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Audiobook: Papers and Proceedings of the Thirty-Fifth General Meeting of the American Library Association: Held at Kaaterskill, N. Y., June 23-28, 1913 by

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Audiobook: Papers and Proceedings of the Thirty-Fifth General Meeting of the American Library Association: Held at Kaaterskill, N. Y., June 23-28, 1913 by

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Title: Papers and proceedings of the thirty-fifth general meeting of the American Library Association, 1913

Author: Various

Editor: American Library Association

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JUNE 23-28, 1913



General sessions:

President's address: The world of books and the world's work Henry E. Legler 73

"As others see us" 83

Secretary's report George B. Utley 99

Treasurer's report C. B. Roden 103

Reports of boards and committees:

Finance committee C. W. Andrews 104

A. L. A. Publishing Board Henry E. Legler 105

Carnegie and endowment fund W. W. Appleton 111

Bookbinding A. L. Bailey 113

Bookbuying W. L. Brown 114

Co-operation with the N. E. A. M. E. Ahern 125

Federal and state relations B. C. Steiner 126

Library administration A. E. Bostwick 126

Library training A. S. Root 134

Library work with the blind Emma N. Delfino 136

Library work in Great Britain L. S. Jast 139

The immigrant in the library Mary Antin 145

Immigrants as contributors to library progress Adelaide B. Maltby 150

The man in the yards Charles E. Rush 154

What of the black and yellow races? W. F. Yust 159

The working library for the artisan and the craftsman E. F. Stevens 170

The woman on the farm Lutie E. Stearns 173

Book influences for defectives and dependents Julia A. Robinson 177

Changing conditions of child life Faith E. Smith 184

How the library is meeting the changing conditions Gertrude E. Andrus 188

Normal schools and their relation to librarianship W. H. Kerr 193

The present status of legislative reference work C. B. Lester 199

State wide influence of the state library D. C. Brown 202

The law that stands the test M. S. Dudgeon 206

Making a library useful to business men S. H. Ranck 210

Libraries in business organizations Louise B. Krause 215

The municipal reference library as an aid in city administration George McAneny 219

The friendly book G. M. Walton 224

How to discourage reading E. L. Pearson 230

Report of tellers of election 236

Executive board 237

Council 242


Agricultural libraries 258

Catalog 259

Work with children 275

College and reference 300

Professional training 343

Public documents round table 352

Affiliated organizations:

American association of law libraries 362

League of library commissions 364

Special libraries association 382

Post-conference trip 386

Attendance summaries 392

Attendance register 393

Index 409



(Monday evening, June 23)

The PRESIDENT: The Thirty-fifth Annual Conference of the American Library Association begins this evening. Custom has decreed that the presiding officer shall deliver a message, and the present presiding officer has not sufficient independence of mind to depart from that long-established custom.


The World of Print and the World's Work


Turning for a text to Victor Hugo's stirring epic of Paris, these words may be found in the section for May, and in the third chapter thereof:

A Library implies an act of faith Which generations still in darkness hid Sign in their night, in witness of the dawn.

When Johann Gutenberg in his secret workshop poured the molten metal into the rough matrices he had cut for separate types, the instrument for the spread of Democracy was created. When early Cavaliers and Puritans planted the crude beginnings of free public schools, the forces of Democracy were multiplied. When half a century ago the first meager beginnings of the public library movement were evolved, Democracy was for all time assured. Thus have three great stages, separated each by a span of two hundred years from that preceding, marked that world development whose ultimate meaning is not equality of station or possession, but equality of opportunity.

Not without stress and strife have these yet fragmentary results been achieved. Not without travail and difficulties will universal acceptance be accorded in the days to come. But no one may doubt the final outcome which shall crown the struggle of the centuries. The world was old when typography was invented. Less than five centuries have passed since then, and in this interval--but a brief period in the long history of human endeavor--there has been more enlargement of opportunity for the average man and woman than in all the time that went before. Without the instrumentality of the printed page, without the reproductive processes that give to all the world in myriad tongues the thought of all the centuries, slavery, serfdom and feudalism would still shackle the millions not so fortunate as to be born to purple and ermine, and fine linen.


The evolution of the book is therefore the history of the unfoldment of human rights. The chained tome in its medieval prison cell has been supplanted by the handy volume freely sent from the hospitable public library to the homes of the common people. The humblest citizen, today, has at his command books in number and in kind which royal treasuries could not have purchased five hundred years ago. In the sixteenth century, it took a flock of sheep to furnish the vellum for one edition of a book, and the product was for the very few; in the twentieth, a forest is felled to supply the paper for an edition, and the output goes to many hundred thousand readers. As books have multiplied, learning has been more widely disseminated. As more people have become educated, the demand for books has increased enormously. The multiplication of books has stimulated the writing of them, and the inevitable result has been a deterioration of quality proportioned to the increase in quantity. In the English language alone, since 1880, 206,905 titles of books printed in the United States, have been listed, and 226,365 in Great Britain since 1882. Of these 433,270 titles, 84,722 represent novels--36,607 issued in the United States and 48,115 in Great Britain. Despite the inclusion of the trivial and the unsound in this vast mass of printed stuff, no one can doubt the magnitude of the service performed in the advancement of human kind. The universities have felt the touch of popular demand, and in this country at least some of them have attempted to respond. Through correspondence courses, short courses, university week conferences, summer schools, local forums, traveling instructors, and other media of extension, many institutions of higher learning have given recognition to the appeal of the masses. Logically with this enlargement of educational opportunity, the amplification of library facilities has kept pace. The libraries have become in a real sense the laboratory of learning. Intended primarily as great storehouses for the accumulation and preservation rather than the use of manuscripts and books, their doors have been opened wide to all farers in search of truth or mental stimulus.

In a report to the English King, Sir William Berkeley wrote as governor of Virginia in 1642: "I thank God there are no free schools nor printing, and I hope we shall not have them these hundred years; for learning has brought disobedience into the world, and printing has divulged them, and libels against the best government. God keep us from both."

Governor Berkeley's sentiments, expressed by him in turgid rhetoric, were held in his day by most men in authority, but that did not prevent the planting of little schoolhouses here and there, and men of much vision and little property bequeathed their possessions for maintaining them. Many a school had its origin in a bequest comprising a few milch kine, a horse or two, or a crop of tobacco; in some instances, slaves. From such beginnings, with such endowments, was evolved three hundred years ago the public system of education which today prodigally promises, though it but niggardly realizes, sixteen years of schooling for every boy and girl in the land.

If the span of years needed for the development of the free library system has been much shorter, the hostile attitude of influential men and the privations that attended pioneer efforts were no less marked. As recently as 1889 the writer of an article in the North American Review labeled his attack: "Are public libraries public blessings?" and answered his own question in no uncertain negative. "Not only have the public libraries, as a whole, failed to reach their proper aim of giving the means of education to the people," he protested, "but they have gone aside from their true path to furnish amusement and that in part of a pernicious character, chiefly to the young." And he added: "I might have mentioned other possible dangers, such as the power of the directors of any library to make it a propaganda of any delusive ism or doctrine subversive of morality, society or government; but I prefer to rest my case here."

And it was somewhat later than this that the pages of the Century gave space to correspondence in opposition to the establishment of a public library system for the city of New York.

These were but echoes of earlier antagonisms.


For the documentary material dealing with the beginnings of the public library movement, the searcher must delve within the thousand pages of a portly folio volume issued by the British government sixty years ago. If one possesses patience sufficient to read the immense mass of dry evidence compiled by a parliamentary commission and "presented to both houses of parliament by command of Her Majesty," some interesting facts in library history will be found. A young man of twenty-three, then an underling in the service of the British Museum, afterwards an eminent librarian, was one of the principal witnesses. Edward Edwards had the gift of vision. Half a century before public libraries became the people's universities, as they are today, his prophetic tongue gave utterance to what has since become the keynote of library aims and policies. Badgered by hostile inquisitors, ridiculed by press and politicians, he undeviatingly clung to his views, and he lived to see his prophecy realized.

Great libraries there had been before his day; remarkable as a storehouse of knowledge in printed form was, and is in our own day, the institution with which he was associated. But in these rich reference collections intended for the student of research, the element of popular use was lacking. To have suggested the loan of a single book for use outside the four walls of the library would have startled and benumbed everyone in authority--and without authority--from the members of the governing board to librarian, sub-librarians, and messenger boys. This stripling faced the members of parliament, and without hesitation proclaimed his thesis.

"It is not merely to open the library to persons who, from the engrossing nature of their engagements of business, are at present utterly excluded from it, but it is also that the library may be made a direct agent in some degree in the work of national education. Let not anyone be alarmed lest something very theoretical or very revolutionary should be proposed. I merely suggest that the library should be opened to a class of men quite shut out from it by its present regulations."

Then he added: "In such a country as this there should be one great national storehouse. But in addition to this, there should be libraries in different quarters on a humbler scale, very freely accessible."

One of the ablest members of parliament, William Ewart, of Liverpool, became intensely interested in the views expressed by young Edwards, and from that day was counted the consistent champion of library privileges for the common people. Largely through his instrumentality, aided by such men as Richard Cobden, John Bright and Joseph Brotherton, parliament passed an act "for the encouragement of museums." Out of this measure grew the later public libraries' act. This notable step was not accomplished without bitter opposition.

"The next thing we will be asked to do," said one indignant member on the floor of the House, "is to furnish people with quoits and peg-tops and footballs at the expense of taxpayers. Soon we will be thinking of introducing the performances of Punch for the amusement of the people."

Events in England influenced similar movements in the United States. In a letter to Edward Everett, in 1851, Mr. George Ticknor gave the first impetus to the establishment of a free public library in Boston--the first in the new world to be maintained permanently by the people for the people.

"I would establish a library which differs from all free libraries yet attempted," he wrote. "I mean one in which any popular books, tending to moral and intellectual improvement, shall be furnished in such numbers of copies that many persons can be reading the same book at the same time; in short, that not only the best books of all sorts, but the pleasant literature of the day, shall be made accessible to the whole people when they most care for it; that is, when it is new and fresh."

Sixty years after the date of Mr. Ticknor's letter, and chiefly within the last two decades of the period, the public library movement has assumed a place in public education, which, relatively, the public school movement attained only after three hundred years of effort. When Thomas Bodley died, in 1613, in all Europe there were but three libraries accessible to the public--the Bodleian, the Angelo Rocca at Rome and the Ambrosian at Milan. In 1841 the Penny Cyclopedia devoted about four inches of a narrow column to the subject of libraries, ancient and modern, and limited its reference to American libraries to one sentence, obtained at second hand from an older contemporary:

"In the United States of America, according to the Encyclopedia Americana, the principal libraries are, or were in 1831, that of Harvard College, containing 36,000 volumes; the Philadelphia Library, containing 27,000; that of the Boston Athenaeum, containing 26,000; that of Congress, containing 16,000, and that of Charleston, containing 13,000."

It is only since 1867 that the federal government has deemed it worth while to compile library statistics, and the first comprehensive figures were gathered in 1875. It is worth noting that then they embraced all libraries comprising 300 volumes, and that in 1893 no mention is made of collections containing less than a thousand volumes, while the most recent official enumeration makes 5,000 volumes the unit of consideration. From these official figures may be gleaned something of the extraordinary growth of libraries, both numerically and in size. In 1875, including school libraries there were 2,039 containing a thousand volumes, ten years later there were 4,026, ten years after that 8,000, and at this date there are in this class not less than 12,000, while the recorded number comprising three hundred volumes or more reaches the substantial total of 15,634, and 2,298 of these catalog in excess of 5,000 volumes each.


These figures show phenomenal growth, but even more impressive are the facts that give their full meaning in detail. From a striking compilation issued in Germany by Die Br�cke a few weeks ago, together with figures extracted by means of a questionnaire, supplemented by statistical material gathered by the Bureau of Education, the facts which follow have been deduced: Counting the great libraries of the world, the six continents abutting the seven seas possess 324 libraries whose book collections number in excess of 100,000 volumes each, and of these 79--or approximately one-fourth--are located in the Americas. Of the 79 American libraries 72 are in the United States, including university, public, governmental and miscellaneous institutions, with a combined collection of 19,295,000 volumes. If this statistical inquiry is pursued further, a reason becomes apparent why millions are starved for want of books while other millions seemingly have a surfeit of them. The rural regions, save in a handful of commonwealths whose library commissions or state libraries actively administer traveling libraries, the book supply is practically negligible. Even the hundreds of itinerating libraries but meagerly meet the want. All the traveling libraries in all the United States have a total issue annually less than that of any one of twenty municipal systems that can be named. The public library facilities in at least six thousand of the smaller towns are pitifully insufficient and in hundreds of them wholly absent. The movement to supply books to the people was first launched in the rural regions seventy years ago. Indeed the movement for popular education known as the American Lyceum, which forecast the activities of the modern public library just as the mechanics' institutes of Great Britain prepared the soil for them in that country, flourished chiefly in the less thickly settled centers of population. The early district school libraries melted away in New York state and Wisconsin and other states, and the devastated shelves have never been amply renewed. The library commissions are valiantly and energetically endeavoring to supply the want, but their efforts are all too feebly supported by their respective states. In this particular, the policy is that which unfortunately obtains as to all educational effort. More than 55 per cent of the young people from 6 to 20 years old--about 17,000,000 of them--live in the country or in towns of less than two thousand inhabitants. According to an official report from which this statement is extracted, there are 5,000 country schools still taught in primitive log houses, uncomfortable, unsuitable, unventilated, unsanitary, illy equipped, poorly lighted, imperfectly heated--boys and girls in all stages of advancement receiving instruction from one teacher of very low grade. It is plain why, in the summing up of this report, "illiteracy in rural territory is twice as great as in urban territory, notwithstanding that thousands of illiterate immigrants are crowded in the great manufacturing and industrial centers. The illiteracy among native-born children of native parentage is more than three times as great as among native children of foreign parentage, largely on account of the lack of opportunities for education in rural America." In Indian legend Nokomis, the earth, symbolizes the strength of motherhood; it may yet chance that the classic myth of the hero who gained his strength because he kissed the earth may be fully understood in America only when the people learn that they will remain strong, as Mr. M�nsterberg has put it, "only by returning with every generation to the soil."

If the states have proved recreant to duty in this particular, the municipalities have shown an increasing conception of educational values. The figures make an imposing statistical array. In the United States there are 1,222 incorporated places of 5,000 or more inhabitants, and their libraries house 90,000,000 volumes, with a total yearly use aggregating 110,000,000 issues. Four million volumes a year are added to their shelves, and collectively they derive an income of $20,000,000. Their permanent endowments, which it must be regretfully said but 600 of them share, now aggregate $40,000,000. Nearly all of these libraries occupy buildings of their own, Mr. Andrew Carnegie having supplied approximately $42,226,338 for the purpose in the United States, and the balance of the $100,000,000 represented in buildings having been donated by local benefactors or raised by taxation.

The population of these 1,222 places is 38,758,584, considerably less than half that of the entire United States. Their book possessions, on the other hand, are nine times as great as those in the rest of the country; the circulation of the books nearly twelve times in volume. Closer analysis of these figures enforces still more strongly the actual concentration of the available book supply. The hundred largest cities of the United States, varying in size from a minimum of 53,684 to a maximum of 4,766,883, possess in the aggregate more books than all the rest of the country together, and represent the bulk of the trained professional service rendered. The great majority of the 3,000 graduates whom the library schools have sent into service since the first class was organized in 1887, are in these libraries and in the university libraries. Forty per cent of the books circulated are issued to the dwellers in these one hundred cities, and in fifteen of them the stupendous total of 30,000,834 issues for home reading was recorded last year. Without such analysis as this, the statistical totals would be misleading. The concentration of resources and of trained service in large centers of population, comparatively few in number, makes evident the underlying cause for the modern trend of library development. A further study of conditions in these human hives justifies the specialized forms of service which have become a marked factor in library extension within a decade. With increased resources, with vastly improved internal machinery, with enlarged conception of opportunity for useful service, have come greater liberality of rules and ever widening circles of activity, until today no individual and no group of individuals, remains outside the radius of library influence. If this awakened zeal has spurred to efforts that seem outside the legitimate sphere of library work, no undue concern need be felt. Neither the genius or enthusiasm of the individual nor the enterprise of a group of individuals will ever be permitted to go too rapidly or too far: the world's natural conservatism and inherited unbelief stand ever ready to retard or prevent.


Specialization has been incorporated into library administration chiefly to give expeditious and thorough aid to seekers of information touching a wide variety of interests--business men, legislators, craftsmen, special investigators and students of every sort. This added duty has not diminished its initial function to make available the literature of all time, nor to satisfy those who go to books for the pure joy of reading. The recreative service of the library is as important as the educative, or the informative. For the great mass of people, the problem has been the problem of toil long and uninterrupted. The successful struggle of the unions to restrict the hours of labor has developed another problem almost as serious--the problem of leisure. Interwoven with this acute problem is another which subdivision of labor has introduced into modern industrial occupations--the terrible fatigue which results from a monotonous repetition of the same process hour after hour, day after day, week after week. Such blind concentration in the making of but one piece of a machine, or a garment, or a watch, or any other article of merchandise, without knowledge of its relationship to the rest, soon wears the human worker out. There must be an outlet of play, of fun, or recreation. The librarian need not feel apologetic to the public because perchance his circulation statistics show that 70 per cent of it is classed as fiction. If he wishes to reduce this percentage to 69 or 68 or 61, let him do it not by discouraging the reading of novels, but by stimulating the use of books in other classes of literature. But well does he merit his own sense of humiliation and the condemnation of the critics if he needs must feel ashamed of the kind of novels that he puts upon his shelves. To quote a fellow librarian who expresses admirably the value of such literature, "A good story has created many an oasis in many an otherwise arid life. Many-sidedness of interest makes for good morals, and millions of our fellows step through the pages of a story book into a broader world than their nature and their circumstances ever permit them to visit. If anything is to stay the narrowing and hardening process which specialization of learning, specialization of inquiry and of industry and swift accumulation of wealth are setting up among us, it is a return to romance, poetry, imagination, fancy, and the general culture we are now taught to despise. Of all these the novel is a part; rather, in the novel are all of these. But a race may surely find springing up in itself a fresh love of romance, in the high sense of that word, which can keep it active, hopeful, ardent, progressive. Perhaps the novel is to be, in the next decades, part of the outward manifestation of a new birth of this love of breadth and happiness."


Many of the factory workers are young men and young women, whose starved imaginations seek an outlet that will not be denied. In lieu of wholesome recreation and material, they will find "clues to life's perplexities" in salacious plays, in cheap vaudeville performances, in the suggestive pages of railway literature, in other ways that make for a lowering of moral tone. The reaction that craves amusement of any sort is manifest in the nightly crowded stalls of the cheap theaters. Eight million spectators view every moving picture film that is manufactured. It is estimated that one-sixth of the entire population of New York City and of Chicago attends the theaters on any Sunday of the year. One Sunday evening, at the instance of Miss Jane Addams, an investigation was made of 466 theaters in the latter city, and it was discovered that in the majority of them the leading theme was revenge; the lover following his rival; the outraged husband seeking his wife's betrayer; or the wiping out by death of a blot on a hitherto unstained honor. And of course these influences extend to the children who are always the most ardent and responsive of audiences. There is grave danger that the race will develop a ragtime disposition, a moving picture habit and a comic supplement mind.


It is perhaps too early to point to the specialized attention which libraries have given to the needs of young people as a distinct contribution to society. Another generation must come before material evidence for good or ill becomes apparent. That the work is well worth the thought bestowed, whether present methods survive or are modified, may not be gainsaid. The derelicts of humanity are the wrecks who knew no guiding light. The reformatories and the workhouses, the penal institutions generally and the charitable ones principally, are not merely a burden upon society, but a reproach for duty unperformed. Society is at last beginning to realize that it is better to perfect machinery of production than to mend the imperfect product; that to dispense charity may ameliorate individual suffering, but does not prevent recurrence. And so more attention is being given prevention than cure.

I gave a beggar from my little store Of well-earned gold. He spent the shining ore And came again, and yet again, still cold And hungry as before.

I gave a thought, and through that thought of mine, He found himself a man, supreme, divine, Bold, clothed, and crowned with blessings manifold, And now he begs no more.


If numbers and social and industrial importance warrant special library facilities for children, certainly the same reasons underlie the special library work with foreigners which has within recent years been carried on extensively in the larger cities. Last month the census bureau issued an abstract of startling import to those who view in the coming of vast numbers from across the waters a menace to the institutions of this democracy. According to this official enumeration, in but fourteen of fifty cities having over 100,000 inhabitants in 1910 did native whites of native parentage contribute as much as one-half the total population. The proportion exceeded three-fifths in only four cities. On the other hand, in twenty-two cities of this class, of which fifteen are in New England and the Middle Atlantic divisions, less than one-third of the population were native whites of native parentage, over two-thirds in all but one of these cities consisting of foreign-born whites and their children.

In his Ode delivered at Harvard, Lowell eloquently referred to

"The pith and marrow of a Nation Drawing force from all her men, Highest, humblest, weakest, all, For her time of need, and then Pulsing it again through them, She that lifts up the manhood of the poor, She of the open soul and open door, With room about her hearth for all mankind!"

This was written in 1865. Since then the rim of the Mediterranean has sent its enormous contribution of unskilled and unlettered human beings to the New World. There have been three great tides of migration from over-seas. The first came to secure liberty of conscience; the second sought liberty of political thought and action; the third came in quest of bread. And of the three, incomparably the greater problem of assimilation is that presented by the last comers. Inextricably interwoven are all the complexities which face the great and growing municipalities, politically and industrially and socially. These are the awful problems of congestion and festering slums, of corruption in public life, of the exploitation of womanhood, of terrible struggle with wretchedness and poverty. Rightly directed, the native qualities and strength of these peoples will bring a splendid contribution in the making of a virile citizenship. Wrongly shaped, their course in the life of the city may readily become of sinister import. Frequently they are misunderstood, and they easily misunderstand. The problem is one of education, but it is that most difficult problem, of education for grown-ups. Here perhaps the library may render the most distinct service, in that it can bring to them in their own tongues the ideals and the underlying principles of life and custom in their adopted country; and through their children, as they swarm into the children's rooms, is established a point of contact which no other agency could so effectually provide.

Under the repressive measures of old-world governments, the racial culture and national spirit of Poles, Lithuanians, Finns, Balkan Slavs, and Russian Jews have been stunted. Here both are warmed into life and renewed vigor, and in generous measure are given back to the land of their adoption. Such racial contribution must prove of enormous value, whether, as many sociologists believe, this country is to prove a great melting pot for the fusing of many races, or whether as Dr. Zhitlowsky contends, there is to be one country, one set of laws, one speech, but a vast variety of national cultures, contributing each its due share to the enrichment of the common stock.


Great changes have come about in the methods that obtain for the exercise of popular government. In a Democracy whose chief strength is derived from an intelligent public opinion, the sharpening of such intelligence and enlargement of general knowledge concerning affairs of common concern are of paramount importance. Statute books are heavily cumbered with laws that are unenforced because public opinion goes counter to them. Nonenforcement breeds disrespect for law, and unscientific making of laws leads to their disregard. So the earliest attempts to find a remedy contemplated merely the legislator and the official, bringing together for their use through the combined services of trained economists and of expert reference librarians the principles and foundation for contemplated legislation and the data as to similar attempts elsewhere. Fruitful as this service has proved within the limitation of state and municipal officialdom, a broadened conception of possibilities now enlarges the scope of the work to include citizen organizations interested in the study of public questions, students of sociology, economics and political science, business men keenly alive to the intimate association--in a legitimate sense--of business and politics, and that new and powerful element in public affairs which has added three million voters to the poll lists in ten states, and will soon add eleven million voters more in the remaining thirty-eight. The new library service centering in state and municipal legislative reference libraries, and in Civics departments of large public libraries, forecasts the era, now rapidly approaching, when aldermen and state representatives will still enact laws and state and city officials will enforce them, but their making will be determined strictly by public opinion. The local government of the future will be by quasi-public citizen organizations directing aldermen and state legislators accurately to register their will. When representative government becomes misrepresentative, in the words of a modern humorist, Democracy will ask the Powers that Be whether they are the Powers that Ought to Be. To intelligently determine the answer, public opinion must not ignorantly ask.


This has been called the age of utilitarianism. Such it unquestionably is, but its practicality is not disassociated from idealism. The resources of numberless commercial enterprises are each in this day reckoned in millions, and their products are figured in terms of many millions more, as once thousands represented the spread of even the greatest of industries. But more and more, business men are coming to realize that business organization as it affects for weal or woe thousands who contribute to their success, must be conducted as a trust for the common good, and not merely for selfish exploitation, or for oppression. As the trade guilds of old wielded their vast power for common ends, so all the workers gave the best at their command to make their articles of merchandise the most perfect that human skill and care could produce. Men of business whose executive skill determines the destiny of thousands in their employ, are growing more and more to an appreciation of the trusteeship that is theirs. A humane spirit is entering the relationship between employer and employed. Great commercial organizations are conducting elaborate investigations into conditions of housing, sanitation, prolongation of school life, social insurance and similar subjects of betterment for the toilers; but a brief span ago they were concerned chiefly with trade extension and lowering of wages, all unconcerned about the living conditions of their dependents. They too are now exemplifying the possession of that constructive imagination which builds large and beyond the present. For results that grow out of experience and of experiment they also are in part dependent upon the sifted facts that are found in print. The business house library is a recent development, and in ministering in different ways to both employer and employed, gives promise of widespread usefulness.


With the tremendous recent growth of industrialism and the rapid multiplication of invention, the manifest need for making available the vast sum of gathered knowledge concerning the discoveries of modern science has evolved the great special libraries devoted to the varied subdivisions of the subject. Munificently endowed as many of them are, highly organized for ready access to material, administered to encourage use and to give expert aid as well, their great importance cannot be overestimated. What they accomplish is not wholly reducible to statistics, nor can their influence be readily traced, perhaps, to the great undertakings of today which overshadow the seven wonders of antiquity. But there can be no question that without the opportunities that here lie for study and research, and--no less important--without the skilled assistance freely rendered by librarian and bibliographer, special talent would often remain dormant and its possessor unsatisfied. Greater here would be the loss to society than to the individual.


Thus the libraries are endeavoring to make themselves useful in every field of human enterprise or interest; with books of facts for the information they possess; with books of inspiration for the stimulus they give and the power they generate. Conjointly these yield the equipment which develops the constructive imagination, without which the world would seem but a sorry and a shriveled spot to dwell upon. The poet and the dreamer conceive the great things which are wrought; the scientist and the craftsman achieve them; the scholar and the artist interpret them. Thus associated, they make their finest contribution to the common life. The builders construct the great monuments of iron and of concrete which are the expression of this age, as the great cathedrals and abbeys were of generations that have passed. Adapted as they are to the needs of this day, our artists and our writers have shown us the beauty and the art which the modern handiwork of man possesses. With etcher's tool one man of keen insight has shown us the art that inheres in the lofty structures which line the great thoroughfares of our chief cities, the beauty of the skylines they trace with roof and pediment. With burning words another has given voice to machinery and to the vehicles of modern industry, and we thrill to the eloquence and glow of his poetic fervor.

"Great works of art are useful works greatly done," declares Dr. T. J. Cobden-Sanderson, and rightly viewed the most prosaic achievements of this age, whether they be great canals or clusters of workmen's homes worthily built, or maybe more humble projects, have a greatness of meaning that carries with it the sense of beauty and of art.

In medieval days, the heralds of civilization were the warrior, the missionary, the explorer and the troubadour; in modern times, civilization is carried forward by the chemist, the engineer, the captain of industry, and the interpreter of life--whether the medium utilized be pen or brush or voice. Without vision, civilization would wither and perish, and so it may well be that the printed page shall serve as symbol of its supreme vision. Within the compass of the book sincerely written, rightly chosen, and well used are contained the three chief elements which justify the library of the people--information, education, recreation.

The urge of the world makes these demands; ours is the high privilege to respond.

* * * * *

The PRESIDENT: We have a very interesting ending to tonight's program in that we have secured from eminent men and women in the United States and Great Britain brief expressions touching our own work. A circular letter was sent to a number of these eminent ladies and gentlemen represented in professional and business life, to the following effect:

"Librarians realize that they can profit from seeing themselves 'as others see them.' At the coming annual conference of the American Library Association to be held in Kaaterskill, N. Y., it is planned to present to the assembled librarians of the United States and Canada brief messages from leading thinkers and recognized authorities in the arts, sciences and letters, and in public life, commenting upon such library activities as are related particularly with their own special interests. Each message may take the form either of criticism or suggestion. We shall esteem it a privilege if you will consent to contribute to this symposium. While we shall be glad to hear from you on any phase of library work which most appeals to you, we venture to suggest the following topic for your comment: (Here was inserted a specific topic suggested for individual discussion.)

Sincerely yours,

HENRY E. LEGLER, President."

Most of these questions will be apparent as the answers are read. We have distributed these responses among a few of our own members who will serve as proxies for the most distinguished contributors to a program which the American Library Association, I believe, has ever had.

Selections from these letters were then read by Dr. Reuben G. Thwaites, Mr. C. B. Roden, Miss Mary Eileen Ahern and Mr. W. P. Cutter.

(The following is a list of the questions which were asked in these letters and the replies received follow.)

Are our public libraries succeeding in their effort to bring to men and women the "life more abundant?"

What can the library do to encourage the study of American history?

Should our public expect the library to supply all the "best sellers" hot from the press?

Are our public libraries making returns in service adequate to funds appropriated?

How could our tax supported public libraries be of greater usefulness to business men?

Is the negro being helped by our public libraries?

Does the public library do as much as it might to encourage the reading of the classics?

Is the public library helping to improve dramatic taste?

Is co-operation between the public school and the public library developing in the right direction?

Is the fiction circulated by our public libraries helping to enlighten the people on social and economic problems?

Is the public library a factor in the recent development of a public conscience?

Should the public library exercise censorship over the books it circulates?

What is a dead book?

What rank should the library have in the scale of the community's social assets?

What is your conception of the ideal librarian?

Is it wicked for our libraries to amuse people?

Are the art departments of our public libraries quickening the love for the beautiful?

Are our libraries helping to make better citizens of those from over-seas?

Is the modern city library engaging in activities outside its proper sphere, e. g., lectures, storytelling, art exhibits, victrola concerts, loan of pianola rolls, etc.?

Is the library doing as much as it might to be a true university to the people?

What do you consider the most valuable accomplishment of the public library movement in the past decade?

Need librarians apologize for circulating a large percentage of contemporary fiction?

New York, April 7, 1913.

Dear Mr. President:

You ask "what do you consider the most valuable accomplishment of the public library movement in the past decade?"


The spread of the truth that the public library, free to all the people, gives nothing for nothing; that the reader must himself climb the ladder and in climbing gain knowledge how to live this life well.


My father[1] has asked me to write to you in reply to your letter concerning the conference of the American Library Association to be held in Kaaterskill, N. Y. Neither my father nor I have any chance to see in any detail what our public libraries are doing to make life more abundant. One little incident, however, has come within my experience. The New York Public Library sends its discarded books to various hospitals and camps instead of destroying them. I have been able to get some of these discarded books for use in a Boys' Club here in Cornwall. They were well chosen for what I wanted and the boys have been responsive and interested in taking them out. This is simply one of the things that the public libraries are doing with the books they are through with and can use no more.

[1] Lyman Abbott.

Yours very truly,


London, England, April 15, 1913.

In reply to your letter of April 1st, written on behalf of the American Library Association, I do consider that to a certain extent the fiction circulated in the public libraries of the United States does help to enlighten the people on social and economic problems. But I am bound to say that I think that we novelists might do a very great deal more in this direction if we would avoid sentimentalizing the truth in order to make it seem more palatable, and also if we would adopt the habit of describing more completely the general social background against which our leading figures live and move.

Believe me, Yours faithfully,


Drama League of America, Chicago, Ill.

In the last three years the American people as a whole have begun to awaken to a realization of the vast importance of our amusements in the nation's life. We are realizing that we are far behind the other civilized countries in the development of our dramatic taste, and we are beginning to be uneasy over the danger of being too careless in regard to our recreation. The people at large are commencing to take a genuine interest in the problems presented by our theater, and the character of the plays they give.

We have arrived at a period of prosperity when we have time, at last, to pay attention to the arts, and especially the last to be developed, the dramatic art. We are uneasy over the conditions in our theaters today.

Vaguely the people as a whole are feeling around for one means or another to correct these conditions, to create a great national art and to restore drama to her proper place among the arts. One movement after another has aimed to meet these conditions--new theaters--municipal theaters, censorship laws,--every sort of reform. It has remained for the Drama League of America to place its finger upon the really vital issue. For the actual fault of the present situation lies with the easy going American public. You cannot create a New Theater without a public to support it; you cannot force art on an unwilling public no matter how large an A you use in spelling it. In fact, your reforms must begin the other side of the footlights; and if we are to have better plays upon our stage, if we are to do away with the meretricious plays now too frequently there, we must work with this great pleasure-loving good-natured public, and cultivate in it a taste for better drama.

We must create a demand for good drama and the supply will follow--the dramatist, actor and manager are only too willing to fall into line, if the public can be induced to refuse the worthless play and support better drama. The really vital and necessary thing is to secure a public which will enjoy and support good plays. Hence, it has become an important and basic matter to improve the dramatic tastes of the country. In fact, in the opinion of many, this is one of the great problems we have before us as a nation today.

Organized with this very object, the Drama League of America has worked for three years on the problem. In those three years it has discovered many things. One of these is, that there is a real and genuine response to the appeal of the written drama; that the message of the play need not be restricted to the city with a theater, but that through the printed play every community may be reached. Another point worked out by the league is the absolute assurance that the best and in fact the only way to improve the dramatic taste of the country is to inculcate a thorough knowledge of good drama--an intimate acquaintance with the best plays written. As many of these plays are rarely acted now, or if acted are confined to the big cities, the third point easily follows, that by means of the printed play we can gradually so inoculate the entire nation with a knowledge of good drama and what it really is that it will turn instinctively from the cheap and worthless play and demand better things. Consequently the first and most important matter is to make good drama accessible to every one. By spreading knowledge of the best plays of the past and present, all over the country, we are improving the dramatic taste of the nation and paving the way for better conditions in the theaters.

In this effort to increase the reading of plays the Drama League not unnaturally turned early in its career to the libraries, feeling itself largely dependent upon them for the full development of its work. The keenest response has come in return. Over 73 libraries are represented in our membership and keep on file the league literature. The testimony from these libraries is most encouraging. On every side we find the libraries eager to help in this development of public dramatic taste.

Since the only way to improve dramatic taste is by acquiring a thorough knowledge of plays, it is palpably apparent that the libraries can be the greatest possible help in this new movement. To illustrate concretely--The Drama League enters a medium sized town with one public library, inducing the two or three women's clubs to take up each a course in modern drama, interesting the teachers in the high school in the league's high school course, even persuading the grade school to do drama work with the younger pupils. Usually there are formed also several little reading circles. Of course, the first demand is for the published plays. The students flock to the libraries to get the desired dramas.

In Chicago the testimony has come many times that since the organization of The Drama League public interest has been so keen that the demand for dramas has been phenomenal. Is the library content merely to recognize this condition? By no means. The Drama Department has had to quadruple its supply, and even then is frequently obliged to hold the books in for reference only in order to meet the demand. But see what this has meant to the league to have that quadruple supply of the dramas demanded by its members. From Washington comes the testimony that the organization of the league has increased the demand for drama books; from Los Angeles came a large order for special dramas and reference books needed by our members. The Massachusetts State Library has offered to meet any demands made upon it. Librarians in various communities are officers and directors in this new movement.

May I suggest a few ways in which the libraries can help us? In the first place, it will be a real benefit to any community if its library will become a member of The Drama League and keep its literature on file. In this way the community is kept informed through the Drama League bulletins of the best current plays by its critical analysis; it has access also to the study courses and bibliographies on drama prepared by the league's experts. Secondly, it would be an inestimable help in this task of improving dramatic taste of the community if the library would be sure to have on hand all the dramas listed in our study and reading courses. Thirdly, if the libraries would arrange a handy shelf of worthy drama where "he who runs may read," where the passerby would be attracted by a drama and pick it up to read it, it might induce a taste for better plays, a knowledge of good drama in a previously heedless theater goer. In Evanston, Illinois, for three years this shelf has been maintained in the library by the Drama Club. Every few weeks a new selection of dramas is placed on this little book rack which stands near the main call desk. It is much used and very popular.

The library could also helpfully publish a separate list of its books on drama and dramas, or better yet arrange them in a separate section. Such a list is published yearly by the Evanston Library and several other libraries have recently adopted this plan--notably the Newberry Library, Chicago, and the Kansas City Library.

Another way in which the libraries can co-operate in raising dramatic taste, is by making it easy for the playgoer to read the dramas which have been published and are to be presented in his city. By co-operation with the Drama League the library might receive word in advance when a published worthy play is to be given in town. It could then see to it either that its copy of that play is withdrawn from circulation and held for reference only, or it could secure extra copies of the play to meet the extra demand. If it could be thoroughly understood that the library was doing this, interest in reading the play could be stimulated. For instance, the library could post a notice stating the coming of the play to town, side by side with the league bulletin or criticism of the play, and the announcement that it could be secured at the book shelf. With this active help of the libraries we might go far toward securing a trained dramatic taste on the part of our theater goers. There are several magazines of special value to the student of drama. It would be a very great help if the libraries made a special point of including these among their subscriptions and of listing them under the Drama Department--as for instance, the Drama Quarterly, and Poet Lore print in each issue a play which has never been printed in translation before, and which cannot be secured elsewhere. These are extremely valuable to the drama student. The Drama Quarterly, moreover, is especially adapted to the needs of the student of drama, and should be accessible to him. It aims to criticise the various books on drama and dramas of special excellence, also publishing notices of the most recent drama movements in this country and abroad. It is not used for league propaganda, but was taken over by The Drama League merely because it was in danger of being abandoned. Moreover, in Current Opinion and Hearst's Magazine are frequently printed very valuable portions of unpublished new plays. With every issue of L'Illustration is published a new French drama in French. It would be an excellent thing if the larger or better equipped libraries could excerpt the plays from these magazines and have them sewed up simply, each complete by itself, and kept with the other dramas. In this way the library could make an excellent modern drama department readily accessible to the league members, obtainable in no other way, and at very slight cost to the library.

A very important way in which the Library Association might help is one which may not be practical, but which your convention might be able to work out for us. It is in the nature of loan libraries. As we introduce our study courses into the small towns we frequently find no library facilities along our lines. One of our workers made an investigation of the Drama Department in libraries in small towns of five to ten thousand inhabitants in the Middle West, and found that without exception all of those she visited, had only Shakespeare and Faust, with occasionally a volume of L'Aiglon. It is easy to see how difficult it will be for clubs and individuals to take up a study of drama under such conditions. Is there any way in which the large state libraries can prepare a loan library at very slight cost, made up of books desired for this special work, which could be borrowed by the local library for the use of its clubs? Of course, in some states, as in Wisconsin and New York, and probably many others, this is covered by the traveling libraries; but there are very many where this is not so. Cannot the libraries go even farther in their effort to improve dramatic taste and meet the demand for dramas and books on dramas, a demand which the Drama League is attempting to create?

Several libraries in various cities, as notably Chicago and Washington, have opened their rooms for Drama League meetings. Cannot this be done in other cities? Surely any way in which you, as public institutions, can increase the interest in good drama, is a part of your proper function. The league work must go hand in hand with the libraries. Without you and your resources, your wisdom and your co-operation, we would be much crippled and sadly curtailed in our possibilities of achievements. On the other hand, now that the development of a national taste for better drama is becoming recognized as a necessity in order to effect any improvement in the conditions of our stage today, now that we fully recognize that the best way to create a better dramatic taste is by familiarity with the best in drama, now that we are working to make the reading of plays popular and wide spread, does it not become a very important branch of the library's activity to take every step possible to increase the reading of plays and the thorough knowledge of dramatic literature on the part of young and old?

The real opportunity is with the children. Here we can create a fine dramatic taste for the future, and here, too, the library can help. In your junior corner, can you not have the plays recommended on our junior list, as suitable for children in order that they may have them for their play acting? Can you not start a Junior League Drama Circle to read and act little children's plays, just as you have your story hour? In this way the library is helping us prepare the audiences of the future which shall not only support better drama, but being thoroughly inoculated with an instinctive dramatic taste, will positively demand worthy drama. So will the libraries and The Drama League, representing the universities, schools, clubs and individuals in general have aroused the public conscience to a realization of its responsibilities for the amusements of the people.

MARJORIE A. BEST (MRS. A. STARR BEST) President, Drama League of America.

The Macmillan Company, New York, N. Y.,

May 5, 1913.

In reply to your esteemed letter of May 2nd I may say that the matter which seems to me to be of the greatest interest to publishers, and possibly also to librarians, at the present time is the dissemination among the public at large of that correct information in regard to the ever increasing tide of new books which will enable the public to learn of really meritorious works which are published, and avoid the trash which is now being so freely distributed.

Almost the only way at the present time of reaching large numbers of book readers is through the libraries, and this seems sufficient excuse for bringing this, which seems to me to be the most important matter, to your notice and of begging that it may be given publicity among your fellow librarians in order that we may have suggestions for the solution of the difficulty.

GEORGE P. BRETT, President. * * * * *

Brown University, Providence, R. I.,

April 29, 1913.

In reply to your letter of April 21 I can only say that I am not familiar enough with the conduct of American libraries to make any new suggestions on the question you propose. I think the plan followed by the Providence Public Library is the best one to encourage the reading of the standard works of literature. It has, as you of course know, a pleasant room, easily accessible, in which attractive editions of the best authors can be read. Would it be feasible to supplement this plan by publishing, from time to time, interesting, short descriptions of standard books, giving prospective readers some notion of the subject and peculiar attraction of each--somewhat after the manner of publishers' alluring (or would-be alluring) notices of new books?

Yours sincerely,


Northampton, Mass., May 16, 1913.

Your letter of the fourteenth, inviting me to contribute to a symposium of thought concerning library work in America and suggesting the topic, "What is your conception of the ideal librarian," does me great honor. But it brings to my mind very clearly my inability to offer a definition which I could possibly hope would be enlightening or stimulating to a convention of librarians.

The library work of our present day has expanded into such liberal bounds and taken on such a missionary, and at the same time scientific, spirit that one who is merely its beneficiary cannot give himself the hardihood to offer words of criticism or of counsel. I know no work which shows such splendid contrasts to what it was when I began life as does the profession of the public librarian and the professional conception of the library's mission to the world.

It has been my great joy and honor to bring up a large family whose members are now separated and busy in the world's work and it gives me great pleasure to say of them, as of myself, that the modern management of public libraries has made life worth incalculably more than it could have been under the limitations of forty years ago.

With every good wish I beg to remain ever

Yours truly,


Santa Barbara, Cal., May 5, 1913.

It gives me great pleasure to attempt a brief answer to the question you suggest--"Is the fiction circulated by our public libraries helping to enlighten the people on social and economic problems?" I should be inclined to answer the question decidedly in the affirmative. In addition to the letters I receive from persons whose only access to modern fiction is through the public library, concerning my own work, I have, in the course of political campaigns, and in places in various parts of the country where I have made another sort of address, held many conversations with men and women in the audiences. These have interested me greatly. My own experience corroborates a fact to which I have heard several librarians attest (and it is to me the most hopeful phenomenon in our American life), that the American public--mainly through the libraries--is reading more widely and more intelligently than those who do not come into direct contact with a large portion of it guess. Four or five months ago I received a letter from a poor woman who lives on a farm near one of the larger towns of Massachusetts giving me a list of the books she had got from the library during the past year. She had read them all; and they included, in addition to two good biographies and Royce's "Loyalty," several of the best recent novels, both English and American, dealing seriously with the problems of modern life. And finally, the other day when I was in San Francisco, I had a long conversation with an ex-burglar who had served a term in the penitentiary, and who has reformed and has been for the last eight years making an honest living, on the subject of such novels as you mention. His comments on them were not only interesting but often valuable. His source was, of course, the public library. Hence, I am glad of this opportunity to pay my tribute to the librarian, and to express, as an American citizen, my appreciation of the work he is doing.


Bureau of Education, Washington, D. C. April 29, 1913.

The public libraries have no better opportunity for effective service than that offered through generous and intelligent co-operation with the public schools and especially with the high schools and the highest grades of the grammar schools. Ideas and ideals gained through reading in childhood and youth effect the character more fundamentally and more permanently, and determine moral conduct for a longer time than ideas and ideals gained later. It should also be remembered that children have more time to read than men and women immersed in the strong current of adult life.

The public library in every city and town should be open on the freest terms to all school children and they should feel that they have the heartiest welcome to it. Not only should the teacher encourage children to use the library; librarians should invite them to do so and make all possible preparations to serve them. There should be in the libraries a sufficient number of reading rooms to accommodate children of different grades. In these should be assistant librarians who know the very best in literature for children and youth and who know also how to deal with children and how to make the rooms attractive. It is all important that the reading rooms and those in charge be attractive, respected, liked, and loved. It is especially important that children be led to read those things that have permanent and eternal value. No one should be permitted to direct the reading of children who thinks it necessary to have books written down to them or who does not know that the greatest books are the simplest and the most wholesome. The children's librarians should also be whole minded and whole hearted people with a broad and interesting knowledge of the world and life. It will be fatal if they are narrow, prejudiced, sectarian, or over-provincial.

The public library should have the services of one or more good story tellers who know the best stories of the world and can tell them in an interesting way. As often as once a week at least there should be a separate hour for all the children. The children should, of course, come in sections--primary, grammar grades, and high school.

In addition to the services rendered as here suggested at the library, all the children in school or out should have library cards and for the convenience of the children every school building should be made a branch library for the use of children at least. I see no reason why it should not also serve as a branch library for the older people. It would not cost much to have some one or more teachers at each school serve as librarians under the direction of the librarian of the central library. Through the branch library at the school many parents and other older members of the family could be reached who never can be reached through the ordinary central and branch library buildings. Attractive statements about books, especially new books should be sent to the parents by the children and books might be ordered and returned through the children. It would not be difficult to induce pupils and teachers to arrange reading circles and clubs among the adult members of families living near the school, the books used by the reading circles to be ordered from and returned to the school branch library. Teachers and principals would also be willing to arrange for weekly meetings for the members of these reading circles and clubs, the meetings to be held at the school. Certificates and diplomas might be given for the reading of certain groups of books.

The library should own in sets books helpful to teachers and children in their studies and should, at the request of superintendents and principals, place sets of these in the several schools for use in school, but not to be taken out except over night or over Saturdays and Sundays and holidays.

Libraries should also own large collections of illustrative pictures and lantern slides. These should be cataloged as books are and lists of them should be in the hands of school superintendents, supervisors, principals, and teachers. The pictures and slides should be loaned the schools freely upon their request. School officers and teachers should be asked to assist in selecting these and all other collections for the use of children.

The library should serve in this way not only the schools of the city, but also the country and village schools in the counties in which they are located. Through the country schools more good can be accomplished, frequently, than through the city schools. Country boys and girls are more eager to read than city boys and girls. They have more time for it and will read better books. The library should have a direct relation with every school and every teacher in the county. Of course, the county should pay for this service, but it should have it whether it pays for it or not. The city cannot afford to withhold it. The city depends on the country for its prosperity and life. The children now in the country will make up a large part of the population of the city twenty or twenty-five years from now.

In many places the public libraries are doing all these things to some extent; in no place to as great an extent as is possible. By using to the best advantage the opportunities here suggested, public libraries may double their usefulness.

P. P. CLAXTON, Commissioner.

New York City, April 4, 1913.

The Negro American is being helped greatly by public libraries wherever he is given reasonable encouragement to enter them. Often in the North, he is not made to feel welcome in these libraries and in most of the public and private libraries of the South, he is rigorously excluded. It would seem that a statement from the American Library Association to the effect that the color line in literature is silly, is much needed at present.

Very sincerely yours,


Mayor's Office, Boston, Mass.

Of course, the financial return for money expended to maintain a public library cannot be definitely stated, as may be done in connection with municipal activities which deal solely with material things.

It is impossible to trace along commercial lines the influence upon the community of an institution whose prime purpose is not profit, is not even a product that can be expressed in terms of dollars, but is the enlargement of the individual life, and the promotion of higher standards of citizenship.

On the lowest and most sordid plane however, an institution like the Boston public library is worth many times its cost to the city merely on account of the number of persons from abroad who are attracted to the building as an example of monumental architecture, or because it contains exceptional works of art in its mural decorations, or who visit it as a museum of rare and interesting books. These visitors number thousands yearly; many of them stay in the city for several days, and their entertainment and their expenditure of money while they remain, add to the commercial prosperity of the city.

In somewhat the same way, but on a much higher plane, directly within the scope of the library function, numbers of students are yearly drawn to the city by the advantages the library offers for intellectual research. And the library enhances the importance and value of the various schools and colleges within our borders, by enlarging their intellectual resources.

In other directions the value of the library to the community is evident. The fact that it is here adds something to the value of every estate in the city. Persons seeking a desirable place of residence prefer a city or town which has good schools and a well-equipped and adequately supported library to a place without these institutions, even if no direct use is made by such persons of either. The influence of a good library on the general conditions in a community is therefore a profitable asset.

In assimilating the different elements of a mixed and rapidly growing population, the work of the library is obvious, and its results far outweigh their cost. And the increased efficiency of individuals, which the library promotes, has its effect in inestimable public benefits. For example, to take a single possible case out of many, here is a young man without money or influence but who has talent which, if properly fostered may become the source of power. Through the opportunities for study given by the public library he perfects an invention, or writes a poem, or enters a useful profession by means of which he ministers to the comfort and enjoyment of his fellow-men and confers honor upon this city. How can one over-estimate the social value of such lives, or the part which the library has played in their development? Such instances are by no means few, and unquestionably they supply an affirmative answer to the question as to whether or not the library is making an adequate return for its cost.


Chicago, Illinois, May 10, 1913.

Your question, "Is the fiction circulated by our public library helping to enlighten people on social and economic problems?" is one which I can answer promptly and affirmatively. Looking at fiction in the mass, it is without doubt an enormous educational influence. Leaving out of view for the moment the historical novel, or the sociologic novel, and taking merely the local novel, the novel which vividly portrays the life of a special village, or country, or nation, we find it of the greatest service in teaching the people of one country, or class, how the people of other countries and other classes live. Such books bring the ends of the earth together. They unite the north and the south, the east and the west, in common sympathy and understanding. They contribute very largely to the higher patriotism, as well as to the profounder social brotherhood.

It would be easy to criticise fiction for other and less valuable content, but speaking generally, I believe it to be second only to the stage in its power to affect the young student of life and manners.


Ithaca, N. Y., May 16, 1913.

You ask for comment--as "related particularly with their own special =interests=" and at the risk of being charged with "talking shop," I have been brutally frank. Yet I hope it will cheer these splendid workers for civilization.

The library is =not= "doing as much as it might to be a true University to the People." Books alone will not attract the insensitive or indifferent, nor will handsome buildings. Equal to other necessity of the library to be "a true university to the people," =is that of arousing interest, awakening curiosity and alluring into path ways that lead to books and reading=. I know of nothing better than to have cheap, popular, illustrated lecture courses that constantly refer to books and the special theme.

Does the local librarian or do active directors, attempt seriously to tap the knowledge of the local specialist, professional man, or public spirited speaker? Do the library people emphasize the necessity of close, personal contact, as far as possible, with the individuals and with the people? Libraries must be more human. No machinery, or salaried personnel, however costly or efficient, within chosen lines of activity, can do without that same human sympathy, which in other professions, is known to outweigh in value, all edifices, or the paid professional corps; yes, even in religion or philanthropy. Not all, but most libraries--and I have looked in, and at, and around many--are too self-centered.

Yet with this criticism, honestly called for and as honestly given, none can appreciate the librarian more than I. To guide youthful reading, warning as well as advising and alluring them to high flights, is to make the librarian's calling =second to none= in our complex civilization.

With all good wishes to the librarians of the United States and Canada.


P. S. Every library should have a lecture hall and not be afraid even of the "fit audience though few."

Clark University, Worcester, Mass., May 17, 1913.

My experience is a long one with university libraries, but I have had far less to do with public libraries.

The greatest need of the specialist and expert is help in finding all, and especially the latest, often very scattered, literature on the special point on which he is conducting his research, and I believe that in the future every academic library will have a few specialists with a good knowledge of languages, of Ph. D. rank, who can do just this. We have one such here, to whom my work owes more than to anybody else. If I ask her to find me, e. g., all the recent references on a topic, be it ever so special, including perhaps a score of archives and special journals, back for three or five years as I may specify, up to the latest arrival, I get this list, which always includes many things our library does not have, then take it to the librarian, who can generally get about everything by borrowing far and near. These, together with the resources here, are placed upon a table in an alcove where I can work or take the books home. This makes a perfectly ideal condition, and it is at the same time indispensable for advanced special work, and everything in a university library should be plastic to this end.

A public librarian, it seems to me, should study all the changing interests in a community or in special parts of it, and be able to print in the daily press whenever any topic is prominent a little article telling in a few lines the point of a few books or articles; e. g. a manual training high school is opened. The daily paper should state that the library has a good collection of literature up to date on that subject (if it has), and give a few points from a few of the best books, naming them. A few titles are not enough.

Another point that interests me greatly is the library story telling. I think more should be done, not less, in this line for children, and that books illustrating topics in geography, history, etc., should be not only laid before teachers but that the classes should meet there and have the things shown to them. Why does not the public library go into some of the wonderful illustrative material in the above and other topics, which is so characteristic of German schools, and of which American schools know almost nothing? Our educational Museum here has lately spent thousands of dollars and collected thousands of these illustrations all the way from wall pictures to bound pictures, illustrating material from primary grades up into college, which we loan as we do books to teachers, parents and others. There is a very great new departure possible here. Why does not your Association look into this? It has been a great find for us. And about everything in our large collection and its use, to my mind, might be done by public libraries although none of them that I know of has done much of anything along that line. I am

Very truly yours,


The University of Chicago, Chicago, May 16, 1913.

While I am not at all a specialist in library science and art, I am daily a debtor to your profession. In answer to the question--"What rank should the library have in the scale of the community's social assets?"--I should indicate the following hints of an argument: The income of every family is increased by the possession and use of a public library. This item is never found set down in the accounts of a family as a part of their income, and the students of budgets are too apt to overlook it; but all communal property, as lake fronts, parks, playgrounds, public schools, public free libraries and reading rooms, are so much addition to the enjoyments of all who have the taste and inclination to use them. As the library contains the very best thoughts of the greatest men and women of all time, I should say that the public free library is among the very highest possessions of the people.

When we consider the dangers of idleness or of a depraved use of leisure, and when we consider the splendid opportunity of spiritual growth which comes from intelligent and systematic daily use of the library, we must place this institution among the highest agencies of social amelioration and progress. Every year sees improvement in the administration of this noble trust by the professional custodians and administrators. There is manifest everywhere a spirit of courtesy, patience and enterprise, which does honor to this branch of the profession of educators. The librarian and his assistants are colleagues of instructors in all institutions of every grade, and those of us who are teaching feel ourselves to be under profound obligations to our companions in service.


Chicago, April 7, 1913.

I have your letter of April 2nd in which you are good enough to ask me to write a few lines on the topic: "Should the public library exercise censorship over the books it circulates?"

I suppose there is no question that the good public library should =have= somewhere in its shelves all books of serious intent, and should circulate in a restricted and properly guarded way =any= book no matter what its subject matter. So the question comes down to the propriety of circulating generally without restriction all sorts of books. I should hesitate to say that a public library should exercise no supervision over its circulation, although I myself have suffered from what I consider unjust and unmerited notoriety--due to the prescient sensibilities of certain librarians, as you know. But when you will admit the principle of censorship, the matter is a delicate one, of course. It would seem to me, for example, unwise to circulate freely books of medicine. As to fiction--or what publishers call "the general list" of books, I think an intelligent librarian should hesitate a long time before putting on his or her =index expurgatorius any publications= vouched for by the imprint of a =reputable= publishing firm. For such books have actually passed a severe censorship before being put out. I realize it is all a personal matter, for what to me is good red meat may be poison to my brother. I think, for instance, that such a novel as The Rosary is infinitely more pernicious than the Kreutzer Sonata, La Terre, or Germinal, but the average librarian wouldn't. So I am afraid the matter will have to stand just where it is today--a book will be censored as unfit or unclean according to the whim of the individual librarian. Presumably the public librarian is at least abreast of, if not superior in culture and idealism to his community, and as our communities improve our librarians will become persons of wider intelligence and culture than they are now in some cases and exercise their censorial powers with more real discrimination.

Apropos of this matter you may be interested to know that a few months ago the New York Post in an editorial protest against certain young American realists and their treatment of sex--instanced Mr. Howells and myself as examples of "clean American reticent realism!" This, after all the roar over "Together" is an amusing illustration of growth in critical opinion. Mr. Howells sent me the editorial but I haven't it with me.



P. S. My own views on the proper treatment of sex in fiction will be briefly touched upon in an article on American fiction to be printed in the Yale Review before long.

Chicago, May 17, 1913.

You ask me "is the fiction circulated by our public libraries helping to enlighten the people on social and economic problems?" That is a question which a librarian can answer better than any author. In general, it seems to me, magazine fiction is doing more in that line than book fiction. Some of the greatest circulations ever attained by periodicals have been built upon a shrewd knowledge of the American materialism. One editor voices it:--"Americans are interested about two-thirds in business, and one-third in love." That editorial policy has won in this country.

As to social and economic problems, more properly considered, I don't think fiction is doing much for the people. This really is the fault of the people, or of human nature, or rather of American human nature. I think we are one of the most neurotic and hysterical people in the world, which means that presently we shall be one of the most swiftly decadent people in the world. For this reason, we have sudden fashions in fiction. Just now we like to read about "action" of heroic sort--precisely as we pay to see baseball games instead of playing baseball ourselves. Also, we are for the time given over to a wave of erotic fiction, just this side of indecent. At one time we were crazy over historical fiction, before that, over dialect fiction, before that over analytical fiction. Therefore, I should say that our book fiction does not and cannot do much in the way of handling social and economic problems at the present day. Once in a while, we have a political novel, machine-made, and like all other political novels. Sometimes, we get a business novel, in turn like all other business novels. We don't have really very many thoughtful novels good enough to be called big. I fancy it would not pay authors to write them, or public libraries to buy them. We are having a period of business and political sack cloth and ashes, but, drunk or sober, broke or prosperous, the American character seems to me annually to grow more hectic and hysterical, and less inclined to care for big things and good stuff. Part of this is the fault of our newspapers, but most of it is our own fault. We care for making money and for little else, and we spend money whether we have it or not. The public libraries would be the natural agency for correcting some of these things, but frankly I don't know how they could do it.


New York City.

Why should not the libraries amplify the work they are already doing by the promotion of the public schools as well as libraries as social and civic centers? Schoolhouses should be constructed with all equipments for branch libraries, just as they are now equipped with gymnasiums and baths. The library should not be an accident in the public school; it should be an integral part of it. The schoolhouse is the natural place for the library. To it the children come daily--little messengers who would secure books from printed slips for their parents, too tired or too distant from the library to serve themselves. The library should be the school rest and reading room. It would relieve the tedium of regular school work. It would lend variety to education; it would enrich it and beautify it.

In addition, great economy would be effected by converting the school into a library; there would be a saving in construction, in maintenance, in operation. The fine social sense of the modern librarian would have a reaction on education and would lead to other activities being introduced into the schools.

The American library is the model of the world in many ways. It has led the movement for the widening of public services to old and young. It is one of the most inspirational achievements of the American city, and it could do a substantial service by promoting the social center idea, which is so actively engaging the minds of people all over the country.


New York, N. Y. April 30, 1913.

In response to your kind invitation to send a brief message on the subject--"Can public libraries legitimately attempt amusement as well as instruction of the people?" I would reply to the affirmative. If literature is an art, and if libraries are to be as they should be--reservoirs of literature--they surely cannot be complete without giving an important place to arts' most human appeal, amusement. The novel, invented to amuse, stands today as the vital force in literature. Of course, by "amusement" I do not mean a vaudeville. Shakespeare wrote to amuse; and if he does not offer a popular line today it is because modern writers are better chosen to amuse our century. Indeed, if you remove the fiction department--the amusement section--from your library you reduce it to the plans of a machine--an admirable machine, perhaps--but without a human soul to drive it.


Carnegie Institution of Washington,

Washington, D. C., June 5, 1913.

The specific question which you propound, "What can the library do to encourage the study of American history?" is one which I suppose must have very different answers for different sorts of libraries. In the case of libraries of moderate size in small cities, it has sometimes appeared to me that the money used in the purchase of books on American history was too exclusively used in buying the less expensive sort of books, those in one or two or three volumes, of which it is perfectly easy to get a considerable number out of each year's appropriations; while on the other hand, the purchase of certain books of value in expensive sets was never made, because it could not easily be made in any one given year. If the purchasing policy were given a somewhat longer range, extending over several years, one might plan to redress this inequality. To avoid speaking as if I were recommending any one long set of Americana for purchase, let me adduce as an instance a library of forty or fifty thousand volumes with which I am familiar which has in the past twenty years bought a great many books of English history, without ever yet having afforded the purchase of the =Dictionary of National Biography=, obviously because it was too large a morsel for any one year's budget.

If I were to proceed to make any suggestion for the larger libraries, I might select for comment the relative lack of co-operation among such libraries in respect to the pursuit of the more expensive specialties. It is plain that the interest of students are, in respect to restricted specialties of this class better served on the whole by their being able to find relatively complete collections in one place, rather than scattered fragments of such collections in various places. The ambition of libraries for possession might well be tempered by some closer approach to systematic organization of these things, whereby certain ones should be recognized as belonging plainly in the field of a certain library without competition on the part of the others. I am speaking, of course, of things which only a few students are seeking, and which they must expect to seek by travel, and not of those things for which there is a separate effective demand in every large city.

May I also suggest the question whether it is not a legitimate use of the funds of a public library to pay recognized experts, resident in its city or summoned from elsewhere, to go over the shelves relating to a particular subject and carefully signalize those gaps which are almost certain to occur; to name, in other words, any important books which have been omitted but which are necessary to make the collection a well-rounded one for the needs of the particular locality as the librarian sees them. I think also that university and college libraries are particularly in need of such periodical redress, because professors are so prone to request books needed for the immediate purposes of their classes, and to exhaust their appropriations by such requests, forgetting the need of building up rounded collections for general purposes; and the librarian, on his part, feels a certain delicacy about suggesting books for which the professor has evinced no desire, though often he will agree they were desirable, if their absence were called to his attention. Believe me


Hadley, Mass., May 20, 1913.

I have your recent letter asking for some brief comment on such phase of library work as most appeals to me.

At present, in accord with the trend of current thought in other matters, I am inclined to lay stress on efficiency; and under that head I would urge that librarians, especially in the smaller places, do much strenuous and persistent weeding among the books that find their way to the shelves. Feed the furnace with the books that are no longer useful in your particular library, or in some other way absolutely dispose of them.

Much of the fiction, both for grown-ups and young people, should go, after the first interest in it has waned. Many also of the information books decline in value with the passing years and should not remain a permanent incubus. Very few of the government publications are of practical use in the average library.

We have altogether too much veneration for printed matter. Library housecleanings to discard the literary rubbish and misfits are a real need. Quality is decidedly more important than quantity, if you would have charm and the widest usefulness.


April 11, 1913.

In response to your kind letter of April 5th, and after refreshing my mind by consultation with librarian friends, with your kind permission I may say a word on the theme, "That librarians should sometimes take account of stock," that they should consider the reasons for their existence and find out how nearly their present day activities coincide with the purposes for which they are established.

With one or two notable exceptions public libraries in the United States are a development of the last quarter of the 19th Century. Until about 1895, or possibly 1900 the efforts of librarians were directed toward perfecting methods of administration, cataloging, etc. Then having arrived at mutual agreement as to forms of procedure they devoted themselves more and more to library extension. They realized that only fractions of their respective communities were in touch with the libraries. In a city of 400,000 inhabitants perhaps 40,000 or 10 per cent would make use of library privileges, and the circulation of a million volumes per year meant the use of only 2-1/2 books per year for each inhabitant. Then commenced the era of branch libraries, deposit stations, libraries in schools, libraries in factories, in fire-houses; a resort to every possible means to extend usefulness of the library throughout the whole community. Not satisfied with these expedients other forms of extension are being adopted. I am told that "one library publishes a weekly paper heralding the advantages of its city. It has established a business man's information branch, compiled an index to the products manufactured within the city, and holds itself ready to give information as to where the best tennis balls, suit cases and everything else can be purchased." Undoubtedly this is a public convenience, but it seems to be getting a little away from original library purposes. There is a tendency for libraries to so scatter their energies that they lose sight of the main objects of their being. They exhibit the same tendency which can be seen in the curricula of many colleges which offer courses upon every conceivable subject, the lasting value of which to those who pursue them is certainly questionable.

Libraries are not exempt from the prevalent tendency of municipal, state and federal agencies to extend their activities and increase the burden of taxes. It is safe to say that in many public libraries the budgets have been more than doubled in the last 15 years. It is a question whether the real service to the community has gained in proportion. It is not necessary to make hourly deliveries to downtown delivery stations of the latest thing in fiction, but it is essential that the libraries should do their utmost to maintain ideals. The library which has set apart in a separate room a collection of standard literature has performed a notable service for its community and furnished an example worthy of imitation. It is a part of the best work of the library to assist in perpetuating only that which is worthy of survival.


The French Embassy,

Washington, D. C., May 8, 1913.

On the question you put me: "Are our libraries helping to make better citizens of those from over-seas?" I must decline to give an answer. It would be somewhat bold on the part of one who is not himself a citizen of this country and whose opportunities have been scant, for studying such a problem, to express an opinion.

Concerning librarians, as such, I may say that my experience with them, under many climes and skies, has ever been of the pleasantest. Their keeping company with the thinkers and writers of all times, spending their days in those temples where the wisdom, the folly, the dreams, the beauty of ages is stored for the contemplation or warning of succeeding generations, gives them, of whatever nationality they be, a philosophical turn of mind, a benevolent desire to help, a friendliness to the untutored who want to know more. For me they are the typical men of good will for whom there will be peace.

Believe me,


Chicago, May 5.

"Can public libraries legitimately attempt amusement as well as instruction of the people?" Since you ask me the question, I feel obliged to answer it in all seriousness. In my opinion the public library ought not to be turned into a place of amusement. Let us have this one institution left as a refuge from amusement. The general desire of the public to be amused has caused it to become almost impossible for one to go anywhere or see anything without becoming conscious of the fact that the first and generally the sole purpose of everything is to amuse. The preachers make their sermons amusing, the poets make their poems amusing, the artists make their pictures amusing, the merchants make their shops amusing; one cannot eat in a public place without being amused. Steamships and railway trains are operated for the amusement of passengers; every vacant storeroom will by tomorrow have become a place of amusement and plans are already being made to convert funerals into amusing affairs. Spare to us the one place in which we may hope to escape from amusement. Let the public library remain grand, gloomy and peculiar.


Chicago, April 9, 1913.

In reply to your letter of April 5, 1913, would say--The modern city library is covering a most desirable field in meeting the needs of a large element of the public, which looks to it almost exclusively for information along library and allied lines. A popular library should be able to supply information on all subjects of a general character and should not proceed along lines of reference facilities except in a general way. This ground is covered by private gifts and educational institutions. The city library should, it seems to me, be constituted along liberal lines, adapted to entertain as well as instruct. Any means adapted to stimulate the public desire for the use of its privileges properly guarded, cannot fail to be of general benefit. Thus lectures, story telling, art exhibits, and even victrola concerts, loan of pianola rolls, etc., may serve to induct the mind into the wealth of knowledge embraced within its wonderful collection of books. The portals of the city library should be made insidiously alluring, with the expectation that once within them, the reader will go farther.


Northampton, Mass., June 12, 1913.

To My Fellow Workers in Libraries, Greetings:

I always feel a little bashful when I go into a strange library as I sometimes do and happen on a librarian who confronts me with things I say about librarians in the "Lost Art of Reading." Usually I speak up quite quickly and say to a librarian, "Oh, but you know I do not mean YOU!"

But in speaking as I am now to all the librarians there are in the United States and Canada this seems to be inconvenient.

I am afraid that if there were any nice thoughtful benignant way of taking each librarian in this great mass meeting, of all the librarians there are, one side and whispering to him quietly, "Oh, but you know I do not mean YOU," I would probably do it!

But being driven to it and being faced out this way as I am today, two or three thousand to one, there seems to be nothing for it but to face the music and to look you in the eye a minute and say once for all, "I DO mean you, I mean each of you and all of you," and I accuse you of not taking immediate, powerful and conclusive steps to convince donors of libraries and the public of the rights of librarians, of your right to perform your duties under decent, spiritual conditions as members of a high and spirited calling, as professional men and women, as artists and as fellow human beings and not as overworked, under-assisted, weary servants of books.

The charges against the library donors and managers that I brought out in my new book "Crowds," more particularly the chapters, "Mr. Carnegie speaks up," and "Mr. Carnegie tries to make people read," are charges that are going to be answered most successfully by people who admit that they are largely true and who will then proceed tomorrow, before everybody, to turn them into lies. The sooner the librarians and trustees and public men of this country proceed to make what I am saying today about public libraries hopelessly ridiculous and out-of-date, the sooner I will be happy.

If I were to move into a strange community and wanted to be a valuable citizen in it, the first thing I would do would be to go to the public library and ask the librarians and their assistants this question, "Who are the interesting boys in this town?"

If the librarians could tell me I would linger around, and in one way or another, get acquainted with those boys, follow them up and see what I could do to connect them with the men with the books, and ideas and ambitions and opportunities that belong to them.

If the librarians could not give me a list of such boys I would ask them why.

If they told me that they had not time to attend to such things I would ask the trustees why.

If the trustees had not selected librarians naturally interested in boys and books and had not provided such librarians with the necessary assistants so they would have time and spirit to do such things I would turn to the people and I would challenge the people to elect trustees for their library who knew what a library was for.

I sometimes think of the librarian in a town as the Mayor Of What People Think, and if he does not have time to read books and to love ideas and inventions in himself and in other people and does not take time to like boys and get the ideas and boys together, he cannot be in a town where he lives, a good Mayor Of What People Think.

We shall never have great libraries in the United States until the typical librarian exalts his calling and takes his place in our modern life seriously--as the ruler of our civilization, the creator of the environment of a nation and as the dictator of the motives and ideals of cities, the discoverer of great men and the champion of the souls of the people.

I candidly ask you all: What is there that can be done in America in the way of letting librarians keep on being folks?

One almost wishes that all the members of the library association of America would write to Andrew Carnegie, snow him under with letters from the nation, asking him to try the experiment of having at least one of his libraries in the United States fitted up as elaborately and as elegantly with librarians as it is with dumb waiters, marble pillars, book racks and umbrella stands.

When we go into a library--some of us--we want to feel our minds being gently exposed to cross-fertilization. We may not want librarians to throw themselves at us--come down plump into our minds the minute we enter whether or no, but we do want when we come into a library to be able to find (if we steal around a little), eager, contagious, alluring librarians who can make people read books and from whom people cannot get away without reading books. Every library ought to be supplied with at least one librarian in each department, stuck all over with books, like burrs, so that nobody can touch him or be near him without carrying away a book on him that he's got to read and that he will long to read and will read until somebody drives him to bed!

Faithfully yours,


Northampton, Mass.

Greetings and good wishes to the men and women who hold the keys:

I saw in England, last year, a very old library where the books are chained to the shelves. They have always been chained there; at first because they were valuable and human nature was weak, and now to preserve the tradition. But in general, either because the value of books is less or because human nature is less weak, we trust our public with its books unchained. The shelves of most libraries, I understand, are open freely and the loss of books is small--small enough to be disregarded, you tell me, in relation to the general good.

And not only is the public freely admitted. In Northampton I have seen, many times, the books put on wheels and traveling out to the public; they are in a kind of clothes-basket set on a truck with tiny wheels; and the janitor trundles the truck to the trolley, and the trolley carries the books to Leeds or Florence or Williamsburg, it may be--I do not know their destination. I only see them traveling away on wheels. This is only A-B-C to all of you. Most of you could tell me much more interesting things that libraries are doing. Some of you have already seen that it is not enough to put the books on wheels and trundle them out to the public, but that the public itself must be followed and captured. You tell me that in the future the library that would be really up-to-date must catch its readers where it can and chain books to them.

Presently we shall need wings to follow life and bring it back to its books. For life moves swiftly; and you who hold the keys and who are putting books on wheels and sending them out will not stop till the life in books and the life of the world are come together again. Presently we shall all work for this. You have freed the books, you have sent them out, you have reached out to give them to us freely. Presently you will unlock the books themselves and open the pages; and the time when a child studied only a few books will belong to the past; the living use of books will be a part of the life of every child that is born into the world. Presently we shall all work together for this--with you who hold the keys.


New York, N. Y., April 3rd, 1913.

I'd like to do as you request--but I have no facts to contribute. I feel sure that the public library is doing much to improve dramatic taste--but I can't adduce any evidence.


Philadelphia, Pa.

The librarian's constant difficulty is now, what shall a library try to collect, what shall it keep? This has become a grave question. Being myself book greedy, a gourmand of print, I am a poor judge of what to reject.

Soon or late the average man, who is presumed to represent common sense, will ask, "What is the use of these accumulations of books?" This average man can never consider a library with comment of imagination. A book is for him a book, whereas for you or me a book is a saint, a hero, a martyr, a fool, a seraph of light bearing science. Let us drop him with a word of scorn. We shall not ever understand one another. Nor would he have the faith in books of that Samonicus who, for the cure of a tertian fever in the Emperor Gordian, ordered the fourth book of the Iliad to be applied to the head of the patient. That has long puzzled me--why the fourth? But Mr. Average awaits a quotation. A voice out of the splendid day of Elizabeth shall say it: "Sir, he hath not fed of the dainties that are bred of a book; he hath not eat paper, as it were; he hath not drunk ink."


The Nation,

New York City, May 5th, 1913.

I fear you must be charging me with discourtesy for delaying so long my reply to your letter of April 19th. I have in fact had the intention of writing to you rather fully on the subject of public libraries and best sellers, for use in your conference in Kaaterskill. One obligation after another, however, has kept me from doing this and now I can only express to you briefly my conviction that the public library ought by no means to undertake "to supply all the best sellers hot from the press." It has always seemed to me that the office of any institution such as the library is as much to direct and restrain public taste as it is to supply what is demanded.

With regret that I cannot reply at greater length to your flattering request for my opinion, I am

PAUL E. MORE, Editor.

Washington, D. C., May 17, 1913.

When your letter came I was, I believe, away from home. At least I never had an opportunity to answer it until just now, having been absent a good deal since its date. Although you do not set the time of the coming conference, I assume that it is not too late to answer your question and I am writing now simply to acknowledge receipt of your letter. I will, however, say that I believe that the circulation of fiction by our public libraries does help to enlighten the people on all problems whatsoever, for, in the first place, fiction contains many of the standard novels which certainly have a tendency for good; and secondly, however trashy novels are, in the main they have an educating effect.


4 Newbury Street, Boston, Mass., April 29, 1913.

I cannot better comply with your request (made on behalf of the American Library Association) than by giving you a leaf from my own experience of twenty-five years, as President or managing director of a rural library, which serves the public in a mountain town where I chiefly reside, and yet is a private institution, receiving no aid whatever from town or state. And my message is to libraries of small means and resources, so situated that trained librarians or assistants are not to be had.

We have by this time about 5,000 volumes, all obtained through gift or purchase, of which less than half are works of fiction; and the list, on the whole, includes most standard works. From one benefactor we have a good stone building, erected last year upon a lot of our own; and by the time the testamentary provision of another benefactor takes effect hereafter we shall have an endowment fund ample enough to place our institution upon a permanent footing of liberal expenditure. Hitherto our annual income has been small and met by life memberships, special entertainments and personal gifts, in which summer visitors and the townspeople combine.

In order that our books should be classified but without too much effort I introduced, some years ago, the following scheme: A, denotes works of fiction; B, biography, history, travels, etc.; C, poetry, essays and miscellaneous; P, periodicals and pamphlets (by bound volumes or in cases); R, books of reference. Juvenile books under these respective heads are marked by an added J.

We have no card catalog and find our patrons served more to their liking, and perhaps more economically, by issuing printed lists, frequently, which give the author and the title simply; the number, and letter, as printed, indicating the subject. About 1905 a pamphlet catalog was brought out which gave our list complete to that date. Since that time, supplement lists have been printed at convenience; while the latest books are always posted in the library on written sheets. When the supplements become sufficiently numerous we expect to issue a second full pamphlet catalog; and so on. We cannot pay for expert assistance to keep up a card catalog properly, with our present means; and what our patrons most want is to have individual printed lists that they can readily consult.

About 90 per cent of our circulation consists of A or AJ books, but we try to increase the demand for the B and C books. So, too, the books most eagerly sought are those last added, but we encourage the reading of standard authors wherever we may.


Indianapolis, Ind., April 24, 1913.

"Is the fiction circulated by our public libraries helping to enlighten the people on social and economic problems?"

George Meredith, in a letter written in 1884, said:

"I think that all right use of life, and the one secret of life, is to pave ways for the firmer footing of those who succeed us.... Close knowledge of our fellows, discernment of the laws of existence, these lead to great civilization. I have supposed that the novel, exposing and illustrating the natural history of man, may help us to such sustaining roadside gifts."

Merely "entertaining" fiction is comparable to vaudeville or to tight-rope walking; its use may be to amuse the tired laborer of all sorts; its overuse, however, tends to become a habit and produce flaccid minds. Save for this, all fiction which depends on "plot"--always a hash of used meats--or on farcical or melodramatic "situation," is almost negligible. But on the whole, and because of this flaccidity, I believe, it would be a good thing if all merely "entertaining" fiction could be destroyed.

A very small portion of that fiction which is produced by artists seeking to know and reveal life, deals with economic problems. Except for the work of a few writers (Mr. H. G. Wells, for instance,--he includes economic discussions) it concerns itself with social relations and "the natural history of man." Its circulation must certainly help to enlighten people upon social problems. Here I must fail you, for I do not know what type of fiction has the circulation you mean; the most general circulation, I take it. A novel is helpful as it is a revelation of truth; it is always harmful when it is written from a false or assumed point-of-view; it is very likely to be harmful when it is founded upon shallow observation or a cocksure philosophy. Most of the fiction produced in our country today is founded upon nothing except the desire to circulate; therefore it shouldn't!


Elizabeth, N. J., May 16, 1913.

The question you ask is not debatable. The public library is among the foremost aids the American boy has today. As great a help as the library is the librarian. Much depends upon his personal interest, enthusiasm, judgment, appreciation of the book and the boy. "The man behind the book," provides the power.

Librarians undoubtedly are a help not only to the boy, but to the writer of boy's books. But like all other classes there are librarians and librarians. Some are efficient, some too theoretical, some visionary, some without the capacity to understand the normal boy, and a few are deficient. As far as I have observed, the limitations of the librarians are not so much in their knowledge of books as in their understanding of boys. Every profession has its special peril. The minister may become dogmatic, the judge autocratic. The peril of the purely bookish man is that of becoming a prig. The pre-conceived opinion of what a boy ought to be sometimes prevents the discovery of what he really is. Among some there is a tendency to magnify the unusual boy at the expense of the normal boy. Such librarians would confer a benefit if they would discover what has become of the prodigies of our boyhood.

It is sometimes forgotten that boys must be led into better reading, not forcibly transplanted. There are steps and stages in this journey as in every other. A taste for good reading is something to be cultivated, not forced. A healthy boy has about the same appetite for observing the ready-made opinions of his superiors that he has for donning the made-over garments of his ancestors. Many librarians understand the boy as well as the book. The combination is fruitful, and divorce here has its own penalty as well as elsewhere. If the American boy (as in many places he is) can be made to feel that the librarian as well as the library are for his benefit, a double good will result.



Arlington, Mass., May 29, 1913.

In reply to the question proposed to me by your Association, "Is the public library helping the boy to become a useful man?" I reply emphatically in the affirmative. Of course, the degree of helpfulness must depend largely upon the library, and still more upon the character of the boy. To one of low tastes, with no ambition beyond the hour's indulgence, the finest library will have little meaning; but to one having a thirst for knowledge, and aspirations for self-improvement, access to any fairly well chosen collection of books cannot but prove of inestimable service in stimulating and developing his nobler qualities. My own early experience convinces me of this. In my recollections of a backwoods boyhood ("My Own Story," pages 44-46) I have told something of my indebtedness of a small subscription library, in which were found the works of a few great writers, among those Byron, Shakespeare, Plutarch, Cooper, and Scott, and a History of England, which was the first book I turned to after reading "Ivanhoe." The world was transformed for me by the poets and romancers that smiled on me from those obscure shelves. I repeat here what I once wrote of that golden opportunity of my boyhood. The town has a vastly more attractive and comprehensive library today; but the value of such an institution depends, after all, upon what we ourselves bring to it. The few books that nourish vitally the eager mind are better than richly furnished alcoves amid which we browse languidly and loiter with indifference. This is true alike of the boy and the man.


Toledo, Ohio, May 14, 1913.

You ask, "Is the public library a factor in the recent development of a public conscience?"

I suppose that by the term public conscience you mean that undoubted quickening of the public sense, shall we say public decency?--which America has felt in the last ten years, though as yet it has undertaken no fundamental reforms, and is too apt to degenerate into a mere hue and cry after some individual whom it would make a scape-goat for the sins of the people.

Now, in the development of this feeling, or of this public conscience, it is doubtful whether the public library has been much of a factor. It depends altogether upon the librarian. There are a few instances, no doubt, in which the public library has had this effect, and there are many librarians in the country who, as wise and intelligent men like yourself, are interested in vital subjects, and therefore able to interest others in them. By a judicious exposure of books these subjects are made so inviting and so attractive that the patrons of the library are led on and on in an ever widening exploration of the subject. The library does offer to any one who wishes to make inquiry the opportunity of gratifying his desires, and in this way it no doubt exercises a considerable influence. There is a profound and tremendous influence, silent and indirect, from its mere existence, its mere presence, which must do good in a city, just as in a home in which there are many books, even though they were never read, there is the atmosphere of culture. The librarian, however, should be a sort of teacher, helping the public mind, assisting in the development of the public conscience, for I fear that the public, if left to themselves, would rather read the six best sellers, and in the realm of general ideas engage, to recall a phrase of Henry James "in the exercise of skipping."



(Tuesday morning, June 24, 1913)

The PRESIDENT: We are to start this morning with the committee reports. Unless, however, undue objections are made we shall read these by title and, like the members of Congress, ask leave to print. A number of them indeed are in printed form and have been distributed and you have doubtless found them on the chairs as you entered the hall. I may say that some of these reports are unusually strong in that they represent the work of a year of very careful thought and investigation by their members. If you will take the time, either at this conference or after you get home, to read these reports, you will greatly profit from the labors of these respective committees. The printed reports comprise those of the secretary, the treasurer, the trustees of the endowment fund, the publishing board, the committee on bookbinding, the committee on bookbuying, the committee on federal and state relations; and reports have also been received in manuscript, by the secretary, from the committees on co-operation with the National Education Association, library administration, library training and work with the blind. Unless it is requested that any particular one of these reports be read at this time we shall pass them over and commit them to the secretary for inclusion in the printed conference proceedings.

The above mentioned reports are here printed in full.


The third report of the present secretary and the fourth since the establishment of a headquarters office is here submitted to the association. The material conditions of headquarters are practically identical with those reported a year ago; we are still the recipients of the generosity of the board of directors of the Chicago public library, the large room furnished free by them being more and more appreciated as we compare our commodious quarters with those greatly inferior where a rent is charged which would be prohibitive to the funds of the A. L. A. For the continued courtesy and unfailing kindness of the librarian of the Chicago public library and his able staff I cannot find adequate words. It is unquestionably a decided advantage for the executive office of the A. L. A. to be in close proximity to a large reference collection and to a competent corps of library experts. In these respects we are fortunate not only in the Chicago public library, but also in the John Crerar and Newberry libraries which so admirably supplement each other in forming reference facilities of a high order.

The routine work of the year has much of it so closely resembled in kind that of last year that the secretary feels it unnecessary to rehearse it again in detail, but respectfully refers inquiry on this point to his report at the Ottawa conference. In quantity it is rapidly increasing; there are more letters to write; there is more proof to read; more personal calls from librarians and others as the establishment of the office becomes known; there are more arrangements to be made for the many-sided interests of the Association. The Publishing Board's work is likewise increasing, and with the removal of the Booklist office from Madison to Chicago headquarters, which will be made in the near future, additional duties will devolve on the general office, even though that periodical has its own special staff. These things, however, are as we desire they should be and we are pleased to see indications that the funds of the Association are going to permit the enlargement of the work as this is found advisable.

=The Office as an Information Bureau=--In no way is this growth quite so noticeable as in the increased correspondence through which the executive office is used as an information bureau on library economy. For a time after the establishment of the office this correspondence was naturally almost entirely with librarians. The letters of the past year, however, have shown that our existence is becoming known to others. We are being told the problems of the library committees of women's clubs; of manufacturers who wish to get their workmen interested in a business library; of business men who are thinking of establishing such a library; of young men and women who are considering librarianship as a vocation and do not know the proper steps to take to get the necessary training and experience; and of publishers and of booksellers who are referring various matters to our office. These things in addition to the steady daily stream of correspondence with librarians in every state of the union. Last year we recorded that our actual correspondence averaged 67 letters a day for a period covering several months. It has been considerably greater the past year. This includes, of course, all correspondence relative to publications, membership matters, and business routine. Several months ago the secretary printed 10,000 little leaflets mentioning some of the ways in which the A. L. A. can assist in library informational lines. About half of these have been distributed, mainly in channels outside of regular library work and among those who perhaps had not previously learned of headquarters and of our publications.

=Membership=--Last year it was the privilege of the secretary to report that the membership was larger than ever before in the history of the Association. We are now glad to be able to say that there is a substantial increase in membership over last year. In January, the secretary mailed with the annual membership bills an appeal to members to help again this year as they did last in securing new members. This appeal has been very effectual; many have been instrumental in securing one or more new members and the secretary desires here to thank all those who have so kindly assisted in this campaign. During the late winter and early spring many personal letters were written to librarians and library boards asking them to have their libraries become institutional members of the A. L. A., and many have responded favorably. Several hundred personal letters were also addressed to those who had recently, according to the news columns in the library periodicals, changed their positions, presumably for the better financially.

When the last handbook was printed, in October, 1912, there were 2,365 members of the A. L. A. Since then to June 1st, 1913, 192 new individual members and 40 new institutional members have joined, a total of 232. On the other hand, the association has lost 11 members by death, 35 have resigned, and judging by the experience of previous years about 160 members will probably fail this year to renew their membership and will consequently be dropped from the rolls. It is likely that enough new members will join at the Kaaterskill Conference to offset in numbers those whose membership lapses and that the net membership in the 1913 handbook will probably be about 2,550 or a gain of about 185 over 1912.

The income from membership dues is in consequence steadily increasing. For the calendar year 1911 the total amount from this source was $5,325.46 (including exchange on checks); in 1912, $6,236.18; and for 1913 we hope the total amount will not be far short of $7,000.

=Publicity=--The usual methods to secure as much publicity as possible have been followed. The library periodicals have, of course, been kept informed of what the office was doing that would interest the library public. We have sent news notes from time to time to the Dial, Nation, New York Times Review of Books, Bookman, Education Review, American City, and other magazines, and to about 180 of the prominent newspapers of the country. Several articles regarding the conference were given to the Associated Press, and to news syndicates. Before the Ottawa Conference, the Associated Press sent to all their subscribers a multi-graphed portion of the president's address. The Association needs more money for this publicity work and more time should be spent on it than the secretary has been able to spend. Its results at present are far from satisfactory and we hope that with growth of income a more systematic publicity department can be organized, perhaps modelled somewhat after the excellent methods employed by Prof. J. W. Searson, who conducts the publicity work of the National Education Association.

=Registration for library position=--The executive office has from its inception been something of a free employment bureau for librarians and library assistants, who for proper and sufficient reasons desire to change their positions. This year the work has been somewhat more systematized by the use of a printed registration blank, which is sent on request to any member of the association. The questions asked on this blank are as follows:

Date of this registration.

Name in full.

Address (permanent).

Address (temporary, or until ...).

State fully all schools (above grammar grade) and colleges or universities you have attended, with period of attendance at each.

Degrees, when and where obtained.

Have you traveled abroad? When? Where? How long?

Languages you read easily.

Languages you read with assistance of a dictionary.

Library training and experience.

Positions held, with approximate dates; and salary received.

Nature of appointment desired.

Salary expected.

Part of country preferred.

Physical condition.


Forty-two librarians have thus far registered on these blanks and five or six of these have been helped to new positions. The secretary has helped in the filling of some fifteen library positions aside from those using the registration blank.

If, however, the service to those seeking positions, and to those seeking capable librarians and assistants is to be as important and far-reaching as we wish to make it, the office must have knowledge of vacancies as well as of persons wanting positions. Library boards and librarians are cordially invited to correspond with the secretary when in need of library workers.

=Library Plans=--During the year a number of valuable additions have been made to our collection of architects' plans of library buildings. We want more, particularly good plans of buildings costing from $25,000 to $75,000, as these are most in demand. Will librarians and boards who have recently acquired new buildings bear our needs in mind? These plans have from the beginning proved useful, and if a fair number of the latest type of plans could be added the collection would be increasingly useful and used.

=Library Pension Systems=--During the year the secretary has been making efforts to collect information about pension systems in operation in libraries or plans being made for pensions. No great progress has been made, due perhaps to the fact that not many libraries are as yet contemplating a pension system. The secretary will be glad to receive information from any librarian or board who has not yet written him on this subject.

=A. L. A. Representatives at State Meetings=--President Legler was the official representative at the Ohio meeting, Newark, October 21-24; at the Illinois-Missouri joint meeting, St. Louis, October 24-26; and South Dakota conference, Mitchell, November 25-27. He also addressed the Long Island Library Club on the work of the A. L. A. on October 17th.

Mr. T. W. Koch, member of the Executive Board, was the official representative to the Indiana state meeting, Terre Haute, October 17-19.

Dr. Arthur E. Bostwick, ex-president of the A. L. A., represented the Association at the North Dakota conference, Mayville, October 1-2; Minnesota meeting, Faribault, October 2-4; and Iowa meeting at Nevada, October 8-10.

Secretary Utley represented the A. L. A. at the Illinois-Missouri meeting, St. Louis, October 24-26; Oklahoma meeting, Muskogee, May 14-15; and was present unofficially at Niagara Falls, "New York library week," September 23-28. The secretary has also lectured before the New York state library school, the Training school for children's librarians of the Pittsburgh Carnegie library, and the University of Illinois library school.

=Necrology.= The Association has lost by death eleven members since the conference of a year ago. The list includes an ex-president of the A. L. A., and one of the most prominent librarians of the country; a business man who had for years taken a deep interest in library progress; an eminent churchman who has for many years maintained his connection with the national association; the librarian of a large university; the librarian of a well known public library; and several others who at their several posts have faithfully performed their duties and rendered their contributions to the work in which they were engaged.

The list follows:

Clarence W. Ayer, librarian of the Cambridge (Mass.) public library, died April 12, 1913. He was previously connected with Western Reserve University, but had been engaged in library work in Massachusetts for a number of years. He had been a member of the A. L. A. since 1900 (No. 1984) and had attended four conferences.

Dr. John Shaw Billings, director of the New York public library, died March 11, 1913. Successful as an army surgeon during the war between the states, he later assumed charge of the Surgeon-General's library and brought it to recognition as one of the most celebrated medical libraries in the world, and compiled an index catalog that has taken a place among the permanent monuments of bibliography. Coming to New York in 1895, he began the stupendous work of bringing the various libraries of that city under one great system, releasing funds tied by legal complications, and superintending the erection of a central building costing nearly ten millions of dollars. These tasks he lived to accomplish and they remain as his lasting monument. He was president of the A. L. A. for the year 1901-02, and presided at its Magnolia conference. He joined the association in 1881 (No. 404) and attended six of its conferences. See Public Libraries, 18: 148-9; Library Journal, 38, 212-14.

Bertha Coit, assistant in the New York public library, died July 22, 1912. She joined the Association in 1904 (No. 3167), and attended the conferences of 1904 and 1907.

Right Rev. William Croswell Doane, Bishop of Albany, and for many years vice-chancellor of the University of the State of New York, died May 16, 1913. He joined the A. L. A. in 1893 (No. 1125) and although he attended none of the conferences had steadily maintained his interest in library work and retained his membership in the Association.

Jennie S. Irwin, first assistant in the Mt. Vernon (N. Y.) public library, died Nov. 8, 1912. She joined the Association in 1902 (No. 2437) and attended the conferences of 1906 and 1908.

Walter Kendall Jewett, librarian of the University of Nebraska, since 1906, died March 3, 1913. He was previously librarian of the medical department of the John Crerar library, and had been notably successful in his library work. He joined the Association in 1904 (No. 3109) and attended four conferences.

Charles A. Larson, editor of publications of the Chicago public library, died August 19, 1912. He had been connected with the Chicago library for many years and was highly valued. His able work in the reference department will be long remembered. He joined the Association in 1901 (No. 2373) and after lapsing membership rejoined in 1910. He attended the Mackinac conference.

Rev. William Ladd Ropes, librarian-emeritus of the Andover Theological Seminary, at Andover, Massachusetts, died December 24, 1912. He was well known to the librarians of an earlier generation. He joined the A. L. A. in 1877 (No. 106) and attended three A. L. A. conferences, and the London international conference of 1877.

Charles Carroll Soule, of Boston, long identified with the book publishing business and interested in library work, died Jan. 7, 1913. He was trustee of the Brookline (Mass.) public library from 1889-1899, member of the A. L. A. Publishing Board from 1890-1908, second vice-president of the A. L. A. in 1890; and a member of the Council 1893-96 and 1900-05. Mr. Soule was an expert on library planning, having written a book, and numerous articles on this subject. A pamphlet on "Library rooms and buildings" was issued by the A. L. A. Publishing Board as one of its tracts. He joined the A. L. A. in 1879 (No. 216) and had attended 18 conferences. No librarian was better known to librarians than this interested layman. See Library Journal, 38:89; Public Libraries, 18:57.

Nelson Taylor, bookseller of New York, of the firm of Baker & Taylor, died June 26, 1912. He had been a member of the A. L. A. since 1906 (No. 3531).

Bertha S. Wildman, secretary to the librarian of the Carnegie library of Pittsburgh and a member of the faculty of the Training school for children's librarians, died February 19, 1913. She was a graduate of Pratt Institute library school and previous to her connection with the Pittsburgh library had been the organizer and first librarian of the Madison (N. J.) public library. She joined the A. L. A. in 1900 (No. 1945) and attended four conferences.

GEORGE B. UTLEY, Secretary.

REPORT OF THE TREASURER, January 1--May 31, 1913


Balance, Union Trust Company, Chicago, Jan. 1, 1913 $3,395.29 G. B. Utley, Secretary, Headquarters collections 4,555.41 Trustees Endowment Fund, interest 350.00 Trustees Carnegie Fund, interest 2,509.90 A. L. A. Publishing Board, Installment on Hdqrs. expense 1,000.00 Estate of J. L. Whitney 104.34 Interest, January--May, 1913 28.92 $11,943.86 -------- ---------- =Expenditures=

Checks No. 40-44 (Vouchers No. 615-690 incl.) $3,379.74 Distributed as follows: Bulletin $ 246.06 Conference 20.70 Committees 23.50

Headquarters: Salaries 2,125.00 Additional services 213.30 Supplies 177.91 Miscellaneous 155.45 Postage 78.48 Travel 85.00 Trustees Endowment Fund (Life Mem.) 150.00 C. B. Roden, Treas. (J. L. Whitney Fund) 104.34 A. L. A. Publishing Board, Carnegie Fund interest 2,509.90 5,889.64 -------- -------- Balance Union Trust Co $6,054.22 G. B. Utley, Balance, National Bank of Republic 250.00 --------- $6,304.22

James L. Whitney Fund

Feb. 4, 1913, Principal (Union Trust Co. of Chicago, savings acct.) $104.34

Respectfully submitted,

C. B. RODEN, Treasurer.

Chicago, June 1, 1913.


To the American Library Association: Ladies and Gentlemen:--

In accordance with the provisions of the constitution, the Finance Committee submit the following report:--

They have duly considered the probable income of the Association for the current year and have estimated it at $21,915.00, and have approved appropriations made by the Executive Board to that amount. The details of the estimated income and of the appropriations are given in the January number of the Bulletin. The committee have also approved the appropriation to the use of the Publishing Board of any excess of sales over the amount estimated.

On behalf of the committee, the chairman has audited the accounts of the treasurer and of the secretary as assistant treasurer. He has found that the receipts as stated by the treasurer agree with the transfer checks from the assistant treasurer, and with the cash accounts of the latter. The expenditures as stated are accounted for by properly approved vouchers. The bank balance and petty cash, as stated, agree with the bank books and petty cash balances. The accounts of the assistant treasurer have been found correct as cash accounts.

On behalf of the committee, Mr. E. H. Anderson has checked the securities now in the custody of the trustees, and certifies that their figures in regard to the securities on hand are correct. He finds that at par value the bonds and other securities amount to $102,500.00 for the Carnegie fund, and $7,000.00 for the principal account. He certifies that to the best of his knowledge and belief the accounts submitted are correct.

All of which is respectively submitted for the committee.


With the completion of the ninth volume of the A. L. A. Booklist Miss Elva L. Bascom severs her connection as editor and as head of the editorial department of the Publishing Board. For five years Miss Bascom has carried on this work with signal ability and with devoted industry, and it is with sincere regret that the members of the Board have accepted her resignation. During this period of editorial activity Miss Bascom has maintained the excellent standards established by her predecessors, Miss Caroline Garland and Mrs. Katharine MacDonald Jones, and has given to the publication a standard of judgment in selection and critical appreciation that has made the A. L. A. Booklist invaluable to thousands of librarians and as many library trustees in the selection of current books for their respective institutions. The A. L. A. Booklist is everywhere recognized as a publication wholly untrammeled by commercial consideration in the listing of books and the recommendation which these are given.

Miss May Massee has been elected as Miss Bascom's successor and will enter upon the work early in August. Her experience as a member of the staff of the Buffalo public library and her training prior thereto commends her for the position.

Concerning the A. L. A. Booklist there are no new facts to report, comments noted in previous reports being applicable as well at this time. While renewed representations have come to the members of the Board, suggesting a change of size, form, and character, and the arguments in behalf thereof have been given due weight, it has not seemed wise to alter the policy which has been continued for a period of nine years.

With the beginning of the new volume the place of publication and therewith the editorial headquarters will be transferred from Madison, Wis., to Chicago. By consolidating the editorial headquarters of the Publishing Board with the headquarters of the American Library Association both will be materially strengthened and some financial economies can be affected.

=Periodical Cards=--The Board received word last fall from the Library Bureau that they would have to advance prices for the printing of the analytical periodical cards. The matter was placed in the hands of a committee, and after some negotiation, unexpectedly prolonged by the illness of the representative of the Library Bureau, a rearrangement of the work was made which will enable the Board to continue the service to the present subscribers without change in prices. This has been accomplished by giving an order for sixty-five copies of all titles and thirty-five additional titles of the periodicals most in demand. Hereafter, subscriptions must be made either to the full set of approximately 2500 titles, or to the limited set of 200. A revision of the list is now in progress.

Concerning the periodicals issued during the past year Mr. William Stetson Merrill has submitted the following report as editor:

The sixteen shipments of A. L. A. periodical cards prepared and sent out during the year ending May 31, 1913 have comprised those numbered 284 to 299, which were received by subscribers June 18, 1912 to May 14, 1913. These shipments have included 3459 new titles and 136 reprints, making a total of 3595 titles. The time of preparation has been reduced from thirteen to ten and a half weeks.[2]

[2] By "time of preparation" is here meant the interval between the receipt of copy, and receipt of cards by the subscribers.

In February of the present year the editor took occasion to check up the work currently done, with the titles of periodicals given in the printed list as indexed by the Publishing Board. It was then discovered that in the case of thirty-five periodicals no titles had been indexed during intervals ranging from two to five years to date. These facts were brought to the attention of the collaborating libraries, which later reported upon these arrears as follows: Periodicals for which no issues later than those indexed had been received by the library, 12; discontinued, 3; now indexed by the Library of Congress, 2; overlooked or indexing postponed by the library, 10; dropped, 2; record card wrong, 1; no indexer, 5. The collaborating libraries at once took up the work of bringing their indexing up to date and at the time of writing only three current periodicals are not indexed to date, with the exception of those for which there is at present no indexer.

The preparation of the distribution and charges sheets has been in the hands of Mrs. S. L. Hitz and Miss Jane Burt under the supervision of the editor, who has also attended to all the correspondence connected with the card work.

=New Publications=--New publications since the last report was submitted include the following:

Aids in library work with foreigners, compiled by Marguerite Reid and John G. Moulton. (2000 copies).

How to choose editions, by William E. Foster. (Handbook 8) (2500 copies).

Buying list of books for small libraries, compiled by Zaidee Brown,--new edition revised by Caroline Webster. (1000 copies).

List of economical editions, by Le Roy Jeffers. (2nd edition). Revised. (1000 copies).

Periodicals for the small library, by Frank K. Walter. (3000 copies).

A. L. A. Manual of library economy, 5 new chapters.

Chap. V. Proprietary and subscription libraries, by Charles Knowles Bolton. (1000 copies).

Chap. X. The library building, by W. R. Eastman. (2000 copies).

Chap. XIII. Training for librarianship, by Mary W. Plummer. (2000 copies).

Chap. XXVII. Commissions, state aid and state agencies, by Asa Wynkoop. (In press).

Chap. XXXII. Library printing, by Frank K. Walter. (1500 copies).

A normal library budget and its items of expense, by O. R. Howard Thomson. (Handbook 8.) (1500 copies).

Index to library reports, by Katharine T. Moody. (1000 copies).

List of Polish books, compiled by Mrs. Jozefa Kudlicka. (Foreign Booklist 6). (1000 copies).

=Forthcoming Publications=--How to start a public library, by G. E. Wire, M. D. Second and revised edition. (Tract 2).

Graded list of stories for reading aloud, by Harriot E. Hassler; revised by Carrie E. Scott.

=Reprints=--During the past year the following publications have been reprinted:

Guide to reference books, by Alice B. Kroeger. (1000 copies).

Cutter's Notes from the art section of a library. (Tract 5). (1000 copies).

Catalog rules, compiled by committees of the American Library Association and the Library Association (of the United Kingdom). 1908 edition (1000 copies).

Essentials in library administration, compiled by Miss L. E. Stearns. (2nd edition). (Handbook 1). (2000 copies). Revised.

Mending and repair of books, by Margaret W. Brown. (Handbook 6). (1000 copies).

U. S. Government documents in small libraries, by J. I. Wyer, Jr. (3rd edition). (Handbook 7). (1000 copies).

=A. L. A. Catalog=--The success of the A. L. A. Catalog, 1904-11, has been greater in point of sales than the most sanguine of us had expected, 3471 copies having been sold since its publication a year ago. There is still a reasonably steady demand, 321 copies having been sold during the first five months of 1913. The book has been more extensively advertised than any of the Board's other recent publications, special efforts having been made to make it known to high schools, college professors and book lovers generally, but the sales have, nevertheless, been largely confined to libraries, library commissions and library schools.

=Manual of Library Economy=--Fourteen chapters of the Manual have thus far been printed, each as a separate pamphlet, and one is now in press. The list is as follows:

1. American library history, by C. K. Bolton.

2. The Library of Congress, by W. W. Bishop.

4. The college and university library, by J. I. Wyer, Jr.

5. Proprietary and subscription libraries, by C. K. Bolton.

9. Library legislation, by W. F. Yust.

10. The library building, by W. R. Eastman.

12. Administration of a public library, by A. E. Bostwick.

13. Training for librarianship, by Mary W. Plummer.

15. Branch libraries and other distributing agencies, by Linda A. Eastman.

17. Order and accession department, by F. F. Hopper.

20. Shelf department, by Josephine A. Rathbone.

22. Reference department, by E. C. Richardson.

26. Bookbinding, by A. L. Bailey.

27. Commissions, state aid and state agencies, by Asa Wynkoop. In press.

32. Library printing, by F. K. Walter.

The chairman of the Committee the manual, J. I. Wyer, Jr., reports that seven other chapters are known to be in an advanced state and may be expected soon.

=Advertising=--The Board's publications have as usual been advertised in Library Journal and Public Libraries and in one or two special numbers of the Dial. Review copies of publications are sent to library periodicals and a number of other papers and magazines, such as the Bookman, American City, Nation, Dial, New York Times Review, Chicago Post (Friday review), Springfield Republican, Boston Transcript, etc. Our best returns, however, continue to come from direct circularization of libraries, library commissions and library schools, about 11,000 pieces of mail advertising our publications having been sent out since the last conference.

No new large publication has appeared since the A. L. A. Catalog, 1904-11, was published a year ago. Although thirteen new publications have been printed and two more are forthcoming they are all, with one exception, small in size and with price ranging from ten to twenty-five cents a copy. Consequently the amounts from sales are but small in the aggregate. Would it not be well for the Board to endeavor to put forth at least one publication each year which shall be of sufficient size, usefulness and importance to make it rank as the "opus major" of the year? There are surely subjects enough within our scope that can be handled to the advantage of the libraries and the profit of the Board.

=Foreign lists=--The Board has not felt greatly encouraged to undertake the publication of lists of foreign books because of the unfortunate financial experience with those already issued, only one of the five having paid for itself. This spring, however, when the manuscript of the long-expected Polish list was received a new policy was adopted. The secretary circularized those libraries whom he thought would be interested in this list, stating that the publication of the list depended upon the receipt of a sufficient number of subscriptions, requesting those libraries who were able and disposed to do so, to subscribe for at least four copies at 25 cents each. By this means enough subscriptions were readily secured and the Polish list has been printed. If libraries are willing to subsidize the publication of these lists, or putting it another way, to pay for several copies more than they perhaps need, other lists can be undertaken, and the Board will welcome suggestions as to what languages should be taken up. It has been suggested that a Yiddish list would be useful, also Italian, Lithuanian, Finnish and Spanish lists.

HENRY E. LEGLER, Chairman.


=Cash Receipts June 1, 1912, to May 31, 1913.=

Balance, June 1, 1912 $ 1,168.46 Interest on Carnegie Fund 6,084.90 Receipts from publications: Cash sales $3,354.68 Payments on account 9,936.85 13,291.53 Interest on bank deposits 17.36 Sundries 1.56 $20,563.81 --------- ----------

=Payments, June 1, 1912, to May 31, 1913.=

Cost of publications: A. L. A. Booklist $1,671.40 A. L. A. Bulletin reprints 52.57 A. L. A. Catalog, 1904-11 3,613.43 Aids in library work with foreigners 38.50 Buying list of books for a small library 40.00 Catalog rules 193.19 Essentials in library administration 242.99 Government documents in small libraries 25.50 How to choose editions .... 70.00 List of economical editions 111.80 Manual of library economy, Chaps. 5, 10, 13 148.60 Mending and repair of books 22.50 N. E. A. Reprint (Bostwick's article) 14.50 Periodicals for the small library 93.80 Periodical cards 2,038.44 $8,377.22 Addressograph supplies 21.47 Typewriter 37.50 Advertising 177.40 Postage and express 1,089.01 Rent, Madison office 300.00 Travel 189.72 Salaries 2,658.77 Elva L. Bascom, editing A. L. A. Catalog, 1904-11 300.00 Katharine T. Moody, editing Index to Library reports 300.00 Expense, headquarters (1912--$2,000; 1913--a/c $1,000) 3,000.00 Supplies and incidentals 1,009.61 Printing 15.25 Royalty on Guide to reference books 279.78 Contingencies 40.81 Balance on hand, May 31, 1913 2,767.27 $20,563.81


April 1, 1912, to March 31, 1913.

A. L. A. Booklist, regular subscriptions 1385 $1,385.00 Additional subs. at reduced rate of 50c 187 93.50 Bulk subscriptions 853.20 Extra copies 1110 159.10 $2,490.80

Handbook 1, Essentials in library administration 617 124.47 Handbook 2, Cataloging for small libraries 602 105.04 Handbook 3, Management of traveling libraries 42 6.13 Handbook 4, Aids in book selection (out of print) Handbook 5, Binding for small libraries 279 39.40 Handbook 6, Mending and repair of books 395 61.02 Handbook 7, Government documents in small libraries 528 72.35 Handbook 8, How to choose editions 1561 97.39 505.80

Tract 2, How to start a library 38 1.90 Tract 3, Traveling libraries (out of print) Tract 5, Notes from the art section of a library 359 17.93 Tract 8, A village library 89 4.42 Tract 9, Library school training 87 4.32 Tract 10, Why do we need a public library 245 10.71 39.28

Foreign Lists, French 54 13.32 Foreign Lists, French fiction 38 1.90 Foreign Lists, German 45 22.00 Foreign Lists, Hungarian 17 2.48 Foreign Lists, Norwegian and Danish 29 7.11 Foreign Lists, Swedish 35 8.61 55.42

Reprints, Arbor day list 24 1.20 Reprints, Bird books 10 .99 Reprints, Bostwick, Public library and public school 20 1.00 Reprints, Cataloging in legislative reference work 54 2.89 Reprints, Christmas Bulletin 14 .70 Reprints, Efficiency of L. Staff and scientific management 127 1.80 Reprints, National library problem of today 13 .65 Reprints, Rational library work with children 73 3.60 Reprints, Relation of P. L. to municipality 1183 25.90 Reprints, Traveling libraries as a first step 26 1.30 40.03

Periodical cards, Subscriptions 1,868.63 Periodical cards, Old South Leaflets v. 14 6.30 Periodical cards, Reed's Modern Eloquence sets 5 12.50 1,887.43

League Publications: Aids in library work with foreigners 630 44.73 Directions for librarian of a small library 712 22.05 Graded list of stories for reading aloud 87 8.42 Library and social movement 172 6.59 Buying list of books for small library 385 28.47 110.26

A. L. A. Manual of library economy: Chap. I. American library history 228 16.16 Chap. II. Library of Congress 162 12.59 Chap. IV. College and university library 178 14.19 Chap. V. Proprietary and subscription libraries 264 23.62 Chap. IX. Library legislation 198 15.86 Chap. X. The library building 381 31.02 Chap. XII. Administration of a public library 202 16.34 Chap. XIII. Training for librarianship 246 23.85 Chap. XV. Branch libraries 225 15.82 Chap. XVII. Order and accession department 346 27.84 Chap. XX. Shelf department 285 21.70 Chap. XXII. Reference department 229 19.23 Chap. XXVI. Bookbinding 342 27.36 $265.58

A. L. A. Catalog, 1904-11 3471 4,107.25 A. L. A. Index to general literature 25 143.40 Catalog rules 547 298.32 Girls and women and their clubs 34 2.65 Guide to reference books 565 774.83 Guide to reference books, Supplement 528 124.63 Hints to small libraries 130 84.95 Index to library reports (advance orders) 41 38.70 Library buildings 172 16.57 List of editions selected for economy in bookbuying 94 22.43 List of economical editions, (2nd edition) 164 38.41 List of music and books about music 50 12.24 List of subject headings, (3rd edition) 819 1,902.55 List of 550 children's books 199 29.44 Literature of American history 25 135.00 Literature of American history, Supplements 71 9.69 Periodicals for the small library 98 9.40 Plans for small library buildings 97 116.72 Reading for the young 11 8.11 Reading for the young, Supplement 15 3.71 Subject Index to A. L. A. Booklist 162 23.01 Subject Index to A. L. A. Booklist, Supplement 224 12.40 A. L. A. Bulletin 271 84.00 Library statistics--Bulletin reprint 25 1.18 8,029.59 ---- --------- --------- Total sale of publications $13,424.19


To the President and Members of the American Library Association:

The Trustees of the Endowment Fund of the American Library Association beg leave to submit the following statement of the accounts of their trust--the Carnegie and General Funds--for the fiscal year ending January 15, 1913.

There has been no change in the investments, and all interest has been promptly paid. The Trustees are pleased to call attention to the credit to the General Endowment Fund of nine life memberships, and would recommend that more of such memberships be taken as they are about the only source of addition to that Fund.

On January 31, 1913, the usual audit of the investments and accounts of the trust was made by Mr. E. H. Anderson, of the New York public library at the request of the chairman of the Finance committee of the Association. As evidence of the audit, Mr. Anderson furnished the Trustees with the following copy of his report made to the Finance committee:

Feb. 1, 1913.

My dear Mr. Andrews:

Yesterday, January 31st, I went to the vaults of the Union Trust Company at Fifth avenue and Thirty-eighth street, this city, and with Mr. Appleton and Mr. Kimball, trustees of the endowment fund of the American Library Association, checked up the bonds now in their custody. I enclose herewith their typewritten statement concerning the funds in their hands, and I certify to the correctness of the figures as to the bonds on hand. These I have checked in black ink after a personal count of them at the vaults aforesaid. At their par value they amount to $102,500 for the Carnegie Fund, and $7,000 for the general endowment fund.

I have not examined the bank book of the trustees nor the vouchers for the amounts transmitted to Mr. Roden, the treasurer. Mr. Roden's records should verify the amounts transmitted to the treasurer. If you think it worth while I can examine the bank book of the trustees, but personally I do not think it necessary. If you feel that it should be done, however, return the enclosed typewritten statement for comparison with the bank book. Mr. Roden will also be able to check the receipts for life members. I think Mr. Appleton said that two more had been received since January 15th.

I hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief all of the accounts on the typewritten sheets enclosed herewith are correct.

(Signed) E. H. ANDERSON.

Respectfully submitted, W. W. APPLETON, W. C. KIMBALL, W. T. PORTER, Trustees Endowment Fund A. L. A.

May 1, 1913.


Cash donated by Mr. Andrew Carnegie $100,000.00

=Invested as follows:= June 1, 1908 5,000 4% Amer. Tel. & Tel. 96-1/2 $ 4,825.00 Bonds June 1, 1908 10,000 4% Amer. Tel. & Tel. 94-3/8 9,437.50 Bonds June 1, 1908 15,000 4% Cleveland Terminal 100 15,000.00 June 1, 1908 10,000 4% Seaboard Air Line 95-1/2 9,550.00 June 1, 1908 15,000 5% Western Un. Tel. 108-1/2 15,000.00 June 1, 1908 15,000 3-1/2% N. Y. Cen. (Lake Shore Col.) 90 13,500.00 June 1, 1908 15,000 5% Mo. Pacific 104-7/8 15,000.00 May 3, 1909 15,000 5% U. S. Steel 104 15,000.00 Aug. 6, 1909 1,500 U. S. Steel 106-7/8 1,500.00 July 27, 1910 1,000 U. S. Steel 102-1/2 1,000.00 ------- -------- 102,500 99,812.50 Jan. 15, 1913 Union Trust Co. on deposit 187.50 ----------- $100,000.00

In addition to the above we have on hand at the Union Trust Company $150 profit on the sale of the Missouri Pacific Bonds, which we have carried to a special surplus account.


=1912= January 15, Balance $1,524.33 February 6, Int. N. Y. Central 262.50 May 1, Int. U. S. Steel 437.50 May 10, Int. Cleveland Terminal 300.00 May 31, Int. Mo. Pacific 375.00 May 31, Int. Seaboard Air Line 200.00 July 2, Int. Amer. Tel. & Tel. 300.00 July 2, Int. Western Un. Tel. 375.00 August 8, Int. N. Y. Central 262.50 September 3, Int. Seaboard Air Line 200.00 September 3, Int. Mo. Pacific 375.00 November 1, Int. U. S. Steel 437.50 November 1, Int. Cleveland Terminal 300.00 December 31, Int. Union Trust 39.90 =1913= January 2, Int. Western Un. Tel. 375.00 January 15, 1913 Cash on hand 934.90 $6,064.23 ------- --------- =Disbursements:= =1912= January 24, Carl B. Roden, Treas. $1,524.33 June 4, Carl B. Roden, Treas. 1,575.00 September 18, Carl B. Roden, Treas. 500.00 October 28, Rent Safe Deposit Co. 30.00 November 18, Carl B. Roden, Treas. 1,500.00 January 15, 1913, Cash on hand 934.90 $6,064.23 --------- ---------


=1912= January 15, On hand, Bonds and Cash $7,286.84 February 28, Life membership, C. N. Baxter 25.00 March 28, Life membership, L. A. McNeil 25.00 March 28, Life membership, A. B. Smith 25.00 May 4, Life membership, H. L. Leupp 25.00 May 28, Life membership, W. M. Smith 25.00 May 28, Life membership, L. E. Taylor 25.00 July 2, Life membership, E. P. Sohier 25.00 September 18, Life membership, M. R. Cochran 25.00 November 1, Life membership, S. C. Fairchild 25.00 $7,511.84 ------ --------- =Invested as follows:= =1908= June 1, 2 U. S. Steel Bonds 98-1/2 $1,970.00 October 19, 2 U. S. Steel Bonds 102-5/8 2,000.00 November 5, 1-1/2 U. S. Steel Bonds 101 1,500.00 =1910= July 27, 1-1/2 U. S. Steel Bonds 102-1/2 1,500.00 January 15, 1913 Cash on hand, 541.84 $7,511.84 Union Trust Co. --------- ---------


=1912= January 15, Cash on hand $175.00 May 1, Int. U. S. Steel 175.00 November 1, Int. U. S. Steel 175.00 $525.00 ------- ------- =Disbursements:= =1912= January 24, Carl B. Roden, Treas. $175.00 June 4, Carl B. Roden, Treas. 175.00 January 15, 1913 Cash on hand 175.00 $525.00 ------- --------


In last year's report it was stated that a special collection, showing the kind of work done by library binders, had been started by this committee. During the past year this collection has been materially increased by samples submitted by different binders; it now includes work from 34 binders covering the entire country from the Atlantic ocean to the Pacific. The collection was formed so that when librarians write to ask about the work of specific binders, the work itself can be examined and intelligent answers given.

Notices of the collection were printed in the various library periodicals and a certain numbers of requests for information have been received; a smaller number than the committee hoped for, but sufficient to warrant keeping the collection up-to-date.

In view of certain criticisms of this collection, it may be well to state that it is not the purpose to print criticisms of the work of different binders, or to grade them in any way. When asked for information the committee will not compare the work of one binder with another, neither will librarians be advised to desert one binder and employ another. All that will be done will be to send suggestions as to ways in which the work of the binder in question can be improved. In order to do this the work of the binder must be available for examination. The committee fails to see how any binder can take offense at this method, or claim that other binders are being officially recognized by the A. L. A.

The announcement of the publishers of the Encyclopaedia Britannica that they were about to issue a Yearbook which would be printed only on India paper called forth a protest from this committee against the use of thin paper--a protest which had no effect whatever until letters protesting against its use had been sent to the publishers by 50 librarians of the larger libraries. Even then the sole concession that the publishers made was to agree to bind 750 copies on ordinary paper, provided that we could guarantee a sale of that number. For this reason the committee asks that those who wish to purchase a thick paper edition of the Yearbook register their orders with the committee. If the total number by July 1st amounts to 750 copies, the publishers will be notified to that effect. Many librarians have refused to buy the India paper edition, and it is evident that if all librarians would refuse to get it, the publishers would realize that the demands of librarians in this respect should be heeded.

There have been comparatively few reference books published or announced during the year which the committee felt would need to be bound especially for library use. It was thought advisable, however, to submit our specifications for binding the new editions of the Standard Dictionary and Appleton's Cyclopaedia of American Biography. The publishers of the Standard Dictionary adopted practically all of the specifications and the publishers of the Cyclopaedia of American Biography now have them under consideration.

In this connection it is worthy of notice that the publishers of reference books are not only giving studied attention to binding processes, but they also realize more fully than they did a few years ago the necessity of using leather which is free-from-acid. Until within the last two or three years it has been difficult to get leathers tanned according to the specifications of the Society of Arts. Recently, however, several firms in this country have begun to specialize in leathers free-from-acid; and in addition to this, the Government Printing Office insists on having a certain amount of such leather and calls for it in its proposals for bids. These are encouraging signs that in the future we may hope to get leather which will not disintegrate so rapidly as that which we have been obliged to use for many years past.

With assured standards of book cloths and leathers, which manufacturers, publishers, binders and librarians each year are recognizing more and more as vital to the proper construction of a serviceable book, there remains only paper to be carefully standardized. Some efforts are being made by private companies and by the government to discover which papers are best for certain uses, but at present the librarian at least knows little of the subject and is practically at the mercy of the publisher.



At the Ottawa meeting of the American Library Association this committee reported simply progress, without giving details of its work during the past year, but it had submitted the following report to the Executive Board, which we now submit to the Association at large, and follow it up with a further report of the action of your committee during the past year.

To the Executive Board of the American Library Association.

The A. L. A. Committee on bookbuying met with a committee from the American Booksellers' Association in Cleveland on May 13, 1912 for the purpose of discussing book prices and discounts to libraries. As it was found impossible to come to any satisfactory understanding before the annual meeting of the associations, it was decided to make only a report of progress. It was, however, further agreed that a more detailed report should be made to the Executive Boards of the associations to ascertain if the Executive Boards deemed it wise that the discussion should be continued.

The Booksellers' Association at its annual convention held in New York in May has accepted the report of progress, and has reappointed its committee.

During the year 1910-11 your committee had much correspondence with the officers of the American Booksellers' Association, with the librarians and with the booksellers throughout the country on questions of the upward tendency of book prices and the efforts which were being made to decrease the discounts to libraries.

At a meeting of the American Booksellers' Association held in May, 1911, a committee on "Relations with libraries" was appointed to take up the matter with the committee of the A. L. A. Shortly after this committee was appointed, your committee asked that a time be set for a meeting. As the chairman of the Booksellers' committee was abroad, the matter was postponed until September. In September the A. L. A. committee was asked to prepare a statement and submit it to the committee of the American Booksellers' Association, to which they agreed to make a reply, the two papers to form the basis for a discussion at a meeting to be held as soon as the Booksellers' reply had been prepared. We submitted the statement requested in October, 1911. Although repeated requests for a reply were made, we did not succeed in getting a copy until March, 1912, and notwithstanding repeated requests for a meeting to discuss the matter, none was held until May 13, 1912, on the eve of the annual conference of the American Booksellers' Association.

We attach a copy of the statement made by your committee and the reply by the committee of the American Booksellers' Association. The attitude of the members of the committee of the Booksellers' Association at the meeting referred to did not differ from that taken in the reply excepting that they were willing to modify the expressions in the reply to a considerable degree. It urged that special attention should be given to the tables of business loss and profit, which had been prepared in the book store of Brentano's. In connection with these figures the net books should be most considered so far as the new books are concerned. At the present rate of increase of books so issued it will be but a short time before all books are so published.

Your committee was asked to admit that it was morally wrong to demand that the booksellers should do business at any such profits, or loss, shown by these figures. Your committee did not feel that it was justified in taking that position, nor would it be even if it were more certain of the accuracy and fairness of the figures.

Without doubt there is much that is wrongfully asked or required of the booksellers by some of the library people, which must of necessity add materially to the cost of doing business, but this, we believe, should be paid for by those asking the special favors, and should not be covered by a regular charge upon all library business. There was much to be said in favor of the booksellers' increase of prices if it needs to cover such expenses.

On the other hand, it is thought that the bookseller is not justified in all of the increases which have been made in the prices of books to libraries; as, for example, the discounts now allowed to libraries from prices of the net fiction and net juveniles.

It is believed that, with the right spirit of co�peration, there are certain changes that might be made which would help the bookseller, as well as the librarian. If what we understand to be the present attitude of the booksellers remains unchanged, if they are unable to give as well as to take, your committee feels as though the discussion might as well come to an end. We believe that there exists considerable difference of opinion among booksellers as to the justice of the terms now being offered to libraries as large buyers of books.

It will be a matter of great regret if there cannot be established most cordial relations between the libraries and the Booksellers' Association. At the same time, we do not think that the A. L. A. should establish such relations upon terms made wholly for the benefit of the booksellers.

We think that the Executive Board should know the present condition of the negotiations, so that it might, if it sees fit, instruct its future committee.


WALTER L. BROWN, CARL B. RODEN, CHARLES H. BROWN. Committee on Bookbuying.

Statement Made by the Committee on Bookbuying of the American Library Association to the Committee on Relations with Libraries of the American Booksellers' Association.

October, 1911.

To the Committee on Relations with Libraries, American Booksellers' Association.


We send you herewith a brief statement of the position of the Book Buying Committee of the American Library Association in relation to the subject which we hope to discuss with you.

The relations between libraries and the book trade should be placed upon a business basis, and the discussion of them upon any other ground is not asked for by the libraries.

There is no question as to the desirability and the necessity of improving the conditions of the book trade, and we are in sympathy with the apparently successful efforts now being made toward that end.

The libraries ask that at this time of reorganization and radical changes a careful and just consideration should be given to their claims as large buyers of a special character. This has always been recognized in the past, and is the reason for the special discounts allowed them by the booksellers.

The library trade as a factor in the book business is of increasing importance. While it may not be considered as "Wholesale business" if, as it is claimed, that term implies the purchase in quantities of single titles and involves a business risk in such purchases, yet it differs so much more from the character of the retail trade that in the new adjustment of discounts there would seem to be little justice in charging against it the expenses of retail trade.

We believe that the amount of library trade, and its peculiar character warrant your association in having appointed a committee to consider its claims.

In dealing with libraries many of the largest items of the expense involved in the conduct of the retail business are wholly unnecessary. It can be conducted as well by dealers on back streets or in lofts as it can be by those who have the most luxurious and expensive stores to attract the retail trade, it does not call for the advertising of their wares by the dealers; all skill of salesmanship is eliminated, and no accounts have to be charged off because of failure.

It is claimed that there are other expenses as great, perhaps, as those mentioned, which are peculiar to the library trade, but in reality are not called for in the business of many libraries, and while, perhaps, they are customary, they are really necessary in but few cases, if any. These expenses would seem to be rather the result of bookselling methods than because of any peculiar demands of the business. These "bad features," as they were called in your recent convention, were pointed out as being

(a) Very slow pay,

(b) Its approval feature,

(c) The practice of asking for competitive bids with the lack of ability to judge squarely of such bids.

We cannot see that any of these features are of vital importance to the library. To many libraries, as we have said, they do not apply at all, and probably others would be better off if they were not allowed by the trade.

The "approval feature" which was made much of by one of your officers, is, we believe, quite as much the fault of the dealers who wish to urge the sale of their stock as it is the fault of libraries who wish to examine the books before purchasing. Many books are sent out to libraries on approval which have already been passed upon, or are entirely outside the range of their purchase, and involve an expense of time to the library, which is forced upon it by the bookseller.

We agree that no library should ask for competitive bids on itemized lists, for the gain to the libraries who do this is much smaller than the expense involved. It is probable that such lists would show a lack of bibliographical detail and would require much time in wasted effort on the part of the bookseller. Library authorities purchasing books in this manner might, perhaps, be expected to show a "lack of ability to judge squarely of such bids." We believe that the bibliographical work of the bookseller in searching for the best (or more often the cheapest) edition to quote on such a list is the most expensive work the bookseller would have in this trade. Such work is wholly unnecessary, as the selected lists of recommended books published by the American Library Association, as well as those published by the state and local associations and the large libraries, are in the habit of stating the edition, the publisher's name and the price. It is safe to say that all libraries are supplied with such bibliographical aid to the extent of their needs and purchases.

This question, however, has little to do with the trade of the libraries conducted according to modern methods. The best libraries do not send out for competitive bids on itemized orders, and they do place the necessary bibliographical detail on their orders, and we might add that their officers are fully capable of judging squarely the editions supplied and the price quoted.

We should like to see the book trade classify the library business as peculiar to itself. Taking the best library trade as a standard, it might suggest some requirements which should be asked for in return for obtaining the library discount. If the business is free from these faults with which it is more or less justly charged, it should be profitable to the bookseller.

We believe that libraries have a right to protest against the increasing charges made to them for the passing of the books of the publishers through the hands of the booksellers, and that some concessions should be made in the discounts now granted. We believe that there is ample room for increasing the booksellers' profits by the reformation of its methods, or perhaps we should say the library methods, which are now accepted by them. The general increase and the tendency toward further increases in the charges for the handling of books for libraries by the rules of your association we believe to be unjust, and that we are fully justified in asking that a careful consideration be given to this question with a view toward making more liberal discounts to this trade.

We do not believe that the last move of your association in making the same discount on net fiction as upon other net books is warranted, for we think it would be only fair to grant the libraries a proportion of the larger profit which the bookseller receives by reason of the extra discount allowed by the publishers on net fiction. If no other concession is made, we believe that a better price should be offered to libraries on their purchases of net fiction.

We should regret to have the booksellers take action which would give the libraries the impression that their trade was a burden to the booksellers; that the members of your association required a larger profit from them than what is amply satisfactory to the jobbing trade and many dealers.

It is to the interests of the library to foster friendly relations with the local booksellers. We believe that together they can be of more service than when working against each other; it is good for the community; we believe that it is also to the interests of the booksellers to keep the library trade, not only because of sentimental reasons, but because it pays. Not only are the library accounts practically guaranteed and the requirements of display, advertising and salesmanship minimized, as we have already stated, but the library is often the only buyer of many books which are received by the booksellers. No other one customer keeps the stock moving to such an extent as the library. None other wears out books and calls for so many duplications after the period of popular demand, taking from the bookseller's shelves books which he need not re-stock. Much of this kind of trade prevents actual loss which the bookseller would have without the library customer.

We are not at all convinced that the booksellers are losers in the library trade, nor do we wish to be placed in the position of receiving special favors. The libraries like to feel that the booksellers are giving them fair prices so they will not be constantly shown by out-of-town dealers how much cheaper they might have bought their new books by waiting a brief time after publication.

Wide margins of profit always lead to the cutting of prices unless the trade is absolutely controlled, which is not the condition in the book trade at this time.

We wish to be in a position to urge all libraries to buy of the regular dealers in their localities, and trust that your committee may be able to see some way of recommending further concessions to the library trade.

Answer to the Foregoing Statement

Answer to the library Committee on Relation with Booksellers, as proposed by Charles E. Butler, Brentano's, New York.

1. We agree that the relations between librarians and booksellers should be on a business basis, and that there is no question as to the desirability of improving the condition of the book trade.

2. We are in hearty sympathy with the desire of the libraries, that a careful and just consideration should be given to their claims for better discount as large buyers collectively of a special character.

3. It is the most earnest desire of the book trade to be absolutely fair and just toward the libraries. We fully and most sincerely believe that the libraries would not for a moment desire or expect that their purchases should be made at the sacrifice of a trade, whose very existence depends on what reasonable profit can be made by them in their business transactions.

4. The libraries believe that the booksellers can make better discounts than they do now, if they carry on their business along the lines indicated by them, while the booksellers claim that the present condition of buying and selling prohibits them from making a profit, but is actually productive of loss, and that the method proposed by the libraries is not possible.

5. The booksellers are of necessity the agent of the publisher. If his business is not self-sustaining, he must fail. The reduction of real booksellers, by a most liberal construction of what constitutes a bookseller, from about 3,000 when our population was 40 millions to about 2,000 with our population at 90 millions, is evidence of the truth of this assertion. The booksellers are entitled to sell to everyone who buys books, libraries or others.

6. The libraries are not booksellers, therefore they are not entitled to booksellers' discounts, which they are now getting from certain sources. Thus, booksellers are deprived of the library business.

7. The bookseller is an important factor in any community in which he is placed. He is taxed by city and state. His educational influence cannot be estimated. His capital, his brains and physical effort are all invested in making his business a success. To do so, he needs reasonable profits, and it is business folly to do any part of his business that results in a loss.

8. A great majority of the libraries are created and supported by direct taxation, by charitable contribution, endowment, legacies and the like. It is true, the libraries have to be conducted in a careful, businesslike way simply keeping within their means. Doing this, they are free from the booksellers' anxieties and difficulties as a merchant.

9. The unique position enjoyed by libraries in the community as to their capital and freedom from commercial risk, and exemption from taxation and rent, has raised the question: "Why should they receive discounts on books?" Do they, as libraries, get special discounts on their building, their shelving, light, heat, electricity and supplies, etc., etc.?

10. The libraries state that in booksellers dealing with libraries many of the largest items of the expense involved in the conduct of the retail business are wholly unnecessary.

"It can be conducted as well by dealers on =back streets or in lofts= as it can be done by those who have the most luxurious stores to attract the retail trade; it does not call for the advertising of their wares by the dealer; all skill of salesmanship is eliminated and no accounts have to be charged off because of failure."

11. The bookseller establishes himself in every community, in such locations as will attract trade--generally the best--limited only by his capacity to pay rent and expenses. This is vital to his success. A bookseller locating himself on a =back street= for the purpose of doing business to enable him to give the library a large portion of his small earnings would speedily end his career. He could not get enough library business to exist on and his chances of doing a general retail business, on a back street, would be very small indeed. He would become solely a 25 per cent or 30 per cent buyer, 10 per cent which he gives to the libraries, with a possible 28, 25 or 20 per cent expense account. We do not believe that the libraries would knowingly ask anyone to do business under such circumstances for their benefit. Will the libraries figure this out?

12. Presuming, for the sake of argument, a bookseller does locate himself on a back street for the purpose of doing library business: He =must= be a bookseller to get a =wholesale rate=. A mere agent not carrying stock, but simply buying on orders, would not be supported or supplied by the publishers, as he does not carry stock or assume the risk of the business.

13. He would therefore have to carry a reasonable amount of stock to be considered a bookseller. The libraries may not know that the discount given the bookseller is qualified by the quantity purchased of each item. Thus, the average trade discount now prevailing on net books and net fiction is 30 per cent in small quantities. If he purchases 10 to 25 copies of a title, he gets an extra 5 per cent. If he purchases 50 to 250 of a title (according to the publisher and the book offered) he gets an extra 10 per cent. The libraries familiar with this discount, and being misguided as to the results, argue that a better discount than they now get should be given them by the bookseller. We have not included here the great number of books published at such discounts as 25 per cent, 20 per cent, 15 per cent, and even 10 per cent, to which must be added transportation and other charges. More of such books are bought by libraries than by the retail buyer, such as educational books, scientific books, medical books, law books, subscription books, etc.

14. Now this is what really happens to the man on the =back street=, as well as to =the bookseller= on the principal thoroughfare. It is safe to say that out of the purchase of 100 new books of any one house, say for a period of a year, about 90 per cent would have to be bought in small quantities at a discount of 30 per cent, about 5 per cent at the extra 5 per cent discounts, and 5 per cent at the extra 10 per cent discounts. Thus, buying 90 per cent of his stock at 30 per cent and selling to libraries at a discount of 10 per cent leaves 20 per cent to do business, with an average expense cost to the bookseller of 28 per cent on every dollar of sale. =The 10 per cent at better rate would improve matters very little=, as can readily be seen. It does not seem as if the bookseller could make better discount than he does to the libraries and it really is a question whether he is justified in giving as much as he does now, if able to give any at all, except at a loss to him.

15. The theory has been advanced by the libraries that all their business should be considered by booksellers as an =independent element= in the business and not chargeable with the 28 per cent cost per dollar of sale, but that the library business should be charged with a much less ratio of expense, thus enabling the bookseller to gratify the desire of the libraries for a further discount. They base this proposition on the following claims:

1. It does not call for the advertising of their wares by the dealer. 2. All skill of salesmanship is eliminated. 3. No accounts have to be charged off because of failure.

The facts are that the smaller libraries, and to some extent the larger libraries, are constantly supplied by publisher and bookseller with circular matter regarding new and forthcoming publications, letters and personal visits as to special publications, as well as sending the new books, as issued, on approval, at considerable cost and trouble, and some loss of sale, because books are not available for display to possible buyers who visit the dealer's place of business. The proper handling of library orders to any reasonable extent requires skilled clerks with good knowledge of books, the use of catalogs and the ability to work out titles correctly that are incorrectly given, and which is so often done. It is true that no accounts have to be charged off, but library accounts require much care and trouble in making duplicate and triplicate vouchers, many have to be sworn to before notaries, in some cases depositing money as security that goods will be supplied at prices quoted, and generally a long wait before the bills are paid, and many minor troubles annoying to both libraries and dealers.

16. As a business proposition, the making of a library department a separate one from the business, and determining its exact cost of maintenance, and basing the library discount thereon is not feasible, for the reason that the bulk of its operations are so interwoven with the business, requiring the assistance of the entire force at many stages that it would be impossible to pick out and determine what each operation costs. Again, the profits and loss of a business can only be finally determined at the end of the fiscal year, when the stock is taken, and the books closed--a very anxious moment indeed for the bookseller. He then knows, to his joy or sorrow, how much it has cost him to make one dollar of sale, and what profit or loss he has made on each dollar of sale, on every class of merchandise he has sold, the library trade included. This percentage of sale is his guide for the following year, and as a good business man, he must eliminate every class of merchandise he sells that does not produce some profit. No business can work successfully otherwise.

17. The following table will show the various ramifications of a special library department in the business, if carried out as proposed. What suggestions would the libraries make in a case like this?

Work of the library clerk.


Writing to libraries for trade.

Sending circulars and book information to libraries.

Certain reference catalogs.

Receiving order for estimate and price.

Looking up same and selecting editions and pricing.

Writing to publishers about special books to be priced.

Correcting librarian's errors.

Store Assistance.

Correspondence in general.

Typewriters, machine, paper, etc.

Advertising for out-of-print books and general advertising.

Assistance of other clerks.

Order department and laying out order and getting shorts.

Receiving department.

Bookkeeping department.

Packing and shipping department.


Freight and express on goods bought.

Returns and credits.


Loss on bad accounts.


Depreciation of stock.




Care and keep of store.

Salaries and wages.


Store supplies.

Insurance and taxes.


Cost of books on approval--going and coming.

Good will and reputation.

18. The libraries state that

They have a right to protest against the increasing charges made to them for passing of the books of the publishers through the hands of the booksellers, and that some concession should be made in the discounts now granted.

19. In this, the libraries should consider they are not a trade organization, who, like the booksellers, depend on their trade for a living. Publisher and bookseller are one in interest--producer and distributor, and it is economically proper that the publisher's product should pass through the hands of the bookseller, and to whom?--to their clientele, the public. What relation does the library have to the bookseller, other than as a buyer, the same as the rest of the community? It is claimed that libraries are large buyers collectively, but the general public are larger buyers collectively, by many millions of dollars. If the library theory holds good, would not the same theory hold good if the citizens of each community were to combine in their purchasing and demand discounts accordingly? Would this not result in the booksellers' sudden and complete annihilation, instead of a gradual one, as it has been?

20. As to the "increasing charges," there is no more increase to the libraries than to the general public. What brought about these "increasing charges?" The necessity of self-preservation of both publisher and bookseller. Till the beginning of the net system and for some years thereafter books were published at the traditional prices of more than fifty years ago (and later a period of ruinous competition to the bookseller) the discounts to the trade remaining about the same, and this in spite of the fact that the cost of everything pertaining to book-making and its selling had greatly increased, and had not advanced in price, while almost every other article of merchandise, labor, material and the necessities of life, has greatly increased in cost, and increased in selling price.

21. The libraries state:

We should regret to have the booksellers take action which would give the libraries the impression that their trade was a burden to the bookseller, that your members required a larger profit from them than what is amply satisfactory to the jobbing trade and many dealers.

22. The booksellers do not feel that the libraries are a burden to them. They are anxious to have trading relations with them, but on a mutually satisfactory basis. The library does not need profit for its existence, supported as it is, but the bookseller needs it for his very existence. Were the libraries aware of the actual facts of the case, they would undoubtedly learn to their surprise that the trade done by "the jobbing trade and many dealers" was anything but satisfactory, and were their dealings with the libraries closely analyzed they would find they had made small profit, if not loss, on the total of the books sold to them. The dealers have only shown existing conditions, and have asked for relief.

23. The libraries are not sole buyers of net books. A very large proportion of their purchases are of non-net books, which are sold to them at little or no margin of profit, and at the same discount as the booksellers get. This is ruinous competition.

24. Why then do the trade desire library business under existing conditions? They do not seek this business for its profit-making on general publications, regular and net, for that is almost nil, but for such stock as can be bought at much better discount than the regular trade rates, such as jobs and the like, that they can sell the libraries, and also for the real value of the libraries to the bookseller that their orders often enable him to dispose of certain stock--even at cost--which might take a long time to dispose of. Finally, there is a certain amount of pride--surprising as it may seem--that the bookseller has. He wants to sell the library in his own community, he wants to do all the business of his community, and he feels it keenly that his library is the only one with whom he cannot do business, except at a very small profit or loss; and which trade goes to some other town or state.

25. We trust we have made clear to the libraries the exact business situation as it relates to the bookseller, jobber, and the like. To some extent, what is stated here is no new story. The general assertion has been made by the bookseller that the library business is unprofitable, while the libraries state they believe otherwise is or should be the case, and suggest their ideas as to a remedy.

26. It can be proved, we think, to the entire satisfaction of the libraries, that in spite of the net system and corresponding maintenance of price, the bookseller, jobber and the like, will be happy indeed if he can show the smallest margin of net profit as a result of a year's work in selling regular and net books to the libraries and the public as well.

27. The booksellers, jobbers and the like desire the library business. They believe that it rightly belongs to them in their own locality, and to no one else, be they large or small.

28. They believe the discount given to libraries by booksellers, jobbers and the like, should be uniform the country over, and leave a small margin of profit to the seller.

29. They believe that competitive bidding by the libraries has been detrimental to booksellers, jobbers and the like, as well as to the libraries in many ways, direct and indirect.

30. They believe that the libraries desire to be fair in this matter and not ask for unreasonable terms, and that a knowledge of the real facts of the case of the condition of the booksellers, jobbers and the like, will convince them that the booksellers, jobbers and others are doing all, if not more than they can, in giving the libraries a discount of 33 1-3 per cent on regular books, and 10 per cent on net books, as at present.

31. Booksellers, jobbers and the like fully believe that they can be of great assistance to the libraries and the libraries to them, and it is their earnest hope that close and harmonious relations may be brought about, and that they will do all in their power towards it. The booksellers most heartily endorse the great and good work the libraries perform to the community, and from a selfish point of view, the bookseller freely admits the great assistance derived by them from the influence of the libraries in creating a desire for reading and the possession of books, and the general educating and elevating of the community, and the bookseller also feels that his presence in any community is likewise educating and elevating and that his interests should be reasonably conserved.

32. The booksellers complain that when libraries become publishers, as many of them do, they make their prices net but give the trade little or no discount therefrom. Such books sold by the bookseller, cost him considerable in addition to the published price.

33. They cordially invite the librarians to go into any facts and figures they may desire to be informed about, as to the cost of booksellers doing business and as to the conditions affecting the relationship of both, with a view that all difficulties may be removed, to our mutual satisfaction.

34. We are pleased to learn that the libraries believe---

1. The approval feature can be dropped.

2. That no library should ask for competitive bids on itemized lists.

3. The bibliographical work is entirely unnecessary by the bookseller and can be dispensed with.

4. That the relations between libraries and the book trade should be placed upon a business basis.

5. That there is no question as to the desirability and the necessity of improving the condition of the book trade, and that they are in sympathy with the apparently successful efforts now being made toward that end.


The following tabulation is compiled, from actual purchases made from four prominent publishers, by a large bookseller, during a period of one year. These purchases included books in all classes of literature, fiction, biography, science, travel, etc., etc., which would fairly represent the book purchases of a number of libraries for the period of one year. These books were bought at varying discounts, viz.:--2/5, 2/5-5, 2/5-10, 1/4, 1/4-5, 1/4-10, 3/10, 3/10-5, 3/10-10, 1/3, 1/3-5, 1/3-10. Every advantage was taken where possible, to obtain by quantity buying, the extra 5 and 10 per cent, given by the publishers. The amount bought of these four publishers at published price was about $37,035.87, which cost the bookseller about $24,000.00, and included both regular, net and special books.

Let us assume that this bookseller sold these books from his stock to the libraries, at a discount from the published prices, on regular books, of 1/3 and a discount of 10% from the published prices of net books.

It is here shown, what the result of the operation would be to the bookseller, as to profit or loss. The cost point of doing business by booksellers the country over, has been fairly well determined to be on the same average, 28% per dollar of sale. This may fluctuate according to circumstances and location, between 30% and 25%. In order, however, to clearly and fully cover all possibilities in the matter, the expense per dollar of sale has been calculated at 28%, 20%, 15%, 10% and 5% per dollar of sale.

In all these calculations per dollar of sale, no allowance is made for depreciation of stock, fixtures, bad accounts, etc., etc.

It is hoped that a careful analysis of this table will help solve the library problem.


Published Discount Sold to Cost to Cost per Price to Libraries Booksellers Dollar Libraries at of Sale

Cost per Dollar of Sale 28%. Non Net 15,935.85 1/3 10,623.93 9,145.56 2,974.70 Net 21,099.98 1/10 18,989.99 14,854.44 5,317.19

Cost per Dollar of Sale 20%. Non Net 15,935.85 1/3 10,623.93 9,145.56 2,124.78 Net 21,099.98 1/10 18,989.99 14,854.44 3,797.99

Cost per Dollar of Sale 15%. Non Net 15,935.85 1/3 10,623.93 9,145.56 1,593.59 Net 21,099.98 1/10 18,989.99 14,854.44 2,848.49

Cost per Dollar of Sale 10%. Non Net 15,935.85 1/3 10,623.93 9,145.56 1,062.39 Net 21,099.98 1/10 18,989.99 14,854.44 1,898.99

Cost per Dollar of Sale 5%. Non Net 15,935.85 1/3 10,623.93 9,145.56 531.19 Net 21,099.98 1/10 18,989.99 14,854.44 949.49

Total Cost Loss Gain Total Loss Total Gain

Cost per Dollar of Sale 28%. Non Net 12,120.26 1,496.33 -- -- -- Net 20,171.63 1,181.64 -- 2,677.97 --

Cost per Dollar of Sale 20%. Non Net 11,270.04 646.11 -- 308.55 -- Net 18,652.43 -- 337.56 -- --

Cost per Dollar of Sale 15%. Non Net 10,739.15 115.22 -- -- -- Net 17,702.93 -- 1,287.06 -- 1,171.84

Cost per Dollar of Sale 10%. Non Net 10,207.95 -- 415.98 -- -- Net 16,753.43 -- 2,236.56 -- 2,652.54

Cost per Dollar of Sale 5%. Non Net 9,676.75 -- 947.18 -- Net 15,803.93 -- 3,186.06 -- 4,133.24


The following tabulation is compiled on the same basis as Table No. 1, but showing the result to the bookseller, as to profit and loss, if the bookseller increased the discount to the libraries, on regular books, from 1/3 to 2/5, and on net books from 1/10 to 1/5.

Published Discount to Sold to Cost to Cost per Price Libraries Libraries at Booksellers Dollar of Sale

Cost per Dollar of Sale 28%. Non Net 15,935.85 2/5 9,561.53 9,145.56 2,677.22 Net 21,099.98 1/5 16,879.99 14,854.44 4,726.39

Cost per Dollar of Sale 15%. Non Net 15,935.85 2/5 9,561.53 9,145.66 1,434.22 Net 21,099.98 1/5 16,879.99 14,854.44 2,531.99

Cost per Dollar of Sale 10%. Non Net 15,935.85 2/5 9,561.53 9,145.56 956.15 Net 21,099.98 1/5 16,879.99 14,854.44 1,687.99

Cost per Dollar of Sale 5%. Non Net 15,935.85 2/5 9,561.53 9,145.56 478.07 Net 21,099.98 1/5 16,879.99 14,854.44 843.99

Total Cost Loss Gain Total Loss Total Gain

Cost per Dollar of Sale 28%. Non Net 11,822.78 2,261.25 Net 19,580.53 2,700.54 4,961.79

Cost per Dollar of Sale 15%. Non Net 10,579.78 1,018.25 Net 17,386.13 506.14 1,524.39

Cost per Dollar of Sale 10%. Non Net 10,101.71 540.18 Net 16,542.43 337.56 202.62

Cost per Dollar of Sale 5%. Non Net 9,623.62 62.10 Net 15,698.43 1,181.56

June, 1913

Report of the Bookbuying Committee of the American Library Association, 1912-13

In November, 1912, your committee was notified by the secretary that the executive board asked it to continue its negotiations with the committee on libraries of the American Booksellers' Convention.

A meeting with the latter committee was immediately arranged for, and such meeting was held in New York City on November 25th, which was attended by two representatives of the Booksellers' Association and by two members of the committee on Book Buying of the A. L. A. A discussion lasting over three hours, when all the details and conditions were gone over, resulted in a definite agreement, the ratification of which the committee of the American Booksellers' Association promised to recommend to that Association.

This agreement was in the nature of a small concession on the part of the Booksellers' Committee. While the concession was small, it was accepted as at least showing a disposition on the part of the Booksellers to co-operate with the libraries in the promotion of a better feeling between them. The Booksellers' Committee agreed to allow the libraries a discount of 15% from the net price on new fiction, instead of 10%, which is now allowed. The 15% discount was to be given during the calendar year in which the novel was published, as given on the title page.

A few days after this agreement was made, the acting chairman of the American Booksellers' Association committee announced that he could not carry it out, because of his finding that the booksellers could not afford to do what he had promised to recommend, and at that time submitted figures which he thought proved his contention. These figures differed in no particular from those which were formerly submitted, and which are a part of this report, and which, we believe are on a false basis of an exaggerated cost of doing library business, and of misleading statements as to discounts allowed by the publishers to booksellers on new fiction.

At the annual meeting of the American Booksellers' Association, which was held in May of this year, a statement was made by its committee on Relations with libraries, but this statement does not form a part of the published report of the proceedings of the convention, and your committee has not been able to obtain a copy of the stenographer's notes. The acting chairman of the Booksellers' Committee informs us that he made no report, but that he submitted and supplemented the foregoing statements of the committees, with quotations from the correspondence of the two committees. It, therefore, probably differed but little from the original statements made by the two committees.

We would, therefore, call your attention to the reasons given in the Booksellers' "Statement" for holding the uniform higher prices which the libraries are paying for books because of the short discounts allowed by the Booksellers' Association. As the position taken by the Booksellers' Association is not agreed to by all of the individual booksellers, such action may or may not be looked upon as a "restraint of trade."

The estimate of the cost of doing business by retail booksellers is 28%, and the contention is that no profit is made from any item which does not net them a sum greater than 28% above cost. This would mean that they wish to force the libraries into becoming retail customers because library business as a wholesale trade is regarded by the retail booksellers as too costly, and the Booksellers' Committee believes that it should not be welcomed by them. All booksellers do not take this view any more than they would wish to endorse that expressed in paragraph 8 of the "answer" of their committee, which reads as follows: "A great majority of the libraries are created and supported by direct taxation, by charitable contributions, endowments, legacies and the like. It is true that libraries have to be conducted in a careful, businesslike way, simply keeping within their means. Doing this, they are free from the booksellers' anxieties and difficulties as a merchant."

Your committee believes that there is no question as to the desire of all libraries to encourage good feeling between the booksellers and themselves, nor is there any question as to the desirability of having a bookstore in every community.

We believe that the local booksellers should be encouraged, but not at the expense of the taxpayers through the library.

The libraries, as wholesale buyers, should, we believe, be allowed greater discounts on the net books. As the retail booksellers seem not included to make any compromise, we believe that your committee on Book Buying might, in the immediate future, be of service to the libraries by calling their attention to the advantages of buying many replace books from booksellers who are desirous of obtaining and keeping the library business and to those who deal in remainders and second-hand books, both here and abroad.

Inasmuch as the Booksellers' Committee on Relations with libraries did not keep its verbal promise, and has reassumed its former position which allows no concession whatsoever, although asking and expecting co-operation from the libraries, we believe that there is nothing to be gained by further negotiations with the Booksellers' Association Committee on Relations with Libraries as it is now constituted.

WALTER L. BROWN, CARL B. RODEN, CHARLES H. BROWN, Committee on Bookbuying.


The committee of the American Library Association on co-operation with the National Education Association, while having no special accomplishment to present, still seems justified in reporting the year as being one decidedly of progress. Never before in the experience of the committee has there been a more friendly expression of a desire to co-operate on the part of the N. E. A. than has been the case this year.

President Fairchild sent an invitation unsolicited for a representative of the American Library Association to take a place on the general program of the meetings of the National Education Association in Salt Lake City. The committee has not been able to find a proper representative to accept the invitation, owing to the great distance from library centers of the place of meeting.

There has been an increased amount of discussion by correspondence of the members of the committee as to the work that could be done more thoroughly to create a sympathetic attitude toward the work of the public library as an integral part of public education.

An increasing number of schools are turning to the libraries for help, and one association of college librarians has strongly emphasized the need of instruction in library methods for the students of high schools.

The committee has been active in its efforts to co-operate with the library department of the N. E. A., and has received a written expression of thanks for its work this year from the officers of the department.

M. E. AHERN, Chairman.


The committee reports that its chief activity throughout the year, has been the endeavor to secure a cheaper postal rate upon books, in which effort it has been unsuccessful. Attempts were made to have books included in the parcel post bill of 1912, and also to have the rate on books made the same as the second class rate on magazines when sent by individuals. At the regular and extra sessions of Congress, the Chairman of the Committees of Congress on Post Offices and Post Roads, were interviewed, and the Postmaster-General was urged to give the favorable influence of his department toward the end desired. There seems to be no probability of an immediate alteration in the rate upon books, unless a complete revision of the parcel post section of the postal laws be made, and there is some question as to whether it is desirable for books to be included in the parcel post, with the present zone system, inasmuch as under it, the postage upon books within certain zones would be actually greater than under the existing law. The activity of those desiring a one cent postage upon letters, also causes members of Congress to hesitate in making any reduction such as we desire.

When the new tariff bill was introduced in the House of Representatives, the Committee addressed a communication to the Committee on Ways and Means, so as to secure the retention of the privilege of free entry for books imported by public libraries. The Treasury Department on April 19 decided "that small importations through the mails for colleges or other institutions entitled to import books free of duty under Par. 519 of the Tariff Act will be passed without requiring an affidavit in each instance, provided such institutions will file with the Collector of Customs a copy of its charter or article of association showing it to be entitled to pass such importations free of duty." Libraries desiring to avail themselves of this privilege should forward this information promptly to the Collector of Customs at the port where they receive books.



Part of your Committee's report is simply supplementary to that of last year, constituting with it a survey of methods used in certain libraries in carrying out two common operations--accessioning and the charging of issue. Last year the selected libraries were asked simply to describe these operations closely, being urged to leave out no detail, no matter how trivial and unimportant. It was thought that no set of questions, however minute, would provide for all such details, and that a questionnaire might result in many omissions and make the operations, as performed by the contributing libraries, appear to be more uniform than is really the case. The event proved, however, the necessity of some sort of a questionnaire, and after a study of last year's results the following was prepared by Mr. George F. Bowerman, of this committee, and sent out by the chairman both to the libraries named in the last report and to certain others. Data have been received from the following institutions:

Public or Circulating Libraries

Butte, Montana Atlanta Pittsburgh East Orange Forbes Library Jacksonville, Florida Lincoln Library, Springfield Los Angeles New York Pratt Institute St. Louis Salt Lake City Seattle Washington

College or University

Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn. Westminster College, Fulton, Mo. Harvard Kansas Syracuse Tulane

State Libraries

Indiana Iowa New York Virginia

Special Library

John Crerar, Chicago

Society Libraries

Medical Society of the County of Kings New York Society New York Bar Association (accession only)

We give below the questions sent out with a summary of the various answers by numbers. The original blanks are on file at A. L. A. headquarters, showing answers in greater detail, together with the names of the answering libraries.

Summary of Reports on Accession Routine

[Harvard University library did not answer each question in detail, as it keeps no accession record in the usual sense. A record is kept each day of the number of volumes and pamphlets received by gift and by purchase, from which statistics are made up at the end of the year. A file of continuation cards for annual reports and similar continued publications and a record of gifts from individuals are useful supplements to the daily record. Bills for books are filed alphabetically under dealer's name each year, and order slips, giving agent, date of order and date of receipt, are preserved.]

(1) When do you accession, before or after cataloging? Before cataloging--14.

(2) Are all books that are cataloged accessioned? Affirmative, 24 (exception, 11).

(3) What method of keeping your accession record do you use?

All use accession book except Los Angeles and Forbes Library, which use bill method, and Washington, D. C., which uses order cards as accession record.

East Orange does not believe accession =book= essential.

Pittsburgh, which accessions only adult books, is inclined to believe book unnecessary. Their method of treating juveniles is especially interesting.

Seattle notes that their book has fewer items than the A. L. A., and says the use of order cards as accession record is an excellent method.

(4) Which of the following items do you enter in your accession record?

The number following the item indicates the number of libraries reporting its use:--Author, 19; title, 18; publisher, 17; place of publication, 13; date of publication, 18; size, 10; edition, 13; number of volumes, 23; binding, 11; publisher's price, 8; cost, 18; source, 20; date of bill, 10; date of entry, 14.

(5) Do you enter facts about re-binding in the accession record?

Affirmative, 3; negative, 20.

(6) a. Do you use your accession record to obtain statistics of additions?

Affirmative, 19; negative, 5.

b. What items do you include?

Some of these questions were not answered, so it is inferred that the statistics obtained are for total additions only. Following items were reported on:--Class, 7; source, 8; branch, 2; language, 2; circulating or reference, 2; adult and juvenile, 2.

(7) Do you maintain a numerical record of accessions according to classification? Department or branches? Does it cover expenditures for each main class? Department or branches?

Negative, 14; record according to classification, 6; branch or department, 3; separate record of expenditures, 4.

(8) Where do you place accession number?

Page after title page, 6; title page, 3; title page and first page, 1; title page and page 101, 1; book plate and page after title page, 1.

(9) Do you write price and date of bill as well as accession number in the book. Do you write cost of a set in the first volume?

Affirmative, 6; negative, 13 (both questions); cost, 1; date, affirmative, 3; negative, 1; cost in volume 1 of set, 6.

(10) How do you indicate the branch or department to which a book is assigned?

Not indicated, or there is no branch, 14; stamped or indicated in accession book, 5; books stamped or marked, 5; separate accession book for each branch, 3; order card and book stamped, 2.

(11) In case of replacements do you keep a record of the accession number which has been replaced or do you regard replacement as if it were an added entry or duplicate, disregarding old number entirely?

Replacement is regarded as an added entry or duplicate, and no record kept of the old number, 16; New number given to replacement but make note of the number replaced, 6; Old number used, 3.

Butte, Mont., reports:

"We enter each new copy in the shelf list as copy 2-3, etc., keeping a record of each book."

New York City Bar Association reports:

"Do not use numbers, but dates. A book added to replace is not counted for the annual statistics."

(12) Do you note in the accession record when a book is withdrawn, or do you keep a withdrawal book?

Note in accession record, 9; note on shelf list, 4; note in accession book and keep withdrawal book, 3; have withdrawal book, 2; have no withdrawals, 2; files book cards, 1; keeps record on cards, 1; keeps cards withdrawn from public catalog, 1; not noted at all, 2.

"We keep all books except in very rare cases. The only notes made are in catalogs and in statistical record."

Summary of Reports on Charging Systems

1. What charging system do you use?

Newark system, 12; Brown system, 2; Borrower's record, 2; Single file--Book file under date or class, 4; Double file--Borrower's file and book file, 6.

2. The process of charging.

a.1. Do you issue books on borrowers' cards? 18.

a.2. Do you charge by means of call slips? 4.

a.3. Permanent or temporary book cards? 5.

b. How many cards are issued to one borrower?

One card, 10; two cards, 4; three cards, 1; temporary borrower's cards, 2; temporary book cards and no borrower's cards, 9; borrower's pocket instead of borrower's card, 1.

c. If a borrower presents his own cards and those of others also, do you issue books on all cards presented?

Affirmative, 13; negative, 1 (cards, slips or pocket held at the library, 12).

d. Do you issue privilege or teachers' cards?

Affirmative, 9; negative, 7.

e. How many 2-week books of fiction are charged on one card?

e.1. One book of fiction on a card for 2 weeks--10.

Two books of fiction on a card for 2 weeks--2.

Three books of fiction on a card for 2 weeks--1.

Tulane University--Faculty can withdraw any number at one time; students, only 3.

No discrimination between fiction and non-fiction--3.

No limit--Virginia State.

No exact time limit--2.

e.2. One 7-day book on one card, 11; three 7-day books on one card, 2; unlimited (East Orange), 1; no 7-day books, 2.

e.3. One 4-week book of fiction on one card, 5; two 4-week books of fiction on one card, 2; three 4-week books of fiction on one card, 2; unlimited (East Orange), 1; none issued for 4 weeks, 6.

f. How many pay duplicate books may one borrower draw at a time?

Number unlimited, 8; three at one time, 1; five at one time, 1; as many as cards presented, 1. (Libraries having no pay collection, 16.)

g. Do you issue books and magazines on the same card?

Affirmative, 14; negative, 4; no circulation of magazines, 4.

h. How many books are issued on privilege or teachers' cards?

Unlimited, except for fiction, 5; 12 books, 1; 10 books, 2; 5 books, 3; no special cards issued, 16.

i. Are books stamped on the date of issue--8.

Are books stamped on the date of return--10.

j. Do you use different colored pads for charging and discharging?

Affirmative, 5; negative, 18.

k. Do you use different colored pencils for different dates?

Affirmative, 5; negative, 19.

l. Do you use different sized type for different dates?

Affirmative, 1; negative, 24.

m. Is the assistant at the charging desk required to use a mark or initial of identification on the book card?

Affirmative, 11; negative, 15.

n. n.1. Do you stamp fiction and non-fiction on the same card?

Affirmative, 12; negative, 5; no distinction made, 1.

n.2. Do you stamp fiction and non-fiction on different parts of the same card?

Affirmative, 5.

n.3. In combination? 3.

n.4. Do you use the same colored ink for fiction and non-fiction?

Affirmative, 9; negative, 2.

o. Are the class numbers of non-fiction written on a teacher's or privilege card?

Affirmative, 5; negative, 4.

p. How many places do you stamp--Book card? Borrower's card? Date flap? Book entry? Call slip?

3 stampings, book card, borrower's card, date flap--12.

2 stampings, book card, borrower's card--2.

2 stampings, book card, date flap--3.

2 stampings, call slip, date flap--3.

1 stamping, call slip--4.

1 stamping, temporary book card--1.

1 stamping, borrower's pocket--1.

q. Do you renew books more than once?

Affirmative, 11; negative, 14.

r. Do you renew books issued for 7 days?

Affirmative, 3; negative, 15.

s. Do you renew books issued for two weeks?

Affirmative, 19; negative, 2.

t. Do you renew books issued for four weeks?

Affirmative, 12; negative, 3.

u. Is the process of renewal like original charge?

3. Counting of Circulation.

a. Do you verify your count by having it checked by a second person?

Affirmative, 3; negative, 21; no count kept, 2.

b. Do you verify your filing in the same way?

Affirmative, 4; negative, 20.

c. Are records kept in different departments combined daily in a single statistics record?

Affirmative, 10; negative, 7; daily and monthly, 4; yearly count, 1.

d. Do you send collections of books for home circulation to places outside the library?

Affirmative, 16; negative, 11.

e.1. Do the custodians of these places furnish circulation figures?

Affirmative, 14; negative, 3.

e.2. How often? Monthly, 6; bi-monthly, 1; yearly, 3; weekly, 1.

f. Is any record kept of the reading (not home circulation) of these collections?

Affirmative, 2; negative, 14.

g. If no circulation figures are obtainable, do you count the original collections sent as books issued?

Affirmative, 13; negative, 4.

h. is omitted.

i. For what periods are such collections sent on deposit? Varied, 16; two months, 2; two weeks, 1.

4. Filing of cards.

a.1. Are fiction and non-fiction cards separated under the day's issue?

Affirmative, 12.

a.2. Or are all cards filed in alphabetical order according to author or otherwise.

Accession number, 1; author, 2; author and accession number, 1; borrower's name, 2; call number on slips, 2; class number, 6; title, 1.

b. Do you use different colored book cards?

Affirmative, 13; negative, 14.

c. Do you have separate files for 7-day cards, or do you file them daily with 2-week books issued one week previously--also 4-week books issued 3 weeks previously?

Separate files, 4; no separate files, 5; filed daily with 2-week books issued one week previously, 8.

d. Do you have separate files for cards issued to teachers? For renewed books? Foreign books?

Teachers--Affirmative, 6; negative, 17; renewed books--Affirmative, 1; negative, 22; foreign books--None.

e. Do you use guide cards to separate the classes of non-fiction or do different classes have different book cards?

Guide cards, 2; guide cards and colored book-cards, 1; colored book cards, 4; neither, 15.

f. Have you separate files for books loaned to staff members, trustees, etc.?

Affirmative, 8; negative, 19.

g. Are special records kept of books in quarantined houses?

Affirmative, 14; negative, 12.

h. Do you keep your file of collections loaned as deposits separate from ordinary circulation?

Affirmative, 18; negative, 4.

5. Discharging of books.

a. Do you stamp on borrower's card or slip the date book is returned?

Affirmative, 15; negative, 2.

b. Do you keep on file at the library all cards of borrowers when in use?

Affirmative, 14; negative, 13.

When not in use?

Affirmative, 16; negative, 5.

c. Do you retain at the library a borrower's card on which there is a fine?

Affirmative, 16; negative, 1.

d. Do you issue receipts for books without cards?

Affirmative, 5; negative, 17.

e. Do you give the receipt to the borrower to be returned with card for cancellation of date or do you keep file of such receipts at the library?

Receipt file kept at library, 4.

f. Do you discharge books before stamping off borrowers' cards?

Affirmative, 5; negative, 10. Discharging and stamping off done at the same time, 9.

g. If not do you look up book cards overdue before you stamp off borrower's card?

Affirmative, 8; negative, 3.

h. Do you inspect book while borrower waits? Affirmative, 15; negative, 11.

i. Are books discharged near your return desk or away from it?

Near or at desk, 28.

j. Do you inspect carefully all books returned?

Affirmative, 18; negative, 8.

k. Is this inspection made when books are discharged or when shelved?

When discharged, 8; before shelved, 8; at both times, 3.

The most interesting thing brought out by this investigation is the fact that it has taken your committee two years to ascertain and tabulate the simple facts regarding methods of procedure, in a very limited number of institutions, in the performance of only two of the many operations that go to make up their current work. From this it may be imagined how long and difficult a task it would be to carry out a really comprehensive survey of all the work of all kinds of libraries as currently performed. And yet such a survey would appear to be a necessary preliminary to a study of the subject whose aims should be definite suggestions toward the improvement of this work in the direction of greater efficiency. It would seem, at present, a task beyond this committee's powers, although we may be prepared to take general advisory charge of such a work if others can be induced to undertake the details. Possibly some of the library schools may regard this as profitable employment for their students.

In the next place we are struck with the complete negative that our results place upon the general impression that the various details of modern library work are becoming--possibly even have already become--thoroughly standardized. No one thinks, of course, that everyone does everything alike; but we are apt to believe that there are now a few generally approved ways of doing each thing, and that each library selects from these the one that suits its own conditions and limitations. On the contrary, we seem to be in an era of free experiment. Nothing in the two sets of operations that we have studied--not even the existence and value of the operations themselves--would appear to be regarded as sacred. Everyone has his own methods and is apparently satisfied, either with them, or with his own ways of departing from them and groping after something better.

We cannot regard this as altogether desirable. Doubtless no one most efficient way of doing any of these things can be settled upon, so long as conditions differ, but we cannot believe that differences so fundamental and complexities so varied as those revealed in this report are due merely to differing conditions, and that each is the best in the place where it is practised. We must conclude, therefore, that many of our libraries are doing these particular things, and by inference others also, in wasteful, inefficient ways.

Having made a survey of the facts, the next step would be to inquire concerning all variations from a method selected as the simplest in each case--possibly accessioning as practised at Pratt Institute Free Library or the Public Library of the District of Columbia and the charging system at Pittsburgh or at East Orange, New Jersey. The cost of these variations in time and money and the skill necessary in carrying them out, should be ascertained and the practical value of each, if it has any, should be found. It may then be possible to select, for a library of a given type, a standard method of procedure, which will be, all things considered, the most efficient for it.

In regard to cost, the report of the sectional committee on the cost of cataloging, to be made at this conference, will doubtless throw some interesting light on the problem.


The use of the questionnaire by this committee may require some justification in the light of the growing feeling among librarians that the multiplicity of such demands upon their time is becoming a nuisance; and possibly some general recommendations on the use of library questionnaires may be in order.

We feel that the value of the questionnaire, and the way in which it should be received, regarded and disposed of, depend primarily on the purpose for which it is intended and also largely on the skill and tact of the questioner. We distinguish three main classes of library questionnaires: (1) Those intended to gather data for the information of librarians in general; (2) those intended for the use of single libraries; (3) those intended for the information of individuals. Those of the first class, it seems to us, it is the duty of all librarians to answer, as far as possible. They include questions sent out by A. L. A. or state association committees and those put by individual libraries or librarians with a promise to publish the results or to put them into shape that will make them available to the public, provided, of course, the information sought appears likely to be of value when tabulated.

Questionnaires of the second class will generally be answered, not so much as a matter of public duty as of personal courtesy. They include requests from one librarian to another about details of administration for guidance in making improvements or alterations in method. A librarian feels usually that it is good policy, if nothing more, to comply with such requests so far as his rules permit, for he may at any time desire to make a similar request on his own part. It is suggested, however, that whenever possible such data as these should be asked in a way, and from a sufficient number of libraries, to warrant throwing the results into a form that will make them generally available.

The third category includes most of the questionnaires that excite the ire of librarians and cause a feeling that questions of all kinds are nuisances demanding abatement. They come from students writing theses, from assistants preparing papers for local clubs, from individuals obsessed with curiosity, from reporters, from persons of various degrees of irresponsibility. There is no reason why any attention at all should be paid to these and we recommend librarians to return to them merely a stereotyped form of polite acknowledgement and refusal.

It is hoped that the Headquarters of the Association may become more and more the clearing house for systematized information of this kind, saving thereby much wasteful duplication of material and effort. We recommend that the originators of legitimate questionnaires send to Headquarters before making up their list of questions, to see how many can be answered in this way.

Much of the feeling against questionnaires is due to lack of good judgment on the part of the framers. It is obviously unfair to ask another librarian to answer questions that could be answered from the resources of the questioning library, even if the latter would require a little more time and trouble. A large proportion of the items in questionnaires of all three grades specified above are of this character. If it is desired that all the answers shall appear in the same form on one sheet, answers obtainable in the questioning library may be written in before sending out the list, and the attention of the correspondent may be called to this fact. In any case a statement should accompany the questionnaire that the information asked cannot be obtained by any other means at the asker's disposal.

In some cases questions are asked that require the collection of unusual data regarding the current work of the library. The answers to such questions can evidently not be given, even if the library is willing and anxious to undertake at once the additional work of collection, until the expiration of the period for which the figures are asked--generally one year. The usual method seems to be to send out such questions to a large number of libraries in the hope that a few will be able to answer them at once. A better way would be to send out to a large number of libraries a statement of the desired data, asking those willing to undertake their collection to notify the asker. At the expiration of the period of collection the sender of the questions would then have accurate data and he would not expect them before the end of this period--whether one year or less.

It would seem to be unnecessary to remind those who receive and answer questionnaires that returned blanks should bear the name of the library to which they refer, were it not for the fact that this is so often omitted. In one recent case the name was given simply as "Carnegie library," with no address.

Briefly set forth, the recommendations of this committee, regarding the use of library questionnaires, are, then, as follows:

(1) That questionnaires should always be for the information of librarians in general, or for improving the service of one library in particular, preferably the former.

(2) That no questions should be included that can be answered in the questioning library or at A. L. A. Headquarters.

(3) That questions requiring the collection of current data over a specified period of time be asked proportionately in advance of the report desired, in cases where the data are not such as are usually recorded.

(4) That those who answer questionnaires be careful to include the name and address of their library.

Labor Saving Devices

It is a commonplace of library history that librarianship has contributed the card catalog idea to commercial life. The library in turn is indebted to commercial life for many labor-saving devices. Very likely a few of the largest libraries utilize all available labor-saving devices to the utmost. Your committee is, however, of the opinion that the medium size and smaller libraries might reduce the cost of administration through the more general use of mechanical appliances. We recommend that at a coming meeting of the Association there be held an exhibition of all available competing labor-saving devices adapted to library use. The assembled demonstration of such devices should prove most instructive to the members of the association and would itself be a time-saving device. Such an exhibition could probably not be advantageously assembled except in a large city. Your committee therefore recommends that either it or a special committee be authorized to arrange for such an exhibition and demonstration.

All of which is respectfully submitted.

Committee on Administration.


At the beginning of the year the committee began the consideration of an outline, prepared by the chairman, of possible points considered in the proposed examination of library schools. This outline was submitted to the members of the committee individually and valuable suggestions obtained and was afterwards discussed by such members of the committee as were present at the January meetings in Chicago.

This outline which is appended to the present report is not to be considered as necessarily final, for the committee invites criticisms and suggestions from other members of the profession. What the committee desires if library schools are to be examined, is that the schools should be examined from the point of view of the needs of the profession, not simply from the point of view of the interests of the library schools. The real vital questions lying at the foundation of the examination of library schools are these: Does this method of obtaining recruits for the profession give the best results which can be secured by such a method? Do the library school trained workers prove in actual experience that their training has been of the right sort? These questions cannot be answered from an examination of the records of any one or even any half dozen library school graduates, but only from the examination of many such records.

As was before said, criticisms on the outline are invited from members of the profession and from any of the library schools, as the desire of the committee is to make an absolutely thorough, and impartial study of the whole library school problem.

At the January meeting in Chicago the members of the committee were rejoiced to learn that the executive board had re-appropriated the appropriation for 1912 with a like amount for the work of 1913.

With these financial limitations in mind the committee considered the question of an examiner, and one having been agreed upon, made the proposition with great confidence, only after considerable delay to have it declined. Further search through the field discovered another person who seemed equally suitable and she was approached only to decline.

The real difficulty evidently lies in the fact that we are asking the examiner to undertake a large piece of professional work and practically offering only expenses and the cost of a substitute for the regular work during such times as it is necessary to leave it. Naturally enough, it is not easy to find anyone willing to take this additional burden.

The committee now have in consideration other names and hope, if reappointed, to be able to announce an examiner before the beginning of the next library school year to such schools as indicate their readiness to receive an examination.

For the Committee.

AZARIAH S. ROOT, Chairman.


Scheme of Efficiency Tests for a Library School

(Note.--In its general outline this scheme is indebted to the admirable Test of College Efficiency prepared by Dean Charles N. Cole of Oberlin College.)


A. Government and control of the school:

1. Trustees:

(a) How chosen. Fitness to direct library training;

(b) Tenure of office;

(c) Meetings, how often;

(d) Ad interim power vested where;

(e) Determination of policy: does it lie with trustees, president, director or faculty.

B. Equipment of the school:

1. Connection with other educational work:

(a) With college or university;

(b) With other institutions;

2. Connection with a library:

(a) Of what type;

(b) What constituency and to what extent used;

(c) How far equipped with modern library methods;

(d) Actual practice work in library by students;

3. Bibliographical apparatus:

(a) General reference books;

(b) Trade Bibliographies;

(c) Special Bibliographies;

(d) Library economy;

(e) Samples of library blanks and supplies;

4. Housing:

(a) Recitation rooms;

(b) Study or work rooms;

(c) Rest and social rooms;

(d) Library facilities.

C. Administration of the school:

1. Officers:

(a) How many;

(b) How obtained;

(c) Qualifications;

(d) Tenure of office;

(e) Estimate of work;

(f) Compensation;

(g) Vacation;

2. Faculty:

(a) Do new teachers have a voice in determination of educational questions;

(b) Faculty meetings, how often;

(c) Committees, how many; what duties.

D. Instruction in the school:

1. Faculty:

(a) How obtained;

(b) Qualifications;

(c) Tenure of office;

(d) Estimate and adjustment of work;

(e) Requirements of teachers;

(f) Number of hours of instruction given by each teacher in a school year;

(g) Compensation;

(h) Vacation;

(i) What supervision of teachers' work;

2. Students:

(a) How admitted, examination, certificates, etc.;

(b) How far does actual practice differ from catalog statements;

(c) Requirements for admission;

(d) Requirements for admission of students to advanced standing (in two year courses);

3. Supervision of student work:

(a) Regulation of amount of work;

(b) Guidance in choice of studies;

(c) Requirements for passing grade;

(d) What is done about conditions and failures;

(e) What methods for enforcing the regularity of work;

(f) What provision for the individual help of weak students;

(g) Graduation;

(h) Records, how kept, etc.;

4. Curriculum:

(a) Arrangement and order of studies;

(b) Length of time devoted to each subject;

(c) System of required studies;

(d) System of electives;

(e) What training for special fields of library work, e. g., children's librarians, legislative reference librarians, etc.

5. Class Room Work:

(a) Size of classes;

(b) What part of the course is class room work;

(c) Method of conducting class room work;

6. Practice Work:

(a) What part of course is practice work;

(b) How revised and supervised;

(c) What is the purpose in practice work;

(d) Is this purpose realized;

7. Informal Instruction:

(a) Lectures, etc.;

(b) Opportunities to see work of libraries;

(c) Actual experience in libraries other than that connected with the school.

E. Student Life and Work:

1. Number of students:

2. Work of students:

(a) What seem to be the scholastic ideals of the students;

(b) To what extent do the students seem to have professional enthusiasm;

(c) What studies do they elect when there is an option;

(d) Outside activities of students;

(e) Social life and cultural development of students;

(f) Environment particularly with reference to breadth of culture;

(g) Room and board; are students housed under sanitary and elevating conditions;

(h) Health;

(i) Social conditions and standing of students;

(j) Previous educational advantages;

(k) Literary, musical and artistic opportunities during library school course;

(l) Opportunities to form personal relationships with members of the faculty.


1. What has been the professional success of the graduates:

(a) To what extent have they taken prominent places in the library world;

(b) Omitting as far as possible personal qualities, is there any general characteristic stamping the students of the school;

(c) Do the interests of the graduates seem to be broadly professional, or narrowly confined to a particular type of work which they have entered;

2. What has been the general intellectual standing of the graduates:

(a) Have they shown themselves equal to cope with their opportunities;

(b) Have they shown a range of interest which has enabled them to connect their work with that of philanthropic, charitable, sociological;

(c) Have they taken influential places in the towns in which they work.


The libraries which circulate embossed books have continued their services throughout the year with ever increasing results, the largest circulation having been attained by the New York public library, which circulated 21,938 books and pamphlets. The Free library of Philadelphia sent out 17,706 volumes; the Carnegie library of Pittsburgh, 3,218; the Perkins Institution, 6,000; Wilmington, Delaware, 567.

=Library of Congress.= The most important event in the history of the Reading Room for the Blind during the year was the appointment of Mrs. Gertrude T. Rider as Assistant in charge.

=Perkins Institution.= The school is now in its new home where the library is housed in commodious quarters, and is in charge of a trained librarian from Albany, Miss Laura M. Sawyer, and a trained assistant from Simmons, Miss Louise P. Hunt, who devote their time to the care of the valuable special collection in ink print about the blind as well as to the circulation of embossed books.

=New York State Library.= Eight new titles in New York point were embossed for the New York state library in 1912 and an additional list of well chosen titles is now in press for 1913.

=Saginaw, W. S., Michigan.= The Free lending library for the blind has asked the legislature for $2,000 to replenish the collection with new books. Of 202 borrowers the librarian reports that 117 persons have drawn no reading matter during the latter half of the year.

=California State Library.= Mr. Charles S. Greene, of the committee, sends the following report of the work of the State library and the San Francisco reading room:

The California state library for the blind wishes to report progress during the last year. Although we have had very little money to buy books, accessions have increased from 2,309, April 1, 1912, to 2,659 April 1, 1913, mainly through gifts and the regular receipt of magazines. Borrowers have increased from 475 to 550. The most satisfactory advance, however, has been in the increased use the blind borrowers are making of the library in borrowing all kinds of writing appliances and games to try before buying and in asking information on all subjects of interest to them. Such questions as what occupations are followed by the blind, and where different articles for their use can be purchased, are constantly being asked. With an increase in the State library fund, which the present legislature will probably grant, it is hoped to buy all the new publications as fast as possible, as well as to complete our collection of appliances for the blind.

The San Francisco reading room and library for the blind has about 400 volumes. It conducts an emporium for the sale of articles made by the blind and teaches Braille reading and writing, Braille stenography, weaving, basketry and broom making.

=Pennsylvania.= All borrowers residing in the western part of the state are now supplied with books from the Carnegie library of Pittsburgh; those residing in the eastern part of the state have the use of books deposited with the Free library of Philadelphia by the Pennsylvania home teaching society.

=Cincinnati, Ohio.= Miss Smith, of the committee, sends the following report: "There seems to be nothing new here in the library work for the blind. The Clovernook Home, which is to be opened May 30, has absorbed the attention largely of Miss Trader and her sister and this spring the flood interfered somewhat with the meetings at the library."

=Minnesota.= Miss Carey, of the committee, writes as follows of the work in Minnesota: "As far as I know the entire work of providing books for the blind in this state is done through the School for the Blind at Faribault. The library there is in excellent condition, being on a wholly modern basis as to classification and details of management. It is open throughout the year and circulates to outside readers on an average 25 books a month. There are 80 regular readers outside the institution and about 90 in residence this year. As the school is small this is a large number. The librarian in charge is one of the teachers and for years in this school it has been considered something of an honor to hold this position, although it is by no means a sinecure.... The library work is always stimulated by the annual summer school for adult blind which brings in new readers each year. At the close of the session the pupils, many of them, become patrons of the library 'for good.'"

=New Publications.= Since the first embossed book was issued in Philadelphia in 1833, the publishing of literature in raised print has been increased until there are now 16 presses in active use in this country. The record of new publications for 1912 is as follows:

American Braille, 56 titles in English; 2 titles in German.

New York point, 14 titles, of which 8 were embossed by the New York state library.

In European Braille new titles have been issued in England and Scotland; in Moon type 11 titles have been added and 10 other titles are in press.

=The Catholic Review=, monthly, published by the Xavier free publication society for the blind, 824 Oakdale Avenue, Chicago, Ill., in American Braille.

=The Illuminator=, a quarterly Braille magazine, published by the Holmes-Schenley literary society of the Western Pennsylvania Institution for the Blind, Pittsburgh, Pa.

=Society for the Promotion of Church Work Among the Blind.= Volumes 3 and 4 of the music of the Hutchins' Hymnal have been finished and copies distributed to a number of the leading circulating libraries where the volumes will be available to those who may not wish to purchase them.

=Bible Training School=, South Lancaster, Mass. "Some friends of the blind, in looking over the catalogs of books in different libraries for the blind, were impressed with the small amount of Christian literature that had been placed in the embossed type, especially in New York point and American Braille, so the plan was conceived of creating a fund and printing one book after another as the funds would accumulate, placing them in the circulating libraries throughout the United States." To obtain the volumes in New York point and American Braille, free of charge, address Mrs. S. N. Haskell, South Lancaster, Mass.

=Gould Free Library for the Blind=, 555 East 6th Street, South Boston, Mass. "The library is working under the auspices of the International Bible Students' Association headquarters, Brooklyn, N. Y., which supplies financial aid in the main, while donations have been accepted from outsiders. Our books are all Bible studies, very helpful and appreciated by the blind. We circulated 3,474 books and pamphlets last year in the three point systems and a few books in Line type and Moon type."

=Free Theosophical Circulating Library for the Blind=, 32 Waverly Street, Everett, Mass., has issued three titles in American Braille; also a monthly paper of 7 or 8 pages.

=New postal law.= Under an act of Congress of August 24, 1912, "magazines, periodicals and other regularly issued publications in raised letters for the blind, which contain no advertisements and for which no subscription fee is charged, shall be transmitted in the U. S. mails free of postage and under such regulations as the Postmaster General may prescribe."

=The Twelfth Convention of Workers for the Blind= will be held in Jacksonville, Illinois, June 24-27, 1913, and among those who will attend the conference are several representatives from public libraries interested in the circulation of embossed literature. Miss L. A. Goldthwaite, of the New York public library, has been asked to conduct a round table. In the general discussion of the subject of catalogs for the blind it is hoped to obtain the best opinion of those in attendance upon the most convenient form for such catalogs or finding lists for use by those who read by touch. The Library of Congress, the New York public library, the Brooklyn public library, the New York state library, the Free library of Philadelphia, as well as institutions for the blind, will be represented by the assistants in charge of the circulation of embossed books.

At this conference there will be given the report of the "Uniform Type Committee" appointed at the Overbrook conference in 1911. The two agents of that committee, who made an extended tour of this country from May, 1912, until February, 1913, visited many schools and other institutions for the blind and tested over 900 readers in one or more of the three systems--New York point, American Braille and British Braille. Scientific tests to determine the best size of type, spacing, etc., have been made to establish a standard or uniform system of writing and printing. The recommendations of the committee have been reserved until the meeting of the American Association of Workers for the Blind at Jacksonville; they are awaited with interest by all.

EMMA R. N. DELFINO, Chairman.

The PRESIDENT: As you will see from your printed programs we are privileged this morning to receive an accredited delegate from the Library Association of the United Kingdom, and it is our especial pleasure to greet as this accredited delegate an old friend of American librarians. He was with us at the Conference of 1904, and we have since that time watched with a great deal of interest the strong, splendid work which is manifest in the library over which he presides. I have the honor of introducing to you this morning the Honorary Secretary of the Library Association of the United Kingdom and the accredited delegate from that organization, Mr. L. STANLEY JAST, chief librarian of the Croydon Public Libraries.

Mr. BOWKER: And, Mr. President, I move that we receive our welcome guest from the L. A. U. K. by a rising vote of welcome.

Mr. Jast spoke as follows:


Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen: I should like first of all to express the peculiar personal pleasure I feel at being privileged for the second time to attend a conference of the American Library Association. As you have said, sir, it was my pleasure in 1904 to attend a meeting of your body, then as now the accredited delegate of my Association, but that meeting of 1904 was, as you know, an international meeting, and an international meeting anywhere is apt to take on general rather than special characteristics, and I have long wished to be present at an ordinary meeting of the American Library Association, so that I might see for myself how you conduct your work and hear you discussing your own problems in your own way. So that I trust, Mr. President and ladies and gentlemen, that you will kindly forget that

"A chiel's amang ye takin' notes."

Iam authorized by the Council of the Library Association to extend to you, sir, and the members present their very heartiest greetings and to express on their behalf their high appreciation not only of the special invitation which you sent to them to send a delegate but for the extremely generous offer of hospitality which was attached thereto. My Council felt that to such an invitation only one response is possible and that was to accept.

We were in hope that Mr. Henry R. Tedder, who is the chairman of the Council of the Library Association and its honorary treasurer and an ex-president,--and otherwise the secretary of the Athenaeum Club,--would have come as our delegate, because Mr. Tedder's importance is intrinsic and not like mine purely adventitious and depending wholly upon the office which I at the moment have the privilege to hold; but it was impossible for Mr. Tedder to come on this occasion and, ladies and gentlemen, I am the best that we can do for you at this time.

But I am happy to say that it is the general feeling of the Council that in future we should not let many meetings of the A. L. A.--at all events in the eastern states--go by without sending one or more members of our Association to be present at them. I do not think that there is anything from which our Association is likely to get a more valuable return than by the visits of some of its more prominent members to America in order that they may see for themselves and not merely read about what you are doing, and how you are doing it and get some knowledge of the conditions under which you are working, of your achievements and of your difficulties, and so bring to library work in Great Britain that added power which must inevitably come from a wider knowledge. So that I trust that the imperfections of the present delegate will be overlooked, in the hope not only of more but of better to come.

I am also requested by my Council to extend a very hearty invitation to the members of the American Library Association to attend the annual meeting of the Library Association to be held in 1914. That meeting will almost certainly be held at Oxford, by invitation of the University and of the city. I need not of course point out the extreme suitability of the city of Oxford for a meeting of librarians, nor the attractions which Oxford must possess for everyone who likes an atmosphere of ancient learning and who revels in the architectural glories of a bygone day. So we hope that as many of you as possible will come over there for that meeting in order that we may make of it a sort of Americo-Anglican conference. Observe the order, please, in which I mention those words. I draw special attention to that because I believe I have somewhat of a reputation for an absence of tact on these occasions--at any rate among our own members.

When I informed Mr. Utley that I was coming he was good enough to write me a letter, which I received just before I sailed, and he asked--not knowing me very well of course, or he might not have been so liberal in his invitation--that I should talk to you on any subject I liked. I thought that it would be best perhaps if I should say something about the present conditions of library work in Great Britain. Of course it is impossible, in an address lasting only a few minutes, to cover anything like the whole field, and if I did attempt it I should only bore you. But you may be interested in one or two of the outstanding features of our recent work, because they throw light upon conditions which are in many respects very different from yours. First of all, there are two features in what I may perhaps call the domestic situation, which to us are of considerable significance. The most important step which the Library Association as an association has ever taken has been the recent reorganization of its membership along the lines of the professional qualifications of the members. In our old grouping we took no account whatever of whether a member of the Association was a professional librarian or merely a member of a library committee or just a person interested in library work. The honorary fellows of the Association and the fellows were any persons, whether librarians or not, whose names would add dignity and importance to the Association, or who had distinguished themselves by some special service rendered to the Association or the movement as a whole. Then in addition Mr. Tedder himself had a small group of what he called very honorary fellows who were the honorary fellows who insisted on paying their annual dues. That was an entirely private group of Mr. Tedder's. Now we have changed all that. Fellows and members of the Association are now professional librarians only, and non-professional librarians are known as associate members. The privileges of membership including the power to vote and to serve on the Council are shared equally by all members of the Association. The fellows consist in the main of librarians only, but there is a small sprinkling of deputy and sub-librarians. The by-law referring to fellows who do not hold chief positions states that "they must be librarians of approved status," but we interpret that phrase "approved status" in the widest possible way. The members consist of assistant librarians--all those assistant librarians who are not in the small group of fellows; they must be twenty-five years of age and have had six years' experience. That is so at the moment. But after the 31st day of December, 1914, only librarians who possess the diploma of the Association will be entitled to fellowship, and in order to receive the diploma you must have taken in addition to possessing practical experience in an approved library, the six examinations held by the Association, have obtained the six certificates, have gone through if necessary a ~vive voce~ examination and have submitted a thesis. Then professional librarians who possess four out of the six certificates will be entitled to membership. A good deal of criticism has been leveled at the scheme owing to the fact that the librarian of some pettifogging little library, with perhaps a total rate income of a couple of hundred a year or even less, because he is a chief in a small way, is entitled to fellowship, while an assistant in a big library system, who may have infinitely more responsibility, is only entitled to membership. But we had to begin somewhere and we had to draw the line somewhere and we drew the line at the sub-librarian, because when we got below the sub-librarian we should not know where on earth we were, because there is no accepted nomenclature of library positions in our country. I do not know whether there is in yours. "Sub-librarian" does not always mean the same thing. The term "chief assistant" is used in a very different way in different libraries. Moreover, the Privy Council would not have approved these by-laws unless we had opened the door as widely as possible to the holders of all existing chief positions.

There is one weak point so far which we have discovered in our scheme. We have no provision for non-professional members corresponding to professional fellowship among the professional members, but we have a new by-law now before the Privy Council creating a group of associate fellows and the associate fellowship will be conferred upon chairmen of library committees and upon non-professional members of the Association who have served the Association in some definite capacity as members of the Council or in some other way.

That, I think, then is the most important domestic thing that we have ever done because we have now made the beginnings at all events of a definite organization of the profession.

The other important thing will not have the same interest for you, but I mention it because it throws light upon our own conditions. We have settled, by a new by-law, the relations of branch associations to the parent body. Until recently we had a by-law which merely provided that branches in any particular district may be formed but it did not state what the powers of the branches were, and owing to that absence of definition we have suffered for a great many years past from a considerable amount of trouble. One or two of the branches grew considerably in recent years, in numbers and in importance; and they began to resent the fact, the inevitable fact of course, that for the most part the actual work of running the Association fell upon the members of the Council who were resident in London or near it. It may seem absurd to you to speak of the distance of London from the great provincial centers in Great Britain, but it is not absurd, because every country measures distance on its own scale, and to all intents and purposes Manchester is just as far from London as Chicago is from New York--because we =think= it is. As Hamlet says, you will remember--anticipating Mrs. Eddy by several centuries--

"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so."

And as an illustration of the result of this friction I may mention that in London, at the library school--which is hardly a library school because it has not the organization that your schools have, so I ought not to use that term really, but a department of library lectures at the London School of Economics and Political Science, which is a department of the University of London; at these lectures all persons are admissible whether they are librarians or not, but at similar lectures in the provinces everybody was excluded who was not already engaged in library work. So that you had the absurd situation that while the parent body was running one policy at headquarters you had branch associations running an entirely different policy in their own centers. The question of the "open door," as it was termed, was a very hotly debated one at one time in our Association. Well, the general effect of the stress between the branches and the Council was of course bad, each branch being a more or less permanent storm center. While no absolute harm was done perhaps, and while the fireworks let off at the annual meetings were of a more or less harmless character, at the same time we had a general condition of irritation which affected injuriously the work of the Association as a whole. Now we have done away with that, very largely at all events, at least, we hope, by a new by-law, the main points of which are these: First of all, membership of a branch association includes membership of the parent body; the parent body receiving the subscription to the branch association returns to the branch association a rebate of so much a head for the expenses of the branch and, most important of all, the constitution and by-laws of a branch must be approved by the headquarters council and must in no case conflict with the by-laws and constitution of the parent body.

The Council meets monthly, I may say, and one of the quarterly meetings is held on the occasion of the annual meeting. So that means that the expenses of the provincial members are paid to three of the quarterly meetings held during the year; and all the important business--especially contentious business--is relegated to those quarterly meetings.

Leaving the domestic question and coming to the library situation as a whole in Great Britain, I think that the phrase "marking time" fairly describes it. The public libraries in the United Kingdom have accomplished, I think, great things with extremely limited means. But though the first library act was passed in 1850, though the libraries have since then justified themselves many times over, though the demands made upon the libraries have gone on increasing time after time, yet the libraries are still strangled by the statutory limitation of one-penny-in-the-pound on the tax leviable for library purposes which was imposed not by the Ewart Act of 1850, which limited the rate to a halfpenny, but by the amending act of 1855. It is quite true that about forty of the large towns of the country have promoted special parliamentary bills giving them power to levy a rate of two-pence or even more in the pound, but in very few cases is two-pence actually levied, and of course it is the smaller towns, which can not face the expense of promoting special legislation, which really need greater rating powers even more than the larger boroughs.

As the incidence of a library tax in Great Britain is quite different from yours I may perhaps give you some general idea of what it means by taking the case of my own town, simply because I happen to remember the facts more clearly. Croydon is a town in the outer London ring, with a population of 174,257 people. Its income from the penny rate is a little over �4,000 sterling. It circulates about 555,000 volumes per annum and its fiction percentage is about fifty. Whether that is something to be apologized for or not I am not quite clear, after the president's address of last evening. Then one has to remember that the ratable value of a place like Croydon is a good deal higher than the ratable value of most of the provincial towns. But those figures will give you a general idea of the yield of the penny-in-the-pound rate. A rate of that kind results, you will easily see, in the case of the smaller towns, in a condition of genteel poverty, and in the case of many small towns of absolute hopeless starvation. And this unfortunate position has been accentuated by the tremendous growth of branches in recent years. Of the three b's which constitute a library--building, brains and books,--the ordinary British rate-payer thinks mainly of buildings. The building usually does not cost him anything, because he gets it from Mr. Carnegie, and it is something to look at and something "we've got for our ward, don't you know," books will drop from the sky, and "anyhow you don't require brains to hand books over a counter." Hence, from this you have a town, which will perhaps support, in passable efficiency, one central building and two branches, endeavoring to support one central building perhaps and six branches, and so on. Hence the limited book funds which we have in our libraries and hence on the whole the poorly remunerated library staffs.

And that brings me to a point which it was suggested to me by one of your members I should say something about, and that is the position of women in English public libraries. I am not going to express any opinion on the subject of women in libraries. After all, as George Bernard Shaw says somewhere, opinions are really only serious when you act on them, and my capacity for courage has never been equal to the task of acting upon many of my opinions. But as things are at present, a number of libraries employ women assistants. There are very few places where women are chief librarians; there are a few in the quite small towns. There are very few libraries which have women sub-librarians or deputy-librarians. These are almost invariably men. But the number of women employed in secondary and tertiary positions in English public libraries is considerable and is very definitely increasing. And whether that be a good thing or a bad thing, I am quite clear about this, that it is increasing for the wrong reason. Women are employed in English public libraries not because they are better, but because they are cheaper--with the unfortunate result that the increase of women in the library staffs tends necessarily to lower the already low average of salaries paid.

The Library Association have long recognized of course that the root of all our present difficulties lies in the limitation on the library income, and in order to do away with that they have been promoting for the last three or four years or more a library bill, the main clause of which permits a town to levy a rate, not exceeding two-pence-in-the-pound, that is exactly double the present amount. When we originally drafted the bill we did away with the limitation altogether, but we have now put a limitation in order to placate possible opposition. That bill has been already read once before the present parliament--but the first reading of course is a purely formal matter; it is the second reading which is the crucial one; and owing to the exasperating nature of the orders of the House of Commons any one member has only to rise in his seat and say, "I object," to a private member's bill for that bill to be labeled "contentious business" and for its second reading to be deferred to the Greek kalends, owing of course to the enormous number of private members' bills and to the growing inefficiency of the House of Commons as a legislating machine. It is choked with bills and it can not adequately attend to the thousand-and-one matters which call for its attention. The best chance for the bill would be for the government to grant facilities for it. If they would do that I have not the slightest doubt that the bill would pass because so far as we can see there is little or no serious opposition to it; but we can not get it discussed. The unfortunate fact seems to be that the government will not worry about anything which does not sway votes. Nobody is going to get excited about a library bill. If it is true that there is no particular opposition to it, it is also true that there is no crowd of electors passionately demanding it.

Then we suffer to a considerable extent in Great Britain from the attitude of the superior people to the public library. In America all the superior people are sympathetic with the public library--apparently so anyhow. In England usually they sneer at it. Why, Heaven knows! Only the other day a cabinet minister who was considered to be a friend of ours, whose name before he reached cabinet rank was actually a backer to a bill on similar lines to the present one, in a meeting which he addressed referred to the country as being "drenched" with public libraries. I think his point was the far greater importance of public wash-houses or something of that sort. And, as I say, he used the extremely unpleasant, and peculiarly unappropriate adjective "drenched." Now of course no one objects to a cabinet minister talking nonsense. After all, what else can you talk to a popular audience in politics but nonsense? But this particular variety is pernicious nonsense. The press, of course, with their usual avidity for seizing on anything silly, print that sort of thing ad nauseam and a good deal of real harm is done and difficulty created. I think the minister in question has stated somewhere that he owes a great part of his own education to the public library. Mr. Carnegie has said the same thing. Behold how differently men requite the benefits they have received!

Well, Mr. President and ladies and gentlemen, I have perhaps given you the idea that I take a rather pessimistic view of library conditions at the present moment in Great Britain, but that is not so at all--most emphatically not so. I am absolutely convinced that the future of the public library in Great Britain is as certain as it is with you, and though the next step forward may be delayed, the longer it is delayed the bigger that step will be when it is taken.

The PRESIDENT: Mr. Honorary Secretary and our Guest: I would that the gift of speech had been given me that I might adequately express to you the sense of appreciation that we all feel for your coming, for your gracious words of greeting in behalf of your Association and for the view that you have given us of not only the conditions that obtain in Great Britain but also what the future holds forth for the libraries of your country. In our American assemblages it is customary, when some procedure is taken that no one is particularly interested in, to pass it by; but when something transpires that requires further and more careful thought it is our parliamentary custom to refer this to a committee. In this particular case I am sure that I am meeting the wish of the Association as well as my own personal desire when I refer your splendid message to a committee of the whole, consisting of all the librarians present, all the members who have unavoidably been kept at home and that other, smaller group who come within the classification of Mr. Dewey's "private collections." What you have said to us, sir, has emphasized to us particularly that not only is there in the relationship between your libraries in Great Britain and ours in this country a kinship of interest, brought about through identical language, and a kinship of literature, but also there are common aims and aspirations. Just as the language is subject to local variations, due to the customs of geographical centers, so there are differences in method perhaps. But, after all, we are each, in our own way, attempting to do the same things and to achieve a common purpose. I trust, sir, that you will convey to your associates in Great Britain our gratitude for the kindly expressions which you have brought to us from them, and we venture the hope that we shall be enabled to carry forward the splendid precedent which has been set in your coming.

As you glance at the names of those who are to participate at this session, you will note that this is practically New York Day; the one, sole participant who is credited to another part of the country is after all perhaps merely loaned to Missouri, because he is a graduate of the New York library school. I shall ask the First Vice-President, Mr. Anderson, to preside over the rest of this meeting.

The FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT: Ladies and gentlemen, I can take that kind of punishment with great composure. The subject for the regular program this morning, as you all know, is work with foreigners and with the colored races. I have the honor to be a neighbor of the first speaker and I may say to you confidentially that she has recently moved a mile or two farther away from me without adequate explanation. The author of "The Promised Land" needs no introduction to this audience. All of you have read with enthusiasm and appreciation the chapter of her book in which she testifies to the value of the service of the Boston public library to her. It gives me very great pleasure to introduce to you MARY ANTIN, who will talk to you on


It is very difficult to be interesting or impressive while telling people things that they already know. I won't try to do that. Any one of you sitting in this audience could tell me a great deal more about the immigrant in the library than I can possibly tell you. What I am going to do is to ask you to have in mind what you know about the immigrant, to call up the figure of the immigrant in your libraries as you have seen him daily, and test by your knowledge what I have to say.

You know better than I do in what numbers the immigrants come to your libraries, how much of their time they spend there, what books they seek there. What I want to ask you is to share your knowledge of these things with as many people as possible; tell your neighbors every time you have a chance what the immigrant does in the library. Every little while we begin anew the discussion of the immigrant--to let him in, or not to let him in--and all sorts of arguments are presented on both sides. Representatives of various organizations--capitalistic, unionistic or what-not--hurry their advocates to Congress to speak for or against, on this side and on that side. I want to ask you to see to it that the knowledge that you have of the immigrant is also widely spread on such occasions. The caricaturist is always ready with his pencil to give us pictures of the immigrant in various amusing poses--more or less true, more or less false; the interesting author of the comic paragraph is always there; the artist of the vaudeville stage, and enthusiasts of one sort and another--enemies or friends of the immigrant--are ready to speak up whenever the question comes up. ~You~ have a fund of knowledge on the subject which is very special, very different. Bring it out on every occasion! When the gentlemen in Congress want to pass a law to hold up the immigrant at the gate because he cannot read fifty lines of our Constitution, say to them, "Hold! Wait and see what the immigrant's boys and girls will read when they are let loose in a public library." Remind them that the ability to read is not in itself a test of intellectuality. You know scores, hundreds of boys and girls of educated, cultured American families who do not take such an interest in your libraries as the boys and girls of these illiterate immigrants. You know what you know. Please tell it so loudly that every one may hear. Talk about the "five-foot shelf of classics"! Is it not true that the boys and girls of the immigrants swallow it whole and make no boast about it? Why, they are saturated with the classics the minute they get a chance. The mere ability to read--what does that amount to? You know what book the immigrant calls for. Every little while I read a short paragraph in the New York papers telling that the East Side branches of the public library have the greatest circulation of the classics. I would like to see those little paragraphs enlarged, printed big and spread where everybody can see them. We need to know these things.

Please let me speak today as an American, and not as an immigrant. I wish I could efface from your memory this once the knowledge of my origin. Don't make allowances for what I say because of what I was. I am not speaking as an immigrant making an appeal for the immigrants. I am speaking to you as an American. My credentials are these: I have been with you nearly twenty years. My father was an Americanized citizen before I got here and I married a native American. Please accept me as an American today. Let me speak as one of yourselves.

We are so ready to classify people by externals--by their habits, their customs, by the way they dress, by their gestures. Why, a better test of a man than the way in which he makes a living is the way in which he spends his leisure; and to that you can testify in the case of the immigrant. To gain our bread and butter we are forced to do this, that, and the other thing. But nobody drives us into the public library if the saloon is across the way. Speak up and tell to which door the immigrant turns in his leisure hours. People of dainty habits are disgusted with the personal habits of the poor foreigners. They have noticed a smell of herring and onions in the East Side of New York. The smell of onions, my friends, can be driven out, but a mean habit of mind is harder to eradicate. Many gentlemen who feast daintily on caviar content themselves with the sensational newspaper or the trashy novel. Are they superior to the hired laborers who feast on boiled potatoes and herring and onions and have a volume of the classics propped up before them while they eat? There are people who object to the uncouth manners of the alien. It would do us good to make a study of the natural history of the personal habits of the immigrants. There is a reason for the shrug of the shoulders, for the gestures that are so easily caricatured. They have a history, way back, that it would do us good to realize.

You workers in the libraries, you see the immigrant in hundreds, you see him off guard; for a man in his hours of relaxation is not posing; you see the alien as he is at least on one side of his nature. Let your neighbors know what you know about the immigrant. Whenever testimony is being taken on the subject, let your voice be as loud as any. Almost every day you will read in your favorite paper letters to the editor, about "the immigrant peril"; how the foreigners lower our standard of life, demoralize our habits, spoil the manners of our children in the public schools. Some of these things are true, to a certain extent. But you, under whose observation the immigrant comes, and the immigrant's children, ought to be ready with an explanation of many of these things, and you ought to be ready to suggest a remedy. You know what kind of homes these immigrant children come from, and that explains a great deal. You sit there and agree with me, I can see by your faces. You nod and you smile and you turn to one another, as much as to say, "That is so." Don't tell it to me! I know it!! Tell it to those who do not know it.

A few days ago I received a delegation of boys and girls from the nearest village high school. They represented the debating clubs of their school. They were preparing a debate on the subject of immigration, and who could help them except I? We talked very earnestly for about an hour at my fireside about this perennial question, and these young people took me at my word and were very much in earnest about what I had to say and in the way in which they received what I had to say. That is all right. As a subject for discussion in the high schools that question may be made immortal, but as a subject for national agitation it ought to be laid at rest. Why is it that certain questions have been settled once and for all and others are always being reopened? Those questions are settled finally which are considered in relation to their underlying principles. Let us not confine ourselves to the superficial aspect of the immigration question.

Every once in a while, when we come to moralize about these immigrants--there are too many of them, they come from the wrong quarters of the globe, and what not--let us ask ourselves, Is that the real thing that concerns us, or is there something at the bottom of this agitation that ought to receive attention first? Are we really afraid that the immigrant is going to take the bread from our mouths? If so, let us stop and think about it. It is the law of nature that the best man shall come out ahead. Are we going to stop the immigrant by temporarily locking the door, while we have possession of the key? It will not be for long. Right to the end it is going to be a struggle between the better and the worse, and the better will get ahead. We need not be afraid that the immigrants will take the bread from our mouths if we see to it that we are equally able or better able than they to earn our bread. It is said they are taking the earth from under our feet. Not if we are strong enough to stand and hold our ground. If they are getting the better of us, it is because they are better than we, or else, if that is not so, then they can not be getting the better of us, and we need not be afraid of them.

We will never settle this question until we are willing to consider it along fundamental lines. Did our forefathers, when they launched the declaration that all men were created free and equal, refer to the few hundreds or few thousands of people who were then in this country? Why, in that case, many of you are here only as guests! Was there any thought in their minds that of all the people in the world, those who happened to get in here before they set to work to compose the Declaration of Independence were the ones who were born free and equal, and with equal opportunities, and all the rest of mankind with limitations? You heartily approve the sentiments expressed in our Constitution and our Declaration of Independence. How then can you limit the application of their principles? When did the day dawn when it was time to shut the gate? When did the hour arrive when we could say that all those of free and equal origin were already here and the rest could stay outside? I don't know at what moment immigrants begin to be immigrants and not pilgrims and voyagers for spiritual freedom.

People were surprised at a phrase I used not long ago, and quoted it right and left, as if I had made a great discovery, when I said that every ship that brings over the immigrants is another Mayflower. Why, I can not think of it in any other terms. Ships are now made to run with steam instead of with sails, and our forefathers did not come in the steerage because the Mayflower wasn't built that way.

You see I am not sticking to my text--a proof of an inexperienced speaker. But I am not a speaker. I am a witness on the witness stand. I have been called from the ranks to testify. Now each of you is in the same position. It would have been an impertinence on my part to get up before a body of scholars without a finished address, if I had any idea that I was going to make an intellectual contribution. I simply answer to my name as a witness, and each of you can do no less: testify to what you know. Now remember I am not asking this for the sake of the immigrant. If this were the proper time and place I would tell you just how, in what order, my interest in the immigrant on the one hand and in America on the other developed. With me it was America first, and it still is so. I was not conscious of the immigrant as a special class of our citizenship until I became conscious of certain American problems. It is with me the immigrant for the sake of America, not America for the sake of the immigrant, and I beg you to believe me. And why do I insist that all the truth you know about the immigrant shall be brought out? I am not speaking--I can not repeat it emphatically enough--because I am an immigrant, not even because I represent that specially large group of immigrants, the Jews. If America should go back on its ancient traditions and close its hospitable doors, the Jews would suffer bitterly. But what is one more disappointment in the history of the Jews? They have known how to lift up their hearts and thank God for disappointments before. They would simply adopt another dream. It is not for them that I speak. Nor is it because I am a great lover of justice. I want to see that justice is done to the stranger, to be sure; let us know all sides of the immigrant that no injustice may be done. But the thing that makes me speak to you more than any other is my love for America, for the ideals that I was taught to cherish in the public school. I took everything in my school books literally; when I read that this is the land of freedom; that the door is open to all worthy men and women, and that all shall have an equal opportunity. I want to hold you to that, to a literal interpretation of those terms.

I went back to Russia two years ago, to Polotzk on the Dvina, the city in the Pale where I was born, and again I felt as I felt in the beginning, when I first came here, after seeing how those people over there regard us. They still take us at our word. When we turn them away at the gate, for this and that petty excuse at the bottom of which is some selfish motive that we do not dare to acknowledge, they are bitterly disappointed. And yet they are not the worst sufferers. It is we who suffer, we as Americans, for in turning them away we abandon our ideals, and lose the consciousness that we are still conserving the ideals of our forefathers. It always seems to me that in our attitude towards the immigrant, more than in any other branch of our national policy, we make manifest our true ideals. In our formal dealings with foreign governments we may make blunders, we may betray weaknesses, but on the whole these matters remain a secret with the foreign ambassador. The people at large do not follow very closely these dignified negotiations about treaties and tariff and what-not; but as we meet these individual men and women at the gate, here we give ourselves away. There, at the gate of entrance, we, the people of America, deal directly with the people of the world. The immigrant with his million eyes is looking at us, and he will tell whether or not we still believe in the things for which we honor our forefathers on all our patriotic anniversaries.

There was a young Jewish girl working in my household as a cook, who had been through very unhappy experiences in this country, experiences which, unfortunately, have been multiplied in the lives of many other girls who come here unprotected. She told me her story once, and I saw that what hurt her more than her own misfortunes, more than the agony she had been through, more than the disgrace she had suffered, was her disappointment in America. She found that in America, in this instance that she knew of in her own life, a man may do a gross wrong and there is no way to get hold of him and punish him. She had times of discouragement when she would talk to me and complain of that thing. Oh, it shook me to find that in the mind of this ignorant, illiterate child of seventeen, we, the American people, had lost something of our prestige. I talked to her--perhaps the need inspired me--and explained to her that our laws, like the laws of civilization at large, are not yet perfect; that law and civilization are things of gradual growth; and showed her that although we are still to blame for many things that here exist, we have done far better than other people in some respects. I made it my business to try to prove to this ignorant Russian girl, my cook, who waited on me every day, that America was still America, despite some mistakes and some failings, and that, on the whole, we have gone further in the quest of justice than other nations. It mattered to me that this one girl should think we were still Americans, and surely it matters to you just as much.

Do not let these millions that come to our gates get the wrong impression of us. Do not let people with selfish interests to serve, who send representatives to Congress, speak louder than you do when this question comes to be discussed. Let the truth out every time. For the sake of our country I am asking it, not for the sake of the unfortunate foreigners. We owe them something, as a people of charitable heart, to be sure, but we owe more to ourselves and to our traditions.

This same girl of whom I speak also afforded an illustration of some of the nobler traits of many of our immigrants that you are aware of, and that you ought to testify to. I mean the reverence for learning that is found among the ignorant, the illiterate, of many of our immigrants. This girl who could not read or write a word in any language until she came to me (when gradually, by means of the cook-book, she made some progress), had a genuine reverence for learning, which is in itself half of the material for making a scholar. I kept her pretty busy in my household, as I usually do keep our maids, and sometimes, when there would be a rush of more work than I could do, I would put her to extra trouble, to bring my luncheon upstairs, perhaps, when I could not stop for meals. "Oh, Miss Antin," she used to say, "it is wonderful that I can wait on somebody who can write books!" A respect for letters such as this is not one of our prominent characteristics as Americans. I ought to have the courage of our foreign visitor, who told the truth about his people. I can do no less. We can not boast of too much reverence for learning. Is it not a great asset these foreigners bring with them, this reverence for learning? The man behind the pushcart can't read fifty lines of the Constitution, but his heart bows in reverence before the man who can, and that is worth more than the ability to read the Constitution and forget it.

There are so many ways of classifying the immigrants--as laborers, as a peril, as a help, according to one's point of view. But I always think of them as a cloud of witnesses in the tribunal of the nations. They go back and forth, in person or through letters; their experience is reported all over the world, and they tell the truth about us. The immigrant is the only visitor, you know, who comes to stay and finds us out. The tourists, the critics, the honorable guests of various honorable institutions, who are taken around in carriages and shown our best front, what do they know about us? The letters home that go out from the East Side, shiploads of letters, some of them written at dictation, sent by persons who cannot write themselves--(I used to write letters for my cook; I have never forgotten some of them)--those are the documents that go all over the world. They are forming their opinion of us in the far corners of the earth. What shall they say of us?

If you see that justice is done in the case of the immigrant, they will have no evil to say of us. Our traditions of liberty, of hospitality to the oppressed, will be realized in the eyes of the world.

Now it does not matter that the immigrants today may not be running away from religious oppression, or may not be victims of political martyrdom. Martyrdom of the worst kind is martyrdom of the spirit, and immigrants who have suffered such martyrdom are still coming to us by the shipload. It is accurate to say, in a certain way, that the immigrants in the beginning came in search of liberty, and today they come in search of bread. That may all be, but with most of our present-day immigrants, if you give them bread and nothing else, they are not satisfied. You know it. And I know what the people said in Polotzk only two years ago. If any of you thought, from reading my story, that I had put down the reminiscences of my early childhood, with the haze of the past over all, that I had idealized everything in my enthusiasm, I can assure you that while my story was in manuscript I went back to Polotzk, to find out if I had told the truth, and I found that I had. I found there my old rabbi, my teacher who taught me my Hebrew letters. I talked with various of the old scholars, who were very old when I got back after seventeen years' absence--these old men who spend their time over the Talmud in the corridors of the synagogues--and I found among them just that attitude toward America which I remembered to have existed when I came away nearly twenty years ago. They look on us today as on the upholders of justice and true liberty. They still believe in us.

Do not let them lose that faith! It is more to us than it is to them that they shall be satisfied in their high longings. That is all I ask of you. You know the immigrant as he is in the library; you have a view of him that most people have not. You send your little paragraphs to the New York papers. They are not printed big enough. Nobody sees them. Speak up and tell what you know about the immigrant, that justice may be done, that we may remain sound-headed and true-hearted in our national life, true to our traditions; and the immigrant will hear with a million ears and see with a million eyes and run with a million feet to the far corners of the earth, to cry that America is still America.

The FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT: I shall ask you to rise as an expression of thanks and appreciation of Miss Antin's address. (The audience remained standing for a moment.)

The next speaker will discuss the subject of immigrants as contributors to library progress. It gives me very great pleasure to introduce to you Mrs. ADELAIDE B. MALTBY, who is in charge of the Tompkins Square branch, on the lower East Side, of the New York public library.


I should prefer to let Miss Antin's personality and accomplishments bear home to you the point I had hoped to make; and silently let what she has said to us possess our imaginations to the end that our interest and will-to-do will be vigorously stirred. Fortunately, this will happen in spite of my words.

A little girl with a fairy book in her hand gleefully remarked: "I can tell what kind of stories are in the book by the continents." Would that we could so tell the stories of our peoples! Yet the story of immigrants in this country is not unlike that of the "Ugly Duckling;" and Miss Antin is living proof of the swan-like qualities. We, as a nation, have persisted in hatching the odd egg; have been apparently proud of the duckling's ability to swim untaught, like other ducks; and were duly troubled, when because of his unlikeness, he was not acceptable to closer acquaintance with cock and gander in the barn-yard. We have witnessed, with but feeble protest, his struggle to feel at home, his association with wild ducks and all it entailed. It seems as if the winter of his agony is enduring. He's had a stirring within as of something better to come! The question is will we make greater effort to recognize the swan-like qualities and to give freedom for their development? In this direction lies progress.

As contributors, I shall not single out great personalities from among our foreigners. They will belong to history. Nor do I mean only the well educated groups. They are generally accorded recognition. But I do name the masses who earn just consideration slowly.

First of all, immigrants have kept us alive in every generation. Shall we say on the "qui vive" in some localities? All agree that living is no minor art, so to stimulate life is a contribution. Frank Warne in his book, the "Immigrant Invasion," tells how the distribution of immigrants previous to our civil war practically determined the outcome of that struggle, by giving to the North balance of power in Congress because of larger population, which was made up of able-bodied men who replaced Federal soldiers and kept shops and farms going to furnish supplies to the army. It is interesting to note that Mr. Warne ascribes the trend of immigration to the north and west very largely to what was read in the old countries about life in different parts of America, mentioning "Uncle Tom's Cabin" as the one product of literature most influencing distribution.

Cold statistics tell us that New York, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Illinois and California have the greatest number of foreign born. With this as a basic fact we naturally suppose that in these states, at least, public libraries will be found catering to and helping to Americanize and to educate these citizens-to-be; because, if for no other reason, we proudly call ourselves the "university of the people." If the truth were told through questionnaire, or otherwise, about twenty-five out of one hundred libraries throughout New York state are sufficiently alive to the problem to supply books to attract and interest foreigners. Yet for twenty years, at least, the task of assimilating the almost overwhelming influx of immigrants has been acute in the states named and in many localities elsewhere. A gentleman working for the education of foreigners in American ways has said that he thought libraries seemed most indifferent to their opportunities. While another, a foreigner, devoting himself and two fortunes to bettering conditions for immigrants, thinks that public libraries, when they do work sympathetically--I mean that in the broadest sense--with the foreign born are the only organizations which accomplish with real altruism the implanting of American ideals and the developing of better citizens. This, he believes, is done when we appreciate and build on the natural endowment of the individual or race.

Since the national government has been facing this stupendous problem, commissions and organizations galore, official and philanthropic, have sprung into existence as aids. So many are there in New York City alone, a possible list would bewilder one! Yet in how many reports of such work when educational assets of communities are being cited, is there mention made of libraries as a force in educating the immigrant? Through libraries, however, more than through most educational agencies may self-expression and development of natural gifts be realized by individuals of all ages and nationalities. Where does the trouble lie? Have we been open-minded or eager enough to discover the excellent contributions foreigners bring to the end that we respond to live issues, thus building progressively?

Old habits can be changed to new compunctions. There is no standardized method of discovering or of spiritualizing men, of holding intercourse with aliens or of receiving what they bring; but we can develop sympathy and understanding, by knowing the people as individuals, their countries, literatures, languages, arts, great national characters--in a word, their histories, even to economic conditions. Thereby do we come to an understanding of reasons for immigration of the present day and of aspirations for life here. Thus equipped mentally for further sympathetic appreciation, first hand observation of conditions will help; or if that is not possible, an imaginative putting ourselves in the immigrants' places from the time they leave their old world homes with all their worldly goods in their hands and, in spite of homesickness and fears, with courage and hope in their hearts--with them as they exist in their steerage quarters and with them when they pass through the portals and mazes of Ellis Island, in the main uncomprehendingly but always trustfully. I can not attempt here to draw the detailed picture; but if you cannot see it for yourself, Mr. Edward Steiner gives it graphically and faithfully in his "On the Trail of the Immigrant." At last, the Federal government accessions the immigrant. He is passed on, properly numbered, to be shelf-listed by states, cities and towns, coming finally to libraries and other institutions to be cataloged. It remains to us then to decide for our own work whether there shall be one entry under the word "alien" or whether his various assets shall be made available by analytical entries.

Somewhat of all this we must know to appreciate what the immigrant can contribute to life here, and to library progress, if we are wise enough to call it forth or make opportunity for its expression. It is vain to hope for the assimilation of the alien as a result of conscious benevolent effort. We too often forget that each of the hundreds of thousands is a human being! With a sense of the finest they can bring with them, we should have an increasing knowledge of how they live here, what they think and how these elements can be influenced by books and personal contact. The pressure of a congested neighborhood goads to thoughtful search for remedies.

No one will go far along these paths without realizing how avid libraries must be to reap the benefits of such diverse gifts, rather than to suffer from the dregs. We must correlate books and people as never before to attain progress.

"If we once admit the human, dynamic character of progress, then it is easy to understand why the crowded city quarters become focal points of that progress." As an earnest of what is being done in many libraries elsewhere, may I tell of our work in New York, of that only because I know it best. What has been done in one place and more, can be done in another through interest, desire and adaptation.

The necessity of having the library near the people for whom its use is intended is, of course, recognized. This is more especially true when the people are foreigners. The New York public library has forty-one branches and all that are located in districts where foreigners live have, beside English books, collections of books in languages native to the residents. By so doing we believe that we convince of our friendship those adults who do not and even those who may never read English. This is a fundamental necessity, opening up various possibilities for imparting American ideas and ideals. The less English the grown people read the more they need knowledge of true American ideas to help keep them in touch with their children, who rapidly take on ways and manners strange to their parents, many of whom are uncomprehending, reticent and often sad. We go still further. We have assistants of the nationalities represented in the neighborhood, whose special duty it is to make known to their peoples the library privileges, also to know their people individually as far as possible and, of course, the books. Right here may I say that a foreign born assistant imbued with respect for her own countrymen and with true American ideals can in her enthusiasm do more to make real citizens than many Americans. This cannot be accomplished if, as happens with so many young foreigners, their own people as we see them in this country, are held in contempt. It were pity to scorn the strong qualities they possess, these "Greenies," as they call themselves. They live daily too close to the vital facts of existence to develop self-consciousness or artificialities to any great extent. We talk of simplicity. They have it. Courage, singleness of purpose, happiness in modest circumstances and astonishing capacity for work are elements of everyday life unconsciously developed. Their wealth of imagination, fostered by their own folk-lore and early traditions, could not be more wonderfully illustrated than it has been just recently in New York. The majority of us think of New York and other large cities as vast factories with the machine-like and vicious qualities of human nature uppermost, so it is most refreshing to contemplate "Old Home Week in Greenwich Village" and the "Henry Street Pageant."

"Old Home Week" successfully recalled Greenwich Village history in a dramatic way to its residents--American, Irish and Italian--and aroused a new sense of fellowship in sharing the district's activities.

To celebrate the twentieth anniversary of the Henry Street Settlement, a pictorial representation of the history of the neighborhood from the days of the Indians to the present time was given by its residents--men, women and children--before an assemblage of spectators from all parts of the city and representative of all its activities--civic and social. The last living picture, or episode, was of all the nationalities that have lived in the last fifty years in Henry Street, once the center of Manhattan's fashionable life. The Irish, the Scotch, the Germans, the Italians and the Russians appeared. They sang the songs and danced the dances that contribute so much poetry to the life of the city, while onlookers marveled at the temperamental qualities which made it possible for foreigners to reproduce with unconscious realism historical scenes of a city and a country not their own!

Such neighborhood pageants as this and the celebration in Greenwich Village, exert a wholesome and a permanent influence in our municipal life. In both these events the libraries of the neighborhoods took part. The library aimed to show that folk-songs and folk-dances are kept alive by folk-stories. The contrast between old New York and the present time was shown by the use of historical scenes--lantern slides--and a story; in the one case reminiscent of early Dutch settlers and in the other a poetic interpreting of the spirit of service in municipal life. Those planning the pageant felt that this was a direct help in making atmosphere or in inducing an interpretive mood in participants. Festival occasions like these bind together by national ties the people and institutions of a neighborhood and are rich with possibilities for the library. To a delightful degree they broaden our understanding of the folk-spirit.

So it seems natural to have stories in the library told by foreigners in their native tongues. From time to time we have groups of Bohemians, Germans, Hungarians, Italians listening to old world traditions and tales. Knowing the original and the translation enhances the value of the story in English for narrator and listeners. Through these story hours we are reminding the foreigner of his unique contribution to life here, and are showing our respect for his best. For a simple example, our picture books and book illustration in general do not express life as vividly or realistically as Russian, Bohemian or Swedish artists do. Having some of these in our juvenile collections has been a distinct contribution to establishing sympathetic relations with foreigners.

Yes, it is true that the Italian laborer loves Dante and Italian classics. It is relatively true of other nationalities. If we take for granted that we should know and libraries should have, French and German standard writers--and this largely because their literature is older, more translated or their languages better known--may we not also take for granted that literary history is still in the making? Should we not bestir ourselves to know latter-day masterpieces, if such there be, and the older literature which has helped mould or inspire writers of them, in Swedish, Finnish, Bohemian, Polish, Hungarian or any other language spoken by the people surrounding us? Perhaps the need of realizing what these literary contributions may mean can be emphasized by the fact that in one week, June 2 to June 9, 1913, thirty thousand souls, nearly five thousand daily, passed the man at the Eastern gateway. Eighty per cent or thereabouts are going beyond New York City these days.

Is the Hungarian's enjoyment of Jokai or their patriot poets for Hungarians alone? One can better appreciate how to sustain effort and enthusiasm in a person or a group of this nationality if one knows that much of their best poetry came almost from the cannon's mouth on the field of battle; and if one has seen the glistening eyes and heard the voices of kerchief-capped girls and boys in trousers to shoe tops as they sang in ringing tones "Esk�sz�nk!" and then heard their national song in English for the first time. At home they may not celebrate their Independence Day, March 15; but when they are invited to, here, in the library, they do it with much genuine feeling and true sentiment, which I believe leads them to appreciate and adopt as their own our Independence Day. Through such as they, perhaps, patriotic sentiment and feeling may once more be evident in our Fourth of July celebrations.

If we try to think of a library without the contributions of writers of other nationalities, we must face almost empty shelves in some classes of knowledge. This makes us realize more clearly that immigrants have rich possessions by right of inheritance while these are ours only by adoption. Some of the newcomers to our shores may have lost their heritage temporarily; but they will warmly cherish as a friend the library that restores to them this valuable possession and for us that friendship is preeminently a contribution.

There are other special ways in which the library seems happily successful in forming such friendships. With adults it comes through our co-operation with neighborhood associations, or organizations working for the benefit of foreigners, such as the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. who conduct in our lecture rooms classes to teach English to foreigners. In these instances it is our pleasure to supplement with books the copies treated. The book work is, perhaps, most marked in connection with the English classes where we have opportunity to watch progress and needs of the individual more carefully from the time when an eager pupil may ask, as one did, for a book called a "Woman's Tongue" wanting Arnold's "Mother Tongue" to his reading of Hale's "Man without a country," perhaps, or Andrews' "The perfect tribute." There are also many semi-social, semi-educational clubs, or associations, which hold their meetings in the libraries. The Slavia is a Bohemian club, which has as its only meeting place the Bohemian department of one of our branches. Its members have done much to help form a splendid Bohemian library. Several Hungarian associations work in co-operation with three branches, where are collections of Hungarian books. A large Polish society gives its educational lectures twice a month in one branch and its advice in the selection of books; but perhaps the "German Association for Culture" best illustrates my point. They state: "We are working for culture, and we aim to give the Germans in America and the Americans a better understanding of our contemporary German literature and art. We are bending our efforts more particularly for our members who as artists, poets, writers, etc., are producing valuable works. And we want to help as much as possible those talented artists, poets, etc., who are not yet known." Their distinction is that they succeed! Even in the et ceteras!

As concrete instances of other possible contributions by foreigners to library progress, I want to tell of the discussion of one City History Club chapter and the action of a settlement organization. The membership in both is composed of foreign-born young men from sixteen to twenty years of age, and both groups interest themselves in present day civic welfare. The Settlement Club wrote to the mayor, comptroller, library trustees and several daily papers a dignified plea for increase in library appropriation and in salaries. The year's closing meeting of a certain City History Club was a discussion of the city budget, the club members representing New York's mayor, aldermen and comptroller. The main contention of the majority was that cutting the appropriation of the public library meant seriously handicapping one of the city's most efficient servants and they ended with a warm appreciation of service rendered by library assistants and a vigorous plea for better salaries. This was later reproduced for an audience of representative citizens by the City History Club as a token typical of their work. Both these happenings came as complete surprises to librarians. It seems as if in their eagerness to "get on" young foreigners, especially, seek and use every possible public means for advancement. They soon appreciate what good service means and how to get it. They make us feel toward what ends they are tending and suggest definitely our part in the building for civic betterment.

To sum up, immigrants do bring very rich contributions in arts and literature. They bring many capabilities, that of acquiring intellectual cultivation being not the least among them. I am not blind to the seriousness of the problems they create, having worked among them about ten years; but the conviction strengthens that knowing and understanding their racial and social inheritance and first hand contact with groups of individuals stimulate to broader thought and living. It is not an argument! It is a suggestive statement! Immigrants can contribute to library progress.

The FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT: We will now have a paper from Mr. CHARLES E. RUSH, the librarian of the St. Joseph public library, on


This great country of ours has become within the last century a huge "melting pot" for all the nations of the world. Foreign and English speaking tongues from the four corners of the earth have sought our shores as a haven of relief and opportunity. No other nation has experienced a like growth and none other has ever gained the changing cosmopolitan characteristics which have come to us from such widely differing component parts. Those of us who call ourselves Americans owe our life, liberty and happiness to the conditions which brought about this great growth and upon us devolves the great burden of relieving many of the unfortunate conditions which naturally result from the continued and increasing wave of humanity still seeking better things in our so-called land of freedom and equality.

During the past ninety years nearly thirty millions of people have entered our immigration gates, adding to our numbers more inhabitants than the total population of the United States three score years ago, and almost one-third of our present total figure. At the close of the year of 1912 the total and combined population of five states of the Union did not equal the number of immigrants admitted during the preceding twelve months. Eighty per cent of these thirty millions arrived during the last fifty years. Eighty-seven per cent of them were more than fourteen years of age, while only thirteen per cent were under fourteen. These figures easily demonstrate that the problem is a growing one and that the large proportion of new arrivals are destined to become citizens and parents of future citizens in a short time. Our past policy of devoting our greatest efforts to the thirteen per cent while largely neglecting the eighty-seven per cent seems very similar to the losing method of mending a leaking boat by removing the water with a sponge rather than by repairing the hole.

Economists tell us that the "rise and fall of the immigration waves are very closely connected with the phenomenon of prosperity in this country," and that the general causes of westward expansion lie in the presence of foreign political and religious persecutions, low wages, bad economic conditions, ease of transportation, inflated rumors of great opportunities in America, and the appeal of separated friends and relatives.

The early immigrants, being largely of Teutonic and Keltic origin, were thrifty and self-reliant by nature and entered our American life as skilled workmen in agriculture and in the trades. In the last quarter of a century the source of the tide has changed from the northern to the southern countries, resulting in a far different type of foreigner who is generally unskilled, lacking independence and initiative, and blindly submissive to authority. Many come from nations with a per cent. of illiteracy rising as high as seventy, and notwithstanding the fifty per cent decrease in the total percentage of illiteracy in this country during the past thirty years we must face the fact that some twenty-eight out of every one hundred of the new arrivals over fourteen years of age are annually classed as illiterates. In the future we may expect to receive an increasing flood of immigration from China, Japan and India, with problems and conditions even more perplexing.

Some say that the incoming foreigner directly affects the entire laboring class native to America in that he adds materially to the supply of wage earners, lowers the scale of wages due to lower standards of living, changes working conditions through the subdivision of labor, modifies labor organizations, influences local and national politics and increases social difficulties. It has been said that "low standards of living on the part of unskilled workers menace the higher standards of the skilled workers. The man of skill is recognizing this fact and he is frequently found joining hands with the unskilled to right the grievances of the latter. In the cotton mills, in the meat packing industry, in the coal mines, in the clothing industry and elsewhere, one nationality has been displaced by another satisfied with a lower standard of living. In turn the second has been displaced by a third, and so on. Wave after wave of immigrants may be traced in the history of one of these industries. As rapidly as a race rises in the scale of living, and through organization begins to demand higher wages and to resist the pressure of long hours and over-exertion, the employers substitute another race and the process is repeated. Each race comes from a country lower in the scale than that of the preceding until finally the ends of the earth have been ransacked in the search for low standards of living combined with patient industriousness." (Carlton).

Our civilization cannot remain unaffected by these changing characteristics and the threatening, industrial conditions confronting us. With the army of the unemployed rapidly growing larger and larger, it behooves the American nation to encourage immediate consideration of ways and means to prevent unfortunate results in our industrial, political and social life.

The national government, being concerned chiefly with the admission or rejection of the immigrant, quickly places him under the care of state and local governments, who are duty-bound to assume the entire responsibility of developing him into an efficient worker and a good citizen. The regulation of private employment agencies, protection of the foreigner in transit, adoption of standard employment laws, creation of municipal unemployment commissions, etc., indicate that state and city governments are beginning to respond to this duty of offering more sympathetic understanding, more adequate care and better protection to the newly arrived, confused, unemployed and homeless immigrant. These governments are slowly realizing that their obligations have been sorely neglected in the past when such problems were wholly consigned to the well meaning but quite inadequate field of private philanthropy. Public libraries, as departments of city governments, concerned with the dissemination of knowledge of the masses, must soon realize their large responsibility in the naturalization, education and socialization of our foreign born population. It is very gratifying to announce that the state of Massachusetts has very recently taken the lead in this particular field of service by the passage of an act authorizing the appointment by the Board of library commissioners of a field worker to direct the educational work of libraries among the aliens of the state.

Libraries, like human beings, can reach a high point of efficiency and service in a particular line only when that line is encouraged and promoted. The development of libraries favoring certain classes of citizens has been quite general and extremely successful. Much has been said but comparatively little has been done for the foreigner among our laboring men. The "man in the yards," the unskilled foreign wage-earner, being taxed, while needing more and receiving less from society than others, "has done much of the rough and hard work of recent decades. He has built the roadbeds of our railways, mined our coal and iron, unloaded our vessels, and cleaned our streets. The recent immigrant has performed the crude manual labor necessary for the upbuilding of big industrial plants and huge transportation systems. His services in developing the resources of the nation have been extremely important. Many industries would be almost depleted if divested of all wage-earners of foreign birth and those born on American soil but of foreign born parents. If the foreign born and the native born of foreign parents were removed from our large cities, the latter would shrink to approximately one-third of their recent size." (Carlton.)

This "man in the yards" with whom "intimate contact removes prejudice, inspires appreciation and kindles self-respect," displays an astounding amount of seriousness and earnestness in his desire to learn and to improve himself when once informed of the possibilities in our libraries. Very often he finds his chief delight in the best of books, like a child calling for good instead of new books, and many times he is not as dull and as ignorant as generally supposed, being more appreciative of better things than our average native laboring man. The opportunity is a great one to be of practical and inspirational help to an eager reader seeking to increase his earning power and joy in life, and to learn of the higher ideals of citizenship and the coming brotherhood of all.

In order to devise worth-while methods of approaching him and securing his interest, place yourself in imagination in similar surroundings and conditions on a foreign shore. Only through direct appeals touching your personal needs, pleasure and occupation would you be attracted in like circumstances by strangers. The same is true with our new Americans.

Foreigners who speak the same language largely settle in the same locality and move from place to place in groups. A thorough educational survey of these groups in the community tributary to the library or branch is of first importance to determine the characteristics, conditions and needs of each group. Whenever it is possible an experienced library and social worker should be employed. The advice and assistance of factory managers, labor leaders and social workers cannot be valued too highly. Following these steps branch and deposit stations administered by local assistants may well be located in favorable shops, yards, factories, settlements, centers, and labor headquarters, without arousing undue suspicion among the men, even more extensively than in many of our progressive library systems today.

The formation of the recently named "Creative" or "Extension" departments and the appointment of one or more trained assistants to create interest and regularly visit and supervise the library work in each district, group and institution will soon become a customary feature in the large cities. I firmly believe that it will not be many years until our large manufacturing institutions employing much labor will construct recreational centers in their plants equipped with social, reading and gymnastic departments sufficient to meet the needs of their employees. Furthermore, I see little to discourage the establishment of traveling library collections on wheels, visiting certain districts on scheduled time, after the manner of the now famous Maryland wagon and automobile. In libraries near foreign centers special departments are needed to supply practical and simple information in different languages on requirements for naturalization, instruction, employment, investments, American customs, travel and history, demands of law and order, American money and banks, and friendly advice on many things of fifty-seven or more varieties.

The development of our present line of tactics, including the presentation of lectures emphasizing the possibility of increased wages through practical reading, the formation of classes in the study of English, the promotion of special foreign entertainment programs and exhibitions, the extension of the library habit to adults through publicity directed to their children, the publication of daily news for workers by means of special library papers and the general press, the creation of more effectively printed library advertising done in many languages, the co-operation with individuals and societies promoting educational, social and recreation centers, etc., will open a new era in library service for foreign laboring men.

A great number of specialized and technical industrial books may not often be found necessary in library collections, since the great need among this class of readers is a large supply of trade journals and more elementary mechanical books for the unskilled workman, the student mechanic and the future tradesman.

On the other hand life as well as livelihood must be considered and met. All men must live while they are earning a living and in these days they must be trained for vacation as well as vocation. The tendency today is to place too much emphasis on the daily struggle for livelihood and to neglect the hours of life during leisure time. In defense of the "man in the yards" the crying answer returns, "but what of the man whose soul-deadening toil leaves little or no time for leisure or whose daily labor kills all mental and physical desire for leisure, rest and improvement." This cry will return again and again until all labor shall be so equalized that all men will have more of what life offers and less of what it demands. Those who work on specialized labor done under intense strain and through long hours are destined to become weakened, brutalized and almost incapable of showing intelligent interest in social-betterment. Even "family life," the first school of morals, is a closed book against the man who comes home dead-tired late at night.

Consider some of the perils through which the working boy must pass from year to year, such as economic waste in un-educational trades, stinted physical development, early maturity, suppression of the spirit of boyhood, indifference towards knowledge and efficiency, personal weakness, and delinquency. The dire results due to these perils are well illustrated by the following replies made by a number of Chicago factory children when asked why they quit school:

"Because it's easier to work in a factory than it is to learn at school."

"You never understand what they tell you in school and you can learn right off to do things in a factory."

"They don't call you a Dago."

"You can buy shoes for the baby."

"Our boss he never went to school."

"School ain't no good. The Holy Father he can send ye to hell, and the boss he can take yer job away er raise yer pay. But the teacher, she can't do nothing."

Is it not true that greed, selfishness, privilege, injustice and neglect are five of the great sins of civilization? These obstructions to progress are largely due to ignorance and indifference, two causes which are in themselves as great evils as their results. In order to attain the best of social conditions, positive cures must be found for these devastating evils--cures that will replace greed by liberality, selfishness by the brotherhood of man, privilege by equality, injustice by justice and neglect by service--cures that will transform ignorance and indifference into clear-eyed knowledge and active responsibility. Laws and revolutions have failed more miserably than we enjoy admitting and only through the far reaching, beneficent influences of education and religion may we expect to touch the roots of these great evils.

Is it possible that many of our public libraries, who reach the individual and his family long before and for many years following the efforts of our public schools, can consider themselves excused from a large part of their responsibility in the educational movements now striving to improve the physical, mental and moral conditions of these men who suffer for want of better things? How can it be that some librarians stand by indifferently and heed not the cry of need from these weaker members of society, who, with their distinctive and curable social difficulties, have been left alone to carve their own destinies, unappreciated and unaided? The time is near at hand when everyone shall recognize that it is the "common right of all men to share in the culture, prosperity and progress" of society, and that the conservation of life by raising it to its highest value is to be the cry of our new era of heightened individuality.

In his inaugural address President Wilson uttered these accusing heart searching words: "We have been proud of our industrial achievements, but we have not hitherto stopped thoughtfully enough to count the human cost, the cost of lives snuffed out, of energies overtaxed and broken, the fearful physical and spiritual cost to the men and women and children upon whom the dead weight and burden of it all has fallen without mercy the years through. The groans and agony of it all, the solemn moving undertone of our life, coming up out of the mines and factories and out of every home where the struggle has had its intimate and familiar seat, have not yet reached our ears."

The "vision of the open gates of opportunity for all" must first be seen by those who lead before they who follow can dream dreams and go forth to realize them.

The FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT: The next speaker, who is now the librarian of the Rochester public library, was for many years librarian of one of the most important libraries south of what Mr. O. Henry was accustomed to call "Mason & Hamlin's Line." I have the pleasure of introducing Mr. WILLIAM F. YUST, who will speak to us on


The form in which this subject is expressed is first a question asking for information which has never before been collected. Possibly there is in it also a mild challenge to library authorities calling for a declaration of purpose and policy.

So far there is no indication of a yellow race problem in public libraries. When foreigners enter a field which is already occupied they do not produce a real race problem so long as they are so few in number that they are chiefly objects of curiosity.

It is difficult to understand how the Japanese can be a serious race problem in California where they constitute only two and one-half per cent of the population and own and lease only twelve one-hundredths of one per cent of the land. And yet it sounds as if there is trouble there. Whatever may be its nature and its causes, the difficulty has not extended to public libraries. The Chinese on the Pacific coast, as elsewhere, are seldom seen in a library. They live in their own quarter and hardly ever penetrate other sections of the city except for purposes of trade.

The Japanese who frequent the libraries are not numerous. They belong almost entirely to the student class and the books they take are used in connection with their school work. In some places they "appear to be more resourceful, more polite and more intelligent than the average high school student" with whom the libraries come in contact. As a class of patrons they are not only inoffensive but desirable.

While the yellow man is clearly not a problem in libraries, it is equally certain that the black man is a problem. This is especially true in the South. In northern libraries it is the rule to admit him without distinction. Throughout the South, with very few exceptions, the segregation maintained in all social, educational and religious institutions is enforced in libraries.

This paper will deal primarily with the public library question. But account should also be taken of the institutional libraries to which negroes have access.

Institutional Libraries

The report of the U. S. Commissioner of Education for 1910 contains a list of 189 secondary and higher schools for the colored race in 16 states and the District of Columbia. Of these 160 report libraries aggregating 368,684 volumes with an estimated value of $295,788. Following is a summary of the institutions and their libraries arranged by states. Of these libraries 84 have less than 1,000 volumes; 56 have 1,000 to 5,000 volumes; 11 have between 5,000 and 10,000 volumes; 6 have between 10,000 and 20,000. Two have 26,607 and 27,000 respectively.

Schools Volumes Estimated Reporting. in Value. Library.

Alabama 14 49,522 $26,525 Arkansas 6 9,450 5,150 Delaware 2 1,900 800 District of Columbia 2 27,253 43,569 Florida 7 8,267 7,120 Georgia 14 49,025 32,181 Kentucky 6 3,950 2,350 Louisiana 10 14,353 16,051 Maryland 5 7,250 5,735 Mississippi 11 18,432 14,920 Missouri 3 4,950 5,500 New Jersey 1 35 25 North Carolina 20 16,560 13,097 Ohio 1 6,500 2,500 Oklahoma 1 975 1,450 Pennsylvania 2 19,500 20,500 South Carolina 16 27,600 21,000 Tennessee 11 30,025 17,935 Texas 8 13,550 17,830 Virginia 18 52,030 35,950 West Virginia 2 7,557 5,600 --- ------- -------- Total 160 368,684 $295,788

Many of these collections except in the larger institutions, have been characterized as "so unsuitable as to be almost worthless ... the discarded refuse of garrets and overcrowded store rooms, which should have gone to the paper mill, but was sent to these poor children through mistaken kindness."

These libraries are primarily for the use of the students, but they are usually open to the townspeople for reading and reference. While the people thus have access to a collection of books for consultation, it can not be said that they have the equivalent of a public library, even where the selection is good. It is a common occurrence, however, throughout the country for institutional libraries to operate against the establishment of a public library without acting as a satisfactory substitute.

General Attitude

The prevailing attitude toward libraries for negroes is one of indifference among the masses of both races. But the same conditions existed for many years and still exist in other parts of the country. The library must follow the school, it can not precede it. When it is remembered that the educational awakening of the South is of comparatively recent date and that anything like general education of the negro is still more recent, the small number of public libraries for negroes will not appear so strange. In a few places a vigorous demand has arisen. In a few places the authorities have not only supplied the demand but have endeavored to stimulate and enlarge it.

It may be said, however, that there are still people who think that the negro is incapable of education and that it actually unfits him for usefulness. Uncle Remus has a saying, "When you put a book into a negro's hand you spoil a good plow hand." This notion still lurks in the minds of a surprisingly large number of people, who cite the wretched condition and dense ignorance of millions of negroes after fifty years of freedom. In 1910 thirty per cent of them were still illiterate. Libraries can not flourish in illiteracy as trees can not grow in a desert.

There are, however, oases in the desert, bright and shining examples of individuals, schools and whole communities, which have demonstrated the negro's capacity for the highest education and development. There is a growing disposition to afford him full opportunity for making the most of himself.

While some librarians are urging action, others shrink from it as from a disagreeable task. One is endeavoring to look at the subject of a negro library from the missionary standpoint and is trying to convince the trustees that such an innovation would be desirable, but finds it very hard to arouse any interest and enthusiasm. Another proposes to let the question alone till forced to take action. Another reports that the city is on the verge of the question. Another is having difficulty to find a central location for a colored library where white people do not object. One city with a branch library in a negro high school considers it an easy way out of a difficult situation. The authorities realize that the time is coming when these facilities will no longer be adequate. At present their funds are needed so much in other directions that they hope to be able to postpone this added expense for some time to come. One library having a special room for negroes never pushes this part of its work, but does only what it is compelled to do by city ordinance. Another where there is no race distinction tells how the library is overrun at times with negroes and what a drawback this is to the work.

Some lend books to negroes but do not allow them to sit in the reading room. This practice is not established by rule and regulation but rests on the disposition of the librarians to be helpful to all. Public sentiment will tolerate it in this form while it would rebel at an attempt to guarantee the same service in formal rules.

Table of Leading Cities

Following is a table of some of the chief southern cities showing their status with respect to negro libraries. The letter x denotes a negro educational institution having a library of 1,000 volumes or more.

Negro Population 1910 Public Remarks City Total Negro Lib.


Birmingham 132,685 52,305 No Mobile 51,521 22,763 No Montgomery 38,136 19,322 No


Wilmington 87,411 9,081 Yes Admitted to Wilmington Lib. without distinction.

=District of Columbia=

Washington 331,069 94,446 Yes Admitted to Pub. Lib. without distinction. 2 x.


Jacksonville 81,640 40,020 Yes Sep. room & sep. books in Carnegie lib.


Atlanta 154,839 51,902 No 4 x. Macon 40,665 18,150 No Savannah 65,064 33,246 Yes Small sep. lib. of little consequence.


Covington 53,270 2,899 No Lexington 35,099 11,011 Yes Draw bks. at same desk with whites; sep reading room; little used. Louisville 223,928 40,522 Yes $30,000 Carnegie branch of pub. lib.; 2nd branch $22,500 being built.


New Orleans 339,075 89,262 No $25,000 Carnegie branch to be built. 4 x.


Baltimore 558,485 84,749 Yes Pratt free lib. admits without distinction. 2 x.


Kansas City 248,381 23,566 Yes Pub. lib. admits without distinction. St. Louis 687,029 43,960 Yes Pub. lib. admits without distinction. St. Joseph 77,403 4,249 Yes Pub. lib. admits without distinction.

=North Carolina=

Raleigh 19,218 Yes Sep. bldg. erected by city. Poorly supported.


Oklahoma City 64,205 6,546 Yes Pub. lib. admits without distinction.


Chattanooga 44,604 17,942 314 vols. placed in col. high schools as a beginning. Memphis 131,105 52,431 Yes Cossitt Lib. supplies books thru LeMoyne Inst. 1 x.

Nashville 110,364 36,523 No $25,000 Carnegie Branch to be built. 2 x.


Dallas 92,104 18,024 No Galveston 36,981 8,036 Yes Branch of Rosenberg lib. in col. high sch'l. Houston 78,800 23,924 Yes $15,000 Carnegie bldg. under negro board. San Antonio 96,614 10,716 ?


Norfolk 67,452 25,039 No Richmond 127,618 46,733 No This city has no pub. library.

Cities Having Colored Libraries

Charlotte, N. C., is the first and only city to build a library for negroes with its own funds. After erecting a $25,000 Carnegie building it spent $5,000 on a site and a separate building for negroes which was opened in 1906. But its only income for maintenance is $400 a year from the city. Most of the books have been donated. In 1911 the librarian of the white library enlisted the interest of a Pittsburgh woman who collected about 600 volumes for it in the North. The librarian at Wilkes-Barr�, Pa., sends it the best of her discarded books. From these facts one may infer what kind of standard is maintained.

The white library was incorporated by the legislature in a special act, which at the same time created a separate negro board. Several ineffectual efforts have been made to have the act changed to place the colored library under control of the white board and the supervision of the white librarian. This would undoubtedly result in greater efficiency, as now everybody including the colored board seems to be inactive and indifferent toward it. Its failure however can hardly be ascribed to the negro board alone because it is manifestly impossible with such resources under such conditions to conduct a library which would command the respect and the interest of either race.

Savannah, Ga., also has a small library for negroes. It was organized in 1907 and is housed in rented quarters, but very few persons seem to know of its existence. The city appropriates $360 a year for it. In 1911 it had 2,611 volumes and 1,244 were drawn for home use. Its total receipts were $375.77. At the end of the year $35 was due the librarian for salary and there was a deficit of $33.93. In 1910 Mr. Carnegie offered $12,000 for a colored branch building and the city has promised an increased appropriation on the completion of the building. For a time the negroes tried to raise the money for a site by subscription, but so far they have not succeeded.

Jacksonville, Fla., has in its Carnegie building a separate room and books in charge of a colored attendant. Of its 81,000 population half are colored, but the negro registration is only five per cent and the circulation six per cent of the whole. No effort is being made to extend it. The opinion prevails that the arrangement is a mistake and that a branch library in the negro quarter would bring out a much larger use.

Galveston, Texas, has had a branch of the Rosenberg library in the colored high school since 1904. It contains 2,745 volumes. With a colored population less than one-fifth as large as Jacksonville it has twice as many borrowers but circulates only one-fourth as many books, 2,433 last year. This seems a very small number and does not bear out the theory that a separate branch enlarges its use.

In Memphis, Tenn., the Cossitt library in 1903 entered into an agreement with the LeMoyne Institute, a colored normal school, which furnishes the room, and the Cossitt library furnishes the librarian and the books, which number about four thousand added to a like number belonging to the school. While these are used mainly by pupils and teachers of the school, it serves as the book supply for all interested negroes in the city and surrounding district.

The facilities thus furnished seem to meet the present demands pretty fully. Much depends on the librarian's attitude, which is helpful and encouraging. The circulation last year was 13,947 vols. The institute is erecting a new school building, which will provide better library accommodations.

Louisville, Ky., was the first to establish a full-fledged branch on a broad basis and to erect a separate branch library building for negroes. The original plan for ten Carnegie branch libraries, of which seven have been built, included two for negroes. The first of these was opened in rented quarters the same year as the main library in 1905. Three years later it was moved into the new $30,000 building.

In its administration the colored branch is a part of the general library system and is under the supervision of the main library. The branch librarian, who is a graduate of Hampton Institute, and the two assistants are colored.

The branch serves as the reference library for the colored high schools and other educational institutions. It is in close co-operation with the grade schools through the collections of books which it sends to the classrooms to be drawn by the pupils for home use.

It has an assembly room which is used for lectures, entertainments and numerous other public meetings, and two classrooms for smaller gatherings. There is a story hour for children and several reading and debating clubs for boys and girls and adults. Through its various activities the library not only circulates books and furnishes facts but it is an educational and social center from which radiate many influences for general betterment.

Fine work is being done with children, who draw 68 per cent of the books circulated. An interesting account of it is given in the Library Journal for April, 1910, 25:160-61, by Mrs. Rachel D. Harris, a former teacher in the colored schools, who is in charge of this department.

When the branch was started eight years ago it was somewhat of an experiment and there was doubt and apprehensiveness all around with regard to the outcome of the undertaking. But it has been a pronounced success from the beginning. It has grown steadily until last year 73,462 vols. were drawn from it for home use. It has become so popular that the second branch is now under construction in the eastern colored section of the city.

The colored people are proud of this library and its achievements. Its opening marked an epoch in the development of the race which is second in importance only to the opening of the first colored free schools there in 1870.

Houston, Texas, also has a separate branch building opened last April. For the past four years it was maintained in a small way in the colored high school. The new building is distinctively a product of negro enterprise. Booker T. Washington's secretary called on Andrew Carnegie personally and secured the promise of $15,000 on condition that the city of Houston would agree to provide not less than $1,500 annually for its maintenance. The $1,500 for the site was raised by colored citizens entirely among their own people. The plans for the building were drawn by a colored architect and its erection supervised by a committee of a separate board of trustees, which consisted of nine colored men. The librarian is a colored girl who is responsible only to the colored trustees. Although she and the trustees consult freely with the librarian and trustees of the public library, the latter act only in an advisory capacity to them. They are therefore justly proud of the library as their own achievement. It contains 5,000 volumes. From a colored population of 30,000 the registered borrowers were only 1,261 last year and the books drawn 5,117. These numbers seem very small, but no doubt there will be a large increase in the new building.

While the Houston method of management may contribute to the negro's self-respect and minister somewhat to the pride and independence of a few of their number, the wisdom of the plan may well be questioned. The results are bound to be inferior unless experience counts for nothing. It is unfortunate that so many cities in their first venture proceed with such disregard of the experience of other places. But the limit is reached when the same city repeats the process with a second board after one board has learned its lesson. This applies not only to the details of planning, erecting and furnishing a building but equally if not more to its operation, the selection, purchase and cataloging of books, the appointment of assistants and the transacting of its daily business.

The white public library boards of Nashville and New Orleans both have plans under way for the erection of Carnegie colored branch buildings, each to cost $25,000. In Nashville the negroes are raising $1,000 and the city is paying $5,000 toward the site. In New Orleans the city will purchase the site. In neither of these places is there any public provision at present for supplying books to negroes.

In Atlanta, Ga., the leading educational center of the South for negroes, they are still without public library facilities, although agitation on the subject began over ten years ago. On the day of the opening of the beautiful $125,000 Carnegie building a committee of colored men called on the library board. Prof. W. E. B. DuBois of Atlanta University acting as spokesman said:

"Gentlemen, we are a committee come to ask you to do justice to the black people of Atlanta by giving them the same free library privileges that you propose giving to whites. Every argument which can be adduced to show the need of libraries for whites applies with redoubled force to the negroes. More than any other part of our population they need instruction, inspiration and proper diversion; they need to be lured from temptation of the streets and saved from evil influences, and they need a growing acquaintance with what the best of the world's souls have thought and done and said. It seems hardly necessary in the twentieth century to argue before men like you the necessity and propriety of placing the best means of human uplifting into the hands of the poorest and lowest and blackest.

"The spirit of this great gift to the city has not the spirit of caste or exclusion but rather the catholic spirit which recognizes no artificial differences of rank or birth or race, but seeks to give all men equal opportunity to make the most of themselves. It is our sincere hope that this city will prove itself broad enough and just enough to administer this trust in the true spirit in which it was given."

The chairman asked, "Do you not think that allowing whites and negroes to use this library would be fatal to its usefulness?" Another member of the committee replied that they did not ask to use this library nor even ask equal privileges but only some privileges somewhere.

The chairman then made these points clear: (1) That negroes would not be permitted to use the Carnegie Library in Atlanta; (2) That some library facilities would be provided for them in the future; (3) That the city council would be asked to appropriate a sum proportionate to the amount of taxes paid by negroes of the city; (4) That efforts would be made to induce northern philanthropists to aid such a library.

Later Mr. Carnegie offered to give the money necessary for the erection of a branch library for negroes. When the details of its administration came up for consideration the negroes demanded representation on the library board. This was positively refused and the proceedings were so completely blocked that the negroes of Atlanta are still without any public library advantages.

Methods of Management

From the cases cited it appears that there are four distinct methods of dealing with this question in the South: (1) To admit the negro to the same building on equal terms with others as is done in Baltimore, Wilmington, Washington and some of the Missouri libraries. This method is not satisfactory to the whites. As one report says, "There are white people who are deterred from using the library because in so doing they must touch elbows with colored folks.... We could do better service to both races if there could be a separation, for we must take the people with their prejudices, especially in the use of the library, which is a purely voluntary matter." (2) To admit him to the same building but to a separate room, which is not satisfactory to the negro. One library which has this plan reports, "Many of the educated and cultured negroes (for there are some even in the South) will not come unless they can do so on the same social equality and use the same apartments as the white patrons." (3) To have a separate library under control of members of their own race. This is almost certain to produce inferior results on account of their inexperience and lack of knowledge regarding every phase of the work. (4) To have a separate branch in charge of colored assistants who are under the direction and supervision of one board and one librarian, who have control over the entire library including all branches and other agencies. This plan assures the greatest economy and efficiency and will probably be adopted by all the libraries whose funds will permit it. A separate colored board is as unnecessary and unbusinesslike as would be a separate board for each white branch.

On the advantages of a separate branch library one colored man writes: "In the South the separation is not only necessary for the peace and cordial relations desirable to be maintained but the colored branches are desirable because the colored people would use them so a hundred times more than they would otherwise. The feeling of perfect welcome, ownership and unqualified privilege are all necessary to patrons who are to get the best possible from libraries among them. These things in the South can only be had in separate branches as much as it is regrettable that there should be a mind and spirit demanding separate libraries."

Traveling Libraries

Delaware and Kentucky are the only state library commissions reporting special traveling libraries for negroes. Last year "seven traveling libraries of 30 to 50 volumes each were arranged for the use of the colored schools in Delaware, and the entire charge and care of these libraries was given over to the State College for Colored Students near Dover." The Kentucky commission has two libraries of 50 volumes each in circulation and is planning to send more. Hampton Institute also sends out traveling collections of books.

Another system of traveling libraries is that established in 1910 by James H. Gregory of Marblehead, Mass., for distribution through Atlanta University among the negroes of the South. There are about 60 libraries of 48 volumes each. They are sent to any community, school, church or other organization for one year and then exchanged for a different set. Two interesting articles on these libraries and their founder were published by G. S. Dickerman in the Southern Workman, August and September, 1910.

What the Negro Reads

What the negro reads is in itself a large and interesting subject. A brief article on it dealing equally with what the negro does not read, appeared in the Critic, July 1906, from Mr. George B. Utley, then librarian of the Jacksonville public library. The first book drawn from the Louisville library was Washington's "Up from slavery." The most striking feature of the circulation in general is the comparatively small percentage of fiction read. Of the 258,438 volumes drawn from the Louisville library during its first six years only 46 per cent was fiction.

This may be due to the fact that the so-called leisure class, who are supposed to read most of the fiction, is smaller among the colored people; or that the novel does not appeal so strongly to the negro mind; or that the library is used more largely by pupils, teachers, ministers and other professional people, who come to it for more serious purposes.

A book entitled "Tuskegee and its people," edited by Booker T. Washington, contains biographical sketches of many negroes who have gone out from that school to work for the elevation of their race. These sketches give a remarkable picture of the "conditions that environ the masses of the negro people," as well as their struggles for improvement.

One of them describing the country school which he attended writes, "When I reached the point where the teacher ordered me to get a United States history, the book store did not have one, but sold me a biography of Martin Luther instead, which I studied for some time thinking that I was learning something about the U. S."

Years later "I betook me to the woods, where I read everything I could get. It was during this time that accidentally, I may say providentially, I got hold of a book containing the life of Ignacius Sancho; and I have never read anything that has given me more inspiration. I wish every negro boy in the land might read it."

Another Tuskegee graduate, a woman whose mother as a slave had been taught to read by her master's daughter, writes: "Sundays, with my sisters gathered about her knees, we would sit for hours listening as mother would read church hymns for us."

The articles by Mr. Dickerman above referred to give the results of some investigations on their choice of books. He received answers from 35 leading negro schools in response to a request for a list of such "books as had been found in the experience of their schools to be the most popular and the best and which they would recommend." The "Life of Lincoln" appeared on 15 of these lists; "Little women" 15; "Robinson Crusoe" 14; "Paul Dunbar" 11; "Uncle Tom's cabin" 10; "Ivanhoe" 9; "Souls of black folk" 9; "Ramona" 8; "Life of Douglass" 8; "Uncle Remus" 7. Six lists included "Alice in wonderland," Grimm's "Fairy tales," "John Halifax," "Last days of Pompeii," and "Swiss family Robinson."

These lists all came from schools and therefore bear the earmarks of the schoolmaster. But the largest part of the reading by negroes is done by the pupils and teachers in connection with their school work. This would account for the preponderance of the literature and history classes. Miss Sarah B. Askew observes that among the general readers in a public library "the colored people's tastes are for quick action, strong emotion, vivid coloring, and simplicity of narration." Books by and about their own people are in constant demand. The colored magazines, those devoted especially to their interests and those published by colored men are always popular.

There is also a growing demand for books useful to the mechanic in his daily work. Chauffeurs "avail themselves of technical books on automobiles." An early experience in the Louisville library was with a woman who made a business of raising chickens. She called at the library for medical help because many of them were dying. Strangely enough this subject had been overlooked in selecting the books and the librarian was unable to prescribe for sick chickens. But a book on poultry was ordered for her immediately.


Following are some conclusions regarding libraries for negroes:

(1) That books and reading are of the utmost value in the education, development and progress of the race.

(2) That in northern public libraries they are admitted to all privileges without distinction.

(3) That in southern libraries the segregation of the races prevails, as it does, in all educational, religious and other social institutions.

(4) That in many places institutional libraries are supplying the book wants of the few negroes who really have need of libraries.

(5) That among the masses of the colored race there is as yet very little demand for libraries.

(6) That where a genuine demand has manifested itself and up-to-date facilities have been provided negroes have been quick to use them and have made commendable progress.

(7) That in some of the large cities containing a great many negroes who are intelligent and who pay taxes the provision made for them is sadly inadequate or is entirely lacking.

(8) That southern librarians generally are kindly and helpfully disposed toward them and that the majority of the white people favor a fair deal for them, including the best training and the fullest enlightenment.

(9) That in the South any arrangement which aims to serve the two races in the same room or in the same building is detrimental to the greatest good of both. Complete segregation is essential to the best work for all.

(10) That many libraries are not financially able to conduct separate departments and so the negro loses out.

(11) That a few cities have splendid facilities for them, a few others are now establishing branches, a considerable number are discussing the question seriously and another considerable number which should be at work are doing nothing.

(12) That the best solution of the problem is the separate branch in charge of colored assistants under the supervision and control of the white authorities.

(13) That even in northern cities which have large segregated colored districts such separate branches would result in reaching a larger number of negroes and doing better work for both races.

(14) That the South is entitled to the sympathy and help of the North on this question, which is only a part of the larger question of negro education. That sympathy will come with fuller information and will increase as the size and seriousness of the problem is more fully understood.



(Wednesday morning, June 25, 1913)

The PRESIDENT: There is a matter of business to come up this morning. At the last conference the Association adopted an amendment to the Constitution which, to become effective, must be ratified at this meeting. It may be added that the requisite notice required by the Constitution, of thirty days, has been given by the Secretary, through publication in the Bulletin, where you have doubtless seen the proposed amendment together with the by-law which is dependent, of course, upon the adoption of the amendment itself. The Secretary will please read the proposed amendment as adopted at the Ottawa conference.

The SECRETARY: I will also read that portion of Section 14 of the Constitution to which the amendment would apply:

"=Council.= Membership. The Council shall consist of the executive board, all ex-presidents of the Association who continue as members thereof, all presidents of affiliated societies who are members of the Association, twenty-five members elected by the Association at large, and twenty-five elected by the Council itself,"--

And the proposed amendment consists of the following words to be inserted at that place:

--"and one member from each state, provincial and territorial library association or any association covering two or more such geographical divisions which complies with the conditions for such representation set forth in the by-laws."

The PRESIDENT: The amendment is before you for consideration. What is your pleasure? Are you ready for the question?

(The question being called for and put, the amendment was adopted.)

The PRESIDENT: Dependent upon the adoption of the amendment to the Constitution there is now before you for consideration a proposed amendment to the by-laws. The Secretary will please read the suggested amendment which carries into effect now the Constitutional amendment which you have just adopted and which becomes effective, in that it has now been adopted by two successive conferences.

The Secretary then read the proposed amendment Section 3a, which is as follows:

"Sec. 3a. Each state, territorial and provincial library association (or any association covering two or more such geographical divisions) having a membership of not less than fifteen members, may be represented in the Council by the president of such association, or by an alternate elected at the annual meeting of the association. The annual dues shall be $5.00 for each association having a membership of fifty or less, and ten cents per additional capita where membership is above that number. The privileges and advantages of the A. L. A. conferences shall be available only to those holding personal membership or representing institutional membership in the Association."

The President then put the question and the above amendment to the by-laws was duly adopted.

Dr. ANDREWS: I move the addition of the words "or to members of other affiliated societies," in order not to bar these members from attendance at our meetings.

The PRESIDENT: Dr. Andrews' amendment is to include the words "or to members of other affiliated societies."

Mr. RANCK: I think, as a member of the Committee that had something to do with the drafting of the proposed by-law, that I can say that the purpose of that provision was that there should be some advantage to persons holding membership in these organizations, to get the railroad rates, hotel rates, etc.; in other words, to have some pecuniary advantage in their becoming members and not to be able to come and get those advantages without holding any kind of a membership.

If I may be permitted, Mr. President, I should like to give a few figures with reference to the distribution of the members of the Council as it now exists, as given in the last handbook. There were 72 members of the Council, counting the one or two who have died, representing 48 states, the District of Columbia and Canada. However, in the Council only 20 States in the Union have representation. In other words, there are 28 states in the Union that are not represented in the Council. The population of these 28 states is nearly thirty-three millions and their area is nearly two million square miles, whereas the area of the states that are represented is a little over a million square miles. The point is, Mr. President, the purpose of the amendment to the Constitution and these amendments is to give a wider geographical distribution of representation in the Council; in other words, that more than half of the area of the United States may be brought in, on account of this geographical representation, and that the thirty-three millions of people who live in those states may be able to get a representation which it seems at the present time they do not have.

The PRESIDENT: The question before the conference is on the proposed amendment of the by-law as offered by Dr. Andrews.

(The President put the question and the amendment was duly adopted.)

The PRESIDENT: The question now is upon the amendment to the by-laws as amended.

(The President put the question and the amendment to the by-laws was duly adopted.)

The PRESIDENT: The Association during the past year suffered grievous loss in the passing of two of its notable members, members who had long been identified with the Association and its work, and I may add the loss of a friend of librarians everywhere, that splendid gentleman, Mr. Francis Fisher Browne, of The Dial,--a man gentle of soul, keen of intellect and fine of fiber. While perhaps we are not called upon to take official notice of his passing it seems to me very well that we should group him with those whose loss we mourn at this time. By request of the Executive Board and of the Council a committee consisting of Dr. Putnam, Mr. Bowker and Mr. Wellman have been asked to draft memorial resolutions on the passing of Dr. Billings and Mr. Soule and I would ask Dr. Putnam to report at this time.

Dr. PUTNAM: With your permission I will ask Mr. Wellman to read the suggested minute with reference to Mr. Soule. And the Committee would suggest that if the expression in these minutes appears to you just, that they be adopted by a rising vote.

Mr. Wellman then read the following resolution which was unanimously adopted by a rising vote.


With profound sorrow, we record the death of Charles C. Soule, whose services and relation to the American Library Association were in many ways unique. Though himself not a librarian, yet in the early days of the public library he was one of those who foresaw the great force which it might be made to exert in our democratic civilization; and to promote the wise realization of this vision, he labored unceasingly as a member of this Association for more than thirty years and was a constant attendant at the meetings. He served as vice-president in 1890, as member of the Institute for six years, as member of the Council for eight years, as trustee of the endowment fund for twelve years, and as a member of the Publishing Board for eighteen years. But his distinctive contribution was in efforts towards the improvement of library architecture; and here by his study and writings, as well as by creating the office of advisory expert in building, he did more than any other man to further the planning of library buildings for library work.

In reciting the tale of his accomplishment, it is impossible to forget the man. Unselfish and high-minded, a good counsellor and a consistent friend, he ever showed eager and affectionate interest in the work of his fellow members, and especially in the success of those beginning their careers. Above all, he possessed a generous faith in his associates and an unfailing good will. These were but a few of the qualities which enabled him to achieve so much for the public library, and which endeared him to hosts of librarians throughout the land.

Dr. PUTNAM: Mr. President, this is proposed as a minute for the records of the Association. It is therefore headed "John Shaw Billings."

The resolution was unanimously adopted by a rising vote.


April 12, 1838--March 18, 1913

A member of the American Library Association 1881-1913--Its President, 1901-02

It is seldom that the death of an individual removes from two professions a unit of singular power in each. But such was the loss in the recent death of John Shaw Billings; a scientist in a department of science intensive and exacting, a librarian rigorously scientific in a profession broadly humane. To the former he made original contributions which constituted him an authority within special fields; but also in his great Index-Catalog of Medical Literature, one which assured certainty and promoted advance in every field--and left the entire medical profession his debtor. As a librarian, having first brought to preeminence the professional library entrusted to him, he was called to the organization into a single system of isolated funds and institutions, achieved that organization, and lived to see it, under his charge develop into the largest general library system in the world, with a possible influence upon our greatest metropolis of incalculable importance to it, and through it, to the welfare of our entire country.

The qualities which enabled him to accomplish all this included not merely certain native abilities--among them, penetration, concentration, vigor, tenacity of purpose and directness of method, but others developed by self-denial, self-discipline, and a complete dedication to the work in hand. It was through these that he earned his education and his scientific training; and they hardened into habits which attended him to the end of his days, when he concluded in toil that shirked no detail a life begun in toil and devoted to detail.

Such habits, a keen faculty of analysis, and a scientific training kept him aloof alike from hasty generalizations and from the impulses of mere emotion; while his military training induced in him three characteristics which marked alike his treatment of measures and his dealings with men; incisiveness, a distaste for the superfluous and the redundant, and an insistence upon the suitable subordination of the part to the whole. In this combination, and in the knowledge of, and power over, men which accompanied it, he was unique among librarians; in his complete lack of ostentation he was unusual among men. His mind was ever on the substance, indifferent to the form. A =power= in two professions, to have termed him the "ornament" of either would have affronted him; for he was consistently impatient of the merely ornamental. Any =personal= ostentation was actually repugnant to him; and he avoided it as completely in what he suffered as in what he achieved; bearing, with a reticence that asked no allowances, physical anguish in which most men would have found ample excuse from every care.

If such a combination of traits assured his remarkable efficiency, it might not have seemed calculated to promote warm personal or social attachments. Yet there was in him also a singular capacity for friendship; not indeed for impulsive and indiscriminate intimacies, but for those selective, deep, steady and lasting friendships which are proof of the fundamental natures of men. And however terse, austere, and even abrupt, his manner in casual relations, where a really human interest was at stake he might be relied upon for sympathies both warm and considerate, and the more effective because consistently just and inevitably sincere.

The testimonies to these qualities in his character, to these powers, and to his varied achievements, have already been many and impressive. The American Library Association wishes to add its own, with a special recognition not merely of the value to the community of the things which he accomplished, but of the value to individuals in the example of a character and abilities so resolutely developed and so resolutely applied to the service of science and the service of men.

The PRESIDENT: To offer a telegram as a substitute for a long and pleasurably anticipated paper is cause for regret, but such must be the case this morning as Miss Arnold finds it impossible to be with us. The telegram reads as follows:

"Emergency meeting of Simmons College Corporation has been appointed for Wednesday and prevents me from attending library meeting. Extreme regrets.


The general theme of this morning's session is "Library influence in the home, in the shop, on the farm, and among defectives and dependents." We shall begin the morning's program with a paper on "The working library for the artisan and the craftsman," by EDWARD F. STEVENS, librarian Pratt Institute free library, and director of the school of library science, Brooklyn.


It is not my privilege to speak to you at this time of the professional, technical, or practical aspects of that recent phase of library work wherein is attempted the reconciliation of shopmen with bookmen. In the very few moments placed at my disposal I may mention only that human relationship which enters so largely into a librarian's dealings with men who are concerned with and about their work.

The straightforward, sympathetic intercourse of man with man may adorn to the point of making almost beautiful a department of librarianship which is extremely matter-of-fact in its essential character and might easily become commonplace in its practicality. The business of a technology department in a public library may best be expressed in terms of the statement of the policy of the Franklin Union established in recent years in Philadelphia--"the further education of men already employed." Such a working library is strictly a library of work. It is almost oppressively utilitarian. Yet to a librarian who has had the privilege of making books known to artisans and craftsmen, and who is now denied that privilege, the sense of the loss of the fellowships, not to say friendships, that formerly were a part of his daily occupation proves that the sympathetic was after all the potential element in his experience.

I may say with Lowell, "I like folks who like an honest piece of steel.... There is always more than the average human nature in a man who has a hearty sympathy with iron."

Theodore Roosevelt has given us a maxim that deserves to be written as a rule of life--"That which one does which all can do but won't do is the greatest of greatness."

Therein is the greatness of work with practical men--the discernment of the simplest facts of life, the performance of the simplest acts of life in working out the complex things of life, recognizing, to begin with, that a man's difficulty is at once less a difficulty when it becomes the friendly concern of a fellow-man. My own first experience as a seeker after help in a public library in matters technical that were then of great importance to me, met the rebuff and disappointment that have given me a point of view which amounts to a conviction.

In the present day, the library assumes considerable confidence in inviting the workingman into its constituency, and the workingman must come to it with no less confidence if the library expects its justification. The mechanic, as formerly the scholar, must approach the library with a calculated expectation. The librarian must understand him, believe in him, and in turn make himself understood by him.

In a recent issue of the =American Machinist=, a writer deplores the general lack of sympathy and interest in the affairs of the "unheralded mechanic." That the life he lives has no place in men's thoughts nor in literature. This is the closing statement: "As it is, if left to themselves, mechanics will by their silence continue to let those outside the shop think of them as nothing but men tied to a whistle."

Leigh Hunt (himself very much an outsider) in a familiar essay makes this friendly observation: "A business of screws and iron wheels is, or appears to be, a very commonplace matter; but not so the will of the hand that sets them in motion; not so the operations of the mind that directs them what to utter."

But this mechanic that now nears the public library is coming neither as a pathetic figure in distress, nor as a mysterious or heroic figure beyond our comprehension. He comes as an unpretending man dignified by earnestness of purpose not to discredit an honorable vocation.

The best of mutual understanding and feeling, however, will not secure the chief ends of librarianship except so far as they splendidly prepare the way. The recognition of books as tools comes only as the books stand the same practical test that the workman applies to his instruments.

The librarian must furnish books shaped to the man's hand, books that he can use to perform work, that he can depend upon as true, accurate, precise, simple, efficient, economical, reliable in the same sense that his tools must be all these. And so, the selection of books for a working library of technology becomes not unlike the testing of instruments of precision. Care in selection is of supreme importance in fitting up a tool-shop of books.

Wisdom in application is scarcely second to intelligence in choice. A practical man does not often come to a library for this or that particular book, for the work of a specified author, or for a title that he has in mind. If he does, he cannot always be depended upon to know his own wishes in the matter. What this man wants is information about a topic that concerns him. He leaves it to the library to tell him in what printed form that information can be had--and it's risky, for the library, to trifle with him or to play him false. Hesitation, indecision, irresolution are fatal. If the library exhibits lack of faith in itself, who, indeed, shall have faith in it? The workingman will be sure to entertain the same contempt for the librarian's doubtful application of even the best books as he himself would of the misuse of good tools in his own trade.

This necessity for books that will answer to needs is the incentive in the erection of a working library to which men may resort.

At home we have a permanent and constantly revised selection of the most useful technical books registered on cards of varying colors showing the differing characteristics of the books included. This is our Works Library. And within it, on blue cards, are listed the simplest and most direct texts for the man with the least preparation for books. This is our Dinner-Pail Library. And starting with these, we may go on with a degree of confidence in teaching men the use of tools the handling of which we ourselves understand.

Preparedness in attitude, preparedness in equipment, await the arrival of the man the most skeptical of the library's guests. Does he come and go away again confirmed in his skepticism? If he does, it's the library's fault, not his. Does he come, and remain, to come again? Then he is ready to pay the tribute of his allegiance that becomes the librarian's great reward.

We have heard the =American Machinist= complain that the mechanic found no voice to sing his praises. Not less is the genus librarian unwept, unhonored, and unsung. He expects praise as little as he desires it, and, perhaps, I may say, deserves it. But the ready word of appreciation, the acknowledgment of the library's help in overcoming difficulties that drove a man there as a last resort, the confession of awakening to the new knowledge of the library's wider purpose and power, is expressed often with a frankness and fervor that surprise and gratify the fortunate librarian who has been instrumental in bringing things to pass.

I recall how men of few words and little sentiment have spontaneously related to me their experiences of misfortune, perplexity, disappointment, or other embarrassment that caused them to turn to the public library for a possible helping hand, and then, how the library did not fail them in their extremity. At such times, I knew that the free library was doing what it undertook to do.

Of this sort are the few, the impressive instances that illustrate how, on occasions, a working library can meet very exceptional requirements. There are also the very many--the students, apprentices, shopmen, machinists, inventors, chemists, engineers, manufacturers--all artisans and craftsmen in their various ways, who are coming to learn that in their usual daily processes they may expect from the public library the ordinary, indispensable service that the library has always performed for those who know the value of books.

It is this complete idea of a library that still fails of development in the minds of these men, an idea that the library is a live thing, a public utility of which they will naturally and inevitably avail themselves as they do of the street-cars to take them both to and away from their work. Nothing is needed to convince men that a utility =is= a utility save the satisfying use of it. When they have found that the library speeds them on in the direction of the day's occupation, then it becomes easy enough for them to learn that the library can also get them far removed from it. And when the workingman fully comprehends the =working= library, and by means of it is introduced to the =diverting= library, he becomes a man with the greatest capacity for usefulness, and the library's conquest of the community is finished and triumphant.

The PRESIDENT: Mr. Stevens has very forcefully brought out the factor that a book may be in bringing into life dormant faculties that might otherwise go to waste and recalls to us the remark of Prof. Dewey, that the loss of the unearned increment is as nothing compared with the loss of the undiscovered resource.

Of course you know as well as the members of the program committee that they had nothing to do with the selection of the next speaker; the topic chose her. How could anyone else be asked to present the subject of "The woman on the farm," than Miss LUTIE E. STEARNS, of the Wisconsin free library commission?


Modern programs of library extension through public libraries as distinguished from traveling library systems are practically confined to an arbitrary line drawn tightly around the city's limits. Charters, laws, or ordinances under which many libraries operate are usually interpreted to restrict the use of such institutions to a narrow area and no great attempt has been made through legislation, save in California and a few isolated examples elsewhere, to extend library privileges to adjacent communities. It is a happy omen for the future that the president of the American Library Association, the custodian of a library catering to two-million city dwellers with a circulation second in rank to Greater New York, should have seen fit on his own initiative to place among the topics of this meeting the needs of the woman on the farm, the real founder of the city's citizenship.

"Who's the greatest woman in history?" was the query debated by Kansas school teachers recently. They considered Joan of Arc, Queen Elizabeth, Semiramis, Cleopatra, Cornelia, Catherine of Russia, Maria Theresa, Grace Darling, Florence Nightingale, Susan B. Anthony, and half a hundred others. When they came to deciding, all the names known to fame were ruled out. And to whom do you suppose the judges awarded the palm? Here is the answer: "The wife of the farmer of moderate means who does her own cooking, washing, ironing and sewing, brings up a family of boys and girls to be useful members of society and finds time for intellectual improvement."

These teachers knew that woman, they knew the drudgery she faced at four or five o'clock every morning the year 'round. There are twenty millions of her in this country of ours, she makes up nearly one-fourth of the population of the country, and while we are dealing with these most "vital statistics," we may include the tragic fact that sixty-six per cent of those committed to insane hospitals are from rural districts, the farm women constituting the great majority thereof.

And yet the needs of this great, deserving class of "humans" with minds and hearts even more receptive to ideas than are city women--the needs of such as these are as yet almost wholly unrealized by librarians aside from Commission workers. No committee of the American Library Association has ever had the joy of working out a program of library extension from the great city systems to rural readers. The question put by the then President Roosevelt to his Country Life Commission, "How can the life of the farm family be made less solitary, fuller of opportunity, freer from drudgery, more comfortable, happier, and more attractive?" still awaits solution from the library standpoint.

Though agriculture is our oldest and by far our largest and most important industry, it has only recently occurred to us in the United States that we had a rural problem. It is only within the last decade or so that we have awakened to the fact that there is a rural as well as an urban problem, and the library world is too prone to keep from recognizing it. We are not concerned in this connection with the problem of the retired farmer who moves into a town to spend his last days which are, seemingly, all he is willing to spend; nor shall we discuss those restless flat dwellers in our cities who, tempted by such alluring and wholly immoral titles as "The Fat of the Land," "The Earth Bountiful," "A Self-Supporting Home," "Three Acres and a Cow," or "Three Acres and Liberty"--"for those to whom the idea of liberty is more inspiring than that of the cow"--attempt to start ginseng, guinea pig, pheasant, and peacock farms, and who return to the city as shorn of guineas as the pigs they leave behind them.

In the serious solution of this problem, we may, in truth, differ as to the sort of farmers we would benefit. As Sir Horace Plunkett has said in his "Rural problem in America," "The New York City idea is probably that of a Long Island home where one might see on Sunday, weather permitting, the horny-handed son of weekday toil in Wall Street, rustically attired, inspecting his Jersey cows and aristocratic fowls." These supply a select circle in New York City with butter and eggs at a price which leaves nothing to be desired unless it be some information as to cost of production. Full justice is done to the new country life when the Farmers' Club of New York fulfills its chief function--the annual dinner at Delmonico's. Then Agriculture is extolled in fine Virgilian style, the Hudson villa and the Newport cottage being permitted to divide the honors of the rural revival with the Long Island home. "But to my bucolic intelligence," concludes Sir Horace, "it would seem that against the back-to-the-land movement of Saturday afternoon, the captious critic might set the rural exodus of Monday morning."

To the New England librarian there probably comes the picture of rugged, bean-clad hills with "electrics" in every valley eager to take the intellectual rustics to the Lowell lectures or the Boston Symphony Orchestra. That books are appreciated in the rural districts even in a state that boasts a library in every town is shown by a letter from one who had received the volumes sent out by the "Massachusetts Society to Encourage Studies at Home." "I do not know where I should stop if I tried to tell how much these library books have helped me in my isolated life--I have craved so much and there seemed no access possible to anything I wanted. I have lived always with a longing for something different; life was a burden to be carried cheerfully, yet I never quite conquered the feeling that the burden was heavy. Books have taken away that feeling and before I was aware, the load was gone. I have written thus of myself, not because my individual experience is of importance enough to interest anyone, but because I believe the world is full of people with the same wants that I have and it may be some satisfaction to know how fully you are supplying them."

To the librarian of New Jersey, the isolated dwellers of the salt marshes would come to mind. Maryland suggests to some librarian epicures the oyster farm, with its succulent product, but to others comes the vision of the "real thing" supplied as in Washington County with the ideal arrangement of central library, branches, deposit stations, traveling libraries, and automobile delivery to the very doors of the Maryland farm homes--the most ideal arrangement of rural extension that exists in America today.

To the Georgian, the "cracker" presents itself with its "Uneeda" book appeal. The "mountain-white" of Kentucky, who comes to Berea in his seventeenth year to learn his letters, would surely appreciate an opportunity to go on with them when he gets "back home." In the north middle west, where farms are still surrounded by a fringe of pine and an "infinite destiny," a farmer's wife writes as follows: "For many years I have lived on a farm on the cleared land of Northern Wisconsin, and I have made an earnest study of the conditions that surround the lives of the average isolated farmer and his family. I have seen all of the loneliness and desolation of their lives, I have witnessed all the dreariness and poverty of their homes. I have been with them when our nearest railroad station meant a twenty-eight mile trip through bottomless mud or over shaking corduroy; where our nearest post-office was eighteen miles away, over the same impassable roads and where we were often without mail for weeks at a time; when the nearest public library was sixty miles away; when the only element of culture or progress we possessed was the little backwoods school, housed in a tumble-down log shack and presided over by careless or incompetent teachers. I have watched civilization come to us step by step,--the railroad, the rural mail delivery, the country telephone, and other modern rural conveniences. But, before any of these, right into the midst of our lonely backwoods life, came the traveling library, for it is characteristic of the traveling library that it is not dependent on modern conveniences for its appearance. I can recall the thrill of joy with which we received our first case of books. I read their titles over and over, handled and caressed them in a perfectly absurd manner. Almost all of the books were old friends of mine; but, to our little neighborhood of foreigners, they were "brand new" and the enthusiasm over that library knew no bounds.

"We had a regular literary revival that winter. We talked books in season and out of season; and from talking about the books in the little library we fell to talking of other books; of books we had read in our younger, happier days. It mattered little if in the course of these conversations books and authors were hopelessly mixed.

"I cannot say that we derived any great amount of knowledge from our first library, but I do know that it brought into our little backwoods settlement, that which we needed much more--hope and courage and an interest in life. That was my first introduction to the traveling library, but during the years that have gone since then, I have seen much of the work of these little cases of books. While it is true that the traveling library does not always meet with as enthusiastic a reception as our little settlement gave it that winter, yet it always comes to our rural communities as a help and inspiration. My appreciation of the worth of the traveling library has grown with the years."

"Once a library meant nothing but rows of books and its influence was confined to narrow limits. However with the establishment of the traveling library, these books have become veritable missionaries penetrating to all sorts of dreary, isolated places, carrying with them a culture and a pleasure that will aid in illuminating the long, dreary path of existence with the color of happiness."

As one farmer's wife has it in another locality, "Good books drive away neighborhood discussion of the four deadly D's--Diseases, Dress, Descendants and Domestics."

Olive Schreiner in her wonderful and heart searching study of "Woman and Labor," has pointed out that at first woman hunted with the man, and later when the race settled in one spot, the woman was the tiller of the soil and the man the hunter and warrior. Then when man no longer needed to hunt or fight, the woman moved within the house and the man tilled the fields. The woman became the isolated one. Isolation is the menace of farm life just as congestion is of city life. This isolation has a depressing effect upon the intellectual life of those who require the stimulus of contact with others to keep their minds active. The woman on the farm, as Mr. Bailey has pointed out, is apt to become a fatalist. Floods, drought, storms, tornadoes, untimely frosts, backward seasons, blight, predatory beasts, animal and plant diseases render a season's great labor of no avail, or destroy the fruits of it within the hour. Along with these perennial discouragements comes the interminable round of getting up before sunrise and cooking, baking, dishwashing, sewing, mending, washing and ironing clothes from day to day, week to week, month to month, and year to year, with additional work peculiar to the seasons, such as at planting times, threshing and harvesting, fruit gathering and preserving, etc., etc., etc. The work of the farm is carried on in direct connection with the home, thus differing from nearly all the large industries, such as manufacturing and the like. The fact that agriculture is still a family industry where the work and home life are not separated, differentiates it from life in the city with its lack of a common business interest among all the members of the family. This condition tends to make rural life stable. The whole family stay at home evenings and one book is read aloud to the entire family circle. We still find the big family in the country where bridge whist and race-suicide--cause and effect--are as yet unknown. But the big family puts cares and responsibilities upon the mother on the farm and when one sees the "bent form, the tired carriage, the warped fingers and the thin, wrinkled features" of so many farmer's wives, one does not at first see anything but cruelty to animals in urging recreation and reading upon such overburdened women. But a brighter, industrial day is at hand. From perpetual motion to hours of reasonable industrial requirements the daily working period of the farmer is coming to be reduced by labor saving machinery. The modern gasoline engine, to my mind the most important contribution to civilization and culture in recent times, now pumps the water, saws and cuts the wood, runs the lighting plant, the washing machine, the milking machine, the cream separator, the churn, the sewing machine, the bread-mixer, the vacuum cleaner, the lawn mower, the coffee grinder, the ice cream freezer and even the egg-beater. These, with the fireless cooker, have relieved the housewife and made time for reading and other recreation. Good roads, rural free delivery, the interurban trolley car, the automobile and the rural telephone are removing the old-time isolation and are making possible enjoyment and a culture and refinement equal to that of the business and professional classes of the cities. One thing only is still withheld from distinctly rural communities--the opportunity to get good books.

It has been said so often it has become a truism that the rural districts are the seed bed from which the cities are stocked with people. Upon the character of this stock more than upon anything else does the greatness of a nation and the quality of its civilization ultimately depend. The importance of doing something with and for these people is paramount for the farms furnish the cities not alone with material products but with men and women. Census returns indicate that cities are gaining on the country all the time. We who wish to stop the rural exodus must co-operate with other agencies to make farm life more attractive and this we can do by opening our doors to farmers and their wives, the makers of men. It is our city's self-protection that there should come from the farms strong, well-educated minds, and we each should contribute our share to this end. A Chinese philosopher has said, "The well-being of a people is like a tree; agriculture is its root, manufacturing and commerce are its branches and its life; if the root is injured, the leaves fall, the branches break away and the tree dies." State universities and other free educational agencies are recognizing the fact that not the few but all, farm and city-bred alike, must be educated for life and through life. Commencement day is no longer the educational day of judgment for the individual. Rural consolidated high schools are being built to supplement the little red schoolhouse. Libraries, through extension of their service, must aid in the great agrarian movement of the day. We cannot all, perhaps, have the ideal arrangement as worked out in Maryland by Miss Titcomb. It may not be possible to cover other states with book wagons as Delaware proposes to do. We may not accomplish the California ideal of the county as the unit. We may not be able to send traveling libraries on their beneficent mission, but we each may try to let down the bars at our own reservoirs so that whosoever is athirst may come and drink of the waters of life freely.

The PRESIDENT: Whenever I become rash enough to venture a comment upon any paper of Miss Stearns I always take the precaution to do it before she presents it; afterwards it is entirely superfluous. Yet I venture to express a thought which I am sure has occurred to you likewise; that there is a very strong relationship between the two papers which have been presented this morning; that there is cause and coming effect in that the one activity of the library, as represented by the first paper, is making possible the multiplication of these various devices which shall make for the woman on the farm the new day of which Miss Stearns has prophesied.

During the last few years the library has entered another new field, an unsuspected field. Those of us who have had an opportunity to go about to the various institutions where the defectives and the dependents and other unfortunates are incarcerated have marvelled at the--shall we say ignorance, which has been at the bottom of the book work with these people. But scientific methods have been introduced and during the last few conferences we have had something of the promise which has now grown into fuller realization. I shall ask Miss JULIA A. ROBINSON, who has done strong, splendid work in Iowa in this connection, to present the next paper, on


Needy humanity divides itself into three classes, those whom it is said the Lord helps, those who will not and those who cannot help themselves. In no form of need, however, are we interested today save that of the book, nor with the willfully book needy.

For are not they served by the public libraries which go even into the highways and byways and wellnigh compel the uninterested to come to the feast freely offered to them? And though there are still rural districts not yet supplied with public or traveling libraries, many of them have the ability to provide themselves with books had they the desire.

But there are those, not always removed by space but far removed by condition from such privileges, because crime, weakness or misfortune has deprived them of their freedom and for the safety of society, their own restoration to health or their care and education they are detained behind closed doors. These are the morally, mentally and physically defective and the dependent upon the bounty of the state. With this class of helpless are we concerned, with their needs and with what is being done to bring to them the influence of books. Of their needs let me speak briefly while I define and locate the different classes, giving a few figures which perhaps may not be amiss in helping us to realize their numbers.

Of the moral defectives 113,579 have heard the grated doors of prison, penitentiary or reformatory close behind them, for some never to open. For others in a few years perhaps these doors will swing outward to freedom. Shall it be to useful citizenship, or to become a greater menace to society and again to be put behind the bars? Most of these are men who are employed during long working hours. There is much time for idle thoughts during those hours, in addition to evenings and Sundays spent alone in locked cells. Large is the opportunity here for the book in its threefold mission of recreation, instruction and inspiration to lives barren of pleasure and interest.

But these are not all. We must add 22,900 juvenile delinquents found in the state industrial and training schools of the United States, boys and girls whose steps have early found the downward path, in most cases, I believe, because of the influences into which life ushered them. But many of these are yet within the years of susceptibility and to the other upward influences with which it is now sought to surround them should be added the society of books which will bring wholesome pleasure while they present high standards and make right living attractive.

These numbers are exceeded by the mentally defective of whom 187,454, disturbed or confused, dazed or depressed, look through grated windows or sit in shadowed corners of the insane hospitals. To take their thoughts from themselves and direct them into healthful channels may mean a step toward mental healing and adjustment. This books will often do and to fail to furnish them may mean to omit a remedial influence in their treatment. Of the feebleminded, there are 20,199 in the institutions for that class of defectives. With them the task is not so encouraging, but a right to the pleasure of books is theirs and should not be withheld.

There are 61,423 to whom the printed page must speak for they hear no other voice, and 44,310 to whose touch the raised letters bring their message. Shut out from so much which others enjoy shall these be denied this means of recreation and instruction?

The charitable institutions shelter 268,656 dependents which include the old, the sick and the children in the state public schools, orphanages and homes. The former need books to cheer them in their fight for health and strength, or to while away the hours of waiting for their final summons. The children need them not only for the enjoyment which comes from childhood reading, but as a means of development of mind and character. I would lay especial emphasis on the importance of libraries in these and in the industrial and training schools. Useful as books are in the other institutions, there the help which they bring is but to the readers themselves. Here we have citizens in the making and the state has not only the opportunity of laying the foundations of character, but by laying them deep and broad and strong of receiving returns for their efforts in intelligent and useful citizens. To librarians I need not speak of the value of books in giving the education which makes for intelligence and the ideals which make for usefulness.

To meet these needs what do the institutional libraries offer? I shall not give you figures which at best would be inaccurate and incomplete, but such information as could be obtained showing the efforts which are being made to provide books and reading for defectives and dependents, the adequacy and suitability of the libraries and their use of modern library methods.

The list of states is incomplete, some failing to respond, others giving vague information, and an omission may not mean that nothing is being done along this line. What is given will serve to show the general trend of interest in the work.

California plans to serve the institutions through the county system of libraries, but just how this is to be done or whether any institutions have libraries or have received assistance was not stated.

Colorado reports libraries in all the state institutions, the best being that at the state penitentiary where the visitors' fees yield a considerable income which is used for books. In Georgia two institutions only have libraries, which are reported to be neither well selected, kept up to date nor administered according to modern methods.

The only information received from Idaho was that traveling libraries are sent to the industrial school.

In Illinois libraries are reported in the eighteen charitable and three penal institutions of the state, though not all are adequate or suitable in selection.

In Indiana several institutions receive annual library appropriations ranging from $1,000 down to $200. No institution is without a library though not all are organized or well selected or large enough for the needs of the institution. The library commission lends an organizer to assist in this work and in some cases the book selection and the affairs of the library are put into the hands of the commission. The librarian from the School for Feeble Minded Youth will attend the summer school.

In Iowa libraries exist in all of the fourteen state institutions; all are classified, organized and administered according to approved library methods. All except the penitentiaries have appropriations of $300 to $500 each for the purchase of books. In the penitentiaries the fund received from visitors' fees is used for this purpose. Reports are made each month to the Board of Control showing the reading done by classes in each institution. A trained librarian appointed by the Board of Control gives all her time to the institutional libraries, superintending the work, doing the book selection, supplying the technical knowledge, instructing the librarians and stimulating the reading.

In Kentucky the prisons and hospitals are under separate boards, neither of which has done much for the libraries in the institutions under their charge, but both have the matter under consideration and better things are looked for in the future. The prison libraries are represented as inadequate and unsuitable. One only has a fund for the purchase of books and that only $50. The only books in the Houses of Reform are the traveling libraries loaned by the library commission. Two state hospitals have very small libraries and no fund. One has about 800 volumes and an annual fund of $250.

The chairman of the Board of Control of State Institutions in Kansas writes that considerable interest is taken in providing suitable reading for the dependents and defectives of that state and that the institutions are urged to systematic work, but does not state whether all have libraries.

The Maine Insane Hospital has an endowment which yields an income of about $600 annually which is expended for books for the general library, periodicals and medical books. According to the chaplain of the Maine state prison "additions are made to that library from three sources, a few volumes by purchase, some by gifts from individuals, but mostly by gifts from the state library of =books no longer useful in the traveling libraries=."

The Massachusetts prison commission reports libraries in substantially all the prisons. The larger ones are classified.

Michigan has a state appropriation for books. All the institutions have libraries of some kind, but none are classified or organized according to modern methods. The selections are made by the state librarian.

Minnesota has also an appropriation for books in the state institutions. The public library organizer from the Library Commission pays regular visits to the institutions, selects the books and supervises the work. Not all are classified and several need new books. The two asylums for incurable insane and the hospital for inebriates have only traveling libraries.

In Missouri five institutions have no libraries. Traveling libraries are sent to the insane hospitals. In the boys' training school the library is managed without system. If a boy wants a book the superintendent takes what may be at hand and gives it to him.

Nebraska has a state appropriation of $2,000 made directly to the Library Commission to be expended by them for the thirteen institutional libraries. This is used for books, supplies and periodicals except in two institutions which supply their own magazines. The institutions are asked to furnish cases only and some one to loan the books. Books are selected by the commission and prepared for circulation in the commission office.

In New Hampshire the legislature makes an appropriation for the libraries in the state prisons and state hospitals.

The February number of New York Libraries was made an institutional number and among other things contained reports from the institutional libraries of the state showing libraries in all but two or three institutions which are supplied by traveling libraries. The following editorial comment is made on these libraries: "Of the thirty-six institutions from whose libraries detailed reports are herewith presented, there are not more than two or three whose library conditions would be regarded as up to the standard commonly expected and demanded for public libraries. For not one of them does the state provide a sufficient appropriation for the attainment of such a standard." The committee appointed by the State Library Association on libraries in the penal institutions in the state of New York in making their report recommend a change of title for the committee to include the charitable as well as the penal and reformatory institutions and a request that the legislature pass an act authorizing the appointment of a supervising librarian for the state institutions.

The libraries in many of the state institutions of North Carolina are reported so small and poorly cared for that they are practically useless. The School for the Blind has a separate library building called the Laura Bridgman Library and there is a good library in the School for the Deaf classified by the teachers. The value of this work is appreciated by the Board of Charities but there is a lack of funds.

The North Dakota Library Commission has recently been asked to assist in selecting books and organizing a library for the state penitentiary where a thousand dollars is to be expended. No libraries exist in the other state institutions.

The Oregon Library Commission reports libraries in all the state institutions except one just opened. All the institutions are located at Salem and receive direct assistance from the commission in organization and book selection and management of their libraries. Purchases are made from a general fund. All are reported adequate except one to be made so. Three are classified and the rest are to be.

Pennsylvania has libraries in all the state institutions but none are organized, classified or administered according to accepted library methods. The Library Commission takes the position (wisely it seems to me) that their part lies in stirring up the boards in charge of the institutions to active interest in these libraries, rather than themselves mixing in the affairs of another organization, though as yet little has been accomplished in that direction.

Tennessee has a library in the School for the Blind, the School for the Deaf and the state prison, but none in the insane hospitals. These are organized and classified to a limited extent only.

From the biennial report of the Texas Library Commission I quote the following: "Only a few of the institutions have libraries and as a rule these are small and without reference to the purpose they are to serve. Some have nominal librarians, but none trained and a library without a trained librarian is like a piano without a pianist, valuable, even expensive, but of little use or pleasure."

In Vermont an appropriation of $500 was made in 1910 and $200 is now appropriated annually. This is divided between the libraries in the State Prison, House of Correction, State Industrial School and Insane Hospital and is under the control of the Free Public Library Commission which purchases the books and oversees the cataloging. A card catalog of each institution is kept at the commission office. The State Prison also has a printed catalog.

Washington has a library of some kind in all its institutions, but in none is it a real factor. None are classified.

In Wisconsin no institution is wholly without a library. They are organized and classified in a limited way only. The commission assists to some extent in book selection.

From these reports we may draw the following conclusions: (1) Libraries of some kind exist in many state institutions. (2) Probably most of these libraries are only partially adequate, if not wholly inadequate and unsuitable. (3) Few are organized or administered according to the best methods, have proper rooms or a librarian in charge to render even their present collection useful. (4) In a few states only is there trained supervision or systematic library work undertaken in the institutions. (5) Where appropriations are made they are seldom sufficient to properly maintain the libraries.

The responsibility for this work lies (1) with the governing bodies, the Boards of Control and other boards to whom is committed the care and welfare of the defectives and dependents of the state and the superintendents of the various institutions who are directly responsible for this care, and (2) with the librarians entrusted with library extension and the carrying of books to those who would otherwise be bookless, the state library commissions.

That the superintendents partially appreciate the value of the book is evidenced by library beginnings in many institutions and their readiness to co-operate in movements toward the improvement and increased usefulness of the libraries. But they are busy men with many departments on heart and mind and the boards are charged with many interests.

It is not surprising, therefore, that it is the librarians who have recognized the importance of these libraries and the fact that if they are to become a real force in the institutions the work must be given to some one whose business it shall be, who is trained for it, and who has the time to give it proper attention.

As few institutions are yet in a position to individually employ a trained librarian, the solution of the problem has seemed to be a joint or supervising librarian for all the institutions of a state or of a kind in a state.

Iowa through the influence of Miss Tyler and Mr. Brigham was the first to undertake this work and is still the only state in which institutional library work is done by a librarian working under the Board of Control and giving all her time to the institutions. The other states having institutional supervision are Indiana, Minnesota, where an officer from the commission gives part and Nebraska the whole of her time to the institutional libraries, and Oregon, Michigan and Vermont where the work seems to be done directly by the secretary.

If the Board of Control and the institutional heads are not affected by party changes the advantage, it seems to me, lies with the librarian employed by them, who goes into the institutions with authority from the board to do what needs to be done and not as a guest, who is sometimes unwelcome. The book selection can thus be better guarded and I believe books purchased with institution funds will be better cared for by both officers and inmates than those received by donation. Appropriations are also likely to be larger if made directly to each institution than if made in a lump sum to the commission.

The initiative, however, will undoubtedly lie with the library commission and the importance of institutional library work is such that should the boards fail to use their opportunity it may become the part of the library commission to at least inaugurate the work, which having begun they will probably be allowed to continue.

Before closing may I emphasize very briefly three important points in connection with institutional library work. I wish I might elaborate both these and the other points which I have touched so hurriedly, but time forbids.

1. If the libraries are to become a real factor for good in institutional work, the book selection must be differentiated to meet the needs of the different classes of readers, and great care used to exclude the harmful and include helpful books only. 2. To make these libraries most useful there should be suitable rooms, not only for the proper shelving of the books, but for use as reading rooms where the atmosphere of book lined walls may yield its helpful influence and prepare the way for public library use by the boys and girls at least when the opportunity shall come to them. 3. Though there may be a supervising librarian in the field, there should be a competent institutional librarian who shall not only do the routine work, but have sufficient knowledge of books and readers to be able to fit them together and sufficient time to do the work properly.

Thus shall these libraries, not only bring brightness and cheer to lives otherwise dull and colorless, for

"This books can do;--nor this alone; they give New views to life, and teach us how to live; They sooth the grieved, the stubborn they chastise, Fools they admonish, and confirm the wise; Their aid they yield to all: They never shun The man of sorrows, nor the wretch undone; Unlike the hard, the selfish and the proud, They fly not sullen from the suppliant crowd; Nor tell to various people various things. But show to subjects what they show to kings."

The PRESIDENT: I am very glad to be able to announce that Miss Rathbone has kindly consented to exhibit some extremely interesting charts which have been prepared and exhibited in connection with the work of the library school at Pratt and I am sure that all of you will miss something if you do not avail yourselves of the opportunity which is here presented to see them and to hear the explanation concerning them.

Miss RATHBONE: I am very glad indeed to tell you a little about our exhibition because we found it an interesting thing to do and the people who saw it were interested in it. The genesis of the matter was this: When Miss Alice Tyler was at the school this spring we were speaking about budget and other exhibitions and she said, "I do wish librarians could find some way of graphically presenting library work so that people could understand it as the child welfare work has been presented." That remark of hers, coupled with the fact the library school has never taken part in the exhibition that Pratt Institute has held for a great many years, at the end of the third term, suggested to me the idea of putting the problem to the class of devising an exhibition that should be a visual presentation of the school course and also of library work in general in a form that would be interesting and intelligible to the general public. After a visit to the Bureau of Municipal Research, where Dr. Allen gave them a talk on the value of graphic presentation of facts, I told the students that they were to have the entire responsibility of the planning and execution of this exhibition as a problem in the library administration seminar. It was, of course, an experiment but I was sufficiently convinced of its success after the class made their first and only report of progress, to invite the staffs of the neighboring public libraries to the exhibition. When the material was assembled and installed it created a good deal of interest both in the Institute among the librarians who saw it, and, best of all, on the part of the public at large. We had about five hundred visitors in the four days it was open and it seemed to awaken in the minds of the people who saw it some conception of what library work means. We heard many comments of this kind, "Well, now that I understand the work the library does, I am going to use it more intelligently." One high school boy said, "Gee! I've had an awful time trying to use this library before, but I think I know what it is about now." That sort of a thing made me realize that the exhibition might be of value to some of you as showing one way by which people could be interested in the actual work done in a library, so I wrote to see if space could be had to install it here. It was too late, however, so I simply brought up a few of the charts as examples.

The exhibition began with the technical work of the library--the progress of a book through the various steps was illustrated by a ladder the rungs of which were labeled, Book Selection, Ordering, Receiving, Accessioning, Classification, etc. Books were shown running toward this "Library Ladder," nimbly climbing the rungs, while at the top they acquire wings and fly "off to the public." This chart hung over a table on which the successive operations were shown in detail the same book being used as an illustration throughout. The successive steps were numbered to correspond to the rungs of the ladder. For example, Book Selection was shown by a group including the A. L. A. Booklist, the Book Review Digest and two or three of the reviews. The descriptive card read "No. 1. These are a few of the aids in book selection."

Following that was a chart (exhibiting it) to illustrate the utility of classification, on which was presented a group of ten scientific books unclassified, followed by the same ten in D. C. order, with the question, "In which group would it be easier to find the books on insects." That was followed by another exhibit to prove the utility of subject cataloging. Two copies of the same book were obtained, one new and the other quite worn, the book being Gleason White's "Practical designing," which is made up of a number of papers on minor arts, by different authorities. The new book with a single author card lay on the table surrounded by radiating interrogation points, questions unanswered, and over the book hung this inscription: "This book looks new. Why? Because nobody knows what is in it. It is poorly cataloged." The worn copy lay on the next table and radiating from that were a number of questions with the catalog cards that answer them attached. Over that was the screed: "This book shows wear. Why? Because it can be reached from twenty-four sources. It is well cataloged." People who had not known before what a catalog meant studied that thing out and the change of expression which came to their faces when they saw the new book and the worn book side by side and understood what it signified was delightful. It struck home.

The work of the reference department was tellingly illustrated by an arch in which the reference library was the keystone, all intellectual activities depending on it.

(Miss Rathbone then exhibited various other charts and described them in detail.)

In addition to this, children's work, the field work, the courses in binding and printing, the making of reading lists, the course in fiction were represented.

Altogether we felt that graphic illustration of library work was not only possible but distinctly worth while and that the exhibition had done a good work in educating the library's public, as well as the class, and we expect to make it a permanent feature of the year's work.


(Thursday morning, June 26, 1913)

The PRESIDENT: We begin this morning the fourth session of this Thirty-fifth Annual Conference and I shall ask the chairman of the Committee on Library Administration to submit at this time his report.

(Dr. Bostwick here read the report.)

The PRESIDENT: You have heard the report of the Committee on Administration. This report embodies some recommendations which it seems to the Chair should be acted upon. Therefore the recommendation which suggests the appointment of a committee to undertake certain work will be referred to the Executive Board for their attention, as, in accordance with the terms of the Constitution, it devolves upon the Executive Board to name the committees. The report will be printed in the proceedings.

(This report is printed with other committee reports. See page 126.)

Mr. RANCK: Mr. President, there is just one item, about questionnaires, if I may have a moment to state it, that I think the committee has not referred to. It is a matter of some importance to us at our library. I think we answer, in the form of questions of one kind or other, not all from libraries however, about a thousand a year. I should like to insist on the importance, when a blank is sent out on which spaces are left for writing in the answers, that a duplicate be sent so that a library can keep a copy of the answers sent. Again and again we have to copy them because we feel it very important that we should know just exactly what we are sending out in that way. And if possible, in the printing of that report I should like to see the committee include that, if they are willing to accept the suggestion.

The PRESIDENT: The suggestion is a very good one.

The PRESIDENT: I feel like congratulating you this morning upon the program for this fourth session, the general theme being: "Children and young people; their conditions at home, in the school and in the library." No matter how splendid a structure may be reared nor how beautiful it may be, without an adequate foundation it is most insecure. We have learned to realize in library work that we must begin at the beginning if our work is to have any perpetuity or any permanent result. We feel that, splendid and admirable in every way as the work with the adults is, that that alone is not enough. That work invites, as it deserves, our respect and admiration, but in the work with children is centered our affection. And when I say this I do not mean to intimate for one moment that that work is enveloped in sentiment. I believe most firmly that the work with children is constructive work of the very highest order. If there are any in this audience who doubt that I am sure that after we shall have heard the papers of this morning the doubts will be dispelled. We shall have this work in three volumes this morning, the first volume comprising two chapters. The title of the first volume is The Education of Children and the Conservation of their Interests, and Chapter One will be contributed by Miss FAITH E. SMITH, of the Chicago public library, on


It is now twenty-eight years since some one first recognized the fact that children needed to have special libraries or special collections of books in libraries, and thereupon opened a children's reading room in New York City.

Some of the conditions affecting child life today existed then, but we know more about them now than we did then. We have many specialists in sociological fields who are making investigations, compiling statistics, drawing conclusions, and telling other people how to make the world a better place. Our rapid industrial development is producing many problems concerning child welfare, some of which are of vital interest to us as library workers; others we may well leave to playground associations, juvenile courts, health bureaus, social settlements, child labor committees, schools and churches. It is not ours to change housing conditions or to do away with child labor, but it is ours to meet these conditions, to be god-parents to those whose natural parents are not inclined or not able to guide their reading, to present to the children's minds other worlds than the tenement or street, and to give to children worn with daily labor such books as will be within their grasp, and will help them to permanent happiness.

In 1885 when a children's library was opened by Miss Hanaway in New York City, there were fewer means of recreation than there are now. There were no motion-picture shows, no children's theaters, no municipal recreation parks with free gymnasiums, swimming pools and baths. Child labor had only begun to be exploited by large manufacturing establishments (1879). Then there were more homes, permanent abiding places, where there was room for children both to work and to play. There was more family life, where father and mother and children gathered about the evening lamp, and father read aloud while mother sewed and the children listened, or where each member of the family had his own book in which to lose himself. There were daily duties for each of the children, the performance of which gave them training in habits of responsibility.

Today such conditions may be found only rarely, except in small cities and villages.

Congestion in large cities has led even well-to-do families to live in apartment houses. In Chicago this sort of life began only thirty-four years ago, and today one-third of all that city live in residences having six families per main entrance. (Chicago City Club-Housing exhibit.) This tendency to apartment life means the loss of the joy of ownership, the feeling of not-at-homeness and consequent restlessness, due to frequent change of environment.

Book agents say that they cannot sell books to families in apartment houses, because they have no room for books. Scott Nearing in his "Woman and social progress" regrets "the woeful lack of provision for the needs of the child in the construction of the modern city home. Huge real estate signs advertise the bathroom, bedrooms, the dining room and kitchen, the library, and reception hall. But where is the children's room? Owners do not care to rent houses to people having children. Many of the apartment houses exclude children as they exclude dogs or other objectionable animals." Yet we say, and rightly, that this is the century of the child.

The complexity of modern life, the tendency to materialism, the multiplicity of interests, have deterred many parents from being actively concerned in the growth of the minds and the souls of their children. This part of their development is being left to teachers, church workers, leaders of boys' and girls' clubs, etc. There is not time for reading aloud to children at home, and little concern is manifested by many intelligent parents, regarding their children's choice of books. The "poor, neglected children of the rich" are not allowed to use the public library books, because there may be germs hidden among the leaves. They may have their own books, but they are denied the joy of reading a book that some other boy or girl has read and pronounced "swell".

Because of this lack of concern on the part of parents in children's reading, are we not justified in our hitherto condemned paternalism?

Home life among the very poor in the congested districts of our large cities is often such as is not worth the name. The practice of taking lodgers which prevails among some foreign elements of the population, means the undermining of family life, and often the breaking down of domestic standards. (Veiler, "Housing reform," p. 33.) "Thousands of children in Chicago alone are being exposed to the demoralizing influences of overcrowded rooms, of inadequate sanitary provisions, and of unavoidable contact with immoral persons."

"Bad housing is associated with the worst conditions in politics, poverty, population density, tuberculosis, and retardation in the schools. It is directly related to many cases of delinquency of boys and girls, who have been brought before the juvenile court." (Breckenridge and Abbott, "The delinquent child and the home.")

Furthermore wrong home conditions result in driving children to the street. The child who finds no room at home to do the things that he wishes to do, not even room to study his school lessons, is inevitably forced into the street, "not only in the day time, but as common observation shows, until late at night, not only in good weather but in foul." Here he grows up, and is educated "with fatal precision." The saloon and its victims, the hoboes and their stories, criminals dodging the police, lurid signboards, a world of money-getting, all become only too familiar to him. Sin loses its sinfulness, and gains in interest and excitement.

Are we placing our attractive children's rooms, clean and orderly, adorned with flowers and fine pictures, where they may be readily seen from the street, where picture books placed in the windows may vie in alluring powers with the nickel-novel window displays?

The boy of the street may be a member of a boys' gang, and if so, this becomes one of the great influences acting upon his life, either for good or for ill. Mr. Puffer makes the statement that three-fourths of all boys are members of gangs. (Puffer, "The boy and his gang," p. 9.)

Those boys are fortunate whose gang is an organized body efficiently directed, such as the Boys' Scout Patrol. This, Mr. Puffer says, "is simply a boys' gang, systematized, overseen, affiliated with other like bodies, made efficient and interesting, as boys alone could never make it, and yet everywhere, from top to bottom a gang." Here lies an opportunity for co-operation on the part of the library, and many are the interests awakened by the Boy Scout movement which may be encouraged by the library.

Another influence constantly appealing to children of the street as well as to others, is the glaring advertisement of the moving-picture show. Moving pictures are now the most important form of cheap amusement in this country; they reach the young, immigrants, family groups, the formative and impressionable section of our cities, as no other form of amusement, and can not but be vital influences for good or ill. In 1910 it was estimated that more than half a million children attended motion pictures daily. (Juvenile Protective Assn. of Chicago, "Five and ten-cent theaters"--pamphlet.)

Is it not possible for the library to make permanent whatever good, though fleeting, impression may be made by educational pictures or pictures from great books, by co-operating with the picture shows, and being ready to supply to the children copies of the stories, nature books, or histories to which the children may have been attracted by the motion pictures?

During the meetings this week our interest in the adult immigrants and their relation to the library has been aroused and augmented, and it has been proven conclusively that the solution of the immigrant problem must of necessity rest with the children. The change in the type of immigration in recent years from a large percentage of English-speaking and Scandinavian races having a low percentage of illiteracy, to a leadership among races of eastern and southern Europe, with a very high percentage of illiteracy, has had a decided influence on standards of living.

These people of other lands do not adapt themselves to American ways as readily as their children. Many do not know the English language, they do not stir far from home or from work, and have few new experiences. "Many things which are familiar to the child in the facts of daily intercourse, in the street or in the school, remain unintelligible to the father and mother. It has become a commonplace that this cheap wisdom on the part of the boy or girl leads to a reversal of the relationship between parent and child. The child who knows English is the interpreter who makes the necessary explanations for the mother to the landlord, the grocer, the sanitary inspector, the charity visitor, and the teacher or truant officer. It is the child again who often interviews the boss, finds the father a job, and sees him through the onerous task of 'joining the union.' The father and mother grow accustomed to trusting to the child's version of what 'they all do in America,' and gradually find themselves at a disadvantage in trying to maintain parental control. The child develops a sense of superiority towards the parent and a resulting disregard of those parental warnings which, although they are not based on American experience, rest on common notions of right and wrong, and would, if heeded, guard the child." (Breckenridge and Abbott, "The delinquent child and the home.")

Can books not teach children to honor their father and mother, and "that the head and the hoof of the Law, and the haunch and the hump is obey"?

We are told that one of the causes of crime among the children of foreigners is transmitted ambition. "The father left the homeland because he was not satisfied.... He worked hard and saved money, that the dream of better things might be realized.... The son manifests this innate tendency by a desire to excel, by the longings to rise and be masterful, the ambition to beat the other fellow--these are the motives which impel him to an intensive life that carries him to excess and transgression." (Roberts, "The new immigration," p. 325.)

It is for us to interest this ambition and turn it into right channels. We may also discover what special interests are uppermost in the minds of those of different nationalities, things they wish their children to love, traditions they have cherished, and which we may help the children to cherish.

Driven by necessity or by the spirit of the age, the immigrant quickly develops a strong ambition for acquiring money, supposing that he landed on our shores without that impelling force. One of the consequences is that he withdraws his children from school as soon as they are old enough to secure their working papers. "To the Italian peasant, who, as a gloriously street laborer begins to cherish a vision of prosperity, it matters little whether his girls go to school or not. It is, on the contrary, of great importance that a proper dower be accumulated to get them good husbands; and to take them from school to put them to work is, therefore, only an attempt to help them accomplish this desirable end." (Breckenridge and Abbott.)

In 1911 the National Child Labor Committee conducted an investigation of tenement house work in New York City. Among 163 families visited having 213 children, 196 children ranging in ages from 3-1/2 to 14 years were working on nuts, brushes, dolls' clothes, or flowers. These are truly not the good old-fashioned domestic industries in which children received a good part of their education. Those working in factories and tenement sweat shops, where labor is specialized and subdivided into innumerable operations, do not get the variety of employment that cultivates resourcefulness, alertness, endurance and skill. (Child labor bulletin, Nov., 1912.)

We cannot expect these children, with bodies retarded in development by overwork, and without proper nourishment, to be able to take the same mental food that is pleasing to other children of the same age, who have had all necessary physical care.

The hours when working children, those engaged in gainful occupations, and those who are helping in the homes, are free for recreation, are in the evening and on Sunday. Are we placing our most skilled workers on duty at these times, and are we opening our story hours and reading clubs on Sunday afternoons, when the minds of these children are most receptive of good things, when the children are dressed in their good clothes, their self-respect is high, and they are free from responsibility?

It is a well-known fact that the need of money is not the only cause of the exodus from school that occurs in the grades. An investigation made by the Commissioner of Labor in 1910 (Condition of woman and child wage-earners in the U. S., vol. 7), examining the conditions of white children under 16, in five representative cities, showed that of those children interviewed, 169 left school because earnings were necessary, and 165 because dissatisfied with school. The Chicago Tribune (Nov. 11, 1912) stated that in 1912 there were in Chicago over 23,000 children between 14 and 16 years of age, who were not in school. Over half of these were unemployed, and the remainder had employment half the time at ill-paid jobs, teaching little and leading nowhere. In 1912 there were 34,000 children of Philadelphia not in school, and only 13,000 were employed. (Philadelphia City Club Bulletin, Dec. 27, 1912.)

The curriculum of our public schools is in a transitional stage. The complaint of parents who take their children from school before they have completed the high school course, is that it does not teach them to earn a living. The desire of commercial men is to have such courses introduced as will lessen the need of apprentice training in their establishments. These changes may help boys and girls to earn a living, but those courses which teach them how to live may be sacrificed. Man does not live by bread alone. Mrs. Ella Flagg Young says, "The training must also implant in the mind a desire to become something--I mean by that an ideal.... It must make the boys and girls able to know that they have possibilities of greater development along many lines." This sort of training is within the sphere of the library as well as within that of the schools.

The children in the rural districts (which the 1910 census interprets as meaning people of towns of less than 2,500 inhabitants, and people of the country) are the library's great opportunity. In these districts may be found the old-fashioned home life, where parents are glad to be aided in the direction of their children's reading. There are fewer distractions in the way of amusements. Books are not seen by the thousands, until they have become so confusing that one knows not what to read or where to begin. Homes are owned, instead of rented, and a library worker is not liable to lose her group of children each first of May.

The pleasures of city life have been made easily accessible to children and grown people by means of trolley lines, good roads, telephones, etc., and the music of grand opera has been carried to the country homes by means of talking machines. Still the distractions of modern life have not absorbed a large part of the everyday life of the children, so that their minds may be appealed to along the line of their natural interests. As Miss Stearns told us yesterday, there is less of drudgery in farm life today than there was thirty years ago, and children have more time for study and reading; but they need direction and assistance.

The consensus of opinion among writers on rural sociology is that the great need of the people of the country is more education; education that will make farming more scientific and efficient, and less fatiguing, education that will help boys and girls to find amusement in the life about them; education that will guide that passion for nature which every normal child possesses.

Because children today have many more opportunities for recreation than they had thirty years ago; because many leave school long before they have acquired the education that will teach them how to live, as well as how to earn a living; because in many homes mothers and fathers cannot train their children in American ideals of citizenship, which they themselves do not understand; because in other homes the physical needs of children are held to be of most importance, while mental and moral needs are left to the care of teachers and social workers, the time seems ripe for the library to place emphasis upon the educational side of its work, rather than upon the recreative. Let the recreative be truly recreative, giving relaxation, new visions, higher standards of living, and increased belief in one's self, but let the educational work meet the children's needs, increase their efficiency, teach them how to live, and to be of service in the world's work.

Mr. Bostwick, in the Children's section, mentioned three eras in library work with children; first, the era of children's books in libraries; second, era of children's room; third, era of children's department. These concerned books and organization, the machinery of getting the books to the children. We think we have learned something about children's books, and we know approved methods of administration. Possibly we are now on the verge of the fourth era, when we shall know ~children~. Not the child with a capital C, a laboratory specimen, but living children, with hearts and souls. Do we know the conditions under which the children of our own neighborhood live? Do we understand their interests, and are we sanely sympathetic?

The PRESIDENT: We are glad to get Chapter Two: How the Library is Meeting these Conditions, by Miss GERTRUDE E. ANDRUS, of the Seattle public library.


Every month, if the mails are regular, we receive assurance that the public library is an integral part of public education, and the complacence with which we accept this assurance gives ample opportunity to our critics for those slings and arrows with which they are so ready. Ideas and ideals of education are rapidly changing and it behooves the librarian, and more particularly the children's librarian, to see that she keeps pace with the forward movement and that the ridicule of her censors is really undeserved.

The old idea of education was to abolish illiteracy, "to develop the ability, improve the habits, form the character of the individual, so that he might prosper in his life's activities and conform to certain social standards of conduct."

The new idea of education is that of social service, to train children to be not mere recipients, but distributors, not merely to increase their ability to care for themselves, but also their ability to care for others and for the state.

This perhaps sounds a note of the millennium, but we have been told to hitch our wagon to a star and although the star proves a restive steed and often lands us in the ditch, we travel further while the connection holds than we should in a long, continuous journey harnessed to a dependable but slow-going snail.

It may seem a far cry from these comments on education to the topic of my paper: How the library meets the changing conditions of child-life, but in reality it is only a step, for just as in philanthropy the emphasis is placed more and more upon prevention rather than remedy, so in education the task is coming to be the training of the good citizen rather than the correction of the bad citizen. And if the library is, as we are anxious to claim, an integral part of public education, it must have a share, however small, in the preventive policy of modern educators, which will in time effect a change in present social evils. Unless the library, as it meets these constantly changing conditions, can do something to improve them and to make the improvement stable, it has small claim to be included in the educational scheme of things.

In the conditions of child life which Miss Smith has outlined, the breaking up of the home is the most serious handicap which the children have to face. It is on this account that all social agencies working with children endeavor, so far as each is able, to supply an "illusory home" and to give, each in its own capacity, the training in various lines which ought in a normal home to come under the direction of the mother and father.

There is a spreading belief in the value of reading but there is a woeful lack of knowledge as to what should be read, and the children's library therefore fills a double r�le; it provides books which it would be impossible for many of the children to get otherwise, and it selects these books with thoughtful care of the special place each one has to fill, so that it becomes a counselor, not only to the children but to those parents who are anxious to assume their just responsibility in the guidance of their children's reading, and yet feel their inability to breast unaided the yearly torrent of children's books. The stimulation of this feeling of responsibility on the part of parents is one of the most effective means at the library's disposal of striking a blow at the root of the whole matter, for it is on the indifference of the parents that the blame for many juvenile transgressions should rest, which is now piled high upon the shoulders of the children.

In this connection mention should be made of the home library, the most social of all the library's activities. This small case of books, located in a home in the poorer quarters of a city and placed in charge of a paid or volunteer library assistant has been proved to be a potent force in the life of the neighborhood, for the "friendly visitor," if she be of the proper stuff, is not merely a circulator of books, she is an all-round good neighbor to whom come both children and mothers for help in their big and little problems, so that the results have proved to be "better family standards, greater individual intelligence, and more satisfactory neighborhood conditions."

But even granting that the mothers and fathers show a deep concern in what their children read, the connection between books and children is often left of necessity to the children's librarian who is selected with special reference to her adaptability to this particular kind of work. Now, no matter how strong a personality this young woman may possess, no matter how high her literary standards, nor how far-reaching her moral influence, it is obviously impossible for her to come in contact with more than a few of the children in her community. And in order to provide that intimacy with books from which we wish no child to be debarred, she must depend not alone upon her children's room, beautiful and homelike though that may be, but she must place her resources at the disposal of other educational agencies, all of which are working toward a common end. Of these the most powerful is the school, and through the lessons in the use of the public library, through the collections of books placed in the schoolrooms, and most of all through the influence of the teacher, the public library will touch the lives of thousands of children who might otherwise be in ignorance of its resources, and who through this contact will receive a vivid impression of their share as citizens in a great public institution. In this correlation of school and library care must be taken to place an equal emphasis upon the library as a place for recreation as well as a place for study.

Contrary to the teachings of our Puritan forefathers, we are growing more keenly alive to the imperative need of healthful recreation as a means of combating existing social conditions, and our great cities and our little villages are gradually making provision for the gratification of the desire of the people to play. Nowhere does the library find an alliance more satisfactory than with these play-centers, for it is in the union of the physical and mental development that education comes to its fullest fruition and the striving to instill "imagination in recreation" can find no better field than in these places where not only muscles but minds may be exercised.

These are the well-worn channels through which the children's library pours its stream of books into a thirsty land, channels into which run the tributary streams of deposit stations, churches, settlements, telegraph offices, newsboys' homes, and all the rest which it would only weary you to repeat.

We are constantly engaged in deepening and broadening these channels because we believe in the power of books to develop character and to broaden the vision of that "inward eye which is the bliss of solitude." Now the book that does this most effectively is the book behind which lies some personality. We all know the popularity of "the book Teacher says is good." But the problem of the children's librarian is not limited as is the teacher's to two or three dozen children. She must lay her plans to reach hundreds of children and she can do this only by dealing with the children in groups: in other words, in clubs, reading circles, and story-tellings.

The natural group of child life is the boys' gang or the girls' clique which offer unlimited opportunities for good or ill. The tendency of a =neglected= group is to develop strongly a regard for the interests of the individual group and make it antagonistic, if not actually dangerous, to the larger group of society.

The possibility of touching children's interests, enlarging their horizon, and influencing their ideals through these groups has been utilized in the club work of many libraries. Although all library clubs lead eventually to books, the way may be a circuitous one and baseball, basketry, and dramatics may be met on the way. But aside from the book interest, without which no library club can be considered legitimate, there is the opportunity of guiding the activities of the group by means of debate work or similar interests so that their attention may be directed outside of their immediate environment and made to include the greater possibilities of the larger social group.

Very often in girls' clubs the charitable impulse is strong and may be so led as to instill a very thoughtful sympathy for others.

It is for the things we know best that we have the most sympathy and the truest devotion, and we may expect real patriotism and an active civic conscience only when we have taught the children to know thoroughly their country and the city in which they live. This is some of the most valuable work that is being done by libraries, and it may be well passed on, as has been done in Newark, to become a part of the school curriculum. Indifference to the fatherland is not the best foundation on which to build the superstructure of American patriotism, and the confused and homesick foreigner welcomes with gratitude the books in his own tongue provided by the library, the opportunity to use the library's auditorium for the meetings of his clubs with unpronounceable names, the respect with which his especial predilections and prejudices are considered by the library in his immediate neighborhood, the display of his national flag and the special stories told the children on the fete day of his country. A people without traditions is not a people, and if we expect these strangers to respect our institutions, we must show them an equal courtesy.

This regard shown by the library and other institutions for the national characteristics of the parents reacts upon the children and they grow to understand that though their elders may have been outstripped in the effort to become Americanized they have behind them an historical background which is respected by the very Americans whose customs the children ape so carefully.

The reading circle and the story hour are similar in their purpose for they are both intended to call the attention of the children to special books and to open up the delights of a new world to imaginations often starved in squalor and poverty. Both the reading aloud and the storytelling have their rightful place in the home and are merely grafted on the library in its attempt to supply its share of the "illusory home" for which we are striving.

If the Sunday story-tellings and clubs meet the neighborhood needs more efficiently as Miss Smith has suggested, the library schedule should be so arranged as to accommodate them.

The time of childhood is a time of unbounded curiosities. Everything is new and wonderful and open to investigation, and that library may count itself blessed of the gods which can command the co-operation of a good museum. Given an exhibit case containing a few interesting specimens, a placard bearing a brief description of the specimens, and the titles of a few books on the subject obtainable at the library, and we can all of us picture a rosy dream of budding scientists, nature-lovers, and historians.

This child-like interest is the secret of the popularity of the moving-picture show. Here we see unfolded the processes of nature, the opening of a flower, the life of a bee, we ride in a runaway train and in an aeroplane, and we see enacted the daily human drama of love and hate. Here is an opportunity which many libraries have grasped, and slides are furnished the picture theaters announcing the location of the library and bearing some such legend as this: "Your Free Public Library has arranged with this management to select interesting books and magazine articles upon the historical, literary, and industrial subjects treated in these pictures. It is a bright idea to see something good and then learn more about it." Mr. Percy Mackaye in his recent book on the Civic Theater, comments on this as follows: "A brighter idea--may we not add?--if the founders of the library had recognized the dynamic appeal of a moving-picture house, and endowed it to the higher uses of civic art! Truly, a spectacle, humorous but pathetic: Philanthropy in raiment of marble, humbly beseeching patronage from the tattered Muse of the people!"

So far as the writer knows, but one library has as yet made moving pictures a permanent addition to its activities, although a small town in Washington State has intimated that it would do so, provided the Carnegie Trust Fund would give it money. It is a sign of the times, and one of which note must be taken, for it gives the library a chance to deepen the benefit of such good pictures as there are and to raise the standard of the others.

Unfortunately the interest of many boys and girls is forced prematurely to the subject of how they may aid in the family support. They leave school untrained and unfitted for the life they have to live, and go into shops, factories, department stores, and other service. Whether they leave because of economic pressure or because of a lack of interest in their school work the fact remains that 32 per cent of the children entering school drop out before they reach the sixth grade, and only 8 per cent finish the fourth year of high school. Manual training and vocational guidance are taking a hand in the matter and the part of the library is evident, not only in its supply of books on these topics but in the personal interest of the library assistants and in their suggestions and advice to the young folks who are struggling to find themselves. This is of course but a drop in the bucket but it is an effort in the right direction.

So many of these young people leaving school prematurely are shut up at the crucial age of adolescence in huge factories and stores, creeping home at night too tired to move unnecessarily, or letting the individuality which has been so sternly repressed all day burst forth in excesses and indiscretions. Only a few will come to the library, so to make sure the library must go to them.

One of the most notable examples of this kind of work is in the main plant of Sears, Roebuck & Co. in Chicago. The company furnishes room, heat, light, and librarian's salary and the public library provides the books. This type of library may combine the intimate personal relationships of the small branch, the club, the story hour, and the vocational bureau. It may, as the Sears, Roebuck library has done, publish lists of books covering certain grades of a school course in grammar, rhetoric, history of literature, and study of the classics, and through the personal influence of the librarian it may make these courses really used, for always in work of this kind it is the personal equation that counts.

Some commercial houses have independent libraries of their own, sometimes in connection with their service department, as does the Joseph & Feiss Co. of Cleveland, in which case the direction of the library comes under the charge of a person whose duty it is to use every means to deepen, strengthen, and broaden the capacity of every employe so that he may remain an individual and not become a machine. This is an age of industrialism which has early placed upon the boys and girls the responsibilities of life, and the love of books is one of the most important of the influences which will keep the pendulum from swinging too far upon the side of materialism and purely commercial ambition.

These are some of the ways in which the library is trying to meet the changing conditions of child life in the city through the children's rooms, the homes, the schools, the playgrounds, the factories, and other institutions which have to do with the employment, amusement, or education of children.

From many of these problems the life of the country child is mercifully free, but in place of them there is the isolation of farm life and the idleness on the part of the children so often found in country villages. As more than half of our population is in the country, it is but logical that libraries should long ago have made some attempt to reach a class of readers who, as Mr. Dewey says, "have a larger margin of leisure, fewer distractions, and fewer opportunities to get the best reading. They read more slowly and carefully and get more good from books than their high-pressure city cousins whose crowded lives leave little time for intellectual digestion."

Long before the formation of the Country Life Commission, librarians were sending traveling libraries to farm-houses and rural communities, and library commissions are now scattering broadcast the opportunities for reading which will do so much to "effectualize rural society." When we think of books and the country, we think also of Hagerstown and the book wagon, an institution which in its influence on country life may well be added to the famous trilogy of "rural free delivery, rural telephones, and Butterick patterns." Greater attention is being paid in these days to conditions of country life, both on farms and in villages, and the work of the country librarian is as broad and as interesting as that of her city co-worker.

But whether the work is done in the city or the country, in a crowded tenement district or on a thousand-acre ranch, it has as its foundation the same underlying principle: that of co-operation with all other available agencies to the end that the boys and girls may have a fuller opportunity to become good citizens. We cannot be progressive if we are not plastic, and in the adaptation of our work to the changing conditions of child life lies the secret of the value of the children's library.

The PRESIDENT: We give a sigh of satisfaction and one of regret: satisfaction over the pleasure we have had in listening to these fine, moving chapters; regret that they have been so brief. We are reconciled only by the fact that there are two fine companion volumes still to come. Mr. WILLIS H. KERR, of the Kansas State Normal School, will give us the first one, the subject being:


That there is a close relation between librarianship and the forces of education is implied both in the special topic of this paper and in the general theme of the morning: "Children and young people; their conditions at home, in the school, and in the library." Indeed librarian and teacher have more in common than we yet think. For real library work is teaching, and real teaching is guidance in living, and to live well for thy neighbor and thyself is--real library work.

The burden of this discussion will be, not whether the library is an integral part of education, but rather what modern education, as an art, science, and practice, has to say about the attitude and method and practice of library work. With open mind and modest, may we attempt a statement of "library pedagogy" to parallel current educational practice? How may we librarians knit our work more effectively into the educational fabric? How best correlate people and books?

If such a statement of library pedagogy is possible, even though tentative, it is worth our while. From college days there rings in my ears the topic of an address by Dr. Samuel B. McCormick, now President of the University of Pittsburgh: "We can achieve that which we can intelligently conceive and adequately express." We must see our whole job through and through if we are to cope with our friends who do not yet see what we are at. The good brother, a Ph. D. of one of our best universities, a successful city school superintendent, now a fellow professor, who said, "I can see how instruction of our normal school students in library methods will help them in their work here, but how will it help them as teachers? Anyone can find a book in a school library." The superintendent who complained that all his pupils got at the public library was sore eyes and ruined minds from reading trashy fiction; the library trustee who likened library work and salary to dry-goods counter service and wage; the typewriter salesman who objected to open shelves and book wagons and story hours, because they cost--I won't say how much he said; what infinite patience, what skillful teaching power must we librarians have, to turn this tide and use it?

Lest we paint the picture too darkly, let it be said with all thankfulness and cheer that multitudes of teachers, superintendents, boys, girls, men and women, do understand. There is Superintendent Condon, formerly of Providence, now of Cincinnati, of whom Mr. Foster says in the last (1912) Providence report: "Mr. Condon's co-operation with the library was constant, intelligent, and effective." There is Mary Antin and her brothers and sisters, Americans all, to whom one of the richest gifts of the "Promised Land" is the public library. There is State Superintendent Alderman, of Oregon, and Mrs. Alderman. There is the United States Commissioner of Education, Mr. Claxton, and Mrs. Claxton. In every state are men like a western Kansas superintendent (way out next to Colorado, on the prairies), who found his community destitute of books; even school books and tablets had to be ordered by the drug store from a distant city; no community interest, no debating societies, no class plays, no school athletic teams. He made school vital to the boys and girls. Then because to his thinking education does not end with school days, and because he had the library vision, before he was there a year he passed the subscription paper, organized the library association, got the books and magazines, and opened the public library. He gave that town something to live for. And every state has librarians like the little Kansas lady in a country community who does reference work and draws patrons from sixteen surrounding school districts by the use of the rural telephone.

What have the normal schools to do with all this? Before answering this question, it may be well to note that the term "normal school" has not always the same significance. In the United States there are 194 public normal schools. Scholastic standards are of three general types: First, the old-time normal school, whose graduates have little more than completed a high school course including some required pedagogy. Second, the largest division, the two-year normal school, which requires two years of college cultural and professional work, high school graduation being required for entrance. Third, the normal college or state teachers' college, which grants the bachelor's degree for the completion of four years of college cultural and professional work. As a rule the graduates of the high school normal course go into the rural or the small-town schools; the graduates of the two-year college course, into elementary schools and special subjects; and the graduates of the four-year college course, into high school subjects, principalships, and superintendencies. The four-year state teachers' colleges of the United States can be counted on the ten fingers, and their ultimate sphere of influence is being debated. It would seem, however, that the adequate teacher-training institution must be as broad in its facilities and standards as are the conditions of modern life with which teachers must cope.

In the normal schools of these three types, student attendance varies from 100 to nearly 3,000, the average being about 600. Faculties vary from 8 or 10 members to 125. Equipment varies correspondingly, the better schools having very complete facilities. For example, the Eastern Illinois State Normal School, at Charleston, which is said to have a faculty ranking in scholarship with the universities, has 1,200 students, 31 members of faculty, offers two college years of teacher-training, has three buildings, a library of 16,000 volumes, and like many other normal schools of its type has an assured future and a fine field of influence. You will pardon another example, I hope, cited because I can be still more definite in describing it: The Kansas State Normal School, at Emporia, is a type of the four-year normal college. It was established in 1865. Last year it had 2,750 students, 350 in the training school (comprising kindergarten and grades one to eight), 1,100 in the normal high school, and 1,300 in the college. It had a faculty of 100, nearly half of these being men, many of the best universities being represented. It has 11 buildings, including an enormous gymnasium, a library, a hospital, a training school, science building, etc. It has a department of library science, in charge of a professor giving full time to that department, and on the same plane as other departments of instruction. Of this same general type, in equipment, numbers, and standards, are the schools at Ypsilanti, Michigan; Cedar Falls, Iowa; Kirksville, Missouri; Greeley, Colorado; Terre Haute, Indiana;--I do not mean to slight other worthy examples.

Aside from these three types of public normal schools, another important type of teacher-training organization is the department of education and psychology in our best colleges and universities, exemplified notably by the School of Education of the University of Chicago, and Teachers' College of Columbia University, the last-named being perhaps the most efficient teachers' college in the world. I hasten to add mention of the conspicuously helpful work in educational psychology, pure and applied, which is being done at Clark University, Massachusetts, under the inspiring leadership of Dr. G. Stanley Hall.

Now, using the term "normal schools" to include all of these types of institutions and as representing their practices and ideals, may we ask the question we left a moment ago, "What have the normal schools to do with librarianship?" This: The normal schools have now consciously taken up the task of preparing teachers who understand the life that now is and can teach boys and girls to live that life and to be useful members of society here and hereafter. These organized institutions of teacher-training take themselves seriously, they accept the responsibility of their task, and they are measurably succeeding; despite the declarations of popular magazines and investigating committees that our schools are a colossal failure. Which they are not, for didn't they train Mary Antin, and Miss Stearns, and you and me? If librarianship is educational work, and it is, the normal schools may therefore have some suggestion of educational practice worthy the consideration of librarians.

What is the educational world thinking and doing? Examine the program of the National Education Association, to meet week after next at Salt Lake City. I group some of the topics from the general sessions: =First=, What is education?; Education for freedom; The personal element in our educational problems; Teaching, and testing the teaching of essentials; Measuring results. =Second=, What shall we do with the single-room school?; The rural school; Fundamental reorganizations demanded by the rural life problem; Rural betterments; The schoolhouse evening center. =Third=, moral values in pupil self-government, The high school period as a testing time, Public schools and public health.

Relate these groups of topics with this definition of education from the late Andrew S. Draper, of honored memory:

"Education that has life and enters into life; education that makes a living and makes life worth living; education that can use English to express itself; education that does not assume that a doctor must be an educated man and that a mechanic or a farmer cannot be; education that appeals to the masses, that makes better citizens and a greater state; education that supports the imperial position of the State and inspires education in all of the States--that is the education that concerns New York."

Mingle with educational men and women, search the educational periodicals and programs, scan the educational books, visit the normal colleges; and I think you will discover that something like this is happening in the educational world: The content of education is being adapted to meet the needs of all the classes and the masses. The method of education is being adapted to the individual. The result is that education is being universalized, socialized, democratized.

In this adaptation of educational material and method, all eyes are upon the individual child. We are studying this child, working for him. We are playing for the batter, tackling the man with the ball. We believe it is more important to develop the undiscovered resource than to run all boys and all girls through the same hopper. A phrase used in the =School Arts Magazine= for May, 1913, in describing a notable Boston exhibit of art illustration, breathes this spirit: "Instruction in illustration, should be creative and individual from the outset. Models are posed to help in expressing more truthfully the conception of the illustrator rather than as a discipline in abstract drawing."

The true teacher never gives up a boy or a girl. But mind you, we are saving the individual, making a man out of him, not that he may be a self-centered unsocial phenomenon, but that he may be a fellow among men, a useful social unit. We want strong individuality willing and able to live in society.

Perhaps the biggest word in current education is motivation. That word motivation covers a multitude of sins and a multitude of virtues. Motivation does not mean coddling. It does not mean allowing the child to do as he pleases. On the other hand, motivation does not mean forcing an unnatural process or situation upon a helpless child or a helpless public. It does not mean that we are to give something to the child. Motivation is not didactic in attitude.

The spring of action in all of us is impulse. There is no time here to go into the psychology of instinct, impulse, emotion, motive, action, and all that. Suffice it for example that through the play instinct and impulse the wise teacher leads the child to a respect for fair-play, order, law, justice. The child never knows where he got it, but he has what he needed, and he has it indelibly. This process assumes a God-given wisdom on the part of the teacher: to know how that little mind is working, what it needs, how it may be brought to feel the need, and then to lead, draw out, educate that mind--O, miracle of miracles!

A step further in the consideration of the educational process: Perhaps there have been committed more atrocities, more crimes in the name of education, in the high school than in any other period of school life. More fairly stated, the crimes have been in the upper six years of the usual twelve,--in that period which is called adolescence. Why do so many boys and girls drop out of the upper grades? Why do so many youths never complete high school? The vocational training people have one answer, and it consists in letting the boy work at something of which he feels the need. They motivate his work. The boy from the farm can't read Tennyson's "Princess;" set him at the =Breeder's Gazette= or the testing of seed-corn; you can teach him English as readily through one task as the other. Only that boy never would learn English from "The Princess,"--and I love Tennyson.

As an example of skillful motivation in teaching may I describe a case which is also an object-lesson to librarians in correlating people and books? It is a third-year high school class in argumentation. After some preliminary study, one day the teacher remarks rather inconsequentially, "Do you know I believe the 'Boston tea party' was an unjustifiable destruction of property, and that unprejudiced historians now admit it?" Now that won't "go" in Kansas any easier than it will in Massachusetts. Teacher is immediately challenged, and she replies, "Well, I'll debate it with you; and I'll be fair and square with you and tell you of some material on your side. But there is one man whose authority I would not want to dispute; you'll surely treat me fairly, won't you?" A young lady member of the class at once puts a motion to the class that it will not be considered fair to use the writings of Edmund Burke against teacher. Does that class depend upon bluffing its way through that debate with teacher? No, it keeps us busy at the library to get material out fast enough, even though we had been previously informed by the teacher that the material would be wanted. Even Dr. Johnson's "Taxation no tyranny" is read with eagerness. Teacher finally agrees to debate even against Burke. Is Burke a bore to that class? Why, the library has to buy additional copies. Of course, the end desired by the teacher all the time was Burke.

More and more, in the instruction of adolescent and adult, the teacher's effort is being directed toward arousing a problem to be solved. Whether by a class lecture, by a class discussion, or by a personal conference, the pupil is brought to feel that it is important for him to find the answer. Is it not important, then, for the librarian to be skilled in drawing out a statement of the problem, or, changing the figure, to recognize accurately the symptoms and to prescribe unerringly? I think librarians having to do with high school and college students should rather frequently visit classes and attend lectures. If this were done, the pupil would less often be ground between upper and nether millstone, and the millstones would think more of each other.

Thus far, educational ideals and practices. Now will they help us any in attempting to formulate a library pedagogy? I believe they will. I believe that the teaching attitude, the study of the individual, the putting of the individual's needs far and away before the observance of inflexible rule and practice, and the determination to correlate people and books and life to the very ends of the earth,--these four stones at least will be in the foundation of library pedagogy.

I am not sure that all educational people will agree entirely with the foregoing statement of educational principles and methods. I am quite sure that I may as well gracefully hand my head now to some of you because of the following library corollaries of the preceding educational doctrines. Some of these are my own beliefs, some are beliefs of educational men regarding libraries:

In the training of librarians, would it be more in accord with modern pedagogy to have less lecturing, less practice work done in the this-is-the-only-way-to-do-it attitude, and to have more of the come-on-and-let's-find-out, the learn-by-doing laboratory spirit?

Educational administration is being remodeled, centralized. If library work is to be more and more educational, school men have said to me, why not make the public library an integral part of the city school system, and the state library and state library commission an arm of the state department of education? It is a terrible thought, but it will not drown by denying it.

When library work becomes educational through and through, and all library assistants are experts in psychology and human nature, the fines system will be a thing of the past.

Conservation of the individual means that it is better to have a book in use than to have it lying peacefully on the shelf entirely surrounded by unbroken rules.

Conservation of society means that it is better to have the library open on holidays and Sundays, when the working man isn't "dead tired," than to report an increased circulation of fiction.

The PRESIDENT: For an object lesson as to the strenuous life we go to Oyster Bay. For library buildings we go to East Ninety-first street, New York, or when he is in Europe we go to Skibo Castle. For information as to the latest inventions we go to the laboratory of Mr. Edison. For full information as to the best in high school work we go to the Girls' High School in Brooklyn. Miss MARY E. HALL.

Miss Hall spoke extemporaneously upon the enlarging scope of library work in high schools. Some of the points discussed were treated by her in a paper before the section on Library Work with Children at the Ottawa conference, 1912. See Ottawa Proceedings in Bulletin of the American Library Association, v. 6, p. 260-68.

The PRESIDENT: As my eye roves over this audience I see it is thickly sprinkled with punctuation marks. It has been suggested that some of our papers ought to be discussed from the floor. We shall be glad to hear from any librarians who are in this audience, either in the form of experiences or comment.

Mr. OLIN S. DAVIS: While I approve fully all that the last speaker has said, I feel very strongly that the college or high school library should not be too complete and that the student should be encouraged to use the public library. Work should be given to the students in high schools and girls' schools that would require their coming to the public library, because if the children in the grades and high schools do not learn to use the public library in those years they will not be apt to use the library in later years when they have left school.

Miss HALL: I would like to say that the first thing we do with pupils is to take a census of the entering class to find out how many do not have cards in the public library; interview them to see why they have not; even to write letters to the parents and urge them to allow their children to have cards; and to see before the end of the first term that every student in the entering class has a card in the public library, has a note of introduction from the school librarian to the branch librarian of the public library, and to see that the branch librarian of our big cities and the high school librarian work together four years with that student. We have the very closest co-operation.

Miss AHERN: Most of you reading library literature lately have seen considerable criticism of the fact that when students go out from college they do not know how to use the library. That is sometimes the student's fault, but most often it is the fault of the college curriculum. That is a topic we need not discuss here. But I believe librarians will do a great service to those who are going into college activities if they emphasize and elaborate that idea of putting into the requirements for college entrance, a knowledge of how to use library machinery.

There are a good many things that are necessary for students to know before they are able to take up the work in colleges, particularly in literature and language. I am not saying that these should be any less. But here is something that I wonder no one has ever thought of before. It means a good deal more to a student to know how to use the various reference books in the college library on, say, the works of John Milton, than to have read some of the things which are included in the entrance examination. I think the idea of requiring a knowledge of how to use the library for college entrance is the best thing I have heard at a library meeting for a long time, and I hope the librarians who are present will impress that idea on their superintendents of schools, on their high school principals, and on the college authorities, as far as they can. It is a good thing. If we should not get anything else out of this 1913 meeting but to impress on the school people that a knowledge of how to use the library is a necessary requirement for a college course, we shall have gained a great point.

Mr. RANCK: I should like to ask Miss Hall about her experience with reference to the use of the library on the teaching of English and literature in the high school.

Miss HALL: I have been very much interested in this. Our school has been so large it has been very difficult to do all we would like to do. We have not been able to do what has been done in the Detroit or Grand Rapids high school in the way of instruction. But I have been interested in seeing what it has done for the English and the history departments. In the first place, our teachers are coming with their classes for instruction and the teachers are learning a great many things which they are putting in practice. For the last year we have done more with the Reader's Guide in history than ever before. Teachers are assigned to help me in my work. After they heard the talk on the Reader's Guide they said, "We can do this: we will go through the Reader's Guide and we will bring out everything that is really interesting on the history of France, Germany, China, Russia and the Balkan War; we will look over those articles and make a card of the best things." They are using the Reader's Guide in English more than ever before; they are using reference books more. After the talk on the Statesmen's Yearbook and on the almanacs and some of the yearbooks, such as the New International Yearbook, they are using them almost as textbooks. The Statesmen's Yearbook is in use nearly all the time, as is the New International Yearbook, since that talk. They are using the Reader's Guide for new material--essays that they want on special subjects, and are using it for debate work, informal debates on all sorts of interesting current problems for English work, training the students to do oral debating without any notes, and talks on the topics of the day. They are using encyclopedias more wisely than they used to. Teachers used to send scholars to encyclopedias for everything. And when we talked about the real use of encyclopedias and bibliographies, how the encyclopedia simply gave you a certain amount of definite information and often led to more important things, they began using those bibliographies.

Miss HOBART: I do not know that any librarian has been trying to work out the problem which I have of reaching the public school pupils and teachers. Some of the best things that I have found in that way are these: I made myself familiar, as early in the term as possible, with the teachers and the conditions of their home life. I found that some had very poor places to room, as they are apt to have in small communities, and to those I offered the use of the library rooms for evening use and for time out of school when they wished to correct papers. Our library is warm and light in the winter and cool and light in the summer. And the teachers were extremely glad to have a place where they could come and be quiet and comfortable and do their own work. I think that last year the teachers in our small village practically lived in the library. Even those who had homes there used to make it their abiding place most of their waking hours. For the high school pupils, at the time of their graduating essays, we laid books aside in different places in the library. Many of those children had no proper places at home where they could write. They came to the library and did their work; almost all the work on their graduating essays was done evenings. For six weeks we gave the use of our catalog rooms to two girls who had their books sent there. There were several out-of-town children; to those we gave a room in the basement. They came from school as quickly as possible at noon, ate their luncheon in a very short time and spent the rest of the intermission in the library doing reference work. The expressions of appreciation we have received and the consciousness of the help given to those children in the use of the library has been a great source of satisfaction.


(Friday morning, June 27, 1913.)

The PRESIDENT: We begin this morning the fifth session of this conference and the theme covering the papers is, "The library's service to business and legislation." Ten years ago it would not have occurred to anyone perhaps that it would be possible to have a series of papers upon this subject, and the surprising expansion of the service in these directions is evidenced by the fact that we have, in order at all to attempt to cover this subject adequately, a larger number of papers on this morning's program than we have on the program for any other of the subjects which have been scheduled. I will ask Mr. C. B. LESTER to start the program with his paper upon


It is now more than twenty years since the need of specialization in the library's work on subjects of legislation was recognized in New York in the creation of a special staff for such work, and it is just about ten years since the successful combination in Wisconsin of such special reference work with the formulation of bills aroused most of the states to the possibilities of usefulness in this field. It would therefore seem worth while to examine the work so far done to discover if possible such principles and tendencies as may be subject to generalization.

It is at once obvious that any such generalization in a broad sense must be difficult, for this present year shows in legislation both east and west that we have not yet come to rest on such fundamental principles as to method even though there may be substantial unanimity as to policy. The new laws in Vermont (and I think in New Hampshire) in the east--in Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois in the middle west--and in California on the Pacific coast show such differences that it is evident that local conditions must still be very largely controlling. And to go back a full year or more would bring to notice the new work organized in several states through university bureaus but without special legislation, and the proposals before the Congress.

Comparatively little examination shows that the conception of the work to be done differs widely. Mr. Kaiser of the University of Illinois, who is preparing a detailed study of the subject, writes me: "I find that in practically thirty-two states it is attempted in some form or other--the state library as a whole, a division of the state library created within the library, a division created by law, a separate bureau, library commission bureaus, state university bureaus, etc." Obviously this must include practically all states where the state library is other than a law library only or a historical collection only, and must credit with doing legislative reference work those states where general reference work is done on subjects of legislation. But there is a more exact use of the term which takes account of the fundamental principle well suggested in the statement of the Librarian of Congress in his communication to Congress in 1911. "A legislative reference bureau goes further [than the Division of Bibliography]. It undertakes not merely to classify and to catalog, but to draw off from a general collection the literature, that is the data, bearing upon a particular legislative project. It indexes, extracts, compiles." It breaks up existing forms in which information is contained and classifies the resulting parts, and often "adds to printed literature written memoranda as to facts and even opinions as to merit."

Such work as the legislative reference staff should be qualified to do is distinctly informational rather than educational in its reference to the patron. It does the work of research, of gathering, sorting and uniting the scattered fact material wanted and presents the results ready for use. And to be fully effective this work must in some way be co-ordinated with the formulation of legislation, so that the product offered by the legislator may be both firmly founded and properly constructed. This work is so evidently necessary that it will be done in an increasing number of states whether the state library or some other agency undertakes it and protects its efficiency by the impartial, non-political and permanent organization of it which can be there best provided.

Practically all legislation specifically providing for such work has been passed in the years beginning 1907 and it is significant that most of this emphasizes research and drafting. The laws specially providing for such work are as follows:

Alabama, 1907, no. 255. California, 1913. Illinois, 1913. Indiana, 1913, ch. 255 (1907, ch. 147). Michigan, 1907, ch. 306 (1913, ch. 144). Missouri, Stat., 1909, Sec. 8177. Montana, 1909, ch. 65. Nebraska, 1911, ch. 72. North Dakota, 1909, ch. 157 (1907, ch. 243). Ohio, 1913 (1910, no. 384). Pennsylvania, 1909, no. 143 (1913). Rhode Island, 1907, ch. 1471. South Dakota, 1907, ch. 185. Texas, 1909, ch. 70. Vermont, 1912, ch. 14 (1910, ch. 9). Wisconsin, Stat. Sec. 373 f.

An analysis of the work done, whether provided for by legislation or by administrative practice, shows certain other facts. The number of the staff in any state is often variable, temporary or part time assistance is often used, and this is true where this work is not a part of the work of a state library or other wider organization. Furthermore, the cost in money is almost impossible to estimate accurately in many places, because of this co-operation with other work. In starting a new work this difficulty in answering the question of what it costs elsewhere must be faced. The best way to meet it seems to be to make the comparison on the basis of the work wanted, definitely planning what is to be done, and asking for a lump sum to cover its estimated cost.

The drafting proposition is a most important element. Some three or four states already have official bill-drafting agencies, other than legislative reference departments, and a number of others definitely depend upon the attorney-general's office for this work. In some states there is opposition to putting this in the hands of a non-legislative agency, and in others the libraries, while ready to handle a specialized reference work, are not ready to undertake drafting. Obviously this work requires highly specialized training, and equally, I believe, it will be agreed that this service should be rendered and that it must be in the closest co-operation with the reference work. There is no doubt in my own mind that the best condition is that of a single agency to perform this dual work, where the establishment of such is possible, and the usual organization seems to include both the expert draftsmen and the special clerical and stenographic assistance.

This service in the primary formulation of bills must inevitably lead to a similar assistance as bills progress toward final enactment. This care as to form through the processes of amendment and revision will ultimately be complete if the enacted statute law is what it should be "to stand the test."

This leads me to certain suggestions of other fields of service in the legislative process which should all tend to better the whole legislative product. Of course, in much of this service the emphasis is placed upon form and make-up of the final product, the discretion as to subject matter resting elsewhere, but that discretionary judgment is to be based upon the most complete information it is possible to furnish. Most of these services are now performed by the libraries or other non-legislative agencies in some states, but of course not all, or indeed many, in any one state. They include editing, foot-noting, side-noting, indexing of session laws, and the preparation of tables of amendments, repeals and similar matter; the proper filing and care of original bills, journals, committee records, and similar matter, after the work of the session is completed; the editing and indexing of the printed journal; editorial work of various forms upon the legislative documents. These are all services needed by our states, useful to the legislative bodies, and only properly handled through some permanent agency. Is the state library that agency? I leave the question for your consideration, and suggest that some uncertainty at present as to just what may be most desirable is evident particularly in the new legislation in Vermont, Ohio, Indiana and California. It has already been brought out in prepared paper and in discussion at this conference that the state library should not be a central public library in its content or its method. It is rather possible to express the field of its activities as that of a collection of special libraries. Into that field would come quite naturally the varied services to the legislative branch of the government which have been suggested. As already stated some of them are now supplied in some states. What we shall ultimately work toward in our states is a complete organization of these allied branches of work, all of which focus about the work of the legislature. Some of these services are at once recognized as within the field of the library--about others there is a decided difference of opinion. But they all have many common elements, many points of contact. They are most effectively to be handled as a group. The tendency will surely be toward a concentration rather than a scattering of these parts of one general work. Plans for such a concentration, adapted to a particular set of conditions, to be sure, have already been put into concrete bill form in New York and the bill was before the legislature this year. The question presents many new features, but is not something to be answered perhaps in the distant future; it is rather, I believe, worthy of a very real consideration in the present.

The PRESIDENT: The second paper this morning, which follows very logically after the one which we have just heard, will be by Mr. DEMARCHUS C. BROWN, state librarian of Indiana, on


The writer of this paper would be more than Prot�an if he could say anything new on this topic. All our associations, at least the half dozen I belong to, meet so often that repetition is forced upon us. In the interim very few experiences or ideas worth recording come to us. Biennial or triennial sessions would lead to better results and save money.

The personality and attainments of the librarian (and his staff) are of prime importance in making the state library a dominating influence in the commonwealth. He is the man behind the gun. I put him first. From the negative side,--his position should not be subject to partisan or personal influence. That is a blight to start with and will ruin any institution. We are still afflicted with that curse in places, not only in the state libraries but in official positions generally.

Affirmatively, the head of the state library ought to be a person of scholarly acquirements or at least in deep and appreciative sympathy with scholarship and knowledge. If he is a scholar in a limited field he should be in accord with all who are trained in other departments. He should be able to represent the state in its educational and scientific undertakings, by papers and addresses, whenever called upon. It goes without saying that he should be a trained man in educational or library or literary work and of course an executive officer. His library is a laboratory of all for all in the state and he must be in touch with the work of that laboratory. His library is the distributer of blessings to a great commonwealth, and according to the motto of the "Library Company" of Philadelphia, that is divine (Communiter bona profundere deum est). I'll not quote the Latin--it would be classic, and to be classic is against the regulations of the Zeitgeist. I want him to be an inspirer for all to love art and poetry, and study and history and politics (real); and not merely skilled in the knowledge of card indexes and catalog rules. A certain famous general in the Confederate Army spent so much of his time on details of drill and quartermaster's regulations that he forgot how to fight his army.

I have put the librarian first in this broadening influence of the state library. All the volumes and equipment and staff will be comparatively a failure without this scholarly, well-trained, wide-awake executive officer.

As to the various ways in which the state library can extend its influence and make itself useful, permit me to suggest a few. This institution can well be the bibliographical center of the state. Every club, school, library, society, and all citizens can be made to know that here information can be obtained about books.

Our own demand is quite large and ought to be larger. There are libraries with meagre equipment, schools with none, people with none, colleges with little--all these may be taught to turn to the central institution for bibliographical information. I consider this a source of wide-spreading influence, valuable and helpful to the whole state. I have placed it second more because I deem it important, not because I think all of these points can be listed accurately as to their relative positions.

Our states heretofore have been very slow in preserving their history, both of the commonwealth and municipalities. This has led, perchance, to the unspeakable commercial county histories with their unspeakable portraits and unspeakable cost, which we are compelled to purchase in order to have something.

The state library's influence should extend over the entire state in an attempt to teach the preservation of history. The library is the natural place for the collection and organization of the history of the state. The archives may well be kept here for reference and use, though some states have a separate archives and history department.

I wish we knew how to preserve history. We don't keep or build memorials, we tear down and throw away. What we want is the new, the fresh, the raw. The old, the seasoned, the ripe, we think is effete (how we like that word in referring to the old advanced civilization of Europe). The state library has a great, unploughed field to cultivate. Personally, I find people ready to burn up newspapers or manuscripts, or sell volumes for junk rather than give them to an institution where they may be preserved. I am trying to teach them otherwise, but succeeding very slowly indeed. I trust some of you are doing better.

The women's clubs are a source of help in extending the influence of the library. They are asking for information of all kinds at all times. We laugh at them, I know. They have papers on Shakespeare, Goethe or Homer at one sitting and dispose of them all. But what shall we do? They are the conservers of culture and reading. Men don't want them, i. e. culture and reading. They are bourgeois, "practical," (� bas with that word and up with refinement and culture which is just as meaningful in books as in a field where we know culture is everything). I know many prosperous country towns without a men's reading organization or club in them, but many women's. If the state library in its state-wide influence, could convert men to reading, it would do a great work. Send your bulletin to the clubs, suggest topics for discussion, and thus distribute the leaven.

So much of our reading and study is done through periodicals of every description that it is made necessary for one central institution to be well supplied with these publications. The periodicals not taken in the average library, college or club, the foreign, like Revue de Deux Mondes, and Dublin Review, for example, and particularly the learned periodicals used only occasionally, should be found in the state library.

The state library can become a source of information, widespread over the state, by this process. Demands come sometimes from remote corners, from a teacher or some ambitious student, and he should never be neglected. This department, I fear, has been in a measure overlooked. We have about a hundred from foreign countries secured through exchange for the Indiana Academy of Science. They are not commonly called for but they form a tie between the library and the scientific men and students over the state.

By no means limit this list to scientific periodicals. Make the selection as broad as human interest, if funds and space permit.

It is commonplace to say that the state library is the document depository of the commonwealth. You know that now. Many people do not realize it, however. Every official publication of the state, counties and municipalities, if preserved here, will be a source for historical research in the future. Nothing of the kind should be thrown away. Many state libraries were founded with this particular purpose in view. The state library is the logical place for the preservation of all documents of the state. From it the municipal authorities, students of state history and political science, teachers, legislators and citizens gather the information needed on the documentary history of the state.

All the states have institutions of various kinds--colleges, hospitals for insane, the epileptic, the tubercular, reformatories, etc., etc. Why should the state library not at least supplement the small or large collections in these institutions? Their purpose is not to purchase books, though some are needed. The state library's influence and assistance should enter here, also. Much can be done to enlarge the views and inform the heads of these institutions and to make happy many of the inmates. No demand by a superintendent of a state institution for books to be purchased for and referred to by him would be overlooked in the Indiana state library. The institutions are scattered over the state and the library's influence would be spread in gathering material for the people connected with these institutions. The libraries of the state universities can be supplemented to great advantage, as has been done at least in our own state and in yours, I have no doubt.

The newspapers of the state are not kept with any regularity in the different localities. They are a valuable fund of information for the historian, who must sift rigidly of course. Our attempt is to preserve the papers from each county. We have many instances already of the value of our collection. We believe that a state-wide service is done in this way. I know the newspaper is not what we think it ought to be, but certain conditions of politics, business and social customs are pictures which will otherwise be lost. The librarian in the state library has imposed upon him here an important duty to the commonwealth, and the possibility of rendering great service.

The high schools are fond of debating. The boys are more easily aroused to reading by the discussion of a public or social problem. The local library is usually meagre. If the school principal is kept in close touch with the central library he will know where to send for material. A bulletin on "Debates" with bibliographical lists is of great service to the school men. The state library extends its work to educational centers by this method. The Indiana state library for several years has followed this system and as a result has almost been swamped with requests for debate material. As many as forty high schools in one week tried to overwhelm us, but our staff stood the test womanfully and won.

There are state-wide associations of all kinds in every state. Many of them publish reports or proceedings. The state librarian may well keep his institution in touch with all of these. The library may even be a member of some of them, especially educational, social, literary or artistic. The presence of a member of its staff at their meetings or correspondence may lead to the use of the library by these organizations in a way that will show that the library is the thing to be used--a tool for every man.

Common as it may be to say it, the assistance to the blind of the state by the central library must not be passed by. It is a great joy for any one to note the pleasure these unfortunate people obtain from the collections from which they draw daily. Very few, if any, are able to purchase their own books. The number assisted is small, but the benefit and happiness are great and lasting.

As the state library is the document and the political science center, it follows that legislative and official information are to be secured here. The officials and members of the Assembly ought to be made to know that the state library is, as it were, the fountain head from which to draw. If the library is worth anything or its head and staff worth anything, they should be consulted frequently by these persons in their work of lawmaking. The library has gathered and organized the material and by means of its use by the legislator, the library exerts a state-wide service.

It is the province of the traveling libraries department to lend collections of books to groups of citizens in localities apart from libraries. This does not hinder the state library from doing much for the farmer individually and in farmers' institutes. Addresses may be delivered, bibliographical lists on agricultural subjects sent and books loaned if the law permits it, and I think it should.

In our own library we have letters and requests from farmers; we preserve the records of their institutes and granges. One who had only half an hour a day to read asked for a volume of Jefferson, Shakespeare, or a good book on chiggers. If he could find out how to get rid of the chiggers, I would prefer that book to Jefferson, whose apotheosis is sadly overworked. That farmer's request was not so fascinating as that of a teacher who wanted a book on "the history of the human people." This is a sample of Indiana readers. Indiana, the home of authors! (I want to express my opinion in parenthesis here, that this Indiana literature talk is also sadly overworked.)

All this concerns special classes of people and books. But the general reader must be looked after. If democratization of books and reading is our keynote, and I think it is, then the citizen who wants to read on history, poetry, art, sociology, religion, must not be neglected. State-wide means much. It means an open mind for all the demos.

Our central library shall not be a trade shop, not for the bourgeoisie, but a mentor, a guide, a place of refinement and culture. Not for the practical man only--he usually does not know anything and does not want to; he has no breadth of view. Looking up a trade item or a report or some figures is good and useful; so is loving a poet because it is at the foundation of character and education.

We have recently been informed--no, we have been told--that to talk about reading, culture, the love of knowledge, is "flapdoodle." A citizen may be benefited by knowing how many miles of railroad are in his county, or what amount of money his city spends, but he will be just as much benefited by reading a lofty poem of Andr� Ch�nier, Le Jeu de Paume for example, or a stanza of William Dwight Moody's, not that he will make money, but something far better.

What I want to say is that the state library shall extend the love of learning, of literature, or art and all their kin to the furthest boundaries of the state in order that all may know that here is a fountain whence all may receive instruction and refreshment. Why should the business man not read something besides the newspaper, the statements of which are denied the next day? Yet most men read nothing else. If his own town library is small let him call upon the state library and let the state library be ready to help. I believe that lending books must still be granted to the state library. We have calls from lovers of reading from every corner of Indiana, from men who love culture, knowledge and literature. These we propose to accommodate as long as the law permits. This observation is made because it has been said repeatedly that the state library shall deal in documents, reports and reference books.

We have many foreigners in Indiana. When these cannot secure what is wanted at their local library I want them to come to us, as recently happened when the Roumanians wanted the text of their native poets and something about their provincial capital Nagygebin.

I trust that we may all have one great library for reference with a minimum of popular fiction--a library that is a guide to scholarship and knowledge, a library where every man who loves to read may turn himself out to grass and browse, browse deeply. Herein will we have state-wide influence.

May I group these influences as a summary:--the personality, fitness and scholarship of the State Librarian; the bibliographical center may well be the state library; the legislative reference for the Assembly and officials; the gathering and preserving of the history and archives of the state along with the encouragement among the people to preserve local historical material; the collecting of newspapers representing the entire commonwealth; the creation of a periodical center in the state library; close connection with schools, colleges and all kinds of organizations, social, literary, commercial, etc.; assistance for all the state institutions, educational, charitable, and correctional; close relation with the women's clubs; assistance to the farmer and the foreigner in isolated localities; the center for general culture and love of knowledge where every citizen may continue to go to school.

The PRESIDENT: Mr. Lester in his paper referred to the bill-drafting department of a legislative reference bureau and Mr. Brown has just referred to the man behind the counter. We may perhaps feel that modern conditions require two men behind the counter in government: the one who prepares the ammunition and the one who fires it; and perhaps the more important is the one who prepares the ammunition; the one who draws up the law, leaving to the legislature the more perfunctory service of applying the match. Mr. MATTHEW S. DUDGEON has served in the capacity of director of the bill drafting department of the Wisconsin legislative bureau and I believe that since he has assumed the duties of the executive officer of the Wisconsin Library Commission he has continued to perform that service. We shall be glad to hear from him this morning as to


In an address before the New York Bar Association the Honorable Joseph E. Choate says that we in America are suffering seriously from plethora of legislation. He suggests that this whole mass of legislation pabulum that is made up and offered to the people from year to year, ought to be more thoroughly 'Fletcherized,' more completely masticated, before it is poured into the body politic for digestion. "If that were done, I am sure," he says, "that we could get along with half the quantity and it would do us just as much good." The volume of legislation now being considered is, in fact, appalling. The legislature of one Eastern state had before it at its last biennial session four thousand and eighty-one distinct bills. A Western state this year has asked its legislature to consider three thousand, seven hundred and thirty-eight measures. A Southern state actually passed at its latest session one thousand, four hundred and sixty different enactments.

Unlike the hookworm, however, this disease is neither new nor newly discovered, nor is it like the chills and fever, indigenous to our newly settled American continent. Over three hundred years ago Montaigne discovered a superabundance of legislation in France. "We have more laws in France," he says, "than in all the rest of the world." And going back still further to the first century A. D. we find Tacitus complaining that there are too many laws in Rome. "So that as formerly we suffered from wickedness," he says in his Annals, "so now we suffer from too many laws."

We may safely conclude then that the enactment of many laws which are not so fully "Fletcherized" as they should be, is a complaint which long ago became chronic among bodies politic generally and that it is high time that some cure be found for the ailment. How can the quantity of laws be diminished and the quality improved? How can our legislative acts be masticated so that one-half as many may do us as much good?

The problem of thus improving legislation and producing "the law that stands the test" is indeed a most serious one.

=Requirements.= Let us suggest the proposition that a law that stands the test must first be one which violates no provision of the constitution; second, it must be founded upon a sound economic basis; third, it should be capable of efficient administration: that is, it should be a practical, workable, usable thing; fourth, it must fit into its surroundings both legal and social. It must, as Blackstone has suggested, fit the situation as a suit of clothes fits the man. Some laws which are perfectly sound in good old occidental England have been found to be entirely impossible in oriental India. A measure which suits the Anglo-Saxon Yankee in Connecticut may be entirely out of place among the mixed peoples of the Philippines.

The law that stands the test must have all these qualities and this is the law which all the American states are striving to produce. Such a law may, of course, possess these characteristics and yet not be in every sense satisfactory. It may not accomplish all that was hoped for it; it may contain errors; it may need amendments, and still it may be a law which, in a proper sense, stands the test. To give a method by which a law may be created which will stand the test will not therefore be to suggest that a method has been discovered which will produce perfect legislation.

=Nature of subjects considered.= It should be remembered also that the difficulties of legislation arise not only from the multitude of subjects presented, but because many of the subjects are in themselves most difficult of comprehension. The Right Honorable James Bryce has said that the task of legislation becomes more and more difficult and that many of the problems which legislators now face are too hard not only for the ordinary members but even for the abler members of legislative bodies because they cannot be understood and mastered without special knowledge.

To illustrate: The legislature of a middle western state has had before it at a single session laws upon the following subjects: A comprehensive code of court procedure, initiative and referendum, recall of all officers except judges, home rule in cities, excess, condemnation, woman's suffrage, workmen's compensation, regulation of industrial accidents by commission, income tax, state aid to public highways, conservation and control of water power, forest reserve, system of industrial education, system of state life insurance, the formation of farmers' co-operative associations, limitation of the hours of labor for women, child labor, public school buildings as civic centers, and teachers' pension.

There does not exist in any learned society nor in any university in the land a single man who can do more than converse intelligently upon all of these subjects; yet this state expected its absolutely untrained legislators to understand these matters thoroughly, to express a wise judgment upon them, and to record their judgment in such form as to force it upon an entire state.

=Lack of training on the part of the legislators.= Of the one hundred members of the lower house of the legislature which voted upon all these measures sixty-five had never had any previous legislative experience. Only thirty had had the advantage of any college education. While nineteen of the one hundred were lawyers, they were for the most part young, inexperienced men, whose contact with public questions had been limited. Thirty of the one hundred were farmers, thirty-one were in business, six were doctors or dentists, eight were mechanics, three were school teachers. Yet these men, without experience, or training, or special fitness were forced to vote upon all these difficult economic and industrial problems, and also upon about two thousand other more or less important measures.

=Necessity for unbiased information.= It is of course evident that what the legislator must have is a source from which he can obtain complete information upon all sides of a controverted question. A court which purports to administer justice after hearing the contention of only one party to a transaction would open itself to ridicule. Yet this is precisely the method pursued in legislation. The legislator begins without any independent knowledge of the subject. Such knowledge as he obtains is brought to him ordinarily by a lobbyist. He receives many private suggestions whose source he hardly knows. He attends a committee hearing on a bill seeking to increase the taxes levied upon railroad property, for example. Here the best data and legal arguments that money can buy is ably and forcibly presented by the railroad attorneys. They give figures to show that the railroads are already taxed more than other forms of property. They quote economists to the effect that the proposed taxation is unsound and unscientific. They cite court decisions demonstrating to a certainty that the proposed measure is unconstitutional. They argue, wheedle, misstate, and finally convince the legislator that the measure is absurd. No similarly exhaustive arguments in behalf of the bill can be presented, for no talent comparable to that of the railroad attorneys, and in fact no talent at all is retained by the people in behalf of public interests.

This is the legislative librarian's opportunity. As the Right Honorable James Bryce has said: "No country has ever been able to fill its legislatures with its wisest men; but every country may at least enable them to apply the best methods and provide them with the amplest material."

=Legislation elsewhere.= It is to be remarked that the legislative questions before all civilized communities are essentially similar. Everywhere are problems growing out of crime and pauperism; problems relating to hours of labor, child labor, and wages; employer's liability; compulsory insurance; workman's compensation; problems arising out of inheritance, income taxation, and the regulation of public service corporations. Nothing is so new, however, but that some other legislature has worked upon the problem or is working upon it. Take, for example, such a question as employer's liability or workman's compensation. Fifty legislative bodies are working upon or have worked upon this single question. In at least three foreign countries and in one American state it has been adequately solved. The other forty-six have failed in part or altogether, either because of uneconomic and unscientific approach or because of constitutional limitations. Formerly and up to within the last ten years no effort had been made to profit by the experience of these fifty other legislative bodies. The typical American way is to let the legislators stumble along, ignorant of the results of similar experimentations elsewhere, trying out expensive, independent experiments, which inevitably end in ineffectual enactments.

What the legislator most needs to know, then, is what efforts other communities are making to solve the problem before him and how they are succeeding, to the end that good measures which have succeeded elsewhere may be adopted and their failures not repeated. Where successful legislative work is done the first effort is always to get copies of every law on every subject which is likely to be legislated upon at the current session. All data bearing upon the success or failure of this legislation in other states and countries must be collected, digested, tabulated and placed in such form as to be readily available to the legislator. If a measure has failed or been repealed the reasons for the failure or repeal are sought. If it has been successful its provisions are carefully studied and analyzed with a view to adaptability to local needs. Experience shows that in some cases it is necessary to prepare a translation of good foreign legislation which has never before been translated into English.

But no law from another jurisdiction can be safely transplanted without careful consideration. The local constitution must be studied. In such a case as the workman's compensation act referred to, it was necessary for a commission to make a close, scientific study of the causes and character of the industrial accidents within the state, to investigate the rates of the casualty insurance companies in the different industries, to discover what co-operation for the prevention of accidents could be secured from employers and employees. Hearings were held at various industrial centers within and without the state; scores of witnesses were examined; manufacturers, labor unions, engineering experts and economists were called upon. In short, the problem was treated in a thoroughly scientific manner. Contrary to the usual practice, the case was prepared and presented to the legislature with the same thoroughness and care as is usual when an important case is prepared and presented to the court. As a result the law, although not perfect, stands the test.

=Drafting.= When the legislature has discovered what measures have proved successful elsewhere and what local conditions demand, it is still helpless because the members know nothing of legislative forms and cannot use with sufficient accuracy the language expressive of its conclusion. Assistance in bill drafting is necessary. Experience has shown that the man who does this must be either a trained lawyer who is also a practical political scientist or a practical political scientist who is something of a lawyer. It is often found too that in its original form a measure is unconstitutional and a lawyer's knowledge is necessary in order to devise some means of whipping the constitutional devil around the judicial stump. For example, the workman's compensation law of England, enacted too literally in its original form, is clearly unconstitutional in America and has been so declared by the courts of our state. In another state, however, the legislative lawyers who were engaged in drafting the bill, seeing clearly the judicial stump and the constitutional devil, by a simple but clever device passed what was in effect the English law, but in such form that when it came before the Supreme Court it was not only declared constitutional but was commended.

=Fault not with legislators but with the system.= If legislation be bad the fault is, then, not with the legislator. The average legislator is a keen, bright, honest man, who has been successful in at least a small way in his business or profession. He is ignorant of legislative subjects not because he is an ignorant man, but because his knowledge is of other things. The fault is not with him. It is inherent in our unscientific system of legislating.

We put a group of farmers, grocers, and mechanics at work upon some great sociological problem. They can have no adequate knowledge of the subject. We do not give them compensation enough to pay their living expenses while they work. We allot them only a few hours to consider a given question. We provide for them no information. We furnish them with no legal counsel. Assuming, however, as is often true, that these men are men of integrity and humanity and common sense and that their ideas are sound, they enact a good law that forbids, for example, the employment of children in hazardous and immoral surroundings. In this they have accomplished an important and intelligent constructive work.

Then we hire the best trained minds in the state and put them in our courts. We pay them higher salaries than any other public servants. We give them large libraries in which is found the accumulated legal lore of the past. We grant them, for the questions before them, all the time they can use,--weeks, months, often literally years. These talented, high-minded gentlemen, by dint of industrious delving and assisted by highly paid and highly trained attorneys, discover at last in the depths of their moth-eaten law books some mummified eighteenth century idea which has become petrified into a constitutional provision. They shake their heads and decide that the splendid, humane, up-to-date, common sense legislation is unconstitutional and void because of some minor constitutional objection. They cannot be, and should not be, criticised, for they are clearly performing a duty. Neither can these judges substitute anything in place of the law which they destroy, for the work for which we pay them so well in money and honor and position is only critical,--and their function is in this case destructive.

=The law making function as important as the judicial.= Now, creative work the world over has always been recognized as requiring greater intelligence, better training, keener initiative than the purely critical. Yet, in legal matters this principle has been entirely ignored. In every way we exalt the interpretive, critical, even destructive, judicial process. We neglect and belittle the constructive creative process of law making.

The conclusion of the whole matter is that the making of the law is in principle as important,--in fact, more important, than the interpretation of it.

The PRESIDENT: We go now from the legislature to the business man, the man who makes the wheels turn around. Those of you who had the opportunity to hear the striking address, at a meeting of the Special Libraries Association the other day, from a business man of Boston need not be reminded of the tremendous possibilities that lie in this extension of the library service. Mr. S. H. RANCK, of the Grand Rapids public library, will discuss


The legislative function must be as carefully performed as is the judicial. Men should be prepared for law making as are men for the judicial bench. They must be men of the same calibre, of good ability, of high intelligence, of absolute integrity, of broad sympathies, and of big vision. Not until we have an agency of this type assisting in law making, not until the making of laws is recognized as a distinct and important governmental function, co-ordinate with, if not superior to the judicial function, not until each state has a bureau which will, as the Honorable James Bryce says, supply the legislators with the amplest material and enable them to apply the best methods, can we hope to have laws which in the highest sense "stand the test."

On first giving consideration to this paper I was inclined to believe that the story of the personal use of the library (the public library) by business men would be almost as brief as the traditional story of snakes in Ireland. Few librarians have the means of knowing how many business men use their institutions, but where statistics of registration indicate the occupation of card holders it would appear that the library gets almost as many bartenders as bankers.

To get some definite data on this subject I had the library records investigated of the 198 officers and committees of the Grand Rapids Association of Commerce, the leading business organization of our city, with a membership of 1,300. These 198 men (and a few women) represent our most active business concerns, as well as a few professions. Of this number only 53, or 27 per cent, have live library cards. In looking over the names I recognized 38 of those without cards as persons who either individually or through their employees in the interest of the house, have used the library more or less for reference purposes. There are of course others who use the library in this way without my knowledge.

These figures indicate that the library is serving directly only about 50 per cent of the livest business men of the town. The specific questions I propose to discuss are, Why do business men use the library relatively little? What can the library do to get business men to use it more?

Progressive business men use the library because they recognize the enormous value of new ideas and of new knowledge to their business, no matter where they get them. The trouble is that public libraries can't always furnish them the knowledge they need. And furthermore not all business men are progressive. There are standpatters in the business, as well as in the political world. However, there is no class of men who have a better idea of the potential power of print, rightly used, than the business men who advertise. Such men are always ready to meet the library more than half way.

In discussing this question I should have preferred to use the term "business men" in a liberal sense. We are all more or less "business" people at times, but for this occasion I am directed by our president to limit it to that one of its 24 different meanings which applies to employer rather than employee in "the occupations of conducting trade or monetary transactions" and in "employments requiring knowledge of accounts and financial methods."

Before proceeding further permit me to state my conviction that the greatest service the library is doing for business men is not to business men personally, but rather for them through their employees,--in supplying knowledge and in promoting the general intelligence and the social welfare of the community. These things are of the greatest importance to every employer, for they are the foundations on which all efficiency is built. The social welfare work of the Panama Canal, much of it the kind libraries are doing, is a conspicuous example of the immense financial value of such work.

The male portion of adult society we may roughly divide, so far as occupations are concerned, into manual workers (laborers and mechanics), professional men, business men, and drones (the idle class) who, like the lilies of the field, neither toil nor spin, but who frequently outshine Solomon in the gorgeousness and variety of their array. They live a parasitic life on the productive labor of their fellow men, giving no adequate return. In the administration of our public libraries most consideration has been given to the idle class and to the professional classes. Real service for the manual workers and business men has been largely neglected until within recent years.

There are several reasons for this neglect. Among these may be mentioned the following: Working men and business men are expressing themselves in deeds and in things rather than in words and books; and therefore until recently there has been relatively little worth-while material available for the libraries to put on their shelves for the men directly engaged in industrial or commercial pursuits. Furthermore there has been a long standing prejudice on the part of these men (those who are rule-of-thumb men) against the reliability and the utility of things in print for their everyday work. And in certain quarters this prejudice still exists to a very considerable extent. They are inclined to look upon the writers and users of books as theoretical and impractical.

A further handicap in the use of libraries by business men, is the fact that so few of us in library work know the contents of books and things in print that might be useful to them in their daily work; and oftener we know still less of the problems business men must deal with. Therefore we cannot relate the inside of books with their work.

Much of the work of the public library is a kind of salesmanship, even though there is no direct exchange of the coin of the country. Salesmanship in its best sense is service, and service is what a city is buying for all its people when it puts into its annual budget a more or less (usually less) adequate sum of money for its library. As things are today I fear that in too many cases the public instead of drawing a plum from the library pie is not infrequently handed a lemon.

Recently I had the pleasure of dining with the vice-president of a department store that employs over 2,500 people to sell nothing but clothes--wearing apparel. He told me that the great secret of the success of his institution, through whose doors there enter from 30,000 to 40,000 people every day (and remember that nearly all these people enter with the expectation of parting with some of their good money), is the fact that every employee has instilled into him or her the fact that the salesmanship that brings success is service and that it is founded on knowledge; for, said he, "No one can sell goods satisfactorily unless he knows all about them,"--where they are made, how they are made, what they are, their history, etc. And these things everyone in this store is systematically taught. Incidentally, I may add that this department store starts its people at a minimum wage higher than the minimum in many libraries, and the maximum for women in this store is double the maximum of the highest paid women in library work in this country. This store uses the public library of its city and has a library of its own whose librarian is at this convention at the expense of the store. When a department store finds such a policy a wise one the business men responsible for its management will be the first in the community to support a policy of library service based on knowledge. But business men must be shown that the library is delivering the goods.

The business man places his establishment so far as possible where it will best serve the purposes of his business, and he spends loads of good money in the first place, and annually in the form of taxation, to get his building at the right place. Besides getting his establishment at the right place he also spends more loads of good money to arrange it for the economic and expeditious handling of his affairs in it. So far as libraries relate to serving the business man, as well as nine-tenths of the other people in the community, I am convinced that 95 per cent of the library buildings of the country are badly located, and furthermore that the large proportion of these buildings are badly arranged for the work they have, or ought, to do.

The place to serve the people is where the people daily congregate and pass by in the largest numbers. This is never on a side street or in the "best" residence section of the city. Your average "best" citizen today gets more satisfaction out of his public library in showing his visitor from out of town the Greek temple set back in a beautiful grove or garden as he whirls by in his six cylinder, 60 horse-power, seven-passenger touring car than in using the books and periodicals inside. Such a building in such a setting has a value as a work of art, but not as a library for service. Incidentally, it is only fair to say that business men in most of our cities are largely responsible that we have library buildings for show rather than for use.

Every block that separates the library from the principal lines of the movement of the people, every foot that people must walk from the sidewalk to the entrance of the building and then to its books, every step that must be climbed above the level of the sidewalk to reach the first floor, are all so many hurdles, barriers, which the people are obliged to overcome before they can get to their own books, whether it be to use them for business or pleasure, for education or recreation. The bad location and arrangement of library buildings in the United States are keeping hundreds of thousands of potential users and supporters of libraries away from them and out of them every day of the year. And there is no class of persons in the community more affected by such things than business men, for they recognize (consciously or unconsciously) better than any other class the commercial value of time and convenience.

Let me put this a little more concretely. The library building in which I work is better located and arranged than the average library building of the country. And yet the total distance walked to and from the sidewalk by all those who enter that building daily is nearly 35 miles to the point where the library begins to serve them. Furthermore each one of the thousand and more persons who daily enter this building, in addition to the energy he uses in walking 180 feet to and from the sidewalk must lift his own weight and the weight of the books he carries seven feet above the level of the sidewalk. In other words the location and arrangement of this building with reference to the sidewalk requires the people who use it daily to take an extra walk of almost the distance from Baltimore to Washington and at the same time carry a weight equal to that of a ton of coal 350 feet to the top of a skyscraper and down again. And all this is in addition to the walk of 450 feet from the nearest car line, which few people use, 800 feet from the car lines which are generally used, and over 400 feet from the nearest thoroughfare. The library to be a friend to man, and to serve him, must "live in a house by the side of the road where the race of men go by."

The business man who studies usually buys his own printed matter that deals directly with his work, and in this respect he is usually far ahead of the library both in knowledge and in material at hand; and the bigger his business the more is this likely to be the case. The librarian will almost invariably find such a man a most helpful person in the selection of things to be purchased and in the relative value of both authors and books. It should be the business of every librarian to know intimately, as far as possible, all such men in the community.

Our public libraries must largely increase on their shelves the number of things in print that are of real service to the business man in his work. First of all we must know what these things are, and next we need to have the nerve to spend money for them much more freely than we have ever done before. This is expensive and most such expenditures will not show in the statistics of circulation. As an illustration of this let me refer again to the institution I have the honor to serve. For a number of years we have been spending $400 a year for books in only one line of business. Besides the books, we take some two dozen current periodicals on the same subject. All are used to a considerable extent and the use made of them by only a dozen men is of the greatest commercial and financial importance to our city. And yet so far as the figures of circulation are concerned the expenditure of $450 of our annual book fund for this one business is practically nothing.

We must get away from the idea of measuring the usefulness or the efficiency of the library by the number of books issued for home use. So long as this idea dominates our public library work we can never do our best for the community, and especially the business part of it.

We need of course many books for the business man in our circulating departments, but these by no means meet the need. Many of these books are out of date in a few years at the best. To keep up to date there is necessary a liberal purchase of yearbooks, transactions and publications of industrial, technical and commercial associations which bring down to date annually, and in convenient form, the latest knowledge in their respective fields. For progressive business men such works are vastly more important than encyclopedias, important as encyclopedias of all kinds are.

Then too we must pay greater respect to the material published in pamphlet form. On a multitude of subjects some of the latest and best things have appeared in this form. Most of us do not handle this material properly, if at all. In many libraries pamphlets are regarded and cared for with about the same degree of disrespect as were public documents in most libraries twenty years ago, and I regret to say, in many libraries today. And as for the public use made of pamphlets, it is practically nothing.

But more important for the wide-awake business man than books, documents and pamphlets, is a large collection of current periodicals relating to every kind of business activity in your city, with clipping files on many subjects, for it is only through these that it is possible to keep up with the latest information or for the library to supply the thing that is most needed at the minute. As an illustration of such use I recall several recent instances of business men getting up briefs in connection with the proposed Underwood tariff bill. The latest information, even when compiled sometimes by government authorities, was secured from technical or trade journals before it could be received from the Government Printing Office.

In short the best work the library can do for the business men personally is in the building itself, supplemented by extensive use of the telephone and the mails (reference or information work if you please), and not by issuing to them for home use books whose information at the best is rarely less than a year old, but in reality is more likely to be five, ten, or even twenty years old. The circulating book has a most important place and I would not for one moment take from it the importance that is its due. My plea is that we recognize more fully for our business man, and especially the so-called small business man--the man of small business, or the young man who hopes to establish a business of his own, the great importance of library assistants who know the contents and the relative value of books, pamphlets and periodicals, and who understand the art of library salesmanship whereby the business man gets the things he really needs.

And then when we have done all this--have librarians who know, and the things in print the business man needs, this one thing more we must do, we must let the business man know what we have for his particular problem and how we can serve him. The library must advertise the utility of ideas and of knowledge in the every day work of the world as well as advertise its resources and its service.

The best advertising is that which comes from a well served patron. But our libraries have thrown away one of the best means of publicity by locating their buildings where people must go out of their way to find them and by so arranging them that the passerby sees nothing but stone, brick and glass--things that suggest nothing of the joy and usefulness of books. Seeing great crowds enjoying and using books, as well as seeing attractive things in print through properly arranged show windows, would appeal to the average library user in a way that would simply compel his interest and attention in the things we have for him.

The architecture of the average library building suggests a tomb--a place for dead ones--rather than a place chock-full of the things that appeal with tremendous force to the soul that is alive with the throbbing impulses of this wonderful time in which we live.

Since our buildings deny us this great means of publicity which the show window enables every merchant to use to such great advantage, we must use as best we may such means as we find available. In a general way I may state my conviction that we should make a much larger use of the specific personal appeal as over against general publicity, though the latter is also necessary. When a man has a definite task assigned him put the resources and service of your library directly up to him for his particular problem, especially if the problem is one a little outside the circle of his regular business. It will come to him at the psychological moment and he is most likely to act on your suggestion; whereas had it come to him as a general statement before he was personally interested most likely it would have been promptly forgotten. As a part of our regular routine letters from the library go to all such persons, as we see their names in the newspapers, on programs, etc.

At the meeting of the Associated Advertising Clubs of America early this month in Baltimore I had the pleasure of "getting next" to some of the livest business men in the country. The thing that impressed me most was not the interesting exhibitions there shown or the various "stunts" that were pulled off, but the new note that some of the men were striking. It was this: "Business and business efficiency for service rather than for profit." This is a high ideal, worthy of any profession, and I venture the prediction that it will be men of this type who will more and more dominate the business world of the future. Such men will appreciate and support the public library more than business men have ever done before; but they will also require more. To get their support we as librarians must think less of measuring our efficiency in terms of circulation statistics, a kind of impersonal, bookkeeping standard, but more of measuring it in terms of human service--human service not only for the business man, but for every man, every woman and every child in all this vast continent of America.

The PRESIDENT: Great as is the opportunity of the public library to serve the business man, it can't do it all, for so highly specialized are some of the departments of interest of the various business houses that no public library without a treasury like that of our millionaire concerns could hope to undertake a work of that character. Therefore, each large business concern necessarily must supplement the resources of the public library by means of library facilities of its own. We shall hear something of this form of work this morning in the paper which is to be presented by one of the most successful of the libraries of this type, that of H. M. Byllesby & Co. of Chicago, whose librarian, Miss LOUISE B. KRAUSE, will give us the paper.


The service which books render mankind may in general be designated as falling into two classes; namely, books for inspiration and books for information. Dismissing the use of books as a means of inspiration, because the subject does not fall within the scope of this paper, let us consider the most important use to which printed information can be put, in the service of mankind. At first thought it might seem that the use of the printed page for purposes of information reached its highest service in the function of education, but granted that it does not play an important part in education, we know education to be something vastly larger than a mere knowledge of facts, and we also know that many men and women who are repositories of information derived from the printed page do not always put it into operation for the best welfare of their fellows; for, as James Russell Lowell has said, "There is nothing less profitable than scholarship for the mere sake of scholarship;" and truly scholarship without the ultimate purpose of practical service is one of the most selfish possessions in the world.

Let us therefore exclude the use of printed information in the service of education as its highest form of usefulness and consider the following statement. The use of print in furnishing information performs its most important service in the function which it exercises in modern business, because it is business which lays hold of abstract science and knowledge and puts them into practical operation for the greatest benefit to mankind; for the commercial age in which we live is not a sordid age, but an age which is distinctly marked by the development and conservation of resources for the supplying of man's needs, by means of the extension of applied science into the field of business. Now lest this statement should be too abstract, and the speaker be accused in the words of Leonard Merrick of "voicing the sentiments of the unthinking in stately language," let us consider this proposition for a moment in the concrete. It is business enterprise that has brought about, through the perfection of the steam engine, the swiftness and convenience which we enjoy in twentieth century travel by railroad. It is business that has brought the service of the telephone and telegraph to their highest perfection. It is business that has developed artificial lighting by gas and electricity and emancipated us from candles and kerosene lamps. It is business that is transforming raw and waste materials by the application of pure science, into products of service and value for the needs of innumerable homes, in addition to perfecting agricultural machinery, and producing fertilizers to enrich the land, thereby making possible the production of better crops. Thus we might continue to multiply illustrations of how business enterprise has equipped us with the means of meeting great needs which at various times have seriously threatened the welfare of human life. This fact of the application of abstract science to the world's practical needs, through the medium of business enterprise, has become permanently recognized by institutions of learning, as seen in the establishment of technical schools, schools of commerce and finance, and instruction in business administration, for, as a recent writer in the Journal of Political Economy has said, "The methods of American industry are rapidly being intellectualized."

A variety of professional work of which engineering and chemistry are noteworthy examples are also carried on by large business organizations, and we find professional men of the highest rank as prime movers in large commercial enterprises. (In this connection it might not be amiss to state that out of an experience as university librarian and business librarian the speaker is inclined to think that the professional business man keeps more adequately informed and up to date on his specialties than does the average university professor.)

An additional fact which bears directly on the general subject under discussion is, that the age in which we live is not only a business age, but that it is an age marked by the magnitude of its business organizations; an age of "big business," as some one has called it; and because of the economic conditions of our advancing civilization, business will undoubtedly continue to be "big business" even though subjected to federal and state regulation. Now correlating these two facts, namely, that modern business is conducted by means of large organizations and that its success is based upon the intelligent application of scientific knowledge to practical needs, we have cleared the way for an appreciation of the function of printed information as embodied in the work of libraries in business organizations.

The business organization builds up its own library, first, on account of the convenience of having close at hand the information constantly needed by its workers, and subject to no borrowing restrictions, which would be inevitable even if the facilities of outside libraries were available; and second, on account of the necessity for careful selection of material particularly adapted to its individual needs. Business organizations have for many years collected information in a desultory manner, but it has been only in the last few years that some of them have awakened to the fact that more was needed than mere collection of printed information, and for the same reason that they were availing themselves of all modern devices for the quick and adequate handling of their various products and were systematizing their methods to obtain more efficient results, so they must lay hold of modern library methods under experienced supervision if they were to keep up with the steadily growing and important mass of printed information. Therefore we find business organizations securing the services of professional library workers, trained to use books in the broadest and most practical manner. Some hesitation was at first expressed in various quarters as to whether so-called professional library methods used in public and university libraries were suited to business library needs, and as to whether library workers educated for general library work would adequately meet the business library situation. In fact it was intimated that the business librarian was a worker of a different brand than the ordinary librarian and therefore he had both knowledge and needs which set him apart from his library fellows, in a special class by himself. Out of four years' experience as a business librarian the speaker takes pleasure in stating that practical experience has proved the fallacy of both of these conceptions. It is true that business librarians are called upon to exercise certain functions which the librarians of public and university libraries are not, but which any efficient head of a public or university library would be quite capable of exercising if the occasion demanded it. In fact the recent rise of library interest in business men and their needs can be directly traced to the heads of some of our public libraries and the work they have inaugurated in making their libraries as helpful as possible to all classes of citizens.

The characterization of the function of libraries in business organizations by the word "expanding" in the title assigned to this paper by the President of the American Library Association, is most apt, and indicative of the real status of the case. The business library is in a process of evolution, and just what the final result will be, it is a little too early in its development to state.

The elemental idea of the function of a business library that was held by the officers of the business organization with which the speaker is most familiar, was to have the books and data which were the property of the company, classified and cataloged so that material could be found quickly, and a librarian was employed solely on the basis of this need.

With the acquisition of a librarian the library situation soon changed from the inquiry for certain definite books and periodicals, to the inquiry as to whether the company had any specific information on a given subject, and if not as to whether printed information on the subject was available elsewhere and how quickly it could be obtained.

The evolution in the function of a library from that of furnishing a definite book asked for, to furnishing all the information obtainable on a given subject as quickly as possible is decidedly expensive, and the what, how and where of the case would furnish ample material for a separate paper.

The evolution in the function of the library did not stop at this point; for it was soon expected that the librarian would understand the specific interests of the members of the organization, and to a certain degree think for them in keeping up with the field of print and in bringing to their attention, without a request on their part, certain facts of which they would like to be cognizant. To this duty was added the forecasting of possible future needs, and the collection of information in advance of rush demands.

The magnitude of the work of modern business organizations requires the division of labor into a number of departments, and the workers in any one department may not always be acquainted with the information which may be available in another department. The library, by keeping in touch with individuals in all departments, becomes a central bureau of information in being able to refer the members of one department to those in another who possess the particular information desired.

The business library also assembles and files the manuscript data of original research conducted by members of the organization, materials which constitute one of its valuable assets. Research data in the possession of business corporations is often a worthy contribution to scholarship. An illustration of this fact was recently brought to the attention of the speaker, by the statement of a university student, who said that in making a study of the drinking waters of a certain state the only analyses of waters on record were those which a railroad had made primarily for the purpose of ascertaining the suitability of the waters for boiler use on locomotives.

In addition to these briefly outlined functions, which are more or less technical, attention should be directed to several others, lest a mistaken impression be given that business library work is entirely technical in its nature.

Business men are often called upon to serve the public as good citizens in various capacities, and also to serve as officers or on committees of national business organizations, and thus have interests outside of their regular company work. Their librarian is expected to assist in any need which arises by reason of these outside interests, and not only may be called upon to furnish information but also to do editorial work in preparing material for publication.

The welfare and education of employees has also become a prominent feature in the work of many large business corporations, and the library is expected to be a prominent factor in this work, as it is the logical educational center of the organization. Some of our business libraries have recently been drawn rather deeply into welfare work with the result that certain phases of practical library service are being neglected. It does not seem advisable, however, that the business librarian should annex any line of welfare work which does not legitimately center in the library; for the librarian is best fitted to serve the interests of the organization by maintaining high standards of efficient library service rather than by annexing other kinds of work belonging solely to the sphere of a social worker. This is particularly important at the present stage of business library development, as the business world in many sections has not yet learned what professional library service really is, and how to utilize it most effectively.

In view of the fact that the business world except for comparatively few organizations is not utilizing the undoubtedly valuable service which professional librarians are able to render, and that the American Library Association has always endeavored to extend the use of books and their widest application, it might not be amiss to suggest that it would be legitimate work for the American Library Association with its library prestige and well known motives of personal disinterestedness, to undertake a campaign of education to bring before business men the subject of what library work really is, and the character of service it is prepared to render; for in these days of the over-emphasized and often superficial cry for more efficiency, there is no line of work that is more genuinely efficient than that of the trained librarian. The information, to be put before business men, should be free from library technicalities and details, and its arguments should be framed, not to enlighten librarians, but to convince busy men of affairs possessed of shrewd judgment and large foresight, as to the practical worth of the matter as a business proposition. For library work in business organizations is no longer a theory or a tentative experiment, but has proved itself in the firms adopting it to be an integral part of the successful work of the corporation. This fact is well illustrated by a bulletin recently issued by a large business firm, in which it endeavored to put before the public, in a pamphlet entitled "Why it is qualified" the value of the consulting services of one of its departments, and among the prominent reasons given under "Why it is qualified" is the fact of the commercial library maintained by the company, with the library's particular resources under competent supervision.

Because printed information has proved to be an integral factor in the successful prosecution of business and because it can be most effectively utilized by means of professional library methods, therefore, the business library hopes to take its place in the ranks of the American Library Association as one in purpose with all libraries in the realization of a common ideal, namely, the largest possible use of books in the practical service of mankind.

The PRESIDENT: I have just received a message that Mr. McAneny will be here in a very short time. In the few moments intervening it might be well perhaps to discuss some of the trenchant papers which we have had this morning.

Miss AHERN: Mr. President, I would like to take exception to one thing Mr. Ranck said in his paper. I do not believe that the idea that the contents of books are useful to men in the business world is of recent date. I think, perhaps, the second statement that these things have only come recently into the arrangement of resources of the library is the truer one. We certainly have had knowledge of chemistry and of geology and technical knowledge in manufacture for many, many years, only many librarians have been more interested in the purely educational or inspirational part of the library and have neglected that large field of usefulness and that large company of people who contribute to the welfare of work and of the world, as Miss Krause has pointed out. The best chemists in the country are being sought by the business houses; the best knowledge of soils, of minerals, of woods, of lumber, of stone has long been sought by the men who are making a commercial use of these things. And their information is not held in reserve: it is all in printed form and only the scope of the librarian's knowledge of where things may be obtained in the world of print places the limit on this material for the library shelves. And so I hope that librarians will not say that books on these subjects, that material on these subjects is a recent product. It is our knowledge of them, a knowledge that this is a part of the province of library work, that makes for recent activity.

The PRESIDENT: Mr. Ranck is here to answer for himself. The statement has been challenged and he can answer it.

Mr. RANCK: I think there is not so much difference between the view I take and the view taken by Miss Ahern. I do not know that I followed my manuscript very closely at that point, but what I had in mind was the business man rather than the professional, technical man. I fully grant what Miss Ahern says with reference to technical subjects, scientific subjects, and so on. As I said, I think there is no radical disagreement between Miss Ahern's and my position. There may be a misunderstanding.

Miss AHERN: I was not questioning what Mr. Ranck had said, but, rather, removing any excuse that the library folk may put to themselves for a lack of interest or a lack of activity along this line by saying that the material was scant or hard to command.

Dr. ANDREWS: There is the other side, that Miss Krause's paper emphasized and which Miss Ahern seems to neglect. Miss Krause's paper states that American industry is becoming intellectualized, and that this is a great factor in the development of business life. It ought also to be an extra incentive to the public library to meet the demands. I think that much of this development in the technical side of library work has come from the increasing study by business men of their own world and that we ought to remember that while the public libraries have neglected in the past to furnish business men with what they wanted, yet the latter did not want it then as much as they do now.

The PRESIDENT: Those of us--and I assume that that means every librarian--who read the June number of the World's Work were impressed by one strong article therein concerning the growing magnitude of municipal administration and the great problems that confront those who are charged with such administration. Without repeating to you the very striking comparisons which the author made with some of the governmental functions of states and even some of the kingdoms of Europe, showing the tremendous problems confronting the municipal officials, problems of tremendous budgets, of great public works, and so on, it will be sufficient for me to say that it is a happy omen that we are now getting into the public service men of high civic ideals and constructive ability and who are replacing men whose self-seeking interests or vanity led them to seek the votes of their fellow citizens. I am glad that we have with us today a man of this high type. I need not say further concerning him because we took advantage of his absence to get from Mr. Bowker a pretty good who's-who bearing upon himself, and I shall simply introduce to you at this time to speak to us upon the subject of "The municipal reference library as an aid in city administration," the Honorable GEORGE McANENY, president of the borough of Manhattan, New York.


It is a very real pleasure to meet with the American Library Association, and to convey in behalf of my colleagues in the administration of the City of New York, and in behalf of other colleagues in public business throughout the country, our hearty congratulations and possibly a friendly warning and a word of appeal.

Congratulations are due you for having established on so high a plane and in so short a time the profession of librarian. Especially are you to be congratulated for having welcomed the new profession of municipal reference librarian; for your adaptability in the constant extension of the reference work, and for the resiliency which is showing again in another field that real Father Williams never grow old. Could Benjamin Franklin look upon this gathering, and hear your reports of social service, through circulating, home, reference and municipal reference libraries, I am sure that no fruit of his patriotism would seem to him more promising than the recent application of the circulating library idea to government affairs.

My friendly warning has to do with your requests to fiscal bodies for appropriations. In many parts of the country, there is the feeling that the less the library has to do with public officials the better it is for the library, consequently, as a short cut, we find compulsory minimum appropriations--so many mills or so many parts of mills for library development. We also find that too many towns are satisfied with this compulsory minimum tax, and that the only time their fiscal representatives hear about libraries is just before the budget appropriations are voted. You must be indulgent with those who vote the money, if the outcome of this habit suggests the man who was exasperated by his wife, who he said "just nagged and nagged him for money, when he came, when he left, on Sunday, always." Finally, when a neighbor summoned the courage to ask, "What in the world does she do with all the money?" he, perforce, must answer; "Well, I don't know; you see I haven't given her any yet." Councils and Mayors will understand your library problem best if you will help them understand at those quieter seasons of the year when they are not harassed, as they are at budget time, by appeals from every other city department and for every other thing.

When presenting your budget, give the fiscal officer credit for wanting to know the whole truth, and for wanting reasons for giving you the money you request. Seldom will it help to ask for a great deal more than you need. Always, it will help not to present in a single total items that do not belong together. Classify your budget. State your program clearly. If all the money you want is not voted this year, stick clearly to the plan that has been voted, and show both the fiscal authorities and the town where your service has been crippled, if at all, for want of funds. It will be well to begin your budget campaign so that the first idea which the public and the fiscal officers get is that of the service you wish to render, rather than the money you wish to get. Most library budgets, like most other budgets of the United States, are apt to be put in without the explanatory matter which alone will make the dollar-and-cent facts show social reasons for library support.

Now for my appeal. In asking you to consider certain needs of public business, I want to speak quite frankly, as a city official who, like thousands of other city and county officials, must step into other people's business, with no time for getting acquainted with detail, and with a public to deal with that not only expects us on the first day we take office to use all the machinery of our predecessor and to get better results, but also really expects us to fail. We inherit a stack of mail. We are flooded with suggestions and complaints; many of them in confidence and most of them confusing. We are urged to attend club and church meetings, and dinners, and graduating exercises. We are expected, without any change in subordinate personnel, while giving our attention to large community problems and to the political aspects of public works, to get an efficient product out of our employees, no matter who they are or what they have been. In most places, we find no disinterested adviser, either on the inside or on the outside.

Such a situation would not necessarily be serious if we stepped into a thoroughly efficient organization where every employee and supervisor had his place, and where the institution as such had its "continuing memory." When Mr. Rea succeeded Mr. McCrea as president of the Pennsylvania Railroad, he inherited a splendid organization, every part related to another part; a system under which experts had tabulated within a moment's reach the successes and the failures of the Pennsylvania Railroad, and the costs of its various contracts, the difference between estimates and final costs, and an efficiency ranking both of its various employees and its stations. When the present administration in New York City stepped into office, we inherited an aggregation of departments and divisions then spending--if we count in installments and interest paid on the city debt--more than $160,000,000 for the expenses of a single year. There were ninety thousand employees. Side by side with one another were clerks paid one $600 and another $1,800 for the same kind of work; in another grade were clerks paid $1,600 and others paid $2,400 for the same kind of work. When salaries had been increased, and why, was not a matter of record. Supplies were contracted for by no standard form. Specifications, either for supplies or for construction work, were worded differently at different times, according to the individual wish or whim of the department officer preparing them. The public was but poorly protected at any point. Plans were made for new buildings, for new roads, and for other vast improvements, often without estimates of cost; often with assurances of only slight cost, where, too frequently, cost had been estimated as an entering wedge only. Thus a great city would stumble into an experiment or public improvement demanding millions of dollars, without ever reckoning the ultimate amount of its obligation. For example it may be fair in this presence to recall that the first bill for the New York public library carried with it an appropriation of $2,500,000. The city decided to spend this $2,500,000 and actually it spent $10,000,000. The New York public library is worth every dollar it cost, ten times over; I am merely emphasizing that the public should have had its eyes open and, in this case as in every other, should have known what it was doing. Although this same gap occurred over and over again--between estimate and actual cost--no steps were taken to recall the fact when each new amount was under consideration.

Ignorant as we have been of our own experience, still less informed have we been regarding the experience of neighbor cities. Some years ago, Denver, in operating its street railway, found it expedient to substitute electric motor power for the old cables. After Denver had discarded these cables, Baltimore adopted the cable. Rochester has recently adopted a device to attach drinking fountains to its ordinary fire hydrants. The idea is a new one, and may prove valuable. I say it merely by way of instance; but if it is a good idea, New York City and your city should adopt it. Each successive experiment of the sort should, at least, be brought promptly to the attention of public officials.

Again, New York City has worked out an improved system of accounting and budget making. The village of Dobb's Ferry, the cities of Duluth and Cincinnati have used an improvement upon New York's budget exhibits--recently called a new kind of "confidence game"--that is, taking the public into official confidence about the public's own business. Instead of waiting a generation for cities to adopt these new methods, their officials should promptly be given the facts they need.

Is it not criminal waste and error for one city to introduce a system of sewer disposal, or of milk regulation, which another city has found endangering the lives of its citizens? If a measure has proved bad and dangerous for one city, modern science in the hands of a librarian should make it unnecessary for every other city to go through the same experience.

To help us in ending all this waste, and to help us, in short, in putting city government upon a thorough scientific and efficient basis, the municipal reference library is beginning to take its highly important place. Without a municipal reference library, it will in future be difficult for any administrative officer to do his best. I will not attempt to review the laborious steps of my colleagues in the present board of estimate and apportionment--our governing municipal body--to incorporate into standard specifications, standard salaries and standard contracts the memory of our past failures, so that we may hold the gains that we have made and avoid the weaknesses and the errors of our experience. But I venture some suggestions as to a reference library that, although general in their application, will indicate our reasons for establishing such a library in New York.

Our reasons for placing the library in our new Municipal Building--as we propose to do--apply everywhere. It must be made easy for officials to get information, and for the librarian to get the information promptly and directly to the officials. It is not enough to know that it may be had. To have important information an hour away from the office is almost as bad as to have it a thousand miles away. It must be easier for the busy official to get the information he wants than to endure the thought of going without it. In putting the library where the users are, instead of where they are not, we are following the simple rule of trade that meters city property by the foot instead of by the acre.

The municipal library is a place not for everything, but for particular needed things. If it were true that Mark Hopkins on one end of a log and a student on the other constituted a college, it is even more true that a librarian in a bare room, anxious to serve the public via the public official and knowing where the material is, constitutes an infinitely better municipal reference library than a place perfectly equipped which suggests erudition rather than immediate help. There is great danger that our municipal reference libraries will become junk shops, as interesting and as helpful, as out of date or as unrelated to today's problems as an encyclopedia or a "compendium of useful knowledge." A municipal reference library should suggest answers to today's questions; not answers either to yesterday's questions or to next year's. Will you, the librarians, consider the importance and the advisability of keeping these libraries workshops, as they ought to be, and of using your general reference libraries as the place for the storage of materials.

The ordinary city official hasn't the time to plough through a mass of pamphlets looking for what he wants. He wants the facts collated and marshalled, ready for use--and "he wants what he wants when he wants it." Some time ago I was interested in drawing an ordinance to license all vehicles using the New York streets, and to regulate the weight, the width and size of tires, etc., of our great trucks that have been tearing up our pavements. I wanted to know about the policy of other cities in this matter, and to devise, if possible, a way of making those vehicles that destroy the streets help pay for their maintenance. Similarly, today, as Chairman of the committee on the height, size and arrangement of buildings within the city limits, I am interested in the adoption of some reasonable basis for regulating our modern skyscraper in order to keep the city, literally, from choking itself to death.

Again, we have had to restore to the public many miles of city sidewalks that had been preempted by stoops, and other encroachments. We have wanted to plan our public buildings and related matters with a view to the future, and to the grouping of building sites in a "Civic Center." So, in dealing with our transit problem; in investigating the health department, and in improving the type and quality of street pavements, I have wanted not all the information there was to be had--not books or formal reports--but concrete answers to immediately pressing questions. I wanted to be referred to the latest article or report which would make it unnecessary to go through twenty or a hundred other articles, books or reports. It is enough to know that in a great central library are all the working materials for scientific research. Frankly, I feel that the actual use that will be made of the municipal reference library will be in inverse ratio to the number of books that are in evidence, and that require the time of the librarian.

I would go so far as to say that anything that a public official has not just called for, or that the librarian is not about to call to the attention of a public official for departmental study or report, or for the drawing of ordinances, should be kept in the general library, and out of the municipal reference library.

Comptroller Prendergast and Librarian Anderson are even planning to have New York's official correspondence "clear" through the municipal reference library--so far as the writing and answering of letters calling for special information goes. I am told that when Portland recently started its municipal reference library the mayor promptly availed himself of its facilities for answering innumerable sets of questions and special questions that came from outside the city, and advised his heads of departments to follow his example. I wish the Carnegie Institution for Scientific Research or some other great foundation interested in the conservation of national resources and human energy would investigate what it is now costing this country to fill out the innumerable blanks from college boys wishing help on their commission government debate; college students writing theses; national organizations compiling reports, etc. Niagara unharnessed was wasting much less power than are we officials, school superintendents, mayors, and engineers who are answering such questionnaires. It would be lamentable enough if we always answered right; but most of us answer quite inadequately, and many of us answer wrong. Last year, a certain national society wrote me, asking certain questions about civil service reform. I had had more or less to do for some years with that line of public service. My instinct was to take time from pressing duties to answer these questions; but a neighbor who had received a similar set of questions was thoughtful enough to write to this national body and suggest that before he answered he would like to know how many other New York officials and private agencies had received the same set of questions. It appeared then that twenty different people, including a dozen officials, had been asked to fill out that blank. Whereupon it was suggested that instead of drawing upon twenty people who did not possess the facts, the investigator might turn directly to the Civil Service Commission that did possess the facts, and there, no doubt, he readily found what he wanted.

Now, if a municipal reference library could have served as a clearing house, it would have been brought to light at once that one answer would have served the purpose of twenty, or that one answer, at least, would have served the purpose of the dozen official answers. Moreover, just as the official reports give fresher material than published books, such correspondence, manuscript reports of investigating committees, etc., give fresher material than published reports.

Such data should be kept properly classified, available upon call or when the librarian sees its time for usefulness.

Another practical suggestion I make from my experience as an official. While it seems to apply especially to administrative departments or to private agencies specializing in certain fields, I really do not see much prospect of getting it unless from a municipal reference library or from the municipal reference activity of a general library. I refer to an up-to-date "Poole's" or cumulative index of the passing subject matter of city government. You get, the library gets, once a month a list of all the articles in the principal books. Why should we not have a list of the advance steps taken in public affairs? Just as soon as a few librarians call for such information, it will become commercially possible to reduce it. The individual library can then add to the material the particular points that are of interest to its own community.

Similarly, it would be of the greatest assistance to every city official if the matters under his jurisdiction were listed and material grouped under proper heads. For example, the president of the Borough of Manhattan has jurisdiction over the streets and sidewalks; encroachments and encumbrances; street vaults and street signs; the sewer system; the public buildings; the baths and markets; and the control of private buildings through the enforcement of the buildings laws. If information in regard to what other cities were doing in all these matters were listed, plus suggestions and advance steps taken in these same matters at home, the reference librarian would be of incalculable help to that office.

Finally, just a word about the expense of the municipal reference library. The amount which it is justified in demanding will depend naturally upon the service it renders. The merit of our new segregated and classified budget is that it calls for the work needing to be done, as well as the cost of not having the work done, and that it shifts attention from the personality that requests the budget allowance. A circumscribed program means circumscribed budget. Frankly, I believe that extension of program should and must precede extension of budget. But this new kind of social work which serves a community at those points where it is now least equipped to serve itself, will not want for financial support when it talks about the work that should be done--and not about itself.

No municipal activity will, in my judgment, find it easier in the next twenty-five years to secure adequate financial support than the municipal reference library which is not a compendium of knowledge but a forecaster of service needed and an ever-present help in time of trouble.

The PRESIDENT: May I express to you, Mr. McAneny, the thanks of the American Library Association for your coming and the assurance that we have profited greatly from it.


(Saturday morning, June 28, 1913.)

THE PRESIDENT: During the other sessions of the Conference we have been considering people--and books. At this concluding session the topics on the program have special reference to books--and people. The first paper invites our interest by its suggestion of the flavor which old books bring. Miss G. M. WALTON, of the Michigan State Normal College, will present this paper.


It was Mr. Lowell who reminded me the other day, by quoting Ecclesiasticus in one of his essays, that we owe the ideal of the man of leisure to a book of the Apocrypha wherein we read, "The wisdom of a learned man cometh by opportunity of leisure."

Our profession standing as a guarantor of our wisdom and our learning, I am here today to bespeak a portion of our large opportunity of leisure for--The Friendly Book.

There is small fear that we librarians forget the books of power and the books of knowledge which DeQuincey (the ofttimes quoted) presses upon all men. And most of us undoubtedly possess that ardent zeal for knowledge which filled the soul of the literal-minded librarian who read quite seriously (and found therein a working category for her own improvement) Lamb's letter to an old gentleman whose early education had been neglected, where, among the qualifications of a preceptor, the following will serve to refresh your memories: "He must be a thorough master of vernacular orthography, with an insight into the accentualities and punctualities of modern Saxon. He must be competently instructed in the tetralogy, or first four rules. He must have a genius capable in some degree of soaring to the upper element, to deduce from thence the not much dissimilar computation of the cardinal points. He must instruct you in numeric and harmonious responses, and he must be capable of embracing all history, so as from the countless myriads of individual men, who have peopled this globe of earth--for it is a globe--by comparison of their respective births, lives, deaths, fortunes, conduct, prowess, etc., to pronounce, and teach you to pronounce, dogmatically and catechetically, who was the richest, who was the strongest, who was the wisest, who was the meekest man that ever lived; to the facilitation of which solution, you will readily conceive, a smattering of biography would in no inconsiderable degree conduce."

I sometimes question if professions are not tinged with the culture epoch epidemic. It is not so very long since we were half hesitatingly taking a place among the other learned professions, almost with the apologetic air of the young boy making his first appearance in long trousers, and wondering if his fellow-men appreciate his coming into their midst--but the youth soon assumes the aggressive attitude which compels attention--and one symptom of this attitude which I feel among ourselves is the large and learned talk about =new= books--the self-satisfied air and monumental confidence in our sometimes sophomoric knowledge and understanding of all things "in the heavens above, the earth beneath, and the waters under the earth," until I wonder if the pleasant counsel about reading "books at least a year old, that we like, and that are great books" must be relegated with the rest of our Emersonian philosophy to the lumber room of our many youthful joys and dreamings.

I believe we all love best to mark the passing years by the friends they bring us, and it were a barren year that brings not one more friend, and so with our friendly books, which like all friendships fill our lives with genial warmth and gratitude. Neither is really a matter of choice, for a book like a person yields its intimate charm only to the sympathizing heart. We have no care to answer why, other than, "because"--"We love them because we =must= love them." A new book friend comes to us now and then, and we cling to the old ones. Sometimes we lose the personal touch, but we see their kindly faces and after a separation from them we arrange them on the shelves, and we rearrange them, and, as Mr. Arnold Bennett says, "The way we walk up and down in front of those volumes, whose faces we have half forgotten, is perfectly infantile."

I remember once in Rome a friend, selecting photographs, said, "I must take a good Cicero to my son Frank, who used to say he felt as well acquainted with Cicero as he did with Bishop Huntington," and dear old Dean Hook, when a lad at Oxford expresses this same intimate feeling in one of his lively inimitable letters, "I have got into a very dissolute set of men, but they are so pleasant that they make me very often idle. It consists of one Tuft, H. R. H., Henry Prince of Wales, and a gentleman Commoner named Sir John Falstaff, and several others. I breakfast with them, drink tea, and sometimes wine with them," and, again, on hearing the good news of the recovery of his grandfather, he writes, "The minute I opened the letter and saw the news, I pulled down my Shakespeare and had a very merry hour with Sir John Falstaff. I was determined to laugh heartily all that day. I asked Sir John to wine with me. I decanted a bottle of my beloved grandfather's best port and Sir John and I drank his health right merrily. Perhaps you will want to know how my old friend Sir John drank my grandfather's health. Why I took care to find out the place where he drank Justice Shallow's health. And so when I said, 'Here's to Sir Walter,' I looked on the book and the Knight said, 'Health and long life to him.'"

Among the oldest and dearest of my friendly books is the "Life and Letters of Lord Macaulay," of which I became the happy owner, when it was fresh off the press, during a sojourn in the west, far away from my home library. The dates along the margins (one of Macaulay's habits which I adopted as I read) bring pleasant thoughts of a journey from Colorado to the western coast, and long before I knew Dean Hook (whom I first met here as the Vicar of Leeds) I was pulling Macaulay down from the shelf, not indeed to drink with Sir John, but to refer to some particular talk of men or of books--always to read on and on with equal delight whether he were breakfasting with a party of old Trinity College friends, reading in his study, or acting as a guide and escort on a half holiday of sight-seeing with his nieces and nephews, with whom he was always the prince of playfellows. It was on one of these excursions to the zoological gardens that Thackeray overheard someone say, "Never mind the hippopotamus! Never mind the hippopotamus! There's Mr. =Macaulay=!" When absent he exchanged long and frequent letters with the children, sealing those to his nephew at Harrow with an amorphous mass of red wax, which, in defiance of all postal regulations, usually covered a piece of gold.

A scrap from one of his letters to a little niece will serve also as an example of the poetry, which he usually attributed to the Judicious poet, for whose collected works the children vainly searched the library.

"Michaelmas will, I hope, find us all at Clapham over a noble goose. Do you remember the beautiful Puseyette hymn on Michaelmas day? It is a great favorite with all the Tractarians. You and Alice should learn it. It begins:

'Though Quakers scowl and Baptists howl, Though Plymouth Brethren rage, We churchmen gay will wallow today In apple sauce, onions and sage.

Ply knife and fork, and draw the cork, And have the bottle handy; For each slice of goose we'll introduce A thimbleful of brandy.'

Is it not good? I wonder who the author can be? Not Newman, I think. It is above him. Perhaps it is Bishop Wilberforce."

The Macaulays and the Wilberforces living at Clapham Common are very real people to me, and my firm allegiance to Trinity College, Cambridge, has never wavered since Macaulay's undergraduate days, not even when Samuel Wilberforce, the future bishop, went up to Oriel College, Oxford.

And how doubly precious is a book-friendship, whose introduction claims a personal touch; as when, with the same friend who bought the photograph in Rome, I afterwards visited Winchester Cathedral and standing beside the chantry tomb of Bishop Wilberforce she said, "When you go home, read his life. He was a great and good man," and I have continued reading it for nearly thirty years. Wilberforce was undoubtedly for twenty-five years the greatest figure in the English Church. His great sorrows made him tender and tolerant, and many who saw only the brilliant man little dreamed of the causes and depth of his power. He was made Bishop of Oxford in the troublous times of the Tractarian Movement, and so great was the work he accomplished and so devoted to him were his clergy that when translated to Winchester, Bishop Stubbs, who succeeded him, coming from quiet Chester, where his history was his chief occupation, ruefully asked, "Why am I like the Witch of Endor? Because I am tormented by the spirit of Samuel." His quickness and humor flashed an unexpected light on many a question, as when asked why he was called Soapy Sam he answered it was probably because he was always in hot water and always came out with hands clean. And his whimsical reply to "Who are the greatest preachers in England?"--is one of those comical self-evaluations which it is generally most hard to give--"I must refer you to an article on a lady's dress--Hook and I." His absolute freedom from personal animosity shows itself in the story I like best of all. During a stormy committee meeting in which he and the Bishop of London were violently opposed to each other, he threw a note across the table. Supposing it to be some point on the business in hand, the Bishop of London read, "My dear Bishop: You really should not wear such boots. Your life is too precious and valuable to us all to allow such carelessness."

Nothing could more touchingly express the devoted and loving esteem in which he was held than these words written at the time of his death: "With others who loved him, kneeling reverently beside the body, was Mr. Gladstone, whose sobs attested how deeply his feelings were moved by the sudden loss of his long-tried friend."

The last time I was in England I made a Sussex pilgrimage to his old home at Lavington. It was in June, and my companion smiled as I exclaimed with enthusiasm, "St. Barnabas day, the eleventh of June--the Bishop's wedding day!" We saw the trees he had planted and loved, the spot whence he would turn for a last homeward look, saying he was as proud of being a Sussex squire as a bishop; and best of all the great clumps of rhododendron which he planted with his own hands.

Since so many librarians are gardening as a favorite recreation, why not have a friendly corner in the garden, where we may "Consider the lilies of the field," as we are bidden in that dearest of all books, and where each mood, whether gay or somber, would find echo from the "eternal passion" of the poets--"Rosemary for remembrance, or pray you love, remember there's pansies, they're for thoughts." Growing next to these in my own garden is the fragrant Carolina allspice, because it was the best loved of flowers by Henry Bradshaw.

I sometimes question if a book is truly a friendly book unless I possess it, and yet this in a way would cut off both Thackeray and the friend whom he loved best of all, "dear old Fitz," for I gave away my "Fitzgerald's Letters" to a friend with whom I exchange many friendly books. A man of leisure and literary tastes, and in easy circumstances, Fitzgerald avoided fame as earnestly as most men seek it. Living in a country cottage with a garden, books, pictures and music, he cherished his many lifelong friendships, which he says were more like loves, by writing letters which have a touch of gentle humor and of tender and unaffected charm, as in a letter to Frederick Tennyson: "I have been through three influenzas; but this is no wonder, for I live in a hut with walls as thin as a sixpence, windows that don't shut, a clay soil safe beneath my feet and a thatch perforated by lascivious sparrows over my head. Here I sit, read, smoke and become wise, and am already quite beyond earthly things. I must say to you as Basil Montague once said in perfect charity to his friends: 'You see my dear fellows, I like you very much, but I continue to advance, and you remain where you are, you see, and so I am obliged to leave you behind. It is no fault of mine.' You must begin to read Seneca, whose letters I have been reading, else you will be no companion to a man who despises wealth, death, etc. I wish you were here to smoke a pipe with me. I play of evenings some of Handel's grand choruses which are the bravest music after all."

And again, to William Bodham Donne, when puzzled over his Agamemnon and the line of signal fires from Troy to Mycen�, he writes, "I am ignorant of geography, modern and ancient, and do not know the points of the Beacons, and Lempri�re, the only classic at hand, doesn't help me. Pray turn to the passage and tell me (quotes three lines of Greek) what, where and why. The rest I know or can find in dictionary or map, but for these:

Lempri�re Is no-where: Liddell and Scott Don't help me a jot, When I'm off, Donnegan Don't help me on again.

So I'm obliged to resort to old Donne again."

A postscript in a letter to Charles Eliot Norton reads--"Only a word, to add that yesterday came Squire Carlyle from you, and a kind long letter from Mr. Lowell; and the first nightingale, who sang in my garden the same song as in Shakespeare's days."

And finally, to Lawrence the portrait painter: "Have we exchanged a word about Thackeray since his death? I am quite surprised to see how I sit moping about him, so little have I seen him the last ten years, and not once for the last five. To be sure I keep reading his 'Newcomes' of nights and now I have got hold of 'Pendennis.' I keep hearing him say so much of it; I really think I shall hear his step coming up the stairs to this lodging, and about to come (singing) into my room as in old Charlotte Street thirty years ago." And ten years later he writes, "A night or two ago I was reading old Thackeray's 'Roundabouts,' and (a sign of a good book) heard him talking to me."

I am sorry that so many people know Fitzgerald only because of the "Rubaiyat." I confess myself to be rather like-minded with

"That certain old person of Ham, Who grew weary of Omar Khayyam, Fitzgerald, said he, Is as right as can be, But this cult, and these versions, O, Damn!"

And Thackeray, there is no one book which stands for him, save, perhaps, the dear little old brown volume of letters to the Brookfields. It is here that we learn much of "Pendennis." In one letter he writes, "I am going to kill Mrs. Pendennis presently, and have her ill in this number. Minnie says, 'O Papa, do make her well again! She can have a regular doctor and be =almost= dead, and there will come a nice homeopathic physician who will make her well again.'" We who truly know and love him find him ever in his own pages as he smiles kindly at us through his spectacles, or we feel the difficulty with which he is keeping his spectacles dry, and we too say, "Dear old Thackeray," as in the lines at the end of the White Squall, where with pages of nonsense, he writes how the Captain

"Beat the storm to laughter For well he knew his vessel With that wind would wrestle; And when a wreck we thought her, And doomed ourselves to slaughter, How gaily he fought her, And through the hubbub brought her, And when the tempest caught her, Cried, George some brandy and water. And when its force expended, The harmless storm was ended, And as the sunrise splendid Came blushing o'er the sea, I thought, as day was breaking, My little girls were waking, And smiling and making A prayer at home for me."

One of these little girls, Minnie Thackeray, became the wife of Leslie Stephen, of whom Mr. Lowell speaks as "that most lovable of men," whose Life and Letters, so full of rich and wondrous friendships, and of deep and subtle charm, is always a midnight companion if taken up in the evening. While our serious-minded librarian may find its chief value in the chapter on "The Struggle with the Dictionary," where as editor, I presume many of us first met with Stephen, (and which would prove invaluable to Lamb's old gentleman) she will find there only a small part of the Real Leslie Stephen, who wrote one day to Edmund Gosse, "No, R. L. S. is not the Real Leslie Stephen, but a young Scotchman whom Colvin has found--Robert Louis Stevenson."

It is a temptation to linger over Stephen's letters to John Morley and Charles Eliot Norton (perhaps his closest lifelong friends), and to the rich list of literary men whom he knew so well through his long years of literary and editorial work. Like those of Lowell and Stevenson, his letters lead one constantly to the reading of his books, wherein again one always finds himself. It were difficult to imagine more felicitous titles of self-revelation than "Hours in a library," "The amateur emigrant," and "My study window." I cannot leave Stephen without a word from the "Letters to John Richard Green" (little Johnny Green) which he edited. As Macaulay used to love to prove the goods he praised by samples of quotation, I will content myself with Green's questioning Freeman, in a long letter full of Early English history: "By the way, have you seen Stubb's Hymn on Froude and Kingsley?

'Froude informs the Scottish youth That parsons do not care for truth. The Reverend Canon Kingsley cries: History is a pack of lies.

What cause for judgments so malign? A brief reflection solves the mystery, Froude believes Kingsley's a divine, And Kingsley goes to Froude for history.'"

Long years ago my eye caught the title, "From Shakespeare to Pope," Gosse, and as I took down the book, I asked, "Well, what was there from Shakespeare to Pope?"--a question which the book answered so delightfully that I read it straight through twice, while the Critical Kit Kats is my particular joy in introducing to friendly books my young student readers, whom I send off armed with it, together with a volume of Fitzgerald, or Stevenson, or the Browning sonnets. Mr. Gosse has such a comfortable and intimate way of saying things that makes one feel it is one's own expression of one's own thoughts. I suppose most of us own to a pocket copy of Shakespeare's sonnets, wherein we have marked many a line, and then Mr. Gosse writes for us, as he sends the sonnets to a friend:

"This is the holy missal Shakespeare wrote, Then, on sad evenings when you think of me, Or when the morn seems blyth, yet I not near, Open this book, and read, and I shall be The meter murmuring at your bended ear; I cannot write my love with Shakespeare's art, But the same burden weighs upon my heart."

Do your friendly books ever find each other out upon the shelves? After reading in Mary Cowden Clarke's "My long life," of her childish, reverent awe towards Keats and Shelley, who were often guests in her father's house, the book found its place next to those poets, and was it Keats who was sitting on the sofa when the same little girl crept up behind and kissed his hand just because she had heard he was a poet? Gilbert White's "Natural history of Selborne," much in the same way stands beside Lowell, in whose "Garden acquaintance," I first learned its "delightful charm of absolute leisure," and here too, when it leaves my study table, stands that dear big book which still claims my leisure hours, "Charles Eliot, landscape architect," one of those rare books with a subtle and unconscious autobiographic touch, when one chances upon the fact that the writer was Harvard's president, telling the story as the brief fore-note says,

"For the dear son, Who died in the bright prime-- From the father."

But this is all very personal and my only hope is that while I am reading, you are following the example of my sometime youthful nephew, who, on being asked about the sermon one Sunday after church, answered, "Why really, Mamma, I don't know what it was about. I got tired listening, and withdrew my attention and went fishing."

Finally, although we are admonished not to put new wine into old bottles, there fortunately is no admonition against old wine in new bottles, and friendliness is certainly the richest of wine both in men and in books. Nor am I at all certain that in the last analysis it is not the supreme grace which makes possible that joy in life, without which we are of necessity cast into a limbo of outer darkness, and so I commend to you the best of old wine which ever lingers in The Friendly Book.

THE PRESIDENT: Our good old friend, Dr. Canfield, once told a story about a critic who after a life devoted to the gentle art of making enemies was gathered to his fathers. Those who had known him, and who had for the most part been recipients of his buffetings gathered about his bier, and compared notes and estimates of the special qualities which the late departed had possessed. Yes, said one, "he loved us so well that he chastised us frequently." True, said another, "he could never catch sight of one of us without administering a vigorous kick." At this the eyelids of the deceased were seen to flutter a bit, and he sat bolt upright and his sepulchral voice made this response: "Yes, but I always kicked towards the goal."

Now perhaps this introduction may not seem to be a very happy preliminary to the paper about to be announced, and in some respects its application may not be evident, for certainly the speaker who is about to talk to us, on "How to discourage reading" is by no means a dead one. He has, however, been somewhat active in the kicking process--though always towards the goal. I present to you Mr. EDMUND L. PEARSON, of the Boston Transcript.

Mr. PEARSON: The president has very kindly referred to the fact that while I do not practice the profession of librarian, I tell other people how they ought to do it. He might have made use of a quotation or a sentence or two at the beginning of Mark Twain's "Puddin'head Wilson," only I fear that Mr. Legler was too courteous to use it. I have no hesitation in speaking of it myself. Mark Twain says of the Puddin'head Wilson maxims: "These maxims are for the instruction and moral elevation of youth. To be good is noble, but to tell others how to be good is nobler and much less trouble."

Mr. Pearson read the following paper:


When the "Five Foot Shelf" of books were published, three of my friends bought the set. One of them did so without any pretence that he was going to read them. He is a somewhat na�ve young man, able to indulge his whims, and he said he thought that buying the books "would help out President Eliot." That is a very meritorious sentiment to hold toward the compilers or authors of books--I wish that there were more persons who felt that way. I have no fault to find with him, at all.

Nor have I any complaint to make against the other two men. Blame is not what they deserve, but commiseration. Like the girl in the song, they are "more to be pitied than censured." The price was a consideration with them, and they gave up their money for the sake of being forever cut off from all those tremendous "classics." For that is what it amounted to. One of these men has a very pretty office, with some nice bookshelves, painted white. He added to the books of his profession and some other works of general literature, this "Five Foot Shelf"--which occupies, I believe, about eighteen feet of shelf room. He tried to read one of the books--I know he did that, because he admitted it--and he confided to me that he thought it was silly.

The third man bought the "Five Foot Shelf," and announced his determination "to read the whole thing right through." He did this with set teeth, as if he might have said: "I'll read 'em if they kill me!" Well, he started one of them. He read a little in Franklin's "Autobiography." I know he did, because he told me about it. He and I belong to that irritating class of persons who get up early and take long walks before breakfast, and then take care to mention it later in the day, as if to cast discredit on other people. We have to go early, too, because we intersperse the walks with runs, and he has dignity to maintain, and it wouldn't do for him to dash about the streets after other people are up. While we walked, or dog-trotted, about the country roads he told me about the "Autobiography." But I have noticed that he has left the "Five Foot Shelf." I doubt if he even finished that first one of its volumes which he attempted. When he talks about books now, it is about the "History of the American people." He is a Democrat, and like many Democrats he has discovered that our history has been truly written only according to Mr. Woodrow Wilson.

Will any one of those three men ever read =two whole= volumes from that set? It is doubtful--very doubtful. And their cases are, I believe, typical of thousands of others. And what is true of the "Five Foot Shelf" is true of a score of other collections--the Hundred Best Books, the Greatest Books of the Universe, the Most Ponderous Volumes of the Ages, the Selected and Highly Recommended Classics of All Nations. There are dozens of them--you all know them--these "standard" sets and collections, in which learned and well-intentioned men have innocently conspired with publishers to discourage reading.

The "Five Foot Shelf" is not picked out for especial disapprobation. As a matter of fact, I suppose it is far better, far more human in its selections, far more readable in some of its titles than most of these sets of "great" books. But there is something about every one of these collections of classics that acts like a palsy upon the reading faculty. It is a little mysterious, rather hard to define, but that it exists I have no manner of doubt. It would be impossible to doubt, after seeing it demonstrated so many times.

Take, at random, the titles of five famous books--books which are apt to turn up in these sets or collections. Plato's "Republic," the "Odyssey," the "Morte D'Arthur," the "Anatomy of melancholy," and "Don Quixote." Take the average man, the man usually known as the "business" man. Suppose that he has not read any of these books in his school days--that he has reached the age of forty without reading them. Now, the chances are at least a hundred to one that he =never= reads them. But let him buy one of the sets of thirty or forty volumes, in which these five books are included, and the chances against his reading any one of the five, instead of being diminished, are enormously increased. It is now certainly three hundred to one that he never reads any of the five books. There is something benumbing, something deadening, something stupefying, to the average man to take into his house six yards of solid "culture." And this I believe to be true as a general statement, in spite of instances which may be adduced here and there.

But, mind you, if this same man happens to have his attention called to one of the books--especially to either of the last two, as they are a little nearer the temper of our time--and if he gets one of them, =by itself=, there is now a fair probability that he may read at least part of it. He =may= even finish it.

If he really wishes to read the so-called great books let him forever beware of acquiring one of those overwhelming lumps of literature--the publisher's delight and the book-agent's darling--known by some such name as the Colossal Classics of the World. They breed hypocrites and foster humbugs. He buys them and =thinks= he is going to read them. They look ponderous and weighty and erudite upon his shelves--to the innocent. People exclaim: "My! What fine books you have!" He tries to smile a wise smile--to give the impression that they are the companions of his solitude, the consolation of his wakeful hours. He knows that these people won't ask if he has ever read any of them. They are afraid he might come back at them with: "Oh, yes, of course. Now, how do =you= like Milton's 'Areopagitica'?" After a time he begins to think he =has= read them--because he has looked at the backs, and started to cut one or two of them. Then it is all up with him. He never even tries to read them again. They just stand there and occasionally make him a little uncomfortable.

Making friends with books, and especially with those famous books which require some concentration, is like making friends with people. You can not do it in a wholesale, yardstick manner. If they come into our lives at all, they come subtly, slowly, one at a time. If a man should walk into this room saying: "All my life I have been without friends, I have decided that I wish to have friends--I am going to adopt all of you, every one of you, as a friend, here and now!"--you know how an experiment like that would succeed. It is the same with books.

In the competition for the best method to discourage reading, the second prize should be awarded to that pestilential invention--the Complete Works of an author. There was a publisher--he still lives--who told one of his agents: "Books are not made to read; they are made to sell." He was probably the inventor of that discourager of reading, the Complete Works.

If one of you wishes to keep a friend in total ignorance of any writer, there is an almost certain method--give him one of the sets of the Complete Works of that writer. It is a sure method to kill interest.

As in the case of the collections of classics, there is something wholesale and overpowering about such a set. It is thrown at your head, so to speak, in a chunk, and you never get over the blow. Imagine the case of a man who had never read Dickens. If he is wise, he goes at him one book at a time, he tests and he tries, and at the end of a few years he owns eight or ten books--well-thumbed books, that have been read, and that represent pleasure. But if he listens to the book-agent he contracts for a yard and a half of Dickens, and when it comes he gazes in despair at that rigid row of books--as unassailable as a regiment of Prussian grenadiers. That is the end of all intercourse between him and Charles Dickens.

"Oh, you might as well have them all," says the agent, "you needn't read the ones you don't like." That is what the waiter told the man when he brought him a breakfast-cup full of coffee, after dinner, instead of a demi-tasse: "You ain't got to drink all of it."

Miles upon miles of these sets of Complete Works are sold every year, and from one end of the land to the other, heads of families are sinking back comfortably upon their Morris chairs, and gazing in fatuous self-satisfaction at their bookcases, which they have just filled, at one swoop, with nine yards of the Complete Works of Scott, Cooper, Dumas, Dickens, and Thackeray.

"Look, Mother, we've got the bookcase filled up at last!" "Well, I am glad to see it! It was distressin' to see all those shelves so empty like."

Will they ever look at them? Never a look! It is even odds they do not cut the pages. Now that the noble art of pressing autumn leaves has gone out--you know how it was done, with wax and a hot flatiron, and then you put them between the pages of a book--now that pastime is forgotten, there isn't one remaining cause why those pages should ever be opened. The insides of those books will be the most secret place in that house henceforth. Talk about sliding panels and secret drawers in old writing-desks--they are open and conspicuous in comparison. They will be great for hiding places--I think I will write a melodrama and have the missing will turn up in the fifth act, sixty years later, hidden between page 1 and page 2 of one of the volumes in somebody's Complete Works.

For the third place in the list of best methods to discourage reading there are two competitors. They are so nearly tied that it is hard to choose between them. I am inclined to think that the honor should be awarded to the custom of setting up counsels of perfection in the matter of recommending the so-called "classics" to possible readers, of saying by word of mouth, or by printed page: "These are the great classics, the great books of the world" and adding, by implication, "If you don't like them, after making heroic attempts, then you have been weighed in the balance and found wanting."

This word "classics" covers a multitude of nuisances and perplexities. The "classics" include books which are still alive with humanity, which are delightful today to any person who is at all bookish, and they include books which are so utterly alien, so far removed from our time, place and habit of mind, that it is absolutely absurd to pretend that anyone in this year and land, except a few, a very few, specialists, can read them with any pleasure, or can read them at all, in fact, except under compulsion.

These lists of the great classics are too frequently compiled with a cowardly obedience to tradition. It matters a little what some great person of a hundred or a thousand years ago thought about a book--but it does not matter much. Recently, I saw in a book a list of great persons who had been influenced by this or that book. Some book or other influenced Madame de Maintenon--what of it? Doubtless other books, far less desirable, influenced her, too, so what does it prove? The value of books, as a recent writer has pointed out, shifts and changes with the changing years. What may have been truly a great book a thousand years ago is not necessarily great today--no matter how many famous personages have embalmed it in their praise, and no matter how many other personages have praised it, not because they enjoyed it themselves, but because the earlier ones did. Such a book is interesting--to specialists--as a milestone in the history of literature, but it is not to be forced, however gently, upon the general reader as a book he "ought" to read.

Museums of art, like the Louvre, contain paintings which ignoramuses like myself look upon with astonishment. Medi�val pictures of the most hideous description--how came they in the same building with these other beautiful works of art? Is it possible that anyone is so silly as to pretend to admire them? And then the explanation dawns upon the ignoramus: they are here to illustrate the development of the art of painting. This is a museum, as well as a collection of beautiful things. No one who is honest pretends to enjoy their beauty. It is thus with books. A great collection of books may well contain those writings which seemed full of meaning to people two thousand years ago, but they are not to be held up--not all of them, at any rate--as books which anybody "ought" to read today. The significance of any work of literature, however noble, is a thing to ebb and flow, and finally to vanish altogether. Professor Barrett Wendell reminded me once that Shakespeare's plays and my daily themes would alike, one day, be dust and atoms in the void of the centuries--but I do not think that he meant unduly to compliment Shakespeare by this association.

Since it is always better to come down to tacks in speaking of books, I will mention some of the classics which have little significance today. It is always dangerous to do this--somebody is sure to hold up his hand and exclaim: "Why, I like =them=, very much," or "I know an old gentleman who reads =that=, every night before going to bed." But I will take the risk, and say that the Greek and French dramas of the classic periods are works of literature almost certain to appear on most of these lists of Best Books, and that it is almost sheer humbug to put them there. So few people can read them, there is so little reason--especially in the case of the French plays--why anyone =should= read them, today, that their inclusion is a pitiful example of lack of courage. In the matter of the French drama I speak especially of Racine and Corneille--names almost certain to appear on these lists of the classics. Someone will relate the story about Napoleon saying that if Racine (or was it Corneille?) had lived in his time, he would have made him a marshal. Then some of his plays are smugly entered upon the list. With their stiff, set speeches, their ridiculous unbosomings of the leading characters of their "confidantes," they are as out of place in our life as were their Caesars, Alexanders, and Pompeys, teetering about the stage in high-heeled shoes, ruffles, wigs, and all the rest of the costume of Louis XIV.

It is good to recommend the classics, but it must not be forgotten that there are classics, and classics. There should be independence, and an ability to look things in the face, to realize that a change has come, when it is already here. Why should the people who deal with books let the politicians get ahead of them? There is a bright, clean air blowing through the nation, and those who worship fusty precedent are correspondingly unhappy. We have a president who cares not a rap for mouldy and senseless traditions--he has learned well the lesson taught him by one of his predecessors. If President Wilson has the courage to point out that the final authority on matters of factory legislation and mine inspection in the year 1913 is not necessarily Thomas Jefferson, is it not possible for the critics and choosers of books to understand that Dr. Johnson and Madame de Maintenon have not uttered the last word about literature? There might and should be a "new freedom" of literary criticism--not yesterday, nor today, nor tomorrow, but all the time.

Here is another way to discourage reading. You can do it by giving a man one of these over-annotated editions of a book. I mean a book which has so many footnotes that the text is crowded right out of bed; a book in which the editor is so pleased with himself for discovering that the father of Lady Hester Somebody (who is mentioned in the text) was born in 1718 and died in 1789 that he simply has not the decent manners to keep his useless knowledge to himself. No; he must tell it to you, even though he elbows the author--a better man than himself--out of the way to do it.

One of the best books of its kind--I speak under correction--is George Birkbeck Hill's edition of Boswell's "Johnson." It is, I believe, correct, and scholarly; it certainly represents a vast amount of labor, and it is "very valuable for reference." Also it is admirably arranged for driving a reader away from Boswell forever. It is positively exasperating to see page after page on which Boswell occupies two lines at the top, and Dr. Hill takes up all the rest of the room. Sometimes he takes up the whole page! Yet that edition is recommended to readers by persons who ought to know better.

Other excellent examples--I am speaking only of much-praised books--are found in the Furness Variorum editions of Shakespeare. When one of these volumes appears it is usually greeted by a chorus of "Oh's!" and "Ah's!" as when a particularly gorgeous skyrocket goes up on Fourth of July night. Such scholarship! Such a boon to earnest Shakespeareans! Such labor! Such erudition! Well, a great deal of that praise is deserved--each volume is certainly a tour de force. But I wish to read you from a review of the latest of them--a review written for the Boston Herald, by Mr. John Macy, the author of that vigorous and sensible book, "The spirit of American literature." It deals with "The tragedie of Julius Caesar" edited by Horace Howard Furness, Jr. "This," writes Mr. Macy, "is the latest volume in 'A New Variorum Edition of Shakespeare,' and is the first under the sole editorship of the late Dr. Furness' son. From an enormous mass of commentary, criticism, word-worrying, text-marring and learned guesswork, Mr. Furness has chosen what seem to him the best notes. The sanity of his introduction and the good sense of some of his own notes lead one to suppose that he has selected with discrimination from the notes of others. His work is a model of patience, industry and judgment. He plays well in this game of scholarship. But what is the game worth? What is the result?

"Here is a volume of nearly 500 large pages. The text is a literal reprint of the folio. The clear stream of poetry runs along the tops of the pages. Under that is a deposit of textual emendations full of clam-shells and lost anchors and tin cans. Under that is a mud bottom two centuries deep. It consists of (a) what scholars said Shakespeare said; (b) what scholars said Shakespeare meant; (c) what scholars said about what other scholars said; (d) what scholars said about the morality and character of the personages, as (1) they are in Shakespeare's play, and as (2) they are in other historical and fictitious writings; (e) what scholars said about how other people used the words that Shakespeare used; (f) what scholars said could be done to Shakespeare's text to make him a better poet. I have not read all those notes and I never shall read them. Life is too short and too interesting. All the time that I was trying to read the notes, so that I could know enough about them to write this article, my mind kept swimming up out of the mud into that clear river of text. It is a perfectly clear river. Some of the obscurities that scholars say are there are simply not obscure, except as poetry ought to have a kind of obscurity in some turbulent passages. Some of the obscurities the scholars put there in their innocence and stupidity, and those obscurities you can eliminate by blandly ignoring them."

These learned and over-annotated editions--they are not intended, you say, for the casual reader. Yet they get into his hand--they are, sometimes recommended to him. And, as Mr. Macy asks, are they worth the labor they have cost--are they worth it to =anybody=? Looking at them reminds me of the ideal ascetic of the Middle Ages, St. Simeon Stylites. St. Simeon was considered the most religious man of his time because for twenty years he lived upon a pillar that "numbered forty cubits from the soil," and because he would

"'Tween the spring and downfall of the light, Bow down one thousand and two hundred times, To Christ, the Virgin Mother, and the Saints."

In spite of that, St. Simeon is not the ideal religious man today. Will these fact-collectors be the ideal scholars a century hence?

Are we sometimes acclaiming as great scholars men who are really doing nothing but a tremendous amount of grubbing? Are some of the so-called scholarly editions really scholarly, or are they simply gigantic "stunts?" Whatever may be their value for reference, and that is vastly over-rated, they discourage reading.

It is also possible to drive people away from books, or make it difficult for them to get near books, by printing confusing things about them. It is possible to catalog a book--according to the best rules--in such a fashion as to make it an exceedingly unattractive, not to say repellant object. This is bad enough when it is done in the formal catalog, but when it is done in little leaflets, and book-lists--things which ought to be informal and inviting--the case is very sad. The other day I saw an entry in a book-list which read like this: "Dickens. Whipple, E. P. Charles Dickens." The expert is in no doubt; the uninitiated may well be confused to know which is the author and which the subject. When someone defends such practices by saying: "But the rules!" someone else, whose voice is a voice of authority ought to say: "Fudge! And also Fiddle-de-dee!"

The general subject today is "the World of Books." It is a delightful world--one so different from that into which we emerge every morning that it seems hard, sometimes, to realize that the one exists inside the other. It is a place of entertainment within the reach of any of us. There are a few obstructions around the entrance--some of which I have tried to describe. People have built up walls of impossible "classics"; publishers have tried to string a barbed-wire fence of Complete Works around it. Pedants stand outside, calling upon you to swallow a couple of gallons of facts before you go into the great tent. You can walk by them all. Inside, everything is pleasant. Over in one corner are the folk who like to play with first editions, unique copies, unopened copies, and all the rest of those expensive toys. Some of these gentlemen have about as much to do with the world of books as have the collectors of four-post beds and old blue china, but many of them are very good fellows. Most of them do not belong in here at all, but, like boys who have crawled in under the tent, now they are inside they think they have as much right as anybody. Some of them, indeed, are quite uppish and superior, and inclined to look down on the rest of us who have a vulgar notion that books are made to =read=.

Here is all you require--a comfortable chair, and a pipe. And the company! Well, look around:

Dear Lamb and excellent Montaigne, Sterne and the credible Defoe, Borrow, DeQuincey, the great Dean, The sturdy leisurist Thoreau;

The furtive soul whose dark romance, By ghostly door and haunted stair, Explored the dusty human heart, And the forgotten garrets there;

The moralist it could not spoil, To hold an empire in his hands; Sir Walter, and the brood who sprang, From Homer through a hundred lands,

Singers of songs on all men's lips, Tellers of tales in all men's ears, Movers of hearts that still must beat, To sorrows feigned and fabled tears.

At the conclusion of Mr. Pearson's paper a book symposium was conducted in which the following members of the Association briefly discussed the respective books here indicated:

Hine. Modern organization. Reviewed by Paul Blackwelder.

Crispi's Memoirs and the recent literature of the Risorgimento. Reviewed by Bernard C. Steiner.

Goldmark. Fatigue and efficiency. Reviewed by Katherine T. Wootten.

Tarbell. The business of being a woman. Reviewed by Pearl I. Field.

Antin. The promised land. Reviewed by Althea H. Warren.

Brieux. La femme seule. Reviewed by Corinne Bacon.

The great analysis. Reviewed by Josephine A. Rathbone.

Weyl. The great democracy. Reviewed by Frank K. Walter.

The PRESIDENT: Before inducting into office the president-elect I shall ask the secretary whether there are any announcements to be made or if any new business is to come up at this time? Is there any business for the Council to consider?

Dr. ANDREWS: There are some resolutions from the Documents Round Table to come before the Council and perhaps other routine work.

The PRESIDENT: They will be referred to the Council. We will receive the report of the tellers concerning the election.

The SECRETARY: The report of the tellers states that you have elected as your officers for the coming year the following persons:


No. of Votes

President E. H. Anderson, Director New York Public Library 144

First Vice-President H. C. Wellman, Librarian City Library, Springfield, Mass. 141

Second Vice-President Gratia A. Countryman, Librarian Minneapolis Public Library 144

Members of Executive Board (for 3 years) Herbert Putnam, Librarian of Congress, Washington 146

Harrison W. Craver, Librarian Carnegie Library, Pittsburgh 137

Members of Council (for 5 years) Mary Eileen Ahern, Editor "Public Libraries," Chicago 140

Cornelia Marvin, Librarian Oregon State Library 145

Alice S. Tyler, Director Western Reserve Library School 146

R. R. Bowker, Editor "Library Journal," New York 144

A. L. Bailey, Librarian Wilmington (Del.) Institute Free Library 142

Trustee of Endowment Fund (for 3 years) E. W. Sheldon, President U. S. Trust Co., New York 143


The PRESIDENT: You have heard the result of the election. I shall ask Mr. Gardner M. Jones and Mr. Harrison W. Craver to show the president-elect the way to the platform.

(The committee escorted Mr. Anderson to the platform.)

Mr. President-elect, it is with special personal satisfaction that I have announced to you the result unanimously made by this conference in choosing you to the honorable position of president. I am personally gratified in that you represent, I think, so splendidly many of the elements which have been talked about during this meeting. You are yourself a graduate of a library school, yet you have sympathy with those who have not attained to that distinction. You have been associated with a great scientific library, you have been in charge of a medium-sized library and are now at the head of the largest public library in the world; and yet many of us have had evidences that you have the deepest and warmest sympathy for the small and struggling library, no matter where it may be.

Mr. President-elect, the retiring board of officers received this gavel not as an emblem of authority, but as a symbol of service. As such we commit it to your care for the next year.

For the retiring board of officers I may say, in the words of Wynken DeWorde in one of his colophons, "And now we make an end. If we have done well, we have done that which we would have desired; and if but meanly and slenderly, we yet have done that which we could attain unto."

The wish goes from the ex-president to the president that the most successful administration in the history of the Association may be the one which is about to begin.

(Mr. Legler then handed the gavel to Mr. Anderson and retired from the platform.)

PRESIDENT ANDERSON: Ladies and gentlemen, fellow members of the Association: In the first place, I want to express my heartfelt thanks for the gracious things the retiring president has just been pleased to say concerning my humble self. Furthermore, I have to thank him for giving me an opportunity to correct a mistake which has been current in this Association for some twenty years, namely, that I am the graduate of a library school. I was at the Albany library school--more years ago than I care to tell--between seven and eight months. My money ran out and I had to get a job. I did not even complete the first year. That is a reflection on me, not upon the library school.

The exigencies of trains and luncheons would make it unfair if not cruel for me to detain you here this morning with a speech and I shall make none. But I want to beg you on this occasion to forget and forgive the disagreeable things said or done by the officers-elect in the heat of a bitter partisan campaign. (Laughter--There was no opposition ticket.)

Seriously, I want to express to you all, not merely for myself but for every member of the incoming executive board and the incoming members of the Council, our appreciation of the honor you have conferred upon us and of the responsibilities you have placed upon our shoulders. We can only hope to maintain--and it will require a struggle and great and arduous work on our part to maintain--the high standard set by our predecessors. I thank you.

If there is nothing further to come before us the Conference will stand adjourned.



Meeting of June 23, 1913

Meeting called to order by President Legler. Other members present were Miss Eastman, Messrs. Anderson, Andrews, Putnam and Wellman.

Several matters of routine business were transacted, including the reception and adoption of the report of the Committee on Nominations.

Upon motion of Mr. Anderson, seconded by Dr. Putnam, Mrs. H. L. Elmendorf was elected member of the Publishing Board to succeed herself for a term of three years.

In behalf of the Committee on International Relations, Dr. Putnam reported that with such information as it had been able to gather the committee felt unable to make any affirmative recommendation as to participation by the American Library Association in the proposed Exposition of the Book and Graphic Arts at Leipzig in 1914.

Meeting of June 28th

Present: President Anderson, Miss Eastman, Messrs. Andrews, Wellman and Craver.

Mr. Wellman presented his resignation as non-official member in view of his election to the office of first vice-president, which, upon motion of Dr. Andrews, was accepted.

Upon motion of Mr. Craver, it was unanimously voted that W. N. C. Carlton be elected to the Executive Board to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Wellman. Mr. Carlton was called to the meeting and took his place as a member of the Board.

A meeting place for 1914 was next considered. Miss Edith A. Phelps, librarian of the Carnegie library of Oklahoma City, appeared before the board and invited the Association to meet in Oklahoma City, her invitation being seconded by the Oklahoma Library Association and other organizations of the State. Invitations were received also by letter from the convention bureaus of New Orleans, Nashville, Wilmington, Del., Milwaukee, and other places. After informal discussion it was voted that the Secretary be instructed to investigate facilities for holding the conference at Madison, Wis., and if, in the opinion of the president and secretary, conditions at Madison are not favorable for a meeting, that Mackinac and Ottawa Beach be investigated in the order here named.

Invitations from the authorities of the Panama-Pacific Exposition to hold the conference at San Francisco in 1915 were read and from the California Library Association to the same effect, Mr. Everett R. Perry, of Los Angeles, bearing the invitation from the latter association. Invitations were also received from the library authorities of Seattle, seconded by the business organizations of that city and by the convention bureaus of other cities of the Pacific Northwest. It was voted to refer this information to the next Executive Board.

Mr. William Stetson Merrill presented the following report in behalf of the Committee on code for classifiers, which, upon motion, was accepted as a report of progress, and the request for an appropriation of $20 referred to the meeting of the Executive Board in January.

The Committee on code for classifiers begs to present a report of progress.

During the past year no general meeting of the Committee has been held, but the chairman has been in correspondence with several members of the Committee and considerable data have been collected for the proposed Manual for classifiers. Messrs. Bay and Merrill are more immediately concerned with this section of the work and over three hundred points have been assembled for future consideration.

An appropriation of twenty dollars ($20.00) to cover typewriting, postage and stationery is requested.

Respectfully submitted, (Signed) WM. STETSON MERRILL, Chairman.

At the request of the secretary a transfer of funds was authorized as follows: From the contingency fund to conference fund, $75, and to miscellaneous fund $75, leaving a balance in the contingency fund of $95.

Upon motion of Dr. Andrews, it was voted that members joining the Association after the annual conference shall only be required to pay one-half year's dues together with the usual initiation fee of $1.

Consideration of the question of issuing the annual handbook in biographical section form was postponed until the next meeting of the Executive Board.

A letter was read from Dr. Frank P. Hill, suggesting that a special committee be appointed to consider the matter of participating in the proposed Leipzig Exposition and to ascertain the cost of such participation as well as the possibility of securing a creditable exhibit from American libraries. It was voted that a special committee of three on this subject be appointed by the president, which committee shall make the report to the Committee on international relations. The president appointed as this committee Dr. Hill with power to add the other two members.

It was unanimously voted that an appropriation of $30 from the contingency fund be made to each of the three members of the Travel Committee as partial compensation for expenses incurred in the performance of association duties, and that the thanks of the Executive Board be expressed with regret that the finances of the Association did not permit a complete reimbursement of expenses.

A report was submitted from the Committee on cost and method of cataloging, but owing to the lack of time for proper consideration the secretary was instructed to have the report typewritten and copies sent to the respective members of the Executive Board. At the request of the Committee that two other members be added to the Committee, one of them to be located in Chicago, the other to be the head cataloger of one of the public libraries taking part in the investigation, the president appointed the following persons: J. C. M. Hanson and Margaret Mann.

The request of the Committee for an appropriation of not to exceed $50 was referred to the January meeting of the Executive Board.

The report is as follows:


The present report is preliminary only. Before a final report can be made a more detailed inquiry must be undertaken of the way in which the work is handled in libraries of various types. The methods used in the libraries that have taken part in the present investigation vary to a considerable degree, and do not always seem to lend themselves to an accurate classification by character or size of library; in some cases this is possible, for instance when we find that the receipt of much duplicate material in the large public libraries having extensive systems of branch libraries has developed a method of handling these that is almost uniform for all. One element which disturbs the cataloging work in these libraries is that the withdrawal and cancellation of the records of lost and worn-out books is done by the cataloging departments. Five of the twenty libraries do not at present readily lend themselves to comparison in all respects with the others, the Library of Congress and the New York public library on account of their size and complicated organization, the libraries of Harvard University and the University of Chicago because of the disturbances caused by present work of reorganization and recataloging, and the New York state library on account of its rapid growth since the fire two years ago. In other libraries recataloging goes on simultaneously with the current work, but it does not cause the same disturbances as in the cases mentioned.

While most libraries count classification and shelf-listing as parts of the cataloging, only four include accessioning, and three do not include either of the four processes mentioned under point 2 in the questionnaire sent out by the committee. Three libraries state expressly that the assignment of subject headings is done by the cataloging force, but this is probably also the case with some who do not mention the fact. In one case the reference and cataloging work are combined in one department; in general, reference work seems to be the catalogers' favorite side line.

In some libraries the determination of headings and the form of entry is determined by the heads of the department, in others all the original work is done by the assistants and afterwards revised, while in at least one case such work as classification and the assignment of subject headings is done by specialists, each handling his particular subject. Two or three libraries employ a special assistant for the cataloging of serial publications. Two libraries have all statistical recording done by a special assistant or clerk.

Whether a library prints its cards or has them written or typewritten in several copies, does not seem to influence the method of work except at the final point, but the growing use of cards printed by some other library has introduced an element that did not exist when any of the libraries taking part in the investigation were organized.

The cost of cataloging can not be determined until a definite unit has been agreed upon. The way to reach such agreement might be in line with the method employed by the Boston public library, where a considerable number of volumes were set aside for this investigation and the time and money spent on each work carefully computed. By employing a similar way of investigating not only the cost, but also the routine gone through with a book in a number of libraries on its way from the unpacking room to the shelves, some definite unit might be found.

The work of the committee has only begun; it should be planned to go much more into details than the present questionnaire indicates. The purpose of the committee should be twofold; to find out whether a method of handling the routine with a minimum expenditure of time could be worked out that could be recommended as standard, and to study how the work might be so arranged as to be made in some degree less mechanical to those who are capable of more or less independent handling of literary material for the purpose of preparing it for use by readers in libraries.



1. Give a short sketch of your catalog department indicating the processes into which the work is divided.

2. How many of the following items do you include as part of cataloging?:

(a) Accessioning. (b) Classification. (c) Shelf-listing. (d) Preparation for the shelves.

3. Of how many persons does your cataloging force consist and how is it graded?

4. What are the minimum and maximum salaries in each grade and division of your cataloging force?

5. What was the total amount expended for salaries for the catalog department in 1912?

6. a. How many of the assistants in the catalog department spend full time on the cataloging work?

b. What other work are these engaged in in other departments of the library?

7. a. How many volumes did you add to your library during 1912?

b. How many of these were added as new titles to your catalog?

c. How many of these were on printed cards from the Library of Congress or from other libraries?

8. What do you estimate that it cost your library in 1912 to catalog a book, including accessioning, classification, shelf-listing and preparation for the shelves?

9. Give any special information about your library that will enable the committee to understand particular phases of your cataloging work.

Libraries Included in the Investigation

University and Reference Libraries

Columbia University Library. Harvard University Library. Princeton University Library. University of Chicago Library. Yale University Library.

John Crerar Library. Library of Congress. New York Public Library, Reference Department. New York State Library. Newberry Library.

Public Libraries

Boston Public Library. Brooklyn Public Library. Buffalo Public Library. Carnegie Library, Pittsburgh. Chicago Public Library. Cincinnati Public Library. Cleveland Public Library. Philadelphia Free Library. St. Louis Public Library. Toronto Public Library.

A request was read from the catalog section, first, that the Executive Board be asked to appoint a permanent cataloging committee to which the questions in cataloging may be referred for recommendations; second, that the Executive Board be asked to send a request to the Librarian of Congress for the publication of the code of alphabeting used in the Library of Congress.

Voted, on motion by Dr. Andrews that the president and secretary be instructed to appoint a committee for this year to whom questions of cataloging may be referred, and that the chairman of the catalog section be consulted as to the proper form of a by-law providing for a permanent committee.

Upon motion by Dr. Andrews, voted that the secretary be instructed to ask the opinion of the Committee on code for classifiers as to the desirability of a permanent committee to consider specific questions of classification and as to the proper form of a by-law to provide for such committee.

The appointment of members to the various standing committees was next considered, and as a result of consideration at this meeting and of later correspondence between the members of the Executive Board and consultation with the chairmen of the various committees, the standing committees for the year 1913-14 are announced as follows:



C. W. Andrews, The John Crerar Library, Chicago.

F. F. Dawley, Cedar Rapids, Ia.

F. O. Poole, New York City.

Public Documents

G. S. Godard, State Library, Hartford, Conn.

A. J. Small, State Library, Des Moines, Ia.

Ernest Bruncken, Library of Congress, Washington, D. C.

John A. Lapp, State Library, Indianapolis, Ind.

M. S. Dudgeon, Wisconsin Free Library Commission, Madison, Wis.

T. M. Owen, Department of Archives and History, Montgomery, Ala.

S. H. Ranck, Public Library, Grand Rapids, Mich.

Adelaide R. Hasse, Public Library, New York.

C. F. D. Belden, State Library, Boston, Mass.

Co-operation with the N. E. A.

Mary Eileen Ahern, "Public Libraries," Chicago.

Mary A. Newberry, Public Library, New York City.

Irene Warren, School of Education, Chicago.

George H. Locke, Public Library, Toronto, Canada.

Harriet A. Wood, Library Association, Portland, Ore.

Library Administration

A. E. Bostwick, Public Library, St. Louis, Mo.

George F. Bowerman, Public Library, Washington, D. C.

John S. Cleavinger, Public Library, Jackson, Mich.

Library Training

A. S. Root, Oberlin College Library, Oberlin, Oh.

Faith E. Smith, Public Library, Chicago.

Alice S. Tyler, Western Reserve University Library School, Cleveland.

Adam Strohm, Public Library, Detroit, Mich.

A. L. Bailey, Wilmington Institute Free Library, Wilmington, Del.

Chalmers Hadley, Public Library, Denver.

Cornelia Marvin, Oregon State Library, Salem, Ore.

George O. Carpenter, trustee, Public Library, St. Louis, Mo.

International Relations

Herbert Putnam, Library of Congress, Washington.

E. C. Richardson, Princeton University Library, Princeton, N. J.

Frank P. Hill, Public Library, Brooklyn, N. Y.

W. C. Lane, Harvard University Library, Cambridge, Mass.

R. R. Bowker, "Library Journal," New York City.


The committee has not yet been appointed.


Rose G. Murray, Public Library, New York.

J. R. Patterson, Public Library, Chicago.

Federal and State Relations

B. C. Steiner, Enoch Pratt Free Library, Baltimore.

T. L. Montgomery, State Library, Harrisburg, Pa.

Demarchus C. Brown, State Library, Indianapolis, Ind.

Paul Blackwelder, Public Library, St. Louis, Mo.

C. F. Belden, State Library, Boston, Mass.

Thomas M. Owen, Department of Archives and History, Montgomery, Ala.

W. P. Cutter, Library of Engineering Societies, New York City.


F. W. Faxon, Boston Book Co., Boston, Mass.

C. H. Brown, Public Library, Brooklyn.

J. F. Phelan, Public library, Chicago.


C. H. Gould, McGill University Library, Montreal.

J. L. Gillis, State Library, Sacramento, Cal.

N. D. C. Hodges, Public Library, Cincinnati, O.

T. W. Koch, University of Michigan Library, Ann Arbor.

J. C. Schwab, Yale University Library, New Haven, Conn.

Work with the Blind

Laura M. Sawyer, Perkins Institution, Watertown, Mass.

Lucile Goldthwaite, New York Public Library.

Mrs. Emma N. Delfino, Free Library, Philadelphia.

Mrs. Gertrude T. Rider, Library of Congress, Washington.

Julia A. Robinson, Secretary Iowa Library Commission, Des Moines.

Miriam E. Carey, Supervisor of Institution Libraries of Board of Control, St. Paul.


E. H. Anderson, Public Library, New York.

H. C. Wellman, City Library, Springfield, Mass.

George B. Utley, A. L. A. Executive Office, Chicago, Ill.


Meeting of June 24th

The meeting was called to order by President Legler with 45 members present.

The Chair announced the death since the last meeting of the Council of Dr. John Shaw Billings and Mr. Charles Carroll Soule, and by unanimous vote of the Council the Chair appointed Dr. Herbert Putnam, R. R. Bowker and H. C. Wellman a committee to draft resolutions to be presented to the Association at large.

Dr. Bostwick as chairman presented the following:


In presenting this final report, your Committee finds it necessary to consider and to give expression to two points of view, both of which are represented in its membership and neither of which can be neglected--one that believes that, owing to diversity of local conditions and of constitutional and other requirements in different parts of the Union, it is impossible to frame definitely a model library law or a model library section of a city charter, and the other, that without some such expression as can be given only in the form of a definite body of law of this kind, the recommendations of the Committee will necessarily be vague and will largely fail of effect.

Your committee has therefore thought it best in the first place to make a statement of the things that a library law or charter section should, in its opinion, aim to do, giving reasons where necessary; and in the second place to present a definite example of the way in which these things may be done, accompanied by a warning that before adopting it as a model in any specific instance, it should be carefully studied by some competent person and modified to suit the necessities of the case. Your committee realizes also that every state library law should contain provisions, such as those regulating the State Library and Library Commission, which do not fall within the duties assigned to this committee and hence are not touched upon in this report.

And first, regarding the aims of a library law:

(a) We reiterate our statement of last year that the library is an educational institution and that education is a matter of state rather than of local concern. If a state already has a good library law which has worked and is working well and satisfactorily to all concerned, local libraries should be left in operation under the provisions of the law, precisely as the schools should be and generally are left, no matter what changes in the form of municipal government are contemplated or have been carried into effect. If the state law is not entirely satisfactory, it is better to amend it than to try to better matters through the local charter. The charter may well contain, to avoid the possibility of conflict, some such special disclaimer as the following: "Nothing in this charter shall be so construed as to interfere with the operation of the public library under the library laws of the state." If the library law contains provisions seemingly in conflict with new charter provisions, some additional definition may be necessary.

(b) Possibly we are not yet ready for compulsory library establishment throughout a state, but at all events it should be made simple and easy for any public taxing or governing body to establish a free public library and to tax itself for the support of that library, accepting gifts where necessary and obligating itself to fulfill the conditions under which these gifts are made. This would include municipalities, counties, townships, school districts, boards of education, etc.

The library should be assured of reasonable and sufficient financial support, either through the operation of a special-tax provision or by the requirement of a minimum appropriation by the authorities. In no case should the existence or value of the library be placed in jeopardy by making possible a capricious withdrawal or lessening of support by the local authorities.

(c) The library should be administered by an independent board of trustees, not by a single commissioner, and, in particular, not by a commissioner who has other matters on his hands. In case such grouping appears necessary, the library should be placed with other educational agencies and in no case treated as a group of buildings or a mere agency of recreation. The board should be a body corporate, distinct from other municipal organizations and departments, with powers of succession, power to sue and be sued, to acquire and hold property, etc. The terms of its members should not expire all at once, so that reasonable continuity in policy will be insured. It should have power to take over and manage other city libraries, school libraries and, by contract, libraries in other municipalities or communities.

(d) The funds of the library, including those derived from taxation, bequest, gift, and library fines and desk receipts, should be at the board's free disposal for library purposes, including the purchase of land and the erection of buildings. They should be received and held by the municipal authorities, and disbursed on voucher, with the same safeguards and under the same auspices as those required for other public funds.

(e) The library should be operated on the merit system, in the same way that the schools are so operated--not by placing the selection and promotion of library employees in the hands of the same board that selects clerks and mechanics for the city departments, but by requiring that the library board establish and carry out an efficient system of service satisfactory to the proper authorities.

The board should have entire control of its own working force and should initiate its own policies, including selection of sites and planning of buildings, its librarian being regarded both as its executive officer and as its expert adviser, to whom the choice of methods and the management of details are naturally left. He should be present at meetings of the board and may serve as its secretary.

We regard as satisfactory any body of law that will accomplish the results aimed at in the following sections, which your committee does not regard as couched in legal phraseology. Before being used in any state its provisions should be worded by a competent person experienced in drafting bills for the legislature of that state.

Section 1

Any taxing body shall have authority to levy a tax, not less than ---- mills on the dollar, for the support of a free public library within its jurisdiction, and such tax shall be levied if so ordered by a majority vote of all voters at a general election, on petition signed by ---- voters.

Any governing or taxing body shall have power to provide, by annual appropriation, for the support of a free public library, whether or not a tax is levied as above provided, or to enter into a contract for library service with another governing or taxing body or with a private corporation already maintaining such a library.

Section 2

Any library supported as specified in Section 1 shall be governed by a board of not less than five or more than nine trustees (appointed as the legislature may provide), which board shall have the powers of a public corporation and shall perform all acts necessary and convenient for the maintenance and operation of the library.

The board may receive gifts and bequests, acquire and transfer property, real and personal, sue and be sued. It shall manage all libraries owned by the city and may contract with other public bodies within and without the city, to render library service, adding to its number, if mutually so agreed, one or more representatives of such public body. The terms of the members shall not expire coincidently. Any member may be removed by the appointing or elective power for stated cause.

Section 3

All moneys collected for the use of the library, whether by taxation or otherwise, shall be in custody of the city treasurer and shall be paid out by him on vouchers duly attested by the board and audited by the proper city authority.

Section 4

All employees of the library shall be appointed and promoted for merit only, and the board shall adopt such measures as will in its judgment conduce to this end.

Section 5

If a gift is offered to the library on conditions involving the performance of certain acts annually, the municipality may obligate itself to perform such acts, by ordinance which shall not be repealed.

Section 6

The Board shall submit an annual report of its work in detail, with its receipts and expenditures, to the tax-levying body.

Upon motion by Mr. Wellman it was voted that the above report be printed as a tentative report in the Bulletin.

Upon motion of Dr. Bostwick it was unanimously voted that the session of the Council on Thursday evening, June 26th, at which the topic, "The Quality of Fiction" is to be discussed, be thrown open to the members of the Association at large.

The Chairman called attention to the vote of the Council which was passed at the Asheville meeting in 1907, providing that privilege be given to members of the Council to reserve hotel rooms at the annual conferences in advance of the membership at large and stated that a number of members of the Association considered this action as undemocratic and as undesirable for the Council to continue.

Upon the motion of Mr. Thomson it was unanimously voted that this ruling be rescinded.

The following persons were appointed by the Chair as a Committee on nominations to nominate five members for the Council to be elected by the Council for a term of five years each: H. G. Wadlin, Josephine A. Rathbone, M. S. Dudgeon, Edith Tobitt, W. O. Carson.

Mr. Ranck presented a report of progress in behalf of the Committee on ventilation and lighting of library buildings and recommended that the Committee be continued, which recommendation, upon motion of Dr. Putnam, was adopted.

The report here follows:

Report of Committee on Ventilation and Lighting

June, 1913.

To the Council of the A. L. A.:

Your special committee on ventilation and lighting can submit at this time only another report of progress.

After the meeting at Ottawa the matter of having laboratory and other tests made in connection with the technical and scientific problems was taken up with certain industrial organizations with a view to the possibility of having them, in the interest of scientific knowledge, make the necessary tests for us, at no expense to the Association. Objection developed against this line of procedure, inasmuch as it was feared that less confidence could be placed in such tests when the organization making them (or if the persons making them were in the service of such an organization) had a commercial interest in the results of the tests.

Accordingly the effort was made to have the tests made by the Carnegie Institution of Washington, and also by the Russell Sage Foundation, both of which efforts failed. The matter was then taken up with the Department of Commerce, and we are hopeful that we may be successful in getting the national government to make these tests for us through the Bureau of Standards.

In the meantime the committee is continuing its investigations and experiments so far as the limited resources at its command will permit. In this further study the committee is strengthened in its belief reported a year ago to the effect that most of the ventilating apparatus now in use will have to be discarded as junk and that the whole art and practice of artificial ventilation will have to be entirely remodeled on a correct physiological basis, inasmuch as the present basis appears to be entirely incorrect.

We therefore recommend that the committee be continued for another year. If deemed advisable the committee could prepare a preliminary report of its findings for publication in the Bulletin of the Association. Such a report might be of immediate service to librarians.

As an indication of the committee's difficulties in this matter we may cite the experience of Prof. Brooks of the University of Illinois who, after years of study and experience in illumination, feels less willing today to prescribe a lighting scheme than a few years ago.


Mr. Ranck made an informal statement regarding the irregular and unsatisfactory fire insurance rates which he had found many libraries of the United States were securing and recommended that this subject be investigated by the Council.

It was voted upon motion by Mr. Thomson that a committee of three be appointed by the chair to investigate the subject of fire insurance for libraries. The chair appointed as this committee M. S. Dudgeon, Chalmers Hadley and S. H. Ranck.

There being no further business the Council adjourned.

Meeting of June 26th

This session of the Council was conducted as an open meeting and was attended by many of the members of the Association at large. The president presided.

The nominating committee presented the names of Willis H. Kerr, Mary W. Plummer, Mary E. Robbins, John Thomson and Samuel H. Ranck for members of the Council for a term of five years each. Upon motion by Dr. Bostwick it was voted that the secretary cast a ballot for the election of these members, which was accordingly done.

The remainder of the session was devoted to a discussion of "The Quality of fiction," discussion being led by Dr. Horace G. Wadlin and Dr. Arthur E. Bostwick.

Dr. Wadlin spoke as follows:

The Quality of Fiction--I.

The question set for our discussion is not new. It seems to be always with us. By itself, I do not think it of much importance. It only becomes so as related to the much larger question of the general purpose of the public library--what it is supposed to stand for in the community. All details of library policy revert to that, and the fiction question is, after all, a detail.

"The quality of fiction"--if I may paraphrase the words of a celebrated writer of it whose works still compete with the latest "best seller"--

"The quality of fiction is not strained. It droppeth like the gentle rain from Heaven. It is, perhaps, thrice blessed; It blesseth him that writes, and him that prints and sometimes him that reads. 'Tis mightiest in the mighty and--"

But I refrain from going farther. Beyond that point we reach debatable ground and I shall add nothing to the sum of human knowledge in that direction.

When your President asked me to open this discussion, he was kind enough to imply that the time had arrived when representatives of the larger libraries, at least, might speak with conviction on this question. And I suppose I was selected for the reason that the library for which I am responsible has, through circumstances not entirely within its control, acquired a reputation for ultra-conservatism in respect to purchases of fiction; a reputation for which it is entitled to little praise, if the result be thought meritorious and for which it should not be blamed if the results are condemned.

For it is well, always, to choose the good rather than evil in any line of action; to choose it, that is, because you love it. But, if you don't love it, it is fortunate that in the general plan of nature the good so surrounds us and hems us in, to say nothing of the consequences which follow the choice of evil, that, in any case, we can scarcely escape the choice of good.

With us in Boston, and I take it the conditions are not dissimilar elsewhere, the practical considerations of providing shelf-room for new accessions, of keeping the catalog within reasonable limits, the adequate provision for new books in other departments of literature, the constant increase in our fixed charges due to the expansion of our work--these enforce the restriction of purchases of fiction within limits that may be deemed conservative, whether we particularly favor conservatism or not.

Therefore I speak with no pride of opinion based upon the policy of my own library, nor in criticism of the policy of others, nor with any hope of establishing a hard and fast rule. Criticism is frequently caustic and bitter. I would fain be persuasive and kindly. It is indeed my conviction that no invariable rule is possible on this matter or on other points of library policy. Certain principles hold, but the application of them must vary in different libraries, and must proceed in harmony with local environment. Any other course would result in a system, hard and mechanical, where it ought to be flexible, sympathetic and humane.

It is said that in some places it is necessary to placate public opinion by liberal purchases of light and harmless trifles, "bright and snappy" stories, "big heart-gripping" tales of the moment in order that the fountain whereon the library depends for its continued life may not run dry. If that be so, who am I that I should sit in the seat of the scornful, or pronounce judgment on my neighbor? Any librarian whose hand is thus forced has trouble enough without my adding to it with wild and whirling words. After all, such action is not without precedent--nay, we may go farther and say not without justification. Old Isaac Walton was not the first who angled successfully with a concealed hook, and he has his disciples in other than green pastures or beside still waters. But, speaking seriously, such bids for the popular approval that may result in enlarged appropriations have nothing to do with the quality of fiction, and carry no lesson for those in more fortunate circumstances, who are able to exercise a sane and untrammelled judgment.

Let us admit freely, that fiction as a branch of literature, is today important, not merely as a means of relaxation and amusement but of inspiration and instruction. Whether or not that admission implies that a public library ought to provide an undue quantity of it is a question of logic, and to be logical when sentiment will more effectively carry your point is today fatal in the discussion of more weighty matters than the one we are now considering. There is, indeed, a form of printed matter even more frequently used than the novel for relaxation and amusement. I allude to that required in the great game of Auction Bridge, and one may gain instruction, perhaps inspiration from that, but public libraries so far ignore it. Although it has been suggested that a moving-picture annex, freely used by some millions to the same ends, might be profitably taken on, and unquestionably the suggestion has much to recommend it. At all events, that time may not be wasted in profitless controversy, I grant, at the outset, all that the most ardent advocates of fiction claim in its behalf.

And since it is asserted that many persons will read nothing but fiction, and that such reading is especially adapted to put new life into the tired shop-girl, to illuminate the social gloom that shrouds the proletariat, by taking him into worlds as unlike his real world as it is possible to make them, and to put a little more vitality into the merchant overwrought by too strenuous pursuit of the elusive dollar, why question its importance as at once a tonic and a sedative, a general promoter of bright days and peaceful dreams?

Of course, though many think otherwise, it is not undeniably the business of a public library to act as a pharmaceutical dispensatory and to make persons read who might much better get a required physical stimulus in some other way. Mr. Dana some months ago put the reading of the classics into the limbo of out-worn tradition--put them perpetually "on the blink," if I may use language similar to that employed in fiction by Sewall Ford's popular hero--and Miss Corinne Bacon, in a brilliant paper which, if you have not read it, I commend to your attention, keenly reminds Mr. Dana that it is not really necessary for any of us to read at all.

If, however, we dispute the unqualified benefits of fiction reading, it is the works of the masters which are used to overwhelm us--the recognized standard novels, quite modern some of them, for the production of good fiction did not stop with the death of Scott or Thackeray or Dickens--as if anybody questioned their influence or their power!

If I wished, on the other hand, to assume the r�le of Mrs. Partington, and seek to beat back the on-rushing tide of printed matter, all of which claims to be imaginative and romantic, I should need no better broom with which to attempt that forlorn and hopeless task than one made from the strands which Mr. Booth Tarkington, and others actively engaged in the production of fiction, supplied in the letters read from this platform Monday evening.

There is a trinity of things, frequently asserted, which I do not believe, that is, I do not believe them in my present state of mental development, though I trust I am still open to conviction.

=First=, I do not believe that everybody is entitled to receive at our hands the books they want, when they want them! I hear it put this way: The State or the municipality ought to provide any citizen who wants a book with the book he wants when he wants it.--A moment's candid examination will, I think, show that this is impossible, and it being impossible, we need not spend time in disputing the theory.

=Second=, I do not believe that we should buy the book of the day, and all the books of the day, irrespective of merit; or, as a critical journal once put it, "Buy the books the world is talking about--merit or demerit cast entirely aside."

The talk of the people, about the books of the day is, 99 per cent of it, if we may apply a quantitive measure to that which is immeasurable, pure gossip, fostered by more or less interested, or paid notices in the newspapers, and the reading of books which for the moment are made the subjects of such gossip is of about as much real value to the average man or woman as was Mrs. A's inquiry after the health of Mrs. B's old man. Not that she cared anything about his health but the inquiry helped conversation. And when the book of the day rises above the plane of mere gossip its interest or value is frequently momentary. Two years ago, the cheerful idlers on summer hotel verandas were lightening the burden of persistent application to what, for want of a better term, is called "fancy work" by reading "The rosary." Last year, their affections were centered on "The harvester." This year--well, I refrain from advertising what is likely to be found there.

But surely most public libraries in these days of expanding opportunity, find it difficult enough to supply things which have higher civic promise in them, even in fiction, without stocking up extensively with that which is as evanescent as the foam on the wave.

=Third=, I do not believe--as some do--that the indiscriminate reading of fiction, even poor fiction, leads finally to the selection of better books. Once I thought so, and I know that my distinguished predecessor, Dr. Winsor, held that opinion. But, after some thirty years' intimate knowledge of a library (outside of Boston), not too large to permit the study of the peculiarities of individual readers, this seems to me delusive. If I wanted to promote good reading, I would not treat it as a pill to be sugar-coated. Good wine needs no bush.

Passing from the triad of things I do not believe I make one positive affirmation. Every public library should establish a standard. As a matter of fact, this is done now. For example, the works of Mr. Charles Garvice are seldom found on our catalogs nor those of Rev. Silas K. Hocking. These two among the most popular English novelists of our day, may be found on the shelves of the circulating libraries, and with several others almost equally well-known, appear among the miscellaneous attractions of the railway news counters; but not with us. Why? They are clean, highly moral, in the accepted use of that word, and not without a certain literary merit. The answer to my query implies selection, in accordance with a standard.

I said some years ago on this subject, and have seen no reason to change my opinion, that while there are those who resent what they call "censorship" on the part of public libraries, nevertheless, simply because we are public institutions, we have responsibilities to the public, toward children, at least, and toward those of unformed literary taste.

Personally, I am not much afraid of the baleful effect of certain books usually condemned by moralists. Not every one who reads "The pirate's own book" will take to piracy on the high seas; and a quiet elderly lady of my acquaintance who reads rather more erotic French fiction than some would approve, still preserves, so far as I can see, modesty of demeanor, and, unless skilfully dissembled, an exemplary private life. I was myself, in my young days a persistent reader of Beadle's dime novels, which were of size to be readily concealed between Euclid and Andrews and Stoddard's Latin Grammar, well out of view of the censor. Oliver Optic was permitted to corrupt my young mind, and since I had an eclectic taste, I absorbed liberal doses of Sylvanus Cobb, Jr., Emerson Bennett, and Mrs. Southworth, writers almost unknown to the present generation. So far, I have escaped the penitentiary and the home for feebleminded. But that does not justify the exposure of Burton's "Arabian nights" on open shelves, for which lapse of judgment we were once criticised by a reputable Boston paper, or prove that since life is short and art is long and one can not read everything, and some books are, from any point of view, better than others, judicious selection may not prevent lamentable waste of time.

Before selection is attempted, the amount available for expenditure should be fixed, and this should be determined by the income of the library and the proper relation which, within that income, purchases of fiction should bear to other necessary expenses. The percentage will vary, I should suppose, with different libraries. Speaking for my own, it has by experience been determined at from 20 to 25 per cent of all expenditures for books. In a recent lean year, it dropped as low as 12 per cent, but in the last four years has ranged from 23 in 1912 to 25 in 1909. I include expenditures for replacements as well as for new fiction.

All theory apart, no more could have been spent without impairing the up-keep of other departments. As I have intimated, we are always confronted, to use Mr. Cleveland's phrase, by conditions rather than theories. I need not enlarge upon the character of those other departments. They are not for the use of the dilettante or the connoisseur. Contrary to an opinion that seems to prevail in certain quarters, we do not buy extensively, as one critical commentator put it, either "musty parchments or rare first editions in which not one person in 50 has the slightest interest or concern."

No. These departments provide for the scholarly use of a library which is at the center of a group of educational institutions accommodating probably 10,000 students. It is unthinkable to suppose that this work of education, of so much importance to our city, could go on without the aid derived from the library. And I need only mention the various special collections which have grown up from the beginning, which are drawn upon each year by students who come to us from abroad, and from which, on the interlibrary loan plan, we lend annually to other libraries in the proportion of 1,200 to the 50 which we receive from them in return.

These phases of our work must be taken into account, just as similar considerations must be influential in any library, if a proper balance is to be kept of expenditures for fiction. And bear in mind that every dollar spent for fiction beyond the proper limit as set by a candid consideration of conditions and resources, no matter how insistent the demand--and it is well known that the demand may be so insistent as to require, without satisfying it, all the money at your command--every dollar beyond this limit is a dollar drawn from students, from readers in courses, from work with the immigrant, if you have that problem, from work with children, from the artisan or mechanic who comes to you for the books that will add to his industrial efficiency, from your business men's branch, if one exists. The library cannot be made a mere depository for fiction. This should go without saying. It does not propose to include all good fiction in its purchases. The sum set apart can not all be used for new fiction, but must cover replacements. The library must also buy fiction in other languages than English.

As to the work of selection, I pass in rapid review our own methods, concerning which much nonsense has been written. We examine with care substantially every book in English that comes from the press, which any public library is likely to buy. Last year, which is perhaps typical, 890 different books in fiction were considered, including fiction for young readers. And every book was not merely examined by title, but was read and commented upon in our interest by at least 3 persons on the average.

Of course, no such thorough examination could be made by the library staff alone, and we have the services of a volunteer committee of readers not officially connected with the library. The committee does not supersede the critical opinion of the librarian or his selected staff officers. It does not even control. It merely aids by an analysis of the books and by such opinions, expressed on blank forms provided for the purpose, as show an outline of plot and treatment, and merits or defects as they appear, not to trained literary critics, but to average readers of some cultivation in different walks of life or on different social planes.

This committee was one of the excellent inventions of my predecessor, Dr. Putnam, and, shortly after its establishment, it received wide attention from the press, for the most part based on complete misconception of its purpose and character. This resulted in creating an impression as different as possible from the actual, but which still persists, as the mother-in-law joke persists, or the young lady who plays the piano in the parlor while mother washes in the kitchen, or the stage Irishman and Yankee--stock material of the pseudo-humorists.

The genial "Librarian" of the Boston Transcript, who on Saturday is to tell you how to discourage reading, still has periodic visions of the "Censors of the Boston public library," just as more timid souls have created bogies out of Col. Roosevelt or other historic characters. But the committee has no power to "censor" anything, and the Boston public library has no "black list" nor has it in my time ever had to become a censor. It has to choose, and so far as possible within the exercise of fallible human judgment to choose wisely. It finds itself unable to buy some hundreds of as good books, perhaps better books, than it buys, but it censors nothing, being fortunately relieved of a duty from which I would myself not shrink in exigency, by the limitations surrounding its choice.

It is one of the curiosities of journalism, this rise of the legend of the Boston fiction committee. It started from a half jocose article wholly inconsequential, one would have thought, in a western paper from the pen of a little-known Boston space writer. Numerous excellent books not purchased were said to have been "tabooed," and the list went over the country like wild fire. None of them had been "tabooed," unless inability to buy is a taboo. Big head lines with Swinburnian fervor spoke of the "books banned in Boston." From the little daily papers, the matter spread to the big ones. The Times Saturday Review pointed out, after scanning some of the titles, that "in some New England minds exquisite pleasure was akin to wickedness," because of the supposed censorship of books not bought. The committee was irreverently alluded to as the "body of spinster censors who since they were themselves virtuous had determined there should be no more cakes and ale." A critical literary journal feared that the committee desired "to form Boston's literary taste on too precious a model," and that since the majority of the readers were women, "the sense of power may have led them into arbitrary decisions." A New York paper, not unwilling to have a shy at Boston, said: "The committee takes an attitude untenable, Pharasaic, and what the enemies of Boston call Bostonese."

Harper's Weekly, a journal of civilization, expressed curiosity about the committee: "That the majority of them are young, we know, because they are not married. But are they red, white, or blue stockings? Do they approve of straight fronts? Do hoops still gallop in the East wind?" Drastic comments were received and appeared in print from other librarians. Mr. Legler's predecessor, entirely in good faith, fell with the rest. He said he had been told that in Boston they sent new novels to club women and received their opinions on slips of paper. He imagined that a good dinner would have something to do with such reports.

The St. Louis Globe Democrat had a word of commendation, although equally misled as to the grounds of praise. It said: "The literary lines are drawn as sharply and perhaps as arbitrarily as the social ones. Yet this New England trait of severe selection is a blessing to the country, and has leavened its crudeness from ocean to ocean. Puritanism has been more or less a critic of the rest of us, but the criticism has done good. * * * There is doubtless good reason for the rejections made." But the New York Sun which still shines for all, said: "The city was so terribly agitated over the wicked censorship of fiction at the library that the reading committee is doomed to become an extinct institution."

All of this is ancient history, and I only recall it as showing, in little, the growth of a popular myth. The committee as an institution still lives. It has always been representative. As the Bookman once said of its lists of best sellers, so, in dealing with the reports, we are not under the impression that we are pointing solemnly to stupendous critical opinions. We do not even claim that every individual report is actually accurate and unbiased. But we do believe that collected and weighed, they are unbiased and accurate in the bulk. The committee in its membership is subject to frequent changes. It is, as I have said, free from library influence. Its members are appointed by the committee itself and we neither approve nor cancel appointments. At present there are 27 members, men and women, married and unmarried, (10 unmarried ladies comprise the spinster element), Protestants and Catholics, French, German, Spanish, as well as those to whom English is the mother tongue.

They are all fairly intelligent, not illiterate of course, but not offensively scholarly. They include artists and teachers, several literary persons, at least two authors of repute, a business man or two, two physicians, and so on. This analysis shows the representative character of the committee; that it is made up with breadth of selection. Its verdict is not conclusive, and aims to reflect only the opinion which readers of intelligence would form after careful reading. Other factors are always taken into account in determining whether or not a book shall be bought. Necessarily, many current novels approved by the committee are not bought. Frequently novels are bought which the committee did not approve. But the experience of several years has shown that nearly all which for various reasons we have found it impossible to buy have failed to demonstrate their right to live for even a few brief months. The demand for some of them was insistent for a short time. Now, their very names are forgotten. If we had purchased a considerable number of them, the money, so far as present demand is concerned, would have been wasted. It may be fairly said, however, that we have bought meantime, so far as our resources permitted, a fair representation of the best fiction, that which is likely to remain in constant request. Our supply of standard English fiction is large, perhaps 50,000 volumes, and is constantly replaced as the books wear out. We are liberal in providing good fiction for the young. Were our funds enlarged, we could undoubtedly use a larger number of copies, especially in branch and deposit work, but, as I have made clear, we cannot expend a larger amount of our money in this way without impairing the growth of the library in other important directions. Whether or not you approve the method that we find helpful, some plan of selection must be adopted since choice is imperative.

Of course, it would be possible to buy two copies of 500 different books, or, as at present, perhaps 10 copies of 100 books; the expense would be the same in either case. But in the first instance the chances of a borrower getting a copy of any book selected would be much reduced in comparison with his chance of getting one under the more limited range of titles. Of course, also, under the first plan, the library would be free from the impression that many novels had been "banned," but the public advantage is greater under the present system.

I have already taken too long. If you find anything in our plan helpful, I shall be glad. At any rate, I hope I have done something to lay the ghost of unreasonable censorship which some of you may imagine hovers over the Boston public library. We have our faults in Boston, but not that.

Let me take a moment in summing up. Every librarian must determine for himself how much money he ought to spend for fiction, under his own local conditions, within his own resources. He should try to keep a proper proportion in this expenditure, not as measured in Boston or elsewhere but in that little corner of the earth where his own library is placed. This is a personal matter, not one of invariable mathematical relations.

Having done that, he should establish a standard and select with reference to it. Not my standard--it may not fit the case--but his own. And this too, like most library functions, is a personal matter. It will depend largely on what the librarian is trying to do with his library. For a library should not be a dead thing. It should have a vital relation to the particular community in which it is placed, and fit it as the glove fits the hand. Through the books we circulate we are directly influencing the men and women we reach; not for their personal benefit or enjoyment only, or to satisfy only their individual tastes or desires; but that they may become better fitted for their civic duties, may become happier, more intelligent, more hopeful in their human relationships.

It is not the book that you give John Smith for the benefit of John Smith only, that counts, but the book that makes John Smith of greater benefit to the community. That sentence, which I quote in spirit if not in exact words from our colleague, Dr. Richardson, expresses the reason for being of the public library, the only justification for the maintenance of such libraries by general taxation. Whatever books contribute to that end are the books that should be bought.

There is nothing in the book itself as it lies on the shelf. It is neither moral nor immoral nor of any other intrinsic merit or demerit. "Three weeks," 12 copies of which a commercial circulating library in a small city near my home kept in constant circulation for a year, is as good as another in that inert position. But books in contact with the soul of humanity are no longer dead things. They have something of that vital quality which gave them birth, as Milton long ago said.

It is sometimes as much our duty to restrain readers as to stimulate them, and a large circulation per capita without regard to the character of the books circulated, is as apt to be a sign of the inefficiency of a library, as it is a thing to be emulated.

This is not a recital of platitudes nor does the subject call for beautiful phrases about the ideals of the librarian's profession. On the contrary, it concerns practical results in return for the taxpayers' money, which comes hard enough at best. It is no heart-breaking matter whether you buy and circulate 50, 60 or 70 per cent of fiction. If you bring your percentage down from 70 to 50, that of itself may not mean improvement. But it is heart-breaking if you fail to get the books best adapted to secure the results I assume you are trying to obtain and which you ought to obtain in your own community.

It may be that what Mr. Dana once facetiously called the "latest tale of broken hearthstones" is just the thing to give a fillip to the dormant sensibilities of your patrons--to make them sit up and take notice lest cracked hearthstones become fashionable in your vicinity. I do not know. But this I know. You should settle that point with your own conscience, and when you have settled it, go on, and do not apologize. In the long run your sins whether of omission or commission, will find you out. On the other hand, believe me, virtue in this field as in others, will bring its own reward, and the reward of virtue is about the only one any librarian can reasonably expect.

Dr. Bostwick was called upon to continue the discussion and spoke as follows:

The Quality of Fiction--II.

The two things that it is necessary to take into account in selecting literature are its form and its content. The former largely determines the literary value of a composition; the latter its practical usefulness. Poetry and prose are the two great basic forms into which all literature is divided. Narrative may be cast in either form and when that narrative is untrue we call it fiction. In the usage of most of us the word is restricted to prose. Fiction, therefore, is not so much a matter of form as of content, or rather of the quality of content. Of two books telling of the lives of the same kind of persons in the same way the mere fact that one is true and the other not would class one as biography and the other as fiction.

Of what importance is the fact that of two bits of narrative, one is true and the other is untrue? That depends on the purpose for which the narrative is to be used. If we desire an accurate and orderly statement of facts, the true narrative is the only one of value. On the other hand, the facts, not of the narrative but incidental to it, may be true in the fiction and false in the biography. From the standpoint of the seeker of recreation, the fiction is generally, although not always, more interesting. The writer has the advantage of being able to create the elements of his tale and control their grouping, as well as regulate their form; and in addition he knows that he must be interesting to secure readers. Unfortunately, historians, biographers and travellers have generally too high an opinion of their functions as purveyors of truth to stoop to make it interesting.

As regards literary value, of course the mere truth or falsity of the narrative can have little to do with this; yet I believe, as a matter of fact, that fictitious narrative has literary value oftener than true narrative; for the reason offered above, that writers of truth consider it beneath their dignity to garnish it, like those fatuous dieticians who believe that so long as we take so much proteid and so much carbohydrate we need not worry over forms and flavors. Now I am supposed to be telling you about fiction and about the propriety or impropriety of including much of it in libraries, but I think you see that I am sidling toward the statement that I think we need not consider fiction at all, as fiction, in this connection. The reasons for rejecting fiction, when they exist, have nothing whatever to do with its being fiction, and would apply to non-fiction as well. If a biography purporting to relate the events in the life of Oliver Cromwell is full of errors, that is a reason why it should not stand on your library shelves. If a novel, purporting to give a correct idea of life in Chicago, succeeds only in leaving the impression that the city is peopled with silly and immoral persons, that is equally a reason for rejection. If a history of the Italian Renaissance is filled with unsavory details, these might exclude it, just as they might exclude a novel whose scene was laid in the same period. The story of a criminal's life, if so written as to make wrong appear right, might be rejected for this reason whether the criminal really existed or not. A poor, trashy book of travel should no more be placed on the shelves than a novel of the same grade. And if our book funds are limited we can no more buy all the biography or travel or books on chemistry or philosophy than we can buy all the novels that fall from the press. I do not deny, of course, that any or all the reasons for rejection that have been adduced might be overbalanced by others in favor of purchase, and they might be so overbalanced in the case of fiction as well as in that of non-fiction.

In other words I should not buy a book because it is fiction, or turn it down for the same reason, any more than I would buy or fail to buy a book because it is biography or travel. I say I should not do this any more in one case than in another; I might want to do it occasionally in both. But I believe that the more we forget the mere issue of fiction versus non-fiction and try instead to draw the line between useful books and harmful ones, wise books and silly ones, books that help and books that hinder, books that exalt and those that depress, books that excite high emotions and books that stir up low ones--the sooner we shall be good librarians.

Following Dr. Bostwick's remarks the subject was thrown open to discussion by members at large.

The chairman said that at his request some very interesting facts had been extracted from the annual published statements in Publishers' Weekly, respecting so-called best books of the year. These statements showed that many of the books which were leading books of particular years, ten, fifteen and eighteen years ago, had absolutely disappeared from the list of books which are now in current favor. Some of these books were found to be unknown to those who are now engaged in book selection.

Replying to the question as to the percentage of fiction of books bought by public libraries in Canada, Mr. W. O. Carson of London, Ont., stated that in his library the percentage of fiction ran from twenty to twenty-five per cent and he thought that was a fair average for other Canadian libraries. Mr. Carson said that the Ontario government bases the government grant on the amount of money expended on books and they give no grant on fiction if it exceed more than forty-five per cent of the amount expended on other books, so in the majority of the small libraries, they do not expend more than thirty per cent on fiction for fear of losing a government grant on anything that exceeds that amount. Replacements are included in this percentage.

Dr. Steiner said that a number of years ago Mr. Ranck and he prepared a paper on replacements and their attention was called to the very large proportion of expenditure for replacements which had to be used for fiction and that this was particularly noticeable in a library of some age, as in the case of the Enoch Pratt Free library of Baltimore. The speaker thought it should be borne in mind in connection with the purchase, whether the amount expended was mostly for current fiction, mostly for replacements, whether a new branch was being stocked or whether a library was being stocked which had not been sufficiently provided previously with standard works. The exact proportion of fiction in any one year should be governed by these three factors, if not by others. Dr. Steiner said that their library last year wore out in round numbers about 7,000 books, of which at a rough guess at least six-sevenths were fiction. They replaced about 5,000 books including most of the non-fiction books, leaving from 1,500 to 2,000 volumes in fiction which were allowed to expire by limitation. In every case where a book wears out, the circulation department reports whether that book is regarded by them as being worthy of replacement and if the book be not a duplicate but is an original copy the recommendation is always brought to the librarian, who occasionally overrules the decision of the circulation department in the case of original copies, but so far as duplicates are concerned, the opinion of the circulation department is absolutely accepted.

Dr. Andrews said he had found it very useful in the work of selection to discriminate between those books the library does not intend to buy at present and those which it will not accept even as a gift, and that in fiction it might be especially valuable to have some line of exclusion. He asked whether the chairman or Miss Bascom could recall what is the proportion of comparison between the recommendation of the Boston book committee as read by Mr. Wadlin and that of the A. L. A. Booklist.

Miss Bascom replied that as she recalled it for 1912 of about 1,000 novels published about 140 were included in the Booklist, adding that she supposed that the greater number of the entire output were read.

The chairman said that from figures which he had caused to be compiled, it was found that in this country and Great Britain something like 80,000 titles belonging to the classification of fiction had been printed since 1882 in this country and 1880 in Great Britain. Mr. Wadlin said that the A. L. A. Booklist contained titles of fiction which the Boston public library had not bought simply because they could not, having bought other things instead. Local conditions govern their book selection to a considerable extent.

The question being raised whether librarians experienced any considerable pressure brought to bear upon them to purchase certain books, the opinion was expressed by Mr. Ranck, Mr. Wadlin and others that this pressure was not nearly so great as one might think would be the case, that those demanding the purchase of a certain book were reminded that the library had a limited income and that the question of selection always had to be very carefully considered and that books not purchased were not necessarily excluded for any other reason than lack of funds.

Representatives of the library schools being asked to what extent the lectures given in library schools were intended to exert an influence either for or against the wide purchase of fiction, Miss Hazeltine of the University of Wisconsin library school, said it was their effort to teach the students to buy the best books with the money at their disposal--those of the best literary value--and to buy many duplicates of the best fiction.

Dr. Bostwick said that those libraries that have pay collections of duplicates ought to state whether their reports include the pay collections of duplicates or not and what relation this collection bears to the original copies. In St. Louis it is the tendency to buy rather a small number of copies of each work of fiction for regular use and put these books as far as possible into duplicate collections. The pay collection of duplicates in St. Louis varies very much. In three of the branches it has not even been begun, the librarians of these branches reporting that there is no demand for it. In two branches it is very popular and in the central library fairly so.

Dr. Hill thought it was not wise to give a smaller number of copies to the public for free use than to the department where pay is requested. It seemed to him that the public should have just as many copies of a book as those who can afford to pay one or two cents a day. In Brooklyn they give the same number of copies to the free circulating department as to the duplicate pay department. Dr. Hill said the Brooklyn public library last year spent for replacement, juvenile and adult, $50,000 out of the $80,000 which was spent for books, or something like 60 per cent for fiction both new and replacements.

The chairman said he was much interested in a statement printed in Collier's about two or three years ago in which was enumerated the result of the publishing activities of the father of the present publisher, who started the line of inexpensive editions of Dickens, Scott and others of a similar character. It was noted in that summary that the firm had sold in this country seven million copies of the works of Charles Dickens and four or five million copies of Scott's works, not individual titles, but the complete works of those authors. This means of course that a surprisingly large number of the best novels by these writers must be in the homes of the people who use the public libraries and that these people use the libraries to supplement their own private collections. Consequently, no particular conclusions can be drawn as to the actual character of the reading done by these people from the fact that books they get from the public libraries are mostly the quality of fiction which is put out at the present time.

Mrs. Sneed said there was one rule for the selection of fiction which she generally gave to her library school class every year. This was the rule of Henry van Dyke: A book of fiction is really worthy to be bought if it has not given an untrue picture of life, if it has not made vice attractive or separated an act from its consequences. The speaker thought that if this rule was applied in reading one would not go so very far astray.

Mr. Bishop said he had been greatly interested in the last five years in the selections made by the public itself. The Library of Congress receives, of course, all the copyrighted fiction and places one copy at least of practically every book of permanent value upon its shelves. After the temporary agitation of the immediate advertising is over the public itself goes back to lines that are surprisingly good in every way.

Mr. Gould said that Mr. Dutton, the publisher of Everyman's Library, recently told him that he had now sold over one and a half million copies of the books in Everyman's Library, which was a good indication of the market found for standard works.

Mr. Jast, the English delegate, being called upon by the chair, contributed also to the general discussion, after which the session adjourned.

A meeting of the Council was called to order by President Anderson immediately after adjournment of the conference.

The following resolutions were received from the Government Documents Round Table and were read and adopted by unanimous vote.

The following resolutions were passed unanimously at the adjourned meeting of the Documents Round Table, Friday, 12:15 p. m., when the Special Committee on Resolutions, consisting of Miss E. E. Clarke of Syracuse University, Mr. H. J. Carr of Scranton, and Mr. H. O. Brigham of Rhode Island, appointed at the regular meeting on Thursday, reported as follows:

WHEREAS, The American Library Association desires to express the appreciation of its members respecting the efficient work that has been and is being done for libraries by the office of the Superintendent of Documents, nevertheless it recognizes the many hampering features that still control the issue and distribution of public documents. Believing that these features can be materially lessened, therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, That this Association approve and urge the early enactment of Senate Bill 825 entitled, "An Act to amend, revise, and codify the laws relating to the public printing and binding and distribution of Government Publications," now pending before the Sixty-third Congress; strongly recommending, however, that the parenthetical exception now included in the first proviso of Section 45 of said bill be stricken out so that the annual reports of departments shall not be treated as Congressional Documents.

BE IT ALSO RESOLVED, That this Association repeat its former recommendation urging that the text of all public bills upon which committee reports are made, shall be printed with the report thereon.

GEO. S. GODARD, Chairman Documents Committee.

The following report was made to the Council by Dr. Andrews in behalf of the Committee on affiliation with other than local, state and provincial library associations.

Your Committee on affiliated societies respectfully report that they have proceeded in the way proposed and approved by the Council at its meeting in January. They regret that circumstances have prevented them from presenting a final report but they believe that substantial progress has been made.

In May the Committee sent to the presidents of the four affiliated societies the following letter:

"The Council of the A. L. A. has appointed a committee to formulate the relations which should exist between the Association and affiliated associations other than state, provincial, etc., in return for the privileges accorded them. The committee understand that this action was taken largely because one or two of the societies had expressed a desire to contribute toward the expenses of the Association. This desire was duly appreciated by the council, who felt that it would be well to take definite and formal action. The committee propose that hereafter these privileges shall not be extended to other than affiliated societies without formal vote of the council, except that the program committee will be authorized to do so for the first meeting of any newly-formed society. They propose to recommend, also, that the present provision shall be continued,--namely, that each affiliated society shall meet with the Association at least once every three years. They also expect to recommend that some contribution towards expenses be required, but wish that the manner and the amount of the assessment be determined after consultation with the societies, and have asked that I secure an expression of your opinion on these points. They would consider the amount suggested by one of the societies,--namely $25.00, as a maximum. The grounds for such a contribution are evident, but it may be well to state them as follows:

"1. Participation in the special railway accommodations.

"2. Provision for rooms and meals at reduced rates.

"3. Provision of rooms and time for meetings.

"4. Participation in the activities of the meeting.

"5. Printing programs, announcements in the Bulletin, and assignment of 15 pages in the Proceedings.

"The cost of preparing for and holding a convention is about $500.00, that of the Bulletin and Proceedings, including editing and distributing, about $1,500.00. Provision of hotel rooms and travel facilities is not a matter of money, but frequently involves disappointment to individual members who apply too late.

"As stated already, the committee have not agreed on any amount or method. They have considered a flat amount of $15.00 to $25.00, one dependent on the number of members in the society, who are not members of the Association, and one dependent on the number of such members who attend.

"Personally, I think the logical method would be a combination of the first and third, and suggest that there be an initial amount of $10.00 or $15.00 and an additional charge of 50 cents or 25 cents for each member attending who is not a member of the Association. Of course, this additional charge will not be asked for official delegates of libraries who are members.

"Kindly let me have an expression of your opinion on this subject at your earliest convenience and oblige.

"Yours truly,

"(Signed) C. W. ANDREWS."

They have just now received replies from all and formal action has been taken by two. All, though perhaps with varying degrees of cordiality and readiness, recognize the justice of the proposed arrangement. There is quite naturally some variance in their suggestions as to the proper amount of the contribution to be made and the method by which it is to be computed. The committee desire to consider carefully these suggestions and to reconcile their variations as nearly as possible. They would like to discuss them in a personal meeting of the whole committee, as well as by correspondence, and hope that the winter meeting of the council will afford them an opportunity to do so, and to formulate a by-law for the consideration of council.

They therefore submit the foregoing as a report of progress.

For the Committee, C. W. ANDREWS.

It was voted that this report be received as a report of progress and further consideration be referred to the mid-winter meeting in January, 1914.


(Round Table, June 27, 1913, 2:30 p. m.)

Mr. Charles R. Green, librarian of the Massachusetts Agricultural College, was acting chairman of the meeting, which was an informal one without a regular program. Miss Emma B. Hawks, of the U. S. Department of Agriculture library, acted as secretary. The subjects for discussion were (1) Catalog cards for agricultural experiment station publications and (2) The indexing of agricultural periodicals.

Mr. C. H. Hastings first spoke briefly in regard to the printing of cards by the Library of Congress for the publications of the state agricultural experiment stations. Cards have already been issued for the Illinois and Indiana station bulletins, the copy being supplied by the university libraries. Before going on with the work for the other stations, he thought it desirable to consult with the Office of Experiment Stations in regard to a plan of co-operation by which the same card might be used both for the Library of Congress cards and for the "Card index to experiment station literature" issued by the office. It would be much more economical to have only the one card printed, if possible. Miss E. B. Hawks expressed doubt as to whether such an arrangement could be made, inasmuch as the form and purpose of the Office of Experiment Stations card index differ so widely from those of a dictionary catalog. Mr. Hastings thought that it would do no harm to make the attempt and said that he would consult with the librarian of the Department of Agriculture and the director of the Office of Experiment Stations in regard to it. If such an arrangement can not be made he thought the Library of Congress would be willing to print separate cards, having the copy supplied by the station or college libraries, if they are willing and able to do the cataloging.

Mr. H. W. Wilson then spoke in regard to the publication of an index to agricultural periodicals. He stated that he has had a good many demands for such an index and has delayed adding any agricultural titles to the Industrial Arts Index, because it may be better to have a separate one. Those who have written to him about it have almost always expressed a preference for a separate index. Miss Hawks asked whether some titles might not be included in the Industrial Arts Index now, and then removed if a separate agricultural one were begun. Mr. Wilson replied that there was some likelihood of the Agricultural Index being begun next year, in which case it would hardly pay to do anything with the agricultural literature before this. There was some discussion as to the scope of the index. Mr. Wilson said they would wish to include only journals of national standing. Mr. C. R. Green thought that there were not more than about six of these. Mr. H. O. Severance thought there would be many more than this, including papers devoted to special phases, as poultry, bee keeping and stock raising. Dr. C. W. Andrews doubted whether the farm papers were worth indexing. He thought that the matter was rarely original, but that the articles of value are worked up from Station and Department of Agriculture publications. Mr. Wilson said he had had more demands for an Agricultural Index lately than for an index of any other subject.

Inquiry was made as to how many subscriptions would be needed to justify the starting of a separate index. Mr. Wilson could not say definitely. There might be two plans--one, the division of subscriptions among subscribers. The basis for the Industrial Arts Index was 20 cents a title--40 cents for a weekly. The other plan is a sliding scale of charges by which a library having a great many of the periodicals indexed pays a higher price, thus enabling the smaller ones to pay something but not a higher price than they can afford for the service rendered. Mr. Wilson stated that he was willing to go to the expense of a referendum to find out the wishes of libraries on this subject, with a view either to the starting of a separate index or the incorporation of some agricultural journals in the Industrial Arts Index. If the idea of a separate index is abandoned, he would almost certainly add some titles to the Industrial Arts Index. Mr. Green thought that he might count on active support of the Department of Agriculture library and all the agricultural experiment stations. He was not sure what further support there would be. Mr. Wilson thought the demand would probably be an increasing one.

Meeting adjourned.



The first session of the Catalog Section was held Wednesday afternoon, June 25th, the chairman, Miss Harriet B. Gooch, of the Pratt Institute school of library science, presiding. As the minutes of the last meeting had been published, their reading was omitted.

The report of the committee on the cost and method of cataloging was called for, in response to which Mr. A. G. S. Josephson, Chairman of the committee, stated the present report was but a preliminary one, to be followed by a final report next year. The Catalog Section took no action on the report since the committee was appointed by the Executive Board of the Association, not by the section.[3]

[3] The report and questionnaire is printed in connection with the minutes of the Executive Board.

Miss Gooch then stated that the discussion for the afternoon was the administration of the catalog department considered first in its relation to the other departments of the library, and second as to its management of its own affairs looking toward simple, inexpensive and rapid methods of work. She explained that the discussion was concerned with library systems consisting of a central library with a number of branch libraries, and was to be treated both from the librarian's and from the cataloger's point of view.

The discussion was opened by Mr. F. F. HOPPER, of the Tacoma public library.


In the reorganization of our libraries, in the adoption of modern progressive and simplified methods, in the effort to develop and improve service to the public, the catalog department has tended to be drawn out of relation to the other departments, to become in a way isolated, and as a result its efficiency has been impaired. The attention of librarians has been given to other phases of library activities and therefore they know less about the catalog department than any other. Undoubtedly the technicalities of the cataloging process make it most difficult for librarians to grapple with, but all the more carefully should we consider ways and means of increasing the efficiency of the process, relating the work more closely to changes in other departments, and studying methods of possible simplification of the routine mechanical work that seems to have largely increased of late.

In one of Mr. Carlton's reports to his board of trustees, he uses these words: "It has often seemed to me that in library administration the catalog department was much like the police department in municipal administration. It is frequently under investigation; it is constantly being reformed; its defects are felt in many other departments; and its heads are always changing as one after another breaks down or fails to achieve impossible results."

Surely such an unsatisfactory and unwholesome condition is not without remedy.

If I can not presume to submit a definite plan of reformation, perhaps I may at least attempt to suggest possible lines of investigation for each librarian to pursue.

1. The catalog room.

In the modern organization of work, the first care is to provide work-rooms in which the highest efficiency may be maintained. Scientific investigation shows the extravagance of conditions which retard speed and multiply unnecessary motions, which do not provide adequate light and air and proper colors to conserve strength, arrest fatigue and support the energies. In planning buildings we properly endeavor to bring the catalog department into the closest possible relation with the order department, the book stack and the reference department, to save steps which mean time and money. My observation is that frequently there is not the same care exercised in planning the room itself as there is in locating it. Often it is too small, so that work clogs up, books must be shifted too often (an expensive process), too many corners must be turned in getting about the room and the assistants impede one another's progress. On the other hand, a room may be so large that time is wasted in getting about it. To be sure this is a rare fault. I have seen cataloging rooms admirably placed for convenience of access to stack, reference room and order department, and really adequate in size, but so devoid of light and air that even a hardened devotee of our reading rooms would fear to enter such a place. Plenty of windows, if possible on two sides of a room, and ample indirect artificial lighting are just as important for the efficiency of the catalog department as like facilities for the public reading rooms.

2. Relation of catalog department to other departments.

When friction develops between two departments (of course it never does; this is merely a hypothetical case), my observation is that the catalog department is pretty likely to be a party to the affair. Why? Simply because as organization within libraries has developed, the catalog department has been left more and more to its own devices. In the departments working with the public, the tendency has been to complexity of organization, perhaps, but still to elimination of detail, simplification of method, the sacrifice of theory to practicality that the public may have the feeling of freedom and ease and be given the quickest and best service with the least red tape. During this process the catalog department has continued to develop theory unchecked by daily strenuous contact with the busy borrower, to increase routine and mechanical work, still opaque to the searchlight of scientific investigation from outside the department. You need publicity, but all you ever get is pages and pages of blasts against the poor old battle-scarred, but more-or-less-still-in-the-ring accession book, which in nine cases out of ten belongs to another department anyway. The illuminating power of publicity for the devious ways of cataloging and the development of a better spirit of co-operation, are to be obtained perhaps best of all by the establishment of entirely feasible definite relations between the departments. As Miss Winser will develop this topic, I will leave it here, simply remarking that in my experience the opinions of one department about the organization and detail of another department are frequently of the utmost value, but rarely the opinions of other departments about the catalog department, whose problems are not understood.

3. Organization of the department.

(1) General type of organization.

The development of the modern elaborate systems of scientific management in the various forms of industry has for the most part superseded the best type of ordinary management known as the "initiative and incentive system." Under the old system success depends almost entirely upon the initiative of the workmen, whereas, under scientific management, or task management, a complete science for all the operations is developed, and the managers assume new burdens, new duties and responsibilities. Having developed the science, they scientifically select and then train, teach and develop the workmen. The managers co-operate with the men to insure all the work being done in accordance with the principles of the science which has been developed. The work and responsibility are almost equally divided between the management and the workmen. The combination of the initiative of the workmen and the new types of work done by the management makes scientific management so much more efficient than the old way.

"All the planning which under the old system was done by the workman, as a result of his personal experience, must of necessity under the new system be done by the management in accordance with the laws of the science."[4] One type of man is needed to plan ahead and an entirely different type to execute the work. Perhaps the most prominent single element in modern scientific management is the task idea. The work of each workman is fully planned in advance by the management and the man receives complete written instructions, describing in detail the task he is to accomplish, as well as the means to be used in doing the work. And the work planned in advance in this way constitutes a task which is to be solved by the joint effort of the workman and the management. This task specifies not only what is to be done, but how it is to be done and the exact time allowed for doing it.

[4] F. W. Taylor, "Principles of scientific management."

It is said that "the most important object of both the workmen and the management should be the training and development of each individual in the establishment, so that he can do (at his fastest pace and with the maximum of efficiency) the highest class of work for which his natural abilities fit him," but it is nevertheless true that to some extent scientific management contemplates the selection of the workman best fitted for one particular task and keeping him at that task because he can do that better than any other. Within the narrow domain of his special work, he is given every encouragement to suggest improvements both in methods and in implements. In the past the man has been first; under modern methods the system is first.

I have attempted to summarize some of the principles of so-called scientific management, because in the organization of our cataloging work definite principles of any kind of management have rarely been evident throughout, and if we are to observe accurately the system of this department, and study it with a view to possible improvement, we must test its work by some existing scientific standards.

The =science= of cataloging has been pretty fully developed, and at least its technique is taught in our professional schools. Therefore it may be assumed that we are now reasonably conforming to the first ideals of scientific management when we select with due care for the headship of our catalog departments and for the more important positions, those trained in the principles of the science. I personally believe that the principles of scientific management should be actively employed by the head cataloger in the definite planning of the work of the individual, in the testing of the speed and accuracy of the individual for a special task, and in the insistence that speed for each task shall definitely conform to careful but easily made tests of the amount of time that should be consumed in performing the task. There are plenty of results of experiments in other lines of work which show that the output is increased, the cost lessened, by the constant planning and supervision and co-operation of the head of the department, and consequent abandonment by him of a corresponding amount of special detail work of his own that he heretofore may have done.

But now I must register an emphatic exception to the application of the exact principles of scientific management to a catalog department.

I believe the principles of scientific management as developed for the organization of industry and business, should undergo a distinct change or be abandoned entirely in their application to one most important phase of the organization of a catalog department. Scientific management does consider the health and comfort and freedom from fatigue and efficiency of the individual, but always with a view to the effect upon a particular task and upon increased output at reduced cost. In other words the emphasis is placed on the task, not at all on the broad development of the individual. In library work, human sympathy, a broad point of view, the fullest possible development of personality are of the utmost importance; esprit de corps, the spirit of loyalty and co-operation are of more importance than a particular task. I assume that needs no argument. Scientific management, fully applied, would, it seems to me, defeat this vital purpose of library organization, and would more effectually differentiate and isolate the catalog department than is already the case in many libraries.

This leads to some illustrations of my meaning by

(2) Some practical considerations of the organization.

I do entirely believe in a distinct and complete organization of a catalog department, not in the system some libraries use in having a department head, but without assistants definitely and wholly assigned to the one department. It is my observation that to insure quick, accurate, consecutive and thoroughly efficient work, not only must the department head devote practically her whole time to the one job, but at least enough assistants also, to insure continuity of work. I am not in favor of the head of the department being part of the time assistant in the children's room or even in the reference room. Such a plan is altogether too extravagant. The manager of a department needs to give undivided attention to the supervision of the work of the department. The head of the department is constantly brought directly in touch with the general administration of the library and with other department heads, and a possible tendency to narrowed point of view is thus checked to some extent. There are also some assistants who are naturally fitted to the work of the catalog department and not at all to meeting the public. If we secure an assistant evidently suited for catalog work, but for no other, we should bend all our energies to making her the most efficient possible cataloger, and not deprive the catalog department of her constant services in order to make a vain attempt to develop other sides of her personality and give the public poor service in the process. In my judgment, in a library cataloging from 25,000 to 35,000 volumes a year, a head cataloger, a first assistant, and probably at least two other assistants should give their whole time to the department and so form the backbone of the organization. To this part of it the principles of scientific management may be thoroughly applied.

My idea of the necessity for divergence from those principles comes when we consider the need for the development of some members of the cataloging staff by other sides of library experience, and also when we consider the importance of mutual understanding and co-operation between the departments. All librarians experience difficulty in obtaining assistant catalogers because a candidate is very often reluctant to devote herself wholly to the routine operations of the catalog department. In many such cases, it would be possible to secure an excellent part-time assistant for the catalog department, if we would offer work for part of the day in a department dealing with the public. In this way we would achieve a double purpose. The experience of all librarians, I am confident, will indicate the inestimable advantage to the point of view of the catalog department and to the catalog itself if some one of considerable importance in the department gives a part of each day to reference work, and another assistant a part of each day to the loan department. I think it is not so important that a cataloger devote some time to work with children, and it is also true that such an arrangement is rarely of value to the children's department, where special qualities and training are all-important. On the other hand, it is desirable that someone with the training and experience of a children's librarian, give to the catalog department time for the assignment of subject headings for the children's catalog. The work of the catalog and order departments is most closely related and yet it is my experience that misunderstanding between those departments is not infrequent. An assistant whose time is divided between the two should and does work to the advantage of both departments. With the exception of the one representative from the children's department, I do not believe that the possible advantage gained by having assistants from the departments which deal with the public give part time to cataloging, by any means equals the loss of efficiency attending the change from one manager to another or the loss in the work itself, for it is unusual that one assistant should do equally high-class work in two such distinct fields. I know that some say that the majority of really good desk assistants possess the education, the clear and discriminating mind, the accuracy and resourcefulness of the good cataloger and are of value in the catalog department. Also it is true that the suitability of each assistant for each department would of course be considered when interchanges are arranged. Nevertheless it is my observation that excellent desk assistants ordinarily can do well only the merest clerical work in a catalog department, and usually they do not appreciate the accuracy and minute care required in cataloging work. Certainly it is extravagant to use a part of the time of a presumably fairly-well-paid, good desk or reference assistant for merely mechanical work in the catalog department, which otherwise would be done by a cheaper grade of service than the better grade of catalog assistants. Also the special care and extra time wasted by head catalogers in revising the work of such assistants is an expense worth consideration.

4. Cost of cataloging.

Many complaints are heard from librarians of the seemingly excessive cost of cataloging. Few practical suggestions seem to have been made for reducing costs, except in the elimination of some details, such as accession books. Since I understand a committee is investigating this whole question, I have not attempted to obtain any statistical information. In the few fairly large libraries whose estimates of the cost of the process have come to my attention, the estimated cost of purchasing, accessioning, and cataloging a book, including labelling, gilding, card filing, and everything necessary to secure a book and prepare it for use, ranges from 30 cents to about 65 cents. These cost estimates vary, not only because of differences in the elaboration or simplicity of the processes, but also because of the difference in the character of the books added, large numbers of duplicates for schools, branches, etc., being more easily and cheaply handled than separate new titles.

There can be little question that scientific management, properly used, will reduce the costs of cataloging work. Adequate planning and supervision of all processes by the head cataloger, the classifier and others in charge of divisions of the work, can make for speed. I am convinced that we do not really know the maximum length of time which an assistant should be allowed to keep at one certain task. An assistant typewriting shelf-list cards should do rapid work for perhaps three hours. After that a measure of fatigue makes change of occupation advisable for the individual, and economical for the department. Slight fatigue from typewriting will not, however, impair efficiency in a different sort of work. A point worth considering here is, that the change in the occupation of a higher-grade assistant in order not to impair efficiency, should not mean time given to a lower or more mechanical grade of work. That is extravagance. Impending mental fatigue does not mean that mental processes are to be abandoned. Just as much rest is obtained, and efficiency is really increased, by simple change of the mental groove. Here the advocate of the general exchange of assistants between departments might say that the advisable thing to do is to send the assistant to another department. In most cases I believe that such a change is a mistake, because a change from one department to another means too great a break in the continuity of management in two departments. One manager can plan more effectively for the entire working time of an individual than two managers can plan for the two halves.

The development of library schemes of service, branches, stations, children's rooms, work with schools, has all added enormously to the routine and mechanical processes of cataloging. More shelf-lists, more catalogs, and all sorts of differentiation in the processes suitable to the special need have multiplied details faster than most librarians realize. It is this tremendous complexity which has worn out head catalogers, increased costs, and made administrators clamor for the elimination of unnecessary detail, without having a real understanding of what the detail is and is for.

Deterioration in the cataloging process will injure other departments, but undoubtedly most libraries have superfluous refinements that could well be omitted with economy in cataloging, and no loss to the chief end of all our work.

It is a temptation to consider carefully the methods which might save expenses in the cataloging process, but I can take time only to make brief reference to some of them, most of these having been frequently discussed at length before.

(a) Careful planning of catalog room for convenience, to save all unnecessary motions.

(b) Scientific supervision of tasks to produce greatest speed without undue fatigue.

(c) Stopping the publication of many monthly bulletins. Some bulletins of the larger and certain particular libraries are of inestimable value to other libraries. Most of these bulletins are printed from the linotype slugs used in printing their own catalog cards, and consequently the labor is minimized. The bulletins of most libraries, I firmly believe, are of no possible use to other libraries, and the material in them would be much more read by the public if published in the newspapers, as it should be in any case, and if the special lists, which are the most useful part of many bulletins, were printed on a multigraph, instead of being buried in forbidding bulletins that no able-bodied ordinary man in his senses could be driven to read.

(d) Use of Library of Congress cards. Some people say they do not save time. I recommend those people to recatalog a library without them, also to attempt to get along without them for a while for current additions. To the best of my knowledge they do save money, and I know they save wear and tear on typewriter machines and ribbons, and they save temper, which is nervous energy and worth while saving. If you don't believe that last read Goldmark on "Fatigue and efficiency" and then you will. Besides, Library of Congress cards look better than typewritten cards and have more durability, since typewritten cards rub and fade and have to be rewritten too frequently.

(e) What real objection can there be to simplifying the cards you write yourselves? It does not matter if they are not consistent with Library of Congress cards. No living borrower would know whether they were consistent or not, and no dead one would matter. Besides if variety is the spice of life, consistency is the vice of it. Nobody but a librarian ever worried about being consistent. I regret I can't even except the clergy.

(f) Omitting book numbers for fiction saves a vast amount of time and sacrifices little. They do not add beauty, and they cause endless trouble and expense without due compensation.

(g) As to the accession book: I mention this because everyone does, and therefore, lack the courage to pass it without remark. Some library reports say that they save the time of one assistant by doing away with it. The fact that practically all of them say it, no matter what size the library in question is, makes one suspicious. I think they are just copying each other's reports, which is not fair. If, however, the accession book is abandoned, and the bill-date, source and cost for each copy of a book are added to a shelf-list card which contains author, title, publisher and perhaps date of publication, much writing is saved and all necessary information is preserved. In the Minneapolis public library, which makes the closest estimate I have seen, four hours per 150 books are said to be saved by such a method. No small matter! It is my personal opinion that the accession book is superfluous in a library which is completely cataloged and shelf-listed.

(h) An interesting change due to the study of motions is recommended in the procedure for shelf-listing by the Minneapolis public library: "Formerly one person marked the call number on the back of the title page, and assigned the copy letter, then the book was taken by another assistant who marked the book slip, the pocket and the label. This meant two people handling the book, the second doing only the mechanical work of copying; hence the work must be revised by someone else, or many mistakes occurred in the work of even our best markers. Now, the shelf-lister, who knows the meaning of the number and has it already in her mind, marks all books as she lists them, and the work goes through faster and more accurately."

(i) Trying to save money by omitting the yearly inventory, particularly for open shelves, is a mistake, I believe. One does not save money by gaining discredit for failing to keep track of his wares.

(j) It is doubtless superfluous to recommend throwing away antiques, like withdrawal books.

(k) The use of the multigraph for writing catalog and shelf-list cards is certainly economy if the number of catalogs is large enough to require pretty large duplication. The shifting of much mechanical work to a less highly-paid class of assistant and the saving in revision of all but the first copy of a card, are distinct gains.

(l) There are doubtless many mechanical devices which will be adopted to advantage in cataloging in the next few years. Many machines of different sorts have greatly changed bookkeeping methods, making the bookkeeper an initiative force in administration of business houses, and certainly similar economy systems will be developed for the cataloger.

5. Efficiency of the individual in the department.

The routine work of cataloging brings fatigue sooner than an occupation involving more variety, although the effects of this form of fatigue may not cumulate so rapidly. It is consequently of special importance that the executive pay particular attention to the application of the principles of scientific management to the efficiency of the individual. The utmost care must be taken that energy shall be carefully directed and not be over-expended. Unduly prolonged attention to a particular kind of work resulting in the long run in nervous exhaustion is a familiar phenomenon of cataloging. Dr. Richardson says that for correction and verification work, two hours a day is the maximum for highest efficiency. My observation is that continuous work at the typewriter should not exceed three hours. Although filing is largely mechanical work, it is also very wearying because of the decided monotony of it, and there is a marked tendency to tire quickly. Since errors rapidly increase with fatigue, the service is directly injured, as well as indirectly through the ultimate effect on the health of the individual.

In general the carefully trained assistant not only knows how to go about his work with more dispatch, with less need for supervision, with more real efficiency, but also with less wear and tear on his nervous energy. An added argument for the economy of paying higher salaries to obtain adequately trained assistants! I have had excellent opportunity to observe the effect of the graded salary on the efficiency of a cataloging staff. The increased interest, the new energy, and the altered spirit are marked when a graded service is installed, particularly when it is realized that efficiency, as well as length of service, is considered.

It is not necessary to discuss recreation in the library, as the subject relates to the catalog department no differently than it does to the others. The same may be said about vacations, but in passing I should like to say that I agree entirely with Dr. Bostwick's idea of them as assignments to special work. It seems to me that assistants should be required to obtain the approval of the executive to the plans for their vacations. I have taken vacations myself which were certain to do me no good, and consequently do my work harm, and it does seem that I ought not to expect pay for such a misuse of the library's time. The change in the hours of service in the circulation department of the New York public library from 42-1/2 hours a week to 40 hours has caused widespread approval. I wonder if anyone has called attention to the fact that slight changes in climate affect the ability of the individual to work a certain number of hours. For instance, I know from experience that it is possible to work longer without discomfort in an even climate, not subject to extremes of either heat or cold, than it is in the climate of New York. There are certain parts of the country where it takes less energy to work 42 hours per week throughout the year than it does to work 40 hours correspondingly in New York.

With more attention to light, air, attractive appearance and convenient arrangement of room, avoidance of fatigue in spite of rapid work or monotony, sensible hours, some degree of variety in work, sane vacations, some outdoor exercise during each day, decent pay on a graded basis, the efficiency record of the cataloging staff in many a library should be raised, their organization held intact, and their humor and good-humor have some chance to appear.

The subject was continued by Dr. ARTHUR E. BOSTWICK, of the St. Louis public library, who spoke as follows:

From the administrative standpoint the library life of a book is divided very distinctly into two periods, that before it is placed on the shelves and that after it is so placed. The first period, embracing selection, order, receipt, classification, cataloging and mechanical preparation, is strictly preliminary to the second and would have no reason for being except for the second. The public recognizes the second chiefly and knows of the first vaguely and inadequately. To the library, and especially to that part of the staff engaged in the operations proper to it, it bulks large.

The librarian of a large library often finds himself obliged to act, in a measure, as the public's representative, taking the point of view of the thousands of readers, rather than of those who operate the machinery directly under his own control. To one who is actually handling the levers and pulleys, the machine often seems to be the thing. The general administrator, somewhat removed from this direct contact, is better able to see it as it is--a means to an end.

Hence to the chief librarian, this period of preparation must always be a cause of anxiety. Its cost and its duration especially worry him. While his training and experience do not permit him to minimize its importance, he would like to make it as cheap and as short as possible. The reader wants his book, and he wants it now--as soon as he sees the notice of it in the paper. The departments of the library that have to do with its preparation are anxious only that this preparation shall be thorough, realizing that on it depends the usefulness of the book in the second, or public, period of its life. The impatient reader sees no reason for any delay. The co-operating departments see every reason. The librarian sees the reasons, too, but it is his business, to a certain extent, to take the reader's part, and insist that the book's preparation shall not be so thorough that by the time of its completion two-thirds of the necessity for any preparation at all shall have passed, never to return.

It therefore becomes an important part of his duty to hurry up the work of preparation, and it is my experience that this duty becomes difficult of performance, wellnigh impossible, when the work and responsibility of preparation devolves upon two or more departments. It has sometimes seemed to me that a majority of my working hours were occupied in settling disputes between the order and catalog departments, in futile endeavors to fit the responsibility for delays upon one or the other and to decide which of them, and when, was telling the truth about the other. It was thus with a feeling of relief, although somewhat of surprise, that I found myself four years ago at the head of a library where the preparatory stage of the book's life is entirely in charge of one department, a plan involving of course the consolidation of the order and catalog work.

My four years' experience has convinced me that in many cases this plan may be the solution of some of the librarian's problems. It does not do away with delay: it does not make the library staff assume the reader's point of view, or even the librarian's; but it does reduce the number of department heads with whom the librarian has to deal in his "hurry-up" campaign, and it does unify a responsibility whose division continually causes him trouble and vexation. That we so seldom see the combination of this work arises from the fact that the various stages of the book's preparation are rarely looked upon as parts of a whole. The ordering of books is regarded as a business in itself, requiring its own kind of expert knowledge and completed when the book has been delivered and the bills checked off. The cataloger, again, is proud of the degree of technical perfection to which he has brought the multiplicity of detail in his work. He has a high sense of its necessity in the library's scheme. Few see that both these processes, together with mechanical operations of pasting, labelling and lettering on which everyone looks down, are simply stages in the work of preparation, through which a book must pass before it becomes an integral part of a modern library. These are not separate departments of work, one completed before the next is begun; they are interwoven and interdependent in all sorts of ways. Books can not be ordered properly without a catalog. Books can not be cataloged properly without information necessary in the operation of ordering. It becomes a question of library policy, then, whether these operations may not be combined, and the considerations adduced above form at least a strong argument for such combination.

I have purposely dwelt on this matter from the standpoint of a general administrator and have therefore not gone into details, which it will be easy for you to obtain if you desire them.

In closing, let me say that I believe catalogers to have in a high degree that devotion to their task and that skill and interest in working out its details, that have made the American public library what it is. What they need to guard against is the aloofness arising from the separate and technical character of that work. Many of them realize, and all of them should do so, the fact that the catalog is made for the reader; not the reader for the catalog. We may try to train our readers to use our catalogs, but to the end of time we shall still have to deal with the unintelligent, the careless and the captious, and we must try to adapt our catalogs more or less to them. The cataloger may have to break cherished rules, to throw tradition overboard, to act in many ways that will scandalize his profession. Contact with as many other departments of the library as possible--realization of his position as a cog wheel in contact with other cogs, will help on the good work.

The following paper written by Miss BEATRICE WINSER, of the Newark free public library, was read in her absence by Miss Agnes Van Valkenburgh, of the library school of the New York public library:


The subject assigned to me is the relation of the catalog department to other departments in a library. There is a feeling abroad that it is the tendency of librarians to consider their catalog departments as things apart, the details of whose management, long ago settled by experts, should be modified only as those experts may suggest.

Probably chief librarians do not have the habit of refraining from giving frequent and careful examinations in the catalog departments, or have less interest in the improvement of those departments than in others; but, because it has been possible for experts to formulate rules, as it has not been possible for anyone to do for other branches of the work, the chief librarians have quite naturally allowed themselves to pay less and less attention to the details of these departments, which have thus lost the stimulus which the chief librarians give to the departments with which they largely concern themselves.

This, naturally, as I have already said, tends to make of the cataloging department a thing apart and much efficiency is lost to the library as a whole because of it.

For the purposes of this paper I propose to include in the scope of the cataloging department much of the work on books from their selection to their placing on the shelf.

It must be borne in mind that I am speaking of public libraries and not of college, historical, scientific or special libraries of any kind, and that I am making suggestions only.

Book Selection

The selection of books instead of being a difficult and complicated matter calling for hours of study and conference, is really quite simple. Every librarian should expect his more intelligent assistants to make suggestions and help to keep his or her own collection up to date, but final decisions as to purchase should rest in the hands of two or three only. An attempt to let a dozen or more people discuss at meetings the value of any book or books and the propriety of adding this or that to the library costs enormously in time and money, and serves no useful purpose.

It improves the quality of the books selected but little, it tends to develop undue caution and to make the choice too literary and, if it helps to educate the assistants, it does so at too great a cost. The desire is often expressed that a library should contain "a well-rounded, well-balanced collection of books." This phrase sounds well and perhaps impresses the trustees or the town, but what does it really mean? Were we to follow it to its logical conclusion we would all buy in certain fixed proportions, all kinds of books and while we might then lay claim that we had a well-balanced collection, we would be far from filling well the special needs of any special community in which we might be placed. In point of fact every library buys what it thinks it needs most, in most cases it will be found that the books selected are the best books for that library. Most books buy themselves, others cry out to be selected. The clientele is waiting for them. The small remnant of specially chosen books call for no elaborate conferences. Why have any system of recording the fact that you did not buy certain books at this time, since next month or next year the book not bought has been displaced by another? Besides, you can always discover from your bibliographical aids the books you have been compelled to miss, so why duplicate the work already done for you?

Now let us look at the purely clerical side of book ordering. Do we fill out an elaborate order slip with all sorts of bibliographical data needed for comparatively few books only? All that is really needed by bookseller and library is the author, title and publisher of a book, and the latter even could be omitted in most cases.

Do we economize time and labor by writing our orders so that with the aid of carbon paper, we have an order slip to file, one to send to the bookdealer and another to the Library of Congress for the purchase of cards?

When a consignment of books arrives do we have some elaborate system of checking it off the bill? Do we use cabalistic signs in our books so that the public may not by any chance discover the price of them? Or do we simply write in plain sight the price, source and date of the bill in each book, check the book on the bill and pass it on?

Have we ever tried the experiment with say the Fiction Class of not giving either price, source and date of bill in the books?

Suppose we buy all our novels from one bookseller, as most libraries do, and announce to the staff generally and also drop a card into the official catalog and the shelf-list to the effect, that after such or such a date, neither the source nor price will be found in any novel, as everyone knows that all novels are bought from John Smith and cost $1.00. Think of the time saved! I am willing to wager that no library could report any ill effects from this change.

As to the few novels which sell at net prices, the money lost in charging the usual rate of $1.00 is negligible compared with the time saved in making these unnecessary entries. To comfort the super-conscientious librarian the loss would actually be covered in many cases, because the reprints of novels often cost less than $1.00.

Accession Record

Now let us go on to the accession book and ask how many use the regular or the condensed book and why?

Do you cling to the theory that it is the one complete record of every book in your library and would be most useful in case of adjustment of fire losses? I can't deny that it is a complete record of every book, but of what use is that to the library?

As to the adjustment of fire losses, are the books in your library arranged in accession order so that in case of fire you could show the insurance adjusters which books were burned by referring to your accession books?

Do you claim that the accession number is still necessary so that you may know the number of books added and to help distinguish one copy of a book from another? Why not use the Bates numbering stamp as an automatically accurate recording device, and save time and money? Do you use the accession book for securing each month the number of books added in any one class, which of course the Bates numbering stamp can not give?

To get this one record we employ the time of a person in making other useless records, when all we need is a blank book in which we enter in a few minutes all books under date and class number. In the same book we enter in another place the books subdivided under heads of purchase, binding, periodicals and gifts. Thus at tremendous saving we can answer at once the question of how many books are added during any month and in what class.

Do you perhaps keep an accession book, so that you may secure the price and source of a book reported lost by a borrower? How much lost motion, to say nothing of time and money, is expended annually in libraries where assistants turn from their shelf-list to their accession book for these facts which should be given on the shelf-list card!


Have you ever thought how much it costs your library to have it classified by a college and library school bred person? I am using these terms as synonymous with an educated person. Have you ever noticed how much time she spends in getting a book into what to her is the exact class and place?

Now I am not arguing for less educated people in our public libraries, far from it, but I wish to call your attention to the amount of time and money expended by you in too minute and particular classification. Have you ever thought that quite a coarse classification is just as good for your library as the rather particular one which causes your head cataloger to spend half an hour over a book which might just as well be made ready in five minutes?

Often, after much time has been spent in debating this point or that, about some special feature of a book, and it has at last been placed in a certain division, it will be found more useful with its fellows in a coarser or broader division.

I am only suggesting that time could be saved here without impairing the usefulness of the library.


This is that division of library work which one must approach as the holy of holies, leaving one's shoes on the mat outside.

Please do not assume that I do not appreciate what it has meant to the public library to have experts formulate a set of rules which any library can use. I am not objecting to the rules, but to the application of the rules. We spend hours, days, months, and years in giving paging, illustrations, size, publishers and place of publication on our catalog cards and all for what purpose pray?

What does the average user of a public library want to know? He wants to know whether you have a book by a certain author, by a certain title or on a certain subject. Ninety-five per cent of the borrowers of books want nothing more than that, and I am excluding fiction entirely. Consequently for the possible five per cent, and that is a high percentage, you spend much time in giving gratuitous information. The man who knows his subject goes to the bibliographies of the subject and does not depend upon your card catalog for bibliographical information. Let us look into these valuable items, aside from the very necessary author and title, supplied on catalog cards.

Paging. Did your reference people ever report any need of it in serving the public? I never heard of such need.

Place of publication and publisher. Both these items are occasionally asked for, but why spend time in putting them on all your cards for the sake of the few who wish to know, since you can immediately refer to Books in Print for current books and for all others to the many aids published for the librarian.

The date. Well, I might grant that it serves a better purpose than the other items, but I doubt its great usefulness.

Do you in addition to the very necessary shelf-list for all the books in the library, have a special shelf-list for Branches? Have you ever thought of the time given to keep the record of all the books at your Branches?

What purpose does it serve, since your Branches have their own record of the books they have?

I know of one library which kept such a record and finally decided to give it up, since it cost a great deal of money, and seemed after careful consideration to be of little value. Not the least harm has resulted from the change and the cataloging department has almost forgotten that it was ever done.

Does the head cataloger work at least one day a week in the lending or reference department for the sake of getting away from her own point of view and to imbibe something of the real needs of public and assistants? Try it, even if you think you can't afford it and I venture to prognosticate that your cataloging department from being the seat of the learned and superior will become a really valuable aid to all the other departments.

Within the limits of my paper I have been able to cite only a few examples of the changes which might be made in the method of putting books on the shelf in most of our public libraries, but I hope that the very obvious things I have said may serve to help in simplifying the work of a profession already much overburdened with technique.

The fourth paper in the discussion by Miss LAURA SMITH, of the Cincinnati public library, was entitled:


The ideal of the modern library is service to the community, but the tendency has been to estimate this service by statistics as printed in library reports. Columns of figures, showing the number of books cataloged and the cards made, represent but a small part of what can be done and should not be taken as a measure of value of the cataloging department to the library patrons. The old idea of the library was the omniscient librarian who served all the readers from his store of knowledge, but the development of the modern library movement, bringing an increased patronage, made it necessary to delegate some of this work, and libraries were set off into departments. Gradually mechanical appliances were introduced and personal aid was limited to the favored few while the average reader was helpless in the face of machinery whose workings were a mystery to him. It reminds one of the story of the fine hospital donated by a philanthropic citizen to a thriving town of the middle west. The building was a model of hospital architecture, the furnishings were the most modern obtainable and the institution was ideal in every respect, adjudged by experts the latest thing in hospitals. A poor citizen, foreign by birth, took his wife to this hospital for treatment. The next day he went to inquire for her and was told that she was too ill to see him, but the attendant offered to take him through the building and show him all the modern improvements. The man was interested and followed his guide through the various wards, listening attentively to his lecture on the advantages of the latest improvements in hospital service. The second day he returned to learn the progress of his wife's case, but she was still too ill to see him, so the attendant showed him some more improvements, which he had not seen the day before. The man was greatly impressed. The third day he returned and was told that his wife had died. When asked by a friend what disease had ended her life, he replied, "I don't know, unless it was the improvements." So the library has adopted progressive methods and among other improvements it has walled a room with the latest model of catalog trays filled with cards as silent guides to the collection of books. Printed signs, which no one reads, give intricate directions as to the use of this monster; a human assistant is rarely in sight. Has the library the right to expect the public to know how to use a catalog? A trained assistant should be stationed here, and who are better qualified for this service than the members of the cataloging staff? At this point is one of the opportunities for the cataloger's most efficient service to the community.

The chief requisite of a well-organized catalog department is a corps of intelligent, educated, trained assistants who have had several years' experience. The raw recruit from the library school is an expense to the service because library school graduates find difficulty in adapting themselves to the existing methods of most libraries. This fault is sometimes individual but more often it is due to the different methods of cataloging taught in the various schools. There should be uniformity of method on this point, full cataloging should be taught in all the schools because it is far easier for the cataloger to learn omissions than to acquire a knowledge of full cataloging when the short form only has been taught in the school. Subject-heading work can be taught only in a general way. Years of experience are needed before an assistant is competent to assign subject headings, therefore a constantly changing staff is an item of expense worthy of serious consideration. Subject headings might be in the hands of a few assistants but there is advantage in having the views of many minds under the supervision of one reviser.

An understanding of the community and of existing conditions within the library, added to a thoroughly assimilated knowledge of cataloging methods, increases the value of an assistant. Changes are usually due to small salaries, and to better financial conditions elsewhere, but adding a reasonable amount to the salary of a competent assistant is a good investment. To be sure, it foots up on the pay roll as a larger outlay than the substitution of a less experienced assistant at the same or a smaller salary. What the pay roll tells, however, is not borne out by the facts because on it there is no financial accounting for the time of the administrator of the department which is consumed in breaking in a new cataloger while the more important things wait, or go by default. Positions in the cataloging department should yield a financial return sufficient to make their incumbency more or less permanent for it is possible to accomplish more with a smaller staff of experienced assistants than with a larger number of those new to the business.

When the library has gathered together the best staff of catalogers it can afford it should not put them, like a collection of expensive bric-a-brac, behind closed doors with only the regulation catalogers' tools as guides, and expect them to yield the best return on the investment. The best cataloger needs the stimulus of personal contact with the public as an aid to the most intelligent work. When the cataloging department has a sufficient number of well-trained, experienced assistants, a schedule of work which permits direct contact with the public for at least one-third of the time and a system of co-operation between departments with freedom from unnecessary interruptions to the routine as planned, the catalog is a labor saving tool reducing the net cost of production by the time saved to the circulating and reference departments.

The cataloging for a large library system should be done at the central library for several reasons. The main cataloging offices are there with the collection of reference books and the official files showing what headings and entries have been used. The expert catalogers and revisers are better fitted for the responsibility of the cataloging than the assistants at the branches, distracted by other work. The enormous number of cards necessary for the various catalogs are more economically duplicated by writer press, or multigraph, than by hand or typewriter because time is saved in this way in the actual making of the cards, in numbering and putting titles on printed cards and in proof reading, or revising, for in revising typewritten cards, each card must be carefully scrutinized, while from the writer press only the first copy needs revision. When copies of the same title are to be purchased for several branches, the cost of cataloging is greatly reduced if all the copies reach the cataloging department together as time is thus saved in all the processes of preparing the books for circulation, from the accessioning to the pasting of the labels. In the case of fiction this is always possible but with other classes, while it is not always expedient to purchase for the main library and the branches simultaneously, the branch librarians and order department can simplify the process by prompt decision as to the number of branches to which titles are to be added, so that all cards may be ordered or made at the same time. By this means one order for printed cards and one setting up of copy for writer press or multigraph is sufficient. When books come to the catalog department singly and at odd times the labor of verifying author entries and subject headings is the same as for new titles, and the making of cards becomes a mechanical process only when they are to be made in large quantities. Every branch added to the library system increases the work of the cataloging department, a fact often lost sight of by the chief administrators of a library. There seems to be a popular delusion that each new addition to the library family means only a duplication of cards while the fact remains that most of the processes in the routine practically consume as much time and thought as if the title in hand were new in the library. In the case of shelf-listing it is obviously easier and takes less time to make a brand new shelf-list card for a book than it does to withdraw the card from the shelf-list, make an addition to it and refile the card.

If the main building is so arranged that one card catalog can be used conveniently by all departments much expense will be saved. But if there must be department catalogs, author and subject entries should be uniform so that the individual catalogs may be simply duplicates of certain divisions of the general catalog. Subject headings in the public library should be simple enough to be within the comprehension of the average reader. To simplify headings for children is a useless expense and an insult to the child who is often more intelligent than many adult readers. The public library being "an integral part of public education" should not be guilty of senseless simplification even though the kindergartners may accuse us of "taking away the joy of childhood." If the so-called simplified headings are used they can not be filed with other headings, therefore two separate catalogs in each branch must be maintained at extra expense.

All non-essentials should be eliminated from the mechanical processes of preparing books for the shelves. The time of high-priced service should be used for the scholarly work, duplication of cards and routine clerical work do not require a college education nor library school training. Printed cards should be purchased whenever possible. It is not necessary to become hysterical over the superfluity of information on some of the Library of Congress cards because the average user of a catalog in a public library does not read beyond the first line of the title, and therefore is not confused by bibliographical details. On the other hand, this same detail is valuable to the few readers who need it. Another groundless objection to the use of these cards is the statement that books must be held until the cards are received. If there is co-operation between the order and the cataloging departments, books and cards may be ordered and will come to the cataloger about the same time. When they do not the books should be sent through on temporary slips. This adds slightly to the cost of handling, but saves the reputation of the library in the circulating department. The printed card should be accepted when it agrees with the title page, but when the card requires changes which mar its appearance it should be rejected. When the cards must be made by the individual library the extra bibliographical detail should be omitted for purposes of economy, and the catalogs would still be uniform and accurate in essentials. Entries must be accurate, uniform and as consistent as possible that the catalog may save the time of the reference librarians, since effective reference work can be done only when the library is well classified and cataloged and quick service is possible only under these conditions.

The plan to combine the catalog and reference departments, the assistants working one-third of their time in reference work, brings excellent results. In the first place the assistants come in direct contact with the public for part of every day. The knowledge of books gained by examination for full cataloging can be made directly useful to the public. On the other hand, the demands of the reader, his peculiarities of expression and his general attitude toward the library give inspiration to the work in the cataloging department as to subject headings and analyticals to be made. The change of work is restful and enables the assistants to accomplish much in a day without becoming weary of either line of work. The efficiency of the assistants depends upon their ability to bring the book and the reader together and as the cataloger has the advantage of studying the books she should therefore bring this knowledge to the public through personal contact.

Emphasis is put on the increased usefulness of the staff by reason of the ability to appreciate the relation between the library and the public and to bring into the daily life of the community the increased knowledge of books.

What has been said is not intended as a criticism of any method of administering a cataloging department, but is an effort rather to present a plan which from practical experience has proved successful.

The discussion was then thrown open to the floor, with the suggestion from the chairman that it take the following lines:

1. Is the catalog department too confined in its organization and too distinctly separated from other departments?

2. How much mechanical work should be done by expert catalogers? Who should do the mechanical work and where should it be done?

3. What should be the relations between the catalog and the shipping departments?

Mr. Hodges, of the Cincinnati public library, said that each library had to use a system suited to its individual needs, that in Cincinnati there was no head of the order department, that he considered the use of catalogers in the reference department during rush hours a good plan as they were usually well fitted for the work, that in his library there was a single head of the catalog and reference departments.

Miss Hitchler, superintendent of cataloging of the Brooklyn public library, said that co-operation could be effected between departments without interchange of assistants.

Mr. Hopper said that the obstacle to combining the heads of the catalog and order departments in one person was that a knowledge of cataloging and a knowledge of the book trade were seldom combined in one person.

During the discussion of the second point--that of scientific management within the department--Miss Van Valkenburgh raised a laugh by inquiring where we are to draw the line in keeping track of our efficiency.

Mr. Martel, of the Library of Congress, in answer to the charge made against catalogers of over-elaboration, as for example in the matter of periodical records, said that under-elaboration often proved quite as expensive as over-elaboration.


Friday, June 29.

The second session of the Catalog Section was held on Friday afternoon, June 29, Miss Gooch presiding.

Miss Van Valkenburgh, Miss Hiss, and Miss Dame, were appointed as nominating committee by the Chairman.

The session took the form of an informal discussion on simplified forms of typewritten catalog cards, and was held at the desire of the committee of the Professional Training Section on uniformity of forms of catalog cards. This committee was appointed in January, 1912, and consists of Helen Turvill, Chairman, Agnes Van Valkenburgh, Harriet B. Gooch.

The Chairman directed the discussion by taking up point by point the form of card recommended by the committee for the practice work of the library schools. Typewritten cards for a public library of about 50,000 volumes, to be filed with L. C. cards, were taken as a basis of discussion.

Among the details considered were the following, with the decisions which seemed most generally favored by those present:

=Brackets.= Omit brackets for material inserted in heading but use in title and imprint.

=Initial article.= Use initial article, unless including it would entail repeating author's name in the title.

=Initial possessive.= Omit author's name in the possessive case at the beginning of a title, and cancel it when used on L. C. cards.

=Editor, etc.= In the title use the name of the editor, translator, etc., in the form given on the title page.

=Imprint.= Include place, publisher and date of publication together with inclusive copyright dates if they differ from the date of publication.

=Collation.= Give main paging, illus., ports., maps. Give size only if unusual.

=Position of items.= Begin collation on a new line and indent.

=Secondary cards.= Give author and title only on secondary cards. (Main subject cards are not considered secondary cards.)

Other details discussed were use of points of omission, form of series note, tracing cards, headings in joint-author entries, the place for paging in an analytical note, entry under pseudonym versus real name, entry for adapter.

At the close of the foregoing discussion, the matter of having a permanent A. L. A. committee on cataloging was brought forward, and upon Miss Van Valkenburgh's motion, it was determined to request the Executive Board of the A. L. A. to appoint a permanent catalog committee to which questions in cataloging may be referred for recommendation.

Miss Sutliff then suggested that an A. L. A. code of alphabetizing would also be welcome. Mr. Martel, in response to a question by the Chairman, said that the Library of Congress followed the Cutter Rules, but had working notes that might be helpful.

A motion put by Mr. Keogh was then passed that the Executive Board of the A. L. A. be asked to send a request to the Librarian of Congress to furnish the code of alphabetizing used in the Library of Congress for publication.

An amendment to the foregoing to include the words "with changes for small libraries" failed of passage.

The nominating committee then submitted its ticket: Chairman, Charles Martel, Chief of the Catalog Division, Library of Congress; Secretary, Edith P. Bucknam, Chief of the Cataloging Department, Queens Borough public library.

After the election, the meeting adjourned.


The first session of the Section on Library Work with Children was held in the ballroom of the Hotel Kaaterskill, at 2:30 p. m., June 24th, with the Chairman, Miss Power, in the chair. In the absence of Miss Lawrence, Miss Ida Duff acted as secretary.

Two papers on the subject of "Values in library work with children" were read; the first by Miss CLARA W. HUNT, superintendent of the children's department, Brooklyn public library.


You are probably familiar with the story of the man who, being asked by his host which part of the chicken he liked best replied that "he'd never had a chance to find out; that when he was a boy it was the fashion to give the grown people first choice, and by the time he'd grown up the children had the pick, so he'd never tasted anything but the drumstick."

It will doubtless be looked upon as heresy for a children's librarian to own that she has a deal of sympathy for the down-trodden adult of the present; that there have been moments when she has even gone so far as to say an "amen"--under her breath--to the librarian who, after a day of vexations at the hands of the exasperating young person represented in our current social writings as a much-sinned-against innocent, wrathfully exploded, "Children ought to be put in a barrel and fed through the bung till they are twenty-one years old!"

During the scant quarter century which has seen the birth and marvelous growth of modern library work with children, the "new education" has been putting its stamp upon the youth of America and upon the ideas of their parents regarding the upbringing of children. And it has come to pass that one must be very bold to venture to brush off the dust of disuse from certain old saws and educational truisms, such as "All play and no work make Jack a mere toy," "No gains without pains," "We learn to do by doing," "Train up a child in the way he should go," and so on.

Our kindergartens, our playground agitators, our juvenile courts, our child welfare exhibits are so persistently--and rightly--showing the wrongdoing child as the helpless victim of heredity and environment that hasty thinkers are jumping to the conclusion that, since a child is not to blame for his thieving tendencies, it is our duty, rather than punish, to let him go on stealing; since it is a natural instinct for a boy to like the sound of crashing glass and the exercise of skill needed to hit a mark, we must not reprove him for throwing stones at windows; because a child does not like to work, we should let him play--play all the time.

The painless methods of the new education, which tend to make life too soft for children, and to lead parents to believe that everything a child craves he must have, these tendencies have had their effect upon the production and distribution of juvenile books, and have added to the librarian's task the necessity not only of fighting against the worst reading, but against the third rate lest it crowd out the best.

It is the importance of this latter warfare which I wish mainly to discuss.

We children's librarians, in the past fifteen or twenty years, have had to take a good many knocks, more or less facetious, from spectators of the sterner sex who are worried about the "feminization of the library," and who declare that no woman, certainly no spinster, can possibly understand the nature of the boy. Perhaps sometimes we are inclined to droop apologetic heads, because we know that some women are sentimental, that they don't all "look at things in the large," as men invariably do. In view, however, of the record of this youthful movement of ours, we have a right rather to swagger than to apologize.

The influence of the children's libraries upon the ideals, the tastes, the occupations, the amusements, the language, the manners, the home standards, the choice of careers, upon the whole life, in fact, of thousands upon thousands of boys and girls has been beyond all count as a civic force in America.

And yet, while teachers tell us that the opening of every new library witnesses a substitution of wholesome books for "yellow" novels in pupils' hands; while men in their prime remark their infrequent sight of the sensational periodicals left on every doorstep twenty years ago; while publishers of children's books are trying to give us a clean, safe juvenile literature, and while some nickel novel publishers are even admitting a decline in the sale of their wares; in spite of these evidences of success, a warfare is still on, though its character is changing.

Every librarian who has examined children's books for a few years back knows exactly what to expect when she tackles the "juveniles" of 1913.

There will be a generous number of books so fine in point of matter and make-up that we shall lament having been born too late to read these in our childhood. The information and the taste acquired by children who have read the best juvenile publications of the past ten years is perfectly amazing, and those extremists who decry the buying of any books especially written for children are nearly as nonsensical as the ones who would buy everything the child wishes.

But when one has selected with satisfaction perhaps a hundred and fifty titles, one begins to get into the potboiler class--the written-to-order information book which may be guaranteed to kill all future interest in a subject treated in style so wooden and lifeless; the retold classic in which every semblance to the spirit of the original is lost, and the reading of which will give to the child that familiarity which will breed contempt for the work itself; the atrocious picture book modeled after the comic supplement and telling in hideous daubs of color and caricature of line the tale of the practical joker who torments animals, mocks at physical deformities, plays tricks on parents, teases the newly-wed, ridicules good manners, whose whole aim, in short, is to provoke guffaws of laughter at the expense of someone's hurt body or spirit. There will be collections of folk and fairy tales, raked together without discrimination from the literature of people among whom trickery and cunning are the most admired qualities; there will be school stories in which the masters and studious boys grovel at the feet of the football hero; in greater number than the above will be the stories written in series on thoroughly up-to-date subjects.

I shall be much surprised if we do not learn this fall that the world has been deceived in supposing that to Amundsen and Scott belong the honor of finding the South Pole, or to Gen. Goethals the credit of engineering the Panama Canal. If we do not discover that some young Frank or Jack or Bill was the brains behind these achievements, I shall wonder what has become of the ingenuity of the plotter of the series stories--the "plotter" I say advisedly, for it is a known fact that many of these stories are first outlined by a writer whose name makes books sell, the outlines then being filled in by a company of underlings who literally write to order. When we learn, also, that an author who writes admirable stories, in which special emphasis is laid upon fair play and a sense of honor, is at the same time writing under another name books he is ashamed to acknowledge, we are not surprised at the low grade of the resulting stories.

With the above extremes of good and poor there will be quantities on the border line, books not distinctly harmful from one standpoint--in fact, they will busily preach honesty and pluck and refinement, etc., but they will be so lacking in imagination and power, in the positive qualities that go to make a fine book, that they cannot be called wholly harmless, since that which crowds out a better thing is harmful, at least to the extent that it usurps the room of the good.

These books we will be urged to buy in large duplicate, and when we, holding to the ideal of the library as an educational force, refuse to supply this intellectual pap, well-to-do parents may be counted upon to present the same in quantities sufficient to weaken the mental digestion of their offspring beyond cure by teachers the most gifted.

There are two principal arguments--so-called--hurled at every librarian who tries to maintain a high standard of book selection. One is the "I read them when I was a child and they did me no harm" claim; the other, based upon the doggedly clung-to notion that our ideal of manhood is a grown-up Fauntleroy, infers that every book rejected was offensive to the children's librarian because of qualities dangerously likely to encourage the boy in a taste for bloodshed and dirty hands.

Now, in this day when parents are frantically protecting their children from the deadly house fly, the mosquito, the common drinking cup and towel; when milk must be sterilized and water boiled and adenoids removed; when the young father solemnly bows to the dictum that he mustn't rock nor trot his own baby--isn't it really matter for the joke column to hear the "did me no harm" idea advanced as an argument? And yet it is so offered by the same individual who, though he has survived a boyhood of mosquito bites and school drinking cups, refuses to allow his child to risk what he now knows to be a possible carrier of disease.

The "what was good enough for me is good enough for my children" idea, if soberly treated as an argument in other matters of life, would mean death to all progress, and it is no more to be treated seriously as a reason for buying poor juvenile books than a contention for the fetich doctor versus the modern surgeon, or for the return to the foot messenger in place of electrical communication.

It would be tactless, if not positively dangerous, if we children's librarians openly expressed our views when certain people point boastfully to themselves as shining products of mediocre story book childhoods. So I would hastily suppress this thought, and instead remind these people that, as a vigorous child is immune from disease germs which attack a delicate one, so unquestionably have thousands of mental and moral weaklings been retarded from their best development by books that left no mark on healthy children. In spite of the probability that there are today alive many able-bodied men who cut their first teeth on pickles and pork chops, we do not question society's duty to disseminate proper ideas on the care and feeding of children.

Isn't it about time that we nailed down the lid of the coffin on the "did me no harm" argument and buried the same in the depths of the sea?

Another notion that dies hard is one assuming that, since the children's librarian is a woman, prone to turn white about the gills at the sight of blood--or a mouse--she can not possibly enter into the feelings of the ancestral barbarian surviving in the young human breast, but must try to hasten the child's development to twentieth century civilization by eliminating the elemental and savage from his story books.

If those who grow hoarse shouting the above would take the trouble to examine the lists of an up-to-date library they might blush for their shallowness, that they have been basing their opinions on their memory of library lists at least twenty-five years old.

We do not believe that womanly women and manly men are most successfully made by way of silly, shoddy, sorry-for-themselves girlhoods, or lying, swaggering, loafing boyhoods; and it is the empty, the vulgar, the cheap, smart, trust-to-luck story, rather than the gory one, that we dislike.

I am coming to the statement of what I believe to be the problem most demanding our study today. It is, briefly, the problem of the mediocre book, its enormous and ever-increasing volume. More fully stated it is the problem of the negatively as the enemy of the positively good; of the cultivation of brain laziness by "thoughts-made-easy" reading. It is a republic's, a public school problem, viz.: How is it possible to raise to a higher average the lowest, without reducing to a dead level of mediocrity the citizens of superior possibilities? Our relation to publisher and parent, to the library's adult open shelves of current fiction enter into the problem. The children's over-reading, and their reluctance to "graduate" from juvenile books, these and many other perplexing questions grow out of the main one.

I said awhile ago that the new education has had a tendency to make life too soft for children, and to give to their parents the belief that natural instincts alone are safe guides to follow in rearing a child. I hope I shall not seem to be a good old times croaker, sighing for the days when school gardens and folk dancing and glee clubs and dramatization of lessons and beautiful textbooks and fascinating handicraft and a hundred other delightful things were undreamed-of ways of making pleasant the paths of learning. Heaven forbid that I should join the ranks of those who carp at a body of citizens who, at an average wage in America less than that of the coal miner and the factory worker, have produced in their schools results little short of the miraculous. To visit, as I have, classrooms of children born in slums across the sea, transplanted to tenements in New York, and to see what our public school teachers are making of these children--the backward, the underfed, the "incorrigible," the blind, the an�mic--well, all I can say is, I do not recommend these visits to Americans of the stripe of that boastful citizen who, being shown the crater of Vesuvius with a "There, you haven't anything like that in America!" disdainfully replied, "Naw, but we've got Niagara, and that'd put the whole blame thing out!" For myself I never feel quite so disposed to brag of my Americanism as when I visit some of our New York schools.

And yet, watching the bored shrug of the bright, well-born high school child when one suggests that "The prince and the pauper" is quite as interesting a story as the seventh volume of her latest series, a librarian has some feelings about the lines-of-least-resistance method of educating our youth, which she is glad to find voiced by some of our ablest thinkers.

Here is what J. P. Munroe says: "Many of the new methods ... methods of gentle cooing toward the child's inclinations, of timidly placing a chair for him before a disordered banquet of heterogeneous studies, may produce ladylike persons, but they will not produce men. And when these modern methods go as far as to compel the teacher to divide this intellectual cake and pudding into convenient morsels and to spoon-feed them to the child, partly in obedience to his schoolboy cravings, partly in conformity to a pedagogical psychology, then the result is sure to be mental and moral dyspepsia in a race of milksops." How aptly "spoon-fed pudding" characterizes whole cartloads of our current "juveniles"!

Listen to President Wilson's opinion: "To be carried along by somebody's suggestions from the time you begin until the time when you are thrust groping and helpless into the world, is the very negation of education. By the nursing process, by the coddling process you are sapping a race; and only loss can possibly result except upon the part of individuals here and there who are so intrinsically strong that you cannot spoil them."

Hugo M�nsterberg is a keen observer of the product of American schools, and contrasting their methods with those of his boyhood he says: "My school work was not adjusted to botany at nine years because I played with an herbarium, and at twelve to physics because I indulged in noises with home-made electric bells, and at fifteen to Arabic, an elective which I miss still in several high schools, even in Brookline and Roxbury. The more my friends and I wandered afield with our little superficial interests and talents and passions, the more was the straightforward earnestness of the school our blessing; and all that beautified and enriched our youth, and gave to it freshness and liveliness, would have turned out to be our ruin, if our elders had taken it seriously, and had formed a life's program out of petty caprices and boyish inclinations."

And Prof. M�nsterberg thrusts his finger into what I believe to be the weakest joint in our educational armor when he says: "... as there is indeed a difference whether I ask what may best suit the taste and liking of Peter, the darling, or whether I ask what Peter, the man, will need for the battle of life in which nobody asks what he likes, but where the question is how he is liked, and how he suits the taste of his neighbors."

What would become of our civilization if we were to follow merely the instincts and natural desires? Yet is there not in America a tremendous tendency to the notion, that except in matters of physical welfare, the child's lead is to be followed to extreme limits? Don't we librarians feel it in the pressure brought to bear upon us by those who fail to find certain stories, wanted by the children, on our shelves? "Why, that's a good book," the parent will say, "The hero is honest and kind, the book won't hurt him any--in fact it will give the child some good ideas."

"Ideas." Yes, perhaps. There is another educator I should like to quote, J. H. Baker in his "Education and life": "Whatever you would wish the child to do and become, that let him practice. We learn to do, not by knowing, but by knowing and then doing. Ethical teaching, tales of heroic deeds, soul-stirring fiction that awakens sympathetic emotions may accomplish but little unless in the child's early life ... the ideas and feelings find expression in action and so become a part of the child's power and tendency...."

Now we believe with G. Stanley Hall that, "The chief enemy of active virtue in the world is not vice but laziness, languor and apathy of will;" that "mind work is infinitely harder than physical toil;" that (as another says) "all that does not rouse, does not set him to work, rusts and taints him ... the disease of laziness ... destroys the whole man."

And when children of good heritage, good homes, sound bodies, bright minds, spend hours every week curled up among cushions, allowing a stream of cambric-tea literature gently to trickle over their brain surfaces, we know that though the heroes and heroines of these stories be represented as prodigies of industry and vigor, our young swallowers of the same are being reduced to a pulp of brain and will laziness that will not only make them incapable of struggling with a page of Quentin Durward, for example, but will affect their moral stamina, since fighting fiber is the price of virtue.

Ours is, as I have said, a public education, a republic's problem. To quote President Wilson again: "Our present plans for teaching everybody involve certain unpleasant things quite inevitably. It is obvious that you cannot have universal education without restricting your teaching to such things as can be universally understood. It is plain that you cannot impart 'university methods' to thousands, or create 'investigators' by the score, unless you confine your university education to matters which dull men can investigate, your laboratory training to tasks which mere plodding diligence and submissive patience can compass. Yet, if you do so limit and constrain what you teach, you thrust taste and insight and delicacy of perception out of the schools, exalt the obvious and merely useful things above the things which are only imaginatively or spiritually conceived, make education an affair of tasting and handling and smelling, and so create Philistia, that country in which they speak of 'mere literature.'"

In our zeal to serve the little alien, descendant of generations of poverty and ignorance, let us not lose sight of the importance to our country of the child more fortunate in birth and brains. So strong is my feeling on the value of leaders that I hold we should give at least as much study to the training of the accelerate child as we give to that of the defective. Though I boast the land of Abraham Lincoln and Booker Washington I do not give up one iota of my belief that the child who is born into a happy environment, of parents strong in body and mind, holds the best possibilities of making a valuable citizen; and so I am concerned that this child be not spoiled in the making by a training or lack of training that fails to recognize his possibilities.

It is encouraging to find growing attention in the "Proceedings" of the N. E. A. and other educational bodies to the problem of the bright child who has suffered by the lock-step system which has molded all into conformity with the capabilities of the average child.

The librarian's difficulty is perhaps greater than that of the teacher, because open shelves and freedom of choice are so essential a part of our program. We must provide easy reading for thousands of children. Milk and water stories may have an actual value to children whose unfavorable heritage and environment have retarded their mental development. But the deplorable thing is to see young people, mercifully saved from the above handicaps, making a bee line for the current diluted literature for grown-ups, (as accessible as Scott on our open shelves) and to realize that this taste, which is getting a life set, is the inevitable outcome of the habit of reading mediocre juveniles.

We must not rail at publishers for trying to meet the demands of purchasers. Our job is to influence that demand far more than we have done as yet. Large book jobbers tell us that millions and millions of poor juveniles are sold in America to thousands of the sort we librarians recommend. I have seen purchase lists of boys' club directors and Sunday School library committees calling for just the weak and empty stuff we would destroy. I have unwittingly been an eavesdropper at Christmas book counters and have heard the orders given by parents and the suggestions made by clerks. And I feel that the public library has but skirmished along the outposts while the great field of influencing the reading of American children remains unconquered. Until we affect production to the extent that the book stores circulate as good books as the best libraries we cannot be too complacent about our position as a force in citizen making.

An "impossible" ideal, of course, but far from intimidating, the largeness of the task makes us all the more determined.

This paper attempts no suggestion of new methods of attacking the problem. It is rather a restatement of an old perplexity. I harp once more on a worn theme because I think that unless we frequently lift our eyes from the day's absorbing duties for a look over the whole field, and unless we once and again make searching inventory of our convictions, our purposes, our methods, our attainments, we are in danger of letting ourselves slip along the groove of the taken-for-granted and our work loses in power as we allow ourselves to become leaners instead of leaders. May we not, as if it were a new idea, rouse to the seriousness of the mediocre habit indulged in by young people capable of better things? Should not our work with children reach out more to work with adults, to those who buy and sell and make books for the young? Is it not time for the successful teller of stories to children to use her gifts in audiences of grown people, persuading these molders of the children's future of the reasonableness of our objection to the third rate since it is the enemy of the best? May it not be politic, at least, for the librarian to descend from her disdainful height and make friends with "the trade," with bookseller and publisher who, after all, have as good a right to their bread and butter as the librarian paid out of the city's taxes?

And then--is it not possible that we might be better librarians if we refused to be librarians every hour in the day and half the night as well? What if we were to have the courage to refuse to indulge in nervous breakdowns, because we deliberately plan to play, and to eat, and to sleep, to keep serene and sane and human, believing that God in His Heaven gives His children a world of beauty to enjoy as well as a work to do with zeal. If we lived a little longer and not quite so wide, the gain to our chosen work in calm nerves and breadth of interest and sympathy would even up for dropping work on schedule time for a symphony concert or a country walk or a visit with a friend--might even justify saving the cost of several A. L. A. conferences toward a trip to Italy!

This hurling at librarians advice to play more and work less reminds me of a story told by a southern friend. Years ago, in a sleepy little Virginia village, there lived two characters familiar to the townspeople, whose greatest daily excitement was a stroll down to the railroad station to watch the noon express rush through to distant southern cities. One of these personages was the station keeper, of dry humor and sententious habit, whom we will call Hen Waters; the other was the station goat, named, of course, Billy. Year after year had Billy peacefully cropped the grass along the railroad tracks, turning an indifferent ear to the roar of the daily express, when suddenly one day the notion seemed to strike his goatish mind that this racket had been quietly endured long enough. With the warning whistle of the approaching engine, Billy, lowering his head, darted furiously up the track, intending to butt the offending thunderer into Kingdom Come. When, a few seconds later, the amazed spectators were gazing after the diminishing train, Hen Waters, addressing the spot where the redoubtable goat had last been seen, drawled out: "Billy, I admire your pluck--but darn your discretion!"

The parallel between the ambitions and the futility of the goat, and the present speaker's late advice is so obvious that only the illogicalness of woman can account for my cherishing a hope that I may be spared the fate of the indiscreet Billy.

Miss CAROLINE BURNITE, director of children's work, Cleveland public library, delivered the second paper on this subject, presenting the topic from another viewpoint.


To elucidate principles of value, I shall use, by way of illustration, the experience and structure of a certain children's department where the problem of children's reading and the means of bringing books to them has been more intensively studied in the last nine years than was possible there before that time. At the time we took our last survey of the department it was found that probably about six out of ten of the children of the city read library books in their homes during the calendar year, and that each child had read about twenty books on the average. Four of the six procured library books from a library center; two of the six procured them from collections, either in their schoolrooms or in homes in their neighborhood. In all, fifty-four thousand children read a million books, which reached them through forty-three librarians assigned for special work with these children, through three hundred teachers and about one hundred volunteers. Now, we know that six out of ten children is not an ideal proportion and that fifty-four thousand may endanger the quality of book influence for each child, but both of these statements indicate conditions to be adjusted so that the experience of each reading child may contribute to the whole and experience with numbers may benefit the individual. To accomplish this end, work with the children was given departmental organization. My concern in this paper is with departmental organization as it benefits the reading child, and with the principles and policies which have been developed through departmental unity.

We think ordinarily that one who loves books has three general hallmarks--his reading is fairly continuous, there is permanency of book interest, and this interest maintained on a plane of merit. These three results always justify the reader and those who have influenced him, and if the consequent book interests of the library child were entirely such, they would prove to all laymen, without argument, that the principles are basic. But in the child's contact with the library there are many evidences of modifications of normal book interests; for, instead of continuity of reading, the children's rooms are overcrowded in winter and have comparatively small book use in summer; instead of permanency of book interests extending over the difficult intermediate period, we know that large numbers of those children who leave school before they reach high school have little or no library contact during their first working years and we sometimes feel that the interesting experiences with reading working children, which librarians are prone to emphasize, give us an impression of a larger number than careful investigation would show. As for quality of reading of the individual working child we cannot maintain that it is always on a high plane.

All these conditions we know to be largely the result of environmental influences. Deprived for twelve hours a day, twelve months in a year, of opportunity for normal youthful activities, the child's entire physical and mental schedule is thrown out of balance and his tendency is to turn to reading, a recreation possible at any time, only when there is no opportunity to follow other avenues of interest. The strain upon the ear and eye, and back and brain, is even greater in the shop than in the school, and in the consequent intense physical fatigue the tendency is toward recreations in which the book may have no place. The power of the nickel library over the child can be broken by the presence of the public library, but no intermediate gets away from the suggestion, by voice and print, of the modern novel, with its present-day social interests. Consequently the whole judgment of the results of library work with children can not rest upon these general tests of normal book interests. Rather such variations from the normal are themselves conditions which influence the structure of the work and especially the principles of book presentation. If children are living in an environment which is not the best one for them, all the forces with which they come in contact should tend to correct the abnormal and give them the things their moral nature craves--freer and fuller thoughts, better and freer living, truth of expression, beauty of feeling. We must recognize that books also must be a force in reconstructing or normalizing the influences of their environment. Children with social needs must have books with social values to meet those needs--right social contacts, true social perspective, traditions of family and race, loveliness of nature, companionship of living things, right group association and group interests.

But while the pedagogical and moral values of books, that is the benefits of right reading for children of normal life, were fully analyzed, the children's department of which I speak had almost no written principle to aid in the enormous task of determining the influence of books on children with social needs. Appreciations of the social relationships and the interdependence of characters in books which have proven themselves moving forces in the lives of children, gained through the testimony of men and women who know their indebtedness to them--such books as "Little women," "Tom Brown," "Heidi," "Otto of the silver hand"--gave a fundamental principle upon which to work. Books should construct a larger social ideal for the reader instead of confirming his present one. Then arose this question: Should we have books with weak social values in the library as a concession to certain children, or by having them do we harm most those very children to whom we have conceded them? The gradual solution of this problem seems to me to be one of the greatest services which a library can render its children. So long as this question is in process of solution we may accept the following as a tentative reply: No books weak in social ideals should be furnished, provided we do not lose reading children by their elimination. If such books are the best a child will read and we take them away, causing loss of library reading interest, we permit him to sink further into his environment. With the last principle as a basis, the evaluation of books was accomplished in the evolution of the department. The cumulative experience of librarians working with children showed that many books which lead only to others of their kind were weak in social viewpoint, and that such books were the ones read largely by those children most occasional and spasmodic in their reading. Here was a determining point in the establishment of standards of reading, for it brought us face to face with the question, Shall we consider this situation our fault since we supply such books to children who need something better vastly more than do others, or shall we merely justify our selection by maintaining that those children will under no circumstances read a higher grade of books? However, it was proven at the same time that other books were read also by children with social limitations, which, although apparently no better on first evaluation, lead to a better type of reading and this gave us a fresh impulse to consider the evaluation of books as a constantly moving process, and prompted the policy of the removal of those types of books which were least influential in developing a good reading taste. This was done, however, with the definite intention that an increasingly better standard of reading must mean that no reading children be sacrificed, an end only possible by a fuller knowledge of the value of the individual book to the individual child.

Now let us see what changes have been evolved in the book collections in the department under consideration in the past seven or eight years.

In the first study of the collection and before any final study of books from the social viewpoint had been reached, the proportion of books of the doubtful class to those which were standard was considered, and it was seen that this proportion should be decreased in order that a child's chances for eventually reading the best might be improved. It was obvious that the reading of the young children should be most carefully safeguarded, and this was the first point of attack. As a result, these two types of books were eliminated:

1. All series for young children, such as the Dotty Dimples and the Little Colonels.

2. Books for young children dealing with animal life which have neither humane nor scientific value, such as the Pierson and Wesselhoeft.

At about the same time stories of child life for young children were restricted to those which were most natural and possible, and stories read by older girls in which adults were made the beneficiaries of a surprisingly wise child hero, such as the Plympton books, were eliminated.

The successful elimination of these books, together with the study of the children's reading as a whole, suggested within the next two or three years that other books could be eliminated or restricted without shock to the readers. On the pedagogical basis, certain types of books for young children were judged; on the social basis, certain types of books for older children, with results as follows:

1. The elimination of word books for little children, and the basing of their reading upon their inherent love for folk lore and verse.

2. The elimination of interpreted folk lore, such as many of the modern kindergarten versions.

3. The elimination of the modern fairy tale, except as it has vitality and individual charm, as have those of George MacDonald.

4. The elimination of travel trivial in treatment and in series form, such as the Little Cousins.

5. The restriction of an old and recognized series to its original number of titles, such as the Pepper series. The disapproval of all new books obviously the first in a series.

6. Lessening the number of titles by authors who are unduly popular, such as restricting the use of Tomlinson to one series only.

7. The elimination of those stories in which the child character is not within a normal sphere; for instance, the child novel, such as Mrs. Jamison's stories.

8. The restriction of the story of the successful poor boy to those within the range of possibility, as are the Otis books, largely.

Without analyzing the weaknesses of all these types, I wish to say a word about the series form for story and classed books. The series must be judged not only by content, but it must be recognized that by the admission of such a form of literature the tendency of the child toward independence of book judgment and book selection is lessened and the way paved for the weakest form of adult literature.

The last policies regarding book selection developed on the same principles within the past three years have been these:

1. The elimination of periodical literature for young children, such as the Children's Magazine and Little Folks, since their reading can be varied more wholesomely without it.

2. The elimination, or use in small numbers, of a type of history and biography which lacks scholarly, or even serious treatment, such as the Pratt histories.

3. Lessening the number of titles of miscellaneous collections of folk lore in which there are objectionable individual tales; as, for instance, buying only the Blue, Red, Green and Yellow fairy books.

4. Recognizing "blind alleys" in children's fiction, such as the boarding school story and the covert love story, and buying no new titles of those types.

Reports of reading sequences from each children's room have furnished the basis for further study of children's reading for the past seven months. These have been discussed and compared by the workers, and are now in shape for a working outline of reading sequences to be made and reported back to each room, to be used, amplified and reported on again in the spring.

While those books which are no longer used may have been at one time necessary to hold a child from reading something poorer, we did not lose children through raising the standard, and the duplication of doubtful books in the children's room is less heavy now than it was a few years ago. Also there are more than twice as many children who are reading, and almost three times as many books being read as there were nine years ago, while the number of children of the city has increased but 72 per cent. Furthermore, the proportion of children of environmental limitations has by no means diminished, and the foreign population is much the same--more than 75 per cent. Of course, the elimination of some books was accomplished because there were better books on these subjects, but the general result was largely brought about because in the establishment of these higher standards =we did not exceed the standards of those who were working with the children.= The standards which they brought to the work, and which they deduced themselves from their experience, were strengthened through Round Table discussion, where each worker measured her results by those of the others and thereby recognized the need of constant, but careful experimentation. A children's department can not reach standards of reading which in the judgment of the librarians working with the children are beyond the possibility of attainment, for with them rests entirely the delicate task of the adjustment of the book to the child. A staff of children's librarians of good academic education, the best library training, a true vision of the social principles, a broad knowledge of children's literature, is the greatest asset for any library maintaining children's work.

But it is true inversely that in raising the standards of the children the standards of the workers were raised. By this, I mean that there were methods of book presentation in use whereby the worker saw farther and deeper into the mentality of the child and understood his social instincts better. This has been evidenced in the larger duplication of the better books. The methods are those which recognize group interest and group association as a social need of childhood. Through unifying and intensifying the thoughts and sympathies of the children by giving them, when in association with their own playmates, a common experience of living in great and universal thought in the story hour, the mediocre was bridged and both the child and the worker reached a higher plane of experience. By giving children a chance for group expression of something which has fundamental group interest, not only the children recognized that books may be cornerstones for social intercourse and that there is connection between social conduct as expressed in books and social obligation, but, what is also vastly important, the worker learned that when children are at the age of group activity and expression they can often be more permanently influenced through their group relations than as individuals.

Through the recognition of the principle that there are standards of book use with individual children and other standards of book appeal for groups of children, it was shown that the organization of the work as a whole must be such that all avenues of presentation of literature could be fully developed. It was seen that far less than with the individual child could we afford to give a group of children a false experience or impotent interest, and that material for group presentation, methods of group presentation and the social elements which are evinced in groups of children should receive an amount of attention and study which would lead to the surest and soundest results. This could be fully accomplished only by recognizing such methods as distinct functions of the department, to be maintained on sound pedagogical and social bases. In other words, that there should not only be divisions of work with children according to problems of book distribution, such as by schools and home libraries, but there must be of necessity divisions by problems of reading. Whereas, in a smaller department all divisions would center in the head, the volume of work in the library above alluded to rendered necessary the appointment of an instructor in storytelling and a supervisor of reading clubs, which has resulted in a higher specialization and a greater impetus for these phases of work than one person could have accomplished. Here we have an instance of the benefit that a large volume of work may confer upon the individual child.

With the attainment of better reading results and higher standards for the workers, it was obvious that the reading experiences of the children and the standards of the workers must be conserved, that the organization should protect the children, as far as possible, from the shock of change of workers in individual centers. Within the past two years considerable study has been given to this, and yearly written reports on the reading of children in each children's room are made, in which variations of the children's reading in that library from accepted standards, with individual instances, are usually discussed. However, the children's librarian is entirely free to report the subject from whatever angle it has impressed her most. Also a written report is made of the story hour, the program, general and special reading results, and intensity of group interest in certain types of stories. This report is supplementary to a weekly report in a prescribed form of the stories told, sources used and results. All programs used with clubs are reported and a semi-annual report made of the club work as a whole. A yearly tabulation is made of registration from public and parochial schools, giving registration in all libraries, class rooms and home libraries. By discussion and reports back to individual centers, these become bases for a wider vision of work and a wiser direction of energy with less experimentation.

The connection between work with children and the problem of the reading of intermediates, referred to in the beginning, should not be dismissed in a paragraph. However, it is only possible to give a short statement of it. Recognizing that the reading of adult books should begin in the children's room, a serious study of adult books possible for children's reading was made by the children's librarians for two summers, the reports discussed and books added to the department as the result. A second report of adult titles which children and intermediates might and do read was called for recently and from that a tentative list has been furnished both adult and children's workers for further study. The increasing number of workers in the children's department who have had general training, and in the adult work who have had special training for work with children will make such reports of much value. It may be interesting to know that fifteen of the children's librarians have had general training and six adult workers in important positions have had special training for children's work. Four years ago there were only three in children's work who had had general training and none in adult work with the special training. In order to follow the standards of children's work, there is one principle which is obvious, namely, a book disapproved as below grade for juvenile should not be accepted for general intermediate work. This is especially true of books of adventure which a boy of any age between 12 and 18 would read. It has been possible to raise the standard of books for adults in the school libraries above that of the larger libraries. This will furnish eventually another angle for the study of the problem of intermediate reading.

In conclusion, the chief influences in the establishment of right reading for children are an intensive study of the reading of children in relation to its social, moral and pedagogical worth to them, the right basis of education and training for such study on the part of the workers, the direction of such study in a way that brings about a higher and more practical standard on the part of the worker, and the conservation of her experience. These are the great services which the library should render children, and they can be most fully accomplished through departmental organization.

These papers were followed by a discussion, led by Miss Stearns and Mr. Rush, in which advice was given to those selecting children's books to eliminate, in buying new books, those which would be eliminated later, and the suggestion was made that children's librarians should enter the field of writing children's books. Dr. Bostwick of St. Louis then gave a report on


We may divide the history of work with children into three epochs. During the first, our libraries were realizing with increasing clearness the necessity of doing something for children that they were not doing for adults. During the second this conviction had taken the practical form of segregation, physical and mental, and its details were worked out with definiteness. In the third, in which we still are, the whole administrative work of the library for children is being systematized and co-ordinated. These three stages may be roughly styled the era of work with children, the era of the children's room and the era of the children's department. The first began, in any particular library, when that library began to do anything whatever for children that it was not doing for adults; the second, when it opened its first children's room; the third, when it co-ordinated all its children's work under one administrative head. In most libraries the first period was relatively short; the second relatively long. Some libraries began their work by establishing children's rooms, reducing the first period to zero. Some large libraries are still in the second period, never having co-ordinated their children's work. Here are the approximate dates for a few libraries:

1 2 3 Cleveland 1894 1898 1903 New York 1895 1898 1902 Pittsburgh 1898 1898 1898 St. Louis 1893 1897 1909 Milwaukee 1896 1898 .... Chicago 1904 1904 .... Brooklyn 1899 1899 1901 Boston 1895 1895 ....

I lay no stress on the accuracy of these dates, particularly in the first column, where in some cases they are matters of opinion. Pittsburgh appears as a unique example of a library that stepped full-fledged into all three stages at once, starting off, as soon as it began to do children's work at all, not only with a children's room, but with a definitely organized department to conduct the work.

With the idea of presenting comprehensively some idea of the volume and importance of children's work in the United States at the present time, a questionnaire was sent out to libraries (78 in all) whose total home use was 100,000 volumes or more. Of these 51 responded. These have been divided into five groups, five "very large" libraries, circulating more than 2,000,000; eight "large" ones, between one and two million; seven "medium," between half a million and a million; thirteen "small," between quarter and half a million, and eighteen "very small," from 100,000 to 250,000. The results for each of these groups have been stated separately--averaged where possible.

First, regarding the total volume of work. The answers to the questions show that in 51 of the 78 largest public libraries in the country, graded by circulation--libraries containing altogether nearly 9,000,000 books and circulating a total of over 30 millions--there are now 1,147,000 volumes intended especially for children. Children drew out during the last year 11,200,000 volumes for home use. Volumes for children added during the year numbered 280,000. These libraries have 231 rooms devoted entirely to children and 180 used by them in part, with a combined seating capacity of 15,900. Classroom libraries are furnished for the children in the schools, by 31 libraries reporting, to the number of 5,000.

Children in 46 libraries reporting hold altogether 413,000 library cards. There are 42 supervisors of children's work, with numerous clerical assistants and staffs of 473 persons, of whom at least 177 are qualified children's librarians, 108 are graduates of library schools, and 54 have had partial courses.

The general conclusion deducible from the statistics gathered seems to be that in some ways library work with children has become standardized while in others it has not. Standards, whether permanent or not, we can not tell, have been reached or approximated in the number of books devoted to children's use and, in general, in the proportion of the library's resources, time and energy that is given to this branch of the work. But when we come to the specific number of assistants assigned to it, their supervision, their pay and the grade of experience and training required of them, then we all part company. Not only is there no general agreement here, but some of the discrepancies are so large that we can ascribe them only to the fact that we are still in the experimental stage.

For instance, to take first the fairly uniform or standardized conditions, the fraction of the stock of books allotted to children is about one-fifth in the larger libraries and decreases slightly in the smaller; in the very small it is about one-eighth. The proportion of juvenile books added yearly is much larger; it varies from nearly one-half in the very large libraries down to one-fourth in the very small. This would seem to be a result of the increasing stress laid on children's work. If this proportion is maintained in the annual purchases, that in the total stock may approximate to it in time, although we can not be sure of this without knowing the ratio of the life of a children's book to that of an adult book. The children's books are doubtless shorter-lived, and this would tend to keep the proportion down in the permanent stock. The circulation is still more nearly uniform, being about one-third to children in all the classes of libraries. The proportion of money spent for children is also uniform, being about one-fourth in libraries of all sizes. The same is true of the number of children's rooms, which throughout all classes of libraries, both large and small, are in the proportion of one to every 60,000 to 70,000 of circulation, and of their seating capacity, which is 60 to 70 per room.

Looking on the other side of the shield we find the greatest variation in the proportion of children's cards in use, which runs from less than one-half up to nearly all. From one to five supervisors are employed in each library but some of the very large libraries use only one and some of the small ones as many as three. The same is true of clerical assistants, of which some of the very small libraries report as many as three, while some of the very large get along with as few as two.

Salaries are fairly uniform, although apparently smaller than the work would warrant. Whereas the children's circulation is about one-third the total, the salaries in the juvenile department are from one-seventh to one-eighth the total throughout. In the "small" libraries they are only one-eleventh of the total.

The distribution of library-school graduates is very irregular. Some libraries in all classes have none at all. In the three lower classes no library has a larger number than three. In some of the larger libraries there may be as many as 20 or 30.

I am aware that some of this irregularity, which I have called a lack of standardization, may be due to differences in nomenclature. Assistants, for instance, having precisely the same duties may be described as supervisors in one library and not in another. This will not explain everything, however, and the conclusion is inevitable that in the respects just noted no uniformity has yet been reached by libraries. It seems to me that this lack of standardization has made its appearance in precisely the place where it might have been expected--namely in the third of the three periods already mentioned, that of co-ordination and systematization. This is the latest period; some libraries have not yet entered upon it and most of them are young in it. In other words, children's work is much older than the systematic administration of a children's department, or a system of children's rooms. Hence, children's work in general--the selection and purchase of books for children, the planning of children's rooms and their administration as units--has existed long enough to become standardized. We know what we want, having passed through the stage of experimentation.

This is not true of the administration of a children's department--the grading of assistants, the organization of a compact body of workers with its expert supervision, the settling of questions of disputed jurisdiction that necessarily arise in cases of this kind. It is on this part of their work that children's librarians need to focus their attention for the next few years. It is time, not perhaps to withdraw our eyes from the older questions but to transfer our gaze in part to the newer. We need to talk less about the size of our juvenile collection, methods of selection of children's books, the salaries of our assistants, ways of increasing our circulation, sizes and plans of children's rooms, and so on, and more about the organization and administration of the children's department as a whole--the duties of the supervisor and her assistants; her relations with the heads of other departments and with branch librarians, the measure of control shared by her with heads of branches in case of children's librarians of branches, the existence of separate grades, corresponding to separate duties or variation of qualifications, among the children's librarians; insistence on training adapted to these different grades. Time forbids me to go into details, and I can but suggest these points for your consideration. Into one point, however, I feel like going a little more fully:

We need more special training for children's work. It is the one kind of specialization that we have attempted in our schools, and we must have more of it and more kinds of it. This of course is but a single case in the more varied program of special training that I am convinced we shall have to take up before long. In the course of an interesting debate on this subject in the A. L. A. Council last January it developed that most of the librarians present looked upon specialization as impractical. In particular they believed it impossible for a student to look forward so definitely to special work that he could decide on the special courses that would benefit him. The man that had taken the college-library course might become a superintendent of branches; the qualified municipal reference librarian would go, perhaps, into an applied science room. This may be so now but it cannot long remain the case. Even now we can not carry this line of argument much further without making of it a reductio ad absurdum. Why go to a library school at all when, after all, you may accept the headship of a grammar-school on graduation, or even decide to travel for a hardware house? Why should we attempt to train one man for a lawyer and another for a physician when both may prefer farming? We are getting away fast from the old idea, born of pioneer conditions, that anybody can do anything if he tries. We shall have to travel further enough from it to satisfy ourselves that an expert university librarian will have to be trained for his post and not for that of head of the supply department in a public library. We have learned that a children's librarian does her work better for special training; may it not be that we shall have to make some difference in the future between training, let us say, for supervisory work, for the charge of a branch children's room, and for the duties of an assistant of lower grade?

In closing, let me say again that we need to focus our attention at present on the organization and administration of a children's department, especially on the places where it interlocks with that of other departments. The study of this matter should not be entrusted to children's libraries alone, for the standardization of work involving more than one department should not be =ex parte=. The matter should be in charge of a committee including in its membership both chief librarians and the heads of children's departments--possibly also the children's librarian of a large branch library and a branch librarian.

The volume of the work is now remarkable; its organization has gone beyond that of some other departments in attention to detail; the question of its co-ordination and of interdepartmental relations should now be taken up systematically.

Libraries Very Large Libraries Large Averaged Over Averaged 1,000,000- 2,000,000 2,000,000

Av. number volumes in library 5 658,416 8 286,643

Av. juvenile volumes in library 3 136,080 7 57,348

Av. cost of juvenile volumes Not given 2 $22,000

Av. volumes added during year 5 73,098 8 30,172

Av. cost of volumes added during year 5 $70,976.88 7 $27,244.25

Av. juvenile volumes added during year 4 32,100 6 12,383

Av. cost of juvenile volumes added 3 $18,928.92 3 $7,801.86

Av. circulation for year 5 3,973,150 8 1,214,068

Av. juvenile circulation for year 5 1,451,569 6 501,389

Av. number children's rooms in system 5 23 8 6

Av. number rooms used in part by children 5 7 7 7

Av. seating capacity of children's rooms 5 1,502 8 467

Av. classroom libraries 2 314 7 301

Av. home libraries for children 1 56 3 26

Av. deposit or delivery stations not included in above 4 52 7 22

Av. volumes on shelves open to children 3 129,413 7 52,067

Av. juvenile cardholders 2 34,942 7 28,501

Av. age limit of juvenile cardholders 2 15 7 15

Av. estimate of juvenile cards in use 2 [5]46,332 5 20,845

Av. supervisors of children's work 4 1 to 5 7 0 to 5

Av. salary paid supervisors 1 $2,000 6 $1,174

Av. clerical assistants in children's work 1 2 5 2

Av. salary paid clerical assistants 1 $705 4 $524

Av. children's librarians 4 20 7 1 to 11

Av. salary paid children's librarians 4 $786.82 7 $896

Av. additional assistants giving full time to children's work 3 4 to 83 4 2 to 27

Av. salary of such assistants 3 $560.33 4 $714

Av. assistants giving part time to children's work 1 2 2 10

Av. salary paid such assistants 1 $576 2 $654

Number library school graduates 4 1 to 21 8 0 to 29

Number assistants having had partial library school courses 4 3 to 11 5 0 to 8

Number trained in local library 4 4 to 56 7 0 to 15

Number trained in other libraries 4 3 to 10 7 0 to 1

Pages giving full time to children's work 3 0 to 11 6 1 to 8

Av. yearly salaries for entire staff (not including janitors) 4 $170,453.82 8 $74,503.90

Av. yearly salaries children's department 2 $20,080.00 8 $11,032.33

Libraries Medium Libraries Small Averaged 500,000- Averaged 250,000- 1,000,000 500,000

Av. number volumes in library 7 150,200 13 92,236

Av. juvenile volumes in library 6 26,750 12 16,244

Av. cost of juvenile volumes 5 $21,316 2 $9,750

Av. volumes added during year 7 15,654 13 8,898

Av. cost of volumes added during year 7 $15,001.75 10 $8,851.81

Av. juvenile volumes added during year 6 5,875 13 2,661

Av. cost of juvenile volumes added 6 $4,428.10 3 $2,876.00

Av. circulation for year 7 714,784 13 339,059

Av. juvenile circulation for year 7 227,697 13 122,739

Av. number children's rooms in system 7 3 13 2

Av. number rooms used in part by children 6 3 9 4

Av. seating capacity of children's rooms 7 233 11 150

Av. classroom libraries 7 201 8 83

Av. home libraries for children 1 25 3 3

Av. deposit or delivery stations not included in above 7 12 9 12

Av. volumes on shelves open to children 6 40,326 10 13,721

Av. juvenile cardholders 4 14,470 11 7,056

Av. age limit of juvenile cardholders 3 14 8 15

Av. estimate of juvenile cards in use 4 9,436 7 6,172

Av. supervisors of children's work 5 1 to 2 7 1 to 3

Av. salary paid supervisors 5 $1,070 7 $760

Av. clerical assistants in children's work 4 1 to 3 5 1 to 3

Av. salary paid clerical assistants 4 $600 5 $516

Av. children's librarians 5 1 to 9 12 1 to 3

Av. salary paid children's librarians 5 $648.50 12 $829.16

Av. additional assistants giving full time to children's work 2 2 4 1 to 3

Av. salary of such assistants 2 $690 4 $524

Av. assistants giving part time to children's work ... ... 2 1

Av. salary paid such assistants ... ... 2 $288

Number library school graduates 7 0 to 2 11 0 to 3

Number assistants having had partial library school courses 6 0 to 5 11 0 to 1

Number trained in local library 7 1 to 9 10 0 to 3

Number trained in other libraries 7 0 to 1 9 0 to 2

Pages giving full time to children's work 7 0 to 2 12 0 to 2

Av. yearly salaries for entire staff (not including janitors) 6 $30,844.90 12 $19,984.81

Av. yearly salaries children's department 6 $4,144.75 12 $1,726.33

Libraries Very Small Averaged Under 250,000

Av. number volumes in library 18 58,355

Av. juvenile volumes in library 16 7,496

Av. cost of juvenile volumes 2 $3,843.49

Av. volumes added during year 18 4,405

Av. cost of volumes added during year 17 $4,467.22

Av. juvenile volumes added during year 17 1,247

Av. cost of juvenile volumes added 9 $1,207.01

Av. circulation for year 18 175,928

Av. juvenile circulation for year 17 56,475

Av. number children's rooms in system 18 1

Av. number rooms used in part by children 13 3

Av. seating capacity of children's rooms 17 79

Av. classroom libraries 7 31

Av. home libraries for children 1 6

Av. deposit or delivery stations not included in above 12 4

Av. volumes on shelves open to children 13 5,504

Av. juvenile cardholders 14 5,230

Av. age limit of juvenile cardholders 14 14

Av. estimate of juvenile cards in use 11 2,704

Av. supervisors of children's work 3 1

Av. salary paid supervisors 3 $846.66

Av. clerical assistants in children's work 2 1 to 3

Av. salary paid clerical assistants 1 $420

Av. children's librarians 17 1

Av. salary paid children's librarians 17 $801

Av. additional assistants giving full time to children's work 9 1 to 4

Av. salary of such assistants 9 $512.22 $600[6][7]

Av. assistants giving part time to children's work 4 2 to 7

Av. salary paid such assistants 4 $591

Number library school graduates 16 0 to 3

Number assistants having had partial library school courses 13 0 to 2

Number trained in local library 16 0 to 4

Number trained in other libraries 12 0 to 1

Pages giving full time to children's work 15 0 to 2

Av. yearly salaries for entire staff (not including janitors) 17 $10,159.22

Av. yearly salaries children's department 14 $1,306.01

[5] Not the same libraries as are represented two lines above.

[6] Maximum.

[7] For first year.

The second session of the section was held June 27th, at 2:30 p. m., in the ballroom. Miss MARTHA WILSON, supervisor of school libraries, state department of education, St. Paul, Minnesota, read a paper entitled


On the outermost fringe of library influence they wait--the country children.

To fulfill to them the mission of the library, to make books necessary and accessible, we must take account of the agency which touches the life of even the most remote group--the country school.

Relationships between libraries and schools have long afforded discussion and the librarian is rare who does not feel a sense of her share in the educational work of the town and her responsibility in making her library serve as an adjunct to the school, supplementing or supplanting its library resources.

The country school and its library has in the main been outside this friendly concern or ministration on the part of the town library and but little account taken of it as a part of the library resources or possibilities of a county or state.

The present revival of rural interest has quickened every phase of country life, social, economic and educational.

The country school has shared in the enlargement of interest and is undergoing many radical changes in its spirit, its teaching, its relationships to the neighborhood and the world outside.

While in former times the country child went to school only when not needed at home and received through the year an intermittent schooling, amounting in all to but few weeks a year, compulsory education laws in the majority of states have prolonged the period which he now actually spends in school, and subsidies in state aid for longer terms have lengthened the season through which the school is in operation.

The new emphasis on country life is a transforming effect on the country school, "the ragged beggar sunning" is being replaced by a modern building planned according to state regulations, with regard to comfort and convenience, seats and lighting are seriously considered and the individual drinking cup adds the last touch of modernity.

It is changing its teaching as carefully. The leaders in country school work are striving to give a standing to country service, to reshape it to new country conditions and connect its work very definitely with the neighborhood in which it is placed.

In Minnesota there are three types of rural schools. The first of these is the one-room, one-teacher school in an isolated community where every grade is represented and all subjects taught. The second type is the associated school where several districts have connected themselves with a town school, where the pupils of high school age are received on the same term as their town cousins, and the one-room schools continue the work with the lower grades in the country but under the supervision of the central school. The third is the consolidated school where a number of districts have combined and established in a town, village or open country a modern school for the grades and high school, transporting to it all the children within the radius of five miles.

In all of these schools, the old course of study is adapted to include health instruction, nature study or agriculture, some manual training, sewing and cooking. The high school training departments and the normal schools are making all haste to prepare teachers to fulfill the new requirements while the teachers already at work must bring themselves up to grade at the summer schools. The practical subjects make a strong appeal. A country teacher at the summer school was heard to remark that "the rope-tying lessons were awfully interesting and the course in agriculture was just grand."

As a help in the new order of things a strong school library is needed more than ever. Even in the smallest school there is indeed a collection of books known as the school library, the heritage of the years. These show no design in selection further than meeting the state aid requirement of the expenditure of a certain amount of money every year for library books. The trail of the book agent is over them all: witness the sets; Motley--"History of the United Netherlands," Grote--"History of Greece," Gibbon--"Rome," and such subscription books as "Lights and shadows of a missionary's life" and "The Johnstown flood."

The erstwhile teachers and their interests have left an impress; the correspondence courses which they pursued while teaching are reflected in such books as Hamerton--"Intellectual life"; "The literature of the age of Elizabeth"; and all the Epochs, and Eras and Periods in which they delved for credits; their faith bears witness in the "Life of Luther" found in every school library in one western county and their hopes in "How to be happy tho' married," common in another.

The average number of volumes in each school is impressive in reports, but inspection of the libraries too often shows that the majority of the books are entirely useless in connection with the school work and quite beyond the grasp and interest of the pupils who may be typified by little moon-faced Celestia who trudges two miles through the pine forest to the little log schoolhouse and to whom an illustrated book is a revelation of worlds unknown; Anna, eleven years old, who at the time of our visit was doing the work of the household and caring for her mother and the new baby brother before she came to school, for in this county the size of the state of Connecticut there are but five doctors and fewer nurses; Mary, aged 13, who keeps house for an older brother and his logging "crew" of four grown men; and little Irven, 7 years old, who reads so fast the words can hardly come and who is willing and eager to aver in round childish scribble that his favorite books are "Seven little sisters," Eskimo stories and Fairy stories and fables.

However hard to realize, the needs are simple to state; better books and direction in their use.

In many of the newer libraries there are many good and suitable books and the more progressive county superintendents are paying more attention to their libraries, making use of the suggestive lists furnished them and selecting all the books for the schools in their counties. One proudly reports the purchase in his county in the last year of 2144 =real= children's books. The standardization of the state school list has helped in later years, and as they are obliged to buy from this list there is a pleasing lack of "Motor boys" and "Aeroplane girls."

Some few of the teachers have the notion of the purpose of the school library and are eager to extend its influence. One teacher, combining school work with homesteading, asked for help in getting illustrated books and pictures, explaining that he found it difficult to give images to the words in their texts as the children in his school had never seen a locomotive, a train of cars, a bridge, a tower, a brick or stone building, and the nearest approach to the palace of which they read in their stories was the two-story square frame building in the adjoining settlement. The teacher of Anna and Mary realizing that they would not be allowed to stay in school longer than the law required, having now had more schooling than their father or mother, was trying to give them some simple instruction in household work and was glad to know of "When Mother lets us cook" and the simple books of sewing; and the town girl teaching her first term in the country school tells of her experience in using books of drawing to tame the young "Jack-pine savage" who had been the bully of the school.

The country teacher, as a type, is hardly more than a child herself, born, or transplanted at an early age, into pioneer conditions of work and living with the energies and thought of the family concentrated on getting a start in life in the new land.

In these homes books have not been plentiful, in some the catalog of the mail order house is often the only printed matter in evidence, having apparently displaced the family Bible from its time-honored place on the center table.

In the early schooling and life of the country teacher only the textbooks have left an impress and when she is asked at a country teachers' meeting or in the beginning of her normal school course to name favorite children's books, she puts down the texts she studied in the country schools, the Baldwins, the Carpenters, the Wheelers and the rest.

The stage of poverty and extreme hardship is fast passing. With increased prosperity comes the opportunity for better things, usually desired by the children, not always by the parents.

The school inspector was urging a new schoolhouse. The farmer thought this one good enough. After dinner they went out to see the fine stock and seeing the splendid barns for the stock the inspector said: "You provide such good buildings for your stock you ought to be willing to do something for your children." The farmer still demurred and the inspector pressed the matter. "Do you care more for your stock than for your children?" The farmer became indignant and said: "I want you to know that stock is thoroughbred." If the parents have lost or never had the power to enjoy books, the school and the library must see to it that this asset is given the child in the country, who tomorrow must deal with the problems of the new country life more complex than his fathers have known; the farmer's wife to become emancipated must learn to use the books which will help her, and there must be foundations for the larger citizenship for in spite of all efforts to keep the boy on the farm he will continue to join the ranks of the financiers, the doctors, the judges, the governors and the like.

The newer idea of the use of books and reading in the country schools is taking hold if sometimes vaguely. "I tell them to read library books," she said when asked what use she made of the school library. "Oh no, I have never read any of them myself," and "Little women" and "Captains courageous" and many other live children's books stood in perfect condition on the shelf, though there were a number of children in the school old enough to enjoy them, and only such books had been used as the more adventurous spirits in the school had tasted, found good and passed on to their fellows.

Few children have books of their own--one-third--one-fourth--one in ten being the answer which comes from the teachers to this query. Generally speaking, they read the books in the school library or none at all unless there is a traveling library at hand.

Teachers' training departments in the high schools are doing much to help the country school. In the year's work the students get much of the spirit as well as methods of country school teaching for the training teacher is usually eager to give them all she has of enthusiasm and efficiency and reaches out for all help in her work.

In one teacher's outlines, familiar looking notes on book selection and lists of children's books were discovered. She had patiently copied them from the summer school notes of the librarian in her home town and was using them with her students. In addition to her regular work she looks after the school library which is open to the public and also gives help to schools in the country in the arrangement of their school libraries. In most of these departments some work is attempted on the rural school library with required reading of children's books.

The town librarians find these classes an opportunity to extend their influence by talks in the schools and showing the resources and use of the library. Acquaintance and work with country teachers helped one librarian to put through a long-cherished, long-fought scheme of county extension. As the teachers understand more fully the help they can get from the library the more eagerly they consult the librarian about their work.

The inclusion of talks on children's books, reading and school libraries on the programs of the county teachers' and school officers' meetings, talks and exhibits at district and state educational gatherings and the University weeks have helped to give school libraries new importance in the estimation of the teachers.

The country school library to become useful must be reduced to a collection of books suited to the ages of the pupils as well as to the work in the school. As elsewhere, the best way to get the country child to read the best books is to have no other kind.

Recent library legislation makes it possible for any country or town school library in Minnesota to combine with a public library for service. They may turn over their books not needed in the school and what is more valuable to the library, the fund which they are annually required to spend for library books. In return the library must furnish the school with traveling libraries of books selected from the state school list, suited to the pupils in the school, and the school may also be a distributing point for books for the neighborhood, a real branch.

In some of the associated school districts the central library sends to the associated schools traveling libraries purchased by the district or borrowed from the library commission. In others, the country pupils act as a circulating medium for the central school library. In one town the school and town jointly maintain a good library with a competent librarian in the schoolhouse and it successfully serves the town, the pupils for their reference work and the country 'round about through the country boys and girls who come in every day to school.

The village or open country consolidated school presents yet another opportunity. These schools are the direct outgrowth of the new spirit of country life and are planned to minister to the social as well as the educational needs of the combined districts; and serve as a social center. The library is an important part of the equipment for this work.

State plans for these buildings include a good-sized assembly room, and a room for a library is required. The principal of the school must be shown how the library may help him in his work and he must be assisted in the selection of books not only for the school work but also for the boys' and girls' club, the potato and corn growing contests, the farmers' club, the women's club, the debating societies, literary evenings, and social gatherings which he plans to make features of his school.

Such are some of the possibilities. To make them realities, the teachers must be trained in an understanding of the purpose of a library and a knowledge of children's books, and every library agency in every county and state must be quickened toward the most remote of "all of the children of all of the people."

In the discussion by Mr. Kerr, Miss Burnite, Miss Brown, Miss Allin, Miss Zachert and Miss Hobart, which followed, the following points were made: That the time to accomplish the work in question is when the teachers are in the normal schools, that such work should be based upon the teachers' intensive knowledge of children's books, and that influence may be gained by approaching the superintendents and by using as advertising mediums the school papers to which the teachers subscribe.

Miss Power then gave the chair to Miss Mary E. Hall, librarian Girls' high school, Brooklyn, N. Y. Miss Hall introduced Miss MAUDE McCLELLAND, who told of her work in charge of the library in a high school in Passaic, N. J., pronounced by Miss Hall to be a model of its kind. Miss McClelland made a very happy comparison of the old time school boy and the school boy of today and discussed modern high school methods of helping children to meet actual problems in life.

Miss McClelland said in part:


In the preface to a volume of essays entitled "Literature and life," William Dean Howells defends the doctrine that the tree of knowledge, so familiar to all of us, is in reality but a branch of the tree of life. Literature, instead of having a separate existence of its own, is, as a matter of fact, but a part of life, and all that is necessary to make it a vital force in the lives of human beings is to establish its identity with life.

Now the emphasizing of this unity of literature and life has become the self-appointed task of the modern public library--a task which it is approaching from a number of different angles, such as work with children, work with clubs, work with foreigners, and work with schools. Something of what the library is doing along one of these lines--that of work with schools--may be learned by studying the methods in use in the high school branch of a public library.

Perhaps these methods may best be illustrated by contrasting the school days of two brothers, Adam and Theodore. Now Adam went to school in the good old days when there were no high school libraries, and indeed very few libraries of any kind. At 9 o'clock every morning the active interests of life ceased for him. He then entered the schoolhouse and began the study of a set of lessons, which far removed from real life in themselves, could not be made intensely vital even by the best of teachers, because there was no library in the building upon which the teachers could draw for books and other materials to illustrate the connection between the classics and real life.

The first subject upon his program was ancient history. This he learned with the aid of a textbook, condensed in form, and attenuated in spirit. To him the book was a collection of disagreeable facts to be learned by heart and then forgotten as quickly as possible after examinations were over.

Now, when Adam's brother Theodore entered the school, matters had changed. A branch of the public library had been installed, and the history teacher was no longer handicapped in her work. The members of Theodore's class had all been given special topics for investigation, so when the class in ancient history was called, one pupil drew upon the board the plan of a Greek house, which he had copied from Harper's classical dictionary, while another pupil, who had been to the library and interviewed Gulick's "Life of the ancient Greeks," described the furniture and cooking utensils of the Greeks, and told about the kind of things they had to eat. And Theodore began to realize that after all, those ancient Greeks were real people, just like other real people. So from that history lesson he carried away inspiration from the life of the past toward the living of his own life of the present and future.

The next lesson on the schedule for the day was English. Now, when Adam went to school, he had been rather fond of reading--but that there could be any connection between reading and the English work given him at school never entered his head for a moment. True, they did some reading in the English class, but it was reading in which he wasn't very much interested, though he supposed that in some vague way it probably did him a great deal of good. The real reading, which he did surreptitiously at home was of an entirely different kind. Far from imagining that he derived any benefit from it, he at times even feared that he was endangering his immortal soul. But he felt that the pleasure was worth it. The two kinds of reading, if tabulated, would be about as follows, the comparative amount done being in about the ratio of 16 to 1 in favor of the kind he liked--if he had luck in borrowing books from the boys:

School Reading

Rhetoric and composition. Evangeline. Pilgrim's progress. Selections from Milton. Lady of the lake.

Home Reading

The downward path or A debt of vengeance. Helping himself. A leap in the dark. Trapped in his own net.

The school reading was unexceptionable as to literary character, but, at least for the growing boy of average intelligence, it seemed to lack attractiveness.

When Theodore entered the English class in high school, times had changed. The first thing the teacher did was to give him a list of books for home reading. At the top of the list was written, "These books may be borrowed either from the high school branch or from any other branch of the public library." On the list were such books as "Huckleberry Finn," "Tom Sawyer," "The jungle books," "Story of a bad boy," "The wonder book and tanglewood tales," "Treasure island" and "The man without a country."

Now, these books have literary character; they are attractive; furthermore, they were written by authors who at all times observe with proper respect and deference the laws of the English language.

So, once more, through the aid of the library, we find the connection between literature and the joy of life established.

In the old days, not much had been said about vocations, or working for a living. Indeed, the only ambition considered really worth while was that of going to college and becoming educated. To leave school before graduation was rather a disgrace, and if any boy was, like Lady Macbeth's guests, by force of circumstances, compelled to "go, and stay not upon the order of his going," his method of departure can best be described by the expression, "slinking out." But now, Theodore found the school ready and willing to help all those who had to leave school to go to work; and again, the connection between real life and school was established.

And if Theodore found that the library was not lacking in books that would help in the practical issues of life, neither did he find a dearth of the books that are needed for companionship--the books that we are inclined to group under the heading "Cultural reading." Oliver Wendell Holmes, in one of his essays, says, speaking of libraries, that he has the same easy feeling when among books that a stableboy has among horses. And it is perhaps along this line--that of inculcating a real love for books--that the greatest work of the high school library lies.

In an article on "Children's reading" in Harper's Weekly for May 31 there are some valuable suggestions for the librarian, not least among them that contained in the last paragraph, which I shall quote:

"An excellent suggestion is that in all public schools there should be, as well as the supervisor of drawing, and the supervisor of music, and the supervisor of manual training, a supervisor of the art of reading. For is not reading, after all, an art, and an uplifting, consoling and educative art?"

Mr. SAMUEL H. RANCK, librarian of the Grand Rapids public library, read a full and interesting paper on


In October, 1911, the Grand Rapids public library published in its monthly bulletin an outline of the Central high school course in vocational guidance, with a selected list of the library's books on this subject for teachers and pupils. Five thousand copies were printed, and no number of the bulletin we have ever published has received so much attention. Requests for it have come from all over the world, and a number of institutions have purchased as many as 50 copies. This bulletin is now out of print. In the near future, on the basis of our experience of the last few years, we expect to publish a revised edition of the vocational guidance list, which will include much new material purchased on this subject in the last two years.

Although this list has received so much attention outside of the city its greatest success has been in the city itself. It has brought to the library a great number of young people for the books for circulation and to the reference department for the preparation of all sorts of themes on vocational subjects as a part of their high school work in English. It is not an uncommon thing to find from 20 to 50 high school students at one time working on this subject in our reference department. Incidentally this work at the library has been a splendid training for the boys and girls in the use of the reference books, and regardless of any direct effect it might have on their choice of a career it is certain that the consideration of a number of subjects in connection with the possibility of their being followed as a vocation tends to broaden the life of any young person.

At first this work was regarded somewhat as a joke by some of the pupils but there has been less and less of this as time goes on. No work that the library has ever done in the way of making certain classes of books known to its readers has met with anything like the response as has this work of co-operation with the Central high school.

All through this work the thought of the library has been that it is a co-operating agent rather than an institution working independently, and it seems to me that in all work of this kind the teacher and the school through their intimate personal knowledge of the child are in a much better position to guide the boys and girls than is the library. The library's place is simply that of being fully alive and sympathetic with the whole situation, and in putting forth every effort to gather all available data and to supply the needs of those who can use printed material on this subject. It does not of course neglect opportunities for personal influence, but it seems to me that the library can not take the initiative in the same way nor on the same scale as does the school. Through the reading rooms the library has special opportunities to direct the "misfit" who comes to the library for a clue to a better occupation.

Along with the list in our bulletin of October, 1911, which by the way includes only things in the circulating department of the library, we published an outline of work in vocational guidance in the Central high school by Principal Davis. The following is his statement and the outline, as then in use, since modified somewhat on the basis of practical experience.

Outline of Work in Vocational Guidance in the Central High School

By Jesse B. Davis, Principal

"Vocational guidance aims to direct the thought and growth of the pupil throughout the high school course along the line of preparation for life's work. The plan is intended to give the pupil an opportunity to study the elements of character that give success in life, and by a careful self analysis to compare his own abilities and opportunities with successful men and women of the past. By broadening his vision of the world's work, and applying his own aptitudes and tastes to the field of endeavor that he may best be able to serve, it is attempted to stir the student's ambition and to give a purpose to all his future efforts. Having chosen even a tentative goal his progress has direction. In the later study of moral and social ethics he has a viewpoint that makes the result both practical and effective.

"In order to reach all the pupils in the high school this work is carried on through the department of English, which subject all pupils must take. Brief themes and discussions form the basis of the work. Pupils are directed in their reading along vocational and ethical lines and are advised by teachers who have made a special study of vocational guidance. The following outline is but suggestive of the types of themes and discussions to be used. Each teacher is given opportunity to use her own individuality in working out the details of the scheme.


First Year

1st Semester--Elements of success in life.

1. Every day problems.

(a) The school. (b) The home. (c) The athletic field. (d) The social group.

2. Elements of character.

(a) Purpose of life. (b) Habit. (c) Happiness. (d) Self-control. (e) Work. (f) Health.

2nd Semester--Biography of successful men and women.

1. Character sketches.

2. Comparison of opportunities of ... with self.

3. Comparison of qualities of ... with self.

Second Year

1st Semester--The world's work.

1. Vocations: Professions, occupations.

2. Vocations of men.

3. Vocations of women.

2nd Semester--Choosing a vocation.

1. Making use of my ability.

2. Making use of my opportunity.

3. Why I should like to be....

4. The law of service.

Third Year

1st Semester--Preparation for life's work.

1. Should I go to college?

2. How shall I prepare for my vocation?

3. Vocational schools.

4. How shall I get into business?

2nd Semester--Business ethics.

1. Business courtesy.

2. Morals in modern business methods.

3. Employer and employee.

4. Integrity an asset in business.

Fourth Year

1st Semester--Social ethics: The individual and society--from the point of view of my vocation.

1. Why should I be interested in

(a) Public schools? (b) The slums? (c) Social settlements? (d) Public charities? (e) The church? (f) Social service?

2. The Social relation of the business man.

2nd Semester--Social ethics: The individual and the state--from the point of view of my vocation.

1. The rights of the individual.

2. Protection of the individual from the state.

3. The obligations of citizenship.

4. The rights of property.

5. The responsibility of power."

The books in the bulletin were arranged in accordance with the foregoing outline, which takes the pupil through the whole four years of high school work. Principal Davis' statement of the aims and methods of vocational guidance as it is being carried on in Grand Rapids is sufficiently clear I think, and does not require any additional explanation. It should be clearly understood, however, that vocational guidance is altogether different from vocational education and from industrial education, subjects with which it is sometimes confused.

To meet the many demands which come to Mr. Davis for information regarding vocational guidance he is now at work on a book which will discuss the whole matter fully. This book will probably be ready in the fall. It will contain a revised list of our books on this subject.

At a recent meeting of the Board of Education this work was organized and systematized for the whole city, for all the pupils in the seventh grade and upwards, with Principal Davis as director of the work.

In the light of our experience we believe that the library, in addition to printing a list of books such as given in accordance with this outline, needs a supplementary list arranged according to vocations. On account of the growing interest in vocational education and industrial education there have been many useful books published within the last few years. When this work was first begun there was a dearth of suitable material on a good many subjects, and it was necessary for the library to depend largely on magazine articles, pamphlets, etc., in the reference department, the best of which we have indexed according to subject, along with our indexing of other material such as college catalogs, to show the institutions where courses are given on particular subjects, etc.

The following are a few of the subjects called for recently, as they were noted in the reference department: Nursing, Teaching, Drafting, Social settlement work, Dressmaking, Library work, Dentistry, Music, Mining engineering, Electrical engineering, Farming, Physical training, Agriculture, Education of defectives, Forestry, Playground work, Stenography, Art, Mechanics, Magazine illustrating, Domestic science, Landscape gardening, Designing dresses, Housekeeping, Social secretary work, Private secretary work, Decorative painting, Baseball managership, Surveying, Civil service, Kindergarten work, Scientific farming, Physical culture.

The purpose in all this work is to endeavor to aid boys and girls to find a work in life that will command their best energies, their intelligent interest, and is adapted to their capacities, thus avoiding so far as possible the bane of young people drifting into the first thing that comes along, whether they are fitted for it or not. This work puts before them the widest possible range of choice of vocation, enlarges their horizon, and then endeavors to ground them in those fundamental moral qualities which are the basis of every successful life.

By putting the right sort of books into their hands in this way the library has a tremendous opportunity for influencing their lives at the most formative period, and at the same time developing in them a more or less serious attitude toward life and its work. The study of the lives of successful men and women and the study of the work and requirements of different vocations can not help but impress upon boys and girls the importance of preparation and conscientious effort as prime requisites for success in any line of work.

We of the library in Grand Rapids are of the opinion that the library alone in such work could do very little. As already stated we believe that the initiative should come from the school. On the other hand, we are firmly convinced that the school alone without the co-operation of the library would be very seriously handicapped. In the first place the school would be required to duplicate unnecessarily a large number of the books which are in our public libraries, and this of course would be an economic waste. In the second place the school would be denying the children one of the best opportunities to come in contact with an institution which aids them in the continuation of their education all through life after they leave school. It is of immense value to the child to get training in the use of the library in connection with the thinking he is giving to his work in after life. A better introduction of the child to the value of books and a public library, the library itself could hardly ask.

But the library's greatest opportunity in vocational guidance is in the fact that all this work is really constructive manhood and womanhood, or if you please, constructive citizenship. And this is not only the greatest work the library can do, but the greatest work any institution can do.

This subject proved a timely one and aroused considerable discussion. Many questions were asked concerning the co-operation of the public library in Grand Rapids with this department of work in the high school. Mr. Ranck announced that Mr. Davis, principal of the Central high school, expects to bring out a book in the fall which shall include outlines and the list of books which has been in such great demand and which is now out of print.

The discussion seemed to show that "vocational guidance" is a legitimate field not adequately covered by libraries. Miss Power now took the chair.

Miss Burnite made a motion to adopt the following resolution:

Whereas, the members of the American Library Association who are engaged in work with children feel the great bond of affection for all those who have rendered that service to child life which the achievement of efficient library service for children signifies;

And whereas, the Dayton public library has suffered the destruction of its children's department and thereby the children of the city are without the influence of good books at the time they need them most;

Be it resolved: that we express to the Board of Trustees, the librarian, Miss Clatworthy, the head of the children's department, Miss Ely, our deep sympathy and the hope that their work may be rehabilitated upon a greater plane of service.

Be it resolved also, that these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of this meeting and the secretary be empowered to forward them to the library officials mentioned with the request that the resolutions be forwarded to the Women's Clubs of the city and especially to the Mothers' Clubs as an expression of sympathy for them also, in the loss of the department of the library which has furthered their own efforts in bettering child life.

The motion was carried and the session adjourned.


At the business meetings of the section held June 25th at 2:30 p. m. and after the session, Friday, June 27th, the chairman appointed three new members of the advisory board, as follows: For one year, Mr. Henry E. Legler, and, for three years, Miss Linda Eastman and Miss Lutie E. Stearns. Miss Annie C. Moore, Miss Clara W. Hunt and Miss Caroline Burnite were appointed members of the nominating committee and upon their recommendation the following officers for the ensuing year were unanimously elected: Miss Agnes Cowing, chairman; Miss Mary Ely, vice chairman; Miss Ethel Underhill, secretary. Miss Adah Whitcomb and Miss Faith Smith were appointed by the chair to investigate the subject of simplified headings in several different libraries, to confer with the Catalog Section and A. L. A. Publishing Board, and to report to the Section.



The main session of the College and Reference Section was held on Tuesday afternoon, June 24th, at the Hotel Kaaterskill. Mr. Andrew Keogh, reference librarian of Yale University, presided; Miss Amy L. Reed, librarian of Vassar College, acted as secretary.

The chairman asked for a motion to fill the vacancy on the committee of arrangements which would be caused by his own retirement. It was voted that the Chair appoint a nominating committee; Mr. L. L. Dickerson, librarian of Grinnell College, and Miss Laura Gibbs, cataloger of Brown University, were asked to serve as such a committee.

The session then proceeded to the program for the day, which was the work of Miss Sarah B. Askew, New Jersey public library commission, and of Mr. N. L. Goodrich, librarian of Dartmouth College. In order to secure pointed discussion Mr. Goodrich had caused brief summaries of the papers to be printed and distributed to members of the section two weeks before the meeting.

Miss LUCY M. SALMON, professor of history at Vassar College, read the first paper, entitled


Students who enter college are in an altogether hopeless state, if we are to believe the lamentations poured out in educational reviews and in library journals. In familiar phrase, "they have left undone those things which they ought to have done, and they have done those things which they ought not to have done, and there is no health in them." But it is not given either a college librarian or a college instructor to remain long hopeless, either for himself or for others,--the very nature of his calling demands that somebody do something. Discouragement over ignorant and untrained freshmen dissolves into the bewildering questions of who is to do what, and when, and where, and how. And so the college year begins.

It is undoubtedly true that a very large majority of college freshmen are not familiar with a large library such as they meet in college, that they have never used a card catalog, and that they would not even recognize it if they saw one.

But is it reasonable to expect such knowledge? The majority come from small places where such opportunities are not found, the work of the secondary schools does not demand extensive use of a library, and the mental immaturity of pupils of the secondary school age does not augur well either for an understanding of the intricacies of the card catalog, or for any special interest in the cataloging of books, or in general library history and administration. If the entering student had a knowledge of these things, one reason for going to college would be lacking,--he goes to college to learn what he cannot reasonably be expected to know before that time.

Cheerfully accepting then this condition of ignorance of all library procedure on the part of the rank and file of college freshmen everywhere, and unanimously agreeing that the college student must in some way learn how to use a library, diversity of opinion is found in regard to these two questions:--Is this instruction given better as an independent course to the entering students, or is it better to give it in connection with regular college work? Should the instruction be given by members of the library staff, or by college instructors?

The very fact that this question has been broached is helpful, since it is significant of the great changes that are coming both in library administration and in educational theory and practice. It suggests the increasing specialization in library work, the growing co-operation between the library force and those engaged in the more technical side of education, newer and, we believe, higher ideals of the object and therefore of the process of education, and the reflection of these changes in the development in the student body of independence, self-reliance, and the desire to do creative work.

Assuming therefore that we are all interested in securing for the college student fullness of knowledge at the earliest hour possible, I venture personally to differ somewhat from the report of the majority of the committee of the New England college librarians and to say that from the angle of the college instructor, it seems clear to me that the knowledge is better acquired in connection with regular college courses and that it can best be given by college instructors. It is with most of us a favorite occupation to see how many birds we can bring down with one stone, and this desire is in a sense gratified if we can incorporate knowledge of how to use a library with the subject matter included in a particular course,--it seems a saving of time for student, instructor and librarian. Everything is clear gain that can be picked up by the way.

But quite apart from this general desire to telescope several subjects, there are specific advantages gained by the student when the instruction is given by the instructor of a regular college class. The knowledge acquired falls naturally into its place in connection with definite, concrete work. Abstract theory has little place in the mental equipment of the fresh man, he seeks out relationships, adds new knowledge to what he already has, and quite reasonably is impatient, even intolerant in spirit when new ideas and facts are presented to him that he cannot immediately assimilate. To use a homely illustration, an article of food, like butter, that is essential for our physical diet serves its purpose much better when distributed through other articles of food than if taken independently and by itself. All new ideas in regard to library organization, cataloging, bibliography, searching for material, the handling of books, if gained through the usual channels of college work, are quickly and easily assimilated by the college student. If, however, these same ideas are presented to him unrelated to other work they are in danger of remaining unassimilated and of becoming a hindrance rather than a help.

On the other hand, the advantages in having the instruction given by a regular college instructor are that he deals with small sections of students, not with "numbers which are appallingly large;" that he knows the individual student; that he is able to relate the bibliographical work with the individual student on the one hand, and on the other hand with the special subject with which the student is working.

Personally, I can but feel that the assumption made by the committee of the New England college librarians, by the librarian of the Newark public library, by the dean of the collegiate department of the University of Illinois, and by others in the library field that college instructors are not interested in this matter and would oppose instruction in it is not really warranted by the condition that exists.

May I venture to describe somewhat in detail what is done in one college in showing students how to use books, how to become acquainted with the opportunities of a large library, and how to avail themselves of these opportunities in a direct personal way. In giving this account of what is done in Vassar College, may I emphasize the statement that the work done is by no means peculiar to one college,--other institutions all over the country are doing much that in principle is precisely the same, although the details may vary.

The first aid in knowledge of the library building, of its equipment, and of how to use its collections is given the Vassar College student literally during her first hours on the college campus. She is met by a member of the senior or the junior class and taken about the campus, and it is the duty of these student guides to give every entering student a copy of the =Students' Handbook=. In this she is urged to "become acquainted with the library as soon as possible." "The reference librarian," the =Handbook= tells her, "expects every new student to come to the reference desk to be shown about the arrangement of the library and the use of the catalog and to receive a copy of the library Handbook."

The guides point out the library and they are instructed to urge the new students to seek out the reference librarian at once and to make the library trip immediately. The new student goes to the residence hall where she is to live and she finds on the bulletin board in this hall an invitation to take the library trip. The records kept by the reference librarian show that a very large percentage of the entering students almost immediately avail themselves of this invitation extended by guides and reiterated by =Handbook= and by bulletin boards.

When the new student first enters the library she is given a plan of the building showing the arrangement of the different sections and a handbook explaining in full the library privileges. Armed with this, she is met by the reference librarian and then joining a group of three others she is taken through the library where she makes connections between the plan in her hand, the books on the shelves, "the inanimate reference librarian--the card catalog--" and the animate reference librarian in whom she finds a guide, counselor and friend.

This library trip can be, and is intended to be only general in character. The student gains from it first of all the consciousness of having found in the reference librarian a friend to whom she can always go for help and advice; second, her interest is aroused to become better acquainted with the card catalog and with the general facilities for work afforded by the library; and third she gains a determination to follow the injunction of the =Students' Handbook=, "do your part to make the library an ideal place in which to work."

It is at this stage, after this general instruction given by the reference librarian, that the majority of the entering students meet the officers of the department of history. We give them collectively during the first week, usually the second day, an illustrated lecture on the library. This includes slides showing the catalog cards of a few of the books they will use most in their history work, the cards of the most important reference works, periodicals, and atlases, slides showing the difference between a "see" card and a "see also" card, slides that explain incomplete series, continuation cards, and every variation that concerns their immediate work. Every slide concerns a work on history that is to be used almost immediately, and the form used in cataloging, the notation and the annotation, the hieroglyphics of the printed card, and the bibliographical features of the card are fully explained from the screen.

The students then meet their individual instructors, each one having previously provided herself with a pamphlet called ="Suggestions for the Year's Study, History I."= This pamphlet, besides giving detailed instructions for the preparation of the work, includes a plan of the library; suggestions in regard to its history, as also the description and the meaning of its exterior and interior; a facsimile and explanation of the catalog card of the text book used in the course; hints concerning the general card catalog; an analysis of the general form and different parts of a book; special directions for preparing the bibliographical slips or cards that must accompany every topic presented, together with an illustration of a model card; a full classification, with illustrations under each, of all the works of references the class will presumably use, including general works of reference, dictionaries, encyclopaedias, periodicals, year books, atlases, autobiographical material, including the various forms of =Who's Who?= together with biographical, ecclesiastical and various miscellaneous dictionaries and encyclopaedias; an elaborate chart devised to show the authoritativeness as history of the text book used in the course, accompanied by a full explanation of it; suggestions in regard to the purchase of histories for a personal library; and finally, a recommendation to make use of another pamphlet called =Suggestive Lists for Reading in History=. The main points in the pamphlet =Suggestions for the Year's Study= are talked over between instructor and students, and constant reference is made to it throughout the year.

The next step in the history work is to assign each student one or more questions written on a slip and drawn by lot. These questions are intended to test her assimilation of the bibliographical help already given, and her ability to apply to a concrete case what she has gained. As soon and as often as possible the students in the different sections of this class in history go to the library with the instructor for such additional and special help as they may need.

From time to time the students in History I prepare special topics on limited questions. A bibliography must always preface these topics and if it is in any way at fault, either as regards form or material, it must be presented a second time or as many times as is necessary to correct the defects.

This course in History I is required of every student in college. Those students who elect other courses based on this become acquainted with still other features of the library and acquire added facility in bibliographical work. Every student, for example, who elects the course in American history has a pamphlet called =Suggestions for the Year's Study, History A, AA=. This pamphlet includes a chart that shows the location in the library of all the sections of American history, each accompanied by the Dewey notation for each section, and also the notation for the sections in political science, law and government, American literature, English literature, and English history. It also considers at length the place in the course of the textbook, secondary works, collections of sources, almanacs, works on government, guides to literature, state histories, biographies, travels, and illustrative material. For the latter the students are again referred to =Suggestive Lists for Reading in History=.

Another section of the pamphlet considers specific classes of books which the student uses. It calls attention to the various kinds of bibliographies, as complete, selected, classified, and annotated; to library catalogs arranged on the dictionary, author, subject, and title plan, as also to trade catalogs; to documents classified by form and by contents; to official publications, and the publications of historical societies; to every form of personal record; to descriptions by travelers; and to general and special histories. It also takes up periodicals; manuscripts; special facsimiles, like the B. F. Stevens; geographical material; monumental records; inscriptions, and pictorial material.

Elaborate directions are given for preparing exhaustive bibliographies of the material in the college library on special subjects and suggestions for expanding these in the future as other opportunities for further library work are presented. In addition, tin trays of cards are provided in the American history sections. These are bibliographical cards that supplement but do not duplicate the catalog cards of the general library catalog.

During the year about twenty special topics are prepared by this class, each prefaced by a bibliography of the subject. At the end of the year, one special bibliographical topic is presented. This represents what each student can do in the time given to three classroom hours.

At the end of the first semester of this course the examination given is not a test of what the students have remembered but rather a test of what they are able to do under definite conditions. The class is sent to the library, each member of it usually receives by lot an individual question, and she then shows what facility she has gained in the use of books by answering the question with full range of the library.

Other pamphlets of =Suggestions= have occasionally been prepared for the most advanced courses. At the end of the senior year the students in my own courses are frequently given an examination that calls for the freest use of the library in the planning of history outlines for club work, in arranging for a public library selected lists of histories suitable for "all sorts and conditions of men," and similar tests that show how far they are able to apply present bibliographical knowledge to probable future experiences.

All this instruction and opportunity for practice in bibliography is not left to "the chance instruction of enthusiastic instructors" or to "the insistence of department heads" to quote Mr. Kendric C. Babcock.[8] It is definitely planned, it is systematically carried out, there is definite progression from year to year in the kind of bibliographical work required, and it is directly related to the specific and individual work of every student. From time to time conferences are held by the members of the library staff and the instructors in history and these conferences enable each department to supplement and complement the work of the other and thus avoid repetition and duplication.

[8] =Library Journal=, March, 1913, p. 135.

This division of labor enables the reference librarian to play the part of hostess, to make the students feel at home, to secure their good will and co-operation, to develop a sense of personal responsibility towards the library and its treasures. Her work as regards the library is

largely general and descriptive; as regards the students it is that of a friend and counselor; as regards the other officers of the college it is that of an ally and co-operator.

It is necessary to emphasize at this point the wide divergence between the work of the reference librarian in the college or the university and that of the reference librarian in the public library however large or small it may be.

In the public library the demand made upon the reference librarian is for definite information for immediate use; the library patron wishes, not training in acquiring information by and for himself, but the information itself; no substitution of deferred dividends will satisfy his insistent demand for immediate cash payment; he cares not at all for method but he cares very particularly for instant results. Moreover, no one intervenes between the reference librarian and the library patron,--he alone is responsible for giving the information desired. And again, the reference librarian has to deal with an irregular, constantly fluctuating clientele. The man who wants to know who first thought the world was round and whether he was a vegetarian or perchance a cannibal may never visit the library again, but the effort must be made to satisfy his curiosity. The reference librarian of the public library must always be more or less of a purveyor of miscellaneous information to an irregular fluctuating public.

But the functions of the college reference librarian are altogether different. It is often his duty not to give, but temporarily to withhold information; not to answer but to ask questions; to answer one question by asking another; to help a student answer his own question for himself, work out his own problems, and find a way out of his difficulties; to show him how to find for himself the material desired; to give training rather than specific information; to be himself a teacher and to co-operate with other instructors in training the students who seek his help. All this is possible for him for he deals with a regular constituency and he can build up each year on the foundations of the previous year. But while progression comes for the students, there is always the solid permanency of subject with which the reference librarian deals. With the regularity of the passing calendar there come the questions of the feudal system and of the frontier, of the renaissance and of how to follow a bill through congress. The personnel of the student body changes, but there is always an unchanging residuum of subject matter. On the side of the regular college work there is therefore practically no demand whatever made on the college reference librarian for the miscellaneous information demanded of the public reference librarian,--he is not the one who writes for the daily papers the description in verse of the daily life of the reference librarian.[9] Just what his work is in the college, from the students' point of view is indicated by a recent experience.

[9] =Library Journal=, Oct., 1912. =Public Libraries=, June, 1913.

A class of seventy in American history was recently asked to what extent the members of it had availed themselves of the services of the reference librarian in that particular course and the replies seem to show that their inquiries had chiefly related to the use of government publications, early periodical literature, material not suggested by the titles of books, out-of-the-way material, source material, and current newspaper material not available through indexes. The many tributes to the help received from the Vassar College reference librarian are perhaps best summed up, so it seems to the teacher, in the statement of one student "she shows you how to go about finding a book better the next time."

If then it must be evident that the work of the college reference librarian differs widely from that of the public reference librarian, it remains to consider specifically what division of the field should be made between the college reference librarian and the college instructor. Here a clear line of demarcation seems evident. The college instructor must know the student personally and intellectually, as he must know the conditions from which he has come and the conditions to which he presumably is to go. He must help the student relate all the various parts of his college work and help him relate his college work to the general conditions in which he is placed. Hence he cannot separate for the student the bibliography of a subject from the subject itself. Nor can he turn over to the librarian the instruction in bibliographical work. The reference librarian is the only member of the library staff who in the capacity of a teacher comes into direct personal relationship with the student, but his work, as has been seen, is entirely different.

In this division of the field that leaves to the college instructor the actual instruction of students in the use of books, a large unoccupied territory is claimed by the reference librarian as peculiarly his own. This concerns the "extra-collegiate activities" and includes help on material needed in inter-class debates, dramatics, pageants, college publications, Bible classes, mission classes, commencement essays, and all the miscellaneous activities in which the student, not the instructor, takes the initiative. This work corresponds somewhat closely to that of the general reference librarian in a public library and it demands about one-half of the time of the librarian.

Instruction in the use of the library is facilitated by unrestricted access to the shelves and here the students are able to put their knowledge to the test and to work out their own independent methods.

What are the advantages and the disadvantages of unrestricted access to the library shelves? The question was recently asked a class of seventy students and their replies show an almost unanimous opinion that the advantages are overwhelmingly in favor of the open shelves.

Among the educational advantages enumerated are that this fosters independence and self-reliance, through encouraging personal investigation; that it enables students to see books in relation to other books, to make comparisons, and therefore to select those that are the best to use; that it shows the library resources and, to a certain extent, the breadth of the investigation that has been done in specific lines. "The open shelf is an instructor, a great indispensable helper, an education in itself," writes one student, while another states, "It gives an opportunity to form a closer acquaintance with books already known by name, and for casual acquaintance with books one has not time to draw out and read at length."

On the more personal side the students have found the advantages to be the pleasure found in handling books; the appeal made by titles and bindings; the inspiration that comes from the feeling of kinship with books; the opportunity given for wide acquaintance with books and authors; more extensive reading; the saving of time; the satisfaction of being able to find what is wanted, freedom from the limitations of specific references. "We become interested in subjects and in books we should not otherwise have known at all," writes one, while another asked a friend who replied, "Well, I don't know exactly what it means, but I guess it means that I for one use books I never otherwise would have used."

On the side of the library as a whole, many have found advantages in the opportunity it gives of doing general and special bibliographical work and in the knowledge afforded of the general plan of arrangement, classification, and cataloging. "If we had to stay in a reading room, how much idea of library organization should we have?" is the clinching question of one enthusiastic student.

The moral advantages are found to be the feeling of responsibility towards books and the training given in not abusing the privilege.

But it is in the failure of some persons to avail themselves of these opportunities for moral training that students find the disadvantages of the open shelf. There are the periodic complaints that books are lost, misplaced, hidden, and monopolized; that the privilege is abused; and that the social conscience is lacking. "The open shelf is the ideal system but it is designed for an ideal society," feelingly writes one, while another, more philosophical, finds that the open shelf has its annoyances, but no disadvantages, and that these are probably to be charged up to human nature, not to the system.

Only an occasional one sees any other disadvantages. One student finds herself bewildered and lost in irrelevant material, while another brought up in the atmosphere of Harvard, thinks that the closed stack encourages greater precision and carefulness, "for if you have to put in a slip and wait for a book you are more careful about your choice than you are when you can easily drop one found to be unsatisfactory and lay your hands immediately upon another one." "It may be," adds a third, "that we do not get all we might from a book when it is so easy to get others. I find myself often putting aside a book when I do not immediately find what I want."

With an occasional plaint about the increased noise and that the open shelf really takes more time since it is easier to ask for an authority on a specified subject than it is to look it up for one's self, the case for and against the open shelf, from the side of the student, seems closed, with the verdict overwhelmingly in favor of unrestricted access to the library shelves.

I cannot forbear suggesting two directions in which it seems to me the library work could be extended to the advantage of both library and academic force.

The first is the desirability of having connected with every college library an instructor in the department of history who gives instruction in one or more courses in history and who is at the same time definitely responsible for the development of the bibliographical side of the history work.

The work of the history librarian on the library side would be to serve as a consulting expert on all questions that arise in cataloging books that are on the border lines between history and other subjects. Such perplexing questions are constantly arising and valuable aid might be given in such cases by an expert in history.

Another part of the work of the history librarian from the side of the library would be to keep the librarian and the history department constantly informed of opportunities to purchase at advantage works on history that are available only through the second-hand dealers. It now usually devolves on some member of the library staff to study the catalogs of second-hand books and report "finds" to some officer of the history department. Could facilities be provided for making it possible to have the initiative come from the history side it would seem a distinct gain.

The work of the history librarian would also include the responsibility for the classification, arrangement and care of the mass of apparently miscellaneous material that accumulates in every library but does not slip naturally into a predestined place. All is grist that comes to the history mill, yet it is difficult to know how it can best be cared for. Miss Hasse in her well-remembered article =On the Classification of Numismatics=[10] has shown that the utmost diversity has prevailed in regard to the classification of coins and the literary material dealing with them. This is but one illustration of the uncertainty, confusion, and diversity that prevails in classifying much of the material that seems miscellaneous in character, and that yet should be classified as historical material.

[10] =Library Journal=, September, 1904.

The work of the history librarian on the side of the students would be concerned during the first semester particularly with the freshmen and the sophomores. The bibliographical and reference work now done could be greatly enlarged and extended. It would be possible to explain still more fully the possibilities of assistance from the card catalog; to help students locate the more special histories that might seem to be luxuries rather than the necessities of their work; to make them acquainted with histories as histories, rather than with histories as furnishing specific material; to develop their critical appreciation of books and their judgment in regard to the varying degrees of authoritativeness of well known old and recent histories. Encouragement would be given the students to begin historical libraries for themselves, advice could be given in making reasonable selections of books, and help in starting a catalog. Interest in suitable book-plates for historical collections might be roused as well as interest in suitable bindings, and thus through these luxurious accessories the student be led on to friendship with the books themselves and with their author.

During the second semester the work of the history librarian would be largely with the seniors and would be more constructive in its nature. The seniors are looking forward to taking an active part in the life of their home communities and they will be interested in the public schools, in the public library, in social work, in church work, in history and literary clubs, in historical pageants, f�tes and excursions, in historical museums, in the celebration of historic days, and in innumerable other civic activities, many of which are intimately connected with the subject of history. The history librarian would be able to give invaluable aid to the seniors in preparing lists of histories suitable for public libraries in communities where suggestions may prove welcome; in suggesting histories adapted to all these demands made by personal, co-operative, and civic activities. This constructive work of the history librarian would be capable of infinite extension and variation and its good results would be far-reaching and of growing momentum.

May I suggest one further possible direction in which the activities of the library staff would lend interest to the general work of the college. Every institution needs luxuries and the members of the library staff have it in their power to offer courses of lectures open to all members of the college and also to citizens of the community who are interested in educational questions. Such courses would include lectures on the history of libraries; on the great libraries of Europe and America; on the great libraries of the world; on great editors like Benjamin F. Stevens; on rare books; on books famous for the number of copies sold, of editions, of translations, of migrations through auction rooms; on the famous manuscripts of the world. The possibilities of such courses are limitless.

There are also the courses of lectures that we are all eager to hear on the plain necessities that are of even greater interest than are those that deal with the luxuries. The college wants to hear about the administration of a library and its general problems; about the special questions of cataloging, interlibrary loans, the special collections of the library as well as its general resources. From the standpoint of special departments, lectures might be given by representatives of these departments on the treasures of the library as they concern their special fields.

Joint department meetings of the members of the library staff and the officers of the departments of English and of history for the discussion of questions of mutual interest have at Vassar College proved stimulating and contributed much to a mutual understanding of each other's ideals and to a sympathetic appreciation of the difficulties attending their realization.

"Why cannot all this work with and about books be explained by the librarians,--" college authorities sometimes ask. "That is their business; it is the business of the teacher to teach."

The answer is simple. The good teacher must individualize the student, the good librarian must individualize the book; and both teacher and librarian must co-operate in helping the college student get the utmost possible from his college course in order that in his turn he may help the community in which he lives in its efforts to realize its ideals. The endless chain extends to the farthermost confines of heaven!

Discussion of the paper was led by Mr. J. T. Gerould, librarian of the University of Minnesota. He believed that most college teachers had neither the knowledge nor the enthusiasm necessary to give systematic bibliographic instruction. Training in the use of the library should, he thought be given by a member of the library staff, from a general point of view, introducing the student to reference books not simply in one field, but in all. The time had come for the university libraries to define their position as a distinct educational integer, not a mere adjunct to the academic departments. Of course, to take such a position, the library staff must be thoroughly equipped, and must include trained bibliographers in adequate number.

Dr. E. C. Richardson, librarian of Princeton University, called attention to the fact that the principle of unrestricted access to the shelves required hearty co-operation between the college public and the library staff. It should be recognized that the librarian is not responsible for the correct placing of every book on an "open shelf."

Mr. John D. Wolcott, librarian of the Bureau of Education, Washington, D. C., spoke of the questionnaire on the subject under discussion sent out in October, 1912, by the A. L. A. to two hundred colleges and universities. A summary of the results were included in the chapter entitled "Recent aspects of library development" by John D. Wolcott, which forms a part of the Report of the U. S. Commissioner of Education for the year ended June 30, 1912. Reprints may be obtained from the Commissioner.

Mr. H. C. Prince, librarian of the Maine state library, called attention to the courses in legal bibliography which were being given at various law schools. Those at the University of Chicago, though without credit, were eagerly attended by law students.

Mr. Goodrich reiterated his belief that the libraries should take a definite stand in insisting that college students must be taught how to use library resources to the full. They must learn the many "tricks of the trade," which in his opinion, were better known at present to the librarian than to the teacher. Miss Salmon replied that she thought it less a question of learning the "tricks of the trade" than of adapting the desired knowledge to the individual need and capacity of the student; hence her belief in the teacher as the proper medium of instruction. The discussion could not be pursued for lack of time.

Mr. H. E. BLISS, librarian of the College of the City of New York, read a paper on


The letter inviting me to take part in this conference echoes to me now across the busy field of the past month with notes something like this: "Come, if you will, and talk to us and with us, but =please= be =practical=." Perhaps I have elsewhere in-adroitly given the impression that I believe classification for libraries should be a matter of science or of philosophy. I did indeed say in print, some months ago, that "To be practical today and tomorrow, man must be scientific." Upon science, that is verified and organized knowledge, practical common sense is becoming more and more dependent. To be practical without knowledge is in most matters to be ineffectively practical. How practical should we be in classification for libraries, and how should we be practical effectually?

Those who have had to do with classification only in small collections of books for popular use may regard it as a comparatively simple and unimportant thing. They do not see why there should be so much trouble and fuss about it. This we may term the na�ve view, to borrow a phrase from recent philosophical literature. But some of those who have undertaken to maintain a classification for a large university or reference library know that it is one of the most difficult and complicated of our problems. They apprehend furthermore that it has not yet been solved satisfactorily. This may be termed the =critical= view. It may vary from moderation to extremes optimistic or pessimistic.

Not a toy librarians want but a =tool=, as we say. The mechanism of a library, however, is not operated by merely mechanical hands. There should be somewhat in library service beyond mere statistical and technical economies. Our arrangement of books should not be inconsistent with the organization of knowledge, lest we fail in an =inestimable= service to the seekers and disseminators of knowledge.

Is it feasible economically to adapt this instrument, classification, to that higher service? There are three answers to this question. There is the pessimistic negative. Books are wanted in all possible and impossible arrangements. You cannot make a classification that, even with the customary transfers of charging-systems, will serve all these ever-varying needs. This argument leads to the virtual negation of the very =principle= of classification. If this were wholly true, it were futile to provide a place for bacteriology, for the books would be wanted now under botany, now under pathology, or sanitation, and again perhaps under agricultural science.

Shall we separate such branches or not? The pessimist says: "Whichever you do, classification fails." The optimist answers: "Good classification serves the average or prevailing demand." To more special subjects the pessimist then turns, such as crystallography, eugenics, child-psychology. These he says are claimed in their entirety by two or three different sciences. These arguments, launched against so-called "scientific classifications," are no less hostile to the worthy undertaking of a practical system in such conformity to the consensus of modern science as the conditions permit. But most librarians have not accepted this pessimistic negative. They continue to classify books for average demands, and the interest in the problem increases.

Contrasted is the more prevalent optimistic view. We have good classification. The Decimal Classification is an admirable, successful, at least serviceable system; it is the established, the familiar, the most practical. With all its faults, we love it still. Is not that =na�ve=? Then, a consistent, scientific system is an impossibility. The relations and interests in science are ever changing, always complex. The thing would not continue for a decade to be satisfactory.

Another outcome of the na�ve optimistic view, as realizing the complexity of scientific specialization, is the doctrine that a simple, practical system may be kept abreast of scientific progress by the addition of new details. This elaboration of schedules is compatible with what we term "expansion." Expansibility is essential to the very life of a notation, but it may be overworked. Certain systems have, I fear, expanded beyond the capacity of their safety valves to save them from explosion. Thousands of the details of those inflated schedules are practically useless even in the largest library. Such abnormal distension of the bibliographical body, or hypertrophy of its special parts, is not now for the first time called a disease of the bibliothecal system. That the subjects and topics are innumerable and of intricate complexity has led to the misconception that a classification for libraries should embody an infinity of captions in infinite complication. An alphabetical subject-index is believed to be all that is requisite to operate this maze of entangled details. This view may be termed the =subject-index illusion=.

Classification for libraries is to be distinguished on the one hand from notation and on the other hand from an arrangement of bibliographical subjects indexed. Notation and index are but correlative to classification, and, however requisite to a practical system, are in truth of minor importance. They are the fingers and the feet of the body and brain that organize the materials of knowledge. Yet it is these fingers and feet that have chiefly occupied the attention of most classifiers.

In the theory of classification subjects are to be distinguished from classes as contents from containers. The subject is that which is denoted by its definition; the class is the aggregate of particular things--books, or other things--that are comprised by the definition. A class may be comprehensive of many subjects or aspects of subjects. Such need not appear in the schedules of the classification, but they should be in its subject-index. Thus, Botany is a subject, to which Botanical Books is the corresponding class; Plant Physiology, a less general subject, has a less comprehensive class of books. Geotropism is a specific subject in the physiology of plants. The question arises, is there a class of books and pamphlets treating especially of this subject, the tendency of plants to respond to gravitation, as a stimulus? "Have you in your library," I might ask individually of the majority, "have you an aggregation of books on this subject?" The A. L. A. List comes nearest in the sub-headings under Plants, where with Movements appears Heliotropism, a kindred subject. This caption Movements is for a veritable class of subjects, and it might indeed comprise Geotropism. That is just what the Library of Congress schedule does, subordinating under QK 771 "Movements, Irritability in plants, (general)", the caption of 776, "Miscellaneous induced movements: Geotropism, Heliotropism, etc." In my own classification, the mark GCM goes with the caption, "Movements, Heliotropism, Geotropism, etc." It seems well thus to provide for a future group of monographs. If I criticise the Library of Congress classification today, or elsewhere, be it remembered that I recognize its correct treatment of this and thousands of other subjects. But is the E. C. justified in reaching into the dim future for subdivisions of specialization such as its NESGD, Diatropism, and NESGL, "Lateral Geotropism?" That is where we must open the safety valve or burst.

The body of the D. C. is congested with thousands of names of persons, places, and events which may be subjects, but hardly for classes of books. Systematic schedules might provide for most of these, reduce the bulk of the system, and make for economy and convenience. The L. C. schedules suffer from similar but more astounding expansion. Class H, Sociology and Economics, is needlessly immense, having 551 p., of which but 51 are index. According to the principle laid down a moment ago, the number of subjects in the index should by much =exceed= those in the schedules.

The "Expansive" Seventh expansion expanded so much with its own specialistic tissue that it could afford to omit such bulk of proper and place names. For instance Aves (Birds), covers 8 pages of fine print; there are all the taxonomic terms, for example, PGSLPI is for Phalacrocoracid�, some family related to the pelicans; but there appears besides only the single subject Oology (eggs), at the end as PGZ. No place under Birds for their structure, their habits, for the popular bird-books, and for such interesting subjects as their migration, flight, etc., about which there =are= books! However much there is to interest, to commend, and to admire in this great undertaking, it must be admitted that this is not practical classification for libraries. It is the province of the subject-catalog to bring together topics and titles which are too special for classification to bring into collocation.

But let us return to the main question of the feasibility of =better= classification. There are three answers, I said. Two we have considered, the na�ve, and the pessimistic, also their offspring, the subject-index illusion, but we have not yet completely answered the pessimistic. This we may now proceed to do in connection with the third answer, which is optimistic and constructive, while at the same time critical. This affirms that better classification is feasible, that it may be sufficiently flexible and durable, that changes and adjustments may be provided for in alternative and reserved locations, that the notation may be quite simple, and that the index may be as full and specific as comports with convenience.

The purpose of library classification is to group books and to =collocate groups= for the convenience of readers and students in their =average wants=. It is not so much for those who want a book, whose author and subject are known, or any good book on a particular subject; for such, the author and subject-catalogs may suffice. But classification is for those who want books, in the plural, directly, without preliminary handling of cards. Three types of such wants are to be distinguished.

(1) To all libraries come (the prevalent type) those who wish a few good books on the subject, or a few facts to be found in the standard books. They do not care to fuss over the card-catalog. The reference librarian, the selective lists, may serve such wants, but close classification usually does so most economically and most satisfactorily. For very specific subjects, however, the subject-catalog in the large library may often best serve this type and may make it less dependent upon free access and close classification.

(2) The second type wants all the good books treating of the subject especially. From these the user himself is to make selection according to his purpose or point of view. Free access and classification are here requisite. A bibliography, if there be one, would be most likely an embarras de richesse.

(3) The third type is that of exhaustive research: all the available literature is wanted, not only the books and pamphlets treating especially of the subject, but also those on related subjects and those of broader scope. Subject-catalogs and bibliographies are needed preliminaries, but access, continued access to the books, is the desideratum. It is for this type that the most carefully guarded libraries give access to their precious collections. Classification, not merely any old kind of subject, or close classification, but good, scientific, close classification, based upon good, consistent, broad classification, is here of paramount importance. The test comes when the student turns from the special to the more general and the related subjects, which are mostly in related branches of science. The tendency to organization in science is rapidly and surely growing. The more consistent with the consensus, to which studies on the average are adapted, however original and divergent their aim, the more convenient will be the classification. It is in subordination of the specific to the broader subject or class and in collocation of related subjects and subdivisions of classes that most systems fail; and here that most classifiers fail to understand either the fault or the remedy.

The difficulties emphasized by the pessimist, the overlapping of studies and the rival claims, arise chiefly from improper subordination. The material is common to the several sciences because these are portions differentiated from larger fields. Child-psychology is part of Psychology. The science and art of education are mainly concerned with the mental. They are related to Physiology and to Sociology as Psychology is related. But to place Education under Sociology, as is done by the D. C. and the E. C. is to answer the relation of second, not of first dependence, and is as false as it were to put psychology under sociology, to put the cart before the horse. Education and Psychology are working together, and their books should be contiguous. How shall we arrange these practically? Well, scientifically, in the order of generality, thus:

I Anthropology. ID to IG Human physiology.

J Psychology. JN Social psychology. JO Child-psychology. JP Education. JQ Educational psychology.

K Sociology and Ethnology. KA Sociology. KE Ethnology.

L History.

The principles of consistent subordination and practical collocation should guide the maker of a system, and his notes should guide the classifier of books. Here indeed should be a "code for classifiers" more intimately articulated than in a separate book. But herein lies the practical art of classification, so to dispose classes, divisions, and subdivisions, that they shall produce a relative minimum of inconvenience under the average conditions of demand and a relative maximum of collocation not only of special classes but of general, as well as a degree of consistency as high as practical conditions permit, and ultimately, as an ideal, a consistency not only with the pedagogic but with the philosophic organization of knowledge. This ideal, I believe, is not beyond approximate realization.

This critical but optimistic view ascribes the failure of library classifications to the dispersion of related material under subject, or close classification, without proper subordination and collocation. The subject-index, however useful to classifiers, is of little value to students. I approve close classification, but find it the more unsatisfactory and baffling as it is the less consistently adapted to good broad classification, with good articulation of related subjects according to predominating interests, and with alternative locations for flexibility to changes and for durability in the progress of science.

Having answered the main question of feasibility, we may now take up some minor practical questions, first Notation. It is not likely that reason shall soon remove all traces of prejudice and controversy in this matter. A few propositions, however, are so reasonable that I think they will be accepted. Notation should be brief and simple. Its simplicity depends upon its brevity, though also upon the familiarity and homogeneity of its elements. Letters give brevity. The capacity of three-letter notation, allowing for omission of all objectionable combinations, is about 15,000. Using letters and figures together increases this capacity to about 25,000, omitting confusing mixtures such as K7G and 8B4. Since somewhat more than 10,000 subdivisions seem requisite, the question reduces to this form: "Which is simpler, notation of three letters, or of five figures?" But figures, it is argued, are more familiar. They may be so to bookkeepers, but to the keepers of books! Familiar here means familiar with the numbers of the D. C. Then, are unmeaning combinations like DAL or GWK really more meaningless than numbers like 13859? On the other hand, isn't RAG easier to see and to remember? But the argument, so far as it is not merely prejudiced, is childish. Such combinations as A1, 3B, C42, and CF6, are hardly objectionable, and may prove convenient and economical in class-notation as they do in the author numbers, with which librarians are so friendly. Since they are come to stay, what is the use of arguing for homogeneous notation?

Notation is the more systematic and economical where it reduces in part to schedules applicable to the subdivision of many classes or divisions. This feature appeared to a minor extent in the "form signs" of the D. C., but was carried out extensively and complexly in the E. C. It is apparent also in the L. C., but there is more conspicuous by its absence through hundreds of pages of names of countries, places, and persons. Time does not permit me to describe here the six schedules that economize the system I have worked out: Schedule 1, Mnemonic numerals, constant throughout; Schedule 2, for subdivision by countries, applicable under subjects, where-ever desired; Schedule 3, for subdivisions under countries and localities; Schedule 4, for subjects under any language, except the chief literary languages; Schedule 5, for the chief literary languages; and Schedule 6, for arranging the material under any prominent author.

Some who admit the feasibility of better classification object that a classification modern for the present will be out of date in a generation. This in new guise is the familiar argument that it is useless to clean the house today, for it will need again to be cleaned next week--which all good housewives say is an unreasonable argument. It would be a pity to have fair librarianship called a slouch.

Is it conceivable that your books shall remain forever classified as they are at present? Are there to be no changes, merely additions of new captions? Conservatism is not strange, considering the cost of changing notation; but that cost is small compared with the cost of new building or new collections, and is justified by the service to be rendered. The longer postponed, the larger the cost, the larger the burden. Some libraries are changing now--to what? That change may indeed have to be changed again in a decade or two. But how long, then, should a classification endure--or rather, be endurable? One who would not prophesy may nevertheless give an opinion. I believe that a good classification should last a century--with some minor alterations. I believe that a good library should be willing to reclassify, if necessary, at least some of its collections two or three times in a century. I think that library economy should have been developed with better regard to this problem. It is not practical to arrange books inconsistently with the scientific and pedagogic organization of knowledge. Organization based on consensus is one of the marked tendencies of modern thought and purpose, and is not likely to be overcome by dissenting or disintegrating philosophical counter-tendencies. This organization is more stable than the theories on which it rests, and these are more stable than the popular press would lead us to suppose. New theories, new statements, are assimilated to the established body of knowledge without much dislocation of members. Durability in a system would depend not only upon present consistency with the organization of knowledge, but upon flexibility through reserved and alternative locations, judiciously chosen with regard to tendencies in science. There might be flaws and errors, but all practice, in whatever profession is thus imperfect and tentative.

That the D. C. is antiquated is not because of any change in science, but because it did not conform to the science of its generation. The welcome accorded to it in the pioneer days was in keeping with the earlier view that classification is a simple thing, as it indeed was for the small popular libraries. That acceptance has mellowed now into an affectionate companionship with a familiar and comfortable conveyance that has proved serviceable so far. Now the thing is said to need repair. But that it cannot economically be reconstructed has been recently demonstrated. It evidently must go on till its thousand pieces fall in a heap together, like the "wonderful one-hoss shay." Loading it with more and more scientific luggage may for a time increase its service, but the rattling of its parts grows all the more distressing to those who ride.

I reserve my opinion of the Expansive Classification and of that of the Library of Congress. It is to the point to say, however, that they are as unsatisfactory in the major principles of practical and scientific classification for libraries as they are valuable and admirable in the details which they have elaborated. They should help to solve the ultimate problem; but, if consistency with science and economy with convenience are feasible and requisite, neither of these systems is fit, nor is either, I think, likely to endure in general use in the future.

The simpler, the more systematic, and the more consistent with the organization of knowledge a classification and notation is, the more economical and the less vexatious will be the operation of classifying books. The subject, scope, treatment, purpose of the book--if that could be stated beforehand--and why not?--by author and publisher, and confirmed by the copyright office or the national library, then the class-notation could in most cases be quickly found through subject-index. That information might be printed in the book and more readily found there than through centralized cataloging and service of cards. Centralized or co-operative classifying however, or assigning of subjects and of the class-marks of an elaborately classified central or national library, would be a service of high value and of very considerable economy. =But= it should be distinguished from standardized classification. As libraries differ and differentiate, so should their classifications. At best a system may serve for libraries of a type, but not for all types. A university need not adopt an unfit classification as more than one has done of recent years. It may translate the centrally assigned subjects and class-marks into its own system, through its own index. Some general conformity, or conformity in special parts, may indeed prove economical and convenient, but standardization of an elaborate system is progress in the wrong direction.

This outline of a large, complex, and unsolved problem of paramount importance is very inadequate. I would propose that a committee be constituted, to articulate with the present committee on a code for classifying, to set to work upon a fuller investigation of this great question of the feasibility of better and more economical classification and notation. If librarians do not provide better classification for libraries, then the users of libraries will very likely in the not remote future provide for better librarians.

In the subsequent discussion, opened by Dr. Richardson and by a paper written by Mr. W. S. Merrill, chief classifier of the Newberry library, Chicago, exception was taken to many of Mr. Bliss' criticisms of present classifications. It was pointed out that the D. C., with all its faults, was yet eminently practical, as evidenced by its widespread use. Mr. Cutter stated that the E. C. classification for zoology, which Mr. Bliss had specially criticised, had been made in just the way Mr. Bliss himself regarded as the soundest, i. e., it had been condensed from material furnished by an eminent scientist; as to its being over minute, it was expanded only half as much as the scientist had proposed. Mr. Charles Martel, chief of the catalog division in the Library of Congress, Dr. Andrews, librarian of the John Crerar library, Chicago, and others also expressed their belief in close classification as a safeguard against confusion and unscientific grouping.

Only a few minutes remained for a paper on "Art in the college library," by Mr. FRANK WEITENKAMPF, chief of the art department, New York public library.


The problem of art in schools has been frequently discussed. The matter of art in colleges, apparently, has not been so much considered. The cases, however, seem to be dissimilar only in degree, not in kind. In fact, not a little of the material that has been suggested for schoolroom decoration would be equally in place in the college. For instance, names such as those of Gozzoli or Luca della Robbia, on the =Craftsman's= list for schools could just as well be suggested for the college. Also, the average student is probably first to be reached best by recognition of the fact that there are other interests beside the purely aesthetic. In other words, good use can be made of the subject picture, the best possible being chosen. Dr. W. D. Johnston, librarian of Columbia University, where exhibitions "have always been an important auxiliary of lectures" and have included exhibitions of graphic arts, states that these last "are selected and displayed less with a view to artistic than pictorial value." But he adds that more and more attention is given to artistic value, and that in his belief the most valuable exhibits of an artistic nature are those "displayed permanently on the walls of halls, seminar rooms and lecture rooms. On the other hand, those which are exhibited temporarily should, if well selected, and well announced, do much to broaden taste."

The permanent display of pictures which illustrate with distinction certain broad principles of taste, is of undoubted necessity. But the use of the temporary show must not be lost sight of. The oft seen easily becomes the oft unheeded; familiarity breeds contempt. Periodical changes therefore seem advisable, as evidence that there is "something doing." Loans of good prints from private sources, if advisable, might be utilized to excellent effect. For instance, if the library happens to own, or can borrow, a copy of such a publication of color reproductions as the Medici prints, or "Meister der Farbe" or "Alte Meister" (the latter two issued by Seemann of Leipzig), a number of plates from the same might be placed on exhibition for, say, three months. This might be followed by a six-weeks' black-and-white show of good etchings from a private collection, or from the stock of the nearest museum or print dealer. After that, perhaps, a show of Greek art. The guiding principles should be: Keep the exhibit within reasonable bounds as to numbers, make selection with as much discrimination as circumstances will permit, and see that what you offer is made palatable. Dr. E. C. Richardson of the Princeton University library tells me that there a large collection of art photographs is drawn upon for permanent exhibition, the latter rearranged "every now and then" in order to exhibit fresh material, and that there have been a number of special exhibitions. (Incidentally, this university has a great variety of undergraduate courses in art.)

The matter of proper presentation is important. Not what is seen, but what is digested, counts. Good labels are a necessity; summary, with as little dryness as possible, informative, so that the student may see at a glance why a given picture was shown, and what are its good points. If relation to studies can be brought out in these exhibits, all the better. That naturally suggests the possibility of an occasional display of pictures illustrating a given period or personality in a given country. In the recently-printed little volume, "Art museums and schools," containing four lectures by Stockton Oxson, Kenyon Cox, Stanley Hall and Oliver S. Tonks, the significance of the museum to teachers of English, art, history and the classics is considered, and the documentary value of art is properly emphasized. "In order to teach the classics," says Prof. Tonks, "you must know more of ancient life than is to be gleaned from the literature by itself." Viewed in this light, the old Greek vases and other art objects take on a new significance. But the ultimate object of all this must not be lost to sight, the cultural influence sought, the promotion of interest in art as a matter not apart from, but a part of, our daily life, a contribution to general culture. It is well to make it clear that a certain amount of appreciation of art can become as much a matter of course as certain elementary rules of good breeding. "Art," says Croly, in his "Promise of American life,"--"art cannot become a power in a community unless many of its members are possessed of a native and innocent love of beautiful things." These considerations, again, suggest the occasional exhibiting of plates illustrating decorative and applied art, say color plates such as those in Wenzel's "Modern decorative art," or "Dekorative Vorbilder," or similar books, if procurable, or black-and-white plates from books or art magazines. A judicious use of the library's books is advisable, not through lengthy lists in which the bibliographical instincts of the librarian might find vent. Reference to two or three books on a subject--whetting the appetite by displaying them at the same time as the plates exhibited--may lead to an occasional reading at spare moments. It may help also to show the fallacy of the "I don't know anything of art, but I know just what I like" attitude. You can not understand anything worth understanding without some trouble, any more than you can play football or bridge without some practice.

The matter of hanging must depend, naturally, on local conditions: amount and distribution and shape and location of available wall space or other space, financial resources, character of student body, etc. The simplest method is, of course, to suspend the pictures by clips from horizontal wires, but it is not under all circumstances the safest. Pictures may be fastened to a wooden background (usually covered with burlap or other textile) on the wall. In that case, care must of course be taken that thumb-tacks do not pass through the print. The shank of the tack passes close to the picture upon the outermost margin of which its head will then press. Mr. E. R. Smith of the Avery library at Columbia University, lays strips of bristol board over the spaces between the pictures, and overlapping the margins of the same; the tacks pass through these strips. Pictures fastened to the wall may be covered by sheets of glass held in place by strong tacks, or perhaps the brass-headed upholsterers' nails. Where prints are shown unprotected it may prove well to mount them, unless they are printed on thick and strong paper. (At the Newark library they use mounting board bound at the edge with buckram and further strengthened by pigskin corners; this is for prints which circulate among teachers.) Where frames are used with the intention of periodical or occasional change of exhibits, the back can be held by the familiar "button" device which can be easily swung aside so as to admit of changing the picture without extracting nails. Mr. Paul Brockett of the Smithsonian Institution, tells me that there the glass doors of bookcases have been used for exhibiting pictures. At the same place, wing frames--that space-saving device of a dozen frames with glass centered on a standard, and having a certain swing in either direction--have been used. Moreover, these frames were units which could be hung on the standard or placed against the wall. In some of the New York public library's branches, such frames radiate directly from the wall, to save space. A similar device is seen in a certain type of display fixtures, in which the swinging frames reach to the floor, and which may be seen in operation in the lithographic exhibition of Fuchs & Lang, Warren St., New York City. There is no protecting glass here, however, and I presume that the use of this contrivance would be safe only in exceptional cases. Hints to exhibitors may be found in articles such as the one on "Mounting, framing and hanging pictures," by Miss Mabel J. Chase, assistant supervisor of drawing, Newark, N. J., in the =School Arts Magazine= for December, 1912, or in one on "Planning and mounting an exhibit" in the number for March, 1913, by George W. Eggers, who lays stress on the fact that "Every exhibit should definitely tell something." Still continuing the examination of this magazine, one notes in the issue of April, 1913, an article on the "Decoration of an assembly hall in R. C. Ingraham Grammar school, New Bedford, Mass." That relates to a permanent exhibit, and describes the distribution of pictures and other objects in such a manner as to make a harmonious arrangement of the whole room. But there are other periodicals, and there are readers' guides and other indexes and bibliographical aids, and this is not the place for lists.

Now, as to the material to be used for the exhibition. Outside of the resources offered by the library's own collection and the loan possibilities indicated, there are various dealers and other agencies to be taken into account. In the state of New York for instance, the division of Visual Instruction of the Education department has a circulating collection of pictures furnishing ample material for educational extension lectures and for study clubs. This consists of "Braun, Elson, Hanfst�ngel and Hegger carbons, Copley prints and bromides and Berlin photogravures." These wall-pictures are lent to schools and libraries, framed without glass, for a fee of 50 cents each per year. In other states, I presume state library commissions could give advice. There are the artistic lithographic drawings in color issued by B. G. Teubner of Leipzig at five and six marks apiece, the plates of Seemann's "Meister der Farbe" can be purchased separately, and dealers such as the Berlin Photographic Co., George Busse, the Detroit Publishing Co., Braun Clement & Co. and others could no doubt give lists and advice. Importing book-dealers, French and German, must be considered. Not all of the material furnished by these concerns is equally cheap, but a certain amount of the higher-priced sort will serve for permanent exhibit.

Part 6, devoted to the art department, in John Cotton Dana's "Modern American library economy," is a very useful guide, not only in its record of accomplishment at Newark, but also in its hints as to sources, its list of addresses. Miss Ethelred Abbot's "List of photograph dealers" (Massachusetts Library Club, 1907) is properly emphasized for its usefulness, as is also the "Bibliotheca p�dagogica."

For permanent exhibits the reproductions of certain examples in architecture, painting and sculpture which have become classical, are of obvious value. And here, too, the reason for inclusion may well be emphasized to the student, not only by proper labels but also by reference at the proper time in the classroom and lecture hall. Such classics in art will not infrequently be found reproduced better in black-and-white than in color. Should the library decide to procure color work by modern artists, such as the Teubner prints referred to, or the similar ones issued by Voigtl�nder or by the K�nstlerbund of Karlsruhe, care must be taken to select such as are of general, and not merely local, interest. Say for example, the well known "Field of grain" by Volkmann. Such modern work also has the advantage of emphasizing the fact that there is work worth while being done today. It likewise shows the healthy tendency to enlarge acquaintance with home production, home scenery, home customs. We find that, for instance, in Germany, in Sweden, to a certain extent in England, and elsewhere. Much of the foreign endeavor in this direction has found its use in schools, but it involves some big principles in point of view which make a certain amount of its results of use in the college as well. But we should similarly pay attention to the best American work. Noteworthy attempts by American artists to interpret American life and the beauties of our scenery deserve support. One notes with interest the attempt made by the American Federation of Arts' Committee on Art in the Public Schools to call attention to American examples in the fine arts by calling for an expression of opinion as to the best works produced by our artists. T. W. Stevens reported that the Chicago Institution, furthering the utilization of students' work in the decoration of public school walls, "encouraged the adoption of subject pictures for decoration; especially subjects in American history."

The help of the art department, where the college has one, may well be enlisted. (Parenthetically let me state that E. Baldwin Smith in his recent report on "The study of the history of art in the colleges and universities of the United States," Princeton, 1911, summarizes his statistics in the statement that of 1,000,000 students, 163,000 have any art courses at all offered them.) Not only have we such rich collections as those of the Avery Architectural library at Columbia, the Fogg Museum at Harvard, or Yale University, but collections of casts, photographs and books will be found at the disposal of the art departments of a number of other colleges. Such resources might be drawn upon so that some modicum, at least, of art influence may be extended to the rest of the institution. If the direct co-operation of the art department is secured it must necessarily be adapted to the needs of the case with a clear understanding of the fact that general students, and not art students, are to be served. The statement of Dr. Leigh H. Hunt, associate professor of art at the College of the City of New York is of interest here. His 6,000 boys, says he, would like to begin with the human face. They do not necessarily lean to the saccharine, but perceive human interest shown without the aid of the direct anecdote. They stand Memling and Ghirlandajo. "The boys love color," he continues, "and are easily led to love refined color. They admire the early English water colorists--Cox, DeWint; also, Japanese prints." After becoming interested in such refined color, they get a liking for monochromes--delft blue landscapes, sanguines and sepia drawings.

Efforts such as those I have indicated seem particularly called for where the college is away from art influences. But they should not be put aside even where the college is located in a larger center with an art life. Rather should the resources near at hand be turned to advantage. I have seen the statement that over 30 per cent of our museums are connected with educational institutions. Also, in a large city, there are numerous art exhibitions, most varied in character. But the very extent of all these opportunities may serve to keep away the student who has so many other duties and attractions. And, as Prof. Hunt points out, boys living at one end of a large city not only whirl past all such possibilities on their way to college, but in New York, using the subway, they pass under it and not through it. What is wanted is the direct, unavoidable presentation of art to those who are not yet sufficiently interested to seek art for themselves.

In the whole matter the ever-necessary exercise of common sense is commendable. Enthusiasm for the cause must be moderated and adapted to the point of view of the student. The didactic element should be unobtrusive. The student should be interested rather than admonished. Above all he should be led to see that a certain love and appreciation of art is not a "highbrow" affair but a proper, necessary and pleasure-giving part of the equipment of the cultured man. As proper and a matter of course as the avoidance of a necktie of shrieking colors, or as the use of the table knife for cutting only. Farther discussion of this subject, as well as decision as to the practicability of the ideas advanced, must be left to those who have a more intimate acquaintance with the problems, conditions and difficulties involved than can be had by one who has to deal with the readers in a large public library.

Mr. Goodrich called attention to the library of the University of Michigan as one place where ideas like those of the paper had been carried out, made a plea for color prints as against the everlasting black and brown, and suggested the possibilities of pottery and textiles in the way of giving life and cheer to the delivery hall. He referred by way of example to the beautiful drapery curtains in the John Hay library reading room--a vast relief from the ordinary roller shade and just as effectual.

At the end of the session, the nominating committee brought in the name of Mr. W. N. C. Carlton, librarian of the Newberry library, to succeed Mr. Keogh on the committee on arrangements; Mr. Carlton was unanimously elected. His term will be three years; the other members of the committee, Miss Askew and Mr. Goodrich, remain the same as this year. The session then adjourned until Friday night.


The round table for college librarians was held on Friday evening, June 27th. F. C. Hicks, of Columbia university, presiding.

Miss JOSEPHINE A. RATHBONE, of the Pratt Institute school of library science gave a talk on


In a recent lecture on administrative problems of the college library given to the students of the Pratt Institute library school the lecturer pictured the ideal college library of the future, with a staff consisting of specialists, each with a knowledge of his subject equal to that of instructors or professors plus a library school training, whose recompense should be on the same scale as that for the teaching of those subjects. I remarked afterward that before that vision could come to pass the college librarians should have to act as feeders for the library schools, turning toward librarianship promising material from which the library schools could make the college library specialist of tomorrow. Hence this paper.

There has been a good deal of discussion in the Professional Training section about specialization in library schools--the desirability of having special courses to prepare librarians for technical libraries, for professional libraries, for legislative reference libraries, etc., etc., but I am convinced--and my conviction deepens with my increasing experience--that the time for specialization is before the library school course and not during it. Theoretically it does not seem possible that the same library course should be able to fit students for such different lines as children's work, municipal reference work, cataloging, branch library work, the scientific department of a university library, a botanical garden library, and the librarianship of a town library, but actually that is just what happens; recent graduates of our school are filling just such positions and each one found that her library training plus her previous education, experience and temperament enabled her to fill the special position satisfactorily.

Now what the college librarian can do for the library school and hence for the library profession, is, it seems to me, to make it known among college students that there are opportunities for the specialist in library work--to disabuse the mind of the man or woman who wants to pursue economics or sociology or some branch of science of the idea--almost a fixed idea it would seem--that a specialist in order to continue in his specialty must necessarily teach it, that teaching offers the only pied a terre, the only means of support for the student. Students of sociology and government are beginning to find their way into organized welfare work, it is true, but library work should be presented to them as a means of social service, of at least equal importance with settlement work or organized charity. That it could be so presented I am confident, and by whom if not by or through the agency of the college librarian?

Schools and colleges are devoting an increasing amount of attention to vocational guidance. Will not college librarians make a point of seeing that the possibilities and diversified opportunities of librarianship are presented to the students each year? If they do not care to do this themselves, librarians or members of library school faculties might be found in the vicinity who would be glad to do it.

Once the subject of librarianship is presented to the student and the desirability of entering upon the work through the gateway of library school training is pointed out (I assume that no time need be spent arguing this point--but if I am wrong I shall be glad to discuss the matter with any dissenters later), the college librarian can further the cause by being prepared to advise students as to their choice of a library school. The college librarian should supply himself with the circulars of the several schools and should inform himself concerning the reputation, advantages, requirements, and specialties of the different schools. We all agree that there is no one best library school (except our own), but that each of them offer special opportunities that make them adapted to the particular needs of different students. To direct the inquirer to that school that will best fit him for the particular kind of work he inclines toward would be to serve the profession, the schools, the colleges, and the individual student. Will not the college librarian take this function upon himself and enrich the profession not only with the quiet bookish student who will develop into the old-fashioned librarian for whom there is still room, but with the specialist, the executive, the vigorous and enthusiastic altruist who wants to serve the world by positive, constructive, social work?

The following paper, prepared by Mr. ROBERT S. FLETCHER, librarian of Amherst College, was read by Mr. N. L. Goodrich, of Dartmouth:


There was published in 1912 a "Union List of Collections on European History in American Libraries, compiled for the Committee on Bibliography of the American Historical Association by E. C. Richardson, Chairman."

In the preface to this exceedingly valuable work occurs the following extract from the Report of the Committee, December, 1911:

"It is clear from this situation that no library is self-sufficient--even Harvard lacking 930 sets, and all but 12 lacking on the average of 2,153 out of 2,197 works. Even as good colleges as Amherst and Williams, having but 26 and 17 respectively, lack 2,171 and 2,180 respectively out of 2,197, while probably 700 of the 786 institutions doing work of college grade in the United States are worse off than these."

I need hardly say that this is merely a statement of fact and in no sense a criticism or arraignment of any library mentioned or implied. Furthermore, it is undoubtedly true that analysis and reflection will render this statement much less startling than it appears at first glance. Whether we can explain and account for it to our entire satisfaction is a question which seems to me rather doubtful. Let me quote a little more from this same source:

"The most significant fact of the statistics of last year remains, however, substantially unchanged--the fact that only ten or a dozen libraries have as many as 10 per cent of the collections, and that out of 786 institutions which profess to do work of college grade, only about fifty libraries have as much as 1 per cent. The actual situation is even much worse than appears from the figures, since two or three inexpensive volumes of illustrative source books for classroom use are in the list through inadvertence, and undoubtedly swell the record of the minor institutions. It is safe to say that a majority even of the institutions included in the Babcock list have less than one-tenth of 1 per cent of these sets, and yet these are titles which have been gathered from actual references and are the books which are liable to meet any men engaged in historical research at every turn."

If we assume that research work belongs only to the university--that it has no place in the college--we may dismiss these figures as possessing no significance for us, save as they throw some light on the inferior quality of the collections built up by most of our American libraries. If on the other hand we believe that the smaller institution should encourage its teachers to do research work, and should, so far as its resources allow, provide the facilities for such work, then I believe that a study of the conditions responsible for the situation set forth in the Committee's report cannot fail to be of some value. And while I hold no brief for the research worker I am strongly of the opinion that the college which does encourage original research can not but gain a higher quality of teaching, and at the same time acquire a collection of books which, if not notable, shall be at least thoroughly good.

It may be claimed, and in that case must be granted, that such a question as this is practically an academic one, and so pretty largely outside of the librarian's province. That is true, however, only so long as you leave the question unanswered--or answer it in the negative. An affirmative answer would bring the matter home directly to every college librarian in the country. The college which believes in research and encourages its faculty to do it, must have a librarian not only in sympathy with the movement, but one skillful in finding ways and means to make it a success, since in most cases the funds at our disposal for the purchase of books would seem to preclude the possibility of such a thing.

Before going further into the discussion of this phase of the question, let me return for a moment to the report from which I quoted. One or two conclusions may justly be drawn from the figures therein presented. In the first place I think we may safely infer that the situation as regards History, so strikingly set forth, is repeated, and probably in an even worse form, in all the other departments of knowledge. Certainly we should not expect a library which was so weak in the research material of History, to be any stronger in Philology or the Sciences, or in Philosophy and Economics.

The second conclusion follows naturally from this, that the average college library--for it is with the college library that this paper concerns itself--has built up its collection with practically no emphasis on the acquisition of such material.

To say that this general condition exists solely because of the lack of funds is to my mind neither a real explanation, nor a real excuse. It exists primarily because there has never been any pressure from members of the faculty to bring about a different condition.

If we seek a reason for it we shall find it in the fact that research work has by tacit consent been left almost entirely to the university. Its place there--its vital importance in the university scheme of work--has never been questioned. Making all allowance for the difference in conditions I still cannot see why a thing that is confessedly of so much benefit to the university should not also be of help to the college. At the risk of getting a little off the track, and for the sake of making what I mean as plain as possible, it seems necessary to devote some space to a definition of the term research work. I am writing, of course, from the standpoint of an outsider, who expresses a purely personal opinion on a subject which interests him. There can be no hard and fast definition of such a term as this--at least not from a librarian.

I shall suppose then, that research work is of two kinds, both important, but one of them much more important than the other. The first and most common kind is that ordinarily done by the graduate student in the university. It is the gathering of material--the collection of information on some particular phase of some particular subject--and is not only of value in itself, but when taken together with the work done by other students along related lines becomes part of the structure on which scholarship is built. We may call it analytical research work. The other kind is that done by the man of clear vision and wide outlook, mature enough to see that the analytical work is merely material for a bigger thing--call it what you will--the man who can take the information others have collected and impart it in the form of culture. This is synthetic research work. Now the university has much of the former, some of the latter. The college has need only of the synthetic. If its place in the educational world is to be permanent, its contribution to education must be cultural. The type of teacher it needs, and I believe must have, is the man who has done, or is capable of doing, synthetic research work. In his hands teaching takes on a vitality, a spontaneity, a genuineness that no one else can give it. That the book collection of the average college would be sufficient for the needs of men like this is out of the question. There would inevitably arise a demand for the purchase of works of an entirely different kind--a demand that would have to be at least partially met. This demand would be for research material, by which I mean the results of research work, and the problem of such a college library would become a problem in discrimination--the decision as to what of this material it should try to obtain.

It ought not to be difficult to draw a clear distinction between analytical and synthetic research material. Illustrations of the first will readily occur to you, one as good as any being the usual thesis submitted for the doctor's degree. All "source" material is necessarily analytical--is the result of a careful, painstaking, often laborious search for information: information that may illuminate some dark corner of the field of knowledge. But it is never itself illumined by the spark of genius, nor wrought by the loving hand of the artist. It is merely the wood and the stone out of which a complete structure may some day arise.

Now how does the synthetic conception of research apply to History? A modern German writer has compressed the whole significance of it into a sentence: "The writing of History," he says, "is just as truly a =will toward a picture= as it is a knowledge of sources." In other words synthesis of the kind referred to is always the work of the artist, and in the nature of things becomes thereby a contribution to culture. Gibbon's "Decline and fall of the Roman empire," Lamprecht's "History of Germany," Rhodes' "History of the United States"--these are all synthetic: each one existed first as a picture in the mind of the artist, not merely as an array of sources from which the facts of history might be drawn.

"But," you say, "all libraries buy these books and others like them as a matter of course." Yes, we do, but I think the trouble is that we do not make books of this sort our standard, if indeed we have any standard beyond a favorable review or a request from a patron. It is no more true that the result of all synthetic research is cultural than that the result of all artistic endeavor is beautiful. Results here are just as uneven as anywhere else, with much that is good and perhaps even more that is bad, and it is when we come to discriminate that we are apt to go astray. Now a teacher such as I have in mind would keep abreast through the better periodicals of all that was being done in his particular line, and if facilities were furnished, would buy what he knew he needed--monographs, bibliographies, biographies, and some larger works--things that would not only give his teaching a vitality and freshness otherwise lacking, but would help to hasten the day when his own contribution to the world's culture should see the light.

Assuming, then, that a college accepts this view, and proposes to encourage its faculty to do research work, what are the practical ways in which the library can not only co-operate, but further such an undertaking? For I believe there are several. A preliminary statement as to the functions of the college library would seem to be essential. These have often been set forth for us in detail, and I shall only enumerate them here. The first and most important function is, of course, to meet the needs of the students and teachers as they arise in the regular college work. Along with this is the supplying of books for general reading, outside of the curriculum. Most of these books are bought for members of the faculty, who are thereby enabled to keep in touch with the latest developments in their own and other fields, and to avoid the possibility of mental stagnation from too close association with a particular subject. I believe much more might--and should--be done in the way of developing a taste for general reading on the part of the students, but that is another story.

Apart from these what are the functions of the college library? To be, so far as it can the centre of culture for the community in which it is located: to aid the local public library in its work with woman's clubs, and high school pupils: to lend books freely to other libraries. And in our own case there is the added opportunity of being of some assistance to another institution in the same town.

Now these things are all important, and the librarian who does not realize it, who fails to utilize to the utmost the possibilities they contain for intellectual and social betterment, is not worthy of his hire. But the point of view I take in this article compels me to consider them as secondary. The college library exists first of all to supply the book needs of its own students and faculty, and for nothing else. The expenditure of its funds, always insufficient, must be limited to this chief function. It is probable that all these other things I have enumerated can be done without any financial loss to the library, but where any of them means a diversion of library funds it becomes unjustifiable.

I said above that there are several practical ways in which a library--more properly, perhaps, a librarian--can not only co-operate, but further a movement to encourage research work on the part of members of the faculty. My remarks are of necessity limited to my observation of conditions in the institution with which I am connected, and are not to be considered general in their application. At the same time, I am inclined to think that these conditions are reproduced, at least to a certain extent, in most college libraries.

The assistance which the library can render must, of course, be very largely financial. Only by releasing funds from present uses, or by increasing these funds, can we hope to buy material of the kind referred to.

I am convinced, in the first place, that we can save money in the purchase of books, and this not through better discounts, or any choice of agents, but through more care in the selection of the books themselves. In other words, submit all lists of proposed purchases to a more rigid scrutiny. Make all titles answer such questions as "Is this book going to be of real value to this library?" "Is its usefulness to be more or less permanent, or merely temporary?" "Could not our need for it be met by borrowing from another library?"

In our own case, at least, I fear a number of books are recommended by professors or others, and bought by the library, which could not survive any such test. This naturally applies not so much to department books as to those of a general nature, for in the last analysis the teacher must be the judge of what he needs to help him in his work.

Secondly, we ought to save money--I think a considerable sum--on our periodicals. And here the saving effected by dropping some from the list is a double one; not only the subscription price, but the cost of binding. I realize that I am treading on dangerous ground in this matter, and that most professors would say to drop all the books if necessary, but none of the periodicals. And I could wish for enough space to elaborate my side of the question at some length, instead of touching on it only briefly. For I believe it to be of real importance--a thing that every college library must face and decide at some time or other. Here at Amherst we spent last year over 40 per cent of the income from our book funds on periodicals and their binding--a proportion which I cannot believe to be justified. Is there not such a thing as a "periodical" habit, into which all of us, librarians and professors alike, are apt to fall? We keep periodicals on our lists because they have always been there--were there before we came--although on reflection we are sure that no one ever uses them--not even the professor at whose instance they were ordered. In the first place, of course, he =expects= to use them, sometime if not now. Or he is sure that he =ought= to--that they would give him just the impetus he needs in his work. Or perhaps (and I should whisper this) he likes to have it known that the department is taking these things "couldn't get along without them." Now the periodical that cannot prove its right--in terms of usefulness--to be on the shelves of a college library has no place there. And the significance of this for us is the fact that in being there it is keeping something else out! What we spend for it, and for others like it, would enable us to make at least a beginning on the acquisition of our synthetic research material.

These are two of the ways in which it seems to me a librarian in sympathy with this movement could further it. Another, possibly worth mentioning, is to refrain from binding miscellaneous pamphlets and other unbound material, mostly presented to the library, and which we are apt to think may some day serve a purpose. Part of it may--most of it can well be thrown away and the binding money saved.

"But," you say, "even in the aggregate these things do not mean very much; perhaps one or two hundred dollars at the outside--one or two or three research collections a year for your library." No, they do not mean very much, by themselves, or in the purchasing power of money they are instrumental in saving. But they stand for something definite and logical; they are indicative of a determination on the part of an institution to get men of a certain type for its faculty, and to provide them with facilities for doing the broadest and biggest work possible. I may be mistaken, but I am inclined to think such an institution could find more money as it needed more. And the librarian skillful in discovering ways and means would not be contented with his yearly appropriations, but would succeed in interesting trustees and friends of the college to a point where interest would be translated into deeds.

Now there is, of course, another side to all this, and we should be short-sighted indeed not to recognize it. The college library which spent any considerable share of its funds for research material which really belongs only in the university library would have no means whatever of justifying itself--would be worse off than an institution which had no research material whatever. How may we guard against this danger? I must take it for granted that the sort of teacher I have been considering would choose his research material wisely and with the right perspective. In case he failed to do this I should expect the librarian to tell him so. And back of the librarian should be a real library committee; so constituted as to represent the different departments as fairly as possible; having charge of the allotment of book funds; advising and helping the librarian in the shaping of the library's policy; the court of last resort when an expensive and somewhat doubtful set was being considered--I can conceive of such a committee as being one of the greatest factors in the success of this whole undertaking. Let at least two types of teachers be selected for it. The one a man whose chief interest centers in the personal and human side of his students; who puts them first to the extent that his work is with them rather than with books or scholarly endeavor. The other the man I have defined as the synthetic research worker, broad in his sympathies toward his students, but a man who realizes both the need of the age for culture, and his own ability to contribute to it something worth while. By a fusion of such types as these the rights of all would be conserved--the needs of all met so far as possible.

Just a word more by way of summary and I shall be through.

I believe the book collection of the average college library is much below what it might be in point of quality. A possible way of changing this situation for the better is to encourage members of the faculty to do research work. This would also result in a higher standard of teaching--or so at least all the teachers with whom I have talked assure me. It is not necessary to assume that research is essential to scholarship, but merely that it adds something to a man's efficiency and power that can be gotten in no other way. The college librarian, if he cares to, can play an important part in bringing these things about.

You will doubtless find this scheme--represented here only in outline--rather idealistic, but so, I take it, are all educational schemes. I can only hope that you will find also some soundness in its theory--some small addition to the constructive criticism of a condition which I believe to be fundamentally wrong.

Miss MINNIE E. SEARS, head cataloger of the University of Minnesota library, presented a paper on


Before beginning the discussion of cataloging for department libraries, let me say that as it is a subject which is still in the experimental stage and not yet capable of generalization, the statements made in this paper are based, partly upon information collected from certain university libraries in which this problem is now being worked out, and partly on my own experience in organizing the department catalogs of the University of Minnesota. The other libraries quoted are those of the University of Chicago, Columbia, Illinois, Johns Hopkins, Michigan, Missouri and Wisconsin.

In considering the problem of cataloging for department libraries, we may start with a definition and an assumption. For the purpose of this discussion it may be said that a department library is not a mere handful of reference books on a subject, but a more or less comprehensive collection of books on the subject shelved and used separately from the collections of the main library; and it may be assumed that the necessity for a separate catalog of such a collection is admitted by all.

Assuming this, the first question that presents itself is that of the form of the department catalog. Shall it be an author, a classed or a dictionary catalog, or, since in most cases the department library is a small open-shelf collection, will it suffice to have a shelf-list only, serving also as a classed catalog? The shelf-list would offer the simplest and cheapest solution of the difficulty, but the day when it was accepted as a solution of the entire problem has passed. Not one of the libraries consulted suggests the shelf-list alone as a possible arrangement. An author catalog, at least, is needed in addition, and the majority of these libraries report dictionary catalogs in some of the department libraries, if not in all. Chicago University is to provide for the department libraries outside of Harper building an author catalog and a shelf-list, where printed cards are available, and an author catalog only for the department libraries within Harper building. Columbia, Michigan, Illinois and Minnesota have dictionary catalogs for all department libraries. Missouri has dictionary catalogs in 3, and Wisconsin in 2 department libraries, while Johns Hopkins is to have dictionary catalogs in all department libraries which are outside its main building.

A more difficult question is that of the scope of the catalog. How exhaustive is it possible, or even desirable, to make it? It must, of course, include all books in the department library itself, but shall it also record all books dealing with the same subject to be found elsewhere in the university? Such completeness of record would be the ideal arrangement, and would, undoubtedly, meet with the hearty approval of the university departments. But will not the cost be prohibitive to many libraries, even in this day of printed cards and multigraph? To be of value, such elaborate cataloging should be done thoroughly and systematically and above all, once undertaken, should never be allowed to lapse, or confusion will be the result. The fuller information about related materials in other parts of the library can always be obtained from the main library catalog, if that record is a union catalog of department libraries as well; and if the department librarian is in telephone communication with the reference librarian at the main library, the information can be obtained almost as quickly as if it were included in the department catalog. We may, therefore, conclude that the department catalog complete for its own library but not including related material in other libraries, is the most practicable form under present conditions, although the ideal form is the more complete catalog which expense at present generally prohibits.

The third point which our problem raises is that of variations in cataloging from the rules followed in the general library catalog. The first important variation which suggests itself as possible is in the treatment of analytics. Shall analytics be included in the department catalog, and if so, shall they be the same as those in the general catalog? On this point the practice of our eight libraries varies somewhat. Chicago University is not planning to include any analytics in its department catalogs, and Johns Hopkins includes only a few. Illinois, Michigan and Minnesota, in the main, duplicate for their department catalogs the analytics made for their main catalogs and, as a rule, include no additional analytics. The Columbia practice is more ambitious, as that library includes in its department catalog analytics (mainly articles in periodicals) which are not included in its general catalog. An article in the =Columbia University Quarterly= for March, 1911, states that the department catalogs have analytics for all important serials that bear upon the work of the departments whether shelved there or in the general library, that is, the department library catalog attempts to serve both as catalog and index. These cards are intended for temporary use only, to be removed when the demand for them ceases.

In most university libraries it would be impossible to keep up systematically such elaborate catalogs, and it is not clear that such indexing--for it is indexing rather than cataloging--would be desirable in all places. A catalog can never be made to take the place of a reference librarian, or of an intelligent use of the important annual and other subject indexes to the literature of a subject, such as =Psychological Index=, the various =Jahresberichte=, etc. Moreover, every reference or department librarian naturally does more or less in the way of keeping up card indexes or bibliographies, which are frequently revised and the old material discarded as new and better material takes its place. Such reference indexes are simpler and more practical than serial analytics in a department catalog, since they do not call for expert revision and absolute uniformity of subject headings. On the whole, the tendency of present opinion and practice seems to be that important analytics which are useful in the general catalog are useful in the department catalog also, but that beyond that it is better to encourage the use of the printed indexes and the keeping of an informal reference index for material not yet included in the printed aids.

A more important possibility of variation, where the department catalog is dictionary in form, is found in subject headings. Will the same headings that are found satisfactory in the main library catalog serve equally well in the department catalog as used by specialists? Too much emphasis can not be laid upon the fact that any variation of this kind greatly increases the cost of the cataloging, as the assigning and revision of two sets of subject headings, one for the general and one for the department catalog, will mean that that part of the work is greatly increased, though not doubled. The correct assignment of subject headings presents enough difficulties under any circumstances, and the catalog supervisor should hesitate to multiply these unless there is strong reason for doing so. In libraries which have adopted the Library of Congress subject headings, those headings, with minor variations, will, for most subjects, be found satisfactory in the department as well as in the general catalog. Law will at once occur to all as a subject for which it may be desirable to run two sets of headings. We have done this at the University of Minnesota, using the special Library of Congress law headings in the department catalog, and the regular Library of Congress headings in the general catalog. A point to be carefully considered in adopting more than one set of subject headings, moreover, is the possible confusion of mind that may be produced in the student, the exigencies of whose work require him to use more than one of the library catalogs. Such records are certainly much easier to use when there is uniformity of subject entries, and the adoption of several different sets of subject headings will certainly cause confusion, even to members of the library staff, much more to students.

After the questions of form, scope, and contents of the department catalog, comes the practical question of how best to get the work done. It can be done in either of two ways, by the regular cataloging force of the university or by the department librarians. In most university libraries the cataloging staff is small in comparison with the amount always to be done, and the work of keeping the general catalog up to date taxes all its powers, and leaves no time for extra records such as department catalogs. On the other hand, does not the department librarian have more or less time which, when properly arranged, could be given to cataloging under the direction of the head cataloger? We have found this to be the case at the University of Minnesota. Until three years ago our department libraries were all under the supervision of the various departments, and hence in a more or less chaotic state. Some of these have not yet emerged from chaos. In these three years, however, we have evolved a system by which this work is done by the department librarians, or, in one case, by an assistant in the department library. It has so far proved a perfectly workable system for our given conditions. All the department librarians so far appointed have been either library school graduates or people with equivalent library training, and in addition to that, in some cases, with special knowledge of the subjects of the departments. One of the first duties of the department librarian, on taking charge of his library, has been to organize it, classifying and cataloging it under the supervision of the head of the catalog department, but doing the work in the department library. The question has been raised as to how the department librarian could do the reference work and other work of his library, and at the same time catalog the department books for both the department and general catalog. Of course the cataloging will be intermittent and more or less interrupted, as our rule is that the work for the public must be done first. Until, however, the books of a department library are in order and properly listed, no satisfactory reference work can be done with them. Our own experience has certainly been that the reference work of our department librarians has been strengthened by their work of cataloging. The general library gains also from this work of the department librarian, as the latter does the cataloging of his books for the general catalog at the same time as that for the department catalog, and so the growth of the general library catalog is greatly promoted, without a corresponding tax upon the resources of the catalog department. In as far as possible the work is revised by the head cataloger or a reviser, in the department library, but in some cases of difficult revision it has been found necessary to transfer the books to the catalog department for revision there. At present, whenever printed cards can not be obtained, all cards are actually made by the department librarian, but as soon as we are able to adopt the multigraph, rough copy only will be supplied by that assistant.

After the department library has been thoroughly organized and cataloged, the department librarian goes on with the lighter task of cataloging the current accessions of his library for both the department and the general catalog.

Some of the advantages of thus having the work done by the trained department librarians are:

1. It adds several workers to the cataloging force of the library, and thus makes it possible to do much more in the way of providing needed departmental catalogs. This fact has been of great importance with us at the University of Minnesota, where, with the present cataloging force alone, it would have been impossible to provide these catalogs. Besides, there is the advantage to the general library of getting the cataloging of these same books done for the general catalog.

2. The department librarian should have, and generally does have, special knowledge of his subject, which is of assistance in cataloging, especially in classification and the assignment of subject headings.

3. As the work is done in the department it is easy for the department librarian to consult the professors whenever necessary or desirable.

4. There is a real advantage to the department librarian in the added familiarity with the department books which he has gained in cataloging them. This is particularly true in the case of the librarian who, in the beginning, is not a specialist in his subject, but even the specialist may gain some knowledge from this handling of the material which will help him in the service of his readers. Moreover, if he has actually made the catalog, he can use it more intelligently himself and instruct his students better in the use of it.

Our scheme has certain disadvantages as well as advantages. Some of these are:

1. There is danger that not enough cataloging research work will be done when the cataloging is done in the department library, because many of the important catalog and bibliographical aids are not accessible outside the catalog department--for example, the depository or union catalog of printed cards.

2. There is danger that the existing records will not be consulted enough, because the general catalog is not easily accessible and can only be consulted on special trips to the main library.

3. When the work is thus decentralized, there is much greater difficulty in obtaining from the various assistants work which is even fairly uniform. No one who has had experience in trying to manage such work will minimize this difficulty. For this reason, the revision is more difficult, and must be done with the greatest care, especially in the matter of subject headings.

4. It is sometimes more difficult to get good cataloging from those whose first interest does not lie in this branch of the work, and who are not closely associated with the regular catalogers, and familiar with the many traditions of a catalog department. For this reason we have found at Minnesota, that it is an advantage to have a newly appointed department librarian work in the catalog department for a time before taking up the work in his library.

We have found, however, that with us the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, particularly the one great advantage that it has been a practical way of accomplishing work which could not have been done by our present cataloging department.


A tabulated summary of the replies received from the libraries circularized has been prepared, but as it is too detailed for reading here, I will omit it, and present, instead, a few conclusions which may fairly be drawn from this summary. While practice is not uniform on any one point of department cataloging, certain tendencies toward uniformity are clearly evident.

1. In the matter of department librarians there is clearly a tendency towards the appointment of trained workers having, whenever possible, some special knowledge of the subject of their departments as well. This, of course, is important, if the cataloging is to be done in the department libraries. All these libraries feel, also, the need for some kind of department catalogs, although the number of such catalogs already established varies from three at the University of Wisconsin to twenty-three at Columbia.

2. There is a pretty general agreement that the dictionary catalog is the most desirable for department libraries. Columbia, Illinois, Michigan, and Minnesota report dictionary catalogs in all organized department libraries, and Johns Hopkins in all department libraries outside the main building. Wisconsin and Missouri report dictionary catalogs in certain department libraries, and Chicago reports author catalogs and shelf-lists. All the libraries using dictionary catalogs report the use, in the main, of the same kind of subject headings in department as in general catalogs, except for certain special subjects, such as law, or for certain highly specialized collections, such as the Avery Architectural library at Columbia.

3. There is a somewhat greater variation in the scope of material to be included. So far, only two libraries, Columbia and Michigan, report any department catalogs covering more than the material in the department libraries, but Missouri and Minnesota report that they intend, eventually, to have their department catalogs include all books on the subject in the university. In the matter of analytics the majority practice is to include the same analytics in both general and department catalogs, although Chicago uses no analytics at all in department catalogs, while Columbia, at the other extreme, includes more analytics in department catalogs than in the general catalog.

4. Present opinion seems to be pretty evenly divided on the subject of whether the actual work of cataloging should be done by the department librarians or by the regular cataloging force, although there is perhaps a tendency to have this work done by the department librarians wherever there are trained workers in charge of the department libraries. Universities in which the work for department catalogs is done by the department librarians, report that the department librarians catalog these same books for the general catalog as well.

In conclusion, let me repeat that if the cataloging is done by the department librarians, too much emphasis can not be laid upon the fact that it is absolutely essential to have all this work done under the supervision of the head cataloger, with the most careful revision. Otherwise there will be as many varieties of cataloging as there are department librarians.

In behalf of Dr. W. Dawson Johnston, of Columbia, Miss Isadore G. Mudge read the following


One of the desiderata of our exchange departments, as well as of our reference departments, is a catalog of American university serial publications. This should give in addition to the general title, a full table of contents, and an index of the same. It may be prepared by one library, or cooperatively by the library of each institution issuing such series, and published by a central institution, as the bibliography of American historical societies was published by the Smithsonian Institution, or published as the trade list annual is, each institution printing its own catalog and forwarding it to a publisher to be indexed, bound with the catalogs of publications of other institutions, and so published.

The desirability of such a catalog as a record of American university publications was presented to the Executive Committee of the Association of American Universities at its last meeting. The Committee voted to recommend to the Association the passage of the following resolution:

"Resolved, That the Association of American Universities recommends to each of its constituent universities the preparation of a catalog of its serial publications and the printing of the catalog in a form which will permit the publication of the several catalogs as a collected work, so arranged and indexed as to make it a useful work of reference."

If the members of the College Section are similarly interested in such a catalog, similar action on the part of the section may be desirable. I present this suggestion with some diffidence because although the catalog will save librarians much labor in the long run the preparation of it would involve a large amount of extra labor in the immediate future. In spite of this, however, I hope that it will receive your favorable consideration.

After some discussion it was voted that the proposal be referred to the executive committee of the College and Reference Section for consideration.

The meeting then adjourned.


The meeting of the Public Library Division of the College and Reference Section was held on the evening of June 27. It was called to order by Edwin H. Anderson, who turned it over to Miss Sarah B. Askew of the New Jersey public library commission, who acted as chairman for the evening. The first speaker was Miss MARILLA WAITE FREEMAN, librarian of the Goodwyn Institute library of Memphis, who spoke on


What we call "reference work" has been a little in disrepute of late, and there has been some discussion as to the amount of time which may legitimately be spent in helping the curious inquirer to learn how many of the Louis's died a natural death, or whether Helen of Troy wore locks of Titian red. But it is only in the large library that there can be any limitation of what we call the reference department to the handling of such academic quibbles. It is true that in the large library the technical department, the business branch, the art department may limit and thin the quality of work left to the reference librarian, till she (or he) may feel that only the dry bones of the day's research are hers (or his). But in the small library there is no such limitation, and the reference librarian, who may also be the head librarian and the chief cataloger, may come in touch each day with every sort of human interest, from the eager desire of the office clerk to get back to the soil by the road of raising rice in Arkansas or apples in Idaho, to the yearning for economic independence and artistic expression in the soul of the girl who comes to pore over books on design.

To one who is fully awake to the human side of things, there can never be any dull monotony in the life of the reference librarian. I have often wished I had time--and genius--to write the Romance of a Reference Library. It would cover as many pages, and be almost as thrilling as the Thousand-and-One-Nights. I wish I had time to tell you, the Molly-Make-Believe Episode of Goodwyn Institute library, or the Tale of the Telegram from the Nicaragua Revolution.

Now in the small library where one reference assistant must be so many things to so many people in the course of one day, there is special need of scientific management of time, labor, methods, resources. Fortunately, the reference assistant has few =statistics= to trouble with. The only record that seems essential is that of questions asked and topics looked up. A pad of paper, dated, kept at one's elbow, and questions jotted down almost as they are being asked--this gives an interesting basis for monthly and yearly reports, and makes something to show for the day's work much more interesting than mere figures, and does furnish certain figures, especially if we add, after each topic, approximate number of books, pamphlets and magazines used in getting information or material desired.

From these daily sheets interesting deductions can be made, classifications of different kinds and sources of questions asked, what classes of people are users and which are non-users of the library, on what lines the library needs to build up its resources, in what directions it needs to advertise better. Red pencil checks may be placed against more significant topics, for quick summarization at the end of the month. If the question is for school or club work, or likely to recur again, take a pencil and small pad, write Panama canal tolls or labor laws affecting women, or whatever the subject may be, at the top of the pad, and make rapid note of magazine articles, books, etc., looked up. Much time is lost in looking up the same things over and over again, sometimes by one assistant, and sometimes by another. Lists jotted roughly down while material is being looked up, or directly after, may be copied by typewriter on catalog cards and filed alphabetically in a special tray of the catalog case, where they will be quickly available for the next call. For debates, the material listed on cards should be grouped roughly under "general," "affirmative" and "negative." It saves time, also, in collecting books on the reserve shelf for a debate, to mark the places by clipping to the page a slip labelled "affirmative" or "negative." Of course, for debate work the first aid to scientific management is the use, so far as possible, of the work done by others in such invaluable little manuals as the Debaters' Hand-Book series, and the debate pamphlets of the Universities of Wisconsin, Texas, Iowa and others, supplemented by the latest magazine articles in the Readers' Guide.[11]

[11] A brief list, entitled "Debaters' Aids," was distributed in connection with this paper.

The same economic principle applies, of course, to every other class of subjects looked up. Make use of work done by others, whether in the form of bibliographies, indexes, reports and publications of special organizations, or what not. Two small indexes which save much time in the small library are the Pittsburgh Library Debate Index and their Contemporary Biography. Though the latter is now ten years old it is still extremely useful to those libraries which are so fortunate as to own copies.

Another economy of time and money is the using of book-lists printed by other libraries or organizations, checking on them the titles in one's own library, putting the library stamp upon them, and distributing them to the class of users interested. Goodwyn Institute library has recently done this with the booklet entitled: "What to read on business efficiency," issued by the Business Book Bureau of New York.

An important psychological point is always to get one good piece of material before each =researcher= promptly, then other material may be gathered more deliberately. If several people are waiting at once, give each one reference to start on rather than serve one in detail while all others wait their turn. Perhaps this is a small and obvious trifle to dwell upon, but it is a bromidium that trifles make success, in reference work as in anything else.

Returning to the wisdom of using others' work, I must emphasize the importance of collecting the material put out by all sorts of special organizations. We know that every subject now has its literature, from "votes for women" to the extermination of the house fly or the loan shark. And much of this matter, often in pamphlet or leaflet form, is obtainable free or at small cost. Frequently such literature is the latest and most authoritative word upon any subject.

In our scheme of scientific management, therefore, the small library, perhaps even more than the large, can not afford to do without collecting such literature. The pamphlet collection is indispensable. It means work, but in the end by its live usefulness it saves time. By scientific management and intensive use a small library with a good pamphlet collection can get better results than one three times as large whose resources are not up-to-date and thoroughly made use of.

First, a word as to the filing of such material; second, as to sources for securing it. I cannot attempt to offer any new solution to the vexed problem of pamphlet disposal. I will merely state briefly how Goodwyn Institute library handles its pamphlets. We have found the system of filing in pamphlet boxes most convenient and practicable. A box is lettered with D. C. number or inclusive numbers, and with subject or subjects included, as 334.6 Agricultural credit. Pamphlets are counted as received, but not accessioned. If important, catalog card is made under subject, or author, rarely under both. If of slight or only temporary value, they are merely marked with class number, and placed in box without cataloging. Sometimes merely a general catalog card is made to show that the library receives all the publications of an organization, as with the National American Woman Suffrage Association, or with the American National Child Labor Committee. In these cases there would be both author and subject card. Any specially important publication of the association would be brought out by separate card. A check on the pamphlet would indicate whether or not it had been cataloged.

For the small library which has not time to catalog individual pamphlets, it would be sufficient to make one general card for each group, giving class number and subject heading, as: "325 Immigration; for material (or for additional material) on this subject, see pamphlet collection," or merely, "See also pamphlets."

Goodwyn Institute clips also the local newspapers and a few others for matters of local or special interest, mounts the more valuable clippings on manila sheets, 8x10 in size, numbers them, occasionally catalogs an important one, and files them with pamphlets on the same subjects. To keep the collection from becoming obsolete, or occupying too much space, it should be gone over once a year, and old pamphlets and clippings and their cards withdrawn and destroyed. With many constantly changing subjects in agriculture, engineering, current problems, etc., it becomes instinctive with the reference assistant to bring forth first to the would-be investigator the pamphlet box or boxes on that subject, then the more recent magazine articles, and only last the books.

In Goodwyn Institute library the pamphlet collection is supplemented by a vertical file, arranged alphabetically under the same headings as the pamphlets. In this file are placed letters, circulars, typewritten lists, and the like, not advisable to be placed in the pamphlet boxes. A practical plan for indexing this material is a general card on each subject included, to be filed at end of regular cards in cataloging: e. g. "Levees; for additional material, see vertical file." For the very small library the vertical file is perhaps the most convenient arrangement for disposing of pamphlets and =all= unbound material in one place.

Some of the larger libraries bind in inexpensive form all pamphlets which are considered worthy of preservation, but for the small library this seems necessary only in the case of pamphlets of unusual value or size.

Now as to some of the sources of the pamphlet and ephemeral literature which is so valuable. I can not do better than to remind you again of two lists with which you are probably already familiar. The first is "Social questions of today, selected sources of information, compiled by the Free Public Library, Newark, N. J.," 1911. It may be obtained from the Editor of Special Libraries, State Library, Indianapolis, for ten cents. It includes the names and addresses of organizations interested in social questions, such as the American Civic Association, the Russell Sage Foundation, the Vocation Bureau of Boston, and an index of subjects covered by the publications of these organizations, such as the cost of living, prison reform, sex hygiene, vacation schools.

The second list is entitled "The library and social movements; a list of material obtainable free or at small expense." It may be had from the A. L. A. Publishing Board for five cents. This list includes material on all sorts of sociological questions, from co-operative stores to workingmen's compensation. From these two lists a good working collection of up-to-date, inexpensive pamphlet material on social problems may be obtained. Among recent organizations, born since these lists were published in 1911, are the Drama League of America, the American Commission on Agricultural Co-operation, the Southern Sociological Congress. All these put out valuable and inexpensive reports and publications. It would be a boon to small, and even large libraries, if the A. L. A. Publishing Board would father a new list including and enlarging the material of the two 1911 lists, and adding the most important new organizations and publications which have since come into being.

The recently published index to Special Libraries, Vol. 1-3, makes available, in that indispensable little journal much valuable material on current questions, and sources of information.

For all subjects, technical, scientific, historical, sociological, covered by the U. S. Government publications, and these subjects are innumerable, a convenient guide to selection is offered by the brief classified price-lists furnished by the Superintendent of Documents. The suggestions in the little weekly Government Publications, published by M. E. Greathouse at 510 12th St., N. W., Washington, at fifty cents a year, are also helpful, as are the notes in the A. L. A. Booklist, which now lists many government documents. The "Interesting Things in Print" column in Public Libraries should be carefully scanned, as should the "Periodical and other literature" department of the Library Journal.

To get upon the regular mailing list of as many organizations as possible saves much time spent in writing for individual publications. And even where there is a membership fee, as of $2.00 per year to the Drama League of America, for example, it will bring far more valuable returns in twelve months than the same amount expended in books.

The first labor of writing for and handling a collection of pamphlet literature seems considerable, but when properly organized its daily up-keep is not difficult and its presence in a library goes far to make possible the scientific management of the queries and problems which come each day to the reference desk.

May I rather say the information desk. We librarians are so at home with our own terminology, have talked so long and familiarly of reference desks, reference work, the reference library, that I doubt if we ever realize the foreignness of our language to the shy visitor within our gates. "Ask in the reference room" means worse than nothing to him, but the simple legend "Information desk" will draw him like the kindly and familiar face of a friend.

The idea that a modern library is, or should be, a central Bureau of Information for its town or city is one that we first have to get thoroughly into our own heads, and then impress upon our public. In the effort to find the simplest and most effective way to present this idea to our Memphis public, we tried running the following card in the street cars:

What do =You= want to Know?

You have 12,000 Books, Trade Journals, Magazines on all subjects, and an Information Bureau for =Your= use absolutely =Free= in Goodwyn Institute Library.

We were able to make specially advantageous terms with the street car advertising company, whose representative had himself made use of the resources of the library, and we have been running this card, or similarly worded ones, for over a year. The results, sometimes direct, sometimes indirect, have been very interesting. The card has brought us many business men, and other street car users, who, seeing our invitation daily, recall it from the depths of their subconsciousness when they do want to know. The card is often taken quite literally, as in the case of the young Russian from Odessa, later from St. Louis, who read the sign in the street car which brought him from the railway station. He came straight to the library and to the information desk, told his story briefly and succinctly, and asked how he could find a position as house boy, for which he was qualified. The Jewish Rabbi happened to be in the library at the moment. He called up the head of the Jewish Charities, who on hearing that the lad was from Odessa, said: "Why, that is my native place! Send him along and I will surely find him something." And he did.

Another bright-eyed youth, who worked with a moving-picture corporation in the daytime, but had his evenings free, came in to ask if we had d'Espuy's "Architecture antique." He was overjoyed when he saw it and other folios on the subject, said he was wanting to go on with the study of architecture at night, and had seen our street car card. "That card's a fine stunt," he added. Then there was the case of the two young men who had come down the river by boat from Iowa, looking for work as extra Christmas clerks. They were sent up to us by a policeman, from whom they asked information. We sent them to the Y. M. C. A. Department of Employment, and one of them afterward came back to tell us they had both gotten a job. We do not at all mind being teased a bit about our "Employment Bureau," so glad are we that the policeman and the man-on-the-street should instantly think of Goodwyn Institute library when asked for any information which he cannot give. We desire to be regarded as a sort of central clearing house for general information, even when the question is of so primitive and vital a nature as how a man shall earn his next meal, and to this end we take as our motto "Nothing human is alien to us."

We think it is within our legitimate field to tell the man not that he has come to the wrong place, but to tell him the address of the right place, and sometimes even to give him a note or do a moment's telephoning that will connect him with the right place, and will make him feel that the library's "What do =you= want to know?" means him.

The point I wish to emphasize is: Never let a man go away without either the information for which he has come, or the knowledge as to where he may find it. This does not mean that we must spend precious time in looking up irrelevant questions, or in attempting to handle matters which some other library or organization could deal with more efficiently. It does mean that it is our business as a Bureau of Information to know just where that question can be most effectively handled, and then to direct the inquirer there.

Thus if a man desires a certain address in Los Angeles, we send him to the Cotton Exchange, one block away, which has a full line of directories, open to the public; if a certain government monograph which we do not possess, we refer him to the Cossitt library, which as a government depository has a full collection of public documents; if other than a very simple legal reference, we refer him to the law library, mentioning its hours and restrictions.

If the information desired may be secured by letter, we often give a reader the necessary address and let him write himself. We ought, of course, to save the library's time in this way whenever possible. Yet frequently the information or material to be secured would have a future value to the library itself, or to the city, and whenever this is the case, this advantage, together with the reader's grateful appreciation of the library for getting him what he wants when he wants it, surely justifies us in writing the letter ourselves. Thus, Goodwyn Institute library has recently secured much information and literature on smoke abatement experience of other cities, for engineers suddenly forced to apply modern methods by a stringent city ordinance. Assistance has been given in the same way to the Mississippi Valley Levee Association; to a committee appointed to present a county insanity commission bill to the state legislature; to the city engineer, on the practice of different cities as to grade-crossings and railroad track elevation; again to an individual reader who wished to learn what diseases are native to South Carolina in distinction from those supposed to be cured by residence there; to a local manufacturer on the process of making paper from cotton stalks; to a student on the death rate and prevalence of tuberculosis among negroes; to another on the best methods of alfalfa raising in West Tennessee.

The use of the telephone is encouraged for information needed quickly. If a busy business man wishes to know the name and address of the U. S. Consul in Peru, the 1910 population of Guthrie, Oklahoma, the meaning of a troublesome phrase in a Spanish letter, he appreciates knowing that he can get a prompt reply by calling up the library. The St. Joseph library makes this feature of its information service effectively known by attractive blotters and leaflets sent to business men.

We are all familiar with the insistent demands of club members and of school children, set sometimes, the former by the club system, and the latter by the school system, to subjects beyond their grasp. Of the vexed problem of distributing our crowded hours judiciously among all these demands, Miss Bacon has written most lucidly in her delightful paper on "What the public wants," in the May (1913) Library Journal.

Certainly we do have to learn to discriminate as to the time and attention we give to each demand upon us. Yet each is important to the man, woman or child, who makes it, and however briefly and expeditiously we may dispose of it, let us make the questioner feel that he did well to come to us, that we are for the moment concentrating upon his problem, and that we are giving him the best assistance in our power, even if it be only an address, or a telephone number, or the name of the book in which his question will be answered.

Let me repeat that it is all largely a matter of making our library a clearing house of information, of connecting the man with the answer to his question, rather than of necessarily answering it ourselves. And to this end, and by these means, may the small library be as useful as the large.

The next speaker was Miss SARAH B. BALL, librarian of the business branch of the Newark free public library, who spoke on


Have you ever felt discouraged over the purely potential value of your reference books, because they seem to remain forever potential? Have you ever turned the pages of the World Almanac and sighed over perfectly good answers which you could give to questions that nobody asks you? Every reference librarian present knows what I mean. When is wheat harvested in Burmah? Who is the secretary of sanitation in Cuba? How long does it take a letter to go from New York to Melbourne, via Vancouver? Are grapes more nutritious than plums? What are the dues in the Knickerbocker Club? What three nations have dominions on which the sun never sets? How many shipwrecks last year on the U. S. coasts?

These questions are being asked by somebody and being answered in a fashion by somebody. Very often that "somebody" is the editor of the query column in the newspaper. The newspapers of the country have educated the people to turn to them with their questions. How many of those questions could be answered just as well or better by the public library? How often the newspaper itself turns to the public library for the answers? Here is truly an unnecessary duplication of work and a loss of time. Here is also a high-road to popularity and an opportunity for usefulness to a community clearly seen by newspapers and worth cultivating by public libraries.

While we are making laws, librarians might conspire to put through a city ordinance to compel all questioning people to call on the public library as the =first= source of information. As that is manifestly impossible, something must be done to attract the business and trade interests of a town to the public library as a bureau of information. Why? Because the citizens pay taxes to support an institution--the public library--that they may be, by that institution, helped to become not simply better, but also wiser; not simply wiser, but also better informed; not simply better informed in general, but also better informed in city affairs; not simply in city affairs, but also in the affairs of each industrial unit. In a word, the city supports a library that the library may help it to become more harmonious, better governed and more productive.

As the institution is supported for specific purposes, it should not only be prepared to fulfill these purposes; it should also let it be known to all that it is thus prepared.

It should let those who support it know that it can not only help one who seeks general culture; but can also help one who seeks knowledge of city management in any of its countless aspects, or knowledge of methods of productive or distributive processes in any of their countless forms.

Possibly the first thing to do in thus letting its practical powers be known is to introduce into its vocabulary the phrase "business department" or "information department." A wider range of questions comes to a library that uses the words "information" or "business department" instead of "reference department." The words "public library" do not convey to the mind of the average person a suggestion of a tenth of the resources for information that are locked up in the collections of printed things which our cities now maintain.

An inquiring Newarker once said to me "Why should a public library advertise itself? Surely everyone knows where it is and that it contains books."

"Yes," said I, "but, do you yourself know what those books contain? Would you go to the library to learn the elevation above sea level of the street corner on which you live, or for the width of the street? Would you go there to plan your next business trip by using the maps of the cities you will visit, so that time will not be lost in going from one factory to another? If you are trying to sell a patented ticket punch, do you go to the library for the names of purchasing agents of railroads? If you have lost the address of a business correspondent do you telephone to the library or do you set the whole office force on edge hunting for the lost letter? Would you turn to the library for the date of Wilson's Chicago address, or the launching of a new battleship?"

He went away wiser; and left me quite pleased with myself.

Many public libraries have undertaken the task of collecting manufacturers' catalogs from all parts of the United States. Our experience indicates that this is a heavy expense with comparatively slight return. Would it not be better to spend the same amount of time and money compiling information about the industries of one's own town? It is a hopeless task to represent adequately the manufacturers of the United States. It is not a hopeless task to compile information about local manufacturers that will prove of great value. No business directory gives the specific information that is a daily need among the business men of a community. The directory gives, for example, a list of paper-box manufacturers, but does not indicate those who make egg boxes, hat boxes, jewelry boxes, etc. It lists the jewelry manufacturers, but is useless if you want the names of those who make 22-karat wedding rings. Many manufacturers and dealers are sending to distant cities, through habit, for articles made equally well and at the same cost within their own city, for no other reason than that they lack detailed information of the products of their own city. In some places the Board of Trade is the natural clearing house for this information. This is as it should be.

But what about the towns that are without Boards of Trade or whose Boards of Trade are not equipped to give this information? It is safe to say that there are not ten cities in the United States where one can find on file for the use of the public complete and specific information about the industries of that city. To secure this information is not an easy task. It requires circular letters, follow-up letters and possibly personal calls; but the value of thus creating an interest in the public library among those citizens who are paying the heaviest taxes, coupled with the real importance of the information itself, makes it an undertaking of peculiar value to a tax-supported public library. Fortunately the smaller the city the fewer the manufacturers and the easier the task, so that here indeed is a piece of work that may well be undertaken by libraries of many towns and cities.

We have grown in Newark, from being the conventional and rather academic library, to one that has quite large sources of civic and manufacturing and commercial and financial information. The question now is, how shall we get the people to realize the change? We are somewhat in the position of a dry goods store which has transformed itself into a department store, but is visited largely by those who seek only dry goods. We need to advertise our groceries, hardware, furniture and china.

If library architecture would only permit of show windows, as do all our Newark branches, the task would be greatly simplified. What a show window has meant to the business branch can be seen any day. A passerby is first attracted by the bright color of a map showing the London subway system. He pauses to read the old familiar words: "Trafalgar Square," "Tottenham Court Road" and "Ludgate Circus." Beside it is a new directory of the clothing trade, or a book on insurance, a pamphlet on civil service, or a new trolley guide. Finally, his curiosity aroused over the kind of a business house that can have such diversified interests, he looks up at the gold-lettered sign on the window and reads with puzzled expression, "Business Branch and Reading Room of the Free Public Library." Often he peers curiously in to see what kind of people are inside, and, seeing a room full of men, comes boldly in and asks for--a directory of Spuyten Duyvil, or some other obscure place. The window display has broadened his idea of the resources of the public library, which he had hitherto thought of as having nothing to interest him.

Where a library can afford it there are many advantages in establishing a business department. It keeps together closely related subjects, it is very helpful to business men, and it helps in advertising. If a permanent business department is impossible, there is much to be gained by a temporary showing of all that can be gathered relating to business.

All libraries have more of this material than we perhaps realize, surely more than the public realize. By bringing it together and displaying well-printed signs concerning it we are following sound advertising principles. The man who sees a sign in the library, "Our business is answering questions," will not be so absurdly apologetic over "bothering you" with his wants, and will use the resources of the library to better advantage than the man who thinks it is only for lending books.

Other signs that may be used with good effect are these:

"Have you an idea? Patent it. The library will tell you how."

"You support this library. Do you use it?"

"Why guess about things? Your Public Library can give you the facts. Telephone or write."

"A valuable export trade is yours if you follow the consular reports in the Public Library."

"Follow the work of the Legislature. The bills are on file at the Public Library."

Framed signs of the library as Bureau of Information, placed in public places, are good permanent advertisements. Personal visits to the places where questions are being asked--the post office, the railroad, telegraph, newspaper and express offices, and the suggestion that those in charge send to the public library all inquiries they do not wish to be troubled with or can not satisfy, will turn many people toward the library.

If it is the item of expense that stands in the way of business work in your library, have you considered possible economies in other lines? Why not discontinue a certain fashion magazine and add a financial one? Turn down an order for a history of the court of Queen Anne and buy a good history of Wall Street. Get along without that valuable but expensive book on the ancient civilization of the Egyptians and buy a directory of the manufacturers of the world. Deny your worthy scholars the latest commentary on Plato and get your business men the latest book on accountancy. Sacrifice an historical or classical atlas and secure the best maps of your own locality. Decide against the Portuguese dictionary and buy a cable code. Cancel the order for so-and-so's travels in British Guiana and subscribe for the Official Railway Guide.

Here are suggestions for a few resources to be used in meeting business inquiries of a general order, such as come to a library that advertises itself as a Bureau of Information, and some things we have found useful in business work:

1. The latest edition of the city directory, directories of local towns, of the capitol of the state, and of the largest cities of the United States. An exchange of directories one year old with other public libraries has proved quite satisfactory. It increases your resources, and the fact that you ask for year-old directories from local business houses for the purpose of exchange is a good advertisement of the library's business side. The cost of sending a 5-lb. directory to any part of the United States by book-rate express is about fifty cents.

If you cannot afford directories, get telephone books from the American Telephone and Telegraph Co., New York City, at prices ranging from 35 to 50 cents. Many of these contain classified sections. A classified telephone directory of New York may be obtained free by writing to Mr. Reuben J. Donnelly, 37 Fulton Street, New York City.

2. The very best local maps. To spend $30 on a real estate atlas may seem extravagant; but such atlases are usually issued at intervals of 6 to 10 years, and will prove one of the most useful sources of local information.

3. The Official Railway Guide. If the library cannot afford to pay $8.00 a year for it, get a month-old copy from the local railway office. It contains the most complete list of U. S. towns in print and is of value as a gazetteer and in many other ways.

4. The Western Union A. B. C. and Lieber Cable Codes are the only general codes in use. They cost about $32.00.

5. A table for displaying catalogs of business book publishers. This will increase the use of business books and lead to many good recommendations by visitors.

6. A monthly magazine, "Business News," of the Business Book Bureau of New York. It indexes articles in the principal business magazines and lists the important new business books.

7. A typewriter for the free use of visitors. The local office of a typewriter company may place one in the library as an advertisement.

8. Reports of transactions on the New York stock exchange or of transactions in local securities. Local brokers' offices will consider it a good advertisement to place these on file.

9. Trolley guides. Fifty cents spent on these each year will fortify the library against all attacks in that line.

10. Thomas's Register of American Manufacturers, price $15.00. With this in hand you can say that, "The Public Library can give you names of pill-box manufacturers in all parts of the U. S., the name of the man who makes office furniture in Marietta, Ohio, or the place where Rubberset products are manufactured."

11. Kelly's Directory of Merchants, Manufacturers and Shippers of the World. Price 30s. This enables you to say, "The Public Library can give you the name of German manufacturers of mirrors, the dealers in lacquered ware in Tokio, the name of a bank in Warsaw, a forwarding agent in Sydney or the express facilities of Coburg."

With a simple and inexpensive equipment, somewhat like that included in these eleven items, backed by wide advertising in the local press, a public library can attract the business men of a town to use the institution they support, an institution which should be turned to by everyone in the municipality as the very first source of information.

Miss EDITH KAMMERLING, head of the Civics Room of the Chicago public library, presented most ably the work which could be done by any library in the civics line, under the title


Perhaps the best method of indicating the scope and material of a civics room in a medium-sized library is to describe what are the essentials of a civics room in a large city, permitting the adaptation of such features of the latter to the former as the locality and conditions may suggest.

A year ago last month a room was opened in the Chicago public library which is known as the civics room. The legend on the door announces "Sociology, Municipal Affairs, Business, Economics, Political Science, and Education." At first people were very curious to see what the civics room was like, and many there were of the idle curious who came to see what we had, but as the subjects dealt with were not what are generally considered as sources of amusement and entertainment, this patronage gradually ceased until now we have only the earnest, studious class.

The work required in assembling and taking care of the material is such as to demand the most concentrated efforts and the most specialized training upon the part of the librarian. She must be familiar with the great issues of the day and must be able to look ahead and assemble material where she sees that a topic is engaging the attention of public-spirited men.

The material which is stored in the civics room, therefore, is less in the form of books than in the way of pamphlets, magazine articles, and newspaper clippings--that which is usually regarded as ephemera. The latest material is not to be found in books, for by the time a subject has been before the public, has been talked about, assimilated, and finally published in book form it is practically an old subject.

One of the first considerations for the librarian is where to obtain this material. Our civics room has a card index of institutions and societies that are interested in the subjects that we cover in our work, and since we are on the mailing list of most of the associations we are pretty well supplied with their publications. The National Municipal Review, published quarterly by the National Municipal League, has a section devoted to new pamphlet material and is a great help in learning of new publications. Other journals of particular value are: The Survey, with its Information Desk, The Municipal Engineer, The American City, and The American Political Science Review.

For magazine articles, of course we have the Readers' Guide, but most of our magazine material is in the form of separates. The branches of our library return innumerable magazines to the main library and these are immediately dismembered and the articles of value and interest to us are taken out and treated as if they were pamphlets. Our newspaper clippings are obtained from 150 foreign and domestic newspapers which our reading room receives daily. Representative material is obtained in this way from all sections of the country. The pamphlets, magazine separates, and newspaper clippings, together with a small, well-selected collection of books and a goodly supply of current magazines upon economic and sociological subjects constitute the material of the room.

If you were to visit our civics room you would see one entire side of the room lined with pamphlet boxes. Each box represents a subject. Collected in one box are pamphlets, magazine separates, and newspaper clippings. The patron is not compelled to read antiquated books in studying his subject, nor is he compelled to go through the Readers' Guide and wait for his magazines to be brought to him. Here, all gathered together, is the latest material to be had. Each pamphlet is classified; each magazine separate is made into permanent form by being stapled in a manila folder with source, title, date, and class number on the cover; each newspaper clipping is classified with source and date and placed in a large manila envelope. We use the Wisconsin Legislative Reference Bureau's expansion of the 300's of the Dewey Classification for classifying our material. Selections from the contents of a typical box will show what kind of material is to be had. The subject is The recall:

Address of Pres. Taft at the banquet of the Swedish-American Republican League. 62d Cong. 2d. sess. Sen. doc. 542. Mar. 9, 1912.

Address on the recall of judges and the recall of judicial decisions at the session of the annual meeting of the Ill. State Bar Assoc. Apr. 26, 1912.

Election and recall of federal judges; speech of Hon. Robt. L. Owen. 62d Cong. 1st Sess. Sen. doc. 99. July 31, 1911.

Federal recall and referendum. Springfield Republican. Dec. 5, 1912.

How the "recall of decisions" would protect the weak from injustice. Chicago Tribune. Apr. 7, 1912.

If recall ever comes, judges will cause it. Dallas News. June 8, 1912.

Importance of an independent judiciary. Ind. Apr. 4, 1912.

Judicial decisions and public feeling; address by Elihu Root. 62d Cong. 2d sess. Sen. doc. 271. Jan. 19, 1912.

A judicial oligarchy. Century mag. Oct., 1911.

The judicial recall. Century mag. May, 1912.

The judicial recall a fallacy of constitutional government; speech by Rome G. Brown. 62d Cong. 2d sess. Sen. doc. 892. Aug. 3, 1912.

Judicial recall is turned down. Baltimore American. July 4, 1912.

Judicial tyranny and the remedy; speech by Isaac R. Sherwood. May 2, 1912.

Life terms and the judicial recall. Chicago American. July 16, 1912.

Nullifying the law by judicial interpretation. Atlantic. Apr., 1911.

Oakland defeated recall nearly 2 to 1. San Francisco Chronicle. Apr. 6, 1912.

Recall for all but judges urged. New York Sun. Jan. 6, 1913.

Recall in Oregon. Washington Post. Sept. 2, 1912.

Recall in Seattle. McClure's. Oct., 1911.

Recall of judges. Ind. Aug. 17, 1911.

Recall of judges. Editorial Rev. Nov., 1911.

Recall of judges; address by James Manahan. July 19, 1911.

Recall of judges; arguments in opposition by Mr. Rome G. Brown. July 19, 1911.

Recall of judges a rash experiment. Century. August, 1911.

Recall of judges and judicial decisions; speech by Hon. Augustus Gardner. Apr. 4, 1912.

Recall of public servants; speech by Hon. Jonathan Bourne. Aug. 5, 1911.

Restricting the judiciary. Chicago Daily News. June 16, 1913.

Right of the people to rule; address of Theodore Roosevelt. Mar. 20, 1912.

Seeks substitute for judicial recall. Indianapolis Star. Aug. 30, 1912.

Study on the recall of presidents. Chicago Tribune. Sept. 23, 1912.

Where the recall is justified. International. Dec., 1912.

Wisconsin Assembly Bill; the interpellation or recall of commissions and other state officers. Jan. 29, 1913.

Wilson explains recall. Springfield Republican. Sept. 26, 1912.

We keep the public informed of what is taking place in the Illinois legislature by having a complete file of the house and senate bills and joint resolutions. These are carefully indexed so that if a patron asks for the bills relating to non-partisan elections, by turning to our index and looking under Municipalities--Non-partisan elections, the bills are easily found. Likewise the ordinances that are passed by the city council are treated in the same way.

We have found from our experience covering a year's work that the subjects that have been most used are as follows:

Initiative and referendum Recall Woman suffrage Immigration Direct election of U. S. senators Minimum wages Child labor Woman and labor Employers' liability Housing Unemployment Labor unions Syndicalism Central banking system Rural credit Socialism Single tax Income tax High cost of living International arbitration Public morals Moving pictures Civil service Commission form of government Smoke nuisance Playgrounds and parks City planning Garden cities Six-year term for president Child welfare Juvenile courts Industrial education Parcel post Business Industrial efficiency Advertising Public utilities Noise Billboards Non-partisan elections

Some of the questions selected at random, show the demands made upon the room. A committee of the City Council is appointed to investigate the question of public service corporation commissions, and the library receives a call for material upon the question "Whether it is better to have public utilities regulated by state public service commissions, or to have them regulated by the City Council." When the investigation of the telephone rates is to be made the history of the telephone investigations carried on by previous councils is looked up. Upon investigating the advisability of electrifying the railway terminals, statistics are demanded showing the amount of damage that is done by the smoke of the railroads in the city limits. Only the live, up-to-date material can be of any value to these city officials, and a knowledge of what other cities have done relative to these questions is necessary.

Newspaper men who are doing such excellent work in keeping the people informed about what improvements are being made to better the conditions in the city, demand a great deal of a civics room. For example: A newspaper man writing a series of articles upon how to improve Chicago, wishing to write an article on housing, sends in a call for information regarding Schmidlapp houses, and it is our business to get him the material. Again he wishes to show how to reduce the cost of living, and sends in a request for information concerning the conveyance of produce from the farmer to the consumer by means of the interurban cars. Or again he wishes to inspire the public with the desire to beautify the city with window boxes and flowers and he wishes to know what European cities are doing along this line.

Civic associations and women's clubs are constantly making demands upon our resources. Such questions as:

What material have you from the budget exhibits of other cities?

Statistics showing the death rate in garden cities as compared with the death rate in cities where the population is congested.

The provision of giving the wages of prisoners to the support of the family.

Public comfort stations.

City planning and garden cities.

The question of working women's wages in its relation to the social evil was studied, during the recent investigation of the Illinois Vice Commission, by students and women's clubs.

Students find our room a boon. They are able to get material there which they are not able to find anywhere else. This spring students at the University of Chicago were working upon a debate on Panama Canal tolls, and they were so eager to use our material that they would stay all day, leaving in relays to eat while a few were left behind to guard the material.

A civics room in a medium-sized town may be made one of the most important assets of the library if it can be arranged that the person in charge does not have to divide her attention with the main work of the other departments of the library. If the staff is limited it would be better to have the civics room situated in a centralized locality, such as the state library, with easy communication with the smaller libraries. These could have an index of what the state library has, and when the need would arise the librarian could communicate her wants to the state librarian and the material could be sent as a package library upon short notice.

And so we find that we can be of assistance to the members of the City Council, women's clubs, civic organizations, newspaper men and students. The future of the work is very bright; new lines of work open up; new opportunities for service present themselves. It is in this work that one can be alive; he can feel that he is a part of the great movement toward the betterment of his city and its people.

Dr. William H. Allen, director of the Bureau of Municipal Research, of New York, made the closing talk of the evening, taking as his subject, "What a city should expect and receive from a library." He made a plea that librarians as individuals should stand for something in the community, should take their place as persons in the affairs of the day as well as see to it that their institutions performed the work to be expected of a library. He also laid emphasis on the fact that the general public did not know of the work being done by libraries and the possibilities of further service and urged that discussions of such work should be given place in the general magazines and newspapers as well as library magazines. He strongly advocated individual thinking, the doing of that which the individual librarian felt to be the best for a given community whether it be in line with general library thought or not, claiming that individuality of action and thought made for a stronger and better administration even if such individuality led to criticism upon occasion.


The meeting was called to order Wednesday evening, June 25, by the chairman, Mr. Frank K. Walter.

The first paper was presented by Miss MARY W. PLUMMER on


Although it is twenty-five years since library schools began, one may say that in a sense they are still in the experimental stage. And to say this is really praise, for when schools cease to experiment they are running along safely in ruts and have lost much of their vitality. The same period has been one of great expansion in library affairs,--not only has the country been covered with library buildings where before, to use a Western expression, "there was nothing but sagebrush," but forms of library work and extension have sprung up that were undreamed of twenty-five years ago, new methods have had to be found to meet emergencies and new conditions, social, industrial, and educational, and the library or library commission without several new ideas and aspirations per month is not thought to be doing its full duty. Add to all this progress the reactions that are going on, in library practice, in library architecture, etc., each a faithful reflection of some new light or of some old light looked at a second time, and the scene is one of activity paralleled, so far as the present writer knows, in no other field of endeavor, unless it be that of general education.

Several of the schools carry on an exercise called "survey of the field," merely to keep their classes in sight of this movement, and once a fortnight is not too often for such a class to meet--there is always fresh material for discussion.

A school, however, must experiment within reason and along its own lines. Because some small libraries and new branches are taking down their partitions or building without them is not sufficient cause for the advocacy of the practice in the schools; the much mooted question of the use of the accessions-book must remain for some time a mooted question in the schools--as long, in fact, as the conservative and radical libraries so evenly balance each other on the subject. It is not for the schools to practice or to teach library innovations--their business is to watch innovations and their results and report to their students.

It is open to the school, however, not only to watch but to forecast, to some extent. By dint of observing and listening, one who is not in the actual game often sees what is really happening or going to happen before some, at least, of the participants are entirely aware of it. An instance lies at hand in the subject of cataloging. Up to the present, this has been one of the backbone courses in every school-schedule, though the schools report regularly to their students the progress making in co-operative cataloging and the use of printed cards. As this use extends, it becomes more and more evident that cataloging is to be concentrated in a few expert hands and that most librarians are not going to have to be catalogers any more than the head of a commercial concern has to know by heart the price of every article in his stock, or than a manufacturer has to be able to do at a moment's notice what his expert subordinates are doing.

For the present, libraries still exist which make their own cards, and they still call on the schools regularly for librarians who can catalog, and hope rather than expect to get them. For, in spite of the fact that the schools still teach every student to catalog, as far as the student material will admit, students of their own volition seldom choose to be catalogers. Whether they too have sensed the fact that a change is coming and that the librarianship of the future will have more to do with the inside of the book and its application to the individual, with the handling rather than the making of tools, or whether they simply do not like what seems to them the probable monotony of cataloging, I do not know; but I think the schools will bear me out in the statement that cataloging as a specialty is not the first choice of many students. In view of these facts, I am ready to hazard the prediction that within ten years cataloging will be given in the schools as an elective; and that instead of making catalogs the majority of students will be led to consider the few main principles of cataloging and then taught better how to use and how to criticise catalogs.

Every instructor in cataloging knows that there are students whom it is a waste of time and vitality to try to make into catalogers, and every year good people go out from the schools who should never be engaged as catalogers and whom the schools recommend only for their qualifications for other work. Suppose we concentrated our teaching ability in this line on the students who would make good catalogers and who would elect the study--we should be working with the grain and not across it, the cataloging of the whole country would be uniformly well done instead of open to well-founded criticism in places, as it is now, and the time and strength of the instructor would be saved as well as those of the student whose forte lies in another direction. Another result would probably follow very quickly--more men would go into the library schools. I am told that the detail of cataloging seems to a man too much like making tatting, and one can easily understand that a person competent and eager to handle large matters or to fill an active administrative post would fret over anything involving as much minuti� as the making of catalog cards.

However, while libraries in general are making their own cards, and while the smaller libraries have to have librarians who can turn their hands to anything, cataloging as well as the rest, it is unsafe for the schools to send out students without this part of the training. It is only as library conditions point overwhelmingly toward cataloging as a specializing study that the schools can change.

Librarians can help very greatly in the matter of specialization by encouraging it and employing specialists for special work wherever possible. Without depreciating in the least the value of an attractive face and an agreeable manner and of taste in dress, in library work as elsewhere, I may perhaps be allowed to put forward the opinion that the librarian who is choosing a cataloger should not be unduly swayed by these to the exclusion of the other requirements. Accuracy, legibility, knowledge of books, ability in research and a taste for it, all go to the making of a good cataloger, and it is discouraging for a school to see the graduate who possesses these qualifications passed over in favor of one who may have a pleasanter address but who can not do the work half so well. And women librarians are swayed by these considerations almost as much as men. The school can hardly be said to blame in such cases--it can only sorrowfully shake its head, knowing that if there is any discredit to be cast upon any one later, a great part of it will probably fall upon the school.

Setting aside cataloging as a specialty in the days to come, to what shall we devote the large place it has occupied in all the general curricula?

It is easy to see that with printed cards and expert service, catalog cards can be fuller in information, can be critically annotated, perhaps, can be made more often for analyticals, subject and author, and that the use of the catalog by the library assistant can be much more constant and more discriminating. Some time can be given in the curriculum to selecting from the catalog, securing from the shelves, examining and comparing the books on a given subject, with the result that the student can get a more thorough knowledge of its literature, greater facility in the use of a valuable tool, and may become more generally intelligent for the purpose of the selection and buying of books, and for recommending or the contrary.

Classification and the study of subject-headings are in themselves so broadening, furnish so good an exercise of the reasoning powers, and afford such fine views of the inter-relations of fields of knowledge, that I doubt if they can ever or ought ever to be set aside as special studies. The study of works of reference, however, offers so large and comprehensive a field that it seems to need division; and this brings me to the other subject of my title, that of grading in the schools.

Probably no one thing has made teaching more difficult, than the wide range of age and experience among the students. In the same class may occur and do occur continually the girl of twenty without much reading beyond high school and college requirements and the summer novel (unless she has fortunately grown up in a cultivated family with the habit of good reading and of discussing books), and the man or woman of from thirty to forty with a knowledge of books, an experience of life and society, and of thoughtful mind, who may have been successful in teaching or in some other profession; and in between range students of all degrees of cultivation, varieties of experience, and types of education. The training fitted for the first class wastes much of the time of the student at the other extreme, and if it be adapted to that extreme may be too strong or too complicated a mixture for the youngest student.

Grading would be expensive, for it would mean more teachers or more specialized teachers. In some of the schools the classes are not large enough to admit of so costly a proceeding; yet without grading, under the conditions described, the school belongs where the ungraded school belongs in the scheme of general education--it is delivering a scattering fire that may or may not hit its object. The entrance examination has been the device employed for unifying student-material in some schools, and it is much better than any other means, it seems to me; but though it may show what is the greatest common divisor of the candidates in the way of education and offer a definite point of departure for instruction, those who examine the papers see such differences, quite apart from the mere answers to the questions, as warn them that they are about to deal with a very varied assortment of intellects, a wide range of cultivation, and with necessities ranging from those of the steady, plodding follower who will never go further than an average assistantship to those of the born administrator or scholar. There is, to be sure, in such a class great benefit for the younger and less experienced students from contact with the others, from discussions that are a little over their heads, but, all the same, teaching addressed to the maturer intellect leaves the other with gaps unfilled, while teaching brought down to the level required by youth and inexperience gets the older student nowhere for the time being. The process is a sort of hitching along that should not be necessary in professional or vocational schools.

Suppose that grading be practicable so far as money and teachers are concerned. Where should lines be drawn? Often the younger person has the more flexible as well as more open mind and the older student may be a little set and may have ceased to take in readily new ideas. How to distinguish the students who can receive and assimilate readily the best and most that can be given? I should say that perhaps a month might have to be spent in making the division by actual testing of the students in class together. With this secured, two curricula might be offered, one prepared for the needs of each class with appropriate methods of teaching, and offering varied proportions of the same subjects. And here I revert to the teaching of reference work. For the higher grade it would be more inclusive, more difficult, dealing more with books in foreign languages, with books on unusual and recondite subjects, such as would be found in large reference or college libraries, while the lower grade might be adapted to the more elementary work to be done in small libraries or in branches.

The "moral" of this plan lies largely in the application of it. If the large reference or college library could be deflected from its main object, the securing of a competent reference assistant, by a sunny smile on the part of a lower grade student, the school's work in preparing the better student would go for naught so far as that library was concerned, and if this happened several times it would result in a confusion of values in the minds of the students. A + a sunny smile - a knowledge of the books would seem to be more than equal to B + a thorough reference equipment - a sunny smile. We may paraphrase here a well-known saying by asserting that, taking all things together, a librarian who can make his own choice of assistants gets the assistants he deserves, with the further assertion that the word personality, as often used now, does not get its full meaning; we forget that it consists not only of what one looks like and sounds like and apparently feels like but of all that one has made one's own out of the realm of knowledge, and all that one has assimilated and made profitable from one's experience.

The charge that the one year's general course is too full would probably become less true if or when grading was adopted. Only those subjects would need be given to a grade and those amounts of a subject which the students were capable of profiting by and the time saved could be used in more effective ways.

There is a very general desire to study administration among both older and younger students. So far as this means covering the whole routine of a library, with lectures on library relationships, management, etc., a course can easily be given; the difficulty arises when students wish to go out as administrators on the strength of such preparation alone; and when library boards send to the schools for students to fill administrative positions and expect the training to ensure administrative ability which, under the circumstances, can not be guaranteed. No matter how friendly may be the attitude of the library connected with a school, it is hardly willing to turn over any of its administrative work to students, nor could it be expected to do so. The ideal thing, of course, would be for the school itself to own a small library as a laboratory in which students could be tested for administrative ability under supervision. But this, too, would take money. When one sees the splendid endowment of a School of Journalism, a School of Technology, etc., one cannot help hoping that some day a School of Librarianship may be endowed which may employ the best of teachers and plenty of them, have its own ample collections, adapted to its needs, and establish its own library as a laboratory in which it may try experiments.

I have not yet touched upon the kind of specialization of which we have heard most in late years--the kind to fit students to be librarians of special libraries. I do not believe that the most energetic critic of the library schools would require them to teach engineering, commercial methods, law and medicine. A demand there certainly is from business houses and manufactories for librarians, but that is not enough for the schools. There must be a corresponding demand from persons wishing to be trained for such places. This, so far as I can learn, has not made itself felt. When applicants begin to come to the schools saying, "I intend to go into an applied science library" (or "an insurance library") "and I want to be trained for that work and that only," then the schools will have to provide such training or declare definitely that that is not a part of their field. Until such a demand arises from would-be students, it would be foolish for a school which has plenty of demand for general training and certain well-defined extensions of it to go outside this province.

A committee of the Special Libraries Association, I learn, is investigating the matter of preparation for special library positions, and it is to be hoped that there may be a very thorough inquiry, and that the committee will state definitely just what the association wants and what it believes to be proper training for such positions. Then the existing schools can decide whether or not they can give such preparation.

Meantime, a suggestion that institutes of technology might take up this special technical work and commercial schools the business library courses, etc., may be worth considering.

It has been suggested that the schools specialize among themselves, and to some extent that has come about naturally; for the school with especially good resources and unusual facilities for teaching a given subject, such as legislative reference or work with children, if it makes known its advantages, is very likely to attract the student who wishes to follow that line of work. Other reasons, however, often weigh more heavily--the location of a school, the personnel of the faculty, a smaller tuition fee, the general reputation and advancement of its graduates, etc.; so that any school may be called upon to give some special work of which perhaps it is not the best exponent. It cannot send the student elsewhere willy-nilly, and it does its best to give him what is wanted. As schools increase in number, a classification of them according to curricula is likely to follow, and this difficulty may be lessened. Even so, there is always the danger to be guarded against that students trained along one line may, through force of circumstances, take positions requiring a kind of training which they have not had. It would be impossible for a mining engineer to do the work of a mechanical engineer and vice versa, but in the work of an average library the cataloger and reference assistant and children's librarian must often change places, and any one of them, rather than be without a position, would as a rule try to do the work of the others. If all have had general training, this would not matter so much, but without that there would be considerable loss of efficiency.

In bringing this heterogeneous paper to an end--a paper which claims to be nothing more than a sort of thinking aloud on some of the problems confronting the schools, I wish to state some conclusions that I feel myself coming to: 1. That we need more good schools. 2. That they need to send out a larger number of trained people. 3. That we need longer, more thorough, and more systematic courses. 4. That with the larger schools some effort at grading is desirable. 5. That the schools would do well to get together and make a comparative study of their curricula, and their resources and facilities for special subjects, and map out tentatively a division of the field. This, while not binding upon any school, might serve for guidance, but no school should monopolize any one subject unless it is the only school having proper facilities for giving it.

Miss CORINNE BACON read a paper entitled


Before beginning to talk of the ways in which libraries might co-operate to better advantage with library schools, it is but fair to acknowledge gratefully that many libraries are already co-operating with us in a way that often must tax severely their time and patience. In behalf of the Drexel Institute library school, I thank most heartily those libraries that, regardless of the inconvenience to themselves, allow our students to go to them for the practice work that is so valuable to half-fledged librarians. And in voicing the gratitude of Drexel, I feel that I am giving utterance to the feelings of every other school that sends out its students in the same way.

We can give our students but two weeks practice work outside of Philadelphia, because our school year is so short. Perhaps it would be well to lengthen the year by two weeks, in order that the term of work might be lengthened.

There are three things that it seems to me the schools may properly ask of the libraries: advance practice work; direct criticism; a living wage for assistants.

(1) Advance practice work--I mean by this work done in libraries prior to any study of library science. As a rule, the student with a little practical experience gets far more from a library course than one not so equipped. Directors of schools often advise work in advance, but, as far as I know, few schools require it. Pratt Institute begins with practical work in the Pratt library. The difficulties in the way of requiring this work are many. It would bear heavily upon the libraries; it would be an added expense to students living at a distance from good libraries; it would not necessarily prove the applicant's fitness or unfitness for library work, as she might fail at the kind of work she was set to do, and yet be capable of success on some other line.

Yet, on the whole, this would be a better test of fitness than all the questions we directors hurl at kindly and well-meaning friends or former instructors of our would-be students. Don't we ask too many questions as to personality from those whose answers often carry little weight? Why should we not accept all who measure up to a certain physical and mental standard, without troubling our heads so much as to whether they are ideally fit for library work? It would bring us more in line with the professional schools. Moreover, there are almost as many kinds of library work as there are of people!

The chance to work in a real library before beginning the course of study would often clarify the student's ideas about library work, even more than it would clarify the director's ideas about the would-be student. We would have, perhaps, fewer applicants who are not very strong but who "=love= books."

Sometimes I have wondered whether it would not be well to abandon entrance examinations and require instead a health certificate from a physician, a certificate that six months' satisfactory work had been done in his library from a librarian, and a statement that the applicant had read the English Bible through at least three times (this last for its influence on English prose style!).

(2) Direct criticism.

"Indirect criticism" was perhaps the toughest thing in the advanced cataloging course in my honored Alma Mater, and indirect criticism is one of the most trying things that we teachers of library science have to undergo. Librarians can help us by giving us their criticism of our methods and of our students at first-hand.

We have had more or less direct criticism--we would like more.

We have been told (a) That our graduates are not so valuable to certain libraries as their own apprentices. Of course they are not, at first, but they should be more valuable later. (b) That they are wedded to library school methods. I believe there is less justice in this criticism than there was some years ago. (c) That our schools are not "laid out and conducted in accordance with recommendations from experts in pedagogy." We plead guilty. (d) That the schools "almost inevitably tend to exalt technique and routine." I do not think that we mean to do this. We know that culture and gumption are more important than any amount of knowledge of technique and routine, but we expect our students to finish their cultural studies (so far as such studies =can= be finished) before coming to us, and we can not teach gumption. It is heaven-born. We exist largely for the purpose of teaching technique and routine but never for one moment do we mean to exalt them over the weightier matters of the law.

I have gone a little out of the way to answer these few direct criticisms. Some of us have profited by them. Give us more.

We would like direct rather than indirect criticism of our graduates. Unfavorable comments on training in general, or on the training of a particular school, do not take the place of direct criticism of individuals. Librarians would be doing a kindness by writing to the school from which they had a trained assistant who was lacking in ways that reflected on her training and stating plainly what the defects were, so that the school might profit by the knowledge.

Then, too, librarians would often save themselves trouble by co-operating with the schools to the extent of writing for the record of a graduate whom they think of engaging. Many do this, but not all. A librarian or trustee may select an assistant at a conference on account of her good looks and pleasant manners, and when he finds out (it is usually a "he" who makes this error of judgment) that she is not all his fancy painted her, he blames the school that trained her. The school could have told him perhaps, if asked, wherein she was lacking.

(3) A living wage. This is the most important of the three points in which we wish for co-operation. It is getting to be a serious question as to whether women of ability can afford to go into library work. We do not expect luxuries, but to do good work we must keep fit. We need rooms that admit plenty of fresh air and we need nourishing food. We are obliged to dress fairly well. We ought to go to library meetings, and trustees do not usually pay the way of the assistants with the smaller salaries. Recreation is a necessity if we are to keep sane. But how can we afford to travel, or even to see a play or to buy a book, on the salaries many of us get?

I was asked a few weeks ago to supply a college library with a cataloger who must be a library school graduate knowing French and German and the salary offered was $40 a month. If a woman ate poor food, she might be able to save enough out of $40 to pay for her washing--only she couldn't afford to buy any clothes to be washed. She could never see a play, hear an orchestra, or buy a book.

A good cook, on the other hand, would have no difficulty in getting $30 or $35 a month =and maintenance=, which would be equivalent to a salary of at least $50 or $55 a month. Moreover, the cook would not be expected to dress as well as the cataloger (though, as a matter of fact, her Sunday clothes would probably be more costly) or to attend conventions.

The case I have mentioned is by no means an isolated one. A good-looking girl with pleasant manners, who could understand French, German, Spanish and Italian over the telephone, was asked for by a large city library that proposed to pay about $45 a month. Another college library recently wanted a college and library school graduate with experience and various other qualifications for $720 a year. Now if an =experienced= woman with such an education can't get more than $720 a year in library work, the sooner she leaves it for something else the better. A special library belonging to a leading institution in a large city was looking for a woman to reclassify and catalog its collection, but seemed unwilling to pay even $50 a month.

This is not intended as a diatribe against the librarian employer. The trustees and the taxpayers need education along the line of library salaries. Libraries need larger appropriations for salaries. We have passed through a period where method was exalted, we seem to be passing through a period where a fine building is the prime necessity. But after all, a library means primarily plenty of books that are worth while and assistants that know enough to get them into the hands of the right people. And we can not cultivate efficient assistants on less than a living wage.

Do not misunderstand me. I do not mean to imply that a green library school graduate should leap at once into a high-salaried position. Yet the comparison sometimes made with the doctor or lawyer, who are so long in gaining a foot-hold, seems to me unfair. Lawyers and doctors who are good for much, make big money after a while. It is the exceptional librarian who ever gets a large salary. Therefore it is not fair to expect her to spend so many years earning little or nothing as does the doctor or lawyer.

I have spoken particularly of salaries for women. Salaries for men in library work are usually too low, but I have dwelt on the women's salaries because women are discriminated against, not alone in libraries, but in most kinds of work done by women.

The working-woman of today asks no favor because she is a woman. She does ask equal pay with men for equally good work.

I do not mean to over-emphasize the money side of library work, even though I think the "missionary" side of it has been over-emphasized. Why is a shelf-lister any more of a missionary than a bookkeeper in John Wanamaker's store? Why is any librarian any more of a missionary than the editor of a great daily, or than a busy surgeon, or many other folks that might be mentioned? We librarians serve those who know more than we, who are better than we--we are "just folks" like all the rest, equally worthy, if we give good measure in our work, of a living wage.

We of the schools ask of the libraries we try to serve that they send us criticisms of our graduates, that they try them out, and that they pay them, if found efficient, that living wage without which the best work is impossible.

Discussion of both papers followed, after which was read the


The Committee on Methods of Publicity respectfully reports to the Professional Training Section as follows:

At the time of the mid-winter meeting at Chicago the members of this Committee met and after consultation with the Secretary of the A. L. A. determined upon a procedure which was carried out as follows:

It was deemed wise to make an effort to reach the students in the colleges and universities through the publication of an article in each of the periodicals published in the various colleges. One form of letter was framed for co-educational institutions, one form for use at men's colleges and one form for use at women's colleges. These were mimeographed and Mr. Utley, who had already prepared a list of college publications, mailed the letter to over 180 publications.

The letter was in no sense an advertisement of library schools; it was rather an attempt to set forth facts relative to the opportunities within the library profession. It called attention to the existence of the various library schools and referred the interested student to the college librarian or to the Secretary of the A. L. A.

Although the Committee flattered itself it had produced a helpful and interesting letter, it cannot learn that it was reprinted to any considerable extent nor that it resulted in interesting many students in the profession.

The Committee is informed that in many, if not in most, of the educational institutions of the country there are groups of persons interested in vocational training. It is therefore recommended that this publicity work be continued, but that the approach for the publication of the article and for the local use of it be made through the persons or groups in each institution which are particularly interested in vocational training. In most cases these persons have an established channel of publicity and can reach the students and the publications better than they can be reached through the direct attack heretofore employed.

CARL H. MILAM, M. S. DUDGEON, JOSEPHINE A. RATHBONE, Committee on Methods of Publicity.

June 25, 1913.

The following "Account of the work of the library school round table for 1912 and 1913," by Mr. P. L. WINDSOR, was read by Miss Frances Simpson.


In January, 1911, 1912 and 1913, there were held in Chicago, meetings of library school directors and instructors for the discussion of topics connected with library school work. While at first thought it might seem that such discussions should form a part of the programs of this, the Professional Training Section, nevertheless, the meetings have evidently justified themselves and are likely to continue.

Members of the faculties of only the generally recognized library schools have attended these meetings; that is, the plans of the meetings do not contemplate the attendance of instructors in summer library schools or instructors in training classes conducted by public libraries. This limitation on the number of people taking part in these meetings was desired, first, because we who arranged the meetings wished to discuss problems belonging primarily to our own special work and not to attempt the larger field which properly belongs to the Professional Training Section; and second, because we wished the meetings to be sufficiently small in numbers and the participants to be sufficiently specialized in interest to insure informal and frank discussion.

Minutes of these meetings of library school faculties have included copies of reports presented and in some cases have included abstracts of discussions. Copies have been sent to each school.

Some of the topics discussed would be of no general interest to even the Professional Training Section, as they pertain so closely to school work. Others are of such a nature that we ourselves would not, with any freedom, discuss them before as large a meeting as a section meeting. Our frank, informal discussions have been characteristic.

Among the questions proposed for discussion and sent to the various faculties in advance of the meeting, are such as these:

1. Is it desirable, and if desirable, is it practicable to make the work of the first year of the two-year schools and the work of the one-year schools more nearly alike? Many junior students in a two-year school enter library work without taking the senior year's work; if the courses in one-year schools are better preparation for library work than the first year's work of the two-year schools, then these juniors are at a disadvantage as compared with students from a one-year school. Some students in the one-year schools may wish to go to a two-year school and take a second year of training; as the courses are at present arranged, this second year's work is almost impossible, because it does not fit on to the work that the student has had.

2. Do we use the most approved pedagogical methods in our class room work? Do we lecture too much, and give too few quizzes, conferences and reviews? Do we depend too much on the student's taking full notes, when the proper use of printed outlines, or carefully selected required readings supplemented by a few notes would yield better results? Shall the course in cataloging be put at the beginning of the course, or later? How much do we use the stereopticon?

3. Would it be practicable for several schools to secure a lecturer on some special subject in library economy who should give the regular work in that subject in each of these schools? An example of a beginning in this direction is Edna Lyman Scott's work in several schools.

4. Would it be possible for the several schools to combine in securing a lecturer each year to give a short series of lectures on some one subject, these lectures to be seriously worked up, and to be published after being delivered? The final publication of the lectures, and the combined remuneration from several schools, might be a sufficient incentive to capable persons to do their best work.

5. Are the subjects now in our curricula properly balanced? Is too much time given to learning cataloging and other routine, and consequently too little to a consideration of methods of extending the use of the library by the public?

6. Is it as easy to secure transfer of credit from one school to another as it should be?

Information on the following subjects connected with library school work has been collected, reported on and discussed in our meetings.

1. The cost of library schools and a rough analysis of their expenditures.

2. Specialization among library schools.

3. Book selection as a course in library schools.

4. The method of revising students' work.

5. Efficiency of administration in library schools.

6. Non-essentials in our library school courses.

7. Certain pedagogical problems connected with our library school instruction.

The following officers were elected for the coming year: Chairman, Corinne Bacon; Secretary, Julia A. Hopkins; Program committee, Mary W. Plummer, Alice S. Tyler, Frank K. Walter.


The government documents round table was called together at 8:15 p. m., June 26th, by George S. Godard, state librarian of Connecticut, chairman of the committee on public documents. Mr. F. W. Schenk, law librarian of the University of Chicago, was asked to serve as secretary.

The chairman, after brief introductory remarks relating to the progress which had been made in the matter of printing, binding, labeling and distributing public documents, both national and state, introduced Miss Mary A. Hartwell, assistant chief cataloger in the office of the superintendent of documents, Washington, who read a paper prepared by Superintendent of Documents Frank C. Wallace, stating his position upon the many questions and resolutions suggested at previous conferences of the American Library Association relative to the distribution, indexing, assignment of volume numbers, and publication of daily bulletins by the document office.

Mr. Wallace's paper follows:


I regret the necessity of being compelled to adopt this means of addressing your Association, as I feel a better understanding could be had of what we are trying to do for the libraries if it were possible for this office to be represented at your conference. I have read with much interest the proceedings of your last conference, and a part of my paper will endeavor to explain some of the questions which were discussed and made the subject of resolutions.

=Distribution of Bills and Other Publications Now Withheld From Distribution to the Libraries.=

There is no doubt but that some libraries, even under the present liberal distribution of government publications, fail to receive everything they should, and I am thoroughly in accord with the opinion expressed during your discussion that means should be provided to enable the libraries to receive those publications of a public character that are now withheld from distribution. It is gratifying to note that in Senator Smoot's printing bill, which has been reintroduced in the present Congress, there are provisions intended to supply remedies for certain existing conditions.

Section 65, paragraph 1, to which I refer, provides that a sufficient number of copies of those publications of Congress which do not bear a congressional number, including the committee publications now withheld from distribution to depositories and those printed elsewhere than at the government printing office, shall be supplied to the libraries. It is also worded so as to prevent the departments from withholding some of their publications from the depositories.

The printing committee no doubt had in mind when this provision was framed that, under the provisions of the existing law, too much discretion is given the departments, with the result that, contrary to the spirit of the printing law, libraries are being deprived of certain classes of publications that are really of a public character.

The question as to the best method to be employed in the distribution of bills is not so easy of solution. It would not be practicable for this office to attempt to carry even a limited supply, as the work involved in storing them in an accessible manner would involve an expenditure that I do not believe could be justified by the results.

During the 62d Congress there were introduced 28,870 House bills and 8,589 Senate bills, and you can readily see that to handle an adequate stock of all those bills would be considerable of an undertaking. At the present time the only distributing agencies for copies of bills are the House and Senate document rooms at the capitol, but, although they sometimes furnish bills on request, the copies they receive are not intended for general public distribution. It seems to me that the solution supplied in your suggestion, that the text of all public bills upon which committee reports are made should be printed with the reports, is the most logical one that has ever been presented, but it would not be practicable to include also the testimony taken at hearings held by the committees, for in many cases the testimony would fill several large volumes. Besides, section 65, already referred to, provides that the libraries shall receive such hearings. Of course this section is not yet law, but we are permitted to hope that it may become so.

This is desirable from more than one point of view. It is often the case that committee reports refer to sections of the bill under consideration by number without quoting the language. In such cases the report may be unintelligible to any reader who has not a copy of the bill before him. In fact, nearly all committee reports not accompanied by the bills to which they relate may properly be classed as incomplete and imperfect publications.

The question of cost involved in printing the text of bills as appendixes to the committee reports upon them is not serious. While the number of bills introduced in Congress and receiving a first print is prodigious, and the cost of printing them in 14-point type with as many white lines as type lines is tremendous, it must be remembered that only a very small percentage of the bills introduced ever get so far as a committee report, and of these a considerable number are already printed with the reports by order of the committees, and the cost of printing the remainder in solid 8-point is so very much less than the cost of printing them in the extended bill form that it is almost negligible.

I do not think it is too late for the Association to submit to the joint committee on printing an amendment providing for the printing of the text of bills and resolutions as appendixes to the committee reports upon them. The pending bill may not pass, or may be extensively amended before passage, or may not be acted upon at the present special session, but I consider it probable that a general printing law of some kind will be enacted at a comparatively early day, and that the American Library Association may, by proper effort, secure the incorporation in it of the desired provision for the printing of the text of bills with the committee reports.

=Reasons Why Catalogs and Indexes Cannot Be Issued More Promptly=

The need for the prompt issue of the catalogs is thoroughly appreciated, as we understand they are the only means of information the general public have for knowing what the United States government is publishing.

The Monthly Catalog is required to show what documents have been published during a month. Evidently, therefore, its compilation cannot be completed until after the close of the month. The compilation, however, is always completed within three or four days after the month closes. Sometimes the printing does not follow as quickly as one would like. This may seem strange to libraries, to whom the Monthly Catalog is perhaps the most important of all the public documents. If, however, they were in Washington they would soon realize that there are several other government concerns, some of them larger and more exacting than the public documents office. There is one known as the Congress of the United States, which calls for thousands of pages of printing where the documents office calls for one, and which, when it calls for the right of way in the government printing office (or anywhere else), is able to get it. The printing of the document office receives every consideration in the government printing office which it is possible to give, but it cannot command the right of way over Congress, the White House, or the cabinet.

It has been a long time since the Monthly Catalog has failed to be mailed during the month following its date, often by the middle of the month. It is to be noted, also, that its information is quite different from that of "press notices." It enters only documents that have been actually received, and its descriptions are minute and accurate. In its preliminary pages it gives such advance information of forthcoming documents as can be officially secured and vouched for. There is a habit in some government offices of giving the newspaper reporters information of proposed publications before the copy is ready for the printer, and sometimes before pen has been put to paper. Plans thus prematurely announced are subject to change and the advance notice may thus mislead the reader. Readers of the Monthly Catalog are not thus misled.

The superintendent of documents is confident that those librarians who keep well informed recognize his purpose to do everything for the great library interests of the country that the limitations of the law and the executive pressure upon his and other administrative offices for economy make possible.

The main cause for delay in the preparation of the copy for the document catalogs and indexes is that publications are ordered printed as documents that do not materialize until long after the close of the Congress to which they have been assigned, thus making it necessary to delay publication of the catalog and indexes until sufficient information can be obtained for making the entry.

It is hardly necessary to explain why the document catalog is being issued in one volume to cover the entire Congress instead of at the close of each regular session, as provided by law, because a very complete and detailed explanation has been given in several of the annual reports. It is evident our explanation has been considered satisfactory by the printing committee, as the new printing bill provides for the document catalog to cover a whole Congress.

I will also refrain from a long discourse as to why the work on the catalogs has been behind, as I know the librarians are only interested as to the promptness in the printing of these bibliographical aids in the future. The copy for the 61st Congress catalog will be ready for the printer sometime during the coming summer and that for the 62d Congress before the adjournment of the 63d Congress, which will be as near as it will be possible to issue this catalog after the period covered.

This leaves it to the Monthly Catalog and the Document Index to bridge the gap and supply the current information from one Document Catalog to another, which, although not as complete and as comprehensive as the Document Catalog, serve as excellent substitutes during the interim.

=Assignment of Volume Numbers to the Congressional Series=

There is probably no question concerning public documents to which this office has given more consideration than the devising of a plan by which it would be possible to assign the volume numbers to the congressional series as soon as the documents are printed.

There are two very material advantages to be gained, were it possible to solve this question; one that of eliminating the necessity for the public printer to supply storage room for these documents and reports prior to the preparation of the schedule; and the other that the work of the librarians in cataloging these documents and reports would be greatly facilitated by having all of the necessary information at the time the publication was cataloged. The greatest handicap to a solution of this problem is the lack of information concerning the publications which have not been printed and to which document numbers have been assigned. Even now, after the session is closed, we are compelled to hold up the schedule for weeks and sometimes months to learn the title, paging, and other necessary information regarding certain publications to which numbers have been assigned, but which are not printed.

At the present time in preparing the schedule, we endeavor to maintain a numerical arrangement in binding the Senate and House Reports after having classified them as public or private in accordance with the provisions of the printing law. The Senate documents are brought together first by subject and then by number, but, with the House documents, on account of the introduction in this series of all the annual and serial publications, an effort is made to preserve, as far as possible, a departmental and subject arrangement.

It might be well to explain at this point that, although the only volumes distributed to the libraries now as numbered congressional publications are those of which Congress is the author, and of these there are consequently no other editions, the schedules and index must of necessity, on account of the wording of the law at the present time, be made to cover a complete numbered set still provided for the exclusive use of Congress.

There is about only one way to accomplish the numbering of the volumes as soon as printed under the present law, and that is by disregarding entirely any sort of an arrangement and assigning the next open volume number as the documents and reports appear. Of course, the index would furnish the key to these miscellaneous volumes. Such a plan is now being considered by us, and it is hoped that before July 1 some plan can be devised which will permit of a more prompt shipment of the documents and reports to the libraries.

=Publication of a Daily Bulletin=

The resolution of the Association passed at Pasadena, May, 1911, favoring the publication of a daily or weekly bulletin of the document issues by the superintendent of documents, has not been forgotten or overlooked, but up to the present time the project appears no more feasible than it did at the beginning.

The documents office has not the authority of initiative except to a very limited extent. Its activities are all prescribed and defined by law. It is from the law that the superintendent of documents derives his authority to compile and publish the Monthly Catalog, the Document Index, the Document Catalog, and the series of price lists. It would hardly be proper or prudent for him to begin the issue of another periodical without first asking the permissive or directory action of Congress. Asking does not always mean getting. Legislation concerning the document service has been found heretofore somewhat slow and difficult in the securing. I do not feel that I could predict with any confidence that legislation authorizing a daily or weekly bulletin could be secured at all.

If it could, an appropriation to make it operative would be needed, because it is not practicable for the members of the present cataloging force to undertake any new work. They are working under high pressure to bring the Document Catalog up to date and to keep the Document Index and the Monthly Catalog there.

The embarrassment caused librarians by calls for documents which have been noticed in the newspapers but not yet announced in the Monthly Catalog is not so much due to delay of the Monthly Catalog as to premature announcement in the newspapers. It is the practice of various government bureaus to pass along to the newspaper men information of new publications as soon as they are sent to press or even sooner. Of course readers of the newspapers assume that the documents noticed are already available for sale or distribution, whereas the fact is that various causes may tie up the documents in press for months or even years. The most prolific cause of such delays is changes--changes in "copy," changes in "proof," changes even to the substitution of entirely new matter after a first draft has been put in type. The number and extent of such changes in printing the public documents are almost unbelievable, and they are of course highly embarrassing to the libraries and to the public when premature announcement of the forthcoming issue of the delayed document has been made.

If the publishing bureaus could be induced to withhold information of new documents until such documents had been actually printed, bound, and delivered, the embarrassment experienced by librarians would be obviated. It is hardly practicable, however, for the superintendent of documents to make any suggestion in the matter to the publishing offices. Some of them at least would be likely to resent such a suggestion from him as being meddlesome and out of his sphere. As to whether such suggestion from the American Library Association would be welcomed or heeded, I do not venture to express an opinion.

Premature announcements are not always accurate. The announced publications are often changed in the making, and sometimes are not published at all.

Of course, the Monthly Catalog, being an official document and an accurate one, cannot take any chances on premature announcements. All of its entries stand for documents actually received, carefully examined, and their origin fully inquired into. This is not work to be hastily done. Sometimes a surprising amount of time and trouble are expended in finding out whether a document belongs in some series, whether it is the beginning or ending of that series; if the latter, then whether the same subject or subjects are to be pursued in some other series, and the variety of similar details which libraries and collectors should have, and for which they look to the documents office, because in too many cases such particulars cannot be ascertained by examination of the document itself.

A month is the shortest time in which such matters can be sifted out and brought into orderly catalog form. Lists issued at any shorter intervals must necessarily be memoranda rather than catalogs, and the work done on them must be performed again in a more orderly manner for the official monthly, annual, and biennial catalogs.

=Explanation of Section 8 of the Legislative Appropriation Act Centralizing the Distribution in the Office of the Superintendent of Documents=

The long cherished hope for a central distributing office has been realized nominally, but the provisions of law creating it, I am sorry to say, correct only the evils that existed from a mechanical standpoint, in that they prevent the double hauling and wrapping that were necessary prior to the change. There remain as many distributing agencies as before, as the authority to distribute the publications consigned to this office continues with the issuing office. The libraries have been afforded no relief, because now, as before, if a dozen selected pamphlets are wanted, it may mean the writing to about as many different places. This is a rather difficult proceeding, as most persons are unfamiliar with the machinery of the government and are frequently in doubt whom to address to secure the desired publications. The departments have always been rather reluctant to relinquish control of the distribution of their documents, and the new printing bill, should it be enacted as it now reads, would give back to them even the mailing of the daily miscellaneous requests.

Instead of providing for such a step backward, it is the opinion of this office that a provision should be inserted that would discontinue entirely the free distribution by the departments (except to collaborators and sufficient copies for official use), and would permit the superintendent of documents to supply free copies to public libraries and sell copies to the public at a nominal cost.

At the present time the departments have only a limited supply, which results in a few applicants obtaining free what others have to pay for.

There is probably not a librarian who hasn't experienced the inconvenience of the present arrangement, as it is a daily occurrence for us to have to refer their requests to the issuing office or quote the prices.

=Need for Co-Operation on the Part of the Librarians to Improve the Publication and Distribution Methods of Government Publications=

The most striking example of the need for co-operation is that we are today fighting for certain reforms in the methods of publication that were asked for sixteen years ago.

The first superintendent of documents had hardly entered upon the duties of the office before he recognized the faulty methods of publication and distribution which he well knew served only to prevent the public document from occupying the position its general standard of efficiency warranted.

It is hard to understand why the untiring efforts of those interested in promoting the use of the public document have been practically ignored when you stop to think of the annual cost in compilation, printing, and distribution.

We all know that every conceivable subject is treated in the public documents, and when we think of their value to the historian, student, and public in general, it is hard to understand why any obstacles should be put in the way of making them readily accessible and encouraging the librarians to give them the proper place on their shelves.

Now, as to the faulty methods which obtain in the publication of the public documents, very little has been accomplished in the way of reform. That the present methods cause needless expense in mechanical production and needless difficulties in their use, there is no question. Chief of these faulty methods is that of reprinting the same book several times under different numbers and titles. I do not mention this as a new discovery, because every superintendent of documents has endeavored to have the law changed to eliminate from the congressional series those publications of which a departmental edition is printed.

One edition for one book is the only logical manner of issuing government publications, and the Smoot bill which has again been introduced goes a long way towards correcting the present evil.

Section 45 provides that all publications of which there is a department edition printed, except the annual reports of the executive departments, shall not be numbered in the congressional series, and section 65 provides that all copies additional to the original order of the department should be identical with those ordered by the department.

We are seriously opposed to the exception of the annual reports, and with the hopes of eliminating any exceptions we have just written the Senate committee on printing as follows:

"No reason is known to this office why the annual reports of the executive departments and independent offices should be excepted from the operation of the salutary provision that departmental publications shall not be printed a second time with changes to indicate (erroneously) that they are documents emanating from Congress.

"The reasons which have induced the prohibition of second and varying prints of department publications generally, apply with at least equal force to the annual reports, which are the most distinctively and obviously departmental of all departmental issues. They are so distinctive that it is safe to say they are always known and called for by their departmental designations, never by their congressional numbers. Everybody knows at once what is meant by War Department Report, 1912, but nobody knows offhand what is meant by House Document 929, 62d Congress, 3d session. There is nothing whatever to indicate that these two designations mean the same publication, which is really not a House document at all, but a publication of the executive and not of the legislative branch of the government. And, of course, the same is true of the annual reports of all the executive officials.

"The addition of congressional document numbers to executive reports adds nothing to their value or to their accessibility. The second set of designations is merely confusing and troublesome. To spend money on such a second print is to spend it only to buy harm instead of good.

"The numerous and conclusive considerations which have been sufficient to place in the bill the prohibition of the second and superfluous editions of other departmental publications apply with at least equal if not even greater force to annual reports, and to except them from the general prohibition seems therefore illogical and contradictory and a long step toward defeating the proposed reform and the economies which it is intended to promote.

"If it is not desirable to protect the annual reports from the waste and confusion of double editions, then it is hard to see why any publications should be so protected. The annual reports, so numerous, so important, so certain to be continuously issued for all time to come, are 'the very head and front of the offending' in the double printing abuse, and with them the reform should begin.

"To except the annual reports seems to amount to discrediting if not to virtually abandoning the whole reform--the most vital of all reforms in connection with the public printing, that of permitting but one edition for each publication, by which it may always be known and identified and kept free from confusion with others."

There is no question that the librarians are in sympathy with what we are trying to do, so now is the time to join forces and make every effort to have this bill embody the necessary provisions to correct all existing evils.

The librarians must give the movement impetus, and we believe if sufficient organized effort is directed in the proper channels good results will be bound to follow.

Mr. Wallace's paper was received with enthusiasm because it showed his close and intimate knowledge of matters pertaining to the publication and distribution of documents. A spirited discussion followed the reading of the paper, all through which expressions of appreciation were made concerning the service which had been rendered by the document office in recent years towards prompt and efficient distribution of publications delivered to that office.

Miss Hartwell, informally representing the superintendent of documents, answered many questions relative to the serial numbers on government documents and urged if consistent with the policy of the American Library Association that action be taken suggesting to Congress that annual reports now listed in the congressional set of documents be omitted inasmuch as they are not now in the depository set and such omission would facilitate the publication of the Documentary Index.

The discussion also brought out the consensus of opinion that the libraries would be more satisfactorily served if all publications were sent out under the direction of the superintendent of documents.

Henry J. Carr, librarian of the Scranton public library; Miss Edith E. Clarke of Syracuse University, and Herbert O. Brigham, state librarian of Rhode Island, were appointed a special committee to prepare a suitable resolution of thanks to Mr. Wallace for his excellent paper and to draft suitable resolutions to be submitted to the Council for its approval, urging that the recommendations in Mr. Wallace's paper relative to publication and distribution of documents be approved by the American Library Association, this committee to report at an adjourned meeting of the session to be held at 12:15 p. m. on Friday.

The second paper of the evening, prepared by Mr. FRANCIS A. CRANDALL of Washington, D. C., on certain phases of the public document question, in his absence was read by Charles F. D. Belden, state librarian of Massachusetts.

Mr. Crandall's paper (in part) here follows:


The committee on department methods, known to the public as the Keep commission, was the agency through which, about seven years ago, President Roosevelt hoped to reorganize and energize the government service in Washington.

The Keep commission organized for helpers twelve so-called assistant committees, their total membership being about seventy, all supposed to be experts in the several branches of inquiry assigned to them.

On one of these assistant committees, the one on "The organization of editorial work and an official gazette," the writer had the honor to serve.

We held more than one hundred meetings, and examined as witnesses almost if not quite every man and woman who had any official relation with the work of preparing manuscripts for printing. We learned after a while that the President wanted an official gazette, and expected us to devise the means of creating it. I think that nearly all the members from the start deemed the scheme impracticable and chimerical. It became clear that it would be a costly enterprise, and we could not find any department that had the money for it.

Soon after this Mr. Keep left Washington, and the Keep commission, though nominally still living, dwindled rapidly, and brought forth little if any more fruit.

The members of the assistant committees were left stranded, with desks full of unprinted manuscripts as the only results of their prolonged labors. From one of these desks I have withdrawn the report of a subcommittee of the assistant committee on the organization of editorial work and an official gazette. Though it was written half a dozen years ago, it seems that an element of interest yet remains in its proposal for the publication, as an alternative to the impracticable official gazette, of an executive gazette. This proposal has not had any exploitation whatever.

In the hope that it may in this way be brought to the general notice of persons interested in the methods of publication and preservation of the historical records of the government it is now offered for the consideration of the American Library Association.

The London Gazette, which is the model most generally thought of when the term official gazette is used, was begun in 1665, and may be looked upon as a survival of the pre-newspaper age, for though there were newspapers before the Gazette, they bore little resemblance to what we now know by that name, and the daily press--the significant part of the press of our day--was not born till a generation later. We may assume that when the Gazette was begun its semi-weekly issues were sufficient to carry all the official information that the government of that day wished to offer to its subjects. But this long since ceased to be true. The English government now has a host of publications which do not appear in either of the three Gazettes--London, Edinburgh, and Dublin--of the United Kingdom, nor in any of the multitude of gazettes which are issued in the various British dependencies, from Canada and Australia to Borneo and the Andaman Islands. The country has outgrown the London Gazette, and by its growth has been forced into that specialization and subdivision of its official publications which we see even more notably in our own country. No doubt for the Andaman Islands a monthly gazette covers the whole ground, everything being printed in it and no occasion being found for any other official publication whatever. This may be true of many small countries, but it is not conceivable for a great and growing country like ours.

The specialization of official publications seems to be an inevitable result of the growth of public interests and the public service. By recent methods documents are printed relating to special branches of the public service and sent only to those employed in such branches. Economy of both time and labor as well as economy in printing are thus promoted. This subdivision is carried out with much minuteness. The Daily Bulletin of the Railway Mail Service, relating solely to the affairs which its title indicates, is printed in Washington in an edition of 1,500 copies and supplied to all offices in the department and sent out to the different division superintendents throughout the country. These superintendents extract from it the matters which affect their divisions and redistribute these parts to their subordinates in general orders. Thus everybody in the postal service gets that information and those orders which he needs and he does not get and consequently does not waste any time upon that information and those orders which he does not need. The hydrographic office's weekly, Notice to Mariners, containing only the latest information as to aids and hindrances to navigation, would seem to be a sufficiently specialized publication to be supplied to sailors without further ado. Part of the edition is issued in the complete form, but economy and efficiency are further promoted by additional subdivision. The weekly publication, not a large one to begin with, is split into many parts, often a dozen or a score, and one of these leaflets is supplied to the mariner who needs information as to those waters only into which his own voyage will carry him. The Yearbook of Agriculture, the Annual Reports of the Smithsonian Institution, the National Museum, the American Historical Association, the Chief of Engineers, the Chief of Ordnance, the Bureau of Education, and other publications which are made up of distinct papers or chapters that permit of separate publication, are split up and each chapter or paper printed in a pamphlet by itself, so that the authors and others who ask for copies of special papers may have these alone and the cost of supplying them with whole volumes thus be saved. Even pamphlets of moderate size, like the bulletins of the Department of Agriculture which report the proceedings of the conventions of official agricultural chemists, economic entomologists, and other bodies of government specialists, are split into fascicules with which the popular demand for information on special parts of the work of these scientific bodies may be met at least cost.

Any publication, by whatever name or in whatever form, which undertook to include all of these and the other and almost innumerable specialized publications of the government, and to have itself supplied to all who now receive the existing publications, would of necessity be of enormous bulk and be printed in an enormous edition, and it seems to your committee that it must break down of its own weight. We think it absolutely essential to the success of an official gazette that all of these specialized class publications should be most rigorously excluded from its pages. Specialization seems to be a natural and proper development of the public printing, and it would hardly be practicable, or wise if practicable, to arrest it.

For these reasons, your committee, in casting about for material which might properly and usefully be carried in an official gazette, should one be issued, has endeavored to choose that only which is of interest to all classes and not alone to any one class, whether in or out of the public service. The list which represents the judgment of the committee in this respect is still very long. We have not suggested the discontinuance of any publication on account of its inclusion in a gazette, because in all the letters we have received from public officials, and all the questions we have asked them, we have not yet found one who is of opinion that any publication now existing can be superseded by publication in a gazette without injury to the public service.

Opinion among officials as to a gazette is radically divided, the number for and against appearing to be about equal, though the adverse argument appears to be the stronger. Opinion in the committee is also widely divided, and we are unable to make a unanimous recommendation on the desirability or feasibility of issuing a gazette on the model of the London Gazette or of any other official gazette known to us.

Your committee, however, thinks it a duty to submit for consideration an alternative plan, based on a suggestion offered in one of the official letters received in reply to its inquiries. This alternative is an executive gazette, to contain all of the official papers and messages of the President and such other occasional matters of special and immediate importance as the President may think it advisable to have officially published. Such matter might perhaps at times be drawn from the diplomatic correspondence with other governments or from reports made by American ambassadors, ministers, or consuls, or from the findings or rulings of commissions or other official bodies or other sources for which no special method of official publication is now provided.

The weight of this suggestion lies in the fact that every word officially put forth by the chief executive is of universal interest and of historical import, and no official vehicle for its complete and authentic publication is now provided. It is printed in the Congressional Record, in the newspapers, on separate sheets, in the collected volumes of statutes, and sometimes not at all. These publications are so scattered and each different kind so incomplete that the most industrious librarian or other collector can never be sure that he has all. When the congressional compilation of the messages and papers of the Presidents from Washington to McKinley was made the originals were gathered from all sorts of public documents and old newspaper files and miscellaneous sources. When it chanced that some of the old papers were preserved in public offices the compilers--especially at first--did not know where to look for them. That compilation as finally made is commendable, but nobody can say that it is complete. It served, however, to demonstrate--what indeed all students knew before--that there is no place where all the official utterances of the head of the government may certainly be found. If they were all to be printed in one publication--if the faith of all Presidents were pledged that all official papers should be given publicity in one known publication, and if that publication were so published by volume and number that any historical student or collector might know to a certainty when he had secured all of these publications, then it seems to your committee that something of real moment would have been accomplished.

It is true that the publication of presidential messages in an executive gazette would contradict the unanimous opinion of the committee that any sort of an official gazette should be wholly colorless from a partisan point of view. Still, it seems of high state importance that all of the official utterances of the chief executive, without exception, should be collected and published in some known and accessible place. Whether this consideration is of more or less importance than that of keeping a gazette free from partisanship the committee does not undertake to decide. It submits the suggestion without expression of opinion on its own part.

The adjourned session of the government documents round table was called to order by Chairman Godard at 12:15 p. m. on Friday, June 27th. Mr. Carr, reporting for the special committee, reported certain resolutions, which were unanimously adopted and referred to the Council with the request that they be officially adopted by the Association and copies of the same be transmitted in official form to the joint committee on printing, the public printer, and the superintendent of documents.[12]

[12] For text of these resolutions see minutes of the Council, page 256.


(June 24, 1913, at 8:30 p. m., at the Hotel Kaaterskill.)

The meeting was called to order by President Poole, twenty-eight members being present.

The address of welcome, which was to have been delivered by Mr. Frank B. Gilbert, of the Department of Education of New York State, was given in the form of a telegram from him, as he was unavoidably prevented from attending.

President Poole addressed the association as follows:

This is the eighth annual meeting of this Association. We had hoped to have with us Mr. Frank B. Gilbert, who is one of the charter members, formerly of the New York State Law library, but this morning I received the following telegram:

"Unable to be present tomorrow night. Unexpected official business requires attention tomorrow afternoon. Hope your meeting will be successful."

I think we will have to take the welcome from the last six words.

The next item on the program is the President's address. I am not going to make any address because you would not be edified.

I would call your attention, however, to a few things which have appealed to me during the past year, and which, with suggestions which will come from the members present, will make perhaps a basis for our work during the coming year.

In my library, and I have no doubt in a good many of the libraries represented here, there have been calls for practice and form books, and perhaps for other local books of states outside of one's own state, and you have all probably experienced difficulty in getting proper information regarding such material. This need is coincident with the possibility of developing our Law Library Journal. It occurs to me that we might organize a committee to publish in our Law Library Journal, once a year, a list of local practice and form books, giving the title, author, number of the edition, date of publication, cost and publisher--the idea being to include in the list, not all the books, but the best books, and to place the choosing of that list in the hands of parties familiar with such books. If a list could be published every year it would be of considerable advantage.

Another suggestion has come to me--I think from Mr. Hewitt--that we put in the Law Library Journal, in some such way as described above, references to the court rules of the highest courts of the several states and any important local courts that are represented in the published reports. I do not refer to the text of the rules and the many amendments, but where they can be found, date of adoption, etc.

There is another matter which will come up at one of the sessions, viz., the movement for uniformity in the publication of session laws. You will hear more about that later, but it is worth our consideration. You all know the rather baffling way in which session laws are published; hardly any two states are alike, and the states change their methods from year to

year, causing a great deal of confusion and difficulty in finding material.

You are perfectly familiar with the chief work which this Association has accomplished, viz., the publication of the Index to Legal Periodicals and Law Library Journal. We can congratulate ourselves, I think, on a fairly successful year. The editorial work has been done very well, and the promptness of publication has shown some improvement. Mechanically, we have it on a better basis than ever before, and there is no reason why the publication should not continue and become actually self-supporting. Now, as you know, it only partially pays for itself. The Association pays a certain amount of the costs. We hope to increase the subscriptions among practicing lawyers, and plans have already been made for doing this.

We should, I think, take more pains with the Law Journal portion. We have not done with that all that is possible. Personally I think that the editor, working as he does at present--I mean by that, under his present contract and with the time at his disposal--can hardly be expected to do very much more; but we can make a good deal more out of the publication if we improve the Law Journal--make it more readable, so that people will subscribe for the Journal alone. I do not think you can say that anyone would pay $5 a year for what is in the Law Journal now. I wish that matter could be taken up later and discussed, and that steps might be taken to bring about an improvement in that respect.

The report of the Treasurer was read by Mr. Redstone of the Social Law library in Boston.

Under the head of the Report of the Executive Committee, the letter from Chairman C. W. Andrews, of the special committee on the relations between the American Library Association and affiliated societies, was considered.

Reports of the special committees were made by Mr. A. J. Small, of the Iowa State Law library, chairman of the committee on legal bibliography; by Dr. G. E. Wire, of the Worcester County (Mass.) law library, chairman of the committee on reprinting session laws; by Mr. O. J. Field, of the Department of Justice, chairman of the committee on Latin-American laws.

The first Round Table was held on Wednesday, June 25, 1913, at 9:30 a. m.

The report of the committee to confer with the Library of Congress on subject headings was given by Mr. Hewitt of Philadelphia, and a discussion ensued. This was followed by a symposium on architectural plans and furnishings for law libraries, participated in by Mr. Frederick D. Colson, of the New York State law library, Mr. Godard, Mr. Poole, Mr. Hicks, Mr. Schenk and Mr. Hewitt.

At the second session, Wednesday, June 25th, at 2:30 p. m., Mr. Colson gave an account of the destruction and rebuilding of the New York State library. Mr. Frederick C. Hicks, of the Columbia University library, read a paper on "Law libraries and the public," which was followed by a statement by Dr. Wire on the Massachusetts system of county law libraries.

A paper on the work in the University of Minnesota law library, by Mr. Arthur C. Pulling, librarian, will be printed in a future issue of the Journal, Mr. Pulling being unable to attend.

The nominating and auditing committees were appointed by President Poole, as follows:

Nominating Committee: George S. Godard, chairman; Mrs. M. C. Klingelsmith, E. J. Lien.

Auditing Committee: O. J. Field, chairman; William R. Reinick, Mary V. Fisk.

The vouchers, etc., sent by Mr. Whitney, not having arrived owing to the delay of the express company, the auditing committee were instructed to report to the executive committee as soon as the material could be examined.

The committee on resolutions, consisting of Mr. A. J. Small, Mrs. Klingelsmith and Mrs. Hoover, reported the following resolution on the death of Charles J. Babbitt, which was ordered spread upon the minutes:

"WHEREAS, after a long and untiring service in his life work our friend and fellow member Charles J. Babbitt has this year completed his work and become a graduate member of our fellowship, and through his death this Association has lost an active member, a kind friend and valued associate, who has left behind him an enduring memorial in the good work which while living he accomplished:

"BE IT RESOLVED, that this Association has met with an irreparable loss, and that we extend our sympathy to the bereaved family, and that this resolution shall become a part of the record."

Then followed the report of the committee on shelf classification of law textbooks, consisting of Miss Gertrude E. Woodard, George N. Cheney, E. A. Feazel.

Remarks on cataloging and classifying law textbooks in the Library of Congress were made by Mr. Martel of the Library of Congress.

Messrs. Schenk and Butler spoke on the matter of increasing the efficiency of the Index to Legal Periodicals and Law Library Journal. Additional features of the Journal were considered, and Mr. Schenk was authorized to include in the Journal during the coming year:

List of Reports as currently issued.

List of textbooks dealing with local forms, practice, etc.

References showing where to find the court rules of the local courts, the decisions of which appear in the published Reports.

The following officers were elected for the year 1913-14:

President--Franklin O. Poole, Association of the Bar of the City of New York; First Vice-President--Frederick W. Schenk, Law Library, University of Chicago; Second Vice-President--O. J. Field, Department of Justice, Washington, D. C.; Secretary--Miss Gertrude E. Woodard, Law Library, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; Treasurer--E. Lee Whitney, Vermont State Library, Montpelier; Executive Committee--President, ex-officio, First Vice-President, ex-officio, Second Vice-President, ex-officio, Secretary, ex-officio, Treasurer, ex-officio, E. O. S. Scholefield, British Columbia Legislative Library, Victoria; A. J. Small, State Law Library, Des Moines, Iowa; C. Will Schaffer, Washington State Law Library.

The meeting adjourned with a resolution by Mr. A. J. Small thanking each officer and member of the association who had contributed to its work; and with a final word from Mr. Butler urging all to work for the success of the Index during the coming year.


Tenth annual meeting at Kaaterskill, N. Y., June 25-27, 1913

(Wednesday, June 25, 2:30 p. m.)

Round Table on Organizing Small Libraries

The meeting was called to order by the President, Mr. Milam. A roll-call by states showed that sixteen were represented: Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Vermont and Wisconsin. The President then introduced the leader of the discussion, Miss Zaidee Brown, of Massachusetts. The outline of the discussion, as printed on the program, was as follows:

1. Methods suggested by the state organizer for Accessioning Classification Shelf-listing Cataloging Should it be attempted? Should L. C. cards be used? Loan system Mechanical preparation of books

2. Average time required for above processes, and average cost per 1,000 volumes

3. Help from local sources Volunteers, paid workers, trustees Help from neighboring librarians

4. Kinds of supplies and cost

5. How the organizer may interest the people of the town in the library

6. Board meeting: Budget and other administrative problems

It was stated that for this discussion "small library" meant any library with less than 5,000 volumes.

As to the accession book, the general opinion seemed to be that there was more reason for keeping it in a library without trained service than in a larger one, and that the trustees usually liked to have it kept. A very simple entry was recommended. Miss Brown suggested that where, in reorganizing, it was necessary to accession the books already in the library, the quickest way was to number them when the first, or shelf-list, card was written. These cards might be kept in numerical order, and the accession book written from them, thus saving one handling of the books. She said one reason for keeping an accession book in a small library is that the accession number may be used for charging; this led to a discussion of the use of Cutter numbers in a small library; Miss Wright, of Vermont, uses them and has found no trouble. Miss Brown thinks they add considerably to the labor and expense of reorganizing, and she has found them likely to fall into confusion with untrained librarians. No conclusion was reached.

As to classification, the preference was for a simplified form of the D. C., using only three figures in most cases, and combining some classes.

The leader then asked how many organizers favored a dictionary catalog, with an untrained librarian. Miss Hazeltine, of Wisconsin, said that in that state they start only a shelf-list, to be used as a classed catalog, until the librarian can attend summer school, and then a dictionary catalog is made. Miss Askew stated that in New Jersey a dictionary catalog is made even for a small library, if the librarian and trustees wish it. In Vermont, also, the organizer starts a dictionary catalog.

Miss Frances Hobart, librarian at Vergennes, Vt., reported that when she classified she placed a slip in the book giving the class and book number, and the subject headings to be used, for the guidance of the cataloger. These slips are kept, to form a rough shelf-list, and serve the purpose in assigning Cutter numbers. A number of those present said that they thought it not necessary to make a shelf-list simply for taking an inventory, as many libraries do not take inventory, and it is not worth the labor of the shelf-list. Mr. Olin Davis, librarian at Laconia, N. H., described a method of taking inventory from the accession book, thus making a shelf-list for that purpose unnecessary. The discussion showed that in some states the custom of the state organizer is to start a dictionary catalog, and to make a shelf-list only if Cutter numbers are used, or if the additional labor can be easily afforded. Miss Brown, of Massachusetts, said that she preferred, with an untrained librarian, to make an author and title catalog, and to use the shelf-list for a subject catalog. She makes an alphabetic index to the shelf-list, which also serves as a guide for classification, and includes in this index analyticals and secondary subject cards. She feels that this method reduces to a minimum the difficulty of assigning subject headings, and the danger of scattering material through doing this poorly. The objection to her method was made that such a catalog is not so easy for the public to use; she admitted this, but said that in a small library the catalog is mainly a tool for the librarian. Mrs. Budlong, of North Dakota, recommended using the order card for the shelf-list.

The discussion showed that in New Jersey and Vermont the organizer usually starts a dictionary catalog; and in Minnesota, Indiana, Wisconsin and Massachusetts the shelf-list is used as a subject catalog unless the librarian has at least summer school training.

As to the use of Library of Congress cards, the general testimony seemed to be that the labor of ordering them, and adding numbers and headings, is about equal to that of making simple cards, with a typewriter. Miss Brown stated that the added expense for cards per 1,000 volumes is about $35, if the order is by author and title. Miss Farr, of Maryland, said that she could catalog about 1,000 volumes a month, making a dictionary catalog, if she made her own cards, and about 1,100 if she used Library of Congress cards--showing that the labor is nearly the same.

It was not possible to give definite estimates of the cost of reorganization or the time required, as conditions vary so greatly; but some general averages were obtained. Mr. Milam, of Indiana, stated that the cost of supplies and labor, including the time and expenses of the state organizer, was about $50 to $60 per 1,000 volumes. One organizer said that a cataloger should average 40 volumes a day, assigning Cutter numbers and making a dictionary catalog. Miss Askew, of New Jersey, thought this number too small, and said she expected one person to make a dictionary catalog for 1,000 volumes in two weeks. Miss Brown, of Massachusetts, said that the number of volumes done in a week varied from 500 to 1,000 volumes, according to the amount of local help received. She finds it possible to get volunteer workers for a good deal of the work, including writing the cards, and doing the mechanical work involved by a new charging system. This estimate is not for a dictionary catalog, but for an author and title list, and a shelf-list for non-fiction with subject index--no imprint being given on most of the cards. To show the cost of reorganization where there was practically no volunteer labor, Miss Brown gave the figures for a library at West Bridgewater, Mass., which contained about 6,500 volumes. The state library commission gave about a week of Miss Brown's time, which is not included in the estimate, a cataloger was engaged at $75 a month, and an assistant at $50. Local workers were paid about twelve cents an hour. The books were accessioned, classified, an author and title catalog made, and a shelf-list for non-fiction with subject index. Book-pockets and book-cards were placed in the books. Copy for a printed catalog was made. This catalog was later printed, at a cost of about $125. The entire cost of the work, including printing the catalog, was between $600 and $700, or about ten cents per volume. The time required was about seven weeks.

As to the question of how the organizer might interest the people of the town, there was a discussion on whether the organizer did better work if she stayed at the hotel, or was entertained in a private family. She can, of course, become better acquainted if in a family, but Mr. Milam said that he thought the hotel preferable because there would be no drain on her vitality outside library hours. It developed during the discussion that in several states the commission pays the living expenses of the organizer in the town. In Massachusetts, the library is expected to meet this expense, but the state sometimes helps buy the supplies.

As to the meeting of the Board, Mr. Milam said that he thought the organizer should always meet the Board, and if possible leave with them a suggested budget for a library of that size. Miss Brown said that she carried with her sample copies of a number of selected lists and library aids, and showed them to the Board of Trustees.

A number of organizers spoke of addressing clubs, schools, and other bodies in connection with the work.

After the Round Table, Mr. Milam appointed the following nominating committee: Miss Clara Baldwin, chairman; Mrs. Percival Sneed, Miss Zaidee Brown. The meeting then adjourned.

(Wednesday, June 25th, 8:30 p. m.)

The topic of the second session was libraries in state institutions and in federal prisons. Mr. Milam, the president, called the meeting to order. Miss Julia A. Robinson, supervising librarian of the state institutions of Iowa, opened the discussion. Mr. Jenkins, of New York, who was announced on the program, was unable to be present. Miss Robinson spoke first of the need of providing good reading matter in state institutions; and pointed out that such libraries have the advantage of those in the outside world, in that they need not compete with so many conflicting interests in their patrons. Of the two possible kinds of supervision; by an outside authority, such as a state library commission, or by an official of the board controlling the state institutions, the latter is preferable if the appointment of such an official is not dominated by politics. An official appointed by the Board of Control has greater authority, can maintain a closer supervision of the books admitted, and can obtain more help from the inmates of the institutions. As to methods employed, the book selection should be carefully made to suit the various classes in the different institutions; and the organization should be as simple as possible. In Iowa, they use an accession book, the decimal classification, and a simple form of shelf-list. In all the institutions, reading rooms for the use of the inmates under proper supervision add to the usefulness of the libraries. The librarian is usually an officer or employee of the institution, but should possess a knowledge of the books in her own library, and a sympathetic acquaintance with the inmates which will enable her to assist them in selecting the books which will be most helpful to them. She should also have sufficient time to give proper attention to the library. Inmates often make good assistants, but should work under close supervision and should not be allowed to select the books. In the prisons, where the readers do not have access to the shelves, printed finding lists are necessary.

Miss Florence R. Curtis, of the University of Illinois Library School, next spoke on libraries in prisons. She called attention to the fact that nearly eighty per cent of those in prisons will be out of prison in from one to ten years. They should be regarded as citizens in the making, to be helped in every way possible. Of those who enter, about ninety per cent are literate; and over seventy-five per cent have attended school beyond the sixth grade. About fifty per cent of those sent to prison are so-called "accidental criminals," that is, they have yielded to an impulse, but are not habitually criminal. Before they leave prison, however, they have received an education of a sort in crime. They know the criminal class, its leading men, etc., they know the methods of crime, and they have learned to regard the law as more favorable to the rich than to the poor, and how best to evade it. Besides this, they have become acquainted with unclean literature, circulated secretly; and with vice and dissipation. Guards in the prison often peddle drink and drugs to the prisoners. As to what they have learned that is good, she enumerated the following: The prisoner may have learned a trade, but the trades taught often do not help in earning a living outside. The prisoner may have attended a school. Usually the school is held for four months, is taught by a volunteer prisoner, and aims only to teach the elementary subjects. The prisoner has attended the church service. Last, the prisoner may have had the use of the prison library. Miss Curtis examined the catalogs of thirty prisons. Perhaps three-fourths of the books might be regarded as deadwood. Often the libraries contain vicious books, which give wrong ideas of the relations of men and women, and of the family; create a false idea of life; and make dissipation attractive. The works of Chambers, Elinor Glyn, Phillips, Mrs. Southworth, and others of similar grade, are found in large numbers in the prison libraries. The prisoner has so much time to think over what he reads, that especial care should be taken that his reading should be wholesome. Books dealing with shady business methods, religious unrest, race prejudice, the detection of crime, etc., are all bad. All fiction added to the library should first be read by a person of good judgment, with respect to its effect on the prisoners. The selection of suitable books does not represent the whole duty toward the prisoner. Personal guidance in the choice of books is most desirable. The chaplain is not always the best person to give such guidance as he may not be familiar with modern fiction and he has other duties. The superintendent is not always interested in the reading of the prisoners. The superintendent of a reform school stated flatly that the physical care of the girls was the main duty and interest of the institution. A librarian appointed by the Board of Control will make the most careful selection of the books. The librarian should also visit the institutions and give as much personal guidance to the reading as possible. It should be noted, however, that this is not a place for an immature person, nor a sentimental one.

Miss Curtis said that the duty of the state library commission, as to prison libraries, was to try to rouse the superintendents, and bring about a better condition.

Miss Stearns, of Wisconsin, asked about the use of magazines in prisons. She had visited a prison, with the chaplain acting as librarian, where they took dozens of magazines, and had given up buying books because the magazines were so popular. Among those especially in demand were World's Work, Current Events, and Cosmopolitan. Miss Robinson, of Iowa, said that they took magazines for the prisons, but in no case were magazines bought to the exclusion of all books. Where it is regarded as necessary, the magazines are expurgated by clipping out certain articles. Miss Curtis said that in Illinois prisons many magazines are taken, and are very popular. The men are allowed to form magazine clubs, and to take any magazine not positively disreputable; and many of the cheaper lower-grade magazines are taken.

Miss Clarke, librarian of the public library at Auburn, N. Y., where there is a state prison, said that she had investigated prison libraries in New York state, especially in Auburn, in connection with the work of a committee of the New York State Library Association. She regards conditions in New York state as discouraging. In Auburn, the selection is not so bad, but the men are allowed little if any selection. A convict assistant chooses fifty volumes for fifty cells. These are passed out, and each one is kept a week. It is then passed on to the next cell. An educated ex-convict in a letter printed by Richard Harding Davis in the New York Sun, stated that he was unable for a year to get a book he wanted, though nobody else wanted it. They have no printed catalogs or lists. In the women's prison, in Auburn, the prisoners are allowed to select books, and one of the teachers had done some work with reading clubs. Miss Clarke stated that in New York state prisons, the teacher of the prison school is not a convict. The prison school is allowed $50 worth of books a year. The hope for improvement in New York state, in library conditions in the prisons, is through the appointment of a librarian in each prison, or a library supervisor of all state penal institutions.

Mr. Wellman, of Springfield, Mass., asked how to rouse interest in prison libraries in a state where there is no interest. Miss Curtis said that one should avoid rousing general public criticism, as this would antagonize the prison authorities; that it was better to use the slow method of getting the heads of the institutions and the board controlling the prisons interested. The state library commission should do this. A general article in the press on the value of good prison libraries might be desirable, but one should by all means avoid anything approaching a sensational story about special cases. As an example of how to rouse interest, Mr. Wynkoop spoke of the number of New York Libraries, published in February, 1913, which was devoted largely to libraries in state institutions. Copies of this were sent to all trustees of state institutions in New York state, to members of legislative committees dealing with charitable and reformatory institutions, to members of sociological societies, to mayors and sheriffs, to most of the leading newspapers of the state, and to others of influence. About 700 copies were sent out in this way. There have been some evident results. In Syracuse, Rochester, Bath, Jamestown, and some other places, the papers have had notices about the need of better libraries in prisons and jails, and the authorities have in some cases taken steps to improve conditions. In answer to questions, Mr. Wynkoop said that he did not make direct criticism of the present library conditions in prisons, but spoke of the poor economy of spending so little on them. The maximum amount spent on the library of any institution in New York state is $500, though expenditures for other purposes may run into the millions.

It was suggested that public libraries should supply local jails with reading matter. Miss Clarke stated that in the state prison at Auburn, magazines are taken for the officials, but are not loaned to the prisoners. An offer of discarded but usable books from the public library to the jail was refused, because the prisoners would cut out the pictures and put them on the wall.

Miss Charlotte Templeton, secretary of the Nebraska public library commission, next spoke on libraries in reformatories. This is a somewhat more hopeful group than the prisons. The inmates are often below the average physically, somewhat bitter, and frightened, and sobered by their first contact with the law. The reformatory must build them up; physically, mentally, and in the power of self-support. In this the library is a valuable adjunct. It should contain simple books on civics, books to help the foreigner learn English, and books on the technical subjects taught in the prison. There is also a use for books as a means of recreation. These may put the inmate in a better attitude toward life, and may be the entering wedge for more serious reading. They should, therefore, be the first line of attack. Again, a prisoner may accept moral training from a book that he would not from a person. The books on conduct are much read. Jordan's "Self-control," Grenfell's "Men's helpers," and some of the new thought books are much read. One prisoner said, "If I had had that book three years ago I should not be here now." Magazines are generally taken, but as a supplement to the collection of books. They include many on current events and on technical work, and some that are taken mainly for their pictures. Country Life and Baseball are very popular. In conclusion, Miss Templeton said that the reformatory library is much like a public library, and should be administered in a similar way. In this way, the inmates would become familiar with the use of such a library, would form the "library habit," and be more likely to feel at home in the public library on their release.

Miss EDITH KATHLEEN JONES, librarian at McLean Hospital, Waverley, Mass., then read the following paper:


Last year I had the pleasure of telling you something of library work in one of the large private hospitals for the insane; this year I want to speak of some of the problems the institution organizer will meet when she undertakes to set in order the libraries of the state hospitals.

In the first place, unless she is fortunate enough to be appointed by the State Board of Control or State Board of Insanity or their equivalent, she may at times feel that she is looked upon a little bit as an outsider by the hospital staff, as one who does not understand hospital conditions and who belongs to an entirely different order of things. She may even meet what seems to her indifference or actual antagonism on the part of a few superintendents.

The fact is, the library to librarians is of supreme importance, but the library to the average hospital superintendent is merely one method of providing entertainment or employment for his patients. He is much more interested in the new social service movement and the study of eugenics and heredity than he is in the general library, which, to his mind, is simply a part of the therapeutic system and even as such ranks far below useful employment and arts and crafts work.

This indifference or antagonism does not arise from any personal feeling nor is it confined to the library. It is the natural outcome of the peculiar organization demanded in a hospital for the insane, a general distrust of any outside interference in any department, and a thorough conviction that each hospital is entirely competent to manage its own affairs. In one state the state board refused the offer of the state library committee to organize its institution libraries for these very reasons. In another state, where the possibility of the state board appointing an institution librarian of its own is under discussion, one superintendent remarked that he "could only say this; if it must come he was thankful it was coming from the =inside=, through the board and from one who knew hospital conditions."

Another reason for this seeming indifference on the part of the superintendents is that, in the East at any rate, a state hospital is =always= poor. It is poor and it is crowded, and its superintendent is harrassed with having his requests for better accommodations for his patients, a new power house, larger kitchens and laundries, or quarters for his married men nurses turned down; with trying to get larger appropriations from the state legislature; with endeavoring to feed and clothe and house 1,200 patients on an appropriation and in quarters designed for 1,000 at the most. He probably has cut down his expenses in every conceivable direction, and he can not see the use of spending money for books which the majority of his patients will not read. And there is this to be said for his point of view, that while there are many educated and cultivated persons in all the state hospitals, the majority of them are foreigners and illiterates from the mill and factory-hand classes and from the slums of the cities. In New York state alone, in 1906, forty-six per cent of the whole number of patients admitted to the New York hospitals were of foreign birth. And I might add, to show the menace of the class of people we are letting into our country, that forty-six per cent of the insane were aliens, while only twenty-six per cent of the whole population of the state were of foreign birth. Add to these the outcasts from the slums and you have a good idea of the make-up of the state hospitals and asylums, and you will not wonder that many superintendents shake their heads when libraries are mentioned.

It would, therefore, seem to be one of the duties of the organizer to prove to the superintendent that even if three-fifths of his patients are illiterate, reading should be provided for the educated two-fifths; that she, from her knowledge of books and editions, can provide a thoroughly readable library which will meet the requirements of all classes, from college professors to the dregs of humanity, for a much less sum than he can do it, and from her experience she can interest the patients in books. For after you have the library, you still have a set of people to deal with who lack initiative and must be aroused to interest in anything. She must also impress upon him that shelf-and-book or even accession numbers mean nothing, and that when, as in one library I know, all the books are covered and there is no hint of author or title on the back, the library is converted into a sort of literary grab-bag which is funny to the librarian but exasperating to the patient. She must convince him that an unclassified library represents a tremendous waste, especially when it is not supplemented by a subject catalog. She must be able to prove to him from the experience of other hospitals that the old-fashioned method of letting a library run itself is not conducive to growth and that there must be some one whose chief duties are to the library. She can assure him from figures that he is not getting out of his library what he should, if out of 1,000 patients only 60 use the library during the year and 50 books a week is a large circulation. She can tell him of one hospital of 220 patients which has from 75 to 100 regular readers, not counting nurses and employees, and averages 25 books a day, or 8,900 a year; of another of about the same size which often gives out 50 books a day; of a third, which, with a population of 2,000 gave out last year 15,862 volumes to 344 persons. She can guarantee him that if he will let her weed out obsolete stuff and fill in with the sort of books the patients want and train some patient, nurse or stenographer to act as librarian in her absence at other hospitals, his library circulation will be doubled or trebled the first year.

Having convinced the superintendent of the utility of the organized, central library, the institution librarian is now free to turn her attention to the patients, getting acquainted with them, learning their tastes in books, interesting them in reading and in pictures. And just here I would say that in the state hospitals the doctors are always glad to have anything new suggested in the way of employment, and that if the organizer can manage it so that the patients can help her in the care of the charging-system, mending and cataloging, her efforts will be much appreciated by all concerned.

The institution organizer will soon find that each hospital differs from every other in construction, management, and especially in the character of illness. The asylums for the chronic insane present the most hopeless feature, yet even here there are enough who read to make it worth while to furnish libraries. Moreover, in the asylums, the nurses have to be taken into account. Their work is so hopeless and uninteresting compared with that in hospitals for acute and recoverable cases that more must be done for them in order to get and keep even ordinarily good attendants. And where, as in many cases, the chronic insane are being transferred to farm colonies way out in the country, far from any city or even large town, the library can, if it will, help very decidedly by offering means of study and education to the nurses and staff as well as diversion to the patients. Therefore, one can venture to buy for an asylum a much better selection of books from the point of view of general culture than for the ordinary hospital.

I have said so often that a hospital library must be formed for entertainment, not for education, that it must be simple in organization and carried along on unconventional lines, that I speak of these points again only to emphasize them. If one looks upon institutional work from the point of view of educative influence it is discouraging work; but if one thinks of it as an adjunct to the therapeutic service of the hospital, as a means of bringing some pleasure or at least forgetfulness of self for a time to an afflicted class and employment for hours which otherwise would be passed in complete idleness and utter dejection, it is inspiring work. But in the selection of books this point of view must be kept always in mind.

Yet this is just what those unaccustomed to hospital conditions fail to grasp. Not three months ago a hospital in a far-off western city sent a representative to see our library and get all the information he could in regard to the sort of books they should put into their beautiful and expensive new buildings. I showed him a list of some 1,200 of our most popular books selected as a basis for the little catalog Miss Carey, Miss Robinson, Miss Waugh and I have made out and annotated, and which is now being printed by the A. L. A. Publishing Board. The first thing he noticed was the omissions. "Why," said he, looking at Science, "you have nothing by Spencer, or Darwin or Huxley on this list. Aren't they the standard thing? Oughtn't I to get them for our library?" "Not if you want a library which will be read," was my prompt reply, and I showed him the records of our sets of these scientists, taken out at the most three or four times in the history of the library.

A year or so ago I attempted to find out from our cards just what was the most popular sort of fiction in our library. Of course the book of the moment is the one read at the moment, so it would be manifestly unfair to include these and I took only those books published prior to 1901. It may interest you to know in their order the 25 most read books, that is, of the old favorites. The date unfortunately excludes Mr. Pratt, the Virginian, Kim, Rex Beach and Oppenheim. They are, The Choir Invisible, Janice Meredith, Saracinesca, Sant' Ilario, Don Orsino, Vanity Fair, The Lilac Sunbonnet, Old Chester Tales, Dr. Lavender's People, When Knighthood was in Flower, The Sowers--taken out 20 times in the last three years; The Seats of the Mighty, The Battle of the Strong, Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, Treasure Island, Cape Cod Folks and The Right of Way, 22 times; A Little Moorland Princess, Dorothy Vernon, Kidnapped and The Cardinal's Snuff Box 25 times; Richard Carvel 29 times; The Old Ma'amselle's Secret 40 times and The Second Wife by Miss Marlitt 43 times. This shows pretty conclusively that even our people, all of whom belong to the cultivated and educated class, want light, interesting stories of romance and adventure, and the average state hospital reader wants something even lighter than these.

I have been asked again and again if the right reading really cures. One dare not affirm this; its influence is negative rather than positive. But I =can= say this: I have known of many cases outside as well as in the hospital where persons have been positively harmed by morbid or hysterically sentimental books. Our people are inclined to be pretty emotional anyway, and whatever appeals to that side is to be deplored.

To sum up the qualities which determine the suitability of books for a hospital library, I can do no better than quote from the "Foreword" of the catalog mentioned above:

In making this list the editors have endeavored to keep in mind the following points:

1. Books in a hospital are for recreation, not for instruction, and therefore should consist principally of fiction, picture books, travel, biography, light and popular science and outdoor books.

2. They must be wholesome--not morbid, or gruesome, or depressing. Good detective stories and tales of adventure, however thrilling, if not horrible, and if they do not make vice attractive, are to be recommended, as they, more than almost anything else, hold the attention.

3. Illustrated books and books of pictures are invaluable, as a patient often will look at pictures when he is too ill to read.

4. The newest fiction is called for and read, yet the old favorites remain much in demand. With so much ephemeral stuff among the "best sellers," it is a delicate task to select the really good novels which will last, and there is a great temptation to fall back on the old and tried books to the exclusion of the more modern. The editors have tried to combine the two in just proportion, and also to give a few titles of the better class of the "second rate" which have proved popular.

5. It is not enough to provide books for those who wish to read. There are always many patients who are unable to take any initiative towards selecting any form of entertainment or employment for themselves, and for these should be provided light and simple stories which will not tax the brain or require any concentration of attention, but which will serve to stimulate their interest in things outside themselves. These are not necessarily children's books, but often the simple language and quiet wholesomeness of certain books for young people will bridge a patient over this period of mental inadequacy and pave the way towards a real enjoyment of maturer reading.

In addition to these five simple rules for selecting the reading for a hospital library, the editors would emphasize another very important point: Many of the readers will be elderly persons with failing eyesight, who demand large, clear type. This is hard to procure in cheap editions of standard authors and old favorites, but it is suggested that it is well worth while to take a little pains in selection and even to pay a higher price, in order to get an edition of convenient size, shape and weight, in serviceable binding, with large, clear type. Such an edition will last longer and will invite, not repel the reader.

Complete sets of the works of standard authors, with the exception of Shakespeare, Scott, Dickens, and possibly George Eliot, are not recommended for hospitals. Only a few of the more popular stories of each will be read.

I want to say just a word in regard to the housing of hospital libraries. Of course the ideal arrangement is a separate building which is open all the time, but I know of only three or four such in the country. In most state hospitals the library was an afterthought and the books are crowded into one or two more or less inaccessible rooms to which the patients can come only once or twice a week and which can not possibly be made attractive. Often there is absolutely no other room to be had in the hospital and the librarian must make the most of it and do her utmost to beautify it with rugs and baskets made by the patients and flowers from the hospital greenhouses. But sometimes a little ingenuity will solve the problem in some such unique way as in the State Infirmary at Tewksbury, Mass., where the superintendent conceived the idea of moving their very good little library (classified and cataloged too) from its one small dark, inaccessible room in the administration house to the large, light chapel which hitherto stood idle six days in the week. Here low shelves have been built in between the windows on the wide side aisles and stacks fitted into the alcove rooms each side the chancel. Long narrow tables with plenty of books and magazines have been placed in these aisles and the library is now open practically all the time.

The Hospital for Epileptics at Monson, Mass., has met its problem somewhat differently. The superintendent here is having two large sunny rooms fitted up with bookshelves, one for the men where they can smoke and one for the women where they can sew. These shelves will be kept filled with books from the central library (in an office in the administration house which it shares with the medical library) administered by the stenographer-librarian, but under the direct supervision of a patient for each room. The patients themselves are very enthusiastic over the proposed change and have made out lists of books they want.

In Massachusetts, the ideal so far as use of the library goes, is found at the Foxborough Hospital for Inebriates, where only men patients are admitted. Here they have a separate building containing one large room with low bookcases all around it and two tables covered with periodicals and newspapers in the center. Here the men can come when their day's work is over or at the noon hour and read and smoke.

I wish I had time to speak of the importance of interesting the nurses in the library and getting their co-operation, and of the possibility of holding classes on books and reading for them. I know of no hospital where they have time for such classes at present, but there is a movement on foot towards requiring better education as a condition for entering the training schools for the general hospitals, and some day some hospital will inaugurate classes in literature.

Miss Jones agreed with Miss Robinson's statement that the libraries in state institutions should be administered by an official appointed by the Board of Control.

Miss Flexner, of the Louisville free public library, then spoke of an experience in placing books in a county jail. Within the last six months, the public library offered to place a deposit in the county jail, and found that the jailer was willing. Permission was also obtained from the Fiscal Court. In November, about 100 volumes, all fiction, were sent, to be retained four months. On their return, it was found that over 1,800 issues had been made--a heavy circulation. In the next lot, was placed about 15 per cent of non-fiction, carefully selected. On their return, it was found that books by Marden and Grenfell had been popular. Mrs. Sangster's "Sweetest story ever told," a life of Christ, had been well used, while Mrs. Wharton's "House of mirth" had been read but twice. "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm," "Kim," and Mrs. Whitney's "Ascutney street" were each read 26 times in 6 weeks. Books on useful arts were so much in demand that they were renewed. The books are charged by the chaplain. When a suspicious looking gathering of the men was investigated by the jailor, it was found that one who could read was reading aloud to those who could not.

In the discussion, it was stated that a list of books for use in insane hospitals is to be published soon and that copies are to be on sale by the A. L. A. Publishing Board. Several speakers mentioned a union catalog for prison libraries, with annotations to guide the prisoners in the selection of books.

The committee on libraries in federal prisons made a report, in which they stated that an earnest attempt had been made to secure an appropriation of at least $2,500 for the establishment of a library in the penitentiary at Atlanta and a like amount for Leavenworth, and $500 for books for McNeil Island, but that the effort had been unsuccessful. The attempt will be renewed this coming year. The committee was continued.


(Friday, June 27, 1913; 8:30 p. m.)

A third adjourned session of the League was held for the transaction of remaining business. The meeting was called to order by the President.

Miss Martha Wilson, supervisor of school libraries in Minnesota, spoke on co-operation between library commissions and state boards of education. Miss Mendenhall then gave a summary of the work done by the library committee of the N. E. A. on library instruction in normal schools. She stated that a questionnaire was sent to 200 normal schools, and the results show that most of the normal school libraries need reorganization. In the 200, about 50 have trained librarians. These are mainly in the far West. The Committee makes the following recommendations: 1, that library organizations try to have the subject of library training in normal schools presented at educational meetings; 2, that trained librarians be appointed in all normal schools, with the faculty and salary rank of heads of departments; 3, the publication of a manual for normal school librarians by the U. S. Bureau of Education; 4, the publication in educational periodicals of articles on the greater use of libraries by schools, and on related topics. It was suggested that the library commissions might help in carrying out the last recommendation. Miss Mendenhall was asked whether she favored putting the school libraries under the state library commissions, or under the state boards of education. She said that she believed the function of the school library to be distinct from that of the public library; that the two should co-operate but not combine. Miss Stearns of Wisconsin said that the question of the relation of the state library commission to the state board of education should be discussed and more clearly defined; that there is a decided tendency to place the library commission under the state board of education, or to merge it with it, as has already been done in one state. There was not time for adequate discussion of this subject, and the suggestion was made that it be taken up at a future League meeting.

Mrs. Minnie Clarke Budlong, director of the North Dakota public library commission, read the following report of the committee on the establishment of new commissions:


This committee has been requested to report on two topics--"a plan for the League to follow in giving aid in the organization of commissions in states now without them," and also a draft of "tentative provisions for a model library law to be used with the model commission law."

An A. L. A. committee of which Dr. Arthur E. Bostwick is chairman, has made a valuable report on points to be covered by a model law relating library to municipality, printed in the 1912 proceedings. The same committee has under consideration the drafting of the points covered into a model charter, and the League committee decided that action on its own part was unnecessary at present.

The other topic assigned this committee cannot be disposed of in so brief a manner. It is a question of theory and of insight, of sympathetic understanding and action.

There are eleven states without library commissions: West Virginia, South Carolina, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Montana and Wyoming. These states contain one-eighth of the population of the country, and have only one-twentieth of the libraries.

The first step toward aid is to learn how library commissions have been established in other states. Letters sent to 36 states elicited 22 replies. Perhaps a distinction should be made between library commissions and state libraries, or boards of education, such as New York, California and Oregon. But there have been included in this report all states doing extension work, regardless of name or title of organization.

The questions asked were:

1. How did the demand for a commission arise?

The answers received are practically unanimous. There was a need felt and provided for by a few far-sighted library workers. Eight give the credit of the initiative to library workers or associations. Seven give it to women's clubs or the state federation. Five say librarians and women's clubs were co-partners in the work, and three, Maryland, Wisconsin and Nebraska, include teachers in this partnership.

2. Who drew the law?

The law has usually been drawn by or under the supervision of a few interested workers, such as president of state library association, superintendent of public instruction, president of university, or legislative committee of state federation. In Kentucky use was made of the model commission law.

3. What was done to secure its passage?

One would expect a wider range in replies than this question elicited. "A friendly legislator took it in charge" sums up the story in most states. Personal letters and interviews of library workers and club women with members of the legislature, and particularly with members of committees, seem the usual methods. In some states the measure was defeated one or more times before influence enough was brought to bear to secure its passage. In Nebraska, the measure failed twice until pushed by the federation and teachers. Even if no general demand is formulated, there must be a desire expressed by organizations strong enough to impress legislators.

4. What literature was used?

At first, there was no literature available and the majority report "none used" or "nothing special." Idaho, Minnesota and Kentucky mention the Wisconsin publications particularly, also some from Iowa. Five speak of special leaflets prepared or statistics used from traveling library reports or from the League Handbook.

5. How long did it take?

The time required varies from "a few weeks" to fourteen years. Nine secured the desired legislation in one session. Six used two to four years. Nebraska required five years; Minnesota, six years; Tennessee, eight years, and Illinois, fourteen.

6. When was your law passed?

Massachusetts passed the first library commission law in 1890. Since then similar laws have been enacted in 36 states, concluding with South Dakota and Arkansas in 1913.

7. Has it been amended--if so, when and how?

It is interesting to note how few amendments except increase in appropriation have been made in library laws. This emphasizes the importance of careful framing of the law in the beginning. A study of the chief points of the law in other states with such changes as will adapt them to the conditions in the new state should always be made.

Five states report no amendment. Two report increase in membership of commission. Ten report increase in appropriation, or minor changes. Missouri and North Dakota have had their annual appropriation repealed on the theory that it is not constitutional to bind succeeding legislatures. Oregon has made the most radical amendment, changing this year from library commission to state library.

The conclusion of the matter seems to be that the initiative is with a few interested people, working through library associations, women's clubs and teachers, on the legislators, and that it may often be accomplished in one session after public opinion is sufficiently formed to bring the necessary pressure to bear.

These summaries lead to the following suggestions for aid:

1. A collection of material should be made which would include all pamphlets and articles on the practical establishment of library commissions. Effort should be made to include the special leaflets prepared in each state during its campaign. Some states, notably Kentucky, have prepared maps for circulation to arouse interest. A collection of all such special material kept for loan would be found suggestive and helpful in other states.

2. If possible some one should be sent by the League as an organizer to assist for a short time in the establishment of new commissions. This organizer should understand conditions in that section of the country, and should be able to advise wisely, talk with legislators persuasively, and address library meetings and state federations enthusiastically. Something may be accomplished by correspondence and by leaflets, but much more is possible to the trained observer on the field. Conditions even in neighboring states differ widely, and require study on the field for helpful understanding.

3. Special training for library commission workers. There is need of electives in the lines in which commission work differs from public library work.

4. Discussion of practical questions at League meetings. This is already being done and should be continued so long as there is need of a place where workers may discuss their individual problems.

5. It is suggested a committee be appointed to look after the needs of new commissions after their organization, as well as before the law is passed. There are many problems arising at home and abroad in which new workers would be glad of assistance, were there some particular committee to which they could apply.


June 23, 1913.

The report was accepted and the committee continued.

Miss Elizabeth B. Wales, secretary of the Missouri library commission, read the following report of the committee on charter provisions:


Since the meeting at Ottawa your committee has somewhat awaited the action of the council committee, which had been working on the library law of the state from the standpoint of its relation to the free will and initiative of the municipality. It was thought that the work of these committees might duplicate each other. As the report of this committee covering statute law does not seem to meet the point at issue, namely, safeguarding the interests of the library under the adoption of a new form of municipal government, your committee would make two suggestions concerning such safeguard:

1st. That it may be done by interesting the legislation of the charter bill in a definite provision establishing the public library as a city department.

2nd. That it may be done by inserting phrases in such bill, practically accepting the existing state law.

In the first case the essential points to be covered are: the provision of a proper fund, the appointment of a competent board. If all the duties of said board are settled and all its powers defined, the section will be a long and involved one. Your committee therefore recommends safeguarding the state library law as the better plan.

To do this, care must be taken to insert the proper phrases under sections which (a) define the general duties of commissioners wherever inclusive terms are used. For instance, "and have power to administer and control all other departments or activities of said city," the clause "except such as are already provided for in the statutes" would guard the library law existing; (b) under the rulings on civil service, the same clause would be effective in protecting library service, "except officers whose appointment is already otherwise provided for in the statutes"; (c) under the section concerning establishment and care of public institutions and buildings the exception must be more definite, e. g., "except that nothing in this law shall be construed to affect the existing state library law."

The chairman of your committee was not successful in securing these amendments to the commission government bill in Missouri, but found the fathers of the bill willing to consider them, and entirely ignorant of any possible disturbance of the existing library law under the new charter provisions. Moreover, good lawyers claim that a partially excepting phrase under the general definition of powers in this case makes it probable that no such disturbance need result. This opinion can not be confirmed, however, until a test case gives us a Supreme Court decision.

Briefly, then, your committee recommends protection on the charter law of existing statutory provisions for libraries, rather than a special charter provision.

ELIZABETH B. WALES, Chairman, A. L. BAILEY, A. E. BOSTWICK, Committee on charter provisions.

June 27, 1913.

In the absence of the Chairman, the Secretary read the following


The committee appointed by the League to assist in obtaining favorable postal rates for library books reports as follows:

As the members of the League are aware, the provisions of the general parcel post law were so changed immediately before its enactment that printed matter was excluded from the privileges of the parcel post rates. Consequently the long-distance lobbying which the committee and the profession indulged in, favoring the parcel post law, went for naught.

Since that time the committee has been in correspondence with a number of members of Congress favorable to the admission of library books to parcel post rates. During the winter the committee communicated with all of the library commissions and with many state and city libraries asking their co-operation in interesting their representatives in so changing the law as to admit books. While reports indicate that this co-operation was furnished, and several Congressmen stand ready to favor a change, the results have been nil. This failure to get any results whatsoever is partly due to the fact that special legislation had entirely engaged the attention of Congress.

The committee desires to call the attention of the League to the fact that it is not at all certain that to be included in this original parcel post law would be a great assistance to the libraries in circulating books. For practical library use the changed rates would be of little or no advantage, except for points within the fifty mile zone. Take, for example, a book weighing a trifle over one pound (and this is a very ordinary-sized book). It can be sent anywhere within the postal union for nine cents under the present third class rates. By parcel post rate it would cost six cents to send this book to a point in the city or along any rural route centering in the city. It will cost eight cents to send this book anywhere within the fifty mile zone. Above the fifty mile zone the parcel post rate will exceed the third class rate as indicated below.

150 mile zone--ten cents--1 cent excess over existing 3rd class. 300 mile zone--twelve cents--3 cents excess over existing 3rd class. 600 mile zone--fourteen cents--5 cents excess over existing 3rd class. 1,000 mile zone--sixteen cents--7 cents excess over existing 3rd class.

and so on, until it will cost twenty-four cents to send the book more than 1,800 miles by parcel post as against the nine cents under existing third class rates--an excess of 15 cents.

These facts are the occasion for, and justify the opposition which some publishing houses and other commercial houses sending out books or catalogs exhibited to including printed matter within the parcel post law. In some ways it would be unfortunate at this time to admit books to the parcel post rates, since accepting these unsatisfactory rates might prevent further re-adjustments for some time to come. It might be wiser to make an effort to get better rates.

It is the committee's judgment that there is much in common between the library authorities and some of the commercial forces which opposed admitting printed matter to the parcel post, that we have all much in common.

It is therefore recommended that the committee be directed to use every effort to get into communication with the forces which have opposed the admission of printed matter to the parcel post rates in order that these forces may be united with library authorities in an effort so to adjust rates as to be more advantageous to all than the present parcel post rates would be.

In conclusion, the committee reports that it seems unlikely that any further legislation will be immediately enacted.


The report was accepted, and the committee continued and directed to carry out the recommendation contained in the report.

The following reports of the publication committee and the committee on study outlines were read:


The publication committee of the League respectfully reports:

That they have had under consideration during the past year two publications, neither of which the committee has found necessary to publish, but both of which are to be published elsewhere.

Application was made to the committee for a new edition of Mrs. McDonald-Jones' "Magazines for the small library." At about the time this request was received it was learned that Mr. F. K. Walter had prepared a manuscript for publication which was substantially such a revision. The committee held a meeting at the mid-winter meeting of the Western Section of the League and recommended to the A. L. A. Publishing Board that this be published. We are informed that the Publishing Board has issued this and that it is now obtainable.

The committee has also had under consideration during the year the publication of a "Reading list for the insane" prepared with great care by Miss Miriam E. Carey of the Minnesota public library commission. The committee hesitated to recommend the publication of this since it seemed that the demand for it would be so limited that it would be difficult to obtain returns for the money expended. The committee is informed, however, that the list will be printed by the A. L. A. Publishing Board and that suitable arrangements for its distribution to libraries will be made.

The committee reports that the committee on study outlines, which was originally a subcommittee of the publication committee, has, as shown by their report submitted herewith, arrived at a satisfactory form of study-club outline.

It is therefore recommended that immediate steps be taken to secure the preparation of study outlines to be printed at once. If no other procedure can be found the committee suggests that after a list of the most desirable subjects to be covered is made up, a limited number of subjects be assigned to each active commission, with agreement on their part to prepare at as early a date as possible suitable outlines on these subjects, conforming each as nearly as may be to the form adopted by the League; that all these outlines be submitted to some one person to be edited in order to secure substantial uniformity of form and to insure that the outline will be useful in other states and that the committee be authorized to secure the immediate printing of these if this can be done on a basis which is financially sound.

Informal discussion of this plan with several of the commissions indicates that the work can be done in this way. It is strongly urged that this work should be inaugurated at once.



Those who were in attendance at the meeting of the League of Library Commissions in Chicago in January, 1911, will recall the general discussion of the need of study outlines to be used in traveling library work in connection with study clubs, and that the publication committee was asked to investigate and report as to the feasibility of the League's undertaking the preparation of such outlines, to be utilized by the various traveling libraries. Mr. M. S. Dudgeon, as Chairman, reported progress at the Pasadena meeting in May, 1911, and submitted suggestions toward a uniform plan. Later Miss Margaret W. Brown of Iowa, who had been active in club work in her own state, as Chairman of the Literature and Library Extension Committee of the State Federation of Women's Clubs, was made Chairman of the special committee on study outlines.

In view of the possibility of the various library commissions contributing one or more study outlines for League use, it seemed important that a general scheme for preparing these should be agreed upon, and Miss Brown presented such a scheme for discussion at the Chicago mid-winter League meeting in January, 1912, relating to the basis and form for preparing these outlines, based on a single text with a small group of collateral references. This was worked out very carefully, and tested by preparing a few outlines according to the proposed scheme, which had proved very acceptable; and it was suggested that the various commissions use the plan in preparing outlines, with the thought of securing uniformity in preparation and printing. The Chairman conferred with such thorough students of literature as Mrs. Francis Squire Potter and Mrs. H. A. Davidson, both having practical experience in study club work, the former being Chairman of the Literature and Library Extension Committee of the General Federation of Woman's Clubs, and the latter well known as the editor of the Study Guide series.

At the annual meeting of the League at Ottawa in June, 1912, definite recommendations were made to the League conforming to the plan presented at the Chicago meeting the January preceding, and the League voted to authorize an expenditure not exceeding $100 for the preparation and printing of a few outlines. The scheme commended itself to certain publishers to such an extent that the League was assured that there would be no financial risk in having these printed, as it seemed reasonably sure there would be a demand for them not only on the part of traveling library systems, but public libraries generally, and the General Federation of Women's Clubs and the various state federations.

These plans would doubtless have been consummated before this, had not the Chairman, Miss Brown, found it necessary to give up her work on account of the condition of her health, thus making it impossible to pursue the matter further, involving as it did many details and careful editorial supervision of the material to be put in print. Your present Acting Chairman consented to carry on the work until the time of this annual meeting, hoping to carry out Miss Brown's plans as to printing a few outlines, as a visible result of the long period of investigation by the committee; she regrets that many things have conspired to make this impossible. Hence, this report is made chiefly with the desire of "keeping history straight" up to this point, and transmitting to your next committee a statement of progress up to this time.

This report is made with the firm belief that no more important project is under consideration by the League than this, and that if it is kept clearly in mind that these outlines are to meet a real need of a large class of intelligent, ambitious women of this country who have not college preparation, but are eager students, the outlines will be utilized in a very resultful way.

Before the Chicago meeting in January, 1913, a request was made by this committee for a list of subjects for which study outlines were most in demand by the various state traveling libraries, and a summary of the answers received showed an increasing demand for aids in the study of public questions rather than literary or cultural subjects. Definite statements were made by several library commissions as to the need of outlines on civic improvement for small towns, civics, conservation, household economics, municipal housekeeping, etc.

The plan submitted by Miss Brown as Chairman of this committee as a part of her report at the Ottawa meeting is attached hereto.


Plan for Preparation of Study Outlines


A. One book selected as foundation for Outline.

If a single book suitable for text can not be found, outline to be based on fewest number of books necessary for the purpose.

Text selected to be authoritative, reasonable in price, readable and stimulating.

B. Five to ten books as collateral reference.

Selected to cover subject matter in study outline and amplify the text.

Publisher and price given for all books included, for use in purchase.

=Note=: A more extended list of books can easily be prepared by any library where additional material is available.

Lessons Should Be Outlined By:

C. Question method.

Five to ten definite questions on each lesson.

D. Or, Topical method.

Topics assigned under each lesson should be those which present special phases of the general subject.

The two methods may sometimes be satisfactorily combined.

Written papers, if included under either question or topical form of study outline, should be assigned only for subjects which require some degree of original thought; all information to be derived from textbooks and encyclopedias should be covered by the regular lesson for oral discussion.

=Note=:--Number of meetings of study clubs vary. Probably not less than sixteen or more than twenty-six lessons. Many average two meetings per month, October to May.

Explanatory Notes on the Plan of Preparation of Study Outlines

A. The use of a few designated books (or a single book) as a basis for common study of the same subject, or closely related topics, provides the means by which the unity and co-ordination is secured, which is essential for effective and satisfactory results.

Each member may, if she so desires, provide herself at nominal cost, with the source references necessary to cover the essential points contained in the outline.

B. The books for collateral reading should be carefully evaluated and selection based upon their real value in supplementing text, from the standpoint of reliability, readableness and stimulative quality, also that the price shall not be prohibitive of purchase by clubs, local public libraries and duplication by traveling libraries of large number of copies for use in supplying many different clubs.

Any local or traveling library may easily provide additional books for collateral reading whenever the collection permits. It is not, however, deemed advisable to have such extended lists incorporated in the outlines; as a demand would thus be created which could not be supplied by the small library, and therefore would become a handicap and embarrassment.

C. In outlining lessons by the Question method the questions should be so formulated as to stimulate discussion, not simply to be answered in the affirmative or negative.

The Question method permits a free expression of individual opinions based on personal reading. Such "discussion awakens the keenest interest through the activity of different minds upon the same fact or idea," as each member is expected to prepare herself to answer all questions.

The Question method is indorsed by many educational experts as a desirable method for the conduct of study classes, and has been found to be practical and satisfactory by many study clubs.

D. In outlining lessons by Topical method, care should be taken to include no more topics than can be thoroughly discussed, and such phases of the subject assigned as topics as will amplify the general subject which has been studied in common by all members from text upon which the outline is based.

The reports were accepted, and it was voted that the publication committee be instructed to secure the preparation of study outlines, as suggested in their report.

The Secretary then read her report on the year's work, noting the publication of the 1912 Yearbook of the League, and the preparation by the President of an exhibit for the meeting of the N. E. A.

Following is the financial statement for the year.

Balance on hand, Aug. 1, 1912 $180.08 Received from dues 115.00 Received from sale of Handbook and Yearbook 28.50 ------- Total $323.58 Expenditures. Printing Yearbook and programs $175.25 Stationery and postage 36.43 Clerical help and multigraphs 26.55

N. E. A. exhibit, supplies and clerical help 31.00 Miscellaneous 5.26 ------- Total $274.49 Balance on hand, June 30, 1913 $49.09

Miss Baldwin of Minnesota, suggested that the League send to Miss Tyler, of Iowa, a telegram expressing regret for her withdrawal from active commission work, and appreciation of her services to the League. It was voted that Miss Baldwin be directed to send such a telegram. The following telegram was sent:

"Congratulations and best wishes from the League of library commissions, with sincere regret that you were absent from this meeting, and the hope that you will consider yourself a life member of the League, to which you have rendered such valuable service."


The first session of the Fifth annual conference of the Special Libraries Association was opened in the parlor of the Hotel Kaaterskill, on Tuesday afternoon, June 25, 1913, with the president in the chair.

Mrs. A. W. Von Hohoff of New York, opened the meeting with a paper entitled, "Municipal reference work in New York City." She spoke of the necessity out of which this collection had grown and the lack of ease with which information of this character had been previously obtained. In the short space of time during which this new library has been established over 1,000 people have consulted it, mostly employees of the city. It is serving especially those employees who are studying for civil service examination leading to advancement in the city's work; newspaper men, lawyers and real estate dealers have also found it of value. A short resume of the kind of literature on its shelves was given. This library aims to keep New York City in close touch with the activities and movements of other cities.[13]

[13] For full paper see "Special Libraries," 1913.

The second paper on the program was by Mr. N. C. Kingsbury, Vice-President of the American Tel. & Tel. Company, upon "The library--A necessity of modern business."[14]

[14] For full paper see Library Journal, Aug., 1913.

Few people realize, who have had any connection with the library movement, that specialization has come to mean what it has. Almost no one would have supposed that even a large public service corporation was maintaining five distinct library collections, two at least of which are in charge of trained librarians. This paper, suggestive as it was of the increased activity along library lines in the business world, led to interesting questions.

It was followed by a paper by Mr. Andrew L. Bostwick, municipal reference librarian of St. Louis, entitled "Relations between the municipal library and legislators." He emphasized the necessity for bridging the gap between the average librarian and the average city assemblyman, also the potency of personality which should bring about a close and cordial relationship between the library and its readers. He spoke of the light manner in which municipal libraries were often created and the subsequent selection of the librarian. The different kind of legislators as existing in the average city were aptly held before the audience in no unmistakable terms; and finally, the choice of a proper librarian with his necessary qualifications was presented, together with the manner in which the data accumulated

within the library should be put into the hands of the legislator.

Dr. W. Dawson Johnston, librarian of Columbia University, presented the next paper entitled, "The relation between special and general libraries."[15] "The rise of the special library is undoubtedly due to the limitations of the general library. These have been limitations of location as well as limitations of service. A general library can not in the nature of things be everywhere and even when it is located so as to serve excellently the needs of a special institution, it can not render the service of a collection selected for a specific purpose. There must then be special libraries for special institutions, societies, clubs, and offices.

[15] For full report see "Special Libraries," 1913.

"The special library, however, has its limitations also. It is in danger of having the disadvantages of a private library without the advantages of a public library. This is so true as to remind one of Charles Lamb's description of pamphlets as books which are no books. In similar manner we are sometimes compelled to look upon special libraries as libraries which are no libraries at all, especially where they are so small and so little used as not to require the services of a librarian.

"There are too many special libraries which are not to be distinguished from general libraries except by their location, too many that are simply inferior general libraries, too many that may simply be described as general libraries gone wrong."

He discussed the policy in the elimination of books in each type of library, the matter of the conditions of transfer from a special library to a general one, the relations between the two in respect to bibliographic service, and in conclusion said: "The special library forms an important auxiliary to the general library and especially to the university library, and more important as subjects of research become more practical in character. The general library, because of its comprehensiveness and size must in the nature of things be more useful and must in the aggregate be more used. But if a special library is well selected, that is, if only the best and latest books are admitted to its shelves, it must be proportionately more used than the general library and with better results. Some time may be wasted in finding a special library and in gaining admission to it, but little is wasted in it, while in the general library the time wasted in getting books and in reading books which were better left unread is simply appalling."

Following this very interesting discourse, a paper entitled, "The library of the School of Architecture at Harvard University--The treatment of collections relating to landscape architecture, including city planning," by Miss Theodora Kimball, librarian of this library, was read by title in the absence of the author.[16]

[16] A reprint can be obtained from the Secretary of the "Spec. Lib. Assn."

(1) See forthcoming issue of "Special Libraries."

Miss Helen R. Hosmer, of the General Electric Company, Schenectady, N. Y., presented the last paper of the afternoon, entitled "The library of the research laboratory, General Electric Company."

"Research expects rebuffs, expects to accept a small advance instead of a revolution, expects to make mistakes, and frequently to fail, but intends to let no lesson go unheeded, and to learn from every stumble.

"Inasmuch as every special library comes into very close contact with those it serves, it is not strange the research library partakes of the same nature that pervades the research laboratory. It too is, in this case particularly, a field for experiment.

"The object in view is of course to render as readily available as possible all the information contained in the library on subjects of present or possible future interest to the laboratory staff.

"The main sources of this information are two: first, the scientific and technical literature, consisting of books, periodicals, pamphlets and special publications, clippings, and abstracts from the technical literature, compiled by the publication department of the company, and second the reports from the various laboratories of the company."

The handling of the different classes of material in this library is minutely described and covers several unique features, both in the kinds of material handled and in the methods used. In concluding, she said: "We are attempting to build up a system requiring the minimum amount of work for maintenance, sufficiently simple to appeal to the most hurried research mind, flexible enough to admit of continued improvement without demolishment, and yet adequate to the varied needs of practical scientific investigation."

Mr. R. R. Bowker, of the Library Journal, added some very interesting thoughts along the general trend of the meeting drawn from his many years of experience in library and commercial fields, which were much appreciated by all those present.

The second session of the Association was called to order in the Ladies' Parlor at 3 p. m., June 26th, by the president.

A few general introductory remarks were made by the president regarding the purpose of this session which hinged chiefly about the question of handling clippings.

Honorable Robert Luce in a very carefully prepared address then discussed, under the title, "The clipping bureau and the library," the internal working of the clipping bureau which bears his name. Probably few librarians have realized the enormous volume of detail handled by the large clipping bureau in the course of a day's work. Mr. Luce in his paper has carefully brought home that fact and urged that many users of material from clipping bureaus, and among them librarians, had never learned how to correctly judge results of clipping-bureau service. This judgment should be used upon the mass result rather than upon detail. An interesting description of the method of caring for a collection of 20,000 or more articles of his own proved an important part of the paper. A discussion of the "scrap book" and its function in the library was also handled. An earnest plea was made for co-operation on the part of the librarians ordering material from the clipping bureau. The employment of the clipping bureau is a step in the line of efficiency. "No man accustomed to business methods can fail to be struck with the waste therein due to the employment of high-grade minds on low-grade work. When some part of the working time of a public servant possessing intellectual acumen is put into manual labor that can be as well performed by a youth without special training, there is economic loss. When your subordinates handle the scissors and the paste-brush, you are paying them for work that can more quickly and much more cheaply be done in our cutting rooms."

A significant question by Mr. Bowker brought out the following facts: "After the reader marks the newspaper it goes to the cutter. There is very seldom any loss there. Occasionally an item is slashed or overlooked, and when the clippings have been cut and pasted they go to the sorter, whose duty it is to sort them by groups. We have the clippings divided into 128 classifications. We allow each customer one of those classifications." Mr. Luce answered many other questions raised by different speakers.[17]

[17] See full discussion in "Special Libraries."

Following Mr. Luce's paper, Mr. Jesse Cunningham, librarian of the School of Mines and Metallurgy, Rolla, Missouri, reported as the Chairman of the clipping committee his investigation of the use and methods of handling and filing newspaper clippings. A very careful digest of a questionnaire sent to over thirty selected libraries, discussed the matters of obtaining clippings by these various libraries, the arrangement of the material for clipping, the service rendered by the clipping bureaus, classification and methods of filing, as well as the indexing and eliminating of dead material, closing the report with a discussion of the use and value of clippings, their disadvantages, the purchasing of clippings on special subjects and the several conclusions arrived at by the committee. A most excellent report was rendered. The committee was continued and requested to extend its inquiries along the lines indicated.

In the absence of Dr. J. Franklin Crowell of the Wall Street Journal, his paper upon the "Clipping methods of the Wall Street Journal library" was read by title.

Mr. H. W. Wilson of Minneapolis, followed with a paper entitled, "Problems of printed indexes in special fields."

"The need for printed indexes in special fields has been made manifest by the thousands of fugitive scraps of indexes that libraries here and there spend their time and energy in producing for temporary use.

"First steps toward printed indexes are both fragmentary and inadequate. It seems to be time to take the next step in the development of index-making, a step which involves concentration of scattered ideas--a step which should be successful because it means comprehensiveness, thoroughness, uniformity, economy and efficiency.

"The special fields of literature in which printed indexes are most likely to succeed are thought to be as follows, in about the order mentioned: Industrial arts, agriculture, education, social problems.

"It will scarcely be necessary to defend here the alphabetical index as opposed to the classified arrangement. While a classified list of articles has its value in informing specialists what has been published in their respective fields in one particular month, or year, it is almost useless as a book of ready reference in a library--useless even to the technically trained, exasperating to the layman.

"In a classed list the responsibility for finding an article rests with the searcher."

The great difficulty caused by unsatisfactory nomenclature especially in rapid-growing new technical fields, was dwelt upon at some length. In conclusion, he said, "At least one new field should be opened up each year."

In the general discussion which followed, the questions of paper for clipping mounts, adhesives, and preservatives, were touched upon.

The third session of the Association was held on Thursday evening, June 27, 1913, opening with the president in the chair and about thirty persons present.

Mr. Samuel H. Ranck of Grand Rapids, reported as Chairman of the municipal yearbook committee.[18]

[18] Report on file with Sec'y of S. L. A.

In the absence of Mr. H. H. B. Meyer, his paper entitled, "The division of bibliography of the Library of Congress as a clearing house for bibliographical information," was read by Mr. Bruncken of the same library.

"I am planning, in the interval before the next meetings of the state legislature, to prepare a list of the subjects which have been investigated by the several state libraries or state legislative reference bureaus." This will enable the division of bibliography to inform an inquiring librarian what states have taken up any question his own state legislature might be interested in. Several fixed forms of cards for doing this work in order to eliminate extensive correspondence are shown.[19]

[19] For paper in full see forthcoming "Special Libraries."

Miss Marie F. Lindholm presented a paper entitled "A review of the chief sources of special library collections."[20]

[20] For special reprint address Public Service Commission Library of New York, or the Secretary's office.

While the author has been for some time connected with a prominent public service commission, the very careful and painstaking enumeration of sources of material can but prove of unusual value to almost any special library in the country. Under thirteen main headings the paper treated of a general reference foundation, reference sources of particular value to public service commission or corporation libraries, chief reference sources for a financial library,

those for a municipal reference library, current books and special reports, periodicals, government and state reports, society publications, company and trade publications, legislation, legal decisions and briefs, manuscripts, original records, blueprints, maps, etc., and finally co-operation in special library work. Should one about to form a library of almost any character have before him this paper he would without serious effort gather about himself, without other help, a splendid foundation upon which to build his immediate specialty. Much complementary discussion followed.

Following this the report of the Secretary-Treasurer discussed the widening aspects of the Association, the growth of its membership, both in numbers and in distribution, the financial condition of the society, the large number of inquiries which had been received by the secretary's office, indicating the spread of the special library idea, the methods for advertising the Association and its activities which are of interest to the members, the results obtained in the past year through the Responsibility Districts established at the beginning of Mr. Handy's administration, the value and possibilities of the employment exchange operated through the secretary's office, and the contemplated brochure advocated by the Executive Board for placing before interested parties the important facts, such as the Association's growth, scope, purpose, constitution, membership, committees, printed literature available, etc.

After receiving the report of the Executive Board and accepting the same in toto and transacting such other business matters as remained, electing new officers, etc., the meeting adjourned sine die.

GUY E. MARION, Secretary.


Saturday noon, June 28, the post conference party left Hotel Kaaterskill with feelings of mingled pleasure and regret. The conference week with its happy reunion of old friends was past, and the prospect of a week of travel with its unknown possibilities of sight seeing and impromptu library conferences banished the depression that follows the breaking up of a happy party. Vexing details, as paying unusually large hotel bills, arguing with the drivers about double payment of bus fares and exorbitant tipping of porters to insure prompt delivery of trunks at the station, were soon forgotten. For a week we were to be care-free, shifting all responsibility and planning to our genial conductors, Mr. F. W. Faxon and Mr. C. H. Brown. Even trunks were forgotten, not only by the party, but by the railroad people until the casual inquiry of one of the party brought them to light and started them again on their journey.

The rapid descent by the Otis Elevating Railway with the accompanying ringing sensations in the ears made us realize the great height at which we had lived the past week. We soon found ourselves in the heavier, warmer air of the sea level speeding towards Albany through the fertile farms of the Hudson Valley. We caught occasional glimpses of the Hudson, bearing on its sluggish tide the graceful, white-sailed, pleasure crafts and the clumsy, but vitally freighted, canal barges.

Comfortable quarters in Albany were found at the Hotel Ten Eyck, and the party spent the evening at the new Education Building visiting the new State library and library school. The building is considered one of the most beautiful in the world. It is certainly very beautiful when considered alone, but it is a pity that it could not have had a larger site and more advantageous setting. The general plan of the building with its magnificent distances gives a corridor appearance to all the library rooms except the reference room, which is superb in its general effect and equipment. The lighting scheme of this room, which is both direct and indirect, is very effective. The absence of mural decoration is a marked feature, and the room in all its appointments is obviously set apart for serious study and work. The individual desks, which were planned by the librarian, attract immediate attention, as they are admirably arranged to give good light, convenience, and privacy to the student.

The new library school with its splendid outfit was of great interest to former students in the party who remembered the cramped and migratory quarters in the old school. Every feature that experience had suggested and foresight could devise seemed to be there to aid and inspire the student. The older students noticed with pleasure the portraits of Mr. Dewey and Mrs. Fairchild which adorned the walls of the main class room. Miss Woodworth had prepared a temporary exhibition of class photographs which aroused pleasing memories. The interest was divided between gratification at the growth in strength of character and success of the earlier classes and mirth at their costumes. A permanent exhibition which is the special pride of Miss Woodworth is the collection of work by the school alumni. This contains library reports, bulletins, and lists prepared in whole or in part by former students. There are also many books along historical and literary lines, photographs of libraries planned or remodeled by library school graduates, and photographs of the former students. This collection was most interesting in its tangible evidence of the success of the students. Miss Woodworth wants to make this collection as nearly complete as possible and a credit to the school. All former students are urged to send her a set of all their work, either printed or typewritten, and photographs of their libraries and of themselves, both when they were students and as they are now. All material sent to the school before the fire was burned.

On the next day, Sunday, all departments of the library were open to the visiting librarians and all went a second time to see by daylight the splendid rooms, so admirably equipped and planned to give quick and efficient service to the reader. All left the library with a feeling of admiration for the knowledge, skill, and executive ability of those who had created from nothing in less than two years one of the great world libraries.

On Monday morning at an early hour we were hurried to the train to secure seats in the dining-car. Our English friend was aghast at this American custom of "first come, first served" so early in the morning, and we had to admit that in this case a previous booking of seats would have been more comfortable. We had the unexpected comfort, however, in this case, of early breakfast in a stationary dining-car. Our route that morning was through the Mohawk Valley along the Erie Canal with its placid mode of travel. Glimpses of the foothills of the Adirondacks broke up the monotony of the journey through this level country and gave us hints of the mountain scenery to come. The name "Adirondacks" suggested the rough, mountain wilderness and we were eager to reach it. At Utica we turned north and soon began to climb. The country became wilder and occasional log houses suggested pioneering. At Fulton Chain station we left the main line of the Adirondack division of the New York Central and in a short time our special car, which was now rather hot and dusty, was deserted at Old Forge for the little steamer on the First Lake of the Fulton Chain. We were in the wilderness at last and enjoyed to the utmost the few hours' ride through this chain of beautiful lakes. Hills and mountains were on all sides clothed with the forests in all their glory of early summer greenery. There were few signs of civilization and we felt as remote from our daily tasks of doing good to others as the most reprobate could desire.

Early in the afternoon we reached Eagle Bay Hotel at the head of Fourth Lake, our headquarters for several days. Our long delayed dinner was most welcome, as glorious air and scenery somehow fail to satisfy all physical needs. That afternoon, while exploring the shore of the lake, we made our acquaintance with the Adirondack open camp, or "lean-to", lined with balsam boughs on which to sit or lie in the evening and spin yarns while the campfire blazes in front. We all wanted to try the game and those who had cameras took appropriate pictures. We must have come at the wrong time of the year, however, for, alas for the romance of an Adirondack lodge, no one seemed to care to brave the attacks of the mosquitos and flies which filled the woods about sundown. All sought the refuge of the hotel piazza enveloped in a stifling smudge from burning green hay or retired early to well screened bedrooms to catch up on the lost sleep question.

Tuesday morning we started for Blue Mountain Lake over the Raquette Lake Railroad. Until within a few years this country was an almost unbroken wilderness and the road even now runs through the heavy woods in a clearing so narrow that the trees shade the train and the full effect of the forest can be enjoyed. The trip through Raquette Lake, the "queen of the Adirondacks" which owes it name to its very irregular outline, gave many opportunities for those with cameras to get fine pictures. From Raquette Lake there was a short trip along Marion River winding through a stretch of forest famed for deer hunting. Then came a portage to Utowana Lake of about a mile by a primitive train of discarded Brooklyn open horse-cars drawn by a diminutive locomotive over a creaking railroad.

Our English friend was much interested in the fauna of the Adirondacks and we hoped at this point we could show him at least one bear. Perhaps the Adirondack bears like those in the Yellowstone are shy early in the summer visitor season, for we did not get a glimpse of one of them. The only fauna we saw aside from the birds were chipmunks, red squirrels, one woodchuck, and two rabbits. In Eagle Lake we passed the famous old eagle's nest and some of the ladies were in raptures over the herons which they thought were eagles. We passed beavers' houses, which we admired on faith, since no one had ever seen beavers working on them. On Blue Mountain Lake even the most self-contained became enthusiastic over its beauties. From its charm of outline, its wooded and rocky islands, its purity and loveliness, it well deserves its claim as the pearl of all the wilderness waters. It claims with Lake Placid to be the loveliest lake in the eastern states. Across the lake is Blue Mountain with its blue dome rising to a height of 4,000 feet. Its forest clad side slopes directly to the water's edge inviting the mountain climbers to try their mettle. We left the steamer here and were carried by automobile about a mile up one of the hills to the Blue Mountain House where we had a glorious view of the lake. It seemed a pity to waste time on dinner, but we did and found it most delectable. Although the thermometer stood in the nineties, four of the men, our English friend among them, climbed Blue Mountain. The less strenuous rested and enjoyed the view and the beauties of a wonderful garden nearby in the woods. The return trip to Eagle Bay made in the cool of afternoon and evening was enjoyed perhaps even more than the morning trip.

We were beguiled on this excursion as on others by frequent comparisons between English and American customs and scenery. This added much to our enjoyment and knowledge because we could look at things from two points of view. One observation which struck us as novel was that the English mountains were better than the American because they were usually treeless. Aside from the economic axiom according to which this is a fault, we considered this position untenable, as we thought the barren, dead, English mountains we had seen would be much more beautiful if clothed with living green. However, when we were told that it was more enjoyable climbing English mountains because there were no underbrush and trees to impede one and shut out the view and the breeze, we agreed it all depended on the point of view and the weather.

The next morning, Wednesday, after a swim in the lake, some climbed Eagle Mountain just back of the hotel. This was an easy climb and from the "shelter" at the top there was a fine view of the lake. This beautiful lake region is still wild and primitive, there are few pretentious camps or hotels and it is not generally known. More should visit this country to enjoy its beauty before it becomes the resort of wealth and fashion. At noon we left this beautiful spot and, with many regrets, parted with Mr. Brown, our efficient guide to this region. We went on by train by way of Carter and Saranac Inn Station to the Lake Placid Club, our headquarters for the next four days. A delay in train connections at Saranac gave us a chance to ride about this famous resort where Stevenson once spent a winter in search of health. One of the interesting sights was an imitation Alaskan camp with log huts and Esquimaux dogs for the use of a moving picture making company, when showing scenes in the wild northwest. The imitation of the northwest was so good that it took considerable mental effort to realize we were still in the Empire State with civilized life all about us.

So many good things had been planned for us at Lake Placid, that we were often at a loss what to choose. We usually tried to do everything. The first evening Mr. Dewey welcomed us and the other librarians, who had gone directly to the Lake Placid Club from the Catskills, with a good supper in a special dining room where we could all eat together. He then outlined the plan of entertainment during our stay, delegating his son, Godfrey, to carry out details and attend to our comfort and well-being. To these three, Mr. Melvil Dewey, Miss Katharine L. Sharp, and Mr. Godfrey Dewey, the party is most grateful for the welcome they received and the good time they enjoyed. The Lake Placid holiday will be long remembered with delight by those fortunate enough to enjoy it.

The entertainment included automobile tours on several days to the famous places in the Adirondacks, covering a territory that would take several weeks to explore in the ordinary way. When we left Lake Placid we felt we ought to suffer from a case of Adirondack travel indigestion.

Thursday morning two parties were ready to start at 6:30 in the Stanley steamers driven by Mr. Godfrey Dewey and Mr. Hubert Stevens for an all day trip of about 110 miles. It was a glorious day and the early morning ride in the cool, bracing air made us forget every care and worry. We followed the West Branch of the Ausable River, with the road crossing it many times and often winding beside it on narrow ledges with the mountains towering above us where we could get the proper thrills of danger. We all felt confidence in our chauffeurs and enjoyed equally the swift runs on the level state roads, the racing up the steep mountain roads and the swift plunges into the valleys. We stopped for a moment at the beautiful Wilmington High Falls and then sped on to Ausable Chasm. We explored the Chasm and made the trip by boat through the gorge. This seemed a bit perilous and, although assured there had never been an accident, we took our places in the boat with an uneasy feeling. The ride on the swift, deep river in this wonderful cleft in the mountain was, however, all too short. We would have lingered to enjoy the wonders and beauty of the gorge festooned with vines and banked with ferns which found a congenial home in its limestone walls, but there was a long journey ahead. We climbed the walls of the Chasm to our waiting automobiles and were soon speeding south, with Lake Champlain on our left and the Bouquet River for company along our road. Occasional stops were made to take on water, sometimes from the hose at a friendly hotel, sometimes from a brook, and once from the stock drinking-trough at a farm house where the agitated farmer's wife was fearful that our great machine was going to pump the trough dry. At Westport Inn we joined the other party, and had a rest on the cool piazza and a good dinner. In the afternoon we ran west through Elizabethtown to the mountains again, stopping for a moment to cheer our friends in the other car who had punctured a tire. Our turn to stop for repairs came soon, when our friends extended their advice and sympathetic aid and passed on. In a few miles more we began to climb a narrow mountain road which seemed impassable in places, and were enjoying the wild scenery when another tire puncture held us up in a lonely place, remote from the telephone. A family touring party in another automobile stopped to offer aid, but they could not help us. The women in that party inquired if there were wild animals thereabouts and, when assured that there were lynxes, bears and other fearsome beasts in the woods, they besought their men folks to hasten on before the dark should overtake them. For a number of miles we crept along in a crippled condition to St. Hubert's Inn, where we waited several hours till a new tire could be sent from home. The rest of the trip was largely after dark over rough, narrow, precipitous roads along the Cascade Lakes where we had our fill of the spice of danger of mountain night travel. We reached home too late to attend the council fire at Iroquois Lodge.

Friday, July Fourth, was celebrated by the absence of fire-crackers and fireworks and other nerve racking and dangerous devices. Instead, a competitive prize fire drill by the Club fire department was held. Guests could thus see how secure against harm from fire life and property are at the Club. Under Miss Sharp's guidance, a tour of the Club property was made in the afternoon, and we saw how the comfort and well-being of the guests were cared for in the various departments, such as the laundry and the kitchens. Informal tea was served at Miss Sharp's cottage, The Larches, where Mrs. Frederick M. Crunden assisted Miss Sharp in dispensing good cheer. That evening the party enjoyed an informal banquet, with Mr. Dewey, Miss Sharp, and other resident members of the A. L. A. present. Just as the dinner closed, the bonfire on the lake was started and the beautiful and unusual spectacle was enjoyed of viewing the fire through a curtain of water from one of the powerful fire hydrants.

On Saturday several short automobile rides were taken in the morning, including one to the home and grave of John Brown, of Ossawatomie, now the property of the State. In the afternoon the party was taken by launch to Moose Island in Lake Placid and had a picnic lunch before a camp fire in a typical Adirondack shelter fragrant with fir balsam boughs. On the ride home mist and rain lent mystery to the beauties of the lake, and just before the trip ended double rainbows proclaimed the end of the storm and a fair day for the morrow. That night a delightful dinner was given the party at Iroquois Lodge which was graced by the presence of Mrs. Dewey. A charming feature of the dinner was the arrangement of lighting wholly by candles in rustic candlesticks of white birch, some of which were used to light our way home through the woods, and treasured afterwards as souvenirs. After dinner the company assembled in the council chamber and listened to a graphic story by Mr. Dewey of the origin and growth of the Lake Placid Club. Originally planned to afford an inexpensive, sane, healthful vacation for educational and literary workers, including librarians, it had surpassed all expectations in its success and growth. Before the party broke up the thanks and appreciation of all for the good time enjoyed at Lake Placid as Mr. Dewey's guests were voiced by Mr. Hill, Mr. Thwaites, and Miss Ahern. Mr. Jast brought a message of appreciation from over seas where, he said, Dewey is a household word in the library world. All spoke in a reminiscent vein and expressed the hope that Mr. Dewey might again take active part in library work.

A small party climbed Whiteface that day and had a rather rough experience, particularly on the descent owing to the heavy rain.

On Sunday automobiles carried the party through Saranac to beautiful Loon Lake, one of the famous, old-time Adirondack resorts, where we stopped for a few minutes, and then went on to Paul Smith's on lower St. Regis Lake, perhaps the oldest and best known Adirondack hotel. Here, as at the Westport Inn, we were guests of the proprietor at a fine dinner. The hotel also arranged a boat trip for us through the Lower St. Regis, Spitfire, and Upper St. Regis Lakes where we saw some of the finest of the Adirondack camps. On our way home we visited two famous sanitariums for the cure of tuberculosis, the state institution at Ray Brook and Trudeau's Sanitarium, a private, endowed hospital. On this trip no breakdowns marred the pleasure, and, aside from a little delay in starting owing to the agitation of a timid lady from Chicago who found herself alone on a rear seat with two mild men, all events came off as scheduled. It might be noted in passing that on all the automobile trips there were at least two and sometimes three men in each car, a marked advance as compared with the famous White Mountain coaching trip with one man to a coach.

This day, which was perfect in its sunshine and cool, bracing air, was the climax of the trip. With keen regret we gathered to bid good-bye to our hosts at Mrs. Dewey's afternoon tea. This Post Conference will long be remembered as one of the best of them all.

The party broke up that night. A few stayed on for a rest at Lake Placid and the others took their ways homeward. Some journeyed down Lake Champlain and Lake George, and one stopped at Saratoga to be lost in wonder at the huge hotels where all the A. L. A. might easily be housed in comfort and elegance should that body ever meet there.



By Position and Sex

Men Women Total Trustees 4 4 8 Library Commissions representatives and organizers 8 15 23 Chief librarians 109 160 269 Assistants 65 310 375 Library schools instructors 2 21 23 Editors 3 4 7 Commercial Agents 27 1 28 Others 25 134 159 --- --- --- Total 243 649 892

By Geographical Sections

6 of the 6 New England States sent 150 5 " 5 North Atlantic States and District of Columbia sent 462 5 " 6 South-eastern States 14 7 " 8 North Central States 208 3 " 6 South Central States 14 9 " 14 Western States 17 3 " 3 Pacific States 13 Canadian Provinces 11 England 1 Germany 1 Norway 1 --- Total 892

By States

Alabama 1 Arizona 1 California 4 Colorado 1 Connecticut 33 Delaware 1 Dist. of Columbia 26 Florida 1 Georgia 10 Idaho 1 Illinois 67 Indiana 11 Iowa 13 Kansas 1 Kentucky 12 Maine 4 Maryland 10 Massachusetts 82 Michigan 31 Minnesota 11 Missouri 18 Nebraska 3 New Hampshire 7 New Jersey 47 New York 316 North Carolina 1 North Dakota 1 Ohio 41 Oklahoma 2 Oregon 2 Pennsylvania 59 Rhode Island 13 South Dakota 1 Tennessee 1 Texas 6 Vermont 11 Virginia 2 Washington 7 Wisconsin 16

Foreign Countries

Canada 14 England 1 Germany 1 Norway 1 --- Total 892

By Libraries

Libraries having five or more representatives:

Brooklyn Public L. 27 Chicago Public L. 26 Cincinnati Public L. 5 Cleveland Public L. 13 Detroit Public L. 5 Grand Rapids Public L. 7 Library of Congress 9 Louisville Free Public L. 8 New York Public L. 49 New York State L. 19 New York State L. School 25 Newark Free Public L. 7 Queens Borough Public L. 5 Philadelphia Free L. 10 Pittsburgh Carnegie L. 5 St. Louis Public L. 5 Yale University L. 8

=Note=: Those who participated in post-conference trip only are not counted in above statistics.


*Prefixed to a name indicates participation in post-conference trip in the Adirondacks.

**Prefixed to a name indicates that the person went directly from the Catskills to Lake Placid.

+Indicates went as far as Eagle Bay only.

Abbreviations: F., Free; P., Public; L., Library; ln., Librarian; asst., Assistant; trus., Trustee; ref., Reference; catlgr., Cataloger; Br., Branch; sch., School.

Abbott, Alvaretta P., ln. P. L., Atlantic City, N. J.

Abbott, Mabel L., asst. Wellesley Coll. L., Wellesley, Mass.

Acker, Margaret, ln. P. L., Ossining, N. Y.

Ackerly, Belle, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.

Adams, Benjamin, chief circ. dept. P. L., N. Y. City.

Adams, Leta E., head catlgr. P. L., Rochester, N. Y.

**Ahern, Mary E., editor "Public Libraries," Chicago, Ill.

Allen, Dr. Wm. H., director Bureau Municipal Research, New York City.

Allin, Eugenia, organizer Ill. L. Ext. Com., Decatur, Ill.

Anderson, Adah M., asst. ln. Humboldt Br. P. L., Chicago, Ill.

Anderson, E. H., director P. L., New York City.

Anderson, Mrs. E. H., N. Y. City.

Anderson, John R., bookseller, New York City.

Andrew, Mrs. Kate D., ln. Steele Memorial L., Elmira, N. Y.

*Andrews, C. W., ln. The John Crerar L., Chicago, Ill.

Andrus, Gertrude E., supt. child. dept. P. L., Seattle, Wash.

Annis, Mrs. Newton, Detroit, Mich.

Appleton, Helena D., secretary P. L., East Orange, N. J.

Armstrong, Mary E., asst. catlgr. P. L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Arnold, Lillian B., ln. Carnegie Stout P. L., Dubuque, Ia.

Askew, Sarah B., organizer N. J. P. L. Com., Trenton, N. J.

Avery, John M., ref. ln. State L., Montpelier, Vt.

Ayer, T. P., supervisor of binding Columbia Univ. L., New York City.

Babbitt, Grace E., ref. ln. P. L., Washington, D. C.

Bacon, Corinne, ln. Drexel Inst. L., and dir. L. Sch., Philadelphia, Pa.

Baer, Harriet I., br. ln. P. L., Chicago, Ill.

Bailey, A. L., ln. Wilmington Inst. F. L., Wilmington, Del.

Bailey, C. H., Buffalo, N. Y.

Bailey, L. J., ln. P. L., Gary, Ind.

Bailey, T. D., Library Bureau, N. Y. City.

Bailey, Mrs. T. D., N. Y. City.

Baker, Julia A., ln. Austin Br. P. L., Chicago, Ill.

Baldwin, Bessie L., asst. P. L., N. Y. City.

Baldwin, Clara F., sec'y Minn. P. L. Com., St. Paul, Minn.

Baldwin, E. L., asst. P. L., N. Y. City.

Baldwin, Emma V., sec'y to ln. P. L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Ball, Fanny D., ln. Central High Sch. L., Grand Rapids, Mich.

Ball, Sarah B., ln. Business Br., F. P. L., Newark, N. J.

Banks, Mary, ln. P. Service L. of N. J., Newark, N. J.

Barber, Clara V., asst. L. of Congress, Washington, D. C.

Barickman, Mrs. Rena M., ln. P. L., Joliet, Ill.

Barker, E. Elizabeth, ln. Y. M. A. L., Albany, N. Y.

Barker, Tommie D., head ref. dept. Carnegie L., Atlanta, Ga.

Bartlett, S. R., ln. Lockwood, Green & Co., Boston, Mass.

**Bascom, Elva L., Wis. F. L. Com., Madison, Wis.

Bastin, Dorothy, asst. P. L., Chicago, Ill.

Bates, Helen C., chief order dept. P. L., Detroit, Mich.

Bayer, Bertha, 2558 Fulton St., Toledo, O.

Becker, Emily F., ln. P. L., Catskill, N. Y.

Belden, C. F. D., ln. State L., Boston, Mass.

Belding, Mrs. Ellinor F., child. ln. Adriance Mem. L., Poughkeepsie, N. Y.

Bell, Bernice, head child. dept. F. P. L., Louisville, Ky.

Bell, Madelene M., senior asst. child. dept. F. P. L., Worcester, Mass.

Bell, Mary B., Louisville, Ky.

Benham, Mrs. Margaret E., asst. ln. P. L., Niagara Falls, N. Y.

Bennett, C. W., Bigelow Binder Co., N. Y. City.

Bennett, Mrs. M. M., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Betteridge, Grace L., head Trav. L. Sect. State L., Albany, N. Y.

Bigelow, F. B., ln. N. Y. Society L., N. Y. City.

Bishop, W. W., supt. of Reading Room, L. of Congress, Washington, D. C.

Blackford, Benjamin, supt. of supplies P. L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Blackwelder, Paul, asst. ln. P. L., St. Louis, Mo.

Blair, Mellicent F., asst. catlgr. P. L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Blake, Mrs. Elveretta S., Lagrange, Me.

Blakely, Bertha E., ln. Mt. Holyoke Coll. L., So. Hadley, Mass.

Blanchard, Alice, Montpelier, Vt.

Bliss, H. E., ln. Coll. of City of New York, N. Y. City.

Bliss, L. E., Jr. stud. N. Y. State L. Sch., Albany, N. Y.

Blumberg, Theresa, br. ln. Tremont Br. P. L., N. Y. City.

*Blunt, Florence T., asst. P. L., Haverhill, Mass.

Bogle, Sarah C. N., director Training Sch. for Child. Lns., Carnegie L., Pittsburgh, Pa.

Booth, Mary J., ln. Eastern Ill. State Normal Sch., Charleston, Ill.

Borden, Fanny, ref. ln. Vassar Coll. L., Poughkeepsie, N. Y.

Bostwick, A. E., ln. P. L., St. Louis, Mo.

Bostwick, A. L., municipal ref. ln. P. L., St. Louis, Mo.

Bowen, Mrs. Enrica H., stud. N. Y. P. L. Sch., N. Y. City.

Bowerman, George F., ln. P. L., Washington, D. C.

Bowker, R. R., editor "Library Journal," N. Y. City.

Bowker, Mrs. R. R., Glendale, Stockbridge, Mass.

Bowman, Ethel M., Plainfield, N. J.

Bowman, Florence M., ln. P. L., Plainfield, N. J.

Bowne, Carolyn A., asst. ln. P. L., Perth Amboy, N. J.

Brainerd, Jessie F., ln. P. L., New Rochelle, N. Y.

Bredin, Edith, asst. ln. Hiram Kelly Br. P. L., Chicago, Ill.

Brett, Clara A., asst. ln. P. L., Brockton, Mass.

Brewitt, Mrs. Theodora R., ln. State Normal Sch. L., Lewiston, Idaho.

Brigham, Gwendolyn, asst. A. L. A. Headquarters Office, Chicago, Ill.

Brigham, Herbert O., ln. R. I. State L., Providence, R. I.

Brigham, Johnson, ln. State L., Des Moines, Ia.

Brigham, Mrs. Johnson, Des Moines, Ia.

Brigham, Miss, Des Moines, Ia.

Britton, Jasmine, child. ln. P. L., Spokane, Wash.

**Brooks, Maud D., ln. P. L., Olean, N. Y.

+Brown, Charles H., asst. ln. P. L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Brown, Mrs. C. H., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Brown, D. C., ln. State L., Indianapolis, Ind.

Brown, Gwendolen, br. ln. P. L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Brown, Helen Dawes, 48 Elm St., Montclair, N. J.

Brown, Walter L., ln. P. L., Buffalo, N. Y.

Brown, Zaidee M., agent F. P. L. Com., Boston, Mass.

Browning, Eliza G., ln. P. L., Indianapolis, Ind.

Bruncken, Ernest, asst. reg. of copyrights L. of Congress, Washington, D. C.

Brundage, Nellie M., child. ln. P. L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Bucher, Mrs. Paul (Ethel A. Sherwood), order asst. N. Y. State L., Albany, N. Y.

Bucknam, Edith P., chief cat. dept. P. L., Jamaica, L. I.

Budlong, Mrs. Minnie C., sec'y N. D. P. L. Com., Bismarck, N. D.

Burnett, Marguerite, Brooklyn, N. Y.

Burnham, Adele, stud. N. Y. State L. Sch., Albany, N. Y.

Burnite, Caroline, director child. work P. L., Cleveland, O.

Burns, Anna, ln. in charge central circulation P. L., N. Y. City.

Burritt, E. I., N. Y. City.

Burwell, Ethel I., stud. N. Y. State L. Sch., Albany, N. Y.

Butler, H. L., American Law L., N. Y. City.

Butler, Mrs. H. L., 7 Glenada Pl., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Cady, Lora, Sag Harbor, L. I.

Camp, David N., pres. and chairman L. Com., New Britain Inst., New Britain, Conn.

Campbell, Mrs. Jennie, asst. Yale Univ. L., New Haven, Conn.

Cargill, J. V., asst. ln. P. L., Milwaukee, Wis.

Cargill, Mrs. J. V., Milwaukee, Wis.

Carlton, W. N. C., ln. Newberry L., Chicago, Ill.

Carr, Henry J., ln. P. L., Scranton, Pa.

Carr, Mrs. Henry J., Scranton, Pa.

Carroll, May I., asst. P. L., Chicago, Ill.

Carson, W. O., ln. P. L., London, Ont.

Carter, Julia, ln. child. br. P. L., Cleveland, O.

Carter, S. J., ref. ln. P. L., Milwaukee, Wis.

Caswell, Edward A., N. Y. City.

Chamberlain, C. A., Edison Electric Co. L., Boston, Mass.

Chamberlayne, Ellen F., asst. P. L., Binghamton, N. Y.

Chamberlin, Edith J., Bradford, Vt.

Chase, Jessie C., supt. Br. Libs. P. L., Detroit, Mich.

Chase, Kate B., br. ln. Cornell Square Br. P. L., Chicago, Ill.

Chase, Mrs. Mildred H., br. ln. F. L., Newton, Mass.

Cheney, Lucy, ln. F. L., Rutland, Vt.

Chivers, Cedric, bookbinder, Brooklyn, N. Y.

Christiansen, Bolette, Kongsvinger, Norway.

Christman, Jennie L., catlgr. State L., Albany, N. Y.

Christopher, Katharine M., stud. N. Y. P. L. Sch., N. Y. City.

Clark, Elizabeth V., ln. Carnegie F. L., Connellsville, Pa.

Clark, Mrs. George E., Skaneateles, N. Y.

Clark, Mabel, stud. N. Y. State L. Sch., Albany, N. Y.

Clark, S. M., asst. Richards L., Warrensburg, N. Y.

Clarke, Edith E., instr. Syracuse Univ. L. Sch., Syracuse, N. Y.

Clarke, Elizabeth P., ln. Seymour L., Auburn, N. Y.

Clatworthy, Linda M., ln. P. L. and Museum, Dayton, O.

Clement, Edith M., asst. Trav. L., N. Y. State L., Albany, N. Y.

Cloud, Josephine P., supt. of circ. P. L., Minneapolis, Minn.

Coe, Mrs. Frances R., reviser of catalog, P. L., Somerville, Mass.

Colcord, Mabel, ln. Bureau of Entomology, Dept. of Agriculture, Washington, D. C.

Colcord, Maude B., ln. Loring Reading Room, Plymouth, Mass.

Colson, F. D., law ln. N. Y. State L., Albany, N. Y.

Congdon, Mrs. William M. (Anne W.), L. visitor and director of Trav. Libs., Providence, R. I.

Cook, O. S., trus. F. P. L., New Bedford, Mass.

Cooper, Isabella M., instr. Simmons Coll. L. Sch., Boston, Mass.

Copeland, Lora A., asst. P. L., Brockton, Mass.

Corliss, Mary, asst. Adriance Mem. L., Poughkeepsie, N. Y.

Cornew, Elsie M., asst. P. L., N. Y. City.

Cornew, Mrs. H. K., Trenton, N. J.

Coughlin, Joseph D., Hampton, Va.

Cowley, Amy, stud. N. Y. State L. Sch., Albany, N. Y.

Cowper, Virginia S., L. Dept. John Wanamaker, N. Y. City.

Crain, Lucy B., supt. of child. work P. L., Somerville, Mass.

Crandle, Inez, ln. Dimmick Mem. L., Mauch Chunk, Pa.

Craver, H. W., ln. Carnegie L., Pittsburgh, Pa.

Craver, Mrs. H. W., Pittsburgh, Pa.

Crissey, Jane H., asst. P. L., Troy, N. Y.

Crosby, Caroline R., Milford, N. H.

Cunningham, Jesse, ln. Mo. Sch. of Mines, Rolla, Mo.

Curtis, Florence R., instr. Univ. of Ill. L. Sch., Urbana, Ill.

Custer, Florence B., Philadelphia, Pa.

Cutter, William P., ln. Engineering Societies L., N. Y. City.

Cutter, Mrs. William P., N. Y. City.

Dame, Katharine, catlgr. State L., Albany, N. Y.

Daniells, W. N., stud., Madison, Wis.

Darby, M. Claire, ln. Accountancy Ref. L., Ernst & Ernst, Cleveland, O.

Darrow, Helen W., asst. ln. Skidmore Sch., Saratoga Springs, N. Y.

Dauchy, C. A., asst. ln. Adriance Mem. L., Poughkeepsie, N. Y.

Davis, Georgia S., statistician P. L., Grand Rapids, Mich.

Davis, Mary G., child. ln. P. L., N. Y. City.

Davis, Mary L., ln. P. L., Troy, N. Y.

Davis, O. S., ln. P. L., Laconia, N. H.

Davis, Mrs. O. S., Laconia, N. H.

Dayton, Hazel I., asst. Osterhout F. L., Wilkes-Barr�, Pa.

Dean, Florence M., asst. P. L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Dean, Mathew, 1180 Dean St., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Dean, Mrs. Mathew, 1180 Dean St., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Decker, Cora M., asst. ln. P. L., Scranton, Pa.

Decker, C. V. A., Kingston, N. Y.

Dice, J. H., stud. N. Y. State L. Sch., Albany, N. Y.

Dick, Margaret S., stud. N. Y. State L. Sch., Albany, N. Y.

Dickerson, L. L., ln. Grinnell Coll. L., Grinnell, Ia.

*Dickey, Helene L., ln. Chicago Teachers' Coll. L., Chicago, Ill.

Dickinson, Asa Don, editorial dept. Doubleday, Page & Co., Garden City, N. Y.

Dickinson, Mrs. A. D., Garden City, N. Y.

Diephuis, Albert, P. L., St. Louis, Mo.

Dilks, A. Irene, Bureau of Municipal Research, Dayton, O.

Dingman, Annie P., Yale Univ. L., New Haven, Conn.

Dixon, Vera M., ln. Applied Science L., Columbia Univ., N. Y. City.

Donnelly, June R., teacher L. Economy Washington Irving High Sch., N. Y. City.

Doren, Electra C, R. F. D. 13, Dayton, O.

Dougan, Alice M., asst. catalog dept. N. Y. State L., Albany, N. Y.

*Dougherty, Anna R., chief art dept. F. L., Philadelphia, Pa.

*Dougherty, H. T., ln. Sayles P. L., Pawtucket, R. I.

*Dougherty, Mrs. H. T., Pawtucket, R. I.

Drake, Jeannette M., ln. P. L., Sioux City, Ia.

Drake, Ruth B., asst. catlgr. P. L., Cincinnati, O.

Draper, Anne E., ln. Bureau of Chemistry, Washington, D. C.

Draper, Miriam S., ln. Child. Museum L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Du Bois, Isabel, br. ln. P. L., Fort Wayne, Ind.

Du Bois, Mrs. Lanetta E., New Paltz, N. Y.

**Dudgeon, M. S., sec'y Wis. F. L. Com., Madison, Wis.

Duff, Ida J., child. ln. Bushwick Br. P. L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Duncan, Anne S., Port Huron, Mich.

Dutcher, Marion F., catlgr. Adriance Mem. L., Poughkeepsie, N. Y.

Dwyer, Winifred G., asst. F. P. L., Bayonne, N. J.

Earhart, Frances E., ln. P. L., Duluth, Minn.

Eastman, Edith L., asst. ln. Wesleyan Univ. L., Middletown, Conn.

Eastman, Linda A., vice-ln. P. L., Cleveland, O.

Eastman, William R., Albany, N. Y.

Eastwood, Mary E., asst. N. Y. State L., Albany, N. Y.

Eaton, Alice L., ln. Norman Williams P. L., Woodstock, Vt.

Ehle, Mary E., ln. Potter Br. P. L., Utica, N. Y.

Elder, Vera, asst. P. L., N. Y. City.

Elliot, Mrs. Portia W., Albany, N. Y.

Ellis, Ruth M., catlgr. Hamilton Coll. L., Clinton, N. Y.

Elston, Catharine, ln. Univ. of Pittsburgh L., Pittsburgh, Pa.

Engle, Emma R., chief child. dept. F. L., Philadelphia, Pa.

Entler, Marguerite H., asst. L. Assn., Portland, Ore.

Evans, Adelaide F., head catlgr. F. P. L., Louisville, Ky.

Evans, Alice G., ln. F. P. L., Decatur, Ill.

Evans, G. H., ln. P. L., Woburn, Mass.

Evans, Margaret H., child. ln. P. L., Buffalo, N. Y.

Everhart, Ethel, child. ln. P. L. Br., N. Y. City.

Ewing, Ariel M., Philadelphia, Pa.

Fairbanks, Ellen A., Woodstock, Vt.

Farquhar, Alice M., br. ln. P. L., Chicago, Ill.

Farr, Mary P., L. organizer, Philadelphia, Pa.

Farrell, Winnifred, ln. Merrick P. L., Brookfield, Mass.

Farrington, Chas. E., br. ln. P. L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Fauteux, Aegidius, ln. Bibliotheque St. Sulpice, Montreal, Canada.

*Faxon, F. W., mgr. L. dept. Boston Book Co., Boston, Mass.

*Faxon, Mrs. F. W., Boston, Mass.

*Faxon, Mrs. Marcus, 86 Huntington Ave., Boston, Mass.

Feazel, E. A., ln. Law L. Assn., Cleveland, O.

Feipel, L. N., catlgr. U. S. Naval Academy L., Annapolis, Md.

Feipel, Mrs. L. N., Annapolis, Md.

Field, O. J., chief clk. Dept. of Justice, Washington, D. C.

Field, Pearl I., supervisor of special deposits P. L., Chicago, Ill.

Finney, Byron A., ref. ln. Univ. of Mich. L., Ann Arbor, Mich.

Finney, Mrs. B. A., Ann Arbor, Mich.

Fisher, Mary C., Ossining, N. Y.

Fisk, Mary V., ln. Toledo Law Assn., Toledo, O.

Fison, H. W., ln. P. L., Malden, Mass.

Flagg, C. A., ln. P. L., Bangor, Me.

Fletcher, Fanny B., trus. Fletcher Mem. L. of Ludlow, Proctorsville, Vt.

Flexner, Jennie M., head of circulation dept. F. P. L., Louisville, Ky.

Foote, Elizabeth L., br. ln. P. L., N. Y. City.

Ford, Eva M., asst. sec'y A. L. A., Chicago, Ill.

Fossler, Anna, supervisor serial dept. Columbia Univ. L., N. Y. City.

Foye, Charlotte H., senior asst. John Crerar L., Chicago, Ill.

Francis, Gertrude, East Orange, N. J.

Franke, Helena C, ln. F. P. L., Bound Brook, N. J.

Freeman, Abigail A., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Freeman, Alice M., Boston, Mass.

Freeman, Marilla W., ln. Goodwyn Inst. L., Memphis, Tenn.

Freidus, Abraham S., chief Jewish division P. L., N. Y. City.

Frost, Elizabeth R., ref. ln. Silas Bronson L., Waterbury, Conn.

Frost, Sarah L., ln. Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass.

Fuller, G. W., ln. P. L., Spokane, Wash.

Fuller, H. de W., asst. editor N. Y. "Nation," N. Y. City.

Fuller, Mrs. H. D., N. Y. City.

Fullerton, Caroline Q., ref. ln. F. P. L., Louisville, Ky.

Fulton, Edith, br. ln. F. P. L., Philadelphia, Pa.

Gamble, William Burt, chief. Tech. Div. N. Y. P. L., N. Y. City.

Gardner, Anna M. D., Troy, N. Y.

Gardner, Mrs. I. J., N. Troy, N. Y.

Garland, Caroline H., ln. P. L., Dover, N. H.

Garvin, Ethel, custodian special libs., P. L., Providence, R. I.

Gaston, Ethelwyn, Newark, N. J.

Gates, Edith M.. senior asst. F. P. L.. Worcester, Mass.

Gates, Marguerite L., F. P. L., Newark, N. J.

Gault, Bertha H., catlgr. Mt. Holyoke Coll. L., South Hadley, Mass.

Gaylord, H. J., bookseller, Syracuse. N. Y.

Gaylord, Mrs. H. J., Syracuse, N. Y.

Geddes, Helen C, head catlgr. Bryn Mawr Coll. L., Bryn Mawr, Pa.

George, C. A., ln. F. P. L., Elizabeth, N. J.

George, Mrs. C. A., Elizabeth, N. J.

George, Miss, Elizabeth, N. J.

Gerber, May M., child. asst. P. L., N. Y. City.

Gerould, J. T., ln. Univ. of Minn. L., Minneapolis, Minn.

Gibbs, Charlotte M., Wareham, Mass.

Gibbs, Laura R., catalog reviser Columbia Univ. L., N. Y. City.

Gilkey, Malina A., asst. catalog div. L. of Congress, Washington, D. C.

Glenn, M. R., ln. American Bankers' Assn., N. Y. City.

Godard, G. S., ln. Conn. State L., Hartford, Conn.

Goddard, W. D., ln. Naval War Coll. L., Newport, R. I.

Goding, Sarah E., 1st asst. F. L., Philadelphia, Pa.

Goeks, H. M., ln. Mott Haven Br. P. L., N. Y. City.

Goeppinger, Eva C, asst. P. L., So. Norwalk, Conn.

Goldberg, Bessie, head catlgr. P. L., Chicago, Ill.

Gooch, Harriet B., instructor Pratt Inst., Sch. of L. Science, Brooklyn, N. Y.

Goodell, Frederick, asst. P. L., N. Y. City.

Goodrich, N. L., ln. Dartmouth Coll. L., Hanover, N. H.

Goodwin, J. E., ln. Univ. of Texas, Austin, Tex.

Gould, C. H., ln. McGill Univ. L., Montreal, Canada.

Goulding, P. S., catalog ln. Univ. of Ill. L., Urbana, Ill.

Goulding, Mrs. P. S., Urbana, Ill.

Grabau, Mrs. Mary Antin, Scarsdale, N. Y.

Graf, W. H., N. Y. City.

Grant, Agnes M., asst. P. L., Detroit, Mich.

Grasty, Katharine G., ln. Eastern High Sch. L., Baltimore, Md.

Graves, Eva W., stud. N. Y. State L. Sch., Albany, N. Y.

Gray, Elizabeth P., Washington, D. C.

Gray, Florence B., asst. leg. ref. dept. N. Y. State L., Albany, N. Y.

Green, C. R., ln. Mass. Agricultural Coll. L.. Amherst, Mass.

Green, Janet M., br. ln. P. L., Chicago, Ill.

Green, Lola M. B., catlgr. legal dept. Am. Tel. & Tel. Accounting L., N. Y. City.

Greene, L. E., Haines Falls, N. Y.

Gunter, Lillian, ln. P. L., Gainesville, Tex.

Guntermann, Bertha, 1st asst. order and accession dept. F. P. L., Louisville, Ky.

Gwyn, Julia R., br. ln. P. L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Hackett, Ann, asst. Carnegie-Stout L., Dubuque, Ia.

Hackett, Irene A., ln. F. P. L., Englewood, N. J.

Hadley, Anna, ln. Gilbert Sch. L., Winsted, Conn.

Hafner, Alfred, bookseller, N. Y. City.

Hagey, E. Joanna, ln. P. L., Cedar Rapids, Ia.

Hagey, Mrs. E. M., Cedar Rapids, Ia.

Haines, Mabel R., ln. F. P. L., Summit, N. J.

Hall, Drew B., ln. P. L., Somerville, Mass.

Hall, Mrs. D. B., Somerville, Mass.

Hall, Mary E., ln. Girls' High Sch., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Halliday, Sara L., N. Y. City.

Halpert, Freda, asst. Carnegie L., Duquesne, Pa.

Halsey, Francis W., N. Y. City.

Halsey, Levantia, Umadilla, N. Y.

Hammond, Marie A., catlgr. Miami Univ. L., Oxford, O.

Handy, D. N., ln. Insurance L. Assn. of Boston, Boston, Mass.

Handy, Mrs. D. N., Boston, Mass.

Hardy, A. Marie, N. Y. P. L. Sch., N. Y. City.

Hardy, Mary T., asst. ref. dept. P. L., Grand Rapids, Mich.

Hardy, Sue, N. Y. City.

Haring, Freda, Richland L. Co., Quakertown, Pa.

Harris, Miss F. S., Roxborough L., Philadelphia, Pa.

Harrison, J. L., ln. Forbes L., Northampton, Mass.

Harron, Mrs. Julia S., P. L., Cleveland, O.

Harrsen, Meta P., asst. P. L., N. Y. City.

Hartwell, Mary A., catlgr. Pub. Doc. Office, Washington, D. C.

Hastings, C. H., chief of card section L. of Congress, Washington, D. C.

Hatfield, Addie E., prin. and ln. State Normal Sch., Oneonta, N. Y.

Haupt, Lura P., br. ln. P. L., Cleveland, O.

Hawkins, Eleanor E., head catlgr. P. L., Kansas City, Mo.

Hawkins, Enid M., ln. Stevens Inst. of Technology, Hoboken, N. J.

Hawkins, Jean, instructor N. Y. State L. Sch., Albany, N. Y.

Hawkins, Mrs. W. M., Buffalo, N. Y.

Hawks, Emma B., asst. ln. Dept. of Agriculture L., Washington, D. C.

Hawley, Josephine, asst. ln. P. L., Scranton, Pa.

Hayes, Edith P., P. L., Somerville, Mass.

Hayes, Ethel M., acting ln. Tufts Coll. L., Tufts College, Mass.

Haynes, Emily M., ln. Worcester Polytechnic Inst., Worcester, Mass.

*Haynes, Frances E., asst. ln. Mt. Holyoke Coll. L., So. Hadley, Mass.

Haynes, Susan L., ln. Joshua Hyde P. L., Sturbridge, Mass.

Hazeltine, Mary E., preceptor Univ. of L. Sch., Madison, Wis.

Hedrick, Ellen A., catalog reviser Yale Univ. L., New Haven, Conn.

Heitkamp, Aline A., br. ln. P. L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Hemans, Ida M., ln. N. Y. State Normal Sch. L., Geneseo, N. Y.

Hendrick, Ellen A., New Haven, Conn.

Hennessy, Edith M., Hotel Belmont, N. Y. City.

Herber, Elizabeth R., chief child. and bindery depts. F. P. L., Bayonne, N. J.

Herman, Mary L., sec'y Town Room, Boston, Mass.

Hewitt, L. E., ln. Law Assn. of Philadelphia, Pa.

Hicks, F. C., asst. ln. Columbia Univ. L., N. Y. City.

Hicks, Mary L., asst. ln. P. L., Evansville, Ind.

Hiersemann, A., bookseller and publisher, K�nigstr. 29, Leipzig, Germany.

Higgins, Alice G., child. ln. P. L., Utica, N. Y.

**Hill, Frank P., ln. P. L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Hill, Galen W., ln. Millicent L., Fairhaven, Mass.

Hill, Helen, ln. William Penn High Sch. L., Philadelphia, Pa.

Hinsdale, Louise G., ln. F. P. L., East Orange, N. J.

Hiss, Sophie K., head catlgr. P. L., Cleveland, O.

Hitchler, Theresa, supt. catalog dept. P. L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Hobart, Frances, ln. Bixby Mem. F. L., Vergennes, Vt.

Hodges, N. D. C., ln. P. L., Cincinnati, O.

Hoff, Mary C., Stamford, Conn.

Hoff, Susan H., Stamford, Conn.

Holliday, Sara L., Lederle Laboratories, 39 W. 38th St., N. Y. City.

Holmes, Dagmar O., asst. P. L., N. Y. City.

Holmes, W. C., asst. tech. ln. Carnegie L., Pittsburgh, Pa.

Hopkins, Jessica, ln. P. L., Paducah, Ky.

Hopkins, Julia A., instructor Pratt Inst., Sch. of L. Science, Brooklyn, N. Y.

Hopkins, Ruth G., child. ln. P. L. Brooklyn, N. Y.

Hopper, F. F., ln. P. L., Tacoma, Wash.

Horne, Lulu, ln. City L., Lincoln, Neb.

**Horton, Mabel P., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Hosmer, Helen R., ln. General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y.

Hough, R. B., author and publisher, Lowville, N. Y.

*Howe, Harriet E., head catlgr. P. L., Minneapolis, Minn.

Hubbard, Mrs. Georgia M., head Hist. R. and Binding, Grand Rapids, Mich.

Hubbell, Jane P., ln. P. L., Rockford, Ill.

Hughes, H. L., ln. F. P. L., Trenton, N. J.

Hulburd, Anna A., asst. Univ. of Ill. L., Urbana, Ill.

Hull, Fanny, br. ln. P. L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Hunt, Clara W., supt. child. dept. P. L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Hunt, Marietta L., asst. ln. L. Assn., Portland, Ore.

Huntting, H. R., bookseller, Springfield, Mass.

Huston, Caroline B., director of Haines Falls F. L., Haines Falls, N. Y.

Hutchenrider, Rose, 1st asst. Waco P. L., Waco, Tex.

Hutchinson, Mary D., br. ln. P. L., Cleveland, O.

Hutchinson, Susan A., ln. Museum L., Brooklyn Inst., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Hyde, Sara G., reviser Yale Univ. L., New Haven, Conn.

Ibbotson, J. D., Jr., ln. Hamilton Coll. L., Clinton, N. Y.

Imhoff, Ono M., ln. National Progressive League, N. Y. City.

Ingalls, Florence L., stud. N. Y. State L. Sch., Albany, N. Y.

Jameson, Mary E., stud. N. Y. P. L. Sch., N. Y. City.

*Jast, L. Stanley, honorary sec'y L. Assn. of Great Britain and ln. Croydon P. Libs., London, Eng.

Jeffers, LeRoy, asst. ln. and chief book order dept. P. L., N. Y. City.

Jennings, J. T., ln. P. L., Seattle, Wash.

Jessup, Maud M., P. L., Grand Rapids, Mich.

Joeckel, Carleton B., supt. circulation dept. Cal. Univ. L., Berkeley, Cal.

Johnson, Florence A., ln. Town Room, Boston, Mass.

Johnson, Josephine M., asst. P. L., Chicago, Ill.

Johnson, Sally W., Mt. Airy, Philadelphia, Pa.

Johnston, R. H., ln. Bureau of Railway Economics L., Washington, D. C.

Johnston, W. Dawson, ln. Columbia Univ. L., N. Y. City.

Johnstone, Ursula K., asst. P. L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Jones, E. Kathleen, ln. McLean Hospital, Waverley, Mass.

Jones, Gardner M., ln. P. L., Salem, Mass.

Jones, Marion E., asst. Harlem Br. P. L., N. Y. City.

Jones, Mary L., ln. Bryn Mawr Coll. L., Bryn Mawr, Pa.

Jones, Mildred K., asst. Utica P. L., Utica, N. Y.

Jordan, Alice M., custodian child. dept. P. L., Boston, Mass.

Josephson, A. G. S., catlgr. John Crerar L., Chicago, Ill.

Josselyn, L. W., ln. P. L., Jacksonville, Fla.

Kammerling, Edith, asst. in charge civics dept. P. L., Chicago, Ill.

Keator, Alfred D., stud. N. Y. State L. Sch., Albany, N. Y.

Kelley, Grace, asst. John Crerar L., Chicago, Ill.

Kellogg, Mrs. R. C., trus. Richards L., Warrensburg, N. Y.

Kelso, Tessa L., Baker & Taylor Co., N. Y. City.

Kendall, Alice G., "Library Journal," N. Y. City.

Keogh, Andrew, ref. ln. Yale Univ. L., New Haven, Conn.

Kerr, W. H., ln. State Normal Sch. L., Emporia, Kan.

Kessel, Martha C., stud. N. Y. State L. Sch., Albany, N. Y.

Kiennicutt, Mrs., Worcester, Mass.

Kikelhan, R., Haines Falls, N. Y.

Kilbourne, F. W., editor of Publications, P. L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Kilbourne, Mrs. F. W., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Kimball, Florence B., catlgr. Sayles P. L., Pawtucket, R. I.

Kimball, W. C., chairman N. J. P. L. Com. and trus. P. L., Passaic, N. J.

Kimball, Mrs. W. C., Passaic, N. J.

King, Elizabeth McB., catlgr. legal dept. Am. Tel. & Tel. Co., N. Y. City.

King, Ellen, br. ln. F. L., Philadelphia, Pa.

Kingsbury, N. C., vice-pres. Am. Tel. & Tel. Co., N. Y. City.

Kinney, Grace E., card section L. of Congress, Washington, D. C.

Klingelsmith, Mrs. Margaret C., ln. Biddle Law L., Univ. of Pa., Philadelphia, Pa.

Knodel, Emma, ln. Guiteau P. L., Irvington-on-Hudson, N. Y.

Knowles, Leah M., P. L., Trenton, N. J.

Koehl, Stephen, Tablet and Ticket Co., Woodhaven, L. I.

Kostomlatsky, Zulema, stud. N. Y. State L. Sch., Albany, N. Y.

Krause, Louise B., ln. H. M. Byllesby & Co., Chicago, Ill.

Krouse, Edna L., ln. F. P. L., Scottdale, Pa.

Lange, Alma G., child. ln. Withers P. L., Bloomington, Ill.

Lansing, Pauline D., order clerk P. L., Buffalo, N. Y.

Lapp, J. A., director Ind. Legislative Bu., Indianapolis, Ind.

Laskey, Julia, Washington, D. C.

Latham, Calhoun, ln. and supt. P. L. Bridgeport, Conn.

Latimer, Louise P., supervisor of work with Schs., P. L., Washington, D. C.

La Tourette, Alexandrine, ln. Carnegie P. L., Iron Mountain, Mich.

Lauder, E. Louise, asst. catlgr. P. L., Binghamton, N. Y.

Leach, Howard S., asst. to ln. Princeton Univ. L., Princeton, N. J.

Lease, Evelyn S., ln. Kellogg-Hubbard L., Montpelier, Vt.

Leavitt, Miss M. V., charge ref. gifts P. L., N. Y. City.

Lee, G. W., ln. Stone & Webster, Boston, Mass.

Leeper, Rosa M., ln. P. L., Dallas, Tex.

Legler, Henry E., ln. P. L., Chicago, Ill.

Legler, Mrs. Henry E., Chicago, Ill.

Lemcke, Ernst, pub. and bookseller, N. Y. City.

Leonard, Grace F., ln. Providence Athenaeum, Providence, R. I.

Leonard, Mary, br. ln. P. L., N. Y. City.

Leonard, Miriam L., 1st. asst. catlgr. P. L., Minneapolis, Minn.

Lesch, R., Detroit Pub. Co., 15 W. 38th St., N. Y. City.

Lester, C. B., leg. ref. ln. N. Y. State L., Albany, N. Y.

Lewinson, Leah, br. ln. P. L., N. Y. City.

Lewis, Cecilia, child. ln. P. L., Cleveland, O.

Lewis, W. P., stud. N. Y. State L. Sch., Albany, N. Y.

Libby, Marie C., Summit, N. J.

Lichtenstein, Walter, ln. Northwestern Univ. L., Evanston, Ill.

Lien, E. J., ln. State L., St. Paul, Minn.

Light, Matilda M., Dayton, O.

Lindgren, Elin, Pratt Inst. F. L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Lindholm, Marie F., asst. ln. P. Ser. Com. L., N. Y. City.

Linton, Gussie W., asst. ln., Johnstown, Pa.

Little, George T., ln. Bowdoin Coll. L., Brunswick, Me.

Lockwood, M. E., Haines Falls, N. Y.

Loring, Nano G., asst. ln. Coburn F. L., Owego, N. Y.

Lowenstein, Nina H., asst. P. L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

McAneny, George, pres. Borough of Manhattan, N. Y. City.

McAlarney, Kathrine H., asst. child. dept. F. L., Philadelphia, Pa.

McCambridge, Maria M., br. ln., Youngstown, O.

McCarty, Harriet D., ln. P. L., Sewickley, Pa.

McClelland, A. F., Passaic, N. J.

McClelland, Maude, ln. Girls' High Sch., Passaic, N. J.

McCombs, Charles F., stud. N. Y. State L. Sch., Albany, N. Y.

McCormick, Ada M., indus. and civics dept. P. L., Fort Wayne, Ind.

McDonagh, M. P., trus. P. L., London, Ont.

MacDonell, Mrs. A. F., ln. P. L., Bay City, Mich.

McDonell, Mrs., Bay City, Mich.

McGuiness, C. L., N. Y. City.

McKibben, Mrs. Florence, ln. P. L., Mt. Pleasant, Ia.

McKnight, Elizabeth B., ln. Barringer High Sch. Br. F. P. L., Newark, N. J.

McNeil, Laila A., catlgr. P. L., Brookline, Mass.

McVety, Margaret A., chief of Lending Dept. F. P. L., Newark, N. J.

Madden, J. H., ln. American Brass Co., Waterbury, Conn.

Malone, Marcella, br. ln. Queens Borough P. L., N. Y. City.

Maltby, Mrs. Adelaide B., br. ln. P. L., N. Y. City.

*Mann, B. Pickman, bibliographer, Washington, D. C.

*Mann, Mrs. B. P., Washington, D. C.

Mann, Laura, ln. Central High Sch. L., Washington, D. C.

Marion, G. E., ln. Arthur D. Little, Inc., L., Boston, Mass.

Markowitz, Augusta, br. ln. P. L., N. Y. City.

Martel, Charles, chief catalog div. L. of Congress, Washington, D. C.

Martin, Lena, ln. P. L., Gadsden, Ala.

Martwick, Mr., mgr. Tablet & Ticket Co., N. Y. City.

Marx, H. F., ln. P. L., Easton, Pa.

Massee, May, editor A. L. A. Booklist, Chicago, Ill.

Massey, Orpha Z., ln. Retail Credit Co., Atlanta, Ga.

Masters, Lydia W., asst. F. P. L., Watertown, Mass.

Masterson, F. Adele, ln. L. and Hist. Soc., Goshen, N. Y.

Matthews, Etta L., ln. Jacob Tome Inst. L., Port Deposit, Md.

Matthews, Harriet L., ln. P. L., Lynn, Mass.

Matthews, Nan, ward principal, Chestertown, Md.

Maurice, Nathalie A., ln. Madison Square Church House L., N. Y. City.

Mayo, Lillian L., 1st asst. South Br. P. L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Medlicott, Mary, ref. ln. City L., Springfield, Mass.

Mendlowitch, Pauline, filer P. L., N. Y. City.

Merrill, Julia W., chief br. ln. P. L., Cincinnati, O.

Mettee, A. H., ln. L. Co. of Baltimore Bar, Baltimore, Md.

Milam, C. H., sec'y and state organizer P. L. Com. of Ind., Indianapolis, Ind.

Miller, Clara, ln. McClymonds P. L., Massillon, O.

Miller, Louise V., ln. F. L., Dobbs Ferry, N. Y.

Miller, Ruth T., child ln. P. L., Cleveland, O.

Miller, Mrs. Warwick, br. ln. F. P. L., Louisville, Ky.

Mix, Faith, asst. Br. Dept. P. L., Chicago, Ill.

Monrad, Anna M., reviser Yale Univ. L., New Haven, Conn.

Montgomery, Thomas L., ln. State L., Harrisburg, Pa.

Montgomery, Mrs. T. L., Harrisburg, Pa.

Moore, Annie C., supervisor Child. Rooms, P. L., N. Y. City.

Morgan, Margaret, br. ln. P. L., Providence, R. I.

Morley, Linda H., br. ln. F. P. L., Newark, N. J.

**Morris, Louise R., F. P. L., Summit, N. J.

Morrison, Bird, br. ln. P. L., Chicago, Ill.

Morrow, J. F., Chicago, Ill.

Morse, Anna L., ln. Reuben McMillan F. L., Youngstown, O.

Morton, F. N., ln. United Gas Improvement Co., Philadelphia, Pa.

Morton, Mary E., catlgr. P. L., London, Ont.

*Moulton, J. G., ln. P. L., Haverhill, Mass.

Mudge, Isadore G., ref. ln. Columbia Univ. L., N. Y. City.

Mueser, Emilie, N. Y. City.

Mulford, Anna, trus. John Jermain L., Sag Harbor, N. Y.

*Munroe, E., Cambridge, Mass.

Murray, Margaret E., ln. Filene Ref. L., Boston, Mass.

Muzzy, A. Florence, asst. N. Y. P. L., N. Y. City.

Myers, Frances E., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Nason, Sabra L., acting ln. P. L., Waterloo, Ia.

Nelson, Peter, asst. archivist, State L., Albany, N. Y.

Newberry, Marie A., ref. asst. P. L., N. Y. City.

Newhard, Mabel, ln. P. L., Virginia, Minn.

Newman, Frances, stud. Carnegie L. Training Sch., Atlanta, Ga.

Newman, Magdalen R., catlgr. Nat'l Museum L., Smithsonian Inst., Washington, D. C.

Nissley, Mabel H., Leg. Ref. Bu., Harrisburg, Pa.

Nodek, Mathilda S., ln. Hebrew Inst. Br. P. L., Chicago, Ill.

Nolan, Dr. E. J., ln. Academy of Nat. Sci. L., Philadelphia, Pa.

Norman, Carl, mgr. Albert Bonnier's Pub. House, N. Y. City.

Norris, Loraine, br. ln. F. P. L., Louisville, Ky.

Norton, Dorothea G., child ln. P. L., Yonkers, N. Y.

Noyes, Charlotte G., ln. General Electric Co. L., Schenectady, N. Y.

Nunns, Annie A., sec'y to supt. State Hist. Soc., Madison, Wis.

O'Connor, Alice K., stud. P. L. Sch., N. Y. City.

*Ogden, E. Jane, asst. Art Dept. F. L., Philadelphia, Pa.

Oko, A. S., ln. Hebrew Union Coll. L., Cincinnati, O.

Olcott, A. V. S., 38 W. 39th St., N. Y. City.

Oliphant, C. J., Longmans Green & Co., N. Y. City.

*Osborn, L. P., ln. Peabody Inst. L., Peabody, Mass.

*Osborn, Mrs. L. P., ln. Peabody Hist. Soc., Peabody, Mass.

Otter, Alice, Wayne, Pa.

Overton, Clara S., asst. child. ln. P. L., N. Y. City.

Overton, Florence, ln. Yorkville Br. P. L., N. Y. City.

Overton, Miss J. M., child. ln. N. Y. P. L., N. Y. City.

Page, Benjamin, Meriden, Conn.

Palmer, Mary B., ln. Carnegie L., Charlotte, N. C.

Palmer, Maud, Wareham, Mass.

Paltsits, V. H., chrm. P. Archives Com. of Am. Hist. Assn., N. Y. City.

Parker, Glen, Baker & Taylor Co., N. Y. City.

Parker, John, ln. Peabody Inst., Baltimore, Md.

Parsons, Mary P., N. Y. State L., Albany, N. Y.

Partch, Isa L., br. ln. P. L., Detroit, Mich.

Patterson, Edith, ln. P. L., Bloomsburg, Pa.

Peacock, J. L., ln. Memorial & P. L., Westerly, R. I.

Pearson, Edmund L., "The Librarian," Boston Transcript, Newburyport, Mass.

Pearson, Mary K., child. ln. P. L., Cleveland, O.

Pendry, Eliza R., child. ln. Hiram Kelly Br. P. L., Chicago, Ill.

Peoples, W. T., ln. Mercantile L., N. Y. City.

Peoples, Mrs. W. T., N. Y. City.

Perry, Everett R., ln. P. L., Los Angeles, Cal.

Perry, Mrs. E. R., Los Angeles, Cal.

**Peters, Mary G., ln. F. P. L., Bayonne, N. J.

Peterson, M. Leona, ln. P. Sch. L., Kane, Pa.

Phelan, J. F., chief of Branches, P. L., Chicago, Ill.

Phelps, Anna R., L. organizer N. Y. State L., Albany, N. Y.

Phelps, Edith A., ln. Carnegie L., Oklahoma City, Okla.

Phillips, Mary E., ex-ln., Oneonta, N. Y.

Pidgeon, Marie K., stud. N. Y. State L. Sch., Albany, N. Y.

Pierce, Frances M., ln. Fletcher Mem. L., Ludlow, Vt.

Pinneo, Dotha S., ln. P. L., Norwalk, Conn.

Plummer, Mary W., prin. L. Sch., P. L., N. Y. City.

Poole, F. O., ln. Assoc. of the Bar L., N. Y. City.

Porter, W. T., trus. P. L., Cincinnati, O.

Power, Effie L., supervisor child. work, P. L., St. Louis, Mo.

Powers, W. H., ln. So. Dak. Agric. Coll. L., Brookings, S. D.

Pratt, Anne S., catlgr. Yale Univ. L., New Haven, Conn.

Pratt, Edna B., organizer N. J. P. L. Com., Trenton, N. J.

Preston, Nina K., ln. Hall-Fowler Mem. L., Ionia, Mich.

Prevost, Marie L., asst. ln. F. P. L., Elizabeth, N. J.

Price, F. H., asst. F. L., Philadelphia, Pa.

Prince, H. C., ln. State L., Augusta, Me.

Pritchard, Martha C, organizer., Scarsdale, N. Y.

Proudfoot, Helen, stud. N. Y. State L. Sch., Albany, N. Y.

Prouty, Louise, ln. Lorain Br. P. L., Cleveland, O.

Pugsley, Maud M., br. ln. F. P. L., Newark, N. J.

Putman, Herbert, ln. L. of Congress, Washington, D. C.

Radford, Mary R., ln. F. P. L., Muskogee, Okla.

Ranck, S. H., ln. P. L., Grand Rapids, Mich.

Randel, Mrs. H. H., Tablet & Ticket Co., N. Y. City.

Raney, M. L., ln. Johns Hopkins Univ. L., Baltimore, Md.

Rankin, G. W., ln. P. L., Fall River, Mass.

Rathbone, Josephine A., vice-dir. Sch. of L. Sci., Pratt Inst., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Rawson, Fannie C., sec'y Ky. L. Com., Frankfort, Ky.

Ray, Frances K., Medical ln. N. Y. State L., Albany, N. Y.

Redstone, E. N., Boston, Mass.

Reed, Amy L., ln. Vassar Coll. L., Poughkeepsie, N. Y.

Reeves, Frances E., Schenectady, N. Y.

Reich, Pauline, 1st asst. Br. P. L., Cleveland, O.

Reid, Adelia, asst. ln. State L., Lansing, Mich.

Reinick, W. R., chief P. Doc. Dept., F. L., Philadelphia, Pa.

Reque, Anna C., classifier, P. L., Chicago, Ill.

Reynolds, Margaret, ln. Milwaukee-Downer Coll., Milwaukee, Wis.

Rhoades, Rachel, ref. ln. P. L., Superior, Wis.

Rhodes, Isabella K., asst. Ref. Dept. N. Y. State L., Albany, N. Y.

Rice, P. N., asst. ref. ln. Ohio State Univ. L., Columbus, O.

Richards, Miss C., trus. Richards L., Warrensburgh, N. Y.

Richardson, E. C., ln. Princeton Univ. L., Princeton, N. J.

Richardson, Margaret, Waterloo, Ia.

Robbins, Mary E., ln. & chrm. L. faculty, Simmons Coll. L., Boston, Mass.

Roberts, Effie I., asst. ln. Carnegie L., Wabash, Ind.

Roberts, Mary H., asst. ref. ln. State L., Indianapolis, Ind.

Robinson, Helen F., dean's sec'y and head of R. R. Harvard Divinity Sch., Cambridge, Mass.

Robinson, Julia A., supervising ln. State Institutions of Ia., Des Moines, Ia.

Robinson, Rev. L. M., ln. Phila. Divinity Sch., Philadelphia, Pa.

**Robinson, Sylvia, Brooklyn, N. Y.

Rockwell, Anna G., ln. New Britain Inst., New Britain, Conn.

Roden, C. B., asst. ln. P. L., Chicago, Ill.

Rogers, Katharine B., head catlgr. F. P. L., Trenton, N. J.

Rogers, Mary E., New Britain, Conn.

Rolland, Anna P., ln. P. L., Dedham, Mass.

Root, Mrs. Mary E. S., child. ln. P. L., Providence, R. I.

Roper, Eleanor, br. ln. Queens Borough P. L., Flushing, N. Y.

Rosenthal, Herman, in charge Slavonic Div., P. L., N. Y. City.

Rowell, W. C., Eastern rep. H. W. Wilson Co., N. Y. City.

Royall, Rebecca, ln. Carnegie L., Cleburne, Tex.

Ruckteshler, N. Louise, ln. Guernsey Mem. L. & Follett Mem. Supreme Ct. Law L., Norwich, N. Y.

Rupp, Alice, N. Y. City.

Rush, C. E., ln. F. P. L., St. Joseph, Mo.

Rush, Mrs. C. E., St. Joseph, Mo.

Russell, Florence, ref. ln. F. P. L., New Haven, Conn.

Ryan, M. Lillian, asst. P. L., Chicago, Ill.

Sackett, Josephine T., stud. N. Y. State L. Sch., Albany, N. Y.

Sanborn, H. N., ln. Univ. Club, Chicago, Ill.

Sanborn, W. F., ln. P. L., Cadillac, Mich.

Sanborn, Mrs. W. F., Cadillac, Mich.

Sanderson, Edna M., registrar N. Y. State L. Sch., Albany, N. Y.

Sargent, Abby L., ln. P. L., Medford, Mass.

Savage, Etta V., stud. N. Y. State L. Sch., Albany, N. Y.

Sawyer, Mrs. Harriet P., chief Instruc. Dept. P. L., St. Louis, Mo.

Saxe, Mary P., ln. Westmount L., Montreal, Can.

Schaanning, Maja, stud. N. Y. State L. Sch., Albany, N. Y.

Schenk, F. W., law ln. Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.

Schenk, Mrs. F. W., Chicago, Ill.

Scholefield, E. O. S., ln. Provincial L., Victoria, B. C.

Schooley, Altie, br. asst. P. L., Passaic, N. J.

Schwab, J. C., ln. Yale Univ. L., New Haven, Conn.

Sears, Minnie E., head catlgr., Minnesota Univ. L., Minneapolis, Minn.

Secombe, Annabell C., ln. F. L., Milford, N. H.

See, Alice, stud. N. Y. State L. Sch., Albany, N. Y.

Settle, George T., ln. F. P. L., Louisville, Ky.

Settle, Mrs. George T., Louisville, Ky.

Severance, H. O., ln. Univ. of Mo. L., Columbia, Mo.

Sewall, W. F., ln. P. L., Toledo, O.

Sewall, Mrs. W. F., Toledo, O.

Seward, W. F., ln. P. L., Binghamton, N. Y.

Shaver, Mary M., classifier & catlgr. Vassar Coll. L., Poughkeepsie, N. Y.

Shearer, A. H., Newberry L., Chicago, Ill.

Shelly, Adah, ln. P. L., Sault St. Marie, Mich.

Sherwood, Grace, dir. Legis. Ref. Bu., State L., Providence, R. I.

Shivers, Anne O., ln. F. P. L., Perth Amboy, N. J.

Shoemaker, Katharine H., ln. Stephens Mem. L. of Manaynuk, Philadelphia, Pa.

Sibley, Jessie G., child. ln. P. L., N. Y. City.

Sibley, Mrs. Mary J., acting ln. Syracuse Univ. L., Syracuse, N. Y.

Simpson, Frances, asst. dir. L. Sch., Univ. of Illinois, Urbana, Ill.

Slomann, P. F. V., stud. N. Y. State L. Sch., Albany, N. Y.

Small, A. J., law ln. Iowa State L., Des Moines, Ia.

Smith, Bessie Sargeant, supervisor Smaller Branches P. L., Cleveland, O.

Smith, Elizabeth, inst. Syracuse Univ. L. Sch., Syracuse, N. Y.

Smith, Elizabeth M., head Order Div. N. Y. State L., Albany, N. Y.

Smith, Ellen G., ln. F. P. L., Walla Walla, Wash.

Smith, Faith E., dir. Training Class, P. L., Chicago, Ill.

Smith, Florence S., br. ln. P. L., Kansas City, Mo.

Smith, Irene, asst. Open Shelf Room, P. L., Denver, Colo.

Smith, Laura, chief Catalog & Ref. Depts., P. L., Cincinnati, O.

Smith, Mary A., ln. P. L., La Crosse, Wis.

Smith, Mary A., ln. F. L., Madison, Wis.

Smith, Miriam G., New Rochelle, N. Y.

Sneed, Mrs. Percival, princ. Carnegie L. Training Sch., Atlanta, Ga.

Snyder, Mary B., br. ln. Queens Borough P. L., L. I. City, N. Y.

Sornborger, Harriet B., ln. Bancroft Mem. L., Hopedale, Mass.

Spaulding, F. B., asst. P. L., N. Y. City.

Speck, Mrs. Laura, asst. P. L., St. Louis, Mo.

Sperry, Earl E., ln. & dir. L. Sch., Syracuse Univ. L., Syracuse, N. Y.

Spofford, Edith C., 340 W. 85th St., N. Y. City.

Spofford, Mrs. Edith F., ln. Bu. of Mines L., Washington, D. C.

Spofford, Mrs. Lucinda F., br. ln. P. L., Somerville, Mass.

Stearns, Lutie E., chief Trav. L. Dept., Wis. F. L. Com., Madison, Wis.

Stebbins, H. L., asst. ln. Assoc. of the Bar L., N. Y. City.

Stebbins, Mary F., child. ln. P. L., Cleveland, O.

Stechert, F. C., pres. F. C. Stechert Co., Inc., booksellers, N. Y. City.

Stechert, Mrs. F. C., N. Y. City.

Steele, Edith McH., 1st. asst. Silas Bronson L., Waterbury, Conn.

Steele, Elizabeth K., ln. F. P. L., Lorain, O.

Steele, Ruby E., ln. P. L., Ansonia, Conn.

Steiner, Bernard C., ln. Enoch Pratt F. L., Baltimore, Md.

Stetson, Willis K., ln. F. P. L., New Haven, Conn.

Stevens, Edward F., ln. Pratt Inst. F. L., & dir. Sch. of L. Sci., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Stevens, Mrs. E. F., Brooklyn, N. Y.

*Stevenson, Luella M., 1st. asst. Carnegie F. L., Braddock, Pa.

Stewart, Edna S., Williamsport, Pa.

Stewart, Rose G., chief catlgr. F. L., Philadelphia, Pa.

Stollberg, Luella E., child. ln. P. L., Toledo, O.

Stonehouse, M. E., asst. L., Y. M. A., Central L., Albany, N. Y.

Strohm, Adam, ln. P. L., Detroit, Mich.

Strong, George F., ln. Adelbert Coll. L., Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland, O.

Strong, Mason, 7 Wall St., N. Y. City.

Studwell, Florence, N. Y. City.

Sturgis, Sarah L., Fort Wayne, Ind.

Subers, Helen D., L. organizer, Ashbourne, Pa.

Suter, Martha W., asst. in Book Selection & Annotation, N. Y. State L., Albany, N. Y.

Sutherland, Miss, Westmount L., Montreal, Can.

Sutherland, Elizabeth M., Internat. Joint Com., Ottawa, Canada.

Sutliff, Mary L., instr. N. Y. P. L. Sch., N. Y. City.

Swartout, Jessamine E., ln. Heermance Mem. L., Coxsackie, N. Y.

Tarr, Anna M., ln. F. P. L., Clinton, Ia.

Taylor, Grace A., sr. asst. P. L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Taylor, W. B. A., chief Ref. Accessions Div., P. L., N. Y. City.

Taylor, Mrs. W. B. A., N. Y. City.

Templeton, Charlotte, sec'y Neb. P. L. Com., Lincoln, Neb.

Thain, Mabel A., ln. P. L., Oak Park, Ill.

Thayer, Maude, ln. State L., Springfield, Ill.

Thompson, Dorothy H., asst. P. L., Grand Rapids, Mich.

Thompson, Grace, asst. F. P. L., Newark, N. J.

Thompson, Laura E., supt. of Branches P. L., Grand Rapids, Mich.

Thompson, Mary, Grand Rapids, Mich.

Thomson, John, ln. F. L., Philadelphia, Pa.

Thornton, Ella M., State L., Atlanta, Ga.

**Thwaites, R. G., supt. Wis. State His. Soc., Madison, Wis.

**Thwaites, Mrs. R. G., Madison, Wis.

Tiefenthaler, Leo, ln. Municipal Ref. Br., P. L., Milwaukee, Wis.

Tilton, Edward L., architect, N. Y. City.

Tobias, Ella F., asst. in charge Engineering L. Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Mich.

Tobitt, Edith, ln. P. L., Omaha, Neb.

Todd, Mary E., head of Periodical Dept., P. L., Syracuse, N. Y.

*Tolman, Mary M., Manchester, N. H.

Townsend, Eliza E., supt. of Br. Work, P. L., Spokane, Wash.

Townsend, Ruth H., br. ln. Queens Borough P. L., Far Rockaway, N. Y.

Towsley, Lena G., asst. child. ln. Pratt Inst. F. L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Travers, Rebecca B., child. room, 58th St. Br. P. L., N. Y. City.

Tripp, Geo. H., ln. P. L., New Bedford, Mass.

Tripp, Mrs. G. H., New Bedford, Mass.

Turvill, Helen, instr. Univ. of Wis. L. Sch., Madison, Wis.

Underhill, Adelaide, assoc. ln. Vassar Coll. L., Poughkeepsie, N. Y.

Underhill, Caroline M., ln. P. L., Utica, N. Y.

Underhill, Ethel P., child. ln. F. P. L., Worcester, Mass.

Utley, George B., sec'y American Library Assoc., Chicago, Ill.

Utley, Mrs. George B., Chicago, Ill.

Utterwick, Katharine A., asst. P. L., N. Y. City.

Vail, Alice I., stud. L. Sch. Pratt Inst., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Vaile, Lucretia, stud. N. Y. S. L. Sch., Albany, N. Y.

Valentine, Amy, 1st. asst. P. L., N. Y. City.

Van Valkenburgh, Agnes, inst. L. Sch. P. L., N. Y. City.

Vasbinder, Lida C., Leg. Ref. Sec., State L., Albany, N. Y.

Voge, A. L., 1st asst. Card Sec. L. of Congress, Washington, D. C.

Von Hohoff, Mrs. A. W., ln. Munic. Ref. L., N. Y. City.

Vrooman, Mrs. Kate B., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Wadlin, Horace G., ln. P. L., Boston, Mass.

Wait, Marie F., ln. Peddie Inst., Hightstown, N. J.

Wait, Maud A., 1st. asst. Central Circ. Br. P. L., N. Y. City.

Wales, Elizabeth B., sec'y Mo. L. Com., Jefferson City, Mo.

Walker, Catherine, stud. Carnegie L. Train. Sch., Atlanta, Ga.

Walkley, R. L., stud. N. Y. State L. Sch., Albany, N. Y.

Walter, Frank K., vice-dir. N. Y. State L. Sch., Albany, N. Y.

Walton, Miss G. M., ln. State Nor. Coll., Ypsilanti, Mich.

Wandell, Caroline, instr. Syracuse Univ. L. Sch., Syracuse, N. Y.

Ward, Helen M., supt. of circulation, P. L., Detroit, Mich.

Ward, Ruth L., sr. asst. Br. P. L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Warner, Cassandra, ref. ln. P. L., Kansas City, Mo.

Warner, Philip W., bookseller, Leary, Stuart & Co., Philadelphia, Pa.

Warren, Althea H., ln. Sears, Roebuck & Co., Chicago, Ill.

Waters, Alice G., ln. Essex Inst., Salem, Mass.

Waters, Caroline E., ln. College for Women, Cleveland, O.

Watson, W. R., chief Div. of Educ. Extension, N. Y. State L., Albany, N. Y.

Webb, K. Louise, asst. P. L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Webb, Nelle F., catlgr. Withers P. L., Bloomington, Ill.

Weber, Mrs. Jessie P., ln. Ill. State Hist. Soc., Springfield, Ill.

Weitenkampf, Frank, chief Art Dept. P. L., N. Y. City.

Wellman, H. C., ln. City L., Springfield, Mass.

Wells, Marion H., child. ln. P. L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Wetzell, Bertha S., catlgr. L. Co. of Phila., Philadelphia, Pa.

Wheeler, H. L., stud. N. Y. State L. Sch., Albany, N. Y.

Wheelock, Mary E., chief Binding Dept. P. L., St. Louis, Mo.

Whipple, Nellie M., asst. ln. P. L., Somerville, Mass.

Whitaker, Amelia, stud. Carnegie L. Training Sch., Atlanta, Ga.

Whitcomb, Adah F., ln. Hiram Kelley Br. P. L., Chicago, Ill.

White, Ella, child. ln. P. L., Cincinnati, O.

White, Gertrude F., child. ln. F. P. L., New Haven, Conn.

White, H. Elizabeth, ln. P. L., Passaic, N. J.

White, Mabel G., 1st. asst. br. ln. P. L., N. Y. City.

Whiteman, Edna A., supervisor Story Telling, Carnegie L., Pittsburgh, Pa.

Whitmore, Frank H., ln. P. L., Brockton, Mass.

Whitney, Esther, Brooklyn, N. Y.

Whittemore, Gertrude, ln. Narragansett L. Assoc., Peace Dale, R. I.

Whittemore, Grace M. (Mrs. Everard), ln. P. L., Hudson, Mass.

Wigley, Laura M., asst. Queens Borough P. L., L. I. City, N. Y.

Wilcox, B. C., 317 E. 18th St., N. Y. City.

Wilken, Harriet E., ln. F. L., Fayetteville, N. Y.

Willets, Lora A., asst. Br. P. L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Williams, Carrie L., asst. F. L., Newton, Mass.

Williams, Jennie C., instr. Margaret Morrison Carnegie Sch., C. I. T., Pittsburgh, Pa.

Williams, Ora, asst. L. organizer P. L. Com., Indianapolis, Ind.

Williams, Sophie, asst. catlgr. Hamilton Coll. L., Clinton, N. Y.

Williamson, Susan M., Elizabeth, N. J.

Willigerod, Alice, ln. P. L., Hazelton, Pa.

Willigerod, Mrs. Oscar, East Orange, N. J.

Wilsey, Della M., Pomona, Cal.

Wilson, H. G., sec'y P. L., Chicago, Ill.

Wilson, Mrs. H. G., Chicago, Ill.

*Wilson, H. W., pres. H. W. Wilson Co., publishers, Minneapolis, Minn.

*Wilson, Mrs. H. W., Minneapolis, Minn.

Wilson, Margaret S., asst. ln. Norwalk L., Norwalk, Conn.

Wilson, Martha, state supervisor of Sch. Lbs., St. Paul, Minn.

Wilson, Mrs. R. H., bookseller, N. Y. City.

Wing, C. F., New Bedford, Mass.

Wing, Mrs. C. F., New Bedford, Mass.

Winnett, W. H., trus. P. L., London, Ont.

Wire, Dr. G. E., deputy ln. Worcester Co. Law L. & dir. P. L., Worcester, Mass.

Wolcott, J. D., ln. Bu. of Educ., Washington, D. C.

Wolter, Peter, mgr. L. Dept., A. C. McClurg & Co., Chicago, Ill.

Wood, Frances E., sr. asst. P. L. Br., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Wood, Grace I., 1st. asst. Carnegie L., Cleburne, Tex.

Wood, Mary W., ln. Blackstone Br. P. L., Chicago, Ill.

Woodard, Gertrude E., Law L. Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Mich.

Woodcock, Mabel E., purchase asst. State L., Albany, N. Y.

Wooding, C. L., ln. F. P. L., Bristol, Conn.

Wooding, Mrs. C. L., Bristol, Conn.

Woodruff, Eleanor B., ref. ln. Pratt Inst. F. L., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Wootten, Katharine H., ln. and dir. L. Train. Sch. Carnegie L., Atlanta, Ga.

Wright, C. E., ln. Carnegie F. L., Duquesne, Pa.

Wright, Ethel C., Cleveland, O.

Wright, Purd B., ln. P. L., Kansas City, Mo.

Wright, Rebecca W., sec'y Bd. of L. Com., State House, Montpelier, Vt.

Wright, Ruth M., ln. State Nor. Sch., Tempe, Ariz.

Wyche, Benjamin, N. Y. Life Ins. Co., Atlanta, Ga.

Wyer, James I., Jr., dir. N. Y. State L., Albany, N. Y.

Wyer, Mrs. J. I., Jr., Albany, N. Y.

Wyer, William, Albany, N. Y.

Wynkoop, Asa, inspector P. Lib's, State L., Albany, N. Y.

Young, Gladys, stud. P. L. Sch., N. Y. City.

Young, Mrs. Olive P., John Jermain L., Sag Harbor, N. Y.

Yust, William F., ln. P. L., Rochester, N. Y.

Zachert, Adeline B., direc. of child. work, P. L., Rochester, N. Y.


Abbott, Lyman, letter from, 83.

Accessioning (of books), rpt. of com. on library administration, 126-8.

Affiliation of state library associations with A. L. A., amendment to constitution and by-law affecting, 167-8.

Affiliation with other than local, state and provincial library associations, rpt. of com. on, 256-7.

Agricultural libraries section, round table, 258-9.

Ahern, Mary Eileen, reads letters at symposium, 82; discusses work with college students, 198; discusses library in relation to business, 218-9; member of council, 236; chrm. com. on co-operation with N. E. A., 241.

Allen, William H., addresses Reference librarians' round table, 342.

American Association of law libraries, proceedings, 362-4.

American Library Association, president's address, 73-82; secretary's report, 99-103; treasurer's report, 103; rpt. of trustees of Carnegie and endowment funds, 111-3; rpt. of executive board, 237-42; rpt. of Council, 242-57; election of officers, 236; attendance summaries and register, 392-408.

A. L. A. Booklist, 105.

A. L. A. committees on blind. See Blind. bookbinding. See Bookbinding. bookbuying. See Bookbuying. co-operation with N. E. A. See National Education Association. co-ordination. See Co-ordination. federal and state relations. See Federal and state relations. finance. See Finance. international relations. See International relations. library administration. See Library administration. library training. See Library training. program. See Program. public documents. See Public documents. travel. See Travel. ---- constitution, amendment to, 167; by-law to, adopted, 168. ---- Council, amendment to constitution and by-law relative to election of members to, 167-8. ---- Executive board, 237-42. ---- membership (rpt. of secretary), 100. ---- necrology (rpt. of secretary), 102-3. ---- publicity (rpt. of secretary), 100-1. ---- Publishing board, rpt. of (Legler), 105-10; periodical cards, 105; Booklist, 105; new publications, 106; reprints, 106; A. L. A. catalog, 106-7; Manual of library economy, 107; advertising, 107; foreign lists, 107; financial report, 108; sales of publications, 109-10. ---- registration for library position (rpt. of secretary), 101. ---- representatives at other conferences, 101-2.

Anderson, E. H., rpt. as member of finance com., 111; presides second session, 144-ff; president of A. L. A., 236-7; chrm. program com., 242.

Antin, Mary, "The immigrant in the library," 145-9.

Andrus, Gertrude E., "How the library is meeting the changing conditions of child life," 188-93.

Andrews, C. W., rpt. as chrm. com. on finance, 104; moves amendment to by-law, 168; discusses library in relation to business, 219; chrm. finance com., 241; participates in fiction discussion, 255; rpt. as chrm. of affiliation com., 256-7.

Arnold, Sarah Louise, telegram from, 170.

"Art in the college library" (Weitenkampf), 315-9.

"As others see us," symposium, 82-98.

Attendance summaries and register. See American Library Association.

Ayer, C. W., obituary, 102.

Babbitt, C. J., memorial on, 364.

Bacon, Corinne, "Co-operation of libraries with library schools," 347-50; chrm. Professional training sect., 352.

Bacon, Corinne, reviews Brieux, "La femme seule," 236.

Bailey, A. L., member of council, 236; mem. com. on library training, 241; chrm. com. on bookbinding, 242.

Ball, Sarah B., "What any library can do for the business interests of the town," 336-9.

Bascom, Elva L., resignation as editor Booklist, 105.

Belden, C. F. D., mem. public documents com., 241; mem. com. on federal and state relations, 242.

Bennett, Arnold, letter from, 83.

Best, Mrs. A. S., letter from, 83-6.

Bill drafting, "Law that stands the test" (Dudgeon), 206-10.

Billings, J. S., obituary, 102; memorial resolution on, 169-70.

Bishop, W. W., participates in fiction discussion, 256.

Blackwelder, Paul, reviews Hine "Modern organization," 236; mem. com. on federal and state relations, 242.

Bliss, H. E., "Some practical considerations regarding classification for libraries," 309-15.

Blind, rpt. of com. on work with, 136-9; com. on, 242.

Book, evolution of the. "World of print and the world's work: president's address" (Legler), 73-82.

Bookbinding, rpt. of com. on, 113-4; com. on, 242.

Bookbuying, rpt. of com. on, 114-25.

Books and reading. "The friendly book" (Walton), 224-9; "How to discourage reading" (Pearson), 230-6.

Bostwick, Andrew L., presents paper on relations between the municipal library and legislators, 382.

Bostwick, Arthur E., represents A. L. A. at North Dakota, Minnesota and Iowa meetings, 101; chrm. com. on administration, 241; "The quality of fiction," 253-4; "Administration of a catalog dep't," 266-7; "Volume" of children's work in the U. S., 287-91.

Bowerman, G. F., mem. com. on administration, 241.

Bowker, R. R., member of Council, 236; mem. com. on international relations, 242; discussion, 384.

Brett, George P., letter from, 86.

Bronson, W. C., letter from, 86.

Brown, C. H., mem. travel com., 242.

Brown, D. C., "State-wide influence of the state library," 202-6; mem. com. on federal and state relations, 242.

Brown, Zaidee, leads discussion, 364.

Browne, Francis Fisher, tribute to, 168.

Bruncken, Ernest, mem. public documents com., 241.

Bucknam, Edith P., sec'y of Catalog section, 275.

Budlong, Mrs. M. C., presents rpt. of com. on establishment of new commissions, 374-6.

Burnite, C., "Values in library work with children," 282-7.

Business branches. "What any library can do for the business interests of the town" (Ball), 336-9.

Business men, making the library useful to (Ranck), 210-4.

Business organizations, libraries in (Krause), 215-8.

Cable, George W., letter from, 86.

Carey, Miriam E., mem. com. on work with the blind, 242.

Carlton, W. N. C., member of executive board, 238; mem. com. on arrangements College and reference section, 319.

Carnegie, Andrew, letter from, 83.

Carpenter, George O., mem. com. on library training, 241.

Carr, Henry J., chrm. resolutions com. public doc. round table, 359, 362.

Carson, W. O., participates in discussion, 254.

Catalog cards, simplified forms of, 274-5.

Catalog dep't, administration of a, from a cataloger's point of view (Smith), 271-4.

Catalog dep't, administration of the, from a librarian's point of view (Hopper), 259-66; same (Bostwick), 266-7.

Catalog dep't, relation of the, to other dept's (Winser), 268-70.

Cataloging, rpt. of com. on cost and method of, 239-41.

Cataloging, request for permanent com. on, 241.

Catalog section, proceedings, 259-75.

"Cataloging for department libraries" (Sears), 325-30.

Charging systems and methods, rpt. of com. on library administration, 128-31.

Charitable institutions. See Institutions.

Charter provisions, rpt. of com. on relations between the library and the municipality, 243-5.

Charter provisions, rpt. of League com. on, 376-7.

Child life, changing conditions of (Smith), 184-8; how the library is meeting the (Andrus), 188-93.

Children, section on library work with, proceedings, 275-300.

Children, values in library work with (Hunt), 275-82; ditto (Burnite), 282-7.

Children's work in the U. S., volume of (Bostwick), 287-91.

Churchill, Winston, letter from, 86-7.

"Civics room in a medium-sized town" (Kammerling), 339-42.

Clarke, Elizabeth P., discusses prison libraries, 368.

Classification, some practical considerations regarding, for libraries (Bliss), 309-15.

Classifiers, com. on code for, rpt. of, 238.

Claxton, P. P., letter from, 87-8.

Cleavinger, J. S., mem. com. on administration, 241.

Coit, Bertha, obituary, 102.

College and reference section, proceedings, 300-42.

College librarians, what c. l. can do for library schools (Rathbone), 319-20.

College library and research work (Fletcher), 321-5.

College library, art in the (Weitenkampf), 315-9.

College library, instruction in the use of a (Salmon), 301-9.

Constitution. See A. L. A. constitution.

"Co-operation of libraries with library schools" (Bacon), 347-50.

Co-ordination, com. on, 242.

Countryman, Gratia A., second vice-president of A. L. A., 236.

Cowing, Agnes, chrm. sect. on work with children. 300.

Crandall, F. A., "Proposing an executive gazette," 359-61.

Craver, H. W., member of executive board, 236.

Crowell, J. F., paper read by title, 385.

Cunningham, Jesse, rpt. as chrm. of com. on clippings, 384.

Curtis, Florence R., discusses prison libraries, 367.

Cutter, W. P., mem. com. on federal and state relations, 242; discussion, 315.

Cutter, W. P., reads letters at symposium, 82.

Davis, Jesse B., Outline of work in vocational guidance (quoted) in paper by Ranck, 297-8.

Davis, Olin S., discusses library work with schools, 198; discussion, 365.

Dawley, F. F., member finance com., 241.

Dayton public library, resolution of sympathy for, 300.

Defectives and dependents, book influences for (Robinson), 177-82.

Delfino, Mrs. E. N., mem. com. on work with the blind, 242.

Department libraries, cataloging for (Sears), 325-30.

Doane, W. C., obituary, 102.

Dramatic taste, development of, 83-6.

Du Bois, W. E. B., letter from, 88.

Dudgeon, M. S., "Law that stands the test," 206-10; mem. public documents com., 241; chrm. com. to investigate insurance rates, 246.

Duff, Ida, acts as sec'y of sect. on work with children, 275.

Election of officers. See American Library Association.

Elmendorf, Mrs. H. L., re-elected member of publishing board, 237.

Ely, Mary, vice-chrm. of sect. on library work with children, 300.

Endowment funds, rpt. of trustees, 111-3.

Executive board. See A. L. A. Executive board.

"Executive gazette, proposing an" (Crandall), 359-61.

Exhibits, library school, 182-3.

Faxon, F. W., chrm. travel com., 242.

Federal and state relations, rpt. of com. on, 126; com. on, 242.

Federal prisons, libraries in, 366-8.

Fiction, quality of,--symposium, 246-ff.

Field, O. J., second v.p., Am. Assn. of law lib., 364.

Field, Pearl I., reviews Tarbell "The business of being a woman," 236.

Finance, rpt. of com. on (Andrews), 104; com. on, 241.

Fitzgerald, J. F., letter from, 88-9.

Fletcher, R. S., "The college library and research work," 321-5.

Flexner, Jennie M., discusses libraries in jails, 373-4.

Foreigners, library work among (Antin, Maltby, Rush), 145-58.

Foreigners. See also Immigrants.

Freeman, Marilla W., "Scientific management, and the reference department as a bureau of information," 331-6.

"Friendly book" (Walton), 224-9.

Garland, Hamlin, letter from, 89.

Gillis, J. L., mem. com. on co-ordination, 242.

Godard, G. S., chrm. public documents com., 241; presides Public documents round table, 352.

Goldthwaite, Lucile, mem. com. on work with the blind, 242.

Gooch, Harriet B., presides Catalog section, 259.

Goodrich, N. D., discussion, 309; reads paper by Fletcher, 320.

Gould, C. H., chrm. com. on co-ordination, 242; participates in fiction discussion, 256.

Grading, specialization and, in library schools (Plummer), 343-7.

Great Britain, present conditions and tendencies of library work in (Jast), 139-44.

Green, C. R., presides Agricultural lib. sect., 258.

Griffis, W. E., letter from, 89.

Hadley, Chalmers, mem. com. on library training, 241; mem. com. to investigate insurance rates, 246.

Hall, G. Stanley, letter from, 89-90.

Hall, Mary E., addresses assn. on enlarging scope of library work in high schools, 197; participates in general discussion on subject, 198-9.

Hartwell, Mary A., reads paper by Sup't of Doc., 352; discussion, 358.

Hasse, Adelaide R., mem. public documents com., 241.

Hawks, Emma B., acts as sec'y Agricultural lib. sect., 258.

Henderson, C. R., letter from, 90.

Herrick, Robert, letter from, 90-1.

Hicks, F. C., presides College librarians round table, 319.

Hill, Frank P., letter from, regarding participation in Leipzig exposition, 238; mem. com. on international relations, 242; participates in fiction discussion, 255.

History, what can the library do to encourage the study of American?, 92-3.

Hobart, Frances, discusses work with schools, 199; discussion, 365.

Hodges, N. D. C., mem. com. on co-ordination, 242.

Hohoff, Mrs. A. W., presents paper on municipal reference work in N. Y., 382.

Hopkins, Julia A., sec'y Professional training sect., 352.

Hopper, F. F., "Administration of the catalog dep't from a librarian's point of view," 259-66.

Hosmer, Helen R., paper on the library of the research laboratory, General Electric Co., 383.

Hospitals. "Some problems of the institution library organizer in the state hospitals" (Jones), 369-73.

Hough, Emerson, letter from, 91.

Howe, Frederic C., letter from, 91-2.

Hunt, Clara W., "Values in library work with children," 275-82.

"Instruction in the use of a college library" (Salmon), 301-9; questionnaire sent out by A. L. A., 309.

Institutions, library work in charitable and penal. "Book influences for defectives and dependents" (Robinson), 177-82; "Some problems of the institution library organizer in the state hospitals" (Jones), 369-73.

Insurance rates for libraries, com. to investigate, 246.

International relations, com. on, 242.

"Immigrants as contributors to library progress" (Maltby), 150-4.

"Immigrant in the library" (Antin), 145-9.

Irwin, Jennie S., obituary, 102.

Irwin, Wallace, letter from, 92.

Jameson, J. F., letter from, 92-3.

Jast, L. Stanley, "Present conditions and tendencies of library work in Great Britain," 139-44; participates in fiction discussion, 256.

Jewett, W. K., obituary, 102.

Johnson, Clifton, letter from, 93.

Johnston, W. D., "Proposal for a catalog of university serial publications," 330; paper on relation between special and general libraries, 383.

Jones, Edith K., "Some problems of the institution library organizer in the state hospitals," 369-73.

Jordan, David Starr, letter from, 93.

Jusserand, J. J., letter from, 93-4.

Kerr, Willis H., "Normal schools and their relation to librarianship," 193-7; mem. of council, 246.

Keogh, Andrew, presides College and reference section, 300.

Kingsbury, N. C., presents paper on the library as a modern necessity, 382.

Kimball, Theodora, paper read by title, 383.

Kammerling, Edith, "A civics room in a medium sized town," 339-42.

Kiser, S. E., letter from, 94.

Koch, T. W., represents A. L. A. at Indiana meeting, 101; mem. com. on co-ordination, 242.

Kohlsaat, C. C., letter from, 94.

Krause, Louise B., "Libraries in business organizations; their expanding function," 215-8.

Labor saving devices, 133.

Lane, W. C., mem. com. on international relations, 242; mem. com. on co-ordination, 242.

Lapp, J. A., mem. public documents com., 241.

Larson, C. A., obituary, 102.

League of library commissions, proceedings, 364-82.

Lee, Gerald Stanley, letter from, 94-5.

Lee, Jennette, letter from, 95-6.

Legislative reference work, present status of (Lester), 199-202; "The law that stands the test" (Dudgeon), 206-10.

Legislative reference work. See also Municipal reference library.

Legler, Henry E., president of A. L. A., presides at sessions, passim; president's address, 73-82; represents A. L. A. at Ohio, Illinois-Missouri and South Dakota meetings, 101.

Leipzig exposition, rpt. of com. on international relations respecting participation in, 237-8; special com. on, appointed, 238-9.

Lester, C. B., "Present status of legislative reference work," 199-202.

Librarianship, ideal of, 95.

Libraries, rpt. of com. on relations between, and the municipality, 243-5.

Library administration, rpt. of com. on, 126-33; com. on, 241.

Library commissions, rpt. of com. on establishment of new (Budlong, chrm.), 374-6.

Library, instruction in the use of a college (Salmon), 301-9.

Library plans (rpt. of secretary), 101.

Library post, rpt. of com. on, 377-8.

Library post. See also Parcel post.

Library schools, co-operation of libraries with (Bacon), 347-50.

Library school instructors, account of the winter meetings of, 351-2.

Library schools, proposed examination of, 134-6.

Library schools, rpt. of the com. on methods of publicity for, 350.

Library schools, specialization and grading in (Plummer), 343-7.

Library schools, what college librarians can do for (Rathbone), 319-20.

Library training, rpt. of com. on, 134-6; com. on, 241.

Lighting, rpt. of com. on ventilation and, of library buildings, 245-6.

Lindholm, Marie F., presents paper at Special Lib. assn., 385.

Locke, G. H., mem. com. on co-operation with N. E. A., 241.

Luce, Robert, addresses Special libraries assn., 384.

McAneny, George, "The municipal reference library as an aid in city administration," 219-24.

McClelland, Maude, "Work of a high school branch," 295-6.

Maltby, Adelaide B., "Immigrants as contributors to library progress," 150-4.

"Man in the yards" (Rush), 154-8.

Martel, Charles, chrm. of Catalog section, 275.

Marvin, Cornelia, member of council, 236; mem. com. on library training, 241.

Massee, May, elected editor Booklist, 105.

Matthews, Brander, letter from, 96.

Mendenhall, Ida M., library instruction in normal schools, 374.

Merrill, W. S., presents rpt. for com. on code for classifiers, 238; discussion, 315.

Meyer, H. H. B., presents paper at Special libraries assn., 385.

Milam, C. H., presides at League of lib. com., 364.

Mitchell, S. Weir, letter from, 96.

Montgomery, T. L., mem. com. on federal and state relations, 242.

More, P. E., letter from, 96.

Moulton, J. G., "Post-conference trip," 386-91.

"Municipal reference library as an aid in city administration" (McAneny), 219-24.

Municipal reference library. See also Legislative reference library.

Municipal reference work. "A civics room in a medium-sized town," 339-42.

Municipal yearbook, rpt. on (Ranck), 385.

Municipality, rpt. of com. on relations between library and, 243-5.

Murray, Rose G., mem. com. on bookbinding, 242.

National Education Association, rpt. of com. on co-operation with, 125-6; com. on, 241.

Necrology. See A. L. A. necrology.

Negro. "What of the black and yellow races?" (Yust), 159-67.

Newberry, Marie A., mem. com. on co-operation with N. E. A., 241.

"Normal schools and their relation to librarianship" (Kerr), 193-7.

Oklahoma City, extends invitation for 1914 meeting, 238.

Organizing small libraries, round table on, 364-6.

Owen, T. M., mem. public documents com., 241; mem. com. on federal and state relations, 242.

Page, T. N., letter from, 96.

Parcel post for books, rpt. of com. on federal and state relations, 126.

Parcel post. See also library post.

Patterson, J. R., mem. com. on bookbinding, 242.

Pearson, E. L., "How to discourage reading," 230-6.

Pension systems (rpt. of secretary), 101.

Phelan, J. F., mem. travel com., 242.

Plummer, Mary W., mem. of council, 246; "Specialization and grading in library schools," 343-7.

Poole, F. O., mem. finance com., 241; presides Am. assn. of law lib., 362; addresses same, 362-3; president same, 364.

Post-conference trip (Moulton), 386-91.

Power, Effie L., presides at section on library work with children, 275.

Pratt Institute, library exhibit at, 182-3.

Prince, H. C., discussion, 309.

Prisons, libraries in, 366-9.

Professional training section, proceedings, 343-52.

Program com., 242.

Public documents, com. on, 241.

Public documents, resolutions concerning printing and distribution of, 256.

Public documents round table, 352-62.

Publication committee, rpt. of, 378-9.

Publicity, rpt. of the com. on methods of, for library schools, 350.

Publishing Board. See A. L. A. Publishing Board.

Putnam, Herbert, presents minute on J. S. Billings, 169; member of executive board, 236; chrm. com. on international relations, 242; mem. com. on co-ordination, 242.

"Quality of fiction"--symposium, 246-ff.

Questionnaires, 132-3.

Ranck, S. H., discusses proposed by-law to constitution, 168; discusses questionnaires, 183-4; "Making a library useful to business men," 210-4; mem. public documents com., 241; mem. com. to investigate insurance rates, 246; mem. of Council, 246; "The library's opportunities in vocational guidance," 296-9.

Rathbone, Josephine A., describes exhibit at Pratt Institute, 182-3; reviews "The great analysis," 236; "What college librarians can do for library schools," 319-20.

Reed, Amy L., acts as sec'y College and reference section, 300.

Reference librarians' round table, 330-42.

Reference work. "Scientific management, and the reference department as a bureau of information (Freeman)," 331-6.

Research work, college library and (Fletcher), 321-5.

Richardson, E. C., mem. com. on international relations, 242; discussion, 309, 315.

Rider, Mrs. Gertrude T., mem. com. on work with the blind, 242.

Robbins, Mary E., mem. of council, 246.

Robinson, Julia A., "Book influences for defectives and dependents." 177-82; mem. com. on work with the blind, 242; discusses prison libraries, 366-7.

Roden, C. B., reads letters at symposium, 82; rpt. as treasurer, 103.

Root, A. S., chrm. com. on library training, 241.

Ropes, W. L., obituary, 102.

Rural communities, library work in. "The woman on the farm" (Stearns), 173-6.

Rural school library, possibilities of the (Wilson), 291-4.

Rush, Charles E., "The man in the yards," 154-8.

Salmon, Lucy M., "Instruction in the use of a college library," 301-9.

Sawyer, Laura M., chrm. com. on work with the blind, 242.

Schaffer, C. W., mem. exec. com. Am. Assn. of law lib., 364.

Schwab, J. C., mem. com. on co-ordination, 242.

Schenk, F. W., serves as sec'y Public documents round table, 352; first v.p. Am. assn. of law lib., 364.

Scholefield, E. O. S., exec. com. Am. assn. of law lib., 364.

Schouler, James, letter from, 96-7.

Schools and libraries, co-operation between, 87-8; as civic centers, 91-2.

Schools, library work with, 193-ff.

Schools. "Possibilities of the rural school library" (Wilson), 291-4.

Schools. "Work of a high school branch" (McClelland), 295-6.

Scientific management, and the reference department as a bureau of information (Freeman), 331-6.

Secretary's report (Utley), 99-103.

Sears, Minnie E., "Cataloging for department libraries," 325-30.

Serial publications, proposal for a catalog of university (Johnston), 330.

Sheldon, E. W., trustee of endowment fund, 236.

Small, A. J., mem. public documents com., 241; mem. exec. com. Am. assn. of law lib., 364.

Smith, Faith E., "Changing conditions of child life," 184-8; mem. com. on library training, 241.

Smith, Laura, "Administration of a catalog dep't from a cataloger's point of view," 271-4.

Sneed, Mrs. Percival, participates in fiction discussion, 256.

Soule, C. C., obituary, 103; memorial resolution on, 169.

Special libraries association, proceedings, 382-6.

Specialization and grading in library schools (Plummer), 343-7.

State library, state-wide influence of the (Brown), 202-6.

Stearns, Lutie E., "The woman on the farm," 173-6; discusses prison libraries, 368.

Steiner, B. C., reviews Crispi's Memoirs, 236; chrm. com. on federal and state relations, 242; participates in fiction discussion, 254.

Stevens, E. F., "Working library for the artisan and the craftsman," 176-2.

Strohm, Adam, mem. com. on administration, 241.

Study outline com., rpt. of, 379-81.

Tarkington, Booth, letter from, 97.

Taylor, Nelson, obituary, 103.

Technology. "The working library for the artisan and the craftsman" (Stevens), 170-2.

Templeton, Charlotte, discusses prison libraries, 369.

Thomson, John, mem. of council, 246.

Thwaites, R. G., reads letters at symposium, 82.

Tomlinson, E. T., letter from, 97-8.

Travel committee, appropriation for expenses voted to, 239; membership of, 242.

Treasurer's report (Roden), 103.

Trowbridge, J. T., letter from, 98.

Tyler, Alice S., member of council, 236; mem. com. on library training, 241; congratulatory message to, 382.

Underhill, Ethel, sec'y sect. on library work with children, 300.

Use of a college library, instruction in the (Salmon), 301-9.

Utley, George B., rpt. of sec'y, 99-103; represents A. L. A. at Illinois-Missouri and Oklahoma meetings, 101; lectures before library schools, 102; mem. of program com., 242.

Ventilation and lighting of library buildings, rpt. of com. on, 245-6.

Vocational guidance, the library's opportunities in (Ranck), 296-9.

Wadlin, H. G., "The quality of fiction," 246-53.

Wallace, F. C., paper by, 352-8.

Wales, Elizabeth B., presents rpt. of com. on charter provisions, 376-7.

Walter, F. K., reviews Weyl, "The great democracy," 236; presides Professional training sect, 343.

Walton, G. M., "The friendly book," 224-9.

Warren, Althea H., reviews Antin, "The promised land," 236.

Warren, Irene, mem. com. on co-operation with N. E. A., 241.

Weitenkampf, Frank, "Art in the college library," 315-9.

Wellman, H. C., presents minute on C. C. Soule, 169; first vice-president of A. L. A., 236; resigns as non-official member of executive board, 238; mem. of program com., 242.

Whitlock, Brand, letter from, 98.

Whitney, E. L., treas. Am. assn. of law lib., 364.

Wildman, Bertha S., obituary, 103.

Wilson, H. W., paper on problems of printed indexes in special fields, 385.

Wilson, Martha, "Possibilities of the rural school library," 291-4; speaks on co-operation between library commissions and state boards of education, 374.

Windsor, P. L., "Account of the winter meetings of library school instructors," 351-2.

Winser, Beatrice, "Relation of the catalog dep't to other dep'ts," 268-70.

Wolcott, J. D., discussion, 309.

"Woman on the farm" (Stearns), 173-6.

Woodard, Gertrude E., sec'y Am. assn. of law lib., 364.

Wood, Harriet A., mem. com. on co-operation with N. E. A., 241.

Wootten, Katharine T., reviews Goldmark "Fatigue and efficiency," 236.

"Working library for the artisan and the craftsman" (Stevens), 170-2.

World of print and the world's work; president's address (Legler), 73-82.

Wynkoop, Asa, discusses prison libraries, 368-9.

Yust, W. F., "What of the black and yellow races?" 159-67.

Transcriber's Notes:

Simple spelling, grammar, and typographical errors were corrected.

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End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of Papers and proceedings of the thirty-fifth general meeting of the American Library Association, 1913, by Various


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