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Audiobook: Nature Books Popular and Scientific from The Franklin Bookshop, 1910: Catalogue 24, 1910-11 Season by Rhoads, Samuel N. (Samuel Nicholson)

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Audiobook: Nature Books Popular and Scientific from The Franklin Bookshop, 1910: Catalogue 24, 1910-11 Season by Rhoads, Samuel N. (Samuel Nicholson)

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Title: Nature Books Popular and Scientific from The Franklin Bookshop, 1910 Catalogue 24, 1910-11 Season

Author: Samuel N. Rhoads

Release Date: August 9, 2014 [EBook #46543]

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Catalogue No 24 Season 1910-11

NATURE BOOKS Popular and Scientific


Out of Print Works



SAMUEL N. RHOADS, Proprietor

N. B.—Don’t Overlook the Supplement, and Index at end.


1. Allen, Harrison. Monograph of the Bats of N. America. Original paper covers, uncut. Illustrated. Rare first edition. Wash., June, 1864. $1.75

2. Allen, H. Same. Second Ed. An entirely new work of 198 pp. and 38 plates. Bull. No. 43 of U. S. N. M. Orig. paper covers; uncut, fine copy. Out of print and in demand. Wash., 1893. $2.00

2A. Allen, J. A. The American Bisons, Living and Extinct. Being contained in Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Kentucky. Vol. 1. Other valuable papers by Shaler and Carr. 4to, half mor., many plates, fine copy of much value and rarity. Cambridge, 1876. $14.00

2B. Allen, J. A. American Bisons. Another copy, lacking Shaler’s Monographs. $12.00

3. Allen, J. A. History of N. American Pinnipeds, A Monograph of the Walruses, Sea-lions and Seals of N. America. Hayden Geol. Sur., 785 pp. Illustrated. Wash., 1880. $3.50

4. N. American Fauna. Paper covers, each with plates. No. 1, Pocket Mice, 40c; No. 2, Fourteen U. S. Mammals, 45c; No. 3, Biol. Sur. San Fran. Mountain Region, etc., 60c.; No. 4, Twenty-six U. S. Mam., 45c.; No. 5, Biol. South-Central Idaho, 35c.; No. 8, Pocket Gophers, $1.00; No. 11, Synopsis of the Weasels, 75c.; No. 12, Voles and Lemmings, 35c.; No. 10, Amer. Shrews, 80c.; No. 7, Death Val. Exped. Wash., 1889-1896. $2.75

5. Audubon, J. J., and Bachman, J. The Viviparous Quadrupeds of N. America. Illus. with 150 superb plates from drawings from nature, and colored by hand. 3 vols., text royal 8vo, 3 vols. plates, elephant folio (the original folio ed., published to accompany Audubon’s monumental work on the birds), in fine condition, except that the title-pages (only) of 2 of the plate vols. are creased. 6 vols., half morocco. New York, 1845-8. $225.00

6. Audubon and Bachman. Original Folio Plates of the Quadrupeds of N. America. Separate Folio plates, 22 × 28 inches. Colored, $1.75 to $2.50; Uncolored, $1.50.

7. Audubon and Bachman. Descriptions of New Species of Quadrupeds Inhabiting N. America. Read before Academy of Nat. Sciences, Oct. 5th, 1841. Author’s Ed. Valuable original description. Paper, 43 pp. $1.50

8. Baird, Allen, and Gill’s Monographs of Animals of N. America. 5 titles in 1 vol. I. Baird, Serpents, 1853. II. Allen, H., Bats, 1864. III. Gill, T., Arrangement Families of Mammals, Nov., 1872. IV. Gill, T., Arrang. Fam. Fishes, 1872. V. Gill, T., Arrang. Fam. Mollusks, 1871. Half roan, illus. Smiths. Inst., Wash., 1853-72. $2.50

9. Benard. Plates of Mammals (from Encyclo. Methodique). A 4to vol., half calf, containing 112 old copper-plates. Very full on Bats, Dogs and Monkeys. $2.00

10. Bible Quadrupeds. Natural History of Animals Mentioned in Scripture. Square 8vo, 276 pp., 16 wood engravings by Nev. Johnson. Phila., 1838. $1.25

11. Bigland, J. Natural History of Animals, Also a Natural History of Birds, Fishes, Reptiles and Insects. 2 vols. in 1; 2 titles, 12mo, one-quarter roan, full gilt, 24 col. plates. Phila., 1844. $2.75

12. Blyth, Edw. Catalogue of the Mammalia in the Museum Asiatic Society. Half cloth, 187 pp. Calcutta, 1863. $1.25

13. Boitard, M. Le Jardin des. Plantes Description et Moeurs des Mammiferes de la Menagerie et du Museum d’Historie Naturelle. Precede d’une introduction Historique (etc.). 4to, half calf, fully illus. Paris. $1.50

14. Champfleury. Cat Book. Illustrated. Les Chats, Edition de Luxe. Cinquieme Edition augementee de Planches en Coleur et D’Eaux-Fortes. J. Rothschild, Editeur. Extremely fine copy, full diamond red Russia, gilt, as new. Many clever figures in text with numerous plates, etchings, etc., by celebrated artists. Paris, 1870. $3.75

15. Chenu. Encyclopedie d’Histoire Naturelle. Carnassiers. Avec la Collaboration de M. E. Desmarest and Quadrumanes. 4to, very fully illus., half calf. 2 vols. Complete on these subjects. An entire vol. devoted to the Monkey Tribe. Paris, n. d. $2.25

16. Church, John. Cabinet of Quadrupeds. Folio, Full-page Engravings by Tookey, from drawings by Ibbetson. About 150 plates, not numbered, no pagination. 2 vols., half morocco, good copy. The synonymy and descriptions are quite full, after Pennant and Shaw. This compilation has no small place in the historic biography of the mammalia, though it makes no scientific pretensions. London, 1805. $4.00

17. Clark, Bracy. About 15 Pamphlets, Books, Etc., on the Horse. Illus. by plates, bound in 1 vol. 4to, half roan, 2 prospectuses laid in. Clark was an English Quaker Veterinarian of note. A valuable lot. London, 1824-40. $3.50

18. Dwight, Thomas. Description of the Balænoptera Musculus in the Possession of the Boston Soc. of Nat. Hist. 4to, printed paper covers, author’s autog. copy, illus. Boston, May, 1871. $1.50

19. Elliot, H. W. Report on the Conditions of the Fur-seal Fisheries of Alaska, together with all Maps and Illus. accompanying said Report. Document 175; 54th Congress. Pr. paper covers, many colored maps and plates, 240 pp. Wash., 1896. $2.50

20. Elliot, Daniel G. The Land and Sea Mammals of Middle America and the West Indies. Field Colum. Mus. Publ’s. 2 vols., 2 parts, 850 pp., printed covers, uncut, illus. Chicago, 1904. $3.00

20A. Flower and Lydekker. Introduction to the Study of Mammals, Living and Extinct. 763 pp., uncut and unopened copy of this standard and profusely illus. work, pub. at $6.00. As new. London, 1881. $5.50

21. Godman, J. D. American Natural History. The Rambles of a Naturalist, with Biographical Sketch of the Author. Finely engraved plates, 2 vols., full morocco and gilt; relates entirely to Mammalia. Philadelphia, 1836. $3.00

22. Gray, Dr. J. E. Catalogue of Monkeys, Lemurs and Fruit-eating Bats in the British Museum. 137 pp., illus. London, 1870. $1.50

22A. Harlan, Richard. Fauna Americana. A Description of the Mammiferous Animals Inhabiting N. America. Calf, 318 pp. Phila., 1825. $3.00

23. Hog-teaching. Requisites For, and Complete Method of Training a Trick Pig. 12mo, uncut, 11 pp., paper. Phila., circa. 1800. $1.50

24. Hornaday, W. T. Extermination of the American Bison. Rept. Nat. Mus., 1886-87. pp. 369-548. Pr. covers, uncut, as new, 22 plates. Out of print. Wash., 1889. $3.00

25. Illiger, Von. Uberblick Der Saugthiere Nach Ihrer Vertheilung uber die Welttheile. (Physicalische Klasse, 1804-11.) 4to, pp. 39-159. With tables, paper. “Vorgelesen den 28 Feb., 1811.” $2.00

26. Jackson, Sheldon. Ninth Annual Report on Introduction of Reindeer into Alaska, with Maps and Illus. 261 pp. Wash., 1900. $1.75

27. Jesse, E. Anecdotes of Dogs. Small 4to, half morocco, numerous fine steel plates, rare first ed. Each plate represents a type of the various species. London, 1846. $2.00

28. Krefft, Gerard. The Mammals of Australia. Illustrated by Miss Harriet Scott and Mrs. Helena Ford for the Council of Education, with Short Account of all the Species hitherto Described. Many full-page lithographs. Folio, rare. Sydney, 1871. $5.75

29. Manby, Geo. Wm. Journal of a Voyage to Greenland, in the Year 1821. With graphic illus., second ed. 225 pp., map, numerous lithog., including several of Whale Fishing, half calf. London, 1823. $2.00

30. Martin, W. C. Linnæus’ Natural History of Mammiferous Animals. With Particular View of Man and the Quadrumana. Very complete on Monkeys. 296 fine engravings on wood and 12 plates by the noted Wm. Harvey. Royal 8vo, uncut. London, 1841. $2.00

31. Ornithorhynchus, or Duck-bill. Descriptions of the Anatomy of the Ornithorhynchus Paradoxus. Also Description of the Anatomy of Ornithorhynchus hystrix. By Everard Home, Esq., F. R. S., as orig. publ’d in the Philosop. Trans. of the Royal Society of London for 1802, pp. 67 to 84 and 348 to 364, the first with 3, and the second with 4 engraved plates. Rare and of great interest, being the first scientific descriptions of these strange animals. 4to, paper. London, 1702. $5.00

32. Pallas, Petro Sim. Novae Species Quadrupedum E Glirium Ordine cum Illustrationibus Variis Complurium ex hoc Ordine Animalium. 4to, full calf, 27 copper plates (a small and very faint library stamp on each). A necessity in every working zool. library. Scarce. Erlangæ, 1778. $5.00

32A. Pallas, Dr. An Account of the Different Kinds of Sheep Found in the Russian Dominions and Among the Tartar Hordes of Asia. (With) Appendixes to illus. the Natural and Economical History of Sheep and other Domestic Animals, by J. Anderson. 6 plates, fine marble calf. Includes Musk Ox of Hudson Bay. Edinburgh, 1794. $3.50

33. Pennant’s History of Quadrupeds. 2 vols. in 1. First Edition, fine copy, thick 4to, old stamped calf, engraved title-pages, inside of covers marbled, 566 pp. Contains book-plate with Latin Motto “Ne timeas nisi Deum.” Fully illus. London, 1781. $5.00

34. Quadrupeds, The Book of. Outlines of Their Popular History. With particular notice of those mentioned in Scripture. 59 colored engravings on 20 plates, also woodcuts. London, n. d. $1.25

35. Rhoads, S. N. Mammals of Pennsylvania and New Jersey. A Biographic, Historic and Descriptive Account of the Furred Animals of Land and Sea, both Living and Extinct, known to have Existed in these States. Designed as both a Popular and Scientific presentation of a branch of Nature-study hitherto unduly neglected. Royal 8vo, uncut, 266 pages, 9 plates and a Faunal Map. Privately published, postpaid price reduced from $2.00. Phila., 1903. $1.25

Testimonials: “The student of mammals will find your book invaluable in connection with the region of which it treats. In fact, it is a perfect treasure-house of information on this region, and will doubtless remain a standard authority.”—Dr. C. Hart Merriam, Chief of Biological Survey, U. S. Dept. Agriculture.

“A work which should be not only in every Public Library in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, but in the library of every man resident in those States who is able to afford the luxury of a few books.”—George Bird Grinnell, in “Forest and Stream.”

36. Rhoads’ Reprint of Ord’s N. American Zoology, Being an Exact Reproduction of that part of the Second Amer. Edition of Guthrie’s Geography, publ’d in Phila. in 1815, of which only 3 copies are known. Based on Mr. Ord’s private annotated copy, with a copious Appendix and Index by Samuel N. Rhoads. 175 pp., portrait of Ord, privately published. Haddonfield, N. J., 1894. Postpaid, 75 cents

37. Rhoads. The Two Above Items. Nos. 35, 36. Postpaid, $1.75

38. Rhoads, S. N. Author’s Collection of About 50 Separata of Faunal and Systematic Papers on N. American Mammalia, describing over 30 new Species and Genera. Illus., unbound. $4.50

39. Sclater, W. L. & P. L. The Geography of Mammals. As New, Uncut, finely illus., colored maps. London, 1899. $2.50

40. Scoresby, Wm. Journal of a Voyage To the Northern Whale Fishery, including Researches and Discoveries on the Eastern Coast of West Greenland made in the summer of 1822, in the ship Boffin of Liverpool, Half calf, 472 pp., very fully illus., folded maps and plates. Appendix on Botany Zool. and Geol. Edinburgh, 1823. $4.50

41. Sterndale, Robert A. Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon, 540 pp., 170 illus. by the Author, T. W. Wood and Others. The best Manual on the subject. Calcutta, 1884. $3.00

42. Sumicrast, F. & Dr. Gilpin. Original Water-color Drawings of Mammals, three 4to size of Mexican Skunks, by Sumicrast; 2 octavo of Shrews, by Gilpin; also a pen and ink sketch of Shrew. A water-color drawing of jumping mouse, by Gilpin; octavo size, pencil drawing of skulls of Shrews. $3.00

43. Tennent, Sir J. E. Sketches of the Nat. History of Ceylon, Narratives and Anecdotes of Habits and Instincts of the Mammals, Birds, etc., also extensive Monograph on the Elephant. Orig. cloth, uncut, fully illus., 500 pp. London, 1861. $4.00

44. True, F.W. Contribution to N. History of the Cetaceans. Family Delphinidæ (or Dolphins, etc.). Bull. No. 36, U. S. N. M. 188 pp., 46 plates, paper covers, uncut. $1.50

45. Vogt, Carl, and Specht, Fred. The Natural History of Animals which Suckle their Young; in Word and Picture. Translated and Edited with Additions by G. G. Chisholm, F. R. G. S. 2 vols. in 1, folio, 254+240 pp., full buckram, printed on fine English paper, fine impressions of the splendid life drawings of the Artist Specht. New York, 1888. $4.50

46. White, Adam. A Popular History of Mammalia, with Account of their Classification and Habits. First ed., col. plates. Dedicated to J. E. Gray. 12mo. London, 1850. $1.25

47. Wolf and Elliot’s Wild Animals. The Life and Habits, Chiefly of the Mammalia. Illus. by designs by Jos. Wolf, engraved by the Whympers, and the letter-press by D. G. Elliot, F. Z. S., etc. Folio, gilt cloth. New York, 1874. $2.00

48. Woodward, J. J. Skeletons and Crania, Etc., in the Comparative Anatomy Exhibit U. S. Army Medical Museum. Phila. Centennial of 1876. 52 pp. Bound with Check List of Objects of Human Anatomy, same Exhib., by G. A. Otis. 135 pp. Also 8 other pamphlets by same Authors, anent the Centen. Interna. Med. Congress. Bound together in a half morocco volume. Wash., 1876. $2.75


49. Albin, Eleazar. A Natural History of English Song-birds, and such of the Foreign as are Esteemed for their Singing. (With) Figures of the Cock, Hen and Egg of each Species, etc. Third ed., 12mo, calf, 96 pp., copper plates, frontis. and several of the plates have been partly colored, a few pages gnawed. London, 1759. $1.50

49A. Adams, H. G. Humming Birds Described and Illustrated, With Introductory Sketch on their Structure, Habits, etc. 12mo, 70 pp., 8 colored plates, cuts. London, 1856. $1.50

49B. Adams, H. G. and H. B. The Smaller British Birds. Descriptions of their Nests, Eggs, Habits. Royal 8vo, full gilt, 252 pp., 32 colored plates, 16 of Birds, 16 of Eggs. London, 1874. $3.50

50. Aldrovandi, Ulyssis. Ornithologiæ Tomus Alter ad Illustrissimum Principen Alex. Perettum. Folio, old calf, broken, 862 pp., plus the collation of Aaaa to Hhhh, with the Colophon and Imprint of J. B. Bellagambam and the additional leaf of Privileges. Engr. title, engr. symbolic portrait of the Author and many curious and grotesque illus. and full-page woodcuts, with initial lettering. American Birds are recognizable. This was one of Linnæus’ source books of Nat. History. A faint library stamp on title. Bononiæ: Bellagambam, M. D. C. $12.00

51. Amer. Ornithol. Union Comm. on Protection of Birds. Stitched, Bull’s 1 and 2, rare, 2 pieces. No place. $1.00

52. A. O. U. The Code of Nomenclature and Check-list of N. American Birds Adopted by the Amer. Ornithol. Union. First ed., as new. New York, 1886. $1.50

52A. Andersson, Charles J. Notes on the Birds of Damara Land and Adjacent Countries of South-West Africa. Arranged and Edited by J. H. Gurney, with Sketch of the Author’s Life. 394 pp., uncut, illus. London, 1872. $3.50

53. Apgar, Prof. A. E. Original Manuscripts and Designs for His Birds of the U. S. East of the Rocky Mountains, also of his “Study of Birds in the Field.” Together with Annotated and corrected Page-Proof of the former Work, which was published by the American Book Co., in 1898. The Lot includes the Artist’s Original Sketches of pen and pencil Designs of nearly 400 Species of Birds. This work is notable as one of the earliest attempts to popularize Bird-Study, by sketchy Illus. and Popular Keys for out-door Identification, in a handy Pocket Manual. As a lot, $8.00

54. Audebert, J. B., Et Vieillot, L. P. Histoire Naturelle Et Generale Des Colibris, Oiseaux-Mouches, Jacamars et Promerops. Des Grimpereaux et des Oiseaux de Paradis. 2 vols. Large 4to, half calf, 183 fine, full-page copper plates, with the rare supplement to Colibris. In excellent condition. A Paris, 1802. $6.00

54A. Mouton-Fontinelle, J. P. Traite Elementaire D, Ornithologie, Contenant: Principles et Generalites, Analyse du Syst. de Linne, etc., etc.; suivi de L’Art D’Empailler les Oiseaux. 10 folding plates. 3 vols. Lyons, 1811. $5.00

54B. Mouton-Fontinelle. The Same. Vol. 3. L’art d’Empailler Les Oiseaux (or Bird Taxidermy). 10 plates, complete in itself, boards, uncut. Lyons, 1811. $3.00

55. Audubon’s Birds of America, From Drawings Made in the U. S. and their Territories. 500 tinted plates (only a few colored). 8 vols. Royal 8vo, new half mor., gilt tops, uncut. A few pages and plates somewhat soiled. A good substantial working set for the student, and the only uncut set we ever handled. New York: George R. Lockwood, n. d. (1871.) $200.00

56. Audubon. Other Editions. Sought for and Quoted, on Request.

56A. Audubon. Odd Plates, Plain and Colored. Octavo Size. Prices quoted on application.

57. Audubon. St. John, Mrs. Horace. Audubon the Naturalist in the New World. His Adventures and Discoveries. 12mo, first ed., 172 pp. London, 1856. $1.75

58. Audubon. Same. With Portrait. New York, 1856. $1.00

59. Audubon, J. J. A Long and Interesting Letter (marked Duplicate) to his Friend Edward Harris, of Moorestown, N. J. Dated London, 1837. Contains interesting references to Townsend who had just returned to Phila. from his Western Expedition, as also to Swainson and Bonaparte. Full of matters relating to birds and to his work. A final paragraph and the signature are in Audubon’s own hand. 3 pp., folio. $20.00

60. Audubon, J. J. A Short Communication To Edward Harris of Moorestown, N. J., written and signed by Audubon, Dated Edinburgh, 1838. $9.00

61. Audubon, J. J. “Audubonia,” by S. N. Rhoads. Being the Text of the 2 letters above and 1 other. 7 pp., paper, 1903. Author’s separate. 35 cents

62. Audubon, J. J. The Cover of a Letter Addressed by Audubon To Edward Harris and bearing Daniel Webster’s autograph as a frank. $5.00

63. Audubon, J.J. A Synopsis of the Birds of North America. 359 pp., uncut. Edinburgh and London, 1839. $5.00

64. Audubon and His Journals. By Maria R. Audubon. With Zoological and other Notes by Elliott Coues. 2 vols. 1108 pp., illus., gilt tops, uncut, as new. New York, 1898. $6.00

65. Auk, The. Quarterly Journal of Ornithology. Pub. by the American Ornithologists’ Union. Vols. 14-25, inclusive; complete in parts; also odd vols. and parts. (See also under Nuttall Bulletin.)

65A. A Year With the Birds. By an Oxford Tutor. Second Ed., Enlarged. Small 4to, uncut, 179 pp., frontis. Oxford and London, 1886. $1.50

66. Baird, S. F. Review of American Birds in the Museum of the Smithsonian Institution. Part 1, North and Middle America. 450 pp., original paper covers, illus., very scarce. All published. Wash., 1864-72. $2.50

67. Baird, Cassin and Lawrence. The Birds of N. America. Descriptions of Species Based Chiefly on Collections in Smithsonian Institution Mus. With Atlas of 100 Plates of 148 New or Unfigured Species. 2 vols. 1 vol. text, 1 vol. atlas colored plates. 4to, 1005 pp., text. This is the first and best ed. of the plates. Phila., 1860. $20.00

68. Bechstein, J. M. Cage and Chamber Birds, Their History, Food, Diseases, etc. Also Structure, Migration and Economy. Incorporating Sweet’s British Warblers. 12mo, half morocco, full gilt, illus. by 36 colored plates and woodcuts, 500 pp., fine copy. London, 1856. $2.25

69. Bechstein’s Cage Birds. Naturgeschichte Der Stubenvogel Oder Anleitung zur Kenntness, Wartung, Zahmung, etc., etc., Half morocco, 4th Revised and Enlarged ed., with 6 hand-colored copper plates and a frontis. Figures of 2 American species, 480 pp. Halle, 1840. $2.25

70. Bendire, Chas. Life History of N. American Birds, Their Breeding Habits and Eggs. 19 colored plates of Eggs, 4to, 2 vols., orig. cloth, uncut. Indispensable and becoming rare. Wash., 1892-95. $18.00

70A. Bird Song. Adams, H. G. Favorite Song Birds. 12mo, colored plates. London, 1851. $2.00. (B) Evans, W. E. The Songs of the Birds. 12mo, illus. London, 1888. $1.50. (C) Minstrelsy of the Woods. 12mo, half calf, plates. London, 1832. $2.50. (D) Nash, J. Practical Treatise on British Song Birds. Colored plates, 12mo, pr. boards, cracked. London, 1824. $2.00. (E) Natural History of Singing Birds. Plates, 12mo, boards. Edinburgh, 1754. $1.50. (F) The History of Singing Birds. Trans, from the French of Count de Button. Plates, 12mo, calf. Edinburgh, 1791. $1.50

71. Bewick, Thos. History of British Birds, 2 Vols., Also the General History of Quadrupeds. The figures engraved on wood by T. Bewick. Pigstye cut unobliterated. 3 vols., full crushed green levant morocco, top edges gilt. A very handsome set of early impressions of the rare first editions. Bound by Bradstreets. Newcastle, 1790-97-1804. $39.00

72. Bewick, T. History of British Birds. Vol. I only, containing History and Description of Land Birds complete. Figures engraved on wood by T. Bewick. Pigstye cut at p. 285 somewhat obliterated. Old calf, broken, first ed., 335 pp. Both vols. of this edition bring from $25 to $50. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1797. $6.00

73. Bewick, T. General History of Birds and Quadrupeds, With 128 Engravings. The now rare American Edition, with 3 title-pages and 70+142 pp. The double figure engravings have apparently been done on copper by American engravers from Bewick’s woodcuts. Original sheep, good copy. Phila., Robert Desilver, 1824. $3.50

74. “Birds of Central New York.” A Directory of the Ornithologists of the U. S. Lists of the Collectors and Students of Birds, with Valuations of their Collections, number of Species, etc. Pp. 42 to 57 occupied by an Annot. List of Central N. Y. Birds, 267 Spp., 12mo, original boards, 64 pp., rare. Utica, N. Y., 1877. $2.00

75. Blumenbach’s Cage Birds. Aller Sing und Stubenvogel Fang Wartung und Bähmung. Mit einer Abhandlung über die Vögel in Allegemeinen, etc., etc. 12mo, boards, 140 pp., 2 colored plates. Wien, 1855. $1.00

76. Bonaparte, Charles Lucian. American Ornithology, or the Nat. Hist. of Birds Inhabiting the U. S., not given by Wilson. With figures drawn engraved and colored from Nature. 3 vols., folio. In fine, half, straight-grain, red morocco, gilt, marbled boards, tooled mor. labels on front covers. Text and plates of vols. 1 and 3 in unusually clean condition, text of vol. 2 has some leaves foxed, and plate 14 with water-color discoloration at top. The fourth and last vol. of this publication (pub. 1833, only 6 plates) is almost impossible to obtain, owing to its limited issue. Phila., 1825-1828, inclusive. $35.00

A copy of the complete set is worth nearly double the above price.

77. Bonaparte, C. L. A Geographical and Comparative List of the Birds of Europe and N. America. New cloth, uncut. A general enumeration of the birds of these countries, containing the most complete list hitherto published. By the Prince of Musignano. London, 1838. $1.25

78. Bonaparte, C. L. Specchio Comparativo Delle Ornitologie di Roma e di Filadelfia. Pp. 80. Original wrappers, uncut, very rare. Presentation copy to John Lowell by the Author. Pisa, 1827. $8.00

79. Bonaparte, C. L. Tableaux Paralleliques de L’ordres Gallinaces, Institut Imperial de France Acad. des Sciences. (Extrait des Comptes rendus de l’Academie des Sciences, tome 42-1856.) 20 pp., 4to. $1.50

80. Bonaparte, Mons. le Prince Ch. Excursions Dans Les Divers Musees D’Allemagne, de Hollande et de Belgique, et Tableaux Paralleliques de L’Ordre des Echassiers. (Extrait des Comptes de l’Acad. de Sciences, tome XLIII.). 4to, 27pp., 1856. $1.50

81. Book of Ornithology for Youth. Descriptive of the Most Remarkable Birds in all Countries, with particular notices of American Birds. 12mo, half roan and boards, rare, first ed., illus. with woodcuts. Boston, 1832. $1.25

82. Bree, C. R. History of the Birds of Europe, not Observed in the British Isles. Second edition enlarged, greatly superior to the first for reference purposes, having been revised by Bree to bring it up to the 12 years of additional knowledge then available. 5 vols., royal 8vo, half morocco, full gilt, gilt figured backs, marbled sides, colored plates, handsome set, as new. London, 1875. $14.50

83. Brehm’s Birds. Jasper, Theodore. Ornithology, or the Science of Birds from the Text of Dr. Brehm, with 212 illus. Folio, half morocco, fine copy, 156 pp., rubricated title. Columbus, O., 1878. $4.00

84. Brehm’s Thierleben (Birds of), Chromo-Ausgabe, mit 170 Tafeln in Farbendruck, unterzeitung der Zoologen Dr. Girtanner, Professor Dr. Klungzinger, Prof. Dr. O. Schmidt, und Prof. Dr. Taschenberg nach dem Leben ausgeführt vom Maler Olof Winkler. Royal 8vo. Vols. IV, V, and VI, being the complete part of the work relating to BIRDS, in the original parts as issued, unbound. The illus. and color work in this edition are very fine. Leipzig, 1882. $5.00

84A. Brent, B. P. The Pigeon Book, Wherein All Known Varieties of Domestic Pigeon are Described and Classified, etc. 12mo, 114 pp., illus. by fine wood cuts. London (1850?). $1.00

85. Brooks, Chas. Elements of Ornithology. Intended for College and Parlor. 12mo, cracked, 324 pp., 400 cuts. Has set of the Brewer and Wilson engraved plates of Birds at end. Boston, 1847. $1.25

86. Burroughs, John. Locusts and Wild Honey. 12mo, 253 pp., Rare first ed., fine copy. Boston, 1879. $2.00

87. Cassin, John. Illustrations of the Birds of California, Texas, Oregon, British and Russian-America. Intended to contain Descriptions and Figures of all N. American Birds not given by former American Authors, and a general synopsis of N. American Ornithology. Numerous fine colored plates. Royal 8vo, tall copy, uncut, scarce. A necessary supplement to Audubon, containing birds not described by that Author. Phila., 1862. $24.00

88. Cassin, J. Illustrations of Texan and Calif. Birds, Etc. A Set of the excessively rare Suppressed Issue of text and plates as first prepared. These plates, figuring 5 species, given in the standard edition, were drawn and lithographed by H. L. Stephens and printed in colors by Rosenthal. The color-work being poor, Cassin rejected them, after a few impressions were made. The re-issued plates were drawn, engraved and colored in a superior manner at Bowen’s establishment. This lot of rejected plates with text, unpaged was bound up by Cassin in a volume of ornithological pamphlets belonging to him and is of great historic interest and rarity, stitched, no covers. $6.00

88A. Candler, Charles. Observations on the Birds of Harleston District. (Also) Account of the Flowering Plants, Ferns and Allies of Harleston, Sketch of Geology, Climate, etc. Compiled and Edited by Rev. F. W. Galpin. 148 pp., frontis., fine copy. London, 1888. $2.00

89. Chenu. Encyclopedie d’Histoire Naturelle Oiseaux. Avec la collaboration de M. Des Murs. 3 vols., 4to, half calf, very fully illus., complete on Birds. Many plates after Audubon and Wilson. Paris, n. d. $2.75

89A. Collins, Mortimer. The British Birds. A Communication from the Ghost of Aristophanes. 4to, 75 pp., as new. London, 1872. $2.75

89B. Cooke, W. W. Report on Bird Migration in the Mississippi Valley, in 1884 and 1885. Edited by C. H. Merriam. Div. of Economic Ornithology. Bull. No. 2. 313 pp., folding map. Wash., 1888. $2.75

90. Cooper, Miss C. Rural Hours. Fourth and best ed., 21 color plates, full gilt, full stamped morocco, 521 pp., fine copy, extra engr, title in colors. Most of the plates are of Birds. N. Y., 1851. $2.75

91. Cory, Charles B. The Birds of Eastern N. America, Known to Occur East of the 90th Meridian. Two parts, bound in 1 vol. Part 1, Water Birds; Part 2, Land Birds. With Key to the Families and Species. 4to, new, unbound, fully illus., fine copy, printed covers. Boston, 1900. $2.75

92. Cory. Same. First Field Museum ed., on heavy paper, original covers, paper. Land Birds only. Chicago, 1899. $2.25

93. Cory, C. B. The Birds of Haiti and San Domingo. 4to, Three-quarter mor., gilt tooled, gilt top, uncut, 22 colored plates, map, 198 pp., extra fine copy with the original covers of parts bound at end. Boston, 1885. $8.50

94. Coues, Elliott. Birds of the Colorado Valley. A Repository of Scientific and Popular Information concerning N. Amer. Ornithology. Having the invaluable bibliography. Fine copy of this scarce book. Wash., 1878. $3.50

95. Coues, Elliott. Birds of the Northwest. A Handbook of Ornithology of the Region Drained by the Missouri River and its Tributaries. Wash., 1874. $2.25

96. Coues’ Check List of N. American Birds. Second ed., revised, with Dictionary of the Etymology, Ornithography and Orthœpy of the Scientific Names. 165 pp. Boston, 1882. $1.75

97. Coues, Elliott. Field Ornithology, Comprising Manual of Instruction for Procuring, Preparing and Preserving Birds, and Check List of N. American Birds. First ed. Letter written to E. T. Freedly, of Phila., by Dr. Coues, inserted regarding his portrait, Salem, 1874. $2.75

98. Coues, Dr., and Kidder, J. H. Contrib. to the Nat. Hist. of Kerguelen Island. U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull., No. 3. Paper, 122 pp. Washington, 1876. $1.50

99. Coues and Prentiss. Avifauna Columbiana. List of Birds of the Dist. of Columbia, etc. The valuable second ed., illus., revised to date and entirely rewritten. Bull. 26 U. S. Nat. Museum. Original paper covers, fine copy. Wash., 1883. $2.00

100. Curious. A stout little full roan volume, comprising 80 Illus. of Birds, done in real feathers, the backgrounds being colored engravings or water-color sketches. In some cases a few feathers have been lost, but the majority are perfect. $1.75

101. Davie, Olivier. An Egg Check List of N. American Birds, Accurate Descriptions of the Color and Size of the Eggs and Locations of the Nests of the Land and Water Birds. First ed., pr. paper covers, 77 pp. Columbus, O., 1885. $1.75

102. Dresser, H. E. A History of the Birds of Europe, Including All the Species Inhabiting the Western Palæarctic Region. Parts 1 to 74, inclusive (lacking 9, 11, 12); also has the last 2 parts 83, 84 (double no.), containing title page, contents, list of subscribers, preface and introduction. 4to, printed paper covers, no plates with this lot. A bargain. London, 1881. $4.75

103. Edwards, George. Discourse on the Emigration of British Birds, Reflections on the Annual Migration of Birds, Etc., Etc. Paper covers, 64 pp. London, 1814. $2.75

103A. Edwards, George. A Natural History of Birds, the Most of which have not been hitherto Figured or Described. Colored in their Natural and Proper Colours after Curious Original Paintings, designed from Life, etc. 4 vols. in 2, 4to, half mor., 270 pp., portrait, engr. title-page to 1st vol., 210 colored plates. Rather shaken, but text and plates clean and unspotted, good margins. Though chiefly of birds, mammals and fishes are also figured. London, 1802. $17.50

104. Elliott, D. G. Classification of the Trochilidæ. (Smiths. Contr. Knowl.), 4to, uncut, original printed covers, fine copy, illus. Washington, 1879. $3.50

105. Elliott, D. G. Monograph of the Birds of Paradise (Paradiseidæ). An imperial folio of 37 finely colored plates which vie with those of Gould in fidelity to nature and brilliancy of color-work. With explanatory text. Half morocco. London, 1873. $76.00

106. Elliott, D. G. New and Hitherto Unfigured Species of the Birds of N. America. in 2 vols. Atlas folio of 72 magnificent colored plates, with woodcuts in the text. Fine copy, half calf, of this principal work of Prof. Elliot. A necessary addition in the historic series of American Ornithologies from Alexander Wilson’s day to the present generation. N. Y., 1866-69. $118.00

107. Eyton, T. C. History of the Rarer British Birds. Illus. with Fine Woodcuts after the Style of Bewick. This work also includes Account and Figure of the now extinct Passenger Pigeon and other Wanderers to Britain from America. 101 pp., supplemented by a 69-page Catalogue of British Birds of the same date. Bound together, orig. cloth, uncut, paper label, very rare. London, 1836. $3.00

108. Feathered Favourites of America. Being a series of colored plates of birds with text on back of each plate. 12mo, roan, about 100 beautiful plates. $1.50

108A. Ferguson, George. Illustrated Series of Rare and Prize Poultry, with Comprehensive Essays on all Classes of Domestic Fowl. 372 pp., fine colored plates. Rare. London, 1854. $3.50

109. Finsch, Otto. Die Papageien, Monographisch Bearbeitet. 3 vols. (1st 2 vols. only, large folding map, folding plate of osteology, 5 colored plates of Parrots.) An authoritative work. Pub. at $10.00. 2 vols. Leiden, 1867-68. $2.50

110. FISHER, A. K. Hawks and Owls of the U. S. in their Relation to Agriculture. As new, fine copy, 25 colored plates, rare and useful. Wash., 1893. $6.00

111. GARDINER, Wm. The Music of Nature, Attempt to Prove that What is Pleasing in Singing, Speaking, Performing on Musical Instruments is Derived from Sounds of the Animated World, Etc. Amer. ed. of this fine book. 505 pp., col. frontis., illus., Birds’ Songs p. 231, etc. Boston [1837]. $2.00

112. Gentry, T. G. Nests and Eggs of Birds of the U. S. 4to, full mor., 300 pp., gilt edges, 50 col. plates, portrait. Phila., 1882. $8.00

113. Gentry, T. G. Same. In orig. paper parts (lacking 1 part). $7.00

114. Gentry, T. G. Same. Odd parts.

115. Gentry, T. G. Same. Portfolio of 21 colored plates on extra heavy paper, issued separately by Wagonseller, the Publisher, pr. paper label. Phila., n. d. $2.50

116. Gloger, C. L. Disquisitionum de Avibus ab Aristotele Commemoratis. Specimen 1. 12mo, stitched, 56 pp. Vratislaviæ, 1830. $1.25

117. Goss, N. S. Birds of Kansas. A Revised Catalogue, With Descriptive Notes of Nests and Eggs of Breeding Species. Topeka, 1866. $1.50

118. Gosse, P. H., and Hill, R. The Birds of Jamaica, containing descriptions of about 200 Species of birds belonging to the Jamaica Fauna, derived entirely from original investigations. Post 8vo. London, 1847. $1.50

119. Gould, John. An Introduction to the Trochilidæ, or Humming Birds. 216 pp., Author’s autogr. pres. copy to G. Waterhouse. Rare. London, 1861. $3.50

120. Gould, John. Monograph of the Partridges of America. (Odontophorinæ.) An imperial folio, half mor. of 32 finely drawn groups of these handsomely colored birds, represented by such great variety of striking forms in Mexico and the Western U. S. With descriptive text. London, 1844-50. $57.00

121. Gould, John (A. L. S.) A Century of Birds From the Himalaya Mountains. Dedicated to Wm. the Fourth and Adelaide, with a fine Manuscript List of Plates inserted, of which there are 80 printed in Lithography, and colored by hand. A curious feature of these plates is that the trees and groundwork on which the birds are set is uncolored. They were drawn from Nature, and also on stone by E. Gould, and printed by the noted early Lithographer, Hullmandel. This is the first of Gould’s great folio of birds, and is the scarcest of them all. Uniform in size with the succeeding Imperial Folios in Natural History subjects. Bound in half green levant, gilt edges, fine copy. London, 1832. $85.00

121A. Graves, George (author of British Ornithology, and Ovarium Britannicum). The Naturalist’s Pocket-Book; or, Tourist’s Companion. Introduction to Natural History, Collecting and Preserving Various Productions of Nature, etc. First ed., calf, 335 pp., illus. London, (1817). $2.50

122. Gray, George R. List of the Genera of Birds, with their Synonyma; the Typical Species of each Genus. Half calf, loose, with Appendix of 1842. Best edition, 113 pp. London, 1841. $3.75

122A. Gray, George R. Hand List of Genera and Species of Birds, distinguishing those contained in the British Museum. Part III, Struthiones, Grallæ and Anseres. Fine copy, 350 pp. London, 1871. $3.75

123. Greene, W. T. Parrots in Captivity. 3 Vols., Large 8vo, 81 col. plates. As new. London, 1884. $10.00

124. Gurney, J. H. Rambles of a Naturalist in Egypt and Other Countries. With Analysis of the Claims of Certain Foreign Birds to be Considered British, and other Ornithological Notes. Full of scientific and popular interest. London, n. d. $1.50

125. Hagerup, A. T. Birds of Greenland. Trans. From the Danish by Frimann B. Arngrimson. Edited by M. Chamberlain. Printed covers, 62 pp. Boston, 1891. $1.00

126. Hartlaub, Dr. G. Ornithologischer Beitrag Zur Fauna Madagascar’s Mit Berücksichtigung der Inseln Mayotta, Nossi-Be und St. Marie, sowie der Mascarenen und Seychellen (Cabanis Jour. für Ornithologie von 1860, besonders abgedruckt). 87 pp., paper. Bremen, 1861. $1.25

127. Hartlaub, G. Titian Peale’s Vogel Der “United States Exploring Expedition” im Auszuge mitgetheilt und mit kritischen Anmerkungen (Archiv. f. Naturgesch. XVIII., Jahrg. 1, Bd.). 94 pp, paper. $1.50

128. Hatch, Dr. P. L. Notes on the Birds of Minnesota. 487 pp., as new. Minneapolis, 1892. $1.50

129. Hayes, Mr. Nat. Hist. of British Birds, Etc., with their Portraits. Imperial folio, boards, uncut, 40 full-page copper plates, plain. London, 1775. $1.50

130. Heine, F. Museum Heineanum. Verzerchniss der Ornithologischen Sammlung. Mit Kritischen Anmerkungen und Beschreibung der neuen Arten, systematisch bearbeitet von Dr. J. Cabanis. Part 1, Oscines; 2, Clamatores; 3, Strisores; 4, Scansores; 2 vols. 12mo, cloth and half morocco, rare. Halberstadt, 1851-63. $3.00

131. Hirst, Henry B. Book of Cage Birds. Second ed. 12mo, 284 pp., Dedicated to John Cassin. Many American Birds described. Rare. Phila., 1843. $1.75

132. Hudson, W. H. British Birds, with a Chapter in Structure and Classification. By Frank E. Beddard, F. R. S. With 8 colored plates from Drawings by A. Thornburn and 11 plates and 100 figures from Drawings by Lodge. As new, uncut, gilt top, 352 pp. London and N. Y., 1895. $2.25

133. Hungarian Ornithology. Ein Lebensbild von J. S. von Petenyi der Begründer der Wissenschaft. Ornithologie in Ungarn, 1799-1855. Folio, printed covers, portrait, 139 pp. Verfasst von Otto Herman, Budapest, 1891. $2.00

134. Illiger, von Herrn. Tabellarische Uebersicht der Vertheilung der Vögel über die Erde (Vorgelesen den 19ten Nov., 1812). Pp. 221 to 236. With a lot of comparative charts at end, complete, paper. $1.25

135. Ingersoll, Ernest. Nests and Eggs of American Birds. Parts 1, 2, 4 and 5. With Colored Plates of the Eggs. Royal 8vo, in orig. paper covers. Salem, Mass., n. d. The lot, $2.50

136. Jacobs, W. J. Summer Birds of Greene County, Penna. Author’s Autograph, Compliments. Scarce, 14 pp., printed covers. Waynesburg, 1893. $1.00

137. Jardine, Sir Wm. Contributions to Ornithology for 1852. 162 pp., 14 colored plates (lacking plates 82, 83, 85, 86, 88, 90, 93). Paper, rare. Edinburgh, 1853. $1.75

138. Jardine’s Illustrations of Ornithology. Jardine, Sir William (F. R. S.), and Selby, P. J., with the Co-operation of J. Children, T. Hardwicke, T. Horsfield, Stamford Raffles, N. Vigors, etc. Three folio vols., full Russia gilt, gilt edges. This is the complete Series of this Publication, under the above Authors and Artists. There are 161 finely colored plates of Birds previously unfigured or little known, or nondescript. A few of the plates have more than one Species represented. From 1 to 4 pages of text accompanies each plate; an Index of the 1st 2 vols. is given. The last vol. was abruptly ended. A page of explanation is bound at the end of the 3rd vol., in which it is “proposed to carry on a New Series of these Illus.” It states also that the New Series will be published early in 1836, which would give the approximate date of the last vol. of this Series as 1835. Probably begun in 1832; as a complete set like this of this Series of Illustrations is excessively rare, and no record has been found of it being sold. Many of the New Species are American. Several of the Anatidæ are figured. Condition and binding very fine, corners and edges of vols. somewhat rubbed and need a little touching up. Edinburgh, Published by W. H. Lizars, n. d. $128.00

139. Keyser, L. S. Birds of the Rockies. 8 full-page plates (4 in color) by L. A. Fuertes. With a complete check-list of Colorado Birds. Half roan, uncut, as new. Chicago, 1902. $2.75

140. King Survey, 40th Parallel. Vol. 4. Ornithology and Palæontology. The former by Robert Ridgway and the latter by Meek, Hall and Whitfield. 4to, 17 plates of fossils. Wash., 1877. $3.00

141. Krider, John. Forty Years’ Notes of a Field Ornithologist. Interesting observations on his hunting and collecting experiences, with 335 species of Birds of Maine, Penna., New Jersey, Virginia, N. Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Minn. and Iowa. New unused copies. Phila., 1879. 60 cents

142. Kuhl, H. Conspectus Psittacorum. Cum specierum definitonibus, novarum descriptionibus, synonymis et circa patriam singularum naturalem adeos rarus, etc. 4to, 104 pp., no plates. $1.75

143. Kumlien, L. Contrib. to Nat. Hist. of Arctic Amer. of the Howgate Polar Exped., 1877-78. U. S. N. Mus., Bull. 15. Paper, full of birds, 179 pp. Wash., 1879. $1.25

144. Laishley, Richard. Popular History of British Birds’ Eggs. Square 8vo, 313 pp., 20 col. plates, ½ mor. 1st ed. London, 1858. $1.50

145. Layard, E. E. The Birds of South Africa. A Descriptive Catalogue of all the Known Species Occurring South of the 28th Parallel of South Latitude. 382+23 pp., frontis., Author’s autogr. pres. copy, scarce. Cape Town and London, 1867. $5.00

146. Lee, Mrs. R. Anecdotes of Habits and Instincts of Birds, Reptiles and Fishes. Illus. by H. Weir. 12mo, 410 pp., illus. London, 1853. $1.25

147. MacGillivray, Wm. Descriptions of the Rapacious Birds of Great Britain. Dedicated to J. J. Audubon. 12mo, boards, uncut, worn. Edinburgh, 1836. $1.75

148. Marsh, O. C. Odontornithes, A Monograph on the Extinct Toothed Birds of N. America. 34 plates and woodcuts, large 4to. Invaluable on this subject. Wash., 1880. $2.50

148A. Massachusetts Birds. Maynard, C. J. The Naturalists’ Guide. With a Complete Annotated Catalogue of the Birds of Eastern Mass., occupying one-half of the book. Frontis. of Baird’s Sparrow, 170 pp. Boston, 1871. $2.00

148B. Massachusetts Birds. Maynard, C. J. The same. Revised ed. with the 2 rare and valuable colored plates of Brewster’s Warbler and Maynard’s Sparrow. Salem, 1877. $2.50

149. McGregor, R. C. Birds of Philippines. Philip. Mus. Bulls., Nos. 1 to 4. 4 papers on Birds of these Islands. Illus. Manila, 1903-4. $1.25

150. McGregor, R. C. Two Papers on Birds of the Philippine Islands. Dept. Interior, Nos. 25 and 24. Pr. paper covers. Manila, 1905. $1.00

151. McGregor, R. and Worcester, D. Hand List of the Birds of the Philippine Islands. Dept. of the Inter., No. 36. Printed paper covers. Manila, 1906. $1.00

152. Miller, Thomas. English Country Life. Descriptions of Rural Habits, Country Scenery, Etc. Illus. by Birket Foster, Gilbert, Harvey, etc. 12mo, half morocco, 479 pp. London, 1859. Much on birds. $1.75

153. Montagu’s Ornithological Dictionary of British Birds. Second edition, with a plan of study and many new articles and original observations, by James Rennie, illus. Half calf. W. P. Turnbull’s copy and book-plate. London, 1831. $2.00

153A. Moore, John. Columbarium, or, the Pigeon House. An Introduction to the Natural History of Tame Pigeons, Etc. 12mo, illus., 64 pp. Phila., 1874. $1.50

154. Morris, Rev. F. O. A History of British Birds. Illustrated with 350 elegant plates colored by hand. The most popular and reliable work on this subject. Some American species are figured. 6 vols., royal 8vo, uncut, gilt figured. London, 1868. $14.00

154A. Moubray, B. Practical Treatise on Breeding, Rearing and Fattening Poultry, Pheasants, Pigeons and Rabbits, Management of Swine, Cows and Bees, Instructions for the Private Brewery, etc. Fifth ed., 12mo, boards, uncut, 355 pp., colored frontis. London, 1824. $2.00

154B. Moubray, B. Same. The very rare first ed., lacking pp. 35-48. London, 1815. $1.00

155. Moubray’s Treatise on Domestic and Ornamental Poultry. New Edition, revised and greatly enlarged by L. A. Meall. Also the Diseases of Poultry, with Physiological Observations and Experiments. By F. R. Horner. 12mo, 504 pp., very fine colored plates. London, 1854. $2.50

155A. Natural History of Birds. Facts Selected from Several Writers for the Amusement and Instruction of Children. 6 parts in 3 vols., 12mo, calf, curious colored plates. London, 1791. $3.00

156. Newman, Edward. Birds-Nesting. Complete Description of Nests and Eggs of Birds which Breed in Great Britain and Ireland. Limp cloth, 52 pp. London, 1861. $2.25

157. Nomenclator Avium Musei Zoologici Berolinesis. Namenverzeichniss der in der zoologischen Sammlung des Königlichen Univ. zu Berlin aufgestellten Arten von Vögeln nach den in der neueren Systematik. 123 pp., paper. Berlin, 1854. $1.75

158. N. Amer. Birds. 4th, 5th, and 6th supplements to the Amer. Ornith. Union Check List of. 3 pieces, pr. paper covers. 1892-94. $1.25

159. Norris, J., Sr. and Jr. Catalogue of the Oological Collection of. Pr. paper covers, privately printed. Phila., 1894. $1.00

160. Nuttall, Thos. Popular Handbook of the Ornithology of Eastern N. America. 2 vols., revised by Montague Chamberlain, 20 colored plates, 172 woodcuts, as new. Publ. price, $8.00. Second Chamberlain edition. Boston, 1897. $3.00

161. Nuttall Bulletin and the Auk. Bulletin of the Nuttall Ornithological Club, Cambridge, Mass. A complete set of 8 vols., variously bound in 3 vols.; vol. 6 being in parts, together with The Auk; vols. 1 to 8, inclus., in parts, as issued; all in fine condition. The above include all of the most difficult volumes to secure in a complete set of the chief Magazine of American Ornithology. 16 vols. Cambridge, Boston and N. Y., 1876-1891. $65.00

162. Oologist (Originating in the Young Oologist, Published Monthly at Gaines, N. Y., V. I., 1884, and ending V. II., No. 2, 1885). A set of this Magazine beginning as above from V. I. to V. XII. (1895) inclusive. Bound in 3 vols., half morocco, with the original covers bound in. In all 11 vols.; also vol. 12 in parts, lacking title. Gaines and Albion, N. Y. $17.50

163. Ord, George (F. L. S.). Sketch of the Life of Alexander Wilson, Author of the Amer. Ornithology. New half mor., fine copy. Phila., 1828. $3.75

164. Ornithologist and Oologist. Vols. 10, 11. In original parts, fine condition, paper covers. Boston, 1885-86. $1.75

165. Parrots. Gray, R. G. List of the Specimens of Birds in the British Museum. Part III, Section II. Psittacidæ. 110 pp. London, 1859. $1.25

166. Parrots. The Miscellany of Natural History. Vol. 1, Parrots, by Sir Thos. Dick Lauder and Capt Thos. Brown. 12mo, 170 pp., 35 hand-colored plates of parrots, portrait of Audubon and engraved extra title, fine copy. Edinburgh, 1833. $3.50

167. Pearson, L., and Warren, B. H. Report, Diseases and Enemies of Poultry. A 730-page work on Rapacious Birds, Mammals, etc., injurious to fowls in Pennsylvania, profusely embellished with fine chromo-lithographic plates and on heavy paper, paper covers. Harrisburg, 1897. $1.50

168. Pennant’s Genera of Birds. 4to, old calf, engraved title, 16 plates, complete, first ed., a very rare book. John Arden’s autogr. copy with his book-plate, 68 pp. London, 1781. $4.50

169. Pennsylvania Birds. Surface, H. A. Monthly Bulletins and Zoological Quarterly of the Penna. Dept. of Agriculture. Vol. 1 of each. Complete for the years 1903-04, the latter devoted entirely to birds. Both very fully illus., out of print. Bound together in 1 vol., half morocco. Harrisburg, 1903-04. $2.75

170. Ridgway, Robt. The Birds of North and Middle America. Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, 4 vols., new half mor., uncut, illus. with plates, fine set, except slight water-stains on lower margin of a number of pages of 2 vols. The final authority in systematic Ornithology. Out of print, and in great demand. Wash., 1901-07. $25.00

171. Ridgway, R. Birds of the Galapagos Archipelago. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., V. XIX; pp. 459-670. Paper, charts and plates, valuable. Wash., 1896. $1.25

172. Ridgway, R. The Humming Birds. Printed paper covers, uncut, unopened, 46 plates, 383 pp. Smiths. Inst., Wash., 1892. $1.75

173. Ridgway, R. A Manual of N. American Birds. 464 outline drawings of the generic characters. Portrait of Spencer F. Baird. 4th ed., as new, 631 pp. $7.50

174. Ridgway, R. and Forbes, S. A. Ornithology of Illinois. Part 1, Descriptive Catalogue by Ridgway; part 2, Economic Ornith. by Forbes. Nat. Hist. Survey of Illinois. Vol. 1, 33 plates, frontis. colored, royal 8vo, cloth, as new, useful, but scarce. All published. Springfield, 1889. $6.00

175. Rhoads, S. N. Set of Author’s 7 or 8 Excerpts on American Birds. Published in the Amer. Nat., Auk, etc., mostly in printed covers, includes big paper on birds of Washington and British Columbia. $2.00

176. Rhoads & Pennock. Birds of Delaware. A Preliminary List. (From “The Auk,” April, 1905), 12 pp., author’s separate, paper covers. A first published attempt on Delaware Ornithology. 40 cents

177. Robinson, W. A Flying Trip to the Tropics. Record of an Ornithological Visit to the U. S. of Columbia, S. A., and Island of Curacao, West Indies. As new, gilt tops, map and col. plates of birds and other illus., a fine work out of print. Cambridge, 1895. $2.50

178. Salvadori, T. Borean Birds. Uccelli di Borneo, Catalogo Sistematico. Con Note ed Osservazioni di G. Doria ed O. Beccari, etc. Paper, uncut, col. frontis., map and 5 col. plates, 429 pp., autogr. pres. copy to Dr. E. Coues. Annali Mus. Cir. to Nad Genova, V. 5, 1874. $3.00

179. Samuels, Edward A. Our Northern and Eastern Birds, Containing Descriptions of Birds of Northern and Eastern States and British Provinces, etc. Royal 8vo, half mor., gilt top., 600 pp., illus., some colored reproductions of Audubon plates, supplement by Holder. Ex Libris C. L. Wheeler. Pub. at $10.00. N. Y., 1883. $4.75

180. Samuels, E. A. Among the Birds. Sketches for Young Folks of the Domestic Life of Birds. 12mo, illus., rare. Boston, 1868. $1.25

181. Schlegel’s Bird Notes and Synopsis. Museum D’Histoire Naturelle des Pays-Bas. Revue Methodique et Critique des Collections Deposees dans cet Etablissement [by H. Schlegel.] Lacking the papers on Milvi, Pernes, Polybori, Vultures, all Reviens, Columbæ, Struthiens. Bound in 2 vols., half roan, by J. Cassin, each family paged separately, each complete in itself. These 2 vols. comprise all published relating to birds in this series of noted monographs of bird families, issued irregularly during five continuous years. A rare series. Leyde, E. J., Brill, 1862-1867. $4.75

182. Sclater, P. L. Lot of Sclater Papers on Birds. All from the Proc. Zool. Soc. About 35 titles, no plates, paper. London, 1864. $1.75

183. Sclater, P. L., and Salvin, O. Nomenclator Avium Neotropicalium (etc.). Oblong 4to, printed boards. Londini, 1873. $1.75

184. Selby, Prideaux John. Illustrations of British Ornithology. Land and Water Birds. 2 vols., 8vo, text and 2 vols. imperial folio, containing 217 large plates depicting hundreds of species, all beautifully drawn from Nature and colored by hand. 4 vols., half morocco. This work holds the same relation to British Birds as Audubon’s great work does to the Birds of America. Edinburgh, 1833-41. $58.00

185. Shriner, C. A. Birds of New Jersey. Illus., as new, out of print. Trenton, 1896. $1.50

185A. Smith, Charlotte. A Natural History of Birds. Intended Chiefly for Young Persons. 12mo, boards, paper labels, 2 vols., uncut, 145+157 pp. plates, very scarce. London, 1816. $4.00

186. Stone, Witmer. Birds of Eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Portrait of Alex. Wilson, faunal map, new copies; only a few unsold. Phila., 1894. $1.75

187. Tegetmeier, W. B. Pheasants for Coverts and Aviaries. Illus. with full-page engravings by T. W. Wood. 4to, cloth, gilt. London, 1873. $3.50

188. Torrey, Bradford. Every-day Birds. Elementary Studies. With 12 illus. in colors after Audubon and 2 from photos. 12mo, 1st ed., as new. Boston and N. Y., 1901. $2.00

189. Townsend, J. K. Narrative of a Journey Across the Rocky Mts. to the Columbia River and a Visit to the Sandwich Islands, Chili, etc., with a Scientific Appendix. 352 pp., binding rather shabby and text a little foxed. Contains much scientific data, particularly as to Birds, throughout the work, and catalogues of birds and of quadrupeds of Oregon with descriptions of a number of species. Phila., 1839. $6.00

190. Tunstall, M. Ornithologia Britannica seu Avium Omnium Britannicarum tam Terrestrium quam Aquaticarum Catalogus, Sermone Latino, Anglico and Gallico redditus, etc. Title and 4 pp. folio, original paper covers, copper plate of Water Ouzel, extremely rare, splendid copy. London (printed for the Author by Dixwell), 1771. $4.75

191. Tunstall’s Ornithologia Britannica. Ed. by Alfred Newton. Willoughby Society. 14 pp., pr. heavy paper cover, illus., autogr. of Elliott Coues, reprint of the preceding in 8vo. London, 1880. $1.50

192. Turnbull, Wm. P. The Birds of East Pennsylvania and New Jersey. 4to, half roan, Impression was limited to 150 copies, finely illustrated by American engravers and artists. Glasgow, Printed for Private Circulation, 1869. $7.00

193. Turnbull, W. P. Birds of East Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Illus. green paper cover, fine copy. Phila., Henry Grambo, 1869. $2.50

194. Verreaux, J., et O. des Murs. Descrip. D’Oiseaux Nouveaux de la Nouvelle-Caledonie et indication des especes deja connues de ce pays. (Rev. et Mag. de Zool.), 1860. Inscribed, “Mr. Cassin, avec les amities de l’un Des Auteurs. J. P. Verreaux.” 27 pp., 1 col. plate, paper. 1860. $ 1.50

195. Warren, B. H. Report on the Birds of Pennsylvania, with Special Reference to the Food Habits, based on over 4000 Stomach Examinations. 2nd ed., revised and augmented, 100 col. plates after Audubon, 434 pp., half mor., fine copy. Harrisburg, 1890. $4.00

196. Warren, B. H. Same. Specially bound author’s autogr. pres. copy to Benj. J. Everhart. Half Russia, full gilt. $6.50

197. Warren, B. H. Same. Extra illus., uncut copy, unbound. $30.00

198. Warren, B. H. Report on the Birds of Pennsylvania. 50 col. plates. 1st ed., half morocco. Harrisburg, 1888. $2.25

199. Whitehead, John. Exploration of Mount Kina Balu, North Borneo. Numerous fine colored plates of Birds, Insects, etc. Devoted chiefly to Birds of Kina Balu region. Folio, 317 pp., as new, heavy paper, gilt top, illus. covers. Pub. at $12.00. London, 1893. $4.25

199A. Wilson, Alex. American Ornithology, or, the Natural History of the Birds of the United States. Illus. with plates, engraved [by A. Lawson] and colored from Original Drawings taken from Nature by Alexander Wilson. With a Sketch of the Author’s Life by George Ord, F. L. S., etc. In 3 vols. of text, 4to, large paper, and 1 vol. folio of colored plates. 4 vols., ¾ calf. Published by Collins & Co. of New York, and H. Hall, of Philadelphia, 1828, ’28, ’29, ’29. An extraordinarily fine set of the EDITIO PRINCEPS AMERICANA, in which Ord completed the labors of Wilson by editing, re-arranging and adding to his unpublished MSS. intended for the completion of the Original Work, begun in 1808, interrupted by Wilson’s death in 1812, and continued to 9 vols. by Ord in 1814. Owing to the better quality of the paper used in this fine edition, as well as the superior color work of the plates, and the greater facility of its use as a work of reference, it justly commands as great a price as the original 4to edition of 9 vols. Contents clean and unsoiled as when issued, binding sound and good. $87.50

200. Wilson, Alex. American Ornithology, with a Continuation by Charles Lucian Bonaparte, and Illustrative Notes and Life of Wilson by Wm. Jardine. 4 vols., 12mo, orig. cloth, uncut, paper labels, worn. Portrait and 4 plates by Lizars. Ed. by Robt. Jameson. Edinburgh, 1831. $4.50

201. Wilson, Alex. Series of 4 Articles Entitled “The Naturalist,” Nos. 2 to 5, inclus., relating chiefly to Birds, from Vol. II of the Portfolio, paper. Phila., 1809. $1.00

202. Wilson, Alex. (Ornithologist). The Foresters, a Poem Descriptive of a Pedestrian Journey to the Falls of Niagara in the Autumn of 1804. 16mo, calf. West Chester, 1838. $2.00

203. Wilson, Alex. Another copy. “Presented to C. Walton (Phila. dentist) by Hannah Cassin (wife of John Cassin, the noted Phila. Quaker Ornithologist). Third Month 16th, 1880. To remind him of a walk taken with her husband to Susquehanna County.” 16mo, sheep. $2.50

204. Wilson, Alex. Same. Another Ed., Half Roan. Phila., 1853. $1.50

204A. Wood, Neville. The Ornithologist’s Text-book. Reviews of Ornithological Works, with Appendix. 12mo, half calf, first ed., 235 pp. London, 1836. $2.50


205. Agassiz, Louis. Turtles of America. Embryology and Synopsis of. The complete monograph of the Testudinata, as pub. in Contrib. to Nat. Hist., of U. S. 2 vols., folio, 34 fine plates, plain and colored. Boston, 1857. $4.50

206. Baird, S. F. Atlas, Herpetology. Prepared under the Superintendence of. Large folio, half mor., plates 1 to 23, inclus. (lacks 24 to 32), finely engraved and colored. Being the Herpetology of the U. S. Exploring Expedition during 1838-1842, under command of Charles Wilkes, U. S. N. This atlas is complete as to the Batrachia and Ophidia; has part of the Sauria, but lacks all the Chelonia. With 4to vol. of text by C. Girard. 2 vols. Worth $30.00 complete. Phila., 1858. $10.00

207. Barton, Benj. S. A Memoir Concerning the Fascinating Faculty Which Has Been Ascribed to the Rattlesnake and Other American Serpents. Philadelphia, Henry Sweitzer, 1796. 70 pp., together with “Supplement” to same, in a “Letter to Prof. Zimmermann.” Phila., 1800. 40 pp., first ed., very rare, 2 pieces. $7.00

208. Barton, Benj. S. Supplement to A Memoir Concerning the Fascinating Faculty of the Rattlesnake and other American Serpents. 12mo, paper, 40 pp. Phila., 1800. $2.25

209. Barton, B. S. Some Account of the Siren Lacertina and Other Species of that Genus, etc. In a letter from Prof. Barton of Phila. to John Gottlob Schneider, of Saxony. A brochure of 33 pp., and a plate, of which Barton states in the preface only 50 copies were printed for select distribution among his friends. Phila., Jasper Harding, Printer, 1821. $3.00

210. Bonnaterre, l’Abbe. Tableau Encyclopedique et Methodique des Trois Regnes de la Nature. Erpetologie. Paris, 1789. Ophiologie. Paris, 1790. 2 vols. in 1, 4to, new half mor., all the fine copper-plate engravings of Reptiles and Batrachians. Complete as to these subjects. $3.75

211. Cook, M. C. Our Reptiles and Batrachians. The Lizards, Snakes, Frogs, etc., Indigenous to Great Britain. 12mo, illus., col. plate ed., as new London, 1893. $1.50

212. Cope, E. D. The Crocodilians, Lizards and Snakes of N. America. 1090 pp., 36 plates and illus. in text. U. S. Nat. Mus. Rep., 1898. Paper covers. The most compendious and recent authority on this wide subject. Wash., 1900. $3.00

213. Fowler, H. W. The Amphibians and Reptiles of New Jersey. Paper covers, 408 pp., 122 plates. Trenton, 1907. $1.25

214. Garman, H. Synopsis of the Reptiles and Amphibians of Illinois. Author’s ed. from Bull. Illinois State Laboratory N. History, vol. 3, pp. 215 to 390, plates 9 to 15, inclus. Fine copy in pr. covers of this rarity. Peoria, 1892. $2.00

215. Holbrook, John E. N. American Herpetology. Description of the Reptiles Inhabiting the U. S. Vol 1, 4to, new half mor., title-page and some plates mended, but complete. Vol. 1 contains 23 colored plates. This is the rare first ed. which the Author sought to recall from the subscribers on the issue of the third vol. Phila., J. Dobson, 1836. $8.00

216. Holbrook’s Herpetology. 63 odd plates, nearly all large paper from ed. of 1842, 19 of serpents, 18 toads and frogs, 5 lizards, 8 testudinata, 13 salamanders, all colored except 3. Rare lot. $8.00

217. Mitchell, S. Weir (M. D.). Researches Upon the Venom of the Rattlesnake and the Anatomy and Physiology of the organs concerned. Smiths. Cont. to Knowledge. Folio, pr. covers, 12 woodcuts, 145 pp., uncut. Wash., 1861. $3.00

218. New Jersey Reptiles. Ann. Report of the N. J. State Museum on the Amphibians and Reptiles of N. J., also of Fish. Frontis. and plates of Reptiles and Fish, 408 pp. Trenton, 1907. $1.25

219. Smith, W. H. The Tailed Amphibians, Including the Caecilians. A Thesis. Presented to Faculty of Univ. of Mich. 12mo, 158 pp., full of Folding Synoptical Tables. Detroit, 1877. $1.50

220. Stejneger, L. The Poisonous Snakes of N. America. Paper, uncut, 19 plates. Wash., 1895. $1.75


220A. Accentuated List of British Lepidoptera, etc. Pub. by the Entomological Societies of Oxford and Cambridge. 118 pp. London, 1858. $2.50

221. American Entomologist, The. An Illus. Magazine of Popular and Practical Entomology. Edited by Benj. D. Walsh and Charles V. Riley. Vol. 3, Jan. to June, Aug. to Oct., inclusive; 1871. 9 Nos. in orig. paper covers. This vol. is extremely rare. The lot, $2.00

222. Banks, Nathan. The First List of Works Relating to American Entomology. Paper covers, 95 pp. Wash., 1900. $1.50

223. Bees. Bee-keeping. By “The Times” Bee-master. 12mo., illus., 224 pp. London 1864. $1.00

224. Bees. De Gelieu, Jonas. The Bee Preserver, or Practical Directions for the Management of Hives. Trans. from the French. 12mo, boards, uncut, book-plate of Sir R. Shafter Adair. 134 pp., illus., first English ed., rare. Edinburgh and London, 1829. $1.75

225. Bees. Huish, Robt. Treatise on the Nature, Economy and Practical Management of Bees, in which the various systems of the British and Foreign Apiarians are Examined (etc., etc.) Forming the most complete Guide to the Study and Management of those valuable insects. Boards, uncut, broken, 414 pp., 6 plates, rare first ed. London, 1815. $3.00

226. Bees. Huish, Robt. Bees, Their Natural History and General Management (etc.). 458 pp., 12mo, portrait of author, illus., fine copy. London, 1842. $1.50

227. Bees. Milton, John. The Practical Bee-keeper, or Concise and Plain Instructions for the Management of Bees and Hives. 147 pp., illus., 12mo. Has bibliography. London, 1843. $1.00

228. Bees. Neighbour, A. The Apiary, or Bees, Beehives and Bee-Culture. 359 pp., 12mo, plates (2 colored), third ed. London, 1878. 80c.

229. Same. London, 1866. Second edition. $1.00

230. Bees. Nutt, Thos. Humanity to Honey Bees, or Practical Directions for the Management of Honey Bees, upon an Improved and Humane Plan. 240 pp., plates, small 8vo, orig. linen, paper label, rare, first ed. Wisbech, 1832. $1.75

231. Bees. Nutt, Thos. Another in fancy half calf, fine copy, same edition. $1.75

232. Another. Fifth edition. 1839. $1.00

233. Bees. Payne, J. H. The Apiarians’ Guide, Containing Practical Directions for the Management of Bees upon the Depriving System. 71 pp. small 8vo, orig. linen, uncut, 1 plate, fine copy, only 110 printed, list of subscribers, very rare. London, 1833. $2.00

234. Bees. Purchas, S. Spiritual Honey from Natural Hives, or Meditations and Observations on the Nat. Hist. and Habits of Bees. 176 pp., 16mo, book-plate of H. T. Stainton, noted Entomologist and writer on Bees. Fine copy. London, n. d. $1.75

235. Bees. Samuelson, Jas. The Honey Bee, Its Natural History, Habits, Anatomy and Microscopical Beauties. 12mo, 166 pp., 8 tinted plates, first ed. London, 1840. $1.00

235A. Bees. Samuelson. Same. 1860. $1.75

236. Bees. Scenes of Industry Displayed in the Beehive and the Ant-hill. 212 pp., plates, half roan, 12mo, fine engravs. London, n. d. 85c.

237. Bees. Simmons, S. A Modern Bee Farm and Its Economic Management. 195 pp., illus. London, 1887. 80c.

238. Bees. Strutt, Geo. The Practical Apiarian, or a Treatise on the Improved Management of Bees. 112 pp., printed boards, uncut, 12mo, first ed., with 8-page pamphlet “Expl. of Strutt’s Model.” Clare, 1825. $1.75

239. Bees. Taylor, H. The Bee-Keeper’s Manual. 12mo, 126 pp., illus. London, 1839. $1.00

239A. Bees. See under Cotton, Thorpe and Warder.

240. Berge, F. Lepidoptera of Europe. Schmetterlingsbuch. Naturgeschichte der Schmetterlinge und besondere der Europaischen Gattungen. Mit 162 schwarzen und 1100 coloriten Abbildungen auf 52 Tafeln. 4to, 232 pp., and 52 finely colored plates of over 1000 figures. Stuttgart, 1851. $3.25

241. Beutenmuller. Catalog Lepidoptera. Fifty Miles from New York City, with their Food Plants. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., pp. 199 to 230, V. 5, 1890. $1.00

242. Bevan, Edw. The Honey-Bee, Its Natural History, Physiology and Management. 12mo, full calf, 404 pp., illus, first ed. London, 1827. $1.25

243. Blassiere, J. J. Histoire Naturelle de la Reine des Abeilles, avec l’Art de former des Essaims de M. A. G. Schirach. Rare first ed., small 8vo, half calf, 269 pp., 3 folded copper plates, engraved by Fargue. Autogr. of W. Spence, noted Entomologist. A La Haye, 1771. $4.00

244. Brown, Capt. Thos. The Book of Butterflies, Sphinxes and Moths. Illus. by 96 col. engravings, engraved title. 2 vols. in 1, complete, 16mo, half morocco. London, 1832. $3.00

245. Casey, T. L. Revision of the American Pæderini. Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Vol. XV, No. 2, 1905. Pr. paper covers, 248 pp. $1.25

246. Canadian Entomologist. Vol. I, rare, half calf, 110 pp., fine copy. Toronto, 1869. $2.00

247. Casey, T. L. Coleopterological Notices No. 1, continued, pp. 97 to 198 of vol. 5. Annals N. Y. Acad. Sci., 1890. Also the same, pt. 3, complete, pp. 9 to 214 of vol. 6 of the said Annals. As issued in the orig. parts, uncut. N. Y., 1890-91. The lot, $2.00

248. Casopis. Societatis Entomologicæ Bohemiæ, Acta. Vol. I, complete in 4 parts. Orig. paper covers. V. Praze, 1904. $1.00

249. Chenu. Encyclopedie d’Histoire Naturelle. Coleopters avec la collaboration de M. E. Desmarest. 4to, half calf, very fully illus. 2 vols. Complete on the Beetles. Paris, n. d. $2.00

250. Chenu. Encyclopedie d’Histoire Naturelle. Papillons avec la collaboration de M. H. Lucas. 4to, half calf, very fully illus. Complete as to Butterflies. Paris, n. d. $1.25

251. Clarke, John. Treatise on Mulberry Trees, Silk Worms and Silk, with woodcuts. First ed., 12mo, 363 pp. Phila., 1839. $1.50

252. Coleoptera. Fuessly, Jean Gaspar. Archives de l’Histoire des Insectes, Publiees en Allemand. Traduites en Francois. 4to, calf, 185 pp., 54 colored plates. Winterthour, 1794. $7.00

253. Comstock, J. Henry. Report upon Cotton Insects. 511 pp., col. plates, cuts. Wash., 1879. $2.00

254. Cotton, Wm. Chas. My Bee Book. 368 pp., numerous woodcuts. A most interesting work, having reprints of ancient bee books, bibliography, etc. London, 1842. $2.00

255. Cox, Herbert E. A Handbook of the Coleoptera, or Beetles of Great Britain and Ireland. 2 vols. uncut. Indispensable. London, 1874. $7.00

255A. Dandolo, Count. The Art of Rearing Silk-worms. Trans. from Work of Count Dandolo. 365 pp., uncut, folding plates. London, 1825. $2.50

256. Dawson, John F. Geodephaga Brittanica. A Monograph of the Carnivorous Ground Beetles, Indigenous to the British Isles. 3 col. plates, uncut. London, 1854. $1.50

256A. Desvignes, Thos. Insects, Parasitic Files. Catalogue of British Ichneumonidæ in Collection of British Museum. 12mo, paper covers, 120 pp., several new spp. described, very scarce. London, 1856. $2.25

257. D’Homergue, John. Silk Culturists’ Manual. A Popular Treatise on Mulberry Trees, Silk Worms and Silk. Addressed to Farmers and Planters of the U. S. A compendious 12mo manual of 406 pp. of historic and scientific importance. Folding frontis., plate, orig. cloth, paper label, first ed., scarce. Phila., 1839. $2.50

258. D’Homergue, J., and Duponceau, P. S. Essays on American Silk, and making it a source of Wealth. Also, Directions to Farmers for raising Silk Worms. 12mo, paper covers, uncut, illus. 120 pp., Phila., 1830. $1.50

259. Diptera, Etc. Bull. of the U. S. Geolog. and Geogr. Survey of the Territories. Entirely devoted to Insects (3 Arts.) by Uhler, Osten-Sacken and Thorell. Pr. paper covers, 529 pp., illus., rare. Wash., 1877. $3.00

260. Domestica, Acheta (Miss M. L. Budgen). Episodes of Insect Life. 3 vols. Orig. cloth with quaint design, gilt, numerous illus. London, 1st series, 1852; 2nd and 3rd series, 1851. Complete set. $4.25

261. Drury, D. Illustrations of Exotic Entomology, Containing 650 Figures and Descriptions of Foreign Insects. A new ed. brought down [from 1782] to the present state of the Science, with Characters, Synonyms and additional matter by J. O. Westwood, F. L. S. Jardine considered the artistic and scientific excellence of this improved ed. worthy of the highest praise. 3 vols. 4to, uncut, 150 finely colored plates, half mor., rubbed. Published at 15£, 15s. London, 1837. $20.00

261A. Dumeril, Andre M. C. Considerations Generales sur la Classe des Insectes. Half roan, 272 pp., 60 plates. Paris, 1823. $2.50

262. Duncan, James. British Moths. A Complete Description of the Larvæ and full-grown Insects of our Native Species. Ed. by Jardine. 12mo, 30 colored plates, 268 pp. London, n. d. $1.00

263. Edwards, W. H. Catalogue of the Lepidoptera of America, North of Mexico. Part 1, Diurnals, 68 pp., half leather, copiously interleaved and neatly annotated. (Trans. Am. Ento. Soc. Vol., VI.) Phila., 1877. $2.00

264. Entomologica Americana, Vols. I to VI, Inclus., in Original Parts, 6 vols. Vol. III lacks No. 10, vol. IV lacks Nos. 1, 11 and 12. Orig. pr. paper covers, uncut, rare. Brooklyn, 1885 to 1890. Sold only as 6 vols. as they are. The lot, $10.00

265. Entomologica Americana. Odd parts of Vols. I, III, IV, V.

266. Entomological Commission of U. S., First to Fifth Ann. Reports, Fully illus. by maps, figures in text and numerous plates, some colored. Being the reports of Riley, Thomas and Packard on the Injurious Insects of this country. Wash., 1878-90. Odd vols. from $1.50, to $7.00 for the fifth.

267. Entomological News and Proceedings of Entomological Section Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila. Vols. 3 and 4, half mor., plain and colored plates, 2 vols. Phila., 1892-93. $8.00

268. Entomological Society of London. Catalogue of the Library. Ed. by G. C. Champion. 312 pp., uncut, unopened. London, 1893. $1.00

269. Entomological Society of London. Transactions for the Year 1882. 540 pp., 19 plates, many colored, as new. London, 1882. $1.75

270. Entomological Society of New York, Journal of. Vol. VIII, lacks No. 2; vol. IX complete; vol. X lacks Nos. 3 and 4, in orig. covers. New York, 1900-02. Sold as 3 vols. $1.25

271. Entomologisk Tidskrift. Journal of Entomology Published by the Entomol. Soc. of Stockholm. Vols. 9 to 22, inclus., lacks vols. 18 and 21; vol. 17 lacks parts 2 and 3. Orig. paper covers. Stockholm, 1890 to 1901. The lot, $10.00

272. Entomologist’s Annual, Edited by T. Stainton. Complete set from Commencement in 1855 to Termination in 1874. Colored and plain plates. 20 vols., 12mo, many original papers on N. Spp. and Genera. By leading Entomologists (Gr. p. 37). London. $7.00

273. Entomologists’ Directory, Containing Names, Addresses, etc., of Those Interested in Insect Life in the U. S. and Canada, by H. Skinner, M. D. Paper covers, 84 pp. Phila., 1900. $1.50

274. Entomologists’ Monthly Magazine. Second Series. Vol. 1, Dec. only; vol. 2, lacks Dec; vols. 3 and 4, complete; vol. 5, Jan. only. Orig. numbers, with paper covers. London, 1890-94. $2.00

275. Same. Vol. 19, 1882-83 of First Series, and Vols. 3, 4, 6, 7, 1892-96 of second series. 5 vols. in 3. Half calf and cloth. $2.50

275A. Entomologist’s Weekly Intelligencer for 1856. Edited by H. T. Stainton. Nos. 1-26, inclus. Aug. 5, to Sept. 27th, inclus. (All Pub’d?) The first Weekly Journal of Entomology. First vol., complete. London, 1856. $2.00

276. Entomologist, The. An Illus. Journal of General Entomology. Edited by John T. Carrington and Others. 2 vols. Vol. 20 bound in half calf, Vol. 21 in Nos. as issued, colored plates. London, 1887-88. $4.50

277. Entomology of N. York. 18th, 19th and 20th Repts. of State Entomologist for 1902-03-04 Paper. Albany. $1.00

278. Fall, H. C. List of the Coleoptera of S. California, with Notes on the Habits and Distrib. and Descrip. of N. Species. Pr. covers, uncut, 281 pp. (Occas. Papers Calif. Acad. Sci., No. VIII). San Francisco, 1901. $2.50

279. Forbes, S. A. Studies of the Contagious Diseases of Insects. Article IV. Bull. Ill. State Lab. Nat. Hist., Vol. II. Pr. paper covers, 1 plate. Peoria, 1886. $1.00

280. French, G. H. the Butterflies of the Eastern U. States. For Use of Classes in Zoology and Private Students. 402 pp., fully illus. A most useful Manual. Phila., 1886. $1.25

281. Gillmeister, Dr. C. J. F. Trichopterygia, Beschreibung und Abbildung der Haarflügeligen Käfer. 12mo, paper, 97 pp., 2 plain and 7 colored plates. [Frankfort, 1845.] $2.50

281A. Gould, Rev. Wm. An Account of English Ants, Their Different Species and Mechanisms, Manner of Government, etc., with other Curiosities Observable in these Surprising Insects. 12mo, calf, 109 pp., curious, very rare. London, 1747. $3.00

282. Hagen, Hermann. Synopsis of the Neuroptera of N. America. With List of the South American Species. Smiths. Miscell. Coll. Pr. covers, 346 pp., uncut. Wash., July, 1861. $2.75

283. Harris, T. W., M. D. A Treatise on Insects Injurious to Vegetation. The third and best ed., enlarged and improved. Illus. by colored engravings and cuts drawn under supervision of Prof. Agassiz. Ed. by C. L. Flint, of Mass. Board of Agric. Boston, 1862. Fine copy. $4.00

284. Harris, Thaddeus Wm. (M. D.) Entomological Correspondence of. Edited by S. H. Scudder. Portrait of Harris and 4 plates Insects, 2 colored; also woodcuts. Very rare. On fly-leaf is written “Henry W. Paine, Esq., with respects of Edward D. Harris.” 375 pp. Boston, 1869. $4.50

285. Holland, W. J. The Butterfly Book, a Popular Guide to a Knowledge of the Butterflies of N. America. 48 plates in color-photos., royal 8vo, uncut, first ed., fine impressions of colored plates. Published at $4.00. New York, 1899. $2.75

286. Holland. Moth Book. Any edition. $2.75

287. Howard, L. O. Mosquitoes. How They Live, Carry Disease, Are Classified and Destroyed. 241 pp., illus., as new. New York, 1901. $1.75

288. Hubbard, H. G. Insects Affecting the Orange. Pr. paper covers, 227 pp., colored plates and woodcuts. Wash., 1885. $1.50

289. Humphreys, H. N. The Butterfly Vivarium, or Insect Home. 12mo, 8 colored plates, extra gilt, nice copy. London, 1858. $1.25

290. Humphreys, H. N. The Genera and Species of British Butterflies. Described and arranged according to the system now adopted in the British Museum. Numerous colored plates of all the species and their food plants. As new, royal 8vo, gilt figured covers. Published at $7.50. London, n. d. $3.50

291. Insects of N. York. Natural History of N. York. Vol. V, Agriculture, by E. Emmons, M. D. 4to, 272 pp. 47 plates, colored copy, fine condition. Albany, 1854. $5.00

292. Insect Life. Periodical Bull. of U. S. Dept. of Agric., Div. of Entomology. Vols. 1 to 7, inclus., complete set. Also Index—Vol., 1895. In original numbers, printed paper covers, fine condition, 8 vols. Wash., 1888-95. $17.50

293. Insect Life. Odd Numbers. 40 to 70c.

294. Jaeger, B. Life of N. American Insects, with Numerous Illus. from Specimens in Author’s Cabinet. First ed. 12mo, 319 pp. N. York, 1859. $1.25

294A. (Jermyn, Letitia.) The Butterfly Collector’s Vade Mecum, with Synoptical Table of British Butterflies. Second and enlarged ed., 12mo, orig. boards, paper label, uncut, 169 pp., 4 plates, colored frontis., engr. title, best edition, very scarce. Ipswich, 1827. $3.00

295. Kellogg, V. L. Lepidoptera, Taxonomic Value of the Scales of. Paper, illus., pp. 45 to 89. Kan. Univ. Quar., Vol. III. Lawrence, 1894. 85c.

296. Kirby & Spence. Introduction to Entomology, or Elements of the Nat. Hist. of Insects. 2 vols. Full calf, cracked, 5 finely engraved plates, hand-colored, second ed., enlarged. London, 1816-17. $3.00

297. Kollar, Vincentio. Monographia Chlamydum. 2 colored coleoptera plates of 52 figures. Folio, half mor., 49 pp., rare. Viennæ, 1824. $2.50

297A. L’Admiral, Jacob. Naauwkeurige Waarneemingen Omtrent de Veranderingen Van Veele Insekten of Gekorvene Diertjes, etc. Folio, boards, gilt, figured backs, 34 pp., fine hand-colored plates with flowers, etc., hand-colored vignette title. Devoted to Lepidoptera. Amsterdam, 1774. $8.50

298. Leconte, John L. (M. D.) Classification of the Coleoptera of N. America. In 2 parts, complete in 1 vol., half roan, 348 pp. Smiths. Misc. Collections. The second part is rare. Wash., 1861-73. $2.25

299. Leconte, J. L. The Coleoptera of Kansas and Eastern New Mexico. Smiths. Contrib. to Knowledge. Royal quarto, rare, 2 plates, stitched, 58 pp. Oct., 1859. $3.00

300. Leconte, J. L. New Species of N. Amer. Coleoptera: Prepared for the Smiths. Inst. Part II. Stitched, uncut, all pub. Wash., 1873. $1.25

301. Leconte, J. L. Monograph of the Species of Pasimachus of the U. S., with Descrip. of 2 New Genera of Carabica. Ann. N. Y. Lyc. N. Hist. Paper, rare, 2 plates. N. Y., 1846. $1.00

302. Leconte, J. L. Synopsis of the N. Amer. Species of Platynus. Bon. Author’s Ed. from Bull. Brooklyn Entomol. Soc., Vol. XI, 1879. Pr. paper covers, pp. 44-58, inclus. $1.50

303. Leidy, Prof. Jos. Report to the Councils of Phila. on Insects Injurious to Shade Trees. Pr. covers, rare, 10 pp. Phila., 1862. $1.25

304. Loew, H. Monographs of the Diptera of N. America, Edited with Additions by R. Osten-Sacken. In 2 parts complete. 1862 to 1864. Also, Catalogue of the described Diptera by R. Osten-Sacken. Jan., 1858. Three titles bound in 1 vol. Half roan, 7 plates, 360+92 pp., fine copy. Smiths. Misc. Collections. Wash., 1858-64. $4.50

305. Marsham, Thoma. Entomologia Britannica, Sistens Insecta Britanniæ Indigena, secundum Methodum Linnæanam Disposita. Vol. 1, Coleoptera. (Complete on that Family.) Half calf, 547 pp. London, 1802. $3.00

306. Maynard, Chas. J. Manual of N. American Butterflies. Illus. with 10 hand-colored plates and many woodcuts. First ed., as new. Boston, 1891. $1.50

307. McCook. American Spiders and Their Spinning Work. A Natural History of the Orbweaving Spiders of the U. S. By Henry C. McCook, D. D., Vice-President of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, etc. 3 vols. Royal 8vo, on extra paper, handsomely illus. in colors, uncut. Only colored set left unsold. Pub at $50.00. $42.50

308. McCook, Henry C. (D. D.) The Honey Ants of the Garden of the Gods, and The Occident Ants of the American Plains. 13 tinted plates, 188 pp. Phila., 1882. $2.50

309. McCook, Henry C. Mound Making Ants of the Alleghenies. Pr. paper covers, pp. 253 to 296, illus. (Extract from Trans. Amer. Entomological Soc. Vol. 6, 1877); $1.75

310. McCook, Henry C. Natural History of the Agricultural Ant of Texas. A Monograph of its Habits, Architecture, etc. Illus. by 24 tinted plates. Privately published, as new. Phila., 1879. $2.75

311. Mease, James, M. D. A Letter from Mease, with a Treatise on the Rearing of Silk Worms by Mr. De Hazzi, of Munich, with Plates, etc. Feb. 2, 1828. Referred to the Comm. of Agriculture. Stitched, colored folding plate, 108 pp. Wash., 1828. $1.75

312. Melsheimer, Fred. Val. A Catalogue of Insects of Pennsylvania. Part 1st. All pub. In his Introduction the author modestly ventures: “To the best of my knowledge, I have but few Predecessors in the United States in this Undertaking.” Outside of his own efforts he acknowledged no assistance other than that given by Prof. Knoch, of Brunswick, Germany, a plain demonstration of the non-existence of American collaborators. A beautiful and tall copy, 7½ × 4½ inches, crisp and immaculate, 12mo, 60 pp., bound in three-quarter brown Turkey mor., and marbled paper, inside and out, canary edges. A copy of this exceedingly rare book sold recently in Phila. for $70.00. Hanover, York Co. [Penna.], Printed for the Author by W. D. Lepper, 1808. $48.00

313. Minn. 2nd and 3rd Ann. Reports of Entomologist State Ex. Sta. of Univ. of Minn. Pr. paper covers, illus., 2 pieces. Delano, 1896, and St. Paul, 1898. $2.50

314. Morris, F. O. History of British Butterflies. Royal 8vo, 72 hand-colored plates and 2 plain. London, 1891. $1.75

315. Murray, Andrew. Economic Entomology. Aptera. 433 pp., fully illus. London (1876). $2.50

316. Needham, MacGillivray, Johannsen, Davis. Aquatic Insects of N. York. Bull. No. 68, N. Y. State Mus. Fully illus., by 52 plates, some colored, 517 pp. Albany, 1903. $1.75

317. New Orleans Lepidoptera, Catalogue of. Prepared by L. Von Reizenstein. Printed for R. C. Kerr. 16mo, pr. paper covers, 10 pp. Autograph of R. C. Kerr written on back. Very rare Confederate Imprint. New Orleans, 1863. $2.75

318. Newman, Edward. An Illustrated Natural History of British Butterflies and Moths. Illus., 661 pp., full gilt, as new, pub. at $6.00. London, n. d. $2.00

319. Osten-Sacken, R. Catalogue of the Described Diptera of N. America. Second ed., 276 pp., stitched. Wash., 1878. $2.00

320. Packard, A. S. A Guide to the Study of Insects. A Treatise on those Injurious and Beneficial to Crops, with upwards of 500 engravings. Rare first ed., in the 10 orig. parts, complete, uncut, pr. paper covers, as issued, in fine condition. Very rarely found in this state and of historic interest, because of the data to be found on the printed covers. Salem, Press of the Essex Inst., 1868. $6.00

320A. Remarkable Insects. Square 12mo, gilt edges, hand-colored woodcuts, fine copy. London, 1799. $1.75

320B. Remarks on the Linnæan Orders of Insects. By a Member of the Manchester Nat. Hist. Soc. 4to, pr. boards, 40 pp., colored plates. London, 1828. $1.75

321. Riley, C. V. The Locust Plague in the U. S. A Treatise on the Status of that Insect east of the Rocky Mts., with Methods for its Destruction. Maps, 45 illus., 236 pp. Chicago, 1877. $1.50

322. Roemer, Joanne Jacobo. Genera Insectorum Linnæi et Fabricii Iconibus Illustrata. 4to, half roan, 86 pp., 36 very fine colored plates, 1 plain. Vitoduri Helvetorum, 1789. $6.00

322A. Rosel, August Johann. Der Monatlich-Herausgegebenen Insecten Befustigung. First edition. 5 vols. in 4. 4to, calf, plates exquisitely colored by hand, with the fine colored frontis. generally missing; also the Supplement. Very scarce and valuable. Nurnberg, 1746-49-61. $35.00

323. [Rush, Richard.] Letter from the Sec’y of the Treasury Giving Information to the House of Representatives of May 11, 1826, relating to the Growth and Manufacture of Silk, adapted to the Different Parts of the Union. Stitched, 220 pp., 6 plates. Wash., 1828. $2.75

324. Saunders, Bethune and Rogers. Annual Reports of the Entomological Soc. of Ontario for 1875, 1876, 1877, 1879, 1880. In 1 vol. Illus., half mor., rare. Toronto, 1876-81. $3.00

325. Say, Thomas. American Entomology, or Descriptions of the Insects of N. America. Illus. by colored figures from orig. drawings executed from nature. Phila. Museum. Pub. by S. A. Mitchell; Wm. Brown, Printer. 1824-8. 3 vols. Orig. boards, uncut, 54 colored plates engraved by Tiebout after designs by T. R. Peale and Le Sueur; engraved label on side and back of first vol. Also “A Glossary to Say’s Entomology.” Phila., 1825. Pr. boards, uncut. In all 4 vols., complete, first ed., rarely found with Glossary. The vols. are dated, respectively, 1824, 1825, 1828, 1825. $14.50

326. Say, Thos. The same, without glossary. Binding loose. $11.00

327. Say, Thos. Descriptions of Insects of the Families of Carabici and Hydrocanthari of Latreille, inhabiting N. America. Amer. Philoso. Soc., Vol. 2, N. Series. 109 pp., uncut, scarce and valuable. Phila., 1819. $1.75

328. Samouelle, Geo. The Entomologists’s Useful Compendium. Introduction to Knowledge of British Insects, etc. Boards, loose, paper label, uncut, 496 pp., 12+12 plates (double colored plate ed.), rare. London, 1819. $5.00

329. Scudder, S. H. Fossil Butterflies. (Mem. Am. Asso. Adv. Sc. I.) 4to, paper, 3 plates, rare. Salem, Mass., 1875. $2.00

330. Scott, A. W. Australian Lepidoptera and Their Transformations Parts I, II and III, containing 9 full-page plates in black, embracing over 60 figures drawn from life by Harriet and Helena Scott, 3 parts, folio, as published (pub. £3, 3s.), as new. Supplementary parts have been issued since, and can be obtained from the Australian Museum. $4.00

330A. Short History of Insects, Designed as Introduction to Study of that Branch of Natural History, and a Companion to Those who Visit the Leverian Museum. Paper covers, uncut, 107 pp., plates, name cut from title. Norwich, circa. 1790. $2.50

331. Silk Worms. Directions for Breeding and Management of, with Preface, giving Account of Rise and Progress of Scheme for Silk Culture in Penna. and adjacent Colonies. Fine list of subscribers. Paper, 32 pp., very rare. Phila., 1770. $5.50

332. Smith, J. B. Insects of N. Jersey. A List of the Species with Notes on those of Economic Importance. 755 pp., illus by numerous plates and figures in text, map, scarce. Trenton, 1900. $2.75

333. Smith, J. B. List of Lepidoptera of Boreal America. 124 pp., uncut, paper, as new. Phila., 1891. $1.25

334. Smith, J. B. Monographs of Family Noctuidæ of Boreal N. Amer. Revision of the Deltoid Moths. Paper, 126 pp., 14 plates. Wash., 1895. $1.25

335. Societa Entomologica Italiana, Bullettino della. Vols. 25 and 26, trimestres 1 to 4, inclus. Orig. paper covers, illus. Firenze, 1893-94. Also 4 separata. Firenze, 1893-94. The lot, $1.75

335A. Stainton, H. T. The Entomologist’s Annual, Comprising Notices of the New British Insects, etc. 4 vols., 12mo, half mor., colored and plain plates. London, 1855-1872, inclus. $12.00

335B. Stainton, H. T. Manual of British Butterflies and Moths. 2 vols. 12mo, illus., 338+480 pp. London, 1857-59. $3.75

335C. Stephens, James F. Systematic Catalogue of British Insects, containing References to Every English Writer on Entomology, and to the Principal Foreign Authors, etc. Boards, loose, uncut, pp. 416+388. London, 1829. $5.00

336. Stretch, Richard H. Illustrations of the Zygænidæ and Bombycidæ of N. America. Vol. I, first 7 parts only; 9 parts issued in all and then given up. Orig. paper covers, 7 colored plates, 184 pp., very rare. San Francisco, 1872. $4.00

337. Swinton, A. H. Insect Variety, Its Propagation and Distribution, etc. 326 pp., plain and colored plates. London, N. York, etc. (1880). $2.50

338. Thorley, Rev. John, Of Oxon. An Inquiry into the Nature, Order and Government of Bees; those Instructive and Useful Insects, with a new, easy and Effective Method to preserve them not only in Colonies, but common Hives. A Secret unknown to past Ages and now pub. for the Benefit of Mankind. Small 8vo, paper, 158 pp., 2 plates. London, 1774. $3.00

339. Thorpe, T. B. The Hive of “The Bee-Hunter,” a Repository Of Sketches, including American Character, Scenery and Rural Sports. 312 pp., illus., contains “Tom Owen, the Bee-Hunter,” with portrait, fine copy. New York, 1854. $2.25

340. Van Bruyssel. The Population of an Old Pear Tree, or Stories of Insect Life. Trans. from the French. Edited by Mrs. C. Yonge. Illus. by Becker. 12mo, 221 pp., illus. N. York, 1870. $1.50

340A. Wakefield, Priscilla. Introduction to the Natural History and Classification of Insects, in Series of Lettres. 12mo, boards, 192 pp., 12 plates, rare. London, 1816. $1.50

340B. Walker, Francis. Notes on Chalcidiæ. Original 7 parts, complete, paper covers, illus. London, 1871-72. 7 pieces. $2.75

341. Warder, Jos. (Physician of Croydon). The True Amazons, or the Monarchy of Bees, being a New Discovery and Improvement of those Wonderful Creatures. Small 8vo, 120 pp., calf, broken, very rare. London, 1720. See also under Bees. $3.00

342. Warder, Jos. Same. Portrait. Second Ed. 12mo, calf, rare. London, 1713. $3.00

343. Warder, Jos. Same. Ninth Ed. Paper, uncut, 164 pp. London, 1765. $2.00

344. Wildman, Thos. Treatise on the Management of Bees, Wherein is contained the History of those Insects with Methods of cultivating them both Ancient and Modern. Also the History of Wasps and Hornets, etc. Third ed. Old calf, folded engravings. London, 1778. $2.25

345. Westwood, J. O. Introduction to the Modern Classification of Insects, founded on Habits and Organization. First ed. 2 vols. 462+745 pp., uncut, colored plate, many cuts in text. London, 1839. $4.00

346. Whitmarsh, Samuel, of Mass. Eight Years’ Culture of the Mulberry Tree and Care of the Silk Worm, with remarks on the American System. Folding plate, 16mo, orig. cloth, foxed, 156 pp., rare first ed. Northampton, 1839. $1.75

346A. Wollaston, T. V. Coleoptera Hesperidum. An enumeration of the Coleopterous Insects of the Cape Verde Archipelago. 286 pp., frontis. London, 1867. $3.50

347. Wood, H. C. The Myriapoda of N. America. 111 pp., 3 colored plates, 4to, uncut, pr. paper covers, Author’s separate with his autogr., rare. Phila., 1865. $2.50

347a. Wilson James, and Duncan, Rev. James. Entomologia Edinensis. Description and History of Insects found in Neighbourhood of Edinburgh. Coleoptera. Boards, uncut, 351 pp., 2 plates. London and Edinburgh, 1834. $2.00

348. Wollaston, T. Vernon. Coleoptera Atlantidum. Enumeration of the Coleopterous Insects of the Madeiras, Salvages and Canaries. 526+140 pp., map, good copy. London, 1865. $4.00

348A. Yeats, Thos. Pattinson. Institutions of Entomology. Being a Translation of Linnæus’s Ordines et Genera Insectorum, etc. Collated with the different Systems of Geoffroy, Schaeffer and Scopoli, with Observations of Translator. Calf, 272 pp., fine copy. London, 1773. $2.50


349. Apgar, A. C. A Key to the Mollusca Given in Verrill’s Systematic Catalogue of the Invertebrates of Southern New England and the adjacent Waters. Tall 12mo, stiff paper covers, privately printed, illus. The first Key of United States Mollusks ever published. 46 pp., Hektograph print, very curious. Trenton, 1880. $1.00

350. Baker, F. C. Unionidæ. Mollusca of Chicago Area. The Pelecypoda. Bull. No. III, part 1, Chicago Acad. Sciences. Paper, 27 plates. 1898. $1.25

351. Binney, W. G. Notes on American Land Shells and Other Miscellaneous Conchological Contributions. Vol. 1, 1856-1874. 40 plates. Burlington, N. J., Printed for the Author, 1874. [Also] The Complete Writings of Constantine Smaltz Rafinesque on Recent Fossil Conchology. Ed. by W. G. Binney and G. W. Tryon, Jr. New York, 1864. In 1 vol. Half mor. $5.00

352. Binney, W. G. Anatomy and Lingual Dentition of Ariolimax and other Pulmonata. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Vol. 11. Stitched, 10 plates. Phila., 1874. $1.00

353. Binney, W. G. Bibliography of N. American Conchology Previous to the year 1860. Parts 1 and 2, complete. Half mor., 2 vols. Washington, 1863-4. $2.00

354. Binney, W. G. The Genitalia, Jaw and Lingual Dentition of certain Pulmonata. Reprinted from Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist., N. Y., 1875. Pr. paper covers, 7 plates. Burlington, 1875. $1.00

355. Binney, W. G. The Jaw and Lingual Membrane of N. American Terres. Pulmonata. Reprint Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila. Paper, complete in itself uncut, pp. 140 to 254, 21 plates. Burlington, 1875. $1.75

356. Binney, W. G. 14 Separata on Mollusca, Mostly Relating to their Anatomy. With title pages and index to his “Notes.” Burlington, N. J., 1875. The lot, $2.00

357. Binney, W. G. Land and Fresh Water Shells of N. America. Part 2, Pulmonata, Limnophila and Thalassophila. Smiths. Misc. Coll., No. 143. Complete in itself, with cuts and Index. Orig. paper covers, uncut, rare. Wash., Sept., 1865 $1.75

358. Binney and Bland. Land and Fresh Water Shells of N. America. Part 1, Pulmonata Geophila. Smiths. Misc. Coll., No. 194. 8vo, paper covers, very full of illus., 316 pp. Wash., 1865. $2.75

359. Brookes, Samuel. Introduction to the Study of Conchology, including Observations on the Linnæan Genera, and on the Arrangement of M. Lamarck. Glossary and Table of English Names. 4to, half Russia, 9 finely hand-colored and 2 plain plates, fine copy. London, 1815. First ed. $4.00

360. Brown, Capt. Thos. The Conchologist’s Text-Book, Embracing the Arrangements of Lamarck and Linnæus, with a Glossary. Enlarged by Wm. MacGillivray 16mo, 21 hand-colored plates. The work from which Poe manufactured his “Conchologist’s First Book.” London, 1856. $1.50

361. Brown, Thos. The Elements of Conchology, or Natural History of Shells According to the Linnæan System, with Observations on Modern Arrangements. 108 pp., 9 colored plates, scarce. London, 1816. $1.25

361a. Brown, Thos. Same. Uncut. $1.50

362. Burrow, Rev. E. I. Elements of Conchology, According to the Linnæan System, illus., drawn from Nature by the Author. 12mo, half roan, large paper, 28 plates, engraved by Heath. London, 1815. $1.50

363. Carpenter, Philip P. The Mollusks of Western N. America. Embracing the Second Report made to the British Asso. on this Subject, with other papers, reprinted with a General Index. Pr. paper covers, 325 pp.—121 pp. index, uncut. Smiths. Misc. Coll., No. 252. Rare and valuable. Wash. Dec., 1872. $4.00

364. Clark, W. History of the British Marine Testaceous Mollusca, in their Natural Order on the Basis of Organization. With References and Notes of every British Species. Uncut. London, 1855. $1.50

365. Conrad, T. A. Monography of the Family Unionidæ, or Naiads of Lamarck, of N. America. Illus. by figures drawn on stone from Nature. Parts 1 to 9, inclus. Pr. covers, colored plates, very rare. Phila., 1835-7. $5.00

366. Crouch, E. A. Illustrated intro. to Lamarck’s Conchology. A literal trans. of Lamarck’s work, with 22 colored lithographs. 4to, orig. pictorial boards, untrimmed, large paper. London, 1826. $1.75

367. Da Costa, E. M. British Conchology, Containing Descriptions and other Particulars of Natural History of Shells of Great Britain and Ireland. 4to, half bound, 17 fine hand-colored plates, 247 pp., printed in parallel columns of English and French. London, 1778. $2.00

368. Da Costa, E. M. Elements of Conchology, an Introduction to the Knowledge of Shells. Half calf, cracked, no plates. London, 1776. $1.00

369. Dall, W. H. Preliminary Catalogue of the Shell-Bearing Marine Mollusks and Brachiopods of the southeastern coast of U. S., with illus. of the Species. Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 37. Paper, 74 plates. Wash., 1889. $2.50

370. Desallius, A. J. L’Histoire Naturelle Eclaircie dans une de ses parties principales la Conchyliologie qui traite des Coquillages de Mer, de Riviere et de Terre, Augmente de la Zoomorphose. 4to, 29 plates drawn from Nature, calf, cracked. Paris, 1757. $3.00

371. Deshayes, G. P. Traite Elementaire de Conchyliologie avec l’application de cette science a la Geognosie. 67 plates, 1 colored, the first 24 signatures of text and part of explanation of plates, folded sheets, incomplete. Paris, 1839-53. As it is. $1.50

372. Dillwyn, L. W. A Descriptive Catalogue of Recent Shells, arranged according to the Linnæan Method, with particular attention to the Synonomy. 2 vols. Calf, rehinged, first ed., interleaved. Book-plate of J. G. Swainson, with “To Lady Rowe” written by him on same, in each volume. Lady Rowe has also written on fly-leaf “the Gift of Mr. Swainson, Collector of Customs of Jamaica.” London, 1817. $3.50

373. Dillwyn, L. W. Index to the Historic Conchyliorum of Lister, with Name of Species to Which Each Figure Belongs, and Occasional Remarks. Folio, paper covers, uncut, 48 pp. Oxonii: Clarendon Press, 1823. $2.50

374. Forbes, Prof. Edward, and Hanley, Sylvanus. History of British Mollusca and their Shells, with a splendid series of over 200 full-page plates, containing many thousand illus. by Sowerby. Large paper copy, with extra fine impressions, only a few copies being so done. Royal 8vo, 4 vols., as new. Pub. at 9£, 15s. (Gr. p. 43, inx.) London, 1853. $10.50

375. Gassies, J. B. Des Mollusques Terrestres et D’Eau Douce de la Gironde, Catalog. Raisonné. Stitched, 74 pp. Bordeaux, 1859. $1.00

376. Gassies, J. B., et Fischer, P. Monographie du Genre Testacelle. Stitched, 56 pp., 2 plates. Paris, 1856. $1.00

377. Gould, A. A. Expedition Shells, Described for the Work of the Exploring Expedition, Commanded by Charles Wilkes, U. S. N., during the years 1838-42. [From “Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. H.”] 32 pp., author’s ed., uncut, complete. Boston, 1846. $1.25

378. Gould, A. A. Report on the Invertebrata of Massachusetts, comprising the Mollusca, Crustacea, Annelida, and Radiata. Pub. agreeably to an order of the Legislature, etc. Boards, first ed., illus., 213 figures. Cambridge, 1841. $3.00

379. Gray, Dr. Manual of the Land and Fresh Water Shells of the British Islands, with Figures of the Kinds. By Wm. Turton, M. D. A new ed., thoroughly revised and much enlarged by John E. Gray. 12mo, uncut, 12 fine colored plates. London, 1857. $1.75

380. Hartman, W. D., and Michener, E. Conchologia Cestrica. The Molluscous Animals and their Shells, of Chester County, Pa. 12mo, illus. Phila., 1874. $1.25

381. Herrmannsen, A. N. Indicis Generum Malacozoorum Primordia. Fasc. I, Vol. I, etc. Cassellis, 1846. Vol. II, Cassellis, 1847-49. 2 vols. Half roan, complete in itself. $2.50

382. Ingersoll, Ernest. Oyster Industry, The. Issued by the 10th Census of the U. S. Fishery Industries. 4to, paper, 250 pp., fully illus., corner torn from title. Wash., 1881. $1.25

383. Jay, John C. Catalogue of Recent Shells, with Descriptions of New or Rare Species in the Collection. Second ed., privately printed, 4 colored plates, Dr. I. R. Chilton’s book label, 79 pp. N. Y., 1836. $4.00

384. Jay, John C. A Catalogue of the Shells, Arranged According to the Lamarckian System, together with descriptions of New or Rare Species. 4to, 125 pp., 10 colored plates, author’s autogr. copy, presented to Dr. Swift. Third ed. New York, 1839. $4.00

385. Another copy. 4to, Plates, not colored, pr. covers, uncut. $2.25

386. Lea, Isaac. A Complete Set of the First Edition and Issue of his noted Monographs on American Unios, from 4 vols. of the Trans. Amer. Philosoph. Soc. Illus. by many hand-colored plates of fine artistic finish. All in orig. board cover of vol. of the Transactions. 4to, not bound, a rare set. Phila., 1834-39. $9.00

386A. Lowe, E. J. The Conchology of Nottingham. Popular History of Recent Land and Fresh Water Mollusca Found in the Neighbourhood. 12mo, pr. covers, 48 pp. (All pub., complete on Fresh Water Shells.) Author’s autogr. pres. copy, illus. London, n. d. $1.25

386B. MacGillivray, Wm. The Conchologist’s Text Book, Embracing Arrangements of Lamarck and Linneus, Glossary of Technical Terms, and Brief Account of the Mollusca. Ninth ed., 12mo, 232 pp., 21 colored plates. London, and Edinburgh (1840?). $1.75

386C. MacGillivray, Wm. History of the Molluscous Animals of the Counties of Aberdeen, Kincardine and Banff, with Account of the Cirripedal Animals of Same District. 12mo, uncut, 370 pp. London, 1843. $1.75

387. Mawe, John. The Linnæan System of Conchology, Describing the Orders Genera and Species of Shells arranged into Divisions and Families. New half roan, 207 pp., 36 plates, frontis. beautifully colored, rare. London, 1823. $2.50

387A. Montagu, George. Testacea Britannica, or, British Shells. 4to, calf, 606+183 pp. In 2 parts and Supp. each with engraved title, in 1 vol. 30 colored plates, name on title-page, fine copy. London, 1803-08. $6.00

388. Nautilus, The. Edited by Averell, Pilsbry and Johnson. Vols. 3 to 9, inclus., complete in orig. parts. 7 vols. Phila., 1890-95. $5.00

389. Poe, Edgar Allan. The Conchologist’s First Book, A System of. Testaceous Malacology. Second ed., 12mo, boards, loose, 166 pp. Phila., 1840. $1.75

390. Prime, Temple. Monograph of American Corbiculadæ. (Recent and Fossil.) Uncut, fully illus., rare. Wash., 1865. $1.50

390A. Rainey, George. On the Mode of Formation of Shells of Animals, Bone and Several other Structures by Process of Molecular Coalescence, etc. 152 pp., uncut, illus. London, 1858. $1.25

391. Rafinesque, C. S. Monograph of the Fluviatile Bivalve Shells of the River Ohio, containing Twelve Genera and Sixty-eight Species. Trans. from the French of C. S. Rafinesque. Frontis. engraved by Lawson. 12mo, orig. linen boards, uncut, paper label, much sought for. Phila., 1832. $9.00

392. Rafinesque, C. S. Complete Writings of. On Recent and Fossil Conchology. Edited by W. G. Binney and G. W. Tryon, Jr. 103 pp., pr. covers, 3 plates. N. Y., etc., 1864. $1.75

392A. Rudiments of Conchology with Explanatory Plates and References to Collection of Shells in British Museum. New and Improved Edition. 12mo, 112 pp., colored plates. London, 1837. $1.25

392B. Schroter, Johann S. Die Geschichte der Flussconchylien mit Vorzuglicher Rucksicht auf diejenigen welche in den Thuringischen Wassern Leben. 4to, boards, 434 pp., 11 fine colored plates, full on Unionidæ. Halle, 1779. $6.00

393. Stimpson, Wm. Researches upon the Hydrobiinæ and Allied Forms. 56 pp., pr. paper covers, uncut, illus. Wash., 1865. $1.25

394. Tryon, Geo. W. Monograph of the Order Pholadacea, Etc., (including History of Conchology in U. S.) and 3 other Papers. Contrib. to Conch., Vol. 2; Author’s ed., pr. paper covers, 1 plate and figures, 127 pp., rare. Phila., Dec., 31st 1862. $2.25

395. Tryon, Geo. W. Monograph of the Terrestrial Mollusca Inhabiting the U. S. with Illus. of all the Species. A fine copy of the Double Color-plate Ed., of which only 25 copies were made and quickly sold. This copy is finely new-bound in dark red three-quarter levant, gilt tops, uncut, with the orig. covers of parts bound in. Phila., Pub. by the Author, 1865-66. $23.00

396. Turton, Wm., M. D. A Conchological Dictionary of the British Islands. Assisted by his Daughter. Illus. by 28 finely Hand-colored plates, 12mo, boards, uncut, paper label, name cut from top of title, but a fine copy of the rare first ed. An esteemed work often reprinted. London, 1819. $2.75

397. Warren, John. The Conchologist. small 4to, half roan, cracked, 17 plates by Pendleton, first ed., 204 pp., very rare. Boston, 1834. $3.25

398. Woodward, S. P. A Manual of the Mollusca. Second ed. 12mo, paper label, 542 pp. plus Appendix of 86 pp. of Recent and Fossil Conchological Discoveries to the Present Time. By Ralph Tate. 23 plates, illus. in text. London, 1871. $2.25

399. Woodward, S. P. same. fourth edition. 1880. $2.75

400. Wyatt, Thos. A Manual of Conchology, According to the System Laid Down by Lamarck. With the late improvements by De Blainville. 191 pp., 36 colored plates, loose, orig. embossed cloth, plates engraved by Ackerman, first ed., very rare. New York, 1838. $2.75


402. Agassiz, Louis and Alex., Etc. Echinoderms of the Gulf Stream, with L. Agassiz’ General Report of the G. S. Fauna. Nos. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., pp. 253 to 386. Author’s ed. complete, pr. covers. Cambridge, 1869. $2.00

403. Baker, Henry. Natural History of the Polype, in a letter to Martin Folkes, Pres. of the Royal Soc. Calf, cracked, 218 pp., plate, cuts in text, first line of title cut off, very rare. London, 1743. $2.00

401. Agassiz, L. Anatomy of Astrangia Danæ, 1849. 6 lithographs from drawings by A. Sonrel. Explanations by Fewkes. Folio, pr. covers, 20 pp. Wash., 1889. $1.25

404. Bate and Westwood. A History of the British Sessile-Eyed Crustacea. Illus., 2 vols., half calf, cracked. London, 1863-68. $2.75

406. Bollman, C. H. The Myriapoda of N. America. Bull. No. 46. U. S. Nat. Mus. Ed. by L. M. Underwood. 210 pp. Wash., 1893. $1.50

407. Brooks and Herrick. The Embryology and Metamorphosis of the Macroura. Vol. 5, Nat. Acad. of Sciences. 4to, pr. paper covers, 576 pp., 57 colored plates. Author’s autogr. pres. copy. $2.50

408. Cuvier, Baron. The Classes Annelida, Crustacea and Arachnida. With Supplementary Additions to each order, by Griffith and Pidgeon. 61 fine copper plates, 4to, large paper, newly bound, uncut. London, 1833. $3.50

409. Dana, J. A. Corals and Coral Islands. Fully illus., colored frontis., gilt figured cloth, uncut, first ed. N. York, 1872. $2.25

410. De Dees, Dr. E. D. Myriopoda Regni Hungariæ. E. Commiss. Regiæ Soc. Hungar. Scien. Natur. 4to, pr. covers, 3 plates, 126 pp. Budapest, 1889. $1.75

411. De Saussure. H. Memoirs pour Servit a L’Histoire Naturelle du Mexique des Antilles et des Etats-Unis. Premiere Livraison, Crustaces. 4to, paper, 80 pp., 6 plates. Complete as to the Crustacea. Paris, 1858. $1.75

412. Dujardin, Felix. Histoire Naturelle des Zoophytes. Infusoires comprenant la Physiologie et la Classification de ces Animaux, et la Maniere de les Etudier a l’Aide du Microscope, Ouvrage Accompagne de Planches. 684 pp. (no plate vol. with this). Paris, 1841. $2.50

413. Ellis, J., and Donati, V. (1.) Essai sur L’Histoire Naturelle des Corallines et d’Autres Productions Marines. Par Jean Ellis. La Haye, 1756. (2.) Essai sur L’Histoire de la Mer Adriatique par Vitaliano Donati, avec une lettre du Dr. L. Sessler sur une Nouvelle Espece de Plante Terrestre. La Haye, 1758. 2 vols. in 1. Many plates, 4to, calf. $3.00

414. Faxon, Walter. Revision of the Astacidæ. Part 1. The Genera Cambarus and Astacus. Mem. Mus. Compar. Zool. Harvard College. Vol. X. No. 4. 4to, pr. covers, uncut, 10 plates. Cambridge, 1885. $2.75

415. Girard, C. Embryonic Development of Planocera Elliptica. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 2nd series, vol. 2. 4to, stitched, 3 plates. 85c.

415A. Gosse, P. H. History of British Sea-Anemones and Corals, Etc. 362 pp., colored plates and cuts. London, 1860. $2.25

416. Gould, Aug. G. Report on the Invertebrata of Massachusetts, comprising the Mollusca, Crustacea, Annelida, and Radiata. Published agreeably to an order of the Legislature, etc. Boards, first ed., illustrated by 213 figures. Cambridge, 1841. $3.00

417. Haeckel, Dr. Ernst. Naturliche Schopfungeschichte Gemeinverstand. wissensch. Vorträge über die Entwickelungslehre im Allegemeinen und diejenige von Darwin, Göthe und Lamarck im Beconderen. Vierte verbesserte Auflage. Mit 16 Tafeln, 19 Holzschnitten, 18 Stammbauen und 19 System. Tabellen. Full roan, tinted and plain plates. Berlin, 1873. $2.25

418. Hitchcock, Romyn. Synopsis of Fresh-Water Rhizopods. Condensed Account of Genera and Species Founded upon Leidy’s Fresh-Water Rhizopods of N. America. 58 pp., 2 plates. N. York, 1881. $1.50

419. Humbert, A., et Pictet, F. J. Monographie des Cheloniens de la Mollasse Suisse. Large 4to, original boards, 71 pp., 22 fine plates. Geneve, 1856. $2.00

420. Johnston, G. History of British Sponges and Lithophytes. 264 pp., colored plates and cuts. Valuable. Edinburgh, 1842. $5.00

420A. Jones, T. Rymer. The Aquarian Naturalist. A Manual for the Sea-Side. Post 8vo, 524 pp., orig. cloth, uncut, unopened, a very fine copy of the first ed. of this most fascinating and valuable book. Illus. with 8 beautifully colored plates, illustrating several hundred species, chiefly of the Lower Invertebrata. A final chapter on Fish. London, Van Voorst, 1858. $3.50

421. Lamarck, J. B. P. A. Histoire Naturelle des Animaux sans Vertebres. Presentat Les Caracteres Generaux et Particuliers de ces Animaux, Leur Distribution, Leurs Classes, Leurs Familles, Leurs Genres, et La Citation des Principales especes qui s’ y rapportent. Vol. 1, Infusoria; vol. 2, Polyps; vol. 3, Radiates, Vermes, Intro. to Insecta; vol. 4, Insects; vol. 5, Arachnids, Crustacea, Annelids, Cirripedes; vol. 6, History of Molluscs. Dates run from 1835-1840. Paper covers, uncut. The second ed., being De Shayes, and Milne Edwards issue of Lamarcks Nat. Hist. of Invertebrates. In orig. pr. covers, uncut, as issued. The first 7 vols. complete in themselves. Paris, 1835-40 $4.50

422. Lamouroux, J. (D. E. S.) Exposition Methodique des Genres de L’Ordre des Polypiers, avec leur Description et celle des principales Espèces, Figuré es dans 84 Planches, les 63 premieres appartenant a L’Hist. Nat. des Zoophytes d’Ellis et Solander. 4to, half mor., 115 pp., 84 plates. John Le Contes’ autogr. copy. Paris, 1821. $4.50

423. Leidy, Jos. A Fauna and Flora Within Living Animals. Smiths. Contr., vol. 5. 4to, 10 plates, paper cover separate. In this monograph Leidy’s earlier reputation largely originated. Rare. Wash., 1851. $1.25

424. Leidy, Jos. Fresh Water Rhizopods. Monograph. 4to, Vol. 12. U. S. Geol. Surv. Terr., 300 or more pages text and 48 colored plates. This is one of the most noted works of a great man. $2.50

425. Nicholson, H. A. Palæozoic Corals, the Structure and Affinities of the Genus Monticulipora and Sub-Genera. With descriptions of species. Royal 8vo, as new, 6 plates. Edinburgh, 1881. $1.25

426. Nutting, Chas. C. American Hydroids. Part 1, the Plumularidæ, with 34 plates. Wash., 1900. Part 2, Sertularidæ, 44 plates. Wash., 1904. Folio, orig. pr. covers, uncut, new, 2 vols. Wash., 1900, 1904. $1.75

427. Owen, Richard. Lectures on the Comparative Anatomy and Physiology of the Invertebrate Animals. Second ed. Fine copy in three-quarter mor., gilt tops, photo. of author, illus. by woodcuts, as new. Not a reprint, but revised and brought to date by Owen. London, 1855. $3.75

428. Owen, Richard. Same. First Ed. Illus. London, 1843. $2.00

429. Packard, A. S. Phyllopod Crustacea of N. America, Monograph on, with remarks on the Order Phyllocardia. As printed in 12th Ann. Report U. S. Geol. and Geographical Survey of the Territories. Part 1 for 1878. Pp. 295 to 592, plates 1-38, inclus. The complete vol., 786 pp., containing also articles on Osteology and Fossils. Wash., 1883. $3.00

430. Potts, Edward. Fresh Water Sponges. A Monograph. Illus., paper, uncut. Phila., 1887. $2.00

430A. Pritchard, Andrew. A History of Infusorial Animalcules, Living and Fossil. With Several Hundred Magnified Representations. New ed., enlarged. 704 pp., uncut, 24 finely colored plates. Autogr. inscription: “To Richard Owen, Esq., F. R. S., with the Author’s profound consideration.” Scarce. London, 1852. $8.00

431. Steenstrup, J. J. S. On the Alternation of Generations, or the Propagation and Development of Animals through Alternate Generations. A peculiar form of fostering the young in the lower classes of animals. 146 pp., 3 plates. London, 1845. $1.75

432. Stimpson, Dr. Wm. Researches upon the Hydrobiinæ and Allied Forms, Chiefly made upon Materials in the Museum of the Smiths. Instit. 59 pp., paper. Smiths. Misc. Coll., Wash., 1865. $1.25

433. Stokes, Dr. Alfred C. History of the Fresh Water Infusoria of the U. S. As originally pub. in Journal of the Trenton Nat. Hist. Soc., vol. 1, No. 3, with Index and Title-page to the whole vol. In orig. pr. covers, 250 pp., 13 plates of about 250 figures, uncut, unopened, as new. This Monograph remains to be the best pub. authority on that subject. Trenton, N. J., Jan., 1888. Postpaid, $1.00

434. Webster, H. E. The Annelida Chætopoda of the Virginian Coast. Vol. 9 of Trans. Albany Institute, 1878. Advance issue. Author’s autogr. copy, 11 fine plates. $1.50


435. Abbott, Chas. C. A Naturalist’s Rambles About Home. 485 pp., 12mo, rare first ed. List of N. Jersey Birds and Mammals. N. Y., 1884. $1.75

436. Arnold and Samuels, E. A. The Living World. Descriptions of the Several Races of Men and all Species of Animals, Birds, Fishes, Insects, etc., with Numerous Anecdotes. 2 vols., 4to, half roan. Many colored lithographs of American Birds, etc. Boston, 1870. $1.50

436A. Binkerd, A. D. The Mammoth Cave and its Denizens. A Complete Descriptive Guide. Printed covers, 95 pp. Cincinnati, 1869. $1.50

437. Boitard, M. Le Jardin des Plantes Description et Moeurs des Mammiferes de la Menagerie et du Museum d’Hist. Nat. (With introduction historic, etc., by Janin.) Royal 8vo, half calf, portrait of Buffon and Cuvier, plan of gardens, colored plates of birds and quadrupeds. Paris, 1842. $2.00

438. Brown, Peter. Nouvelles Illus. de Zoologie, Contenant Cinquante planches enluminees D’Oiseaux Curieux et qui nom etes jamais descrits, et quelques de Quadrupedes de Reptiles et d’Insectes, avec De Courtes Descriptions Systematiques. 4to, half calf, 136 pp., 50 colored copper plates text in French and English. The plates are chiefly of Birds (some American) and are hand-colored. The descriptions are mostly by Pennant. Rare first edition. Londres, 1776. $6.75

439. Challenger Voyage. Report of the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H. M. S. Challenger during 1873-6. Prepared under the Superintendence of Sir. C. W. Thompson. Zoology, vol. 1. Large 4to, uncut, unopened, 32 plates of Fishes; contains Davidson’s Report on the Brachiopoda, Kolliker’s Pennatulida, Brady’s Ostracoda, Turner’s Bones of Cetecea, Parker’s Devel. of the Green Turtle, Gunther’s Shore Fishes. London, 1880. $4.00

440. Cope, E. D. Synopsis of the Extinct Batrachia, Reptilia and Aves of N. America. Large 4to, complete with 12 plates, rare and valuable, orig. paper covers, 252 pp. Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., vol. 14, part 1. Phila., 1870. $3.50

441. Cornish, C, J. Wild Animals in Captivity, or Orpheus at the Zoo and other Papers. With illus. from Photographs by Gambier Bolton and from Japanese Drawings. Uncut. N. York., 1894. $1.50

442. Cuvier, Baron, and Griffith, Edw. The Animal Kingdom, Arranged in Conformity with its Organization, with Additional Descriptions of all the Species hitherto named, and of many not before noticed, by Edward Griffith and others. 16 vols., half mor., marbled paper sides, marbled edges, hand-colored plates in first vol., the rest plain. Pub. at $145.00. London, 1827. $35.00

443. De Kay, J. E. Zoology of New York State. Part 1, Mammals—Text and uncolored plates in 1 vol., 1842. Orig. cloth. Part 2, Birds—Text and plates, newly bound in separate vols., half mor., 1844. The colored plates interleaved and typewritten names of each given, thus avoiding tedious reference to index key as in orig. binding. Parts 3 and 4, Reptiles, Amphibia and Fishes—1 vol. text, 1 vol. uncolored plates, 1842, orig. cloth. Parts 5 and 6, Mollusca and Crustacea—Text and colored plates in 1 vol., 1843, orig. cloth. Six 4to vols. The set, reduced to $18.00

444. De Kay, J. E. Zoology of New York State. Part 1, Mammals—Text and plates in 1 vol., 4to, orig. cloth. 1842. $2.75

445. De Kay, J. E. Zoology of New York State. Parts 3 and 4. Reptiles and Fishes. 1 vol., text, 1 vol. plates, 4to, 1842. $4.00

446. De Kay, J. E. Zoology of New York State. Parts 5 and 6, Mollusks and Crustaceans. Separate, 53 plates, 411 colored figures. $3.75

447. Donovan, E. British Zoology. An extraordinary set of this choice series in De Luxe binding. 39 tall octavo vols. of 1200 hand-colored copper plates, bound in 21. Superbly bound in half green Turkey mor., double crimson labels, full gilt edges and gilt-tooled backs, figured emblematically of the contents, with miniature Birds, Beasts and Shells. CONTENTS, Mammals, 3 vols. in 2, London, 1820, etc. Birds, 10 vols. in 5, London, 1797, etc. Fishes, 5 vols. in 3, London, 1802, etc. Insects, 16 vols. in 8, London, 1793, etc. Shells, 25 vols. in 3, London, 1804, etc. This historic series, covering the labor of a lifetime, was issued in parts during a period of 27 years, and at a total subscription price of $350.00. $105.00

448. D’Orbigny, de M. A. Notice Analytique sur les Travaux Zoologiques et Paleontologiques. In 4 pts. 4to, 48 pp., paper. Paris, 1844. $1.25

449. Doughty’s Cabinet of Natural History and American Rural Sports, with illus. Vols. 1 and 2 in one, 4to, calf. Steel portraits of Wm. Bartram and C. W. Peale and 48 lithographs (colored by hand) of Birds and Mammals. A scarce publication confined to American subjects. It was discontinued after a few numbers of vol. 3 were issued, not one set in 20 having these. Some time-spotting. Phila., J. & G. Doughty, 1830-32. $9.00

451. Elliot, D. G. Life and Habits of Wild Animals. Illus. by Joseph Wolf. 4to, full-page wood engraving by Whymper. Boston, 1877. $1.25

452. Erhard, Dr. Fauna Der Cykladen. Erster Theil. die Wirbelthiere der Cykladen. Nebst einem Anhange über deren Pflanzendecke Mit einer Karte. 116 pp., colored map. Leipzig, 1858. $1.50

453. Fleming, John. The Philosophy of Zoology, or General View of Structure, Functions and Classifications of Animals. 2 vols., boards, uncut, illus., library stamp of Albany Institute, rare. Edinburgh, 1822. $3.00

454. Gardens and Menagerie of the Zoological Society Delineated. Vol. 1, Quadrupeds; vol. 2, Birds. 2 vols., complete, uncut, illus., fine set. Chiswick Press, 1830-31. $2.75

455. Gosse, P. H. An Introduction to Zoology. 2 Vols. 12mo, nicely illus., by fine woodcuts. London (1844). $2.00

455A. Howitt, Samuel. A New Work of Animals. Principally designed from the Fables of Aesop, Gay and Phaedrus, Containing 56 Plates Drawn and Etched from Life. 4to, boards, extra fine impressions of plates. London, 1811. $6.00

456. Illigeri, Caroli. Prodromus Systematis Mammalium et Avium additis Terminis Zoographicis Utriusque Classis. 301 pp., uncut, orig. boards, rare. Indispensable to the Systematic Zoologist. Berolini, 1811. $4.00

457. Jenyns, L. Manual of British Vertebrate Animals, or Descriptions of all the Animals belonging to the Classes, Mammalia, Aves, Reptilia, Amphibia and Pisces. Half mor., 559 pp. Cambridge, 1835. $1.50

458. Lacepede’s Histoire Naturelle des Quadrupeds—Ovipares. Suite et Complement des Oeuvres de Buffon. Full old calf, many plates, excellent engravings of Reptiles, Fish, Amphibia (including Whales). Fine portrait of Lacepede. 5 vols., Paris, 1819. $3.00

459. Lacepede, M. le Comte. Histoire Naturelle des Quadrupeds Ovipares et des Serpens. Tome Premier. 651 pp., 41 plates, 4to, calf. Includes Turtles, Lizards, Salamanders, Toads and Frogs. Paris, 1788. $1.75

460. Landseer, Thomas. Characteristic Sketches of Animals, Principally from the Zoological Gardens, Regent’s Park. Drawn from life and engraved by Landseer. With descriptive and illustrative Notices by Jno. H. Barrow. Folio, calf, fine large plates on India paper, also numerous tail-pieces. Fine copy, binding slightly cracked. London, 1832. $5.00

461. Leach, Wm. Elford, M. D. The Zoological Miscellany, Being Descriptions of New or Interesting Animals. Illus. with Colored Figures, Drawn from Nature by R. P. Nodder. 3 vols., 149 colored plates, all pub. Calf, library stamp on each title and plate. Many new species of Birds, Mammals, Insects, Shells, etc., here described or figured for the first time. London, 1814-17. $6.00

462. Lichtenstein, Dr. H. Ueber die in Den Werken Von Marcgrave und Piso beschreiben Amphibien und Fische und über die Gatutng Dendrocolaptes. (Verhandl. Akad. der Wissensch.). 4to, 52 pp., scarce. Berlin, 1822. $1.75

463. Martyn, Wm. Frederick. A New Dictionary of Natural History or Completed Universal Display of Animated Nature. With accurate illus. of the Most Curious and Beautiful Animals, elegantly colored. Besides the 100 hand-colored folio plates, belonging to this work, it has been extra illus. by the insertion of Peter Browne’s 4to col. plates of Birds, Mammals, etc., pub. in 1775; also of several of the quaint folio plates from Johnston’s Natural History, pub. in 1757. This work relates exclusively to the Zoology of Living Forms. 2 vols. Folio, bound in one, calf. London, 1785. $6.00

464. Maximilian du Wied. Brasilien, Nachtrage, Berichtigungen und Busake zu der Beschreibung meiner Reise im ostlichen Brasilien von Max Prinz zu Wied. 144 pp., paper, scarce. Frankfurt am Main, 1850. $2.50

465. Maynard, C. J. Naturalist’s Guide in Collecting and Preserving Objects of Natural History, with a Complete Catalogue of the Birds of Eastern Mass. Illus. by Weeks. Frontis. Baird’s Sparrow. List. Mass. Birds, first ed., 12mo. Boston, 1871. $1.75

465A. Maynard, C. J. Same. Plates of Brewster’s Warb. and Sandwich Sparrow, colored, rare. 1883. $2.00

466. McMurtrie’s Cuvier. Cuvier, Baron. The Animal Kingdom. Arranged in conformity with its organization. Trans. from the French, and abridged for the use of Schools, etc., by H. McMurtrie, M. D. Old calf, 532 pp., trifle foxed, good copy. N. Y., 1833. $3.00

467. Mexican Boundary Survey. 3 vols. 4to, fine on Zoology and Botany. $6.00

468. Natural History of Quadrupeds, Birds, Fishes and Insects. A new system of, in 3 vols., 104 copper plates, representing over 600 species of animals. Printed for Peter Hill. Edinburgh, 1791. $2.75

469. Ohio Zoology. Vol. 5. Zoology and Botany. The Most Scarce volume of the Survey, and the most valuable too. Columbus, 1882. $3.50

470. Oken’s Naturgeschichte fur Alle Stande. Von Prof. Oken. 14 vols., including Index. Portrait of Oken. Uniform half calf, 12mo. The Atlas of plates to accompany the work was issued later and is not with this set. Oken, the celebrated editor of Isis, was both Kant and Cuvier of the Swiss Nation. Stuttgart, 1833-42. $5.75

471. Owen, Richard. Anatomy of Vertebrates. 2 Vols. Fine three-quarter mor., gilt tops., illus., engraved frontis. portrait of author; also 2 photographs (duplicates). An engraved portrait and fac-simile autogr. pasted on title-page. Neat MSS. notes by Dr. C. C. Cresson, of Phila. A classic work. London, 1866. $5.00

472. Owen, Richard. Nature of Limbs. A Discourse Delivered at a Meeting of the Royal Instit. of Great Britain. Portrait, figures, large folded plates, three-quarter mor., gilt. Author’s autogr. pres. copy to Rev. John Barlow. Rare. London, 1849. $3.50

473. Pacific Railroad Survey Reports. 13 Vols. Includes about 7000 pp., text and hundreds of full-page illus. and colored plates of the natural history of the U.S. west of the Mississippi Valley. 4to, cloth or half morocco. Wash., 1855-’60. $9.50

474. Pallas, P. S. (Med. Doc.). Spicilegia Zoologica Quibus Novæ imprimis et obscuræ Animalium Species. In 10 fasciculi, with many plates, in 1 vol., complete, 4to, boards, orig. binding, fine copy. Berolini, 1767. $5.00

475. Pennant, Thos. Introduction to the Arctic Zoology. The 2nd ed., and by far the best, the first having been published in 1788. 3 vols., 4to, old calf, illus. by numerous and fine copper plates and maps. Pennant states: “This Work was designed as a Sketch of the Zoology of North America.” London, 1792. $7.00

476. Rhoads, S. N. Reprint of George Ord’s North American Zoology. 162 pp., portrait of Ord. Of the orig. work only 3 copies are known, as new. Some new Species here described. Haddonfield, N. J., 1894. 75c.

477. Sclater, P. L. List of Vertebrated Animals Now or Lately Living in the Garden of the Zool. Soc. of London. 8th ed., 682 pp., 61 plates and cuts, contains list of all spp. received in 22 years. London, 1883. $1.25

477A. Simmonds, Peter L. The Curiosities of Food. Dainties and Delicacies of Different Nations Obtained from the Animal Kingdom. 12mo, uncut, 372 pp. London, 1859. $2.50

478. Stewart, C. Elements of the History of the Animal Kingdom, all the Genera and the most Remarkable Species, particularly those Native of Britain. 2 vols., half calf, 12 folded copper plates. Edinburgh, 1817. $1.75

479. Swainson, Wm. Taxidermy, With the Biography of Zoologists and Notices of Their Works. 12mo, half roan, 392 pp., illus., portrait, valuable Bibliography. London, 1840. $1.75

480. Van Beneden, P. J. Animal Parasites and Messmates. Illus., 12mo, 274 pp. New York, 1876. $1.00

481. Wheeler, Geo. M. Report on Exploration West of 100th Meridian. Vol. 5, Zoology, 4to, 1000 pp., 45 plates, 3 woodcuts. Mammals, Coues and Yarrow. Birds, Henshaw, 16 finely colored bird plates after Ridgway. Batrachians and Reptiles. Yarrow, 10 plates, 3 colored. Fishes, 7 plates. Insects, 6 plates. Mollusca, Yarrow, Leeches, Verrill. Wash., 1875. $3.75

482. Wood, Rev. J. G. Homes Without Hands. Description of Habitations of Animals, etc. First ed., uncut, 632 pp., illus., as new. London, 1866. $1.75

482A. Youatt, W. The Obligation and Extent of Humanity to Brutes, Principally Considered with Reference to Domesticated Animals. 218 pp. London, 1839. $1.50

483. Zoological Notes and Anecdotes. Dedicated to David Wm. Mitchell, Sec’y Royal Zool. Soc. of London. 362 pp., London, 1852. $1.50

483A. Zoology of Mass. Flint, C. L. Ninth Annual Report of the Secretary of the Massachusetts Board of Agriculture, etc. Containing E. A. Samuels’ paper on the Mammals of Mass. Pp. 137 to 194, illus. Utility of Birds by Wilson Flagg, 28 pp., and other valuable papers. 2 vols. in 1, pp. 266+303. Author’s autogr. pres. copy, rare vol. Boston, 1862. $3.00



484. Acadian Geology. The voluminous fourth ed. of Principal Dawson’s great book. Uncut, new, 837 pp., map in pocket, plates and hundreds of text cuts and two new Supplements. London, 1891. $1.75

485. Ameghino, Florentino. Contribuciones al Conocimiento de los Maniferos Fosiles, de Terciarios del Parana. 228 pp., complete as published in Bol. Acad. Nacio, Cienc. Cordoba. V, IX, parts 1 and 2. B. A., 1886. $2.50

486. Artis, Edmund Tyrell. Antediluvian Phytology, Illus. by a Collection of the Fossil Remains of Plants, Peculiar to the Coal Formations of Great Britain. Remarks on Systems of Sternberg, Schlotheim, Prof. Martius and Brongniart and other eminent Geologists. Many fine plates, 4to, 2 title pages. London, 1838. $2.25

487. Cooper, Wm. Notices of Big Bone Lick (Ky.), Including the Various Explorations made there, Animals to which the Remains belong, Quantity found of each, with Particular Account of Great Collection of Bones Discovered in September, 1830, being contained in Oct. and Nov. Nos. Monthly American Journal of Geology. Paper, uncut, folded map, 2 parts. Phila., 1831. $3.50

488. Cope, E. D. Paleontol. of Colorado. Bull. No. 1. U. S. Geol. and Geogr. Sur. of Terr. 28 pp., scarce. Wash., 1874. $1.75

489. Cope, E. D. Contents of a Bone Cave in the Island of Anguilla (West Indies). Folio, illus., Sm. Cont. Kn. No. 489. Author’s ed., uncut. Wash., 1883. $1.50

490. Cope, E. D. Posthumous Monograph of Vertebrate Remains from the Port Kennedy Bone Cave. Penna. Jour. Acad. N. Sci., Phila. Vol. 2, second series, 1899. 4to, printed covers, pp. 193-286, 4 plates. The most prolific “bone cave” east of the Rocky Mountains. $2.50

491. Cope, E. D. Synopsis of the Extinct Batrachia and Reptilia of N. America. 252 pp., 14 plates (one damaged on margin). 4to, paper. (Trans. Am. Philos. Soc., vol. 14.) Phila., 1870. $2.00

492. Cope’s Tertiary Vertebrata, Biggest Vol. of Hayden Territory Monographs. Fully illus. $4.00

493. Cope, E. D. Syllabus of Lectures on Geology and Paleontology. Univ. of Pa. Paper covers, 90 pp., fully illus., rare. Phila., 1891. $1.25

494. Cuvier, M. Essay on Theory of the Earth. Trans. from French by Robert Kerr, with Mineralogical Notes, etc., by Prof. Jameson. Full mor., full gilt, 265 pp., illus., fine copy, very rare. Edinburgh, 1813. $3.00

495. Cuvier, Geo. Researches sur les Ossemens Fossiles. 5 Vols., less vol. 1. Half calf, from the library, and each vol. has the book-plate of Prof. Richard Owen. Paris, 1834. $2.25

496. Dawson, John Wm. Acadian Geology, Account of the Geological Structure and Mineral Resources of Nova Scotia and Portions of Neighboring Provinces of British America. 12mo, large colored map, illus., scarce, first edition. Edinburgh, 1855. $1.50

497. Eaton, Amos. Index to Geology of Northern States, Etc., to which is Prefixed a Geological Grammar. Second ed., pub. under Direction of Troy Lyceum. 12mo, calf, 286 pp., plates, rare. Troy, N. Y., 1820. $2.00

498. Eduardi, Luidii. Lithophylacii Britannici Ichnographia. Sive Lapidum Fossilium Britann. singulari figura insignium. Distributio Classica; Additis rariorum aliquot figuris aere incisis. Editio Altera. Calf, 24 folding plates, 156 pp. Oxonii-Typogr. Clarend., 1760. $2.50

499. Featherstonhaugh, G. W. Monthly American Journal of Geology and Natural Science, etc., Jan., 1832. Vol. 1, No. 2, 2 lithogrs., paper, uncut, scarce. Phila., 1832. $2.00

499A. Featherstonhaugh. Same. Oct. and Nov., 1831. $3.50

500. Finch, I. On the Natural Boundaries of Empires, an Essay to Shew the Effect of the Geological Structure of the Earth on the Political Boundaries of Nations. 455 pp., very curious and rare. Chapter on the U. S. Printed in Montreal (?), n. d. $2.50

501. Fisher, Geo. P. Life of Benj. Silliman, M. D. Chiefly from His Manuscript Reminiscences, Diaries, etc. 2 vols., uncut, 407+408 pp., frontis., A. L. S. in each vol. to J. Redfield, of Phila., whose name is written in each vol. N. York, 1866. $6.00

502. Greennough, G. B. (of Geol. Soc. F. R. S.). Critical Examination of First Principles of Geology. Calf, gilt, fine, 336 pp. London, 1819. $1.25

503. Hall, Jas. Paleontology of New York. Vols. 1 To 4, Inclusive, bound in 5. 4to, original binding, fine condition. Hundreds of lithog. plates of fossils. These earlier vols. are rare. Albany, 1847. $6.50

504. Hamilton, Sir W. Observations on Mt. Vesuvius, Mt. Etna, and other Volcanos. To which are added Explanatory Notes by the Author. 179 pp., 12mo, calf, 5 plates and map. London, 1774. $1.75

505. Hawkins, Thos. The Book of the Great Sea Dragons, Ichthyosauri and Plesiosauri, Gedolim Taninim of Moses. Extinct Monsters of the Ancient Earth. 27 pp., 30 plates, folio, half roan. London, 1840. $5.00

506. Heilprin, A. Town Geology, the Lesson of the Philadelphia Rocks. 7 plates, 2 of maps, rare. Phila., 1885. $1.25

506A. Heilprin’s West Florida. See Travels.

507. Hill, J. Fossils Arranged According to their Obvious Characters, with their History and Descriptions, under the Articles of Form, Hardness, Color, etc. Calf, cracked. The author uses a binomial system like the Linnæan. London, 1771. $1.50

508. Hitchcock, Edw. Ichnology of New England. A Report on the Sandstone of the Connecticut Valley, especially its Fossil Footmarks, made to the Governor of Mass. 4to, 60 plates. Boston, 1858. $2.00

509. Hitchcock and Deane’s Monographs on Fossil Footmarks in the U. S., especially in Connecticut. Illus. by 31 folding plates of same. Extracted from Memoirs of Amer. Acad. of Arts and Sci. Large 4to, uncut, paper, with title, 2 papers. Boston, 1848-49. $2.00

510. Humboldt, Alexander Von. Kosmos Entwurf Einer Plusischen Weltbeschreibung. 4 vols., 8vo, text and folio atlas, 5 vols. complete. Fine copy, half mor., colored plates. First ed. of this great classic, very rare. With autograph letter (A. L. S.) from the author to Baron von Bulow, of Berlin, laid in vol. 1. Stuttgart und Tubingen, 1845-58. $8.50

511. Instituto Geologico de Mexico, Boletin del Nos. 12 to 16, Inclus. 5 complete Nos., folio, illus., folding maps. Mexico, 1899-1902. The lot, $2.75

512. Leconte, J. L. Notes on the Geology of the Survey for the Extension of the Union Pacific Railroad from the Smoky Hill River, Kansas, to the Rio Grande. Map, rare, 76 pp. Phila., 1868. $1.25

513. Leidy, Jos. (1.) Ancient Fauna of Nebraska. (2.) Memoir of Extinct Sloth Tribe of N. America. Two Monographs in 1 vol., 4to, maps and numerous fine plates. A perfect copy, boards, 1852-53. $1.75

514. Leidy, Jos. Contributions to the Extinct Vertebrate Fauna of the Western Territories. 4to, 358 pp., 37 full-page lithogrs. plates, paper, uncut. A great classic. Wash., 1873. $1.50

515. Leidy, Jos. Extinct Mammalian Fauna of Dakota and Nebraska. Includes also Synopsis of the Mammalian Remains of N. America. Illus. with 30 plates, a map and preceded by F. V. Hayden’s introduction on the Geology of the Tertiary of Dakota and Nebraska. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sciences. 4to, boards, uncut. Published at $12.00. Phila., 1869. $3.75

516. Leidy, Jos. Memoir on the Extinct Species of American Ox. Author’s separate. 4to, 20 pp., 5 plates, printed covers. Wash., 1852. 85c.

517. Leidy, Jos. Memoir of the Extinct Sloth Tribe of N. America. 4to, paper, 16 plates. Wash., 1855. $1.00

518. Leidy, Jos. Portrait of Dr. Joseph Leidy. Superb Etching on heavy parchment paper, by James S. King. One of 150 numbered and signed artist’s proofs; bust, head three-quarters to right; size of etched surface, 14 × 17 inches. This portrait has been pronounced an excellent likeness by friends of the eminent scientist. Price, delivered, $15.00, reduced to $9.00

519. Lesley, J. P. Dictionary of the Fossils of Pennsylvania and Neighboring States. 3 vols., illus., by 3000 figures. 1889. $2.75

520. Lesquereux, L. (a) The Cretaceous Flora of the Western Territories. Wash., 1874. 4to, 30 plates (Hayden Mono., vol. 6). (b) Contributions to the Tertiary Flora. Wash., 1878. 4to, 65 plates. (c) Tertiary Fossil Plants, from Hayden’s Expl. Exp., 1870. H. S. T., 1872. 22 pp., paper covers, rare. (d) Fossil Plants of the Coal Measures of the U. S., with Descriptions of the New Species in the Cabinet of the Pottsville Sc. Asso., Pottsville, 1858. 24 pp., 2 plates, rare, paper. (e) Report on Fossil Flora. (Sup. to 5th An. Rep. U. S. Geol. Sur. Ter.). Wash., 1872. 22 pp., paper. As a lot. $3.50

520A. Lyell, Charles. Elements of Geology. Colored Profile, many illus., 12mo. First American edition. Phila., 1839. $1.00

520B. Lyell, Charles. A Manual of Elementary Geology. 647 pp., 750 cuts. New York, 1855. $1.25

520C. Lyell, Charles. Principles of Geology, Being an Attempt to explain the former changes of the earth’s surface. Colored maps and aquatint plates, illus. in text and engraved plates of shells. Second ed., 3 vols., nicely bound in half calf, gilt backs, red Russia labels. London, 1832-33. $2.50

520D. Lyell, Charles. Same. First Amer. Ed. 2 Vols., woodcuts, col. maps and plates. Name on title, a little shaken. Phila., 1837. $2.00

520E. Lyell, Charles. Same. New York, 1857. 75c.

521. Marcou, Jules. Geological Map of the U. S. and the British Provinces of N. America. Folio, 3 ft. × 2 ft., printed in colors, mounted on linen and folded to octavo size in original printed covers. Fine copy, rare. Boston, 1853. $3.00

522. Marsh, O. C. Dinocerata. A Monograph of an Extinct Order of Gigantic Mammals. (U. S. Geol. Sur. V. 10.) Folio, half cloth, and printed heavy paper covers, large paper copy, author’s ed., uncut, with autogr. inscription. Wash., 1884. $3.00

523. Maclure, Wm. Observations on the Geology of the U. S. 91 pp., 4to, boards, uncut, needs rebacking. Large geog. map of U. S.; also plate of 5 sections of U. S., from Atlantic to basin of the Mississippi River. The valuable first and unabridged ed. pub. in Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc. With title; (vol. 1, P. S.), list of officers, etc. Phila., 1818. $2.75

524. Mease, James, M. D. Geological Account of the U. S., Describing their Animal, Vegetable and Mineral Productions, Antiquities and Curiosities. 16mo, new half mor., uncut, 510 pp., illus., corner torn from title-page and pp. 1-4, ink notes on margin. Phila., 1807. $2.75

525. Mercati, M. Appendix ad Metallothecam Vaticanam. Additis Notis. Folio, boards, 54 pp., numerous plates of fossils, also plates of “Apollo,” “Laocoon,” etc. Romæ, 1719. $2.00

526. Miller, S. A. American Paleozoic Fossils, Catalogue of the Genera and Species, with Names of Authors, Dates, Groups of Rocks in which Found, Etymology, etc. Royal 8vo. Cincinnati, 1877. $2.25

527. Minnesota. Winchell, N. H. Geology and Natural History Survey. Fourth Annual Report for 1875. Paper, map. St. Paul, 1876. $1.50

528. Minnesota. Same. Various Years, Quoted.

529. Muir, John. The Mountains of California. First Ed., 381 pp., illus., gilt top, much on “The Wild Sheep.” N. York, 1894. $1.25

530. New York State Fossils. Communication from the Governor, with several Reports on the Geolog. Survey of the State. Stitched, 184 pp., contains Paleontol., by Conrad, New Genera and Spp. Albany, 1841. $1.50

531. Packard, White and Shufeldt. Hayden’s U. S. Geol. and Geog. Sur. of Wyoming and Idaho, 1878, part 1. Contains Contributions to Invertebrate Paleontology Nos. 2-8, inclus. By C. A. White. Monograph of the Phyllopod Crustacea of N. America. By A. S. Packard. Osteology of (various species of birds). By R. W. Shufeldt. Each with numerous plates. 786 pp. Wash., 1883. $3.00

532. Page, David (F. R. S.). Handbook of Geological Terms, Geology, and Physical Geography. 504 pp., uncut, second edition enlarged. Edinburgh, 1865. $1.25

533. Parkinson, James. Organic Remains of a Former World. 3 Vols., 4to, half calf, 48 large colored plates, fine copy of the complete set. London, 1820. $4.50

534. Peale, Rembrandt (the Proprietor). Account of the Skeleton of the Mammoth; a Non-descript Carnivorous Animal of Immense Size, found in America. Paper covers, uncut, 46 pp., rare first ed. London, 1802. $2.75

535. Pennsylvania, Transactions of the Geological Society of. Vol. 1, part 1. Uncut, 6 plates, colored and uncolored, 179 pp.+13 pp. of appendix. Complete as issued, very rare. Phila., 1834. $5.00

535A. Shaler, N. S. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Kentucky. Vol. 1, Contains Reports on Antiquity of Caverns and Cavern Life of Ohio Valley, and Fossil Brachiopods of Ohio Valley by Shaler; The American Bisons, Living and Extinct; by Allen; Prehistoric Remains of Kentucky by Lucien Carr and Shaler. 4to, half mor., many plates, fine copy of much value and rarity. Cambridge, 1876. $12.75

536. University of Upsala, Geological Institution, Bull. of. Vols. 1 to 7, inclus. Complete except vols. 3 and 5, each lack part 1. Orig. paper covers, maps and illus. Upsala, 1893-1906. The lot, $4.00

537. Vogdes, A. W. A Classed and Annotated Bibliography of Palæozoic Crustacea, 1698-1892. With a Catalogue of N. Amer. Species. Printed covers, uncut, 412 pp. (Occas. Papers Calif. Acad. Sci., No. IV.) San Francisco, 1893. $2.75

538. Warren, J. C. (M. D.) The Mastodon Giganteus of N. America. 4to, full gilt, gilt figured, 219 pp., 26 plates, engraved and colored title page, very rare. Author’s autograph presentation copy to Dr. W. Lewis. Boston, 1852. $5.00

539. Warren, J. C. (M. D.) Remarks on Fossil Impressions in the Sandstone Rocks of Connecticut River. 54 pp., author’s autograph pres. copy to W. H. Whitmore. Folding plate, fine copy. Boston, 1854. $1.50

540. Weeks, F. B. Bibliography and Index of N. American Geology, etc. 4 Bulletins of U. S. Geol. Surv. (Nos. 188, 189, 191 and 203). Paper covers. Lot, $2.00

541. Whitfield. R. P. Brachiopoda and Lamellibranchiata of the Raritan Clays and Green Sands and Marls of N. J. 4to, half morocco, 35 plates, map. Wash., 1885. $2.50

542. Whitfield, R. P. Brachiopoda and Lamellibranchiata of the Raritan Clays and Greensand Marls of N. Jersey. Also, The Gasteropoda and Cephalopoda of the Same. By the same Author. Being vols. 1 and 2 of the Paleontology of the Cretaceous and Tertiary, pub. by the Geol. Survey of N. J. 2 vols., 4to, illus, by 85 finely lithographed plates representing hundreds of Species. Indispensable, but rare. Trenton, 1886 and 1892. $6.00


543. Arkansas. Owen, David Dale. First Report of a Geological Reconnoissance of the Northern Counties of Arkansas, made during the years 1857 and 1858. Printed paper cover, illus., tinted plates and woodcuts. Little Rock, 1858. $2.50

544. Arkansas. Owen, D. D. Second Report of a Geolog. Reconn. Middle and South. Counties made during 1859 and 1860. New, half mor., col. plates, also 6 plates of fossil plants, 54 pp., list of Arkansas plants. Phila., 1860. $2.00

545. California. Tyson, Philip T. Geology and Industrial Resources of California. To which is Added Official Reports of Gen’ls P. F. Smith and B. Riley; Lieuts. Talbot, Ord, Derby and Williamson of their Explorations in California and Oregon, etc., etc. xxxiv+127+37 pp. Many maps, including the large ’49er of Riley and Derby of the Sacramento Valley; also of Warner’s Exploring Party. Fine copy, very rare. Baltimore, 1851. $4.50

546. Connecticut. First Report on the Geological Survey of, by Chas. Upham Shepard, (M. D.). Printed paper covers, uncut, 188 pp., very rare, illus. New Haven, 1837. $3.00

547. Connecticut. Percival. Jas. G. Report on the Geology of the State of. Orig. cloth, large map, rare. New Haven, 1842. $2.50

548. Canada. Geol. Survey of. Annual Reports and Maps of. 1853 to 1903. Years 1853-1856, inclus., bound in 1 vol.; also, 1870-71, in 1 vol.; cloth. The other vols. represented are vols. 3, 4, 5, 8, 9 to 15, inclus.; 1887-1903, in cloth and orig. paper covers, illus. 13 vols. in all, with maps, except vols. 5 and 9. Maps for 1886 vol. and vol. 7, 1894, are here, but vols. are lacking. Ottawa, 1853 to 1903. Lot, $16.00

549. Canada. Exploration Geologique du Canada. Rapport de Progres Pendant les Annees, 1853-4-5-6. Maps in text and 4to atlas, half roan. 22 maps, 2 vols. Toronto, 1857. $2.00

550. Canada. Geol. Survey of. General Index Volume of the Reports of Progress, 1863 to 1884. Compiled by D. B. Dowling. Tall 8vo, of much value, 475 pp. Ottawa, 1900. $2.25

551. Featherstonaugh, G. W. Geological Report of an Examination made in 1834 of the Elevated Country between the Missouri and Red Rivers. Boards, good copy of this scarce report, containing a folded colored relief or profile map 9 feet long, showing the country between “Squam Inlet,” N. J., and the “Red River of Texas.” Wash., 1835. $1.25

552. Featherston. Report of Geol. Recon. from Washington, D. C., to Green Bay, Wisconsin, and Coteau de Prairie. Paper, 168 pp., 4 plates. Wash., 1836. $1.00

553. Great Britain. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain and of the Museum of Economic Geology in London. Vols. 1, 2 part 1 and 2 part 2. 3 vols. Orig. cloth, uncut, numerous figures, plates, charts, colored maps, etc. London, 1846-48. $2.25

554. Illinois. Geological Survey of. A. K. Worthen, Director. Vols. 1 to 8, inclus., complete set in orig. cloth, fully illus. by fine Lithographic Maps and Cuts, and containing Standard Reference Monographs by the most noted Geologists and Paleontologists of the U. S. 8 vols., 4to, very valuable and now rare. Chicago, 1866, and Boston, 1883. $35.00

555. Illinois. Same. Vol. 1. Assistants Whitney, Lesquereux and Engelmann. Engravings and Maps. 4to, scarce. Springfield, 1866. $2.75

555A. Illinois. Same. Vols. 7 and 8. In 3 Vols. Paleontology. Complete on the subject. 110 plates, royal 8vo. (Springfield,) 1883. $5.00

556. Indiana Geological Survey, Annual Reports. Vols. 1 to 7, inclus., 10, 12, 15, 16 and map; 17 and map; 18 and map, 22, 24, 25, 26 and 27 (in 1 vol.); 28 and map; 29, 19 reports bound in 17 vols., the 4 extra maps in envelopes as issued. Some early vols. very scarce. 1875-1904. $11.00

557. Indiana. Cox, E. T. Geological Survey. First Annual Report. Plate. Contains lists of birds and mammals of Franklin Co.; also timber trees. Fine copy. Also vol. maps and sections. 2 vols. scarce. Indianapolis, 1869. $2.00

558. Indiana. Cox, E. T. Second Report for 1870. Plates and Maps, Botany of Jeff. Co. Indianapolis, 1871. $1.00

559. Indiana. Sixth Report for 1874. Contains “Antiquities,” with 9 plates of Stone Implements, etc. Coulter’s Flora of Jeff. Co.; maps, etc. $1.00

560. Indiana. Cox, E. T. Seventh Report for 1875. Map, Contains Analysis of Coals, Flora of Wabash Valley, scarce. Indianapolis, 1876. $1.50

561. Indiana. Department of Geology and Natural History. 12th and 13th Annual Reports. Plates of Fossils. Large folded map showing Geological Strata of the State. Contains a Flora, plates of Diatoms, etc. 2 vols. Indianapolis, 1883-4. $2.75

562. Indiana. Fisher, Richard S., M. D. Indiana; Geography, Statistics, Institutions, County Topography, etc. With Reference Index to Colton’s Maps of Indiana. 16mo, 126 pp., rare. N. York, 1852. $2.75

563. Iowa. Hall, James, and Whitney, J. D. Geological Survey. Results of investigations made during the years 1855, ’56, ’57, by. Vol. 1, parts 1 and 2. 2 vols. 4to, complete, rare, 29 finely engraved plates of Fossils, mostly new; also cuts and maps. Pub. by Legislature of Iowa, 1858. $5.75

564. Iowa. Report on Geological Survey of Iowa to 13th General Assembly, Jan., 1870, containing Results of Examinations made in 1866, 1867, 1868 and 1869. By Charles A. White, M. D. 2 vols. Author’s autogr. pres. copy to Hon. Rush Clark. Royal 8vo, illus., maps. Des Moines, 1870. $5.75

565. Iowa, Wisconsin and Illinois. Owen, David D. Report of a Geological Exploration of part of Iowa, Wisconsin and Illinois made under instructions from the Secretary of the Treasury of the U. S., in the Autumn of 1839. 191 pp., paper, uncut, many plates and maps. Of great value historically as well as scientifically. Wash., 1844. $2.75

566. Kansas. The University Geological Survey. Vols. 2, 3 and 4, by Erasmus Haworth, etc. Royal 8vo, 3 volumes, fully illustrated. Topeka, 1897-98. $3.75

567. Kentucky. Owen, David D., et al. Geological Survey Made During 1854-57. First, second and third Reports. 3 vols. Royal 8vo, vol. 1 in new cloth; others orig. cloth, some of last leaves in vol. 1 stained. Lithogr. views. Hard to get. Frankfort, 1856-57. $6.50

568. Massachusetts. Report on the Geology, Mineralogy, Botany and Zoology of Mass. Made by order of the State Govt. Part 1, Econ. Geol.; 2, Topog. Geol.; 3, Scien. Geol.; 4, Catalogues of Animals and Plants. With Descriptive List of Rocks and Minerals, by Edward Hitchcock. Illus. by numerous woodcuts. Amherst, 1833. $2.75

569. Michigan. First Biennial Report Geol. Sur. Observations on Geology, Zoology and Botany of the Lower Peninsula. Zool. and Botany, by Niles & Winchell. Scarce. Lansing, 1861. $1.50

570. Minnesota. Winchell, N. H., and Upham, W. The Geology of Minnesota. Vols. 1 and 2 of the Final Report. 4to, 85 plates, colored micrographic illus. and geol. maps. 2 vols. Minneapolis, 1884-1888. $4.00

571. Mississippi. Preliminary Report on the Geology and Agriculture of the State of, by L. Harper, State Geologist. Very rare report. State map out, colored and plain illus., maps, charts, etc. Jackson, 1857. $3.00

572. Missouri. Swallow, G. C. First and Second Annual Reports of the Geological Survey of. Many sections colored maps, plates of scenery, geol. formation, fossils, etc. In 1 vol. Jefferson City, 1855. $2.00

573. Missouri. Reports on Geological Survey of. 1855-1871. By G. C. Broadhead, F. B. Meek and B. F. Shumard. Royal 8vo, 328 pp., plain and colored maps, plates. Jefferson City, 1873. $2.75

574. Missouri. Report of Geological Survey of State of, Including Field Work of 1873-1874. With 91 illus. Garland C. Broadhead, State Geologist. 1 vol., 734 pp., no atlas, pr. covers, good copy. Jeff. City, 1874. $2.00

575. New Hampshire. Jackson, C. T. Final Report on the Geology and Mineralogy of the State of New Hampshire, with Contributions Towards the Improvements of Agriculture and Metallurgy. 4to, half calf, tinted plates, 2 colored sections and a map folded. Nice copy of scarce work. Concord, N. H., 1844. $3.00

576. New Jersey. Cook, G. H. Geology of the County of Cape May. 208 pp., maps and plates. Contains sketch of the Early History of the County, by M. Beesley. Trenton, 1857. $2.25

577. New Jersey. Cook, G. H. Geology of New Jersey. 1000 pp., Maps and sections. Appendix on Fossils, Mammals, Birds, Reptiles and Fishes, by Cope and Abbott, with 4to atlas. 2 vols. Newark, 1868. $1.75

578. New Jersey. Geological Survey Annual Reports. A Set of Nearly all published. Half cloth, as issued, after 1870.

579. New York. Geological Survey. First Report. 350 pp., Paper. Rare. Albany, 1839. $2.00

580. New York. 13th Annual Report State Geologist for the Year 1893. Many illus. Vol. 1. Geology (maps and plates). Vol. 2, Paleontology. 2 vols. $2.00

581. New York. Colvin, Verp. Second (and Best) Report on the Topographical Survey of the Adirondack Wilderness, in 1873. 306 pp., fully illus. by 20 plates and maps. Albany, 1874. $3.00

582. New York. Colvin, V. Reports on a Topographical Survey of the Adirondack Wilderness, 1 to 7, inclus. 3 vols., many maps and plates. Albany, 1873-80. $2.00

583. North Carolina. Kerr, W. C. Report of the Geological Survey of N. Carolina, 445 pp., 8 plates, no map, but has Conrad and Cope’s valuable illus. papers. Vol. 1. Raleigh, 1875. $2.75

584. North Carolina. Report of the Geological Survey. Vol. 1. By W. C. Kerr. 445 pp., large map, 8 plates. Very rare. Raleigh, 1875. $4.50

585. North Carolina. Same. Lacks Map, but Has the Valuable Illus. papers, by Conrad and Cope. $2.75

586. Ohio, State of. Report of Special Committee, on Best Method of obtaining a complete Geological Survey. 18 pp., stitched, uncut, 2 maps (one folding), very rare. Columbus, 1836. $2.00

587. Ohio. Geol. Survey. Odd Vols. $1.00 to $3.00

588. Pacific Railroad. Swallow, G. C. Geological Rept. of the Country along the Line of the S. W. Branch of the Pacific Railroad, State of Missouri. To which is prefixed a Memoir of the Pacific Railroad. 2 plates, 95 pp., very rare. St. Louis, 1859. $2.75

589. Pennsylvania. Geological Survey of. Second Annual Report. By Henry D. Rogers. 12mo, paper. Harrisburg, 1838. 75c.

590. Pennsylvania. Same. Third Report, 1839. 90c.

591. Pennsylvania. Same. Fourth Report, 1840. $1.75

592. Pennsylvania. Same. 1st To 4th Reports, Inclus. in 1 Vol. Half calf. The first Report is very scarce. Harrisburg, 1836-40. $4.00

593. Pennsylvania. Rogers, H. D. Geology of Pennsylvania, with a General View of the Geology of the U. S. 4to, cloth, 2 vols., bound in three. Illus. by sections, maps and plates, colored. N. York, 1868. $4.00

594. Pennsylvania. Lesley, J. P. Second Geological Survey of. A complete set of 122 vols. of the 8vo issue of this Survey bound in cloth (does not include the duplicate Grand Atlas maps). Reduced to $48.00

595. Pennsylvania. Same. Grand Atlases Only. 6 Vols. Elephant folio. $28.00

As I have on hand at present probably the largest stock of this Survey owned by any dealer, and as the value of many volumes has doubled since the destruction of the State stock by fire, it is recommended that libraries and individuals wishing to perfect their sets ere too late, send for my new Revised Priced Catalogue of the Pennsylvania Survey for further particulars.

596. Rhode Island. Jackson, C. T. Report on the Geol. and Agricultural Survey of the State of, 1839. Illus., large colored map, plates (lacks plate 7 of Lime Kiln), scarce. Providence, 1840. $1.50

597. S. Carolina. Tuomey, M. Report on the Geology of. 4to, 293 pp. +56 pp., Appendix, etc. Maps, illus., colored frontis., full list of Fauna of the State by Lewis R. Gibbes. Columbia, S. C., 1848. $4.75

598. Tennessee. Safford, J. M. Geol. Reconnoissance of the State of, being the Author’s First Biennial Report. 164 pp., paper, scarce. Nashville, Tennessee, 1856. $1.50

599. Tennessee. Troost, G. Third Geological Report to the 21st General Assembly. 32 pp., stitched, ink defacements on title page, colored map, rare. Nashville, 1835. $1.50

600. U. S. Geological Survey. Annual Reports. Complete set to 1904 of 54 royal 8vo vols., in uniform orig. cloth, as issued. In fine condition. Vol. 1 of this set is very rarely seen. The aggregate price of these, demanded by the U. S. Government, is nearly double my charge. The remaining 4 vols. can be secured from Washington. Wash., 1880 to 1904. $45.00

601. U. S. Geological Survey. First Annual Report, by Clarence King. Royal 8vo, large folded map, fine copy. This is the first vol. of the large series, afterwards conducted by Powell and Wolcott. It is extremely rare, many sets lacking it only. Wash., 1880. $4.50

602. U. S. Geological Survey Annual Reports. Powell, Wolcott and others. Odd vols. Prices quoted. Send list of wants. Sets made up to order.

603. U. S. Bulletins of the U. S. Geological Survey. The first 70, supply at Washington is exhausted. I can supply most of the series of over 200 U. S. Geologic Atlases. A large series in stock. Send for quotations.

604. U. S. Hayden’s Survey of the Territories, a Series of Notable Monographs in royal 4to by the distinguished savants. Leidy, Cope, Lesquereux, Marsh, Zirkel, Scudder, Packard, Coues and Allen. In 13 vols. Complete set in original binding. Wash., 1874, etc. $28.00

605. U. S. Hayden’s Survey of the Territories. Set of octavo reports. From the preliminary 1869 to the 14th volume, inclus., 1878. 14 vols. In orig. black cloth. Wash. $9.00

606. U. S. King, C. Geological Exploration of the 40th Parallel. Complete set of 7 vols. 4to, and 2 folio atlases as follows: Vol. 1, Systematic Geology, with folio atlas; vol. 2, Descriptive Geology, by Hagen and Emmons; vol. 3, Mining Industry, with folio atlas; vol. 4, Ornithology and Paleontology; vol. 5, Botany, by Watson and others; vol. 6, Zirkel’s Petrography; vol. 7, Odontornithes, by Marsh. Atlases very scarce. $22.50

607. U. S. Monographs of the Geological Survey. A remarkably fine run of these most desirable of all the Geological Publications of the U. S. Government. Vols. 1 to 45, inclus., with the additional parts, vols. and the Grand Atlases. All in original cloth binding except the grand atlases and 6 vols. of the 4to text vols. In all about 55 vols., some of which are of rarity and value, and out of print. $135.00

608. U. S. Monographs of the Geological Survey. Can supply many odd vols. and some of the folio atlases which accompany same.

609. U. S. Professional Papers. U. S. Geological Survey. From No. 1 to 33, inclus., complete. Also Nos. 35, 37, 39, 40, 51, 55. 39 vols. in all. 4to, orig. paper covers, illus. Wash., 1902 to 1906. The lot, $12.00.

610. Vermont. Adams, C. B. First Annual Report on Geology of the State. 92 pp., folded colored map, by Z. Thompson, corners of last pages gnawed. Burlington, 1845. $1.50

611. Virginia, Etc. Hutchins, Thos. A. Topographical Description of Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland and North Carolina. Reprinted from the Original Edition of 1778. Edited by F. C. Hicks. Tall 8vo, boards, uncut, paper label, limited edition, on hand-made paper, only 20 copies printed, as new, published at $10.00, 143 pp., illus., large map in pocket. Cleveland, 1904. $6.00

612. Wisconsin. Geological Survey of 1873-79. Vols. 1, 3 and 4. 763 pp., royal 8vo, tinted plates (no atlases). Madison, 1880, etc. $5.00

612A. Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota. David Dale Owen’s Report on a Geological Survey of, and incidentally of a portion of Nebraska Territory. Made under instructions from the U. S. Treasury Dept. 638 pp., illus. by woodcuts and an atlas of engraved plates of fossils, folded maps, etc. 2 vols., large 4to, cloth. Phila., 1852. $2.75


613. Accum, Frederick. Essay on Analysis of Minerals, Ores, Earths, Stones, Inflammable Fossils, etc. Phila., 1809. Also in same vol., Berzelius, J. J. Analysis of Inorganic Bodies. Trans. from French ed. by G. O. Ree. 12mo, boards, 3 plates. London, 1833. $1.25

614. Annales Des Mines ou Recueil de Memoires sur L’Exploitation des Mines. Tome 6 to Tome 18, inclus. In orig. parts, pr. covers, rather soiled, text clean and uncut, relates to American mines. 13 vols. Paris, 1874-80. Lot, $4.00

615. Barringer, D. M. Description of the Minerals of Commercial Value for use of Prospectors. Oblong 4to, limp morocco. N. York, 1897. $1.00

616. Beers & Co.’s Atlas of the Oil Regions of Pennsylvania. Folio, boards, colored, rare. N. York, 1865. $1.50

617. Buck Mountain Coal Co. Report of the Directors, Jan., 1846, and Act of Incor., 1839. 2 pieces, paper covers. Phila., 1839-46. $1.00

618. Burke, Wm. The Mineral Springs of Western Virginia, etc., etc. Second ed. Notice of the Fanquier Spring, Chapter on Caverns, etc. 12mo, 394 pp., map. N. York, 1846. $1.50

619. Bone, J. H. A. Petroleum and Petroleum Wells (etc.), and Description of the Oil Regions of Penna., West Va., Kentucky and Ohio. 153 pp., 16mo. Phila., 1865. $1.25

620. Bournam, Count de. Descriptive Catalogue of Diamonds in the Cabinet of Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. Trans. from the French. 4to, 4 plates. London, 1815. $1.50

621. Browne, J. Ross. Report of. On Mineral Resources of States and Territories West of the Rocky Mts. 674 pp. Wash., 1868. $1.50

622. Buffon. Histoire Naturelle des Mineraux. 9 vols. 16mo, calf. Aux Deux-Ponts, 1790. $1.50

623. Canada. Reports of the Bureau of Mines. Printed by Order of the Legis. of Ontario. Illus. and maps, paper. Vols. quoted.

624. Bull, Marcus. Experiments to Determine the Comparative Value of the Principal Varieties of Fuel Used in the U. S. and Europe. Boards, uncut, plate. Phila. and London, 1827. $1.25

625. California Mine Document. Fremont, Capt. John Chas. Original Parchment Articles of Agreement, made Nov. 10, 1851, between Capt. J. C. Fremont, of the City of San Francisco, California, and Solomon Alter, John L. Newbold, John M. Lisle, Chas. Schaffer, and Francis N. Buck, of Phila. This Agreement recites that said Fremont for the sum of $250,000, “hath demised, leased and let two certain Lots, Parcels or Measurement of Mineral Land,” etc. The Document then describes this Land, first as the “Heap and Sargent Location” on the Mariposa River. Also, another known as “The New Britain Location,” situated between the Mariposa and the Ave Maria Rivers, together called the Mariposas, purchased by Fremont from Don Juan B. Alvarado, Ex-Gov. of California. The term of this Lease is for Ten Years with Privilege and Extension up to the year 1871. This Parchment document, measuring 25½ × 21½ inches is duly signed and witnessed by all the parties above named. On the back is sketched a map in colors of the above Purchase, showing the Location of all the Houses and Tents in the Town of Mariposas, and of Old-town, on the opposite side of the Mariposas River. It states that the Large Tract was granted by General Micheltorena, Gov. of California, to the aforesaid Alvarado, Ex-Gov. It further shows the “Locations of the Philadelphia and California Mining Co.” This map was filed and recorded by R. S. Miller, Recorder of Mariposa Co. It was “drawn by A. Zakreski, Clay St., above the Plaza.” The Possession of this Lease may afford considerable satisfaction to the present owners of this Old Claim! $110.00

626. Carpenter, G. W. Mineralogy of Chester Co., Penna., with Account of some of the Minerals of Delaware, Maryland, etc. Boards, 12mo, 19 pp., uncut, very scarce. This rare paper was printed as an Appendix to Carpenter’s Essays on Materia Medica. Phila., 1831. $1.50

627. Cramer, Jno. A. Elements of the Art of Assaying Metals. Calf, illus., 470 pp. London, 1741. $2.00

628. Dufrenoy, A. Traite de Mineralogie. 3 Vols. Text and Vol. of plates, half calf, very full on crystallog. and microscopic petrog. 4 vols. Paris, 1844. $2.75

629. Duport, St. Clair. De la Production des Metaux Precieux au Mexique, considerée dans ses rapports avée la Geologie, La Metallurgie et L’Economie Politique. Half calf, many folding maps and illus., B. Silliman’s autogr. copy. Paris, 1843. $3.00

630. Emanuel, Harry. Diamonds and Precious Stones, Their History, Value and Characteristics, etc. New Table of the present value of Diamonds. 12mo, uncut, name on title, illus. London, 1867. $1.75

631. Fossil Fuel. History and Description of. The Collieries and Coal Trade of Great Britain. Fine copy, uncut, illus. London, 1841. $1.25

632. Gemmis, Ioannis de Laet Antvverpiani de Gemmis et Lapidibus Libri Don, Ouibus premittitur Theophrasti Liber de Lapidibus Græce and Latine Cum Brevibus Anontationibus. 12mo, fine copy, illus., very scarce. Lugduni Batavorum Ex Officiana Ioannis Maire, 1647. $2.50

633. Jackson, C. T. Foster and Whitney Reports on the Geological and Mineralogical Survey of the Mineral Lands of the U. S. in the State of Michigan. 19 plates, 5 maps, 4 woodcuts. Also contains Annual Report Com. of Indian Affairs and Pensions, 1849. Half roan. Very scarce, being Doc. No. 5, part 3, 31st Congress. Wash., 1849. $2.75

634. Kent, E. N. Instructions for Collecting, Testing, Melting and Assaying Gold. For the use of Persons about to Visit the Gold Region of California. Illus., with 30 wood engravings, 40 pp., pr. covers. A Forty-Niner! Rare. N. York, 1849. $1.50

635. Kennedy, S. Magnetic and Mineral Springs of Michigan. Also, Essay on the Climate of Michigan. 128 pp., 2 maps and illus. Wilmington, 1872. $1.25

636. Lake Superior. Mineral Lands, Maps, Etc., of the Mineral Region. 3 folding maps 32 × 20½ in.; also a 16-page List of Persons to whom Permits to Locate Mineral Lands on the South Shore have been granted and leases issued by the Sec. of War, to June 16, 1846. 12mo, scarce. $3.00

637. Lesley, J. P. Manual of Coal and Its Topography. Illustrated by Original Drawings, chiefly of Facts in the Geology of the Appalachian Region of the U. S. 12mo, very rare. Phila., 1856. $6.00

638. Lesley, J. P. Collection of Occasional Surveys of Iron, Coal and Oil Districts in the U. S., made during the Last Ten Years. For Private Distribution. Numerous maps and illus., 204 pp., Dr. A. V. Lesley’s auto. copy. Phila., 1874. $2.50

639. Lesleyana. A Valuable Volume of 36 Rare Pamphlets on the Origin, History and Work of the second Geol. Survey of the Coal Regions in particular. Many maps, etc. Collected by J. H. Harden. Half roan. $2.75

640. Litton, A. Preliminary Report on Some of the Principal Mines in Franklin, Jefferson, Washington, St. Francois and Madison Cos., Missouri. 94 pp., paper, scarce, sections, views, maps, etc. St. Louis, 1854. $1.25

641. Mawe, John. Familiar Lessons on Mineralogy and Geology, to which is added a Practical Description of the Use of the Lapdary’s Apparatus. 110 pp., 4 colored plates, 16mo, calf, rare. London, 1825. $1.75

642. Mawe, John. A Treatise on Diamonds and Precious Stones, Including their History—Natural and Commercial. To which is added the Methods of Cutting and Polishing. 5 plates (3 beautifully colored), orig. boards, uncut, rare. London, 1823. $3.00

643. Mexican Gold and Silver Mines. United Mexican Mining Association. First Rep. of Don Lucas Alaman to Directors, Mexico City, May, 1826, and a Letter from Baron De Humboldt, addressed to the Secretary. London, 1826. Also, United Mexican Mining Assoc. Report of the Directors, June, 1827. London, 1827. Also, Imperial Brazilian Mining Assoc., 3rd Rep. of Directors to the Share-Holders at the Half-Yearly Meeting, Oct., 1827. And an Appendix of Communications received from the Mines up to Aug., and Account of the Produce of the Gold Washings, from Dec., 1826, to June, 1827. London, 1827. The three bound together, boards, numerous folding maps, charts, tables, etc. Very rare lot. $9.00

644. Mexican Gold and Silver Mines. Report of the Directors of the Mexican Mining Co. at the Third Annual Meeting of Proprietors, held at the City of London Tavern, May, 1828. Very rare, original boards, uncut, folding plate of San Rafael Mine. London, 1828. $3.75

645. Mexican Gold and Silver Mines. United Mexican Mining Association. First Report of Don Lucas Alaman, addressed to the Directors; Dated at Mexico, the 28th May, 1826, and a Letter from Baron De Humboldt, addressed to the Secretary. London, 1826. Also, United Mexican Mining Association. Report of the Court of Directors, Dated 13th June, 1827. London, 1827. Also, Imperial Brazilian Mining Association. Third Report of the Directors, addressed to the Share-Holders, at the Half-Yearly Meeting, Oct. 12th, 1827. And an Appendix, containing Extracts of the Various Communications received from the Mines up to the 8th Aug., and the Account of the Produce of the Gold Washings, from the 1st Dec., 1826, to the 30th June, 1827. London, 1827. The three bound together, boards, numerous folding maps, charts, tables, etc., very rare lot. $12.00

646. Mexican Gold and Silver Mines. Report of the Directors of the Mexican Mining Company, Presented at the Third Annual Meeting of Proprietors, held at the London Tavern, on the first of May, 1828. Very rare, orig. boards, uncut, folding plate of San Rafael Mine. London, 1828. $4.75

647. Mining. Two Ancient Works in One Volume. (1) Ursprung und Ordnungen der Bergwerge im Konigreich Boheun Thirfirstenthum Sachsen Erzherzogthium Osterreich Furstenthumb Braunschweig und Lunebirgt Braffschafft Hohenstein. Curious engraved title, showing various mining methods, including Divination. Three engraved sub-titles, dated 1616, from wood blocks of different armorial designs, paging 363, 220, 92, 178; altogether 853 pages. Leipzig, 1616.

(2) Bergtbuch, Darinnen begriffen Usserlen wichtige Bergtsachen, wie auch hochnothwendige Bergtwercts-gebrauche und Gerichtsprocek, etc. The above is title of a work by “Herrn Wenceslaum den Gechsten Konig im Boheimb; Anno Christi, 1280.” Now Translated into Dutch by “M. Johannem Deucerum Leipzig. Typis Grosianüs,” 1616. Engraved wood cut title, initials and vignettes, large black-letter type. A book of laws relating to Mineral Lands, Mines and Mining of the greatest antiquity, 294 pp. The two bound in one folio volume, heavy beveled boards, covered with stamped vellum and clasp, and 2 curious book-plates inlaid on covers. $8.00

648. Pennsylvania. Coal Regions, Law Incorporating the Fourth Mountain Coal and Iron Company [also] The Fishing Creek Railroad, with a Report on the Survey of same. With map of Swatara, Pinegrove and Stony Creek Coal Region, Penna. Paper, maps. Phila., 1841. $1.75

649. Plattes, Mr. Gabriel. Discovery of Subterranean Treasure, containing Useful Explorations concerning all Manner of Mines and Minerals, from the Gold to the Coal, with Rules for the finding of them in all Kingdoms and Countries. Half morocco. Phila., Robert Bell, 1784. $2.25

650. Rawson, Sir Wm. The Present Operations and Future Prospects of the Mexican Mine Associations. Paper, 88 pp. London, 1825. $1.25

651. Roberts, W. F. Map of the Anthracite Regions of Pennsylvania, embracing the first and second and part of the Wyoming Coal Fields and Montour Iron Ore Range. 30 × 48 inches, linen mounted, in 4to holder. Phila., 1849. $2.75

652. Ronelle, John, M. D. A Complete Treatise on the Mineral Waters of Virginia, Their Situation, Natural History, Analysis and Use in Medicine. 68 pp., stitched, rare Cist imprint. Phila., 1792. $1.00

653. Schoolcraft, H. R. View of the Lead Mines of Missouri. Observations on Mineralogy, Geology, Geography, Antiquities, Soil, etc., of Missouri and Arkansas. 3 engravings, orig. boards, uncut, perfect, clean copy of this scarce work. Name cut from title. N. York, 1819. $3.50

654. Sidney, S. Three Colonies of Australia. N. S. Wales, Victoria and S. Australia; their Copper Mines and Gold Fields. London, 1852. $1.50

655. Sierra Leone Company. Substance of the Reports Delivered by the Court of Directors of, to Gen. Court of Proprietors, 1794-95. 12mo, paper, covers, two titles, 168+24 pp., folding map, first American ed., rare. Phila., 1795. $2.00

656. Silliman, Prof. Description of the Recently Discovered Petroleum Region in California, with a Report on the Same. 24 pp., folded map, stitched, very scarce. N. York, 1865. $1.25

657. Steel, J. H. (M. D.) Analysis of the Mineral Waters of Saratoga and Ballston, with History of their Discovery and Settlement and Observations on the Geology of the Vicinity. 12mo, half roan, 203 pp. Saratoga Springs, 1831. $1.50

658. Vogt, Carl. Naturliche Geschichte der Schopsung des Metalls, der Erde und der auf ihr besindlichen Organismen, etc. Half morocco, 134 illus., 322 pp. Braunschweig, 1851. $1.50

659. Watson, Thos. Leonard. Mineral Resources of Virginia. Tall 8vo, 618 pp., illus., maps, fine copy. Lynchburg, Va., 1907. $2.50

660. Zirkel, F. Microscopical Petrography. 4to, 12 colored plates, a great work. The Standard on this subject. Wash., 1876. $3.00


661. Alaska. Report of International Polar Expedition to Point Barrow, Alaska. 4to, 695 pp., plain and colored plates of birds, shells and native implements. Wash., 1885. $2.50

662. Ansted, D. T., and Latham, R. G. The Channel Islands. Illus. by P. J. Naftel. Second ed., 594 pp., uncut, gilt, map. Full on natural history. Published at $7.00. London, 1865. $2.75

663. Back, Capt. R. M. Narrative of Arctic Land Expedition to Mouth of Great Fish River, and Along the Shores of the Arctic Ocean in the Years 1833, 1834 and 1835. Valuable Nat. Hist. Appendix by Sir J. Richardson. The rare Paris ed., orig. paper covers, uncut, paper label, 338 pp., map. Paris, 1836. $2.50

664. Bancroft, Edward. An Essay on the Natural History of Guiana, S. America; Descriptions of Curious Animal and Vegetable Productions of that Country; also an Account of the Indian Inhabitants. Interspersed with Medical Observations. Old calf, 400 pp. London, 1769. $3.00

665. Belcher, E. The Last of the Arctic Voyages, Being a Narrative of the Expedition in H. M. S. Assistance in Search of Franklin, during 1852-3-4. With Notes on the Natural History by Richardson, Owen, Bell, Salter, and Reeve. 2 vols., uncut, maps in pocket. Numerous plates, some colored. Important papers on Fish, Fossils and recent Mollusca and Crustacea illus. by plates of new species. London, 1855. $3.00

666. Bennett, J. W. Account of the Natural Resources, Indigenous Productions and Commercial Facilities of Ceylon. Large 4to, 10 plates and map, 428 pp. and Appendix. The beautifully engraved and hand-colored plates include 5 on Botany. Much passim on all branches of Nat. History. Cloth, uncut, fine copy. London, 1843. $4.75

667. Browne, J. Ross. Resources of the Pacific Slope. 678 pp., and A. S Taylor’s Sketch of the Settlement and Exploration of Lower California, 1532-1867. 200 pp. N. York, 1869. $2.50

668. Bruce, James. Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile. In 1768-73. 5 stout 4to vols. Sheep, binding worn, copper plate maps and illus. of an anthropological nature. Vol. 5, which lacks the title page, relates entirely to Nat. Hist., with many plates, and is particularly full on birds and plants. Edinburgh, 1790. $4.00

669. Bruce, J. Same. Vol. 8 of second ed., containing all the plates and maps of the series. 4to, half calf, cracked. Portrait of Bruce, many of the plates are on Botany and Zoology. Edinburgh, 1805. $1.50

670. Carver, J. Travels Through the Interior Parts of N. America in the Years 1766, ’67 and ’68. 12mo, calf, portrait, 2 folded colored maps, colored plates of Indians and of the Tobacco Plant; pp. 441 to 526 are “Of the Beasts, Birds, Fishes, Reptiles, Insects and Plants” of the interior parts of N. America. The best edition of a rare and valuable work. London, 1781. $22.00

671. Carver, J. Travels Through the Interior Parts of N. America, in 1766, 1767 and 1768. Old calf, 504 pp. plates. Last few pages gone. Complete on Indians and Nat. Hist. As is. Dublin, 1779. $2.50

672. Ceylon. Voyage to the Island of, on Board a Dutch Indiaman in the Year 1747. With Account of its Productions, etc. Also Account of St. Helena and other Islands. By a Dutch Gentleman. Paper covers, 23 pp. London, 1754. $1.50

673. Cook’s Last Voyage. Voyage to the Pacific Ocean for Making Discoveries in the Northern Hemisphere. Under Direction of Captains Cook, Clerke and Gore, in 1776, ’77, ’78, ’79 and ’80. Compiled from Published Accounts. 2 vols., calf, 445+350 pp., 40 engravings by Shallus. A much prized edition, fine copy. Phila., 1818. $3.75

674. Cook’s Voyages. Des Capitan Jacob Cook’s Dritte Entdeckungs-Reise welche derselbe auf Befehl und Kosten der Groszbrittannischen Regierung in das stille Meer und nach dem Nordpol hinauf und mit dem Schiffen Resolution und Discovery, 1776 bis 1780. Aus dem Englischen uberselzt von G. Forster. 2 vols. 4to, half calf, fine copper plates. Berlin, 1787. $4.00

675. Cunningham, Robert O. Notes on the Nat. History of the Strait of Magellan and West Coast of Patagonia, Made during Voyage of H. M. S. Nassau in 1866, ’67, ’68 and ’69. 517 pp., map and illus., some colored. Edinburgh, 1871. $3.50

676. Dall, W. H. Alaska and Its Resources. Half mor., cracked, map, numerous plates and cuts, 627 pp., first ed. Contains full Zoological Appx. Boston, 1870. $2.00

677. Darwin, Charles. Journal of Researches into the Natural History and Geology of the Countries Visited During the Voyage of H. M. S. Beagle Round the World. 2 vols., 12mo, illus. N. York, 1846. $1.50

678. Flint, Timothy. History and Geography of the Mississippi Valley. With a Condensed, Physical Geography of the Atlantic U. States and the whole Amer. Continent. 2 vols. in 1, calf, 740 pp. Cincinnati, 1832. $2.25

679. Forbes, Henry O. A Naturalist’s Wanderings in the Eastern Archipelago. Narrative of Travel, Exploration, etc., from 1878 to 1883. With colored frontis., profuse woodcuts, maps and plates. Both scientific and popular, with systematic lists and descriptions of new species by J. B. Gibbs. N. York, 1885. $2.75

680. Forster, John Reinhold. History of the Voyages and Discoveries made in the North. Trans. from German, New and Original Map of the North Pole Region. Sheep. Dublin, 1786. $1.50

681. Franchere, G. Narrative of Voyage to Northwest Coast of America in 1811, ’12, ’13 and ’14. Or the First American Settlement on the Pacific. Trans. and ed. by J. V. Huntington. 16mo, 376 pp., illus., frontis. Redfield, 1854. $3.50

682. Gardner, George. Travels in Interior of Brazil, the Gold and Diamond Districts, etc., from 1836-41. Second ed., 428 pp., full gilt, frontis., library stamp. London, 1849. $1.50

683. Gosse, P. H. Letters from Alabama (U. S.), Chiefly Relating to Natural History. 12mo, illus., rare. London, 1859. $2.50

684. Gosse, P. H. The Canadian Naturalist. A Series of Conversations on the Nat. Hist. of Lower Canada. 12mo, orig. cloth, uncut, illus. London, 1840. $1.25

685. Gosse, P. H. Another. Half calf, gilt. $1.50

686. Harris, John. Navigantium Atque Itinerantium, or a Compleat Collection of Voyages and Travels; consisting of above Four Hundred of the most Authentic Writers; beginning with Hackluit, Purchass, etc., in English; Ramusio, in Italian; Thevenot, etc., in French; De Bry and Grynæi Novus Orbis, in Latin; the Dutch East India Company, in Dutch; and continued, with others of note, that have publish’d histories, voyages, travels, or discoveries in the English, Latin, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, German or Dutch Tongues, relating to any part of Asia, Africa, America, Europe or the islands thereof to this present time. Fine impressions of the portraits, maps and plates, engraved by Vander Gucht, etc. 2 vols. Folio, calf. Original edition of this esteemed collection. London, 1705. Reduced to $9.00

687. Heilprin, Angelo. The Arctic Problem and Narrative of Peary Relief Expedition of the Phila. Acad. Nat. Sciences. 165 pp., illus. Phila., 1893. $1.50

688. Heilprin’s West Florida. Explorations on the West Coast of Florida and in the Okechobee Wilderness. With Special Reference to the Geology and Zoology of the Floridian Peninsula. By Angelo Heilprin. Royal 8vo, illus. Published by the Wagner Free Institute of Phila., 1887. $4.00

689. Henderson, Ebenezer. Iceland Journal During 1814-15. 2 vols. Half calf, many fine engravings and maps. Natural History, Literature and Antiquities fully considered. A model Book of travel, rarest edition. Edinburgh, 1818. $2.75

690. Hickson, Sydney J. Naturalist in North Celebes. Narrative of Travels in Minahassa, the Sangir and Talaut Islands, Notices of the Fauna, Flora, Ethnology, etc. Uncut, unopened, as new, 392 pp., illus., maps, col. frontis. London, 1889. $3.00

691. Higgins, Henry H. Notes by a Field-Naturalist in the Western Tropics, etc. 12mo, 205 pp., map and illus.; much on Botany. Liverpool, 1877. $1.75

692. Hochstetter, Ferdinand Von. New Zealand—Its Physical Geography, Geology and Nat. Hist. Col. plates, maps, royal 8vo, rare. Stuttgart, 1867. $2.75

693. Holland, Henry, M. D. Travels in the Ionian Isles, Albania, Thessaly, Macedonia, etc., in 1812-13. 4to, fancy figured old calf, cracked, 531 pp., 12 plates and map. Catalogue of Officinal Plants of Cephalonia, 8 pp. London, 1815. $1.75

694. Hooper, Capt. C. L. Report of Cruise of U. S. Revenue Steamer Thomas Corwin in the Arctic Ocean, 1881. 4to, illus., colored plates of fungi, 147 pp. Wash., 1884. $1.75

695. Hutchings, J. M. Scenes of Wonder and Curiosity in California. Tourist’s Guide to the Yosemite Valley, Big Tree Groves, Natural Caves and Bridges, Mt. Shasta, etc. Map, 292 pp., over 100 illus., rare, first ed. N. Y. and San Francisco. 1870. $2.25

696. Imlay, George. Topographical Description of Western Territory of N. America. With Account of Soil, Climate, Natural History, Agriculture, Manners and Customs. Also, The Discovery, Settlement and Present State of Kentucky, and Essay towards the Topography and Natural History of that Important Country. By John Filson. Second ed,. with Considerable Additions. Calf, 433 pp., plus Index, etc., 3 folding maps. A valuable historic work. London, 1793. $16.00

696A. Jarman, Robt. Journal of Voyage to South Seas in the Japan, Employed in Sperm Whale Fishery, under command of Capt. John May. 12mo, 242 pp., name on title. London (1838?). $2.50

697. Kirkpatrick, Col. Wm. Account of the Kingdom of Nepaul. Observations made during a Mission to that Country in 1793. Illus. by a Map and other fine Engravings. Another of the earlier books on the Terra Incognita of Thibet, with the fine large map. A beautiful aquatint plate of the Khalidge Pheasant. Vocabulary of 3 Nepaul Languages. 4to, half calf, 14 plates and map, fine copy. London, 1811. $3.00

698. Knox, John P. An Historical Account of St. Thomas, W. I., with its Rise and Progress in Commerce, Geological Structure, Natural History and Botany, etc. Map and view of St. Thomas. 12mo, pres. copy from author. N. York, 1852. $2.75

699. Laing, John. A Voyage to Spitzbergen. Account of Country, Zoology of the North, Whale Fishery, etc., with Appendix. 12mo, half calf, 165 pp. Second edition, corrected and enlarged. Edinburgh, 1818. $2.00

700. Le Bruyn, Cornelius. Travels in Muscovy, Persia and the East Indies; Also Isbrant’s Travels through Russian Tartary to China, etc. With above 320 copper plates of Maps, Cities, Costumes, Birds, Fishes, Plants and Antiquities. Trans, from the original French. Some of the folding copper plates are of unusual excellence, the second volume full of Natural History. Frontis. by Picart and portrait of Le Bruyn by G. Kneller. 2 vols. Folio, old calf, peeled, but sound. London, 1737. $5.00

701. Le Bruyn, C. The Same, in French. First edition. 2 vols. Old calf, very rare, best impressions of the engravings. Amsterdam, 1718. $6.00

702. Maximilian. Bresil, Quelques Corrections Indispensables a la Traduction Francaise (1) de la Description d’un Voyage au Bresil par le Prince Maximilian de Wied. 109 pp., paper, scarce. Francfort sur Le Mein, 1853. $1.75

703. Meredith, Louisa A. Tasmanian Friends and Foes, Feathered, Furred and Finned. Second ed., 259 pp., gilt edges, colored plates from drawings by the Author, etc. London, 1881. $2.50

704. Miscellanea Curiosa. Collection of Some of the Principal Phenomena in Nature Accounted for by the Greatest Philosophers of this Age; Being Discourses before the Royal Society. Also Collection of Curious Travels, Voyages and Natural Histories of Countries. In 3 vols. Second ed., with Additions. 12mo, old calf, cracked, frontis. of Walpole’s, rare maps, plates, etc. 8vo. London, 1708. $6.50

705. Merriam, Fisher, Etc. The Death Valley Expedition. A Biological Survey of Parts of California, Nevada, Arizona and Utah. Fully illus., maps. Part 2. All published, about 400 pp., paper covers, uncut. Wash., 1893. $2.75

706. [Mitchell, S. K.] A Tour Through Part of Virginia, in the Summer of 1808. A Series of Letters, including an Account of Harper’s Ferry, the Natural Bridge, Wier’s Cave, etc., etc. Stitched, uncut, 31 pp., rare. N. York, 1809. $2.50

707. Mitchell, Maj. T. L. Three Expeditions into the Interior of Eastern Australia, with descriptions of the recently explored region of Australia Felix and of the Present Colony of New South Wales. 2 vols. Uncut, numerous plates and cuts, some colored, full of Nat. Hist., an early authority. London, 1839. $4.00

708. Pallas, P. S. Travels Through the Southern Provinces of the Russian Empire in 1793 and 1794. 2 vols. 4to, superb hand-colored copper plates of the people and scenery. Boards, uncut. London, 1802. $8.00

709. Pallas, P. S. Voyages. Vol. 1, with Appendix of His Voyages en Differentes Provinces de L’Empire de Russie et dans L’Asie Septentrionale Traduits de L’Allemand. Numerous engravings illus. of the Costumes of the People, Botany, etc., of Northern Russia. Stout 4to, mor., gilt edges, large maps. Of value to the Botanist and Geographer. Paris, 1788. $2.50

710. Packard, A. S. The Labrador Coast. Journal of Two Summers. Cruises to that Region, with Notes on its Early Discovery, on the Eskimo, Geology and Nat. Hist. Maps and illus., as new. N. York, 1891. $2.75

711. Pacific Railroad Survey Reports. 13 vols., 4to. Includes about 7000 pages text and hundreds of full-page illus. and col. plates of the Nat. Hist. of the U. S. West of the Mississippi Valley. Wash., 1855 to 1860. $7.50

712. Perils and Adventures of the Deep. 12mo, full gilt, 326 pp., illus. London, 1850. $1.25

713. Pococke, Richard, F. R. S. A Description of the East and some other Countries. In 3 folio vols. Vol. 1, Observations on Egypt; 76 plates, frontis. and maps, 310 pp. Very full on Archæology and Ethnology. Five Botanical plates by Ehret and List of Plants. Vol. 2 (in 2 part vols.), part 1, Palestine, Syria, Mesopotamia, Cyprus and Candia; 36 plates and maps. Part 2, Islands of the Mediterranean Archipelago, Greece, Italy, Germany, etc., 67 plates and maps. List of Plants of South Europe, Asia Minor and Palestine, with 8 plates by Ehret. Folio, half calf, gilt figured backs. 2 vols. in 3. London, 1743-45. $6.75

714. Roberts, Wm. Account of the First Discovery and Natural History of Florida. Details of the Several Expeditions and Descents Made on that Coast. Illus. by general Map, and Some Particular Plans and Geographical Description of the Country by T. Jefferys. 4to, calf, 102 pp., 7 maps and plates. Brought $42.50 at Barlow Sale in 1890. London, 1763. $35.00

715. Russell, A. Natural History of Aleppo. Description of the City and Natural Productions of the Neighborhood. With Account of Climate, People and Diseases, particularly the Plague. A Second ed., enlarged and illus. by copious Notes, by P. Russell, M. D., F. R. S. 2 vols., 4to, old calf, 15 plates of N. History and 2 others. Names on titles. London, 1794. $4.00

716. Scheffer’s Lapland. Histoire de la Laponie, Sa Descrip. L’Origine, Les Moeurs, etc. Descriptions and illus. of Natural History. Trans. from Latin into French by L. P. A. L. 4to, old calf, map, plates and cuts, full of Anthropology and Archæology. Paris, 1778. $3.00

717. Simpson, Capt. J. H. Report of Explorations Across the Great Basin of the Territory of Utah for Route from Camp Floyd to Genoa in Carson Valley, in 1859. 495 pp., large map, many plates, 4to. Paleontological Reports by F. B. Meek, has 5 plates; Fishes by T. Gill, 9 plates; Engelmann’s Report on Botany has 3 plates of Cacti; List of Birds by S. F. Baird. Wash., 1876. $3.75

718. Sitgreaves, Capt. L. Zuni and Colorado Rivers. Report of an Expedition Down. Complete, with the Large Map. Very full on the Indians and Natural History. Fully illus., fine copy, orig. cloth, rare and valuable. Wash., 1853. $3.00

719. Smith, Wm. A New Voyage to Guinea. Sent Out by the Royal African Co., of England. The Customs, Soil, Climate, Animals, Minerals, etc. Calf, 276 pp.+Index, plates, rare. London, 1744. $2.50

720. South Australia, Illustrated. G. F. Angas. Imperial Folio of 60 finely colored plates, with accompanying text, uncut. Bound in half green Turkey morocco. This pioneer work in the illus. of the vanishing Peoples, Animals and Customs of the Island Continent, as well as of the Game and Sports of that Country, is an indispensable part of its literature. It is to Australia what Audubon, Gould and Elliot’s folios are to the Old and New Worlds. It now rarely appears in the market. London, 1846-47. $45.00

721. Thibet. Account of an Embassy to the Court of Teshoo Lama in Thibet. Narrative of the Journey by Capt. Saml. Turner. Views by Lieut. Davis and Observations, Botanical, Mineralogical and Medical by Robert Saunders. 12 plates and map, 4to, boards, uncut. One of the most important early works on the exploration of this Forbidden Land. London, 1806. $3.50

722. Thomas, Gabriel. An Historical and Geographical Account of the Province and Country of Pennsylvania, and of West New Jersey in America. Map, 2 titles, 89 pp., half mor., uncut. Fac-simile reprint, N. York, 1848. (London, 1698.) $2.75

723. Thomson, Sir C. W. The Atlantic, a Preliminary Account of the general results of the Exploring Expedition of H. M. S. Challenger. 2 vols. As new, profusely illus., with charts, maps and plates of Natural History. N. York, 1878. $2.50

724. Thorn, Maj. Wm. Memoir of the Conquest of Java, with the Operations of the British Forces in the Orient. Also a Statistical and Historical Sketch of Java. 4to, sheep. Plans, charts and views. London, 1815. $2.75

725. Tyrrell, J. W. Across the Sub-arctics of Canada. Journey of 3200 Miles by Canoe, etc. Through the Barren Lands. List of Plants Collected, etc. Illus. from Photographs and Drawings by Henning. 280 pp. N. York, 1898. $2.50

726. Wallace, A. R. The Malay Archipelago. Land of the Orang-utan and Bird of Paradise. The first American ed., with fine impressions of the illus., map. N. York, Harper, 1869. $3.00

727. Wheeler, G. M. Report on Explorations West of 100th Meridian. Vol. 5, Zoology. 4to, cloth, 1000 pp., 45 plates, 3 woodcuts. Mammals, Coues and Yarrow; Geographic Distribution, Mammals and Birds, Yarrow. Birds, Henshaw; 16 finely colored bird plates after Ridgway. Batrachians and Reptiles, Yarrow; 10 plates, 3 colored. Fishes, 7 plates, uncolored. Insects, 6 plates. Mollusca, Yarrow. Leeches, Verrill. Wash., 1875. $4.00

728. White, John. Journal of a Voyage to New South Wales, with 65 Plates of Nondescript Animals, Birds, Lizards, Serpents, Curious Cones of Trees and other Natural Productions. 4to, boards, copper plate engravings, plates 1, 2, 46 and 50 missing. New species described by Shaw, Smith and Hunter. A rare item. London, 1790. $2.00


729. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Proceedings for the years 1892 to 1902, bound in half buckram, uncut. Also for the remaining years, 1903 to 1909, inclus., in parts, as issued. In all 18 vols. Published at $6.25 per vol., unbound. $40.00

730. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Proceedings. Vols. 1900 to 1906, inclus., in original parts. 7 vols. $14.00

730A. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Journal and Proceedings. Odd vols. and parts, quoted.

731. Academy Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Proceedings of. 1861, ’62, ’63. 3 vols., half roan and buckram, newly bound, fine copies, very scarce. Philadelphia. $10.50

732. Albany. Transactions of the Albany Institute. 2 Vols. Vol. 1. Boards, pr. paper label, 6 plates, 3 shell pprs. by Green; Green’s Cones of N. America. 324 pp. Albany, 1830. Vol. 2, paper, uncut, 5 plates, 354 pp. 2 vols. 1833-1852. $6.00

733. American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Proceedings. Vol. 24. Whole series, 1889 to Vol. 35, 1899, inclus. The first 8 vols., bound in orig. paper covers. The last 4 vols. in orig. parts, as issued. Vols. 32 and 33 lack several parts, the others are complete. 12 vols. Published at $5.00 per vol. Boston, 1889 to 1899. $20.00

734. American Journal of Archæology. Second Series. Vol. 1, 1897, to vol. 7, inclus., 1903, in paper covers, as issued. A bi-monthly, illus. Norwood, Mass., Press, N. York and London, 7 vols. $12.00

735. American Journal of Archæology. Odd parts, quoted.

736. American Journal of Science, Especially Mineralogy, Geology, and other branches of Natural History, including Agriculture, etc. Silliman, Benj. Vol. 1. Half calf, folding colored map, frontis. N. York, 1818. $7.50

737. American Journal of Science. Established by Silliman. Vols. 29 and 30; orig. numbers, paper covers. New Haven, 1885-86. $2.00

738. American Monthly Magazine and Critical Review. Vols. 1 and 3. Contains numerous contributions by Rafinesque and other celebrated early American Scientists. N. York, 1817-18. $8.00

739. Ditto. Odd numbers of the above.

740. American Museum Journal. Vols. 1 and 2, complete. Also Nos. 1 and 2, each of Vols. 3 and 4. Original paper covers, illus. N. York, 1900 to 1904. The lot, $1.50

741. American Museum Nat. History, N. York. Annual Report of the Trustees, Act of Incorp., etc., 1885 to 1894, complete, 10 Reports, from First. Paper covers, illus. N. Y., 1885 to 1894. The lot, $2.75

742. American Naturalist, The. Popular illustrated magazine of Natural History. Edited by Packard, Morse, Hyatt, and Putnam. 6 vols. Vols. 1 to 4, half roan; vols. 5 and 6, cloth. Salem and Boston, 1868-72. $6.00

743. American Philosophical Society of Philadelphia. Proceedings of. A fine run of this valuable scientific publication, mostly in the orig. parts, as issued, but including 5 vols. bound in half mor. Beginning with No. 97, 1875, to No. 175, 1904. Sold only as a lot. $38.00

743A. American Philosophical Society. Proceedings of. Odd nos. of quoted on application.

744. American Philosophical Society, Transac. of. Held at Phila. Vol. 1, New Series. 4to, calf, folding maps and plates, 454 pp. Contains McCure’s Geol. of U. S., and Important papers on Amer. Indians, Zoology, etc. Phila., 1818. $4.50

745. Amer. Philos. Society. Several vols. and parts in stock of the Journal and Proceedings of this noted and venerable institution. Send list of wants.

746. Bologne. R. Accademia Delle Scienze, Dell Istituto Di Bologna, Memorie della. 4th series, contains vols. 9 and 10; 5th series, vols. 1 to 10, inclus., lacking vols. 3 and 4; 6th series, vols. 1 to 3, inclus. 13 complete vols. Paper covers, 4to, illus. Bologna, 1889 to 1906. The lot, $12.00

747. Birmingham Philos. Soc. Proceedings of. Vol. I, no. 1, Vol. II, part 2, Vols. III to VIII, inclus., complete. Vol. IX, part 2, Vol. X, parts 1 and 2; Vol. XI, parts 1 and 2. Orig. paper covers. Birmingham, 1876 to 1902. The lot, $5.00

748. Boston Journal of Chemistry and Popular Science News. A few odd numbers of the former; vols. III to XV, of P. S. News. Vols. 21 to 36, lacking vols. 30 and 31; also from 1 to 3, parts of 11 vols., 3 vols. being complete. In orig. numbers, 4to. Boston, 1868 to 1902. Lot, $4.00

749. Boston Society of Natural History, Memoirs of. Vol. I, Part 1. Nos. 1 to 4, inclus., all published of that part. 4to, title page and index. Orig. pr. covers, rare. Contains noted papers by Brewer, Allen and Coues on Birds. Boston, 1866-1869. $6.00

750. The same. Vol. V, complete, 11 parts, as issued. Boston, 1895-1904. (Published at $14.00.) $7.50.

751. The same. Vol. II, 7 odd parts, including Morse, on Terebratulina, Coues and Wyman, on Osteol. and Myolo. of Didelphys; Dwight on the Whale, and Packard on Limulus. The lot, (Pub. at $8.50.) $3.75

752. Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences, Bull. of. First 7 vols., complete, and first four parts of vol. 8. Orig. paper covers, uncut, 1873 to 1903. Published at $4.00 per vol.; now very scarce. Contributions and plates by Leconte, Scudder, Grote, etc. A fine set. Buffalo, 1873-1903. The lot at a bargain. $18.50

753. California Academy of Sciences, Bull. of. Nos. 3 to 8, inclus. In orig. parts, as issued, printed covers, uncut, very rare and valuable. 1885 to 1887. $8.00

754. California Academy of Sciences, Bull. Odd numbers, also of the Proceedings.

755. California Academy of Sciences, Proceedings of. (Second Series.) A set of the First 4 vols., complete in 7 parts, as issued, uncut, 1888 to 1895. In fine condition. Out of print. The lot, $12.00

756. California Acad. Sci., Proceedings of. (Second Series.) Vols. I and II, complete. In 3 parts, as issued. $5.75

757. California Academy of Sciences, Proceedings of. (Third Series.) Vol. I, Zoology, lacking parts 2 and 5. Vol. I, Botany, complete. Vol. I, Geology, complete. Vol. I, Mathematics and Physics, complete. Vol. II, Zoology and Botany, complete. Vol. II, Geology, complete. Vol. III, Zoology, lacks parts 10, 11 and 12. Vol. IV, Zoology, have parts 1, 2 and 3 only. All in orig. paper covers, uncut, as issued. Sold only as a lot. Out of Print. $23.50

758. Carnegie Museum, Pittsburg. Four Annual Reports of the Director, including the rare first Report. Paper covers, illus. 1898 to 1902, lacking 1899. The lot, $1.50

759. Canadian Institute, Proceedings of. Third Series. Vols. V, VI, VII, complete. New Series. Vol. I, Nos. 1, 4, 5; Vol. II, Nos. 7 and 8. Also, the Transactions. Vols. I, II and III, complete. Vols. IV and V, each lack part 1. Also 3 Ann. Repts. of the Institute. Orig. paper covers. Toronto, 1887 to 1898. Sold only as a lot. $6.75

760. Chili. Actes de la Societe Scientif. Du. Set of the first 4 vols., in orig. covers, as issued. 4to. Santiago, 1892-1895. $6.00

761. Chili. Actes, etc. The Same. Vol. II. Also odd parts. $1.50

762. Cincinnati Quarterly Journal of Science. Vol. I, 1874. Half mor., illus., 384 pp., scarce. $2.00

763. Cincinnati Society Nat. Hist., Journal of. Vols. VI, No. 4, to and including Vol. XVII. Complete in original paper covers. 11 vols. and part 1. Cincinnati, Dec., 1883, to Jan., 1895. $12.00

764. Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, Transactions of. Vol. 7, complete in 2 parts; vol. 8, part 1. Printed covers, 3 complete parts, pub. at $2.50 per part, out of print. New Haven, 1886 to 1890. $2.75

765. D’Etudes Scientif., Societe D’Angers. Bulletin de la. New Series. In orig. paper covers. XVIe Année, 1886, to Année 35, inclus., 1905, lacking Année 22 only. 19 vols. $15.00

766. Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe. 2 vols. (one royal 4to vol. text; the other folio vol. of plates). Chiefly devoted to Zoology and Botany; 58 colored and plain plates, some folding. Wien, 1850. $3.75

767. Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Natur und Volkerkunde Ostasiens in Tokio. Vol. 6, parts 53 to 59, inclus., lacking part 55, 1894 to 1897. Also Suppl. to vol. 6; 1894-1895. Paper, illus. Tokio, 1894 to 1897. $2.50

768. Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society, Journal of. Vols. 1 to 23, inclus.; 23 complete vols., 1883 to 1907. Orig. covers, in parts, as issued, illus., valuable. Chapel Hill, N.C., 1883-1907. The lot, $16.50

769. Essex Institute Proceedings and Communications. Vols. 1 to 6, inclus., almost complete. All published. Also the Bulletin, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1869, which took its place. Vol. 4, half mor., lacking parts of the Communications belonging to the others in signatures or parts as issued. Contains the first Naturalist’s Directory and Allen and Coues Birds of New England. A rare set. Salem, Mass., 1848-1869. $10.00

770. Essex Institute, Proceedings. Odd Vols. and Parts Quoted. A copy of Vol. 1 in sheets, uncut. $2.00

771. Essex Naturalist. Jour. of Essex Field Club. Vols. II and III, complete. Vol. IV, Nos. 1 to 3, inclus. Paper. Essex, England, 1888-90. $1.25

772. Feuille des Jeunes Naturalistes. Nos. 181 to 241, Inclus., lacking No. 232; being the years of publication, 16 to 20, inclus. Royal 8vo, orig. paper covers, as issued. Rennes, 1885 to 1890. The lot, $3.00

773. Field Columbian Museum, Publications of, 1894 to 1907. First Publications. Vol. 1, Nos. 1 and 2. Also 6 different Series, viz: Zoolog. Ser., vols. 1 to 4, inclus.; also vol. 7. Vol. 1 lacks No. 1; also Nos. 6 to 9, inclus.; vol. 3 lacks No. 14, and all after 16 (if any). Vol. 7 lacks all after No. 5 (if any.) Ornitholog. Ser., vol. 1, Nos. 1 and 2 only. Report Ser., vols. 1 to 3, inclus. Vol. 1 lacks Nos. 2 and 3; vol. 3 lacks all after No. 1. Geolog. Ser., vols. 1 to 3, inclus. Vol. 3 lacks all after No. 6 (if any). Botanical Ser., vols. 1 to 3, inclus. Vol. 1 lacks No. 4, and all after No. 7 (if any). Vol. 2, all after No. 6 (if any). Vol. 3, 1 and 2 only here. Anthropological Ser., Vols. 2 to 5, inclus. Vol. 2 lacks No. 1. Also complete Guide to Field Mus., 1894. Orig. pr. covers, illus., 102 titles. The lot at half the price of publication, including many important Monographs. Chicago, 1894-1907. $15.00

774. Free Museum of Science and Art, Dept. of Archæol., Etc. Univ. of Penna. Bull. Vol. 2, Nos. 3 and 4; Vol. 3, Nos. 1 to 4, inclus. Orig. paper covers. Much on Indians by Culin, including his Trip to California, illus. Phila., 1901-02. The lot, $2.50

775. Glasgow Nat. History Society. Proceedings and Transactions of. New Series. Vols. I to IV, inclus., lacking part 3 of Vol. IV. In orig. paper covers. Glasgow, 1885 to 1894. The lot, $3.75

776. Glasgow Philosophical Society, Proceedings of. Vols. XX to XXVI, inclus. Also Vol. XXIX. Complete in orig. paper covers. Also Index to first 20 vols. Glasgow, 1889 to 1898. The lot, $3.75

777. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften Konigl. Bohmischen, Sitzungsberichte der Mathematisch-Naturwissen. Classe, 1888 to 1906, inclus., lacking 1894. Also Index vol., 1884-1904. 21 complete vols. Orig. paper covers, illus., colored and folding plates. Also Jahrsbericht der Königl. Böhm., in 17 parts, lacking 1894 only. Paper covers. Prag. 1888 to 1906. The lot, $20.00

778. Humboldt Library. Nos. 64 to 75, Inclus., Lacking No. 73, 11 parts, paper. Recent Discoveries of Science by Wallace, Darwin Huxley, Spencer, etc. $1.50

779. Intellectual Observer. Review of Natural History. Microscopic Research and Recreative Science. Vols. 5 to 12, inclus. 8vo, half mor. A very good run of this Esteemed Journal which is finely illus. with colored and tinted plates and numerous woodcuts. London, 1864 to ’68. $12.00

780. Journal of Science and Arts. Ed. by Royal Inst. of G. Britain. 5 vols. in 10 parts, said to be all pub. Uncut, orig. covers, plates. N. York, 1817 to 1819, inclus. $2.50

781. Kaidja A Kir. Magyar Termeszettindomanyi Tarsulat. A Series of Publications of this Institution, issued in the form of Occasional Papers. 8vo and 4to, in orig. ppr. covers, each being a complete Monograph, with illus. Numbering 13 pieces of from 100 to 300 pp. each. Budapest, 1889 to 1898. Sold as a lot only. $5.75

782. La Naturaleza. Sociedad Mexicana de Historia Natural, Periodico Cientifico de la. 4 vols., viz: Vol. 7, of first series, Nos. 1 to 18, Mexico, 1884 to 1886. Vols. 1 to 3, inclus., of second series; vol. 1 lacking No. 1; Vol. 2, Nos. 2 and 5; vol. 3, Nos. 1 and 2. Vol. 3, Birds, many colored plates of Birds and Plants. Folio, original covers, colored and plain plates. Contains the first four contributions of Herrera on Birds of Mexico. Mexico, 1888 to 1903. The lot, $5.50

783. Linnæan Society of N. York. Transactions. Vol. 1, Royal 8vo, paper. Portrait of Linnæus. Merriam’s Vert. of Adirondack Region, Birds of Catskill, Bicknell; Dutcher on Fish Crow. N. York, 1882. $2.25

784. Linnæan Society of N. Y. City, Abstracts of Proceedings of Set of 19 Nos., 1 to 19, inclus., many valuable papers, 2 having autographs of Dr. E. Coues. Pub. at $6.00. Paper. N. Y., 1888 to 1906. $3.00

785. Linnæan Society of N. Y., Abstract, Proc. of. First 4 Reports, lot of 4 pieces. Printed covers. 1888-92. $1.00

786. Literary Record and Journal of the Linnæan Assoc. of Pennsylvania College. Vols. 1 and 2 in 1 vol., half roan, illus. Contains articles on the Chinese Magnetic Chariot, Catalogue of Birds Found in the Neighborhood of Carlisle, Cumberland Co., Pa., by S. F. Baird; plate of the Hydrarchos; or, Fossil Sea Serpent, etc. Gettysburg, 1844-46. $5.00

787. Mathematische und Naturwissenschaftliche Berichte aus Ungarn. Vols. 6 to 16, inclus., lacking vols. 10 and 11; 9 complete vols. Printed covers, col. and plain plates. Budapest, 1889 to 1899. The lot, $6.00

787A. Memoirs of the Wernerian Natural History Society. Vol. 1. For 1808, ’09, ’10. Boards, uncut, paper label, 630 pp., colored plates, much on Fish and Whales. Edinburgh, 1811. $6.00

788. Meteorologischen Commission des Naturforschenden Vereines in Brünn, Bericht der. Vols. 6 to 17, inclus.; vols. 14 and 15 lacking; 10 complete vols. Paper covers, maps. Brünn, 1888 to 1898. The lot, $4.00

789. Michigan. Academy of Science, First Report of. From its Organization, 1894, to June, 1899. By Barrows. 180 pp., illus. Lansing, 1900. $1.25

790. Midland Naturalist. Jour. Midland Union Nat. History Soc. N. Series. Vols. IX to XVI, inclus., complete in original Nos., except vol. XV, which lacks Nos. 175 and 180. Birmingham, Eng., 1886 to 1893. $5.75

791. Museo Nacional de Buenos Aires, Communic. del. Vol. 1, 10 parts lacking part 4 to complete. Stitched, illus. B. Aires, 1898-1901. $1.25

792. Museo Nacional de Buenos Aires, Anales del. Vols. 4, 5, and 6, complete. Royal 8vo, orig. paper covers, map, colored and plain folding plates. 3 vols. Buenos Aires, 1895 to 1899. $3.75

793. Museo Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, Archivos. Vols. 7 to 10, inclus. 4 complete vols. Vol. 9 being Revista Mus. Nac. Folio, orig. paper covers, fully illus. Vols. 7, 9, 10 in English; vol. 8 in Spanish. Rio de J., 1887 to 1899. The lot, $3.75

794. Museum Comparative Zoology, Bulletin of. Vols. 1 and 2. 1863 to 1871. Complete, text and plates, without title-page of vol. 2. These contain Dr. J. A. Allen’s historic and epochal papers on Birds, Mammals and Geographic Variation and Distribution, of which America is so justly proud. Very rare, half roan, 2 vols. in 1, 456 pp., illus. Cambridge. $12.00

795. Museum Compar. Zool. 5 Annual Repts. of the Curator of. 1889 to ’93, and 1897-98. Paper covers. Cambridge, 1889-98. $1.50

796. Museum D’Histoire Naturelle de Paris, Bull. du. From 1895 to 1907, inclus.; 8 parts being issued each year to form a vol. Vols. for the years 1895, ’96, 1904, ’05, ’06, ’07 lack from 1 to 3 Nos. each; the rest are complete in original parts, as issued. The lot, $7.00

797. Naturalist (The). A Popular Monthly Magazine Illustrative of the Animal, Vegetable and Mineral Kingdoms. Conducted by B. R. Morris. Vols. 1, 2, 3. Half mor., illus., 4 col. plates. London, 1851-2-3. $1.50

798. Nature. A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science. Vols. 1 to 23, inclus., lacking vol. 7 only. Also includes vols. 43 and 44. The first 3 vols; also vols. 9 to 14, inclus., bound in half roan, 2 vols. in 1. All the other vols. in orig. parts, as issued. Vol. 5 lacks Nos. 114 to 130; vol. 6, Nos. 158 to 167; vol. 23, Nos. 12 to 26; vol. 43, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 7 to 12; vol. 44, Nos. 12, 13, 14, 16, 17 and after 19. The other 19 vols. are complete; 24 vols. in all. 4to. Pub. in London and N. Y., 1870 to 1891. Sold as a lot only. $28.50

799. Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Basel, Verhandlungen der. Vols. 8 to 16, inclus., 1890 to 1903. 9 vols. in all. Complete, except vol. 8, lacking parts 1 and 2; vol. 10, part 2; vol. 15, parts 2 and 3. Also Index and Register of vols. 6 to 12, inclus. Pr. paper covers. Basel, 1890 to 1903. $6.00

800. Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Bern, Mittheilungen der Nos. 1143 to 1372, inclus., in 9 complete vols. Paper covers, col. plates and maps. Bern, 1886 to 1895. The lot, $4.00

801. Naturforschenden Vereines in Brunn, Verhandlungen des. Vols. 26 to 37, inclus., lacking vols. 34 and 35; 10 complete vols. in all. Paper covers, illus. Brünn, 1888 to 1899. The lot, $5.75

802. Naturhistorischen Gesellschaft zu Nurnberg, Jahresbericht und Abhandlungen der. Vols. 8 to 13, inclus., 6 vols. complete, except parts 1 to 4 of vol. 8. Paper covers, illus., col. maps. Nurnberg, 1889 to 1900. $4.00

803. Naturwissenschafter in Hermannstadt, Siebenburgischen Vereins für. Verhandlungen und Mittheilungen des. Vols. 37 to 56, inclus., lacking vols. 38 and 45; 18 complete vols. Paper covers. Hermannstadt, 1887-1907. The lot, $6.50

804. Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereine zu Bremen, Abhandlungen vom. Vols. 10 to 18, inclus. Complete, except vol. 10, lacks part 1 and vol. 15, part 3. Paper, col. and plain plates. Bremen, 1888 to 1905. $5.00

805. Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins zu Osnabruck, Jahresbericht des. Vols. 7 to 15, inclus., lacks vol. 13; 8 complete vols. Paper covers. Osnabrück, 1889 to 1903. The lot, $3.25

806. Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins fur Steiermark, Mittheilungen des. Whole series. Heft 22 to 38, inclus., printed covers, complete. 17 vols. Graz, 1886 to 1902. $7.00

807. Naussaischen Vereins fur Naturkunde, Jahrbucher des. Vols. 45 to 53, inclus., 9 complete vols. Paper covers, colored and plain plates, many of them Lepidoptera. Wiesbaden, 1892 to 1900. The lot, $7.50

808. N. York Academy Sciences, Transactions. Vols I to XVI, inclus. Paper covers, as issued, complete set of this series, all published. 16 vols. Published at $5.00 per vol. N. Y., 1882 to 1897. Half price, $40.00

809. N. York Lyceum Nat. Hist. Charter, Constit. and By-Laws, Incorp. April, 1818. Also Cat. of Books, etc. Paper, 22 pp. N. Y., 1823. $1.00

810. N. York State Cabinet, Natural History Reports, 1851 to 1894. being 4th to 57th Annual Reports, lacking Nos. 5, 6, 12, 13, 16, 17, 40, 42, 44 to 46, inclus. Variously bound in paper, cloth and leather. Also Catalogue of the Cabinet Nat. Hist. N. Y. Albany, 1853, and Report of Commission on Completion of Nat. Hist N. Y., 1852. In all 30 vols. $18.00

811. N. York. Annual Reports of Regents, N. York State University. 51st to 61st, inclus. (lacking 56th); also 64th, 65th, 66th, 70th and 73rd. Paper covers. 1838 to 1860. 15 pieces. Lot, $3.75

812. N. York. Reports of the Regents of the University of the State of N. York on the Condition of the State Cabinet of Natural History, and the Historical and Antiquarian Collection. Half roan, 2 vols. of 8 reports; 18th to 25th, inclus., rare, fully illus. Albany, 1865-1873. $7.00

813. N. York State Museum of Natural History. Annual Reports. Albany. Odd vols. or sets quoted.

814. Peabody Academy of Science, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Annual Reports of. Pr. paper covers, very rare. Salem, 1869-71. Lot, $3.50

815. Popular Science Review. Samuelson, James, Ed. A Quarterly Miscellany of Instructive Articles on Scientific Subjects. Vols. 1-5. Half calf, plain and colored plates. London, 1862-66. $6.50

815A. Report of the Rugby School Natural History Society for the Years 1867 to 1876, inclus. Half calf, fully illus. with plain and colored plates. Rugby, 1868-1877. $4.50

816. Rochester Academy of Science, Proceedings of. Vol. I, Complete, vol. II lacks Broch. 3; vol. III, parts 1 to 14, inclus., lacking part 8. Original parts. Rochester, 1890-1891. Sold as a lot only. $2.25

817. R. Accademia delle Scienze dell Istitudo ti Bolorna, Rendiconte della Sessioni Nouva Serie. Vols. 1 to 10, inclus. Original parts as issued. Paper covers, illus., 10 complete vols. Bologna, 1897 to 1906. The lot, $5.00

818. Royal Society Edinburgh, Proceedings of. Vols. XII to XXVII, inclus., complete; also vol. XXVIII, part I. Orig. paper covers, as issued, plain and col. plates. Edinburgh, 1884 to 1908. 16 vols. $20.00

819. Rutimeyer, L. Gesammelte Kleine Schriften Allgemeinen Inhalts aus dem Gebiete der Naturwissenschaft. 2 vols., complete. Paper covers, uncut, portrait, maps and illus. Basel, 1898. $2.00

820. Science. Pub. Weekly at Cambridge, Mass., by Moses King. Beginning with Vol. I, Feb., 1883, the following Nos. are in stock, and will be sold only as a lot, all being in the original Nos., as issued. Nos. (all are inclus.) 1 to 9, 25, 32, 47, 55 to 151, 168, 190 to 192, 198 to 201, 206, 212 to 228, 230 to 233, 236 to 266, 279, 507, 514, 518, 520, 525, 527, 531 to 555, 558, 559, 562 to 581 of the Old Series. New Series, vol. I, Jan. to June, 1895, complete. Vol. II, lacks 33 and 47. Vol. IV, 1896, complete. Several vols. of the old series are complete. The lot, $9.00

821. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. Vols. and Parts in stock. Send for quotations.

822. Smithsonian Inst. Reports. A Long Run from 1850 to 1890, with few breaks. Sold as a lot. Also odd vols. of same.

823. Societa Adriatica di Scienze Naturali in Trieste, Bollettino della. Vols. 11 to 18, inclus.; 8 complete vols. Paper covers. Trieste, 1889 to 1898. The lot, $4.75

824. Societa Italiana di Scienze Naturali, Atti della. Vols. 29 to 36. inclus. Complete, except vols. 33 and 36, which (each) lack parts 3 and 4. Paper covers. Milano, 1886 to 1896. $4.75

825. Societa Veneto-Trentino di Scienze Naturali in Padova, Atti della. The following vols. represented are: First Series, vol. 11, part 2; vol. 12, part 1. Second Series, vols. 1, 2 and 3; parts 1 and 2 each. Paper covers, illus. and folding plates. Padova, 1889 to 1899. Also, Soc. Ven.-Trent. di Sci. Nat., Bulletino della. Vol. 4, parts 3 and 4; vol. 5, parts 1, 3 and 4; vol. 6, parts 1 to 4, inclus. Paper covers. Padova, 1889 to 1899. The lot, $3.00

826. Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica. Vols. 5 to 28, Inclus., lacks vol. 24. 23 complete vols. Paper covers, illus. Helsingforslæ, 1889 to 1905. Also Soc. pro Fauna, etc. Meddelanden af; 1888 to 1906, inclus. 18 vols., complete. Papers cover, illus. Helsingforslæ. In all, 41 vols. Lot at less than half price. $21.50

827. Societe des Naturalistes de Kiew, Memoires de la. Vols. 10 to 12, inclus., also vol. 19 and part 1, vol. 20. Paper covers, illus., printed in Russian. Kiew, 1889 to 1905. The lot, 4½ vols., $2.25

828. Societe des Naturalistes de la Nouvelle-Russie, Memoires de la. Vols. 14 to 29, inclus. 14 complete vols. Vols. 17 and 20, each lack part 1. Paper covers, illus., printed in Russian. Odessa, 1889 to 1906. The lot, $7.00

829. Societe des Naturalistes a L’Universite Imperiale de Kharkow. Vols. 25 to 39, inclus., lacking vols. 30, 33 and 34. Paper covers, printed in Russian, illus. 12 complete vols. Royal 8vo. Kharkow, 1891 to 1904. The lot, at a low value. $7.75

830. Societe des Sciences de Nancy. Bulletin de la. Series II, Vol. 9, 21e Année, 1888 to vol. 14, 28e Année, 1895, inclus., lacking fascicule 24 only. Also includes Catalog of the Library, and 10 Signatures of the Bull. des Séances. Paper covers. Paris, 1888 to 1896. The lot, $3.75

831. Societe des Sciences Naturelles de Neuchatel. Bull. de la. Vols. 21 to 32, inclus., lacking vol. 28. Paper covers, uncut; also Index vol. for the 4 vols. of Memoires and the 25 first vols. of the Bull. Neuchatel, 1893 to 1904. $7.50

832. Societe D’Etudes des Sciences Naturelles de Beziers. Bull. de la. Vols. 11 to 27, inclus., complete. Paper covers, uncut. 17 vols. Beziers, 1889 to 1905. The lot, $6.00

833. Societe D’Histoire Naturelle de Metz. Bull. de la. 2E Series, vols. 6 to 12, inclus., lacks vol. 11. Paper. Metz, 1893 to 1905. $2.00

834. Societe Linneenne de Bordeaux. Proces-verbaux de la. Vols. 41 to 55, inclus., lacking vols. 42, 49, 50, 51. 11 complete vols. Paper covers. Also Fascicule 2 of their Library Catalogue and 13 Nos. of the Bulletin. Bordeaux, 1887 to 1901. The lot, $4.00

835. Societe Linneenne de Lyon, Annales de la. Vols. 32 To 44, Inclus., lacking vols. 38, 39 and 43. Royal 8vo, paper covers, uncut, 10 vols. Lyons, 1886 to 1897. The lot. $6.00

836. Societe Linneenne de Normandie. Bull. de la. 4th Series. Vols. 1 to 10, inclus. Complete, except vol. 5, part 2, lacking. Also 5th series, vols. 1 to 9, inclus., complete, except vol. 1, which has part 1 only. Paper covers, uncut. Sold as 19 vols. Caen, 1888 to 1906. $11.00

837. Societe Nation. des Scien. Naturelles, Etc., de Cherbourg, Memoires de la. Vols. 25 to 29, inclus., complete in orig. covers, uncut. Also 50th Anniver. of the Society, 1902. Paris, 1887 to 1895. The lot, $4.00

838. Staten Island, Nat. Sci. Ass’n, Proc. of. Lot of Title Pages, Indexes and odd parts, first 4 vols. 1883, etc. Stitched. $1.00

839. Student and Intellectual Observer. Vols. 1 to 5. Colored and plain plates. 5 vols., half mor., fine set. London, 1868-71. $8.00

840. Trenton Nat. Hist. Soc., Journal of. Vol. I, Nos. 1, 2 and 3. Vol. II, Nos. 1 and 2. Trenton, 1886 to 1891, complete, all published. In original paper covers. Entirely out of print. The first vol., part 3, contains Dr. Alfred C. Stokes’s History of the Fresh Water Infusoria of the U. S., pp. 71 to 319, illus. by 13 plates of nearly 250 figures. Other articles are by the Professors Apgar, Ernst Volk, F. A. Lucas, etc. Vol. II, No. 2, is devoted to Prof. Apgar’s Mollusks of the Atlantic Coast of the U. S., south to Cape Hatteras. The set, $4.75

841. Trenton Nat. Hist. Soc., Journal of. Odd parts quoted.

842. Tufts’ College Studies. Nos. 1 to 5, inclusive. March, 1894, to 1898. Paper covers, uncut, illus. F. Coll., Mass. $1.50

843. U. S. National Museum. Proceedings. Vols. 5-9, inclus., in sheets. Vol. 9 incomplete, title-page of Vol. 5 soiled. Wash., 1883-87. $5.00

844. Vereins fur Vaterlandische Naturkunde in Wurttemberg, Jahreshefte des. Vols. 45 to 50. inclus., 6 complete vols. Paper covers, illus. Stuttgart, 1889 to 1894 The lot, $4.50

845. Vereins zur Verbreitung Naturwissenschaftlichen Kentnisse in Wien. Schriften des. From 1895 to 1902, inclus., 8 vols., complete. Paper covers. Wien, 1895-1902. The lot, $3.75

846. Verhandlungen Zoologisch-Botanishchen Gesellschaft in Wien. Vols. 39 to 55, inclus., lacks vols. 46 and 47. Vol. 45 lacks Nos. 6, 9, and all after 10; vol. 53 lacks Nos. 3 and 4. Paper covers, 13 complete vols. Wien, 1889 to 1905. $12.00

847. Videnskabs-Selskabet I Christiania. Year 1887, complete in 1 vol. Also, 1895 to 1907, inclus., lacking 1896; 1900 and 1902. 10 complete vols. Paper covers. Christiana. The lot, $5.50

848. Videnskabs, Selskabet Forhandlinger I Christiania. From 1887 to 1901, inclus., lacking 1894, ’95, ’97, ’99, and 1900. These vols. are in from 1 to 5 or more parts, the highest number being from 1 to 21, 1893. 1896 contains part 7 only. Several years contain an extra part entitled “Oversight over Vid. Selsk. Moder.” Paper covers, illus. Also Skrifter udgivne af Viden. Selsk. i Christ, for 1894, 2 parts, royal 8vo. The lot. A different sort from No. 847. $6.00

849. Vierteljahrsschrift der Natur Gesellschaft in Zürich. Vols. 36 to 44, inclus., lacks vol. 41. Vol. 39 lacks part 2. Vol. 42, parts 1, 3, 4. Vol. 44, part 3. 5 complete vols. Paper covers. Zürich, 1891 to 1899. Also Festschrift der Gesellschaft, etc. Complete in 2 parts. Col. and plain plates. Also Index to first 36 vols. 7 vols., complete, and 3 incomplete. Zürich, 1896. The lot, $4.75

850. Washburn Laboratory Natural History, Bulletin of. Ed. by Cragin. Vol. I, Nos. 1 to 7, inclus., lacks No. 6. Paper. Topeka, 1884-86. $1.25

851. West American Scientist. Vol. I, Nos. 3, 6 and 11. Vol. II, 1, 13, 14. Vol. III, 24 to 29, inclus. Vol. VI, 42 to 49, inclus. Vol. VII, complete, except 53 and 57. Vol. VIII, 64. Sold only as a lot. Paper covers, as issued. San Diego, Cal., 1885 to 1892. $3.00.

852. Wagner Free Inst. Science, Philadelphia. Transactions. Vols. 2 and 6, in paper covers, illus. by 13 plates. The latter devoted wholly to Scott’s Uinta Solenodonts. The Former to 6 papers on Fossils by Leidy. The two, $2.75.

853. Zoological Society of London. Proceedings of the Scientific Meetings. Index, 1848-1860, London, 1863. Index, 1861-1870, London, 1872. 2 vols. Cloth and half mor. Complete Indexes, 1848-1870. $4.00

854. Zoological Society of London. Transactions From Vol. 8 (1872) to vol. 12 (1890), except vol. 10, part 2, and vol. 12, part 1. With an extensive series of plates of birds, mammals, etc., many of them beautifully colored; also several excerpts from the Trans. (2 being pres. copies from the authors), and the General Index to vols. 1-10; together 51 parts, royal 4to, paper. London, 1872-90. Very scarce. A complete set (13 vols.) is priced in London catalog at $250.00. Many single parts pub. at 42s. $28.00


(Several Items as properly belonging under General Zoology will be found among the following):

855. Adams, W. Dales. Scenery, Fishing Streams and Mines of Derbyshire, and Surrounding Counties, Historical and Geological. 12mo, 173 pp., illus. London, 1861. $1.50

856. Agassiz, Louis. His Life and Correspondence. Edited by Elizabeth Cary Agassiz. 2 vols., 794 pp., gilt tops, uncut, illus., first edition, as new. Boston, 1885. $2.75

857. Agassiz, L. Essay on Classification. First Separate Ed. 381 pp., rare. London, 1859. $2.00

858. Agassiz, L. Methods of Study in Natural History. First Ed. 12mo, 319 pp., illus. Boston, 1863. $1.50

859. Audubon. The Miscellany of Natural History. Vol. I, Parrots by Sir Thos. Dick Lauder, and Capt. Thos. Brown. 12mo, 170 pp., 35 hand-colored plates of parrots, rare portrait of Audubon painted by J. Syme, engraved extra title. Edinburgh, 1833. $3.00

860. Auer, Alois. Die Entdeckung des Naturselbstdruckes Oder die Ereindung. Colored plates, 4to, paper. Nature Printing Process Controversy. Wien, 1854. $2.50

861. Barlow, Rev. Wm. The Smithsonian Institution. Address on the Duties of Government, with Outlines of Plan for Application of Smithsonian Fund for Public Instruction. Paper, 40 pp., N. York, 1847. $1.75

862. Barton, Benj. S. Fragments of the Natural History of Penna. Part 1. [All published.] 4to, unbound, in buckram portfolio, corners of some pages repaired, text intact, clean copy, rare. Chiefly relates to Birds. Phila., Way & Groff, 1799. $10.00

863. Beebe, C. Wm. Log of the Sun, a Chronicle of Nature’s Year, with 52 full-page illus. by W. K. Stone, and Vignettes and Photos from Life. Royal 8vo, as new, full gilt, 345 pp., pub. at $5.00. N. Y., 1906. $2.75

864. Behrens, H. The Natural History of Hartz Forest. Calf, cracked, 164 pp., very rare. London, 1730. $4.00

865. Book of Nature, Embracing a Condensed Survey of the Animal Kingdom, as well as Sketches of Vegetable Anatomy, Geology, Botany, etc. Edited by an Association of Scientific Gentlemen of Philadelphia. Vol. 1. Published by S. Atkinson’s Phila. Xylographic Press. Engraved colored title, 102 pp., and 119 plates, 4 of which appear to have been printed in colors. There is no doubt that Say, Ord, Conrad, McClure, Nuttall, and their Phila. Associates, contributed to this production, while the noted names of such Engravers as Anderson, Boyd, Exilious, Leney, Murray, Jones, Porcher, Nesmith, Kneass, Gridley, Childs, Tanner, Vallance, etc., appear on the Engravings. 4to, orig. marbled sheep, somewhat worn and soiled. Very rare. Phila., 1834. $7.50

866. Bradley, Richard (F. R. S.), Botanist. Philosophical Account of the Works of Nature. Founded upon the Plan of Mr. Addison, and relating to the Animal and Vegetable World. Adorned with many Curious Cuts, Drawn and Engraved by the best Masters. Second ed., revised and augmented. Old calf, 299 pp. London, 1739. $3.50

867. Buchoz’s Sumptuous Illustrations of Natural History. A superb set of 6 royal folio volumes, containing an unusually complete Series of the Richly Illustrated Works of Dr. Pierre Joseph Buchoz de Metz, Botanic Physician of Paris. Brief titles are:—(1) Les Dons Merveilleux et Diversement Colories de la Nature dans le Regne Animal, ou Collec. d’Animaux * * servir de Hist. Gener. et Oeconomique des Trois Regnes. Paris, 1782. 142 plates. (2) Hist. Gen. des Anim., des Vegetaux et Mineraux, etc., Part 1. L. Europ., Asiat., Afric. et Americain [races], Part 2, Quadrupedes [Simiadæ]. Part 1, [part 3] Quadrupedes de la France (concluding Vol. 1 as bound). Paris, n. d., 61 plates. (3) Collection de Plantes, precieusem, coloriés * * Coll. des Fleurs enluminees cultiv. les Jardins de la Chine, que dans Ceux de l’Europe. Paris, n. d. 200 plates (completing vol. 2 as bound). (4) Collect. Preciense et Enluminee Des Flora. Les plus Belles et les plus Curieuses-culttant dans les Jardins de Chine. (a) Partie re Plantes de la Chine peintis dans le Pay’s. 100 plates. Paris, n. d. (b) Parite II, Plantes les plus Belles cult. dans les Jardins de l’Europe. 100 plates. Paris, n. d. (Completing vol. 3, as bound). (5) Le Jardin d’Eden, le Pardis Terrestre renouvelle dan le Jardin de la Reine a Trianon. Ou collect. des Plantes les plus Rares qui se trouvent dans les Deux Hemispheres. 140 plates. Paris, 1783. (6) Collection coloriee des plus Belles Varietes de Jacinthes * * dans les Jardins fleuristes d’Harlem. 20 plates. Paris, 1781. (7) Collection Coloriee des plus Belles Varietes de Tulipes, cult. dans les Jardins des Fleuristes ou etrennes de Flore aux Amateura. 40 plates. Paris, 1781. (Completing vol. 4, as bound.) (8) Herbier, ou Collec. des Plantes Medicinales de la Chine d’epres un Manuscrit peint et unique qui se trouve dans la Bibliotheque de l’Empereur de la Chine. 100 plates. Paris, 1781. (9) Collect. de Minereaux precieusement Colories [including many Fossils]. 100 plates. Paris, 1782, (concluding vol. 5, as bound). (10) L. Arche de Noë, ou Collect. des Animaux, les plus Rares et les plus Curieux dans les Deux Continens. 9 plates, of which plates 4, 5, 6 and 8 are missing. Paris, 1788. The above Noah’s Ark and the engraved Index “Explicationes des Planches” for the whole set (except for the Noah’s Ark) which is apparently an unfinished publication. Comprise vol. 6 and last of the set.

It would require much space to do justice to the artistic accuracy of engraving and hand-color work of Buchoz’s sumptuous and expensive volumes. As a whole they chiefly interest the Botanist and Horticulturist, but, in combination with the delineation of Plants and Flowers, are introduced numerous Birds and gaily colored Insects, additional to those specially figured. American species from a good percentage of the list. Quite a number of species are indicated as new, and given binomials, followed by “Nobis,” in the Plate Indexes. With exception of the deficiency noted in “L. Arche de Noë,” vol. 6, the set is complete, as listed, including all the finely engraved Title-pages and Indexes. The volumes measure about 19 × 11½ inches and are substantially bound in half green calf and marbled boards. The condition of binding and contents is unusually perfect. 10 vols. in 6. Paris, 1781-88. Sold only as a set. Reduced from $285.00 to $150.00

868. Buffon’s Natural History of Man, the Globe, and of Quadrupeds. Additions from Cuvier, Lacepede, etc. Edited by “J. W.” 2 vols. in 1, 588 pp., 300 engravings, hunting scenes, etc. N. York, 1855. $2.50

869. Cassino’s Naturalists’ Directory. (The First.) Containing the Names of Naturalists, Chemists, etc. With Index arranged by Departments, etc. Pr. paper covers, rare, interleaved. Salem, 1877. $2.00

870. The Same. The Second. Paper covers, interleaved. Salem, 1878. $1.75

871. The Same, for 1880. Stiff paper covers, interleaved. Boston, 1880. $1.25

872. The Same, for 1884. Fine copy, as new, 191 pp. Boston, 1884. $1.00

873. The Same, for 1892. Paper covers, 274+164 pp. Boston, 1892. $1.25

874. Catalogue of all the Chiefest Rarities in the Publick Theater and Anatomie Hall of the University of Leyden, which are so set in order that all may easily be found in their places. 4to, stitched, 12 pp., complete. Very rare and curious. Printed by Jacobus Voorn, Leyden, 1687. $3.00

875. Chap Book. Introduction to Natural History of Beasts and Birds. Also Choice Selections of Easy Verse, etc. First edition, small 12mo, calf, 180 pp., old woodcuts by Gobrecht, Fox, etc. Baltimore, 1807. $2.00.

876. Cordova, J. De. Texas, Her Resources and Her Public Men. First ed., 375 pp. Full of Valuable History and Statistics. Phila., 1858. $3.50

877. Cuvier, G. Lecons D’Anatomie Comparee Recueillies et Publiees sous ses yeux par C. Dumeril. 5 vols. 12mo, half calf, illus., by 52 plates. Paris, An. 8. $2.75

878. Darwin, Charles. (1) Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, etc., 447 pp., 5th edition, with Additions. N. Y., 1872. (2) Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex. 2 vols., 409 pp.+436 pp., with illus. N. York, 1872. (3) Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication. Authorized edition with Preface by Prof. Asa Gray. 2 vols., 494+568 pp., illus. N. York, n. d. (Copyr., 1868). 5 vols. in uniform half calf, gilt backs, marbled covers and edges. Fine set. $9.50

879. De Crignelle, Henri. Le Morvan, (A District of France), Its Wild Sports, Vineyards and Forests, etc., Trans. from the Original MS. by Capt. Jesse. 326 pp., frontis., scarce. London, 1851. $2.50

880. Delacoste. Catalogue of Natural Productions and Curiosities, in Cabinet of Nat. Hist., No. 38 William Street, N. York. Includes proposals for forming a nat. hist. soc. in N. York, with list of promoters and subscribers. Very rare. N. York, 1804. $3.00

881. Deleuze, M. Histoire et Description du Museum Royal D’Histoire Naturelle. 2 vols. Full calf, numerous plates. Paris, 1823. $2.00

882. Description of a Great Variety of Animals and Vegetables, viz:—Beasts, Birds, Fishes, Insects, Plants, etc., by Writers of Nat. Hist., (etc.). Small 8vo, elegant old crushed levant, gilt tooled border, nearly 100 copper plates, colored by hand, curious. London, 1736. $3.50

883. Description of 300 Animals, with Particular Account of Manner of Catching Whales in Greenland, etc. Extracted from the Best Authors. Third ed., carefully corrected, etc. 12mo, sheep, hole in title-page, 212 pp., illus., with copper plates. London, 1736. $2.75

884. Another Copy. 10th ed. Name cut from title-page. London, 1773. $3.00

885. De Voe, Thomas F. The Market Assistant of Human Food Sold in the Public Markets of New York, Boston, Phila., and Brooklyn. With incidents and anecdotes. 12mo, 450 pp., illus. New York, 1867. $1.75.

886. Dobsonville, M. Foucher. Philosophic Essays on Manners of Various Foreign Animals, with Observations on Laws and Customs of Eastern Nations. English Trans. by Holcroft. Old calf, 395 pp. London, 1784. $2.00

887. Edwards, A. M. Life Beneath the Waters; or, The Aquarium in America. Plates and Woodcuts From Life. 170 pp. N. York, 1858. $1.25

887A. Elements of Natural History. Introduction to the Systema Naturæ of Linneus; Comprising the Characters of the Whole Genera, Particularly Those Natives of Britain, etc. 2 vols., half calf, many copper plates. London, 1801, ’02. $3.50

888. Fisher, Thos. Dial of the Seasons; or, Portraiture of Nature. 217 pp. Phila., 1845. $2.50

889. Fitzgerald, F. Surveys of Nature, Historical, Moral and Entertaining. 2 stout vols. Small 4to, calf. Fine old copper plates of Birds, Mammals, Insects, Reptiles and Fishes. London, n. d. $1.75

890. Gardens and Menageries of the Zoological Society Delineated. Vol. 1, Quadrupeds; vol. 2, Birds; 2 vols. Illus. Chiswick, 1831. $2.00

891. Gillmore, Parker (Ubique). Days and Nights by the Desert. 234 pp., illus. London, 1888. $2.75

892. Gloger, C. M. L. Hand und Hilfsbuch der Naturgeschichte fur Gebildete Leser Aller Stande Besonders fur die Reifere Jugend und Ihre Lehrer. 495 pp., half mor., first ed., fine copy. Very rare. Contains the first tenable names for several Genera of American Animals. Breslau, 1842. $3.50

893. Godman, J. D. Rambles of a Naturalist, With Memoir of Author. 16mo, 124 pp. Phila., 1859. $1.00

894. Goldsmith, Oliver. History of the Earth and Animated Nature. 4 vols. This rare edition was compiled and printed for M. Carey, the noted Publisher of Phila., and is illus. by a new set of copper plates, engraved by American artists. Owing to faulty numbering of the plates, and lack of index to these, it is impossible to tell whether any are missing. Those in vol. 2, treating of the Mammalia, are numerous; in the others they are scarce. The text is complete, with Indices. Sold as found, new bound in buckram. Phila., M. Carey, May 12th to Nov. 5th, 1795. $8.00

895. Goldsmith, Oliver. A History of the Earth and Animated Nature. With Numerous Notes From the Works of the Most Distinguished British and Foreign Naturalists. Illus. by upwards of 2000 figures. Preface dated 1852. Published in nine parts, each with pr. paper covers, cloth back, engraved title and hand-colored plates. The complete set, uncut. In parts. Blackie & Son, Glasgow, Edinburgh and London, 1855. $4.00

896. Graves, George (F. L. S.). The Naturalist’s Companion. Introduction to Nat. Hist., With Approved Methods for Collecting and Preserving the Productions of Nature. Half roan, boards, uncut, cracked, 335 pp., pub. at 21 shillings. 3 plain and 5 colored plates. London, 1824. $2.25

897. Graves, George. The Naturalist’s Pocket-Book. Brief Introduction to the Different Branches of Nat. Hist., etc. Half calf, 335 pp., illus. London, 1818. $2.00

898. Guthrie’s Geography. Unique 3 vol. copy. Containing Ord’s N. American Zoology. A New Geographical, Historical and Commercial Grammar; and present state of the Several Kingdoms of the World. By Wm. Guthrie, Esq. The Astronomical part by Jas. Ferguson to which have been added the late discoveries of Dr. Herschel and other eminent astronomers. Illus. with 28 correct maps. The second Amer. ed., improved. 2 vols. text, in spotless condition, as are also the 28 folded maps and a plate of “The Armillary Sphere,” which are bound in a separate vol. The 3 vols. in uniform rainbow calf, slightly cracked at hinges and 1 vol. only having the label on back. This edition is really the third published in America, though the second of three issues of Johnson & Warner, and is the only one containing the systematic classification of NORTH AMERICAN ZOOLOGY by GEORGE ORD. The rarity of this edition was noticed nearly 20 years ago when a Reprint of the Zoology was made from Ord’s own copy, the only copy located by the editor after most careful and diligent search. See “Rhoads’ Reprint,” under Gen. Zool., in this Catalog. Since then 2 copies of vol. 2 (only) have been located, but no complete set, with Atlas, had been known previously to the one now offered. It was recently discovered in a Philadelphia garret. Phila., Johnson & Warner, 1815. $75.00

899. Hardie, James (A. M.) Dictionary of the Most Uncommon Wonders of the Works of Art and Nature, Particularly of Those Which Are Most Remarkable in America. Half calf, cracked, uncut, 336 pp. Contains Account of Peale’s Museum. N. York, 1819. $2.75

900. Harlan, R. Medical and Physical Researches; or, Original Memoirs in Medicine, Surgery, Physiology, Geology, Zoology and Comparative Anatomy. 653 pp., plates containing 106 figures, half calf, uncut, binding, worn, autogr. of Dr. Morton, author of “Crania Americana,” rare. Phila., 1835. $5.75

901. Heck, J. G. Iconographic Encyclopædia. Trans. by S. F. Baird. 4 vols., text, 8vo, and 2 vols. plates, oblong 4to, half mor., fine copy. This work means much to American Biologists. N. York, 1851. $11.00

902. Humphreys. Mr. Spectacle de la Nature; or, Nature Display’d. Discourses on such particulars of Natural History as were thought proper to Form the Minds of Youth, etc. Trans. from the French. Third ed., corrected. Calf, 208 pp., plus Index, copper plates. London, 1736. $3.00

902A. Huygens, Christianus. The Celestial Worlds Discovered, or, Conjectures Concerning Inhabitants, Plants and Productions of the World in the Planets. Second ed., corrected and enlarged. 12mo, calf, 162 pp., folding plates. London, 1722. $2.00

903. Iconographic Encyclopædia. Set of botanical and zoological plates; complete, 212 plates of hundreds of figures, stitched. See Heck, above. N. Y., 1851. $2.00

904. Jardine, Sir William. The Naturalist’s Library. 42 vols., 12mo, uniform crimson cloth, gilt tops, uncut, colored plates, covers of 7 vols. water stained, the others as new, contents of all O. K. London, v. d. $22.50

905. Jones, Thos. Rymer. Natural History of Animals. Substance of 3 Courses of Lectures delivered before the Royal Instit. of Gr. Britain. 2 vols. 12mo, uncut, illus. London, 1845. $3.50

906. Jonstonus, Johannes. Historiæ Naturalis. 6 Parts in 1 thick vol. 1, Quadrupeds, Mammals, Lizards, Turtles and Amphibians. 2, Birds. 3, Insects. 4, Serpents. 5, Fishes, including Whales. 6, Mollusks and Crustaceans. Four engraved and two printed title-pages. Parts 1, 4 and 6 are complete. 1 or 2 plates missing from each of the others, but the engravings of quaint and fabulous monsters, for which this work is famous, are practically intact. Folio, calf. Amsterdam, 1657. $5.75

907. Jonstonus, J. The same, being that part devoted exclusively to Insects (in 3 books), and to Serpents and Dragons (in 2 books). These were published as a separate vol. of the series, complete with Indexes, and 2 title-pages, as issued. Folio, old calf, cracked. Amsterdam, 1657. $3.00

908. Lamarck, J. B. P. A. Philosophie Opologique du Exposition des considerations relatives a la Diversite de Leur Organisation et des Facultes qu’ils en obtiennent, etc. Autogr. of John Cassin on fly leaves; quarter roan, 2 vols. Paris, 1830. $2.00

909. Langley, S. P. Reports of the Secretary of the Smiths. Inst. for 1896, ’97, ’99, ’01, ’02. 5 vols. Royal 8vo, full and half mor. Specially bound for Hon. Robt. Adams, Jr., M. C. Containing illus. reports of Washington Zoo. Park, plates of Indians, etc. Wash. $2.50

910. Linne, Carl. System Naturæ Holmiæ, 1766. Twelfth Edition. Vol. 3, on Mineralogy and Fossils, with Appendix on Animals and Vegetables and Index to the 3 vols., plates. Holmiæ, 1768. $1.75

911. Linnaeus, C. Fauna Svecica. Sistens Animalia Sveciæ Regni, Quadrupedia, Aves, Amphibia, Pisces, Insecta, Vermes, etc. Calf, cracked, 411 pp., copper plates at end. Lugduni Batavorum, 1746. $3.50

912. Mann, R. J. Philosophy of Reproduction. Illus. with woodcuts, 12mo, scarce, much on Botany. London, 1855. $1.00

913. Mason, F. Burmah, Its People and Natural Products, or Notes on the Nations, Fauna, Flora and Minerals, with Systematic Catalogues of the Known Mammals, Birds, Fish, Reptiles, Insects, Mollusks, Crustaceans, Annalids, Radiates, Plants and Minerals, with Vernacular Names. 913 pp., half mor. Rangoon, 1860. $6.00

914. Matthews, F. Schuyler. Familiar Features of the Roadside. Flowers, Shrubs, Birds and Insects. 160 Drawings by the Author. 12mo, 269 pp. (Bird Songs). N. York, 1897. $1.50

915. Milne-Edwards, M. H. Elemens de Zoologie ou Lecons sur L’anatomie, La Physiologie, La Classification et Les Moeurs des Animaux in 2 vols. Vol. 1 complete on Mammals, in 2 parts. Vol. 2 has Birds, Rept., Fish, Insects, Mollusks, Crustacea and Lower Invertebrates, but no title and begins at p. 487. 2 vols., as they are, half calf, many plates. Paris, 1840. $2.50

916. Millar, George Henry. A New, Complete and Universal System of Nat. History, etc. Embellished with Superb Copper Plates, Engraved by the best Artists of London and Paris. Written by a Society of Gentlemen under the Inspection of Millar. Folio, orig. calf, 618 pp., a few leaves missing, some plates torn. London (1785). $5.00

917. Minnesota and Its Resources. By J. Wesley Bond. Also, Camp Fire Sketches; or, Notes of a Trip From St. Paul to Pembina and Selkirk Settlements on the Red River of the North. 400 pp., map, frontis. and engraved title. Redfield, 1853. $2.00

918. Minnesota, Nat. Hist. Survey of. Ann. Reports, 4th to 11th inclus.; also the 16th and 18th; also second ed. of first Report. 11 vols., in printed covers. St. Paul, 1872 to 1891. The lot, $5.00

918A. Museum Management. Museum of Natural History. Half calf, illus. A collection of Nat. History papers of H. H. Higgins of the Liverpool Museum. It includes two very important illus. works on Management of Museums, about 20 papers in all. Autogr. letter inserted. Liverpool, v. d. 1866-1884. $3.00

919. Muybridge, Eadweard. Animal Locomotion, an Electro-Photographic Investigation of Consecutive Phases of Animal Movements, 1872-85. Published under the auspices of the University of Pennsylvania. A series of 96 selected plates. In portfolio, full Russia. This is the author’s special selection from his monumental work, containing 781 plates, of which only 35 complete sets were issued, at about $75.00 each. Phila., 1887. $6.00

920. Natural History of Birds, Fish, Insects and Reptiles, etc. 6 vols. in 3, half roan, fine colored plates. London, 1815-1816. $7.50

921. Naturalists’ Cabinet. By Thomas Smith. 5 vols, illus., half calf. Printed by the Albion Press, London, 1806. $2.25

922. Nature Printing Process, Controversy. Auer, Alois. Die Entdeckung des Naturselbstdruckes, etc. 4to, paper, 75 pp., colored plates, fac-simile letters, plates of leaves, algæ, minerals, etc. Wien, 1854. $2.50

923. North Carolina and Its Resources, Illus. Issued by the State Board of Agriculture; containing Map of North Carolina. Royal 8vo, 413 pp. Winston, 1896. $2.75

924. Oken’s Naturgeschichte fur Alle Stande. von Professor Oken. 14 vols., including Index. Portrait of Oken. Uniform half calf, 12mo. The atlas of plates to accompany the work was issued later and is not with this set. A classic in Systematic N. History. Stuttgart, 1833-1842. $5.00

925. Pennant, Thos. British Zoology. New edition. 4 vols., half mor., copper plates. London, 1812. $12.00

926. Pliny. C. Plinii Secundi Historia Mundi, etc., etc. With copious Index. Folio, vellum, 670 pp.+about 150 pp. Index. Basileæ, in Officina Frobeniana, 1530. $12.00

927. Pliny. L’Histoire du Monde. De C. Pline Second. 2 vols. in 1. Folio, mottled calf, 516 + 569 pp. + Tables of Contents, etc. Paris, 1608. $6.75

928. Pliny. The Historie of the World. Commonly Called the Naturall Historie of C. Plinius Secondus. Translated into English by Philemon Holland. 2 vols. in 1, the best English ed. Folio, half calf, loose. Library stamp on title. London, 1635. $12.00

929. Pliny’s Natural History. Histoire Naturelle de Pline. Traduction Nouvelle par M. Ajasson De Grandsagne, with Notes by Beudant, Brongniart, Cuvier and many others. 8vo, orig. paper covers, uncut, unopened, Library stamp on titles, 19 vols, lacking the 20th to complete the set. Paris, 1829-1833. $6.00

930. Poey, Felipe. Memorias Sobre la Historia Natural-Acompanadas de Sumarios Latinos Y Extractos in Frances. 2 vols., 34 + 19 plates. Vol. I, Habana, 1851; vol. II, Habana, 1856-1858. Royal 8vo, mottled calf, fine copy. Rare and valuable. $10.00

931. Poinsett, Joel R. Discourse on the Objects of the National Inst. for the Promotion of Science, Estab. at Washington, 1840, deliv. at the First Anniversary. Paper. Wash., 1841. $1.00

931A. Porta, John Baptista, A Neapolitane. Natural Magick in Twenty Books, Wherein are Set Forth all the Riches and Delights of the Natural Sciences. Small folio, calf, 409 pp., plus Table. Illustrated engraved half title, rubricated whole title. Binding somewhat worn, but a good copy of this very scarce work. Chapter 3 treats of the production of new plants. London, 1658. $12.00

932. Portraits of Celebrated Naturalists, Designed and Engraved by Tardieu. Tardieu, Ambroise Iconographie Universelle Ancienne et Moderne Portraits les Personnages Cèlébres Francais et Étrangers; Sèrie des Naturalists Paris, 1827. Small folio, boards, in fine condition. Nearly one-half of these fine stipple Engravings are of celebrated Botanists. The Inscriptions beneath are very full, giving date of Birth and Death, Specialty, Honors achieved, etc. Rare. $22.50

933. Randall, J. The Severn Valley. Sketches Descriptive of the Course of the Severn, Topographical, Geological Features, etc. 279 pp., uncut, illus., Birds and Fish pictured. London, 1862. $2.25

934. Ray, John (or Wray). Philosophical Letters Between the Late Learned Mr. Ray and Several of his Ingenious Correspondents, Natives and Foreigners. Also, those of Francis Willughby, Esq. Consisting of many Curious Discoveries and Improvements in the History of Quadrupeds, Birds, Fishes, Insects, etc. Old calf, 376 pp.+Index, etc. Illus. with cuts. London, 1718. $4.75

935. Reclus, E. The Earth. Descriptive History of the Phenomena of the Life of the Globe. Maps and illus. N. York, 1872. $1.00

936. Schoepf, Dr. J. D. Travels in the Confederation (The United States), 1783-1784. Translated from the German by A. J. Morrison, Ph. D. 2 vols. To be pub. by Subscription. Dr. Schoepf was a Chief Surgeon in the British Army during the Revolution and was on duty in New York, Philadelphia and in Rhode Island. After the War he set out, in 1783, from N. York and traveled through N. Jersey, Penna., Md., Va., the Carolinas and E. Florida as also in the Bahamas Island. The greater part of the first volume is devoted to Pennsylvania as far West as Pittsburg. He was a man of Science—the first formal student of American Geology—and gives much space to matters of Natural History.

The above work is translated from the original and only edition which is extremely scarce. Its title is as follows: “Reise durch einige der mittlern und sudlichen vereinigten nordamerikanischen Staaten, etc. Erlangen, 1788.” Prospectus will be sent on application. Franklin Book Shop sole Eastern Agents. $5.00

937. Sclater, P. L. List of the Vertebrated Animals Now or Lately Living in the Gardens of the Zool. Soc. of London. 1883. Eighth ed., as new 682 pp., 61 cuts and plates. Contains list of all species received during the previous 22 years. $1.25

938. Shaw, George. Zoological Lectures Delivered at the Royal Inst. in 1806 and 1807. 2 vols., full calf, gilt, illus. by 163 plates, covering all orders of zoology. London, 1809. $1.5O

939. Shaw, G., and Nodder, Fred’k P. Naturalists Miscellany; or, Coloured Figures of Natural Objects Drawn and Described from Nature. 5 vols. in 3, mottled calf, 182 colored plates of Birds, Mammals, Snakes, Insects, Reptiles, Plants, Corals, etc., some of the illus. very curious. Plates numbered, and indexes referring to them, but text is not paged. Each vol. has Index and dedicatory page, inscribing the vol. to some celebrated person; 1 title-page to whole. Several plates out of order, and 2 have large portions torn away. Vols. wrongly numbered by binder. Remarkably clean set; very full as to birds. Portraits of William and Mary pasted inside front cover of first vol. London, 1790-93. $7.50

939A. Sibree, Rev. James. The Great African Island. Chapters on Madagascar. Account of Recent Researches, Natural History and Botany, Folk Lore, etc. 372 pp., illus., map, uncut, author’s autogr. pres. copy. London, 1880. $3.00

940. Smith, Geo. (M. D.) Delaware County, Penna., from the Discovery of the Territory, included within its limits to the Present Time, with a Notice of the Geology of the County and Catalogues of its Minerals, Plants, Quadrupeds and Birds. New buckram, gilt top, uncut, paper label, Author’s portrait, 5 folding maps, views, fac-simile autographs and letters. 581 pp. Phila., 1862. $4.00

941. Smith, Robert (Late Rat-Catcher to the Princess Amelia). Universal Directory for Taking Alive and Destroying Rats, and all other Four-Footed and Winged Vermin, etc. 4th ed., boards, 150 pp., folding plates. London, 1812. Includes Bird-Catching. $2.00

942. Smith, Robt. Universal Directory for Taking Alive and Destroying Rats, and all other Kinds of Four-Footed and Winged Vermin, etc. 12mo, calf, 218 pp., folding plates. The author was Rat-Catcher to the Princess Amelia. Rare first ed. London, 1768. $3.00

943. Stark, J. Elements of Natural History. Vol. 1. Vertebrata. Vol. 2, Invertebrata. 8 plates, 2 vols., boards, uncut. Edinburgh and London, 1828. $1.00

944. Stearns, Samuel. The American Oracle. Account of Recent Discoveries in the Arts and Sciences, etc. Calf, loose, 625 pp. + Index. Contains accounts of Funeral Customs in America, Mineral Waters, Rattlesnakes, Black Snakes, Vipers and Mad Dogs—how to cure their Bites—lists of Birds, Beasts and Fishes; much on Quakers; account of the Swedenborghers, raising Grapes, etc. Title-page mended. N. York, 1791. $2.75

945. Taylor, Joseph. Naturales Curiosæ. Curiosities in Natural History. Taken from Authentic Reports of Eminent Travellers. 12mo, boards, uncut. London, 1819. $1.75

946. Thompson, Zadock. History of Vermont, Natural, Civil and Statistical. Illus. by 200 woodcuts, map out, 652 pp., fine copy. First ed. Burlington, 1842. $2.75

947. Thoreau, Henry D. Walden; or, Life in the Woods. The rare first edition of his Masterpiece, which sells for from $20.00 to $40.00. 12mo, original cloth. Boston, 1854. $12.00

947A. Turton, W. British Fauna, Containing Compendium of Zoology of the British Islands, Arranged According to the Linnæan System. Vol. 1. Mammalia, Birds, Amphibia, Fishes and Worms. (All published.) First ed. 12mo, half calf, 230 pp., very scarce. Swansea, 1807. $5.00

948. Turton’s Linnaeus. A General System of Nature Through Three Grand Kingdoms of Animals, Vegetables and Minerals, Systematically Divided etc., etc. By Sir Charles Linne. Trans. from Gmelin, Fabricius, Willdenow, with Modern Arrangements and Corrections, a Life of Linne, Copper-plates and Dictionary of Terms, by William Turton, M. D. In 7 vols., half calf, marbled boards, very fine set. London, 1806. $15.00

948A. White, Rev. Gilbert (of Selborne). A Naturalist’s Calendar, with Observations in Various Branches of Natural History, Extracted from Papers of the late Rev. G. White. Never before published. First edition. Boards, 170 pp., col. frontis., very scarce and rarely found. London, 1795. $16.00

948B. White, Rev. Gilbert. The Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne, in the County of Southampton. To which are added, The Naturalist’s Calendar, Observations on Various Parts of Nature, and Poems. New ed., with Engravings. 4to, orig. boards rebound in half mor., uncut, 588 pp., 12 plates, including the rare folding frontis. view of Selborne, and rare colored plate of Hybrid Pheasant. London, 1813. $12.00

949. White, Rev. Gilbert. Natural History of Selborne. With Additions by Sir Wm. Jardine. 12mo, half mor., first Jardine ed., frontis., 343 pp. Book-plate of W. Russell West, Phila. Artist. Edinburgh, 1829. $3.00

950. White, Rev. G. The Natural History of Selborne. Arranged for Young Persons. 12mo, ppr. label, first ed., in this form, rare, wood engravings by Thompson, vignette on title-page, uncut, 316 pp. London, 1833. $1.75

951. White, Gilbert. Natural History of Selborne, with Additions and Supplementary Notes by Sir Wm. Jardine. Illus. Biographical Sketch and Index by Edw. Jesse. 12mo, full-page woodcuts. London, 1870. $1.75

952. White. Other, Extra Illus. And Rare Editions of Selborne quoted.

953. Wilson, Alex. The Naturalist. Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5. A series written by Wilson and published in The Portfolio. Vol. 2 for 1809. All issued in that volume. 4 articles. The lot, $1.25

954. Wyatt, Thos. Synopsis Of Natural History. Embracing Animals, Physiology, Botany and Geology. Trans. from French of Lemmonnier. With Additions from Cuvier, Lacepede, etc. 191 pp., 49 plates, fine copy of a rare book. Phila., 1839. $3.00


955. Adanson, M. Familles des Plantes Contenant Une Preface Istorike (etc.). Tot generibus Erbarum, utilitatibus hominum (etc.). Fine set. 2 vols., 1125 pp., calf, folding plate. Paris, 1763. $4.75

956. Allen, J. F. Victoria Regia. The Great Water Lily of America, with a Brief Account of its Discovery and Introduction into Cultivation. With Illus. by William Sharp, from specimens grown at Salem, Mass., U. S. A. Royal folio, orig. pr. boards, 6 colored plates, 17 pp., of text, complete. Boston, printed and published for the Author, 1854. $12.00

957. Allen, Grant. Flowers and Their Pedigrees. Vignette on Title page, illus., 266 pp., fine copy, as new. N. Y., 1884. $1.25

958. Apgar, A. C., Prof. Collection of Mounted and Identified Plants, collected near Trenton by Allena R. Slack. From Prof. Apgar’s Collection. 300 specimens in half roan 4to portfolio. $2.00

959. Babbington, Chas. C. Manual of British Botany, containing Flowering Plants and Ferns Arranged According to the Natural Orders. 12mo, 400 pp., good copy. London, 1843. $1.75

960. Baines’ Flora of Yorkshire. Supplement to. Part 1, Flowering Plants and Ferns by J. G. Baker. Part 2, Mosses of the County, by John Nowell. Boards, paper label, 188 pp., colored map. London, 1854. $2.50

961. Barton, B. S. Elements of Botany; or, Outlines of Nat. Hist. of Vegetables. Revised and Corrected, etc., by the English Editor. Half mor., gilt top, 344 pp. plus Appendix, plates. London, 1804. $3.00

962. Barton, Benj. Smith, M. D. Elements of Botany; or, Outlines of the Natural History of Vegetables. Illus. by 40 Engravings. New ed., revised and condensed. With an Account of the Life and Writings of the Author, by Wm. P. C. Barton, M. D. Sheep, 299 pp. Phila., 1836. $2.75

963. Barton, John. A Lecture on the Geography of Plants. Boards, uncut, 94 pp. Folding plates, scarce. London, 1827. $3.00

964. Barton, Wm. P. C. Compendium Floræ Philadelphiæ, containing a Description of the Indigenous and Naturalized Plants Found within a Circuit of Ten Miles around Phila. 2 vols., 12mo, sheep. Phila., 1818. $3.00

965. Bauhin, G. Histoire des Plantes de L’Europe, et des Plus Usitees qui viennent d’Asie, d’Afrique et d’Amerique. 2 vols., 12mo, sheep, 866 pp., many old woodcuts, very scarce. Lyon, 1753. $6.00

966. Beauties and Wonders of Vegetable Life, Etc. 12mo, 280 pp., numerous illus. London (circa.), 1870. $1.75

967. Bigelow, Jacob. Florula Bostoniensis. A Collection of Plants of Boston and its Environs, with their Generic and Specific Characters, Synonyms, Descriptions, Places of Growth, Time of Flowering, and Occasional Remarks. 268 pp., orig. boards, paper label, uncut, first ed. Very rare in this state. Boston, 1814. $4.75

968. Bigelow, Jacob. Same, Second Ed., Greatly Enlarged. Also a Glossary of the Botanical Terms employed in the work. Old calf. Boston, 1824. $3.00

969. Bigelow, Jacob. Same, Third Ed., 12mo, with double the matter, covering all Massachusetts. Boston, 1840. $2.00

970. Bigelow, Jacob. An Introduction to Physiological and Systematic Botany. By James Edward Smith, M. D., etc. First Amer. from the Second English Ed., with Notes by Jacob Bigelow, M. D. 15 plates engraved in Phila., boards, uncut, fine copy. Boston, 1814. $2.00

971. Botanical Gazette. Edited by John M. Coulter and Others. 2 vols., XXI and XXII complete, in parts. Orig. paper covers. Madison and Chicago, 1896. $4.00

972. Botanical Lectures by a Lady. (M. E. J.) Altered from Botanical Dialogues for the Use of Schools, etc. Boards, cracked, uncut, 243 pp., 12 plates. London, 1804. $2.75

973. Botanical Rambles Designed as Introduction to Study of Botany. 12mo, boards, uncut, 218 pp., frontis. London, 1822. $1.75

974. Botanical Society of Edinburgh. Transactions and Proceedings of. Vols. 18 to 22, inclus., complete; also parts 1 and 2 of vol. 23. In orig. pr. covers, as issued, illus. Edinburgh, 1891-1905. $5.00

975. Botanical Society of Pennsylvania. Transactions and Proceedings of. Vol. 1, complete in 3 parts, as issued, rare, pr. covers, illus. Phila., 1898, ’99, 1901, ’04. $4.00

976. Botanischen Vereins in Landshut, Bericht Des. Vols. 11 To 16, inclus.; vol. 14 lacking. 5 complete vols. Orig. paper covers, illus. Landshut, 1889 to 1901. The lot, $3.00

977. Botanischen Vereins der Provinz Brandenburg. Vols. 31 to 40, inclus., lacks vol. 45 only. Contains also Index, vols. 1 to 30, inclus. Orig. paper covers, illus. 10 vols. Berlin, 1889 to 1898. The lot, $8.00

978. The Botanist’s Calendar and Pocket Flora, with References to the Best Figures of British Plants. 2 vols. in 1. 12mo, calf, 396 pp. plus index. Engraved half title, fine old calf copy of first ed. London, 1797. $3.50

979. Botany of Odessa, Russia. Title and Author’s Name in Russian characters. Latin Index only clue to the contents. Vol. of 385 pp. Odessa, 1903. $1.50

980. Blanco, Manuel. Flora de Filipinas, Adicionada con el Manuscrito Inedito del P. Fr. Ignacio Mercado las Obras del P. Fr. Antonio Llanos y de un Apendice con Todos las Neuvas Investig. Botanicas referentes Archipelago Filipino. Gran Edicion hecha a expensas de la Provin. de Augustinos Calzados de Filipinas bajo la direction Cientifica del P. Fr. Andres Naves. Royal folios, 4 vols. of Text and 2 vols. of 480 finely executed and colored plates representing the Plant, its Flower, Seeds, etc., in development. These were originally issued in 80 parts by subscription at $320.00 the set. They were edited by Sr. Domingo Vidal y Soler, Ingeneria de Montes, and continued at his death, by his brother, to completion. Printed on heavy hand-made deckle-edged paper and are bound in the original red morocco, gilt-tooled backs, and red, black and gold illuminated cloth, heavy board sides, gilt tops, uncut. The plates are loose in open-bound folders to match the Text. Owing to the Destruction of the Remainder of the edition during the Bombardment of the Philippine ports by Dewey, only about 300 copies of the work were distributed. I have recently purchased from the widow of Senor Vidal the few unused copies which escaped destruction, because of their being in the United States during the Spanish-American War. The rapidly increasing American interest in the wonderful Botany of our Island Possessions makes this Monumental Work a necessity in our Reference Libraries. Manila, 1877-90. $165.00

981. Bluff, M. J., et Fingerhuth, C. A. Compendium Floræ Germaniæ. 4 vols. Stout 16mo, half calf. Vols. 1 and 2, being second ed., and 3 and 4 of the first ed. Uniform contemporary binding. Fine set, complete. Norinbergæ, 1836, ’38, ’31 and ’33. $3.00

982. Brandegee, T. S. Plants from Baja, California, With Papers by Drs. Vasey, Millspaugh, etc. Repr. from Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Series 2, vol. II. Author’s ed., with his autogr. Pr. covers. Nov., 1889. $1.50

983. Brereton, J. A. Flora Columbiana, a Prodromus of, Exhibiting a List of all the Plants which have as yet been Collected. 16mo, orig. pr. yellow covered boards, cloth back, uncut, imprint on cover, “Washington, Printed for George Templeman, [etc.], 1831;” on the title page, “Washington, Printed by Jonathan Elliot, [etc.], 1830.” A very fine copy of this rarity. $5.00

984. Brewer and Watson. California Botany. Geolog. Survey. Botany. Vol. 1, Polypetalæ, by W. H. Brewer and S. Watson. Gamopetalea, by Asa Gray. 4to, 628 pp., very scarce before the ’Frisco fire; now more so. Cambridge, Mass., 1876. $8.00

985. Brisseau-Mirbel, C. F. Elemens de Physiologie Vegetale et de Botanique. 3 vols., illus., half mor., 71 plates and chart. Paris, 1815. $2.00

986. Britton, N. L. Preliminary Catalogue of the Flora of New Jersey. Compiled by N. L. Britton, with the assistance of Eminent Botanists. 233 pp. Prof. A. C. Apgar’s private interleaved and annotated copy, with much plant data of value throughout. New Brunswick, 1881. $2.75

987. Britton, N. L. Catalogue of Plants of New Jersey. Copy in orig. paper covers. N. J. Geol. Surv. separated edition. 642 pp. Trenton, 1889. $1.50

988. Britton and Others. List of the Pteridophyta and Spermatophyta growing without cultivation in Northeastern N. America. Memoirs Torrey Botan. Club., vol. 5. Printed covers, 377 pp., with Index. N. Y., 1893-94. $2.00

989. Buchoz, Dr. P. J. (Botanic Physician of Paris). The Sumptuous illustrations of Natural History, relating chiefly to Botany and Horticulture. For a full description see under General Natural History in this Catalog. 10 vols. in 6, folio, half mor., Paris, 1781-88. Reduced from $285.00 to $150.00

990. (Burgis, John). Myrianthea; or, Numberless Groups of Changeable Flowers. Intended to Teach Art of Composing, Drawing and Colouring Groups of Flowers, etc. 4to, orig. boards, uncut, 16 pp., plate, colored cuts, very rare. London, n. d. $3.50

991. Castle, Thos. (F. L. S). Introduction to Systematic and Physiol. Botany. 12mo, paper label, 9 plates, first ed., 285 pp. London, 1829. $1.50

992. Catalogus Stirpium in Exteris Regionibus a Nobis Observatarum, Quae vel non omnino ven parce admodum in Anglia Sponte proveniunt. 12mo, paper, 115 pp., very rare. Londini, 1673. $5.00

993. Chapman, A. W. Flora of the Southern U. S. New Half Roan, first edition. N. York, 1860. $3.00

994. Cosson and Germain. Flore Descriptive et Analytique des Environs de Paris ou Description des Plantes. 2 parts in 1 vol., 12mo, half roan, and atlas of 41 plates, 12mo, half cloth. 2 vols. Paris, 1845. $2.00

995. Coulter, J. M. Botany of Western Texas. A Manual of the Phanerogams and Pteridophytes of, being vol. II. Contrib. from U. S. Nat. Herbarium. Half mor., cracked, 588 pp. Wash., 1891, ’94. $3.00

996. Coville, F. V. Botany of Death Valley Expedition, California. Contrib. U. S. Nat. Herbarium, vol. 4. Orig. paper covers, uncut, 22 plates, 320 pp., and map of this unique region. Wash., 1893. $1.50

997. Curtis, Wm. Lectures on Botany, as Delivered to his Pupils. Arranged by Samuel Curtis, Florist, Walworth. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf, pp. 131 + 114, 95 hand-colored plates and fine stipple portrait of W. Curtis as frontis. to vol. 1. Good copy, slightly foxed, rare. London, 1803, 1804. $12.00

998. Daniels, Francis P. Univ. of Missouri Studies. Vol I, No. 2. Flora of Columbia, Missouri and Vicinity. Royal 8vo, paper covers, uncut, folding map, 317 pp. Columbia, 1907. $1.50

999. Darby, John. Botany of the Southern States. Preceded by a Linnæan Analysis. 12mo, 612 pp., illus. N. York, 1856. $1.50

1000. Darlington, Wm. of Penna., the Noted Botanist. Dissertation on Mutual Influence of Habits and Disease. Inaugural Thesis at the University of Pennsylvania, June, 1804. For Degree of Doctor of Medicine. Stitched, 35 pp., very rare. Phila., 1804. $3.50

1001. Darlington, Wm. Flora Cestrica; or, Herborizing Companion for the Young Botanists of Chester County, State of Penna. 498 pp., 12mo, half mor., map, inserted portrait of author, being proof engraving, bank-note vignette style. On half-title is written in pencil his autograph presentation inscription. Fine copy. Phila., 1853. $6.00

1002. Darlington, Wm. Flora Cestrica, Plants of Chester Co., Pa. First ed., full calf, colored map, good copy of the rare ed. 12mo, sheep. West Chester, Pa., 1837. $2.75

1003. Darlington, Wm. A Lecture on Botany Read Before the Ladies’ Botan. Soc., at Wilmington, Del. 24 pp., paper, very rare. 1844. $3.00

1004. Darlington, Wm. Memorials of John Bartram and Humphrey Marshall, with notices of their Botanical Contemporaries. Illus., 585 pp., fine copy. Phila., 1849. $5.75

1005. Davies, Hugh, F. L. S. Welsh Botanology. Part the First. A Systematic Catalogue of the Native Plants of the Isle of Anglesey, in Latin, English and Welsh. Also Appendix. Boards, uncut, 255 pp., paper labels. Printed for the Author. London, 1813. $2.25

1006. Deakin, R. Flora of the Colosseum of Rome. Illus. and Descript. of 420 Plants growing upon the Ruins of the Colosseum. 12mo, colored illus., full gilt. London, 1873. $1.25

1007. De Candolle, Aug. P. Vegetable Organography; or, an Analytical Description of the Organs of Plants. Trans. by B. Kingdon. 2 vols., second ed., uncut, 23 plates. London, 1841. $3.00

1008. (De Serra, Abbe Correa.) Reduction of all the Genera of Plants contained in the Catalogus Plantarum Americæ Septentrionalis of Dr. Muhlenburg. Uncut, paper. Phila., 1815. $1.75

1009. Dillingham, Wm. H. A Tribute to the Memory of Peter Collinson, with some Notice of Dr. Darlington’s Memorials of John Bartram and Humphrey Marshall. Second ed., with additional Notes and Appendix. Frontis., fine lithogr. portrait of P. Collinson, 48 pp., orig. pr. covers. Phila., 1852. 80c.

1010. Donaghe, M. Virginia. Colorado Favorites. With 6 Full-Page Hand-colored Illus. by Alice Stewart. 4to, calf, 19 pp. N. York, 1882. $3.00

1011. [Duppa, R.] The Classes and Orders of the Linnæan System of Botany. Illus. by Select Specimens of Foreign and Indigenous Plants. 3 vols. Royal 8vo, half mor. and boards, uncut, 229 plates, 549 pp.+Dictionary, Index, etc. Very rare. London, 1816. $8.00

1012. Eaton, Amos. Manual of Botany for N. America. Indigenous Plants and Common Cultivated Exotics, Growing North of the Gulf of Mexico. Seventh Ed., with Improved Grammar and Dictionary, and 500 New Species, Chiefly from the Oregon and Arctic Regions. 797 pp., calf, rare. Albany, 1836. $3.75

1013. Economy of Vegetation; or, Phenomena of Plants. By a Fellow of the Linnæan Soc. Lacks back cover, 175 pp., illus. London, 1838. $1.50

1014. Flora’s Dictionary. [By a Lady of Baltimore.] Published by Fielding Lucas, Jr. Title-page executed in colors by hand, being a Humming Bird enclosed by a wreath of highly colored flowers. There are 57 other hand colored plates. The text is printed on pink, green, buff and blue tinted paper, 136 and 87 pp. Bound in brown Turkey mor., gilt figured and edged. Size 4to. With this goes another edition, dated 1832, with engraved and printed title-page, not illus., but interleaved for that purpose with blank paper. Printed from different type than the preceding. In pr. board covers, mor. back, gilt edges. The 2 vols., 4to, uniform. Baltimore, n. d. (circa. 1832). $4.75

1015. Flora of Nebraska. Webber, J. Herbert. Catalogue of Protophyta-Anthophyta. Pp. 175-302, rare. Annual Report of Nebraska State Board of Agric. for 1889, prepared by R. W. Furnas. Lincoln, 1890. $1.75

1016. Flora of Nebraska. Edited by the Botanical Seminar of the Univ. of Nebraska. Parts 1, 2 and 21 only, in orig. covers, illus. Lincoln, 1894. $1.00

1017. Floral Cabinet, The, and Magazine of Exotic Botany. Conducted by G. B. Knowles and Fredk. Westcott. 3 vols. (all published), 4to, half roan, several double-page colored plates of Orchids, etc. 137 colored plates in all. London, 1837-1840. $12.00

1018. Flores des Jardinieres Amateurs et Manufacturies d’apres les Dessins de Bessa. Colored plates, 3 vols. bound in 2, 4to, half roan. Most beautiful engravings and colored copper plates. “Extraits de Therbier de l’Amateur.” Paris, 1836. $3.50

1019. Flowers. A Series of Progressive Lessons, Intended to Elucidate the Art of Flower Painting in Water Colours. Folio, half roan, paper label, 32 pp., 12 hand-colored plates of Flowers. Phila., 1835. $2.75

1020. Four Seasons, The. A Short Account of the Structure of Plants. Four Lectures written for the Working Men’s Institute in Paris. (By S. M. F.) 4to, 75 pp., illus. by 3 colored plates and cuts. London, 1865. $1.75

1021. Francis, G. W. The Little English Flora. Third ed., enlarged. 12mo, 213 pp., plates. London, 1849. $2.50

1022. Francis, G. W. Same. Second ed., enlarged. 213 pp., plates, foxed. London, 1842. $2.50

1023. Genlis, Madame de. La Botanique Historique et Litteraire. 2 vols. 12mo, old calf, scarce. Paris, 1810. $1.75

1024. Gerarde’s Famous Herbal. Humphry Marshall’s Autograph Copy. “The Herball, or General Historie of Plantes Gathered by John Gerarde of London, Master of Chirurgerie.” A large, thick folio, old calf, rebacked, engraved title-page and portrait and illus. by hundreds of quaint woodcuts. There are 20 unnumbered pages of dedication, etc. (including title and portrait, each of which bears text on reverse) apparently complete. “The First Booke of the Historie of Plants” starts with page 1, and the pagination runs consecutively thence to page 1392, “The Ende of the Third and Last Booke.” Then follows 71 unnumbered pages of Index, etc. The condition of the body of the book averages good, but the pages at beginning and end are loose, dog-eared, margins damaged and some stained. This was the celebrated Humphry Marshall’s copy and bears his autograph inscription. “Humphry Marshall. His Book Bought at Dr. McDowells Vendue. The 14th of August, 1755. Price £2/15.” On the next leaf (the first numbered page of the work) Marshall has again written his name in large flowing hand. There are MS. notes in an early hand on margins above and below the portrait and elsewhere in the book. Imprinted at London by John Norton, 1597. $145.00

1025. Graefer, Charles. A Descriptive Catalogue of Herbaceous and Perennial Climbing Plants, with List of Hardy Ferns, etc. Boards, uncut, 168 pp., very scarce. Nottingham, 1816. $3.00

1026. Grant, (Capt. B.) The Orchids of Burmah and Andaman Islands, with Index of Technical Terms, Genera, and Species (10s. 6d.). Rangoon, 1895. $1.50

1027. Gray, Asa, M. D. Botanical Text-Book for Colleges, Schools and Private Students. 2 parts in 1 vol. Part I, Intro. to Structural and Physiological Botany. Part II, Principles of Systematic Botany. Illus. with numerous Engravings on wood, rare first ed., fine copy, 12mo, 413 pp. N. York, 1842. $3.00

1028. Gray, Asa. Synoptical Flora of N. America. The Gamopetalæ. 2 vols. in 1. Vol. I, part II, and Vol. II, part I. Royal 8vo, tall copy, nearly 1000 pp. The second and best ed. with revisions and nearly 100 additional pages by the author. Published by Smiths. Inst. New York, 1886. $4.75

1029. Gray. Another Copy. Paper, Uncut, Wash., 1888. $3.00

1030. Gray, Asa. Genera FLoræ Americæ Boreali-Orientalis Illustrata. The Genera of the Plants of U. S., illus. by Isaac Sprague. Superintended and with Descriptions, etc., by Asa Gray, M. D. Vol. 1, plates 1-100. Vol. 2, plates 101-186. Complete, scarce. 2 vols., 186 engraved plates. New York, 1849. $10.00

1031. Gray, Asa. M. D. Manual of the Botany of the Northern U. S., from New England to Wisconsin and South to Ohio and Penna., inclus. (The Mosses and Liverworts by Wm. S. Sullivant.) Very rare, uncut, 710 pp. Boston, 1848. $3.75

1032. Gray, Samuel F. A Natural Arrangement of British Plants According to their Relations to Each Other as Pointed Out by Jussieu, De Candolle, Brown, etc., with an Introduction to Botany. 2 vols., boards, uncut, 824+757 pp., colored plates. London, 1821. $6.00

1033. Green, Jacob. Transactions of the Society for Promotion of Useful Arts, in the State of New York. Vol. 3, old calf, contains Jacob Green’s Catalog of Plants Indigenous to N. York. Pp. 91+136. Also Address by Dr. Beck, Eulogium on R. R. Livingston, etc. Very rare. Albany, 1814. $5.00

1034. Grew, Nehemiah. The Anatomy of Plants, and Other Lectures read before the Royal Soc. Folio, orig. old calf, covers loose, contents fine, 304 pp.+Index, 83 copper plates, showing magnified sections of trees, plants, flowers, seeds, etc. Very rare. Pr. for the Author, 1682. $10.00

1035. Grindon, Leo H. Echoes in Plants and Flower Life. 12mo, 123 pp. London, 1849. $1.25

1036. Grindon, Leo H. Manchester Walks and Wild Flowers, Etc. 12mo, pr. covers, full gilt, vignettes, very scarce. London (1859). $2.00

1037. Grindon, Leo H. Manual of British and Foreign Plants, with their Latin and English Names, etc. 12mo, gilt, 271 pp. Lon., 1861. $1.75

1038. Grisebach, A. Catalogus Plantarum Cubensium Exhibens Collectionem Wrightianam Aliasque Minores ex Insula Cuba Missas. Pr. paper covers, uncut, unopened, 300 pp. Lipsiæ, 1866. $2.75

1039. Hall, R., M. D. Elements of Botany, or, an Introduction to the Sexual System of Linnæus, with an English Botanical Dictionary. Paper, 219 pp., illus. London, 1802. $2.25

1040. Henderson, Peter. Handbook of Plants. 410 pp., tall 8vo, first ed. New York, 1881. $1.25

1041. Henfrey, Arthur. The Vegetation of Europe, Its Conditions and Causes. 12mo, uncut, unopened, colored map. London, 1852. $2.50

1042. Henslow, Rev. J. S. Le Bouquet des Souvenirs. Full mor., full gilt, 216 pp., 25 colored plates, rare. London, 1840. $4.00

1043. Hooker, Sir W. J. Niger Flora. Plants of Western Tropical Africa, Collected by T. Vogel, Botanist to the Expedition to the River Niger, in 1841, Including Spicilegia Gorgonea, by P. B. Webb, and Flora Nigritiana, by Dr. J. D. Hooker, and G. Bentham. Ed. by W. J. Hooker, 587 pp., 2 views, map and 50 plates, rare. Fine copy. London, 1849. $4.00

1044. Hooker, W. J. The British Flora, Comprising the Phaenogamous or Flowering Plants and Ferns. Third ed., with additions and corrections. Boards, uncut, paper label, best edition. London, 1835. $2.00

1045. Hooker, W. J. Same. Second Ed. Half mor. London, 1831. $1.25

1046. Hooker, W. J. Flora Boraeli-Americana, or, Botany of Northern Parts of Br. America, etc. Illus. with numerous Plates. 4to, pr. paper covers, first 6 plates and covers of part 1; parts 3, 9, 10 as issued, uncut, 4 pieces. $3.50

1047. Hooker, W. J. Kew Gardens, or, a Popular Guide to the Royal Botanical Gardens of Kew. Tenth Ed. 12mo, paper, 60 pp., indexed, illus. with plan and cuts. London, 1851. $1.75

1048. Hooker, W. J. Notes on the Botany of the Antarctic Voyage, Conducted by Capt. James C. Ross, in Her Majesty’s Ships Erebus and Terror, with Observations on the Tussac Grass of the Falkland Islands. Paper covers, uncut, 83 pp., 1 folding plate, author’s autogr. pres. copy to Queen Adelaide. London, 1843. $1.25

1049. Hudson, G. Flora Anglica Exhibens Plantas per Regnum Britanniæ sponte Crescentes, etc. 2 vols. in 1. Editio Altera, Emended, etc. Boards, 690 pp., very scarce. Londini, 1778. $4.50

1050. Humboldt, (A. de), et A. Bonpland. Monographie des Melastomacees Comprenant Toutes les Plantes de Cet Ordre recueillies Jusqua ce Jour, et notamment au Mexique, dans l’ile de Cuba, dans les Provinces de Caracas, de Cumana et de Barcelone, aux Andes de la Nouvelle Grendæ, de Quito et du Perou et sur les Bords du Rio-Negro de l’Orenoque et de la riviere des Amazons Miseen Ordre par A. Bonpland. Preface by Bonpland, descriptive letter-press, 186 pp. and 75 large and fine plates beautifully colored. Imperial folio, cloth, boards, in fine, bright condition, uncut. Melastoma and Rhexia complete. Paris, 1808-1823. $7.00

1051. Humboldt. Same, including the first two parts, 30 plates, with text on the Genus Melastoma and the first part with text of the Genus Rhexia, 19 plates. These are bound in half mor., folio, with the two original green paper covers of parts showing the date of the issue to be Paris, 1808. 49 plates. $2.00

1052. Humphrey, James Ellis. The Development of the Seed in the Scitamineæ. (Excerpt from Annals of Botany, Vol. X, 1896.) Paper covers, 40 pp., 4 folding plates. $1.00

1053. Irvine, Alex. London Flora. Descriptions of Phaenogamous British Plants growing spontaneously in the vicinity of the Metropolis, Natural System, also Linnæan arrangement of all Indigenous British Species and a Sketch of Botanical Geography. 12mo, uncut, 340 pp., first ed., rare. London, 1838. $2.00

1054. Japanese Botany. Being a fac-simile of a Japanese Book. Illus., boards, rare, English translation. Phila., circa. 1876. $1.25

1055. Jessup, Henry G. Catalogue of Flowering Plants and Cryptograms, Found within 30 Miles of Hanover, N. H. Appended is a List of Vertebrates of the Same Region. 91 pages, map, fine copy. Author’s autogr. pres. copy. $1.50

1056. Jussieu, Antonie de, Medici Editor. Plantæ per Galliam, Hispaniam et Italiani, Observatæ, Iconibus Aeneis exhibitæ a Jacobo Barreliero. Opus Posthumum. A thick folio of 1316 quarter-plates of Plants, 8 of animals and 3 full-page plates of shells; 140 and 28 pp. of text, 2 engraved title pages. A life of Barrelier is prefaced. Old calf, fine copy. Paris, printed by Ganeau, 1714. (R. s.) $8.50

1057. Knowles, G. B., and Westcott, Frederic. The Floral Cabinet and Magazine of Exotic Botany. 3 vols. in 2 (all published), 4to, paneled calf, gilt tooling, numerous colored plates, fine copy, rare. London, 1837-1840 inclusive. $14.50

1058. Knapp, F. H. Botanical Chart of British Flowering Plants and Ferns, with Localities, Properties, etc. 90 pp. Bath, London, 1846. $2.00

1059. Lamarck and De Candolle. Flore Francaise, ou Descript. Succinctes de toutes les Plantes qui croissent Naturellem, en France. Troiseme edit, augmente du Tomre v. ou sixieme volume, cont. 1300. Especes non decrites dans les cincq premiers Volumes. Par Mm. de Lamarck et De Candolle. Accomp. d’une grande Carte Bot. coloriee et orne de 11 Planches cont. env. 200 Figures. 5 vols. in 6. Vol. 4 being in 2 parts, separately bound. A very fine set of this best edition, in half calf and marbled boards and edges, inside and out. Lists 1300 species not given in previous editions. Paris, 1815. $7.00

1060. Language of Flowers, with Illustrative Poetry, Etc., By the Editor of “Forget-Me-Not.” Sixth Amer. ed. 16mo, full roan, full gilt, 360 pp., colored plates. Phila., 1843. $1.25

1061. Lazarus, M. E. Vegetable Portraits of Character, compiled from various sources with original additions. Vol. 1, Comparative Psychology and Universal Analogy. Full gilt stamped mor., full gilt, 263 pp., curious and rare. N. Y., 1851. $1.50

1062. Lessing, C. F. Synopsis Genera Compositarum Earumque Dispositionis Novæ Tentamen Monographis Multarum Capensium Interjectis. 8vo, orig. sheets, uncut, 473 pp., 1 folding plate. Berlin, 1832. $3.25

1063. Lee, James. Introduction to Botany. The Theory of that Science. Extracted from Works of Dr. Linnæus. 12 copper plates, enlarged, third ed., calf. London, 1746, and other editions. $1.00

1064. Lindley, J. Introduction to Natural System of Botany. 2 plates, boards, uncut, first Amer. ed. with appendix by John Torrey, catalogue of N. A. Genera, fine copy. New York, 1831. $1.50

1065. Lindley, J. An Introduction to Botany. Fourth edition. 2 vols., uncut, copper plates and wood engrs. Autogr. copy of H. Coultas. London, 1848. $1.00

1066. Lindley, J. Ladies’ Botany, or, a Familiar Introduction to the Study of the Natural System of Botany. 25 colored plates, loose in binding, 294 pp., second ed., rare. London, n. d. $3.00

1067. Lindley, J. Synopsis of the British Flora, Containing Vasculares or Flowering Plants. Vol. 1, containing all the Flowering Plants complete in itself. Vol. 2, not pub’d or at a much later date. 12mo, boards, paper label, uncut, 360 pp., very scarce. London, 1829. $2.75

1068. Lindley, J. Translated and Illustrated with Plates and Original Notes by. Observations on the Structure of Fruits and Seeds, from the Analyse du Fruit of L. C. Richard. Paper covers, uncut, 100 pp., 6 plates. London, 1819. $1.50

1069. Linne, Caroli A. Genera Plantarum. Half calf, eighth ed., odd, vol. 2, pp. 439-812, to end, including Index of both vols. Vindobonæ, 1791. $2.00

1070. Linnæi, C. Flora Lapponica Exhibens Plantas per Lapponiam, etc. Vellum, 379 pp., folding plates, very rare, fine copy. Amstelædami, 1737. $9.00

1071. Linnæi, C. Genera Plantarum Eorumque Characteres Naturales Secundum Numerum, Figuram, Situm, et Proportionem, etc. Fourth ed., calf, 500 pp., extra illus. and interleaved. Holmiæ, 1754. $4.00

1072. Linnæi, C. Philosophia Botanica in qua Explicantur Fundamenta Botanica, etc. Calf, cracked, 364 pp., plates. Viennæ, 1755. $2.75

1073. Linneus. A Generic and Specific Description of British Plants, Trans. from the Genera et Species Plantarum of Linneus, with Notes and Observations, etc., by J. Jenkinson. Calf, 258 pp., plates. Kendal, 1775. $2.50

1074. List, C. Outlines of Botany for the use of Schools and Private Learners. 12mo, 162 pp., fully illus. by cuts, half roan. Phila., 1846. $1.50

1075. Loddiges’ Botanical Cabinet, Consisting of Colored Delineations of Plants from all Countries, with a short account of each, Directions for the Management, etc., by Conrad Loddiges & Sons. With 1500 plates beautifully colored by hand, engraved by Geo. Cooke. Vols. 1 to 15, inclusive. 15 vols. 4to, half calf, very scarce. 20 vols. were published at $12.50 per vol. The engraving and color work on these vols. are of the highest order. $27.50

1076. Logan, James. Experiments and Considerations on the Generation of Plants. Trans. from the Original Latin. Preface and Introduction by Dr. John Fothergill. 12mo, orig. boards, 39 pp. The first publication on N. Amer. Botany, very rare. London, 1747. $12.50

1077. Loudon, J. C. Hortus Britannicus. Catalog of all Plants, Indigenous, Cultivated in or introduced to Britain. 2 parts in 1 vol. Part I, Linnæan Arrangement in which nearly 30,000 Species are enumerated, etc. Part II, The Jussieuean Arrangement of nearly 4,000 Genera with Introduction to Natural System, etc. Uncut, 576 pp., good copy. The amount of cyclopædic information packed in this volume is astonishing. London, 1830. $3.50

1078. Lowe, E. J. Beautiful Leaved Plants, Being a Description of the most beautiful Leaved Plants in Cultivation in this Country, to which is added an extended Catalogue. With sixty colored illus. Published at $8.00, fine copy. London, 1868. $3.00

1079. Mac Farlane, J. M. Comparison of the Minute Structure of Plant Hybrids with that of their Parents. Trans. Royal Soc., Edinburgh, vol. 37, part 1, No. 14. 4to, pr. covers, 8 plates, pp. 203 to 286, pub. at $3.00. Author’s autogr. copy to Capt. McIlvaine. Edinburgh, 1892. $1.75

1080. Mac Farlane, J. M. The Sensitive Movements of some Flowering Plants under Colored Screens. Pr. paper covers, 17 pp., from “Botanisches Centralblatt.” Cassell, 1895. $1.00

1081. Macoun, John. Catalogue of Canadian Plants. Part 1, Polypetalæ; part 2, Gamopetalæ; part 3, Apetalæ; part 4, Endogens; part 5, Acrogens; part 6, Musci. Also “List of Canadian Hepaticæ,” by W. H. Pearson. Published by Geol. Sur. of Canada. Paper covers. 7 parts, as issued. Montreal, 1883-90. $3.50

1082. Mann, Horace. Catalogue of the Phenogamous Plants of the U. S. East of the Mississ. R. Also the Vascular Cryptogams of N. America, North of Mexico. Second ed., revised. Pr. paper covers, 54 pp. Cambridge, 1868. $1.25

1083. Martyn, Thos. The Language of Botany. Dictionary of Terms Made Use of, Principally by Linnæus, with Explanations, etc. Second ed., enlarged. Boards. London, 1796. $2.00.

1085. Massachusetts. Report on the Herbaceous Flowering Plants of, arranged according to Lindley and Illustrated by Popular Descriptions. 277 pp., stitched, uncut. Cambridge, 1840. $1.25

1086. Maund, B. The Botanic Garden. Highly Finished Representations of Hardy, Ornamental, Flowering Plants, Cultivated in Great Britain, with accompanying text. Small 4to, 12 vols., 288 full-page hand-colored plates, 4 species to each plate; also 48 colored plates of Fruits and 2682 woodcuts. Published at 24£. Bound in watered silk, full gilt, binding somewhat worn. London, 1825 to 1847. $23.00

1087. Mawe’s Dictionary. The Universal Gardener and Botanist, or, General Dictionary of Gardening and Botany. Exhibiting the botanical arrangement according to Linnæus of Every Tree, Shrub, and Herbaceous Plant that merit Culture. Thick 4to, calf. London, 1778. $1.75

1088. McClatchie, A. J. Seedless Plants of Southern California. Protophytes-Pteridophytes. Proc. So. Calif. Acad. Sci., vol. 1. Pr. covers, pp. 337 to 395, author’s autogr. copy. Los Angeles, 1897. $1.00

1089. McKee, Rev. R. (A. M.) Lectures on Botany, at the Albany Female Academy. Stitched, 20 pp. Albany, 1839. $1.00

1090. Meehan, Thomas. Native Flowers and Ferns of the U. S. Vols. 1 and 2, in 1 vol., three-quarter mor., large paper, uncut, 2 covers of orig. parts bound in, gilt tops, 96 full-page chromolith’s. Boston, 1878. $8.75

1091. Meehan, Thomas. Same. Vol. 1 in orig. paper covers. $2.50

1092. Meehan, Thomas. Same. Vol. 2, lacking part 16, orig. paper covers, uncut. $1.50

1093. Meehan, Thomas. Same. Vol. 4, half mor. $3.50

1094. Meehan, Thomas. Same. Complete set in orig. parts. $12.00

1095. Myers, J. F. F. Outlines of the Geography of Plants. Trans. by Margaret Johnston. First published in Berlin, 1836. Repub. by the Ray Society. 422 pp., chart. London, 1846. $1.50

1096. Michaux, Andreas. Flora Boreali-Americana. Sistens Caracteres Plantarum, etc. 2 vols., 51 plates, half calf, 330+340 pp. Autographs of G. W. Clinton, the noted Botanist, and presented by him to the Albany Institute, N. Y. With their Library stamps on titles and plates. Parisiis et Argentorati, Anno XI—1803. $7.50

1097. Miller, John. Illustration of the Sexual System of Linnæus. 2 vols., engr. title, symbol, frontis., with portrait of Linnæus, and nearly 200 hand-colored plates, half roan, good set. London, 1779-89. $4.50

1098. Miller, J. Same. Binding broken at hinges. $3.50

1099. Miller, J. Vol. 1 only. (Vol. 2 was not published until 10 years later.) Calf, portrait Linnæus. Book-plate G. Gowan. 1779. $1.50

1100. Millican, Albert. Travels and Adventures of an Orchid Hunter. An Account of Camp and Canoe Life in Colombia while Collecting Orchids in the Northern Andes. Illus. by G. Guggenheim from Photos, by the Author. Col. frontis., 222 pp. Much on Shooting and Fishing. London, 1891. $2.50

1101. Millspaugh and Nuttall. Flora of W. Virginia. Paper, 276 pp., map and illus. Pub’d by Field Columbian Museum. Chicago, 1896. $2.00

1102. Milne, Colin. A Botanical Dictionary, or, Elements of Systematic and Philosophical Botany. Containing Descriptions of Parts of Plants, an Explanation of the Scientific Terms used by Morison, Ray, Tournefort, Linnæus, etc. Small 8vo, 10 plates, 1 colored, calf. London, 1770. $1.75

1103. Miner, Harriet. Orchids, the Royal Family of Plants, with illustrations from Nature. Royal folio, full gilt, 24 colored plates, orig. covers bound in. Boston, 1885. $5.00

1104. Minnesota, Botany of. Metaspermæ of the Minnesota Valley. A List of the Higher Seed-producing Plants of the Drainage-Basin of the Minnesota River. By C. McMillan. 826 pp., maps. Minneapolis, 1892. $2.50

1105. Minnesota Botanical Studies. Second Series, parts 1 and 2 only. 1898-99. $1.00

1106. Missouri Botanical Garden. First Report. Shaw Portrait, illus. and chart. 165 pp. St. Louis, 1889. $1.25

1107. Missouri Botanical Garden. Trelease, Wm. Third Ann. Report. The Species of Rumex occurring North of Mexico. April, 1892. Stiff paper covers, 21 plates. $1.00

1108. Mintorn, John and Horatio. The Hand-Book for Modelling Wax Flowers. 16mo, 84 pp. London, 1844. $1.50

1109. Mudie, Robert. The Botanical Annual, or, Familiar Illustrations of the Structure, etc., of Plants, and the way in which climate and seasons affect them; also a short Sketch of Coniferæ. Pp. 277, 12mo, stamped roan, cracked, full gilt, frontis. and illus. London, 1832. $2.00

1110. Muhlenberg, D. H. Descriptio Uberior Graminum et Plantarum Calamariarum Americæ Septentrionalis indigenarum et Cicurum. 295 pp., orig. calf, fine copy, very scarce. The only edition. Philadelphiæ, W. Conrad, 1817. $7.50

1111. Mulford, A. E. The Agaves of the U. S. Paper, 37 plates, Seventh Ann. Report Missouri Botan. Gar. Author’s autogr. pres. copy, pr. covers. St. Louis, 1896. $1.00

1112. New York Botanical Garden. Bulletin of. Vol 1, Nos. 1 to 4, inclus. Orig. printed covers, as issued. 1896-99. $1.50

1113. Noll, H. R. Flora of Pennsylvania and Botanist’s Pocket Manual, etc. Rare first ed., 12mo, half mor., 466 pp., illus. Phila., 1851. $1.75

1114. Noll, H. R. The Botanical Class-Book and Flora of Penna., etc., in 2 parts. 12mo, 452 pp., illus. Lewisburg, Pa., 1852. $1.75

1115. North Carolina. Flora of Wilmington, N. C., with map of new Hanover Co. 65 pp. Jour. Elisha Mitchell Soc. Pr. paper covers, with the complete vol. of 146 pp. and frontis. portrait of L. D. V. Schweinitz. Raleigh, 1886. $2.50

1116. Nuttall, Thos. Introduction to Systematic and Physiological Botany. First ed., orig. boards, paper label, uncut, 12 plates, 360 pp. Cambridge, 1827. $3.50

1117. Nuttall, Thos. Introduction to Systematic and Physiological Botany. Second ed., with additions, 12 plates, orig. board binding, uncut, extra clean copy. The most useful edition. Cambridge, 1830. $2.50

1118. Ohio Botany and Zoology. Vol. 5 of State Geological Survey. Scarce volume. Columbus, 1882. $3.75

1119. Ordoyno, Thos. Flora Nottinghamiensis, Systematic Arrangement of Plants Growing Naturally in Nottingham County, etc. 12mo, boards, uncut, 344 pp. Newark (Eng.), 1807. $2.50

1120. Parley’s Cyclopedia of Botany, Etc. 4to, very fine copy in orig. stamped cloth, 329 pp., woodcuts. N. York, 1839. $2.50

1121. Paul, Wm. American Plants, Their History and Culture, with Full Descriptions of Best Varieties. 12mo, paper covers, paper label, 63 pp., plates, 1 colored, rare. London, 1858. $2.25

1122. Paxton’s Magazine of Botany and Register of Flowering Plants. Illus. with nearly 250 elegantly colored plates and hundreds of woodcuts. The first 5 vols., 4to, half calf. London, 1834-8. $9.50

1123. Peck, C. H. State Botanist, N. Y. Annual Reports of. From 1893 to 1909, lacking 1901 and 1904; also Memoir N. Y. State Museum, vol. 3, No. 4, 1900. In all 15 vols. 4to, and 8vo, paper, boards and cloth bindings. Albany. Sold only as a lot, $7.00

1124. Penfold, Jane Wallas. Madeira Flowers, Fruits and Ferns. Selection of the Botanical Productions of that Island, etc. 4to, full gilt, 22 colored plates, very rare. London, 1845. $6.00

1125. Pennsylvania, Univ. of. Contributions from the Botan. Laboratory. Vol. I, in 2 parts; all the 2nd part by Prof. Harshberger, on Maize. Pr. covers, illus. Phila., 1892-93. $2.25

1126. Perkins, Mrs. E. E. The Elements of Botany. 268 pp., plates, London, 1837. $1.25

1127. Phelps, Rev. Wm. Botanical Calendar, Exhibiting the Class, Order, etc., of All the British Plants from the Class Monandria Monogynia, to Polygamia Dioecia, etc. Boards, 186 pp., interleaved, illustrated, rare. London, 1810. $3.00

1128. Philbert, J. C. Exercises de Botanique. A L’Usage des Commencans. Ouvrage Elementaire orne, de 157 planches, redige par J. C. Philibert De L’Imprimerie de Crapelet. 2 vols., half calf, 157 plates. Paris, Chez Bossange, Masson et Besson, 1801. $2.00

1129. Philippi, Dr. R. A. Plantas Nuevas Chilenas. Anales de la Universidad de Chile. Vols. 84 to 91, inclus. Author’s ed., in 3 vols., not complete. Orig. paper covers, illus. Santiago de Chile, 1894 to 1896. The lot, $3.00

1130. Piddington, H. An English Index to the Plants of India. Half calf, 235 pp., Calcutta, 1832. $3.50

1131. Porter, T. C. and Coulter, J. M. Synopsis of the Flora of Colorado. U. S. Geol. Survey, Publ. No. 4. Paper covers, 180 pp. Washington, D. C., 1874. $1.25

1132. Pratt, Anne. Flowers and their Associations. 16mo, 228 pp. London, 1846. $1.00

1133. Pulteney, Rich. Historical and Biographical Sketches of the Progress of Botany in England, etc. 2 vols., tree calf, pres. autogr. copy from author, very fine copy. London, 1790. $5.00

1134. Pursh, Frederick. Journal of a Botanical Excursion in the N. E. Part of Pennsylvania and N. York in 1807. 87 pp., very rare. Phila., 1869. $5.00

1135. Pursh, F. Hortus Cantabrigiensis, or, an Accented Catalogue of Plants Indigenous and Exotic Cultivated in the Cambridge Botanic Garden. By James Donn, ninth ed., improved and augmented, etc., by Frederick Pursh, author of Flora of N. America. The N. American Species are designated. Half calf, fine copy. London, 1819. $1.75

1137. Rafinesque, C. S. The School of Flora. As Published in the Casket, serially, 1828, 1830, 1831, 1832. Excerpts, illus. with woodcuts, very scarce. Phila., 1828-32. $6.00

1138. (Randolph, A. D. F.) Leaf and Flower Pictures and How to Make Them. Small 4to., 58 pp., colored plates, cuts. N. York, 1857. $2.00

1139. Raspail, F. V. Nouveau Systeme de Physiologie Vegetale et de Botanique. Atlas. 60 plates, 91 pp., descriptive text, half calf, stain on lower corners of plates. Paris, 1837. $1.25

1140. Rattan, Volney. Popular California Flora of Plants of Central California and Westward to the Ocean. 4to, third ed., enlarged. Illus. San Francisco, 1882. $1.25

1141. Ray, John. Synopsis Methodica Stirpium Britannicarum, Etc. Ed., odd vol., 288 pp., fine plates. Londini, 1724. $2.00

1142. Rees’ Botany. All that Part of Rees’ American Cyclopedia, Phila. circa. 1800. Vol. 3, coming under that heading. Pp. 417 to 473, inclus., with plates 102 to 107, inclus., paper, uncut. Both text and plates prepared by best American Botanists and Engravers of Phila. $2.00

1143. Rehder, Alfred. Synopsis of the Genus Lonicera. 14th Ann. Rept. Missouri Bot. Garden. Paper, 20 plates. St. Louis, 1903. $1.00

1144. Relhan, Richard. Flora Cantabrigiensis, Exhibens Plantas Agro Cantabrigiensi Indigenas, Secundum Systema Sexuale Digestas, etc. 490 pp., 1785, with 3 Supplements dated respectively, 1786, ’88, ’93, 609 pp. Boards, illus. Original Catalogue bound 2nd in order, last Suppl. 1st in order by mistake of binder. Very rare and valuable. Cantabrigiæ, 1785, 1786, 1793. $15.00

1145. Rhind, W. History of the Vegetable Kingdom, Embracing the Physiology of Plants with their Uses to Man and the lower Animals, and their Application to the Arts, Manufactures, etc. Numerous plates, some colored. Portrait of Linnæus. London, 1855. $1.75

1146. Rich, O. A Synopsis of the Genera of American Plants, According to the latest improvements on the Linnæan System, with the New Genera of Michaux and others. A printed slip signed by C. De Serra, regarding Finley’s edition of Smith’s Botany, inserted. Also a letter from C. S. Sargent, regarding authorship of this rarity. 12mo, printed boards, uncut, fine copy, 167 pp. Georgetown, Dist. of Columbia, 1814. $7.00

1147. Robinson, W. The Subtropical Garden, or, Beauty of Form in the Flower Garden. First ed., 241 pp., fully illus. London, 1871. $1.50

1148. Saint-Hillaire, M. Auguste de. Tableau Monographique (Suite du) des Plantes de la Flore du Bresil, etc. Comprenant les Droseracees, les Violacees, les Cistees et les Frankeniees. Author’s Edition, separated from the Memoirs Du Museum Hist. Nat., Paris, Vol. 2, in 3 orig. 4to parts, as issued, uncut, illus. by 5 plates. Paris, n. d. $3.00

1149. Saint-Hilaire, Jaume. Plantes de la France Decrites et Pientes D’Apres Nature. Vols. 2 and 3 only. 4to, orig. boards, uncut, 205 colored plates. Paris, 1808. $3.00

1150. Sanders, John. The Select Florist. 12mo, boards, cracked, uncut, 196 pp. Derby, 1829. $2.00

1151. Schouw, J. F. The Earth, Plants and Man. Popular Pictures of Nature. Trans. and Edited by Arthur Henfrey. 12mo, half calf, 402 pp., frontis., map. London, 1852. $1.50

1152. Sievking, A. F. The Praise of Gardens. A Prose Cento, Collected and in Part Englished by. With Poem by E. V. D. 12mo, uncut, 321 pp. London, 1885. $2.25

1153. South American Plants. Synopsis Plantarum, Quas In Itenire ad Plagam Acquinoctialem Orbis Novi; Collegerunt Al. De Humboldt et Am. Bonpland. Auctore Carolo Sigism. Kunth. 4 vols. of 500 pp. each, complete, in orig. paper covers, uncut. Paris, 1822-25. $7.50

1154. Societe Botanique de Lyon, Annales de la. Notes et Memoires. From 13e Année 22e Année, inclus., complete. 9 vols., 1885 to 1897. Lyon. Also Bulletin Trimestriel from 6e to 11e Année, inclus. Complete except 7e Ann., containing parts 1 and 2 only. Orig. paper covers. Lyon, 1888 to 1893. The lot, $7.50

1155. Societe Royale de Botanique de Belgique, Bulletin de la. Vols. 26 to 43, inclus. Complete, except vol. 42, which has parts 1 and 2 only. Paper covers, uncut. Bruxelles, 1887 to 1906. As a lot, $14.00

1156. Smith, Sir Jas., Ed. The English Flora. Second ed. 4 vols. Original binding, uncut. London, n. d. $3.50

1157. Smith, Sir Jas. E. A Grammar of Botany Illus. of Artificial as Well as Natural Classification, to which is added a reduction of all the Genera contained in the Catalogue of North Amer. Plants, by the late Henry Muhlenberg. 21 colored plates by Stansbury, on stone by Barnet & Doolittle, of N. Y. Boards, uncut, covers loose, very rare. N. York, 1822. $5.00

1158. Sollers, Basil. Check List of Plants Compiled for the Vicinity of Baltimore. Pr. paper covers, 72 pp. Baltimore, 1888. $1.25

1158A. Sollers. Same. Printed on one side of paper. $1.60

1159. Steudel, E. T. Nomenclator Botanicus. Royal 8vo, half mor. Second ed., amended. 2 vols. in 1. 852 and 810 pp. Of great value. Autogr. copy, “B. Seeman—Nat. H. M. S. Herald.” Stuttgart, 1841. $4.75

1160. Stillingfleet, Benj. Philosopher and Botanist. Literary Life and Select Works of. Much of which never before published. Edited by W. Coxe. The greater part of the work devoted to Botany and Agriculture, with colored illus., many finely engraved portraits. 3 vols., royal 8vo, boards, uncut, paper labels, fine set, rare. London, 1811. $4.50

1161. Strong, A. B. The American Flora, or, History of Plants and Wild Flowers. A systematic and General Description, Natural History, Chemical and Medical Properties of over 6,000 Plants. Colored engravings, taken from Nature, by the Author. Royal 8vo, stamped, mor., gilt. 137 pp. Vol. 1 only. Rare. N. Y., 1846. $2.50

1162. Swartz, Olavo. Observationes Botanicæ Quibus Plantæ Indiæ Occidentalis, etc. 12mo, half calf, 424 pp., plates. Erlangæ, 1791. $3.00

1163. Swiss Flora. Gaudin, I. Synopsis Helveticæ. Opus Posthumum Continuatum et Editum a I. P. Monnard. 12mo, diamond calf, gilt, 824 pp. Turici, 1836. $2.75

1164. Symes, Major Michael. Account of an Embassy to the Kingdom of Ava, Sent by the Governor-General of India in 1795. 4to,-500 pp. and 27 plates, 8 of which are of Plants selected by Sir Jos. Banks, as most rare and curious. These last are fully described in Latin and for the first time. Fine copy, half roan, 1 plate of costume missing. $2.50

1165. Tatnall, E. Catalogue of the Phaenogamous and Filicoid Plants of Newcastle County, Delaware. With Synonyms of Modern Authors. 112 pp., paper, scarce and valuable. Wilmington, Del., 1860. 75c.

1166. Taylor, Joseph. The Bible Garden. Brief Description of all Trees and Plants Mentioned in Holy Scriptures. Second ed., revised, etc. Small 4to, 260 pp., colored plates and half title. London, n. d. $1.75

1167. Taylor, Joseph. The Complete Weather Guide. A Collection of Practical Observations for Prognosticating the Weather, Drawn from Plants, Animals, etc. With Appendix, Curious Botanical Clock, etc. 12mo, boards, uncut, 160 pp., folding frontis. London, 1812. $1.75

1168. Thayer, Emma H. Wild Flowers of the Pacific Coast, from original Water Color Sketches, drawn from Nature. Folio, full gilt, illus. covers, 64 pp., fully illus. in colors, fine copy. N. Y., 1887. $3.50

1169. Thayer, Emma H. Wild Flowers of the Rocky Mountains. First pub. as “Wild Flowers of Colorado.” From Water Color Sketches after Nature. Folio, illus. cover, 54 pp., gilt edges, 24 colored plates. N. York [1889]. $3.00

1170. The Child’s Botany. Square 12mo, boards. Third ed., 6 plates, 100 pp. Boston, 1830. $1.50

1171. The Child’s Botany. Eleventh ed. Square 12mo, boards, 6 plates, 100 pp. Boston, 1843. $1.00

1172. Torrey Botanical Club Bulletin. A run of 19 vols., as follows, Vols. 8, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, each complete. Also Vols. 12, 13, 18, 19, 24, 25, each lacking from 1 to 3 Nos.; vol. 7, No. 5 only and vol. 27 lacking all after No. 4. Orig. pr. paper covers, illus. Also the Club’s By-Laws. Scarce and in much demand; single vols. sell for as much as $3.00 second hand. N. York, 1880 to 1900. $22.50

1173. Torrey Botanical Club Bulletin. Odd numbers, each 20c. to 50c.

1174. Torrey, John. Botany of New York. 2 vols., 4to, cloth, 161 finely colored plates. Rare and valuable. Albany, 1843. $11.00

1175. Torrey, John. First American Edition of J. Lindley’s Introduction to the Natural System of Botany, or a Systematic View of the Organization, Natural Affinities and Geographical Distribution of the Whole Vegetable Kingdom, with an Appendix by Torrey. Boards, uncut, paper label, extra fine copy. N. Y., 1831. $2.50

1176. Torrey, John. Botany of the U. S. and Mexican Boundary. With an introduction by C. C. Parry. 270 pp., 61 fine plates, 4to, paper. Wash., 1858. $1.50

1177. Torrey, John. Same. Half Morocco. $2.00

1178. Torrey, John. Botany of the U. S. and Mexican Boundary Survey. The General Botany, and the Cactaceæ by G. Engelmann, being Vol. 2 of the Reports. Complete in itself, 4to, half mor. Wash., 1859. $4.50

1179. Torrey, John. Flora of the Northern and Middle Sections of the U. S. Systematic Arrangement and Description of all Plants Hitherto Discovered in U. S., North of Va. Vol. 1. Orig. pr. covers, uncut, No. 3. Last part, title, index and advertisements at end of vol. pp. 297 to 518 plus Preface, etc. N. York, 1824. $2.00

1180. Torrey, John. Phanerogamia of Pacific N. America, being Vol. 17 U. S. Exploring Expedition, 1838-42, under Chas. Wilkes, U. S. N. Phila., 1862-74. 4to, half cloth and boards, orig. binding, uncut, 309 pp., 17 fine folded plates. “This concluding portion (of the botany of the expedition) being the late Dr. Torrey’s Enumeration of the Phan. collected on the Pacific Coast, is now issued, July, 1874.” Very scarce. $9.75

1181. Torrey, John, and Gray, Asa. A Flora of North America, Arranged According to the Natural System. Vol. 1, Comprising the Polypetalous Division of the Dicotyledonous, or Exogenous Plants. 711 pp., autogr. of Henry E. Muhlenberg, of that noted family of Penna. Botanists, on title page. 2 vols. were published, each complete in itself. N. Y., 1838-40. $7.00

1182. Tyas, Robt. Flowers from Foreign Lands, Their History and Botany, etc. 12mo, full gilt, 198 pp., 12 colored plates. London, 1853. $1.75

1183. U. S. National Herbarium. Contributions from. 12 Complete vols. in orig. parts, as issued, illus. Vols. 1 to 12, inclus. Wash., 1890 to 1909. The lot, $9.50

1184. Wakefield, Priscilla. An Introduction to Botany, in Series of Letters. Ninth ed. (Also) The Pleasures of Botanical Pursuits. A Poem By Sarah Hoare. 12mo, boards, paper label, uncut, 187 pp., illus. London, 1823. $1.75

1185. Wakefield, Priscilla. Introduction to Botany in Series of Letters. Fifth ed. 12mo, calf, 167 pp., plates. London, 1807. $1.75

1186. Walter, Thos. Flora Caroliniana, Secundum Systema Vegetabilium, etc. Boards, 263 pp., folding frontis piece of Magnolia. Very rare. Londoni, 1788. $9.00

1187. Ward, L. F. Check List Flora of Washington, D. C., and Vicinity. Author’s ed. Pr. paper covers, 60 pp. Wash., 1882. $1.00

1188. Waterhouse, Benj. (M. D.) The Botanist, Being the Botanical Part of a Course of Lectures on Nat. Hist., Delivered in the University at Cambridge, with a Discourse on the Principle of Vitality. Boards, uncut, broken, 263 pp. Boston, 1811. $2.00

1189. Watson, Sereno. Bibliogr. Index to N. American Botany. Part 1, Polypetalæ. Half mor., 476 pp. Wash., 1878. $1.75

1190. Wax Flowers. How to Make Them. With New Methods of Sheeting Wax, Modelling Fruit, etc. 8vo, orig. cloth, illus., good copy. Boston, 1864. $2.00

1191. Wildenow, D. C. The Principles of Botany and of Vegetable Physiology, Trans. From the German of. New ed., greatly enlarged by the author. Calf, cracked, 11 plates, including a color chart. Contains a history of the science and biographies of Botanists. Edinburgh, 1811. $2.00

1192. Wildenow’s Fourth Edition of Linnæus’ Species Plantarum. Caroli a Linné Species Plantarum exhibentes Plantas Rite Cognitas and Genera Relatas cum Differenths Specifis, Nominibus Trivialibus Synonymis Selectis, Locis Natalibus secundum Systema Sexuale Digestas. Editio Quarta, Post Reichardianam Quinta Adjectis Vegetabilibus Hucusque Cognitis curante. 8vo, 3 vols., in 6 (4 more vols. were pub.—latest date 1810), old calf. Berolini, 1797-1800. $15.00

1193. Wild Flowers of America. The Botanical Fine Art Weekly. The 18 parts complete in orig. covers, as issued, at $1.00 per part. Oblong folio, 228 colored plates, all published. Buck & Co., N. Y. May to Sept., 1894. $3.75

1194. Wild Flowers of Switzerland, or, a Year Among Alpine Flowers. By H. C. W. Illus. by 16 colored plates of 206 species. 76 pp., text, frontis., view, royal 4to, gilt. London, 1883. $3.00

1195. Wonders of the Vegetable Kingdom Displayed. In a Series of Letters. Second ed. 12mo, boards, uncut, 242 pp., unopened, frontis. London, 1824. $1.75

1196. Woods, Jos. The Tourist’s Flora, Descriptive Catalogue of the Flowering Plants and Ferns of the British Islands, France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, and the Italian Islands. 504 pp., 1 plate. Valuable for reference. London, 1850. $2.50

1197. Wright, Mabel O. Flowers and Ferns in Their Haunts. Illus. from Photographs by the Author and J. H. McFarland. Uncut, gilt top, 358 pp. N. York, 1901. $2.00

1198. Wright, John, and Hall, James. Catalogue of Plants, Growing Without Cultivation in the Vicinity of Troy. Stitched, 42 pp. Troy, 1836. $1.50

1199. Zeller, Gobat Hanna. Feldblumen aus dem Heiligen Land. A Collection of 54 Plates Colored from Nature. Tall 8vo, full gilt, fine copy. Basel, (1875). $3.50


1200. Albany Institute, Transactions of. Fungi by Peck, Flora by Stevens, contains the Historic “Manual of the Inst.,” by D. J. Pratt. 381 pp. Albany, 1870. $2.25

1201. Barnes, C. R. Genera and Species of Mosses of N. America. Artificial Keys to Trans. Wisc. Acad. Sci. Vol. VIII. Paper, 70 pp. Madison, 1892. $1.50

1202. Berkeley, M. J. British Fungi. Dried Specimens of the Species Described in Vol. 5, part 2, of the English Flora; Together With Such as May Hereafter be Discovered Indigenous to Britain. Fasc. IV. 4 pp. and specimens 241-306, followed by blank leaves, then specimens 307-350, inclus. 4to, orig. boards, cracked, paper label. This copy probably belonged to Ravenel, but does not have his name. London, 1853. $4.50

1203. Berkeley, M. J. The English Flora of Sir James Edward Smith. Part 2, Fungi by Rev. M. J. Berkeley. Odd vol., complete on Fungi. Boards, uncut, 386+32 pp. London, 1836. $2.50

1204. Berkeley, M. J. Outlines of British Fungology, Containing Characters of Above a Thousand Species. 24 hand-colored plates. London, 1860. $2.75

1205. Berkeley, M. J. and Curtis. Exotic Fungi of Surinam from the Schweinitz Herbarium. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila. 18 pp., paper, 1 plate, folio, with title and index to the vol. Phila., 1853. $1.25

1206. Braithwaite, R. The Sphagnaceæ or, Peat Mosses of Europe and N. America. Illus. by 29 plates of hundreds of species. Imperial 8vo. Published at 1£, 5s., as new. London, 1900. $2.75

1207. Britten, James. European Ferns, with Coloured Illus. From Nature by D. Blair. 4to, full gilt, 196 pp. London, N. York, n. d. $5.00

1208. Clark, Joseph. Catalogue of Ferns and Flowering Plants Growing within Six Miles of Cincinnati, O. Pub’d by Western Acad. of Nat. Sciences. 30 pp., with interesting MS. annotations. 12mo, paper. (Cincinnati, 1852.) $2.25

1209. Cooke, M. C. Handbook of British Hepaticæ, Containing Descriptions and Figures of the Indigenous Species of Marchantia, Jungermannia Riccia, and Anthoceros, Illus., as new. London. $1.50

1210. Cooke, M. C. Microscopic Fungi. Introduction to the Study of Microscopic Fungi, Rust, Smut, Mildew, and Mould, 269 Coloured Figures, by J. E. Sowerby, Fifth ed., revised and enlarged, as new. London. $1.50

1211. Cooke, M. C., et Quelet, L. Clavis Synoptica Hymenomycetum Europæorum. 12mo, 240+32 pp. London, 1878. $1.00

1213. Connecticut. Catalogue of the Phenogamous Plants and the Ferns Growing Without Cultivation, Within 5 Miles of Yale College, Ct. Author’s ed. from Appendix to E. Baldwin’s History of Yale College. Paper, 38 pp. N. Haven, 1831. $2.00

1214. Costantin, M. J., and Dufour, M. L. Nouvelle Flore des Champignons, Pour la Detérmination Facile des Toutes Les Espéces, de France, et de la Plupart Des Espéces Européennes, Avec 4166 Figures et une Planche de 42 Couleurs. 12mo, pr. covers, 291 pp., second ed., uncut. Paris, n. d. $2.00

1215. Dillenii, Jo. Jac., M. D. Historia Muscorum, in Qua Circiter Sexcentæ Species Veteres et Novæ ad sua Genera Relatæ Describuntur; et Iconibus Genuinis Illustrantur: cum Appendice et Indice Synonyorum. 4to, half calf, pp. xvi+572+Appendice, 85 plates. This edition has a number of plates added and the modern names systematically arranged. A rare work. Binding broken. Edinburgh, 1811. $15.00

1216. Donkin, Arthur S., M. D. Natural History of British Diatomaceæ. Parts 1, 2 and 3 (all published). Printed paper covers, pp. 1-74, inclus., plates. London, n. d. $2.00

1217. Ellis North American Fungi. Alphabetical Index. Centuries I-X, inclus., and Index of Habitats. Centuries I-X, inclus. Compiled by W. C. Stevenson, Jr. 4to, paper, 7+4 pp., 2 pieces. $1.00

1218. Engelmann, Geo. Cactaceæ of the Mexican Boundary. Author’s Edition. Autogr. pres. copy from Engelmann to Prof. Ravenel of S. Carolina. 4to, paper covers, 78 pp. Text, 75 plates. Wash., 1858. $3.50

1219. Ferns. Hand List of Ferns and Fern Allies in the Royal Gardens at Kew. Pr. paper covers, 183 pp. London, 1895. $1.25

1220. Ferns. Les Fougeres Nouveau Choix des Especes les Plus Remarquables. Par E. Roze. Tome second, half mor., full gilt, 80 full-page colored plates. Paris, 1868. $1.75

1221. Francis, G. W. An Analysis of the British Ferns and Their Allies. With copper-plate engravings of every species and variety. 72 pp., 6 plates, rare first ed., orig. boards, paper label, plates drawn and beautifully engraved by the Author. London, 1837. $2.00

1222. Francis, G. W. Same. Fifth Ed., Revised. 10 plates. London, 1855. $1.50

1223. Gifford, Isabella. The Marine Botanist, An Introduction to the Study of British Sea-Weeds, etc. Third ed., improved and enlarged, with illus. Printed in Oil Colours. 12mo, 357 pp., colored plates. Brighton, 1853. $2.00

1224. Gray, Asa. Autograph Association Copy of Tuckermans Lichens, etc. Amer. Acad. of Arts and Scis., Proc. of, vol. I (complete), selected from the Records, May, 1846, to May, 1848. This copy was forwarded by Asa Gray, Corresponding Sec. of the A. A. A. to Dr. Henry I. Bowditch, of Boston. A Letter Head sheet of the Acad. in Autogr. of Gray accompanies the vol., stating he has “forwarded it per Stratton’s Express to the Bowditch Library.” On the front cover of the vol. “Bowditch Library” also appears, in Gray’s handwriting. This vol. is of further historic interest, as it contains the Rept. of the Academy Committee to whom Professor Henry referred his first Programme for the Organization of the Smithsonian Instit., which report is signed Edward Everett [Chairman], Jared Sparks, Benj. Pierce, Henry W. Longfellow, Asa Gray, Dec. 4th, 1847. It contains, also Edward Tuckerman’s Synopsis of the Lichens of the U. S. and British America, alone worth $6.00. Orig. paper covers, uncut, fine copy, very rare in any state. $8.75

1225. Gray, Samuel O. British Sea-Weeds. An Introduction to the Study of Marine Algæ of Great Britain, Ireland and the Channel Islands. 12mo, 312 pp., 16 colored plates, first ed., rare. London, 1867 $2.75

1226. Grout, A. J. Mosses With a Hand-Lens. 72 pp., Illus. by Mary V. Thayer. New York [1900]. $1.50

1227. Harkness, H. W. Californian Hypogæous Fungi. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., Series 3, vol. 1. Printed covers, colored plates, author’s autogr. copy, pp. 242 to 292. San Francisco, 1899. $1.25

1228. Harvey, Wm. Henry. Nereis Boreali-Americani; or, Contributions Toward a History of the Marine Algæ of the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts of N. America. Part 1, Melanosphermeæ; part 2, Rhodosphermeæ; part 3, Chlorosphermeæ. 4to, many colored plates, bound together in a cloth cover to Smithson. Cont. to Knowl., in which series the work was published. Orig. covers of parts 1 and 3 bound in. Autograph of Richard Rush. Washington, 1853-58. $11.00

1229. Heath, Francis G. The Fern World. Fourth Ed., Full gilt, 459 pp., col. illus. London, 1878. $2.75

1230. Hedwig, John. Fundamentum Historiæ Naturalis Muscorum Frondosorum. Square 8vo, 2 vols. in 1, 20 hand-colored plates, full tree calf, fine copy. Hedwig was the discoverer of the true sexual characters of Cryptogamia and corrected the mistakes of Linnæus’ System in this regard. Rare. Leipsig, 1782. $5.00

1231. Herbst, Dr. Wm., Trexlertown, Pa. Fungal Flora of the Lehigh Valley, Pa. 229 pp., portrait, illus. Allentown, 1899. $2.00

1232. Hofmeister. The Germination, Development and Fructification, of the Higher Cryptogamia; Also of the Fructification of the Coniferæ. By Dr. Wilhelm Hofmeister. Trans, by Fred Currey, F. R. S. Octavo, orig. cloth, 491 pp., 65 engraved plates of many figures. London, The Ray Society, 1862. $6.00

1233. Hooker, Sir Wm. J. Species Filicium. Descriptions of all Known Ferns, Illus. with plates. In parts, as issued, viz:—Vol. 2, parts 3 and 4, completing that vol.; also vol. 3, complete. Published at 40 shillings. London, 1858, etc. The lot, $3.50

1234. Hooker, Sir W. J., and Baker, J. G. Synopsis Filicum; or, a Synopsis of All Known Ferns, Including the Osmundaceæ, Schizæaceæ, Marattiaceæ, and Ophioglossaceæ. With figures representing the essential Characters of each Genus. 482 pp., 9 plates. London, 1868. $4.00

1235. Hooker, W. J., and Greville, R. K. Icones Filicium. Figures and Descriptions of Ferns principally Such as have been Unnoticed by Botanists or are Incorrectly Figured. These splendidly drawn and engraved folio copper-plates were issued in fasciculi of 20 plates each, at 25 shillings per part, uncolored, uncut, in pr. paper covers. A few were colored at 2 guineas per fasciculus. Twelve of these were published, issued quarterly, and the complete set commands a high price to-day, being one of the most reliable Icones on this subject. The set here offered includes the first 10 fasciculi in the original parts, as issued, and costing $60.00. As each plate and part is complete in itself, not bearing necessary connection with the series, the lack of the two final parts does not affect their proportionate value. In 10 parts, royal folio, 200 plates. London, 1827-29. $15.00

1236. Hughes, Wm. R. Principles and Management of the Marine Aquarium. 56 pp., plates. London, 1875. $1.25

1237. Johnson, Geo. W. The British Ferns Popularly Described. 12mo, full gilt, 284 pp., illus. London, 1857. $1.50

1238. Journal Mycology. U. S. Dept. of Agri. Washington, D. C. Vols. 6 and 7, complete in parts, as issued. The 2 vols. $4.50

1239. Journal Mycology. Odd parts, Quoted.

1240. Kellerman, W. A. Mycological Bulletin. Nos. 25 to 87, inclus., complete. No. 25 begins the semi-monthly series. Paper, illus., Columbus, Ohio, 1905-08, inclus. The lot, $4.00

1241. Landsborough, D. Popular History of British Sea-Weeds, with Notices of the Fresh-Water Algæ. Third ed. Colored plates, square 16mo, gilt edges, 400 pp., fine copy. London, 1857. $1.25

1242. Leighton, Rev. W. A. The British Species of Angiocarpous Lichens Elucidated by Their Sporida. 101 pp. plus List of Subscribers, etc. Colored plates, rare. London, Pr. for the Ray Society, 1851. $5.00

1243. Leighton, Rev. W. A. The Lichen-Flora of Great Britain, Ireland and the Channel Islands. 12mo, 467 pp., somewhat thumbed. Very rare. Shrewsbury, 1871. $3.00

1244. Lindblad, Dr. M. A. Svampbok. Bearbetad af Lars Romell Jämte H. Sandeberg. 2 vols., 1 vol. of text, buckram, 166 pp., illus. and folder of colored plates. Stockholm, 1902. $1.25

1245. Lloyd, C. G. A Quite Full Series of the Perplexing Occasional, and Other More regular Issues From the Press of the Lloyd Library Relating to Mycology. Including Mycol. Notes, Nos. 1 to 31, inclus., with the 123 plates, complete; also Old Species Series, Catalogues, Reports, Writings, Letters, etc. Complete, 56 pieces. A difficult lot to get together. Paper. Cincinnati, 1895 to 1908. As a lot, $5.00

1246. Lloyd, C. G. Compilation of the Volvæ of the U. S. Pr. paper covers, illus. Cincinnati, 1898. $1.25

1247. LLoyd, C. G. Mycological Notes and Museum Reports. Lot of 7 pieces, 1897, ’98, ’99. Stitched. Cincinnati, Lot, $2.00

1248. Lloyd, C. G. Set of 26 Photogravures of American Fungi. Nos. 1 to 26, as issued, 4to, loose in folder. Cincinnati, n. d. $2.25

1249. Lowe, E. J. Ferns, British and Exotic. 8 vols., half calf. A very fine set of the rare first edition, with finest plates. London, 1856. $15.00

1250. Lowe, E. J. Natural History of New and Rare Ferns, Containing Species and Varieties, None of Which are Included in Any of the Eight Vols. of “Ferns, British and Exotic.” Illus. with colored plates and woodcuts. Imperial 8vo, uncut. London, 1864. $3.00

1251. Lowe. Same. London, 1871. $2.50

1251A. Marshall, N. L. Mosses and Lichens. A Popular Guide to the Identification and Study of Our Commoner Mosses and Lichens; Their Uses and Methods of Preserving. 16 colored plates and numerous others from photos by H. C. Anderson. Royal 8vo. Pub. at $4.00. New York, 1907. $2.75

1252. Marshall, N. L. The Mushroom Book. A Popular Guide to the Identification and Study of Our Commoner Fungi, with Special Emphasis on the Edible Varieties. 170 pp., uncut, very fully illus., several plates in colors, royal 8vo, new buckram. New York, 1904. $2.00

1253. Massee, G. British Fungus-Flora. A Classified Text-Book of Mycology. 4 vols., first edition, 432 pp., Capt. Chas. McIlvaine’s autogr. copy, annotated throughout in his hand. Illus. London, 1892-95. $4.75

1254. McIlvaine, Charles (Author of “1000 American Fungi.”) Entire Collection of Original Illustrations Made by Captain McIlvaine and the Artists, Frank D. Briscoe and Val Starnes, for His Great Work on Fungi. This collection includes a large number of water color sketches, color proofs, with marginal corrections and directions to the printers, pen and ink drawings, photographs, etc. Also a very interesting collection of Capt. McIlvaine’s correspondence with Prof. C. H. Peck, N. Y. State Botanist and other specialists relating to this encyclopedic work, List of Subscribers for the first 600 numbered and signed copies, MS. of several lectures on Fungi, etc. The MS. for the text was destroyed. The above comprises the entire matter except the text of this book, which was published at Indianapolis, 1900. $150.00

1255. McIlvaine, C. Articles on Poisonous Toadstools, by. Pub. in Amer. Jour. Pharm. and Med. and Sur. Reporter. 4 pieces. 1885, ’96. $1.00

1256. Mettenius’ Fern Monographs. Uber einige Farngattungen Von Dr. G. Mettenius zu Leipzig. Six Monographs in 1 vol., each part with above title. 1, Plypodium; 2, Palagiogyra; 3, Pteris; 4, Phegopteris and Aspidium; 5, Cheilanthes; 6, Asplenium. Each part illus. by fine plates, text in Latin, 4to, three-quarter green mor., fine copy. A standard authority. All published. Frankfurt, A. M., 1857-59. $5.00

1257. Morgan, A. P. North American Fungi. Papers 1 to 5, Inclus. Jour. Cincin. Soc. Nat. Hist., 1889-92. Paper, in folder, illus. The lot, $1.25

1258. Newman, Edward. History of British Ferns. First Ed. 104 pp., illus. London, 1840. $1.75

1259. Newman, Edward. Same. 343 pp., Illus. London, 1854. $1.25

1260. N. York. 27th Annual Report N. Y. State Museum of Nat. History. 148 pp., 13 plates. Albany, 1875. $2.00

1261. Peck, C. H. Edible Fungi of New York (Rep. of Bot., 1895-99). 4to, boards, 25 full-page colored plates. Albany, 1900. $1.75

1262. Peck, Charles H. 49th Ann. Rept. State Botanist of N. York, for 1895. Paper, 69 pp., with the 6 quarto color plates, 2 pieces. Albany, 1896. $1.50

1263. Peck, Charles H. Mushrooms and Their Use. Pr. paper covers, 80 pp., 32 illus. Cambridge, 1897. $1.00

1264. Peck, C. H. Set of 7 Author’s Separata from Torrey Bulletin, 1895-1900, on New Species of Fungi, with MSS. Index, by Capt. McIlvaine. Paper, in folder. The lot, $1.25

1265. Philadelphia Mycological Center. Bulletins Nos. 1, 2 and 3. Paper. Phila., 1897-98. The lot, 90c.

1266. Same. Odd Nos. 2 and 3. Each, 25c

1267. Reichardt, Dr. H. W. Fungi, Hepaticæ et Musci Frondosi (of Novara Botanical Exped.) Complete Report on. Pages 131-196, 4to, uncut, 17 plates. $1.50

1268. Robinson, John. Ferns in Their Homes and Ours. Third Ed. Colored plates and woodcuts, 12mo. Salem, 1879. $1.50

1269. Seaweeds from Newport. A collection of seaweeds beautifully mounted on Cards in a folio half morocco Album of about 100 leaves. Entitled in MSS. “Flowers of the Ocean, Newport, 1851,” on a card surrounded by a wreath of Seaweed, underneath in lace bordered paper 2 verses in same writing, evidently that of a woman. About 300 species represented, very finely mounted on one side of sheets. In splendid state of preservation and color, representing years of artistic devotion. $8.00

1270. Seaweeds, From Prof. E. A. Apgar’s Collection. Trenton, N. J. All Identified and mounted in two 4to blank books. Nearly 200 species represented. In good order. No localities. $2.75

1271. Smith, John. Ferns, British and Foreign. History, Classification and Enumeration of the Species of Garden Ferns with a Treatise on their Cultivation. Enlarged ed. 12mo, illus., as new. London, 1896. $1.75

1272. Smith, John. Historia Filicum, Exposition of the Nature and Organography of Ferns, with a new Arrangement, Geogr. Distrib., etc. 30 Lithog. plates by Fitch. 12mo, uncut, 429 pp. London, 1875. $2.50

1273. Smith, Rev. Wm. A Synopsis of the British Diatomaceæ, with Remarks on their Structure, Functions and Distribution, etc. In 2 vols. (Vol. 1 only.) Tall 8vo, 89 pp., 31 engraved plates, colored frontis. All pub. London, 1853. $3.00

1274. Spegazzini, Carolo. The Complete Series of Monographs on the Fungi of Patagonia, Tierra del Fuego, and of Sao Polo, Brazil, the latter being based on the Collections of Dr. Puiggariani. As pub. in the 4 issues of vol. 11, Boletin de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias, en Cordoba. Pr. paper covers, 623 pp. Buenos Ayres, 1887 to 1889. $4.00

1275. Stevenson, Rev. John. British Fungi (Hymenomycetes). Capt. C. McIlvaine’s annotated copy. 2 vols., illus., 273 pp.+336 pp., uncut. Edinburgh and London, 1886. $4.25

1276. Taylor, Thos., Microscopist. 7 Reports of. U. S. Dept. Agric. Division of Microscopy. 7 pieces, pr. paper covers, colored and plain plates. Wash., 1890 to 1894. $1.75

1277. Tripp, F. E. British Mosses, Their Homes, Aspects, Structure and Uses, with 39 plates containing 526 hand-colored figures of each species, etched on copper. An exquisite and also a scientific work. 2 vols., royal 8vo, London, 1874. $7.00

1278. Tuckerman, Edward. Synopsis of the North American Lichens. Part 1, comprising the Parmeliacei, Caldoniei, and Coenogoniei. 261 pp., fine copy. Boston, 1882. $4.75

1279. Turner, D. The British Fuci, Selected. Thirty-one Plates with Letter-Press Descriptions in English and Latin, finely colored. 4to, boards, uncut. This is the publisher’s selection and consists of 52 colored plates (instead of 31), running from Nos. 13 to 257, with text. The complete work was published at $100, selection of 32 plates at about $20.00. 1808-1819. $6.50

1280. Underwood, L. M. Our Native Ferns and How to Study Them, with Descriptions of N. Amer. Species. 12mo, illus., 1st ed. Bloomington, 1881. $1.25

1281. Vaillant, Leon. De la Fecondation dans les Cryptogames These Presentee E et Soutennea Le Faculte de Medecine de Paris. 134 pp., 2 plates, paper. Paris, 1863. $1.50

1282. Van den Bosch, R. B. Hymenophyllaceæ Javanicæ, sive Descriptio Hymenoph-Archipelagi Indici; Iconibus illustrata, anctore. Author’s excerpt from Naturk, Verh. Der Koninkl. Akademic Deel IX, pp. 1 to 67, with Index, and the 52 finely engraved plates representing 200 or 300 species. An exhaustive monograph, 4to, paper, uncut, complete. $3.50

1283. Williams, Benj. S. Hints on the Cultivation of British and Exotic Ferns and Lycopodiums. Descriptions of 150 Species and Varieties. 67 pp. London, 1852. $1.75

1284. Williamson, John. Ferns of Kentucky, Illustrating Structure, Fertilization, Classification, Genera and Species. The best U. S. Fern Manual, from types very artistic, rare first edition, 154 pp., 60 plates. Louisville, 1878. $4.00

1285. Wood, Horatio C. Contribution to the History of the Fresh-Water Algæ of N. America. Smiths. Contr. to Knowledge. 4to, 262 pp., 19 colored and 2 plain plates. Paper. Wash., 1872. $2.50


1286. (Anderson, J.) Miscellaneous Observations on Planting and Training Timber Trees, Particularly Calculated for Climate of Scotland, etc. Tree calf, 230 pp., name on title, fine copy. Edinburgh, 1777. $2.75

1287. A Ramble in the Woods. 16mo, Frontis., 120 pp. London, Circa 1830. $1.00

1288. Browne, D. J. The Sylva Americana, or, A Description of the Forest Trees Indigenous to the U. S., Practically and Botanically Considered. Illus. by more than 100 engravings. First ed. Frontis., fine, clean copy, full sheep. Brought at auction in 1901 (half calf), $15.50. Bang’s sale. Boston, 1832. $5.00

1289. Browne, D. J. The Trees of America, Native and Foreign, Pictorially and Botanically Delineated and Scientifically and Popularly Described. 520 pp., illus., first ed., finely bound in half mor. N. York, 1846. $2.75

1290. Bacon, Francis (Lord Verulam). Sylva Sylvarum, or, A Naturall Historie in Ten Centuries. Pub. after Author’s Death by Wm. Rowley. Calf, tall 8vo, 260 pp. (Also) A New Atalantis. An Unfinished Work. 47 pp. Second ed., with the rare portrait not in later eds., very scarce. London, 1635. $7.00

1291. Barnard, George. Hand-Book of Foliage and Foreground Drawing. 12mo, 125 pp., plates, 1 stained. London, n. d. $1.75

1292. Blenkarn, John. British Timber Trees. Directions for Measurement and Valuations of Standing Timber, etc. 275 pp., uncut, woodcuts. London and N. York, 1859. $2.50

1293. Booth, John. Die Douglas-Fichte und Einige Andere Nadelholzer namentlich aus dem Nordwestlichen Amerika, etc. 92 pp., uncut, folding map, photos. Berlin, 1877. $3.00

1294. Boutcher, Wm. A Treatise on Forest Trees. Directions for Disposition, Planting and Culture of Hedges, etc. 4to, 259 pp., extra fine calf copy. Edinburgh, 1775. $5.00

1295. Cabinet Makers’ Guide. Rules and Instructions in Varnishing, Dyeing, Staining Wood, Ivory, etc. New Edition with Appendix. 16mo, uncut, orig. calico boards. Table of Weight of cube foot of different woods. Greenfield, Mass., 1825. $1.75

1296. Childs, Geo. Woodland Sketches. A Series of Characteristic Portraits of Trees. With Historical, Poetical and Miscellaneous Descriptions by the Author of “Sentiment of Flowers.” 4to, inlaid to folio size and extra illustrated by numerous fine old etchings and line engravings of notable trees, etc., half mor. London, 1839. Fuller description will be sent. $30.00

1297. Coleman, W. S. Our Woodlands, Heaths and Hedges. Popular Description of Trees, Shrubs, Wild Fruits, etc., with Notices of their Insect Inhabitants. 12mo, 198 pp., colored plates, cuts. London, 1866. $1.75

1298. Cooper, J. G., M. D. Forests and Trees of Northern America, as Connected with Climate and Agriculture. Pp. 416-445. Report of Patent Office for 1860. Frontis. and map. Wash., 1861. $1.25

1299. Elliott, F. R. Popular Deciduous and Evergreen Trees and Shrubs, etc. 16mo, 125 pp., illus. N. York, 1870. $1.00

1300. Ellis, Wm. Farming and Husbandry in All Sorts of Soils, According to the latest Improvements, by the Dublin Society. Nearly half of book devoted to Forestry. Old calf. Dublin, 1735. $1.50

1301. Emerson, G. B. A Report on the Trees and Shrubs Growing Naturally in the Forests of Massachusetts. 17 plates, in orig. pr. covers, uncut, fine copy, and rare in any state, much more so in such large paper. Boston, 1846. $3.75

1302. English Forests and Forest Trees, Historical, Legendary and Descriptive. Frontispiece and numerous illus., 406 pp., fine copy. London, 1853. $2.00

1303. Evelyn, John. Sylva. A Discourse of Forest-Trees and the Propagation of Timber. Terra; an Essay of Earth. Pomona; or, Appendix of Fruit Trees in Relation to Cider, etc., and Kalendarium Hortense. Third ed. Folio, calf, 412+38 pp., 2 title pp., name on first title-page, scarce. London, 1679. $6.00

1304. Evelyn, John. Same. Fourth Ed., with Terra, Pomona, Acetaria and Kalendarium Hortense. Folio, paneled calf, cracked, 384+275 pp., illus. Fine portrait of Evelyn. The best ed. London, 1706. $8.00

1305. Evelyn, John. Same. Fifth Ed. In 2 books. With Historical Account of Sacredness and Use of Standing Groves, Terra, Pomona, and Kalendarium Hortense. Folio, old calf, rebacked, 329+235 pp., title rubricated, fine copy. London, 1729. $5.50

1306. Fernow and Tratman. Report of Substitution of Metal for Wood in Railroad Ties. U. S. Dept. Agric, Forestry Div., Bull. Printed covers, 30 plates, valuable. Wash., 1890. $1.25

1307. Fisher, Wm. Richard. The Forest of Essex, Its History, Laws, Administration and Ancient Customs, and the Wild Deer Which Lived in it. 4to, 448 pp., illus., map, fac-simile grant. London, 1887. $6.00

1308. Forest Trees. 31 Mounted Sheets of American Forest Trees. School Cabinet of Forest Trees. Prepared by direction of Commissioner of Education, with supervision of Botanist, Dept. of Agric., Wash., D. C. The lot, loose in portfolio. Wash., 1876. $3.00

1309. Furnas, R. W. Arbor Day. 12mo, Boards, Portrait of J. Sterling Morgan, author of Arbor Day. Lincoln, Nebraska, 1888. $1.25

1309A. Gisborne, Thomas. Walks in a Forest, or, Poems Descriptive of Scenery and Incidents Characteristic of a Forest, at different seasons of the year. 16mo, calf, nice copy. Phila., Hall and Sellers, 1803. $1.75

1310. Goeppert, H. R. Monographie der Fossilen Coniferen, Mit Beruecksichtigung der Lebenden. 4to, pr. boards, 286 pp. + 73 pp., plain and colored plates. Leiden, 1850. $4.50

1311. Gordon, Geo., Assisted by Glendinning, Robt. The Pinetum. Synopsis of all the Coniferous Plants at Present Known, and comprising nearly 100 New Kinds. 353 pp., uncut. London, 1858. $4.00

1312. Grindon, Leo H. Trees of Old England. Sketches of the Aspects, Associations and Uses of the Forests, giving effect to the Scenery of our Native Country. First ed., illus., 96 pp., fine copy. Boston, 1868. $2.00

1313. Hale, P. M. The Woods and Timbers of N. Carolina. Compiled from the Botanical and Geol. Reports of Drs. Curtis, Emmons and Kerr, etc. Paper covers, 272 pp. Raleigh, 1890. $2.75

1314. Harvey, Alex. Trees and Their Nature, or, The Bud and Its Attributes. Told in Series of Letters to Author’s Sons. 12mo, 236 pp., illus. Author’s pres. copy. London, 1856. $1.50.

1315. Hough, Romeyn B. The American Woods, Exhibited by Actual Specimens and with Copious Explanatory Text. Vol. 1, Representing 25 Species by 27 sets of Sections. Vol. 1 only in orig. slip case, with clasp and 3 prospectuses of the work inserted. A fine example of this costly and unique work, even odd vols. of which are now extremely scarce. Lowville, N. Y. Pub. by the Author, 1888. $7.00

1316. Heath, Francis G. Autumnal Leaves. 12mo, full gilt, 352 pp., 12 colored plates. London, 1881. $2.50

1317. Heath, Francis G. Burnham Beeches. 12mo, full gilt, illus. London, 1879. $1.75

1318. Heath, Francis G. Sylvan Winter. full gilt, 354 pp., illus. London, 1886. $1.75

1319. Heath, F. G. Tree Gossip. Orig. cloth, uncut, illus. 176 pp., good copy. London, 1885. $2.25

1320. Heath, Francis G. Our Woodland Trees. 572 pp., full gilt, colored plates, illus. London, 1878. $3.00

1321. Hoopes, Josiah. Book of Evergreens. Practical Treatise on Coniferæ or Cone-Bearing Plants. Illus., 435 pp. An authority of much value, fine copy, scarce. N. York [1868]. $3.00

1322. Hough, F. B. Elements of Forestry. Creation and Care of Woodlands, etc. 381 pp., illus. Cincinnati, 1882. $2.00

1323. Howel, James. Dodona’s Grove, or, The Vocall Forest. The Last Ed., with the Addition of Two Other Tracts. England’s Tears for the Present Wars and The Pre-Eminence of Parlements. 16mo, orig. old calf, cracked, 189 pp. + 22 pp., folding plate, frontis. London, n. d. $3.00

1324. Huntington, A. E. Studies of Trees in Winter. A Description of the Deciduous Trees of Northeastern America. With an Introduction by C. S. Sargent. 70 full-page half tones from photographs by the Author and 12 colored plates by M. S. More. New, uncut, gilt tops. A Most useful Manual. Boston, 1905. $2.25

1324A. Jardins ou L’Art d’Embellir les Paysages Poeme par Delille. Finely illus. by engraved plates and woodcuts. Royal 8vo, half mor., rare. Paris, 1844. $5.75

1325. Jepson, Willis Linn. California, Trees of. Buckram, 228 pp., 125 orig. figures, plates, etc. A working manual of much value, as new, with Autogr. Letter of author inserted. San Francisco (1909). $3.00

1326. Johns, Rev. C. A. The Forest Trees of Britain. 431 pp. illus. London, and N. York, n. d. $2.50

1327. Junius, L. Moderatus Columella of Husbandry, in 12 Books. And His Book Concerning Trees. Trans. into English, with illus. from Pliny, Cato, Varro, etc. 4to, calf, 600 pp., + Index. London, 1745 $6.00

1328. Kellogg & Greene. Illustrations of West American Oaks. From Drawings by the Late Albert Kellogg, M. D. The Text by Albert M. Greene. Pub. from Funds Provided by James M. McDonald, Esq., Quarto, 84 pp., 37 plates. Orig. cloth, privately printed. Very rare and indispensable to students of this branch. San Francisco, May, 1889. $9.50

1329. Kennion, Edward. An Essay on Trees in Landscape, or, an Attempt to shew the Propriety and Importance of Characteristic Expression in this branch of Art, and the Means of producing it, with Examples. Illus. with over 60 plates. This beautiful work was pub. with only 50 plates by Boydell & Co. and J. Newman, Colourman, London, 1815. Over this imprint H. G. Bohn has pasted his imprint of 1844, stating, “This Copy has, besides the Usual Number of 50 plates, 4 large unpublished Landscapes by Kennion and 6 Picturesque Studies of Trees, beautifully etched by H. W. Williams. In all Sixty Plates.” There are 48 pages of Text. Some of the plates are slightly spotted by damp. Royal 4to, half morocco, gilt. London, 1844. $15.00

1330. Kirby, Mary and Eliz. Chapters on Trees. Popular Account of their Nature and Uses. 12mo, 320 pp., illus. London, N. York, etc. (1873). $2.50

1331. Kollner, A. North American Foliage and Trees Drawn from Nature in leisure moments on wanderings in the U. S. and Canada. 13 lithographic views, size about 11 × 14 inches, showing characteristic trees, with name of locality. Loose in illus. paper cover, as issued, no text was published. (Phila., 1860.) $2.75

1331A. Loudon, J. C. History and Geography of the Trees and Shrubs of Britain. Vol. 1 of his Arboretum. With Index contents of the whole Series of 8 volumes. Includes Introduced American Species, with Habitat. 494 pp., illus., half calf. London, 1838. $3.00

1332. Marshall, Mr. On Planting and Rural Ornament. Practical Treatise. Third ed. 2 vols., calf, cracked. London, 1803. $3.75

1333. Michaux, Andre. Histoire des Chenes de L’Amerique, ou Descriptions et Figures de toutes les espàces et varietés de Chênes de l’Amerique Septentrionale, considerées sous la rapports de la Botanique, de leur Culture et de leur Usage. Illus. with 36 fine copper plates. This fine and sumptuous Folio of Illustrations of the Oak Trees of North America preceded, by many years, Michaux’s well known and classic volumes on the North American Sylva, and is excessively rare. The text occupies 7 numbered pages followed by a Key and Generic Characters of 4 pages. Each of the plates is described by from 2 to 4 pages of text and the last printed page refers to Bibliography of the subject. Royal folio, old calf, back broken, front cover loose. Paris, 1801. $60.00

1334. Michaux, F. Andrew. The N. American Sylva, or, A Description of the Forest Trees of the U. States, Canada and Nova Scotia. Also, of the Most Useful of the European Forest Trees. Illus. by 150 colored engravings. Royal 8vo, as originally pub. in 6 vols., printed boards, uncut. In this original 6-vol. issue, the first and second half vols. are bound in 1, the remaining 5 half vols. are each separately bound. This set is in unusually fine condition both as to press work and coloring of plates. Instead of “150 plates” there are 156. Inside the front cover of vol. 1 is a printed slip of Conditions of Publication and Sale, giving the subscription price of the Colored Set as $36.75. This is the first English translation of this great work. Phila., T. Dobson and S. Conrad; Paris, Hautel, 1817-1819. $57.50

1335. Minnesota. Brown, Elton T. History of the Great Minnesota Forest Fires. 237 pp., illus. St. Paul [1894]. $1.75

1336. Nelson, T. J. (City Solicitor.) The Speech of, For the Corporation of London before the Epping Forest Commissioners, Nov., 1876. Together with Map of the Forest Showing Unlawful Enclosures. Tall 8vo, pr. boards, 94 pp., large folding colored map, 3 feet by 18 inches, very scarce and valuable. London, 1876. $6.00

1337. Nelson, Wm. Manwood’s Treatise of the Forest Laws, Etc. Fourth ed., corrected and enlarged. Calf, cracked, 435 pp.+Table. Some of the Chapter Heads are:—“Hunting,” “Fox,” “Hare,” “Hind,” “Woods in Forests,” “Dogs in a Forest,” etc. London, 1717. $2.50

1338. New York State. Report of the Forestry Commission. Large colored map and views, 4 phototypes, 57 pp., pr. covers. Albany, 1885. $1.25

1339. Nicol, Walter. (Edited and Completed by Edward Sang.) The Planter’s Kalendar; or, The Nurseryman’s and Forester’s Guide in the Operations of Nursery, Forest and Grove. Orig. boards, cracked, uncut, 595 pp., 3 plates, 2 colored. Edinburgh, 1812. $2.00

1340. Phillips, Henry. Sylva Florifera, The Shrubbery Historically and Botanically treated, with observations on Ornamental Plantations and Picturesque Scenery. A most valuable historic work on Old English Trees and Shrubs. 2 vols., half mor., fine set. London, 1823. $3.00

1341. Pontey, Wm. The Forest Pruner, or, Timber Owner’s Assistant. Treatise on the Management of British Timber Trees (etc.). Examination of the Properties of English Fir Timber, the Management of Oak Woods. 277 pp., calf, eight folding plates, some colored, showing grain of the wood, very useful book. Huddersfield (1805). $2.50

1341A. Pontey, Wm. Same. Third Ed. Boards, cracked, uncut, 277 pp., 8 plates. London, 1810. $2.50

1341B. Pontey, Wm. Same. Fourth Edition. Boards, uncut, 248 pp. + Index, first 3 lines of title torn off, supplied in MS., 9 plates. Leeds, 1826. $2.00

1341C. Pontey, Wm. The Profitable Planter. Treatise on Theory and Practice of Planting Forest Trees, etc. Fourth ed., enlarged, with Appendix. Half calf, 267 pp., 1 plate, fine copy. London, 1814. $3.50

1342. Plants and Trees of Scripture. 16mo, gilt edges, 192 pp. London, (1860?) $1.00

1342A. Robinson, W. The Parks, Promenades and Gardens of Paris Considered in Relation to the Wants of Our Own Cities, etc. Royal 8vo, orig. figured cloth, 648 pp., uncut; first and best illus. ed., fine copy, rare. London, 1869. $5.00

1342B. Robinson, W. Same. Second Edition, Revised. Royal 8vo, uncut, 548 pp., illus. London, 1878. $3.00

1343. Rooke, Hayman. Descriptions and Sketches of Some Remarkable Oaks in the Park at Welbeck, Nottingham Co. 4to, uncut, 23 pp., 10 fine plates, extra fine copy. Very rare. London, 1790. $8.00

1344. Rossmakler, C. U. Der Wald, Den Freunden und Pflegern Des Waldes Geschildert. Zweite Auflage, durchgesehen, erganzt und verbessert von M. Willkomm. 671 pp., illus., colored maps. Leipzig und Heidelberg, 1871. $3.50

1345. Sargent, Chas. Sprague. The Sylva of North America. A description of the Trees which grow naturally in N. America, Exclusive of Mexico. Illus. with figures and Analysis drawn from Nature by Chas. Edward Faxon, and Engraved by Philibert and Eugéne Picart, with Index. A complete set, pub. at $350.00. which consumed twelve years in its publication. It is the most important work extant on the Forest Trees of N. America. With it is a letter from Mr. Sargent and another from the publishers regarding the work. 14 vols., royal 4to, boards, uncut, in fine condition. Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Boston, 1891-1902. $335.00

1346. Sargent, C. S. Catalogue of Forest Trees of N. America. Paper covers, 93 pp., printed on one side of paper, rare. Wash., 1880. $2.50

1347. Sargent, C. S. Report of the Forests of N. America (Exclusive of Mexico). 4to, 612 pp. Also large folio atlas of 16 colored maps. 2 vols. Wash., 1884. $4.50

1348. Sargent, C. S., and Robinson, J. The Native Woods of Essex Co., Mass. Account of General Distributions, Uses, Specific Gravity, Strength, etc. Author’s ed. Paper, 34 pp., uncut, 2 folding tables. Peabody Academy, Salem, 1885. $2.00

1349. Searle, January. Leaves from Sherwood Forest. 16mo, 180 pp., first ed., very rare. London, 1850. $2.25

1350. Sudworth, G. B. Check List of the Forest Trees of the U. S., their Names and Ranges. U. S. Dept. Agric. Forestry, Bull. No. 17. Paper, Wash., 1898. $1.25

1351. Synopsis of the Coniferous Plants Grown in Great Britain, and Sold by Knight and Perry, etc. 64 pp. London, circa. 1840. $2.75

1352. Thompson, James. Complete Treatise on Mensuration of Timber. [Containing New and Interesting Improvements, etc.,] with Descriptions of Sliding Rule and Gunter’s Scale. 16mo, calf, loose. Troy (N. Y., 1805). $1.50

1353. Timber Trees and Fruits. Illustrated with Wood Engravings. Library of Entert. Knowl. 12mo, half calf, 422 pp. London, 1830. $1.00

1354. Woodland Gleanings. 12mo, full gilt, 188 pp., illus., 1st ed., fine copy. London, 1837. $2.50

1355. (Wordsworth.) Sylvan Sketches, or, A Companion to the Park and Shrubbery, with Illustrations from the Works of the Poets. 408 pp., cracked, uncut, frontis. London, 1831. $2.00

1356. (Wordsworth.) Same. Boards, uncut, 408 pp. London, 1825. $2.25

Agriculture and Horticulture.

1357. Abercrombie, John. The Garden Vade Mecum, or, Compendium of General Gardening, etc. First ed. 12 mo, calf, 585 pp., frontis. London, 1789. $3.00

1358. Abercrombie, John. The Complete Kitchen Gardener, and Hot-Bed Forcer, etc. 12mo, sheep, 509 pp. London, 1799. $3.00

1359. Adlum. On Making Wine. 12mo, stitched, uncut, unopened, 36 pp. Very rare first ed. of this pioneer American Wine Pamphlet. Georgetown, D. C., 1826. $3.00

1360. Agricola, G. A. The Experimental Husbandman and Gardener. Containing a New Method of Improving Estates and Gardens, etc. Trans. from the Original. Second ed., with Appendix by R. Bradley, Prof. of Botany, at Cambridge. 4to, calf, 314 pp., folding plates. London, 1726. $7.50

1361. Allen, R. L. The American Farm Book, or, Compend. of American Agriculture. Illus. Also, The Hasty Pudding. Poem in 3 Cantos by Joel Barlow, 11 pp. and Memoir on Maize by D. J. Browne. 48 pp. New York, 1850. $2.00

1362. American Gardener, Containing Directions for a Kitchen Garden, and for the Cultivation of Flower Gardens, Vineyards, Nurseries, Hop-Yards, Greenhouses, and Hot Houses. By John Gardiner and David Hepburn, late Gardeners to Gov. Mercer and General Mason. City of Washington: Pr. by Samuel H. Smith, for the Authors, 1804. 12mo, 208 pp., old calf, fine copy. Extremely rare. $8.00

1363. Anderson, James. A Practical Treatise on Peat Moss, Considered as Affording Fuel, or as Susceptible of Being Converted into Mold, etc. Tree calf, 150 pp. Edinburgh, 1794. $2.75

1364. Appleby, Thos. The Orchid Manual, for Cultivation of Stove, Greenhouse and Hardy Orchids, etc. 12mo, 92 pp., illus. London, n. d. $1.00

1365. Archer, Thos. C. Profitable Plants. Description of Articles of Vegetable Origin Used for Food, Clothing, Tanning, Dyeing, Medicine, etc. 12mo, uncut, 359 pp., 20 colored plates. London, 1853. $2.00

1366. Asa Gray Bulletin. Pub. Agric. College, Mich. and Wash., D. C. Incomplete. Vols. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8; 27 numbers in all. Vol. 8, complete. 1897 to 1900. Orig. paper covers, as a lot, $2.75

1367. Barton, B. S. Epitome of Mr. Forsyth’s Treatise on Culture and Management of Fruit Trees, etc. Also, Economical Principles in Building Farmers’ Habitations. Calf, loose, 192 pp., plates, rare. Phila., 1804. $2.00

1368. Beecher, Henry Ward. The Western Farmer and Gardner. Vol. 2. Unbound, uncut, contains Beecher’s Almanac for 1847. This is the continuation of vol. 1 of Beecher’s Journal which was called Indiana Farmer and Gardener. Rare. Indianapolis, 1846. $2.00

1369. Birkbeck, Morris. Notes on a Journey Through France in 1814. Describing Habits of People and Agriculture of Country. Fifth ed., with Appendix. Boards, uncut, 138 pp. London, 1815. $1.25

1370. Black, John J., M. D. The Cultivation of the Peach and the Pear, on the Delaware and Chesapeake Peninsula. With a Chapter on Quince Culture and the Culture of Some of the Nut Bearing Trees. 397 pp., 8 plates. Wilmington, 1886. $2.50

1371. Blake, Rev. J. L. Conversations on Vegetable Physiology, comprehending Elements of Botany with their Application to Agriculture. 12mo, calf, 372 pp., colored and plain plates. Boston, 1830. $1.50

1372. Board of Agriculture for Promoting the Internal Improvement of Great Britain. Sir John Sinclair, Bart. Pres. Founded 1793. A series of 6, 4to vols., including a large number of titles, chiefly devoted to separately paged monographs on the agriculture of the various Counties of Great Britain and Ireland, by local experts, many of them illus. by engravings and maps. The first vol. has a “Plan of Agreement Among the Powers in Europe and United States of America for the Rewarding Discoveries of General Benefit to Society.” By Sir J. Sinclair. Printed both in French and English. 6 vols., half calf and marbled boards, in fine condition, large paper copy, originally the property of John Horncastle whose book label is in each vol. London, various dates from 1794-1795. $18.00

1373. Bordley, J. B. Essays and Notes on Husbandry and Rural Affairs. Second ed., with many additions and 2 extra copper plates by Bordley, of Md. Nearly 600 pp., new cloth, uncut. Phila., 1801. $1.75

1374. Bourne, H. Flores Poetici. The Florist’s Manual. Designed as an Introduction to Vegetable Physiology and Systematic Botany, for Cultivators of Flowers, with 80 beautifully colored engravings of Poetic Flowers. Orig. ed., 288 pp. Boston, 1833. $2.75

1374A. Bradley, Mrs. Martha. The British Housewife, or, the Cook, Housekeeper’s, Gardiner’s Companion. Containing a General Account of Fresh Provisions of all Kinds, Nature of all Kinds of Foods, Bill of Fare for each Month, Recipes, etc., etc. 2 vols., calf, 752 + 469 pp., 8 plates, frontis. to 1st vol. Old MS. notes throughout of much interest, curious and rare. London, circa. 1780?. $6.00

1375. Brewing. Complete Family Brewer, or, Best Method of Brewing or Making Strong Ale and Small Beer, For Use of Private Families, etc. 12mo, uncut, orig. covers, 24+12 pp. Phila., 1805. $1.75

1376. Bright, Wm. Bright’s Single Stem, Dwarf and Renewal System of Grape Culture, etc. 12mo, 123 pp. Phila., 1860. $1.25

1377. California. Biennial Report of State Board of Horticulture. Second for 1885-86. Colored plates, $1.25. Third for 38th and 39th years, $1.00. Fourth for 1893-4, 75c. Eighth for 1901-2, 75c.

1378. California. Ann. Reports of State Board of Horticulture. First, 3rd and 4th, for 1889, 1891-2. The third in paper. 3 vols. $2.00

1379. California. First and Second Ann. Report of the Chief Executive Viticultural Officer. Paper, 2 vols. Sacramento, 1882-84. $1.50

1380. Carroll, B. R., Editor. The Southern Agriculturist and Register of Rural Affairs Adapted to Southern Section of U. S. Vol. 12, No. 7. Paper covers, pp. 337 to 402, inclus. Rare R. R. and Canal Maps. Charleston, S. C., July, 1839. $1.25

1381. Cobbett, Wm. The English Gardener. Treatise on Situation, Soil, etc., of Kitchen Gardens, Cultivation of Fruit Trees, Shrubs and Flowers, etc. Orig. boards, uncut, paper label, 338 pp., plates and cuts. London, 1833. $2.75

1382. Cobbett, Wm. A Treatise on Cobbett’s Corn. Instructions for Propagating and Cultivating, Harvesting, Preserving Crop, etc. 12mo, half calf, much relative to America. London, 1828. $2.50

1383. Complete Farmer. A General Dictionary of Husbandry, with a Great Variety of New Discoveries and Improvements, The Gardener’s Kalendar, etc. By a Society of Gentlemen. Third ed., corrected and improved. 4to, calf, fully illus., folding copper plates, fine copy. London, 1777. $5.00

1384. Cooling, Edwin. The Domestic Gardener’s Assistant, etc. 12mo, 60 pp. Derby, 1837. $1.25

1385. Copeland, Robt. Morris. Country Life. Hand-Book of Agriculture, Horticulture, etc. Fifth ed., revised. 804 pp. + Supplement of nearly 100 pp., illus. Boston, 1866. $3.00

1386. Cottage Gardener. Country Gentlemen’s Companion and Poultry Chronicle. A Journal of Horticulture, Rural and Domestic Economy, Botany and Natural History. Conducted by George W. Johnson and Robert Hogg. Vols. 24-27, inclus.; 38, 39, 43-48, inclus. Bound in 12 4to vols., half calf, marbled paper sides, very fully illus., by finely executed woodcuts. London, 1860-72. The lot, $18.00

1387. Country Gentleman’s Pocket Companion and Builder’s Assistant for Rural Decorative Architecture, Designs for Summer Houses, Grotto’s etc., in the Augustine, Gothick and Chinese Taste. Engraved on 25 Copper Plates from Designs by Wm. and John Halfpenny. Calf. London, 1753. $2.50

1388. Coventry, Dr. Notes on the Cultivation and Cropping of Arable Land. Paper covers, 48+32+8 pp. Edinburgh, 1812. $2.00

1389. Curtis, Wm. Practical Observations on the British Grasses, Especially such as are Adapted to the Laying Down or Improving of Meadows and Pastures. Additions by John Lawrence and Short Account of Diseases of Corn, etc. By Sir Joseph Banks. Boards, uncut, colored plates, 116 pp. Fifth ed. London, 1812. $2.00

1390. Cyder. A Poem in 2 Books. Fine old paneled calf, gilt, extra wide margins, 89 pp., frontis. London, 1708. $4.50

1391. Darwin, E. Phytologia, or, The Philosophy of Agriculture and Gardening. With Theory of Draining Morasses. Calf, binding broken, plates (one of insects and another of the embryo-chick). Chapters on the arteries, veins, glands, muscles, brain and organs of reproduction of vegetables. Dublin, 1800. $2.00

1392. Delaware, Peninsula Horticultural Society. Transactions of 15th, 17th to 21st Annual Sessions, inclus. Printed paper covers, illus. Dover, Del., 1902, 1904-08, inclus. 6 pieces. $2.00

1393. Dicks, John. A New Gardener’s Dictionary. Containing the Most Approved Methods of Cultivating Trees, Plants and Flowers. The Shrubbery, Kitchen Garden, etc. Folio, old calf, plates, engr. frontis. London, 1769. $4.00

1394. Dictionarium, Rusticum and Urbanicum. A Dictionary of all Sorts of Country Affairs, Handicraft, Trading and Merchandizing. Illus. with cuts of all sorts of Nets, Traps, Engines, etc. Paneled calf, illus. London, 1704. $4.00

1395. Dictionarium, Rusticum, Urbanicum and Botanicum or, Dictionary of Husbandry, Gardening, Trade, Commerce, etc. 2 vols. Third ed., revised, corrected, etc. Calf, illus. London, 1726. $6.00

1396. Dictionarium, Rusticum, Etc. Same. Fourth Ed., Revised, etc. 2 vols. in 1, 12mo, half mor., illus. London, 1765. $5.00

1397. Donn, Jas. Hortus Cantabrigiensis, or, An Accented Catalogue of Indigenous and Exotic Plants cultivated in the Cambridge Botanic Garden. Improved by Pursh. Additions by Lindley. 415 pp., boards, uncut, broken. London, 1826. $1.50

1398. Du Monceau, Duhamel. The Elements of Agriculture. Trans. from French and Revised by Philip Miller. 2 vols. Calf, folding plates, rare. London, 1764. $3.50

1399. Early Agriculture of New York. Memoirs of the Board of Agriculture of the State of New York. Vol. 1. xlviii + 16 + 364 + 109 pp., first ed., printed boards, uncut. Contains Report of Geological Survey of County of Albany, by T. Romeyn Beck. Also orig. letters from Geo. Washington to Sinclair and James Madison’s Address to the Va. Agric. Soc, in 1818. Albany, N. Y., 1821. $3.50

1400. Edwards, Rev. J. Glenny’s Catechism of Gardening. Instructions for Culture of Vegetables and Fruit Trees, etc. Second ed. 12mo, pr. covers, 72 pp. London (1849). $1.00

1401. Fairfield Orchids, Descriptive Catalogue of Species Grown by James Brooke & Co., Manchester, etc. 128 pp., uncut. London, 1872. $2.00

1402. Flagg, W. J. Three Seasons in European Vineyards, Treating of Vine Culture, Vine Disease, Wine Making, etc. 12mo, first ed., illus. New York, 1869. $1.00

1403. Flint, James. Letters from America. Observations on Climate and Agriculture of Western States, Manners of People, Prospects of Emigrants, etc. Half calf, cracked, 330 pp. Contains many notices of trees and shrubs. Edinburgh, 1822. $3.50

1404. Floricultural Cabinet, The, and Florist’s Magazine. Conducted by Jos. Harrison. 6 vols., half calf, numerous colored plates. London, 1833-1838. $7.50

1405. Florist’s Journal and Gardener’s Record. With a Dictionary of Hardy Trees and Shrubs. 3 vols. (all published). Half calf, colored plates and title-page. Contains 3 Dictionaries. 1, Fruit and Vegetables; 2, Trees and Shrubs; 3, Flowers. Rare. London, Pr. by C. and J. Aplard, for R. Groombridge & Sons, circa. 1830. $5.00

1406. Florist’s Manual, The. Hints for Construction of a Gay Flower Garden, etc. 12mo, boards, uncut, 74 pp., illus. London, 1816. $1.25

1407. Forbes, James. Hortus Woburnensis. A Descriptive Catalogue of Upwards of 6000 Ornamental Plants Cultivated at Woburn Abbey, etc. Half calf, uncut, 440 pp., folding plates. London, 1833. $5.00

1408. Force, Peter. Summary of the Principal Chinese Treatises upon the Culture of the Mulberry and the Rearing of Silk Worms. Translated from the Chinese. 198 pp., 10 plates (Chinese). Wash., 1838. $1.50

1409. Gardener’s Magazine and Register of Rural and Domestic Improvement. Conducted by J. C. Loudon, F. L. S. Vols. 1 to 7, inclus., illus., half calf, marbled boards, fine set. 7 vols. London, 1826-1631. $14.00

1410. Gardener’s Monthly and Horticultural Advertiser. Edited by Thomas Meehan. The first 5 vols. of this estimable work profusely illus. by woodcuts and plain and colored plates. All the Advertisements bound in 3 bound vols. Vol. 1, folio, half mor. Vols. 2 to 5, inclus., in 2 vols. 4to, full mor. These early vols. are hard to find. Phila., 1859-63. $6.00

1411. Gardens. De Re Hortensi Libellus Vulgaria, Herbarum, Florum, ac fruticum, qui in hortis conseri solent nemina Latinis vocibus efferre docens ex probatis authoribus. 12mo, vellum, 112 pp. Roberti Stephani. Printed by a celebrated typographer. Parisiis, 1535. $4.50

1412. Gardiner, J. and Hepburn, D. The American Gardener Containing ample directions for working a Kitchen Garden every month in the Year and copious instructions for the cultivation of Flower Gardens, Vineyards, Nurseries, etc. 208 pp., 12mo, calf. City of Washington, Pr. by S. H. Smith for the Author, 1804. $8.00

1413. Gentil, Francis. Le Jardinier Solitaire, The Solitary or Carthusian Gard’ner, Dialogues between a Gentleman and a Gard’ner, containing Methods to Make and Cultivate all Sorts of Gardens, Reflections on the Culture of Trees, etc. (Also) The Compleat Florist, etc., by the Sieur Louis Liger D’Auxerre. Newly Done into English. Old calf, broken, 488 pp., many quaint plates and cuts, part of one plate torn away, title soiled, very rare. London, 1706. $7.00

1414. Gilpin, Wm. S. Practical Hints upon Landscape Gardening, with Remarks on Domestic Architecture, etc. Second ed., 235 pp., uncut, 16 plates. London, 1835. $3.50

1415. Gooseberry Growers’ Register. Account of Different Gooseberry Shows Held in Lancashire and Cheshire, etc. For 1843, 1846, 1859, 1869, 1878. 5 vols. 12mo, cloth and paper covers, 5 pieces. Manchester and Macclesfield. $3.75

1416. Grainger, James, M. D. The Sugar Cane. A Poem in Four Books. With Notes. 4to, boards, uncut, 167 pp., frontis., fine copy, rare. London, 1764. $3.00.

1417. Grass Culture. (1) The Advantages and Methods of Watering Meadows by Art. With 2 plates. By Rev. T. Wright. Cirencester, 1790. (2) Treatise on Alabaster or Gypsum; a Cheap Manure, Particularly for Grass Lands. By Rich’d Weston. London, 1791. (3) Practical Observations on the British Grasses Adapted to Improving Meadows, etc. With Enumeration of the British Grasses. Second ed., with Additions. By Wm. Curtis. London, 1790. 3 works bound together. Boards, 48 + 48 + 67 pp. plates. $3.50

1418. Great American Aloe. Cowell, John. The Curious and Profitable Gardener, Containing Experiments for Improving Land by Grain and Seeds. Exact Description of American Aloe, etc. In 2 parts. Sheep, 126 + 67 pp., folding plate, very scarce. London, 1730. $6.00

1419. Grew, Nehemiah. An Idea of a Phytological History Propounded, With a Continuation of the Anatomy of Vegetables, Particularly Prosecuted Upon Roots, etc. 12mo, old calf, 144 pp. + Explication of plates, folding plates. London, 1673. $5.00

1420. Grundy, Cuthbert C. Notes on the Food of Plants. 12mo, 142 pp. London, 1871. $1.50

1421. Guide to Gentlemen and Farmers for Brewing the Finest Malt Liquors, etc. Fourth ed., with Receipts for Physical Ales, etc. 12mo, 40 pp. London, 1724. $1.25

1422. Hale, Thos. A Compleat Body of Husbandry. To Which is Annexed, The Whole Management of the Orchard, the Brewhouse and the Dairy. Compiled from Original Papers of Thomas Hale, and Enlarged from Collections of Col. Stevenson, Mr. Randolph, Mr. Hawkins, etc. Illus. with a great number of cuts, some of which, particularly the Plans of small Farm Houses are not contained in the English Edition. 4 vols., calf, folding plates, name on title-page. Dublin, 1757. $6.00

1423. Hale, Thos. A Compleat Body of Husbandry, etc. Same. Folio, old calf, cracked, 719 pp., illus. Relates to Forestry, etc. London, 1756. $6.00

1424. Hales, Steph. Vegetable Staticks. Account of Some Statical Experiments on the Sap in Vegetables, etc. Calf, 376 pp., illus. London, 1727. $3.00

1425. Hanson, H. C., Editor. Florist, The, and Horticultural Journal, Horticulture, Botany, Entomology, etc. Vols. 2 and 3. 2 vols., half mor., fine colored plates, scarce. Phila., 1853-54. $1.75

1426. Harrison, Charles. Treatise on the Culture and Management of Fruit Trees. Second ed., boards, uncut, paper label, 356 pp., woodcuts. London, 1825. $3.00

1427. Harrison, J. The Floricultural Cabinet and Florists’ Magazine. Vols. 5 and 6 in 1 vol., half calf, col. plates. London, 1837-38. $2.25

1428. Haynes, Thos. An Essay on Soils and Composts Necessary in Propagation and Culture of Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Plants and Flowers, etc. Boards, uncut, 95 pp., very scarce. London, 1821. $2.50

1429. Hewitt, Robert, Jr. Coffee, its History, Cultivation and Uses. Illus. with Original Designs by Eminent American Artists and a Map of the World Showing Where Coffee is Produced and Used. 8vo, original figured cloth, uncut, 102 pp., illus., colored frontis. Autograph pres. copy from the Author to John Ashcroft. New York, 1872. $2.50

1430. Hughes, John A. Garden Architecture and Landscape Gardening. 179 pp., uncut, illus. London, 1866. $2.75

1431. Hoffy, A., Editor and Proprietor. The Orchardists’ Companion. A Quarterly Journal Devoted to the Fruits of the United States. Embellished with Richly Colored Designs of the Natural Size. Painted from the Fruits when in their Finest Conditions. Vols. 1 and 2, or rather. Vol. 1 as issued in 2 parts, simultaneously, constituting the first Year’s publication of this Work between the months of April, 1841, and March, 1842. Part 1 of text relating to history and gardening operations. Part 2 of plates and their descriptions. There are 68 numbered pages of the former, and 48 colored plates, with their accompanying text unnumbered in the latter part. Bound together in 1 vol., 4to, half roan, in good condition. Very rare. Phila., 1841. $7.00

1432. Hoffy’s N. Amer. Pomologist, Containing Numerous Finely Colored Drawings, Descriptions, etc., of Fruits of American Origin. Ed. by W. D Brinckle. Book No. 1, all pub’d, 4to, somewhat foxed, portrait. Phila., 1860. $3.00

1433. Hogg, Robert. The Apple and Its Varieties. History and Description of the Varieties of Apples Cultivated in Great Britain. 306 pp., illus. London, 1859. $2.00

1434. Hogg, Thos. A Concise and Practical Treatise on the Growth and Culture of the Carnation, Pink, Rose and other Flowers, Including Dissertation on Soils and Manures, etc. Fifth ed., with Additions. 12mo, 275 pp., colored plates, uncut. London (1832). $2.00

1435. Hogg, Robt. The Fruit Manual. Descriptions and Synonyms of Fruits and Fruit Trees commonly met with in the Gardens and Orchards of Great Britain, etc. 12mo, 280 pp. London, 1860. $1.75

1436. Hole, Rev. S. Reynolds. The Six of Spades. A Book About the Garden and the Gardener. Small 4to, 236 pp., unopened, as new, rare. Edinburgh and London, 1872. $2.50

1437. Hooper, E. J. Hooper’s Western Fruit Book. Collection of Facts from Notes and Experience of Successful Fruit Culturists for Use in Orchard and Garden. 333 pp., frontis., portrait of Pomologists, colored plates. Cincinnati, 1857. $2.50

1438. Horticulurist and Journal of Rural Art and Rural Taste. Devoted to Horticulture, Landscape Gardening, Rural Architecture, Botany, Pomology, Entomology, Rural Economy, etc. Edited by Downing, Barry and Smith. 13 vols., half mor., plain and colored plates. Albany, 1847-58. $15.00

1439. Hortus Anglicus, or, The Modern English Garden. Arranged According to the System of Linnæus, etc. By Author of The British Botanist. 2 vols., boards, 12mo, uncut, 511+589 pp., include Amer. spp. London, 1822. $3.75

1440. Hudson, John. The Florist’s Companion. Containing Culture and Properties of Plants Adapted to Northern Parts of this Kingdom, etc. 12mo, boards, cracked, 83 pp., uncut, Bewick cuts. Newcastle Upon-Tyne, (1794). $1.50

1441. Iowa. Bulletin From the Botanical Dept of the State Agric. College, Ames, Iowa, by Byron D. Halsted. Pr. paper covers, 3 plates, cuts, 118 pp., rare, fine copy. Ames, 1888. $1.25

1442. Irrigation. United States Geol. Survey. Water Supply and Irrigation Papers. Nos. 65 to 118, inclus.; also Nos. 123, 137 to 140, 142, 147, 151, 152, 159, 160, 162, 164, 172, 174, 175, 177, 179, 180. Pr. paper covers, illus. Wash., 1902 to 1906. The lot. $4.00

1443. Johnson and Hogg (Editors). The Journal of Horticulture, Cottage Gardener and Country Gentleman. Vols. 4 to 8, inclus., new series, finely illus. 5 vols., 4to, half mor., gilt tops, fine set. London, 1863-5. $1.75

1444. Johnson, Louisa. Every Lady Her Own Flower Gardener. 16mo, full gilt, 136 pp., illus., colored frontis. London, 1850. $1.00

1445. Jones, Wm. The Gardener’s Receipt Book. Interesting Facts and Practical Information Useful in Horticulture. Fourth ed., enlarged. 16mo, full gilt, 83 pp. London, 1858. $1.25

1446. Kansas State Agric. College. Second Ann. Rept. Exper. Station Manhattan. Pr. covers, 370 pp., 11 plates. Topeka, 1890. $1.25

1447. Kenrick, Wm. New American Orchardist, etc., With Description of Ornamental Forest Trees, Shrubs, etc. Rare 1st ed. 12mo, half mor., 424 pp. Boston, 1833. $2.25

1448. Kenrick, Wm. Same. And the Culture of Silk, Appendix on Vegetables, etc. Second ed., 12mo, 419 pp. Boston, 1835. $1.75

1448A. Kenrick, Wm. Same. Seventh Ed., Enlarged and Improved, with Supplement. 449 pp. Boston, 1844. $1.00

1450. Knight, T. A. Treatise on Culture of the Apple and Pear, and Manufacture of Cider and Perry. Third ed., enlarged. 12mo, boards, uncut, 156 pp., fine copy. Ludlow, 1809. $2.50

1451. Knight, T. A. Same. Fifth Edition. 12mo, half calf, 177 pp. London, 1818. $2.25

1449. Killebrew, J. B. The Grasses of Tennessee, including Cereals and Forage Plants. 8vo, half roan, 511 pp., illus. Nashville, 1878. $3.50

1452. Knoop, J. H. (1) Pomologia Dat is Beschryvingen en Afbeelhingen van de Bests Appels en Peeren, etc. (2) Fructologia of Beschryving der Vrugtbomen en Vrugten, etc. (3) Dendrologia, of Beschryving der Plantagie-Gewassen, etc. 3 works bound in 1 folio vol., boards, uncut, 86 + 132 + 168 pp., 3 title-pages. Fine colored plates of Fruits. Dutch works of great merit. Leeuwarden, 1758, 1763, 1763. $22.50

1453. Lance, E. J. The Hop Farmer. Complete Account of Hop Culture. First ed., 212 pp., colored map, extra illus. London, 1838. $2.50

1454. Langley, Batty. Pomona, or, The Fruit Garden, Illus., Containing Sure Methods for Improving all the best kinds of Fruits now extant in England. Calculated from great variety of Experiments made in all kind of Soils and Aspects (etc.). Likewise several Practical Observations on the Imbibing Power and Perspirations of Fruit Trees (etc.). To which is added a curious account of the most valuable Cyder-Fruits of Devonshire. Illus. with above 300 drawings of the several fruits curiously engraven on 79 large folio plates. Old panel calf, folio, title rubricated. London, 1729. $14.50

1455. Lawrence, John. The Clergy-Man’s Recreation, Shewing the Pleasure and Profit of the Art of Gardening. Fifth ed. (Also) The Fruit-Garden Kalendar. Summary of the Art of Managing the Fruit Garden, with Appendix. Boards, 115 pp. + 149 pp. 2 title-pages, folding plates. Very rare. London, 1717 and 1718. $6.00

1456. Lawrence, John. Same. In 2 Parts. Third Ed. calf, folding plates, 2 title pages, 2 frontis., fine copy. London, 1715, 1716. $3.50

1457. Lawrence, John. Same. Old calf, cracked, lacks portrait frontis. The Fruit-Garden Kalendar bears date London, 1718. $4.50

1458. Lawrence, John. The Clergyman’s Recreation, Shewing the Pleasure of the Art of Gardening, etc. Sixth ed. London, 1726. (Also) The Gentleman’s Recreation; or, The Second Part of the Art of Gardening Improved, etc. Third ed. London, 1723. (Also) The Fruit Garden Kalendar, etc. With Appendix. Second ed. London, 1736. 3 works in 1 vol., paneled calf, folding plates, portrait by Vertue, very scarce. $6.00

1459. Libby’s Farmers’ Cabinet, Aug., 1837, to April, 1848. Vols. 2 to 12. 11 vols., half sheep. Phila. $3.00

1460. Lindley, George. A Guide to the Orchard and Kitchen Garden. Account of the Most Valuable Fruit and Vegetables Cultivated in Great Britain, etc. Ed. by John Lindley. Half calf, 602 pp. London, 1831. $4.00

1461. Loudon, J. A Short Treatise on Several Improvements Recently Made in Hot-Houses, etc. Illus. by 9 large copper-plates, half calf, 271 pp., illus. Edinburgh, 1805. $3.75

1463. Loudon, J. C. (F. L. S.) The Suburban Gardener, and Villa Companion; Choice of a Suburban Villa Residence, etc.; also laying out, planting, etc., of Garden and Grounds, etc., etc. 752 pp., half mor., illus., first ed., fine copy. London, 1838. $3.00

1464. Loudon, Mrs. The Amateur Gardener’s Calendar. A Monthly Guide. First ed. 12mo, uncut, 372 pp., illus. London, 1847. $2.00

1465. Loudon, Mrs. The Ladies’ Companion to the Flower Garden, etc. Fourth ed., with Considerable Additions and Corrections. 12mo, full gilt, colored frontis., illus., 351 pp. London, 1846. $1.75

1466. Loudon, Mrs. The Ladies’ Magazine of Gardening. Half calf, gilt, marbled edges, 379 pp., colored plates, cuts, very fine copy. London, 1842. $3.75

1467. MacPhail, James. The Gardener’s Remembrancer, Containing Practicable Methods of Gardening, Management of Timber Trees, etc. Second ed. 12mo, uncut, 428 pp. London, 1819. $1.75

1468. MacPhail, James. A Treatise on the Culture of the Cucumber. New Method of Cultivating that Plant, etc. (Also) A Meteorological Journal of the Weather and Temperature, etc. Second ed. Calf, 314 pp., folding plate, very fine copy. London, 1795. $2.75

1469. Maize. Cobbett, Wm. A Treatise on Cobbett’s Corn, Instructions for Propagating and Cultivating the Plant, and Harvesting and Preserving the Crop, etc. 12mo, boards, uncut, paper label, the first 2 leaves of this work are printed on maize or corn stalk paper. Much on U. S., rare. London, 1828. $3.00

1470. Malton, James. Collection of Designs for Rural Retreats, as Villas, Principally in Gothic and Castle Styles of Architecture, etc. 4to, boards, 43 pp., 34 plates aquatint, treats of landscape gardening, etc. London, circa. 1802. $3.00

1471. March, T. C. Flower and Fruit Decorations, Remarks on Treatment of Town Gardens, etc. Boards, uncut, 112 pp., colored illus. London, 1862. $1.75

1472. Marshall, Charles. Plain and Easy Introduction to the Knowledge and Practice of Gardening, with Hints on Fish-Ponds. Third ed., enlarged. 12mo, half calf, 408 pp., London, 1800. $3.50

1473. Martyn, Thos. Flora Rustica. Exhibiting Accurate Figures of Plants, Useful or Injurious to Husbandry. Drawn and engraved by Fred’k Nodder. 4 vols. in 2, boards, colored plates. London, 1792. $9.00

1474. Maryland Agric. Exper. Station Bulletins, Both Regular and Circular. 19 pieces, from No. 57, 1898, to No. 138, 1909 of the former, and 13 of the latter; Nos. 37 to 60, 1902-04. Paper, sold as a lot. College Park. $1.50

1475. Maryland State Horticultural Society Reports, Vols 4 to 11, Inclus., Illus. Vols. 4, 5 and 6, orig. pr. paper covers; vols. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 in cloth. Baltimore, 1901-1909, inclus. $2.75

1476. Mason, Wm. The English Garden. A Poem in Four Books, With Sketch of His Life. 12mo, boards, paper label, uncut, 130 pp., portrait. London, 1803. $1.75

1477. Mawe, Thos. Every Man His Own Gardener. Being a New and Much More Complete Gardener’s Kalendar Than Any One Hitherto Published, etc. Fourth ed., corrected, etc. 12mo, calf, 489 pp., frontis. London, 1769. $2.75

1478. Mawe, Thos., and Abercrombie, John. Every Man His Own Gardener. Being New and Much More Complete Gardener’s Calendar and General Director than any one Hitherto Published, etc. Fifteenth ed. 12mo, calf, 702 pp., + Index, frontis. Old and curious. London, 1797. $4.00

1479. McCalman, Godfrey. Natural, Commercial and Medicinal Treatise on Tea. With Account of East India Co. 12mo, unbound, 126 pp. Glasgow, 1787. $1.50

1480. McDonald, Alex., and Edwards, Syd. A Complete Dictionary of Practical Gardening; comprehending all Modern Improvements, etc., With Correct Engravings after Drawings by Sydenham Edwards. 12 plain plates of Buildings and Machinery and 60 superbly hand-colored plates of rare and curious Flowering Plants, engraved by Sansom, representing about 150 Species. 2 vols., 4to, calf. London, 1807. $4.50

1481. McIntosh, Charles. The Orchard and Fruit Garden, including Management of Wall and Standard Fruit Trees, etc. 12mo, full gilt, 420 pp., colored plates. London 1839. $2.50

1482. M’Mahon, Benjamin. Description of Jamaica Planters, With Interesting Anecdotes. Compiled During 18 Years Residence, etc. 12mo, 304 pp., uncut, rare. London, 1839. $2.75

1483. McWilliam, Robt. An Essay on the Origin and Operation of Dry Rot, with View to Prevention or Cure; Suggestions on Cultivation of Forest Trees, Abstract of Forest Laws, etc. 4to, boards, uncut, 420 pp., plates, valuable historic Appendix. London, 1818. $4.00

1484. Meehan, Thos. The Gardener’s Monthly and Horticultural Advertiser, Devoted to Horticulture, Arboric, Botany and Rural Affairs. Vol. 1, folio. Vols. 2 to 14, inclus., 4to, uniform half roan and boards, portrait, cuts, colored and plain plates. 15 vols. (L.) Phila., 1859-72. $10.50

1485. Meredith, Joseph. Treatise on the Grape Vine. 4to, full gilt, 96 pp., illus. London, 1876. $2.00

1486. Miller, Philip. The Gardener’s Dictionary, Containing Methods of Cultivating Kitchen, Fruit and Physick Garden, Vineyard, etc., etc. 2 vols., folio, calf, illus., frontis. Vol. 1, Fourth ed., corrected. Vol. 2, Second Ed,. London, 1740, 1743. $7.50

1487. Miller, Philip. The Abridgement of the The Gardeners’ Dictionary. Fifth ed., corrected and enlarged. 4to, calf, folding plates, engr. frontis., fine copy. London, 1763. $4.00

1488. Mordant, John. The Complete Steward. Also a New System of Agriculture and Husbandry, General Rules for Management of Farms, Tables for Measurement of Timber, etc. 2 vols., calf, 496 + 432 pp. London, 1761. $4.00

1489. Mosley, Oswald. Gleanings on Horticulture. Tall 8vo, 67 pp., illus., chiefly on grapes. London, 1851. $2.00

1490. Moubray, on Breeding, Rearing, etc., of Poultry, Cows, Swine, etc. Adapted to Soil, Climate and Culture of the U. S. Second Amer. from Sixth London Ed. By Thos. G. Fessenden, of Boston. 12mo, 278 pp., illus. Boston, 1837. $2.00

1491. Muller, K., und Courtix, A. Illustrirte Garten-Zeitung. Eine Monatliche Zeitschrift für Gartenbau und Blumenzucht, etc. Vols. 2nd and 4th, fully illus., in colors, royal 8vo, gilt figured cloth, 192 pp. each. Stuttgart, 1858, ’60. $2.50

1492. Newly, D. M. The Gardener’s Labyrinth, or, A New Art of Gardening, Wherein is Laid Down New and Rare Inventions and Secrets of Gardening Not Heretofore Known, etc. Collected from the Best Authors, etc. Corrected and Enlarged. Small 4to, calf, in 2 parts. Lacks all after Chapter 19, page 78 of 2nd part. Very scarce. First Pub’d in 1571. London, 1651-52. As is, $3.00

1493. New York State Agricultural Society, Transactions. Vol. 1. Revised second ed. Nearly all the Contributions to this 418-page vol. were men of historic prominence, Livingston, Dr. Mitchell, De Witt, Muhlenberg, Noah Webster, etc. Old calf. Albany, 1801. $1.75

1494. Nicol, Walter. The Scotch Forcing Gardener. Instructions on Management of Green Houses, etc. Calf, 201 pp., 5 folding copper-plates. Edinburgh, 1797. $1.50

1495. Niederlein, G. Ressources Vegetales des Colonies Francaises. Folio, 16 + 160 pp., pr. paper covers, map. Paris, 1902. $1.00

1496. N. Carolina Bulletin N. Carolina State Board of Agriculture. Odd Nos., 1900 to 1909, inclus. 32 Nos. in all. Raleigh, v. d. As a lot, $1.75

1497. N. Carolina. Proposals for Establishing a Number of Farms, Like Those of N. England, N. Jersey, Penna., and Delaware, on South side of Western Districts of N. Carolina, for Mutual Benefit of the Settlers, and of the Trade of Charleston, Wilmington (N. C.), Fayetteville, Georgetown, (S. C.), Augusta, and Savannah; and of The Planters on the Sea-Coast of the Two Carolinas, Who Raise Sugar, Rice, Indigo, Cotton and Tobacco, make Lumber and Naval Stores, and May Not Raise Grain or Cattle. Paper, 16 pp., uncut, unopened. N. p., 1816. $3.50

1498. Nourse, Timothy. Discourse of Benefits and Improvements of Husbandry, Considerations upon Justices of the Peace, Servants and Laborers, the Fuel of London, etc. Paneled mottled calf, 354 pp., frontis. London, 1700. $3.00

1499. Pabor, Wm. E. Colorado as an Agricultural State, Its Farms and Garden Lands. First ed. 12mo, 213 pp., illus. N. York, 1883. $1.25.

1500. Parks. 1st and 2nd Annual Reports of Commissioners of Fairmount Park, Phila. 8vo, orig. paper covers, fine copies, illus. by large maps, views, woodcuts. 2 vols. Phila., 1869-70. The two, $2.00

1501. Pascalis, Felix, of New York. His Translation of T. de Berneaud’s Vine Dressers’ Theoretical and Practical Manual of the Vine, etc. Interesting autogr. pres. copy from Dr. Pascalis “to Mr. J. Adlum, Propr. of the Vineyard of Georgetown by his friend.” Adlum was author of the famous little Memoir of the Vine. Half calf. N. Y., 1829. $2.75

1502. Peters, Rich. Agricultural Inquiries on Plaister of Paris When Applied as Manure. Collected Chiefly from the Practice of Penna. Farmers. Second ed., with Additional Notes and More Recent Facts, etc., by the Author. Sheep, loose, 129 pp. This work was first published in 1797. Phila., Re-Printed by Jane Aitken, 1810. $2.00

1503. Pennsylvania Department. Agricultural Reports for 1879 to 1899, inclus. Several years in 2 vols. each. About 25 vols. Colored plates of birds, animals, fruits. Article on Injurious Insects and Reports on Forestry. $7.50

1504. Petit, Victor. Parcs et Jardins des Environs de Paris. Fifty col. plates, 4 pp., of Text. 4to, boards. Paris, n. d. (circa. 1840). $5.00

1505. Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture. Address from, with Laws, etc. 12mo, paper. 3 pieces. (Phila.), 1785. The same for 1788-89. $1.75

1506. Philips, Henry. Flora Historica, or, Three Seasons of the British Parterre (Flower Gardening). Second revised ed. 2 vols., 12mo, half mor. London, 1829. $2.00

1507. Phillips, H. Pomarium Britannicum, an Historical and Botanical Account of Fruits Known in Great Britain. 378 pp., boards, uncut, broken, 3 colored plates. London, 1820. $2.00

1508. Phytologist, The. First and Second Annual Parts. 2 vols. (All pub.?). 208 + 592 pp., illus. Published Monthly. Dates run from June 1841, to May, 1843. $4.00

1509. Plates. More Than 50 Original Water Color Drawings of Fruit and Flowers and about a dozen printed plates colored by hand. 4to, unbound. Evidently the Originals for the Illus. of some Horticultural Work. The names are written under each figure. Lot, $2.25

1510. Preston, Ralph. The Modern English Fruit Gardener and Practical Wall-Tree Pruner, etc. 12mo, calf, 216 pp., plate, name on title-page. London, 1785. $2.75

1511. Priestly’s Autograph Copy. Twamley, J. A Treatise on Watering Meadows. 5 copper plates. Dairying Exemplified. 2 plates. Calf. London, 1792. $1.25

1512. Pratt, Anne. The Green Fields and Their Grasses. 12mo, pr. covers. 96 pp., illus. London, 1852. $1.00

1513. Prince, W. R. A Treatise on the Vine, Embracing its History from the Earliest Ages to the Present Day, etc., etc. Boards, paper label, uncut, 355 pp., illus., rare, autogr. pres. copy by Author. N. York, 1830. $3.00

1514. Rand, Edward S. The Rhododendron and American Plants. Treatise on Culture, and Species of the Rhododendron, with Notes upon Other Plants Requiring Similar Culture. 12mo, 176 pp. Boston, 1871. $1.40

1515. Rand, Edward S. Flowers for the Parlor and Garden. Illustration by John Andrew and A. C. Warren. 8vo, original cloth, uncut, gilt top, 411 pp., illus., designed half-title in 2 colors, good copy. Boston, 1864. $1.50

1516. Richardson, H. D. Pests of the Farm. Account of Noxious Animals, Birds and Insects, With Directions for their Destruction. Illus., 12mo, paper, 135 pp. N. York, [1852]. $1.00

1517. Robinson, W. Gleanings from French Gardens. Small 4to, 291 pp., illus. London, 1868. $2.00

1518. Roland, Arthur. Farming for Pleasure and Profit. Third Section. Tree Planting for Ornamentation or Profit, etc. Edited by Wm. H. Ablett. 12mo, 157 pp. London, 1879. $1.75

1519. Rowlands, Rev. H. Essay on Theory and Practice of Agriculture and Husbandry, Considering Nature and Quality of Marle, Lime and Shells. 12mo, sheep, 288 pp., Supp. on Trees, etc. Dublin, 1783. $1.75

1520. Rural Recreations, or, The Gardener’s Instructor, etc., With a Treatise on Management of Bees, Catalogue of Useful and Ornamental Trees, Shrubs and Plants, for Medicinal and Culinary Purposes. By a Society of Practical Gardeners. Calf, broken, 427 pp., folding plates. London, 1802. $3.75

1521. Rural Recreations, or, Modern Farmer’s Calendar and Monthly Instructor, etc. By a Farmer. Paper, 128 pp., illus. London, 1802. $1.75

1522. Russell, Robt. North America, Its Climate and Agriculture. Observations on Agriculture, etc., of Canada, U. S. and Cuba. 390 pp., map and cuts. Edinburgh, 1857. $2.50

1523. Sanders, John. The Kitchen Garden Directory. Treatise on Cultivation of Vegetables Grown in the Open Air, etc. 12mo, uncut, 154 pp., folding plate. London, 1827. $1.25

1524. Scheuchzero, Johanne. Agrostographia Sive Graminum Juncorum. Cyperorum, Cyperoidum, iisque affinum Historia. 4to, calf, cracked, 18 folding and other copper plates, 512 pp. + Index. One of the earliest works on Agrostology. Very scarce. Tiguri, 1719. $8.00

1525. Sharrock, Robt. History of Propagation and Improvement of Vegetables by the Concurrence of Art and Nature, etc. 12mo, calf, plate, scarce. Oxford, 1660. $6.00

1526. Sherer, John. Rural Life Described and Illustrated, Management and Treatment of Horses, Dogs, Cattle, Sheep, Pigs, Poultry, etc., etc. Information Relating to Modern Farming, Gardening, Shooting, Angling, etc., etc. Also Complete System of Modern Veterinary Practice. 2 vols., 4to., half calf, 1016 pp., over 100 steel engravings, frontis. London, n. d. $4.75

1527. Sinclair, Sir John. Account of the Systems of Husbandry adopted in the Improved Districts of Scotland. 2 vols., calf, copper plates, portrait of Sinclair. He corresponded with Washington on Agricultural Subjects. Edinburgh, 1814. $1.50

1528. Sinclair, George. Hortus Gramineus Woburnensis. Account of Results of Experiments of Grasses and Other Plants, Used as Food for Domestic Animals, etc. Second ed. Boards, uncut, 438 pp., paper label, Hullmandel plates. London, 1825. $3.50

1529. Sinclair, Sir John. The Code of Agriculture. First Amer. ed. Boards, uncut, loose, plain and colored plates by Amer. engravers, rare. Hartford, 1818. $2.25

1530. Sinclair, Sir John. Hints Regarding the Agricultural State of the Netherlands Compared with that of Great Britain. Plates. London, 1815. $1.00

1531. Speechly, Wm. Treatise on Culture of the Pineapple and Management of the Hot-House, with Description of every Species of Insects that Infest Hot-Houses, etc. Boards, uncut, 186 pp., folding plan, plate, name on title-page. First ed. York, 1779. $3.00

1532. Speechly, Wm. Same. Second ed., with additions. 197 pp., 6 plates, somewhat stained, boards, uncut. York, 1796. $2.75

1533. Speechly, Wm. A Treatise on the Culture of the Vine, and on the Culture of the Pine-Apple and Management of the Hot-House, etc., Third ed. Boards uncut, paper label, folding plates. London, 1821. $2.75

1534. Statistics, Division of U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. New Series Miscel. Repts. 1 to 7, inclus., with Additional lot of 6 Special Reports. 13 pieces, paper covers, illus. Wash., 1890 to 1893. The lot, $1.50

1535. Steinmetz, Andrew. Tobacco, History, Cultivation, Manufacture and Adulterations. First ed. Pr. paper covers, 174 pp., frontis., rare. London, 1857. $2.00

1536. Steuart, Henry Bart. The Planter’s Guide. A Practical Essay on Best Method of Giving Immediate Effect to Wood by Removal of Large Trees and Underwood. Observations on General Planting, Improvement of Landscapes, etc. Second ed., greatly improved and enlarged. Boards, uncut, 527 pp., 6 plates, 5 of them by W. Turner, very scarce. Edinburgh and London, 1828. $6.00

1537. Stevenson, Rev. H. The Gentleman Gardener. (Also) The Gard’ner’s Kalendar, Management of Bees, etc. Fourth ed., enlarged. 12mo, calf, 312 pp. London, 1750. $2.75

1538. Strickland, H. E. A General View of the Agriculture of the East-Riding of Yorkshire. Half calf, 332 pp., colored map, 8 plates, 2 colored. Chapter on Woodlands. York, 1812. $2.75

1539. Sweet, Robert. The Hot-House and Green-House Manual, etc. Fifth ed. 714 pp. London, 1831. $2.50

1540. Sweet, R., and Don, D. The Ornamental Flower Garden and Shrubbery. 152 finely colored plates. Vol. 1. Half roan. London, 1851. $1.50

1541. Switzer, Stephen. The Practical Fruit-Gardener. Revised and Recommended by the Rev. Mr. Laurence, and Mr. Bradley. Calf, 333 pp., illus. London, 1724. $3.50

1542. Taylor, Jefferys. The Farm. A New Account of Rural Toils and Produce. Square 12mo, 175 pp., illus., lacks 1 leaf. London, 1832. $1.50

1543. Thacher, James, M. D. The American Orchardist. Treatise on Culture and Management of Apple Trees, etc., for Use of Amer. Farmers. Second ed., improved. 12mo, boards, 236 pp. Plymouth, Mass., 1825. $2.00

1543A. Thompson, Robt. The Gardiner’s Assistant. Guide to Formation and Management of Kitchen, Fruit and Flower Garden, etc., etc. Royal 8vo, 774 pp., 12 fine col. plates and many cuts. Glasgow, (1859). $3.00

1544. Thompson, Wm. The New Gardener’s Calendar. Containing Directions for Transplanting of Trees, Quick for Hedges, New Essay on Management of Bees, etc. 12mo, uncut, 107 pp., frontis., very scarce. London, (1790?). $3.50

1545. Thomson, David. Handy Book of the Flower Garden. 12mo, uncut, 364 pp., folding plates, good copy. Edinburgh and London, 1868. $2.00

1546. Thomson, Wm. A Practical Treatise on the Cultivation of the Grape Vine. Third ed. 74 pp., illus. Edinburgh and London, 1863. $1.75

1547. Thomson, Wm. Same. Fourth ed. 77 pp., illus. Edinburgh and London, 1865. $1.75

1548. Tobacco. Anno Regni Annæ Reginæ Magnæ Brittanniæ, etc. Duodecimo at the Parliament Held at Westminster, Nov. 12, 1713. (An Act for Encouraging the Tobacco Trade.) Folio, paper, 10 pp., black letter. London, 1714. $2.75

1549. Tobacco. Brailsford, Edwd., of S. Carolina. Experimental Dissertation on the Chemical and Medical Properties of the Nicotiana Tabacum of Linnæus, commonly known by the Name of Tobacco. With colored folding plate, calf, broken, 78 pp., very rare. Autogr. Pres. copy from Author to William Hamilton of the Woodlands. Phila., 1799. $5.00

1550. Tobacco. Moustier, Eleonore-Francois-Elie de. Observations sur les Différens Rapports de la Liberté ou de la Prohibition de la Culture du Tabac. Paper, 57 pp., rare. Paris, 1790. $2.75

1551. Tobacco. Short, Thos. Discourses on Tea, Sugar, Milk, Made Wines, Spirits, Punch, Tobacco, etc. Calf. Tench Francis’ copy, with his Autograph on title. London, 1750. $2.00

1552. Tobacco. A Colored Engraved Plate of Scotch Highlander Taking Snuff, with an Indian (having Negro features) smoking pipe, and surrounded by leaves of the Tobacco Plant. 4to size. Printed and Published by W. Davidson Alnwick, as an advt. of Scotch Snuff. Circa. 1800. $1.50

1553. Tobacco and Sugar. Short History of the Nature and Consequences of Excise Laws, including some Account of the recent Interruption to the Manufactories of [American] Snuff and Refined Sugar. Rare, paper, 116 pp. Phila., Printed for the Booksellers, Dec. 7, 1795. $2.00

1554. Topography of all the Known Vineyards, Containing Description of the Kind and Quality of their Products and a Classification. 248 pp., small 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1824. $1.50

1555. Transactions of the Society for the Promotion of Agriculture, Arts and Manufactures, State of N. York. Vol. 1. 418 pp., boards, uncut, articles by Dr. Mitchell, De Witt, Livingston, L’Homedieu, etc. Second ed., revised. Albany, 1801. $2.00

1556. Trimble, Isaac P. Treatise on Insect Enemies of Fruit and Fruit Trees. With numerous illus. 4to, 139 pp., and 11 finely colored plates of infected fruit, insects, etc. N. York, 1865. $2.50

1557. Trowell, Sam. A New Treatise of Husbandry, Gardening and Other Curious Matters Relating to Country Affairs, Hops, Forest and Fruit Trees, etc. Sheep, 164 pp. London, 1739. $2.75

1558. Trusler, John (of Cobham, Surry). Practical Husbandry, or, the Art of Farming With Certainty of Gain, etc. Boards, cracked, 164 pp., chapters on Measuring Timber, Hedging, etc. London, 1780. $1.75

1559. U. S. Dept. Agriculture. Reports of Pomologist, etc. A Collection of about 20 Pomological U. S. Dept. Agric. Bulletins, 1891 to 1898, including Bull. No. 2 on California Vine Disease by Pierce of 222 pp., 25 plates and a chart. 8vo, half mor., many illus. Wash., 1891-1898. $2.50

1560. Van Oosten, Henry. The Dutch Gardener, or, The Compleat Florist. Second ed., with Amendments. Calf, 249 pp., + 12 pp. Index. London, 1711. $2.75

1561. Varley, C. (C. Varlo in Amer. Eds.) A New System of Husbandry, etc. 3 vols. in 1. Old calf, 320 + 319 + 345 pp., folding plans. York, 1770. Very rare. $6.00

1562. Varlo, C. New System of Husbandry, From Many Years Experience, with Tables, showing the Expense and Profit of Each Crop. * * * To which are annexed a few Hints humbly offered for the perusal of the Legislators of America, showing how to put a stop to runaway Servants. 2 vols., boards, uncut, name from title, scarce. Phila., 1785. $3.75

1563. Vasey, Dr. George. Agricultural Grasses and Forage Plants of the U. S., etc. Appendix on Chemical Composition of Grasses by Clifford Richardson. Special Bulletin U. S. Dept. Agric. New, Revised and Enlarged Edition. Pr. paper covers, 148 pp., 114 plates. Wash., 1889. $1.50

1564. Vasey, G. Illustrations of North American Grasses. Vol. 1, Grasses of the Southwest. Vol. 2, Grasses of the Pacific Slope. Royal 8vo, 200 plates, 2 vols., paper covers. Wash., 1891-1893. $2.00

1565. Vasey, G. Grasses of the West. Part II, Paper, 50 Plates. $1.00

1566. (Whateley, Thos.) Observations on Modern Gardening. Fifth ed. Boards, uncut, 263 pp. London, 1793. $2.00

1567. Whitmarsh, S. Eight Years’ Experience and Observation in the Culture of the Mulberry Tree and in the Care of the Silk Worm. 16mo, folded plate, rare. Northampton, 1839. $2.00

1568. Williams, Benj. S. The Orchid-grower’s Manual. Fifth Ed., enlarged. 12mo, 336 pp., fully illus., colored frontis., embossed stamp on title-page. The best ed. London, 1877. $2.50

1569. Wine. The Juice of the Grape, or, Wine Preferable to Water. Wine Shewn to be Great Preserver of Health, etc. With a Word of Advice to the Vintners. 12mo, paper, 56 pp. London, 1724. $1.25

1570. Withers, Wm. A Memoir Addressed to the Society for Encouragement of Arts, etc., on the Planting and Rearing of Fruit Trees. Second ed. Orig. pr. paper covers, uncut, 40 pp. Holt, 1827. $2.00

1571. (Wordsworth.) Flora Domestica, or, the Portable Flower Garden, etc. 396 pp., loose, name cut from title-page. London, 1823. $1.75

1572. Wonders of Vegetation. Various Grasses. 16mo, 90 pp., illus. Phila. [1848.] 80c.

1573. (Worlidge, J.) Compleat System of Husbandry and Gardening, or, the Gentleman’s Companion in the Business and Pleasures of a Country Life, etc. Paneled calf, 504 pp., illus., contains articles on gardening, fishing and fowling, etc. The Marquis of Anglesy’s Arms stamped on covers, rare. London, 1716. $4.75

1574. (Worlidge, John) Systema Agriculturæ, the Mystery of Husbandry Discovered, etc. (with) Kalendarium Rusticum; or, the Husbandman’s Monthly Directions, and Dictionarium Rusticum, etc. Fourth ed., corrected, etc. Folio, old calf, illus., very rare. London, 1687. $8.00

1575. Yorkshire Agricultural Society, Transactions of the. First 8 vols., bound in 2, half calf, map. London, 1837-45. $4.00


1576. Barton, Benj. Smith. His Manuscript Archives of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. Being the Original Manuscript Notes for his Lectures as Professor of Materia Medica in the University of Pennsylvania, to which he was appointed in 1796. These valuable relics of Early American Medicine and Botany are contained in 7 4to and folio Scrap Books, no doubt pasted and arranged by the Author and bound uniformly in half red roan. They are evidently not the entire original series, being numbered 5, 7, 9, 10, 29 and 30, 31, 32. B. S. Barton’s successor, W. P. C. Barton, frequently quotes from these MSS. vols. in his Medical Botany under the term “Barton’s Collections.” It is scarcely necessary to add that the frequent allusion to his contemporaries, especially Drs. Rush, Shippen, etc., as well as passing references to notable cases and events in the World of Medicine, make these unpublished records worthy of perusal and preservation. As they are, 7 vols. $29.00

1577. Barton’s Vegetable Materia Medica of the U. S., or, Medical Botany. Vol. 2 only; complete. 4to, half roan, with colored plates. Phila., 1818. $5.00

1578. Bauhini, Caspari. Theatri Botanici Sive Index in Theophrasti, Dioscorides, Plinii et Botanicorum qui a seculo scripserunt. Opera Plantarum circitre Sex Millium. Names of Genera and Species, with Synonymy. A work of 40 years. A thick old 4to in vellum and boards, uncut, in good order. There are two title-pages of same date. Part first contains 518 pp., part second 160 pp. and Index. Part second is illus. and contains “Plantæ supra Sexcentæ ab ipso primum descriptæ cum plurimis figuris,” and is a Supplementary work to the first, bringing it up to date. 2 vols. in 1. An indispensable link in the historic chain of Classic Botanical Works. Basle, 1671. $5.00

1579. Burnett, M. A. Plantæ Utiliores, or, Illustrations of Useful Plants Employed in the Arts and Medicine. 4 vols. bound in 2 vols. 4to, half calf, 130 finely colored plates. Rare. London, 1842-50. $18.00

1580. Cinchona. An Illustration of the Genus, Comprising Descriptions of all the Officinal Peruvian Barks, including several new species. Baron de Humboldt’s Account of the Cinchona Forests of S. America, Laubert’s Memoir on Species of Quinquine, and Dissertations of Don Hippolito Ruiz on Medicinal Plants of S. America. 4to, boards, loose, large paper, uncut, first ed., 5 folding plates, 181 pp. London, 1821. $4.00

1581. Culpepper, Nich. The English Physician Enlarged, with 369 Medicines Made of English Herbs That were not in any Impression Until This. 12mo, calf, paper label, 386 pp. London, 1718. $3.50

1582. Cutbush, James. Lectures on the Adulteration of Food and Culinary Poisons, the Detection of Poisons in General and of Adulterations in Sundry Chemical Preparations, etc. Delivered in U. S. Military Acad. 12mo, half calf, 464 pp., rare. Contains a MSS. presentation note from the Author. Newburgh, N. Y., 1823. $2.75

1583. First Pharmacopeia of the U. S. The Exceedingly Rare First issue. Compiled and published “By the Authority of the Medical Societies and Colleges.” Somewhat damaged and repaired. Boston, Pr. by Wells and Lilly for Charles Ewer, Dec., 1820. $3.00

1584. Hill, Sir John. Family Herbal, or, Account of all those English Plants, which are remarkable for their Virtues, and of the Drugs produced by Vegetables of other Countries, with Description and Uses, etc. With 54 col. plates, old calf. Bungay, 1812. $1.75

1585. Hill, John. Virtues of British Herbs. Paper, 55 pp., plates. London, 1770. $2.00

1586. Illustrations of the Medical Botany of Germany. Abbildungen Sammtlicher Arzneige wackse Deutschlands, welche in die Pharmacopöen der Grössern Deutschen Staaten aufgenommen sind. Nach der Natur gezeichnet. Von Eduard Winkler. A 4to vol. of 192 exquisitely engraved and hand-colored plates, with their Linnæan binomials and German vulgar names subscribed. The accuracy of form and coloration in this Icones is exceptional. This work, without printed text, appears to be complete in itself. Orig. half calf. Leipzig, Magazin fur Indus. und Literat., n. d. (circa. 1800.) $4.50

1587. Leonard Plunkett’s Phytographia Sive Stirpium Illustriorum and minus Cognitarum Icones, Tabulis Aeneis. Quarum unaquæ. Titulis descriptoriis ex Notis Suis Characteristicis desumptis insignitia, etc. Three folio parts bound in 2, 250 plates and frontis., portrait, 3 engraved titles and text. Nothing was printed from types; very rare. London, 1691-92. $10.00

1588. Lettsom, J. C. The Natural History of the Tea Tree, with Observations on the Medical Qualities of Tea and on the Effects of Tea Drinking. 4to, stitched, uncut, 4 hand-colored copper plates and other illus., rare and valuable. London, 1799. $2.75

1589. Linnæus’ Materia Medica. C. A. Linni Materia Medica per Regna tria Naturæ, secundum Genera, etc. Editio altera auctior curante, J. C. D. Schrebero. Old calf, folding plate, fine copy. Lipsiæ et Erlangæ, 1772. $2.25

1590. Linnæus. Whitlaw’s New Medical Discoveries, with a Defense of the Linnæan Doctrine, and Trans. of his Vegetable Materia Medica, which now first appears in an English Dress. By Charles Whitlaw. 2 vols. in 1, boards, uncut, broken, fine, clean copy. London, 1829. $2.00

1591. Lukens. Dr. T. The Sick Man’s Guide, or, Family Director. Compiled from Best Botanic Publications, Directions for Using Dr. Samuel Thomson’s Medicines, etc. 12mo, 190 pp., very rare. Bridgeton, N. J., 1845. $2.25

1592. Matthioli’s Great Materia Medica. Petri Andreæ Matthioli. Senensis Medici, Commentarii in 6 libros Pedacii Dioscoridis Auazarbei de Medica Materia, jam denuo ab ipso Autore recogniti, et locis plus mille Aucti, etc. This immense work is based on the Greek work of the immortal Dioscorides, giving the original, versus the revised figures of the two authors on opposite pages, and adding many species not in former authors. Many Animals are included seriatim. The illus. are fine old woodcuts, the pages numbering over 1500, folio, in good condition, half calf, corner broken. Printed wholly in Latin. Matthioli and Dioscorides are foundation stones in systematic Botany. This is the very rare first edition of a work trans. in many languages, almost up to the present time. (R. ro.) Venetiis Ex-Officina Valgrisia, 1545. $16.00

1593. Mattson, M. Thomson. American Vegetable Practice, or, a New and improved Guide to Health designed for the use of Families. Rare first ed., 2 vols. in 1, sheep, 24 col. plates, etc. Preface relates to his troubles with Dr. Samuel Thomson, of Boston. Boston, 1841. $2.50

1594. Meyrick, Wm. The New Family Herbal; or, Domestic Physician. Descriptions of All Known Vegetables Remarkable for Medical Efficacy, etc. Half calf, 498 pp., colored and plain plates. Birmingham, 1790. $4.00

1595. Millspaugh, C. F. American Medicinal Plants, Illustrated and Descriptive Guide to the American Plants used as Homeopathic Remedies; Their History, Preparation, Chemistry and Physiological Effects. The 6 fascicles complete (published each at $5), orig. board folders as issued, 4to size, colored lithographed plates, illus., each plant from drawings in situ by the author, as new. N. York and Phila., 1884. $10.00

1596. Newton, James (the Late). A Complete Herbal, Containing the Prints and English Names of Several Thousand Trees, Plants, Shrubs, Flowers, Exotics, etc., many of which are not to be found in the Herbals of either Gerard, Johnson or Parkinson. 12mo, calf, portrait of Newton and innumerable figures, “curiously engraved on 176 copper-plates.” London, 1805. $2.50

1597. Pauli, S. Treatise on Tobacco, Tea, Coffee and Chocolate. In which the Advantages and Disadvantages Attending the Use of these Commodities (etc.). Full and Distinct Directions for Knowing when Hurtful, etc. Trans. by Dr. James. 171 pp., 2 plates. London, 1746. $3.00

1598. Rafinesque, C. S. Medical Flora, or, Manual of Medical Botany of the U. S. of N. America. 2 vols., 12mo, orig. boards, uncut, paper labels, 100 col. plates, fine copy. This is the most reliable and useful of all the works of this paradoxical genius, and very rare in this original binding, the back covers giving Price List of his Works. Phila., 1828. $10.50

1599. Rafinesque. Same. Orig. boards, uncut, 1 pp. torn. Has duplicates of 5 plates trimmed down and pasted on backs of others; needs rebinding to make a fine set. $8.00

1600. Spratt, G. Table of Vegetable Poisons. Illus. With Coloured Drawings. 2 folio sheets, colored, of flowers, fungi, etc. London, n. d. $3.00

1601. Steggall, John, M. D. An Essay on Mineral, Vegetable, Animal and Aerial Poisons, etc., with Means of Restoring Suspended Animation. Second ed. 12mo, 111 pp., 12 colored plates. London, 1833. $2.75

1602. Thomson, Spencer, M. D. Wanderings Among the Wild Flowers How to See and Gather Them. Chapters on Economical and Medicinal Use of Our Native Plants. Second ed. 12mo, 318 pp., illus. London, 1854. $2.00

1603. Thomsonian. The Botanic Medical Reformer and Home Physician. Edited by Dr. Thomas Cooke. Vol. 1, complete; vol. 2, Nos. 1 to 6; July to Dec., 1841; Thomsonian Manual, vol. 1, Nos. 2 and 10. Phila. Botanic Sentinel and Thomsonian Medical Revolutionist. Odd Nos. in 1 vol. Tall 8vo, sheep. Phila., 1841. $4.00

1604. Thomsonian. Chambers, Reuben. The Thomsonian Practice of Medicine, containing Names and Descriptions of Virtues and Uses of the Medicines Belonging to this System of Practice, Directions for Proper Quantity, etc. 12mo, calf, 449 pp. Bethania, Pa., 1842. $2.00

1605. Thomsonian. (Coleman, Dr.) Number Six, or, The Thompsonian. Conferring the Degree of Steam Doctor on Sam Simons. With Practical Advice. 12mo, paper, 21 pp. N. P., 1835. $2.75

1606. Thomsonian. Day, L. Meeker. The Improved American Family Physician; or, Sick Man’s Guide to Health, containing Complete Theory of Botanic Practice of Medicine on Thomsonian and Hygeian System, etc. Also, Complete Digest on Midwifery. 12mo, boards, 120+24 pp., 2 title pages, very rare. N. York, 1833. $2.75

1607. Thomsonian Medicine. Fonerden, Dr. Wm. H. The Institutes of Thomsonism. 16mo, 123 pp., very scarce. Phila., 1837. $2.50

1608. Thomsonian. New Guide to Health, or, Botanic Family Physician, containing Complete System of Practice upon a Plan Entirely New, with Descriptions of the Vegetables made use of, and Directions for Preparing and Administering them to Cure Disease. To which is added a Description of Several Cases of Disease Attended by the Author, with Mode of Treatment and Cure. By Samuel Thomson. 12mo, boards, 302 pp., portrait drawn and engr. by H. Williams. Boston, 1822. $3.50

1609. Thomsonian. Same. Third Ed. To which is Prefixed a Narrative of Life and Medical Discoveries of the Author; also, Additions to the second ed. and to the third, with Supplement on Cultivation of Bees; Value of Guards and Sentinels in War or Peace and the Danger of their Signals being Neglected. 12mo, calf, portrait engraved by H. Platt, 216 pp. Boston, 1832. $3.00

1610. Thomsonian’s Manual and Vade Mecum. Synopsis of Theory and Principles on which is Based the Botanic Practice of Medicine, as Promulgated to the world by Dr. Samuel Thomson, Comparison of its Simplicity, etc. Contrasted with the Principles and Practice of the Mineral School of Medicine. Compiled from Writings of Drs. Moore, Hersey, Shepperson, Curtis, etc. Pub. by Order of Phila. Branch U. S. Botanic Soc. Paper covers, 64 pp. Phila., 1835. $1.50

1611. Thomsonian. Robinson, Samuel. Course of Fifteen Lectures on Medical Botany, Denominated Thomson’s New Theory of Medical Practice etc. With Introductory Remarks by the Proprietor. Calf, 162 pp. Columbus, 1830. $2.50

1612. Thornton, Robt. John. A Family Herbal, or, Familiar Account of the Medical Properties of British and Foreign Plants, etc., arranged according to the Linnæan System. Illus. by 258 engravings drawn by Henderson and engraved by Bewick, of Newcastle. Second ed., enlarged and improved. 258 engravings by Bewick and portrait. New bound in extra half calf, some pages in front lightly water-stained, very rare. London, 1814. $4.00

1613. Underwood, J. W. The Eight Books on Medicine of Aurelius, Cornelius Celsus; with a Literal and Interlineal Translation, on the Principles of the Hamiltonian System. Adapted for Students in Medicine. 2 vols., 12mo, paper label. London, 1833. $3.00

1614. Vegetable Poisons, Upas Tree, Strychnia, etc. Raffeneau-Delile, Alire. Dissert. Sur les Effets d’un Poison de Java, appele Upas tieute, et sur la Noix vomique, le Strychnos potatorum, etc. 4to, paper, uncut, 48 pp. Autogr. inscrip.: “For Dr. Benjamin Rush at Phila. from the Author.” Paris, 1809. $2.00

1615. Wilmer, B. (Surgeon.) Observations on the Poisonous Vegetables either Indigenous in Great Britain or Cultivated for Ornament. (Also) An Essay on Culinary Poisons Containing Cautions Relative to Use of Laurel-Leaves, Hemlock, Mushrooms, Copper-Vessels, etc., etc. Paper covers, uncut, 103+45 pp., autogr. pres. copy from the Editor, rare. London, 1791. $3.00

1616. Woodville, Wm. Medical Botany, Containing Systematic and General Descriptions, with Plates, of all the Medicinal Plants, Comprehended in the Catalogues of the Materia Medica, as Published by the Royal College of Physicians of London, Edinburgh and Dublin. Arranged and Corrected by Dr. Wm. J. Hooker. The new Medico-Botanical Portion supplied by G. Spratt. Illus. with numerous fine colored plates, 5 vols., 4 to, half roan. A fine set. Best third ed., with 39 new plants, not in former eds. London, 1832. $7.00

1617. Zollickoffer, W. A Materia Medica of the U. S. Second Ed., with amend. 245 pp., orig. pr. boards, uncut, unopened. Name on title. Baltimore, 1827. $2.50


(Including recent importations of old and rare Angling Books.)

1618. Agassiz, L. Rapport sur les Poissons Fossiles. Boards, uncut, 72 pp., author’s autogr. pres. copy. Neuchatel, 1835. $2.75

1619. Agassiz and Baird. N. American Fresh Water Fishes, Six Species of. 1849. Six Lithographs from Drawings by A. Sonrel. Explan. of Plates by D. S. Jordan. Pr. paper covers, folio, 12 pp. Wash., 1889. $1.25

1620. Akerman, John Yonge. Spring-Tide, or, The Angler and His Friends. Second ed. 12mo, uncut, 192 pp., illus., scarce. London, 1852. $2.75

1621. American Angler’s Guide, or, Complete Fisher’s Manual for the U. S., Containing the Opinions and Practices of Experienced Anglers of Both Hemispheres. Third ed., improved, with the addition of a second part, etc. 332 pp., lithographs, woodcuts and steel plate illus., marginal illus. on each page. 12mo, scarce. N. York, 1849. $2.25

1622. American Angler’s Guide. Containing Method of Making Artificial Flies, etc. Fourth ed. 12mo, orig. figured cloth, stained, 224 pp., illus. Rare. N. York, 1849. $1.25

1623. Ancient Plates of Fishes. Recueil de Planches de l’Encyclopedie. Planches des Peches. 4to, boards, uncut, 32 pp. Explanations of Plates, 114 copper plates. Paris, 1793. $3.75

1624. [Anderdon, John Lavincount.] The River Dove with Some Quiet Thoughts on the Happy Practice of Angling. 12mo, uncut, 296 pp., scarce. Copy brought $13.00 in Heckscher sale. London, 1847. $8.00

1625. Angler’s Diary and Fisherman’s Guide to the Rivers and Lakes of the World, With Forms for Registering the Fish Taken During the Year. By J. E. B. C. 4to, paper label. London, 1871. $1.50

1626. Anglers’ Evenings. Papers by Members of the Manchester Angler’s Association. First Series. 276 pp., uncut, vignette on title. Manchester and London, 1880. $2.00

1626A. Anglers’ Evenings. Same. Second Series. With Illustrations. 4to, uncut, unopened, large paper, 283 pp., autotype illus., cuts, angling song, fine copy. Manchester and London, 1882. $4.00

1627. Angler’s Guide, The. Containing Easy Instructions for the Youthful Beginner, etc. (Also) Appendix Containing Recipes for Dressing Fish, 16mo, pr. boards, uncut, 136 pp., frontis. By a Lover of the Art. London, 1828. $2.50

1628. Anglican Friar, The, and the Fish which He Took by Hook and by Crook. A Comic Legend, by A. Novice, A. F. and F. 12mo, 166 pp., illus. London, 1851. $3.00

1629. Angling, the Art Of. Small 24mo, pr. Paper Covers, 64 pp., frontis. and engraved title, fine copy, rare. London, n. d. $2.25

1630. Ashworth, Edmund and Thos. Treatise on Propagation of Salmon and Other Fish. 12mo, pr. covers, 68 pp., folding plate. Stockport and London, 1853. $1.50

1631. Ashworth, Thos. The Salmon Fisheries of England, 1868, etc. 12mo, 117 pp., colored frontis. London and Bath, n. d. $1.50

1632. Bailey, Wm. The Angler’s Instructor. 12mo, 111 pp., First ed. London, 1857. $2.00

1633. Bainbridge, Geo. C. The Fly Fisher’s Guide. Illus. by Coloured Plates Representing Upwards of 40 of the Most Useful Flies, Copied from Nature. Second ed., with Additions. Full diamond calf and gilt, 162 pp., colored plates, best ed., very rare and desirable. Liverpool, Printed by Cruikshank, 1828. $5.00

1634. Bainbridge, G. C. The Fly Fisher’s Guide. Illus. by Coloured Plates, Representing Upwards of Forty of the Most Useful Flies, etc. Fourth ed. 135 pp. London, 1840. $3.50

1635. Barry, W. Moorland and Stream. With Notes and Prose Idyls on Shooting and Trout Fishing. 12mo, 299 pp. London, 1871. $1.75

1636. Bathurst, Rev. Charles. Notes on Nets, or, the Quincunx Practically Considered, with Miscellaneous Memoranda. 12mo, paper label, 183 pp., illus. London, n. d. $2.50

1637. Bean, T. H. The Fishes of Pennsylvania, with Descriptions of the Species and Notes on their Common Names, Distribution, Habits, etc. 35 plates (15 colored), out of print. Harrisburg, 1892. $1.75

1638. Berners, Dame Juliana. A Treatyse of Fysshynge wyth an Angle. Fac-simile of the First Book on Fishing Printed in England by Wynkyn De Worde in 1496. Introduction by Rev. M. G. Watkins. 4to, pr. covers, illus. London, Elliot Stock. $2.75

1638A. Berners, Dame Juliána. A Treatyse of Fysshynge with an Angle. Originally Printed by Wynkyn de Worde in 1496. Edited by Piscator. Bibliotheca Curiosa. 12mo, pr. paper label, 36 pp., uncut. Privately printed. Edinburgh, 1885. $2.75

1639. Berners, Dame Julia. Geo. van Siclen’s American ed. of Her “Treatyse on Fysshynge.” Illus. after the Baskerville Pickering ed., of 1827. Square 8vo, rare. N. York, 1875. $1.50

1640. Best, Thos. Art of Angling, with Several New and Recent Discoveries, Nobb’s Complete Troller, etc. Tenth ed. Old calf, 260 pp. frontis. London, 1814. $2.00

1641. Best, Thos. A Concise Treatise on the Art of Angling. With the Proper Methods for Breeding and Feeding Fish, and of Making Fish Ponds, Stews, etc., with Several Arcana Never Before Made Public. To which is Added the Compleat Fly-Fisher. 12mo, half calf, 112 pp., frontis. London, 1787. $8.00

1642. Bickerdyke, John. Angling for Game Fish. New Ed., Revised and enlarged. 12mo, printed covers, 138 pp., illus. London, and N. York, 1901. $1.25

1643. Bickerdyke, John. Angling for Pike. New and Revised Ed. 12mo, printed covers, 102 pp., illus. London and N. York, 1900. $1.00

1644. Bishop, W. H. Fish and Men in the Maine Islands. 12mo, paper covers, 129 pp., illus. N. York, 1885. $1.00.

1645. Bloch, Dr. M. E. Allgemeine Naturgeschichte Der Fische. Vols. 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8 of the set of colored plates for this noted Fishwerck with engraved title to vols. 1 and 7, dated 1784, including plates 1 to 72 and 145 to 288, inclusive. These wonderfully fine plates were designed by Kringer and engraved by Schmidt, and colored from fresh specimens by hand. Very rare. Oblong folio, old calf in fine order, Library stamp of Albany Institute on each plate. A complete set brought $90.00 in the Heckscher Sale. 6 vols. in 3. Twelve vols. were published. $15.00

1646. Blacker, Wm. Blacker’s Art of Fly Making, etc., Comprising Angling and Dyeing of Colours, with Engravings of Salmon and Trout Flies, shewing the Process of the Gentle Craft as Taught in the Pages. Hand-colored plates. 12mo, full mor., rubbed, first ed., rare. London, 1855. $4.00

1647. Blakey, Robt. Angler’s Complete Guide to Rivers and Lakes of England. Pr. boards, 12mo, 186 pp., frontis. London, 1853. $2.00

1648. Blakey, Robt. Same. London, 1856. $1.75

1649. Blakey, Robt. Angling, or, How to Angle and Where to Go. 12mo, half calf, 187 pp., frontis. London, 1854. $2.50

1650. Blakey, Robt. Historical Sketches of Angling Literature of All Nations, with Bibliography of English Writers on Angling. 12mo, uncut, 335 pp. London, 1856. $2.50.

1651. Book of Fishes. 16mo, 160 pp., woodcuts. London, 1834. $1.25

1652. Boosey, Thos. Anecdotes of Fish and Fishing. 251 pp., uncut, unopened, as new. London, 1887. $1.75

1653. (Boosey, Thos.) Piscatorial Reminiscences and Gleanings. By an Old Angler and Bibliopolist. 2 vols. in 1. 12mo, orig. cloth, uncut, 248 pp.+Index and Bibliotheca Piscatoria. Heckscher copy brought $8.50. London, 1835 and 1836. $6.00

1654. Border Angler. Guide to the Tweed and its Tributaries, etc. 12mo, boards, loose, 208 pp. Edinburgh, n. d. $1.00

1655. Bowlker, Charles. The Art of Angling, or, Compleat Fly-Fisher, Describing the Different Kinds of Fish, their Haunts, Places of Feeding, with Account of the Generation of Fishes, etc. 12mo, sprinkled calf, 118 pp., frontis. This is the Fifth edition, the Fourth was printed by Bookerville. Birmingham, Pr. by and for Swinney & Walker, 1792. $3.75

1656. Bowlker, Charles. The Art of Angling, or, Complete Fly and Bottom Fisher, etc. 16mo, pr. boards, 170 pp., frontis. Ludlow, 1814. $3.00

1657. Bowlker, Charles. Same. 12mo, half calf, 154 pp., illus., colored plate. Ludlow, 1839. $2.50

1657A. Bowlker, Charles. Same. Engraved Colored Frontis., wood-cuts, 12mo, Ludlow, 1829. $2.75

1658. British Fish and Fisheries. 16mo, full gilt, 192 pp., Illus. London, Religious Tract Soc., n. d. $1.50

1659. Brookes, R. The Art of Angling. In 2 parts, etc. Third Ed., with Improvements. 12mo, calf, 299 pp., 135 cuts. London, 1770. $3.00

1660. Brookes, R. M. D. The Art of Angling. In 2 parts, etc. 12mo, calf, 268 pp., illus. with 135 copper-plates. New ed. London, 1801. $2.75

1661. Brown, Wm. The Natural History of the Salmon. 12mo, 136 pp., illus. Glasgow, etc., 1862. $1.75

1662. Browne, Moses. Angling Sports. In Nine Piscatory Eclogues, etc. Third ed., corrected and very much improved. 12mo, calf, engraved frontis. This edition was the first published with author’s name attached. Hare. London, 1773. $4.00

1663. Buckland, Frank T. Fish Hatching. 268 pp., Illus. London, 1863. $1.75

1664. Catfish Monographs. Six Articles on Anatomy of Amiurus. Proc. Canadian Inst., V. II. Pp. 251 to 443, inclus., 8 plates, paper. Toronto, 1884. $1.75

1665. Chambers, E. T. D. The Ouananiche and Its Canadian Environment. First edition, fine copy, gilt top, uncut, 357 pp., illus. by plates and cuts. N. York, 1896. $2.25

1666. Charleton, T. W. The Art of Fishing. A Poem. Half mor., 80 pp., uncut, rare. North Shields, 1819. $5.00

1667. (Cheek, John.) The Young Angler’s Guide. Instructions in Arts of Fly-Fishing, Bottom-Fishing, Trolling, etc. Fourth ed. 77 pp.+25 pp. Catalogue of Prices. Illus. London, 1839. $2.00

1668. (Cheek John.) Same. Third Ed. 77 pp.+25pp., Illus. London, 1839. $1.50

1669. Childrey, J. Britannia Baconica, or, The Natural Rarities of England, Scotland and Wales. Usefull for all Ingenious Men of what Profession or Quality Soever. 12mo, old calf, uncut, 184 pp., Several curious fishing references. Name cut from title not involving text. London, 1661. $2.50

1670. Clarke, Kit. The Practical Angler. How, Where and When to Catch Fish. 12mo, 207 pp., illus. N. York, 1892. $1.00

1671. Cliffe, J. H. Notes and Recollections of an Angler. Rambles Among the Mountains, Valleys and Solitudes of Wales, etc. 12mo, 254 pp. London, 1860 $2.00

1672. Colquhoun, John. Salmon-Casts and Stray Shots, etc. First ed. 205 pp., uncut, fine copy, rare. Edinburgh and London, 1858. $5.00

1673. Cope, E. D. Synopsis of the Cyprinidæ of Pennsylvania. Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., V. 13. 4to, paper covers, pp. 351 to 410, figures, 4 plates, water stained. Phila., 1866. $1.50

1674. Davies, G. Christopher. Handbook to Rivers and Broads of Norfolk and Suffolk. Third ed. 12mo, pr. boards, 108 pp., illus., folded map in pocket. London (1882). $1.25

1675. Davy, John, M. D. The Angler and His Friend, or, Piscatory Colloquies and Fishing Excursions. 12mo, 306 pp., uncut, scarce. London, 1855. $2.50

1676. Davy, Humphry, Bart. Salmonia, or, Days of Fly-Fishing. By an Angler. Second edition. 12mo, uncut, 335 pp., boards, illus., most readable. London, 1829. $3.00

1677. Davy, H. Same. Fourth Edition. Half Mor. London, 1851. $1.75

1678. Davy, H. Same. Full calf. $2.25

1679. De Kay. Zool. of New York. Parts 3 and 4. Reptiles and Fishes. 2 vols., complete. Text and plates, 4to., Albany, 1842. $4.00

1680. (Dennys, John.) The Secrets of Angling. Teaching Tools, Baits and Seasons for Taking of any Fish in Pond or River, etc. Edited by Piscator. 2 vols. in 1. 12mo, orig. cloth, uncut, paper label, only 275 copies printed, fine copy, 2 title-pages. Heckscher did not have any edition or reprint of this work. Originally published in 1613. Edinburgh, 1885. $3.50

1681. (Dennys, John.) Same. Introduction by Thos. Westwood. 4to, uncut, 62 pp., fac-simile title-page of orig. ed. London, 1883. $4.00

1682. (Doubleday, T.) The Coquet-Dale Fishing Songs. Now First Collected and Edited by a North-Country Angler. 12mo, uncut, 167 pp., several airs set to music. Rare. Edinburgh, and London 1852. $2.75

1683. (Doubleday, T.) Same. Finely bound in full green crushed levant, gilt borders and design on back. $4.00

1684. Edwards, J. Tour of the Dove; or, A Visit to Dovedale, etc. A Poem. Second edition. 12mo, original printed boards, uncut, 122 pp. London, n. d. $2.50

1685. Eigenman, Carl H., and R. S. A Revision of the S. American Mematognathi, or Catfishes. Pr. paper covers, uncut, 508 pp., illus., folding map. (Occas. Papers Calif. Acad. Sci., No. 1.) San Francisco, 1890. $2.50

1686. Faber, G. L. The Fisheries of the Adriatic and the Fish Thereof. A Report of the Austro-Hungarian Sea Fisheries. With a detailed Description of the Marine Fauna of the Adriatic Gulf. 4to., uncut, 18 wood engravings. London, 1883. $1.75

1687. Fennell, G. The Rail and the Rod, or, Tourist-Angler’s Guide to Waters and Quarters 30 Miles around London. By Greville Fennell (Barnes). Nos. 1 to 6, inclus. All published in Bib. Pisc. 12mo, half mor., loose, title-page of No. 5 missing. London, 1867-71. $3.50

1688. Fisher Boy, the. A Poem Comprising His Several Avocations During the Year. By H. C. 12mo, boards, uncut, illus. London, n. d., circa. 1834. $2.00

1689. Fisher, P. The Angler’s Souvenir. New Ed. Edited by G. Christopher Davies. 310 pp., full gilt, fine engravings on heavy plate paper and woodcut borders, etc. London (1877). $2.50

1690. (Fitzgibbon, Edward.) “Ephemera.” A Handbook of Angling, Teaching Fly-Fishing, Trolling, Bottom-Fishing and Salmon-Fishing. With Natural History of River Fish, etc. Third ed., corrected, etc. 12mo, uncut, 312 pp., illus. London, 1853. $2.50

1691. Forbes, S. A. Studies of the Food of Fishes of Illinois. Bull. Ill. State Lab. N. Hist., Vol. II. Pr. paper covers. Peoria, 1888. $1.00

1692. Forrester, Frank. Fishing with Hook and Line. 12mo, Printed covers, 64 pp., illus., book-plate of Thomas Satchell, the bibliophile fisherman, on cover. N. York, n. d. $3.00

1693. Francis, Francis. A Book on Angling. A Complete Treatise on the Art of Angling in Every Branch. Second ed., revised and much enlarged. Orig. cloth, uncut, 472 pp., many colored plates of flies and other illus., valuable. London, 1867. $3.00

1694. Francis, F. Same. Fourth ed., Revised. 12mo, uncut, 508 pp., plain and colored plates, valuable. London, 1876. $3.00

1695. Francis, F. Fish Culture. Practical Guide to Breeding and Rearing Fish. First ed. 12mo, 267 pp., unopened, illus. London and N. York, 1863. $2.00

1695A. Franck, Richard. Philanthropus. Fishing, etc. Northern Memoirs, calculated for the Meridian of Scotland; also the Contemplative and Practical Angler. Writ in the Year 1658. New edition, with Preface and Notes by Sir Walter Scott. Boards, uncut, paper labels, rare, 379 pp. Edinburgh, 1821. $3.75

1696. Fraser, Alex. Natural History of Salmon, Herrings, Cod, Ling, etc. With a Short Account of Greenland. Second ed. 12mo, boards, paper label, uncut, 132 pp. Inverness, 1833. $2.00

1697. Garlick, Theodatus. A Treatise on the Artificial Propagation of Fish, Descriptions and Habits of kinds suitable for Pisciculture. 142 pp., illus. New York, 1858. $1.50

1698. Garman, S. Three Papers. (1) N. Sp. Fish. (2) Gila Monster. (3) Turtles. Stitched, illus., Bull. Essex Inst. Salem, 1890. $1.00

1699. Gill, Bean, Goode and Jordan’s Monographs of American Fishes, in the octavo publications of the National Museum, four titles, paper edition. Each 75c. to $1.25

1700. Goode, G. Brown. American Fishes. A Popular Treatise on Food and Game Fishes of N. America, their Habits and Mode of Capture. Colored frontis. of Trout, cuts in text, 4to. Phila., 1888. $2.25

1701. Goode, G. B., et al. American Game Fishes, their Habits, Peculiarities; How, When and Where to Angle for Them. By Prof. G. Brown Goode, W. N. Haldeman, Prof. David Starr Jordan, G. O. Shields and others. As new, 580 pp., numerous illus., 2 col. plates. Chicago, 1892. $2.75

1702. Grant, Corrie. The Ground Game Act, 1880, with Exposition, Appendix, Notes and Forms. Second ed. Printed covers, 35 pp. London, n. d. $1.00

1704. Hackle, Palmer. (Robert Blaikie.) Hints on Angling, Suggestions for Angling Excursions in France and Belgium, etc. 339 pp. London, 1846. $3.50

1705. Hansard, George Agar. Trout and Salmon Fishing in Wales. 12mo, half calf, 223 pp., book-plate of Walter Prideaux. London, 1834. $1.50

1706. Hayling Island, Guide To. New ed. 12mo, 60 pp., illus., map. Hayling, n. d. (Opposite Isle of Wight, England.) $1.75

1707. Herbert, Henry W. Frank Forester’s Fish and Fishing of the U. S. and British Provinces of N. America. 455 pp., illus., uncut. London, 1849. $3.75

1708. Hicks, J. Wanderings by the Locks and Streams of Assynt, and the North Highlands of Scotland. 12mo, 272 pp., illus., colored frontis. London, 1855. $2.00

1709. Hind, Henry Youle. Effect of Fishery Clauses of Treaty of Washington on Fisheries and Fishermen of Br. N. America. Tall 4to, 67 pp., large folding colored map. Halifax, N. S., 1877. $2.75

1710. Holdsworth, E. W. H. (and) Young, Archibald. Sea Fisheries. Salmon Fisheries. 2 titles, 12mo, uncut, 300 pp., illus. London, 1877. $1.50

1711. Hopkins’ Laboratory Contribution and Leland Stanford U. Publications. 5 Pamphlets on Fishes by Jordan, Cramer, Starks and Rutter. Plates. Palo Alto, 1895-96. $1.50

1712. Houghton, Rev. W. British Fresh-water Fishes. Illus. with a Coloured Figure of Each Species Drawn from Nature by A. F. Lydon, and Numerous Engravings. 2 Vols., folio, pp. xxvi+204, colored plates, half mor. London, Edinburgh and London, (1879). $9.50

1713. How to Catch Trout. By Three Anglers. Fourth ed. Pr. boards, 12mo, 83 pp., illus. Edinburgh, 1889. $1.00

1714. Hutchinson, Thos. Natural History of the Frog Fish of Surinm, (So. Am.) 4to, paper, 8 pp., plates. York (Eng.), (1796). $3.00

1715. Jesse, Edward. An Angler’s Rambles. 318 pp., uncut. London, 1836. $2.50

1716. Jordan & Evermann. The Fishes of North and Middle America. 4 vols. Bulletins U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 47. An exhaustive Treatise on the Species of Fish-like Vertebrates found in the Waters of N. America, North of the Isthmus of Panama. Complete set. Wash., 1896-98. $16.00

1717. Jordan, D. S., and Gilbert, C. H. Synopsis of the Fishes of N. America. Bull. U. S. Nat. Museum, Vol. III, No. 16. Pr. paper covers, printed paper label, 1074 pp., uncut. Wash., 1882. $2.75

1718. Knox, Dr. Fish and Fishing in the Lone Glens of Scotland, with History of Propagation, Growth, etc., of Salmon. 12mo, half calf, 144 pp., illus., name on title-page. London and N. York, 1854. $2.00

1719. Knox, A. E. Autumns on the Spey. 12mo, uncut, 171 pp., illus. Refers to fish and fishing. London, 1872. $2.00

1720. Kingsley, Charles. Fishing. Glaucus, or, the Wonders of the Shore. First Amer. Ed. 12mo, 165 pp. Boston, 1855. $1.75

1721. Lambert, Osmund. Angling Literature in England. Descriptions of Fishing by the Ancients, Notice of Books on Piscatorial Subjects. First ed. 12mo, orig. vellum, uncut, 87 pp. London, 1881. $1.75

1722. Lang, Andrew. Angling Sketches. First ed. 4to, 176 pp., 3 etchings and numerous illus. London and N. York, 1891. $3.50

1723. Lang, Andrew. Angling Sketches. Second ed. (Same Year as First ed.) 4to, 176 pp., 3 etchings and numerous illus. London and New York, 1891. $2.50

1724. Lord, W. B. Sea Fish and How to Catch Them. 12mo, Pr. covers, 117 pp., illus. London, n. d. $1.00

1725. Mackintosh, Alex. The Modern Fisher, or, Driffield Angler. In 2 parts. (Also) Instructions for Shooting, Breeding, etc., of Pointers and Spaniels, Short Treatise on Coursing, etc. 12mo, boards, uncut, 249 pp. Derby, n. d. $2.50

1726. (Marston, Edward.) An Amateur Angler’s Days in Dove Dale. How I Spent my Three Weeks’ Holidays. 16mo, gilt edges, 88 pp. London, 1884. $1.50

1727. (March, J.) The Jolly Angler, or, Water Side Companion. Account of Best Places, Tackle, Baits, etc. Second ed. 12mo, boards, 104 pp., illus. London (1831). $2.00

1728. (March, J.) Same. Third edition. (1836). $2.00

1729. Mass. Fishes. Reports of Commis. Zool. Survey. Contains Storer’s Rept. on Fishes. Pr. covers, uncut, 107 pp. Boston, 1838. $1.00

1730. Mass. Zoology of. Reports on Fishes, Reptiles and Birds of. Fishes and Reptiles by Storer; Birds by Peabody. Paper covers, uncut, 426 pp., 4 plates, rare. Boston, 1839. $3.00

1731. Medwin, Thos. The Angler in Wales, or, Days and Nights of Sportsmen. 2 vols. 336 pp.+348 pp., Etchings by T. Landseer; Cuts by Jackson, Bewick’s pupil. London, 1834. $4.00

1732. Meek, S. E. Fresh Water Fishes of Mexico, North of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. Zool. Series, V. 5. Field Columbian Mus. Pub. 93. Pr. paper covers, many illus., 252 pp., uncut. Chicago, 1904. $2.00

1733. Moffatt, A. S. The Secrets of Angling. 12mo, 326 pp., Illus. Edinburgh, 1865. $2.50

1734. New Jersey Fishes. Annual Report of N. J. State Museum, 1905, with Report of Fresh and Salt Water Fish found in the Waters of New Jersey, by Fowler. Fully illus., 103 plates of Fish, 477 pp. Trenton, 1906. $1.50

1735. New Jersey. Reports of the Fish Commissioners, First to Tenth, inclus. Orig. paper covers, very scarce. Trenton, 1871-83. $4.00

1736. Nicols, Arthur. Acclimatisation of the Salmondæ at the Antipodes; Its History and Results. 238 pp., London, 1882. $1.50

1737. Norris, Thaddeus. American Fish Culture, Embracing Artificial Breeding and Rearing of Trout; Culture of Salmon, Shad, etc. First ed. 304 pp., illus., frontis. Phila., 1868. $1.75

1738. Oliver, Stephen. Scenes and Recollections of Fly-Fishing in Northumberland, Cumberland and Westmoreland. 12mo, uncut, 212 pp., illus. An interesting little volume which was not in Heckscher’s collection. It is illus. with head and tail-pieces in wood and contains 2 songs which were afterward included in the New Castle Fisher’s Garland. It contains a review of old angling literature by the author. Scarce. London, 1834. $3.50

1739. Oliver, S. Same. Full calf, gilt, gilt top, bound by tout. $6.00

1740. Ongaro, Antonio. Dell’ Alceo Favola Pescatoria. Nouva Edizione. 16mo, full calf, and gilt. Londra, 1737. $3.00

1741. Peard, Wm. Practical Water-Farming. 12mo, 256 pp. Edinburgh 1868. $2.00

1742. Pennell, H. Cholmondeley. The Book of the Pike. Treatise on Methods of Jack Fishing, etc. 12mo, uncut, 254 pp., illus. London and N. York, n. d. $1.75

1743. Pennell, H. C. Same. Second Ed., Gilt top, Illus., Colored frontis. London, and N. York, 1870. $2.00

1744. Pennell, H. C. The Angler-Naturalist. Popular History of British Fresh-Water Fish, with Explanation of Rudiments of Ichthyology. 12mo, uncut, illus. London and N. York, n. d. $2.75

1745. Pennell, H. C. Fishing Gossip, or, Stray Leaves from the Note Books of Several Anglers. 329 pp., uncut, unopened, frontis., fine copy. Edinburgh, 1866. $3.50

1746. Pennell, H. C. Fly-Fishing and Worm-Fishing for Salmon, Trout, and Grayling. 12mo, pr. boards, 120 pp., illus. London, (1875). $1.25

1747. Pennsylvania Commissioners of Fisheries Reports for 1881-82 to 1901, inclus. 13 consecutive vols. variously bound (one in paper, others cloth and half Russia). Many colored plates of Fishes and numerous other illus. Contains the valuable illus. monog. of Penna. Fishes by Tarleton Bean. The set, $5.75

1748. Same, for 1889-90-91. Contains Bean’s Monograph on Fishes of Pennsylvania, with many plates, plain and colored, valuable. $1.75

1749. Phillips, Henry. The True Enjoyment of Angling. 138 pp., Uncut, portrait poems set to music for each month. Only 400 printed, rare. London, 1843. $3.50

1750. Pritt, T. E. The Book of the Grayling. Being a Description of the Fish and the Art of Angling for Him, as Practised Chiefly in the Midlands and the North of England. With 3 Illus. in Chromo-lithography. Imperial 4to, large paper, 64 pp., col. plates, fine copy. Leeds, 1888. $5.00

1751. Procter, George H. The Fishermen’s Memorial and Record Book. List of Vessels and Crews Lost from the Port of Gloucester from the Year 1830 to Oct. 1, 1873, with Valuable Statistics of the Fishing Business, Off-Hand Sketches, Big Trips, Narrow Escapes, Maritime Poetry, and Other Matters of Interest to these Toilers of the Sea. 172 pp., illus. Gloucester, 1873. $2.00

1752. Pulman, G. P. R. Vade-Mecum, or, Fly-Fishing for Trout, etc. 12mo, uncut, illus., 186 pp. Third ed., re-written and enlarged. London, 1851. $2.50

1753. Rafinesque, C. S. Ichthyologia Ohiensis, or, Natural History of the Fishes Inhabiting the River Ohio and Its Tributary Streams. A verbatum et literatum reprint of the original with a sketch of the Life, the Ichthyological Work and the Ichthyologic Bibliography of Rafinesque. By R. E. Call. Orig. cloth, paper label, uncut, as new. Only 200 copies printed. The original edition was printed at Lexington, Ky., in 1820, and has sold as high as $253.00, the above reprint went for $10.00 in Heckscher Sale. Cleveland, 1899. $2.50

1754. Ravenstein, E. G. Oarsman’s and Angler’s Map of the River Thames. Folded to 12mo folder. London, n. d. $1.00.

1755. Rennie, James. Alphabet of Scientific Angling for the Use of Beginners. 16mo, uncut, paper label, 138 pp., illus. London, 1833. $1.75

1756. Rooper, George. Thames and Tweed. 12mo, 142 pp. London and N. York, n. d. $1.50

1757. Roosevelt, R. B. Game Fish of the Northern States and British Provinces, with Account of Salmon and Sea-Trout Fishing of Canada, etc., etc. First ed. 12mo, 324 pp., illus. N. York, 1884. $1.75

1758. Roscoe, E. S. Rambles with a Fishing-Rod. 12mo, 152pp. Edinburgh and London, 1883. $1.50

1759. Russell, Alex. The Salmon. 248 pp., Uncut. Edinburgh, 1864. First edition in book form. $1.75

1760. Salter, T. F. The Angler’s Guide. A Complete Practical Treatise on the Art of Angling for Sea, River and Pond Fish. Third ed. Half calf, 314 pp., copper plates, name on back of 2 plates. London, 1815. $2.50

1761. Salter T. F. Same. Fourth ed. Orig. printed boards, uncut, 308 pp., illus. Autogr. inscription: “Stanhope Hawke, a gift from his Father, Lord Hawke, Augt. 13, 1821.” This ed. not in Heckscher, rare. London, 1816. $3.75

1762. Salter, T. F. Same. Fifth ed., with Author’s Celebrated Treatise on Trolling. 12mo, uncut, illus., map, 373 pp., name on title-page. London, 1823. $2.00

1763. Salter, T. F. Same. Eighth ed. 12mo, half mor., uncut, gilt top, extra illus. by insertion of numerous plates, portrait, very rare. London, 1833. $4.00

1764. Schuylkill Fishing Company. An Authentic Historical Memoir of the State in Schuylkill from its Establishment on that Romantic Stream, near Philadelphia, in the year 1732, to the Present Time. By a member (Mr. Milnor). 8vo, orig. cloth, paper label, illus. by lithographs, 127 pp. Phila., 1830. To which is Appended Memoirs of the Gloucester Fox Hunting Club near Philadelphia, illus., 57 pp. As originally published, bound together. This Club is the Oldest Sporting Fraternity ever established among English-speaking people that continues to exist under its original Charter and Rules of Government. Its more prominent Members were all more or less influential in the Affairs of the American Revolution, and it forms one of the most interesting books ever written on the subject of early American Sport and Fishing. Phila., 1830. $16.00

1765. Scott, Genio C. Fishing in American Waters. New ed., containing Parts 6 and 7 on Southern and Miscellaneous Fishes. 539 pp., many illus., frontis. N. York, 1875. $2.00

1765A. Scrope, Wm. Days and Nights of Salmon Fishing in the Tweed, with Short Account of the Natural History and Habits of the Salmon, Instructions to Sportsmen, Anecdotes, etc. Plain and colored illus. by L. Haghe, T. Landseer and S. Williams. Royal 8vo, orig. cloth, gilt figured, uncut, binding worn. The very rare First edition, a clean copy within and would rebind to a fine copy. John Murray, London, 1843. $55.00

1766. Seabury, George J. An Ode to Lake Bass. Oblong 8vo, nicely illus. and with cover in colors. N. York (1890). $1.50

1767. Second Presbyterian Fishing Club of Philadelphia. A Folio Scrap Book of Unique Historic Value and Interest. Containing a Collection of the Correspondence re the affairs of the Club, original Pen and Ink Sketches of a humorous nature by members, tickets, mementoes, photographs, the printed Logs of the Club from the first issue (the 8th cruise) to the 16th cruise inclusive; also Reports of other Cruising Clubs, etc. Many of the Letters are written by men of note in the Sporting and Political World. The size of the vol. is 16 × 11 inches, and there are 200 pp. containing about 600 items. The Collection was made by a former Secretary (the Club is no longer in existence) during the period 1878 to 1883. $250.00

1768. Second Presbyterian Fishing Club Cruises. Logs of the 12th to the 17th Annual Cruise, inclus., 1882-1887. One of the most amusing and facetiously Illustrated Club publications ever issued. Orig. pr. paper covers, fine condition. The first of these publications was issued for the 8th Cruise. 6 vols. Phila., 1882-87. $7.50

1769. Second Presbyterian Fishing Club Logs. Odd vols. $1.00 to $2.00

1770. Senior, WM. Travel and Trout in the Antipodes. An Angler’s Sketches in Tasmania and New Zealand. 315 pp., illus. London, 1880. $1.75

1771. Shipley, WM. A True Treatise on the Art of Fly-Fishing, Trolling, etc. Applicable to every Trout and Grayling River in the Empire. Edited by Edward Fitzgibbon. 264 pp., uncut, illus. First ed. London, 1838. $3.00

1772. (Shirley, Thos.) The Angler’s Museum, or, The Whole Art of Float and Fly-Fishing. Third ed., to which is Prefixed the Sermon of St. Anthony to a Miraculous Congregation of Fishes. 12mo, old calf, 135 pp., vignette on title, fine portrait of old John Kirby, rare. London, John Fielding, no date. $3.75

1773. Simeon, Cornwall. Stray Notes on Fishing and Nat. History. Engr. title-page, frontis., 256 pp., 12mo. Cambridge and London, 1860. $1.50

1774. Smith, Jerome V. C. Natural History of Fishes of Mass., Embracing Practical Essay on Angling. First ed. 12mo, orig. linen, paper label, uncut, 400 pp., illus., fine copy. Boston, 1833. $2.50

1775. Smith, Arthur. The Thames Angler. Second ed. 12mo, printed covers, 80 pp., illus., rare. London, 1860. $2.25

1776. Stewart, W. C. The Practical Angler. Third ed. 12mo, uncut, 224 pp., illus., name on title page. Edinburgh, 1857. $1.50

1777. Stewart, W. C. Same. Fifth ed., revised, etc. Edinburgh, 1867. $1.25

1778. Stoddard, Thos. Tod. The Art of Angling, as Practised in Scotland. 16mo, uncut, 156 pp., illus., Autogr. copy of Wm. Yarrell, one of the most eminent Naturalists of Great Britain, Author of The History of British Fishes, etc.; also his Pencil mems. at back of book. Edinburgh, 1835. $7.00

1779. Stoddard, Thos. Tod. Same. Edinburgh, 1835. $4.50

1780. Stoddard, Thos. Tod. The Angler’s Companion to the River’s and Locks of Scotland. 12mo, half mor., gilt emblematic tooling on back, frontis. and colored plate, map. First ed. Edinburgh, 1847. $3.75

1781. Stoddard, Thos. Tod. Same. Second ed., uncut, 1853. $2.00

1782. Stoddard, Thos. Tod. An Angler’s Rambles and Angling Songs. 12mo, 410 pp. Edinburgh, 1866. $2.50

1783. Stoddard, Thos. Tod. Angling Reminiscences. First ed. 12mo, uncut, illus., 230 pp. Edinburgh, 1837. $2.50

1784. Stoddard, Thos. Tod. Angling Songs. With Memoir by Anna M. Stoddart. 12mo, 324 pp., frontis. Edinburgh and London, 1889. $2.00

1785. Storer, D. H., M. D. Report on Fishes of Mass. The complete Monograph as pub’d, pp. 389 to 570 of Vol. 2, Boston Jour. Nat. Hist., Nos. 3 and 4. Index and plates. Autogr. pres. copy from author to Dr. C. C. Abbott, the Trenton Naturalist. Half mor., very rare. Boston, 1839. $4.75

1786. Street, A. B. Woods and Waters, or, The Saranacs and Racket. 12mo, map of route and 9 illus., fine, first ed. N. York, 1860. $1.75

1787. Taylor, Samuel. Angling in all its Branches, Reduced to a Complete Science. The Result of More than 40 Years Real Practice Throughout Great Britain and Ireland. In 3 parts. 12mo, boards, 298 pp., scarce. London, 1800. $4.00

1788. Thorne, James. Rambles by Rivers. 4 vols, in 2. 16mo, uncut, illus. London, 1845-49. $2.75

1789. Tod, S. M. Glover’s Illustrated Guide to Isle of Man, with Sea and Trout Fishing. 12mo, 244 pp., illus., folding map. Douglas, London, etc., 1868. $2.00

1790. Traherne, John P. The Habits of the Salmon. 163 pp., unopened, London, 1889. $1.75

1791. Turton, John. The Angler’s Manual, or, Fly-Fisher’s Oracle, etc. 12mo, paper label, 86 pp., frontis., fine copy, rare. London, 1836. $3.50

1792. U. S. Fish Commission Bulletin. Vols. 1 to 7, inclusive. Vol. 3 stained and worn, others first-class condition. Wash., 1882. Set, $3.00

1793. U. S. Fish Commission Reports for 1872-3, 1877, 1878, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886. Price each, 50c. to $1.00

1794. Venables, Col. Robert. The Experienced Angler, or, Angling Improved. Imparting Many of the Aptest Ways and Choicest Experiments for the Taking Most Sorts of Fish in Pond, or River. Fac-simile frontis. and title-page of orig. edition; also numerous clever thumb nail engravings mounted throughout text. (Also) The Art of Angling, Greatly Enlarged and Improved. Directions for Fly-Fishing, Trolling, etc. Illus. by Charles Bowlker. 2 vols. in 1, 16mo, half calf, colored frontis., 154+61 pp. London, 1825-29. $10.00

1795. Walton, Isaac, and Cotton, Charles. The Compleat Angler, or, Contemplative Man’s Recreation. In Two Parts. By the Ingenious and Celebrated Mr. Isaac Walton and Charles Cotton, Esq. I, Being a Discourse of Rivers, Fish-Ponds, Fish and Fishing. II, Instructions how to angle for a Trout or Grayling in a Clear Stream. With Draughts of all the Fish; ornamented with a number of copper-plates and a great variety of useful and copious notes. By Moses Browne. The eighth edition, with the addition of the songs set to music. Also, the Laws that concern angling and an appendix (etc.). 12mo, old calf, full gilt, numerous plates, music and head and tail-pieces. Clean, sound and unspotted. An extra nice copy of this scarce edition. Heckscher’s copy sold for $25.00. London, Richard and Henry Causton, 1772. $18.50

1796. Walton and Cotton. The Complete Angler, or, Contemplative Man’s Recreation. Being a Discourse on Rivers, Fish-Ponds, Fish and Fishing. In Two Parts; the First Written by Mr. Isaac Walton, the second by Chas. Cotton, Esq., with the Lives of the Authors and Notes Historical, Critical and Explanatory. By Sir John Hawkins, Knt. The Fourth edition, with large additions. 16 plates (including music and portrait of Cotton), illus. in text. Small 8vo, old calf, mended. London, Printed for John Francis and Charles. Rivington, 1784. $12.00

1797. Walton and Cotton. Same. Sir John Hawkins, ed. 2 vols. in 1. 16mo, calf, 267+284 pp., portraits and vignettes on title pages. Chiswick. Printed by C. Whittingham, 1824. $8.00

1798. Walton and Cotton. Same. Sir John Hawkins, ed. 16mo, 420 pp., calf, 3 plates, portraits. Cuts said to be by Thos. Bewick. Heckscher copy brought $20.00. London, J. F. Dove, 1825. $12.50

1799. Walton and Cotton. Same. Collation. Half title, portrait, engraved title; dated 1827; title dated 1826. Pp. xxv—232, portrait; pp. 233—325, index. 24mo, 2 vols. in 1, cuts in text, orig. cloth, uncut, paper label. A copy sold for £9 at the Coleman sale in 1897. London, Wm. Pickering, 1827. $10.00

1800. Walton and Cotton. Same. Lives and Notes by Sir John Hawkins. Edited by James Rennie. 12mo, 328 pp., illus. Edinburgh, 1836. $5.00

1801. Walton and Cotton. Same. With Original Memoirs and Notes by Sir Harris Nicolas. Illustrated with beautiful steel engravings, including many of fish, in the text. Extra Illus. Edition. 2 vols. Imperial 8vo, full blue-black mor., elaborate and emblematic gold tooling on back and side, dentelle borders, polished gilt edges. With all the numerous portraits, views, scenes, fac-similes, etc. By T. Stothard and others. All brilliant proofs on India paper. A magnificent copy of Pickering’s unsurpassed edition. Free from spots and blemishes and as fresh as the day of issue. Extra plates consist of 25 portraits (6 of them proofs), 17 views, 19 coloured plates of flies. London, W. Pickering, 1836. $140.00

1802. Walton and Cotton. Same. 2 vols in 1. 24mo, 149 pp., Frontis. Has brought $9.50 at auction. Stained on back of frontis. London, Charles Tilt, 1837. $4.00

1803. Walton (Izaak). Same. Notes, Biographical and Explanatory and Lives of the Authors. Illus., 8vo, old half binding, worn, uncut. Washbourne, London, 1842. $6.00

1804. Walton and Cotton. Same edition. 8vo, half bound, (binding broken). A Reprint of the Major Edition of 1839, both as regards matter and illus. Washbourne, London, 1842. $4.75

1805. Walton and Cotton. Same. With Copious Notes for the Most Part Original. A Biographical Preface, Giving an Account of Fishing and Fishing Hooks, from the Earliest Antiquity to the Time of Walton, and a Notice of Cotton and His Writings, by the American Editor. To which is Added an Appendix, including Illustrative Ballads, Music, Papers on American Fishing, and the most complete Catalogue of Books on Angling, etc., ever Printed. Also, a General Index to the Whole Work. In 2 parts. 12mo, 210 pp., illus., portraits. The American Editor of this ed. was George W. Bethune. The Best Amer. Ed., First Ed. of it. Orig. fig. cloth. N. York and London, 1847. $4.00

1806. Walton and Cotton. Same. Edited by “Ephemera.” 12mo, 309 pp.+Explanation of Plates, illus. fac-simile title-page of orig. edition. London, Nathaniel Cooke, 1854. $2.50

1807. Walton and Cotton. Same. Edited by Edward Jesse, with Papers on Fishing Tackle, etc., by Henry G. Bohn. 12mo, 496 pp., illus., portraits, vignette. London, Henry G. Bohn, 1856. $3.00

1808. Walton and Cotton. Same. 2 vols. in 1. Portraits and illus., 8vo, cloth. Not in Heckscher. Wiley, N. York, 1859. $4.50

1809. Walton and Cotton. Same. Ed. by John Major. Illus. with 50 steel plates designed by T. Stothard, Jas. Inskip, Edward Hassel and others. 74 wood engravings, 8 orig. etchings, and 2 portraits, with practical Treatise on Flies and Fly-Hooks by John Jackson, illus. with 10 colored plates representing 120 flies, natural and artificial. Extra illus. edition, designed for Collectors. Imperial 8vo, sheets, uncut, only 80 copies printed for the American Market, this copy No. 36. London, 1885. $16.50

1809A. Walton and Cotton. The Same. Imperial 8vo, three-quarter crimson levant. Nimmo, London, 1885. $22.50

1810. Walton and Cotton. Same. Edited by John Major. 12mo, 354 pp., illus., portrait, as new. N. York, A. L. Burt, n. d. $1.00

1811. Walton and Cotton. Same. Edited by R. B. Marston with 54 full-page photogravures and 100 woodcuts, with a Reprint of the Chronicle of the Complete Angler. 2 vols. 4to, cloth, uncut. Lea and Dove Edition. Demy 4to Edition. Limited to 500 sets. Signed set in autograph of Marston. Sampson and Low, London, 1888. $18.50

1812. Walton, Izaak. Same. Fac-simile Reprint of First Edition Published in 1653. 12mo, uncut, 246 pp., illus., fac-simile of original title-page, as new. London, Elliot Stock, n. d. $2.00

1813. Waltoniana. Inedited Remains in Verse and Prose of Izaak Walton, author of the Complete Angler, with Notes and Preface by R. H. Shepherd. 12mo, uncut. London, 1878. $2.25

1814. Waltoniana. (Lane, Fred. A.) Index to the Original and Inserted Illustrations Contained in The Complete Angler. Pickering, Publisher. 5 vols., with 1026 Illustrations, Comprising Portraits, Views, Original Drawings, Oil Paintings, Pen and Ink Sketches, Rare, Original and Unique. 4to, orig. cloth, uncut, large paper, 120 pp. This copy is No. 16 of only 50 copies printed for Private Distribution. Author’s autogr. pres. copy to Charles Congdon, of N. Y., with autogr. letter of Author. Binding somewhat rubbed, but contents in fine condition. 5 portraits. N. York, Privately Printed, 1866. $9.00

1815. Waltoniana. Westwood, Thos. The Chronicle of the Compleat Angler of Walton and Cotton. A Bibliographical Record of its Editions and Mutations. New Ed., with Notes and Additions by Thos. Satchell. 4to, orig. half roan, uncut, 86 pp. Only 200 copies printed. London, 1883. $3.00

1816. Waltoniana. Wotton, Sir Henry, Kt. (Friend of I. Walton). Reliquiæ Wottonianæ, or; a Collection of Lives, Letters, Poems; with Characters of Sundry Personages, and Other Incomparable Pieces of Language and Art. Also additional Letters to several Persons not before Printed. By the Curious Pencil of the Ever Memorable Sir Henry Wotton, Kt., late Provost of Eaton College. Fourth edition. First ed., with Additions of Letters to Lord Zouch. Portraits of Wotton, Charles 1st, George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, and Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex. 713 pp., fine old calf. Contains 2 letters to Isaac Walton, also poem “On a Bank as I Sate a Fishing,” etc. Very rare. London, B. Tooke, 1685. $8.00

1817. Walton and Cotton Club. Rules and Regulations of. Instituted 1817, Revised 1840. Royal 8vo, boards, each page inlaid, List of Members, cuts, frontis., rare. Aldus Impr. Pickering. London, 1840. $15.00

1818. Walton, Izaak. The Lives of Donne, Wotton, Hooker, Herbert and Sanderson. 32mo, orig. buckram, paper label, uncut, engraved frontis. London, 1823. $1.50

1819. Walton (Izaak). The Lives of Donne, Wotton, Hooker, Herbert and Sanderson. Frontis. by Stothard containing 5 portraits. 48mo, orig. cloth, paper label. Pickering’s Miniature Diamond Edition. Fine copy, very scarce. London, Pickering, 1827. $2.50

1820. Walton, Izaak. Lives of Donne, Wotton, Hooker, Herbert, and Sanderson. 12mo, uncut, gilt top, portrait, 403 pp. Not in Heckscher Catalog. Bell, London, 1864. $2.00

1821. Watson, John. Sketches of British Sporting Fishes. 143 pp., frontis., uncut. London, 1890. $1.75

1822. Wayth, C. Trout Fishing, or, The River Darent. A Poem. 71 pp., uncut, rare. London, 1845. $2.50

1823. Wells, Henry P. The American Salmon Fisherman. First ed., fine copy, 166 pp., illus. N. York, 1886. $2.00

1824. Westwood, T. A New Bibliotheca Piscatoria, or, General Catalogue of Angling and Fishing Literature. With Bibliographical Notes, etc. 12mo, 78 pp. London, 1861. $2.00

1825. Williamson, Capt. T. The Complete Angler’s Vade-Mecum, etc. Together with all that can Contribute to the Sportsman’s Amusement and Success. First ed. Boards, uncut, 316 pp., 10 curious plates at end. London, 1808. $4.00

1826. Wilson, Sir Samuel. Salmon at the Antipodes, etc. 12mo, 252 pp., map, frontis. London, 1879. $2.00

1827. Wright, W. Fishes and Fishing. Artificial Breeding of Fish, Their Loves, Passions and Intellects, etc. 12mo, orig. cloth, uncut, 384 pp., illus. London, 1858. $1.75

1828. Yarrell, William. A History of British Fishes. Third edition. Edited by Sir John Richardson. Illus. by 522 engravings. 2 vols., half mor., gilt tops and backs, marbled sides, choice copy with supplement. London, 1859. $7.75

1829. Young, Andrew. The Angler’s and Tourist’s Guide to the Rivers, Lakes, etc., in Northern Counties of Scotland. (Also) Instructions to Young Anglers. 16mo, 117 pp., folding map, rare. Edinburgh, 1857. $2.50

1830. Young, Andrew. Natural History and Habits of the Salmon, etc. 12mo, uncut, 108 pp. London, 1854. $2.00

1831. Young, Archibald. The Angler’s and Sketcher’s Guide to Sutherland. Second ed. 12mo, 130pp., folding map. Edinburgh, 1881. $1.00

1832. Young, Lambton J. H. Sea-Fishing as a Sport. 12mo, 220 pp., plates. London, 1865. $2.50

1833. Young Angler’s Guide, The. Instructions in Fly-Fishing, Bottom Fishing, Trolling, etc. Third ed. 77 pp.,+26 pp. Catalogue of Prices, illus. London, 1839. $2.00


1834. Alken, Henry. The National Sports of Great Britain. Hawking, Racing, Shooting, Fishing, Baiting, Coursing, etc., with 50 full-page folio illus., beautifully colored from Nature, 18 × 13 inches, each being accompanied by letter press descriptions in English and French. A handsome large portfolio, with flaps and ties. Originally published in 1821. Re-issued now as a choice fac-simile by Methuen & Co. Published at £5, 5s. net (Gr. p. 3, enx.). A copy of the original edition is now worth $350.00. London, 1903. $14.00

1834A. American Game and Other Birds. A selection of 100 colored and plain plates (4to size) from Studer’s Birds of America, in a portfolio. $3.50

1835. American Game, Where to Hunt. By the U. S. Cartridge Co. First ed. 288 pp. illus. Lowell, 1898. $1.75

1836. American Shooters’ Manual, comprising such plain and Simple Rules as are necessary to introduce the inexperienced into a full knowledge of all that relates to the Dog and the Correct Use of the Gun: also a description of the Game of this Country. By a Gentleman of Philadelphia County. 12mo, sheep, 2 plates and engraved illus. to advertisement of G. W. Tryon’s Gun Manufactory. The first thorobred American book on this subject. Fine copy. Phila., 1827. $5.00

1837. Andersson, C. J. Lake Ugami, or, Explorations and Discoveries During Four Years’ Wanderings in the Wilds of S. W. Africa, With Introductory Letter by Jno. C. Fremont. Illus., worn. N. York., 1857. $1.25

1838. Andersson, C. J. The Okavango River. A Narrative of Travel, Exploration and Adventure. Numerous illus. and map of South Africa. New York, 1861. $1.25

1839. Ascham, Roger. Toxophilus. The Schole of Shootinge Conteyned in Two Bookes. Londoni, In Ædibus Edonardi Whytchurch, cum privilegio ad imprimendum solum, 1545. E. Arber’s edition of this very rare early book on Shooting. Large paper copy, rubricated. Small 4to, half mor. London, 1869. $2.75

1840. Ascham, R. The Same. Ed. by the Rev. John Walters, M. A. from the London, 1571, ed., printed by Thomas Marshe. 16mo, 232 pp., fine copy in old half calf with the gilt crest of Edward Lord Suffield on back and his fine armorial book-plate on cover. Very rare. “Wrexham, reprinted by R. Marsh, 1788.” $4.00

1841. Baker, Ezekiel. Remarks on Rifle Guns the Result of 50 Years’ Practice. Also on Fowling Pieces, etc. The tenth ed., with plain and col. etchings by Barlow. Half roan. London, 1829. $1.50

1842. Baker, S. W. The Rifle and the Hound in Ceylon. Second ed. 12mo, 293 pp., woodcuts. Almost entirely on elephants. London, 1857. $2.00

1843. Baldwin, W. C. African Hunting from Natal to the Zambesi, including Lake Ugami, the Kalahari Desert, etc., from 1852 to 1860. With illus. by James Wolf and J. B. Zwecker. 12mo, portrait. N. Y., 1863. $1.50

1844. Baker, Sir Samuel W. Eight Years’ Wanderings in Ceylon. 12mo, illus., 323 pp., very good copy. Phila., 1869. $1.75

1845. Bennett, Emerson. Wild Scenes on the Frontiers, or, Heroes of the West. First ed. Binding worn, 421 pp., illus. Phila., 1859. $2.00

1847. Bill, Ledyard. A Winter in Florida. Observations on Climate and Products, with Sketches and Historic Summary and Hints to Tourist, Invalid and Sportsman. Illus., 12mo. N. York, 1869. $1.00

1848. Bisset, Maj.-Gen. Sport and War, or, Recollections of Fighting and Hunting in South Africa, 1834 to 1867. With Narrative of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Visit to the Cape. 12mo, gilt, fully illus., map. London, 1875. $1.75

1849. Blaine, Delabere, P. An Encyclopedia of Rural Sports. Complete Account of Hunting, Shooting, Fishing, Racing, etc. New Edition, revised, etc., with over 600 Engravings on Wood from Drawings by Leech, Alken, Landseer, etc. Half calf, 1246 pp., illus. London, 1858. $4.50

1850. Bradley, J. R. Hunting Big Game in Far N. W. British Columbia. Autograph ed.: “Compliments of the Author, J. R. Bradley, April 13, ’06.” Square 8vo, 52 pp., illus. N. York, 1904. $2.00

1851. Browning, Meshach. Forty-four Years of the Life of a Hunter. Reminiscences of a Maryland Hunter, roughly written down by Himself. Revised and illus. by E. Stabler. Gilt, as new, 400 pp. Phila., 1883. $2.00

1852. Bush Wanderings of a Naturalist, or, Notes on the Field Sports and Fauna of Australia Felix. By an Old Bushman. New ed. 12mo, 272 pp., illus., a fine copy of the first illus. ed. London, 1862. $2.75

1853. Buxton, S. Fishing and Shooting, with Illustrations by A. Thorburn and from prints. 263 pp., uncut, 14 plates, as new. Published at $3.50. N. York, 1903. $2.00

1854. Capper, John. The Duke of Edinburgh in Ceylon. A Book of Elephant and Elk Sport. 153 pp., illus., by chromo-lithographs. London, 1871. $2.00

1855. Cecil. Records of the Chase and Memoirs of Celebrated Horsemen. Illus. Usages of Olden Times as compared with the Present, etc. Illus., 12mo, 435 pp., uncut. London, 1854. $1.50

1856. Chitty, J. Continuation of a Treatise of the Law Respecting Game and Fish, with a Copious Collection of Precedents, etc. Full calf, first ed., 212 pp. London, 1816. $2.00

1857. Clark, George. The Game Laws from King Henry III. to the Present Period, with Introduction Explaining General Nature of Forests, Parks, Fisheries, etc. 12mo, 310 pp., very rare. London, 1786. $2.75

1858. Colquhoun, John. The Moor and the Loch. Hints on Highland Sports, Instructions in River, Burn and Loch Fishing, etc. 204 pp., uncut, 4 plates and 4 cuts. Second ed. London, 1841. $2.50

1859. Collingridge, A. A Night Near Windsor. (Also) Port Royal Annals, and A Tale of the Turf. Second ed. 12mo, uncut, 228 pp. London, 1840. $2.00

1860. Conway, James. Forays Among the Salmon and Deer. 12mo, First ed. 248 pp., uncut, frontis. London, 1861. $2.50

1861. Courser’s Companion, or, A Practical Treatise on the Laws of the Leash, etc. 12mo, orig. boards, uncut, 200 pp., frontis., vignette. Derby, 1829. $2.50

1862. Cox, Nicholas. The Gentleman’s Recreation. In 4 parts, viz, Hunting, Hawking, Fowling, Fishing, etc. etc. Fourth ed., with Manwood’s Forest Laws in Black Letter. The folding sheet with Musical Notes for Horn missing as usual. Pres. copy from Lady Mary O’Brien. Paneled calf, illus., very rare. London, 1697. $8.00

1863. “Craven.” The Young Sportsman’s Manual, or, Recreations in Shooting, etc. New ed. 12mo, 385 pp., uncut, unopened, fully illus., fine copy. London, 1867. $3.00

1864. Cumming, R. Gordon. Five Years of a Hunter’s Life in Far Interior of South Africa. 2 vols. 326+303 pp. N. York, 1874. $2.75

1865. Daniel, Rev. Wm. B. Rural Sports. 2 vols. Vol. I, contains 534 pp., vol. II, part 1, 378 pp., engraved title-page. Both very full of color plates. Linen, fine copy. Some plates defective. London, Nov., 1801. $3.00

1866. Daniel, Rev. Wm. B. Supplement to the Rural Sports. 4to, boards, paper label, uncut, 507 pp., plates, portrait engraved by Tomkins. London, 1813. $5.00

1867. Das Neves, D. F. A Hunting Expedition to the Transvaal. Translated from the Portuguese by Mariana Monteiro. 12mo, half green calf, gilt top, uncut, fine copy. London, 1879. $1.50

1868. Davies, G. Christopher. Norfolk Broads and Rivers, or, The Water-Ways, Lagoons and Decoys of East Anglia. New ed. 12mo, 328 pp., illus. Edinburgh and London, 1884. $1.75

1869. De Crignelle, Henri. Le Morvan (A District in France), its Wild Sports, Vineyards and Forests, etc. Trans. from the Original MS. by Capt. Jesse. 326 pp., frontis., scarce. London, 1851. $2.50

1870. D’Ewes, J. Sporting in Both Hemispheres. Tinted plates by H. Wier. 12mo, 398 pp., chapters on Trout Fishing and China. London, 1858. $2.75

1871. (De Sigrais, Bourdon.) Histoire des Rats, pour Servir a L’Histoire Universelle. Paper covers, uncut, 140 pp., frontis. Very curious and rare. A Ratopolis, 1738. $3.00

1872. Dielitz, Theodore. Travellers’ Adventures in all Countries. Abridged from the Best Writers, for Young Persons. Small 4to, gilt figured cloth, colored illus., 160 pp. Phila., 1854. $1.00

1873. Doesticks, Q. K. P. Doesticks. What he Says. First ed. 12mo. 330 pp., illus. N. York, 1855. $1.50

1874. Dougall, James D. Shooting Simplified. A Concise Treatise on Guns and Shooting. 12mo, 171 pp., + 8 pp. on Field Sports in their Higher Aspects. Author’s autogr. pres. copy. Glasgow, etc., 1857. $2.00

1875. Dougall, James D. Same. Second Ed., Re-written and Enlarged, with a Special Chapter on Breech-Loaders. 12mo, 274 pp. + 4 pp., illus. London, 1865. $2.00

1876. Doughty’s Cabinet of Natural History and Rural Sports. See General Zoology.

1877. Edwards, Frederic. Brief Treatise on the Law of Gaming, Horse-Racing and Wagers, etc. 12mo, 148 pp., embossed stamp on title-page. London, 1839. $2.00

1878. Essay on Shooting. Interspersed with Summary Observations on the Various Subjects of the Sport, etc. Second ed. Calf, 313 pp., rare. London, 1791. $3.00

1879. Fairfax, Thos. The Complete Sportsman, or, Country Gentleman’s Recreation, etc., etc. Boards, broken, uncut, The First ed., 1758, brought $80.00 in Heckscher Sale. London, Pr. for T. Cooke at Shakespeare’s Head, n. d. $5.75

1880. Fayrer, J. The Royal Tiger of Bengal. His Life and Death. 12mo, 99 pp., illus., map, Author’s autogr. pres. copy. London, 1875. $2.00

1881. Fifty Years with Gun and Rod. Tables of Velocity, Distance, etc., of Shot, by L. Case. Gun Trials, etc. of Chicago Field, by D. W. Cross. 12mo, 138 pp. Cleveland, 1880. $1.25

1882. Forester, Frank. (Wm. Henry Herbert.) Hints to Horse-Keepers. Complete Manual for Horsemen (etc.). Memoir of Author. 425 pp., illus. New York, 1859. $3.00

1883. Forester, Frank. Complete Manual for Young Sportsmen. Covers all sorts of Sport and intended for the Instruction of American Youth. Fully and artistically illus. by woodcuts and plates in tint. A nice copy of the first edition in gilt figured sage cloth. N. York, 1856. $1.75

1884. Forester, Frank. Sporting Scenes and Sundry Sketches, Being the Miscellaneous Writings of J. Cypress, Jr., ed. by F. Forester. 2 vols. Illus., by fine engravings, first ed., 12mo, orig. green cloth, fine copy. N. York, 1842. $4.50

1885. Forester, F. Judd, David W. (Editor). Life and Writings of Frank Forester (Henry Wm. Herbert). Frontis., illus., 2 vols., each vol. complete in itself, fine copies, as new. N. York, 1882. $3.00

1886. Forest and the Field, The. By H. A. L. The “Old Skekarry.” second ed., 551 pp., also woodcut illus., photograph of author in picturesque hunting garb. London, 1867. $1.50

1887. Forestry, Game and Fish. Ordonnance de Louis XIV. Sur Le Fait Des Eaux et Forets, Du mois d’Aout 1669. Registree au Parlement de Besancon, le 27, Avril, 1694. Augmentee, etc. 12mo, calf and gilt. A. Besancon, 1750. $2.75

1888. Forestry, Game and Fish. Ordonnance de Louis XIV. Sur Le Fait des Eaux et Forests, Avec les Reglemens rendus en interpretation jusqu’a present. Nouvelle Edition. 12mo, fine old calf, 603 pp., Paris, 1765. $3.50

1889. Fox Hunter’s Guide. Containing the Places of Meeting of all the Principal Hunts in England and Wales. By Cecil. 12mo, scarce. London, circa. 1845. $4.00

1891. Freeman, Gage Earle. Practical Falconry, To Which is Added, How I Became a Falconer. 89 pp. London, 1869. $2.00

1892. Game Laws. The Game Law, or, A Collection of the Laws and Statutes Made for the Preservation of Game of this Kingdom, etc. Third ed., with large Additions. 12mo, sheep, cracked, 76 pp. London, 1707. $3.50

1894. Game Law, The, or, The Laws Relating to Game, Containing Everything that by Law concerns either Hunting, Hawking, Fowling or Fishing, etc. In 2 parts. Part 2, Of Forests. Sixth Edition. 12mo, calf and gilt, 86+180 pp. London, 1727 and 1722. $3.00

1895. Game Laws. The Statutes at Large Made for the Preservation of the Game. With a Table by Way of Abstract of all the Acts Relating to the Game, etc. Calf, 128 pp. + Table. London, 1734. $3.00

1896. Game Laws. Nelson, Wm. The Laws Concerning Game. Of Hunting, Hawking, Fishing and Fowling, etc., and of Forests, Chases, Parks, Warrens, Deer, etc., etc. Fourth ed., with all the Acts of Parliament and Cases down to the Present Time. 12mo, calf, 255 pp., rare. London, 1751. $2.50

1897. Gentleman’s Pocket Farrier, Showing How to Use Your Horse on a Journey, Remedies for Common Accidents that may befall him on the Road. 16mo, calf. J. Cruikshank, Phila., 1787. $1.75

1898. Gibson, W. Hamilton. Camp Life in the Woods and Tricks of Trapping and Trap Making. 12mo, 300 pp., illus. by author. N. York, (1881). $1.75

1899. Gillmore, Parker. Days and Nights by the Desert. 234 pp., numerous illus. London, 1888. $2.00

1900. Gillmore, P. (Ubique). Prairie and Forest, Description of the Game of North America, with personal Adventures in their Pursuit. 378 pp., illus. N. York, 1874. $2.00

1901. Glen Spean. Random Sketches of My Highland Tour and What Events Occurred by the Way. By James C. M., etc. 10 humorous pen and ink sketches of a sporting tour. Oblong octavo, printed covers. London, 1878. $1.75

1902. Griffin’s Aide-de-Camp, The. By Blunt Spurs. 274 pp., uncut, illus., rare. London, 1843. $3.00

1903. Greener, Wm. The Science of Gunnery, Applied to Military and Sporting Arms in Europe and America. New ed., greatly enlarged, illus. by plates and woodcuts, orig. cloth, uncut. London, 1846. $1.75

1904. Greenwood, J. Wild Sports of the World. Illus. in text and numerous colored plates, 426 pp., half roan, much on elephants. London, 1862. $2.00

1905. Grimble, A. Shooting and Salmon Fishing, Hints and Recollections. 259 pp., 18 extra fine plates, uncut. London, 1892. $2.00

1906. Hall, Herbert Byng. Exmoor, or, The Footsteps of St. Hubert in the West. Illustrations taken from Nature. 441 pp., frontispiece. London, 1849. $1.75

1907. Hall, H. B. Highland Sports and Highland Quarters. 2 vols., uncut, engraved plates and full-page woodcuts. London (circa. 1850). $4.00

1908. Hamilton, Col. J. P. Reminiscences of an Old Sportsman. 2 vols. in 1. 291+308 pp., illus. London, 1860. Fine copy. $2.75

1909. Hamilton, Col. J. P. Same. 2 vols., uncut, binding worn. $1.75

1910. Hammond, S. H. Hunting Adventures in the Northern Wilds, or, a Tramp in the Chateaugay Woods, etc. 2 colored plates, 12mo, 340 pp. N. York, 1856. $2.25

1911. Hanger, Col. George. Life, Adventures and Opinions of. Written by Himself, etc., etc. 2 vols., half calf, 339+475 pp., Armorial book plates of John Bolton. Menzies’ and Hawkin’s copies each brought $12.00. London, 1801. $9.50

1912. Head, Sir Geo. Forest Scenes and Incidents in the Wilds of N. America; Diary of a Winter’s Route from Halifax to the Canadas. 363 pp., map, boards, uncut. Best ed. London, 1878. $1.50

1913. Head, Capt. F. B. Rough Notes Taken During Some Rapid Journeys Across the Pampas and Among the Andes. 12mo, 264 pp., rare. Boston, 1827. $2.75

1914. Herne, Perigrine. Perils and Pleasures of a Hunter’s Life, or, the Romance of Hunting. 10 colored illus., 336 pp. Phila., 1860. $1.50

1915. Hieover, Harry. The Pocket and the Stud. Practical Hints on Management of the Stable. Second ed. 12mo, 218 pp., frontis. London, 1851. $2.00

1916. Hints and Points for Sportsmen. Compiled By Seneca. 12mo, 224 pp., illus. N. York, 1891. $1.00

1917. Hoffman, C. F. Wild Scenes in the Forest and Prairie. Much on Indians. 2 vols., 12mo, half mor., 292 + 284 pp., rare. London, 1839. $6.00

1918. Hooper, Johnson, J. of Montgomery, Ala. Dog and Gun. Loose Chapters on Shooting, with Anecdotes. 12mo, 105 pp. N. York, 1858. $1.00

1919. Hornaday, W. T. Camp-Fires in the Canadian Rockies. Illus. by J. M. Phillips. Uncut, 353 pp., 70 illus., 2 maps. N. York, 1906. $2.50

1920. Hue and Cry After Part of a Pack of Hounds, Which Broke Out of Their Kennel in Westminster. (Also) Modern Characters. By Another Hand. 28 pp., stitched, uncut, dog-eared, half-title and last page rather soiled. Quaint and interesting. London, 1739. $2.50

1921. Hunters’ and Trapper’s Complete Guide to Hunting, Trapping and Fishing, Dog Training and Tanning Furs. 12mo, paper covers, 81 pp., illus. York, 1875. $1.25

1922. Hunting, Shooting and Fishing. A Sporting Miscellany, with Anecdotic Chapters about Horses and Dogs. 317 pp., illustrated. New York, 1877. $2.50

1923. Hunting and Sporting. Practical Lessons On. By Scrutator. 309 pp., uncut, cracked. London, 1865. $1.75

1924. Hutchinson, Lieut.-Col. W. N. Dog Breaking. The Most Expeditious, Certain and Easy Method, whether great Excellence or only Mediocrity is desired. First edition. 12mo, 143 pp., illustrated, vignette, scarce. London, 1848. $2.75

1925. Hawker, Lt.-Col. P. Instructions to Young Sportsmen in all that relates to Guns and Shooting. Fourth ed., corrected and improved. 439 pp., lacks frontis., but has all the other 9 plates, somewhat stained, half calf, cracked. London, 1825. $1.50

1926. Hawker, Lt.-Col. P. Same. Eighth ed., corrected, enlarged and improved, with explanatory plates and woodcuts. 549 pp., plates somewhat loose. London, 1838. $2.75

1927. Hawker, Col. P. Same. First Amer. from ninth London ed., to which is added Hunting and Shooting of N. America, with Descriptions of the Animals and Birds. By Wm. T. Porter, Esq. Frontis. of Wild Turkey after Audubon and illus. plates and woodcuts. Tall 8vo, original gilt figured cloth, first ed. Phila., 1846. $2.25

1928. (Jeffry, R.) Wild Life in a Southern County. 344 pp., 12mo, Chapter on Fishing. Boston, 1879. $1.00

1929. Jesse, Edward. Anecdotes of Dogs. 4to, uncut, 336 pp., finely illus. London, 1846. $3.00

1930. Johnson, Daniel. Sketches of Field Sports as Followed by the Natives of India, with Observations on the Animals (etc.). Art of Catching Serpents as Practiced by People in India (etc.). With Remarks on Hydrophobia and Rabid Animals. 261 pp., uncut, plate. London, 1822. $2.50

1931. Johnson, J. B. The Dog and How to Break Him, with His Diseases and Methods of Cure. 12mo, limp cloth, 83 pp., frontis. Chapter on Hydrophobia. London, 1851. $2.00

1932. Johnson, T. B. The Gamekeeper’s Directory, Containing Instructions for Preservation of Game, etc. Second ed. 12mo, half calf, 194 pp., frontis., rare. London, 1851. $2.00

1933. Johnson, T. B. The Shooter’s Companion, or Directions for the Breeding, Training and Management of Setters and Pointers, with a Historical Discourse of Winged Game. The Fowling Piece Considered particularly as it relates to the Use of the Percussion Powder. Of Scent, the Olfactory Organs Explained, with the Reason why one Dog’s Smell is superior to another. Shooting illus. and the Art of Shooting Flying laid down. The Game Laws Explained, etc. 12mo, fine three-quarter calf and gilt, uncut, plates. London, 1819. $4.25

1934. Kemp, John. Shooting and Fishing in Lower Brittany, Etc. 239 pp., folding colored map. London, 1859. $1.50

1935. Kingsley, G. H. Notes on Sport and Travel. With Memoir by his Daughter, Mary H. Kingsley. 544 pp., uncut, frontis. Much relating to America. Fine copy. London, 1900. $2.75

1936. Landseer, Thos. Etching of a Setter. Size of plate 18 × 21 in. Mounted on larger sheet. Orig. proof impression signed by the Artist. Pub. at about $25.00. Fine, clean copy. London, 1875. $9.00

1937. Lanman, Chas. Adventures in the Wilds of the U. S. and British American Provinces. Illus. by the Author and Oscar Bessau. With Appendix by Lieut. Campbell Hardy. 2 vols., orig. cloth, full-page wood engravings, first ed. Chapters on Cherokee Indians, their Customs and Characters, Indian Trader, etc. Fine set. Phila., 1856. $4.75

1938. Lanman, Chas. Recollections of Curious Characters and Pleasant Places. 351 pp., uncut. Among some of the chapter headings are: Modes of American Travel, Montauk Point, Salmon Fishing on the Jacques Cartier, Stratford-on-Housatonic, The Boy-Hunter of Chicoutimie, Pushmatahaw, The Potomac Fisherman, Newfoundland, etc. Frontis. Edinburgh, 1881. $3.00

1939. Lanman, Chas. Tour to River Saguenay, in Lower Canada. 12mo, paper, 231 pp., rare. Phila., 1848. $2.50

1940. Le Messurier, Col. A. Game, Shore and Water Birds of India. Printed paper covers, 153 pp., 121 illustrations. Calcutta, Bombay and London, 1888. $3.50

1941. Le Moine, J. M. Historical and Sporting Notes of Quebec and Its Environs. Fourth ed. Square 8vo, pr. covers, 135 pp. + Advertisements, illus. Quebec, 1889. $1.75

1942. Lennox, Lord Wm. Pictures of Sporting Life and Character. 2 vols., 12mo, 2 plates. London, 1860. $4.00

1943. Lennox, Lord Wm. Pitt. Same. 2 vols., 12mo, uncut, as new. London, 1872. $3.50

1944. Locke, John. The Game Laws, with Explanatory Notes, etc. Third ed. 12mo, half roan, 210 pp. + Index. London, 1849. $1.75

1945. Lockwood, Edward. Natural History. Sport and Travel. 12mo, 284 pp. Article on “The Chamelion Fish,” illus. London, 1878. $1.75

1946. Lord, J. K. At Home in the Wilderness. What to do there and how to do it. A Handbook for Travelers and Emigrants. 323 pp., 12mo, portrait and illus. London, 1876. $2.25

1947. Lucas, Thos. J. Camp Life and Sport in South Africa. Experiences of Kaffir Warfare with the Cape Mounted Rifles. Colored illus. London, 1876. $1.00

1948. (Markham, Gervase.) Cheap and Good Husbandry, for the Well-Ordering of All Beasts, etc. Twelfth ed. Small 4to, boards, 146 pp. + Index. Contains “Of Fishing in General; and Making of Fish Ponds,” with woodcut. The Fourteenth ed. brought $13.00 at Heckscher Sale. London, 1668. $10.00

1949. Markham, Gervase. Country Contentments, or, the Husbandman’s Recreations. Containing the Wholesome Experience, in which any ought to Recreate Himself, after the toyl of more Serious Business. As namely, Hunting, Hawking, Coursing with Grey-Hounds, and the Laws of Leach, Shooting in the Long-Bow or Cross-Bow, Bowling, Tennis, Baloon; the Whole Art of Angling, and the Use of the Fighting Cock. Tenth ed., newly corrected, enlarged, etc. Small 4to, boards, 95 pp. Heckscher copy brought $21.00. London, 1668. $15.00

1950. Markham, Gervase. Markham’s Master Peece, Contayning all Knowledge Belonging to the Smith, Farrier, or Horse-Leech, Touching the Curing of all Diseases in Horses, etc. Divided into 2 Bookes. The First Contayning all Cures Physicall; the Second all Belonging to Chyrurgery, etc. Fifth ed., with 30 New Chapters. Small 4to, calf, 600 pp., illus., engraved half title, trimmed close. London, 1636. $7.50

1951. Markland, Mr. Pteryplegia; or, the Art of Shooting-Flying. A Poem. Half calf, 12mo, 32 pp., very rare. London, 1727. $4.50

1952. Martingale. Sporting Scenes and Country Characters. Boards, illustrations by Landseer, Alken and Ackerman, exquisitely engraved on wood, 332 pp. London, 1840. $6.00

1953. Martingale. Turf Characters. The Officials and the Subalterns. 12mo, pr. boards, 128 pp. London, 1852. $1.75

1954. Mast, Rev. Isaac. Nine Months in California, with Gun, Rod and Saddle. 12mo, illus. Phila., 1875. $1.00

1955. (Maxwell, W. H.) Field Book, The, or, Sports and Pastimes of the United Kingdom. 614 pp., numerous woodcuts of various species of Birds, Fishes, etc., engraved frontis. of Doncaster Race, 1832; lacks a few pp. at end of appendix. London, 1833. $2.00

1956. Maxwell, W. H. Wild Sports and Adventures in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. Sequel to Wild Sports of the West. 12mo, 352 pp., frontis. London, 1853. $1.75

1957. Mayer, J. Sportsman’s Directory, or, Park and Game Keeper’s Companion. Third ed., enlarged. Frontis. and woodcuts, 12mo, boards, uncut. London, 1819. $1.75

1958. Mayer, J. The Same. 7th ed., not illus. London, 1845. $1.00

1959. Mills, John. The Life of a Race Horse. 12mo, 112 pp., illus. London, 1861. $2.00

1960. Mills, John. The Sportsman’s Library, or, Hints on the Hunter, Shooting, Sporting, etc. 341 pp., binding worn. Phila., 1846. $1.25

1961. Morris, Beverly R. British Game Birds and Wild Fowl. 4to, Finely bound in new three-quarter morocco, uncut, 252 pp., 60 colored plates. A most desirable acquisition to the sportsman’s library. London, 1855. $10.00

1962. Murphy, John M. Sporting Adventures in the Far West. First ed. 12mo, 469 pp., illus., frontis., slightly stained. N. York, 1880. $2.75

1963. Murray, W. H. H. Daylight Land. Experiences, Adventures, Humorous and Otherwise in an Excursion Over Prairie and Mountain in N. America, etc. 140 colored illus., full gilt, 338 pp. Pub. at $4.00. Boston, 1888. $2.75

1964. Napier, Lt.-Col. E. Wild Sports in Europe, Asia and Africa, Illus. by Drawings taken from Nature. 2 vols., 12mo, new three-quarter green mor. and cloth, fine steel plates. A beautiful set in exceptional condition throughout, first edition. London, 1844. $3.25

1965. Natural History and Sport in Moray. Collected from the Journals and Letters of the late Charles St. John. 12mo, 332 pp. + Scientific Index of the Verteb. Animals Described or Alluded to. Edinb., 1863. $3.50

1966. New York, Life in. Das Leben in New York. In Briefen von Jonathan Slick, Esq. Funf Theile, von Kabinets Bibliothek. 16mo, half mor., marbled, 372 pp., fine copy. Stuttgart, 1847. $1.25

1967. N. York. Adirondack Map, 1898. Issued by Fisheries, Game and Forest Commission. 2 large maps printed in colors, in 8vo folder. $2.00

1968. North, Oliver. Rambles After Sport, or, Travels and Adventures in the Americas and at Home. 268 pp. London, 1874. $2.00

1969. (Norton, C. L., and Habberton, John.) Canoeing in Kanuckia, or, Haps and Mishaps Afloat and Ashore of the Statesman, Editor, Artist and Scribbler. Recorded by the Commodore and the Cook. 254 pp., illus., pr. board covers. First ed. N. York, 1878. $2.50

1970. Oakleigh, Thos. The Oakleigh Shooting Code, with Numerous Explanatory and Other Notes. Boards, paper label, uncut, rare first ed., 194 pp., name cut from half title. London, 1836. $2.50

1971. O’Connor, R., Esq. Introduction to the Field Sports of France. Hunting, Shooting and Fishing on the Continent, etc. First ed., 12mo, uncut, vignettes and cuts in text. $1.50

1972. Old Calabar. Over Turf and Stubble. 12mo, 290 pp. London, 1873. $2.00

1973. Paez, Don Ramon. Wild Scenes in S. America, or, Life in the Llanos of Venezuela. Illus. by Portrait, woodcuts and tinted plates. 12mo, 500 pp. An intelligent naturalist and sportsman. N. York, 1862. $1.25

1974. Paradise for Gunners and Anglers. 4to, pr. paper covers, 96 pp., illus., map. Author’s autogr. pres. copy to Prof. Kane. Phila., 1883. $2.00

1975. Peel, E. Lennox. A Highland Gathering, etc. A Collection of Sporting Tales. 12mo, 185 pp., illus., fine copy, rare. London, 1885. $3.00

1976. Phila. Gun Club, Eddington, Bucks Co., Pa. Charter, By-laws, Officers and Members. 12mo, 77 pp. + Lists, illus. Phila., 1896. $1.25

1977. Poole, F. Queen Charlotte Islands, a Narrative of Discovery and Adventure in the North Pacific. Ed. by J. W. Lyndon. Half mor., uncut, map. “Indians not brave,” “Indians not Marksmen,” etc. London, 1872. $2.50

1978. Pope, A., Jr. Upland Game Birds and Water Fowl of the United States. Imperial folio, finely and substantially bound in ¾ morocco. All the full-page colored lithographs in clean condition and with wide margins, the edges full gilt. This is a splendid copy of this monumental work; the binding has probably cost 12 or 15 dollars. Bound copies are unusual, the work being generally found in parts. N. York, 1878. $32.50

1979. Prime, S. Irenaeus. Under the Trees. First ed. 12mo, half calf, 313 pp. Fishing and Shooting. N. York, 1874. $2.00

1980. Reeves, Geo. Lady’s Practical Guide To Horsemanship. Dedication to Queen Victoria. First ed., 16mo, gilt edges, 9 plates. $1.00

1981. Roberts, Randal, Bart. Glenmahra, or, The Western Highlands. 12mo, paper label, 200 pp., illus. London, 1870. $2.00

1982. Robinson, H. M. The Great Fur Land. Sketches of Life in Hudson Bay Territory. Numerous illus. by Gasche. N. York, 1879. $1.00

1983. Robinson’s and Savory’s Sporting Pictures. Illustrative of the Sports of the Past and Present. Comprising 49 fine full-page folio colored plates mounted on Art Paper of Shooting, Fishing, Fox Hunting, Coaching, etc., 17 × 13 inches. After the most famous Artists, with Letter Press Descriptions. Half mor., gilt, as new. Pub. at $8.00 (Gr. p. 100, mxx.). Cassell & Co., London. $4.50

1984. Rooper, Geo. Flood, Field and Forest. First ed. 316 pp., uncut, illus. The first 72 pp. Autobiog. of Salmo Salar. London, 1869. $2.50

1984A. Rooper, Geo. Same. Fourth ed. London, 1874. $2.00

1985. Rudolph (His Imperial and Royal Highness the Late Crown Prince of Austria). Notes on Sport and Ornithology, Trans. by C. G. Danford, with Preface by Albert Günther. Etched frontis., 650 pp., pub. 18s., as new. London. $1.75

1986. Ruxton’s Life in the Far West. By George Frederic Ruxton. Rare first edition in original cloth binding, 12mo, 235 pp. This is one of the best 49er Narratives written and brings a high price at auction. N. York, 1849. $4.50

1987. Ruxton, G. F. The same. New York, 1855. $2.00

1988. Ruxton, G. F. Same. New ed., 12mo, 208 Pp., Fine Copy. Edinburgh and London, 1887. $1.50

1989. Sanford, Bishop, and Van Dyke. The Water-Fowl Family. By L. C. Sanford, L. B. Bishop and T. S. Van Dyke. 598 pp., fully illus. by Louis A. Fuertes. Buckram, uncut. Pub. at $2.00. N. York, 1903. $1.50

1990. Scott, Wm. Henry. British Field Sports, Embracing Practical Instructions in Shooting, Hunting, Coursing, Racing, Cocking, Fishing, etc. Second ed. Illus., 615 pp., half sheep, slightly foxed. London, 1820. $4.75

1992. Scrutator. Practical Lessons on Hunting and Sporting. 309 pp. London, 1865. $2.50

1993. Shooter’s Hand-Book, The. A Treatise On Shooting From “The Rod and the Gun.” By the Author of The Oakleigh Shooting Code. 163 pp., uncut, plates and woodcuts. Edinburgh, 1842. $2.00

1994. Silk and Scarlet. By The Druid. 12mo, 398 pp., illus., 1 page of preface missing; rare. London, 1859. $2.50

1995. Sport in America. Revoil, Benedict H. Chasses et Peches de L’autre Monde. 12mo, uncut, pr. paper covers, 320 pp. Paris, 1856. $2.00

1996. (Squier, E. G.) Waikna, or, Adventures on the Mosquito Shore. By Samuel A. Bard. 60 illus., 366 pp., 12mo, first ed. N. York, 1855. $2.00

1997. Steele, Thomas Sedgwick. Canoe and Camera. A 200 Mile Tour Through Maine Forests. As new, 139 pp., 60 illus., map of Canoe Tours. Boston, 1886. $1.75

1998. Stonehenge. Manual of British Rural Sports. In 5 parts. 821 pp., illus., no title-page. Phila., P. & Coates, n. d. $1.50

1999. Strong, General W. E. A Trip to the Yellowstone National Park in July, August and September, 1875. Maps and photographic illus. Much on Hunting. 4to, half mor. Wash., 1876. $5.00

2000. Strutt, Jos. Sports and Pastimes of the People of England from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. Illus. by 140 Engravings, many selected from Ancient Paintings. New ed., with Index not in former ones, by Hone. Orig. boards, uncut. London, 1830. $2.00

2001. Suffield, Lord Edward. Considerations on the Game Laws. Second ed., 105 pp. London, 1825. $2.00

2002. Thacker, Thos. The Courser’s Companion. Second ed., revised and enlarged, to which is added the Breeder’s Guide; or, Breeding in all its Branches. 2 vols., gilt tops, illus. Derby, 1834-35. $5.00

2003. Thomas, B. The Shooter’s Guide, or, Complete Sportsman’s Companion. Fifth ed., much enlarged and improved. One of the most esteemed Guides of the sort for many years. Illus. by curious engraved plates of field shooting. 264 pp., 12mo, orig. boards, uncut, paper labels on back and side. The best ed. of Thomas. London, 1816. $2.50

2004. Thompson, Charles. Rules for Bad Horsemen. Hints to inexpert Travellers, and Maxims Worth Remembering by the Most Experienced Equestrians. New ed., with Modern Additions by John Hinds, V. S. 12mo, orig. linen, paper label, uncut, 87 pp., frontis. London, 1830. $2.00

2006. Thorpe, T. B. The Hive of “The Bee-Hunter,” a Repository of Sketches, Including Peculiar American Character, Scenery and Rural Sports. 12mo, illus., by Darley. N. York, 1854. $2.00

2007. Three in Norway. By Two of Them. With Map and Numerous Illus. on Wood, from Sketches by G. H. Ford. 341 pp., good copy. Phila., no date. $1.00

2008. Three Dialogues on the Amusements of Clergymen. Second Ed. 12mo, calf, 239 pp. London, 1797. $3.00

2003A. Thomas, B. Another, the third edition, 1811. Illus., 8vo. Old marbled calf, gilt tooled, fine tall copy and rare. $4.00

2009. Tolfrey, Frederic. The Sportsman in France. A Sporting Ramble through Picardy and Normandy and Boar Shooting in Brittany. 2 vols., 12mo, uncut, 12 illus. London, 1841. $2.00

2010. Ubique. Accessible Field Sports. Experience of a Sportsman in N. America. Uncut, 336 pp., illus., rare first ed. London, 1869. $3.00

2011. Up de Graff, Thad. S. (M. D.) Bodines, or, Camping on the Lycoming (Pa.). Complete Practical Guide to Camping Out. 16mo, 279 pp., illus. Phila., 1879. $1.75

2012. Vanierii, Jacobi. E Societate Jesu, Praedium Rusticum. Nova Editio longe auctior and emendatior. Cum Figuris. 12mo, half calf, broken at hinges. Interesting old etchings of farm scenes, wine-making, cupids catching fish, horsemen and hounds hunting stag, etc. With chapters on hunting and fishing. Amstelodami, Apud J. F. Bernard, 1731. $4.00

2013. Walsh, J. S. (Stonehenge). The Horse in the Stable and the Field. Copious Notes and Additions by R. McClure, M. D., V. S., and Essay on American Trotting Horse and Suggestions on Breeding and Training of Trotters. By Ellwood Harvey, M. D. 540 pp., over 80 engravings, frontis. Phila. [1869]. $2.50

2014. Warren, T. Robinson. Shooting, Boating and Fishing for Young Sportsmen. 12mo, 165 pp., illus. N. York, 1871. $1.25

2015. Watts, Susanna. Insects in Council. Addressed to Entomologists, with other Poems on English Sports. 12mo, engraved title-page, printed boards. London, 1828. $1.00

2016. Watson, B. A. The Sportsman’s Paradise, or, The Lake Lands of Canada. Second ed., 290 pp., illus. by Dan. and Harry Beard, fine copy. Phila., 1888. $2.50

2017. Webber, Alex. Shooting. A Poem. Comprising a General Description of Field Sports Dependent Upon the Gun. Also, Game, Dogs and Game Laws, etc. 8vo, orig. fig. cloth, back mended, 154 pp., uncut, fully illus. London, 1841. $1.75

2018. Webber, C. W. The Hunter-Naturalist. Romance of Sporting, or, Wild Scenes and Wild Hunters. Royal 8vo, large paper, uncut, 610 pp., colored plates and woodcuts, in orig. cloth, as issued, with “Vol. 1” on the back. This was the first of a series of 7 vols. contemplated, each complete in itself. Only one other vol., “Wild Scenes and Song Birds” was published. Binding rubbed and cracked, but contents fine. The first ed., very rare. Phila., J. W. Bradley, n. d. Copyr., 1851. $6.00

2020. Whitney, Caspar. On Snow-shoes to the Barren Grounds. Twenty-eight Hundred Miles after Musk-Oxen and Wood Bison. Uncut, 324 pp., illus., as new. N. York, 1896. $3.50

2021. Whitney, Grinnell, and Wister. Musk-ox, Bison, Sheep and Goat. By Caspar Whitney, George B. Grinnell and Owen Wister. Many fine full-page illus., buckram, uncut, as new. Pub. at $2.00. N. York, 1904. $1.40

2019. Webber, C. W. Wild Scenes and Wild Hunters, or, Romance of Natural History, by the Author of Old Hicks, the Guide. Full chapters on D. Boone, A. Wilson and J. J. Audubon, with their portraits. Fine engraved frontispieces and many original and spirited woodcuts. First ed. of one of the best American Sporting books of over 600 pp. Phila., 1852. $2.00

2022. Wilson, James. The Rod And The Gun. Being 2 Treatises on Angling and Shooting. The Treatise on Shooting by the Author of The Oakleigh Shooting Code. (Brother of Christopher North.) 439 pp., uncut, illus., fine copy, rare. Edinburgh, 1840. $3.50

2023. Wrinkles, or, Hints to Sportsmen, etc., on Dress, Camp Life, etc. By Old Shekarry. New ed., illus., 12mo, 294 pp., uncut. London, 1874. $1.00


(Including a valuable consignment of books from Germany, received too late for classification.)

2024. Alpine Plants. Figures and Descriptions of the Most Striking and Beautiful of the Alpine Flowers. Edited by David Wooster. Royal 8vo, gilt edges, colored illus. London, 1872. $2.75

2025. Aristotle. Aristotelis de Animalium Historia Libri X. Additæ Theophrasto Collectanea quaedam de Animalibus, etc. In Greek and Latin. Two vols. in one. 4to, boards, 484+412 pp. Francofurdi, 1585-87. $6.50

2026. Beautiful and Curious Birds of the World. By Charles B. Cory. In original parts as issued. Imperial folio, finely colored plates. Published at $80. Boston, U. S. A. Pub. by the author for the subscribers, 1883. $50.00

2027. Beautiful Ferns. From Original Water-color Drawings After Nature by C. E. Faxon and J. H. Emerton. Descriptive text by D. C. Eaton. 14 colored plates with text, 158 pp., folio, half morocco, gilt, gilt edges, fine copy. Boston, 1882. $5.00

2028. Bird-catching. Angenehme Land-lust, Deren Man in Stadten und auf dem Lande, ohne Sonderbare Kosten, unschuldig geniessen kan, Oder von Unterschied Fang Einstellung und Abrichtung der Vogel. Uber Hervieux von Canarien Vogeln und Uitinger vom Vogelstellen. Joseph Mitelli Jagd-Lust. 12mo, half vellum, worn, 512 pp., illus. Folding illus. engraved and rubricated titles. Curious and rare. Franckfurt, 1720. $8.00

2029. Bird Migration. Homeyer, E. F. Von. Wanderungen Der Vogel. Mit Rucksicht auf die Zuge der Saugethiere, Fische und Insecten. 415 pp. Leipzig, 1881. $4.00

2030. Birds of the Bahama Islands, Containing Many Birds New To the Islands and a number of undescribed Winter Plumages of North American Birds. By Charles B. Cory. Revised edition. In folded sheets, uncut, 4to, many plates. Boston, Estes & Lauriat, 1890. $5.00

2031. Birds. Bechstein, J. M. Naturgeschichte Der Stubenvogel, oder, Anleitung zur Kenntniss und Wartung derjenigen Vogel welche man in der Stube halten kann. 12mo, boards, 483 pp., colored plates, extra engraved hand-colored title. The very rare first ed. of this classic. Gotha, 1795. $6.00

2032. Birds. Bechstein, J. M. Same. Third Enlarged and Corrected Edition. 12mo, boards, 764 pp., 16 colored plates. Gotha, 1812. $4.75

2033. Birds. Brunnich, M. Th. Ornithologia Borealis, Sistens Collectionem Avium ex Omnibus, Imperio Danico Subjectis, Provinciis Insulisque Borealibus Hafniæ Factam, etc. Half roan, uncut, 80 pp., very rare. Hafniæ, 1764. $4.50

2034. Birds. Collett, R. Oversight of Christiania Omegns Ornithologiske Fauna. Boards, 231 pp., library stamp on title-page. Christiania, 1864. $2.75

2035. Birds’ Eggs. Brehm and Thienemann. Systematische Darstellung der Vogel Europa’s mit Abbildung der Eier im Vereine mit Ludwig Brehm, Geo. A. and Fred A. Thienemann. The 5 parts, with separate titles, bound in 1 vol. 4to, half roan, 28 hand-colored plates of eggs. Very rare edition. Leipzig, 1825. $16.50

2036. Birds’ Eggs. Delle Uova E Dei Nidi Degliuccelli Libro Primo Del Conte Giuseppe Zinanni Ravennate. Con una Differtazione sopra varie spezie di Cavallette. Folio, vellum, 130 + 55 pp., fine old engravings, fine copy. Venezia, 1737. $9.00

2037. Birds’ Eggs. Einhundert Tafeln Colorirter Abbildungen Von Vogeleiern. Zur Fortpflanzungsgeschichte der Gesammten Vogel. Von Friedrich A. L. Thienemann. 100 fine color plates of 1800 eggs, complete. 432 pp. text (all published). Complete copy of a work issued in parts for a space of 9 years. Author’s Preface dated Oct., 1856. 4to, half roan and marbled boards, very rare. (Dresden), 1845 to 1854. $35.00

2038. Birds’ Eggs. Naumann, J. F., and Buhle, C. A. Die Eier Der Vogel Deutschlands und der Benachbarten Lander in Naturgetreuen Abbildungen und Beschreibungen, etc. 5 parts. 4to, engraved paper covers in orig. parts, as issued, uncut, all published. 10 hand-colored plates, very rare. Halle, 1818, 1826, 1828. $18.00

2039. Birds and Fishes. Ray, John. Synopsis Methodica Avium and Piscium; Opus Posthumum. In Quo Multas Species, in ipsius Ornithologist and Ichthyologia desideratas, adjecit, etc. Cum Appendice and Iconibus, First edition. 2 vols. in 1. Calf, 198 + 166 pp., plates, very rare. London. 1713. $5.00

2040. Birds. Giebel, Dr. G. G. Nusslichen Vogel Unserer Aecker-Wiesen, Garten und Walder. 12mo, boards, 162 pp., many wood cuts. Berlin, 1868. $1.50

2041. Birds. Gmelin, Carl G. Gemeinnutzige Systematische Naturgeschichte der Vogel fur gebildete Lefer. Nach dem Linneischen Natursystem entworfen. 2 vols. Half calf, 144 + 195 + 79 pp., 86 plates of 150 species. Rare and valuable colored-plate edition. Mannheim, 1809. $12.00

2042. Birds. Gray, J. E. List of Specimens of Birds in the Collection of the British Museum. Part 3, Gallinæ, Grallæ and Anseres. 209 pp., 12mo, paper, author’s autogr. pres. inscript.: “Mr. J. E. Gray to Mr. Van der Hoeven.” Rare. London, 1844. $3.50

2043. Birds. Heuglin, Th. Von. Ornithologie Nordost-Afrika’s der Nilquellen- und Kusten-Gebiete des Rothen Meeres und des Nordlichen Somal-Landes. 4 vols. Half calf, 51 fine colored plates and chart. Autograph directions for binding inserted. Cassel, 1869-’74. $24.50

2044. Birds. Jonstoni, Joannis. Theatrum Universale de Avibus. Tabulis uabus et Sexaginta Ab Illo Celeberrimo Mathia Meriano. Aeri Incisis Orantum ex Scriptoribus Tam Antiquis, etc. Folio, calf, Royal Arms in gilt on covers, 238 pp., many plates, rubricated and extra engraved title-pages. Heilbrunnensis, 1756. $7.00

2045. Birds. Joubert, Ch. Manuel de L’oiseleur. Illustre de 24 Gravures Hors Texte et Suivi de L’Art de les Empailler. (Taxidermy.) 12mo, printed covers, uncut, 128 pp. Paris, 1856. $1.50

2046. Birds. Kaup, Dr. J. J. Die Vogel. Systematisch beschrieben. Half sheep, 392 pp., fully illus. by fine woodcuts. Hanau, circa. 1830. $2.50

2047. Birds. Klein, Jac. Theod. Stemmata Avium Quadraginta Tabulis Aeneis ornata, accedunt Nomenclatores: Polono-Latinus et Latino-Polonus. Geschlechtstafeln der Vogel. 48 pp., 40 folding plates, 4to, antique, boards, rare. Lipsiæ, 1759. $6.00

2048. Birds. Kleins, J. Theodor. Vorbereitung zu einer vollstandigen Vogelhistorie, nebst einer Vorrede von der Ordnung der Thiere uberhaupt, etc. Aus dem Lateinischen ubersesst durch D. H. B. Paper, uncut, 427 pp., illus. by folding plates. Leipzig, 1760. $4.50

2050. Birds. Malherbe, Alfred. Faune Ornithologique de la Sicile. Precedee D’un Apercu de L’Histoire Politique, Scientifique, Litteraire et Artistique de la Sicile. 242 pp., uncut, binding loose, paper covers, worn, contents in fine condition, author’s autogr. pres. copy. Metz, 1843. $4.00

2051. Birds and Mice. Klein, Jacobi Theodori. Historæ Avium Prodromus Cum Praefatione de Ordine Animalium in Genere. Cum Historia Muris Alpini et Vetus Vocabularium Animalium cum Figuris. 4to, paper, uncut, unopened, 238 pp., 8 plates, very rare. Lubecæ, 1750. $6.50

2052. Birds. Muller, Adolf und Karl. Charakterzeichnungen der Vorzuglichsten Deutschen Singvogel. Boards, 112 pp. plates. Leipzig, 1865. $2.00

2053. Birds. Nilsson, S. Skandinavisk Fauna. Foglarna. 2 vols. Orig. printed paper covers, uncut, 456 + 534 pp. Complete on Birds. Lund, 1835. $5.00

2054. Birds. Schaefferi, Jac. Chris. Elementa Ornithologica Iconibus Vivis Coloribus Expressis Illustrata. Editio Secunda. 4to, boards, title with finely engraved and rubricated vignette, 70 hand-colored plates, fine copy. Ratisbonæ, 1779. $8.00

2055. Birds. Schinz, H. R. Naturgeschichte und Abbildungen der Vogel-Gattungen. Nach den neuesten Systemen zum Gemeinnutzigen Gebrauche entworfen, etc. Originalien und Lithographirt von K. I. Brodtmann. 2 vols. Folio, half mor., 1 vol. text, 1 vol. 144 finely executed plates on stone representing hundreds of Species. Zurich, 1830. $9.00

2056. Birds. Schlegel, H. Kritische Ubersicht der Europaischen Vogel. Printed covers, loose, uncut, 135 pp. + 116 pp., 2 titles. Leiden, 1844. $3.50

2057. Birds. Schlegel, H. Observations Zoologiques. A Collection of Separata by this author relating almost exclusively to Birds, apparently taken from some scientific magazine, various pagination, totaling about 150 pages, with 2 colored plates of Hawks numbered 5 and 6. Collected by some Ornithologist and bound together in half vellum. Folio. Circa. 1860. $3.50

2058. Birds. Smith, Rev. A. C. On Peculiarities in the Life History of the Cuckoo, Esp. re the Coloring of its Eggs. Paper, 16 pp. 1865. $1.00

2059. Birds. Von Kittlitz, F. H. Kupfertafeln zur Naturgeschichte der Vogel. 12mo, boards. Complete, with 28 pp. of explan. text, 36 exquisite hand-colored plates and printed cover of part 1 bound in. Very rare. Frankfurt-am-Main, 1832. $6.50

2060. Botany. Bauhini, Caspari. Theatri Botanici. Sive Index in Theophrasti Dioscoridis. Plantarum Circiter Sex Millium ab Ipsis Exhibitarum Nomina Cum Earundem Synonymiis and Differentiss. Opus XL. Annorum, etc. 4to, vellum, 522 pp., the very rare first edition. Basileæ, 1623. $8.00

2061. Botany. Bauhini, Caspari. Same. Second edition, with the valuable Illustrated Supplement. 4to, vellum, 518 pp. + Index, and 160 pp. + Index. Basileæ, 1671. $5.00

2062. Botanical Magazine (William Curtis’); or, Flower-garden, Displayed in which the most Ornamental Foreign Plants Cultivated in the Open Ground, the Green-house, etc., will be accurately represented in their Natural Colors. Illus. with numerous plates, colored by hand. From 1787 to 1789, by William Curtis, and continued to 1816 by John Sims. With Index. 44 vols. in 23. Half calf, (slightly broken). London, 1787-1816. $48.00

2062A. The Same. From 1793 to 1801. Vols. 1 to 9. 9 Vols. Calf. London, 1793-1801. $7.50

2063. Botany. Dierbach, J. H. Anleitung zum Studium der Botanik. Fur Vorlesungen und zum Selbstunterrichte. Boards, 291 pp., 13 folding plates. Heidelberg, 1820. $2.75

2064. Botany. Dierbach, J. H. Repertorium Botanicum oder Versuch einer System. Darstel, der Neuesten Leistungen im Ganzen Umfange der Planzenkunde. Boards, 266 pp. Lemgo, 1831. $2.50

2065. Botany. Jacobi Breynii, Gedanensis. Exoticarum Aliarumque Minus Cognitarum Plantarum Centuria Prima, cum Figuris Aeneis Summo Studio Elaboratis. Folio, vellum, 195 pp. + Index and Appendix, wide margins, engraved title by Visscher, plates. A most superb work of printing and engraving; Author’s autograph in vignette of title-page and his autograph inscription on fly-leaf presenting this copy to his Preceptor and Patron, the renowned Dr. D. Christiano Mentezio, Elector of Brandenburg. Gedani. Typis, Sumptibus and in Aedibus Autoris, Imprimebat David-Fridericus Rhetius, 1677. $18.00

2066. Botany. Loeflings, Peter. Reise Nach den Spanischen Landern in Europa und America in den Jahren 1751 bis 1756, etc. Antique boards, 406 pp., 2 folding copper plates, the very rare first edition. Berlin und Stralfund, 1766. $5.00

2049. Birds and Mammals. Kaup, J. J. Classification der Saugethiere und Vogel. Pr. paper covers, uncut, 144 pp., 2 plates. Darmstadt, 1844. $2.50

2067. Botany. Necker, Noel Joseph de. Phytozoologie Philosophique, Concernant les Animaux et les Vegetaux a ete Limite et Fixe per la Nature. Selon la Decouverte du Systeme Naturel. Boards, uncut, 78 pp., fine portrait of author, engraved by Karcher. Rare. Neuwied, 1790. $3.50

2068. Botany. Persoon’s Linnæus. Caroli a Linne Equitis Systema Vegetabilum cum Characteribus et Differentiis. Editio Decima Quinta. A Andrea Murray a C. H. Persoon. Half roan, 1026 pp.+Index, Gottingæ, 1797. $3.50

2069. Botany. Stirpium Rariorum in Imperio Rutheno. Sponte Provenientium Icones et Descriptiones. Collectæ ab Joanne Ammano, M. D. 4to, paper, uncut, 210 pp., 35 plates. Petropoli, 1739. $9.00

2070. Botany. Trew, Christopharus Jacobus. Plantæ Selectæ Quarum Imagines ad exemplaria Naturalia, Londini in Hortis Curiosarum, Nutrita Manu Artificiosa Doctaque Pinxit Georgius Dionysius Ehret. Illus. with 100 superb plates, colored by hand, and mezzotinto portraits of the author, painter and engraver, by Joannes J. Haid. Imperial folio, calf, gilt. Fine copy of a rare book. 1750-1773. $17.50

2071. Botany. Twining, Elizabeth. Illustrations of the Natural Orders of Plants, with Groups and Descriptions reduced from the Original Folio Editions. Numerous full-page colored plates. 2 vols. Royal 8vo, half roxburghe, gilt edges. (R. axx.) London, 1868. $6.50

2072. Bradley, R. The Country Gentleman and Farmer’s Monthly Director. Boards, 132 pp., frontis. London, 1726. $3.50

2073. Catesby, Mark. The Natural History of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama Islands, containing the Figures of Birds, Beasts, Fishes, Serpents, Insects and Plants, particularly the Forest-Trees, Shrubs and other Plants not hitherto described or very incorrectly figured by authors, together with descriptions in English and French, to which are added observations on the air, soil and waters; with remarks upon agriculture, grain pulse, roots, etc. To the whole is prefixed a new and correct map of the countries treated of. Revised by Mr. Edwards. Containing 220 full-page plates elegantly colored by hand. 2 vols. Imperial folio, full Russia, gilt, canary edges. A remarkably tall and clean copy. Binding in fine condition. London, 1754. $75.00

2074. Chinese Bird Paintings. Eleven superb old water-color paintings on rice paper of the various birds of China. Oblong 4to, original silk covers, with tie. $7.50

2075. Country Recreation, Sport, etc. New Feldt und Ackerbau. Darmen Ordensich begriffen Wieman aus Rechten Grund der Natur, auch Langwiriger Erfahrung, so bendes Althier in ro. Bucher Beschrieben ist, jedes Landgut Bevoorab den Acker und Fruchtfeldter des Landsart. Erstlich durch den Hochgelchrien Herm. Petrum de Crescentijs Beschrieben, etc. Folio, stamped super libris, dated covers, vellum, 646 pp., illus. Very rare and curious. Strassburg, 1602. $30.00

2076. Edwards’s Botanical Register; or, Ornamental Flower Garden and Shrubbery, consisting of Plants and Shrubs, cultivated in British Gardens, accompanied by their History, Best Method of Treatment in Cultivation, Propagation, etc. Edited by John Lindley. Illus. with 750 full-page plates (some folding), colored by hand. New series. Complete in 10 vols. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Rare and fine. London, 1838-57. $45.00

2077. Elephants. Petri, D. Georgio Christophoro (ab Hartenfelz). Elephantographia Curiosa, seu Elephanti Descriptio, Juxta Methodum et Leges Imperialis Academiæ Leopoldino-Carolinæ Naturæ Curiosorum, etc. 4to, boards, 285 pp., numerous fine old copper plates, very rare. Erfordiæ, 1715. $7.50

2078. Fish. Coste, M. Instructions Pratiques sur la Pisciculture, Suivies de Memoires et de Rapports sur le Meme Sujet. 12mo, boards, 140 pp., 4 plates. Paris, 1853. $1.75

2079. Fish. Lacepede. Naturgeschichte der Fische als eine Fortsetzung von Buffons Naturgeschichte. Nach dem Franzosichen mit einigen Anmerkungen begleitet von Ph. Loos. 2 vols. in 4 parts, bound in 4 vols. full calf, gilt, 1953 pp. Very many excellent hand-colored plates of accuracy and finish. Title-pages have colored engravings of groups of boys examining a tub of fish, etc.; also there is a strange frontis of catching Sharks by man-bait. Heckscher did not have a copy of this work. Fine set of a rare work. Berlin, 1799-1804. $12.00

2080. Fish. (Marston, Edward.) An Amateur Angler’s Days in Dove Dale; or, How I Spent my Three Weeks’ Holiday. Large paper, 12mo, orig. printed vellum covers, uncut, gilt top. An extra etched title of a fisherman on India paper. Only 100 copies printed, a fine copy. London, 1884. $4.75

2081. Fish. Philipp Cavolini’s Mitgliedes Mehrerer Akademieen, Abhandlung uber die Erzeugung der Fische und der Krebse. Mit Anmerkungen von C. A. W. Zimmermann. Half calf, 192 pp., 3 folding plates. Berlin, 1792. $3.00

2082. Fish. Rondeletii, Gulielmi. Libri de Piscibus Marinis, in Quibus Veræ Piscium Effigies Expressæ Sunt. Quæ in tota Piscium Historia Contineantur, Indicat Elenchus Pagina nona et Decima. (Also) Universæ Aquatilium Historiæ pars Altera, Cum Veris Ipsorum Imaginibus. Folio, vellum, 583+242 pp., illus. Edward Ruppell’s, the noted Zoologist’s, Autograph copy. Rare first edition. Lugduni, 1555. $18.00

2083. Fish. Siebold, C. Th. E. V. Die Susswasserfische von Mitteleuropa. Mit 64 Holzschnitten und 2 Farbigen Tafeln. Boards, 431 pp., illus. with 64 woodcuts: lacks the 2 colored plates. MSS. corrections by author in ink. Leipzig, 1863. $2.00

2084. Fish. Stannius, Dr. Hermann. Das Peripherische Nervensystem der Fische, Anatomisch und Physiologisch Untersucht. 4to, boards, uncut, 156 pp., 5 plates. Rostock, 1849. $2.75

2085. Flora Germanica Excursoria. Sive Principia Synopseos Plantarum in Germania Terrisque in Europa Media Adjacentibus. Sponte Nascentium, Cultarumque Frequentius. By Lud. Reichenbach. Thick 12mo, half calf, 928 pp. 2 maps. Lipsiæ, 1830-1832. $4.00

2086. Flora Heidelbergensis. Plantas Sistens in Praefactura Heidelbergensi et in Regione Adfini Sponte Nascentes, etc. In 2 parts. By J. H. Dierbach. Square 12mo, half calf, map, 406 pp. Heidelbergæ, 1819. $2.75

2087. Flora Jenensis. Haller, Alberti. Flora Jenensis Henrici Bernhardi Ruppii ex Posthumis Auctoris Schedis et Propriis Observationibus Aucta et Emendata Accesserunt Plantarum Rariorum Novæ Icones. Jenæ: 1745. A very interesting copy of this rare book which has been inter-leaved within a thick 4to volume of contemporary blank paper and bound in half vellum by P. L. S. Müller, the noted German Naturalist, his curious book-plate is on the front cover with the legend “Ex Bibliotheca Mullerii.” His autograph is on the title-page. This volume has later been owned apparently by A. Oersel, who has used the first 166 pp. of the blank leaves for an autograph list of Plants which he has entitled as follows, under date of April 2nd, 1869: “Enumeratio Plantarum District. Alpium Maritim. Flore analytique in Departement des Alpes Maritimes, par Honore Ardoino Menton, 1867.” Several specimens of rare flowers have been laid in their proper places. The whole number of pages interleaved is about 425, the whole forming a most interesting historical volume for some Botanical Library. $20.00

2088. Flora Jenensis Sive Enumeratio Plantarum, in Usum Botanophilorum Jenensium. Edita Multis que in Locis. By Henr. Bernh. Ruppii. 12mo, vellum, 311 pp.+copious Index, plates. Francofurti, 1726. $4.00

2089. Floral Magazine and Botanical Repository, Supplement to. Published by D. and G. Landreth, Nursery Men of Phila. Paper, 12 pp. List of Plants and Seeds. Pub’d as an advertising brochure. Very rare. Phila., 1833. $1.50

2090. Flowers, Ferns, Fungi, Algæ, etc. Audouit, ed. Atlas de L’Herbier des Demoiselles. Dessins de Belaife, Gravures de Leblanc. Oblong 4to, boards, 123 leaves of colored plates and text. Paris, 1850. $4.75

2091. Fowling and Trapping. Liger, le Sieur L. Amusemens de la Campagne, ou Nouvelles Ruses Innocentes. 2 vols. 12mo, calf and gilt, 562+511 pp., curious cuts throughout. Paris, 1734. $6.50

2092. Forest Insects. Bechstein, J. M., und Scharfenberg, G. L. Vollstandige Naturgeschichte der Schadlichen Forstinsekten, nebst einem Nachtrag der Schonenswerthen Insekten, welche die Schadlichen Vertilgen Helfen. Ein Handbuch fur Forstmanner, Cameralisten und Dekonomen. 3 vols. 4to, marbled boards, 1042 pp., fine colored plates, fine copy of the best early treatise on this subject. Leipzig, 1805. $14.00

2093. Forestry. Hartig, G. L. Anleitung zur Wohlfeilen Kultur der Waldblossen. Durch 680 Beyspiele erlautert. Fur Forstbeamte und Gutsbesitzer. 4to, boards, cracked, paper label, 1 plate, 3 tables, uncut. Berlin, 1826. $2.75

2094. Forestry. Hartig, G. L. Anweisung zur Taxation und Beschreibung der Forste. Nebst einem Anhange uber die Berechnung des Geldwerthes eines Forstes. Dritte Auflage. 2 vols. 4to, boards, 200+232 pp., tables, 2 colored plates, portrait of author inserted, fine copy of a historic work. Giessen, 1813. $6.75

2095. Forestry. Hartig, G. L. Neue Instructionen fur die Koniglich Preussischen Forst-Geometer und Forst Taxatoren, durch Beispiele Erklart. Mit Einem Katen und einer Illuminirten Forst Karte. 4to, uncut, paper, 119 pp., colored map and chart. Berlin, 1819. $5.00

2096. Forestry. Hartig, Dr. T. Vollstandige Naturgeschichte der Forstlichen Culturpflanzen Deutschlands. 4to, boards, 580 pp.+Index and Explanation of Plates, 120 fine hand-colored plates. Berlin, 1851. $18.50

2097. Fossils. Owen, Richard. Palæontology; or, A Systematic Summary of Extinct Animals and their Geological Relations. Second ed., Augmented. 463 pp., uncut, illus. Edinburgh, 1861. $2.00

2098. Fungi. Larber, Giovanni. Sui Funghi Saggio Generale. Descrizione e Tavola Sinottica de Funghi Mangerecci Piu Comuni D’Italia. 2 vols. 4to, half calf, 4 parts in 2 vols., 168 pp.+328 pp., 21 fine hand-colored plates. Bassano, 1829. $12.00

2099. Fungi. Lenz, Dr. H. O. Die Nusslichen, Schadlichen Und Verdachtigen Schwamme. Vierte, veranderte Auflage. 12mo, boards, 175 pp., 19 fine colored plates. Gotha, 1868. $2.50

2100. Fungorum Agri Ariminensis Historia A. J. Antonio Battarra. Aeneisque Tabulis Quadraginta Locupletata Quam sub Auspiciis Plurimum Reverendi DD. Francisci-Raynaldi Gargani. Second Edition. Folio, vellum, 80 pp., wide margins, 40 finely engraved plates, curious vignette on title, fine copy. Rare. Faventiæ, 1759. $12.00

2101. Game Laws. Seidenstikker, Antonii. Furibus Ferarum, Von Den Wild Dieben. Dissertatio Juridica, publice in Academia Julia An., 1675, etc. 4to, paper. Helmestadi, 1677. $3.50

2102. Gardens. Chambers, Sir Wm. Dissertation on Oriental Gardening. (Also) Heroic Epistle to Sir Wm. Chambers, Knight, Author of Oriental Gardening, with Explanatory Notes. (Also) Heroic Postscript to the Public. Three Titles. In 1 vol. 4to, half calf, The “Dissertation” has an illus. title and headpiece engraved by Bartolozzi. Armorial book-plate of John Claudius Loudon, F. L. S., noted Botanist of England. London, 1772-73-74. $10.00

2103. Gardens. Complete Farmer; or, A General Dictionary of Husbandry in all its Branches, to which is Now First Added, The Gardener’s Kalendar. Illus. with Folio Copper-Plates, etc., by a Society of Gentlemen. 4to, old calf, binding worn, cracked, plates. London, 1869. $2.75

2104. Gardens. La Theorie et la Pratique du Jardinage ou l’on Traite a Fond des Beaux Jardins apelles communement les Jardins de Plaisance et de Proprete composes de Parterres, de Bosquets, de Boulingrins. Contenant Plusieurs Plans et Dispositions Generals de Jardins (etc.). Avec la Maniere de Dresser un Terrain (etc.). Par L. S. A. I. D. A. Nouvelle Edition. 4to, old calf, gilt, fully illus. by copper-plates and cuts. Paris, 1713. $8.00

2105. Gardens. Mawe and Abercrombie. The Universal Gardener and Botanist; or, A General Dictionary of Gardening and Botany. Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged, with 500 Species of Plants more than in the former Edition. 4to, calf, binding worn, cracked, plates. London, 1797. $3.00

2106. Gardens. Noisette, L. Le Jardin Fruitier Contenant l’Historie La Description, La Culture et les Usages des Arbus, Fruiters, des Fraisers, etc. 2 vols. in 1. 4to, calf, broken, illus. with 77 plates, colored by hand. Very fine, rare. Paris, 1821. $9.00

2107. Gardens. Petri Laurembergii Rostochiensis, Horticultura, Libris II. Comprehensa; Huic Nostro Coelosolo Accomodata; Regulis, Observationibus, Experimentis, etc. (Also) Apparatus Plantarius Primus. Part 1, Plantis Bulbosis. Part 2, Plantis Tuberosis. Quibus Exhibentur Præter Nomenclaturas, Multiplices Earum Differentiæ and Species, etc. 2 works in 1 vol. 4to, vellum, 196+168 pp., fully illus. by quaint cuts and plates: first engraved title laid down. Very rare. Francofurti (1631). $8.50

2108. Gardens. Quintinye, Mr. de la. Instruction Pour Les Zardins Fruitiers et Potagers, avec un Traite des Oranges, and des Reflexions fur l’Agriculture. Nouvelle Edition Reveue et Corrigee. 2 vols. 4to, antique calf, illus., 666+562 pp. Paris, 1715. $12.00

2109. Gardens. Volkamer, J. C. Nurnbergische Hesperides, Oder, Grundliche Beschreibung der Edlen Citronat Citronen und Vomerantzen-Fruchte. In Vier Theile, und mit Nusslichen Anmerekungen Erklaret. Beneben der Flora, oder, Curiosen Vorstellung Verschiedener raren Blumen. Wie auch einem Bericht von denen in des Authoris Garten stehenden Columnis Milliaribus. Folio, calf, 260+17 pp. Superbly hand-colored initial devices, copper plates, vignettes, etc., of the finest artistic merit. One of the most richly and fully illustrated and colored early works on Horticulture and Landscape Gardening. Nurnberg, 1708. $40.00

2110. Geraniaceæ. Sweet, Robert. The Natural Order of Gerania. Illustrated by Coloured Figures and Descriptions, comprising the numerous and Beautiful Mule-Varieties cultivated in the Gardens of Great Britain, with Directions for their Treatment. Illus. with 500 full-page plates, elegantly colored by hand. 5 vols. Half mor., gilt edges. London, 1820-30. $25.00

2111. Hepaticas. Lacoste, C. M. van Der Sande. Synopsis Hepaticarum Javanicarum. Hepaticarum Novis Extra Javanicis. 112 pp., 22 plates, 4to, printed limp board covers. Amstelædami, 1856. $6.50

2112. Herbal. Herbario Novo di Castore Durante, Con Figure, Che Rappresentano le viue Piante, che nascono in tutta Europa and nell ’Indie Orientali, and Occidentali. Con Due Tavole Copiosissime, L’Una Delle Herbe, etc. Folio, old calf, illus., rubricated title, very rare and curious. In Venetia, 1667. $16.00

2113. Hunting. Biermann, A., und Dr. Oderfeld. Neuestes Illustrirtes Jagdbuch. Erfahrungen und Anweisungen zu einem Rationellen Betriebe der Mitte-lund Niederjagd fur Jager und Jagdliebhaber, etc. Gilt figured covers, 375 pp., illus., frontis. Stuttgart, 1869. $2.75

2114. Hunting. Natalis Comitum Veneti de Venatione, Libri IIII Hieronymi Ruscellii Scholiis Brevissimis Illustrati. 16mo, vellum, illustrated by initial cuts, 48 leaves. A very rare Aldus Imprint, fine copy. Venetiis, 1551. $8.00

2115. Insects. Fuessly, Johan Caspar. Archiv der Insectengeschichte. Plan dieses Archivs aus dem Plan zu einer Entomologischen Republik des J. J. W. Zerbst in Berlin. 4to, half roan, colored and plain plates, privately pub’d, very rare, fine copy V. p., v. dates, 1781-84. $12.00

2116. Insects. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia. Vols. 1, 2, 3, complete. Illus., bound in half roan, marbled edges, good copies. This has become one of the rarest as well as most needed reference works on the subject. Only 6 vols. were published. Philadelphia, 1863-64. $18.00

2117. Kryptogamen Deutschlands. Nach der Analytischen Methode, von Dr. Otto Wunsche. 12mo, pr. covers, 127 pp. Leipzig, 1875. $1.75

2118. Lamarck and Decandolle. Synopsis Plantarum in Flora Gallica Descriptarum. 432 pp., boards, fine copy. Rare first edition. Parisiis, 1806. $4.00

2119. Lichens. Bayrhoffer, J. D. W. Einiges Uber Lichenen und Deren Befruchtung. Mit Vier Lithographirten Tafeln. 4to, boards, 44 pp., 4 plates. MS. dated 1852, re Author laid in. Bern, 1851. $2.75

2120. Lichens. Bayrhoffer, J. D. W. Entwickelung und Befruchtung der Cladoniaceen. Als Manuscript Gedruckt. 4to, paper, 26 pp., 1 plate. Frankfurt, 1860. $1.75

2121. Lichens. Fries, Elias. Lichenographia Europaea Reformata. Praemittuntur Lichenologiæ Fundamenta. Compendium in Theoreticum et Practicum Lichenum Studium Conscripsit. 12mo, boards, 486 pp. Valuable and rare. Fries was the Father of systematic Lichenology and an authority today. Lundæ, 1831. $7.50

2122. Linnæus, C. Philosophia Botanica, in Qua Explicantur Fundamenta Botanica. Editio Tertia Aucta ac Emendata cura C. L. Willdenow. Paper covers, uncut, 364 pp., 10 plates, frontispiece portrait of Linneus. Rare. Berolini, 1790. $6.00

2123. Linnæus. Elements of Natural History. An Introduction to the Systema Naturae of Linneus. Comprising the Characters of the Whole Genera. Particularly Those that are Natives of Britain. 2 vols. Half calf, 408+491 pp., illus. by many copper plates. London, 1801-1802. $3.50

2124. Mammals. Flower, W. H. and Lydekker, R. Introduction to Study of Mammals Living and Extinct. Gilt figured cloth, uncut, 763 pp., illus., as new. The best Manual. London, 1891. $6.50

2125. Mammals. Nilsson. S. Skandinavisk Fauna. 656 pp., Printed paper cover, uncut, illus. Complete on the living and extinct Mammals of Scandinavia. Lund, 1847. $5.75

2126. Mammals. Schach, F. M. Der Naturfreund. Eine Vergleichende Volksnaturgeschichte fur Schule und Haus. Saugethiere. 4to, 142 pp., colored plates. Karlsruhe, 1845. $2.75

2127. Mammals. Zimmermann, Eberh. A. G. Specimen Zoologiæ Geographicæ, Quadrupedum Domicilia et Migrationes Sistens. Dedit, Tabulamque Mundi Zoographicam Adjunxit. 4to, half calf, 685 pp., large folio map. Lugduni Batavorum, 1777. $6.50

2128. Meek. F. B. Check List of the Invertebrate Fossils of North America. Tertiary System, Miocene Epoch. Paper, unopened, 32 pp. Wash., 1864. $1.00

2129. Michaux, F. A. Reise in Das Innere Der Nordamerikanischen Freistaaten, westwarts der Alleghany-Gebirge. Aus dem Franzosischen. Mit einigen Zufassen und Anmerkungen herausgegeben von L. F. Ehrmann. Boards, 250 pp., folding map, very rare edition. Weimar, 1805. $4.50

2130. Natural History. Naturgeschichte in Bildern, Mit Erlauterndem Text von Prof. Dr. Stiack. Herausgegeben und im Verlage der Lithographischen Anstalt. 4 vols. Oblong folio, half calf, fine hand-colored plates; vol. on Fish, containing 144 plates, twice the size of other vols. Dusseldorf, 1820. $13.75

2131. N. History. Banks, Sir Joseph. Assisted by Dr. Solander, etc. Letters on Iceland, containing Observations on Civil, Literary and Natural History, Customs of Inhabitants, etc., made During Voyage in 1772. Written by Uno Von Troil, D. D. With a new Map of the Island, etc. Calf, 400 pp., map and plate. London, 1780. $3.00

2132. Norwegische Naturgeschichte, von Ehrich Pontoppidan. Sq. 12mo, paper, uncut, large margins, 206 pp., rare. 1786. $3.00

2133. Optics, Globes and Dialing. Ferguson, James. Lectures on Select Subjects in Mechanics, Hydrostatics, Pneumatics and Optics, with the Use of Globes, Art of Dialing, etc. 4to, calf, 252 pp., fully illus. by folding copper plates, etc. London, 1764. $2.00

2134. Ornitologia Italiana Opera Postuma Del Prof. Comm. Paolo Savi, Senatore del Regno. 3 vols. bound in 2, half mor., illus., 478+485+214 pp. Firenze, 1873-76. $10.00

2135. Parrots. Die Papageien Monographisch Bearbeitet, von Otto Finsch. 3 vols. Half mor., illus. by large map, folding plate of Osteology and 5 colored plates of Parrots. Pub. at $10.00. An authoritative work. 2 vols. in 3. Leiden, 1867-68. $7.50.

2136. Pennsylvania. Report of Committee of House of Representatives, Recommending an Appropriation by Legislature to Make Geological Survey of State, under Direction of Geological Soc. of Penna. Mr. B. Say Chairman. Paper, 10 pp., very rare. Harrisburg, 1833 $2.00

2137. Pomologia, Dat is Beschryingen en Afbeeldingen Van de Bests Soorten van Appels en Peeren, welke in Neder en Hoog-Duitsland, Frankryk, Engelland en elders geagt zyn, en tot dien einde Gecultiveert worden. By J. H. Knoop. Folio, boards, uncut, loose, 87 pp., 8 fine colored plates. Leeuwarden, 1758. $12.00

2138. Rapacious Birds of Africa. Levaillant, Francois. Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux D’Afrique. Vol. 1, complete on Hawks, Vultures and Owls. Folio, pr. boards, 194 pp., 49 colored plates, fine copy. Paris, 1799. $9.50

2139. Rare Plants. Caroli Clusi Atrebatis, Rariorum Plantarum Historia Quæ Accesserint proxima Pagina Docebit. Folio, ancient stamped pigskin, finely illus., 360+348 pp., engraved title Antverpiæ Plantini, 1601. $18.00

2140. Sport. Mackintosh, Alex. The Driffield Angler. In 2 parts. Containing Descriptions of Different Fresh Water Fish, Methods of Taking them in Rivers, Lakes and Fish Ponds, Manner of Making Artificial Flies, Instructions for Shooting, Treatise on Shooting Deer, etc. 12mo, half roan, 346 pp., frontis. Gainsborough (1806). $3.50

2141. Sport. Revoil, B. H. Chasses Dans L’Amerique de Nord. Deuxieme Edition. 12mo, boards, 326 pp. Paris, 1861. $2.50

2142. Sport. Townshend, J. K. Sporting Excursions in the Rocky Mountains, including Journey to Columbia River, Visit to Sandwich Islands, Chili, etc. 2 vols. Orig. cloth, uncut, 310+312 pp., 2 frontispieces, rare. London, 1840. $7.50

2143. Sport. Train, Karl V. Des Gerechten und Vollkommenen Waidmanns neue Practica zu Holz, Feld und Wasser, oder die Elde Jagerei nach alien ihren Theilen. Ein Handbuch fur Jager und Jagdfreunde. In 2 Parts. Boards, uncut, 324+238 pp. Weimar, 1838. $4.00

2144. Switzerland. Wild Flowers of; or, A Year Amongst the Flowers of the Alps. Illus. with colored lithographs of hundreds of species. Folio, cloth, gilt, gilt edges. London, 1883. $3.75

2145. Taxidermie Oder die Lehre Thiere Aller Klassen, etc. von J. Fr. Naumann. Zweite Auflage. Mit Sechs Tafeln Abbildungen. Boards, 218 pp., 6 plates. Halle, 1848. $1.75

2146. Walton, Complete Angler. Extensively Embellished with Engravings on Copper and Wood. Major’s Third Edition, with the 77 Woodcuts and 15 Copper-plates. Portrait of Dr. T. Wharton here first added. 12mo, 416 pp., original boards, uncut, label. London, J. Major, 1835. $4.00

2147. Whales and Elephants. Reichenbach, H. G. L. Anatomia Mammalium. Cetacea et Pachydermata. Anatomie der Saugthiere. Erster Theil. Wallthiere und Dickhauter. Small folio, 23 pp., 56 plates. Complete in itself. Lipsiæ, 1845. $4.00

2148. Wotton’s Book of Animals. Edoardi VVottoni Oxoniensis de Differentiis Animalium Libri Decem. Dedicated to Edward VI., King of England. Folio, orig. tooled binding, 220 pp., wide margins, fine copy. A fine example of Paris 16th Century printing, 20 Index entries under Pisces. Lutetiæ Parisiorum, 1552. Lord Hill’s book-plate. $22.50

2149. Zoology. Kaup, J. J. Das Thierreich in Seinen Hauptformen Systematisch Beschrieben. 3 vols. in 5 parts, bound in 3. Half calf, 1228 pp. in all, numerous fine woodcuts throughout text. Darmstadt, 1835-37. $6.00

2150. Botany. Britton, N. L, and Brown, Hon, A. An Illustrated Flora of the Northern United States, Canada and the British Possessions from Newfoundland to the Parallel of the Southern Boundary of Virginia and from the Atlantic Ocean Westward to the 102d Meridian. Very fully illus. throughout the text. 3 vols. Royal 8vo, good as new. The best authority and in great demand, being out of print. N. York., 1896. $17.50

2151. Botany. Kerner’s Natural History of Plants, Their Forms Growth, Reproduction and Distribution. From the German of Anton Kerner von Marilaun. Translated and Edited by F. W. Oliver. With the assistance of Marian Busk and Mary F. Ewart. About 2000 woodcuts and 16 colored plates. 2 vols. in 4 vols. Royal 8vo. A valuable work which soon went out of print and is now in much demand. N. York, 1895. $18.50

2152. British Grasses. Introduction to the Study of the Graminiæ of Great Britain and Ireland. By Margaret Plues. First ed. 307 pp., uncut, 16 colored plates and numerous cuts in text. Autogr. copy of Mary E. Banning, the noted Mycologist. London, 1867. $2.75

2153. California Fruits, and How to Grow Them. Edward J. Wickson, of the Univ. of California, etc. Third and best Edition, greatly enlarged and fully illus. 477 pp. San Francisco, 1900. $2.00

2154. Fern Book for Everybody. By M. C. Cooke. British and Foreign Ferns Suitable for a Fernery. Colored plates, 124 pp., 12mo, boards, loose. London, n. d. $1.00

2155. Greenland Fauna. Egede, Hans. Description of Greenland. Showing the Natural History, Boundaries, Face of the Country, Soil, and Inhabitants; also Plants, Beasts, Fishes, etc. 220 pp., fine map and illus., calf, front cover loose, otherwise fine copy of the best English edition. London, 1745. $4.50

2156. Gardener’s Dictionary, The. Relating to Cultivating and Improving all sorts of Trees, Plants, and Flowers for Kitchen, Fruit and Pleasure Gardens, etc. Abridged from the last folio edition, by the Author, Philip Miller, F. R. S. Fourth ed., corrected and enlarged. 3 vols. Old calf, frontis. London, 1754. $3.00

2157. Herbarium. A Square 4to Case Enclosing 28 Sheets of Alpine Flowers with the Names Identified (in Latin) and the exact Localities given below each specimen. In good condition. Switzerland, circa. 1820. $2.50

2158. Natural History. The Standard Library of. Embracing Living Animate of the World and Living Races of Mankind. Editors and special contributors: C. J. Cornish, F. C. Selous, E. Ingersoll, Sir H. Johnston, Sir H. Maxwell, R. Lydekker, and many other eminent naturalists. Profusely illus. in colored and plain half-tone reproductions generally from original photographs of the living animals. 5 vols. 4to, half mor., A good second-hand set; invaluable to the taxidermist, showing as it does the natural posturing, etc. N. York, 1907. $14.00

2159. Trees and Shrubs. J. C. Loudon’s Encyclopedia of. The Abridged Manual Edition for the Use of Nurserymen, Gardeners and Foresters. Illustrations of Nearly all the Species. 1162 pp., half Roxburghe, somewhat broken. London, 1869. $3.50

2160. Trees and Shrubs. Popular, Deciduous and Evergreen, for Parks, Gardens, etc. By F. R. Elliott. 12mo, 125 pp., illus. New York, 1870. $1.75

2161. Wilson and Bonaparte’s American Ornithology; or, The Natural History of the Birds of the United States. Plates engraved and colored from original drawings from Nature. By Alex. Wilson and C. L. Bonaparte. With Sketch of the Life of Wilson by George Ord and Classification of Genera and Species of American Birds, by Spencer F. Baird. 3 vols. text, royal 8vo, and folio atlas of 76+27 plates engraved by Lawson, Tanner and others, colored by hand. 4 vols. Half mor., uncut, bindings somewhat warped and stained by water, contents of text vols. in good condition, the coloring of many of the plates has been slightly transferred to the backs of preceding plates and 2 plates slightly defaced by having stuck together. However, a sound, serviceable and complete working copy at half the usual price. Philadelphia, Porter & Coates, n. d. [1871]. $25.00

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FOR SALE AT THE FRANKLIN BOOKSHOP 920 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. (SAMUEL N. RHOADS, Proprietor.)

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Make all checks payable to Samuel N. Rhoads.

Transcriber’s Notes

--Silently corrected palpable typos; left non-standard spellings and dialect unchanged.

--Provided an original cover image, for free and unrestricted use with this Distributed Proofreaders-Canada eBook.

--Only in the text versions, delimited italicized text in underscores (the HTML version reproduces the font form of the printed book.)

End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of Nature Books Popular and Scientific from The Franklin Bookshop, 1910, by Samuel N. Rhoads


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