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Audiobook: Diary of Richard Cocks, Volume 1: Cape-Merchant in the English Factory in Japan, 1615-1622, with Correspondence by Cocks, Richard

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Audiobook: Diary of Richard Cocks, Volume 1: Cape-Merchant in the English Factory in Japan, 1615-1622, with Correspondence by Cocks, Richard

Project Gutenberg's Diary of Richard Cocks Vol. I, by Richard Cocks

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Title: Diary of Richard Cocks Vol. I Cape-Merchant in the English Factory in Japan 1615-1622 with Correspondence

Author: Richard Cocks

Editor: Edward Maunde Thompson

Release Date: September 7, 2014 [EBook #46803]

Language: English

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The Hakluyt Society.













Published by BURT FRANKLIN 514 West 113th Street New York 25, N. Y.









The history of the English trading settlement in Japan in the first quarter of the seventeenth century is the history of a failure; and the causes of the failure are not far to seek. Choosing for their depôt an insignificant island in the extreme west of the kingdom, without even good anchorage to recommend it, and at a far distance from the capital cities of Miako and Yedo, with the Dutch for their neighbours and, as it proved, their rivals, the English may be said to have courted disaster. It is true that Firando was a ready port for shipping coming from Europe; its ruler was friendly; and it lay in a convenient position from whence to open the much-desired trade with China. And the policy of making common cause with the Protestant Hollanders against the Spaniards and Portuguese, who had first secured a footing in Japan and were powerful in the neighbouring town of Nagasaki, would have been a sound one, had the latter remained supreme. But, when the English landed, the Dutch had already obtained privileges and had established their trade in the country; and what ought to have been foreseen inevitably came to pass. The Dutch were not allies; they were rivals, who undersold the English in the market and in the end starved them out of the country. Possibly, if our countrymen had been allowed to maintain the branch factories which they started in some of the principal towns, they might have held their own against their rivals, in spite of the limited trade which Japan afforded; but when their privileges were curtailed and they were restricted to Firando, their case became desperate.

Purchas, in his Pilgrimes,[1] has told us the story of the first landing of the English and its causes. The present volumes give us the internal history of the factory. The original diary of Richard Cocks, the chief factor, once formed part of those papers of the East India Company, whose luckless fate it was to be destroyed or cast out of their home in Leadenhall-street to wander through the world. Happily the diary escaped many perils, and now rests in the British Museum, where, bound in two volumes, it bears the numbers, Additional MSS. 31,300, 31,301. Unfortunately it is not complete. It runs from 1st June, 1615, to 14th January, 1619, and from 5th December, 1620, to 24th March, 1622; but it has lost nothing since it left the Company's archives.[2] I have not thought it necessary to print the whole of it; but only those entries which have absolutely no interest, e.g. bare memoranda of sales and purchases, have been omitted. As a supplement, to illustrate the diary and to fill in the periods which are wanting therein, I have added in an Appendix a selection from the letters of Cocks and others, chiefly from the archives of the India Office.

* * * * *

Our early connection with Japan forms perhaps one of the most interesting episodes in our mercantile history, and has a share of romance imparted to it by the story of the English sailor whose name is so intimately associated with it. William Adams, "a Kentish man, born in a town called Gillingham, two English miles from Rochester, one mile from Chatham where the king's ships do lie",[3] a seafaring man who had served in the English navy, joined, as senior pilot, one of the Dutch trading fleets which sailed for the East in 1598. Weighing anchor in June, Adams and his companions encountered misfortune and delay on the coast of Africa, so that it was not till April of the next year that they reached the Straits of Magellan, where they were forced to pass the winter. Hence they made for Peru; and after sundry adventures, in which the fleet was dispersed and the Charity, the ship wherein Adams sailed, lost the greater part of her crew, the latter vessel in company with a single consort struck across for Japan. But bad fortune still waited on the unlucky voyagers. The consort foundered in a storm; and Adams's ship with difficulty reached the shores of the province of Bungo, in the island of Kiushiu, in Japan, where she let fall her anchor on the 19th of April, 1600. Her crew was reduced to four-and-twenty, all told; and of these only some half-dozen were able to stand on their feet. Of the latter Adams was one, and was selected to be sent up to the court of Iyéyasu, the famous soldier who then ruled Japan.

The moment at which Adams set foot in this unknown land was a critical one in the history of the country. The dual form of government, by mikado and shogun, had been in existence some four hundred years. In the twelfth century, at a time when Japan was torn by internal wars and dissensions, the military chief Yoritomo had risen to power and, overthrowing his enemies, had set up the military despotism which, acting in the name of the powerless mikado, ruled the whole country. In 1192 Yoritomo received from the mikado the title of Sei-i Tai Shogun (Barbarian-subjugating Great General); and henceforth that title was transmitted to the de facto rulers, and lasted down to the revolution of 1868. The mikado, the rightful emperor of Japan, became a mere cipher, living in the seclusion of his palace, neglected and often in poverty.

This peculiar system has naturally perplexed foreigners; and thus it is that the mikado, or dairi, as he is more usually called by the early European writers, is represented as the spiritual head,[4] while the shogun, or military ruler for the time being, is always styled the emperor.

Two families, the Hojo and the Ashikaga, successively held the shogunate down to the year 1573. The last shogun of the second house was deposed by Nobunaga, the son of a soldier of fortune, whose name, like those of his two generals and successors, Hidéyoshi and Iyéyasu, is great in Japanese history. Nobunaga fell the victim of treachery; but his place was promptly filled by Hidéyoshi, who at once crushed the rising which had overthrown his master and assumed the reins of government. The son of a peasant, he had entered Nobunaga's service as a groom, but, attracting notice, he was promoted to military service and quickly rose by his own prowess to high command. Often changing his name, according to Japanese custom, he appears in history under many designations. By the Portuguese Jesuits he is referred to as Faxiba (i.e. Hashiba); but he is more generally known by his later name of Taiko Sama; and by this name he is called in these volumes. Neither he nor Nobunaga received the title of shogun. The highest rank to which he attained was that of kuwambaku, or premier.[5]

Hidéyoshi died in 1598[6] leaving an infant son, Hidéyori (the Fidaia Sama of Cocks's diary), whom he had married to the grand-daughter of his old fellow-soldier Iyéyasu, in the hope of thus disarming a dangerous rival, who was also appointed one of the guardians of the boy. But these precautions went for nothing. Even in Nobunaga's days Iyéyasu was a powerful leader, and he had only submitted to Taiko Sama after some hesitation. It is true that he swore to protect the interests of the young Hidéyori; but many circumstances combined to stifle any scruples that he might have felt in supplanting his ward. It was whispered that the child was no son of Taiko Sama, and, even if he were, the nobles who had resented the rule of the low-born chief, whom they were forced to obey, were not disposed to continue their submission to his child. What has always happened in such conjunctures was sure to happen now. The other guardians of the young prince, suspicious of Iyéyasu, began to draw together their troops; Iyéyasu summoned his men; and soon after, in October, 1600, the rival armies confronted each other on the field of Sékigahara, near Lake Biwa, in the centre of the kingdom. Iyéyasu gained a decisive victory; his enemies were scattered with fearful slaughter; and the young Hidéyori was at the mercy of the conqueror. To the credit of the latter, his captive received no harm, but continued to lead a life of almost perfect freedom in his strong castle of Ozaka.

It was, then, only a few months before this decisive battle that Adams had his first interview with Iyéyasu, the emperor as he styles him, at Ozaka. How he found favour in his eyes, was taken into his confidence, "learned him some points of geometry and understanding of the arts of mathematics", built him ships and, in fine, gained such influence that "what I said he would not contrary," Adams himself has told us in that letter which, a captive in a far-off land, he addressed so pathetically to his "unknown friends and countrymen." But when, in his yearning to see wife and children again, "according to conscience and nature", he prayed for liberty to return to his country, Iyéyasu hardened his heart and would not let him go. The most that was granted was leave for the Dutch captain of the ship[7] and one of the crew to depart. This they did; and it should be noted that it was by the help of the daimio of Firando, who now first appears upon the scene, that they found a junk wherein to sail. The captain was soon after killed fighting against the Portuguese. His companion returned and settled at Nagasaki, being the Melchor van Sanfort (or Sanvoort) whom we meet in the diary. Others of the crew no doubt settled in the country. One of them is incidentally mentioned by Cocks (i. 171).

Adams's letter above referred to was written in October, 1611. It reached the English factory at Bantam probably early in 1612; but the idea of opening trade with Japan had already been entertained in England. Adams's story was known there by reports from the Dutch; and letters announcing the intentions of the East India Company were sent out to him by the ship Globe, which sailed in January, 1611. In April following, the Clove, the Thomas, and the Hector were despatched under command of Captain John Saris, with letters from King James I. to the Emperor of Japan. Arriving at Bantam in October, 1612, Saris remained there till the beginning of the new year, and then, on the 14th of January, sailed for Japan in the ship Clove, with a crew of some seventy men. On the 10th of June, off Nagasaki, he first sighted the western coast of Kiushiu, and two days after came to an anchor in the haven of Firando.

The first to greet the English commander were the old daimio or tono, Foyne Sama, then in his seventy-second year, and his grandson, a young man of two-and-twenty, who shared the government. Both are styled kings; and the latter is Figen a (or Figeno) Sama, who appears throughout Cocks's diary as the king of Firando. Foyne Sama seems to have been a simple and unaffected old man, not averse to merry-making, but firm, and, says Saris, "famed to be the worthiest soldier of all Japan, for his valour and service in the Corēan wars."[8] Old as he was and good-humoured as he appeared, we see something of the sterner side of his character in certain remarks of our diarist. Almost immediately after their arrival the English sailors began quarrelling and drew from him a reproof which, though gentle, was a sufficient hint; and we are told, at a later date, when his dog "Balle" was accidentally killed by the English cook, that "if this had happened in the time of Foyne Sama, who esteemed this dog much, it might have cost us all our lives" (i. 248). The readiness with which he welcomed and encouraged foreign trade is creditable, and proves that he understood, at all events in some degree, the benefits which his small principality might derive from it. He died in 1614, about a year after the establishment of the English factory. The young king had not the force of character of his grandfather. Though generally keeping on fair terms with the English, his temper was capricious, and he was probably too indolent not to be ruled by his own ministers, some of whom appear to have been all-powerful. The principal nobles and ministers at Firando were: Bongo Sama or Nobesane, Foyne's brother, and consequently great-uncle to Figen a Sama; Tonomon Sama, and Genta or Gentero Sama, Figen a Sama's brothers, of whom the first acted as viceroy in the absence of the king, and the second resided as hostage at the shogun's court and was in favour there; Sangero Sama, a natural son of Foyne; Oyen Dono[9] and Semi Dono, the royal secretaries; and Taccamon Dono, the chief justice, "our enemy", as Cocks calls him (ii. 3).

The Dutch had already been settled in Firando for some years. In July, 1609, their ship the Red Lion arrived in that port and, favoured by Foyne Sama, they succeeded in obtaining from the shogun leave to establish a factory and to send one or more ships annually from Europe. It was not, however, till two years after this that another small ship, the Brach, arrived, and two commissioners were sent up to pay the usual visit to the court. One of these was Jacob Speck,[10] afterwards head of the Dutch factory and the contemporary and rival of Cocks. At the court at Suruga they were met by William Adams, whose influence with the shogun was used to such good purpose that they received most favourable terms for trading in the country, while two embassies of the Portuguese and Spaniards, which were present about the same time, failed to obtain the full privileges they sought.[11] The head of the Dutch factory, when Saris landed, was Hendrik Brower; and at the very first mention of his name by Cocks, the jealousy which was smouldering in the hearts of the two nations shows itself: "Captain Brower went along by the door but would not look at us, and we made as little account of him."[12]

The first business for Saris to transact was the hire of a house, to serve for a factory, from Captain Andassee, "Captain of the China quarter", the Chinaman who appears all through the diary by the name of Andrea Dittis; his next was to prepare to visit the court of Iyéyasu, only waiting to be joined by William Adams, for whom he had sent and who arrived on the 29th of July. They started on their journey on the 7th of August, leaving Cocks to manage affairs at Firando, and travelled by the same regular route over which Cocks was afterwards so often to pass: down the inland sea to Ozaka, and thence by land to Suruga[13] where Iyéyasu resided, and afterwards proceeding to Yedo to visit Hidétada, son of the latter and actual shogun, to whom his father, according to a not infrequent custom, had transferred the title in 1605. It is needless to repeat here the interesting details of this journey, which are to be found in Saris's own narrative in the pages of Purchas. For our present purpose it is enough to state that the travellers returned to Firando on the 6th of November with ample privileges for trade.[14] One request was however refused, viz. the right to bring into Japan and sell the goods of Chinese prizes which might be captured as a punishment for rejection of the English trade. This is only one of several instances that are recorded of Iyéyasu's fairness to all foreigners alike and of his refusal to mix in their quarrels. It was also understood that, on the arrival of a ship from Europe, a present was to be carried to the shogun; and for trade with neighbouring countries a goshon or licence was requisite for each junk that sailed.

"Now touching a factory to be left there," says Saris, "I had on the twenty-sixth [of November] assembled my merchandizing council, where, upon these considerations, viz. the encouragement we had received in the Moluccas by private intelligence; the Dutch factory already planted here in Firando; the large privileges now obtained of the Emperor of Japan; the certain advice of the English factories settled in Siam and Patane; the commodities resting unsold upon our hands appointed for these parts; and the hoped-for profit which further experience may produce, it was resolved that a factory should be left there, viz. eight English, three Japan jurebasses or interpreters, and two servants, who were appointed against the coming of the next ships to search and discover the coast of Corea, Tushmay, and other parts of Japan and countries thereunto adjoining, to see what good might be done in any of them."[15] The eight Englishmen who were thus appointed members of the English factory, were: Richard Cocks, captain and cape- (or head-) merchant, William Adams, Tempest Peacock, Richard Wickham, William Eaton, Walter Carwarden, Edmund Sayers, and William Nealson.

Richard Cocks[16] was probably a native of Coventry; at all events he was familiar with that city (i. 172), and had friends there (i. 229). His name appears in the charter of incorporation of the East India Company, 31 Dec. 1600; and in the earlier list of "names of such persons as have written with their own hands to venture in the pretended voyage to the East Indies," 22 Sept. 1599, he is described as a grocer and subscribes £200.[17] He himself tells us (ii. 317) that, besides being a member of "this Right Honourable and Right Worshipful Society or Company which trade to the East Indies," he belonged to the Merchants Adventurers and was "made free of the old Hanse", and he was also a member of the Clothworkers' Company. A certain Richard Cocks who sailed with Frobisher in his third voyage to Meta Incognita, in 1578, and who was distinguished as "the first to sail in among the ice", was probably a relative.[18] From 1603 to 1608 he lived at Bayonne, no doubt as a merchant. Many news-letters written by him from thence are preserved in the Public Record Office, addressed to Sir Thomas Wilson, secretary to Lord Treasurer Salisbury. From this we may infer that Sir Thomas was Cocks's patron. The correspondence was continued when Cocks was in Japan; and some of his letters which dwelt on the wonders of the country were sent to King James to read, who declared them to contain "the loudest lies that he had ever heard." Wilson pronounces the writer to be, though not lettered, a man of honesty, years, and judgment.[19] As Cocks becomes well known to us as we read his diary, we will leave him for the present.

Of the other members of the factory, two soon disappeared from the scene. Tempest Peacock and Walter Carwarden went on a trading venture to Cochinchina, and, as we shall see, never returned. Richard Wickham appears to have been in more independent circumstances than the rest. Even before Saris's departure he began to give trouble, as his time of agreement with the Company had nearly expired and he bargained for higher wages. He resigned his place and left Japan early in 1618, and died soon after at Jacatra in Java, worth, it was said, £5,000 or £6,000. William Eaton and Edmund Sayers[20] were with the factory from first to last. The former is called by Cocks "my countryman", probably meaning that they were natives of the same place or district. William Nealson was turbulent and quarrelsome, particularly when drink put him into his "fustian fumes". He died in March, 1620, "being wasted away with a consumption." After reading of their constant bickerings, one smiles to find that he made Cocks his heir; and, piously adds Cocks, "if God had called me in his mercy before Mr. Nealson, then had he had as much of mine" (ii. 321).

When Adams accompanied Saris to court, he had at length got leave from Iyéyasu to visit his native land. Why he did not choose to sail in the Clove, as he at first intended, was, he himself tells us, because of "some discourtesies offered me by the general." In fact, Saris seems to have disagreed with him on several points, and did not treat him generously. But, perhaps, a better reason for his stay was that which Cocks gives: "that he was loth to return to his country a beggar"; for, although Iyéyasu had given him an estate of some extent, he was ill provided with money. And yet another and nobler reason may have influenced him. "In my simple judgment," he says in one of his letters, "if the north-west passage be ever discovered, it will be discovered by this way of Japan";[21] and Cocks adds, "Mr. Adams is of the opinion that, if ever the north-east or north-west passages be found out, it must be from these parts, and offereth his best services therein, the Emperor promising his best furtherance with men or letters of recommendation to all princes, and hath entrance already into an island called Yedzo, which is thought to be rather some part of the continent of Tartaria" (ii. 258). So Adams took service with the Company, after some haggling over the amount of his wages, for two years;[22] and constantly appears in the course of the diary in various employments. Cocks was evidently a little afraid of him, and, while praising him to the Company as "tractable and willing to do your Worships the best service he may," he cautions Wickham to "have a due care to give Capt. Adams content, which you may easily do if you use him with kind speeches and fall not into terms with him upon any argument. I am persuaded," he adds, "I could live with him seven years before any extraordinary speeches should happen betwixt us." Our Cocks doth protest too much. Adams's friendliness to his old comrades the Dutch is ever a thorn in the side of the cape-merchant: "I cannot choose but note it down that both I myself and all the rest of our nation do see that he is much more friend to the Dutch than to the Englishmen, which are his own countrymen, God forgive him." But, in spite of occasional outbursts of this nature, they lived generally on friendly terms, and there is no reason to doubt the sincerity of Cocks's sorrow when his comrade died.

Two others joined the factory at a later date. John Osterwick, of Dutch descent and a kinsman of Wickham, came out in 1615 and remained to the end. Richard Hudson, whom Cocks in 1617 calls a boy, and who had lost father and brother in the search for the north-west passage, was employed as an unattached servant at the factory.

Saris sailed from Japan on the 5th of December, 1613. The merchandise which stocked the factory consisted chiefly of broad cloth and woollen and cotton piece goods; also of Bantam pepper, gunpowder, lead, tin, etc. Its total value was about £5,650. The Company was sanguine enough, on Saris's representation, to hope for such success in the Japan trade, as to be able to export silver in sufficient quantity to maintain their Indian trade. But Saris's estimate of the mercantile prospects was based on false premises. When he arrived, the prices of imports were extraordinarily high; but then the Dutch had the market nearly all to themselves, and the demand for European goods was almost too limited to give room for competition. Steel and lead alone among metals, and silk among materials, sold readily. Saris indeed had tried to arrange with the Dutch factor on a profitable price, at which both nations should sell their cloth; but the latter immediately "shipped away great store of cloth to divers islands, rating them at base prices that he might procure the more speedy despatch of his own, and glut the place before the coming of ours."[23] But even apart from Dutch competition, cloth was not a favourite article of trade in Japan. Saris soon found that the natives were backward in buying, especially when they saw that the English themselves did not wear the material they recommended, "for, said they, you commend your cloth unto us, but you yourselves wear least thereof, the better sort of you wearing silken garments, the meaner fustians."[24] Cocks, too, naively remarks that the people of Japan are "so addicted to silks that they do not enter into consideration of the benefit of wearing cloth"(ii. 259). On the other hand, if cloth happened to rise in price, it at once commanded a sale among the wealthy, Wickham, in one of his letters, noticing the disposition of the Japanese, especially of the better sort, to buy those commodities which are most rare and when they are dearest. Spanish cloth, he says, never sold better than when it was high in price; when it fell, no one would look at it; when it again reached a high price, it recovered its reputation. Again, when warlike rumours were afloat there was a demand for cloth, as it was used for cases for arms; and so, we are told, the Japanese preferred good measure to fine quality. Sober colours were generally preferred. Venice red and flame colour would not sell at all in 1614. In 1620, blacks and reds are in fashion (ii. 311). Indian cloths sold not "so much for necessity as for the new and strange fashions and paintings thereof", the Japanese "being a people desiring change" (ii. 273).

After Saris's departure, however, the English factory lost no time in attempting to establish trade in the country. At the beginning of the new year Wickham was sent as agent to Yedo; Eaton was stationed at Ozaka; and Sayers had a commission to the northern parts of Kiushiu and the neighbouring island of Tsushima, the first step to trade with Corea. In Cocks's letters to Wickham we see the anxiety caused by the competition of the Dutch. Wickham was to "sell away, although something under cento per cento," and not to be outstripped by his rivals.

A junk was also fitted out with a cargo worth £750 to trade to Cochinchina, Tempest Peacock going in her as merchant (18th March, 1614) with Walter Carwarden to assist him. This venture was unfortunate. Peacock was killed in Cochinchina, treacherously as it appeared, and Carwarden was cast away on the return voyage. Although two attempts were subsequently made by Adams to renew intercourse, neither succeeded. Trade with Siam was also opened, a junk being at once bought and commissioned for the purpose. Adams showed skill and energy in fitting her for her voyage, and took the command in her first trip, which however failed, owing principally to the mutinous conduct of the crew. This venture was estimated at £1,400.

But the country with which the English most coveted commercial relations was China; and through all the diary and correspondence of Cocks negotiations are always in progress. The two Chinese traders, Andrea Dittis, the landlord of the English house mentioned above, and his brother Whaw or Whow, who was stationed at Nagasaki, were the agents through whom Cocks hoped to obtain a footing in China, where also a third brother was supposed to be negotiating with the authorities to obtain the desired privileges; and not inconsiderable sums were advanced to smooth the way. But China was then in a state of war and confusion, and although in the end, after years of waiting, Cocks was told that permission for trade was granted, no charter or other documents arrived, and, in any case, it was then, at the moment when the English were preparing to withdraw from Japan, too late to do anything.

The English factory, then, had been established about two years in June, 1615, the date at which Cocks's diary begins. The house which had been hired of the China captain had been purchased and improved at a cost of nearly £600. Foyne Sama had been dead some twelve months, and Figen a Sama reigned in his stead. Captain Brower had disappeared from the Dutch factory to make room for Jacob Speck. And we are at once carried into the midst of native affairs. On the 2nd of June reports reached Firando of the total defeat of the young prince Hidéyori (Fidaia Sama) by Iyéyasu. As we have already seen, Hidéyori had been left in comparative freedom after the battle of Sékigahara. He had now grown to man's estate, and had the sympathy of a large part of the country; and Cocks especially notices that the people of the southern parts "affect the young man more than the old." Round him gathered all who had reason to fear or dislike his rival; and, when the final rupture took place, he had a following of 120,000 men. There can be little doubt that the young prince perished in the burning castle of Ozaka after the total defeat of his troops; but the fact that his body could not be found was enough to give rise to the rumour that he had escaped. His followers were hunted down and destroyed; but that he still lived was widely believed, and that belief lasted for years and is frequently noticed in these pages. Apollinario Franco, a Franciscan, who was present at the terrible scene at Ozaka, escaped to Firando and is mentioned early in the diary. Notwithstanding his protestant dislike of priests and friars, Cocks could not refuse Christian charity to one in such sore distress. We meet with him once or twice again. He died at the stake in Omura in 1622. After the destruction of Ozaka the shoguns adopted the policy of detaining for stated periods, at court, the daimios of the several provinces or some members of their families. This arrangement is often noticed by Cocks.

At the end of August arrived the ship Oziander (or Hozeander) from England, and Captain Ralph Coppindall was sent up to court with the customary present. In a letter written after his return to Firando he records the unprofitable nature of the trade of Japan: "either we must procure a peaceable trade in China, or else, as the Hollanders do, to trade with them perforce. And if we set foot in the Moluccas, this place will be a fit storehouse from whence we may always have men, munition, and victuals good store, and at reasonable rates" (ii. 271). These, indeed, were also the sentiments of the factors, and were repeated more than once.

A quarrel with the Portuguese and Spaniards at Nagasaki, who had seized and imprisoned two of their own countrymen for serving the English, is among the events of this year. And, however much they might disagree among themselves, English and Dutch were at one when attacking or attacked by the other two rival nations; so that the capture of a Portuguese junk by the Dutch and her condemnation through Adams's influence at court as good prize gave unmixed satisfaction at Firando. In connection with this capture, an interesting conversation between Iyéyasu and Adams is recorded (ii. 276).

Early in 1616 a report began to circulate that Iyéyasu was dead. Cocks, with the caution with which he had learned to regard all Japanese news, rather viewed it as "a fable given out of purpose to see how people would take the matter"; and he, no doubt, only expresses the general feeling when he adds "once the old man is subtil". In June the king of Firando is reported to have visited him, "but was only permitted to enter into his chamber, where they say he lay sick in a little cabin covered with paper"; and soon after it was known that he had really expired,[25] not however before he had had the satisfaction of having his physician cut in pieces. Cocks, however, was hard of belief, and was convinced that "he will soon rise again, if any wars be moved against his son within these three years." This son was the shogun Hidétada, a man very different from his father in his manner of regarding foreigners.

It was now necessary for the English to send up a deputation to court for a confirmation of privileges under the new reign; and the ships Thomas and Advice arriving from England just at the time, Cocks got ready his presents and started at the end of July, in company with Adams who had just returned from Siam. The account of the journey to Yedo and of the audience with the shogun is very interesting. But they did not obtain what they sought. The privileges were curtailed and the English were restricted to the single port of Firando. In vain did Cocks petition to have this decision reversed; and, although the shogun's secretaries, Codskin Dono and Oyen Dono, did not seem to be unfavourable, they declared that it was impossible to alter matters. Inga Dono, also, the chief justice, could only tell Cocks "that at present all matters were in other manner in Japan than in time of the old Emperor"; and common report declared that "no man dare speak to the Emperor of any matter they think is to his discontent, he is so furious, and no means but death and destruction" (i. 186, 187). In the end the English had to withdraw all their factors from Yedo, Miako, Sackay, and Ozaka.[26]

But it was not only in this particular that things were changed. Hidétada had determined to suppress Christianity. Since the first arrival of the Portuguese Jesuits, followed by the rapid conversion of whole districts in the western and southern parts of Japan, there had been no systematic attempt to stifle the new religion. The story told of Nobunaga, that, when he was urged to expel the Roman Catholic missionaries, he remarked that, as there were already thirty-five religious sects in Japan, a thirty-sixth could not make much difference,[27] reflects the ease with which Christianity made its way in the country; and the same ruler's policy of tolerating the new tenets, while persecuting the Buddhist faith, gave them time to take root and flourish. A sudden edict of Taiko Sama, expelling the Jesuits from the kingdom, was not enforced to the utmost; and Iyéyasu generally left them in peace, although towards the end of his reign fresh edicts of banishment were issued and the sentence to a considerable extent carried into effect. But many priests still lurked in the country; and Cocks notices that the hostility shown to some of his men by the natives of Omura was "by means of the padres, or priests, who stirred them up against us to make us odious to the Japons, for they are all, or the most part, papistical Christians in Umbra, and attribute a great or chief occasion of banishment of them out of Japon by means of the English, many papists and Jesuits lying secretly lurking in most parts of Japon till this hour" (i. 139).[28] While Cocks was waiting in Yedo for the copy of the privileges he tells us that the Council sent "above twenty times" to question him about the religion of the English, and were hardly persuaded that Protestants were distinct from Roman Catholics. Even Adams, at whose house some Spaniards were staying, was suspected of harbouring priests and received warning. These things indicated, as the secretary Oyen Dono admitted, that the new ruler meant indeed to "utterly extinguish" the Jesuits and friars out of Japan; and there was good reason to believe that Christians of all sects would soon go the same way. The immediate result of this severity is seen soon after in the announcement, on the 22nd of May of the next year, of the execution of a Franciscan and a Jesuit;[29] and other persecutions followed afterwards.

Before Cocks returned to Firando, he visited William Adams's estate at Phebe (Hémi)[30] which had been bestowed on him by Iyéyasu. "There is", he says, describing it, "above one hundred farms or households upon it, besides others under them, all which are his vassals, and he hath power of life and death over them, they being his slaves, and he has absolute authority over them as any tono or king in Japon hath over his vassals." (i. 181.)

On their way back to Firando, they passed the site of Yoritomo's city of Kamakura, "but now at present it is no city, but scattered houses seated here and there in pleasant valleys betwixt divers mountains, wherein are divers pagods very sumptuous, and a nunnery of shaven women. I did never see such pleasant walks among pine and spruce trees as there are about these pagods." This is the one place in all Japan whose natural beauty seems to have impressed even the matter-of-fact Cocks, who could dismiss the Hakoné Pass with its fine lake and scenery in the one sentence, "Haconey on the top of the mountain, where the great pond with the devil is, as they report."

The altered state of feelings at Yedo began soon to be reflected at Firando. At the beginning of the new year the king showed a disposition to meddle in the affairs of the English trade and betrayed ill-humour in several small matters; and soon there were rumours that both English and Dutch would have to shift to other quarters. These disagreements drew a formal remonstrance from Cocks, who, "entering into consideration of the small respect this king of Firando hath of us in comparison of that which he had at our first entrance into Japon", expressed his discontent in a "large letter"; which, however, was received "in good part", and a friendly message returned. But, after this, things never went quite so smoothly as before.

Other troubles also began to close in on the English. Their relations with the Dutch were gradually becoming more and more estranged, until their differences culminated in open rupture. In 1617 rumours reached Firando of Dutch outrages on the English in Puloway, which tended to increase the coolness so rapidly growing between the members of the English and Dutch factories, who, as the Japanese observed, were friends, "but from tooth outwards." The frequent piracies of the Dutch upon the Chinese are reflected on by Cocks, who also accuses them of gross cruelty to their prisoners. An aggravation of these crimes was the fact that they were committed, if not under the English flag, at least under the English name, the Dutch giving out that they were English. Their success in this form of deception is illustrated by an entry in the diary: "These Chinas in the junk [just captured] will not be persuaded but that they are Englishmen which took them."[31] It was, then, with only an outward show of friendship that the two nations carried on their trade in Firando.

In August of this year the Advice arrived from Bantam, and about the same time Adams returned from a voyage to Cochinchina. Another journey to court immediately followed; and this time no farther than Fushimi, near Miako, whither the shogun had come to visit the mikado. A renewed attempt, however, on the part of Cocks, to obtain an extension of the privileges, the principal object of the journey, failed altogether. At first, indeed, the right to trade in Nagasaki was added; but, in an evil hour, one of the councillors took exception, and this concession was cancelled. An answer was refused to a letter of James I., which was now presented, on the ground that it was addressed to the dead shogun Iyéyasu and that it was held "ominous amongst the Japans to answer to dead men's letters." In the end, poor Cocks was, as he said, put to "Hodgson's choice", and had to take what privileges he could, or none at all. "So we got out our goshons, but the privileges as they were the last year. Worry! worry! worry!" In fact, the Japanese themselves saw the advantages to be derived from trade, and the shogun very naturally "would have his own vassals to get the benefit to bring up merchandise rather than strangers." The result was that a company of native merchants appeared in the market and formed, if we may judge by Cocks's account of them, what would now be called a ring.

It was on the occasion of this visit to court that Cocks and his fellow-travellers came in contact with a Corean embassy, to which he refers several times. The object of their mission, we are told, was to pay a visit of ceremony to the sepulchre of Iyéyasu, and to congratulate the new shogun upon his peaceful succession.

Nothing eventful occurred at the factory in the early part of 1618. During a visit to Nagasaki in February and March, Cocks makes several interesting references to the Christians whom he met among the natives; and on his arrival at this half-Christianised town, the Chinese junks, which were dressed with flags in his honour, flew the cross of St. George among the rest. Before Foyne's death at Firando, the English had been compelled to haul down their flag on account of the Christian symbol that it bore. Meanwhile, however, on the north of Kiushiu bloody persecutions were being carried on; and a little later is recorded the news of the crucifixion of some thirty-seven men and women in Kokura. Disquieting rumours were also afloat of a confederacy of the southern daimios against the shogun.

Soon, however, occurred an event which concerned the English more nearly than the political state of Japan. On the 8th of August, to their intense indignation, a Dutch ship arrived at Firando bringing in, as prize, the English ship Attendance, which had been captured in the Moluccas. To do him justice, the Dutch factor Speck seems to have regretted the action and offered to restore her, but not, as Cocks remarks, before there had been time to empty her. An immediate journey to court naturally followed, in order to put in a written protest against this proceeding of the Dutch. But Cocks was told "that for facts committed in other places the emperor would not meddle with it", so that, but for the easing of his conscience afforded by the delivery of his protest, and the pleasure of some sight-seeing, he might as well have remained at Firando.

For nearly the whole of the year 1619 and 1620 the diary is wanting; and during the early part of this period the Dutch were masters of the sea, and the English in Japan were completely isolated. But, in order to maintain their interests in the East, the English Company had already, in 1617, despatched a fleet of five ships under command of Captain Martin Pring. He reached Bantam in the middle of 1618, and, sailing thence to Jacatra, had news of the Dutch attack on the English in the Moluccas. He was soon after joined at Bantam by a reinforcement of six large ships under Sir Thomas Dale, who assumed the command of the combined fleet. After some skirmishing, the English retired to India to refit; and there Dale died. Pring then again sailed eastward; but, finding himself outnumbered by the Dutch, he was on the point, early in 1620, of dividing his forces and himself sailing for Japan, when he received news of the union of the English and Dutch Companies. Thus relieved from fear of attack, he proceeded on his voyage and reached Firando in safety.

How the English fared in Firando during these two years we learn from Cocks's letters to the Company.[32] In the determined attack which the Dutch made on the English factory there can be little doubt that, had not the Japanese protected them, our countrymen would have fallen victims to the Hollanders, who, "by sound of trumpet aboard all their ships in the harbour of Firando, proclaimed open wars against our English nation, both by sea and land, with fire and sword, to take our ships and goods and destroy our persons to the uttermost of their power, as to their mortal enemies." But in the midst of these troubles there was a gleam of light in trade prospects, for the shogun was at last induced, early in 1620, to allow Nagasaki to be included in the English privileges. The advantages of that port, with its fine harbour, over the poor "fisher town" of Firando, with its bad anchorage, are duly set forth by Cocks; and we learn, at the same time, the reasons why the larger town was not selected at first, "which heretofore was not thought fit, because then a papist Portingale bishop lived in the town, and there was ten or twelve parish churches, besides monasteries." But now all was changed; churches and monasteries had been levelled with the earth, and even graveyards uprooted and "all the dead men's bones taken out of the ground and cast forth." The news of the union of the two companies will account for the English still remaining in their old quarters in Firando, to keep near the Dutch, instead of migrating to Nagasaki.

Death had also in this interval brought misfortunes to the English factory. The first loss was that of Whaw, the Chinaman, upon whom Cocks so much relied to obtain privileges for the China trade. Then Nealson died in March, 1620. And, last of all, "our good friend Captain William Adams, who was so long before us in Japon, departed out of this world the 16th of May last." If for no other reason, we must on Adams's account deplore the loss of Cocks's diary for this period, which would undoubtedly have contained some details of his last illness and death. It is also to be regretted that we do not find more personal details about Adams in the portions of the diary which have survived; but he was so often absent on trading voyages and other business that Cocks must be excused if he tells us no more than he does. As already noticed, the cape-merchant held him in some awe, and, if we may believe the diary, Adams was inclined to be somewhat hasty in temper. On the other hand, he did the Company good and faithful service, and, to judge by small things, the reader will not fail to notice the patience with which he waited, time after time, on the dilatory pleasure of court officials, in the interest of the English. His influence with the shoguns is more than once referred to. "The Emperor [Iyéyasu]," writes Cocks in 1616, "esteemeth him much, and he may go and speak with him at all times, when kings and princes are kept out"; and again, in 1620: "I cannot but be sorrowful for the loss of such a man as Captain William Adams was, he having been in such favour with two Emperors of Japon as never was any Christian in these parts of the world, and might freely have entered and had speech with the Emperors, when many Japon kings stood without and could not be permitted." Adams had a wife and daughter living in England. He also had a son and daughter in Japan.[33] To all of these he left his property in equal shares. References are several times made to the disposal of his goods and to the transmission of money to England, as well as to difficulties arising from the disposition of certain goshons or trading licences belonging to his children in Japan.[34]

The result in Japan of the union of the English and Dutch Companies was, as we have seen, that the English factory remained at Firando instead of removing to the far more commodious town of Nagasaki. A combined fleet of English and Dutch ships, sailing under the modest name of the Fleet of Defence, was equipped for the purpose of endamaging the common enemy and of diverting the trade of China from the Philippine Islands to the Dutch and English settlements; in other words, to blockade the Spanish and Portuguese ports and seize as many of the Chinese trading junks as possible. In the two expeditions to the Philippines undertaken by the fleet before the English and Dutch again separated, they captured many prizes; and the Dutch are said to have treated their Chinese prisoners with great cruelty, while their new allies interfered to protect these unfortunate people. All the time, however, that the English were thus engaged at sea, peaceful negotiations were still being carried on by Cocks for establishing trade with China, though it is not surprising that "our joining with the Hollanders to take China junks is ill thought of."

In 1621 the English at Firando, apparently with the idea that trade was now going to flourish, built a new warehouse and wharves, and undertook other works on a large scale. But it was impossible that their relations with the Dutch could be cordial; and dissensions soon broke out. There was ill blood between the sailors of the two nations. In the Philippines they could scarcely be restrained from fighting; and when, at the end of June, the fleet returned to Firando and the crews got ashore, they at once came to blows, and a Dutchman was killed. Then followed the trial and execution of the English sailor who had killed him; and the temper in which his shipmates regarded his condemnation may be judged from the fact that "Captain Robert Adams was forced to put the rope about his neck with his own hands." And it was not only with the English that the Dutch sailors quarrelled. They were drunken and riotous and "brabbled" in the streets, till at last the long-suffering Japanese lost patience and seizing two of them summarily cut off their heads. The English, too, demanded a victim. A Dutchman, who had stabbed an Englishman, was condemned and executed by his own countrymen in a novel fashion, "they having first made the man so drunk that he could scarce stand on his legs, and so cut off his head within their own house." As to the crews of the English shipping, they were perhaps only a degree less turbulent; to maintain discipline and set an example, four runaways were condemned and hanged.

In 1620 the English ship, Elizabeth, cruising off the Island of Formosa, captured a Japanese vessel on her way from the Philippines to Japan. On board were found two priests, who, in the end, proved to be Pedro de Zuñiga, an Augustinian, and Luis Flores, a Dominican. They long denied their names; and we find many references in the diary to their examination at Firando. (It was an object to the English and Dutch to convict them, as, in such case, the ship became good prize.) In the end, these two unfortunate men, together with the Japanese captain of the vessel, were, in 1622, put to death by the horrible torture of slow fire, and the crew were beheaded;[35] so that we cannot much regret that the captors were baulked of their prize. With grim humour the shogun appropriated the cargo for himself, "leaving the rotten hull for us and the Hollanders." So, much against their will, the factors had to deliver over the prize goods, after a little hesitation, which, however, they saw it was useless to persist in, when Cocks was told that "they would take it whether we would or no, and that, if we had not absolutely proved the Portingalls to be padres, the Emperor meant to have put Captain Leonard Camps and me to death and to have seized on all we had in the country; and, if any resistance had been made, to have burned all our shipping and put us all to the sword" (ii. 335).

At the end of 1621 Cocks set out on the last visit to the court at Yedo recorded in his diary, the English and their Dutch allies now going in one company. Speck was no longer at the head of the Dutch factory. He had left Japan in the previous October; his successor being Leonard Camps, who was now Cocks's travelling companion. After delivering the customary presents, and after the usual long delay in getting leave to depart, they were dismissed without the shogun's return gifts, which were not ready, "which truly is the greatest wrong or indignity that ever hitherto was offered to any Christians." It is almost unnecessary to add that Cocks and Camps quarrelled. The diary ends on the 24th of March, 1622, in the middle of the journey back to Firando; and in the last entry Cocks tells us how the Hollanders slipped away from him. No phrase could better express the whole course of the dealings of the Dutch with the English in Japan.

The rest of the story of the English factory is soon told. The Council of Defence of the East India Company at Batavia had some time before determined to reduce it to small dimensions. In his letter of the 7th September, 1622, Cocks records the receipt of orders "to leave off our consortship of the Fleet of Defence with the Hollanders, and to send our five ships for Jaccatra with as much speed as conveniently we could"; all money and merchandise was to be withdrawn, except a small "cargezon" or stock worth 5,000 taels, to be left in charge of Osterwick and a couple of assistants; and Cocks, Eaton, and Sayers were to "come along in the said ships for Jaccatra, for lessening charges in the factory." All which directions the cape-merchant piously assured the Company should be followed "as near as we can"; but nevertheless stayed where he was. The difficulty, however, of getting payment of outstanding debts was at least some excuse; and he still fondly clung to the hopes of the China trade.

While the English were thus yielding ground, their Dutch rivals were more energetic than ever. They had failed in an attempt to surprise Macao; but had forcibly established themselves in the Pescadore Islands, and they still persisted in their old offence of passing for Englishmen. It was only a few months later that the Amboyna massacre was perpetrated.

At last, at a consultation of the Council at Batavia on the 25th of April, 1623, the dissolution of the English factory in Japan was formally decided. Captain Joseph Cockram was despatched in the ship Bull, invested with full powers. It was, however, left to his discretion to allow two juniors to remain to collect debts, if there were any prospect of recovery. He arrived at Firando in July, bearing a letter, dated 22nd May, from the Council, directing all the members of the factory "to come away from thence upon the ship Bull for Batavia; hereby charging you and every of you to fulfil our said order, as you will answer the contrary at your perils." Cocks is ordered to get in all the debts he can; and he is blamed in severe terms for the loss of the "great sums" which he had advanced for the China trade: "The China Nocheda[36] hath too long deluded you, through your own simplicity, to give credit unto him. You have lived long enough in those parts to be better experienced of the fraudulent practices of those people." The English buildings at Firando are to be handed over to the king, to hold in trust "until such time as we shall send thither again to repossess the same." And so, after some other orders, the letter concludes with a caustic admonition that, "because last year, to serve your own turn, you made what construction you pleased of our commission for your coming from thence, we do now iterate our commission in the conclusion of our letter, lest, having read it in the former part thereof, you should forget it before you come to the end."

Preparations for departure were at once made; the ostensible reasons given to the king of Firando being the loss of ships and the bad prospects of the China trade, and not "out of any unkind usage here in his Majesty's [the shogun's] dominions." But, anxious as they now were to shake themselves free of Japan, the factors were still obliged to send up one of their number, Richard Hudson, to deliver the customary present to the shogun; so that it was not till nearly the end of the year that they were ready to quit Firando.

On the 16th of December, in consultation, it was determined to leave no one behind to collect debts; but the Dutch factor was empowered to receive any sums that might come in. The amount owing to the factory was 12,821 taels, about £3,200, out of which Dittis was answerable for 6,636 taels, or £1,659. The following abstract[37] of a lost portion of Cocks's diary gives us particulars of the last days spent by the English in Japan:--

Abstract "Coppie of some passages at our leaving Jappan and dissolving ye English Factory at Ferando in ye yeare 1623. Taken out of MR. RICHARD COCK his Journall; who was Chiefe these eleven or 12 yeares."

December 19.--Tonomon Sarume paid 100 Tale on account of his debt of 500 Tales.

December 20.--Prepared in the Japanese language the accounts of the noblemen indebted to the factory, in order that the parties might sign them as an acknowledgment of the debt to be left with the Dutch chief for recovery; a power of attorney for that purpose, also in Japanese, being signed by all the factors and delivered to him. Copies of these several writings were also prepared for the king.

On the 22nd these writings were delivered to the Dutch chief, Capt. Newrode; and the copies sent to the king. The factors "had much adoe with Tonomon Sama, Semidono, Taccamondono, and others, to give us their bills ... and, when they didd itt, put in what they list."

On the 21st and 22nd sundry small presents in money were given to the Japanese servants and others, few exceeding two or three Tale.

On the 22nd many of the townsmen came with their wives and families to take leave of the factors, some weeping at their departure.

On the 23rd the factors went on board the ship Bull, intending to set sail; but, the Dutch and many of their Japanese friends coming on board with banquets, they postponed their departure; and, there not being room in the ship to serve up the presents of their friends, more than one hundred being on board, they landed at Cochi. Afterwards Messrs. Cock and Osterwicke proposed, as a return to their friends, to leave 50 Tales as a banquet for them all; but the other factors would not agree to it.

On the 24th, at noon, they set sail for Batavia. The same night in a storm the Bull sprung a leak, and was found to make six inches of water every half-hour.

The Bull reached Batavia on the 27th of January, 1624. And now poor Cocks was indeed in trouble. In their letter of the 24th February to the East India Company the Council of Defence accuse him of culpable carelessness; that he neither kept the accounts himself nor appointed others to do so; that he disobeyed orders in not leaving Japan the year before; that he made a desperate debt of 5,000 taels with the China captain; and that he had brought a store of trash and lumber from Japan. No consultations had been kept, nor decorum nor order observed. They were tempted to deal severely with him and send him home as a malefactor; but, having consideration for his age and position, and allowing for his bad health and testy and wayward disposition, and being also persuaded that harsh treatment might shorten his life, they left him to be dealt with by the Company, only ordering his goods to be seized on his arrival in England.[38] Thus, in disgrace and broken in health, Cocks went on board the Ann Royal, and on the 24th of February sailed for England. But he was not to see his country again. A month later, on the 27th of March, he died at sea, and was buried "under a discharge of ordnance."

No doubt many of the charges brought against Cocks were true. Traces of confusion in his money accounts are to be found in his diary; and he was too easy-going for the position of head of a factory which had so many obstacles in the way of its development. There can be no question of his want of firmness. His many quarrels with companions and subordinates, and the somewhat helpless way in which he records them, afford sufficient indications of this failing. But he was perfectly honest; he died poor; and his very weaknesses render him a not unamusing diarist. This last qualification makes us his friend; and we cannot accompany him through these pages without feeling good will towards him. We note his quaint phrases; his sharp eye for "trix" and "legerdemayne" of enemies, or for the "playing the gemeny" of doubtful friends; how this man is angry and "takes pepper in the nose", while another loses temper and takes a proposal "in snuff", and a third in a rage "falls into terms"; and we see him reduced to "Hodgson's choice" long before he ought to be, if Cambridge Hobson gave his name to the proverb.[39] He had a taste for planting and gardening; he grew the first potatoes in Japan; "forget not my pigeons and fishes" is an injunction in one of his letters, when away from home; his gold fish, presents from China, were dearly prized and not willingly given away to the great men in Firando who coveted them--all these are pleasant traits. Nor was he, though "unlettered" and a little unsteady when he quoted Latin, without some taste for books. He had a Turkish History[40] and a St. Augustyn Citty of God[41] to lend a friend (i. 118); and he received a present of an English book of Essaies (i. 230). But we need not assume that he had read Chaucer because he calls a long rambling statement a Canterbury Tale (i. 282).

His property was only worth 1,500 reals, about £300; but, in accordance with the advice of the Council of Defence quoted above, it was seized on the arrival of the Ann Royal in England. We learn from the minutes of the East India Company that a petition was afterwards presented respecting Cocks's small estate:--

"24th Nov. 1626.--Mr. Cox, brother unto Capt. Cox that dyed homewarde bound in the Anne, presented himselfe in Court, and desired by peticion the favor of the Comp. concerning his brother's estate, to whom the Court related the debaust carriage of his brother and the evill service performed by him at Japan, where he had lived long contrarie to the Companies mind and had expended 40,000 pounds, never returning anything to the Comp. but consuming whatsoever came to his hands in wastfull unnecessarie expences; nay, for 3 yeares togeather refused to come away when by expresse order from the Comp. he was called thence; insoemuch that at last the President and Councell [of Batavia] were inforced to send for him with a ship sent purposelie. And for his estate he had at the time of his death, the Court told him, it was very little or none at all, and, if any, yett not sufficient to answer the Comp. what he ought them, haveing confessed upon foote of his accompt at Jaccatra that he was indebted to the Companie £900.

"Mr. Cox was sorry to heare this report of his brother and desired the Court to deale favorably with him. In the end the Court wished him to informe himself concerning the truth of these things from those that are come home; and, because the Comp. at presente have no leisure to examine his proceedings, they therefore willed Mr. Cox to returne home and leave the buisnes to Mr. Woodward to effect yt one his behalfe."[42]

In the end, the money was paid over by the Company to Cocks's relatives.

Scarcely anything was ever recovered from the debts owing to the Company in Japan. The Council at Batavia, writing home on the 6th February, 1626, announce that the Dutch factor at Firando had informed them of the death of the Chinaman, Andrea Dittis, who had left only a small estate to satisfy his creditors, out of which the Company was to receive its share. All other debts were bad, and no return was to be expected but by mere accident.

Thus was severed our connection with Japan, not to be re-united until our own day. But the re-occupation of our factory was often proposed and more than once attempted. Even when writing their letter just referred to, the Council at Batavia spoke of it. Again in 1627 they proposed it. In 1633 a freeman of the Company, named Smithwick, again raised the question; and again in 1635 it was debated. In 1658 the Company actually fitted three ships to re-open the trade, but the lateness of the season and the prospect of a Dutch war caused them to abandon the expedition. In 1664 the Company again seriously thought of the undertaking and wrote to Bantam for information respecting the late settlement at Firando; and it is remarkable that so soon after our retirement so little was remembered. The reply was that "in this factory here is not the least remembrance of your servants acting in Japan formerly; only your agent hath procured a jornall of a voyage made thither in 1615; but it mentions only the acting of the mariner, nothing of the factor."[43] In 1668 a committee was appointed to consider how trade could be re-opened, and in the next year enquiries were again addressed to Bantam. From thence was announced a rumour that the Dutch had tried to purchase the English buildings at Firando, but were refused by the daimio, who was in expectation of our return! In 1670 the ship Advance was sent out to Bantam, to be used in reopening trade, if thought convenient; but she was despatched to Persia. But in 1671 two ships, the Crown and Bantam, were actually commissioned to make a voyage from Bantam to Taiwan and thence to Nagasaki; the supercargoes receiving instructions to find out where the English formerly resided at Firando and why they were removed. These vessels were lost. The same year the agent at Bantam reported that "there are some Scotch, Irish, etc., there [at Firando], although wee know not by what occasion there", an interesting remark, probably referring to descendants of the old settlers. At last the matter was seriously taken in hand, and ships were despatched from England in 1672 with a letter from Charles II to the emperor of Japan, every care being taken to escape the attention of the Dutch. Those wary traders, however, did not fail to discover the English designs; so that, when at length the ship Return arrived at Nagasaki on the 29th of June, 1673, it was found that her coming was expected. The crew were well treated and allowed provisions while a message was despatched to the shogun; but the new-comers were closely watched and sharply questioned about their religion. Again, as in Cocks's days, the cross of St. George in the English flag gave trouble. It is interesting to find it noticed that one of his old interpreters was still living. At last, on the 28th of July, the shogun's decision was announced. The Dutch had taken care to inform the Japanese of Charles's marriage with a princess of the Roman Catholic family of Portugal; and the shogun refused to accept the friendship of one who had allied himself with a daughter of the enemies of Japan. So the Return sailed away on the 28th of August; and, after this, only indirect attempts to open negotiations by the mediation of the princes of Bantam, Amoy, Taiwan, Tonquin, and Siam were made in 1681 and 1683.[44]

The social relations of the English with their Japanese neighbours were on the whole friendly. Periodical exchanges of presents and courtesies were the rule, although an occasional quarrel or street row was only to be expected where so many elements of turbulence were present in drunken sailors and factory-men. The domestic arrangements of the English are patent enough in the pages of the diary, and appear to have given no offence to the natives. Only on one occasion do we read of "rhymes cast abroad and sung up and down" against the native women at the English factory; which, moreover, Cocks attributed to the instigation of the Dutch, "songs having been made against them to like effect before, but not against us." They were even allowed to hold slaves, although they were afterwards forbidden to export them. They also appear to have kept on good terms with the princes of the neighbouring provinces; the daimio of Satsuma being specially noticed for his friendliness. The Dutch, on the other hand, were not so conciliatory; and we have seen that the natives of Firando sided with the English against them, when they attacked the English factory. But they were richer and could afford handsomer presents; and thus had always friends at court.

Many of the notices of native customs are interesting. The reader will at once remark several instances of the Japanese severity in punishing offences which our modern code regards as comparatively trivial. Death was the penalty for the most petty theft. Cocks tells us of a boy of sixteen who was cut in pieces with great cruelty for stealing a little boat and taking it to another island; and again, of a man who was "roasted to death, running round about a post, fire being made about him", the offence being also theft of a "small bark of little or no value" (i. 291). A curious form of degradation is mentioned in connection with an execution on a certain occasion, when the brother of a criminal "had the lock of his hair cut off by the hangman with the same cattan which cut his brother in pieces" (i. 156). The difference in European and Japanese ideas of justice was well exemplified when the Dutch factor, complaining of an assault on one of his countrymen, demanded that "the parties which offered the abuse might be brought to the place where they did it and be beaten with cudgels. At which the king smiled and said it could not be, but, if he would have them cut in pieces, he would do it."

The custom of suicide of friends and retainers at the funeral of a great man is referred to more than once. Saris mentions the mint-master of Iyéyasu as "one that hath vowed that, whensoever the Emperor shall die, he will cut his own guts and die with him."[45] No doubt he was one of the two nobles who "killed themselves to accompany Ogosho Sama in another world, as they think", and whose monument Cocks saw at Yedo in 1618. In his letter of 10th December, 1614, Cocks also reports that, at the death of old Foyne Sama, "Ushian Dono, his governor, and two other servants, cut their bellies to bear him company";[46] and in the curious account of the funeral of Foyne's brother, in 1621, we are told that "one bose or priest hanged himself in a tree hard by the place of funeral ... for boses may not cut their bellies, but hang themselves they may". Some of the dead man's servants too were only restrained from self-sacrifice by the king's orders; and "many others, his friends, cut off the two foremost joints of their little fingers and threw them into the fire to be burned with the corpse" (ii. 202).

The practice of hara-kiri, or self destruction to avoid disgrace, is mentioned as occurring at Firando on two occasions (i. 337; ii. 136).

A few other points of interest may be noticed. The spread of Christianity through the southern and western provinces has already been referred to. The mother of the king of Firando is called "a papistical Jesuit, and he and the rest of his brethren and sisters papistical Christians" (ii. 250). Again, at the funeral of Foyne's brother, mentioned above, it was said that a log of wood was substituted for the real body and burned, "for he was thought to be a Christian" (ii. 201). On the other hand, it seems that the Japanese would not admit into their faith perverts from Christianity, for an Englishman "went and cut his hair after the pagan fashion, thinking to turn pagan; which he could not do here, although he would" (i. 179). The changing of names, which gives so much trouble in reading Japanese history, is often mentioned. Figen a Sama is at first called Tome Sama; and some of his relatives appear suddenly under new names in 1621 (ii. 169). The caboques, or dancing bears as Cocks calls them, that is, the dancing women or players, and their male companions, are present at every large entertainment mentioned in the diary. And, lastly, the readiness of the Japanese to adopt foreign customs is curiously exemplified in the rapidity with which tobacco-smoking spread among the people. "It is strange", says Cocks, writing in 1615, "to see how these Japons, men, women, and children, are besotted in drinking that herb; and not ten years since it was in use first." When once the habit had got such a hold, no measures for the destruction of the plant could change it. The "drinking" inevitably went on, and in 1619 the burning of half a town is ascribed to it.

In conclusion I should mention that one of the chief difficulties with which I have had to contend in editing these volumes has been that of finding explanations of the foreign words and terms in the diary. Cocks adopted words from other languages besides Japanese, and generally wrote them down as they sounded. Hence it was no easy matter for one ignorant of eastern languages to decide whether particular words, thus disguised, are Japanese or of some other tongue; and I fear that I have too often taxed the patience and good nature of my orientalist friends for solutions of these difficulties. It is with pleasure that I take this opportunity of thanking Dr. William Anderson, whose knowledge of the language of Japan is so extensive, and my colleagues Dr. Charles Rieu and Professor R. K. Douglas, for much valuable assistance. I also gratefully acknowledge kind help and many courtesies from Mr. Charles C. Prinsep, Superintendent of the Records, and Mr. Edward J. Wade, Assistant-Librarian, in the India office; and from Mr. W. Noel Sainsbury, of the Public Record Office.


30th December, 1882.


bongew (Jap. bugiyō).--a superintendent.

bose (Jap. bōdsu).--a Buddhist priest.

bubes, or beobs (Jap. biyō-bu).--screens, or pictures.

caboque (Jap. kabu, singing and dancing).--a dancing girl.

calambac.--aloe wood.

cape-merchant (Span. cabo).--head-merchant.

captain more (Port. capitão mór).--captain-in-chief.

catabra (Jap. katabira).--a summer robe.

catan (Jap. katana).--a sword.

chaw (Jap. cha).--tea.

chawne.--a lot of land, or house.

dairi (Jap.).--the mikado.

danko (Jap.).--consultation.

fanna (Jap. hana).--a present to a dancing girl.

fibuck.--silver once refined.

foyfone (Jap. fune).--a boat.

fro (Jap. furo).--a bath-room.

futtaqui (Jap. hotoke, an idol).--a temple.

gadong, or gedong (Bengali gudām).--a shop, or warehouse.

goca (Jap. koku).--a dish.

goshon (Jap. gosha).--a pass, or licence.

jurebasso.--an interpreter.

kerimon (Jap. koromo).--a robe.

kitesoll (Span. quitasól).--a parasol.

langanack (Jap. naginata).--a lance, or halberd.

makary (Jap. makiye).--lacquer.

morofack.--a spirit or wine.

muche (Jap. mochi).--a cake.

neremon (Jap. norimono).--a sedan-chair.

nifon catange (Jap. katachi).--after fashion of Japan.

ropshake (Jap. roku-shaku).--a chair bearer.

sappon.--a kind of wood.

sequanseque (Jap. sakadzuki).--a cup.

sing.--a wine.

soma.--a junk.

somo.--double-refined silver.

tabi (Jap.).--a stocking.

tattamy (Jap. tatami).--a mat; a measure.

tono (Jap.).--a lord, or petty king.

wacadash (Jap. wakizashi).--a short sword.


Vol. i., page 3. Note[55] should be "allowaies==aloes". " " 8. Note[70] should be "Plate once melted". " " 13. Delete the latter part of note[77]. Vol. ii., " 136. Note² should be "The arquebuse à croc; the croc being a hook or tooth, generally under the muzzle, but sometimes fitted to a sliding ring, whereby the piece was steadied when fired."



June 1.--We bought 5 greate square postes of the kinges master carpenter; cost 2 mas 6 condrins[47] per peece. And I delivered unto Nicholas Martyn one small bar gould, cost eight riall of eight[48] and a half, is six taies eight mas, for which he is answerable. Also I delivered a great bar gold, poz. fowre taies and fowre mas and two condrins, rated at fiftie and five taies as yt cost; and is to send to Gapt. Whowe, the Capt. Chinas[49] brother, at Langasaque;[50] to geve in a present at a christning, as apereth per advice.

Also I paid, per Mr. Nealson, for washing linen, two mas 6 condrins.

And late within night Mr. Wickham arived here in company of Damian Marines, and brought word the junck was at Goto, they being put from Liquea[51] to have proceaded on their voyage for Syam; but, being at sea, the unruly companie would have gon for Cochinchina, and so Mr. Wickham standing against it, remembring our former losse theare (as I gave hym in comition), they retorned back for these partes. Capt. Adames hath wrot me that the boateswaine and carpenter are in most falte, being mutenouse knaves, etc.

June 2.--Capt. Adames and Ed. Sayer wrot me 2 letters from Goto of 30th May; and Mr. Adames sent me a bag of potatos, and Ed. Sayer sent me a pece lik lynen (or rather silk) and the lyke to Mr. Eaton and Mr. Nealson. And Mr. Wickham gave me a jar of potatos. And Damian Marines brought me a dish of plantians and another of pottatos, etc. I receved a letter from Jno. de Lievano, the Spaniard. And Mr. Wickham went and visited Bongo Dono,[52] and carid hym a present of 2 pec. Liquea cloth and a dish of pottatos; and tould hym how matters stood about our junck, and withall asked his counsell, whether it were best to let our junck stay at Goto to be trymbd, or else to bring her for Firando. And his opynion was (as many others are the lyke, and among the rest my selfe) that it is best to bring her for Firando, for divers occations.

We had news to day that Ogosho Samme hath taken the fortres of Osekey and overthrown the forses of Fidaia Samme.[53] Others say that most of the forses of Fidaia Samme issued out of the fortrese, and sallid out 3 leagues toward Miaco, but were encountred by the Emperours forses and put to the worse, many of them being slaughtered and the rest driven back into the fortresse, etc. Bongo Dono sent a bark this day to Crates[54] to bring him the certenty of the newse.

June 3.--I thought good to note downe that a padre or Jesuit came to the English howse and said his name was Tomas and a Bisken by nation, and gave it out he was a merchant; and others gave hym the name of Captain. Yet I knew what he was, having seen hym in this howse before, etc. He beged a littell alloes[55] of me, which I gave hym, as I did the like when he was here before. For you must understand that these padres have all the gifte of beging, and allwais answer: "Sea por l'amor de dios." This is a generall note to know them by, for they cannot so counterfet but that word will still be thrust out. This padre, Tomas (or Capt.), tould me that they stood in dowbt that the King of Shashma[56] would destroy Langasaque and bring all these partes beloe Shiminaseque[57] under his subiection, as being geven him by Fidaia Samme; but I believe it not, for now word is com on a sudden that all the streets must be made cleane, for that the King of Shashma is expected to be heare this night, he being bound up with great forces.

June 4.--We bought 40 boardes at 5 per mas, small plate; and 4 cacas[58] at 12 condrins peece, small plate.

And about nowne we had news that the King of Shashma was coming into this road with 500 barks full of souldiers; soe we laid out a present for him as followeth:--

ta. ma. co. 8 pec. rich damasks of Lankin,[59] cost 16 taies per peece is 48 0 0 10 pec. byrams nill of 15 Rs. per corge[60] is 05 6 4 10 pec. red zelas, of 12 Rs. per corg is 04 8 0 10 pec. whit baftas, viz., 6 of 11, and 4 of 9 Rs corg is 04 0 8 10 pec. of duttis[61] of 12 Rs. per corge 04 8 0 ------------- Som totall amontes unto 67 3 2 -------------

Soe, Mr. Wickham accompanying me, we went and delivered the present, which he took in good parte, offring our nation favorable entertaynment yf we came to traffick in his domynions. I put out a word how the Liqueans refuse to let us trym our junk to have proceaded from thence on our voyag for Syam;[62] but he said littell thereto, but answered, at his retorne he wold talke with me and geve me a present. I said I had receved suffition at his highnes hands in havinge the good hap to see the face of soe mightie a king as the King of Shashma; whereat he smiled. And soe we craved lycence and retorned.

Bongo Dono was with hym before and gave hym a present, and came from hym as we went to hym; but we had byn with hym before hym, yf he had not sent a boate to call us back till he had first vizeted hym.

And at present a letter is com to Bongo Dono from Faccatay,[63] wherin he is advized that the Emperour hath overthrowne the forses of Fidaia Samme, soe that he, his mother, and child have cut their bellies; but that his wife is sent back to her father Shongo Samme, King of Edo and to succeed in the Empire.[64]

June 5.--There came letters from the King of Firando to Bongo Dono, that it is true that the Emperour hath overthrowne the forcese of Fidaia Samme, and taken the fortres of Osekey, and entred into it the 6th day of this moone, Fidaia Samme and his mother with his sonne having cut their bellies, etc.

Mr. Wickham went and visited Oyen Dono, and carid hym a dish of pottatos and a peec of Liquea cloth. His brother retorned from above, whilst Mr. Wickham was theare, and confermed these newes to be true.

June 6.--I wrot an other letter to Jorge Durois to look out for a marchant to buy our wheate, as also of the confermyng the newes from above.

There was one of the King of Shashmas barkes cast away coming in, but all the men saved. We bought 1 caca or squar post, cost 1 mas. We delivered or sent to keep to Capt. China 51 bundelles great canes, in each are 30 canes.

June 7.--After dyner came a Franciskan frire, called Padre Appolonario, whom I had seene 2 or 3 tymes in Firando heretofore. He was in the fortres of Osekey[65] when it was taken, and yet had the good happ to escape. He tould me he brought nothing away with hym but the clothes on his back, the action was soe sudden; and that he marvelled that a force of above 120,000 men (such as was that of Fidaia Samme) should be soe sowne overthrowne. He desired me for God's sake to geve hym somthing to eate, for that he had passed much misery in the space of 15 daies, since he departed out of the fortres of Osekey. So, after he had eaten, I gave hym 15 mas in plate; and soe he departed.

We had 1830 tiles this day for ston walles.

June 8.--Yt is said the King of Shashma hath geven order to his people to retorne back for their cuntrey; I meane the most parte of them. The rest he keepeth to carry along with hym to goe vizet the Emperour.

We bought 4 cacas, cost 7 condrins per peec, small plate, etc.

June 8.--I sent to borow 4 or 5 gantas[66] of oyle of Yasimon Dono, because I could get non in any other place. But he retorned answer he had non, when I know, to the contrary, he bought a parcell out of my handes the other day. And I wrot a letter to Jorge Durois to take heed he gave out no yll reportes of Safian Dono. The China Capt. lent us 6 great mesurs (or gantas) of oyle, to repay as much. And Semidones steward came in the abcense of his master to borow a bar of plate of 3 taies wight, which was lent hym.

June 9.--Late within night I receved a letter from Ed. Sayer, dated in the Roade of Casnora in the Island of Goto, the 7th currant, wherin he writ the junck wold com away for this towne of Firando by first wind. Jno. Japon brought this letter, but is sick of the French disease, and took up his lodging at an other howse.

June 10.--I receved a letter from Jorge Durois, dated the 17th of June, new stile, in Langasaque, with a baskit of aprecockes for my selfe, and an other for Bongo Dono, and a therd for his wife, with a parcell in a bag for the China Capten; all which were delivered according to advice.

A Spaniard called Pablo Garrocho de la Vega came to this towne of Firando to-day and brought Jorges letter.

And before nowne word came that our junck was seene without. Soe I made ready to boate to goe out to Cochi to see them put in harbor, and to vizet Capt. Adames, etc.

June 11.--Our juncke, the Sea Adventure, arived in the Bay of Cochi in Firando at 10 cloth (sic) the last night, haveing lost her voyage for Syam this yeare. I went abord, and carid a barill of wyne, a quarter pork, and 10 loves bread, with a box bankiting stuffe; and, by order of the governer, carid 3 bongews,[67] to looke the mariners were all retorned and had used their indeavours. Capt. Adames was unwilling we should bring any mans name in question, for geting us an ill report; soe I did let it pas for that tyme. But being enformed that Damian Marines hath bought up 8 or 10 cattis[68] of amber greese at Liqueas, forstalling all, that the Company could get non; wherupon I wrot a letter to Capt. Adames to make stay of his chist, for that I wold bring the matter in question before the justice, and to same effect wrot an other letter to Damian hym selfe.

And Capt. Garrocho, the Bisken, sent me a peare of crimson silk stockinges for a present.

And Mr. Nealson reconed with the carpenters labourers and other matters bought for building since the 21st of May till this night, viz.:--

Pro tymber, oyle, and other matters as per perticulers 14 2 6 con. Pro 457½ days labourers work, at 5 con. per day 20 4 4 Pro carpenters wages, as per perticulers 23 4 4 ------------- Som totall amontes unto 58 1 4 -------------

June 12.--Damian Marines came ashore, and tould me Capt. Adames had staid his chist with the amber, and that he had receved my letter, wherby he knew the occation. I answered hym I did it for my own discharg, he being a hired servant, and therfore, by the lawes of God and man, ought to look out for the benefite of them which gave hym meate, drynke, and wages. And by fortune Capt. Garrocho was in company when I debated the matter with hym. Soe I referred the matter to hym and Capt. Adames to make an end of it, and I to stand to what they ordayned; and soe wrot to Capt. Adames what was determined betwixt us, but wished hym to take true notis how many cattis amber he had, and to keepe possession of it, etc.

I understood Damian went after to Capt. Jacob Speck,[69] unto whome (as it should seeme) he had offerd to sell all his amber; and so he retorned abord the junck, and Capt. Speck followed hym with a pretence to vizet Capt. Adames, but rather to hunt after amber greese. God grant Capt. Adames be not guld by them, etc.

I receved 16 boates lading of wheate ashore this day, containing 1,198 sacks, is 300 gocos, wanting 2 sack laid out in henne meate. And Mr. Wickham brought all the merchandiz ashore which they had for the Syam voyage, but divers of our pikes had the heads stolne ofe.

June 13.--I receved back of Mr. Ric. Wickham a greate bag of plate in bars of Lucas Antoinsons, containing seven hundred forty and eight taies in bars and fibuck.[70] And I delivered fyftie taies in plate of barse to Mr. Nealson. And I receved two cattis of amber greese of Mr. Ric. Wickham, which he bought for the Worshipfull Company at Liquea. And I receved 3 letters from Capt. Adames, how Damian Marin set hym at nought and wold not shew hym any amber; so I retorned hym answer not to let hym cary his chist ashore, but to bring it to the English howse, which Capt. Adames did, but Damian came not with it.

Also I receved 2½ cattis amber of Ed. Sayer, in halves, betwixt hym and me; but he willed to take it all, for that he had need to use money heare.

June 14.--Capt. Garrocho delivered Andrea Dittis, the China Capt., his papers of 1,080 and od taies he owed hym, as being suretie for an other, and left it to the said Chinas discretion to pay or geve hym what he wold. When we came to open Damians chist, there was nothing to be found in it. He is a craftie knave. And soe let hym goe.

The new botswayn of the junck brought me 2 Liquea brushes and a box of synamon of same place, the best that ever I saw in my life. And Jno. Japan, our jurebasso,[71] brought me a present of Liquea cloth, one peec. He hath byn in this place a wick, and never came into the English howse till now, but many tymes passed before the dore singing like a luneticke man. Soe I put hym out of the Companies service, or he rather put hym selfe out.

June 15.--Jno. Gorezan the jurebassos wife brought a present of Japan apels, or rather other frute lyke appells. Capt. Adames sent me a letter from abord the junck at Cochi to have the kinges master shipp carpenter com to hym, to confer whether it were fitest to trym her at Cochi or bring her to Firando. Damian sent me 2 cattis amber by Capt. Adames, rated at 90 taies per catty, resonable good, but had byn watered. And I receved back two chistes money of Mr. Wickham, wherin he sayeth ther is aleven bagges R. of 8, of 500 R. of 8 in eache bagg; but I opened not the chistes.

June 16.--I sent a letter to Capt. Adames by master carpenter to Cochi, about finding out a place to trym our junck in. And I delivered 1 sack wheate to the baker, to pay in bread as we sell the rest. And I had 1 peec Liquea cloth of Mr. Wickham to make Co Jno. of Goto a catabra.[72] We had much flying news to-day that Shongo Samme was dead. Others said it was Calsa Samme, his brother. Others reported Fidaia Samme to be alive, and that many tonos[73] were gon to hym to take his part. But I esteem all this to be fables. Yet others geve out secretly that the Emperour ment to chang the government of all these partes, and put other tonos in their places. Soe that these of Firando dowbt the retorne of their king.

Tome, my boy, carid out his chist and thought to have run away; but I prevented hym, yet turned hym out of dores with a catabra on his back as he entred in. He thought to have pickt the lock of my money chist the other day, and had so wrong the wardes that I could not open the lock with my key, which made me to trune (sic) hym out of my chamber. But he, misdowbting ferther disgrace, thought to have carid away all his aparell and have geven me the slip.

The purcer of junck gave me 10 Liquea trenchers for a present.

June 17.--I receved a letter from Capt. Adames from Cochi, wherin he adviseth me that he hath taken counsell about the place most fittest to trym our junck in, and findeth Cochi to be the place.

I delivered Mr. Richard Wickham the rich cattan[74] he left in my custody at his departure towardes Siam. The purcer of the junck gave me a greate Liquea cock for a present, which I sent to Bongo Dono, he being desyrous to have hym.

I wrot Capt. Adames answer of his letter receved this day. And I sould 1,175 sackes wheate (brought from the Liqueas) unto Damian Marin, at 3 mas per sack, containing 25 gantes Liquea measure, to be paid in amber grees, at 115 taies the catty, to take 5 cattis and pay the rest in ready money.

ta. ma. co. The wheate amontes to 352 5 0 ----------- 5 cattis amber, at 115 tais per catty, amontes to 575 0 0 2 cattis amber, at 90 tais per catty, amontes to 180 0 0 ----------- Som totall, 7 cattis amber greese, amontes to 755 0 0

June 18.--Capt. Adames came ashore to dyner, having unrigged the junck at Cochi. He gave me a present of 3 nestes gocas,[75] with their trenchers and ladells of mother of perle, with 10 spoons same, and a peece of white Liquea cloth.

I receved a letter from Jorge Durois, dated in Langasaque, le 22nd of June, new stile, wherin he advized me that no one man would buy all our wheate till the shiping come from the Manillias. He wrot me that above 2,600 persons are dead in Langasaque this yeare of the smallpox, amongst whome his boy Domingo and a woman slave are two, since he wrot me his last letter.

June 19.--I wrote a letter to Mr. Eaton, sent per sea bongew. The contentes appeare per coppie. Also I wrot other 2 letters in Japon to our 2 hostes at Osekey and Sackey in kynd wordes, hoping they have dealt well with us in saveing our goods, though the towns be burned.

I tooke a garden this day and planted it with pottatos brought from the Liquea, a thing not yet planted in Japan. I must pay a tay, or 5 shillings sterling, per annum for the garden. And we bought 40 gants of shark oyle for the junk, cost 1 mas and two condrins the gant. And one of the mareners of the junck brought me 2 fishes for a present.

June 20.--

ta. mas. We receaved 4 catis 4 tais 2 mas wight, amber greese, of Damian, cost 490 1 With 2 cattis before rated at 180 0 ------- Som totall amontes unto 670 1 -------

I gave hym a bill of my hand for soe much money owing hym, to receve our wheate at price before made, and rest in ready money.

And news came from King of Firando that he arived at Miaco the 18th of the last moone, and was admitted awdience with the Emperour the 20th, whoe used hym in all kindnes, which causeth much rejoysing here. Also the Emperour hath given order into all partes of Japon to look out for such as escaped out of the fortres of Osekey when it was burned. Soe that prive enquirie was mad in all howses in Firando what strangers were lodged in eache howse, and true notis thereof geven to the justice. Yt is thought the padres at Langasaque and else where will be narrowly looked after. They say the taking of this fortres hath cost above 100,000 mens lives on the one parte and other, and that on the Prince Fidaia Sammes parte no dead man of accompt is found with his head on, but all cut ofe, because they should not be knowne, to seek reveing aganst their frendes and parents after. Nether (as som say) can the body of Fidaia Samme be fownd; soe that many think he is secretly escaped. But I canot beleev it. Only the people of these sothern parts speake as they wold have it, because they affeckt the yong man more than the ould.

June 21.--I sent a letter to Capt. Adames in answer to one of his receved yisterday from Cochi, wherin he advised he bought 200 gantes of shark oyle at Goto at 1 mas per ganto, wishing me to buy no more till he saw whether we had need of it or no.

I gave Tome my boy a wacadash[76] and most parte of his clothes, with 5 mas in money, at the instigation of the China Capten. And Capt. Speck had 50 cattis tyn in 46 bars, to pay as wee sell the rest, or else to content. And Mr. Nealson paid for 23 matts for new rowmes 6 ta. 7 ma. 4 con., with 2 mas 5 con. comprehended for boate hier.

And I receaved a letter from the Dico of Ikanoura[77] advising me that he wold com or send to me to make price for plank or tymber which we should have need of. Unto which letter I retorned answer.

Ed. Sayer put away his ould man, and entertayned Co Jno. my ould boy of Langasaque.

One of the kinges men came and tould me the perticulers of the news above, and that Fidaia Sammes mother was fownd dead, and his sonne alive, being a child of 8 years ould, whoe was carid to the Emperour his grandfather; but the body of Fidaia could not be fownd, soe it is thought he was burned to ashes in a tower in the fortres burned.

June 22.--We put Yoske the cook away, haveing over many laysy felloes in howse, and he 1 that could do littell or nothing, yet still runing abroad. Mr. Nealson paid hym to cleare his reconyng 8 ta. 7 ma. 7 condr. And we receved 50 greate tiles this day. And there was a tay paid for a years rent potato garden. And Facheman, our skullion, had a parte of his wages paid by Mr. Nealson, three taies in small plate.

June 23.--I sent a letter to Jorge Durois by Symon jurebasso, in answer of his of the 22th June, new stile, and how I had sould the wheate to Damian Marine; and sent my clock by Symon to be mended; and gave hym order buy som conserves, to invite the king at his retorne, we haveing made an end of building our howse. Miguel jurebassos wife brought Capt. Adames a catabra, a barell wine, and figges, for a present.

June 24.--Som of Firando barks retorned from Miaco, as others did the lyke into all partes of Japon, only the tonos (or king) of each parte stay with the Emperour to take danco[78] or counsell of what shall be thought needfull; the souldiers being all sent home, the wars being ended.

Also I receved a letter from our bungew Ushanuske Dono, dated in Miaco le 24th of Gongwach (or the moone past), wherin he writes me how well the Emperour receved the King of Firando his master; and that a sonne of Fidaia Samme of 7 years ould, by a band woman, was put to death by the Emperours comand; and 100 mas and 150 mas a head of all them which were in the fortres; soe that dailie many are brought in and slaughtered.

June 25.--There passed divers boates with men from Fingo[79] and Shashma to goe to Osekey to make cleane the fortres, and, as it is said, they begyn to build the cittie of Osekey and Sackay againe, the Emperour having geven order that yf the former owners will not forthwith new build their howses, that any other may enter upon the chaune (or plot) and build upon it.

June 26.--Our fishmonger is run away this night and hath stolne a boate of his neighbors. He was here yisterday very ernest with our jurebasso to have procured me to have lent hym 10 or 20 tais, and in the end desyred hym to have lent hym but one taie, but was deceaved of his expectation. And we bought 1c. 9ta. 8ma. amber greese of Mr. Wickham for the Wor. Company at 100 taies the catty.

Bongo Dono sent to me to have had a jar of Liquea wyne (or rack), for that the Emperour hath sent to him to com to Miaco, and therfore he sought for such matters to geve in present to grete men for a noveltie.

All the kinges barks are com back with the souldiers; only the nobillety of all provinces stay with the Emperour. So it is dowbted ther will be trucking (or changing of kingdoms); and that which maketh me the rather to belive it is the Emperours sending for this man who is the last man of the blood royall left behind the king, he being the kinges greate uncle and brother to the deceased king Foyne Samme, and is a bursen[80] man and therefore not fit to be emploied in service, he being above 60 yeares ould.

And there was flying speeches how the Hollanders had a man kild and much money taken in cominge downe from Miaco; but Capt. Speck sent me word (I having first advized hym what I heard) that ther was no such matter, for that at instant he had receved a letter from their people that they were in a port neare unto Shiminasaque, selling goodes and expecting wind and wether to com for Firando. And ther is a Japan junk arived at Langasaque from Phillippinas, which wintred theare the last yeare.

June 27.--Matias the Flemyng retorned from Miaco to Firando; but we have no letter from Mr. Eaton, which maketh me to dowbt legerdymeane.

Also Chombo Donos man (a Caffro) came from Miaco with a letter for Oyen Dono, and brought word his master was cominge downe for Langasaque, and that Safian Dono was ordayned tono (or king) of Arima.[81] This Caffro I gave lodging to in the English howse with meate and drinke, because he was servant to such a master.

June 28.--We delivered 500 sackes of wheate to Damian Marin, viz., 440 out of our gedong and 60 out of that of Capt. China; so we want 1 sack in our gedonge.

And I receaved a packet of letters from Syam, viz., one from Mr. Lucas Antoinson of 14th of Aprill, 1 from Mr. Jno. Gourney of the 17th of Aprill. Also 2 ould letters from Bantam, viz., 1 from Generall Saris of 6 February 1613, 1 from Mr. Georg Bale of 8 Marche, with an other humerous letter to Mr. Tempest Peacock, and the lyke to Mr. Ric. Wickham, as Mr. Bale is accustomed to doe.

There were two junckes arived at Langasaque from Syam.

June 29.--Upon good consideration, per general consent, I sent Jno. Pheby to Mr. Eaton with letters and to accompany hym downe and procure the Emperours passe for hym, yf need required; which I willed Capt. Adames to signefie unto Codskin Dono or Goto Zazabra Dono; and gave Mr. Eaton order to com away forthwith, and bring in short endes what he could, and to chang the yello in white at Miaco. This letter was dated the 27th, but kept till 29th present. Also I sent 3 letters to our host of Edo and hym of Shrongo,[82] with the 3d for Sr. Andrea; as also 1 for Miguel jurebasso.

And the brother of Sugien Dono of Umbra[83] retorned from the wars and brought me a present of 5 Japan fans.

And I sent an other letter per Jno. Pheby to Oshanusque Dono in answer of his receaved 4 daies past from Miaco.

Capt. Speck and Sr. Matias came to vizet me.

June 30.--Mr. Nealson paid 10 taies plate bars to Jno. Pheby, and I delivered hym my letters for Mr. Eaton, with the others for Caseror and Oshenosque Dono. And Capt. Adames wrot to Cogsque Dono and Goto Zazabra Dono, to renew our passe yf need require, as also to dispach Mr. Eaton away, yf knaves stay hym.

Jno. Jooson arived heare from Miaco, and Unagense Dono and Sugien Dono the lyke. And I sent our jurebasso to bid them welcom hom, as the lyke to Jno. Yoosen. And sowne after Sugien Dono came to vizet me with a present of 10 fannes, and repeated the story of the wars, and how all the nobillety of Japon were joyned together at Miaco to viset the Emperour Ogosho Samme, which was a marvelous thing to see the hudge number of them.

July 1.--I went and viseted Bongo Dono, he being ready to goe for Miaco; and carid hym 2 barills morofack[84], a basket of biskit, 50 roles drid bonita,[85] and 5 cords of drid cuttel fish. He took it in good parte, with offer of many faire words.

I also envited Capt. Speck, John Yoosen, and the rest of the Duch to dyner to morrow. And wrot a letter to Figien Samme, the King of Firando, to Miaco, in complimentall sort, as also advising how our junk had lost her voyag to Syam and was retorned to Firando from the Liqueas. Also, I advised hym how ye King of Ava, of the race of Pegew, had made wars 7 yeares, and in the space gotten 8 other kingdoms, which in tymes past belonged to the empier of Pegu; and wantes now only to conquer Siam, Lanfu, and Camboia, to make hym selfe a greater prince then ever any of his ansesters was, and thought very easy to obtayne it, in respect of his valientnesse and mighty power.

July 2.--I receved 2 letters from Capt. Garrocho and Jorge Durois, of the 8th and 10th currant, new stile, werin they wrot me as apeareth per their letters; but much falce news per Capt. Garrochos letter, yf my ame be not amis.

And Capt. Speck, with Jno. Yoosen, Sr. Matias, Jacob Swager, cam to dyner to day; and Jno. Yoosen told us a great history of Ogosho Sammas good luck in preveling against Fidaia Samme, and that he verely thinkes he is dead in the fortrese burned to ashes.

Mr. Wickham deliverd me an accompt of Syam voyage, resting to ballance 132 ta. 3 m. 3 co., but delivered up no money, as he spesyfied in his answer, because I owe hym for amber greese, for 1 cat. 9 ta. 8 m. wight, at 100 tais catty, 161 ta. 2 m. 5 co.

July 3.--Capt. Speck and the rest sent to thank me for their good entertaynment, viz., nifon catange.[86]

July 4.--Jno. Yoosen sent me a drid salmon and divers peeces salmon in pickell for a present.

July 5.--Jno. Jossen came to vizet me to-day, with 5 men wayting on hym.

We bought 6 saks rise, per Capt. Adames meanes, at 4 gantos per mas plate in bars. I and Ed. Sayer wayed the 3 cattis amber we had in halves, and fownd it wanted 7 taies, lacking 2 mas in wight.

Her was news (or reporte) geven out that Tushma Tay hath burned Edo in the abcence of the Emperour, he haveing left hym prisoner ther under the keeping of a yong man, for that he denied to fight against Fidaia Samme, the sonne of Ticus Samme his master. But I think this will prove a lye, as most Japan news comonly doe.

July 6.--A Japon telors wife brought me a present of paper. She spoake Spanish, and sought to procur work for her husband.

July 7.--Here is reports that the Emperour hath staid the King of Shashma and all the tonos of these partes, and pretendeth to shifte them out of their governmentes (or kingdoms), and put them into other provinces to the northward, and them of the northern parts in their places. But I rather (in parte) esteem it to be the escape of Fidaia Samme, whoe may ly in secret in som of their cuntries, expecting opertunety and their retorns; which to prevent, he keepeth them by hym till he can understand the certen truth whether he be alive or dead.

We had newes that all men that entred into Langasaque were staid theare and not sufferd to retorne out of the towne. The reason is thought to be to look out for such as came out of the fortrese of Osekey; but I rather esteem it to be to serche out Fidaia Samme, which is thought to be escaped.

Also, one of the king (or tonos) men of this place came and tould me that his master had sent for 15 or 20 men of these partes to com unto hym, which maketh me now verely to think that he will be shifted out of his government or kingdom.

July 8.--Ther was paid yisterday, per Mr. Nealson, to Yayemon Dono, the kinges ship carpenter, in parte of payment of 150 shething plankes for the junck, at 4 mas per planck of 3 fathom and a halfe per peece.

I sent Unagense Dono 2 barrills wyne and 4 fishes, he being retorned from wars, and now sick of small pox.

July 9.--I understand that yisterday the Hollanders cut a slave of theirs apeeces for theft, per order of justice, and thrust their comprador (or cats buyer) out of dores for a lecherous knave, who, with hym that is dead, have confessed of much goods (as cloves, mace, pepper, and stuffs) which are stolne per consent of Jacob Swager; which maketh much sturr in the Duch howse. Yet I think this cates buyer plaieth the knave and defameth Jacob, because he was the occation he was thrust out of servyce for haveing to do with his woman, the knave being a marid man.

Also Capt. Adames receved a letter from Melchor van Sanfort from Langasaque, wherin he adviseth hym that a Japon wold sell us an other junck, and to that purpose conselled us to lay up ours. But I had rather som man would buy her, for I had rather sell then buy, for I have enough of Japon juncks, yf I knew how to better it.

July 10.--We had news of 2 China somas[87] arived at Goto. Soe the China Capt. sent a boate to know whence they are.

Also the China Capt. got Capt. Adames to write a letter to Damian to buy 400 sackes wheate for hym at price they cost, he haveing offerd it at same price to hym before, viz., at 3 mas per sack.

And I was enformed that Figen Samme, the king of this place, had sent a letter to Bunga Dono, how it was thought the Emperour would make Chambo Dono bongew of Arima, Langasaque, and Firando, that is to say, of all these sotherne parts. He which sent me word of it was Sugen Dono of Umbra, unto whome I sent a present of 2 barills wyne and 4 fishes, nifon catange. And he sent his man afterwards to thank me for it.

Also Damian retorned from Langasaque, and Symon that was our jurebasso the lyke, and brought me my lock back. I gave Mat 1cat. tobaco, cost 5 condrins. Bongo Dono went for Miaco this day.

July 11.--I receved a letter from Capt. Garrocho, complementall, dated in Langasaque, le 18th of July, new stile.

The China Captain, Andrea Dittis, came to me and brought a letter he had receaved from his brother out of China: how our busynes consernyng procuring a trade into China was in greate hope to take effect, for that the greate men had taken 3,000 pezos[88] presented them to make way; and that at present the ould king was about to resigne up his place to his sonne, and therefore best to let it rest a while till the ould man were out of place, or else it would be duble charg to geve to father and sonne. Also his cheefe kinsman, whoe is neare unto the king, advised that in no hand it should not be geven out that we came out of Japon, for that the hatred against Japons was worse then against any other nation; but rather to say we came directly out of England, or from Bantam, Siam, Camboia, or Cochinchina, etc.

Also there is a China com out of the Manillias from Cagallion, and reporteth that the Hollanders have taken a place in the Philippinas called Shibou; and that, upon this news, all the Spaniards went from Cagallion to defend Manillia, as being the place of most emportance. Also he reported that Don Juan de Silva, Governor of the Manillias, was secretly slipt away, hearing another was coming to take his place; but I esteem this a lye. Yet out of doubt he is hated of the most parte, both Spaniardes and naturalls, for his covetosnes, as having scraped a world of wealth together, he card not how, so he compassed it, as I have byn tould by Spaniardes and others, etc.

July 12.--I sent a present to Taccaman Dono, cheefe bongew, viz., 2 barills wyne, 5 bundls dry cuttell, and 5 pec. drye bonita, which he took in good parte.

July 13.--I wrot a letter to Mr. Eaton, per the purcer of our junck. Also I wrot 2 other to our hostes of Osekey and Sackey per same conveance. We had much ado to apeace a dispute betwixt the Capt. China and Damian for wheate bought, but I entred pledg for China Capt.

Capt. Speck went abord their junck to take vew of her, to sett her out before she rott. He sayeth he would send her for Syam; but I rather take it to be for the Molucos, to cary provition. He tould me also that a Portugez had wrot hym from Langasaque how the Viz Roy de Goa had byn at Surat with a power of 7,000 men in many vessels, and had put all the English to the sword and spoiled the place; and this news he said came per way of Syam, and therfore I know it is a lye, having had letters from thence so late, and not a word thereof.

The Capt. China tould me his brothers greate junck was arived from Cochinchina at Langasaque.

Kitskin Dono's wyfe dyed this night past.

July 14.--I delivered three hondred fyftie and eight taies to Mr. Nealson, viz., 350 taies in bars and 10 Rs. of 8 is 8 taies. And he paid out to Damian Maryn 670ta. 1ma. 0co. for 6 cattis 4ta. 2mas wight amber greese, viz.,

ta. ma. co. 1175 sack wheate, at 3 mas per sack, is 352 2 0 And in plate bars 317 9 0 ----------- 670 1 0 -----------

Ther was reportes geven out that 2 shipps were seen ofe at sea neare Langasaque, whereof Jno. Yooson advised Capt. Speck. Soe he sent out a penisse to look out for them; but I esteem it to be common Japon news, which most an end prove lyes. Yet the Duch expect a ship from Bantam or Molucos, besides the bark Jaccatra from Pattania and a junck.

July 15.--I sent Oyen Dono 2 small barills wyne, 2 fyshes, and 30 peces drid tuny, not having visited hym since the king went from hence; but he was not at home when it came, yet sowne after came to the English howse to geve me thanks for it, and tould me of the favorable axceptation the king of this place had fownd in all his affares with the Emperour.

Also I was advised per a frend in secret how the Duch were coyning falce Rs. of 8 at Langasaque, wishing me to take heede how I took any of them. And that which maketh me to think it to be true is the tynne they bought of me the other day. It seemeth to me a dangerous matter, etc.

July 16.--I gave a tay in small plate to two pore sick women of my owne money, the one a China woman, and the other a Japon. And ther was 8 pec. red zelas delivered and soald to Tonomon Sama and his men, at 1 tay per pece--8 tais.

July 17.--A cavelero of Umbra came and viseted me, geving me thankes for the kindnesse shewed to his kinsman, Sugian Dono, and brought me a Japan hargabus (or gun) for a present. He asked me many questions about the longnes of our voyag, which I shewed hym in a globe. He also enquired whether I knew Rome. I answerd I was never at Rome, yet I shewed hym the place where it stood. I perceaved per his questioning that he was a padre (or semenary prist) and thereupon gave hym a tast that we had nothing to doe with the Pope, but esteemed hym only bushop of Rome, haveing other bushops in England of as much authorety as he tuching spiretuall matters; and that we esteemed not much whether he were our frend or enemy, which we left to his choise.

Sent Capt. Speck 1 barell gunpolder out of junk, poz. 1 or 2 cattis, duble barell and all.

July 18.--I wrot 2 letters to Jorge Durois and Capt. Garrocho, advising the Capt. I would take the amber greese, yf it were good, or else retorne it back in saffetie; and to Jorge, to buy me 2 or 3 jarrs conservs and some candells. And ther was delivered unto Capt. Adames 202 cattis iron, for use of junk, of the ould iron out of ston walles. Also I wrot a letter in Japons to a servant of Mr. Lucas Antonison, a Japon at Langasaque, who I am enformed hath the duble of my former letters and keeps them by hym.

And ther was 5 taies in plate of bars lent unto Sugien Dono, the kinges kinsman, to be repaid at pleasure.

July 19.--I lent the China Capt., Andrea Dittis, viz., 2 bars gould of 55 tais per bar, is 110ta., 0ma., 0co., with 200 Rs. of 8 in Spanish money, is 160ta., 0ma., 0co., to be repaid within 8 or 10 dayes, at his retorne from Goto, whether he is bownd to buy matters out of 2 China junkes ther arived. This I doe in respeck I hope of trade into China, which now I stand in more hope of then eaver. Also he had a bale or corge of duttis of 12 Rs. per corge, to make a triall to sell them or more to the Chinas.

And Sugian Dono sent his man, desiring to borow 5 tais in plate, which on good consideration was lent to hym.

July 20.--I paid 2 mas to Torage, for making 2 kerimons,[89] for Tuchma and Jno. Goblen, long ago.

Tonemon Donos man came to have borowed 20 taies of me in his masters name, but I had not a rag of money.

July 21.--I receved a letter from Jno. de Lievana, dated le 29th of July, new stile, in Langasaque, wherin he advised how Capt. Whaows greate junck was arived from Cochinchina; and he which brought the letter tould me that other 4 are com from that place in company with her, wherof he saw one coming in as he came away. Soe the former report of Whaows jonckes arival was an untruth.

I forgot to note downe how Jno. de Lievana advised that the report of the Hollanders being in the Phillipinas is falce, and that Don Jno. de Silva was gon to keepe the straites with a gale and a phriggat, attending the coming of shipping from Agua Pulca.

July 23.--Ther was flying reports that the Hollanders have driven the Spaniards out of the Molucos and entred into the Phillipinas.

July 24.--The China Capt. retorned this mornyng from Goto, and said that all the Chinas goodes were put into warehowses, and not sufferd to sell any thing till the king came, or else order from hym to geve them leave. I receved back the two hundred Rs. of eight from the China Capt.; but the two bars gould he left in pawne for a junck, to receve them back and pay other money in place, etc.

Also the China Capt. gave me a peec of China lynen to mak breeches of, etc.

And wee took eight peec. duttis of 8 R. per corg to make a saile for our bark. We entertayned a boateman this day at 18 taies per ano, named Sinzabra.

July 25.--Mr. Wickham being sick, Mr. Nealson, Mr. Sayer, and my selfe went to dyner to our frend Skeimon Dono, where we were well entertayned. And from thence we went to Duch howse, where Capt. Speck tould me he receved a letter from Albartus yisterday, wherein he advised hym how Mr. Eaton arived at Miaco the first of this moneth, and the second went to Sackay to look out for the bark he sent from Edo with goods per sea, etc. He also tould me he expected news of 12 or 14 seale of their shipps to be in the Phillipinas this yeare, to cut ofe their China trade for the Manillias, as also to look out for the shipping from New Spaine (or Agua Pulca), and then to have 3 or 4 of them to com for Firando to lade provition. Their plot is great and, yf it take effect, will utterly overthrow the Spanish and Portingalle dissignes in these partes of the world, etc.

I bought 2 corse catabras for Ingoti, cost 1 mas 9 condrins per peec.; paid out per Jno. jurebasso, whoe put away his wife this day for trix.

July 26.--I sent a letter to Capt. Adames to Cochi with 3 iron stampers, 2 mattocks, and a pickaxe, and a leg fresh pork and 5 loves of bread.

Also the China Capt., Andrea Dittis, sent me a legg of pork and an other of a goate, he feasting all the Chinas this day, and being ready to goe for Langasaque. I sent per hym for his brother, in respeckt his junck is retorned from Cochinchina, hoping to heare the truth of our maters tuching the losse of our goods and people, as I gave hym in charg at my being at Langasaque--I say I sent hym, nifon catange, 2 bottells of sallet oyle, and 100 peces drid bonita; and to Capt. Andrea Dittis hym selfe 1 barill wyne, and 25 pec. drid bonita. And I lent hym 80 Rs. of 8 at his request, he geveing me instance it was to geve to certen frendes and parentes com per way of Cochinchina out of China, and are to be emploid about our busynes in hand. The China Capt. went for Langasaque in the after nowne.

July 27.--I receved a letter from Gonrock Dono, dated in Langasaque yisterday, wherin he wrot for stele and tynne for use of the Emperour. And I sent a letter to Gonrock Dono, and sent hym 1 bar tyn for sample, advising I had of the same som 190 cattis more, and had soald it at 4 mas per catty, and that this or what else was at the Emperours servis.

Our hostis of Tomo came per this place, being bound for Langasaque; and sent her sonne to me with a present of 2 barilles wine and other recado,[90] nifon catange. Also Jno. Yosen arived from Langasaque, and sent me a present of peares. And our new botswan of junck brought me a present of dry fish and 2 small barills of wyne. Also I receved an other letter from Jorge Durois with 20 musk millans. His 2 letters dated the 2th and 5th day of August, new stile. He writes of much news of a flett of 5 seale, to be arived at Manillia from New Spaine, with men, money, and munition, against the Duch at the Molocos; but I think it fabulose, as the rest of ther Goa forses to take and spoile Suratt. Also it is reported that Fidaia Samme is escaped into Shashma or the Liqueas; but I rest dowbtfull whether it be soe or no.

July 28.--I delivered 8 R. of 8 and 1 pec. fibuck to our gouldsmith, to plate my rapier and dagger. And a cheefe man sent me a present of a barill of wyne, 2 chickeing, and 5 musk millions, and the like to Capt. Adames, in respeckt his servant is entertayned for a marrener in our junck voyage.

July 29.--This day Zenzebars wyves brother sent for Jno. Gorezano our jurebasso to com and speake with hym, and laid to his charge that he had geven out bad speeches of hym that he had put men to death without any reason (for yow must understand this fello is the hangman or execuseoner of this place, an office of reputation in these partes of the world). But our jurebasso denied it that he spoake no such matter; yet that wold not serve his turne; but I was glad to send Capt. Adames to take up the matter. I know this came by meanes of the Duch, or ther jurebasso, Symon, who I put away. These are trix.

July 30.--I sent Capt. Speck a quarter of beefe. Much a dow had I this day about clearing our jurebasso Goreson, whome Zanzebar and his wives rase thought to have destroyed, and, as I take it, at the instigation of the Duch. For they sent me word, as I was at dyner, that for my sake they had saved his life, yet would have hym to avoid the towne within 5 or 6 dayes. I retorned them answer, I held them for no justices nor judges, and that I had need of my jurebassos service; but the felloe which came on the messadge was soe forward in his speeches that he tould me, yf I sent him not away, that those fellowes servantes would kill hym as he went in the street. Yow must understand his adversaries are the hangmen or execusioners of the towne. But I retorned answer that I was under the protection of Ogosho Samme the Emperour, and had it under his ferme, that no justice in Japan might meddell with me nor no servant in my howse, but per the Emperours permition, and yet more larger then I spake it; and therefore I warned them upon their heads, as they would answer it with their whole generation, that they should not tuch hym till the king of this place retorned. Which answer put them into such a quandare, that they sent me word that, for my sake, they were content to pardon hym of all matters and to be his frend. This word was sent me per Capt. Adames, whome, before God and man, I must needs blame for taking part with that vild fello Zanzabar, alias Yasimon Dono, whom, per experience, I have found to be an absolute cuning knave, and therupon have donne all I can to make Capt. Wm. Adames to know it; yet he still esteemeth hym more then all our English nation, and still he would pawne his lyfe and soule for his honestie. And I cannot chuse but note it downe, that both I my selfe and all the rest of our nation doe see that he (I meane Mr. Wm. Adams) is much more frend to the Duch then to the Englishmen, which are his owne contremen, God forgeve hym. I leave it to his owne contience, and to God and the world, to be judges with what respect I have used hym ever since we came into Japan.

An other matter is now set on foote, which I never did heare of till this instant; and is, that we were cozened of 4 or 500 taies (yf not more) in the price we paid for our junck, and that it was parted betwixt Zanzabar, our host Andrea at Langasaque, and other their copsmates,[91] wherof Miguel our jurebasso was one, and had 50 taies for his share; but as yet I can fynd no witnese of the truth, yet I verely beleeve it to be true, although Capt. Adams have no hand in the matter. For with their smoath speeches they make a childe of hym, and soe do what they list, and he will not beleeve any man that will speake to the contrary. And thus much thought I good to note downe, that it may be extant whether I live or dye.

Capt. Speck, Jno. Yoosen, and Mr. Matias came unlooked for to the English howse to supper. Capt. Speck tould me he understood that Mr. Eaton was on his way coming from Miaco. God send hym well.

July 31.--Gonosco Dono, our guardians father in law, sent Mr. Wickham and me 2 peare pigions. This Gonosco Dono is left cheefe bongew or Vizroy in abcence of the king and Nobasane.

August 1.--The China Capt., Andrea Dittis, retorned from Langasaque and brought me a present from his brother, viz., 1 faire kitesoll, 2 spoutpots or ewers of tynn silverd, 2 pec. China lynen, and 1 peec. silk lane; and he hym selfe sent a white catabra. He sayeth, tuching our affares in Cochinchina, that the kyng denyeth that he never was consenting to the death of our people, nether knew of it till it was donne, it being donne per the Japons and not per his people; and that for the money he owed us for the goods he bought of Mr. Peacock he was willing to pay it, but non came to demand it; and for the rest of our goods it was retorned back to our junck it cam in, etc.; and offred to geve the China (our soliceter) his letter or passe for any mans safe coming that I would send to receve it. But yow must understand Capt. Speck sent a Japon about the lyke matter for the Hollanders, with a present for the king, which he receaved. But this Japon lodged in the howse of another Japon theefe, where they handled the matter soe amongst them that the king retorned word of mouth to Capt. Speck that he would not make them restetution of any thing, and, yf they sent any more shiping, he would use them as he did the other. And those Japon theeves, knowing how the king had promised restetution, went to hym and perswaded hym to the contrary, telling hym that, yf he made restetution to us, he must doe the lyke to the Hollanders. Soe that when the China, our soliceter, went for the kinges letter, he denyed it hym. Thus the second tyme were we crost per the Hollanders.

And I thought good to note downe that the China Capt., Andrea Dittis, came and tould me how his brother Whaw at Langasaque desired to have it under my hand writing tuching procuring trade into China. For, as he sayeth, they have laid out 3,000 taies allready to make way, and make reconying it will cost them 5,000 taies more, is all 8,000 taies (I say eight thousand taies); which, yf in case they procure us free trade into China, we are to pay them the said eight thousand taies back, with what else shall be thought fiting. But yf they do not procure us free trade into China, the losse to stand upon them selves.

I forgot to note downe how Jorge Durois wrot me how a greate Holland ship was cast away on the cost of Lucan in the Phillippinas, out of the which the contrey people saved 5 greate peeces of ordinance, and that most parte of the men were cast away in the ship, and those which escaped per swyming were taken prisoners and sent to Manillia to Don Juan de Silvas, whoe they say is ready with forcese to depart to reskew them at the Molucas; but I can hardly beleeve it.

Also a frend of Capt. Adames tould hym that three daies past arived an emptie junck at Langasaque, which came from Cagallon in the Phillippinas, and is one of the Japan junckes which we thought was lost with ours which Water Carwarden was in, and came out of Cochinchina 7 daies before our junck could be ready to departe, and was driven on the cost of Cord (sic) per stormy wether, and put among the ilands Liqueas, yet could not recover port in any of them; yet after recovered the iland of Lucan and put into the roade of Cagallan, having first lost their mastes and throwne all their goods overbord, being glad to escape with life; and from thence are now retorned with the emptie junck, but know nothing of what is becom of ours.

Also this day we put away Fachman, our scullion, and Mr. Nealson paid hym to cleare his accompt.

And I sent Capt. Adames to Cochi, viz.,

ma. con. 110 straw bags, cost 2 8 50 poles, cost 1 5 ------ 4 3 ------

Also I sent hym 3 loves of bread, and wrot hym the news of that junk which was reported to hym came from Cagallion is untrew, for it is a junk belo[ng]ing to the China Capt. brother, and came not from Cochinchina last yeare; so that is a lye.

And we entertayned a new skullion named Sayemond at one tay per month.

August 2.--I gave Matinga 6 taies small plate to buy rise; and I had 14 onces black silk of China Capt., cost 2 taies per catty.

I had much adowe with Zanzabars desemvery,[92] who sent me word 3 or 4 tymes they would break my jurebassos boanes, yf he came to his owne howse; but, as before, soe still I retorned them answer they should take heed how they medled with any servant I had. And at night my jurebasso being desirous to goe to his howse, I gave hym leave; where he found Jno. Devins entertaynment[93]; for Zanzabers wives brother, with other consortes, set upon hym in the streete, and, had he not by good fortune gotten into a howse, they had slayne him. And about midnight, being garded per a gentlemans servant, my frend came home againe, shaking every joint of hym.

August 3.--The China Capt. being ready to goe for Goto, I lent hym our boate and wastclothes, and delivered hym back 120 Rs. of 8, which was the rest of the 200 Rs. 8 lent hym before and retorned, the other being delivered hym after at his going to Langasaque, viz., 80 Rs. of 8. Also I paid hym 38 mas in Rs. of 8 for 1 cattie silk at 20 mas, and 3 peces red China taffetie at 18 mas, is 4¾ Rs. 8.

And tuching the force used against my jurebasso the other night, I thought good, with the advice of the rest, to make it knowne unto the cheefe justice in the kinges abcence, Mr. Wickham accompanying me. They all tould me I had greate reason in what I did, and that they would take order that this bongew should not offer my jurebasso any wronge; the which I certefied Capt. Adames of in good termes by a letter sent hym to Cochi, where I heard he la sick. But he retorned me a very harsh answer, as all the rest of our cuntremen can witnesse which saw it. He shewed hym selfe a fermer frend to Zanzaber and his consortes then to me and the rest of his contremen.

Also Capt. Speck sent for Mr. Wickham to com and speak with hym, and complained much of my jurebasso, that he had a bad tonge and had geven out vild reports of hym and his nation. I retorned hym answer, I never heard hym use any such speeches, and, yf he thought me hys frend, he might think I could not endure neather hym nor any other use such speeches, without geveing him notis therof and chastesing the speakers, yf they were my servants. In fine, his desire was to have me to send for these bongewes and to make an end of these matters in frendship; unto which I answerd that I knew not whether they would com or no, yf I sent for them, yet, yf there were any meeting, I desired that Capt. Adames might be present, and they should not find me out of reason. And soe I advised Capt. Adames, allthough he burdened me I went about to meyntayne a theefe against all reason, which all men may think that heare hym say soe that no honest man would doe it.

And I had allmost forgot to note downe how I delivered a writing to Andrea Dittis, the China Capt., under my hand and seale, witnessed by Mr. Ric. Wickham, Mr. Wm. Nealson, and Mr. Ed. Sayer; wherin I consorted with hym and Capt. Whaw, his brother, and a therd brother which they have in China, that yf they procure us trade into China, to repay them all such sums of money and money worth as they should lay out in procuring thereof; but yf it tooke not effect, then the losse to light upon them selves. And they are to turne an other writing to me, to use their best endevour in doing therof only for Englishmen and no nation else whatsoever. And soe the Lord God grant a good suckcesse to our proceadings.

I wrot 2 letters to Jorge Durois and Damian Marin, and receved 1 from Jno. de Lievano of the 11th of August, new stile, of complementos. But I wrot Georg Durois to buy us a peare of milstones and som candells, and send them per first [ship].

August 4.--Capt. Adames sent me a more frendly letter then before. He is two much affection towardes Zanzaber, and wholy led away by hym.

August 5.--Thear is reportes geven out that the Portingal shipp is arrived at Langasaque from Amacau, and presently after Capt. Speck wrot me a letter that it is the same greate shipp which was there the last yeare; but, as Jno. Yoosen hath advised hym, she is not soe well laden as she was the yeare past, but, as it should seeme, cometh more to fetch away the lagg they left heare the last yeare then for any thing else.

August 6.--I hearing the sea bongew was gon up to the king, and dowbting he might enforme untruthes against my jurebasso, was determined to have written 2 letters, 1 to the king, and another to Chumba Dono, my jurebassos ould master, to desire them not to geve eare to his enemies falce reportes; but, as I was about to have donne it, Tackamon Dono sent unto me his cheefe man, be being accompanied with Skidayen Dono and Nicolas Martin, his jurebasso. And his desire was that, for his sake, I would geve over the pursute of this matter against the sea bongew, for that, yf it were followed, of force the said bongew must cut his bellie, and then my jurebasso must do the lyke. Unto which his request I was content to agree, and afterward went to geve hym thankes for the paynes he had taken in the matter, he having promised me that non should be so hardy to meddell with my jurebasso hereafter, and that he would take the matter in hand to make the accord betwixt hym and his wife.

And from Tacaman Donos, I went to the Duch howse, where, amongst other matters, we fell into discourse about the bongews proceedinges against my jurebasso, he taking the bongews part, and tould me he had donne well yf he had cut hym in peeces the other [day], and then their would have byn no more words therof afterward. But I made hym answer that it might be he was deceaved in that, for that I would have brought the matter in question, and it might be would have cost both hym and others their lives, for that all the justice of Firando said that the bongew had donne that which he could not answer. Once I fownd my selfe agreeved that he had me in soe small respect that he, without geveing notis unto me, sent craftely for my jurebasso out of my howse, thinking to have put hym to death without any forme of processe; and he replid and said that the bongew was a souldier, and stood upon his honer more than his lyfe, and card not to cut his belly upon such an occation. I answered, I did not esteem this bongew such a personage that he needed to take pepper in the nose soe much as he did.

I forgot to note downe how I carid a jarr of China beare and 5 stringes drid fish to Tacamon Dono for a present.

This bongew and Capt. Speck are all one, and I know this trowble against my jurebasso came, the beginning of it, from the Duch howse.

Capt. Speck came late to the English howse, and Sr. Matias with hym, and desired my company to goe and see a peece of ordinance cast; which I did, but marveled at their workmanship. For they carid the mettell in ladells above 20 yardes from the place where the mould stood, and soe put it in, ladelfull after ladell, and yet made as formall ordinance as we doe in Christendom, both of brasse and iron. Capt. Speck tould me nether workmanship nor stuffe did not stand hym in halfe the price it cost them in Christendom.

Capt. Speck tould me he receaved a barks lading of copper this day from Sackay, and that his barke departed from thence 3 daies after Mr. Eaton was departed from thence. God send hym hither in saffety.

And we bought 22 bags rise of Zazabra Dono for 4 gantes a masse, and delivered 12 bagges of them to our ship carpenters upon accompt. They beging to work upon our junk to morrow. God be their good speed, etc.

August 7.--Gonosco Dono came to the English howse, and amongst other talk tould me that the King had sent hym word to burne all the tobaco, and to suffer non to be drunk in his government, it being the Emperours pleasure it should be so; and the like order geven thorowghout all Japon. And that he, for to begyn, had burned 4 piculls or C. wight this day, and cost him 20 taies pico; and had geven orders to all others to doe the like, and to pluck up all which was planted. It is strange to see how these Japons, men, women, and children, are besotted in drinking that herb; and not ten yeares since it was in use first.

August 8.--The China Capt., Andrea Dittis, retorned from Goto, for that the bongew would not let hym enter into that place, he haveing staid 4 daies a weating, and so retorned. Also they of Goto staid 3 somos, or small junkes, theare of his, which were bound for Firando, and would not let them passe, but send out boates to bring in by force all such junks as passe within sight. And for shark oyle, ther was but 25 littill jarrs, all which was taken per Gonrock Dono and sent to Langasaque for his proper use.

And he adviseth me that 4 juncks are arived at Langasaque from Chanchew, which, with this ship from Amacau, will cause all matters to be sould cheape.

The China Capt. of a junck at Goto sent me a peece white damaske, present.

We had newes this day that the Portingales of Amacau have taken the bark Jaccatra, and meane to set out 2 men of war every yeare to take all English and Duch that trade from Syam, Bantam, and Pattania for these partes.

But, within 2 howres after, the bark Jaccatra arived on the cost of Firando, and brought in a Portingall junck which came from Champa, wherin both Chinas and Japons are marreners. She took her on this cost 3 daies past, at an iland called Sta. Clare. Her lading is black wood, I think ebony. It is thought the Portingales will complaine to the Emperour, because the Hollanders take them within his dominions.

August 9.--Cushcron Dono lent us 50 taies in great plate for a few daies, which 50 taies Mr. Nealson receaved to lay out in necessaris for the juncke.

And about midnight past the other Holland shipp, called the Ancusen, of som 300 tonns, arived in the roade (or harbor) of Cochi. And after nowne both shipps came into the harbour of Firando. And I went abord of them, and carid 2 barills wine, a hogg, 5 hense, and 10 loves bread to the greate ship; 1 barell wyne and the lyke quantety of the rest to the littell ship.

They tould me that the English shipp which is to com hither is called the Oziander, and the masters name Jno. Hunt; and that she would be ready to com after them within 4 or 5 daies, but have brought no letters for us, which maketh us to marvill. And I must needs condem Mr. Denton and them at Pattania of sloth, or else the Duch of legerdemeane.

They report a parliament in England,[94] and that it is lyke we shall have wars with Spaine; and that the Lady Elizabeth hath a yong sonne per the Palsgrove of the Ryne.[95]

Also they say that Capt. David Midelton was generall of an other fleete to Bantam, and, understanding of his brothers death, retorned to England.

Oyen Dono sent me a present of 15 hense.

August 10.--I sent out our penisse with 16 men to roe, and the Capt. China, Andrea Dittis, in her, with an English flag and wastclothes and a letter, to lye ofe and on 8 or 10 dayes, to put a pilot abord our shipp yf she com on the cost. He had a bar plate, poz. 4 taies 5 condrin, and 1 tay in small plate, to lay out in provition for rowers, and a barrill of wyne, etc.

August 11.--Our neighbour of Faccatay sent me 2 hennse; and Tonsho Samma sent to envite me and the rest of our nation to dyner, but I exskewsed it till an other tyme. And Taccamon Dono sent his man to me to tell me that he had donne what he could to make peace betwixt our jurebasso Gorreson and his wife, but that shee would not in any sort retorne back unto hym, although she should suffer death; and that Bongo Donos wife had taken her under his protextion, and said he should not have her againe.

August 12.--I sent Capt. Adames 3 hense and 6 loves bread, he having written for charcole, lyme, and oyle for the junk, but could not be sent per meanes of the rayne.

Also I receved 2 letters from Langasaque from Jno. de Lievana and Jorge Durois, of the 19th and 20th currant, new stile, wherein they write me much news, viz., that Don Jno. de Silva hath a fleet of 15 gallions, 8 or 9 gallies, with many friggates and China somas, to transport an army of 3,000 souldiers to the Molucos against the Duch; and that 3 gallions came from Aguapulca to the Manillias with halfe a million of plate for the setting forward of those affares against the Hollanders; and that a new Viz Roy was sent to Goa, called Don Jeronimo de Torres, and knight of the order of St. Yago, and is likewaies ordayned governor of the Phillipinas, and carrieth 200 substantiall Spaniards with hym to Goa, amongst whome 1 is apointed for visitor, being well assisted with other Spaniardes, a thing never seen in the Portingall Indies before; and that no matter may passe but per his permission; and that he hath sent away Don Diego de Basconçelos, the former Viz Roy, in cheanes for Portingale till he be out of sight of land, and confiscat all his goodes, which vallued above 200,000 rialles of 8, because he denied to send succors the last yeare to Don Jno. de Silva to have gon against the Hollanders at Molucos, for which it is thought he will loose his head, yf he live to com into Portingale.

Many other matters they write me, as of the duble mariadg betwixt the princese of France and Spaine; and that the King of Spaine hath marid the Duke of Savoies daughter;[96] and that the said Duk was generall in an armado per sea aginst the Turke, where the Christians tooke 150 of the Turks gallis; and that the King of France hath made 12 new gallions and sent them to the sucker of his father in law, the King of Spaine, with such forcese, that they and the Archduke have taken 20 seale of Holland shipps which were prepared to goe for the East Indies, and also have taken 3 citties or townes from the Hollanders; but I esteeme this a fable, for this Holland ship now com for Firando came out of Holland but 14 moneths past.

Many other matters they wrot of, which is overlong to set downe, namely, that the Kinge of Spain was sending an embassador to the Emperour of Japon with a greate present, in respect of his favour to Christians. So it seemeth he did littell know how he hath formerly banished all Christians out of his dominions: I meane all fryres, monkes, jesuists, and pristes.

August 13.--I sent Mr. Nealson with our jurebassos to Taccamon Dono, to desire his Lordship that Goresonas wife might be forthcoming at the kinges retorne to Firando, to answer to what her husband would aleadg against her, for that her proceadinges were a dishonor both to hym and me; which he retorned me word was true, and that yf she had byn a man, as she was a woman, he would have taken an other course then that he had donne, for that in some sort women have more privelege then men.

And sowne after, Taccaman Donos man wrot a letter to Gorisan to com and speake with hym, which he did, and was per his masters order, whoe tould Goresano that he had better considered of the matter, and that, yf he would, he would make his wife retorne againe to hym, whether she would or no; or else, yf I would, he would cause her nose to be cut ofe and banish her out of the cuntrey. This new change is per reason that, yf this matter of his wife be brought in question before the king, the other of the sea bongew must be the lyke, which would be nothing to the lyking of Zanzabar and his rase, etc.

And after nowne the capten and masters of the 2 Duch shipps came to the English howse and brought me a present of 2 baricas of Spanish wine, 3 Hollands cheeses, 2 small potts of butter, and a bundell of stockfish.

And about midnight Mr. Eaton arived at Firando from Miaco, and, as he tells me, hath lent 100 bars of gould to the King of Firando, to be paid againe at 3 months; which is such a greefe unto me in respect of the presant use we have of money, that I know not what to doe. I did littell think Mr. Eaton would have served me so, I haveing written hym expresly to the contrary. Mr. Eaton sayeth the common report is that Fidaia Samme is yet living, with 5 or 6 other principall men, and thought to be in Shashma.

Mr. Eaton brought me 5 letters as followeth, viz., 1 from King of Firando, with 2 catabras, from Miaco; 1 from Ushenusque Dono, our bongew, from Miaco; 1 from our host of Osekey, Yasozama Amanoia Dono; 1 from Gilbert Cunings wife, from Edo; 1 from Andrea, Capt. Adams brother in law, from Edo. Mr. Eaton tills me how this Andrea and Mickmoy, our host, dealed Judasly with hym at Edo.

August 14.--Sugian Dono sent me a present of new rise, nifon catange.

August 15.--I receaved of Mr. Wm. Eaton, for goodes sould for my owne accompt in Japan, plate barse, fyve hundred threescore and nyne taies, one mas, and five condrines; and in plate barse, for acco. of the Wo^{ll} Company, one thousand two hundred and fiftie taies; and in Priaman gould, po. ten taies, I say ten taies wight Priaman gould, and is the rest of a greater som delivered unto hym at his going up to Osekey heretofore. And I gave hym a peece ashculler grogren of my owne, cost me 11½ tais, as also a paire of blew stockinges, cost me 3 taies. Jno. Yossen retorned from Langasaque, and sent me a present of grapes.

And I wrot a letter to Capt. Adames, of the knavery of Miguel, our jurebasso, how Judas like he dealt with Mr. Eaton at Edo, and since his coming still abcentes hym selfe night and day, thinking I will beare with his fooleries as well as Mr. Eaton did, which he did of meare necessitie, not knowing how to mend hym selfe. Yet I am in no such need, but meane to put away the knave for his knavery.

And I receaved a letter from Capt. Garrocho, dated in Langasaque, le 22th of this month, new stile, wher inclosed came an other for the China Capt. Alsoe he wrote me to buy a case of bottells, a lookinglas, and 2 Holland cheeses for hym, etc.

There was geven to the owner and master of the boate which brought downe Mr. Eaton two peces of white baftas of 10 R. per corge, in regard of the paines they tooke in bringing hym downe, etc.

And I sent a barell of wine and a bundell of paper to Gonosque Dono, and the lyke to Taccamon Dono, per Mr. Eaton newly returned from Miaco; which they tooke in good parte. And in the after nowne Semi Dono retorned from above, and sent his man to advise me therof (nifon catange). Soe I went to viset hym, in company of Mr. Wickham and Mr. Eaton, and carid him 2 barilles of morofack and 51 peces of drid bonita. Also I sent a barill of wyne and millions to Jno. Yoosen, per Mr. Eaton, in respect he holpe hym at Edo, his jurebasso playing the knave, viz., Miguel. He took it in good part, and envited me to breakfast the next morning with [hym]. Jno. Yoosens brother envited hym abord the greate shipp, and had 7 peces ordinance shot afe at his retorne ashore.

August 16.--Mr. Eaton and I went to diner to Jno. Yoosen, where we met Capt. Speck, Sr. Mattias, and the masters and capt. of the ships, with Jno. Yoosens brother. And at our retorne we found Mr. Wickham and Mr. Nealson a littell intostecated, but Ed. Sayer stark drunk; and he and Mr. Nealson fell together per the eares with daggers drowne in very wild sort, and Mr. Wickhams tong ran at large.

And Bongo Donos wife in his abcense sent me a present of millans.

And Jno. Goreson our jurebasso brought his wife to the English howse, where we made them good frends. And Lues Martin came to Firando.

August 17.--A Spaniard called Albaro Monues brought me a letter from Capt. Garrocho, with 14 onces of amber grees, which he wrot me cost hym 95 taies the catty, and esteemed it worth 110 taies the catty. But I retorned it back by the same bringer, as not being worth the price he wrot me it cost.

And I receved a jarr of conserves from George Durois, with 25 peares, which the China Capt., Andrea Dittis, took per way.

I was advised to send to Andrea, our host at Langasaque, to buy 5 or 600 gantes of shark oyle at the price of 100 taies the C., as he advised Capt. Adames he could have as much as we stood in need of. This I meane to doe to try conclutions, to see whether wordes and deeds are alyke.

August 18.--I went to Cochi to vizet Capt. Adames and see our junck work. Went forward and carid hym a bottell Spanish wyne, 2 hens, 1 duk, a pece pork, 8 loves bread and 6 millans, and returned to Firando to dyner, haveing invited Albaro Monues, whoe tould me the Duch mariners used hym ill yisterday in wordes, calling hym Cornudo, he being a marid man. Wherupon grew som quarrell, for which 4 or 5 Duch mariners were duckt at yard arme and each one 40 strips at capstayn.

Also the China Capt. retorned in our bark, the wind being still contrary, and, haveing given order along the cost to send our pilotes yf our ship came in sight, he went to Langasaque and staid halfe a day, and bringeth word that his brother tould hym that the common report amongst both Spaniards and Portingals was that now they took the English to be their enimis, as well as the Hollanders, and therfore would take all our shipps which traded into these partes of the world, etc. But I remember the ould proverb, that "God sends a curst cow short hornes".

I find on a sudden that Mr. Wickham grows very sullen humorous and, as I am informed, geveth out that he is not the Companies servant, but at will, and therfore will rather seek out for his retorne for England in some shiping from Langasaque to Syam or Pattania. I think the reason is that he hath fingerd 5 or 6 cattis of good amber grees in the Liqueas, and thinketh to make an India voyag for hym selfe, and to retorne Capt. or Generall for the Company at his pleasure. Once truly I, and I think all the rest of the English in these parts, desyre rather his rowme then company. He is turbulent.

August 19.--Taccamon Dono sent me a present of 8 hense. And I wrot a letter to Capt. Adames how the China Capt.'s brother had lent us 325 gantes of shark oyle, and therefore wished hym to send a man to Andrea, our host, to buy 4 or 500 gantes oyle at 10 tais per hundred gantes, as he enformed us their was enough to be had, to the entent we may pay what we owe and have to serve our turne. And I delivered fyftie taies plate bars to Mr. Nealson to lay out about charg of junck.

And Mr. Nealson paid Yaiemon Dono, our junk carpenter, forty 8 taies in plate of bars, and is in full payment for 170 plankes for the junck at 4 mas per peece; the rest, being 20 taies, was paid per hym before.

August 20.--I receved a letter from Capt. Adames from Cochi, dated this day, how a bark with Spaniards from Langasaque put into that roade and came from Mallia[97] in shiping. The[y] say Don Lues de Fashardo did fight with 20 seale of Hollanders bound for the East Indies, and hath sunk or taken 12 of them, and the rest escaped by flight. Also the[y] say the King of Spaine hath wars with the Turk, and that this news is come from Madrid in 6 months per way of New Spaine.

And, after all, the Spaniardes came to the English howse, viz., Miguel de Salinas, Capten Medina, and a Jerman called Marcus, with Alferis Tuerto and Lues Martin, and Albaro Monues accompanied them. They used many complementos and tould me of Don Lues Fachardos discomforting the Holand flete going for the East Indies, but after such a divers sort that I can scarce beleeve it to be true; as also that 4 sayle of English shipps were passed the Straites of Magilanus into the South Sea.

Capt. Speck sent for 10 bars tynne, poiz. 9 cattis 4 tay wight.

August 21.--I sent Capt. Adames a barill of singe,[98] 3 hense, and 6 loves of bread, with peares. And I wrot a letter to Andrea, our host at Langasaque, and sent it per a man called Miguel, an offecer of our junck apointed per Capt. Adames; and sent per hym one hundred and fiftie taies in plate of bars, to pay for such hempe, sayles, and canes, as Andrea had bought for junck before, and 800 gantos of oyle. Also I wrot to Jorge Durois how I had receved the milstones, a jar of conserve, and 25 peares, without letter; and desired hym to buy me an other jar conserve of sitrons or lemons.

And at night the Spaniardes envited them selves to our fro,[99] whom I entertayned in the best sort I could. Also Semidono had envited hym selfe to our fro before, but after sent me word he could not com, being sick of the sullens, because I would not lend hym money, being well experienced of his payment before.

August 22.--Semidone being necessitous and in cheefe office in the kinges abcense, and now demanding but 20 taies, I have, with generall consent, lent hym 20 taies, to be repaid at a month, as apeareth per his bill. And I delivered 50 taies, I say fiftie taies, to Mr. Nealson, to lay out in charges of junck; the 20 taies to Semidone being paid per Mr. Nelson.

Semidone came to our fro, accompanyed with Gonosque Dono and divers other caveleros, whome (as I think) I entertayned to content.

And Capt. Adames came from Cochi in a greate rage against my jurebasso, Jno. Goresano, saying he was the occation the carpenters went not to work upon our junck. But this I know was an untruth, and the master carpenter and Zanzabers knavery. And Capt. Adames scrivano or purcer of our junk retorned from Miaco. And towardes night Capt. Adames fell into an extreame fever, with vomiting, and could not make water, soe he went to Zanzabars to take phisick. God send him his health.

August 23.--Our scrivano of the junck tells me that Ogosho Samme sues to the Dyrio[100] to have the name of Quambaco,[101] which, as it should seeme, is as the names of Ceaser or Augustus amongst the Emperours of Rome, which is held an honor to all suckceadors. But he denied it till he know Fidaia Same is dead.

August 24.--We bought 17 cacas, or square postes, at 1 mas per peece, and 30 rownd postes, 2 for a mas, to send to Cochi, to make skaffolds to repare our junck.

I wrot an other letter to Capt. Speck, in Spanish, touching the retornyng of my slave Tome, he not haveing yet answerd my former, and sent this per Capt. Adames. But his agew took him againe, soe he delivered it not this day.

And there came a greate man of Crates to see our English howse, whome I entertayned in good sort.

August 25.--I delivered one hundred rialles of eight to Mr. Nealson to employ in stuffs with Duch marenars, whoe, as it should seeme, have mett with som prize per way, otherwaies they could not afford to sell soe good cheape.

Also this night past a sentenell was slayne in this towne, and thought Taccamon Donos men dyd it, yet no certentie.

And I delivered or paid to Mr. Wickham in plate of bars, paid per Mr. Nealson upon acco., his yearly wages or sallary, twentie taies.

Capt. Speck retorned my boy Tome hom, yet wrot me a pricking letter, to which I answered as apereth per coppie.

Sugen Donos father sent a present of peares, and envited hym selfe to our fro a day or tow hence. The China Capt. Andrea Dittis gave me a peece of Canton damask for the peece of Cochinchina silke I gave hym before. And the Japan feast of All Soles being com, the China Capt. afforsaid sent me a peece of Lankin damask for a present.

Mr. Nealson paid a smith for making 2 piculls neals for junck, 2 tais 5 mas.

Also ther was a pink culler, no. 85, and a primrose, no. 125, with 6 other remnantes broad cloth, measurd, as apereth per perticulers in the wast book; which broad cloth was retorned from Edo and Shrongo, and brought back per Mr. Wm. Eaton.

August 26.--I bought and paid for myselfe two javelen or speare heads, cost 8 mas and 8 condrins. And the China Capt., Andrea Dittis, bouth two tattames[102] and a halfe broad cloth, viz.:--

1¼ tat., cynamond culler, no. 125, at 12ta. tatt.,

ta. ma. con. amontes 15 0 0

1¼ tat., sad bleu, no. 98, at 12ta. tatt. 15 0 0

Migell jurebassos wife brought me a present of 3 hense, 20 egges, and pearse.

August 27.--This day at night all the streetes were hanged with lantarns, and the pagons vizeted all ther futtaquis[103] and places of buriall with lantarns and lampes, inviting their dead frendes to com and eate with them, and so remeaned till midnight; and then each one retorned to ther howses, having left rise, wine, and other viands at the graves for dead men to banquet of in their abcense, and in their howse made the lyke banquet, leving parte on an altor for their dead frendes and kindred. This feast lasteth 3 daies; but to morrow is the solomest fast day.

August 28.--Our ould jurebasso, Jno. Japon, groing in to poverty per his folly and lewd expences, came this day seeking new entertaynment; but we had no need of hym.

August 29.--I wrot a letter to Capt. Adames how his scrivano tould me our carpenters said they would not work a stroake on the junk, except I gave them a bill of my hand to pay them as they were paid the last yeare; which I think is a trampo[104] of the Duch to get our carpenters from us to serve their owne turnes, they now pretending to set out their rotten junk for to carry provition to the Molocas. So I willed Capt. Adames to content them with bill or what else, so our busynes may goe forward; and with all advised hym that two Englishmen might be spared to assist hym in looking to those Japons, we lying 4 or 5 of us idell heare, for that the Worll. Company would condem us for lying idell and to suffer strangers to look to ther busynes.

And I receved a letter from Capt. Garrocho, of the 2th Sept., new stile, wherin he advised me of the recept of former matters sent, and to buy hym a jar Spanish wyne. Also I receved an other letter from Alvaro Monos, with a present of 10 water millons, 10 wreathes of bread, and a basket of grapes, with offers of much frendship.

I understand that the Hollanders have offred Damian Marines to goe master in their junk for the Molucos; but I know not whether he will accept of it or no. But they have emploid hym to provid biskit for them.

And about midnight I had news that an English shipp was on this cost, and that 2 daies past she was som 20 Japan leagues from Goto, where 5 Japans were left abord to pilot her for Firando. So, hereupon, I sent out our pinis with Mr. Wm. Eaton in her, the Capt. China accompanying hym, to meet them, and sent them 2 barills wyne, 50 loves bread, 2 hoggs, 12 hense, 2 duckes, 10 water millans, and a baskit of pearse; and wrot a letter to Capt. Adames of the newse.

August 30.--I sent our jurebasso to advise Semi Dono, Taccamon Dono, Oyen Dono, and Gonosque Dono, of the newes our ship was without the harbour neare Goto; of which it seemed they were glad, and sowne after sent their men to congratulate or rejoyce with me.

And I receved a letter from Jorge Durois, dated in Langasaque, 7th of September, new stile, with a jar of conserve of citrones, bought and cost 5 taies; also an other jarr conserve which he sent me for a present, and 70 candells which cost one taies. And the man I sent to buy oyle retorned from Langasaque, and brought but 241 gantes oyle, which cost 12½ mas per ten gantes; but could get no more at prise, and so retorned the rest money back. Yet Jorge Durois writes me a Portingal hath a good quantety to sell. So I must now send this foole back againe with the money.

Also I receved a letter from the bongew of Goto, wherin he advised me of our ships being neare unto Goto, and that he had put 3 or 4 men in to her to pilot her to Firando. And towardes night Capt. Adames wrot me a letter from Cochi how they had discovered the shipp to be within 4 leagues, and that he imagined she would be at Cochi this tide.

And I wrot a letter to Jorge Durois in answer of his rec. this day, willing hym to buy me 700 gantes of oyle.

August 31.--I caused store of boates to goe out to tow in our shipp, and wrote a letter to the capt. per Mr. Ed. Sayer, dowbting Mr. Eaton hath missed of them. But sowne after our bote retorned and the Capt. China in her with a letter from Mr. Eaton, how the ship was at an ancor 3 or 4 leagues from Firando, and that the shipps name was called the Hoziander, the capt. or Cape merchantes name, Mr. Raphe Copingall. So I retorned forthwith per the the said bark and went abord, where I receved these letters following, viz.:--

1 generall coppy of a letter from Worshipfull Company. 1 coppy of theirs in perticuler to Capt. Jurdain, Bantam. 1 from Capt. Jourden in Bantam, 15th Aprill, 1615. 1 from Mr. Westbie in Bantam, 10th ditto. 1 from Jno. Beamond in Bantam, ditto 10th. 1 from Harnando Ximenes in Bantam, le 9th ditto. 1 from Mr. Adam Denton in Pattania, le 5th July. 1 from Generall Saris at Souldania, 1st June, 1614. 1 from Sr. Thomas Smith in London, 30th November, 1613. 1 from Sr. Thomas Smith in London, 26th Aprill, 1614. 1 from my brother Walter Cocks in London, 6th Aprill, 1614.

And Mr. Raphe Copendall came ashore with an other yong man called Jno. Osterwick; but the wind was soe extreame that all the barks were forced to retorne and leave the shipp riding at ancor.

It apeareth per the Worshipfull Companys letters that all the voyages now are put into one generall company in adventure. God be praised for it. And as Capt. Copendall tells me, their is an other company made to adventure 120,000 l. str. per ano. for 4 yeares ensuing, but to what places not openly knowne; and that a seale great English shipps weare entred into the straites of Magelanus, but for what entent not knowne.

September 1.--I rec. a letter from Chubio Dono, wherin he wrot me much cumplimento, and sent an other as from the Emperour to Capt. Adams, that he should forth with com up to the Emperour. What the reason should be I know not; yet I suspect it was a plot laid before by Capt. Adames hym selfe and the Duch, to the entent he might goe up to serve their turnes; and truly I esteem he loveth them much better then us that are of his owne nation; or else it may be that he seeketh occation to get the Emperour to comand hym to stay and not to procead forward on the Syam voyag, his tyme of service to the Company being out within 2 months. Once the end will shew what is the occation. But Capt. Adames hym selfe esteemeth it is to enquire of hym about a fortresse newly built at the Liqueas, unto which place it was thought Fidaia Samme would retire after his losse of Osekey.

Capt. Speck came to English howse, being ready to go up to Miaco.

September 2.--I got barks to goe out to tow our shipp into harbor, yf it were possible, much fearing a tuffon; and Capt. Copendall and Mr. Eaton went aboard to hasten matters forward and, yf the shipp came not in, to bring aland our Cambaia cloth and other comodetis, to the entent to lay out the present for the Emperor, and make as much hast as we can, not to be overlong behinde the Hollanders. But the wind proving so hard, we could nether get ship into harbor nor bring goods ashore, Capt. Copendall and Mr. Eaton remeanyng all night abord. God send us wether to bring her in this dangerous tyme of the yeare.

We looked out for a bark to goe up in to the Emperour, but could find non but ould rotten ons, all being above with the king but one which the Hollanders had gotten before we asked. So we sent to Sanguro Dono, Foins sonne, som 4 or 5 leagues hence, to borrowe a bark of his.

September 3.--I got barkes to goe out againe to tow ship into harbour, yf it remeaned calme, or else to bring good ashore; but the wind was so stiffe all day that they could doe nothing.

And I wrot a letter to Mr. Jno. Hunt to send his carpenter to tell what plank and tymber he needed to sheath and repare the Hoziander; and withall sent hym a pig, 6 hense, 10 loves of bread, with peares, redish, cowcombers, and bell engenios.

And I wrot a letter and sent a present to the bongew of Goto for puting pilot abord and sending me word therof. So the present was, viz.:--

1 pec. of white baftas of nyne Rs. corg. 1 pec. blak bafta died, at 9 Rs. corg. 1 pec. duttis of 10 Rs. per corg. 1 pec. blue byram of 10 Rs. per corg. 1 pec. red zelas of 12 Rs. per corg.

And the master of the bark which brought downe Mr. Eaton came from Langasaque and brought me a present of pearse, and offerd to bring his bark hither, yf I had need to fraight her. And about mid night Capt. Adams went out in a bark abord the Hozeander with many other barks to tow her in, we fearing a tuffon. And Capt. Copendall brought 2 bras vessells of quicksilver ashore out of the Hozeander.

September 4.--About 9 a clock the Hoziander came to an ancor in the harbor of Firando, being towed in with boates, and shot ofe ii peces ordinance; and the Duch answered them with two peeces out of the howse, and 5 out of the greate ship. And Capt. Speck with other merchant came abord her, he being ready to departe for Miaco: and he presently did, and had 3 peces ordinance for a farewell, and we the lyke when we retorned ashore. And they shot 3 peces more after out of the Duch howse.

And I made Tushma, my boy, a new kerimon of damask of Canton, with a cloake or gaberdyn of stript taffete. And Mr. Nealson paid 3 taies to Toma, the boy, and 3 taies to Jno. Moure the boy, upon reconyng of ther wages at 1 tay per peece per month. And I delivered 50 taies, I say 50 taies, plate bars to Mr. Nealson; and he paid 10 taies lyke plate to pilottes that brought our ship the Hozeander from Goto to Firando. And we receaved ashore this day out of the Hoziander 4 chistes guns or fowling peces, also two fardelles stile, containing 166 gads,[105] with 4 fardles cloth Choromandell.

September 5.--We set carpenters a work to make chistes to carry up our goods, and laborers to make mat sackes to put our peper in.

Also the China Capt., Andrea Dittis, retorned from Langasaque and brought me a present of a blew peece of damask from his brother Capt. Whaw, and gave me an other hym selfe with an embrawdred velvet cushin. And Jorge Durois sent me 2 hampers containing 5 peces wroght black velvet, 9 peces black taffeties, and 24 peces sattens, wroght and plane, as also three pere silk stockings, and 1 peare thrid as per adviz. And Ushenusque Dono, our ould bongew, sent me a present of frute, and came hym selfe and viseted me, offring his service to goe up in our bark as before, if need weare.

Also we had newse the king of this place was within 13 leagues and would be heare to morrow. Yet I was secretly enformed by a frend that he is in towne, secretly com in, and ment to retorne out to his barks to morrow, and so to enter at pleasure. Soe we gave order to our ship to sute offe her ordenance as he past by, being determend to goe out to meete hym. It is said that the King of Shashma is lykwais retorned to his contrey per the Emperours permition; soe it is thought som exploit is in hand.

Also the China Capt. tells me that Damian Marin and Jno. de Lievana are taken prisoners and carid abord the greate shipp, and is in despite of the service they did to the English.

Capt. Speck departed towardes Miaco, and had 2 vollers small shot out of the Jaccatra and 5 peces ordinance out of their greate ship, and charged againe and gave 3.

September 6.--We laded most part of our goodes abord a bark, to goe for Miaco, Capt. Copingdell going up with Capt. Adames and Mr. Wickham. The perticulers goodes appeare per invoiz.

And som 2 howrs before day littell Antony the bongew came and advized me how the king was arived, and was glad our English shipp was in saffety in the port, and desired that yf we shot offe any ordinance, that it might be doone when he was landed or had sett foote ashore.

The botswen, the guner, and the carpenter misused the master, offring to have let malefactors out of prison which were punished per the master.

September 7.--Very early in the mornyng the king entred into Firando, and the Duch shot ofe 3 small peces ordinance as he passed by, out of the howse, and 20 peces ordinance out of the greate ship, and 6 out of the small, with 2 volle of small shot out of each ship. And our shipp, the Hozeander, shot affe 11 peces ordinance. And sowne after I sent our jurebasso to Oyen Sono, to desyre hym to exskews me towardes the king, for that I came not to kisse his handes in respect I thought he was awery of his voyage per sea. He said he would adviz the king thereof, and that I had reason in not coming, for that he was overweryed.

I delivered 50 taies to Mr. Nealson, and one hundred and fiftie to Mr. Wickham in part of his cargezon, and 50 taies to Capten Copendall. And Mr. Wickham had a peece fine black taffete, cost me 29 mas. And Andrea Dittis, the China Capt., brought back a bar of Oban gould, sent his brother before to geve to a god child, but now retorned, and poz. fyftie and five taies.

And Tono Samme, the king, sent for me to com and speake with hym; which I did, accompanid with Capt. Copendall. He tould me that Shongo Samme was gon for Edo before he came away, and that he thought the ould Emperour was gone for Shrongo before this tyme. Soe he offerd me his letters of favour to Codskin Dono and Safian Dono, because (as he said) the Spaniardes and Portingals were rejected and not suffred to com in the Emperours presence, nether would he vouchsafe to receve any present they sent hym. Also he said that he thought this junck which the Hollanders had taken was good prise, because they had not the Emperours passe; and therefore he would not meddell in the matter.

I could not forget to note downe how Mr. Hunt, the master of the Hozeander, fell out with Roland Thomas, the purcer. Soe they went together by the eares. I condeme them both very much; but surely they were drunk, espetially the master, and I think he is crazed in his witts.

I wrot a letter to Gon Rock Dono, how the Portingals had taken Damian Marin and Jno. de Lievana prisoners abord there great ship at Langasaque, desiring restetution of them, or else I would complaine to the Emperour.

September 8.--I delivered 50 taies plate bars to Mr. Eaton, and is parte of money sent in cargezon, Mr. Wickham having 150 tais before. And I delivered the invoiz or cargezon of goodes sent up into the custody of Mr. Ric. Wickham and Mr. Wm. Eaton, to accompany Capt. Raphe Copendall, to goe up to the Emperour with a present and other goodes to sell, Mr. Wm. Adames accompanying them; Mr. Wickham and Miguell jurebasso to goe for Edo, and Mr. Eaton and Tome to remeane at Miaco or Osekey. And I would not want to note downe that we had much a dow this day about the masters faling out with the purcer, all the shipps company being against the purcer; the master aledging he followed hym and sett upon hym unawares at advantage, and took two gould ringes from hym, and threw hym downe a hill, and thowght to have stobd hym with his owne knife, haveing taken it from hym per force. Out of dowbt this Roland Thomas is an idell braned foolish fellow.

I paid per Co Juan 5 mas for a hat I gave formerly to Sangero Samma, ould Foynes sonne, few daies past. And I receved two hundred Rialles of eight back from Mr. Wickham of money delivered hym in Syam voyage, so that 100 Rs. remeanes yet in his handes.

I wrot a letter to Gonrock Dono about the taking prisoners of Damian Marin and Jno. de Lievano, desiring hym to procure their liberty, for that they belong to our junck, and therefore have nothing to doe nether with Spaniard nor Portingall, whom I hould noe justices in Japon.

September 9.--I wrot two letters to Jorge Durois and Capt. Garrocho, in answer of theirs of the 7th and 12th September, as also advising them I would geve knowledg to the Emperour how the Portingalles had taken Damian Marin and Jno. de Lievana prisoners, they being our servantes, and I had advised the lyke to Gonrock Dono per letter yisterday. These 2 letters I sent per conveance of Capt. China. Also I delivered one hundred taies plate bars to Mr. Nealson, to lay out for the needfull.

The king sent 2 barelles morofack, 6 bundells drid cuttell fish, and a hogg, for a present to Capt. Copendall before he went up. And Semidone sent to me for a bottell of Spanish wyne, which I sent hym out of that littell the Hollanders gave me. And Capt. Copendall had 2 pottes of sweet meates of ginger, citrons, and oringes, etc.

September 10.--Semidone sent for som sweet meates, haveing invited the king. Soe I sent hym of 3 severall sortes. Thus these noble men use to doe in these partes.

Capt. Copindall had with hym up 2 sivell (sic) spownes, 2 silver forkes, and 1 silver salt and cover of Companis, with 2 littell silver boles lyke halfe grapes of my owne.

Capt. Adames now came and tould me how we want above 1,000 cattis of ould net to calk our junk with all. Out of dowbt his skrivano is a false knave; yet I may not say soe to Capt. Adames, for then all the fatt would be in the fire.

And ther was 2 baggs peper sould to Skidayn Dono, to pay as rest is sould, poz. 131 cattis nett.

I wrot two letters to Jno. de Lievana, 1 per a Japon, and the other enclosed to Gonrock Dono, both to one effect, that I will use the best meanes I can to procure their libertis, I meane Damian Marins and his, or else will mak it known to the Emperour.

September 11.--Capt. Copendall, Capt. Adames, and Mr. Wickham, and Mr. Eaton departed from Firando this mornyng towards Miaco; and ther was 11 peces ordinance shot affe for a farewell. But, as we were at dyner, ther came a letter to me from Capten Copendall, wherin he wrot me that Capt. Adames was gon before and would not stay for them, and that their bark was so pestred that it was ready to sinck. Whereupon he wrot me to send them an other bark to lighten them, which I did with all expedition; and per Mr. Rowland Thomas, the bringer of this letter, I sent hym, viz., 2 cases bottells of his owne with Spanish wyne, 2 barrelles morefack, 40 loves bread, 1 great kitesoll, 1 bras candellstick. And I wrot an other letter to Capt. Copendall per the bark, advising how I understood Migell jurebasso had in speeches misused a man of Gonrock Donos, whome went passenger in the bark.

Also I sent my Turkish History per the bearer of this letter to Capt. Cop., to passe away the tyme per the way.

September 12.--We landed yisternight and this day all the cables and cordage of Hoziander in our yord under a shed. And wee receved peper ashore yisterday in 4 boates, and this day 218 bagges peper in cloth sacks made.

Also Soyemon Dono sent a present of 2 pewter cups and 10 Japon sequanseques (or dishes), looking for greater matters, which needes must be retorned to hym and others which are in place.

And towards night our carpenters that wrought upon the junck came to Firando from Cochi, to-morrow being a festivall day, as also to receave more rise. I find Gingro, Capt. Adames scrivano, left to look to our workmen, to be but an eypleasing prowd knave. They thought to have pickt a quarrell to fall out, yet I gave them content.

September 13.--Yaimon Dono, the master ship carpenter, brought me a present of pears, and, in the end of many complementall speeches, took exceptions that land carpenters were sett to work abord our shipp. I answerd hym, he and others were occation thereof, in using me out of reason heretofore and making me to pay them what they list, etc.

And we carid Tome Samme, the King of Firando, a present as followeth, viz.:--

1 pec. black wrought velvet, cost 020 0 0 3 pec. grogren. 10 pec. whit baftas, at 20 Rs. corge 008 0 0 10 pec. red zelas of 12 Rs. corg. 004 8 0 10 pec. blew byrams of 15 Rs. corg. 006 0 0 10 pec. chint Amad of 20 Rs. corg. 008 0 0 10 pec. cours tapis of 04¾ Rs. corg. 001 9 0 10 pec. chader pintado of 09 Rs. corge 003 6 0 4 cakes wax 5 bags peper 2 sows lead 1 damaskt gun 1 chast gun 10 knyves

September 14.--The King of Firando compassed in most parte of the harbor with nettes and hedges to ketch fish to morrow; and sent me word to com and drink with hym to night, which I exskewsed till to morrow mornyng.

And towardes night Mr. Jno. Huntt, the master of the Hoziander, came and tould me that 2 of the shipps company had byn abcent 2 daies, viz., one Doughtie, a quarter master, and an other called Wadden, a rich mans sonne of Plymouth, whome is fownd to be a very cheater. And at very instant I had notis of Doughtie, where he was drunken in a howse; soe I took hym and sent hym abord with a letter to the master, etc.

The master sent me word that one Piter Waddon was ashore and had byn the lyke 2 daies and nightes together, and that he had stolne and pawnd his companions aparell, and laid it to pawne in whorehowses, and was gon upon the score in divers howses, and determened to run away to som other place. So I laid out to look for hym.

September 15.--The walle or neting the king caused to be made to fish was borne downe in the night with the force of the tide, etc.

I went betyme in the mornyng to vizet the king, accompanid with Mr. Ed. Sayer, Mr. Jno. Osterwick, and Mr. Jones the chirurgion. He entertayned us kindly; and so we retorned.

Also we sent 18 piculles cattis net abord the junk at Cochi, with iron and sacks charcoll. And there was bought of Andrea, the China Capt., and his brother Whaw foure cattis musk, being in 86 codds, cost twelve taies per catty in China; and so let us have it to pay in Rialles of eight 60 R.

And I bought and paid for 4 peare lether pomps, and 3 peare velvett pantables[106] two taies to a China shewmaker.

And in the after nowne the king and all his nobles came a fishing before our dore, haveing laid duble nettes fist cres[107] over the haven at a hie water. I made ready 2 pigs, 2 ducks, 2 hense, and a loyne pork, all rosted, with a banket sweetmeates, enviting them ashore, but fownd them unwilling; and soe carid it abord the kinges boate, where they did eate what they pleased. And soe they departed along by our shipp, where they had 7 peces ordinance shot affe at their landinge.

And, in my abcense, a fello came with a letter from Jorge Durois and a peare silk stocking (as he said); but standing gaping at the fishermen, a knave stole both stockinges and letter from hym, or else, as som craftie knaves doe, did rob hymselfe, etc.

September 16.--I wrot a letter to Jorge Durois of loosinge his letter and stockinges. And I gave my peare knives to the China Capt. to send to his brother (or rather kinsman) in China, upon hope trade; as also he had 4 looking glasses for same purpose, bought of Duch, and 4 pec. chowters[108] of 20 Rs. per corg., with knyves; and it is thought fit to geve 50 Rs. 8 to the man which carrieth the letter, to pay his charges per way, and to send a greate gould ring of myne with a white amatist in it, cost me 5 ll. str. in France. This ring to be sent to one of these 2 men, named Ticham Shofno, an euenuke. God grant all may com to good effect. Amen. Amen. Also 2 ivery son dialles, cumpas lyke, delivered hym.

September 17.--We carrid a present to Genshe Samme, the kinges brother, as followeth, viz.:--

ta. 1 damaskt peece, cost 05 0 0 5 pec. white baftas, cost 04 0 0 5 pec. chint, cost 04 0 0 1 peec. wrought satten.

I thought to have carid presentes to Takkaman Dono and Semi Dono, but they were gon out of the towne to their lands to meete the king in his progresse, he now going to vizet his cheefe placesse, being his grandfather dying, he is soly com to governe, and had noe tyme to doe it till now by meanes of Japan warse. I must of necessety please this Takkamon Dono and Semi Dono, because I expect to procure 2 chawnes (or howses) to build gadongs upon neare our English howse.

And I went to Oyen Dono, the kings secretary or governor, and carid hym a present of--

1 pec. rich wrought taaffety. 5 pec. white baftas of 20 Rs., cost 4 0 0 5 pec. chint Amad of 20 Rs. corg., cost 4 0 0 5 knives.

He tould me he would assist us in getting these chawnes, althought it displaced men that paid daylie tribute to the king, it being in the hart of the towne, and therefore gave me counsell to get Taccamon Dono and Semi Dono to frendes; but hereafter, when our busynes was well setled, then not to geve giftes to any one but to the kinge. This was his counsell, etc. He also adviced me to envite the king to dyner at his retorne back, for that yet he was not invited since we came into Japan.

Their came a Portingall prisoner to the English howse, in company of Hollanders, haveing lycense to walk abroad. He was taken per the Hollanders in this junk, and is the 5th tyme they have taken hym at sea.

September 18.--Jno. Gorezan, our jurebasso, fell out with Andrea Dittis, the China Capt. This jurebasso hath a fowle tong and falleth out with all men, and the China Capt. was overmuch hasty, etc.

September 19.--Sugian Dono came and brought me a present of 2 baggs sweet powlder to lay amongst aparell, and said they were geven hym per the kinge and formerly geven to the king per the Emperour.

September 21.--Ther was sould and delivered to Tome Dono, our next neighbour, 1 logg leade, delivered to hym, containing 225 catts, to pay as rest are sould. The China Capt., Andrea Dittis, went for Goto this mornyng, to meete Capt. Whaw his brother, to send away a small soma for China about our pretended and hopefull procuring trade into China, which God, of his mercy, grant may take effect, etc.

September 22.--We receved 18 sows lead ashore at English howse, containing 4,250 cattis Japan wight.

And ther was 3 presentes sent as followeth, viz.:--

To Soyemon Dono. the Kinges receaver,

ta. 1 pec. satten, cost 6 0 0 3 peec. white baftas, cost of 20 Rs. 5 knyves.

And to littell Ontony, alis Sifian Dono,

5 pec. white baftas of 20 Rs. corg. 5 knyves.

And to Sugean Dono 1 damaskt peec. (or gun).

And we receaved 18 sows leade more ashore, which way 4,115 cattis.

September 23.--We receaved 64 sows lead more ashore, which is the rest of 120 sows sent per Hoziander, which 64 sows poiz 14,649 catts, whereof 1 sow of 202 cattis was retorned back for ships provition.

And I went to Cochi to see how our junck work went forward, being accompanid with Mr. Huntt, whoe lyked reasonably well of their work, only thought them laysie, as all men else doe. But it is the cuntry fation, etc. We carid 2 barills wyne, with 2½ mas in fish, and 10 loves of bread.

And I receaved a letter from Gonrock Dono, dated in Langasaque 9 dais past, wherein he answerd me tuching myne sent about Damian, that he was in prison for misdemenor, the capt. of the Portingall shipp haveing taken hym as a man nothing apertenyng to me nor our English nation.

Nobesane retorned this day from Miaco and sent me word thereof, and that the Emperour was gon for Edo before he came from Miaco; for which I am sory, for that Capt. Coppendalls jorney will be longe.

September 24.--I wrot a letter Capt. Adames to make knowne to the Emperour how the Portingalls have taken Damian Marin and Jno. de Lievana prisoners; or, in his abcense, Mr. Richard Wickham, to procure in all he may to geve the Emperour or the King of Edo notis thereof. This letter is directed to Mr. Wm. Eaton at Osekay or Miaco, in abcense of Capt. Adames, to send after hym, first having taken coppie thereof. Also I sent 2 other letters to Gonrock Dono and Martin de Guinia, capt. more of the Amacau ship.

September 25.--We receaved all rest wax ashore, but not wayd. I sent another letter to Damian, enclosed to his host, with an other to his host in Japon, in answer of his.

Yosque our butlers wife was brought to bed of a boy.

We sent a present to Bungo Dono, as followeth:--

5 pec. white baftas of 11 Rs. per corg. 5 pec. chint Amad of 15 Rs. per corg. 1 damaskt gun or peec.

Magdalina Marias daughter paid me two taies I lent her a yeare past, and I gave it to Matinga.

And ther was geven in present to Genemon Dono, the Admerall, 5 pec. baftas, and 5 knyvs.

We receaved aland at English howse 100 2 inche planck of Skidayon Dono; and we brought the Hoziander to a key (or wharfe), and put all her ordinance ashore, to bring her aground to trym or sheath to morrow mornyng, God willing. And within night littell Antony, allis Sifian Dono, sent me worde the king was retorned to Firando.

September 26.--I wrot a letter to Jorge Durois, to have a reconyng of velvettes, sattens, and other matters, as of Jorge the Caffro and the 100 tais retorned I lent hym.

And Semidone sent me a hanch of venison. I went and viseted Semidone and Tackamon Dono, and carid eache of them a present as followeth, viz.: 1 chast peec., 5 pec. white baftas, 5 pec. chint.

And I receaved a letter from Jorge Durois, dated in Langasaque, 1th of October, new stile, wherin he advised me how the Spaniardes had taken Damian Marin and Jno. de Lievana prisoners, saying they were bownd to serve the King of Spaine, and that they gave it out they would take hym prisoner because he was frend to us and the Hollanders.

We unladed all the Hozeanders ordinance ashore, and brought her agrownd before the English howse to sheath her.

And Sayemon Dono sent me word that one of the kinges men was now com from Miaco, and mett Capt. Adames and our people at Osekey, and that the Emperour was departed towardes Shronge 2 daies before they arived. But mens words are so divers that I know not what to beleeve, espetially because I receave noe letter. I receaved a complementall letter from our hostis at Tomo.

September 27.--I invited the King of Firando and his nobles to dyner to the English howse on Munday next; but he sent me word it might better be on Sonday, for that he expected the King of Crates one Munday. And I sent a boate expres to Langasaque to buy things necessary, and sent 12 taies plate per hym which went, and wrot Jorge Durois to assist hym, and to send me 2 jars or pottes conserve. And sent 2 Hollandes chises to Jorge and Bartolemew de la Rocha. Also I sent to procure the kinges letter to Gonrock Dono about the setting free of Damian and Juan, which he granted me, and sent it away per one of his owne servantes to Langasaque, as he promised me he would.

September 28.--The 2 carpenters and on master carpenter, the master mate, fell sick, and were brought ashore to the English howse.

And, finding the king had not sent his letter to Gonrok Dono yisterday (as he promised me), I sent Ed. Sayer with it expres, and agreed with a boate and 7 men for the voyag for 6 ta. 4 ma. And sent a present to Gonrok Dono:--

ta. ma. co. 2 damaskt fowling pec., cost 10 ta. 10 0 0 5 pec. white baftas of 20 Rs. corg., is 04 0 0 5 pec. tapis Suras of 5 pec. chint Amad of 15 Rs. corg. 03 0 0 5 pec. blew byrams of 15 Rs. corg., is 03 0 0 5 pec. red zelas of 12 Rs. corg., is 02 4 0 5 pec. buckshaws

This present is sent to hym as cheefe bongew of all goodes brought into Firando, Langasaque, or any of these partes of Japon.

The Duch envited the King of Firando abord their ship, and gave hym 3 pec. ordinance for a wellcom at entrance and 5 or 6 for healthes and 15 out of both shipps at his going ashore. And a Duch marener, in charging a peece that was honycombd, had his hand shott offe and his face all batterd. Soe our chirurgion was sent for to assist the Duch chirurgion to save the man, yf it were possible.

September 29.--I receaved 4 letters, viz., 1 from Capt. Raphe Coppendall, 1 from Capt. Wm. Adames, 1 from Mr. Richard Wickham, 1 from Mr. Wm. Eaton, all dated in Ushmando, 40 leags short of Osekay, the 19th of this present month of September, where they were wetherbound, yet heard of the Duch or Hollanders arivall theare 4 daies before the date thereof, and that as then the Emperour was at Miaco, and thought would stay till the end of this month. Also Mr. Eaton wrot that they had news of Mr. Jno. Gurneis death at Syam with one Jno. Dench, and that Mr. Lucas Antonison was gon for Pattania or Bantam, and Mr. Shipard left cheefe at Syam. This was tould to our trumpeter by a Japon that is com from Syam, who served in the English howse at Syam.

Taccamon Dono sent me word that I might buy the China womans howse and make a gedong in the place at my pleasure.

September 30.--We sent a present to Sangero Samme that lent us a bark to carry our goodes to Osekey:--

ta. ma. co. 1 damaskt fowling peece, cost 5 0 0 1 pec. alleia[109] of 30 Rs. is 1 2 0 2 pec. tapis Suras

October 1.--Taccamon Dono sent me a dish of fresh fish, 1 of fresh water. The kinges smiths house was set on fyre this night by the neglegence of his servantes, but sowne quenched. Yet his dores were shutt up by order from the king, because they looked no better to matters; it being stricktly looked unto, and they banished or put to death that have their howses burned.

In the after nowne the boate I sent to Langasaque, to buy provitions to envite the king to dyner, retorned and brought that she went for, with 2 jarrs conserves from Jorge, brought for me. And Susanna, his wife, sent me a box of conserves, with a baskit of peares and an other of figges, and a small box of conservs for China Capts. doughter, which I sent unto her. Jorge letter was dated in Langasaque le 9th of October, new stile, in which he advised me that Damian Marin and Jno. de Lievana were taken prisoners per meanes of Capt. Gorrocho, which truly I doe beleeve.

October 2.--Thomas Davis, the carpenter, died this mornyng at break of day of the small-pox, he being choaked with them.

I envited the king with his 2 brothers and Nobesane, Semedone, Sangrasame, Taccaman Dono, Sugean Dono, and 5 other cavelleros to beare them company at the kinges choise. They dyned after the Japan manner, and supped after the English. And, as he was at supper, word came that the King of Crates was arived; which made hym to make short, and soe went to meet hym at landing. Soe the great Holland shipp shot afe 3 peces ordinance as he passed by, and the littell shipp 3 other at his landing. Soe after he sent me word of his arivall, and envited hym selfe to our fro to morrow in the afternowne.

I understood Peter Wadden went 3 tymes over the walle in the night; soe I turned hym abord againe. He is a graseles fello and unlykly to amend.

October 3.--The King of Firando sent me a buck, knowing the King of Crates cam to supper, and gave me many thankes for his kind entertaynment yisterday. And after nowne the King of Crates came according as he said, being accompanid with the King of Firando and 3 other noble men of Crates. Unto whom I gave the best entertaynment I could and to their owne contentes. And after, they went abord the great Holland shipp, and at retorne ashore had 6 peces ordinance shot out of her and 3 peeces out of the littell shipp.

And towardes night 2 Hollander mariners which had comited som falt were laid out for having byn abcent 2 or 3 daies from shipp; and 1 of them came to the English howse, desiring me on his knees to get his pardon. Soe I wrot a word to the capt., and sent our chirurgion along with hym. And they were no sooner gon but others brought the other Duchman, and he desird the lyke favor of me; but, whiles I was writing the letter, he gave them that kept hym the slip and soe escaped for the tyme.

The King of Crates gave me a present of 2 langanacks[110] and a cattan, and desird to see the experience of a fyry arrow shot out of a slurbo[111] and a burnyng pike; which is referd till his retorne from a province of his which he is now bownd to vizet.

October 4.--The King of Crates departed from Firando this mornyng, and the great Holland ship shot afe 3 peeces of ordinance as he passed by them.

And I receaved a letter from Ed. Sayer, dated in Langasaque, le 30th of Septembr, how he had delivered the present to Gonrock Dono with the letters, and that he willed hym to stay 2 daies, and he would use his endevor for us in what he could. And I wrot 2 letters to Jorge Durois and Capt. Garocho.

And upon councell of frendes, haveing remeander of things bought for inviting the 2 kinges, I invited to dyner to morow 9 cavaleros, viz., Gonosco Dono, Unagense Dono, Matasabra Dono, Oyen Dono, Toresamon Dono, Soyemon Dono, Shosque Dono, Otonagen Dono, Sifian Dono. I had thought to have envited Ushenusque Dono, our bongew, and the kinges secretary, but they were out of towne.

October 5.--The China Capt., Andrea Dittis, retorned to Firando from Goto, and brought me back a gould ring, delivered hym the 17th September last, to have byn sent for a present to an euenuke in China, valued as it cost 5 l. str.; but, upon better consideration, not haveing two ringes, and 2 principall men emploied about the affares, they thought it best to buy 4 cattans or Japan sables, and to send 2 to eache one. Also the China Capt. gave me a musk cod for a present, and was sent from a China unknown unto me. And he doth assure me on his life that our pretence to gett trade into China cannot chuse but com to good effect; which God grant.

The cavaleros envited to dyner came, being 8 in number, as apeareth on the other side. And as they were at it, Bongo Sammes adopted sonne (which is the kinges youngest brother) came by, and they called hym in, and after departed all content.

Gonosquo Dono brought a present of 10 bundells Japan paper.

October 6.--We bought our next neighbors chowne, or howse place, to the northwardes, to pay 40 tais for it, and she to carry away the howse, but geve it out we pay but 25 taies for it, she being far in debt and therfore the money seazed upon. The other 15 taies she hath secretly, to mentayn her and her children. Also Mr. Nealson paid the scrivano of the junk 60 taies 4 mas plate bars, for to pay carpenters and mareners; and sent 150 bags lyme to Cochi. And I delivered 40 R. 8 to China Capt. to buy, or rather garnish, 4 cattans, to send into China. Allso I delivered hym 4 mas wight Priaman gould for same purpose.

And I delivered one hundred taies plate bars to Mr. Nealson. Also Mr. Nealson paid sixteen taies plate to China Capt., viz., 12 taies in bars for blads, and 4 taies in small plate of workmanshipp.

October 7.--The China Capt., Andrea Dittis, came and tould me that the capt. moure[112] of the shipp of Amacon and other Spaniardes and Portingales had hired 2 barkes for 100 taies, to com from Langasaque to Firando, to use meanes to steale away a Portingall which is capt. of the junk the Hollanders took; and that ther was divers Spaniardes and Portingalls armed secretly in the said barkes, which matter was revealed by 3 Chinas which fled out of the said junk to Langasaque and made report hereof to other Chinas, 1 of whome wrot therof to the China Capt. So I went to the Duch howse and made it knowne to the Hollanders, whoe gave me harty thankes for it.

And I wrot a letter to our host at Tushma, per a merchant of that place, desyring to heare from hym of sale of our pepper, which I understand was soald long since; and that upon his advise I would send more, desyring hym to bring or send the money for this per first sure conveance.

October 8.--This day, before nowne, our 3 barks we sent to Osekay with Capt. Copendall and his company retorned, from whome I receaved a letter, dated in Osekay the 23th ultimo, with an other of same date from Mr. Eaton, wherin they adviz me the Emperour was departed from Miaco 8 daies before their arivall, and that Capt. Adames went post after hym, being geven to understand that he ment to stay in a place at halfe way, hoping by this meanes to dispach busynes theare, and so to retorne; the Duch haveing dispached theirs before he went from Miaco. And they thought it fitt to retorne back all 3 barks, because they knew not how long it wold be before they retorned. Also they both writ me that pack no. 116 is wanting in the cargezon, with 5 bambows black paynting and 5 small pec. wax.

Also our host of Sackay came to Firando and brought me a present of a barrell of wyne, making much mone that all he had was burned when our comodeties were burned, so that now he is new to enter into the world, and to that entent meanes to goe purcer in a junk of Gonrock Donos for Syam.

I sent our jurebasso to thank Songero Samme and Sifian Dono for the lent of their barks to carry up our men and merchandiez. Capt. Copendall advized me he gave 2 taies to the master of the greate bark and 1 tay to the purcer. And ther was geven away in presents as followeth, viz.: To Gonosqo Dono, governor, 1 pec. black satten, cost 6ta; 3 pec. whit baftas of 8 R. corg; 5 knives. To Shosqo Dono, the kings chamberlen, 1 pec. alleias of 15 R. per corg; 3 pec. baftas of 8 R. per corge, 3 pec tapis Suras. To Unagense Dono, capt. generall, 1 damask peec. To Skiamon Dono, provedore, 1 pec. alleias of 15 R. per corge; 1 pec. white baftas of 8 R. per corge; 1 pec. duble borall[113] of 7 Rs. per corge; 1 pec. tapis Suras. To kinge's cheefe cooke, 1 pec. alleias of 15 Rs. per corge. To kinges under cookes, 1 pec. white bafta of 8 Rs. per corge. To kinges sumaker for cookry, 1 pec. white bafta of 8 R. per corge. To an another ould cooke, 1 peec. white bafta of 8 Rs. per corge. To 5 neighbours maid servantes for cookry, 3 duble peeces of burrall of 7 Rs. corg.

I receaved a letter from Ed. Sayer, dated 6 days past, wherin he wrote me Gonrock Dono drivs hym of with delaies, and as yet hath not sett the men at liberty, but rather that the Portingals have put Jno. de Lievana in irons beloe in the shipp, as well as Damian, for that no man should com to speake with them.

October 9.--We searched our warehouse for pack no. 116, but canot find it; and examening over packing bill and wast book, find that the said pack with the wax and 5 bambows painting were all sent along in the great bark of Sangero Samma; soe it must rest upon the master, the purcer, and upon Jno. Pheby to answer for those matters.

Ed. Sayer retorned from Langasaque and brought answer from Gonrock Dono that he had donne what possibly he could, but could not get the 2 men set at liberty. So I went and tould the king thereof, and tould hym I ment to send away a bark in all hast with letters to Capt. Adames to adviz the Emperour thereof, desiring to have his Highnes letters of favor of the matter, which he promised me. So I made ready the bark and wrot my letters: a generall letter to Capt. Adames, Mr. Eaton, and Mr. Wickham, as apeareth per copy, but antedated to morow; and also a letter to Capt. Copendall, advizing of losse of pack no. 116 with wax and paynting; and at any hand advised Capt. Adames to use all meanes possible to set these two men at liberty.

Gonrock Dono sent me a present per his man of a peare bubes[114] and 2 chist mach,[115] containing in each chist 200 roles cotton mach.

October 10.--As I was about to send away the bark and sent to the king for his letters, he retorned me word that he had taken counsell about the matter, and wished me once more to stay a littell and he would send 1 of his owne men to Gonrock Dono, not dowbting but to procure the men to be set at liberty. So, much against my will, I was constrained to desist from my purpose.

I forgot to set downe how I receaved a letter from Martin de Guinia, the capt. of Amacan shipp, with an other from Capt. Garocho, and a therd from Jorge Durois, all dated le 15th present, new stile, and a forth letter from Albaro Munos, of 17th ditto. And Jorge Durois sent me 2 pear of silk stockinges, cost, as he said, 7 taies, with 100 candells at 7½ for a mas. Also I receaved a fifte letter from Melchar van Sanfort, dated in Langasaque, le 12th currant, new stile, only of commendacons; and he retorned me a Duch cronocle which I lent hym. And ther was a bag of Pattania pepper sould to Gonrock Dono for the Emperour, containing grose 160 cattis, is net 155 cattis, at 8 tais per picull.

And about one a clock after midnight Tho. Heath, the carpenters mate of ye Hozeander, dyed of a lingaring disease, which began with a blody flux.

October 11.--Our junck, the Sea Adventure, was lanched this day at Cochi, and I got Mr. Hunt to goe see her yf the carpenters had donne their partes, Ed. Sayer accompanyng hym. I sent the letters I wrot of 10th current to Mr. Eaton per a bark of Firando, and put 5 mas port on it, and in that letter 2 others for Capt. Copindall, 1 from Mr. (sic) and an other from Mr. Osterwick, and a therd from my selfe, dated as to morow, le 12th present, advising with all speed to send them to Capt. Adames to speak to the Emperour to procure the liberty of Damian and Jno. Also I sent an other letter to Mr. Eaton, to enquir whether Twan is apointed to make warse against the Chinas, and to send me word.

October 12.--I forgot to note downe yisterday that, when the ships company went to bury Thomas Heath in the place where they formerly had buried his mate, Tho. Davies, they fownd that som villanouse people had diged up the cooffin and stolne the winding sheete and his shert, and lefte the karkasse naked upon the grownd--a villanouse acte. So they soonke the other coffin into the sea.

The kinges eldest brother, Guenche Samme, alius Tonoman Samme, had 20 cattis wax, to pay as the rest is sould.

14 of the junks carpenters began to work upon the Hozeander this mornyng, counting the master for one, all ship carpenters.

I had much adow this day about a boy which Mr. John Osterwick had entertayned, named Antony, whome (as it seemeth) is servant to a Spaniard that sent a Japon into our howse, a mallapert knave, whoe, without speaking a word unto me nor no man else, went up into Mr. Osterwicks chamber and laid handes on the boy to have throwne hym out of the howse per force; yet he went without hym. But sowne after the King of Firando sent me word to deliver the boye into his handes, which I did, he promising to send a man with hym that yf in case it be a false bravado of the Spaniardes (as I aleadge it is) that then the boy may be retorned back, etc.

Also the master, Jno. Hunt, and Mr. Osterwick, going to a lodg the king had lent as, fownd a yong gerle of som 11 or 12 years of adge, dead on the back side under the walle, and doggs feeding on her, havinge eaten both her legges and her lower partes, with one hand, being newly kild but a littell before. It is thought som villen had ravished her and after kild her, or else, being a slave, her master had kild her upon som displeasure and cast her out to be eaten of dogges, an ordenary matter in these partes, the lives of all slaves being in the masters handes, to kill them when he will, without controle of any justice.

October 13.--This night past, about midnight, our small skiffe of the Hoziander was stolne away and, as the shipps company sayeth, per a Hollander which ran away from the great shipp, being one of the two I wrot in favour of heretofore, and that they saw hym upon our bridg in the night about midnight; so out of dowbt I think they let hym goe away with the boate, one knave helping or winking at an others escape. For truly I neaver saw a more froward and bad leawd company then most of them are, and the cheefe ringleader a master mate called Dorington. So that, seeing contynewally their leawd courses in going abroad night and day without leave, the offecers them selves being worst of all, we were forsed to make orders and set them up at meane mast, sortinge the company into therds, one whereof might take their pleasure per day, retorning abord before sonne setting, and the other ⅔ to look to shipps busynes and that carpenters doe their labour. This Dorington hath said in open company amongst them all that nether captain, master, nor no other had authority to punish men with ducking nor whiping, geving it out with othes that he and the rest would have victuels as they list, without controle. Once he is a drunken, unruly, mutenouse fello, and not fitt to serve the Wor^{ll} Company.

I sent word to the Duch howse how that fello had stolne away our skiffe; as also I sent word of the lyke to Taccama Samme and the admerall, whoe have sent to look out after hym.

The China Capt. brought me word that all Goto is burned, the kinges howse as well as rest, not one howse left standing of some 300. It is thought the Japans sett it on fyre of purpose to have the riffling of the Chinas goods which came in 7 or 8 junks, but the fyre was so vehement that littell or nothing was saved, 5 Chinas being burned that adventured to save their goods.

And in the after nowne the kings man, which he sent to Langasaque about the setting of Damian and Jno. at liberty, retorned with a sleevles answer, they Portingales answering, as they did before, that they would not deliver them upon noe tearmes. And on the way, as the kings man retorned, som 7 leagues from Firando, he met the Duch man which had stolne our skiffe, and so brought both hym and it back againe. Soe I sent the Duchman to the Hollands howse, for which they gave me many thanks.

I went to the king to certefy hym, or rather to know of hym, what answer he had receavd from Gonrock Dono; which was as I said before. Whereupon I desird his Highnesse to lett me have his letters of favour to Safian Dono and to Gota Zazabra, testefying how these 2 men were entertayned into the service of Englishmen to goe in our junck for Syam; which letters the king granted me and sowne after sent them for the English howse. And I wrot an other to Chubio Dono, in the Japan tonge, to desire his assistance in this matter to the Emperour, to get these 2 men sett free. So we hird a light bark which rowed with 4 ores and a fellow to cary those letters, and paid 12 taies small plat for the voyag, to deliver the letters to Mr. Wm. Eaton at Osekay, or Miaco; in doing whereof they are to rowe night and day.

October 14.--I sent away the kinges letters and wrot a generall letter to Capt. Adames, Mr. Wickham, and Mr. Eaton, and sent it per light horsman as before, advising at large, as I did in my former letters 2 daies past. And I sent out 6 barkes to tow in our junck from Cochi, which brought her into harbour at Firando about nowne.

I delivered back the writing I had of Capt. Whaw for 550 pezos adventured to China the yeare past. I delivered it back to his brother Andrea. And ther was five piculles Bantam pepper sould to Tomo Dono, to pay as we sell the rest.

Two Caffros of the King came from Langasaque and advised me that an English gentleman was kept captive in cheanes abord the ship of Amacan, and that they saw hym, he being a young man of 24 or 25 yeares of adge. But I did enter into opinion that this might be som trap of the Portingals and Spaniardes to make me to write to the Emperour upon such a slight speech without other proofe, whereby to geve the Emperour distast, ther being no such matter at all. Yet I have geven order to frendes that may goe abord the said shipp, to look out whether ther be any such matter or no.

October 15.--In this burnyng of Goto the post, or man which carid the kinges letters, lost all that he had, to the vallue of 700 taies, being an ould man but well spoaken and therfore chosen to goe about this busynes. Whereupon the China Capt. said unto me that out of his owne he would send hym 50 pezos, is forty taies, and wished me to ad 20 pezos more to it, to make it up 70 pezos, and that he would send it all to hym in my name, as a largesse in respeckt of his losse, being sorry for it, promising greater matters, yf yt pleased God to prosper hym in his proceadinges to get us trade into China.

And ther was sent 2 presentes to Whaw, the China Capt. brother, and an other China of Langasaque called Leangu, I say Leangu, both which are emploid about our busynes to procure trade into China, viz.:--

ta. ma. co. 6 pec. whit baftas, of 16 and 17 Rs. 8 corg 04 0 4 6 pec. blew byrams, of 15 R. corg 03 6 0 6 pec. red zelas, of 12 R. corg 02 8 8 6 pec. tapis Suras. 6 knyves, cost 00 3 3½

And Jno. Dono lent us his howse over way to put our junkes provition in, till she be rigde. And I sent a letter per China Capt. to Jorge Durois, how I had receaved the 2 peare silk stockinges, and kept the case bottells for hym till he came. Also I gave order to the China Capt. to look out for 3 China carpenters, to goe in our ship for Bantam, as also to buy 150 grate bambooes for us, yf ther be any, and to enquire whether the Portingals have an Englishman prisoner abord their shipp or no. We brought all the tymbers and other matters ymploid about the junk from Cochi to Firando, having hired Tome or Jno. Donos howse to put them into.

October 16.--The King of Crates retorned to Firando and sent to desire to see a fyre arrow shot out of a slurbo, which was donne before hym and the king of Firando to their greate content twise. He desird to have the slurbo to take a sample by to make an other, with a receapt how to make the compound for the fyre work. And about midnight departed towards Crates; which saved the geveing a present of 2 damaskt fowling peeces, yf he had staid till morninge.

Tansho Samme, the kinges kinsman, bought two pec. Cambaia cloth.

October 17.--Before nowne Capt. Speck retorned from Miaco, and had 3 peces shot out of Duch howse and 6 out of greate shipp for a welcom. I went to the Duch howse to vizet hym, and he tould me, yf he had wanted but 2 howers tyme at his arival at Miaco, that the Emperor had byn gon before he had com; and that he with his owne mouth tould hym that the Portingall junck they had taken was good prize, both men and goods, and all other they took hereafter to be the lyke, both of them and Spaniardes, yf they had not his passe, but, having it, not to meddell with them. He also delivered me 3 letters from Capt. Copendall, Mr. Wickham and Mr. Eaton, dated in Miaco the 28 and 29th September, and one from Mr. Eaton of 2th October, with 2 others from our host at Osekay and Tome jurebasso. And Jorge Durois arived heare and tells me that the capt. more of the Amacan shipp sayth that, yf Gonrok Dono will, he is content to sett Damian and Jno. at liberty, for per his permision he took them prisoners, and at his demand he will set them free. But I answerd hym that I had his letter to shew the contrary. Once the end will try all. I think there be legerdymeane. Jorge sent me a present of a bottell Portingall wyne, 12 greate peares, and 2 boxes craknells and littell tarts.

October 18.--Symon jurebasso brought me a letter from Mr. Eaton, dated the 8th October, wherin he writes he hath opened all the packes cloth Cambaia, and findes most of the baftes, viz. ¾ of them, spotted and rotten, so that no man will looke on them. He offerd them all together to our host for 6 mas per peece, but he would not buy them, answering he thought they would never be sould for anything. Also he saieth their wantes 10 pec. chaddr pintado of them were put into the cargezon.

October 19.--Semidone sent me a letter how he met the King of Crates, whoe willed hym to write to me to send hym these parcelles following, and he would send money per they which brought them. Soe I delivered them to Semidonos man.

ta. ma. co. 20 pec. white baftas, of 20 R. corg, at 1½ tay 30 0 0 20 pec. tapis Suras, of R. per corg, for 1 tay pe. 20 0 0 05 pec. alleias, of 30 Rs. per corg, for 2 tay pe. 10 0 0 ------------- Som totall amontes unto 60 0 0 -------------

Skidian Dodo sent a beefe for a present; and Jorge Durois mad account for these thinges following:--

ta. ma. co. 4 jarrs conserves, at 5 tais per jar, is 20 0 0 2 milstones to grind malt or wheate 01 0 0 70 tallow candells, cost 01 0 0 ---------- ta. ma. co. This is for the house, and amont unto 22 0 0 22 0 0 ---------- More, 1 pere silk stockinges for Capt. 04 0 0 Cop., at More, 1 pere thrid stock., for hym, at 00 6 0 More, 1 pere gren silk stockings, to Mr. 03 5 0 Osterwick More, 2 pere silk stockinges, at 7 tay, for Capt. Copingdall or Mr. Osterwick 07 0 0 ---------- 15 01 0 15 01 0 More due to hym per rest of velvettes and sattens com from Amacan, besids profitt 27 2 0 --------------- Som totall amontes unto 64 3 0 ---------------

October 20.--I wrot a letter to Albaro Muños in answer of his, and another to Diego Farnando Rigote to geve 3 or 4 gantos candy oyle to Jorge Durois and sell the rest as he can. Taccamon Dono sent me a beefe for a present and ther was a pece basta Deher, of 17 Rs. per corg, sent to Jorge Durois wife, in respect of frute and sweetmeates she sent to us at divers tymes which was spent in the howse.

October 21.--This night past 2 of the Hollanders prisoners ran away out of great shipp, viz. both Portingales, 1 being capt. of junk they took, and the other a merchant whome they had taken 5 tymes before.

And Sticamon Dono sent me 2 duckes and a dish of peares for a present. He is a comedian or a jester to geve delight to the King.

October 22.--This night past both the Portingalls which escaped out of the Holland shipp were taken and brought back per such as the King of Firando sent out after them.

The servant of Gonrock Dono retorned back 4 pec. tapis Suras of 1 tay peece--thus thise pedling fellows use us--and thinketh to stop the other 2 taies.

Also Capt. Speck sent to buy our junk ould rother[116] with 2 great ores belonging to it, which prise was made of 110 tais per endifferent men on both partes.

October 24.--Capt. Speck came and tould me the carpenters had begild hym about his junk rother, they being good, so that he had no need of ours at 110 tais, but retorned them back againe.

October 25.--I wrot a letter to Capt. Speck to desyre hym to lett us caryne our shipp against their small shipp called the Jaccatra, we finding it impossible to trym her agrownd where she is, we not being able to com to the keele of her without endangering the shipp.

The servant of Calsa Samme, the Emperours youngest sonne, came to the English howse and bought for his master as followeth:--

ta. ma. co. 2 damaskt fowling peaces, at 15 taies peec. 30 0 0 2 peec. buralles 02 0 0 1 pec. alleia Amad 02 0 0

And Nobesane sent us a beefe for a present.

Capt. Speck sent me a letter how they could not lend us the small ship to caryn against, for that they must bringe her agrownd this spring to trym her.

October 26.--I wrot a letter to Mr. Eaton, and advised of the speeches ther is that Fidaia Samme is alive in Shashma, and much provition of barks a making ready, and that it is said the Emperour pretendeth to make warse against a great lorde in the north; wishing them (I mean the English) to keepe this to them selves and look out in tyme to prevent the worst, yf need be, and to send me downe the true accompt of all matters of ould, to the end I may send a true ballance to the Company in respect of our want, as also to avoid danger, whatsoever may happen.

George Durois sent me a present of 2 pottes of mangeas and 20 great peares from Langasaque, but noe letter came with them.

The King envited the Hollanders to dyner to day, and sent me word he would have had the English but that he stayeth for the retorne of Capt. Coppindall.

October 27.--We set the mastes of our junck the Sea Adventure this day; at the doing whereof were 3 or 400 men persons, all the neighboures, or rather all the towne, sending their servantes, and came themselves (them that were of accointance) and brought presents (nifon catange), after Japon maner, of wyne and other eating comodety, abord the junk, wishing a prosperouse voyag, all the offecers haveing eache one a present of a littell barso of wyne, and should have had lykewaies each one a bar of plate advanced on their wagese, but I referd that till the coming of Capt. Adames.

Sould unto the King of Fushemis servant 40 peeces white baftas of 20 Rs. per corg for 14 mas per peece--amontes unto som of 56 ta.

The King sent me a buck for a present.

October 28.--Goresanos wife brought her doughter of 20 daies ould to the English howse, with a present of a barsoe of wyne, figges, and oringes, desiring a name to be given her, which was per consent Elizabeth.

Calsa Samme tould me he had receaved letters from his master that the Emperour was to retorne to Osekay, and his master with hym, to fortefie the ruenated fortresse and put garrison into it; which is a signe that warse are lyke to ensue. God grant all may fall out for the best.

October 29.--We bought 15 hogges of Bongo Samme, cost all 8 taies plate of barse.

October 30.--The governor of an iland at Goto, he which sent the pilot abord our shipp Hoziander, came this day to see our English howse, and brought a present of a beefe and 10 hense. He is going to the hott bathes in Issue[117] for dollor or greefe he hath in his boanes.

The China Capt. tells me that this night past his brother sent hym a post overland, to tell hym that Gonrock Dono hath staid a small somo, or junk, at Langasaque, which they had thought to have sent to China about our affares, but now is said to carry souldiers into an iland neare unto China called Tacca Sanga;[118] but I rather think it will prove the Liqueas, in which place it may be the Emperour doth think that Fidaia Samme lyeth lurking.

I wrot 2 letters to Langasaque, viz. 1 to Jor. Durois to send sample of pitch, as also making mention of present of mangeas and peares sent; 1 to Melchar van Sanfort with musters of 4 sortes of spikes or neales to be made at Langasaque, viz. 1000 great spikes, 1000 lesser, 1500 lesser, 2000 smallest.

October 31.--In respect the servant of Calsa Samme may doe us good above hereafter, as per words he offers lardgly, I gave hym a fireloct petrenell for a present, which Mr. Hunt formerly gave me.

November 1.--This day was a festivall day amongst the Japons, and the hors runing day, to shewte at markes with bowes and arrowes.

November 2.--I wrote a letter to Mr. Gourney to Syam per way of Langasaque, per a China, advising how Sea Adventure lost her voyag last yeare and put into Liquea, and now is ready to com with a cargezon littell more or lesse as the last yeare, Ed. Sayer and Capt. Adames going in her. Also that the Hozeander arived heare, Mr. Raphe Copindell capt., and Mr. Jno. Hunt master; and he and Capt Adames gon to the Japon court. And how the Duch took a prise at sea, a junk laden with ebony, the Emperour geving them leave to make a good prise both of schipp and goods.

November 3.--The king of Firando banished on of our marenars of our junck, because Takcamon Dono had banished a yong gentelman for geving hym a cut with a cattan. So the gentelman was recalled and the marener banished, and Takcamon Dono checked. Also a yong yewth was cut in peeces for thefte.

November 5.--A servant of Gonrok Donos came from Miaco this day, and tould me Capt. Coppindall was retorned from Shrongo and that he was to com away for Firando forth with.

November 6.--We bought Jno. Donos howse and chawne over the way for 170 taies, and are to pay no rent for it in lending it the last yeare and this yeare lykwaies, it being a great howse standing aparte neare to our howse, over the way, fitt to put shipps store or any thing else. And he is to bring us 30 boates lading of ston on the bargen, to make walls before it.

I receved 2 lettrs from Capt. Coppindall, 1 dated in Miaco le 24th, and the other in Osekay le 28 October; and other 2 from Mr. Eaton, 1 in Miaco le 23th, and the other in Osekay le 28 ditto; wherin Capt. Copindall adviseth me how well the Emperour did receve the present he carid hym, and gave hym an other of 5 kerremons, 10 pike heades, 100 arow heades, and three waccadashes, and hath geven us his letter to the king of Shashman for trad into all his dominions. He also writes he, the Emperour, sent Capt. Adames to Edo to the padres, to know wherefore they are com in to his dominions, he haveing formerly banished all of their coate out of his dominions. He also hath made proclemation, in payne of death, that no Japon shall goe into New Spaine from henceforward. These padres are com now out of New Spaine in a shipp to.

November 7.--I wrot a letter to Syam to Mr. Gurney, as appeareth per coppie, and sent it to Langasaque to Melchar van Sanfort to send it per first junk which goeth from thence, advising Mr. Gurney, or any other in his place, to provid lading in tyme, knowing before of her coming. Also I wrot 2 letters, per Capt. China conveance, to the said Melchar to buy 8000 neales, and to Jorge Durois to buy 5 or 6 piculls rosen.

November 8.--I receved a lettr from Jorge Durois, dated in Langasaque, le 14th of Novembr, new stile, wherin he wrot that the king of Shashma was making ready 400 barkes of warr with all hast, but for what purpose it is not knowne; and that the Emperour had sumond all the kinges or tonos in Japon to be at Shrongo in the moneth of Marche next.

He wrot me of pitch he would buy at Langasaque at 3½ taies per picull.

A Japon called Martin, which Mr. Wickham imploied at Liqueas when he put Jno. Japon away, did steale a wacadash or dagger with 10 gocos or dishes, and being taken was condemned to be cut in peces. Yet the kinge saved his lyfe in respect he was of Langasaque, but banished out of his dominions for ever, in payne of death yf ever he were fownd heare againe.

November 9.--The Portuguese, that was capt. of the junck which the Hollanders took, escaped againe out of the shipp Ankewsen with fetters on his legges, and, as it is thought, could not be donne but the wache must know thereof.

Yt was not the Portingale capt. which escaped, but 10 other slaves, Chinas and Caffros, which did belong to the junck.

Gonrok Dono wrot the King of Firando that he had donne what he could to set Damian and Jno. at libertie, but that the capt. would doe nothing; yet, before the shipp went out, he would goe and fetch hym out hym selfe. This is Gon Rock Donos suttiltie, because he now understandeth the Emperour hath geven order to sett them at liberty; otherwaies he had rather they were hanged, to have Damians goods.

November 10.--The China Capt. receaved a letter from his brother in Langasaque, of a China junck (or soma) which departed from thence for China with 77 or 78 men in her, but were met by theevs at sea, who cutt all their throtes and carid away all that was good, and soe the junk was driven upon the cost of Goto with 7 or 8 dead men in her, the rest being throwne over board.

Gorezon, our jurebasso, pad Pedro five mas on my acco. to buy hym shewes. Oto, Mat[ingas] slave, ran away; but her surties brought her back againe. I enquired wherfore she ran away, and she answered because she wanted occupiing and that she could not endure it.

November 11.--The China Capt. receaved a letter from his brother to buy 200 peeces dutts of us and he would send money for them, and buy them to geve to pore Chinas, to clothe them, that were in two junks which were cast away, one on the Liqueas and the other on cost Shashma, som being drowned, and them which escaped were stark naked. He tells me they will geve these duttis to these Chinas, which dwell most of them neare Lanquin, and tell them it was the gift of the English, because they should speake well of our nation in respeck of the matter they have in hand to procure trade into China. They must pay a tay per pece for these duttis.

And we receaved a rest of a barell gunpoulder, very bad, which remened in Zanzabars howse, and put it into our new lodg. Also Mr. Nealson pad to the scrivano of junck 33 taies 4 mas small plate for marrenis fish for voyage, according to custom; and the rise they had the 9th day, rated, as it cost, 93 : 2 : 4.

November 12.--I went to the King of Firando and tould hym that Mr. Eaton had advised me that Safian Do[no] said that yf the men were not sett at libertye upon sight of his letter, that then I should advise hym thereof, and he would use other meanes. So the king tould me he would send to Gonrock Dono, to know whether they would set them at liberty or no. Gonrok Donos man came to viset me, yet willed me I should not say he was heare. There is duble dealing with them.

November 15.--Figean Samme, King of Firando, sent for 8 damaskt snaphanne fowling peeces, to send to Safian Dono for the Emperour. The price I sett at 20 taies pec., and I wrot a letter to Safian Dono therof, as also to thank hym for writing to Gonrok Dono about seting Damian and Jno. at libertie.

November 21.--A cavelero, on of the kinges men, sent me 5 hense for a present, and Skite and a Corean each of them a baskit oringes.

November 22.--Our hostis of Bingana Tome, retorned from Langasaque, came to see thenglish howse and brought a present of pearse. I sent a letter per her to Mr. Eaton, to same effect as my former 5 daies past per kings man. Also I wrot 2 letters to Nangasaque to Melchor van Sanfort and Jorge Durois for the 8000 neales and 8 barill China oyle from China Capt. brother to trym Hozeander, and sent a boate expres for it.

November 23.--The king sent me a letter that he receaved from Gonrok Dono, wherin he advised hym that he wold sett Damian and Jno. de Lievano at liberty.

November 24.--Ther was, to the vallew of 150 cattis wight, lead stolne out of the Hozeander the night past, out of guners cabben, which were the covers for the tucholes of great ordinance and other ould lead rypt of shipp sids in tryminge her. It was taken out of Jno. Clough the guners cabbyn, and dowbtfull he was of consent; yet on Robyn, a Scott, is brought in question, he haveing offerd to sell som before, as also neales which he stole and was taken with them. Ther is, as Mr. Hunt sayeth, above 200 cattis lead more stolne out of store rowme, which this Skot with an other Jocky, his cuntreman, are thought to have at severall tymes made away.

November 25.--We met a knave Japon, a marrener, whoe ran away from junck at Liquea. Soe, seeing hym pas the street in Firando and entertayned into service of the Duch, whoe ordenarely entertayne all they know to have byn formerly entertayned per us (this is Jacob Specks humor), yet I laid hands upon this fellow and brought hym before the justice, and put in sureties to be forth coming to answer to what should be aledged against hym.

November 26.--The king sent for a bottell Spanish wyne, and desird to buy Mr. Osterwickes cloake, being of culler du roy, which he sent unto hym at price of 20 taies. And, as I am enformed, the Portingall capt. is escaped out of the great Holland shipp, swyming abord to 4 barks which had layne secretly attending for hym this monthe; for which it is said Capt. Speck is much offended with Derrick de Vris, the master.

November 27.--About break of day I receaved a letter from Capt. Adames, dated in Cocora, the 17th present, how he hoped to be heare within few dayes, and that he left Capt. Copendale at Miaco not very well, and that he bringeth recardo[119] from themperour to set Damian and Jno. de Lievana free. And I wrot hym answer forthwith, and sent it per Gingro the purcer, with 20 taies in 5 plates bars, to spend, yf occation served, for hym to come overland, becaus he wrot me he had non.

Capt. Adames arived a littell after dyner, and we went to the kinges pallace to have delivered hym the letters came from thempror and Gota Zazabra and Saffian Dono; but the kyng was gon a hawkyng, and so we retorned, leaving the letters with Oyen Dono, his governor.

November 28.--Capt. Adames went for Langasaque, accompand. with Ed. Sayer and Mr. Jno. Osterwick, and carid the Emperours authorety to set Damian Maryn and Jno. de Lievana at liberty.

Capt. Copendall arived heare before nowne.

November 29.--The 2 barrilles morofack, which my host of Osekay wrot me he had sent me, are not to be fownd in the bark that Capt. Coppendall came in, and a chist which Mr. Wickham sent with kerimons and other thinges in it, to the vallew of 20 taies, is lykewaies lost in same bark, or else the one nor other was never put into it.

November 30.--In the after nowne Capt. Adames retornd from Langasaque, and brought Damian Marin with hym; but Jno. de Lievana remeaned at Langasaque, sick ashore, they havyng set both Damian and hym at liberty the day before Capt. Adames arived at Langasaque; but, as Damian tells me, they had condemned them both to die the death, and sent hym word to confesse hym and make hym selfe ready, for dye he must. This passed some moneth agoe, he looking still when he should die, till the instant they set them at liberty. And then the capt. thought to have perswaded hym to have gon along with hym, promising hym mountaynes, and, when he could not preveale, procured hym to sweare he should not goe with the English nor Hollanders.

December 1.--I receaved back from Capt. Coppendall the sylver salt, the 2 spoones, and 2 forkes of silver, lent hym up, with the 2 littell silver cups or tasters I lent hym. Also he gave me a present of one of the kerrimons the Emperour gave hym, as also a peece of fine casho or chowter.

December 2.--Lues Martin came to Firando and brought me a present of diet bread, with many wordes of complements, telling me that I was praid for of many for the charetable deed I did in setting Damian and Jno. at liberty, and that the capt. of the shipp was in no falt about the matter, but the Castillanos; in fyne, they are all our enymies, deadly yf it la in their powers. I was advised he hath byn 8 or 10 daies in towne, and la in his lodging secretly, but for what occation I know not. I tould hym I heard he had byn in towne some tyme before, which he denyed not, but said it was to sell silk.

December 3.--Betyms in the mornyng the kyng sent to envite us to supper, because he understood our junck was ready to departe towardes Syam. Our entertaynment was good, only the drynking was overmuch. The Englishmen that went were, viz. Capt. Coppendall, Capt. Adames, Mr. Nealson, Ed. Sayer, Jno. Osterwick, and my selfe.

December 5.--I delivered six hundred powndes str. this day to Capt. Adames, wherof forty powndes, ten shilling, was in fybuck of Tushma and the rest in Rs. of 8, which maketh 2400 taies.

December 6.--I sent 20 jarrs bisket and the 500 sheetes paper abord the junck, and delivered letters to Capt. Adames for the Syam voyage, viz. 1 to Mr. Jno. Gourney, agent at Syam; 1 to Capt. Jno. Jourden, agent at Bantam; 1 to Mr. Adam Denton, agent at Cattania; and put into the packet directed to Mr. Jno. Gourney a bill of lading and cargezon of all goodes sent; also 3 jars bisket sent, 1 to Mr. Gurney, 1 to Mr. Sharpe, 1 to Mr. Denton--my owne gifte; with a memoriall delivered Capt. Adames and Ed. Sayer, how to use busynes, yf they canot attayne Syam.

Soe the Sea Adventure went of of roade, and the Duch shot of 6 pec. ordinance at her departure. And presently after Jno. Yoosen went for Miaco; and the Duch shot affe 9 pec. ordinance at his departure. So I went abord the junck to Cochi and carid a barill wyne, a baskit orynges, and an other of pears, and a third of biskit, and so drank to the health of the company, nifon catange, and retorned.

December 7.--The wind and wether being very fayre, the Sea Adventure sett saile from Cochi towards Syam this mornyng. God send her a prosperous voyag.

December 8.--We wayed out the wax which came in the Hozeander, and fownd it want a tonne; and also we waid the pepper, and it wanted above 2 tonne; which out of dowbt the mareners have embezeled and stolne. And I sent Niquan, the China Capt. kynsman, to Tushma, to bring the money for the peper, and wrot hym a letter, I meane to our host, to deliver hym the money, and, yf in case he would not, I sent a letter to the Kyng of Tushma to desyre justice. Also I sent our host a present of 2 peces white basta of 8 Rs. per corg., and 2 peces blew byrams of 15 Rs. corge; and I delivered our host bill unto Niquan for 61 pc. 70 cattis peper and 305 bufflos horns.

December 9.--We got the Hozeander aflote and carid her out, which we could not doe in 2 springs past.

And there was eight rialles of 8 lent to the China Capt., Andrea Dittis, to make hym a silver cup, paid hym per my selfe. We laded 40 sowes lead, 30 bales wax, and 50 bagges pepper abord a bark to send for Osekay.

December 10.--We put abord a bark to send for Osekay to Mr. Eaton, viz.

100 bags peper at 4-23/44 pico 0242 3 4⅓ 65 bales wax at 24 R. 8 per picull 1163 7 1 40 sowes lead at 6 R. pico 0440 1 6 -------------- Som totall cargezon amontes to 1846 2 1⅓ --------------

The China Capt. sent Mr. Eaton a jar conserves. And we receaved two hundred taies plate bars of Andrea Dittis, China Capt., which 200 taies he delivered to Mr. Nealson to lay out about shipps charges. But he paid Quiamo Dono 10 taies of it, in parte bote hier to cary those goods above to Osekay, the rest to make it up 35 taies Mr. Eaton is to pay at Osekay. The merchant that bought peper last yere offered 6½ taies peco lead, but went from his word and offerd but 6 tais pico.

December 11.--There was sould unto the Kyng of Crates, viz.:--

60 pec white baftas of 11 R. corg for 90 0 0 5 pec. tapis Suras 05 0 0 -------- 95 0 0 --------

December 13.--We paid Jno. Dono seventy taies in plate of bars, in full payment of the fee symple of the gadonge over the way, to westward of English howse, wherof one hundred taies was paid before. Derick de Fries, the master of Duch shipp, being ready to departe, envited us to dyner to morrow. Our bark with goodes for Osekay retorned.

December 14.--We dyned abord the great Holland shipp and had 3 pec. ordinance shot of at our retorne ashore. Capt. Speeck came not to dyner. He is over great in conceate.

December 15.--I wrot a letter to Jorge Durois by a China, to send me of all sortes of garden seeds.

December 16.--Capt. Whaw, the China Capt. brother, sent me a barrell of figges or jar of Japon green figges for a present. We envited the masters of the Hollander shipps and juncks to dyner to morrow, they being now ready to goe to sea with first good wind.

December 17.--We envited the Duch to dyner, I say they came to dyner, and were Derick de Frize, master of great ship, Wm. Johnson, a merchant, Piter Johnson, master of a junk, the pilot of the greate ship, and Mr. Fredrick the chirurgion. I would have delivered an open letter to Derick to have carid, but he tould me he thought that Capt. Speck would be content to let hym carry our sealed letters, in respect our ship broght his and delivered them. Yf not, that then he would cary both our open and also our shut letters.

I receaved two letters from Mr. Eaton from Miaco, 1 of the 23rd November in Miaco, and the other of the 30th ditto in Osekay, with an acco. of such matters as he hath donne in Edo, Shrongo, and Osekay, as also a note what presents Capt. Coppendall gave away above.

Damian retorned from Langasaque with Jno. de Lievana, and Damian sent me a barill morofack and a dish of peares for a present. Also our host of Osekay sent me a Japon standish for a present.

December 20.--I wrot a letter to Bantam to Gapt. Jourden of what accorrantes have passed since tharivall of the Hozeander, as apereth per coppie, as the lyke for Syam, to Mr. Jno. Gourney, agent, and a third to Mr. Adam Denton at Pattania, and 2 others to Capt. Wm. Adames and Ed. Sayer: the first letter to Bantam sent per the ship Ankewsen, under covert from Capt. Jacob Speck, and the other 4 per Piter Johnsons junck for Syam, under covert as above said, Capt. Speck offring to send our letters the one or other way, in respect we brought their letters and delivered them. And 1 letter enclozed to Bantam from Capt. Coppendall.

December 21.--There was 350 tais plate bars receaved of Andrea Dittis, China Capt., wherof 50 taies delivered to Skidayen Dono with a bar of Oban gould of 55 taies, to goe to buy a mast for our ship Hozeander, but 50 taies was bad money and turned back.

December 22.--About breake of day the Hollanders discharged much ordinance and small shott, it being their new yeares day. The Duch junck that they took prize went out of rode of Firando towardes Syam this day before nowne. And I wrot 2 letters to Mr. Wickham and Mr. Eaton, dated the 18 and 20th present, but kept till this day, and sent per the servant of Safian Dono, with a letter in Japans to his master in answer of recept of his per Capt. Adames and seting free of Damian and Jno.

December 23.--This day a boy of 16 yeares ould was cut in peeces for stealing a littell boate and carying it to an other iland. I sent to the kyng to beg his lyfe, which he granted me, and in the meane tyme sent a man after the execusoner to stay a lyttell; but he would not, but put hym to death before the pardon came, cuting hym in many mammocks to try their cattans upon hym.

I sent Piter Wadden out to Cochi, with a barill wyne, 10 loves of bread, and a baskit of oranges, to Piter Johnson, master of the junck which goeth to Syam, which stayeth there to make acco. with Japonnars about the reparing of her, the Hollanders haveing emploid a knave about it which hath deceaved them, as Capt. Adames scrivano hath donne us, and carid 50 taies with hym which was paid the carpenters upon acco. of Hozeander, and receaved the full payment of junck besids.

December 24.--Our carpenters came and tould me that yf they might not have the 50 taies paid them which Mr. Nealson paid the scrivano of junck, or rather the scrivano deseaved the carpenters and tould them it was of the junckes acco., when the truth is it was of shipps. Soe we are forced to pay this 50 tais againe and keepe it upon acco. till the junk retorne.

There came 3 Spaniardes to our English house, which were of the shipp which came from Aguapulca. They tould me it was true that 7 or 8 shipps were in the S. say, and had donne som hurt one the cost of Peru, so that all was up in armes; and that the Spaniardes in New Spaine had made proclemacon, in payne of death, that all strangers were to avoid out of New Spaine and never retorne to trade theare any more.

December 25.--Chrismas Day. Taccamon Dono sent 2 barilles wyne and 2 fishes for a present; the king 2 pec. wale fyshe; the China Capt. a jarr of China wine; and other neighbors other trifles per reason of Chrismas.

December 26.--I sent our jurebasso to thank the king and Takamon Dono for the presents they sent, according to Japon order.

The Hollanders had a demi cannon of bras cast this day, po. 5,000 wight, a very fayre peece.

December 27.--Towardes night Soyemon Dono, the kinges steward, came to English howse, taking it in his way (as he said) going to the king. The China Capt. met hym. And his errand was about the money the king oweth the Wor. Company, which, as he sayeth, the king will now pay in, and take up comodeties of us to pay next yeare at a resonable rate, as the Duch have geven it hym, whoe have now sould hym upon trust for 10,000 taies. The king, he saieth, taketh this course by littell and littell to bring hym selfe out of debt, which his granfather left hym to pay, and so, once getting an even hand, will so hould hym. The merchandiz he taketh up he geveth to Japons at Miaco, of whome Foyne Samme took up money in tymes past, which still runeth on at intrest, and yf it should so contynew would undo hym. So I referd this matter ofe till to morrow, because I would take counsell, and in the meane tyme desird him [to say] I was as willing as Capt. Speck to doe the king any service I could.

Nicolas Grant, a marener, being drunk, stabd hym selfe thorow the arme, because Mr. Osterwick would not lend hym 12d....

December 28.--The China Capt. built or reard a new howse this day, and all the neighbours sent hym presentes, nifon cantange. So I sent hym a barill morofack, 2 bottells Spanish wine, a drid salmon, and halfe a Hollands cheese; and after, went my selfe with the nighbours. Where I saw the seremony was used, the master carpenter of the kinge doing it, and was as followeth: First they brought in all the presentes sent and sett them in ranke before the middell post of the howse, and out of eache one took something of the best and offred it at the foote of the post, and powred wyne upon each severall parcell, doing it in greate humilletie and silence, not soe much as a word spoaken all the while it was a doing. But, being ended, they took the remeander of the presentes, and soe did eate and drink it with much merth and jesting, drinking themselves drunken all or the most parte. They tould me they beleeved that a new howse, being hallowed in this sort, could not chuse but be happie to hym which dwelled in it, for soe their law taught them, ordayned by holy men in tymes past.

The shipps company came to the English howse in a maske, and after plaied Christmas ule games in good sort and meryment.

December 29.--I gave Matinga a pece satten, cost 5 taies, and a peece of taffety, cost 1 tay, to make her a kerremon, and 2 kerremons of zelas to Oto and Fuco. And ther was sould and deliverd 10 cattis Priaman pepper to the kinges doctor of phisick, rated at 8 condrins per catty, or 8 taies picull.

And I thought good to note downe how Mr. Hunt, the master, came in a fume ashore, and broake Jno. Cocora the cooks head, at instigation of Jno. Shipperd, he having first misuesed and beaten hym without reason.

December 30.--We bought 732 bags white lyme at 3 condrins per bagg, it being good cheape. And I wrot a letter to Jorge Durois to look out for morofack and cows shewet for shipps use for chirurgion. God send health.

A China of Lankyn brought me a present of a barill of Lankyn wyne and a dozen of China cakes.

December 31.--I paid therty taies for a howse for Matinga, that shee was in being for the Company.

And the Japon barber Rappado sent me a present of a basket of oringese.

I forgot to note downe how I wrot a few lynes to Mr. Jno. Hunt, to have had hym com ashore about Compa. busynes, to have had his advice about bras shivers;[120] but he retorned me a snapish answer.

January 1, 1615[6].--Mr. Hunt, the master of the Hozeander, remenyng still in his extreme humours (as I have fownd hym allwaies the same man ever since he came into Japon), wrot a letter to Capt. Coppendall, he being sick in bed (as he hath byn most an end ever since he retorned from Miaco), and I verely think that the unruly company of the shipp to be the cheefe occation--I say he advised Capt. Coppendall he would com ashore to morrow and geve direction how to cast bras shivars and shot for ordinance, aledging the guner knew nothing for shott, nor no man else but hym selfe for the rest. Yet, for my parte, I rest dowbtfull whether it be soe or noe, only I wrot hym before in frendly sort to com ashore and assist me in these matters for the service of the Wor. Company, our emploiers, because the Duch sent away shipp after ship yerly full laden with shot, powlder, ordinance, victuells, and munision, and I would in som sort geve a reason or tast to our emploiers of these matters and send them samples with price. But, as it should seeme, the master disenableth all but hymselfe, and others hould back, I know not whether upon sutteltie to leave the other in lurch, as debasing all but hym selfe. But be it the one or other, the Companies busynes rests undon, etc., and the very truth is, here doe I confes before God and the world, I never did see a more unruly compa. of people, and are far worse then they in the Clove, allthough they were bad enough.

And yisternight, very late, came on Jno. Shippard, a tapstar as I understand, and in very deed a shuffling fello, not worthy water for his hier. He is a turbulent fello, a make bate, and sett the master at odds with others per meanes of his smouthe tong, and yet a drunken fello, as most of the rest are the lyke; and came againe into the kitchin to quarrell with our cooke at supper tyme, I desyring Mr. Osterwick to put hym out of the howse and send hym abord the shipp; but he fell upon Mr. Osterwick, and puld his clothes afe his back, and misused hym, for which I put hym in the bilboes to cowle his feete till mornyng.

January 2.--I wrot a letter to Jorge Durois to buy 100 or 200 tallo candelles and bring them with hym. And Matinga went into her new howse this day. And Gorezan, our jurebasso, removed his howse, and came with wife and famely and dwelt in the Companis howse over the way, to keepe the shopp or shew rowme.

January 3.--This mornyng very cold wether, being a greate snowe, the greatest I saw since our arivall in Japon, with a stiffe gale wind northerly, rack from W. all day, and snow per fitts all day, but littell or non per night. The King of Firandos host at Osekay came againe and brought a present of figges, telling me he was to retorne to his howse, the king haveing rewarded hym well, as all the caveleros in his kingdom did the lyke, towardes the setting him up a new howse, his ould being burned in the wars with all that ever he had. Soe, with consent of Capt. Coppendall and the rest, ther was a bar of plate of 4½ taies and a bag of rise of 51 gantes geven hym and sent after hym to his lodging.

There was delivered to the fownder for formes as followeth: 1 bras shiver of the boate; 1 rownd shot of saker; 1 langrell shot of saker; 1 crosbar shot of minion; 5 braz of severall sortes--to make others by. And I agreed with hym as followeth: to make 5 greate bras shivers of 35 or 86 cattes per shiver; 5 others of a lesser sise: 3 others of sise of that of boate; 2 others of bigger sise; 1 quintall bras of severall sortes--and to pay 12 taies per pico for all, on with an other, ready made, the fownder finding all stuffe. Also 100 saker shott, ½ round and other ½ crosbar; 100 minion shot, ½ rownd and other ½ crosbar; 50 saker langrell shott, all iron--price made at 14 mas per pico or 100 wight Japon. I was forsed to put out these at hazard per ould shott and shivers, the master, Jno. Hunt, not coming to geve direction, nether at my request and writing, nor at sending for of Capt. Coppendall, refusing ever to enter againe into the English howse. I could say much of this frantick master, Jno. Hunt; but I leve it to other men to tell.

Also the China Capt., Andrea Dittis, had a littell brod cloth, pink culler, to make his littell doughter a peare of stockinges or bowtes this cold wether.

And there was 3 sackes rise, of 50 gantes per sack, geven to 3 pore Chinas which lost their junck per tempest of the cost of Shashma and came to the China Capt. for releefe, he geveing eche of them a sack rise and a tay in plate. And upon good consideracion I gave them, per generall consent, each one a sack, as above said.

Mr. Dorington late at night came to the English howse, and tould me the master sent hym to tell me the mast was wolled,[121] and ready to bring ship to a caryne.

January 4.--I went to the Duch howse and desired Capt. Speck to send us his helpe and people to bring our shipp to a caryn, as formerly in frenshipp they had promised us; which in good sort he assented unto, and sent for the masters of the great shipp and junck and willed them and the rest to aide us in what they might. These men came at Capt. Specks first sending for, and did what he ordayned, but Mr. Hunt sent me word he would never com in the English howse, upon a lunetike humour, which each man telleth me is his condition not only heare, but at Pattania and elsewhere hath donne the lyke. Soe I went abord and saw them turne up the ships keele, but water came in so fast at port holes and else where that they were forced to right her againe to cawke her better. I tould Mr. Hunt I was com to vizet hym abord, althoughe he sent me word he would not com ashore, yet willed hym hereafter to com when I sent for hym, or else I would fetch hym. Also I willed hym to send Jno. Shepperd ashore to dresse the Companies meate; which he denyed at first, but after sent hym.

And Zanzabar, allius Yasimon Dono, came to vizet me at English howse, and brought me a present of oringes and a barrill of wine, and sent 2 men to helpe to bring downe the shipp.

January 5.--Zanzabers littell doughter came to vizet me, and brought a present of wyne, orenges, eggs, and fysh drest. And an ould man of Miaco, now our neighbour, brought me a banketting box for a present. His name is Ito Yoguiche Dono.

Sangero Samme, sonne to Foyne Samme, was this day made sure to a doughter of a noble man of Crates.

Their was 210 cattis ould junk or rops put out to toose[122] for occom, wherof 50 cattis to Domingo, and 160 cattis to Unquan the China.

January 6.--Sugen Dono of Crates sent to borrow a peare of bubes, he haveing invited the King of Firando to dyner, in respect he had geven or augmented his yearly stipend from 500 gocos per anno. to 1000 per anno.

Capt. Speck came to the English howse with Derick de Vryz and others to take leave, the great shipp being ready, as they said, to goe out. They had byn with the kyng before they came to us, and, as it seemed, had drunk hard. It is said they gave a present worth 5000 taies to the kinge, but I canot beleeve it. Once they have geven much in respect of the prize they brought in, as also for lycence to carry out munision, victuelles, and men for the Molucos.

January 7.--The greate Duch shipp, called the Ankewsen, went out to Cochi, and I went abord with our bark with 16 men, to rowe and helpe to toe them out, as the king sent many barks to doe the lyke; and I carid 2 barilles wyne, 3 hense, 2 duckes, 3 fyshes, 20 loves fresh bread, and a baskit of oringes, and dronke to their good voyage; which Capt. Speck tooke in good parte, and sent his jurebasso with complemento, nifon catange.

Zanzebars wives brothers and her father were abord, and made peace with Jno. Gorezano, our jurebasso.

January 8.--We had made price before with Andrea Dittis for all our lead at 6 taies per pico; but now a Japon offring us 6½ taies per pico, he was content to let us sell hym the one halfe.

Also I receaved 3 letters from Langasaque, 1 from Jorge Durois with 16 falling bands at 7 mas per band. And an ould China brought me a present of China cakes.

January 9.--This last night, about 10 a clock, 4 Portingale prisoners ran away out of the Duch howse and are scaped and thought got to Langasaque.

Yasimon Dono advised me of a man of his com from Miaco, who reporteth of very fowle wether above, and that 70 or 80 barks are cast away per meanes therof. God send us good news of ours sent to Osekay and Tushma.

January 10.--Three of the Portingales which ran away were fownd per meanes of men the King of Firando sent out after them, and brought back againe to the Hollanders.

Gizamon Dono, Zanzabers wives brother, brought me 3 wilduckes for a present. He tould me that word was brought to the kyng that 80 barkes are cast away betwixt this and Shiminaseke now of late per torment, most being laden with rise. God bless our bark sent with merchandize.

January 11.--The king being ready to goe up to the Emperour, we laid out a present and sent hym, I going after, accompanid with Mr. Nealson and Mr. Osterwick:--

2 damaskt fowling peeces. 5 pec. white baftas of 20 Rs. corg. 5 pec. blew byrams of 15 Rs. corg. 5 pec. red zelas of 12 Rs. corg. 5 pec. borall or foota chader. 5 pec. chader Cambaia. 5 pec. buxshaws.

The king tooke the present very kindly, offring us anything we would demand, saying that, allthough he went up to the Emperour, yet he had left such order with his governor that what we asked should be fulfilled. This present was sent this day, because yisterday Soyeman Dono came to aske what money the king owed upon bill, for that yt should be paid forthwith. Whereupon it was thought fitt to goe with this present before payment were made, otherwais yt might be thought it was sent in respect he paid the money, or else, perhaps, in payinge of it, he might have expected a greater present, in respect the Hollanders gave soe much once. Howsoever, he seemed to take it in good parte, and gave us a kind welcom with a colation, serveing us with his owne handes.

January 14.--Letters came to Capt. Speck that the junk they sent for Syam is per contrary wind put into Shashma in a port or haven called Cata ura, and soe loose ther voyage.

And I paid 50 tais plate bars to the fownder, advanced upon acco., for bras shivers and other matters with shot for ordinance, which he is to cast for to send in the Hozeander. The 2 fownders are called Jembio Dono and Scongero Dono.

There came certen caveleros Japons from Edo, and came to see the English howse, and looked on such comodeties as we had, but bought non. They report that the Emperour will have all the kyngs (or tonos) in Japon to goe for Edo, and there to remeane for the space of 7 yeares, and to carry their wives with them, and live every one in his howse aparte, with a servant of the Emperours to be allwaies in company with them--I meane with each one, to heare and see what passeth. This he doeth to prevent them from insurrections, and will not have sonns nor kynsmen, but the kinges them selves.

January 15.--I wrot a letter to Mr. Eaton to Edo, per Toyamon Dono, a merchant of that place, advising of my other sent 6 dais past, and here withall sent as followeth, viz.:--

10 cattis tobaco to his host, cost 2 mas 3 condr. catty. 33 eggs to his hostice, cost 1 mas 9½ condrins. 10 cattis tobaco to hym selfe, cost as supra. 02 Faccata gerdells for hym selfe for 3 mas peece.

And advised withall that Mr. Wickham should make all the hast he could, for that Capt. Coppendall and Mr. Nealson were very sick.

January 16.--Rowland Thomas, the purcer of the Hozeander, being drunk, did beat Mr. Dorington, master mate, Jno. Cocera the cook, and the servantes in the howse.

January 17.--There was receaved of the kinges plate this day three hundred fyfty and seven taies in plate of bars upon acco., sent from Oyen Dono per Refioen Dono, kinges steward.

January 18.--We reconed this day with Tomo Dono and rest for biskit, and waid out as followeth, viz.:--

To Capt. Adames 0290 cattis. To Syam voyag 0556 cattis. To a present to Duche 0010 cattis. To Hozeander 3806 cattis. ------------ Som totall receaved 4662 cattis. ------------

And within night word was brought me how two of our shipps company were fighting with swords one a hill a littell from our English howse. Soe I went with Mr. Hunt the master and Mr. Osterwick and fownd them to be Jno. Clough the guner and Jno. Driver an ordenary marrener, both being drunken, and no hurt donne but that Driver had a scar on his forehead. Soe I put them both in the bilbows till the next mornynge.

January 19.--Our host of Tushma came to English howse, and brought a present of walnuts and a Corea carpet or feltro. He tould me he brought merchandiz to sell to pay me the money the pepper was sould for, for that the money of the place he receaved for it was not good, as Niquan the China whome I sent to receive it could witnes, he turning back above 500 taies in receving 120 tais.

Mr. Dorington, the mr. mate of Hozeander, mad show as though he were lunatick, talking idly; but I thynk he counterfeteth. A strange kind of people they are all of them which came in this shipp. Truly I canot praise any one of them which are sea men.

The Hollanders shott ofe 8 or ten pec. ordinance out of the small shipp and out of howse late within night. The occation we knew not, except the junk went out or that they had hard news that gave them content.

January 20.--I wrot a letter to Capt. Jourden to Bantam, how the Hozeander would be ready per the end of this moneth and how Mr. Osterwick was to stay heare, with other accurants, and sent it per conveance of Capt. Speck in the Ankewsen. I went to the Duch howse and delivered Capten Speck my letter. He tells me the occation they shot off the ordinance the last night was for that the King of Firando came to drink a farewell with them before he went up, and that the greate shipp and the junck would be ready to goe towardes Bantam within 7 or 8 daies at ferthest. He also tould me that he receved not letter of the putting of their junck into Shashma, as it was reported unto me.

January 21.--I delivered two hundred and threeskore rialles of 8 to Andrea Dittis, the China Capt., to change into other plate for China busynes. More, delivered unto hym at same tyme one bag Rs. of 8 as it came out of England, containing one hundred pownd str., is fyve hundred rialles of eight for same purpose. For both which sommes he is to bring refined plate to send in the Hozeander. This is donne because the nobles in China should think this plate or rialls com from the English, rather then to present them with refined plat of this place. The China Capt. sent Niquan his kinsman with these rialls to bring plate back forthwith.

Jno. Osterwick going abroad with Mr. Nealson got a littell more drinke than was needfull, and the other was littell better. Yet Jno. Osterwick fell into termes of comparison, disinabling each one but hymselfe. I know not what to say of hym but that he is an overweenyng prowd yowth, I haveing had no experience yet but only by report of Capt. Coppindale.

And late in the night, after we were gon to bed, the kinges bongew sent to borrow our boate, or foyfone,[123] for the king service; which I lent hym.

The small junck was retorned to the China Capten, but much out of reprations, which must be amended according to promis, for without her we could not have carined our shipp, and soe she had lost her monson this yeare.

January 23.--I gave 6 taies plate bars to Matinga to provide things against the new yeare. And I paid a bar of plate to Domingo my boy, to buy hym aparell, containing 2 tay 1 ma. And I reconed with Jno. Gorezano for 6 tais, 9 mas, viz.

ta. ma. con. Pro 4 peare sheews and slippers for myselfe 01 0 0 Pro a silver touthpicker for my selfe 02 1 0 Pro 2 pere tabis[124] for Beecho 00 3 5 Pro strings for Beechos shews 00 0 8 Pro a pere shew for Beecho 00 0 4 Pro a lock for Beechos chist 00 1 2 Pro 2 peare tabis for Jeffrey 00 3 2 Pro string for Jeffres shews 00 0 8 Pro a pear shews for Jeffrey 00 0 4 Pro 2 barrilles wyne I sent to Taccamon with 00 8 4 fish Pro 1 mas paid the shewmakers sonne for roses 00 1 0 Pro 1 mas geven the fisherman of Cochi 00 1 0 Pro 20 tattamis[125] for Matingas howse 02 4 0 Pro 20 cattis tobaco sent to Miaco, at 2 mas 04 6 0 3 con. Pro 2 Faccata gerdelles for Mr. Eaton 00 6 0 Pro mattes to make up the tobaco 00 0 7 --------- 12 8 4 6 9 0 --------- 5 9 4 ---------

Rests 5 ta. 9 m. 4 c. which Mr. Nealson paid unto hym, and put it upon my acco.

January 24.--I paid fyftie taies plate bars to Andrea Dittis, China Capt., for reprations to his junk lent to carin our ship Hozeander, she haveing broken and spoild the junck that the carpenters asked 100 taies to have mended her. Newes was brought to towne that the Emperour is dead; but I beleeve rather it is a fable and geven out of purpose to see how people wold take the matter. Once the ould man is subtill.

January 25.--Damian Marin fell out with Jno. de Lievana about comparisons betwixt the English and Duch, Damian takeing parte with the Duch and Jno. with the English.

January 26.--The king sent Soyemon Dono, Skrayamon Dono, and another to look upon our comodeties, to the entent to buy for 2 or 3000 tais at tyme. Soe we showed them samples of all and set price; but he took lyking only of pepper at 6 taies pico, baftas at 10 R. per pies, buxshaws at 9 mas pec., boralles at 9 mas pec., chint at 3½ mas pec., and cader Macoy at 4 mas pec. And tould the China Capt. he would com and vizet me before he went to Miaco, to morrow or the next day.

January 27.--Capt. Speck came and requested that we would take into our shipp for Bantam as much ebony as we could in not pestering our shipp, and he would pay what fraight we thought fitt. And he sent me a baril morofack and 4 boxes swet meate.

Also the king sent me word he would com to breckfast to morrow mornyng. So I mad the best provition I could, and the China Capt. sent me 2 powderd storkes, and Soyemon Dono a baskit oranges.

And Tome Donos sonne retorned from Miaco and sent me a present of Japan figges. He tells me our bark with the goods is safe arived at Sackay, but brought no letter from Mr. Eaton nor Mr. Wickham.

January 28.--The King of Firando came to dyner to the English howse, accompanid with 7 or 8 caveleros, and took in good parte the entertaynment he had, and gave me a keremon, and a cloake to our jurebasso. He said he was to stay 3 or 4 yeares above at Edo; soe I think it is true that the tonos (or kinges) must stay 7 yeares, as I noted som daies past. There was three peeces ordinance shott affe at his entry into the English howse, and 5 at his departure.

January 29.--In the after nowne Soyemon Dono with 3 others came to the English howse, to receve the comodeties which the king would buy upon trust; but they tould me the Hollanders had sould the king pepper at 5 taies the pico, and therefor thought I would not aske more. I answerd that, yf the Hollanders set pepper at that rate, they sell other comodetis at a hier, which, it might be, cost them nothing but the suting of a peece of ordinance, as silke at 240 taies the pico, etc. And, it might be, in pollecie set pepper loe, to the extent to cros us and soe ether to make us to sell it better cheape then it cost or else to make us fall into dislyke of the king, and by this meanes get themselves favour and us disgrace. But the truth was, I set it at no hier a rate then I sould to others for ready money, and at such a price as I wold promis them to deliver no more at that rate. But for broad cloth, which they set at 14 taies per tattamy, and Syam wood at 3½ taies the pico, that I would sell hym at same rate, when our shipps and junck arived. Yet, doe I what I could, they said they durst not with their honor geve more then the Duch sould for. Soe we concluded to send the pepper to Osekay to Mr. Eaton at kinges charg, and he to sell it, and then to deliver the procead in money to the king. And so that matter was ended. But we delivered comodety to them for acco. of king as followeth, viz.:--

Baftas, white, 196 pec. of 11 Rs. corg. } Eidem, lower, 101 pec. of 20 Rs. corg. } Eidem, lower lodg. 201 pec. of 11 Rs. corg. } at 1 tay pec. Eidem, lo. lodg, 120 pec. of 15 Rs. corg. } ta. m. co. Eidem, up. lodg, 100 pec. of divers sortes } 718 0 0 --- } Som baftas, 718 peces divers prises }

Chader Rese Canary, 185 pec. lower of 4 Rs. corg. Chader eidem, 090 pec. --- Som chader, 275 pec.

Boralles, 100 pec., lodg beloe } at 1 tay. Buxshaws, 100 pec., lodg beloe } 200 0 0

January 30.--The master, Jno. Hunt, envited us abord the Hozeander to dyner. Mr. Wickham and my selfe retorned sowne after ashore upon occation of busynes, and had 5 pec. ordinance shot ofe at our departure, and the other 3 peeces when they came ashore.

And George Durois came to Firando and brought 2 jarrs of conserves, and he gave me in present as followeth: a box of marmalad, a box of cracknells, a box suger bred, a box of chistnuts, a bottell of Spanish wine.

The Duch junck went out of rode Firando to Cochi, and there came to anker by the great ship Ankewsen.

January 31.--I receved 600 taies, I say six hundred taies, plat bars of Mr. Ric. Wickham, which he brought from Mr. Eaton, receved in parte of payment for lead sould at Osekay at 74 mas per pico.

And in the after nowne Capt. Speck came to the English howse, and tould me that Gonrok Dono had sent hym a letter from Langasaque, advising hym as a frend (as he said) that he should geve the Hollanders warnyng befor their shipping went out, as the lyke to the English, that they should take heed they did not meddell with the greate ship of Amacon, for that the Emperour had much adventure in her. Yet I say I wish we might take her and then make the reconying after.

Febrary 2.--I gave a present to a merchant of Miaco, whoe gave me a fayre banqueting box before, viz.: 2 pec. byrams, white; 2 pec. byrams, nill, of 15 R. corg.--these are of the Companis goodes--2 pec. chader Lullawy of my owne. He took it in good parte, and offerd to doe our nation any service he could above at Miaco. Mr. Wickham gave me a keremon of them Sada Dono gave hym at Edo.

Febrary 3.--The night past, about 11 a clock, there was a house sett on fire by necklegence of the people which made it cleane against the great feast of ther new yeare, which is within this 3 dayis. Soe ther was 7 howses burned downe; and had it not byn for the English and Duch, most parte of the towne had byn burned. For each one stood gazing one and did nothing, and divers brought their goods into our English howse for savegard.

Ther was a present geven to Torasemon Dono, a principall man in this place, which never had any thing geven unto hym since our arivall in Japon, which our frends tould us of. Soe he had geven

3 pec. byrams, white. 3 pec. byrams, nill, of 15 Rs. corg. 3 pec. red zelas, of 12 Rs. corg. 3 pec. boralles, of 5 Rs. corg. 42 cattis pepper.

And the China Capt., Andrea Dittis, went with me to viset hym, and carid hym a great jar of biskit. And I gave a kerimon to Matingas father, which Mr. Eaton gave unto me.

Paid 6 mas small plate to the fownder for 2 pans for Matinga.

And the kinge sent to have a gathering throughout Firando towardes the releeving the pore people whose howses were burnt; towardes which we gave a tay in plate.

And paid the carpenter for mending Matingas howse

Pro 26½ dais carpt. work or wagis 3 7 2 Pro 30½ days work laborers 1 5 2½ Pro neales 1 0 9 Pro bordes and tymber 1 9 8 ----------- Som totall 8 3 1½ -----------

And I delivered 25 tais plate bars more unto the fownders, upon acco. of bras shivers which are waid out this day, being 6 picos and 42 cattis.

Mr. Nealson, being drunck (as very often he is the lyke, to my greefe), fell a brawling with the chirurgion, Morris Jones, and cut his head with his dagger.

Soyemon Dono came late and brought the kinges bill for three thousand taies plate of bars, to be paid within this yeare for merchandiz sould hym. And I delivered hym in the King of Firando's bill for 1000 tais, lent at Edo 2 yeares past.

I gave 2 falling bandes with lace to Mr. Wickham, cost me 2 tais.

Febrary 4.--Mr. Wickham fell into his ould humours of comparisons, misusing me. I think it is because he would goe for Bantam in the Hozeander, which I am well contented of. He presumeth the more, because Capt. Jourden wrot hym a letter he would geve hym preferment.

Febrary 5.--I mad acco. this day with Oyen Dono and Shoske Dono for ould debt of the kinge, which they say is 950 ta. 1 m. 0 co.; but I find it to be but 898 ta. 6 m. 3½ co.

Cushcron Dono, a box muches[126] } new Yasimon Dono, a barill morofak } years And his father in la, a barso wyne and a salmon } giftes. Jno. Japon, a bundell figges }

And we waid out the shot for ordinance.

And Mr. Nealson made recept for 25 tais pad the fownders, and he paid them to ballance 14 : 5 : 5.

Febrary 6.--The fownders reconyng was as followeth:--

ta. m. co. For 641 cattis in bras shivers, at 12 tay per pico 76 9 2 For 296 rownd shot sacar and mignion, at 14 cn. 04 1 3 per catty For 230 crosbar and langrell shot, at 25 mas per pico 05 7 5 ---------- Som totall amonts unto 86 8 0

The fownders brought present, 2 iron pans with wyne and fysh.

And Mr. Nealson receaved 76 ta. 5 m. 0 co. of Keemon Dono, for acco. of Kyng of Crates, wherof 56 tais was good and rest Shrongo. More, he receaved of the servant of Semidone, for acco. of the King of Crates, fyfty tais plate bars, wherof 1 bar Shrongo.

Febrary 7.--Mr. Jno. Hunt, master of the Hozeander, delivered me a draught of his voyag from Bantam to this place with all the sownding.

Febrary 8.--Receaved in plate bars of China Capt., Andrea Dittis, fowre hundred and fyftie taies; and sowne after eight hundred taies in melted plat more of hym.

And we had a generall counsell this day, wherin it was noted downe that Capt. Raphe Coppendall was ordayned by generall consent to goe up to the Emperour with a present. Also that Mr. Richard Wickham should have an alowance of 150 taies per anno., to fynd hym aparell and other necessaries from our first arivall in Japon untill the last of August, 1615, we ariveing the 12th June, 1613. And that Mr. Jno. Osterwick should stay to keepe the bookes, and be alowed 20l. per ano. to fynd hym aparell and other necessaries, to begyn in Aprill last at his coming from Bantam. And that Jno. Coker, an Englishman, should stay for cooke in the English house, which is donne by his owne consent. And Mr. Wickham to goe up to lye at Miaco or Osekay, till other occation busynes be to employ hym in. And Mr. Eaton to com to Firando and goe to Tushma, to cleare in that place.

Soyemon Donos bark was set on fyre per neclegence of his servantes, beeing drunk and feasting abord according to Japon fation, this day, but by good helpe was sowne quenched.

Capt. Speck came to the English howse and offred to make a consort to have their small shipp and ours to stay to take the Amacon shipp and the great shipp to goe for Bantam; but it was not thought fyt soe to loose our monson.

Febrary 9.--I wrot a letter to Jorge Durois to send stockinges and candells, and sent it per bark sent per China Capt. to buy gunpolder and pitch or rosen for Hozeander. We laded all the bras shivers and shot abord the Hozeander this day.

The bedell of the ward had 1 sack rise.

Febrary 10.--We laded 14 picos copper and 3 picos iron abord the Hozeander this day.

Shezque Dono, Sugien Donos father, came to the English howse and brought a present of mushos, wyne, and redish, nifon catange, with many words of complemento. And the sea bongews brought presentes.

Febrary 11.--Gonrock sent me money for 155 catts Priaman pepper for Emperors accompt, at 7 tais per pico, is 10 ta. 8 m. 5 co. As also 30 tais for chaders, cambias, and buxshaws, which one of his men bought on trust. All which money I receaved.

Febrary 12.--Torasemon Dono came hym selfe to the English house, and brought a present of a barso wyne and 2 faisant cocks.

Febrary 14.--The king departed this day to goe to the Emperour, and had 13 peces ordinance shot out of the Hozeander and 5 out of the Duch barke, with 8 or 10 chambers out of Duch house. I went out with a banket of sweetmeate, 2 barilles wyne, a jarr of biskit, and 30 wax candelles; which he took in very good part, and after sent me word by a servant that it had sufficed to have sent any one in the howse, and not to have com my selfe.

Mr. Hunt, the master of the Hozeander, fell into termes with Capt. Coppendall about Rowland Tomas, the purcer, telling hym he did hym not right about the abuse was formerly offred, and that the said Tomas should find it when they were at sea. These were bad wordes, and were because the said master might not keepe the kayes and domenere over the purcer in matters of hold. But it is thought that the wax was gon out of hold per lyke meanes.

Febrary 15.--Mr. Nealson paid Jno. Cokora the cooke ten tais and a halfe in great plate, upon acco. of his wagis, to cleare with them he is indebted unto.

And Capt. Speck sent me word he would let as have 2 picos poulder, yf we stood in neede. Of which offer I accepted. And Capt. Speck lent us 50 sheetes paper.

Mr. Hunt desired to have a councell assembled tuching the abuse offred to hym per Rowland Tomas; which was donne. But more falt to be imputed to the master, Jno. Hunt, then the other. Soe we made them frendes.

Febrary 16.--Moris Jones the chirurgion had 12 tais plate bars paid hym per Mr. Nealson, agreed upon per councell for his pains. And Jno. Cocora the cooke, upon acco. his wagis, 11 tais.

Febrary 17.--Niquan, the China Capt. kinsman, retorned from Langasaque and brought 370 cattis pitch or rozen, cost 14 tais; and 310 cattis gunpoulder, cost 64 tas. 1 mas; and for the bark 02 tais. And Capt. Speck sent the 2 barilles gunpolder which he promised.

Febrary 18.--We waid out the pepper to day for the king, and had much adoe with the 10 men of ward who crinched[127] for wight; soe it must be waid over to morrow againe. 77 bags this day did way 49 pico 96 cattis, and 80 bags out of China Capt. lodg, 57 pico 35½ cattis. And I gave my case China bottelles of 12 to Capt. Coppendall.

Febrary 19.--We cleared acco. of the 3,000 tais this day with the King of Firandos bongews, and delivered them merchandiz for 121 : 3 : 5.

Unagense Dono sent me a present of 2 barsos wine, 2 Japon cakes (or muchos), and 2 mallardes. And we receaved 49 coks of bras of fownder.

Capt. Speck wrot me a letter, desyring to have the master or purcer of Hozeander to make a bill lading of the ebony sent in Hozeander, being 927 loggs (or sticks), containing, as he said, 929 picos. Soe the purcer, Rowland Tomas, made hym 2 bills of the number of loggs, but not of wight, to deliver it to the Duch present at Bantam.

Febrary 20.--I wrot a letter to Capt. Speck to will hym send a note under his ferme to pay fraight for the ebony, as shall be thought fyting betwixt the 2 agents, English and Duch; as also to send the price and wight of the 2 barrilles of polder, which Jacob Swager tould me waid 200 cat. nett. And after, Capt. Speck sent word it cost him 16 tais per pico, is 32 : 0 : 0.

The Hozeander went out to Cochi, and shot offe 5 pec. ordinance; and the Duch shot ofe 7 or 8 chambers at Holland howse. And I went abord Derick de Frize, and had 3 pec. ordinance shot of at my going away, and at retorne from Hozeander, 3 more. And Capt. Speck sent Jacob Swager abord the Hozeander as we went out, with a present of 3 barrilles wyne, 4 greate fishes, and 6 hense. And I gave a peece of watcht[128] damaske to Rowland Tomas, purcer of the Hozeander, in requitall of a small rough diamond in a ryng of gould he gave me the other day, esteemed worth som 4 or 5 taies. Also I gave the chirurgion, Mouris Jones, a peece red damaske and a R. of 8 in money for his payns taken in howse, and for a bag of synomond and a box of mace he gave me.

Febrary 21.--I delivered to China Capt. a bag of rialles of eight, containing 500 R. of 8 in it, is 400 tais; and receaved 300 tais in plate of bars of hym. And I waterd and new packed up the amber greese in 2 leaden pots, same as before, and the musk in an other, marked as followeth:--

catt. ta. m. 32 A. 5 4 2 } B. 4 9 8 } is 9 catt. 14 tay wt. amber gris. C. 4 0 0 musk in 86 cods, cost 048 0 0

being marked with the Companis mark. And packed up all three in one chist under same marke without number, and put abord the Hozeander.

And I receaved a letter from Jorge Durois with a baskit containing 120 tallo candells of 6 for a mas, with 4 pere silke stockings, viz. 2 peare at 9 pezos or R. 8, 2 peare at 7 tais plate bars, and 4 peare cuffes and 1 band, cost 1 tay.

Febrary 22.--Capt. Coppendall had a runlet of pery I gave hym. And I delivered in three bills to Semidone, viz.:--

1 bill of 70 tais, due of ould. 1 bill of 50 tais, for merchandize sould. 1 bill of 20 tais, for a gun.

And he gave me a new bill of 250 tais, wherof 116 : 5 : 0 was owing upon ould acco., and 133 : 5 : 0 goodes delivered at Miaco per Mr. Eaton, is 250 : 0 : 0 now owing, to pay at a yeare.

And Andrea Dittis, China Capt., sould a boy called Mats to Capt. Coppendall for 10 taies.

And the China Capt. had 4 mas wight Paraman gould at 14 per one in plate, upon acco.

And I gave Mr. Jno. Hunt, master of the Hozeander, 2 Japon buck skins and a peare silk stockings for a present, in respect he gave me a case bottell.

There was a great eclips of the moone this night, began about 9 a clock. But the wether proved overcast that we could not observe no star, which we thought to have donne, to find out the true longetude of this place.

Febrary 23.--The China Capt. sent 2 barrilles morofack, 2 jarrs biskit, and 2 barrilles pickeld tunny for a present to Capt. Jourden for Bantam. I gave Jno. de Lievana 2½ Rs. of 8 in Spanish money, and Françisco Carnero one riall of 8; and passed my word to pay a tay in Japon plate to Tome Dono for Jno. de Lievanas housrowme.

Febrary 24.--I delivered twenty and five tais plate bars to Mr. Osterwick, to pay twenty tais to Yayemon Dono and Tayamon Dono, the two carpenters, geven ten tais a peece for a present for payns extraordnary about shipp.

The great Holland shipp, called the Ankewsen, went out to sea this day, and the junk in compa. with her.

And I went with Capt. Coppendall to Hollandes howse to offer Capt. Speck to carry his letters to Bantam, as their shipp did ours, shee being ready to put to sea to morrow; but fownd Capt. Speck was gon out with shipp.

Jacob Swager brought Capt. Coppendall a bottell of wyne and a cheese for a present.

Divers Shashmas came to see the English howse, whome I used kindly. They said the King of Shashma ment to goe to the Emperour the next moneth.

Capt. Speck sent word to desire us to carry 6 Japon marreners along in our shipp for Bantam that were left behind out of their junck.

Febrary 25.--I sealed up my packet letters for England, viz.:--

1 to the Wor. Company } 1 to Ser Thomas Smith } all enclozed to Worll. Compa., 1 to Mr. Edward James } with 1 from Mr. Eaton. 1 to Capt. Jno. Saris } 1 to my brother Walter }

And in that packet the letters[129] which went per junck per way of Syam the last yeare both to my Lo. Treasurer, the Worll. Compa., Mr. Wilson, Capt. Saris, and others; as also the ballance of the books.

More, I wrot letters for Bantam as followeth, viz.:--

2 to Capt. Jourden, with journall ballance and 4 books petty charges, all in a box left open, delivered to Capt. Coppendall; with a packet containing 2 pere silk stockinges, 2 bandes, and 1 per cuffes.

1 to Mr. Ric. Westby, with a Japon standish.

1 to Jno. Beamont, with a Japon standish and a peare clamps.

1 to Piter Turner, with a jar biskit.

1 to Francis Sewall, with a jar biskit.

1 to Harnando Ximenes, with a pere silk stockings.

All which matters I delivered to Capt. Coppendall, and went with hym abord shipp to Cochi and carid as followeth:

To Mr. Jno. Hunt, master, a bag bisket containing 55 cattes, and a box marma[lade].

To Mr. Dorington and Mr. Carpenter his mate, 1 bag biskit containing 50 cat.

To shipps company, 3 barrilles wyne and 4 hoggs.

The China Capt. acoompanid us abord. We had 1 pec. ordinance at entry, 6 pec. for healths, and 5 at going away. Capt. Speck brought a letter to deliver to Duch president at Bantam.

Febrary 26.--I wrot a letter to Pattania to Mr. Adam Denton, and Bent it per small Duch yaught, with a jar biskit and a letter to Mr. Gurney, Syam.

A slave of the Admeralls did run away and gott secretly abord our shipp; of the which I advised Capt. Coppendall. So, when they had waid ancor and were under seale, they came to an ancor againe and sent hym back per shipps boate. Soe, after midnight, wind vering northerly, they set seale. God send them a good voyage.

The chirurgion of the Hozeander used speeches that Mr. Nealson had not geven hym satisfaction for paines he had taken with hym in his sicknes, and to that effect got Capt. Coppendall to write me a letter, and sent a note per Mr. Wickham of dares and tomares.[130] Soe, at the same instant, Mr. Nealson sent all the chirurgions dares back to hym, with a note of what he had geven hym. The chirurgion is a prating fello, and I think sett on per others.

Hozeander put to sea at midnight.

Febrary 27.--I had conference with the carpenters to build a new gadonge per water side, which, according to the note they put in, will cost for tymber and other stuffe, besides workmanshipp, 681 tais.

And Oyen Dono and Soyemon Dono sent in plate of bars upon the kinges acco. 519 : 2 : 3½, and upon acco. of China Capt., Andrea Dittis, 28 : 3 : 0.

Febrary 28.--The Duch or Holland pataga[131] went out in the after nowne toward Pattania.

The China Capt. feasted all the neighbours, in respect building his new howse.

I had conference againe with carpenters about building the gadong, which, as they noted before, the very

ta. ma. co. Tymber and other stuffe would cost 681 0 0 And 2530 carpenters dais work at 1½ mas day 379 5 0 And 2750 laborers daies work at 5 cond. day 137 5 0 And 0200 plasterrars days work at 040 0 0 ---------- Som totall amontes unto 1238 0 0 ----------

Soe, per advice and counsell of all, it is thought fit to let the gedong building rest till the next yeare, and only repare that on the other side.

Febrary 29.--I wrot a letter to Mr. Eaton that news is com that wars is lyke to ensue betwixt the Empror and his sonne Calsa Samme, being backt per his father in law Massamone Dono, because the Emprour will not geve his sonne the fortresse and teretory of Osakay, yf it were gotten, as he promised he wold doe. I advised hym, yf wars were lyke to ensue, that he should com away and bring money, and put the rest into money yf it were possible.

Bongo Samme, alius Nobesane, sent me a present of 10 hense and 2 barsos wyne.

Marche 1.--Delivered Mr. Nealson 50 tais plate bars, paid unto Capt. China and neighbors for parte of 90 tais to make ston walles. I delivered also two hundred and fyftie taies plate bars to Andrea Dittis, China Capt., wherof 200 tais I adventure, viz. 100 tais to Liqueas, to buy amber greese, and the other 100 tais into China, at his discretion for my best advantage, and the other 50 tais I lend hym, to pay at his retorne from Langasaque.

I delivered the ten tais plate bars to Capt. China which Capt. Coppendall paid for the boy he sould hym, called Matts. And there was two tais small plate paid for a boy called Mon, to serve the Company 15 yeares, fynding him diet and aparell, the money paid his mother, whoe gave a writing in Japons to that effect.

Mr. Osterwick paid Skydoyen Dono upon acco. for these goodes following, viz.:--

ta. m. co. 1 great mast for shipp 080 0 0 2 yardes for shipp 010 0 0 106 bark lading stones for junck 010 6 0 -------- Som totall amontes unto 100 6 0 --------

The which is paid as followeth:--

In plate of bars of that of Capt. China 060 0 0 Pro 131 cattis peper, at 6 tais pico 007 8 6 Pro 003 pec. chader bradry 003 0 0 -------- 70 8 6 And now paid in ready money 29 7 4 -------- 100 6 0 --------

Tonomon Samme, the kinges brother, sent to borrow 50 or 60 tais plate for a frend, and I sent answer I had no money; yet he sent againe and would have no na; but I was still of one minde.

Marche 2.--We had 15 trees of a bose[132] to sett in our ochard, viz., sypris, spruse, orange, lemon, chistnut, and other sortes flowres.

Marche 3.--The China Capt., Andrea Dittis, went to Langasaque, and I wrot a letter to his brother, Capt. Whaw, and sent hym a Holland cheese, a bottell of sallet oyle, and a bag of wallnuts.

I delivered Oyen Dono the King of Fyrandos bill of 680 tais for gould, and he gave me a bill of his owne hand for 350 tais plate bars, due per King of Firando upon ould acco., beside the 3000 tais last sould for. This bill of 350 tais I delivered to Mr. Osterwick.

And I wrot a letter to Mr. Eaton, to buy 10 or 15 cakis and rest in shishero tables,[133] for the halfe our howst oweth of that was burned in Osekay.

Mr. Eaton advised me that Sade Dono was dead, and that Osakay was on fyre when he wrot the letter, and above 500 howses burned and the fyre not quenched.

Marche 4.--This day 5 carpenters to make orchard walle on the back side of gedonge, and 2 laborers. And we planted the trees geven per the bose of Dushensh, being 17 trees, for doing whereof we had 5 of the boses men, whome we paid 6d. or 1 mas per peece, with 14 other laborers at 5 condrins per peece, to carry and plant the same trees.

A bose came to vizet me with a present of fans.

Marche 6.--We sent a present to the bose that gave us the trees, viz.: 1 barill wyne of 50 gantes, 10 cattis pepper, with 2 small bars plate.

Marche 7.--The bose sent 3 trees or plantes more, and came to thank me for the present sent.

A Portingall called Gonsolva came to the English howse with complementall wordes. I esteemed he came to spie or learne out whether our shipp and the Duch yaught staid for to take the Amacon shipp.

Marche 9.--I lent my book of St. Augustyn Citty of God to Mr. Wickham, and the Turkish History and a book of forme of debitor and creditor to Mr. Nealson.

I gave a fyne chint I bought of Water Carwarden to woman, Mr. Wickhams gerle.

Marche 10.--Mr. Nealson went to the bathes at Ishew, fynding hymselfe ill at ease. And Mr. Wickham went for Miaco, to take acco. of Mr. Eaton, and he to retorne for Firando, as apereth per coppies. And I wrot a letter to Jor. Durois to buy som frute trees and send me, yf he conveniently can; and sent this letter per Nico. Martyn.

Also we sent presents to Tonomon Samme, Nobese, Oyen Dono, Sugian Dono, and his father Soyamon Dono, Gonosco Dono, Unagense Dono, with the two sea bongews, is all 10 persons, each of them 2 barsos wyne, 4 fishes, and a quantety of pepper.

Marche 11.--Mr. Wickham departed not till this mornyng towardes Miaco, and left woman his gerle behind hym, which he sayeth he bought of yow[134] and that yow advised hym, in a letter of the 20th ultimo, how her mother did think to bring yow in trouble for seling her. Which is the occation I write yow now she is at Firando.

We had 21 cakis, or square postes, of Yasimon Dono at 1 mas pec., and 30 bundelles straw of Synemon Dono, cost 1⅓ mas.

And I sent a verneson pastie to Mr. Eaton and an other the China Capten.

Marche 12.--The night past Andrea Dittis retorned from Langasaque, and brought me a letter from Capt. Whaw, his brother, whoe sent me a jarr of oranges, with a littell fysh-pond (or jarr) with live fish in it, and bought 15 pigions for me, cost 1 tay 5 condrins.

Also the master workman plasterrer came along with hym to repare our new bought gadong.

And upon hope of trade into China I lent Capt. Whaw, the China Capt. at Langasaque, 500 taies, I say five hundred tais in plate of bars.

And I wrot a letter to Mr. Wickham, and sent hym the halfe of sealing wax which Jorge Durois sent me, and advised hym my mynd it had byn better he had carid his gerle woman along with hym.

And we made prise for tymber with Skidayon Dono, and paid hym 50 tais plate bars in hand, as followeth:--

ta. m. co. 0450 cakis of 2 tatta. long, at 1 mas peec. 045 0 0 0550 nukis of 2 tatta. isonuque, 3 per a mas 018 3 1 0040 ficamons of 1½ tatta., of 1½ mas pec. 006 0 0 1000 ordinary bordes of 1 tatta., of 6 per a mas 016 6 4 0070 other boardes of 1½ tatta., at 1 mas pec. 007 0 0 0035 isonuque of 2 tatta., at 2 mas pec. 007 0 0 0040 nandange of 1½ tatta., of 4½ per mas 000 9 0 0150 marraque of 2 tatta., at 3 per a mas 005 0 0 0003 monfashta of 1½ tatta., cost all 3 001 0 0 0015 tambu of 2 tatta., at cost all 15 003 0 0 0002 ficaye fashta of 2 tatta., cost both 000 5 0 0020 cakina ita of 4 tatta., at 9 mas pec. 018 0 0 -------------- 128 3 5 --------------

The tymber to be all delivered in Firando the next moone.

And ther wer 2 presentes geven to Joco Conde Dono and Ushanusque Dono, each 2 barsos wyne and 4 fishes, with a littell pepper.

And the China Capt. envited hym selfe to our fro.

And I forgot to note downe that this day a man was cut in peeces, whoe had layne in prison 3 yeares, for runing away with his wife and 2 daughters to Faccatay, they being slaves to the king of this place (of Firando), he writing to the king of Faccata to retorne them, which he did. It is said that the begyning proceaded for that the king of this place would have had the use of his eldest daughter. They being Christians rather choose to run away, which cost the father his lyfe, and yet the daughter, etc. And yt is said the wife, hearing her husband is executed, is secretly fled, or, as som think, hath made her selfe away. Word was sent to me to the English howse that, yf such a woman were com to me, I should retorne her back.

Marche 13.--The mans wife, whose husband was executed yisterday and shee fled, was fownd dead this mornyng, she haveing hanged her selfe upon a tree.

Marche 14.--I gave Andrea Dittis, the China Capt., 2 letters testimoniall (or of favor) in the names of Capt. Gotad and Roquan, to goe into China, yf in case they met with English shiping.

There was 378½ cattis sea weed bought this day, at 7½ mas per pico.

And Joco Conde Dono sent me a present of 3 hanches salt veneson, with certen shelfish called woby.

Matinga had 5 bales rise of 6 gantes per mas, for which I answered.

Marche 15.--Genta Samme, the kinges yongest brother, the adopted sonne of Bongo Samme, sent to buy 3 or 4 peeces stuffes, he being bownd to lye at the Emperours Court; which, in respect ther was never nothing geven unto hym before and he going to lye at Cort, was geven hym for a present.

And Bongo Sama envited Mr. Osterwick and my selfe to dyner to morrow, as he hath donne the lyke to the Hollanders.

There went divers pilgrams to Tencha dire with an ammabush[135] for their gide, the pilgrams haveinge letters written on the backs of their keremons (or coates).

Marche 16.--We went to dynner to Bongo Sammes, Mr. Osterwick and my selfe, where we met Capt. Speck with an other Duchman and a boz. We had very good cheare. And Genta Samme, the kinges yongest brother, came in at later end, and thanked me for the present geven hym the day before, and tould me he was going up to the Court (after his brother) to the Emperour, unto whome I desired hym to offer my service and that I made acco. to vizet them before it were longe, God sending our shipping to arive in saffetie.

Marche 18.--We bought two fig trees, an orenge tree, and a peche tree, cost all 1 tay, and 2 other oring trees; and had an oring tree, a quince tree, and a peare tree geven.

Marche 20.--Capt. Speck sent me 2 Portingale figg trees.

Marche 21.--We receved 1000 tiles of all sortes to tile the new porche, with 2 head tiles.

Marche 22.--I sent a letter to Mr. Nealson, per Jacob Swager, for the bathes of Ishew, he goeing to buy cattell of Bungo Samme, the king having geven them an iland to feed them on.

Marche 23.--The China Capt. came back from Langasaque and brought me 2 China stooles for a present, and a baskit of greate orranges.

And I receved a letter from Jorge Durois, with 3 quince trees, 5 figg slipps, an orange tree, and a peare tree, with som garden seeds. His letter was dated in Langasaque, le 25th of March, new stile. Also I receved an other letter from Capt. Garrocho, with certen rowles of ruske.

The great shipp of Amacan put to sea on Sonday last.

Marche 24.--Niquan, the China Capt. kynsman, departed towardes China 7 daies past from Langasaque; from whence he sent me a peece of rofesate red velvet for a present, and desired me to lend his wife 20 taies in his abcense to buy her provition, for which he would be accomptable at his retorne, and Andrea Dittis his shewrty for repament.

Marche 25.--We had greate canes of the China Capt. to make an arbor or shed for a vyne; and 6 rayles or nuquis at 12 condrins. And a bose, frend to Capt. China, sent me 3 or 4 trees, 1 of peches and the rest of flowres.

Marche 26.--Ushenusque Dono gave me a greate vine tree, which I planted in our new orchard on the west side our gadong.

And a cavelero of Tabilo sent the China Capt. an oring tree, a pear tree, and 2 peche trees, with other flowers, which he gave all to me to plant in our new orchard.

News came to Firando that the King of Shashma would passe this way som 3 or 4 daies hence.

Marche 28.--All the kayes of our howse dores, being 6, were stolne, and one of them sould in truck of rise, which coming to my knowledg, I laid hould on hym which bought it to bring forth the partie which sould it, and kept hym prisoner in our English howse all night, but could get nothing of hym. Soe, upon the word of the China Capt. with 2 other neighbours, I let hym goe free upon his promis to looke out for the partie which sould it. And soe we sett up a bill in writing, that I would geve a bar of plate to hym which brought the kayes.

We had but 3 oryng trees from Sugien Dono, the[y] bing so great the bark could bring no more.

Marche 29.--About nowne the King of Shashma passed by Firando and came to an ancor a league from Firando; whither I went to vizet hym, being accompanid with Mr. Osterwick, and carid a present of 2 barilles wyne, 2 bundells fysh, and 2 damaskt fowling peeces.

And at our coming to the roade where he staid at an anchor, we fownd Tonomon Samme, the kinges brother, with Bongo Samme his uncle, ready to present the King of Shashma with a present, as also Capt. Speck was ready to doe the lyke for the Hollanders, having 3 other merchants to accompany hym. But Tonomon Samme willed us both to stay till they had byn first with hym, and sent me word I should com next after; yet the Duch pressed forward by meanes of Zanzabars brother in law, and stept into the bark before me. But at his retorne I tould hym, that all might heare me, that he knew well my place and ranke was to have gon before hym, and caused our jurebasso to signefie as much to the King of Shashma, and that the King of England had vassales much greater then the prince (or county) which governed the Hollanders, and that their state or government was under the comand of the King of England, he haveing garrisons of English souldiers in their cheefest fortres or places of strength they had. In fine, the King of Shashma took notis of my speeches, and sowne after sent a great lord unto me to thank me both for this present as also for the other the yeare past, and withall sent me 10 bars of silver waying 43 tais, and the lyk som, as I understand, was sent from hym to the Duch, after they had byn with us.

But I forgot to note dowing (sic) the present geven by the Duch, viz.:--

1 greate gilded looking glasse. 1 or 2 tattamis stamet cloth } very good cullers. 1 or 2 tattamis stamet kersies }

I know not well whether the cloth as I sayd was 2 tattamis in a peece or 1 tattamy. They presented allso divers peeces of China stuffs, but I think they were for his followers, for they put up a petission to the king (as I think) to have trade into his cuntrey, but, as I understand, were put offe till his retorne. As also I deliverd hym the Emperours letter, procured formerly, to have trad into all his dominions; but he gave me no answer, but sent me word by hym which brought the present that, at his retorne from the Emperours Court, he would com and vizet our English howse and geve me answer to content.

A frend of the China Capt. sent me 2 orange trees and a peach tree from Tabola, I sending a bark and men to fetch them.

Pedro the porter entertayned at a tay per month.

Marche 30.--I sent Goresano, our jurebasso, to a cavelero which accompanid the lord of Shashma yisterday, when he came to the English howse with the present, to thank hym for his paynes, and that I did not expect any present at all, yet, it being sent from so greate a prince as the King of Shashma was, I could not refuse the receaving therof. He retorned me answer that it was not for the vallu of the mony that the king sent it, but only as a token of good will, according to the Japon custom, and that I might be ashewred, yf we had a mynd to trade into Shashma, that we should be welcom and find that greate man ready to further us in what he might for the good entertaynment he had at our English howse yisterday.

And there was a barr more of Oban gould of fifty-five taies lent to Andrea Dittis, the China Capt., to send to his brother Whaw, to geve to the sonne of Twan Dono.

Our neighbours envited them selves to dyner to morow, it being our Easterday, I meane the 10 of the two wardes and princepall men.

Marche 31.--Easterday. Our neighbours came to dyner, 24 persons.

There was reportes geven out the Emperour is dead, and that Frushma, or Tushma Tay, a great lord or prince in the north, is slayne per the Emperours people, coming from Edo to Mico; but I esteeme this ordenary Japon newes, which prove lyes. Also they report the King of Shashma taketh this voyag to reveng Frushma Tais death.

Aprill 1.--I receved a letter from Mr. Wickham, dated in Osakay the 22th ultimo, wherin he adviseth me the tymber and neales is provided, and that the tymber will be put abord a bark of Fingo to morow, fraight 10 taies. Also he reportes of news, but so variable that it was not worth writing of. And I wrot an other letter to Jorge Durois to buy 2 or 3 jarrs conserve, all that was left being geven to the King of Shashma, and Tonomon Samme, Sangero Samme, and Soyemon Dono sending after to me to have had som for the said king. This letter I sent per Antonio, the kinges caffro.

Aprill 3.--The King of Shashma went out of harbour at Fyrando this mornyng. And Sugian Dono sent me a fyne tree of flowers to plant in our garden.

Aprill 4.--The wyfe of a fellow, which hath stolne 17 mas of the themperours plate and is run away, is seazed upon with her sonne and servantes and all she hath, and were to have byn put into prison. Soe her frendes came to me and Andrea Dittis to speake to the justis for her, which we did. Soe they staid her from going into prison, and take councell what is to be donne therein.

Aprill 7.--Tonomon Samme, understanding of my golden fish, sent to desire to have it; so I gave it hym, and he gave me a great black dogg. He desired to have a littell pepper and som cloves, which was also sent hym, som 2 cattis pepper and a few cloves.

Aprill 10.--The China Capt. gave me a peece crisped white silke, lyke sipers.[136] Mr. Osterwick said he bought the lyke at Bantam for 2 Rs. of 8.

Aprill 11.--The China Capt. went a pilgremage to a pagod neare Goto, for a voy (sic) he made for recovering of his brother Whaws health.

Aprill 12.--I receved a letter from Jorge Durois, with 36 tallo candells, per our jurebassos wife, but she retorned without geting her father set at liberty, Twan not being willing to despense with hym.

Mr. Nealson, Mr. Osterwick, and my selfe went to dyner to Oyen Donos this day, and were well entertayned, and amongst other speeches we had conferrence of the Hollanders presuminge to have entrance to the King of Shashma before us, and of my reproving Capt. Speck for it, etc. But all took it rather for a reproofe to the Duch then otherwais, in respeck the King of England keepeth garnison in the princepall fortresses they have, at his charge. The Hollanders can not deny yt.

There came 2 Spaniardes from Edo this day, and tould me it is comenly reported above that the Emperour is dead, and that they met the King of Figen going to Shrongo with greate forcese. So they esteeme there will be warrs above. They said they thought Mr. Wickham and Mr. Eaton were providing to com to Firando with such matters as they have resting, standing in dowbt what might ensue.

The China Capt. retorned from his pilgremage.

Aprill 13.--Pasquall the Spaniard made enquiry which of the English in Firando was Mr. Wickhams kinsman, and in the end it proved to be Mr. Osterwick, unto whome he sent recoudo[137] that he had sould 2½, I say two cattis and a halfe of exellent white amber greece at one hundred taies the catty, and gave Mr. Osterwick order to receve the payment; as also he sent an other catty of the lyke to Capt. Jourden to Bantam per Capt. Copindall, refusing to sell it heare to me for the Companies use at twenty taies, haveing secretly emploid others before to have sould it for a greater price, but could not. Thus now am I not deceaved in hym, that I imagened he had made an India voyag in the Liqueas, having fingered 4 or 5 cattis of exellent amber greece, which made hym to stand upon his puntos to have gon away in som Japon junck or Holland ship for Pattania or Bantam. Yet let both hym and the world judg of me yf I dealt frendly with hym (I meane Mr. Wickham), when I let hym put to acco. what he would, and yet, over and above, lent hym one hundred and fiftie rialls of eight to make benefite of, and gave hym as much with it of my owne to doe as a frend, yf occation were offred. But he retorned me my money as I delivered it, and emploid all his owne, ut supra.

Capt. Speck came to vizet me, and amongst other matters I tould hym I marveled he thrust hym selfe forward to have entrance to the King of Shashma before my selfe. His answer was, he knew no reason to the contray, and that in these partes he took the Grave Moris and the Estates of Holland to be as much as the King of England, yf not more.

The China Capt. envited Mr. Nelson, Mr. Osterwick and my selfe to supper amonst many Japons.

Aprill 14.--I receved a letter from Mr. Eaton, dated in Osakay, le 24th of Marche, sent per a bark of Figen with tymber, viz.:--

Buanuqo, or boardes, 1200, in 100 bundells of 12, cost 03 0 0 Sugingeta, or rayles, 0500, at 27 mas per 100, is 13 5 0 Beauff, or rayles, 0300, at 2½ condrin per peece 07 5 0 Shishero, or boardes, 0040, at 58 condr. peece is 23 2 0 Tacca nuca, or spars, 0015, at 6 mas peece is 09 0 0 Sugeta, or boardes, 0100, at 13 condr. 10 boardes 07 3 0 ------ Som totall boardes and tymber cost 63 5 0 More for boate hier carrying all aboard 00 5 0 ------ 64 0 0 ------

Tonoman Samme sent me 2 hanches venison for a present; and I sent hym 2 English knyves and a quarter of a Hollands cheese, he sending after to buy som.

Aprill 15.--The boz or pagan prist above sent me a tree of white flowers for a present.

Aprill 16.--We sent a boate to Langasaque, to buy 400 Shashma boardes to cover the endes of our gadong.

Our new wall of the north side, made per our neighbours, shronk soe it was this day broaken up agane, or rather puld downe.

Aprill 17.--News was sent me by Oyen Donos sonne that the Emperour had geven the King of Firando leave to retorne to his contrey, and that they thought he would be heare within this 10 dayes.

And at same tyme the King of Crates man came to vizet me, and said it was reported that the Emperour was very sick with a fall he had from his horce in going a hawlking, so that no man might speake with hym. Yet, notwithstanding, Shungo Samma had geven leave to the King of Faccata and the King of Figen to retorne for their countries, but comanded all the rest to stay his ferther plesure.

And towardes night a cavelero sent me word how it was trew that the Emperour was alive, and had spoaken to the King of Firando and two other princes only, of purpose to stop the mowthes of those which reported hym to be dead; only it seemed to them he was not halfe well.

Aprill 18.--We receved 660 tiles, viz. 360 for gadong walle and 300 tiling flat tiles.

And I receved an other letter from Jo. Durois, dated in Langasaque, le 24th of Aprill, new stile, wherin he advized me how the speeche went that Shashma Dono was building the fortres at Osakay and Frushma Tay with hym.

Also Soyemon Dono sent me a letter how they could not sell the merchandize, viz. the white baftas they tooke for the King of Firando. Soe he willed me to take them back againe. Unto which letter I retorned answer, I could not doe it in respeckt I had advized the Company into England of the sale thereof, as also the lyke to the agent at Bantam.

Gonosque Dono sent me 2 hanches of venison for a present. We receved 34 rownd postes of Skidayen, called yofen nuquy. Skiamon Dono came from Langasaque and sent me a present of confittes and craknills.

Aprill 19.--The 2 sea bongews came to vizet me, and amongst other matters we had speeches tuching Capt. Specks goinge before me to salute the King of Shashma, and of my reproveing hym for it, wherin they said I had reason and that they knew it not till now.

Aprill 20.--Mr. Eaton arived from Osakay with a Spaniard in his company, pilot of the ship which came from Nova Spania. Mr. Eaton brought me 2 letters from Mr. Wickham, dated in Miaco the 4th and 6th currant, in which he wrot me something humerously, both about the busynes as also about my misusing of his gerle woman, which is untrewe. Also I receved a letter from Ric. Hudson, with 2 others, 1 from Capt. Adames sonne, and the other from our hostes at Miaco and Osakay, he of Miaco sending me 2 pewter basons for a present, and the other of Osakay 10 pewter pottage dishes.

And we receved tymber of Skidayen Dono, viz.:--

79 cakis mates nuque of 2 tattamy long. 20 cakis tabu nuque of 2 tattamis long. 45 nendangi, or rownd poles, of 2½ tatt.

Mr. Nealson in a pot humor fell out with Antony the kinges caffro, and struk hym in my sight.

Aprill 21.--I bought a duble silver and gilt salt containing 13 R. ⅛ R. of 8, for same wight Spanish money.

Aprill 22.--I delivered 5 ould gould ringes of Matingas to the gouldsmith, to make new.

And Mr. Eaton gave me 5 Japon beakers, 4 pottage dishes, 8 other Japon dishes, and a wassell bole.

Aprill 23.--We receved tymber of Skidayon Dono, viz.:--

297 nuquis, or rayles. 017 fashack, or rownd poles. 070 inche bordes, fashock ison. 030 cakis, or square posts, of 2 tatta.

Receved in 1 boate 700 howse tiles, and in an other 700 tiles more, viz. 450 howse tiles and 250 flat for godong.

Aprill 24.--We bought 40 rownd poles, cost 2 mas, littell ones to cover carpenters shed. Tome Dono lent us 20 mats or tomas, and the China Capt. lent us 6 bundells of small canes to cover carpenters shed. And 40 mats bought of 2 others per Gorezano.

Aprill 25.--We borowed 200 tomas, or straw matts, of Sifian Dono, of 20 per mas.

Aprill 26.--I wrot a letter to Figean a Camme, King of Firando, complementally, that I was glad to understand of his safe arivall at Shrongo and kind entertaynment of themperour; and that yf any shiping arived heare from England or our junck from Syam, that I would adviz hym thereof. This letter I sent per conveance of Oyen Dono.

And I reconed with Gorezano, our jurebasso, for monies he disbursed for me, as followeth:--

ta. m. co.

Pro a kettell, or furnes for Matinga 0 6 5 Pro a peece taffety to lyne Domingos kerymon 1 2 6½ Pro a barill wyne for Matinga 1 1 2 Pro gerdell for Matinga, 2 fruntes 1 0 0 Pro cotten woll for Jeffres kerremon 0 1 5 Pro a pere shews for Carnero, porter 0 3 0 Pro fishing lyne for my selfe 0 1 0 Pro a blind man that songe 0 1 0 Pro dressing me 2 ould hattes 0 4 0 Pro a kitesoll for my selfe 0 2 0 Pro a cattan for Domingo 0 8 0 ------------ 6 0 8½

Aprill 28.--We receved 3 square post for the water gate, 1 plank for the bridg, and 7 small ficamons servisable.

Aprill 29.--I reconed with Yoskey for monies laid out for me, viz.:--

To shewmaker for making buskins and 2 per shewsfor my selfe 00 4 0 To Matinga, 1 peare tabis 00 2 6 To pint tugger 00 5 0

Aprill 30.--Mr. Wickham writ he delivered 25 tat. broad cloth to the King of Firandos man. Also of the lying news of Fidaia Sammes being alive, and that 200 Japons are put to death at Osakay for selling people after the wars, and that Micarna Camme Samme, the Emperours sonns sonne, bought a caboke, or player, cost hym 10000 taies, is 2500 li. sterling.

May 2.--We reared the frame under the north side of our howse this day.

Zanzabar, allius Yasimon Dono, envited us all to dyner this day and used us kyndly.

May 3.--We receved in 2 barkes foure thousand six hundred tils, wherof 50 were for gadong walle.

May 4.--We receved a bark; lading ston. Cushcron Dono.

May 5.--The sonne of Tuan Dono of Langasaque departed to sea with 13 barkes laden with souldiers to take the iland Taccasange, called per them soe, but by us Isla Fermosa. And it is reported he is at Goto, staying for more succors which are to com from Miaco, and thought they mean to goe for Lequea, to look for Fidaia Samme.

Peter, our new porter, and Miguell, Corean jurebasso, went about to have gotten a Japon servant to the Jesuistes to have served in our English howse, which I refused to doe; but Peter let hym lodg one night in the howse, which Gorezano tould me of, which both the other took soe in snuffe that they thretned to kill Gorezano. Soe I turned Piter out a dores. Which Miguell, in his usuall drunken humor, stomocked and entered into termes with me that I had no reason to doe it; soe I turned hym out lykewaies to beare the other company.

May 8.--I delivered one hundred tais plate bars to Mr. Osterwick, wherof he delivered 50 tais lyke to Mr. Eaton to goe to Ikanoura to buy tymber, because Skidayen Dono deceaveth us.

The perticulars of tymber is as followeth, viz.:--

250 cakis, or squar post. 250 nukis, or rayles. 800 small boardes. 004 mombashta, or dore postes. 100 rownd postes.

May 10.--We had 2 barkes lading flat stones of Tome Dono and Cushcron Dono, to pave yard.

May 14.--Unagense Dono sent me a present of halfe a wild bore.

May 15.--I wrot 3 letters to Mr. Eaton, China Capt., and Jor. Durois, advising Mr. Eaton to com away with what tymber he had bought and buy no more, but bring 3 or 400 bags lyme. And sent these letters per Skeyo that was our skullion.

May 16.--I receved three hundred and fyftie taies plate of bars of Oyen Dono, in full payment for the ould debt due per King of Firando, besides or above the 3000 taies due per hym last. I say the King of Firando oweth 3000 tais over and above this 350 tais now paid; which three hundred and fyftie taies Mr. Osterwick receaved.

Also Mr. Eaton fell out with a Japon of Figen, whoe misused and struck hym with a staff and knockt hym downe, thinking to have kild hym, for spite he bought tymber at a hier rate then he. But Mr. Eaton, in defence of hym selfe, hath dangerously wounded the other. But the Umbrians took Mr. Eatons parte, other wais they Figians had murthered hym. Soe he stands on his gard till I send to cleare hym, the Umbrians protecting hym.

The China Capt. retorned from Langasaque, and brought me word how Mr. Eaton was abused by them of Fingo, and that it was a marvell he escaped with life. So, per his counsell, I sent a bark with 4 ores to cary a letter to Mr. Eaton, and withall sent an other in Japons to the dico of Ykanaura, desyring hym to have a care that no violence were offred to the scrivano, allius Mr. Eaton, for that to morrow I ment to send a letter to the King of Umbra, his master, to have hym set at liberty and retorned to me, as our priveleges geven per the Emperour spesefied, as the King of Firandos man could testefie, whoe I ment to send Mr. Nealson along with in the mornyng about same matter. And so I gott Jubio Dono of Crates to write me a letter to the King of Umbra ut supra.

Capt. Whaw, the China Capt. brother, did send me a present of vallance for a bed, embradered.

May 17.--I sent Mr. Nelson to Umbra with the letter written to the king, and he carid 50 tais in plate bars and 10 tais in small plate with hym.

The China Capt. lent us leafe gould to gild one mark and 2 head tiles.

May 18.--There came a man from Umbra about the quarrell of the Fingonians with Mr. Eaton, saying they swagered mightely because they thought the man would dye.

May 19.--I receved a letter from Mr. Nealson at Fooky,[138] 3 leages hence, being staid per contrary wind, but departed from thence this mornyng before day. Also the small bark I sent to Mr. Eaton with a letter retorned, and tells me the man which he hurt is in no danger of death; yet, not withstanding, they of Umbra will suffer no man to speake to hym, not so much as hym which carid hym my letter, nor a Spaniard which came to hym from Langasaque with a present. I think it is the saturnecall humor of the ould kyng, because he is a Christian, he being a mortall enemy to that name for hatred of the Jesuistes.

And, after we were gon to bed, Tonomon Samme, the Kinges brother, sent me word that he ment to send an expres to the King of Fingo, and that yf I would write he should carry my letter. I retorned hym word that I knew not what to write to Fyngo till I knew the certenty of what passed in Umbra, which will be when Mr. Eaton and Mr. Nealson (which went for hym) retorned.

May 20.--I went to Soyemon Dono to tell hym I marveled them of Umbra used the scrivano (alius Mr. Wm. Eaton) soe hardly that they would suffer no man to speake with hym nor let hym have victuelles for money. He answered me that the Umbrians kept such ward about hym for his good, because the Fingonians, being above 150 persons, had mad bragges they would kill hym, and, Ikanoura being a littell towne or village, were afeard of the worst, and so kept ward; but that they skanted hym of victuells he marveled, but he was assured it was not of mallice, but knew the place was bare of provition, and that I might rest assured that, when the bungew with Mr. Nealson were arived, that Mr. Eaton should presently be set at liberty; and in the meane tyme I must have pasience, for their trowble was much more then ours. He also tould me that yf I would write Mr. Eaton or Mr. Nealson, that he ment to send a man expres to Umbra this day. Soe I wrot them both, and sent them per a man sent from Firando of purpose per kinges brother.

We reared the building to the southward of our howse in Firando this day.

May 21.--I wrot a letter to Jor. Durois, and ther inclozed the other I thought to have sent per Skeyo, kept till now per meane of contrary wynds, in which letter I advized hym of the trowbls of Mr. Eaton at Ikanaura in Umbra; sent per servant Bugo Same.

And after, we recd. in 2 barkes 1400 tils. Also we had 3 barkes lading ston, viz. 1 of Tome Dono, 1 of Cushcron Dono, 1 of Synemon Dono. And we had 35 bundells canes of the China Capt.

And towardes night I receved a letter from Mr. Nealson, dated in the gulfe of Umbra le 20th currant, and sent per the bongew which went along with hym, whoe now retorned back, with many complements from them of Umbra, but determen not to set Mr. Eaton at liberty till they had enformed the Tono of Fingo therof.

Mr. Nelson went to Ikanora to vizet Mr. Eaton and furnish hym with such matters as he stood in need of, understanding the Umbrians kept hym soe short.

Yosky the butler, being sick, asked lycense to goe to his howse to take phisick.

May 23.--Migell, our jurebasso, desired lycense to goe take phisick, being very ill at ease.

May 24.--We had fliing news how our ship the Hozeander with the Hollanders have met with the great Portingall ship of Amacan, and fought with her neare to the Liqueas, and som escaping out of her ashore retorned per way of Xaxma to Langasaque with news, but know not the end of the fight, whether she escaped or no. Of the which I advised Jor. Durois per Skeyo or his cafero in a letter; but I esteem it ordenary Japon news, which are lyes, dowbting (according to the English proverb) that it is to good to be true, yet, according to an other, I wish that there never com worse news to the towne.

Migell our jurebassos wife came and brought me a small jarr of achar[139] for a present, desyring me to exskews her husband in that he abcented hym selfe to take phisik in this tyme of busynes.

And after I was gon to bed, Soyemon Dono sent to have a jurebasso to com to hym about news they had from Ikanoura. Soe I went my selfe unto hym, and he tould me that the King of Fingo had sent a letter to Umbra, wherin he advised that, allthough the English had kild a man of his, he made no reconyng of it, only he was advised that som of Firando that was in company of the English had stolne somthing wherby this quarrell grew. This was the matter he sent to tell me of, and that to morrow they ment to send a man expres to Ikanoura about this matter. So I desyred hym he might carry me a letter to Mr. Nealson.

May 25.--Mr. Nealson retorned from Ikanaura, but Mr. Eaton staid behind till the bongew retorned from Fingo.

The man Mr. Eaton hurt dyed the other night, whereupon they sent for Co John, Mr. Eatons boy, and cut afe his head, for that he began the brute; and thought to have donne the lyke per Skite, because he took Mr. Eatons part when they misused hym, and the lyk of Tome, his jurebasso. All was about a peece of straw cord not worth a farthing.

And I receved 3 letters and a note from Mr. Eaton per Mr. Nealson, dated the 23th and 24th curant, the note manifesting the tymber, boardes, and lyme he had bought, viz.:--

ta. m. co. 250 cakis, at 13 tais per cnto. is 32 5 0 100 rownd postes, or marakis, 3 per mas. 03 3 0 250 nukis, at 5 per mas 05 0 0 004 mombashta, or dore postes 04 3 0 --------- This paid to bongew at Ika 45 1 0 Also 400 saks lyme, at 3½ condrin 14 0 0 800 boardes, at 7 per mas 11 4 0 --------- 70 5 0

Also he writes he receved 100 tallow candelles of Georg Durois at Langasaque, whereof he burned 23 in prison and Mr. Nealson 5 per way. So Mr. Nelson brought 72 to Firando.

May 29.--I entred into cowncell with Mr. Nealson and Mr. Osterwick, whether it were best to send Mr. Nealson back to Mr. Eaton with a bark to bring hym away, yf he be set at lyberty at the retorne of the bongew from Fingo, as they promised he should. So it was concluded upon, and, because I had ernest occation to use Gorezano in howse, I got lycense of Capt. Speck to have a jurebasso which served the Duch, which he granted me. But when they were ready to depart, there came a Japon and whispered our Duch jurebasso in the eare, who presently refuced to goe on our pretended affares. So I was forced to send Gorezano againe with hym and a souldier of the kinges, whom Tonomon Same, the kings brother, sent with them at my request. The pointes of busynes tuching Mr. Nealsons proceading apeareth in a memoriall of this date, the coppie wherof I kept. I wrot a letter per hym to Mr. Eaton.

And receved a letter from Jor. Durois, dated in Langasaque le 5th of July, wherin he wrot me the news of the meeting of our English shipp with that of Amacan was a lye, only the great ship toed a boate after her, wherin were 2 horses with provition of meate for them and 4 or 5 persons to look unto them, but per stormy wether were broaken from the shipp and cast on the cost of Xaxma, having passed much danger, the bark being sunke, and 4 got upon a peece of tymber, living 5 days without meate or drink. I say 8 got on it at first, wherof 4 dyed before they got aland at Liquea.

May 30.--Jubio Dono of Crates lent us 5 sackes new barly, of 51 small gantes per sack, till we could get other to malt.

May 31.--We sould 10 fardelles rotten cuttelfish to our fishmonger for 7 tais 8 mas, to tak fish for howse in payment. This cuttellfish was bought for first voyag of our junck to Syam, and, she loosing her voyage, new put in place.

June 2.--I receved a letter from Mr. Nealson, dated in Ikanoura le last of May, signefying he staid the retorne of the bongew from Fingo, and that Mr. Eaton was better used now then heretofore, and that the bongew which used Mr. Eaton soe strictly is put of of his place and lyke to loose his head for cuting affe our servantes head.

The Hollanders reared a new gadong this day, as bigg as their other, and made an other thatcht one a mile ofe, to buld shiping and put tymber in, and have mad other much building this yeare, planted 2 orchardes, and made a new key out of the sea.

June 3.--I wrot a letter to Mr. Nealson, per the man which carid the other, how I thought best he retorned, for that it is nothing but delayes of the Umbrians who have sent to the Emperours court about the matter, as I think, or, yf he stay upon good occation, then to send back Gorezano.

I reconed with the teliers, and paid the fat tealor 5 tais in small plate for making me 5 new garmentes and sowing two ould gownes and a satten dublet. And he paid me 2 tais greate plate out of it for 2 peeces duttis sould hym.

Also I paid the China button maker 1 tay 4 mas for buttons, in small plate.

And I reconed with the leane telor, and paid hym for dyvers garmentes and mending ould, as apereth per particulars-- 7ta. 6m. 0co. And for making 8 sutes for caffro 1ta. 8m. 0co. And for sowing the flagg or making 0ta. 2m. 0co.

June 5.--I receved a letter from Figen a Camme, King of Firando, dated in Shrongo 18 dais past, with 3 salmons for a present. Also he writes me of the good entertaynment the Emperour gave hym, with lycense to retorne to Firando when he pleaseth, and that the Empr. gave hym 18 keremons or gowns, with 18 storkes or salted fowles, for a present, a matter much esteemed in these partes.

Also I receved a complementall letter from Torayemon Dono, with another inclosed for the China Capt. which I delivered presently. Torayemon Dono advized of presentes geven the king.

And after dyner Mr. Nealson retorned from Ikanaura with Mr. Eaton and the bongew of Firando which went to Fingo, and Mr. Eatons host of Langasaque who went to vizet hym at Ikanoura so sowne as he heard he was in trowble, and hath kept hym company ever since, conveaying a musket and other armes into prison to defend hym against them of Fingo, yf they went about to offer violence, offring his person for his defence till the death, yf need required.

The bongew which went for Fingo retorned with answer to them of Umbra that they should set the Englishman at liberty, for that he would not medell with them, being under the Emperour his protection; and that them of Fingo, which began this brute, went upon their affares without knowledg to hym, and therefore he would not defend them in the action. Yet, notwithstanding all this, they of Umbra would not deliver Mr. Eaton in 2 dais after the news came, siting still in dancons or councell about it, making delayes, keeping hym baricaded till the last hower. And, although the other bongew used Mr. Eaton kindlie at first, and let Mr. Nealson goe and vizet hym, yet after he restrayned hym and would not let hym speake with hym in 2 daies. Their hatred against us (I meane them of Umbra) is per meanes of the padrese or pristes, who stered them up against us to make us odious to the Japons, for they are all, or the most part, papisticall Christians in Umbra, and attribute a great (or cheefe) occation of banishment of them out of Japon per meanes of the English, many papistes and Jesuistes lying secretly lurking in most partes of Japon till this hower. Yet I hope in tyme to use the lyke frenship to them as they have donne now to us. And it is serten them of Umbra are enemies to them of Firando, for that Foyne Samme recovered from them much land which they had taken from Doca Samme his father, and added much of Umbra unto it, which they of Firando pocesse till this day.

June 6.--I receved a letter from Mr. Wickham, dated in Miaco le 22th ultimo, with an other from Co. Jno. jurebasso, both per the keremon sellar or mercer, with 2 barrill wyne, cost both 13 mas, with 2 catabras for Matinga, 2 for his woman Femega, and 1 for Mr. Eatons woman. He writes that the King of Xaxma with Frushma Tay and other tonos were com to Miaco, and all other permitted to retorne for their cuntres.

June 7.--Mr. Eatons host enformed me how he was in Cochinchina when Mr. Peacock was kild, and that the King of Cochinchina knew nothing thereof, and that he thought, yf we sought, we might have restitution of all. He sayeth they were 5 men which murthered both the English and Duch, wherof 2 were of Cochinchina, 2 Japons, and the other a China, their names being as followeth: Mangosa Dono, Sanzo Dono, Japons; Mangosa, Mr. Peacockes host; Hongo, a China; Uncam, bongew of junk, Amy, bongew of bark, of Cochinchina.

I offred hym that, yf he would put me in suffitient sureties at Langasaque to be answerable that he should render the Wor. Company a just accompt of all he recovered or receaved, that then I would geve hym power to follow the matter, and be bownd to geve hym satisfaction for doing thereof to his owne content, and procure the Emperours letter to the King of Cochinchina, yf need so required. So he gave me answer he was content to put me in sureties to content. The present was geven hym, as well in respect of the paines he hath taken with Mr. Eaton, as also for hope we have to employ hym upon Cochinchina busines.

June 8.--This day was a Japon feast, being the 5th day of ther 5th month, called by them Gunguach goriore.

The China Capt. sent me 2 small barsos of wine and 2 fishes for a present this Japon feast, and the fatt China telior and buton maker sent me 1 barso and 2 fyshes. And I sent the China Capt. a salmon and a phan.

I was enformed that the King of Firando spake not with the Emperour, but only was permitted to enter into a chamber, where they said he la sick in a littell cabbin coverd with paper, Codgkin Dono, the secretary, going into it and telling hym that the Tono of Firando was there to vizet hym, and came out againe, telling hym the Emperour thanked hym and gave hym lycense to retorne to his cuntrey. But they verely beleeve he is dead, and that they keepe it secret; yet it may be a pollecie to see whether any will rise against hym in armes.

June 9.--We trid our elle speare afore oure howse, and took 65 fresh elles.

Mr. Eaton gave his boy Co Johns aparell and wakadash to his father, with 5 mas in plate.

June 11.--We had 2 boattes lading paveing stoones of Cushcron Dono and Tome Dono; but the Duch grudged to let us have them, saying the king had geven them the iland and per consequence the stoanes.

Mr. Nealson fell out with me extremly this day, misusing me as he hath donne the lyke many tymes before, which I have put up and still borne with his contynewall drunken humors.

June 12.--I receved a letter from Jo. Durois, dated the 12th currant, new stile, which is 10 dayes past, with a note in it, dated the 18th ditto, new stile, in both which he writes how it is certenly reported the Emperour is dead, with other news of Japon; as also to send back his negro or slave, yf I can procure it.

2 Chinas came and vizeted me, and brought me a present of a jarr China wine.

June 13.--Heare is reportes geven out that Fidaye Same is alive and in keeping of the Dayre, and that, the Emperour being dead, it is now mad knowne, and that he shall be Emperour and his fortresse at Osakay built againe. But I doe verely think this is a lye.

June 14.--This night past came an expres from the king, how he was at Anushma, a port of Faccata, som 30 leagues hence, and that he ment to be at Firando to night or to morrow. So Soyemon Dono and other caveleros went out to meete hym, or rather to goe to hym to the place where he is, the wind being contrary.

June 16.--The Kyng of Firando arived at Firando about midnight, and the Duch shott off certen chambers at his passing by their howse.

I sent our jurebasso to Oyen Dono to desyre hym to tell the king that I was glad of his Highnes health and safe retorne, and that I would com and kis his handes, yf he weare at leasure, and, whiles he was speaking with Oyen Dono, the kyng per fortune or else of purpose passed by and gave our jurebasso very kind words and said I should be welcom whensoever I came.

Tayamon Dono envited us to dyner, I meane all the English, he being our master carpenter, and our work all most ended.

I sent our jurebasso also to Semi Dono and Taccaman Dono to bid them welcom home, and to tell them I would come and vizet them when they were at leasure.

Semi Dono sent me word, it was certen that the ould Emperour was dead 26 daies past, and that he saw the place where he was buryed; and that Shongo Samme did it of purpose, that they might see he was dead. And the presentes which were geven to eache tono were the legasie of the dead Emperour, being greate matters both in bars of gould and vestmentes. And that Shongo Samme gave them leave to stay 3 yeares without retornyng to vizet hym, to take theire ease for the paynes they had taken in tym past. But I do verely beleeve he will sowne rise againe, yf any wars be moved against his sonne within these 3 yeares.

Gonrock Dono passed by yister night to Langasaque, to be governor; which doth rather conferme me in my opinion.

June 17.--The grownd on the W. side our new gadong did shrink with the extreme rayne, and 3 panes of our orchard wall fell downe and spoild divers frute trees, and all the rest of the wall much shaken and lyke to fall, the grownd geving way.

We went and vizetted the king, all of us together, viz.: Mr. Eaton, Mr. Nealson, Mr. Osterwick, and my selfe, and carid a present of 2 barrilles wyne, and 20 cordes of drid fysh of cuttell, and shell fysh, of eather 10 cordes, with a small pott of conserve of oreng flowers. He was accompanied with Bongo Samme his uncle, and the father of Sugen Dono of Umbra, and 2 bosses or pagan pristes, with the agent of Crates. He took our vizetation and present in kind parte, offring us any thinge we stood in need of; and soe I craved pardon, telling hym I would retorne som few dayes hence to kis his Highnesse handes, after he had rested hym selfe of his journey, to make knowne som matters unto hym and to have his Highnesse councell therin.

The king had a flat galle pot in his handes and his uncle an other, which som body had presented unto them. So he asked me whether we had such in our countrey, and I answered we had. So he desyred, yff any came in our shiping, that they might be kept for hym. And, retornyng to the English howse, by chance Mr. Nealson had such a one as the others were, but paynted after an other fation. So I sent it to the king, which he took in good part.

June 18.--I went and vizeted Semydone and Taccaman Dono, and carid each of them 2 small barsos wyne with 10 cordes drid fysh, 5 of a sort to each one. They tould me the ould Emperour died 28 daies past, and that all is now in quiet to Xongo Samme his sonne, in respect of the death of Fidaia Samme.

After I was in bed, Yesimon Dono sent me word he understood of a ship or junck that was on the cost of Firando, near an iland 3 leags hence, and that he had advised the Hollanders the lyke.

June 19.--The China Capt. tould me how he understood by som which came this night past from Langasaque, how they heard 2 peeces of ordinance shot affe per som shipp or junck, of the which I advised Capt. Speck in a letter sent per our jurebasso Gorezan. He retorned me answer that he had the lyke reportes brought unto hym, and had sent out men to heare yf it were true, but could heare of no such matter. And, sowne after, others brought news how they heard 3 peeces ordinance shot affe. So I sent out a boate, with 6 ores, to look yf they could see any shipping on the cost; but they retorned sowne after, the wether being dark and much rayne, and could see nothing.

Capt. Speck said he desired to talke with me about the state of Japon, for that he dowbted their might be som alteration by meanes of these reportes of the death of the Emperour.

The junck proved to be a China, and went along for Faccata, not tuching at Firando. Yt was a small soma or junck.

The King of Firando sent to begg my 2 golden fishes which the China Capt. brother sent me, which, much against my will, I gave hym, having geven his brother the other before.

June 20.--The King of Firando sent his chamberlen to me with a present of 2 Japon catabras, with much wordes complementall for that he did not come to vizet me since his retorne from the Emperours cort, aledging the fowle wether to be cheefe occation. The chamberlen also gave me a chaw[140] cup of tynne.

I sent our jurebasso to thank the king for the present he sent me, and to tell hym I did not esteeme my selfe worthie of such honer as his Highnesse did unto me in sending me such a present. He retorned answer, he esteemed me worthie of much more, and was ashamed it was no better, yet desird me to take it in good parte, such as it was.

June 21.--Towardes night came news that a junk or ship was seene upon the cost of Firando, 4 or 5 leages offe. So the China Capt. went out in a boate, and Jno. Cocora, our cooke, with hym.

And about midnight came an Englishman with a letter from Mr. Jno. Baylie, merchant, and an other from Mr. Richard Row, master of the Thomas, who is arived within 5 leages of Firando, and com per way of Molucos, and came from Bantam the 20th of January last.

I went abord the Thomas, and procured boates from Firando to toe her in. So she entred the harbour about nowne, and shot of 3 peces as we passed per the Duch house, and 11 for the towne, coming to an ancor. Jacob Speck, the Duch Capt., came abord before she came in, and brought a present of 2 barilles wyne, 2 hogges, and a salmon, and had 3 peces ordynance at his departure. And the Duch answered with chambars, both as we passed as also at his departure.

June 23.--The king sent to have a note of what comodities was com in our ship, to thentent to send it to the new Emperour. So I gave it hym. Also we procured orders from king to set up in the ship that no Japon should com abord without leave, to prevent stayling and cozening the marreners, which the Japons are adicted unto.

The King of Firando retorned 8 fowling peces which the Emperour should have had; but, now he is dead, Safian Dono retorns them.

June 24.--I sent an other letter to Mr. Wickham, per King Firandos man, whoe goeth to the new Emperour with a note of tharivall of our shipp and what she bringes in her.

June 25.--Semi Dono, with others, came from the king to look on our gally pots, and carid som of them, with jugges and pottage dishes, to shew the king.

This after nowne came in a small junk of China, which came from Osakay and came into Japon last yeare.

June 26.--The kyng had dyvers sortes gally pots, posset pots, and jugges more sent hym this day, as also Semy Dono had 2 galle pots and 10 gren podingers. And Skiamon Dono had 2 or 3 broaken gally pottes and 1 whole geven hym, he coming to fetch the other for the kyng. Ther was a faggot of steele let fall over bord per neclegence of handing in.

June 27.--Albaro Munois, Alferis Tuerto, and Pasqual Benois came this day to Firando from Langasaque, and came to the English howse to vizet me. I think their coming is to learne what newes is at Molucos and Surat, the which I did not want to tell them the turuth. Albaro sent me a present of 2 bandes and cuffes, with three roles of rusk, and Alferis Tuerto a jar of conserves.

June 28.--There was 2 men of Fingo and of Firando cutt this day for quarreling on with an other.

June 29.--I am enformed how the King of Fingo hath sent to Ikenaura and caused the man to be cut which began the brute with Mr. Eaton.

Sugen Dono sent a present of frute, and came and vizeted the English howse.

And Yayamon Dono, kinges shipwright, had 4 blocks or pulleis lent hym to make others by.

June 30.--The king sent me word that a nobleman of Xaxma was com to Firando and desired to vizet our English howse and to goe abord our shipp, and that he was a man of acompt, and therefore wished me to use hym respectively; which I did in showing hym the howse and making him a colation, as he had the lyke abord and 5 peces ordinance for a farewell.

I send Albaro Munois and Gil de la Barreda, the Alpheris, each of them a gallon bottell oyle and a quart bottell Spanish wyne, glasse bottells and all for a present.

The nobleman of Xaxma sent to have a sample of gallie pottes, jugges, tuns, podingers, lookinglasses, table bookes, chint bramport, and combarbands,[141] with the prices.

July 1.--Upon good consideration we sent these thinges following for a present to the 2 noblemen of Xaxma, understanding they are kyn to the king and greate men in those partes, viz:--

2 looking glasses, 1 square and 1 8 square. 2 pere tablebookes. 2 gallepottes, flat, of 6 cattis. 2 gallepottes, flat, of 4 " 2 galepottes, flat, of 1 " 2 gallepottes, high, of 6 " 2 gallepottes, high, of 4 " 2 gallepottes, high, of 2 " 2 green jugges. 2 green posset pottes. 2 gren tunns. 4 single comberbandes harer. 2 single peeces chint bramport.

Which present they tooke in good part, and retorned me answers per Mr. Eaton that, yf we would have any busynes with the King of Xaxma, we should fynd they were men that could doe something and would not be forgetfull both of their entertaynment at English howse as also abord the shipp; and that which bownd them the more, the sending these presents unto them of thinges they had neaver seene the lyke before, and therefore would not want to signifie so much to the king their master. And sowne after they sent me thankes per 2 of their men, and eather of them sent me a present of a banketing box with furneture of trenchers, dishes, and other mattrs, for 5 men to eate with, after Japon fation.

Mr. Rowe went to Duch howse with a present of a runlet of wyne, a jarre conserved nutmegs, and som conserved ginger, and was frendly entertaynd.

Domingo was bownd to serve me 5 years, where I will out of England, and to fynd hym meat and drinke and clothes, and the rest at my pleasure.

July 2.--The caveleros of Shaxma sent to buy 20 green tuns and 20 green porringers, which I set at 6 mas per peece. But they would not geve the price, but retorned them.

And a cavelero kinges man sent a calfe for a present.

Albaro Munos, the Alferis, and Mr. Eaton with them, went abord the Thomas, and had 3 peces of ordinance shot afe at their retorne.

July 3.--We had news how the junck of Vilango Luis is arived at Nangasaque from the Manillas, and Miguell de Salinas in her. They bring news that Don Jno. de Silva is dead before Malicca, and his fleete retorned to Manilla, but first he drove away the Mores of Achin and the Duch forcesse from Malacco, as they say.

We have news of an other Japon junck arived from Manillas at Langasaque, master Yasaman Dono.

We went to the King of Firando with a present.

July 4.--By generall consent there was a present sent to Capt. Whaw, China Capt. brother.

And Torazemon Dono sent me a gerdell and a pere tabis for a woman.

Also ther was a present sent to Tonomon Same.

July 6.--Ther was a present geven Andrea Dittis, the China Capt. And there was geven two presentes to Soyemon Dono and Torazemon Dono.

The gentelman of Firando, which came from Xaxma, I meane Fony Sames kynsman, came to the English howse, and sent me 2 barrils wyne and 2 fyshes for a present. He tould me the King of Xaxma had rezolved in counsell to let us have free trade into the Liqueas and all other partes of his dominions, but that the 2 noble men, which were here the other day, durst not tell me so much without order from the king, yet assured hym it was true.

July 7.--I receved a letter from Capt. Whaw from Langasaque, wherin he writes thankes for the present sent hym, as also advising me how 3 of Twans barkes are retorned, which should have gon for Tacca Sanga, or the Iland Fermosa, but went not thither, but rather a boot-haling on the cost of China, where they have taken 11 boates or juncks, and put all the people to death because they stood out and fought with them.

He also wrot his brother to advize me not to goe towardes Miaco this 10 or 12 daies, and that when I went, to goe well provided, for that it was reported there were pilferyng knaves abroad on the cost of Arima, and speeches geven out that the Tono, or King, of Xaxma meaneth to make wars against the new Emperour in right of Fidaia Samme, whom they report to be alive, and that he meaneth to begyn with Langasaque. This is now the common report.

Yt is said that one boate of Twans men put into a creek at Iland Fermosa, thinking to have discoverd ferther into the cuntrey; but, before they were aware, were set on by the cuntrey people, and, seeing they could not escape, cut their owne bellies because they would not fall into the enemies hands.

July 8.--I receved 2 letters, 1 from Jor. Durois of the 16th July, new stile, and the other from Albaro Munois, of the 17th ditto, with a peare blew silk stocking and a jarr of nipa sent me for a present, and Mr. Eaton and Mr. Rowe each of them a jarr of nipa. They wrot me how the Portingals had 4 gallions at Malacca which came from Goa, one wherof the King of Achin burned with his gallies, and the other 3 the Hollanders burned after, yet before Don Jno. de Silva arived at Mallaca, and were gon towardes Molucas before he came, he dying for greefe that he did not com in tyme, as the Span. and Port. report.

July 9.--The king sent me a melch goate and a kid to Mr. Baylie for a present, to make use of the milk, he being sick.

July 10.--I sent Mr. Eaton with our jurebasso to desyre the King to let us have a greate bark to carry up our goods, and our ould bongew to accompany me, for that I was desyrous to keep our ould, as the Duch did, and not to chang every yeare a new, as hetherto we had donne. He retorned me answer that he had present use of his greatest barkes, meanyng to go to the Emperour hym selfe within few daies, yet, notwithstanding, he would provide me of a good bark, and not of the least; and for our ould bongew, he could not spare hym, having put an office into his hands, but for any other I might make choise and keepe myselfe to hym ever hereaftr yf I pleased. Mr. Eaton said he fownd the king accompanid with all his cheefe men, surveing of armor; soe I dowbt there will be som broyles in Japon before long. God grant all may fall out for the best.

Pasquall the Spaniard retornd from Langasaque, and Christophell the Alman with hym, and an ould souldier called Reales. They said that 2 juncks of China were arived from Caggalion in Phillippinas, and 2 other China junckes from Camboia, laden per Portingalls. And late at night the pilot arived with an other Spaniard in company with hym.

July 12.--Towardes night Zanzabar, allis Yasimon Dono, sent me word that an English or Duch shipp was com to an ancor in Cochi roade, a league from Firando. Soe I sent out a boate to look who they weare, and it proved to be the Adviz, an English ship, the master called Jno. Totton. I sent a hogg and a barrill wyne to company; and the purcer or merchant, Mr. Ed. Willmot, came ashore and brought me divers letters, viz.:--

1 from Wor^{ll} Company, a joynt letter to rest.

2 from Capt. Jno. Jourden, a duble letter, viz. copie of that sent per Thomas, dated at Jaccatra le 12th January, 1615, with an other per Advice, dated in Bantam le 29th May, 1616.

1 other from Capt. Jorden, a duble letter, viz. copie of 1 sent in Hozeander, with 1, 10th August, 1615, sent per ditto Adviz from Bantam, who lost her monson, and retorned to Bantam.

1 from Capt. Coppendall, dated in Bantam, le 25th May, 1616.

1 from Diego Fernandas in Bantam, le 13th May, ditto ano.

I delivered 3 tais 5 ma. 8 condrin fyne plate to gouldsmith to make buckles for my sword hangers and chape,[142] sword and dagger, and I waid the buckels and clasps my ould gerdell containing 1 ta. 5 m. 2 co. And the gouldsmith brought the 2 chapes of my sword and dagger, being silver, and poz. 9 mas. 1 condrin.

July 13.--1 went abord the ship Advice to Cochi, and saw her safely brought into the roade of Firando. We shott of 7 peces to salute the towne, and 3 when the bongews went away, and 5 at our going ashore, as also 3 were shot afe at our first coming aboard. And the Thomas welcomed them with 3 peeces from ashore, her ordinance being landed.

I receved these letters following, viz.:--

2 from Sir Thomas Smith, 1 of November 24th, 1614, and other of 25th Aprill, 1615. 1 from Wor. Company, divers coppies, with 1 inclozed to all us. 1 from Capt. Jno. Saris, 24th November, 1614. 1 from Mr. Georg Saris, 20th January, 1614. 1 from Mr. Francis Sadlar, of 25th November, 1614. 1 from Mr. Thomas Ferris, of 18th February, 1613. 5 from my brother, Walter Cocks.

All the abovesaid letters from London.

1 from Mr. Jno. Gourney, 30th of May, 1616. 1 from Mr. Jno. Hunt, 27th of May, ditto. 1 from Jno. de Lievana, 5th June, ditto. 1 from Capt. Brower, of 21st August, 1615.

All the abovesaid other letters from Bantam.

1 from Jno. Ferris abord thAdviz at Syam River, le 24th of November, 1615.

July 14.--The bark Jaccatra arived at Cochi this mornyng, and bringeth news of an other greate shipp of Holland, which came out 4 daies before her from Pattania.

Here came reports of the arivall of the bark Jaccatra and an other greate Hollands shipp; but as yet non com in.

July 15.--Receved aland the 7 packes broad cloth, with the rest merchandize, viz. Russia hides, 4 balles; gild leather, 1 case; 3 chistes gallipot; 1 chist jugges; 2 chistes glass botts.; 8 case bott., 1 with whot waters; 2 casses furs; 1 box callico, etc.; 1 box corall; 1 box amber; 1 trunk falconaria;[143] with a box rootes from Cape, but are rotten and not worth anythinge. News were brought that 2 Duch shipps are entred harbour at Cochi, a league from Firando.

The kyng envited us to dyner to morrow, which I gladly would have put ofe, but could not. The kinges brother came to English howse to viset me.

July 16.--I cleard with Yoskey for these matters following:--

ta. ma. co. Paid to gouldsmith 0 1 2 Paid for dying an ould gowne 0 1 3 Paid Domingo, my boy 0 5 0 Paid for a straw hat for Domingo 0 0 2 Paid Mr. Eatons boys father 0 5 0 Paid for tryming my hat 0 2 0 Paid for a catabra for Domingo 0 9 5 Paid making cleane my cattans 0 2 5 ------------- 2 6 7 More paid for a kitesoll 0 2 0 More for 2 per. shews for Dick King 0 3 0 ------------- 3 1 7

We were invited to dyner per the king, and well entertayned, and the China Capt. with us, Mr. Rowe, Mr. Totton, Mr. Wilmot, and the purcer of Thomas, with Mr. Eaton, Mr. Nealson, and my selfe. And after nowne the 2 Duch shipps entred the haven of Firando, viz. the one called the Black Lyon, a shipp of 7 or 800 tonns, and the other the bark Jaccatra.

The Hollanders report that all the Hance townes in Germany, with the Kyngs of Denmark and Sweaden, are entred into confedracy with the States.

July 17.--There was a man of the Advice ran away, called Tho. Heath, being guner, but was staid by the offecers of the King of Firando, and word sent to me thereof.

July 17.--We carid the king a present as followeth, viz.:--

4 tatta. broad cloth, tawny. 1 great sheet gilt leather. 1 pe. callico, fyne, no. ii. Conyskins, black. 10 knyves, at iid. per knyfe. 1 case bottelles. 1 comb case and glasse. Falconaria. 25 cattis gad stile. 1 make (sic), monarky Brittan. 1 map, king in parliament. 1 genelogy, all kyngs from Brute. 3 Duch jugges, with covers.

And I had conference about our abuse offred per them of Umbra, which the king tould me he would assist me in it, in what he might, taking the present in kynd part.

I went to Duch howse, where they used as very frendly, and Wm. Johnson, master of bark Jaccatra, delivered me a letter from Mr. Jno. Browne, dated in Pattania the 14th of June; but it had byn opend by som other before it came to my hands. Advized in it of the Sea Adventures arivall at Syam.

Jno. Jossen arived at Firando from Edo.

July 18.--A man died out of the Advice.

Yasimon Dono came runing, and brought me word that our junk Sea Adventure was arived; but it proved a false larom.

The Hollandes master, capt., and Capt. Speck came to English howse, and brought me a present of a barill Spanish wyne, a great glasse bottell aquavite, 2 Hollandes cheeses, and a small pot butter. Mr. Jno. Baylie gave me a beza ston[144] for a present--a reasonable bigg one.

July 19.--Sugen Dono sent me a barell salt raspas[145] for a present.

July 20.--I delivered three hundred tais plate bars to Mr. Osterwick to pay botemen, and to deliver som to Mr. Eaton to defray charges up, and rest to remeane for other occations.

And the China Capt., Andrea Dittis, came and bought currall, viz.:--

ta. ma. co. 2 branches of no. 6, both containing 3 4 4 11 littell branches, no. 1, 4, and 5, containing 6 6 0 ---------- 10 0 4

At 10 tays plate for 1 tay wight currall.

I receved of the gouldsmith 2 hookes and 12 buckles for my sword hanger, with a littell pec. silver containing just 3 tais.

July 21.--Mr. Totton, master of the Advice, gave me a target and a peare Pattania pikes for a present. And I gave hym 2 pere silke stockings, viz. 1 peare red of my owne and an other peare greene, and sent from Jor. Durois the other day.

A Duch marener, being drunk, stabd a woman, because she would not let hym enter into her howse.

About 10 a clock at night, Hernando Ximines came to the English howse, and brought word how Capt. Adames was arived in our junck from Syam, and that we had goodes com in 2 junkes more besids her.

July 22.--I went to Cochi, and there met Capt. Adams in our junck, and carid boates to tow her into the roade, which they did.

And I receved a packet letters from Mr. Benjamyn Fary, wherin was contayned, viz.:--

1. A note all charges upon the junkes voyage. 2. Invoiz goodes sent in Sea Adventure. 3. Invoiz goodes reladed in her. 4. Invoiz goodes laden in Capt. Shobick junck. 5. Invoiz goodes sent in Capt. Geequans junck, wherin Ed. Sayer goeth. 6. Mr. Farys letter to me, dated at Judea[146], in the River of Syam, le 3th June past. 7. Invoiz of goodes retorned to Andrea Dittis, China Capt., for his sulfer or brimston.

July 23.--We had a generall councell this day of divers matters, viz.:--

1. Yt was thought fyting to buy or fraight a small China junk. 2. To sell our junck which came from Syam, yf we can. 3. To send Mr. Willmot to Nangasaque to attend coming junkes. 4. To land our goodes at Langasaque, and put it in a sure gadong, rather then bring it to Firando, it being a better place of sale then Firando. 5. To procure a bongew of king to remeane abord, to see the Japons have their due, and no more, for avoyding of scandaloz tonges.

Capt. Adames delivered me 4 letters, which came out of England in the New Years Gift, viz.:--

1 from Sir Thomas Smyth, dated le 18th Feby., 1613. Company. 1 from Mr. Tho. Willson, 16th February, ditto. 1 from my brother Walter, ditto, 16th, 1613. 1 from Mr. Ed. Dodisworth in Surat, 20th Novbr., 1614.

July 24.--Capt. Adames went with me to vizet the kyng, he being comen from Syam, I meane Capt. Adames. And we carid a present as followeth, viz.:--

2 barelles morefack } from my selfe. 2 salmons } 5 china plattars, porselon } from Capt. Adames. 1 parrakita }

But he was sick, and kept his bed; so we could not speake with hym.

Late towardes night came news how the Duch junck is arived at Nangasaque, many men being dead, and the rest so weake and sick that they weare forced to put in theare for want of men to bring her to Firando. I meane the Duch junck which comes from Syam.

Sangero Samme fownd a woman of his yisterday playing falce with an other Japon, for which he presently cut her in peeces with his owne hands, and, after, the man was brought to the place of execution and cutt in peeces; and his brother had the lock of haire on his head cut affe by the hangman with the same cattan which cut his brother in peecese.

July 25.--Our host of Osakay (or Sakay) sent his barke to seek fraight and to carry me up, yf I came. Mr. Wickham wrot a letter to our jurebasso how he sent her to bring me up, yf I weare not provided for before; but he wrot me no word at all.

And I delivered two bars Oban gould to Mr. Eaton, with 18 tay wight Priaman gould. I say I delivered it to Mr. Osterwick to geve to Mr. Eaton, and put it into the invoyz goodes, and carid up; the bars Oban gould at 55 tais per barr.

July 26.--The king sent 2 bongews abord to see the marreners have their owne, they being brabling knaves, espetially the boteswayne.

Farnando Ximenes gave me a new hatt with a bang [band?] gouldsmiths work, a peare silk garters, with gould fring, and shewstring same, ruch.[147]

July 27.--The King of Firando was very sick this day, so that his brother and all the nobilletie went post hast to vizet hym. And sowne after the king sent word he was very ill, and that showting of ordinance disturbed hym much; wherefore he desired both English and Hollanders not to showte affe any more till he fownd hymselfe better.

We put all matters abord to goe towards the Emperours court to morrow, God permiting wynd and wether.

July 30.--I receved a letter from Mr. Wickham, but had no tyme to read my letter over, being ready to departe for Edo, and Capt. Adames abord before me. Soe we sett forward in the after nowne, and having a good gale wynd, and got to Langowne[148] that night, where we came to an anchor, it being calme.

July 31.--About midnight we wayed ancor, the tide serveing, and rowed it up all the affore nowne; but, after, had a fresh gale westerly, so that late at night we got to the streate of Ximina Seke,[149] where we came to an ancor.

August 1.--We wayed ancor this mornyng an hower before day, but we[re] forced to stop the tide for want of wynd; but, a gale coming up after at W., we got after midnight neare unto Camina Seke,[150] and there came to an anker till mornynge.

August 2.--After daylight we waid ancor and passed the straites of Camina Seke, and, the wind being good, we got to a place called Tacca Sackey, in a bay, to an ancor, haveing made 32 leag., and wated in the way at a place called Camangare,[151] where our host of that place brought me a present of dry fysh, and I sent hym a barso of wyne.

August 3.--After daylight we waid ancor from Taccasackey, and, having calme, rowed it up till the gale came; and soe, late at night, got to an ancor at Woshmado,[152] haveing made 30 leagues.

August 4.--Before day we departed from Woshmado, rowing it up till the wynd came; and late in the night got it up neare the bar foote of Osakay, where we rode at an ancor till mornyng.

August 5.--We put in over the bar of Osackay, rowing against the wind, meeting above 300 barkes going out; but it was past 10 a clock before we got up to the towne, where Mr. Wickham, with our hostes, came out and met us with a banket, nifon catange.

I wrot a letter to Mr. Nealson and Mr. Osterwick, how I was advized per many that it was dangeros to send about our small junck to Edo, yf she were not com away befor this letter came to his handes, and then my opinion was to send her for Osackay. Also, not to sell lead under 7 taies per pico. This letter I sent per conveance Mr. Albartus.

Sr. Albartus came to vizet me, accompanid with his host and others, with a banket, nifon catange, as many others did the lyke, and late towardes night our host of Sackay did the lyke, and brought me a silk coate or catabra, and an other of lynen to Capt. Adames, with comendacons from Safian Dono, whose man he was, as also from Chubio Dono, his brother, with offer of much frenship. Also our ould host of Miaco came to vizet me, and brought 2 barrilles wyne for a present. He fownd hym selfe agreeved the English were gon from his howse, and would needes know the occation, which proved to be his bad usage of Mr. Wickham, who lodged above 3 months in his howse, in all which tyme he never would so much as eate nor drink with hym, but gave out bad wordes against all our nation. Soe I sent hym away with good wordes, telling hym I knew by report he was a ruch man, and needed not to care for any for the English (as he reported), nether would the English be undon whether they lodged in his howse or in an other.

August 6.--Our ould host of Sackay, with our boateman and Domingos mother, came to vizet me, and brought me presentes of frute, hense, and wyne. And I gave eache of them a singell pec. chint bramport, and a bar plate containing 4 ta. 3 ma. 8 co. to Mr. Eaton's child, Hellena, to carry her mother, and a catabra to the wench which brought her.

August 7.--Our ould host of Osakay, where Mr. Wickham yet lieth, envited us all to dyner this day, where we had extraordinary and kynd entertaynment.

August 8.--We paid to the kinges bark men and our owne as followeth:--

ta. ma. co. To the master of kynges bark, 1 bar plat, containing 3 0 0 To the pilot and stersman of same, lyke plate, 1 bar 3 0 0 To 42 men mariners, same bark, 1 bar 2 2 0 To mariners, our bark, same plate 1 4 0 ------------ Som totall all amontes unto 9 6 0

Paid out per Mr. Wickham, and is for demoragese in staying at Firando 10 or 12 daies after they were laden.

Allso ther was lent unto Ishon Dono, the Kynge of Firandos chirurgion, 5 tais plate bars.

I wrot a letter to Inga Dono, Lord Cheefe Justice of Japon, to exskewse me I went not to Miaco to kisse his Lordships handes, which at my retorne from the Emperours court [I would doe].

Also I wrot 2 other letters, one to the King of Firando, and the other to Andrea Dittis, the China Capt., and sent them per the kinges bark now retorning to Firando. In the kinges letter, I recomended our English howse and our affares to the tuition of his Highnes in my abcense, desiring hym to have a fatherly care therof, and to assist them which I left in all occations they stood in need of.

August 9.--I sent our jurebasso, accompanid with our host, to vizet the Governor (who is the Emperours kynsman), to exskewse me that I went not to kisse his Lordshipps handes, by reason of the fowle weather and the hast I made to goe to the Emperour, but that at my retorne I ment to doe it, God willing. He took it in good parte, and sent me word I should be welcom, and that I should fynd hym ready to doe ether me or our nation any good he could.

August 10.--We laden all our merchandize and other matters for Edo in 2 barkes, and sent it for Fushemi[153] by water to save chargis, Jno. Cook and Jno. Hawtery going along with it. Jno. Hawtery went out of our lodging to a whorehouse, and pawnd a shert and a pere silk stocking.

The King of Firandos man retorned from Court, and bringes word the Emperour will have all our lead and tynne, of which I advised Mr. Nealson and Mr. Osterwick, and sent the chirurgion of the kynges bill for 5 tais therin clozed.

Ther was a bose or pagon prist murthered in his howse; but the murtherers canot yet be fownd out.

August 11.--Mr. Eaton not retornyng from Miaco, we were forced to stay heare this day.

August 12.--Mr. Eaton retornyng to Osakay before day, wee set forwardes on our voyage towardes Edo, and dyned at Fraggata.[154] Soe we lodged this night at Fushema, the charges of the howse amonting unto 8 ta. 8 ma. 0 co.

I thought good to note downe that, as we passed along the river side before we came to Fushima, we saw a dead man cast upon the shore, whome had byn murthered by som villans; yet the cuntry people let hym lye, and not geveing hym buriall. And on the other side was a man cursefied upon a crosse for murthering a merchantes servaunt. And in an other place (as we passed) I saw som 8 or 10 malefactors heades set upon tymbers by the hie way side. Yf it were not for this strict justice, it were no liveing amongst them, they are so villanouse desperate. And I thought good to note downe that, coming to Fushima, which is but 3 leagues from Miaco, we were enformed that som villanous people sett upon the gard which kept the 30 bars Oban, which was ofred for sallary to hym that would discover the murtherer of the bose (and could be no other but the murtherers them selves), yet carid away the gould at nowne dayes. This is the report, but whether it be true or no I know not. It is said this cruel [men] have vowed to kill many men.

August 13.--Jno. Hawtery, being sent afore with our goods per water to Fushami from Osakay, and haveing 4 tais delivered to hym to defray charges, in two dais space idly spent the one halfe in whorehowses and drunkennesse, I fynding hym so drunken he could skarse stand on his feete; and, when he is drunk, he is mad furious.

We passed per a towne called Otes,[155] where Mr. Wickham met us and brought 300 tais in plate of bars with hym. And at night we arived at a towne called Cosantes,[156] where we la all night. Jaquese, with Mr. Sweetland and 3 others, went before us with all our merchandize to avoid trouble and to be ½ a day before us.

Here our host tould us that Jno. Yosson passed by to goe for Edo yisterday.

August 14.--We dyned at a place called Mina Cochi,[157] and charges cost as followeth:--

ta. ma. co. To the goodman for all our dietes 3 0 2 To the servantes 100 of gins 0 1 0

So we went to another place to supper, called Tuchiama,[158] where we were forced to stay all night by meanes of the rayny wether. Our charges at Tuchiama was, viz.:--

ta. m. co. To goodman of house for all our diet 5 0 0 To servantes of howse 300 gins.

August 15.--We dyned at Camiama,[159] and cost to howse 2 ta., and to servantes of howse 100 gins. And we went to bed to Shrock.[160] And, the wether seeming to be good, we hired 2 barkes to carry our goodes in; and about 10 a clock at night did embark our selves to have passed an arme of the sea of som 21 leages, to have shortened our journey as also to save chargis. But about midnight the sea began to rise with a stiffe gale wind easterly, soe that we altered our determenation and put downe into the cod of the bay to a place called Meea,[161] where we arived the morrow after nowne, not without much danger, haveing had an extreme gust of wynd, with much lightnyng and thunder, accompanid with rayne, so that it might be accompted a tuffon. One of our barkes which carid our goodes lagged behind, and so got not in the mornyng tide, as we did, soe that she ran a greate risge to have byn cast away by laysynesse of the barkmen. But our bongew, with Goresano jurebasso, behaved them selves so that they got the bark into a creeke (not without much danger, runing over sholes), being assisted with the men and marreners of one of the Emperours barkes, which la endocked in the same creeke.

This night began the feast of the dead, and candels hanged out all night.

August 16.--This mornyng close, overcast wether, with a stiff gale wynd easterly, verying more southerly, with greate store rayne sowne after most parte of the day, but espetially in the after nowne; and towardes night proved a tuffon, very extreme wether, yet dry wether all night following and not much wynd. We could not know this night whether our goodes be much wet or no, the villanous barkmen are occation that we got not all ashore before the tuffon came, as we did out of our barke.

August 17.--We fownd our goodes not so bad wett as we thought, soe, haveing opened the fardelles and new packt them, we got to bed this night to a place called Ocasaqui,[162] it being 7½ leagues. We gave the host at Mia for our diet a bar Oban, with 200 jins to the howse, and spent 400 jins per way.

The ould Emperour was borne in this towne of Ocasaqui, in which place their is a very greate castell.

August 18.--We dyned this day at Yosenda,[163] and paid howse 3 : 0 : 0, and the servantes 100 gins. And we went to bed to Aray.[164]

Here we had news how Calsa Samme hath cut his belly, being attaynted of treason against his father and brother to have destroid them and set up Fidaia Samme, his enemie. It is thought it will goe hard with Masamone Dono, his father-in-law; and speeches are geven out that the Jesuistes and other padres are the fyre brands and setters on of all this, in provoking children against parents and subjects against their naturall princes.

This night ended the feast of the dead.

August 19.--We came to dyner to Fame Mach,[165] and paid 3 ta. 5 m. 8 co., and to the servantes of the howse 200 gins. And we la all night at Mitsque.[166]

Here we had news how Calsa Same was to passe this way to morrow to goe to a church neare Miaco, called Coye; som say to cut his bellie, others say to be shaved a prist and to remeane theare the rest of his daies. All his owne men are taken from hym, and he sent with a gard of themperour his brothers men. His wife he hath sent to Massa Moneda Dono, her father. All [he] hath for his alowance in the pagon church [is] i. mangoca[167] per anno. He lodgeth this night at an uncles howse som 4 leagues hence, called Cacken Gowa.[168]

August 20.--We dyned at Cackingaua, the towne where the castell is where Calsa Samme la all night. We met hym and others on the way in 3 or 4 troups, but could not well understand in which of them he went, because he kept hym selfe close in a neremon.[169] It is said there goe divers other with him to that church (or pagod), where it is thought they shall all cut their bellies, som of them being men of 40 or 50 mangocas per anno, which is 8 or 10 tymes more then the King of Firando hath. Also their is speeches that the Emperour is making ready forcese to goe against Massamone Dono.

We came to supper to Nishew Sacka;[170] so we made but 6 leagues this day, and there overtook our goods sent before. So we were forced to stay theare all night for want of horsese, all being taken up for the Emperourse service to carry alonge these noble men.

We paid for our dyner at Cakingaua 1500 gins. With more to the servantes 0100 gins. And for supper at Nisi Zaka 1500 gins. And to the servantes 0100 gins.

August 21.--We dyned at Fugi Eda,[171] and gave to howse 1000 gins, and to servantes 100 gins.

And so we came to Shrongo[172] to bed to Stibios, where we understood that the ould Emperour had left order with Shongo Samme (now Emperour) not to kill his brother Calsa Samme, but to confine hym into the pagod aforsaid for 10 yeares, and in the end, fynding hym conformable, to use his discretion.

I wrot a letter to Mr. Wickham of our arivall heare, and how Jno. Cook and Jno. Hawtery had staved me 5 bottells wyne, 2 potts conserve, a barill of Zant oyle, and let falle my bag biskit into a river.

August 22.--About 10 a clock we departed from Shrongo, and paid our host for the howse a bar of Coban gould, vallued at 5 tais 4 mas, and to the servantes 200 gins.

So we went to bed this night at Camber,[173] is 7 leagues from Shrongo, and spent per way 600 gins; and we paid to howse 2000 gins, and to servantes in 2 howses 400 gins.

August 23.--We dyned at Barra,[174] and paid 400 gins, and went to bed at Mishma,[175] 2500 gins, and to servantes 200 gins; and might have gon ferther but could get no horses, per reason all were taken up before for the Emperour.

August 24.--And we went to Haconey[176] on the top of the montayne, where the great pond with the devill is, as they report, and spent in the howse 300 gins; and, after, went Odawar,[177] where we la all night; but might have gon ferther, but could not for want of horses.

August 25.--The wether proving extreme fowle, we were constraind to stay at this place called Odowar.

I thought good to note downe how, in the tyme of Ticus Samme, there was a strong castill in this place, kept by one Wigen a Dono (whoe marid the doughter of Ogosho Samme, the deceased Emperour). This stood out against all the forcesse of Ticus Samme, having 100,000 men with hym in the castell, which Ticus seeing he could not bring hym under, sent Ogosho to parly with hym and bring hym to reason, or else to cut his owne belly. So, upon the persawsion of Ogosho, he rendered up his castell, upon condition that he and all the rest might live peaceably without punishment. Yet Ticus Samme, having hym in his power, made Wigen a Dono to cut his belly, contrary to promis.

August 26.--We haveing remeaned at Odowar 2 daies, departed from it this morning,

and paid to the howse a bar Coban 6ta. 4m. 0co. And to the servantes in the howse 0300 gins. And for passing passage, 2 places 0520 gins. And at Oyesa[178] for wyne and meate and to servantes 1200 gins. And at Fugisau[179] for dyner 1000 gins.

At this place two of Capt. Adames tenantes of Febys met us, and brought a present of 10 loves white bread and a dish of boyled beefe, with 2 bottelles wyne.

And soe we went to bed to Tozuka,[180] 10 leagues short of Edo; from whence Capt. Adames went before to make ready his howse to receave us, and to com and meete us in the mornyng before wee enter the city.

I gave our hostes doughter at Oyesa a R. of 8 which I had of Mr. Wilson.

August 27.--We paid the howse at Tozekay. And soe we arived at Edo this day about 3 a clock in the after nowne, and lodged at Capt. Adames howse, he meeting us at the entry of the cittie with our men which went afore with the goods, who arived heare also this mornyng.

Capt. Adames doth now understand that his brother in law Andrea playeth the knave with hym, which he would hardly beleeve before.

The King of Firandos brother sent his man unto me to bid me welcom to Edo. The Spanish pilot and an other Castillano came to my lodging to bid me wellcom.

August 28.--The King of Firandos brother sent me a present of 2 barll. wyne and 2 piggs, and 1 barll. wyne and 1 pig to Mr. Eaton. And Codgskin Dono sent me a chist figges, 10 bundell of wobi,[181] and a dish musk millians; and a merchant brought me a dish grapes. I sent our jurebasso to thank them all, nifon catange.

August 29.--Andrea, Capt. Adames brother in law, arived heare from Orengaua late the night past. He brought a present of fresh bread, with a littell sallet oyle and som poulderd beefe. He is a craftie knave. I noted downe this present wrong, for Capt. Adames sonne sent it and not Andrea.

August 30.--Codgkin Dono sent this mornyng betymes for Capt. Adames, and tould hym he had spoaken with the Emperour and tould hym of our being heare, and that we might com with our present when we would. Yet they thought it best to stay till the first day of the new mowne, which they accompted a happie day.

About 3 a clock in the after nowne there hapned an exceading earthquake in this citty of Edo in Japon, which contynewed, from the begyning to the end, about the eight parte of an hower; but about the halfe tyme it was soe extreame that I thought the howse would have falne downe on our heads, and so was glad to run out of doares without hat or shewes, the tymbers of the howse making such a nois and cracking that it was fearefull to heare. It began by littell and littell, and so encreased till the middell, and in lyke sort went away againe.

About some 22 yeares past their hapned an earthquake in the province (or kyngdom) of Bongo, in which there was a towne (or rather a cittie) of 4000 howseholdes sunck into the sea, not any living creature being saved. And at same tyme a mowntayne neare adjoyning was clove in the middell. And it rayned long haire lyke unto that of mens heads. This hapned som two yeares before Ticus Samme died. And, amongst Japons, earthquaks are held for prodigious things; yet they say this province of Quanto is more subject to them then any other part of Japon.

We opened our merchandiz to lay out a present for the Emperour, and fownd wanting a treble peece of chint bramport, with above a catty wight of amber, and 9 writing table bookes; and most parte of our gally pottes broaken per the rude handling of our hackny men and fault of them should have looked to it. Also 2 bars of tyn stolne per the way, and 1 treble peece chint stolne heare, after they were opened.

August 31.--Migmoy brought me a present of wyne, grapes, and waffar cakes, and tould me that for any difference of accompt, either betwixt Mr. Wickham or Mr. Eaton and hym, he was content to remit it to my discretion. He is a craftie fello and very ruch. Amongst the rest, he tould me he lyked our religion so well that he ment to turne Christian.

Jno. Yossen came yisternight to vizet me and envite me to dyner, with Capt. Adames and the rest. I answerd hym I would vizet hym before I retorned.

There was a feeling of an earthquake 2 or 3 tymes againe this day, espetially about 5 a clock in the after nowne. It shaked the house mightely, but nothing so forsably as the other day, nor of so long contynewance. And about midnight following ther was an other earthquake, much lyke unto this.

September 1.--This day we carid the present to the Emperour Shongo Samme, whoe receved it in kynde parte, Codgscon Dono and Shongo Dono assisting us in the matter. But it was long before we could be dispached, by reason all the nobles went with presents to the Empr., it being the first day of the new moone. Amo[ng]st the rest was the King of Faccata, who as yet is not permitted to retorne into his contrey; the reason I canot learne. I think there were not so few as 10,000 persons at castill this day. It is a place very strong, duble diched and ston walled about, and a league over each way. The Emperours pallis is a huge thing, all the rums being gilded with gould, both over head and upon the walls, except som mixture of paynting amongst of lyons, tigers, onces, panthers, eagles, and other beastes and fowles, very lyvely drawne and more esteemed [then] the gilding. Non were admitted to see the Emperour by my selfe, Mr. Eaton, and Mr. Wilson. He sat alone upon a place somthing rising with 1 step, and had a silk catabra of a bright blew on his backe. He set upon tho mattes crossleged lyke a telier; and som 3 or 4 bozes or pagon pristes on his right hand in a rum somthing lower. Non, no not Codgkin Dono, nor his secretary, might not enter into the rowme where he sat. Yet he called me once or twise to have com in, which I refused; which, as I understood afterward, was well esteemed of. I staid but littell in the place, but was willed to retorne; and both at my entrance and retorne he bowed his head. I forgot to note downe that all the rowmes in his pallis under foote are covered with mattes edged with damask or cloth of gould, and lye so close joyned on to an other that yow canot put the point of a knife betwixt them.

The present given was as followeth, viz.:

1½ blak cloth. 1½ stammet. 1½ strawcullr. 1½ black bay. 1½ stam. bay. 1½ straw bay. 3 Russia hides. 3 peces diaper. 3 looking glasses, 1 black, 1 gilt cover, 1 with comb and sizers 2 pec. Holland cloth. 2 pec. Sleze land. 10 single peec. chint bramport, 3 in a peec. 2 branches corrall. 10 polisht amber beades. 2 cheanes white (or corse) amber beades. 2 chins better amber beades, all unpolisht. 3 dozen cony skins, silver heard, black and gray. 1 faggot of steele. cattis gad stile. Falconaria. 6 gallie pottes, sundry sortes. 2 green guggs. 2 gren tonns. 1 possit pot. 1 great gilt India hide. 50 cattis tynne in bars. 5 picos lead per tickit.

I sent our jurebasso and bongew to Codgskin Dono and Shongo Dono to thank them for the paines they took about our busynes, and know of them when it pleased them I should come and vizet them to kisse their handes; but they were not com from the Emperours castell. So they left word with ther servantes.

September 2.--I sent our jurebasso Gorezano in the mornyng to Codgskyn Dono and Shongo Donos howses, to see yf they were at leasure, that I might com and vizet them; but he plaid the knave, and I think went not at all, but tould me they were gon to the castell. But, after Capt. Adames went, they sent me word they were at home. So I made what hast I could; yet, before I could com, the Emperour had sent for them, so I lost my labour, and retorned to my lodging with the presentes, refering it till to morrow.

And sent the accompt to Mickmoy to peruse over, for that I would make an end before I retorned.

September 3.--We carid 3 presentes, all alike, to Codgskin Dono, Oyen Dono, and Wotto Dono, 3 cheefe men next to the Emperour, to each of them alyke.

Also I went and visited King Firandos brother and carid hym a present.

September 4.--We were enformed of another noble man neare the Emperor, called Ando Tushma Dono, unto whome it was thought fitt to geve a present as to the former, this Emperour being newly com to the crowne, and the Spaniard haveing geven out ill reportes of us that we rob and stayle from all we meete at sea, which was tould to us by greate men in the Emperours pallas, which is because Capt. Keeling tooke 3 of their shipps (I meane Portingals) coming from Surat. But Capt. Adames did enforme them the trew occation thereof, how they Portingals did still molest our shiping at Surat, so that now we had wars against them and comition to take either Spa. or Port. where we met them, in regard they took us. Yt seemeth there is many papistes in these partes, which would doe us a mischeefe yf they could; yet the best is, the Emperour and them about hym are no frendes of Portingals nor Spa., and the rather for the extreme hate they beare to Jesuistes and pristes, whom they canot abide, and gave us warnyng that we should not com in their company, but rather to reveale them, to the entent they might be punished.

Jacob the Duch man, which came into Japon with Capt. Adames, came to vizet me, and offerd his servis to the English. He is a cawker, a pore fello. The Duch offerd hym 3l. 10s. per month the last yeare; but he refuced it, and after would have taken it, but then they would not geve it. And I put hym ofe with fayre wordes, telling hym we wanted no people, but had more then our trade did afford. I gave his wife and his sister each of them a single pece chint bramport.

Also we gave 2 pec. grogren, 3 pec. chint bramport, and 6 duble bookes to the secretaries of Codgkin Dono and Oyen Dono.

This day in the after nowne, about 4 a clock, was an other earthquake, but of small contynewance, and gave but one great shake.

Mrs. Adames and her sonne sent me a letter from Oringaua, with a peec. pouldren beefe, exskewsing their not coming to Edo, in respeck of the Spaniardes which did lie at their howse.

September 5.--We went to Ando Tushma Dono with a present as the other, wanting a small looking glass and som sortes gally pots, with 2 maps of London and 88 (sic). This man was not within, yet we left the present behind, and tould his man I would come and vizet hym when I knew he was at home.

A ruch merchant came to vizet me, and brought me a fat hoog for a present. Codgskin Dono sent me peares, grapes, and wallnuts for a present.

September 6.--We dyned at Jno. Yoosen the Hollanders, where we had good entertaynment. And, in regard of the kyndnesse he allwaies hath shewed to Mr. Eaton and Mr. Wickham, to goe to the Court to speak for them in the abcense of Mr. Adames, it was thought good to geve a present to his wife and doughter, as followeth, viz. 1 whole pec. chint bramport, containing 3 pec. of R. corg.; 1 peec black silk grogren.

September 7.--I went and vizeted Wotto Dono and Tushma Dono, and thanked them for the paynes taken in our affares, offering them to procure for them out of England anything they pleased to geve me notis of. They took my visitation kyndly, and said they would get our priveleges renewed and goshons or passes sealed this day, yf it were possibly.

And from thence we went rowndabout the kyngs castell or fortresse, which I do hould to be much more in compas then the citty of Coventry. It will contain in it above 200,000 souldiers in tyme of wars.

We dyned at the Kynge of Firandos brother, where we were well entertayned.

And towardes night the secretary of Oyen Dono came and vizeted me at my lodging, and brought me a present of hense; and amongst other speeches he began to talke of the padres, and that it were good we had no conversation with them. Whereupon I tooke occation to answer hym that he needed not to dowbt of us, for that they were enemies to us and to the state of England, and would destroy us all yf they could. But that it were good he advized the Emperour to take heed of them, lest they did not goe about to serve hym as they had donne the Kinges of England, in going about to kill and poizon them or to blow them up with gunpowder, and sturing up the subjectes to rebell against their naturall prince, for which they were all banished out of England.

September 8.--We dyned, or rather supped, at a merchantes howse called Neyem Dono, where he provided caboques, or women plears, who danced and songe; and when we retorned home, he sent eavery one one of them. I had a bar of Coban gould of Mr. Eaton, containing 6 tais 4 mas, which I gave them.

September 9.--Jacob the Hollanders wife brought me a present of muches and other stuff, nifon catange, she being ready to depart towardes her howse.

Capt. Adames this day, as the lyke every day, staid at the Cort to solicet of dispach to get our prevelegis and passes, but still put afe; and amongst the rest the secretary tould hym that it was reported how there were semenary prists in his howse at Orengaua. So Capt. Adames sent away an expres with a letter to his wife to look to it that there were no such matter.

There is new edicts sent out into all partes of Japon, as namely to Langasaque, Arima, Umbra, and Bongo, which are most of them Christians, to see to it, that no padres be fownd amongst them, and them in whose howse they are fownd shall be put to death with all their generation. This must be followed with extremitie.

September 10.--Codgskin Dono sent for Capt. Adames, which we hoped was to have geven us our dispach; but it proved to be nothing but to enquire ferther about the padres. So he retorned without doing any thing, they willing hym to retorne on the morrow, as they have donne the lyke any tyme this 9 or 10 daies, which maketh me to marvell, as I doe the lyke of the long stay of the Hollanders. God grant all be well in the south partes, and that they rise not in armes there.

September 11.--Capt. Adames was all day at Cort againe to attend for our dispach, but retorned without any thing; only they willed hym to have patience and to com againe in the mornyng.

Oyen Donos secretary came to vizet me, and tould me he suspected that our delay grew per meanes of the looking out for padres, which weare much sought after by the Emperour, and reportes geven out that som were at Capt. Adames howses at Orengaua and Phebe. So Capt. Adames wrot againe to his folkes, to look out that no such matter were proved against them, as they tendered their lives.

Yt is thought that the Emperour hath a meanyng to banish all Christians out of Japan. God grant all may fall out for the best, for our so long detayning maketh me much to marvill, and the Emperours hate against the Jesuistes and fryres very greate.

I receved 2 letters from Mr. Nealson and Mr. Osterwick, dated in Firando the 5th and 6th ultimo, and sent by Gonosque Dono, who is com up to vizet Codgsquin Dono, in respect of his fathers death, and bringes him a present of 30 bars silver from the King of Firando. In these letters they adviz me of the trowble they had with the covetos mareners of the junck which came from Syam, and that, as then, no news of the other 2 junks arival at Langasaque with Ed. Sayer. Also that the news is that the Amacan shipp will not com to Langasaque this yeare, she being arested per a marchant of Goa for money the Amacan merchantes owe hym. This news is come per a gallie and a galliot which are arived at Langasaque and came from the Manillias.

September 12.--In respect we are put affe from day to day and canot have our dispach, I got Capt. Adames to goe to Oyen Dono, the Emperours secretary, accompanied with our bongew and Goresano our jurebasso, to geve hym to understand, yf he make any dowbt of the matter, that we are no frendes of the Jesuistes nor fryres, nether suffer any of their sect to remeane in England, but punish all them which are fownd with death; this coarse haveing byn kept in England for above the space of 60 yeares, so that the Emperour needed not feare our conversation with that sect, for that their hatred against us and our religion was more then against any others whatsoever.

Oyen Dono the secretary used Capt. Adames kyndly, and tould hym and the other 2 how the Emperour was much offended against the padres, and therefore advized us not to have conversation with them nor to let them christen any children of ours, yf we chanced to have any, for then they might presume we were of their sect, whome the Emperour ment utterly to extinguish out of Japon. He willed Capt. Adames not to think it long we were not dispached, the Emperours busyness being such as yet it could not be done, but within a day or 2 he hoped to end it to our content.

September 13.--The Emperour went a hawking this mornyng with a troupe (as it was thought) of 10000 men. It is said he will retorne this night.

September 14.--Capt. Adames and our jurebasso went to the Court to get our dispach, but could not be ended to day but referred till to morrow. The Councell tould them that the Emperour would not write any letter to the King of Cochinchina, nor meddell in other mens matters.

This night past, about 2 a clock, hapned an earthquake; but of no greate contynewance. Som say they felt it 3 severall tymes; but I felt it but once.

We have much ado with Nico. Machievell, allius Migmoy, about clearing accompts with hym; but as yet not donne. Mr. Eaton paid Singero, the expres, 1½ tais to spend per the way.

September 15.--Capt. Adames went this day againe to the Court for to procure our dispach, but could not be ended, but refered till to morrow and then he to com with Codgskyn Dono, and so an end to be made.

September 16.--We could not com to accompt with Nico. Machiavell, allis Migmoy; so we are forced to go to law with hym.

Capt. Adames went againe to the Cort to have had our dispach, but by meanes of the fowle wether the Councell went not to the Court, so that he retorned back without doing of anything. Capt. Adames envited the merchantes to supper to morrow that envited us the other day.

September 17.--I receved two bars Coban gould with ten ichibos, of 4 to a coban,[182] all gould, of Mr. Eaton, to be acco. for as I should have occation to use them in gestes or otherwais.

We envited them to supper which envited us the other day, and had the cabickes as they had. I gave 4 bars, called ichibos, to one of them.

September 18.--Capt. Adames went againe to the Cort to procure our dispatch, and fownd all the Councell busyed about matters of justice of lyfe and death; and, amongst the rest, one man was brought in question about Fidaia Samme, as being in the castell with him to the last hower. This man was racked and tormented very much, to make hym confes where his master was, or whether he were alive or dead; but I canot heare whether he confessed any thing or no. Also the Admeralls sonne (our great frend), called Shonga Dono, came to towne, having byn sent out by the Emperour before about busynesses. He had much talk with Capt. Adames about sea matters, and other greate men in company with them. And, amongst other matters, they tould Capt. Adames that they understood theire were certen ilands to the northward, very ruch in mynes of gould and silver, which the Emperour ment to conquer, and asked hym whether (upon good termes) he would be pilot. He made answer, he was not now at his owne dispose, being servant to the English nation, and therefore could not serve two masters. They asked hym whether he had heard tell of any ilands called les Ladrones, or of the theeves. He answered yis, but that his opinion was that they were of no moment, in respect the Spaniards had not taken them, they lying in his way as they passed from New Spanie to the Phillippinas. They also spoake of an other iland, called by the Spaniards Hermosa (or Rico en oro y plata). He answered he had heard of such a place in conferrence with Spaniardes.

In fine, the Councell tould Capt. Adames all our dispach was ready, only they wanted Codgkins Donos hand, he being sick. So he was referred to com to morrow and bring Codgskin Donos letter.

Paid out to cabokes 3 bars Ichabo gould.

September 19.--We went to the Admerall yonger, Shongo Dono, and carid hym a present. And Capt. Adames gave hym 3 gilt Syam skins and a tigers skyn. He took our visitasion kyndly, and offerd us to do for our nation what he could. This man and his father are the trustiest frendes we have in these partes. And I thought good to note downe how this man entred into speeches about the ilandes Ladrones, taking them to be ruch in myne of gould and silver. My answer was, that I knew no such matter, but to the contrary esteemed that yf the[y] had byn such, that the Spaniard would have had them before now, they lying in the way from Agua Pulca to the Phillippinas. But my opinion was that yf the Emperour pretended to make a conquest of any, that the Phillippinas them selves were of more emportance, and the Spaniardes weake and ill beloved of the contrey people, and that herein his Ma^{tie} needed not to dowbte the assistance both of the English and Duch, as occation should serve. At which speeches he seemed to make a pawse, and in the end said that they wanted such shipps as ours were. Unto which I answered, I marveled the Emperour did not make such, haveing both men (I meane workmen), tymber, and all thinges else necessary. Yt seemed to me that he tooke notis hereof.

Towardes night I receved a letter from Mr. Wickham, dated in Miaco the 27th ultimo, wherin he wrot that as yet he heard no newes nether of our small junck nor bark that should com with wood and skins from Firando; which maketh me to marvell very much.

Capt. Adames went to the Court againe for our dispach, but was put affe till to morow.

September 20.--Gonosque Dono retorned to Firando, and viseted me at my lodging, offring to carry my letter yf I would write; for the which I gave hym thanks, telling hym I hoped to follow after to morrow.

Capt. Adames went againe to the Court with our jurebasso to procure our dispach, but could not dispach till to morow.

Shonge Dono the Admerall made an end with Migmoy for our difference. So he gave twenty fyve bars Coban gould for ballance of all acco., which Mr. Eaton receaved.

Jno. Hawtery plaid the lewd fello againe, and stole 2 peeces chint bramport, with 2 handkerchefs Rumall cottony, and a peare table bookes, to geve to whores. Thus much we fownd and was retorned back. But we lack many other thinges, as of some chintes, amber beades, table bookes, bars of tynne, which out of dowbt he hath taken, but forsweareth it, as he did the other till we brought the partis before his face. And that which was much worse, he went and cut his haire after the pagon fation, thinking to turne pagon; which he could not do heare, allthough he would. Yet there wanted no good will in hym. And, besides, he is a comon druncard, yf he may com by drink, and when he is drunk is as a mad man, as ban (sic) a humor as any o the rest; for then he will fall out with all men, and kill and slay, etc.

September 21.--Migmoy came this mornyng and brought a present, nifon catange, and with hym came a servant of Shonge Dono the Admerall, to make frendship. So we drunk together and parted frendes, but I would wish no man to trust hym any more.

Capt. Adames and our jurebasso went againe to Court to procure our dispach, but could not.

And Chubio Dono came to towne. Yocotta Kaqueamon Dono, Oyen Donos secretary, brought me a present of 2 catabras, 1 silk and the other lynnen.

September 23.--The Emperour sent me 10 kerimons and an armor for a present, 2 kerimons to Mr. Eaton, and 2 to Mr. Wilson. And Oyen Dono sent me 5 kerimons, and 1 and 2 catabras to Mr. Eaton, and the lyke to Mr. Wilson and our jurebasso. And we receved of priveleges and goshons from the Emperour.

Also I sent a present to Chubio Dono; and towardes night he sent me thankes with letters for the King of Firando, and sent me a wakadash for a present, and 2 peces taffate to Mr. Eaton.

We could not by any meanes procure the Emperours letter to King of Cochinchina, he saying he would not meddell in other mens matters.

Goresano plaid the babbling fello against Capt. Adames, whereby Oyen Dono, the Emperours secretary, had lyke to have falne out with hym. Yt is this fellos foolish triks which hath gotten hym many enemies, and put me to much trowble hertofore to save his lyfe.

September 24.--Otto Dono sent me 5 catabras for a present, with wordes complementall. And I sent our jurebasso to geve hym thankes, as the lyke to Chubio Dono, and sent Jno. Yossen word we were ready to departe to morrow mornyng toward Firando.

I gave the cabukis 1 bar Coban and two ichibos of gould. Shezero the coboke sent me a Japon cap, and I gave her that brought it 5 mas 4 condrin.

We carid a present to Safian Dono. And sowne after he sent me thankes for it, with a box or packet of letters for the King of Firando. And Jno. Yoosen sent me a letter to carry to Capt. Speck. And Shonge Dono, the Admerall, sent me a saddell for a present. Also Otto Dono and Tushma Dono sent 3 catabras to Mr. Eaton, 2 to Mr. Wilson, and 3 to our jurebasso Goresano.

Migmoy got the Admerall to entreate me to com to his howse and to drink with hym to make frendship, as well as he had donne with me. But I desird his Lordshipp to pardon me, for that tyme did not now permit me, nether could I goe to Migmois howse in such sort without disparidgment unto me.

And so this night we packed up all matters to retorne for Firando to morrow, God permitting.

September 25.--I sent Goresano before day to the clark of the Privie Seale, to fetch our goshon or prevelegis and to carry hym a present of a peece of black silk grogran. He delivered the present but retornd without the writing, willing hym to retorn anon.

I gave an Englishmans child, called Tho. Flood, a tay in Tagemon[183] plate.

We could not get our ould preveleges againe, and soe we [were] forced to departe without them.

September 26.--I gave the caboque Shezero an ichobe and a silk catabra, and sent the master of them a bar Coban.

We departed towardes Orengagava this mornyng about 10 a clock, and arived at Febe som 2 howrs before night, where we staid all that night, for that Capt. Adames wife and his two children met us theare. This Phebe is a lordshipp geven to Capt. Adames per the ould Emperor, to hym and his for eaver, and confermed to his sonne called Joseph. There is above 100 farmes or howseholds upon it, bisids others under them, all which are his vassals, and he hath power of life and death over them, they being his slaves, and he as absolute authoretie over them as any tono (or king) in Japon hath over his vassales. Divers of his tenantes brought me present of fruite, as oringes, figgs, peares, chistnuttes, and grapes, whereof there is abundance in that place.

The cabokes came out to sea after us in a boate and brought a banket. So I gave them a bar of Coban to make a banket at their retorne to Edo, and gave the boate men which rowed them an ichibo; both which soms Mr. Eaton paid out.

September 27.--We gave the tenantes of Phebe a bar of Coban to make a banket after our departure from thence, with 500 gins to the servantes of howses, and 500 gins to the horsemen (or hankney men) which carid us from thence to Orengaua; the cheefe of the towne accompanying us out of ther presincts and sent many servantes to accompanie us to Orengaua, which is about 8 or 9 English miles, all runing before us on foote, as homegers to Capt. Adames.

I sent a letter to the Admerall that I ment to vizet hym to morrow; but he, hearing of our coming hither, had sent me a letter before to envite me to com to hym, with many kynd offers of frendshipp.

After our arivall at Orengaua, most of the neighbors came to viset me and brought frute and fish and rejoyced (as it should seeme) of Capt. Adames retorne.

September 28.--We went per water to a towne called Misackey,[184] 5 leagues from Orengaua, to vizet Fungo Dono, the ould Admerall, and carid hym a present. And Capt. Adames gave hym a leopardes skin and 5 handks. chint bramport. And Mr. Eaton gave hym 2 single peces chint bramport. He entertayned us kyndly at dyner and sent us meate for supper, and gave me a wacadash (or short cattan) from his side; and sent his men to shew us his sonns howse newly built, being a very fayre place. This man is one of the best frendes we have in Japan.

September 29.--We retorned per water to Oringaua, not without much diffeculty. And the Admerall Fongo Dono departed per water towardes Edo, to vizet the Emperour the first day of the new moone; but, the sea being greate and the wynd contrary, he went ashore, and so went overland per horse.

We gave our hostis at Misakay 2 ichibos for howsrowme and dyet, and 1 ichebo to her eldest dowghter, being wife to a Hollander, and 500 gins to her yongest doughter, and 200 gins to servantes in the howse, and 300 gins to the howse where Mr. Eaton did lye. And Capt. Adames gave presentes, viz.: 1 handkerchefe and an ichebo to Adrian the Hollanders wyfe, 1 handker. and 500 gins to the mother, 1 handkerchefe and 100 gins to youngest doughter, 1 handkerchefe to Mr. Eatons hostis, and 100 gins to servantes of the howse.

September 30.--I gave Capt. Adames 2 keremons and Andrea, his brother in law, one of them the Emperour gave me. And there was geven out in presentes as followeth, viz.: to Capt. Adames wife, 1 pec. blak grogren, 1 pec. sleze land, 1 cheane amber beades; and to Josephe her sonne, viz: 1¼ tatt. black cloth; and to Suzanna her doughter, viz.: 1 whole peece chint bramport; and to Andreas wife, 1 pec. black grogren; and to Capt. Adames wives mother and an other doughter, viz.: 2 single peces chint bramport; and 1 single pec. chint bramport to Adrians doughter.

Towardes night arived a man of Capt. Adames expres, sent from Mr. Wickham with letters and others from Firando, Mr. Wickham advising that by proclemation at Miaco, Osakay, and Sackay, it was defended that no Japon should buy any merchandize of strangers. Whereupon he could make no sales of our comodeties, and therefore did wish me, yf I met the expres on the way, to retorne to Edo to redrese it, yf I could.

4 letters from Mr. Nealson, of 9th, 16th, 17th, and 20th August. 2 letters from Mr. Osterwick of 8, 16 ditto. 1 letter from Mr. Wickham of 19th September. 1 ould letter from Mr. Wickham. 2 letters from Mr. Rowe, of 10th and 17th August. 1 letter from Mr. Totton, of 20th August. 1 letter from Mr. Ed. Willmot, of 11th August, from Langasaque.

October 1.--I wrot 2 letters, one to Mr. Wickham and an other to Mr. Nealson and Mr. Osterwick and retorned them per same expres, unto whome Mr. Eaton delivered 3 ichebos; and he said Mr. Wickham delivered hym 60 mas, wherof he spent 43 mas per the way. And Mr. Wilson, Jno. Cook, Wm. Sweetland, Jno. Hawtry, our bongew, and others, to the halfe of our company, I sent away directly towardes Miaco. And Capt. Adames, Mr. Eaton, and my selfe retorned againe towardes Edo, and lodged at Phebe. We gave 1000 gins to the servantes at Orengaua, for Capt. Adames nor his wife would let us pay nothing for diet.

October 2.--This mornyng fayre calme wether, or rather a littell wind easterly till about nowne, and then the wind vered northerly, a greate gust all the rest of the day, but not so much per night.

By meanes of this storme (we being onward on our way towardes Edo per water) we were forced to run over the sholes right ashore, not without danger; so that it was dark night before we got our thinges on land, and went to a towne in the way 4 leagues short of Edo, called Cowa Saky;[185] where we had bad lodging and worse fare.

We paid for our diet at Phebie with our hors hier from Oringaua and geven in the howse, viz.: 2 ichebos in gould and 1000 gins, paid out per Mr. Eaton. And for our boate hier to Cowa Sackey 1 ichebo, and 400 gins geven to a pilot to help us ashore in a place to land our goodes.

I forgot to note downe how Mrs. Adames sent powdered beefe, fysh, and bread, with rise, after us to Phebie.

October 3.--We went to the secretary Oyen Donos howse to have spoaken with hym about our occation of retorne, but were perswaded per his men to attend his coming to the howse of justice, and there might speake to hym and the rest as they entred; which we did, but were referred of for answer till the next mornyng. So from thence we went to Codgskin Donos, but fownd Inga Dono, the Cheefe Justis of Japon, arived from Miaco and com to vizet hym. So we could not speake with hym.

Also we met there a Spaniard, com from the iland near Langasaque, where he was arived in a small shipp by contrary wynds going to Manilla, and might not be sufferd to goe out againe without lycence from the Emperour.

Jno. Yoosen came to vizet me, and tould me he howrly expected the Hollanders, and that, tuching the cortalling of our prevelegesse, it was not to be suffered, it being wrought per Safian Dono and other his associates to have us pend up at Firando, to the entent to work upon us as they did on the Portingals and Spaniardes at Langasaque; but (said he) the Hollanders will forsake Japon before they will be bownd to do it.

October 4.--A Duchmans sonne came to vizet me, and brought a present of powndgranetes and oringes; unto whome I gave a tay in plate fyne, paid per Gorezano.

I got Capt. Adames to goe to Codgskin Dono with our jurebasso, to make the occation of our retorne knowne unto hym and to aske his councell (as our cheefe frend) what course we shold take. He spoake with hym and the rest of the Councell and, as it seemeth, they will enlarge our previlegese.

A merchant, our frend, envited Capt. Adames, Mr. Eaton, and my selfe to supper, and sent for the cabokes, nifon catange.

October 5.--I wrot a letter to Mr. Wickham, and so to send it for Firando, advizing how I hoped to dispach our matters to content very shortly; and sent this letter per a yong man of Firando, neighbour to Yasimon Dono.

We could have no answer this day tuching our busynes.

October 6.--We ment to have spoaken with Oyen Dono and rest about our busynes, but could not com to speech of them, they were so busye about other matters.

I wrot a letter to the seniora at Orengaua to thank her for our kynd entertaynment. We carid a present to Inga Dono.

This man is Lord Cheefe Justice of Japon, and now newly com from Miaco. I made knowne unto hym the occation of my retorne, by meanes of the proclemation at Miaco that we should sell non of our goodes in those partes. He tould me it was true that the Emperour had sent downe such order, that we should have no other place of sales but Firando. I answerd hym that the Emperour might as well banish us right out of Japon as bynd us to such an order, for that we could make no sals at that place, as I had fownd by experience of 3 yeares space and upwardes. He answerd me he could not withstand the Emperours pleasure, and that at present all matters were in other manner in Japon then in tyme of the ould Emperour, and that he could do us small pleasure in the matter, it being in the secretaries power to do most; yet, as tyme should serve, he would doe his best.

The letter I sent to Mr. Wickham was kept till this day, and sent per a man of Firando, neighbour to Yasimon Dono; wherin I advized hym I dowbted I should not make an end so sowne as I thought, and therefore wished hym to send away Mr. Wilson and the rest to Firando, but, for the bongew, he might stay my comyng yf he would.

We went also to the howses of Codgskin Dono and the rest, but could not com to speech of any, they, as it seemed to me, playing least in sight, which caused me to write 2 letters to Cawkesayemon Dono, secretary to Oyen Dono, willing hym to stand our frend to solicit his master for our dispach; which he answered me he both had donne and would doe, but verely thought we could have no dispach till after the hollidaies or feast, which begineth the 9th currant and lasteth 3 or 4 daies.

October 8.--We went to vizet the counsellars againe, to have our dispach in remembrance. And first to Oyen Dono, the secretary, whoe tould us that we should speake to Codgskin Dono, for that he could do nothing of hym selfe. Unto which I answerd that the rest did refer us to hym, and therefore I besought his Lordship to procure our dispach; for I stood in dowbt my long staying and want of sales of our goodes per meanes of this edict would be an occation I should not send away our 2 shipps and junck this yeare, which would be a borthen to hevie for us to beare or to answer to our employers. He said he would doe what he could and take councell with the rest what might be donne. So from thence we went to Codgskin Dono, whome the servantes tould us was in the house. Yet could I not come to speech of hym, but lost my errant with his cheefe men.

I forgot to note downe that Safian Dono was at the secretaries howse, siting in a darke corner, I being cald in and apointed to syt on the better hand of hym, not knowing whoe he was till Capt. Adames tould me, which then I went on the other side and craved pardon as not knowing hym. In fyne, every one complayneth that matters are worse then in the ould mans daies, and that this man doth nothing but change offecers and displace tonos, sending and changing one into an others contrey; so that much grudging is at it and all in law and plitos on with an other, so that what will com of it God knoweth, for, as the comon report is, no man dare speake to the Emperour of any matter they think is to his discontent, he is so furious, and no meanes but death or distruction. So that what will come of us or our sute I know not, for I tell them it were as good for the Emperour to banish us all out of Japon as to shut us up in Firando, it being a place of no sales.

October 9.--This day was a greate feaste of Japon called Sheco, being the 9th day of the 9th month. So we could do nothing this day about our busynes at Court. But all day after nowne yisterday Capt. Adames and our jurebasso staid wayting at Court gate to speake with the councellers, who still geve good words.

Jno. Yoosen sent me word his man was com from Miaco and that the Hollanders would be heare within a day or two.

And Cacozayemon Dono wrot me a letter that he had soliceted Oyen Dono his master about our affares, and that they were not unmindfull of it, but would shortly dispach us; only their busynes was much at present by meanes of the caveleros which came to vizet the new Emperour, as also for the sending away of the widdo of Fidaia Samme, doughter to the Emperour that now is, whoe is geven in second marriadg to a tono called ----[186], whoe fought very valiently in defence of the Emperour at the overthrow of Fidaia Samme.

Mrs. Adames and her 2 children arived heare yisterday from Orengaua. And I gave Shezeros child an ichebo and Mr. Eaton delivered an other to the tuerto[187] that plaid on the shamshin.[188]

October 10.--Late towardes night was an uprower in the cittie of Edo, for that a cavelero, called Deo Dono, gave it out that he would take the Emperours doughter as she went to morrow towardes her new husband, for that the ould Emperour in his life tyme had promised her to hym, in respect of his service donne at Osekay against Fidaia Samme. But the Emperour now would not concent theirunto, but sent hym word to cut his bellie, which he refuced to doe, in taking of his howse with 1000 men his followers, whoe all shaved them selves, with 50 women of his, lyke wais protesting to stand out till the death; whereupon the Emperour caused his howse to be beset with above 10000 men armed, and ofred to leave his land to his eldest sonne of som 19 years ould, yf his servantes would deliver up the master in quiet; which coming to the fathers knowledg, he kild the said sonne with his owne handes; yet after, his servantes kild their master and deliverd his head to the men without, upon condition to have their lives saved and the lands to remeane to the other sonne; which, as it is said, the Emperour hath condecended unto.[189]

October 11.--I went and vizeted the King of Firandos brother, and carid hym a present of 2 barills wyne and a dish of figges, which he tooke in good parte and offred to send to the Emperours councell to desire our dispach in his brothers name, which I thanked hym for.

I went to Jno. Yossen to vizet hym and see what news he heard of the Hollanders. But, as it seems, they were not come to Osakay when Albartus wrote hym his letter the 23th ultimo; so God knoweth when they will hither.

October 12.--We went to vizet (or rather solicet) the Emperours councell for our dispach, but could not com to spech of any of them. We found our Castillano at Codgskin Donos, but could have no audience no more then we. And after nowne Capt. Adames and our jurebasso went agane to the Cort and sawe all the Councell together, who gave them fayre wordes as before, biding them com againe to morow.

And towardes night an expres of the Hollanders arived at this place, who came for a goshon for their junck to goe for Syam. He geveth it out that Mr. Baylie is dead, but I have no letters of any such matter.

October 13.--We went this mornyng betymes to Codgskin Donos, before son ryseinge, because we would be sure to find hym within; but had answer he was sick and therefore willed us to come againe at nowne, for that he would not goe out all this day. And so we retorned to Oyen Dono the secretary, and met his secretary by the way (with the Spaniard man), whoe tould us he was gon out, and that he want after hym to procure that mans dispach, which it may be will be at later Lammas. But afterward we went againe to Codgskin Dono, and in the end spoake with hym and made our case knowne unto hym, which he seemed to pittie, and tould us he was not the man now that he was in the ould Emperours tyme, only he was of this mans Councell, and in his opinion it was not tyme now to seeke to alter that which the Emperour had so lately ordayned, but that in tyme it might be amended, our case being better considered of; and then we should find hym ready to assist us in what he might. Jno. Yoosen was theare at same tyme when we spoake unto hym, and heard what past, and at same tyme presented hym a letter from the Hollandes Capt. telling hym he was on his way to com vizet the Emperor, but held backe per fowle wether, yet in the meane tyme desired to have a goshon to send their junck for Syam. But Codgskin Dono answered he might stay for it till the Hollandes Capt. came.

So now I determen to put up a petition to have a lycence to sell such goodes as we have at Miaco and those partes, and so to retorne with their answer, good or bad, desiring in my petition that their honors will better consider of our first privelegese hereafter.

October 14.--I wrot two letters, dated yisterday but kept till this day, the one to Mr. Wickham to Miaco, and the other to Firando to Mr. Nealson and Mr. Osterwick, advising them of what is past, as also sending two goshons to Firando, one for Cochinchina and the other for Syam, to be a meanes to helpe to sell our junck. Also I wrot a letter in Japons to the China Capt., Andrea Dittis, and an other to Matinga; and sent all these letters expres per Jaquise.

Cacayemon Dono, the Emperours secretary, sent me word late yisternight how he had spoaken with his master, and gave me councell to send Capt. Adames and Gorezano our jurebasso betymes this mornyng to speake with his master, which they did before son rising; but he was gone out to the Admerall of the Sea, Shongo Dono, before they came. So they retorned without doing any thinge. And after, the said secretary, Cakeamon Dono, came to me and gave me councell to make a petition to them all, and goe and watch them as they came from the Admeralls howse and deliver it unto them. He tought me to indite it, desyring them that yf their affares were so emportunate at present that they could not speake to the Emperour for enlardging our privelegese, that then it would please them to geve me a letter of pasification to the justice of Miaco and those partes, for the selling of such goods as we had theare, and the next spring I would retorne to renew my sute about our privelegese.

This petision I deliverd to Oyen Donos handes, which he receaved with a frownyng countenance, calling Capt. Adames to hym and gave it hym back, asking hym whie he let on com to him that could not speake, and bad hym bring our petision hom to his howse. Soe sowne after Capt. Adames went to his howse with our jurebasso, but could not com to speach of hym, and soe retorned.

It is said that the merchantes of Miaco are com to this place to sue to the Emperour that we may sell no goodes in this place of Edo nether, which as yet is not denid us. I am still of the opinion that the Councell, haveing put it into the Emperours head that it is fitt we should be restrayned to Firando, dare not now speake unto hym to the contrary, he being such a furiose man. So I dowbt we shall not now get any good answer, to my no small greefe.

October 15.--Capt. Adames and our jurebasso went againe betimes this mornyng to Oyen Dono with our petition, and he had them bring it to the castill, which they did, and in the end had for a finall answer that the Emperours pleasure was that we should keepe factors at no other place but at Firando, and for our goodes which we had in any other place, to put it into the custody of any Japon we would for this tyme to make sales for us, but not to leave any factor English, nor to send any goodes hereafter from Firando, but to sell all theare. Whereupon Mr. Eaton and I thought good to leave all our goodes in the place under the custody of Capt. Adames, for this tyme; and he to leve order with what other he thought fyt to make sales in his abcense, because he goeth downe with us now to cleare all reconynges and to receave his sallary, due to hym per Wor. Company accompt to consort, he not haveing receved any thing till now.

Here is reportes geven out that the Emperour doth determen to put Massamone Dono and the Kyng of Faccata to death, with an other tono or kyng.

And it is said Fidaia Samme is alive; but what will com hereof I know not.

October 16.--Andrea, Capt. Adams brother in law, came from Orengaua to Edo, and he got (I meane Capt. Adames) his writing of his howse at Edo out of his handes and paid hym 35 bars Coban, which is 5 more then he was to pay; and so made an end of hym to the content of his senora.

And Caukesayemon Dono, the secretary to Oyen Dono, came to vizet me and to take his leave, we being to depart to morrow, and willed me to take patience for a while tuching our privelegese, for a matter of state being once concleuded could not in a day nor 2 be revoked. Yet he dowbted not but the next yeare it would be amended, when the Emperour and his Councell had well considered of the matter, as now they began to enter into it; for all this is donne to banish padrese out of the cuntrey, and that, for his master and Codgskin Dono, we might be assurd of them, as he had heard from his masters owne mouth; and that it were not amis, yf I met the King of Firando per the way coming up to the Emperour, to put hym in mynd to solicet the matter.

We gave this Cakeyamon Dono a cloth cloke of Mr. Eatons, in respect of the paines he took since our coming.

There was an earthquake at 5 a clock in thafter nowne.

October 17.--We departed from Edo at 9 clock and lodged at Caningaua[190] all night, where we met the Hollanders going up, who brought me 4 letters, viz. 3 from Firando and 1 from Osakay, viz.:--

1 from Mr. Wickham in Osakay, le 2th October. 1 from Mr. Baylie in Firando, 28th August. 1 from Mr. Osterwick in Firando, le 23th August, kept till 1th September. 1 from Mr. Nealson in Firando, 28th August, kept till 4th September.

Wherin they advized me of Mr. Baylies death, with many other matters.

I forgot we gave presentes as followeth, viz. To Mrs. Adames, 1 loking glasse, 1 pikture of Solloman, 2 blew tuns, 2 handkerchefs chint bramport. And I gave cabukes 6 handkerchefes and 2 bundells paper; and 2 handkerches to Capt. Adames hostis. Also ther was 1000 gins geven to howse; 1 single peece chint bram. to Capt. Adames father in law; and 1 whole pec. chint bramport to Mattem Dono, a merchant, our frend. We gave to host at Caningaua 2160, and to servantes in howse 0200.

The Hollanders tould me ther junck, which came from Syam and arived in Shashma, was cast away coming about for Firando, goods and all, only men saved. Also they reported that the great Spanish shipp in Shashma is cast away, coming from thence to goe to Langasaque.

October 18.--We dyned this day at a towne called Camacra,[191] which in tymes past (500 yeares since) was the greatest cittie in Japon, and (as it is said) 4 tymes bigger then Miaco or Edo is at present, and the tono or kyng of that place, called ----[192], was cheefe commander or Emperour in Japon, and the cheefe (or first) that took the authoretie royall from the Daire who was the suckcessor to Shacke. But now at present it is no cittie, but scattared howses seated heare and theare in pleasant valles betwixt divers mountaines, wherin are divers pagods very sumptuouse and a nunry (or rather a stews) of shaven women.[193] I did never see such pleasant walkes amongst pyne and spruce trees as are about these pagods, espetially 5 of them are more renowned then the rest.

But that which I did more admire then all the rest was a might[y] idoll of bras, called by them Dibotes,[194] and standeth in a vallie betwixt 2 mountaynes, the howse being quite rotten away, it being set up 480 years past. This idoll is made siting cros legged (telor lyke) and yet in my opinion it is above 20 yardes hie and above 12 yardes from knee to knee. I doe think there may above 30 men stand within the compas of the head. I was within the hollownes of it, and it is as large as a greate howse. I doe esteem it to be bigger then that at Roads, which was taken for 1 of the 7 wonders of the world, and, as report goeth, did lade 900 camells with the ruens therof. But for this, it is thought 3000 horses would nothing neare carry away the copper of this. In fine, it is a wonderfull thinge.

Som report this cittie to be destroid with fire and brimston; but I enquired of the enhabetantes, and they say they never heard of any such matter but only that it was burned and ruenated by war.

From Camacora we went to Fugesao[195] to bed; and paid for diet, night and mornyng, 2 ichibos, and to servantes in the howse 200 gins.

October 19.--We dyned at Woyso[196]; and paid to howse 1500 gins; and to the servantes 200 gins. And I gave his littell doughter 2 handkerchefs of chint bramport smaller sort. And so from thence we came to Odouar[197] to bed. And paid for dyet, night and mornyng, 2000 gins, and to servantes of howse 200 gins.

October 20.--We dyned at Faconiama[198] on the hill, and paid 1000 gins, and to servantes in howse 100 gins; and at Mishma,[199] at hill foote, for colation 300 gins. And so we went to supper to Sammabash, and paid for dyet, night and mornyng, 2000 gins, and to servantes of howse 300 gins.

We met an expres per way, sent per Duch for Edo, but upon what occasion I could not learne.

October 21.--We went to dyner to Cambara[200]; and paid 1200 gins, and to servantes 100 gins. And at Uuy,[201] where Capt. Adames fell afe horse, 500 gins, viz. 300 gins to a bonsetter and 200 gins to the howse. For it is to be understood that a burd flying out of a hedg caused Capt. Adames horse to start, so that he fell backward and put his right shoulder bone out of the joynt, and 1000 to one that he had not broake his neck. And we went to bed to Yezeri,[202] and paid for dyet, night and mornyng, 3000 gins, and to the servantes 200 gins.

October 22.--Capt. Adames fynding hym selfe somthing better, we went this day to Shrongo[203] to dyner, to our host Stibio, where we paid for dyner 2000 gins, and to the folkes of howse 200 gins. And we gave a present to Stibio and his wife, 1 pec. blak silk grogren, 1 single pec. chint bramport; and I gave his yongest sonne 2 ta.

And in respect Capt. Adames feared his arme would goe out of joynt againe, he thought it best to stay 4 or 5 daies at Shrongo, and we to goe before. So we went to bed to Fugida[204]; and paid howse 2000 gins, and to the servantes 200 gins, and to Capt. Adames hostes sonne brought present 300 gins.

October 23.--We dyned at Cagingaua[205]; and paid the howse 1500 gins, and to the servantes 200 gins. We met Georg Durois a league before we came to this towne, going to the coast to seeke justis against Safian Dono. He gave me a box of marmalad, and delivered me 2 peare silk stockinges, I silver caller and other black, with 2 peare white wollen stockinges, but set no price till he retorne to Firando. He tould me that it was the littell Spanish shipp that is cast away neare Shashma, and not the greate. Also he said that the great shipp which is in Shashma bringeth newes that the Kyng of Spaine hath mad proclemation that all the English and Duch pirattes that rob at sea, that he will take them under his protection, and geave them freely all such goods and shipps as they shall take, without reserving any part to hym selfe.

We went to bed this night to Mitsque[206]; and paid to the howse, for night and mornyng, 2000 gins, more to the servantes of the howse 200 gins.

October 24.--This mornyng overcast wether, wynd W. S.erly, but after, rayne all the afore nowne, but dry wether after, with much wynd at W. N.erly, that it blew downe howses and uncoverd others; but dry wether per night and not so much wynde.

We dyned at Araye,[207] and paid 1300 gins. And we went to bed to Yosenda,[208] pd. 3500 gins, and to the servantes 300 gins, and to the children 200 gins. This extraordenary charg was for that we had extraordenary good cheare, being brought thither by a merchant of Edo, our frend, called Neyemon Dono, ... I gave one of them an ichebo, but would not have her company.

October 25.--We dyned at Fugicaua,[209] and paid to the howse 1200 gins, and to the servantes 100 gins. And we went to bed to Naromy[210]; paid 2000 gins, and to the servantes 200 gins.

October 26.--We broake fast at Mia,[211] and tooke boate from thence for Guanno,[212] 7 leages. And paid at Mia 500 gins, and at Guanno 2300 gins, and to the servantes 200 gins. For we could get no horses to goe from thence, although we arived theare at nowne, for that all were taken up per them which came to vizit the princes. Our host at Guanno tould me that it was strange to see the presentes which came daylie to this noble man and his wife (she being the Emperours doughter), for that all the noble men in Japon came to vizet hym with presentes, som with 100 bars Oban and as many garments (I say keremons), each one according to his degree. So that there was no day passed without playes, I meane comodies or tragedies. So that the rezort of people to that place was such that we could get no horse, etc.

October 27.--We went to dyner to Shono; and paid to howse 1200 gins, and to the servantes 100 gins, and I gave the children 2 mas in money Spanish. And we spent at a howse in the way called Sacke 200 gins. So we went to bed to Sacca[213]; and paid host 2000 gins, and the servants 300 gins.

October 28.--This mornyng a cold hor frost with a stiff gale wynd westerly, wynd encreasing all day, so that it might be accompted a tuffon, but not so much wynd per night.

We dyned at Ishbe,[214] and paid the host 1300 gins, and to the servantes 100 gins, and gave the ropshakes[215] to drynk 100 gins. And we went to bed to Otes,[216] and paid host 5 taies plate, and servantes 300 gins, and for passage over water 300 gins.

We met som trayne of the Kyng of Figen[217] going towardes Edo, but he hym selfe went an other way, because he would not vizet the princes at Guanno, as we were enformed. There went about 20 women in the trayne we met, with the wife of the Prince of Figen, who went to her husband which lyeth pledg at Edo, as all the rest of the kinges sonns of Japon do the lyke, and those which are married bring their wives with them.

October 29.--We went to Miaco to dyner, where we fownd Mr. Wickham; and so I wrot for our host of Sackay to com to som end of our busynes, and sent an other letter to Cuiaman Dono, our bongew, how I was arived heare. And sowne after I was arived, an ould boze, a userer, came to vizet me with our host of Osakay; and he envited me to supper, and the boze to dynner, to morrow.

October 30.--I wrot a letter to Capt. Adames, and sent it per Jenkese his man, advising of the base usage of our host of Otes, willing hym to go to an other lodging, yet to tell hym of his knavery as he passed, and to buy me 8 or 10 salt salmons, yf they be to be had.

We went to the bozes howse to dyner, called Sofa Dono, where we had entertaynment for a prince with all them which followed us, I meane Mr. Wickham, Mr. Eaton, our host, with 2 others, our jurebasso, and my selfe, and all servantes, etc. This man is a greate userer; and the King of Firando oweth hym much money at intrest, and, as he said, for his sake in whose domynions we were recedent, and per letters from hym was comanded to shew us what service he could, was ready to performe it to his power, accompting it a great honor that I would come under his rowfe, etc.

I sould this day a littell peece of currall of the 2 I had out in the box, containing 3 mas 7 condrin wight, for the som of five tais, yet not receved. Our host of Fushamy[218] came to vizet me with a present of orengis, being glad, as he said, of my safe retorne. We have much goodes at his howse, which they of Miaco would not suffer to enter into the towne, standing upon their puntos per meanes of the Emperours inhebitions.

October 31.--I sent Goresano, our jurebasso, to thank the boz for our kynd entertaynment yisterday, and to tell hym I thought it best to goe and vizet the Justis of Miaco with a present of wyne and fish, and to tell hym what order the Emperour had geven me to sett my busynes in order and to leave the rest with whome I thought good. The boz came unto me and councelled me not to cary anything to the Justice howse, for that neather he nor his deputie were not at home, but, yf either of them came while I remeaned heare, he would adviz me thereof.

I receved 4 letters to day per a Hollands bark, which came from Firando, viz.:--

1 from Ed. Sayer, dated at Conugeshma[219] in Shashma, of his arivall there in our junck in greate misery, the capt. and many others being dead, he under God saveing her. 1 from Jno. Ferres in Syam, le 25th of May, sent per Ed. 1 from Mr. Edmond Willmot in Firando, le 23th September. 1 from Mr. Nealson in Firando, le 6th of October, 1616.

Mr. Nealson advising me the King of Firando showed them but a sower countenance in their affares, and denyed them a letter of favour to the king of Shasma, appointing his brother after long attendance to doe it.

Our host of Sakay, called Tozayemon Dono, arived heare yisternight. He is the man which hath most holpen Mr. Wickham in our affares. I bought 8 puppets to send to Capt. Adames children, cost 1 ma. 2 co.

November 1.--Tozayemon Dono, our host at Sackay, tould me that Chubio Dono had advized hym to shew us all the favour he could, and to furnish us with 10000 taies in plate or merchandiz, yf we wanted it. Also he said, for the copper we wanted, that he would furnish us with it for 3 mas per pico better cheape then the Hollanders had bought of others. God grant all prove trew. Yet I have a good opinion of this man.

November 2.--I went to se the monumentes of the towne, viz. the temple of Dibottes,[220] with the hudge collosso or bras imadg (or rather idoll) in it, it being of a wonderful bignes, the head of it reaching to the top of the temple, allthough he sat croselegged, it being all gilded over with gould, and a great wall or plate behind the back of it the lyke, whereon was carved the pickture of the son. The temple of it selfe is the hugest peece of building that eaver I saw, it not haveing any other thing in it but the idoll, which standeth in a cercle or chappell just in the midell therof, with 4 rowes of pillars of wood, 2 on eather side, from the on end of the temple to the other, each one reaching to the top of it; the compose of each pillar being 3 fathom, and all dyed over with red occar, as all the temple within is the lyke. And a littell from the north end of the temple is a tower with a bell hanging in it, the bigest that ever I saw. And from the easter dore of the temple stand two rowes of ston pillars, of som dozen in a rowe, a pretty distance on from the other, going downe to a mighte huge gatehowse, on either side of which within stands a mightie gilded lyon, and without the gate on each side (as portars) a hudge giant, mad after a furious fation. The truth is, all of it is to be admired.

And not far from this temple is an other, of very neare 10 skore yardes in lenghe, I say ten skore; but it is narow. And in the midest thereof is placed a greate bras Dibotes (or idoll), but nothing neare the greatenes of the former. And out of the sids of it proceed many armes with hands, and in each hand on thing or other, as speares, sword, dagges, spades, arrowes, knyves, frutes, fyshes, fowles, beastes, come, and many other matters and formes; and out of the head procead many littell heades, and over the great head proceadeth a glory of long bras rayes made lyke to the son beames, as the papostes paynt over the saintes. And on both sids, to the end of the howse, are set 3333 other bras images, standing on foote upon steps, on behind an others back, all apart on from an other, with glories over their heads, armes out of their sids, and littell heades out of the great, as the Dibotes had. I enquired what those handes and heads did signefie; and it was answered that they signefied the good and charetable deeds that those saintes (or holy men) had donne while they were liveing. And it is to be noted that both the Dibotes and all the other 3333 idols were made after an excellent forme neare to the life, and clothed with a gowne (or loose garment) over them, and all gilded over with pure gould, very fresh and glorious to behould.

And just before the Dibotes below were set 3 or 4 roes of other idolls, most of them made after a furious forme, rather lyke divells then men; and behind them all stood two deformed ons, one carying a sack of wynd on his shoulders, and the other a cerkeled wreath or hoope with many knots in it, the one resembling the wyndes, and the other the thunder. In fyne, this temple is the most admerablest thing that ever I saw, and may well be reconed before any of the noted 7 wonders of the world.

And som distance westward from these 2 temples stands the sepulchre of Ticus Samme, allis Quambecon Dono,[221] a thinge to be wondred at, and rather to be admired then to be discribed. It is a hudge big howse, of an admerable workmanshipp both within and without, far excelling either of the other temples, and within it many pillars covered with bras enameled and gilded over with gould; and the flowre of plankes very black, shynyng lyke ebony. But we could not be sufferd to enter, but only to look in a wyndor or grates. And to the place where the corps (or ashes) are set, yow must assend up 8 or 9 steps or degrees, very lardge, made parte of gilded bras and parte of black wood or ebony. And by the corps borneth a contynewall lampe, watched by a boz or pagon prist. And for the workemanshipp about that place, it exceedeth my memory to discribe it; only, all I can say, it may well befitt the entering of so famouse an Emperour.

And I had forgot to note downe that before the east gate of the temple of Dibotes stands a rownd hill of an endifferant biggnes, on the top whereof standeth a ston pillar, lyke the crosses in papistes churchyardes; which hill, as I was tould, was made of the eares and noses of the Coreans which were slayne when Ticus Samme did conquer that cuntrey som 24 or 25 years past. In fyne, we saw divers other monumentes and pagods, very sumptuous, with cloisters rownd about them lyke papistes monestaries, wherein the bozes or pagon pristes live in greate pompe, lyke our frairs and monks in Christendom, from whence it seemeth they had their origenall; for the pagon religion is of more antiquetie, and as many sectes or orders as the Christians.

Capt. Adames came to Miaco this day, being well amended, yet not without paine in his shoulder.

November 3.--I bought 3 chaw cups

coverd with silver plates, plate waynge 6ta. 3m. 5co. And for cups and workmanship, at 12 mas peece 3 6 0 And for losse in plate, at 1 mas tay, is 0 6 0 --------------- Som totall 10 5 5

We sould our silk this day for 312 tais per pico, it being reported the Emperours silk was now set at sale, yt being deare. Also we sould the ordenary taffeties. And we sent for our broad cloth from Fushami to this place of Miaco, to make sale of it, our host of Sackay and others offering to buy it.

Albartus host, in his abcense, came to vizet me with a present.

We agreed to carry a present to morrow to Gonrock Dono, in respect he is the Emperours servant and may be confermed still at Langasaque, for ought we know.

November 4.--I went to Gonrock Dono with a present as followeth, viz.:--

1 tatty blak cloth. 1 Russia hide. 1 pece sleze land. 1 pece diaper napkins. 1 great his gallepot. 1 great flat gallepot. 1 littell loe galet. 1 green ton. 1 gren porenger. 1 Duch jugg.

He was not at home; so I left the present and retorned.

I wrot a letter to our host at Bingana Tome to provide iron for me as followeth, viz. 100 picos best flatt iron; 100 picos small square iron; 400 picos ordenary short iron.

November 5.--I went to Gonrock Dono, accompanyd with Capt. Adames. He gave us frendly entertainment after the order of Japon; and amongst other matters asked us the price of our lead which the Emperour was to have, telling me it was all one to hym what price we set, yet withall advized me that yf we put a hier price then the Hollenders, that it would be ill taken. I answered that our lead was better then the Hollanders, and besids had cost us much money in bringing it up, and that our prevelegis were such that, yf the Emperour bought any thing, he was to pay the worth, and that at present it was worth 7½ tais pico in this place; yet was I contented to let the Emperour have it for 7 tais, and, yf they pleased, would make the price allwais so hereafter, whether it were dearer or better cheape. He tould me he would adviz the Emperours offecers thereof. And for the steele, he said the Hollanders sel it to the Emperour at 2 mas per catty. So I condecended to sel ours at same rate the Hollanders doe theirs.

Capt. Adames ould host of this place, which in tymes past would have geven hym a higo,[222] came to vizet me and brought me a littell Japon box tronk lyke makary[223] work for a present, and our makary man brought me a littell scritorio of same work. I had rather be without these presentes, for, as the ould saying is, the[y] bring a sprat and look for a herring.

November 6.--Gonrock Dono sent for Gorezano our jurebasso, and tould hym that this day he would write to the Emperours court about our lead and steele, but could not give money for the lead above 5 tais per pico, because the Hollanders let the Emperour have at same rate; soe I sent hym back to let me have so much money as he thought fyt upon the reconyng, and to com to accompt hereafter, and to will hym to lend me 2 or 3000 tais for 2 or 3 months. He sent me word he would looke over his accompt, and what money he could spare he would lend me.

November 7.--We sent presentes to divers as followeth, viz. to Sofo Dono, the boz; and to Pedrogo Zamon, Capt. Adames ould host; to the host [of] howse wher cloth lyes; and to Yosio Dono, the Hollandes host.

We changed 850 taies ordenary plate for good plate, at 3 mas per 100 taies.

The boz Sofo Dono brought me a present, 2 barsos wyne, 2 hense, and 2 bundelles sea weed.

A small earthquake this night past at midnight, but of small endurance, in Miaco.

November 8.--Goresano our jurebasso foolishly fell out with our host Tozayemon Dono of Sackay, and went togeather per the eares with hym.

November 9.--I receved seven hundred tais of Gonrock Dono, upon accompt for 100 picos lead and 10 picos stile for themperour, and gave hym 2 billes of my hand, viz. 500 upon lead and 200 upon stile, the price referred to Oyen Dono and Codgkin Dono. The stile was delivered at Firando, and the lead I must deliver at Osakay.

The 10 of the ward where we lodged in Miaco, with 10 other princepall men, came to vizet me with a present, nifon cantange, only to see the fation of our English habit and our behavior. I used them in the best sort I could, they offering me any kyndnes they could about our busynes.

Also in the afforenowne there was an earthquake, but of small contynewance.

November 10.--We sould the quicksilver for 185 tais pico, and brod cloth at divers prices. And I bought 54 Japon bookes printed, of their antiqueties and cronocles from their first begyning, cost 8ta. 9ma.

Albartus the Hollander retorned from Osakay and came to vizet me. He sayth how Codgskin Dono hath sent the King of Firando word to come up, sick or whole, although he dye per the way.

November 11.--I wrot a letter to Firando to Mr. Nealson and Mr. Osterwick of my arivall heare, and will com downe with as much hast as I may, with other matters; and sent it per conveance of our host of Sackay and his man.

And I gave host at Miaco a pece corall of Mr. Tottons, containing 8 mas 1 condrin.

So we departed from Miaco and went to bed to Fushamy.[224] And ther was geven out in presents more to our host Maguian Dono, and to his wife, to his sonne, to son-in-laws child. To the servantes of howse in money 5 taies; and to our host, for dyet and howserowme, 80 taies.

And our host gave me 20 salt cod fysh for present, and his wife gave me a Japon catabra for a woman. And he met us without towne and brought us a banket in good fation, for which we gave his men which brought it a bar of silver of 3 tais, and to the folkes of the howse where we eate it 15 mas. And after, our makary man met us with an other banket in state, for which we gave to them and the howse 3 tais 8 mas 8 condrins.

I went and vizeted Safian Dono at Miaco, and carid hym 2 barilles wyne and a fresh salmon, cost all 2 tais. He spoake much about price lead, to let it go as the Hollanders; but in the end agreed at 6 tais per pico.

November 12.--We gave a present to our host of Fushamy and his wife, which we did in respect he took our goodes into his gadong these troublesom tyms (or embargo) when the[y] would not permit them to enter into Miaco.

And we gave for dyet at Fushamy 8ta. 0m. 0co. And for lodhier goods 5 0 0 And for servantes in howse 1 0 0 And we dyned at Fracata,[225] and paid 3 4 5

And so went to bed to Osakay, Mr. Eaton falling extreme sick of a fever per the way. Our host of Fushamy accompanied us 3 leagues on the way per water, and brought us a banket after the Japon fation. And a merchant of Osakay came after us and brought us another.

November 13.--We sould the rest of our lead this day to our host of Osakay at 7 tais per pico, to pay ready money. And we agreed with a bark to goe to Firando with merchandize, to roe with 13 ores, for 30 taies.

I understood Safian Dono past by to Sakay this day, and sent me word he would let me have as much money as he could spare, but I know not yet upon what conditions.

I sent the governour word I would come and vizet hym to morrow.

November 14.--We went and vizeted Shemash Dono, the governour, and carid hym a present as followeth, viz.:--

1¼ tatt. black cloth. 1¼ stamet cloth. 1½ tat. blac bayes. 1½ tat. yelo bayes. 1 pec. fyne whit basta. 10 gray cony skins. 2 flat galepotes, of 6 cattis. 2 hie galepotes, 6 cattis. 2 flat gallpot, 2 cattis. 2 white juges. 2 green tonns. 2 gren poringers. 1 bar steele.

This Shemash Dono is Ogosho Sammas doghters sonne, and the Emperour now is his uncle. He used us kyndly and promised to write to themperour for enlardging of our prevelegese. And his secretary is a greate man and doeth all. This prince accompanid me quite out of his castell, a thing which he hath not donne hertofore to som kings which came to vizet hym.

Yisternight came a bark from Firando, who bringeth news the king is very sick and canot com to vizet the Emperour, but sendeth his brother Tonoman Samme in his place, whoe is one the way coming up.

Capt. Adames and Mr. Eaton went to Osakay this night to dispach som busynes, and to morrow Mr. Wickham and my selfe to follow after to see what we can doe with Safian Dono, to take up som monies at interest to send for Bantam.

November 15.--I receved a letter from Safian Dono, to way out the lead to 2 men he sent, and they to deliver it unto the governor of Osakay for the Emperour. Soe Mr. Wickham and my selfe, being ready to goe for Sakay, left order with our host Feske Dono and our jurebasso Gorezano and Wm. Sweetland to way it out to them. The[y] would have had it waid out in parcels of 50 cattis, but I would not; only in the end we agreed to way 5 small bars at a tyme.

And soe wee departed towardes Sakay, where we fownd Capt. Adames and Mr. Eaton at our host Tozayemon Dono, our good frend. His wife presented me with a sleeping keremon of silk, and the lyke to Capt. Adames, Mr. Wickham, and Mr. Eaton.

November 16.--I got our host Tozayemon Dono to send his men to look out for our goco copper, to have it ready to lade to morrow, as also to get 2000 tais in plate ready to carry along with me; for that I could not stay, tyme being past, but would leave Mr. Wickham a day or 2 to bring the logg and to accompt with hym. So he promised me all should be donne to content.

Also I receved a bason and ure from our makey man at Miaco; cost 4 ta. 5 m. 0 co.

November 17.--Georg Durois retorned from Edo without doing any thing, and came from Osakay to this place to vizet me. He sayeth Safian Dono was com away before he arived at Edo, which was the occation he could do nothing. I gave hym councell that, when Safian Dono came to Langasaque, he should get some frendes to make way to hym, and to tell hym he had rather have a littell with his favour then all with his ill will, desyring hym to consider his povertie.

We bought 9 bundells paper, comen sort, to writ letters, 100 sheetes in a bundell, for 3 mas 4 condrins per bundell.

November 18.--I went to Safian Dono to know whether he would lend me any money upon intrest, as he promised me; but he put me afe to Gonrok Dono his nephew, whome he said had charge of his busynes, and he drove me afe with wordes, ofring to deliver me money for all our sappon[226] which was com in this junk, at 22 mas per pico. So I left of that matter and retorned to bed to Osakay, having first receved in good changed plate of Tozayemon Dono our host one thousand two hundred tais, upon accompt of lead and other merchandiz, the lead at 7 tais pico; and gave hym a present. This Tozayemon Dono hath lent me 1000 tais gratis, besids all other favors donne in our busynes, he having donne more then all the rest.

Also we paid hym for our dyet in his house 16 tais, and to the servantes 2 tais.

And I gave Mr. Eatons littell doughter Helena a silk coate, and to her mother a single pece chint bramport.

Our host sent 3 men with pikes to accompany us to Osakay, with pikes because it was late.

November 19.--I wrot a letter to our host of Sakay, Tozayemon Dono, to com to Osakay forthwith, to geve order for lading of copper, and to bring rest money along with hym, changed or unchanged. Also an other letter to Magazamon Dono, our host at Miaco, to send hether a chist of glas bottelles to carry down with us.

And ther was paid unto Jorge Durois per Mr. Eaton, for money disburced at Langasaque for us, as followeth, viz.:--

ta. m. c. 1 jar conserves of lemons and orang flowers 04 5 0 1 jar conserves of oreng flowers and peaches 04 0 0 2 quince trees and 2 baskites of onyons to sett 01 1 0 120 tallo candelles cost 02 0 0 143 candelles cost all 02 2 0 1 peare of milstons 01 5 0 ------------ Som totall of howse accº. amonts unto 15 3 0 ------------

More for my own acco. as followeth:--

ta. m. co. 2 peare silk stockinges 07 0 0 2 pear more receved in way from Shrongo, 1 blak, 1 ashcoler 06 4 0 2 pear wollen or cotton yorne stockinges, 7 mas per 01 4 0 ----------- 30 1 0 -----------

November 20.--Our host Tozayemon Dono came from Sakay and brought me eight hundred tais more to mak the other up 2000 tais. And Eche Dono retorned from Miaco with rest of the bar copper, being 50 pico, which was laden abord the bark, and the rest is in house ready to lode to morrow.

Mr. Eatons boy Domingo is to make hym a new bond to serve hym 7 yeares in these partes, or at Syam, Cochinchina, or Patania, but not to goe for Bantam nor for England; and is for 10 tais plate delivered his father and mother a yeare past.

And per lyk agreement he is not to carry Susanna his sister out of Japon, which is to serve the lyk tyme for 5 tais; but he to fynd meate, drynk, and cotes to both.

November 21.--Our host of Osakay, Cuemon Dono, gave me a silk kerymon and 2 silk catabras, with 2 sackes rise, 5 sackes charcole, 3 sackes salt, and 5 salted coddes, for a present; and gave Capt. Adames, Mr. Wickham, Mr. Eaton, Fesque Dono our bongew, and Gorezano our jurebasso, each of them a keremon of silk, with other matters to our followers. And sowne after the Governor sent me an other present, viz. 5 silke keremons, 2 langanates, and 2 barelles wyne; and sent to buy 2 pec. corall, which I sent to hym as a present from my selfe.

Gorezano our jurebasso having falne out with divers of my frendes by means of his fowle tong, espetially now of late with Tozayemon Dono, our host of Sackay, I willed hym to make peace with hym, or else I would not entertayne hym any longer; at which my admonisions he set light, as well as at Capt. Adames, Mr. Wickhams, Mr. Eatons, and others. Whereupon I put hym away. This fellos fowle tong hath much injured me and others, namely Capt. Adames, against whome he gave out speeches at Emperours court, that he was an occation we gave not a greater present to the Emperour and to others, which hath procured Capt. Adames much ill will, and the lyke to all of us. This Gorezano had byn a dead man long ago, yf I had not saved hym, and have this reward for my labour.

November 22.--I receaved fowre hundred tais of Mr. Wickham upon acco. of Tozayemon Dono, and gave Mr. Wickham up a note of all the monies I receaved to carry downe, since I arived at Miaco; which amounted to eight thousand eight hundred forty and six taies, eight mas, and seven condrins, wherof 7650 taies were packed up in 6 chistes to goe for Firando, and the rest in an other chist to lay out for iron and other matters at Bingana Tomo.

Sadaye Dono, the governors secretary, sent me 2 Japon pistolles for a present. And sowne after came a servant of Calsa Sammes to vizet me with a present of frute, telling me (as from his master) that he was sory he could not doe me any pleasure in respect he was in disfavour with the Emperour his brother; but, yf it were otherwais with hym hereafter, that then he would do that which now he canot.

November 23.--Our host brought us cabuques, 3, one the cheefe, with their musick, and staid all night. I gave the cheefe a bar Coban. And Echero Dono, Mr. Eatons ould host, brought me a present of a bento, or box for 5 persons to eate in, and a fyre harth from his wife; and Shroyemon Dono, a pike and 10 papers fyne rise.

November 24.--Gorezano made frenship with Tozayemon Dono, and would have gladly gotten to be jurebasso againe; but I would not.

November 25.--I gave the cheefe caboque I single pec. chint bramport, and her maid 5 mas in plate, and so sent them away.

And we departed from Osakay towardes Firando in the after nowne. We put over bar of Osakay at night, and divers frendes came after us with banketes for a farewell.

We got this night to a place called Taccasanga, 20 leagues from Osakay.

November 26.--So we [made] 25 leagues this day, and came to an ancor about midnight, it being calme, and so stopped the tide.

This day passed a foyfone[227] by us with 20 ores on a side, wherin went a bongew of the King of Biengos,[228] and came and spoke with us, seeing we were strangers, and sent me a dozen of larks for a present. So in requitall I sent hym a small barso of wyne and a salt cod, which he took in good parte, sending me word, yf we put into any port of his masters province, we should be welcom and have any favour shewed us we stood in need of.

November 27.--We waid ancor an hower before day and rowed it up, haveing somtyme wynd and somtyme calme. And so towardes night arived at Bingana Tomo,[229] haveing met a bark of Firando per the way, whoe tould us our 2 shipps and junk were all ready and attended our coming, wishing us to make hast. We made this day 15 leagues.

At my coming to Bingana Tomo, I thought to have fownd 600 picos iron ready bought and waid out, as I writ our hostis; but fownd nothing donne per meanes iron was so deare, as the worst sort at 17½ tais per pico, and second at 21 mas pico, and non of best sort to be had. So I had thought to have sent back an expres to Osakay to Mr. Wickham to have bought som theare, but upon better consideration left it ofe, and thought it better to carry money then iron at so deare a rate. But in consideration our hostis said she had bought 100 picos, worst sort, at 17 mas 2 condrins, I took that and meane to send it to Syam, the king of that place haveing writ for iron; also a smith of this place haveing greate store of flat iron a span broad, made of purpose for the Emperour, but durst not sell without consent of themperours dico or bongew, which he would send unto to know the lowest price.

November 28.--I delivered two hundred and fyftie tais plate bars unto Mr. Eaton, to pay for iron at Bingana Tomo, viz.:--

ta. m. co. 168 fardells corse iron, at 65 cattis fardell, amontes to 109 picos, 20 cat. 185 6 4 016 fardells best iron amontes all unto nett 012 picos, 75 cat. 025 2 0 ---------- The corse iron at 17 mas pico, and best at 20 mas cat. 210 8 0 ----------

November 29.--We departed this mornyng from Bingana Tomo towardes Firando--

And we paid for our diet 9ta. 0ma. 0co. And to servants 1 0 0 And I gave an ould woman 0 4 5

We met 7 boates with the King of Fingos[230] provition, he, as they say, cominge after to goe up to themperour. And, after them, mett as many with the King of Bongos in lyke sort.

So we made this day and night following 30 leagues.

November 30.--We came to an ancor 3 leagues after we had past the streates of Camina Seak,[231] and thear road all night, it proving a very storme. So we made this day 13 leagues.

December 1.--We waid ancor at break of day and road it up with the tide to a villadg called Mia Nots, 5 leagues from the place we came from, and after rowed 2 leagues more and came to an ancor againe, the sea being very greate. So we made 7 leagues this day.

December 2.--We wayed ancor 2 howers before day, and sett sayle and came to Shimina Seak[232] 2 howers before night, where we staid all night per meanes of the fowle wether; Capt. Adames coming in late same night. So we made 25 leagues this day.

The King of Cokera was at this place with 50 seale barkes, ready to goe to vizet the Emperour.

December 3.--We waid ancor and put to sea with wynd provinge varible, and arived at Firando the morow mornynge at son rising, haveing made 55 leagues per day and night followinge.

And sowne after Ed. Sayer arived at Firando from Shashma, where the king used hym kyndly, in respect of my vizeting hym as he passed by this place.

I sent our jurebasso to adviz the King of my arivall and that I ment to vizet hym to morrow. And he sent a man after to bid me welcom, as all the princepall of the towne did the lyke; and the neighbours came them selves and met me, after they heard the shipps shute of their ordinance.

And the Hollandes Capt. sent his jurebasso to bid me welcom and that he would have com hym selfe, but that he was busy writing to send away their ship and junck.

December 4.--The China Capt. tould me how he had 2000 tais in fyne plate ready to send in our ship, and that he would write to his brother to provide more, but the worst was that Langasaque was belegered and all the passages stopt that no man might retorne from thence. The occation he knew not; only som said it was to look out for on of Fidaia Sammes consortes, and others that it was to look out for padres.

Also there was reportes that 25 saile Hollander shipps had taken the Molucas.

December 5.--I went and vizeted the King of Firando, in company with Capt. Adames and Ed. Sayer, with letters from the king of Shashma and Safian Dono; and I carid the king a present of 2 barrelles morofack, 2 salmons, and 5 perfumed fans. He took it in good parte; and I gave hym thankes for the paynes that Fesque Dono his bongew had taken in going up with me.

And from thence I went to the Hollandes howse to vizet Capt. Speck, to know yf he would send me 2 letters in the ship that went for Bantam and the junck that went for Syam, which he promised me to do, as also to geve me a letter to Bantam to send in our shipp, to signefie that it was falce the reportes geven out about carrying the ebony in the Hozeander, and that he was ready to do the lyke for us upon all occations offered, it being the States pleasure he should do soe.

I wrot 2 letters, 1 for Bantam to Capt. Jourden, per Duch ship, and the other to Syam to Mr. Benjamyn Farry, per Duch junck.

December 6.--I sent the China Capt. brother a kerymon and 2 salmons, and gave the lyke to hym selfe, and a kerymon a pece to Mr. Sayer, Mr. Nealson, Mr. Osterwick, Mr. Rowe, Mr. Totton, Niquan the China, and Mat[ingas] father, and 1 to Mr. Wilmot; and miangas of gerdelles and showes to Mr. Eatons, Mr. Sayers, Mr. Nelsons, Mr. Osterwikes and Mat[ingas] women; and a silver chaw pot and a fan to Capt. China wife; and a pear tabis with string and a fan to his doughter.

The king sent for me and Capt. Speck, and shewd us a letter he had from the Councell to tell us we should not trade into no other parte of Japon but to this towne of Firando and Langasaque, and to adviz hym eich yeare at ships coming what merchandiz we brought, to the entent to signefie the Emperour thereof.

We find per experience that the King of Shashma hath shewd us extraordenary favor, and the Duch to the contrary non at all. The occation I think is the present I gave hym as he passed by this place to goe to the Emperor, the Duch not doing the lyke. So that now he let Matias stay allmost a month suing to speak with hym and might not have admittance.

December 7.--A mestiso[233] came to demand passage in our junck for Syam, and tould me he went in the junck with Mr. Peacock and Walter Carworden for Cochinchina, and related to me the death of Mr. Peacock cleane contrary to the report I had before, saying that it was by mischance, an other boate runing against them in a corant overthrowing theirs; and that Mr. Peacock was drownd by meanes of money he carid in his pocket, and that his host was in the boate with hym and hardly escaped with swyming, being halfe dead when he came ashore; and that Walter Carwarden, their host, and he went afterward and fownd the dead body of Mr. Peacock, and brought it ashore and buried it; and that Water remeaned in the contrey above a month after, not any one offring hym injury, yet in the end embarked hym selfe in the same junck he went in to retorne for Japon, carrying all matters left unsould along with hym; which coming to the knowledg of the Kyng of Cochinchina, he wrot a letter to Safian Dono, to signefie unto hym that he was inocent of the death of the English or any other, and that, yf they sent any of their nation to receave the money he owed them, he was ready to pay it.

I sent a bundell figes, a paper rise, and 2 perfumed fans to our neighbours, Japon manour, I retornyng from above, viz.:--

To Tome Dono and his wife; to Cushcron Dono and his wife; to Zazabra Dono and his wife; to Skydian Dono and his wife; to China jurebasso and his wife; to Kitskin Dono and his wife, and a fan and a paper rise to his mother. And to China Capt. wife a keremon, she asking it.

December 8.--I came to understand that Gilbert Dickenson, being put in trust to way out the Companies wood to Japons, did secretly consort with them to wrong the Company to benefit hym selfe: namely in 20 picos delivered to one he gave 22 picos, and after went for money for the said 2 picos, which coming to the knowledge of Andrea Dittis, China Capt., he advized me hereof and caused the money to be staid. He delivered or wayd out much more to Tomo Dono and Cushcron Dono; but I canot fynd out in what sort it was, only it was tould me he was seene rec. money of them and brought it back againe to chang for better, it not being good. Also he was accused per the chirurgion of the Adviz, called Robert Hawley, that he in secret tould hym he made accompt to put ten pownd in his purce per waying out of that wood, etc.

December 9.--I wrot a letter to Soyemon Dono, and sent it per our jurebasso, to entreate hym to speake to the king for the 3000 tais he oweth, to send now in these shipps which will be ready within 5 or 6 daies.

Georg Durois came to this place, haveing past much danger at sea, staying 6 daies after us, many barks being cast away before his eyes.

The king sent Soyemon Dono and an other to know whether I ment to send goodes to Miaco and those partes; as he was enformed I did, contrary to themperours edict. Unto which I answerd that I ment to send goodes to our host of Sackay, which I had sould hym for the vallu of 1000 tais, for which I had receaved money of hym before hand; and that I might sell my goods to any man at Firando without geveng offence; and that he had sent his man with his chap or marke to set upon the goodes, and ment to com after hym selfe. So they took the answer in good parte. Also I desyrd hym to be ernest with the kyng for the money he owed us, to send in these shipps.

December 10.--We had a generall meeting and councell at English howse, whereat assested, with my selfe, Mr. Ric. Rowe, Mr. Jno. Totton, Wm. Eaton, Wm. Nealson, Ed. Sayer, Wm. Nealson, Jno. Osterwick, Edmond Wilmot, Wm. Colston; where was handled the matter of the runing away of Tho. Heath and Nico. Wilson of th' Advizes company, with Henry Blackcolles, Hewgh Hewes, Tho. Somner, and Christorfer Galsworthy of Thomas company, for runing away with the Thomas skiffe and 350 Rs. of 8 of Mr. Rowes in money; but being taken, we condemd them, with on Widger of the Thomas company, their consort, to be duckt at yard arme 3 tymes and whipt at capstayn each one 20 stripes; only Heath the guner to be but duckt.

Also Jno. Hawtery was brought in question by Mr. Eaton for goodes stolne at Edo and Osakay, which he could not deny, but fell out in rayling termes against me, thretnyng me that he would make me to leape, etc. For which Mr. Rowe carid hym abord and put hym in the bilboes.

The Hollandes junck went out for Syam this after nowne.

December 11.--We went abord the Thomas, and saw execution donne upon the persons aforsaid, according to order, only Galworthie and Widger were refered till an other tyme, they being both sick of the pox, and per the chirurgions opinion would be in danger of their lives yf they were ducked.

Georg Durois being ready to departe towards Langasaque, news came that the cheefe in that place was taken and bownd upon suspition. So he staid till he heard ferther newes.

Capt. Adames entered into extraordenary humours, taking the parte of the scrivano of his junk with one Miguell, 2 villans that have cozened the Company, against me and all the rest of thenglish, to mentayne them before the justice. I take God to witness I do what I can to keepe in with this man, etc.

News came from Langasaque that men might enter but not com out againe; so we know not what will com thereof.

December 12.--We bought a slave of George Durois, pownd (sic) unto hym by one of Firando for 7 tais plate bars, which money is now paid onto hym. The slaves christen name is Laurenso, and in Japon Sanzero.

Also this day arived a small China bark or soma from Hochchew,[234] laden with silk and stuffes, in this towne of Firando. They bring news of the wars betwixt China and the Tartars.

We agreed with ould Mr. Barges of the Thomas and yong Mr. Burges of the Adviz to goe for pilottes in our junck for Syam. And ther was 50 tais plate bars geven to Skidayen Dono for to make his voyag to Syam, he being capt. of the junck.

Niquan the China retorned from Langasaque with 6000 tais fyne plate, sent from Capt. Chinas brother for as, and sent me word he would send 2000 tais same plate to morrow, which he had taken up of a frend for us at intrest at 20 per cento according to my order, and would take up more yf we stood in neede.

December 13.--I receved 16 cattans of Mr. Eaton to send to Sir Tho. Smith, cost viz.:--

ta. m. co. 2 best sort long cattans, at 2½ tais per cattan, is 05 0 0 6 second sort long cattans, at 1½ tais per cattan, is 09 0 0 8 short cattans, at 8 mas per cattan, is 06 4 0 -------- Som totall amontes unto 20 4 0 --------

The China Capt. sent us in 2 chistes plate bars good to melt, to send for Syam with the rendadors chape upon it, containing in each chist one thousand tais--is tow thousand in all.

December 14.--Taccamon Dono paid all his ould score and desired to have 50 picos sappon upon a new acco., to pay next yeare as we sell the rest.

December 15.--I delivered one hundred tais plate bars to Andrea Dittis, China Capt., to deliver to Skydayen Dono, capt. of the Sea Adventur, as his owne, for most advantage; but is for my selfe.

Capt. Adames envited all thenglish to a banket with cabokes.

December 17.--I delivered tow thousand tow hundred tais to Mr. Eaton in plate, wherof 200 tais was in fyne plate, rest in bars, and is parte of cargezen sent per hym to Syam, rest being in severall sortes of goodes, am. to 3043ta. 6m. 2½co.

I wrot a letter to the King of Shashma, to geve hym thankes for the good usadg of Ed. Sayer and the rest in our junck, offring my service to hym in what is in my power. Soyemon Dono holpe me to endite and write my letter in good termes befyting so greate a prince.

Also Soyemon Dono tould me that the King of Shashma did much esteem our English nation, and would suffer us to trade into the Liqueas or any other partes of his domynions, but would not suffer the lyke to the Hollanders.

December 18.--Yasimon Dono and Albaro Munois arived at this towne of Firando, one from Xaxma and thother from Langasaque; and Yasi came and viseted me, telling me how our nation were respected in Xaxma, and the Hollanders nothing esteemed of, and that they were lyke to loose their processe with a China about red wood com in a junck from Syam put into Xaxma per contrary wynd.

December 19.--I delivered my letters to Mr. Eaton, viz.:

1 to Mr. Benjamyn Farry, Cape merchant at Syam, with the cargezon ther inclozed.

1 to Jno. Ferrers, to Syam, with his bill of 36 pezos or Rialles of 8 I paid to Capt. Adames for hym, and send hym 3 shutes of aparell by hym.

1 to Mr. Jno. Browne, to Pattania.

Tow Spaniardes came to vizet me, of Andelozea, saying they were parentes of Harenado Ximines, enquiring for 2 or 3 men that were escaped out of the Spanish shipps and they said fled to the Hollanders; but after, Capt. Speck came to vizet me and tould me these Spaniardes had hanged an English man out of littell ship.

December 20.--Our junck the Sea Adventure went out of Firando to Cochi and there came to an ankor.

And Capt. Speck brought me a letter to send to Syam, which I did, and enclozed it to Mr. Fary with a word or 2. Also Capt. Speck went out with his boate after our junck to helpe to tow her out, and carid a present of wyne and porke; and shot afe 7 or 8 chambers and pec. ordinance as she passed by, and our shipp shot afe each one 5 pec. of ordinance. And being abord I fownd the capt. drunk, with others of Firando with hym, whoe demanded a writing of my hand to make good their preveleges, as also that I should lend hym 200 tais gratis at Syam, to pay the lyke som heare in Firando, at his retorne, which I denyed to doe and so retorned ashore, offring hym that yf he were not content with that which he had, that then he might geve over the voyage, and I would send an other in his place. They had gon out this mornyng but that Mr. Eaton was not abord, but about midnight he departed from hence, Mr. Wickham, Mr. Sayer, and Mr. Osterwick accompanying hym.

December 21.--Our junck, Sea Adventure, put out of Cochi Road towardes Syam this mornyng. God send her a prosperous voyage.

The King of Goto arived at Firando this after nowne, being bownd up to vizet the Emperour, but came heare ashore and vizeted the King of Firando. So it is thought fit to cary him a present, because our shipping and junck do still com and goe for his contrey, and somtymes per meanes of fowle weather enter into his harbours, and have byn kyndly used.

December 22.--I went and vizeted the King of Goto, and carid hym a present, viz. 1¼ tatt. brod cloth, 3 syngle peces chint bramport, 1 chast fowling peece. He took it in good part, and after sent his man to vizet me (he being ready to departe towardes Edo), to tell me his hast was such he could not com to thank me hym selfe, but assured me that, yf any of our shiping (junckes or other) came upon his cost, they should be suckared with the needfull, and that instantly he would adviz me of the arivall of any that were to enter; for which I thanked the messenger, telling hym I was sory his Highnes was departed on such a sudden, because I ment to have saluted hym with ordinance as he had passed out, the which he said he would make knowne to the king, his master.

December 23.--I went and vizeted Songero Samme, ould Foyns sonne, and carid hym a present. Yt is said that the king of this place is to goe up to themperour forthwith, and soe much Oyen Dono tould me, he comyng to vizet me yisterday, telling me the king was in great care to provide me money to send in these ships, he being now put to his shifts in respect of his going up to themperour. Also it is said Sangero Samme is to go up to themperour, but upon what occation is not knowne, whether it be by comandement of themperour, or of the King of Firando, his nephew. Yf themperour sent for hym, it is thought it is to make hym kyng.

And I had an ould cloake of Mr. Totton, which I gave to Capt. Whaw, China Capt. brother, at Langasaque.

December 24.--We receved 15 barilles gunpolder from Langasaque from Capt. Whaw. Also I had 18 cakes Surat soape of Mr. Totton.

December 25.--Our 2 shipps, Thomas and Adviz, shot of each one 9 peces of ordinance at son rising, in honor of Christmas Day. And Andrea Dittis sent me a present of 2 peces black taffeties and 10 greate China cakes of sweete bread.

We envited the masters, masters mates, and cheefe offecers of both shipps to dyner and supper, being som 20 persons, as also the China Capt. and our selves, merchantes, were above 30 persons. And Mr. Rowe envited us abord the Thomas to morrow to dyner. Mr. Totton being very sick, could not com, as Mr. Wilson, masters mate of Thomas, the lyke. God send them health.

December 26.--We dyned abord the Thomas, and had 3 peces at entring abord, with 3 for a health to Honorble. Company, viz. 2 out of Thomas, and 1 out of Adviz; with 5 other single healths, viz. 1 to Capt. China, 1 to Capt. Middelton, 1 to Capt. Jourden, 1 to Capt. Adames, and 1 to Capt. Saris; with 7 peces out of Thomas at going ashore, and 5 out of Adviz; with 3 out of Thomas for the women. And we had the cabokis after supper ashore, who plaid and dansed till after midnight, and then went away, being 8 women and 6 or 7 men.

December 27.--I sent the caboques eight tais plate bars per our jurebasso.

And in consideration of the frenship the China Capt. brother hath shewd as to procure as money, 3000 tais at intrest, and would let Mr. Wilmot nor his followers pay nothing for their diet at Langasaque, they lying theare above a month at a Chinas howse, we gave to the China his host 1 tatta black brod cloth, and to Capt. Whaw 2 tatta stamet bays, 7½ tay wight best amber beades, being 130 beades, 2 tay 9 mas worst amber beades, being 10 beades.

Yasimon Donos littell doughter came to vizet me and brought me a present of oringes, and I gave her a perfumed fan, a perfuming bras balle, and a bundell of paper.

December 28.--I wrot two letters (per Andrea Dittis, China Capt., his direction) unto 2 greate China lordes, viz. to Fiokew, secretary of Estate, with 200 tais plate bars, delivered to his servant Liangowne, for to provid charges per way; to Tykam Shafno, concellor of Estate; and that I delivered 10 bars gould Oban to same man for purpose afforesaid. The 200 tais bars plate Mr. Osterwick delivered to China Capt., but put them upon his accompt; but the 10 bars Oban, containing 24 tay wight gould Capt. Whaw delivered of hym selfe, amounting unto 550 tais plate, all going for their proper accompt, yet they them selves have wrot I sent it (or gave it), as apereth to them in my 2 letters. God grant good suckcesse.

Also I wrot 3 letters in Japon, viz. 1 to Safian Dono, and an other to his secretary, to desire Safian to geve me a letter of favor to the King of Cochinchina, for payment of such soms money as he bought goods for of Mr. Peacock. I say, to pay the money to Capt. Adames and adviz me how Mr. Peacock came to his end and what became of Water Carwarden. And the 3rd letter was to our host, Tozayemon Dono, of Sackay, to buy 50 picos goco copper, to send me per first, with such money as he made of our goodes.

Also Mr. Totton being very sick, I put hym in mynd to make all matters stright, which he promised me to do.

I paid the China sumaker 18 mas my selfe for 6 peare pantables, slippers and pomps, at 3 mas pec., for my selfe.

December 29.--Mr. Jno. Totton, master of the Adviz, fynding hym selfe weake, sent for me, and in the presence of Mr. Edmond Wilmot tould me he ment to make his will and set matters in order, asking my opinion to whome he were best to make over his estate, that it might com to his son, his ould mother, and a sister he had, in respect he was now in these forren partes of the world of Japon and they in England; so that, yf he should put it into my handes or Mr. Wilmots, we were mortall as well as hym selfe; so that he thought it best to make over his estate to the Honorable Company, our employers, leaving us heare for witnesses of what past; unto which his adviz I gave comendation, so that he went on and took an inventory of his estate of goodes and monies.

And I wrot 5 letters in Japon to severall men, viz. 1 to host at Osakay, Cuimon Don; 1 to host at Miaco, Menguayemon Dono; 1 to Neyemon Dono and his partner at Edo; 1 to Capt. Adames wife; 1 to Cacoyezamon Dono, secretary to Oyen Dono.

December 31.--I was geven to understand that Tome our jurebasso, whome I ment to send for Bantam to have done hym good and have geven hym 4½ years tyme he was to serve me--I say I was enformed he owed 15 tais to the caboquis for whoring, with other wild trickes he had don, as pawnyng his fellows weapons and aparell. So I delivered hym up his papers and turned hym away, he having beaten his owne father the day before, who came to vizet hym.

January 1, 1616-7.--Capt. Adames departed yisternight toward Langasaque, to buy cables and seales for his junck, I meane our junck in Shashma (falne to the Company), sould to hym for 750 tais Japon plate, but cost Company 1289 tais, Capt. Adames now being resolved to make a voyage into Cochinchina in the said junck.

Mr. Row sent me a hat for a new yeares gift.

January 2.--We deliver 2½ brod clothes to the 2 ships, to make men aparell this cold wether, both the whole clothes being much staynd and moughteaten in the begyning or fore end of the cloth for 4 or 5 yardes in each cloth, viz. no. 338 murrey containing 33 yardes, cost sterling £21 : 0 : 0, and no. 23½, a straw clr., 16 yardes, cost £14 whole, £7 : 0 : 0; which cloth and halfe was delivered to the Thomas to Mr. Row and his purcer Colson; no. 524, fawne culler, containing 33 yardes, cost £13 : 15 : 0; which cloth was delivered to Mr. Edward Wilmot, purcer to Adviz, to clothe the naked company.

Capt. Speck and the master of the great Holland ship came to me to request us to cary them 3 men in our ship for Bantam, yf they came not before their great shipp went from hence, which they were determened to send away forthwith, the yeare being overpast. To which demand I answered I would take councell and adviz them.

Also the King of Chicongo[235] sent an embassador to Firando, whoe desired to see our shipps, which he did and had 8 peces ordinance shot out of Thomas at departing.

January 3.--Yt was agreed upon generally to send Capt. Speck word that we would passe his men in our shipps, yf they came in tyme; but that I ment to send away our shipps within this 3 daies, tyme being spent.

January 4.--I gave a fello a tay for nutmegges he gave me, he being a marrener of the Thomas company.

The caboques took Tome prisoner for 15 tais he owed them for lechery, and, not haveing to pay, set his body to sale, or else might take hym for slave, no one geveing the money for hym.

January 5.--The ship carpenters made complaint because the howse carpenters wrought abord our shipps, and got the kyng to warne the howse carpenters not to doe soe no more, although he had formerly geven me leave. So I sent our jurebasso to the secretary, Oyen Dono, to get the kings formor promis performed.

January 6.--Capt. Speck sent me word the greate shipp calld the Black Lyon ment to put to sea to night to goe for Bantam, and that yf I would write a word or 2 he would deliver it. So I wrot a letter to Capt. Jourden, how our 2 shipps were ready, and ment to send away the Thomas to morrow, but to stay the Adviz 10 or 12 daies, in respeck the master, Mr. Totton, was sick and not able at present to put to sea.

We laded 6 chists plate abord the Thomas, being in all 8000 tais, all fyne melted China plate.

January 7.--To day Taccamon Dono sent to me to end the matter betwixt the Japon Miguell and his consort about wood of Syam they cleamed in our junck, and desird me for his sake to geve them 2 picos, otherwais, yf law proceaded, it would cost them their lives. So I condecended.

January 8.--The King of Firando sent a writing unto me to have me set my hand unto it, that I sent goods up to Miaco to pay 1000 tais lent me by Tozayemon Dono. Unto which I answered I sent no goods up, but delivered and sould them heare to his man he sent downe to doe it of purpose, and shewd them my letter receved from Tozayemon Dono to same effect. Yet this would not serve, but he sent his man severall tymes to have me ferme[236] unto it, which still I refused, referring hym to take a recept from Tozayemon Donos man that bought the goods (or rather receved them) for his master. In fyne, this Tono of Firando either doth it to bring me into danger of sending up goods (a thing contrary to the Emperours edict), or else he would begyn a new custom, to have me geve hym notis of what goods I sell or to whome, which by my prevelegese I am not bound unto, but only to bring our shiping to his port of Firando, but to sell to whome I will without geveing notis to hym. In fine, I had much ado about it, with Bending of many messingers, as also employing the Capt. China to perswade me unto it. Yet I denid to doe it, with reason.

Also the Tono sent his bongew to recon with us about tymber they brought for reparyng our 2 shipps, as knees and beames, but all was ended before those tymbers came; yet would they have us take them, and set the knees at 20 tais the peece, and the beames at 100 tais peece, they in consience not being worth above the 10th parte they prize them at.

January 9.--The king sent still to have me set my hand to a writing concernyng sending up goods to Miaco, but I denid it, and went to Oyen Dono to tell hym my reasons, and to enforme the kyng thereof, which he promised me to doe, saving I had greate reason in doing that which I did; yet after I had much ado about the said matter, per other messengers sent, but still denid fermyng, allthough they thretned to bring the matter in question before the Emperour.

The China Capt. envited the king and the nobles to dyner, and feasted them both day and night with a China play; and after, they bid them selves his gestes againe to morrow, to have the caboques, or women plaiers of Japon.

January 10.--I got Capt. Adames and Mr. Rowe to goe to Mr. Totton, to perswade hym to stay here till next monson, in respect of his sicknes, to the entent we might send away both shipps together; unto which he answerd that we might make them ready, and, yf he fownd he were not abell to goe, then he was content to goe (sic), or, if we pleased to let hym have the shipp to stay but 8 or 10 daies more, he made no dowbt but he should be well able to goe in her.

January 12.--I went with Mr. Rowe to the king to take his leave and offer hym our servis, eather at Bantam or in England. He seemed to take it in good part, and made us colation, and soe let us departe. And at night he sent 2 armors of Japon for a present to Mr. Rowe.

January 13.--We went out with the Thomas for Chochie. But the king sent word to desire us to shoot afe no ordinance till we came out as far as Cochi. The reason was, his brothers wife was brought to bead, and therefore wold not have her disturbed.

We had 11 boates with 2 bongews to toe out our shipp, and at ther and our retorne ashore they shot afe 7 peeces ordinance.

January 15.--I went abord the Thomas, and carid my letters, viz.:--

1 to Mr. Humphrey Slany, with 2 beakers. 1 to my brother, Jno. Cocks, in Staffordshire. 1 to Peter Turner and Diego Farnandos, with 2 beakers. 1 to Mr. Jno. Hunt. 1 to Sophone Cozucke. 1 to Mr. Christofer Lanman, with 1 beaker, per coppie. 1 to Mr. Fra. Sadler and Mr. Ric. Atkinson, with 2 beakers, copie. 1 to Sir Tho. Hewet and Sir Wm. with makery ware, per copie. 1 to my brother, Walter Cocks. 1 to Mr. Francis and George Dorington, with 4 beakers. 1 to Mr. Barnard Couper, per coppie. 1 to Mr. Jno. Gourney, per coppie. 1 to Generall Keeling, per coppie. 1 to Mr. Wm. Sewall of Coventry, per coppie, 2 beakers. 1 to Mr. Tho. Chase, per coppie. 1 to Mr. Georg. Balle, per coppie. 1 to Capt. Raphe Coppindall, per coppie. 1 to Mr. James Foster, master of Clove, with chaine and whistell: copie. 1 to Capt. Samwell Castleton, per coppie. 1 to Mr. Tho. Willson, Esquir, with makary ware: coppie. 1 to Mr. Wm. Greenwell, deputy, with makary ware: copie. 1 to Capt. Jno. Saris, with 2 beakers: coppie. 1 to Sir Tho. Smith, knight, as per coppie. 1 to generall Company, as per coppie. 1 to Capt. Jno. Jourden, as per coppie. 1 to Mr. Robt. Offley and Mr. Raphe Freman. 1 to Mr. Ed. James and Mr. Lawrance Green.

But, the wether being fowle, we went not abord, but taried till to-morrow.

All the letters afforsaid were dated the 1th day of January, but not fermed till now.

January 16.--We went abord and delivered all the letters as afforsaid, with the bookes made up in a box, I meane bookes of accompt, journall, and legear, and the keys of 6 chists money sealed up and in paper and sent Capt. Jorden, as also 4 other letters, viz.:--

1 to the generall Company, per coppie. 1 to Mr. Thomas Willson, Esquir, sent per Mr. Raphe Willson. 1 to Capt. Jno. Jourden, per Wm. Sweetland. 1 to Capt. Jno. Jourden, per Lengow, a China, to lend 500 pezos.

Mr. Raphe Willson gave me an English book called Essaies.

January 17.--Towardes night the Thomas waid ancor and put to sea. God send her a prosperous voyage.

January 19.--The boteswayne and an other offecer in Giquans junck came to vizet me, Ed. Sayer telling me they stood to hym in all extremeties, otherwais all had gon to wrack. So we gave 2 single peces chint bramport to the boteswayne and 1 to the other.

January 21.--I paid as followeth my selfe, viz.:--

ta. ma. co. To the gouldsmith, for working buckells, my gerdell and hangers 2 1 2 To Co. Jno. for 2 kitesolls for me 0 5 0 And I paid the fatt China telier 3 2 2 And to the China haberdasher 0 4 0

We agreed with Gorezano to keepe the shopp with all sortes merchandiz, and geve up acco. weekly of what is sould, and to looke to the chang of all our monies; he to fynd hym selfe victuelles and to have 2 tais per month.

January 22.--I paid 7½ mas to Matinga for cotton coates for Bicho, Jeffery, Dick, Otto, and Fuca, at 1½ mas per peece, and I gave Bicho, Jeffrey and Dick each of them a keremon of silk, redy made.

January 23.--I bought 3 gerdelles, cost a mas and halfe per peece, for Bicho, Jeffrey and Dick, and gave them them.

January 24.--I paid Jno. jurebasso laid out for me, viz.:--

ta. m. co. Pro silver work for the cattan sent Sr. Tho. Smith 0 6 0 Pro workmanshipp 0 4 0 Pro a handell for cattan 0 2 0 Pro cordes for the handell 0 4 0 Pro 2 bras buttons on the side handell called menuque 0 1 3 Pro a hilt for the cattan 0 1 5 Pro workmanshipp handell 0 1 0 Pro making cleane Sr. Tho. Smiths cattans 0 1 0 ------- Som totall 2 0 8 -------

January 25.--In respect of Japon feast, we ment to send out the Advize to morrow; which coming to knowledg of the marreners, they came all in a troupe, the carpenter being ringleader, to ask 2 months wagis, saying they would not way ancor till they had it; and that mutenose fello told Mr. Totton to his face that when he came to sea he wold trym seales backward, and yet he hath receved, as per pursers book, above two therds of his wagis due to hym, contrary to order.

January 26.--We thought to have sent out the ship Advize to Cochi this mornyng, because the greate feast or new yeare of Japon begineth to morrow, which contyneweth 15 daies (as the lyke order is in China), but, wind being contrary, could not.

And I sent these presentes following for new years gifts:

2 barills singe wyne, of 50 gants barell, with 2 greate fishes, to king.

2 barll. singe wyne, of 25 gants barell, and 2 fishes to Bongo Same. The like to Oyen Dono. The lyke to Taccamon Dono. The lyke to Semi Dono. The lyke to Gonosque Dono. The lyke to Andrea Dittis, China Capt.

The tyme of Japon feast beginyng to morrow, we adventurd to cary out the Advize, but could get no ferther then the Tabilo, and there came to an ancor.

And I thought good to note downe that Mr. Nealson fell a quarreling abord with me, being in his potts, as ordenary he is, telling he scorned to write or coppie out accompts under any man, and upon terms fell out with Mr. Wickham, whoe tould me that the said Wm. Nealson had written a scandalous letter to Sr. Tho. Smith, taxing me of insuffitientie in accompt keeping, extoling hym selfe that he did all, which is a notorious sclander, he doing nothing but write per coppie as I apointed hym.

January 27.--Oyen Dono came to vizet me and brought me 2 gilded pay pins.

We sent out these presents following, viz. 2 barells singe, 2 fishes, to Sangero Same. The lyke to Xaxma gentellman. The lyke to Goto bongew. The lyke to Unagense Dono. The like to Sugean Dono. The lyke to Soyemon Dono. The lyke to Tozayemon Dono.

January 28.--I sent these presentes following, viz.:--

2 barilles wyne and 2 fishes to Sugian Donos father, of Umbra. The like to Yasimon Dono. 1½ tatta. black cloth to a China of Langasaque emploid about trade. 1¼ tatta. dito to the kinges chamberlen. 1¼ tatt. black cloth to Sifian Dono, sea bongew. 1¼ ditto to other sea bongew. 1¼ tatta. dto. to Fesque Dono, our bongew. 2 barill wyne, 4 fishes, to Yasimon Dono. 1 barill wyne, 2 fyshes, to the userer. 2 barll. wyne, 4 fyshes, to Skidayen Donos wife.

And there was presentes brought to me, viz.:--

The baker, a small barso wyne and 12 loves bread. Toraga, a small barso wyne and a banket egges and other thinges. The skullion, a small barso wyne, 2 fyshes. Skeete, a small barso wyne, 2 fyshes and orenges. Jeffery, 2 bottells wyne and orenges. Jenkyn, the lyke.

I gave Mon a keremon of silke, a pere tabis, and a gerdell.

January 29.--The king sent me a buck, skyn and all.

This day a bark was cast away coming from Ishew, with 23, and as others say 29, people in it, men and women, all drownd. The men came to doe homadg to the king this feast.

January 30.--I sent Mr. Wickham to take leave of the king, for that he was going to Bantam, as also to thank hym for the veneson he sent me; but the kyng was sick and could not be spoake withall.

And I delivered my letters for to goe in the Advise to Mr. Ric. Wickham, viz.:--

1 to Worll. Company, copie of former in Thomas. 2 to Sir Tho. Smith, ditto. 1 to Generall Keeling, ditto. 1 to Capt. Jno. Jourden, ditto. 1 to Richard Row, dated this day. 1 to Harnando Ximenes, ditto, with 2 from Toraja.

Mr. Wickham had my salt silver and gilt salt seller, containing 13⅛ R. 8., put into cargezon goodes.

January 31.--Mr. Wickham left his gerle woman with Matt[inga] and gave her 2 bars plate, containing 8 ta., upon acco. her diet.

I went abord with Mr. Wickham to take my leave. And as we past the Duch howse they shott of 3 chambers. And Mr. Leanord, the Cape merchant, came after in a boate with a present, nifon cantange, to byd hym farewell, as Capt. Adames did the lyke with 2 barell wyne and hense. So at departure we had 7 peces ordinance. But I had som wordes with some Japons which said our men owed them money; but I caused them to be turned ashore without payment, as being bawds and knaves. But the tyde being contrary and night coming on, the shipp did not departe.

February 1.--I sent China Capt. wife a perfumed gilded fan.

The ship Adviz put to sea this mornyng with a fresh gale, wynd at N. Easterly; and shot afe 3 pec. ordinance at departure. God send her a prosperous voyage, Amen.

There came a Scotsman from Langasaque to have sought passage in our shipp to goe to his cuntrey. He was lefte behinde out of the greate shipp in Xaxma.

Albartus the Duchman came from Miaco to Firando, and brought his woman and child with hym, he not being permitted to stay any longer above. He brought me a letter from Maguafen Dono, our host of Miaco, with 2 others from Mr. Wickham and Mr. Eaton, with 2 candelsticks and a duble salt of copper or brasse gilt, one candlestick being furnished with a lampe, a snuffe or place for candell, and a peare of extinguishers.

Febrary 2.--The Scottsman which came out of Spanish shipp is called Henry Shankes, and is a guner per his profession and out of money and aparell. Soe, upon his humble petition and by generall consent, we took hym into the English howse and geve hym meate and drink till we can otherwais provide to send hym for his cuntrey.

Unagense Dono sent me a present as followeth, viz. 2 barsos wyne, 2 greate muches, 2 wild ducks, and a quantety Japon potta rootes.

Febrary 4.--We reconed with Capt. Adames for his sallary since he entred into the Wor. Companies servis, viz.:--

ta. m. co. Pro 3 yeares and one month, begyning the 24th November, 1613, and ending the 24th December, 1616, at 100l. str. per anno., amontes unto 1233 3 3

More per 36 Rs. 8 lent Jno. Ferrers at Syam, for which I answer hym, is Japon plate 0028 8 0 ----------- Som totall owing unto him 1262 1 3

And he is paid as followeth, viz.:

Per 15 bars Coban gould, paid per Mr. Eaton at Edo at 65 mas Coban, is 0097 5 0

Per money owing me, 2 for one from Syam 0160 0 0

Per a junck belonging to Giquan, sould to Capt. Adames for the som of 0700 0 0

Per 3 barilles morofack, as it cost 0003 0 0

Per chint bramport 1 pec. 4ta. 0m. 0co.} 0006 0 0 And rumall chint bram. 1 pec. 2 0 0 }

Per 34 fysh skins, 10 R. 8, pd. Mr. Hunt 0008 0 0

Per 1 bare plate, containing 2ta. 5m. 0co., with 103 gantes rise, delivered to his friend per his order, the rise pd. to Jno. Pheby, 1ta. 5m. 8co., is all 0004 1 3 ------------ 0978 6 3 So restes due to ballance his accº. 0283 5 0 ------------ 1262 1 3 ------------

Febrary 5.--I gave one of my best keremons, which themperour gave me, to the China Capt., he asking it to send into China about busynes.

And the Chinas came to the English howse with a hobby horse, or rather a tiger play, with actes of activety, many of them coming together. So it was thought fyt to send them somthing.

Febrary 6.--There was a bar plate, containing 4 tais 2 condrins, geven to the Chinas tiger players, in respect they were Chinas and sent to the English howse.

Febrary 7.--The King of Firando went for the bath at Ishew, and as he past per Holland howse they shot afe 5 chambers.

The China Capt. invited all the English to supper this night, where we were well feasted.

Febrary 8.--Yewkyn Dono of Shashma sent me a present of 20 birdes, viz. wood pigions, larkes, thrushes, and gren plovers, with 2 barsos wyne.

Capt. Adames had news his junck was arived at Sotto,[237] 15 leagues hence.

Mr. Totton fell into an extreme payne of puntos (or stiches), soe that we thought he would presently have dyed.

Febrary 10.--Capt. Adames junck came in this day about nowne, and the Hollanders shot affe 3 chambers as she passed by. I went abord with a present in a banketing box of a henne, a duck rosted, with sweetmeates, nifon cantange, and 2 bottelles moroeffack, a barso of singe, and 3 loves bread, to welcom Yasimon Dono, which Capt. Adames and he took in kynd part. Our foyfoney went to Shashma with the rest to toe her hither; but all the rest of the boates are com, only no news of her, which som take she is cast away, but I rather think it lasines.

Gorezano, our jurebasso that was, seeing I ment to put hym away, sent many to entreate for hym, which, seeing he could not preveale, went to Semi Dono to complaine, saying I gave it out that the king ment to banish hym out of Firando. Whereupon Semi Done sent 2 men to know yf I had geven out any such speeches; which I retorned hym answer I did not, only I tould Gorezano that, yf he receaved any favor from the kyng, it was for my sake (as being my jurebasso), and not for his owne. Also I sent hym word I offred to take all the tymbers and knees which were brought in my abcense (allthough they came out of tyme when the shipps were provided) at a reasonable rate as they were worth, which the bongews denyed. And I went my selfe to Oyen Dono and tould hym the lyke, as also what passed tuching Goresano. Unto which he made answer that the kyng knew nothing of these matters, which, yf he did, the bongews would have no thank for their labors, and for Goresano, all men knew his bad tong and that I had saved his life.

Febrary 11.--Our foyfone retorned to Firando this day in the after nowne, it haveing byn 19 daies since she departed from the junck, which (as they say) was by meanes of a leake she fell in per meanes of the extreme fowle wether.

Febrary 12.--I sent Gorezano word to avoid out of our howse, for that I would have Mr. Totton to lodg theare, to the entent to make cleane the fro against the Kyng of Xaxma com, it being geven out he will com ashore at Firando and vizet our English howse, etc. And sowne after Goresano came to me, telling me he was ready to departe out of our howse, yet seemed, to be angrey; and amongst other wordes (in presence of Mr. Osterwick) tould me that he could speake somthing of Mr. Eaton, but that he was loath to geve discontent. But I willed hym to say on. And was, that at Miaco one night Mr. Eaton, haveing drunk hard, tould hym that he would stay no longer in Japon, because the Emperour had taken our previleges from us; and that yf thenglish went out of Japon they would take all the junckes and shipping, that non should com into this place. I asked him whie he did not speake of this matter before Mr. Eaton went to Syam. He answerd he was then loath to meddell in such matters. But I replied that I esteemd he lyed in this matter, as well as in others, telling hym that Mr. Eaton could not determen of any going out of the cuntrey, I being his comander and over all the rest of the English nation. He replied it was true. In fine, he is an envious knave; so I bad hym doe his worst, assuring hym the least Englishmans word in Japon would be belived before his. He tould me he feared not the King of Firando, for that he could not use justice against hym, he being servant to Chubio Dono.

Febrary 13.--I borrowed one thousand five hundred tais of Unquan the China and others, to pay the China Capt. This to be paid with 20 per cento intrest per my bill.

Febrary 14.--Sinze, our barkman, brought me a present of a barso wyne and 2 fyshes, desyring me to chang his name, according to order of Japon, which is held a greate honer amongst them. So the China Capt. sayid it was good to call hym Sinemon Dono.

Febrary 17.--I delivered tow bills unto the China Capt., viz. one of 2000 tais plate fyne, payable to Capt. Whaw at a yeare from 6th January last, with 20 per cento intrest; the other of 1000 tais same plate, payable to Gauquan, a China [at] Langasaque, same intrest and same tyme.

Febrary 18.--Capt. Adames tould me that the King of Firando had sent hym a sharp letter, because he did repare his junck and took no tymber of hym, saying he would not let hym have carpenters henceforward. Unto which he retorned answer that he had the Emperours passe to doe what he did, so that yt were good he took heed how he proceaded herein. Yt is thought Semidone settes on the symple tono.

Febrary 25.--Ther was a bark set on fyre in Firando per neclegence of them which trymbd her, and had lyke to have set the east parte of the towne on fyre, had I not sent 12 men with bucketes at first, which staid the fury of the fyre and quenched the fyre being entred into a thatched howse of office.

Febrary 26 (1 Ninguach).--Mr. Nealson going a walking, per chance fownd an alter of the ancient god Priapus (or the lecheros god) ... whereunto women goe on pilgremadge ... as well women that are with child, to have speedy deliverance, as also them which are barren, to be frutefull.... I remember, when I was in France, and passing thorow the landes betwixt the citties of Bourdeaulx and Bayon, I had knowledg of an imag and altar, whereon stood a pickture ... which, as I remembor, they called St. Puchin, to which all baron women went on pilgremage, to the entent to prove frutefull, and to that entent scraped affe a littell ... and put it into wyne and drunck it, per which meanes they verely beleeved they should be frutefull.

Marche 1 (4th of Ninguach).--A Byskan called Antony desird to have a man of his to goe in our foyfone for Langasaque, which I promysed hym; but, as I was enformed after, it was Appollenaria, the fryre, which thought to have gon in her, but would not com in sight because I should not see hym.

Marche 2.--I receved 3 letters this day, viz.:--

1 from Safian Dono, in answer of myne I wrot hym, with a letter to King of Cochinchina in our behalfe, to send with Capt. Adames.

1 other from his secretary, in answer of an other I wrot hym, and how his master had performed all I requested, he soliceting hym thereunto.

In fine both very frendly letters.

1 from our host Tozayemon Dono, that the boates our goodes went up in came so late that he could make no seales, and therefore, yf he brought money along with hym, it must be borowed, and that he was ready to com for Firando.

Marche 3.--Gorezano, our quandum jurebasso, came with our hostes man and shewed me a letter, wherin a frend of his wrote hym that the Duch host at Miaco was put into prison for letting Albartus lye so long in his howse, contrary to the Emperours edict. This knave did seeme to rejoyce thereat.

Capt. Speck arived from Xaxma this day towardes night, and had many guns, or chambers, shot afe at his landing.

Marche 5.--We reared our pigion howse this day.

And towards night our host Tozayemon Dono of Sackay arived heare, but (as he tells me) hath not brought a peny of money, as not haveing sould any of our goodes. But I think he maketh use of it to send for Cochinchina, and I dowbt not without councell of Capt. Adames.

Marche 6.--I sent Ed. Sayer with a jurebasso to Oyen Dono, to desyre hym to speake to the king to helpe us with som money, in respect we have such neede. He sent me answer he made accompt the king would be heare to night, and that at his coming he would enform hym thereof, saying I had greate reason in my demand.

Marche 7.--The King of Firando arived from Ishew in the after nowne. So I went out in a boate and met hym, as many of Firando did the lyke; and the Hollanders shot affe 9 chambers or bases as he passed by, but went not out to meete hym, for that Capt. Speck and Albartus were gon to Langasaque the day before. I carid a banketing box with preserved nutmeg, conserve of roses, a box of marmelad, and a marchpaine,[238] with 2 bottelles Spa. wyne, and a barill morofack, but went not abord the kinges bark, he not calling, but sent it home after hym, the jurebasso remeanyng theare an hower or 2, as others did the lyke, and were put affe for recept till the morrow after.

Marche 8.--Bongo Samas man came to me and tould me, as it were in secret, that he heard his master say that the king his nephew was offended against me, but he knew not well the occation, except it were for that I went not to vizet hym at Ishew, or else for bringing Capt. Adames junck ashore without asking leave. To the first I answerd that I could not think the king looked for homadg from me as from his vassals, and that my busynes was such as I could not goe, and therfore had wrot hym a letter to same effect, signefying of my gladnes to heare that he fownd the bathes to his content. And for the junck it was none of myne, but belonged to Capt. Adames, whome asked leave before he dockt her. In fyne, this kyng is a symple man and led per bad councell, and so I think it will prove in the end. I am of opinion that Goresano, our late jurebasso, is a whitston to egg hym on against us.

Marche 9.--I went and vizeted the kyng, and carid hym 2 barilles wyne, 12 wood pigions, and 5 roles bread; and Capt. Adames carid hym 2 barilles and certen stickes dryd fysh. And, amongst other matters, I desird leave to have laid handes one the scrivano of the junck which Mr. Saris came in from Syam, he being now com to towne as I understand. The kyng willed me to know the howse where he lodged, and that he would cause order geven to stay hym; which I did lear[n]e out and sent hym word thereof. And Capt. Adames desired the kynges letter of favor to the King of Cochinchina; which he promised hym.

Marche 11.--The scrivano of the junck Ed. Sayer came in from Syam sent me word he was contented to deliver all matters into my handes, with the billes and writinges of Giquan the dead capt.; but, as it is said, he hath opened the dead mans chistes (6 in number), and taken out what his [he?] list, and now would deliver the emptie chistes to me. So I sent hym word he should deliver an accompt of all to Capt. Andrea Dittis in this place, or to Capt. Whaw, his brother, at Langasaque, and I would take an acco. at their handes. This scrivano made sute to Yasimon Dono to take up this matter, and he would geve hym the half of the 140 picols wood in sute.

Marche 12.--I wrot 2 letters to Taccamon Dono and Semi Dono, and sent each of them a paper containing the truth of my plito with the scrivano. Taccamon Dono was within, but would not speake with Mr. Nealson, whome I sent, nor receve my letter nor petition, but sent them back per our jurebasso.

Marche 13.--I went to Taccamon Dono in company of Capten Adames, and carid hym a barill wyne and 2 fyshes, nifon catange, and delivered hym my letter and paper consernyng my procese against the purcer, which he took in good parte, promising me justice when he had heard what the other cold aledg against me, but sent home the barill wyne and fyshes after me, for that no present was to be accepted when men came to crave justice.

Marche 14.--A comon caboque or Japon play was sent out and alowed for 7 daies space, at 2 condrins each one that entered, etc.

The King of Firando set a tax upon all his vassales, to make hym amongst them 3000 taies in money, and to take ryse of hym at a deare rate in paymt., to make money to carry his charges up for Edo. And, amongst the rest, certen were taxed at a hier rate then the rest, because they provided us tymber, bisquite, and other matters at a lower rate then the king liked of, not asking hym leave. This is thought to be donne per the councell of Semi Done, whome is very much hated therefore of the comune people.

Marche 15.--I had answer from Syen Dono, the governour, that the king could helpe us now with no money, for that he was put to his shiftes to provid money to goe to Edo. The Hollanders were answered as we were.

The China Capt., Andrea Dittis, tould me in secret that the King of Firando had sent a ruch cattan for a present to his brother Whow, to make accoyntance, to the entent to borow money, and that his brother had promised to lend hym 2000 taies; so that at instant the king sent for 300 taies, he wanting 150 of that som willed me to borow so much of Tozayemon Dono for 10 or 15 daies, to pay intrest.

Marche 17.--Mr. Nealson being ill at ease went to the bath at Ichew, and Jno. Cook with hym. God send them their healths.

Marche 18.--Taccamon Dono sent word to Yasimon Dono, that the scrivano of the junck Ed. Sayer came in had put up a petition against hym for delivering the 140 picos sappon into my handes, before the matter was ended by justice. So I gave a writing under my hand to save hym harmles, both against the justis and scrivano, whatsoever they would demand of hym tuching that matter. And after came an other hu and cry (as the proverb is) that the justice would not let Yasimon Dono goe on the voyag, except I delivered the 140 piculls wood into his handes till the matter was ended per justice.

Whereupon I went to the king, in company of Capt. Adames, and with much ado carid the said Yasimon Dono along with us to make complaint to the king. But, when we came theare, he would not per any meanes the king should know of the matter, whereby we perceved he was consorted with the said scrivano to parte stakes with hym.

Marche 19.--Capt. Adames went out with his junck to Cochi, and soe to put to sea, and shot affe 3 chambers as he passed per the Duch howse, and they answered with the lyke and, when he was past, shot affe a pece ordinance with shott.

Capt. Adames host Yasimon Dono plaid the gemeny with hym to day, sending one to hym to tell hym he must com to the king, but after proved to be to the 10 of the streete, about wood staid from the tico of our junck he came in from Syam; but he answered them he had nothing to doe in the matter, refering them to me.

The Capt. China sent a bar plate to Capt. Adames and an other to Yasimon Dono his host, for a present at their farewell. Soe after nowne the junck put to sea towardes Cochinchina. God send them a prosperous voyage.

I delivered a memoriall to Ed. Sayer with a cargezon goodes, viz.:--

ta. m. co. Broad cloth, amonting to Japon plate 0278 3 7½ Bayes, amonting to same plate 0144 7 0 Cambaia cloth, to 0052 8 0 Russia hides, 48 0144 0 0 Gad stille, 120 cattis Japon wight, cost str. in England 0007 9 0-10/17 Fowling peces, 20:9 damasked and 11 chast, cost 0095 6 0 Ellophans teeth, 30, containing 1130 cattis, cost in Eng. 0488 2 8-19/102 Copper goces, 21 picull, at 6ta. 5m. 5co. pico 0137 5 5 Table bookes, severall sortes 0011 6 0 Looking glasses, 8, cost 0025 6 0 Knyves, 2 sortes, cost four dozen 0007 8 5 Amber beades, 12 cattis, 2 sortes 0118 6 2 Diaper, 9 peces; Holland cloth, 14 peces; Sleze land, 18 peces, cost 0097 8 8 Armors, 2, with 1 head pez, cost 0006 0 0 Galepotes; 1 chist, No. 8; divers sortes, cost 0009 1 2½ Gales,[239] 1 sack, containing 1 picull, cost 0015 7 3½ Rise for victuling, 8 sackes, cost 0006 6 6⅔ Money, 150 Rs. of 8, amontes to 120 0 0 } With 084:9:1½ condrin plate bars, is 084 9 1½} 0208 0 9½ With 003:1:8 charges copper 003 1 8 } ------------------- Som totall cargezon to Syam amontes unto 1856 3 8-2295/5202 -------------------

Also I delivered a memoriall to Capt. Adames, as apereth per coppie in book cargesons, with that to Ed. Sayer.

Unagense Dono sent me a quarter of wild boare for a present.

Marche 22.--Capt. Adames, fynding contrary wyndes at sea, retorned this night past to Cochi in Firando, from whence he wrot me a letter per Mr. Sayer of what past, namely, that after I departed from hym the 19th currant, being under seale, Yasimon Dono espied a bark coming after them with a cloth seale, desiring him to stay for her, which he did, coming to an ancor. In which boate came 2 of Yasimon Donos brother in lawes, with littel Anthony, alius Sifian Dono, who at the first entry abord laid hold on Capt. Adames armes and, before he was aware, wrong hym in such extreme sort that he put hym to much payne; and another of his followers laid hold on the busom of Jno. Pheby his boteswaine, one secondyng hym with his arme out of his keremon as though he would have cut hym; and on of Yasimon Donos brother in lawes laid hand on the hinder part of the haire of Mr. Sayer--all passing in as violent sort as might be; which moved Capt. Adames to fetch out the Emperours passe, kissing it and houlding it up over his head, meanyng to protest and take witnesse of the violence they offered hym. But his merchantes perswaded hym to the contrary; and soe the asselants gott them on a sudden downe in to Yasimon Donos cabben, and sowne after packed ashore, not speaking to Capt. Adames.

So I sent Mr. Osterwick abord with a letter to Capt. Adames, with a barrill wyne and 6 hense, advizing hym that, yf he pleased, I would bring the matter in question before the king, yf he please.

Marche 23.--Mr. Osterwick retorned from Capt. Adames, who set seale this mornyng betymes. God speed them well. He tells me that Capt. Adames desired me not to bring the matter of his abuse offerd per Antony and his crew in question till his retorne; only I might geve out som speeches, that it might come to the kinges eares, yf I could conveniently do it.

Marche 24.--I sent Mr. Osterwick to the rendadors (or mint men) with two barill of morofack and 2 fyshes, nifon catange, to tell them that the purcer of Capt. Adames junck tould me that they sent to me to know what plate or money we sent in the same junck, which I gave them notis of, assuring them that we sent out no fibuck, but observed the Emperours edict; but, when we had occation to melt money, I would send for them, etc. So, presently after, they came to the English howse, haveing first sent back the present, aleadging their master had warned them not to receve any present. Soe I made them colation, and so they departed.

Also I went to Taccamon Dono, and carid hym the coppies of the 2 billes for 27 cattis plate, delivered Giquan the China capt. to buy sappon, for which the scrivano was bound to deliver me 922 picos in Japon, whereof I wanted 212 picos.

It seemed to me that Taccamon Dono took the parte of the scrivano over much, wishing me to geve hym the halfe of the 140 picos sapon I had in my power, and that he should deliver me all the writinges and goodes which belonged to the dead Capt. Giquan. Unto which I answered I was to demand 115 picos more, which he had delivered to marenars in Xaxma without any order to show for it and per force contrary to Mr. Sayers will. In fine, he willed me to talke with the China Capt. about the matter that all might be delivered into my handes, and I to geve hym a quitance for all, that the Chinas should not molest hym hereafter. So it seemeth to me this mans fist is greased.

Marche 26.--Capt. Speck retorned from Langasaque, and I sent Mr. Osterwick to vizet hym and bid hym welcom hom. He tould Mr. Osterwick he had spent both tyme and money as well at Langasaque as at Shashma, and yet could get no justice, which, as it should seeme, mooves his patience, as also the slow payment of this tono of Firando, which he fyndeth as well as we, etc.

Here is flying reportes geven out that wars are like to ensue in Japon; but what will com of it God he knoweth; only I dowbt the projectes or secret insynewations of the fryres, jesuistes, and pristes, whoe have over free entrance to this tono of Firando, and not unlyke they may have the lyke to others more greater then he. God grant all may fall out for the best. Amen.

They tell of a yong man that is much sought after for being on Fidaia Sammas part, but still escapeth per papistes secret conveances.

Marche 27.--Soyamon Dono sent for our jurebasso to speak with hym, who fownd Semi Dono with hym, and they sent me word that, yf any timbers were lost, I should pay for them, and that the king merit to desire of themperour, at his going up, to have the Hollanders and us to goe to som other place, for that he was awery of us and of our proceadinges.

Marche 28.--I went and vizeted Capt. Speck and tould hym what Semidone sent me word of, that the King of Firando would demand of the Emperour to have us sent out of Firando to dwell elsewhere. To the which Capt. Speck answerd that it might be we might be the first demanders for that matter, telling me he thought it was best he and I went together to Semidone, to know whereupon he sent such word.

I wrot 2 letters to Neyemon Dono and his partner, with one for Mrs. Adames, all for Edo; and another both in Spanish and Japons to Tome Dono, jurebasso to Massamone Samme, to adviz hym we shall have occation to use hym at our going next to Edo in August next, to be jurebasso to the Emperour.

Marche 31.--Harry Shank retorned from Langasaque, and brought 3 vyne trees with 14 other frute trees, dyvers sortes, with some garden seeds, and a little franincense to perfume the piginhowse.

I sent Mr. Osterwick to Semidone to tell hym the price I ment to geve for the tymber; but he entred into a passionate humor. He is a proud, beggerly, presumptious fello.

Aprill 2.--We bought 2 frute trees, 1 oreng and the other peares, for 4 mas.

Ther was a junck of China, which went out of Langasaque and bound for Cagallon in the Phillippinas, put back to Firando in the roade of Cochi per meanes of bad weather at sea.

Aprill 3.--I paid the gouldsmith 1½ mas for making me a silver instrument for my salvatory.

Capt. Speck sent Jacob Suager to vizet me. But I take it to be underhand, to know whether I would have acepted of his offer to have byn umper in the price of my tymber; but I said nothing to hym, nether did he speake of it to me.

A China shewmaker died on a sudden, being well not halfe an hower before.

Aprill 4.--Thomas the cook, lefte to attend on Mr. Totton, being a harebreand felloe, threw a kitchen knyfe at Balle, the kynges dogg, which we kept in the English howse, and stuck hym to the hart that he fell downe dead presently. He hath beaten many of our Japon servantes, and had lyke to have kild one of our neighbors servantes the other day. He ys not the man I took hym for, and wrot the Worll. Company in his behalfe more then he deserveth. Yf this had hapned in the tyme of Foyne Samme, who esteemed this dogg much, yt might have cost us all our lives. I sent our jurebasso to exskewse the matter to the kyng, who sent me word he esteemed that the English man did it not of purpose, and therefore willed me not to punish hym, for the deede being donne could not be undon, etc.

Aprill 6.--There is news geven out that an embassador from Corea is to goe to the Emperour and is expected shortly to passe by Ishew.

Aprill 7.--I sent our jurebasso to Semidone to tell hym that, in respect he took the matter in hand, I was content to geve 50 tais more in the whole for the tymber, that is, whereas I offred but 270 taies before, I will make it up 320 taies to geve the king content, etc. And he retorned me answer that I did offer well, and cowncelled me to goe to the king. I think the Hollanders play the jemenis, and goe underhand to buy the tymber when it is at the lowest.

Aprill 8.--I went to the king to tell hym bow his bungews would force me to take tymber at the price they pleased, I not haveing bought any of them, nether they bringing it in tyme to serve our shiping, as also that I could have no end of the procese with the theevish scrivano, although I had papers to show for what I asked. But the king sufferd me to stand, without attending, an howre, and in the end would not tarry to here me speake, but bad me confer with his bongews. Soe I went from thence to Oyen Dono and tould hym what past. He gave me councell to make an end of that matter of the tymber at what price I could bring them to, for have it I must; but for that of the scrivano, he thought the king would see me have my right.

The China Capt., Andrea Dittis, envited the king to dyner, with most of the nobles; yf a king and nobles a man may call them, I fynding no noblenes amongst them.

Aprill 10.--Mr. Nealsons boy Larrance ran away, because he did beate hym, which to say the truth be doth over much; yet the boy is the best boy in the howse. But after, he was brought back by his parentes and left with his master.

There came 2 or 3 Chinas to see our English howse, men of esteeme, and one of them a doctor of phisick, unto whome I geve kynd entertaynment. And one of them sent me a box of comfets afterwards for a present, thanking me for their good entertaynment.

Aprill 11.--Tonomon Samme, the kinges eldest brother, arived this day after dyner at Firando from the Emperours court. The Hollanders discharged 3 chambers at his passing by. And sowne after I went and viseted hym, and carid a present of 2 barilles wyne and 3 cases mach, containing 10 in each case; which he took in good parte. I fownd hym accompanid with Semidone, Sangero Samme, and all the rest of the caveleros in towne.

Aprill 13.--The China Capt. came and tould me he had receved a letter from his brother Whaw, from Langasaque, how themperour of Japon had sent out a bark, well manned with above 100 men, for the cost of China, wherin went 30 gentellmen with a letter and present of worth for the Emperour of China, as 10 rich cattans garnished with hiltes and other necessares of gould, with many pikes after same sort, and 2000 taies in bars of silver, so that they canot tell what to judg of the matter; only they think the Emperour of China will accept of nothing which cometh from them, the hatred betwixt them is soe greate.

We dyned at Holland howse, Mr. Nealson, Mr. Osterwick and my selfe, where we had greate cheare, both first, second, and therd course, and had no want of Spanish wyne, with drinking of healths to the Kinges Matie. and Queene of England, with the Grave Mouris and States.

Aprill 15.--Towardes night the Kyng of Goto sent two of his cheefe men to me with a present, he being newly retorned from the Emperours court, viz. 2 barrilles wyne, 14 legges of pouldren venison, 10 great salt fyshes, 3 hand guns or calivers of Japon; offring me much frendship, yf our shiping chanced to put into any of his portes, as also to furnish them with tymber or any other matter they stood in need of, at as loe a rate as we could have it in any other parte of Japon.

Aprill 16.--Towardes night word came on a sudden that the King of Xaxma passed by and ment not to com to an ancor. Soe I provided a present and went out to meete hym. The King of Firando went out to meet hym and sent out his brother before, whoe met with us in the way and willed me to stay till the king his brother had been abord, and then deliver our present; which I ment to have donne, whether he had spoaken or no, and soe I tould hym. Yt seemeth he hath noe greate good will to the King of Firando, for he had but a word or 2 with hym, and so let hym departe, but kept me in talke allmost an hower, asking me many questions and offring me any frendship his cuntry did afford or that we stood in need of.

Capt. Speck went not to vizet hym, whatsoever the occation was; whereat som exceptions were taken, and, as we retorned, on of the barkes of Xaxma made signes to me to come abord, thinking we had byn Hollanders, and, seeing we were not, sent a letter by me to deliver to Capt. Speck, which at my coming ashore I sent unto hym.

Aprill 17.--Ike Dono came to me this mornyng, as he went to the kyng, and tould me the King of Xaxma axcepted my present in good sort and spake much good of our nation. He also tould me that the other 2 did expect to have had something, so, per his councell, we cut out 2 vestes, black cloth, and 2 whole peeces chint bramport and sent to them.

Aprill 18.--I paid the gouldsmith for seting me a burning glas in a silver frame 1½ mas, and the frame waid 3 mas 8 condrins.

Semidone sent me a bill to set my hand unto, to pay the king 450 taies for the tymber we bought of hym. I receved a letter from Cacamon Dono, secretary to Oyen Dono, the Emperours secretary at Edo: a frendly letter.

Aprill 19.--The king banished Sangero Samme, his uncle by a Corean woman, out of Firando, to live in a village in this island, 5 leagues from Firando. This Sangero was Sonne to Foyne Samme in his ould adge by a Corean woman, and at his death he left hym 800 gocos of rise per anno. But he was no sowner dead, but the kyng, his nephew, shortned hym to 250 gocos per anno, and now hath taken occation to confine hym in this sort, because he dispiseth his wife, a noble woman of Crates, and goeth after other women ... geveing them greate presentes, bringing hym selfe into debt. This is the common report.

A boz of Crates came to see the English howse, and envited hymselfe to our fro with other bozes of Firando.

Aprill 20. Easterday.--One of Towans sonns, of Langasaque, came secretly to see the English howse, but I was enformed per one of our servantes whoe he was, and soe gave hym the best entertaynment I could. This Towan is held to be the richest man in Japon, and com up of base parentage by his subtill and craftie wyt.

We had the Hollanders to dynner and our nighbours to supper.

Aprill 21.--I went to Semidone and carid hym a barso of wyne and 4 string of drid cuttell, and thanked hym for the paynes taken about the tymber. I also towld hym I marveled at the presumptious speeches of that Miguell the tico, who gave it out he would kill some Englishman, I haveinge before payd hym all he could demand, to a condrin of sappon, before the kinges bongews; so that I wished hym to look to that theefe and his companion, that they went not abroad to doe mischeefe, but that they might be carid to Miaco to answer it with their lives before Ingo Dono. At the which he seemed at first to be mooved, yet after he said the king ment to goe up within 8 or 10 daies, and that, yf I would send a man with them, he would cary them up in bonds and deliver them to the justice, which I was contented withall. So after, I sent to Takamon Dono, cheefe justice, to signefie as much to hym; and he sent me word he thought it would be long before the king went up, and that it was better I sent them up sowner. But I answerd I had no such hast, nether was I willing to seek justice in an other place, yf I could have it heare; and to same effect sent word to Oyen Dono, the kinges governor.

Aprill 22.--I thought good to note downe how the Kinge of Firando, above a yeare past, sent me word he would geve me a howse rent free, which Matinga dwelled in, it being a matter of some 10 shilling or 2 taies per anno, but now goeth from his word and denieth it.

Aprill 24.--I sent Mr. Osterwick to our bongews, which the Kyng of Firando hath put abord our junck to see each marener have all belonged to them, to have them put their handes to a writing of the delivery thereof to their content; but they denid to doe it, yet by word of mouth confessed it to be true. Thus are we used in Firando and can have no justice, allthough we have all the right in the world.

Aprill 25 (first day Singuach).--Yt is thought fit Mr. Nealson goe to Langasaque to complaine to the Emperours bongew how we can have no justice in Firando, and he carieth all our papers of processe against the scrivano of the junck of the dead Capt. Giquan.

Aprill 27.--Jno. Japon paid a mas of plate to the gouldsmith for me, for making me a Jemall gould ring.

We delivered 10 picos copper to the fownders to cast bases or small ordinance.

Aprill 28.--Jor. Durois writes me that the Kyng of Umbra hath taken 2 padres presoners, both Japons, the one a Franciscan frire and the other a jesuist.

May 2.--This day is a feast in Japon, of their great profit or god, Shaka, whoe, as they beleeve, died a month past and rose againe this day, being the 8th of their month of Singuach. Whereupon they deck all the eaves of their howses with greene bowes, in remembrance of his rising from death to life. They also hold opinion that in the end (but they know not when) that on this day he will apeare (or com) unto them againe alive, much lyke to the Persians that look for the coming of Mortus Ely,[240] and therfore attend his coming (as that day) with great devotion and reverence yearly.

I understanding that the King of Firando was ready to departe to goe to Edo, I went to vizet hym and carid a present to him, viz. 1¼ tatta black cloth, 1¼ red or stamet bayes. He took it in good parte, and wished me, when our shipps came, to send up no goodes to Osaky or Miaco, untill the Emperour permitted. I answerd hym he needed not to take care that I would offend in that point, for I looked so neare to the Emperours order that I ment to have sent a man with him now to Miaco, about the processe I had in hand, but staid till our shiping came, because I would not in any sort infring the Emperours edict.

May 3.--The king dyned at Shosque Dono his chamberlens howse, whoe sent to me to desire to have a pie, a roset hen, and a duck, dressed after our English fation, which was performed and sent to hym.

May 4.--Semidone sent me word we would com to our English howse and meete Capt. Speck, to examen the matter of those speeches geven out. I retorned hym answer, yt needed not his Lordship took soe much paines this fowle wether, but that we would com to hym; but he sent me word he would com to me, which he performed, the Holland Capt. meeting hym. And Semedone brought in his company Torazemon Dono and Soyemon Dono, and, to conclud, denied all his former speeches, only he said the king took it in ill parte I denied to sett my hand to a letter or writing that I had sent goodes up to Tozayemon Dono of Sackay to sell for me, which I tould hym I had reason to do, for that I sent up non but sould it in Firando, yt being a matter against the Emperours edict to send up any thing. They answered I had reason, yf I sould it heare, etc. Yt seemeth Gorezano, our jurebasso, was a cheefe occation by means of his bad tong, geveing out false reportes; which I will requite, yf I may.

May 5.--I entring into consideration of the small respect this King of Firando hath of us, in comparison of that which he had at our first entrance into Japon, and comparing on thing with an other what might be thoccation, and in the end finding my consience cleare that I had geven no occation thereof, I wrot a lardg letter unto hym, openyng the discontent I had for these six months past, in respect of the kynde usadg we had heretofore. The coppie of which letter I have kept both in English and Japon tong, as I sent it to hym by Mr. Jno. Osterwick. Which letter he receaved in good parte, and retorned me a frendly answer that he held me to be his frend from the beginning and that my hart was true unto hym, and so should his be to me and the rest of thenglish nation, and that I should make no dowbt thereof; yet he, being ready to goe up to themperour, could not geve me satisfaction in all, which he would doe at his retorne, and in the mean tyme would take order for Miguel the tico.

May 6.--The King of Firando departed towardes themperours court this day, about nowne; and I went out with a small bark and carid hym 2 barilles wyne and 30 loves bread, and praid God send hym a good voyage. The Hollanders shot affe 7 chambers or peces of ordinance as he passed by, but went not out to accompany hym as they were wont to doe.

There was 30 cattis tyn sent to the founders, to melt in our ordinance of copper. So we cast 2 basses, or small peeces, with chambers this day.

May 9.--There is speeches geven out that the Corean embassador is howerly looked for at Ishew, with 500 attendantes following of hym. So the King of Firando hath geven order for receving of hym and apointed som 20 or more of the ruchest and hansomest men in the towne to accompany Tonoman Samme his brother as his attendantes; but at their owne charg, to prevent cost.

May 11.--There was news came this day of a boate of Xaxma which came from Langasaque and took in som 10 Japon passingers to carry them to Firando, amongst whome was a yewth whoe had som 2000 cattis tobacco, which might be worth som 4000 mas. For which (as it is thought) they sett on the passingers and slue 5 of them, but, being neare the shore on the cost of Umbra, the rest escaped and raysed the cuntrey, whoe took one of them presently; but the rest, being 6 or 7, escaped into the woodes, which forthwith were besett rownd about by the kinges comandement, so that they canot escape.

Yt is said their are many of these Xaxmas in their owne cuntrey up in swarmes and keepe the woodes, doing much mischeefe and comiting many murthers, and canot yet be suppressed. The begyners were souldiers which were prest to goe helpe the Emperour against Fidaia Samme (or at least made a shew they ment to doe soe); but they coming to late, he haveing no neede of them, they were dismist without pay, which caused them to doe as they doe.

May 13.--I sent a letter to Jor. Durois, with a Spanish book called Catholico reformado.

And the fownders had 30 cattis tynne more, and cast us 2 more copper bases, same mold as the former.

May 20.--I went and viseted Taccamon Dono, the cheefe justice, and carid hym a present of a barill of wyne and 2 fyshes, with 2 papers rolls of match, containing in each paper 10 roles. He took it in good parte, and promised me to be ready to favour our nation in all he could.

Gorezano, our quandum jurebasso, came to me and tould me that he esteemed hym selfe worthy of the 36 tais od money he owed upon rest of accompt, in respect of the service he had donne us above at Emperours court; and in fyne tould me, yf I ment to have any thing, I might get it by law. Also he tould me that Shosque Dono reported unto hym that the Emperour had comanded Safian Dono to cut his bellie; but I canot beleev it to be true, for I sent to Shosque Dono to know whether it were so or no, and he answerd such reportes were geven out, but he knew not whether it were true or no.

The fownders had 14 cattis tyn to cast chambers for the 4 fowlers, but wanted stuff, so one rested imperfect.

May 21.--Speeches are geven out that the caboques or Japon players (or whores), going from hence for Tushma to meete the Corean ambassadors, were set on by the way by a boate of Xaxma theeves, and kild all both men and women, for the money they had gotten at Firando.

Bongo Same sent me a hanche of wild boare for a present.

May 22.--Jor. Durois advised me that the Kyng of Umbra had put two padres to death, viz. one a jesuist and the other a Franceskan fryre. Also that on of the murtherers was taken which kild the Japons in the bark, but as yet will not confes whoe were his companions.

May 26.--We tried our 4 fowlers this day and fownd all to be good, only the brich of ij of the chambers of one of the bigger peeces were broaken by meanes of the iron fid which was badly made.

May 28.--The Chinas rowed for wagers this day in boates with paddelles, som 8 or 9 on a side, seting up a ma[r]k in the sea, and the boate which came first at it got. This they doe upon duble occation; the Chinas houlding on origenall and the Japons an other. This feast begyneth the first of this month of Gonguach, and endeth 5th day, which is to morow, which is the cheefe day both with China and Japon. And this day in the mornyng they decked all the eaves of their howses with green flagges (or segges) mingled with an other green herbe, which they keepe all the yeare after, drying the said herbe, and make littell mattches to burne their bodies, legges, or armes, or any parte wherein they feele payne, which they doe in place of letting blood. I say, wheare we use to lett blood upon occation to sick persons, they use to burne them with this herbe, and esteeme that consecrated this day the best.

And now tuching this feast of Piro (or Pilo), the Chinas hold the origenall as followeth, viz.:--

They have it by record (or writing), as they say, that many ages past a king of China propownded a question to his sages (or wise men), comanding them to tell hym the truth, what thing only they esteemed the best and most necessary upon the earth for the sustenance of mans lyfe. And their were two only that stood in contention about the matter: the one saying that salt was the best; and the other, suger. So the kyng comanded to bring hym both of the on and other and made a tast of both; and fynding the salt so unsavery in his mouth, comanded that wyse man, which spook in praise thereof, to be cast into the say. But thereupon grew such extreme fowle wether for a long tyme afterward, that they had no meanes to mak salt, so that non was to be had to seazon or dres the kinges meate. By which meanes he fownd then by experience that salt was better then suger, and was sory he had soe unadvisedly put the other to death. And on day, as he sat at dyner, in greate care for want of salt, there was som fell downe upon the table, and he knew not from whence it came. This miracle (they say) hapned the first day of Gonguach, soe that presently the king comanded a seremony to be used upon the sea, in memory of that man which was drownd, whose name was Piro (or Pilo), as aforsaid. So that, as they row, at every strok of paddell they geve, they name Pilo, they being answerd (all in one) with stroke of drum and bras bason. So that, ever since that tyme, they never wanted salt, and contynewally every yeare, at this tyme, use that seremony.

But they Japons howld it to be an other way, yet both agree in the name of the man. The Japons say he was a wise man and a great estronomer, and dwelled in an iland seperated from China, about the cost of Camboja, and that by his learnyng he understood before hand that the iland where he dwelt should sink into the sea, and tould they inhabetantes thereof, willing them to make provision of boates and shiping (in tyme) to carry them away. But they laughed hym to scorne. Yet neverthelesse he made provition for hym selfe in tyme, and soe escaped and came to land in another place, all the rest perishing when the iland sunck.

May 29.--This day was their feast of Gonguach Guench or 5th day of 5th month.

June 3.--Word came that a bark of the China Capt. was cast away, I dowbting it was she he went in for Langasaque; but it proved to be a wood bark of his overladen and sunk, but no people lost.

June 4.--Tozayemon Dono advized me that Safian Dono is at Edo and in favor, Gonrok Dono his kinsman gon for governor to Langasaque, and Chubio Dono his brother at bathes, all in favor, and that themperor will be at Miaco next month.

June 6.--It is said two more padres or papist pristes are put to death in Umbra; and, because the people carid away the blood in handkerchefes and clowtes of the other two executed before, he caused these 2 to be cast into the sea, with stones tied about their necks.

June 7.--Towardes night a man of Goto brought word how there were iij shipps arived neare to Goto and there com to an anker; but he knew not what they were. And about midnight Capt. Speck sent me word that the[y] were ij greate shipps of theares com from Molucas and had taken a junck on the cost of Manillias and brought her as prize to Japon. Also that they had 10 greate shipps at Manillias to look out in those partes, etc.

June 8.--The 2 Holland ships and prize came into the roade at Cochy. It is said they have taken and spoiled all the junckes which went this yeare for the Manillias. They confes 14 or 15 sayle, but thought to be much more, and have burned the Spanish shipp of Don Jno. de Silva and others, but not knowne wether they had the treasure or no. It is esteemed their booty is greate. They say they have another junk prize which they lost company of at sea, haveing 7 Hollander men in her and rest Chinas above 30 or 40. So they dowbt the Chinas have kild them. Also reportes are geven out they have taken China junkes on this cost. In fine, yt is thought they will have trowble about taking Chinas.

June 9.--I went abord the ij Holland shipps to Cochy, and carid each of them a barell of wyne, a hogg, and 10 loves bread. I thought to have fownd Capt. Speck abord, but he was gon ashore; and the King of Firando had set a bark to watch that nothing was brought ashore. So it is thought the Hollanders will not let their shipps nor priz junk enter into Firando, for it is said they have robbed above 40 junkes, and are both full laden with silk and stuffes of silk, and the priz 200 picolles silk abord her.

June 10.--The Holland marreners came ashore unknowne to the master, and brought taffetes, sattens, damasks, muscods, and such lyke, geving away and selling matters good cheape. The master and capt. of both Holland shipps came ashore and went with Capt. Speck to vizet the kinges brother, and from thence came all to thenglish howse. Capt. Speck tould me that the kinges brother had warned them not to sell anything till they heard answer from themperour, but might land what they would. So this day they loaded 4 or 5 barkes with raw silk and sent it ashore.

June 11.--The China Capt. took a boate and went to see the junk that the Hollanders took, wherat Capt. Speck was much offended and would not let hym goe abord. Yet he spok to the Chinas, whoe tould hym they shewed great cruelty to them, and were not content to take shipp and goodes but cast them overbord, for of 270 persons that were abord that junck they had left but 30; and, when they had taken all that they liked out of other junkes, they sunk them with the rest, people and all. Soe he hath taken councell with the Chinas to send up to the Emperour to make complaint; and in the meane tyme hath sent for Gonrok Dono, to Langasaque, to com hether.

June 12.--I wrot 3 letters to Tozayemon Dono of Sackay, Cuimon Dono of Osaky, and Magozemon Dono of Miaco, advising them of the arivall of the ij Holland shipps with their priz, and delivered them to Soyemon Dono to send up in the kinges bark which now they send up about Hollanders matter, per which conveance the Chinas send to have remedy against the Hollanders.

These Chinas in the junck will not be perswaded but that they are Englishmen which took them. The reason, the Hollanders in all their theevish proceadinges geve it out they are English.

June 13.--Capt. Speck receved a letter that their other junk the[y] lost in the way was arived in Xaxma. The Hollanders sett out orders abord their shipps that the mareners should sell nothing to the Englishmen.

June 14.--I receved a letter from Alvaro Munos, which Capt. Speck opened before it came to my handes, of the which I wrot hym a letter that I took it in ill parte.

June 17.--I sent Henry Shank iij tais small plate upon a bundell silk in pawne, to pay (as he saith) for stuffes he hath bought of Hollanders. This Shank I fynd to be a busye, humerous pot companion.

Mr. Totton, being envited by some of the Hollanders to goe abord to make merry, took a bark and thought to have donne it; but, being ready to goe abord, Ushenusque Dono comanded the Japons which carid hym to retorne back, except he brought a ticket from the Hollanders. Whereupon they would not be perswaded by any meanes to set them abord. So at his retorne we thought to have provided hym an English ging to row hym abord; but the tide was past, that they could not, and so it rested till the morow mornyng.

Harry Shank is a quarrellsom, drunken fello, and not many dais past entertayned a wench, although I perswaded hym to the contrary, and after threw her out at a windoe in an upper loft and put her away in bad sort. Yet this day he got a dagger in his pocket, and went to her fathers howse, using hym with bad tearmes to provok hym to com out, and then wounded hym in 3 places; so that all the street was in an upror.

June 18.--This mornyng Mr. Totton went abord the Hollanders, rowed in our owne boate all by Englishmen, to see whether the Hollanders would forbid hym entrance; and withall I wrot a letter to Ushenusque Dono, or such bongew as was theare, to geve hym to understand I took the Hollanders no kinges in Japon that I should seek a passe from them, willing hym withall to take heed how he medled in matters which tuched our previleges, as he would answer to the contrary before the Emperour and the King of Firando, his master, my preveleges alowing me free passag both by sea and land, to doe my busenes without disturbance of Japon or any other in Firando or Langasaque.

Mr. Totton was frendly entertayned abord by Capt. Speck and the rest of Hollanders, and tould hym that it were the Japons that forbad our coming abord and not he, and that I had good occation to be angry, yf he should set out any order to forbid thenglish to com abord. And for my letter which was opened, he made many protestations it was against his will, he, being busy and the letter brought unto hym, opened it unawares.

June 19.--This mornyng fayre wether, wynd northerly but rack easterly, and sowne after rayne most parte of the day, with much wynd as abovesaid, and in the night proved a tuffon, or extreme storm of wynd and rayne, blowing downe or uncovering howses and sincking boates, and amongst the rest our foyfone.

Also in the affter nowne our host Cuemon Dono of Osaky arived heare at Firando and brought me a present of ij catabras, one of silk and thother lynen, with ij littell packetes fyne rise, and a wyre frame for a sequanseky[241] or cupp. Yt is said the King of Xaxma hath sufferd the Chinas to land all ther goodes out of the junk the Hollanders took, not medling with the one partie nor the other. And the Chinas make a purse amongst them all of 5000 tais to send in a present to themperour to have redresse against the Hollanders.

This night the tuffon (or storme) drove the 2 Holland shipps agrownd with the junk they took prize, and, as it is said, are all 3 bildged and all the merchandiz wett that is in them. Many men speak diversly of the matter, but most say playnly it is a ponishment of God upon the Hollanders for wrongfully taking of other mens goodes. Howsoever the losse will be infynet, all being wet, and now must land that perfnerce which they thought should never com ashore in Japon.

June 20.--I sent Mr. Osterwick to Capt. Speck to tell hym I was sory for the misfortune happened, offring them any help we could. He desired to have our foy fone, which was sunk this night, to helpe them; which we sowne cleared and made her ready with 14 ores to row and one of our jurebassos, and so sent her to them.

June 21.--I wrot a letter complementall to Gonroq Dono, that I was glad of his arivall at Langasaque, as also tuching my processe against the scrivano of Giquans junk, with other matters, as apereth per coppie, in the Japon tong. And I wrot an other to Capt. Whow, the China Capt. at Langasaque, and sent hym all the papers of my processe against the said scrivano.

And in thaftar nowne Gonrok Donos man came to our English howse, and tould me he was sent per his master to accompany certen Spaniardes and Portingales, to signefie to the Tono of Firando that he should not suffer the Hollanders to let any of their shiping go it (sic) to lay waite for thamakan shipp, as they gave it out they would doe, as also to comand the Hollandes Capt. in themperours name that he should se it performed. Yet, as it falls out, they needed not to have taken soe much paines, for God had prevented their desines and brought their shiping on grownd, and bildged and broaken her to peeces which should have gon out. Also the China Capt. tould me that the King of Xaxma had secretly geven leave to the Chinas that were in the Hollandes junk of priz, put into that place, that perforce they might discharg their goodes against the Hollanders wills, which were but few, and then pursue law against them at themperours Court; which they have donne. And this mornyng the China Capt. sent one of his servantes to the bongews which saw the unlading of the goodes out of the China junk, to know wheare the goodes were put, either into the Hollande howse or the kinges gedong. But he retorned answer he knew not where they were put. In fine, it is thought the Hollanders will fall into greate trowble about these busynesses, and som in this place into danger for permiting matters to passe as they doe.

The Spaniardes and Portingale come to towne were Alvaro Munos, Lues Martin, and one Farnandes.

June 22.--The Hollanders gott one of there shipps called the Flushing aflote, and hath not much hurte, as they say, besides the cuting overbord of the mast.

June 24.--The Hollanders men remeaned ashore, day and night, notwithstanding the danger their shipping and goodes were falne into per meanes of this tuffon past. So Albartus, Leonard, and Jacob Swager, accompanid with Japons, went to ferret them out of their whorehouses. And som they took, and others escaped into the woodes, after whome they sent Japons to hunt them out, geveing them five mas or halfe a crowne str. for each one they brought, which was not long a doing, they being carid along the streetes with their handes bownd behind them and garded to the Duch howse lyke theeves; and surly I esteemed them worse, that would leave their shipps in such danger, som of them never going abord since the shipps came into harbor.

Our host Cuemon Dono of Osaky came and vizeted me and brought me a present of a barso of Mywarey wyne.

June 25.--The Hollanders sought for a caffro which had stolne thinges from abord, and fownd hym and carid hym abord in bandes. Also there were souldiers which were unruly ashore and would not keepe quarter abord, nether cared for mareners, master, nor other, till their lieutenant soldier came to look them out and carid them abord in bandes.

I envited Cuimon Dono, our host of Osaky, to dyner, nifon catange (or Japon fation), with an other of Osaky which was in his company, and their host of Firando; and by chance Alvaro Munos came at same tyme and dyned with us. This is a suttell Castillano and a tyme observer.

June 26.--News is com to towne that 3 more of the Hollander men of war that fought with the Spaniardes at Manillas are without, at an iland neare unto Langasaque, called Nomozaky. And sowne after the master of the Flushing came ashore to the English howse, and tould me that 2 of these shipps which are com in are of Bantam. I say that 2 of these Holland shipps came from Bantam and the therd from the Manillias; in which shipp is com Jno. Derickson Lamb, generall of the fleet which came from the Manillias and fought with the Spaniardes. And now they say that the ambrall[242] shipp of the Hollanders is lost in that fight with 2 others, and that 5 Spaniardes were sunck. But it is uncerten whether it will prove true or no, for that the Hollanders differ soe much in reportes.

Yt is also said that Capt. Speck gave adviz formerly for these 2 shipps which are com from Bantam to com of purpose to take the Macon shipp, and so to carry tymber and other provisions from hence for Molucos, yf they missed of their purpose.

They report that news was com out of England for Bantam that the Spanish ambassador was taken or kept prisoner in England for treason pretended against the Kinges Majestie and state, and that the Kinges Majestie of England had set out his army royall against the Spaniardes; which whether it will prove true or no I know not.

Mr. Nealson, being drunk yisternight (as he is seldom sober), fell a quarreling with Mr. Totton and used hym out of fation; and because I reproved hym for it, willing hym to goe into his chamber and sleepe, he fell out with me and cald me ould drunken asse, geveing me many thretnyng speeches not sufferable, as Mr. Totton, Mr. Osterwick, and all the rest are witnesse.

June 27.--Mr. Nealson wrot me he was sory of that which passed yesternight, promesing amendment; which God grant.

Mr. Totton and Mr. Osterwick went abord the Holland shipps, being therunto envited per the masters; but Uchenusque Dono, being bongew, sent men to take their ores from them, as they did the lyke from Jno. Cooke and the chirurgion, with certen peeces stuff was geven them for presentes; but after, they better bethought them selves and retorned all. Yt is strang to see how we are misused by these Japons of Firando, and how that theefe Gorezano is mentayned to misuse us; and the justice will not compell hym to pay me that he oweth me.

June 28.--About nowne came news that the Amacan ship is arived at Langasaque, as also a junck of the China Capten, com from Isla Fermosa, called by them Taccasanga. Also they bring word that the Hollanders which com from Bantam say that we have 2 shipps to com for these partes. God send them well in.

Before night there was letters came to Capt. China from Langasaque, that it is but a small friggat of adviz which is com from Amacan to Langasaque, and brought but littell goodes.

The steward of the Duch shipp Red Lyon, coming ashore with certen stuffes to make aparell for the master and others, to the vallue of 50 R. of 8, it was all taken from hym per the Japon bongews, and he wounded in the head because he made resistance. I know not what the mallapertnes of these Japons should be to forestall men for making use of their owne, except it be they think to mak booty of all, yf themperour favor not the Hollanders.

June 29.--The other 3 Holland shipps enterd into the bay of Cochy yisternight very late, and the Flushing shot affe 3 peces ordinance for a welcom, but they answered with non. These 3 which now entred are the ould Son wherin Jno. Derickson Lamb, the generall, is com from the Manillas, and the other ij came from Bantam, the on called the Black Lyon, she which was heare the last yeare.

Capt. Speck retorned ashore yisternight, he haveing byn out 4 or 5 daies abord these new com shipps, and, as it is said, was at Langasaque to speake with Gonrok Dono, whoe, hearing of the arivall of the Amacan ship, comanded hym in themperours name to retyre to Firando with their 3 new com shipps, according as themperour had ordayned, to thentent the Macon shipp might enter without empechment. Soe the Hollanders wayed ancor to com for this place; and sowne after, in sight of them, the Portingall shipp entred the port of Langasaque.

I forgot to note downe how Mr. Nealson went abord the ij Hollandes shipps, but was noe sowner abord but the Japon bongews sent to take away both boate and ores; which he seeing, stepped into the boate and bad them stand back or enter upon their parell. So they returned grumbling, thretnyng the Japons which carid us.

About dyner time I was enformed that the junck, which Shobi Dono should have brought our 5000 skins in the other yeare from Syam, is now arived at Langasaque, and that she wintered in Champan,[243] and from thence came this yeare. Soe I presently dispached Mr. Nealson for Langasaque with 1 bill for 5000 skins, wherof 440 for Andrea Dittis, each to pay 24 skins per cento. fraight; 1 bill of 492 tais Japon plate, to be paid per Shobio Dono within 30 daies after his arivall at Langasaque.

June 30.--I went and vizeted the Holland generall named Jno. Derickson Lamb, and carid hym 2 barsos wyne, a hogg, 20 loves fresh bread, and 5 hense; and to the capt. of the other ii shipps each one a barso wyne, a hog, and 20 loves bread. Yt was taken in good part. I doe perceve by the generall that in the battell they sunk no Spanish shipp, but that iij Hollanders were sunk, viz. the admerall, called the New Son, and a lesser shipp and a small peenisse, all the men perishing out of the ij lesser, but saved them which were in the admerall that were left alive, shee being ready to sinke. But the viz-admerall, meeting with the other 2 Holland shipps, burnt her selfe, as I have formerly noted, as also they burned the shipp which went the last yeare from Xaxma with the treasure which came from New Spaine to the vallue of 6 millions; but the money was landed before.

I can heare of no letters they brought for us; only they say the small shipp, which went from hence, was making ready to com back, but can tell nothing of Capt. Keeling, whether he be gon for England or for the Molucas. They allso say the English Capt. at Bantam is dead, but know not his name. Some yet said it was Capt. Jourden, and others said he was gon for England, and he dead that was left in his place. They also report that the Hector was cast away at Surat, for falt of looking to in carynyng.

The ij Duch shipps which came from Bantam did tuch at Pattania, and say there was but ij Englishmen theare, Mr. Browne and a yowth. Also yt was tould them that Mr. Benjamyn Farry was dead at Syam. And they say there was ij French shipps this yeare at Bantam, but came without money and so could doe nothing. Their pilottes were Hollanders, which the Hollanders at Bantam took out of them per force, us they did the like per all other Hollanders they found in them. They say there is iij other French shipps coming after to second them, which, yf they speed no better then these, will not geve the adventurers curadge to send any more.

These Hollanders report very strang newes out of England of treason pretended against the Kinges person, wherin the quandum Countes of Essex, that was marid to the Earle of Somercet, should have a hand, as also be a contriver of the death of Prince Henry. In fine they tell strange matters.

There were 4 or 5 English men abord the Son, the admerall shipp of the Hollanders, which, as it seemed, were afraid to make them selves knowne unto me; and one of them, a talle fello, stood staring as yf he had byn agast, and tould me he was dowbtfull whether he might tell me he was an English man or no. It hath made me to enter into many imagenations of the speeches of killing our English men at Pulaway and taking it from our English nation, whome had pocession of it before for the Kinges Ma^{tie} of England. Also of the poisonyng of Capt. Castelton, which they put upon the Spaniardes; yet may and is dowbted over much by the familliarety betwix hym and Jno. Derickson Lamb, the Hollandes generall.[244]

July 1.--Skydayon Dono, capt. of our junck Sea Adventure, wrot a letter to his brother, which letter came per junck of Shoby Dono from Champan, wherin he advized hym how our junk Sea Adventure made her voyage from hence to Syam in 28 dayes. God send her safely to retorne.

July 2.--Gonrok Dono sent his man to Capt. Speck with a present of 2 peare beawbs.[245] The beawbs were sent to Jno. Derickson Lamb.

I understood Jno. Derickson Lamb would bring in his shipp this day, wherupon I sent our foyfony with 14 ores to helpe to toe her in; but she came not in, but the lesser shipp called the Gallyasse. I sent Richard Kyng in the foyfony, because he spoke Duch; and it fortuned the Englishmen fownd opertunety to tell hym they asked the generall leave to com ashore, to vizet their cuntreymen. But he reprooved them, saying they held the English in these partes for their mortall enemies, and therefore forbad them to com to our howse. This unfrendly dealing doth still conferme me in my former opinion that they have slayne our men in the Molucas. God grant they have not used som trechery against Generall Keeling. And at this instant came a drunken Flemyng to our English howse, whoe tould me they were forbidden upon payne of their lives to com to the English howse, "yet", said he, "I will com to yow, and were I out of the Hollanders service I would never serve them more".

July 3.--I went and viseted Tonomon Samme, the kinges brother, and carid hym 2 barsos wyne and 2 cordes drid fyshes, exskewsing my not coming before since his brothers departure. He asked me whie we did not take China junkes, as well as the Hollanders. I answerd hym we could not take any that were frendes to the King of England, as the Chinas weare and all others till wars were procleamed. He also asked me whether we would take Spaniardes or Portingall shipps, yf we met them. I answerd hym that we had more reason to doe that then to take Chinas, for that they did take ours, yf they had strength to doe it. "But," said he, "I think the Emperour will not permit the one nor the other to meddell with the shipp of Amacon." I tould hym I thought to the contrary, that the Emperour would rather permit us to take Spaniardes then Chinas, for, yf we took them, we would bring them in heare. "But," said he, "yf yow had taken her this yeare, yow might well have brought her in. But how should we doe hereafter, yf yow debar us from that continuall trade?" I answerd we should not want to bring in yearly the lyke comodetie either from one place or other.

He tould me that he had noted a long tyme that the Hollanders and we were frendes but from tooth outward and not cordially, as neighbours and frendes ought to be. I answerd hym the falt was not ours but the pride of the other, which would make the world to beleeve they were that which they were not. For that it was well knowne there was no comparison to be made betwixt their small state, governed by a county, with the mighty and powrefull government of the King of England, whoe did in som sort governe them, keeping garrisons in their cheefest places.

I also tould hym I marveled that the Firando bongews the other day did take the ores out of the boates which carid us abord the Holland shipps, with such peeces of stuffes as were geven our folkes to make them aparell. He answerd me he knew nothing thereof, only order was geven by Taccamon Dono to restreigne all men from buying till order came from themperour what was to be donne therein. I asked hym then by what authorety Gorezano was suffered to buy and to goe up and downe in the shipps with greate bagges of money, to buy and doe what hee list; which speech put hym to a non plus that he knew not what to say. In fine, I tould hym that I had a processe against this Goresano for money he owed me, and had required justice long ago, and put my papers into Taccamon Donos handes, but could have no end thereof, only now I desird hym that seeing this fello had money to build howses and buy merchandiz, that he might be constrayned to pay me that which he oweth. He answerd me he would speake to Taccamon Dono to doe me justice.

There came 2 Japons to the English howse, which came in these Duch shipps, and complaine that the Hollanders will not pay them their wagis according to promis, and desired, when our shiping came, yf we had need of men, that they might be entertayned, for that they would not serve the Hollanders any more, haveing byn soe badly dealt with for their 6 yeares servis now past.

July 4.--The admerall ship of the Hollanders, called the Sone, came into Firando road this day, and shot afe 7 peces ordinance, and 4 we[re] shot out of the Gallias and certen chambers from Duch howse. I sent Mr. Osterwick abord to bid the generall, Jno. Derickson Lamb, welcom, and sent hym by hym 2 peare silk stockinges for a present, viz. one crimson, and thother sad blew, which he took in good parte, telling Mr. Osterwick he would com and vizet me at our English howse.

Towardes night Mr. Nealson arived from Langasaque, and brought the 3800 skins along with hym, as also a letter from Mr. Wm. Eaton, dated in Syam, le 28th February, 1616, but kept till 13th March, and sent per way Champa.

1 from Mr. Benjamyn Farry in Judea,[246] at Syam, 1th June, 1616.

1 from Mr. Jno. Johnson and Mr. Ric (?) Pitt in Judea, 13th Marche, 1616.

1 from Mr. James Burges, pilot of Sea Adventure, 16 Marche, 1616.

1 from Jno. Ferrers, at Paria in Champa, 18 May, 1617.

1 from Robt. Burges, ditto Champa, without date.

All which letters came in the junk Shoby Dono from Champa, som of them being sent in a small soma from Syam to Champa, with a cargezon goodes amonting to 680 tais, under charg of Piter Hall, Jno. Ferrers, and Robt. Burges for pilot. God send us good news of them hereafter, for they advize a Portugall frigat took the Hollandes bark going out to retorne for Syam. They advize both from Syam and Champa, as also from Camboja, that the kinges of those places, as also of Cochinchina, desire much to have our shipping to trade into their cuntres, espetially he of Cochinchina, but to com in our owne shiping, and not in Japons, for that he hath banished them out of his cuntrey, I meane the renegages enhabeting in those partes, which did all the mischeefe before.

I receved a letter from Jor. Durois, of 12th July, in Langasaque, wherin he adviseth of 20 Spanish gallions arived this yeare in the Indies at Malacca, viz. 12 Spanish and 8 Portugeze, with order to roote out all Hollanders at Bantam, Molucos, and else wheare, and not to let one remeane alive. God grant it prove falce and confownd them in their proceadinges. This news he sayeth cometh from the Manillas, and that the Spaniardes chased away the Hollanders from thence with losse of 3 Hollande shipps and no Spaniardes; which is a lye, and so I hope the rest may prove.

July 5.--I sent Mr. Osterwick to tell Capt. Speck the newes we heard of the takeing a bark or boate of theirs on the bar of Champa by a Portingale friggat, as also what Jor. Durois had wrot me of the 20 gallions arived at Malacca. But he skarce did vouchsafe to open his lipps unto hym or look at hym, but sent to know what he had to say. At the same tyme Jno. Derckson Lamb was by, and som 50 or 60 small shot plying their muskets before hym, he walking in state with a greate cheane of gould 4 fould about his neck, and had sentenelles of musketers standing in each quarter of the howse, with musket in rest and mach in cock; but whether they did it to shew greatnesse, or for feare to be supprised (their consciences accusing them), I know not.

July 6.--The Duch domine came to the English howse, and, as I perceaved by his speech, he was aware of w[rong] amo[ng]st them, saying they had not the feare of God before their eyes, and therefore could not be happey in their proceadinges. And sowne after came the fiscall, unto whome I showed my adviz (or letter) I had receaved of the 20 seale Spanish gallions arived at Malacca. He said it should be strange yf such a strength should com at once out of Spaine, without being seconded per the Hollanders, who no dowbt would not want to have a care thereof; and did verely think that their Company and the English weare all joyned in one before now, for that the difference, being but a money matter, could not chuse but sowne be decyded. Yt should seeme their is but littell good will between this fiskall and Capt. Speck.

Yt is strang to see the unrulynes of these Hollande mareners and souldiers, how they goe stagring drunk up and downe the streetes, slashing and cutting ofe each other with their knyves, lyke mad men.

July 7.--This day Mr. Totton had much conference with an English man which came in the Hollande shipps, and did what he could to learne out whether the Hollanders had kild our English men at Pulaway in the Molucos. This fello was loath to say any thing, yet in the end he confessed that he had heard others report that we had 5 or 7 English men in that iland, and had taken a howse a littell up within the cuntrey, and planted the English flag on the hiest parte thereof; which coming to knowledg of Jno. Dirickson Lamb, the Hollande generall, he sent for them to come downe to hym, which the English men denied to doe, retornyng hym word they had taken pocession of that place for the King of England, and that they would keepe it and mentayne it to the last drop of blood they had in their bodies; which the Hollander perceaving sent a multitude of Molucan people to take them perforce and to bring them to hym alive or dead; which was performed and 2 English men seene brought downe, bownd hand and foote, by that raskall rable; but what became of the rest this man knew not. Thus much have I noted downe, that, whether I live or dye, yet I hope this my hand writing may com to the handes of our honorable employers, and that our gratious soveraigne, King James, will not let his subjectes be murthered and his pocessions taken from hym in such sort.

And we sould the rest of our ellophantes teeth to Shroyemon Dono at 70 tais picull, waying 619 cattis; and were waid out unto hym this day.

I forgot to note downe how thenglishman tould us that when the mutenous Hollanders and their consortes had kild our Englishmen at Poolaway and brought downe our English flag, the drunken, envious Hollanders (brave men) puld it in peeces and dru it thorow ... and made cleane ... with it.

July 8.--I thought good to note downe heare how Taccamon Dono sent to know what our ellophantes teeth waid and the price we sould them for, and to see the money we rec. for them. And I retorned hym word I would not let hym know nether the one nor other. I know not what this should meane, except they thinke to have som advantage against the Hollanders, and imagin to make their case and ours all one. Yet my comfort is, they shall never prove we have theeve stolne goodes, and therefore not to geve accompt to them of what we have.

Also the servant of Tonomon Samme came and shewed me a letter which he had rec. from Gonrok, that yf any poulder or lead came in Hollanders or English shipping, to keepe it for themperour. I tould hym he might have put the English before the Hollander, for it was his place, and for the rest, what we had was at themperoures service, as reason would it should be.

July 9.--Capt. Speck, accompanid with Jno. Yoosen and Albartus, came to our English howse, and amongst other matters asked me what new and how those people used us. I answerd hym it was no news to tell hym how we are misused, and that I fownd it every day worse then other. He tould me it was imposseble any others were soe misused as they, for that the Japons kept watch and ward about their howse and about their shipps, and would not let the neighbours enter into their howse, nor suffer the cuntry people to sell them provision of victuelles nor lett them have a boate and people to cary Jno. Yoosen to Langasaque.

July 10.--I forgot to note downe that yesterday, in the after nowne, the servant of Gonrok Dodo came to the howse of Tome Dono, our next neighbour, a Japon papist, and called secretly to hym both our jurebassos, with Domingo, my boy, and there made them all drunk, I know not to what end, except it were to learne of them what speeches passed in our howse.

News was brought the China Capt. of a junk from Syam arived at Langasaque, which came in company of 5 which came from thence, but lost company after they passed Isla Fermosa (or Tacca Sanga). God send them well.

The Holland generall, Jno. Derekson Lamb, sent me a present of a barica Spanish wyne, 3 Holland cheeses, ij baskettes suger candy, and 6 gammons China bacon; and sent it by an English souldier, a gentelmans sonne in the west cuntrey.

Ushenusque Dono came to vizet me with many fayre wordes, unto whome I did in som sort tell how we were worse used then in tyme of Foyne Samme. He said I had reason soe to say, yet we must consider the government was otherwais now in Japon then it was in the tyme of Ogosho Samme, for that the tonos in Japon would not be comanded in such sort by Shongo Samme as they were by Ogosho [Samme]. These speeches of his were strange.

July 11.--Soyemon Dono came this day to vizet me, and amongst other speeches I tould hym it was strange to see how both we and the Hollanders were used now in respect of tyme past. He said that, for us, he knew not any thing whereby we should be misused; but for the Hollanders, they had brought much stolne goodes, and the tono of this place had great reazon to look unto their proceadinges till order came from the Emperour for the disposing thereof. Yet, at first entring of the ij Holland shipps and junk, the kynges brother offerd to take the matter in hand and to councell them for the best, and to certefy the Emperour yt was Portingalles goodes. At which his offer Capt. Speck lawghed, seting light by his speeches, geving hym bad tearmes. Whereupon he hath ever since held this strickt course for his owne discharg, and advised the Emperour that all which came in their shipps and junk is Chinas goodes, taken from them per force, which he thinkes the Emperour will not suffer any stranger take; and brought in for a presedent how, in Ticus Samas tyme, when the Japons had wars against Corea and China, that certen Japons went on the China cost, robing and spoiling without themperours comision, geting greate ruches, but at their retorne were all put to death and the goodes confiscat into the Emperours handes, parte being retorned to Chinas which [could lay] claime unto it.

July 12.--Yisternight late I receaved a letter from Jor. Durois, per Fachemon, dated in Langasaque, 16th July, new stile, wherin he advised me of the entry of a friggat at Langasaque, which came from Goa and tuched at Amaccu; but writ of no newse. Also that 3 barkes of Twans are retorned, which were sent out to have taken Taccasango (or Isla Fermosa), but could effect nothing, yet were put into Cochinchina, where they saw Capt. Adames junk and others labouring to get straight, but thought would not retorne full laden. This he writes.

Jno. Derickson Lamb, the Hollande generall, came to our English howse, and Capt. Speck with the rest of the principall Hollanders did accompany hym. I gave hym the best entertaynment I could, and, as it seemed, to his and the restes content.

And I forgot to note downe that ij or 3 daies past divers Hollanders did sue unto me to get other prisoners pardon, thinking I might doe as much for them as I had donne for others before. Soe this day, amongst other conferrence, I gave hym thanks for the honor he did me in releasing or pardoning those offenders at my being abord, I being ashamed to make sute for any others, although som had entreated me thereunto; yet I desyred Capt. Speck and the rest of the company to speake to the generall in their behalves. In fine, they said nether yea nor no; yet rather made shew to encline to my request. I gave an item to Capt. Speck, and he cald to generall to heare it, that I was enformed to (sic) Spaniards went about to soborne their men to run away, and that, yf they took not good heed, they [would] want men to cary away their shipps, and th[at it is] in my opinion not good to use over much p[unishment] for light offences comited per meanes of drunke[nness]. Yt seems they took my adviz in good parte.

Soyemon Dono forestald the bay with netts, and made a fyshing just over against our English howse, and sent me a dish of fysh; and I retornd thanks, with a bottell Spanish wyne and a littell conserves. Soe, presently after, he sent to envite me and the rest English to supper, where, amongst other speeches, I asked them what they thought of this busynes of the Hollanders; and they are of opinion it will not be ended in 1 yeare nor yet in 2, and that the Emperour will hould pocession. This they reported, and the rather because answer of the letter sent to themperour about that matter were retornd this day, but noe order that the Hollanders should enjoy that which they have taken.

July 13.--The China Capt., Andrea Dittis, retorned from Langasaque yisternight in all hast, to send up new replies to the Cort to enforme against Hollanders. The Tono of Firando sent me a letter from Miaco with ij catabras for a present. His desire was to have had all our ellophants teeth, and that he sent money to pay for them; but all the teeth were sould to Shroyemon Dono before.

There is a China com from Camboia whoe tells me that it is true the Portingale frigot hath taken a boate (or somo), laden with goods for the Englishmen and bound for Pattania wherin were iij Englishmen, whome they put all to death; and that there was good store ready money in our said soma. Which news coming to the eares of the Kyng of Camboia, he forthwith banished all the Portingales out of his cuntrey, and sent out 7 or 8 carecoles (or boates) well armed to have taken the Portingale frigat, but could not meete with them. But serten Japon fugeties, which are thought to be of them which were formerly banished out of Cochinchina, did joyne with the said Portingales; whereupon the Kyng of Camboia hath lykwaies banished all Japons out of his cuntrey. Thus much this China reporteth to be true. He sayeth ferther that ij Portingale fryres, of them which were lately banished out of Japon, had lykewaies setled them selves in Camboia, but are banished amongst the rest.

The China Capt., Andrea Dittis, gave me a China seame (or draught nett), and I gave hym 2 lynen catabras.

Many Holland mareners came to thenglish howse, complayning how they were misused and beaten lyke boyes without forme or reason. Yt is dowbtfull many will run away in the end.

July 14.--I rec. a letter from Magazemon Dono, our host of Miaco, with a box and 20 ordenary fans, for a present, in it. Also an other from the maky dono, with 3 boxes or chistes maky ware, which were opened, viz.:--

In one chist, 20 tankards.

In an other, 20 large spoote pottes.

In an other, 20 lesser spoote pottes.

July 15.--Alvaro Munos came this mornynge and tould me that the Portingals had taken no English men but Hollanders on the cost of Camboia, and, as I am enformed, went to the Hollanders and tould them it were English which were taken.

Also Gonrok Dono sent the scrivano I have the plito withall to this place, he haveng tould hym that I had receved all the dead Chinas goodes from hym, soe that the matter might be brought in question before the justis of this place. So now I hope this lying theefe shall have his disertes, for I have not receved any such matters.

July 16.--The Hollande fiscall came to vizet me, exskewsing hym selfe he came not in company of the generall, his busynes being such as he could not, with many other complementall words. He tould me of the extreme justis they had showed to the trumpeter and an other in beating them allmost dead. I answerd hym that it were not good, in my opinion, to use over much rigor in punishing drunken men; for it was not they, but the wyne which was occation therof; yet I denid not but such justis was fit to be used aganst hainose offenders. In fine, we had some speeches tuching their busynes against the Chinas; and he said that, yf themperour did not lett them quietly pocesse that which they had taken, they would take Japons as well as others the next yeare.

July 17.--I sent Mr. Osterwick, with a jurebasso, to Tonomon Samme about my processe against the scrivano of Giquans junk; and he said he would take councell about it and doe me justice, and that, yf he had knowne of the matter before, he would have ended it. But these are but wordes, for I had long before enformed hym of it, and he turned me over to Taccamon Dono, who, as I have formerly noted, would nether doe me justice in that matter, nor in any other which from tyme to tyme I have brought before hym.

An ould Frenchman of 70 yeares ould, of Marselles, came to thenglish howse this day and tould me he had served the Spaniardes in the Manilles 11 yeares, and the last yeare went with Don Jno. de Silva to Malacca, and from thence was sent in company of 1 galley and 3 friggates to sucker the Spaniardes at Molucas, and there (upon som occation of discontent) fled to the Hollanders, and came in their fleet this yeare to the Manillias, showing them all the portes and places where shipping might enter, doing them better servis for that place then any other which was in their fleet could doe. And was in the Holland admerall shipp when she was soonk, where he lost all that ever he had but the cloathes on his back. And now, being arived in this place, he being an ould man, desired the generall he might lye ashore in any howse he would apoint hym; but, in lieu of his demand, he clapt iron shackles on his legges, not geveing hym a peny to buy hym foode nor rayment, which drove the ould man into such desperation that he ment to hang hym selfe. In fine, he did curse the Hollanders extremely, and said they had misused our English nation very much in the Molucas, which he hoped would com to the King of Englands knowledg, that he might take revenge on them. He had his boltes or shackles on his legges when he spake to me, and still, when he looked on them, wept lyke a childe.

July 18.--Soyemon Dono sent for one of our jurebassos, and bid hym tell me that Tonomon Samme, the kinges brother, Taccamon Dono, cheefe justis, and hym selfe ment to goe a fyshing within a day or two, and desired my company.

July 19.--Tonomon Samme, kinges brother, sent for me to make an end of my processe with the scrivano of junk. And I fownd Bongo Samme, Taccamon Dono, and Soyemon Dono, Shosque Dono, and others in company with hym, but the scrivano was not there (at least he was not in sight). I tould them I needed not to speake any more about this matter, for that Taccamon Dono knew it as well as my selfe. In fine, they referd me till to morrow to take danco (or councell).

And I thought good to note downe how, in the meane tyme I was theare, Capt. Speck sent his jurebasso to demand lycence to sell 2000 deare skins, which I make accompt came in their shipps which tuched at Pattania, or else they are purchase. They retornd hym answer they would take councell about it, althoughe he aledged the losse of them this hot wether, yf present sale were not made. In fine, I had nothing saide for selling ours (to the China Capt.) which came in Shoby Donos junk.

July 20.--Soyemon Dono came and tould me how I was to make my writing against the theevish scrivano, and dowbted not but I should get my processe; but desird me to keepe it secret, for that he would not be knowne to favor my cause, he being to judg of the matter betwixt us.

There was reportes geven out of 2 junkes which are arived in a port of Shaxma, which came from Syam, one of them thought to be the Sea Adventure.

July 21.--The kinges brother, Tonomon Samme, sent for me to make an end of my processe with the scrivano of Giquan, whome I fownd accompanid with the boateswane of the junk and the China, Giquans kynsman, with an other fello who cleamed 120 picos sappon of our wood, but had no papers to shew, but tould a longe Canterbury tale. But this Jno. a Nokes was sowne sent away. The China desird restetution of the junk, and that the scrivano should deliver the dead mans goodes unto hym. But I shewed bills that I had right both to the one and other, and desired the scrivano might deliver those goodes to me, as also 42 picos sappon yet wanting of the cupplement. So we weare all dismissed and attend the conclution. I forgot to note down that the China brought a jurebasso with hym who spoke the Japon tonge, and I shewing them ij bills I had in the China tong, this fello spake to the jurebasso to say they were not made as they ought to be, and that it might passe because none of us knew the China tong; but the jurebasso reproved hym. I think the reason was because he was much in feare to fall into danger per any occation.

July 22.--I rec. 2 letters from Jor. Durois, dated in Langasaque, le 22th and 25th July, new stile. He writes still that it is true that 20 gallions are at Malacca, and are gon for Bantam, as also that the Spaniardes have taken the ij Holland shipps, which yet want, at the battle of Manillia, which, if it be soe, are called the New and Ould Moon. He saieth also they took a galle; but that is a lie, for the Hollanders had non (as they say).

July 23.--I sent our jurebasso to the kinges brother to know what end he will make of my processe against the scrivano. He retorned answer how he had this day envited the Hollanders to dyner, but tomorrow would geve me to understand of all. And sowne after he sent to borrow our chears, cushins, spoons, silver forkes, cups, tableclothes, and napkins, with one of our Japon servantes, to show them how to order the meate after the Christen fation, and withall sent for a bottell Spanish wyne and som salet oyle; all which was sent hym.

And I thought good to note downe how Mr. Nealson and Mr. Totton went abord the Holland shipp which is sunk, being envited per the master and pilot; but the Japon bongew took one of our rowers out of the boate, beating hym and sending hym per land to Taccamon Dono, who sowne after set hym at liberty and sent hym to me.

There came newes to towne of a boates casting away coming from Langasaque, wherin were iij Chinas and 6 Japons. God grant there were no money in it sent from Capt. Whaw, the China Capt., for me. We wrot hym to send som.

Our jurebasso brought back the plate and lynen lent the kyng, and tould us of the greate feaste was made to the Hollanders, and the lustie drinking, and that, amongst other talkes, Capt. Speck asked what our jurebasso made theare, and was answered for his skill in cookery. At their departure (I meane the Hollanders) from the kinges howse, there was 15 peeces ordinance shot affe.

We delivered divers sortes merchandiz to Jno. Japon to sell in the shopp or shew roome over the way.

July 24.--The Duch preacher of thadmerall ship came to vizet me. He was borne at Hornchurch, in Essex, and his mother an English woman. I gave hym a new peare black silk stockinges. Yt seemeth he is awery of being amongst these Hollanders, whom he sayeth have littell respect to religion, and therefore doth not marvill that God hath chastissed them in their proceadinges at Manillias.

I receved 5 letters from Edo, viz. 1 from Mrs. Adames, 1 from her sonne Joseph, 1 from her sister Magdalena, 1 from Andrea, Mag. husband, 1 from Tome, the jurebasso of Massamoneda. Mrs. Adames writes that Neamon Dono is coming downe to bring money for all our goodes sould.

July 25.--I wrot a letter to Gonrok Dono about my processe with scrivano, and sent Mr. Totton with it, accompanid with Harry Shank and Co. John for jurebasso.

Also I wrot another letter to Jorge Durois in answer of his two, and sent hym 30 tais per Mr. Totton, paid out per Mr. Jno. Osterwick, viz.:--

ta. ma. co. Pro 2 cattis almandes for Mr. Totton, cost 01 0 0 Pro 1 peare cotton yorne stockinges for myselfe, cost 01 0 0 Pro 20 pigions to put into dufhowse, cost 02 0 0 Pro tallo candelles for howse expence, cost 01 5 0 Pro 1 peare russet silk stocking for Mr. Totton 02 5 0 Pro 2 peare cotton yorne stocking for Mr. Totton 01 2 0 Pro 1 pec. black satin for my selfe 10 0 0 Pro 33 sarsages (or langusas) for howse expence 00 8 0 Pro 12 drid neates tonges for howse expence 00 5 0 Pro a jar green ginger, containing 55 cattis, for howse expence 06 5 0 Pro 1 peare russet silk stocking for my selfe, cost 03 0 0 Pro 1 peare cotton yorne stockinges for my selfe 00 7 0 ---------- Som totall amontes unto 30 7 0 ----------

Mr. Totton carid Henry Shank and Co. John with hym for jurebassos, and Andrea Dittis wrot a letter to his brother to helpe Mr. Totton in our affares.

I rec. a letter from Capt. Whow, China Capt. at Langasaque, with 10 pots sett with trees and slowers [flowers?], and 4 gilden fyshes, for a present.

I forgot to note downe how Soyemon Dono made a fishing over against English howse with cormorants made fast to long cordes behind their winges, and bridles from thence before their neckes to keepe the fish from entring their bodies, so that when they took it they could take yt out of their throtes againe.

This day one George Dowry,[247] an English gentleman which serveth in the Holland shipp (whose father, as I understand, is a Devonshire man and a justice of peace and dwelleth at Dowry house), he tould me that there is much hould and keepe amongst the Holland councell heare. Som would have the comander to goe up, and others no, espetialy Capt. Speck is wholy against it. Soe it is thought the fiscall shall procead in that voyage. Also he sayeth the comander, Jno. Dirickson Lamb, is much blamed for his proceadinges at Manillas, his comition being to keepe his fleete togeather to defeate that of Don Juan de Silva; but he unadvisedly seperated them, and so was set upon at an unadvantadg, by which meanes he was overthrowne.

He also tould me they took a small junck, wherin they fownd all Don Jno. de Silvas designes, emprinted in the Spanish tong in the Manillias, which was to have joyned his forces of the Manillias, which were 10 gallions, to those which he thought to have fownd at Malacca com from Goa and other places, which, with gallies and other vessells of war, might be as many more, I meane 20 seale in all. With which forces he first thought to have gon directly for the Ilands of Murises[248], there to have met with such Holland shipps as were bound homwards, and after the spoile of them to have retorned by the cost of Sumatra, and so for Bantam, to have destroid all, both English and Duch, not letting any one remeane alive, generall nor other. But, as I noted heretofore, his forces he ment to have met at Malacca were destroid and 4 gallions Portugezes burned, one per the King of Achin and the other 3 per the Hollanders. So, Don Jno. dying at Malacca, his fleet was dispersed, one gallion being cast away in a storme at Malacca, and other 2 sent for New Spayne. So 7 retorned for Manillas, where they wintered and were brought agrownd, most of them being halfe full of water and all unrigged when the Hollanders first came on the cost, which they saw with their eyes; yet the gridines of pilling China junks made them to abstayne from that they ought to have donne till it was to late to be amended.

July 26.--I wrot a letter to Capt. Whow, to thank hym for the present he sent me; and I gave his men which brought it in a boate, they being xij men, a bagg of rise, a barill of wyne, and one tay in small plate. Capt Whow sent an other present to Capt. Speck with an other letter; but he did not vouchsafe to thank hym for it, nor to write a letter in answer of his, nor gave any thing to them which brought the present.

Capt. Shoby Dono came to Firando and brought me a present of halfe a lb. of lignum allowas (or calemback[249]), with 2 Champa matts. And an other which came in company with hym brought me a box of cumfets.

Leonard the Hollander came to thenglish howse and tould me the tonos brother (Tonomon Samme) asketh a therd of all they have taken, in right of his brother; but I think they will not [geve] it. I had rather have that then ten kyngdoms of Firando.

July 27.--The Hollanders envited Lues Martin and Alvaro Munes abord the Black Lion whoe is admerall, where their weare many guns shot affe for healths, but of whome I know not, for I cannot esteem it was for the King of Spaine, whoe is their mortall enemye; and at their retorne ashore had 3 calverins shot afe for a farewell. Many Japons and Chinas took notis thereof and could not chuse but laugh.

We made an accompt at hazard or by estimation with Tozayemon Dono, host of Sackay, as apeareth by perticulars noted downe in the wast book, viz.:--

Bordes of 2 tatt., 300 at 9 condrins per bord. Bordes of 3 tat., 800 at 1 mas 2½ condr. per bord. Plankes of 4 tat., 25 at 6½ mas per plank. Iron ordenary, 50 pico., at 16 mas picull. Ditto yet to come, 50 pico., at 15 mas pic. Copper in gocos, 100 pic. to com, at 6ta. 5ma. 6co. per pico. Copper in bars, 100 pic. to com, at 8ta. 5ma. 0co. per pico. Charges bordes and copper and iron laden abord barkes, 18ta. 7ma. 0co.

July 28.--This day was held festivall by the nobles of Firando in remembrance of Dono Samme, father of Foyne Samme, soe that (as their order is) they drunk hard, pristes and all. And in the end Tonomon Samme, the kinges brother, going home, met a Hollander in the streete, it may be in as good a pickell as hym selfe, and, because he used no reverence to hym, caused his men to beate hym, breaking his head and cuting affe 2 or 3 of his fingers. But he was nothing comended of any man for it.

July 29.--Mr. Totton retorned from Langasaque, and brought word that Gonrok Dono said our bills in China languadg and Japons were made soe short that he could not judg on our side, but rather on the contrary. Soe it seemeth he harkned on both the China and the Japon scrivano, Cayanseque, to proceead against me, the one for 140 pico wood, and the other for all the dead China capt. Giquans goods. So now they are retorned all to Firando.

It is said Belange Lewes junk is com from the Manillas within 9 or 10 leages of Langasaque, but not yet entred, and 2 or 3 other junks upon the cost.

July 30.--We were envited to supper to Taccamon Dono as the China Capt. was the like, where we had good cheare, nifon catange (or Japon fation), and at departure he gave me a wacadash (or small Japon cattan) and a catabra to China Capt.

I receaved a letter from Mr. George Savidge, per a China, dated in Camboja, le 10th May last past, wherin he writes me how the Portingales did soe insence the king against our nation at his first arivall that once he gave order that he should avoid out of his dominions, but after, upon better enformetion of their false reportes, caused hym to stay. And since that tyme, fynding the Portingales gilty of treason against the king and his sonne, he hath banished them all out of his dominions, and the rather for that they took a Holland bark going out and carid men and goods to Amacau.

Tonomon Samme sent ij men unto me to know whether I would deliver 140 pico wood to the scrivano and 30 to the China tico. I sent Mr. Osterwick back with them, with a jurebasso, to tell hym I had no wood for the one nor other, but to the contrary was to rec. 42 pico I yet wanted, and desird that handes might be laid on the said scrivano that he made not an escape till he had delivered the said sappon and Chinas goodes, etc.

Jno. Osterwick, going abroad with the Hollanders and being drunken, misused me in termes at his pleasure. I find hym a prowd, surly yong man, and one that scorns all men in respect of hym selfe.

July 31.--Much rayne per night with extreme lightnyng and thunder, as I have not heard the lyke since we arived in Japon.

I sent our jurebasso to thank Taccamon Dono for our good cheare, and to goe to Tonomon Samme to desire hym to keepe fast Cayanseque, the scrivano, till he delivered me the 42 pico sappon and the Chinas goodes which is dead. But he could not com to speech of Tonomon Samme, but left word with his man.

We had news that the capt. moore of the Portingall shipp at Langasaque comanded Lues Martin to accompany hym to Miaco (or Edo), to speake to themperour and mak complaint against the Hollanders for robing at seas. But Lues Martin denid hym and came secretly to Firando, for which the Porting. capt. thretneth to hang hym.

I rec. a letter from Alvaro Munos, from Langasaque, dated le 8th August, new stile, wherin he wrot me how Billang Luis is arived from the Manillas, reporting the overthrow the Spaniardes had geven to the Hollanders in that place, burnyng and sinking 3 of their ships and driveing other 2 on grownd, with the losse of 66 Spaniardes, and had taken 80 Hollanders prisoners, etc.

August 1.--I rec. 3 letters this day, in Japons, viz.:--

1 from Edo, from the King of Crates; 1 from Miaco, from Safian Dono; 1 from Miaco, from Jubio Dono--all three letters complementall in answer of myne.

And in the after nowne I rec. a letter from Mr. Wickham, how he was arived within 3 or 4 leagues of Firando; and therupon I sent out the foyfone with Mr. Totton to meet them, whoe brought them into the roade of Cochy late at night. And Mr. Wickham came ashore within night, and tould me how the Hollanders had taken the ----[250] and Swan, tow of the Hon^{ble} Companies ships that were in the Molucas, kyling 5 men in doing therof, and keepe the rest prisoners, etc.

August 2.--The Adviz entred into harbour of Firando, and Taccamon Dono came abord her before shee entred, sending 12 or 14 boates to tow her in, as the Hollanders sent their foyfone with 20 ores to helpe to doe the lyke. Taccamon Dono had 5 peeces ordinance shot affe at his departure, and other 5 we shot affe as we passed by the Duch howse, they haveing first shot 5 pece out of admerall, and after, other 5 from howse; and when we came to an ancor we shot affe 7 more, and the Holland admerall answerd with 5. So, going ashore, we had 7 more shot affe.

The tono sent ij men to stay abord (as he said) till our goods were delivered ashore, to see we had no injury offered us. I answerd them it was needles, yet in thend was content they should stay this night, till I had better enformed the king of the matter.

The Japons stole Mr. Tottons Terky coate (or gowne) from abord [it haveng a gould ring with a diamond in the pocket],[251] no ring in it.

And I rec. of Mr. Wickham these letters following, viz.:

1 generall letter from Wor. Compa., dated in London, 30th July 1615, with 1 copy sent per Clove to us in generall, and 1 copy per Clove to Capt. Adames. 1 from Sir Thomas Smith, dated 31th January, 1615. 1 from my brother, Walter Cocks, in London, 8th January, 1614. 3 from my nephew, Jno. Cocks, at Cape Bona Spe., 26th June, 1616. 2 from Capt Georg Bale, from Bantam, 9th June, 1617. 1 from Capt. Copendall, from Bantam, 9th ditto ano. 1 from Mr. Westby, from Bantam, 5th ditto ano. 1 from Harnando Shimenes, Bantam, 4th ditto ano. 1 letter retornd I wrot Capt. Castleton, he being dead.

Tonomon Samme, the kinges brother, sent me 3 barsos wyne, 3 drid salmon, and a lynen catabra for a present.

August 3.--I sent a note to Tonomon Samme of such sortes of merchandiz as we had in our shipp, and withall desird that no bongew might be sufferd to remeane abord, it being a scandall to our nation as also against our prevelegese, which never had any such matter offred till now.

After nowne Tonomon Samme, the kinges brother, accompanid with Unagense Dono and Soyemon Dono, came to thenglish howse, and at same tyme Capt. Speck came also per water. So I made them colation. And Tonomon Samme departed, biding me unlade our goodes when we would. Capt. Speck came to heare news and brought me 3 bottells Spa. wyne.

Tonomon Same sent to have a parrat which was in our shipp, which was thought good to buy of the carpenter and geve hym. Also I sent a munky to Taccamon Dono. Both which presentes were taken in good parte. And Mr. Wedmer, master mate, gave me a parakita, and the chirurgion gave me the munky I gave Taccamon Dono.

This day was a Japon rosted to death, runing rownd about a post, fyre being made about hym. The occation was for staling a small bark of littell or no vallue.

August 4.--The Japons and Chinas unladed their goodes, because they did lie on the top of ours. And we rec. ashore 2 chists silk, no. 14 and no. 20, but the rope broke in taking up no. ----; soe it fell into the water and was much endomaged by watering; but we washed it forthwith in fresh water.

Flying newes came that Capt. Adams junck is arived in Xaxma, but of no certenty.

I wrot a letter to Gonrok Dono about my processe: seeing it could not be ended nether heare nor at Langasaque, I ment to remove it to Miaco. Also I advised hym of the arivall of our ship Adviz and what sortes goodes she brought.

August 5.--After daylight was don the last night, word came that the Hollandes junk was arived neare unto Langasaque, haveng byn almost 2 monthes on the way, so that dyvers are dead for want of water and all the rest full of the skervie. God send us good news of ours, for she was ready to com away with the other.

We rec. ashore this day out of th' Adviz 16 chist of silk.

An Englishman came to thenglish howse, and secretly willed me to take heed how I accompanid the Duch or did eate or drink with them, for that they hated our nation mortally, and in all their councells (which daily they held) they ordayned and coyned articles against as how we abused them, and fermed it with all their handes, to send for England to their embassador, to stur up the Kinges Majesty of England against us his naturall subjectes. And, amongst the rest, he tould me of a Hollandes trick (worse then a Flemish) which they used, and was, when they had forcably taken the pocession of Poolaway from our English, it being rendred up to the Kinges Majesty of England, they called a generall counsell upon it, and forsably made an English merchant, whom they thretned with death, to sett his hand to a writing how he sould 2 peeces of ordinance to the blacks (or Mores) which brought them downe bownd from the fortresse, although they were sent on per the Hollanders to doe it. Which 2 peeces they ment to send for England with a glavering falce letter to exskewse themselves, laying the falt on the Mores, and that by the Hollanders meanes our mens lyves were saved.

This night began the feast of bonbon,[252] or for the dead, with hanging out of candell light, and enviting the dead, etc.

August 6.--This mornyng the Duch junk from Syam entred into the harbour of Firando. They say our junk was ready to departe within 2 or 3 daies after them.

The Hollandes ship being to be brought in this feast day, they could get no men; soe Capt. Speck sent to desire me to lend hym our bark (or foy foney), which I did, with 16 ores to toe them in, they haveinge sent theirs before with 20 ores to helpe our shipp in. So the Red Lyon that was cast away was made tite and brought in this day.

And I wrot a letter to Gonrok Dono, in answer of his, that I apealed to the Emperor, and would not stand to his sentence.

We rec. out of the Adviz this day, viz.: silke, 18 chistes; bayes, 1 bale; brod clo., 10 fard.; cony skins, 2 bales, these most parte rotton and spoild; wax, 6 catty.

There was a greate eclips of the moone this night past, about 3 a clock after midnight, which Mr. Nealson and Mr. Totton observed, to find the true longetude of this towne of Firando, which standeth in 32½ degrees of latetude to the northward of the equenoctiall; and the stars they observed weare the Bulls eye and Hercus, the goate, I being present when she was halfe darkened, and the Bulls eye was 46 degrees above the horison, and Hercus 46 degrees and 40 minutes; and when she was wholy discovered the Bull eye 52 ----[253]min.

August 7.--Before dyner Ed. Sayer arived at Firando and brought me in a letter from Capt. Adames, dated in Goto, 3th current, advising he hath fownd but a loosing voyage, 800 taies at least. Also that the King of Cochinchina is well contented our nation shall trade into his cuntrey; but the cheefe men about hym, as it should seeme, weare axesary to the death of Mr. Peacock, and had parted the Companies goodes amongst them, with his host the Japon, whoe fled away whilest they were in Cochinchina, fearing to be brought in question.

So I retorned answer to Capt. Adames per the bark brought Ed. Sayer, unto whome was paid 4 taies small plate, and a bag rise; and a peece damaske sent the bongew Musioyen Dono, cost 4 R. 8, with a letter complementall.

And there was rec. out of the Adviz, viz.: brod clo., 2 bales; perpetuano,[254] 1 bale; wax, 9 cakes; quicksilver, 3 chistes; 7 hhds. drugs cacha;[255] 5 hampers pochok;[256] 3 hampers silk; 1 bale kersies; 1 bale lambskins, all spoild and rotton, not one skin left sownd, and 280 stark spoild; with 2 other bales cony skins, all in very bad taking.

August 8.--The China Capt. went to Goto this day to Niguan his kinsman, whoe is come in his junk from Cochinchina. Unto whome I sent a barill morofack and a littell pott green ginger.

And we rec. ashore this day out of Adviz nyne hundred and seventy bars of leade.

The ij bongews of our shipp Adviz came to the English howse and fell a swaggaring, and gave us bad wordes about the stealing of Mr. Tottons coate, and, doe what I could, I could not get them out of the howse. So I was forced to send Mr. Osterwick with a jurebasso to Tonomon Samme, or Taccamon Dono, to comand them out of our howse, because we could not be in quiet for them. But the noble men were gon a hunting, and the brablars departed when they thought good.

August 9.--The China Capt. retorned back, the wind being contrary, and went not to Goto.

August 10.--The kinges brother sent back the parrot I gave hym, to keepe her, she being sick, or I rather think to have a better present sent in place, for the parrot is well. He also sent word he would use the bonyews no more abord.

I rec. a letter from Gonrok Dono, tuching my proces with Casanseque, that he wisheth it might be ended heare in Firando, and not sent above. Also he adviseth me to send word to Safian Dono of goodes com in our ship, and not sell any till we know what themperour will take. God send merchantes, and then I meane to sell.

August 11.--Naquan the China arived from Cochinchina this moryning, and left junk at Goto; and meane to unlade ther silk theare and carry it to Langasaque, because men are misused heare. And soe the Japons meane to doe the lyke with that com in Capt. Adams junk.

The China Capt. came in hast and tould me that he had news the Emperour was much offended with the Hollanders, because they had taken the China junks, stryking his hand on his thigh 3 times when he first heard it, saying he would not suffer them to doe it.

We rec. six hundred and seventy bars lead out of the Adviz; and Gonrok sent word to have all our lead for themperour, of which I desired a bill of [hym].

Word was brought towardes night that Capt. Adames junk was on the backsyde of the iland of Firando, and sent for boates to toe hym in. Soe I sent out our foy fone; as also the tono sent out divers other barkes. But it was past midnight before she came in, the tide being against them. He came to vizet me, I not being well, and tould me the King of Cochinchina knew nothing of the murdering of Mr. Peacock, but that he was cast away per casualty.

August 12.--We rec. 215 bars, I say two hundred and fyfteene bars lead ashore out of th' Adviz, which is the whole complement of lead, being 2065 bars in all. So now all goodes are rec. out of th' Adviz.

August 13.--Gonrok Donos man with ij of Tonomon Sammes men came and looked on our lead, and took one bar for sample to shew Gonrok Dono, containing 43 ll Eng. was 33 cattis Japon, the price at 6 tais picull; all staid for themperour. As alsoe they tak all the Hollanders have, Syam lead and other; but that is not soe good.

There was rec. ashore out of Capt. Adams junk, viz. 2 chistes merchandizs, 1 bale galles, retorned unsould from Cochinchina; 2 chistes aguila, 2 hampers silk, bought at Cochinchina.

The chirurgion of the Adviz now com, called Benjamyn Parsons, being (as I take it) drunken, met the Duch fiscall in the streete, and, like a bestly knave as he was, gerded out ... telling hym it was for the Hollanders. Wherupon he cam to thenglish howse and complained; but at that tyme I was ill at ease, and did not speake with hym; otherwaies he had been punished according to his desertes. But after, the said fiscall beged his pardon. This chirurgion is a drunken quarelsom fello.

August 14.--The servant of Gonrok dono with 2 of the kinges servantes came to thenglish howse to have set my hand to a China letter, how I had 500 pico lead, at 6 tais per pico, for themperor, and not under. And in the meane tyme, as we were debating the matter (I denying to set my ferme to any such writinges I knew not), came the China Capt., and tould me they had set downe 5000 piculls for 500. In fine, I denid seting hand to any writing, although they aledged that Capt. Speck had, for 600 pico, Syam lead, now com in their junck.

Also the kinges brother sent to have me send to Langasaque about my plito with Casanseque, the scrivano; which I denyed, desiring justice here.

August 15.--I carid a present to Tonomon Samme, viz.:--

2 tatta. sad blew cloth, ½ a kersy, pepper green, ½ a pec. naro perpetuano, 1 pece fustian, 1 catty calemback,

which he seemed to take in good parte; and I desird of hym to have a bark to cary up the Emperours present, which he answerd me he would look out for.

August 16.--I gave Niquan, the China, 1¼ tatta black cloth, fyne cloth, in respeck he (as I think) taketh paines about our entrance into China.

And ther was a present geven Taccamon Dono, cheefe justice:--

1¼ tatta. sad blew. 2 tatt. carsyes, pepper green. ¼ peec. naro perpetuano. ½ a peec. fustion. 1 catty calemback.

We began to way out the lead for themperour, but they brought 2 falce beames, one over 6 per cento, and thother 4 per cento. So we gave over; and they carid 4 bars to Langasaque, waying 115 cattis per our beame, to try it per kinges beame theare.

The China Capt. gave me a peece yello shagy velvett.

August 17.--I rec. a letter from the King of Firando, from Miaco, wherin he advized me to mak hast up, for that themperour would retorne back within a month.

One of the Advizes company died this day, called Yewen Lake, whome was coffend and carid to the Christian buriall place, with a hearse (or coveryng) of black bayes carid over hym.

Oyen Dono came and viseted me to day, telling me it was best to reserve the greatest parte of the present for the King of Firando till his coming to Firando.

August 18.--We laid out and packed up our cargezon goodes to cary to Miaco for presentes and otherwais, with an over plus to sel or bring back.

Mr. Wickham, according to his accustomed use, set me at nought, geveing me bad words, as Capt. Adams and others can witnes, saying his tyme was out, and that he would goe for England, and serve the Company no longer.

We had much a doe with the brabling Japons which came out of England, they demanding more then their due, as 10 taies for 3 mo., when per my book most of them had but 7½ tais per 3 mo., and the most (which was but one) had but 29 mas per month, and demanded 350 tais for their losses in England; and, had not Mr. Wickham brought a writing from Bantam of 150 Rs. of 8 rec. per them there, in consideration of the said losses, with all their ferms at it, they would have put us to much trouble. And one of them took Capt. Adames by the throte in his owne lodging, because he would not stand out for them that all the money they receved impres, at Capt. Saris being heare, was geven them gratis; and thought to have laid violent handes one Mancho, the jurebasso, because he witnessed the truth. I had much a doe to hold my handes that I had not cut affe one or two of their heades, which I make no dowbt but I might well have answerd.

August 19.--Here came flying speeches of 3 junkes arived at Goto, one of which is thought to be ours.

And it was thought fyt to geve two presents unto the China Capt., Andrea Dittis, at Firando, and his brother, Capt. Whowe, at Langasaque, viz.:

¼ of black broad perpetuano. ¼ of haircullr naro perpetuano. ½ a peec. fustion.

I say to each of them thus much, in hope of their travill to procure trade into China.

August 20.--The Hollanders went up this day towardes themperour. So their shipps shot affe ordinance at their departure, viz. Albartus, Matias, and Mr. Barkhoult were sent on this busynes.

And we are ready to departe, but can get no bark, but words of the kinges offecers; soe we are determined to hire a bark of Sackay.

August 21.--This evenyng arived a junk from Cochinchina, being put on the cost of Corea, and bringeth word a junk is without, her mast cut overbord, which we esteem to be ours, and therefore send out our foyfon with victuelles and fresh water, they being in destress. Also the China Capt. junk arived from Tonkyn at [night].

The Hollanders departed toward the Cort this morning, and shot affe much ordenance from abord shipps and at howse.

We, being driven off from tyme to tyme per the tono, hired a bark of Sackay to carry up the present, for 80 tais plate bars, besides a bar plate for master and another to company.

A junk from Cochinchina entred late this night, her lading for Chinas of Cochinchina.

August 22.--There came in a small junk of China very late this night, laden with pursalon, or China vessells.

August 23.--I gave Robert Haley, the chirurgion, ten taies for som other matters he formerly had geven me.

I delivered two hundred tais to Mr. Osterwick to lay out in my abcense to Miaco. And I delivered up 3 memorialls, viz. 1 to Mr. Wm. Nealson; 1 to Mr. Jno. Osterwick; 1 to Ed. Sayer, for hym selfe and Mr. Wm. Eaton--all of what I would have donne in my abcense at Miaco, as appeareth by coppie.

So we laded all our goods abord the bark for Miaco. And coming to knowledge that the mutenose Japons which are com out of England had put up a petission against me to the justice, that I would not pay them their wagis, I made answer to yt of their villanos cariadge and falce slandering of me, I being ready to pay them their due owing to them, as Capt. Adames and Mansho the jurebasso are witnesses at bargen making, and as I set it downe in my book.

August 24.--The kinges brothers, Tonomon Samme, sent me word to pay the brabling marreners Japons which came out of England, according as I had agreed with them, and for the rest of our processe, to make it knowne to the king his brother at Miaco, who noe dowbt would take order to geve me content. He also sent me word he would send a bongew with me to assist me in my busenes on the way; but I retorned hym answer it was needles, the king his brother being above.

The China Capt. retornd from Goto, and is of the opinion that our junk, the Sea Adventure, is put into Tushma, and that it is she which lost her maine mast. God send us good news of her.

August 25.--I paid Mr. Nealson ten pozos and twenty taies in plate bars for the matters following, viz.:--

ta. ma. co. For a embrawdred velvett quilt, 5 R. 8, is 04 0 0 For halfe pec. wroght velvet, 5 R. 8, is 04 0 0 For 60 musk cods, at 4 mas pec., is 20 0 0

There was a difference betwixt the China Capt., Andrea Dittis, and Mr. Nealson, he denying fyftie taies that the China Capt. fownd per acco. he had delivered unto hym, the one and other standing stiffly in their opinion.

Mr. Osterwick paid fowre hundred and two taies plate bars to the Japon mareners which came out of England.

August 26.--The wether being soe fowle both yisterday and this mornyng staid us from seting forwardes towardes themperours court, all things being ready laden abord.

About 10 a clock we departed from Firando to goe to Miaco; and the Adviz shot affe 7 pec. ordinance, as also the Hollandes ship shot affe 5 with 8 from the Hollandes howse. Soe we got to Languay[257] this night, wheare we staid at an ancor till som 2 howers before day, it being calme, and then, the tide coming, waying ancor we rowed away. Capt. Adames went with us in a bark of his owne, as also 3 or 4 other barks the lyke, on being our hostis of Bingana Tomo.

August 27.--This mornyng calme wether, and after, wynd variable per fittes, sometyme calme, with lightning and thunder towardes the northward, with much rayne, the wind vering, a storme to N.E.; soe that we constrayned to enter into a port of Faccata, called Imatds, 16 leagues from Lanquay. At which place we had newes that our junk, the Sea Adventure was entred into Tushma 3 daies past, many of her men being dead. Also the junk which we heard had lost her meanemast entred into a harbor of Faccata 5 daies past. She came from Tonkyn. Of which I advised in a letter to Firando directed to Mr. Nealson and Mr. Osterwick, as also of our arivall heare.

August 28.--We went ashore at Imatds, I being very ill at ease, as Capt. Adames did the like the night before. I think we had eaten or drunken somthing that was not good, so I drank a littell rose a Solas,[258] which presently made me to vomet, which did me much ease; and late at night I drunke a littell bezas ston, which gave me much paine most parte of night, as thought 100 wormes had byn knawing at my hart; yet it gave me ease afterward.

August 29.--Som 3 howers before day we departed from Imatds onwardes on our voyage and paid the howse, viz. to the host for use of his howse 1 bar plate, containing 3 : 1 : 0, and to his wife for to buy oyle, 0 : 5 : 0.

August 30.--With much a doe this day we got to Shiminaseake within night, yt proving stormy wether, with rayne, wind S.erly per night.

August 31.--At this place we understood the Corean embassadors departed from hence yesterday in the mornyng with 450 men in their company, Coreans, 3 of them being princepall, and all goe in like authoretie. The Emperour hath geven charg to use them respectively in all pleases wheare they passe, as hath byn both at Tushma, Ishew, of Firando, Faccata, and this place of Shimenaseak, new howses being built for receapt of them in eache place, with boates to convay them per sea and horse and neremons (or litters) per land, all at themperour of Japons cost. Som report (and are the commons) that they are com to render obaysance and pay tribute, otherwaies themperour would have made wars against them againe. But others are of a contrary opinion, that they com to entreate the [Emperour] that them of Tushma may trade noe more into Corea, but rather that the Coreans may com to Tushma or other partes of Japon.

I wrot a letter to Mr. Nealson and Mr. Osterwick to same effect as my former from Imadts, as also that Coreans passed from Shimina Seak yisterday, and left this letter with our host at Ximinaseak to send for Firando.

So we paid our host at Ximina, for diet and howsrom the night past and till nowne to day, 4 taies. And so departed from Ximina Seak, haveing a stiff gale wynd, W.erly, somtyme S.erly, and somtymes northerly, all rest day and night following. Soe that the next day in the mornyng we weare at a place called Yew,[259] 45 leagues from Ximina Seak, haveing out gon the Coreans this night past.

September 1.--I met Neyamon Dono as he passed towardes Firando. Soe, per meanes of contrary windes, we stoped tides, and got this day and night following to son rising 20 leagues, 10 leagues short of Bingana Tomo.[260]

September 2.--I wrot an other letter to Firando to Mr. Nealson and Mr. Eaton, and delivered it to our hostis of Bingana Tomo to send unto them, she metting with us at sea near Bingano Tomo, yet went from Firando 3 daies before us.

We went into Bingana Tomo to stay tide, where our host sent me a barso wyne and a baskit peaches.

So we passed Bingana Tomo vij leagues, and came to ancor at a wast iland, haveing made this day and night following xvij leagues.

September 3.--This day and night following we made but xiij leagues, geting to an ancor at a place called Wishmado, 10 leagues to short of Moro.[261]

September 4.--Wee gott this day and night following to the bar of Osaky by son rising, having made per day and night 40 leagues.

September 5.--At our arivall at Osaky our host Cuimon Dono was at Miaco, and the king Firando sent a man to accompany us to hym, with 2 horses for me and Mr. Wickham.

This fello tould me that the Hollanders, per councell of Jno. Yossen, went directly to Fushamy to themperour, without making the King of Firando accoynted with the matter; but were by Codgkin Dono and Oyen Dono put back to bring a bongew of the King of Firandos, before they could be admitted audience. But (as he sayeth) the Emperour hath taken the present was brought per them.

I wrot 2 letters to Magozemon Dono and Cuemon Dono, and sent them per Co Jno., juerabasso, whom I gave order to goe to the King of Firando and tell hym of our arivall, and that I expected Capt. Adames coming this night or to morrow, and then ment to com to vizet his Highnesse, and tak his councell for delivery of the King of Englandes letter and present to themperour.

Mr. Wickham paid the barkmen for rest of the fraight xxx tais, as also 1 bar to the master containing 3 : 2 : 5, and an other bar to the marreners containing 3 : 9 : 3. And I gave 6 mas to a marener which had his coate blowne over board. This money our host sonne laid out for me. I gave 2 musk cods, with 2 piktures of our Lady, the Infant Christ, and Christ crowned with thorne, paynted upon copper in China very lively.

September 6.--Co Jno. retorned this night late with a letter from the King of Firando, whoe took it in good parte that I sent hym unto hym to adviz hym of our arivall, a thing which the Hollanders had neclected at their arivall, which gave hym much discontent, soe that I should find he would doe his best endevour for our English nation to geve themperour truly to understand the difference he fownd betwixt the Hollanders and English, wishing me to make what hast I could before the Corean ambassadors arived. And after Co Jnos departure he sent an other bongew to thank me for sending to hym the day before, and, as it should seeme; condemnyng the Hollanders for their proceading. Yet I doe consider this may be donne at thinstegation of the Hollanders, seting the King of Firando on to sownd me what I would say against them.

Our host at Fuxamy sent his man to bid me welcom, and expecting my coming to his howse.

And Cuimon Dono, our host of Osakay, retorned from Miaco, telling me wonders of the bad reportes was geaven out against the Hollanders, and good of thenglish, etc.

September 7.--I wrot an other letter to Firando to Mr. Nealson and Osterwick, and sent it per an other barkman of Tome Dono. And as I was a writing of yt, the Corean ambassadors passed throw this towne per water in very pompeouse sort, they being royally entertayned all the way per themperours comand, and had trumpetts and hobboyes sounding before them in 2 or 3 severall placese.

I advised I ment to departe for Miaco to morrow, and, yf Capt. Adames came not this night, would leave a letter for hym to follow after, and send away presentes this night for Fuxamy.

And within night the ould man of Orengaua brought me a letter from Capt. Adames, dated in Takasanga[262] yisterday, 22 leagues short of Osaky, signefying the danger he passed the 31th ultimo, a leake springing in his bark, weting and spoiling all his goodes, she being ready to sink under them. So, not having tyme to writ to Firando, I sent his letter in myne dated yisterday. He writes how he changed bark. And this day the ould man sayeth he thinketh he will be heare, I meane to morrow.

September 8.--We being ready to departe towards Miaco, Capt. Adames arived at Osakay. And it began to rayne. Soe our voyag was put offe till to morrow.

Our host, Magazayemon Dono of Miaco, and Maky Dono came to vizet me, as the King of Firandos host and others did the lyke bring presentes of figges, peares, and other frute.

September 9.--We departed this mornyng from Osakay towardes Miaco, where we arived this night, only to speake with the King of Firando before we came to Fushamy, where the Emperour la. So, late towardes night after our arivall, the King of Firando sent me a present of 4 barsos morofack, and 20 bags or paper packets of fyne white beaten rise; and Semi Dono a banketing box stuff, nifon catange (or Japon fation), with many complementall wordes of offers of greate frendshipp, and in som sort complayning of the Hollanders proceadinges, attributing all to the folly of Jno. Yosson.

September 10.--I wrot a letter to Firando to Mr. Nealson and Mr. Osterwick, and sent it per Magazemon Donos man, advising of our arivall heare, and the report the Hollanders did look for their dispach yisterday, and that the Castillanos had theirs the day before.

We went to the Tono or King of Firando, and carid hym a present as followeth, viz. halfe a peece of Denshier kersie, halfe a peece of blak broad perpetuano, halfe a peece of fustion; and to Semedone, viz. a vest black perpetuano and ½ pec fustion.

I had much conferrance with hym about our busynes, namely, how we should procead to have our previlegese enlarged that were shortned the yeare past; unto which he promised his assistance, willing us, as Semi Dono did the lyke, to geve out the worst speeches we could of the Hollanders, that it might com to themperours eares.

And towardes night we retorned to Fushamy, I geveing our hostis of Miaco 2 musk cods, with 3 picturs, as afforesaid.

At our arivall at Fushamy, I sent our jurebasso to adviz Safian Dono of our coming; as I did the like to Cacayezamon Dono, secretary to Oyen Dono, and Torazemon Dono of Firando, whome only of the 3 was in howse, and afterwards sent me a barrell wyne for a present, and word that he would com to me in the mornyng to consider about our busynes.

September 11.--I sent our jurebasso againe to Cacayezamon Dono, to tell hym I would gladly speake with hym. And, sowne after, he came, being accompanid with Torazemon Dono, and, after many wordes of complemento, he tould me that he thought themperour would lett us have any thinge that in reason we would demand; and that the Hollanders had their dispach, and was that, notwithstanding the petitions put up against them, both by Spaniardes, Portingals, and Chinas, to have them banished out of Japon as pirattes and sea rovars, he gaine said it, and tould them his cuntrey was free for all strangers, and that, yf any private quarrell weare betwixt them, they might seeke remedy at their owne princes. But the Chinas replid, and said they had no private quarell with them. "Well", said themperour, "where took they your goodes from yow?" And they answered, at Manillias. "Whie then" said he, "goe to the Manillias for your redresse. But yf they come within my jurisdictions, I will see yow righted."

Capt. Adames came to Fuxamy this mornyng, haveing byn first at Miaco, and spoak with the King of Firando, who used hym respectively in extraordenary sort: the reason he gathered was for fear we should complaine against hym, as the Hollanders had donne, which yf it happened, he would be shifted out of his government or heritage; but, considering he oweth our honble. employers so much money, it is better to beare for a tyme.

Albartus and Matias, the Hollanders, came to vizet me at my lodging at same tyme when Cacayemon Dono and Torazemon Dono weare with me, but staid not, only tould me they ment to departe towardes Firando within a day or two.

September 12.--Capt. Adames went to day and spoak with Oyen Dono and Codgskin Dono, themperours secretaries, to know when we might have audience and deliver our present. They gave hym good wordes, and willed hym to retorne to morrow mornyng and he should have answere.

The Hollanders came all 3 this day to vizet me; and, as it seemed to me by their speeches, they goe not away with much content, as not haveing their privelegese enlarged.

September 13.--Shongo Dono the admeralls sonne sent me a present of a barill wyne and a box of stuffe like pack thrid, made of wheate flower, which the Japons use in brothes at bankets.

And I wrot a letter to Firando to Mr. Nealson and Mr. Osterwick, dated yisterday but kept till to day, and sent per Mr. Albartus, the Hollanders retornyng towardes Firando this night per water to Osakay.

We carid and delivered our present to themperour with the King of Englands letter this after nowne, as followeth:--

From the Kinges Ma^{tie}:

4 tatta. of scarlet. 1 halfe pec. sad blew cloth, no. 291, containing 14½ yardes. 1 halfe pec. hairculler, no. 121, containing 16 yardes. 1 halfe peec. yello, no. 227, containing 17 yardes. 1 pec. Denshier kersey, purple in grain. 1 pec. eidem kersey, yello. 1 pec. broad black parpetuano. 1 pec. eidem white perpetuano. 3 peeces fustions. 1 furd gowne ruskin bellies. 1 contor[263] Lady Smith, valued at forty mark str.

From the Company:

51 cattis raw silk. 68 cattis wax. 1 halfe pec. brod clo. fawne culler, no. 286, containing 16½ yardes. 1 halfe pec. black fyne, no. 589, containing 16 yardes. 1 rem. bayes yello, containing 13½ yardes. 1 rem. eidem black, containing 11¾ yardes. 5 blak cuny skins. 50 white lambskins. 50 black and red lambskins. 50 fitchet skins. 10 piculls of lead.

September 14.--We carid and deliverd these presents following, viz.:

To Oyen Dono, Emperours secretary:

1 tatta. skarlet. 2 tatt. black clo. 2 tatta. sad blew. 2 tatta. yello. 2 tatta. hairculler. 1 pec. blak perpetuano, brod. ½ pec. kersy. 1 pec. fustion. 25 white lamb skins. 25 blak cony skins. 3 bundelles white silk, containing 17½ cattis.

And to Codgskins Dono the lyke, but no silke; as also a narro peec perpetuano, and Oyen Dono broad.

Also to 3 others, viz.:--

To Tushma Dono } To Otto Dono } three of themperours councell. To Kenuske Dono }

To Kenuske Dono:

2 tatta. black clo. 2 tatta. hairculler. 2 tatta. sad blew. 2 tatta. strawculer. 1 perpetuano, narrow. 1 pec. fustion. ½ peece yello kersie. 25 black lamskins.

And to Tushma Dono and Oto Dono, viz. each alike:

2 tatta. black clo. 2 tatta. straw culler. 2 tatt. fawne culler. 2 tatta. blak bayes. ½ a kersey, culler green, containing 2⅞ tatta. ½ perpetuano, containing 5⅞ tatta. 1 pec. fustion.

September 15.--We carid the presentes following, viz.:--

To Inga Dono, cheefe justice of Japon:

2 tatta. black clo. fyne. 2 tatta. fawneculler. 2 tatt. strawculler. ½ pec. kersy, green, containing 2⅞ tatta. ½ peec. perpetuano, containing 5⅞ tatta. 1 peece fustion.

And to his secretary, viz.:

3¾ tat. perpetuano.

And to Safion Dono, viz.:

1¼ tatta. black fyne clo. 1¼ tatta. fawne culler. 2½ tatta. blak perpetuano. ½ peec. karsye, willo culler, 2⅞ yardes. ½ pece fustion.

And to Shongo Dono, admerall:

1¼ tatta. fyne blak clo. 2½ tatta. black perpetuano. 4 tatta. fustion, is ½ peec.

Also Inga Dono sent me a present of 10 catabras or cotes: 5 catabras (or coates) of silke, 5 ditto of lynen. And he sent 2 of silk and 3 of lynen to Capt. Adames, he haveing geven hym a present of ginco (or a kind of lignum allowaies).

And towardes night the Kyng of Firando sent Capt. Adames a very fayre cattabra for a present, with wordes of complemento, as yt should seeme because he had (as our jurebasso) tould Semi Dono playnely how we have of late byn misused at Firando in all occations whatsoever, contrary to themperours edict, etc.

September 16.--We sent presents as followeth, viz.:--

To Oyen Donos 2 secretaries:

3¾ blak perpetuano. ⅓ parte of a peec fustion. 2 tatta. ¼ blak perpetuano. ⅓ parte of peec. fustion.

To Taffian Dono, Codgskin Donos secretary:

2 tatta. ¼ black perpetuano. 2 tatt. ¼ ditto, other secretary.

And I rec. letters from Tome Dono, from Edo, that he was sick and could not com to be our jurebasso; with an other from Yodayo Dono, Neyamon Donos partner, and on from Neyamon Donos wife, both complementall.

I gave Domingo, my boy, and his sister, viz.:--

1 pec. corse damaske, cost 1 ta. 6 ma. 0 co., to hym; 1 pec. red taffety, cost 8 ma., to her.

September 17.--This mornyng we went to Oyen Donos howse and to Codgskin Dono, to deliver up our petition to have our privilegese enlarged; but they were gon to the castell. Soe Capt. Adames went after them with it.

And Mr. Wickham went to Miaco to see yf he can make sales of our goods; for which purpose he hath carid musters with hym.

Capt. Adames staid all day at castell, and in the ende shewed the petition to the councell, who willed hym to retorne with it to morrow, for then it was to late.

September 18.--We went againe to the councell, and spoake with Oyen Dono, who gave me good wordes, and willed Capt. Adames to com to the castell and he would doe what he could to procure our despach.

Also I went and viseted Torazemon Dono, of Firando, and carid hym a present, viz. 2 tata. 7 inches black perpetuano, ⅓ of a peec. of fustion.

And I wrot a letter to Mr. Wickham, to Miaco, to look out for 6 piculls gunpolder; advising allso that Capt. Adames had delivered a bar plate to Mr. Jno. the bos (or scribe) upon acc. for his writing, containing 4 ta. 3 m. 2co.

And towardes night Cacayemon Dono and Torazemon Dono came to vizet me with many complementall words, and tould me it was no dowbt but our previlegese would be enlarged.

I sent Co. Jno., our jurebasso, to accompany Cacayemon Dono to his lodging with a present as followeth, viz. 2 tat. 7 inches black perpetuano, ⅓ of a peece of fustion.

And I rec. a letter from Miaco from Mr. Wickham, dated this day, advising that he is offerd but a symple price for our silk, etc.

September 19.--Capt. Adames went againe this mornyng to the Court, being retorned yisternight with answer he should com againe this mornyng, he haveinge sat theare all yisterday from mornyng till night without eating anything, as he had donne the lyke the day before.

I wrot a letter to Mr. Wickham, in answer of his, and sent it per expres to Miaco from Fushamy.

Capt. Adames did nothing this day nether, in respect the Coreans weare dispached at Cort, and all the tonos to the westward had leave to retorne to their cuntries.

Also the ould direy, or pope of Japon, died this day.[264]

September 20 (Conguach 1).--Yt is said the Coreans sent a present to themperour, and made their case knowne wherefore they were sent from the King of Corea to hym; which was, first to vizet the sepulcre, or doe funerall rights to the deceased Emperour Ogosho Samma, and next to rejoyce with his Ma^{tie}. that now is in that he had soe quietly succeaded his father without wars or bloudshed, and lastly to desire his Ma^{tie} to have the Coreans under his protection as his father had before hym, and to defend them against forraine envations, yf any other nation did seeke to disturbe their quiet, etc.

I wrot an other letter to Mr. Wickham per expres, to look out at the tono of Tushmas lodging yf the Coreans were ready to departe, to the entent to vizet them before they goe and to carry them a present.

And Capt. Adames retornyng againe to the Cort, I wrot a letter to Oyen Dono, themperours secretary, to desire his Lordships favour for our quick dispach and enlardging of our previlegese. But nothing was donne this day by meanes all the tonos vizeted the Emperour with presents.

And news came to Cort of the death of one of themperours doughters, whoe was married to a great prince.

September 21.--I went this mornyng to Miaco, to vizet the Coreans, leving capt. Adames to follow sute at Court; but I could not be permitted to speak with the Coreans per meanes of the King of Tushma, he being gelouse we might get trade into Corea, which non other are permitted but the Tushmeans.

September 22.--I wrot a letter to Mr. Wickham not to goe any more to Tushma Tono, nor his secretary, till he heard ferther from me, I haveing now emploid Cacayemon Dono to speake to Oyen Dono, his master, to know his pleasure, whether I might be admitted speech with the Coreans or no.

Capt. Adames went againe to the Court and there remeaned all day till toward night, and then the councell sent the King of Englandes letter to be translated into the Japon tong, which was donne, and he willed to retorne againe to morow.

This day all the Japon lords or tonos went to vizet the Corean ambassadors, carrying them greate presentes, a matter strang to see, except it be they be set on per the Emperour to withdraw them from favoring the King of China, etc.

September 23.--I sent an other letter to Mr. Wickham with the coppie of translation of King Englandes letter, to have Jean Dono to write out two more.

Capt. Adames retorned from the Court with answer from the councell that the Emperour would geve our Englishe nation no larger previlegese then other strangers have, only to sell our merchandiz at Firando and Langasaque. The reason he doth it is for that his owne merchants of Japon shall have the profit of seling within land before strangers, as also that, under culler of buying and seling, noe pristes may lurk up and downe his cuntrey to alter religion as heretofore they have donne. Of the which I advised Mr. Wickham in an other letter, to thentent he use diligence to sell somthing, for that we shall not be sufferd to stay long after the Emperour is departed.

September 24.--I went this mornyng to Safian Dono to confer about our matter of procese with scrivano, which he desired might stay till he came downe to Langasaque, which should be shortly. Also he tooke notis of what merchandiz we had to sell, and wrot a letter to Gonrok Dono to take all lead for the Emperour and pay us ready money.

Torazemon Dono came to vizet me, telling me that Semi Dono was at Court all this day to sue for his master the Tono of Firando to retorne for his howse or cuntrey, being very sick; but could have no answer. He said the Kyng (or Tono) of Xaxma retorned for his cuntrey yisterday, and to morow the Tonos of Umbra and Goto have lycense to departe.

Ther is 2 noble men taken and brought to Court, their castell being overthrowne, wherin was fownd store of war-lik provition of poulder, shot, guns, and armor, but for what pretence I canot understand.

September 25.--I wrot Mr. Wickham an other letter, in answer of his rec. the night past, to make sales of silk, yf it be possible.

Yisterday, Oyen Dono, Codgskin Dono, and other of the Emperours councell went to Miaco to vizet the Coreans, with a present from themperour, so that we could doe nothing tuchng our dispach. But this mornyng Capt. Adames went to Court about it, with our jurebasso, and at night left our writeings with them to alter or amend them at their pleasure and geve us ij goshons for Cochinchina and Syam.

Mr. Wickham wrot me he had sould a small quantety of silk at 218 ta. pico.

September 26.--I wrot an other letter to Mr. Wickham to sell 10 or 12 chistes more of silk, although it weare at 215 tais pico to delivr it at Firando; for that money we must needes have to send in this shipp, at what price soever we sell; and, now our prevelegese are lost, we must not stay heare to procure sales; and we knew well ther were no merchantes beloe, so that now the tyme to goe thorow or never.

Capt. Adames went againe to Court, but did nothing.

And Semi Dono sent me a letter to procure out a goshon for hym for a junk to goe for Tonkyn. But I retorned hym answer, he should pardon me, for I had so much to doe with the lordes of the councell the other day about my owne matters that I had no desire to enter into other mens nor trouble them any more.

September 27.--I wrot a letter to Firando with the 3 barelles brimston, and sent it per Sinda Dono of Sackay, to send for Firando per first. In this letter I advized of all is past, and that I think it will be 15 or 20 daies before I shall be ready to goe for Firando, and that they shall mak sales of any sort merchandiz.

Capt. Adames went againe to the Cort, but was referred till to morrow for dispach.

Divers noble men sent to buy broad cloth and fustions, but I referd them till Mr. Wickham came from Miaco, telling them I knew not whether any such thinges were left ungeven or no, for I canot tell whether it be donne to know whether we will sell heare or no.

September 28.--I wrot Mr. Wickham answer of his letter rec. to make an end of Grubstreet, our host, about the difference of his refusing his bargin of silk bought; for I knew not whether he did it of purpose to bring the matter before the justice to make it knowne we sell goodes above, contrary to themperours edict.

And afterward Mr. Wickham came hym selfe to Fushamy to aske councell about our proceadinges to make sales; and soe retorned for Miaco againe. And sent by the man carid my letter in the mornyng 10 saks of rozen or pitch, each waying 70 cattis, is 7 picos at 3 tais the picull. It be excellent good and duble the goodnes of former we bought at Langasaque.

Capt. Adames remeaned most parte of day at Court to get our writinges and dispach; and in the end left our jurebasso to bring them away when they weare sealed. But when the griffer or clark should have geven them, he demanded the delivering in of our ould goshon (or pasport) for our junk for Syam, which we had not, our junk not being arived nor no newes of her at our departure from Firando.

This day the Emperours two brothers came to viset hym, one being 16 years ould, houlding the castell of Shrongo, and the other som 2 yeares yonger, houlding the castell at Langaw: two of the strongest fortresses in Japon. So that all the tonos of Japon went to accompany them.

September 29.--I wrot an other letter to Mr. Wickham to look out for Shoby Dono, to the entent to sell our junk to hym; and rec. answer, he is not at Miaco. So I think he keepeth hym selfe out of way of purpose, for that he oweth som 250 taies to Hon^{ble} Company.

Capt. Adames was all day at Cort with our jurebasso, and in the end got our writinges sealed. But, as they weare ready to be deliverd, in reading our previlegese over, som one tooke exception that Langasaque was put in as well as Firando. And soe they staid them till the next day, to take danco, in parte that Oyen Dono, themperours secretary, was abcent by means of the death of his wife newly happened.

September 30.--I wrot an other letter to Mr. Wickham not to trust Semi Dono nor any other with broad cloth except they brought ready money, nether to send the cloth to any of their howses, but let them com to our lodging and see it.

Capt. Adames went this mornyng to Court againe to get out our goshon, and had them deliverd to hym sealed before nowne, Langasaque being put in as well as Firando. But he was willed to stay till the rest of the councell came, to see them read our [goshon] before he went away; which in the end was donne. But Tushma Dono and others tooke exceptions that Langasaque was put in, and soe would not let it passe but altered it as before. Whereupon Capt. Adames replied that we cared not to have our shiping goe for Langasaque, but only to sell our merchandiz. Unto which Tushma Dono answerd that we might doe soe without puting any word into our previlegese, having a letter formerly to that entent.

October 1 (12th Conguach).--I wrot an other letter to Mr. Wickham of recept of his, as also that at present I had receved a letter from Semi Dono, whoe very ernestly desireth to have vij tatta broad cloth, to pay for it 6 wickes hence at his arivall at Firando. So I advised Mr. Wickham to let hym have it, taking his bill for payment, and, yf he will pay any ready money, to receve it and put it on the bill or shorten it on acco.

I desird Capt. Adames to goe againe to Cort, to get Goto and Shashma put in for shiping, yf in case the Tono of Firando did misuse us, as, to say the truth, I can not bragg of any good usadg, yet lothe to complaine. As also that thenglish desire to be in a place apart from the Hollanders, as being of divers conditions. Yet, when all was donne, we were glad to rest contented with matters as they formerly were. And so Capt. Adames brought our previleges with 2 goshons, 1 for Syam and the other for Cochinchina.

And themperour sent me word he would make noe answer to the King of Englandes letter, nor send present, it being directed to his deceased father, a thing helde ominous in Japon, but withall sent me a cattan and 10 coates, and 10 coates to Capt. Adames, whereof we gave ether of us one coate to Torazemon Dono, whome brought these thinges from themperour.

Also I rec. a letter from Capt. Whaw, the China, with a present of a jar green ginger. This China which brought it came to get out a goshon for Cochinchina.

And I rec. letters from Firando, dated the 7th, 8, and 9th ultimo, of arivall Sea Adventure from Syam at Firando, viz.:--

1 letter from Mr. Jno. Johnson and Richard Pit in Syam, May, 1616.

1 from Jno. Ferrers, from same place.

4 from Mr. Eaton, 2 dated in Tushma and 2 in Firando.

1 from Mr. Nealson, dated in Firando.

1 from Mr. Osterwick in Firando.

1 from Mr. Totton in Firando.

1 from Mr. Borges in Firando.

By which letters I also rec. our ould goshon from Syam, and delivered it in.

October 2.--I sent two letters to Mr. Wickham per our host, one from Mr. Eaton and thother from Mr. Osterwick for hym selfe, with one of Mr. Eatons and another of Mr. Burges of myne to shew how hard a passadg our junk had.

And soe Capt. Adames and I went to Oyen Donos to take our leave, where we met Codgkin Dono and all the rest of the councell, who were ready to set forward with the Emperour towardes Edo, he gooing to Otes[265] to dyner.

And I wrot 4 letters for Firando, viz.:--1 to Mr. Eaton and Edmond Sayer; 1 to Mr. Nealson and Mr. Osterwick; 1 to Mr. Totton and Mr. Bourges; and the fourth was to Mr. Jno. Johnson and Ric. Pittes for Syam, to be sent in a junk from Langasaque. All these letters I sent per Synda Dono with the 7 pico. rozen, to send both letters and rozen forthwith for Firando ether from Osakay or Sakay, with 3 or 400 gantes fysh oyle, yf it be to be had; and to that purpose wrot 2 letters to our host at Osakay and ostis at Sakay. Also I sent 2 letters to China Capt. and Matinga.

October 3.--We went this mornyng to Miaco, to dispache our busynes; and, at our arivall theare, heard the King of Firando was ready to departe to morow towardes his cuntrey.

Soe I went to vizet hym, Capt. Adames accompanying me. I tould hym how we had byn misused at Firando in his abcense in all occations whatsoever. He gave me good wordes and tould me he was sory for it, and that all should be amended at his coming theare.

Also I got Capt. Adames to goe vizet the China which came from Capt. Whaw, and to tell hym I was going to Miaco and, yf I could stand hym in stid theare, he should fynd me ready. But he came presently after to me hym selfe, to thank me, being ready to goe with us for that place, and so to Edo, to take out 4 or 5 goshoons for shiping, etc.

October 4.--We went and vizeted Chubio Dono and carid hym a present, viz.:--

1¼ tatta. sad blew. 2½ tatta. black perpetuano. ½ fustions.

He took it in kynd parte, offering us any frendship in his power.

And I sent the China a present ij barill wyne and 2 fyshes. And Sofy the boz sent me ij barilles wyne and 2 hense.

October 5.--The maky man envited us to dyner to day.

ta. ma. co. I bought a coate to geve W^{m}, cost 1 0 0 2 pec. red silke lyne keremons, cost 3 3 0 3 gerdellee to geve for presentes, cost 1 8 0

The maky envited us to supper at a tavarne (or banketing howse), where we were well entertayned.

And Mr. Jean the scribe had a bar plate geven hym in full payment for his paynes taken in writing our petitions and other matters to themperour and councell at Fuchamy.

Also I gave a bar plate to the tabarnar where we dyned, containing 4ta. 3ma. 0co.

October 6.--Capt. Adames sent a man expres to Firando, per whome I wrot a letter to Mr. Eaton and the rest to same effect as my former.

Also we sent Capt. Adames man to Edo to bring away all the coast and Cambaia cloth, as also such monies as may be made per Neamon Donos partner in his abcense.

And I wrot letters to Capt. Adames wife and children, and sent them for presents, viz.:--

1 pec. white damask } 1 pickture } to Mrs. Adames. 1 musk cod } 1 pec. mingled culrd damask } 2 musk cods } to his sonne and doughter. 2 picktures } 1 musk cod } to Madalina, Mrs. Adames sister. 1 pickture }

And wrot an other letter to her, in answer of hers receaved; and an other to Toma Dono, the Edo jurabasso, in answer of his.

Chubio Dono sent me a pike for a present, with a letter of recomendacons to his nephew, Gonrok Dono, governor of Langasaque, to use us kyndly for his sake.

October 7.--We came this day from Miaco to Fushamy, and gave presents, viz.:--

1¼ tatta. sad blew clo. } to our host. 4 tatta. black fustions } 2¼ tatta. black perpetuano } to his sonne. 4 tatta. fustion } 1 pec. black satten, cost 5½ ta. } 1 pec. damask, cost 4 ta. } to ostis. 1 pec. taffette, cost 0 : 8 mas. }

With 60 taies for our expence lying theare, and a bar plate, containing 4ta. 3m. to the servants, all paid per Mr. Wickham.

And we gave for a present to the macky man, viz.:--

2½ tatta. mousculler kersy. 1 pec. damask, cost 1 ta. 6m. 1 pec. taffete, cost 0 : 8.

And I thought good to note downe that in the way from Miaco our host shewed us the preparatives made for the buriall of the ould dyrie (or pope) of Japon, viz.:--In one howse was set a rood or shrine of marvelose lardgnes, with, to my thinking, 100 pillers gilded over with gould, with each of them a gilded crowne on the top of them, and rownd about the howse, against the pillers, a gilded skuchin hanged up, which, as I learned, represented all the provinces or kingdoms in Japon, over which he houldeth hym selfe king of kings. Also against each piller stood a candelstick with a wax taper. But yow must understand there was an other howse, built highe and 4 square, not far from this first with the shrine, in the midest wherof was a dipe hole very fairely plastered, over which a greate vessell of wood was to be placed, wherin the body of the dirie was to be put, and the valt under filled with sweete odors and pretious woods, which being set on fire burne the vessells, corps, howse, and all the rest; with 4 gates made E., W., N., and S., walled about a pretty distance from the howse, all being hanged about with white silk which was to be consumed with the rest.

The greate wooden vessell I saw in a pagod not far from the place wheare the body was to be burned, which pagod was fownded per the said daire. The vessell in forme was made lyke a lantarne, set out with pinacles of excellent workmanship, all being gilded over with gould.

The top of the howse where he was to be burned was painted with the formes of angells, som with instrumentes of musick and others with garlandes, as it were to crowne hym. And they verely think that, when the body is consumed, the sole flieth directly for heaven, haveing liberty to passe out at any of the 4 gates, eather E., W., N., or S.

October 8.--Being fowle wether, we staid at Fushamy all this day.

October 9.--We departed towardes Osakay, and gave for presents, viz.:--

2⅓ tatta. kersey } 4 tatta. black fustion } to our host. 1 pec. damask, to our hostis. 1 kerimon } 1 gerdell } to his sonn, Ric. Cocks. 1 pere tabis and strings } 1 gerdell } to his son Wickham. 1 pere tabis } 1 gerdell, to his doughter. 1 pec. taffety, to his sister of other howse. 1 bar plate, to her husband, for paynes, containing 3 ta. 6 m. 6 co.

80 taies for our diet and servantes; 4ta. 4mas. for gadonge; 4ta. 4mas. to servantes. Our host and others accompanid as 2 leagues on the way, and brought 4 banketing boxes stuff to feast us; and he sent his sonne and man to goe thorow with us to Osakay.

October 10.--Mr. Wickham went to Sackay to buy certen thinges for Syam voyage, as also to look out whether we could make sales of any matters.

Also we laid out a present for Shemaz Dono, governor of Osakay, viz.:--

2 tatta. sad blew cloth. 2 tatta. fawne culler. 2⅙ tatta. kersy. 25 black cony skins. 25 white lamb skins. ½ peec. fustians.

And to his secretary--

1¼ tatta. sad blew. ½ peec. fustians.

And Safian Dono sent me a letter with 2 langanattes for a present.

October 11.--We carid the present to Shemash Dono, governor of Osakay, with that to his secretary, which was taken in good parte and many kynd offers of frenshipp to our English nation. This place is cheefe key of Japon for sending up goodes to sell, which yearly, when we vizet themperour, we may doe per their permition and no man dare open their mouthes.

I rec. letters from Firando, dated the 15th ultimo, viz.:--1 from Mr. Eaton, 1 from Mr. Sayer, 1 from Mr. Nealson, 1 from Mr. Osterwick, 1 from Mr. Totton; with a coppie letter of King of Firandos, written from hence, per meanes whereof yt seemeth both we and the Hollanders were per his bongews misused.

October 12.--This day Mr. Wickham went for Sackay to look out about busynes, staying till now per meanes fowle wether; and, before he went, rec. fyve hundred taies of Cuamon Dono, our host, upon acco., in plate bars. And deliverd one hundred and fyftie tais to Capt. Adames to lay out about Syam voyage and for Cochinchina in necessaries, wherof he is to render an accompt, all in bars.

And towardes night Skengro Dono, our hostes sonne of Miaco, with the maky man, came to this place; as Gifio Dono did the like from Sackay, sent from the wife of Tozayemon Dono, and brought me a present of frute.

October 13.--I wrot a letter to Mr. Wickham to buy 2 or 300 gantos of oyle to send for Firando per first, Mr. Totton haveng wrot me there is non theare. Mr. Wickham retorned answer they would not let us buy nether armour nor guns at Sackay, it being defended that no strangers might doe it.

October 14.--I wrot a letter to Mr. Wickham to tell the governor that we brought better guns into Japon then we carid out, and that we did not buy these to weaken their cuntry, nor to arme their enemies, but were sent to their frendes, and that I cared not much whether we had them or no. And he retorned me answer, he could not com to speeche of hym; but had bought 138 gantos of oyle at 16½ condrins per ganto, and shipped it for Firando in 5 barilles at 2 mas per barill, is 1 tay.

October 15.--I wrot Mr. Wickham to meet me at Croby Donos at supper at Osakay, and to morow to goe together to Sakay. And I paid Maky Dono, for 20 comb cases, 6 taies bars; and to the traders 6 tais, and 4 mas to their servantes.

Capt. Adames envited us to his host Croby Donos to supper, where we had kynd usadge.

October 16.--We went to Sackay this day to see whether we could procure sale of any thing, Capt. Adames and Mr. Wickham accompanying me, to spend 3 or 4 daies theare, till Cuemon Dono of Osakay have provided money to cary downe with us, as also to geve content to Tozayemon Dono in lying som tyme at his howse.

I gave a bar plate to Domingos mother, she coming to vizet me, she being a very pore woman with 8 children, and her sonne serving me.

October 17.--I got Capt. Adames to vizet Safian Dono, the governor, in my name, to thank hym for the present he sent me, as also to shew the letter to hym, wherin we are alowed to trade for Langasaque, as well as to Firando, and to offer hym to doe hym any service I may beloe. He was sick and could not be spoaken withall, but sent word about buying guns and armors, it was a thing forbidden per themperour in respect of the Coreans, yet, notwithstanding, our host or others, by 3 or 4 at a tyme, might provid them, and he would not take knowledg thereof.

October 18.--We were envited to Synda Donos to supper, where we had good cheare, and dansing beares sent hom after us, after they had showed pastyme theare.

I sent a letter to Firando to Mr. Eaton and rest, with an other to China Capt., in Japons, how Capt. Adames would sell his junke.

October 20.--We retorned to Osakay to supper, and paid our host, at Saky, for our dyet and that of Mr. Wickham, xxx taies, with a bar plate for servantes, containing 3 ta. 7 ma.

And I gave a bar plate to Gifio Donos father, and 2 tais small plate to dansing bears, and 5 mas to servantes, and a peec. corse damask to beares, cost 1 ta.

And our hostis and her daughter had geven them, viz.:--

2 pec. damask, cost 4 tais per peec. 1 pec. damask, cost 1 ta. 6 mas.

Also Capt. Adames had 2 peec. taffeties.

This night the gunpolder howse at Osakay was blowne up, and 6 persons kild out right, and divers others hurt, and the howse burned quite to the grownd.

October 21.--Domingos brother in law came and viseted me with a present of a pewter bason; and I gave hym a peece of taffety, cost me 8 mas.

October 22.--Our host of Fushamy came and viseted me and brought a present of musherons.

October 23.--We went to supper to Ichizayemon Dono, kynsman to our host at Miaco, where we were very well entertayned with good cheare and dansing beares.

October 25.--We were envited to Echero Donos to supper.

I wrot 3 letters, viz. 1 to Cuemon Dono, our host of Osakay, to com and bring away the money we stay for; 1 to Magazayemon Dono, host of Miaco, complementall; 1 to Maky Dono, that I paid 100 tais to his brother for Mr. Eaton upon acco., desyring hym to bring the rest maky ware and receve rest of money.

October 26.--Our host, Cuimon Dono, retorned late yisternight from Miaco, and now tells me he canot pay all our money, but will send som 1400 tais, which wantes, per Capt. Adames. I dowbt he will deceave us.

I sent to the governor, Shemash Dono, to know whether he would comand me any serviz, for that I was ready to retorne for Firando. And our host Cuemon Dono (alius Grubstreet) gave me councell to send 3 tatta. fustion to Shemash Donos steward, in respect he was a man neare unto hym and might stand us in steed hereafter. Soe it was donne, and taken in good parte.

October 27.--Our host, Cuimon Dono, of this place of Osakay, went back to Miaco, having made acco. with Mr. Wickham for all goodes sould hym at Firando before our coming from thence, as also of all other sould here since our coming up. So he rest to pay the ballance only owing belo, being som 1420 tais Japan plate bars, which he promised to pay to Capt. Adames within this 8 or 10 daies to bring downe after us. And he gave me a present, before his going, of a catabra, 2 bagges sandes or perfums to put amongst clo., 5 salt coddfysh, and 2 bundelles of sea weede.

And Shemash Dono, governour of this citty of Osakay, sent me a present as followeth:--10 pikes, 6 guns or kalivers, 8 barsos of wyne.

October 28.--The steward of Shemash Dono, whome had the 3 tattamis of fustion sent hym, sent me 2 piks for a present.

And I had 20 taies plate of Mr. Wickham, whereof 10 was for Tangano, 8 for Mounshine, 1 for Dilligence, 1 to Corye and Marebatan.

And Crobio Donos sonne came to vizet me with a present of banketyng stuffe, and to envite us to dyner againe, which I thanked hym for, we being ready to departe towardes Firando. And Shroyemon Donos littell sonne came from his mother with the like present, enviting us to com to her howse, which I answerd as before, and sent her a musk cod, and gave her sonne a peec. taffety, his father being now at Firando, a cheefe merchant and our good frend.

October 29.--I wrot out a remembrance to leave with Capt. Adames, he being to stay heare 18 or 20 daies, to attend the coming of Tozayemon Dono and Neamon Dono, to accompt with them yf we should misse of them in the way.

Skengro Dono came from Miaco and brought me a sifron in a chist, cost 4 ta. 2 ma. 0 co.

And there was 1½ tatta. broad clo. deare culler, and 5 handkerchefes chint bramport geven in a present to Croby Dono and his wife. And tatta. perpetuano, 3 tatta fustion, 5 handkerchefes chint bramport to Eche Dono and his wife.

And towardes night Croby Dono came and brought me a banketing box for a present, and Echere Dono brought 2 barsos wyne and 10 sequanseques.

And I gave a coat to Shiske Dono, Echere Donos brother, cost me 3 tais 8 mas.

November 2.--I rec. this mornyng 3 letters from Firando per the expres sent from Miaco per Capt. Adames:--1 from Mr. Wm. Eaton, dated 16th and kept till 21th ultimo; 1 from Mr. Nealson, of 21th ditto; 1 from Mr. Osterwick, 21th ditto; 4 from Capt. China, Matt[ing]a, Jno. Japon, and Sinda Dono. And with these letters came these papers following, viz.:--

Tozayemon Donos acco. in English } wrote out per Neamon Donos acco. in English } Mr. Osterwick.

1 paper for broad cloth and elophants teeth } all written in 1 paper for 2000 dearke (sic) skins of Syam } Japons and for 1 paper for broad cloth } thaccompt of 1 paper for severall merchandiz } Tozayemon Dono 1 paper for 50 pico sapon } our host of 1 paper abstrack of accompts } Sakay.

1 paper (or acco.) of Neaman Dono of Edo, in Japons.

1 paper (or bill) of Zezabro Dono, host son of Osakay, for broad cloth sould hym at Firando.

All which pappers and accompts I left with Capt. Adames, to reccon with the said partis when they com up, I being ready to departe towardes Firando.

Also Mr. Ric. Wickham left in the handes of the said Capt. Adames these papers and acco. written in Japons, viz.:--

1 paper or bill of Tozayemon Dono and Shroyemon Dono, for broad cloth left with them 10th November, 1617.

1 bill or paper of Tozayemon Dono, for goodes at same tyme.

1 bill or paper for goods left with Yechero Dono of Osakay, le 25th November, 1616.

The 13 piculls 88 cattis silk sold Tozayemon Dono I rate at 218 tais pico, as I sould rest, is 3025 : 8 : 4. So I make ballance of Tozayemon Donos acco. 6093 : 3 : 3¼, besides the 50 pico Syam wood.

And towardes night Tozayemon Dono came to vizet me, and tould me I should take noe care for the payment of the money for the goods sould hym, for that it should be at Firando in tyme to goe in our shiping.

November 3.--I made a bargen with Croby Dono of Osakay and sould hym all the silk remeanyng at Firando unsould at my arivall theare, at 218 tais per pico, and am now to receve 1000 taies in hand and rest at delivery of silke, all in good Nagite plate, paying the small exchange of 3 or 4 mas per 100 tais.

And being ready to go towardes Firando, there was geven in the howse at Osakay for presentes, viz.:--

To our host:

1¼ tatta. brod clo. sad blew. 3 tatta. fustion.

And to his wife:

1 pec. black satten, cost 4 tais. 1 pec. cushen velvet.

And to his sonne:

3 tatta. naro perpetuano.

And paid for diet and howse charges, 100 taies; and geven the servantes a bar plate, 4 ta. 3 mas; and to the cheefe maid two taies. And I gave Woman Dono 4 tais 3 mas; and Shiske Dono one tay.

The sonns of howse gave me presents of wyne, 2 barsos, and 5 hensse.

Soe, late at night, we went downe to Dembo, to goe over the bar next mornyng, unto which place divers frendes accompanid us with bankets.

And very late Croby Dono came with a thousand tais plate bars and two writings of the bargen of sale that remeanes at 218 tais picull, this 1000 tais being in part, and rest to be paid at delivery thereof.

I rec. 20 tais of our hostes wife of Osakay, to employ for Woman Dono, Mr. Wickhams gerle, and a writing delivered per Mr. Wickham wherby she is to serve the said woman 4 yeares and then at liberty.

November 4.--We put over the bar of Osakay an hower before day, and made this day 35 leagues, day and night, geting 5 leagues past Mouro this mornyng by son rising.

November 5.--I wrot a letter to Capt. Adames to send the goshon of his junk with the lowest price he will sell the junk for. This letter I sent ashore at Bingano Tomo 3 howrs before day; and soe departed forward, we having made this day and night till son rising 19 leagues, having passed 4 leagues past Bingana Tomo.

November 6.--We made this day and night following 20 leagues, being xiij leagues to short of Camina Seake in the mornyng at son rising.

November 7.--We made this day and night following, till son rising, 21 leagues.

November 8.--We made this day and night, till son rising, 23 leagues, and came to an ancor at a place called [Munco].[266] Also late came in a bark wherin Neamon Dono came, and sent me word he would vizet me, but did not, but departed away secretly in the night.

November 9.--I wrot an other letter to Capt. Adames, to send per first bark we mette, to adviz hym how Neamon Dono did serve me, as also to same effect as former dated at Munco.

Soe about nowne we set seale, and with much ado got within night to Shimina Seak, it blowing much wynd N.erly. Soe we made 17 leagues this day, and ancored theare all night, wynd being W.erly, with rayne.

November 10.--We staid at Ximinaseak per meanes of fowle weather.

November 11.--In Ximinaseak I delivered the 20 tais of Woman Dono to Mr. Wickham.

November 12.--We departed from Ximinaseak after nowne, and paid our host for dyet ashore 8 ta. 1 m. 5 co. Soe we put to sea at son seting, and made till son rising 25 leagues.

November 13.--We were forced to put into a village in Faccata called Cattadomary, 27 leagues to short of Firando.

I wrot a letter from hence to Capt. Adames, to buy 6 or 8 pico gunpolder.

November 14.--We bought two calves this day, cost 1 ta. 5 ma. 0 c. both.

November 15.--We departed from Cattado Mary this mornyng, other barks going out, and soe, allthough it were calme, rowed it up, and with much ado the next mornyng got to Languay, wind being so contrary, having made, night and day, 14 leagues. We gave our host at Cattado Mary 3 ta. 5 m. 0 co. for his howse, and a peece of backar baroche[267] to his children to make them 2 coates.

November 16.--We put into Languay, where we staid all this day and night following by means of contrary wyndes.

November 17.--We departed from Languay, and about nowne came to Firando, haveing made 13 leagues; but gave a bar plate to our host.

At our arivall the Hollander shipps shot affe 14 or 15 pec. of ordinance, and our ship the Adviz 7 peeces. And sowne after the Duch generall sent me 2 bottells Spanish wyne, and Albartus came to vizet me with many complementos. And most of the gentellmen of Firando ether sent or came to vizet me.

November 18.--I wrot a letter to Capt. Adames and an other to his host, Croby Dono, advising howe we had sould all our silke, wood, and skins, as also all our broad cloth, of which I willed hym to adviz his said host, because he should send downe no more money trusting on the salle of silk.

Also I wrot 2 letters to Tozeyemon Dono and Cuemon Dono, desyring them to dispach Capt. Adames away, otherwais the money will not com in tyme to send in the shipp nor junk. Also I wrot Capt. Adams in a ticket put into my letter that the China Capt. hath spoaken to som frendes to buy his junk, but non will geve above 1000 taies for her with pasport and all other matters.

The King of Firando sent to envite me and the rest of thenglish merchants to dyner to morrow.

November 19.--I gave Mr. Eaton, Mr. Sayer, Mr. Nealson, and Mr. Osterwick, each of them a keremon of them themperour gave me, with 2 others same to Capt. China and his brother. Also I gave a langenack to Mr. Totton, a pike to Mr. Wedmore, and a banketing box to Mr. Coleson; with a gerdell and a peare tabis and stringes to women of Mr. Eaton, Mr. Nealson, and Sayer, Mr. Osterwick, Capt. Chinas wife, and Susanna; and a coate and peare tabis and stringes to China Capt. doughter; and like to Wm. Eaton; withot her matters to dyvers other servantes and frendes; and to Matinga, 3 coates, 2 peare tabis and stringes, 2 gerdelles, etc.

We went to dyner to the king, where we were well feasted, he esteeming our nation far before the Hollanders, as he tould us.

November 20.--I wrot 2 letters to Langasaque, 1 to Jorg Durois, and other to Alvaro Munos, with 2 other letters in Japons to Gonrok Dono and Capt. Whaw, and sent a keremon to China Capt. Whaw for a present. These letters went per Mr. Eaton, whoe I sent to Langasaque to rec. the money of Gonrok Dono for the lead sould themperour.

Also I sent Gonrok Dono 2 letters, one from Safian Dono, and thother from Chubio Dono, his uncles, wherin they wrot hym in our behalfe to use us well in all occations.

And we went to the King of Firando with a present as hereafter followeth, viz.:--

4 tatta. sad blew. 4 tatta. strawculler. 2 tatt. fyne black. 1 peec. Denshier kersy. 2 peec. brod perpetuano. 1 peec. narro perpetuano. 5 peec. fustians. 50 blak cuny skins. 50 white lamb skins. 50 fitchat skins. 5 picull of lead. 10 picull of sapon.

Mr. Osterwick paid 2300 tais plate bars to Andrea Dittis, China Capt., for rest of acco. money taken up at interest of his brother and other Chinas, and gave me back my two bills for 3000 taies lent us at intrest of 20 per cnto. the yeare past; and in this acco. they alowed the money and intrest wanting in acco. at Bantam, being, as Mr. Balle writeth, with exchang, 1800 ts.

The Hollandes junk for Syam went out, and I sent Sr. Mathias, the capten, a barill morofack and a pork.

November 21.--I wrot a breefe letter to Syam, directed to Mr. Jno. Johnson and Mr. Ric. Pittes, and sent per Sr. Mathias in the Hollandes junk, advising them that our junk would be ready shortly to goe after her, Mr. Eaton being capt. in her, and Mr. Burges pilott.

November 22.--I wrot a letter to Mr. Eaton for Langasaque, and sent it per Sr. Harry Starkasse.

I rec. a letter from Langasaque from Capt. Whow, with a peec. wroght satten for a toaken, in which letter he wrot me how all the skins he bought at 23½ tais per 100 skins, whiche he sould to Japons at 18 tais after at tyme, are now all retorned back from Miaco upon his hands, as not beinge merchandable, saying no man will geve 8 taies per 100 skins for them, they are soe motheaten, as also ther wanted 135 skins in tale.

Also Giquan, the China, and an other China of Langasaque came to vizet me, and brought me in a present of 2 jars conservs, 2 barsos wyne, a baskit of oringes, and another of peares.

And the China Capt. gave me a fardell or serne[268] of mase, waying neare a quintall,[269] it being sent hym from Bantam, and he not knowing what it is good for.

November 23.--The China Capt. sent me a fatt hogg and 3 marchpanes for a present, haveing many Chinas com from Langasaque to vizet hym in respect of the berth of his yong doughter, the Chinas being above 50 persons; and each one hath brought a present, most of plate, and some of eatable stuffe.

November 24.--Many men com to enquire after price silke; soe it is risen to above 250 tais pico, and is thought will com to above 300 tais in respect the Hollanders have shipt away most parte of theirs they took per reprisall, and the Portingalls stand upon the price of theirs, as the Chinas doe the like. So now it apereth what it is to sell away per force, as we doe to make retorne per these shipps.

Gonrok Dono sent me a letter with 5 coates for a present, with many wordes of complemento, being ready to departe towardes Miaco.

And Mr. Wickham went to Langasaque, and ould Mr. Burges with hym.

November 25.--I rec. severall letters from Capt. Adames, dated in Osakay, from the 10th to the 16th currant, 5 letters in all, 4 of them by his man Genkese, and the 5th by Croby Donos kynsman, with a present of a silk coate, a cattan, and 2 barsos wyne; and 2 barsos wyne and a hen from Taccamon Dono.

Also Capt. Adames wrot me that Safian Dono died at Sakay the 15th day of this month; as also that our host Grubstreet would pay no money, but drove hym affe with delaies, pleaing least in sight, etc. So I wrot hym a letter (I meane to Capt. Adames) to bring hym before the justice, and soe to make an end.

Genquese brought 2000 tais in 2 chistes from Capt. Adames.

November 26.--I went and vizeted Semi Dono with a present of 1¼ tatta. sad blew clo., and I peece fustion. He took it in good parte with many kynd protestations. This is a suttell man, and one that ruleth more then the king. The Hollanders gave hym a present worth about 200 taies.

I also made sale to China Capt. of Capt. Adames junk with the goshon, for 1200 taies. But Yasimon Dono stood against it, thinking others would geve more. So I offerd yt to hym at same price, which he refused.

I sent a letter to Capt. Adames, junk sould for 1200 tais.

November 27.--I sent and envited the Hollands generall with the rest of the principall men to dyner on Sonday next.

I wrot a letter to Mr. Wikham and Eaton to Langasaque, how I thought the swart[270] was run away with our table lynen he had to wash, wishing them to look out theare for hym.

The Hollandes generall sent me a runlet of Canare wyne, exskewsing hym selfe to com to dyner on Sonday, for that he fownd hym selfe ill at ease and tooke phisick. But I doe rather esteem he taks state upon hym. Yet, be it ether one occation or other, I sent hym word he should be wellcom yf he pleased to com, and that I made no dowbt, although he were ill at ease now, yt might please God he might be well againe before Sonday, etc.

Mr. Eaton and Mr. Totton retorned from Langasaque to Firando this night. And the China Capt. Whawe lent them his foy fone. But som of the rowers stole a small silver cup of the Companies out of Mr. Tottons chist in carrying it abord.

Mr. Eaton tells me that a Spaniard called Miguell de Salines would have taken away our caffro Antony, set free per King of Firando, geving out great wordes that he would spend 4000 taies but he would have hym. But Mr. Eaton tould hym his wordes would not prevaile, and therefore wished hym to com to me and aske hym, otherwais he had nothing to say to hym.

I, upon good consyderation, let the China Capt. and his brother, Capt. Whow, have our 2 lesser bras fowlers with their 4 chambers.

November 28.--I delivered Capt. Adames goshon to Skydayen Dono, whoe is partner in buying his junk, in presence of the China Capt., when it was delivered. And we sould all the rest of our skins of Syam to Croby Donos kynsman, for 20 taies for 100 skins.

This mornyng an ould man came from Jor. Durois to trym our frute trees.

November 29.--I wrot two letters to Langasaque, one to Mr. Wickham and an other to Capt. Whaw, and sent them per China Capt. And wrot Mr. Wickham to bring 3 or 4000 tais refined plate from China Capt. for so much delivered hym heare to chang.

November 30.--I rec. a letter from Mr. Wickham of report popish miracles, how a mans arme was drid up for offring to burne a fryres cope or vestment, his arme standing stiff out, he not being able to pul it back nor bend it. Thus doe these popish pristes envent lies to deceave the pore symple people.

The fryre that was taken at mas was called Padre Appolenarius, and was taken in Arima; but the Christians rose up in armes against the Emperours offecers, and tooke hym per force. So what will com of it is uncerten. Yt was this mans cope or vestment which he left behind hym which wrought this miracle, as the papists report; but yow may beleeve it yf yow please.

The Hollanders came all to dyner, except the generall and Mr. Barkhoult, they being sick of a fever, as the others report.

The master of the Galleas and the secretary sent me a barica of Spanish wyne.

December 1.--I envited all the Chinas to dyner, which came to the ceremonies of China Capt. child, in respect of the overplus left of enviting the Hollanders. Soe it cost not much, they being above 20 persons.

Capt. Speck came hym selfe to desyre me to let hym have one peece of canvas (or poledavis) for a sample to trye to make other by.

December 2.--The China Capt. departed towardes Langasaque with all the other Chinas with hym which came to vizet hym for the berth of his child.

Jno. Derckson Lamb, the Hollandes generall, came to vizet me at English howse, exskewsing hym selfe he came not to dyner the other day, in respect he was sick and newly let blood, soe that his chirurgion councelled hym not to goe; otherwais no other occation should have staid hym. So I made hym colation in the best sort I could.

Mr. Osterwick rec. 931 ta. 5 m. 0 co. of Croby Donos kynsman, for 4050 deare skins at 23 taies per 100 skins, in bars of Nagita. At which tyme I deliverd back the chist of 1000 tais plate bars rec. at Dembo, neare Osakay, of Croby Dono upon acco. of goods sould upon conditions, viz. silke, yf it were not sould before. But being sould before my arivall at Firando, I retorned the money back.

December 3.--The Hollandes generall went abord the Gallias, a shipp of 400 tons, which they are now sending out to attend the Amacan shipp, whoe, as it is said, is ready to departe from Langasaque. Soe the generall took leave (or bad the capt. farewell), and shot affe much ordinance out of all their shipps, that all Firando shook with it, and at same tyme ordained one Mr. Barkhout captaine of the Gallias and the Son, whoe are apointed to som exploit; and Jno. Dreckson Lamb to goe in the Flushing direct for Molucas.

The generall, Jno. Derickson Lamb, sent me a peece of wrought velvet, a peece of silke grogren, and a peece of black rich taffety, for a present, with many complementall and frendly speeches.

The Gallias went out to Cochy roade, because she might be ready to set seale when the Macan shipp departed from Langasaque. Ther was much ordinance shot affe at Duch howse and out of ther shipps, and 5 pec. out of the Adviz.

December 4.--I rec. a letter from Capt. Adames, dated in Osakay le 21th of November, advising of an other sent per his man in a bark of Sakay with 1300 tais Nagita plate in bars; and that Grubstreet will pay noe plate, but put hym affe with wordes. But the bark of Sackay is not yet com, wherin the plate cometh.

Sofy, the rich boz of Miaco, came to vizet me, and brought me a present of 10 Japon trenchers and a baskit of wallnuttes, with many complementall wordes, and tould me he would com to morrow to look of such merchandiz as we had, and buy them, yf we would sell at resonable price.

December 5.--The bark of Sackay, wherin Capt. Adames sent the 1300 tais, arived at Firando this day, sent per his man Gerosaque, rec. of Tozayemon Dono, as also the 2000 tais before was rec. of hym.

December 6.--I sent Jno. Derickson Lamb, the Duch generall, a present, viz.:--

1 makey spout pot and eauer of largest sort. 1 standing cup and cover, maky. 1 tankard maky work. 4 beakers maky work. 1 8 0

The Hollandes generall sent me two bottells of Spanish wyne and a Hollandes cheese.

And I rec. 2 letters from Mr. Wickham, dated in Langasaque, le 3th and 4th currant, sent per Mr. Burges, wherin he writes me he stayeth only for 3 or 4000 tais the Capt. China promiseth to send me in refyned plate within 2 or 3 daies.

December 7.--This night past Shosque Dono, the King of Firandos secretary, was made to cut his belly, as the secretary of Taccamon Dono was caused to doe the lyke few daies past. The reason was for that they bought and sould abord the Hollandes shipps, and forbad all others to doe the lyke. The king demanded 800 tais from Shosque Dono, or else to cut his belly, whoe, not having it to pay, did it.

He also demandeth 300 tais of Goresano, our quandom knave jurebasso, or else to get hym out of the cuntrey with on sute of aparell on his back, and leave howse, wife, and children, and all the rest he hath, behind hym.

Also the lyke demand, or such lyke, is made to Skyamon Dono, a stranger, and favoret of the kynges heretofore.

The Hollandes generall sent me a present of 2 bottells Spanish wyne and a Hollandes cheese. And the domene cam to me with 3 soldiers with hym to entreate me to speake to the said generall, Jno. Derickson Lamb, to save 3 souldiers that were condemned to the gallies, of the which I had broken the matter to hym before. And it seemeth now they are desiros to sett them at liberty upon my second motion, as I understand from the fiscall.

December 8.--The Hollanders were envited to dyner to the howse of Semi Dono, whither they went in pomp, the generall leading in cuerpo, with a trunchon in his hand and a greate cheane of gould about his neck, and all the cheefe in rank after hym, 2 in two, to the number of above 20 persons.

December 9.--The rendador (or mynt man) of themperour came from Langasaque to Firando to melt plate for the Hollanders, and came to vizet me and brought me a present of a silke catabra, offring to refyne our plate in any forme or goodnes as we desired, and tould me his sonne was strucken blynd, desiring to have our chirurgions to look on hym and to see whether they could doe hym any good or no.

I went to vizet the Hollandes generall, whoe at my request set at liberty 4 souldiers formerly condemned to the gallies.

December 10.--The fiscall and secretary of the Hollanders came to thenglish howse and brought the prisoners with irons at their legges, and tould them for my sake they were sett at liberty, and soe caused a smith to knock affe their shakles and let them loose, they upon their knees geveing me thanks, promising to doe soe well hereafter that they hoped my time emploid for ther liberty should not be ill spent, etc.

December 11.--In respect Capt. Whaw lent his foy fone and people to bring back Mr. Wickham, we gave a barill wyne, a bag rise, and a tay of plate to company, and 1 tay plate to Capt. Whaws man.

The sargantes, corperalls, and other Duch officers came to thenglish howse, with Georg ----[271] an English man, to thank me for being the meanes to get the 3 souldiers pardoned. Yt seemes Capt. Speck was much against it, and urged the generall to tell hym he was thoccation of that had happened in leaving open the windoes, otherwise no such matter had byn attempted; and, yf he well bethought hym selfe, these men had spent their blood in getting those goodes, and lost all they had when thadmerall ship was sunk, so that a more charetable mynd were better; "and yet (said he) I am no man that will mentayne theft. And had it byn any of your merchandiz sent out of Holland I should esteem the falt more greater."

December 12.--Capt. Barkhout, Mr. Albartus, and an other merchant came from the Hollandes generall to envite us to dyner on Sonday next.

We delivered the 10 pico sapon to the Tono of Firando, geven hym in present.

December 13.--The rendadors made ready the place to refyne our plate, and Croby Donos partner delivered me one thousand tais in ould plate bars, chosen per rendador, it being better to melt then thother, and goeth upon accompt of sappon, he which bought it haveing promised the one halfe.

The Hollandes generall sent me a Hollandes cheese per Albartus, puting me and rest in mynd to com to morow to dyner. Yt seemeth they had not greatly cared yf we had not promised to com to dyner, in respect the world might have esteemed they respected us not yf they had not don it, which made me to goe, not for a dyner, etc.

December 14.--The thunderbout light upon the mastes of the 2 Hollandes shipps, the Flushing and Sonne, the night past, and did them som hurt, but not much.

We dyned at Hollandes howse, where we were kyndly entertayned, etc.

December 15.--The kyng dyned at Hollandes howse this day, where there was healths drunk and much ordinance shot affe, both at the howse and abord the shipps.

We dyned abord our junk, she being now ready to set seale for Syam. God send her a prosperous voyage. We had 3 peeces at our going abord, with other healths, shot affe for Kynges Mt. of England, with 7 at our departure, and 5 out of Defence.

December 16.--I sent yisternight to thank the Duch generall for our kynd entertaynment the day before. And he retorned answer, he was very glad yf it were to our content, and was ready to doe ether me or any other of our English nation any service or pleasure he could; withall sent me word that the loving kyndnes he had receved from me in espetiall could never be forgotten whiles he lived, knowing well it came from a good hart, wishing the English else where were of my opinion and caradg, and then he durst presume there would be no ill will betwixt the English and Hollanders.

The China Capt., Andrea Dittis, retorned this mornyng from Langasaque, and brought me a present of a box sett with glasse beades, or such lyke, as I think, as also a letter from his brother, Capt. Whaw, to send hym 1000 tais in plate of bars to be emploid about procuring trade into China, they allwaies being answerable for it, whether it take effect or no. Also he desired me to send hym a Japon keremon of the largest of them themperour gave me, to be emploid that way, for which he would not forget to be answerable.

Our junk being ready to goe out, the Japon offecers cam and demanded to have 14 passingers to goe for Syam, although I had it under their handes to the contrary that they should carry non. Soe in thend I offred to geve 7 of them 5 tais per man, and the boteswaine 30 tais, to be emploid in wood, and deliver them at their retorne to Japon, but know not whether they will be content therewith or no. God blesse me out of the handes of these people.

An ambassador of Figen[272] sent to the King of Firando came to see thenglish howse this day, to whome I gave the best entertaynment I could.

Mr. Totton fell into a strang humor, misusing Mr. Nealson in vild terms, telling me he was used like a slave in the English howse, and therfore would com in it no more. This he did being in drink, as it seemed.

December 17.--I gave 2 of my best keremons, geven me per Emperour, to China Capt. and his brother, to be sent into China about procuring trade, for a present to greate men.

I sent Jno. jurebasso to Oyen Dono to speake to the kyng to helpe with money to send in this shipp for Bantam, as also to cause the 22 bagges rise to be delivered me, paid for twise in acco.; whoe retorned me answer he would solicet the kyng in this matter.

Also I sent hym to Semidone to put hym in mind of 100 tais Goresano oweth upon acco., that he would force hym to pay it. He sent me answer he was going out of towne, but, at his retorne within 2 or 3 daies, would tak matter in hand.

December 18 (Seitach, 1th day Japon moon).--The fownders to melt plate (or mynt men) came to work this mornynge. I delivered the thowsand tais to Mr. Osterwick, which I rec. of Croby Donos partner the other day, being plat bars, to fownd (or mynt) with the rest.

The China Capt. gave me 2 peces red damask, sent from his brother, Capt. Whow, as he said.

The Hollandes shipp called the Flushing went out to Cochy this day, and I sent our foy fone to helpe to toe her out. She shot affe 9 peeces ordinance at going out; and 7 peces (or chambers) were shott affe at Hollandes howse, 5 peces out of the Son, with 5 out of our shipp Adviz, and 3 out of our junk.

We were constrayned, in respect of the necessety of tyme, to agree to lend the mareners of our junk 150 tais Japon plate till their retorne, with condition that yf they went quietly on the voyag, and so retorned to Japon with the good report of Mr. Eaton, the capt., and Andrea, the Japon botswain (or counter master, as they call hym), that then they ware to pay back but the 150 tais; yf not, then to pay 300 tais. As also there was 7 of them had 5 tais a man paid them, is 35 tais.

A letter to Capt. Whaw, with the 2 Japon keremons, 30 amars or bundelles rottans; and that the 1,000 tas. was ready to lend to procure trade into China; as also I had rec. the foy fone or boate he sent me in present, etc.

December 19.--I rec. 2 letters from Capt. Adames, on dated in Osakay, 30th ultimo, and thother in Ximina Seak, 14th present, how he bringeth 1,200 tais from Tozayemon Dono, and 500 tais from Grubstreet, and can get no more.

Also I rec. a letter from Omperas father, with a littell barso wyne called bringe, and 200 orenges.

December 20.--A cavelero came to vizet me, and brought me 2 barsos wyne and fishes for a present. Matingas father was his servant in tyme past.

The night past, the Hollanders tooke 4 theeves of their owne people, 2 soldiers and 2 caffros, whoe had made a falce key and stolne goodes out of the howse. Som thought to have fled, but were taken, the King of Firando haveing geven charge that no boate should passe out of the iland.

December 21.--I receved a letter from Capt. Adames from Langway, 12 leagues from Firando, how he la there windbound. And the Hollanders shot affe 7 peces ordinance out of the Son about midnight, and 9 chambers out of howse, in honor of their New Years Day to morrow.

December 22.--The Hollandes generall sent his nois of trompets[273] to geve me a salve this mornyng before day, unto whome I gave a bar plate containing 3ta. 0m. 6co.

About nowne, Capt. Adames arived at Firando, and came overland from Languay, the sea being greate and the wynd skant.

Late towardes night, the Hollandes generall, with Capt. Speck and all the cheefe, came to English howse to bid me fare well, the generall meanyng to departe towardes the Molucas to morrow, as they geve it out. The generall drunk a health on his knees to the Kinges Matie. of England, and cauced 7 peces ordinance to be shot out of the Son. And after, we drunk the lyke to the Grave Mouris, and shot 7 more out of the Advize, and 5 for a health to the generall.

December 23.--The Hollandes generall, Jno. Derikson Lamb, went abord his shipp to Cochy to put to sea, and had 11 chambers shot affe at Hollandes howse, with 5 peeces ordinance out of the Son. And we shot 7 out of the Advize, and they answered with 3 after out of Son. I, not being well at ease, sent Mr. Wickham, accompanid with Capt. Adames and rest Englishmen, to Cochy to bid the generall fare well, and sent hym 2 barilles morofack, a hogge, 2 sucking pigges, and 20 loves bread. And, as they were within saker shot of the Duch admerall, she shot affe 5 peces ordinance for a farewell to the Japon bongews who accompanid them, one of which peeces, being a bras demycolverin (being duble charged by mischance), brake and staved 5 or 6 cabbins and as many chistes, and did much shake the generalls cabbin, puting hym in danger of his lyfe, and wounded and meamed 7 or 8 men, but non slaine, and was in greate danger to have fyred all the gunpolder, being 200 barilles; which cauced the fiskall, Mr. Albartus, and the secretary to leape overbord into the sea. Two of them, not being abell to swym, had lyke to have byn drowned, and the therd fell into a Japon boate, and shaken her bottom out, and had lyke to have broken his legges. Yet in the end all turned into a laughter and mocking of those 3 men. And soe gave thenglish kynd entertaynment, with 5 peces out of admerall, and 3 out of Gallias at their departure.

And at Mr. Wickhams retorne, he had notis that the Japon whome I saved the life of the other day, and gave hym to hym for his servant, did yisternight steale a silver cup out of the Hollandes howse, and sould it in the towne for 3ta. 3mas. The cup I retorned hom to Capt. Speck, with advize I recoverd it from the theefe which stole it.

December 24.--Our Japon slave had punishment this day, all the servantes in the howse, with others apointed, geveing hym 10 lashes with a duble rope over the naked body and buttockes, till all the skin was beaten affe, and after washed hym in bryne. I wish it may be a warning to the foole, for so I estem hym.

Divers passingers which ment to have gon in our junk against my will (for Syam) went and complayned to Taccamon Dono to have passag perforce, and to that entent he sent me word. But I retorned answer I had the Emperours goshon to entertayne or send whome I listed, in paying them, and, yf he had any other authorety to send passingers against my will, let hym shew it, otherwaies non should goe. Unto which he retorned me answer, he would not meddell in the matter, but bad me doe as I pleased.

December 25.--I envited all the shipp and junk offecers to dyner this day, it being Christmas Day. The China Capt. sent me 10 boxes marmalad, a baskit of pearse, and a fat China capon; and sent a boate for a kyd, but not retorned. The Flushing went out, but, wynd proving contrary, retorned back to Cochy roade.

December 26.--I wrot a letter to Salvador Daravis, in answer of his rec., with the ring of rubis and 2 gars salt mangas. Also I send a scritorio for hym.

The Hollandes generall sent me a barica of Spanish wyne, and after dyner I went abord the Hollandes generall to Cochy roade, and carid hym a langanate, which Safian Dono gave me for a present. At our coming abord (Mr. Sayer, Mr. Osterwick, and Mr. Totton accompanyinge me), he gave us 5 peces of ordinance, and, at our departure, 5 more, and 3 out of the Gallias, viz. admerall, taking my visetation in very kynd part.

I gave the China Capt. a kerymon of silk for his doughter to sleepe in; and after, he sent me a peece black satten and a peece blew damaske.

Capt. Adames bark arived this day late from Languay, having taken greate pains to row it up.

At my retorne from abord Duch shipp, word was brought me that Taccamon Dono said our junk should not goe out for Syam except I sufferd each offecer to carry 2 passingers, according to the custom of the cuntrey. Also others said that our junk was falne into an extreame leake. And the therd news was that Langasaque was set on fyre. For the two first, of the wordes of Taccamon Dono and junkes leake, I think it rather the knavery of the unruly mareners, whoe wish it might be soe, then otherwaies.

December 27.--I sent abord junk to look out about leake; and it is nothing but puting abord ballast hath brought her deeper, and som 6 inches water encreased in 16 howres.

I rec. a letter from Jor. Durois, dated in Langasaque, 2th January, new stile, with 8 oreng trees, cost all 6 taies.

I rec. of Capt. Adames in ready money. viz.:--

1200 taies from Tozayemon Dono of Sakay. 0500 taies from Cuemon Dono or Grubstreet of Osakay. 0080 taies from Shroamon Dono of Osakay.

All the which soms of 1780 taies I delivered at receapte to Mr. Jno. Osterwick.

And I rec. per Capt. Adames these letters following:--

1 from Tozayemon Dono of Sakay. 1 from Shroamon Dono of Osakay. 1 from Cuemon Dono, host of Osakay. 1 from Magazemon Dono, host of Miaco. 1 from Neamon Dono of Edo. 1 from Cynemon Dono of Osakay, unknowne. 1 from Tangano, etc.

This day the trew news came of the burnyng of above 200 howses at Langasaque, wherof many did belonge to pore Chinas. One amongst the rest, adventuring over rashly to have saved som money, was smothered and burned, never retorning out. And Andrea Dittis and his brother, Capt. Whaw, had 3 howses burned, with 1 gedong, much goodes being in it, as Andrea tould me.

December 28.--I sent a barill skar beare to the Hollandes fiskall; but the ship was gon out before it came, and the bearer delivered it to Capt. Speck.

We gave 1 pico bitell nuttes to the China Capt., for no man will buy them.

Towardes night the offecers junk came, and tould me Taccamon Dono had sent to warne their hostes not to suffer them to carry out our junk, nor goe abord, except they might carry passingers with them.

December 29.--I delivered my letters for Syam to Mr. Eaton, viz.:--

2 to Mr. Jno. Johnson and Ric. Pittes. 1 to Mr. Georg. Savidg for Camboia. 1 to Mr. Jno. Ferrers for Champa. 2 coppies letters rec. from Mr. Savadg and Jno. Ferrers from dit. plac. 1 letter to Salvador Daravis.

With the memoriall or comition delivered to Mr. Eaton.

All which letters and coppies are to be seene per coppies.

As also the cargezon goodes sent in Sea Adventure, enclozed to Mr. Johnson, etc., viz.:--

ta. m. co. In plate Soma refyned, with exchange 1218 0 0 In bars plat refynd lyk tyn, with exchange 1156 1 5 In plate bars of Japon Nagites 1000 0 0 ------------- Som totall plate amontes unto 3374 1 5 And in merchandiz as per perticulers 0438 9 2¾ ------------- Som totall all cargazon amontes 3813 0 7¾ But I make it 3813 0 9½

I send tokens, viz.:--

1 scritorio to Mr. Johnson, cost me 03ta. 0m. 0co.

1 to Mr. Pittes, cost 01ta. 8m. 0co.

1 bill to Salvador, money geven his sonne, with 1 skritorio.

The maky man arived here yisternight, and brought me 3 letters, 1 from Tozayemon Dono, and the other from Magazemon Dono.

December 30.--I wrot 2 letters to the English and Japon umpra, and sent them 2 present, viz.:--

2 fowling peces, cost 8 8 9 1 pec. spoted satten, cost 8 0 0 1 pec. damask, blak and green 6 0 0

I forgot to note downe how I went to vizet the tono yisternight, and carid hym a jar conservs, and Capt. Adames carid hym a barso wyne and 2 fyshes. I tould hym our junk was ready to departe towardes Syam, offring hym to doe hym any service in that place we could, which he took in good parte, promesing all frenshipp he could towardes our nation, and with all thanking me for the frenshipp I showed hym at his being at Miaco, and telling me I should have barkes ready to toe out our junk at my pleasure, etc.

Our junk being ready to goe out, Taccamon Dono sent me word that, except I would alow of 10 passingers to goe in her, we should have no boates to toe her out, nether would he suffer our offecers to goe in the junk. So the tyde not tarryng for the kyng (as the proverb is), I hired 2 boates by meanes of Capt. Adames, and two I set out my selfe, and the Hollanders sent their foy fone, and the China Capt. an other bark, and the Adviz sent her boate; with which we got out our junk, contrary to their expectation, and carid her into Cochy roade. Yet this Taccamon Dono cauced the Japans hostes to our offecers to stay them. Wherupon I was forced to goe to the king to complaine, but could not com to speech of hym. So the junk was forced to stay all this day, and loose a fayre wynde. And within night this Taccamon Dono sent 3 or 4 men (as coming from the kyng) to have passadg for 3 men, and got the China Capt. to com to speake for them; but I denid them all.

Oyen Dono sent me word the king had reproved Taccamon Dono and bad hym not meddell in our busynes.

Mr. Eaton had one hundred taies alowed hym on his wagis, and I paid hym my selfe.

December 31.--This day Taccamon Dono sent againe to the hostes howses of our junk offecers, charging them not to let the offecers departe till I agreed to let the passingers passe in our junk. So I was forced againe to get Capt. Adames to goe to the kyng, with our jurebasso in his company, to complaine of the wrong Taccamon Dono doth us, our junk being now ready to goe out. So the kyng gave order forthwith to the hostes to let them goe. And sowne after Taccamon Dono sent to me to exskeuse hym selfe, saying he was ill enformed of my matter by the passingers, and therefore craved pardon. This Taccamon Dono is a prowd, humerose, dreamyng fello.

After dyner, Mr. Eaton went abord the junk to Cochy, and carid all the marreners with hym; but the wether did groe so boysterous, and blew soe hard a gale wynd, that they were in danger to have perished. And, as report goeth, ther is above 30 barkes cast away, laden with rise and other merchandiz, coming from Langasaque, Fingo, Xaxma, and those partes, and all or most parte of people drowned.




[1] Part i, pp. 366, sqq.

[2] This is shown in a volume among the Records of the India Office, entitled "Supplement to China Materials, Book I. Japan" (press-mark: T. (b), vol. i), which contains a compilation, made in 1824, of all the material which could be gathered from the Company's papers relative to the English trade with Japan from 1600 to 1689. I have found this book most useful; and some of the information which it gives cannot be obtained elsewhere, owing to the loss of original papers. Rundall, also, in his Memorials of the Empire of Japon (Hakluyt Society), 1850, has printed some extracts from the diary.

[3] See his letters in Rundall's Memorials. In the course of this Preface I have not thought it necessary to retain in quotations the old spelling of originals.

[4] Cocks calls him "the pope of Japon", i. 311.

[5] See below, i. 201, ii. 270.

[6] Cocks notices the rumour of his death by poison, ii. 271.

[7] He rejoiced in the name of Quaeckernaeck.

[8] See Purchas his Pilgrimes, i. 369. Foyne rather astonished Saris by asking for a piece of poldavis, or canvas, to make his shirt; and he seems to have appreciated English beef and pork, "sod with onions and turnips" (ibid., i. 369, 400). It was perhaps indulgence in such luxuries that gained him the nick-name of "Lucullus", which occurs in one of Wickham's letters.

[9] This is more probably a title than a name, as another Oyen Dono appears as secretary to the shogun.

[10] Called also Spex, or Specx, by other writers.

[11] An account of the journey to court, attributed to Speck, is printed in the Voiage au Japon, included in Constantin de Renneville'a Recueil des Voyages, Rouen, 1725, tom. 7. See also Rundall's Memorials.

[12] Purchas, i, 396.

[13] The modern Shidzuoka.

[14] The expenses of this journey amounted to 1713 taels 4 mas, or about £428.

[15] Purchas, i. 379.

[16] He thus spells his name in his early letters. At a later period he wrote "Cock" with a flourish, which would be equivalent to "Cockes". His contemporaries sometimes call him Cock, but more generally Cocks, Cox, or Coxe.

[17] Calendar of State Papers, Colonial Series, East Indies, China, and Japan, 1513-1616, nos. 256, 281.

[18] Ibid., no. 98.

[19] Calendar, 1617-1621, nos. 315, 792.

[20] Incorrectly named Edward Sares in Saris's narrative (Purchas, i. 379).

[21] Rundall's Memorials, p. 67.

[22] His actual term of service was from 24th November, 1613, to 24th December, 1616. In the interval between the latter date and his death he was engaged, sometimes in trading on his own account, sometimes as agent or interpreter to the English or Dutch.

[23] Purchas, i. 369.

[24] Purchas, i. 377.

[25] He is said to have died from the effects of a wound received at the storming of Ozaka. See Titsingh's Annales, ed. Klaproth, Paris, 1834, p. 406.

[26] In the volume already referred to, entitled Supplement to China Materials, etc., in the India Office, the following extract from a letter of Cocks is given as coming from "Damaged Papers", ii. no. 5, which can no longer be identified:--"I forgot to note downe how the Emperours Councell, when they saw me earnestly pursue the enlarging of our previleges, tould me that they made accompt it was not unknowne unto us the order the Emperor of China did take for keeping strangers from entering his dominions, alowing the Spaniards and Portingales no port to enter into, but only Amacau; yt being but a littell point or rock of noe emportance. Unto which I replied that their previleges were far better then ours, in respect they pay no duties but only a certain sum of money for ancorage of their shipps, neither were bound to goe to the Emperours court with any present yearely, as we doe, spending more money in going up and downe then the ancorage of their shipping cometh unto. As also the Portingales of Amacau have lycense to goe yearely to the greate cittie of Canton both to buy and sell such commodities as they have, and had boates provided by the King of China to carry them up and downe with their goods. So that I wished the Emperour of Japan would make our previleges equall with the Portingales at Amacau. Unto which they answered littell, but in smiling sort passed it over."

[27] Rundall, Memorials, p. 184.

[28] "Au Japon se trouvaient encore trente-quatre membres de la Compagnie, tant à Nangasaki qu'en différentes provinces; cinq Franciscains, cinq ou six Dominicains, un Augustin, et cinq prêtres séculiers Japonais. La plupart de ces religieux et prêtres étaient cachés à Nangasaki."--Pagés, Hist. de la Religion Chrétienne au Japon, 1869, p. 347.

[29] Father João Baptista Machado, Jesuit, and Pedro de l'Assumpcion, Franciscan, whose martyrdoms are narrated by Pagés.

[30] "He was made an officer and given the revenues of the village of Hémi, in Sagami, near the modern Yokosuka, where are situated the dry docks, machine-shops, and ship-building houses in which the modern war vessels of the imperial navy are built and launched--a fitting location, so near the ground made classic by this exile from the greatest marine nation in the world."--Griffis, The Mikado's Empire, 1876, p. 262.

[31] Saris makes an interesting remark on this practice of the Dutch:--"Before our coming they passed generally by the name of Englishmen, for our English nation hath been long known by report among them, but much scandalled by the Portugals Jesuits as pirates and rovers upon the seas; so that the naturals have a song which they call the English Crofonia, shewing how the English do take the Spanish ships, which they (singing) do act likewise in gesture with their cattans by their sides, with which song and acting they terrify and scare their children, as the French sometimes did theirs with the name of the Lord Talbot."--Purchas, i. 368.

[32] The letter printed in Purchas, i. 411, is, by a printer's error, dated 1610, instead of 1620.

[33] Cocks mentions another child at Firando.

[34] Adams left a will, drawn up apparently in duplicate, in English and Japanese. It was formerly preserved in the archives of the East India Company. In the MS. volume, T. (b), vol. i. Supplement to China Materials, the English document is referred to as being among the "Collection of wills", and the Japanese version as among "Foreign papers". In 1850, Mr. Rundall appears to have seen the Japanese, but not the English, version, for he states that "the will of William Adams, in Japanese, is preserved among the records of the Honourable the East India Company", but that "a translation has not been traced" (Memorials of the Empire of Japon, p. 87). He also quotes the Inventory of the Estate of Capt. William Adams, showing that the value of the property was about £500. I regret to say that these documents cannot now be found in the India Office, although, by the kindness of Mr. C. C. Prinsep, I have had every assistance in making a search.

Mr. Griffis, in The Mikado's Empire, 1876, p. 262, gives the following interesting particulars respecting Adams and his last resting-place:--"Will Adams had a son and daughter born to him in Japan, and there are still living Japanese who claim descent from him. One of the streets of Yedo was named after him Anjin Chō (Pilot Street), and the people of that street still hold an annual celebration on the 15th of June in his honor, one of which I attended in 1873. When Adams died, he, and afterwards his Japanese wife, were buried on the summit of one of the lovely hills overlooking the Bay of Yedo, Goldsborough Inlet, and the surrounding beautiful and classic landscape. Adams chose the spot himself. The people of Yedo erected memorial-stone lanterns at his tomb. Parry's fleet, in 1854, anchored within the very shadow of the Englishman's sepulchre. In May, 1872, Mr. Walter, of Yokohama, after a study of Hildreth and some search, discovered the tomb which others had sought for in vain. Two neat stone shafts in the characteristic style of native monumental architecture, set on a stone pediment, mark the spot. I visited it, in company of the bonze in charge of the Shin shin temple of the village, in July, 1873."

[35] See an account of their martyrdom in Pagés, Hist. de la Religion Chrétienne an Japon, pp. 498, sqq.

[36] I.e., Andrea Dittis. This word is also written in other letters "Nokada" and "Nakauda"; and appears to be the Japanese word Nakōdo, a go-between or agent.

[37] India Office. MS.T.(b.), vol. i. Supplement to China Materials, p. 428. The abstract is referred to "Books received from India, no. 10-29."

[38] See the Calendar of Colonial State Papers, 1622-1624, no. 415.

[39] I would also draw attention to a curious expression (ii. 293): "Comend me to all our frendes, both hees and howes". Can this form of she be a survival of Anglo-Saxon heo?

[40] Probably The Mahumetane or Turkish Historie, by Ralph Carr, 1600.

[41] St. Augustine, of the Citie of God. With the learned comments of Jo. Lod. Vives. Englished by J. H. 1610.

[42] India Office. Court Minute Books, vol. ix, f. 203.

[43] India Office. Original Correspondence, vol. xxviii, no. 3041.

[44] Particulars relating to the different proposals and attempts to re-open trade with Japan are collected in the MS. Supplement to China Materials, already referred to.

[45] Purchas, i. 373.

[46] Ibid., i. 406.

[47] Cocks usually reckons in the Japanese currency of taels, mace, and candareens, or as he terms them taies, mas, and condrins. The tael is worth 10 mace, or 100 candareens; and is of the value of about six shillings, according to present computation. Cock puts it at five shillings.

[48] The real of eight, or Spanish dollar of exchange.

[49] The China captain and his brother Whow or Whaw are constantly met with. I have found it more convenient to give in the Preface what account I have been able to gather of the different persons mentioned in the course of the Diary.

[50] Nagasaki.

[51] The Loo-choo or Riukiu group of islands, S.W. of Japan.

[52] Dono, a title of respect.

[53] Ogosho Samme is Iyéyasu, the founder of the Tokugawa dynasty of Shoguns, which lasted down to the revolution of 1868. Samme, as Cock writes it, is Sama, a title of respect appended to the name. Fidaia Samme is Hideyori, son of the famous Hideyoshi, the great warrior, better known as Taiko Sama. Hideyoshi, although holding supreme power, never received the title of Shogun. On his death he named his son Hideyori, then a child of six years, his successor, appointing at the same time a council of regency, in which Iyéyasu held the chief place. Iyéyasu's increasing power and popularity naturally roused the jealousy of others, the result being a struggle between an eastern army under Iyéyasu, and a western army led by his rivals and supporters of Hideyori. His great victory at Sekigahara, in 1600, confirmed the power of Iyéyasu for many years. In 1603, he was created Shogun by the Mikado. But Hideyori was not yet disposed of. He rose against Iyéyasu in 1614, but was besieged in Osaka; and a truce was patched up. But almost immediately Hideyori was again in arms with a following of 120,000 men, and intrenched himself at Osaka. The place was stormed, Hideyori's troops were utterly defeated, and he and his mother perished. Rumours of his escape lived for a long time among the people, and are frequently noticed in the course of this Diary. Klaproth, Annales des Empereurs du Japon (London, 1734), p. 410, gives the following account: "Quelques officiers de l'armée de Fide yori mirent le feu au château d'Osaka, pour se concilier les bonnes grâces de Ye yasou, mais ils furent arrêtés dans leur fuite par les gens de Fide yori et mis à mort. Comme il n'était pas possible d'éteindre l'incendie, Fide yori se sauva dans le Fiougo, où il s'embarqua pour le Satsouma sur les bâtimens de cette province, qu'on y avait tenus à sa disposition en cas de besoin. On prétendit qu'il avait péri dans l'incendie de ce château, mais ce n'était qu'un bruit répandu pour favoriser sa fuite."

[54] Karatsu, on the N.W. coast of the neighbouring island of Kiushiu.

[55] ? Allowaies=aloes, a cotton material.

[56] Satsuma, the province in the S.W. of the island of Kiushiu.

[57] Shimonoseki strait.

[58] Square posts. Kaku = square. More properly kaku-bashira = a square post.

[59] Nanking.

[60] Corge, an Indian measure of 20 pieces.

[61] The materials here mentioned appear to be Indian cotton goods.

[62] The Daimio of Satsuma had lately, in 1609, subdued the Loo-choo Islands.

[63] Fukuoka, in the north of Kiushiu.

[64] Shongo Samme is Cocks' way of rendering Shogun. Iyéyasu held the Shogunate only two years, and in 1605 transferred that title to his son Hidetada, though still retaining much power. Hideyori (Fidaia Sama) had married Hidetada's daughter, who, when Osaka was on the point of being captured, was sent out of that fortress to her father.

[65] Two Jesuit priests were present in Osaka.

[66] "The managoga contains 10,000 ickmagogs; the ickmagog, 1,000 icgogas; the latter, 100 gantas, or 300 cocas."--Kelly, Universal Cambist.

[67] Bugiyo, a superintendent.

[68] 16 taels make a catti; 100 cattis, a picul. A picul weighs about 130 lbs. avoirdupois.

[69] The head of the Dutch factory.

[70] Plate once melted.

[71] Interpreter.

[72] Katabira, a thin summer garment.

[73] Petty kings, or daimios.

[74] Katana, a sword.

[75] Dishes fitting into each other.

[76] Wakizashi, a short sword. Saris compares it to a "Welsh hook".

[77] In Omura, in Kiushiu.

[78] Danko, consultation.

[79] Higo, the western province of Kiushiu.

[80] Ruptured.

[81] In the south of the province of Hizen.

[82] Suruga.

[83] Omura, near Nagasaki, in Hizen.

[84] ? Awomori sake, a strong spirit, used chiefly in the southern provinces.

[85] Span. bonito, tunny.

[86] I.e., after the fashion of Japan. Katachi, figure, form.

[87] Small junks.

[88] Dollars.

[89] Koromo, a robe.

[90] Span. recado, a present.

[91] Copesmate, a partner, fellow-buyer.

[92] Decemviri, meaning, no doubt, his followers.

[93] It does not appear who was this John Devin, whose "entertainment" was so proverbial.

[94] In April 1614.

[95] Henry Frederic, born 2nd January 1614.

[96] Margaret, daughter of Charles Emmanuel, Duke of Savoy, had married Francis III, Duke of Mantua. She was now a widow, but did not marry the King of Spain.

[97] Probably a slip for "Manillia".

[98] Sing wine.

[99] Furo, literally a bath. Here used apparently for a dwelling house.

[100] The Dairi, or Mikado.

[101] "The highest subject generally received at the Emperor's hands the title of Kwanbakku (lit., the white boundary line), first given A.D. 880."--Dickson's Japan, p. 71.

[102] A tattamy = about 6¼ feet.

[103] Temples.

[104] Span. trampa, trap.

[105] Bars. Hence the term gad-steel.

[106] Slippers. Fr. pantoufles.

[107] Perhaps a slip of the pen for "fixed across".

[108] Chowtars, a kind of calico.

[109] Allegeas or allegias, an Indian stuff, made from cotton or grass.

[110] Naginata, a large-headed lance, or halberd.

[111] A slurbow, a kind of crossbow.

[112] Portug., capitão mór, captain-in-chief.

[113] Borel, coarse woollen cloth.

[114] Biyō-bu, a screen.

[115] ? Maki, a roll.

[116] Rudder.

[117] The neighbouring island of Iki or Ikshiu.

[118] Formosa.

[119] Span. recado, message.

[120] The wheels of pulleys.

[121] To would, to bind ropes about a mast to strengthen it.--Admiral Smith's Seaman's Grammar, 1692.

[122] Touse, or toze: to unravel.

[123] Fune, a boat.

[124] Tabi, stockings or socks.

[125] Tatami, a mat; used also for a measure of about 6 × 3 ft.

[126] Mochi, a cake.

[127] ? Cringe, in the sense of to constrain; and so to stickle, or haggle.

[128] Watchet, pale blue.

[129] I.e., duplicate copies.

[130] Span. andar en dares y tomares, to quarrel.

[131] Span. patache, a tender, or small vessel.

[132] Bōdsu, a bonze, or Buddhist priest.

[133] Boards.

[134] In the margin is a note--"A letter to Mr. Eaton". Cocks has here retained the words of his letter.

[135] Dire = tera, in composition dera, a temple. Yamabushi, an order of travelling priests.

[136] Sipres, or cipress: a kind of gauze or crape.

[137] Span. recado, message.

[138] Fukae, on the north coast of Kiushiu.

[139] Hindustani, pickles.

[140] Cha, tea.

[141] Cummerbands.

[142] The metal piece protecting the end of the scabbard.

[143] Perhaps implements and fittings for hawking.

[144] A bezoar, formerly thought an antidote.

[145] Raspberries.

[146] Yuthia.

[147] I.e., rich.

[148] Nagoya.

[149] Shimonoseki.

[150] Kaminoseki.

[151] "Caminogari," in Kæmpfer's map.

[152] "Utaymado," in Kæmpfer's map.

[153] Fushimi.

[154] Hirakata.

[155] Otsu.

[156] Kusatsu.

[157] Minakuchi.

[158] Tsuchiyama.

[159] Kameyama.

[160] Shirako.

[161] Miya.

[162] Okazaki.

[163] Yoshida.

[164] Arai.

[165] Hamamatsu.

[166] Mitske.

[167] An income of ten thousand koku of rice. A koku==5·13 bushels.

[168] Kakegawa.

[169] Norimono, sedan-chair.

[170] Missaka.

[171] Fujieta.

[172] Suruga.

[173] Kambara.

[174] Hara.

[175] Mishima.

[176] Hakone.

[177] Odawara.

[178] Oiso.

[179] Fujisawa.

[180] Totska.

[181] ? Ubai, plums.

[182] The Koban was intrinsically worth £1 : 3 : 1; the Ichibu, 1s. 5¼d. But the proportionate value of gold to silver in Japan was as four to one, instead of the common valuation of fifteen to one.

[183] ? Tyamong, in Sumatra.

[184] Misaki, at the extreme south of the peninsula on the west of the entrance into Yedo Bay.

[185] Kawasaki.

[186] Blank in MS.

[187] ? Span., tuerto, blind of one eye.

[188] Samisen, a guitar of three strings.

[189] A marginal note in contradiction of some of the details is as follows: "This man did not kill his sonne, nether will the Empror let him nor the other have the land, for that the sonne of so unworthie a father is not fit to inherit, as he saieth."

[190] Kanagawa.

[191] Kamakura.

[192] Blank in MS. He refers to Yoritomo.

[193] Side note.--"The littell doughter of Fidaia Samma is shorne non in this monestary, only to save her life, for it is a sanctuary and no justis may take her out."

[194] The great copper figure of Buddha or Daiboods.

[195] Fujisawa.

[196] Oiso.

[197] Odawara.

[198] Hakone yama, or the mountain pass of Hakone.

[199] Mishima.

[200] Kambara.

[201] Yui.

[202] Ejiri.

[203] Suruga.

[204] Fujieta.

[205] Kakegawa.

[206] Mitake.

[207] Arai.

[208] Yoshida.

[209] Fugikawa.

[210] Narami.

[211] Miya.

[212] Kuwana.

[213] Seki.

[214] Ishibe.

[215] Roku-shaku, a chair-bearer.

[216] Otsu.

[217] Hizen.

[218] Fushimi.

[219] Kagoshima.

[220] Diaboods, or Buddha. The colossal figure was melted down and coined into "cash" in 1664.--Dickson, Japan, 1869, p. 400.

[221] I.e., the title of Kuwambaku, conferred on the highest subject in the State.

[222] Span. Dar, or hacer, higas, to ridicule.

[223] Makiye, lacquer.

[224] Fushimi.

[225] Hirakata.

[226] Sapan wood.

[227] Boat.

[228] Bingo, in the main island.

[229] Tomu, in the province of Bingo.

[230] Higo.

[231] Kaminoseki.

[232] Shimonoseki.

[233] Half-cast.

[234] Hang-chow.

[235] The island of Shikoku.

[236] Affix signature.

[237] Perhaps Seto, a little to the north of Nagasaki.

[238] Almond cake or biscuit.

[239] ? Galls.

[240] Mortaza Ali.

[241] Sakadzuki.

[242] Admiral.

[243] Champon, in the Gulf of Siam.

[244] See the notice of these events in the account of Peyton's second voyage to the East Indies, in Purchas's Pilgrimes, 1625, part I, lib. iv, cap. 15.

[245] Screens.

[246] Yuthia.

[247] George Dowriche, son of Robert Dowriche.--Tuckett, Devonshire Pedigrees.

[248] Mauritius.

[249] Calambac, the finest aloe wood.

[250] Blank in MS.

[251] These words struck out.

[252] Bon, the feast of lanterns.

[253] Space left in MS.

[254] Perpetuana, a woollen stuff.

[255] Cassia.

[256] ? Persian: poshak, a garment.

[257] Nagoya.

[258] Rosa solis, a pleasant liquor, made of brandy, cinnamon, etc.--Bailey's Dictionary.

[259] Yu, in the province of Suwo, in the main island.

[260] Tomu in Bingo, in Kæmpfer's map.

[261] Utsymado and Muru, in Kæmpfer's map.

[262] Takasago.

[263] Contore or counter, a counting table or desk.

[264] Go Yô seï in, who resigned office in 1612.

[265] Otsu.

[266] Muki. A blank left in the MS., but the name is given under the next day.

[267] Perhaps this may mean barrage, a cloth, made of bariga, or Indian silk.

[268] Another form seems to be serone.

[269] Span. quintal, a hundredweight.

[270] ? Black man. Dutch, zwart.

[271] Blank in MS.

[272] Hizen.

[273] A technical term for a band of musicians. See an entry in Alleyn's Diary (in this same year, 8 Dec., 1617), "given a noyse off trumpeters yt sownded, 0 : 2 : 6".--G. F. Warner, Catalogue of MSS. of Dulwich College, 1881, p. 167.

Transcriber's Note

Volume i Errata from page liv have been incorporated.

End of Project Gutenberg's Diary of Richard Cocks Vol. I, by Richard Cocks


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