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Audiobook: Brief Lives, Vol. 2 by Aubrey, John

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Title: Brief Lives (Vol. 2 of 2)

Author: John Aubrey

Editor: Andrew Clark

Release Date: December 27, 2014 [EBook #47791]

Language: English

Character set encoding: UTF-8


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[Illustration: AUBREY'S BOOK-PLATE

From MS. Aubrey 6, fol. 11ᵛ]

'Brief Lives,' chiefly of Contemporaries, set down by John Aubrey, between the Years 1669 & 1696








=... Ingelbert.=

[A]Mr. Ingelbert was the first inventer or projector of bringing the water from Ware to London[1] called Middleton's water. He was a poore-man, but Sir Hugh Middleton[2], alderman of London, moneyed the businesse; undertooke it; and gott the profit and also the credit of that most usefull invention, for which there[3] ought to have been erected a statue for the memory of this poore-man from the city of London.--From my honoured and learned friend Mr. Fabian Philips, filiser of London, etc., who was in commission about this water.



[A] In MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 1ᵛ, Aubrey has this note:--'In Pond's Almanack, 1647, thus--"Since the river from Ware to London began by Edward Pond, Jan. 2, 35 yeares. 'Twas finished, Sept. 20, 34 yeares"--.'

=John Innocent= (14-- -1545).

[4]At Doctors Commons is 'argent on gules a mayd stark naked with a chaplet in her hand dexter.' The name I could never learn, till by chance, in Hampshire, by a courtier. It is the coate of Dr. Innocent, deane of Paule's and master of St. Crosses, tempore Henrici VII. Borne at Barkehamsted, Hertfordshire; where he built a free-schole, where this coat is in severall places. 'Tis endowed with 500li. per annum for 120 scholars from any part of England. The Visitor is the Warden of All Soules, Oxon.

=Henry Isaacson= (1581-1654).

[5]Mr. Henry Isaacson was secretary to Lancelot Andrews, lord bishop of Winton. Was borne in this parish (of St. Katharine Coleman) anno Domini 1581; christned--ex registro[I.]--Septemb. 17ᵗʰ; and buried in this church. He died about the 7th of December, 1654. He had severall children: four sonnes still living, one is a minister at Stoke neer Ipswych in Suffolk.

[I.] St. Catherine Coleman, 1581--'Sept. 17, Henry Isackson baptised.'--MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 89ᵛ.

In the chancell here[6] I find this inscription, on a marble grave-stone, viz.:

'Here lyeth the body of Richard Isaacson, esq., Eastland merchant, and free of the Paynters Stayners of this citie of London, who having lived in this parish 58 yeares, slept in the Lord 19 January, Anno Domini 1620. [II.]Henricus filius et haeres hoc memorabile posuit pietatis ergo.'

[II.] Scil. Henricus praedictus.

[7]Memorandum:--<Thomas> Bourman, Dr. of Divinity, of Kingston upon Thames, did know Mr. Isaacson, and told me that he was a learned man, which I easily believed when I heard he was secretary to that learned prelate, who made use of none but for merit. The Dr. told me that when he presented his Chronologie to his majestie King Charles the first, 'twas in the matted gallery at White-hall[III.]. The <king> presently discerned the purpose of the treatise, and turned to his owne birth; sayd the King, 'Here's one lye to begin with.' It seemes that Mr. Isaacson had taken it out of ... (a foreigner), who used the other account. Poor Mr. Isaacson was so ashamed at this unlucky rencounter, that he immediately sneak't away and stayd not for prayse or reward, both which perhaps he might have had, for his majestie was well pleased with it. He wrote severall little bookes, besides his Chronologie: quaere of the minister's wife (his niece) their titles. He was of Pembroke-hall, in Cambridge. He was there about Master of Arts standing.

[III.] 'Twas presented in an ill hower. An astrologer would give something to know that day and hower. He wanted a good election.

[8]Concerning Henry Isaacson[9].


I find that my grandfather dyed in St. Cathrin Coleman's parish London, the 19ᵉ January, 1620, and to my best rememberance upon his gravestone in the chancell it was ingraven that hee had lived in the said parrish 58 yeares. He <was> fined for not serving the office of shereif of London, being chosen in the yeare 1618.

My father died in St. Cathrin Coleman's parrish above-said about the 7ᵉ of December, 1654, which is neare 34 years after my grandfather's death. I calculate from the tyme of his birth to my grandfather's death to bee 39 yeares: ad[10] the 34 yeares after my grandfather's death to the 39 before: 39 + 34 makes 73 yeares his age--which all the familie agree that hee was seaventy three yeares of age when hee died, soe that hee was borne in anno 1581. Borne in anno 1581, dyed aged 73, makes 1654 the yeare when he dyed. And in all probabillity hee was borne in St. Kathrin Coleman's parrish, my grandfather having lived soe long tyme there: the church booke, if extant, will soone resolve yow--I never heard any thing to the contrary.

My brother William Isaacson could more exactly give you an account of the degrees he tooke, if any, but the University was Cambriege and the College Pembrooke-Hall. I thinke I have heard hee was Mr. of Arts standing, but am somthing uncertayne of this.


Fifeild, the 21ᵉ Aprill 1681.

[11]In the table of benefactors in the Church of St. Catherine Colman, viz.--

'1620: Mr. Richard Isaacson'--the chronologer[12]--'2 li. 12s. per annum to the poor.'

=James I= (1566-1625).

<A life of 'James R.' is entered in the index to MS. Aubrey 6 (see vol. i. p. 8), as contemplated by Aubrey. If written, the life was hostile in tone, as may be seen from the following query towards it (Aubrey, in MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 347: 8 Sept. 1680):--

'Pray search that booke[13], and see if you can find the ballad, or verses, on the coronation of king James--

And at the erse of them marched the Scotish peeres With lowzie shirts, and mangie wrists, went pricking-up their eares.'>

=... Jaquinto.=

[14]Dr. Jaquinto: physitian to pope ..., then to king James[15]. He went into the marshes of Essex, where they putt their sheep to cure them of the rott, where he lived sometime purposely to observe what plants the sheep did eat, of which herbs he made his medicine for the consumption, which Mr. E. W.[16] haz.

=David Jenkins= (1586-1663).

[17]Judge Jenkins, prisoner in the Tower of London, Windsor, etc., <eleven> yeares, for his loyalty. He would have taken it kindly to have been made one of the judges in Westminster Hall, but would give no money for it, [so[18] the Lord Chancellor Hyde never preferred him].

He was of very good courage. Rode in the lord Gerard's army in Pembrokeshire, in the forlorne-hope, with his long rapier drawne holding it on-end.

Obiit Dec. 3, anno Domini 1663; sepult. at Cowbridge church in the south aisle in Glamorganshire. No remembrance yet (1682) set up for him.

[Quaere[19] Sir Robert Thomas whereabout in the church or chancell.]

[20]David Jenkins hath writt a learned treatise of the lawe, in folio, of cases twice judged (quaere nomen); and an 'opusculum' (Lex terrae, etc.) in 16mo.

Borne at ... in Glamorganshire. He was of Edmund Hall. Afterwards of Graye's inne. One of the judges[21] in South Wales. Imprisoned a long time in the Tower, Newgate, and Windsore. Was the only man that never complied. Dyed about 1665, at Cowbridge in Glamorganshire.

He marryed Sir John Aubrey's sister.

[22]David Jenkins, judge, was borne at Hensol, the place where he lived, in the parish of Pendeylwyn in com. Glamorgan. He was reciting this verse out of Ausonius, not long before he dyed, to Sir Llewellin Jenkins:--

Et baculo innitens, in qua reptabat arena.

Scripsit Opuscula, contayning severall little treatises, viz. Lex terrae, etc.; Rerum judicatarum censurae octo, in folio; praeter alias ejusdem naturae ineditas.

He was one of the judges of the Carmarthen, Cardigan, and Pembrokeshire circuit before the wars. In the warres he was taken prisoner at Hereford. Long time prisoner in the Tower, Newgate, Wallingford, and Windsore. Never submitted to the usurping power (I thinke, the only man). All his estate was confiscated; and was always excepted by the parliament in the first ranke of delinquents.

In his circuit in Wales at the beginning of the warres, he caused to be indicted severall men of those parts (that were parliament, etc. engaged against the king) for highe treason; and the grand jury indicted them. Afterwards, when he was prisoner in Newgate, some of these grandees came to him to triumph over him, and told him that if they had been thus in his power, he would have hanged them. 'God forbid els!' replied he--which undaunted returne they much admired.

The parliament intended to have hanged him; and he expected no lesse, but resolved to be hangd with the Bible under one arme and Magna Charta under the other. And hangd he had been, had not Harry Martyn told them in the house that

Sanguis martyrum est semen ecclesiae,

and that that way would doe them more mischiefe. So his life was saved, and they removed him out of the way to Wallingford Castle.

He dyed upwards (something[23]) of fowrscore yeares of age at Cowbridge in the county of Glamorgan,[24] on St. Nicholas day, November[25] the sixth, 1663; and in that church lyes buried, yet without a monument, but I thinke my cosen intends one.

'Tis pitty he was not made one of the judges of Westminster-hall for his long sufferings; and he might have been, he told me, if he would have given money to the Chancellor--but he scornd it. He needed it not, for he had his estate againe (1500 li. per annum), and being old and carceribus confractus. Mr. T. H., Malmesburiensis, told him one day at dinner that 'that hereafter would not shew well for somebodie's honour in history.'

[26]Sir Llewellin Jenkins remembers himself kindly to you. He hath made a very fine inscription (which is an abstract of his life) in laxe Iambiques for judge David Jenkins. I would have him send it to you, but he is too modest.

=Sir Leoline Jenkins= (1623-1685).

[27]Sir Lleuellin Jenkins, knight, was borne at Llantrithid in the countie of Glamorgan, anno domini....

His father (whom I knew) was a good plaine countreyman, a coppyholder of Sir John Aubrey, knight and baronet (eldest son of Sir Thomas), whose mannour it is.

He went to schoole at Cowbridge, not far off.

David Jenkins, that was prisoner in the Tower (maried a sister of Sir John Aubrey), was some remote kin to him; and, looking on him as a boy towardly, diligent, and good, he contributed something towards his education.

Anno Domini 164<1>, he was matriculated of Jesus College in Oxford, where he stayed till (I thinke) he tooke his degree of Bac. Artium.

About that time Sir John Aubrey sent for him home to enforme his eldest sonne Lewis Aubrey (since deceased, 1659) in grammar; and that he might take his learning the better, he was taught in the church-house where severall boyes came to schoole, and there were 6 or 7 gentlemen's sonnes (Sir Francis Maunsell, bart.; Mr. Edmund Thomas; Mr. ... ...) boarded in the towne. The young gentlemen were all neer of an age, and ripe for the University together; and to Oxford they all went under Mr. Jenkins' care about anno 1649 or 50, but by reason of the disturbances of those times, Sir John would not have his sonne of any college. But they all studyed at Mr. (now Sir) Sampson White's house, a grocer, opposite to University College. Here he stayed with my cosen about 3 yeares or better, and then, in anno 165- (vide Mr. Hobbes' de Corpore, 'twas that yeare), he travelled with my cosen and two or 3 of the other gentlemen into France, where they stayd about 3 yeares and made themselves masters of that language.

He first began[28] the Civill lawe, viz., bought <Arnold> Vinnius on Justinian, 1653[29].

When he brought home Mr. Lewis Aubrey, he returned to Jesus College (quaere, if he was of the foundation).

After his majestie's restauration Dr. <Francis> Maunsell was restored to his principallship of that house, but being very old and wearie of worldly cares, he kept it not long, before he resigned it to Mr. Jenkins.

Gilbert Sheldon, archbishop of Canterbury, and Sir John Aubrey were co-etanei, and contracted a great friendship at Oxon in their youth, which continued to their deaths. In the troublesome times after Dr. Sheldon was expelled, he was a yeare (I thinke) or two with Sir John at Llantrithid, where he tooke notice of the vertue and assiduity of the young man Mr. Jenkins. After the king's restauration Sir John Aubrey recommended Mr. Jenkins to him; made him. Anno <1668> he was archbishop of Canterbury: Sir <William> Meyric, LL.D. and Judge of <the Prerogative Court of Canterbury>, dyed, and the archbishop conferred that place on Mr. Jenkins.

Anno ... he had the honour of knighthood.

Anno 1673, <he> was sent with Sir Joseph Williamson, plenipotentiaries, to Nemeghen: I remember that very time they went away was opposition of Saturn and Mars. I sayd then to the earl of Th<anet> that if that ambassade came to any good I would never trust to astrologie again.

Anno 167- sent ambassador to ..., from whence he returned anno 16[79/80].

March 25, 1680, he was made Principall Secretary of Estate.--When I came to wayte on him to congratulate for the honour his majestie had been pleased to bestowe on him, he recieved me with his usuall courtesie, and sayd that 'it had pleased God to rayse-up a poore worme to doe his majestie humble service.'

He haz a strong body for study, indefatigable, temperate and vertuous. God blesse him.

When Mary the queen-mother dyed at Paris, the king of Fraunce caused her jewells and treasures to be locked up and sealed. His majestie of Great Britaine sent Sir Llewellin (which is Leoline in Latin) to Paris concerning the administration [1668[30]].

=George Johnson= (1625/6-1683).

[31]It pleased God at Whitsuntide last to bereave me of a deare, usefull, and faithfull friend Mr. Johnson who had the reversion of the place of Master of the Rolles; who generously, for friendship and neighbourhood sake (we were borne the same weeke and within 4 miles and educated together), gave me the graunt to be one of his secretaries--which place is worth 500 li. per annum. He was a strong lustie man and died of a malignant fever, infected by the earl of Abington's brother, making of his will. It was such an opportunity that I shall never have the like again.

[B]George Johnson, esq., borne at Bowdon parke, March the sixth 1625/6; respondet that he remembers his mother sayed 'twas just at noone. His mother was three dayes in labour with him.

Fever at Bowdon about 1669; quaere R. Wiseman.

Fever, most dangerous, at London Nov. and Dec, 1677.

Burghesse of Devises, 166-; made one of the judges of Ludlow, ...; maried about 1660; reader of the Middle Temple,....

Mr. Vere Bertie[32] was his chamber-fellowe in anno 1655, the wintertime, which was his rise.

My honoured and kind friend George Johnson, esq., died at his house at Bowdon-lodge, of an ague and feaver on the 28th of May[33] at 10ʰ A.M., being Whit-munday,

cujus animae propitietur Deus.

His death is an extraordinary losse to me, for that had he lived to have been Master of the Rolles I had been one of his secretarys, worth 600 li. +:--sed fiat voluntas Domini.

He went from London the Monday before; came home Tuesday; ill that night. Thursday pretty well. Fell ill again of an intermitting fever and died.


[B] Anthony Wood notes:--'you do not set downe the yeare that Mr. Johnson died.' In 1683 Whitmonday fell on May 28. The reversion of the Mastership of the Rolls was granted to Johnson Aug. 15, 1667, but Sir Harbottle Grimston, appointed Nov. 3, 1660, did not die till Jan. 2, 1684/5.

=Inigo Jones= (1573-1652).

[34]Inigo Jones' monument[C]--this tombe is on the north side of the church, but his bodie lies in the chancell about the middle. The inscription mentions that he built the banquetting howse and the portico at St. Paule's.--Mr. Marshall in Fetter lane tooke away the bust, etc. here to his howse, which see. Quaere Mr. Oliver + de hoc.

[35]Inigo Jones: vide epitaph at Mr. Marshall's.

Mr. <John> Oliver, the city surveyor, hath all his papers and designes, not only of St. Paul's Cathedral etc. and the Banquetting-house, but his designe of all Whitehall, suiteable to the Banquetting house; a rare thing, which see.

Memorandum:--Mr. Emanuel Decretz (serjeant painter to King Charles 1st) told me in 1649, that the catafalco of King James at his funerall (which is a kind of bed of state erected in Westminster abbey, as Robert, earl of Essex, had, Oliver Cromwell, and general Monke) was very ingeniosely designed by Mr. Inigo Jones, and that he made the 4 heades of the Cariatides (which bore up the canopie) of playster of Paris, and made the drapery of them of white callico, which was very handsome and very cheap, and shewed as well as if they had been cutt out of white marble.

[C] Aubrey gives a drawing of the monument. It is a rectangular stone, having the inscription on the front; at one end 'the banquetting-howse at Whitehall in bas relieve,' at the other 'west end of St. Paule's in bas relieve.' On the top, his bust, in the middle, and at each end a pinnacle. In MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 163, on Jan. 27, 1671/2, Aubrey notes that the inscription is 'yet legible, notwithstanding the fire.'

=Thomas Jones= (16-- -1682).

[36]... Jones, B.D., obiit at the house of <Francis> Charlton, esq.; buried the 8th of October, Sunday, 1682, at East Barnet in Middlesex: [student[37] sometime of Ch. Ch.; master ...].

=Ben Jonson= (1574-1637).

[38]Mr. Benjamin Johnson[D], Poet Laureat;--I remember when I was a scholar at Trin. Coll. Oxon. 1646, I heard Dr. Ralph Bathurst[E] (now deane of Wells) say that Ben Johnson was a Warwyckshire man--sed quaere. 'Tis agreed that his father was a minister; and by his epistle dedicat.[IV.] of 'Every Man ...' to Mr. William Camden that he was a Westminster scholar and that Mr. W. Camden was his school-master.

[IV.] In his dedication of his play called Every man in his humour to Mr. Camden, Clarenceaux:--'Since I am none of those that can suffer the benefits confer'd upon my youth to perish with my age. It is a fraile memorie that remembers but present things.'--MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 55.

[Anthony[39] Wood in his Hist. <et Antiq. Univ. Oxon.>, lib. 2, p. 273, sayes he was borne in Westminster: that (at riper yeares) after he had studied at Cambridge he came of his owne accord to Oxon and there entred himselfe in Ch. Ch. and tooke his Master's degree in Oxon (or conferred on him) anno 1619.]

His mother, after his father's death, maried a brick-layer; and 'tis generally sayd that he wrought sometime with his father-in-lawe[40] (and particularly on the garden-wall of Lincoln's Inne next to Chancery-lane--from old parson <Richard> Hill, of Stretton, Hereff., 1646), and that ... ..., a knight, a bencher, walking thro' and hearing him repeat some Greeke verses out of Homer, discoursing with him, and finding him to have a witt extraordinary, gave him some exhibition to maintaine him at Trinity college in Cambridge, where he was ... ... (quaere).

Then he went into the Lowe-countreys, and spent some time (not very long) in the armie[41], not to the disgrace of ..., as you may find in his Epigrammes.

Then he came over into England, and acted and wrote, but both ill, at the Green Curtaine, a kind of nursery or obscure playhouse, somewhere in the suburbes (I thinke towards Shoreditch or Clarkenwell)--from J. Greenhill.

Then he undertooke againe to write a playe, and did hitt it admirably well, viz. 'Every man ...' which was his first good one.

Serjeant John Hoskins, of Herefordshire, was his father. I remember his sonne (Sir Bennet Hoskins, baronet, who was something poeticall in his youth) told me, that when he desired to be adopted his son: 'No,' sayd he, ''tis honour enough for me to be your brother; I am your father's son, 'twas he that polished me, I doe acknowledge it.'

He was (or rather had been) of a clear and faire skin; his habit was very plaine. I have heard Mr. Lacy, the player, say that he was wont to weare a coate like a coach-man's coate, with slitts under the arme-pitts. He would many times exceed in drinke (Canarie was his beloved liquour): then he would tumble home to bed, and, when he had thoroughly perspired, then to studie. I have seen his studyeing chaire, which was of strawe, such as old woemen used, and as Aulus Gellius is drawen in.

When I was in Oxon, bishop Skinner (of Oxford), who lay at our College, was wont to say that he understood an author as well as any man in England.

He mentions in his Epigrammes a sonne that he had, and his epitaph.

Long since, in King James' time, I have heard my uncle Danvers say (who knew him), that he lived without Temple Barre, at a combe-maker's shop, about the Elephant and Castle. In his later time he lived in Westminster, in the house under which you passe as you goe out of the churchyard into the old palace; where he dyed.

He lies buryed[V.] in the north aisle in the path of square stone (the rest is lozenge), opposite to the scutcheon[42] of Robertus de Ros, with this inscription only on him, in a pavement square, of blew marble, about 14 inches square,


which was donne at the chardge of Jack Young (afterwards knighted) who, walking there when the grave was covering,[43] gave the fellow eighteen pence to cutt it.

[V.] Ben Johnson lyes buryed in the north aisle of Westminster Abbey, just opposite to the scutcheon of Robertus de Ros, under the middle walke or path of square stones, on one of which is wrote


[four yards from the pillar].--MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 55.

His motto before his (bought) bookes was, Tanquam Explorator. I remember 'tis in Seneca's Epistles.

He was a favourite of the Lord Chancellor Egerton, as appeares by severall verses to him. In one he begges his lordship to doe a friend of his a favour.

'Twas an ingeniose remarque of my lady Hoskins, that B. J. never writes of love, or if he does, does it not naturally.

He killed Mr. ... Marlow, the poet, on Bunhill, comeing from the Green-Curtain play-house.--From Sir Edward Shirburn.

[45]Ben Johnson:--Ben Jonson had 50 li. per annum for ... yeares together to keepe off Sir W. Wiseman of Essex from being sheriff. At last king James prickt him, and Ben came to his majestie and told him he 'had prickt him to the heart' and then explaynd himselfe (innuendo Sir W. W. being prickt sheriff) and got him struck off.

Vide his Execration against Vulcan. Vide None-such-Charles. When B. J. was dyeing king Charles sent him but X li. Quaere T. Shadwell pro notes of B. J. from the duke of Newcastle; and also quaere Thomas Henshawe (as also de saxis in Hibernia). Quaere my lord Clifford of the gentleman that cutt the grasse under Ben Jonson's feet, of whom he sayd 'Ungratefull man! I showed him Juvenal.'

[46]B. Jonson; one eye[47] lower then t'other and bigger. He tooke a catalogue from Mr. Lacy of the Yorkshire words[48]--his hint to Tale of a Tub for the clownery.

[49]Ben Johnson had one eie lower than t'other, and bigger, like Clun, the player: perhaps he begott Clun. He tooke a catalogue from Mr. Lacy (the player) of the Yorkshire dialect[50]. 'Twas his hint for clownery to his comoedy called The Tale of a Tub. This I had from Mr. Lacy.

[51]King James made him write against the Puritans, who began to be troublesome in his time.

A Grace by Ben Johnson, extempore, before King James.

Our King and Queen, the Lord-God blesse, The Paltzgrave, and the Lady Besse, And God blesse every living thing That lives, and breath's, and loves the King. God bless the Councell of Estate, And Buckingham, the fortunate. God blesse them all, and keepe them safe, And God blesse me, and God blesse Raph.

The king was mighty enquisitive to know who this Raph was. Ben told him 'twas the drawer at the Swanne tavernne, by Charing-crosse, who drew him good Canarie. For this drollery his majestie gave him an hundred poundes.

[52]This account[F] I received from Mr. Isaac Walton (who wrote Dr. John Donne's &c. Life), Decemb. 2, 1680, he being then eighty-seaven years of age. This is his owne hand writing.

[53]Ffor yoʳ ffriend's que. this:

I only knew Ben Johnson: but my lord of Winton knew him very well, and says he was in the 6º, that is the vpermost fforme in Westminster scole. At which time his father dyed, and his mother marryed a brickelayer, who made him (much against his will) to help him in his trade. But in a short time, his scole maister, Mr. Camden, got him a better imployment, which was to atend or accompany a son of Sir Walter Rauleyes in his travills. Within a short time after their returne, they parted (I think not in cole bloud) and with a loue sutable to what they had in their travills (not to be comended); and then, Ben began to set up for himselfe in the trade by which he got his subsistance and fame. Of which I nede not giue any account. He got in time to haue a 100 li. a yeare from the king, also a pention from the Cittie, and the like from many of the nobilitie, and some of the gentry, wʰ was well payd for loue or fere of his raling in verse or prose, or boeth. My lord of Winton told me, he told him he was (in his long retyrement, and sicknes, when he saw him, which was often) much aflickted that hee had profain'd the scripture, in his playes; and lamented it with horror; yet, that at that time of his long retyrement, his pentions (so much as came yn) was giuen to a woman that gouern'd him, with whome he liud and dyed nere the Abie in West mimster; and that nether he nor she tooke much care for next weike, and wood be sure not to want wine; of which he vsually tooke too much before he went to bed, if not oftner and soner. My lord tells me, he knowes not, but thinks he was borne in Westminster. The question may be put to Mr. Wood very easily vpon what grownds he is positiue as to his being borne their? he is a friendly man and will resolue it. So much for brave Ben. You will not think the rest so tedyus, as I doe this.

Ffor yoʳ 2 and 3º que. of Mr. Hill and Bilingsley, I doe nether know, nor can learn any thing worth teling you.

[54]For yʳ two remaining que. of Mr. Warner and Mr.

Harriott, this:--Mr. Warner did long and constantly lodg nere the water-stares or market in Woolstable (Woolstable is a place or lane not far from Charing Crosse, and nerer to Northumberland howse). My lord of Winchester tells me he knew him, and that he saide he first fownd out the cerculation of the blood, and discover'd it <to> Doʳ Haruie (who said that 'twas he (himselfe) that found it), for which he is so memorably famose. Warner had a pention of 40 li. a yeare from that earle of Northumberland that lay so long a prisner in the Towre, and som alowance from Sir Tho. Alesbery with whome he vsually spent his sumer in Windesor park, and was welcom, for he was harmless and quet. His winter was spent at the Wolstable, where he dyed in the time of the Parliament of 1640, of wᶜʰ, or whome, he was no louer.

Mr. Harriott; my lord tells me, he knew him also: that he was a more gentile man, then Warner. That he had 120 li. a yeare pention from the said earle (who was a louer of ther studyes) and his lodging in Syon howse, where he thinks, or beliues, he dyed.

This is all I know or can learne for yoʳ friend; which I wish may be worth the time and treble of reading it.

J. W.

Nouᵉʳ. 22, 80.

I forgot to tell, that I heard the sermon preacht for the lady Danuers, and have it: but thanke yʳ ffriend.

[D] An anecdote of Ben Jonson (possibly from some Book of Jests) is communicated to me by Professor York Powell as still current in Oxford in oral tradition:--

'One day as Ben Jonson was working at his first trade a fine lady passed and greeted him--

"A line and a trowel Guide many a fool: Good morning, Ben!" --"In silk and scarlet Walks many a harlot: Good morning, Madam!"

answered the poet.'

[E] Aubrey, writing Aug. 7, 1680, in Wood MS. F. 39, fol. 343, says:--'Pray ask the deane of Welles what countreyman Ben Johnson was. To my best remembrance I heard him say (1648) Warwickshire; and I have heard some say that he was of Trinity College Cambridge.'

[F] This is an autograph letter by Izaak Walton, with a heading (here in italic) added by Aubrey.

=John Kersey= (1616-167-?).

[55]John Kersey, borne at Bodicot in Oxfordshire neer Banbury, anno domini 1616. Scripsit;--Arithmetique, 8vo; and two volumes of Algebra, folio.

Obiit in Shandos street, London, neer St. Martin's lane, anno domini 167-. He died of a consumption.

He did survey.

=Ralph Kettell= (1563-1643).

[56]Ralph Kettle, D.D., praeses Coll. Trin. Oxon., was borne at <King's Langley> in Hertfordshire.

The lady Elizabeth Pope brought him in to be a scholar of the house at eleaven yeares of age[G] (as I have heard Dr. Ralph Bathurst say).

I have heard Dr. Whistler[57] say that he wrote good Latin, and Dr. Ralph Bathurst (whose grandmother, ... Villers, he maried), that he scolded the best in Latin of any one that ever he knew. He was of an admirable healthy constitution.

He dyed a yeare + after I came to the Colledge, and he was then a good deale above 80 (quaere aetatem), and he had then a fresh ruddy complexion. He was a very tall well growne man. His gowne and surplice and hood being on, he had a terrible gigantique aspect, with his sharp gray eies. The ordinary gowne he wore was a russet cloath gowne.

He was, they say, white[58] very soon; he had a very venerable presence, and was an excellent governour. One of his maximes of governing was to keepe-downe the juvenilis impetus[VI.]. He was chosen President anno Domini <1598/9> the second after the foundation of the College.

[VI.] 'Tis Seneca's expression.

He was a right Church of England man, and every Tuesday, in terme time, in the morning, the undergraduates (I have forgott if baccalaurs) were to come into the chapell and heare him expound on the 36 Articles[59] of the Church of England. I remember he was wont to talke much of the rood-loft, and of the wafers: he remembred those times. On these dayes, if any one had committed a fault, he should be sure to heare of it in the chapell before his fellow collegiates.

<On[60] these days, he would be sure to> have at him that had a white cap on; for he concluded him to have been drunke, and his head to ake. Sir[61] John Denham had borrowed money of Mr. Whistler, the recorder[62], and, after a great while, the recorder askt him for it again. Mr. Denham laught at it, and told him he never intended that. The recorder acquainted the President, who, at a lecture in the chapell, rattled him, and told him, 'Thy father,' (judge[63]) 'haz hanged many an honester man.' In my time, Mr. Anthony Ettrick and some others frighted a poor young freshman of Magd. Hall with conjuring, which when the old Dr. heard of: on the next Tuesday, sayd he, 'Mr. Ettrick'--who is a very little man--'will conjure up a jackanapes to be his great-grand-father.'

He sawe how the factious in religion in those dayes drew, and he kept himselfe unconcerned. W. Laud, archbishop of Canterbury, sent him one time a servant of his with venison, which the old Dr. with much earnestnes refused, and sayd that he was an old man, and his stomach weake, and he had not eaten of such meate in a long time, and by no meanes would accept of it; but the servant was as much pressing it on him on the other side, and told the President that he durst not carry it back[64] againe. Well, seing there was no avoyding it, the President asked the servant seriously, if the archbishop of Canterbury intended to putt in any scholars or fellowes[65] into his College?

Mr. ... ... one of the fellowes (in Mr. Francis Potter's time) was wont to say, that Dr. Kettel's braine was like a hasty-pudding, where there was memorie, judgement, and phancy all stirred together. He had all these faculties in great measure, but they were all just so jumbled together. If you had to doe with him, taking him for a foole, you would have found in him great subtilty and reach: è contra, if you treated with him as a wise man, you would have mistaken him for a foole. A neighbour of mine (Mr. La<urence> St. Low[H]) told me he heard him preach once in St. Marie's Church, at Oxon. He began thus: 'being my turne to preach in this place, I went into my study to prepare my selfe for my sermon, and I tooke downe a booke that had blew strings, and look't in it,[66]and 'twas sweet Saint Bernard. I chanced to read such a part of it, on such a subject, which haz made me to choose this text----.' I know not whether this was the only time or no that he used this following way of conclusion:--'But now I see it is time for me to shutt up my booke, for I see the doctors' men come-in wiping of their beardes from the ale-house.'--(He could from the pulpit plainly see them, and 'twas their custome in sermon to go there, and about the end of sermon to returne to wayte on their masters).

He had two wives, if not three, but no child (quaere). His second wife was a Villiers, or rather (I thinke) the widowe of ... Villers, esq., who had two beautifull daughters, co-heires. The eldest, whom severall of good estate[67] would gladly have wedded, he would needs dispose of himselfe, and he thought nobody so fitt a husband for this angelique creature as one Mr. Bathurst, of the College, a second brother, and of about 300 li. per annum, but an indifferent scholar, red fac'd, not at all handsome.

But the Doctor's fashion was to goe up and down the college, and peepe in at the key-holes to see whether the boyes did follow their books or no. He seldome found Bathurst minding of his booke, but mending of his old doublet or breeches. He was very thrifty and penurious, and upon this reason he caried away this curious creature. But she was very happy in her issue; all her children were ingeniose and prosperous[68] in the world, and most of them beautifull.

About ... (neer 70 yeares since, I suppose,) one Mr. Isham (elder brother to Sir Justinian Isham), a gentleman-commoner of this howse, dyed of the small pox. He was a very fine gentleman, and very well beloved by all the colledge, and severall of the fellowes would have preacht his funerall sermon, but Dr. Kettle would not permitt it, but would doe it himselfe; which the fellowes were sorry for, for they knew he would make a ridiculous piece of worke of it. But preach the Dr. did: takes a text and preaches on it a little while; and then takes another text, for the satisfaction of the young gentleman's mother; and anon he takes another text, for the satisfaction of the young gentleman's grandmother. When he came to the panegyrique, sayd he, 'He was the finest, swet[69] young gentleman; it did doe my heart good to see him walke along the quadrangle. Wee have an old proverbe that Hungry dogges will eate dirty puddings; but I must needes say for this young gentleman, that he always loved[VII.] sweet'--he spake it with a squeaking voice--'things,'--and there was an end.

[VII.] They were wont to mock me with this[70].

He observed that the howses that had the smallest beer had most drunkards, for it forced them to goe into the town to comfort their stomachs; wherfore Dr. Kettle alwayes had in his College excellent beer, not better to be had in Oxon; so that we could not goe to any other place but for the worse, and we had the fewest drunkards of any howse in Oxford.

He was constantly at lectures and exercises in the hall to observe them, and brought along with him his hower-glasse; and one time, being offended at the boyes, he threatned them, that if they would not doe their exercise better he 'would bring an hower-glass two howers long.'

He was irreconcileable to long haire; called them hairy scalpes, and as for periwigges (which were then very rarely worne) he beleeved[71] them to be the scalpes of men cutt off after they were hang'd, and so tanned and dressed for use. When he observed the scolars' haire longer then ordinary (especially if they were scholars of the howse), he would bring a paire of cizers in his muffe (which he commonly wore), and woe be to them that sate on the outside of the table[I]. I remember he cutt Mr. Radford's[72] haire with the knife that chipps the bread on the buttery-hatch, and then he sang (this is in the old play--Henry VIII<'s time>--of Grammar[73] Gurton's needle)

'And was not Grim the collier finely trimm'd? Tonedi, Tonedi.'

'Mr.[J] Lydall,' sayd he, 'how doe you decline tondeo? Tondeo, tondes, tonedi?'

One time walking by the table where the Logick lecture was read, where the reader was telling the boyes that a syllogisme might be true quoad formam, but not quoad materiam; said the President (who would putt-in sometimes), 'There was a fox had spyed a crowe upon a tree, and he had a great mind to have him[74], and so getts under the tree in a hope, and layes out his tayle crooked like a horne, thinking the crowe might come and peck at it, and then he would seise him. Now come we' (this[75] was his word), 'I say the foxe's tayle is a horne: is this a true proposition or no?' (to one of the boyes). 'Yes,' sayd he (the Dr. expected he should have sayd No; for it putt him out of his designe); 'Why then,' said he, 'take him and toot him'; and away he went.

He dragg'd with one (i.e. right[76]) foot a little, by which he gave warning (like the rattlesnake) of his comeing. Will. Egerton (Major-Generall Egerton's younger brother), a good witt and mimick, would goe so like him, that sometime he would make the whole chapell rise up, imagining he had been entring in.

As they were reading of inscribing and circumscribing figures, sayd he,'I will shew you how to inscribe a triangle in a quadrangle. Bring a pig into the quadrangle, and I will sett the colledge dog at him, and he will take the pig by the eare; then come I and take the dog by the tayle, and the hog by the tayle, and so there you have a triangle in a quadrangle; quod erat faciendum.'

He preach't every Sunday at his parsonage at Garsington (about 5 miles off). He rode on his bay gelding, with his boy Ralph before him, with a leg of mutton (commonly) and some colledge bread. He did not care for the countrey revells, because they tended to debauchery. Sayd he, at Garsington revell, 'Here is Hey for Garsington! and Hey for Cuddesdon! and Hey Hockly! but here's nobody cries, Hey for God Almighty!'

Upon Trinity Sunday (our festival day) he would commonly preach at the Colledge, whither a number of the scholars of other howses would come, to laugh at him. In his prayer (where he was of course to remember Sir Thomas Pope, our founder, and the lady Elizabeth his wife, deceasd), he would many times make a willfull mistake, and say, 'Sir Thomas Pope our Confounder[77],' but then presently recall himselfe.

He was a person of great charity. In his college, where he observed diligent boyes that he ghessed had but a slender exhibition from their friends, he would many times putt money in at their windowes; that his right hand did not know what his left did.[78]Servitors that wrote good hands he would sett on worke to transcribe for him and reward them generosely, and give them good advise. Mris. Howe, of Grendon, sent him a present of hippocris, and some fine cheese-cakes, by a plain countrey fellow, her servant. The Dr. tastes the wine:--'What,' sayd he, 'didst thou take this drinke[79] out of a ditch?' and when he saw the cheese-cakes:--'What have we here, crinkum, crankum?' The poor fellow stared on him, and wondered at such a rough reception of such a handsome present; but he shortly made him amends with a good dinner and halfe-a-crowne. The parsonage of Garsington (which belongs to the college) is worth ... per annum, and this good old Doctor, when one of his parish[80], that was an honest industrious man, happened by any accident to be in decay and lowe in the world, would let his parsonage to him for a yeare, two, or three, fourty pounds a yeare under value.

In his younger yeares he had been chaplain to <Thomas> Bilson, bishop of Winton.

In August, 1642, the lord viscount Say and Seale came (by order of the Parliament) to visit the colleges, to see what of new Popery they could discover in the chapells. In our chapell, on the backside of the skreen, had been two altars (of painting well enough for those times, and the colours were admirably fresh and lively). That on the right hand as you enter the chapell was dedicated to St. Katharine, that on the left was of the taking our Saviour off from the crosse. My lord Say sawe that this was donne of old time, and Dr. Kettle told his lordship 'Truly, my Lord, we regard them no more then a dirty dish-clout'; so they remained untoucht, till Harris's time[81], and then were coloured over with green. The windowes of the chapell were good Gothique painting, in every columne a figure;--e.g. St. Cuthbert, St. Leonard, St. Oswald. I have forgott the rest. 'Tis pitty they should be lost. I have a note of all the scutcheons in glasse about the house. 'Twas pitty Dr. Bathurst tooke the old painted glasse out of the library. Anciently, in the chapell, was a little organ over the dore of the skreen. The pipes were, in my time, in the bursery.

[82]Memorandum:--till Oxford was surrendred we sang the reading psalmes on Sundayes, holy-dayes, and holy-day eves; and one of the scholars of the house sang the ghospell for the day in the hall, at the latter end of dinner, and concluded, Sic desinit Evangelium secundum beatum Johannem (or etc.): tu autem, Domine, miserere nostri.

He <Kettle> sang a shrill high treble; but there was one (J. Hoskyns[K]) who had a higher, and would play the wag with the Dr. to make him straine his voice up to his.

[83]Memorandum:--there was in my time a rich pall[84] to lay on a coffin, of crimson velvet, with a large plaine crosse on it of white silke or sattin.

[85]'Tis probable this venerable Dr. might have lived some yeares longer, and finisht his century, had not those civill warres come on: which much grieved him, that was wont to be absolute in the colledge, to be affronted and disrespected by rude soldiers. I remember, being at the Rhetorique lecture in the hall, a foot-soldier came in and[86] brake his hower-glasse. The Dr. indeed was just stept out, but Jack Dowch[L] pointed at it. Our grove was the Daphne for the ladies and their gallants to walke in, and many times my lady Isabella Thynne[VIII.] would make her entrey with a theorbo or lute played before her. I have heard her play on it in the grove myselfe, which she did rarely; for which Mr. Edmund Waller hath in his Poems for ever made her famous. One may say of her as Tacitus sayd of Agrippina, Cuncta alia illi adfuere, praeter animum honestum. She was most beautifull, most humble, charitable, etc. but she could not subdue one thing. I remember one time this lady and fine Mris. Fenshawe[IX.] (her great and intimate friend, who lay at our college), would have a frolick to make a visitt to the President. The old Dr. quickly perceived that they came to abuse him; he addresses his discourse to Mris. Fenshawe, saying, 'Madam, your husband[M] and father I bred up here, and I knew your grandfather; I know you to be a gentlewoman, I will not say you are a whore; but gett you gonne for a very woman.' The dissolutenesse of the times, as I have sayd, grieving the good old Doctor, his dayes were shortned, and dyed <July> anno Domini 1643, and was buried at Garsington: quaere his epitaph.

[VIII.] <She> lay at Balliol College.

[IX.] She was wont, and my lady Thynne, to come to our Chapell, mornings, halfe dressd, like angells.

Seneca's scholar Nero found fault with his style, saying 'twas arena sine calce: now Dr. Kettle was wont to say that 'Seneca writes, as a boare does pisse,' scilicet, by jirkes.

I cannot forget a story that Robert Skinner, lord bishop of Oxford, haz told us:--one Slymaker[N], a fellow of this College long since, a fellow of great impudence, and little learning--the fashion was in those dayes to goe, every Satterday night (I thinke), to Joseph Barnes' shop, the bookeseller (opposite to the west end of St. Mary's), where the newes was brought from London, etc.--this impudent clowne would alwayes be hearkning to people's whisperings and overlooking their letters, that he was much taken notice of. Sir Isaac Wake, who was a very witty man, was resolved he would putt a trick upon him, and understood that such a Sunday Slymaker was to preach at St. Mary's. So Sir Isaac, the Saterday before, reades a very formall lettre to some person of quality, that cardinal Baronius was turned Protestant, and was marching with an army of 40,000 men against the Pope. Slymaker hearkned with greedy eares, and the next day in his prayer before his sermon[O], beseeched God[87]'of his infinite mercy and goodnesse to give a blessing to the army of cardinall Baronius, who was turnd Protestant, and now marching with an army of forty thousand men,' and so runnes on: he had a Stentorian voice, and thunderd it out. The auditors all stared and were amazed: ... Abbot (afterwards bishop of Sarum[88]) was then Vice-cancellor, and when Slymaker came out of the pulpit, sends for him, and asked his name: 'Slymaker,' sayd he; 'No,' sayd the Vice-canc., ''tis Lyemaker.'

Dr. Kettle, when he scolded at the idle young boies of his colledge, he used these names, viz. Turds, Tarrarags (these were the worst sort, rude rakells), Rascal-Jacks, Blindcinques, Scobberlotchers (these did no hurt, were sober, but went idleing about the grove with their hands in their pocketts, and telling the number of the trees there, or so).

[89]To make you merry I'le tell you a story that Dr. Henry Birket[90] told us tother day at his cosen <Thomas> Mariet's, scilicet that about 1638 or 1640 when he was of Trinity College, Dr. Kettle, preaching as he was wont to doe on Trinity Sunday, told 'em that they should keepe their bodies chast and holy: 'but,' said he, 'you fellows of the College here eate good commons and drinke good double-beer ... and that will gett-out.' How would the good old Dr. have raunted and beat-up his kettle-drum, if he should have seen such luxury in the College as there is now! Tempora mutantur.

[G] It is difficult to decide whether these personal traditions are accurate or not. By the College records it appears that 'Ralph Kettell, Hertfordshire, aged sixteen, was elected scholar of Trinity 16 June 1579.' But he may have been in residence earlier. He was elected fellow May 30, 1583; and admitted third president Feb. 12, 1598/9. He died in July, 1643.

[H] Laurence Saintloe was B.A. from Exeter College Nov. 14, 1623: probably of the Saintlowes of Wiltshire.

[I] In College halls, till modern increase of numbers brought in more tables to block the floor, there were only the high table on the daïs, and side-tables along the walls of the body of the hall. The inner seats for these were often part of the wainscotting, and in any case there would be no passage behind them.

[J] John Lydall, scholar of Trinity College, June 4, 1640: Aubrey's particular friend, died Oct. 12, 1657 (Clark's Wood's Life and Times, i. 229). Aubrey often refers to him in his letters, generally with some expression of deep sorrow.

[K] John Hoskins of Rampisham, Dorset, elected Scholar of Trinity, May 28, 1635, aged 16; Fellow June 4, 1640.

[L] John Douch, matric. at Trin. July 5, 1639, aged 16: afterwards rector of Stalbridge, Dorset.

[M] John Fanshawe of Dagenham, Essex, matric. at Trin. Coll. Feb. 9, 1637/8, aged 18.

[N] Henry Slymaker, of Oxford city, aged 18, elected Scholar of Trin. May 26, 1592; Fellow June 13, 1598.

[O] It would be interesting to know when the 'bidding prayer' became a form, as it now is, and ceased to be composed for the occasion. See a notice of this prayer being habitually used to express personal opinions in 1637, in Clark's Wood's Life and Times, ii. 238.

=Ludolph van Keulen= (1554?-1610).

[91]Ludolphus van Ceulin was first, by profession, a fencing-master; but becomeing deafe, he betooke himselfe to the studie of the mathematiques wherin he became famous.

He wrote a learned booke, printed at ... in 4to of the proportion of the diameter of a circle to the peripherie: before which is his picture, and round about it in the compartiment are swords and bucklers and holberts, etc.,--weapons: the reason wherof I understood not till Dʳ. John Pell gave the aforesaid account, who had it from Sir Francis Godolphin, who had been his scholar as to fencing and boarded in his house.

He dyed at Leyden anno ..., aetat. 56, as I remember (vide); and on his monument, according to his last will, is engraved the proportion abovesayd, which is....

=Richard Kitson.=

[92]My lodging is at the George Inne in Little Drury lane, very early or late, or at other times at Mr. Samuell Eyres his chamber at Lincolne's Inne or at Mr. John Hancock's chamber in the Middle Temple--Ric. Kitson.

Direct your letter in the country to me at my house in Amesbury neere Salisbury, Wiltes.

I use to be at Salisbury Tuesdayes and Saturdayes weekely--R. K.

=Richard Knolles= (154- -1610).

[93]<The> author of the battaile of Lepanto[94] <was> hangd at Tyburne; he was reduced to such necessity.

The lord Burleigh, when he read <Richard> Knolls' Turkish history was particularly extremely pleased at the discription of the battail of Lepanto; sent for Knolles, who told him an ingeniose young man came to him, hearing what he was about, and desired that he might write that, having been in that action. I thinke he has taught schoole about Sandwych.

My lord hunted after him, and traced him from place to place, and at last to Newgate. He was hanged but a 14 night before. He unluckily lost a good opportunity of being preferred--<from> Mr. Smyth, Magd. Coll.

=John Lacy= (16-- -1681).

[95]John Lacy, player, of the King's house, borne at ... neer Doncaster in Yorkshire. Came to London to the ... playhouse, 1631. His master was.... Apprentice (as were also ... and Isaac) to Mr. John Ogilby.

B. Jonson tooke a note of his Yorkshire words and proverbes for his Tale of a Tub, several 'Gad kettlepinns!'

1642 vel 3, lievetenant and quartermaster to the lord Gerard[96]. Vide Dr. Earles' Character of a Player.

He was of an elegant shape, and fine[97] complexion.

His majestie (Charles IIᵈ) haz severall pictures of this famous comoedian at Windsore and Hampton Court in the postures of severall parts that he acted, e.g., Teag, Lord Vaux, the Puritan.

He dyed of.... He made his exit on Saturday September 17th 1681, and was buryed in the farther churchyard of St. Martyn's in the fields on the Monday following, aged....

Scripsit these comoedies: that is to say,

... ...

=Edward Lane= (1605-1685).

[98]Edward Lane, who wrote against ... Du Moulin[P]: the title of his booke is ..., London, printed for W. Crooke, A.D....

In a letter from him to Mr. Crooke, thus, viz.:--

'As to the postscript of your letter, wherein I am desired to give an account of my academicall education, etc., know that in the yeare 1622, after I had been brought up to some learning in Paule's Schoole, London, I was admitted into St. John's Colledge, in Cambridge, where the president was my tutor; and after I had duely performed all that was required of me both in College and Schooles, I tooke my degree there of Master in Arts in the yeare 1629. And ten yeares after that, viz. in the yeare 1639, I was admitted ad eundem gradum in the university of Oxford. In the yeare 1630, my Lord Keeper Coventrey gave <me> a little vicarage in Essex, called North Strobury; and in the yeare 1635 his good Lordship removed me to the place where I now am. This I concieve is all that is now enquired of me by you.--The Lord give me grace so to number my dayes that I may apply my heart better then I have yet donne to Spiritual Wisdome.

Good sir, I am your true friend and servant, EDWARD LANE.'

Sparsholt, Hants. Novemb. 16, 1681.

[P] In 1680 Lewis du Moulin published a pamphlet, 'Moral reflections upon the number of the elect, proving ... that ... probably not one in a million from Adam down to our time shall be saved.' Lane's answer appeared in the same year:--'Mercy triumphant: the kingdom of Christ enlarged beyond the narrow bounds which have been put to it by Dr. L. du Moulin....'

=Sir Henry Lee= (1530-1610/1).

=Sir Henry Lee= (15-- -1631).

[99]Sir Henry Lee of Ditchley in com. Oxon was a gentleman of a good estate, and a strong and valiant person.

He was raunger of Woodstocke parke, and (I have heard my old cosen Whitney say) would many times in his younger yeares walke at nights in the parke with his keepers.

Sir Gerard Fleetwood succeeded him in this place[X.]; as his nephew Sir William Fleetwood did him, and him the earl of Rochester.

[X.] J. S. on the heroicall epistles of Michael Drayton--'In Rosamund's time, one Vaughan.'

This Sir Henry Lee's nephew and heire (whom I remember very well; he often came to Sir John Danvers') was called Whip-and-away. The occasion of it was thus:--this old hero declining in his strength by age and so not being able to be a righter of his owne wronges as heretofore--

Labitur occiduae per iter declive senectae. Subruit haec aevi demoliturque prioris Robora. Fletque Milo senior cum spectat inanes Illos, qui fuerant solidorum more tororum Herculeis similes, fluidos pendere lacertos.

OVID. Metamorp. lib. xv, fab. 3 <l. 227>--

some person of quality had affronted him. So he spake to Sir Henry Lee his heire to lie in wayte for him about the Bell Inne in the Strand with halfe a dozen or more lustie fellowes at his back and as the partie passed along to give him a good blow with his cane and whip and away, the tall fellowes should finish the revenge. Whether 'twere nicety of conscience or cowardice, but Sir Henry the younger absolutely refused it. For which he was disinherited, and <Sir Henry the elder> setled his whole estate upon a keeper's sonne of Whitchwood-forest of his owne name, a one-eied young man, no kinne to him, from whom the earle of Lichfield[100] now is descended, as also the lady Norris and lady Wharton.

He was never maried, but kept woemen to reade to him when he was a bed. One of his readers was parson Jones[101] his wife of Wotton. I have heard her daughter (who had no more witt) glory what a brave reader her mother was and how Sir Harry's worship much delighted to heare her. But his dearest deare was Mris. Anne Vavasour. He erected a noble altar monument of marble (☞ see it) wheron his effigies in armour lay; at the feet was the effigies of his mistresse Mris. Anne Vavasour. Which occasioned these verses:--

Here lies good old knight Sir Harry, Who loved well, but would not marry[102]....

Memorandum: some bishop did threaten to have this monument defaced (at least to remove Mris. A. Vavasour's effigies).

<Pedigree of the Lees of Ditchley.>

[103](1) Old Sir Henry Lee[104] of Ditchley, com. Oxon.

(2) Sir Henry Lee, whom they called Whip-and-away, was cosen-german to the other Sir Henry; he dyed a batchelor, sine prole.

(3) Sir Henry Lee[105], m. Elenor Wortley, whose with one eie, a | mother was countesse keeper's son, | of Dover. adopted by old | Sir Henry. | | Harry[106] Lee m. <Anne> St. John, ... daughter | of Sir John St. John, of Lydiard | Tregoze, Wilts; now countess | of Rochester. | Harry Lee[107] m. Anne Danvers, second daughter of | Sir John Danvers, brother and | heire of Henry, earl of Danby. +-------------------------------+-------+ | | <Eleanor> Lee m. James, lord Norris <Anne> Lee m. <Thomas> eldest | of Ricot, since earl son of the lord | of Abingdon. Wharton. | +--------+------+-------+---+---+ | | | | | 1. Montagu, now 2. James. 3 4 5 lord Norris.

Old Sir Henry Lee, knight of the Garter, and was supposed brother of queen Elizabeth. He ordered that all his family should be christned Harry's.

This account I take from my lady Elizabeth viscountesse Purbec, the eldest daughter of Sir John Danvers, sister to the lady Anne Lee.

[108]One-eied Lee[109] m. <Anne> St. John m. <Henry>, lord Wilmot. | | | <John>, earl of Rochester. | ... m. <Sir Henry> Lee m. Anne Danvers | | earl of Litchfield[110]. +-----+--------+ | | Lady Norris. Lady Wharton.

=William Lee= (15-- -1610).

[111]Mr. William Lee, A.M., was of Oxon[112] (I thinke, Magdalen Hall[Q]). He was the first inventor of the weaving of stockings by an engine of his contrivance. He was a Sussex man borne, or els lived there. He was a poor curate, and, observing how much paines his wife tooke in knitting a payre of stockings, he bought a stocking and a halfe, and observed the contrivance of the stitch, which he designed in his loome, which (though some of the appendent instruments of the engine be altered) keepes the same to this day. He went into France, and there dyed before his loome was made there. So the art was, not long since, in no part of the world but England. Oliver Protector made an act that it should be felonie to transport this engine. Vide Stowe's Chronicle and Baker's Chronicle, if any mention of it. This information I tooke from a weaver (by this engine) in Pear-poole lane, 1656. Sir John Hoskyns, Mr. Stafford Tyndale, and I, went purposely to see it.

[Q] In MS. Aubr. 8. fol. 4, Anthony Wood notes:--'11 Nov. 1681:--"John Lee, Surrey, son of Thomas Lee, of London, gent., aet. 17, 1624" <matriculated at> "Aul. Magd."--this I set here because one Lee is mentioned in this book,--see page 18,' i.e. fol. 32 as above.

=William Lilly= (1601-1681).

[113]W. Lilly--<life> donne by himselfe penes Mr. Elias Ashmole.

[114]Mr. W. Lilly obiit at his house in Hersham, Thursday, June 9, and is to be buried at Walton chancel[115] this day, scil. June 10, 1681. He was borne on May day 1601[116]: had he lived till next May he had been full fourscore. He setled his estate at Hersham, 200 li. per annum, on ... Whitlock, esqre, sonne of the Lord Commissioner Whitlock[117] (who was his great patrone).

[118]Mr. William Lilly, astrologer: he wrote his owne life very largely, which Elias Ashmole, esq., hath. Memorandum he predicted the great comete which appeared in anno Domini[119] 168<0>, in his almanack 1677, which was the last that he wrote himselfe with his owne hands; for afterwards he fell blind. Memorandum, to bind up the almanack aforesayd with other 8vo pamphlets, for 'tis exceeding considerable.

[120]Ne oblivione contereretur urna Gulielmi Lillii astrologi peritissimi qui fatis cessit Vᵗᵒ Idus Junii anno Christi Juliano MDCLXXXI Hoc illi posuit amoris monumentum Elias Ashmole, armiger.

On a black marble (good marble; 7 li.[121]) gravestone in the middle towards the north wall of Walton-on-Thames <church>.

Quaere--he wrote his own life which Mr. Ashmole hath and is dedicated to him.

=Franciscus Linus.=

[122]Father Franciscus Linus, i.e. Hall, was borne in London--which captain Robert Pugh, è Societate Jesus, assured me, who was his great acquaintance.

He was of the Societie of Jesus and lived most at Liège, where he dyed....

He writt a learned discourse, de coloribus, which Sir Kenelm Digby quotes with much praise in his philosophie.

He printed a discourse of dialling in 4to, Latin, and made the Jesuits College there the finest dialls in the world, which are described in that booke. The like dialls he made (which resemble something a ... of candlesticks) in the garden at Whitehall, which were one night, anno Dni. 167- (4[123], as I take it), broken all to pieces (for they were of glasse spheres) by the earl of Rochester, lord Buckhurst, Fleetwood Shephard, etc., comeing in from their revells. 'What!' said the earl of Rochester, 'doest thou stand here to ... time?' Dash they fell to worke. Ther was a watchman alwayes stood there to secure it.

He wrote a piece of philosophy in Latin in 8vo, called....

He had great skill in the optiques, and was an excellent philosopher and mathematician, and a person of exceeding suavity, goodnes, and piety, insomuch that I have heard father Manners, è Soc. Jes., say that he deserved canonisation.

Memorandum--he writ a little tract, about halfe a sheet or not much more, of Transubstantiation, proveing it metaphysically and by naturall reason--which I have seen.

[124]Franciscus Linus (Hall), Jesuite, at Leige. He told me he was born in London; see more in my memorandums of him to Mr. Anthony Wood.

Sir Kenelme Digby, in his booke of bodies, in the chapter of colours, speakes with a very great respect of Mr. ... Hall.

He writ and published a prety little booke in 8vo (or lesse) of natural philosophy--quaere nomen.

=Sir Matthew Lister= (1564-1656).

[125]Sir Matthew Lister was born at Thornton in Craven in Yorkshire. His nephew Martin Lister, M.D., R.S.S.[126], from whose mouth I have this information, tells me he was of Oriel College in Oxon; he thinkes he was a fellowe.

He built that stately house at Ampthill in Bedfordshire (now the earle of Alesbury's). He sent for the architects from Italie.

He died at Burwell neer Lowth in Lincolnshire about 1656 or 1657, aged 92 yeares.

He was physitian to queen Anne (queen of king James). See the list of the names of the physitians before the London dispensatorie; as I remember, he was then president of the Physitians' College at London.

He printed nothing that Dr. Martin Lister knowes of (Sir Matthew Lister bred him up).

[127]Mr. <Edmund> Wyld sayes Sir Matthew Lister built the house for Mary, countesse of Pembroke. He was her surveyour, and managed her estate[128]. The seat at Ampthill is now in the possession of the earl of Alesbury, whose grandfather (the earl of Elgin) bought it of the countesse of Pembroke.--That he was president of the Physitians College appeares by the dedication of the London dispensatory to him, being then president.

=Evans Lloyd.=

[129]1582: Almanack, supputated specially for the elevation and meridian of London but may generally serve for all England--by Evans Lloyd, student in Astronomie.

'Tis dedicated 'To the right honourable Sir Thomas Bromley, Lord Chancellour of England, and one of her majestie's most honourable privy councell.' He concludes thus:--'Your honour's most humble and dutifull, Evans Lloyd, late student in Oriall Colledge in Oxford.'

=Martin Lluelyn= (1616-1681/2).

[130]Martin Lluellyn was borne on Thursday the 12 of December 1616, a quarter befor 11 of clock in the night, the moon newly entred into Capricorn and near the full in Gemini. He was the seventh son, without any daughter between. He was christned on the 22 day of December at Litle St. Bartholomeu's church near Smithfeild, London: buried in the left chancel of Wicombe church near the wall.

Our faith and duty, pure without allay, As our Apollo we our kings obey, To both implicit homag allways pay. When the God moves we seldom reasoning stand, But feareless march wherere he does command. And thus we treat all mortall majesty And never put the saucy question, Why?

[131]He lies interred in the middle of the north aisle of the chancell, towards the step or elevation, of Chipping Wickham in the county of Bucks, under a fair black marble gravestone.

=Sir James Long= (1613-1658/9).

[132]Sir James Long, baronet:--I should now be both orator and soldier to give this honoured friend of mine, 'a gentleman absolute[133] in all numbers,' his due character.

Only son of Sir W. L.; borne at South Wraxhall in Wilts. Westminster scholar; of Magd. coll. Oxon; Fisher there. Went to France. Maried anno ... D.[134] Leech, a most elegant beautie and witt, daughter of Sir E. L., 25 aetat. In the civill warres, colonel of horse in Sir Fr. Dodington's brigade. Good sword-man; horseman; admirable extempore orator pro harangue; great memorie; great historian and romanceer; great falkoner and for horsemanship; for insects; exceeding curious and searching long since, in naturall things.

Oliver, Protector, hawking at Hownselowe heath, discoursing with him, fell in love with his company, and commanded him to weare his sword, and to meete him a hawkeing, which made the strict cavaliers look on him with an evill eye.

Scripsit 'History and Causes of the Civill Warre,' or 'Reflections' (quaere); 'Examination of witches at Malmesburie.'

MS. Aubr. 3, fol. 187, is a coloured sketch by Aubrey of Sir James Long of Draycot and himself hawking; fol. 189 is Aubrey's pencil drawing for it.

=Richard Lovelace= (1618-1658).

[135]Richard Lovelace[R], esq.: he was a most beautifull gentleman.

Geminum, seu lumina, sydus, Et dignos Baccho digitos, et Apolline crines, Impubesque genas, et eburnea colla, decusque Oris, et in niveo mistum candore ruborem.

OVID. Metamorph.[136] fab. 5 (Echo), lib. III.

Obiit in a cellar in Long Acre, a little before the restauration of his majestie. Mr. Edmund Wyld, etc. have made collections for him, and given him money.

One of the handsomst men of England. He was of ... in Kent, 500 li. per annum and + (quaere E. W.).

He was an extraordinary handsome man, but prowd. He wrote a poem called Lucasta[XI.], 8vo, printed London by Thomas Harper to be sold at the Gun in Ivy lane, 1649[137].

[XI.] Lucasta, Posthumous Poems of Richard Lovelace, esq., with verses of severall of his friends on him: 8vo.

He was of Glocester hall[138], as I have been told.

He had two younger brothers, viz. colonel Francis Lovelace, and another brother <William> that died at Carmarthen (prout per poema).

George Petty, haberdasher, in Fleet Street, carried xxs. to him every Monday morning from Sir ... Many and Charles Cotton, esq., for ... (quaere quot) moneths, but was never repayd[S].

[R] In MS. Aubr. 7, fol. 5, is the note:--'Let me see colonel Lovelace's life to insert some verses;' i.e. Aubrey asks back from Anthony Wood MS. Aubr. 8, to insert 'some verses.' This seems not to have been done, unless they be those quoted from Ovid.

[S] The meaning seems to be that these two commissioned Petty to pay Lovelace a weekly allowance, but never re-paid him. Is 'Sir ... Many' Sir John Mennis? George Petty was a distant connexion of Anthony Wood: Clark's Wood's Life and Times, i. 35.

=Cyprian Lucar.=

[139]Mr. Cyprian Lucar[T] published a very profitable treatise in 4to for young beginners in the Mathematicks, intituled

'Lucar solace, divided into fower bookes, which in part are collected out of diverse authors in diverse languages, and in part devised by Cyprian Lucar, gentleman. Imprinted at London by Richard Field anno Domini 1590.'

It is dedicated 'to the right worshipfull his brother-in-law Maister William Roe, esquier, and alderman of the honorable citie of London.' This dedicatory epistle is a well writ and close stile. He expresseth himselfe short and cleare and to have been a publick-spirited and a good man as well as learned and ingenious. He dates it 'From my house in London the 1 day of May in the yeare of the creation of the world 5552, and in the yeare of our redemption 1590.'

The contents of the four bookes of Lucar Solace:--

'The first book containeth definitions of divers words and terms, names and lengthes of divers English measures, the true difference between an acar of land measured with a pearch of 12 foot, 18 foot, 20 foote, or 24 foote in length, and an acar of land measured with a pearch of 16 foot and an halfe foote in length, names and types of divers geometrical instruments, names and dwelling places of workmen which can make and doe sell such instruments, meanes to discerne whether or no the edge of a ruler is right, and infallible instructions by which an ingenious reader may readily measure upon any smooth table, drummes head, stoole or other superficies measurable lengths, bredthes, heights, and depthes, apply known lengthes, bredthes, heights, and depthes to many good purposes, know recorded heighthes, lengthes, and bredthes of some famous monuments in Sarum, in Westminster and in the honorable citie of London, know the antiquitie of the sayd citie of London, draw the true plat of any place, make a fit scale for any platt or mappe, reduce many plats into one fair mappe, reduce a mappe from a bigge forme to a lesse forme, and from a lesse forme to a bigge forme, and learne to know the commodities and discommodities of places.

[140]'The second book sheweth how an ingenuous person may measure a right-lined distance between any two places described in a mappe, how he may measure the circuite and superficiall content of any described peece of land, how he may find the centre of any polygonon equiangle figure, how he may find the center of any circle, how he may make by a part of the circumference the whole circumference agreeing unto that part, how he may bring any right lined figure into triangles and how he may know what number of angles in a right-lined figure are equall to any certain number of right angles.

'The third book instructeth the reader to make any triangle, square, or long-square, to erect a plumbe line upon any part or point of a line, to divide any circle into divers numbers of equall parts, to make any polygonon equiangle figure, to make an egge-forme figure, to know when a figure is inscribed within another figure or circumscribed about another figure, to inscribe certain rightlined figures within certain other rightlined figures, to circumscribe certain rightlined figures about certain other rightlined figures, to divide a right line into so many equall parts as he will, to tell whether a thing seen afar off doth stand still, goe from him, or come towards him, to draw a line equall to any assigned arch-line or to the whole circumference of any assigned circle or to any assigned part of a circle, to draw a circular line equall to any assigned right line, to separate, lay out, and inclose within a long square, one, two or three acars of land by diverse waies from any peece of ground adjoyning, to change a figure of one forme into an equall figure of another appointed forme, to make a right line angle equall to a right line angle given, to draw a parallel to a right line given, and to cube any assigned sphere.

'The fourth booke teacheth the reader to know fruitfull barren and minerall grounds, growthes ages and solid contents of trees, and where a good air is. It doth also teach the reader to build for the preservation of health, to make a tunnell of a chimney so as no smoak shall annoy him in his house, to fell timber and make sound boords for buildings, to sink a well in due time and in a place where water may be found, and to know whether a new found spring of water will drie up in a hot and dry summer; also it sheweth how water in a shallow well is more wholesome than water in a deep well, how every well ought to be uncovered[141]and often times drawn drie, how the use of water is necessary, how divers sorts of water have divers qualities, how there are divers meanes to trie among many sorts of water which water is best, how great store of water may be thrown out of a new-devised squerte upon any fired house or other thing, how water may be brought in pipes or in gutters within the ground to any appointed sesterne, how the depth of any sea may be found, how the force of running waters which weare away land may be broken; how wet grounds and bogges may be drained, and how by the art taught in these 4 bookes the ingenuous reader may devise new workes, strange engins and instruments not only for private pleasure but also for sundry purposes in the common-wealth.'

Memorandum:--in the XXIII chapter of the third booke of Lucar Solace, in the beginning of the chapter, he quotes the 67 chapter of his booke ☞ intituled Lucar appendix, which I never saw.

[T] Aubrey gives in trick the coat, '..., a chevron between 3 trefoils slipped ..., a crescent for difference,' and then scores it out, adding 'this is Roe's coate.' Then he has given as Lucar's coat:--'..., a chevron between 3 nags' heads erased bridled ...; quartering, ... a fess nebulé, in chief a lion's head erased between 2 mascles, in base a mascle.' He adds that the motto is 'In spe,' and 'the crest is a lure for a hawke held in one's hand.'--Cyprian Lucar, of London, adm. probationer of New College, Dec. 20, 1561, and adm. Fellow July 25, 1563, vacated his fellowship in 1565.--Mark Lucar, probably his brother, of St. Botolph's parish, London, was admitted prob. of New Coll., Aug. 16, 1570; Fellow March 30, 1572, resigned 1575; and took B.A. on May 24, 1574.

=Henry Lyte= (1529(?)-1607).

[142]I will enquire at Lyte's-Cary when Henry Lyte[143], esq., dyed.--He translated Dodantus' Herball, and writt a little pamphlet, which I have, called 'The light of Britaine, being a short summary of the old English history,' dedicated to queen Elizabeth.

He began the genealogy of king James, derived from Brute; which his eldest son Thomas Lyte, of Lyte's-Cary aforesaid, finished, and presented to king James. It is most rarely donne and exquisitly limmed by a limmer--all the kings' pictures, etc. King James, after it had hung some time at Whitehal, ordered him to have it[144]again and to gett <it> ingraved, which was donne. Mr. Humble of Pope's-head alley had the plates before the fire: I hope they are not lost--it is most curiously donne, by Hole. It is as big as the greatest map of England that ever I sawe. Mr. Camden much admired, and at the foot writt 6 or 8 verses with his owne hand:--

Artificemne manum laudem celebremne labores, Lyte, tuos: hi namque docent delectat at illa,

etc.--which I have forgott.

T. Lyte writt the best print hand that ever I yet sawe. The originall, which is now in the parlour at Lyte's-Cary, was writt with his hand, and limmed by a famous artist.

[145]They[146] both lye buried in a burying place belonging to them in the church at Charlton Makerell in Somersetshire.

[147]Henry Lyte lived to the age of 78, and was buried in the north aisle of the church of Charlton Makarell in Somersetshire anno 1607--which aisle belongs to Lyte's-Cary.

=Isaac Lyte= (1576/7-1659/60).

[148]Mr. Isaac Lyte, of Easton-Piers, my honoured grand-father, was born there March XIX, 1576; hora ignoratur. Baptizatus March XIX, 1576--ex registro.

Obiit Febr. 21, 1659, die Martis[149], circiter horam quartam mane.

Mris Israel Lyte, my honoured grandmother, died Febr. 24, 1661/2, inter horas 3 et 4 P.M.

=Sir John Mandeville.=

[150]☞ Captain Robert Pugh[151] assures me that Sir John Mandeville, the famous traveller, lyes buryed at Liege in Germany, with which note amend lib. B[152], where I thought he had been buryed at St. Alban's abbey church as Mr. Thomas Gore told me. But I thinke I remember something writt of him there in a table on a pillar or wall: but he was there borne (as in his life).

=Gervase Markham= (1568-1637).

[153]Mr. ... Markham: he wrote of husbandry and huswifry, 4to; of horsemanship, 4to; of the art of shooting with the long bow, 8vo; etc.--quaere.

He was a Nottinghamshire gentleman. His brother Sir Gryffin Markham was servant to the emperor ..., and did deserve well of him.

This ... Markham, the writer, dyed poor.--Old Jack Markham (late gentleman-usher to the queen) from whom I have these informations told me he hath given <him> many a crowne.

=William Marshall= (1606-16--).

[154]William Marshall, sculptor, natus Oct. 7, horâ 0 min. 23 P.M., 1606.--Conjunction of Mercury and Leo made him stammer.

=Sir Henry Martin= (1562-1641).

[155]Sir Henry Martin, LL.D., was borne at Stoke-Poges in the countie of Bucks; his father a copy-holder there of about 60 li. per annum. He was formerly a fellow of New Colledg, Oxon. He left his sonne 3000 li. per annum.

[156]H. Martyn.--his father <Sir Henry> has a handsome monument at Becket in Berks which he purchased of Sir ... Essex.

Henry Martyn, of the parish of 'S. Michael in Basingeshall,' London, was adm. probationer of New College, Aug. 19, 1580, and Fellow July 6, 1582; vacated his fellowship in 1595. He was Judge of the Admiralty, Dean of the Arches, and Judge of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury. Aubrey (MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 12ᵛ) gives for his coat, 'argent, 2 bars gules, each charged with 3 besants.'

=Henry Martin= (1602-1680).

[157]Henry Martin, esq., son and heir of Sir Henry Martin, knight, Judge of the Arches, was borne at <Oxford>.

Henry, the son, was of the university of <Oxford[158]>; travelled France, but never Italie. His father found out a rich wife for him, whom he married something unwillingly. He was a great lover of pretty girles, to whom he was so liberall that he spent the greatest part of his estate.

When he had found out a maried woman[159] that he liked (and he had his emissaries, male and female, to looke out) he would contrive such or such a good bargain, 20 or 30 li. per annum under rent, to have her neer him. He lived from his wife a long time. If I am not mistaken shee was sometime distempered by his unkindnesse to her.

King Charles I had complaint against him for his wenching. It happened that Henry was in Hyde-parke one time when his majestie was there, goeing to see a race. The king espied him, and sayd aloud, 'Let that ugly rascall be gonne out of the parke, that whore-master, or els I will not see the sport.' So Henry went away patiently, sed manebat alta mente repostum. That sarcasme raysed the whole countie of Berks against him[160]: he[161] was as far from a Puritane as light from darknesse. Shortly after[162], (1641) he was chosen knight of the shire of that county, nemine contradicente, and proved a deadly enemy to the king.

He was a great and faithfull lover of his countrey, and never gott a farthing by the Parliament. He was of an incomparable witt for reparte's; not at all covetous; humble, not at all arrogant, as most of them were; a great cultor of justice, and did always in the house take the part of the oppressed.

Anno 1660 he was obnoxious for having been one of the late king's judges, and he was in very great danger to have suffred as the others did (he pleaded only the king's Act or Proclamation at Breda, which he shewd in his hand), but (as he was a witt himselfe) so the lord Falkland saved his life by witt, saying, 'Gentlemen, yee talke here of makeing a sacrifice; it was the old lawe[163], all sacrifices were to be without spott or blemish; and now you are going to make an old rotten rascall a sacrifice.' This witt tooke in the house, and saved his life.

He was first a prisoner at the Tower; then at Windsore (removed from thence because he was an eie-sore to his majestie etc.); from thence to Chepstowe, where he is now (1680). During his imprisonment his wife relieved him out of her joincture, but she dyed....

His stature was but midling; his habit moderate; his face not good. Sir Edward Baynton was wont to say that his company was incomparable, but that he would be drunke too soon.

His speeches in the house were not long, but wondrous poynant, pertinent, and witty. He was exceeding happy in apt instances. He alone haz sometimes turned the whole house. Makeing an invective speech one time against old Sir Henry Vane, when he had don with him, <he> said, But for young Sir Harry Vane----and so sate him downe. Severall cryed out--'What have you to say to young Sir Harry?' He rises up: Why! if young Sir Harry lives to be old; he will be old Sir Harry! and so sate downe, and set[164] the house a laughing, as he oftentimes did.--Oliver Cromwell once in the house called him, jestingly or scoffingly, 'Sir Harry Martin.' H. M. rises and bowes, 'I thanke your majestie, I alwayes thought when you were king, that I should be knighted.'--A godly member made a motion to have all profane and unsanctified persons expelled the Houses. H. M. stood up and moved that all the fooles might be putt out likewise, and then there would be a thin house.--He was wont to sleep much in the house (at least dog-sleepe): alderman Atkins made a motion that such scandalous members as slept and minded not the businesse of the house, should be putt-out. H. M. starts up--'Mr. Speaker, a motion has been to turne out the Nodders; I desire the Noddees may also be turnd out.'--H. M. sayd that he had 'seen the Scripture fulfilld--Thou hast exalted the humble and meeke; thou hast filled the emptie with ... things, and the rich hast thou sent emptie away.'--See a pretty speech of his in print about the comeing in of the Scotts to assist and direct us.

[165]Henry Martyn made the motion in the house to call the addressers to account (viz. those that addressed to Richard Cromwell, Protector, to stand by him with their lives and fortunes), and that all the addressers that were of it (of the house) might be turnd[166] out as enemies to the commonwealth of England and betrayers of their trust to bring in government by a single person. Had not Dick Cromwell sneak't away, then it is certaine that the Rump would have cutt-off his head, as I am well assurd from a deare friend[167] of mine.

Memorandum that Dr. <John> Wilkins (who[168] maried his[169] aunt) was very instrumentall in perswading persons of quality and corporations to addresse: but what did it signifie?

Henry Martin, esq.; 'you[170] have already made your little less.'

His short lettre to his cosen Stonehouse of [Radley[171]] by Abingdon that 'if his majestie should take advice of his gunsmiths and powder-men he would never have peace'--from Sir John Lenthall: as also of his draweing the remonstrance of the Parliament when 'twas formed a commonwealth--within five or six lines of the beginning he sayes 'restored to it's auncient goverment[172] of a commonwealth.' When 'twas read Sir Henry Vane stood up and repremanded and 'wondred at his impudence to affirme such a notorious lye.' H. M., standing up, meekely replied that 'there was a text had much troubled his spirit for severall dayes and nights of the man that was blind from his mother's womb[173] whose sight was restored[174] at last,' i.e. was restored to the sight which he should have had.

[175]Insert the song of

'Oliver came to the House like a spright' etc.

Obiit at Chepstowe, a prisoner, September ... (about the middle) anno Domini 1680.

He was very hospitable and exceeding popular in Berks, the whole countie.

Memorandum when his study was searcht they found lettres[XII.] to his concubine, which was printed 4to. There is witt and good nature in them.

[XII.] H. Martin, esq., his letters in 4to to his miss, printed[176] anno <1685>, but 'tis not to his disgrace: evidence of reall naturall witt and bôn naturel.--MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 11.

Becket in the parish of Shrineham, his chiefe seate: in the Vale of White-horse: now major Wildman's.

=Richard Martin= (1570-1618).

[177]Richard Martin[U] was borne....

Insert here his picture[V] which I sent to Mr. A. Wood[W].

He was of the ancient familie of the Martins of Athelminston in the countie of Dorset, a very faire seate. The name was lost about 50 yeares since by a daughter and heire, who was maried to ... Bruen, who had a daughter and heire maried to Sir Ralph Banks, who sold it to Sir Robert Long (1668). In the church are severall noble monuments. Their crest is an ape; men use to say 'a Martin ape.'

(In queen Elizabeth's time, one Penry of Wales wrote a booke[XIII.] called Martin Marprelate, on which there was this epigram:--

Martin the ape, the drunke, and the mad, The three Martins are whose workes we have had. If a fourth Martin comes after Martins so evill, He can be no man, he must be a devill.)

[XIII.] He was hanged for it. He was kin to my great-grandfather.

He was a very handsome man, a gracefull speaker, facetious, and well-beloved. I thinke he dyed of a merry symposiaque.

He was recorder but a moneth before his death[178].

These verses were written on his Bible:--

Ad has reliquias illustrissimi amicissimique Richardi Martini, Recordatoris Londinens., qui fato concessit ultº Octob. 1618.

Tu liber aeternae complectens verba salutis, Pignus amicitiae moestitiaeque liber, Fac me Martini memorem dum vivo sepulti, Fac memorem mortis, fac memoremque Dei.


He is buried in the north side of the Temple church, where is a faire monument of him kneeling, with this inscription, made by his friend serjeant Hoskyns:--


Martinus jacet hic; si nescis, caetera quaere. Interea tumuli sis memor ipse tui.


Accedat totum precibus, quodcumque recedit Litibus, aeternum sic tibi tempus erit.

[179]Richard Martin[180], recorder of London.

Ben Johnson dedicates his comoedie called the Poetaster to him:--

'A thankefull man owes a courtesie ever, the unthankefull but when he needes. For whose innocence, as for the author's, you were once a noble and timely undertaker to the greatest justice of this kingdome.'

Died of a symposiaque excesse with his fellow-witts[X]. Was not recorder above a quarter of a yeare: quaere Sir <John> Hoskins.

[U] Aubrey gives in trick his coat:--'..., two bars gules;' and adds 'the crest is an ape.'

[V] This engraved portrait is now found in MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 17. Anthony Wood has written at the top, 'Richard Martin, recorder of London, 1618.' On the back is a note by Aubrey:--'This picture Mr. John Hoskyns (now Sir John Hoskins, knight and baronet) gave me; grandsonne to John Hoskyns, Martyn's friend.'

At the top of the picture is engraved 'Anno Dni 1620'; and round the picture, 'Richardus Martinus, oraculum Londinense.' There are also the following dedication and verses:--

'Viro illustri Lionello Cranfeildio, equiti aurato, Apothecae augustae (Guardarobam magnam vulgus vocat) et pupillorum magistro majestatique, Britannicae e sanctioribus consiliis, Richardum (heu fata) Martinum, Chr. Brocus, Jo. Hoskinnius, et Hugo (heu iterum!) Hollandus, obsequii et amoris triumviratu nexi, Amico Amicum Amici, junctis manubus votisque sacrant.

Princeps amorum, principum necnon amor, Legumque lingua, Lexque dicendi magis, Anglorum alumnus, praeco Virginiae ac parens, Generosus ortu, moribus nec degener, Invictus animi, corporis formâ decens, Oriens cadente sole sol, ortu cadens, Magnae urbis Os, Orbis minoris corculum, Bono suorum natus, extinctus suo, Cunctisque cognitus, nec ignotus sibi, Hollandi amicus, nemini hostis, ni malis, Virtutis (heu) Martinus hic compendium. Hugo Hollandus Simon Passaeus sculpsit. flevit aureumque aere os exprimi curavit.'

[W] Anthony Wood has written at the top of fol. 96 of the MS., 'see in Trin. Coll.'; i.e. in his own Hist. et Antiq. Univ. Oxon. (1674), lib. II. pag. 296. Also, on a slip attached here, Wood notes:--

'Mr. Isaac of Exeter hath told me that Richard Martin, recorder of London, was son of Richard Martin, merchant, of Exeter: see G. 1. So this last Richard Martin, borne in Somerset, cannot be he; and he that was borne in Devonshire

(lib. matric. P, p. 496 <Broadgates Hall>;--Dec. 10, 1585, Rich. Martin, Devon., generosae conditionis filius, aet. 15)

is too soone.'

For the reference 'G. 1.' see Clark's Wood's Life and Times, iv. 232, 233; and for 'lib. Matric. P,' see ibid., 136.

[X] An echo of a symposium in which this Richard Martin and other 'jolly companions' took part lingers in a copy of Macaronic verses by John Hoskyns (see i. 416). I give them here from the copy on fol. 185ᵛ of an old common-place book in Lincoln College Library. Falconer Madan, Esq., Fellow of Brasenose, has another old copy, with an English version, which by his kindness I am able to add. The title of it in the Lincoln MS. is--

'Convivium philosophicum: tentum in clauso Termini Sᵗⁱ. Michaëlis in crastino[181] festi Sᵗⁱ. Egidii in campis, authore Rodolpho Calsabro, Aeneacensi.'

But in Mr. Madan's MS. it is headed,

'Mr. Hoskins, his Convivium Philosophicum,'

and this attribution of authorship is repeated at the end of the piece.

The Convivium itself must have taken place between 1608 (Tom Coryat's European tour) and 1612 (Henry, Prince of Wales, died November 6).

Quilibet si sit contentus Whosoever is contented Ut statutus stet conventus That a number be convented Sicut nos promisimus; Enough but not too many; Signum Mitrae erit locus, The Miter is the place decreed, Erit cibus, erit jocus, For witty jests and cleanly feed, Optimatatissimus. The betterest of any.

Veniet, sed lente currens, There will come, though scarcely current, Christoferus vocatus Torrens[182] Christopherus surnamèd Torrent[182], Et Johannes Factus[183], And John yclepèd Made[183], Gruicampus[184] et Arthurus, And Arthur Meadow-pigmies'-foe[184], Ante coenam non pransurus, To sup, his dinner will foregoe, Veniet primo exactus. Will come as soon as bade.

Robertus Equorum amicus[185], Sir Robert Horse-lover[185] the while Ne vile aestimet[186] Henricus Ne let Sir Henry count it vile[186] Dignabitur adesse, Will come with gentle speed; Cuniculusque quercianus[187], And Rabbit-tree-where-acorn-grows[187], Caligula[188] occurret Janus And John surnamèd Little-hose[188] Si modo sit necesse. Will come if there be need.

Et Richardus Guasta-stannum[189] And Richard Pewter-waster[189] best Et Henricus Bonum-annum[190] And Henry Twelve-month-good[190] at least Et Johannes Occidens[191] And John Hesperian[191] true Et si quis desideretur If any be desiderated Protinus amercietur He shal bee amerciated Pro defaulto fourty-pence. Forty-pence in issue.

Hugo Inferior-Germanus[192], Hugh the Inferior-Germayne[192], Nec indoctus nec profanus Not yet unlearned nor prophane Ignatius architectus[193]. Inego Ionicke-piller[193]. Sed jocus, nisi invitatus But yet the number is not ri<gh>ted; Veniet illuc Coriatus[194], If Coriate[194] bee not invited, Erit imperfectus. The jeast will want a tiller.

Nam facete super illum, For wittily on him, they say, Sicut malleus in anvillum, As hammers on an anvil play, Unusquisque ludet. Each man his jeast may breake. Coriatus cum potavit, When Coriate is fudled well, Lingua regnum peragrabit His tongue begins to talke pel-mel, Nec illum quicquam pudet. He shameth nought to speake.

Puer fuit expers artis A boy he was devoid of skill Et cum fabis et cum fartis With white-pots and oaten-cakes at will Somersetizatus. Somersetizated. Vir cum Scotis et cum Anglis And is a man with Scots and Angles Et cum scarfis et cum spanglis With silken scarfes and with spangles Est accommodatus. Fitly accommodated.

Si Londinum, Are you in love with London citty? Si Latinum, Or else with Venice? he will fitt ye; Amas, te amabit. You have his heart to prize it. Sive Graecum, Or love you Greeke--of tongues <the> chiefe, Ille tecum Or love you Latin? hee'le in briefe Sir Edward Ratcliffabit, Sir Edward Ratcliffize itt.

Hic orator aratores, This orator of Odcombe towne Studens meliorare mores, Meaning to civilize the clowne, Ubi congregavit, To parlé 'gan to call Rusticos et Corydones, The rusticks and the Coridons, Fatuos et moriones, The naturalls and morions, Dis-coxcombiavit. And dis-coxcombde them all.

Ultra littus, ultra mare, To pass the sea, to pass the shore, Per Europam Fleetstreetare, And Fleet-street is all Europe o're, Res periculosa. A thing periculous. Idem calceus hunc revexit, And yet one paire of shoes, they say, Eadem camisia texit, And shirt did serve him all the way, Res pediculosa. A thing pediculous.

Quisquis hunc ecavilat, Whoso him exouthenizth, Garretando squabberizat, Garretating swaberizeth, Et pro hac injuria And for this injurie Disrespectus ambulabit, He shall walk as disrespected, Cum bonis sociis non coenabit Of good fellows still neglected, In urbe vel in curia. In city and in curie.

Hic in stolidum elatus, To a fool thus elevated, Ut mountebankus hic effatus, Mountebanke-like thus hee prated, Haranguizans bene. Harringuizing rowndly. Quisquis hic vult esse prudens, Whosoe will be counted prudent, Adsit, nihil aliud studens, Let him be no other student Quam potare plene. But to drinke profoundly.

Quicquid agis, quicquid dicis, Whatsoever you speak or doe Jocundando cum amicis, With your friends, in jocund row, Eris fortunatus. It cannot be misdeemed. Hunc secundum rectum stampum, For he that lives not ramp and scramp, Qui non vivit rampum scrampum According to the swaggering stampe, Nemo est beatus. Can never be esteemed.

Rex religionem curat, The king religion doth out-bear, Populus legianciam jurat, The people doe allegiance sweare, Cives foenerantur; Citizens usurize it. Miles et mercator clamant, The soldiers and the merchants feare, Puer<i> et puellae amant, The boyes and girles do love their paire, Foeminae moechantur. And women cuculize it.

Princeps nescit otiari, Prince Henry cannot idly liven, Cupiens materiam dari Desiring matter to be given Propriae virtuti. To prove his valour good. Carolus, imago patris, And Charles, the image of his father, Imitatur acta fratris, Doth imitate his eldest brother, Praelucens juventuti. And leades the noble blood.

Cancellarius[195] juvat multos, The Chancellour[195] relieveth many, Prudentes juvat, juvat stultos, As well the wyse as fooles, or any Humillime supplicantes. In humble-wise complayninge. Thesaurarius[196] juvat summos; The Treasurer[196] doth help the rich, Sed quoniam non habet nummos, And cannot satisfy the stitch Invident mendicantes. Of mendicants disdayninge.

Northamptonius[197], nunquam satis Northampton[197], seeking many wayes Literis et literatis Learning and learned men to rayse, Juvandis, delectatur. Is still negotiated. Et Suffolcius[198], severe And Suffolke[198], seeking, in good sorte, Regis familiam coercere The king his household to supporte, Quaerens, defatigatur. Is still defatigated.

Proceres aedificant, The noblemen do edifye, Episcopi sanctificant, The bishops they do sanctifie, Clerus concionatur; The cleargie preach and pray: Generosi terras vendunt, And gentlemen their lands doe sell, Et, dum rustici contendunt, And, while the clownes strive for the shell, Juridicus lucratur. The fish is lawyers' prey.

Unusquisque sic facessit, Thus every man is busy still, Cor nullius conquiescit, Each one practising his skill, Nemo habet satis. None hath enough of gayne. Solus Coriatus sapit, But Coriate liveth by his witts, Nihil perdit quicquid capit, He looseth nothinge that he getts, Nec stultescit gratis. Nor playes the fool in vayne.

--per Johannem Hoskins[199], --per Johannem Reinolds[200], Socium London. Coll. Novi, Oxon.

=Andrew Marvel= (1620-1678).

[201]Mr. Andrew Marvell: his father was minister of ... (I thinke, Hull: quaere) ..., he was borne.

He had good grammar-education: and was after sent to ..., in Cambridge.

In the time of Oliver the Protector he was Latin Secretarie. He was a great master of the Latin tongue; an excellent poet in Latin or English: for Latin verses there was no man could come into competition with him. The verses called The Advice to the Painter were of his making.

His native towne of Hull loved him so well that they elected him for their representative in Parliament, and gave him an honourable pension to maintaine him.

He was of a middling stature, pretty strong sett, roundish faced, cherry cheek't, hazell eie, browne haire. He was in his conversation very modest, and of very few words[202]: and though he loved wine he would never drinke hard in company, and was[XIV.] wont to say that, he would not play the good-fellow in any man's company in whose hands he would not trust his life.

[XIV.] He was wont to say that he would not drinke high or freely with any man with whom he would not intrust his life.

He kept bottles of wine at his lodgeing, and many times he would drinke liberally by himselfe to refresh his spirits, and exalt his muse. I remember I have been told (Mr. Haake and Dr. Pell) that the learned ... (an High-German) was wont to keep bottells of good Rhenish-wine in his studie, and when he had spent his spirits he would drinke a good rummer of it.

James Harrington, esq. (autor Oceanae), was his intimate friend. John Pell, D.D., was one of his acquaintance. He had not a generall acquaintance.

He wrote The Rehersall transprosed, against Samuel Parker, D.D.; Mr. Smirke, (stich't, 4to, about 8 sheets); The naked Trueth.

Obiit Londini, Aug. 18. 1678; and is buried in St. Giles church in-the-fields about the middle (quaere iterum) of the south aisle. Some suspect that he was poysoned by the Jesuites, but I cannot be positive.

I remember I heard him say that the earle of Rochester[203] was the only man in England that had the true veine of satyre.

He[204] lies interred under the pewes in the south side of Saint Giles' church in-the-fields, under the window wherein is painted in glasse a red lyon, (it was given by the inneholder of the Red Lyon Inne in Holborne) and is the ... window from the east. This account I had from the sexton that made his grave.

=Philip Massinger= (1584?-1639/40).

[205]My brother Tom searcht the register of Wilton from the beginning and talk't with old men. Philip Massinger was not buried there; but his wife dyed at Cardiffe in Wales, to whom the earl of Pembroke payd an annuity.

[206]This day I searched the register of St. Saviour's, Southwark, by the playhouse then there, vulgo St. Mary's Overy's; and find Philip Massinger buryed March 18th, 1639. I am enformed at the place where he dyed, which was by the Bankes side neer the then playhouse, that he was buryed about the middle of the Bullhead-churchyard--i.e. that churchyard (for there are four) which is next the Bullhead taverne, from whence it has its denomination. He dyed about the 66th yeare of his age: went to bed well, and dyed suddenly--but not of the plague.

=Thomas May= (1595-1650).

[207]He stood candidate for[208] the laurell after B. Jonson; but Sir William Davenant caried it--

manet alta mente repostum,


A great acquaintance of Tom Chaloner. Would, when inter pocula, speake slightingly of the Trinity.


Amicus: Sir Richard Fanshawe. Mr. <Emanuel> Decretz heard (was present at) the debate at their parting before Sir Richard went to the king, where both camps were most rigorously banded[210].

Clap. Came of his death after drinking with his chin tyed with his cap (being fatt); suffocated.

Quaere Anthony Wood pro epitaph[211], etc.

Lord Chief Justice <John> Vaughan, amicus--verses.


The Heire.

Quaere Mr. <John> Dreyden, if not another <play.> Lucan, and Supplementum. Translation of Georgiques, 16mo. Historie of Civill War and Epitome.

His translation of Lucan's excellent poeme made him in love with the republique, which tang[212] stuck by him.

In the Session of Poets by Sir John Suckling:--

'There was Lucan's translator too.'

[213]Thomas May, esq., a handsome man, debaucht ad omnia; lodged in the little[214]by Canon-rowe, as you goe through the alley. Translated Virgil's Georgiques. Writt:--Breviary of the historie of the Parliament of England (London, 1650; reprinted 1680, 8vo.); History of the victorious Edward IIId., in English verse, by Charles I's speciall command (8vo, 1639); and also Henry İİd., in English verse, both in 8vo.

[215]As to Tom May, Mr. Edmund Wyld told me that he was acquainted with him when he was young, and then he was as other young men of this towne are, scil. he said he was debaucht ad omnia: but doe not by any meanes take notice of it--for we have all been young. But Mr. Marvel in his poems upon Tom May's death falls very severe upon him.

He was choaked by tyeing his cap.

That of Lucan is true, scil., that it made him incline[216] to a republic.

He was of the Sussex Mayes, as appeares by his coate of armes: but where borne or of what university I know not, and cannot enquire.

Dr. <Thomas> Triplet's monument is set up[217] where his stood. Thomas May's inscription was, after it was pulled downe, in St. Bennet's chapell, i.e. where the earl of Middlesex's monument is: but perhaps now converted to some use.

[218]By[219] Camden:--

Quem Anglicana respublica habuit vindicem, ornamentum literaria, secli sui vatum celeberrimus, deliciae futuri, Lucanus alter plus-quam Romanus, historicus fidus, equitis aurati filius primogenitus, Thomas Maius H. S. E. Qui paternis titulis claritatis suae specimen usque adeo superaddidit ut a supremo Anglorum senatu ad annales suos conscribendos fuerit accitus. Tandem, fide intemerata Parlamento praestita, morte inopina noctu correptus, diem suum obiit Id. Nov. Anno[220] libertatis { humanae } restitutae { MDCL. { Angliae } { II. Aetatis suae LV. Hoc in honorem servi tam bene meriti Parlamentum Reipublicae Angl. P. P.

Dr. Triplet's monument now stands in the place where this did.

This was a very fine monument of white marble. This inscription I had much adoe to find out, after severall enquiries severall yeares. It is putt upside downe in the chapell where the earle of Middlesex tombe is.

His coate is 'gules, a fess inter six billets or.'

=Nicholas Mercator= (1640-1686/7).

[221]Mr. Nicholas Mercator[Y]: his father was ... ... Philip Melancthon was his great-grandmother's brother.

He is of little stature, perfect; black haire, of a delicate moyst curle; darke[222] eie, but of great vivacity of spirit. He is of a soft temper, of great temperance (amat Venerem aliquantum): of a prodigious invention, and will be acquainted (familiarly) with nobody. His true German name is Nicolas Kauffman, i.e. chapman, i.e. Mercator.

The first booke he printed was his Cosmographia, at ..., where he uses his German name, 'qua sternitur fundamentum Trigonometriae sphericorum, Logarithmicae, Astronomiae sphaericae, Geographiae, Histiodromiae gnomonicae; a Nicola Kauffman, Holsato-Dantisc., Anno MDCLI.'

Nicolai Mercatoris in Geometriam introductio brevis quâ magnitudinum ortus ex genuinis principiis et ortarum affectiones ex ipsa genesi derivantur, printed at London 1678, before a little booke of Euclid's Elements demonstrated after a new method.

Astronomia[Z], printed at London, 167-.

Logarithmotechnia; the first part printed with ... of Slusius, anno Domini, 166-: the second part of it, being 8 sheets 4to, lyes in the hands of Mr. Moyses Pitts and is a most admirable piece.

Astrologia: unprinted: in 4to, altogether after a new manner and on other principles.

A treatise of musique[AA], in 4to, inch + thick[223], unprinted.

Memorandum:--Mr. Nicholas Mercator made and presented to King Charles the 2ᵈ a clock ('twas of a foote diameter) which shewed the inequality of the sunn's motion from the apparent motion, which the king did understand by his informations, and did commend it, but he never had a penny of him for it.

Well! This curious clock was neglected, and somebody of the court happened to become master of it, who understood it not; he sold it to Mr. Knib, a watch-maker, who did not understand it neither, who sold it to Mr. Fromantle (that made it) for 5 li. who askes now (1683) for it 200 li.

Anno 1682, mense Febr., Mr. N. Mercator left London; went with his family to Paris, being invited thither by Monseigneur Colbert.

Nicholas Mercator, Holsatus, mathematicus, obiit Parisiis, 4to Januarii 1686/7: he went to Paris (being invited thither by Monseigneur Colbert) the 30th of November, 1682:--from his son, David Mercator.

[Y] Aubrey gives, incompletely, a scheme of the nativity 'clarissimi viri N. Mercatoris, Holsati'; adding that in it 'Mars is in proximity to Mercury, but he has forgot on which side.'

[Z] On May 17, 1673, Aubrey had written to Anthony Wood (MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 208):--

'The learned (yet poore) Mr. Nicholas Mercator has a most elaborate piece, "Astronomiae compendium sphaerice et theorice, et hypotheses Ptolemaei, Tychonis, Copernici, Kepleri, Bullialdi, et Mercatoris."

It will be in 4to, two fingers thick; pret. 10s. Cambridge has subscribed for 50; London, as many more. If he could gett, at Oxon, 50 subscriptions more the printer would print it.... There are 70 schemes.'

[AA] A copy of this treatise is found as MS. Aubr. 25. It is in two parts:--(i) 55 pages, 'Musica, autore N. Mercatore, Holsato, 1673,' on which Aubrey notes, 'the original copie was lost at Paris, Jo. Aubrey'; (ii) 19 pages, 'Musica, autore N. Mercatore, Holsato, 1672,' with the note, 'sum Jo. Aubrii, R.S.S.'

=Christopher Merret= (1614/5-1695).

[224]Christopher Merret, M.D., of the College of Physicians, London, was borne in Winchcumbe in Gloucestershire, 1614, Feb. XVI about XI at night.

[225]Scripsit against the apothecaries, etc.

=Thomas Merry= (16-- -1682).

[226]Thomas Merry[XV.], esq., was born at ... in Leicestershire. His father or grandfather was one of the clarkes of the green-cloth.

[XV.] Thomas Mariet, esq. <is> his kinsman: vide Surrey papers[227].

He was disciple to Sir Jonas Moore; became an excellent logist. He had donne all Euclid in a shorter and clearer manner than ever was yet donne, and particularly the tenth booke: I have seen it. But he never stitch't it up; and, after his death, when I came to enquire for it, it was disparted like Sibyllae folia, and severall of the papers lost. I got what I could find and brought them to the Royal Society, where they were committed to Mr. Paget to peruse, but they were so imperfect (he said) they were not fit to be printed. What is become of them now God knowes.

[228]Thomas Merry, esq., a great algebrist and a great Whig, dyed at Westminster Octob.... 1682, and lies in the vault of his grandfather at Waltham-Stowe in Essex.

=Sir Hugh Middleton= (1555-1631).

[229]From Dr. Hugh Chamberlayn, M.D.--that King James took a moiety of the profitts of the New River from Sir Hugh Middleton. Some say 'twas in consideration of money advanced by the king; but this is not certain. He did indeed reconvey this back to him and his heires, etc., for a rent of 500 li. per annum, which is duly payd, but I think graunted him from his majestie.

[230]This Sir Hugh Middleton had his picture in Gold-smyths' hall with a waterpott by him, as if he had been the sole inventor. Mr. Fabian Philips sawe Ingolbert[231] afterwards, in a poore rug-gowne like an almesman, sitting by an applewoman at the Parliament stayres.

[232]Memorandum that now (1681/2) London is growne so populous and big that the New River of Middleton can serve the pipes to private houses but twice a weeke.--quod N. B.

=John Milton= (1608-1674).

<This life is found in MS. Aubr. 8, foll. 63-68ᵛ. Aubrey's notes for it were at first very slight, but were increased by information afterwards obtained from Milton's widow, from his brother Christopher, and from his nephew Edward Phillips. In the life as now printed these later notes, brought in very disjointedly into the MS., have been set in their proper places.

When he first began writing his 'Lives,' Aubrey set aside fol. 103ᵛ of MS. Aubr. 6 (opposite the life of Andrew Marvell) for Milton, writing the heading 'Mr. John Milton' and in the margin drawing a wreath of laurel, for a poet. Afterwards he scored the heading out, and added the reference, 'vide part iiiᵈ.' i.e. MS. Aubr. 8. Again, in MS. Aubr. 8, he at first set aside fol. 93 for the life of 'Mr. John Milton,' but afterwards scored the heading out, and wrote there the life of Dr. John Overall.

In MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 63, Aubrey gives in trick the coat for Milton:--'argent, a double-headed eagle displayed gules legged and beaked sable: crest, an arme dexter holding an eagle's head and neck erased gules.' And, for Bradshaw, he gives the coat, 'argent, 2 bendlets sable,' noting 'his mother was a Bradshaw.'

On fol. 68ᵛ, in the pedigree, he gives the coats:--'Jeff<rey>, azure, a fret or, on a chief or a lion passant gardant sable: impaling [Haughton], sable, 3 bars argent': Bradshaw, as above; Powell of Foresthill and Webber, left blank; and Minshull, '..., an estoyle over a crescent ... a canton....'>

<His parentage.>

[233]Quaere Christopher Milton, his brother, of the Inner Temple, bencher[234].

[235]...[XVI.] Milton[XVII.] m. ... Jeffrey. | +----------------------+-------------------+ | | 1. John Milton m. Sarah 2. ... Milton (quaere | Bradshaw. ubi vivit. If not at | Shotover?). | +------+---------------+---------------------+ | | | Mary m. John m. (2nd wife) | | Powell, | Milton | Elizabeth | | daughter | (poeta). | Minshull, | | of Mr. | | of Cheshire. | | Powell of | | 2. Christopher m. Thomazine | Fosthill. | | Milton. | Webber, | | | | London. | | | | Anne m. Edward | | | Philips. | sans issue. Mr. Richard Milton, | Paper buildings, | Inner Temple. +------+---+-------------------------+------------+ | | | | A son 1. Anne m. ..., a 2. Mary, 3. Deborah m. ... Clarke, John[236], | mechanique. unmarried. a ... in that dyed | Dublin. at two sine prole. yeares old.

[XVI.] John, he[237] beleeves.

[XVII.] Mr. Milton lived next towne to Fosthill[238] within half a mile like [Holton], and they[239] were raungers of the forest[240].

[241]Mr. John Milton was of an Oxfordshire familie.

His grandfather, ..., (a Roman Catholic), of Holton, in Oxfordshire, neer Shotover[242].

His father was brought-up in the University of Oxon, at Christ Church, and his grandfather disinherited him because he kept not to the Catholique religion[XVIII.]. So therupon he came to London, and became a scrivener (brought up by a friend of his; was not an apprentice), and gott a plentifull estate by it, and left it off many yeares before he dyed.--He was an ingeniose man; delighted in musique; composed many songs now in print, especially that of Oriana[XIX.].

[XVIII.] Quaere--he found a bible in English, in his chamber.

[XIX.] Quaere Mr. J. Playford pro Wilby's sett of Oriana's.--MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 65.

[243]I have been told that the father composed a song of fourscore parts for the Lantgrave of Hess, for which <his> highnesse sent a meddall of gold, or a noble present. He dyed about 1647[244]; buried in Cripplegate church, from his house in the Barbican.

<His birth.>

[245]His son John was borne in Bread Street, in London, at[246] the Spread Eagle, which was his house [he had also in that street another house, the Rose; and other houses in other places].

He was borne anno Domini ... the ... day of ..., about ... a clock, in the....

[247]☞ Quaere Mr. Christopher Milton to see the date of his brother's birth.

[248][John Milton[249] was born the 9th of December, 1608, die Veneris[250], half an hour after 6 in the morning.]

<His precocity.>

[251]Anno Domini 1619, he was ten yeares old, as by his picture; and was then a poet.

<School, college, and travel.>

His school-master then was a Puritan, in Essex, who cutt his haire short.

He went to schoole to old Mr.[252] Gill, at Paule's schoole. Went, at his owne chardge[253] only, to Christ's College in Cambridge at[254] fifteen, where he stayed eight yeares at least[255]. Then he travelled into France and Italie (<he> had Sir H. Wotton's commendatory letters). At Geneva he contracted a great friendship with[256] the learned Dr. Deodati of Geneva:--vide his poems. He was acquainted[257] with Sir Henry Wotton, ambassador at Venice, who delighted in his company. He was severall[XX.] yeares beyond sea, and returned[258] to England just upon the breaking-out of the civill warres.

[XX.] Quaere, how many? Resp., two yeares.

[259]From his brother, Christopher Milton:--when he went to schoole, when he was very young, he studied very hard, and sate-up very late, commonly till 12 or one a clock at night, and his father ordered the mayde to sitt-up for him, and in those yeares (10) composed many copies of verses which might well become a riper age. And was a very hard student in the University, and performed all his exercises there with very good applause. His first tutor there was Mr. Chapell; from whom receiving some unkindnesse[XXI.], he was afterwards (though it seemed contrary to the rules of the college) transferred to the tuition of one Mr. Tovell, who dyed parson of Lutterworth.

[XXI.] Whip't him.

[260]He went to travell about the year 1638 and was abroad about a year's space, cheifly in Italy.

<Return to England.>

Immediately after his return he tooke a lodging at Mr. Russell's, a taylour, in St. Bride's churchyard, and took into his tuition his sister's two sons, Edward and John Philips, the first 10, the other 9 years of age; and in a year's time made them capable of interpreting a Latin authour at sight, etc. And within three years they went through the best of Latin and Greec poetts[261]--Lucretius and Manilius[XXII.], of the Latins; Hesiod, Aratus, Dionysius Afer, Oppian, Apollonii Argonautica, and Quintus Calaber. Cato, Varro, and Columella De re rustica were the very first authors they learn't.--As he was severe on one hand, so he was most familiar and free in his conversation to those to whome most sowre in his way of education. N.B. he made his nephews songsters, and sing, from the time they were with him.

[XXII.] and with him the use of the globes, and some rudiments of arithmetic and geometry.

<First wife and children.>

[262]He maried his first wife[XXIII.] <Mary> Powell, of Fosthill, at Shotover, in Oxonshire, anno Domini ...; by whom he had 4 children. <He> hath two daughters living: Deborah was his amanuensis (he taught her Latin, and to read Greeke[263] to him when he had lost his eie-sight, which was anno Domini ...).

[XXIII.] She was a zealous royalist, and went without her husband's consent to her mother in the king's quarters. She dyed anno Domini....

<Separation from his first wife.>

[She[264] went from him to her mother's at ... in the king's quarters, neer Oxford], anno Domini ...; and wrote the Triplechord about divorce.

[265]Two opinions[266] doe not well on the same boulster. She was a ...[267] royalist, and went to her mother to the king's quarters, neer Oxford. I have perhaps so much charity to her that she might not wrong his bed: but what man, especially contemplative, would like to have a young wife environ'd and storm'd by the sons of Mars, and those of the enemi partie?

[268]His first wife (Mrs. Powell, a royalist) was brought up and lived where there was a great deale of company and merriment[269]. And when she came to live with her husband, at Mr. Russell's, in St. Bride's churchyard, she found it very solitary; no company came to her; oftentimes heard his nephews beaten and cry. This life was irkesome to her, and so she went to her parents at Fost-hill. He sent for her, after some time; and I thinke his servant was evilly entreated: but as for matter of wronging his bed, I never heard the least suspicions; nor had he, of that, any jealousie.

<Second wife.>

[270]He had a middle wife, whose name was (he[271] thinkes, Katharin) Woodcock. No child living by her.

<Third wife.>

[272]He maried his second[273] wife, Elizabeth Minshull, anno ... (the year before the sicknesse): a gent. person, a peacefull and agreable humour.

<His public employment.>

He was Latin secretary to the Parliament[274].

<His blindness.>

[275]His sight began to faile him at first upon his writing against Salmasius, and before 'twas fully compleated one eie absolutely faild. Upon the writing of other bookes, after that, his other eie decayed.

[276]His eie-sight was decaying about 20 yeares before his death: quaere, when starke[277] blind? His father read without spectacles at 84. His mother had very weake eies, and used spectacles presently after she was thirty yeares old.

<Writings after his blindness.>

[278]After he was blind he wrote these following bookes, viz. Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained, Grammar, Dictionarie (imperfect)--quaere +.

[279]I heard that after he was blind that he was writing a Latin Dictionary (in the hands of Moyses Pitt[280]). Vidua affirmat she gave all his papers (among which this dictionary, imperfect) to his nephew, a sister's son, that he brought up, ... Philips, who lives neer the Maypole in the Strand (quaere). She has a great many letters by her from learned men, his acquaintance, both of England and beyond sea.

<His later residences.>

He lived in several places, e.g. Holborne neer King's-gate. He died in Bunhill, opposite to the Artillery-garden wall.

<His death and burial.>

He died of the gowt[281] struck in, the 9th or 10th of November, 1674, as appeares by his apothecarye's booke.

He lies buried in St. Giles's Cripplegate, upper end of chancell at the right hand, vide his gravestone[282].--Memorandum his stone is now removed; for, about two yeares since (now, 1681), the two steppes to the communion table were raysed. I ghesse John Speed and he lie together.

<Personal characteristics.>

His harmonicall and ingeniose soul did lodge[283] in a beautifull and well-proportioned body:--

In toto nusquam corpore menda fuit.

Ovid. <1 Amor. 5, 18.>

[284]He was a spare man. He was scarce so tall as I am--quaere, quot feet I am high: resp., of middle stature.

He had abroun[285] hayre. His complexion exceeding[286] faire--he was so faire that they called him the lady of Christ's College. Ovall face. His eie a darke gray.

[287]He had a delicate tuneable voice, and had good[288] skill. His father instructed him. He had an organ in his howse: he played on that most.

[289]Of a very cheerfull humour.--He would be chear-full even in his gowte-fitts, and sing.

He was very healthy and free from all diseases: seldome tooke any physique (only sometimes he tooke manna): only towards his latter end he was visited with the gowte, spring and fall.

He had a very good[290] memorie; but I beleeve that his excellent method of thinking and disposing did much to helpe his memorie.

[291]He pronounced the letter R (littera canina) very hard--[292]a certaine signe of a satyricall witt--from John Dreyden.

<Portraits of him.>

[293]Write his name in red letters on his pictures, with his widowe, to preserve.

[294]His widowe haz his picture, drawne very well and like, when a Cambridge schollar.

She has his picture when a Cambridge schollar, which ought to be engraven; for the pictures before his bookes are not at all like him.

<His habits.>

[295]His exercise was chiefly walking.

He was an early riser (scil. at 4 a clock manè); yea, after he lost his sight. He had a man read to him. The first thing he read was the Hebrew Bible, and that was[296] at 4 h. manè 1/2 h. +. Then he contemplated[297].

At 7 his man came to him again, and then read to him again, and wrote till dinner: the writing was as much as the reading. His (2) daughter, Deborah, could read to him Latin, Italian and French, and Greeke. <She> maried in Dublin to one Mr. Clarke (sells[298] silke, etc.); very like her father. The other sister is (1) Mary, more like her mother.

After dinner he used to walke 3 or four houres at a time (he alwayes had a garden where he lived); went to bed about 9.

Temperate man, rarely dranke between meales.

Extreme pleasant in his conversation, and[299] at dinner, supper, etc.; but satyricall.

<Notes about some of his works.>

[300]From[301] Mr. E. Philips:--All the time of writing his Paradise Lost, his veine began at the autumnall aequinoctiall, and ceased at the vernall (or thereabouts: I believe about May): and this was 4 or 5 yeares of his doeing it. He began about 2 yeares before the king came-in, and finished about three yeares after the king's restauracion.

In the 4th[302] booke of Paradise Lost there are about six verses of Satan's exclamation to the sun, which Mr. E. Philips remembers about 15 or 16 yeares before ever his poem was thought of. Which verses were intended for the beginning of a tragoedie which he had designed, but was diverted from it by other businesse.

[303][Whatever[304] he wrote against monarchie was out of no animosity to the king's person, or owt of any faction or interest, but out of a pure zeale to the liberty of mankind, which he thought would be greater under a fre state than under a monarchiall goverment. His being so conversant in Livy and the Roman authors, and the greatness he saw donne by the Roman common-wealth, and the vertue of their great commanders[305] induc't him to.]

[306]From Mr. Abraham Hill:--Memorandum: his sharp writing against Alexander More, of Holland, upon a mistake, notwithstanding he had given him by the ambassador[XXIV.] all satisfaction to the contrary: viz. that the booke called 'Clamor[307]' was writt by Peter du Moulin. Well, that was all one; he having writt it, it should goe into the world; one of them was as bad as the other.

[XXIV.] Quaere the ambassador's name of Mr. Hill? Resp., Newport, the Dutch ambassador.

[308]Memorandum:--Mr. Theodore Haak, Regiae Societatis Socius, hath translated halfe his Paradise Lost into High Dutch in such blank verse, which is very well liked of by Germanus Fabricius, Professor at Heidelberg, who sent to Mr. Haak a letter upon this translation:--'incredibile est quantum nos omnes affecerit gravitas styli, et copia lectissimorum verborum,' etc.--vide the letter.

[309]Mr. John Milton made two admirable panegyricks, as to sublimitie of witt, one on Oliver Cromwel, and the other on Thomas, lord Fairfax, both which his nephew Mr. Philip hath. But he hath hung back these two yeares, as to imparting copies to me for the collection of mine with you[310]. Wherfore I desire you in your next to intimate your desire of having these two copies of verses aforesayd. Were they made in commendation of the devill, 'twere all one to me: 'tis the ὕψος that I looke after. I have been told 'tis beyond Waller's or anything in that kind.

<Catalogue of his writings.>

[311]Quaere his nephew, Mr. Edward Philips, for a perfect catalogue of his writings. Memorandum, he wrote a little tract of education.

[312]1. Of Reformation. } Qu. whether two Against prelatical Episcopacy. } books? 2. The reason of Church Goverment. 3. A defence of Smectymnuus. 4. The Doctrin and Disciplin of Divorce. } 5. Colasterion. } All these in prosecution 6. The Judgement of Martin Bucer. } of the same subject. 7. Tetrachordon (of divorce). } Areopagitica, viz. for the libertie of the presse. Of Education. Iconoclastes. Tenure of Kings and Magistrates. Defensio populi Anglicani. Defensio 2ᵈᵃ contra Morum. Defensio 3ᵗⁱᵃ. His Logick. Of the powr of the civil magistrate in ecclesiastical affairs. Against Hirelings (against Tythes). Of a Commonwealth. Against Dr. Griffith. Of Toleration, Heresie, and Schisme.

[313]Catalogus Librorum[XXV.].

[XXV.] Set them downe according to order of time.

1. Poëms, 8vo, printed.... Twice printed. Some writt but at 18.

Of Reformation.

2. Εἰκονοκλάστης, printed at....

3. pro populo Anglicano defensio, contra Salmasium.

4. Tetrachordon, 4to: of divorce.

5. Paradise { Lost, 4to. } Edward Philips his cheif 6. { Regained, 4to. } amanuensis.

7. Latine epistles, 8vo. { Familiar. { Politique.

8. Latin grammar in English, 8vo.

9. The history of Britain from the first tradicionall beginning continued to the Norman Conquest, 4to, London, MDCLXX, for James Alesly, Rose and Crowne, Paul's Churchyard. Scripsit prout per effigiem [sed falsam] 1670, aetat. 62.

10. A letter of education to Mr. S. Hartlib (with his poëms).

11. A brief history of Muscovia and other less knowne countries lyeing eastward. Advertisement:--'writt by the author's owne hand before he lost his sight and intended to have printed it before his death.'

12. His logick.

13. Idea Theologiae in MS. in the handes of Mr. Skinner, a merchant's sonne, in Marke-lane. Memorandum there was one Mr. Skinner of the Jerkers office up 2 paire of stayres at the Custome-house.

14. He wrote a dictionary called Idioma linguae Latinae (from Mr. Packer who was his scholar).

<An almost contemporary life of Milton.>

[314]Quaere Mr. <Andrew> Allam, of Edmund-hall, Oxon, of John Milton's life writt by himselfe[315]: vide pagg....

<His acquaintance.>

[316]He was visited much by learned <men>; more then he did desire.

He was mightily importuned to goe into France and Italie. Foraigners came much to see him, and much admired him, and offer'd to him great preferments to come over to them: and the only inducement of severall foreigners that came over into England, was chiefly to see Oliver Protector, and Mr. John Milton; and would see the house and chamber wher he was borne. He was much more admired abrode then at home.

His familiar learned acquaintance were Mr. Andrew Marvell, Mr. Skinner, Dr. Pagett, M.D.

Mr. <Cyriack> Skinner, who was his disciple.

John Dreyden, esq., Poet Laureate, who very much admires him, and went to him to have leave to putt his Paradise Lost into a drama in rhymne. Mr. Milton recieved him civilly, and told him he would give him leave to tagge his verses.

His widowe assures me that Mr. T. Hobbs was not one of his acquaintance, that her husband did not like him at all, but he would acknowledge[317] him to be a man of great parts, and a learned man. Their interests and tenets did[318] run counter to each other; vide in Hobbes' Behemoth.

=George Monk= (1608-1670).

[319]G. M[320]. was borne at ... in Devon (vide Devon in Heralds' Office), a second son of ..., an ancient familie, and which had about Henry 8's time 10,000 li. per annum (as he himselfe sayd).

He was a strong, lusty, well-sett young fellow; and in his youth happened to slay a man[XXVI.], which was the occasion of his flying into the Low-countries, where he learned to be a soldier.

[XXVI.] From Mʳⁱˢ Linden, his kinswoman, a Devon woman whose name was Monke.

At the beginning of the late civill warres, he came over to the king's side, where he had command (quaere in what part of England).

Anno ... he was prisoner in the Tower, where his semstres, Nan Cl<arges> (a blacksmith's[XXVII.] daughter), was kind to him; in a double capacity. It must be remembred that he then was in want[XXVIII.], and she assisted him. Here she was gott with child. She was not at all handsome, nor cleanly. Her mother was one of the five woemen barbers.

[XXVII.] The shop is still of that trade; the corner-shop, the first turning on the right hand as you come out of the Strand into Drury-lane; the howse is now built of brick.

[XXVIII.] He was taken prisoner by the Parliament forces, and kept in the Tower; and the trueth was, he was forgotten and neglected at Court, that they did not thinke of exchanging him, and he was in want.

Anno ... (as I remember, 1635) there was a maried woman in Drury-lane that had clapt (i.e. given the pox to) a woman's husband, a neighbor of hers. She complained of this to her neighbour gossips. So they concluded on this revenge, viz. to gett her and whippe her and ...; which severities were executed and put into a ballad. 'Twas the first ballad I ever cared for the reading of: the burden of it was thus:--

Did yee ever heare the like Or ever heard the same Of five woemen-barbers That lived in Drewry lane?

Vide the Ballad-booke[321].

Anno ... her brother, T<homas> Cl<arges>, came a ship-board to G. M. and told him his sister was brought to bed. 'Of what?' sayd he. 'Of a son.' 'Why then,' sayd he, 'she is my wife.' He had only this child.

Anno.., (I have forgott by what meanes) he gott his libertie, and an employment under Oliver (I thinke) at sea, against the Dutch, where he did good service; he had courage enough. But I remember the sea-men would laugh, that in stead of crying Tack about, he would say Wheele to the right (or left).

Anno 16.. he had command in Scotland (vide his life), where he was well beloved by his soldiers, and, I thinke, that country (for an enemie). Oliver, Protector, had a great mind to have him home, and sent him a fine complementall letter, that he desired <him> to come into England to advise with him. He sent his highnesse word, that if he pleased he would come and waite upon him at the head of 10,000 men. So that designe was spoyled.

Anno 1659/60, Febr. 10th (as I remember), being then sent for by the Parliament to disband Lambert's armie, he came into London with his army about one a clock P.M.[XXIX.] He then sent to the Parliament this letter, which[322], printed, I annex here. Shortly after he was sent for to the Parliament house; where, in the howse, a chaire was sett for him, but he would not (in modestie) sitt downe in it. The Parliament (Rumpe[XXX.]) made him odious to the citie, purposely, by pulling down and burning their gates (which I myselfe sawe). The Rumpe invited him to a great dinner, Febr. ... (shortly after); from whence it was never intended that he should have returned (of this I am assured by one of that Parliament). The members stayd till 1, 2, 3, 4 a clock, but at last his excellency sent them word he could not come: I beleeve he suspected some treacherie.

[XXIX.] on a Saterday. On Sunday (the next day) Sir Ralph Sydenham (his countreyman) went and dined with him, and after dinner told him that God had putt a good opportunity into his handes, innuend. restoring the king; to which he gave an indefinite answer, and sayd he hoped he should doe like an honest man. We that were Sir Ralph's acquaintance were longing for his coming home to supper for the generall's answer, who kept him till 9 at night. He, after the king's restauration, made him Master of Charter-howse.

[XXX.] the Rumpe of a Howse: 'twas the wooden invention of generall Browne (a woodmonger).

You must now know that long before these dayes, colonel <Edward> Massey, and Thomas Mariett, of Whitchurch in Warwickshire, esqre, held correspondence with his majestie, who wrote them letters with his owne hand, which I have seen. Both these were now in London privately. Tom Mariett laye with me (I was then of the Middle Temple); G. M. lay at Draper's hall[323] in Throckmorton-street. Col. Massey (Sir Edward afterwards), and T. Mariett every day were tampering with G. M., as also col. <John> Robinson (afterward Liewtenant of the Tower: whom I remember they counted not so wise as King Salomon); and they could not find any inclination or propensity in G. M. for their purpose, scil. to be instrumentall to bring in the king. Every night late, I had an account of all these transactions abed, which like a sott as I was, I did not, while fresh in memorie, committ to writing, as neither has T. M.[XXXI.]: but I remember in the maine, that they were satisfied he no more intended or designed the king's restauration, when he came into England, or first came to London, then his horse did. But shortly after finding himselfe at a losse; and that he was (purposely) made odious to the citie, as aforesayd--and that he was a lost man--by the Parliament; and that the generality of the citie and country were for the restoring the king, having long groaned under the tyranny of other governments; he had no way to save himselfe but to close with the citie, etc., again. Memorandum that Thredneedle-street was all day long, and late at night, crammed with multitudes, crying out A free Parliament, a free Parliament, that the aire rang with their clamours[324]. One evening, viz. Feb.... (quaere diem) he comeing out on horseback[325], they were so violent that he was almost afrayd of himselfe, and so, to satisfie them (as they use to doe to importunate children), Pray be quiet, yee shall have a free Parliament. This about 7, or rather 8 as I remember at night. Immediately a loud holla and shout was given, all the bells in <the> city ringing, and the whole citie looked as if it had been in a flame by the bonfires, which were prodigiously great and frequent and ran like a traine over the citie, and I sawe some balcone's that began to be kindled. They made little gibbetts, and roasted[326] rumpes of mutton; nay, I sawe some very good rumpes of beefe[327]. Healths to the king, Charles II, were dranke in the streets by the bonfires, even on their knees; and this humor ran by the next night to Salisbury, where was the like joy; so to Chalke, where they made a great bonfire on the top of the hill; from hence to Blandford and Shaftesbury, and so to the Land's-end: and perhaps it was so over all England. So that the return of his most gracious majestie was by the hand of GOD[XXXII.]; but as by this person meerly accidentall, whatever the pompous History in 8vo. sayes (printed at ... opposite to St. Dunstan's church: quaere if not writt by Sir Thomas Clargies, brother to her Grace, formerly an apothecary; and was physician to his army, and 1660 was created M. Dr., who commonly at Coffee-houses uses to pretend strange things, of his contrivances, and bringing-on of his brother-in-lawe to ...).

[XXXI.] Quaere T. M. iterum de his.

[XXXII.] A Domino factum est istud: et est mirabile in oculis nostris. Hoc[328] est dies quam fecit dominus, exultemus et laetemur in ea.--Psm. cxviii. 23, 24.

Well! A free Parliament was chosen, and mett the ... of.... Sir Harbottle Grimston, knight and baronet, was chosen Speaker. The first thing he putt to the question was, 'Whether CHARLES STEWARD should be sent for, or no?' 'Yea, yea,' nemine contradicente. Sir John Greenvill (now earle of Bathe) was then in towne, and posted away to Bruxells; found the king at dinner, little dreaming of so good newes, rises presently from dinner, had his coach immediately made readie, and that night gott out of the king of Spaine's dominions into the prince of Orange's country, I thinke, Breda[XXXIII.].

[XXXIII.] This I have heard bishop John Earles and his wife Bridget, then at Bruxells, say, severall times.

Now, as the morne growes lighter and lighter, and more glorious, till it is perfect day, so[329]it was with the joy of the people. Maypoles, which in the hypocriticall times, 'twas ... to sett-up, now were sett up in every crosse-way: and at the Strand, neer Drury-lane, was sett-up the most prodigious one for height, that (perhaps) was ever seen; they were faine (I remember) to have the assistance of the sea-men's art to elevate it; that which remaines (being broken with a high wind anno ..., I thinke about 1672) is but two parts of three of the whole height from the grownd, besides what is in the earth. The juvenile and rustique folkes at that time had so much their fullnesse of desires in this kind, that I thinke there have been very few sett-up since. The honours conferred on G. M. every one knowes.

His sence might be good enough, but he was slow, and heavie. He dyed anno ... and had a magnificent funerall, suitable to his greatnesse. His figure in his robes was very artificially donne, which lay in a catafalco under a canopie, in or neer the east end of Westminster abby, a moneth or 6 weekes. Seth Ward, lord bishop of Sarum (his great acquaintance), preached his funerall sermon, which is printed for.... His eldest brother dyed sine prole, about the time of the King's returne. His other brother, <Nicholas Monk[330]> was made bishop of Hereford. G. M. and his duchess dyed within a day or two of each other. The bishop of Sarum told me that he did the last office of a confessor to his grace; and closed his eies, as his lordship told me himselfe.

Some moneths before G. M.'s comeing into England, the king sent Sir Richard Grenvill (since earl of Bath) to him to negotiate with him that he would doe him service, and to correspond with him. Said he, 'If opportunity be, I will doe him service; but I will not by any meanes have any correspondence[331] with him'; and he did like a wise man in it; for if he had he would certainly have been betrayed.

'Twas shrewd advice which <William> Wyld, then Recorder of London, gave to the citizens, i.e. to keep their purse-strings fast; els, the Parliament would have payed the army and kept out the king.

He was first an ensigne, and after a captain, in the Lowe-countreys, and for making false musters was like to have been ... which he afterward did not forget:--from major Cosh.

This underneath was writt on the dore of the House of Commons.

Till it be understood What is under Monke's hood, The citizens putt in their hornes. Untill the ten dayes are out, The Speaker[XXXIV.] haz the gowt, And the Rump, they sitt upon thornes.

[XXXIV.] Lenthall.

Memorandum:--Mr. Baron Brampton hath invited me to his chamber to give me a farther account of generall Monk.--I[332] let slip the opportunity, and my honoured friend is dead.

=Sir Jonas Moore= (1617-1679).

[333]Sir Jonas More: vide[334] Φ, p. 128. Sciatica he cured it, by boyling his buttock. The D.[335] Y. said that 'Mathematicians and physicians had no religion': which being told to Sir Jonas More, he presented his duty to the D. Y.[336] and wished 'with all his heart that his highnesse were a mathematician too': this was since he was supposed to be a Roman Catholic.

[337]He was a clarke under Dr. Burghill, Chancellor of Durham. Parson Milbourne, in the Bishoprick, putt him upon the Mathematiques, and instructed him in it. Then he came to the Middle Temple, London, where he published his Arithmetique, and taught it in Stanhop-street. After this, gott-in with the lord Gorges, earle of Bedford, and Sir Thomas Chichiley, for the surveying of the fennes:--from captain Sherbourne.

Mr. ... Gascoigne (of the North, I thinke Yorkeshire), a person of good estate, a most learned gentleman, who was killed in the civill warres in the king's cause, a great mathematician, and bred by the Jesuites at Rome, gave him good information in mathematicall knowledge. Pray inquire of our friend, Mr. Ralph Sheldon, for as many memorialls of him[AB] as you can: he was one of the most accomplisht gentlemen of his time.

[338]Sir Jonas Moore[AC] was borne at Whitelee in Lancashire, towards the bishoprick of Durham. He was inclined to mathematiques when a boy, which some kind friends[339] of his (whom he mentions in the preface of his first edition of his Arithmetique, dedicated to ... about 1647, and Edmund Wyld, esq.), and afterwards Mr. Oughtred, more fully enformed him; and then he taught gentlemen in London, which was his livelyhood.

When the great levell of the fennes was to be surveyed, Mr. Wyld aforesaid who was his scholar and a member of Parliament was very instrumentall in helping him to the employment of surveying it, which was his rise, which I have heard him acknowledge with much gratitude before severall persons of quality, since he was a knight, and which evidenced an excellent good nature in him.

☞ Memorandum:--when he surveyed the fennes, he observed the line that the sea made on the beach, which is not a streight line (quaere what line?), by which meanes he gott great credit in keeping-out the sea in Norfolke; so[340] he made his bankes against the sea of the same line that the sea makes on the beach; and no other could doe it, but that the sea would still breake-in upon it.

Memorandum:--he made a modell of <a> citadell for Oliver Cromwell, to bridle the city of London, which Mr. Wyld has; and this citadell was to have been the crosse building of St. Paule's church.

Upon the restauration of his majestie he was made Master Surveyor of his majestie's ordinance and armories.

A.D. 167- he received the honour of knighthood. He was a good mathematician, and a good fellowe.

He dyed at Godalmyng, comeing from Portsmouth to London ..., and was buried Septemb. 2ᵈ 1679, at the Tower Chapell, with sixtie peices of ordinance (equal to the number of his yeares). He was tall and very fat, thin skin, faire, cleare grey eie.

He alwayes intended to have left his library of mathematicall bookes to the Royall Societie, of which he was a member; but he happened to dye without making a will, wherby the Royal Societie have a great losse.

His only sonne, Jonas, had the honour of knighthood conferred upon him, August 9, 1680, at Windsor; 'his majestie being pleased to give him this marke of his favour as well in consideration of his owne abilities, as of the faithfull service of his father deceased' (London Gazette, no. 1537)--but young Sir Jonas, when he is old, will never be old Sir Jonas, for all the Gazette's elogie.

Memorandum:--speake to Sir Christopher Wren to gett the wooden sphaere that was made for Prince Henry by Mr. <Edward> Wright, out of young Sir Jonas Moore's handes, into the king's again.

I remember Sir Jonas told us that a Jesuite (I think 'twas Grenbergerus, of the Roman College) found out a way of flying, and that he made a youth[341] performe it. Mr. Gascoigne taught an Irish boy the way, and he flew over a river in Lancashire (or therabout), but when he was up in the ayre, the people gave a shoute, wherat the boy being frighted, he fell downe on the other side of the river, and broke his legges, and when he came to himselfe, he sayd that he thought the people had seen some strange apparition, which fancy amazed him. This was anno 1635, and he spake it in the Royall Societie, upon the account of the flyeing at Paris, two yeares since. Vide the Transactions.

I remember I have heard Sir Jonas say that when he began mathematiques, he wonderfully profited by reading Billingesley's Euclid, and that 'twas his excellent, cleare, and plaine exposition of the 4ᵗʰ proposition of the first booke of the Elements, did first open and cleare his understanding: quod N.B.

[AB] i.e. William Gascoigne: vol. i. p. 260. Ralph Sheldon of Beoly was a Catholic; and at his house Anthony Wood received much information about Catholic writers: Clark's Wood's Life and Times, iii. 98.

[AC] Aubrey gives in trick the coat: 'azure, a swan within a bordure engrailed argent.'

=Sir Robert Moray= (16---1673).

[342]Sir Robert Moray, knight:--he was of the ancient family of the Morays in Scotland. He was borne ... (as I take it, in the Highlands), anno domini.... The Highlanders (like the Swedes) can make their owne cloathes; and I have heard Sir Robert say that he could doe it.

He spent most of his time in France. After his juvenile education at schoole and the University he betooke himselfe to military employment in the service of Lewis the 13th. He was at last Lieuetenant-Colonel to.... He was a great master of the Latin tongue and was very well read. They say he was an excellent soldier.

He was far from the rough humour of the camp breeding, for he was a person the most obliging about the court and the only man that would doe a kindnesse gratis upon an account of friendship. A lacquey could not have been more obsequious and diligent. What I doe now averre I know to be true upon my owne score as well as others. He was a most humble and good man, and as free from covetousness as a Carthusian. He was abstemious and abhorred woemen. His majesty was wont to teaze at him. 'Twas pitty he was a Presbyterian.

He was the chiefe appuy of his countreymen and their good angel. There had been formerly a great friendship between him and the duke of Lauderdale, till, about a yeare or two before his death, he went to the duke on his returne from Scotland and told him plainly that he had betrayed his countrey.

He was one of the first contrivers and institutors of the Royall Societie and was our first president, and performed his charge in the chaire very well.

He was my most honoured and obligeing friend, and I was more obliged to him then to all the courtiers besides. I had a great losse in his death, for, had he lived, he would have got some employment or other for me before this time. He had the king's eare as much as any one, and was indefatigable in his undertakings. I was often with him. I was with him three houres the morning he dyed; he seemed to be well enough[343]. I remember he dranke at least 1/2 pint of faire water, according to his usuall custome.

His lodgeing where he dyed was the leaded pavillion in the garden at Whitehall. He dyed suddenly July 4ᵗʰ about 8 hours P.M. Aº.D. 1673. Had but one shilling in his pocket, i.e. in all. The king buryed him. He lyes by Sir William Davenant in Westminster abbey.

He was a good chymist and assisted his majestie in his chymicall operations.

=Sir Thomas More= (1480-1535).

[344]Sir Thomas More[AD], Lord Chancellour:--his countrey-howse was at Chelsey, in Middlesex, where Sir John Danvers built his house. The chimney-piece of marble in Sir John's chamber, was the chimney-piece of Sir Thomas More's chamber, as Sir John himselfe told me. Where the gate is now, adorned with two noble pyramids, there stood anciently a gate-house, which was flatt on the top, leaded, from whence is a most pleasant prospect of the Thames and the fields beyond. On this place the Lord Chancellour More was wont to recreate himselfe and contemplate. It happened one time that a Tom of Bedlam came-up to him, and had a mind to have throwne him from the battlements, saying 'Leap, Tom, leap.' The Chancellour was in his gowne, and besides ancient, and not able to struggle with such a strong fellowe. My lord had a little dog with <him>; sayd he 'Let us first throwe the dog downe, and see what sport that will be'; so the dog was throwne over. 'This is very fine sport,' sayd my lord, 'let us fetch him up, and try once more.' While the madman was goeing downe, my lord fastned the dore, and called for help, but ever after kept the dore shutt.

Memorandum that in his Utopia his lawe[345] is[XXXV.] that the young people are to see each other stark-naked before marriage. Sir <William> Roper, of ... in[346] Eltham in Kent, came one morning, pretty early, to my lord, with a proposall to marry one of <his> daughters. My lord's daughters were then both together a bed in a truckle-bed in their father's chamber asleep. He carries Sir <William> into the chamber and takes the sheet by the corner and suddenly whippes it off....[347] Here was all the trouble of the wooeing.--This account I had from my honoured friend old Mris. Tyndale, whose grandfather Sir William Stafford was an intimate acquaintance of this Sir ... Roper, who told him the story.

[XXXV.] Vide Utopia, pp. 195, 196, de proco et puella, concerning marriage--MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 42.

This Sir <William> Roper (from whom[348] is descended the lord Tenham) had in one piece, drawne by Hans Holbeine, the pictures of Sir Thomas More, his lady, and all his children, which hung at his house aforesaid in Kent: but about 1675 'twas presented as a raritie to King Charles II and hangs in Whitehall.

His discourse was extraordinary facetious. Riding one night, upon the suddaine, he crossed himself majori cruce, crying out[XXXVI.] 'Jesu Maria! doe not you see that prodigious dragon in the sky?' They all lookt-up, and one did not see it, nor the tother did not see it. At length one had spyed it, and at last all had spied. Wheras there was no such phantôme; only he imposed on their phantasies.

[XXXVI.] Vide Erasmi Colloquia--'Spectrum.'

After he was beheaded, his trunke was interred in Chelsey church, neer the middle of the south wall, where was some slight monument[XXXVII.] erected, which being worne by time, about 1644 Sir ... Laurence, of Chelsey (no kinne to him), at his own proper cost and chardges, erected to his memorie a handsome faire inscription of marble.

[XXXVII.] Sir Thomas More's inscription is in the south side of the chancell <in Chelsea church>--Sir John Laurence of Chelsey repaired Sir Thomas More's inscription (quaere lady Purbec when).--Sir John Laurence, baronet, obiit 1638.--MS. Aubr. 7, fol. 16.

His head was upon London bridge: there goes this story in the family, viz. that one day as one of his daughters was passing under the bridge, looking on her father's head[349], sayd she, 'That head haz layn[350] many a time in my lapp, would to God it would fall into my lap as I passe under.' She had her wish, and it did fall into her lappe, and is now preserved in a vault in the cathedrall church at Canterbury. The descendant of Sir Thomas, is Mr. More, of Chilston, in Herefordshire, where, among a great many things of value plundered[351] by the soldiers, was his chap, which they kept for a relique. Methinks 'tis strange that all this time he is not canonized, for he merited highly of the church.

Memorandum:--in the hall of Sir John Lenthall, at Bessils-Lye in Berks, is an original of Sir Thomas and his father, mother, wife, and children, donne by Hans Holbein. There is an inscription in golden letters of about 60 lines, which I spake to Mr. Thomas Pigot, of Wadham College, to transcribe, and he has donne it very carefully. Aske him for it. Vide Mr. Thomas Pigot, in part[352] iii.

Memorandum:--about the later end of Erasmus's Epistolae, Antverp edition, pag. 503, 504, 505, is an epitaph for Sir Thomas More, and another for his lady.

Memorandum:--Sir Thomas More's father had a countrey house at Gubbins in Hertfordshire, which is in the familie still, who are still Catholiques; whether he was borne there or no, non constat:--<from> Seth Ward, episcopus Sarum.

[353]Educatus in aula cardinalis Morton, prout in Utopia pag. 49, 50.

Sir John Lenthall at Besilslye haz a rare and large picture of Hans Holbein's painting in his hall there, where are the figures, as big as the life, of Sir Thomas <More> and his father (a judge) and mother, wife and children, and a long inscription, which gett Mr. Pigot to transcribe, for it begins to be defaced.

Sir Thomas More, knight: Quaestiones duae:--

--An chimaera bombinans in vacuo possit comedere secundas intentiones?

--An averia capta in Withernamio sint replegiabilia?

Memorandum:--his folio, English.

Epigrammata, 16mo.

Utopia.--Vide in Utopia his titles of civis Londiniensis and vicecomes Londiniensis.

His behaviour on the scaffold.

[354]☞ See about the later end of Erasmus' Epistolae (in the Antverp edition, 8vo, 'tis in pagg. 503, 504, 505) an epitaph made for Sir Thomas More, and another for his wife (as I thinke, never set up). But be sure to obtaine a copie of the inscription under his picture and of his family at Basilleigh, which Mr. Thomas Pigot hath, and he only can help you to it. Therin are remarques of that family nowhere els to be had.

[AD] Aubrey gives the coat: '..., a chevron between 3 heath-cocks ...' wreathed with laurel. He adds: 'This coate of armes is in the hall at New Inne, of which house I presume Sir Thomas was, according to the education of former times.'

He adds the references 'see part iii, p. 45 b' (i.e. MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 97ᵛ in the life of Thomas Pigot), and 'vide A. Wood's Antiq. Oxon.'

=Lancelot Morehouse= (16---1672).

[355]Mr. Launcelot Moorhouse, minister of Pertwood (40 li. per annum), about 6 miles from Kilmanton, a very learned man, and a solid and profound mathematician, wrote against Mr. Francis Potter's booke of 666, and falls upon him, for that 25 is not the true roote, but the propinque root; to which Mr. Potter replied with some sharpnes, and that it ought not to be the true roote, for this agrees better with his purpose. The manuscript pro and con Mr. Morehouse gave to Seth Ward, bishop of Sarum, 1668; together with a MS. in folio (in French) of legues between ... king of England and ... king of France, and a prophecy concerning England, curiously written in Latin verse, one sheet in 4to, which he rescued from the tayler's sheeres.

Mr. Moorhouse (of Cambridge) is dead and left his many excellent mathematicall notes to his ingeniose friend, John Graunt, of Hindon.

He writt in 4to de Quadratura Circuli; wherin is a great deale of witt and learning; but at last Dr. Davenant (his neighbour) evinced him of his paralogisme. I would have it printed (for it is learnedly[356] donne) to show where and how great witts may erre and be decieved.

He was a man of a very searching witt, and indefatigable at solving a question, as I have heard Dr. Edward Davenant oftentimes say.

He was either of Clare-hall or King's Colledge. Westmoreland by birth. Curate at Chalke to Mr. Waller. He was preferred by bishop <Humphrey> Hinchman to Little Langford, where he dyed about 1672.

=Sir Thomas Morgan= (16---1679).

[357]The life of Sir Thomas Morgan will be printed in about three weekes time by....

From Mr. Howe:--

[Clarissimo fortissimoque Thomae Morgano, equiti aurato, imperatorum hujus aetatis facile principi.

Quae non in terris sensit gens bellica quantus Dux sit Morganus, compede, strage, fugâ? Ashleus, Austriacus, Condaeus, Monkus et ipse, Lesleiusque aquilas erubuêre tuas. Fairfaxus, Glencarnus, famaque Middletoni, Hopton jure prior sed tibi Marte minor. Victrices culpas delemus, vidimus ex quo Erecta auspiciis sceptra Britanna tuis, Et Carolum regnis reducem et Monkum modo fultum Auxiliis fusum Lamberitumque tuis. Inclytus Arthurus tibi conterranneus olim, Herôe Arthuro credimus esse satum. <by> ... Jones[358], B.D.]

[359]Sir Thomas Morgan:--Sir John Lenthall told me that at the taking of Dunkyrke, Marshall Turenne, and, I thinke, Cardinall Mezarine too, had a great mind to see this famous warrior. They gave him a visitt, and wheras they thought to have found an Achillean or gigantique person, they sawe a little man, not many degrees[360] above a dwarfe[361], sitting in a hutt of turves, with his fellowe soldiers, smoaking a pipe about 3 inches (or neer so) long, with a green hatt-case on. He spake with a very exile tone, and did cry-out to the soldiers, when angry with them, 'Sirrah, I'le cleave your skull!' as if the wordes had been prolated by an eunuch.

He was of meane parentage in Monmouthshire. He went over to the Lowe-Countrie warres about 16, being recommended by some friend of his to some commander there, who, when he read the letter, sayd, 'What! has my cosen ... recommended a rattoon to me?' at which he tooke pett, and seek't his fortune (as a soldier) in Saxon Weymar.

He spake Welch, English, French, High Dutch, and Lowe Dutch, but never a one well. He seated himself at Cheuston, in Herefordshire.

[362]Sir Thomas Morgan: quaere Dr.[363] Jones.--Quaere Mr. Howe at Peter Griffiths', in Yorke buildings, neer the staires: he was his secretary and haz his memoires.--Quaere Mr. Jones for a copie of Sir Thomas Morgan's epitaph.--He lies buried in St. Martyn's church <in-the>-fields, London: quaere if his tombe is erected. Obiit about 1679.

[364]Thomas Morgan:--vide Mr. Howe at Mr. Griffyn's howse in York buildings, below Mi. Kent, next house but one or two to the water: he was his secretary and has his memoires. Quaere Mr. Jones for the copie of his epitaph. He lies interred in St. Martin's church: quaere if his tombe is erected. Obiit about 1679.

=William Morgan= (1622-16--).

[365]Mariana Morgan, ... daughter of major Morgan of Wells, was borne there, New Yeare's Eve's eve, XX yeares since next New Yeare's Eve, about 5 or 6 a clock P.M. She is a swidging lustie woman.

[366]William Morgan, first son of captain William Morgan, was borne at Wells, the 6th of November, Saterday morning, something before day. When he dyed he was 22 and as much as from the time of his birth. He dyed last Xtmas, viz. 1674, the Fryday after XII day[367]. Memorandum in 1670 he was very like to dye of a feaver. Anno ..., he maried (I think not much above a yeare before his death). Anno ... he dyed.

[368]Thomas Morgan, second sonne, natus ibidem, September 14, 1657 (about midnight, his mother thinkes). He was idle and unfortunate, and dyed 167-. Seemed to have Saturne much his enemie.

These Morgans of Wells were 'cousins' of Aubrey: see in the life of Sir Edmundbury Godfrey. The William Morgan who is there mentioned I take to be William Morgan (son of John Morgan, gent., of Worminster, co. Som.) who matriculated at Christ Church on Dec. 13, 1639, aged 17, to be the Captain (or Major) William Morgan of this notice. William Morgan, the son, of this notice, is probably William Morgan (son of William Morgan of Wells, co. Som., gent.) who matriculated at Trinity College, May 27, 1669, aged 16.

=John Morton= (1410-1500).

[369]Cardinal Morton:--lettre from A. Ettrick, esq., 9 July 1681:--'The grant of Morton's coate was not to the cardinal, but I beleeve he like other great new clergie-men tooke the libertie to use what coate he pleased; but about the 7th of Henry VIII <1515>, the coate is granted by three heralds to one of the same family with a gratis dictum recital in the grant of a descent of a pretty many auncestors ingraffing him into the family of Bawtry (vide [Illustration][370] of Bawtry) in Yorkshire. This Sir Edward Bysh shewed me in the Heralds' Office.'--Quod vide.

Vide Utopia, pp. 49, 50, an immortall elogie; Sir Thomas More in aula ejus educatus.

[371]In my last I gave you some memoirs of cardinall Morton, and that the tradicion of the countrey people in Dorset, when I was a schooleboy there at Blandford, was that he was a shoe-maker's son of Bere in com. praedict.: but Sir William Dugdale ... sayes 'by no meanes I must putt in writing hear-sayes.'

His coate is this[372], 'quarterly, gules and ermine, in the first quarter a goat's head erased ...': which something resembles the shoemakers' armes, who give 'three goates' heades,' as you may see in the signe without Bocardo.

This coate of Moreton is in the west chamber of the Katherine-wheele Inne at Great Wiccomb in Bucks, with (as I remember) the cardinall's cappe.

=Thomas Mouffet= (1553-1604).

[373]... Muffett, M.Dr., lived in his later time at Bulbridge (at the west end of Wilton--it belongs to the earle of Pembroke) at the mannor-house there, which is a faire old-built house. This Bulbridge is adjoyning to Wilton; the river[374] only parts it.

At this place he dyed and lyes ☞ buryed at Wilton, but no memoriall of him--vide the Register.

The earl of Pembroke's steward told me that he findes by the old bookes and accounts that a pension of ... was payd him yearly. He was one of the learnedest physitians of that age. He writt a booke in Latin in folio de insectis which Dr. John Pell told me (quaere) heretofore was first begun by a friar.... There was printed, long since his death, his booke Of Meates (in quarto, English), about 1649. Vide; I have it.

[375]... Mouffet:--quaere brother[376] Tom; vide the register at Wilton; write to Mr. Gwyn[377] de hoc.--Thomae Moufeti, Londinatis, Opera sumptibus Theodori de Mayerne edita, 1634.

=... Munday= (16---166-).

[378]Mr. ... Munday, a merchant, was a great traveller, and travelled from Archangel to the East Indies by land. He wrote Memoires of all his journeys, a large folio, wherein he had draughts of their cities, habits[379], customs, etc.

He had a great collection of natural rarities, coynes, prints, etc.

Mr. Baker[380] knew him.

He died at Penrhyn in Cornwall about 20 yeares since. Quaere for them[381].

=Robert Murray= (1633-1725).

[382]Mr. Robert Murray is a citizen of London, a milliner, of the company of cloathworkers. His father, a Scotchman; mother, English. Borne in the Strand, Anno Dni. 1633, December; christened <Dec.> 12ᵗʰ.

The penny-post was sett up anno Domini 1680, Our Lady day, being Fryday[383], a most ingeniose and usefull project. Invented by Mr. ... Murray[384] first, and then Mr. Dockery[385] joyned with him. It was set up Feb. 1679/80.

Mr. Murray[386] was formerly clarke to the generall company for the revenue of Ireland, and afterwards clark to the committee of the grand excise of England; and was the first that invented and introduced into this city the club of commerce consisting of one of each trade, whereof there were after very many erected and are still continued in this city. And also continued[387] and sett-up the office or banke of credit at Devonshire house in Bishopsgate Street without, where men depositing their goods and merchandize were furnished with bills of current credit on 2/3 or 3/4 of the value of the said goods answering to the intrinsique value of money, whereby the deficiency of coin might be fully subplyed: and for rendring the same current, a certaine or competent number of traders (viz. 10 or 20 of each trade, wherof there be 500 severall trades within the citty) were to be associated or formed into such a society or company of traders as might amongst them compleat the whole body of commerce, whereby any possest of the said current credit might be furnisht amongst themselves with any kind of goods or merchandise as effectually as for money could do elsewhere.

=Richard Napier= (1559-1634).

[388]Dr. Richard Napier[AE]:--he was no Doctor, but a divine (rector Lindfordiensis) and practised physick--natus Maii 4, 1559, 11 h. 4´ P.M. in urbe Exoniae.

[389]Dr. Napier was uncle and godfather to Sir Richard Napier.

[AE] He is found at Exeter College ('Richard Napper'), aet. 17, Dec. 20, 1577. Aubrey intended to include his life in his collection, and has mentioned it in the index to MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 9ᵛ:--'... Nepier, M.D.: <his life is> donne by Mr. Ashmole.' Ashmole's, and Aubrey's, interest in him arose from his astrological practice: 'nativities had (Dec. 1681) from Elias Ashmole, esq., out of Dr. Napier's papers,' are found in MS. Aubr. 23, fol. 121, 121ᵛ, and on a slip there.

=Sir Richard Napier= (1608-1675/6).

[390]Yesterday I was with Mr. Elias Ashmole, who tells me that Sir Richard Napier[AF] was of Allsoules, and about 1642.

I writt to you from Mr. Ashmole in a former letter[AG] that Sir Richard Napier is buryed at Lindford, but died at Besels-leigh; but before he came thither, he lay at an inne at ..., where, when the chamberlain brought him up to his chamber, and the Dr. look't on the bed and saw a dead man lye in or on the bed--'What!' sayd he, 'do you lodge me where a dead man lies?' Sayd the chamberlain, 'Sir, here is no dead man.' The Dr. look't at it again, and saw it was him selfe. And from thence he went (ill) to Besil's-leigh and died.

[391]On Sunday last I dined with Mr. Ashmole, who bids me answer you[AH] positively that Sir Richard Napier never did write anything, and sayes he haz acquainted you thus much before by letter.

[AF] He was nephew of the preceding. He matriculated at Wadham in 1624; was fellow of All Souls in 1628; and created M.D. in Nov. 1642.

[AG] On June 29, 1689: now in MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 386ᵛ:--'Sir Richard Napier was buried at Lynford, in Buckinghamshire: it was his manour, which his sonne sold for 19,500 li.'

[AH] This note is a postscript torn from a letter addressed, no doubt to Anthony Wood, by 'your faithful friend, J. Aubrey.'

=Sir William Neale= (1610-1690/1).

[392]Sir William Neale, knight, skowt-master generall to king Charles the first, died on the 24th of March last 1690/1, in Grayes Inne lane, being 81 yeares old. He was buried, according to his desire, in Convent-garden church, and lies at the west dore, first by the christning pew. When he died, he was the oldest field-officer of king Charles the first.

He was not lesse than 6 foot high: very beautifull in youth--I remember him: and of great courage, but a great plunderer and cruell.

He lived in towne ever since the Plott, and that worthy generous gentleman Edmund Wyld, esq., was much supporting to him. His mother and Sir William were cosens german. But for these 5 yeares last past his gowtes etc. emaciated him extremely; so that he did often put me in mind of that of Ovid. Metamorph. <XV. 229>,

Fletque Milo senior cum spectat inanes Illos, qui fuerant solidorum more tororum Herculeis similes, fluidos pendere lacertos.

He died poenitent.

He was the grandsonne of ... Neale, esq., of Wollaston near Northampton, who maried one of Sir Edmund Conquest's sisters, of Houghton-Conquest, Bedfordshire. Sir Francis Clarke of Houghton-Conquest aforesaid (father of Mr. Edmund Wyld's mother, a daughter and heir) maried another sister of Sir Edmund Conquest.

Sir William maried major-generall Egerton's sister, by whom he had issue William, a lusty stout fellow, of the guards, who died about the abdication, and two daughters.

=Richard Neile= (1562-1640).

[393]The father of ... Neile, archbishop of Yorke, was a tallow-chandler in Westminster--from old major Cosh.

=William Neile= (1637-1670).

[394]I have sent now to Sir Paul Neile, whose father was archbishop of Yorke, for his sonne. Memorandum:--a better-natured man[395] never lived: for his worth Dr. <John> Wallis can better characterise him than I can.

[396]William Neile, esq., gentleman of the privy chamber in ordinary to king Charles the 2nd, eldest son to Sir Paul Neile, eldest son to the archbishop of Yorke, was borne at Bishops-thorpe (a house belonging to the archbishops of Yorke) neer Yorke, December the seventh, 1637; and dyed at his father's howse in White Waltham in Berkshire, August 24th, 1670, and is buried in White Waltham church. Enquire of Dr. Wallis of his rare invention, which he has printed in one of his bookes: never before found out by man.

=John Newton= (1622-1678).

[397]Dr. Newton, now parson of Rosse in Herefordshire, told me that he was of Edmund hall: yet living; and lives-like, for when his stomach is out of order, he cures himselfe by eating a piece of hott roast beefe off the spitt.--[398]Dr. J. Newton:--he told me he was borne in Bedfordshire, but would not tell me where.

[399]... Newton, D.D., minister of Ross, dyed there on Christmas day 1678, and buried in the chancell at Rosse neer the middle of the south wall. He was against learning of Latin in a mathematicall school.

=John Norden= (1548-1625).

[400]John Norden--from Mr. Bagford, a good antiquary, Mr. Crump's acquaintance.

He lived at Fulham, and (perhaps) died there.

He made mappes of Middlesex, Hartfortshire, Surrey, and Hampshire, and also Cornwall; and he did not only make the mappes aforesaid but hath writt[401] descriptions of them, which Mr. Bagford hath, in quarto. The description of Cornwall (I thinke) was not printed; but Dr. Gale of Paule's schoole hath it in manuscript, quod N.B.

He printed a booke called a Preparative to Speculum Britanniae, in 8vo; item, his Travellers Guide, in 4to.

Mr. Morgan, the herald painter, gives us an account in his Armorie, that he had, in his custodie, Kent, Essex, Isle of Man, Isle of Wight, and Hants.

In the end of Mr. Gregorie's posthumous workes, he gives us an account of the excellency of Mr. Norden's mappes, and Saxton's too.

His dialogues I have, in 4to, printed first, 1610; dedicated to <Robert> Cecil, earle of Salisbury, whose servant he was, (I suppose) steward or surveyor.

Sometime or other I will looke into the church at Fulham: he died ('tis thought) in King James the first raigne.

Mr. Wood! pray add this to the rest of the lives.

=Roger North= (1585?-1652).

[402]Captain Roger North was brother to <Dudley, 3rd> lord North. He was a great acquaintance of Sir Walter Ralegh's and accompanied him in his voyages. He was with him at Guiana, and never heard that word[403] but he would fall into a passion for the miscariage of that action.

He was a great algebrist, which was rare in those dayes; but he had the acquaintance of his fellow-traveller Mr. Hariot.

He and his voyages are much cited in.... Voyages in Latin in folio (quaere nomen libri a domino J. Vaughan[404]).

He was a most accomplished gentleman.

He died in Fleet Street about anno Domini 1656 or 57, and buryed....

He had excellent collections and remarques of his voyages, which were all unfortunately burnt in Fleet Street at the great conflagration of the city.--From my <friend> Sir Francis North, Lord Chiefe Justice of the Common Pleas, his nephew, and Edmund Wyld, esq., who knew him very well.

He dyed about the time of the fire (?); quaere iterum.

This family speakes not well of Sir Walter Raleigh, that Sir Walter designed to breake with the Spanyard, and to make himselfe popular in England. When he came to ..., he could not show them where the mines of gold were. He would have then gonne to the king of France (Lewis XIII), but his owne men brought him back.

[405]Capt. North--quaere if of Oxon[406]: I thinke of University College.

=Thomas North= (1535-1601).

[407]Mr. Thomas North, that translated Plutarch's Lives (my lord chief justice[408] tells me) was great-uncle to his grandfather.

=Richard Norwood= (1590?-1675).

[409]Mr. Richard Norwood:--where he was born I cannot yet learn.

Norwood is an ancient family: about 300 yeares since St. Low maried with a daughter and heire of them and quarters the coate in the margent[410]. They flourish still in Gloucestershire, the mannour of Lakhampton belonging to them.--'Tis probable that this learned Norwood was that countreyman.

In his Epistle to the Reader before his Trigonometrie:--

'but I am already sensible of the unfriendly dealings of some, even of our own countreymen, who, when these tables were printing and almost finished, came to the printing house and not onely tooke a sufficient view of them there, but carried away a president without the printer's leave, and have caused them to be printed beyond sea, the impression or a great part of it being already come over.

Tower-hill, anno 1631, November 1.'

My edition is the third, 1656; and there hath been one since.

The Seaman's practice, containing a fundamental probleme in navigation experimentally verified, namely, touching the compasse of the earth and sea, and the quantity of a degree, in our English measure; also an exact method or form of keeping a reckoning at sea in any kind or manner of sayling, with certain tables and other rules usefull in navigation; as also the plotting and surveying of places, the latitude of the principal places in England, the finding of the currents at sea and what allowance is to be given in respect of them, by Richard Norwood, reader of the Mathematicks, London, 1655, 4to--dedicated to Robert, earle of Warwick.

He, at his owne chardge, measured with a chaine from Barwick to Christ Church (he sayes he came up in ten or eleven dayes) in order to the finding the quantitie of a degree, and so the circumference of the earth and sea, in our known measures--July 1, 1636.

He also published a treatise of the modern way of fortification, 163-, in 4to.

By a letter from Nicholas, earle of Thanet, to me, concerning his purchase in the Bermudas, not dated, but writ about 1674 or 5--thus:--'as to old Mr. Norwood, to whom the Royal Society would send some quaeres, is lately dead, as his sonne informes me, who lately went captaine in that ship wherein I sent my gardiner and vines to the Bermudas. He was aged above 90.'

[411]Trigonometrie, both plain and sphaerical, by Richard Norwood, reader of the Mathematicks. 'This seaventh edition being diligently corrected; in divers difficult places explained; new table of the starres' right ascentions and declinations added; and the whole worke very much enlarged by the author himselfe.' Printed for William Fisher at the Postern gate neer the Tower, etc., 1678.

'To the Reader. If any man thinke it should be a hinderance to them who have been at the chardge to print that which Mr. Briggs hath begun upon that subject, he may be pleased to take notice that though we both handle the same thing, yet it is in a different manner, and there is scarce any one proposition handled by us both; besides his is in Latine, mine in English. Towerhill, anno 1631, November 1.'

=William Noy= (1577-1634).

[412]From Fabian Philips, esq.:--

Mr. attorney-generall Noy was a great lawyer and a great humorist. There is a world of merry stories of him.

A countrey-fellow of Cumberland[413]....

He would play at spanne-counter with the taverne-barre-boy.

A countrey clowne asked for a good inne, and he bids him ride into Lincoln's Inne, and asked if his horse went to hay or to grasse.

He caused the breeches of a bencher of Lincolne's Inne to be taken-in by a tayler and made him beleeve that he had the dropsie.

One time he mett accidentally with Butler[414], the famous physitian of Cambridge, at the earle of Suffolke's (Lord Treasurer[415]). They were strangers to each other, and both walking in the gallerie. Noy was wearied, and would be gonne. Butler would know his name. Noy had him to the Peacock Taverne in Thames Street, and fudled all that day.

Another time Noy and Pine of Lincolne's Inne went afoot to Barnet with clubbes in their hands, like countreyfellowes. They went to the Red Lyon inne; the people of the house were afrayd to trust them, fearing they might not pay.

[416]Ex registro Brandford, thus:--'William Noy, the king's attorney, buried August the 11th day, 1634.' Buried under the communion table, not alter-waies, in the chancell at New Brentford in the county of Middlesex, under a stone broken; brasse lost and inscription.

=John Ogilby= (1600-1676).

[417]Mr. John Ogilby[AI] natus[418] November 17, 5ʰ 15´ mane, 1600.

[419]John Ogilby, esq., was borne at ... (quaere Mr. John Gadbury[AJ]) in Scotland, November ..., 1600, Scorpione ascendente. He was of a gentleman's family, and bred to his grammar.

[420]<He> would not tell where in Scotland he was borne: quaere. He sayd drollingly that he would have as great contests hereafter for the place of his birth as of Homer's: but he made this rythme:--

At ... cleare ther did I well fere where[421] ... man.

[422]Mr. Gadbury sayes that Mr. Ogilby told him (he was very sure) that he was borne either in or neer Edinburgh. Sed tamen quaere de hoc of Mr. Morgan his grandson.

[423]Mr. John Ogilby, borne ... in Scotland, of a gentleman's family; bred a scholar. In[424] his youth bred to dancing at London: which he afterwards professed. His father spent his estate and fell to decay; and J. O. by his owne industry[XXXVIII.] at or about the age of 12 or 13, he relieved his parents.

[XXXVIII.] Spangles, needles.

[425]His father[AK] had spent his estate, and fell to decay, and was a prisoner in the King's Bench, whom, together with his mother, his son relieved by his owne industry, being then but about the age of 12 or 13 yeares. By the advantage of his sonne's industry, he raysed a small summe of money, which he adventured in the lottery for the advancement of the plantation in Virginia, anno ... and he gott out of prison by this meanes. His motto (of his lott) was,

'I am a poor prisoner, God wott, God send me a good lott, I'le come out of prison, and pay all my debt.'

It so happened that he had a very good lott, that did pay his debts.

[426]John (the son) bound himselfe apprentice to one Mr. Draper[427], who kept a dancing-schoole in Grayes-Inne-Lane, and in short time arrived to so great excellency in that art, that he found meanes to purchase his time of his master and sett up for himselfe.

When the duke of Buckingham's great masque[428] was represented at court (vide Ben Jonson), anno ... (quaere), he was chosen (among the rest) to performe some extraordinary part in it, and high-danceing, i.e. vaulting and cutting capers, being then in fashion, he, endeavouring to doe something extraordinary, by misfortune of a false step when he came to the ground, did spraine a veine on the inside of his leg, of which he was lame ever after, which gave an occasion to say that 'he was an excellent dancing master, and never a good leg.'

He taught 2 of the lord Hopton's (then Sir Ralph) sisters to dance, then at Witham in Somersetshire; and Sir Ralph taught[429] him to handle the pike and musket, scil. all the postures.

[430]Anno[431] ... (the yeare before lord Strafford went to Ireland[432], Deputie) he kept a dancing school in the Black-Spread-Eagle Court (then an inne) in Grayes Inne lane. Mr. John Lacy, the player, from whom I take this information, was his apprentice.

[433]In the yeare ..., he went over into Ireland to Thomas, earle of Strafford, Lord Liuetenant there, and was there enterteined to teach in that family. And here it was that first he gave proofs of his inclination to poetry, by paraphrasing upon some of Æsop's fables. (He writt a fine hand.) He had[434] a warrant from the Lord Livetenant to be Master of the Ceremonies for that kingdome; and built a little[435] theatre in St. Warburgh street, in Dublin. It was a short time before the rebellion brake out, by which he lost all, and ran thorough many hazards, and particularly being like to have been blow'n-up at the castle of Refarnum neer Dublin.

[436]Anno 16--he went into Ireland with the lord Strafford (Deputy) and rode in his troupe of guards, as one of my lord's gentlemen, which gave occasion of his writing an excellent copie of verses called The description of a trouper, which gett[437].

Mr. J. O. was[438] in the Lord Lieutenant's troope of guards, and taught his lady and children to dance; that was his place. And he there made those excellent verses of the Trouper (quaere). 'Twas there he....

knees 'gainst knees (umbonibus umbo).

Upon this Mr. Chantrel[XXXIX.] putt him upon learning the Latin tongue (in the 40 aetat. +), and taught him himself and tooke a great deale of paines with him. This was the first time he began his Latin. He stayed in Ireland a good while after the warres broke-out.

[XXXIX.] Mr. Chantrel[439], chaplaine to Sir George Ratcliffe, favourite. Sir George Ratcliffe was afterwards the duke of York's governour in France.

[440]After John Ogilby had built the theatre at Dublin, he was undon at the Irish rebellion. He was wreckt at sea, and came to London very poor, and went on foot to Cambridge.

[441]Mr. J. Ogilby wrote at Dublin (being then of the gaurdes of the earle of Strafford) the character of a trooper, in English verse, which is very witty: Mr. Morgan hath promised to gett it for me. He built the theatre at Dublin. He was undon at the Irish rebellion; returning to England, was wreckt at sea, and came to London very poor and went on foot to Cambridge.

[442]He wrote a play at Dublin, call'd The Merchant of Dublin, never printed.

[443]He came into England about the yeare 1648 (vide the date of his Virgil, 8vo). He printed[XL.] Virgill, translated by himselfe into English verse, 8vo, 164-, dedicated to the right honourable William, lord marquesse of Hertford, who loved him very well.

[XL.] Virgil, 8vo; Aesop, in 4to, next.--MS. Aubr. 7, fol. 20.

After he had translated Virgil, he learned Greeke[XLI.] of Mr. Whitfield[444], a Scotch bishop's son, and grew so great a proficient in it that he fell-to to translate Homer's Iliads, 1660.

[XLI.] Mr. Ogilby learnt Greeke in 1653.--MS. Aubr. 23, fol. 121ᵛ.

Next, as if by a prophetique spirit, foreseeing the restauration of King Charles IIᵈ, and also the want there might be of Church Bibles, he[445]printed the fairest impression, and the most correct of English Bibles, in royall and imperiall paper, that ever was yet donne.

He printed and published his majestie's entertainment at his coronation, in folio with cutts, 1662.

The same yeare (1662) he went into Ireland again, being then, by patent (before, but by warrant) master of the revells, having disputed his right with Sir William Davenant, who had gott a graunt, and built a noble theatre at Dublin, which cost 2000 li., the former being ruined[446] in the troubles.

His Odysses came out in 1665. People did then suspect, or would not beleeve that 'twas he was the author of the paraphrase upon Æsop, and to convince them he published a 2ᵈ volume, which he calles his Æsopiques, which[447] he did during the sicknesse, in his retirement at Kingston upon Thames, after he had published Homer's Iliads and Odysses.

His History of China, in fol., anno ... (before the fire); then his History of Japan.

The generall and dreadfull conflagration burn't all that he had, that he was faine to begin the world again, being then at best worth 5 li.

He had such an excellent inventive and prudentiall witt, and master of so good addresse, that when he was undon he could not only shift handsomely (which is a great mastery[448]), but he would make such rationall proposalls that would be embraced by rich and great men, that in a short time he could gaine a good estate again, and never failed in any thing he ever undertooke but allwayes went through with profits and honour[449].

Being thus utterly undon again by the fire, he made his proposalls for the printing of a faire English Atlas[450], of which he lived to finish the Historys of Africa, America, and part of Asia. And then, being encouraged by the king and the nobility to make[451] an actuall survey of England and Wales[AL], he proceeded in it so far as to an actuall survey of the roads both in England and Wales, which composed his ... volume of his Britannia, published....

[452]Mr. John Ogilby died Sept. 4, 1676; and was buried in the vault at St. Bride's.

[453]Vide his obiit in Almanack[454] 1675: quaere Mr. Lacy.

[455]Anno ... John Ogilby maried ..., the daughter of ... Fox[XLII.], of Netherhampton, neer Wilton in com. Wilts, who was borne as he was wont to say 'in the first Olympiad,' scil. when the first race was ran at Sarum in Henry[456], earle of Pembroke's time. She had only one daughter by him, maried to ... Morgan, who left a son who now suceeds his grandfather as his majestie's cosmographer. She dyed in London ... being aged ... (neer 90[457]).

[XLII.] Servant to the earl of Pembroke, a good liverie.

[458]His wife dyed 3 or 4 dayes before Xtmas 1677, aetatis circiter[459] 112.

[AI] This life of Ogilby is found confusedly in two drafts in MS. Aubr. 7, foll. 19ᵛ-20ᵛ, and MS. Aubr. 8, foll. 44-47ᵛ.

In MS. Aubr. 7, fol. 19ᵛ, and in MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 44, Aubrey gives the coat: '..., a lion passant gardant crowned ..., a mullet for difference'; and notes that 'the crest is a 1/2 virgin in an earle's coronet holding a castle.'

[AJ] Gadbury, Aubrey thought, must have been told the place of Ogilby's birth with a view to constructing his horoscope.

[AK] The first draft, in MS. Aubr. 7, fol. 20, runs:--

'His father was then a prisoner at the King's bench; by the advantage of his son's industry, raysed a small some of money, which he adventured in the lottery (in such a yeare ...--since 1600--quaere annum) for the advancement of the plantation in Virginia: but he gott out of prison by this meanes. His motto was

I am a poor prisoner, God wott: God send me a good lott[460] I'le come out of prison and pay all my debt.

It so happened that he had a very good lott, that pay<d> all his debt.'

[AL] Aubrey came near being employed on this survey. Writing on Aug. 12, 1672, MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 181, he says:--

'I had gone sooner into Kent, but Dr. Wren, my deare friend, without my knowledge contrived an employment for me, which he referred to me to consider of it. So I shall till Michaelmas terme.

'Tis this.--Mr. Ogilby is writing the history of all England: the map is mending already. Now the Dr. told him if that were all, it would be no very great matter. He was pleased to tell him that he could not meet with a fitter man for that turne then J. A. Now it's true it suites well enough with my genius; but he is a cunning Scott, and I must deale warily with him, with the advice of my friends. It will be February next before I begin, and then between that and November followeing I must <s>curry over all England and Wales.... The king will give me protection and letters to make any inquiries, or etc.'

=Thomas Osborne, Earl of Danby= (1631/2-1712).

[461]Lord Treasurer, Thomas, earle of Danby, natus A.D. 1631º, Febr. 19º, hor. 15 min. 53 P.M.--latit. 54.

[462]'20 Febr., 1631/2, fower a clock in the morn.'--I take this to be the Lord Treasurer's <nativity>, scil. Thomas, earle of Danby. Respondet--'tis so.

=William Oughtred= (1574-1660).

[463]Gulielmus Oughtred[AM] natus 5 Martii 1574, 5ʰ P.M.

[464]Mr. Oughtred:--Mr. <John> Sloper tells me that his father was butler of Eaton Colledge: he remembers him, a very old man.

[465]William Oughtred:--vide Henry Coley's Astrologie.--A note from my honoured and learned friend Thomas Flud, esq., who had been High Sheriff of Kent, scilicet, he was Mr. Oughtred's acquaintance. He told me that Mr. Oughtred confessed to him that he was not satisfied how it came about that one might foretell by the starres, but so it was that it fell out true as he did often by his experience find. Mr. T. Flud obiit....

[466]This[467] from Mr. Uniades, who was his scholar.

[Mr. Oughtred's children:--

1. William. 2. Henrey: haz a son (of the Custom-house). 3. Benjamin: a bachelor: yet living. 4. Simon. 5. Edward. 6. George. 7. John. Marget. Judeth: married a glazier. Elizabeth.

One of them <married> to Christopher Brookes of Oxford, a mathematical-instrument-maker.]

[468]Mr. William Oughtred, B.D., Cambr., was borne at Eaton, in Buckinghamshire, neer Windsor, Anno Domini 1574, March the fifth, 5 hours P.M.

His father taught to write at Eaton, and was a scrivener; and understood common arithmetique, and 'twas no small helpe and furtherance to his son to be instructed in it when a schoole-boy. His grandfather came from the north for killing a man. The last knight of the family was one Sir Jeffrey Oughtred. I thinke a Northumberland family (quaere).

Anno Domini ... he was chosen to be one of the King's scholars at Eaton Colledge (vide register). A.D. ... he went to King's Colledge, in Cambridge.

Anno aetatis 23, he writt there his Horologiographia Geometrica, as appeares by the title.

Anno Domini ... he was instituted and inducted into the rectory or parsonage of Albury, in com. Surrey, lett for[469] a hundred pounds per annum: he was pastor of this place fifty yeares.

He maried ... Caryl (an ancient family in those parts), by whom he had nine sonnes (most lived to be men) and four daughters. None of his sonnes he could make[470] scholars.

He was a little man, had black haire, and blacke eies (with a great deal of spirit). His head[471] was always working. He would drawe lines and diagrams on the dust.

His oldest son Benjamin, who lives in the house with my cosen Boothby (who gives him his dyet) and now an old man, he bound apprentice to a watchmaker; who did worke pretty well, but his sight now failes for that fine worke. He told me that his father did use to lye a bed till eleaven or twelve a clock, with his doublet on, ever since he can remember. Studyed late at night; went not to bed till 11 a clock; had his tinder box by him; and on the top of his bed-staffe, he had his inke-horne fix't. He slept but little. Sometimes he went not to bed in two or three nights, and would not come downe to meales till he had found out the quaesitum.

He was more famous abroad for his learning, and more esteemed, then at home. Severall great mathematicians came over into England on purpose to converse[472] with him. His countrey neighbours (though they understood not his worth) knew that there must be extraordinary worth in him, that he was so visited by foreigners.

When Mr. Seth Ward, M.A. and Mr. Charles Scarborough, D.M., came (as in pilgrimage, to see him and admire him)--they lay at the inne at Sheeres (the next parish)--Mr. Oughtred had against their comeing prepared a good dinner, and also he had dressed himselfe, thus, an old red[473] russet cloath-cassock that had been black in dayes of yore, girt with a old leather girdle, an old fashion russet hatt, that had been a bever, tempore reginae Elizabethae. When learned foreigners came and sawe how privately he lived, they did admire and blesse themselves, that a person of so much worth and learning should not be better provided for.

Seth Ward, M.A., a fellow of Sydney Colledge in Cambridge (now bishop of Sarum), came to him, and lived with him halfe a yeare (and he would not take a farthing for his diet), and learned all his mathematiques of him. Sir Jonas More was with him a good while, and learn't; he was but an ordinary logist before. Sir Charles Scarborough was his scholar; so Dr. John Wallis was his scholar; so was Christopher Wren his scholar; so was Mr. ... Smethwyck, Regiae Societatis Socius. One Mr. Austin (a most ingeniose man) was his scholar, and studyed so much that he became mad, fell a laughing, and so dyed, to the great griefe of the old gentleman. Mr. ... Stokes, another scholar, fell mad[474], and dream't that the good old gentleman came to him, and gave[475]him good advice, and so he recovered, and is still well. Mr. Thomas Henshawe, Regiae Societatis Socius, was his scholar (then a young gentleman). But he did not so much like any as those that tugged ☞ and tooke paines to worke out questions. He taught all free.

He could not endure to see a scholar write an ill hand; he taught them all presently to mend their hands. Amongst others Mr. T. H.[476] who when he came to him wrote a lamentable hand, he taught to write very well. He wrote a very elegant hand, and drew his schemes most neatly, as they had been cut in copper. His father (no doubt) was an ingeniose artist at the pen and taught him to write so well.

He was an astrologer, and very lucky in giving his judgements on nativities; he would say, that he did not understand the reason why it should be so, but so it would happen; he did beleeve that some genius or spirit did help. ☞ He has asserted the rational way of dividing the XII houses according to the old way, which (the originall) Elias Ashmole, esq., haz of his owne handwriting; which transcribe. Captaine George Wharton hath inserted it in his Almanack, 1658 or 1659.

The countrey people did beleeve that he could conjure, and 'tis like enough that he might be well enough contented to have them thinke so. I have seen some notes of his owne handwriting on Cattan's Geomantie.

He has told bishop Ward, and Mr. Elias Ashmole (who was his neighbour), that 'on this spott of ground,' (or 'leaning against this oake,' or 'that ashe,') 'the solution of such or such a probleme came into my head, as if infused by a divine genius, after I had thought on it without successe for a yeare, two, or three.'

Ben Oughtred told me that he had heard his father say to Mr. Allen (the famous mathematicall instrument-maker), in his shop, that he had found out the Longitude; sed vix credo.

Nicolaus Mercator, Holsatus (whose mathematicall writings ...), went to see him few yeares before he dyed. 'Twas about midsommer, and the weather was very hott, and the old gentleman had a good fire, and used Mr. Mercator with much humanity (being exceedingly taken with his excellent mathematicall witt), and one piece[477] of his courtesie was, to be mighty importunate with him to sett on his upper hand next the fire; he being cold (with age) thought he[478] had been so too.

He[479] was a great lover of chymistry, which he studyed before his son Ben can remember, and continued it; and told John Evelyn, of Detford, esq., R.S.S., not above a yeare before he dyed, that if he were but five yeares (or three yeares) younger, he doubted not to find out the philosopher's stone. He used to talke much of the mayden-earth[XLIII.] for the philosopher's stone. It was made of the harshest cleare water that he could gett, which he lett stand to putrify, and evaporated by cimmering[480]. Ben tended his furnaces. He has told me that his father would sometimes say that he could make the stone. Quicksilver refin'd and strain'd, and gold as it came naturall over[XLIV.]----

[XLIII.] Quaere for what he sayd it was good?

[XLIV.] This line is imperfect. It is blurred in my notes.

The old gentleman was a great lover of heraldry, and was well knowne[481] with the heralds at their office, who approved his descent[XLV.].

[XLV.] Dr. <Richard> Blackburne haz his genealogie, of his owne drawing. He loved heraldry.--MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 8.

Memorandum:--he struck-out above halfe of the accedence, and wrote new instead. He taught a gentleman in halfe a yeare to understand Latin, at Mr. Duncombe's his parishioner. Quaere his daughter Brookes at Oxford for it[482].

[483]His wife was a penurious woman, and would not allow him to burne candle after supper, by which meanes many a good notion is lost, and many a probleme unsolved; so that Mr. <Thomas> Henshawe, when he was there, bought candle, which was a great comfort to the old man.

The right honᵇˡᵉ Thomas[484] Howard, earle of Arundel and Surrey, Lord High Marshall of England, was his great patron[485], and loved him intirely. One time they were like to have been killed together by the fall at Albury of a grott, which fell downe but just as they were come out. ☞ My lord had many grotts about his house, cutt in the sandy sides of hills, wherin he delighted to sitt and discourse.

In the time of the civill warres the duke of Florence invited him over, and offered him 500 li. per annum; but he would not accept of it, because of his religion.

Notwithstanding all that has been sayd of this excellent man, he was in danger to have been sequestred, and ... Onslowe that was a great stickler against the royalists and a member of the House of Commons and living not far from him--he translated his Clavis into English and dedicated it to him to clawe with him, and it did soe his businesse and saved him from sequestration. Now this Onslowe was no scholar and hated by the country[486] for bringing his countrymen of Surry into the trap of slaughter when so many petitioners were killed at Westminster and on the roads in pursuite, anno Domini 16--.

I have heard his neighbour ministers say that he was a pittiful preacher; the reason was because he never studyed it, but bent all his thoughts on the mathematiques; but when he was in danger of being sequestred for a royalist, he fell to the study of divinity, and preacht (they sayd) admirably well, even in his old age.

He was a good Latinist and Graecian, as appears in a little treatise of his against one Delamaine, a joyner, who was so sawcy to write against him (I thinke about his circles of proportion): upon which occasion I remember I have seen, many yeares since, twenty or more good verses made[487], which begin to this purpose:--

Thus may some mason or rude carpenter[488] Putt into the ballance his rule and compasses 'Gainst learned Euclid's pen, etc.

Enquire for them and insert them.

Before he dyed he burned a world of papers, and sayd that the world was not worthy of them; he was so superb. He burned also severall printed bookes, and would not stirre, till they were consumed. His son Ben was confident he understood magique. Mr. Oughtred, at the Custom House, (his grandson) has some of his papers; I myselfe have his Pitiscus, imbelished with his excellent marginall notes, which I esteeme as a great rarity. I wish I could also have got his Bilingsley's Euclid, which John Collins sayes was full of his annotations.

He dyed the 13ᵗʰ day of June, 1660, in the yeare of his age eighty-eight + odde dayes. Ralph Greatrex, his great friend, the mathematicall instrument-maker, sayed he conceived he dyed with joy for the comeing-in of the king, which was the 29ᵗʰ of May before. 'And are yee sure he is restored?'--'Then give me a glasse of sack to[489]drinke his sacred majestie's health.' His spirits were then quite upon the wing to fly away. The 15ᵗʰ of June he was buried in the chancell at Albury, on the north side neer the cancelli. I had much adoe to find the very place where the bones of this learned and good man lay (and 'twas but 16 yeares after his death). When I first ask't his son Ben, he told me that truly the griefe for his father's death was so great, that he did not remember the place--now I should have thought it would have made him remember it the better--but when he had putt on his considering cap (which was never like his father's), he told as aforesaid, with which others did agree. There is not to this day any manner of memorial for him there, which is a great pitty. I have desired Mr. John Evelyn, etc., to speake to our patrone, the duke of Norfolk, to bestowe a decent inscription of marble on him, which will also perpetuate his grace's fame. I asked Ben concerning the report[490] of his father's dyeing a Roman Catholique: he told me that 'twas indeed true that when he was sick some priests came from my lord duke's (then Mr. Henry Howard, of Norfolk) to him to have discoursed with him, in order to his conversion to their church, but his father was then past understanding. Ben was then by, he told me.

His Clavis Mathematica was first dedicated to the lord <Thomas[491]> Howard, earle of Arundel and Surrey, and Lord Marshall of England, anno Domini MDCXXXI, London, apud Thomam Harperum.

His Clavis Mathematica, denuo limata sive potius fabricata was printed by the said Thomas Harper, 1648.

Editio tertia auctior et emendatior was at Oxford, 1652; where Dr. John Wallis, the Savillian professor, corrected the presse. The old gentleman in his Preface to the Reader mentioned with much respect Seth Ward (Savillian professor of Astronomy), Dr. Charles Scarborough, John Wallis, Mr. Christopher Wren, and Mr. Robert Wood.

He writt a stitch't pamphlet about 163(?4) against ... Delamaine.

His first edition of his Circles of Proportion was in 4to, and dedicated to Sir Kenelm Digby, printed.... The second edition was at Oxford, 165-.

He writt a little pamphlett in 8vo, viz. The new artificiall gauging-rod, with the use therof, London, printed by Augustin Matthewes, 1633. Ben, <his son>, gave me a copie of it; but this art is since much improved.

He wrote a little treatise of watchmaking for the use of his son Benjamin, who told me that Mr. Horton of Whitehall, of the Woodyard, haz the true copie of it.

Memorandum:--about 1678 were printed at Oxon at the Theatre some opuscula of his....

I have heard Mr. Hobbes say, and very truely, that with all his great skill in Algebra, he did never adde one proposition to Geometrie: he could bind up a bundle well.

Mr. John Sloper, vicar of Broad Chalke (which is in the gift of King's College, Cambridge) tells me that Mr. Oughtred's father was the pantler of Eaton College.

Memorandum:--there is a booke of lives in folio, by ... Lloyd, and among others this Mr. Oughtred: which see.

Memorandum:--Richard Blackbourne, of London, M.D., hath Mr. W. Oughtred's genealogie of his owne draweing; gett it for Mr. Elias Ashmole.

[492]Worthy Sir,

I made bold lately when I sent my book in a leter to Mr. Wood[493] to nominate you and Mr. Wallis together with him, to whose judgment and discretion I commit all my right and interest for the printing therof at Oxford. I nowe have sent the Epistle, which, though written long since, yett was soe mislayed and mingled with many other papers, that I thought it lost, and light but lately upon it. Therin I make noe unloving mention of your self and Dr. Scarbrough, whose surname I remember not.

I hope neyther of you will take my officiousnesse in evell part. Yett yf anything shall displease, you are intreated of me to alter it or raze it with a blott; but yf in and by your suffrage it maye passe, I would intreat you to supplie the Doctor's surname.

I have another suit, and that is in behalf of Mr. Brookes, late chosen manciple of Wadham Colledg, that you would be pleased to commend him and give him what countenance you can with the Warden of the house. He is a very honest man, well travelled and experienced in the world, and is also an exact workman in his trade of making mathematical instruments in metall.

Sir, you will be pleased to remember my best respects to Mr. Wallis and favourably to pardon this troublesome interruption of him who am,

Your truly loving freind to my power, WILLIAM OUGHTRED.

Aldburie April 19, 1651.

To my very worthy and loving freind, Mr. Seth Ward, at Wadham Colledg in Oxford, present.

[AM] Aubrey gives in colours the coat: 'gules, a cross moline or (vide the Heralds' office if any charge on the cross)'; and notes that the 'crest' is 'a head like a hare's head.' He adds also the references:--(a) 'vide his life writt by ..., in 8vo'; (b) 'quaere Mr. Elias Ashmole for his nativity.' He has drawn the figure for the insertion of the planetary signs, and left it blank.

=William Outram= (1625-1679).

In Westminster Abby south aisle, white marble inscription.[494]

Prope jacet Gulielmus Outram, S.T.P. ex agro Derbiensi, collegiorum apud Cantabrigienses S. et individuae Trinitatis et Christi socius, hujus ecclesiae canonicus et Leycestr. archidiaconus, Theologus consummatus et omnibus numeris absolutus, Scriptor nervosus et accuratus, Concionator egregius et assiduus primo in agro Lincoln. postea Londini et tandem apud S. Margaretam Westmon. ubi confecit postremum vitae suae cursum magna cum laude nec minore fructu. Sed in tantis laboribus et animi contentione dum sacrarum literarum et sanctorum patrum studio ardebat ut in renum dolores inciderit, quibus diu afflictus et tandem fractus aequissimo animo e vita discessit Aug. XXIII anno Dni MDCLXXIX postquam impleverat annum quinquagesimum quartum.

His grave-stone (a faire black marble) is not far off from the above-mentioned inscription. There is written on it thus, viz.:--


He was a tall spare leane pale consumptive man; wasted himself much, I presume, by frequent preaching.


=John Overall= (1560-1619).

[495]Dr. Overall and his wife:--

Dr. <John> Overall was deane of St. Paules, London.

I see his picture in[496] the rationale writt by <Anthony> Sparrow, bishop of Exon, in the beginning wherof are the effigies[497] of L<ancelot> Andrews, bishop of Winton, Mr. <Richard> Hooker, and John Overall, bishop of Norwich--before which is writt Ecclesiae et Liturgiae Anglicanae vindices. Quaere if this deane was that bishop.

I know not what he wrote or whether he was any more than a common-prayer Doctor; but most remarqueable by his wife, who was the greatest beautie in her time in England. That she was so I have it attested from the famous limmer[498] Mr. <John> Hoskins[499] and other old painters, besides old courtiers. She was not more beautifull than she was obligeing and kind, and was so tender-hearted that (truly) she could scarce denie any one. She had (they told me) the loveliest eies that ever were seen, but wondrous wanton. When she came to court or to the playhouse, the gallants would so flock round her. Richard, the earle of Dorset, and his brother Edward, since earle, both did mightily adore her. And by their report he must have had a hard heart that did not admire her. Bishop Hall sayeth in his Meditations that 'there is none so old that a beautifull person loves not; nor so young whom a lovely feature moves not.'

The good old deane, notwithstanding he knew well enough that he was horned, loved her infinitely: in so much that he was willing she should enjoy what she had a mind to.

Among others who were charmed by her was Sir John Selby of Yorkshire. 1656, old Mris Tyndale (of the Priory near Easton-piers), who knew her, remembres a song made of her and Sir John, part whereof was this, vizt.:--

The deane of Paule's did search for his wife, And where d'ee thinke he found her?...[500]


On these two lovers was made this following copie of pastorall verses (vide the ballad-booke in Museo Sheldoniano[501]), e.g.

[502]Downe lay the shepherd swaine So sober and demure, Wishing for his wench againe[503] So bonny and so pure, With his head on hillock lowe And his armes akimboe, And all was for the losse of his Hye nonny nonny noe.

His teares fell as thinne As water from the still, His haire upon his chinne Grew like thyme upon a hill, His cherry cheekes[504] pale as snowe Did testifye his mickle woe, And all was for the losse of his Hye nonny nonny noe.

Sweet she was, as kind a love As ever fetter'd swayne; Never such a daynty one Shall man enjoy again. Sett a thousand on a rowe I forbid that any showe Ever the like of her Hey nonny nonny noe.

Face she had of filberd hue, And bosom'd[505] like a swan; Back she had of bended ewe, And wasted by a span. Haire she had as black as crowe From the head unto the toe Downe, downe, all over her Hye nonny nonny noe.

With her mantle tuck't-up high She foddered her flock So bucksome and alluringly, Her knee upheld her smock. So nimbly did she use to goe, So smooth she danc't on tip-toe, That all men were fond of her Hye nonny nonny noe.

[506]She smiled like a Holy-day And simpred like the Spring, She pranck't it like a popingaie And like a swallow sing, She trip't it like a barren doe, She strutted like a gor-crowe, Which made the men so fond of her Hye nonny nonny noe.

To sport it on the merry downe To daunce the lively Haye To wrastle for a green gowne In heate of all the daye Never would she say me no Yet me thought I had thô Never enough of her Hye nonny nonny noe.

But gonne she is, the prettiest[507] lasse That ever trod on plaine. What ever hath betide of her Blame not the shepherd swayne For why? she was her owne foe And gave her selfe the overthrowe By being so franke of her Hye nonny nonny noe.


=Sir Thomas Overbury= (1581-1613).

[508]Sir Thomas Overbury, knight:--ex registro capellae Turris Lond., scilicet. 'Anno Domini 1613, Sir Thomas Overbury, poysoned, buryed September 15ᵗʰ.'

His father was one of the judges of South Wales, viz. Caermarthen, Cardigan, and Pembroke circuites. He lived in his later time at Burghton on the hill in Glocestershire. Sir Giles Overbury was his eldest brother, who dyed in London in St. Clements Danes parish about 1651 or 2.

Scripsit:--Characters, Of education of youth, a stitch't 8vo. Translated Ovid de remedio amoris--which I have ('twas one of old Dr. Kettle's bookes).

Sir Nicholas Overbury, m. ... Palmer. judge. | | +-------------------+---+-----------------------+ | | | 1. Sir Giles. 2. Sir Thomas, (sine prole). 3. Walter, of Barton. | | | +----+----+ Sir Thomas (orbus). | |

=Charles Pamphlin= (1649-1678).

[509]This is the copie of his mother's owne handwriting:--

'Charles Pamphlin was borne the last day of August before day, the howre I did justly know but I guesse it might be about 3 or 4 a clock in the morning, being Fryday the August after the king was beheaded; which I thinke was 29 yeares since, last August.'

He was hanged in Convent Garden on a gibbet, for stealing his Majestie's chapell-plate, May 22, 1678.

=John Partridge= (1643/4-1715).

[510]John Partridge, astrologue, the son of ... Partridge (yet living, 1680, an honest waterman at Putney[511] in Surrey).

He was borne, as by his scheme[512] appeares, January the 18ᵗʰ, 1643/4, lat. London.

He was taught[513] to read, and a little to write. He learn'd no farther then As in praesenti.

He was bound apprentice to a shoe-maker in ..., anno aetat....; where he was kept hard to his trade.

At 18 he gott him a Lillie's grammar, and Goldman's dictionary, and a Latin bible, and Ovid's Metamorphoses.

He is of an excellent healthy constitution and great temperance, of indefatigable industrie, and sleepes but ... houres.

In ... yeeres he made himselfe a competent master of the Latin tongue, well enough to reade any astrologicall booke, and quickly became a master of that science. He then studyed the Greek tongue, and also the Hebrew, to neither of which he is a stranger. He then studyed good authors in physique, and intends to make that his profession and practyse; but is yet (1680) a shoemaker in Convent Garden.

Scripsit, viz.:--

first, The Hebrew Kalendar, 1678.

Ecclesilogia (almanack), 1679.

The same againe, 1680.

Vade Mecum, 8vo.

The King of France his nativity.

A discourse of two moones.

Mercurius Coelestis (almanack), 1681.

Prodromus, a discourse of the conjunction of Saturn and Mars, anno 1680.

=James Peele.=

[514]Maister James Peele--'tis a folio, 1569:--

¶The pathewaye to perfectnes in th' accomptes of debitour and creditour, in manner of a dialogue very pleasant and profitable for merchauntes and all other that minde to frequent the same, once again set forth and very much enlarged by James Peele, citizen and salter of London, Clercke of Christes Hospitall, practiser and teacher of the same, imprinted at London in Paule's church-yard by Thomas Purfoote, dwelling at the signe of the Lucrece, Aug. 16.

He is drawne before his booke in his gowne and a cap (scilicet, like the cappes the undergraduates weare), short haire and long beard.

It is dedicated to the right worshipful master John Mershe, esq., governour, the assistants, and companie of the Merchaunte Adventurers of England.

In the dialogue between the merchant and the schoolemaster, the merchant thanks him and sayes 'It is now street time, wherfore I must begonne.' In those times, before the Royal Exchange was built by Sir Thomas Gresham, the merchants did meet in the street as now a dayes at the Exchange. The place was what we now call the old Change; but I believe the street was then broader than it is now.

In those dayes[515] they did alwaies upon the top of the first clean leafe in the inventorie booke write thus:--

'In the name of God, Amen. 1566 December the xxxi daye.'

=John Pell= (1610/1-1685).

<When Aubrey had finished the first sketch of this life he submitted it for revision to Dr. Pell, who made several corrections. To these Aubrey draws attention by a note:--'This is Dr. Pell's owne hand-writing:' it is a neat print-like hand. These corrections in the text here are enclosed in square brackets.>

[516]John Pell[AN], S.T.Dr., was the son of John, who was the son of John.

John Pell, D.D., was the son of John Pell, ...[517] of Southwyck in Sussex, in which parish he was borne, at ..., on St. David's day (1st of March) 1610[518], horâ ... (his youngest uncle guessed about noon).

His father was [a divine] but a kind of Non-conformist; of the Pells of Lincolnshire, an ancient familie; his mother [of the Hollands of Kent]. His father dyed when his son John was but 5 yeares old and six weekes, and left him an excellent library.

<He> went to schoole at the free-schoole at Stenning, a burrough towne in Sussex, at the first founding of the schoole; an excellent schoolmaster, John Jeffreys. At 13 yeares and a quarter old he went as good a scholar to Cambridge, to Trinity Colledge, as most Masters of Arts in the University (he understood Latin, Greek, and Hebrew), so that he played not much (one[519] must imagine) with his schoolfellowes, for, when they had play-dayes, or after schoole-time, he spent his time in the library aforesaid.

He [never[520] stood at any election of] fellow[s] or scholar[s of the House at] Trinity College.

Of person he was very handsome, and of a very strong and excellent habit of body, melancholic, sanguine, darke browne haire with an excellent moist curle.

[Before[521] he went first out of England,] he understood[522] these languages (besides his mother-tongue), viz. Latin, Greek, Hebrue, Arabique, Italian, French, Spanish, High-Dutch, and Low-Dutch.

Anno Domini 1632 he maried [Ithamara Reginalds, second daughter to Mr. Henry Reginalds of London. He had by her 4 sonnes and 4 daughters borne in this order[523] S., D., D., S., D., S., D., S.].

Dr. Pell haz sayd to me that he did believe that he solved some questions non sine divino auxilio.

Anno Domini 1643 he went to Amsterdam, in December; was there Professor of Mathematiques, next after Martinus Hortensius, about 2 yeares.

1646, the prince of Orange called for him to be publique professor of Philosophy and Mathematiques at the Schola Illustris at Breda, that was founded that yeare by his Highnesse; vide the Doctor's inaugurall oration[524] there, printed--the first thing printed that his name was to.

He returned into England, 1652.

In 1654 Oliver, Lord Protector, sent him envoyé to the Protestant cantons of Switzerland; resided chiefly at Zurich. He was sent out with the title of ablegatus, but afterwards he had order to continue there with the title of Resident.

In 1658 he returned into England and so little before the death of Oliver Cromwell that he never sawe him since he was Protector.

Memorandum--when he tooke his leave from Zurich, June 23, 1658, he made a Latin speech, which I have seen.

Memorandum that in his negociation he did no disservice to King Charles IIᵈ, nor to the church, as may appeare by his letters which are in the Secretarie's Office.

[525]Richard Cromwell, Protector, did not fully pay him for his business in Piedmont, wherby he was in some want; and so when King Charles II was restored[526], Dr. Sanderson, bishop of Lincoln, perswaded him to take Holy Orders. He was not adroit for preaching.

[527]When King Charles II had been at home ten months, Mr. John Pell first tooke Orders. He was made deacon upon the last of March, 1661, by bishop Sanderson of Lincoln, by whom he was made priest in June following.

Gilbert Sheldon, bishop of Lundon, [procured[528] for] him the parsonage of Fobbing[AO] in Essex, 1661, and two yeares after (1663) [gave him] the parsonage of Laindon cum annexa capella de Bartelsdon in eodem comitatu, which benefices are in the infamous and unhealthy (aguesh[529]) hundreds of Essex.

Mr. Edward Waller on the death of the countesse of Warwick:--

Curst be alreadie those Essexian plaines Where ... Death and Horrour reignes.-- etc.

[At Fobbing, seven curates dyed within the first ten yeares]; in sixteen yeares, six of those that had been his curates at Laindon are dead; besides those that went away from both places; and the death of his wife [servants, and grandchildren].

Gilbert Sheldon being made archbishop of Canterbury, 16--[530], John Pell[XLVI.] was made one of his Cambridge[XLVII.] chapleines; and complaining one day to his Grace at Lambith of the unhealthinesse of his benefice as abovesayd, sayd my Lord, 'I doe not intend that you shall live there.' 'No,' sayd [Doctor] Pell, ('but[531] your grace does intend that) I shall die there.'

[XLVI.] Quaere, when Doctor[532].

[XLVII.] He haz 2 Oxford chaplaines and 2 Cambridge.

Now by this time (1680), you doubt not but this great, learned man, famous both at home and abroad, haz obtained some considerable dignity in[533] the church. You ought not in modestie to ghesse at lesse then a deanery.--Why, truly, he is stak't to this poor preferment still! For though the parishes are large, yet (curates, etc., discharged) he cleares not above 3-score pound per annum (hardly fourscore), and lives in an obscure[XLVIII.] lodging, three stories high, in Jermyn Street, next to the signe of the Ship, wanting not only bookes but his proper MSS. which are many, as by and by will appeare. Many of them are at Brereton at my lord Brereton's in Cheshire.

[XLVIII.] Ut saepe magna ingenia in occulto latent.--PLAUTUS, Captivi.

Memorandum:--... lord Brereton[534] was sent to Breda to recieve the instruction of this worthy person, by his grandfather (George Goring, the earle of Norwich) anno 1647, where he stayed ...[535], where he became a good proficient, especially in algebra to which his genius most inclined him and which he used to his dyeing day, which was 17 March, 1679/80: lies[536] buried in ...[537] St. Martin's church in-the-fields. I cannot but mention this noble lord but with a great deale of passion, for a more vertuous person (besides his great learning) I never knew. I have had the honour of his acquaintance since his comeing from Breda into England. Never was there greater love between master and scholar then between Dr. Pell and this scholar of his[538], whose death March 17, 1679/80[539] hath deprived this worthy doctor of an ingeniose companion and a usefull friend.


His[541] table of squares, printed at London, 1672; 8 sheetes fol.

Rhonius's Algebra, in High-Dutch, was (indeed) Dr. Pell's; is translated into English, halfe.--Rhonius was Dr. Pell's scholar at Zurich and came to him every Friday night after he (J. Pell) had writt his post-lettres.

Controversia de vera circuli mensura inter Longomontanum et Pellium, Amstel. (?) Blaeu, 1651/2.

J. Pellii Idea of[542] Mathematicks printed in English and in Latin at the same time, 16mo.

Inaugural oration, p. 33[543].

{ Ψαμμίτης, a quarter of a sheet of paper one Both MSS. { side; and also { Euclid's[544] Xᵗʰ Element(orum liber) (vide infra) which is in Cheshire at my lord Brereton's.

He hath written on the tenth booke of Euclid, which is in Cheshire at the lord Brereton's, and he hath also done[545] the greatest part of Diophantus[546], which is there[547]--both unprinted[548].

Also he hath donne[549] the second booke of Euclid in one side of a large sheet of paper most clearly and ingeniously.

He hath donne most succinctly and clearly Archimedis Ψαμμίτης in one side of an 8vo paper.

Also he hath demonstrated the proportion of the diameter to the circumference, and shewes what was the reason why Archimedes did use these two numbers--he did it at the instance of Sir Charles Scarborough--one sheet.

☞ In the booke called Branker's Algebra that which is purely Dr. Pell's beginnes at p. 79 and so continues to FINIS--this I had from his owne mouth.--Desire Mr. A. Wood to take some paines to enquire for Mr. Turner, M.A. at Oxon (I thinke of Exon. Coll.), who tooke some paines about Branker's Algebra.

Dr. Pell haz often sayd to me that when he solves a question he straines every nerve[550] about him, and that now in his old age it brings him to a loosenesse.

[551]Dr. J. Pell was the first inventor of that excellent way or method of the marginall working in algebra.

I have heard him say several times that the Regula falsi was falsly demonstrated by Mr. William Oughtred (quod N.B.) and that Petiscus hath donne it right.

See Dr. Pell's letter, printed by Joachim Jungius in his Doxo ... in 4to at Hamborough--Mr. Cluverus haz it.

He could not cringe and sneake for preferment though otherwise no man more humble nor more communicative. He was cast into King's Bench prison[552] for debt Sept.[553] 7, 1680.

[554]In March 1682 he was very kindly invited by Daniel Whistler, M.D., to live with him at the Physitians College in London, where he was very kindly entertained. About the middle of June he fell extreme sick of a cold and removed to a grandchild of his maried to one Mr. Hastings in St. Margaret's Churchyard, Westminster, neer the tower, who now (1684) lives in Brownlow Street in Drury Lane, where he was like to have been burnt in his bed by a candle. Nov. 26, fell into convulsion fitts which had almost killed him.

[555]Gilbert Sheldon, Lord Bishop of London, gave Dr. Pell the parsonage of Lanedon[C] cum Basseldon in the Hundreds of Essex (they call it kill-priest[556], sarcastically); and king Charles the Second gave him the parsonage of Fobing[XLIX.], 4 miles distant. Both are of the value of two hundred pounds per annum (or so accounted); but the Doctor was a most shiftless man as to worldly affaires, and his tenants and relations cousin'd him of the profits and kept him so indigent that he wanted necessarys, even paper and inke, and he had not 6d. in his purse when he dyed, and was buried by the charity of Dr. Richard Busby and Dr. <John> Sharp, Rector of St. Giles-in-the-fields and Dean of Norwich, who ordered[557] his body to lye in a vault[558] belonging to the Rector (the price[559] is x li.).

[XLIX.] Vide the booke called Valor Beneficiorum.

I could not persuade him to make a will; so his books and MSS. fell by administratorship to Capt. ... Raven, his son-in-law.

His son (John) is a Justice of Peace in New Yorke[560], and lives well. He thought to have gonne over to him.

This learned person dyed in St. Giles' parish aforesaid at the house of Mr. Cothorne the reader in Dyot Street on Saterday December the twelfth 1685, between 4 and 5 P.M. Dr. Busby, schoolmaster of Westminster, bought all his bookes and papers of Captain Raven, among which is the last thing he wrote (which he did at my earnest request) viz. THE TABLES, which are according to his promise in the last line of his printed tables of squares and cubes (if desired) and which Sir Cyrillus Wych (then president of the Royall Society) did license for the press. There only wants a leafe or two for the explanation of the use of them, which his death hath prevented. Sir Cyril Wych, only, knowes the use of them. I doe (imperfectly) remember something of his discourse of them, viz. whereas some questions are capable of severall answers, by the help of these tables it might be discovered exactly how many, and no more, solutions, or answers, might be given.

I desired Mr. Theodore Haake, his old acquaintance, to make some additions to this[561] short collection of memoires of him, but he haz donne nothing[562].

He dyed of a broaken heart.

[563]Dr. Whistler[564] invited Dr. Pell to his house in anno ..., which the Dr. likt and accepted of, loving good cheer and good liquour, which the other did also; where eating and drinking too much, was the cause of shortning his daies.

Dr. Pell had a brother a chirurgian and practitioner in physick, who purchased an estate of the natives of New-York and when he died he left it to his nephew John Pell, only son of the Doctor. It is a great estate 8 miles broad and ... miles long (quaere Capt. ... Raven).

He had 3 or 4 daughters.

[565]This <is> writt by Mr. Theodore Haake.

In the year 1638 I came first to be acquainted with Mr. Pell by Mr. S. Hartlib's meanes, who having heard of his extraordinarie parts in all kinde of learning, especially the mathematics, perswaded that the same might be farre more usefully employed and improoved for the publick advancement of learning, he never left soliciting and engaging frends heer to perswade Mr. Pell instead of keeping scool, as he then did at ... in Sussex, to come up to London, where he soon got into great esteem among the most learned, both natives and forreigners, with whom he conversed. But he so minded and followed still the cultivating of his more abstracting studies, and naturally averse from suing or stooping much for what he was worthy of, it was a good while before he obtained any suteable place or settlement.

I recommended him once to my Lord Bishop of Lincoln[566] (quondam Lord Keeper of England), who became very desirous to see the man, inviting us of purpose to dine once with his lordship for the freer discourse of all sorts of literature and experiments, to get a touch and taste that satisfaction Mr. Pell could give him. Which proved so pertinent and abundant that my lord put the question to him whether he would accept of a benefice which he was ready, glad, and willing to bestow on him for his encouragement. Mr. Pell thankd his lordship, saying he was not capacitate for that, as being no divine and having made the mathematics his main studie, for the great publick need and usefullnesse therof, which he had in a manner devoted himself to improve and advance to the uttmost of his reach and abilities. Which answer pleased my lord so well that he replyed, 'Alasse! what a sad case it is that in this great and opulent kingdome there is no publick encouragement for the excelling in any profession but that of the law and divinity.[567]Were I in place as once I was, I would never give over praying and pressing his majesty till a noble stock and fund might be raised for so fundamentall, universally usefull, and eminent science as mathematicks.' And therupon his lordship requested Mr. Pell to befriend him with his visits as often as he could spare time, promising him always a very hearty welcome. Yet Mr. Pell who was no courtier came there no more.

In the mean time he communicated to his friends his excellent Idea Matheseos in half a sheet of paper, which got him a great deal of repute, both at home and abroad, but no other special advantage, till Mr. John Morian, a very learned and expert gentleman, gave me notice that Hortensius, mathematical professor at Amsterdam, was deceased, wishing that our friend Mr. Pell might succeed. Sir William Boswell, his majestie's ambassador in Holland, being here then, I conferred with him about it, who promised all his assistance; and between them, and by these two, a call was procured from Amsterdam for Mr. Pell, in 1643: and in May 1644 I met him settled there on my return out of Denmarke. Where he was, among others, dearly welcome to Gerardus Joannes Vossius. And soon after his fame was much augmented by his refuting a large book of Longomontanus Quadratura, which caused the Prince of Orange (Henry Frederick) being about to erect an Academic at Breda, borrowed[568] Mr. Pell from the magistrate of Amsterdam, to grace his new Academy with a man of that fame for a few years. And there being comfortably stayed, the most learned of the then parliament heer, jealous that others should enjoy a countryman of their own, they never left offers and promises till they got him hither to be--they gave out--Professor Honorarius heer. But the sucesse prov'd soon deficient, and reduced him to much inconvenience, as having now a charge of a pretty large family, viz. his wife with 4 or 5 children. And this continued till T. H.[569] was offerd by Th.[570] to be employed in Swisse and about the E.[571] collection for Pyemont; who excused himself it and recommended Mr. Pell.

This[572] account of Dr. John Pell I had from my worthy friend Mr. Theodore Haak, whose handwriting it is.

[573]John Pell, D.D., was borne at Southwick in Sussex on St. David's day, anno Domini 1611; his youngest uncle ghesses about noon.

Anno 1632 he maried.

1643, went to Amsterdam and was there professor of Mathematiques.

1646, the Prince of Orange called for him to be publique professor at Breda.

1654, Oliver, Protector, sent him envoyé to the cantons of Switzerland.

1661, Gilbert Sheldon, bishop of London, gave him a scurvy parsonage in Essex ('kill-priest').

1680, August last, he was arrested and layd in prison.

[AN] Aubrey quotes, as applicable to Pell:--

'Ingenium ingens Inculto latet hoc sub corpore.

Horat. Sat. I. iii. 34.'

He gives a derivation of the name 'Pell, i.e. a poole--Sussex.' He gives also the coat: 'Ermine, on a canton ... a pellicane (but not feeding her young ones) ... [Pell].'

[AO] Fobbing was a Crown living--net annual value, in 1893, £534: Laindon-cum-Basildon was in the gift of the see of London--net annual value, in 1893, £491. The figures suggest that Pell had a good appetite for preferment, to ask for more.

=William Penn= (1644-1718).

[574]William Penn natus Oct. 14, 1644, horâ 7 mane, Londini.

[575]William Penn[AP], the eldest son of Sir William Penn, knight, [admirall[576] both of the English navy before the restauration of the king, and commanded as captain-generall under the D. Y.[577] in 1665 against the Dutch fleet[578]], was borne in London, at Tower hill, the 14[579] day of October 1644. 'Twas upon a Monday he thinkes; but 'twas about 7 a clock in the morning.

(His father was a very good man, but no Quaker; was very much against his sonne.)

Went to schoole in London, a private schole on that hill, and his father kept a tutor in the house: but first he went to school at Chigwell in Essex.

<He was> mighty lively, but with innocence; and[580] extremely tender under rebuke; and very early delighted in retirement; much given to reading and meditating[581] of the scriptures, and at 14 had marked over the Bible. Oftentimes at 13 and 14 in his meditations ravisht with joy, and dissolved into teares.

The first sense he had of God was when he was 11 yeares old at Chigwell, being retired in a chamber alone. He was so suddenly surprized with an inward comfort and (as he thought) an externall glory in the roome that he has many times sayd that from thence he had the seale of divinity and immortality, that there was a God and that the soule of man was capable of enjoying his divine communications.--His schoolmaster was not of his perswasion.

To Christ's Church in Oxon anno 1660, anno aetatis 16; stayed there about two yeares.

Anno 1662, went into France; stayd there two yeares.

Returnd and was entred of Lincoln's Inne.

About the plague, growing entirely solitary, was again diverted. Was employed by his father in a journey into Ireland to the duke of Ormond's court: the diversions of which not being able to keepe downe the stronger motions of his soule to a more religious and retired life, upon the hearing of one Th<omas> Lowe, a tradesman, of Oxon, at Cork, 1667, was so thoroughly convinced of the simplicity and selfe-deniall of the way of the people called Quakers that from thence he heartily espoused that judgment[582] and beliefe.

Since which time he haz passed a life of great variety of circumstances[583], both with respect to good and evill report, divers controversies orall and written[L.], severall imprisonments[LI.] (one in Ireland, one in the Tower, <a> 3ʳᵈ in Newgate).

[L.] Ben Clark the bookseller[584] will give me a catalogue of all his writings.

[LI.] Quaere annum et diem of his imprisonments and his sicknesses and dangers.--MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 34ᵛ.

Travelled into Germany, Upper and Lower, annis 1671 and 1677, where severall were affected with his way[LII.].

[LII.] Did he gaine any to him in France? Neg.[585]--MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 34ᵛ.

Notwithstanding those many odd adventures of his life, he hath severall times[586] found favour from his majestie and also the D. Y.[587], with divers of the nobilitye[588], and men of quality and learning in this kingdom.

His majestie owing to his father 10,000 li., 16--, (which, with the interest of it, came not to lesse than 20,000 li.,) did, in consideration therof, grant to him and his heirs a province in America which his majesty was pleased to name Pensylvania[AQ], the 4th day of March 1680/1, to which he is now goeing this next September 1681.

[589]His patent for Transylvania[590] is from the beginning of the 40th degree to 43 degrees in latitude, and 5 degrees in longitude from Chisapeak-bay.

E. W.[591] <says[592] that there are> 2 or 3 things, e.g. military, mighty necessary <for the colony>--quaere some proposalls.

He speaks well[593] the Latin and the French tongues, and his owne with great mastership. He often declares[594] in the assemblies of his Friends, and that with much eloquence[595] and fervency of spirit--by which, and his perpetuall attendances on K<ing> and P<rince> for the reliefe of his Friends, he often exposes his health to hazard.

He was chosen (ballotted) November 9th, nemine contradicente, admitted Fellow of the Royal Societie, London[596], with much respecte.

[597]August 26, 1682, Saturday. This day about 4 a clock P.M. W. Penne, esq., went towards Deale to launch for Pensylvania. God send him a prosperous and safe voyage.

Last Wednesday in August (scil. Aug. 30, 1682) about noon he tooke shippe at Deale.

He returned into England, October (about the middle[598]) 1684--quaere diem.

[599]W. Penn, esq., married Gulielma Maria Springet, daughter of Sir William Springet, of the Springets of the Broyles in Sussex.

She was a posthuma of her father, a young gent. of religion and courage who dyed at the siege of Arundel. His daughter was his image in person and qualities, virtuous, generous, wise, humble[600]; generally beloved for those good qualities and one more[601]--the great cures she does, having great skill in physic and surgery, which she freely bestows.

She early espoused the same way[602], about anno 1657. She was a great fortune to her husband, being worth de claro above 10,000 li. Her fortune, quality, and good humour gave her the importunity of many suitors of extraordinary condition, e.g. lord Brookes and lord J<ohn> <Vaughan>, etc.; but valueing the unity of beliefe and the selfe deniall of her profession above the glories of the world, resisted their motions till Providence brought a man of equall condicion and ⦻[603] to herself to the syncere embracing of the same fayth, whose mariage haz been crowned with a continued affection.

[Sir William Penn, knight[604],] his father, was a man of excellent naturall abilities, not equalled in his time for the knowledge of navall affayres and instrumentall to the raysing of many families. Bred his son religiously; and, as the times grew loose, would have had his sonne of the fashion, and was therfore extreme bitter at his sonne's retirement. But this lasted not alwayes; for, in the conclusion of his life, he grew not only kind, but fonde; made him the judge and ruler of his family; was sorry he had no more to leave him (and yet, in England and Ireland, he left him 1500 li. per annum). But, which is most remarkeable, he that opposed his sonne's way because of the crosse that was in it to the world's latitude, did himselfe embrace this faith, recommending to his son the plainesse and selfe deniall of it, sayeing 'Keep to the plainesse of your way, and you will make an end of the priests to the ends of the earth.' And so he deceased, desiring that none but his son William should close his eies (which he did). Obiit anno aetatis 49, 4 months.

[605]Pen m. ... | ... Penn, of Mynety com. m. Joane Gilbert Wilts (Hale-house in | (of the Gilberts Minety). He lies buried | of Yorkshire). in Myntie chancell, vide | the inscription. | +----+ | Sir William Penn, m. Margaret Jasper, knight. | daughter of John | Jaspar, merchant, | of Roterdam. +---------------------------+--------------+-------+ | | | 1. W. Penn, m. Gulielma 2. Richard, 3. Margaret, m. Anthony Lowder esq. | Maria obiit sine | of Mask in | Springet. prole. | Cleaveland | | in Yorkshire. +-----+----------+------------+ +---+-+-+---+ | | | | | | | 1. Springet Pen, 2. William. 3. Laetitia. 1 2 3 4 eldest son.

[606]A Catalogue of William Penn's writings.


8. 1. The guide mistaken, being an answer to J. Clapham, 1668, 4to.

6. 2. The sandy foundation shaken, or an answer to Vincent, etc., 1668, 4to.

2. 3. An apology for the sandy foundation, 1669, 8vo.

3. 4. Truth exalted, or a testimony to rulers, preists, and bishops, 1669, 4to; addit. <16>71.

24. 5. No cross, no crowne[607], 1669, 4to. Reprinting.

36. 6. A serious apology for <the> people cal'd Quakers; answer to Taylor and Tyms of Ireland; 1-1/2 written by G. Whithead, 1669, 4to.

1. 7. A letter of love to the young convinc'd, 1669, 4to.

8. 8. A seasonable caveat against popery, 1669, 4to.

8. 9. The[608] ancient liberties of the people asserted in W. P. tryal, 1670, 4to.

6. 10. Truth rescued from imposture, being an answer to S. Sterling[609], 1670, 4to.

6. 11. The great case of liberty of conscience asserted, 1670, 4to.

4. 12. New wittnesses proved old hereticks, being an answer to Mugleton, 1672, 4to.

10. 13. The spirit of truth vindicated, being an answer to a Socinian, 1672, 4to.

2. 14. Plaine dealing with a traducing Baptist; answer to Morse, 1672, 4to.

1 larg 15. A winding-sheet for controversy sheet. ended; answer to Morse, 1672, 4to large.

1. 16. Propos'd comprehension seriously to be considered, 1672, broadside.

18. 17. Quakerisme, a new nickname for old Christianity, answer to Faldo, 1672, 8vo large.

32. 18. The invalidity of J. Faldo, being a rejoynder in answer to him, 1673, 8vo large.

12. 19. Wisdom justified of her children, or an answer to Hallywell, 1673, 8vo large.

16. 20. Reason against rayling, or an answer to Hicks Dialogues, 1673, 8vo large.

12. 21. The counterfitt Christian detected, answer to Hicks 3d. Dialogue, 1674, 8vo large.

2. 22. A briefe returne to J. Faldo's curbe, 1674, 8vo large.

169. 23. The Christian Quaker and his divine testimony vindicated, 1674, folio.

2. 24. Vrim and Thummim or light and righteousness vindicated, 1674, 4to.

4. 25. A just rebuke[610] to 21 divines that vindicated J. Faldo's book, 1674, 4to.

1. 26. Christian liberty desired, in a letter to the States at Emden, 1674, 4to.

1. 27. A solemn offer to the Baptist to vindicate truth, 1674, broadside.

1. 28. Naked truth needs no shift, being an answer to The last shift, 1674, broadside.

1. 29. Libels no prooffs, 1674, broadside.

1. 30. A returne to Jer. Jues sober request, 1674, broadside.

24. 31. A treatise of oathes or not-swearing vindicated, 1675, 4to.

6. 32. England's present interest, with honour to the prince, and safty to the people, 1675, 4to.

2. 33. Saul smitten to the ground, or Mathew Hide's remorse, 1675, 4to.

5. 34. The continued cry of the oppressed, or Friends' sufferings presented, 1675, 4to.

1. 35. Epistola consulibus Emdeni, 1675, 4to.

6. 36. The skirmisher defeated or an answer to ... 1676, 4to.

2. 37. An epistle to the churches of Jesus, 1677, 4to.

4. 38. A briefe answer to a foolish libell, 1678, 4to.

1. 39. To the children of light in this generation, 1678, 4to.

3. 40. One project more for the good of England, 1679, folio.

3. 41. An account of the province of Pensilvania[AQ], 1681, folio.

1. 42. An abstract of the province of Pennsilvania, 1681, folio.

[AP] The face of the leaf is frayed, and two notes in the top margin have become illegible: one said something about 'navy'; the other ended 'anno in Sept. 1670.'

On fol. 34ᵛ of MS. Aubr. 8 Anthony Wood notes 'Will. Pen, the coryphaeus and pride of the Quakers.' A comparison of this life with the notice of Penn in the Athenae Oxonienses, and of the life of John Pell with the notice in the Fasti, shows how large is Wood's debt to Aubrey in that work.

[AQ] At MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 37, is found this pamphlet, 'A brief account of the province of Pennsylvania, lately granted by the king ... to William Penn,' folio, 8 pages, 'London, printed for Benjamin Clark in George Yard in Lombard Street, 1681.'

=Sir Thomas Penruddock.=

[611]<It was a> capital <offence> for a native Irishman to come to Dublin without a passe.

Sir ... espying ... went into the corne ... found him and hung him up immediately--Mr. Anderson.

=Sir William Petty= (1632-1687).

<His coat of arms[612]: MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 12ᵛ.>

Ermine, on a bend gules[LIII.], a <magnetic> needle, pointing to the Polar Star, or, for Petty: impaling, sable three walnut leaves, between 2 bendlets, or, for Waller[613].

[LIII.] I have given this bend of Sir William Petty's coate of armes a false colouring, scilicet red (but it was my lady's mistake[614]); for I find in his scutchin at his house at his death it is azure.

The crest is a beehive, or, with bees about it: the motto is

Ut apes Geometria.

<His horoscope[615]: MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 12ᵛ>.

Monday, Maii 26to, 1623: 11ʰ 42´ 56˝ P.M., natus Gulielmus Petty, miles, sub latitudine 51° 10´ (tempus verum), at Rumsey in Hants.

This was donne, and a judgement[616] upon it, by Charles Snell, esq., of Alderholt neer Fordingbridge in Hampshire--'Jupiter in Cancer makes him fatt at heart.' John Gadbury also sayes that vomitts would be excellent good for him.

[617]Sir William Petty, knight, was the [eldest[618], or only,] son of ... Petty, of Rumsey in Hampshire, by ... his wife.

His father was borne on the Ashwednsday, before Mr. Hobbes, scil. 1587; and dyed and was buryed at Rumsey 1644, where Sir William intends to sett up a monument for him. He was by profession a clothier, and also did dye his owne cloathes: he left little or no estate to Sir William.

He[619] was borne at his father's house aforesaid, which is ..., on Monday, the twenty-sixth of May 1623, eleven houres 42´ 56˝ afternoone (vide Scheme[620]): Xtⁿᵉᵈ on Trinity Sunday.

Rumsey is a little haven towne, but hath most kinds of artificers in it. When he was a boy his greatest delight was to be looking on the artificers,--e.g. smyths, the watch-maker, carpenters, joyners, etc.--and at twelve years old could have worked at any of these trades. Here he went to schoole, and learn't by 12 yeares a competent smattering of Latin, and was entred into the Greek. He haz had few sicknesses. About 8, in April very sick and so continued till towards Michaelmas. ☞ About 12 (or 13), i.e. before 15, he haz told me, happened to him the most remarkable accident of life (which he did not tell me), and which was the foundation of all the rest of his greatnes and acquiring riches.

He[621] enformed me that, about 15, in March, he went over into Normandy[622], to Caen, in a vessell that went hence, with a little stock, and began to merchandize[623], and had so good successe that he maintained himselfe, and also educated himselfe; this I guesse[624] was that most remarkable accident that he meant. Here he learn't the French tongue, and perfected himselfe in the Latin, and had Greeke enough to serve his turne. Here (at Caen) he studyed the arts. Memorandum:--he was sometime at La Flesshe in the college of Jesuites. At 18, he was (I have heard him say) a better mathematician then he is now: but when occasion is, he knows how to recurre to more mathematical knowledge. At Paris he studyed anatomie, and read Versalius with Mr. Thomas Hobbes (vide Mr. Hobbs' life), who loved his company. Mr. H. then wrot his Optiques; Sir W. P. then had a fine hand in drawing and limning, and drew Mr. Hobbes's opticall schemes for him, which he was pleased to like. At Paris, one time, it happened that he was driven to a great streight for money, and I have heard him say, that he lived a weeke on two peniworth (or 3, I have forgott which, but I thinke the former) of walnutts. Quaere whether he was not sometimes a prisoner there?

Anno Domini 164- he came to Oxon, and entred himselfe of Brasen-nose college. Here he taught[625] anatomy to the young scholars. Anatomy was then but little understood by the university, and I remember[626] he kept a body that he brought by water from Reding a good while to read on, some way preserv'd or pickled[627].

Anno Domini <1650> happened that memorable accident and experiment of the reviving Nan Green[628], which is to be ascribed and attributed to Dr. William Petty, as the first discoverer of life in her, and author of saving her. Vide and insert the materiall passages in the tryal, and anatomicall experiment of Nan Green at Oxon: vide the narrative.

Here he lived and was beloved by all the ingeniose scholars[629], particularly Ralph Bathurst of Trin. Coll. (then Dr. of Physique); Dr. John Wilkins (Warden of Wadham Coll.); Seth Ward, D.D., Astronom. Professor: Dr. <Robert> Wood; Thomas Willis, M.D., &c.--Memorandum:--about these times experimentall philosophy first budded here and was first cultivated by these vertuosi in that darke time.

Anno Domini ... (quaere) he was chosen musique professor at Gresham Colledge, London, v. pag.[e] 2.

Anno Domini ... (quaere Edmund Wyld, esq., when) the Parliament sent surveyors to survey Ireland; vide pag.[630] 2.

[631]Dr. Petty was resident in Oxon 1648, 1649, and left it (if Anthony Wood[632] is not mistaken) in 1652. He tooke his degree of Dr. of Physique anno Domini ... at ... (quaere).

He was about 1650 (quaere) elected Professor of Musique at Gresham Colledge, by, and by the interest of, his friend captaine John Graunt (who wrote the Observations on the Bills of Mortality), and at that time was worth but fourtie pounds in all the world.

Shortly after (scil. anno Domini 1652 in August, he had the patent for Ireland) he was recommended to the Parliament[LIV.] to be one of the surveyors of Ireland, to which employment capt. John Graunt's interest did also helpe to give him a lift, and Edmund Wyld, esq., also, then a member of Parliament, and a great fautor of ingeniose and good men, for meer meritt sake[LV.] (not being formerly acquainted with him) did him great service, which perhaps he knowes not of.

[LIV.] Quaere annum.--E. W. esq. respondet 'circiter 1651.'

[LV.] Severall made offers to the Parliament to survey it (when the Parliament ordered to have it surveyed) for 4000 li., 5000 li., 6000 li.; but Sir William (then Dr.) went lower then them all and gott it. Sir Jonas More contemnd it as dangerous, loving to sleepe in a whole skin: he was afrayd of the Tories.--From Edmund Wyld, esq. Vide pag.[633] 2.--MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 13ᵛ.

To be short, he is a person of so great worth and learning, and haz such a prodigious working witt, that he is both fitt for, and an honour to, the highest preferment.

By this surveying employment he gott an estate in Ireland (before the restauration of King Charles II) of 18000 li. per annum, the greatest part wherof he was forced afterwards to refund[634], the former owners being then declared innocents. He hath yet there 7 or 8000 li. per annum and can, from the Mount Mangorton in the com. of Kerry, behold 50000 acres of his owne land. He hath an estate in every province of Ireland.

The kingdome of Ireland he hath surveyed, and that with that exactnesse (quaere Sir J. H. de modo), that there is no estate the<re> to the value of threscore pounds per annum but he can shew, to the value, and those that he employed for the geometricall part were ordinary fellowes, some (perhaps) foot-soldiers, that circumambulated with their box and needles, not knowing what they did, which Sir William knew right well how to make use of.

Anno Domini 1667 (vide his Scheme[635]), he maried on Trinity Sunday ... the relict of Sir <Maurice> Fenton, of Ireland, knight, daughter of Sir Hasdras Waller of Ireland by ..., a very beautifull and ingeniose lady, browne, with glorious eies, by whom he hath ... sonnes, and ... daughters, very lovely children, but all like the mother. He has a naturall daughter that much resembles him, no legitimate child so much, that acts at the Duke's play-house, who hath had a child by ... about 1679. She is (1680) about 21.

[636]I remember about 1660 there was a great difference between him and Sir ... ..., one of Oliver's knights, about.... They printed one against the other: this knight was wont to preach at Dublin. The knight had been a soldier, and challenged Sir William to fight with him. Sir William is extremely short sighted, and being the challengee it belonged to him to nominate[637] place and weapon. He nominates, for the place, a darke cellar, and the weapon to be a great carpenter's axe. This turned the knight's challenge into ridicule, and so it came to nought.

He can be an excellent droll (if he haz a mind to it) and will preach extempore incomparably, either the Presbyterian way, Independent, Cappucin frier, or Jesuite.

[638]He recieved the honour of knighthood Anno Domini....

He had his patent for earle of Kilmore and baron of ... 166- which he stifles during his life to avoyd envy[LVI.], but his sonne will have the benefitt of the precedency.--[I expected[639] that his sonne would have broken-out a lord or earle: ☞ but it seemes that he had enemies at the court at Dublin, which out of envy obstructed the passing of his patent.]

[LVI.] Χρυσᾶ ἔπη Pythagorae: Πέφυλαξό γε ταῦτα ποιεῖν ὁπόσα φθόνον ἔχει.

Anno 1660 he came into England, and was presently recieved into good grace with his majestie, who was mightily pleased with his discourse.

Anno Domini 1663 he made his double-bottom'd vessell (launched about new-yeere's tide), of which he gave a modell to the Royall Societie made with his owne hands, and it is kept in the repository at Gresham College. It did doe very good service, but anno 16--happned to be lost in an extraordinary storme in the Irish sea. (Memorandum:--there is yet a double bottomd vessell in the Isle of Wight, made by one Mr. ... ... which, they say, sailes well: quaere capt. Lee.)

[640]Anno Domini 1675/6 (vide the yeare of T. Deer's lettres), March 18, he was correpted by the Lord Chancellor Finch, when the patent for the farming of Ireland was sealed, to which Sir William would not seale. Monday, 20th March, he was affronted by Mr. Vernon: Tuesday following Sir William and his ladie's brother (Mr. Waller). Hectored Mr. Vernon and caned him.

[641]He went towards[642] Ireland in order to be a member of that Parliament, March 22, 1679/80--God send him a prosperous journey.

1680[643] ..., he went to Rumsey to see his native country, and to erect a monument to his father.

He is a person of an admirable inventive head, and practicall parts. He hath told me that he hath read but little, that is to say, not since 25 aetat., and is of Mr. Hobbes his mind, that had he read much, as some men have, he had not known so much as he does, nor should have made such discoveries and improvements.

I remember one St. Andrewe's day (which is the day of the generall meeting of the Royall Society for annuall elections), I sayd, 'methought 'twas not so well that we should pitch upon the Patron of Scotland's day, we should rather have taken St. George or St. Isidore' (a philosopher canonized). 'No,' said Sir William,' I would rather have had it[644] on St. Thomas day, for he would not beleeve till he had seen[645] and putt his fingers into the holes,' according to the motto Nullius in verba.

He haz told me that he never gott by legacies in his life, but only x li. which was not payd.

[646]He has told me, that wheras some men have accidentally come into the way of preferment, by lying at an inne, and there contracting an acquaintance; on the roade; or as some others[LVII.] have donne; he never had any such like opportunity, but hewed out his fortune himselfe--quod N.B.

[LVII.] E.g. my cosen Rowland Plattes, whom the lord Cottington never having seen before, liked so well, that he made him his gentleman of the horse when he went his embassy into Spaine[647]. This was on ship-board.

He is a proper handsome man, measured six foot high, good head of browne haire, moderately turning up: vide his picture as Dr. of Physique. His eies are a kind of goose-grey, but very short sighted, and, as to aspect, beautifull, and promise sweetnes of nature, and they doe not decieve, for he is a marveillous good-natured person, and εὔσπλαγχνος. Eie-browes thick, darke, and straight (horizontall). His head is very lardge, μακροκέφαλος. He was in his youth very slender, but since these twenty yeares and more past he grew very plump, so that now (1680) he is abdomine tardus. This last March, 1679/80, I perswaded him to sitt for his picture to Mr. Loggan, the graver, whom I forthwith went for myselfe, and he drewe it just before his goeing into Ireland, and 'tis very like him. But about 1659, he had a picture in miniture drawne by his friend and mine, Mr. Samuel Cowper (prince of limners of his age), one of the likest that ever he drew.


1. W. P.'s Advice concerning the Education of Youth[648], sticht, 4to, printed.

2. [A[649] contest and controversie between him and Sir ...: about which Sir William printed a little discourse in 8vo: quaere nomen libri.]

3. Historie or Discourse of Taxes, 4to.

4. Duplicate Proportion, 8vo., printed. [G.[650] 28, p. 5.]

5. Politique Arithmetique, MS. [vide[651] part 3, p. 2a: G. 28, 6.]

6. Politique Anatomie of Ireland, MS.

7. A treatise of building shippes, which he presented to the Royall Societie about 1661; which the lord Brounker was pleased to keepe to himselfe, and never returned it; a MS.

Observations on the Bills of Mortality[652] were really his.

Translation of ... Psalme in Latin hexameter, stitch't, folio, printed, London, 1677 (quaere[653]).

Since his death I have seen, in his closet, a great many tractatiuncli in MS.--e.g. Religio Christiana Puerilis; Via brevis ad Medicinam; An Essay to know or judge the Value of Landes; His owne life in Latin verse; De Connubiis; Severall Epigrammes and Verses by him; Of Mills; An Engine very usefull for raysing of water; cum multis aliis that have slipt out of my memorie. Memorandum: his 2 last printed tracts were comparisons or paralleling of London and Paris, stitcht, 8vo.

[654]I have heard Sir William say more than once, that he knew not that he was purblind till his master[LVIII.] (a master of a shippe) bade him climbe-up the rope ladder, and give notice when he espied such a steeple (somewhere upon the coast of England or France, I have forgot where), which was a land-marke for the avoyding of a shelfe; at last the master sawe it on the deck, and they fathom'd and found they were but ... foot water, wherupon (as I remember) his master drubb't him with a cord.

[LVIII.] He was first bound apprentice to a sea-captaine.

Before he went into Ireland, he sollicited, and no doubt he was an admirable good sollicitor. I have heard him say that in solliciting (with the same paines) he could dispatch severall businesses, nay, better than one alone, for by conversing with severall he should gaine the more knowledge, and the greater interest.

In the time of the warre with the Dutch, they concluded at the councell-board at London, to have so many sea men out of Irland (I thinke 1500). Away to Irland came one with a commission, and acquaints Sir William with it; sayes Sir William, 'you will never rayse this number here.' 'Oh,' sayd the other, 'I warrant you, I will not abate you a man.' Now Sir William knew 'twas impossible, for he knew how many tunne of shipping belongd to Ireland, and the rule is, to ... tunnes so many men. Of these shipps halfe were abroad, and of those at home so many men unfit. In fine, the commissioner with all his diligence could not possibly rayse above 200 seamen there. So we may see how statesmen may mistake for want of this Politique Arithmetique.

Another time the councell at Dublin were all in a great racket for the prohibition of coale from England and Wales, considering that all about Dublin is such a vast quantity of turfe; so they would improve their rents, sett poor men on worke, and the city should be served with fuell cheaper. Sir William prima facie knew that this project could not succeed. Sayd he, 'If you will make an order to hinder the bringing-in of coales by foreigne vessells, and bring it in vessells of your owne, I approve of it very well: but for your supposition of the cheapnesse of the turfe, 'tis true 'tis cheape on the place, but consider carriage, consider the yards that must contayn such a quantity for respective houses, these yards must be rented; what will be the chardge?' The<y> supputated, and found that (every thing considered) 'twas much dearer then to fetch coale from Wales, or etc.

Memorandum:--about 1665 he presented to the Royall Societie a discourse of his (in manuscript, of about a quire of paper) of building of shippes, which the lord Brounker (then president) tooke away, and still keepes, saying, ''Twas too great an arcanum of state to be commonly perused'; but Sir William told me that Dr. Robert Wood, M.D., aforesayd, has a copie of it, which he himselfe haz not: quaere Dr. Wood for it.

Sir William Petty died at his house in Peccadilly-street (almost opposite to St. James church[655],) on Fryday, 16th day of December, 1687, of a gangrene in his foot, occasioned by the swelling of the gowt, and is buried with his father and mother in the church at Rumsey in Hampshire. ☞ See his will.

My lady Petty was created baronnesse of Shelburn in Ireland, and her eldest sonne baron of the same, a little before the comeing-in of the Prince of Orange.

[656]Sir William Petty had a brother ..., like him, who dyed sine prole: he has his picture.--Quaere if I have mentioned Nan Green[657] out of the printed narrative?

[658]His picture by Fuller in his Dr. of M<edicine> gowne, a skull in his hand; then a spare man; <with a> little band; Veslingius' Anatomie by him. 'Twas he (Sir William) that putt Fuller to drawe the muscles as at Oxon gallery[659].

[660]Quaere nomen of the knight his antagonist, Sir ... ...? Resp.--'Twas Sir Hierome Sanchy that was his antagonist: against whom he wrote the 8vo booke, about 1662. He was one of Oliver's knights, a commander and preacher and no conjuror. He challenged Sir William to fight with him. Sir William being the challengee named the place, a darke cellar, the weapon, carpenter's great axe; so by this expedient Sir William (who is short-sighted) would be at an equall tourney with this douty knight.

[661]Sir W. Petty was a Rota man, and troubled Mr. James Harrington with his arithmeticall proportions, reducing politie to numbers.

[662]Sir W. P. 18 March <1675/6> correpted by the Lord Chancellor when the patent was to be sealed, which he would not seale. Monday, 20th, he was affronted by Mr. Vernon; Tuesday, he hectored him.

[663]Sir William Petty scripsit A Politicall Anatomie of Ireland. He assured me by letter from Dublyn, July 12, 1681:--'I am not forward to print this Politicall Arithmetique but doe wish that what goeth abroad were compared with the copie in Sir Robert Southwell's hand, which I corrected in March 1679.' He told me some yeares since, before the copie was dedicated to the Royal Societie, that 'the doeing of it would cost 50,000 li., but Ireland will be donne.'

<In MS. Aubr. 22 is a printed tract, 26 pages (besides prefatory matter), 'The advice of W. P. to Mr. Samuel Hartlib for the advancement of some particular parts of learning,' Lond. 1648: the preface signed 'W. P., London, 8 Jan. 1647/8,' i.e. W. Petty.>

<In MS. Aubr. 26, at p. 24, are 'Directions from Sir William Petty to me heretofore, scil. 1671,' for collecting national statistics.>

<In MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 62, are 4 folio printed pages containing the evidence of Sir William Petty, as sole surviving trustee for 900 soldiers commonly called the three Regiments, given on 25 July, 1681, before Henry Hen, Lord Chief Baron of Ireland, about lands in the baronies of Iveragh, Dunkeron, and Glanoroght in county Kerry.>

[664]Sir William Pety--his eldest sonne is baron of Shelbrooke in Ireland; and his lady (widow) is baroness by patent from king James the 2ᵈ, anno 1688.

[665]In the Paris Gazette about January, 1687/8, 'Monsieur Coussin travaille pour faire éloge de Sir W. Petty which will be inserted in the Journal de Scavans'--which see.

[666]Sir William Petty had a boy that whistled incomparably well. He after wayted on a lady, a widowe, of good fortune. Every night this boy was to whistle his lady asleepe. At last shee ... marries him.... This is certeyn true;--from himselfe and Mrs. Grant[667].

=Fabian Philips= (1601-1690).

[668]Fabian Philips[AR]--from himselfe, 1682--borne hard by Prestbury in Gloucestershire, anno Domini 1601, in September, on Michelmas-Eve. His mother's name was Bagehott (an heire to a younger brother); his father was Andrew Philips, of an ancient familie in Herefordshire, seaven descents, who sold 600 li. per annum in Herefordshire, in Leominster; some of it his sonne Fabian (of whom I write) bought again. He was of the Middle Temple, London; a filizer of London, Middlesex, Cambridgeshire, and Huntingdonshire. Of great assiduity, and reading, and a great lover of antiquities. He haz a great memorie, which holds still well now in his 80th yeare. He told me St. Austin wrote at 90; judge Coke at 84; and bishop Hall, of Norwych, at 8-. His house is over against the middle of Lincoln's Inne garden, in Chancery Lane. Two dayes before king Charles 1st was beheaded, he wrote a 'protestation against the intended murther of the king,' and printed it, and caused it to be putt upon the posts. When all the courts in Westminster-hall were voted-downe by Barebones Parliament, he wrote a booke to justifie the right use of them, and Lenthall (the speaker) and the Keepers of the Libertie did send him thanks for saveing of the courts.

... ...

[669]M.S. Fabiani Philipps, armigeri, Medii Templi socii, qui quosdam perfidos et ingratos nimium amando seipsum non (uti potuit) amavit, curis librisque consenuit, aliorum totus vix suus, tandem per varios vitae vortices et aerumnarum anfractus ad amoris et lucis aeternitates coeli sedesque beatissimas transmigravit ... die ... aerae Christianae millessimo sexcentessimo ... cum ... soles vixisset.

Qui vero fidus veri Fabianus amator Decumbens requiem morte Philippus agit.

[670]1. King Charles the First no man of blood, but a martyr for his people.

2. The antient legall fundamentall and necessary rights of courts of justice in their writs of capias arrests and proces of outlawry against peremptory summons and citations: printed 1676.

3. The reforming registry, against publick registries; printed 1678.

4. Reasons for the continuance of the writs of capias and proces of arrest against peremptory summons, etc.: printed 1675.

5. A view of the chancery.

6. The pretended perspective glasse.

7. Tuenda non tollenda.

8. Ligeancia lugens.

9. The antiquity of fines and amerciaments.

10. The mistaken recompence.

11. Restauranda.

12. Monenda.

13. Ursa major et minor.

14. Investigatio jurium et antiquorum et rationalium regni etc.: printed 1687.

15. Legale necessarium: about estreateing and leavying fines and amercements and other profits of the king's casuall revenues.

Tristia diffugiunt, paupertas, cura, labores, Quae tulit ingratis gratior urna tulit. O miseris miserans, Jesus, miserere Philippo; Defesso Fabian sanguine parta tuo, Sanguine parta tuo, da gaudia luce perenni, Gaudia coelicolis morte parata tua.

Oh ens entium, deus misericordiarum, amator animarum, spes viventium et mortuorum, miserere mei et posterorum.

He dyed the 17th of November 1690, and lies buried by his wife at Twyford, a little church neer Acton in Middlesex, in the southwest part of the church at the lower end of the church.

His sonne will not be at the chardge to sett this up for his father. But I have spoken to his good daughter to sett his name and obiit. His workes will praise him in the gates[671].

--From his eldest sonne, who succeeds him in his place of filazer.

[672]Old Fabian Philips has told me severall times that it hath cost him 800 li. in taking paines searching and writing to assert the king's prerogative and never gott a groate. Only, when the regulation of the lawe was, he was made one of the commissioners, which was worth 200 li. per annum--I thinke it lasted two yeares.

[AR] Aubrey gives in trick the coat: 'azure, a fess between 3 falcons argent.' This life is later than the others in MS. Aubr. 6, being written on a page originally set aside for 'Mr. John Milton.' Letters of F. Philips to A. Wood are found in MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 64, 65.

=John Philips= (1631-1706).

[673]Mr. Philips, author of Montelion[674] and Don Juan Lamberto[675], is very happy at jiggish poetrey.

Montelion is happy for a jiggish phancy and gypsies and ballads.

=Katherine Philips= (1631/2-1664).

[676]Orinda--From Mr. J. Oxenbridge, her uncle (now prisoner in the Fleet on her account for a dept of her husband, scil. bound for him 28 yeares since), and lady Montagu.

Mris[677] Katharine Fowler was the daughter of John Fowler of London, merchant (an eminent merchant in Bucklersbury), and Katherine Oxenbridge, daughter of ... Oxenbridg, M.D., President of the Physicians' College--quaere de hoc in <the London> Dispens<atory>.

She was ... christned in Woollchurch. If alive now (July 1681), she might be 48 or 49; vide register[678].

[679]Katharine, the daughter of John Fowler and Katharine his wife, was baptized January 11, 1631, as per the register booke of St. Mary Woole-church appeareth.

I say,

Robert Watkins, churchwarden.

[680]She went to schoole at Hackney to Mris Salmon, a famous schoolmistris, Presbyterian, <John> Ball's catechism[681]. Amici[682],--Mris Mary Aubrey and Mris ... Harvey since, lady (Sir ...) Deering. Loved poetrey at schoole, and made verses there. She takes after her grandmother Oxenbridge, her grandmother, who was an acquaintance of Mr. Francis Quarles, being much inclined to poetrie herselfe.

Maried to James Philips of the Priorie at Cardigan, esq., about 1647 (scil. the yeare after the army was at Putney), by whom she had one sonne, dead (in her booke), and one daughter married to Mr. Wgan of ..., in some degree like her mother.

She was very religiously devoted when she was young[683]; prayed by herself an hower together, and tooke sermons verbatim when she was but 10 yeares old.

She died of the small pox in Fleet Street. Shee lies buried at St. Benet-Sherehog at the end of Syth's lane in London.

Ex registro istius ecclesiae:--'Mris Katherine Philippes, the wife of James Philippes, was buried the 23 of June 1664 in the north ayle under the great stone with the brasen monyment'--the brasse is now lost.

She was when a child much against the bishops, and prayd to God to take them to him, but afterwards was reconciled to them. Prayed aloud, as the hypocriticall fashion then was, and was overheared--vide [=a] of T<homas> H<obbes> Civill Warres and Satyre against Hypocrites.

My cozen Montague <told me that she had a> read pumpled face; wrote out verses in innes, or mottos in windowes, in her table-booke.

[684]Memorandum:--La Solitude de St. Amant was englished by Mris Katherine Philips. 'Tis 20 stanzas--I thinke not yet printed--I had them from Elizabeth, the countesse of Thanet, 1672.

Quaere what shee wrote?



She went into Ireland (after her mariage) with the lady Dungannon (whom she calles Lucatia); and at Dublin she wrote Pompey.

Her husband had a good estate, but bought Crowne landes; he mortgaged, etc. His brother Hector tooke off the mortgages and haz the lands.

From her cosen Blacket, who lived with her from her swadling cloutes to eight, and taught her to read:--She informes me viz.--when a child she was mighty apt to learne, and she assures me that she had read the Bible thorough before she was full four yeares old; she could have sayd I know not how many places of Scripture and chapters. She was a frequent hearer of sermons; had an excellent memory and could have brought away a sermon in her memory. Very good-natured; not at all high-minded; pretty fatt; not tall; reddish faced.

Quaere my cosen Montagu[685] when she began to make verses.--Quaere how many children she had.--Quaere her coat of arms, and her husband's.

Major-Generall Skippen[686] was her mother's third husband.

'She[687] lies interred under a gravestone with her father and grandfather and grandmother, just opposite to the dore of the new churchyard, about 3 yards distant'--quaere if from the doore or the opposite wal; and quaere if any inscription on her relations on the said stone.

She had only one daughter ... who is maried to ... Wgan esq. of Pembrokeshire or Caermarthenshire--quaere iterum her uncle Oxenbridge.

=Thomas Pigot= (1657-1686).

[688]Mr. Thomas Pigot was borne at Brindle, in Lancashire, about eleven a clock at night (sed quaere his brother Henry + de hoc)--from Mr. Pond.

[689]I have got Mr. Pigot's birth, as to the month and howre from his kinswoman who was at his mother's labour and recieved him in her lapp. If you are acquainted with his brother, desire him to give you the anno Domini.

[690]Mr. Thomas Pigot, M.A. Coll. Wadh., my worthy friend, obiit August 14, A.D. 1686, of a feaver, about one a clock in the afternoon.

He was fellow of Wadham College and chaplain in ordinary to the earle of Ossory, at whose house in St. James' Square he deceased. He was buried in St. James's church by St. James's fields, Sunday the 15th, in the middle aisle between the pulpit and the railes of the communion-table of the north side of this aisle, in the grave of Mr. Rigby, the first rector[691] here, upon whose coffin he lies. His head lies under 14.

His brother haz a MS. of musick written by him, a little 4to.

Quaere for his decyphering the inscription on Sir Thomas More's family-picture at Bessills-Leigh. Memorandum--this decyphering gives great light to the antiquitie of the family which els would be lost utterly.

He haz some pieces of opus tessellatum found at or near Badmanton (the duke of Beauford's) not long before his death.

=Thomas Pittis= (1636-1687).

[692]Dr. Thomas Pittis, rector of St. Botolph's Bishopsgate, died Wednesday in Christmas weeke in December 1687. He was buryed in the Isle of Wight at the west Cowes.

He haz a sonne of the same College[693] in Oxford that he was of.

=Sir William Platers.=

[694]Sir William Plater[695], knight, was a Cambridgeshire gentleman at.... He had a good estate (about 3000 li. per annum). He was a very well bred gentleman, as most was of those times; had travelled France, Italie, etc., and understood well those languages. He was one of the Long Parliament in the time of the late warres.

He was a great admirer and lover of handsome woemen, and kept severall. Henry Martyn and he were great cronies, but one time (about 1644) there was some difference between them--Sir William had gott away one of Henry's girles, and Sir John Berkinhead inserted in his Mercurius Aulicus how the saintes fell out. He was temperate and thriftie as to all other things.

He had onely one sonne, who was handsome and ingeniose, and whome he cultivated with all imaginable care and education[696].... He allowed his son liberally but enjoyned him still temperance, and to sett downe his expences[697]....

The father was a good linguist and a good antiquary. This beloved sonne of his dyeing ..., shortned his father's dayes. He built the triumphall-like arch wheron the king's armes is in the partition between church and chancell at St. Margaret's Westminster, under which he lies buried. The following inscription is on the arch[AS], viz....

[698]Sir William Platers[AT], knight and baronet; about 5000 li. per annum. His sonne very ingeniose, and made a very good returne of his education. He was a colonel in the king's army and was killed in his service, which his father tooke so to heart that he enjoyed not himselfe afterwards.

Henry Martyn, his crony, invited him to a treat, where Sir William fell in love with one of his misses and slockst her away--which Sir J<ohn> B<irkenhead> putt in the Mercurius Aulicus.

In St. Margaret's Westminster he erected a monument against the south wall for Mr. James Palmer[AU], B.D., sequestred minister of St. Bride's London. He (Mr Palmer) was a very pious good man, and a benefactor to his native parish here, where he built an almes-howse; obiit 1659; and this monument was erected at the sole chardge of Sir William Platers, knight and baronet--sett downe so there.

[AS] Aubrey notes the inscription in MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 29:--'St. Margaret's Westminster.

[Illustration: C.R.] Erected at the charge of Sir William Platers, Knight and Baronet, anno 1662.'

To which he adds the note:--

'Hee departed this life the 19th of Aprill anno 1668--idem[699], east side.'

Here Anthony Wood makes the query:--

'Who doe you meane by this person that died 1668?' And Aubrey answers:--

'Sir William Platers. I doe not enter him here as a worthie, but he does implere locum. He was a merry man in the raigne of the Saints. Mercurius Aulicus made a good sport with him and Henry Martin.'

[AT] Aubrey gives in trick the coat: 'bendy wavy of six argent and azure'; but leaves blank the coat it impales.

[AU] James Palmer, B.A., of Magd. Coll., Cambr., 1601/2; B.D. 1613; vicar of St. Bride's, Fleet Street, 1616-45.

=Sir Thomas Pope= (1508-1559).

[700]Sir Thomas Pope, founder of Trinity College, Oxon, bought church-lands without money. His way was this. He contracted, and then presently sold long leases, for which he had great fines and but a small rent. These leases were out in the reigne of King James the first, and then the estate was worth 8000 pounds per annum. He could have rode in his owne lands from Cogges (by Witney) to Banbury, about 18 miles.

[701]I have a curious MSS. manuall of Sir Thomas Pope, which if I thought would be chained in Trinity College library, I would dedicate it there, but I know not how magistracy, etc., have altered somebody[702].

=Sir John Popham= (1531-1607).

[703]Sir John Popham[AV], Lord Chiefe Justice of the King's Bench, was the ... son of ... Popham, of ... in the countie of Somerset.

He was of the Societie of ... and for severall <years> addicted himselfe but little to the studie of the lawes, but profligate company, and was wont to tak a purse with them. His wife considered her and his condition, and at last prevailed with him to lead another life, and to stick to the studie of the lawe: which, upon her importunity, he did, being then about thirtie yeares old. <He> spake to his wife to provide a very good entertainment for his camerades to take his leave of them; and after that day fell extremely hard to his studie, and profited exceedingly. He was a strong, stout man, and could endure to sit at it day and night[LIX.]; became eminent in his calling, had good practise; called to be a Serjeant <1578>, a Judge <1592>: vide Origines Juridiciales.

[LIX.] The picture of a common law(y)er:--He must have 'an iron head, a brazen face, and a leaden breech.'

Sir ... (John, I think) Dayrell, of Littlecote, in com. Wilts, having gott his ladie's waiting woman with child, when her travell came, sent a servant with a horse for a midwife, whom he was to bring hood-winked. She was brought, and layd the woman, but as soon as the child was borne, she sawe the knight take the child and murther it, and burnt it in the fire in the chamber. She having donne her businesse was extraordinarily rewarded for her paines, and sent blinfold away. This horrid action did much run in her mind, and she had a desire to discover it, but knew not where 'twas. She considerd with herselfe the time that she was riding, and how many miles might be rode at that rate in that time, and that it must be some great person's house, for the roome was 12 foot high; and she could know the chamber if she sawe it. She went to a Justice of Peace, and search was made. The very chamber found. The knight was brought to his tryall; and to be short, this judge had this noble howse, parke, and mannor, and (I thinke) more, for a bribe to save his life[LX.].

[LX.] Sir John Popham gave sentence according to lawe; but being a great person and a favourite, he[704] procured a noli prosequi.

I have seen his picture; he was a huge, heavie, ugly man. He left a vast estate to his son, Sir Francis (I thinke ten thousand pounds, per annum); he lived[705] like a hog, but his sonne John was a great waster, and dyed in his father's time.

He[706] was the greatest howse-keeper in England; would have at Littlecote 4 or 5 or more lords at a time. His wife (Harvey) was worth to him, I thinke, 60000 li., and she was as vaine as he, and she sayd that she had brought such an estate, and she scorned but she would live as high as he did; and in her husband's absence would have all the woemen of the countrey thither, and feast them, and make them drunke, as she would be herselfe. They both dyed by excesse; and by luxury and cosonage by their servants, when he dyed, there was, I thinke, a hundred thousand pound debt.

Old Sir Francis, he lived like a hog, at Hownstret in Somerset, all this while with a moderate pittance.

Mr. John would say that his wive's estate was ill gott, and that was the reason they prospered no better; she would say that the old judge gott the estate unjustly, and thus they would twitt one another, and that with matter of trueth.

I remember this epitaph was made on Mr. John Popham:--

Here lies he, who, not long since, Kept a table like a prince, Till Death came, and tooke away. Then ask't the old man, What's to pay?

[707]Memorandum:--at the hall in Wellington[AW] in the countie of Somerset (the ancient seate of the Pophams), and which was this Sir John's, Lord Chiefe Justice, (but quaere if he did not buy it?) did hang iron shackells, of which the tradicion of the countrey is that, long agoe, one of the Pophams (lord of this place) was taken and kept a slave by the Turkes for a good while, and that by his ladie's great pietie, and continuall prayers, he was brought to this place by an invisible power, with these shackells on his legges, which were here hung up as a memoriall, and continued till the house (being a garrison) was burn't. All the countrey people steadfastly beleeve the trueth hereof.

[708]Lord Chief Justice Popham first brought in (i.e. revived) brick building in London (scil. after Lincolne's Inne and St. James's); and first sett-afoote the Plantations,--e.g. Virginia (from Fabian Philips)--which he stockt or planted out of all the gaoles of England.

[AV] Aubrey gives in trick the coat: 'argent, on a chief gules 2 bucks' heads caboshed or, a crescent for difference.'

[AW] MS. Wood F. 49, fol. 139, has a note which Wood describes to be by 'Francis Snow, of Merton College,' viz. '"Sir John Popham, Lord Chiefe Justice of England, Privy Councellor of Queen Elizabeth and King James, aged 76, died 10 of June 1607": at Wellington in Somerset, this cost me a shilling.' Wood notes that the words are 'on his monument: which is all written thereon, and therefore print it.'

=Samuel Pordage= (1633-1691?).

[709]Samuel Pordage I knew very well. He was head-steward of the lands to the right honourable Philip, earl of Pembroke.

His father was called Dr. Pordage, a physitian and astrologer; I know not whether he was rector. His picture was graved three or four yeares since, I thinke 'tis before a book.

The son (Samuel), a civil courteous person, and a handsome man; gave me (1660) his translation of Seneca's Troas in English; and I think he hath printed something since.

=Francis Potter= (1594-1678).

[710]Mr. Francis Potter's father[711] was one of the benefactors to the organ at the cathedrall church at Worcester, and there amongst others is this coate--'..., a chevron between 3 flower-vases ...' [Potter].

[712]Francis Potter, B.D., borne at Mere, a little market-towne in Wilts, 'upon Trinity-Sunday-eve 1594, in the evening.'--'Anno Domini 1625, December 10ᵗʰ, horâ decimâ, inventum est mysterium Bestiae' as he went up the staire to his chamber (which was at his brother's, scil. the great roome that nowe is added to the President's lodgeing).

[713]'A.D. 1625, December 10ᵗʰ, hora decima inventum est Mysterium Bestiæ'--these words I found wrote in his Greeke Testament. He told me the notion came into his mind as he was goeing up staires into his chamber at Trin. Coll. which was the senior fellowe's chamber then (he lay with his brother, Dr. Hannibal Potter): this chamber is now united to the President's lodgeings.

[714]Francis Potter, B.D.: Anthony Ettrick adviseth me to write

'To the worthy successor of Mr. Potter at Kilmington,'

and it will oblige the said rector to speed an answer, and also an account of the picture of Sir Thomas Pope--No answer! Quaere my brother Tom who is successor; and quaere and vide register and place of buriall.

[715]Mr. Francis Potter, B.D., was borne at the [vicaridge[716]] house at Mere in the county of Wiltes, anno Domini [1594, upon Trinity Sunday eve, in the evening].

His father was minister there, and also of Kilmanton in com. Somerset about 3 miles distant, and was also a prebendary of the Cathedrall Church of Worcester. He had three sonnes, Hannibal, Francis, and.... His wife's name was Horsey, of the worshipfull and ancient family of the Horseys of Clifton in com. Dorset.

He was taught his grammar learnings by Mr. <Henry> Bright (the famous school master of those times) of the schoole at Worcester.

Anno ætatis <15> (vide A. Wood's Antiq. Oxon.) he went to Trinity Colledge in Oxon, where his father (who was an Oxfordshire man borne) had been a fellowe. His brother Hannibal was his tutor. Here he was a commoner twenty-seaven yeares, and was senior to all the house but Dr. Kettle and his brother.

His genius lay most of all to the mechanicks; he had an admirable mechanicall invention, but in that darke time wanted encouragement, and when his father dyed (which was about 1637) he succeeded him in the parsonage of Kilmanton, worth, per annum, about 140li. He was from a boy given to draweing and painting. The founder's (Sir Thomas Pope's) picture in Trinity Colledge hall is of his copying. He had excellent notions for the raysing of water; I have heard him say, that he could rayse the water at Worcester with lesse trouble, i.e. fewer ..., then there are; and that he had never seen a water-house engine, but that he could invent[717] a better. Kilmanton is on a high hill, and the parsonage-well is extraordinary deepe. There is the most ingeniose and usefull buckett-well, that ever I sawe. Now, whereas some deepe wells have wheeles for men or doggs to go within them, here is a wheele of ... foot diameter, with steps (like stayres) to walke on as if you were goeing up staires, and an ordinary bodye's[718] weight drawes-up a great bucket, which holdes a barrell, and the two bucketts are contrived so that their ropes alwaies are perpendicular and consequently parallell, and so never interfere with one another. Now, this vast buckett would be to combersome to overturne to power out the water; and therefore, he contrived a board with lifts about the sides, like a trough, to slide under the bucket, when 'tis drawne up; and at the bottom of the buckett is a plug, the weight of the water jogging upon the sliding trough, the water powres out into the trough, and from thence runnes into your paile, or other vessell. 'Tis extremely well worth the seeing. I have[719] taken heretofore a draught of it. I have heard him say that he would have undertaken to have brought up the water from the springs at the bottom of the hill to the towne of Shaftesbury, which is on a waterles hill.

Anno Domini 16<25> (see[720] part ii) goeing into his chamber, the notion of 25, the roote of 666, for the roote of the number of the Beast in the Revelation, came into his head; so he opposed 25 to 12, the roote of 144.

When he tooke his degree of Batchelaur in Divinity, his question was, An Papa sit Anti-Christus? Aff.--In his younger yeares he was very apt to fall into a swoune, and so he did when he was disputing in the Divinity-schoole upon that question.--I remember he told me that one time reading Aristotle de Natura Animalium, where he describes how that the lionesses, when great with young, and neer their time of parturition, doe goe between two trees that growe neer together, and squeeze out their young ones out of their bellies; he had such a strong idea of this, and of the paine that the lionesse was in, that he fell into a swoune.

He was of a very tender constitution, and sickly most of his younger yeares. His manner was, when he was beginning to be sick, to breath strongly a good while together, which he sayed did emitt the noxious vapours.

He was alwayes much contemplative, and had an excellent philosophicall head. He was no great read man; he had a competent knowledge in the Latin, Greeke, and Hebrue tongues, but not a critique. Greeke he learn'd by ... Montanus's Interlineary Testament[721], after he was a man, without a grammar, and then he read Homer. He understood only common Arithmetique, and never went farther in Geometrie then the first six bookes of Euclid; but he had such an inventive head, that with this foundation he was able to doe great matters in the mechaniques, and to solve phaenomena in naturall philosophy. He had but few bookes, which when he dyed were sold for fifty-six shillings, and surely no great bargaine. He published[722] nothing but his Interpretation of the number 666, in 4to, printed at Oxford, 1642, which haz been twice translated into Latin, into French, and other languages[AX]. He made the fine diall with its furniture, on the north wall of the quadrangle at Trinity Colledge, which he did by Samminitiatus's booke of Dialling (it haz been gonne about 1670, and another is there putt). He lived and dyed[723] a batchelour. He was hospitable, vertuous, and temperate; and, as I sayd before, very contemplative. He lookt the most like a monk, or one of the pastours of the old time, that I ever sawe one. He was pretty long visagd and pale cleare skin, gray eie. His discourse was admirable, and all new and unvulgar. His house was as undeckt[724] as a monke's cell; yet he had there so many ingeniose inventions that it was very delightfull. He had a pretty contrived garden there, where are the finest box hedges of his planting that ever I sawe. The garden is a good large square; in the middle is a good high mount, all fortified (as you may say) and adorned with these hedges, which at the interstices of ... foot have a high pillar (square cutt) of box, that shewes very stately and lovely both summer and winter.

On the buttery-dore in his parlour he drew his father's picture at length, with his booke (fore-shortned), and on the spectacles in his hand is the reflection of the Gothique south windowe. I mention this picture the rather, because in processe of time it may be mistaken by tradition for his son Francis's picture, author of the booke aforesayd.

I never have enjoyed so much pleasure, nor ever so much pleased with such philosophicall and heartie entertainment as from him. His booke was in the presse at Oxford, and he there, when I was admitted of the College, but I had not the honour and happinesse to be acquainted with him till 1649 (Epiphanie), since which time I had a conjunct friendship with him to his death, and corresponded frequently with him. I have all his letters by me, which are very good, and I beleeve neer 200, and most of them philosophicall.

I have many excellent good notes from him as to mechaniques, etc., and I never was with him but I learn't, and alwayes tooke notes; but now indeed the Royall Societie haz out-donne most of his things, as having a better apparatus, and more spare money. I have a curious designe of his to drawe a landskip or perspective (1656), but Sir Christopher Wren hath fallen on the same principle, and the engine is better work't. He was smyth and joyner enough to serve his turne, but he did not pretend to curiosity in each. He gave me a quadrant in copper, and made me another in silver, of his owne projection, which serves for all latitudes. He shewed me, 1649, the best way of making an arch was a parabola with a chaine; so he tooke of his girdle from his cassock, and applyed it to the wall, thus:

He invented and made with his owne handes a paire of beame[725] compasses, which will divide an inch into a hundred or a thousand parts. At one end of the beame[725] is a roundle, which is divided into 100 equall parts, with a sagitta to turne about it with a handle: this handle turnes a skrew of a very fine thread, and on the back of the saile or beame is a graduation. With these compasses he made the quadrants aforesayd. He gave me a paire of these compasses, which I shewed to the[726] Royall Societie at their first institution, which they well liked, and I presented them as a rarity to my honoured friend, Edmund Wyld, esqre. There are but[727] two of them in the world.

☞ Memorandum that at the Epiphanie, 1649, when I was at his house, he then told me his notion of curing diseases, etc. by transfusion of bloud[LXI.] out of one man into another, and that the hint came into his head reflecting on Ovid's story of Medea and Jason, and that this was a matter of ten yeares before that time. About a yeare after, he and I went to trye the experiment, but 'twas on a hen, and the creature to little and our tooles not good: I then sent him a surgeon's lancet. Anno ... I recieved a letter from him concerning this subject, which many yeares since I shewed, and was read and entred in the bookes of the Royall Societie, for Dr. Lower would have arrogated the invention to himselfe, and now one [R.[728] Griffith,] Dr. of Physique, of Richmond, is publishing a booke of the transfusion of bloud, and desires to insert Mr. Potter's letter: which I here annex in perpetuam rei memoriam.

[LXI.] Memorandum:--Mr. Meredith Lloyd tells me that Libavius speakes of the transfusion of bloud, which I dare sweare Mr. F. Potter never sawe in his life.

[729]'Worthy Sir,

'I am sorrie that I can as yet give you no better account of that experiment of which you desire to heare. I am as yet frustrated in ipso limine (but it is by my owne unexpertnes, who never attempted any such thing upon any creature before); for I cannot, although I have tried divers times, strike the veine so as to make him bleed in any considerable quantity.

'I have prepared a little cleare transparent vessel (like unto a bladder), made of the[730] craw of a pullet; and I have fastened an ivory pipe to one of the neckes of it, and I have put it into a veine which is most conspicuous about the lowest joint of the hinder legges; and yet I cannot procure above 2 or 3 drops of blood to come into the pipe or the bladder.

'I would have sent this bladder and pipe in my letter unto you but that I feare it might be an occasion that my letter might not come into your hands.--This is the rude figure of it which I do here set down because I thinke it the most convenient for this purpose:--

'a = the necke of the craw which goeth to the mouth.

'b = the other necke which goeth from the craw to the gissar. Another pipe may be tied to this end and put into the veine of another living creature at the same time.

'd = a little crooked ivory pipe, fastened (as a clister pipe is) to a bladder.

'e = the capacity of the craw or bladder.'


'I received that oyle in a little glasse which you had from Mr. Decreet and a receipt in another letter, and I desire you not to impute it to my unthankefulnes that I did not thanke you for it in my last letter. I have most times such sorrow and discontents in my breast which make me forget my selfe and my best friends and such things as I most delight in.

'If I should have occasion to write anything unto you in characters you may be pleased to remember this key, that the three first letters and every other three letters doe quiescere and that a comma is placed at the end of every word. As for example this writing:--

'Sed cæssat ar, otracci elusus, subest:-- 'that is, 'cæsar occisus est,

'You need but cancell or make a line under every other three letters, and then you may easily and speedily read it, as this example:--

'Sed cæssat ar, otracci elusus, subest.

'~Sed~ cæs~sat~ ar, o~tra~cci ~elu~sus, ~sub~est.

'I humbly present my service and best wishes unto you and shall still be

'Yours, in all true affection, to be commanded


'Kilmanton, Decemb. 7º, 1652.'

<The address (on fol. 62ᵛ) is:--

'To the right worshipfull, his 'much honoured friend, Mr. John 'Aubrey, at the signe of the 'Rainebowe, a stationer's shop 'In Fleetstreet by Temple 'gate, give these 'Post-payd.'

The letter has been sealed with numerous seals: e.g. (1) a rose; (2) 'on a cross, 5 pheons; impaling, 2 lions rampant combattant'; (3) Aesculapius, with his staff, a vase in front of him; (4) a male head, in profile, with long hair and moustaches; (5) an antique head, with basket-work cap having a circle of spikes round it.>

[731]Anno Domini 166--he was chosen fellowe of the Royall Societie, and was there admitted and recieved with much respect.

As he was never a strong man, so in his later times he had his health best, only about four or five yeares before his death his eie-sight was bad, and before he dyed quite lost. He dyed ... and is buryed in ... of the chancell at Kilmanton.

Memorandum: he played at chesse as well as most men. Col. Bishop, his contemporary at Trinity Coll., is accounted the best of England. I have heard Mr. Potter say that they two have played at Trin. Coll. (I thinke 2 daies together) and neither gott the maistery. Memorandum: he would say that he look't upon the play at chesse <as> very fitt to be learn't and practised by young men, because it would make them to have a foresight and be of use to them (by consequence) in their ordering of humane affaires. Quod N.B.

He haz told me that he had oftentimes dream't that he was at Rome, and being in fright that he should be seised on and brought before the pope, did wake with the feare.[LXII.]

[LXII.] Pope ... (against whom Robert Grotest, bishop of Lincolne, wrote) dreamt that the bishop of Lincolne came to him, and gave him a great blowe over the face with his staffe: vide Platinam.

'Twas pitty that such a delicate inventive witt should be staked to a private preferment in an obscure corner (where he wanted ingeniose conversation), from whence men rarely emerge to higher preferment, but contract a mosse on them like an old pale in an orchard for want of ingeniose conversation, which is a great want even to the deepest thinking men (as Mr. Hobbes haz often sayd to me).

The last time I sawe this honoured friend of mine, Octob. 1674. I had not seen him in 3 yeares before, and his lippitude then was come even to blindnesse, which did much grieve me to behold. He had let his beard be uncutt, which was wont to be but little. I asked him why he did not get some kinswoman[732] or kinsman of his to live with him, and looke to him now in his great age? He answer'd me that he had tryed that way, and found it not so well; for they did begrudge what he spent that 'twas too much and went from them, whereas his servants (strangers) were kind to him and tooke care of him.

In the troublesome times 'twas his happinesse never to bee sequestred. He was once maliciously informed against to the Committee at Wells (a thing very common in those times). When he came before them, one of them (I have forgot his name) gave him a pint of wine, and gave him great prayse, and bade him goe home, and feare nothing.

[733]Kilmington, November 8ᵗʰ, 1671.

I recieved your letter but yesterday. I was borne upon Trinitie Sunday eave; baptized May the 22, 1594, but what day of the moneth Trinity Sunday was that year[734] I know not.

1671 1594 ---- 0077

I heare that bis<hop> Ironsid is lately dead, but where hee was borne or when he was buried I know not.

I will see those bookes you mention if I can get them.

I have writte no booke called The Key of Knowledg, but there is a booke called The Key of the Scripture written by a London divine, who is something large upon the Revelation, and preferreth my interpretation of 666 before all others.

I shalbe very glad to see you here at Kilmington; and rest,

Your humble servant


[AX] Aubrey, in MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 199, writing on April 7, 1673, says: 'Mr. Francis Potter's "666" was translated into Latin by an Almaigne or a Swisse, whose name I have forgott, and printed, as I remember, at Basil. Dr. John Pell told me it is in French, and one of the Dutch languages (but which I have forgott).'

=Hannibal Potter= (1592-1664).

[735]At Oxford (and I doe believe the like at Cambridge) the rod was frequently used by the tutors and deanes on his pupills, till bachelaurs of Arts; even gentlemen-commoners. One Dr. I knew (Dr. Hannibal Potter, Trin. Coll. Oxon) right well that whipt his scholar with his sword by his side when he came to take his leave of him to goe to the Innes of Court.

=Vavasor Powell= (1618-1670).

[736]Life and death of Vavasour Powell, 1671, p. 106:--Mr. Vavasour Powell 'was borne of honest and honourable parentage. His father, Mr. Richard Powell, of a very ancient family in Wales, living in the burough of Knocklas in Radnorshire, where his ancestors had lived some 100 yeares before; his mother of the Vavasors, a family of great antiquity, that came out of Yorkshire into Wales: and so by both allyed to most of the best families in North Wales. He was brought up a scholar, and taken by his uncle Mr. Erasmus Powell to be curate at Clun, where he also kept a schoole.'

Concerning his severall imprisonments, vide pag. 126, etc.

Mrs. Bagshawe haz heard him say that he was at Jesus College, Oxon; and Mr. Oliver, a minister, did remember it. Vavasor Powell told Mris Bagshaw of a sermon that he preached when he was of Jesus College.

Vide his Life[737] concerning his imprisonments etc.--'Sir J. A.' there is Sir John Aubrey; and 'Dr. B.' is Dr. Basset, LL.D.; 'C.' is Caerdif in Glamorganshire.

[738]Vavasour Powell--Mr. Edward Bagshawe, his friend and fellow-prisoner, edidit[739] scil.:--

'Israel's Salvation, or a collection of the prophecies which concern the calling of the Jewes and the glory that shall be in the later dayes,' by E. B.: London, printed for Francis Smith of the Elephant and Castle without Temple barre, 1671.

He wrote a very good concordance, printed <1671>.

=Sir Robert Poyntz= (1589-1665).

[740]Sir Robert Pointz of Iron-acton in com. Gloc., knight of the Bath, is the same family with Clifford (as may be seen by the pedegree), Clifford being called de Pons till he was lord of Clifford Castle in com. Hereff. adjoyning to Breconshire.

In Henry III they maried with a daughter and heire of Acton, by whom they had the mannor aforesayd and perhaps other lands.

<Sir Robert was of> Linc. Coll.[741] Vide the rest in tom.[742] iii.

[743]When I was sick of the smallpox at Trinity College[744], Mr. Saul, who was an old servant of his, told me I thinke that he was of Lincoln (or, perhaps, that he lay there in the warres).

[745]Sir Robert Poynts, knight of the Bath; his seate was Iron Acton, in com. Gloc., which came to that family by match of daughter and heire, tempore Hen. III. Mr. Player, Mr. Anthony Ettrick's son-in-lawe, who bought this estate, June, 1684, haz all the old evidences, and can farther enforme me.

But this family and Clifford are the very same, as may be seen by the pedegre of Clifford, who was de Pons till he gott Clifford-castle, in com. Hereff. juxta com. Brecon.

This family have had a great estate, and were men of note at Court.

Sir Robert, son of Sir John, Poyntz of whom I now write, and with whom I had some small acquaintance, was a loyall, sober, and a learned person. His study, law; chiefly towards the Civill Lawe. Since[746] the king's restauration he published in print, a pamphlet, about the bignesse of a good play-booke, entitled, The Right of Kings (or to that purpose[747]; but to my best remembrance, that is the very title).

As I remember he told me when I was of Trin. Coll. Oxon, 1643, that he was of Lincoln college. He maried first, Gresill, one of the daughters and co-heires of ... Gibbons, of ... Kent, by whom he had only two daughters.

After her decease he had a naturall sonne by Cicely Smyth, who had been his lady's chamber-mayd, whose name was John, as I remember, who maried ... daughter of ... Cesar, in com. Hertf. He dyed without issue about 4 or 5 years since (1684), or lesse. So there is an end of this ancient family.

Memorandum:--Newark (now the seate of Sir Gabriel Lowe) was built by Sir Robert's grandfather to keep his whores in. Sir Robert dyed at ... anno Domini 16-- and buryed....

=William Prynne= (1600-1669).

[748]Memorandum Sir John B<irkenhead> and Mr. Prinne were allwayes antagonists in the Parliament howse.

William Prinne[AY], esq., was borne (as his nephew George Clarke assures me[749]: quaere plus de hoc) at Aust in Glocestershire, where his father had an estate. I find by the Heralds' bookes that he is descended of an ancient family (vide Bibliothecam Sheldonianam[AZ], no. 115). His father, and also he, lived at ... wyck[750], a pleasant seate in Somerset, about 3 miles from Bathe, where his grand-father, ... Sherston, his mother's father, lived, and had been mayer, and a very wise magistrate; here[751] he learn't his grammar-learning. He was of Oriall College in Oxon[BA], where, I thinke, he tooke the degree of M.A. From hence, anno ... was admitted of Lincoln's-Inne. He was alwayes temperate and a very hard student, and he had a prodigious memorie.

Anno <1637> he was stigmatiz'd[LXIII.] in the pillorie, and then banished to Cornet-castle in <Guern>sey[752], where he was very civilly treated by the governour ... Carteret, a very ancient familie in that island. Anno 164<0> he was, with Burton and Bastwyck, called home by the Parliament, and hundreds mett him and them, out of London, some miles.

[LXIII.] His eares were not quite cutt off, only the upper part, his tippes were visible. Bishop William Lawd, A. B. Cant., was much blamed for being a spectator, when he was his judge: vide Osburne.

He was a learned man, of immense reading, but is much blamed for his unfaithfull quotations.

His manner of studie was thus: he wore a long quilt cap, which came, 2 or 3, at least, inches, over his eies, which served him as an umbrella to defend his eies from the light. About every 3 houres his man was to bring him a roll and a pott of ale[LXIV.] to refocillate his wasted spirits. So he studied and dranke, and munched some bread: and this maintained him till night; and then he made a good supper. Now he did well not to dine, which breakes of one's fancy, which will not presently be regained: and 'tis with invention as a flux--when once it is flowing, it runnes amaine; if it is checked, flowes but guttim: and the like for perspiration--check it, and 'tis spoyled.

[LXIV.] Goclenius[753], professor at ... in Germany did better; he kept bottles of good Rhenish wine in his studie, and, when his spirits wasted, dranke a good rummer of it.

Thou that with ale, or viler liquors, Didst inspire Wythers, Prinne, and Vicars[LXV.], And teach, though it were in despight Of nature and the starres, to write, &c.

Hudibras: part 1st.

[LXV.] Was one of the assembly and tryers.

He was burghesse of the citie of Bath, before and since the king's restauration. He was also Keeper of the Records in the Tower of London.

He endured severall imprisonments for the king's cause, and was (really) very instrumentall in his restauracion.

..., upon the opening of the Parliament, viz. letting in the secluded members, he girt on his old long rustie sword (longer then ordinary). Sir William Waller marching behind him (as he went to the Howse), W. Prynne's long sword ranne between Sir William's short legges, and threw him downe, which caused laughter.

He was of a strange Saturnine complexion. Sir C. W.[754] sayd once, that he had the countenance of a witch.

He dyed at his chamber in Lincolne's-Inn, anno ... and is interred at ... Quaere Ant. Wood <pro> catalogo librorum.

[755]William Prynne, esq., was buryed under Lincolne's Inne chapell, ut apparet ex inscriptione et inscripta tabula in capella suspensa, viz.

'Gulielmus Prynne, armiger, de Banco hujus hospitii, obiit 24º die Octobris, anno Domini 1669, aetatis 69.'

[AY] Aubrey gives in trick the coat: 'or, a fess engrailed azure, between 3 escallop shells gules.'

[AZ] i.e. no. 115 of the MSS. in the library of Ralph Sheldon of Beoly: afterwards bequeathed by Sheldon to the Heralds' College: Clark's Wood's Life and Times, iii. 98, 115.

[BA] Matric. April 24, 1618; B.A. Jan. 22, 1620/1.

=Robert Pugh= (1609-1679).

[756]Captain Pugh, my acquaintance, a writer and a poet. Bred up in Societate Jesu; but turn'd out because he was a captaine, viz. in the late warres.

He hath a Latin poem, printed, which will be augmented; and printed a booke against Dr. <George> Bates' Elenchus motuum nuperorum.

He was borne of a good family in ... North Wales (I thinke, Caernarvonshire).

[757]The native place of captain R. Pugh is spelt thus--Penrhyn.--When you saw him at Bathe, he wrot this discourse in 8vo, viz.

Bathonensium et Aquisgranensium thermarum comparatio, variis adjunctis illustrata: R. P.: epistola ad illustrissimum virum, Rogerum, Castlemaini comitem: Londini: Jo. Martyn, at the Bell in St. Paul's church-yard, 1676.

He was educated at St. Omar's.

When his studie was searcht, his orders were there found, and also a lettre from the Queen-mother, whose confessor he had sometimes been, to the king, that, if he should fall into any danger of the lawe, upon sight of that lettre he should obtaine his majestie's pardon.

[758]My honoured friend, captain Robert Pugh, dyed in Newgate, on January 22 <1678/9>, Wednesday night, 12 a clock; and lyes buryed in Christ Church churchyard on the north side, a yard or two from the wall, neer about the middle of the length. He writt a booke, which is almost finished, 'Of the severall states and goverments that have been here since the troubles,' in the earl of Castlemaine's hands.

All his bookes were seised on; amongst others his almanac, wherin he entred omnia Caroli II deliramenta[759], which was carryed to the councell boord: but, as I have sayd, the earl of Castlemain hath gott the former-mentioned treatise.

=Francis Quarles= (1592-1644).

[760]Francis Quarles, lived at Bath at the Katherine-wheele inne (opposite to the market-house), and wrote there, a yeare or two.

=William Radford= (1623-1673).

[761]William Radford, my good friend and old acquaintance and fellow coll<egiate>, ended his dayes at Richmond, where he taught schoole, 14 dayes since. I was with him when he first tooke his bed.

And when I was sick of the small-pox at Trinity College Oxon, he was so kind as to come to me every day and spend severall houres, or I thinke melancholy would have spoyled a scurvey antiquary. He was recounting not many dayes before he dyed your brother Ned's voyage[762] and Mr. <Thomas> Mariett's to London on foote.

[763]Mris Anne Radford, the widowe of Mr. William Radford, schoolmaster of Richmond, is now (1673) 33 yeares old. Was borne the 4th of June at 4ʰ P.M. She haz a solar face (yet the sun <in her horoscope> could not be in ascendente), and thrives well, and has a good sound judgment.

William Radford (of North Weston, Oxon, aged 17) was elected Scholar of Trinity June 4, 1640, and afterwards Fellow; took M.A. July 4, 1646; and was ejected from his fellowship by the Parliamentary Visitors in June, 1648.

=Sir Walter Raleigh= (1552-1618).

[764]Sir Walter Ralegh, knight:--vide Howe's continuation of Stowe's Chronicle.--Vide Gerard Winstanley's Worthies of England, where he hath 5 or 6 leaves concerning Sir Walter Ralegh.

<Coat[765] of arms.>

[766]Gules, four fusils conjoined in bend argent.


... Ralegh m. (2nd wife) Katherine Champernon m. ... Gilbert. | | | Adrian Gilbert, chymist, | sine prole. +-------------+----------------------------------+ | | Sir Carewe m. ..., relict ... m. Sir Walter m. (2nd) ... ... Ralegh, | of Sir John Throckmorton | Ralegh, 4tus | 3tius | Thynne, of | filius. | filius; | Longleate. | | obiit 1623, | Walter R., killed Carew R., m. ... sepultus at | in America, sine of ... in | Downton, | prole; vide History Surrey. | Wilts. | of the World, by +--------+ | Sir W. Ralegh, | | pag. --. ... R. m. Sir John | | Elowys. +--------+----------------------------+-----------------+ ... | | | Gilbert R. m. ... <daughter Captain George Walter Raleigh, D.D., | of> Sir Giles Ralegh, sine deane of Wells and rector | Wroughton. prole. of Chedzoy in Somerset: a +-----+------------------+------------+ millenarie (his tract of | | | that doctrine is lost), 1. Gilbert, m. ... 2. Walter, 3. Thomas, but he was conformable, | Godard. sine prole. sine prole. and chaplaine to King | Charles 1st: vide ... m. ... Erneley, of Whitehall. proximam pag.[767] | ... m. ...

<His marriages and issue.>

[768]He had two wives. His first was <Elizabeth> Throckmorton; second, ... ..., mother of Carew Ralegh, second[769] son.

[770]Sir John Elwowys maried the daughter and heir of Sir Walter Ralegh, who was the sonn of Carew Ralegh of ... in Surrey, who was the second son of Sir Walter Ralegh, the hero. Quaere Sir John Ellowys pro his skull[771] pro Oxon or Royal Societie.

[772](I[773] cannot yet heare where Sir Edward Shirburne is.) About the beginning of April I shall satisfy you about Carew Ralegh's daughter--I doe verily believe 'twas his only child.

<His brother's family.>

[774]Sir Carew Ralegh, of Downton in com. Wilts, was his eldest[LXVI.] brother, who was gentleman of the horse to Sir John Thynne of Longleate, and after his death maryed his lady; by whom he had children as in the pedigre.

[LXVI.] They (Walter and Tom, his grand-children) say that Sir Carew was the elder knight.

I have heard my grandfather say that Sir Carew had a delicate cleare voice, and played singularly well on the olpharion[LXVII.] (which was the instrument in fashion in those dayes), to which he did sing.

[LXVII.] 'Tis as big as a lute, but flatt-bellyed with wire strings.

His grand-children, Walter and Tom (with whom[775] I went to schoole at Blandford in Dorset 4 yeares) had also excellent tuneable voices, and playd their parts well on the violl; ingeniose, but all proud and quarrelsome.

<At Oxford.>

Sir Walter Ralegh was of ... in Oxford: vide de hoc Anthony Wood's Antiquities.

<A 'poor' scholar.>

[776]In his youth for severall yeares--quaere Anthony Wood how long[777]--he was under streights for want of money. I remember that Mr. Thomas Child of Worcestershire told me that Sir Walter borrowed a gowne of him when he was at Oxford (they were both of the same College), which he never restored, nor money for it.

[778]Sir Walter Ralegh was of Oriel College. Mr. Child's father of Worcestershire was his chamber-fellow, and lent him a gowne, which he could never gett, nor satisfaction for it.--from Mr. Child.

<Raleigh in Elizabeth's reign.>

[779]He went into Ireland, where he served in the warres, and shewed much courage and conduct, but [LXVIII.]he would be perpetually differing with ... (I thinke, Gray) then Lord Deputy; so that at last the hearing was to be at <the> councell table before the queen, which was that he desired; where he told his tale so well and with so good a grace and presence that the queen tooke especiall notice of him and presently preferred him. (So that it must be before this that he served in the French warres.)

[LXVIII.] Quaere + Mr. Justice Ball.

[780]Queen Elizabeth loved to have all the servants of her Court proper men, and (as beforesaid Sir W. R.'s gracefull presence was no meane recommendation to him). I thinke his first preferment at Court was Captaine of her Majestie's guard. There came a countrey gentleman (or sufficient yeoman) up to towne, who had severall sonns, but one an extraordinary proper handsome fellowe, whom he did hope to have preferred to be a yeoman of the guard. The father (a goodly man himselfe) comes to Sir Walter Raleigh a stranger to him, and told him that he had brought up a boy that he would desire (having many children) should be one of her majestie's[781]guard. Quod Sir Walter Raleigh 'Had you spake for your selfe I should readily have graunted your desire, for your person deserves it, but I putt in no boyes.' Said the father, 'Boy, come in.' The son[782] enters, about 18 or 19, but such a goodly proper young fellow, as Sir Walter Raleigh had not seen the like--he was the tallest of all the guard. Sir Walter Raleigh sweares him immediately; and ordered him to carry-up the first dish at dinner, where the Queen beheld him with admiration[LXIX.], as if a beautifull young giant had stalked in with the service[783].

[LXIX.] Like Saul, taller by the head and shoulders then other men.

[784]Vide lord Bacon's apothegms and letters. As the queen (Elizabeth) was playing on the virginalls, ... made this observation, that 'when Jack's went up, keys went downe,' reflecting on Ralegh.


[785]He was the first that brought tobacco into England, and into fashion.--In our part of North Wilts, e.g. Malmesbury hundred, it came first into fashion by Sir Walter Long.

I have heard my grandfather Lyte say that one pipe was handed from man to man round about the table. They had first silver pipes; the ordinary sort made use of a walnutshell and a straw.

It was sold then for it's wayte in silver. I have heard some[LXX.] of our old yeomen neighbours say that when they went to Malmesbury or Chippenham market, they culled out their biggest shillings to lay in the scales against the tobacco.

[LXX.] Josias Tayler.

Sir W. R., standing in a stand at Sir Robert Poyntz' parke at Acton, tooke a pipe of tobacco, which made the ladies quitt it till he had donne.

Within these 35 years 'twas scandalous for a divine to take tobacco.

Now, the customes of it are the greatest his majestie hath--

Rider's Almanac (1682, scilicet)--'Since tobacco brought into England by Sir Walter Raleigh, 99 yeares, the custome whereof is now the greatest of all others and amounts to yearly ...'

[786]Mr. Michael Weekes of the Royall Societie assures me, out of the custome-house bookes, that the custome of tobacco over all England is 400,000 li. per annum.

[787]Mr. Weekes, register[788] of the Royal Society and an officer of the custome-house, does assure me that the customes of tobacco over all England is four hundred thousand pounds per annum.

[789]He was a tall, handsome, and bold man: but his naeve was that he was damnable proud. Old Sir Robert Harley of Brampton-Brian Castle, who knew him, would say 'twas a great question who was the proudest, Sir Walter, or Sir Thomas Overbury, but the difference that was, was judged on Sir Thomas' side.

[790]His beard turnd up naturally.--I have heard my grandmother say that when she was young, they were wont to talke of this rebus, viz.,

The enemie to the stomack[791], and the word of disgrace[792], Is the name[793] of the gentleman with a bold face.

[794]Old Sir Thomas Malett, one of the justices of the King's Bench tempore Caroli I et II, knew Sir Walter; and I have heard him say that, notwithstanding his so great mastership in style and his conversation with the learnedst and politest persons, yet he spake broad Devonshire to his dyeing day. His voice was small, as likewise were my schoolfellowes', his grandnephewes[795].

[796]Sir Walter Ralegh was a great chymist; and amongst some MSS. reciepts, I have seen some secrets from him. He studyed most in his sea-voyages, where he carried always a trunke of bookes along with him, and had nothing to divert him.

[797]Memorandum:--he made an excellent cordiall, good in feavers, etc.; Mr. Robert Boyle haz the recipe, and makes it and does great cures by it.

[798]A person so much immerst in action all along and in fabrication of his owne fortunes, (till his confinement in the Tower) could have but little time to study, but what he could spare in the morning. He was no slug; without doubt, had a wonderfull waking spirit, and great judgment to guide it.

<His residences.>

Durham-house was a noble palace; after he came to his greatnes he lived there, or in some apartment of it. I well remember his study, which was a little turret that looked into and over the Thames, and had the prospect which is pleasant perhaps as any in the world, and which not only refreshes the eie-sight but cheeres the spirits, and (to speake my mind) I beleeve enlarges an ingeniose man's thoughts.

Shirburne castle, parke, mannor, etc., did belong (and still ought to belong) to the church of Sarum. 'Twas aliened in ... time (quaere bishop of Sarum) to ...; then ...; then Sir W. R. begged <it> as a bôn from queen Elizabeth: where he built a delicate lodge in the park, of brick, not big, but very convenient for the bignes, a place to retire from the Court in summer time, and to contemplate, etc. Upon his attainder, 'twas begged by the favorite Carr, earl of Somerset, who forfeited it (I thinke) about the poysoning of Sir Thomas Overbury. Then John, earl of Bristowe, had it given him for his good service in the ambassade in Spaine, and added two wings to Sir Walter Ralegh's lodge. In short and indeed 'tis a most sweet and pleasant place and site as any in the West, perhaps none like it.

In his youth his companions were boysterous blades, but generally those that had witt; except otherwise uppon designe to gett them engaged for him,--e.g. Sir Charles Snell, of Kington Saint Michael in North Wilts, my good neighbour, an honest young gentleman but kept a perpetuall sott, he engaged him to build a ship (the Angel Gabriel) for the designe for Guiana, which cost him the mannor of Yatton-Keynell, the farme at Easton-Piers, Thornhill, and the church-lease of Bishops Cannings; which ship, upon Sir Walter Raleigh's attainder, was forfeited. No question he had other such young....

From Dr. John Pell:--In his youthfull time, was one Charles Chester, that often kept company with his acquaintance; he was a bold impertenent fellowe, and they could never be at quiet for him; a perpetuall talker, and made a noyse like a drumme in a roome. So one time at a taverne Sir W. R. beates him and seales up his mouth (i.e. his upper and neather beard) with hard wax. From him Ben Johnson takes his Carlo Buffono (i.e. 'jester') in Every Man out of his Humour.

[799]He was a second to the earle of Oxford in a duell. Was acquainted and accepted with all the hero's of our nation in his time.

Sir Walter Long, of Dracot (grandfather to this old Sir James Long) maried a daughter of Sir John Thynne, by which meanes, and their consimility of disposition, there was a very conjunct friendship between the two brothers (Sir Carew and Sir Walter) and him; and old John Long, who then wayted on Sir W. Long, being one time in the Privy-Garden with his master, saw the earle of Nottingham wipe the dust from Sir Walter R.'s shoes with his cloake, in compliment.

In the great parlour at Downton, at Mr. Ralegh's, is a good piece (an originall) of Sir W. in a white sattin doublet, all embrodered with rich pearles, and a mighty rich chaine of great pearles about his neck, and the old servants have told me that the pearles were neer as big as the painted ones.

He had a most remarkeable aspect, an exceeding[800] high forehead, long-faced, and sour eie-lidded, a kind of pigge-eie.

* * * * *

N.B.--At ... an obscure taverne, in Drury-lane (a bayliff's), is a good picture of this worthy, and also of others of his time; taken upon some execution (I suppose) formerly.

<Miscellaneous anecdotes.>

[801]I have heard old major Cosh say that Sir W. Raleigh did not care to goe on the Thames in a wherry boate: he would rather goe round about over London bridg.

[802]My old friend James Harrington, esq. [Oceana] was well acquainted with Sir Benjamin Ruddyer, who was an acquaintance of Sir Walter Ralegh's. He told Mr. J. H. that Sir Walter Ralegh being invited to dinner to some great person where his son was to goe with him, he sayd to his son 'Thou art expected to-day at dinner to goe along with me, but thou art such a quarrelsome[803], affronting ...[804], that I am ashamed to have such a beare in my company.' Mr. Walter humbled himselfe to his father, and promised he would behave himselfe mighty mannerly. So away they went (and Sir Benjamin, I think, with them). He sate next to his father and was very demure at least halfe dinner time. Then sayd he, 'I, this morning, not having the feare of God before my eies but by the instigation of the devill, went[805]....' Sir Walter being strangely surprized and putt out of his countenance at so great a table, gives his son a damned blow over the face. His son, as rude as he was, would not strike his father, but strikes over the face the gentleman that sate next to him and sayd 'Box about: 'twill come to my father anon.' 'Tis now a common-used proverb.

[806]He loved[807] ... one of the mayds of honor[LXXI.].... She proved with child and I doubt not but this hero tooke care of them both, as also that the product was more then an ordinary mortall[808].

[LXXI.] Quaere J. Ball, who? 'Twas his first lady.

[809]'Twas Sir Walter Ralegh's epigram on Robert Cecil, earle of Salisbury, who died in a ditch 3 or 4 miles west from Marleborough, returning from Bathe to London, which was printed in an 8vo booke about 1656 (perhaps one of Mr. Osborne's):--

Here lies Robert, our shepherd whilere, Who once in a quarter our fleeces did sheer: For his oblation to Pan his manner was thus, He first gave a trifle, then offred up us. * * * * * In spight of the tarbox he dyed of the shabbo.

--This I had from old Sir Thomas Malett, one of the Judges of the King's Bench, who knew Sir Walter Ralegh, and did remember these passages.

<Raleigh in James I's reign.>

[810]I have now forgott (vide History) whether Sir Walter was not for the putting of Mary, queen of Scotts, to death; I thinke, yea. But, besides that, at a consultation at Whitehall, after queen Elizabeth's death, how matters[811] were to be ordered and what ought to be donne, Sir Walter Raleigh declared his opinion, 'twas the wisest way for them to keep the government[812] in their owne hands, and sett up a commonwealth, and not be subject to a needy beggerly nation. It seemes there were some of this caball[813] who kept not this so secret but that it came to king James's eare; who at ... (vide Chronicle) where the English noblesse mett and recieved him, being told upon their presentment to his majesty their names, when Sir Walter Raleigh's name was told ('Ralegh') said the king 'On my soule, mon, I have heard rawly of thee.'--He was such a person (every way) that (as King Charles I sayes of the lord Strafford) a prince would rather be afrayd of then ashamed of. He had that awfulnes and ascendency in his aspect over other mortalls, that the king....

It was a most stately sight, the glory of that reception of his majesty, where the nobility and gentry were in exceeding rich equippage, having enjoyed a long peace under the most excellent of queens; and the company[814] was so exceeding numerous that their obedience[815] carried a secret dread with it. King James did not inwardly like it, and with an inward envy sayd that, though so and so (as before), he doubted not but he should have been able on his owne strength (should the English have kept him out) been able to have dealt with them, and get his right. [LXXII.]Sayd Sir Walter Raleigh to him, 'Would to God that had been put to the tryall.' 'Why doe you wish that?' sayd the king.--'Because,' said Sir Walter, 'that then you would have knowne your friends from your foes.' But that reason of Sir Walter was never forgotten nor forgiven.

[LXXII.] From Dr. Whistler.

[816]He was praefectus ( ...[817]) of Jarsey (Caesaria).

[818]Old major[LXXIII.] Stansby of ..., Hants, a most intimate friend and neighbour and coetanean of the late earle of Southampton (Lord Treasurer), told me from his friend, the earle, that as to the plott and businesse (vide Chronicle) about the lord Cobham, etc., he being then governor of Jersey[819], would not fully, or etc., doe things unles[820] they would goe to his island and there advise and resolve about it; and that really and indeed Sir Walter's purpose was when he had them there, to have betrayed them and the plott, and to have then delivered-up to the king and made his peace.

[LXXIII.] Quaere Sir R. Henley, if not colonel.

As for his noble design in Guiana, vide the printed bookes. Vide a Latin voyage which John, lord Vaughan, showed me, where is mention of captaine North (brother to the lord North) who went with Sir Walter, where is a large account of these matters. Mr. Edmund Wyld knew him[821] and sayes he was a learned and sober gentleman and good mathematician, but if you happened to speake of Guiana he would be strangely passionate and say 'twas 'the blessedst countrey under the sun,' etc., reflecting on the spoyling that brave designe.

[822]Vide de illo in Capt. North, pag.[823] 18 b.

[824]When he was attached by the officer about the businesse which cost him his head, he was carryed in a whery[825], I thinke only with two men. King James was wont to say that he was a coward to be so taken and conveyed, for els he might easily have made his escape from so slight a guard.

<His imprisonment, death, and burial.>

He was prisoner in the Tower ... (quaere) yeares; quaere where his lodgeings were?

He there (besides his compiling his History of the World) studyed chymistry. The earle of Northumberland was prisoner at the same time, who was the patrone to Mr. ... Harriot and Mr. Warner, two of the best mathematicians then in the world, as also Mr. Hues (<who wrote> de Globis). Serjeant Hoskins (the poet) was a prisoner there too.

I heard my cosen Whitney say that he saw him in the Tower. He had a velvet cap laced, and a rich gowne, and trunke hose.

[826]He was scandalizd with atheisme; but he was a bold man, and would venture at discourse which was unpleasant to the church-men. I remember <the> first lord[827] Scudamour sayd ''twas basely sayd of Sir W. R., to talke of the anagramme of Dog.' In his speech on the scaffold, I heard my cosen Whitney say (and I thinke 'tis printed) that he spake not one word of Christ, but of the great and incomprehensible God, with much zeale and adoration, so that he concluded he was an a-christ, not an atheist.

He tooke[LXXIV.] a pipe of tobacco a little before he went to the scaffold, which some formall persons were scandalized at, but I thinke 'twas well and properly donne, to settle his spirits.

[LXXIV.] <recorded by> J. Stowe, I thinke.

I remember I heard old father ... Symonds (è Societate Jesu) say, that ..., a father, was at his execution[828], and that to his knowledge he dyed with a lye in his mouth: I have now forgott what 'twas. The time of his execution was contrived to be on my Lord Mayer's day (viz. the day after St. Simon and Jude) 1618, that the pageants and fine shewes might drawe away[829] the people from beholding the tragoedie of one of the gallants worthies that ever England bred. Buryed privately under the high alter at St. Margaret's church, in Westminster, on ... (vide Register); in which grave (or neer) lies James Harrington, esq., author of Oceana.

Mr. Elias Ashmole told me that his son Carew Ralegh told him he had his father's skull; that some yeares since, upon digging-up the grave, his skull and neck-bone being viewed, they found the bone[830] of his neck lapped over so, that he could not have been hanged. Quaere Sir John Elowys for the skull, who married Mr. Carew Ralegh's daughter and heire.

[831]Sir W. Raleigh--Baker's Chronicle, p. 441--'A scaffold was erected in the Old Palace Yard, upon which, after 14 yeares reprivement, his head was cutt off. At which time such abundance of bloud issued from his veines that shewed he had stock of nature enough left to have continued him many yeares in life though now above 3-score yeares old, if it had not been taken away by the hand of violence. And this was the end of the great Sir Walter Raleigh, great sometimes in the favour of queen Elizabeth, and (next to Sir Francis Drake) the great scourge and hate of the Spaniard; who had many things to be commended in his life, but none more than his constancy at his death, which he tooke with so undaunted a resolution that one might percieve he had a certain expectation of a better life after it, so far he was from holding those atheisticall opinions, an aspersion whereof some had cast upon him.'

[832]In the register of St. Margaret's, Westminster, in the moneth of October, Sir Walter Raleigh is entred, and is the last of that moneth, but no dayes of the moneth are sett downe, so that he being beheaded on the Lord Mayer's day, was buryed the.... He was buryed as soon as you are removed from the top of the steps towards the altar, not under the altar.--from Elias Ashmole, esq.

On Sir Walter Rawleigh.

Here lieth, hidden in this pitt, The wonder of the world for witt. It to small purpose did him serve; His witt could not his life preserve. Hee living was belov'd of none, Yet in his death all did him moane[LXXV.]. Heaven hath his soule, the world his fame, The grave his corps, Stukley his shame.

[LXXV.] Horat. ep. 1, lib. 2:--Extinctus amabitur idem.

This I found among the papers of my honoured friend and neighbour Thomas Tyndale, esq., obiit ... 167-, aet. 85. This Stukely was....

<His writings.>

[833]At the end of the History of the World (vide last folio, Hist. World), he laments the death of the most noble and most hopefull prince Henry,[834] whose great favourite he was, and who, had he survived his father, would quickly have enlarged him, with rewards of honour. So upon the prince's death ends his first part of his History of the World, with a gallant eulogie of him, and concludes[835], Versa est in luctum cithara mea; et cantus[836] meus in vocem flentium.

He had[LXXVI.] an apparatus for the second part, which he, in discontent, burn't, and sayd, 'If I am not worthy of the world, the world is not worthy of my workes.'

[LXXVI.] From his grand-nephews my school-fellowes.

[837]His booke sold very slowly at first, and the bookeseller complayned of it, and told him that he should be a looser by it, which put Sir W. into a passion; and sayd that since the world did not understand it, they should not have his second part, which he tooke and threw into the fire, and burnt before his face.

Mr. Elias Ashmole saies that Degore Whear in his Praelectiones Hyemales gives him an admirable encomium, and preferres him before all other historians.

[838]Verses W. R. before Spencer's F. Queen.

[839]He was somtimes a poet, not often[840].--Before Spencer's Faery Q. is a good copie of verses, which begins thus:--

Methinkes I see the grave wher Laura lay;

at the bottome W. R.: which, 36 yeares since, I was told were his.


A dialogue between a Privy Councellor and a Justice of Peace.

The father's advice to his son.

Historie of the World.

Maximes of State.

History of William the Conqueror--Thomas Gale hath it.

Edmund Wyld, esq., hath his[842] (a manuscript) ☞ 'A tryall of oares and indications of metalls and mines.'

[843]E<dmund> W<yld>, esq., hath his MSS. of mines and trialls of mineralls--quod vide.

Vide Mr. Coniers[LXXVII.], apothecary, for Sir Walter Raleigh's examination (the originall).

[LXXVII.] 'Take a catalogue of the MSS. of Mr. Conyers, apothecary, at the White Lyon in Fleet Street.'--Memo. in MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 6ᵛ.

<His friends.>

[844]His intimate acquaintance and friends were:--

...[845], earle of Oxford. Sir Francis Vere. Sir Horatio Vere. Sir Francis Drake. Nicholas Hill. <Thomas> Cavendish. Mr. Thomas Hariot. Sir Walter Long, of Dracot in Wilts. Cavaliero Surff, etc. Ben: Johnson.

When Serjeant Hoskyns was a prisoner in the Tower, he was Sir Walter's Aristarchus.

<Copy of a letter by him.>

[846]A copie[LXXVIII.] of Sir W. Ralegh's letter, sent to Mr. Duke, in Devon, writt with his owne hand.

[LXXVIII.] I thinke I sent the originall to Anthony Wood.


I wrote to Mr. Prideaux to move you for the purchase of Hayes[LXXIX.], a farme sometime in my father's possession. I will most willingly give whatsoever in your conscience you shall deeme it worth, and if at any time you shall have occasion to use me, you shall find me a thankefull friend to you and yours. I am resolved, if I cannot entreat you, to build at Colliton; but for the naturall disposition I have to that place, being borne in that house, I had rather seate myselfe there then any where els; I take my leave, readie to countervaile all your courtesies to the utter of my power.

Court, the xxvi of July, 1584.

Your very willing friend, In all I shall be able, WALTER RALEGH.

[LXXIX.] ☞ Hayes is in the parish of East Budleigh. He was not buryed at Exeter by his father and mother, nor at Shirburne in Dorset; at either of which places he desired his wife (in his letter the night before he dyed) to be interred. His father had 80 yeares in this farme of Hayes, and wrote 'esquier.'


<His last lines.>

[847]Even such is tyme, which takes in trust Our youth, our joyes, and all we have, And payes us but with age and dust. Within the darke and silent grave, When we have wandered all our wayes, Shutts up the story of our dayes. But from which grave and earth and dust The Lord will rayse me up I trust.

These lines Sir Walter Ralegh wrote in his Bible, the night before he was beheaded, and desir'd his relations with these words, viz. 'Beg my dead body, which living is denyed you; and bury it either in Sherburne or Exeter church.'

<His burial-place.>

[848]The bishop of Sarum <Seth Ward> saieth that Sir Walter Raleigh lyes interred in St. Marie's church at Exon, not the cathedral: but knowes not if any inscription or monument be for him.

[849]<James Harrington> lyes buried in the chancell of St. Margarite's church at Westminster, the next grave to the illustrious Sir Walter Raleigh, under the south side of the altar where the priest stands.

Sir Walter Raleigh hath neither stone nor inscription. Mr. Ashmole was the first told me of Sir Walter Raleigh. His son[850] was buryed since the king's restauration in his father's grave.

<MS. account of his trial.>

[851]I am promised the very originall examination of Sir Walter Ralegh, in the Tower, by Lord Chancellor Bacon, George Abbot (archbishop of Canterbury), and Sir Edward Coke, under their owne hands, to insert in my booke.

<His 'History of the World.'>

[852]An attorney's father (that did my businesse in Herefordshire, before I sold it[853]) maryed Dr. <Robert> Burhill's widdowe. She sayd that he <Burhill> was a great favourite of Sir Walter Ralegh's (and, I thinke, had been his chaplayne): but all or the greatest part of the drudgery of his booke, for criticismes, chronology, and reading of Greeke and Hebrew authors, was performed by him for Sir Walter Ralegh, whose picture my friend haz as part of the Doctor's goods.

=Walter Raleigh=, son of Sir Walter (1593-1617).

[854]Sir Walter Ralegh's eldest son, Walter, by his first wife, was killed in America, as you may find in the Historie of the World, which see.

My cosen Whitney[855] was coetanean with this Walter Ralegh at Oxon. I have now forgot of what house he was of[856]: but I remember he told me that he was a handsome lusty stout fellow, very bold, and apt to affront. Spake Latin very fluently; and was a notable disputent and courser, and would never be out of countenance nor baffeled; fight[857] lustily; and, one time of coursing, putt a turd in the box, and besmeared[858] it about his antagonist's face.

=Walter Raleigh=, grandson of Sir Walter (16---1663).

[859]Sir Walter Ralegh, m. ... | Carew Ralegh, m. ... lady Ashley[860]; but he had a of ... in com. | former wife: but by which wife he had Surrey, esq. | the issue Mr. Thomas Mariet knowes not. | Sir Walter Raleigh. | +---------------+--------+----------------------+ | | | 1. ..., m. ... Wilks. 2. ..., m. Sir John 3. ..., m. John Knight of Elowys. Barwick Green in Warwickshire.

He was knighted[861] by king Charles II at the same time when Sir Thomas Overbury was, and some wished that they might both have better fortunes than the other Sir Walter Ralegh and the other Sir Thomas Overbury. So you see Sir John Elowys married a daughter and co-heire of Sir Walter Raleigh.

=... Ralphson= (---- -1683/4).

[862]Mr. ... Ralphson, a nonconformist, was buried in London at ..., March 14th, 1683/4; above a 1000 persons were at his funerall.

This note is referred to by Anthony Wood in Clark's Wood's Life and Times, iii. 91. Wood gave Aubrey several commissions to make inquiries about non-conformists, as is seen in the following notes:--MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 6--'Nonconformists: vide Mr. Collins neer Grub Street and <Francis> Smyth the bookeseller.' MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 7--'Vide Mr. Collins a nonconformist in an alley by Grub Street towards Finsbery at a sadler's; quaere de Anthony Wood's note of nonconformists which was sent[863] to Thankfull Owen': here Wood adds 'I desire without any delay to get this paper.'

=Thomas Randolph= (1605-1634/5).

[864]Thomas Randolph, the poet, Cambr.[865]:--I have sent to A. à Wood his nativity[866] etc., which I had from his brother John, an attorney (who lives at ...), viz. Thomas Randolph was the eldest son of William Randolph by his wife Elizabeth Smyth; he was borne at Newnham neer Daintre in Northamptonshire, June the fifteenth, 1605.

At the age of nine yeares, he wrot the history of our Saviour's incarnation in English verse, which his brother John haz to shew under his owne handwriting--never printed, kept as a rarity.

From Mr. Needler:--his haire was of a very light flaxen, almost white (like J. Scroope's). It was flaggy, as by his picture before his booke appeares. He was of a pale ill complexion and pock-pitten--from Mr. Thomas Fludd, his scholefellow at Westminster, who sayes he was of about my stature or scarce so tall[867].

His father was steward to Sir George Goring in Sussex. He had been very wild in his youth; and his father (i.e. grandfather to Thomas Randolph) left him but a groat or 3d. in his will, which when he recieved he nailed to the post of the dore--vide + A. W. lres[868]. His father was a surveyor of land, i.e. a land measurer.

Anno Domini <1623> he was elected to Trinity College in Cambridge.

Anno ... he rencountred captain Stafford[869] (an ingeniose gent. and the chiefe of his family, and out of which the great duke of Bucks brancht) on the roade.... He gave him a pension of I thinke Cˡⁱ. per annum, and he was tutor to his son and heir.

He was very praecocis ingenii, and had he lived but a little longer had been famae suae superstes.

He writt (as before mentioned) the history of our Saviour's incarnation (at 9 yeers old).

Aristippus, and the Joviall Pedler, 2 shewes, quarto, printed at London by....

Cornelianum dolium, a comoedie in Latin, 8vo, ἀνονυμῶς[870].

The Jealous Lovers, a comedie: printed.

His Poems, with The Muses Looking-glas, and Amyntas, printed at Oxon by Francis Bowman, 16--, in 4to; after, 16--, by him again in 8vo.

The epitaph on William Laurence in Westminster cloysters[871]--

[Dr. Busby, schoolmaster of Westminster, was Tom Randolph's schoolfellow and coetanean, and sayth that he made these verses--'tis his vaine:--

With diligence and trust[872] most exemplary Did William Laurence serve a prebendary[873], And[874] for his paines, now past before, not lost, Gain'd this remembrance at his master's cost. --O read those lines[875] againe: you seldome[876] find A servant faithfull and a master kind. Short-hand[877] he wrote; his flowre in youth did fade: And hasty death short hand of him hath made. Well couth he numbers and well[878] measur'd land, Thus doth he now that ground wheron you stand Wherein he lies; so geometricall Art maketh some, but thus will nature all.

Obiit Dec. 28, 1621, aetatis suae 29.]

He dyed in the twenty-eighth yeare of his age at Mr. <William> Stafford's, Blatherwyck, aforesayd; was there buryed March 17, 1634, in the aisle of that church among that noble family.

Sir Christopher, lord Hatton, erected to his memorie a monument of white marble--quaere his epitaph; I thinke A<nthony> W<ood> haz it.

I sent to A. Wood his brother's letter to me from whence I had most of this, and also his epitaph which my lord Hatton gott Mr. H.[879] rector of Hadham in Essex[880] to make, but it is puerile.

=Eleanor Ratcliffe=, Countess of Sussex (16---1666).

[881]Countesse of Sussex[882]: a great and sad example of the power of lust and slavery of it. She was as great a bea<u>tie as any in England and had a good witt. After her lord's death (he was jealous) she sends for ... (formerly) her footman, and makes him groom of the chamber. He had the pox and shee knew it; a damnable sot. He waz not very handsom, but his body of an exquisit shape (hinc sagittae). His nostrills were stufft and borne out with corkes in which were quills to breath through. About 1666 this countess dyed of the pox.

=Robert Record= (1510?-1558).

[883]Robert Record, M.D.--his life is in lib. 2, p. 174 of[884] Historia et Antiquitates Universitatis Oxon., among the writers of All Soules College[885].

He was the first that wrote a good arithmetical treatise in English, which hath been printed a great many times, viz. his 'Arithmetick, containing the ground of arts in which is taught the general parts rules and operations of the same in whole numbers and fractions after a more easie and exact methode then ever heretofore, first written by Robert Record, Dr. in Phisick,' printed....

It was dedicated 'to the most mighty prince Edward the 6th by the grace of God king of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, etc.' In the end of which epistle:--

'how some of these statutes may be applied to use as well in our time as in any other time I have particularly declared in this book and some other I have omitted for just considerations till I may offer them first unto your majestie to weigh them as to your highness shall seem good. For many things in them are not to be published without your highness knowledge and approbation, namely because in them is declared all the rates of all oyles, for all standards from an ounce upwards, with other mysteries of mint-matters, and also most part of the varieties of coines that have been current in this realme by the space of 600 yeares last past, and many of them were currant in the time that the Romans ruled here. All which with the ancient description of England and Ireland, and my simple censure of the same, I have almost compleated to be exhibited to your highnesse.'--

Quaere if ever published?

'To the reader:--It shall induce me to set forth those further instructions concerning geometric and cosmography which I have already promised and am sure hath not hitherto in our English tongue been published.'--

Quaere of these.

The Whetstone of Witt, which is the second part of Arithmetick, containing the extraction of rootes, the cossicke practice, with the rule of equation and the workes of surd nombers. Quarto; dedicated 'to the right worshipfull the governors, consulles, and the rest of the company of venturers into Muscovia.' Here he speakes:--'For your commodities I will shortly set forthe suche a book of navigation'--quaere de hoc libro--'as I dare saie shall partly satisfy and contente not onely your expectation but also the desire of a great nomber beside. Wherein I will not forget specialy to touche bothe the old attempte for the northerly navigations and the late good adventure with the fortunate successe in discovering that voyage which no man before you durst attempt sith the time of king Alfred his reigne, I meane by the space of 700 yere, nother ever any before that time had passed that voiage except onely Ohthere that dwelt in Halgolande who reported that jorney to the noble king Alurede, as it doeth yet remain in auncient recorde of the old Saxon tongue.--In that book also I will show certain meanes how without great difficultie you may saile to the North-east Indies and so to Camul Chinchital and Balor which be countries of great commodities; as for Chatai lieth so far within the land toward the South Indian seas that the journey is not to be attempted untill you be better acquainted with those countries that you must first arrive at.--At London the xii day of November 1557.'

Preface:--'by occasion of trouble upon trouble I was hindered from accomplishing this work as I did intend.'

In the last leafe of this booke he is frighted by the hasty knocking of a messenger at the dore and sayes--'then is there no remedie but that I must neglect all studies and teaching for to withstand these dangers. My fortune is not so good to have quiet time to teache.'

The Castle of Knowledge, printed at London, 1596, quarto[886], and is dedicated 'to the most mightie and most puissant princesse, Marie, by the grace of God, Queen of England, Spaine, both Sicilies, France, Jerusalem, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, Archduchesse of Austria, Duchesse of Milaine, Burgundie, and Brabant, Countesse of Haspurge, Flanders, Tyroll, etc.'

He was the first that ever writ of astronomie in the English tongue.

In an admonition for orderly studying of the author's workes before this booke there is an intimation in verse that he wrote these five bookes, scilicet, (1) The Ground of Arts, (2) the Pathway to Knowledge, (3) the Gate of Knowledge, (4) the Castle of Knowledge, (5) the Treasury of Knowledge.

All that I have seen of his are written in dialogues between the master and scholar.

[887]Can you[888] enforme me where Dr. Record lies buried? Me thinks Mr. Stow should mention him.

=John David Rhees= (1534-1609).

[889]Johannes David Rhesus, M.D.:--he wrote a compendium of Aristotle's Metaphysiques in the British language, mentioned in his epistle to Sir <Edward> Stradling before his Welsh Grammar. 'Twas in Jesus College library, Oxon, and my cosen Henry Vaughan (Olor Iscanus) had it in his custody. Dr. Rhees averres[890] there that the British language is as copious in expressing congruous termes of art as the Greeke or any language whatsoever. I have sent to Henry Vaughan for it.

[891]I have not yet heard from my cosen Henry Vaughan ('Olor Iscanus') concerning your queres[892] of Dr. David Rhese the physitian, which I wonder at.

=John Rider= (1562-1632).

[893]Memorandum--Rider is a Berks family, portant 'party per chevron argent and sable 3 crescents counter-chang'd.' Quaere if bishop <John> Rider, the author of the Dictionary, was a Berkshire man.

=George Ripley= (14-- -1490?).

[894]George Ripley was a canon of Burlington, the greatest chymist of his time. Mr. Elias Ashmole has the draught of his monument there.

Mr. Meredith Lloyd (an able chymist, and who informed his majestie and Sir Robert Moray herin) hath a MS. in 8vo, 3 inches thick, transcribed by T. P. 1580, viz.:--Medulla Philosophiae, in English; item, Ripley's XII Gates, in English verse (more full then in Mr. Ashmole's Theatrum Chymicum)--'Geo. Ripley finivit opus, anno 1471'--with the astronomicall tables comprehending the secret of the booke.

Item, Mr. Meredith Lloyd haz here in this collection another MSS. of Chymistry ἀνονυμῶς.

Item, another MS. of Birford, a monk of Ford.

Item, The Mirror of Light[895], another MS.

Item, another of an ἀνόνυμος[896], on the same subject.

The Ordinall of Alchymy, by Norton, MS.

Item, de Mercurio et lapide philosophorum, MS.

In this volumne is also bound-up Ripley's Ars chymica quod sit licita recte exercentibus.

Item, Mercurii Trismagisti 7 tractat.

Item, ejusdem, Tabulae Smaragdinae.

Studium concilii conjugii de massa Solis et Lunae, impress. Argentorati, 1566.

I have not had leisure to peruse this rare treasure enough[897]; but I remember Ripley trounces the monkes of Westminster for cheating the citizens of London, promising them making of gold.

=... Robartes.=

[898]Concerning Furzecutters.--Brianston by Blandford in Dorset was, tempore Henr. 8, belonging to (Sir John, I thinke) Rocklington. He had a faire estate, and no child; and there was a poor cottager whose name was Rogers that had a pretty wife whom this knight did visit and had a mind to have a child by her. As he did suppose, he afterwards had; and in consideration of affection, etc., settled his whole estate on this young Rogers. William, lord marquesse Hartford (duke of Somerset), was son of the grand-daughter of this Rogers.

This present lord Roberts of Truro (now earl of Radnor) his grandfather (or great-grandfather) was a furze-cutter at ... in Cornwall--which I have heard old parson Wodenot of Linkenhorne in Cornwall say many times.

=... Robson.=

[899]Mr. <Fabian> Philips also[900] tells me that ... Robson was the first that brought into England the art of making Venice glasses, but Sir Edward Zouche (a courtier and drolling favourite of King James) oppressed this poor man Robson, and forc't it from him, by these 4 verses to King James, which made his majestie laugh so that he was ready to bes-- his briggs. The verses are these:--

Severn, Humber, Trent, and Thames, And thy great Ocean and her streames Must putt downe Robson and his fires Or downe goes Zouche and his desires.

The king granted this ingeniose manufacture to Zouch, being tickled as aforesayd with these rythmes; and so poor Robson was oppressed and utterly undon, and came to that low degree of poverty that Mr. Philips told me that he swept the yard at Whitehall and that he himselfe sawe him doe it.

Sir Robert Mansell had the glasse-worke afterwards, and employed Mr. James Howell (author of The Vocall Forest) at Venice as a factor to furnish him with materialls for his worke.

=Henry Rolle= (1589-1656).

[901]I remember, about 1646 (or 1647) that Mr. John Maynard (now Sir John, and serjeant), came into Middle Temple hall, from Westminster-hall, weary with business, and hungry, when we had newly dined. He sate downe by Mr. Bennet Hoskyns (the only son of serjeant Hoskyns the poet), since baronet, and some others; who having made an end of their commons, fell unto various discourse, and what was the meaning of the text (Rom. 5. 7) 'For a just man one would dare to die; but for a good man one would willingly die.' They askt Mr. Maynard what was the difference between a just man and a good man. He was beginning to eate, and cryd:--'Hoh! you have eaten your dinners, and now have leasure to discourse; I have not.' He had eate but a bitt or two when he reply'd:--'I'le tell you the difference presently: serjeant Rolle is a just man, and Matthew Hale is a good man'; and so fell to make an end of his dinner. And there could not be a better[902] interpretation of this text. For serjeant Rolle was just, but by nature penurious; and his wife made him worse: Matthew Hale was not only just, but wonderfully charitable and open handed, and did not sound a trumpet neither, as the hypocrites doe.

=Laurence Rooke= (1623-1662).

[903]Laurence Rooke, borne at ... in Kent, was of <King's> Colledge in Cambridge, a good mathematician and a very good man, an intimate friend of Dr. Seth Ward (now lord bishop of Sarum).

I heard him reade at Gresham College on the sixth chapter of Clavis Mathematica, an excellent lecture: quaere for his papers which the bishop of Sarum haz.

He was a temperate man and of strong constitution, but tooke his sicknesse of which he dyed by setting up often for astronomicall observations. He lyes buried in the church of St. Bennet Finke in London, neer the Old Exchange.

His deare friend the bishop (then of Exon) gave to the Royall Societie a very faire pendulum clock, dedicated to Mr. Rooke's memory, with this inscription[904]:--

Societati Regali ad scientiam naturalem promovendam institutae dono dedit Reverendus in Christo pater, Sethus, episcopus Exon, ejusdem societatis sodalis in memoriam Laurentii Rook viri omni literarum genere instructissimi in Collegio Greshamensi primum Astronomiae deinde Geometriae professoris dictaeque societatis nuper sodalis, qui obiit Jun. 26, 1662.

Seth <Ward>, now lord bishop of Salisbury, hath all Mr. Rooke's papers: quod N.B.


Hic subtus sive dormit sive contemplatur Qui jamdudum animo metitus est Quicquid aut vita aut mors habet V.C. Laurentius Rooke e Cantio oriundus In Collegio Greshamensi Astronomiae primo, dein Geometriae professor, Utriusque ornamentum et spes maxima, Quem altissima indoles, artesque omnifariae, Mores pellucidi, et ad amussim probi, Consuetudo facilis et accommoda, Bonis doctisque omnibus fecere commendatissimum: Vir totus teres et sui plenus Cui virtus et pietas et summa ratio Desideria metusque omnes sub pedibus dabant. Ne se penitus saeculo subducere mortuus possit Qui iniquissima modestia vixerat Sethus Ward episcopus Exon Sodalis et symmystae desideratissimi Longas suavesque amicitias Hoc saxo prosecutus est.

Obiit Junii XXVII, A.D. MDCLXII, aetat. XL. M.S.

This inscription was never set up; made, I thinke, by Ralph Bathurst; quaere Mr. Abraham Hill.

In MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 117, attached to the notice of William Camden, are pp. 17-24 of Lewis du Moulin's Latin orations, 1652. On p. 18 of this, Aubrey writes: 'I found this fragment amongst the papers of Mr. Laurence Rooke in bishop Seth Ward's study after his death.' Page 19 begins: 'Oratio in laudem ... Cambdeni,' July 10, 1652, beginning: 'Cum muneris ratio postulet.'

=Walter Rumsey= (1584-1660).

[906]Judge Rumsey: vide A. Wood's Antiq. Oxon.

Walter Rumsey, of Lanover, in com. Monmouth, esquier (borne there), was of <Gloucester Hall> in Oxon; afterwards of the society of Graye's Inne, where he was a bencher.

He was one of the judges in South Wales, viz. Caermarthen, Pembrokeshire, and Cardigan circuit. He was so excellent a lawyer, that he was called The Picklock of the Lawe.

He was an ingeniose man, and had a philosophicall head; he was most curious for graffing, inoculating, and planting, and ponds. If he had any old dead plumbe-tree, or apple-tree, he lett them stand, and planted vines at the bottome, and lett them climbe up, and they would beare very well.

He was one of my councell in my law-suites in Breconshire about the entaile. He had a kindnesse for me and invited me to his house, and told me a great many fine things, both naturall and antiquarian.

He was very facetious, and a good musitian, playd on the organ and lute. He could compose.

He was much troubled with flegme, and being so one winter at the court at Ludlowe (where he was one of the councesellours), sitting by the fire, spitting and spawling, he tooke a fine tender sprig, and tied[907] a ragge at the end, and conceited he might putt it downe his throate, and fetch-up the flegme, and he did so. Afterwards he made this instrument of whale-bone. I have oftentimes seen him use it. I could never make it goe downe my throat, but for those that can 'tis a most incomparable engine. If troubled with the wind it cures you immediately. It makes you vomit without any paine, and besides, the vomits of apothecaries have aliquid veneni in them. He wrote a little 8vo booke, of this way of medicine, called Organon Salutis: London, printed for Daniel Pakeman, at the Rainebowe, in Fleet-street, 1659, scil. the second edition, dedicated to Henry <Pierrepont>, marquess of Dorchester. I had a young fellow (Marc Collins), that was my servant, that used it incomparably, more easily than the Judge; he made of them. In Wilts, among my things, are some of his making still. The Judge sayd he never sawe any one use it so dextrously in his life. It is no paine, when downe your throate; he would touch the bottome of his stomach with it. There is praefixt a letter from the Judge to Sir Henry Blount, knight; to which is annexed Sir Henry Blount's ingeniose answer.

=John Rushworth= (1607-1690).

[908]I was borne in Northumberland[909], but my parents were both born in the county of York. The title of the books I writ went by the name of Historicall Collections; except The earle of Strafford's triall, which I toke with my owne pen in characters at the time of his triall, which I have impartially published in folio. And I gave the first president of my method in writing and declaring onely matter of fact in order of time, without observation or reflection: but Dr. Nalson, a learned man, finds fault with me, but I leave it to posterity to judg.

I being neere of kin to Sir Thomas Fairfax, the parlament's generall, he made choice of me to be his secretary in the wars[910], by which means I am beter inabled to give account of military affairs, both in the first wars and in the second which hapened in the year 1648--all which I am now upon perfeting the same, but the times favors not the comeing of it forth.

There is an other thing which inables me the better to proceed with the work I am now upon, my privity to all debates and passages in the house of Commons: for that house made choice of me to be assistant at the table to Mr. Ellsing, clark of that parlament to the house of Commons, by which means I was privey to all circumstances in there procedings.

I might perticularly remonstrate more concernements of my owne, as being with the king Charles the first at the camp at Barwick, at the great councill at York, at Newborne[911] nere Newcastle upon the Scots invading of England, et cetera.

Both the houses of parlament had the confidence in me that they sent by me ther[912] addresses to the king after he left the parlament and went to Yorke. And it so fell out that I rode severall times, with that expedition betwen London and Yorke (being one hundred and fivetey miles) in 24 hours at a time.

Sir[913], pardon my boye's ignorance in writeing:


Southwarke, July 21, 1687.

Mr.[915] Rushworth tells me he is superannuated. He hath forgott to putt downe the name of the place where borne: as also that he was secretary to Sir Orlando Bridgeman, when Lord Keeper of the great seale, which was a considerable place.

[916]Yesterday I saw Mr. Rushworth: which was a great mortification. He hath quite lost his memory with drinking brandy. Remembred nothing of you, etc. His landlady wiped his nose like a child.

[917]John Rushworth, of Lincoln's Inne, esq., historian, died in the Rules Court Alley in Southwarke, at the widow Bayley's house, a good woman and who was very carefull and tendfull of him, on Monday the twelfth day of May 1690[918]; and was buried the Wednesday following behind the pulpit in St. George's church in Southwarke. He was about 83, onwards to 84. He had no son, but 3 or 4 daughters, virtuous woemen: one is maried to Sir Francis Vane of ... in the north. He had forgot his children before he died.

=Richard Sackville=, third earl of Dorset (1589-1624).

[919]Richard, earle of Dorset (eldest son[920] and heire to the Lord Treasurer): he lived in the greatest grandeur of any nobleman of his time in England. He had 30 gentlemen, and gave to each 50 li. per annum, besides keeping his horse. George Villiers (after, duke of Bucks) was a pe<ti>tioner to have had a gentleman's place under him, and miss't it, and within a 12 moneth was a greater man himselfe; but the duke ever after bore a grudge to the earl of Dorset.--from the countesse of Thanet[921].

=Richard Sackville=, fifth earl of Dorset (1622-1677).

[922]Richard Sackville[BB], earle of Dorset[923], father of this earle (Richard)--'twas he that translated[BC] the Cid, a French comoedie, into English, about 1640.

Obiit anno Domini 167<7>; sepult. with his ancestors at Knoll in Kent. He was a fellow of the Royall Societie. He maried <Frances> Cranfield, daughter of the earle of Middlesex, by whome he had severall sonnes and daughters.

His eldest sonne is Richard, earl of Dorset and Middlesex, a most noble lord and my most kind friend.

Obiit 16<77>.

[BB] This note is in MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 20ᵛ. Aubrey gives in trick the coat:--'quarterly <or and gules> over all a bend vair [Sackville]; impaling, <or>, on a pale <azure>, 3 fleur de lys <of the field> [Cranfield],' surmounted by a coronet. The note contains some confusions, which may be cleared up. (a) MS. Aubr. 8 was written in 1681, 'this earl' is therefore Charles, 6th earl (succeeded 1677, died 1706); but Aubrey twice calls him Richard. (b) The translation of the Cid appeared, part i in 1637, and part ii in 1640. It was executed by Joseph Rutter (tutor to Richard, 5th earl) at the command of Edward, 4th earl; and therefore the attribution of the translation should be to Edward, 4th earl, who died 1652.

[BC] In MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 102ᵛ, Anthony Wood has written this note:--'In pag.[924] 10, 'tis said that Richard, earl of Dorset, translated into English a French comedy called the Cid, whereas both the parts of it were done by Joseph Rutter.' To which Aubrey answers: 'It was Sam Butler told me that my lord of Dorset translated it.'--In MS. Aubr. 7, fol. 9ᵛ, Aubrey writes: 'Sam. Butler (Hudebras) one time at the tavern sayd that 'twas this earl of Dorset's father that translated the comoedie called The Cid, writt by Corneille. Me thinks he should not be mistaken; but the world is mighty apt to it, you see.'

=Thomas Sackville=, first earl of Dorset (1536-1608).

[925]Epigram on the earle of Dorset, who dyed suddenly at the council-boord.

Uncivil death! that would'st not once conferre, Dispute, or parle with our treasurer, Had he been thee, or of thy fatall tribe, He would have spar'd thy life, and ta'ne a bribe. He that so often had, with gold and witt, Injur'd strong lawe, and almost conquer'd it, At length, for want of evidence to shewe, Was forc't himselfe to take a deadly blowe.

These verses I transcribed out of the collection of my honoured friend and neighbour, Thomas Tyndale, esq.

Memorandum:--the tryall was with this Sir Richard Temple's great grandfather[926]. The Lord Treasurer had in his bosome some writings, which as he was pulling-out to give in evidience, sayed 'Here is that will strike you dead!' and as soon as he had spoken these words, fell downe starke dead in the place.--from Sir Richard Temple. (Memorandum:--an extraordinary perturbation of mind will bring an apoplexie: I know severall instances of it.)

'Twas this lord that gott Salisbury house cum appurtenantiis, juxta St. Bride's, in exchange for a piece of land, neer Cricklade in Wilts, I thinke called Marston, but the title was not good, nor did the value answer his promise.--from Seth, <bishop of> Sarum, who sayes that all the parish of St. Bride's belonged to the bishop of Sarum, as also all Shoe-lane.

In an old common-place book, of date circ. 1612, in Lincoln College library, is found this version of the lines:--

Immodest death! that never wouldst confer, Dispute, nor parlé, with our Treasurer, Had he bene thou, or of thy fatall tribe, He would have saved thy life and ta'ne a bribe. He that so often, both with golde and witt, Had injurde law, and almost conquerde it; He that could strengthen causes, and was able To starve a sutor at the Counsell-table; At length, not having evidence to show, Was faine, good lord, to take his death: 'twas so.

=Robert Sanderson= (1587-166[2/3]).

[927]Dr. Robert Sanderson[BD], lord bishop of Lincoln, would confesse to his intimate friends, that 'he studied and mastered only Tully's Offices[LXXX.], Tho. Aquinas's Secunda Secundae and Aristotle's Rhetorique, and that all other bookes he read but cursorily': but he had forgott, by his favour, to speake of Aristot. Organon, etc. (Logique bookes), els he could never have compiled his owne excellent Logique,--from Seth Ward, bishop of Sarum, and <John> Pierson, bishop of Chester, his great friends. And bishop Ward sayd that he[928] would doe the like were he to begin the world again.

[LXXX.] <Samuel> Harsenet, archbishop of Yorke, alwayes carried it in his bosome.

He was a lover of musique, and was wont to play on his base violl, and also to sing to it. He was a lover of heraldry, and gave it in chardge in his articles of enquiry; but the clergie-men made him such a lamentable imperfect returne that it signified nothing. The very Parliamentarians reverenced him for his learning and his vertue, so that he alwayes kept his living, quod N.B. (the information in the Oxon. Antiq.[BE] was false).

He had no great memorie, I am certaine not a sure one; when I was a fresh-man and heard him read his first lecture, he was out in the Lord's Prayer. He alwayes read his sermons and lectures. Had his memorie been greater his judgement had been lesse: they are like two well-bucketts.

In his Logique, he recommends disputation to young men, as the best exercise for young witts. Under his picture, before his booke, is 'Aetat. 76, 1662.'

[BD] Aubrey gives in trick the coat, as found under one of Sanderson's engraved portraits:--'See of Lincoln; impaling, paly of six argent and azure, a bend of the first, quartering, ermine, on a canton ..., a cross engrailed ...' a crescent for difference.

[BE] i.e. Anthony Wood's Hist. et Antiq. Univ. Oxon. lib. ii. pag. 167, where Wood says 'his omnibus ... a Parliamento privatus est,' including, i.e., his rectory of Boothby-Pagnall. In the Athenae Wood modified the statement, in accordance with what Aubrey says here.

=George Sandys= (1578-1643/4).

[929]In Boxley register thus:--'Georgius Sandys, poetarum Anglorum sui saeculi facile princeps, sepultus fuit Martii 7, stilo Anglicano, anno Domini 1643.'

I happened to speake with his niece, my lady Wyat, at whose howse, viz. at Boxley abbey, he dyed. She saies he told her a little before he dyed that he was about 63.

He lies buried in the chancel neer the dore on the south side, but without any remembrance or stone--which is pitty so sweet a swan should lye so ingloriously.

He had something in divinity ready for the presse, which my lady lost in the warres--the title of it shee does not remember.

=William Saunderson= (15---1676).

[930]<In> Westminster abby[931] north aisle, the very place where colonel ... Matthews his statue was erected by the Parliament, to whom by his will he left all his estate.--This monument is of alablaster, a bust, but no coate of armes.

M.S. Guliel. Saundersoni, equit. aurati Regiaeque camerae generos. ordinar., viri à natalibus, ab eruditione, ab invicta sua erga principes fide, a scriptis, a candore, clari. Scripsit inter alia inque lucem emisit vitarum Mariae Scotorum reginae, Jacobi, et Caroli I historias idiomate Anglicano. Post varias clades sub nupera perduellium tyrannide acceptas, post diuturnos labores domi peregreque fortiter exantlatos, vitae hujus umbratilis satur, plus quam nonagenarius, animi tamen integer, transit ad meliorem, Julii 15 anno Christianorum MDCLXXVI. H.M. Conjugi optime de se merito quicum L annos concorditer vixerat Brigitta Edvardi Tyrelli eq. aurat. filia, virginumque nobilium sereniss. Catharinae reginae ancillantium (ut vocant) Mater M.P.

[932]Sir W. Saunderson:--he did read and write to his dying day. Sir Christopher Wren said that as he wrote not well so he wrote not ill. He dyed at Whitehall (I was then there): went out like a spent candle--died before Dr. <William> Holder could come to him with the sacrament. Quaere his family and coat of arms.

=Sir Henry Savile= (1549-1621/2).

[933]Sir Henry Savill[BF], knight, was borne in Yorkshire (vide A. Wood's Antiq. Oxon.).... He was a younger (or <son> of a younger) brother, not borne to a foot of land. He came to Merton Coll. Oxon. <1565>; made Warden there <1585>.

He was a learned gentleman, as most was of his time. He would faine have been thought (I have heard Mr. Hobbes say) to have been as great a scholar as Joseph Scaliger. But as for mathematiques, I have heard Dr. Wallis say that he look't on him to be as able a mathematician as any of his time. He was an extraordinary handsome and beautifull man; no lady had a finer complexion.

Queen Elizabeth favoured him much; he read (I think) Greeke and Politiques to her. He was also preferred to be Provost of Eaton colledge <1596>.

He was a very severe governour, the scholars hated him for his austerity. He could not abide witts: when a young scholar was recommended to him for a good witt, 'Out upon him, I'le have nothing to doe with him; give me the ploding student. If I would look for witts I would goe to Newgate, there be the witts[LXXXI.];' and John Earles (afterwards bishop of Sarum) was the only scholar that ever he tooke as recommended for a witt, which was from Dr. <William> Goodwyn, <dean> of Christ Church.

[LXXXI.] This I was told[BG] by Robert Skinner, bishop of Oxon, 1646.

He was not only a severe governor, but old Mr. Yates[BH] (who was fellow in his time) would make lamentable complaints of him to his dyeing day, that he did oppresse the fellows grievously, and he was so great and a favourite to the Queen, that there was no dealing with him; his naeve was that he was too much inflated with his learning and riches.

I have heard Dr. Wallis say, that Sir H. Savill has sufficiently confuted Joseph Scaliger de Quadratura Circuli, in the very margent of the booke: and that sometimes when J. Scaliger sayes 'A B = C D ex constructione,' Sir H. Savill writes sometimes in the margent, 'Et dominatio vestra est asinus ex constructione.'

He was very munificent, as appeares by the two lectures he has given of Astronomy and Geometry. Bishop Seth Ward, of Sarum, has told me that he first sent for Mr. <Edmund> Gunter, from London, (being of Oxford university) to have been his[934] Professor of Geometrie: so he came and brought with him his sector and quadrant, and fell to resolving of triangles and doeing a great many fine things. Said the grave knight, 'Doe you call this reading of Geometrie? This is shewing of tricks, man!' and so dismisst him with scorne, and sent for <Henry> Briggs, from Cambridge.

He left only one daughter, which was[935]maried to Sir ... Sedley, of ... in Kent, mother to this present Sir Charles Sedley, who well resembles his grandfather Savill in the face, but is not so proper a man.

Sir H. Savill dyed at, and was buried at Eaton colledge, in the chapell, on the south east side of the chancell, under a faire black marble grave-stone, with this inscription:--

* * * * * * * * * *

He had travelled very well, and had a generall acquaintance with the learned men abroad; by which meanes he obtained from beyond sea, out of their libraries, severall rare Greeke MSS., which he had copied by an excellent amanuensis for the Greeke character.

... putt a trick upon him, for he gott a friend to send him weekely over to ... in Flanders (I thinke), the sheetes of the curious Chrysostome that were printed at Eaton, and translated them into Latin, and printed them Greeke and Latin together, which quite spoyled the sale of Sir Henry's.

Memorandum:--he gave his collection of mathematicall bookes to a peculiar little library belonging to the Savillian Professors[BI].

[BF] Aubrey gives in trick the coat:--'argent, on a bend sable, 3 owls of the field [Savile].'

[BG] Aubrey seems to have had a special interest in this story. He notes it twice in MS. Aubr. 21 (fol. 2, and fol. 4):--'Sir H. Savile--If you'l have witts, goe to Newgate.'

[BH] Leonard Yates, fellow of Merton in 1593, rector of Cuxham, co. Oxon., 1608, died 1662, aged circ. 92. His son, John Yates, was M.A. of Trinity in 1639, and probably Aubrey knew him there.

[BI] This Collection was incorporated with the Bodleian in 1884: Macray's Annals of the Bodleian, p. 329. Stephen Peter Rigaud (Savilian Professor of Geometry 1810-1827, and of Astronomy 1827-1839) had, in his time, thoroughly examined it, and found many books missing.

=Sylvanus Scory= (15-- -1617).

[936]Sylvanus Scory (quaere if he was not knighted?) was the son and heire of <John> Scory, bishop of Hereford.

His father, John Skory, in the raigne of King Edward the Sixt, was bishop of Rochester, and translated from thence to Chichester, and afterwards to Hereford; 'who departed this life, at his house, at Whitburn, in com. Hereff., 26 Junii, Anno Domini 1585'--this out of an epitaph on his wife Elizabeth, who hath an inscription in St. Leonard's Shoreditch church.

He was a very handsome gentleman, and had an excellent witt, and his father gave him the best education, both at home and beyond the seas, that that age would afford, and loved him so dearly that he fleeced the church of Hereford to leave him a good estate, and he did let such long, and so many, leases, that, as Mʳⁱˢ Masters (daughter of Herbert Westphaling, esq., eldest son and heir to bishop Westphaling, of Hereford) told me, they were not out till about these 60 yeares. To my best remembrance, she told me the estate left him was 1500 li. per annum, which he reduced to nothing (alloweing himselfe the libertie to enjoy all the pleasures of this world), and left his sonne so poor, that when he came among gentlemen, they would fancy a crowne or ten shillings[937] for him.

I have heard Sir John Denham say (at Chalke, 1652), that he haz been well enformed that he was the most accomplished gentleman of his time. 'Tis a good testimoniall of his worth, that Mr. Benjamin Johnson (who ever scorned an unworthy patrone) dedicated his ... to him. I have heard Sir John Denham also say that he was the greatest confident and intimate favorite of Monsieur of France (brother to the French king), who was a suitor to queen Elizabeth, and whom her majestie entirely loved (and as a signall of it one time at St. Paule's church, London, openly kissed him in time of divine service) and would have had him for her husband, but only for reasons of state. When her majestie dismissed him, 'twas donne with all passion and respecte imaginable. She gave him royall presents; he was attended to Dover by the flower of the court; among others, by this sparke of whom I now write. When Monsieur tooke his leave of him he told him that though 'twas so that her majestie could not marie him (as aforesayd), yet he knew that she so much loved him that she would not deny him any request, wherby he might honour and benefit a friend; and accordingly writes his love-letter to his mistresse, the queen of England, and in it only begges that single bôn[938], to looke upon Mr. Scorie (the bearer) with a particular and extraordinary grace, for his sake; delivered[939] him the letter (and as I take it, gave him a jewell). As Sylvanus returned to London, through Canterbury, the mayer there (a shoemaker), a pragmaticall fellow, examined him, who and whence, etc. and what his business was, and if he had a passe? 'Yes,' quod he, 'I have a passe,' and produces Monsieur's letter, superscribed to her majestie, which, one would have thought, had been enough to have shewen. The mayor presently[940] breakes open the love-letter, and reades it. I know not how, this action happened to take wind, and 'twas brought to court, and became so ridicule that Sylvanus Scory was so laughed at and jeer'd that he never delivered the letter to the queen, which had been the easiest and most honourable step to preferment that mortall man could have desired.

=John Securis.=

[941]I have heard my old great-uncle, Mr. Thomas Browne, say that when he was a school boy there was one Dr. Securis a noted physitian at Salisbury (who was contemporary with this Dr. Mouffett[942]). He writt Almanacks--I have only seen two, which Henry Coley haz, which were for the yeares of our Lord 15[81[943]].

1580, a prognostication for the yeare of our Lord God MDLXXX, made and written in Salisbury by John Securis, Maister of Artes and Physick. London, cum privilegio regiae majestatis.

1581, eodem autore, wherunto is joynd a compendium or brief instruction how to keepe a moderate diet. London, etc.--Vide his preface wherin he speakes ☞ of haile-stones neer Salisbury as big as a child's fist of three or fower yeeres old.

=Dorothy Selby.=

[944]From Mr. Marshall[945]:--

Dedicated to the pious memory of Dame Dorothy Selby [etc.]

She was a Dorcas Whose curious needle turn'd the abused stage Of this lewd world into a golden age: Whose pen of steele, and silken inke, enroll'd The acts of Jona in records of gold; Whose art disclos'd that plott, which had it taken, Rome had triumph't and Britaine's walls had shaken. Shee was In heart a Lydia, and in tongue a Hanna, In zeale a Ruth, in wedlock a Susanna. Prudently simple, providently wary, To the world a Martha, and to heaven a Mary.

=John Selden= (1584-1654).

[946]Mr. John Selden when young did copie[947] records for Sir Robert Cotton--from Fabian Philips.

[948]John Selden, esq., was borne (as appeares by his epitaph, which he himselfe made, as I well remember archbishop Usher, Lord Primate, who did preach his funerall sermon, did then mention scil. as to spe certae resurrectionis) at Salvinton, a hamlet belonging to West Terring, in the com. of Sussex.

His father was a yeomanly man, of about fourty pounds per annum, and played well on the violin, in which he tooke delight, and at Christmas time, to please him selfe and his neighbours, he would play to them as they danced. My old lady Cotton[LXXXII.] (wife to Sir Robert Cotton, grandmother to this Sir <John> Cotton) was one time at Sir Thomas Alford's, in Sussex, at dinner, in Christmas time, and Mr. John Selden (then a young student) sate at the lower end of the table, who was lookt upon then to be of parts extraordinary, and some body asking who he was, 'twas replyed, his son that is playing on the violin <in> the hall[LXXXIII.]. I have heard Michael Malet (judge[BJ] Malet's son) say, that he had heard that Mr. John Selden's father taught on the lute. He had a pretty good estate by his wife.

[LXXXII.] She was living in 1646, or 1647, an old woman, 80+.

[LXXXIII.] This from Sir William Dugdale, from the lady Cotton.--Mr. Fabian Philips told me that when J. Selden was young he did copie records for Sir Robert Cotton.

He (vide A. Wood's Antiq. Oxon.) was of Hart-hall in Oxon, and Sir Giles Mompesson told me that he was then of that house[BK], and that he was a long scabby-pold boy, but a good student.

Thence he came to the Inner Temple. His chamber was in the paper buildings which looke towards the garden, ... staire-case, uppermost story, where he had a little gallery to walke in.

He was quickly taken notice of for his learning, and was sollicitor and steward to the earl of Kent[BL], whose countesse (was) an ingeniose woman....[949] After the earle's death he married her. He had a daughter[950], if not two, by ...; one was maried to a tradesman in Bristowe.... Mris. Williamson, one of my lady's woemen, a lusty, bouncing woman, ... robbed him on his death-bed....

His great friend heretofore was Mr. ... Hayward, to whom he dedicates his Titles of Honour; also Ben Johnson.

His treatise that Tythes were not jure divino drew[951] a great deale of envy upon him from the clergie. W. Laud, archbishop of Canterbury, made him make his recantation before the High Commission Court, of which you may have an account in Dr. Peter Heylen's Historie. After, he would never forgive the bishops, but did still in his writings levell them with the presbyterie. He was also severe and bitter in his speeches against ship-money, which speeches see.

He was one of the Assembly of Divines, and <Bulstrode> Whitlock, in his memoires, sayes that he was wont to mock the Assembly men about their little gilt Bibles, and would baffle them sadly: sayd he, 'I doe consider the original.'

[952]<Richard> Montague, <bishop> of Norwich, was his great antagonist; vide the bookes writt against each other.

He never owned the mariage with the countesse of Kent till after her death, upon some lawe account. He never kept any servant peculiar, but my ladie's were all at his command; he lived with her in Aedibus Carmeliticis (White Fryers), which was, before the conflagration, a noble dwelling.

He kept a plentifull table, and was never without learned company. He rose at ... clock in the morning (quaere Sir J. C.[BM]) and went to bed at....

He was temperate in eating and drinking. He had a slight stuffe, or silke, kind of false carpet, to cast[953] over the table where he read and his papers lay[954], when a stranger came-in, so that he needed not to displace[955] his bookes or papers.

He wrote ...: vide A. Wood's Antiq. Oxon. for the catalogue of the bookes writt by him.

He dyed of a dropsey; he had his funerall scutcheons all ready ... moneths before he dyed.

When he was neer death, the minister (Mr. <Richard> Johnson) was comeing to him to assoile him: Mr. Hobbes happened then to be there; sayd he, 'What, will you that have wrote like a man, now dye like a woman?' So the minister was not let in.

He dyed in Aedibus Carmeliticis (aforesayd) the last day of November, Anno Domini 1654; and on Thursday, the 14th day of December, was magnificently buryed in the Temple church. His executors were Matthew Hales (since Lord Chiefe Justice of the King's Bench), John Vaughan (since Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas), and Rowland Jewkes, Esq.: quaere the fourth executor[BN]. They invited all the Parliament men, all the benchers, and great officers. All the judges had[956] mourning, as also an abundance of persons of quality. The Lord Primate of Ireland, <James> Usher, preach't his funerall sermon.

His grave was about ten foot deepe or better, walled up a good way with bricks, of which also the bottome was paved, but the sides at the bottome for about two foot high were of black polished marble, wherein his coffin (covered with black bayes) lyeth, and upon that wall of marble was presently lett downe a huge black marble stone of great thicknesse, with this inscription:

Heic jacet corpus Johannis Seldeni, qui obiit 30 die Novembris, 1654.

Over this was turned an arch of brick (for the house would not loose their grownd), and upon that was throwne the earth, etc. and on the surface lieth another faire grave-stone of black marble, with this inscription:

I. SELDENVS, I. C. heic situs est.

This coate[957] ('..., 3 roses on a fess, between 3 swans' necks, erased, collared' [this is the coate of Baker]) is on the flatt marble; but is, indeed, the coate of his mother, for he had none of his owne, though he so well deserved it. 'Tis strange (me thinke) that he would not have one.

On the side of the wall above, is a faire[958] inscription of white marble: the epitaph he made himselfe as is before sayd, and Marchamond Needham, making mention of it in his Mercurius Politicus, sayd 'twas well he did it, for no man els could doe it for him. He was buried by Mr. <Richard> Johnson, then Master of the Temple, the directory way, where Mr. Johnson tooke an occasion to say[BO], 'a learned man sayes that when a learned man dies a great deale of learning dies with him: then certainly in this,' etc.

[959]JOANNES SELDENUS heic juxta situs, Natus est XVI Decembris, MDLXXXIV, Salvintoniae, Qui viculus est Terring occidentalis in Sussexiae maritimis, Parentibus honestis, Joanne Seldeno Thomae filio, e quinis secundo, Anno MDXLI nato, et Margareta filia et haerede unica Thomae Bakeri de Rushington, ex equestri Bakerorum in Cantio familia, filius e cunis superstitum unicus, aetatis fere LXX annorum. Denatus est ultimo die Novembris, Anno Salutis Reparatae MDCLIV, per quam expectat heic +RESVRRECTIONEM+ Felicem.

He would tell his intimate friends, Sir Bennet Hoskyns, etc., that he had nobody to make his heire, except it were a milke-mayd, and that such people did not know what to doe with a great estate. Memorandum:--bishop Grostest, of Lincoln, told his brother, who asked him to make him a grate man; 'Brother,' said he, 'if your plough is broken, I'le pay the mending of it; or if an oxe is dead, I'le pay for another: but a plough-man I found you, and a plough-man I'le leave you'--Fuller's Holy State, p....

He never used any artificiall help to strengthen his memorie: 'twas purely naturall.

He was very tall, I guesse about 6 foot high; sharp ovall face; head not very big; long nose inclining to one side; full popping eie (gray). He was a poet[LXXXIV.], and Sir John Suckling brings him in the 'Session of the Poets.'

[LXXXIV.] He haz a learned copie of verses before Hopton's 'Concordance of Yeares'; before Ben Jonson's Workes; &c.

The poets met, the other day, And Apollo was at the meeting, they say, * * * * * 'Twas strange to see how they flocked together: There was Selden, and he stood next to the chaire, And Wenman not far off, which was very faire, etc.

He was one of the assembly of divines in those dayes (as was also his highnesse ... Prince Elector Palatine[BP]), and was like a thorne in their sides; for he did baffle and vexe[960] them; for he was able to runne them all downe with his Greeke and antiquities.

Sir Robert Cotton (the great antiquary, that collected the library) was his great friend, whose son, Sir Thomas Cotton, was obnoxious to the Parliament, and skulked in the countrey: Mr. Selden had the key and command of the library, and preserved it, being then a Parliament man.

He intended to have given his owne library to the University of Oxford[LXXXV.], but received disobligation from them, for that they would not lend him some MSS.; wherfore by his will he left it to the disposall of his executors, who gave it to the Bodlean library, at Oxon.

[LXXXV.] Memorandum:--Mr. Fabian Philips says that Mr. Selden had given his library to Oxford at first, but that the University had disobliged <him> by not lending him a MS. or MSS.

He understood ... languages:--Latin, Greeke, Hebrew, Arabique, besides the learned modern.

In his writing of ... he used his learned friend, Mr. Henry Jacob, of Merton College, who did transcribe etc. for him, and as he was writing, would many times putt-in things of his owne head, which Mr. Selden did let stand, as he does, in his preface, acknowledge.

In his younger yeares he affected obscurity of style, which, after, he quite left off, and wrote perspicuously. 'Twill be granted that he was one of the greatest critiques of his time.

I remember my sadler who wrought many yeares to that family[961] told me that Mr. Selden had got more by his marriage then he had done by his practise. He was no eminent practiser at barre; not but that he was or might have been able enough; but after he had got a dulce ocium he chiefly addicted himselfe to his more ingeniose studies and records.

I have heard some divines say (I know not if maliciously) that 'twas true he was a man of great reading, but gave not his owne sentiment.

He was wont to say 'I'le keepe myselfe warme and moyst as long as I live, for I shall be cold and dry when I am dead.'

[962]John Selden, esq., would write sometimes, when notions came into his head, to preserve them, under his barber's hands. When he dyed his barber sayd he had a great mind to know his will, 'For,' sayd he, 'I never knew a wise man make a wise will.' He bequeathed his estate (40,000 li. value) to four executors, viz. Lord Chiefe Justice Hales, Lord Chief Justice Vaughan, Rowland Jukes, and ... (his flatterer)--from Fabian Philips.

[BJ] Sir Thomas Mallet, Justice of the King's Bench 1641-45, 1660-63.

[BK] John Selden matric. at Hart Hall Oct. 24, 1600, aged 15. Giles Mompesson matric. at Hart Hall, same day, aged 16.

[BL] Henry Grey succeeded as 7th earl of Kent in 1623, died 1639. His widow Elizabeth, daughter and coheir of Gilbert Talbot, 7th earl of Shrewsbury, died Dec. 7, 1651, bequeathing her estate to Selden.

[BM] It is not clear whether this is 'Sir J. C.' or 'Sir J. H.' (in a monogram). If the former, perhaps 'Sir John Cotton'; if the latter, as is more probable, then perhaps Sir John Hoskyns, son of Sir Bennet, p. 223.

[BN] Anthony Wood adds the note: 'Vide Collect. ex Convoc. 1653,' i.e. Wood's own Collections ex reg. Convoc. Oxon. (MS. Bodl. 594): see Clark's Wood's Life and Times, i. 187, 209.

[BO] Reported slightly more fully by Aubrey, writing April 7, 1673, in MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 199ᵛ:--'Mr. Johnson, minister of the Temple, buryed him, secundum usum Directory, where, amongst other things, he quoted "the sayeing of a learned man" (he did not name him) "that when a learned man dies, there dyes a great deale of learning with him," and that "if learning could have kept a man alive our brother had not dyed."'

[BP] Charles Louis. 'He received permission from the House of Commons to sit and hear on Oct. 24, <1643>, but does not seem to have actually made his appearance till the 28th: when an address of welcome was made by the Prolocutor, Dr. <William> Twisse, who had been at one time chaplain to the princess <his mother>, and a reply was made by the prince. Somewhat fragmentary notes of his speech are found in the first volume of the minutes of the Westminster Assembly, which has never been published'--a note kindly sent me by Dr. A. F. Mitchell, Emeritus Professor of Ecclesiastical History in St. Andrews.

=William Shakespear= (1564-1616).

[963]Mr. William Shakespear was borne at Stratford upon Avon in the county of Warwick. His father was a butcher, and I have been told heretofore by some of the neighbours, that when he was a boy he exercised his father's trade, but when he kill'd a calfe he would doe it in a high style, and make a speech. There was at that time another butcher's son in this towne that was held not at all inferior to him for a naturall witt, his acquaintance and coetanean, but dyed young.

This William being inclined naturally to poetry and acting, came to London, I guesse, about 18; and was an actor at one of the play-houses, and did act exceedingly well (now B. Johnson was never a good actor, but an excellent instructor).

He began early to make essayes at dramatique poetry, which at that time was very lowe; and his playes tooke well.

He was a handsome, well shap't man: very good company, and of a very readie and pleasant smooth witt.

The humour of ... the constable, in Midsomernight's Dreame, he happened to take at Grendon in Bucks--I thinke it was Midsomer night that he happened to lye there--which is the roade from London to Stratford, and there was living that constable about 1642, when I first came to Oxon: Mr. Josias Howe is of that parish, and knew him. Ben Johnson and he did gather humours of men dayly where ever they came. One time as he was at the tavern at Stratford super Avon, one Combes, an old rich usurer, was to be buryed, he makes there this extemporary epitaph,

Ten in the hundred the Devill allowes, But Combes will have twelve, he sweares and vowes: If any one askes who lies in this tombe, 'Hoh!' quoth the Devill, ''Tis my John o Combe.'

He was wont to goe to his native countrey once a yeare. I thinke I have been told that he left 2 or 300 li. per annum there and thereabout to a sister. Vide his epitaph in Dugdale's Warwickshire.

I have heard Sir William Davenant and Mr. Thomas Shadwell (who is counted the best comoedian we have now) say that he had a most prodigious witt, and did admire his naturall parts beyond all other dramaticall writers. He was wont to say (B. Johnson's Underwoods) that he 'never blotted out a line in his life'; sayd Ben: Johnson, 'I wish he had blotted-out a thousand.'

His comoedies will remaine witt as long as the English tongue is understood, for that he handles mores hominum. Now our present writers reflect so much upon particular persons and coxcombeities, that twenty yeares hence they will not be understood.

Though, as Ben: Johnson sayes of him, that he had but little Latine and lesse Greek, he understood Latine pretty well, for he had been in his younger yeares a schoolmaster in the countrey.--from Mr. ... Beeston[964].

=Ralph Sheldon= (1623-1684).

[965]Ralph Sheldon, of Beoley, esq., natus at Weston, Warwickshire, Aug. 4, 1623, about 5 of the clock in the morning.

Memorandum the plott brake out in Oct. 1678. His house was search't; he disarmed; and afterwards a prisoner at Warwick.

Anno ..., very like to dye of a dropsey--quaere Sir Thomas Millington de hoc.

Faire Madam Frances Sheldon (one of the maydes of honour[966]) was born 24 Febr. at 8 or 9 at night. She was 23 last Febr. (1677/8).

This Ralph Sheldon was Anthony Wood's friend: see Clark's Wood's Life and Times, ii. 227, iii. 98.

=John Sherburne= (1616-1635).

[967]Sir Edward Shirbourn, knight, natus 18º Sept. A.D. 1616, hora 10 A.M. A little past halfe an hower after was born his twin brother John, who died anno aetatis 19º.

Both were borne before eleaven a clock; both excellent scholars; and excellent poets.

John, before he dyed, translated Ovid's Epistles, and better (I am informed, by Sir Edward, and John Davys of Kidwelly) then any we have in print.

=James Shirley= (1594-1666).

[968]James Shirley:--capt. <Edward> Shirburne, and Mr. <Thomas> Stanley (<author of> de vitis philosophorum, who was his scholar), say that he was of no University: bred a Paule's schole scholar.

He taught in Shoe lane: quaere.

=Thomas Shirley= (1638-1678).

[969]Thomas Shirley[BQ], M.D., of Weston-neston in Suffolk, edidit[BR] 'A true and perfect account of the examination confession tryall and condemnation, and execution of Joan Perry and her two sonnes for the supposed murther of Mr. William Harrison, being one of the most remarkable occurrences that hath happened in the memory of man': Lond., for Rowland Reynolds next Arundel gate opposite to St. Clements Church, 1676, stitch't, 4to.

Vide in <Sir Thomas> Herbert's travells, where are honourable remembrances of his relations in Persia.

[BQ] Aubrey gives in trick the coat:--'paly of 6, or and azure, a canton ermine.'

[BR] Anthony Wood notes here:--'This was written by Sir Thomas Overbury of Bourton on the hill to Dr. Thomas Shirley.' See Clark's Wood's Life and Times, i. 452.

=John Sloper.=

[970]Mrs. Abigail Sloper [Grove] borne at Broad Chalke neer Salisbury, A.D. 1648 (the widowe Chalke sayeth 'twas on a Thursday). She was baptized May 4th, 1648. Goodwife Smyth (then a servant there) sayeth she beleeves she was borne 14 of Aprill. Pride; lechery; ungratefull to her father; maried, ...; runne distracted, ...; recovered,....

John Sloper, my godson, baptized Feb. 7, 1649.

John Sloper, father of these two, was vicar of Broad Chalk, Wilts.; see in the life of John Hales.

=Jane Smyth= (1649-16--).

[971]Mris Jane Smyth borne at ... the 15th of April 1649, between fower and 5 a clock in the morning.--She was told on Venus's day, i.e. Fryday[972]: if not so, 'twas on a Tuesday. It was the April after the beheading King Charles the first. It thundered and lightened and the house was on fire then.

My almanac, 1676, says the natalis was the 14th April[973]--quod N.B.: but Mrs. J. S. tells me again 'twas the fifteenth.

About 7 yeares old she lived in Sussex, Redhill, neer which Mr. Bradshaw, schoolmaster, lived--uxores germanorum.

On her trunk is:--

1662, I. Ƨ.

She came the second time to London halfe a yeare before the great plague in 1665.

She was sick of a feaver A.D. 1665; she sayd, not in London.

She was like to dye of St. Anthonie's fire about Michaelmas 1675. Mris Smyth fell sick dangerously of a pleurisie about the first weeke of October 1675. About the latter end of March 1675/6 she had a terrible chronicall disease[974], under which she laboured a 12 month or +. The first weeke in August 1683, in extreme danger of death by a suppression of urine, the ureters being stopped.

[975]Now I conclude with an earnest request that you would please to enquire for a colledge lease, as you did for Edward Shirbourne[976] (whom nobody can find[977]). It is for that obliging body, Mris Smith, that lives with Mr. Wyld. They cohabite, as Mary, countess of Pembroke, with Sir Martin Lister. I owe most of Mr. Wyld's civility from her goodness. And herein you will doe me the greatest kindness that you could imagine, for I am more obliged to her than to anybody. I beseech you, for God's sake, to mind this humble request of mine.

=Charles Snell= (1639-16--).

[978]Charles Snell, armiger, natus December 30, 1639, between 8 and 9 P.M. He maried September 1672.

Charles Snell lived near Fordingbridge in Hampshire. He occurs in these 'Brief Lives' and other Aubrey MSS. as a frequent correspondent of Aubrey's on matters astrological.

=John Speed= (1542-1629).

[979]He is in effigie, a faire monument, not much unlike Mr. Camden, in the south side of the chancell of St. Giles Cripplegate[980].

P.M. Charissimorum Parentum

Johannis Speed civis Londinensis, mercatorum scissorum fratris, servi fidelissimi regiarum majestatum Elizabethae Jacobi et Caroli nunc superstitis, terrarum nostrarum geographi accurati et fidi, Antiquitatis Britannicae historiographi, Geneologiae sacrae elegantissimi delineatoris, qui postquam annos 77 superaverat non tam morbo confectus quam mortalitatis taedio lassatus, corpore se levavit July 28, 1629, et jucundissimo Redemptoris sui desiderio sursum elatus, carnem hic in custodiam deposuit, denuò cum Christus venerit recepturus et Susannae suae suavissimae <conjugis> quae postquam duodecim illi filios et sex filias pepererat, annos quinquaginta septem junctis utriusque solatiis cum illo vixerat, liberos gravi et frequenti hortamine ad Dei cultum sollicitaverat, pietatis et charitatis opere quotidiano praeluxerat, emori demum erudiit suo exemplo quae septuagenaria placide in Christo obdormivit, et fidei suae mercedem habuit Martii vicesimo octavo Anno Domini MDCXXVIII.

=John Speidell.=

[981]Mr. ... Spiedell:--he taught mathematiques in London, and published a booke in quarto named Spiedel's Geometrical Extractions (London[982], 163-), which made young men have a love to geometrie.

=Sir Henry Spelman= (1562-1641).

[983]Sir Henry Spelman, knight, borne at ... (quaere Henry Spelman, his grandson).

From Mr. Justice Ball[984] at Windsore:--when he was about 10 or 12 he went to schoole to a curs't schoolmaster, to whom he had an antipathie. His master would discountenance him, and was very severe to him, and to a dull boy he would say as very a dunce as H. Spelman. He was a boy of great spirit, and would not learne there. He was (upon his importunity) sent <to> another schoolmaster, and profited very well. I have heard his grandson say, that the Spelmans' witts open late.

He was much perplexed with lawe-suites and worldly troubles, so that he was about 40 before he could settle himselfe to make any great progresse in learning, which when he did, we find what great monuments of antiquarian knowledge he has left to the world. W. Laud, archbishop of Canterbury, had a great esteeme for him, and made him one of the ... of the High Commission Court; yet (he being one that was extreme rigid as to the licensing of bookes, and against any nouvelle) hindred the printing of the 2d part of his Glossary, which began at M, where there were three M's that scandalized the Archbishop, viz.--Magna Charta; Magnum Consilium Regis; and....

From George Lee:--he was a handsome gentleman (as appeares by his picture in Bibliotheca Cottoniana), strong and valiant, and wore allwayes his sword, till he was about 70 or +, when, finding his legges to faulter through feeblenes as he was walking, 'Now,' said he, ''tis time to leave off my sword.'

When his daughter-in-lawe (Sir John's wife) returned home from visitting her neighbours, he would alwaies aske her what of antiquity she had heard or observed, and if she brought home no such account, he would chide her (jestingly).

He lies buried in the south crosse-aisle of Westminster abbey, at the foot of the pillar opposite to Mr. Camden's monument, but without any word of inscription or monument hitherto (1680).[985]I very well remember his penon that hung-up there, but it was either taken downe or fell downe when the scaffolds were putt up at the coronation of his majestie king Charles II.

Sir William Dugdale knew Sir Henry Spelman, and sayes he was as tall as his grandson, Harry Spelman. He haz been told that Sir Henry did not understand Latin perfectly till he was fourty years old. He said to Sir William, 'We are beholding to Mr. Speed and Stowe for stitching up for us our English History.' It seemes they were both taylers--quod N.B.

Aubrey notes that he was of 'Cambr.'; and gives in trick the coat:--'sable, 9 plates between two flaunches argent,' and adds, 'the crest is a wyld man.'

=Edmund Spenser= (1553-1598/9).

[986]Mr. Edmund Spencer was of Pembrooke-hall in Cambridge; he misst the fellowship there which bishop Andrewes gott. He was an acquaintance and frequenter of Sir Erasmus Dreyden. His mistris, Rosalind, was a kinswoman of Sir Erasmus' lady's. The chamber there at Sir Erasmus' is still called Mr. Spencer's chamber. Lately, at the College takeing-downe the wainscot of his chamber, they found an abundance of cards, with stanzas of the 'Faerie Queen' written on them.--from John Dreyden, esq., Poet Laureate.

Mr. Beeston sayes he was a little man, wore short haire, little band and little cuffs.

[987]Edmund Spenser:--Mr. Samuel Woodford (the poet, who paraphras'd the Psalmes) lives in Hampshire neer Alton, and he told me that Mr. Spenser lived sometime in these parts, in this delicate sweet ayre; where he enjoyed his muse, and writt good part of his verses. I have said before that Sir Philip Sydney and Sir Walter Ralegh were his acquaintance. He had lived some time in Ireland, and wrote[988] a description of it, which is printed with Morison's History, or Description, of Ireland.

Sir John Denham told me, that archbishop Usher, Lord Primate of Armagh, was acquainted with him, by this token: when Sir William Davenant's Gondibert came forth, Sir John askt the Lord Primate if he had seen it. Said the Primate, 'Out upon him, with his vaunting preface, he speakes against my old friend, Edmund Spenser.'

In the south crosse-aisle of Westminster abbey, next the dore, is this inscription:

[Sidenote: ☞]

'Heare lies (expecting the second comeing of our Saviour Christ Jesus) the body of Edmund Spencer, the Prince of Poets of his tyme; whose divine spirit needs no other witnesse then the workes which he left behind him. He was borne in London, in the yeare 1510, and dyed in the yeare 1596.'

=William Stafford= (1593-1684).

=Robert Stafford= (1588-1644).

[989]William Stafford, of Thornbury in com. Gloc., esq., descended of the family of the duke of Buckingham, was a student of Christ Church, Oxon. Old Dr. Fell[990] was his tutor. About 30 yeares + since[991] he printed a pamphlet, viz. The reasons of the warre. I thinke he was a parliament man--but of that party he was. He dyed about May last, 1684, aged ... <at> Thornbury.

[992]Dorothy, sister to William Stafford aforesayd, married to her first husband, <Robert> Stafford, her kinsman, who was of Exeter Coll., and pupill to Dr. John Prideaulx. He wrote a thin 4to Geographie, which I have read. I remember he begins thus:--

'Indignation made Juvenal a poet and me a geographer.'

=Thomas Stanley= (1625-1678).

[993]Thomas Stanley, esqr., son to Sir Thomas Stanley, born at Cumberlow....

His praeceptor, Mr. William Fairfax, in his father's howse.

Was of Pembrooke hall in Cambridge, where he took the degree of Master of Arts.

Was admitted ad eundem gradum in Oxford.

Writ his poems about the years 1646, 1647.

His History of Philosophy, in the years 1655, 1656.

His Aeschylus about the same time.

Dy'd April 12, 1678. Buried at St. Martin's in the Fields, in the middle isle.

His eldest sonne is Thomas Stanley, esq., of the Middle Temple, jurisconsultus[994]. He hath left two other sonnes, viz. 2. George, 3. Charles.

Thomas Stanley, the sonne, aforesayd, translated Aelian's Variae Historiae at 14 yeares of age. He was also of Pembrooke-hall in Cambridge.

Quaere his sonne pro nativitate patris and also of what age he was when he went to Cambridge.

=Richard Staper= (15--- 1608).

[995]Richard Staper, alderman of London:--On the south wall of St. Martin Outwich church, London, is a faire monument with this inscription, viz.--

Here resteth the bodie of the worshipfull Richard Staper, elected alderman of this citty anno 1594. He was the greatest merchant in his time, the chiefest actor in the discovery of the trades of Turkey and East India, a man humble in prosperity, painfull and ever ready in affaires publique, and discreetly carefull of his private, a liberall howsekeeper, bountifull to the poore, an upright dealer in the world, and a divout aspirer after the world to come, much blessed in his posterity, and happy in his and their allyaunces. He dyed the last June anno Domini 1608.

Intravit ut exiret.

Besides the figures of himselfe and wife are 5 sonnes and 4 daughters. At the top of the monument is a shippe.

Aubrey gives in trick three coats:--(1) 'argent, a cross between 4 estoyles sable'; (2) the same; impaling, ..., a cross ...; (3) the coat of the clothworkers' company, viz., <sable> a chevron ermine between <2 hauettes> in chief <argent> and in base <a teazel or>.

=Thomas Stapleton= (1535-1598).

[996]Thomas Stapleton, D.D., e Societate Jesu (vide Anthony Wood's Antiq. Oxon.) was born at Henford[997] in Sussex, which is about the middle of the river that runnes to Shoreham.

He was formerly of New Colledge in Oxon. ☞ Quaere of attorneys of that countrey if his familie continues[998] in those parts still: and if so, if his picture is there or elswhere; and quaere for it at the Convent at Lovaine where he died. Dr. John[999] Lamphire, principall of Hart Hall, would present it to the Schooles[1000].

Thomas Stapleton, of Henfield, Sussex, adm. probationer of New College Jan. 18, 1552/3; adm. Fellow Jan. 18, 1554/5: resigned his fellowship in 1559.

=Thomas Stephens= (1620-16--).

[1001]Mr. Steevens[1002], formerly of Pembrocke College, my old acquaintance there; but formerly at Blandford schole in Dorset, where he was usher about a yeare and by whom I reap't much information: since schoolemaster of Buckingham; and last, of Worcester: a very good and ingeniose person.

=Richard Stokes= (16--- 1681).

[1003]<Richard> Stokes, M.D.--his father was fellow of Eaton College (quaere if not prebend of Windsor[1004], and if not schoolmaster of Eaton? quaere Christopher Wase de hiis).

He was bred there and at King's College. Scholar to Mr. W. Oughtred for Mathematiques (Algebra). He made himselfe mad with it, but became sober again, but I feare like a crackt glasse: vide my Lives[1005], and Surrey notes[1006]. Edidit Mr. Oughtred's 'Trigonometrie.' Became a Roman Catholique; maried unhappily at Liege, dog and catt, etc. Became a sott. Dyed in Newgate, prisoner for debt, ... April, 1681 (quaere Mr. Everard diem).

=John Stowe= (1525-1605).

[1007]He was of the company of the Merchant Taylors, as by the scutcheon of that company[1008] doeth appeare--quaere +[1009] of that company.

St. Andrewes Undershaft, London, i.e. under, or by, the Maypole, which was anciently called a shaft. It stood over against the west end of the church, where now Mr. <Michael> Weekes's howse is.

His monument is in effige, sitting with a little table before him, with a booke. He was a handsome sanguine old man. 'Tis well carved (of wood) and painted.

On the north side of the chancel at the upper end[BS]:--

Memoriae Sacrum

Resurrectionem in Christo hic expectat Johannes Stowe, Civis Londinensis, qui, in antiquis monumentis eruendis accuratissima diligentia usus, Angliae Annales et Civitatis Londini Synopsim, bene de sua, bene de postera aetate meritus, luculenter scripsit. Vitaeque stadio pie et probe decurso, obiit aetatis anno 80

Die 5 Aprilis 1605.

Elizabetha conjux, ut perpetuum sui amoris testimonium, dolens ...

[1010]Sir William Dugdale told me that speakeing of ... Stowe to Sir Henry Spelman, Sir Henry told him that he had 'stich't us up a historie.' He was a taylor.

[BS] Aubrey gives a drawing of the monument. At the top are the arms of the Merchant Tailors' Company, viz. 'argent, a royal tent between two parliament robes gules lined ermine, on a chief azure a lion passant guardant or.' Underneath is 'his effigies.' On the right side, the legend Aut scribenda agere over the figure of his 'Annales of England'; on the left, the legend Aut legenda scribere over the figure of his 'Survey of London.'

=Thomas Street= (1621/2-1689).

[1011]Mr. Thomas Streete[LXXXVI.], astronomer, was borne[BT] in Ireland, his widowe thinkes, at Castle Lyons, March the 5ᵗʰ, 1621.

[LXXXVI.] His astronomical tables are the best that ever were yet made.

Anno 1661 he printed that excellent piece of Astronomia Carolina, which he dedicated to king Charles II, and also presented it well bound to prince Rupert and the duke of Monmouth, but never had a farthing of any of them.

Before this appendix he writes thus, scilicet:--

Afterwards he published an Appendix to his Astronomia Carolina, 4to, which makes it perfect--printed for Francis Cossinet at the Anchor and Mariner in Tower Street, 1664.

'I doe here think it fitting for once publiquely to propose unto all the world that by the farther blessing of God on my astronomical studies since the publication of my Astronomia Carolina I can discover and demonstrate the never yet discovered art and science of finding ☞ the true longitude, and can make it universally practicable at sea and land with the like ease and certainty as the latitude, and though the failings of severall specious pretenders to this discovery have almost perswaded the world to believe the impossibility thereof, if those that are most concerned herein will accept of it, either upon the same termes which them selves have already offered or other the like just and proportionable considerations, this proposall shall be (God willing) on my part faithfully and according to the attest of competent judges performed; otherwise I intend not to proceed any farther with it.


[1012]He had the true motion of the moon by which he could doe it--(he hath finished the tables of the moon and also of Mercury, which was never made perfect before)--but two of his familiar acquaintance tell me that he did not committ this discovery to paper: so it is dead with him. He made attempts to be introduced to king Charles II and also to king James II, but courtiers would not doe it without a good gratuitie.

He was of a rough and cholerique humour. Discoursing with prince Rupert, his highnesse affirmed something that was not according to art; sayd Mr. Street, 'whoever affirmes that is[1013] no mathematician.' So they would point at him afterwards at court and say 'There's the man that huff't prince Rupert.'


[1014]Memorial verses relating to the Calendar, 4to.

Some Almanacks, for about three yeares, dedicated to Elias Ashmole, esquire: but was not encouraged for his great paines.--He was one of Mr. Ashmole's clarkes in the Excise office, which was his chiefest lively-hood.

The Planetary Systeme, with a description of the house, (Mr. Morden haz of them)--this was about 1670.

[1015]He hath left with his widowe (<who> lives in Warwick lane at the signe of the ...) an absolute piece of Trigonometrie, plain and spherical, in MS., more perfect than ever was yet donne, and more cleare and demonstrated.

He dyed in Chanon-row (vulgarly Channel-rowe) at Westminster, the 17th of August 1689, and is buried in the church yard of the new chapell there towards the east window of the chancel, scilicet, within twenty or 30 foot of the wall.

Hee made this following epitaph himself:--

'Here lies the earth of one that thought some good, Although too few him rightly understood: Above the starres his heightned mind did flye, His hapier spirit into Eternity.'

His acquaintance talke of clubbing towards an inscription. No man living haz deserved so well of astronomie.

[BT] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 87, is a lithographed chart for inserting a scheme of nativity, 'sold by George Parker at the Leopard in Newgate Street.' On it Aubrey has put the scheme for the subject of this biography, on the calculation 'Mr. Thomas Street natus March 5ᵗʰ, 1621, at 5ʰ 43´ 12˝ P.M., latitude 51° 46´.' Some notes about astrological conjunctions at various times in his life follow; and the note 'maried at 55ᵃⁿⁿ. 232ᵈⁱᵉˢ.'

=Sir Francis Stuart.=

[1016]This Sir Francis Stuart[1017] was uncle (or great uncle) to the present dutchesse of Richmond.

He was a sea-captaine, and (I thinke) he was one summer a vice or rere-admirall. He was a learned gentleman, and one of the club at the Mermayd, in Fryday street, with Sir Walter Ralegh, etc., of that sodalitie: heroes and witts of that time. Ben Jonson dedicates The Silent Woman to him.

'To the truly noble by all titles Sir Francis Stuart.

'This makes that I now number you not only in the names of favour but the names of justice to what I write, and doe presently call you to the exercise of the noblest and manliest vertue as coveting rather to be freed in my fame by the authority of a judge than the credit of an undertaker.'

=Henry Stubbe= (1631/2-1676).

[1018]Dr. Henry Stubbs, physitian at Warwick, drowned July the middest 1676, riding between Bath and Bristol. Born 1631 Febr.

=Sir John Suckling= (1608/9-1641).

[1019]Sir John Suckling[BU], knight, was the eldest son of <Sir John> Suckling, of the Green Cloath, tempore[1020] ... (I thinke, Car. I). His mother was the daughter of.... He was borne <Febr. 1608/9>.

I have heard Mris Bond say, that Sir John's father was but a dull fellow (her husband, Mr. Thomas Bond, knew him): the witt came by the mother.

Quaere Dr. Busby if he was not of Westminster schoole? he might be about his time. I have heard Sir William Davenant say that he went to the university of Cambridge at eleaven yeares of age, where he studied three or four yeares (I thinke, four). By 18 he had well travelled France and Italie, and part of Germany, and (I thinke also) of Spaine.

He returned into England an extraordinary accomplished gentleman, grew famous at court for his readie sparkling witt which was envyed, and he was (Sir William sayd) the bull that was bayted. He was incomparably readie at repartyng, and his witt most sparkling when most sett-upon and provoked.

He was the greatest gallant of his time, and the greatest gamester, both for bowling[LXXXVII.] and cards, so that no shop-keeper would trust him for 6d., as to-day, for instance, he might, by winning, be worth 200 li., the next day he might not be worth half so much, or perhaps be sometimes minus nihilo. Sir William (who was his intimate friend, and loved him intirely) would say that Sir John, when he was at his lowest ebbe in gameing, I meane when unfortunate, then would make himselfe most glorious in apparell, and sayd that it exalted his spirits, and that he had then best luck when he was most gallant, and his spirits were highest.

[LXXXVII.] He was one of the best bowlers of his time in England. He playd at cards rarely well, and did use to practise by himselfe a bed, and there studyed how the best way of managing the cards could be. His sisters comeing to the Peccadillo-bowling-green crying for the feare he should loose all <their> portions.

Sir William would say that he did not much care for a lord's converse, for they were in those dayes damnably proud and arrogant, and the French would say that 'My lord d'Angleterre ...[1021] comme un mastif-dog'; but now the age is more refined, and much by the example of his gracious majestie, who is the patterne of courtesie.

Anno Domini 163- there happened, unluckily, a difference between Sir John Suckling and Sir John Digby (brother to Sir Kenelme) about a mistresse or gameing, I have now forgott. Sir John was but a slight timberd man, and of midling stature; Sir John Digby a proper person of great strength, and courage answerable, and yielded to be the best swordman of his time. Sir John, with some 2 or 3 of his party assaults Sir John Digby goeing into a play-house; Sir J. D. had only his lacquey with him, but he[1022] flew on them like a tigre, and made them run. 'Twas pitty that this accident brought the blemish of cowardise to such an ingeniose young sparke. Sir J. D. was such a hero that there were very few but he would have served in the like manner.

Anno Domini 163- when the expedition was into Scotland, Sir John Suckling, at his owne chardge, raysed a troope of 100 very handsome young proper men, whom he clad in white doubletts and scarlett breeches, and scarlet coates, hatts, and ... feathers, well horsed, and armed. They say 'twas one of the finest sights in those dayes. But Sir John Menis made a lampoon[BV] of it (vide the old collection of lampoons):

'The ladies opened the windows to see So fine and goodly a sight-a,' &c.

I thinke the lampoon sayes he made an inglorious chardge against the Scotts.

Quaere in what army he was in the Civill Warres.

[1023]Anno ... he went into France, where after some time being come to the bottome of his fund that was left, reflecting on the miserable and despicable condition he should be reduced to, having nothing left to maintaine him, he (having a convenience for that purpose, lyeing at an apothecarie's house, in Paris) tooke poyson, which killed him miserably with vomiting. He was buryed in the Protestants church-yard. This was (to the best of my remembrance) 1646.

His picture, which is like him, before his Poems, says that he was but 28 yeares old when he dyed.

He was of middle stature and slight strength, brisque round eie, reddish fac't and red nose (ill liver), his head not very big, his hayre a kind of sand colour; his beard turnd-up naturally, so that he had brisk and gracefull looke. He died a batchelour.

Memorandum:--he made a magnificent entertainment in London, at ..., for a great number of ladies of quality, all beauties and young, which cost him ... hundreds of poundes, where were all the rarities that this part of the world could afford, and the last service of all was silke stockings and garters, and I thinke also gloves.

Anno Domini 1637 Sir John Suckling, William Davenant, poet laureat (not then knighted), and Jack Young came to the Bathe. Sir John came like a young prince for all manner of equipage and convenience, and Sir W. Davenant told me that he had a cart-load of bookes carried downe, and 'twas there, at Bath, that he writt the little tract in his booke about Socinianism. 'Twas as pleasant a journey as ever men had; in the heighth of a long peace and luxury, and in the venison season. The second night they lay at Marlborough, and walking on the delicate fine downes at the backside of the towne, whilest supper was making ready, the maydes were drying of cloathes on the bushes. Jack Young had espied a very pretty young girle, and had gott her consent for an assignation, which was about midnight, which they happened to overheare on the other side of the hedge, and were resolved to frustrate his designe. They were wont every night to play at cards after supper a good while; but Jack Young pretended wearinesse, etc. and must needes goe to bed, not to be perswaded by any meanes to the contrary. They had their landlady at supper with them; said they to her, 'Observe this poor gentleman how he yawnes, now is his mad fit comeing uppon him. We beseech you that you make fast his dores, and gett somebody to watch and looke to him, for about midnight he will fall to be most outragious: gett the hostler, or some strong fellow, to stay-up, and we will well content him, for he is our worthy friend, and a very honest gentleman, only, perhaps, twice in a yeare he falls into these fitts.' Jack Young slept not, but was ready to goe out as the clock struck to the houre of appointment, and then goeing to open the dore he was disappointed, knocks, bounces, stampes, calls, 'Tapster! Chamberlayne! Hostler!' sweares and curses dreadfully; nobody would come to him. Sir John and W. Davenant were expectant all this time, and ready to dye with laughter. I know not how he happened to gett-open the dore, and was comeing downe stayres. The hostler, a huge lusty fellow, fell upon him, and held him, and cryed, 'Good sir, take God in your mind, you shall not goe out to destroy your selfe.' J. Young struggled and strived, insomuch that at last he was quite spent and dispirited, and faine to goe to bed to rest himselfe. In the morning the landlady of the house came to see how he did, and brought him a cawdle. 'Oh sir,' sayd she, 'you had a heavy fitt last night, pray, sir, be pleased to take some of this to comfort your heart.' Jack Young thought the woman had been mad, and being exceedingly vexed, flirted the porrenger of cawdle in her face. The next day his camerades told him all the plott, how they crosse-bitt him. That night they went to Bronham-house, Sir Edward Baynton's (then a noble seat, since burnt in the civill warres), where they were nobly entertained severall dayes. From thence, they went to West Kington, to parson ... Davenant, Sir William's eldest brother, where they stayd a weeke--mirth, witt, and good cheer flowing. From thence to Bath, six or seven miles.

Memorandum:--parson Robert Davenant haz told me that that tract about Socinianisme was writt on the table in the parlour of the parsonage at West Kington.

[1024]My lady Southcot, whose husband hanged himselfe, was Sir John Suckling's sister, to whom he writes a consolatory letter, viz. the first. She afterwards maried ... Corbet, D.D., of Merton Coll. Oxon[BW]. At her house in Bishop's Gate-street, London, is an originall of her brother, Sir John, of Sir Anthony van-Dyke, all at length, leaning against a rock, with a play[1025]-booke, contemplating. It is a piece of great value. There is also another rare picture, viz. of that pretty creature, Mris Jane Shore, an originall.

When his Aglaura was <acted>, he bought all the cloathes himselfe, which were very rich; no tinsill, all the lace pure gold and silver, which cost him ... I have now forgott. He had some scaenes to it, which in those dayes were only used at masques.

Memorandum:--Mr. Snowdon tells me, that after Sir John's unluckie rencounter, or quarrell, with Sir John Digby, wherin he was baffled: 'twas strange to see the envie and ill nature of people to trample, and scoffe at, and deject one in disgrace; inhumane as well as un-christian. The lady ... Moray (quaere) had made an entertainment for severall persons of quality at Ashley (in Surrey, near Chertsey), whereat Mr. Snowdon then was. There was the countesse of Middlesex, whom Sir John had highly courted, and had spent on her, and in treating her, some thousand of pounds. At this entertainment she could not forbeare, but was so severe and ingrate as to upbraid Sir John of his late recieved baffle; and some other ladys had their flirts. The lady Moray (who invited them) seing Sir John out of countenance, for whose worth she alwaies had a respect: 'Well[1026],' sayd shee, 'I am a merry wench, and will never forsake an old friend in disgrace, so <co>me sitt downe by me, Sir John' (said she), and seated him on her right hand, and countenanced him. This raysed Sir John's dejected spirites that he threw his reparties about the table with so much sparklingness and gentilenes of witt, to the admiration of them all.

[1027]Sir John Suckling--from Mr. William Beeston--invented the game of cribbidge. He sent his cards to all gameing places in the country, which were marked with private markes of his: he gott 20,000 li. by this way. Sir Francis Cornwallis made Aglaura, except the end.

[BU] Aubrey gives in trick the coat:--'parted per pale gules and argent, 3 bucks or; a crescent for difference,' wreathing it in laurel. On this he notes: (a) 'This coat was in his banner when he went into Scotland'; (b) 'Suckling of Wotton in Norfolke'; (c) 'vide Heralds' Office'; (d) 'Memorandum:--this Sir John <Suckling> is not to be found in the <Heralds'> Office: quaere Sir ... Bourman of White Hall.' Dr. Philip Bliss has added also the reference: 'vide part iii, pag. 4b,' i.e. MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 10ᵛ, the passage given supra.

[BV] In the letter in which Aubrey speaks of writing this life (supra i. p. 2: MS. Ballard 14, fol. 131) he says:--'I want the scoffing ballad that Sir John Menis made against him, upon his fine troope and his running away. To which Sir John Suckling replyed in another ballad:--

"I prithee, foole, who ere thou bee, That madest this fine sing-song of mee ... a sott ... or els some rebell Scott."

Pray, search Mr. <Ralph> Sheldon's ballad collections for them.'

[BW] Anthony Wood objects here: 'Dr. Corbet married Sir Nathaniel Brent's daughter': see Clark's Wood's Life and Times, i. 235.

=Thomas Sutton= (1532-1611).

[1028]... Sutton, founder of the Hospitall[1029]--from old Thomas Tyndale, esq., the father--was first a garrison-soldier at Barwick[1030]. He was a lusty healthy handsome fellowe, and there was a very rich brewer who brewed to the navy, etc., who was ancient and he had maried a young buxome wife.... The old brewer doted on his desirable wife and dies and left her all his estate which was great[1031].

Sutton was a man of good understanding, and improved it[1032] admirably well, but the particular wayes by which he did it I have now forgot; but he was much upon mortgages, and fed severall with hopes of being his heire.

'Twas from him that B. Johnson tooke his hint of the fox, and by Seigneur Volpone is meant Sutton.

The later end of his dayes he lived in Fleetstreet at a wollendraper's shop opposite to Fetterlane, where he had so many great chests full of money that his chamber was ready to groane under it; and Mr. Tyndale, who knew him and I thinke had money of him on mortgage during his lawe-suite (vide the lord Stafford's case in Coke's Reports), was afrayd the roome would fall. He lived to establish his hospitall, and was governor there himselfe. Obiit....

The earle of Dorset (I thinke, Richard) mightily courted him and presented[1033] him, hoping to have been his heire; and so did severall other great persons.

Vide his life in 4to.

=William Sutton= (1562-1632).

[1034]Mr. William Sutton came to Ch. Ch. Oxon at eleaven. He wrote much, but printed nothing but a little 8vo against the Papists.

The Matric. Reg. does not bear out the statement as to his age: he appears there as matriculating Nov. 20, 1580, aged 18. He may have previously been chorister. He was elected Student of Ch. Ch. in 1579; took B.D. in 1592; and was Aubrey's schoolmaster at Blandford St. Mary's, Dorsetshire, where he was rector from 1592 till his death.

=Sir Philip Sydney= (1554-1586).

[1035]Sir[1036] Philip Sydney, natus 29 November, 1554, 19ʰ 50´ P.M., Cantiae, polo 51° 52´; ex MSS. Eliae Ashmole[1037], armigeri.

[1038]Sir Philip Sydney[BX], knight, was the most accomplished cavalier of his time. He was the eldest son of the right honourable Sir Henry Sydney, knight of the noble order of the Garter, Lord President of Wales, and Lord Deputie of Ireland, 1570. I suppose he was borne at Penshurst in Kent (neer Tunbridge); vide.

He had the best tutors provided for him by his father that could then be had, as ... Vide my Grammar[BY] notes.

He travelled France, Italie, Germany; he was in the Poland warres, and at that time he had to his page[LXXXVIII.] (and as an excellent accomplishment) Henry Danvers (afterwards earle of Danby), then second son of Sir John Danvers of Dantesey in Wilts, who accounted himselfe happy that his son was so bestowed. He makes mention, in his Art of Poesie, of his being in Hungarie (I remember).

[LXXXVIII.] This my cosen Elizabeth Danvers, now viscountesse Purbec, his niece, has told.

He was not only of an excellent witt, but extremely beautifull; he much resembled his sister, but his haire was not red, but a little inclining, viz. a darke amber colour. If I were to find a fault in it, methinkes 'tis not masculine enough; yett he was a person of great courage. He was much at Wilton with his sister, and at Ivy-church[1039] (which adjoyns to the parke pale of Clarindon Parke), situated on a hill that overlookes all the country westwards, and north over Sarum and the plaines, and into that delicious parke (which was accounted the best of England) eastwards. It was heretofore a monastery (the cloysters remayne still); 'twas called coenobium Edrosium. My great uncle, Mr. Thomas Browne, remembred him; and sayd that he was often wont, as he was hunting on our pleasant plaines, to take his table booke out of his pocket, and write downe his notions as they came into his head, when he was writing his Arcadia, (which was never finished by him).

He was the reviver of poetry in those darke times, which was then at a very low ebbe,--e.g. 'The Pleasant Comoedie of Jacob and Esau,' acted before King Henry VIII's grace (where, I remember, is this expression, that the pottage was so good, that God Almighty might have putt his finger in't); 'Grammar Gurton's Needle'; and in these playes there is not 3 lines but there is 'by God,' or 'by God's wounds.'

He was of a very munificent spirit, and liberall to all lovers of learning, and to those that pretended to any acquaintance with Parnassus; in so much that he was cloyd and surfeited with the poetasters of those dayes. Among others[1040] Mr. Edmund Spencer[1041] made his addresse to him, and brought his Faery Queen. Sir Philip was busy at his study, and his servant delivered[1042] Mr. Spencer's booke to his master, who layd it by, thinking it might be such kind of stuffe as he was frequently troubled with. Mr. Spencer stayd so long that his patience was wearied, and went his way discontented, and never intended to come again. When Sir Philip perused it, he was so exceedingly delighted with it, that he was extremely sorry he was gonne, and where to send for him he knew not. After much enquiry he learned his lodgeing, and sent for him, mightily caressed <him>, and ordered his servant to give him ... pounds in gold. His servant sayd that that was too much; 'No,' said Sir Philip, 'he is ...,' and ordered an addition.

From this time there was a great friendship between them, to his dying day.

I have heard Dr. Pell say, that he haz been told by ancient gentlemen of those dayes of Sir Philip, so famous for men at armes, that 'twas then held as great a disgrace for a young gentleman[1043] to be seen riding in the street in a coach, as it would now for such a one to be seen in the streetes in a petticoate and wastcoate; so much is the fashion of the times nowe altered.

He maried the daughter of Sir Francis Walsingham, Principall Secretary of Estate (I thinke his only child--quaere), whom he loved very well....

Having recieved some shott or wound in the warres in the Lowe-countreys, where he had command of ... (the Ramikins, I thinke), he <acted> contrary to the injunction of his physitians and chirurgions, which cost him his life: upon which occasion there were some roguish verses made.

His body was putt in a leaden coffin (which, after the firing of Paule's, I myselfe sawe), and with wonderfull greate state was carried from ... to St. Paule's church, where he was buried in our Ladie's Chapell: vide Sir William Dugdale's Paul's, and epitaph. There solempnized this funerall all the nobility and great officers of Court; all the Judges and Serjeants at Lawe; all the soldiers, and commanders, and gentry that were in London; the Lord Mayer, and Aldermen, and Livery-men. His body was borne on men's shoulders (perhaps 'twas a false coffin).

When I was a boy 9 yeares old, I was with my father at one Mr. Singleton's, an alderman and wollen-draper in Glocester, who had in his parlour, over the chimney, the whole description of the funerall, engraved and printed on papers pasted[1044] together, which, at length, was, I beleeve, the length of the room at least; but he had contrived it to be turned upon two pinnes, that turning one of them made the figures march all in order. It did make such a strong impression on my young[1045] phantasy, that I remember it as if it were but yesterday. I could never see it elswhere. The house is in the great long street, over against[1046] the high steeple; and 'tis likely it remaines there still. 'Tis pitty it is not re-donne.

In St. Mary's church at Warwick is a sumptuose monument of the lord Brooke, round a great altar of black marble is only this inscription:--

'Here lies the body of Sir Fulke Grevill, knight, servant to Q. Elizabeth, counsellor to K. James, and friend to Sir Philip Sydney.'

On a little tablet of wood:--

'England, Netherlands, the Heavens and the Arts Of ... Sydney hath made ... parts; ... for who could suppose, That one heape of stones could Sydney enclose.'

[1047]Sir Henry Sydney, knight of m. Mary, daughter of John Dudley, the Garter, and President of | duke of Northumberland, sister Wales. | to Ambrose, earle of Warwick. | +---------------------------+--+------------+-------+-----+---+ | | | | | | 1. Sir Philip m. ... daughter 2. Robert, 3. Thomas. Mary. \---/ Sydney | and ... of viscount two sisters, | secretary Lisle, married to | Walsingham: 1616. 2 Mansells of | obiit 22 Sept. Glamorganshire, | 1586. brothers. | Elizabeth, daughter m. Roger Manners, earl and heir | of Rutland. | sine prole.

[1048]Key of Pembroke's Arcadia[BZ].

All the good bodies thanke you for your remembrance, which I ought to have told you sooner if a paine in my head had not hinderd me.

I wishe I could give you the key you desire, but all I know of it is not worth anything; though conversant amongst his relations, could learne noe more then Pamela's being my lady Northumberland[1049], Philo[clea] my lady Rich[1050], two sisters, the last beloved by him, upon whose account he made his Astrophell and Stella; Miso, lady Cox, Mopse, lady Lucy, persons altogether unknowne now; Musid[orus] and Pericles, the two ladies' husbands. Lord Ri[ch] being then his friend, he perswaded her mother to the match, though he repented afterwards: she then very young and secretly in love with him but he no consern for her. Her beauty augmenting, he sayes in his Astrophel and Stella, he didnt think 'the morn would have proved soe faire a daye.' Their mother[1051] was beautifull and gallant (whether he meant Ginesia by her or noe, I know not); but their father died, they being young. She remaried to Dudley, Leycester and Northumberland, and afterwards to her gentleman of the horse, Sir Cristopher Blunt, which was beheaded with lord Essex. It was thought he meant himself by Amphi[alus] and his lady, Sir Francis Walsingham's daughter and heire, the queen of Corinth. If he did make his owne character high, they sayd Philisides was himself to, but it was all a guesse. He made it young, and diyng desired his folies might be burnt.

Some others I have heard guessed at, but have forgot. Therfore canot satisfie the lady, which I would for your sake.

I give you thankes but shall not want my grandmother's epitaph (which was for a relation of ours heere, who desird it), having found it of your giving.

I knew of my brother's place, but know nothing of his mariyng yett.

My service to your brother. I am sorry all thinges should not answear both your desires.

You have perfectly the good wishes of,

Your humble servant, D. TYNDALE.

[Langton[1052] in Lincolneshire] Feb. 18, 1686/7.

Service to my lady Long. Whye doe you tell us no newes? Does not Mrs. Mason's mar[1053]....

[BX] Aubrey gives in trick the coat, 'or, a pheon vert [Sydney],' wreathed in laurel (as is his custom for a poet). Dr. Philip Bliss has added the reference 'See part iii ante p. 24 for his birth,' i.e. the horoscope in MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 41ᵛ--ut supra p. 247.

[BY] MS. Aubr. 22: see vol. i. p. 123.

[BZ] This is the title given by Aubrey to D. Tyndale's letter. The letter is inserted between foll. 81, 82 of MS. Aubr. 6. It is addressed--'ffor Mr. John Aubry, to be left at Mr. Hooke's lodging in Gresham Coledge, p. postpᵈ.'

=Sir Robert Talbot= (1641/2-1681).

[1054]Sir Robert Talbot natus 1641/2, Friday, January 21, 14ʰ 0´ 14˝ P.M.

Sent by King Charles 2ᵈ into France to cure Madamosille d'Orleans, May last, 1678.

Oct. 1678, knighted.

A second voyage into France, being sent for by that king, Decʳ. 1678.

Married February 1678/9.

He dyed about September 1681.

[1055]Sir Robert Talbot, ague doctor, natus 21 Januarii 1641/2, 14ʰ 0´ 14˝ P.M.

=John Tap.=

[1056]... Tappe:--he writ a very good Arithmetique for those times, with an introduction to Algebra, in English, in 8vo.

=John Taylor= (1580-1654).

[1057]John Tayler, the water-poet:--his Workes are a fair folio, printed, London, 1630.

<He> was borne in the citie of Glocester:--.... Tayler, a painter, was his brother[1058], who told me thus 23 yeares since (he lives yet at Oxon): and his picture hung in the Schooles gallery.

He came to London and bound himselfe to a water-man, in which capacity he wrote his poems. I have heard Josias Howe, M.A., say that he will choose out 6 verses (quaere) there as good as you will find in any other.

He was very facetious and diverting company; and for stories and lively telling them, few could out-doe him.

Anno 1643, at the Act time, I sawe him at Oxon. I guesse he was then neer 50. I remember he was of middle stature, had a good quick looke, a black velvet, a plush-gippe and silver shoulder-belt; was much made of by the scholars, and was often with Josias Howe at Trinity College.

He had heretofore in the long peace severall figgaries, e.g. he came from London to Salisbury in his skuller. He went so to Calais. He went to Scotland (I think round Great Britaine) littus legens in his skuller.

Ever since the begining of the civill warres he lived in Turne-stile-alley in Long Acre, about[1059] the middle on the east side over against the Goate (now[1060]), where he sold ale. His conversation was incomparable for three or four mornings' draughts. But afterwards you were entertained with crambe bis cocta. His signe was his owne head, and very like him, which about 22 yeares since was removed to the alehowse, the corner howse opposite to Clarendon howse. Under his picture are these verses; on one side:--

There's many a head stands for a signe. Then, gentle reader, why not mine?

On the other:--

Though I deserve not, I desire The laurell wreath, the poet's hire.

This picture is now almost worne out.

Obiit ... (about 25 years since): sepult. in the church-yard of St. Martin's-in-the-fields.

[1061]John Taylor, water poet, quaere his obiit. Quaere his brother the paynter at Oxon. A<nthony> W<ood> respondet that he haz notes from the paynter who is dead.

=Silas Taylor= (1624-1678).

[1062]Mr. Baker, the printseller, by the Royal Exchange, hath a MS., a thin folio, viz. the description of Harwich and all its appurtenances and antiquities by capt. Silas Tayler.

[1063]Captain Silas Tayler: vide A. Wood's Hist. et Antiq. Oxon. He was a captaine in the Parliament army, under col. <Edward> Massey. He was a sequestrator, in Herefordshire, and had, in those times, great power, which power he used civilly and obligeingly, that he was beloved by all the King's party.

He was very musicall, and hath composed many things, and I have heard anthemes of his sang before his majestie, in his chapell, and the king told him he liked them. He had a very fine chamber organ in those unmusicall dayes. There was a great friendship between Matthew Lock, since organist of the Queen's chapell, and him[LXXXIX.].

[LXXXIX.] M. Lock maryed Mr. Garnon's daughter, in Herefordshire.

His father left him a pretty good estate, but he bought church lands and had the moeity of the bishop's palace, at Hereford, where he layd out much money in building and altering. Col. John Burch[1064] had the other moeity.

The times turning, he was faine to disgorge all he had gott, and was ruined, but Sir Paul Neile got for him the keeper of the King's stores at Harwich, worth about Cli. per annum.

He was a great lover of antiquities, and ransackt the MSS. of the Church of Hereford (there were a great many that lay uncouth and unkiss).

He also garbled the library of the church of Worcester, and evidences, where he had the originall grant of King Edgar (θαλασσιαρχης) whence the Kings of England derive their right to the soveraignty of the sea. 'Tis printed in Mr. Selden's Mare Clausum. I have seen it many times, and it is as legible as but lately written (Roman character). He offered it to the king for 120li. but his majesty would not give so much. Since his death, I acquainted the Secretary of Estate that he dyed in debt, and his creditors seised on his goods and papers. He told me that it did of right belong to Worcester Church. I told one of their prebends, and they cared not for such things. I beleeve it haz wrapt herings by this time.

He had severall MSS. by him of great antiquity: one thin 4to. of the Philosopher's Stone, in Hieroglyphicks, with some few Latin verses underneath; the most curiously limned that ever I sawe. His Majesty offered him 100li. for it, and he would not accept it. Tell Dr. Crowder[1065] of the deed of king Edgar.

Memorandum:--Capt. Tayler search<ed> the Records in the Tower, etc., and retrived some privileges that the borough[1066] had lost, for which the borough ought ever to have his remembrance in esteeme: and tho' he dyed above 100li. in their debt, yet the towne lost not by him, for the reason aforesaid.

The history or collection of this ancient borough he pawned a little before his death to Mr. Baker, the printseller by the Old Exchange, for 4li. 15s. I acquainted Sir Philip Parker, whom the borough uses to choose for their burghesse, to buy it for his borough. He would not lay out so much money, which would doe them more service then all his roast-beefe, wine, and ale at an election.

Digitus Dei[1067]. All that family came to unfortunate ends. His eldest sonne, wife, and children, were all burnt in their beds in ... near Lothbury; another son, ...; another son (a dragoon[1068]), a churchyard wall fell on him and killed him.

[1069]He surveyed very ingeniously and carefully the antiquities of Herefordshire, scil. about 3/4 of the county, before the restauration of his majesty. He then left the country and went to his friend, Sir Edward Harley, then governour of Dunkirke, who gave him some command.--These papers[1070] are in the hands of Sir Edward Harley at Brampton-Bryan Castle.

[1071]Silas Domville alias Taylor, comitatus Salopiensis, xviᵗᵒ die mensis Julii anno Domini MDCXXIVᵗᵒ in Harleya natus: in scholis Westmonasteriensi, Salopiensi (Scrobesbyriensi, si placeat), et aliis alumnatus: in tabulis publicis Aulae Novi Hospitii Oxoniensis circa annum MDCXLI conscriptus erat. Anno MDCLX apparatus bellici, armorum, et munimentorum rerum nauticarum Harvici in extrema maritima parte Essexiae pro serenissimo rege Carolo secundo usque adhuc ab anno MDCLXV custos et agens.

Inter alios libros scripsit de terrarum partitione inter liberos secundum tenuram Wallensium, Anglicé the History of Gavel kind, et ad finem ejusdem historiolam quandam ducum Normannorum tempore Henrici primi Latiné scriptam divulgavit, quae vocatur Brevis relatio.... In historia et descriptione comitatus Herefordiensis per quadriennium, immo vero lustrum, enixe laboravit sed nec absolute aut ad plenum perfecit.

[1072]For what other bookes, besides Gavel-kind, I have wrote, as my name for cogent reasons when first printed was not to them because of the nature of them, soe I shall not be soe vaine as now, after soe long a sleep, to awaken them with it.

=Herbert Thorndyke= (16--- 1672).

[1073]Mr. Herbert Thorndyke was borne at ... in Lincolnshire, went to schoole at ... (quaere if at Westminster); ..., was fellow of Trinity College in Cambridge; afterwards prebendary of Westminster[1074].

He was a good poet. I have seen a poemation of his on the death of Gustavus Adolphus, king of Sweden, in Latin hexameters, about 100 verses or better.

He was (as I am enformed by Seth Ward, Lord Bishop of Sarum, and other learned men) one of the best scholars and mathematicians of this age.

He printed ... but he does not write clearly (quaere Dr. Pell de hoc).

Richard Busby, schoolmaster of Westminster, has his MSS.; quaere what they are.

He dyed[1075] <July>, 167<2>; and lies interred in the north-east angle of Westminster cloysters, next to the grave-stone of <Thomas> Nurse, M.D., a piece of a blew marble stone on him but yet no inscription.

He made his own inscription which is mentioned by Mr. Andrew Marvell in his Rehearsall Transpros'd, viz.:--

Hic jacet corpus Herberti Thorndike praebendarii hujus ecclesiae, qui vivus veram Reformatae Ecclesiae rationem et modum precibus studiisque persequebatur. Tu, Lector, requiem et beatam in Christo resurrectionem precare.

A parallel written by the bishop[1076] and found under his owne hand and appointed for his epitaph, but I heare that Dr. <William> Lloyd his successor will have it altered to avoyd offence:--

Exuviae[1077] Isaaci, Asaphensis episcopi, In manus Domini depositae, In spem laetae resurrectionis per sola Christi merita. O vos transeuntes[1078] domum[1079] Domini, Domum orationis, Orate pro conservo vestro Ut inveniam misericordiam die Domini. June 30, 1680.

=John Tombes= (1603-1676).

[1080]Mr. John Tombs, B.D. (quaere A. Wood's Antiq. Oxon.) was borne at Beaudley in Worcestershire; his father was a....

Anno Domini <1617/8> he was admitted at Magdalen-hall, in Oxon. Anno <1621>, A.B.; Anno <1624>, A.M. He read to pupills, and was tutor there to John Wilkins, afterwards bishop of Chester. He was a great master of the Greeke tongue, and the Hebrue he understood well. He alwaies carried a little Greeke Testament about with him; he had <it> almost memoriter. He was an admirable disputant; I remember he was wont to say, that to be a good disputant, 'tis requisite for one to be a good grammarian, as well as logician. I have forgott if he was pupill to the learned Mr. <William> Pemble; but his favourite he was. He was soon taken notice of for his curious searching, piercing witt: he preached somewhere eastwards from Oxon, and had a company[1081] followed him; and 'twas predicted he would doe a great deale of mischiefe to the Church of England, reflecting upon what ... sayes, that the greatest witts have donne the most mischiefe to the Church, introducing new opinions, etc. Anno ... he was vicar of a market-towne[1082] in Herefordshire, where he was very well beloved by his parish, and Sir ... Croftes, eldest brother to the now bishop of Hereford, built a house in Leominster, to live there, to heare him preach. Anno ... he writt ..., 8vo, dedicated to John Scudamore, viscount Slego, baron of ... drum[1083]. Anno 1645, 1646, he was master of the Temple at London, i.e. minister. In 1647 he was supplanted there by parson Johnson. Then he went into his owne country, to Beaudley (a market-towne), at which time Mr. Baxter (his antagonist) preacht at Kitterminster, the next market-towne, two miles distant. They preacht against one another's doctrines, and printed against each other. Mr. Tombes was the Coryphæus of the Anabaptists: both had great[1084] audience; they went severall miles on foot to each doctor. Once (I thinke oftner), they disputed face to face, anno ...; and the followers were like two armies, about 1500 of a party; and truly, at last they fell by the eares, hurt was donne, and the civill magistrate had much adoe to quiet them. About anno 1664 he came to the Act at Oxford (quaere), and did there in vesperiis sett up a challenge to maintaine contra omnes gentes the Anabaptisticall doctrine; but not a man would grapple with him. Now, though primâ facie this might seeme very bold to challenge a whole University, 'twas not so very strange neither, for he came throughly prepared, after 30 yeares' study and thoughts, and most of them surprised.

Dr. <Robert> Sanderson, lord bishop of Lincolne, and he, had a greate esteeme for each other, so also had Dr. <Thomas> Barlowe (now bishop there). Putting aside his Anabaptisticall positions, he was comformable enough to the Church of England. About 1658 or 9, he maried the widowe of ... Dove, of Salisbury, and went to hear the Common Prayer there, and recieved the Sacraments; and sometimes wayted on bishop Ward, who respected him for his learning. He was thought to be as great a divine as most we had after bishop Sanderson dyed. I remember he never, or seldome, was wont to say Our Saviour Christ, but My Lord Christ. He seemed to be a very pious and zealous Christian. I have heard him say (though he was much opposite to the Romish religion) that truly, for his part, should he see a poor zealous friar goeing to preach, he should pay[1085] him respect. He was but a little man, neat limbed, a little quick searching eie, sad, gray. He dyed at Salisbury, May 22, and was buried 25th, in St. Edmund's church-yard, anno Domini 1676, opposite to the steeple, a good distance on the north side. His daughter dyed 7 yeares before him, and haz a grave-stone on her, with an inscription. He lyes there, and in the same stone is since engraven an inscription to the purpose already written of Mr. John Tombes.

[1086]Deare Sir[CA],

According to your desire I have sent you (although long, for it), my cozen Gore and my cozen Gastrell's nativityes; also your brother William who is now in this countrey desired mee to send you up Mr. Francis Potter's place of interment in the church at Killmanton, and the inscriptions on Mr. Tombs' and his daughter's tombston.

I have enquired of Mr. Kent; and hee sayth that Mr. Potter is buryed in Killmanton church, but in what part of the church hee knoweth not.

The inscription on Mr. Tombes his tomb is first:--

'Here lyeth the body of Elizabeth the wife of Mr. Wolston Abbott,'

and under itt this inscription on the same stone:--

'Here <lyeth> the body of Mr. John Tombes, Batchelour in Divinity, a constant preacher of God's word, who deceased the 22ᵈ of May 1676, aged 73.'

I will finish Mr. Penruduck's[CB] genesis as soone as I can; but I am somewhat bussy att present; therefore must begge his pardon.

I will write to H. Coley shortly, for lately I received a letter from him.

Soe in hast I am, Sir,

Your faythfull servant to bee commanded, CHARLES SNELL.


Sarum; Saturday, 2ᵈᵒ Aprilis 1618.]

Yesterday the good lord bishop of Sarum arrived att his pallace in the Close.

[1087]To John Aubrey, esq., att Mr. Hooke's chamber in Gresham Colledge with care these present.


[CA] This letter from Charles Snell to Aubrey is sealed with the following coat:--'... a cross pattée crossed; quartering, ... 3 roses on a fess between 6 martlets.'

Aubrey has on it a jotting 'Memorandum his life as to Dove,' and in MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 15, the note 'Mr. ... Tombes: mend the mistake of ... Dove's widdowe,' i.e. supra, p. 259, correct the statement that 'he maried the widowe of ... Dove.' He married the widow of Wolston Abbott of Salisbury: Aubrey in MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 360: July 14, 1681.

[CB] George Penruddock, of Broad Chalk, born at Westminster.--MS. Aubr. 23, fol. 61.

=Ezreel Tonge= (1621-1680).

[1088]Ezreel Tong[CC], D.D., was borne at Tickell, in Yorkshire, between Bautre and Doncaster.

Obiit ... Decemb., sepultus 23 Decemb. <1680> in the vault of the church-yard of St. Mary Stayning, London; where, before the conflagration, was a church, of which he was the parson[1089]; but I have heard his brother, captain Tong (of the King's Guards) say 'twas worth but 18 li. per annum, for he had gathered it.

Mr. <Thomas> Jones (who preached his funerall sermon: printed) sayes that he haz left two tomes in folio of alchymie. His excellency lay there.

About 1658, or 1659, the then-Power made an Academie of the Bishop's Pallace at Durham, for the benefit of the North. Dr. Tonge was the governour, or one of the professors. Ned Bagshawe was proposed to have been another. The Dr. had an excellent schoole there, and followed precisely the Jesuites' method of teaching; and boyes did profit wonderfully, as needes they must, by that method.

He afterwards taught at Islington, at Sir Thomas Fisher's house[CD], where was a long gallery, and he had severall printed heads of Caesars, &c.; verbes under such a head, governed a dative case; under another, an ablative. The boyes had it as readie as could be. I have been there.

[1090]Ezerel Tong, D.D.:--Mr. Cadnam, bookeseller, New Exchange, hath his papers, among which is a MS. (folio) of chymistrie: quaere title. Respondet quod non: Captain Tonge (his brother) gave all his papers to my lord Culpepper[1091], when he went to Virginia. I spake to Sir R. Reding to quaere <about them>, and my lord heeded not such things. So there is a precious collection of other men's labours lost.

[1092]Ezerel Tong, D.D., invented (among other things) the way of teaching children to write a good hand in twenty dayes' time, by writing over, with black inke, copies printed from copper-plates in red inke:--viz., the children (scilicet, about 8 or 9 aetatis) were to do it four howers in the day; i.e. 2 howers or 2 halfe-howers in the morning at a time (as the boyes' temper could endure it, without tyring him); and then to play as long; and then to it again, to keep up the idea in the child fresh. Since his death, Mr. Robert Moray (projector[1093] of the Penney Post) haz engraven severall plates printed-off in red letters, by which meanes boyes learne (to admiration) as aforesayd--quod N.B.

His funerall sermon was preached in the church of St. Michael, Wood-street; the church of St. Mary Stayning being burn't, and never to be re-edified, but both parishes putt together.

[CC] Aubrey gives in trick the coat, 'azure, a bend or cottised argent, between six martlets or,' and notes 'this is the same coat that is borne by Delabere.'

[CD] MS. Aubr. 22 is a collection of short treatises, chiefly on Latin grammar. Of this Aubrey says:--'Memorandum:--this collection of grammatical learning (and another in 8vo) is in relation to my idea of the education of the noblesse,' i.e. is in preparation for MS. Aubr. 10 infra.--In this volume is a treatise 'by Dr. Tonge, Brampton Castle, Dec. 23, 1672,' entitled 'Dr. Tonge de punctis,' 3 pp., dealing with Wasmuth's rules for punctuation.

Also, An epitome of Grammar, by Ezerel Tonge, D.D., being 18 memorial verses, beginning

'Eight parts, two numbers, six cases, these.'

Also, a prospectus of Tong's school, 'At Islington in or near Sir Richard Fisher's house, next the church, having a prospect into Canbury fields'; and on the back of it a scheme of the terminations in the declension of Latin nouns. Also, 4 pp. of memorial verses (Latin), and (in MS.) a scheme for the conjugation of verbs.

MS. Aubr. 10 is Aubrey's 'The idea of education of a young gentleman.' In this, chapter 3 (i.e. foll. 13-20) is 'An introduction to the Latin tongue, by Ezerel Tong, D.D.'

=Nathaniel Torporley= (1563-1632).

[1094]Mr. J.[1095] Torporley--Mr. <Robert> Hooke affirms to me that Mr. J. Torporley was amanuensis to Vieta[1096]; but from whom he had that information he haz now forgot, but he had good and credible authority for it, and bids me tell you that he was certainly so.

He printed something against Vieta by the name of John Poulterey (a disguised name, the same letters a little transpos'd).

[1097]Memorandum:--Mr. Nicholas Mercator (who taught the last earl of Northumberland[1098], then lord Percy, at Petworth) assures me that the earle of Northumberland who was prisoner in the Tower gave also a pension to one Mr. ... Torporley, Salopiensis, a learned man; and that in the library of that family (I thinke) at Petworth, are some papers of his: quaere iterum.

Ex catalogo librorum Bibliothecae Bodleianae:

Nath. Torporlaeus, Diclides coelometricae, seu valvae astronomicae universales: Lond. 1602, 4to: C. 46 Art.

=Thomas Triplett= (1603-1670).

[1099]Next to Dr. Outram's inscription <in the south aisle of Westminster abbey> stands this of Dr. Triplett, in the very place where Mr. Thomas May's stood, of white marble[1100]:--

Hic requiescit vir Reverend. Dr. Thomas Triplett, ex agro Oxoniensi, Praebendarius hujus ecclesiae, Qui postquam ad annum aetatis septuagesimum pietate et cultus assiduitate, Deo, Graecae linguae peritia non vulgari, doctis, largitate et continua beneficentia, egenis, morum innocua jucunditate, omnibus, carum se praebuisset, Ab hac vita ad meliorem commigravit, Anno Domini 1670 Die Julii 18.

He went to schoole to Dr. Gill, as appeares by his ballad[1101], which will last longer then any sermon that ever he made.

After his sequestration[1102] he kept a schoole at Dublyn (when the king was beheaded); afterwards at Hayes, Surrey, 12 miles from London. 'Twas here our[1103] common friend George Ent went to schoole to him, who told me that he had forgot the smart of his old master, Gill; he was very severe.

I'le tell you a story of our old friend. His master Triplett was a great lover of honey, and one of his schoolefellow's mother having sent a pott of honey to the doctor, G. Ent putt his schoolefellow to beg a little of his master, and he had gott a manchet and so they would have a regalio. The doctor was in his study; and the boy takes the confidence to approach, with his 'Quaeso, praeceptor, da mihi mel.' G. Ent was sneaking behind. Qᵈ. the disturbed doctor, 'You audacious raskall,' and gave him a good cuffe on the ear, 'how dare you be thus impudent? Sirrah, who putt you on?' The boy answered (whiningly) 'G. Ent.' The enraged doctor flies out of his study (he was a very strong man), gives poore George a kick in the breech, and made him fly downe a flight of 7 or 8 staires to the landing-place, where his head first came to. He was stunn'd, but 'twas well his neck was not broken. 'Twas a most cruel and inhumane act to use a poore child so. It so happened that a day or two before G. E. had shaled a tooth. He writes a letter to his father (now Sir George Ent) and incloses the tooth in it; relates the story and that he lost the tooth by that meanes[1104]. The next day the grave and learned Dr. Ent comes to Hayes (the fame of whose learning and testimonie did give great credit and reputation to this schoole); expostulates with the doctor about his sonne. To be short, tooke him away, and placed him with Mr. William Radford at Richmond (an honest sequestred fellow of Trinity College, Oxon, and an excellent schoolmaster, having been bred at Thame under Dr. Birt[1105] and afterwards sent to Winton.) This accident well-nigh did breake Dr. Triplett's schoole. But shortly after this time, happened the restauration of his majestie, and then he was also restored to his former preferments.

=Thomas Tusser= (1527-1580).

[1106]Memorandum:--Edward Bullock, of Fayburne-hall, in Essex, esq. assures me, that this Tusser was borne at Riven-hall in Essex. The howse wherein he was borne they doe yet shew. He rented the parsonage of Fairested. He speakes in his booke of the people's cosening him of his tythes.

=William Twisse= (1574-1646).

[1107]... Twisse, D.D., of Newbury:--his sonne Dr. ... Twisse, minister of the new church neer Tothil street, Westminster, told me that he had heard his father say that when he was a schoole-boy at Winton Colledge that he was a rakell, and that one of his schoolefellowes and camerades (as wild as himselfe) dyed there; and that his father goeing in the night to the house of office, the phantome or ghost of his dead schoolefollow appeared to him and told him 'I am damn'd'; and that this was the beginning of his conversion.

Memorandum:--the Dr. had a melancholique and hypo-condriaque temperament.

=John Twyne= (15--- 1581).

[1108]Jo. Twini, Bolingdunesis, Angli, de rebus Albionicis, Britannicis, atque Anglicis commentariorum libri 2, ad Thomam Twinum, filium: Lond. 1599.

The father was schoolmaster of St. Saviour's in Canterbury. John Leland haz verses on him.

=Thomas Twyne= (1543-1613).

[1109]☞ From Mr. Meredith Lloyd--'The Breviarie of Britaine of Humphrey Lloyd, dedicated to Ortelius, translated out of Latine by Mr. Twyne, wherein are the etymologies of the Welsh names, rivers, cities, etc.' He says that the Latin edition is altogether false writt, which names Mr. Twyne hath printed true in the English edition.

=Thomas Tyndale= (1588-1671/2).

<In MS. Aubr. 21, among the notes Aubrey has jotted down for his projected comedy The Country Revel, are a number under the initials of T. T., i.e. of Thomas Tyndale (see p. 190, supra), whom Aubrey took for his model in depicting an old gentleman ('Sir Eubule Nestor') of the heroic age. Some of these opinions of 'an old courtier of the Queen's' are collected here.>

In those days (Elizabetha regina) the great men had a gate (the yettes), and when a senator went to the Parliament-house a-foote, or a horse-back with his foot-cloath, he had at his heeles 1/2 a dozen or 10 tall fellowes with blew coates and badges and long basket-hilt swords. Now forsooth only a laquey and a little spitt-pig[1110].

T. T.--The advantage that king Charles I had: gentlemen tho[1111] kept good horses, and many horses for a man-at-armes, and men that could ride them; hunting horses. Now we are come all to our coaches forsooth! (Sir Philip Sydney[1112]). Now young men are so farre from managing good horses, they know not how to ride a hunting nag nor handle their weapons. So God help the king if, etc.

In Sir Philip Sydney's time 'twas as much disgrace for a cavalier to be seen in London rideing in a coach in the street as now 'twould be to be seen in a petticoate and wastcoate. They rode in the streets then with their rich footcloathes, and servants wayting on them with blewe coates and badge, 6[1113], 8, 12 +.

T. T., an old gentleman that remembers Queen Elizabeth's raigne and court, one of true gravity and prudence, not one that depends upon the grave cutt of his beard to be thought so. He hath seen much in his time both at home and abroade; and with much choler inveighes against things now:--'Alas! O' God's will! Now-a-dayes every one, forsooth! must have coaches, forsooth! In those dayes gentlemen kept horses for a man-at-armes, besides their hackney and hunting horses. This made the gentry robust and hardy and fitt for service; were able to be their owne guides in case of a rout or so, when occasion should so require[1114]. Our gentry forsooth in these dayes are so effeminated that they know not how to ride on horseback.--Tho when the gentry mett, it was not at a poor blind sordid alehouse, to drinke up a barrell of drinke and lie drunke there two or three dayes together; fall together by the eares. They mett tho in the fields, well-appointed, with their hounds or their hawkes; kept up good hospitality; and kept a good retinue, that would venture that bloud and spirit that filled their vaines which their masters' tables nourisht[1115]; kept their tenants in due respect of them. We had no depopulacion in those dayes.

'You see in me the ruines of time. The day is almost at end with me, and truly I am glad of it: I desire not to live in this corrupt age. I foresawe and foretold the late changes, and now easily foresee what will follow after. Alas! O' God's will! It was not so in Queen Elizabeth's time: then youth had[1116] respect to old age.

'Revels--Tho the elders and better sort of the parish sate and beheld the pastimes of the young men, as wrastling, shooting at butts, bowling, and dancing. All this is now lost; and pride, whoreing, wantonnesses, and drunkennesses. Tho the charity of the feast, St. Peter's box[1117], maintayned the old impotent poore.'

=James Usher= (1580/1-1655/6).

[1118]Memorandum:--... Usher, Lord Primate <of Ireland>, was at Llantrithed[1119] for severall moneths, and divertised himselfe much to talke with the poore people to understand Welsh, for that 'it had,' he sayd, 'a great affinity with the Irish.' He sayd the Old Testament was translated by the Universities, but the New Testament was translated by the bishops; but the Old is much better donne.

=Henry Vaughan= (1621-1695).

=Thomas Vaughan= (1621-1666/7).

[1120]There are two Vaughans, twinnes, both very ingeniose and writers. One writt a poeme called Olor Iscanus (Henry Vaughan, the first-borne), and another booke of Divine Meditations. His brother wrote severall treatises, whose names I have now forgott, but names himself Eugenius Philalethes.

They were borne at Llansanfraid in Brecknockshire, by the river Uske (Isca). Their grandmother was an Aubrey: their father, a coxcombe and no honester then he should be--he cosened me of 50s. once.

Eugenius Philalethes was of Jesus College. Whither Henry was I have forgotten; but he was a clarke sometime to Judge Sir Marmaduke Lloyd[1121].

[1122]Henry Vaughan, 'Silurist':--you know Silures contayned Breconockshire, Herefordshire, etc.

[1123]My brother and I were borne att Newton, in Brecknockshire, in the parish of St. Briget's, in the year 1621.

I stayed not att Oxford to take my degree, but was sent to London, beinge then designed by my father for the study of the law, which the sudden eruption of our late civil warres wholie frustrated.

My brother continued there for 10 or 12 yeares, and I thinke he could be noe lesse than Master of Arts. He died upon an imployment for his majesty, within 5 or 6 miles of Oxford, in the yeare that the last great plague visited London. He was buried by Sir Robert Murrey, his great friend (and then secretary of estate for the kingdome of Scotland); to whome he gave his bookes and MSS.

[1124]My profession allso is physic, which I have practised now for many years with good successe (I thanke God) and a repute big enough for a person of greater parts than my selfe.

[1125]My brother died in the seaven and fortieth year of his age, upon the 27th of Februarie in the yeare 1666, and was buried upon the first of March.

[1126]Sir Robert Moray ... told me he buryed <my cosen Thomas Vaughan> at Albery neer Ricot within three miles of Oxford. He dyed at Mr. [Sam.[1127]] Kem's howse, the minister.

=Edward de Vere=, 17th earl of Oxford (15--- 1604).

[1128]Mr. Thomas Henshawe, Regiae Societatis Socius, tells me that Nicholas Hill was secretary to ..., the great earle of Oxford, who spent fourty thousand pounds per annum in seaven yeares travell. He lived at Florence in more grandeur than the duke of Tuscany[1129].

This earle of Oxford, making of his low obeisance to queen Elizabeth, happened to ..., at which he was so abashed[1130] that he went to travell 7 yeares. On his returne the queen welcomed him home and sayd, 'My lord, I had forgot the ...'

A poor man[1131] askt of Mr. Hill one time to give him 6d. (or 1s. or such an almes). Sayd Mr. Hill 'What doest say, if I give thee ten pounds?' 'Oh!' sayd he, 'ten pounds would make me a man.' And he did put it downe in the account--'Item, xli. for making a man'--which his lordship allowed and was well pleased at it.

=Villiers=, duke of Buckingham.

[1132]George Villiers, 1st duke of Buckingham, natus 28 Aug. 1592, 4ʰ 40´ A.M., at Brookesby, Leicestershire.

George, filius of the duke of Buckingham, natus 30 Januarii, 1627/8; obiit in Yorkshire, Saturday, 16 Apr. 1687.

[1133](a) George, duke of Buckingham, borne Aug. 28, Thursday, 15ʰ P.M. 1595.--(b) George Villiers, duke of Buckingham, natus Tuesd. 28 Aug. 1592, 16ʰ 45´ P.M.--[Here (b) the yeare is 1592; but in the former (a) 1595.]

The duke's sonne borne Wedn. 30 January 1627/8, 1ʰ P.M.

The countesse of Bucks[1134] died of a dropsi and phisick, 14 Apr. 1632.

[1135]Vide in Vaticinium Poeticum de obitu lord Francis Villers[1136].

=William de Visscher.=

[1137]From Mr. Bovey:--William de Visscher, merchant in London, borne at Emden in East Frisland in Germany, a Hans-towne--now under the Dutch. At 2 yeares old was brought into England by his father, an eminent merchant; lived 55 yeares in one house at St. Mary Hill, and dyed in the 74th yeare of his age. He lived there till the fire of London; he dyed about 3 yeares after--he did not enjoy himselfe afterwards.

In the last great dearth of corne in England, which was in anno[XC.] ..., when there was a great complaint and cry of the poore, he bade them bee of good comfort for they should not starve, for he would give them his labour and the use of his estate for that yeare. He being a man of vast credit, gave his factors order that what corne they could buy at such and such rates beyond sea, to hire flye-boates and send them over to the port of London, of which he bought in one yeare two thousand five hundred sayle. The corne that cost him 12s. per bushell beyond sea, he sold here for 14s.; and some of the places from whence he had corne (they selling it by reason of the greatnesse of the price) afterwards wanted it themselves and were faine to be supplied from hence, i.e. in some places, for which they were faine to pay halfe value more then the first cost, or els must have starved.

[XC.] + Quaere annum. About 30 years since. I beleive it was 1647, or 1648--quaere.

Many disasters happened to many of the shippes that were bound for London (some that never arrived were destroyed by foule weather; some wind-bound so long till their corne fired for want of ayering, and was faine to be throwne over-board) that in the whole matter, after all the adventures runne, he did not gaine five and twenty hundred pounds. The fly-boates caryed 800 tunne, and some more.

He left two sonnes and <one> daughter behind him, named Isabella (who was maried to Mr. James Bovey, by which he haz one sonne and one daughter).

He was a very eminent merchant, as most was of his time; and was valued by common reputation (when he maried his daughter) to be worth sixscore thousand pounds.

He stayed in London during the whole time of the plague, and had not all that time one sick in his family. He was a temperate man, and had his house very cleanly kept.

=Isaac Vossius= (1618-1688).

[1138]Isaac Vossius died at his lodgeings in Windsor Castle, February the tenth, anno 1688/9; and hath left the best private library, they say, in the world. 'Tis sayd king William will buy it to send into Holland[1139].

=Johannes Gerhardus Vossius= (1577-1649).

[1140]He alwayes wrote his Adversaria on one side only of a sheet of paper, so that as occasion required, he only tore his papers and fixt them together, and would so send them to the presse without any more transcribing. If his paper would beare ink of one side 'twas as much as he desired. This way did save him a great deale of paines--quod N.B.:--from Dr. John Pell.

Vide Drexelii, e Soc. Jesu, de legendis auctoribus cum proficuo.

Sir Isaac Wake (1575-1632).

[1141]Sir Isaac Wake: he had a fine seate at Hampsted in Middlesex, which lookes over London and Surrey, where he made those delicate walkes of pines and firres, also corme-trees, etc.--The Lord Chiefe Baron Wyld[1142] had it afterwards. His study was mighty pleasant.

The lord de la Ware, who maried the daughter and heire of the chiefe baron, sold this seat about 1683 to a citizen of London, who pulled it downe to build a house (1686).

The Chief Baron told his cosen Edmund Wyld, esq., that Sir Isaac Wake was the first that planted pines and firres in England. E. W. might have had the study for 8 li. per annum.

=Clement Walker= (1595-1651).

[1143]Clement Walker, esq. ('Theodorus Verax'), author of the History of Independency, was of Christ Church, Oxon. Obiit ..., in the Tower (about Worcester fight).

[1144]Clement Walker[CE], esq.--vide registrum at All Hallows, Barking, about 1650, ubi sepultus, November:--he asked about an hower before he dyed, how long it was to full-sea. They sayd, an hower. 'Then,' sayd he, 'at that time I shall depart'; and he did so, quietly--from E. P--.,, esq., his fellow-prisoner there, who told me that he wrote a continuation of his Historic of the king's comeing to Worcester: 'tis pitty 'tis lost.

His son[CF], W. W., now living, was a minor when his father dyed; and ..., an elder brother of his, was made executor, who is also dead.

[CE] Aubrey adds also the references:--(a) 'vide A<nthony> W<ood's> lettre, about June 1681'; (b) 'vide Φ, p. 88,' a MS. I have been unable to identify.

[CF] Aubrey in MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 360: July 14, 1681:--'Mr. Clement Walker's son tells me that his father was buried in Allhallowes Barking church, November ..., 1652: wherabout he knowes not, being then but 9 aetatis.'

=Edmund Waller= (1605/6-1687).

[1145]Mr. Edmund Waller of Beconsfield, the poet, was borne[XCI.] at Colshill[CG] in Hertfordshire neer Agmundesham A.D. 1606, Martii die 13, horâ 18, min. 16 P.M.--scilicet March after the Gunpowder plot.

[XCI.] 'Edmundus Waller, poeta, natus tertio die Martii anno Domini 1605/6--from Sir William Petty.'--MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 112.

This was done in Italie by an Italian:--

'Hic Mercurius in 12ª monstrat felix et sublime ingenium, sed ipsi autori noxium propter □ cum Luna. Saturnus in Medio Coeli indicat multos inimicos, quibus tamen natus praevalebit propter △ quem habet Saturnus cum Venere. Supervivet natus suae uxori; caveat tamen sibi 1655, minantur enim tunc astra morbum periculosum, quem si natus superat, poterit (naturaliter loquendo) pervenire ad annum 1669. Apparet tamen periculum ab aquis et a veneno. Videtur honorandus ab aliquo principe externo.--Complexio est frigida et humida, unde bonum erit uti cibis calidis, sed facilis digestionis propter debilitatem stomachi.'

Obiit Octob. 20, 1687; sepultus at Beconsfield in the churchyard with his father and grandfathers, where are two walnutt-trees sett at the head and foot of his grandfather's grave.

[1146]Edmund Waller[CH], esq., son and heire of <Robert Waller> by <Anne> Hamden. He was cosen-germane to Oliver Cromwell, Protector, whose mother was his mother's sister.

He was borne at Beconsfield, in Bucks, Anno Domini ... (quaere) in the fair brick house, the farthest on the left hand, as you goe to Wickham.

He had grammer learning from the information of Mr. <Gerard> Dobson[CI], minister of Market Wickham, who taught a private schoole there, and was (he told me) a good schoolmaster, and had been bred at Eaton College schoole. I have heard Mr. Thomas Bigge, of Wickham, say (who was his schoole-fellow, and of the same forme), that he little thought then he would have been so rare a poet; he was wont to make his exercise for him.

His paternall estate, and by his first wife, was 3000 li. per annum. His first wife was ... (vide Heralds' Office) of Worcestershire, by whom he had ... per annum, and issue by her, son. His second wife (maried to her A.D. ...) was ... Brace; a woman beautifull and very prudent, by whom he has severall children (I thinke 10 or 12).

About[1147] 23, or between that and thirty, he grew (upon I know not what occasion) mad; but 'twas (I thinke) not long ere[1148] he was cured:--this from Mr. Thomas Bigg.

Non tulit aethereos pectus mortale tumultus.


Memorandum:--he was proud: to such, a check often gives that distemper.

He was passionately in love with Dorothea, the eldest daughter of the earle of Leicester[CJ], whom he haz eternized in his poems: and the earle loved him, and would have been contented that he should have had one of the youngest daughters; perhaps this might be the check[XCII.].

[XCII.] Mr. Thomas Big of Wickham haz been dead these 20 yeares, who could have told me the cause. I beleeve that I am right. You see how things become antiquated.

... Waller (I thinke, Walter) was his tutor at King's College, Cambridge, who was a very learned man, and was afterwards vicar of Broad Chalke, Wilts.

A burghesse in Parliament, for Beconsfield, in king James's[1149] time, and has been of all the Parliaments since the restauration of king Charles II (1680, aetat. 74 +).

One of the first refiners of our English language and poetrey. When he was a brisque young sparke, and first studyed poetry, 'Methought,' said he, 'I never sawe a good copie of English verses; they want smoothnes; then I began to essay.' I have severall times heard him say, that he cannot versify when he will; but when the fitt comes upon him, he does it easily, i.e. in plaine termes, when his Mercurius and Venus are well aspected.

He told me he was not acquainted with Ben. Johnson (who dyed about 1638), but familiarly with Lucius, lord Falkland; Sydney Godolphin, Mr. Hobbes; &c.

He was very much admired at Court before the late civill warres. 164-, he being then a member of the House of Commons, he was committed prisoner to the Tower, for the plott, with <Nathaniel> Tomkins (his cosen-germane)[1150] and <Richard> Chaloner, for firing the City of London, and delivering the Parliament, etc. to the King's partie: vide Transactions of those times. He had much adoe then to save his life, and in order to it, sold his estate in Bedfordshire, about[1151] 1300 li. per annum, to Dr. Wright, M.D. for 10,000 li., (much under value) which was procured in 24 hours' time, or els he had been hanged (quaere E. Wyld, esq.). With which money he bribed the whole House, which was the first time a House of Commons was ever bribed. His excellent rhetoricall speech to the House (vide his speech to save his life), as also his panegyrique to Oliver, Lord Protector, he would not suffer to be inserted in the edition of his Poems since the restauration of king Charles II.

After he had obtayned his pardon of the Parliament, he went to France, where he stayed ... yeares, and was there very kindly recieved, and esteemed. Anno Domini ... he returned into England.

When king Charles II returned, he recieved Mr. Waller very kindly, and no man's conversation is more esteemed at court now then his. The dutches of Yorke (daughter to the duke of Modena) very much delights <in> his company, and hath layed her commands on him to write, which he hath dedicated to her highnes.

His intellectualls are very good yet[1152] (1680), and makes verses; but he growes feeble. He wrote verses of the Bermudas 50 yeares since, upon the information of one that had been there; walking in his fine woods, the poetique spirit came upon him.

He is of somewhat above a middle stature, thin body, not at all robust: fine thin skin, his face somewhat of an olivaster; his hayre frizzd, of a brownish colour; full eye, popping out and working: ovall faced, his forehead high and full of wrinckles. His head but small, braine very hott, and apt to be cholerique--Quanto doctior, eo iracundior.--CICERO. He is something magisteriall, and haz[1153] a great mastership of the English language. He is of admirable and gracefull elocution, and exceeding ready.

He has spent most of his time in London, especially in winter; but oftentimes in the summer he enjoyes his muse at Beconsfield, which is incomparable aire, and where are delicious walks in the woods. Now I speake of woods, I remember he told us there, that he cutt downe and grubbed-up a beech wood of his, at Beconsfield in Bucks, and without soweing, but naturally, there grew up[1154] a wood all of birch.

A.D. ... he was admitted a fellow of the Royall Societie.

He haz but a tender weake body, but was alwayes very temperate. ... (quaere Samuel Butler) made him damnable drunke at Somerset-house, where, at the water-stayres, he fell downe, and had a cruell fall. 'Twas pitty to use such a sweet swan so inhumanely[1155].

[1156]He hath a great memory, and remembers a history, etc. etc. best when read to him: he uses to make his daughters read to him. Yet, notwithstanding his great witt and mastership in rhetorique, etc. he will oftentimes be guilty of mispelling in English. He writes a lamentably <bad> hand, as bad <as> the scratching of a hen.

I have heard him say that he so much admired Mr. Thomas Hobbes' booke De Cive, when it came forth, that he was very desirous to have it donne into English, and Mr. Hobbes was most willing it should be done by Mr. Waller's hand, for that he was so great a master of our English language. Mr. Waller freely promised him to doe it, but first he would desire Mr. Hobbes to make an essaye; he (T. H.) did the first booke, and did it so extremely well, that Mr. Waller would not meddle with it[1157], for that nobody els could doe it so well. Had he thought he could have better performed it, he would have himselfe been the translator.

Memorandum: his Speech against Ship-money which is in his booke of Poems: his Panegyrique to Oliver the Protector I have: and also to King Charles II.

He sayes that he was bred under severall ill, dull, ignorant schoolmasters, till he went to Mr. Dobson, at ... Wickham, who was a good schoolmaster, and had been an Eaton scholar.

Memorandum:--later end of Aug. 1680, he wrote verses, called 'Divine Love,' at the instance and request of the lady viscountesse Ranulagh.

He missed[1158] the Provostship of Eaton Colledge, <Feb.> 1680 <i.e. 0/1>; <Zachary Cradock> haz it.

[1159]He lies buried in the church-yard (south east of the church), where his grandfather and father were buried. This burying-place <is> railed about like a pound, and about that bignesse. There is a walnut tree planted, that is, perhaps, 50 yeares old: (the walnut tree is their crest.) There are nine graves or cippi, no gravestone or inscription. They lye thus:

[Illustration: Edm. Waller ~Pastor~ Poeta.]

[1160]From Capt. Edmund Hamden, his cousin-german, 1690:--Edmund Waller, esq., was borne in the parish of Agmundesham, in Buckinghamshire, at a place called Winchmore-hill, which was sold by his father, and which he had a very great desire to have bought again, not long before his death, but the owner would not sell it: part of the house haz been new-built, but the roome wherein he was borne is yet standing. Said he, to his cousin Hamden, A stagge, when he is hunted, and neer spent, alwayes returnes home. He dyed at 83, and his witt was as florid then as at any time of his life. He derived his poëtick[1161] witt from the Hamdens; severall of them have been poets.

Whereas Rutt, that kept the ... Inne (the Crowne, I thinke) at Beconsfield, told me, many yeares since, that he had been distempered; captain Hamden affirmes it is false; but his brother was a foole, as to discourse or businesse, but was very learned. And whereas Dr. <Peter> Birch told me that he had a prodigiouse memorie; his sonnes affirme that he had no good memorie, and was never good to learne a thing by heart, but some things that pleased him he did strongly retaine.

[1162]Captain Hamden told me that the soldiers came to Beconsfield to search for money; his mother told them if they would goe along with her, she would shew them where she had buried five thousands pounds, and had them to the house of office.

[1163]Edmund Waller, esq., poet:--Mr. Christopher Wase repeating to him the bitter satyricall verses[XCIII.] made on Sir Carre Scroop, viz.--

Thy brother murdred, and thy sister whor'd, Thy mother too--and yet thy penne's thy sword;

[XCIII.] 4 or 6 verses made against him by Driden or somebody else. <Marginal note by Anthony Wood.>

Mr. Waller replyed sur le champ 'that men write ill things well and good things ill; that satyricall[1164] writing was downehill, most easie and naturall; that at Billingsgate one might hear great heights of such witt; that the cursed earth naturally produces briars and thornes and weeds, but roses and fine flowers require cultivation.'

All his writings are free from offence.

His poems are reprinted now (1682) by his owne orders and his pictures (young and old) before it, and underneath

Sed Carmina major imago.

OVID. <Trist. I. vii. 11.>

[Edmund Waller[1165]:--] he made some verses of his owne dyeing, but a fortnight, or little more, before his decease.

[CG] In MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 112, not in Aubrey's handwriting, is the same Thema genethliacon, with the judgement upon it. There Aubrey notes:--

'This account I had from Dr. <Peter> Birch, minister of St. James's, who maried one of Mr. Waller's daughters.'

The conclusion of the judgement there is:--

'Natus apud Colshill[XCIV.] in agro Hartfordiensi juxta ... Denatus Oct. 20, 1687; sepultus Beconsfield in agro Buckinghamiensi. Pater, Robertus Waller; mater, Anne Hamden.'

[XCIV.] 'Tis a mistake: vide next leafe--<i.e. fol. 113>.

[CH] Aubrey notes that he was of 'Cambr.', and gives in colours the coat 'sable, 3 walnut leaves in bend between two bendlets or.' Also, he notes (a) 'vide Heralds' Office'; (b) 'gett his nativity'--see supra, p. 273.

[CI] Gerard Dobson, M.A., Magd. Coll., Oxon. 1613, Vicar of High Wycombe 1629.

[CJ] Dorothy, daughter of Robert Sydney, 2nd earl of Leicester, married Henry Spencer, 3rd baron Spencer of Wormleighton, created earl of Sunderland in June, 1643, and killed at Newbury Sept. 20, 1643.

=John Wallis= (1616-1703).

[1166]John Wallis, D.D.--I find at Lid in Kent that his father was Mr. John Wallis, minister of Ashford, in Kent.

[1167]John Wallis[CK], D.D., was borne at Ashford, in the county of Kent, Anno Domini <1616>. His father was minister there. He went to schoole there.

At ... yeares old he was admitted at Emanuel Colledge in Cambridge; 'ubi fuit alumnus, deinde Collegii Reginalis ibidem socius' (Mr. Oughtred's preface to his Clavis). Anno <1636/7> A.B.; anno <1640> M.A. He was a good student, but fell not to the study of the mathematiques till he was above twenty.

A[CL] remarkable passage of his life, was, that he was a witnesse of W. Laud's (archbishop of Canterbury) tryall, for his introducing popish innovations into the University of Cambridge: see Canterbury's Doome, printed 1646, pag. 73, and elswhere. The first remarqueable passage of his life was his decyphering the letters of King Charles I taken at the battle at Nasby, which booke is called The King's Cabinet Opened, printed at London, ... Anno ... was scolar to Mr. W. Oughtred.

Anno 164<9> after the Visitation by the Parliament, he came to Oxon, and was made Savillian Professor of Geometrie. ..., <elected> Fellow of the Royall Societie. Great[1168] contests between him and Mr. Thomas Hobbes, of Malmesbury: sure their Mercuries are in □[1169] or opposition. Anno Domini 1657, he gott himselfe to be chosen by unjust meanes[XCV.] to be Custos Archivorum of the University of Oxon, at which time Dr. <Richard> Zouch had the majority of voyces, but because Dr. Zouch was a malignant (as Dr. Wallis openly protested, and that he had talked against Oliver), he was putt aside. Now, for the Savillian Professor to hold another place besides, is so downeright against Sir Henry Savile's statutes, that nothing can be imagined more; and if he does, he is downeright perjured. Yet the Dr. is allowed to keepe the other place still.

[XCV.] Vide Henry Stubbes' (The Savillian Professour's case stated: Lond. 1658) de hoc: who haz told him of it.

Anno <1654> he tooke his degree of Doctor, at the Act, at Oxon, and went out grand-compounder (which costes 200 li.), only that he might take place[1170] of Dr. Seth Ward, who was about a yeare his senior. In 1661 Dr. Ward was made deane of Exon, and the next yeare bishop of the same place; and so Dr. Wallis's 200 li. was meerly cast away. The bishop protested he was troubled for the losse of his brother Wallis's two hundred pounds.

He hath writt severall treatises, and well; and to give him his due prayse, hath exceedingly well deserved of the commonwealth of learning, perhaps no mathematicall writer so much.

'Tis certaine that he is a person of reall worth, and may stand[CM] with much glory upon his owne basis, needing not <to> be beholding to any man for fame, of which he is so extremely greedy, that he steales flowers from others to adorne his owne cap,--e.g. he lies at watch, at Sir Christopher[1171] Wren's discourse, Mr. Robert Hooke's, Dr. William Holder[1172], &c.; putts downe their notions in his note booke, and then prints it, without owneing the authors. This frequently, of which they complaine.

But though he does an injury to the inventors, he does good to learning, in publishing such curious notions, which the author (especially Sir Christopher Wren) might never have the leisure to write of himselfe.

When Mr. Oughtred's Clavis Mathematica was printed at Oxford (editio tertia, with additions), Mr. W. O.,[1173] in his preface, gives worthy characters of severall young mathematicians that he enformed, and, amongst others, of John Wallis, who would be so kind to Mr. Oughtred, as to take the paines to correct the presse, which the old gentleman doth with respect there thus acknowledge, after he hath enumerated his titles and preferments; viri ingenui, pii, industrii, in omni reconditiore literatura versatissimi, in rebus Mathematicis admodum perspicacis, et in enodatione explicationeque scriptorum intricatissimis Zipherarum involucris occultatorum (quod ingenii subtilissimi argumentum est) ad miraculum foelicis. This last, of the cyphers, was added by Dr. Wallis himselfe; which when, the booke being printed, the old gentleman sawe, he was much vexed at it; and sayd, that he had thought he had given him sufficient prayse, with which he might have rested[1174] contented.

He maried ... and haz a good temporall estate in Kent.... He has only two daughters, handsome young gentle-woemen; one maried to Mr. ... Blencowe, of Middleton-Cheyney, in....

He lives at a well-built house, near New Colledge, in Oxon; is a Justice of the Peace there, and has been 167-, 1679, 1680.

Catalogus librorum ab illo scriptorum.

. . . . . . . . . . . .

[CK] Aubrey gives in colours the coat, 'gules, a bend ermine.' In MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 6ᵛ, he gives in trick, for John Wallis, the coat, 'ermine, a bend argent.'

[CL] This sentence stood at first:--'The first remarkable passage of his life was that he was an instrument of fetching Laud's (archbishop of Canterbury) head of, by being a witnesse at the tryall.' Then Aubrey noted in the margin:--'Quaere which of these <i.e. Laud's trial, or the king's letters infra> was first in time'; and afterwards altered the sentence to what it now is.

[CM] A duplicate draft of this sentence is--'and may stand very gloriously upon his owne basis, and need not be beholding to any man for fame, yet he is so extremely greedy of glorie, that he steales feathers from others to adorne himselfe.'

=Lucy Walters.=

[1175]Memorandum:--Mr. Freeman (who maried the lady Lake) has the duke of Monmouth's mother's--Mrs. Lucy[1176] Walters, who could deny nobody--picture, very like her, at Stanmore neer Harrow-on-the-hill.

=Seth Ward= (1617-1688/9).

<Birth and education.>

[1177]Seth Ward[CN], lord bishop of Sarum, was borne at Buntingford, a small market-towne in Hartfordshire, anno Domini 1618[1178], December the ..., (when the great blazing starre appeared). His father was an attorney there, and of a very honest repute.

At <16> yeares old he went to Sydney Colledge in Cambridge; he was servitor[XCVI.] to Dr. <Samuel> Ward (Master of the Colledge, and Professor of Divinity), who, being much taken with his ingenuity and industry, as also with his suavity of nature, quickly made him scholar of the howse, and after, fellowe. Though he was of his name, he was not at all akinne to him (which most men imagined because of the great kindnesse to him); but the consimility of their dispositions was a greater tye of friendship then that of blood, which signifies but little, as to that point.

[XCVI.] Expunge 'servitour,' euphoniae gratia.--MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 8.

<Mathematical studies.>

His father taught him common arithmetique, and his genius lay much to the mathematiques, which being naturall to him, he quickly and easily attained.

Sir Charles Scarborough, M.D. (then an ingeniose young student, and fellowe--quaere--of Caius Colledge in Cambridge), was his great acquaintance; both students in mathematiques; which the better to perfect, they went to Mr. Willam Oughtred, at Albury in Surrey, to be enformed by him in his Clavis Mathematica, which was then a booke of aenigmata. Mr. Oughtred treated them with exceeding humanity, being pleased at his heart when an ingeniose young man came to him that would ply his Algebra hard. When they returned to Cambridge, they read the Clavis Mathematica to their pupills, which was the first time that that booke was ever read in a[1179] university. Mr. Laurence Rooke, a good mathematician and algebrist, (and I thinke had also been Mr. Oughtred's disciple[1180]) was his great acquaintance. ☞ Mr. Rooke (I remember) did read (and that admirably well) on the sixth chapter of the Clavis Mathematica in Gresham Colledge.

<Ejected from Cambridge.>

Anno Domini 164<4>, at the breaking out of the civill warres, he was a prisoner, together with Dr. <Samuel> Ward, Dr. <Samuel> Collins, Sir Thomas Hatton, &c. for[1181] the king's cause, in St. John's Colledge in Cambridge, and was[1182] putt out of his fellowship at Sydney Colledge. Being gott out of prison, he was very civilly and kindly received by his friend and neighbour, Ralph Freeman, of Apsten, esq., a vertuous and hospitable gentleman, where he continued....

<Professor in Oxford.>

Anno Domini <1648> the Visitation of the Parliament was Oxford, and turned out a great many professors and fellowes. The Astronomy Reader (Dr.[1183] <John> Greaves) being sure to be ejected, Seth Ward, A.M. (living[1184] then with my lord Wenman, in Oxfordshire, and ... Greaves was unwilling to be turned out of his place, but desired to resigne it rather to some worthy person, wherupon Dr. Charles Scarborough and William Holder, D.D. recommended to ... Greaves, their common friend, Mr. Seth Ward) was invited to succeed him, and came from Mr. Freeman's to Oxford, had the Astronomy Professor's place, and lived at Wadham Colledge, where he conversed with the warden, Dr. John Wilkins.

<First ecclesiastical dignity.>

[1185]Anno Domini 165- (quaere), he had from B<rownrigg> bishop of Exon, the grant of the chantor's place of Exon, which then signified nothing.

<President of Trinity College, Oxford.>

Anno Domini 165<9> William Hawes, ...[1186], then president of Trinity Colledge in Oxford, having broken in his lunges a vein (which was not curable), Mr. Ward being very well acquainted and beloved in that colledge; by the consent of all the fellowes, William Hawes resigned up his presidentship to him, and dyed some few dayes after[CO]. Anno 1660, upon the restauration of King Charles II, Dr. Hannibal Potter (the president sequestred by the Parliamentary Visitors) re-enjoyed the presidentship again.

[1187]Dr. Seth Ward, now bishop of Sarum, when he was president of Trinity College, Oxon, did draw his geometricall schemes with black, red, yellow, green, and blew inke to avoid the perplexity of A, B, C, etc.

<His doctorate.>

[1188]I should have said that, anno 165<4>, he[1189] tooke his degree of doctor in Divinity, at the Act, at Oxford, at the same time with Dr. John Wallis.

<Church preferment.>

He then enjoyed his chanter's place at Excester, and, I thinke, was certainly minister of St. Laurence <Jewry> church (quaere) in London.

Anno Domini 166<1>, the deane of Exon dyed, and then it was his right to step-in next to the deanry.

<Becomes bishop of Exeter.>

Anno Domini 1663, the bishop of Exon dyed: Dr. Ward, the deane, was in Devonshire at that time, at ... (I thinke 'twas Taverstoke), at a visitation at ...,[XCVII.] where were a great number of the gentrey of the countrey. Deane Ward was very well knowne to the gentry, and his learning, prudence, and comity had wonne them[1190] all to be his friends. The newes of the death of the bishop being brought to them, who were all very merry and rejoycing with good entertainment, with great alacrity the gentlemen cryed all, uno uno[1191], 'Wee will have Mr. Deane[1192] to be our Bishop.' This was at that criticall time when the House of Commons were the king's darlings. The deane told them that for his part he had no interest or acquaintance at Court; but intimated to them how much the king esteemed the members of parliament (and a great many Parliament men were then there), and that his majestie would deny them nothing. 'If 'tis so, gentlemen' (sayd Mr. Deane), 'that you will needes have me to be your bishop, if some of you make your addresse to his majestie, 'twill be donne.'--With that they[XCVIII.] dranke the other glasse, a health to the king, and another to their wished-for bishop; had their horses presently made ready, putt foot in stirrup, and away they rode merrily to London; went to the king, and he immediately graunted them their request. This is the first time that ever a bishop was made by the House of Commons. Now, though envy cannot deny, that this worthy person was very well worthy any preferment could be conferred on him, yet the old bishops (e.g. Humphrey <Henchman>, bishop of London; John Cosins, bishop of Durham; etc.)[1193] were exceedingly disgruntled at it, to see a briske young bishop that could see through all their formall gravity, but 40 yeares old, not come in at the right dore but leape over the pale. It went to their very hearts. Well, bishop of Excester he was, to the great joy of all the diocese[1194]. Being bishop he had then free accesse to his majestie, who is a lover of ingenuity and a discerner of ingeniose men, and quickly tooke a liking to him.

[XCVII.] Vide the Mercurius of that time; quaere H. Broome[1195] for it.

[XCVIII.] Sir Edward Seymore; ... ...; ... ...; ... ...; ... ...

[1196]His great friend and patrone, Dr. <Samuel> Ward, ...; quaere what preferment did Dr. <Seth> Ward give him in the Church?

<Translated to Salisbury.>

[1197]Anno 1667, Alexander Hyde, the bishop of Sarum, dyed, and then he was made bishop of Sarum, mense <Sept.>

He is (without all manner of flattery) so prudent, learned, and good a man, that he honours his preferment as much as the preferment does him; and is such a one that cannot be advanced too high. My lord (Lucius) Falkland was wont to say that he never knew any one that a paire of lawne sleeves had not altered from himselfe, but only bishop Juxon; had he knowne this excellent prelate, he would have sayd he had knowne one more. As he is the pattern of humility and courtesie, so he knowes when to be severe and austere; and he is not one to be trampled or worked upon. He is a batchelour, and of a most magnificent and munificent mind.

He hath been a benefactor to the Royall Societie, (of which he was one of the first members and institutors[XCIX.]), gave them, Anno Domini ... li. He also gave a noble pendulum clock to the Royall Societie (which goes a weeke), to perpetuate[1198] the memory of his deare and learned friend, Mr. Laurence Rooke.

[XCIX.] The beginning of Philosophicall Experiments was at Oxon, 1649, by Dr. Wilkins, Seth Ward, Ralph Bathurst, &c.

Quaere, was the bishop ever professor at Gresham College?

He gave anno 167-, ... li. towards the making of the river at Salisbury navigable to Christ Church. Anno 1679 he gave to Sydney Colledge a thousand pounds.

He haz perused all the records of the Church of Sarum, which, with long lyeing, had been conglutinated together; read them all over, and taken abridgements of them, which haz not been donne by any of his predecessors I beleeve for some hundreds of yeares.

He had an admirable habit of body (athletique, which was a fault), a handsome man, pleasant and sanguine; he did not desire to have his wisdome be judged by the gravity of his beard, but his prudence and ratiotination. This, methinkes, is strange to consider in him, that being a great student (and that of mathematiques and difficult knotty points, which does use to make men unfit for businesse), he is so cleare and ready, as no sollicitor is more adroit for looking after affaires.


[1200]The black malice of the dean[CP] of Sarum--he printed sarcasticall pamphletts against him--was the cause of his disturbd spirit, wherby at length he quite lost his memorie. For about a moneth before he dyed he tooke very little sustenance, but lived on the stock and died a skeleton. He deceased at his house at Knightsbridge neer London, on Sunday morning, January the sixth, 1688/9: the Gazetts and Newsletters were severally mistaken as to the day of his death.--This from Mr. Seth Ward, B.D.

<His burial.>

[1201]Seth, episcopus Sarum, is buried at Sarum as neer as may be to John Davenant, episcopus.

<His papers.>

[1202]I searcht all Seth, episcopus Sarum's, papers that were at his house at Knightsbridge where he dyed: of which I will give and bring you an account when I come to Oxon about the latter end of this moneth. I have taken care with his nephew and heir[1203] to looke over his papers in his study at Sarum. He tells me the custome is, when the bishop of Sarum dies, that 'the deane and chapter lock-up his studie and put a seale on it.' It was not opened lately, but when it is he will give me an account for you.


That there is a God--16mo: quaere nomen libri.

Vindiciae, 4to, Oxon.

... contra Thomam Hobbium, 8vo, Oxon.

Trigonometria, 4to, Oxon.

Astronomia geometrica, 4to, Oxon.

Severall sermons, wherof one was at the funerall of the duke of Albemarle, who was his great friend, and whose eies he closed.

[1205]Seth Ward, lord bishop of Salisbury, studied the common lawe, and I find this paper, which is his owne handwriting, amongst his scattered papers which I rescued from being used by the cooke since his death, which was destinated with other good papers and letters to be put under pies.

[1206]He writ a reply to Bullialdus, which might be about the bigness of his Astronomia Geometrica, which he lent to somebody (forgot), and is lost. In the bishop's study are several letters between Bullialdus and him, and between Hevelius and him.

<His foundation at Buntingford.>

[1207]At Buntingford, Hertfordshire[CQ]:--


This hospitall was erected and endowed by Seth Ward, D.D., lord bishop of Salisbury and chancellor of the most noble order of the Garter, who was born in this towne within the parish of Aspden and educated in the free-schoole of Buntingford.]

The bishop's will not observed: the people there say so: cosen Freeman[1208] said <so>.


[1209]Seth Ward, episcopus Sarum:--Whereas I put downe in my memorandums, from his owne mouth, viz. that he said, occasionally, that 'he was borne when the great comet appeared' (that, I am sure, was in anno 1618); but his nephew, Seth Ward, treasurer of the church of Sarum and his executor, told me that the last sommer he searched in the register at Buntingford where he was born, and finds thus:--

'Seth Ward christned April 5, 1617.'

[CN] Aubrey gives in trick the coat:--'See of Sarum; impaling, azure a cross moline or.' Dr. Philip Bliss has added the references 'see parts ii and iii,' i.e. MSS. Aubr. 7 and 8, as cited supra.

[CO] Hawes resigned Sept. 12, and died Sept. 14, 1659. Ward was elected on Sept. 14.

[CP] Thomas Pierce, installed dean May 4, 1675, died March 28, 1691. Anthony Wood comments on Pierce's quarrelsome and tyrannical disposition; Clark's Wood's Life and Times, i. 420.

[CQ] The paragraph in square brackets is a copy of the inscription on the building, sent to Aubrey by some correspondent. Over the date is the coat of arms, as above, ensigned with a mitre and encircled by the Garter buckle and motto.

=Walter Warner= (15--- 1640).

[1210]From Dr. John Pell:--Mr Walter Warner:--his youngest brother was High Sheriff of Leicestershire, about 1642. He and his brother dyed both batchelors. Dr. Pell haz seen him that was sheriff; but was well acquainted with Walter. The estate came to a middle brother, a lame man.

Walter had but one hand (borne so), he thinks a right hand; his mother was frighted, which caused this deformity, so that instead of a left hand, he had only a stump with five warts upon it, instead of a hand and fingers. He wore a cuffe on it like a pockett. The Doctor never sawe his stump, but Mr. Warner's man[1211] has told him so.

This Walter Warner was both mathematician and philosopher, and 'twas he that putt-out Thomas Hariot's Algebra, though he mentions it not.

Mr. Warner did tell Dr. Pell, that when Dr. Harvey came out with his Circulation of the Blood, he did wonder whence Dr. Harvey had it: but comeing one day to the earle of Leicester, he found Dr. Harvey in the hall, talking very familiarly with Mr. Prothero (Wallicè ap Roderic), to whom Mr. Warner had discoursed concerning this exercitation of his De Circulatione Sanguinis, and made no question but Dr. Harvey had his hint from Prothero. Memorandum:--Dr. Pell sayes that Mr. Warner rationated demonstratively by beates of the pulses that there must be a circulation of the blood.

When Mr. Hariot dyed, he made Sir Thomas Alesbury and Mr. Prothero his executors, by which meanes his papers came to be divided into two hands. Those which fell to Sir Thomas Alesbury, fell, after his death, to his sonne-in-lawe, Edward, earle of Clarendon, Lord Chancellor, and in his sonne's hands (this present, 1680, earle of Clarendon) 'tis beleeved are those that are yet left; none of them were printed, save that Artis Analyticae Praxis, which was printed by Mr. Warner upon this occasion, viz. Sir Thomas Alesbury obtained of Algernon, earle of Northumberland (son to that earle, prisoner in the Tower), a continuation of the annuity, dureing Warner's life, upon condition that he should, out of Mr. Hariot's papers, drawe out some piece fitt to be published[1212], which he did, under the title aforesayd, in folio, 1631, London: but did not sett his name to it, and accordingly Warner had his money as long as he lived. The other part of Mr. Hariot's papers, which were in Mr. Prothero's keeping, came to the hands of the lord John Vaughan, eldest son to the earle of Carbery, lately governor of Jamaica, which vide.

Mr. Warner's youngest brother was a good husband and an industrious man, and would say that had he so much money, he could improve it to very great advantage; wherupon his eldest brother (Walter) did lett him sell his land, by which meanes he did so improve his estate by graseing, etc. that he became High Sheriff as aforesaid (quaere of the attorneys when). Dr. Pell has seen him, and spake with him.

Mr. Walter Warner made an Inverted Logarithmicall Table, i.e. whereas Briggs's table fills his margin with numbers encreasing by unites, and over-against them setts their logarithms, which because of incommensurability must needs <be> either abundant or deficient; Mr. Warner (like a dictionary of the Latine before the English) fills the margin with logarithmes encreasing by unites, and[1213] setts[C.] to every one of them so many continuall meane proportionalls between 1 and 10[1214], and they for the same reason must also have the last figure incompleat. These, after the death of Mr. Warner, came to the hands of Mr. Herbert Thorndyke, prebendary of Westminster, and by him left in the hands of Dr. Richard Busby, schoolmaster and prebendary of Westminster, which, before Mr. John Pell grew acquainted with Mr. Warner, were ten thousand, and at Mr. Warner's request were by Mr. Pell's hands, or direction, made a hundred thousand. The difference of the hands will shew the workman's in the originalls, which Dr. Busby haz.

[C.] Vide my letter with Mr. Hooke's response, 1690.

Memorandum:--he wrote a Treatise of Coynes in relation to mint affaires, of which Mr. John Collins haz a copie:--from Mr. Herbert Thorndyke.

The sixth booke of Optiques in Merçennus is expressly his; the 7th is Mr. Thomas Hobbs's.

Mr. Tovey, of Leicestershire, was his kinsman: he could tell when and where he dyed:--from Seth <Ward>, bishop of Sarum.

The bishop thinkes he was of Cambridge university, but is not certaine. Dr. Pell believes that he was of no university.

Quaere Dr. Pell, what is the use of those Inverted Logarithmes? for W. Warner would not doe such a thing in vaine. Mr. Tovey was fellowe of Christ College in Cambridge; was beneficed in Leicestershire; and maried a neice of Mr. Warner's; and from Mr. Tovey they[1215] came to Mr. Thorndyke.

=William Watson= (15--- 1603).

[1216]... Watson, who wrote the Quodlibets[1217], was taken in a field by the Hay in Herefordshire (or Brecknockshire--vide the mapp) by Mr. ... Vaughan, and was executed, at Brecknock (as I take it). 'Twas observed that Mr. Vaughan did never prosper afterwards.

=George Webb= (1581-1641).

[1218]Dr. ... Webbe, one of king Charles I's chaplaines, afterwards bishop of Limrick in Ireland, hath some sermons, or divinity, in print; and a translation of Terence, English and Latin.

He dyed and was buried in Limrick about two or three daies before the towne was taken by the Irish, who digged up the body again--it was about 1642.

He was of Corpus Christi College, Oxon: borne at Brumhum in Wiltshire.

[1219]I confess I doe not like that super-zeale in the Canon Lawe, not to let alone there the bodys of heretiques. It is too inhumane.--This, as to the bishop's body being digged up again, which I feare was so: for his nephew who was his archdeacon, was with him when he dyed and the towne taken, and I remember, being then a fresh man, I heard him tell the story. He was minister next parish to Mr. Hine.

=... Webb.=

[1220]Dr. Webb:--his way of teaching children, in Duck lane. It taught them also to make verses. He wrote severall bookes--from Mr. Michael Weekes: quaere +.

=John Wells.=

[1221]John Wells[CR], esq.:--he was borne at ..., educated at.... He was a Roman Catholique. He published an excellent treatise of dialling, entituled[1222]:--

Sciographia, or the art of shadowes, plainely demonstrating out of the sphaere how to project both great and small circles upon any plane whatsoever, with a new conceit of the reflecting of the sunne beames upon a diall contrived upon a plane which the direct beame can never shine upon, together with the manner of cutting the five regular Platonical bodies and two other the one of 12, the other of 30 rhombes never discovered heretofore, also the finding of their declinations and reclinations and adorning them with variety of dialls, all performed by the doctrine of triangles, and for ease and delight sake by helpe of the late invented and worthily admired numbers called by the first inventor logorithmes; by John Wells, esquire; London, printed by Thomas Harper and are to be sold in Paul's churchyard at the signe of the Bell, 1635.

Mr. Henry Gellibrand, professor of <Astronomy> at Gresham College, hath put a learned preface to it, wherein it is mencioned that Mr. Henry Brigges and Mr. Edmund Gunter did earnestly sollicite Mr. Wells to publish it.

[1223]<In> Deptford <church at the> east end <of the> south aisle <on a> white marble:--

Memoriae Sacrum. Hic sita est Catherina Welles, generosa, summae pietatis et virtutis, filia Thomae Wailinger armigeri et Benedictae Gonson primogenita, uxor charissima Johannis Welles armigeri pro regia classe pridem diribitoris ejusque navalium armamentorum per triginta plus annos totius Angliae generalis custodis, cui septem filios sexque filias feliciter enixa est, quarum duo nati tres natae hîc unâ cum illa contumulantur. Animam coelo pie reddidit 5 Julii 1634 aetatis 47 felicem in Christo resurrectionem indubitanter expectans. Ad maritum superstitem. Pignora conjugii remanent tibi plurima nostri, Pluraque praemisit mors mihi dira rogo: Parte fruor tumulo, reliqua tibi prole relicta; Festina charos lentus ad hos cineres.

[CR] In MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 80ᵛ, Aubrey drew the coat:--'argent, a chevron vert powdered with ermine spots of the first between 3 martletts sable,' but crossed it out with the note 'false.' On fol. 81 he gives a coat, as carved on the monument there described:--'or, a lion rampart within a bordure engrailed sable, a crescent for difference; impaling, gules, a fess verry between 3 (pheasants, I thinke) or'; and adds 'the lord Wells tempore <Henr. VII> gave this coate.'

=Sir George Wharton= (1617-1681).

[1224]Sir George Wharton, baronet, treasurer and paymaster to the office of his majestie's Ordinance, dyed at his howse at Enfield, 12th of August 1681, and lyes buryed in the Tower chapell, 25 of August following.

At the end of this note Anthony Wood has added the reference 'see p. 39b,' i.e. fol. 90ᵛ of the MS., where is the note--'Sir George Wharton, baronet, obiit in Turri London, ubi sepultus est, Aug. 10th 1681.' Wood has noted there 'in page 45,' i.e. fol. 97, ut supra, 'you say 12 August.' Aubrey there gives in trick the coat:--'<sable>, a maunch <argent>, on a canton ..., a lion's gamb,' and adds 'sans bordure, quod N.B.'--On fol. 9ᵛ of the MS. is still another version:--'Sir George Wharton, knight, buryed at the Tower chapel (quaere), 26 August, Friday, 1681'; and Wood there objects 'in page 45, you say 25 August: see page 39b.'

=Diggory Wheare= (1574-1647).

[1225]Mr. Gibbon, Blewmantle, showed me in an old collection in MSS., ἀνονυμῶς, that in anno 1634 was the number of 92 students in Glocester Hall, Degory Whear then master there.

=Abraham Wheloc.=

[1226]... Wheelock, <a> simple man--<from Seth Ward> bishop of Sarum.

Abraham Wheloc printed notes on Bede, Camb. 1643. How thoroughly Anthony Wood used up every scrap of opinion he received is shown by the fact that even this expression (of Wheloc's 'simplicity') is taken up by him: see Clark's Wood's Life and Times, iv. 258.

=Daniel Whistler= (1619-1684).

[1227]Dr. Daniel Whistler borne at Walthamstowe[1228] in Essex.

[1229]Daniel Whistler, M.D., dyed (May 11, 1684), president of the Physitians' College.

[1230]Parson Whitney was a great nomenclator of Oxford men, being an old fellow there; and were he alive now would be 81.

[1231]My old cosen, parson Whitney, told me that in the visitation of Oxon in Edward VI's time they burned mathematical bookes for conjuring bookes, and, if the Greeke professor had not accidentally come along, the Greeke testament had been thrown into the fire for a conjuring booke too.

=James Whitney= (1593-166-).

=John Whitson= (1557-1629).

[1232]John Whitson, alderman of the city of Bristol. John Whitson was borne at Cover in the Forest of Deane in the countie of Glocester. He went to schoole at Bristow, where he made a good proficience in the Latin tongue. He was bound apprentice to alderman Vawr, a Spanish merchant of this city. He was a handsome young fellow; and his old master the alderman being dead, his mistress one day called him into the wine-cellar and bad him broach the best butt in the cellar for her.... His mistresse after maried him. This story will last perhaps as long as Bristol is a city.

He had a good naturall witt, and gaind by the Spanish trade a fair estate.

His second wife was ... the daughter of ... Hine, alderman of London, a very beautifull dame, as by her picture, at length, in the dining rome, doeth appear. By her he had a daughter, his only child, who was counted the flower of Bristol, who was maried to Sir Thomas Trenchard of Dorsetshire, who dyeing (together with her child), the alderman gave him compensation for the mannour of Dunderhill[1233] and had it again.

His third wife was ... by whom he had no issue. His fourth and last wife was Rachel, daughter of Richard Danvers of Tokenham, Wilts, esq., relict of John Aubrey of Burleton in the county of Hereford, esq. (my father Richard Aubrey being then eleaven yeares of age). He had no issue by her. The alderman made him[1234] a good falkoner, but did cutt downe his woods and never made him any satisfaction: but lett his good workes be sett in balance against it.

He lived nobly; kept a plentifull table; and was the most popular magistrate[1235] in the city, alwaies chosen a member of Parliament. He kept a noble house, and did entertain and treat the peers and great persons that came to the city. He kept his hawkes.

I remember five that had been bred-up under him, but not one of them came to good, they lived so luxuriously, just as the servants of Sir John Robinson, governor of the Tower.

He had a very good healthy constitution, and was an early riser; wrote all his letters and dispatched his businesse betime in the morning.

He was charitable in his life in breeding-up of poor scholars: particularly I remember William Haywood, D.D., whome he preferred to St. John's Colledge in Oxon, where are[1236] certaine Bristowe fellowships. His father was a cowper in Ballance Street; his mother, whom I well remember, was a midwife in the city.

He had a fair[1237] house in St. Nicholas Street, where is the stateliest dining roome in the city. He had been thrice mayor of this city, as is to be seen in the table of mayors in St. Nicholas Street in golden letters.

His beloved and only daughter dyeing, and so being orbus, Richard Wheeler his nephew, who was bred a merchant under him with others, was his heir; but he proving a sott and a capricious coxcombe, he setled all his estate upon the city of Bristow for pious uses, and was, I doe believe, the greatest benefactor that ever the city had. He gave the mannour of Durdery and the mannour of Burnet and divers houses in Bristowe.

He dyed about the seaventy-sixth yeare of his age by a fall from his horse, his head pitching on a nail that stood on its head by a smyth's shop. He was buried very honourably[1238]; besides all his relations in mourning, he had as many poor old men (or men and woemen) as he was yeares old in mourning gownes and hoodes, the mayor and aldermen in mourning; all the trained band (he was their colonel) attended the funerall and their pikes had black ribons and drummes were covered with black cloath.

He lies interred in the west end of the 'Crowd' (the name of the vault under all St. Nicholas Church, as St. Faith's was under St. Paule's), where he lies in effigie on an altar-monument of alabaster and marble. ☞ See his inscription.

=Thomas Whyte= (1582-1676).

[1239]Memorandum:--Mr. John Davys of Kydwelly tells me that Mr. Thomas Whyte (Blacklowe), author of De mundo, etc., dyed in Drury lane about 7 yeares since and is buried in St. Giles's Church in the fields. Quaere ubi: as also where his brother Richard is buried?

=John Wilkins= (1614-1672).

[1240]Bishop J. Wilkins:--the little picture in 8vo <is> most like him.

[1241]John Wilkins, Lord Bishop of Chester; his father was a goldsmith in Oxford. Mr. Francis Potter knew him very well, and was wont to say that he was a very ingeniose man, and had a very mechanicall head. He was much for trying of experiments, and his head ran much upon the perpetuall motion. He maryed a daughter of Mr. John Dod (who wrote on the Commandments), at whose house, at <Fawlsley, near Daventry>, Northamptonshire, she laye-in with her son John, of whome we are now to speake.

He had a brother (Timothy), squier-beadle of <Divinity> in Oxford, and a uterine brother, Walter Pope, M.D.

He had his grammar learning in Oxford, (I thinke from Mr. Sylvester). He was admitted of Magdalen-hall in Oxford, <1627> (vide A. Wood's Antiq. Oxon.) His tutor there was the learned Mr. John Tombs (Coryphaeus of the Anabaptists). Anno Domini <1631> A.B.; Anno Domini <1634> M.A. He read to pupils here, (among others, Walter Charlton, M.D., was his pupill): he continued here ... yeares.

He has sayd oftentimes that the first rise, or hint of his rising, was from goeing accidentally a courseing of a hare: where an ingeniose gentleman of good quality falling into discourse with him, and finding him to have a very good witt[1242], told him that he would never gett any considerable preferment by continuing in the university; and that his best way was to betake himselfe to some lord's or great person's house[1243] that had good benefices to conferre. Sayd Mr. J. Wilkins, 'I am not knowne in the world; I know not to whom to addresse myselfe upon such a designe.' The gentleman replied, 'I will recommend you myselfe,' and did so, to (as I thinke) lord viscount Say and Seale (quaere), where he stayed with very good likeing till the late civill warres, and then he was chaplain to his highnesse <Charles Louis> Prince Elector Palatine of the Rhine, with whom he went (after the peace[CI.] concluded in Germany[1244]), and was well preferred there by his highnesse. He stayed there ... (not above a yeare).

[CI.] Quaere nomen loci.

After the Visitation at Oxon by the Parliament, he gott to be Warden of Wadham Colledge. Anno <1656> maried to <Robina> the relict of Dr. <Peter> French, canon of Christchurch, Oxon, and sister to Oliver, (then) Lord Protector, who[1245] made him anno 165<8/9> Master of Trinity Colledge in Cambridge, (in which place he revived learning by strickt examinations at elections: he was much honoured there, and heartily loved by all;) where he continued till 1660, (the restauration of his majestie). Then he was minister of Saint Laurence <Jewry> church in London; and anno ... was deane of Rippon in Yorkeshire. His friend, Seth Ward, D.D., being made bishop of Excester, he was made there deane, and anno 166<8> by the favour of George, duke of Buckingham, was made bishop[1246] of Chester; and was extremely well beloved in his diocese. Anno Domini <1672> he dyed of <the stone>. He left a legacy of four hundred pounds (quaere) to the Royall Society, and had he been able would have given more. He was no great read man; but one of much and deepe thinking, and of a working head; and a prudent man as well as ingeniose. He was one of Seth, lord bishop of Sarum's most intimate friends. He was a lustie, strong growne, well sett, broad shoulderd person, cheerfull, and hospitable.

He was the principall reviver of experimentall philosophy (secundum mentem domini Baconi) at Oxford, where he had weekely an experimentall philosophicall clubbe, which began 1649, and was the incunabula of the Royall Society. When he came to London, they mett at the Bull-head taverne in Cheapside, (e.g. 1658, 1659, and after), till it grew to big for a clubb, and so they came to Gresham colledge parlour.

Scripsit (vide A. Wood's Antiq. Oxon.):--

The World in the Moone, ... (long since).

Swift and Secret Messenger.

Art of Praying and Preaching.

Mathematicall Magique: dedicated to the Prince Elector: printed....

Reall Character: London, printed....

This last was his darling, and nothing troubled him so much when he dyed, as that he had not compleated it; which will now in a yeare more be donne by the care and studies of Mr. Robert Hooke, of Gresham College; Mr. Andrew Paschall, B.D. of Chedzoy, in com. Somerset; Mr. Francis Lodwyck, of London, merchant; Mr. John Ray, R.S.S., of Essex; and Mr. Thomas Pigott, M.A. (Wadham College). He lyes buried in the north-east end of the chancell of St. Laurence ... church, neer the wall, where will be an inscription sett up to his memorie.

=John Willis.=

[1247]John Willis, B.D.--author of the Art of Memorie, in Latin, 1618, 12mo.--Dr. Davenant told me that when he was of Cambridge, that one preaching at St. Marie's--'and now,' said he (before he was aware) 'I am come to the lyon's taile'; this was (it seemes) his locus[1248]: the people stared on him.

Inventor of Short-hand,--'tis the best. Bishop Wilkins sayd, 'tis only used in England, or by the English; and[1249] 'twas a good while before the logarithmes gott beyond sea. Mr. Wingate first brought it into France, and shewed it to them; scil. when he went into France to teach the Queen-Mother English; he dedicated it to Monsieur the duke of Orleans.

=Thomas Willis= (1621/2-1675).

[1250]Thomas Willis, M.D.--from himselfe--borne at Great Bedwyn in com. Wilts, January the 27th, anno Domini 1621. His father was steward to Sir Walter Smyth there, and had been sometime a scholar at St. John's College in Oxford.

[1251]Thomas Willis, M.D.; vide Westminster Abbey pro inscriptione.

[1252]Thomas Willis, M.D., natus ...; (vide A. Wood's Antiq. Oxon.).

1647 and 1648 (quaere, if not +), kept Abingdon-market[1253], and Dr. <Richard> Lydall and he had a horse between them: this was before a Doctor[1254]. He grew more and more into good practise.

He studied chymistry in Peckwater Inne chamber[1255]. He was in those dayes very mathematicall, and I have heard him say his genius lay more to mathematics then chymistry.

His father was steward to Sir John (I thinke) Smyth[1256]; and had a little estate at Ivy Hinksey, where my lady Smyth (vidua) dyed.

He went to schoole to Mr. <Edward> Sylvester in Oxon, over the meadowes, where he ayred his muse, and made good exercise:--from William Hawes, his schoolefellow. Anno about 1657 (quaere there), riding towards Brackley to a patient, his way led him thorough Astrop, where he observed the stones in the little rill were discoloured of a kind of Crocus Martis colour; thought he, this may be an indication of iron; he getts gaules, and putts some of the powder into the water, and immediately it turned blackish; then sayd he, 'I'le not send my patients now so far as Tunbridge,' and so he in a short time[1257] brought these waters into vogue, and hath inriched a poore obscure village. He was middle stature: darke red[1258] haire (like a red pig): stammered much.

He was first servitor to Dr. <Thomas> Iles, one of the canons of Xᵗ. Ch. whose wife was a knowing woman in physique and surgery, and did many cures. Tom Willis then wore a blew livery-cloak, and studied at the lower end of the hall, by the hall-dore; was pretty handy, and his mistresse would oftentimes have him to assist her in making of medicines. This did him no hurt, and allured him on.

=John Wilmot=, earl of Rochester (1648-1680).

[1259]John, earl of Rochester[CS]:--he went to schoole at <Burford>; was of Wadham College, Oxford; I suppose, had been in France.

About 18, he stole his lady, <Elizabeth> Malet, a daughter and heir, a great fortune; for which I remember I sawe him a prisoner in the Tower about 1662.

His youthly spirit and oppulent fortune did sometimes make him doe extravagant actions, but in the country he was generally civill enough. He was wont to say that when he came to Brentford the devill entred into him and never left him till he came into the country again to Alderbury or Woodstock.

He was raunger of Woodstock-parke and lived often at the lodge at the west end, a very delightfull place and noble prospect westwards. Here his lordship had severall lascivious pictures drawen.

His lordship read all manner of bookes. Mr. Andrew Marvell, who was a good judge of witt, was wont to say that he was the best English satyrist and had the right veine. 'Twas pitty death tooke him off so soon.

In his last sicknesse he was exceedingly paenitent and wrote a lettre of his repentance to Dr. Burnet, which is printed.

He sent for all his servants, even the piggard-boy, to come and heare his palinode[1260]. He dyed at Woodstock-parke, 26 July, 1680; and buried at Spilsbury in the same countie, Aug. 9 following.

His immature death putts me in mind of these verses of Propertius:--

Vere novo primoque in aetatis flore juventae, Ceu rosa virgineo pollice carpta, jaces.

[1261]On the death of my lord Rochester: pastorall.


As on his death-bed, gasping, Strephon lay, Strephon, the wonder of the plaines, The noblest of th' Arcadian swaines, Strephon, the bold, the witty, and the gay, With many a sigh, and many a teare, he said, 'Remember me, ye shepheards, when I'me dead.


'Ye triflying glories of this world, adieu! And vain applauses of the age! For when we quit this earthly stage, Beleeve me, shepheards, for I tell you true, Those pleasures which from vertuous deeds we have Procure the sweetest slumbers in the grave.


'Then since your fatall houre must surely come, Surely your head ly low as mine, Your bright meridian soon decline, Beseech the mighty PAN to guard you home. If to Elysium you would happy fly, Live not like Strephon, but like Strephon die.'


[CS] Aubrey gives in trick the coat:--'<argent, on a fesse gules between 3 eagles' heads, erased sable, 3 escallops or> [Wilmot]; impaling, azure, 3 escallops or [Malet],' surmounted by an earl's coronet, and wreathed in laurel (for a poet). The top of fol. 55 has been cut off, the writing on the recto side having previously been scored out: I think the mutilation is due to Aubrey himself.

=Edmund Wingate= (1593-1656).

[1262]Edmund Wingate, esq., was a Bedfordshire man, I thinke; recorder of Bedford--there you may learne, or at my lord Bruce's (now Alesbury).


Logarithmotechnia, with solution of triangles; another little booke of working on a line of numbers; Abridgment of the Statutes,....

He was of Graye's Inne, and dyed.... His yonger sonne was Mr. <Fabian> Stedman's fellow prentice; since turned a musquetere. He can tell me everything. He did wayte at the Tower.

[1263]Edmund Wingate dyed at Mr. Bayles howse in Gray's Inne lane, and was buried at St. Andrewe's, Holborne, the 13 Decemb. anno Domini 1656.

=George Withers= (1588-1667).

[1264]Mr. George Withers (vide A. Wood's Antiq. Oxon.) was borne at Bentworth, near Alton, in Hantshire, on the eleaventh of June, 1588.

He maried Elizabeth, eldest daughter of H. Emerson, of South Lambeth, in com. Surrey, esqre, whose ancestors lye entombed in the choeur of St. Savior's, Southwark, neer the monument of bishop Andrewes, with a statue of white marble. She was a great witt, and would write in verse too.

He was of <Magdalen College> in Oxford. He would make verses as fast as he could write them. And though he was an easie rymer, and no good poet, he was a good vates. He had a strange sagacity and foresight into mundane affaires.

He was an early observator of Quicquid agunt homines; his witt was satyricall. I thinke the first thing he wrote was 'Abuses whipt and stript,' for which he was committed prisoner to ...[1265] (I beleeve, Newgate). I believe 'twas tempore Jacobi regis. He was a captain in the Parliament army, and the Parliament gave him for his service Mr. John Denham's estate at Egham, in Surrey. The motto of his colours was, Pro Rege, Lege, Grege.

After the restauration of his majestie he was imprisoned in the Tower about three quarters of a yeare. He died the 2d of May, 1667, and lieth interred within the east dore of the Savoy church, where he dyed. He was pupill to bishop <John> Warner, of Rochester.

[1266]George Wythers, poet:--vide memorandum 1673 + μ de G. W.[1267]

=Theophilus Wodenote= (senior).

[1268]Theophilus Woodenoth[CT], B.D.--his father[CU] was a Cheshire gentleman of that ancient family; was minister[1269] of Lankenhorn in Cornwall, in which place his sonne succeeded him--

'In Cornwall at a parish Lankenhorn Neer Launceston six miles southwards was I born.'

When I was a school-boy he[1270] lived two yeares with his brother ... Peyton, vicar of Chalke, being obnoxious to danger of arests.

He did me much good in opening of my understanding; advised me to read lord Bacon's Essayes and an olde booke of proverbs (English); answered me my questions of antiq<uities>, etc.

He was an Eaton scholar and fellow of King's College, Cambridge, contemporary with Dr. <Samuel> Colins.

He wrote in his solitude at Chalke a little manuall called 'Good thoughts in bad times,' as I take it. I remember 'tis dedicated to his cosen ... Wodenoth of Cheshire, esq.

[CT] Aubrey gives in trick the coat:--'<argent>, a cross couped and voided <sable> [Wodenote].' Anthony Wood refers to his own 'Fasti 1619,' where he occurs among the Cambridge M.A.s incorporated at Oxford.

Theophilus Wodenote was of Eton, and King's Coll. Camb., B.D. Oxford 1623, and D.D. 1630; and rector of Linkinhorne, Cornwall, in 1615.

[CU] Thomas Wodenote, Fellow of King's Coll. Camb.; rector of Linkinhorne, 1583.

=Theophilus Wodenote= (junior) (1625-16--).

[1271]Theophilus Wodenoth, pater, natus Lankenkorn neer Lanceston in com. Cornub., Oct. 6, 1625, 6ʰ A.M., he thinkes on a Thursday. Now rector of Blandford St Mary's in com. Dorset.

Charles, filius Theophili, Wodenoth natus Blandfordiae, Dorset, Feb. 17, 1660, die Solis[1272] circa 6ʰ A.M.

This Theophilus Wodenote is son of Theophilus (senior). He matric. at Exeter College, June 2, 1652.

=Thomas Wolsey= (147--1530).

[1273]Cardinal Woolsey:--Memorandum the Cardinal's hat on the scutcheon at Christ Church: and quaere quot pedes from the College to the Blew-boare; colour with soote the water-table, and insert in the scutcheon the Cardinal's hat.

[1274]Thomas Wolsey[CV], Cardinal, was a butcher's son, of Ipswych, in Suffolke; vide his Life, writt by....

He was a fellowe of Magdalen Colledge in Oxford, where he was tutor to a young gentleman of Limmington, near Ilchester, in com. Somerset, in whose guift the presentation of that church is, worth the better part of 200 li. per annum, which he gave to his tutor, Wolsey. He had committed hereabout some debauchery (I thinke, drunke: no doubt he was of a high rough spirit), and spake derogatorily of Sir Amias Paulet (a Justice of Peace in the neighbourhood), who putt him into the stockes[CII.], which, when he came to be Cardinall, he did not forget; he layed a fine upon Sir Amias to build the gate of the Middle Temple; the armes of Pawlet, with the quartrings, are in glasse there to this day (1680). The Cardinall's armes were, as the storie sayes, on the outside in stone, but time haz long since defaced that, only you may still discerne the place; it was carved in a very mouldring stone.

[CII.] From my cosen Lyte, of Lytes Carey, about a mile from Limmington, 30 yeares since. The tradition was very fresh: I have forgott his pupill's name.

Remaines of him shew that he was a great master of the Latin tongue; Dr. John Pell tells me, that [he[1275] finds in a preface to a Grammar of ... Haynes, schoolmaster, of Christ-church, London,] that 'twas he that made the Accedence before W. Lilly's Grammar in ... dayes.

His rise (vide the History) was his quick and prudent dispatch of a message to Paris for Henry 8.

He had a most magnificent spirit. Concerning his grandure, vide Stowe's Chronicle, &c.

He was a great builder, as appeares by White-hall, Hampton Court.--Eshur[CIII.], in Surrey, a noble house, built of the best burn't brick (perhaps) that ever I sawe; stately gate-house and hall. This stately house (a fitt pallace for a prince[1276]) was bought about 1666, by ... a vintner, of London, who is since broke, and the house is sold, and pulled downe to the ground, about 1678. I have the draught of the house among my Surrey papers.--Quaere:--he had a very stately cellar for his wines, about Fish-street, called Cardinall Wolsey's cellar.--He built the stately tower at Magdalen Colledge in Oxford, and that stately palace at Winchester (where he was bishop), called Wolsey-house; I remember it pretty well, standing 1647. Now, I thinke, it is most pulled downe.--His noble foundation of his Colledge of Christ-Church, in Oxford, where the stately hall was only perfected by him. There were designed (as yet may appeare by the building)[1277] most magnificent cloysters (the brave designe wherof Dr. John Fell hath deteriorated with his new device) to an extraordinary spacious quadrangle, to the entrance whereof was carrying up a tower (a gate-house) of extraordinary rich and noble Gothique building. Vide J. Oweni Epigrammata:

Sit domus imperfecta licet, similisque ruinae, At patet in laudes area lata tuas.

OWEN, Epigr.

[CIII.] Vide my Surrey notes <MS. Aubr. 4> if William Wanfleet did not build it: both their scutcheons are there.

When the present great-duke of Tuscany was at Oxford, he was more taken with that, then all the rest of the buildings he sawe there, and tooke a second viewe of it.

It should not be forgotten what a noble foundation there was for the chapell, which did runne from the Colledge, along the street as far as the Blew-boare Inne; which was about 7 foot or more high, and adorned with a very rich Gothique water-table[CW] as in the margin[1278].

It was pulled downe by Dr. John Fell (the Deane) about 1670, to use the stones about the Colledge.

Memorandum:--about the buildings of this Colledge are frequent the pillars, and axes, and Cardinall's cappes.

Concerning this great Cardinall's fall, see the histories of that time.

Returning to London from Yorke, he died at Leicester, where he lies buried (to the shame of Christ-church men) yet without any monument.

'And though, from his owne store, Wolsey might have A palace or a colledge for his grave, Yet here he lies interr'd, as if that all Of him to be remembred were his fall. Nothing but earth to earth, nor pompous weight Upon him but a pebble or a quayte. If thou art thus neglected, what shall wee Hope after death that are but shreds of thee?'

Vide Dr. Corbet's Poems: his Iter Boreale.

See his life writt by ... and also by Thomas Fuller, B.D., in his Holy State, where is a picture of his which resembles those in glasse in Christ-church. He was a lusty man, thick neck, not much unlike Martyn Luther. I beleeve he had Taurus ascending with the Pleiades, which makes the native to be of a rough disposition.

He was Baccalaur of Arts so young, that he was called the boy-bacchalaur. From Dr. John Pell (out of the aforesayd preface).

[1279]One of Osney bells is at Winslowe in Bucks, which is the great bell there, but was the 3ᵈ at Osney; but they have not long since cutt it something lesse, one Derby decieving them LX li. of their metall. Cardinall Wolsey, being abbot of St. Alban's (to which Winslowe did belong), at the pulling downe of Osney abbey, gave this bell to Winslowe--Mr. Steevens[1280] was borne at Winslowe.

[CV] Aubrey gives in trick the coat:--'sable, on a cross engrailed argent a lion passant gules between 4 leopards' faces or, on a chief or a rose gules between 2 Cornish choughs proper,' ensigned with Cardinal's hat and strings, gules.

[CW] Aubrey wrote 'a very rich Gothique ...,' and added a note in the margin 'quaere Sir Chr. W<ren> nomen.' Wren told him 'water-table,' which he then inserted in the text, striking out the marginal note.

In MS. Aubr. 3, fol. 4ᵛ, is the note:--'Basis, or list, or I thinke they call it the water-table, of the parish church wall at St. Edmundsbury in Suffolke. Of which fashion was the foundation of that famous began chapell or cathedrall of Cardinal Wolsey's which went towards the Blew-bore in Oxford, and pulled downe by deane Fell about 1671. Magdalen parish <-church> tower <Oxford> is also of this fashion, viz. of Henry VIII.'

=Anthony Wood= (1632-1695).

[1281]Mr. Anthony à Wood, M.A., antiquarius, in his lettre to me, Palm Sunday March 23, 1672, writes thus, viz. 'My nativity I cannot yet retrive; but by talking with an ancient servant of my father's I find I was borne on the 17 of Decemb., but the year when I am not certain: 'twas possibly about 1647.--John Selden was borne the 16 of December and Sir Symonds Dews the 17. But of these matters I shall tell you more when my trouble is over.'

=Sir Christopher Wren= (1631-1723).

[1282]Sir Christopher Wren[CX], surveyor of his majestie's buildings, borne at ... Knahill[1283] in the parsonage-howse in the county of Wiltes neer Shaftesbury, Thursday, October 20, 1631[CY], 8ʰ P.M.--the bell rang VIII as his mother fell in labour with him (from himselfe).

He was knighted[CZ] at Whitehall on Friday, 14th November 1673, at 5ʰ A.M. (from Mr. Robert Hooke, the next day).

[1284]Anno 1669, Dr. Christopher Wren was invited by the bishop of Sarum (Seth Ward), where he made a particular survey of the cathedrall church[DA]. He was at least a weeke about it, and a curious discourse it was: it was not above two sheetes. Upon my writing The Natural History of Wilts, I had occasion to insert it there, and they told me that it was lent to somebody--they could not tell to whom. But in Febr. last Mr. Cole thinks it not unlikely that Mr. Nash (the surveyor of the fabrick) of Sarum may have that paper. I desired him to enquire but have not yet received any answer.

<Pedigree: in MS. Aubr. 7, fol. 28ᵛ.>

... Wren, of Ipswych m. ... in Suffolke. | | ... Wren, a wealthy m. ... citizen in Cheapside | (quaere if not a | millener). | +---------------------------------+-+ | | Matthew Wren, m. ... Christopher Wren, m. ... Cox, of Funthill Lord Bishop | second son, deane | in com. Wilts. of Ely. | of Windsor | +--------------+---------+ | | | | Matthew Wren, secretary | to the Lord Chancellor | Hyde, then to the duke | of Yorke. | +-----------------------+-----------------------+ | | Faith, daughter m. Sir Christopher m. <Jane> Fitzwilliams, | of Sir Thomas Wren. daughter of the lord | Coghill of Blech- Fitzwilliams in North- | ington in com. amptonshire, second | Oxon., first wife, wife, A.D.... | A.D.... | | +----------------------------------------------------+ | ... m. William | Holder, D.D., | sub-deane of | the king's | chapel. | sine prole.

[CX] Wren was one of the people from whose patronage Aubrey, in his evil days, hoped for some official post. On a slip pasted to fol. 27ᵛ of MS. Aubr. 9 is this note:--

'Mr. Secretary Wren's indefinite (?) kindnesse is valuable if our lord P. <? William lord Brouncker, Pres. Roy. Soc. 1663-1677> know it, and Mr. <John> Collins, but cave. They might between them determine somewhat certaine. There are peaceable places among souldiers; and now the navy offices thrive, and a man can nowhere so well hide himselfe in an office as there, 'cause 'tis out of the way.

'I cannot get Quillettus here, but would you could find Gallus Veridicus, which you must enquire for privately. I never saw it, but Mr. Oldenburg may possibly have heard of it.

'The want of the Royal Society is the greatest defect of our parts[1285]: possibly you may have some one that for money will informe mee as you doe for love. If you find any such, fix him for[1286] J.†'

[CY] Aubrey was anxious to obtain the exact date as an item towards his pet astrological collection. But he fancied that Wren had played a trick on him, by taking the place of a brother of the same name, one year younger, who died in infancy. Aubrey might have reflected that, while it is possible that parents might give the name of a deceased child to their next, the other course is unlikely. The following excerpts from Aubrey's letters to Anthony Wood bear on the point:--

(a) Nov. 17, 1670: MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 128:--'Dr. Christopher Wren was borne at <East> Knoyle, baptized the 10th day of November 1631. I have writt to him for the exact time, astrologiae ergo: 'tis a poore-spirited thing, if he will not resolve me.'

(b) Jan. 16, 1671/2: MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 160ᵛ:--'Dr. Christopher Wren ... tells me he was borne at ... Knahill 20 October, 1631. He was a second Christopher: <the one> whome I sent to you was the first.'

(c) Feb. 1, 1671/2: MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 165:--'Dr. Christopher Wren hath putt a trick on us, as it seemes; for he hath made him selfe a yeare younger then indeed he is, though he needs not be ashamed of his age, he hath made such admirable use of his time. I mett t'other day accidentally with the parson of Knahill, who justifies the register, and not only so but proves it by his neighbour that was his nurse and her son that suckled with him--evidence notorious. 'Tis true, as the Doctor sayes, that there were two Christophers, but it was the latter, i.e. the Doctor--that parson Hill justifies--quod nota.'

[CZ] Aubrey several times notes this. MS. Aubr. 7, fol. 5:--'Sir Xpfer Wren knighted, November 14, 1673.' MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 7:--'Sir Christopher Wren received the honour of knighthood at Whitehall on Friday 14th November, 5ʰ A.M., 1673--from Mr. Robert Hooke, the next day.'

[DA] MS. Aubr. 21, fol. 69-74, is 'A survey of Our Lady Church at Salisbury, taken by Dr. Christopher Wren (since Sir Christopher) anno Domini 1669, being invited downe to doe it by Seth Ward, lord bishop of Sarum.'--Another, less perfect, MS. copy of this report is in Wood MS. B. 14.

=Edward Wright= (15--- 1615).

[1287]Mr. Edward[1288] Wright: he was of Caius College in Cambridge (from Sir Charles Scarborough, who was of that house).

He published his book, 4to, intituled[1289]:--

Certain errors in navigation detected and corrected by Edward Wright, with many additions that were not in the former edition as appeareth in the next pages, London, 1610.

It is dedicated to the high and mighty Henry, prince of Wales, etc. In the Epistle dedicatory he makes mention of a goodlye and royall ship that his highnesse lately built, and that since his highnesse comeing into England that the 'art of navigation hath been much advanced here as well in searching the North-east and North-west passages as also in discovering the sea-coastes and inland of Virginea, Newfoundland, Groenland, and of the North New-land as far as Hackluyt's headland, within 9 degrees of the pole, also of Guiana and divers parts and ilands of the East Indies, yea, and some parts also of the south continent discovered by Sir Richard Hawkins.'

He read mathematicks to Prince Henry; and Sir Jonas Moore had the wooden sphaere in the Tower, which was contrived by Mr. Wright for the more easy information of the prince.

Amongst Mr. Laurence Rooke's papers (left with Seth <Ward>, lord bishop of Sarum) I found:--

Hypothesis stellarum fixarum a Edm.[1290] Wright,

three sheetes, of his owne hand-writing, in folio. I deposited it in the Royal Society, but Mr. R. Hooke saieth that it is printed in a booke by it selfe, which see.

In his preface to the reader he sayes that 'the errors I have in the following treatise laboured to reforme to the utmost (yea, rather beyond the utmost) of my poor abilitie, neglecting in the meane time other studies and courses that might have been more beneficial to me: which may argue my good will to have proceeded further to the amendment of such other faults and imperfections as yet remain besides those alreadie specified.'

It appeares by his preface that his worth was attended by a great deal of envie.

Ibid.--He was in the voyage of the right honourable the earle of Cumberland in the yeare 1589. He 'devised the seaman's rings for the present finding out both of the variation of the needle and time of the day at one instant without any farther trouble of using any other instrument, and hath farther shewed how by the sun's point of the compasse (or magnetical azimuth) and altitude given by observation the variation may be found either mechanically with ruler and compasse or mathematically by the doctrine of triangles and arithmeticall calculation.'

John Collins <says that> he happened upon the logarithmes and did not know it, as maybe seen in his Errors: and Mr. Robert Norwood sayes to the reader in his Trigonometrie 'neither is Mr. Edward Wright to be forgotten though his endeavours were soonest prevented,' speaking of the logarithmes.

He published a booke of dialling in 4to, anno....

[1291]Mr. Edward Wright, ex Catalogo Bibl. Bodleianae.

Description of the sphere in three parts, London 1613----W. 1. 7.

Treatise of dialling, London 1614, 4to----H. 30. Art.

Correction of errors in navigation, 4to----W. 16. Art., et London 1599, 4to----W. 2. Art. BS.

The earle of Cumberland's voyage to the Azores, ibid.

Peruse the prefaces.--'The description of the sphaere' hath no preface, and I believe they were his notes for Prince Henry.

[1292]Mr. Edmund[1293] Wright was of Caius Colledge, in Cambridge. He was one of the best mathematicians of his time; and the then new way of sayling, which yet goes by the name of 'sayling by Mr. Mercator's chart,' was purely his invention, as plainely doeth and may appeare in his learned booke called 'Wright's Errors in Navigation,' in 4to. printed A.D.... Mr. Mercator brought this invention in fashion beyond seas.

He did read mathematiques to Prince Henry, and caused to be made, for his Highnesse more easie understanding of astronomie, a sphaere of wood, about three quarters of a yard diameter, which lay neglected and out of order in the Tower, at London, and Sir Jonas Moor begd it of his present majestie, who showed it to me.

He wrote 'Hypothesis Stellarum Fixarum et Planetarum,' a MS. of three sheetes of paper, which I found among bishop Ward's papers, which I gave to the Museum[1294] at Oxford.

He made a table of Logarithmes (scil. in his Tangents) before Logarithmes were invented and printed, but did not know he had donne it.--from John Collins.

=Edmund Wyld= (1616-16--).

[1295]Edmund Wyld[1296], esq., born at Houghton-Conquest in Bedfordshire, 3ʰ P.M. on a Saterday, Oct. 10th, 1616.

He had the misfortune to kill a man in London, upon a great provocation, about A.D. 1644. He had the plague in the Inner Temple, 1647, and had a grevous quartan ague in Sept. 1656.

Memorandum, Mr. Wyld sayes that the doctors told him that in 1656 there dyed in London of the quartan ague fifteen hundred; N.B. In 1657[1297] Oliver Cromwell, Protector, dyed of a quartan ague.

At Christmas, 1661, Mr. E. W. had a dangerous fever.

=... Yarrington.=

[1298]Capt. Yarrington dyed at London about March last[1299]. The cause of his death was a beating and throwne into a tub of water.

=Anne, duchess of York= (16--- 1671).

[1300]Colonel Popham's great tankard, the dutches Y: dranke it (almost) off at a draught.



<Here and there in the Lives Aubrey has jotted down notes on various matters of antiquarian interest. These are collected here, and a few other notes of the same type from other Aubrey volumes added to them. Aubrey attached to some of these notes the title of 'Nouvelles,' e.g. MS. Aubr. 8, foll. 6, 28ᵛ, 103.>

<'Sir' = dominus.> I remember, before the late warres, the ministers in Herefordshire, etc. (counties that way), had the title of Sʳ., as the bachalours of Art[1301] have at Oxon, as 'Sir Richard, of Stretford,' 'Sir William, of Monkland.' And so it was in Wilts, when my grandfather Lyte was a boy; and anciently everywhere. The example of this appeares in the excellent comoedie of The Scornfull Ladie, where 'Sir Roger' (the chaplain) has a great part. It was made by Mr. J. Fletcher about the beginning of King James' time; but in all old wills before the reformation it is upon record.--MS. Aubr. 3, fol. 30.

<The ways of the gentry, tempore Jacobi I.> In those dayes hunting and falconery were at the height: old Serjeant Latham then lived, and writt his falconry[1302]. Good cheere was then much in use; but to be wiser then one's neighbours, scandalous and to be envyed at. And the nobility and gentry were, in that soft peace, damnable prowd and insolent.--MS. Aubr. 3, fol. 30.

<Ghost-stories.> When I was a child, and so before the civill warres, the fashion was for old women and maydes to tell fabulous stories, night-<t>imes, and of sprights and walking of ghosts, etc. This was derived downe from mother to daughter, etc., from the monkish ballance, which upheld holy Church: for the divines say 'Deny spirits, and you are an atheist.' When the warres came, and with them liberty of conscience and liberty of inquisition, the phantomes vanish. Now children feare no such things, having heard not of them, and are not checked[1303] with such feares.--MS. Aubr. 3, fol. 30.

The first pointe-de-Venice band that was worne in England was by King Charles the first at his coronation. Now[1304], 'tis common.--MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 1ᵛ.

Point-bands. The first point-band worne in England was that which King <Charles> IIᵈ wore when he was crowned: and presently after, the fashion was followed infinitely:--from Mris Judith Dobson, vidua pictoris[1305].--MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 11ᵛ.

Apothecaries. Sir Edward Coke, Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench, saies, as I remember, in the College of Physicians case, that ... Falconti[1306], an Italian, was the first apothecarie in London. But vide Sir Geofrey Chaucer, in his Prologue of the Doctor of Physick, [s<ae>c.[1307] xiiiiᵗʰ, thus]:--

'Full readie had he his apothecaries To send him drugg and electuaries.'

And Mr. Anthony à Wood shewes in his Oxon. Antiquities[1308] that there was a place there, called Apothecaria, 300 yeares ago. In queen Elizabeth's time the apothecaries did sell sack in their shoppes: my grandfather[1309] and severall old men that I knew heretofore did remember it.--MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 11ᵛ.

Tabor and pipe. When I was a boy, before the late civill warres, the tabor and pipe were commonly used, especially Sundays and Holydayes, and at Christnings and Feasts, in the Marches of Wales, Hereford, Glocestershire, and in all Wales. Now it is almost lost: the drumme and trumpet have putte that peaceable musique to silence. I believe 'tis derived from the Greek[1310] sistrum, a brasen or iron timbrel; cratalum[1311], a ring of brasse struck with an iron rod--so we play with the key and tongs.--MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 11ᵛ.

Clocks:--Chaucer, Nonne's Priest's tale--(Chanteclere).

'Well sikerer was his crowing in his loge Then is a clock or in an Abbey an orloge.'

Sir Geoffrey Chaucer obiit 1400, aetatis 72.--MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 10ᵛ.

<The> clock[1312] at Paule's on the north crosse aisle west side <is> stately. That at Welles is like it. Vide Chaucer in aliqua vita[1313].--MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 10ᵛ.

Spectacles[1314]. Dr. Pell tells me the antiquity of spectacles is about two hundred yeares standing, and that they were sold, when first invented, for 3 or 5 li. a paire. The ancientest author wherin he finds them is cardinal Cusa--vide Cusanum, quaere Sir John Hoskins, who (I thinke) knowes. ['Tis ... Redi, an Italian, about 400 yeares since.] The Germans call them Brill, from the beril-stone, i.e. chrystall, of which they were first made. Κρύσταλλος is not properly 'chrystall,' but 'ice.' Erasmus in Colloquio Senis--

'Quid tibi vis cum vitreis oculis, fascinator?'

Vide Thomas Hobbes' Optiques in libro De Homine, where he interprets this piece of Plautus, in Cistellaria, act. 1, scen. 1:--

'Conspicillo consequutus 'st clanculum me usque ad fores,'

where he proves that there 'conspicillo' could not signify a paire of spectacles, as we now use it: for then he could not have kenned her at a distance. I remember he told me 'tis that which the French call vidette, a hole to peepe out at.--Vide <Hier.> Sirturus de Perspicillis, a thin 4to: Mr. Edmund Wyld has it, scil. a rarity.--MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 11.

Gunnes. The Almanack chronologie tells us (1680)--'Since the invention of gunnes'--by ..., a monke of ..., in Germany--'270 yeares,' scil. in the reigne of <Henry IV>, anno 1410. Philip de Commines tells us that in his time, when Charles 8 went into Italy, the country-people flocked mightily to see the great gunnes shott off, which was the first time they came in use: but musquetts and fowling-peeces came not to perfection long after. Memorandum:--in the Princes' Chamber at the House of Lords[1315], scil. the roome where the king does retire, are very old hangings, viz. of Edward the Fourth's time, in which is described the invention and use of gunnes. The muskets there are only a long tube stop't at one end, with a touch-hole, and fitted to a long staff. This gun one holds on a rest and aimes; and then another comes with a lighted match in a stick and gives fire, so that 'twas the worke of two men then to manage one piece. Till the late warres refined locksmiths' worke, I remember when I was boy the firelocks were very bungling to what they now are. And in queen Elizabeth's time they used calivers, of which I remember many in gentlemen's halls before the civill wars (for then the soldiers converted them into carbines). The stock was like a wooden basting-ladle, and it had a match-lock, and was not much longer then a carbine.

'Cualibre' in French signifies the bore of a gun, or the size of the bore; and (thence) also the size capacity or fashion of any such thing--Cotgrave's Dictionary.--MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 11.

<Printing.> Memorandum, in the librarie of Francis Bernard, M.D., in London, behind Sepulcher's church, is Tulie's Offices ('tis printed Tulii) in 4to, printed at Mentz by <Johann> Fust, 1466.--The sayd Dr. sayes that he hath seen Saint Hierome on the Creed, printed at Oxford, 1467[1316].--Memorandum, Mr. ... Morris of Llansilly in Denbighshire hath a manuscript Bible in Welsh 1500[1317] years old. It was found at the dissolution of the monasteries in an old wall which parted the monastery from the Bishop's Palace[1318] at Hereford, lap't-up in lead, and the inscription on it doeth testifie the antiquitie of it. 'Tis thought 'twas hid and layd-up there when the great difference, and troubles, was between the Welsh monkes and those of Austin the monke:--from Mr. Middleton, <of> Denbighshire, merchant in London. Quaere Mr. Meredith Lloyd de hoc: there may be something of trueth to be pickt out in this storie.--MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 11.

Catafalconi is the magnificent contrivance for kings' and princes' and generalls' effigies to lie in state in some eminent church for some weekes, e.g. King James Iˢᵗ; Robert, earle of Essex; generall Monke, duke of Albemarle. It takes its name from 'Falconi,' which signifies in Italian 'an eagle.'--Memorandum at the solemne funeralls of the Roman emperors they had an eagle to fly away from the rogus when it tooke fire.--MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 3.

<Stained glass in Oxford.> When I came to Oxford, crucifixes were common in the glasse windowes in the studies' windowes[1319]; and in the chamber windowes were canonized saints (e.g. in my chamber window, St. Gregorie the great, and another, broken), and scutcheons with[1320] the pillar, the whip, the dice, and the cock. But after 1647 they were all broken--'downe went Dagon!' Now no vestigia to be found.--MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 3.

Mr. Fabian Philips sayes the winter 1625 before the plague was such a mild winter as this[1321]: quod N.B.--MS. Aubr. 8, a slip at fol. 6.

Quaere Dick Brocas, prisoner in King's Bench, pro legier booke of Bradstock abbey.--MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 6ᵛ.

Quaere nomen ecclesiae unde deducebantur picturae Mri. Davys.--MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 6ᵛ.

Oliver turned out the parliament, 20 Apr. 1653.--MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 5.

... Knox began his voyage to Tunquin, Aug. 18, 1681.--MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 5ᵛ.

The first beginning of the Royal Society (where they putt discourse in paper and brought it to use) was in the chamber of William Ball, esqr., eldest son of Sir Peter Ball of Devon, in the Middle Temple. They had meetings at taverns before, but 'twas here where it formally and in good earnest sett up[1322]. In Dr. Spratt's History you may see when the patent was granted.--MS. Aubr. 8, a slip at fol. 6.

<Wiltshire.> Quaere Mr. <Thomas> Mariet and Mr. Packer (pro Anthony Wood) if <there is> a camp neer Camden, and if another on Broadway.--Memorandum ... <to put> my brother's notes of ... Hyde, etc., into 'Liber[1323] B' before I send it to Anthony Wood.--'Liber[1324] A' (preface)--the 'clerici' (i.e. parish priests) did write the bayliffs' accounts and that in Latin, a specimen whereof I have with me of....--MS. Aubr. 8, a slip at fol. 13.

<Oxford.> Insert the shields in St. Ebbe's church at Oxon in 'Liber B.'--MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 6ᵛ.

The paper mill at Bemmarton, Wilts, is 112 yeares standing (1681). 'Twas the second in England.--MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 28ᵛ.

Jessamines came into England with Mary[1325], the queen-mother; Laurell was first brought over by Alathea[1326], countesse of Arundell, grandmother to this duke of Norfolke[1327].--MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 28ᵛ.

Rider's <Almanack>, 1682:--'Since tobacco[1328] brought into England by Sir Walter Raleigh, 99 yeares; the custome[1329] wherof now is the greatest of all others and amounts yearly to....--MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 103.

Rider's Almanack, 1682:--'Since Tobacco first used, 99 yeares; since the New River was brought to London, 79; since coaches were first used, 128.'--MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 28ᵛ.

The first glasse-coach that came into England was the duke of Yorke's when the king was restored. In a very short time they grew common, and now (1681), at Waltham or Tottnam high crosse, is sett-up a mill for grinding of coach-glasses and looking glasses (much cheaper, viz.).--MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 28ᵛ.

Penny Post Office, vide vitam R. Morey[1330]. Mr. Robert Murrey began it in May 1680, and the duke of York seized on it in 1682[1331]--quaere about what time of the yeare? Let Mr. Murry goe to Dr. Chamberlayne at Suffolke house.--MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 30.

<The penny post.> Doe right to Mr. Murrey in a Memorandum as to the refelling of Dr. <Edward> Chamberlayne who ascribes that invention or project of the 1ᵈ post to W. Dockwray, which is altogether false.--MS. Aubr. 8, a slip at fol. 13.

<Printing.> Mr. J. Gadbury assures me that the first printing in England was in Westminster Abbey. They yet retaine the name 'Treasurer of the chapell.'--MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 28ᵛ.

Mr. Theodore Haak saieth that the antiquity of pinnes is not above 200 yeares. 'Before, they used a thorne, etc., more primitivo. He saies moreover that he heard the Swedish ambassador asked two other ambassadors what they thought was the greatest waste of copper. One, said bells, another said cannons. 'No,' sayd he, ''tis pinnes'--quod N.B.--MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 30.

Shoes. I doe remember, in my native county of North Wilts, husbandmen did weare high shoes till 1633 common enough, scil. 1/2 bootes slitt and laced. The Benedictine monks wore bootes, I beleeve, like these--at least 1/2 bootes.--MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 30.

Gentilisme[1332]. Memorandum in Yorkeshire the country woemen doe still hailst the new mewne, scil. they kneele with their bare knees on a grownd-fast stene and say all haile, etc. The moon hath a greater influence on woemen than on men.--MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 69.

Gentilisme. Weddings out. Ovid's Fastorum lib. <iii. 397, 398>:--

His etiam conjux apia sancta[1333] dialis Lucibus impexas debet habere comas--

see the two distiches preceding.

This St. Andrewe's crosse we wore on our hatts, pinned on, till the Plott, and never since:--MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 69.

Avebury. Between pages 1 and 2[1334] insert the scheme of Avebury.--... miles westwards from Marleborough (not far from Bristowe-roade) is a village called Avebury which stands within one of the most remarkeable monuments of its kind in England. It seemes strange to me that so little notice hath been taken of it by writers. Mr. Camden only touches on it and no more.--MS. Aubr 9, fol. 50ᵛ.

<Palm Sunday.> Antiquity--the fashion hereabout[1335] was before the warres that on Palme Sunday the young men and maydes received the communion, and in the afternoon walkt together under the hedges about the cornefields, which was held to be lucky.--MS. Aubr. 21, fol. 2ᵛ.

<Simples.> Some write that the water ..., vervayn, ..., ... of sprinkled about the hall or place where any feast or banket is kept maketh all the company both lusty and merry.--Dodoens Herball.--MS. Aubr. 21, a slip at fol. 9.

Witches (maleficae). Twisting of trees, tearing and turning up oakes by the roots. Raysing tempests; wracking ships; throwing down steeples; blasting plantes; dwindle away young children. To overlooke and binde the spirits and phantasy; bewhattling and making men impotent, woemen miscarry (countesse of Carlisle). Whirlewinds; haracanes.

Mr. Morehouse[1336]:--spirits in 'em. Bishop of Bahuse; the devill's black mace of rammes hornes; the session, à la mode de Royal Society, with ballotting box. Memorandum;--Sir H. B. <said> wise men alwaies saw that as some malicious woemen increased in yeares, increased also in malice: set howses on fire, mischiefe <to> children, etc. Thought it better to have them underground then above ground and raise storms: the familiars could not handsomely knock 'em in the head.--MS. Aubr. 21, p. 11.

<Provincial ignorance.> Sir Eglamour and Fitz-ale <two of the persons in Aubrey's Comedy The Country Revel> discourse of the gothique manner of living of these gentlemen, of their ignorance, and envy of civilized and ingeniouse men; of the promising growth of civility and knowledge in the next generation[1337] (in our grandfathers' or great-grandfathers' dayes few gentlemen could write a letter: then 'the clarke made the justice'); that there is a sort of provinciall witt, or rather a humour that goes for witt, e.g. in the west, which if used in the north, or elsewhere, seemes strange and ridiculous.--MS. Aubr. 21, p. 11.

Summer watch. Vide Sir Thomas Smyth's Commonwealth de hac. Cause is that the blood is then high: keepe downe the juvenilis impetus. The old men in those dayes were not so ignorant in philosophy as the virtuosi, forsooth, doe thinke they were. They knew, etc.--MS. Aubr. 21, p. 11.

<Provincial manners.> Collect[1338] the gothicismes and clownrys of ... in Chester. Dick Pawlet, Secole Chivers, W. Ducket's clan of Clowne-hall. Their servants like clownes too, drunkards too: qualis herus, talis servus; breeches of one sort, doublet of another, drabled with the teares of the tankard and greasie. He built an alehouse for his servants, without the gate, for convenience sake, because the servants should be within call. (Before they came hither above a mile for their ale.) Vide Osburne, of distinction of habitts.--MS. Aubr. 21, p. 12.

Country magique. Walking about the church Midsomer eve at night, one shall meet the party that shall marry. They must goe round the church nine times (or seven times), with a sword drawne, if a man; if a woman, with a scabbard.--To putt a smock on the hedge on Midsommer-eve night, the man that is to have her shall come and turne it.--They take orpin and stick branches of it on the wall, and fancy such a branch for such a man, such a branch for such a woman, and divine their loves and marriage or not-marriage by the inclining or aversion of the branches.--They tye magicall knotts with certayne grasses, which, putt in the bosome of the man or woman, if their love have not love for them, will untye.--MS. Aubr. 21, fol. 24ᵛ.

<Sketches for designed inventions: MS. Aubr. 21, fol. 57: illustrated in most cases by drawings. One (fol. 57) is for a cart with one wheel, imitated from 'the slids in the forrest of Deane, for their narrow wayes where carts cann't passe.'

[Illustration: 'A forrest cart']

Another (fol. 57ᵛ) is for a balloon:--'Fill or force in smoake into a bladder and try if the bladder will not be carryed up in the ayre. If it is so, severall bladders may drawe a man up into the ayre a certaine hight, as the holly-berrys arise to the middle of water in a glasse. Memorandum try to what hight they will ascend in a deep vessell, and also try other berryes if any will doe so.'

Another (fol. 57) is for a flying machine and parachute:--'Memorandum to propose that Mr. Packer sends to Norfolk or Suffolke to the gentleman that hath with much curiosity measured the feathers in the wings of severall birds and taken proportions of them and the weight of their bodies, and to send to Mr. Francis Potter for his notions of flying and of being safely delivered upon the ground from great heights with a sheet, etc.'

Another (fol. 58) is for sailing a ship:--'Memorandum Dr. Wilkins his notion of an umbrella-like invention for retarding a ship when shee drives in a storm.'

Another (fol. 59) is for a sowing-machine:--'Let a ginne be invented to shatter out corne by jogging in stead of soweing or setting, the one being, too wastfull, the other taking up too much time; and that the soweing and harrowing may bee but one and the same labour.'>

Herifordshire. All the earth red, as also all Wales from Severn to the sea.--The twanging pronunciation more here then in South Wales; in North Wales, not much. So about Newcastle they speak more of the Scotch twang than they doe at Berwick or Scotland.--Get the song or speech of serjant Hoskyns of the earl of Northampton, the Lord President of Wales.--At Mordeford, the serpent with 6 or 8 wings, every ... a paire.--Vide the little bookes of the old earl of Worcester[1339] in 12mo, where, amongst other things, he mentions a profecie by a bard of Ragland, that it should be burnd or destroyed and afterwards be rebuilt out of Redwood; set forth (vide), I thinke, by Dr. <Thomas> Bayly his chaplain: where be many pretty romances of that earle, etc., his life and death, etc. The same Dr. also writt a booke in folio (thinne) called Parietaria: which see. He (or his father[1340]) would shoe his horse. Was a great patron to the musicians, e.g. Caporavio, etc. This duke's father[1341] had an excellent mechanicall head: quaere what he writt: Mr. Wyld, I thinke, hath the booke printed in red.--MS. Aubr. 31, p. 68.

Monmouthshire. About the beginning of Queen Elizabeth's time Welsh was spoken much in Hereford and I believe 100 years before that as far as the Severn. It weares out more and more in South Wales, especially since the Civill Warres (and so in Cornwall: Mr. Francis Potter did see one that spake of a woman towards the farther end of Cornwall that could speak no English)--but they still retaine their ancient way of pronunciation, which is with a twang worse than the Welsh.--MS. Aubr. 21, p. 68ᵛ.

<Dress.> Memorandum--anciently no bandes worne about their neckes, but furre: as in old glasse pictures.--Memorandum till queen Elizabeth's time, no hattes, but cappes, i.e. bonnetts.--Trunke hose in fashion till the later end of King James the first.--About 90 yeares ago[1342] (1670) noblemen and gentlemen's coates were of the fashion of the bedells and yeomen of the guard, i.e. gathered at the girdle place; and our benchers' gownes retayne yet that fashion of gathering.--MS. Aubr. 21, fol. 95ᵛ.

By reason of fasting dayes all gentlemen's howses had anciently fishponds, and fish in the motes about the howse.--MS. Aubr. 31, fol. 95ᵛ.

Heretofore glasse windowes were very rare, only used in churches and the best roomes of gentlemen's howses. Yea, in my remembrance, before the civill warres, copyholders and ordinary poore people had none. Now the poorest people, that are upon almes, have it. In Herefordshire, Monmouth, Salop, etc., it is so still. But now this yeare (1671) are goeing up no lesse then 3 glasse-howses between Glocester and about Worcester, so that glasse will be common over all England.--MS. Aubr. 21, fol. 95ᵛ.

Memorandum--without doubt, before the Reformation there was no county in England but had severall glasse-painters. I only remember one poore one, an old man (Harding) at Blandford, in that trade.--MS. Aubr. 21, fol. 95ᵛ.

Riding at the quintin at weddings is now left in these partes[1343] but in the west of England is sometimes used yet. I remember when I learned to read English I saw one at Will Tanner's wedding sett up at the green by Bownet howse by the pounde. Vide the masque of Ben Johnson, wher is a perfect description of rideing at the quintin. Quaere the antiquity and rise of it.--Memorandum I sawe somewhere that rideing at the quintin is a remayn of the Roman exercise; vide Juvenal[1344], Satyr vi. 248--

Aut quis non vidit vulnera pali[1345] Quem cavat assiduis sudibus, scutoque lacessit Atque omnes implet numeros?

A quintin[1346] ('quintaine' in French).

(a) a leather satchell filled with sand.

(b) a roller of corne[1347] pitched on end in some crosse way or convenient place where the bride comes along home.

(c) at this end the fellowes that bring home the bride give a lusty bang with their clubbes or truncheons which they have for the purpose, and if they are not cunning and nimble the sandbag takes them in the powle ready to hitt them off their horses. They ride a full career when they make their stroke.

(a c) a piece of wood about a nell[1348] long that turnes on the pinne of the rowler (e).--MS. Aubr. 21, fol. 95.

Chelsey Hospitall. On Thursday morning, February the sixteenth 1681/2, his majestie layed the foundation stone of the college appointed for the reliefe of indigent officers at Chelsey College.--MS. Aubr. 23, fol. 20ᵛ.

<Siamese twins[1349].> May 19, 1680, about sun rising were borne at Hillbrewers neer Ilminster in Somerset twinne sisters growne together at the belley: christned Aquila and Priscilla. Quaere the judgment by Dr. Bernard.--MS. Aubr. 33, fol. 92.

Rollright stones. Except 1, 2, the rest + - 4 foote[1350]; about 4-1/2; quaere quot[1351].--MS. Aubr. 23, a slip at fol. 92.

[Illustration: Roll-right stones]

<Apparition[1352].> 1679: as he was a bed sick of an ague, (he awake--daytime) came to him the vision of a Master of Arts with a white wand in his hand, and told him that if he lay on his back three howres, viz. 10 to 1, that he should be rid of his ague. He was weary[1353] and turned and immediately the ague came: after, he did not, etc., and was perfectly well.--MS. Aubr. 23, a slip at fol. 100ᵛ.

<Soap.> A Bristow-man living in Castile in Spain learn't their art of making soape, which he did first set up in Bristowe about the yeare 1600. By this, alderman Rogers there gott a great estate, and Mr. ... Broughton[1354] was the first that improved barren ground there with the soape-ashes, now not uncommon.--MS. Aubr. 26, page 18.

A Bristow-man living in Castile in Spaine learnt their art of makeing soape, which he first sett-up in Bristow, now (1681) 80 + yeares since.--MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 28ᵛ.

<The Fishmongers' Company, London.> To discover[1355] and find out the lands concealed and embezilled by the Fishmongers' company, which was to maintain so many scholars in Oxford and for the ease of poor Catholiques in Lent. Mr. Fabian Philips tells me I may find out the donation in Stow's Survey of London: he can put me in a way to help me to a third or fourth part for the discoverie. J. Collins, who enformed me of this discovery, sayd the lands are worth some thousands per annum, scil. two or three thousand pounds per annum, which devout Catholiques in ancient times gave to this company for their pious and charitable use. My lord Hunsdon would be a good instrument herein. Memorandum in the records of the Tower are to be found many graunts, etc., to the Fishmongers' company. Edmund Wyld; esq., saith that the old Parliament did intend to have had an inspection into charitable uses. See Sir Richard Baker's Chronicle pag. 267 G, anno 22 Henry VII <1507>, scil. Thomas Knesworth, mayor of London, gave to the Fishmongers' company, certain tenements for which they are bound to allow fower scholars, that is to say, two at Oxon, and two at Cambridge, to each of them fower pounds per annum, as also to poor people prisoners in Ludgate something yeerely. Quaere Anthony Wood de hiis.--MS. Aubr. 26, page 1.



<While hiding from the bailiffs in 1671 at Broad Chalk, Aubrey (see i. 52) set himself to compose a comedy descriptive of country life as he had seen it, abating nothing of its grossness, and concealing nothing of its immorality. The rude draft of this comedy is found in MS. Aubrey 21, written in the blank spaces and between the lines of a long legal document.

Although few of the scenes are sketched, and fewer completed, it is possible to form an idea of the scope and plot of the piece.

The jumbling together of all classes of society in the rude merriment of a country wake was designed to bring out the follies and vices of them all. A few gentlemen and ladies of the old school, of courtly manners and decent carriage, were brought in to set out by contrast the boorishness, the insolence, and the mad drunken bouts of Aubrey's contemporaries. A mixed company of sow-gelders, carters, dairy-maids, gypsies, were to give evidence, in dialogue and song, of the coarse talk and the vile ideas of the vulgar. And a still more disreputable rout of squires who had left their wives and taken up with cook-maids, and of heiresses who had run away with grooms, was to exemplify the degradation of the gentry. In several cases, over the names of his Dramatis Personae, Aubrey has jotted the names or initials of the real persons he was copying.

The plot was to have a double movement; on the one hand, the innocent loves of a boy and girl of gentle birth, living in disguise as shepherd and dairy-maid, the 'Lord and Lady of the Maypole,' and, on the other hand, the fortunes of an adulteress, pursued by her husband, following her paramour in page's attire, jealous of his attentions to other women, ending in murder all round--'Raynes[1356] comes and invades Sir Fastidious Overween, and is slayne by him; and then Sir Fastidious neglects her; she comes and stabbes him, and then herselfe.'

The scene, on the title-page, is laid, for a blind, at 'Aldford in Cheshire, by the river Dee, St. Peters day, 1669'; but in act i, scene 1, Aubrey, laying pretence aside, places it on 'Christian Malford green' in his own district in Wiltshire, near Kington St. Michael, Draycot Cerne, etc.

Taken as a whole, both in what is written out and in the anecdotes collected to be worked into the plot, the comedy affords a terrible picture of the corruption of Aubrey's county and times. It may be compared with the society pictures in Anne Brontë's The Tenant of Wildfell Hall.

Two scenes, of the less offensive ones, may serve to give a faint idea of this curious piece of seventeenth century realism.>


=Act II, scene iii.=

A faire roome. Enter Sir Eglamour, Lady Euphrasia, Lady Pamela: to them, Sir Eubule Nestor; then, squire Fitz-ale.

Sir J. Fitz-ale. Sir Eglamour, your most humble servant.

Sir Eglamour. Sir John Fitz-ale, the welcomest man alive.

Fitz-ale. Save you, ladies! I'm come to wayte on you at the famous revell here, to help celebrate the festivall of St. Peter.

Ladyes. Most kindly donne, Sir John! We heard you strictly kept his virgil last night at Justice Wagstaff's.

Fitz-ale. So strickt that none of us have been a-bed to-night, that's the trueth on't. I beleeve, since the Conquest, St. Peter had never a merrier eve observed.

Ladyes. Pray, Sir John, favour us to let us heare some of the mirth.

Fitz-ale. Why, ladies, yesterday we Cheshire gentlemen mett at a barrell of ale at the bull-ring where we sufficiently bayted both bull and barrell; and having well dranke there, staved and tayled, till 5 a-clock i' th' afternoon, wee were invited to the Justice's; where being come into the great hall wee mett for a good omen the servants labouring at heaving into the cellar a teirce of French wine, newly brought by the barge from Chester. Faith! we had a frolique, and voted it (nemine contradicente) to have itt sett abroach in the midest of the hall. To worke we goe, and we four knights mount the tierce, bestride it, like the quarter files[1358] d'Amond upon one horse. Then we dranke his Majestie's health, the Queen's, and the royall family: then, faire ladies, (he bowes) your two healths; then, our mistresses: then, God knows who--till the cooke knockt for supper. So the tierce was reprieved till after supper, a guard sett over it. As wee were going to sitt downe to supper in the parlour a sudden quarrell arose between Sir Fastidious Overween and Captain Quarelsome about precedency. To cuffs they fell, all in confusion; the ladies cryed out, Sir Fastidious' great periwig was throwne into the fire and made an abominable stinke.

Sir Eubule[1359]. Blesse me! What unheard of rudenesse! This to be donne at a gentleman's house and by gentlemen, senators, parliamentary justices of the peace!

Sir J. Fitz-ale. In this scuffle the chiape of Capt. Quarelsome's sword hitcht in the cubboard of glasses: downe came all the glasses of the butler with a most dreadfull esclate. But this is not all--the cross-bar[1360] of Sir Fastidious' sword hitchd in my old ladie's vaile and pluckt it off, together with her periwig, and showed her poor bald old death's head.

Sir Eubule. Lord blesse me!

Sir J. Fitz-ale. The Justice and I struck in between 'em and parted 'em, and, with something more trouble then staving and tayling dog and bull[1361], they were reconciled and sate down opposite to each other. To a noble supper we sate downe.

After supper desert was brought. My country gentlemen catcht and snatchd like schoolboies and gobbt up the sweetmeats like ducks, and.... And being very drunke, some putt even marmalade into their pocketts. A noble carpet in the parlour trayled on the ground, which with their dirty bootes they made the faire edge and bordure as dirty as a woman's saddlecloth.

Supper being ended, faith! the justice would have the tother bout at the butt for a confirmation of friendship[1362] between the two antagonists. I could not refuse to help carry on such a good worke of charity. So we drank friendly on till 2 a-clock i' th' morning. By that time you may well thinke our braines were well warmd. We sung[1363], hooped, hallowd, jubilled--set the cennell of hounds all in a larum. We had the wenches and all the servants of the house to participate in the great jubilee.

Well, about daybrake 'twas the generall vote for the unhinging of the cellar dore and throwe it from the precipice of the cliffe into the Dee. The good old dore, that haz turnd on his hinges for these two centuries of yeares in the dayes of his hospitable ancestors, was taken downe, and by four tall fellowes borne to the cliffe. Hautboies[1364] loud musique playd before; the bearers followed; and then came the chiefe mourners, the butler, brewer, and pantler, weeping with blubbered eies for the decease of that had turnd out and doubled in the dayes of his hospitable ancestors:--'it was an ill omen[1365] of the fall of that ancient family.'

Sir Eubule. And they sayd well. I knew their Justice's grandfather and great grandfather too. <They> kept 12 men in blew coates and badges. We had no such doings in their daies. They were sober, prudent; kept good well-ordered hospitality. We are like to have a fine world when Parliament men and Justices shall give such lewd example....

Fitz-ale. Well! after the mourners, we came with our levetts[1366] and clarions. Then the rest. We had the sowgelder there, who loud performes the thorow-base. The dogges tooke it in turne too along the river into Chester, and sett all the dogges there barkeing.

Ladies. I warrant the country people thought you mad--

(Sir Eubule[1367]: And well they might, by my troth!)

--or that there was an insurrection of the fanatiques.

Fitz-ale. My tall lads[1368] hand downe the dore, and committ it from the cliff to the deepe. Downe, downe, it falls; but yet with severall bounds it made as with disdaine to be at last so servd for's long and faithfull service. Into the river Dee down dash it[1369] fell and away towards Chester swimmes, but seemed to give a[1370] mournefull je n' scay quoy

and, as sighing, seemed to say Those that I trusted do my trust betray!

'Not Orpheus' harp did swimme more solempnely! The Thracian dames that Orpheus did discoup, Whose head and harpe they into Hebrus flang, Were not with greater rage possest, then we!'

Lady Euphrasia. I swear, Sir John, you have made a very poetical[1371] description of it.

Sir J. Fitz-ale. Ah! I steepd[1372] my muse last night in Aganippe.

Sir Eubule Nestor. Ah! the Justice now may well be said to keepe an open howse.

Sir J. Fitz-ale. Sir Eglamour, the Justice intends to wayte on any ladies come and dine with you. Sir Fastidious and the Captaine comes with him; as also the bull-bayters, his old companions of the tappe; neither witt nor learning; impudent swearers; bestiall drinkers, a peck at a draught; hacking blades; huge colosses, with long swords, horse-skin belts; old reformados of Charles the first; sad wretches; old cinque-quaters; bacon[1373]-fac't fellowes; centaures that looke as if they could not prove the Christian; downe their beardes[1374] ... and dyed with mundungus[1375]. Now, ladies, looke to yourselves, for every one will have a smack at your lipps with their unsanctified mustaches.

Ladies. Bless us! I'le not come neer 'em, if they be such.

Fitz-ale. The Justice and's myrmidons are to drinke up 1000 of ale at mother Mackerell's.

Sir Eubule--drinke as in the dayes of Pantagruel.

Fitz-ale. Plato saies perpetuall drunkennesse is the reward of virtue.


=Act III, scene iii.=

An alehouse bower. Enter Mris. Maquerell, Justice Wagstaffe, Sir John Fitz-ale, Captain Exceptious Quarrellsome, Sir Fastidious Overween, the sowgelder, and Sir Hugh the vicar, myrmidons.

Justice Wagstaffe. Mother Margery, a merry revell to you! I am come to see you according to custome.

Margery. I thanke your worship. You are my old guest and acquaintance, and that does stand my friend with the excisemen.

Sir Fastidious. Prithee, give us a cup of the best revell ale. We are come to drinke not less then 1000 of ale before we goe.

Justice Wagstaffe (sings).

Come, fill us a 1000 jugges, etc.

Margery (curtsies). Mr. Justice Wagstaffe, a good health to your worship!

Wagstaffe. I thanke thee, Margery.--How doest doe Peg[CIV.]? First, I must have a kisse. Come, let's fancy her 1/2 a crowne a piece. She's a good-natured girle.--[They give.]

[CIV.] Peg, her mayd or daughter.

Sir John Fitz-ale. Sir Hugh, drink to the king's health. [Sir Hugh takes off his glasse super naculum.]

Sir J. Fitz-ale. Bravely done, parson!--a true spunge of the Church of England, i' faith.

Sir Hugh. I'm one of the old red-nosd clergy, orthodox and canonicall.

Sir J. Fitz-ale. You helpe solemnize the revell.

<In MS. Aubr. 21, p. 20, Aubrey jots down an anecdote for use here 'All the parsons herabout,' in Wiltshire, 'are alehouse-hunters. J<ames> L<ong>, esq., hunted Sir Hugh driefoote to the alehouse with his pack of hounds to the great griefe of the revered divine.'>


Abbot, abp. Geo., i. 24; ii. 26, 194. Bp. Rob., ii. 26. Wolston, ii. 260, 261.

Abingdon, Berks, i. 184, 185, 244; ii. 303.

Abingdon, (Bertie, lord Norreys), earl of-- -- James, 1st earl, i. 45, 53, 98, 192; ii. 9, 31. ---- Eleanor (Lee), co. of, ii. 30-32. -- Montague, 2nd earl, ii. 31. -- Willoughby, 3rd earl, i. 98.

Ailesbury, see Aylesbury.

Aiton (Ayton), Sir John, i. 26. Sir Rob., i. 25, 332, 365.

Albemarle, duke of, see Monk, Geo. ---- Anne (Clarges), duchess of, ii. 73, 76, 77.

Albiis, Thos. de, see White.

Alcorne, Rich., i. 8.

Aldington, Kent, i. 248.

Aldsworth, Mr., i. 15, 26.

Alençon, François, duc d', ii. 217.

Alesbury, see Aylesbury.

Alesly, Jas., ii. 71.

Aleyn, see Alleyn.

Alford, Sir Thos., ii. 219.

Allam, Andr., ii. 72. Thos., i. 182.

Allen, H., i. 310. Thos., i. 26-28, 84, 225, 318. Mr., ii. 209.

Alleyn (Aleyn), Chas., i. 29.

Alsop, Dr., i. 296.

America, i. 175, 177, 307, 310; ii. 103. -- alphabet for native language, i. 285. -- Barbadoes, i. 210. -- Bermudas, i. 41; ii. 97, 276. -- Davis strait, i. 210. -- Guiana, ii. 95, 183, 187, 188, 314. -- Jamaica, i. 50, 53; ii. 292. -- Maryland, i. 143. -- Mexico, i. 137. -- Newfoundland, ii. 314. -- New York, ii. 127, 128. -- Pennsylvania, i. 45; ii. 133, 134, 138. -- Plantations, the, i. 53, 210; ii. 160. -- Tobago, i. 45, 53. -- Virginia, i. 207, 285, 287; ii. 49, 100, 104, 160, 262, 314.

Ampthill, Beds., i. 312; ii. 35.

Amsterdam, i. 331, 364, 376, 421; ii. 122, 130, 131.

Anderson, Sir John, i. 116. Mr., i. 115, 116; ii. 138.

Andrewes, bp. Lanc., i. 29; ii. 2, 115, 232, 306.

Anne, consort of Jas. I, i. 25, 251, 254; ii. 14, 35.

Anstey, Mr., i. 220.

Anthony, Franc., i. 32.

Apothecaries, ii. 59, 318.

Aquapendente, H. Fabr. ab, i. 296, 304.

Arabic, i. 121; ii. 122, 224.

Archangel, ii. 90.

Archer, Thos., i. 32.

Archimedes, ii. 126.

Arderne, Jas., i. 290, 294.

Aristotle, i. 300, 357, 359, 360; ii. 201, 211, 212.

Arundel Castle, Sussex, i. 172; ii. 134.

Arundel, Thomas Howard, 14th earl, i. 75, 301, 407; ii. 110, 112, 323. ---- Aletheia (Talbot), co. of, ii. 323.

Arundell, Will. (?), i. 129.

Arundell of Wardour, Thos., 2nd baron, i. 129.

Ashindon (Escuidus), John, i. 16, 33.

Ashmole, Elias, i. 33, 163, 285, 298, 426; ii. 33, 92, 109, 113, 114, 175, 189-191, 193, 238. -- MSS. and books in his hands, i. 26, 27, 33, 44, 59, 211, 212, 224, 229, 262, 318; ii. 33, 92, 108, 201, 247. -- His Theatr. Chem. Brit. cited, i. 147, 162-170, 210; ii. 202.

Ashton, John, i. 385. Sir Thos., i. 104.

Aspeden (Apsten), Herts., ii. 284, 290.

Aston, Sir Walt., i. 239.

Astrop, Northts., ii. 303.

Atkins, Sir Edw., i. 58, 60. Sir Rob., i. 106. Ald., ii. 46.

Atwood, Rich., i. 195.

Aubrey, John, i. 34-53, and passim.

Aubrey, Deborah, mother of John, i. 33, 39-50. Edw., i. 56, 57, 59, 60. John, grandfather, i. 49, 51, 56, 59, 60; ii. 298. Sir John, i. 315; ii. 5, 7, 8, 154, 171, 268. Lewis, ii. 7, 8. Mary, ii. 154. Rachel, grandmother, i. 56; ii. 298. Rich., father, i. 37, 38, 42, 46, 49-52; ii. 249, 298. Thos., i. 56, 57, 59, 60. Sir Thos., ii. 7. Thomas, brother, i. 49, 95; ii. 54, 90, 161. Wilgiford, great-grandmother, i. 55, 60, 61. Sir Will., i. 59. Dr. Will., great-grandfather, i. 22, 49, 51, 53-66, 211; ii. 48. Dr. Will., of Ch. Ch., Oxon., i. 59. Will., brother, i. 49, 193, 304, 323-328, 386, 389; ii. 260, 323.

Augur, Mr., i. 112.

Austin, Mr., ii. 108.

Avebury, Wilts., ii. 325.

Avon river, Som., i. 123.

Aylesbury, Sir Thos., i. 187, 188, 286; ii. 16, 291, 292.

Aylesbury, Rob. Bruce, 1st earl, ii. 305. Thos., 2nd earl, ii. 35.

Aylmer, Brabazon, i. 88, 92.

Ayton, see Aiton.

Azores, ii. 315.

Babel (Babylon) hill, Dors., i. 188.

Babylon, i. 154.

Backhouse, Sir Will., i. 318.

Bacon, Francis, i. 22, 36, 66-84, 130, 132, 177, 180, 196, 224, 288, 299, 331, 341, 348, 371, 375, 393, 394, 395; ii. 181, 194, 301, 307.

Bacon, Anne, i. 76. Anth., i. 76, 81. Eliz., i. 77. Sir Nich., i. 68, 69, 76, 77, 81, 238.

Bacon, Friar Rog., i. 84, 165, 184, 187, 244.

Badd, Sir Thos., i. 84.

Badminton, Glouc., ii. 155.

Bagford, Mr., ii. 94.

Bagshawe, Edw., i. 85, 99, 187, 290; ii. 171, 261.

Baker, Mr., ii. 90, 254, 255.

Ball, John, ii. 153. Sir Peter (Justice), ii. 180, 185, 231, 322. Will., i. 355; ii. 322.

Baltimore, Geo., and Cecil (Calvert), 1st and 2nd baron, i. 143.

Balzac, Jean L. G., i. 14, 66, 86, 158, 282, 348.

Bancroft, abp. Rich., i. 86.

Bankes, Sir John, i. 269. Sir Ralph, ii. 48.

Baramore, see Barrymore.

Barclay, John, i. 22, 86. Rob., i. 86.

Barker, Will., i. 385.

Barlow, bp. Thos., i. 148, 212; ii. 259.

Barnes, Jos., ii. 25.

Barrow, Isaac, M.D., i. 93. Isaac, of Spinney Abbey, Cambr., i. 87, 93. Isaac, bp. of St. Asaph, i. 93; ii. 257, 258. Isaac, Master of Trin. Coll., Cambr., i. 3, 87-94, 208, 372. Phil., i. 93. Thos., i. 87, 88, 89, 93, 94. Dr. ..., i. 94.

Barrymore, David Barry, 1st earl of, i. 118. ---- Alice (Boyle), co. of, i. 118.

Basket, Rev. ..., i. 158.

Basset, Will., ii. 171.

Bastwick, John, ii. 174.

Batchcroft, Thos., i. 94.

Bate (Bates), Geo., i. 95; ii. 176. John, i. 36, 51.

Bath, Som., i. 40, 123, 169, 176, 251, 279; ii. 173, 174, 176, 186, 240-244.

Bath, John Granville, 1st earl of, ii. 76, 77[1377].

Bathurst, Geo., i. 28, 29, 300. Ralph, i. 52, 150, 210, 371, 377; ii. 11, 16, 17, 24, 141, 158, 206, 288. Mr., ii. 19.

Battering-ram, i. 98.

Baxter, Rich., i. 86, 373; ii. 259.

Bayes, Mr., i. 256.

Bayly, Thos. (N. I. H.), i. 364. Thos., ii. 328.

Baynton, Sir Edw., ii. 45, 244.

Beach, Mr., i. 133-135.

Beaconsfield, Bucks., ii. 274, 277, 279.

Beaudley, Worc., ii. 259.

Beaufort, Henry Somerset, 1st duke of, ii. 155, 328.

Beaumont, Francis, i. 22, 95.

Becket, Berks., ii. 43, 47.

Bedford, Jasper Tudor, duke of, i. 315.

Bedford (Russell), earl of-- -- Fran., 2nd earl, i. 175, 177. -- Fran., 4th earl, i. 275; ii. 78.

Bedwell, Will., i. 96.

Bee, Corn., i. 279, 281.

Beech, see Beach.

Beeston, Will., i. 96; ii. 14, 227, 233, 245.

Belvoir, Leic., i. 230.

Bemerton, Wilts., i. 309; ii. 323.

Bendish, Sir Thos., i. 90.

Benese, Rich., i. 97.

Bennet, bp. Rob., i. 418.

Bere, Dors., ii. 89.

Berkeley, Miss, i. 98.

Berkhampstead, Herts., ii. 1.

Bermudas, ii. 341.

Bernard, Chas., i. 356. Franc., i. 356, 392, 393; ii. 321, 330.

Bertie, Henry, ii. 9. James, i. 98; ii. 31. Vere, i. 50, 153; ii. 9.

Berwick, ii. 97, 246, 328.

Besilsleigh, Berks., ii. 84, 85, 92, 155.

Betenham, Jer., i. 67.

Betridge, Col., i. 108.

Bigge, Thos., i. 253; ii. 274, 275.

Billingsley, Sir Henry, i. 16, 99-103, 126, 212; ii. 15, 81, 111. Sir Henry (son), i. 102. Henry (grandson), i. 102. Martin, i. 103. Rich. (Rob.), i. 101, 103. Sir Thos., i. 67, 100, 102, 103. Sir ..., i. 100.

Bilson, bp. Thos., ii. 23.

Binnion, Rev. ..., i. 387.

Birch, John, ii. 254. Peter, ii. 279, 280.

Birford, ..., ii. 202.

Birkenhead, Sir John, i. 104-106, 290, 360-362; ii. 157, 173.

Birkhead, Henry, i. 106, 361, 362; ii. 26.

Bishe, see Bysshe.

Bishop, Col., ii. 169.

Bishops Canning, Wilts., i. 251, 252; ii. 184.

Blackburne, Rich., i. 15, 18-20, 107, 333, 359-367, 372, 386, 393, 395; ii. 113.

Blagrave, John, i. 107.

Blake, Rob., i. 107.

Blandford St. Mary's, Dors., i. 36; ii. 179, 235, 330.

Blencowe, Mr., ii. 282.

Bletchingdon, Oxon., i. 403.

Blount, Sir Chas., i. 248. Dr. Chas., i. 109, 356 (?). Sir Chr., ii. 251. Sir Henry, i. 108-111, 356; ii. 207. Sir Thos. Pope, i. 111.

Blundeville, Thos., i. 15, 77.

Blunt, see Blount.

Boleyn, Anne, i. 193.

Bolton, Rob., i. 85.

Bond, Henry, i. 15. John, i. 311. Thos., ii. 240.

Bonham, Thos., i. 108, 111, 424.

Bonner, Edm., i. 111.

Booker, John, i. 112, 318.

Boothby, Mr., ii. 107.

Boston, Mr., i. 311.

Boswell, Sir Will., i. 73, 211, 212; ii. 130.

Bourman, Thos., ii. 2. Sir ..., ii. 245.

Bourne, Mr., i. 417, 424.

Bovey, Jas., i. 112-115, 141, 305; ii. 271.

Bowman, Franc., i. 371; ii. 197. Mr., i. 110.

Boyle, Lewis, i. 120. Robert, i. 118, 120, 372, 411, 412; ii. 182.

Bradon forest, Wilts., i. 343; ii. 135.

Bradshaw, Sarah, ii. 61. Mr., ii. 229.

Bradstock (Bradenstoke) abbey, Wilts., ii. 322.

Bramhall, John, i. 363, 373.

Brampton (Bramston), Sir Franc., ii. 78.

Bramston, Sir Muddiford, i. 104.

Branker, Thos., ii. 126.

Brawne, Sir J., i. 239.

Brecon (town), i. 54, 59: (shire), i. 46, 51, 59, 276, 313.

Breda, i. 121; ii. 45, 76, 122, 124, 130, 131.

Brent, Sir Nath., ii. 245.

Brentford, Midd., ii. 99.

Brereton, (Brereton), baron-- -- Will., 3rd baron, i. 121; ii. 124, 125. -- Rob., 4th baron, ii. 124, 125.

Brereton, Sir Will., i. 122.

Brerewood, Edw., i. 122.

Brett, Arth., i. 123.

Bridges, Gabr., i. 204.

Bridgewater, John Egerton, 1st earl of, i. 245.

Bridgman, Sir Orl., ii. 208.

Briggs, Henry, i. 16, 123-125, 261; ii. 98, 215, 292, 295.

Bright, Henry, ii. 162.

Brightman, Thos., i. 125.

Bristol, Glouc., i. 36, 123, 128, 147, 185, 277, 314, 315, 403, 404; ii. 297-299, 331, 332.

Bristol, (Digby) earl of-- -- John, 1st earl, ii. 183. -- Geo., 2nd earl, i. 227.

Broadway, Dors., ii. 323.

Brocas, Rich., ii. 322.

Broke, see Brooke.

Brokenborough, Wilts., i. 322-324, 391.

Brome (Broome), Alex., i. 126, 356. Henry, i. 126, 156, 267; ii. 286.

Bromley, Sir Thos., ii. 35.

Bromham (Bronham), Wilts., ii. 244, 294.

Brooke, (Greville) baron-- -- Fulke, 1st baron, i. 67, 205, 275; ii. 250. -- Robert, 2nd baron, i. 188, 275. ---- Catherine (Russell), baroness, i. 275. -- Robert, 4th baron, ii. 134.

Brooke (Broke, Brookes), Chr. (of Oxford), i. 126; ii. 106, 110, 114. Chr. (of Lond.), ii. 49, 50. Marg., i. 219. N., i. 221. Rob., i. 87.

Broome, see Brome.

Broughton, Edw., i. 127, 128; ii. 331. Eliz., i. 127.

Brouncker, (Brouncker), viscount-- --Will., 1st visc., i. 129. ---- Winifred (Leigh), viscountess, i. 129. -- Will., 2nd visc., i. 128, 161, 269; ii. 146, 147, 312.

Browne, Anth., i. 37, 316. Israel[1378], i. 49. Sir Thos., M.D., i. 37, 210, 211. Thos., ii. 218, 248. Will. (poet), i. 130, 312. Will. (Trin. Coll., Oxf.), i. 173, 174. Maj.-gen., ii. 74. Mr., i. 210.

Brownrigg, bp. Ralph, ii. 285.

Bruce of Kinloss, Edward, 1st baron, i. 157. Rob., 4th baron, ii. 305.

Bruen, Mr., ii. 48.

Bryanstone, Dors., ii. 202.

Buckhurst, Charles Sackville[1379], lord, ii. 34.

Buckingham, (Villiers), duke of-- -- George, 1st duke, i. 77, 202, 205; ii. 14, 100, 209, 270. -- George, 2nd duke, i. 137, 189, 190, 207; ii. 270, 301.

Buckingham, Mary Villiers, co. of, ii. 270.

Buckinghamshire, i. 178.

Budleigh, East, Devon, ii. 192.

Bulbridge, Wilts., ii. 89.

Bullen, Anne, i. 193.

Bullialdus, Israel, ii. 59, 289, 290.

Bullock, Edward, ii. 265.

Buntingford, Herts., ii. 283, 290.

Burched, H., ii. 124.

Burges, Mr., i. 48.

Burghill, Dr., ii. 78.

Burghley, William Cecil, baron, i. 61, 158, 237; ii. 28.

Burhill, Rob., ii. 194.

Burlington, (Boyle), earl of-- -- Rich., 1st earl, i. 116, 118, 175-177.

Burnet, bp. Gilb., i. 166, 169; ii. 304.

Burt, Will., ii. 265.

Burton, Hen., ii. 174. Rob., i. 130.

Bury St. Edmunds, Suff., ii. 311.

Busby, Rich., i. 146, 217, 285, 410; ii. 127, 128, 197, 240, 257, 292, 293.

Bushell, Thos., i. 71, 72, 83, 130-135, 331.

Bussey, Rev. ..., i. 184.

Butler, Sam., ('Hudibras'), i. 135-138, 146, 175, 204, 342, 371, 381; ii. 210, 277. Will., i. 126, 138-144; ii. 98.

Butts, John, i. 270.

Bysshe (Bishe), Edw., i. 239, 355; ii. 89.

Cadiz, i. 223.

Cadnam, Mr., ii. 262.

Caen, ii. 140.

Caesar, Sir Julius, i. 75. Mr., ii. 173.

Caliver, a, ii. 320.

Calne, Wilts., ii. 202.

Calvert, Cecil, Geo., Leon., i. 143, 144.

Cambridge (University), i. 76, 90, 93, 137, 141, 142, 178, 269, 309; ii. 53, 59, 102, 124, 171, 240, 280, 284, 293, 332. (Town), i. 90, 91, 92, 103, 360. The play at, i. 180. Great St. Mary's, i. 30, 139, 140; ii. 302.

Cambridge (colleges)-- -- Caius, i. 94, 268, 295, 296; ii. 284, 313-315. -- Christ's, ii. 32, 63, 67, 68, 114, 293. -- Clare Hall, i. 138, 139, 142, 180; ii. 86. -- Emmanuel, i. 29; ii. 280. -- St. John's, i. 123, 174, 175; ii. 29, 284. -- King's, i. 139, 143; ii. 86, 106, 113, 204, 236, 275, 307. -- Magdalene, ii. 157. -- Pembroke Hall, i. 29, 403; ii. 3, 232, 234. -- Peterhouse, i. 88. -- Queens', i. 95, 200, 203, 247, 248. -- Sidney, i. 257; ii. 108, 283, 284, 288. -- Trinity, i. 76, 88, 89, 93, 107, 414; ii. 11, 17, 114, 122, 196, 257, 301.

Camden, Will., i. 42, 144-147, 267, 322, 392; ii. 11, 15, 42, 57, 206, 232, 325.

Camden (Came Down), Dors., ii. 323.

Canons Ashby, Northts., i. 240.

Canterbury, i. 206, 296; ii. 84, 217, 266.

Canterbury, abp. of, ii. 124.

Canynges, Will., i. 147.

Caporavio, ..., ii. 328.

Carberry, (Vaughan), earl of, ii. 95, 292.

Cardiff, Glam., i. 315; ii. 55, 171.

Cardiganshire, i. 131.

Carew, Thos., i. 34.

Carey, Sir Edm., i. 193.

Carisbrooke Castle, I. of W., i. 197, 207.

Carlisle, Anne Howard, co. of Charles, 1st earl, ii. 325.

Carlton, Sir Dudley, i. 279.

Carnarvon, (Dormer), earl of, i. 130, 312.

Carnwarth, Rob. Dalzell, 2nd earl of, i. 191.

Carteret, Phil., i. 290. ..., ii. 174.

Cartwright, Will., i. 148.

Casaubon, Isaac, i. 96.

Caspars, J. B., i. 354.

Castlehaven, Mervyn Touchet, 2nd earl, i. 71, 121.

Castlemaine, (Palmer), earl of-- -- Roger, 1st earl, ii. 176. ---- Barbara (Villiers), co. of, i. 128.

Catafalque, ii. 10, 77, 321.

Cavendish, Sir Chas., i. 153, 366, 370, 386. Col. Chas., i. 154-157. Tho., ii. 192.

Cavendish of Hardwick, Will., 1st baron, i. 396.

Chalk, Broad Chalk, Wilts., i. 40, 44, 316; ii. 76, 113, 275, 307, 333.

Chaloner, Jas., i. 160. Rich., ii. 275. Sir Thos., i. 69. Thos. (father), i. 159, 160. Thos. (son), i. 159; ii. 55.

Chamberlayne, Edw., ii. 324. Hugh, ii. 60.

Champernowne, Kath., i. 262; ii. 178.

Chandos, baron, i. 423.

Chantrel, Mr., ii. 102.

Chapell, Mr., ii. 63.

Charles I, Prince Charles, i. 104, 108, 118, 148, 151, 156, 159, 171, 196, 206, 218, 288, 289, 297, 333; ii. 2, 13, 44, 52, 56, 93, 150, 186, 208, 267, 280, 318 (?).

Charles II, Charles Prince of Wales, i. 86, 87, 124, 207, 218, 219, 239, 283, 297, 335, 338-343, 354, 368, 371, 381, 385, 394, 395, 397, 402, 403, 405; ii. 8, 28, 45, 58, 74-78, 80-83, 103-105, 111, 119, 123, 127, 133, 134, 138, 143, 176, 195, 202, 232, 237, 238, 241, 252, 255, 276, 277, 286, 287, 318, 330.

Charleton, Francis, ii. 11. Walt., i. 67, 161, 371; ii. 300.

Charlton, Wilts., i. 323, 391.

Charnock, Tho., i. 162-170.

Chaucer, Geoffrey, i. 96, 170, 189, 193, 219; ii. 318, 319.

Chelsea, Middl., i. 70, 75, 131, 196, 271, 284, 307, 313; ii. 82, 84, 330.

Cheshire, i. 267, 293, 427; ii. 307, 326.

Chester (city), i. 131.

Chester, Chas., ii. 184.

Cheynell, Fran., i. 172, 174.

Chichester, Sussex, i. 172.

Chichley, Sir Tho., ii. 79.

Chigwell, Essex, ii. 132.

Child, Tho., ii. 179.

Chillingworth, Will., i. 151, 171, 370.

Chippenham, Wilts., i. 242; ii. 181.

Chivers, Secole, ii. 326.

Christ Church, Hants., ii. 97, 288.

Clarendon, (Hyde) earl of-- -- Edward, 1st earl, i. 136, 373, 426; ii. 4, 6, 291. -- Henry, 2nd earl, i. 12, 426, 427; ii. 291.

Clarendon park, Wilts., ii. 247.

Clarges, Anne, ii. 73, 76, 77. Tho., ii. 73, 76.

Clark, Ben., ii. 133, 136, 138. Deborah, ii. 61, 68. Sir Francis, ii. 93. Geo., ii. 173. John, i. 255.

Clavell, John, i. 174.

Clavius, Chr., i. 94, 333.

Cleonardus, Nic., i. 144.

Cleveland, John, i. 174.

Clifford of Lanesborough, Chas. Boyle, 3rd baron, ii. 13.

Clifford Castle, Heref., ii. 172.

Clinton, Edw. Fiennes, baron, i. 235.

Clinton, Gervase, i. 396.

Clun, ..., ii. 14.

Cluverus, Joh., i. 338. Mr., ii. 126.

Coaches, i. 60, 340, 347; ii. 249, 267, 323.

Cobham, Henry Brooke, baron, ii. 187.

Cockaine, Mr., i. 71.

Codrington, Jane, i. 34.

Coke, Sir Edw., i. 56, 57, 70, 178, 197, 290; ii. 150, 194, 246, 318. Frances, i. 197. Roger, i. 178, 290.

Colbert, J. B., i. 180; ii. 59.

Coldwell, bp. John, i. 202.

Cole, Dr., i. 137. Mr., ii. 312.

Colepeper, John, 1st baron, i. 218. Thos., 2nd baron, ii. 262.

Colepeper (Culpeper), Nich., i. 318.

Colet, John, i. 181.

Coley, Henry, i. 48, 49, 52, 181, 393, 425; ii. 105, 118, 260.

Collins, John, i. 153, 159, 182; ii. 111, 293, 312, 315, 316, 332. Mark, ii. 207. Sam., i. 8; ii. 284, 307. Mr., ii. 195.

Colyton, Devon, ii. 192.

Combe, John, ii. 226.

Compostella, i. 147.

Conant, John, i. 210.

Confucius, i. 115.

Conquest, Sir Edm., ii. 93.

Constable, Sir John, i. 77.

Constantinople, i. 90, 91, 108.

Conyers, Mr., ii. 191.

Conyoke, Mr., ii. 50.

Cooke, Anne, i. 76. Arnold, i. 309. Sir Rob., i. 309.

Cooper (Cowper), Alex., i. 222. Sam., i. 136, 150, 182, 222, 338, 340, 354, 368, 394, 410; ii. 115, 145. Bp. Tho., i. 36, 120, 183.

Coote, Dr., i. 309.

Copernicus, Nic., i. 238, 419; ii. 59.

Corbet, Edw., ii. 244. Bp. Rich., i. 183-188, 270, 286; ii. 310. Vinc. (sen.), i. 183, 184. Vinc. (jun.), i. 187.

Cork, ii. 133.

Cork, (Boyle), earl of-- -- Rich., 1st earl, i. 8, 115-120. ---- Cath. (Fenton), co. of, i. 116, 117. -- Rich., 2nd earl, i. 116, 118, 175, 176, 177. ---- Eliz. (Clifford), co. of, i. 175, 177.

Cornbury, Oxon., i. 194.

Cornwall, ii. 95, 329.

Cornwalleys, Sir Franc., ii. 225. Mr., i. 228, 231.

Coryat, Tho., i. 188; ii. 51-53.

Cosens, bp. John, i. 353, 398; ii. 287.

Cosh, major, i. 185; ii. 78, 93, 185.

Cosham, Wilts., i. 193.

Cossinet, Fran., ii. 237.

Cothorne, Mr., ii. 128.

Cottington, Fran., baron, ii. 145.

Cotton, Chas., ii. 38. Sir John, ii. 219, 225. Sir Rob., i. 74, 212; ii. 219, 224. Sir Tho., ii. 224.

Coventry, Sir Tho., ii. 29.

Coventry, Warw., i. 150, 256, 406.

Cowbridge, Glam., ii. 5-7.

Cowley, Abr., i. 76, 189, 219, 226, 368, 377. ..., i. 193.

Cowper, see Cooper.

Cox, lady, ii. 251.

Cradock, Franc., i. 290. Zach., ii. 278. ..., i. 191.

Crane, John, i. 139.

Cranfield, Arthur, ii. 50.

Cressy, Hugh, i. 150, 427.

Croft, bp. Herb., i. 39. Sir ..., ii. 258.

Cromwell, Oliver, i. 90, 132, 155, 156, 196, 268, 290, 328, 335; ii. 10, 32, 37, 45, 47, 53, 65, 70, 72, 74, 79, 123, 131, 274, 276, 281, 301, 316, 322. Rich., ii. 46, 123, 301.

Cribbage, ii. 245.

Crooke, Andr., i. 359, 360, 364, 369. Will., i. 333-391; ii. 29.

Croone, Will., i. 191, 290.

Crowther, Jos., ii. 255.

Croydon, Surrey, i. 200.

Crump, Mr., ii. 94.

Cruso, John, i. 58.

Cuff, Henry, i. 179.

Culpeper, see Colepeper.

Cumberland, (Clifford), earl of Cumberland, i. 175-177. -- George, 3rd earl, i. 175; ii. 315. -- Henry, 5th earl, i. 176.

Curle, bp. Walt., i. 173.

Curtin, Sir Will., i. 191.

Curwyn, Mr., i. 280.

Cusa, Nich. di, ii. 319.

Cutler, Sir John, ii. 411, 412.

Dale, Val., i. 56, 58.

Dalen, ..., i. 221.

Danby, (Henry Danvers), earl of, i. 192, 193, 195, 196, 258; ii. 31, 247.

Danby, Tho. Osborne, earl of, ii. 105.

Daniel, Sam., i. 230.

Dantesey, see Dauntesey.

Danvers, Anne, i. 196; ii. 31, 32. Sir Chas., i. 192, 194. Chas., i. 310. Eliz. (Nevill), i. 193. Eliz., see Purbec. Grace (Hughes), i. 196. Henry, see Danby. Mr. Henry, i. 196, 258. Jane, i. 310. Sir John (obiit 1594), i. 195; ii. 247. Sir John (regicide), i. 70, 75, 124, 131, 134, 178, 180, 195, 196, 230, 244, 245, 258, 307, 308, 313; ii. 12, 30, 31, 32, 82. Mr. John, i. 195, 196, 248. Magdalen, i. 195, 307, 313; ii. 16. Rachel and Rich., i. 56; ii. 298. Sir Rob., i. 196. R., i. 194. Rob., see Purbec. Tho., i. 309, 310.

Danvers-Villiers, family, i. 196.

Dartmouth, Geo. Legge, baron, i. 194.

Dary, Mich., i. 198.

Dauntsey, Wilts., i. 124, 192-194, 196, 310.

Davenant, Chas., i. 137, 209. Edw., merchant, i. 198, 199, 200. Dr. Edw., i. 42, 183, 198-203, 257; ii. 86, 302. Jas., i. 203. John, vintner, i. 204. Bp. John, i. 198-204, 257; ii. 289. John, barrister, i. 52, 198, 203. Nich., i. 204. Rev. Rob., i. 204, 206; ii. 244. Sir Will., i. 171, 204-209, 216, 275, 360, 370; ii. 55, 82, 103, 226, 233, 240-244.

Davenport, John, i. 209.

Davis (Davies, Davys), capt. John, i. 210. Sir (Dr.) John, i. 212. Dr. John (Welsh dict.), i. 324. John, of Kidwelly, i. 306, 352; ii. 228, 299, 322. Mr., i. 98. Mr., i. 308.

Davison, Dr., i. 336.

Davton, Tho., i. 168.

Dawes, Jon., i. 91.

Day, John, i. 100.

Dayrell, Sir John, ii. 292, 295. Miss ..., i. 292, 295.

Dean, Forest of, ii. 327.

Decretz, Emanuel, ii. 10, 55, 167.

Dee, Arthur, i. 210-212. John, i. 16, 33, 59, 61, 65, 100, 210, 215, 237, 238, 262. Rowl. (sen.), i. 211. Rowl. (jun.), i. 210.

Deekes, Jon., i. 387.

Deere, Tho., i. 215; ii. 144.

Deering, Sir ..., ii. 153.

Delamaine, ..., ii. 111.

Delaune, Gideon, i. 216.

Delawarr, Chas. West, 5th baron, ii. 272.

Dell, Mary, i. 385.

Denham, Eleanor, i. 217. Sir John, judge, i. 216, 217, 219; ii. 18. Sir John, poet, i. 190, 206-208, 216-221, 263; ii. 18, 217, 233, 306. Margaret, i. 219.

Deodati, Carlo, ii. 63.

Deptford, Kent, ii. 295.

Derby, (Stanley), earl of-- -- Edw., 3rd earl, i. 233. -- Will., 6th earl, i. 229.

Derby, Mr., ii. 311.

Des Cartes, René, i. 201, 221, 261, 366, 367, 411.

de Valke, see Valke.

Devonshire, i. 262, 306, 354; ii. 72, 182.

Devonshire, (Cavendish), earl of-- -- Will, 1st earl, i. 331, 396. -- Will., 2nd earl, i. 154, 156, 330, 331, 347, 386, 393, 396. ---- Christian (Bruce), co. of, i. 154, 156, 157, 396, 397. -- Will., 3rd earl, i. 154, 341, 346, 351, 354, 355, 357, 364, 383, 385, 386, 395, 396, 397.

Dewes, Sir Symond, ii. 311.

Digby, Sir Everard, i. 213, 223, 224. Geo., i. 231. Sir John, i. 224, 225; ii. 241, 244. Mr. John, i. 223, 228, 229, 231. Sir Ken., i. 28, 37, 131, 190, 224-233, 367; ii. 34, 113. Mr. Kenelm, i. 227, 231. Venetia (Stanley), i. 127, 226, 229-233.

Digby of Geashill, Robert, 1st baron, i. 118.

Digges, Dudley, i. 233, 236. Leon., i. 16, 233-239. Tho., i. 16, 233, 235, 236-239.

Dighton, Mr., i. 422.

Dinton, Wilts, i. 427.

Dobson, Gerard, ii. 274, 278, 280. Judith, ii. 318. Will., i. 38, 51, 78; ii. 318. ..., i. 78.

Dockwra (Dockery), Will., ii. 91, 324.

Dod, John, ii. 300.

Dodington, Sir Fran., ii. 37.

Dodson, Rev. ..., i. 101.

Dolman, Sir Tho., i. 293.

Domville, Silas, ii. 256.

Donne, John, i. 59, 68, 307, 308, 313, 418; ii. 14, 50.

Donnington Castle, Berks., i. 170.

Dorchester, Henry Pierrepoint, marq. of, i. 138; ii. 207.

Dore Abbey, Heref., i. 423.

Dorset, (Sackville), earl of-- -- Tho., 1st earl, i. 229; ii. 209, 210. -- Rob., 2nd earl, i. 229; ii. 209. -- Rich., 3rd earl, i. 67, 100, 115, 127, 175, 177, 226, 229, 230, 231; ii. 209, 246. ---- Anne (Clifford), co. of, i. 175, 177, 239. -- Edw., 4th earl, i. 171; ii. 115, 210. -- Rich., 5th earl, i. 104; ii. 209. ---- Frances (Cranfield), ii. 210. -- Chas., 6th earl, i. 21; ii. 210. See Buckhurst.

Dorsetshire, i. 84, 262.

Douay, i. 171.

Douch, John, ii. 24, 27.

Dover, countess of, ii. 31.

Downton, Wilts., ii. 178, 184.

Drake, Arth., i. 194. Sir Franc., ii. 189, 192.

Draper, John, ii. 100.

Draycot, Draycot Cerne, Wilts., i. 176, 388; ii. 184.

Drayton, Mich., i. 239; ii. 30.

Drew, John, i. 251, 252.

Droitwich, Worc., i. 230, 232, 285.

Drury, Will., i. 58.

Dryden, Erasmus, i. 240; ii. 232. John, i. 25, 97, 209, 240, 241, 257, 372; ii. 55, 67, 72, 232, 279.

Dublin, i. 149, 216; ii. 68, 101-103, 138, 143, 147, 154, 264.

Ducket, Will., ii. 327.

Dudley, Henry, i. 28.

Dugdale, Sir John, i. 209, 241. Sir Will., i. 33, 51, 133, 146, 181, 233, 241, 267, 275, 312, 317, 355, 418; ii. 89, 219, 226, 232, 237.

Duke, Dr., i. 135. Mr., ii. 192.

Dumoulin, Louis, ii. 29, 206. Peter, ii. 69.

Dun, Sir Daniel, i. 53, 56, 65.

Duncomb, Sir John, i. 263. Dr., i. 149. Mr., ii. 110.

Dungannon, Anne Trevor, visc., ii. 154.

Dunkirk, i. 287; ii. 87, 256.

Dunmore, John, i. 92.

Dunning, Mr., i. 190.

Dunstable, Sir John, i. 242. Mr., i. 178, 180.

Dunstan, Saint, i. 242.

Duport, Dr., i. 89.

Duppa, Brian, i. 281.

Durham, ii. 261.

Dutch, the, see Holland.

Earles, bp. John, i. 95, 96, 145, 151, 152; ii. 28, 76, 214.

Easton Piers, Wilts., i. 35, 36, 40, 44, 49, 51.

Eastwell, Kent, i. 419.

Eastwood, John, i. 33.

Edgar, king, ii. 255.

Edgehill, Warw., i. 108, 148, 297.

Edinburgh, i. 422; ii. 99.

Edmund, Saint, (Rich), i. 244.

Edward the Confessor, i. 241.

Edward I, i. 185. Edw. II, i. 260. Edw. III, ii. 56. Edw. VI, ii. 199.

Egerton, Sir John and Sir Rich., i. 244. Sir Thos., see Ellesmere. Maj-gen., ii. 22, 93.

Egham, Surrey, i. 217, 219, 221; ii. 306.

Eglionby, Geo., i. 151, 370.

Elector, the Prince, see Palatine.

Elgin, Tho. Bruce, 1st earl, i. 312; ii. 35.

Elizabeth, queen, i. 28, 54, 55, 58, 59, 61, 145, 193, 213, 214, 319, 420; ii. 32, 180, 181, 183, 186, 214, 217, 267, 270.

Elizabeth, daughter of James I, i. 295; ii. 14, 225.

Ellesmere, Salop, i. 245.

Ellesmere, Tho. Egerton, baron, i. 69, 122, 244; ii. 13, 52.

Elowys, Sir John. ii. 178, 189, 195.

Elsing, Henry, ii. 108.

Elyot, Sir Tho., i. 69.

Emerson, H., ii. 306.

Enstone, Oxon., i. 131-135, 229, 233.

Ent, Sir Geo., i. 245, 247, 248, 299, 301, 370, 379, 380, 382; ii. 265. Mr. Geo., i. 245, 380; ii. 264.

Erasmus, i. 154, 240, 241, 246-250; ii. 83-85, 319.

Erigena, Joannes, i. 391.

Esher, Surrey, ii. 309.

Essex, ii. 4, 13, 63, 95, 123, 124, 131.

Essex, Sir ..., ii. 43.

Essex, (Devereux), earl of-- -- Walt., 1st earl, ii. 250, 251. ---- Lettice (Knolles), co. of, ii. 251. -- Rob., 2nd earl, i. 69, 76, 179, 192, 222; ii. 251. -- Rob., 3rd earl, ii. 10, 321.

Estcott, Rich., i. 220.

Estcourt, Geo., i. 160.

Estrées, César d', cardinal, and Jean d', admiral, i. 283.

Etching, i. 407.

Etherege, Geo., i. 15.

Eton College, i. 120, 278-281, 418; ii. 105, 106, 113, 214-216, 236, 274, 278, 307.

Ettrick, Anth., i. 43, 47, 52, 116, 119, 203, 250; ii. 18, 89, 161, 172. Will., i. 250. Mrs., i. 202.

Evans, Rev. ..., i. 328, 393.

Evelyn, John, i. 53, 250, 407, 408; ii. 109, 112.

Everard, Mr., ii. 236.

Exeter, ii. 193.

Exeter, John Cecil, 4th earl of, i. 158.

Ewyas Lacy, Heref., i. 423.

Eynsham, Oxon., i. 233.

Eyres, Sam., ii. 27.

Fabricius, Germanus, ii. 69.

Fairfax, Will., ii. 234.

Fairfax of Cameron, Tho., 3rd baron, i. 250; ii. 70, 87, 207.

Fairfax of Emley, Will., 3rd, and Tho., 4th, visc., i. 88.

Fairstead, Essex, ii. 265.

Falcanti, Giovanni, ii. 318.

Faldo, J., ii. 137. Mrs., i. 212-214.

Fale, Tho., i. 15.

Falkland, (Cary), viscount-- -- Henry, 1st visc., i. 149. -- Lucius, 2nd visc., i. 149-153, 172-174, 365; ii. 275, 287. ---- Lettice (Morison), viscountess, i. 149, 150. -- Henry, 3rd visc., i. 208; ii. 45. -- Anth., 4th visc., i. 149.

Fanshawe (Fenshawe), John, ii. 27. Sir Rich., ii. 55. Mrs., ii. 24, 25.

Farnaby, Tho., i. 29, 72, 106.

Farnham Castle, Surr., i. 218.

Farr, Mr., i. 110.

Faucet, Mr., i. 67.

Faulkner, Eliz., i. 231. Nich., i. 387.

Fell, John. i. 2, 19, 343-346; ii. 309-311. Sam., i. 185; ii. 233.

Felsted, Essex, i. 88, 116.

Felton, John, i. 205.

Fenshawe, see Fanshawe.

Fenton, Sir Geoff., i. 116, 117, 120. Sir Maur., ii. 142.

Feriby, Geo., i. 251.

Field, John, i. 92. Rich., ii. 38.

Fielding, Rob., i. 197.

Fiennes, Sir Edw., i. 235.

Filmore, Sir Rob., i. 145.

Finch, Sir Moyle, i. 419.

Fisher, Sir Rich. (Tho.), ii. 261, 263. Will., ii. 98. ..., ii. 36.

Fiske, Nich., i. 252.

Fitzgerald family, i. 118.

Fitz-hamond, Sir Rob., i. 315.

Fitz-hardinge, Chas. Berkeley, visc., i. 98.

Fitz-william, Will., 2nd baron, ii. 312.

Flamsted, Edm., i. 261. John, i. 8, 285.

Flatman, Tho., i. 252; ii. 152, 305.

Fleetwood, Sir Gerard, ii. 30. Sir Will., i. 253. Sir Will., ii. 30.

Flesher, J., i. 103.

Fletcher, Giles, i. 213. John, i. 95, 96, 254; ii. 317.

Florence, i. 319, 366; ii. 270.

Florio, John, i. 254.

Fludd, Tho., i. 145, 308; ii. 105, 196.

Fobbing, Essex, ii. 123, 124, 127, 131.

Folkestone, Kent, i. 295.

Ford, Sir Edw., i. 255. Henry, i. 290.

Foresthill (Fosthill), Oxon., ii. 61, 64, 65.

Fortescue, Sir John, i. 229.

Foster, Sam., i. 256.

Foughelston (Fugglestone), Wilts., i. 309.

Fountains Abbey, Yorks., i. 177.

Fowler, John and Kath., ii. 152, 153.

Foxe, John, i. 256, 268. Sam., i. 257. Mr., ii. 104.

France, i. 54, 61, 63, 153, 181, 270, 283, 315, 399, 402; ii. 32, 59, 72, 80, 81, 86, 133, 140, 180, 241, 242, 252, 302. Enslavement of Protestants in, i. 45, 270. Refuge of Royalists, i. 105, 206, 207, 334, 369, 370, 397, 398; ii. 276. Sphere of educational travel, i. 39, 47, 90, 94, 112, 154, 159, 288, 296, 396, 397, 398; ii. 7, 36, 44, 63, 132, 156, 240, 247, 304. French language, i. 113, 181, 254; ii. 68, 87, 122, 133, 140, 156, 164, 170. Charles VIII, ii. 320. Francis I, i. 241, 249, 315. Henry III, ii. 217. Henry IV, i. 81. Louis XIII, ii. 81, 96. Louis XIV, i. 50, 106, 181, 207, 270, 353, 384; ii. 81, 120, 252.

Freeman, Ralph, ii. 284, 285, 290. Mr., ii. 283.

French, Peter and Robina, ii. 300.

Fromantle, Mr., ii. 59.

Fromundz, Jane, i. 215.

Fulham, Midd., i. 74, 254; ii. 94, 119.

Fuller, Nich., i. 31, 257. Tho, i. 29, 60, 100, 118, 126, 144, 158, 249, 257, 267; ii. 223, 310. Mr., ii. 148.

Furbisher, Simon, i. 258.

Gadbury, John, i. 215, 241, 252, 258, 356, 392, 393; ii. 99, 104, 139, 324. Will., i. 258.

Gainsborough, Lincs., i. 155, 156.

Gale, Peter, i. 47. Dr. Tho., i. 84, 94, 139, 140, 143, 190, 259, 282; ii. 95, 191. Will., i. 388.

Galileo, i. 366.

Gardiner, bp. Steph., i. 69. Mr., i. 45.

Gargrave, lady, i. 196.

Garnet, Anne, i. 310.

Garnons, Mr., ii. 254.

Garsington, Oxon., i. 29; ii. 22, 23, 25.

Garth, Rol., i. 265.

Gascoigne, Will., i. 260; ii. 79-81.

Gassendi, Pierre, i. 366, 367, 398.

Gastrell, Mr., ii. 260.

Gataker, Chas. and Tho., i. 151.

Gawen, ..., i. 316.

Gay, Anne, i. 388, 389.

Gayton, Edm., ii. 47.

Gazaeus, Angelinus, i. 242.

Gellibrand, Henry, i. 261, 366; ii. 295.

Geneva, ii. 63.

George, Hugh, i. 59.

Gerard, Gerard, i. 246. Mr., i. 262.

Gerard of Brandon, Chas., 1st baron, ii. 4, 28.

Germany, i. 100, 113, 159; ii. 54, 133. Sphere of educational travel, i. 90, 112, 159; ii. 240, 247. Language, High Dutch, i. 113, 375; ii. 69, 87, 122, 125, 170. Low Germany, see Holland. Emperor, (?) Rodolph II, ii. 43. Ferdinand III, i. 407. Leopold I, i. 412.

Gibbon (Gibbons), Chr., i. 196. John, i. 241, 242, 268; ii. 296. Mr., ii. 173.

Gibson, Edw., i. 126.

Gilbert, Adrian, i. 262, 311; ii. 178. Will., i. 73.

Gill, Alex. (sen.), i. 171, 262-266. Alex. (jun.), i. 171, 174, 262-266. Thos., ii. 264.

Gillingham, Dors., i. 200-203.

Glanville, Jos., i. 266, 285.

Glastonbury, Som., i. 243.

Glendower, Owen, i. 267.

Glisson, Fran., ii. 167.

Gloucester (city), i. 147, 151, 315, 422; ii. 249, 252, 329: (shire), i. 278; ii. 319.

Gloucester, Henry Stuart, duke of, i. 218.

Glover, Rob., i. 267.

Glyn, John, i. 137.

Goclenius, ..., ii. 54, 174.

Godbid, A., i. 182. W., i. 255.

Goddard, Jon., i. 268.

Godfrey, Sir Edm. Bury, i. 269, 320. Mr., i. 141.

Godolphin, Sir Fran., ii. 27. Sidney, i. 98, 365, 371; ii. 275.

Goldman, Mr., ii. 119.

Gondomar, i. 244.

Goodall, Stephen, i. 133, 135.

Goodman, Gabriel, dean of Westminster, i. 60.

Goodwyn, Tho., i. 269. Will., i. 185; ii. 214.

Goodyear, Henry, ii. 51. Mr., i. 131, 134.

Gore, Tho., i. 270; ii. 43, 260.

Goresuch, Mr., i. 270.

Gorges, Arthur, sen. and jun., i. 270, 271. Ferd., i. 192.

Gorges of Dundalk, Edm., 1st baron, ii. 78.

Gorhambury, Herts., i. 19, 71, 79, 81, 84, 331, 393, 394.

Goring, George, baron, see Norwich.

Goring, gen. Geo., i. 118.

Gotehurst, Bucks., i. 228, 232.

Gower, John, i. 271.

Grantham, Lincs., i. 155, 156.

Graunt, Henry, i. 271. Maj. John, i. 271-274; ii. 141, 142, 150. John, ii. 86.

Gravelines, i. 287.

Greatorex, Ralph, i. 181, 276; ii. 111.

Greaves, Edw., i. 274. John, ii. 284, 285.

Greece, i. 94, 154.

Greek language, i. 144, 150, 154, 325, 329, 349, 403, 406, 417; ii. 11, 64, 68, 102, 122, 140, 164, 194, 214, 215, 224, 258, 297.

Green, Anne, ii. 141, 148.

Greenhill, J., ii. 12.

Greenway, Mr., i. 58.

Gregory, Sir Will., i. 274. ..., i. 274. ..., ii. 95.

Grenbergerus, ..., ii. 80.

Grendon, Bucks., ii. 226.

Grenville (Granville), John, ii. 76, 77 ('Rich.' in error).

Gresham, Sir Tho., i. 274; ii. 121.

Grew, Nehem., i. 40.

Grey, lady Kath., i. 66.

Grey of Wilton, Arthur, baron, ii. 180.

Griffith (Griffyn), Peter, ii. 88. R., ii. 166. ..., ii. 71.

Grimston, Sir Harb., i. 66, 76, 78, 393; ii. 10, 76.

Grostest, bp. Rob., ii. 169, 223.

Grosvenor, Sir Tho., i. 293.

Grove, Will., i. 200.

Gubbins, Herts., ii. 85.

Guernsey (Garnsey), i. 290; ii. 174.

Guiana, see America.

Guildford, Surrey, i. 24.

Gunning, Peter, i. 276.

Guns, ii. 320.

Gunter, Edm., i. 276; ii. 215, 295. Capt., i. 196.

Guy, John, i. 277.

Gwynn, Matt., i. 32, 212. Phil., i. 104; ii. 90. ..., i. 277.

H., Sir J. (quaere Sir John Hoskyns), i. 270; ii. 142, 225.

Haak, Theod., i. 26, 375; ii. 54, 69, 128-131, 324.

Habington, Will., i. 277.

Hacket, bp. John, i. 146.

Haggar, Mr., i. 286.

Haines, see Hayne.

Hake, Mr., i. 212.

Hale, Sir Matt., i. 278, 394; ii. 203, 204, 221, 225.

Hales, Sir Jas., i. 96. John, i. 278-281.

Hall, bp. Jos., i. 159, 281; ii. 115, 150. ..., (S.J.), i. 227; ii. 34.

Hallely, Mr., i. 363, 366, 381, 382, 384.

Halley, Edm., i. 8, 282.

Hamey, Baldwin, i. 284.

Hammond, Henry, i. 19.

Hampden, Ann, ii. 274, 280. Edm., ii. 279, 280.

Hampshire, ii. 95.

Hampton Court, Midd., ii. 28, 309.

Hancock, John, ii. 27.

Harcourt, Will., i. 225, 284.

Harding, Eleanor, i. 322, 384, 385, 388. ..., ii. 330.

Hardwick, Derb., i. 383.

Hardwick, Will., 1st baron Cavendish of, i. 396.

Harington, see Harrington.

Hariot (Harriot, Herriot), Tho., i. 16, 176, 187, 284-287; ii. 16, 95, 188, 192, 257, 291, 292.

Harley, Sir Edw., i. 53, 287; ii. 256. Sir Rob., sen., i. 287, 419; ii. 182. Sir Rob., jun., i. 157, 288.

Harper, Tho., ii. 37, 112, 295.

Harrington (Harington), Jas., i. 288-295, 366, 376; ii. 54; 148, 185, 189, 193, 267. John, baron, i. 288, 295. Sir Sapcote, i. 288, 294.

Harriot, see Hariot.

Harris, Rob., ii. 23.

Harrison, Will., ii. 228.

Harsnet, Sam., ii. 211.

Hart, Mr., i. 292.

Hartlib, Sam., i. 295; ii. 71, 129, 149.

Harvey, Eliab, i. 295-299, 302. Dr. Will., i. 72, 295-305, 337, 365, 368; ii. 16, 167, 291.

Harwich, Essex, ii. 254-256.

Hastings, Mr., ii. 127.

Hatton, Chas., i. 389, 391. Chr., 1st baron, i. 389; ii. 198. Sir Tho., ii. 284. Sir ..., i. 179.

Hault Hucknall, Notts., i. 383.

Hausted, Peter, ii. 198.

Hawes, Will., i. 52, 149, 173; ii. 285, 290, 303.

Hawking (falconry), i. 51, 331; ii. 37, 267, 298, 317.

Hawles, John, i. 305.

Hay, Breckn., ii. 293.

Hayes, Devon, ii. 192.

Hayes, Surrey, ii. 264.

Haynes (Haines), Mr., i. 53; ii. 309.

Hayward, John, i. 57. Mr., ii. 220.

Haywood, Will., ii. 298.

Head, Rich., i. 305.

Heath, Jas., i. 306. Sir ..., i. 306.

Hebrew, i. 420; ii. 68, 120, 122, 164, 194, 224, 258.

Hele, Elize, i. 306.

Hempstead, Essex, i. 296.

Hen, Henry, ii. 149.

Henchman, Humph., ii. 86, 267.

Henderson, ..., i. 156.

Henley, Sir Rob., i. 293, 306; ii. 187.

Henrietta Maria, consort of Chas. I; the Queen Mother, i. 133, 134, 190, 207, 216, 218, 225, 270; ii. 8, 176, 302.

Henry VIII, i. 193, 315; ii. 248, 309.

Henry, Prince of Wales, i. 159, 194, 254; ii. 50, 52, 80, 190, 314, 315.

Henshaw, Tho., i. 320, 321, 354, 418; ii. 13, 108, 110, 270.

Herbert, bp. of Norwich, i. 187, 188.

Herbert, Edw., i. 315. Geo., i. 68, 76, 194-196, 307, 309, 313. Jane, i. 310. Magdalen, i. 195, 307, 313. Rich., i. 313. Sir Tho., i. 289; ii. 228. See also Pembroke, earl of.

Herbert of Chirbury, Edward, baron, i. 68, 196, 307, 313, 370.

Herbert, Will., lord (afterwards 6th earl of Pembroke), i. 48, 218.

Herbert family, i. 313, 314.

Hereford (city), i. 422; ii. 5, 254: (cathedral), i. 187, 419; ii. 254, 321: (shire), i. 39, 154, 267; ii. 256, 319, 329.

Heringman, H., i. 221.

Hertfordshire, ii. 95.

Hertford, (Seymour), earl and marq. of-- -- Edw., 1st earl, i. 57, 66. -- Will., 2nd earl, 1st marq., i. 57, 66; ii. 202.

Hesketh, Mr., i. 38, 51.

Hesse, landgrave of, ii. 62.

Hevelius, Joannes, i. 283, 412; ii. 290.

Heydon, John, i. 318.

Heylyn, Peter, i. 275, 319; ii. 220.

Highlands of Scotland, ii. 81.

Hill, Abr., i. 101, 135; ii. 69, 206. Laur., i. 320. Nich., i. 319; ii. 15, 192, 270. Oliver, i. 120. Rich., ii. 11. Tho., i. 89. Rev. ..., ii. 313.

Hillbrewers, Som., ii. 330.

Hine, see Hynd.

Hobbes, Thomas, 'of Malmsbury,' i. 3, 16-21, 25, 44, 50, 70, 74, 75, 83, 105, 151, 152, 154, 173, 207, 222, 289, 299, 301, 320, 321-403; ii. 6, 7, 72, 113, 139, 140, 144, 153, 169, 214, 221, 275, 277, 281, 289, 293, 320.

Hobbes, pedigree of, i. 322, 388. Edmund, brother of Thomas, i. 322, 324, 325, 327, 329, 384, 385, 388. Edmund, grand-nephew, i. 322, 325, 389. Francis, uncle, i. 322, 324, 388, 391. Francis, nephew, i. 322, 325, 337, 387, 388, 389. Thomas, father, i. 322, 323, 324, 327, 387, 388, 391. Thomas, grand-nephew, i. 322, 325, 337, 385, 389.

Hobbes, Dr. Will., i. 261. Mr. Will., i. 387.

Hodges, Mr., i. 110.

Holbein, Hans, ii. 83-85.

Holbitch, Mr., i. 87-89.

Holder, Will., i. 31, 44, 378, 403-405, 409; ii. 214, 281, 285, 312.

Hole, Mr., ii. 42.

Holland, the Dutch, the Netherlands, the Low Countries, i. 63, 73, 112, 113, 210, 235, 236, 288, 408; ii. 12, 73, 74, 78, 87, 132, 147, 249, 271. The Dutch language, Low-Dutch, i. 113, 361; ii. 87, 122, 170. Lower Germany, i. 407; ii. 133.

Holland, Hugh, i. 73, 406; ii. 49, 51. Philemon, i. 150, 248, 406.

Holland, Henry Rich., 1st earl of, i. 227.

Hollar, Wenceslaus, i. 301, 407.

Holles, Denzill, i. 227.

Holmby, Northts., i. 288.

Holm-Lacy, Heref., i. 27.

Holt, Mr., i. 213.

Holybush, John, i. 408.

Holyoke, Franc., i. 106.

Holywood, John, i. 408.

Hoode, Thos., i. 409.

Hooke, Grace, i. 416. John, i. 409. Rob., i. 43, 120, 126, 130, 140, 164, 166, 371, 381, 409-416; ii. 252, 261, 263, 281, 292, 302, 312-314. Mr., i. 395.

Hooke, Hants., i. 409.

Hooker, Rich., i. 69; ii. 115.

Hooks and eyes, i. 205.

Hopton, Arth., i. 16, 84, 242; ii. 223. Ralph, baron, ii. 100.

Hopton family, i. 279.

Horne, Mr., i. 342, 381.

Horner family, i. 279.

Horsey, capt., i. 115.

Hortensius, Martinus, ii. 122, 130.

Horton, Mr., ii. 113.

Hoskins, John, painter, i. 409; ii. 115. John, of Trin. Coll., Oxon., ii. 24, 27.

Hoskyns, Benedicta, i. 424. Sir Bennet, i. 416, 422, 423; ii. 12, 204, 223. Anne, wife of Sir Bennet, ii. 13. Chas., i. 416. Jane, i. 425. Rev. John, D.C.L., i. 416, 420, 424. John, serj.-at-law, i. 3, 319, 416-425; ii. 12, 48-50, 53, 188, 192, 328. Sir John, i. 8, 43, 50, 220, 290, 294, 319, 320, 367, 418, 421, 425; ii. 32, 49, 225, 319. John, i. 425. See Hoskins.

Hoste, Mr., i. 112, 113.

Hotham, ..., i. 155. ..., i. 160.

Houghton-Conquest, Beds., i. 32; ii. 93, 316.

Houghton Lodge, Beds., i. 312.

Hounslow, Midd., i. 219; ii. 37.

Howard, hon. Chas., &c., i. 425, 426. Sir Rob., i. 297. Hon. ..., i. 360.

Howe, Josias, i. 186, 217; ii. 226, 253. Mr. ..., ii. 86, 88. Mr. ..., ii. 177. Mrs., ii. 23.

Howel-Da, i. 211.

Howell, Jas., i. 228, 348; ii. 203.

Howland, lady, i. 302.

Hucknall, Notts., i. 383.

Hues, Rob., i. 15, 286, 287, 426; ii. 188.

Hugo, magister, i. 244.

Hull, Yorks., ii. 53.

Humble, Mr., ii. 41.

Hungary, ii. 247.

Hungerford, lady, i. 48.

Hunsdon, Rob. Carey, 6th baron, ii. 332.

Hunt, Mr., i. 71.

Hussey, Jas., i. 330, 393.

Hyde, pedigree of, i. 427; ii. 323. Bp. Alex., i. 427; ii. 287. Sir Rob., i. 303, 427.

Hynd (Hyne, Hine), Rich., i. 154, 387; ii. 294, 297.

Idney, Mr., i. 71.

Ilchester, Som., i. 417; ii. 308.

Iles, Tho., ii. 303.

India, i. 71, 157; ii. 90, 200, 235.

Ingelbert, Mr., ii. 1, 60.

Inglefield, lady, i. 284.

Innocent, John, ii. 1.

Innocent X, pope, i. 225, 226.

Ipswich, Suff., ii. 308, 312.

Ireland, i. 41, 47, 59, 88, 116-121, 149, 198, 199, 217, 256, 268, 422; ii. 13, 91, 101-103, 132-135, 138, 141-149, 154, 180, 199, 233. Irish language, ii. 268. Irish nursing, i. 120. Irish stitch, i. 79.

Iron-acton, Glouc., ii. 172, 181.

Ironside, bp. Gilb., ii. 170.

Isaac, Rich., ii. 50. Mr., ii. 28.

Isaacson, Henry, ii. 2. Rich., ii. 2, 3, 4. Will. and Randall, ii. 3.

Isham, Sir Just., ii. 20. Mr., ii. 20.

Islip, Adam, i. 93.

Italy, i. 101, 153, 247, 254, 299, 312, 408, 421; ii. 35, 72, 203, 275, 320. A sphere of educational travel, i. 39, 90, 94, 112, 120, 154, 159, 288, 296, 300, 396, 397; ii. 63, 64, 156, 240, 247. See also Rome. Italian language, i. 113, 193, 254; ii. 68, 122, 156.

Ives, Sam., i. 135.

Ivy-church, Wilts., ii. 247.

Jackson, Mr., i. 346.

Jacobs, Henry, i. 348; ii. 224.

Jakeman, Dan., i. 289.

Jamaica, ii. 341.

James I, i. 8, 25, 30, 31, 56, 66, 70, 71, 82, 139, 146, 171, 178, 180, 185, 202, 224, 251-254, 266, 421; ii. 4, 10, 13-15, 28, 41, 52, 60, 186-188, 203, 321.

James II, i. 86; ii. 149, 238. See York.

Jaquinto, ..., ii. 4.

Jaspar, John, ii. 135.

Jeffreys, John, ii. 122.

Jenkins, David, i. 13; ii. 4-6. Sir Leoline, i. 44; ii. 5-9.

Jermyn, Henry, baron, i. 189, 205.

Jersey, ii. 174, 187.

Jessamine, ii. 323.

Jessop, John, i. 202.

Jesuits, i. 94, 137, 221, 225, 229, 260, 367; ii. 34, 54, 79, 80, 140, 143, 175, 189, 235, 261, 272.

Jewkes (Jukes), Rowl., ii. 231, 235.

Johnes, Tho., ii. 31.

Johnson, Aubrey's spelling for Ben Jonson. See Jonson, Ben.

Johnson, Geo., ii. 9. Rich., ii. 221, 222, 225, 259.

Jones, Henry, i. 58. Inigo, i. 161, 219, 296; ii. 10, 51. Tho., ii. 11, 88, 89. Tho., ii. 31. Tho., ii. 261. ..., i. 231.

Jonson, Ben, i. 25, 68, 97, 128, 151, 179, 184, 205, 208, 214, 224, 228, 231, 232, 245, 319, 321, 332, 356, 365, 370, 406, 418; ii. 11-17, 28, 36, 49, 55, 100, 184, 192, 217, 220, 223, 226, 239, 246, 275, 330.

Joyner, Sir Andr., i. 61.

Jukes, see Jewkes.

Juxon, bp. Will., ii. 287.

Katherine, consort of Chas. II, i. 250, 343; ii. 43, 213, 227.

Kaufman, Nich., ii. 58.

Kelly, Edw., i. 210.

Kem, Sam., ii. 269.

Kent (county), ii. 95.

Kent, Mi., ii. 88. Mr., ii. 260.

Kent, (Holland), earl of, i. 406.

Kent, (Grey), earl of-- -- Henry, 8th earl, ii. 220, 224. ---- Eliz. (Talbot), co. of, i. 135, 137, 138; ii. 220, 221, 225.

Kersey, John, ii. 17.

Kettell, Ralph, i. 27, 95, 173, 174; ii. 17-27, 119, 162.

Keulen, Ludolph van, ii. 27.

Kidderminster, Worc., ii. 259.

Kildare, (Fitzgerald), earl of, i. 118.

Killigrew, Tho., i. 190.

Kilmanton (Kilmington), Wilts., ii. 86, 161, 162, 168-170, 260.

Kilmore, earl of, ii. 143.

King, John, bp. of London, i. 74.

Kingston-on-Thames, Surrey, i. 95, 243; ii. 2, 103.

Kington St. Michael, Wilts., i. 27, 34, 35, 49, 50, 132, 154, 386, 388, 389; ii. 183.

Kitson, Rich., ii. 27.

Knib, Mr., ii. 59.

Knight, John, i. 386. Rich., i. 310. Mrs., i. 106.

Knolles, Sir Franc., ii. 251. Rich., ii. 28.

Knowyll (East Knoyle), Wilts., i. 403; ii. 311-313.

Knox, Mr., ii. 322.

Lacy, John, ii. 12, 14, 28, 101, 104.

Laindon, Essex, ii. 123, 124, 127, 131.

Lake, lady, ii. 283.

Lambert, John, i. 11; ii. 74, 87, 152.

Lamphire, John, ii. 235.

Lamplugh, bp. Tho., i. 201.

Lane, Edw., ii. 29.

Langbaine, Gerard, i. 84.

Latham, Simon, ii. 317.

Latimer, (Nevill), baron, i. 193.

Latimer, Rob., i. 35, 50, 299, 326-332, 393.

Latin, i. 35, 36, 181, 276, 301, 329, 331, 396, 404, 417, 419; ii. 64, 68, 81, 98, 102, 122, 140, 224, 227, 297, 323. The medium of State correspondence, i. 417; ii. 53, 65, 71. A spoken language, i. 113, 120; ii. 17, 123, 133, 194. Latin grammars, Brett's, i. 123; Erasmus', i. 249; Hartlib's, i. 295; Lilly's, ii. 119; Milton's, ii. 66; Oughtred's, ii. 110; Tong's, ii. 262, 263; Wolsey's, ii. 309. Latin dictionaries, Cooper's, i. 36, 120, 183; Goldman's, ii. 119; Milton's, ii. 66, 71.

Latrone, Meriton, i. 305.

Laud, Will., i. 104, 171, 174; ii. 18, 174, 220, 231, 280, 283.

Lauderdale, John Maitland, duke of, ii. 81.

Laurel, ii. 323.

Laurence, Sir John, ii. 84. Philip, i. 323, 361. Will., ii. 197.

Lavington, Wilts., i. 196, 258.

Lawes, Henry, i. 352.

Lee, pedigree of, ii. 31, 32.

Lee, Geo., ii. 231. Sir Henry (obiit 1611), ii. 30-32. Sir Henry ('Whip and away'), ii. 30, 31. Sir Henry (obiit 1631), ii. 30, 31, 198. Sir Henry (obiit 1659), i. 196; ii. 31, 32. Sam., i. 182. Will., ii. 32. Capt. ..., i. 409; ii. 144.

Leech, Abs., i. 98. Sir Edw., i. 43; ii. 36.

Leeke, Mr., i. 101.

Legge, Mr., i. 194.

Leicester, ii. 310.

Leicester, Robert Dudley, earl of, i. 27, 183, 236; ii. 251.

Leicester, Robert Sydney, 2nd earl of, ii. 275, 280, 291.

Leigh-de-la-Mere, Wilts., i. 35, 50, 329-332.

Lely, Sir Peter, i. 410.

Lenthall, Sir John, ii. 46, 84, 85, 87. Will., i. 149; ii. 78, 150.

Leominster, Heref., ii. 150, 258.

Lepanto, ii. 28.

L'estrange, Sir Hamond, i. 170. Rog., i. 170, 293.

Levant, the, i. 108.

Lewis, David, i. 58.

Le Wright, Mr., ii. 103.

Leyden, i. 107, 120; ii. 27, 272.

Lhwyd, Edw., i. 21.

Lichfield, Staff., i. 275.

Lichfield, Edw. Henry Lee, 1st earl of, ii. 30, 32.

Lidyate, see Lydiat.

Liège, i. 197, 227, 404; ii. 34, 42, 236.

Lilly, Will. (grammar), ii. 119, 309. Will. (astrologer), i. 33, 40, 182, 318; ii. 33. Mr., i. 410.

Limerick, ii. 294.

Linden, Mrs., ii. 73.

Lingua franca, i. 113.

Linus, Franc., ii. 34.

Lisle, Rob. Sydney, visc., ii. 250.

Lismore, i. 116, 120.

Lister, Mart., ii. 35. Sir Matt., i. 312; ii. 35, 230.

Littlebury, Mr., i. 32, 45.

Littlecote, Wilts., ii. 159, 160.

Littleton, Sir Tho., i. 180, 196.

Llannelly, Breck., i. 59.

Llantony, Monm., i. 416.

Llantrithid, Glam., i. 39, 56, 315; ii. 7, 8, 268.

Lloyd, David, i. 193, 307; ii. 113. Evans, ii. 35. Humph., ii. 266. Sir Marm., ii. 269. Meredith, i. 66, 211, 212, 243, 295, 307; ii. 166, 201, 202, 266. Bp. Will., ii. 257.

Lluelyn, Geo., and Mart., ii. 36.

Lock, Matt., ii. 254.

Lodwick, Franc., i. 166; ii. 302.

Loggan, David, i. 93, 283, 338, 354; ii. 145.

Lollards, i. 178.

London, passim.--In the Lives Aubrey cites by name about 140 streets and quarters, over 50 churches, 20 'houses,' 20 inns or taverns, and about 25 shop-signs.

Long, Barbara, i. 270. Dorothy, ii. 36, 185, 186. Henry, i. 193-195. Sir James, i. 43, 176, 270, 324, 388; ii. 36, 184. James, ii. 339. John, ii. 184. Sir Rob., i. 194; ii. 48. Sir Walt., i. 270, 312; ii. 36, 181, 184, 192. ..., i. 194.

Long family, i. 316.

Longomontanus, Christian Severin, i. 154, 370; ii. 125, 130.

Lopez, Roger, i. 213.

Louis XIV, see France.

Lovelace, Franc., Rich., Will., ii. 37, 38.

Low Countries, the, Low Dutch, Low Germany, see Holland.

Lowder, Anth., ii. 135.

Lowe, Sir Gabr., ii. 172. Tho., ii. 133.

Lower, Rich., ii. 166.

Lucar, Cyprian, ii. 38. Mark, ii. 41.

Lucas, Anth., i. 404.

Luce (Lucy), Jacob, i. 100, 102.

Lucy, bp. Will., i. 373. Lady, ii. 251.

Ludlow, Salop, i. 136, 270; ii. 9, 206.

Lully, Raymond, i. 164, 166, 168, 211, 320.

Lundy island, i. 131, 132.

Lushington, Tho., i. 186-188.

Lydall, John, i. 43, 52; ii. 21, 27. Rich., ii. 303.

Lydiat, Tho., i. 15.

Lyte, Deborah, i. 35, 49, 50. Edm., i. 154. Henry, ii. 41. Isaac, i. 35, 36, 49, 51, 133, 146, 252, 299; ii. 42, 179, 181, 308, 317. Israel (a female Christian name), i. 49, 51; ii. 42. Tho., i. 387; ii. 41, 42.

Macclesfield, Chas. Gerard, 1st earl of, ii. 28.

Macock, John, ii. 74.

Madock, John, i. 60.

Mainwaring, bp. Rog., i. 334.

Malay, i. 121.

Malet, Mich., i. 75, 290; ii. 219. Sir Tho., i. 354; ii. 182, 186, 219, 225.

Malmsbury, Wilts., i. 19, 20, 50, 323-329, 332, 342, 387-395; i. 37, 181.

Man, Isle of, i. 160; ii. 95.

Manchester, Henry Montagu, 1st earl of, i. 74.

Mandeville, Sir John, ii. 42.

Mangerton, Kerry, ii. 142.

Manners, ... (S.J.), ii. 34.

Mansell, Anth., i. 56. Sir Fran., ii. 7. Dr. Fran., ii. 8. Sir Rob., ii. 203. ..., ii. 250.

Many, Sir ..., ii. 38.

Mapletoft, John, i. 94.

Marlow, Chr., ii. 13.

Mariet, Tho., i. 130, 151, 239, 280, 290; ii. 59, 75, 177, 195, 322.

Markham, Gervase, i. 53; ii. 43. John, i. 312; ii. 43. Griffin, ii. 43. Col. ..., i. 155.

Marlborough, Wilts, ii. 186, 243.

Marlborough, William Ley, 4th earl of, i. 388.

Marriet, see Mariet.

Marshall, Will., i. 239, 240, 295, 296; ii. 10, 43, 218.

Martin family, ii. 47, 48.

Martin (Martyn), Sir Henry, ii. 43, 44. Henry, i. 159, 208; ii. 6, 43, 44-47, 156, 157. John, ii. 176. Rich., i. 418; ii. 47-51.

Martin Marprelate, ii. 48.

Marvell, Andr., i. 91, 288, 293; ii. 53, 56, 72, 257, 304.

Mary Tudor, queen, i. 254, 256, 316; ii. 200.

Mary, queen of Scots, i. 56, 57, 65; ii. 186, 213.

Mary, consort of Chas. I, see Henrietta.

Mason, Sir John, i. 53. Sir Rich., i. 104.

Massey, Edw., i. 128, 151; ii. 75, 254.

Massinger, Phil., ii. 54.

Masters, Tho., i. 309. Mr. ..., ii. 216.

Matthews, Augustin, ii. 113. Col., ii. 213. Mr., i. 124.

Matthews' pill, i. 91.

Maunsell, see Mansel.

Maurice, prince, i. 104.

May, Tho., i. 209; ii. 55, 264.

Mayerne, Sir Theod., i. 113; ii. 90.

Maynard, Sir John, i. 137, 208, 306; ii. 203.

Mayne, Jasper, i. 352, 370.

Maypole, ii. 66, 77, 236.

Mazarin, cardinal, i. 181; ii. 87.

Meautys, Sir Tho., i. 71, 76.

Mees, Nich., i. 134.

Melanchthon, Phil., ii. 58.

Mellifont, Garret Moore, baron, i. 217.

Menis, Sir John, i. 206; ii. 38, 242, 245.

Mercator, Dav., ii. 59. Nich., i. 94, 144; ii. 58, 109, 263. Gerard, ii. 315.

Meriton Latrone, i. 305.

Merret, Chr., ii. 59.

Merry, Tho., ii. 59.

Mersenne, Marin, i. 154, 366, 397, 398; ii. 293.

Mershe, John, ii. 121.

Merton abbey, Surrey, i. 97.

Meyrick, Sir Will., ii. 8.

Middlesex, ii. 95.

Middlesex, Lionel Cranfield, earl of, i. 96, 406; ii. 49, 56, 57, 210. Anne (Brett), co. of, ii. 245.

Middlesex, Chas. Sackville, earl of, ii. 210.

Middleton, Sir Hugh, i. 255; ii. 1, 60.

Milburne, Will., ii. 78, 79.

Miles, Mr., i. 213. Mr., i. 289, 294.

Millington, Sir Tho., ii. 227.

Milton, John, i. 7, 213, 290; ii. 60-72, 152.

Milton, Anne (sister of the poet), and Anne (daughter), ii. 61. Chr.(brother), ii. 61, 62, 63. Deborah(daughter), ii. 61, 64, 68. Elizabeth Minshull (wife), ii. 61, 65, 66, 72. John (?) (grandfather), ii. 61, John (father), ii. 61, 62, 66, 62. John (son), ii. 61. Katherine 67. Woodcock (wife), ii. 65. Mary Powell (wife), ii. 61, 64, 65. Mary (daughter), ii. 61, 68. Rich. (nephew), ii. 61. Sarah Bradshaw (mother), ii. 61, 66. Thomazine (sister-in-law), ii. 61.

Minshull, Eliz., ii. 61, 65.

Mompesson, Sir Giles, ii. 220, 225.

Monk, Geo., i. 94, 291, 294; ii. 10, 72-78, 87, 289, 321. Nich., ii. 77.

Monmouthshire, i. 51, 158, 314; ii. 329.

Montagu, bp. Rich., ii. 220. Sir Will., i. 158. Lady (Mary Aubrey), i. 230, 300; ii. 152, 154. Mr., i. 32.

'Montelion,' ii. 152.

Montgomery castle, i. 307, 308, 313, 314.

Montgomery, Phil. Herbert, 1st earl of, i. 175, 320. Susan (Vere), co. of, i. 320. Anne (Clifford), co. of, i. 175.

Montjoy, Will. Blount, 4th, and Chas., 5th, baron, i. 248.

Moore, Sir Garret, i. 217. Sir Jonas (sen.), i. 124, 260, 332, 369, 394; ii. 59, 78-81, 108, 142, 314, 316. Sir Jonas (jun.), ii. 80. See also More.

Moorhampton, Heref., i. 419.

Moray, Sir Rob., i. 208, 285; ii. 81, 202, 269. Lady, ii. 244, 245. Miss ..., i. 152. See also Murray.

Morden, W., i. 103, 107. Mr., ii. 238.

Mordiford, Heref., ii. 328.

More, Alex., ii. 69, 70. Henry, i. 141, 142. Sir Tho., i. 69; ii. 82-85, 89, 155. Mr., ii. 84. Mrs., ii. 44, 382. See also Moore.

Morehouse, Lanc., i. 20; ii. 86, 326.

Morgan, Sir Tho., ii. 86-88. William, i. 294; ii. 88. ... (of Oxford), i. 54. Mr., i. 136. Mr., ii. 95. Mr., ii. 99, 102, 104.

Morian, John, ii. 130.

Morison, Sir Rich., i. 149.

Morley, bp. Geo., ii. 15, 16.

Morris, Mr., ii. 321.

Morton, card., ii. 85, 89.

Mouffet (Muffet), Tho., i. 311; ii. 89, 218.

Moxon, Mr., i. 282.

Mulcaster, Rich., i. 29, 31.

Mummy, i. 133.

Munday, Mr., ii. 90.

Murray, Rob., ii. 90, 262, 324. See also Moray.

Mynne, Rich., i. 361.

Nalson, John, ii. 207.

Napier, John, of Merchiston, i. 125. Dr. Rich., i. 32, 33, 224, 229, 241, 262; ii. 43, 91, 92, 247. Sir Rich., ii. 92.

Naseby, Northts., ii. 280.

Nash, Mr., ii. 312.

Nayler, ? John, i. 174, 175.

Naylour, Will., i. 156.

Nealand, Will., i. 91.

Neale, Sir Will., ii. 93. Will., ii. 93.

Needler, Mr., ii. 196.

Neile, Sir Paul, i. 372; ii. 94, 254. Rich., ii. 93, 94. Will., ii. 94.

Nevile, Eliz., i. 193. Henry, i. 109, 289-293; ii. 50.

Newark-on-Trent, Notts., i. 156, 174.

Newbury, Berks., i. 152; ii. 265.

Newcastle-on-Tyne, ii. 328.

Newcastle-on-Tyne, William Cavendish, earl, marq., duke of, i. 153, 156, 206, 359, 366, 370, 386; ii. 13. Marg. (Lucas), duchess of, i. 105.

Newcombe, Tho., i. 361.

Newmarket, Cambr., i. 138, 139.

Newmarsh, Sir Bern., i. 276.

Newport, ..., ii. 69.

Newport, I. of W., i. 287, 409.

Newton, Isaac, i. 15, 414, 415. John, ii. 94.

Newton-tony, Wilts., i. 203.

Niceron, Jean-François, i. 367.

Nicholas, Sir Edw., i. 151.

Nicholson, James, i. 97.

Nightingale, ..., i. 24.

Nimeguen, ii. 8.

Norborne, Henry, i. 107.

Norden, John, ii. 94.

Norfolk, ii. 79.

Norfolk, Tho. Howard, 1st earl of, i. 408. See Arundel.

Norfolk, Henry Howard, 6th duke (obiit 1684), i. 228; ii. 112, 323.

Norreys, lord, see Abingdon.

North, Sir Fran., ii. 96. Dudley, 3rd baron, ii. 95, 187. Rog., ii. 95, 187, 188. Tho., ii. 96.

Northampton, Will. Parr, 1st earl of, i. 315, 317.

Northampton, Henry Howard, 1st earl of, ii. 52.

Northampton, (Compton), earl of-- -- Will., 1st earl, ii. 328. -- Spencer, 2nd earl, i. 188. -- James, 3rd earl, i. 175. ---- Isabella (Sackville), co. of, i. 175.

Northumberland, John Dudley, duke of, ii. 250.

Northumberland, (Percy), earl of-- -- Henry, 8th earl, i. 192. ---- Catherine (Nevile), co. of, i. 192. -- Henry, 9th earl, i. 285, 287; ii. 16, 188, 250, 292. ---- Penelope (Sydney), co. of, ii. 250. -- Algernon, 10th earl, i. 218; ii. 292. -- Joscelyne, 11th earl, ii. 263.

Norton, Silas, ii. 136. Tho., i. 147, 168. Capt. ..., i. 135. ..., ii. 202.

Norwich, i. 187, 188, 210.

Norwich, Geo. Goring, earl of, i. 118, 121; ii. 124, 196.

Norwood, Rich., i. 124; ii. 96, 315.

Nottingham, Chas. Howard, earl of, ii. 184.

Nottingham, Heneage Finch, earl of, ii. 144.

Noy, Will., i. 139, 244; ii. 98.

Nurse, Tho., ii. 257.

Oates, ? Titus, i. 367.

Ogilby, John, i. 41; ii. 28, 99-105.

Oldenburgh, Mr., i. 363; ii. 313.

Oldam, Rev. ..., i. 194.

Oliver, John, i. 296, 411; ii. 10. Mr., ii. 171.

Onslow, Mr., ii. 110.

Opdam de Wassenaer, ii. 132.

Orange, prince of-- -- Frederick Henry, i. 121; ii. 122, 130, 131. -- Will. II, ii. 76. -- Will. III, ii. 148.

Orleans, duke of, ii. 302. Duchess of, ii. 252.

Ormond, Jas. Butler, duke of, ii. 132.

Orrery, Roger Boyle, 1st earl of, i. 118.

Orwincle (i.e. Aldwinkle), Northts., i. 257.

Osburne, Fran., i. 370; ii. 174, 186, 327.

Osney abbey, i. 38, 39, 51, 329; ii. 311.

Ossory, Tho. Butler, earl of, ii. 155.

Oughtred, Ben., ii. 106-113. Will., i. 42, 124, 127, 298; ii. 79, 105-114, 126, 236, 280, 282, 284.

Outram, Will., ii. 114, 263.

Overall, John, ii. 61, 115.

Overbury, Sir Giles, ii. 119. Sir Tho. (sen.), i. 96, 194; ii. 118, 182, 195. Sir Tho. (jun.), ii. 119, 195, 228.

Owen, John, epigrammatist, i. 194, 417, 418, 425; ii. 309. John, divine, i. 85. Thankful, ii. 195.

Oxenbridge, Dr. Dan., John, Kath., Mrs. ..., ii. 152, 153.

Oxford (Colleges)-- -- St. Alban Hall, i. 107. -- All Souls, i. 54, 104, 106, 236; ii. 2, 19, 92, 198. -- Balliol, ii. 24. -- Brasenose, i. 85, 122, 274, 426; ii. 141, 172. -- Broadgates Hall, i. 111; ii. 50. -- Christ Church, i. 85, 123, 130, 133, 135, 148, 151, 177, 184, 185, 188, 269, 276, 286, 306, 343-345, 410, 426; ii. 11, 62, 89, 132, 214, 233, 247, 273, 301, 303, 308-311. -- Corpus Christi, i. 26, 204; ii. 194, 294. -- St. Edmund Hall, ii. 5, 72, 94. -- Exeter, i. 122, 130, 159, 220; ii. 26, 92, 126, 234, 308. -- Gloucester Hall, i. 26-28, 225; ii. 37, 206, 296. -- Hart Hall, ii. 220, 235. -- Jesus College, i. 52, 307, 309; ii. 7, 8, 171, 201, 269. -- St. John's, i. 31, 204, 320; ii. 298, 302. -- Lincoln, i. 295; ii. 50, 113, 172, 173, 211. -- Magdalen College, i. 183, 251; ii. 28, 36, 280, 308, 309. Magd. Coll. School, i. 343. -- Magdalen Hall, i. 183, 268, 278, 287, 324, 328-330, 377, 391, 393, 427; ii. 18, 32, 33, 258, 300. -- St. Mary Hall, i. 122, 426. -- Merton, i. 33, 123, 150, 151, 268, 278, 279, 301; ii. 36, 160, 214, 216, 224, 244. -- New College, i. 252, 253, 309, 416, 419, 424, 425; ii. 235. New College School, i. 343. -- New Inn Hall, i. 364; ii. 256. -- Oriel, i. 104, 203, 287; ii. 35, 36, 173, 179. -- Pembroke, i. 112, 188; ii. 235. -- Queen's, i. 282, 305. -- Trinity, i. 1, 26-29, 38, 43, 46, 51, 52, 106, 108, 111, 143, 149, 151, 171-174, 186, 217, 255, 261, 275, 280, 288, 300, 377; ii. 11, 12, 17-27, 50, 89, 141, 156-158, 161-165, 169-173, 177, 216, 253, 265, 285, 296, 322. -- Univ., i. 244; ii. 7, 11, 44, 96. -- Wadham, i. 103, 107, 126, 174, 218, 266, 410; ii. 84, 92, 114, 141, 155, 285, 300, 302, 304.

Oxford (Buildings). -- Ashmolean, i. 21, (?) 106; ii. 316. -- Friar Bacon's Study, i. 184. -- Bodleian Library, i. 77, 125, 212, 225, 250; ii. 214, 216. -- Bodleian Picture Gallery, i. 249, 258, 368 ('the archives'); ii. 148, 235, 253. -- Botanic Garden, i. 194. -- Castle, i. 51. -- Crown Inn, i. 204. -- St. Ebbe's Church, ii. 323. -- St. Mary Virgin Church, ii. 19, 25. -- St. Mary Magd. Church, ii. 311. -- Osney abbey, ii. 360.

Oxford, (Vere), earl of-- -- Edward, 17th earl, i. 192, 319, 322; ii. 184, 192, 270. -- Aubrey, 20th earl, i. 277.

P--, E., ii. 273.

Packer, Philip, i. 98, (?) 296 ('Parker'); ii. 71, 322, 328.

Paget, Dr., ii. 72. Mr., ii. 60.

Pakeman, Dan., ii. 207.

Palatine of the Rhine, Palsgrave, Frederick V, ii. 14. Chas. Louis, i. 101, 104; ii. 224, 225, 300, 301.

Palmer, Jas., ii. 157.

Pamphlin, Chas., ii. 119.

Parker, Geo., ii. 239. Sam., ii. 54. Sir Phil., ii. 255. Mr. (? Packer), i. 296.

Parr, Catherine, i. 193, 315. Sir Tho., i. 315.

Parsons, Rob., i. 27.

Partridge, John, i. 283; ii. 119.

Pascall, Andr., i. 61, 162-170, 247, 248, 256; ii. 302.

Passaeus, Simon, ii. 49.

Paulet, Amyas, ii. 308. Rich., ii. 326.

Paynter, Jonathan, i. 110.

Pearson, bp. John, i. 203, 353; ii. 212.

Peele, James, ii. 120.

Pell, Dr. John, i. 16, 86, 121, 124, 154, 181, 234, 247-249, 284, 285, 293, 370, 394, 408; ii. 27, 54, 90, 121-131, 184, 197, 249, 257, 272, 291-293, 309, 310, 319. Mr. John, ii. 127, 128.

Pemble, Will., ii. 258.

Pembridge castle, Heref., i. 59, 204.

Pembroke, (Herbert), earl of-- -- Will., 1st earl, i. 54, 60, 61, 310, 314-317. ---- Anne (Parr), co. of, i. 315, 317. -- Henry, 2nd earl, i. 310, 312, 315; ii. 90, 104. ---- Mary (Sydney), co. of, i. 243, 262, 310-313; ii. 35, 230, 247, 250. -- Will., 3rd earl, i. 312, 313, 317, 418. -- Phil., 4th earl, i. 105, 175, 177, 218, 309, 312; ii. 55, 104. ---- Anne (Clifford), co. of, i. 175, 177. -- Phil., 5th earl, i. 216, 225; ii. 160. -- Will., 6th earl, i. 48, 49, 225; ii. 353. -- Phil., 7th earl, i. 317, 225; ii. 90. -- Tho., 8th earl, i. 45.

Penkelly, Breckn., i. 313.

Penn, Sir Will., ii. 131, 132, 133, 135. Will., i. 13, 45, 53; ii. 131-138. Pedigree, ii. 135.

Penny post, ii. 91, 324.

Penruddock, Geo., ii. 260, 261. Sir John, i. 290, 406. Sir Tho., ii. 138.

Penry, John, ii. 48.

Perry, Joan, ii. 228.

Persia, i. 272; ii. 228.

Peters, capt., i. 196.

Petrarca, Francesco, i. 421.

Petty, Eliz., lady, i. 116; ii. 139, 148. Geo., ii. 38. Max., i. 290. Sir Will., i. 9, 43, 50, 53, 272, 274, 336, 349, 365, 367, 368; ii. 139-149, 273.

Peyton, Rev. ..., i. 180; ii. 307.

Phale, see Fale.

Philips, Andrew, ii. 150. Anne, ii. 61, 64. Edw. (father), ii. 61. Edw. (son), ii. 61, 63-71. Fabian, i. 320; ii. 1, 60, 98, 150, 160, 203, 219, 224, 225, 322, 332. Hector, ii. 154. James, ii. 153. John, ii. 64, 152. Kath., i. 126; ii. 152-155. Sir Rob., ii. 50. Vere, i. 143.

Philpot, John, i. 233.

Piedmont, ii. 123, 131.

Pierce, Tho., ii. 290.

Pierson, see Pearson.

Pigott, Henry, ii. 155. Tho., i. 20, 166; ii. 84, 85, 155, 302.

Pins, ii. 324.

Pisa, i. 247.

Pitcher, Mr., i. 263.

Pitiscus, Barth., i. 96; ii. 111, 126.

Pittis, Tho., ii. 155.

Pitts, Moses, ii. 58, 66.

Platers, Sir Will., ii. 156.

Plattes, Rowl., ii. 145.

Player, Mr., ii. 172.

Playford, J., ii. 62.

Pleydell, Jos., i. 267.

Plot, Rob., i. 33, 134, 404.

Poland, i. 150, 213, 214; ii. 247.

Pond, Ben. (almanac), i. 51; ii. 1. Edw., ii. 1. Mr., ii. 155.

Pope, lady Eliz., ii. 17, 22. Sir Tho., i. 111; ii. 22, 157, 161, 162. Walt., ii. 300.

Popham family, ii. 160.

Popham, Sir Fran., ii. 159. Sir John, ii. 158-160. Mr. John, ii. 159, 160. Admiral ..., i. 404. Col. ..., ii. 316.

Pordage, Dr. John, ii. 161. Sam., 160.

Porter, Endymion, i. 205.

Portland, Dors., i. 161, 219.

Portsea Castle, Hants., i. 292.

Portsmouth, Hants., i. 85, 194; ii. 80.

Portugal, i. 58.

Post and pair, i. 329.

Potluck, ..., i. 327, 388.

Pott, Geo., i. 395.

Potter, Franc., i. 43, 108, 143, 223, 224, 281, 304; ii. 19, 86, 161-170, 260, 299, 328, 329. Hannibal, i. 111, 173, 174, 261; ii. 161, 162, 171, 285. Rich., ii. 161, 162.

Potterne, Wilts., i. 202.

Poulterey, John, ii. 263.

Poultney (Pulteney), Sir Will., i. 290.

Powell, Dav., i. 51. Mary, ii. 61, 64, 65. Erasmus, Rich., Vavasor, ii. 171.

Power, Jas., i. 387. John, i. 27, 29. Zachary, i. 29. Rev. ..., i. 387.

Powis, Will. Herbert, 1st baron, i. 277, 315.

Powney, Mrs., i. 280, 281.

Poynter, Tho., i. 32. Vincent, i. 184.

Poyntz, John, ii. 173. Sir Rob., ii. 172, 181. Capt., ..., i. 45, 53.

Prague, i. 210, 407.

Price, Dan., i. 187.

Prideaux, John, i. 343; ii. 234. Mr., ii. 192.

Primige, Dr., i. 300.

Printing, ii. 321, 324.

Prisoner, a 'close,' i. 422.

Prothero, Mr., ii. 291, 292.

Prujean, Fran., i. 297.

Prynne, Will., i. 261; ii. 173-175.

Pufendorf, Sam., i. 376.

Pugh, Rob., i. 60; ii. 34, 42, 175.

Pullen, Josias, i. 183, 377.

Pulteney, see Poultney.

Purbeck (Villiers), viscount-- -- John, 1st visc., i. 196, 197. ---- Frances (Coke), viscountess, i. 197, 406. -- Robert[1380], 2nd (self-styled) visc., i. 196, 197. ---- Eliz. (Danvers), viscountess, i. 179, 192, 193, 194 (Eliz. Villiers), 196, 197, 222, 357; ii. 32, 84, 247. -- Rob., 3rd (self-styled) visc., i. 197. ---- Marg. (Burke), viscountess, i. 197.

Purchas, Sam., i. 175, 285.

Purfoote, Tho., ii. 120.

Pye, Sir Rob., i. 422.

Quakers, i. 84, 133, 134, 209; ii. 132, 133, 136, 137.

Quarles, Fran., i. 240; ii. 153, 176.

Queen Mother, see Henrietta.

Quintin, riding at the, ii. 330.

Radford, Will., i. 280; ii. 21, 177, 265.

Radnor, John Robartes, earl of, ii. 203.

Raglan, Monm., ii. 328.

Rainsford, Sir Henry, i. 151.

Raleigh, Sir Walter, i. 69, 115, 116, 176, 179, 187, 192, 262, 285, 287, 294, 311, 354, 418; ii. 15, 95, 96, 177-195, 233, 239, 323.

Raleigh, Carew (brother of Sir Walter), ii. 178, 179, 184. Carew (son), ii. 178, 189, 193, 195. Geo. and Gilb. (nephews), ii. 178. Tho. (grandnephew), ii. 178, 179, 182, 191. Dr. Walt., ii. 178. Walt. (son), ii. 178, 194. Walt. (grandson), ii. 195. Walt. (grandnephew), ii. 178, 179, 182, 191.

Ralphson, Mr., ii. 195.

Ramsbury Abbey, Wilts., i. 315.

Ramus, Peter, i. 8, 100, 224.

Randolph, John, ii. 195, 196. Tho., i. 76; ii. 195-198. Will., ii. 196.

Ranelagh, (Jones), viscount-- -- Arthur, 2nd visc., i. 118. ---- Kath. (Boyle), viscountess, i. 118, 121; ii. 278. -- Rich., 3rd visc., 1st earl, i. 118.

Ranew, Nath., i. 116.

Ratcliffe, Sir Edw., ii. 51. Sir Geo., ii. 102.

Raven, capt., ii. 127, 128.

Rawley, Will., i. 67, 74, 394.

Ray, John, ii. 302.

Reade, Alex., i. 286.

Reading, Berks., i. 61, 107; ii. 141.

Record, Rob., ii. 198-201.

Redi, ..., ii. 319.

Reding, Sir R., ii. 262.

Reynolds, Edm., i. 26, 27, 28. John (C. C. C.), i. 26. John (New Coll.), ii. 53. Rowl., ii. 228.

Rhees, John David, i. 57, 214; ii. 201.

Rhonius, ..., ii. 125.

Rich, Robert, 3rd baron, and Penelope (Sydney), baroness, ii. 250, 251.

Richardson, Sir Tho., i. 170.

Richelieu, card., i. 66, 77.

Richmond, Surrey, ii. 166, 177, 265.

Richmond, (Stuart), duke of-- -- James, 1st duke, and Mary (Villiers), duchess, i. 205. -- Charles, 3rd duke, and Frances (Stuart), duchess, ii. 239.

Rickmansworth, Herts, i. 255.

Rider, Cardanus, ii. 181. John, ii. 201. ..., ii. 323.

Ridgely, see Rugeley.

Rigby, Rev. ..., ii. 155.

Riolani, Jean, i. 301, 304.

Ripley, Geo., i. 163, 168; ii. 201.

Riven-hall, Essex, ii. 265.

Robartes of Truro, John, baron, ii. 203.

Roberts, Geo. (D.D., Trin. Coll., Oxf., 1642), i. 173.

Robinson, John, ii. 75, 298.

Robson, Mr., ii. 203.

Rochester, (Wilmot), earl of-- -- Henry, 1st earl, ii. 32. ---- Anne (St. John), co. of, ii. 31, 32. -- John, 2nd earl, i. 134, 211, 219; ii. 30, 32, 34, 54, 304. ---- Eliz. (Malet), co. of, i. 219; ii. 304.

Rocklington, Sir John, ii. 202.

Rogers family, i. 389. Mr., ii. 202.

Rolle, Henry, ii. 203.

Rollington (Rowlington) park, Wilts., i. 262, 311.

Rollwright, Oxon., ii. 330.

Rome, i. 39, 57, 120, 226, 247, 249; ii. 79, 169.

Romsey, Hants., ii. 139, 144, 148.

Rooke, Laur., i. 366; ii. 204, 284, 288, 314.

Roper, Chr., John, Sir Will., ii. 83.

Ros, Robert de, ii. 13.

Rotterdam, i. 246, 248; ii. 135.

Roundway Down, Wilts., i. 151.

Royal Society of London, i. 40, 115, 129, 201, 228, 268, 269, 285, 336, 354, 362, 371, 372, 409-415; ii. 60, 80, 82, 97, 134, 143, 144, 147, 149, 165, 166, 169, 178, 205, 281, 288, 301, 313, 314, 322.

Roydon, Mr., i. 284.

Royston, Mr., i. 427.

Ruddyer, Ben., i. 8, 318, 418; ii. 185.

Rugeley (Ridgely), Luke, i. 143, 195. Tho., i. 143.

Ruggle, Geo., i. 180.

Rumsey, Walt., ii. 206.

Runnymead, Surrey, i. 220.

Rupert, prince, i. 104, 256; ii. 237, 238.

Rushworth, John, i. 107; ii. 207.

Russell, Mr., ii. 64, 65.

Russia (Muscovia), i. 213, 233; ii. 71, 199.

Rutland, (Manners), earl of-- -- Roger, 5th earl, ii. 250. ---- Eliz. (Sydney), co. of, i. 96; ii. 250. -- John, 10th earl, i. 230; ii. 364.

Rutt, Mr., ii. 279.

Rutter, Jos., ii. 210.

Rymer, Tho., i. 364.

Ryves, Kath., i. 39, 47.

Sacrobosco, Joannes de, i. 408.

St. Albans, Herts, i. 66, 71, 78, 108, 110; ii. 42, 311.

St. Albans, Francis Bacon, visc., i. 67, 69, 76.

St. Albans, Henry Jermyn, earl of, i. 189, 190, 205.

St. Amant, ..., ii. 154.

St. George, Sir Henry, i. 53, 65, 146.

St. Helena, i. 283.

Ros, John Manners (afterwards 10th earl of Rutland), lord, i. 138.

Rose, Mr., i. 230.

St. John, Anne, Sir John, ii. 31.

Ross, John Lesley, bp. of, i. 58.

Saintlowe, John, i. 31. Laur., ii. 19, 26. ..., ii. 96.

Salisbury (New Sarum), Wilts., i. 48, 95, 105, 169, 215, 244, 305, 311, 316; ii. 28, 39, 76, 104, 218, 248, 253, 260, 288.

Salisbury cathedral, i. 172, 198, 199, 200, 202, 309, 312; ii. 288, 312, 313.

Salisbury, see of, ii. 183, 202, 211, 289.

Salisbury, (Cecil), earl of-- -- Rob., 1st earl, i. 93, 175-177, 311; ii. 52, 95, 186. -- Will., 2nd earl, i. 191.

Salkeld, Will., i. 48.

Salmasius, Claude, ii. 66, 71.

Salmon, Dr., i. 31. Mrs., ii. 153.

Salter, lady, i. 279, 281.

Sambroke, Fran., i. 309. ..., i. 302, 303.

Samwell (Samuel), Will., i. 288, 294. ..., i. 293.

Sanchy, Sir Jerome, ii. 148.

Sanderson, bp. Rob., ii. 123, 211, 259.

Sandwich, Kent, ii. 28.

Sandys, Sir Edwin, i. 69. Geo., i. 36, 151; ii. 212.

Sanford, Henry, i. 311.

Sarney, ..., i. 41.

Saul, Mr., ii. 272.

Saunders, Mr., i. 137.

Saunderson, Will., ii. 213.

Savile, Sir Henry, i. 69, 118, 123, 212, 222, 279; ii. 214, 281.

Saxe-Weimar, ii. 87.

Saxton, Mr., ii. 95.

Saye and Sele, (Fiennes), lord-- -- Edw., 5th baron, i. 235. -- Will., 1st visc., i. 88, 89; ii. 23, 300.

Scaliger, Jos. Justus, i. 333; ii. 214, 215. Jul. Caes., i. 106, 249.

Scanderoon, i.e. Alexandria, i. 224, 227.

Scarborough, Sir Chas., i. 94, 299, 303, 355, 361, 369; ii. 107, 108, 112-114, 126, 284, 285, 313.

Scargill, Dan., i. 360, 362.

Scory, John, Sylvanus, ii. 216.

Scotland and Scots, i. 31, 58, 65, 66, 70, 73, 75, 86, 94, 123, 180, 192, 268, 365, 397, 421; ii. 4, 46, 74, 81, 82, 90, 186, 187, 241, 245, 253, 269.

Scotus, Joannes, i. 391.

Scrope, Sir Adrian, i. 297. Sir Carr, ii. 279. John, ii. 196.

Scudamore, John, 1st visc., i. 28; ii. 188, 259. John, 2nd visc., i. 28.

Securis, John, ii. 218.

Sedley, Sir Chas., ii. 215.

Seend, Wilts., i. 40.

Seile, H., i. 275.

Selby, Dorothy, ii. 218. Sir John, ii. 115.

Selden, John, i. 16, 84, 137, 138, 180, 239, 242, 337, 365, 369; ii. 219-225, 255, 311.

Seymour, Sir Edw., ii. 286.

Seymour of Trowbridge, Chas., 2nd baron, i. 43.

Shadwell, Tho., i. 52, 136; ii. 226.

Shaftesbury, Dors., ii. 76, 163.

Shaftesbury, Anth. A. Cooper, 1st earl, i. 182, 303, 305.

Shakespear, Will., i. 97, 204; ii. 225.

Shannon, Fran. Boyle, 1st visc., i. 118.

Sharp, John, ii. 127.

Shelburne, Eliz. Petty, viscountess, ii. 148, 149.

Shelburne, Chas. Petty, baron, ii. 149.

Sheldon, Frances, ii. 227. Gilb., ii. 8, 123, 124, 127, 131. Ralph, i. 42; ii. 4, 73, 79, 81, 115, 173, 175, 227, 245.

Shepherd, Fleetwood, i. 21; ii. 34.

Sherborne, Dors., i. 188, 227; ii. 183, 192, 193.

Sherburne, Edw., i. 8, 16, 103, 306; ii. 13, 79, 178, 205, 227, 228, 230. John, ii. 227. Will., i. 204.

Sherston, Mr., ii. 173.

Shervill, Mr., i. 244.

Shipey, Mr., i. 97.

Shippon, L., i. 193.

Shirburne, see Sherborne.

Shirley, Jas., ii. 228. Thos., ii. 228.

Shirman, Mr., i. 274, 275.

Shore, Jane, ii. 244.

Short-hand, i. 272, 273; ii. 197, 302.

Shrewsbury, i. 145; ii. 256.

Shrewsbury, Gilb. Talbot, 7th earl, i. 245; ii. 224, 225, 323.

Shrivenham, Berks., ii. 47.

Shropshire, ii. 329.

Shuter, Mr., i. 57, 58.

Sibthorpe, Rob., i. 334.

Singleton, Mr., ii. 249.

'Sir,' a clergyman's title, i. 97, 168, 323, 391, 422; ii. 317.

Sitsilt family, i. 158.

Skidmore of Kenchurch, i. 267.

Skinner, Cyriac, i. 290; ii. 72. Matt., i. 86. Bp. Rob., ii. 12, 25, 214. Sir Tho., i. 102. ..., ii. 71, 72.

Sloper, John, i. 28, 278, 279; ii. 105, 113, 228.

Slusius, Ren. Fran., ii. 58.

Slymaker, Henry, ii. 25, 27.

Smethwick, Mr., ii. 108.

Smyth, Cicely, ii. 173. Edm., i. 297. Fran., ii. 172, 195. Henry (1550-(?)1593), i. 308. Jane, i. 191; ii. 229. Sir Tho., i. 69; ii. 326. (?) Tho., ii. 28. Sir Walt., ii. 302, 303.

Snell, Sir Chas., i. 132; ii. 183. Chas., i. 34, 50, 270; ii. 139, 230, 260, 261.

Snow, Fran., ii. 160.

Snowdon, Wales, i. 134.

Snowdon, Mr., ii. 244, 245.

Soap-making, i. 128; ii. 331.

Socinianism, i. 150, 272, 279; ii. 136, 243, 244.

Somerford, Wilts., i. 195.

Somerset, Rob. Carr, earl of, ii. 183.

Somerset, (Seymour), duke of-- -- Will., 1st duke, ii. 202. -- Chas., 6th duke, i. 43.

Somersetshire, i. 262; ii. 51.

Sorbier, Sam., i. 367.

Sound, Mr., i. 265.

Southampton, Thos. Wriothesley, 4th earl of, ii. 187.

Southcott, lady, ii. 244.

Southwell, Sir Rob., ii. 149.

Spain, i. 101, 113, 137, 175, 176, 217, 275, 327, 390; ii. 96, 122, 145, 183, 189, 240, 297, 331. Phil. III, i. 82. Phil. IV, ii. 76. Spanish coin, i. 131.

Sparrow, bp. Anth., ii. 115.

Spectacles, ii. 319.

Speed, John, i. 147, 326, 392; ii. 67, 230, 232.

Speidell, John, ii. 231.

Spelman, Sir Henry, ii. 231, 237. Henry, ii. 231, 232. Sir John, ii. 232.

Spelsbury, Oxon., ii. 304.

Spenser, Edm., i. 240; ii. 191, 232, 248.

Spenser of Wormleighton, Henry, 3rd baron, ii. 275, 280.

Spinoza, Benedictus, i. 357.

Spratt, Thos., i. 190; ii. 322.

Springett, Sir Will., ii. 134.

Stadius, Joannes, i. 144, 210.

Stafford, Dorothy, ii. 234. Rob., ii. 233. Sir Will., ii. 83. Will., ii. 197. Will., ii. 233. Capt. ..., ii. 196. Mr., i. 290.

Stafford, (Stafford), baron, ii. 247.

Stalbridge, Dors., i. 121; ii. 27.

Standish, Henry, i. 249.

Stanhope of Harrington, John, 1st baron, i. 308.

Stanley, Sir Edw., i. 229, 233. Sir Tho., i. 233. Tho. (father), ii. 228, 234. Tho. (son), ii. 234.

Stanmore, Midd., ii. 283.

Stansby, maj., ii. 187.

Staper, Rich., ii. 234.

Stapleton, Tho., ii. 235.

Stawell, Sir John, i. 44.

Stedman, Fran., ii. 306.

Stephanus, ..., i. 279.

Stephens (Stevens), Edw., i. 278. Rich., i. 183. Rob., i. 372. Tho., i. 36, 111; ii. 235, 311. ..., i. 61.

Sterling, Sam., ii. 136.

Steyning, Sussex, ii. 121.

Stillingfleet, Edw., i. 427.

Stokes, John, i. 193, 386. Rich., ii. 108, 236.

Stonehouse, Sir Geo., ii. 46.

Stourton, Chas., 7th baron, i. 316, 317.

Stow, John, i. 101, 192; ii. 189, 232, 236.

Stradling, Sir Edw., i. 228; ii. 201.

Strafford, Tho. Wentworth, earl of, i. 115; ii. 101, 102, 186, 207.

Stratford-on-Avon, Warw., i. 151; ii. 225, 226.

Street, Thos., ii. 237.

Stuart, Arabella, i. 57, 66. Sir Fran., i. 285; ii. 239.

Stubbes, Henry, i. 366, 371; ii. 240, 281.

Stubbing, John, i. 186, 188.

Stukely, Lewis, ii. 190.

Stumpe, Tho., i. 8. Rev. ..., i. 387.

Suckling, Sir John, i. 204, 205, 279; ii. 56, 223, 240.

Suffolk, Henry Grey, 1st duke of, i. 66.

Suffolk, Tho. Howard, earl of, ii. 52, 98.

Sumner, Joan, i. 39, 40, 47. John, ii. 40.

Sunderland, Henry Spenser, earl of, ii. 275, 280.

Surff, cavaliero, ii. 192.

Surrey, i. 218, 220, 250; ii. 95, 111, 236.

Surrey, Tho. Holland, duke of, i. 406.

Surrey, (Howard), earl of-- -- Henry (the poet), i. 69. -- Tho., 4th earl, i. 407, 408; ii. 110, 112.

Sussex, Edw. Ratcliffe, earl of, Eleanor (Lee), co. of, ii. 198.

Sutton, Tho., ii. 246. Will., i. 29, 36; ii. 246.

Sweden, i. 222, 376; ii. 81, 257, 324.

Switzerland, i. 112; ii. 123, 131.

Sydenham, John, i. 132-134. Sir Ralph, ii. 74.

Sydney, Sir Henry, ii. 247, 250. Sir Philip, i. 67, 69, 177, 194, 243, 275, 310-313; ii. 233, 247-252, 267. Tho., ii. 250.

Sylvester, Edw., i. 204; ii. 300, 303.

Symonds, ... (S.J.), i. 183; ii. 189.

Tabor and pipe, ii. 319.

Talbot, Sharington, i. 245. Sir Rob., ii. 252.

Tandy, Tho., i. 374.

Tanfield, Laur., i. 149.

Tanner, Tho., i. 21, 106. Will., ii. 330.

Tap, John, ii. 252.

Taverner, Rev. ..., i. 51.

Taylor, John, ii. 252-254. Jo<sias>, i. 387; ii. 181. Silas, ii. 254-256.

Temple, Sir Rich., Sir Tho., ii. 211.

Tew, Great, Oxon., i. 131, 149-152.

Tewkesbury, Glouc., i. 315.

Teynham, John Roper, baron, ii. 83.

Thames river, i. 123.

Thanet, (Tufton), earl of-- -- John, 2nd earl, i. 175; ii. 209. ---- Marg. (Sackville), co. of, i. 104, 175; ii. 209. -- Nic ., 3rd earl, i. 41, 52, 175, 177; ii. 8, 97. ---- Eliz. (Boyle), co. of, i. 116, 120, 175-177, 191, 226; ii. 154. -- John, 4th earl, and Rich., 5th earl, i. 175.

Thomas, Edm., ii. 7. Sir Rob., i. 136; ii. 5.

Thomson, Sam., i. 412.

Thorne, Rich., i. 337.

Thorndyke, Herb., i. 146; ii. 257, 292, 293.

Throckmorton, Eliz., ii. 178.

Thuanus (de Thou), Jacques Auguste, i. 57, 65, 145, 270.

Thurloe, John, ii. 130.

Thurlow, Suffolk, i. 103.

Thynne family, i. 279.

Thynne, Egremund, i. 424. Fran., i. 74. Isabella, ii. 24, 25. John, i. 219. Sir John, ii. 178, 179, 184.

Tillotson, John, i. 87, 93.

Tirell, Mary, i. 322, 384, 385, 388.

Tittinghanger, Herts., i. 108.

Tobacco, i. 198, 351, 422; ii. 181, 189, 323.

Toman, Mrs., i. 197.

Tombes, John, ii. 258-261, 300.

Tomkins, Nath., ii. 275.

Tong, Ezerel, i. 94; ii. 261. Capt. ..., ii. 261, 262.

Tonquin, ii. 322.

Torporley, Nath., i. 287; ii. 263.

Tottenham, Midd., i. 96; ii. 323.

Tounson, Rob., i. 202, 203.

Tovell, Mr., ii. 64.

Tovy, Mr., ii. 293.

Townley, Rich., i. 261. Mr., i. 285.

Trapps, lady, i. 102.

Trenshard, Sir Tho., ii. 297.

Triplett, John, i. 151. Tho., i. 263; ii. 56, 57, 263.

Troutbeck, Dr., i. 211, 295.

Tunbridge, Kent, ii. 303.

Turenne, Henri de, ii. 87.

Turkey, i. 41, 64, 90, 91, 110, 154, 172, 193, 299; ii. 160.

Turner, Mr., ii. 126.

Tuscany, i. 212; ii. 110, 270, 310.

Tussell, John, i. 178.

Tusser, Tho., ii. 265.

Twisse, Will., i. 343; ii. 225, 265. Dr. ..., ii. 265.

Twyne, John, Tho., ii. 266.

Tyndale, D., ii. 251, 252. Stafford, ii. 32. Tho., i. 312; ii. 190, 211, 246, 266. Mrs., ii. 83, 115. Mr., i. 53.

Tyrconnel, Rich. Talbot, earl of, i. 290.

Underhill, Sir Tho., i. 71.

Uniades, Mr., ii. 106.

Usher, James, i. 307; ii. 219, 221, 233, 268.

Valke, Jacob de, i. 152.

Vandyke, Anthony, i. 231, 232; ii. 244.

Vane, Sir Fran., ii. 209. Sir Henry, ii. 45, 47.

Vanore, Sir Peter, i. 112.

Vaughan, Henry, ii. 201, 268. Sir John, i. 337, 339, 342, 369, 382, 394; ii. 55, 221, 225. Lord John, i. 50, 285; ii. 95, 134, 187, 292. Tho., ii. 268. Mr., ii. 293. ..., ii. 30.

Vaughan of Hergest, i. 267.

Vavasour, Anne, ii. 31.

Vawr, Mr., ii. 297.

Venice, i. 90, 108; ii. 51, 63, 203.

Venner, Tho., i. 290.

Verdusius, ..., i. 367.

Vere family, i. 118. Sir Fran. and Sir Horace, i. 192; ii. 192.

Vernon, Mr., ii. 144, 149.

Verstegan, Rich., i. 158, 183.

Verulam, Herts., i. 22, 66, 76-78, 81, 393.

Verulam, Francis Bacon, baron, i. 66, 76.

Vesalius, Andr., i. 304, 336, 368; ii. 140.

Veslingius, Joannes, ii. 148.

Vicars, John, ii. 174.

Vienna, i. 301, 407.

Viet, François, ii. 263.

Villiers, Fran., ii. 270. ..., ii. 17, 19.

Vinnius, Arnold, ii. 7.

Virginia, see America.

Visscher, Will, de, i. 112; ii. 270.

Vossius, Ger. Jo., ii. 130, 272. Isaac, ii. 272.

Wainfleet, bp. Will., ii. 309.

Wake, Sir Isaac, ii. 25, 272.

Wales, i. 51, 55, 56, 59, 60, 158, 211, 307, 315; ii. 5, 118, 147, 319, 329. Welsh language, i. 57, 62, 145, 314, 324; ii. 87, 201, 266, 268, 321, 328, 329.

Walker, Anth., i. 116. Clem., ii. 273.

Waller, Edm., i. 136, 138, 139, 151, 217, 357, 358, 366, 367, 369, 372; ii. 24, 70, 123, 273-280.

Waller, Eliz., ii. 139, 142. Sir Hasdras, ii. 142. Rob., ii. 274, 280. Walter, i. 51; ii. 86, 275. Sir Will., i. 327, 392; ii. 175. Mr., ii. 144.

Wallingford, Berks., ii. 56.

Wallis, Cornelius, i. 264. John, i. 119, 358, 360, 362, 371-373, 377, 378, 404, 405, 415; ii. 94, 108, 112-114, 214, 215, 280, 286.

Walpole, Mr., i. 89.

Walsingham, Sir Fran., i. 61; ii. 249-251.

Walters, Lucy, ii. 283.

Walton, Izaak, ii. 14, 16, 17.

Wansdyke, Wilts., i. 251.

Ward, Sam., ii. 283, 284, 287. Bp. Seth, i. 44, 50, 244, 286, 339, 359, 373, 405; ii. 77, 85, 86, 107-109, 112, 114, 141, 183, 193, 204-206, 211, 212, 215, 257, 259, 261, 281, 283-290, 293, 296, 301, 312-314, 316. Seth, B.D., ii. 289, 290.

Wardour, Arundell of, Tho., 2nd baron, i. 129.

Ware, Herts., ii. 1.

Warner, bp. John, ii. 307. Walter, i. 16, 286, 287; ii. 15, 16, 188, 291-293.

Warwick, ii. 227, 240, 250.

Warwick, Ambrose Dudley, earl of, ii. 250.

Warwick, (Rich), earl of-- -- Rob., 3rd earl, ii. 97. ---- (?) Anne (Cavendish), co. of, ii. 123. -- Chas., 4th earl, i. 118. ---- Mary (Boyle), co. of, i. 115-119.

Wase, Chr., i. 109, 218, 311, 312; ii. 279.

Watkins, Rob., ii. 153.

Watson, Will., ii. 293.

Watts, Will., i. 187. Mr., i. 133.

Wayte, Mr., i. 329.

Webbe, bp. Geo., ii. 293. J., i. 158. Dr., ii. 294.

Weekes, Mich., i. 268; ii. 181, 236, 294.

Weldon, Sir Anth., i. 66, 67, 202.

Welles, John, visc., ii. 295.

Wellington, Som., ii. 160.

Wells, Cath., ii. 295. John, ii. 294. Mr., i. 107, 162, 163.

Wells, Som., ii. 88, 170. Wells cathedral, i. 229; ii. 319.

Welsh, see Wales.

Welsted, Rob., i. 53.

Wenman, Sir Fran., i. 151. Tho., 2nd visc., ii. 285. Mr., ii. 223.

West, John, ii. 51.

Westbury, Som., i. 147.

Weston, Warw., i. 42; ii. 227.

Westphaling, bp. Herb., ii. 216.

Westport, Wilts., i. 50, 322-328, 387-393.

Wgan, Mr., i. 313; ii. 153, 155.

Wharton, Geo., i. 126, 213; ii. 295. Tho., i. 210.

Wharton, Phil., 4th baron, ii. 31. Tho., 5th baron, ii. 31, and Anne (Lee), baroness, ii. 30-32.

Wheare, Chas., i. 204. Degory, i. 194, 204; ii. 191, 296.

Wheeler, Rich., ii. 298.

Wheldon, Jas., i. 349, 351, 355, 358, 378-386, 395.

Wheloc, Abr., ii. 296.

Whipping undergraduates, ii. 65, 171.

Whistler, Dan., ii. 17, 127, 128, 187, 296. John, ii. 18.

Whitby, Oliver, i. 172, 174.

Whitchcot, Dr., i. 124.

White, Rich., i. 8, 369; ii. 299. Sir Sampson, ii. 7. Tho. ('de Albiis'), i. 227, 369; ii. 299.

Whitefoot, Rev. ..., i. 210.

Whitehead, friar, i. 203. Geo., ii. 131.

Whitelock, Bulstrode, ii. 33, 220.

Whitford, David, ii. 102.

Whitgift, John, i. 56.

Whitney, James, i. 122, 184, 225, 314, 426; ii. 30, 188, 194, 297.

Whitson, John, i. 51, 299, 315; ii. 297.

Widdrington, Ralph, i. 90.

Wight, Isle of, ii. 95, 144.

Wilby, ..., ii. 62.

Wild, see Wylde.

Wildman, John, i. 290.

Wilkins, John, i. 218, 410; ii. 46, 141, 258, 285, 288, 299, 302, 328. Tim., ii. 300.

Wilkinson, John, i. 330, 393.

Williams, bp. John, ii. 129.

Williamson, Sir Jos., i. 58, 201; ii. 8. Mrs., ii. 220.

Willis, John, ii. 302. Tho., i. 39, 410; ii. 141, 302-304.

Willoughby of Parham, Fran., baron, i. 156.

Wilmot, Henry, baron, and Anne (St. John), baroness, ii. 32.

Wilton, Wilts., i. 105; ii. 54, 90. Wilton abbey, i. 315, 316. Wilton house, i. 60, 218, 247, 311, 312, 317, 320.

Wiltshire, i. 52, 332; ii. 181, 317, 324, 334. Pronunciation, i. 324, 354. Drunkenness, i. 325; ii. 339. Aubrey's Wiltshire collections, i. 42, 44.

Winchester (Winton), i. 221; ii. 309.

Winchester College, i. 183, 203, 305, 417, 425; ii. 265, 266.

Winchilsea, Heneage Finch, 2nd earl of, i. 419.

Windsor, Berks., i. 232, 279, 280; ii. 4, 16, 28, 45, 272.

Wingate, Edmund, i. 15; ii. 302.

Winslow, Bucks., ii. 311.

Wiseman, Mary, i. 46, 50, 52. Rob., i. 47, 388; ii. 9. Sir W., ii. 13.

Witherborne, Dr., i. 75.

Withers, Geo., i. 221; ii. 174, 306.

Wodenote (Woodnoth), Theophilus (sen.), i. 139. 281; ii. 203, 307. Theoph. (jun.), i. 245, 308.

Wokey-hole, Som., i. 132.

Wolsely, Chas., i. 290.

Wolsey, Tho., ii. 308-311.

Wood, Anthony, ii. 311, and passim. Edw., i. 1, 280; ii. 177. Dr. Rob., i. 120, 290, 295; ii. 112, 113, 141, 147.

Woodcock, Kath., ii. 65.

Woodford, Sam., ii. 233.

Woodgate, Peter, i. 419.

Woodstock, Oxon., i. 170, 185; ii. 30, 304.

Wootton Bassett, Wilts., i. 124.

Worcester, i. 135, 281, 409; ii. 162, 236, 329. Cathedral, ii. 161, 255.

Worcester, (Somerset), earl of, i. 314; ii. 328.

Wotton, Sir Henry, i. 76, 418, 419; ii. 63.

Wotton, baron, i. 285, 287.

Wren, pedigree of, ii. 312.

Wren, Dr. Chr. (father), i. 31, 403; ii. 312. Sir Chr., i. 41, 200, 219, 354, 371, 403, 405; ii. 80, 105, 108, 112, 165, 166, 175, 214, 218, 282, 311-313. Matt., ii. 312.

Wright, Edward (Edmund), i. 176; ii. 80, 313-316. Rich., ii. 276.

Wyatt, Sir Tho., i. 69. Lady ..., ii. 212.

Wych, Sir Cyril, ii. 128.

Wychwood forest, Oxon., ii. 30.

Wycomb (Wicamb, Wickham), Bucks., i. 253; ii. 36, 39, 274, 275, 278, 280.

Wylde (Wild), Sir Edmund, i. 230, 232. Edmund, i. 4, 41, 43, 109, 134, 160, 181, 251, 255; ii. 4, 35, 37, 46, 56, 79, 93, 96, 133, 141, 142, 166, 187, 191, 230, 273, 276, 316, 320, 329, 332. Geo., i. 178, 180, 232. Sir John, i. 178, 180, 285; ii. 272, 273. Will., ii. 77.

Wyndham, Sir Fran., i. 77. Sir Wadham, i. 217, 244, 316.

Yarrington, capt., ii. 316.

Yates, John. ii. 216. Leonard, ii. 214, 216.

Yatton-Keynell, Wilts., i. 33, 146; ii. 183.

York, i. 108, 206, 207; ii. 208.

Yorkshire, i. 159, 261, 267; ii. 14, 28, 324.

York, James, duke of, i. 196, 208, 218, 219, 297, 369; ii. 78, 102, 132-134, 323, 324. See James II.

York, Anne (Hyde), duchess of, ii. 316. Maria, duchess of, ii. 276.

Young, John, ii. 13, 242-244.

Zeigler, Caspar, i. 375, 376.

Zouch, Sir Edw., ii. 203. Rich., i. 57, 58, 65; ii. 281.

Zurich, ii. 123, 125.

[1] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 42ᵛ.

[2] See infra, sub nomine.

[3] Subst. for 'there was a statue due for the.'

[4] Aubrey in MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 135: 6 Aug. 1671.

[5] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 90. Aubrey gives the coat, 'or, a pile azure between 2 escallops ...'

[6] i.e. in St. Katherine Coleman's.

[7] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 90ᵛ.

[8] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 89.

[9] This title is in the handwriting of Anthony Wood: the letter is the original.

[10] i.e. add.

[11] MS. Aubr. 7, fol. 9.

[12] A slip: the 'chronologer' was his son.

[13] The ballad-book at Ralph Sheldon's.

[14] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 11.

[15] Subst. for 'physician to queen Anne or prince Henry: quaere E. W.: vide φ,' a MS. not yet identified.

[16] Probably Edmund Wyld.

[17] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 27.

[18] These words are scored through.

[19] These words are scored out.

[20] Aubrey in MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 128: Nov. 17, 1670.

[21] Wood notes 'vide Dugdale's Orig. Jurid.'

[22] Aubrey in MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 160: Jan. 16, 1671/2.

[23] Dupl. with 'few yeares.'

[24] Aubrey in MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 160ᵛ.

[25] Wood corrects to 'December.'

[26] Aubrey in MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 183: Aug. 19, 1672.

[27] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 25. Aubrey gives in trick the coat: '<argent>, a chevron, between 3 <cocks gules>.'

[28] Dupl. with 'studied.'

[29] Subst. for 'late.'

[30] Added by Anthony Wood.

[31] MS. Ballard 14, fol. 137; a letter from Aubrey to Anthony Wood, dated June 26, 1683.

[32] Baron of the Exchequer 1675, Justice of the Common Pleas 1678-1679.

[33] MS. Aubr. 23, fol. 38ᵛ.

[34] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 19.

[35] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 20.

[36] MS. Aubr. 23, a slip at fol. 103ᵛ.

[37] The words in square brackets are scored out, being in error. The reference is to Thomas Jones, intruded Fellow of Univ. Coll. 1649, M.A. Feb. 20, 1650/1. He was not B.D.

[38] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 108.

[39] The note in square brackets is a later, marginal addition.

[40] i.e. step-father.

[41] Subst. for 'war.'

[42] Aubrey tricks it in the margin, 'argent, 3 water bougets gules.' In MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 5ᵛ, is the note:--'Ben Johnson is just opposite Robertus de Ros.'

[43] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 108ᵛ.

[44] Aubrey generally spells the name Johnson. Here the H is scored out, as also are the words in square brackets.

[45] MS. Aubr. 8, fol 15.

[46] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 45ᵛ.

[47] This note comes after the note about W. Beeston (vol. i. p. 97), which ended 'Quaere etiam for Ben Jonson.' This note about Jonson's eyes may therefore come from that 'chronicle of the stage,' as reported to Aubrey by John Lacy.

[48] Subst. for 'dialect.'

[49] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 54.

[50] Dupl. with 'words.'

[51] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 55.

[52] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 107ᵛ.

[53] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 107.

[54] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 107ᵛ.

[55] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 14ᵛ.

[56] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 57.

[57] See sub nomine, Daniel Whistler.

[58] Subst. for 'gray.'

[59] '36' in MS., with 'quaere' in the margin; Aubrey having forgot the number.

[60] The remainder of the paragraph is in the margin of the MS., an amplification of the preceding sentence.

[61] Dupl. with 'Mr.'

[62] John Whistler, recorder of Oxford City.

[63] Sir John Denham, Chief Justice of the King's Bench in Ireland, 1612.

[64] Subst. for 'returne it.'

[65] Laud had done this at All Souls, where he was Visitor.

[66] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 57ᵛ.

[67] Subst. for 'severall good gentlemen.'

[68] Subst. for 'happy.'

[69] i.e. sweet.

[70]? to jibe Aubrey in College for having 'a sweet tooth.'

[71] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 58.

[72] See sub nomine, William Radford.

[73] Aubrey always writes the word so, probably as a contraction for 'grandmother.'

[74] Subst. for 'this crowe.'

[75] i.e. he had a trick of using the expression 'now come we.'

[76] Scored out, Aubrey apparently doubting whether it was, or was not, the right foot.

[77] for 'co-founder.'

[78] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 58ᵛ.

[79] Subst. for 'bring this liquour.'

[80] Subst. for 'when a neighbour.'

[81] Robert Harris, intruded President of Trinity, 1648-1658.

[82] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 57.

[83] MS. Aubr. 6. fol. 59ᵛ.

[84] i.e. belonging to the College chapel.

[85] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 58ᵛ.

[86] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 59.

[87] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 59ᵛ.

[88] An error. Robert Abbot was never Vice-Chancellor. His brother George Abbot, afterwards archbishop of Canterbury, was Vice-Chancellor three times, in 1600, 1603, 1605.

[89] Aubrey in MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 400: March 31, 1690.

[90] Henry Birkhead, matric. at Trin. 1634, aet. 16; died 1696.

[91] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 5.

[92] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 61ᵛ--a note from Kitson himself.

[93] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 12.

[94] Anthony Wood notes, 'The poem cal'd Lepanto was written by King James.'

[95] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 20ᵛ.

[96] Charles Gerard, in 1645 baron Gerard of Brandon, in 1679 earl of Macclesfield.

[97] Dupl. with 'good.'

[98] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 27ᵛ.

[99] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 91ᵛ. Aubrey gives the arms in trick, viz., 'argent, a fess between 3 crescents sable.'

[100] Sir Edward Henry Lee, 5th baronet created earl of Litchfield in 1674.

[101] Thomas Johnes, instituted to Wootton, Dec. 8, 1609.

[102] Four lines are suppressed.

[103] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 92: found also in a fragmentary jotting, in MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 8ᵛ.

[104] K.G.; obiit 1610/1.

[105] Obiit 1631.

[106] Sir Francis Henry Lee, obiit circ. 1640. Henry, his elder brother, died in infancy.

[107] Obiit 1659.

[108] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 93.

[109] A step is missing here: cp. the preceding pedigree.

[110] This is an error. Sir Edward Henry Lee, created earl of Litchfield, was son of Sir Francis Henry Lee (m. Elizabeth Pope), younger brother of Sir Henry Lee (m. Anne Danvers).

[111] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 32.

[112] An error. William Lee was of Christ's College, Cambridge.

[113] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 86.

[114] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 10ᵛ.

[115] Subst. for 'Hersham Church.'

[116] '1601' is inserted by Anthony Wood.

[117] Bulstrode Whitelocke.

[118] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 45ᵛ.

[119] Nov. 1680--Jan. 1680/1: see Clark's Wood's Life and Times, ii. 503, 504.

[120] MS. Aubr. 23, fol. 122.

[121] Aubrey's estimate of its probable cost.

[122] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 49ᵛ.

[123] i.e. 1674.

[124] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 83.

[125] MS. Aubr. 7, fol. 9ᵛ.

[126] i.e. F.R.S.

[127] Aubrey in MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 390: July 15, 1689.

[128] Dupl. with 'businesse.'

[129] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 81ᵛ.

[130] Wood MS. F. 39, fol. 381: a communication 'from <George> Llewellin, commoner of Merton College, son of Dr. Martin Llewellin, 18 Mar. 1686/7.'

[131] Aubrey in Wood MS. F. 39, fol. 379ᵛ: Sept. 25, 1686. Aubrey gives the inscription (printed in Wood's Ath. Oxon.), and the coat of arms, '..., a lion rampant crowned ...; impaling, ..., a lion rampant ..., a hand in the lyon's mouth, within a bordure ermine.'

[132] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 21.

[133] Ben Jonson's phrase, supra, i. p. 232.

[134] Dorothy.

[135] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 9.

[136] Ovid. Metam. iii. 420-423: fabula VI--Narcissus.

[137] In error for 1659.

[138] Matric. June 27, 1634, aged 16: eldest son of William, 'armiger,' of Woolwich, Kent.

[139] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 77.

[140] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 84.

[141] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 84ᵛ.

[142] Aubrey in MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 141ᵛ: Oct. 27, 1671.

[143] See Clark's Wood's Life and Times, iv. 281.

[144] Aubrey in MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 142.

[145] Aubrey in MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 141ᵛ.

[146] i.e. Henry and Thomas (obiit 1639?) Lyte, father and son.

[147] Ibid., fol. 210: May 24, 1673.

[148] MS. Aubr. 23, fol. 82.

[149] Tuesday.

[150] MS. Aubr. 3, fol. 217.

[151] A slip at fol. 47 of MS. Aubr. 23, has the first draft of this note:--'Captain Pugh assures me that Sir John Mandeville lies buryed at Liège--quod N. B.'

[152] See vol. i. p. 65.

[153] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 102ᵛ.

[154] MS. Aubr. 23, fol. 59: given also on fol. 121 of MS. Aubr. 23, as taken from Dr. Richard Napier's papers.

[155] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 103.

[156] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 12ᵛ.

[157] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 103. Aubrey gives in trick the coat, 'argent, 2 bars gules, each charged with 3 besants.'

[158] Matric. at Univ. Coll. Oct. 31, 1617, aged 15; took B.A. Jan. 24, 1619/20.

[159] Subst. for 'a pretty wench.'

[160] The king.

[161] Martin. The preceding clause explains why, having this character, Martin took the side of the Parliament.

[162] Dupl. with 'About a year after.'

[163] Subst. for 'custome.'

[164] 'Sate,' by a slip, in the MS.

[165] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 12ᵛ.

[166] Dupl. with 'spued.'

[167] Probably Edmund Wyld.

[168] Dupl. with 'his aunt's husband.'

[169] i.e. Richard Cromwell's.

[170] Apparently a memorandum to recall a story about Martin. There is similarly a memorandum to recall an indecent story, at the foot of fol. 103 of MS. Aubr. 6.

[171] Inserted by Anthony Wood.

[172] So Aubrey often spells it.

[173] 'Blind from his birth,' S. John ix. 2; 'born blind,' S. John ix. 19, etc. Martin remembered 'lame from his mother's womb' of Acts iii. 2.

[174] S. John ix. 18, 'He had been blind and received his sight,' seems the nearest expression. The 'restored' is a figment of Martin's own, to give point to his jest.

[175] Scattered notes on fol. 103 of MS. Aubr. 6.

[176] Edited by Edmund Gayton.

[177] Aubrey in MS. Rawl. D. 727, fol. 96.

[178] Appointed in Sept. 1618, died Oct. 31, 1618.

[179] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 18.

[180] Aubrey here put down a memorandum, 'Paste on his picture here'; and added a note of its fulfilment, ''tis donne,' scil. when he inserted fol. 17 (see note 2).

[181] i.e. Sept. 2.

[182] Brooke.

[183] Donne.

[184] Cranefield.

[185] Phillips.

[186] Nevile, alluding to the family motto 'Ne vile velis.'

[187] Conyoke.

[188] John Hoskins, quasi 'hose-kin.'

[189] Martin; supra, p. 47.

[190] Goodyear.

[191] West.

[192] Holland; supra, i. p. 406.

[193] Inigo Jones.

[194] Tom Coryat, i. 188.

[195] Thomas Egerton, lord Ellesmere, Lord Chancellor 1603-1617.

[196] Robert Cecil, earl of Salisbury, Lord Treasurer 1609-1612.

[197] Henry Howard, earl of Northampton, Lord Privy Seal 1608-1614.

[198] Thomas Howard, earl of Suffolk, Lord Chamberlain of the Household 1603-1613.

[199] This attribution of the piece to Hoskyns is from Mr. Madan's MS.; see supra, p. 50.

[200] John Reynolds, Fellow of New College 1600, died 1614.

[201] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 104. Aubrey, in the margin, draws a wreath of laurel, for a poet.

[202] This sentence is subst. for 'He was a man of very few words.'

[203] Anthony Wood notes in the margin 'E. of Roff.', a reminder to himself to incorporate this criticism in the life of Rochester in the Athenae.

[204] This paragraph was added some time after the above notice was written.

[205] Aubrey in MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 171; May, 1672.

[206] Aubrey in MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 252: Jan. 31, 1673/4.

[207] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 27.

[208] Subst. for 'to be Poet Laureate.'

[209] See i. p. 110.

[210] See i. p. 289.

[211] A mock-epitaph on May is found among Anthony Wood's papers in Wood MS. F. 39, fol. 154.

[212] Dupl. with 'odorem.'

[213] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 42ᵛ.

[214] ? court.

[215] Aubrey in MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 414: Febr. 1, 1690/1.

[216] Subst. for 'for a.'

[217] In Westminster Abbey.

[218] Aubrey in MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 155ᵛ: Dec. 30, 1671.

[219] i.e. beside Camden's monument, supra, i. p. 145. Anthony Wood notes here that this inscription for May was 'made by Marchmount Needam.'

[220] This latter part of the inscription is found also in MS. Aubr. 23, fol. 103ᵛ.

[221] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 59.

[222] 'darke' written over 'grey,' as a correction.

[223] i.e. more than an inch thick.

[224] MS. Aubr. 23, fol. 96ᵛ.

[225] Aubrey in MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 178ᵛ: July 6, 1672.

[226] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 82.

[227] i.e. MS. Aubr. 4.

[228] MS. Aubr. 7, fol. 6.

[229] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 43.

[230] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 42ᵛ.

[231] See supra, p. 1.

[232] MS. Aubr. 6, fol 60ᵛ.

[233] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 63.

[234] Subst. for 'barister.'

[235] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 68ᵛ.

[236] Inserted later in answer to the following question:--'quaere, if he has not a son.'

[237] Christopher Milton.

[238] i.e. Foresthill.

[239] The Milton family.

[240] Shotover forest.

[241] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 63.

[242] Subst. for 'Whateley,' i.e. Wheatley.

[243] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 64.

[244] Subst. for 'in that yeare that the army marched thorough the city.'

[245] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 63.

[246] Subst. for 'at the Rose: he had also there another house.'

[247] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 64.

[248] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 65.

[249] This paragraph is not in Aubrey's hand; ? Christopher Milton's. Anthony Wood grumbles here: 'Why do you not set downe where John Milton was borne?' forgetting fol. 63.

[250] i.e. Friday.

[251] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 63.

[252] Subst. for 'Dr.'

[253] i.e. as a 'pensioner,' and not holding any exhibition or scholarship.

[254] Subst. for 'very young (scilicet, about thirteen was the most).'

[255] Aubrey, writing on June 29, 1689, says: 'Mr. Edward Philips tells me his uncle, John Milton, was Master of Arts of Cambridge, of Christ's College. He was never of Oxford': Wood MS. F. 39, fol. 386ᵛ.

[256] Subst. for 'with Carolo Diodati, ... son of the learned Dr. Deodati of Geneva.'

[257] 'beyond sea' followed: scored out.

[258] Subst. for 'returned a very little before the civill warres brake-out.'

[259] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 64.

[260] MS. Aubr. 8, fol 64ᵛ.

[261] This is not in Aubrey's hand; perhaps in Edward Phillips' writing.

[262] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 63.

[263] 'and Hebrew' followed: scored out.

[264] Mary Powell. The words in brackets have been substituted for 'He parted from her'; the second half of the sentence has been left unchanged.

[265] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 68.

[266] Subst. for 'Different religions.'

[267] Space left for an adjective, like 'zealous.'

[268] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 66. This paragraph was added later by Aubrey, perhaps from information supplied by E. Phillips.

[269] 'Dancing, etc.,' is written over, in explanation.

[270] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 68ᵛ.

[271] Probably Edward Phillips.

[272] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 63.

[273] 'Second' underlined for correction to 'third.' For the same reason the note on fol. 68 is erased: 'He maried Elizabeth ..., second wife, anno Domini 16--.'

[274] Subst. for 'to Oliver Cromwell.'

[275] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 66ᵛ.

[276] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 68.

[277] Dupl. with 'quite.'

[278] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 63.

[279] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 68.

[280] The London bookseller. The words in brackets were added later, when Aubrey found that the MS. had passed from E. Phillips to Pitt.

[281] Subst. for 'He died of a feaver, at his house in Quin Street, about the 64th yeare of his age.'

[282] Dupl. with 'stone.'

[283] Dupl. with 'dwelt.'

[284] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 63.

[285] 'Abroun' = auburn. Subst. for 'a light browne.'

[286] Subst. for 'very.'

[287] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 63ᵛ.

[288] Subst. for 'great.'

[289] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 68.

[290] Subst. for 'an extraordinary.'

[291] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 63ᵛ.

[292] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 68. The note was written in pencil, from Dryden's information, over the verso of one leaf and the recto of the next; and then inked over. Foll. 64-67 were inserted later.

[293] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 66ᵛ.

[294] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 63.

[295] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 63ᵛ.

[296] i.e. at 4 A.M., for more than half an hour.

[297] Subst. for 'thought.'

[298] Subst. for 'a mercer.'

[299] 'and at' is subst. for 'e.g.'

[300] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 65.

[301] Subst. for:--'From Mr. E. Philips:--his invention was much more free and easie in the aequinoxes than at the solstices, as he more particularly found in writing his Paradise Lost. Mr. Edward Philipps his nephew and then amanuensis, hath....'

[302] Subst. for '2ᵈ or 3.'

[303] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 65ᵛ.

[304] This paragraph is not in Aubrey's hand.

[305] Dupl. with 'captaines.'

[306] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 66ᵛ.

[307] 'Coeli' followed: scored out.

[308] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 68.

[309] Aubrey in MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 372: May, 1684.

[310] i.e. MS. Aubr. 8, then in Anthony Wood's hands.

[311] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 68.

[312] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 64. I am doubtful whether this list is in Aubrey's hand.

[313] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 68ᵛ.

[314] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 66ᵛ.

[315] i.e. by Allam. This was Anthony Wood's friend (obiit 1685), who helped with notices of contemporary writers: Clark's Wood's Life and Times, iv. 90.

[316] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 63ᵛ.

[317] Dupl. with 'grant.'

[318] Dupl. with 'were diametrically opposed.'

[319] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 17.

[320] Anthony Wood expands to 'Monke.'

[321] Very probably the (MS.?) collection at Ralph Sheldon's: supra, p. 4.

[322] It is fol. 18 of MS. Aubr. 6. 'A | letter | from his | excellencie | the | lord general Monck | and the officers under his command | to the | Parliament; | in the name of themselves, and the souldiers | under them:' printed by John Macock, 1660, 8 leaves, small 4to. It begins: 'Mr. Speaker, We cannot but with thankfulness acknowledge the wonderful goodness ...,' and is dated from 'White-hal, Feb. 11, 1659.'

[323] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 17ᵛ.

[324] Dupl. with 'noises.'

[325] 'On horseback' subst. for 'of dores.'

[326] Subst. for 'burned.'

[327] 'Many there were' followed: scored out.

[328] 'Haec' in the Vulgate.

[329] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 19.

[330] Died Dec. 17, 1661.

[331] Dupl. with 'hold a correspondence.'

[332] Added later. And then Aubrey struck out 'hath' in the preceding memo.

[333] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 12ᵛ.

[334] See supra, p. 4.

[335] i.e. Duke of York.

[336] Subst. for 'to his highnesse.'

[337] Notes on fol. 96 of MS. Aubr. 6, perhaps added later than the body of the notice.

[338] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 96.

[339] William Milbourne.

[340] 'so' subst. for 'for.'

[341] 'a youth' subst. for 'one.'

[342] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 53.

[343] A note of Aubrey's conversation with him that morning is found in a letter dated July 5, 1673, cited under Henry and Thomas Vaughan.

[344] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 96ᵛ.

[345] Dupl. with 'fashion.'

[346] Dupl. with 'by.'

[347] Five lines of text are here suppressed.

[348] Rectius from whose younger brother Christopher Roper; Christopher's son, Sir John Roper, being created baron Teynham in 1616.

[349] Dupl. with 'when she looked on his head.'

[350] Dupl. with 'been.'

[351] In the Civil War. This story is told by Aubrey in a letter to Anthony Wood, Jan. 16, 1671/2: MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 160ᵛ.

[352] i.e. MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 97ᵛ; see in the life of Thomas Pigot, infra.

[353] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 42.

[354] MS. Aubr. 7, fol. 5.

[355] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 60ᵛ.

[356] Subst. for 'well.'

[357] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 14: the part in square brackets is Howe's autograph.

[358] Probably Thomas Jones; supra, p. 11.

[359] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 15.

[360] Subst. for 'not much above.'

[361] In the index to MS. Aubr. 6, he is referred to as 'little Sir Thomas Morgan, the great soldier.'

[362] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 15.

[363] A slip for 'Mr.,' as infra.

[364] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 18.

[365] MS. Aubr. 23, fol. 48ᵛ.

[366] MS. Aubr. 23, fol. 49.

[367] i.e. Twelfth-day.

[368] MS. Aubr. 23, fol. 49ᵛ.

[369] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 18ᵛ.

[370] i.e. the shield, the coat of arms.

[371] Aubrey in MS. Wood, F. 39, fol. 397: Aug. 4, 1687.

[372] Given in trick.

[373] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 83ᵛ.

[374] Subst. for 'water.'

[375] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 9.

[376] Aubrey's brother, see supra, p. 54.

[377] Philip Gwyn, rector of Wilton St. Mary, Wilts, 1664.

[378] MS. Aubr. 21, fol. 77.

[379] i.e. dress.

[380] i.e. 'printseller by the Royal Exchange,' this note following that given under Silas Taylor.

[381] i.e. these memoirs and collections.

[382] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 28ᵛ.

[383] March 25, 1680, was a Thursday.

[384] Subst. for 'Dockery.' An interlinear note, 'He was heretofore clarke of the Committee of Indempnity,' is also scored out.

[385] William Dockwra; Clark's Wood's Life and Times, iii. 31, 310.

[386] This paragraph is not in Aubrey's hand. Perhaps written for Aubrey by Murray himself.

[387] . ? contrived.

[388] MS. Aubr. 23, fol. 121.

[389] Aubrey in MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 386ᵛ.

[390] Ibid., fol. 390: July 15, 1689.

[391] MS. Aubr. 21, fol. 90.

[392] Aubrey in MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 422: March 26, 1691.

[393] MS. Aubr. 7, fol. 6.

[394] Aubrey in MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 135ᵛ: Aug. 9. 1671.

[395] Than William Neile, the mathematician.

[396] Ibid., a little later in the volume.

[397] MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 128, a letter from Aubrey to Anthony Wood dated Nov. 17, 1670.

[398] Ibid., fol. 129.

[399] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 2.

[400] Aubrey in MS. Wood F. 49, fol. 67.

[401] Dupl. with 'printed.'

[402] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 32ᵛ.

[403] i.e. the name 'Guiana.'

[404] John Vaughan, son of Richard, second earl of Carberry; succeeded as 3rd earl in 1687; governor of Jamaica.

[405] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 6.

[406] He is not found in the matriculations.

[407] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 32ᵛ.

[408] Sir Francis North, Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, 1675.

[409] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 79ᵛ

[410] 'Ermine, a cross engrailed gules.'

[411] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 80.

[412] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 26. Referred to in MS. Aubr. 7, fol. 6:--'see concerning attorney Noy, in part the 3ᵈ.'

[413] Story left untold.

[414] Vol. i. p. 138.

[415] Thomas Howard, created Earl of Suffolk 1603; Lord High Treasurer 1614-1618; died 1626.

[416] Aubrey in MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 181; Aug. 12, 1672.

[417] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 46.

[418] Aubrey gives there the horoscope on this scheme.

[419] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 44. In MS. Aubr. 7, fol. 19ᵛ, the draft is 'John Ogilby, esq., was borne at ... (quaere J. Gadbury) in Scotland, November ..., anno Domini 1600.'

[420] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 45.

[421] The writing is partly illegible, from blots.

[422] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 46.

[423] MS. Aubr. 7, fol. 20.

[424] This sentence is scored out.

[425] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 44.

[426] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 44. The first draft is in MS. Aubr. 7, fol. 20.

[427] 'He was apprentice to John Draper, a dancing-master.'--MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 45.

[428] 'quaere the D<uke of> B<uckingham'>s maske'--MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 45. 'Quaere nomen and time--vide B. Jonson.'--MS. Aubr. 7, fol. 20.

[429] 'taught him his use of pike and musket.'--MS. Aubr. 7, fol. 20.

[430] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 45.

[431] '1627' was written but scored out.

[432] This was in 1633.

[433] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 44.

[434] 'had a' subst. for 'was by.' 'Master of the Revells' in MS. Aubr. 7, fol. 20.

[435] 'pretty little' in MS. Aubr. 7, fol. 20.

[436] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 45.

[437] 'Quaere his Description of a trooper in English verse; very good.--MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 45ᵛ.

[438] Subst. for 'was of the Lieutenant's troupes.'

[439] Subst. for 'Mr. Chantrel, of Grayes Inne, was his <i.e. the Lord Lieutenant's> secretary.'

[440] MS. Aubr, 8, fol. 45ᵛ.

[441] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 44ᵛ.

[442] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 47ᵛ.

[443] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 44.

[444] David Whitford, son of Walter Whitford, bishop of Brechin (1634-1638).

[445] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 44ᵛ.

[446] 'being ruind and spoyled and a cowhouse made of the stage.'--MS. Aubr. 7, fol. 20ᵛ.

[447] 'which he did after the fire (part of it) at Kingston upon Thames at Mr. le Wright's house.'--MS. Aubr. 7, fol. 20ᵛ.

[448] Dupl. with 'ingenie.'

[449] Dupl. with 'glorie.'

[450] Anthony Wood notes: 'cosmographer.'

[451] The draft in MS. Aubr. 7, fol. 20ᵛ, gives the date '1672.'

[452] MS. Aubr. 7. fol. 19ᵛ.

[453] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 8.

[454] i.e. Aubrey's pocket Almanac, with his diary notes.

[455] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 47. The leaf is endorsed: 'for my worthy friend Mr. Morgan,' who has added the note, 'from my worthy friend Mr. Aubrey, for Mr. Ogilby's life.'

[456] Henry Herbert succeeded as second earl, 1569; died 1601.

[457] Subst. for '100.'

[458] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 45.

[459] '112' is scored out.

[460] Subst. for 'luck.'

[461] MS. Aubr. 23, fol. 115.

[462] MS. Aubr. 23, fol. 93.

[463] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 39.

[464] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 10.

[465] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 8.

[466] MS. Aubr. 7, a slip at fol. 8ᵛ.

[467] This heading is added by Aubrey in red ink: the rest of the note, here enclosed in square brackets, is in Uniades' hand.

[468] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 39.

[469] Dupl. with 'worth.'

[470] Subst. for 'make any great scholars.'

[471] Dupl. with 'witt.'

[472] Dupl. with 'be acquainted.'

[473] 'red russet' subst. for 'red.'

[474] 'and laughing' followed: scored out.

[475] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 39ᵛ.

[476] Probably Thomas Henshawe, supra.

[477] Subst. for 'part.'

[478] Dupl. with 'they.'

[479] Aubrey draws attention to this by writing 'A chymist' in the margin.

[480] i.e. simmering.

[481] Dupl. with 'acquainted.'

[482] i.e. the Latin grammar, with Oughtred's modifications.

[483] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 42.

[484] 'Thomas' subst. for 'William.'

[485] Dupl. with 'friend.'

[486] 'country' in Aubrey is generally = 'county.'

[487] Subst. for 'writt.'

[488] Subst. for 'Thus may a joyner or bold carpenter.'

[489] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 42ᵛ.

[490] Subst. for 'trueth.'

[491] 'William' in MS., scored out.

[492] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 40. The letter is in Oughtred's beautiful hand: the address is on fol. 41ᵛ.

[493] Robert Wood, Fellow of Lincoln: see supra, i. p. 295.

[494] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 51. Anthony Wood notes: 'vide Westminster monuments.'

[495] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 93.

[496] Subst. for 'in some of our common-prayer bookes.'

[497] Subst. for 'pictures.'

[498] i.e. limner.

[499] Samuel Cooper, Aubrey's friend, was Hoskins' nephew.

[500] Two lines are suppressed.

[501] i.e. in the library of Ralph Sheldon at Weston: see Clark's Wood's Life and Times, iii. 102, 103, iv. 292.

[502] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 93ᵛ.

[503] Subst. for 'sighing for his love in vaine.'

[504] Here followed 'were': scored out.

[505] Dupl. with 'breasted.'

[506] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 94.

[507] Dupl. with 'lightest.'

[508] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 90ᵛ. Aubrey gives in trick the coat:--'sable, 3 mullets between two bendlets argent [Overbury].'

[509] MS. Aubr. 23, fol. 77.

[510] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 98.

[511] Subst. for 'Fulham.'

[512] Given here, with the positions of the planets, etc.; also in MS. Aubr. 23, fol. 88.

[513] Subst. for 'bred.'

[514] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 72. Aubrey given in trick the coat: '..., a bend between 2 mullets pierced sable.'

[515] Subst. for 'In those dayes they did alwayes, before the inventorie of employments for trafique in merchandise, write in above thus:--'

[516] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 39.

[517] A word is blotted out.

[518] Changed by Pell to 1610 from Aubrey's 1611.

[519] Subst. for 'you.'

[520] Subst. by Pell for 'He was never fellow or scholar at Trin. Coll.'

[521] Aubrey notes: 'This is Dr. Pell's owne hand-writing.'

[522] Subst for 'understands,' to make the sentence agree with Pell's insertion.

[523] i.e. Son, Daughter, etc.

[524] Subst. for 'speech.'

[525] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 53ᵛ.

[526] Subst. for 'returned, in ...,'

[527] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 52ᵛ.

[528] Subst. by Pell for 'gave him.'

[529] i.e. ague-ish.

[530] Sheldon was 'confirmed' archbishop Aug. 31, 1663; but Aubrey perhaps meant the date to be that of Pell's appointment as chaplain.

[531] The words in brackets are scored out.

[532] D.D. (Lambeth), Oct. 7, 1663.

[533] Subst. for 'of.'

[534] William, (third) lord Brereton.

[535] Blank in MS., for the number of years.

[536] i.e. lord Brereton.

[537] Blank in MS.; Aubrey generally says whether chancel, aisle, etc., and did not know in this case.

[538] 'buried at St. Martin's-in-the-fields,' interlinear note.

[539] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 55.

[540] In MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 8, Aubrey thinks of further inquiry under this head:--'J. Pell--quaere Catalogum librorum.'

[541] This entry is scored out, perhaps only as out of chronological order.

[542] The words 'of Mathematicks' are added by Anthony Wood.

[543] i.e. fol. 52; see page 122, supra. The note is added by Wood.

[544] Wood notes: 'demonstrated the 10ᵗʰ book of Euclid.'

[545] Wood scores out the word and substitutes 'demonstrated.'

[546] Wood adds: 'his Arithmetic, more than was done before by ..., a Frenchman.' This was perhaps a bit of information made orally to Wood, whose deafness prevented his catching the name. In the Fasti he says, 'a certain Frenchman.'

[547] Wood adds: 'in Cheshire.'

[548] Wood writes 'MS.' over, as an improvement.

[549] Wood writes 'demonstrated' over.

[550] Dupl. with 'veine.'

[551] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 52ᵛ.

[552] Subst. for 'Newgate prison.'

[553] Subst. for 'August the last.'

[554] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 55.

[555] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 51ᵛ. The following notes were written by Aubrey after Pell's death, and are therefore (like the quotation from Horace, infra, p. 131, added at the same time) franker than the pages which were written to be submitted to Pell's revision.

[556] Cp. the word 'kill-bishop' applied to Chester; Clark's Wood's Life and Times, ii. 253.

[557] Subst. for 'layd his body.'

[558] i.e. in St. Giles-in-the-fields Church.

[559] Subst. for 'value.' The fee charged for a burial in this vault was £10.

[560] 'or Jersey' followed, but was scored out.

[561] Subst. for 'my.'

[562] Haake's paper came afterwards, and is now fol. 53 of MS. Aubr. 6. It is printed infra.

[563] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 54.

[564] See Clark's Wood's Life and Times, iii. 95.

[565] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 53. The heading is by Aubrey; what follows is Haak's writing.

[566] John Williams, Lord Keeper 1621-1625.

[567] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 53ᵛ.

[568] The change of construction is as in the MS.

[569] Aubrey notes: 'Mr. Theodor Haak.'

[570] Aubrey notes: 'Mr. secretary Thurlo.' John Thurloe, Secretary of State 1653-60.

[571] Aubrey notes: 'English.'

[572] Note added by Aubrey at the end of Haak's letter.

[573] MS. Aubr. 23, fol. 20.

[574] MS. Aubr. 23, fol. 90ᵛ.

[575] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 34.

[576] The words in square brackets are a note in the top margin, replacing '... admiral and ...,' in the text.

[577] D. Y. in a monogram: i.e. Duke of York.

[578] 'Commanded by Opdam' followed: scored out.

[579] 'Or 17' followed: scored out. Oct. 14, 1644, was a Monday.

[580] Dupl. with 'sensible under tender rebukes.'

[581] '(Wept much)' followed: scored out, and expanded in the next sentence.

[582] Subst. for 'society.'

[583] ', of reproach' followed: scored out.

[584] In MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 6ᵛ, Aubrey notes: 'Call on B. Clarke, Quaker, for a catalogue of Mr. Penn's writings.'

[585] i.e. Negative; the answer is 'no.'

[586] Subst. for 'sometimes.'

[587] D. Y. in a monogram: i.e. Duke of York.

[588] 'Sometimes' followed: scored out.

[589] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 34ᵛ.

[590] Pennsylvania.

[591] Edmund Wyld.

[592] The note requires expansion in this way. It is preceded by 'Carolina,' scored out.

[593] Subst. for 'perfectly.'

[594] i.e. declaims.

[595] Dupl. with 'with fluent copie of words.' 'Copie' is copia Englished.

[596] 'November 1681' followed: scored out.

[597] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 35.

[598] Anthony Wood notes: 'beginning: I say,' i.e. in the Athenae Oxonienses.

[599] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 35ᵛ.

[600] Subst. for 'plaine.'

[601] 'which are' followed: scored out.

[602] 'of being' followed: scored out.

[603] This is Aubrey's symbol for 'fortune.'

[604] Added by Anthony Wood.

[605] This pedigree is in MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 35ᵛ. Aubrey notes in the margin: 'Pen's-lodge in Bradon forest.' On fol. 34ᵛ Aubrey has in trick the coat: 'argent, on a fess sable, three besants, a crescent for difference; impaling ...' with the note 'Sir ... Pen of Pen in Bucks, tempore Edw. III or Hen. III, quaere.' He adds: 'vide lib. A' (his own Wiltshire collections): see Clark's Wood's Life and Times, iv. 192.

[606] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 36; not in Aubrey's hand, and perhaps supplied him by Benjamin Clark the bookseller (supra, p. 133). Anthony Wood notes (scored out): 'This is but a very imperfect catalogue,' and 'quaere Silas Norton the quaker.' For Silas Norton, see Clark's Wood's Life and Times, iii. 279.

[607] Wood notes: 'Catalogue 2. 16, 1': see Wood's Life and Times, iv. 235.

[608] Wood notes 'habeo'; he had this book in his library.

[609] Wood notes: 'Sam. Starling, Lord Mayor' (of London, 1670).

[610] Wood notes 'Cat. 2. 270.'

[611] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 12: a fragmentary jotting about the severity of the penal laws. 'Mr. Anderson' occurs as an informant on Irish matters in the life of Richard Boyle, earl of Cork, vol. i. pp. 115, 116.

[612] Given in colours by Aubrey.

[613] He married Elizabeth Waller.

[614] i.e. Aubrey had been misinformed by Lady Petty.

[615] I omit the technical figure.

[616] In MS. Aubr. 23, fol. 11ᵛ, is an 'astrological judgment' on Petty's nativity made by Charles Snell, July 10, 1676.

[617] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 13.

[618] The words in square brackets are a pencil note in the margin.

[619] Subst. for 'Sir William.'

[620] i.e. of his nativity: supra.

[621] Subst. for 'I have been enformed that about this time.'

[622] Subst. for 'France.'

[623] Aubrey adds the interpretation of this word--

'To begin to play the merchant.'

[624] 'I guesse' subst. for 'no doubt.'

[625] 'taught' subst. for 'read and taught.'

[626] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 13ᵛ.

[627] Dupl. with 'sowsed.'

[628] Clark's Wood's Life and Times, i. 165.

[629] Subst. for 'gent.'

[630] i.e. fol. 14.

[631] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 14.

[632] See vol. i. p. 367, note (e).

[633] i.e. fol. 14.

[634] Subst. for 'to restore to the former owners, being then.'

[635] Supra, p. 139.

[636] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 14ᵛ.

[637] Subst. for 'appoint.'

[638] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 13ᵛ.

[639] This sentence is a later addition.

[640] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 14.

[641] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 14ᵛ.

[642] Subst. for 'into.'

[643] This sentence has been scored out.

[644] 'been' followed: scored out.

[645] Dupl. with 'felt.'

[646] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 15.

[647] In 1631.

[648] Anthony Wood notes:--'See another title in B. 19; G. 28, p. 5,' collections of Wood's own: Clark's Wood's Life and Times, iv. 232.

[649] Written at first '... with Sir ... in 8vo': and then a line drawn to bring in this fuller title from the opposite page.

[650] Note by Anthony Wood: erased.

[651] Note by Anthony Wood: erased.

[652] Supra, vol. i. p. 272.

[653] Anthony Wood adds the reference 'G. 28, p. 6.'

[654] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 15ᵛ.

[655] Written at first 'to the church'; Anthony Wood queried in the margin 'what church'; and then Aubrey inserted the name.

[656] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 11ᵛ.

[657] Clark's Wood's Life and Times, i. 165.

[658] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 12.

[659] i.e. the Picture Gallery at the Bodleian.

[660] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 11ᵛ.

[661] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 12.

[662] MS. Aubr. 23, a slip at fol. 11ᵛ.

[663] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 8.

[664] MS. Aubr. 7, fol. 8.

[665] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 12ᵛ.

[666] MS. Aubr. 21, p. 11.

[667] Perhaps wife of Major John Graunt.

[668] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 103ᵛ.

[669] Aubrey, in MS. Wood F. 49, fol. 127.

[670] Aubrey, in MS. Wood F. 49, fol. 33, 34: March 11, 1690/1.

[671] Prov. xxxi. 31.

[672] Aubrey in MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 414ᵛ: Feb. 1, 1690/1.

[673] MS. Aubr. 21, p. 3, and p. 23ᵛ. Thomas Flatman is said by Anthony Wood to have had the chief hand in these books.

[674] Montelion's Almanac, 1660 (by Philips), 1661, 1662 (both by Flatman).

[675] 1661: a satire on major-general John Lambert (? by Flatman).

[676] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 38.

[677] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 40, is a fair copy of part of this paragraph in Dr. Philip Bliss' hand, probably as a guide to his copyist.

[678] The paragraph following is the certificate from the parish register of baptisms.

[679] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 38ᵛ.

[680] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 38.

[681] In 1632, in its 15th edition.

[682] Sic. = 'Her school-friends were.'

[683] Dupl. with 'little.'

[684] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 38ᵛ.

[685] Sister of Sir John Aubrey.

[686] Philip Skippon.

[687] Information given by some one to Aubrey, who notes an ambiguity in it.

[688] MS. Aubr. 23, fol. 92ᵛ.

[689] Aubrey, in MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 380: Sept. 25, 1686.

[690] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 97ᵛ.

[691] Dupl. with 'minister.'

[692] MS. Aubr. 7, fol. 9ᵛ.

[693] Trinity College, Oxford.

[694] MS. Aubr. 7, fol. 15.

[695] In MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 12ᵛ, Aubrey has a note:--'Sir William Playters was of Suffolke.'

[696] Two lines of text are here suppressed.

[697] A line of text is suppressed.

[698] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 16.

[699] Meaning, I suppose, that this date is carved on the east side of the same monument.

[700] MS. Aubr. 26, fol. 23.

[701] MS. Ballard 14, fol. 108, a letter from Aubrey to Anthony Wood, dated Aug. 18, 1674.

[702] Ralph Bathurst, President of Trinity, had become dean of Wells in 1670, and was now Vice-Chancellor of Oxford. Wood had accused him of growing arrogant in his office.

[703] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 89ᵛ.

[704] Sir ... Dayrell.

[705] 'lived' subst. for 'was.'

[706] John Popham, son of Sir Francis.

[707] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 90.

[708] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 10.

[709] MS. Aubr. 7, fol. 9ᵛ.

[710] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 60.

[711] Richard Potter, Scholar of Trin. Coll. Oxon., B.D. 1587, prebendary of Worcester 1598-1628.

[712] MS. Aubr. 7, fol. 5.

[713] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 63.

[714] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 8ᵛ.

[715] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 60.

[716] The words in square brackets are added by another hand, possibly Potter's own.

[717] Dupl. with 'find-out.'

[718] Dupl. with 'person's.'

[719] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 60ᵛ.

[720] i.e. MS. Aubr. 7; see p. 161.

[721] Subst. for 'Bible.'

[722] Subst. for 'printed.'

[723] Explicit MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 60ᵛ; incipit fol. 63.

[724] Dupl. with 'unf<urnished>.'

[725] 'beame' written over 'saile' as a correction.

[726] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 63ᵛ.

[727] Subst. for 'but his'.

[728] Anthony Wood supplies the name.

[729] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 61. The letter is Potter's autograph. On this page is written by another hand (not Potter's)--'Hanc designationem Dr. Harveus frivolam et impossibilem omnino esse asseruit: sed tamen quaere. Consult Dr. Glisson': à propos of what?

[730] Subst. for 'an hen's craw.'

[731] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 63ᵛ.

[732] Dupl. with 'coasin.'

[733] MS. Aubr. 23, fol. 118.

[734] It was May 26; so the date of birth must be, Sat. May 18, Whitsunday eve.

[735] MS. Aubr. 3, fol. 18ᵛ.

[736] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 11.

[737] See the reference, supra.

[738] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 91ᵛ.

[739] i.e. completed and published V. Powell's 'collection of prophecies,' at the end of the Concordance.

[740] MS. Aubr. 7, fol. 5ᵛ.

[741] Of B. N. C., where he matriculated in 1604/5.

[742] i.e. MS. Aubr. 8, ut infra.

[743] Aubrey in MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 398: Aug. 4, 1687.

[744] In 1643.

[745] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 96ᵛ.

[746] Subst. for 'about the time of.'

[747] 'A vindication of the monarchy ...' Lond. 1661.

[748] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 85ᵛ.

[749] Subst. for 'thinkes.'

[750] Changed by Anthony Wood to 'Swanswyck.'

[751] At Bath.

[752] Rectius Mount Orgeuil in Jersey.

[753] See p. 54.

[754] ? Christopher Wren.

[755] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 7.

[756] MS. Ballard 14, fol. 103: a letter from Aubrey to Anthony Wood, of date July 2, 1674. In MS. Ballard 14, fol. 96, a letter to Wood of date Oct. 28, 1673, Aubrey says: 'I mett on Sunday was sennight at Mr. Ashmoll's one Captain Pugh, a rubro-literate gent.'

[757] Aubrey in MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 321: April 12, 1679.

[758] Ibid., fol. 316: April 9, 1679.

[759] Dupl. with 'vitia.'

[760] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 15ᵛ.

[761] MS. Ballard 14, fol. 96; a letter from Aubrey to Anthony Wood, of date Oct. 28, 1673.

[762] See i. p. 280, supra.

[763] MS. Aubr. 23, fol. 46ᵛ.

[764] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 75.

[765] Given by Aubrey in colours.

[766] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 74ᵛ.

[767] i.e. fol. 75 of MS. Aubr. 6.

[768] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 75.

[769] For the eldest son, see infra, p. 194.

[770] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 7. On the same page is another draft of this note:--'Quaere his skull of Sir John Ellowys, who maried his sonne Carew Ralegh's daughter and heire.'

[771] See infra, p. 189.

[772] MS. Aubr. 7, fol. 9ᵛ.

[773] A note intended for Anthony Wood, in answer to two of his queries: see Clark's Wood's Life and Times, iii. 295.

[774] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 75.

[775] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 75ᵛ.

[776] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 77.

[777] i.e. he was an undergraduate at Oxford, and so in straits.

[778] MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 135, a letter from Aubrey to Wood, of date Aug. 9, 1671.

[779] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 75ᵛ.

[780] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 76ᵛ.

[781] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 77.

[782] Subst. for 'boy.'

[783] Subst. for 'dish.'

[784] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 77ᵛ.

[785] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 75ᵛ.

[786] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 77ᵛ.

[787] MS. Aubr. 7, fol. 8; notes dated 'London, March 12, 1688/9.'

[788] Subst. for 'clerk.'

[789] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 75.

[790] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 75ᵛ.

[791] Raw.

[792] Lie (in the then ordinary spelling, 'lye').

[793] Rawlye, a common spelling of the name.

[794] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 77ᵛ.

[795] Supra, p. 179.

[796] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 75ᵛ.

[797] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 75.

[798] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 76.

[799] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 75ᵛ.

[800] Subst. for 'a mighty high.'

[801] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 7.

[802] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 74ᵛ.

[803] Dupl. with 'engaging in quarrells.'

[804] Aubrey has forgotten the exact word Ruddyer used.

[805] Four lines of text are here suppressed.

[806] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 77.

[807] Eight lines of text are here suppressed.

[808] In MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 1ᵛ, Aubrey cites for approval:--'"Poets and bravo's have punkes to their mothers"--from D. Long.' 'Dol. Long (now lady Heron)' born July 3, 1643, is mentioned MS. Aubr. 23, fol. 68. See also Dorothy, lady Long, supra, p. 36.

[809] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 78ᵛ.

[810] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 76.

[811] Subst. for 'things.'

[812] Dupl. with 'staffe.'

[813] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 76ᵛ.

[814] Dupl. with 'traine.'

[815] Dupl. with 'duty' or 'respect.'

[816] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 79.

[817] Aubrey seems to have doubted what was the official title: Sir Walte Raleigh was Governor of Jersey, 1601.

[818] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 76ᵛ.

[819] Subst. for 'of Garnesey (or Jersey, I have forgot).'

[820] Subst. for 'till.'

[821] i.e. Capt. Roger North.

[822] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 7.

[823] i.e. fol. 32ᵛ of MS. Aubr. 8, as printed supra, p. 95.

[824] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 77.

[825] Dupl. with 'boate.'

[826] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 77ᵛ.

[827] Subst. for 'my lord.' John Scudamore, created viscount Scudamore in the peerage of Ireland 1628, obiit 1671.

[828] Subst. for 'sawe him beheaded.'

[829] Dupl. with 'might avocate.'

[830] Dupl. with 'vertebra.'

[831] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 78.

[832] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 79.

[833] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 77.

[834] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 77ᵛ.

[835] Job xxx. 31.

[836] 'Cantus' subst. for 'vox.' The Vulgate has 'organum meum.'

[837] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 79.

[838] MS. Aubr. 9, fol. 7.

[839] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 77ᵛ.

[840] Subst. for 'much.'

[841] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 79.

[842] Subst. for 'his (I thinke a MS.) ... of metalls and oare.'

[843] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 7.

[844] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 77ᵛ.

[845] Edward de Vere, 17th earl.

[846] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 75.

[847] Aubrey in MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 223ᵛ: Sept. 16, 1673.

[848] Ibid., fol. 166: Feb. 12, 1671/2.

[849] Ibid., fol. 308: June 6, 1678.

[850] Carew Raleigh, on January 1, 1666/7.

[851] Aubrey in MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 354ᵛ: June 21, 1681.

[852] Aubrey in MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 206ᵛ: May 14, 1673.

[853] i.e. Aubrey's estate, in that county: sold circiter 1662.

[854] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 74ᵛ.

[855] See supra i. p. 122.

[856] Walter, eldest son of Sir Walter Raleigh, matric. at Corpus in 1607.

[857] 'Coursing' in the Oxford Schools frequently ended in blows between individuals, and fights between Colleges: see Clark's Wood's Life and Times, ii. 75.

[858] Subst. for 'wiped.'

[859] Aubrey in MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 387: June 29, 1689.

[860] Philippa, widow of Sir Anthony Ashley.

[861] On June 15, 1660.

[862] MS. Aubr. 7, fol. 5.

[863] In Jan. 1680/1: Clark's Wood's Life and Times, ii. 513.

[864] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 114.

[865] Aubrey, in these notices, frequently marks the University of the man whose life he is writing, in a prominent manner, for the benefit of Anthony Wood, at whose instance they were written.

[866] Given on fol. 113ᵛ of MS. Aubr. 6, as on '15 Junii 1605, the moon past the first quarter.'

[867] Aubrey plumed himself on being fairly tall: for his height, see p. 67.

[868] i.e. see more about this in a letter in the hands of Anthony Wood; see infra, p. 198.

[869] ... Stafford, of Blatherwicke, Northants.

[870] So Aubrey writes it.

[871] The passage in square brackets is on fol. 113ᵛ of MS. Aubr. 6, being a note added later by Aubrey. Aubrey notes on fol. 114--'quaere Dr. Pell <for> the prebendary's name'; and the same query is on fol. 7 of MS. Aubr. 9.

[872] Subst. for 'care.'

[873] See note [b], supra.

[874] Subst. for 'who.'

[875] Subst. for 'words.'

[876] Subst. for ''tis rare to find.'

[877] These two lines stood at first:--

Short-hand he wrote well and could measure land As now he doeth the ground whereon you stand.

[878] Subst. for 'could measure.'

[879] Anthony Wood fills up this name, as Peter 'Hausted.'

[880] Wood notes 'Hertfordshire, quaere.'

[881] MS. Aubr. 21, p. 11.

[882] Eleanor, widow of Sir Henry Lee, married (1634) Edward Ratcliffe, 6th earl of Sussex (who died 1643).

[883] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 71ᵛ.

[884] Anthony Wood's, 1674.

[885] Record was fellow of All Souls in 1531.

[886] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 72.

[887] MS. Aubr. 7, fol. 8ᵛ.

[888] Aubrey jotted down queries in this way in his MS., to meet the eye of Anthony Wood, to whom it was to be sent.

[889] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 11.

[890] Dupl. with 'sayes.'

[891] MS. Aubr. 7, fol. 9ᵛ.

[892] Clark's Wood's Life and Times, iii. 252, 294, 295.

[893] MS. Aubr. 7, fol. 6.

[894] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 10ᵛ.

[895] Dupl. with 'Lyte.'

[896] So Aubrey writes ἀνώνυμος.

[897] Dupl. with 'thoroughly.'

[898] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 55ᵛ.

[899] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 42ᵛ.

[900] The note follows that about Inglebert, supra, p. 1.

[901] Aubrey in MS. Wood F. 49, fol. 42ᵛ. On fol. 41 Aubrey gives long extracts from the 'preface of Judge Hales, though his name is not to it: but it is knowne to be his,' to 'Un abridgment de plusieurs cases ... per Henry Rolle,' London, 1668, folio.

[902] Dupl. with 'a clearer elucidation.'

[903] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 6ᵛ.

[904] Anthony Wood notes in the margin, 'This is in Mr. Edward Sherburne's edition of Manilius'; and on the inserted slip (fol. 7), ''Tis this that is in Sherburne.'

[905] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 7.

[906] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 94ᵛ. Anthony Wood has a note in pencil: 'Vide latter end of Catalogue 4,' i.e. Wood MS. O.C. 8533, now in Wood MS. E. 2.

[907] Dupl. with 'putt.'

[908] MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 383: written by Rushworth's servant from his dictation, to be transmitted by Aubrey to Anthony Wood.

[909] Wood notes:--'near Berwick, quaere.'

[910] MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 383ᵛ.

[911] Wood wrongly suggests 'Newbury.'

[912] MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 384.

[913] This is Rushworth's autograph.

[914] Wood notes here:--'a prisoner in the king's bench in Southwarke, where he hath been at least 3 or 4 yeares.'

[915] Added by Aubrey July 28, 1687, at the end of Rushworth's statement.

[916] Aubrey in MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 386ᵛ: June 29, 1689.

[917] Ibid., fol. 405: July 5, 1690. The same note is found also in MS. Aubr. 21, fol. 78.

[918] In MS. Aubr. 7, fol. 5, Aubrey had noted: 'Mr. ... Rushworth obiit London 1684, quaere.'

[919] MS. Aubr. 6, fol 100ᵛ.

[920] A slip for grandson. Robert, son of Thomas, first earl, succeeded in 1608 and died 1609.

[921] Margaret Sackville, daughter of this Richard, 3rd earl of Dorset, married John Tufton, 2nd earl of Thanet.

[922] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 20ᵛ

[923] Subst. for 'Cecil, earle of Exeter.'

[924] i.e. fol. 20ᵛ of MS. Aubr. 8, as now foliated.

[925] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 32ᵛ.

[926] Sir Thomas Temple, of Stowe, Bart.

[927] MS. Aubr. 6, fol 88ᵛ.

[928] Subst. for 'that bishop,' i.e. Sanderson.

[929] Aubrey in MS Wood F. 39, fol. 185: Aug. 22, 1672.

[930] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 50.

[931] 'This is printed in Westminster Monuments'--marginal note by Anthony Wood.

[932] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 9.

[933] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 84.

[934] Subst. for 'been one of his Professors.'

[935] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 84ᵛ.

[936] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 104ᵛ. Aubrey gives in trick the coat:--'or, on a saltire sable 5 roses of the field.' Cooper, Athenae Cantab., i. 514, gives a very different coat to bishop Scory.

[937] Dupl. with 'or an angell.'

[938] Dupl. with 'favour.'

[939] Subst. for 'gave.'

[940] Dupl. with 'very fairly.'

[941] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 83ᵛ.

[942] This notice of Securis is written at the foot of the leaf which has the notice of Thomas Muffet, supra, p. 89.

[943] Here followed 'and dedicated to ... then Lord Chancellor of England.' Aubrey scored this out, on finding that the Almanac for 1582 so dedicated was by Evans Lloyd, supra, p. 35.

[944] Aubrey in MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 208: May 17, 1673.

[945] The stone-cutter; often cited by Aubrey for inscriptions.

[946] MS. Aubr. 7, fol. 5.

[947] Dupl. with 'write.'

[948] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 120. Dr. Philip Bliss has added a reference to 'Part iii, p. 17b,' i.e. to MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 81ᵛ.

[949] Four lines of text are suppressed in this paragraph.

[950] 'daughter' written over 'child,' as a correction.

[951] Subst. for 'brought.'

[952] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 120ᵛ.

[953] Dupl. with 'throw.'

[954] Subst. for 'were.'

[955] Subst. for 'alter.'

[956] Subst. for 'were in.'

[957] Given by Aubrey in trick.

[958] Subst. for 'decent.'

[959] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 121.

[960] Dupl. with 'confute.'

[961] The earl of Kent's or Shrewsbury's.

[962] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 81ᵛ.

[963] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 109. Aubrey draws, in the margin, a wreath of laurel.

[964] See vol. i. p. 97.

[965] MS. Aubr. 23, fol. 80.

[966] To Catherine, queen of Charles II.

[967] MS. Aubr. 23, fol. 73ᵛ.

[968] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 9.

[969] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 91ᵛ.

[970] MS. Aubr. 23, fol. 91.

[971] MS. Aubr. 23, notes on foll. 32ᵛ-36.

[972] April 15, 1649, was a Sunday.

[973] April 14, 1648, was a Friday.

[974] Lues Venerea: fol. 31.

[975] Aubrey to Wood in MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 387: June 29, 1689.

[976] In Feb. 1687/8: Clark's Wood's Life and Times, iii. 251.

[977] See p. 178.

[978] MS. Aubr. 23, fol. 42ᵛ.

[979] MS. Aubr. 7, fol. 17. Aubrey gives the arms:--'parted per fess or and gules, in chief 2 "pidgeons"; impaling, azure, a chevron ermine between 3 mullets or.'

[980] Anthony Wood notes in the margin: 'This is printed in Stowe's Survey, edit. 1633, fol....'

[981] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 85.

[982] Lond. 1617.

[983] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 89.

[984] ? Sir Peter Ball, recorder of Exeter.

[985] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 89ᵛ.

[986] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 41.

[987] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 83. Anthony Wood adds the reference 'Edmund Spencer, vide pag. 53 b,' i.e. fol. 82ᵛ of MS. Aubr. 6, in the life of Sir Philip Sydney.

[988] Subst. for 'made.'

[989] MS. Aubr. 7, fol. 5ᵛ.

[990] i.e. Samuel Fell, dean of Ch. Ch. 1638.

[991] i.e. more than thirty.

[992] MS. Aubr. 7, fol. 6.

[993] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 97.

[994] Subst. for 'barrister.'

[995] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 84ᵛ.

[996] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 88ᵛ.

[997] Subst. for 'Henfold.'

[998] Subst. for 'remaines.'

[999] Written 'Henry': but corrected by Anthony Wood.

[1000] i.e. the Picture Gallery at the Bodleian.

[1001] Aubrey in MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 273ᵛ: May 30, 1674.

[1002] Thomas Stephens matric. at Pembroke in 1637, and took a degree in Arts in 1642.

[1003] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 18.

[1004] Anthony Wood notes: 'Vide among Windsore epitaphs.'

[1005] i.e. in the life of W. Oughtred, supra, p. 108.

[1006] i.e. Aubrey's Perambulation of Surrey (MS. Aubr. 4).

[1007] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 90ᵛ.

[1008] i.e. in his monument.

[1009] i.e. farther ('plus').

[1010] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 1ᵛ.

[1011] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 88.

[1012] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 88ᵛ.

[1013] Dupl. with 'can be.'

[1014] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 88.

[1015] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 88ᵛ.

[1016] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 91.

[1017] Second son to James Stuart, husband of Elizabeth, countess of Moray; K.B. June 2, 1610.

[1018] MS. Aubr. 23, fol. 23.

[1019] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 110.

[1020] Controller of the Household to James I, 1621; Cofferer of the Household to Charles I, 1628.

[1021] 'look't' is written over '...,' as the English for the French word which Aubrey had forgot.

[1022] Substituted for 'Sir John Digby.'

[1023] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 110ᵛ.

[1024] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 109ᵛ. Aubrey heads the leaf: 'More of Sir John Suckling.'

[1025] Dupl. with 'paper.'

[1026] Subst. for 'come.'

[1027] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 10ᵛ.

[1028] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 59ᵛ.

[1029] The Charterhouse.

[1030] Subst. for 'Newcastle.'

[1031] Aubrey omits to say that Sutton married this rich widow.

[1032] The estate.

[1033] i.e. made presents to him.

[1034] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 27.

[1035] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 41ᵛ.

[1036] The astrological details here given are omitted.

[1037] The same note is given in MS. Aubr. 23, fol. 121, out of Dr. Richard Napier's papers in Ashmole's hands.

[1038] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 82.

[1039] The words 'anciently a pleasant monasterie' followed: scored out, because repeated below.

[1040] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 82ᵛ.

[1041] Anthony Wood notes:--'Edmund Spenser; quaere whether this be true?'

[1042] Subst. for 'brought.'

[1043] 'young gentleman' subst. for 'cavalier.'

[1044] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 83.

[1045] Dupl. with 'tender.'

[1046] Subst. for 'neer upon.'

[1047] This pedigree is in MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 83.

[1048] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 81 B.

[1049] Dorothy, younger daughter of Walter Devereux, earl of Essex, married (2ndly) Henry Percy, ninth earl of Northumberland.

[1050] Penelope, elder daughter of Walter Devereux, earl of Essex, m. Robert Rich, third baron Rich.

[1051] Lettice, daughter of Sir Francis Knolles, married (1st) Walter Devereux, created earl of Essex in 1572; (2nd) Robert Dudley, earl of Leicester, brother of Sir Philip Sydney's mother.

[1052] The place is inserted by Aubrey.

[1053] Letter torn.

[1054] MS. Aubr. 23, fol. 58.

[1055] MS. Aubr. 23, fol. 121.

[1056] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 82.

[1057] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 114ᵛ.

[1058] 'his brother' underlined with pencil, as doubtful: Anthony Wood, in the Athenae, styles him nephew.

[1059] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 116.

[1060] Over against the house which in 1680 was called the Goat.

[1061] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 8.

[1062] MS. Aubr. 21, fol. 77.

[1063] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 7ᵛ.

[1064] i.e. Birch.

[1065] i.e. Joseph Crowther, Reg. Prof. Greek, Oxon., a prebendary of Worcester.

[1066] Of Harwich.

[1067] The Cavaliers and Churchmen were now looking out for 'God's judgements' on the buyers of Church land, as the Puritans before them had looked out for judgements on Sabbath-breakers, play-actors, &c. (see Clark's Wood's Life and Times, i. 49, 322).

[1068] Dupl. with 'a K----.' ? a knave.

[1069] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 8.

[1070] i.e. Taylor's Herefordshire collections.

[1071] Taylor's autograph, Nov. 30, 1673, sent to Aubrey for A. Wood: MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 237.

[1072] Taylor to Aubrey, 'Harwich, 18 Nov. 1673': ibid., fol. 236.

[1073] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 50ᵛ.

[1074] Installed Sept. 5, 1661.

[1075] Anthony Wood notes here:--'quaere in Thomas Hariot.'

[1076] Isaac Barrow, bishop of St. Asaph; see Clark's Wood's Life and Times, ii. 489.

[1077] 'Barrow': Aubrey's marginal note.

[1078] 'He is interred in the church-yard at the west end of the church there: June 30, 1680': Aubrey's marginal note.

[1079] Subst. for 'qui intratis domum.'

[1080] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 79ᵛ.

[1081] Dupl. with 'sect.'

[1082] Subst. for 'Leominster.'

[1083] i.e. Dromore.

[1084] Dupl. with 'frequent.'

[1085] Dupl. with 'owe.'

[1086] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 13.

[1087] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 13ᵛ.

[1088] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 49ᵛ.

[1089] Subst. for 'minister.'

[1090] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 8.

[1091] Thomas Colepeper, 2nd baron, appointed governor of Virginia in 1675, but went not out till 1680, returning in 1682.

[1092] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 10ᵛ.

[1093] Subst. for 'inventor.'

[1094] MS. Aubr. 7, fol. 8ᵛ.

[1095] sic in MS.

[1096] François Viet, mathematician, 1540-1603.

[1097] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 91.

[1098] Joscelyne Percy, 11th earl, died 1670: see Clark's Wood's Life and Times, ii. 193.

[1099] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 51ᵛ.

[1100] Aubrey sketches, as on the top of the monument, a circle with the coat of arms, 'a doe statant regardant, transfixed at the neck by an arrow, a chief indented.'

[1101] See in the life of Dr. Gill, supra, i. p. 263.

[1102] Subst. for 'during the troubles.'

[1103] These lives being addressed by Aubrey to Anthony Wood.

[1104] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 52.

[1105] William Burt, Anthony Wood's schoolmaster; Clark's Wood's Life and Times, i. 108.

[1106] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 96ᵛ.

[1107] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 59ᵛ.

[1108] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 3.

[1109] MS. Aubr. 7, fol. 6.

[1110] i.e. a sword fit only to stick a pig.

[1111] i.e. then.

[1112] See p. 249, supra.

[1113] i.e. six, eight, twelve or more.

[1114] Aubrey notes in the margin:--'vide Macchiavelli's Prince.'

[1115] Aubrey notes in the margin:--'vide Oceanam,' i.e. Harrington's.

[1116] Dupl. with 'bare.'

[1117] The revel Aubrey pictures in his comedy took place on St. Peter's Day. A collection for the poor was made at the Wake.

[1118] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 25.

[1119] At Sir John Aubrey's.

[1120] Aubrey in MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 169: March 14, 1671/2.

[1121] Puisne Justice of Chester, 1622-1636.

[1122] Ibid., fol. 169ᵛ.

[1123] Henry Vaughan's autograph to Aubrey, in Wood MS. F. 39, fol. 216: June 15, 1673.

[1124] Ibid., fol. 216ᵛ.

[1125] Idem, ibid., fol. 227: July 17, 1673.

[1126] Aubrey in MS. Wood F. 39, 219: July 5, 1673.

[1127] Added by Anthony Wood.

[1128] Aubrey in MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 389: July 15, 1689.

[1129] Dupl. with 'Florence.'

[1130] Dupl. with 'ashamed.'

[1131] Subst. for 'a beggar.'

[1132] MS. Aubr. 23, fol. 121.

[1133] MS. Aubr. 23, a slip at fol. 121ᵛ.

[1134] Mary Villiers, mother of George, first duke of Buckingham, created countess of Buckingham July 1, 1618.

[1135] MS. Aubr. 7, fol. 5.

[1136] Second son of George, first duke: killed 1648.

[1137] MS. Aubr. 7, fol. 14.

[1138] MS. Aubr. 7, fol. 8.

[1139] The University of Oxford offered £3,000 for it, and was refused. It was soon afterwards sold for that sum to the University of Leyden.

[1140] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 5.

[1141] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 98.

[1142] John Wild, Chief Baron of the Exchequer 1648-1655, 1660 (Jan.-June).

[1143] Aubrey in MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 121: Dec. 5, 1668.

[1144] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 11.

[1145] MS. Aubr. 23, fol. 79. The horoscope is given.

[1146] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 111.

[1147] Aubrey notes in the margin in pencil 'From Mr. T. B.,' i.e. Thomas Bigg.

[1148] Subst. for 'before.'

[1149] Anthony Wood objects--'quaere.'

[1150] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 111ᵛ.

[1151] Subst. for '1,500 li.'

[1152] Subst. for 'still.'

[1153] Subst. for 'is revered' <as having>.

[1154] Dupl. with 'sprang.'

[1155] Explicit fol. 111ᵛ.

[1156] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 113.

[1157] Subst. for 'undertake it, for that it could not be done better.'

[1158] Dupl. with 'lost.'

[1159] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 112.

[1160] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 113.

[1161] Subst. for 'poëtique.'

[1162] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 112ᵛ.

[1163] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 9ᵛ.

[1164] Dupl. with 'scommaticall.'

[1165] Inserted by Anthony Wood.

[1166] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 6ᵛ.

[1167] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 94ᵛ.

[1168] Dupl. with 'irreconcileable.'

[1169] Dupl. with 'square.'

[1170] Dupl. with 'might precede.'

[1171] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 95.

[1172] See vol. i. p. 404.

[1173] Dupl. with 'the author.'

[1174] Dupl. with 'been.'

[1175] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 101.

[1176] Subst. for 'Betty.'

[1177] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 86.

[1178] See infra, p. 290.

[1179] Dupl. with 'the.'

[1180] Dupl. with 'scholar.' The reference is added 'vide pag. d.', i.e. fol. 6ᵛ, the life of Laurence Rooke, q.v.

[1181] Subst. for 'upon.'

[1182] Dupl. with 'was sequestred.'

[1183] 'Dr.' is erased: Greaves was M.A. only.

[1184] The passage in brackets was added by Aubrey in the margin. He ought then to have changed 'Mr. Freeman's' infra to 'lord Wenman's.'

[1185] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 86ᵛ.

[1186] Space left for Hawes' degree, i.e. M.A.

[1187] MS. Aubr. 10, fol. 24ᵛ.

[1188] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 86ᵛ.

[1189] Anthony Wood writes over, for clearness sake, 'Dr. Ward.'

[1190] Dupl. with 'wonne their love.'

[1191] A slip for 'uno ore.'

[1192] 'Ward' followed: scored out.

[1193] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 87.

[1194] Subst. for 'country.'

[1195] Henry Broome, or Brome, a Londer bookseller: MS. Aubr. 26, fol. 64.

[1196] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 86ᵛ.

[1197] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 87.

[1198] Dupl. with 'continue.'

[1199] A memo. to bring in here an account of the bishop's last illness.

[1200] MS. Aubr. 7, fol. 8.

[1201] Aubrey in MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 386ᵛ: June 29, 1689.

[1202] Ibid., fol. 387.

[1203] Seth Ward, B.D.

[1204] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 87ᵛ.

[1205] MS. Aubr. 10, fol. 65.

[1206] MS. Aubr. 7, fol. 8.

[1207] MS. Aubr. 6, a slip at fol. 86.

[1208] Supra, p. 284.

[1209] MS. Aubr. 7, fol. 8.

[1210] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 34.

[1211] Subst. for 'servant.'

[1212] Subst for 'printed.'

[1213] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 34ᵛ.

[1214] Anthony Wood marks 'quaere.'

[1215] The Tables of Logarithms.

[1216] MS. Aubr. 7, fol. 5.

[1217] Dodd's Church History, ii. 380.

[1218] Aubrey in MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 135: Aug. 9, 1671.

[1219] Aubrey in MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 144.

[1220] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 42ᵛ. Anthony Wood queries:--'Which Dr. Webb do you meane? whether him that was a bishop in Ireland?'

[1221] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 80ᵛ.

[1222] 'A thick 8vo, printed anno Domini 1635' followed; scored out.

[1223] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 81.

[1224] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 97.

[1225] MS. Aubr. 7, fol. 9ᵛ.

[1226] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 6ᵛ.

[1227] MS. Aubr. 9, a slip pasted on to fol. 27ᵛ. Also noted by Aubrey in MS. Ballard 14, fol. 113ᵛ; Nov. 7, 1674.

[1228] In the Trin. Coll. Oxon. register, where he was adm. Scholar May 28, 1635, aet. 16, he is entered as of 'Elvington in Goringe parish, Oxon.'

[1229] MS. Aubr. 7, fol. 6.

[1230] Aubrey in MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 234: Nov. 15, 1673.

[1231] Ibid., fol. 282ᵛ: Oct. 24, 1674.

[1232] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 104.

[1233] Which he had given Trenchard as dowry with his daughter.

[1234] i.e. Richard Aubrey, his step-son.

[1235] Dupl. with 'man.'

[1236] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 104ᵛ.

[1237] Subst. for 'stately.'

[1238] Dupl. with 'with a great deale of state.'

[1239] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 2.

[1240] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 6ᵛ.

[1241] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 92. Aubrey gives in trick the coat:--'See of Chester; impaling, argent, on a bend engrailed cottised sable, 3 martlets or, a crescent for difference.'

[1242] Dupl. with 'partes.'

[1243] Dupl. with 'family.'

[1244] Subst. for 'after the peace in Germany was made.'

[1245] In error for Richard Cromwell.

[1246] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 92ᵛ.

[1247] MS. Aubr. 8, fol 16ᵛ.

[1248] Dupl. with 'topique.'

[1249] A plea that the failure of this shorthand to gain credit abroad is no argument against its excellence.

[1250] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 4ᵛ.

[1251] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 6ᵛ.

[1252] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 16ᵛ.

[1253] i.e. he used to ride over to Abingdon on market-days, in hope of practice.

[1254] i.e. before he took his Doctor's degree.

[1255] Dupl. with 'in Canterbury College.'

[1256] Sir Walter Smith of Great Bedwin, Wilts.

[1257] Subst. for 'suddenly.'

[1258] Dupl. with 'brindle.'

[1259] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 55ᵛ.

[1260] Dupl. with μετανοεῖτε.

[1261] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 56.

[1262] Aubrey in MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 141ᵛ: Oct. 27, 1671.

[1263] Aubrey in MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 173: May 25, 1672.

[1264] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 50ᵛ.

[1265] Wood says the Marshalsea.

[1266] MS. Aubr. 8, fol 8.

[1267] i.e. look in Aubrey's diary for 1673 (or about that year, 'plus, minus') for a note concerning him.

[1268] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 10ᵛ.

[1269] Dupl. with 'rector.'

[1270] i.e. Theophilus.

[1271] MS. Aubr. 23, fol. 75ᵛ, 76.

[1272] Sunday.

[1273] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 9.

[1274] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 91.

[1275] The words in square brackets are substituted for 'haz been very well assured.'

[1276] 'of' <a slip for 'or'> 'Cardinall' followed: struck out.

[1277] MS. Aubr. 6, fol. 91ᵛ.

[1278] See the facsimile at the end of this volume.

[1279] Aubrey in MS. Wood F. 39, fol. 273ᵛ: May 30, 1674.

[1280] Thomas Stephens (q.v.), from whom Aubrey received this traditional story.

[1281] MS. Aubr. 23, fol. 62ᵛ.

[1282] MS. Aubr. 23, fol. 53.

[1283] East Knoyle.

[1284] MS. Aubr. 7, fol. 8ᵛ.

[1285] i.e. he misses most the meetings of the Society, and would willingly pay for a regular account of each meeting.

[1286] i.e. Aubrey's initials, J. A., disguised.

[1287] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 82ᵛ.

[1288] 'Edward' subst. for 'Edmund.'

[1289] Subst. for 'called.'

[1290] Sic.

[1291] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 83.

[1292] MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 60ᵛ.

[1293] Sic.

[1294] i.e. the Ashmolean.

[1295] MS. Aubr. 23, fol. 31.

[1296] This is Aubrey's patron, so often mentioned as giving him information.

[1297] Sept. 3, 1658.

[1298] MS. Aubr. 7, fol. 5.

[1299] i.e. March 1683/4, probably. The leaf is dated 'January 1684/5.'

[1300] MS. Aubr. 21, p. 19. Anthony Wood also alludes to her prowess with the tankard (Clark's Wood's Life and Times, ii. 219).

[1301] See Clark's Reg. Univ. Oxon, II. i. 50.

[1302] Simon Latham:--Falconry, in 2 books, Lond. 1614; Another new book of Falconry, Lond. 1618.

[1303] i.e. when naughty are not threatened by their nurses with 'the bogy-man.'

[1304] i.e. subsequent to 1680, for this MS. was begun in that year.

[1305] William Dobson, i. 78.

[1306] Clark's Wood's Life and Times, i. 480: Johannes Falcandus of Lucca is said by Clement Reyner (Apostol. Bened. in Anglia) to have been the first apothecary in England, A.D. 1357.

[1307] The words in square brackets are scored out.

[1308] Wood's Hist. et Antiq. Univ. Oxon. (1674).

[1309] See p. 42, supra.

[1310] Subst. for 'Roman.'

[1311] i.e. crotalum.

[1312] Dupl. with 'orloge.'

[1313] i.e. in one of the lives written by Aubrey. The reference is to the quotation given supra from MS. Aubr. 6.

[1314] The same matter is found in MS. Ballard 14, fol. 126, in a letter from Aubrey to Anthony Wood, dated Feb. 17, 1679/80.

[1315] Subst. for 'Parliament-house.'

[1316] See Clark's Wood's City of Oxford, i. 175; Doble's Hearne's Collections, iii. 215; Madan's Early Oxford Press.

[1317] Sic, in MS.

[1318] Subst. for 'the cathedrall church.'

[1319] Some of the older sets of college rooms in Oxford still show the difference of rooms referred to here and several times in the Lives. There was a large room, the 'chamber' or living and sleeping room, with two or more beds; off this, there were two or more tiny rooms, the 'studies,' in which the students did their work by day, boxed up close in winter for warmth. See T. G. Jackson's Wadham College, p. 133.

[1320] Heraldic memorials of the events of our Saviour's passion.

[1321] The slip is perhaps of date Dec. 1681, or a little later: cp. Clark's Wood's Life and Times, ii. 558, iii. 3. The index to the MS. is dated July 1, 1681 (MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 5).

[1322] Dupl. with ''twas begun.'

[1323] See i. 65. These notes by Aubrey's brother perhaps account for the loan of the volume to him, which has caused its loss.

[1324] i.e. MS. Aubr. 3.

[1325] Henrietta Maria, consort of Charles I, came to England 1625.

[1326] Alathea (died 1654), daughter of Gilbert Talbot, 7th earl of Shrewsbury, married in 1606 Thomas Howard, earl of Arundel.

[1327] Henry Howard, 6th duke, obiit Jan. 11, 1683/4.

[1328] Aubrey has a reference 'vide page 16 b,' i.e. MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 28ᵛ, as given infra. See also supra, p. 181.

[1329] i.e. the duty levied on it.

[1330] Supra, p. 91.

[1331] See Clark's Wood's Life and Times, iii. 31, 310.

[1332] i.e. a note for Aubrey's 'Observations on Ovid's Fasti' (see i. 44), a Lansdowne MS., since printed.

[1333] 'Apicati cincta.'

[1334] I do not know what MS. of his Aubrey is here thinking of inserting Avebury in; possibly the lost 'Liber B.' MS. Aubr. 9, fol. 55ᵛ, is an envelope addressed 'for Dr. Blackburne with care,' and has the notes 'Templa Druidum,' 'or if Druidum Templa rediviva,' apparently suggested titles for a treatise by Aubrey. MS. Aubr. 11 is a treatise by Aubrey on Stonehenge.

[1335] In North Wilts.

[1336] i.e., perhaps, Mr. Lancelot Morehouse ascribed witchcraft to demoniacal possession.

[1337] Alt. to 'in the young men.'

[1338] To introduce them into Aubrey's projected comedy The Country Revel.

[1339] Henry, 5th earl, 1st marquess.

[1340] Edward, 4th earl.

[1341] Edward, 2nd marquess of Worcester; his son Henry was created duke of Beaufort, Dec. 2, 1682.

[1342] i.e. 90 years before 1670, the date of this note.

[1343] North Wilts.

[1344] Aubrey no doubt cites text and note from Thomas Farnaby's edition.

[1345] Ad quem in terrâ defixum foeminae se exercent tanquam tyrones ut simulata pugna, feriendi, insiliendi, recedendi veram disciplinam ediscant (Vegetius.)

[1346] See facsimile at end of this volume.

[1347] The heavy wooden roller with which the ground is rolled after sowing, or when the corn sprouts in April and May.

[1348] Sic in MS.

[1349] For a similar birth at Middleton-Stony, Oxfordshire, in 1552, see Clark's Wood's Life and Times, iv. 64.

[1350] i.e. except the first and second stones, they are more or less (plus, minus) about 4 feet high. The diagram gives Aubrey's measurement of the circle: p. = paces.

[1351] i.e. measure exactly their height.

[1352] There is no indication of the person who saw the apparition. Anthony Wood (Life and Times, ii. 4) reports an apparition which appeared to Richard Lower in 1664.

[1353] Scil. of lying in that position.

[1354] See supra, i. p. 128.

[1355] The MS. from which this paragraph is taken was called by Aubrey Faber Fortunae, was written for his own private use (supra, i. p. 44), containing a number of projects by which he hoped to make money. This here is the fourth on the list.

[1356] Apparently the real name of the injured husband.

[1357] MS. Aubr. 21, pp. 8 sqq.

[1358] i.e. 'quatre fils d'Aymon' of the old romance.

[1359] Aubrey notes that this speech is 'an ἐκφώνησις.'

[1360] Dupl. with 'hilt.'

[1361] Dupl. with 'beare.'

[1362] Dupl. with 'cup of reconciliation.'

[1363] Aubrey writes in the margin, 'Looke, looke then, boy!'; perhaps the first line or burden of an appropriate Bacchanalian song.

[1364] Subst. for 'the waytes.'

[1365] Dupl. with 'boding.'

[1366] Subst. for 'hornes.'

[1367] By a slip Aubrey, instead of writing Sir Eubule here, writes T. T., i.e. the initials of Thomas Tyndale, whom he intended to copy in this character.

[1368] Dupl. with 'men.'

[1369] 'he' in MS., by a slip.

[1370] Subst. for 'flebile nescio quid.'

[1371] Dupl. with 'pleasant' or 'romancy.'

[1372] Dupl. with 'drencht.'

[1373] Dupl. with 'bloated.'

[1374] i.e. drabbled with drink.

[1375] Subst. for 'tobacco.'

[1376] MS. Aubr. 21, pp. 14 sqq.

[1377] 'Richard,' in error.

[1378] Occurs as a woman's Christian name.

[1379] Afterwards 6th earl of Dorset.

[1380] Called, at several times, Robert Wright, Robert Danvers (taking his wife's name), Robert Villiers (by usurpation).

[Illustration: PLATE I


(See i. 51)]

[Illustration: (b) RIDING AT THE QUINTIN

(See ii. 330)]

[Illustration: PLATE II


(See i. 78)]

[Illustration: PLATE III


(See i. 328, 326)]

[Illustration: PLATE IV


(See i. 326, 325)]

[Illustration: PLATE V


(See ii. 139)]

[Illustration: PLATE VI






Transcriber's Notes:

Simple spelling, grammar, and typographical errors were corrected.

Anachronistic and non-standard spellings retained as printed.

Italics markup is enclosed in underscores.

Bold markup is enclosed in =equals=.

Gesperrt markup is enclosed in +plus signs+.

Strike through markup is enclosed in ~tildes~.

Latin capital letter NN ligature is denoted by NN.

Sidenotes with anchors were moved to paragraph footnotes and renumbered with Roman numeral designators, e.g. [XLII.]

Numeric footnotes at chapter ends were redesignated with consecutive alphabetic letters, e.g. [AP], and moved to the ends of the chapters if they weren't already there.

All other footnotes were denoted with Arabic numerals, e.g. [42], and moved to end notes.

End of Project Gutenberg's Brief Lives (Vol. 2 of 2), by John Aubrey


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