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Audiobook: Mother Earth's Children: The Frolics of the Fruits and Vegetables by Gordon, Elizabeth

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Audiobook: Mother Earth's Children: The Frolics of the Fruits and Vegetables by Gordon, Elizabeth

The Project Gutenberg EBook of Mother Earth's Children, by Elizabeth Gordon

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Title: Mother Earth's Children The Frolics of the Fruits and Vegetables

Author: Elizabeth Gordon

Illustrator: M.T. Ross

Release Date: October 31, 2014 [EBook #47252]

Language: English

Character set encoding: UTF-8


Produced by Turgut Dincer (This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet Archive)

Mother Earth's Children

The Frolics of the Fruits and Vegetables

Mother Earth’s Children

[Illustration: Children playing]


Elizabeth Gordon

Author of Flower Children, Bird Children, etc.

With illustrations by

M.T. Ross

[Illustration: Printer’s mark]

Published by P.F.Volland & Co. Chicago


Copyright 1914 P. F. Volland & Co. Chicago, U. S. A.

Second Edition

This little book is a thank-offering to the thousands of little friends who have so loyally given me their best in the way of encouragement and appreciation, and is most especially inscribed to Gladys Doris.


A seed, little friends, is really a plant or a tree all wrapped up in a little brown bundle. If you plant it in the ground it will grow, and when it is old enough it will bear fruit, because God has made it so.

¶ Among all the children of Mother Nature, the fruits and vegetables are probably the most useful to us. Wherever we may go some of these little people are there before us, ready to help us by giving us food and to make life easy and joyous for us.

¶ In your Mother’s garden you will always find many familiar friends; in the fields the graceful Grain children will nod and beckon to you; in the orchard the Fruit children will peep out at you from their leafy homes; along the roadside the gay little Berries will give you a friendly greeting, and in the forest you will find the little wild Grapes climbing trees and playing hide and seek with the Bird children.

¶ The publishers, who have already given you the Flower Children, Bird Children, and Animal Children, wish to join the author and the artist in their grateful acknowledgment of the wonderful appreciation which these books have received, and to hope that these new comrades will prove as fascinating as those whom you already know.

¶ For myself, little friends, I thank you from my heart.



[Illustration: Radish]

Little Miss Radish, pretty thing, Has her birthday in the spring; She and the little Onions play Out in the garden all the day.

[Illustration: Rhubarb]

When Orchard Oriole sings his song The Rhubarb children troop along; They’re hardy, healthy youngsters, too, And stay the whole, long summer through.

[Illustration: Lettuce]

Said Lettuce, tender-hearted lass: “Come Dandelion, ’neath my glass;” But Dandelion smiled and said She liked the nice fresh air instead.

[Illustration: Spanish Onion]

Said Spanish Onion: “I don’t see Why people weep at sight of me; I’m a nice, friendly sort of chappie And like to make everybody happy.”

[Illustration: Button Mushrooms]

The Button Mushrooms went to play With the small Puff Balls one bright day; They had such heaps of glorious fun, But all ran home at set of sun.

[Illustration: Asparagus]

Asparagus in early spring Came up to hear the robins sing; When she peeped out her dress was white; It turned green in the sunshine bright.

[Illustration: Green Pea]

The Green Pea children went to sail On the Sauce Pan ocean in a gale; “This boat’s a shell,” they cried; “Dear me! We might capsize in this deep sea.”

[Illustration: Spinach]

Said Spinach: “In my dress of green I’m just as happy as a queen. I’m truly glad that I am good For little babies’ early food.”

[Illustration: Wild Strawberry]

Little Wild Strawberry came down To visit with her folks in town; She’s a sweet child with charming ways And blushes modestly at praise.

[Illustration: Endive]

Said Endive: “I was born in France But travel when I get a chance.” Said Celery: “I travel, too, But my real home’s in Kalamazoo.”

[Illustration: Carrot]

The Carrot ladies love to go To church on Sundays in a row; And, tall or short, each lady fair Wears a green feather in her hair.

[Illustration: Pearl Onion]

Pearl Onion, tiny little thing, Lives out doors from early spring; She’s German, so I understand, And dearly loves her father-land.

[Illustration: Water Cresses]

The dainty little Water Cresses, In their pretty bathing dresses, Like water fairies splash and play In the cool brooklet all the day.

[Illustration: Cherries]

“Cherries are ripe,” said Old Blue Jay As he flew by one August day; “Why, he means us,” the Cherries cried, “Perhaps we’d better go inside.”

[Illustration: Gooseberry]

When Gooseberry wears a gown of green She cries and pouts and makes a scene; But when her gown’s a purplish hue She never disagrees with you.

[Illustration: String Beans]

The String Beans love to climb a pole, And so their clothes are seldom whole. Mother Bean said: “I’ll mend the tatters; While they are happy, nothing matters!”

[Illustration: Potato]

Said Dame Potato: “Hurry, Pat! And wash your face and feed the cat, Then run to school, or you’ll be late; Just see! It’s nearly half past eight!”

[Illustration: Raspberry]

“Good morning, friends! Know who I am? I’m Raspberry who makes the jam; You know—that on the pantry shelf— I make that every year myself.”

[Illustration: White Turnip]

White Turnip said: “I’m pale, I know And all our family are so.” “I should advise,” said old White Beet, “A course of sugar cakes to eat.”

[Illustration: Red Pepper and Green Pepper]

Red Pepper said a biting word Which Miss Green Pepper overheard; Said she: “Hot words you can’t recall; Better not say such things at all.”

[Illustration: Cucumber]

Said Miss Cucumber: “I have brought My fan, because the day is hot; Our family have a splendid rule,— Whatever happens, we keep cool.”

[Illustration: Parsley]

Miss Parsley raised her plumy head, And in her modest manner said: “I’m only asked to dine, I know, Because my dress becomes me so!”

[Illustration: Gumbo]

Gumbo’s a splendid southern cook, And, without looking in the book, He’ll make a savory soup or stew, And send it, steaming hot, to you.

[Illustration: Blueberry]

The Blueberry children love to run Around the hillsides in the sun; Smiling and jolly, plump and sweet, Best-natured youngsters one could meet.

[Illustration: Beet]

“Every one knows,” said Madame Beet “My disposition’s very sweet; And though to plumpness I am prone, My color’s every bit my own.”

[Illustration: Chicory]

“My new spring dress,” said Chicory, “Is just as lacy as can be; Shading from green to purest white Its ruffles are my heart’s delight!”

[Illustration: Fig]

Fig is the queerest chap; you know The way that fellow starts to grow? Just a small bud upon the bough, No flower at all—that’s clever now!

[Illustration: Rice]

The pretty little ladies Rice You’ll always turn to look at twice; They came from India long ago, And now they’re everywhere you go.

[Illustration: Currant]

The Currant ladies look so sweet In their green dresses, cool and neat. They offer you, for your delight, Their strings of berries, red and white.

[Illustration: Brussels Sprout]

Said Brussels Sprout: “I am so glad That I’m such a good-looking lad.” Horseradish said: “I’m glad I’m plain If good looks make a chap so vain.”

[Illustration: Rutabaga Turnip]

Said Rutabaga Turnip: “Wow! I just escaped that hungry cow; I jumped behind a great big tree Or she’d have surely eaten me!”

[Illustration: Blackberry]

The Blackberry children love to run And play beneath the August sun Until each little maid and man Takes on a friendly coat of tan.

[Illustration: Carrageen]

Carrageen makes his bow to you. He’s a sea child, that is true, But he’s so jolly—never cross— His other name is Irish Moss.

[Illustration: Oyster Plant]

“The person they named after me,” Said Oyster Plant, “lives in the sea; I’m very sure I could not sleep ‘Rocked in the cradle of the deep.’”

[Illustration: California Artichoke]

Young California Artichoke Exclaimed: “It is the richest joke That many people, young and old, How to eat me must be told!”

[Illustration: Muskmelon]

“Dear me!” Madam Muskmelon said, “Those children will not stay in bed; Before the darlings get misplaced I’ll tie each baby to my waist.”

[Illustration: Watermelon]

Watermelon’s dress of green Trimmed in rose pink you all have seen She has such pleasant smiling ways, We welcome her on summer days.

[Illustration: Olive]

Olive’s a sweet Italian maid, Her gown is green—a lovely shade. Though just at first she’s rather shy, You get to like her by and by.

[Illustration: Mustard]

The Mustard Children grew so tall They looked right over the garden-wall; They’re rather sharp and forward, so That’s why they’re left outside, you know.

[Illustration: Cauliflower]

Said Cauliflower: “I used to be A cabbage, so some folks tell me; When I’ve improved some more—who knows? Maybe I’ll be a Cabbage Rose.”

[Illustration: Plums]

Hand in hand with summer comes The happy family called the Plums, Some dressed in purple, some in red; They’re very pretty and well bred.

[Illustration: Garlic]

Said Garlic: “My home used to be In far-off, sunny Sicily; But people here think I’m a blessing, I make such splendid salad dressing.”

[Illustration: Yam]

Yam really is a pretty fellow, Though his complexion’s rather yellow; When Winter comes he packs his grip And goes north for a little trip.

[Illustration: Egg-plant]

Said pompous, purple Egg-plant: “Well! So that is egg in that queer shell; Really! It’s very hard to see Why they named that chap after me!”

[Illustration: Vegetable Marrow]

Vegetable Marrow liked to tell How he was once an English swell; Summer Squash laughed and said: “My word! That’s quite the best thing Hi ’ave ’eard.”

[Illustration: Hubbard Squash]

Said Hubbard Squash: “All summer long I’m on the farm where I belong, But in the fall, for change of air, I go to see the County Fair.”

[Illustration: Quince]

Said busy, bustling Mrs. Quince: “I never have a moment since The jelly-making time is here; We’re making such a lot this year.”

[Illustration: Pear]

Said Mother Pear: “Dear me! Those twins Are just as much alike as pins; I must do something, I declare!” So she cut little sister’s hair.

[Illustration: Banana]

Banana wears a yellow coat Buttoned quite snugly ’round his throat. He comes from where it’s warm, you see, And feels cold more than you or me.

[Illustration: Cashew]

Here’s an odd child named Cashew— Provides you nuts and apples, too; Oil and wine, and other things This busy young Brazilian brings.

[Illustration: Pomegranate]

A foreign lady of renown— Pomegranate in her crimson gown, Smiling and nodding as she goes, Looks like an Oriental rose.

[Illustration: Sugar Cane]

Little Miss Sugar Cane is sweet— In truth, she’s good enough to eat. She gives us sugar, nice and white, And syrup to make things taste right.

[Illustration: Cabbage]

Herr Burgomaster Cabbage said: “My little dog, he needs some bread.” Frau Cabbage smiled; “Just help yourself, A fresh loaf’s on the pantry shelf.”

[Illustration: Apple]

Here’s Apple, loved by young and old And sometimes worth his weight in gold. We hail him with delighted cries When he comes to us, baked in pies.

[Illustration: Pineapple]

Pineapple has so many “eyes” You cannot take him by surprise; He’s full of sunshine, through and through, And always has a treat for you.

[Illustration: Coffee ]

Coffee said: “I must really study To find why my complexion’s muddy. Perhaps it’s only tan, you know I do run out bareheaded so!”

[Illustration: Green Tea]

Mr. Green Tea comes from Japan, He’s such a wrinkled little man; He says: “My tea is very nice, Will you have sugar, milk or ice?”

[Illustration: Barley]

Barley’s a bearded gentleman, He wears a suit of golden tan; Though he has homes both east and west He loves the prairie lands the best.

[Illustration: Scotch Oat]

“I dinna care,” said bluff Scotch Oat, “For dinner at a table d’hote; A bowl of porridge and some tea, At home, are good enough for me.”

[Illustration: Caraway]

“I’ll be grown up,” said Caraway, “And out of school Thanksgiving Day; That’s a good thing, too, ’cause you see, They can’t make cookies without me.”

[Illustration: Peach]

“Our family’s not hard to suit,” Said Mrs. Peach. “We’re simple fruit; We like most any kind of weather If the sun shines, and we’re together.”

[Illustration: Hickory Nut]

Hickory Nut looks rough and rude, Although at heart he’s very good. If once you get inside his shell You’re sure to like him very well.

[Illustration: Cactus]

Said Cactus: “On the desert wild I used to be a naughty child, But since I went to Burbank’s school, I’m good, and live by Golden Rule.”

[Illustration: Brazil Nut]

“The boys all call me ‘Nigger Toe,’” Brazil Nut said; “I think I’ll go Back to Brazil; ’t would serve them right And teach them to be more polite.”

[Illustration: Cocoanut]

Cocoanut has a funny face, Eyes, nose and mouth all in one place; He’s always busy selling milk, While Mrs. Cocoanut makes silk.

[Illustration: Peanut]

Said Mrs. Peanut, in a flutter, “I quite forgot to salt the butter;” The little Peanut children said: “Why then, Mama, we’ll salt the bread.”

[Illustration: Chestnut]

Said Chestnut: “I work for my living I stuff the turkey on Thanksgiving. On winter days I work down town; You’ll know me by my coat of brown.”

[Illustration: Persimmon]

Persimmon said: “I’m up so high I can reach out and touch the sky.” Bre’r Possum said: “Don’t reach too far, You might put out a shining star.”

[Illustration: Gourd]

Said Mr. Gourd: “You’ll plainly see We are a busy family; We give you bottles, cups and things, And curly vines for playtime rings.”

[Illustration: Truffle]

Little, wise, home-loving Truffle Never lets his temper ruffle; His home is just beneath the ground, And there he always may be found.

[Illustration: Wild Grape]

Wild Grape just loves to run away And in the green woods climb and play; You’ll know him when among the trees His fragrant blossoms scent the breeze.

[Illustration: Grape Fruit]

Though Miss Grape Fruit is very young Her praises are on every tongue; And though she travels everywhere She has a very modest air.

[Illustration: Lemons]

The Lemons every summer go In groups to see the Wild West Show; Come rain or shine, they never stay At home on any circus day.

[Illustration: Cotton]

Miss Cotton is a fairy queen In her white dress all trimmed with green; To other children everywhere She sends such pretty clothes to wear.

[Illustration: Orange]

Miss Orange said: “I’d like to know Those pretty mountain girls called ‘Snow;’” “Don’t,” said her Dad, “or we are lost; They’re relatives of Sir Jack Frost.”

[Illustration: Beechnut]

Miss Beechnut wears a pretty bonnet With little fuzzy feathers on it. She’s very sweet, and always good; Her home is in the deep, wild wood

[Illustration: Wheat]

“I work,” said genial Mrs. Wheat, “To give the world enough to eat; I’m always happy when there’s bread Enough, so every child is fed.”

[Illustration: Citron]

Citron is very plump and round, He likes to roll upon the ground; Come rain or shine he’s always happy, A nice, contented little chappie.

[Illustration: Cranberry]

Cranberry dearly loves to go Wading in places wet and low; She wears soft gowns of dainty floss Made of the pretty yellow moss.

[Illustration: Indian Corn]

Said Indian Corn: “I’m heap rich brave, Much shiny gold I make and save.” So Squaw Corn went and bought a bonnet, And a silk gown with tassels on it.

[Illustration: Tomatoes]

North Wind came whistling by one day Where the Tomatoes were at play; It gave those children such a fright They put their blankets on that night.

[Illustration: St. John’s Bread]

The oddest child—when all is said— Of those we’ve met, is St. John’s Bread; He’s Spanish, so I’ve understood, And makes a food that’s very good.

[Illustration: Nutmeg]

The Nutmeg children ran away To tease the cook on baking day. Said Mother Nutmeg, in surprise: “Why! Who will spice the custard pies?

[Illustration: Pumpkin]

The Pumpkin children, everyone, On Hallowe’en go out for fun; With Jack o’lantern and his crew They find such jolly things to do.

[Illustration: Parsnip]

When Jack Frost said: “Now, children all, Go in before the snowflakes fall,” Parsnip declared he liked the snow To cover him, and didn’t go.

[Illustration: English Walnut]

Sir English Walnut, pompous, fat, Is quite a great aristocrat. His family is very old; They lived in Bible times, we’re told.

[Illustration: Popcorn]

The Popcorn children are so dear They stay with us all through the year; They like to dance in dresses white Around the open fire at night.


Apple 62

Artichoke 43

Asparagus 14

Banana 57

Barley 66

Beechnut 84

Beet 33

Blackberry 40

Blueberry 32

Brussels Sprout 38

Button Mushrooms 13

Cabbage 61

Cactus 71

Caraway 68

Carrageen 41

Carrots 19

Cashew 58

Cauliflower 48

Celery 18

Cherries 22

Chestnut 75

Chicory 34

Citron 86

Cocoanut 73

Coffee 64

Cotton 82

Cranberry 87

Cucumber 29

Currants 37

Dandelion 11

Egg Plant 52

Endive 18

English Walnut 94

Fig 35

Garlic 50

Gooseberry 23

Gourd 77

Grape Fruit 80

Green Onion 9

Green Pea 15

Green Pepper 28

Green Tea 65

Gumbo 31

Hickory Nut 70

Horseradish 38

Hubbard Squash 54

Indian Corn 88

Lemon 81

Lettuce 11

Muskmelon 44

Mustard 47

Nigger Toe (Brazil Nut) 72

Nutmeg 91

Olive 46

Orange 83

Oyster Plant 42

Parsley 30

Parsnip 93

Peach 69

Peanut 74

Pear 56

Pearl Onion 20

Persimmon 76

Pineapple 63

Plum 49

Pomegranate 59

Popcorn 95

Potato 25

Pumpkin 92

Quince 55

Radish 9

Raspberry 26

Red Pepper 28

Rhubarb 10

Rice 36

Rutabaga Turnip 39

Scotch Oat 67

Spanish Onion 12

Spinach 16

String Bean 24

St. John’s Bread 90

Sugar Cane 60

Summer Squash 53

Tomato 89

Truffle 78

Vegetable Marrow 53

Water Cress 21

Watermelon 45

Wheat 85

White Turnip 27

Wild Grape 79

Wild Strawberry 17

Yam 51

[Illustration: A child]

End of Project Gutenberg's Mother Earth's Children, by Elizabeth Gordon


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