into bar-iron. *(2) To cut up firewood (Wilts Arch. Mag. vol. xxiv. p. 210).--Obsolete.

=Kid=. (1) n. The cod or pod of peas, beans, &c.--N. & S.W. (2) v. To form pods; used of peas and beans. Well-kidded, of beans or peas, having the stalks full of pods (D.).--N. & S.W.

=Kidney-stones=. Dark water-worn pebbles (Eulogy, p. 28).--N.W.

='Kin=. The same as ~Ciderkin~.

=Kind=. Some woods and soils 'work kind,' i.e. easily, pleasantly.--N.W.

=King's-cushion=. See ~Queen's-cushion~.

=Kiss-behind-the-garden-gate=. Saxifraga umbrosa, L., London Pride.--S.W. (Som. bord.)

=Kissing-gate=. A 'Cuckoo-gate,' or swing gate in a V-shaped enclosure.--N. & S.W.

=Kiss-me-quick=. Centranthus ruber, DC., Red Spur Valerian.--N.W.

*=Kite's Pan=. Orchis maculata, L., Spotted Orchis.--S.W. (Farley.)

=Kitty Candlestick=. Ignis fatuus, Will-o'-the-Wisp. ~Kit of the Candlestick~ (Aubrey's Nat. Hist. Wilts, p. 17, ed. Brit.).--S.W. (Deverill.)

=Kiver=. A cooler used in brewing (A.B.).--N. & S.W.

=Knacker=. To snap the fingers. Nacker (H.Wr.)--S.W.

=Knap=, =Knop=. (1) v. To chip stone, as formerly in making a gun-flint.--N.W. (2) n. A little hill; a steep ascent in a road (S.). This is really a Devon use.--S.W. (Dorset bord.)

=Knee-sick=. Of wheat, drooping at the joints, from weakness in the straw (D.).--N.W.

=Knee-socked=. Corn beaten down by storms is 'knee-socked down.'--N.W. See ~Knee-sick~.

=Knit=. Of fruit, to set. 'The gooseberries be knitted a'ready.'--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Knitch=, =Nitch=, =Niche=, &c. Usually spelt incorrectly, without the k. M.E. knucche, Germ. knocke: used by Wycliffe, also in Alton Locke, ch. xxviii. (1) Nitch, a burden of wood, straw, or hay (A.B.), such a faggot as a hedger or woodman may carry home with him at night; a short thick heavy chump of wood (Village Miners). Hence a fine baby is spoken of as 'a regular nitch' (Ibid.). A bundle of gleaned corn (S.).--N. & S.W. (2) 'He has got a nitch,' is intoxicated, has had as much liquor as he can carry (A.B.). Compare:--

'He's got his market-nitch.'--Tess of the D'Urbervilles, vol. i. p. 19.

=Knot Couch=. Avena elatior, so called from the roots sometimes looking like a much-knotted cord or a string of beads.--N.W.

=Koomb=. See ~Comb~ (S.).

=Ladies-and-Gentlemen=. Arum maculatum, L., Cuckoo-pint. Leades an Genlmin (S.).--N. & S.W.

*=Ladies'-balls=. Centaurea nigra, L., Black Knapweed.--S.W. (Charlton.)

*=Ladies'-fingers-and-thumbs=. Lotus corniculatus, L., Bird's-foot Trefoil.--N.W. (Enford.)

=Ladies-in-white=. Saxifraga umbrosa, L., London Pride.

=Lady-cow=. The Ladybird.--N.W.

=Lady's-cushion=. Anthyllis vulneraria, L., Kidney Vetch.--S.W. (Salisbury.)

=Lady's-finger=. (1) Applied generally to Lotus corniculatus and Hippocrepis comosa, and occasionally also to Lathyrus pratensis. 'Leades vingers, the wild Calceolaria' (S.), probably refers to one of these flowers.--N. & S.W. (2) Arum maculatum, L., Cuckoo-pint.--S.W. (Barford St. Martin): N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

*=Lady's-glove=. 'The Greater Bird's-foot.'--S.W.

=Lady's-nightcap=. The flower of Convolvulus sepium, L., Great Bindweed (A.B.).

=Lady's-petticoat=. Anemone nemorosa, L., Wood Anemone.--S.W. (Mere.)

=Lady's-ruffles=. The double white Narcissus.--N.W.

=Lady's-shoe=. Fumaria officinalis, L., Common Fumitory.--S.W. (Barford St. Martin.)

=Lady's-slipper=. Applied generally to the same plants as Lady's-finger.

*=Lain=. Of a smith, to dress the wing and point of a share (D.). See ~Lay~ (4).

=Laiter=, =Loiter=. A full laying or clutch of eggs. The whole number of eggs produced by a hen at one laying, before she gets broody and ceases to lay.--N.W.

=Lake=. A small stream of running water.--S.W. (Hants bord.)

=Lambkins=. Catkins of hazel.--S.W. (Barford St. Martin.)

=Lamb's-cage=. A crib for foddering sheep in fold (D.).--N.W.

=Lamb's-creep=. A hole in the hurdles to enable the lambs to get out of the fold.--N.W.

=Lamb's-tails=. Catkins of willow and hazel.--N. & S.W.

=Land=. The 'rudge,' or ground between two water-furrows in a ploughed field.--N.W.

'The ploughman walks in the furrow his share has made, and presently stops to measure the "lands" with the spud.'--Amateur Poacher, ch. vii. pp. 130-1.

*=Landshard=. The strip of greensward dividing two pieces of arable in a common field (D.).

=Land-spring=. A spring which only runs in wet weather (Gamekeeper at Home, ch. v. p. 109).--N.W.

=Lane= (a broad). A strip of grass, generally irregular, bounding an arable field.--N.W. (Devizes.)

*=Lannock=. A long narrow piece of land (A.H.Wr.).

=Lanshet=. See ~Linch~.

*=Lark's-seed=. Plantago major, L., Greater Plantain.--S.W. (Charlton.)

*=Latter Lammas=. An unpunctual person (S.)--S.W.

'When a person is habitually late and unpunctual, folks say--"What a Latter Lammas thee beest, ta be sure!"'--Letter from Mr. Slow.

=Lattermath=. Aftermath (A.B.). ~Lattermass~ at Cherhill.--N.W.

=Lave=. (1) Of a candle, to gutter down (H.Wr.).--N.W. (2) To splash up water over yourself, as in a bath. 'Lave it well over ye.'--N.W.

=Law=. In N. Wilts, when speaking of relations-in-law, the in is always omitted, as ~brother-law~, ~father-law~, &c., the only exception being ~son-in-law~.

=Lay=. (1) To lay a hedge, to trim it back, cutting the boughs half through, and then bending them down and intertwining them so as to strengthen the fence (A.).--N. & S.W. (2) To lay rough, to sleep about under hedges like a vagabond.--N. & S.W. (3) To lay up a field, to reserve it for mowing.--S.W. (4) To lay a tool, to steel its edge afresh. This appears to be the same as Davis's lain, which is probably a contraction of lay in. At Mildenhall you often hear of laying or laying in a pickaxe, and the word is to be traced back for a century or more in the parish accounts there.--N. & S.W. (5) An idle dissipated man is said to lay about.--N.W.

=Laylocks=. Usually Syringa vulgaris, L., Lilac, but rarely applied to Cardamine pratensis, L., Lady's Smock, in S. Wilts.

*=Lay-over=. A wooden bar, or a rope, used to fasten tackle together.

'Two or three horses go abreast, each drawing a harrow diagonally, all the harrows being fastened together with a lay-over or rider.'--Agric. of Wilts, ch. v.

=Leach=. A strand of a rope.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Lear=, =Leer=. (1) Empty (A.B.C.G.).--N. & S.W. (2) Hence, craving for food, hungry (A.C.S.).--N. & S.W. ~Leary~ is the usual form on the Som. bord.

'I never eat but two meals a day--breakfast and supper ... and I'm rather lear (hungry) at supper.'--Gamekeeper at Home, ch. i.

'His bill was zharp, his stomack lear, Zo up a snapped the caddlin pair.'--Wilts Tales, p. 97.

=Learn=. To teach. 'I'll learn 'ee to do that again, you young vaggot!' 'Her do want some 'un to learn she, 'stead o' she learnin' we!' In general use in Wilts.--N. & S.W.

=Lease=, =Leaze=, &c.: sometimes used with a prefix, as ~Cow-leaze~, ~Ox-leaze~. (1) As much pasture as will keep a cow (B.).--N. & S.W. (2) A large open pasture. ~Legh~, ~Lease~ (Aubrey); ~Leaze~ (Amateur Poacher, ch. iii).--N. & S.W.

=Lease=. To glean (A.S.).--N. & S.W.

=Lease-bread=. Bread made from lease-corn.--N.W.

=Lease-corn=. Wheat collected by gleaning.--N.W.

=Leaser=. A gleaner.--N. & S.W.

=Ledged=. See ~Lodged~.

=Lemfeg=. An Elleme fig (A.H.Wr.).--N. & S.W.

'A cure-peg, a curry-peg, A lem-feg, a dough-feg.'--Wilts Nursery Jingle.

*=Length=, =Lent=. A loan (A.B.). *~Lenth~ (S.).

=Let-off=. To abuse.--N.W. (Cherhill.)

'Maester let I off at a vine rate.'--Wilts Arch. Mag. vol. xxii. p. 111.

=Lew= (pronounced Loo). (1) adj. Warm (H.).--N. & S.W. (2) n. Shelter (A.B.C.S.). 'Get in the lew,' i.e. into a place sheltered from the wind. A.S. hleo, hleow.--N. & S.W.

=Lewis's Cat=. A person suspected of incendiary habits. Many years ago fires are said to have occurred so frequently on the premises of a person of this name (whose cat sometimes had the blame of starting them), that the phrase passed into common use, and a suspected man soon 'got the name of a Lewis's Cat,' now corrupted into 'Blue Cat.'--S.W.

=Lewth=. Warmth (A.B.C.). Usually restricted to the sun's warmth, but in Cunnington MS. applied to a thin coat, which 'has no lewth in it.'--N.W.

=Lew-warm=. Luke-warm.--N. & S.W.

=Libbet=. A fragment (S.). 'All in a libbet,' or 'All in libbets and jibbets,' torn to rags.--N. & S.W. Also ~Lippet~.

*=Liberty=. v. To allow anything to run loose. 'It don't matter how much it's libertied,' the more freedom you can give it the better.--N.W. (Cherhill.)

=Licket=. 'All to a licket,' all to pieces.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

*=Lide=. The month of March (A.). A.S. hlýda, hlýdamonath, the stormy month, from hlúd, boisterous, noisy (so Grein). This has nothing to do with lide or lithe, mild, whence come the A.S. names for June and July. See N. & Q. Feb. 6, 1892.

=Lieton=. See ~Litton~.

=Lill=. To pant as a dog (A.B.H.).--N.W.

=Lily=, or =Lilies=. (1) Convolvulus sepium, L., Great Bindweed.--S.W. (Farley and Charlton.) (2) Arum maculatum, L., Cuckoo-pint.--S.W. (Barford.)

=Limb=, =Limm=. (1) n. A ragged tear (Village Miners).--N.W. (2) v. To tear irregularly, to jag out (Ibid.).--N.W.

=Limbers=. The shafts of a waggon (S.).--N. & S.W.

=Linch=, =Linchet=, =Lynch=, =Lanshet= (N.W.), =Lytchet= (S.W.), =Linchard=, &c. (S.). A.S. hlinc, a bank. For articles on Lynchet, Linchet, or Linch, see Wilts Arch. Mag. xii. 185, and xv. 88. Also articles and letters in Marlborough College Natural History Report and Marlborough Times, 1892, Seebohm's Village Community, and Britten's Old Country Words. In an old MS. schedule of land at Huish, N.W., 'Lanshes and borders,' i.e. turf boundary banks and field margins, are enumerated. (1) Certain terraces, a few yards wide, on the escarpment of the downs, probably the remains of ancient cultivation, are locally known as ~Lynches~ or ~Lynchets~.--N. & S.W. (2) The very narrow ledges, running in regular lines along the steep face of a down, probably made by sheep feeding there, are also frequently so called.--S.W. (3) A raised turf bank dividing or bounding a field.--S.W. (4) A strip of greensward dividing two pieces of arable land in a common field (D.).--N. & S.W. (5) An inland cliff, cf. 'The Hawk's Lynch' (Tom Brown at Oxford); occasionally applied to a steep slope or escarpment, as at Bowood and Warminster.

*=Linchard= A precipitous strip of land on a hillside, left unploughed (Spring-tide, pp. 79 and 186). See ~Linch~. Cf. A.S. hlinc, a bank; and perhaps sceard, a piece or portion (Skeat).

*=Lined=. Of an animal, having a white back (D.).

=Linet=. Tinder (H.Wr.). Tinder was made of linen.--N.W., not long obsolete.

*=Lipe=. A pleat or fold in cloth.--S.W. (Salisbury.)

=Lipping=. Of weather, showery, wet, and stormy. 'I thenks as we shall have a ter'ble lipping summer to-year.' Cf. Lipping-time, a wet season, Glouc., and Lippen', showery, Som.--N. & S.W.

*=Litten=, =Litton=. A churchyard. Lieton (H.Wr.) ~Chirche-litoun~ (Chron. Vilod.). Still used in Hants, but probably now obsolete in Wilts (Wilts Arch. Mag. vol. xxv. p. 129).

'His next bed will be in the Litten, if he be laying on the ground on such a night as this.'--Wilts Tales, p. 161.

*=Liver-sand=. See quotation.

'Sand-veins ... which are deep and tough, and are of the nature called in Wilts "liver-sand."'--Agric. of Wilts, ch. xii.

=Lob=. Of leaves, to droop limply, as cabbages do before rain.--N. & S.W.

=Lock=. 'A lock of hay,' a small quantity of hay (A.B.).--N.W.

=Locks-and-Keys=. Dielytra spectabilis, D.C. The usual cottagers' name for it in Somerset.--S.W. (Som. bord.).

=Locky=. Of hay which has not been properly shaken about, stuck together in locks as it was cut.--N.W.

=Lodged=. Of wheat, laid or beaten down by wind or rain (D.).--N. & S.W. Also ~Ledged~ (Wilts Arch. Mag. vol. xxii. p. 112).

=Log=. See ~Lug~ (1).

=Loggered=. A boy who is at plough all day often gets so loggered, or weighed down with loggers, all the time, that he comes home at night quite exhausted.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Loggers=. Lumps of dirt on a ploughboy's feet.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.) In Glouc. a 'logger' is a small log attached to a horse's foot, to prevent straying.

=Loggerums=. (1) Centaurea nigra, L., Black Knapweed.--N.W. *(2) 'Scabious' (Village Miners).

=Loiter=. See ~Laiter~.

=Lolloper=. A lazy lout (S.).--N. & S.W.

=Lollup=. (1) To loll out. 'Look at he, wi' he's tongue a lolluping out o' he's mouth, vor aal the world like a dog!'--N.W. (2) To loll about, to idle about. 'What be a-lollupin' about like that vor?'--N. & S.W.

*=Long Eliza=. A kind of long blue earthen jar, formerly often seen in cottages.--N.W. (Berks bord.)

'The high black chimney-shelf was covered with crockery of a low type of beauty; pink and yellow china dogs shared their elevated station with "long Elizas" and squat female figures.'--Dark, ch. i.

=Longful=. Tedious (A.B.S.).--N. & S.W.

=Long purples=. Lythrum Salicaria, L., Purple Loosestrife. Rarely used. Tennyson's 'long purples of the dale' have been identified by himself as Vicia Cracca; Shakespeare's are either Orchis mascula, or Arum maculatum, while Clare applies the name to Lythrum.

=Long-winded=. 'A long-winded man' always means one who is very slow to pay his debts.--N.W.

=Long wood=. The long branches which are bent down and used to weave in and bind a hedge when it is being laid.--N.W.

=Lope along=. To run as a hare does.--S.W.

=Loppet=. (1) v. The same as ~Lope~. (2) v. To idle about, to slouch about. 'A girt veller, allus a loppetin' about.'--N.W. Cf. ~Sloppet~.

=Loppetty=. Weak, out of sorts.--N.W.

=Lords-and-Ladies=. Arum maculatum, L., Cuckoo-pint (A.B.).--N. & S.W.

=Lot=. To reckon, expect, think. 'I do lot her's a bad 'un.'--N.W.

=Lot-meads=. (1) Common meadows divided into equal-sized pieces, for the hay of which lots were cast each year (D.).--N.W., obsolete.

'"Lot Mead" is not an uncommon name of fields in Wiltshire parishes. It is perhaps a vestige of the original partition of lands when cleared, which the chronicler Simeon of Durham says were distributed by lot. See Kemble's Anglo-Saxons, i. 91.'--JACKSON'S Aubrey, note, p. 198.

(2) A kind of festival in connexion with this division.

'Here [at Wanborough] is a Lott-mead celebrated yearly with great ceremony. The Lord weareth a garland of flowers: the mowers at one house have always a pound of beefe and a head of garlic every man.'--JACKSON'S Aubrey, p. 198.

Nothing more appears to be known about this festival.--N.W. (Wanborough), obsolete.

*=Lottle=. v. To sound as water trickling in a small stream. Cf. ~Glox~.--N.W.

=Love-an'-idols=, or =Loving Idols=. Viola tricolor, L., Love-in-idleness, usually the wild form, but occasionally applied to the garden pansy also. ~Nuffin-idols~ at Clyffe Pypard. ~Lovenidolds~ (S.).--N. & S.W.

*=Loving-andrews=. Geranium pratense, L., Meadow Cranesbill (Village Miners).

*=Lowl-eared=. Long-eared (A.B.H.Wr.).

=Luce=. (1) Luke-warm.--S.W. *(2) A sore in sheep.--S.W.

=Lug=. (1) In land measure, a pole or perch (A.B.G.H.S.). ~Log~ (MS. Gough: K.Wr.)--N. & S.W.

'A lug ... is of three lengths in this county: 15, 18, and 16½ feet. The first of these measures is getting out of use, but is still retained in some places, particularly in increasing mason's work. The second is the ancient forest measure, and is still used in many parts of the county for measuring wood-land. But the last, which is the statute perch, is by much the more general.'--Agric. of Wilts, p. 268.

(2) Any rod or pole (D.H.), as a perch for fowls, a clothes pole (A.B.). See ~Oven-lug~.

'Olde Freeman doe weare ruggs [coarse cloth], And Thomas Lord doe goe to the woods to steal poles and luggs.'

Seventeenth century doggrell rhymes from Wroughton, quoted in Wilts Arch. Mag. vol. xxii. p. 216.

=Lug-wood=. Lops and tops of trees.--S.W.

=Lummakin=. Heavy, ungainly, clumsy (A.B.).--N.W.

=Lumper=. To move heavily, to stumble along. Of a pony, to stumble. To kick against anything (S.).--N. & S.W. (Malmesbury, Pewsey, &c.)

=Lumpus=. (1) Noise, row. 'Don't 'ee make such a lumpus.'--N.W. (2) All in a lump, heavily, as applied to a fall. 'Th'oss didn't vall down, but a come down wi' a kind of a lumpus.'--N.W.

=Lump work=. Piece work.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Lumpy=. Stout and strong. To say to any one, 'Why, ye be growed main lumpy!' is to pay him a high compliment.--N.W.

=Lurry=. Of cows, suffering from looseness.--N.W.

=Lynchet=, =Lytchet=. See ~Linch~.

'Another British coin, found on the "lytchets" at East Dean, has passed into the cabinet of Dr. Blackmore.'--Wilts Arch. Mag. vol. xxii. p. 242.

=Maakin=. See ~Malkin~.

=Mace=. See Note to quotation.

'This is a style still used by the lower classes in North Wiltshire to tradesmen and sons of farmers. Thus at Ogbourne St. George, a brickmaker whose name is Davis, is called "Mace Davis," and sons of farmers are called "Mace John," or "Mace Thomas," the surname being sometimes added and sometimes not.'--Wilts Arch. Mag. vol. i. p. 338.

This seems a misapprehension. The word used is simply Mais' (before a consonant), a shortened form of 'Maister.' 'Mais' John' is short for Maister John. Before a vowel it would be Mais'r or Maistr'--as 'Maistr' Etherd' [Edward].--N.W.

'Mas was formerly a common contraction for master, e.g. "Mas John," and is used by Ben Jonson and other Elizabethan writers. See Nares, s.v. Mas.'--SMYTHE-PALMER.

*=Mad=. Of land, spoilt, damaged, as by sudden heat after much rain (Lisle's Husbandry).--Obsolete.

=Madde=. *(1) Asperula odorata, L., Sweet Woodruff.--N.W. (Lyneham.) (2) Anthemis Cotula, L., Stinking Camomile.--N. & S.W.

=Madell= (a broad), =Medal=, &c. The game of 'Merrills' or 'Nine Men's Morris.' Also known as ~Puzzle-Pound~. Several varieties of ~Madell~ are played in Wilts, known respectively as ~Eleven-penny~ (strictly ~The Merrills~), ~Nine-penny~, ~Six-penny~, and ~Three-penny~, according to the number of pieces used. 'Eleven-penny' is played with eleven pieces each side, instead of nine, the game being in other respects identical with 'Nine Men's Morris' as described in Strutt's Sports and Pastimes. The players move alternately, and the general principle is to get three pieces together in a line anywhere on the dots or holes, while at the same time preventing your adversary from making a line. 'Nine-penny,' 'Six-penny,' and 'Three-penny' differ only in the number of men each side and the form of the board (see diagrams). The 'board' is scratched or chalked out on paving-stones, drawn on the slate, cut deep into the turf on the downs, or the top of the corn-bin (with holes instead of dots), in short, made anywhere and anyhow. The 'men' or 'pieces' may be anything available, sticks being played against stones, beans against oats, &c.--N.W. (Devizes, &c.)

[Illustration: Nine Men's Morris, or Eleven-penny Madell.]

[Illustration: Nine-penny Madell, or The Merrills.]

[Illustration: Six-penny Madell.]

[Illustration: Three-penny Madell.]

=Maggots=. n. Tricks, nonsense. 'Her's at her maggots again.'--N.W.

*=Maggotting=. Meddling (S.).--S.W.

=Maggotty=. adj. Frisky, playful (A.S.).--N. & S.W.

=Maggotty-pie=. Picus caudatus, the Magpie (MS. Lansd. 1033, f. 2), still in use.--N.W.

*=Maiden's Honesty=. Clematis Vitalba, L., Traveller's Joy. See ~Honesty~.--N.W., obsolete.

'All the hedges about Thickwood (in the parish Colerne) are ... hung with maydens honesty.'--AUBREY'S Wilts, Royal Soc. MS. p. 120.

=Main=. (1) adv. Very, as 'main good,' excellent (A.B.).--N.& S.W. (2) adj. 'A main sight o' frawk,' a great number (S.).--N. & S.W.

=Mais'=. See ~Mace~.

=Make=. 'That makes me out,' puzzles me (H.).--N.W.

=Malkin=. See ~Mawkin~.

*=Mammered=. Perplexed (A.).

*=Mammock=. v. To pull to pieces (Leisure Hour, August, 1893).--N.W. (Castle Eaton, &c.)

'He did so set his teeth and tear it; O, I warrant, how he mammocked it!'--SHAKESPEARE, Coriolanus, i. 3.

*=Mander=. To order about in a worrying dictatorial fashion (S.). 'Measter do mander I about so.'--S.W.

=Mandy= (long a). (1) Frolicsome, saucy, impudent (A.B.C.): now only used by very old people.--N.W. *(2) Showy (C.).--N.W., obsolete.

=Mar=. See ~More~.

=Marlbro'-handed=. People who used their tools awkwardly were formerly called 'Marlbro'-handed vawk,' natives of Marlborough being traditionally famed for clumsiness and unhandiness.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Marley=. Streaky, marbled; applied to fat beef, or bacon from a fat pig, where the fat seems to streak and grain the lean.--N.W.

=Martin=, =Free-martin=. A calf of doubtful sex.--N.W. An animal with an ox-like head and neck, which never breeds, but is excellent for fatting purposes. It is commonly supposed that a female calf born twin with a male is always a free-martin. Recent investigations, however, have proved that though the external organs of a free-martin may be female the internal are in all cases male. The rule laid down by Geddes and Thomson is that twin calves are always normal when of opposite sex or both female; but that if both are male one is invariably thus abnormal (Evolution of Sex, ch. iii. p. 39). Compare Scotch ferow or ferry cow, a cow not in calf, and mart, an ox; also A.S. fear, a bullock (Folk-Etymology).

=Masked=. See ~A-masked~.

=Mathern=, =Mauthern=. *(1) Chrysanthemum leucanthemum, L., Ox-eye Daisy (A.D.H.Wr.).--N.W. (2) Wild Camomile (Great Estate, ch. viii).--N.W.

*=Maudlin=. The Ox-eye Daisy (D.).--N.W.

=Mawk= (pronounced Maak). To clean out the oven with the 'maakin,' before putting in the batch of bread.--N.W.

=Mawkin=, =Malkin=, =Maak=, or =Maakin=, (1) An oven-swab with which the charcoal sticks are swept out of the oven, before putting in the batch (A.).--N. & S.W.

'The malkin, being wetted, cleaned out the ashes ... malkin [is] a bunch of rags on the end of a stick.'--Great Estate, ch. viii.

(2) Also used as a term of reproach.--N.W.

'Thee looks like a girt maakin.'--Great Estate, ch. viii.

*=May-beetle=, The cockchafer (A.B.).

*=May-blobs=, =May-blubs=, or =May-bubbles=, Flowers and buds of Caltha palustris, L., Marsh Marigold.

=Mazzard=, *(1) A small kind of cherry (English Plant Names). ~Merry~ is the usual Wilts name, Mazzard being Dev. and Som. (2) The head (A.), but only in such threats as:--

'I'll break thee mazzard vor thee!'--Wilts Tales, p. 31.

Ben Jonson has mazzarded, broken-headed.--N.W.

*=Meadow-soot=, Spiraea Ulmaria, L., Meadow-sweet (Great Estate, ch. ii). Sote, or soot=sweet.--N.W.

*=Mealy=, Mild and damp. ''Twar a oncommon mealy marnin'.'--N.W. (Bratton.)

=Measle-flower=, The garden Marigold, the dried flowers having some local reputation as a remedy. Children, however, have an idea that they may catch the complaint from handling the plant.--N. & S.W.

=Med=, See ~Mid~.

=Meg=, =Meggy=. (1) In the game of ~Must~, q.v., a small stone--called a 'meg' or 'meggy'--is placed on the top of a large one, and bowled at with other 'meggies,' of which each player has one.--N. & S.W. *(2) ~Maig.~ A peg (S.).--S.W.

=Mere=. A boundary line or bank of turf.--N. & S.W. A turf boundary between the downs on adjoining farms: formed by cutting two thick turves, one smaller than the other, and placing them, upside down, with the smaller one on top, at intervals of about a chain along the boundary line.--N.W. (Devizes.)

'Two acres of arable, of large measure, in Pen field, lying together and bounded by meres on both sides.'--Hilmarton Parish Terrier, dated 1704.

=Mere-stone=. A boundary stone (Amateur Poacher, ch. iii).--N.W.

=Merry=. The cherry; applied to both black and red varieties, but especially the small semi-wild fruit.--N. & S.W.

=Merry-flower=. The wild Cherry.--S.W. (Barford.)

*=Mesh= (e long). Moss or lichen on an old apple-tree.--S.W. (Som. bord.)

=Messenger=. (1) A sunbeam reaching down to the horizon from behind a cloud is sometimes said to be the sun 'sending out a messenger.' Cf. Cope's Hants Glossary. Used by children in both N. & S. Wilts. (2) pl. The small detached clouds that precede a storm (Greene Ferne Farm, ch. vi).--N. & S.W.

*=Mice's-mouths=. Linaria vulgaris, Mill., Snapdragon.--S.W. (Farley.)

=Michaelmas Crocus=. Colchicum autumnale, L., Meadow Saffron.--N.W.

=Mickle=. Much (A.S.). A.S. micel.--N. & S.W., occasionally.

=Mid=, =Med=. v. Might or may (S.).--N.W.

=Middling=. (1) Ailing in health (H.); ~Middlinish~ (Wilts Tales, p. 137).--N. & S.W. (2) Tolerable, as 'a middlin' good crop.' ~Middlekin~ is occasionally used in S. Wilts in this sense.--N. & S.W. 'Very middling' (with a shake of the head), bad, or ill; 'pretty middling' (with a nod), good, or well (Wilts Arch. Mag. vol. xxii. p. 112).

*=Midstay=. The barn-floor between the mows.--N.W. (Aldbourne.) Compare Middlestead, a threshing-floor: East of England; also

'The old and one-eyed cart-horse dun The middenstead went hobbling round, Blowing the light straw from the ground.'

W. MORRIS, The Land East of the Sun.

=Midsummer men=. Sedum Fabaria, Koch., a variety of the red Orpine.--N.W. occasionally; S.W. (Farley.)

=Mild=. Of stone or wood, easily worked (Great Estate, ch. ix).--N.W.

*=Milk-flower=. Lychnis vespertina, Sibth., Evening Campion.--S.W. (Charlton All Saints.)

=Milkmaids=. Cardamine pratensis, L., Lady's Smock. In common use in Hill Deverill and Longbridge Deverill, also at Farley and Hamptworth.--S.W.

=Milkwort=. Euphorbia Peplus, L., Petty Spurge.--N. & S.W.

=Mill=. To clean clover-seed from the husk (D.). ~Milled Hop~ (D.).--N.W.

=Miller=, =Millard=, =Mallard=, or =Dusty Miller=. A large white moth (A.S.); generally extended to any large night-flying species.--N. & S.W.

*=Mill-peck=. A kind of hammer with two chisel-heads, used for deepening the grooves of the millstone (Great Estate, ch. ix).

*=Mill-staff=. A flat piece of wood, rubbed with ruddle, by which the accuracy of the work done by the mill-peck may be tested (Great Estate, ch. ix).

=Mind=. (1) To remind. 'That minds I o' Lunnon, it do.'--N. & S.W. (2) To remember. 'I minds I wur just about bad then.'--N. & S.W. (3) 'To be a mind to anything,' to be inclined to do it.--N.W.

=Minding=. A reminder. After a severe illness you are apt to have 'the mindings on't' now and again.--N.W.

=Minnies=. Small fry of all kinds of fish.--N. & S.W.

=Mint=. A cheese-mite (A.). The older form of mite (Skeat).--N.W.

=Minty=. Of cheese, full of mites (A.).--N.W.

=Mist-pond=. A pond on the downs, not fed by any spring, but kept up by mist, dew, and rain. Such ponds rarely fail, even in the longest drought. More commonly called ~Dew-ponds~.--S.W. (Broadchalke, &c.)

=Mixen=, =Muxen=. A dungheap (A.B.C.S.).--N. & S.W.

=Mix-muddle=. One who muddles things imbecilely (Village Miners).--N.W.

=Miz-maze=. Puzzle, perplexity, confusion.--S.W.

=Miz-mazed=. Thoroughly puzzled, stupefied. Stunned (S.).--S.W.

=Mizzy-mazey=. Confused. Used of print swimming before the eyes.--S.W.

=Moile=. Dirt, mud. ~Mwoile~ (A.). 'Aal in a mwoile.'--N.W.

=Moll*'ern=, =Molly Heron=. The Heron (Great Estate, ch. iv).--N.W.

=Mommick=, =Mommet=. A scarecrow. Cf. ~Mummock~.--N.W. (Malmesbury.)

=Money-in-both-pockets=. Lunaria biennis, L., Honesty, from the seeds showing on both sides of the dissepiment through the transparent pod.

=Monkey-musk=. The large garden varieties of Mimulus, which resemble the true musk, but are scentless, and therefore merely monkey (i.e. mock, spurious) musk.--N. & S.W.

=Monkey Nut=. Poa annua, L., Meadow Grass; eaten by boys for its nut-like flavour.--S.W. (Salisbury.)

=Monkey-plant=. Garden Mimulus (Wild Life, ch. viii).--N.W.

=Mooch=. See ~Mouch~.

=Moocher=. See ~Moucher~.

=Moochers=. Fruit of Rubus fruticosus, L., Blackberry (S.). Cf. ~Berry-moucher~ (2).--S.W.

=Moon-daisy=. Chrysanthemum leucanthemum, L., Ox-eye Daisy (Great Estate, ch. ii). A very general name, especially in N. Wilts. The flowers are sometimes called ~Moons~.--N. & S.W.

=Moonied up=. Coddled and spoilt by injudicious bringing up. 'Gells as be moonied up bean't never no good.'--N. & S.W.

=Moots=. Roots of trees left in the ground (A.). See ~Stowls~.--E.W.

=Mop=. (1) A Statute Fair for hiring servants (A.B.); also used in Glouc. (Wilts Tales, p. 33).--N.W. (2) A rough tuft of grass.

=Moral=. A child is said to be the 'very moral,' or exact likeness, of its father. A form of 'model.'--N. & S.W.

=More=, =Mar=, =Moir=. (1) An old root or stump of a tree.--N. & S.W. (2) A root of any plant (A.B.G.S.: Aubrey's Wilts MS.), as 'a strawberry more'; 'fern mars'; 'cowslip mars,' &c. (Amateur Poacher, ch. vii.) Occasionally ~Moir~ in N. Wilts, as in ~Crazy Moir~.--N. & S.W.

=Moreish=. Appetizing, so good that you want more of it. 'Viggy pudden be oncommon moreish.'--N. & S.W.

=Mort=. n. A quantity.--N. & S.W.

'Her talks a mort too vine.'--Dark, ch. x.

'I stuck up to her a mort o' Sundays.'--Ibid. ch. xv.

=Most-in-deal=. Usually, generally (A.B.C.). 'Where do 'e bide now, Bill?' 'Most-in-deal at 'Vize [Devizes], but zometimes at Ziszeter [Cirencester].' ~Most-in-general~ is more commonly used now.--N.W.

=Most-in-general=. Usually.--N.W.

'Most in gen'ral I catches sight of you when I goes by wi' the horses, but you wasn't in the garden this afternoon.'--Dark, ch. i.

=Mote=, =Maute=. A morsel of anything, a very minute quantity.--S.W., formerly.

=Mother-of-thousands=. (1) Saxifraga sarmentosa, L.--S.W. (2) Linaria Cymbalaria, Mill., Ivy-leaved Toadflax.--S.W. (Salisbury.)

*=Mother Shimbles' Snick-needles=. Stellaria Holostea, L., Greater Stitchwort (Sarum Dioc. Gazette).--S.W. (Zeals.)

=Mothery=. Thick, muddy, as spoilt beer or vinegar (A.B.C.S.).--N. & S.W.

=Mouch=, =Mooch=. (1) v. To prowl about the woods and lanes, picking up such unconsidered trifles as nuts, watercresses, blackberries, ferns, and flower-roots, with an occasional turn at poaching (Gamekeeper at Home, ch. vii); to pilfer out-of-doors, as an armful of clover from the fresh-cut swathe (Hodge and his Masters, ch. xxiii).--N. & S.W.

'Probably connected with O.F. mucer, muchier, Fr. musser, to hide, to lurk about. It always implies something done more or less by stealth.'--SMYTHE-PALMER.

(2) v. To play the truant.--N. & S.W. (3) v. To be sulky or out of temper.--N. & S.W. (4) n. 'In a mouch,' in a bad temper. 'On the mouch,' gone off mouching.--N. & S.W.

=Moucher=, =Moocher=. (1) A truant (A.B.). See ~Berry-moucher~.--N. & S.W. (2) A man who lives by mouching (Gamekeeper at Home, ch. vii).--N. & S.W.

=Moulter=. Of birds, to moult.--N.W.

=Mound=. (1) n. A hedge. In general use in N. Wilts.--N. & S.W. (2) v. To hedge in or enclose.--N.W.

'The Churchyard ... to be mounded partly by the manor, partly by the parish and parsonage except only one gate to be maintained by the vicar.'--1704, Hilmarton Parish Terrier.

=Mouse=. The 'mouse' is a small oblong piece of muscle, under the blade-bone of a pig.--N.W.

'The chief muscles of the body were named from lively animals; e.g. ... mus, mouse, the biceps muscle of the arm, and so in A.S. and O.H.G. Cf. musculus, (1) a little mouse, (2) a muscle.' (Folk-Etymology, p. 615, sub Calf.)--SMYTHE-PALMER.

*=Mousetails=. A kind of grass, perhaps Cats'-tail, but not Myosorus.--N.W.

*=Moutch=. 'On the moutch,' shuffling (H.). Some meaning of ~Mouch~ has probably here been misunderstood.

=Mouthy=. adj. Abusive, cheeky, impudent.--S.W.

=Mow=. In a barn, the unboarded space at each end of the threshing-floor, where the corn used to be heaped up for threshing.--N.W.

*=Mowing-machine Bird=. Salicaria locustella, Grasshopper Warbler, from its peculiar note (Birds of Wilts, p. 154).--S.W. (Mere.)

=Much=. (1) 'It's much if he do,' most likely he won't do it. 'It's much if he don't,' most likely he will.--N.W. (2) v. To make much of, to pet. 'Her do like muching,' i.e. being petted.--N.W.

=Much-about=. Used intensively.--N.W.

'I was never one to go bellockin', though I've allus had much-about raison to murmur.'--Dark, ch. x.

=Muck=. Dirt, mud, earth.--N. & S.W.

*=Mucker=. A miserly person (S.) Cf. ~Mouch~.--S.W.

'A fine old word, that I do not remember to have met with in other counties. It=Old Eng. mokerer (Old English Miscellany, E. E. T. S. p. 214), a miser; Scot. mochre, mokre, to hoard.'--SMYTHE-PALMER.

=Muckle=. (1) n. Manure, long straw from the stable (Agric. of Wilts, ch. vii).--N. & S.W. (2) 'Muckle over,' to cover over tender plants with long straw in autumn, to protect them from frost.--N.W.

=Muddle-fuss=. A persistent meddler with other people's affairs.--N.W. (Steeple Ashton.)

*=Mudel over=. The same as Muckle over, q.v. (Agric. of Wilts, ch. vii).

=Mud-up=. (1) To pamper and spoil a child.--S.W. (Hants bord.) *(2) To bring up by hand (H.Wr.), as 'Mud the child up, dooke' (Monthly Mag., 1814).

=Muggeroon=. A mushroom.--N.W.

=Muggerum=. Part of the internal fat of a pig.--N.W.

=Muggle=. (1) n. Confusion, muddle (A.S.).--N. & S.W.

'Here we be, ael in a muggle like.'--Wilts Tales, p. 137.

(2) To live in a muddling, haphazard way.--N.W. Cf.:--

'Most on us 'ad a precious sight rather work for a faermer like the old measter, an' have our Saturday night reg'lar, than go muggling the best way we could, an' take our chance.'--Jonathan Merle, xxxvii. 412.

=Muggle-pin=. The pin in the centre of a want-trap.--S.W.

=Mullin=. The headstall of a cart-horse: sometimes extended to the headstall and blinkers of a carriage horse.--N.W.

=Mullock=. A heap of rubbish (A.B.), now applied to mine refuse in Australia.

=Mummock=. A shapeless confused mass. A clumsily-swaddled baby or badly-dressed woman would be 'aal in a mummock.'--N.W.

=Mum up=. To make much of, pamper, pet, and spoil. 'A granny-bred child's allus a-mummed up.'--N. & S.W.

=Mun=. Used in addressing any person, as 'Doesn't thee knaw that, mun?' (A.)--N.W.

=Must=. A game played by children: a small stone--'a meggy'--is placed on the top of a large one, and bowled at with other 'meggies,' of which each player has one.--N.W.

=Muxen=. See ~Mixen~.

=Nacker=. See ~Knacker~.

=Nail-passer=. A gimlet (A.). Kennett has Nailsin in a similar sense.--N.W.

'"Here's the kay" ... holding up a small gimlet. "Whoy, thuck ben't a kay ... that's nothing but a nail-passer."'--Wilts Tales, p. 44.

=Nails=. Bellis perennis, L., Daisy.--S.W. (Mere.)

=Naked Boys=. Colchicum autumnale, L., Meadow Saffron, the flowers and leaves of which do not appear together (Aubrey, Nat. Hist. Wilts, p. 51, ed. Brit.). Naked Lady in Cornw., Yks., &c., and Naked Virgins in Chesh.--N. & S.W. (Huish, Stockton, &c.)

*=Naked Nanny=. Colchicum autumnale, L., Meadow Saffron. See ~Naked Boys~.--S.W. (Deverill.)

=Nammet=. See ~Nummet~ (S.).

='Nan=. What do you say? (A.B.C.). See ~Anan~.

=Nanny-fodger=, or =Nunny-fudger=. (1) A meddlesome prying person.--S.W. (2) Troglodytes vulgaris, the Wren.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Narration=. Fuss, commotion. 'He do allus make such a narration about anythin'.'--N. & S.W.

=Nash=, =Naish=, =Nesh=. (1) Tender, delicate, chilly (A.B.H.Wr.).--N. & S.W. (2) Tender and juicy: applied to lettuces.--S.W., occasionally.

=Nation=, =Nashun=, &c. Very, extremely, as nation dark (A.B.S.).--N. & S.W.

=Nation-grass=. Aira caespitosa, L., perhaps an abbreviation of Carnation-grass.--S.W. (Som. bord.)

=Natomy=, =Notamy=, =Notamize=, &c. A very thin person or animal, an anatomy.--N. & S.W.

*=Naumpey=. A weak foolish-minded person.--N.W.

*=Navigator=. A drain-maker's spade, with a stout narrow gouge-like blade (Amateur Poacher, ch. xi), more usually known as a ~Graft~.

=Neal=, =Nealded=. See ~Anneal~.

=Neck-headland=. 'To fall neck-headland,' i.e. headlong.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Neet=. See ~Nit~ (S.).

=Neoust of a neoustness=. Nearly alike (A.). See ~Aneoust~.--N.W.

=Nesh=. See ~Nash~.

=Nessel-tripe=, =Nessel-trip=, =Nussel-trip=. The smallest and weakest pig in a litter. Commonly used in the Deverills, and elsewhere.--S.W.

=Nettle-creeper=. Applied generally in Wilts to the following three birds:--(1) Curruca cinerea, Common Whitethroat, (2) C. sylvatica, Lesser Whitethroat, and (3) C. hortensis, Garden Warbler (Birds of Wilts, pp. 159-161).--N.W.

=Neust=. See ~Aneoust~.

=Neust alike=. Nearly alike.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard, &c.)

=Neust of a neustness=. See ~Aneoust~.

*=Never-the-near=. To no purpose, uselessly. 'I cwourted she ten year, but there, 'twer aal niver-the-near.'--N.W. (Malmesbury.)

=Next akin to nothing=. Very little indeed. 'There's next akin to nothen left in the barrel.'--N.W.

=Nibs=. The handles of a scythe (A.).--N.W.

=Niche=. See ~Knitch~.

=Nightcaps=. (1) Convolvulus sepium, L., Great Bindweed.--N. & S.W. (2) Aquilegia vulgaris, L., the garden Columbine.--N.W. (Devizes, Huish, &c.)

=Night-fall=. n. A disease in horses. A humour in the fetlock joint, recurring until it produces incurable lameness.--S.W.

'Witness ... told him his animal was very lame, and asked what was the matter with it. He replied, "Nothing, it is only 'night-fall,' and it comes on several times during the year."'--Wilts County Mirror, Oct. 27, 1893.

=Nightingale=. Stellaria Holostea, L., Greater Stitchwort.--S.W. (Hants bord.)

*=Night Violet=. Habenaria chlorantha, Bab., Greater Butterfly Orchis (Sarum Dioc. Gazette).--N.W. (Lyneham.)

=Nine-holes=. A game played by children.--N.W.

'This is mentioned among the "illegal games" in the Castle Combe records.'--Wilts Arch. Mag. vol. iii. p. 156.

'1576. Lusum illicitum vocatum nyne holes.'--SCROPE'S History of Castle Combe.

=Nineter=. (1) 'A nineter young rascal,' a regular scamp. Not perverted from anoint (as if it meant set apart to evil courses and an evil end), but from Fr. anoienté, anéanti, brought to nothing, worthless (Folk-Etymology, p. 9).--N.W. (Seend.) *(2) A skinflint (S.).

=Ninny-hammer=. A fool, a silly person.--N.W.

='Nint=. See ~Anoint~.

='Ninting= (i long). A beating. See ~Anoint~.--N.W.

=Nipper=. A small boy (S.).--N. & S.W.

=Nippers=. The same as ~Grab-hook~.--N.W. (Huish.)

=Nippy=. Stingy (S.).--N. & S.W.

=Nistn't=. Need not.--N.W.

'Thee nistn't hoopy at I--I can hyar as well as thee.'--Greene Ferne Farm, ch. iii.

=Nit, Neet=. Nor yet. Wrongly defined by Akerman, Slow, and others as not yet. 'I han't got no money nit no vittles.'--N. & S.W.

=Nitch=. See ~Knitch~.

=Nog=. A rough block or small log of wood.--N.W.

=Nog-head=. A blockhead (S.). ~Nug-head~ in W. Somerset.--S.W.

=Nolens volens=. Used in N. Wilts in various corrupted forms, as 'I be gwain, nolus-bolus,' in any case; 'vorus-norus,' rough, blustering; and 'snorus-vorus,' vehemently.

=Noodle along=. To lounge aimlessly along, to move drowsily and heavily, as a very spiritless horse.--N.W.

=*Noon-naw=. A stupid fellow, a 'know-naught' (Great Estate, ch. iv).

=Nor, Nur=. Than; as 'better nur that' (B.).--N. & S.W.

=Not-cow=. A cow without horns (A.). A.S. hnot, clipped, shorn.--N. & S.W.

=Noust=. See ~Aneoust~.

=Nummet=. The 'noon-meat' or noon-day meal (A.). ~Nammet~ in S. Wilts.--N. & S.W.

=Numpinole=. The Pimpernel.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Nuncheon, Nunchin=. The noon-meal (A.S.). ~Nunch~ (Wilts Tales, p. 117).--N.W.

=Nunchin-bag=. The little bag in which ploughmen carry their meals (A.).--N.W.

=Nunny-fudging=. Nonsense. 'That's all nunny-fudgen.'--N.W., now nearly obsolete.

=Nunny-fudgy=. 'A nunny-fudgy chap,' a poor sort of a fellow with no go in him: now used only by old people.--N.W.

=Nur=. See ~Nor~.

=*Nurk=. The worst pig of a litter. See ~Rinnick~.--N.W.

=Nurly=. Of soil: lying in lumps.--S.W. (Bratton.)

=Nut=. The nave of a wheel (S.).--S.W.

=Nyst, Niest=. Often used in Mid Wilts in same way as neust, as 'I be nyst done up,' i.e. over tired.

=Nythe=. A brood, as 'a nythe o' pheasants'; always used by gamekeepers.--N.W. Apparently a form of Fr. nid, a nest. In the New Forest they say 'an eye of pheasants.' See Cope's Hampshire Glossary (s.v. Nye).

=Oak-tree loam or clay=. The Kimmeridge Clay (Britton's Beauties, 1825, vol. iii., also Davis's Agric. of Wilts, p. 113, &c.).

=Oat-hulls= (pronounced Wut-hulls). Oat chaff and refuse.--S.W.

=Oaves=. (1) Oat chaff.--N. & S.W. (Huish, &c.) (2) The eaves of a house (S.).--S.W.

'A good old form. Mid. Eng. ovese (Old Eng. Miscell., E. E. T. S. p. 15, l. 465),=O. H. Germ, opasa (Vocab. of S. Gall).'--SMYTHE-PALMER.

=Odds=. (1) v. To alter, change, set right. 'I'll soon odds that' (Wilts Arch. Mag. vol. xxii. p. 112).--N.W. (2) n. Difference. 'That don't make no odds to I.' 'What's the odds to thee?' what does it matter to you?--N.W.

=Oddses=. Odds and ends.

=Oddy=. (1) See ~Huddy~. (2) Strong, vigorous, in hearty health.--N.W.

=Of=. With. 'You just come along o' I!'--N. & S.W.

=Offer=. 'To offer to do a thing,' to make as though you were going to do it, or to begin to do it. 'He offered to hit I,' i.e. did not say he would, but just put up his fists and let out.--N.W.

=Old man=. (1) Artemisia Abrotanum, L., Southernwood.--N. & S.W. (2) Anagallis arvensis, L., Scarlet Pimpernel.--S.W.

=Old man's beard=. (1) Clematis Vitalba, L., Traveller's Joy, when in fruit.--N. & S.W. (2) The mossy galls on the dog-rose.--N. & S.W.

=Old Sow=. Melilotus coerulea, L., from its peculiar odour (Science Gossip, Nov. 1868).--N. & S.W., rarely.

*=Old woman's bonnet=. Geum rivale, Water Avens.--S.W. (Mere.)

*=Old woman's pincushion=. Orchis maculata, L., Spotted Orchis.--S.W.

=Ollit=. See ~Elet~.

=On=. (1) =in, prep., as 'I run agen un on th' street' (A.).--N. & S.W. (2) =in, prefix, as ondacent.--N. & S.W. (3) =im, prefix, as onpossible (A.B.).--N. & S.W. (4) =un, prefix, as ongainly (B.). Onlight, to alight.--N. & S.W. (5) =of, as 'I never did thenk much on 'en.'--N. & S.W. (6) =by, as 'He come on a mistake.'--N. & S.W.

=Once=. (1) Some time or other (M.). 'Once before ten o'clock,' some time or other before ten.--N. & S.W.

'Send it once this morning, dooke.'--Monthly Mag. 1814.

(2) 'I don't once (=for one moment) think as you'll catch un.'--N. & S.W.

=Oo=. Such words as hood, wood, want, a mole, wonder, &c., are usually pronounced in N. Wilts as 'ood, 'oont, 'oonder.

*=Organy=. (1) Mentha Pulegium, L., Pennyroyal (A.B.). (2) Origanum vulgare, L., Marjoram (English Plant Names).

=Otherguise=. Otherwise.--N.W.

=Out-axed=. Of a couple, having had their banns fully asked, or called for the last time (Wilts Tales, p. 100). The banns are then out, and the couple out-axed.--N.W.

=Oven-cake=. Half a loaf, baked at the oven's mouth.--N.W.

=Oven-lug=. The pole used as a poker in an oven. See ~Lug~ (2).--N.W.

*=Over-get=. To overtake, to catch up.--N.W. (Malmesbury.)

*=Overlayer=. See quotation.

'The waggons ... seldom have any overlayers or out-riggers, either at the ends or sides.'--Agric. of Wilts, ch. xxxviii.

=Overlook=. To bewitch. Rare in Wilts, common in Dev. and Som.--N.W. (Malmesbury.)

=Over-right=, =Vorright=. Opposite to.--N.W.

=Owl about=. To moon about out of doors in the dark.--N.W.

=Owling=. The same as ~Griggling~, q.v.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)


'Howlers. Boys who in former times went round wassailing the orchards.'--PARISH, Sussex Glossary.

'The wenches with their wassail bowls About the streets are singing; The boys are come to catch the owls.'--G. WITHER.

*=Owl-catchers=. Gloves of stout leather (Amateur Poacher, ch. xi).

=Pack-rag Day=. October 11, Old Michaelmas Day, when people change house. Also used in Suffolk.--N.W.

*=Paint-brushes=. Eleocharis palustris, Br.--S.W. (Charlton All Saints.)

=Palm-tree=. The Willow. ~Palms.~ Its catkins.--S.W.

=Pamper=. To mess about, to spoil a thing.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Pancherd=. See ~Panshard~.

=Pank=. To pant (S.).--N. & S.W.

=Panshard=, =Ponshard=, =Pancherd=. (1) A potshard: a broken bit of crockery (A.B.S.).--N.W. (2) 'In a panshard,' out of temper, in a rage.--S.W. Also used in the New Forest.

=Pantony=. A cottager's pantry (Wilts Arch. Mag. vol. xxii. p. 112). Compare Entony, an entry: Berks. There are many slight variants, as ~Panterny~.--N. & S.W.

=Paper Beech=. Betula alba, L.--N.W.

*=Parasol=. Sanguisorba officinalis, L., Salad Burnet.--S.W. (Little Langford.)

=Parson=. In carting dung about the fields, the heaps are shot down in lines, and are all of much the same size. Sometimes, however, the cart tips up a little too much, with the result that the whole cartload is shot out into a large heap. This is known as a 'Parson.'--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Parters=. Pieces of wood in a waggon which join the dripple to the bed. See ~Waggon~.--N.W.

=Passover=. 'A bit of a passover,' a mere passing shower.--S.W. (Som. bord.)

=Payze=. To raise with a lever (B.). Norman French peiser, cp. Fr. poiser.--N. & S.W.

=Peace-and-Plenty=. A kind of small double white garden Saxifrage.--S.W.

=Peakid=, =Peaky=, =Picked=, =Picky=. Wan or sickly-looking.--N. & S.W.

=Pearl-blind=. See ~Purley~.

=Peart=. (1) Impertinent (A.S.).--N. & S.W. (2) In good health. 'How be 'ee?' 'Aw, pretty peart, thank'ee.'--N. & S.W. (3) Clever, quick, intelligent.--S.W. (4) Stinging, sharp, as a blister.--S.W. (5) Lively. 'Her's as peart as ar' a bird, that's what her is!'--N.W.

=Peck=. (1) n. A pickaxe.--N. & S.W. (2) v. To use a pickaxe.--N. & S.W. (3) v. Of a horse, to trip or stumble: also ~Peck-down~.--N.W.

'Captain Middleton's horse "pecked"--it is presumed through putting its foot in a hole--and threw the rider.'--Daily Telegraph, April 11, 1892.

*=Pecker=. n. The nose (S.).--S.W.

=Pecky=. Inclined to stumble. 'Th'old hoss goes terr'ble pecky.'--N.W.

=Peel=. (1) A lace-making pillow (A.B.). A little 'Peel lace' is still made about Malmesbury. A.S. pile.--N.W. (2) The pillow over the axle of a waggon (D.). See ~Waggon~.--N.W. (3) The pole, with a flat board at end, for putting bread into the oven.--N.W.

=Peggles=. See ~Pig-all~.

=Pelt=. Rage, passion (A.S.). 'A come in, in such a pelt.'--N. & S.W. The word occurs in this sense in some old plays. Herrick alludes in Oberon's Palace to 'the stings of peltish wasps,' and Topsell uses 'pelting' for angry or passionate.

'You zims 'mazin afeert to zee your gran'fer in a pelt! 'Ten't often as I loses my temper, but I've a-lost 'un now.'--Dark, ch. xii. #/

=Penny= (or =Perry=) =moucher=. A corruption of ~Berry-moucher~, q.v.

=Perkins=. The same as ~Ciderkin~.--N.W.

=Perk up=. To get better, to brighten up.--S.W.

*=Perseen=. v. To pretend to (S.).--S.W.

'There's Jack White a comin'; I wun't perseen ta know un.'--Mr. Slow.

=Peter grievous=. (1) n. A dismal person, or one who looks much aggrieved. ~Pity grievous~ at Clyffe Pypard, and ~Peter grievous~ at Salisbury.--N. & S.W.

'I'll tell you summat as 'll make 'ee look a pater grievous!'--Dark, ch. xv.

(2) adj. Dismal-looking. 'He be a peter-grievious-looking sort of a chap.'--S.W.

*=Peter-man=. See Jackson's Aubrey, p. 11.--Obsolete.

'At Kington Langley ... the revel of the village was kept on the Sunday following St. Peter's Day (29th June), on which occasions a temporary officer called "the Peter-man" used to be appointed, bearing the office, it may be presumed, of master of the sports.'--Wilts Arch. Mag. vol. xxiv. p. 83.

=Peth=. The crumb of bread.--N.W.

=Pethy=. Crumby, as 'a pethy loaf.'--N.W.

=Pick=. (1) A hay-making fork (A.B.D.), a stable-fork (D.). Pick=pitch, as in pitch-fork (Skeat).--N. & S.W. (2) The fruit of the sloe.

=Picked= (two syll.). (1) Sharp-pointed. ~Piggid~ on Som. bord. 'Thuck there prong yun't picked enough.'--N. & S.W. (2) Looking ill (S.). With features sharpened by ill-health. See ~Peakid~.--N. & S.W.

=Pickpocket=. Capsella Bursa-pastoris, L., Shepherd's Purse.--N. & S.W. (Enford, Mere, &c.)

=Picky=. See ~Peakid~.

*=Pie-curr=. Fuligula cristata, Tufted Duck (Birds of Wilts, p. 190).--S.W.

=Pig-all=, =Pig-haw=. Fruit of the hawthorn (A.). ~Peggles~ (Jefferies, Marlborough Forest, &c.)--N.W.

=Pig-berry=. Fruit of the hawthorn (S.).--N. & S.W.

=Pigeon-pair=. When a woman has only two children, a boy and a girl, they are called a 'pigeon pair.'--N. & S.W.

'So in N. Eng. "a dow's cleckin" (a dove's clutch) is used for two children.'--SMYTHE-PALMER.

=Piggid=. See ~Picked~ (1).

=Pig-haw=. See ~Pig-all~.

=Pig-meat=. The flesh of the pig in Wilts is, if fresh, 'pig-meat.' It is never 'pork' unless the animal is specially killed as a 'little porker.'

*=Pig-muddle=. Disorder, mess.--N.W.

=Pig-nut=. (1) Bunium flexuosum, With., The Earth-nut.--N. & S.W. (2) The very similar root of Carum Bulbocastanum, Koch., Tuberous Caraway.--N.W., occasionally.

=Pig-potatoes=. Small potatoes, usually boiled up for the pigs.--N. & S.W.

=Pigs=. (1) See ~Boats~.--S.W. (Hants bord.) (2) Woodlice.--N. & S.W. Also ~Guinea-pigs~ and ~Butchers' Guinea-pigs~.

=Pig-weed=. Symphytum officinale, L., Comfrey.--N.W. (Enford.)

=Pillars=. See ~Waggon~.

=Pimrose=. A primrose. Also used in Hants.--N. & S.W.

=Pin-bone=. The hip bone; sometimes the hip itself.--N.W.

=Pincushion=. (1) Anthyllis vulneraria, L., Kidney Vetch.--S.W. (Barford.) (2) Scabiosa arvensis, L., Field Scabious.--S.W. (Charlton.)

=Pinner=. A servant's or milker's apron; a child's pinafore being generally called ~Pinney~.--N. & S.W.

'Next morn I missed three hens and an old cock, And off the hedge two pinners and a smock.'

GAY, The Shepherd's Week.

=Pinny-land=. Arable land where the chalk comes close to the surface, as opposed to the deeper clay land.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Pins=. The hips. A cow with hips above its back is said to be 'high in the pins.'--N.W.

=Pip=. The bud of a flower (B.).--N.W.

*=Pish!= or =Pishty!= A call to a dog (A.). In co. Clare, Ireland, this is the order to a horse to stop.

=Pissabed=. Leontodon Taraxacum, L., Dandelion, from its diuretic effects.--N. & S.W.

*=Pissing-candle=. The least candle in the pound, put in to make up the weight (Kennett's Paroch. Antiq.). Cp. Norman French peiser, to weigh.--Obsolete.

=Pit=. (1) n. A pond.--N.W. (2) n. The mound in which potatoes or mangolds are stored (Agric. of Wilts, ch. vii).--N. & S.W. (3) v. 'To pit potatoes,' to throw them up in heaps or ridges, in field or garden, well covered over with straw and beaten earth, for keeping through the winter.--N. & S.W.

=Pitch=. (1) n. A steep place.--N.W. (2) n. 'A pitch of work,' as much of the water-meadows as the water supply will cover well at one time (Agric. of Wilts, ch. xii).--S.W. (3) n. The quantity of hay, &c., taken up by the fork each time in pitching (Gamekeeper at Home, ch. iv).--N. & S.W. (4) v. To load up wheat, &c., pitching the sheaves with a fork (S.).--N. & S.W. (5) v. To fix hurdles, &c., in place (Bevis, ch. xxiii).--N. & S.W. (6) v. To settle down closely.

'Give the meadows a thorough good soaking at first ... to make the land sink and pitch closely together.'--Agric. of Wilts, ch. xii.

(7) v. To lose flesh, waste away. Still in use in N. Wilts.

'The lambs "pitch and get stunted," and the best summer food will not recover them.'--Agric. of Wilts, ch. xii.

(8) v. To set out goods for sale in market. 'There wur a main lot o' cheese pitched s'marnin'.'--N. & S.W. (9) v. To pave with ~Pitchin~, q.v.--N.W. (10) v. Of ground, to have an uneven surface. 'The ground this end o' the Leaze pitches uncommon bad.'--S.W. (Hants bord.)

=Pitched market=. A market where the corn is exposed for sale, not sold by sample (D.).--N.W.

=Pitchin=. n. Paving is done with large flat stones, 'pitching' with small uneven ones set on edge (A.S.).--N. & S.W.

=Pitching-bar=. The iron bar used in pitching hurdles (Amateur Poacher, ch. ii).--N. & S.W.

=Pitch-poll=. When rooks are flying round and round, playing and tumbling head over heels in the air (a sign of rain), they are said to be 'playing pitch-poll'--N.W.

=Pitch-up=. A short rest, as when a cart is going up a steep hill.--N.W.

=Pit-hole=. The grave (S.). Used by children.--N. & S.W.

'They lies, the two on 'em, the fourth and fifth i' the second row, for I dug pit-holes for 'em.'--The Story of Dick, ch. vi. p. 66.

*=Pixy=. A kind of fairy. This is a Dev. and Som. word, but is said to be in use about Malmesbury.

=Plain=. Straightforward, unaffected, as 'a plain 'ooman.'--N. & S.W.

=Plan=. 'In a poor plan,' unwell, in a poor way, &c.--N.W. (Seend.)

*=Plank-stone=. A flag-stone.

'This soyle (at Easton Piers) brings very good oakes and witch hazles; excellent planke stones.'--JACKSON'S Aubrey, p. 236.

'At Bowdon Parke, Ano 1666, the diggers found the bones of a man under a quarrie of planke stones.'--AUBREY'S Nat. Hist. of Wilts, p. 71, ed. Brit.

*=Plash=, =Pleach=. To cut the upper branches of a hedge half through, and then bend and intertwine them with those left upright below, so as to make a strong low fence (A.). Also ~Splash~.--N. & S.W.

=Plat=. The plateau or plain of the downs.--S.W.

=Pleach=. See ~Plash~.

=Pleachers=. Live boughs woven into a hedge in laying.--S.W.

=Plim=. (1) v. To swell out (A.B.S.), as peas or wood when soaked in water.--N. & S.W. (2) v. Many years ago, near Wootton Bassett, old Captain Goddard spoke to a farmer about a dangerous bull, which had just attacked a young man. The farmer's reply was:--'If a hadn't a bin a plimmin' an' vertin' wi' his stick--so fashion--(i.e. flourishing his stick about in the bull's face), the bull wouldn't ha' run at un.' No further explanation of these two words appears to be forthcoming at present.

=Plocks=. Large wood, or roots and stumps, sawn up into short lengths, and cleft for firewood (S.). ~Plock-wood~ (D.).--N. & S.W.

=Plough=. A waggon and horses, or cart and horses together, make a plough (D.). See Kennett's Paroch. Antiq.--N.W.

'The team of oxen that drew the plough came to be called the plough, and in some parts of South Wilts they still call even a waggon and horses a plough. This is needful for you to know, in case your man should some day tell you that the plough is gone for coal.'--Wilts. Arch. Mag. vol. xvii. p. 303.

'1690. Paid William Winckworth for Worke downe with his Plough to the causway.'--Records of Chippenham, p. 237.

'1709. Paid for 41 days worke with a ploughe carrying stones to the Causey.'--Ibid. p. 239.

(2) For the various parts of the old wooden plough see as follows:--

'I should like to hear a Wiltshire boy who had been three years at plough or sheep fold, cross-examine one of Her Majesty's Inspectors of Schools, and ask him, in the article of a plough, to be so good as to explain the difference between the vore-shoot and back-shoot, the ground rest, the bread board, the drail, the wing and point, and the whippence.'--Wilts Arch. Mag. vol. xvii. p. 303.

*=Ploughman=. A waggoner or carter.--N.W., obsolete.

'1690. Paid for beere for the plowmen and pitchers.'--Records of Chippenham, p. 237.

*=Ploughman's-weatherglass=. Anagallis arvensis, L., Scarlet Pimpernel.--S.W. (Barford.)

=Plurals=. (1) The old termination in en is still much used, as Housen, Hipsen, &c. See ~En~ (1). (2) Plurals in es are very commonly used, as beastes, ghostes, nestes, postes, gutses. Very often a reduplication takes place, as beastises, ghostises, &c.--N. & S.W. (3) Plurals are used sometimes instead of singulars. Examples:--'Nows and thens,' 'You'll find un a little ways furder on,' &c.

'These are rather an adverbial use of the genitive, like always, now-a-days, needs, whiles, etc.'--SMYTHE-PALMER.

(4) Plant-names are almost invariably used in the plural, even where only a single blossom is referred to, as 'What is that flower in your hand, Polly?' 'That's Robins, ma'am' (or Cuckoos, Poppies, Nightcaps, &c., as the case may be).--N. & S.W.

=Poach=. (1) Of cattle, to trample soft ground into slush and holes.--N. & S.W. (2) Of ground, to become swampy from much trampling (Wild Life, ch. xx).--N. & S.W.

*=Podge=. Anything very thick and sticky. Cf. ~Stodge~.

*=Pog=. *(1) To thrust with the foot.--N.W. (Malmesbury.) *(2) To set beans.--N.W. (Malmesbury.)

=Poison-berry=. (1) Fruit of Arum maculatum, L., Cuckoo-pint.--N.W. (2) Fruit of Tamus communis, L., Black Bryony.--N.W.

=Poison-root=. Arum maculatum, L., Cuckoo-pint.--N.W.

=Pole-ring=. The ring which fastens the scythe-blade to the snead (A.).--N.W.

=Polly=. A pollard tree.--S.W. A Wiltshire man, on being told by the hospital surgeon that his arms would have to be amputated, exclaimed, 'Be I to be shrowded like a owld polly?'

=Polt=, =Powlt=. A blow (B.). A blow with a stick (A.). In Glouc. apples, walnuts, &c., are beaten down with a 'polting-lug,' or long pole.--N.W.

=Ponshard=. See ~Panshard~.

=Pooch out=. (1) To project or stick out.--N.W. (2) To cause to project.--N.W. (3) 'To pooch out the lips,' to pout.--N.W.

=Pook=. (1) n. A small cock of hay, &c. (S.).--N. & S.W. (2) v. To put up in pooks (D.).--N. & S.W.

=Pooker=. A woman employed in pooking.--S.W.

=Pookers'-tea=. The yearly treat given to the pookers.--S.W.

=Pooking-fork=. The large prong, with a cross handle, for pushing along in front of the pookers, to make up the hay into pooks.--S.W.

=Pop-hole=. A rabbit-hole running right through a bank, as opposed to ~Blind-hole~ (Gamekeeper at Home, ch. vi). Any hole through a hedge, wall, &c.--N.W.

=Popple-stone=. A pebble (S.). A.S. papol.--S.W.

=Poppy=, or =Poppies=. (1) Digitalis purpurea, L., Foxglove, so called because children inflate and 'pop' the blossoms. Papaver is only known as 'Red-weed' by children about Salisbury.--S.W. (2) Silene inflata, L., Bladder Campion, also 'popped' by children.--S.W. (Salisbury.) *(3) Stellaria Holostea, L., Greater Stitchwort (Sarum Diocesan Gazette).--N. & S.W. (Lyneham and Farley.)

=Posy=. The garden Peony, from its size.

=Pot=, or =Put=. (The latter is the usual S. Wilts form.) *(1) A tub or barrel (D.).--Obsolete. (2) A two-wheeled cart, made to tilt up and shoot its load (D.).--N. & S.W. Manure used formerly to be carried out to the fields in a pair of pots slung across a horse's back. When wheels came into general use the term was transferred to the cart used for the same purpose (D.). See ~Dung-pot~.

=Pot-dung=. Farmyard manure (Agric. of Wilts, ch. vii).--N.W.

=Pots-and-Kettles=. Fruit of Buxus sempervirens, L., Box.--S.W. (Barford St. Martin, Deverill, &c.)

*=Pot-walloper= A 'pot-waller,' or person possessing a house with a 'pot-wall,' or kitchen fireplace for cooking. All such persons formerly had votes for the borough of Wootton Bassett. See Wilts Arch. Mag. vol. xxiii. p. 172.

=Poult=. (1) 'A turkey poult,' a young turkey.--N. & S.W. (2) 'A perfect poult,' an awkward girl.--S.W. (Warminster.)

=Pounceful=. Masterful, self-willed. Cf. ~Bounceful~. 'He preached pouncefully,' i.e. powerfully, forcibly.--S.W.

=Powder-monkey=. (1) Damp gunpowder, moulded into a 'devil,' or cake which will smoulder slowly, used by boys for stupefying a wasp's nest. (2) Ash leaves with an even number of leaflets, worn by boys on the afternoon of May 29. See ~Shitsack Day~.

=Power=. 'A power o' volk,' a number of people. A quantity of anything.--N. & S.W.

'A's got a power of plaguy long spikes all auver's body.'--Wilts Tales, p. 118.

=Powlts=. (1) Peas and beans grown together.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.) (2) See ~Poult~ and ~Polt~.

*=Poyn=. To pen sheep (D.).

=Prawch=. To stalk, to swagger. 'I see un come a prawchin' along up the coort.'--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Preterites=. A few specimens may be given, as ~craup~, or ~crope~, crept; ~drowd~, threw; ~flod~, flew; ~fot~, ~vot~, or ~vaught~, fetched; ~hod~, hid; ~hut~, hit; ~lod~, led; ~obloge~, obliged; ~raught~, reached; ~scrope~, scraped; ~slod~, slid; ~woc~, awoke; ~seed~, ~seen~, saw.

=Pretty-money=. Coins, such as old George-and-dragon crowns, or new Jubilee pieces, given to a child to keep as curiosities, not to be spent.--N.W.

=Pride=. (1) The ovary of a sow.--N.W. *(2) The mud lamprey (H.).

'Petromyzon branchialis. L., ... in the southern part of England is locally known as the Pride.'--SEELEY, Fresh-water Fishes of Europe, p. 427.

'Lumbrici ... are lyke to lampurnes, but they be muche lesse, and somewhat yeolowe, and are called in Wilshyre prides.'--Elyotes Dictionarie, 1559, quoted by Hal.

=Primrose soldiers=. Aquilegia vulgaris, L., Garden Columbine.--N.W. (Huish.)

*=Prin= it. Take it (A.H.Wr.).--N.W.

=Privet=, =Brivet=. 'To privet about,' pry into things. 'To privet out,' to ferret out anything. See ~Brevet~.

=Pronged=. A scythe-blade with a small flaw in the edge which may develop into a serious crack is said to be 'pronged.'--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Pronouns=. ~I~, ~he~, and ~she~ do duty as accusatives, as 'He towld I, but I bean't a-goin' to do nothen for he.' ~Her~ and ~us~ are nominatives, as 'Her be a girt vule, that her be'; 'Us be at coal-cart s'marnin.' ~Thee~ is used for both thou and thy, as 'What's thee name?' 'What's thee'se want to knaw vor?' 'Never thee mind.' ~Hyn~, or more commonly ~un~,=him, or it, as 'I seed un a-doing on't'; 'poor zowl on hyn!' This is the old hime, the accusative of he. ~A~=he, as 'How a hackers an bivers!' ~Thac~, ~Thuck~, or ~Thuck there~=that. ~Themmin~=those. ~Thic~, ~Thissum~, ~Thease~, ~Thic here~, &c.=this. ~Theesum~, or ~Theesum here~=these. Occasionally ~Theesen~ in S. Wilts. ~Thick~ and ~Thuck~ require some explanation. ~Thuck~ always=that, but is mainly a N. Wilts form, its place in S. Wilts being usually taken by ~Thick~. ~Thic~ or ~Thick~ often=this in N. Wilts, but far more frequently=that,--in fact, the latter may probably now be taken as its normal meaning, although it would appear to have been otherwise formerly. In Cunnington MS., for instance, it is stated that 'The old terms thic and thoc almost constantly exclude the expressions This and That,' and similar statements are found in other authorities. In ~Thick here~ and ~Thick there~ the use of the adverb defines the meaning more precisely. As regards the neighbouring counties, it may be said that in Som. and Dors. ~thick~=that; while in N. Hants it never does so (see Cope's Glossary), always there meaning this. It should be noted that the th is usually sounded dth, much as in Anglo-Saxon. ~His'n~=his; ~Hern~, or occasionally ~Shis'n~,=hers; ~Ourn~=ours; ~Theirn~=theirs; ~Yourn~=yours; ~Whosen~=whose, as 'Whosen's hat's thuck thur?' ~Mun~=them, is occasionally, but not often, used. ~Arra~, ~Arra one~, ~Arn~, &c.=any. Negatives, ~Narra~, ~Narra one~, ~Narn~, &c. 'Hev 'ee got arra pipe, Bill?' 'No, I han't got narn.' In the Pewsey Yale ~Ma~ is occasionally used for ~I~, in such phrases as 'I'll go we 'ee, shall ma?' or 'I don't stand so high as he, do ma?' About Malmesbury (and elsewhere in N. Wilts) the following forms may be noted:--~Wither~, other; ~Theasamy~, these; ~Themmy~, those; ~Totherm~ or ~Tothermy~, the other.

=Proof=. n. Of manure, hay, &c., the strength or goodness. 'The rain hev waished aal the proof out o' my hay.' 'That there muckle bain't done yet; the proof yun't gone out on't.'--N. & S.W. A thriving tree is said to be in 'good proof.'

=Proofey=. Stimulating, fattening.--N.W.

'The Monkton pastures used to be of good note in Smithfield, from the very feel of the beasts. There are no more "proofey" fatting grounds in Wilts.'--Wilts Arch. Mag. vol. vi. p. 29.

=Proof maggot=. The larva of the gadfly, which causes warbles in cattle.--N.W.

=Proper=. 'Her's a proper beauty,' is extremely handsome. 'He's a proper fool,' an utter idiot.--N.W.

=Proud=. When wheat is too rank and forward in winter, it is said to be 'winter-proud' (D.).--N.W.

=Pucker=. Perplexity, dilemma (S.) 'I be in a main pucker 'bout what to do wi' they taters.'--N. & S.W.

=Pucksey= (1) A quagmire. 'The roads wer aal in a pucksey,' i.e. very muddy. 'Out of the mucksey (=mixen) into the pucksey,' from bad to worse.--S.W. (2) Hence, a mess or muddle. 'What a pucksey the house be in!' i.e. a dirty untidy state.--S.W.

=Pud=. The hand; a nursery word.--N. & S.W.

*=Pud-beggar=, =Pudbaiger=. The Water Spider (S.).--S.W.

'A very interesting word. M.E. padde, a toad, paddock, Dev. and East Anglia. M.E. pode, tadpole, Icelandic padda, used of any beetles or insects that inhabit stagnant water.'--SMYTHE-PALMER.

=Puddle= or =Piddle about=. To potter about, doing little jobs of no great utility.--N. & S.W.

*=Pue=. The udder of a cow or sheep (A.). Fr. pis, Lat. pectus.

=Pug=. (1) n. The pulp of apples which have been pressed for cider.--N.W. *(2) v. To eat (H.Wr.). *(3) To ear, plough, till (Wr.).

=Pummy=. n. A soft mass. 'To beat all to a pummy'; from pomace, the apple-pulp in cider-making.--N. & S.W.

=Purdle=. To turn head over heels in a fall.--N.W.

=Pure=. In good health. 'Quite purely,' quite well (A.).--N. & S.W.

=Purler=. A knock-down blow, a heavy fall.--N.W.

'One of them beggars had come up behind, and swung his gun round, and fetched him a purler on the back of his head.'--Gamekeeper at Home, ch. ix.

=Purley=. Weak-sighted (A.H.Wr.). ~Pearl blind~ is sometimes similarly used.

=Pussy-cats=, =Pussies=, and =Pussies'-tails=. Catkins of willow and hazel, more commonly of willow only (S.).--N. & S.W.

=Pussyvan=. See ~Puzzivent~.

=Pussy-willow=. Salix.--S.W.

=Put=. See ~Pot~ (S.).

=Put about=. To vex, to worry. 'Now dwoan't 'ee go an' put yourself about wi't.'--N.W.

=Puzzivent=. A flurry or taking. 'He put I in such a puzzivent.' Formerly used in both N. and S. Wilts, but now almost obsolete. Fr. poursuivant. According to a note in The Astonishing History of Troy Town, by 'Q,' ch. xvii, the phrase originated from the contempt with which the West-country sea-captains treated the poursuivants sent down by Edward IV to threaten his displeasure. Hence pussivanting, ineffective bustle, Dev. and Corn.--N. & S.W. ~Pussyvan~ (S.).--S.W.

=Puzzle-pound=. The game of ~Madell~, q.v.--S.W. (Longbridge Deverill, &c.)

*=Pwine-end=. The whole gable-end of a house, which runs up to a sharp point or pwine.--N.W. (Malmesbury.)

=Quakers=. Briza media, L., Quaking-grass.--N. & S.W.

=Quamp=. Still, quiet (A.B.G.).--N.W.

*=Quamped=, =Quomped=. Subdued, disappointed. See ~Quamp~.--N.W. (Malmesbury.)

*=Quanked=. Overpowered by fatigue (A.). Compare ~Cank~.

=Quar=, =Quarr=. (1) n. A stone-quarry (A.B.G.S.).--N. & S.W. (2) v. To work as a quarryman (A.B.).--N. & S.W.

=Quar-Martin=. Hirundo riparia, Sand-Martin, from its breeding in holes drilled in the face of sandy quarries (Wild Life, ch. ix).--N.W.

=Quat=, =Qwot=, or =Qwatty=. (1) To crouch down (sometimes, but not always, remaining quite still), as a scared partridge (Amateur Poacher, ch. iii). To squat (A.); to sit (S.).--N. & S.W. (2) To flatten, to squash flat.--N.W.

*=Quavin-gog= or =Quaving-gog=.A quagmire (A.B.H.Wr.). See ~Gog~.--N.W.

'In the valley below the hill on which Swindon is built, are some quagmires, called by the inhabitants quaving-gogs, which are considered of great depth, and are consequently shunned as places of danger.'--Beauties of Wilts, vol. iii. p. 8.

*=Quean=.A woman.--N.W. (Castle Eaton.)

'The Saxon word quean, woman, is still used without any objectionable meaning, but its use is rare.'--Leisure Hour, Aug. 1893.

'When a man says of his wife that "th' old quean" did so and so, he means no disrespect to her, any more than if he were speaking of his child as "the little wench."'--MISS E. BOYER-BROWN.

=Queed=, =Quid=. (1) n. The cud. 'To chamme the queed' is given as a Wiltshire phrase in MS. Lansd. 1033 (H.).--N.W. *(2) Quid. v. To suck (A.).--N.W.

=Queen's-cushion=. A seat for a little girl, made by two persons crossing hands, and so carrying her between them. When a boy is so carried the term used is ~King's-cushion~.--N. & S.W.

=Quest=, =Quist=. The Woodpigeon, Columba palumbus (A.B.); ~Quisty~. 'Thee bist a queer quist,' i.e. a strange sort of fellow.--N. & S.W.

'The Wiltshire labourers invariably call it ... the "Quisty."'--Birds of Wilts, p. 318.

=Quid=. See ~Queed~.

=Quiddle=. (1) n. A fussy person; one hard to satisfy in trifling matters of diet, &c.--S.W. (2) n. To make a fuss over trifles (S.).--S.W.

*=Quiet Neighbours=. Centranthus ruber, DC., Red Spur Valerian.--S.W. (Longbridge Deverill.)

=Quiff=. A knack, a trick. 'Ther's a quiff about thuck old gate-latch.'--N.W. Compare:--

'Mr. F. J. Kennedy, secretary of the Belfast Angling Association ... "worked a quiff," to use a slang phrase, on a well-known Lagan poacher.'--Fishing Gazette, Aug. 20, 1892, p. 154.

*=Quile=. A heap of hay ready for carrying. Fr. cueiller.--N.W. (Cherhill.)

=Quill=. The humour, mood, or vein for anything. 'I can work as well as or a man, when I be in the quill for 't.' To 'Quill a person' in the language in use at Winchester College is to please, or humour him. This is very near the Wilts use.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Quilt=. (1) v. To swallow (A.B.C.G.). 'The baby wur that bad, it couldn't quilt nothen.' This is used of swallowing in the natural way, while glutch is to swallow with difficulty (C.).--N.W. (2) n. A gulp, a mouthful of liquid. 'Have a quilt on't?' have a drop of it.--N.W.

=Quinnet=. n. (1) A wedge, as the iron wedge fastening the ring of the scythe nibs in place, or the wooden wedge or cleat which secures the head of an axe or hammer.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.) (2) See ~Scythe~.

=Quirk=. To complain (A.B.G.); spelt Quisk by Akerman in error. To grunt (S.); to croak. A frog often quirks, and a toad sometimes.--N. & S.W.

=Quiset about=. To pry about (Wilts Arch. Mag. vol. xxii. p. 112).--N.W.

=Quisk=. See ~Quirk~.

=Quist=, =Quisty=. See ~Quest~.

=Quob=. (1) A soft wet place, a piece of marsh or bog.--N.W. Cp. W. of Eng. quob, a bog; quob-mire, Salop. (2) Hence 'all in a quob,' said of a bad bruise.--N.W.

=Quomped=. See ~Quamped~.

*=Quop=. To throb (A.B.G.).

=R=. (1) In pronunciation r often has d or t affixed or prefixed, as ~Cavaltry~, horsemen; ~Crockerty~, crockery; ~Millard~, miller, &c. (2) See ~Har~. (3) Transpositions frequently occur, as cruds, curds; cruddle, to curdle; girn, to grin; girt, great; gird'l, a great deal; hirn, to run.

=Rabbit-flower=. Dielytra spectabilis, DC., the flowers of which, when pulled apart, form two little pink rabbits.--S.W., occasionally.

=Rabbits=. Blossoms of Snapdragon when pinched off the stem.--S.W.

*=Race=. The heart, liver and lungs of a calf (A.B.).

=Rack=. (1) A rude narrow path, like the track of a small animal (A.S.). See Gen. Pitt-Rivers' Excavations in Cranborne Chase, vol. i. ch. i. On Exmoor the wild deer always cross a wall or hedge at the same spot. The gap thus formed is called a 'rack.' See Red Deer, ch. iv. Also in W. Somerset.--S.W. (2) Apparently also sometimes used in the sense of a boundary.--S.W.

=Radical=. 'A young radical,' a regular young Turk, a troublesome young rascal. Also used in Somerset.--N.W.

=Rafter=. To plough so as to leave a narrow strip of ground undisturbed, turning up a furrow on to it on each side, thus producing a succession of narrow ridges (Agric. of Wilts, ch. vii). See ~Balk-ploughing~.--N.W.

=Rafty=, =Rasty=, =Rusty=. Of bacon, rancid (A.B.S.).--N. & S.W.

=Rag-mag=. A ragged beggar, or woman all in tatters.--N. & S.W.

=Rail=. To crawl or creep about, to walk slowly (Wilts Arch. Mag. vol. xxii. p. 112). 'I be that weak I can't hardly rail about.'--N.W.

=Raims=, =Reams=. A mere bag of bones, a very thin person. 'He do look as thin as a raims.'--N. & S.W.

=Raimy=. Very thin.--N. & S.W.

=Ramp=. A curve (S.).--S.W.

=Ramping=. Tall, as 'a rampin' gel.'--N.W.

*=Randin=. Riotous living.--N.W. (Malmesbury.)

=Randy=. (1) n. A noisy merry-making (S.).--N. & S.W. (Malmesbury, etc.) (2) n. 'On the randy,' living in a riotous or immoral manner.--N. & S.W. (3) adj. A woman who used to be a regular attendant at all the tea-meetings and other gatherings of the kind in her neighbourhood in N. Wilts was usually spoken of as being 'a randy sort o' a 'ooman'--randy apparently being there applied to such gatherings.

*=Range=. Two drifts or rows of felled underwood (D.).

=Rangle=. To twine round anything as a climbing plant does.--S.W. (Som. bord.)

=Rank=, =Ronk=. (1) Audacious. 'Hands off! Thee bist a bit too ronk!'--N.W. (2) Outrageous, as applied to a fraud or a lie.--N.W.

*=Rannel=. adj. Ravenously hungry.--N.W.

'A man comes in rannel vor 's food, and plaguey little dacent vittles can a get.'--Dark, ch. ii.

=Rant=. (1) v. To tear.--N.W.

'She "ranted" the bosom of her print dress.'--Field Play.

(2) n. A tear or rent.--N.W.

=Rantipole=. Daucus Carota, L., Wild Carrot (English Plant Names).--N.W.

=Rap=, =Wrap=. A thin strip of wood.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Rapid=. 'A rapid pain,' 'rapid weather,' i.e. very violent. Always so used at Clyffe Pypard. So in W. Somerset.--N.W.

'This is a Latin use: cf. Virgil's rapidus aestus (Bucol. ii. 10) and rapidus sol (Georg. ii. 321)=strong, violent.'--SMYTHE-PALMER.

=Rare=. Underdone, but not raw. Reer (A.). Pronounced Raa.

=Rash=. To burn in cooking (H.Wr.). Sometimes used of malt.

=Rasty=. See ~Rafty~.

*=Rathe-ripes=. (1) An early kind of pea (B.). (2) An early kind of apple.

*=Rattle-basket=. (1) Rhinanthus Crista-galli, L., Yellow Rattle.--S.W. (Zeals.) *(2) Erica cinerea? Heath. Heard only from one person.--S.W. (Deverill.)

=Rattle-thrush=. Turdus viscivorus, the Missel-thrush, occasionally extended to any very large Song-thrush. ~Rassel-thrush~ at Huish.--N. & S.W. (Salisbury, &c.)

*=Rattle-weed=. Silene inflata, L., Bladder Campion.--N.W. (Lyneham.)

=Rave=. The ring of twisted hazel by which hurdles are fastened to their stakes or shores.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Raves=, =Reaves=. The waggon-rails (D.S.). At Clyffe Pypard applied to the flat woodwork projecting over the wheels from the side of the forward part of a waggon.--N. & S.W.

=Rawmouse, Raamouse=. The reremouse or bat; used at Tormarton, Clyffe Pypard, &c. ~Bat-mouse~ is, however, in more general use. ~Ryemouse~ (A.B.).--N.W.

=Rawney=, =Rowney=. (1) adj. Thin, poor, and uneven, as applied to badly manufactured cloth (A.B.C.).--N.W. (2) adj. Of persons, extremely thin.--S.W. (Som. bord.), occasionally.

=Ray=, or =Array=. v. To dress and clean corn (D.).--N.W.

=Ray-sieve=. n. A sieve used to get the dust out of horses' chaff. ~Rayen-sieve~ on Dorset bord.--N.W.

=Reams=. See ~Raims~.

=Reap-hook=. The 'rip-hook' is a short-handled hook without teeth, the blade bent beyond the square of the handle; used to cut to the hand a handful at a time (D.). The old reaping-sickle was toothed or serrated. See ~Hal~. s.v. ~Hook~.

=Red Bobby's eye=. Geranium Robertianum, L., Herb-Robert.--S.W. (Redlynch.)

=Red Fiery Bang-tail=. See ~Bang-tail~.

=Red Robin Hood=. Lychnis diurna, Sibth., Red Campion.--S.W. (Zeals.)

=Red-Robins=. Lychnis diurna, Sibth., Red Campion.--N. & S.W.

=Red-weed=. Red Poppy (D.). The only name for Papaver Rhoeas, &c., used about Salisbury and Warminster, Digitalis being the 'Poppy' of those parts. One of our oldest plant-names.--N. & S.W.

=Reed=. Unthreshed and unbroken straw reserved for thatching (S.). A Somerset and Devon word. 'Reed' is seldom used in Wilts, where ordinary threshed straw, made up into 'elms,' is the common material.--S.W.

=Reer=. See ~Rare~.

=Reeve=. To draw into wrinkles.--N.W. (Malmesbury, Clyffe Pypard, &c.)

=Remlet=. A remnant.--N.W.

=Reneeg=, =Renegue= (g always hard). To back out of an engagement, to jilt.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.) In Ireland a horse refusing a fence would be said to renage. See Whyte-Melville's Satanella, ch. i. p. 7: Lear, ii. 2, &c.

=Revel=. A pleasure fair; a parochial festival, a wake (A.B.), as 'Road Revel.' A village Club Feast (S.).--N. & S.W. There was a revel held at Cley Hill formerly, on Palm Sunday, and one at Kington Langley on the Sunday following St. Peter's Day.

=Rhaa=. Hungry, ravenous. See ~Rhan~.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard, rarely.)

=Rhan= (pronounced Rhaan). To eat voraciously (S.). A form of raven. Cf. West of Eng. ranish, ravenous.--S.W.

*=Rhine= (pronounced Reen). A water-course. This is a Som. word.--N.W. (Malmesbury.) Mr. Powell mentions a Wiltshire poem, which begins:--

'There once were a frog that lived in a ditch, Or 'twere may be a rheen, it don't matter which.'

=Rick-barken=. A rick-yard (A.). See Barken.--N.W.

=Rick-stick=. In thatching, after the 'elms' are fastened down with 'spicks' or 'spars' the thatch is then lightly combed over with the 'rick-stick,' a rod with a few teeth at one end and an iron point at the other by which it can be stuck into the thatch when not in actual use.--S.W. (Warminster.)

=Riddle=. (1) n. A coarse sieve (A.B.). Cp. A.S. hridder. See Rudder.--N. & S.W. (2) v. To sift. 'Hev 'ee riddled they ashes well s'marnin'?'--N. & S.W.

=Ridge-tie=. A back chain for shafts. ~Wridgsty~ (S.).--S.W.

*=Riffle=. A knife-board on which 'callus-stone' is used (Wilts Arch. Mag. vol. xxii. p. 113).--N.W. (Cherhill.)

=Rig=. (1) n. A horse which has not been 'clean cut,' i.e. is only half gelded, owing to one of its stones never having come down.--N.W. (2) v. To climb up upon (S.), or bestride anything, either in sport or wantonness. 'To rig about' is commonly used in S. Wilts of children clambering about on wood-piles, walls, &c.--N. & S.W.

=Rigget=. A woodlouse.--S.W. (Heytesbury.)

=Ring=. 'To ring bees,' to make a noise with poker and shovel when they swarm.--N.W.

=Rinnick=. The smallest and worst pig of a litter. Sometimes abbreviated into ~Nurk~. Cf. North of England Rannack, a worthless fellow.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Robin's eyes=. Geranium Robertianum, L., Herb Robert.--S.W.

=Rock=. The 'fur' or calcareous deposit inside a kettle.--N. & S.W.

=Rocket=. 'Don your rocket,' put on your bonnet.--S.W. (Downton.) No doubt originally this meant a woman's dress or cloak (rochet), as in M.E., but it has long been transferred to the bonnet. In Devon rochet is still sometimes applied to female dress.

=Roke=. Smoke.--S.W., occasionally.

=Rollers= (o short). (1) n. The long lines into which hay is raked before pooking.--S.W. (Warminster, &c.) (2) v. Rolly. To put grass into rollers (Cycl. of Agric.).--S.W.

*=Rommelin=. Rank, overgrown (A.).

=Ronk=. See ~Rank~.

*=Rook Hawk=. Falco subbuteo, the Hobby (Birds of Wilts, p. 72).

=Ropey=. adj. (1) 'Rawpey bread,' a term applied to that peculiar condition of home-made bread, known only in dry summer weather, and caused by a kind of second fermentation, when the inside of the loaf appears full of minute threads, and has a disagreeable taste.--N.W. (2) Also applied to thick drink (S.).--S.W.

=Rough=. (1) adj. Unwell, as 'He bin terr'ble rough this fortnight.'--N. & S.W.

'There, she was took rough as it might be uv a Monday, and afore Tuesday sundown she was gone, a-sufferin' awful.'--The Story of Dick, ch. viii. p. 85.

(2) 'To sleep rough,' or 'lay rough,' to sleep about out of doors like a vagabond.--N. & S.W. (3) v. To treat roughly, to ill-use. 'Thuck there hoss 'll kick 'ee, if so be as you do rough un.'--N.W.

=Rough Band=. A housset. See Wilts Arch. Mag. vol. i. p. 88.

=Rough-carpenter=. The same as ~Hedge-carpenter~.--N.W.

=Rough Music=. The same as Housset and Skimmenton.--N. & S.W.

*=Round-tail=. v. To clip the dirty locks of wool off the tail and legs of sheep, previously to shearing. Very commonly used in many parts of the county.--N. & S.W.

*=Round-tailings=. The locks so clipt, which are washed and dried, and usually sold at half-price.--N.W.

*=Rouse=. 'To catch and rouse,' see ~Catch~.

=Rowet-grass=. The long rough grass in hedges, &c., which cattle refuse; rowan or coarse aftergrass.--N.W.

=Rowetty=. Of grass, coarse and rough.--N.W.

'Tangled dead ferns and rowetty stuff.'--Gamekeeper at Home, ch. ii.

'That "rowetty" grass seen in the damp furrows of the meadows.'--Wild Life, ch. ii.

'Our low meadowes is ... rowtie, foggie, and full of flags.'--HARRISON'S Description of Britain.

=Rowey=. Rough (C.). See ~Rowetty~.

*=Rowless-thing=. In the Diary of the Parliamentary Committee at Falstone House, S. Wilts, 1646-7, this curious phrase frequently occurs, apparently meaning waste and unprofitable land. It is once applied to a living. Several forms of it are used, as Rowlass-thing, Rowlist-thing, and Rowless-thing. See Wilts Arch. Mag., Nov. 1892, pp. 343-391. We have been unable to trace the word elsewhere, so that it may possibly be of local origin.

'George Hascall is become tenant for a Rowlass thing called Dawes-Frowd, land of Lord Arundell and estated out to Mrs. Morley a recusant ... John Selwood and Richard Hickes tenants unto Sir Giles Mompesson for his farm at Deptford and his Rowless-thing called Hurdles at Wiley.'--Diary, &c.

Sir Fras. Dowse, of Wallop, is said to have been possessed of 'another thing called the Broyl [Bruellii = woods] of Collingbourne.' See 'Wiltshire Compounders,' Wilts Arch. Mag. vol. xxiv. p. 58. In the New Forest a 'rough' is a kind of enclosure.

'Philips promised to feed the horse in a "rough" or enclosure ... which was well fenced in, but the bank foundered and the animal got out.'--Salisbury Journal, Aug. 5, 1893.

=Rowney=. See ~Rawney~.

=Rubble=. (1) In Wilts usually applied to the hard chalk used in making roadways through fields (Wild Life, ch. ii),--N. & S.W. (2) Rubbish (A.B.C.S.).--N. & S.W.

=Rubbly=. adj. Of soil, loose from being full of broken bits of chalk (Agric. Survey).

=Rucksey=. Muddy, dirty, untidy, as applied to road, weather, or house.--S.W.

=Rudder=. (1) n. A sieve. A.S. hridder. See Riddle.--N.W. (2) v. To sift.--N.W.

=Rudderish=. Passionate, hasty (A.B.G.).--S.W. (Som. bord.)

=Rudge=. n. The space between two furrows in a ploughed field.--N. & S.W.

=Rumple=, v. To seduce. The full force of the word can only be given by futuere, as:--'He bin rumplin' that wench o' Bill's again laas' night.'--N.W.

*=Rumpled-skein=. Anything in confusion; a disagreement (A.).

=Rumpum-Scrumpum=. n. A rude kind of musical instrument, made of a piece of board, with an old tin tied across it as a bridge, over which the strings are strained. It is played like a banjo, or sometimes with a sort of fiddle-bow.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Rusty=. See ~Rafty~.

=Ryemouse=. The bat (A.B.). A form of Reremouse.--N.W.

=Saat=. 'Saat bread,' soft, sweet puddingy bread, which pulls apart in ropes or strings, made from 'grown-out' wheat. Cp. Halliwell (~s.v.~ Sad): 'Sad bread, panis gravis, Coles.' See ~Zaad-paul~.

=Sails=. The upright rods of a hurdle (D.). ~Hurdle-zailin'~, sing. (Clyffe Pypard).--N.W.

=Sally-withy=. A willow (A.H.Wr.). A curious reduplication, both parts of the word having the same meaning in Anglo-Saxon.

=Sar=. (1) To serve (S.) or feed (Wilts Tales, p. 112). 'Sar the pegs, wull 'ee,' i.e. 'Give them their wash.'--N. & S.W. (2) ''Twon't sar a minute to do't,' will not take a minute.--N.W.

=Saturday's Pepper=. Euphorbia Helioscopia, L., Sun-spurge (English Plant Names). ~Saturday-night's-pepper~ (Village Miners).

=Sauf=. As if (S.). 'Looks sauf 'twur gwain to rain.'--N. & S.W. (Clyffe Pypard, &c.)

=Scallot=. Quarrymen's term for one of the upper beds of the Portland series--a fine white stone (Britton's Beauties of Wilts, vol. iii).

=Scambling=. 'A scambling meal,' one taken in a rough and hurried way.--N.W.

'In the Percy Household Book, 1511, "Scamlynge days" is of constant occurrence for jours maigres.'--SMYTHE-PALMER.

=Scat=. v. To whip, beat, smack, slap.--S.W., occasionally.

=Scaut=. (1) v. To strain with the foot in supporting or pushing (A.); as at foot-ball, or in drawing a heavy load uphill; to stretch the legs out violently. ~Scote~ in S. Wilts.--N. & S.W.

'Stick your heels in the ground, arch your spine, and drag with all your might at a rope, and then you would be said to "scaut." Horses going uphill, or straining to draw a heavily laden waggon through a mud hole "scaut" and tug.'--Village Miners.

(2) n. The pole attached to the axle, and let down behind the wheel, to prevent the waggon from running back while ascending a hill (A.S.).--N. & S.W.

*=School-bell=. Campanula rotundifolia, L., Harebell.--N.W. (Enford.)

=Scoop=. (1) A shovel (D.).--N.W. (2) Allowance or start in a race, &c. 'How much scoop be you a going to gie I?'--N. & S.W. (Baverstock, &c.)

'Alwaies dyd shroud and cut theyre fuel for that purpose along all the Raage on Brayden's syde alwaies taking as much Skoop from the hedge as a man could through [throw] a hatchet.'--Perambulation of the Great Park of Fasterne near Wootton Bassett, 1602.

The original document is in the Devizes Museum.--N.W.

=Scotch=. A chink, a narrow opening. The spaces between the boards in a floor are scotches.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard, Huish, &c.)

=Scote=. See ~Scaut~.

*=Scottle=. To cut badly or raggedly (H.Wr.). 'Her did scottle the stuff so, that my new gownd's 'tirely spwiled.'--N.W.

=Scraamb=. 'To scraamb a thing down' is to reach up to it and pull it down violently (S.), in the manner thus described by Jefferies:--

'Suppose a bunch of ripe nuts high up and almost out of reach; by dint of pressing into the bushes, pulling at the bough, and straining on tiptoe, you may succeed in "scraambing" it down. "Scraambing," or "scraambed," with a long accent on the aa, indicates the action of stretching and pulling downwards. Though somewhat similar in sound, it has no affinity with scramble: people scramble for things which have been thrown on the ground.'--Village Miners.

It would not be used of such an action as scrambling about on rocks.--N.W.

*=Scram=, =Skram=. Awkward, stiff as if benumbed.--N.W. (Malmesbury.)

=Scran=. *(1) A bag (A.H.Wr.) in which food is carried.--N. & S.W. (2) Victuals (S.).--S.W.

=Scratch Cradle=. Cat's-cradle (A.B.).

=Screech=. (1) The Missel Thrush, Turdus viscivorus (A.).--N.W. (2) Cypselus apus, the Swift (Birds of Wilts, p. 309).--N. & S.W.

=Screechetty=. adj. Creaky (S.).--S.W.

=Screech Thrush=. The Missel Thrush, Turdus viscivorus (Birds of Wilts, p. 129).--S.W. (Sutton Benger.)

*=Scricele=. To creak or squeak. See ~Scruple~.--N.W. (Wroughton.)

=Scriggle=. To take the last apples. See ~Griggles~.--N.W.

=Scroff=, =Scruff=. Fragments of chips (S.). The refuse of a wood-shed; ashes and rubbish for burning.--S.W.

=Scrouge=. To squeeze, press, or crowd any one (A.B.). 'Now dwoan't 'ee come a scrougin' on I zo!'

=Scrow=. (1) Angry, surly (A.H.).--N.W. *(2) Sorry, vexed.--N. & S.W., occasionally.

'Lawk, zur, but I be main scrow to be ael in zich a caddle.'--Wilts Tales, p. 137.

=Scrump=. (1) n. A very dried up bit of anything (S.), as toast or roast meat 'done all to a scrump' (Cottage Ideas).--N. &. S.W. (2) Hence, sometimes applied to a shrivelled-up old man.--N. & S.W. (3) v. 'Don't scrump up your mouth like that!' i.e. squeeze it up in making a face.--N. & S.W. (4) v. To crunch. A sibilated form of Crump.--N. & S.W.

=Scrumpshing=. Rough play: used by boys (Bevis, ch. ix).--N.W.

=Scrupet=. To creak or grate, as the ungreased wheel of a barrow (Village Miners). Also Scroop, Scripet, Scrupetty, Scroopedee (S.), &c.--N. & S.W.

=Scruple=. To squeak or creak. 'When the leather gets old-like, he sort o' dries up, an' then he do scruple--he do scricele, Sir!' i.e. the saddle squeaks. Cf. ~Scroop~.--N.W. (Wroughton.)

=Scuff about= or =along=. To drag one's feet awkwardly, as in too large slippers; to 'scuff up' the dust, as children do for amusement, by dragging a foot along the road.--N. & S.W.

=Scuffle=. An oven-swab.--S.W.

=Scythe=. The various parts of the scythe are as follows in N. Wilts:--~Snead~, or ~Snaith~, the pole; ~Nibs~, the two handles; ~Pole-ring~, the ring which secures the blade; Quinnets (1) the wedges which hold the rings of the nibs tight, *(2) the rings themselves (A.); ~Crew~, the tang of the blade, secured by the pole-ring to the snead.

=Seed-lip=. The box in which the sower carries his seed (D.) (Village Miners). A.S. léap, basket, Icel. laupr.--N. & S.W. Misprinted Seed-tip in Davis.

=Seer!= or =Sire!= 'I say, look here!' a very usual mode of opening a conversation when the parties are some distance apart.--N. & S.W.

=Seg=, =Sig=. Urine.--S.W.

=Seg-cart=. The tub on wheels in which urine is collected from house to house for the use of the cloth mills.--S.W.

=Sewent=, =Shewent=, =Suant=. (1) adj. Even, regular (A.B.C.S.), working smoothly. Formerly used all over the county, but now growing obsolete, although it is not infrequently heard still in S. Wilts. O.Fr. suant, pr. part. of suivre, to follow.--N. & S.W.

'A Piece of Cloth is said to be--shewent--when it is evenly wove and not Rowey--it is also applied in other cases to denote a thing Level and even.'--Cunnington MS.

*(2) Demure (C.).--N.W., obsolete.

'To Look Shewent, is to Look demure.'--Cunnington MS.

*=Shab off=. To go off (S.).--S.W.

=Shackle=. (1) A hurdle wreath or tie (S.): a twisted band of straw, hay, &c.--N. & S.W. (2) 'All in a shackle,' loose, disjointed (S.).--N. & S.W. (Devizes, Huish, Salisbury, Clyffe Pypard, &c.)

=Shaft-tide=, or =Shrift=. Shrovetide.--S.W.

=Shaggle=. Of a bough, &c., to shake.--S.W.

=Shakers=. Briza media, L., Quaking-grass.--N. & S.W.

*=Shally-gallee=. Poor, flimsy (Great Estate, ch. iv). Compare Spurgally, wretched, poor, Dors.; and Shally-wally, a term of contempt in N. of England.--N.W.

*=Shame-faced Maiden=. Anemone nemorosa, L., Wood Anemone (Sarum Dioc. Gazette).--S.W. (Farley.)

=Shammock=. To shamble or shuffle along hastily.

*=Shandy=. A row about nothing (S.). Probably a form of Shindy.--S.W.

=Shape= (pronounced shap). To manage, arrange, attempt, try. 'I'll shap to do 't,' try to do it. Compare the similar use of frame in some counties.--N.W. (Devizes.)

=Shard=, =Shord=, =Sheard=. (1) A gap in a hedge (A.B.).--N. & S.W.

'I went drough a sheard in th' hedge, instead o' goin' drough th' geat.'--Wilts Tales, p. 167.

'1636. Itm. to Robert Eastmeade for mendinge a shard in Englands ijd.'--Records of Chippenham, p. 207.

(2) A narrow passage between walls or houses; usually Shord.--S.W. (3) 'To put in a shard, or shord,' to bay back or turn the water in a meadow trench by a rough dam, such as a piece of wood or a few sods of turf.--N.W.

(4) 'A cow-shard,' a cow-clat.

*=Shares=. The cross-bars of a harrow (D.).

=Sharpish=. Considerable. 'I be eighty-vive to-year, an' 'tis a sharpish age.'--N.W. (Huish, &c.)

=Sharps=. The shafts of a cart (A.S.).--N. & S.W.

=Shaul=. v. To shell nuts. Compare Shalus, husks (Chron. Vilod.).--N.W.

=Sheening=. Thrashing by machinery (Wild Life, ch. vi).--N.W.

=Sheep=. See Agric. of Wilts, p. 260; also quotation below.

'In the article of sheep what strange nomenclature! Besides the intelligible names of ram, ewe, and lamb, we have wether hogs, and chilver hogs, and shear hogs, ram tegs, and theaves, and two-tooths, and four-tooths, and six-tooths. So strange is the confusion that the word hog is now applied to any animal of a year old, such as a hog bull, a chilver hog sheep. "Chilver" is a good Anglo-Saxon word, "cylfer" [this should be "cilfer"] ... a chilver hog sheep simply means, in the dialect of the Vale of Warminster, a female lamb a year old.'--Wilts Arch. Mag. vol. xvii. p. 303.

*=Sheep-bed= (Ship-bed). When a labourer had drunk too much, he would 'take a ship-bed,' i.e. lie down like a sheep to sleep in a grass-field, till he was sober.--N.W., obsolete.

=Sheep's-cage=. The same as ~Lamb's-cage~.--N.W.

=Sheep-sleight=. See Sleight (D.). Common in Wilts (Jackson's Aubrey, p. 10).

=Sheer=. Sharp, cutting. 'Uncommon sheer air s'marnin', yunnit?'--N.W.

=Shekel=. (1) The old reaping sickle, now quite superseded by the vagging-hook. The first e is long. An old labourer, on being asked how he used to sharpen his ancient reaping-sickle, said, 'I did allus use to car' a grab [crab-apple] wi' me, an' draa my shekel droo un,' the acid biting like aquafortis into the curiously serrated edge of the steel, and renewing it without injury. Farm-lads still sharpen their knives thus. See Great Estate, ch. v; also Summer in Somerset.--N.W., obsolete. (2) The fork in which 'elms' are carried up to the thatcher.--N.W.

=Shepherds'-crowns=. Fossil Echini.--N.W.

*=Shepherds'-pedler=. Capsella Bursa-pastoris, L., Shepherds' purse.

=Shepherds'-Thyme=. Polygala calcarea, Sch., Chalk Milkwort.--S.W. (Salisbury, Bishopstone, Little Langford, &c.).

=Shepherds'-weatherglass=. Anagallis arvensis, L., Scarlet Pimpernel.--N. & S.W.

=Shewent=. See ~Sewent~.

=Shick-shack=. See ~Shitsack~.

*=Shim=. It seems. 'He's a fine fellow, shim' (A.B.C.H.Wr.).--N.W.

'This word is rather of Glocestershire, but it is nevertheless in use on the North Border of Wilts.'--Cunnington MS.

*=Shimmy=. Convolvulus sepium, L., Great Bindweed. Reported to us as 'Chemise.'--S.W. (Little Langford.)

=Shirp=, or =Shrip=. (1) 'To shirp off,' to shred or cut off a little of anything.--S.W. (2) 'To shrip up,' to shroud up the lower boughs of roadside trees, to cut off the side twigs of a hedge or bush.--N.W.

*=Shirt-buttons=. Flowers of Stellaria Holostea, Greater Stitchwort.--S.W. (Deverill.)

=Shitabed=. Leontodon Taraxacum, L., Dandelion (H.).--N.W.

=Shitsack=, or =Shitzack=. An oak-apple (H.Wr.). Oak-apple and leaf (S.).--N. & S.W.

=Shitsack, or Shick-shack Day=. King Charles' day, May 29. The children carry ~Shitsack~, sprigs of young oak, in the morning, and ~Powder-monkey~, or ~Even-Ash~, ash-leaves with an equal number of leaflets, in the afternoon. See Wild Life, ch. v.--N. & S.W. (Clyffe Pypard, &c.)

=Shivery-bivery=. All in a shake with cold or fright.--N.W.

=Shog=. To sift ashes, &c., by shaking the sieve.--N.W. (Devizes, Huish, &c.)

=Shog off=. To decamp in a hurried, stealthy, or cowardly manner (A.B.C.).--N.W.

=Shoot=, =Shute=. (1) A young female pig of three or four months old (D.).--N. & S.W. (2) Fore-shoot and Backward-shoot, the pieces of wood immediately behind the coulter of a plough (D.). (3) A precipitous descent in a road; a steep narrow path.--N. & S.W.

=Shord=. See ~Shard~.

=Shore=. n. The edge of a ditch on the meadow side (Wild Life, ch. xviii).--N.W.

'A Mearstone lyinge within the Shoore of the Dyche.'--Perambulation of the Great Park of Fasterne, 1602.

=Shot=, or =Shut of, to be=. To rid one's self of a thing. 'Her can't get shut o' thuck there vool of a bwoy.'-N. & S.W.

=Shoulder, to put out the=. At Clyffe Pypard and Hilmarton it is customary to ask a man whose banns have been published once, 'How his shoulder is?'--because you have heard that it has been 'put out o' one side,' owing to his having 'vallen plump out o' the pulput laas' Zunday.' Next Sunday will 'put'n straight agean.' This implies that the banns were formerly published from the pulpit.--N.W.

=Showl=. A shovel (A.B.D.); occasionally a spade (D.).--N. & S.W.

=Shrammed=. Chilled to the bone, benumbed, perished with cold (A.B.M.S.).--N. & S.W.

'I was half-shrammed (i.e. perished with cold) on the downs.--Monthly Mag. 1814.

=Shrift=. See ~Shaft-tide~.

*=Shrigging=. Hunting for apples (S.). See ~Griggles~ and ~Scriggle~.--S.W.

=Shrill=. To shudder. 'I never couldn't eat fat bacon--I do allus shrill at it.'--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Shrimps=. A particular kind of sweets.--N. & S.W.

=Shrowd=. (1) To trim off the lower boughs of a tree (S.).--N. & S.W. (2) To cut a tree into a pollard. See Polly.--N. & S.W.

=Shrub=. To rub along somehow, to manage to live after some sort of a fashion. 'I do shrub along middlin' well, when I bain't bad wi' the rheumatiz.' A sibilated form of rub.--N. & S.W., occasionally.

=Shrump up=. To hunch up the shoulders. 'Don't shrump up your shoulders like that!'--N.W.

=Shucks=. Husks of oats, &c.--S.W.

=Shuffet=. To shuffle along hurriedly.--N.W.

*=Shurne=. Cacare (MS. Lansd. 1033, f. 2), Cp. A.S. scearn, dung.--Obsolete.

=Shut=. (1) v. To join together; used of welding iron, splicing a rope, joining woodwork, laying turf, &c.--N. & S.W. (2) n. The point of junction, as where rick is built against rick.--N. & S.W. (3) adj. See ~Shot~.

=Shutleck=, =Shutlock= (S.). See ~Waggon~.

=Sibilated words=. These are somewhat common in Wilts, as Snotch, notch; Spuddle, puddle; Scrunch, crunch; Spyzon, poison; Spicter, picture.

=Sick=. 'Turnip-sick,' of land, exhausted as regards turnip-growing (Great Estate, ch. i). 'Tater-sick,' &c.--N.W.

=Sideland ground=. Sloping ground on a hillside.--N.W.

=Sidelong=, =Sideling=. (1) With one side higher than the other (Wild Life, ch. vi). 'I wur nigh upset, th' rwoad wur that sideling.'--N. & S.W. (2) Sitting sidelong, i.e. with the side towards the spectator (Gamekeeper at Home, ch. ii).

=Sig=. See ~Seg~ (S.).--S.W.

=Sight=. A quantity, as 'a sight o' vawk,' 'a main sight o' rain.'--N. & S.W.

*=Sil=. Seldom. 'Sowle-grove sil lew,' February is seldom warm (H.).--Obsolete.

=Silgreen=. Sempervivum tectorum, L., Houseleek (Village Miners). A.S. singréne. See ~Sungreen~--N.W.

*=Sillow=, =Sullow=, or =Sul=. A kind of plough (D.). A.S. sulh.--S.W., obsolete.

'~Sylla~, a plough, was used at Bratton within the memory of persons still living. ~Sylla-foot~, or ~Zilla-fut~, was a guiding piece of wood alongside of the share.'--Miss WAYLEN.

*=Silver-bells=. The double Guelder-rose of gardens.--N.W. (Cherhill.)

=Silver-fern= or =Silver-grass=. Potentilla Anserina, L., which has fern-like silvery foliage.--N. & S.W.

=Sim=. n. A smell, as of burning wool or bone. 'That there meat hev got a main sim to 't.'--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

*=Simbly=. To seem.--N.W.

'He've a bin and tuk dree bottles o' doctor's stuff; but I'll be whipped if a do zimbly a bit th' better var't.'--Wilts Tales, p. 137.

=Simily=. Apparently, as 'Simily 'tis a bird.'--N.W.

=Simmin=. It seems. 'Simmin to I 'tis gwain' thic way.'--N.W.

=Sinful=. Excessively, as 'sinful ornary,' very ugly.--N.W.

=Sinful-ordinary=. Plain to the last degree in looks.--N.W.

'I once knew a young gentleman in the Guards who was very ordinary-looking--what is called in Wiltshire "sinful ordinary."'--Illust. London News, March 23, 1889.

=Singreen=. See ~Sungreen~.--S.W.

=Skag, Skeg=. (1) v. To tear obliquely.--N.W. (2) n. A ragged or oblique tear in clothes, such as is made by a nail.--N.W.

=Skeart=. To cause to glance off, as a pane of glass diverts shot striking it at an angle.--N.W.

=Skeer=. (1) To skim lightly and quickly over a surface, barely touching it, as a ball does along ice.--N.W. (Malmesbury.) *(2) To mow summer-fed pastures lightly.--N.W. (Malmesbury.)

=Skeer-devil=, =Skir-devil=. Cypselus apus, the Common Swift.--N.W. (Malmesbury, &c.)

=Skewer-wood=. Euonymus Europaeus, L., Spindle-tree.--N.W.

=Skewy=, =Skeowy=. When the sky shows streaks of windy-looking cloud, and the weather seems doubtful, it is said to 'look skeowy.'--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.) Compare:--

'Skew: thick drizzle or driving mist.'--JAGO'S Cornish Glossary.

*=Skiel=. A cooler used in brewing beer (A.B.G.H.Wr.).

=Skiffley=. Showery. Perhaps from O.E. skyfte, to change.--S.W.

=Skillet=. A round pot to hang over the fire.--N.W.

=Skillin=, =Skilling=. A pent-house (A.C.S.); an outhouse or cow-shed. A.S. scyldan, to protect; Old Germ. schillen, to cover (A.). Skillion is used in Australia for a small outhouse.--N. & S.W.

=Skimmenton=, =Skimmenton-riding=. A serenade of rough music got up to express disapproval in cases of great scandal and immorality. The orthodox procedure in N. Wilts is as follows: the party assembles before the houses of the offenders, armed with tin pots and pans, and performs a serenade for three successive nights. Then after an interval of three nights the serenade is repeated for three more. Then another interval of the same duration and a third repetition of the rough music for three nights--nine nights in all. On the last night the effigies of the offenders are burnt. ~Housset~ is the same thing. The word and the custom have emigrated to America.--N.W.

=Skimmer-cake=. A cake made of odd scraps of dough (S.). See ~Skimmer-lad~.--S.W.

=Skimmer-lad=. A dunch-dumpling, or piece of dough put on a skimmer and held in the pot while boiling.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Skippet=. The long-handled ladle used for filling a water-cart, emptying a hog-tub, &c.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Skipping-ropes=. Sprays of Clematis Vitalba, L., Traveller's Joy.--S.W. (Bishopstone.)

=Skit=. A passing shower (Great Estate, ch. i).--N.W.

*=Skive=. To shave or slice (Wilts Arch. Mag. vol. xxii. p. 113).--N.W. (Cherhill.)

=Skram=. See ~Scram~.

=Skug, Sqwug=. A squirrel. 'I say, there's a skug! Let's have a cock-shot at him with your squailer.'--N. & S.W.

=Slack=. Impudence, cheek (S.). 'I'll ha' none o' your slack!'--S.W.

=Slammock=, =Slummock=. A slattern. ~Slammick~ (S.).--N. & S.W.

=Slan=. A sloe (A.). A.S. slán, pl. of slá, sloe.--N.W. (Castle Eaton, &c.)

'Those eyes o' yourn be as black as slans.'--Wilts Tales, p. 81.

=Slang-up=, or =Slang-uppy=. Untidy, slatternly.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Slat=. (1) v. To split or crack (A.B.S.). 'Thuc plate's slat.'--N. & S.W. (2) n. A crack. 'What a girt slat thur is in un.'--N. & S.W. (3) n. A slate (A.). 'Thur's a slat blowed off.'--N.W.

=Slay=. See ~Sleight~.

=Sleek=. (1) adj. Slippery. 'The rwoad's terrible sleek.'--N.W. (2) n. Sleet.--N.W.

=Sleight=, =Slay=. (1) v. To pasture sheep on the downs (D.).--N.W. (2) n. Sheep-sleight, a sheep-down (D.); a pasture good for sheep.--N.W.

=Slent=. (1) v. To tear (S.). 'I've a bin an' slent ma yeppurn.'--S.W. (2) n. A tear or rent in clothes.--S.W.

=Slewed=, =Slewy=. Drunk (S.).--N. & S.W.

*=Slickit=. (1) A long thin slice (not a curly shaving) of wood (Village Miners).--N.W. (Berks bord.) (2) 'A slickit of a girl,' a young undeveloped girl (Ibid.).--N.W. (Berks bord.) Cp. Slacket, slim, Cornw.

=Slide=. The cross-bar on the tail of the fore-carriage of a waggon. See Waggon.--N.W.

=Slip=. To shed. Of a horse, to shed its coat.--N. & S.W.

=Slippetty-sloppetty=. Draggle-tailed, slovenly. 'I never zeed zich a slippetty-sloppetty wench in aal my barn days.'--N.W.

=Slire=. v. To look askance or out of the corners of your eye at anything.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard, &c.)

'"Why should you suspect him?" "Aw, a' be a bad 'un; a' can't look 'ee straight in the face; a' sort of slyers [looks askance] at 'ee."'--Greene Ferne Farm, ch. ix.

*=Slize=. To look sly (A.B.H.Wr.). To look askance at any one.--N.W.

=Slocks=. See ~Slox~.

=Slocks about=. To go about in an untidy slatternly way.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Sloe=. In S. Wilts, about Salisbury, the large fruit is known as Sloes or Slues, and the small as Snags; in N. Wilts, at Huish, ~Slŏns~ are large and ~Hedge-speäks~ small, while at Clyffe Pypard the same terms are used, but the latter is not confined to the small fruit. At Cherhill ~Hilps~ and ~Picks~ are the names. ~Slues~ is used in both N. and S. Wilts, and ~Slŏns~ or ~Slăns~ in N. Wilts.

=Slommakin=. adj. Of females, untidy, slatternly (S.).--N. & S.W. (Malmesbury, &c.)

*=Sloop=. To change (A.H.Wr.). Perhaps a perversion of slew, or a misreading of swop in badly written MS.

=Slop about=. To shuffle about in a slipshod slovenly fashion.--N. & S.W.

=Sloppet=. (1) v. The same as Slop about.--N.W.

'He "sloppets" about in his waistcoat and shirt-sleeves.'--Hodge and his Masters, ch. xxiii.

*(2) v. Applied to a rabbit's peculiar gait, and the manner in which it wears away and covers with sand the grass near its bury (Amateur Poacher, ch. ii).

=Slouse=. To splash about, as a horse or dog does in water.--N.W.

*=Sloven's year=. A wonderfully prosperous season, when even the bad farmer has good crops (Great Estate, ch. viii).

=Slox=, =Slocks=. To waste, to pilfer from employers (A.B.C.H.Wr.).--N.W.

=Slummock=. See ~Slammock~.

=Sly=. 'A sly day' looks bright and pleasant, but the air has a chill nip in it. 'Sly cold' is the treacherous kind of cold raw weather that was very prevalent during the influenza epidemic two or three years ago.--N.W. (Huish.)

=Smaak=. n. 'Aal in a smaak,' quite rotten; used of potatoes.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Smarm=. To bedaub. 'Don't smarm me aal auver wi' they dirty paws o' yourn.' ~Smaam~ (S.).--N. & S.W.

=Smart=. A second swarm of bees.--N.W.

=Smart=, =Smartish=, adj. Considerable (H.), as 'a smartish lot o' vawk.'--N. & S.W.

=Smeech=. Dust.--S.W. (Salisbury, Hill Deverill, &c.)

=Smeechy=. Dusty.--N.W. (Cherhill.)

*=Smicket=. A smock or shift (A.).

=Smother=. A weed and rubbish fire in a garden.--N. & S.W.

=Snag=, =Snaig=. (1) A badly shaped or decayed tooth; often used of a child's first teeth.--N.W. (2) Fruit of the sloe, q.v. (S.).--S.W.

*=Snag-bush=. Prunus spinosa, L., the Sloe (Miss Plues).

=Snake-fern=. Pteris aquilina, L., Bracken.--S.W. (Deverill.)

=Snake-flower=. (1) Verbascum nigrum, L., Black Mullein. Children are cautioned not to gather it, because a snake may be hiding under the leaves.--S.W. (Salisbury.) (2) Stellaria Holostea, L., Greater Stitchwort.--S.W. (Barford.)

*=Snake's-head=. Potentilla Tormentilla, Sibth., Tormentil.--S.W. (Zeals, Hill Deverill, &c.)

*=Snake-skin Willow=. Salix triandra, L., so called because it sheds its bark (Great Estate, ch. v).

*=Snake's-victuals=. Arum maculatum, L. Cuckoo-pint.--N.W.

'In August ... she found the arum stalks, left alone without leaves, surrounded with berries.... This noisome fruit ... was "snake's victuals," and ... only fit for reptile's food.'--Great Estate, ch. ii.

=Snap=. A trap, as Mouse-snap, Wont-snap.--N. & S.W., occasionally.

=Snaps, Snap-jacks=. Stellaria Holostea, L., Greater Stitchwort.--S.W.

*=Snap-willow=. Salix fragilis, L., from its brittleness (Great Estate, ch. v).

=Snead=, =Snaith=. The pole of a scythe (A.). A.S. snǽd.--N.W.

=Snig=. A small eel.--S.W.

=Sniggle=. (1) To snigger.--S.W. (2) 'To sniggle up,' to toady or endeavour to ingratiate yourself with any one.--S.W.

*=Sniggling=. 'A sniggling frost,' a slight frost that just makes the grass crisp.--S.W. (Steeple Ashton.)

=Snig-pot=. An eel-trap.--S.W.

=Snippy=. Mean, stingy.

=Snivett=. A newt. Perhaps a sibilated form of Evet.--N.W.

=Snop=. (1) v. To hit smartly, as in chipping a stone.--N. & S.W. (2) n. A smart blow (S.), as 'A snop on the yead.'--N. & S.W.

=Snotter-gall=. The yew-berry, probably from its slimy pulp.--N. & S.W.

=Snotty=. (1) 'A snotty frost,' a slight crisp rime frost.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.) (2) Nasty, dirty, mean.--N. & S.W.

=Snowball-tree=. The double Guelder-rose. ~Snowballs~, its blossoms.--N. & S.W.

=Snow-blunt=. A slight snowstorm.--N. & S.W. See ~Blunk~.

=Snow-in-harvest=, or =Snow-in-summer=. Cerastium tomentosum, L.--S.W.

=Snowl=. (1) n. A large piece of anything (S.). 'Gie I a good snowl o' bread, mother!'--N. & S.W. *(2) n. The head.--N.W. (Malmesbury.)

=Snow-on-the-mountains=. (1) Saxifraga granulata, L., White Meadow Saxifrage.--S.W. (2) White Cress.--N. & S.W.

=Snuff-rag=. A pocket-handkerchief (S.).--N. & S.W. (Lockeridge, &c.) Also used formerly at Clyffe Pypard, N.W.

=Sobbled=. Soddened, soaked with wet (Village Miners).--N.W.

*=Soce=. Friends; addressed to the company generally, as 'Well, soce, an' how be ye all to-day?'--N.W. (Malmesbury.) Very rarely heard in Wilts, but common in Dev. and Som. It is probably a relic of Socii, as used by monkish preachers. In the old ghost-story in Jefferies' Goddard Memoir (see Waylen's History of Marlborough, p. 555), the use of the word soas (there spelt source) by one of the characters is alluded to in such a way as to show that it was looked on as a curious peculiarity of his. See W. Somerset Words.

=Sod-apple=. Epilobium hirsutum, L., Great Hairy Willow-herb, from its smell when crushed.--N.W.

'Willow herb ... country folk call it the sod-apple, and say the leaves crushed in the fingers have something of the scent of apple-pie.'--Great Estate, ch. ii.

*=Soft-tide=. The three days next before Lent (Wilts Arch. Mag. vol. xxii. p. 113).--N.W. (Cherhill.)

=Sog=. Soft boggy ground (S.).--N. & S.W. (Malmesbury, &c.)

=Sogging-wet=. Soaked.--N.& S.W.

=Soldiers=. Papaver Rhoeas, &c., Red Poppy.--S.W.

=Soldiers'-buttons=. Arctium Lappa, L., Burdock.--S.W. (Hamptworth.)

=Soldiers-sailors-tinkers-tailors=. Lolium perenne, L.--S.W.

=Souse=. 'Pigs'-sousen,' pigs'-ears.--N.W. (Malmesbury, Clyffe Pypard, &c.)

*=Sow-flower=. Sonchus oleraceus, L., Sowthistle.--(Lyneham.)

*=Sowle-grove=. February. (A.H.Wr.)--Obsolete.

'The shepherds and vulgar people in South Wilts call Februarie "sowlegrove," and have this proverb of it:--"Soulgrove sil lew,"--February is seldome warme--sil pro seld, seldome.'--AUBREY, Anecdotes, Camden Society, cxlvii.

=Spade=. The congealed gum of the eye (A.B.). Also ~Spady~ in N. Wilts. A.S. sped, phlegm.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard, &c.)

*=Spances=. 'Raves or sides, spances, compose the waggon-bed' (D.).

=Spanky=. Showy, dashing (A.B.).--N.W.

=Spar=. In thatching, the 'elms' are fastened down with 'spicks' or 'spars,' split hazel rods, pointed at both ends, and bent into hairpin shape, with a twist just at the bend to give them a tendency when fixed to spring outwards, and so hold faster.--S.W.

=Sparked, Sparky=. Of cattle, mottled or of two colours (D.); pied, variegated (Wilts Arch. Mag. vol. xxii. p. 225).--N. & S.W.

'One of the earliest indictments on the roll of the Hilary Sessions [Wilts], 1603-4, tells of quatuor vaccas quar' due color sparked et una alia coloris rubri et altera color browne.'--Wilts Arch. Mag. vol. xxii. p. 225-6.

=Sparked-grass=. Phalaris arundinacea, L., Striped Ribbon-grass.--S.W. (Som. bord.)

*=Spawl=. A chip or splinter from a stone.--N.W. (Malmesbury.)

=Spear=. (1) n. A stalk of reed-grass (S.).--N.W. (2) v. See ~Spurl~.--S.W.

=Spend=. To turn out. 'How do your taters spend to-year?'--N.W.

=Spick=. (1) In thatching, the same as ~Spar~.--S.W. (2) Lavender. ~Spick~ (Som. bord.), and ~Spike~ (Hants bord.).--S.W.

=Spikenard=. (1) Lavender.--N.W., occasionally. (2) Anthoxanthum odoratum, L., Sweet Vernal-grass.--N.W. (Bromham.)

=Spill=. (1) The long straight stalk of a plant.--N.W. (Malmesbury.) *(2) 'To run to spill,' to run to seed.--N.W. (Malmesbury.) *(3) Hence, figuratively, to be unproductive.--N.W. (Malmesbury, occasionally.)

=Spit, Spet=. (1) n. 'The very spit of his father,' his very image (Wilts Tales, p. 31). Cf. Spit, to lay eggs (Skeat). Just like (S.).--N. & S.W. (2) v. 'To spit up the ground,' to work the surface lightly over.--N. & S.W.

=Splash=. Commoner form of ~Plash~, q.v.--N.W.

*=Split-fig=. A short-weight grocer (S.).--S.W.

=Sploach=. To splutter (S.).--S.W.

=Sprack=. (1) Lively, active (A.B.C.S.); also ~Sprag~ (B.).--N. & S.W.

'That's a sprack mare o' yourn.'--Wilts Tales, p. 68.

(2) Intelligent, quick (A.C.).--N. & S.W.

'He had picked up a few words and phrases with which he sometimes "bothered" his neighbours, who thought Jem "a mortal sprack chap"; but in truth he was a great fool.'--Wilts Tales, p. 65.

=Sprank=. A sprinkling of anything. 'There be a good sprank o' fruit to-year.' Also used in Somerset.--N.W. (Mildenhall.)

*=Sprawing=. A sweetheart. This word is given for Wilts by Britton, Akerman, Halliwell, Wright, and others, but should be treated as a 'ghost-word,' and struck out of our glossaries. In Cunnington MS. it is written as ~Sprawny~, q.v., but Britton when transcribing from that source would appear to have misread it as Sprawing, probably not being himself acquainted with the word, while Akerman and others must simply have taken it blindly on his authority.

*=Sprawny=. A sweetheart (Cunnington MS.). A variant of Sprunny. See note on ~Sprawing~. A male sweetheart in Glouc.--N.W., obsolete.

'Whipped to some purpose will thy sprunny be.'--COLLINS, Miscellanies, 1762.

=Spreader=. The thin pole or bar which keeps the traces apart (Wilts Tales, p. 173).--N.W.

*=Spreath=, =Spreeth=. Active, nimble, able (A.B.H.Wr.). 'He is a spreeth young fellow' (B.).

=Spreathed=. Of the skin, roughened or chapped by cold (B.S.) Spreazed (A.).--N. & S.W.

=Spreyed=. Of the skin, roughened by cold, but not chapped. Spryed on Som. bord.--S.W.

=Spring=. Of a cow, to show signs of calving.--N.W.

=Spring-dag=. A chilblain. Cf. Dag, a twinge of pain.--S.W.

=Spring-flower=. The garden Polyanthus.--N.W.

=Spuddle=. (1) v. To stir about (A.B.), to fuss about at doing trifles. 'He's allus a-spuddling about like, but there yen't nothen to show for 't ses I.'--N.W. (2) v. To make a mess (S.). A sibilated form of puddle.--S.W.

=Spudgel=. A wooden scoop (S.).--N. & S.W.

=Spuds=. Potatoes (S.). Perhaps introduced by Irish harvesters.--N. & S.W.

*=Spur=. See ~Spurl~.--S.W.

=Spurl=. To spread dung about the fields (S.). Also ~Spear~, ~Spur~, and ~Spurdle~.--N. & S.W.

*=Spurling-boards=. Boards set to prevent the corn from flying out of the threshing-floor (D.).

=Spur-stone=. A projecting stone, set in the ground as a support to a post, or to protect anything near the roadway (Bevis, ch. v).

*=Squab=. The youngest or weakest bird of a brood or pig of a litter (A.). The 'darling' of a litter.--N.W. (Lockeridge.)

=Squail=, =Sqwoil=. (1) To throw (A.H.S.); used of sticks, not stones.--N. & S.W.

'In the orchard Bevis and Mark squailed at the pears with short sticks.'--Bevis, ch. xvi.

'They would like to squail a stick at his high and ancient hat.'--Ibid. ch. xvi.

(2) Fig. To do a thing awkwardly (H.), as 'Her went up the street a squailing her arms about.'--N.W. *(3) Cock-squoilin, throwing at cocks at Shrovetide (A.).--Obsolete. Bird-squoilin, killing birds with stones (S.). (4) Of a candle, to gutter.--N. & S.W.

=Squailer=, =Squale=, =Squoile=. A stick or loaded cane, used by boys for throwing at apples, rabbits, squirrels, &c.--N. & S.W.

'The handle of a "squailer" projected from Orion's coat-pocket. For making a squailer a tea-cup was the best mould:... A ground ash sapling with the bark on, about as thick as the little finger, pliant and tough, formed the shaft, which was about fifteen inches long. This was held upright in the middle of a tea-cup, while the mould was filled with molten lead. It soon cooled, and left a heavy conical knob on the end of the stick. If rightly thrown it was a deadly missile, and would fly almost as true as a rifle ball. A rabbit or leveret could thus be knocked over; and it was peculiarly adapted for fetching a squirrel out of a tree, because, being so heavy at one end, it rarely lodged on the boughs, as an ordinary stick would, but overbalanced and came down.'--Amateur Poacher, ch. iii.

'The "squaler" came into use very early in the school's history, and was for years almost as much a part of the ordinary equipment of a Marlborough boy as a cricket-bat would now be. To later generations the very name probably conveys no meaning. The weapon itself was simple enough, though extremely formidable. It consisted of a piece of lead something the shape and about the size of a pear, with a cane handle about eighteen inches long. A squaler could be thrown a great distance and with terrific force, and at short ranges by the practised hands of the Marlburians of those days with great accuracy. Its ostensible purpose was squirrel-hunting, as the name suggests [No, it is not a contraction of "squirreller," but is from squail, to throw.--G.E.D.], but it came in handy for the larger quarry which the more adventurous tribes pursued and slew, such as rabbits, hares, and very frequently even deer. It lingered on as an article of local sale till the middle of the sixties; but ... was made contraband, and finally died out.'--History of Marlborough College, ch. ix. p. 94.

'To make a squailer you provide yourself with an eighteen-inch length of half-inch cane, two inches of which you sheath with tow and then insert in a ladle of molten lead. There you manipulate it in such sort that there is presently left to cool at the end of your cane a pear-shaped lump of lead of the weight experience has shown you to be proper. With this weapon an adept can bring down a squirrel from on high, or stop one on the level at five-and-twenty yards, almost to a certainty.'--W. F. WALLER in Notes & Queries, 8th series, ii. p. 197. 'Another Marlborough mode of making it is to pour the melted lead into a cone composed of many folds of well-wetted paper, tied round the slightly notched upper end of the cane or ground ash.'--G. E. DARTNELL in N. & Q., 8th series, ii. p. 257. Also see various letters in N. & Q., 8th series, ii. pp. 149, 197, 257. Squailers were in use at the Grammar school as well as at the College, up to about 1867.

=Squailing=. Clumsy, badly, or irregularly shaped, as 'a squailing loaf,' 'a squailing sort of a town,' &c. (H.).--N.W.

=Square=. Thatching is paid by the 'square,' which is 100 square feet.--N.W.

=Squat=. See ~Squot~.

=Squeak-Thrush=. The Missel Thrush.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Squeeze-belly=. A V-shaped stile.--N.W.

=Squelch=, =Squelp=. (1) adv. 'A vell down squelch,' he fell heavily (A.B.).--N.W. (2) v. To squash to pieces, as a heavy stone would an egg.--N.W.

=Squinney=. (1) v. 'To squinney round,' to peep about.--S.W. (2) n. 'Squinney-hole,' a peep-hole. Sometimes also used of a hagioscope in a church.--S.W.

=Squish=. (1) v. Of soft or boggy ground, to give under foot with the peculiar spirt and sound that denote a water-logged condition. 'The rwoad wer squishing under I ael the waay to 'Vize.'--N. & S.W. (2) v. Of mud, to spirt and splash up as it does in a boggy place. 'It wer main hocksey, an' the muck squished up ael over I, purty nigh up to my eyes.'--N. & S.W.

=Squishey=. adj. Soft, wet, swampy.--N. & S.W.

'The ploughing engine be stuck fast up to the axle, the land be so soft and squishey.'--Wild Life, ch. vii.

=Squoil=. See ~Squail~ (S.).--S.W.

=Squot= or =Squat=. (1) n. A bruise (Aubrey's Wilts MS.).--N.W. (2) v. To bruise or crush (S.), as 'I've bin an' squot my thumb.' To bruise by compression (B.).--N.W.

=Sqwawk=. To squall out as a hen does when pulled off the nest.--N.W.

=Stabble=. v. Of ground, to poach up by continual treading, as near a field gateway (Village Miners). Children are always 'stabbling about' indoors, making a mess and litter.--N. & S.W.

=Stack=. 'A stack of elms'=either one score or two score of 'elms.'--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Staddles=, =Staddle-stones=. The pillars on which a rick stands (A.B.S.). Cf. ~Stavel~ (~Steevil~ in S.W.). A.S. staðol.--N. & S.W.

=Stael=. See ~Stale~.

=Stag=, =Steg=. A rent in clothes.--N. & S.W.

=Staid=. Of mature age, elderly (S.).--N. & S.W.

=Stake-and-ether-hedge=. A wattled fence. See ~Ether~.--N.W.

=Stale=, =Stael=, or =Steale=. The long handle of any husbandry tool (A.B.). A.S. stel (in compounds).--N.W.

'A was as lang and as lane as a rake-stael.'--Wilts Tales, p. 177.

'The peculiar broad-headed nail which fastens the mop to the stout ashen "steale," or handle.'--Wild Life, ch. iv.

*=Standing=, =Stannin=. A stall or small booth at a fair. ~Stannen~ (S.).--S.W.

=Star-flower=. (1) Potentilla Tormentilla, Sibth., Tormentil.--S.W. (Barford.) (2) Lysimachia nemorum, L., Wood Loosestrife.--S.W. (Barford.)

=Stark=. v. To dry up. 'The ground is got so stark--you see the hot sun after the rain did stark the top on't.'--N.W. (Hilmarton.)

=Starky=. (1) Stiff, dry (A.B.). Shrivelled up, as applied to things.--N.W. (2) Shrivelled and wasted by ill-health.--N.W.

*=Stars=. Campanula glomerata, L., Clustered Bellflower.--N.W. (Enford.)

=Start=. (1) An outing or pleasure-party. 'Wher be th' missus, Bill?' 'Whoy, off on a bit of a start.'--S.W. (2) A 'go.' 'That's a rum start, yun' it?'--N.W.

=Starve=. (1) v. 'To starve with cold,' to be extremely cold; to cause anything to be cold. Chiefly used in past participle, as 'starved wi' th' cowld,' perished with cold. A.S. steorfan, to die. 'My old man he do starve I at nights wi' the cowld, 'cause he got a crooked leg, and he do sort o' cock un up 'snaw, and the draaft do get in under the bed-claus, and I be fairly starved wi' the cowld.'--N. & S.W. (2) See ~Bird-starving~.--N.W.

*=Stavel-barn=. A barn on stone pillars (Agric. Survey). See ~Staddles~.

=Steale=. See ~Stale~.

=Stean=. (1) v. To 'stone,' or cover a path or road with gravel or small stones.--N.W. (2) 'To stean a well,' to line its sides with stone (S.).--S.W.

=Steaner=. The man who lays the second and inner rows of sheaves in building a wheat rick.--N.W.

=Steanin=. (1) A road made with small stones (A.).--N.W. (2) The built-up portion of a well.--S.W. See ~Stean~.

=Steart=. (1) n. The tang which fastens anything; the ring of a button, &c.--N.W. (2) n. The small iron rod, on the head of which the cappence of the old-fashioned flail played.--N.W. (3) n. A young ox. Apparently steer, with t excrescent.--N.W.

=Steer=. The starling. A form of Stare.--N.W.

=Steip=. See ~Stipe~.

=Stem=. A period of time (A.H.S.), as 'a stem o' dry weather.' Work on the roads, &c., is done 'on the stem,' or 'by the stem.' A.S. stemn.--N. & S.W.

=Stepple=. A hoof-mark (Village Miners). Cf. ~Stabble~.--N.W.

=Stewer=, =Stour=, =Sture=. Fuss, commotion.--S.W.

=Stew up=. To tidy up.--S.W.

=Stick=. To decorate with evergreens, &c. 'We allus sticks th' Church at Christmas,'--the decorations formerly consisting only of sprigs of holly stuck into holes in the backs of the pews.--N.W.

=Stickle=. To stick. 'They're as thick as they can stickle on it.'--S.W.

=Stick-up=. v. To make the first tentative advances towards courtship.--N.W., occasionally.

'I've bin a-stickin' up to another young ooman this summer, wi' a view to keepin' comp'ny wi' she.'--Dark, ch. xv.

=Stipe=. 'The stipe o' the hill,' the steepest part.--N.W.

*=Stipe=, =Steip=. A dozen and a half of 'elms' (H.Wr.). 'Steip of helms, eighteen helms: Wilts.'--Holloway's Dict.--S.W.

=Stived up=. Shut up in a warm close place. Fighting cocks were formerly kept warm in a 'stive,' or kind of straw basket like a hive, whilst waiting their turn to fight.--N. & S.W.

=Stoach=. To plant potatoes with a 'stoacher.' In some counties stoach=poach, to trample into holes.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard, &c.)

=Stoacher=. 'A tater stoacher,' a thick stake, with projecting notch on which the foot is placed to drive the sharpened point into the ground. The potatoes are dropped into the holes so made.--N.W.

=Stobball-play=. An old game, played with a withy-staff and a small ball, stuffed full of quills, said by Aubrey (Nat. Hist. Wilts, p. 117, ed. Brit.) to be peculiar to North Wilts, North Gloucester, and the neighbourhood of Bath; but probably a form of stool-ball (H.Wr.).--N.W., obsolete.

'Illegal games ... mentioned are ... hand-ball, foot-ball, and stave-ball or "stobball"; (pilum manualem, pedalem, sive baculinam), "nine-holes" and "kittles."'--On the Self-government of Small Manorial Communities, as exemplified in the Manor of Castle Combe.--Wilts Arch. Mag. vol. iii. p. 156.

=Stodge=. (1) n. Substantial food.--N.W. (2) v. To stuff gluttonously. ~Stodged~, quite unable to cram down another morsel.--N.W.

=Stodgy=. adj. Of food, causing a feeling of repletion.--N.W.

=Stogged=. Stuck in the mud, bogged (S.).--N. & S.W.

=Stoggy=. Wet and sticky; used of ground that 'stogs' you, or in which you get 'stogged.'--N.W.

=Stomachy=. adj. Unbending (S.). Obstinate, headstrong, self-willed.--N. & S.W.

*=Stone-bruise=. A kind of corn on the foot. In an American trouting-yarn in Fishing Gazette, December 17, 1892, p. 429, the following occurs:--

'It's just the age for "stone-bruises" in a boy, and he must have a pair of shoes any way.'

*=Stone-osier=. Salix purpurea, L. (Gamekeeper at Home, ch. viii).--N.W.

=Stop=. A hole in the ground--not in a hedgerow, but a few yards away, or on cultivated ground--where the doe rabbit has her young; said to be from her 'stopping' or covering it over when she leaves it. Also used in Hants.--N.W., common.

=Storm-cock=. Turdus viscivorus, Missel Thrush (Birds of Wilts, p. 129).--S.W.

=Stout=. The gadfly (A.B.). 'They stowuts be so terrifyin'.'--N.W.

=Stowl=. (1) n. The root of a timber-tree left in the ground after felling (A.B.C.); the stump of a bush or tree, in hedge or copse, cut off low down so as to form a stock from which underwood may spring (C.D.S.).--N. & S.W. (2) v. 'To stowl out,' to shoot out thickly, as a bush cut off low down, or wheat which has been fed off when young.--N.W.

=Strafe=. To wander about.--N.W., occasionally.

=Strapper=. An Irish harvester or tramping labourer.--N.W.

=Strawberry-leaved Geranium=. Saxifraga sarmentosa, L. See ~Hanging Geranium~.--S.W.

=Strick=. See ~Strike~.

*=Strickle=. See ~Stritch~.

*=Striddling=. The right to lease fallen apples after the gathering in of the crop. Cf. ~Griggling~.

=Strike=, =Strick=. To slip up; to slip and swing out as a vehicle does when turning a corner fast on a slippery road. 'Her stricked up on thuck there slide, an' come down vlop.'--N. & S.W.

*=Strim-strum=. adj. Unmusical (S.).--S.W.

*=Stripe=. A fool, a simpleton (H.Wr.). Probably a mistake for ~Stupe~.

=Strip-up=. v. To shroud the lower part of a tree, as is usually done with hedgerow timber at intervals.--N. & S.W.

*=Stritch=, =Strickle=. A piece of wood used for striking off the surplus grain from a corn measure. A.S. stricol.--N.W. (Malmesbury.)

*=Strommelling=. *(1) Awkward, ungainly (A.B.H.). *(2) Unruly (A.B.H.), as 'a strommellin' child.'

=Strong=. 'Strong a-dying,' at the point of death.--N.W.

*=Strouter=. A strut or support in the side of a waggon (S.).--S.W.

=Stub=. (1) n. A stump of a tree; a projecting root.--N. & S.W. (2) v. In walking, to strike the foot against a stub or projecting root.--N.W. *(3) v. 'To stub off,' to cut off a bush or tree close to the ground (Agric. of Wilts, ch. x). (4) 'Stubs,' stubble, as wheat-stubs, barley-stubs (D.).--N.W.

=Stubbed=. A 'stubbed' broom is one much worn down by use, as opposed to a new one.--S.W.

*=Stuck=. A spike (A.).

=Stud=. v. To ponder over, think about. 'Don't 'ee stud upon 't so much.'--N. & S.W.

=Studdle=. To stir up water so as to make it thick and muddy.--N. & S.W.

=Studdly=, =Stoddly=. Thick, as beer before it settles after moving.--N.W. (Berks bord.)

*=Stultch=. A crutch, a boy's stilt (MS. Lansd. 1033, f. 2). (H.Wr.). Stelch in Glouc.--Obsolete.

=Stun=. v. To cause to make no growth. 'Grass was stunned in its growth this season' (1892).--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard, Potterne, &c.)

=Sture=. See ~Stewer~.

=Suant=. See ~Sewent~.

=Succour=. (1) n. Shelter; a sheltered place. A tender plant is set 'in the succour of the wall'; and cattle on a cold wet day get 'in the succour of the hedge.' ''Tes gwain' to rain, for the wind's down in the succours,' i.e. hollows and sheltered places generally. On bleak parts of the Downs the cottages are mostly to be found in the succours.--N.W. (Huish, Clyffe Pypard, &c.)

'Goddard the elder being a copyholder of lands in Eylden within the Manner of Ogburne near adjoyning to His Majesties Chace being a place that in winter time was a special and usual succour for preserving the breed of young deer belonging to the Chace.'--Extract from Bond v. Goddard and others, 1636. See Wilts Arch. Mag. vol. xxiii. p. 259.

(2) v. To shelter. An old-fashioned bonnet is said to 'succour' the ears. A cold wind cuts up cabbages, except where they are 'succoured' by bushes or walls.--N.W.

=Suck-blood=. The Common Leech. ~Zuckblood~ (S.).--S.W.

=Suffer=. To punish, to make to suffer. 'I'll suffer you, you young rascal!'--N.W.

*=Suffy=. To draw a deep and quick breath.--N.W. (Malmesbury.)

=Sugar-codlins=. Epilobium hirsutum, L., Great Hairy Willow-herb.--N.W.

=Suggy=. Wood that is soaked with wet is said to be 'suggy.' See ~Sog~.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

*=Suity=. Even, regular (A.B.).

*=Sultedge=. A coarse apron, worn by poor women (A.B.C.). ~Sultredge~ (H.Wr.). By which is probably intended that the apron is made of sultedge, or a kind of coarse sheeting.--N.W.

*=Summer field=. See quotation.

'In the four-field system, where the clover is sown the second year, and mowed the third, the field becomes in the fourth year what is called, in Wiltshire, a summer field.'--Agric. of Wilts, ch. vii.

*=Summer ground=. See quotation.

'A custom upon two farms ... of feeding six oxen through the full range of all the summer ground belonging to the hither Beversbrook ... being the Home Close, the Middle Marsh, the Course Marsh, the Upper Lease, and Brewer's Lease; through the full range likewise of such summer grounds as belong to the yonder Beversbrook to be put in at Mortimers Gate and to feed to Burfurlong Corner, through all the afore mentioned grounds from the third of May to Michaelmas.'--Hilmarton Parish Terrier, 1704. See Wilts Arch. Mag. vol. xxiv. p. 126.

=Summer rick=. A windmow, or very large cock of hay, thrown up in the field, to remain there some time (Gamekeeper at Home, ch. iv).--N.W.

=Summers= or =Bed-summers=. See ~Waggon~.

=Summer Snipe=. Totanus hypoleucos, Common Sandpiper.--N. & S.W.

=Sungreen=. Sempervivum tectorum, L., Houseleek. Occasionally Singreen in S. Wilts, and Silgreen in N. Wilts. A.S. singréne.--N. & S.W.

*=Swaft=. Thirst (H.Wr.). Probably from Fr. soif.

*=Swank=. To work in a slow lazy fashion, to idle. 'Her bain't no good for your place, ma'am, her do go swanking about so over her work.'--S.W. (Salisbury.)

*=Swankey=. *(1) adj. Boisterous, swaggering, strutting (A.B.H.Wr.). *(2) n. Weak beer; drink (S.).--S.W.

=Swash=, =Swosh=. (1) n. A torrent or great rush of water.--N.W.

'A man in answer to my question of how the rain seemed to fall, said, "It came down in swashes," and I think it may also be said that occasionally the wind came in swashes too.'--The Great Wiltshire Storm, Wilts Arch. Mag. vol. vi. p. 380.

(2) v. To swill out. 'I've bin swoshing out the back-kitchin.'--N.W.

*=Sweeps=. Hypericum calycinum, L., Large-flowered St. John's Wort.--S.W. (Farley.)

=Sweet-briar=. The young succulent suckers of any rose, which are peeled and eaten by children.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

*=Sweeten=. Some land requires sweetening, or chalking, to take out the acidity, before it will bear barley (Agric. Survey).

=Sweethearts=. Galium Aparine, L., Goosegrass, because its burs have such an affectionate way of clinging to one.--S.W. (Salisbury.)

=Swilter=. To smoulder away to ashes, without breaking into flame (A.B.).--N.W.

*=Swittle=. To cut or whittle (A.H.Wr.).

=Sythe=. To sigh (A.B.).--N.W.

=T=. Thr, at the beginning of a word, is usually sounded as dr, as draish, dree. After liquids d or t will often be added, as varmint, vermin; sarment, sermon; steart, a steer; dillard, thiller. F and v sometimes become th, as thetches for fitches or vetches. Th will also occasionally become Ss, as lattermass, latter-math. Conversely, Ss rarely becomes th, as moth, moss.

=Tack=. (1) A shelf, as chimney-tack (A.B.C.).--N.W. (2) Pasture for horses and cattle (A.B.).--N.W. (3) 'Out to tack,' at agistment, applied to cattle that are put out to keep by the week or month.--N.W.

=Tackle=. Stuff, any material, as food, solid or liquid (A.). 'This here yale be oncommon good tackle'; or dress material, 'Haven't 'ee got any gingham tackle?' (Great Estate, ch. iv). Also used of food for cattle.--N.W.

'Thaay [the sheep] be goin' into th' Mash to-morrow.... We be got shart o' keep.... Thur's a main sight o' tackle in the Mash vor um.'--Green Ferne Farm, ch. v.

=Taffety=. Dainty in eating (S.).--S.W.

=Tag=. (1) When a lawn-mower or barrow is too heavy for one man to manage alone, a rope is attached for a boy to draw by, who is said to 'pull tag.'--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.) (2) n. A game played by boys. One touches another, saying Tag! and the touched person has then to run after and touch another, who becomes Tag in his turn.--N. & S.W. *(3) v. To tease, to torment (C.).--N.W., obsolete.

=Tail=. (1) n. The whole skirt of a woman's dress. 'Hev 'ee got ar' a owld taail to gie I, Miss?'--N. & S.W. (2) 'Seconds' of flour (Great Estate, ch. vi); also ~Tailing-flour~.--N.W. (3) ~Tail-ends~ or ~Tailings~. Refuse wheat, not saleable in market, kept for consumption on the farm (A.B.G.); also ~Tail~, ~Tailing-wheat~, and ~Tailens~ (S.).--N. & S.W.

=Tail Pole=. See ~Waggon~.

*=Take=. n. The sciatica (Aubrey's Wilts MS.).--Obsolete.

=Take up=. Of weather, to become fine.--N. & S.W.

=Tallet=, =Tallot=. A hay-loft over a stable (A.B.G.S.). Welsh taflod.--N. & S.W. See N. & Q. 8th Ser. iv. 450, &c.

*=Tamed=. 'By that time the ground will be tamed.' Said in Lisle's Husbandry to be a Wilts agricultural term, but not there explained.

=Tan=. Then is so pronounced in such phrases as Now'-an'-Tan and Twitch-an'-Tan.

=Tang=. (1) 'To tang the bell,' to pull it (A.).--N.W. (2) 'To tang bees,' to follow a swarm, beating a fire-shovel or tin pan (A.).--N.W. (3) v. To make a noise (S.).--S.W. (4) n. A small church bell is a ~Ting-Tang~.--N.W.

=Tankard=. A sheep-bell.--N.W. It is said that the whole of the 'tankards' in use in England are made at Great Cheverell.

'Hilary ... turned back, remarking, "It's Johnson's flock; I know the tang of his tankards." The flat-shaped bells hung on a sheep's neck are called tankards, and Hilary could distinguish one flock from another by the varying notes of their bells.'--Great Estate, ch. vi. p. 123.

*=Tasker=. A tramping harvester or casual labourer who works by the piece (Agric. of Wilts, p. 24).

*=Tawney=, =Ta'aney=. The Bullfinch, Pyrrhula vulgaris.--N.W.

=Tazzle=. n. 'Her hair be aal of a tazzle,' in great disorder, all tangled and knotted and tousled.--N.W.

=Tear=. (1) A rage. 'He wur in just about a tear.'--S.W. (2) In N. Wilts old folk used formerly to tear their crockery, and break their clothes, but tear now seems obsolete in this sense there.--N. & S.W.

=Teart=. (1) Painfully tender, sore, as a wound (A.).--N.W. (2) Stinging, as a blister.--N.W. (Rowde.) (3) Tart, as beer turning sour (S.): acrimonious. See Addenda.--S.W.

=Ted=. To throw about hay for the first time (D.S.).--N. & S.W.

=Teel=, =Tile=. To place anything leaning against a wall (A.B.H.Wr.). Generally used with up, as 'Teel it up agen th' wall, wull 'ee?'--N.W.

=Teft=. The same as ~Heft~ (A.B.C.)--N.W.

=Teg-man=. A shepherd.--S.W. (Salisbury.)

'I am a teg-man (or shepherd) in the employ of Mr. White.'--Wilts County Mirror, October 28, 1892, p. 8, col. 5.

=Temper=. 'To temper down dripping,' to melt it and refine with water.--N.W.

=Temtious=. Tempting, inviting.--N. & S.W.

*=Temzer=. A riddle or sieve. Cp. Fr. tamis.--Obsolete.

'A temzer, a range, or coarse searche: Wilts.'--MS. Lansd. 1033, f. 2.

=Tentful=. Attentive, careful.--N.W.

=Terrible=. Extremely. ''Tes a terr'ble bad harvest to-year.'--N. & S.W.

=Terrify=. (1) v. To worry, irritate, annoy; used especially of very troublesome children. 'The vlies be terrible terrifying.'--N. & S.W.

''Twer mostly losing of a hoss as did for 'em, and most al'ays wi' bad shoeing. They gived 'em scant measure--shoed 'em too tight, they did, a-terrifying o' the poor beasts.'--Jonathan Merle, ch. xlviii. p. 520.

'Her own folks mightn't a-like so well to come and stay, if ther was al'ays a terrifying old woman to put up with.'--Ibid, ch. liv. p. 596.

'Her husband, who had been out in the fields, came home and began to "terrify" her.'--Marlborough Times, November 26, 1892.

'I be turrivied wi' rheumatics.'--Dark, ch. x.

(2) n. A source of worry or trouble. A bed-ridden woman who has to get her neighbours to do everything for her is 'a terrible terrify' to them.--N.W. *(3) v. To injure, as a hailstorm does apple-blossom (Wilts Arch. Mag. vol. xxii. p. 113).--N.W. (Cherhill.)

=Tewley=, =Tuley=. Weakly (S.). Sickly, tired-looking.--S.W.

=Thatches=. See =Thetches=.

=Thauf=. Although, or although if; as 'A never vound un, thauf he'd gone dree lug vurder on, a cudden a bin off seein' on un.' Cp. Sauf.--N.W. (Malmesbury, etc.)

=Theave=. A ewe of the third year.

'We have wether hogs and chilver hogs, and shear hogs, ram tegs, and theaves, and two-tooths, and four-tooths, and six-tooths.'--Wilts Arch. Mag. ch. xvii. p. 303.

=There-right=. (1) 'Go straight forward,' order to a horse at plough (A.).--N.W. (2) On the spot.--N.W.

=Thert=. v. To plough land a second time, at right angles to the first ploughing, so as to clean it more effectually. Cp. Thwart.--N.W.

=Thetches=, =Thatches=. Vetches. Lent thetches are an early spring kind.--N.W.

=Thill=, or =Dill=. The shaft of a cart.--N.W.

=Thiller=, =Diller=, =Thill-horse=. The shaft-horse of a team.--N.W.

=Thimbles=. Campanula rotundifolia, L., the Harebell.--S.W. (Hamptworth.)

=Thorough-pin=. The pin which fastens the waggon-bed to the carriage (D.). See Waggon.--N.W.

*=Three-pound-tenner=. The name given by bird-catchers about Salisbury to the 'Chevil' variety of Goldfinch, it being more valuable than the ordinary kind (Birds of Wilts, p. 203).--S.W.

=Threshles=. 'A pair of threshles, drashols, or flyals, a flail' (D.). The usual term for a flail. See ~Drashel~.--N. & S.W.

=Throw=. (1) n. 'A throw of timber,' the quantity felled at any one time.--N.W. (2) v. To fell timber (Bevis, ch. i).--N.W. (3) 'To throw a gin or snare,' to spring or set it off (Amateur Poacher, ch. vi).--N.W.

=Thunder-bolts=, (1) The concretionary nodules of iron pyrites so frequently found in the chalk. See ~Gold~; also Thunder-stones in Addenda.--N. & S.W.

'The ploughboys search for pyrites, and call them thunderbolts.--Greene Ferne Farm, ch. v.

(2) Fossil belemnites.--N. & S.W.

=Thunder-flower=. Papaver Rhoeas, &c., Red Poppy.--S.W.

=Thunder-fly=. A black midge. So called because they appear mostly in thunder weather.--N. & S.W.

'Tiny black flies alighting on my hands and face, irritated the skin; the haymakers call them "thunder-flies."'--Great Estate, ch. v. pp. 96-97.

*=Thurindale=. A flagon holding about three pints (H.Wr.). M.E. thriddendele, a third part.--Obsolete.

=Thurtifer=. Unruly, self-willed (H.Wr.).--S.W.

=Ticky Pig=. The smallest pig of a litter.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Tid=. *(1) Lively, playful (B.G.). (2) Childish, affecting simplicity (A.), shy. 'Coom, coom, dwon't'e be tid' (A.). A.S. tyddr, tender, weak, imbecile.--N.W.

=Tiddle=. (1) v. To bring up a lamb by hand (A.). A.S. tyddrian, to nourish, feed.--N.W.

'"Shall I get a drap o' milk, and tiddle un a leetle, maester?" ... "Ha! to be sure! ... Put un into the basket ... and get us a bottle wi' some milk." Tom, who had often assisted the young lambs in the same way, soon procured the therewith to fashion the pseudo teat, and master and man did their best to perform the office of wet nurse to the unfortunate foundling.'--Wilts Tales, pp. 5-6.

(2) v. To tickle (S.).--S.W.

=Tiddlin' lamb=. A lamb brought up by hand (A.). See ~Tiddle~ (1).--N.W.

*=Tiddy=. adj. Weakly, delicate. See ~Tiddle~ (1).--N.W. (Castle Eaton, &c.)

=Tide-times=. Christmas, Easter, &c. 'He do have a drop, tide-times and that.'--N. & S.W.

=Tie=. Of wood, to pinch the saw while working.--N.W.

*=Tig=. A little pig (Dark, ch. i).--N.W., occasionally.

=Tile=. See ~Teel~.

=Tiller=. The upper handle of a sawyer's long pit-saw. See ~Box~.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Tiller out=. To sprout out with several shoots, as wheat after being eaten off when young.--N. & S.W.

=Timersome=. Timid (A.S.).--N.W.

=Tine=. *(1) v. To light a fire or candle (A.C.). ~Tin'd~ (B.). Cf. A.S. tendan, on-tendan, to kindle, and E. tinder. *(2) To finish off a laid hedge or stake-fence by weaving in the top-band of boughs (A.B.). *(3) v. To divide or enclose a field with a hedge (A.B.C.). A.S. týnan.--N.W.

'To tine in a piece of waste ground is to enclose it with a fence of wood or quickset.'--Cunnington MS.

(4) n. A drag or harrow tooth (D.).--N.W. *(5) To give the ground two or three tinings is to draw the harrow two or three times over the same place. See Cope's Hants Gloss.

'They drag it two, three, or four times, and harrow it four, five, or six times, viz. (provincially speaking), they give it "so many tine with the drag, and so many with the harrow."'--Agric. of Wilts, ch. vii.

=Ting-tang=. A small church-bell (S.). See ~Tang~.--N.W.

*=Tining=. (1) n. A new enclosure made with a dead hedge (D.H. Wr.).--N.W. (2) n. A fence of wood, either brushwood, pale, or quickset (C.).--N.W., obsolete.

=Tippem=, =Tippum=. A game played by six boys, three on each side of the table. The centre one 'works the piece,' i.e. passes it from hand to hand up and down under his side of the table. Then all the hands are placed on the table, and the opposite side guesses which hand the 'piece' is in, and scores or loses a mark according as the guess is right or wrong. The 'piece' may be anything available, from a knife to a pebble or bean.--N.W.

=Tippy=, =Tippity=. Easily upset.--N. & S.W.

=Tistie-tostie=, =Tostie=. A child's name for both cowslip and cowslip-ball.--N. & S.W.

=Tithing=, =Tething=. A shock of ten sheaves, for convenience in tithe-taking (D.). The same as ~Hyle~.--N.W.

=Titty-wren=. The wren.--N.W.

*=Toads'-cheese=. Toadstool, fungus (A.).

*=Toads'-heads=. Fritillaria Meleagris, L., Snake's-head (English Plant Names).--N.W. (Minety.)

=Toads'-meat=. Toadstools; fungi (S.).--S.W.

=Toad-stabber=. A bad blunt knife (S.). Commonly used by boys about Clyffe Pypard.--N. & S.W.

=Todge=. Any thick spoon-meat, as gruel (A.B.C.). See ~Stodge~.--N.W.

=Token=. *(1) A fool (H.Wr.). (2) A 'young token' is a young rascal.--N.W. (3) Formerly used also as a term of endearment. A man would call his children his 'little tokens.'--N.W. (4) 'Blackberry-token,' the Dewberry.

=Toll=. To entice or decoy. ~Tawl~ (S.). 'Hev' a bit o' cheese, to toll the bread down wi', will 'ee?' Still in common use. A cow given to wandering, when she breaks out of bounds, generally 'tolls' the rest of the herd after her.--N. & S.W.

=Toll-bird=. (1) n. A trained decoy-bird; also a stuffed bird used as a decoy.--N. & S.W. (2) 'To give anything just as a toll-bird,' to throw a sprat to catch a mackerel. Tradesmen will sell some one article far below cost-price, as a toll-bird to attract custom.--S.W.

=Tom-bird=. The male of any bird is generally so called in N. Wilts.

=Tom Cull=. The Bullhead, Cottus gobio (A.).--N. & S.W.

=Tommy=. Food in general (S.), especially when carried out into the fields.--N. & S.W.

=Tommy-bag=. The bag in which labourers take food out with them (S.).--N. & S.W.

=Tommy-hacker=. The same as Hacker.--S.W. (Steeple Ashton.)

=Tommy-hawk=. A potato hacker. See ~Hacker~.--N.W.

*=Tom Thumbs=. Lotus corniculatus, L., Bird's-foot Trefoil.--S.W. (Mere.)

*=Tom Thumb's Honeysuckle=. Lotus corniculatus, L., Bird's-foot Trefoil (Sarum Dioc. Gazette).--S.W. (Zeals.)

=Toppings=. Bran and mill-sweepings ground up together.--N.W.

=Totty=, =Tutty=, =Tutto=. A nosegay. Used all over Wilts, in slightly varying pronunciations, the stress sometimes falling on the first and sometimes on the last syllable. An apple-tree in full blossom is 'all a totty.' At Hungerford the tything-men are known as ~Tutti-men~, and carry ~Tutti-poles~, or wands wreathed with flowers. Minsheu's Dict., Eng. and Spanish ed. 1623, 'a posie or tuttie.'--N. & S.W.

=Touch=. Coarse brown paper soaked in saltpetre and dried, used instead of matches for lighting a pipe in the open air, the spark to kindle it being struck with a knife and a flint. Commonly used up to a very recent date.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Touchwood=. A boy's game, in which the pursued endeavours to escape by touching wood, i.e. tree or post, before his pursuer can seize him.--N. & S.W.

=Toward=. (1) Order to a horse to come towards you.--N.W. (2) Hence applied to anything near or leaning towards you (Great Estate, ch. viii).--N.W.

=Towardly=. Docile, as opposed to froward.--N.W.

=To-year=, =T'year=. This year. 'I bain't a-gwain' to set no taters to-year.'--N. & S.W.

=Traipse=, =Trapes=, =Traipsey=. (1) n. A slattern.--N. & S.W. (2) To walk in a slatternly manner; used chiefly of women.--N. & S.W.

*=Trammel Hawk=. Falco peregrinus, Peregrine Falcon (Birds of Wilts, p. 72).--S.W.

=Trant=. To move goods.--N.W.

=Tranter=. A haulier.--N.W.

=Trapes=. n. An untidy person (S.). See ~Traipes~.--N. & S.W.

*=Traveller's-ease=. Achillea Millefolium, L., Common Yarrow.--S.W. (Little Langford.)

=Tree-mouse=. Certhia familiaris, the Common Creeper.--S.W.

'It may be seen creeping like a mouse up and down the hole of a tree. Hence it is known in the south of the county as the "Tree-mouse.'"--Birds of Wilts., p. 259. #/ =Trendle=. (1) n. A circular trough or tray in which bakers mix their dough.--N. & S.W. (2) n. Hence, a circular earthwork.--N.W.

'Chisenbury Camp, or Trendle, as it is vulgarly called.'--BRITTON'S Top. Descr. Wilts., p. 407.

=Triangle=. 'To plant cabbages triangle,' to set them in quincunx order.--N.W.

=Trig=. (1) v. To fasten, make firm (Wilts Arch. Mag. vol. xxii. p. 113).--N.W. (2) adj. 'Pretty trig,' in fairly good health.--S.W. (Steeple Ashton.)

=Trigger=. The rod let down to 'trig up' the shafts of a cart.--N.W.

*=Trim-tram=. A gate which swings in a V-shaped enclosure of post and rail, so as to prevent cattle from passing through.--N.W. (Cherhill.)

=Trins=. Calves' trins, i.e., calves' stomachs, are used in cheese-making.--N.W.

=Trip=. To take off in jumping.--N.W.

=Tripping=. The 'take-off' in jumping.--N.W.

'Sometimes they could not leap because the tripping was bad ... sometimes the landing was bad ... or higher than the tripping.--Bevis, ch. v.

=Trounce=. To have the law of a man, to punish by legal process (A.B.S.); never used of physical punishment.--N.W.

=Truckle=. (1) v. To roll.--N.W. (2) n. Anything that may be rolled.--N.W. (3) n. A small cheese (S.)--N. & S.W.

=Truckle-cheese=. A small barrel-shaped cheese of about 6 or 8 lbs.--N. & S.W.

=Truckles=. (1) 'Sheep's-truckles,' sheep dung; the usual term in N. Wilts. Cf. 'trottles' in Linc., and 'trestles' in Sussex.--N.W. (2) 'To play truckles,' to roll anything, such as a reel, the top of a canister, &c., from one player to another, backwards and forwards.--S.W.

=Trumpery=. Weeds growing in cultivated ground.--N.W.

'If he'd a-let us have it rent free first year ('cause that land wer all full o' trump'ry that high) we could ha' done.'--Jonathan Merle, ch. xxxvii. p. 412.

=Tuck=. (1) 'To tuck a rick,' to pull out the uneven hay all round the sides, until they look smooth and even.--N.W. (2) To smart with pain (H.Wr.).--N. & S.W. (3) To blow gustily. 'The wind is so tucking to-day,' i.e. gusty, veering, blowing from all quarters, uncertain.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Tuffin=, =Tuffin-hay=, =Tuff-mowing=. Late hay made of the rough grass left by the cattle. ~Turvin~ (Great Estate, ch. iv).--N.W.

*=Tufwort=. Probably the nest of Vespa Britannica, which in hot summers has occurred frequently in our hedges in some parts of the county.

'Between Crookwood and what is called "The Folly," they observed a large cluster in one of the fir-trees ... which turned out to be a wasps' nest. The nest, which was nearly as large as a quartern measure, was fully matured, and is described by an expert in taking wasps' nests as what is known as "the tufwort" nest. It consisted of three splendid cakes of comb, enclosed in a web.'--Local Papers, July, 1893.

=Tugs=. Pieces of chain attached to the hames of the thiller, by which he draws.--N.W.

=Tuley=. See ~Tewley~.

=Tulip-tree=. Acer pseudo-platanus, L., Sycamore, the smell or taste of the young shoots being supposed by children to resemble that of the tulip.--S.W. (Salisbury.)

=Tump=. A hillock (A.B.).--N. & S.W.

=Tumpy=. Hillocky, uneven (A.)--N.W.

=Tun=. (1) n. Chimney, chimney-top (A.B.C.). 'Chimney-tun' (Wild Life, ch. viii).--N. & S.W. (2) v. 'To tun,' or 'to tun in,' to pour liquid through a 'tun-dish' into a cask.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard, Devizes, Huish.)

=Tun-dish=, or =Tun-bowl=. A kind of wooden funnel, like a small bucket, with hoops round it, and a tube at the bottom, used for pouring liquids into a cask.--N.W. (Devizes, Clyffe Pypard, Huish.) See Measure for Measure, iii. 2.

=Turf=. Refuse oak-bark from the tanner's, made into cakes for firing (B.H.Wr.).--N.W. (Marlborough, &c.)

*=Turn= or =Torn=. A spinning-wheel.--N.W. (obsolete). This word frequently occurs in the Mildenhall parish accounts, as:--

'1793. To Box and Spokes to Torn, 1s. 2d. To a Standard, hoop 4 spokes to Torn, 1s. 3d. To a Hoop 3 spokes to a Torn, 11 d. To 4 legs and standard a hope 5 spokes to Sal's Torn, 2s. 7d. To Mending Bery's Torn, 1s. 6d. 1784. Paid John Rawlins for a Turn, 3s.'

In 1809-10 the word Turn gives place to Spinning-wheel.

*=Turnpike=. A wire set by a poacher across a hare's run (Amateur Poacher, chs. ii. and vii).--N.W.

=Turvin=. See ~Tuffin~.

=Tutto=. See ~Totty~.--N.W.

=Tutty=. See ~Totty~ (S.).--N. & S.W.

*=Tut-work=. Piece-work (S.).--S.W.

=Twinge=. (1) n. A long flat cake or loaf of bread.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.) (2) n. A piece of dough, moulded for making into bread.--S.W. (Deverill.)

*=Twire=. To look wistfully at anything (A.B.C.). 'How he did twire an' twire at she, an' her wouldn't so much as gie 'un a look!' In Cunnington MS. the word is said to have been in common use at that time in N. Wilts.

'The wench ... twired and twinkled at him.'--FLETCHER, Women Pleased, p. 41.

'Compare Prov. Germ, zwiren, to take a stolen glance at a thing.--SMYTHE-PALMER.

*=Twi-ripe=. Ripening unevenly (D.).

=Twit=. In cider-making, the same as ~Perkins~, q.v.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=T'year=. This year (A.S.) See ~To-year~.--N. & S.W.

=U=. U is often sounded ow, as fowsty, fusty, dowst, dust, or chaff.

=Uck=. This very characteristic N. Wilts verb is used in many ways. Stable-litter is ucked about with a fork in cleaning out; weeds are ucked out of a gravel path with an old knife; a cow ucks another with the thrust of her horn; or a bit of cinder is ucked out of the eye with a bennet. See Great Estate, ch. iv, where it is said that anything stirred with a pointed instrument is 'ucked'; also Gamekeeper at Home, ch. ii. 'It is apparently not a perversion of hook, and should be compared with huck, to push, lift, gore, Hants; huck, a hard blow, Suss., and huck, to spread about manure (see Parish, Sussex Gloss.). It is perhaps a by-form of Prov. hike, to toss, throw, or strike' (Rev. A. Smythe-Palmer).

=Unbelieving=. Of children, disobedient. 'He be that unbelieving, I can't do nothin' wi' un.'--N. & S.W.

=Under-creeping=. Underhanded.--S.W.

=Unempty=, =Unempt=, =Unent=. v. To empty (S.).--N. & S.W.

=Unked= or =Hunked=. Lonely (A.), but always with an idea of uncanniness underlying it. ''Tes a unked rwoad to take late o' nights.' Also ~Unkid~, ~Unkerd~ (B.C.), ~Unkert~ (C.), and ~Unket~ (B.).--N.W.

'The gamekeeper ... regards this place as "unkid"--i.e. weird, uncanny.'--Gamekeeper at Home, ch. iv.

'Related to uncouth = (1) unknown, (2) strange, uncanny, lonely.'--SMYTHE-PALMER.

'What be the matter with thuck dog you? How he do howl--it sounds main unkid!'--Greene Ferne Farm, ch. ix.

Here unkid=ominous and uncanny.

=Unthaw=. To thaw (S.Wr.).--N. & S.W.

=Up-along=. A little way up the street or road (S.). See ~Down-along~.--N. & S.W.

=Upping-stock=. A horse-block (A.B.).--N.W.

=Upsides=. 'I'll be upzides wi' un!' I'll be even with him (S)., or a match for him.--N. & S.W.

=V=. Many words, as Voreright, usually pronounced with a V, will be found under ~F~.

=Vag=. To reap in the modern style, with a broad 'rip-hook' and a crooked stick, chopping the straw off close to the ground, so as to leave little or no stubble (Walks in the Wheatfields). True reaping should be done with the hand instead of the crooked stick.--N. & S.W.

=Vagging-hook=. The hook used in vagging.--N. & S.W.

=Vagging-stick=. The crooked stick, usually hazel, with which the corn is drawn towards the reaper in vagging (Amateur Poacher, ch. iv).--N. & S.W.

*=Valiant Sparrow=. Yunx torquilla, the Wryneck (Birds of Wilts, p. 257).

=Vallens=. See ~Falling~ (S.).--S.W.

=Vamp=. To walk about (S.). Much more used in Dorset. 'I zeed she a-vamping half round the town.'--S.W.

*=Vamplets=. Rude gaiters to defend the legs from wet (A.H.). Cf. Bams. Also used in the New Forest. See Cradock Nowell, ch. xviii, 'Not come with me ... and you with your vamplets on, and all!' where the word is applied to shooting gaiters.--N.W.

=Veer=. (1) n. A furrow.--N.W. (Glouc. bord.) (2) v. 'To veer out the rudges,' to mark out with the plough the 'rudges' or 'lands' before ploughing the whole field.--N.W.

=Veer weather=. Chopping, changeable weather.

=Veldevare= or =Veldever=. See ~Velt~.

*=Vell=. The salted stomach of a young calf, used for making rennet.--N.W. (Malmesbury).

*=Velleys=. The drain where the eaves of a cottage meet.

=Velt=. The fieldfare. Turdus pilaris (Wild Life, ch. xvi), the usual name for the bird in N. Wilts, there being a few local variants, as ~Vulver~ at Huish and ~Veldever~ at Clyffe Pypard. Also ~Veldevare~.--N.W.

'Tom was a regular gawney ... and went about wi' a handful o' zalt to catch the veldevares.'--Wilts Tales, p. 177.

=Vert=. See ~Plim~.

*=Vessel=. See quotation.--N.W. (Castle Eaton.)

'To wash up the vessel (sing. not pl.) is to wash up plates, dishes, &c.'--Miss E. BOYER-BROWN.

=Vinney=. (1) adj. Mouldy (A.C.S.), as applied to bread or cheese. A.S. fynig. Cunnington MS. points out that it is only used of white or blue mould, never of black or rotten mould. It was said at Hill Deverill of a woman feigning to be bed-ridden, that 'she would lie there abed till she were vinney.' See ~Blue-vinnied~. (2) adj. Nervous. 'Do 'ee stop telling about they ghostises, or 'tull make I vinny.'--N. & S.W.

=Vlonkers=. See ~Flunk~ (S.).--S.W.

=Vrail=. The whip part of the old-fashioned flail.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Vrammards=, =Vrammerd=. (1) Order to a horse to go from you, as opposed to ~Toward~.--N.W. (2) Hence sometimes used as adj. by ploughmen and others in speaking of anything distant or leaning away from them (Great Estate, ch. viii), as a load of hay or corn with a list to the off.--N.W. (3) n. A vrammerd is a blade set at right angles on a short handle, used for splitting laths or rails.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Vrow=. See ~Brow~.

*=Vuddles=, =Vuddels=. A spoilt child (A.B.C.H.). In Hants to vuddle a child is to spoil it by injudicious petting.--N.W., obsolete.

=Vulver=. See ~Velt~.

=W=. Often not sounded at the beginning of a word. Thus want, a mole, becomes 'oont, and within and without are usually athin and athout.

=Waddle up=. To wrap up with an excess of clumsily arranged clothing; usually applied to infants.--N.W.

=Wag=. (1) 'To wag the Church bells,' to set them ringing. Also used of tolling the bell for a funeral.--N. & S.W. (2) To move (S.). 'I be that bad I can't scarce wag.'--N. & S.W. (3) In carrying, the boy who stands at the horses' heads, to move them forward as required, is said to 'wag hoss,' and the order given is 'wag on!'--N.W.

=Waggon=. The various parts of a waggon in N. Wilts bear the following names:--the bottom is the ~Waggon-bed~. The transverse pieces which support this over the ~Exes~ (axles) are the ~Pillars~, ~Peel~ (A.). The longitudinal pieces on each side on which the sides rest are the ~Waggon-blades~. The similar pieces under the centre of the bed are the ~Bed-summers~. The cross piece at the back into which the ~Tail-board~ hooks is the ~Shetlock~ or ~Shutleck~. The ~Tail Pole~ joins the front and hind wheels together underneath. The ~Hound~ is the fore-carriage over the front wheels. The ~Slide~ is the cross-bar on the tail of the 'Hound.' The ~Dripple~ is the strip running along the top of the side of the waggon from which over the hind wheels project the ~Waggon-hoops~, and over the front wheels the ~Raves~. The shafts are the ~Dills~ or ~Thills~. The ~Parters~ are detached pieces of wood at the side, joining the 'Dripple' to the 'Bed.' The ~Thorough-pin~ is the pin which fastens the 'Waggon-bed' to the 'Carriage.' Also see ~Arms~, ~Hoops~, ~Overlayer~, ~Sharps~, ~Draughts~, ~Limbers~, ~Strouter~, ~Ridge-tie~, ~Blades~, and ~Spances~.

=Wagtails=. Briza media, L., Quaking Grass.--N. & S.W.

=Wag-wants=. Briza media, L., Quaking Grass (S.). Also ~Weg-wants~, ~Wig-wants~, ~Wing-Wang~, and ~Wagtails~.--N. & S.W.

=Wake=. (1) n. The raked-up line (broader than a hatch or wallow) of hay before it is made up into pooks (Wild Life, ch. vii).--N.W. (2) v. To rake hay into wakes (D.).--N.W.

=Wake-at-noon=. Ornithogalum umbellatum, L., Star of Bethlehem.--N.W.

=Wallow=. (1) n. A thin line of hay (Great Estate, ch. iv). Weale in Dorset. (2) v. To rake hay into lines.--N.W. =Want=. A mole (B.S.); also ~Woont~ (B.) and 'oont (Wilts Tales, p. 173; Gamekeeper at Home, ch. ii).--N. & S.W.

'1620. Itm. to William Gosse for killing of wants, xijd.'--Records of Chippenham, p. 202.

=Want-catcher=, 'oont-catcher. n. A professional mole catcher.--N. & S.W.

=Want-heap=. A mole-hill.--N. & S.W.

*=Want-rear=. A mole-hill.--S.W.

=Waps=, =Wopse=. A wasp (A.S.). A.S. wœps.--N. & S.W.

=Warnd=, =Warn=. To warrant (A.S.). 'You'll get un, I warnd.'--N. & S.W.

=Warning-stone=. See ~Gauge-brick~. Also see Addenda.

=Wart-wort=. (1) Chelidonium majus, L., The Greater Celandine, the juice of which is used to burn away warts.--N. & S.W. (2) Euphorbia Peplus, L., Petty Spurge.--N.W.

=Wassail=. A drinking-song, sung by men who go about at Christmas wassailing (A.B.).--N.W.

=Wassailing=, =Waysailing=. Going about singing and asking for money at Christmas (A.B.).--N.W.

*=Wasset-man=. A scarecrow (A.B.G.H.Wr.); also ~Wusset~ (H.Wr.).--N.W.

=Watch=. If a hay-rick is so badly made that it heats, the owner is often so ashamed of it that he attempts to set the matter right before his neighbours find it out. If a passer-by notices him poking about the hay as if searching for something in it, the ironical question is asked--'Have you lost your watch there?'--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.) Cp. 'To drop your watch in the bottom of the rick.'--Upton-on-Severn Words, p. 34.

=Watchet=, =Wetched=, =Wetchet=. Wet about the feet. ~Wotshed~ at Cherhill. ~Wetched~ (A.).--N.W.

'Either way, by lane or footpath, you are sure to get what the country folk call "watchet," i.e. wet.'--Wild Life, ch. vi.

'You'd best come along o' me to the lower lands ... for it be mighty wet there these marnins, and ye'll get watshed for certin.'--The Story of Dick, ch. xii. p. 142.

*=Water Anemone=. Ranunculus hederaceus, L., Ivy-leafed Crowfoot.--S.W. (Zeals.)

*=Water-blobb=. Nuphar lutea, Sm., The Water-lily (A.B.). See ~Blobbs~.

*=Water-buttercup=. Ranunculus Flammula, L., Lesser Spear-wort.--S.W. (Zeals.)

=Water-Cuckoo=. Cardamine pratensis, L., Lady's Smock. See ~Cuckoo~.--S.W.

=Water-lily=. (1) Caltha palustris, L., Marsh Marigold.--N. & S.W. *(2) Ranunculus aquatilis, L., Water Crowfoot.--S.W. (Charlton All Saints.)

*=Wayside-bread=. Plantago major, L., Plantain (English Plant Names). Cp. M.E. wey-brede in the 'Promptorium.'

=Weather-glass=. Anagallis arvensis, L., Scarlet Pimpernel. See ~Shepherd's Weather-glass~.--N. & S.W.

=Weeth=. (i) adj. Tough and pliable (A.B.C.S.).--N.W. (2) adj. Of bread, moist and yet not too soft. 'I puts my lease bread on the pantony shelf, and it soon gets nice and weeth.' Often pronounced as wee.--N. & S.W.

=Weffet=, =Wevet=. A spider.--S.W., occasionally.

=Weg-wants=. See ~Wag-wants~.

=Weigh-jolt=. A see-saw (A.B.H.Wr.).--Formerly in common use at Clyffe Pypard, N.W.

=Welch-nut=. A walnut (MS. Lansd.).--N. & S.W.

*=Well-at-ease=. In good health, hearty.--N.W. (Malmesbury.)

=Well-drock=. The windlass over a well.--S.W.

=West= (pronounced Waast). A stye in the eye. See ~Wish~.--S.W.

=Wheat-reed=. Straw preserved unthreshed for thatching (D.). See ~Elms~ and ~Reed~.--S.W., obsolete.

*=Wheeling=. 'It rains wheeling,' i.e. hard or pouring.--N.W. (Lockeridge.) =Whicker=, =Wicker=. (1) To neigh or whinny as a horse, bleat as a goat, whine as a dog, &c. (S.; Village Miners; Wilts Arch. Mag. vol. xxii. p. 114).--N.W. (2) To giggle.--N.W. *(3) 'To find a wicker's nest,' to be seized with an irrepressible fit of giggling (Village Miners).--N.W.

*=Whip land=. Land not divided by meres, but measured out, when ploughed, by the whip's length (D.).

=Whippence=. The fore-carriage of a plough or harrow, &c. (D.).--N.W.

=Whipwhiles=. Meanwhile (S.). A Somersetshire word.--S.W.

=Whissgig=. (1) v. To lark about. Wissgigin, larking (S.).--N. & S.W. (2) n. A lark, a bit of fun or tomfoolery. 'Now, none o' your whissgigs here!'--N.W.

=Whissgiggy=. adj. Frisky, larky.--N.W.

*=White=. 'Cow white'=cow in milk. 'Calf white'=sucking calf.

'All the small tithes such as wool and lamb, cow white and calf &c. throughout all parts of the parish unexpressed in the several foregoing particulars. The usual rates at present being fourpence a cow white--sixpence a calf ... the sheep, lambs and calves are due at St. Mark's tide--the cow white, and fatting cattle at Lammas.'--Hilmarton Parish Terrier, 1704. See Wilts Arch. Mag. vol. xxiv. p. 126.

Usually defined as above, but perhaps more correctly written as cow-wite and calf-wite, i.e. the mulct or payment for a cow or calf.

'Tythes of Wool and Lambs and Calves, and three half pence which is due and payable at Lammas being Composition Money for the Tythe White of every Cow.'--Wilcot Parish Terrier, 1704.

As regards the ordinary derivation, compare white-house, a dairy, white-meat, milk, whites, milk.

'Wheatly (On the Common Prayer, ed. 1848, pp. 233-4) quotes from a letter of one G. Langbain, 1650, as follows:--"certe quod de Lacte vaccarum refert, illud percognitum habeo in agro Hamtoniensi (an et alibi nescio) decimas Lacticiniorum venire vulgo sub hoc nomine, The Whites of Kine; apud Leicestrenses etiam Lacticinia vulgariter dicuntur Whitemeat."'--SMYTHE-PALMER.

=White Couch=. See ~Couch~.

=White-flower=. Stellaria Holostea, L., Greater Stitchwort.--N.W. (Huish.)

*=White-house=. A dairy (H.Wr.).

=White-livered=. Pale and unhealthy-looking (S.).--N. & S.W. At Clyffe Pypard the word has a yet stronger idea of disease about it, and a 'white-livered' woman is popularly supposed to be almost as dangerous as was the poison-nurtured Indian beauty who was sent as a present to Alexander the Great. How the 'whiteness' of the liver is to be detected is not very clear, but probably it is by the pallor of the face. At any rate, if you discover that a young woman is 'white-livered,' do not on any account marry her, because the whiteness of the liver is of a poisonous nature, and you assuredly will not live long with a white-livered young woman for your wife. It is most unhealthy, and if she does not die, you will! The word is so used of both sexes.

=White Robin Hood=. Silene inflata, L., Bladder Campion.--S.W. (Zeals.)

=White-wood=. Viburnum Lantana, L., Mealy Guelder-rose.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.) ~White-weed~.--S.W. (Farley).

*=Whitty-tree=. Viburnum Lantana, L. (Aubrey, Nat. Hist. Wilts, p. 56, ed. Brit.)

=Whiver=. (1) To quiver, hover, flutter. ~Wiver~ (S.).--S.W. (2) To waver, hesitate.--S.W.

*=Who'say=, =Hoosay=. An idle report.--N.W. (Malmesbury.)

=Wicker=. See ~Whicker~.

=Wig-wants=. See ~Wag-wants~.

=Wild Asparagus=. Ornithogalum pyrenaicum, L., Spiked Star of Bethlehem.--S.W. (Som. bord.)

=Wildern= (i short). An apple-tree run wild in the hedges, as opposed to a true crab-tree.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

*=Wild Willow=. Epilobium hirsutum, L., Great Hairy Willow-herb (Great Estate, ch. ii).

=Will-jill=. An impotent person or hermaphrodite.--N.W. Compare Wilgil and John-and-Joan in Hal.

*=Willow-wind=. (1) Convolvulus, Bindweed (Great Estate, ch. viii). (2) Polygonum Fagopyrum, L., Buckwheat (Ibid.).

=Wiltshire Weed, The=. The Common Elm. See notice in Athenaeum, 1873, of Jefferies' Goddard Memoir, also Wilts Arch. Mag. vol. x. p. 160. This is a term frequently occurring in books and articles on Wilts, but it would not be understood by the ordinary Wiltshire folk.

=Wim=. To winnow.--S.W.

=Wind-mow=. A cock of a waggon-load or more, into which hay is sometimes put temporarily in catchy weather (D.), containing about 15 cwt. in N. Wilts, and a ton elsewhere.--N. & S.W.

=Wing-wang=. See ~Wag-wants~.

=Winter-proud=. Of wheat, too rank (D.), as is frequently the case after a mild winter. See ~Proud~.--N.W.

=Wirral=, =Worral=, or =Wurral=. Ballota nigra, L., Black Horehound.--S.W. (Som. bord.)

=Wish=, =Wisp=. A sty in the eye.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard, &c.)

=Wissgigin=. See ~Whissgig~ (1).

=Withwind=, or =Withwine=. Convolvulus sepium, L., Great Bindweed, and other species (A.B.D.S.). ~Wave-wine~ or ~Wither-wine~ (Cycl. of Agric.); ~Withywind~ on Som. border.--N. & S.W.

=Wivel=, =Wyvel=. To blow as wind does round a corner or through a hole.--N.W.

=Wivelly=, or =Wivel-minded=. Undecided, wavering, fickle, and untrustworthy (Village Miners).--N.W.

=Wiver=. See ~Whiver~.

=Womble=. v. To wobble about from weakness, &c. (Dark, ch. iv, where it is used of children who come to school without having had any breakfast).--N. &. S.W., occasionally.

=Wombly=. adj. Wobbly (Dark, ch. iv).

=Wonderment=. (1) n. A sight or pastime of any kind.--N.W. (2) n. Any occupation that appears fanciful and unpractical to the rustic mind. Thus a boy who had a turn for inventions, drawing, verse-making, butterfly-collecting, or anything else of a similar nature which lies outside the ordinary routine of a labourer's daily life, would be described as always 'aater his 'oonderments.'--N.W. (3) v. To play the fool, waste time over unprofitable work.--N.W.

*=Wood-sour=. adj. Of soil, loose, spongy. Also ~Woodsere~.--N.W., obsolete.

'The strong red land on the high level parts of the Downs ... once wood-land, and sometimes expressly called "wood-sour" land.'--Agric. of Wilts, ch. xii.

'A poor wood-sere land very natural for the production of oaks.'--AUBREY, Miscell. p. 211.

'It is a wood-sere country abounding much with sour and austere plants.'--AUBREY, Nat. Hist. of Wilts, p. 11, ed. Brit.

=Wood-wax=. *(1) Genista tinctoria, L., Dyer's Greenweed (D.), Aubrey's Nat. Hist. Wilts, pp. 34 and 49, ed. Brit.--N. & S.W. (2) Genista Anglica, L., Needle Whin.--S.W. (Farley.)

=Wooset=. See ~Houssett~.

=Wooster-blister=. A smack in the face or box on the ear.--S.W. (Som. bord.) Cf. Som. ~Whister-twister~, and Dev. ~Whister-poop~.

*=Works=. In a water-meadow, the system of trenches and carriages by which the water is brought in and distributed (Agric. of Wilts, ch. xii).

=Worsen=. v. To grow worse. 'You be worsened a deal since I seen 'ee laast, I d' lot as you bean't a gwain' to live long.'--N. & S.W.

=Wosbird=. A term of reproach (A.),=whore's brood. There are many variants, as ~Hosebird~, ~Husbird~, and ~Oozebird~. Much commoner in Devon.--N. & S.W.

'They're a couple o' th' ugliest wosbirds in the vair.'--Wilts Tales, p. 89.

In his Dictionary of Provincial English, Wright defines this as 'a wasp,' a mistake too amusing to be passed over! Probably his informant heard a rustic who had got into a wasp's nest, and been badly stung, 'danging they wosbirds,' and on asking what he meant by 'wosbirds' was told that they were the 'wopses,' and not unnaturally concluded that the two words were synonyms.

=Wout=. A carter's order to a horse to bear off. The opposite to Coom hether.

=Wrap=. n. A thin strip of wood. See ~Rap~.

=Wrastle=. To spread, as cancer, fire, roots, &c.--N.W.

'These fires are, or were, singularly destructive in villages--the flames running from thatch to thatch, and, as they express it, "wrastling" across the intervening spaces. A pain is said to "wrastle," or shoot and burn.'--Wild Life, ch. iv. p. 68.

*=Wreaths=. The long rods used in hurdle-making (D.).

=Wrick=, =Rick=. To twist or wrench. 'I've bin an' wricked me ankly.' M.E. wrikken.--N. & S.W.

=Wridgsty=. See ~Ridge-tie~.

=Wrist=. To twist, especially used of wringing the neck of a rabbit or fowl (Amateur Poacher, ch. xi).--N.W.

=Wug=, =Woog=. Order to a horse (S.).--N. & S.W.

=Wusset=. See ~Wasset-man~.

=Wusted=. Looking very ill, grown worse.--N.W.

=Y=. Many words beginning with H, G, or a vowel, are usually sounded with Y prefixed, as Yacker, acre; Yeppern, apron; Yat, or Yeat, gate; Yeldin, a hilding; and Yerriwig, earwig.

Verbs ending in y often drop that letter. Thus empty and study become empt and stud.

The free infinitive in y was formerly much used, but is now dying out. It was used in a general question, as 'Can you mowy?' Were a special piece of work referred to, mowy would not be correct, the question then being simply 'Can you mow thuck there meäd?'

The following example of the 'free infinitive' is given in Cunnington MS.:--

'There is also here a Peculiar mode of forming active verbs from Nouns, which are generally in use as apellations for professions--take an Example. Well Mary, how do you get on in Life? what do you and your family do now to get a Living in these times--Wy Zur we do aal vind Zummut to do--Jan, ye know, he do Smithey [work as a smith] Jin the beggist wench do spinney the Little one do Lace makey--I do Chorey [go out as a Chore Woman] and the two Boys do Bird keepey--that is One works as a smith--one spins one makes Lace one goes out as a Chore woman & two are Bird keepers which Latter term were more to the purpose if expressed Bird frightener or driver.'

=Yap=, =Yop=. (1) To yelp as a dog (S.).--N. & S.W. (2) To talk noisily. 'What be a yopping there for?'--N.W.

*=Yard-land=. Land sufficient for a plough of oxen and a yard to winter them; an ancient copyhold tenure (D.).--Obsolete.

*=Yard of land=. A quarter of an acre, because formerly, in common lands forty poles long, the quarter acre was a land-yard wide (D.).--Obsolete.

=Yea-nay=. 'A yea-nay chap,' one who does not know his own mind.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Yeemath=. Aftermath (B.). ~Youmath~ (A.B.). ~Yeomath~ (A.H.Wr.). Probably = young math, cp. young grass in W. Somerset. Cp. ~Ea-math~, ~Ameäd~ at Cherhill, ~Ea-grass~ in S. Wilts.--N.W.

=Yees=. An earthworm. See ~Eass~.

=Yelding=, =Yeldin=. n. A hilding (A): a woman of bad character (Wilts Tales, p. 3).--N.W.

'I've allus bin respectable wi' my women volk, and I wun't ha'e no yeldin' belongin' to ma.'--Dark, ch. xix.

=Yellucks=. See ~Hullocky~.

=Yelm=, =Yelms=. See ~Elms~ (S.).--N. & S.W.

*=Yellow-cups=. Buttercups in general.--S.W. (Zeals.)

=Yellow-Thatch=. Lathyrus pratensis, L., Meadow Vetchling.--N. & S.W.

*=Yoke=. See ~Fork~ (Wild Life, ch. vi).

=Yop=. See ~Yap~.

*=You=. This word is often thrown in at the end of a sentence, sometimes as a kind of query--'Don't you think so?'--but usually to give a strong emphasis to some assertion.--N.W.

'A' be a featish-looking girl, you.'--Greene Ferne Farm, ch. i.

'Fine growing marning, you.'--Ibid. ch. i.

'That be a better job than ourn, you.'--Hodge and his Masters, ch. vii.

=Yuckel=, =Yuckle=. A woodpecker (A.H.Wr.). So called from its cry, Yuc, yuc.--N.W.

=Yaught=, =Yawt=. To swallow, to drink. 'There's our Bill--he can yaught down drenk like anything,' or 'He can yaught a deal.'--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard, Huish, &c.)

=Z=. Among the old people S is still usually sounded as Z, as Zaat or Zate, soft; Zound, to swoon; Zorrens, servings, &c. See S for many such instances.

*=Zaad-paul=. This term used to be commonly applied about Aldbourne to an utterly good-for-nothing fellow, but is gradually dying out now. It probably means 'soft head.' See ~Saat~.

*=Zam=. To heat anything for some time over the fire, without letting it come to the boil.--N.W. (Malmesbury.)

=Zammy=. (1) n. A simpleton, a soft-headed fellow (S.).--S.W. *(2) adj. 'Zammy tea,' half-cold, insipid tea.--N.W. (Hullavington.)

=Zam-zodden=. Long-heated over a slow fire, and so half spoilt. This and the last two words belong to Som. rather than Wilts. A.S. sām-soden, half boiled.--N.W. (Malmesbury.)


=Afterclaps=. Consequences, results. ~Atterclaps~ (S.).--N. & S.W.

=All-amang=. Add:--

'Zweethearts, an wives, an children young, Like sheep at vair, be ael among.' E. SLOW, Smilin Jack.

=All as is=. All there is to be said, the final word in the matter. Used when giving a very peremptory order to a labourer to carry out your instructions without any further question. 'Aal as is as you've a-got to do be to volly on hoein' they turmuts till I tells 'ee to stop!'--N.W.

=Along of=. (1) On account of. ''Twer aal along o' she's bwoy's bad ways as her tuk to drenk.'--N. & S.W. (2) In company with. 'Here, you just coom whoam along o' I, an I'll gie 'ee summut to arg about!'--N. & S.W.

=Aloud=. Add:--S.W. (Deverill.)

*=Altrot=. Heracleum Sphondylium, L., Cow-parsnip. See ~Eltrot~.--S.W. (Zeals.)

=Apple-scoop=. A kind of scoop or spoon, made from the knuckle-bone of a leg of mutton, and used for eating apples, the flavour of which it is supposed to improve.--N.W.

=At=. (1) Add:--S.W. (2) Add:--S.W.

=Away with=. Add:--N. & S.W.

*=Babes-in-the-Cradle=. Scrophularia aquatica, L., Water Figwort.--S.W. (Little Langford.)

=Bachelor's Buttons=. Add:--*(3) Aquilegia vulgaris, L., Garden Columbine.--S.W. (Deverill.)

=Back-friends=. Add:--S.W.

=Bag=. (2) Add:--S.W.

=Bake-faggot=. Add:--S.W.

=Bannix=. To drive away poultry, or to hunt them about. 'Go an' bannix they vowls out.' 'Dwon't bannix about they poor thengs like that!'--S.W.

=Barley-buck=. A boy's game, played by guessing at the number of fingers held up.--S.W. (Deverill.)

=Bash=, =Bashet=. At Harnham, Salisbury, a small raised footpath is known as the Bashet, while at Road certain houses built on the upper side of a similar footpath, close to the boundary line dividing Wilts and Somerset, are spoken of as being 'on the Bash.'

=Bay=. (1) Add:--S.W. (2) Add:--S.W.

*=Bayle=. Some plant which we cannot identify.--Obsolete.

'In this ground [near Kington St. Michael, grows] bayle.'--AUBREY'S Nat. Hist. Wilts, p. 49, ed. Brit.

=Bee-hackle=. The straw covering of a hive. See ~Hackle~ (2)--S.W.

*=Belly-vengeance=. Add:--Also used of very inferior cider.

=Bennets=. (1) Add:--S.W.

=Bird's-eye=. Add:--(4) Veronica Buxbaumii, Ten., Buxbaum's Speedwell.--S.W. (Charlton.)

=Bivery=. Add:--S.W.

=Bleat=. Add:--S.W.

*=Blicker=. To shine intermittently, to glimmer. 'I zeen a light a blickerin' droo th' tallot dwoor.'--S.W.

=Blind-house=. Add:--N. & S.W., obsolete.

=Blooms=. Flushes in the face. 'Ther you knaws as I do allus get the hot blooms ter'ble bad.'--S.W.

=Bolster-pudding=. A roly-poly pudding.--N.W.

*=Bookin='. See ~Buck~.

=Bossy=. Add:--S.W.

=Boys=. Add:--S.W. (Deverill.)

=Brash=, =Braish=. Of weather, cold and bracing.--N.W.

=Brashy=. Full of small stones and grit. 'Th' vier wer ter'ble braishy 'smarnin',' the coal was bad and stony.--N.W.

=Bread-and-Cheese=. (3) Add:--S.W. (Deverill.)

=Break=. (1) Add:--Still used in this sense at Deverill, S.W. (2) Of a spring, to rise.--N. & S.W.

'When the springs doe breake in Morecombe-bottom, in the north side of the parish of Broade Chalke, which is seldome, 'tis observed that it foretells a deer yeare for corne.'--AUBREY'S Nat. Hist. Wilts, p. 34, ed. Brit.

=Breeding-bag=. The ovary of a sow.--N.W.

=Brevet=. (1) Add:--'Brevettin' into other folks' business.'--S.W. (Deverill.)

*=Brimmer=. A broad-brimmed hat.--S.W. (Deverill.)

=Brit=, =Brittle out=. (1) Add:--S.W. (2) Add:--S.W.

=Broken-mouthed=. Children are said to be 'broken-mouthed,' when they are losing their teeth.--N.W.

=Broom=. 'I bain't a-gwain to hang out the broom,' I intend to be very particular as to character, &c., before engaging any servants or labourers.--N.W. (Wedhampton.) In Berks, 'to hang th' brum out o' winder,' means that the wife is away, and so the husband is at liberty to entertain any bachelor friends of his who like to drop in.

=Buck=. Add:--At Deverill 'Bookin'' is used instead, a 'good bookin' o' clothes' being a large wash.--S.W.

=Buck-hearted=. Of cabbages, the same as ~Crow-hearted~.--S.W. (Deverill.)

*=Budget=. The leather pouch in which a mower carries his whetstone.--S.W. (Deverill.)

*=Bunt-lark=. The Common Bunting.--S.W. (Deverill.)

=Buttercup=. Add:--N.W. (Huish); S.W. (Charlton.)

*=Butter-flower=. Caltha palustris, L., Marsh Marigold.

'The watered meadows all along from Marleborough to Hungerford, Ramesbury, and Littlecot, at the later end of April, are yellow with butter flowers.'--AUBREY'S Nat. Hist. Wilts, p. 51, ed. Brit.

=Buzzel-hearted=. A cabbage or broccoli plant that has lost its eye is said to be 'buzzel-hearted.' Compare ~Crow-hearted~.--S.W.

=Caddling=. Under (3) add:--'A caddlin' place' is one where as soon as a servant begins one piece of work he or she is called off to another, and can never get a chance of finishing anything off satisfactorily.--N. & S.W.

=Call over=. To publish the banns.--S.W. (Deverill.)

=Callus= or =Callis=. v. To become hard, as soil in frosty weather: to cake together (Wilts Arch. Mag. vol. xxii. p. 109).--N. & S.W.

=Cank=. Add:--*(2) n. Idle gossip.

=Canker=. (1) Add:--Also ~Cankie~.

=Cankers=. 'The baby hev a-got the cankers,' viz. white-mouth or thrush.--N.W.

=Carpet=. Add:--S.W.

=Cart=. Add:--S.W.

=Chap=. Add as example:--'Hev 'ee zeed how thuck ther ground is aal chapped wi' th' dry weather? They chaps be so gashly big, the young pa'tridges 'ull purty nigh vall in.'

=Chin-cough=. The whooping cough.--N.W.

=Chip=. Add:--See Davis's Agric. of Wilts, p. 262.

=Clacker=. Add:--(2) A couple of pieces of wood, rattled together to scare birds off the crops.--N. & S.W.

=Clam=. (1) To over-fill and choke up anything, as a water-pipe. The throat sometimes gets quite 'clammed up' with phlegm.--N.W. (2) To surfeit any one with food.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard, &c.)

=Clamp about=. To stump about noisily.--N.W.

=Clean-and-wholly=. Entirely. ''Tes aal gone clean-an'-wholly out o' she's yead!'--N.W.

=Cleaty=. Add:--S.W.

=Clinkerballs=. Balls of dried dung or dirt in a sheep's wool.--S.W. (Wilton, &c.)

=Cloddy=. Add as example:--'He's a cloddy sart o' a chap.'

=Clogweed=. Add:--(2) Arctium Lappa, L., Burdock.--S.W.

=Cludgy=. Clingy, sticky; used especially of bad bread.--N. & S.W.

=Collets=. Young cabbage plants. A man will say in spring, 'I got a good lot o' collets, but they bean't cabbages.'--N.W.

=Come away=. To spring up.--N.W.

'Owing to the long drought [barley] came away from the ground at different periods, which will, without doubt, materially injure the sample for malting purposes.'--Devizes Gazette, June 22, 1893.

=Comical=. Add:--Round Warminster everything but a tom-cat is he.

=Conigre=. Add:--Other localities which may be noted are Blacklands, Winterbourne Bassett, and Mildenhall. See Smith's Antiq. N. Wilts.

=Conks=, =Conkers=. (1) Add:--S.W. (Deverill.) (2) Add:--S.W. (Deverill.)

=Count=. Add:--S.W. (Deverill.)

=Coward=. Dele *, and add:--Clyffe Pypard.

*=Cow-down=. Add:--On the Ordnance Map there are 'Cow-downs' marked at Deverill, Wylye, Steeple Langford, and Westbury.

*=Creeping Jane=. Lysimachia Nummularia, L., Moneywort.--N.W. (Heddington.)

=Creep-mouse=. To play 'creep-mouse,' to tickle babies and make them laugh.--N.W.

=Criddlin Pudden=. A kind of pudding, made of the nubbly bits left over when pigs' fleck has been boiled and pounded and strained. Crittens in Berks.--N.W.

=Crutch=. (1) A large earthen jar, such as butter is potted in. Cf. Critch.--N. & S.W. (Clyffe Pypard.) (2) A cheese-pan.--N.W.

*=Cuckoo-pint=. Cardamine pratensis, L., Lady's smock.--S.W. (Charlton.)

=Daffy=. Add:--S.W.

=Devil's-ring=. Add:--S.W. (Deverill.)

*=Devourous=. Ravenous.--N.W. (Berks bord.)

=Dicky-birds=. After S.W. add:--(Deverill.)

=Dillcup=. Add:--*(2) Ranunculus acris, L., Meadow Crowfoot.--S.W. (Charlton, Little Langford.)

=Do=. To thrive (used reflexively). 'He does (o pronounced as in the infinitive) hissel well, dwon't he?' said of an animal that does credit to its owner by the way in which it thrives.--N. & S.W.

=Doer=. A pig that thrives well, even on poor food, is a 'good doer,' while a 'bad doer' refuses to fatten, give it what you will.--N. & S.W.

=Dog, how beest=? Add:--Also used at Deverill, S.W.

=Dog-in-a-blanket=. A roly-poly pudding--N.W.

=Dough-fig=. Add:--S.W. (Deverill.)

*=Down-lanterns=. Heaps of chalk, marking the tracks from village to village over the downs, to prevent people going astray at night.--S.W.

=Drashel=. Dele:--As two men generally work together.

*=Draw-sheave=. (Pronounced Draa-sheave.) A wheelwright's draw-knife.--S.W.

*=Druck=. n. 'A druck of people,' a great crowd.--S.W. (Wilton.)

=Drug=. (1) Add:--S.W. (Deverill.) (2) Add:--~Drugshoe~ at Deverill, S.W.

=Duck's-frost=. Add:--Ironically used at Deverill, as, 'Ther'll be a frost to-night.' 'Ah, a duck's-frost,' viz. none at all.--S.W.

=Dumble=. Add:--~Dummil~ (C.).

=Dunch-dumpling=. Add:--S.W.

*=Elm-stock= (Yelm-stock). A forked stick for carrying straw for thatching.--S.W.

=Enemy=. Anemone nemorosa, L., Wood Anemone. So generally used in Wilts that it seems advisable to note it, in spite of its being a mere corruption.--N. & S.W.

=Ent=. See ~Ploughing terms~.

=Faggot=. Add:--Used as a general term of abuse.--S.W.

=Falling=. Add:--This requires some slight modification. 'We'm a-gwain to ha' a vallen' seems to be restricted to snow; but when there is some doubt as to what sort of weather is coming, the phrase would be 'A vallen o' zum zart,' or 'zum vallen,' thus covering snow, rain, or hail.

*=Feggy=. Fair.--N.W., obsolete.

'Their persons [in North Wilts] are generally plump and feggy.'--AUBREY'S Nat. Hist. Wilts, p. 11, ed. Brit.

=Fiddler's-money=. Small change (threepenny and fourpenny bits).--N. & S.W.

*=Fiddle-sticks=. Scrophularia aquatica, L., Water Figwort.--S.W. (Little Langford.)

=Fighting-cocks=. Add:--Plantago lanceolata, L., Ribwort Plantain.--S.W. (Charlton.)

=Firk=. (2) Add:--S.W. (Deverill.)

=Flashy heats=. Hot flushes, that come and go when one is feverish and weak, as a woman after her confinement.--N.W.

=Flask=. A limp straw-basket used to carry food and tools. Used in Glouc.--S.W., occasionally.

=Flip=, =Flip-tongued=. Smooth-spoken, glib.--N.W.

=Folly=. Add:--In Berks the word is frequently applied to a round clump of fir-trees on a hill.

=For=. Add:--S.W.

=Friggle=. Add:--S.W. (Deverill.) *=Furze-tacker= (Vuzz-tacker). Saxicola rubetra, the Whinchat.--S.W.

=Fussicky=. Fussy, fidgetty.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard, &c.)

=Gallows-gate=. Add:--S.W. (Deverill.)

=Gawley=. adj. Patchy: used especially of root-crops that grow unequally.--S.W., in common use.

=Gay=. Add:--(2) In good health. 'I do veel main gay agean 'smarnin', but I wur gashly bad aal laas' wick wi' th' rheumatiz.'--N. & S.W.

=Get out=. To 'get out' a drawn or carriage in the water meadows is to clean it well out and make up the banks. To 'get out' a set of posts and rails is to cut them out and prepare them for putting up.--N. & S.W.

=Gibbles=. Add:--Underground Onions.

*=Gilliflower-grass=. Carex glauca, L., and Carex panicea, L.--N.W., obsolete.

'In Bradon Forest growes ... a blew grasse they call July-flower grasse, which cutts the sheepes mouthes, except in the spring.'--AUBREY'S Nat. Hist. Wilts, p. 49, ed. Brit.

*=Gipsy-nut=s. Hips and haws.--S.W. (near Trowbridge.)

=Girls=. Add:--S.W. (Deverill.)

=Good liver=. A person who lives an exceptionally good and pious life.--N.W.

=Good-living=. Leading a very pious life. 'Her wur allus a good-living sart o' a 'ooman.'--N.W.

=Grained=. Add:--~Grinted~ in Berks.

=Gramfer= (or =Granfer=) =Grig=. A woodlouse. At Deverill, S.W., children try to charm it into curling up, when held in the hand, by singing:--

'Granfer Grig killed a pig, Hung un up in corner; Granfer cried and Piggy died, And all the fun was over.'

=Granny= (or =Granny's=) =Nightcap=. Add:--*(5) Geum rivale, L., Water Avens.--S.W. (Little Langford.)

=Grigger cake=. Fine paste spread thin like a pancake, and baked on a gridiron over a mass of glowing wood-coals.--S.W.

=Ground=. Add:--S.W.

*=Gubbarn=. Dele 'Should not this be adj. instead of n.?' and add:--Also used in Glouc. as a noun.

=Guss=. (2) Add:--S.W.

=Hack=. (1) Add:--To hoe; frequently used in S. Wilts.

=Hackle=. (2) Add:--~Hackle~, and sometimes ~Shackle~, are used at Deverill, while elsewhere in S. Wilts ~Bee-hackle~ is the word employed.

=Hames=. Dele 'in drawing,' and add 'with staples to take the traces.'

=Hand=. (3) Add:--S.W. (Deverill.)

=Hand-staff=. Add:--S.W. (Deverill.)

=Hanging-post=. Add:--S.W. (Deverill), where ~Har~ is seldom used.

=Hanglers=. Add:--In Deverill, a hook used for this purpose is known as 'a hangles.'--S.W.

=Har=. Add:--S.W. (Deverill, occasionally.)

=Harl=. Add:--~Hardle~ is also used in S. Wilts.

*=Harvest-man=. A kind of Spider with long legs.--S.W. (Deverill.)

=Heal=. Add:--A house is said to be 'unhealed,' or uncovered, when the thatch has been stripped off by a storm.--S.W. (Deverill.)

=Hearken-back=. To recall.--N. & S.W.

=Heartless=. Add:--S.W. (Deverill.)

=Heaver=. Add:--'Van, heavier, caffin or caving rudder, the winnowing fan and tackle' (D.).

=Hill-trot=. Add:--*(3) Anthriscus sylvestris, Hoffm., Wild Beaked-Parsley.--S.W. (Charlton.)

*=Hitch off=. To release horses from work.--S.W.

*=Honey-pot=. A children's game, in which one child lifts another.--S.W.

=Hop-about=. Add:--S.W.

*=Hopped=. Cracked, as a boiler, by heat.--S.W. (Deverill.)

=Huck down=. To beat down in bargaining. 'I hucked un down vrom vive shillin' to vower an' zix.' Formerly used at Clyffe Pypard, but not known there now.--N.W.

=Huckmuck=. (3) Add:--S.W. (Deverill). Add:--(4) v. To mess about.--S.W.

*=Hun-barrow= (or =-barrer=). A tumulus.--S.W.

*=Hunger-bane=. To starve to death. See ~Bane~.--Obsolete.

'At Bradfield and Dracot Cerne is such vitriolate earth ... [which] makes the land so soure, it bears sowre and austere plants ... At summer it hunger-banes the sheep: and in winter it rotts them.'--AUBREY'S Nat. Hist. Wilts, p. 35, ed. Brit.

*=Idle=. Full of fun.--S.W.

=It=. Sometimes used in a peculiar way, as 'We'm best be gwain, hadn't it?' or, 'We can aal on us ha' a holiday to-day, can't it?'--S.W.

=Jack-and-his-team=. Add:--S.W. (Deverill); also ~Jack-and-his-team-goin'-to-pit~, the constellation's motion seeming to be from Deverill towards Radstock collieries, as if it were a farmer's team going by night to fetch coal thence.--S.W. (Deverill.)

=Jag=. Add:--(2) 'Wull, to be shower, they chrysantums is beautiful! They be aal in a jag!' i.e. all out in large heads of flowers.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Jerry-shop=. A 'Tommy-shop,' conducted on the truck system, now illegal. Much used about Swindon at the time the railway was being made there.--Obsolete.

*=Jiffle=. Add:--Mr. F. M. Willis writes us that he once heard this word used in connexion with a horse, when a bad rider who was pulling its head about was told not to jiffle it.

=Job=, or =Jobble about=. To do little jobs. 'I cain't do moor'n jobble about now.'--N.W.

*=July-flower grass=. See *~Gillyflower-grass~.

=Kiss-me-quick=. Add:--S.W. (Deverill.)

=Lady-cow=. Add:--S.W.

=Lily=, or =Lilies=. Add:--*(3) Ranunculus aquatilis, L., Water Crowfoot.--S.W. (Charlton.)

=Linnard=. A linnet, as 'a brown linnard,' 'a green linnard.' Formerly used at Clyffe Pypard, where, however, it is obsolete, the pronunciation there now being distinctly Linnut. Conversely, orchard becomes archet.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard, &c.)

=Long-winded=. Add:--S.W. (Deverill.)

=Lords-and-Ladies=. Add:--The purple spadices are the 'Lords,' and the yellow or very light-coloured ones the 'Ladies.'

=Maggotty-pie=. Add:--At Deverill, thirty years ago, there was a nursery rhyme as follows:--

'Hushaby, baby, the beggar shan't have 'ee, No more shall the maggotty-pie; The rooks nor the ravens shan't carr' thee to heaven, So hushaby, baby, by-by.'

=Mandrake=. Bryonia dioica, L., White Bryony. The root is popularly supposed to be Mandrake.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard, Heddington.)

=Mask=. To collect acorns. A variant of mast.--N.W. (Potterne.)

=Melt=. The spleen of a pig, which forms a favourite dish when stuffed.--N. & S.W.

*=Milkmaid's-Way=. The Milky Way.--S.W. (Deverill.)

=Mimp=. To make believe, to sham. 'Look at she a-settin' up ther, mimpin'!' idling, playing the fine lady.--N. & S.W.

*=Min=. An exclamation, used like 'snaw, as 'I'll ketch thee, min!'=Note that well. See Barnes, Glossary to Poems.--S.W. (Deverill.)

*=Monkey Must=. Melampyrum arvense, L., Cow-wheat.--N.W. (Heddington.)

=Mump=. To sulk. 'How ter'ble mumping she do look!'--N.W.

=Nammet-bag=. A luncheon-bag.--S.W.

=Neck-headland=. Add:--Common at Deverill.--S.W.

=Noddy=. Weakly, ailing.--N.W.

=Nog=. Add:--Also used of a lump of cheese, &c.--S.W.

=Not-cow=. Add:--S.W.

=Nuncheon=. Add:--About Salisbury Nuncheon is between 10 and 10.30 a.m., and again at 4 p.m., and is a very small meal, merely a piece of bread and glass of beer, while Nammet is at 12, and is equivalent to dinner.

=Off=. 'A can't be off puttin' up a covey o' pa'tridges, if so be as a goes whoam athert Four-Acre,' i.e. he cannot possibly help doing it.--N.W.

=Out=. n. The outcome or result of an attempt to do a thing. 'A offered vor to do some draishin', but a made a ter'ble poor out on't,' i.e. he had little to show for his labour.--N.W.

=Parson's nose=. A goose's tail, when served up at table.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Peter Grievous=. Add:--Children who look as if they thought themselves sadly 'put upon' by their elders are said to be 'Peter-grievous.'

=Pigs=. (2) Add:--In Berks woodlice are called Church-pigs.

*=Pimple=, =Pumple=. The head. Used by children.--S.W. (Deverill).

*=Pisty-poll=. A child riding with his legs on your shoulders is said to be carried 'a pisty-poll.'--S.W. (Deverill.)

=Ploughing terms=. The first furrows ploughed are those 'veered out' to mark the 'lands.' On each side of this 'veering out' furrow a fresh furrow is ploughed, turning the earth into it. This is 'topping up,' or 'shutting the top up,' and becomes the centre and highest point of the 'land.' When the 'lands' have been all but ploughed, there remains between them a strip, two furrows wide, still unploughed. This is 'the Ent,' and is halved by the plough, one half being turned up one way, and the other half the other way. There remains then a furrow just twice the ordinary width. The plough is taken down this, and half of it is turned up again on one side, the result being a narrow furrow some inches deeper than any other, called the 'Zid-furrer' or Seed-furrow.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=Plumb=. 'A plumb man,' an upright man, one who always keeps his word.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

*=Polly Dishwasher=. Motacilla, The Wagtail.--S.W. (Deverill.)

*=Pot-hangel=. The same as Hanglers, q.v.--S.W. (Deverill.)

=Prick-timber=. Euonymus Europaeus, L., Spindle-tree.--N. & S.W., obsolete.

'Prick-timber ... is common, especially in North Wilts. The butchers doe make skewers of it,--because it doth not taint the meate as other wood will doe: from whence it hath the name of prick-timber.'--AUBREY'S Nat. Hist. Wilts, p. 56, ed. Brit.

=Purry=. Turnips sometimes get quite 'purry,' i.e. become spongy and bad and full of holes. Perhaps a contraction of purrished (perished).--N.W.

*=Quag=. n. A shake, a state of trembling. 'He's all of a quag with fear.'--S.W.

*=Quean=. Add:--S.W. (Deverill.)

=Quob=. (2) Add:--S.W. (Deverill.)

=Quobble=. n. and v. After being a long while at the wash-tub a woman's hands are apt to get 'all in a quobble,' or 'ter'ble quobbled,' that is, shrivelled and drawn and wrinkled up. See ~Sob~.--N.W.

=Ramblers=. Potatoes left by chance in the ground, which come up again the next year.--N.W.

*=Rammil-cheese=. Cheese made of raw unskimmed milk.--S.W.

=Ramp=. Add:--(2) v. To rage, as 'My bad tooth just about ramped aal laas' night.'--N.W.

=Ramping=. Add:--(2) Of pain, violent, raging. 'I wur in that rampin' pain, I didn't know whur to get to.'--N.W.

*=Rook-worm=. A cockchafer grub.--Obsolete.

'I have heard knowing countreymen affirme that rooke-wormes, which the crows and rookes doe devour at sowing time, doe turn to chafers.'--AUBREY'S Nat. Hist. Wilts, p. 67, ed. Brit.

*=Round market=. See quotation.

'Warminster is exceeding much frequented for a round corn-market on Saturday.'--AUBREY'S Nat. Hist. Wilts, p. 114, ed. Brit.

=Ruck=. (1) n. A crease in a stocking, &c.--N.W. (2) v. To crease or wrinkle up. 'My shirt wur aal rucked up under my arms, an' I cudden' kip un down nohow.'--N.W. (3) Hence, to rub and gall. 'Thuck ther new boot hev a-rucked she's heel ter'ble bad.'--N.W.

*=Ruddock=. Sylvia rubecula, Robin Redbreast. In common use at Warminster, though unknown a few miles away.--S.W.

*=Rumpled-skein=. Add:--Used of a tradesman's books, when badly kept and hard to balance.--N.W. (Glouc. bord.)

=Sankers=, =Shankers=, or =Sinkers=. Stockings without feet.--N.W. See The Scouring of the White Horse, ch. vi. p. 128.

=Sar=. Add:--*(3) To earn. See note on Akerman, in Ellis's English Dialects, p. 29.

=Scrinchet=. A scrap of food, a shred of stuff, &c.--N.W. (Huish.)

=Scroop=. (1) n. A saving or miserly person.--N.W. (2) v. To save up, to screw and scrape.--N.W.

=Seed-furrow=. See ~Ploughing terms~.

=Serve=. See ~Sar~.

=Shacketty=. Ricketty, shaky.--N.W.

*=Shackle=. The straw covering of a hive. A sibilated form of Hackle, q.v.--S.W. (Deverill.)

=Shail=. To walk crookedly or awkwardly, to shamble along.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

*=Shame-faced Maiden=. Add:--*(2) Ornithogalum umbellatum, L., Spiked Star of Bethlehem.--S.W. (Little Langford.)

=Shankers=. See ~Sankers~.

=Shatter=. To scatter, to sprinkle. 'Shatter th' pepper well auver'n, do 'ee!'--N.W.

=Shattering=. A sprinkling. 'Put just a shatterin' on't.'--N.W.

*=Shirpings=. The rough grass and weeds by the river banks, which cannot be mown with the scythe, and have to be cut afterwards with a sickle.--S.W. (Salisbury.)

=Short=. Tender. Roast mutton ought to 'eat short.'--N.W.

*=Shreeving=. Picking up windfalls, &c., in an orchard.--S.W.

=Shrimpy=. Shrivelled, poor.--N. & S.W.

*=Shrovy=. Puny, as 'What a shrovy child!' Cp. Shrievy, applied in Hants to stuff with some of the threads pulled out.--S.W. (Deverill.)

=Shucky=. Rough, jolty: used of roads when the surface is frozen and rutty.--N.W.

=Shuffle=. To hurry along. 'I wur shufflin' to get whoam avore dree.' Cf. ~Shuffet~.--N.W.

=Sinkers=. See ~Sankers~.

=Slink=. Bad diseased meat.

*=Sloot=. To defraud.--N.W. (Berks bord.)

=Slox=, =Slocks=. (2) To wear out clothes by careless use of them. Compare ~Hock about~.--N.W.

*=Slut's-farthings=. Small hard lumps in badly kneaded bread.

=Snake-stones=. Fossil Ammonites.--N.W., occasionally still used.

'About two or three miles from the Devises are found in a pitt snake-stones (Cornua ammonis) no bigger than a sixpence, of a black colour.'--AUBREY'S Nat. Hist. Wilts, p. 45, ed. Brit.

'In this parish [Wootton Bassett] are found delicate snake-stones of a reddish gray.'--JACKSON'S Aubrey, p. 204.

=Snug=. Well, in health, comfortable. 'I be main glad to hire as your missus be so snug [is doing so well] a'ter her confinement.'--N.W.

=Sob=. To sodden with wet. Cf. ~Sobbled~.--N.W.

*=Split-house=. A joint tenancy?

'Whereas we ... being inhabitants of the town of Marlborough ... have ... for many years past, fed and depastured our mares and geldings, two to each inhabitant not being certificate men nor split houses, in the said earl's Forest of Savernak, &c.'--1790, Agistment Deed as to Savernake Forest, quoted in Waylen's History of Marlborough, p. 421.

=Spray=. To splay a sow, when set aside for fattening.--N.W.

*=Squailings=, =Squailens=. Ungathered apples.--S.W.

=Staid=. Add:--Sometimes applied to an old horse or other animal.

*=Stars-and-garters=. Ornithogalum umbellatum, L., Star of Bethlehem.--N.W. (Heddington.)

=Starvation cold=. Extremely cold. See ~Starve~.--S.W.

=Steart=. (1) Add:--Used at Salisbury by a gas-fitter of the small projection turned by the gas-key.

*=Stipe=, =Steip=. Add:--~Steep~.--S.W., still in use about Salisbury.

*=Strikes=. Segments of iron for wheel-binding.--S.W.

=Stubs=. (4) Add:--S.W.

=Studdly=. Add:--also ~Stoodly~.

*=Sucker= (Zucker). A spout from the roof.--S.W.

=Summer-folds=. Freckles which come in summer time.--N.W.

=Tear=. Add:--Mr. Powell writes us that at Deverill this is still used of breaking crockery, &c.--S.W.

=Teart=. (3) Add:--Acrimonious. Tort in Aubrey.

'The North Wilts horses, and other stranger horses, when they come to drinke of the water of Chalke-river, they will sniff and snort, it is so cold and tort.'--AUBREY'S Nat. Hist. Wilts, pp. 23-24, ed. Brit.

'This riverwater [Chalke stream] is so acrimonious, that strange horses when they are watered here will snuff and snort, and cannot well drinke of it till they have been for some time used to it.'--Ibid. p. 28.

=Terrify=. *(3) Add:--This is a Gloucestershire use of the word.

*=Thee and Thou=. (1) 'He thee'd and thou'd us,' said of a clergyman who was very familiar with his flock.--S.W. (2) v. To abuse violently, to insult a person by addressing him in the second person singular. A man complained of the way in which his neighbours had been abusing him, the climax of it all being reached when they began to 'thee and thou' him.--N. & S.W.

=Thetches=. Add:--~Thatch~. Vicia sativa, L.--S.W. (Charlton.) All vetches are known as 'Thetches' or 'Thatches' in Wilts, being 'Blue,' 'Yellow,' or 'Red' Thetches according to the colour of the flower.

=Thread-the-needle=. A very complicated form of this children's game is played at Deverill, under the name of Dred-th'-wold-'ooman's-needle.--S.W.

*=Thunder-stones=. Nodules of iron pyrites. *~Hunder-stones~, q.v., may be merely a misreading of the MS.

'Thunder-stones, as the vulgar call them, are a pyrites; their fibres do all tend to the centre. They are found at Broad Chalke frequently.'--AUBREY'S Nat. Hist. Wilts, p. 40, ed. Brit.

=Tine=. Add:--(6) To collect and burn couch and weeds in the fields.--N.W.

'What 'ould thy husband do ... if thee was too vine to turn hay, or go tinin' or leazin'?'--Dark, ch. XV.

*=Tippertant=. A young upstart.--S.W.

*=Trip=. A brood or flock, as 'A vine trip o' vowels (fowls).' In a MS. in the Bodleian a herd of tame swine is defined as a trip, while one of wild swine is a sounder.--S.W. (Deverill.)

*=Tucky=. Sticky.--S.W.

*=Turning-the-barrel=. A game in which two children stand back to back, locking their arms behind them, and lifting each other by turns from the ground.--S.W. (Deverill.)

=Under-creep=. v. To get the upper hand of by deceit, to overreach any one.--S.W. (Britford and Harnham.)

*=Underground Shepherd=. Orchis mascula, L., Early Purple Orchis.--S.W. (Charlton.)

=Unhealed=. See ~Heal~.

=Vitty=. Close, closely. Cp. fitly, Eph. iv. 16.--N.W.

*=Warning-stone=. Add:--

'The bakers take a certain pebble, which they put in the vaulture of their oven, which they call the warning-stone: for when that is white the oven is hot.'--AUBREY'S Nat. Hist. Wilts, p. 43, ed. Brit.

*=Water-sparrow=. Salicaria phragmitis, the Sedge Warbler. Cp. ~Brook-sparrow~.--S.W. (Deverill.)

=Whinnock=. To whimper.--N.W.

=Whinnocky=. A whinnocky child is one that is always ailing and whimpering.--N.W. (Clyffe Pypard.)

=White-livered=. Add:--S.W. (Deverill.)

=Winter-stuff=. Winter-greens.--N.W.

*=Witch-hazel=. Ulmus montana, Sm.

'In Yorkshire is plenty of trees, which they call elmes; but they are wich-hazells, as we call them in Wilts.'--AUBREY'S Nat. Hist. Wilts, p. 54, ed. Brit.

=Wrastle=. Add:--Measles, for instance, 'wrastles' all over the face very quickly.

*=Zwail=. To shake about: to swing the arms.--S.W. (Deverill, &c.)


We have thought it advisable to supplement the brief examples of folk-talk which will be found in the body of this work by a few somewhat longer specimens, which may be taken as accurately representing the speech current at the present time among the villages in North Wilts. Mr. Slow has kindly added a similar specimen for South Wilts. The extracts from Akerman exemplify the North Wilts speech of some fifty or sixty years ago.



(From Wiltshire Tales, pp. 165-179.)

[North Wilts.]


There be two zarts o' piple in this here world ov ourn: they as works ael day lang and ael the year round, and they as dwon't work at ael. The difference is jist a graat a-year, and they as dwon't work at ael gets the graat--that's zartin!


It's oondervul to me how thengs do move about whenever a body's got a drap o' zummut in's yead. Last harrest, a'ter zupper, at th' house yander, I walked whoam by myzelf, and zeed the moon and the zeven stars dancin' away like vengeance. Then they girt elmen trees in the close was a dancin' away like Bill Iles and his mates at a morris. 'My zarvice to 'e,' zays I; 'I haups you won't tread on my twoes;' zo I went drough a sheard in th' hedge, instead o' goin' drough th' geat. Well, when I got whoam, I managed to vind the kay-hole o' th' doower--but 'twas a lang time afore I could get un to bide still enough,--and got up stayers. Massy upon us! the leetle table (I zeed un very plain by the light o' th' moon) was runnin' round th' room like mad, and there was th' two owld chayers runnin' a'ter he, and by and by, round comes the bed a'ter they two. 'Ha! ha!' zays I, 'that's very vine; but how be I to lay down while you cuts zich capers?' Well, the bed comed round dree times, and the vowerth time I drowd myzelf flump atop ov un; but in th' marnin' I vound myzelf laying on the vloor, wi' ael me duds on! I never could make out this.


I've allus bin as vlush o' money as a twoad is o' veathers; but, if ever I gets rich, I'll put it ael in Ziszeter bank, and not do as owld Smith, the miller, did, comin' whoam vrom market one nite. Martal avraid o' thieves a was, zo a puts his pound-bills and ael th' money a'd a got about un, in a hole in the wall, and the next marnin' a' couldn't remember whereabouts 'twas, and had to pull purty nigh a mile o' wall down before a' could vind it. Stoopid owld wosbird!


Owld Jan Wilkins used to zay he allus cut's stakes when a went a hedgin', too lang; bekaze a' cou'd easily cut 'em sharter if a wanted, but a' cou'dn't make um langer if 'em was cut too shart. Zo zays I; zo I allus axes vor more than I wants. Iv I gets that, well and good; but if I axes vor little, and gets less, it's martal akkerd to ax a zecond time, d'ye kneow!


Maester Tharne used to zay as how more vlies was cot wi' zugar or honey than wi' vinegar, and that even a body's enemies med be gammoned wi' vine words. Jim Pinniger zeemed to thenk zo too, when a run agin the jackass one dark night. Jem tuk th' beawst vor th' devil, and cot un by th' ear. 'Zaat's yer harn, zur' (Soft's your horn, sir), zays Jem.


Old Iles was drunk vor dree days together last Lammas, and a laid down by the doower, and wanted zomebody to hauld un. When they axed if a'd ha' a leetle drap mwore, a'd zeng out, 'Noa, noa, I won't ha' a drap.'--'Do'e,' zaid they,--'do'e ha' a drap mwore.'--'Noa, I won't, not a drap,' a grunted. At last another tried un, and then th' owld bwoy cried out, 'Noa, I can't get a drap mwore down m';--drow't auver m'veace!'


Measter Goddin used to zay as how childern costed a sight o' money to breng um up, but 'twas all very well whilst um was leetle, and zucked th' mother, but when um begun to zuck the vather, 'twas nation akkerd.


Measter Cuss, and his zun Etherd, went to Lonnun a leetle time zence; and when um got to their journey's ind, Measter Cuss missed a girt passel a carr'd wi' un to th' cwoach. 'Lor', vather!' zays Etherd, 'I zeed un drap out at 'Vize!' (Devizes.)


When I was a young man I had a dog, a precious 'cute un a was too! A'd catch a hare like a grayhound. I've cot a scare o' rabbuts wi' him in one night. By and by zomebody zays to the kippur, thuck William's got a dog as plays th' devil wi' ael th' game. Zo th' kippur comes up to m' one day, and zays, zays he, 'Maester Little, thuck dog o' yourn's a bad un; a gwos huntin', I'm towld.' 'Lar bless'e!' zays I, 'a wou'dn't harm a mouse, that a wou'dn't.'--'Dwon't b'lieve it!' zays he. 'Come along wi' I by thuck copse yonder.'--Zo as us walked alang, up jumps a hare and away a scampers. 'Hollo! hollo!' zays I to the dog, but a slunk behind m' directly wi's tail between's legs. 'Ha!' zays th' kippur, 'I b'lieves 'e now, Little. Them as zays your dog hunts be liars, that's zartin. I'll be cussed if I dwon't thenk a's vrightened o' th' game, that I do!' and zo a walked away, and wished m' good marnin'.--'Zo, ho!' thought I; 'you be 'nation 'cute, you be, Maester Kippur. If instead o' "hollo!" I'd a cried "coom hedder!" a'd a run a'ter thuck hare like mad!'

[Note.--The point of this story is that the poacher's dog had been trained to understand the usual orders in exactly the opposite sense, as the Devonshire smugglers' horses were in old days. Thus, the more a smuggler called on his horse to stop, when he was challenged by an Excise officer, the faster it would gallop off, the owner all the while apparently endeavouring to check it but really urging it on. See Mrs. Bray's Description of Devon.]


'How far d'e cal't to Zirencester, my friend?' zays a Cockney genelman one day to owld Pople, as a wor breakin' stwones on th' road. 'Dwont kneow zich a please,' zays he, scrattin's yead, 'never yeard on't avore!'--'What!' zays the genelman, 'never heard o' Zirencester?'--'Noa,' zays he, 'I aint.'--'Why, it's the next town.' 'Haw! haw!' zays Pople; 'you means Ziszeter; why didn't'e zay so? it's about vower mile off.'--He was a rum owld customer, thuck owld Pople. One day zomebody axed un how var't was to Ziszeter. 'Ho! dree miles this weather.' (It was nation dirty and slippy.) 'Why so?' zaid the man to'n; 'Ho, it's about two miles in vine weather; but when it's hocksey, like this, we allows a mile vor zlippin' back!'


[1] William Little was a shepherd in North Wilts, and was an old man when Akerman was a boy.



A Harnet zet in a hollow tree,-- A proper spiteful twoad was he,-- And a merrily zung while a did zet His stinge as zharp as a baganet, 'Oh, who's zo bowld and vierce as I?-- I vears not bee, nor wapse, nor vly!' Chorus--Oh, who's zo bowld, etc.

A Bittle up thuck tree did clim', And scarnvully did luk at him. Zays he, 'Zur Harnet, who giv' thee A right to zet in thuck there tree? Although you zengs so nation vine, I tell'e it's a house o' mine.' Chorus--Although you zengs, etc.

The Harnet's conscience velt a twinge, But growin' bould wi' his long stinge, Zays he, 'Possession's the best law, Zo here th' shasn't put a claw. Be off, and leave the tree to me: The Mixen's good enough vor thee!' Chorus--Be off, and leave, etc.

Just then a Yuccle passin' by Was axed by them their cause to try. 'Ha! ha! it's very plain,' zays he, 'They'll make a vamous nunch for me!' His bill was zharp, his stomack lear, Zo up a snapped the caddlin pair. Chorus--His bill was zharp, etc.


All you as be to law inclined, This leetle story bear in mind; For if to law you ever gwo, You'll vind they'll allus zarve'e zo; You'll meet the vate o' these 'ere two: They'll take your cwoat and carcass too! Chorus--You'll meet the vate, etc.

From Wiltshire Tales, pp. 96-97.

[A phonetic version of this song, representing the Chippenham dialect, will be found at pp. 28, 29 of Ellis's English Dialects--their Sounds and Homes, where it is pointed out that stinge (with g soft) appears to have been invented by Akerman for the sake of the rhyme here.]


'Now, do'e plaze to walk in a bit, zur, and rest'e, and dwont'e mind my measter up agin th' chimley carner. Poor zowl an hin, he've a bin despert ill ever zence t'other night, when a wur tuk ter'ble bad wi' th' rheumatiz in's legs and stummick. He've a bin and tuk dree bottles o' doctor's stuff; but I'll be whipped if a do simbly a bit th' better var't. Lawk, zur, but I be main scrow to be ael in zich a caddle, ael alang o' they childern. They've a bin a leasin, and when um coomed whoame, they ael tuk and drowed the carn ael among th' vire stuff, and zo here we be, ael in a muggle like. And you be lookin' middlinish, zur, and ael as if'e was shrammed. I'll take and bleow up th' vire a mossel; but what be them bellises at? here they be slat a-two! and here's my yeppurn they've a'bin and scarched, and I've a-got narra 'nother 'gin Zunday besepts thisum!'--Wiltshire Tales, pp. 137-8.


[North Wilts: Clyffe Pypard.]

'Lawk aw! if 'tean't Thomas! and how be you? I han't seen 'ee fur a lenth o' time.--An' they tells I as you've a got a new missis agean! That's the vowerth, yun it?'

'Ees, I 'spose te-uz. Thur, didden sim right 'snaw wi'out a 'ooman down thur, 'tes sich a girt gabborn place thuck wold house. Do zim zart o' unkid to bide thur by yerself. 'Tes so lonesome, perticler night-times. Thur yun't narra naighber aniest 'ee, an' if a body wur ill ur anythin' o' that, 'tud be just about a job 'snaw.'

'An' do the new missis shoot 'ee main well?'

'Aw thur, I ban't got nothen to zaay agen th' 'ooman. Th' 'ooman's wull enough as fur as I knaaws on. Her's a decent staid body 'snaw. 'Tean't likely as I wur a gwain to hae no hans wi' none o' they giglettin' wenchen--they got so many 'oonderments to 'em when they be so young.'

'An' 'cordin' as I da hire tell on't her've a got a bit o' money saved, haven' her?'

'O' course her got summat 'snaw, but Lor' bless 'ee! tean't nothen near as much as vawk says for.'

'Wull, 'tean't no odds to I, but they was a zaayin' up at public as aal your wives had zummut when they come to you; an' they did zaay as you must ha' made a main good thing out on't wi' one an' tother on em!'

'What good is it to hearken to they? I tell 'ee what 'tes--What wi' bringin' on 'em in an' carr'n on 'em out, 'tean't but vurry leetle profit to't!'

E. H. G.


[North Wilts: Devizes.]

Counsel. What do you know about this case?

Witness. What do 'ee zaay? I be zo hard o' hirin', I caan't hire nothen, wi'out I comes handier to 'ee.

Counsel. What did you see the prisoner do?

Witness. Aw! I tell'd 'ee avore as I zeed it aal. I wurden no furder awaay vrom un then I be vrom thuck owld gent thur [the Judge]. Bill Stevens he come out an' a zaays, zaays he, 'I'll breäk thee mazzard vor the'!' an' a offer'd to hit un wi' a graft as he wur a carr'n. An' Jim he up wi' he's showl an' hut un auver th' yead wi't. An' if he hadden a hut he, he'd a hut he, an' if he'd a hut he as he hut he, he'd a killed he, 'sted o' he killin' he! That's aal as I knaws on't!


[North Wilts: Hilmarton.]

Etherd he bin sart o' rough fur this long time, wuver he never bin not to say well since he wur bad wi' the influenzy las' year. A ketched a cowld the day as thuck rain wur. A wur up at hill wi' the ship out in the bleat, an' a cudden get into the succour nowur, and vor aal as he wur droo wet he wur foc'd to bide in't aal day. An' when a cum whoam at night a says to I, 'Mary,' a says, 'I feels ter'ble middlin'. I got a mind to ha' a bit o' zupper an gwo to bed.' Wull, I got un out the berd an' cheese out o' the panterny, but do you thenk as he cud yeat or a mossel on't? not if anybody had a gied he the wurld, a cudden't, a said. An' a simmed zart o' shrammed wi' the cowld, an' a did kip on a coughin a'ter he got into bed, and simmin to I a never stopped till the clock hut dree, and then that rampin pain cum on at such a rate in hes zide, as he didden knaw wur to get to, nur what to do. An' that follered on aal day, and I cudden get un to take next akin to nothin', and allus a wantin summut to drenk. That wur aal he's cry. Thur I made shower as he'd a died avore the doctor come. Bill he went in to fetch un, but a never come till Vriday aaternoon, and a said as he'd a got the pewresy and he'd send un along a bottle o' medecine, but Etherd he wudden take it 'snaw, fur a said twern't nuthen in this wurl' but a drop o' water wi' some peppermint in't or summat o' that. An' Sally Moore her come in wi' some hoss-fat as come out o' thuck owld hoss o' Mas' John's as vull in the pit, an' her 'suaded I to rub some o' that into un, an' that sim to do he more good bless 'ee thun aal the doctor's medecine. Wuver the doctor he come agean isterday marnin', and a axed un how a wur. An' a spawk up bless 'ee and telled un straight as twern't nor a mozzel o' good fur he to zend no more o' thuck stuff as he zent avore, fur a zaid as twern't wuth a louse's liver! The doctor he didden like ut vurry well, but a telled I as he'd channge it, an' zo a did. A let the bwoy ride back along wi' un, an' a brought back this yer bottle wi' summat wrote on't. But thur I bean't no scholard, and the bwoy he cudden rade it, but a zaid as the doctor tell'd he as a wurden to take but one spoonvull on't once in vower hours. Zo I gied un a dawse, but he 'suaded I to gie un two spoonvulls, and I'll warn as a hadden a took ut vive minutes avore twer aal awver'n--back, bully, an' zides! Now that's what I caals zome o' the right zart that, and I got faith as that'll do he good!


My veyther now, he never 'oudden yeat none o' this here Hostilian meät nor nuthen o' that. I axed un one day why a 'oudden, and a zes, 'Do meak I shrill, the vurry sight on't do--they tells I as't do come vrom wur the War is, an' 'tes made o' souldiers a pretty deal on't. Wuver nobody shan't 'suade I to hae none on't.' And he 'oudden, bless 'ee! not if you was to gie un ever so!

Wull, my brother Jim, he kneowed this o' course, an' he do most in general ax veyther an' mother an' aal on us to come to zupper wi' he about Christmas time--he wur allus vurry good for anything o' that--an' laas' year aal on us had a zot down to zupper, an' ther wur a girt pie at Jim's end, an' Sarah her had a piece o' biled bif--ur wur 'twer mutton I caan't rightly mind--wuver dwon't meak no odds as I kneows on which twer--an' Jim he zes to veyther, 'Veyther, which be a gwain to hae, some o' this here pie ur some o' thick biled bif as Sally got down tother end?' An' veyther zes, 'What's the pie made on then?' An' Jim he zes, ''Tes mutton, yunnit, Sally?' 'Aw,' zes veyther, 'I wur allus ter'ble vond o' mutton pie, an' our Mary her never 'oon't gie I none on't at whoam.'

Zo veyther he had a plate vull on't, an' a begun a gettin' this yer pie into un at a terrible rate, an' when a done, Jim zes, 'What be gwain at now, veyther? Wull 'ee channge yer mind an' hae some o' tother?' 'No,' zes veyther, 'I'll hae some more o' thuck pie. I caals it oncommon good. I dwont knaw when I've a teasted anythen as I likes better'n thuck pie.' An' a did jist about enjoy hesself, bless 'ee, awver's zupper.

An' when a done, Jim zes, 'Veyther,' a zes, 'Do 'ee kneow what thuck pie wur made on?' 'Noa,' zes veyther, 'I dwont, any more'n you zed as 'twer meäd o' mutton, didden 'ee? Let it be whatever 'twill, 'twer uncommon good.'

An' Jim he looks at un zart o' comical, an' a zes, 'Veyther, 'twer meäd o' some o' thuck Hostilian meat as you zed as nobody shudden 'suade 'ee to yeat none on!'

An' zimmin to I veyther's feace turned zart o' aal colours, and a zes, 'Lawk a massey! dwon 'ee tell I that, ur I shall drow't aal up agean!' An' none on us dursen zaay no more to un, a look'd so guly, we was aveard as he 'ood.

But aater 'bout a haaf an hour Jim he zes, 'Veyther, an' how d'ee feel now?' An' veyther zes, 'Aw, 'tes better now,' but a zes, 'I thenk,' a zes, 'as this here is a gwoin' rayther too fur wi' a veyther!'


'Tes allus a caddlin' zart of a job takin' they fat beasties to Swinnun Market, but dall'd if ever I had such a doin' wi'em afore as 'twer isterday. 'Twer thuck thur white-veaced un as Measter bought off a ole Collins laas' yer as done it. I'd a nauticed as he wur a pankin' tur'ble as we was a gwain up the hill, an' as zoon as iver he got vorright the Red Lion he 'oudden go no furder,--an' thur a wur led down in the middle o' the strit. Thur yun't nothen as I likes wusser'n that, bless 'ee! Thur be such a sight o' 'oondermentin' chaps a gaapsin' about thur allus, a body caan't bide quiet nohow fur their maggots. And then if 'ee ses arra word to 'em they puts 'ee in the Noos, an' that's wussern' aal on't! Thuck girt gaapus Bill Wilkins come up, an' a begun a laafin' at I, an' a axed wur I'd a slep on the rwoad laas' night.--Dall'd if I hadden a mine to ha' gien he what-for thur-right, if't hadden a bin fur the narration as they'd a made on't. A wur allus a terrible voolhardy zart of a chap, an' I niver coudden away wi' a lot o' that 'oondermentin'. Simmin to I I'd zooner walk ten mile roun' than hae to stan up in 'Ootton strit like a vool wi' they chaps a terrifyin' on 'ee.


[South Wilts: Wilton.]

Wen Zal Slatter coorteed Jim Bleak he wur under carter, an' she wur maid a ael wuk up at Hill Varm. Zoo thay 'greed ta putt up tha banns unbeknown to their measter an' missus. Wen Varmer comed out a chirch thic Zundy a gooes straight inta kitchen wur Zal wur cookin' a girt laig a mutten var dinner, an a zaays, 'Zal,' a zaays, 'Wur that thee an' Jim I yeard caal'd whoam bit now?' 'I 'specs 'twur, measter,' zaays Zal. 'Why, wat in tha wordle diss thee want ta get married var? Hassen a got a good whoam, a good bade ta sleep on? an' a good laig a mutten ta zet down to wen bist 'ungry?' 'O eece, measter,' zaays Zal, 'I knaas ael that, bit did 'ee ever know a wench as hooden gie up a laig o' mutten var a whole man?'



I niver wur at Cannin's but once as I knaws on, an' that wur when Mr. Jones wur alive. I went awver wi' he to Cannin's Veast. I mind thur wur a lot on 'em thur from Ca'an [Calne] as wur a tellin' up zuch tales as was never about the Cannin's vawk. The' tell'd I as zome on 'em got up the Church tower, and dunged that thur--what is it?--a-top o' the tower, to make un grow as big as the spire. I never he-ard tell o' zuch a thing! Should 'ee iver thenk as 'twer true? An' the' tell'd I as 'twern't but a vurry veow years ago as zome on 'em hired as ther wur a comut ur what 'ee caals ut, to be zeed in 'Vize market-place, an' pretty nigh aal Cannin's went in thur to zee un, an' niver thought o' lookin' to zee wur they cudden zee un at whoam. What some girt stups they must a bin! An' thur wur a cooper ur zummat o' that, as cudden putt th' yead into a barr'l; an' a tell'd he's bwoy to get inside and howld un up till he'd a vastened un. An' when a done the bwoy hollered out droo the bung hawl, 'How be I to get out, veyther?'--That bit tickled I, bless 'ee! moor'n aal on't! Arterwards one on 'em axed I if thur wurden a Cannin's girl in sarvice at our place; an' I zes 'I b'lieve as 'tes.' An' a zes, 'Do 'ee iver zaa Baa! to she?' An' I zes 'Noa, vur why should I zaay Baa! to she?' An' a zes 'You should allus zaay Baa! to a body as comes vrom Cannin's.' 'Wull,' I zes, 'I shudden like to zaay Baa! to any body wi'out I know'd the rason on't.' An' then a tell'd I as the' had a tiddlin' lamb as wur ter'ble dickey, an' the' putt un into th' o-ven, to kip un warm' an' shut un in an' forgot aal about un, an lef' un in thur. An' when the' awpened the o-ven agean a wur rawsted droo!--Wull, I come whoam, an' niver thought nothen more on't fur a lenth o' time, till one daay as I wur a workin' in the garden, measter an' missus wur out, an' the girls come out an' begun a 'oondermentin' an' terrifyin' I. An' aal at once this yer shot into my mind, an' I looks up at the cook an' I zes, 'Baa!' But her didden take no nautice, an' a went on chatterin'. An' I zes 'Baa!' agean. An' that put her pot on, bless 'ee! at a terrible rate, an' she zes to I, 'Who be you'--she zes,--'to zaay Baa! to I?' An' wi' that they boath on 'em went auf in-a-doors, an' they niver come a meddlin' wi' I agean fur a long whiles.


Thur's our Bill, 'snaw--I had a main job to get he to gwoa. He bin a walkin' wi' thuck ginger-headed wench o' Smith's--a wur terrible took up wi' she a bit back, an' her bin a 'suading he to putt up the banns. A never zed nothen to I about ut, nit I never zed nothen to he not afore laas' Vriday wick, an' then there wur a word or two, and I zes to un, 'What's thee want wi' a wife? Thee's got no more 'casion wi' a wife than a twoad has wi' a zide-pawket'--I zes--'an' ef thee'se be a-gwain to hae she thee can plase theeself, but thee shasn't never hannel narra penny piece o' mine ef thee does! An' ther's Shusan's brother-law up a Lunnon, as hev a axed the' times to gwo up, an' he'd vine the' a pleace wur the' meds't do well.--Why dwon't 'ee teak an' gwo, 'stid o' loppettin' about at whoam wi' a wench as yun't narra mossel o' good fur cheese-makin' nur nothen else 'cept 'tes to look vine in thuck new hat o' shis'n?'--Them was my words to un, an' he wur zart o' dubous wur a'd gwo ur wur a 'oodden: but I sticks it into un as Lunnon wer far afore any wife, let ut be who 'twill. An' zo a zed a 'oodden bide yer no longer, fur ef a did her'd never let un gwo. An' a started awf thur-right, an' I han't a hired from un wur a likes it or wur a dwon't.


Our Jess wur cwoortin' Polly: Her gwoed an' kitched th' plague. 'Zo cwoortin's wusser'n volly,' Zes Jess, 'an' I'll renage!'

Zes Polly, 'Dang thee buttons! Thee gwo an' blaw thee's nause! Zo zhure as zhip be muttons, Th' dain be in thee's claus!'

Martal aveard wur Jesse, An' tuk an' hiked it whoam. 'Bin in my claus 'tes,' zes 'e, 'I'll make a bonvire aw'm!'

Zo off a zoon tuk aal claus, Vrom sankers up ta zmock, Vur weskit, cwoat an' smaal-claus, An' putt 'em in a cock.

Jess wur a vool, but Lawksies! Thur's zights aw'm wusser'n he! It minds I o' Guy Vawks's, Thuck vire o' he's to zee!

'Twur down in veyther's archet, A gashly smother 'twur, Vor when you comes to scarch it, Thur be a zim to vur!

But 'twern't no zart o' use on't, A zoon beginned to sneeze-- An' when I hires moor news on't, I'll tell 'ee how a be's!

G. E. D.


A Bibliography of Works relating to Wilts or illustrating its Dialect.

Most of the works comprised in the following list have lately been read through, and compared with our own Glossary, and references to many of them will be found in the foregoing pages. Some may contain a more or less comprehensive Wiltshire Glossary; others only a few words. Some belong absolutely to our own county; others merely to the same group of dialects. But all are of value as bearing on the subject. The Berks, Dorset, Gloucester, Hants, and Somerset Glossaries of course contain a large proportion of words and uses that are either absolutely identical with ours, or vary but slightly therefrom, while such works as Amaryllis, Dark, Lettice Lisle, and Jonathan Merle on the one side, and Old Country Words and English Plant-names on the other, are full of examples and illustrations of the South-Western Folk-speech. Even where their scene is laid somewhat outside the borders of Wilts itself, the dialect, with but trifling alterations, would pass as ours.

S. Editha, sive Chronicon Vilodunense, im Wiltshire Dialekt, aus MS. Cotton. Faustina B III. Herausgegeben von C. HORSTMANN. Heilbronn: Gebr. Henninger, 1883. A handy reprint of this fifteenth century Chronicle.

Parochial Antiquities attempted in the History of Ambroseden, Burcester, and adjacent parts in Oxford and Bucks. By Bishop KENNETT, 1695. Reprinted 1816 and 1818. Contains a few Wilts words. See Five Reprinted Glossaries.

Lansdowne MSS., 935-1042, British Museum. By Bishop KENNETT. Also contain some Wilts words.

The Natural History of Wiltshire. By JOHN AUBREY. (1656-91). Edited by JOHN BRITTON. London, 1847.

Wiltshire: the Topographical Collections of John Aubrey. (1659-70). Edited by Rev. JOHN EDWARD JACKSON. London and Devizes, 1862.

Other works and MSS. by John Aubrey.

Collection of a few Provincial Terms used in North Wilts. An eighteenth century MS. Vocabulary, fully dealt with in Appendix II as Cunnington MS.

A Provincial Glossary. By FRANCIS GROSE. Second edition, 1790. Out of the twenty-eight words which Britton marks as given in Grose, only the following are credited to Wilts in this edition:--Allemang, Carriage, Contankerous, Dewsiers, Drowning-bridge, Dudge, Grom or Groom, Huff, Leer, Lowle-eared, Quirking, Rudderish, and Wasset-man. The remainder (Aneust, Axen, Beet, Bochant, Daddock, More, Quamp, Quarr, Quilt, Quop, Skiel, Sleepy, Tail-ends, Tallet, and Tid) are not there assigned to Wilts; but as Britton may very possibly have found them so localized in the revised 1811 edition, which we have not had an opportunity of consulting, we add (G.) to the whole of them, on his authority.

General View of the Agriculture of the County of Wilts, with observations on the means of its improvement. By THOMAS DAVIS of Longleat, Steward to the Marquess of Bath. London, 1794. An Agricultural Report or Survey, afterwards much enlarged. The author died in 1807.

General View of the Agriculture of Wiltshire. Drawn up for the consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement. By THOMAS DAVIS. London, 1809. New editions, 1811 and 1813. An enlarged and revised reprint of the Agricultural Report, edited by the Author's son. Contains an interesting Glossary of Agricultural Terms, arranged under subjects, as Soils, Barn Process, Implements, &c., at pp. 258-268; also a few additional words in the body of the work.

Archæological Review, March, 1888, vol. i, No. 1, pp. 33-39. Contains a reprint of Davis's Glossary, with notes by Professor Skeat, rearranged alphabetically, a few words and phrases being omitted as general or legal.

Some Specimens of the Provincial Dialect of South Wiltshire. By 'MARK.' Monthly Magazine, Sept. 1814, vol. xxxviii, p. 114. Noted in the Preface to Five Reprinted Glossaries. See Appendix III.

A Topographical and Historical Description of the County of Wilts. By JOHN BRITTON. London, N.D. [1814?]. Vol. xv of 'The Beauties of England.'

The Beauties of Wiltshire, displayed in Statistical, Historical, and Descriptive Sketches, &c. By JOHN BRITTON. 3 vols. London, 1801-1825. Vol. iii contains a list of Provincial Words of Wiltshire and the adjacent Counties, pp. 369-380. See Appendix II.

Five Reprinted Glossaries. Edited by Professor SKEAT. Eng. Dialect Socy., 1879. Contains (a) Wiltshire Words, from 'Britton's Beauties of Wiltshire,' 1825; compared with 'Akerman's Glossary,' 1842, a few words being added from the Monthly Magazine, &c. (b) Dialectal Words, from 'Kennett's Parochial Antiquities, 1695.'

A Glossary of Provincial Words and Phrases in use in Wiltshire. By JOHN YONGE AKERMAN. London, 1842. An unacknowledged enlargement of Britton's Word-list. See Five Reprinted Glossaries.

Wiltshire Tales. By J. Y. AKERMAN. London, 1853.

Spring-tide: or the Angler and his Friends. BY J. Y. AKERMAN. London, 1850. Contains many Wiltshire and West of England words.

A Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words. By J. O. HALLIWELL. London, 1846, &c.

Dictionary of Obsolete and Provincial English. By THOMAS WRIGHT. London, 1857, &c.

The Song of Solomon in the Wiltshire Dialect, as it is spoken in the Northern Division. By EDWARD KITE. Circa 1860. Privately printed for Prince L. Lucien Bonaparte.

Content: or the Day Labourer's Tale of his Life. By Mrs. PENRUDDOCKE, Fyfield Manor House, Wilts. Salisbury, 1860.

Peasant Life in the West of England. By F. G. HEATH. 1872-80.

Fabellae Mostellariae: or Devonshire and Wiltshire Stories in Verse. London and Exeter, 1878.

Rhymes of the Wiltshire Peasantry, and other Trifles. By EDWARD SLOW. Salisbury, 1874.

Wiltshire Rhymes: a Series of Poems in the Wiltshire Dialect. By EDWARD SLOW. London and Salisbury, 1881. Also Third edition, 1885.

Wiltshire Rhymes. Fourth Series. By EDWARD SLOW. Salisbury and Wilton, 1889. Contains a Glossary of about 200 words, pp. 9-14.

Glossary of Wiltshire Words. Compiled by EDWARD SLOW. Wilton, 1892. Contains about 900 words, of which a few are of special interest.

Works of Richard Jefferies:--

A Memoir of the Goddards of North Wilts, 1873. The Gamekeeper at Home, 1878. Wild Life in a Southern County. 1879. The Amateur Poacher, 1879. Greene Ferne Farm, 1880. Hodge and his Masters, 1880. Round about a Great Estate, 1880. Wood Magic, 1881. Bevis, 1882. The Life of the Fields, 1884. The Dewy Morn, 1884. The Open Air, 1885. Amaryllis at the Fair, 1887. Field and Hedgerow, 1889. The Toilers of the Field, 1892, &c., &c.

The Eulogy of Richard Jefferies. By WALTER BESANT. 1888.

Some un-noted Wiltshire Phrases. By Rev. W. C. PLENDERLEATH. Wilts Archæological Magazine, vol. xxii. p. 107.

Wiltshire Archæological and Natural History Magazine. All vols.

History of the Manor and Ancient Barony of Castle Combe in the county of Wilts, &c., &c. By G. POULETT SCROPE. Privately printed, 1852.

Records of Chippenham, relating to the Borough from its Incorporation by Queen Mary to its Reconstruction by Act of Parliament, 1889, &c., &c. By FREDERICK H. GOLDNEY. 1889.

Sarum Diocesan Gazette, Annual Reports of Flower-classes, by Mr. HUSSEY and Mr. TATUM.

The Flowering Plants of Wilts. By Rev. T. A. PRESTON. Published by Wilts Arch. Society, 1888.

The Birds of Wiltshire. By Rev. ALFRED C. SMITH. London and Devizes, 1887. Reprinted from Wilts Arch. Mag.

Glory: a Wiltshire Story. By Mrs. G. LINNÆUS BANKS. London, 1876(?). New edition, 1892. Scene partly laid in and round Marlborough.

On the Upper Thames. By Miss E. BOYER-BROWN. Leisure Hour, August, 1893. Contains many words belonging to the Castle Eaton and Marston Maizey district.

A Dictionary of English Plant-names. By JAMES BRITTEN and ROBERT HOLLAND. E. D. S. 1878-86. A very valuable work, containing a small number of Wilts names, mostly from sources already referred to. The whole of the Plant-names in our Glossary have been sent to Mr. Britten from time to time, for use in the Supplement which he is now preparing.

English Dialects--their Sounds and Homes. By A. J. ELLIS. E. D. S. 1890. Contains some remarks at pp. 24-29 on Wilts, with specimens of dialect from Christian Malford and Chippenham, accompanied by a rendering into Glossic.

A Glossary of Berkshire Words and Phrases. By Major B. LOWSLEY. E. D. S. 1888.

Upton-on-Severn Words and Phrases. By Rev. ROBERT LAWSON. E. D. S. 1884. A reprint of his smaller Glossary, which originally appeared in The Nation in the Parish, by Mrs. LAWSON.

The Dialect of the West of England, particularly Somersetshire. By JAMES JENNINGS. 1825. Second edition, revised and edited by Rev. JAMES K. JENNINGS. London, 1869.

Poems of Rural Life in the Dorset Dialect. By Rev. WILLIAM BARNES. Glossary, pp. 459-467, edition 1888.

Glossary of the Dorset Dialect, 1863-86. By Rev. WILLIAM BARNES. Also the additional Word-lists published by him from time to time in the Dorset County Chronicle.

Natural History, Folk Speech, and Superstitions of Dorsetshire. By J. S. UDAL. A paper read before the Dorset Field Club at Dorchester, in February, 1889, containing a Glossary, which was given in full in the report in the local papers at the time.

A Glossary of Dialect & Archaic Words used in the County of Gloucester. By J. D. ROBERTSON. Edited by Lord MORETON. E. D. S. 1890.

A Glossary of Hampshire Words and Phrases. By the Rev. Sir WILLIAM H. COPE. E. D. S. 1883.

A Dictionary of the Sussex Dialect. By Rev. W. D. PARISH. Lewes. 1875.

On the Dialects of Eleven Southern and South-Western Counties, with a new Classification of the English Dialects. By Prince LOUIS LUCIEN BONAPARTE. E. D. S. 1877.

On the Survival of Early English Words in our present Dialects. By Rev. RICHARD MORRIS. E. D. S. 1876.

Old Country and Farming Words. By JAMES BRITTEN. E. D. S. 1880. Contains extracts from the following volumes, among which may be found a few additional Wilts words, as well as much information on our agricultural terms:--

ELLIS, WILLIAM. The Modern Husbandman. 1750. Reports of the Agricultural Survey, 1793-1813. LISLE, EDWARD. Observations in Husbandry. 1757. WORLIDGE, J. Dictionarium rusticum. 1681. Annals of Agriculture, &c. 1784-1815. MORTON, JOHN C. Cyclopædia of Agriculture, 1863.

Folk-Etymology, a Dictionary of Verbal Corruptions, &c. By Rev. A. SMYTHE PALMER. London, 1882.

Lettice Lisle. By Lady VERNEY. 1870. Contains much excellent Hants talk.

The New Forest: its History and its Scenery. By J. R. WISE. London, 1871. Glossary, pp. 279-288, also words in text.

Jonathan Merle: a West Country story of the times. By ELISABETH B. BAYLY. 1890. Affords many good illustrations of words used in Wilts, as the two following works also do.

Tess of the D'Urbervilles. By THOMAS HARDY. 1891.

The Story of Dick. By Major GAMBIER PARRY. 1892.

Dark: a Tale of the Down Country. By Mrs. STEPHEN BATSON. London, 1892. The scene is laid in Berks, just over the borders, but the dialect, which is excellently done, is to all intents and purposes that of North Wilts.

A History of Marlborough College during Fifty Years. By A. G. BRADLEY, A. C. CHAMPNEYS, and J. W. BAINES. London, 1893.

John Darke's Sojourn in the Cotteswolds and elsewhere. By S. S. BUCKMAN. 1890.

The Scouring of the White Horse. By THOMAS HUGHES. 1858.


Cunnington MS.

Among the various books and word-lists which we have consulted during the progress of this work, by no means the least interesting is the manuscript containing a Collection of a few Provincial Terms used in North Wilts, believed to have been compiled about the middle of last century, which was kindly lent us by its present owner, Mr. William Cunnington, and is here frequently referred to as Cunnington MS.

This valuable relic was at one time in the possession of Mr. J. Britton, as is proved by the notes in his early handwriting on the outer leaves, and was evidently the source to which he was indebted for some portions of his 1825 Glossary (in the Beauties of Wilts, vol. iii), the very peculiar wording and spelling of some of its paragraphs having been transferred direct to his pages. It must, however, have been in his hands at a much earlier date than 1825, as one or two of the notes appear to have been made at the time he was collecting materials for the 1814 volume on Wilts.

Not only has it afforded us several hitherto un-noted words, which Mr. Britton himself had passed over, possibly because even in his own time they were already grown obsolete, but it has also enabled us to clear up several doubtful points, and especially to show how, by a very simple misreading of the MS., from the easily identified sprawny (a variant of sprunny) was evolved that mysterious 'ghost-word' sprawing, which has ever since misled our glossary-makers, each one having seemingly taken it on the faith of his immediate predecessor.

The Vocabulary, which we here reproduce verbatim et literatim, consists of ten quarto pages, the first two of which are covered with notes in pencil and ink, in at least four different hands, partly archæological and topographical, and partly relating to dialect words in Wilts and elsewhere. It is written in an extremely legible old hand, with a few additions and interlineations in other hands, and contains about one hundred words and phrases, of which we owe just two-thirds to the original compiler, who is supposed to have been a North Wilts clergyman. If so, it is probable that his very characteristic handwriting could readily be identified by any one who was familiar with our last-century parish registers.

The interlineations have been made at different dates and in different hands, acrass, chit, clout, gallered, hire, hitch, muxen, shirk off, slink away, skillin, stowl, stole, thick and thuck, won't, with the numerals at the end, being in pencil, two or three of them having been inked over at some time or other; while arran, clavey, clap to, desperd, dowse, hit, nan, plye, rathe, sprawny, the definition of thick and thuck, tun, tag, twit, and vuddels, are in ink, and mostly in a much larger and somewhat peculiar hand. The pencilling is now almost entirely obliterated.

The MS. was given by Mr. Britton to Mr. Cunnington, with other books and papers, many years ago, and its existence appears to have been unknown until we called attention to it in the Wilts Archæological Magazine, vol. xxvi. p. 293.

Front page of Cover.

[Writing entirely in pencil, in Mr. Britton's hand, except the word Vocabulary.]

XXII. 107. Broad Hinton. Vic. Mr. Hume of Salisby late Vicar a manor well immense depth. abt 10 ms to draw Some of the Glanvilles buried here. Old monk [? tomb] of this family one of these Gs wrote on Witches--all chalk large crane wheel room for 3 men.


[Here two lines of writing, probably the name and address of the compiler, have been scratched completely out with a penknife.]

See Ascough's Index [Here another word now illegible.]

[Here a rough sketch, marked Spring, probably relating to the above well.]

Inside of Cover.

Main sprack--for lively--Wilts

Information in Bowels--

Obliterate Scoolmaster--


[These four lines are in a more recent hand, on a slip gummed in.]

Werrutting teazing

Thick for that

direction "You must go all a skew thick vield there & then all a thirt tother & then looky one way & pointy another wool ye now"


[These are in the same large, slightly feminine-looking hand as some of the interlineations in the word-list.]

Enked is avaricious, wretched, from whence we have perhaps a term in English of unked; disagreeable, melancholy, tiresome. In Oxfordshire every thing unpleasant is unked.

From the Persian.

Rudge a cup or patera found here Horsley p. 330.

[These are on a slip gummed in, in Mr. Britton's own hand.]

The Vocabulary itself.


Page 1.

=Arran= for either


'=All a hoh='--awry--not square, strait or even--

=Beet=--To beet--is to supply fire with fewel

=Brow=--the opposite of Tough--Substances that will easily break

=Burrow=--Shelter from Wind--generally applied to some Low Place in a field where some neighbouring hillock breaks the force of the gale

=Caddle= a term variously applied, but in all cases significant of Confusion or embarassmt To be in a Caddle--to be in disorder--to be embarrassd with business--Dont Caddle me--dont teaze me--don't confuse me--'a cadling fellow' a wrangler a shifting, & sometimes an unmeaning character

=Clavey=--Chimney Piece

=Cham=--to Chew--

=Clap to the Door=--shut the Door.

Page 2.

=Chism=--to germ--Seed is said to chism when it discovers the first appearance of germination

=Chit=--to spring--leaves are coming out.

=Cleet=--a Patch whereby an utensil is repaird--to cleet to mend by a patch put on, & sometimes to Strengtn by bracing etc

=Clum=--To Clum a thing--is to handle it Roughly boisterously or indecently

=Clyten= A term applied to express an unhealthy appearance, particularly in Children--a Clyten an unhealthy Child

=Clout= a blow

=Clytenish=. To look Clytenish to Look pale & sickly

=Dain=--disagreeable effluvia--generally applied to Those Scents which are Supposed to convey infections, i.e. "Dont go to near that man; he has lately had the Small Pox & the dain may be in his Cloths still"

=Desperd= very as desperd fine etc

Page 3

=Dummil=--Heavy, dull--a term variously applied--but in all cases signifies the reverse of sprightly or Brilliant

=Dowse=--a Blow

=Dunch=--The Common term for Deaf

=Dunch Dumplin=--a Dumplin made of flower and water only--boild hard & eaten hot with Butter--

=Dar=, 'to be struck in a Dar,' to be astonishd or Confounded

=Flick= or =flitch=--i.e. To be flitch with one,' is to be familiar or intimate

=Gallered= to be astonished, frightened, as he gallered me

=Gabborn=--a term always applied to Buildings to denote Largeness without Convenience & Comfort--a gabborn Room or house signifies a place Large cold and comfortless

=Glox= a term applied to denote the motion or Sound made by Liquids when movd about in a barrel or other vessel not full as

Page 4

for instance, "Fill the Barrel full John or else it will glox in Carriage"--

=Glutch=--To Glutch, to swallow--the act of Swallowing--i.e.--He glutchd hard that is he swallowed with difficulty

=Hit= to strike

=Hazon=--To Hazon a Person is to scold or menace him--

=Harl=--=a Harl=--Something entangled--His hair is all in a harl--i.e. knotted--uncombed ravle

=To harl=--to entangle

=Hire= for hear--Dont hire do not hear

=Hatch= a small door or gate--generally applied to the half doors frequent in Shops

=Heft=--weight--i e what heft is that Parcel i e what weight is it--(perhaps a contraction of heavy-weight)

=Hike= To hike off--to sneak away dishonorably

=Hitch=--monthly Agents

=Howe=--Pronounced Broad and Long Ho-ow or Hau-ow--To be in a hauow--to be anxious

=Howed for=--provided for--taken care of--a figurative expression undoubtedly derived from the term

Page 5

made use of by Shepherds in driving collecting & managing their flocks, i.e. Ho hó--ho-hó

=Hop a bouts= a term applied to small apple Dumplings made of one apple enclosd in a Paste of flour & boild

=Hudgy=--thick Clumsey

=Kitch=--to Kitch or Ketch--to congeal--oils animal fat &c. are said to catch or kitch when they grow cold enough to congeal

=Kerfs= Laminæ--Layers or cleavings of Earth Turf Hay &c.

=Lear=--empty--a Lear Stomach, a Stomach wanting food

=Lew=--To get in the Lew--is to get in a place Sheltered from the wind--(perhaps derivd from the Sea Phrase--Lee--)

=Lewth= warmth--"this Coat has no Lewth in it," i.e. it has no warmth

=Limp= a thing is said to be Limp when it has Lost its accustomed Stiffness

=Limber=--Slender--or Rather a thing Long & bending

Page 6

=Māndy= pronouncd Long--frolicksome--Impudent--Showy

=Miff=--offence--to take a miff--to be offended

=Mothery= or =Muthery= Beer, vinegar &c. are said to be mothery when white Particles of fust float in it--Perhaps a Corruption of muddy or muddery--

=Most-in-deal=--in general--mostly--(example) "where do you Live now?'--why at Devizes, most in deal, but sometimes at Warminster--"

=Muxen= Dung heap.

=Newst=--Newst or anewst Signifies nearly--what is it a Clock?--a newst One. which of the two is oldest?--They are newst of an age. which of those things are best? they are a newst alike--In the Latter example however the more usual reply would be "they are anewst of a newstness"

=Nitch=--a Burthen, as a Nitch of wood a nitch of Straw a Nitch of hay &c.--"He has got a nitch," i.e. he is Drunk, he has got as much Liquor as he can carry--

=Plye= to bend as the Poker is plied--

=Nan?=--What do you say

=Quilt= To Quilt a term used almost exclusive of any other to denote the act of Swallowing when performd

Page 7.

in the usual & natural way--the term Glutch being rather descriptive of a difficulty in doing it or the doing it with labour

=Rowney=--thin, uneven--generally applied to Cloth

=Rumple=--to Rumple is to press a thing, particularily

=Rathe=--early in the morning a garment, so as to make it appear promiscuously wrinkled--or tumbled

=Rubble=--universally us'd for Rubbish--

=Shewent= a Piece of Cloth is said to be--shewent--when it is evenly wove & not Rowey--it is also applied in other Cases but always to denote a thing Level & even--to Look Shewent, is to Look demure

=Shim= This word is rather of Glocestershire but it is nevertheless in use on the North Border of wilts, & is a Corruption or Contraction perhaps of Seeming--Ex. gra--He is a fine fellow Shim--or he is, Shim, a fine fellow means that the person spoken of is apparently a fine fellow

=Skillin=--a shed

=Shog=--Shog & jog--words nearly of the same import & Signify to move off degradedly--to slink or shirk away

=Shirk= off

=Sleazey=--thin--Slight--generally applied to Cloth Silks &c.

=Slink away=

=Slox= to waste a thing, or pilfer it--"Sloxd away" wasted or pilferd

Page 8.

=Stowl=--a root--great stowl

=Sprack=--Lively--bright quick a main sprack child

=Stole=--when trees, are buddg--trees

=Sultedge= a term applied to describe a Coarse apron much worn by the poor Women & which they always describe by the term a Sultedge apron


=Sprawny= a Sweetheart [Misread as Sprawing by Britton.]

=Tack= a shelf--put it on the tack--i e put it on the Shelf--How many tacks are there in the Pantry, i.e. how many Shelves

=Teft=--to teft a thing is to judge of its weight by taking it in the hand i e--what Heft do you think this Bundle is--I dont know Let's teft it--i.e. let me take it in my hand

=Thic= & =Thuck= this & that--as thic wâ this way

=Tine=--to kindle--to tine a fire is to Light a fire,--to tine a Candle--to Light a candle

=Tine= to fence to tine in a piece of waste ground is to enclose it with a fence of wood or quickset

=Tining= fences of Wood either Brushwood Pales or a Hedge

=Tun= Chimney

Page 9.

=Tag= to tease to torment

=Todge=--a thick Consistency--Thick as Todge gruels, Soups, etc, made unpleasantly thick

=Twit=--to upbraid

=Twire=--to Look at a thing wistfully or Critically 'How he twir'd at her--i e. how wistfully he Look at her'--Common Phrase

=Vuddels= a spoilt Child

=Vinny= mouldy--Vinney Cheese, is mouldy Cheese--properly it denotes anything tinted--not with a black or Rotten--but with a whitish or blue mould--very common Phrase

=Unkerd= or =Unkert=--Lonely or Solitary--an unkert house a Lone house--an unkert place a Solitary place--very Common phrase

=Weeth= tough Soft pliable--

=Yat= a gate--yat Post, a gate Post

=Wont= for Will not

=dree vour vive zix s=

N.B. In north wilts it may be remarkd that the formation of the Plural by affixing en to the Noun is almost universal as house housen Pease Peasen Wench wenchen--almost as universal too is the transformation of the

Page 10.

Substantive into an adjective by the same termination as a Silken gown a Clothen Coat a Leatheren Shoe an elmen Board &c. the pronoun Possessive too is formd in the same way as hisn hern Ourn theirn--the old terms also, thic & thoc almost Constantly exclude the expression This & That--There is also here a Peculiar mode of forming active verbs from Nouns, which are generally in use as apellations for professions--take an Example Well Mary, how do you get on in Life? what do you & your family do now to get a Living in these times--Wy zur we do aal vind zummut to do--Jan, ye know, he do Smithey (work as a smith) Jin the beggist wench do spinney the Little one do Lace makey--I do Chorey (go out as a Chore Woman) and the two Boys do Bird keepey--that is One works as a smith--one spins one makes Lace one goes out as a Chore woman & two are Birdkeepers which Latter term were more to the purpose if expressd Bird frightener or driver

Show to Ingram-Ellis


Monthly Magazine Word-list.

In the Monthly Magazine, Sept. 1814, vol. xxxviii. p. 114, a short and very badly arranged list of South Wilts Words and Phrases occurs. We have thought it best to reproduce it here, verbatim et literatim, from the Magazine itself, kindly lent us by Mr. Cunnington, as the account given of it in the Preface to Professor Skeat's reprint of Akerman is in some respects slightly inaccurate. Thus, he omits all mention of Hogo and some other words or phrases, while Tatees is misquoted as taters and Theseum as Thescum. The remarks made on the latter word will therefore require some modification.

Prefatory Note.

To the Editor of the Monthly Magazine. Sir, In conformity to your invitation, I send you some specimens of the provincial dialect of South Wiltshire.

MARK. July 23, 1813.

The Word-list.

Thic, this.

Thac, that.--"Thacs the way I do do."

Theseum, these.--"What are theseum here?"

Dooke, do you.--"Hold thy brother, dooke." Or, "dooke be quiet." [Brother is evidently a misprint for bother.]

Volk, folk.--"Vaut vine volks." What fine folks.

Wuld, world.--"The honestest volk in the wuld."

Heft, weight.--"What heft be 'um?"

Hiss, Yes.--"Hiss sure, mum." Yes sure, madam.

Housen, house.--"Yan housen." Yonder house.

A always pronounced R. [=broad]

"Send it once this morning, dooke." Send it this morning.

"I do know what they be." [=I don't know]

"Harnt thee got nareon." Have not you got one.

"Nice day izzent it?"--"Yes it is sure."

Thee and thou for you.

Crockerty, china.--"I've torn my crockerty."

Terrible, very.--"Lard! they be terrible dear."

Torn, broke.

Hogo, smell.

"What a book of clothes." What a large wash.

Barm, yeast.

Caddling, teazing, chattering.

"Mud the child up, dooke." Bring up the child by hand.

"Lard, the child's got the white mouth." The child's got the thrush.

Shrammed, perished.--"I was half shrammed on the downs[2]."

Tatees, potatoes. "I do want a gallon of tatees."

Figged Pudding, plum pudding.

Handy, near.--Handy ten o'clock.

Monthly Magazine, Sept. 1814.

[2] [Here a foot-note is given in the Magazine, but has been obliterated in the only copy to which we have access.]


Transcriber's Notes:

Obvious typographical errors were repaired.

P. xv: "D when preceded by a liquid"--original read "followed" in place of "preceded."

P. 30: p^d--original shows p with superscript d.

Appendix II: unusual spellings and capitalizations preserved as in original.

P. 228: "dain may be in his Cloths still"--"Cloths still" originally appeared below "Desperd" entry and "Page 3" heading.

End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of A Glossary of Words used in the County of Wiltshire, by George Edward Dartnell and Edward Hungerford Goddard


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