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Audiobook: The Annals of the Barber-Surgeons of London by

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Audiobook: The Annals of the Barber-Surgeons of London by

Project Gutenberg's The Annals of the Barber-Surgeons of London, by Various

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Title: The Annals of the Barber-Surgeons of London

Author: Various

Illustrator: Austin T. Young

Release Date: May 23, 2015 [EBook #49011]

Language: English

Character set encoding: UTF-8


Produced by Thiers Halliwell, mse, and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdp.net (This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet Archive)

Transcriber’s notes:

In many sections of this book the spelling and punctuation are very inconsistent because the text was originally written before English spelling and punctuation became standardised. Such passages contain numerous shorthand word contractions represented in the original text by superscripted letters, diacritics, and archaic symbols some of which cannot be accurately reproduced with current digital media. In this plain text transcription, paired curly brackets are used to indicate {characters} that were superscripted in the original text, paired tildes denote text that was printed with a ~bold~ blackletter font and paired underscores denote italicised text. Depending on which font is being used, the diacritics and archaic symbols might or might not display correctly.

Footnotes have been positioned below the relevant paragraphs.

Serious readers are strongly recommended to take advantage of the HTML version on a full-sized browser screen.

[Illustration: King Henry VIII]


~Let me embrace thee, good old chronicle, That hast so long walk’d hand in hand with time.~ Shakespeare.




~A mery chylde he was, so god me saue Wel coude he let blood, clyppe, and shaue.~ Chaucer.


That the foundation of the Commerce, and consequently of the Greatness, of London was laid by the old Livery Guilds--few will question. Much is already known, through the Histories of such of them as have been written--and an apology from me is not needed for a further contribution to so interesting a study. But whilst I make no apology for the contribution, I crave the indulgence of my readers for any shortcomings which, from a literary point of view, may appear in this work; I invite their attention to the matter, rather than to the style in which it is expressed.

About eight years ago I applied to our Court for permission to search the Records, and my request being complied with, I devoted such spare time as I could secure from an engrossing occupation to the compilation of these Annals. The work has necessarily led to the burning of much midnight oil, because every extract and every line has been made by my own pen. The researches have extended to the examination of all, and the transcript of a considerable portion of thirteen lengthy Charters and sets of By-laws, as also to the entire perusal of about a hundred books of Records. In addition to this, there has been much labour expended at the British Museum, the Public Record Office, the Guildhall, and Somerset House.

The material thus collected became so voluminous, that I experienced considerable difficulty in separating it into Subject Chapters, and also in deciding what to retain and what to reject; my endeavour in this respect having been to preserve all that is really interesting and curious, discarding dry legal passages, doubtful points, and wearisome repetitions.

None but those who have had experience of the crabbed eccentric writing and contractions of former times (see some of the fac-similes given) and of the abbreviated “Court hand” Latin in which Charters and other Records were penned, can have the least idea of the trouble and care required in their deciphering; but in this respect I have not spared pains in giving literal and accurate transcripts.

In no case have I modernized the old spelling, or interfered with the quaintness of the original expressions; though all dates occurring between the 1st January and 24th March prior to the year 1752 (when “old style” was extinguished) have been rectified, and the “historical year,” according to our present computation, given; thus rendering the chronology systematic, and avoiding confusion and inaccuracy.

It is a matter of the greatest regret, that whilst we possess some earlier records, our Court Minutes previous to 1551 are lost. It is conjectured that they must have been at the Hall in 1793 (as a partial list of Masters was then compiled), but all trace of them has now disappeared. Again, the Minutes from 1651-1689 are now missing, although they were at the Hall about forty years ago.

I may here take the opportunity to remark that the Barbers and Barber-Surgeons held a somewhat distinctive position apart from other Companies, inasmuch as they were a Professional rather than a Trade Guild, and their History, consequently, becomes invested with an especial interest. Another point to which I, as a Barber, am proud to refer is that our Company stood out, alone, as the pioneer of Technical Education, hundreds of years before it became as popular as it now is. From the middle of the fifteenth century the Company was careful to provide for Surgical Lectures, and the regular and systematic instruction of its members. The means originally employed may have been primitive, but they were dictated by high motives, and gradually extended and developed; a Museum (a poor one, it is true) and a valuable Library were founded, an Anatomical Theatre was built, and every opportunity taken to encourage the Scientific study of Surgery--all with results fraught with the greatest benefit, not only to London, but to the Kingdom at large.

In conclusion, I desire to express my thanks to those who have aided me in my work, and especially to my dear and valued friend, Past Master Charles John Shoppee, whose practical assistance, advice and encouragement all through, have been to me of the greatest service. Mr. D’Arcy Power, M.A., has laid me under much obligation, and particularly for revising and perfecting my translation of the Norman-French Ordinances, 12th Rich. II. My son, Austin Travers Young, has rendered valuable assistance in delineating the several Illustrations throughout the work, and lastly, I must record, with gratitude, my obligation to Mr. Edward Lawless for the attention and care bestowed upon me on the numerous occasions of my visits to the Hall.

The preparation of this work, a somewhat arduous task for an Amateur, has been to me purely a labour of love, and, in laying down my pen I may be permitted to add, that my best wishes for the Ancient Mystery of Barbers are summed up in the words of our time-honoured toast, “The Worshipful Company of Barbers, Root and Branch, and may it flourish for ever.”













Preface iii

The Court of the Company 1889 1890 vi

Contents vii

List of Illustrations, etc. ix

Table of Leading Dates xii

The Names of the Masters and Wardens from the year 1308 1

A list of such members of the Company as have served the Office of Serjeant Surgeon 18

A list of King’s Barbers 19

A list of members of the Company who have served the offices of Sheriff, Alderman or Lord Mayor of the City of London 19

Historical Account, The Barbers Unincorporate 21

Historical Account, The Barbers Incorporate 51

Extracts from Court Minutes, etc., more particularly relating to the Internal History of the Company 169

Precedence 239

Court of Assistants 242

The Commonalty 252

Apprentices 261

Freemen 270

Liverymen 273

The Yeomanry 276

The Clerk 288

The Beadle 299

Surgery 308

Surgical Lectures and Demonstrations 361

Wardens’ and other Accounts 379

Disputes 423

Heraldry 431

Feasts 443

The Irish Estate 468

Charities 481

Inventories 486

Plate 492

Pictures 508

Biographical Notices of Eminent Members 514 Lord Burgavenny 514 Martin Browne 546 Lord Windsor 515 Edward Arris 547 The Duke of Monmouth 515 Sir John Frederick 550 The Earl of Leven 516 Sir Nathaniel Herne 554 Sir John Aylef 516 Sir John Lethieullier 556 Thomas Vicary 522 Ephraim Skinner 558 Richard Ferris 524 Sir Humphrey Edwin 560 John Pen 525 Sir William Stewart 562 Nicholas Alcocke 527 Charles Bernard 563 Robert Balthrop 528 Sir John Bull 565 Sir Peter Proby 532 Claudius Amyand 565 William Clowes 535 Sir Thomas Challoner 567 William Clowes, jun. 537 William Cheselden 568 Thomas Thorney 538 Ambrose Dickins 570 Peter Thorney 539 Sir Cæsar Hawkins, Bart. 571 John Gerard 540 Walter Henry Wilkin 572 Sir Thomas Bludder 545

Sundry Monumental Inscriptions 573

Appendices 575


p. 28 l. 20, for “religions” read “religious.”

p. 126 l. 7, for “Sugeons” read “Surgeons.”

p. 135 l. 3, for “1869” read “1864.”

p. 144 l. 20, for “1869” read “1864.”

p. 169 foot note 1, for “1526” read “1525.”

p. 258 l. 3, for “freemen” read “freeman.”

p. 473 l. 7, for “Peek” read “Peck.”


FRONTISPIECE--Henry VIII, from a portrait by Holbein at the Hall.

Old Cabinet of Masters’ Names at the Hall 1

Historical Account 21

Henry VIII and Edward IV 51

Great Seal of Edward IV 55

Fac-simile, Grant to Robert Ferbras and others, of property in Walbrook, 1462 61

Fac-simile, Saints Cosmo and Damian, and the Surgeons’ Arms 69

Fac-simile of a Diploma granted to a Surgeon in 1497 69

Portrait of Sir Thomas More 77

Holbein’s Picture at Barbers’ Hall 83

Fac-simile Page of Court Minute Book 99

Initial of Charter, Philip and Mary 101

Heading of By-Laws, 1606 116

Interior of Court Room 132

Plan of Estate 135

Old Entrance to Barber-Surgeons’ Hall 144

The Committee Room, Barbers’ Hall 168

A Master and Wardens, etc. 169

Fac-simile Title-page to Charter Book 197

Fac-simile Corn Note 212

The Compter in Wood Street 213

Portion of the Master’s Silver Garland 239

A Grotesque, over the Court Room Door 242

A Procession of Liverymen 252

An Initial Letter from the Audit Book 252

Seals of some of the Charters 288

Autograph of Charles Bernard (Clerk) 294

John Paterson 298

E. L. 299

One of the Beadle’s Mace Heads 302

Surgical Instruments, &c. 308

Alderman Arris 360

Sir Charles Scarborough and Alderman Arris at a Demonstration, on either side S. Cosmo and S. Damian 361

An Initial Letter from the Audit Book 361

Fac-simile Page of Court Minute Book 363

Upper and Middle Wardens’ Garlands 379

An Initial Letter from the Audit Book 380

An Initial Letter from the Audit Book 396

Barber-Surgeons’ Hall, 1674-1864 415

Renter Warden’s Garland 422

Disputants at the Bar of the Court 423

Inigo Jones 430

Arms of the City of London, the Barbers, the Surgeons, and England 431

The Barbers’ Arms 432

Engraving in Bowl of Henry VIII’s Cup 435

The Barber-Surgeons’ Arms, 1561 436

The Barber-Surgeons’ Arms, 1569 438

Serving a Feast 443

The Old Poors’ Box, and names of Benefactors 481

Taking an Inventory 486

Some of the Plate 492

Henry VIII’s Grace Cup 498

King Charles’ Cup, Queen Anne’s Punch Bowl, and Atkinson’s Punch Ladles 500

Martin Browne’s and Sir John Frederick’s Loving Cups 502

Collins’ Flagon, Monforde’s Hammer, and Arris’ Cups 503

Tea Spoons 505

The North Side of the Court Room 508

S. Y. 514

Portraits of Sir John Aylef and Thomas Vicary, after Holbein 522

Arms of Sir John Aylef 516

---- John Pen 525

---- Robert Balthrop 528

---- Sir Peter Proby 532

---- William Clowes 535

---- John Gerard 540

---- Martin Browne 546

---- Edward Arris 547

---- Sir John Frederick 550

---- Sir Nathaniel Herne 554

---- Sir John Lethieullier 556

---- Ephraim Skinner 558

---- Sir Humphry Edwin 560

---- Sir William Stewart 562

---- Charles Bernard 563

---- Sir John Bull 565

---- Claudius Amyand 565

---- Sir Thomas Challoner 567

---- William Cheselden 568

---- Ambrose Dickins 570

---- Sir Cæsar Hawkins, Bart. 571

---- Walter H. Wilkin 572

Seals of the Barber-Surgeons 575


1308. Richard le Barber, the first Master of the Barbers’ Company, is sworn at Guildhall.

1388. The Masters of the Company make a return to the King’s Writ, and set forth their then ancient ordinances.

1451. Grant of Arms to the Masters of Barbery and Surgery within the Craft of Barbers.

1462. Edward IV incorporates the Barbers by Royal Charter.

1493. Informal alliance between the Barbers (Barber-Surgeons) and the Fellowship of Surgeons.

1530. The Barbers’ Ordinances are settled and allowed by Sir Thomas More.

1540. The Fellowship of Surgeons are united (by Act of Parliament 32 H. VIII) to the Company of Barbers.

1569. Grant of Arms to the Barber-Surgeons.

1605. James I grants a new Charter.

1629. Charles I grants a new Charter.

1684. All of the Company’s Charters are surrendered to the King.

1685. James II grants a new Charter.

1745. The Surgeons are separated (by Act of Parliament 18 G. II) from the Barbers.



From the Year 1308.

K.B. signifies King’s Barber; K.S. King’s Surgeon, and S.S. Serjeant-Surgeon.

------+-----------------------------------------+-------------------- AN{o.}| MASTERS OF THE BARBERS. | SWORN AT GUILDHALL. ------+---------------------+-------------------+-------------------- 1308 | Richard le Barber. | ---- | December, 1308. 1375 | John Queldrick. | ---- | ---- 1376 | Lawrence de Weston. | John de Grantone. | ---- 1377 | Thomas Boyvel. | Will{m.} Osneye. | 26 August, 1377. 1378 | John Pacon. | Rich{d.} Morys. | 15 October, 1378. 1382 | Rich{d.} Capoll. | John Haydon. | 19 September, 1382. 1383 | Reginald Godard. | Walter Gisebourn. | 15 September, 1383. 1384 | William May. | Simon Conyngesby. | 6 October, 1384. 1386 | John Pacon. | John Levelyf. | 13 April, 1386. 1388 | John Shepey. | Rich{d.} Caupoll. | 16 April, 1388. 1388 | John Haydon. | Henry Cook. | 10 September, 1388. 1389 | Rich{d.} Geddyngs. | John Cheyr. | 22 September, 1389. 1390 | John Pacon. | John Bestchirche. | 31 August, 1390. 1391 | John Childe. | Will{m.} Chapman. | 27 November, 1391. ------+---------------------+-------------------+--------------------

------+---------------+------------------------------+---------------- | | |Masters of the | | |Barbers prac- AN{O.}| MASTERS. | WARDENS. |tising the art | | | of Surgery. ------+---------------+------------------------------+---------------- 1415 | ---- | ---- | ---- |Simon Rolf. | | | |Richard Wellys. 1416 |John Brampton. |John Morysch. |Richard Clerc. |John Parker. | | | |Simon Rolf. 1417 |Richard Wellys.|John Queldryk.|Will{m.} |John Child. | | | Chapeley. |John Parker. 1419 |Roger Rooke. |John Dalton. |John Blakye. |Rich{d.} Wellys. | | | |Simon Roolf. 1421 |John Branton. |Will{m.} |Will{m.} Bacon.| ---- | | Shiplake. | | 1423 |Will{m.} Hunne.|Will{m.} |Will{m.} |Simon Rolf. | | Chapelyn. | Ryggewyk. |John Dalton. 1424 |Rich{d.} |John Queldryk.|Rich{d.} |Rich{d.} Welles. | Snadenham. | | Merlawe. |Simon Rolf. 1428 |Simon Poule. |John Purchas. | ---- |Simon Rolf. | | | |Rich{d.} Welles. 1441 |Pierce Pope. |John Warwick. |John Roote. | ---- 1442 |Pierce Pope. |John Warwick. |John Roote. | ---- 1443 |John Roote. |John Urse. |John Waystbe. | ---- 1444 |Henry Grave. |John Grafton. |John Mereston. | ---- 1445 |Henry Grave. |John Grafton. |John Mereston. | ---- 1446 |John Blakey. |Roger Scripe. |Will{m.} Legge.| ---- 1447 |John Daulton. |Will{m.} |Tho{s.} Willot.| ---- | | Woodhouse. | | ------+---------------+--------------+---------------+---------------- AN{o.}| MASTERS. | WARDENS. ------+---------------+--------------+---------------+---------------- 1448 |John Struge. |John Hobbis. |John Grafton. |John Porter. 1449 |Tho{s.} |John Warwick. |Will{m.} Hill. |Roger Webb. | Geffery. | | | 1450 |John Grafton. |John Wale. |John Wakeley. |Edmund Callowe. 1451 |John Struge. |Tho{s.} |Tho{s.} Wallis.|Hugh Harte. | | Willot. | | 1452 |John Wakeley. |John Porter. |Will{m.} Legge.|Rob{t.} Dasons. 1453 |John Daulton. |Edmund |Roger Scripe. |John Caster. | | Callowe. | | 1454 |John Urle. |Will{m.} Hill.|Tho{s.} Wallis.|Will{m.} Hayles. 1455 |John Grafton. |John Pinchon. |Rob{t.} Dasons.|John Wilkinson. 1456 |Roger Scripe. |Tho{s.} |Will{m.} |Henry Brooke. | | Browne. | Whitebred. | 1457 |Tho{s.} Willot.|John Pinchon. |John Caster. |John Lunne. 1458 |John Porter. |Will{m.} |Will{m.} |Reg{ld.} Young. | | Hobbis. | Pollet. | 1459 |John Caster. |Rich{d.} |Tho{s.} |John Morden. | | Eastey. | Castard. | 1460 |Will{m.} Legge.|Hugh Harte. |John Saunders. |Tho{s.} Folliot. 1461 |Roger Scripe. |Will{m.} |Tho{s.} |Rich{d.} Kent. | | Hobbes,S.S.| Goddard. | 1462 |Rob{t.} |John Pinchon. |Rowland |John Springet. | Dallahouse. | | Frankish. | 1463 |Will{m.} Hill. |Rich{d.} |Regin{ld.} |Rich{d.} | | Gastey. | Young. | Cappell. 1464 |John Grafton. |Rich{d.} |Tho{s.} |Will{m.} | | Eastey. | Goddard. | Whitebred. 1465 |Tho{s.} Willot.|Tho{s.} |Tho{s.} |John Bone. | | Wallis. | Collard. | 1466 |Regin{ld.} |Rowland |Rich{d.} Kent. |Rob{t.} | Young. | Frankish. | | Holliday. 1467 |John Caster. |Tho{s.} |Rich{d.} |John Daunt. | | Goddard. | Brightmore. | 1468 |Rowland |Rob{t.} |Will{m.} |Tho{s.} Green. | Frankish. | Holliday. | Atwood. | 1469 |Roger Scripe. |Rob{t.} |John Morden. | ---- | | Palmer. | | 1470 |Tho{s.} |Rich{d.} |Will{m.} |Barth{w.} | Goddard. | Brightmore. | Pallet. | Crosby. 1471 |Will{m.} |Lawrence |Will{m.} |Rob{t.} Scott. | Whitebred. | Austin. | Pewall. | 1472 |John Pinchon. |Rob{t.} |Rich{d.} |Edmund Walsh. | | Scarlett. | Lucas. | 1473 |Will{m.} Hill. |Rob{t.} |John Drumacks. |John Hingham. | | Palmer. | | 1474 |Rob{t.} |Rob{t.} Scott.|John Johnson. |William Gatard. | Dallahouse. | | | 1475 |Rob{t.} |Lawrence |Will{m.} |Rich{d.} | Holliday. | Austin. | Horton. | Southnam. 1476 |Rich{d.} Kent. |Barth{w.} |Will{m.} |John Wilson. | | Crosby. | Pewall. | 1477 |Reginald Young.|Rob{t.} |George |Rich{d.} | | Scarlett. | Robinson. | Chambers. 1478 |John Morden. |Alex{r.} |Philip Potter. |Simon Cole. | | Slight. | | 1479 |Rob{t.} |Will{m.} |Lawrence |Tho{s.} Parkins. | Studdis. | Horton. | Rogers. | 1480 |Will{m.} |Rob{t.} |John Johnson. |Rich{d.} | Pewall. | Palmer. | | Moneycock. 1481 |Tho{s.} |Lawrence |Rich{d.} |John Denmark. | Goddard. | Austin. | Lucas. | 1482 |Will{m.} |Rob{t.} |Rich{d.} |Rich{d.} | Horton. | Scarlett. | Chambers. | Southnam. 1483 |Rob{t.} |James Scott. |John Stanton. |Rich{d.} | Holliday. | | | Hayward. 1484 |John Pinchon. |John Johnson. |Edward Walch. |Rob{t.} Lilley. 1485 |Rob{t.} |Philip Potter.|John Tounnyage.|Rich{d.} | Holliday. | | | Hayward. 1486 |Reginald Young.|Rich{d.} |John Wilson. |John Papworth. | | Chambers. | | 1487 |Rich{d.} Lucas.|Simon Cole. |John Johnson. |Rich{d.} Nevell. 1488 |Rob{t.} |Philip Potter.|Ralph Dowell. |Will{m.} Oakley. | Scarlett. | | | 1489 |Rob{t.} Palmer.|Rich{d.} |James Ingolsby.|Owyn Mayne. | | Hammond. | | 1490 |Rob{t.} |Rich{d.} |John Johnson. |Tho{s.} Walton. | Holliday. | Suddenham. | | 1491 |John Johnson, |James Scott. |Ralph Dowell. |Nicholas Lyving. | Sen{r.} | | | 1492 |John Johnson. |Rich{d.} |Rich{d.} |Henry Tyley. | | Haward. | Nevell. | 1493 |James Scott. |James |James Holland. |Roger Sheene. | | Ingolsby. | | 1494 |Robert |Owyn Mayne. |Nich{s.} |John Browne. | Scarlett. | | Lyving. | 1495 |Rich{d.} |James |James Holland. |Will{m.} Newton. | Nevell. | Ingolsby. | | 1496 |Rob{t.} |Will{m.} |John Knott. |Tho{s.} Dawes. | Holliday. | Oakley. | | 1497 |John Johnson. |Roger Sheene. |Andrew Oliver. |Henry | | | | Haselhurst. 1498 |James Scott. |James |John Sommers. |Henry Geery. | | Ingolsby. | | 1499 |Rich{d.} |James Holland.|John Robertson.|John Botelier. | Heyward. | | | 1500 |James Scott. |Tho{s.} |John Knott. |Will{m.} | | Daniell. | | Maresfield. 1501 |James Ingolsby.|Nich{s.} |Henry Geery. |Will{m.} | | Lyving. | | Ashwell. 1502 |Roger Sheene. |John Knott. |Tho{s.} |John Peerson. | | | Atkinson. | 1503 |Nich{s.} |Henry |Will{m.} |Tho{s.} Apleton. | Lyving. | Haselhurst. | Lythego. | 1504 |Tho{s.} Dawes. |Tho{s.} |Will{m.} |John Oakley. | | Atkinson. | Withers. | 1505 |Henry |John Peerson. |Will{m.} |Edm{d.} | Haselhurst. | | Kerkby. | Milliners. 1506 |James Ingolsby.|Henry Geery. |John Woodward. |Tho{s.} Gibson. 1507 |John Johnson. |John Knott. |Will{m.} |John Mullyns. | | | Ashwell. | 1508 |Nich{s.} |John Peerson. |Will{m.} |John Tayler. | Lyving. | | Kerkby. | 1509 |Henry Geery. |Will{m.} |John Woodward. |Rob{t.} | | Lythego. | | Misleden. 1510 |John Knott. |Tho{s.} |Will{m.} |Edw{d.} Potter. | | Apleton. | Hopkinson. | 1511 |John Peerson. |Will{m.} |Tho{s.} Gibson.|Tho{s.} Martin. | | Kerkby. | | 1512 |John Johnson. |Will{m.} |John Oakley. |Rob{t.} Maynard. | | Lythego. | | 1513 |James Holland. |Will{m.} |John Tayler. |Nich{s.} Morton. | | Ashwell. | | 1514 |Will{m.} |Tho{s.} |Walter Kellet. |Henry Baldwin. | Kerkby. | Gibson. | | 1515 |Will{m.} |John Woodward.|Edw{d.} Potter.|Edw{d.} | Lythego. | | | Arundell. 1516 |Tho{s.} |John Tayler. |Rob{t.} |Rich{d.} Went. | Apleton. | | Handsom. | 1517 |John Johnson. |John Oakley. |Roger Foster. |Will{m.} | | | | Morreyson. 1518 |Tho{s.} Gibson.|Henry Baldwin.|Rob{t.} |Tho{s.} Twynne. | | | Myneyard. | 1519 |John Peerson. |Walter Kellet.|Rich{d.} Ude. |John Banks. 1520 |John Peerson. |Edw{d.} |John Banks. |Henry Cazor. | | Potter. | | 1521 |Tho{s.} Gibson.|Edw{d.} |Edw{d.} |George Brian. | | Potter. | Arundell. | 1522 |Tho{s.} Gibson.|Nich{s.} |Rich{d.} Went. |Rich{d.} | | Morton. | | Sermont. 1523 |John Tayler. |Nich{s.} |Rich{d.} Went. |Rich{d.} | | Morton. | | Sermont. 1524 |John Tayler. |Tho{s.} |Rich{d.} |John Enderby. | | Twynne. | Tayler. | 1525 |Will{m.} |Henry Baldwin.|Henry Cazor. |Tho{s.} Viccary. | Kerkby. | | | 1526 |Edward Potter. |John Banks. |Rob{t.} Simson.|Will{m.} Kidd. 1527 |Henry Baldwin. |Tho{s.} |Rich{d.} |John Younge. | | Twynne. | Tayler. | 1528 |Walter Kellet. |Tho{s.} |John Potter. |Tho{s.} Sutton. | | Viccary. | | 1529 |Tho{s.} Gibson.|Edward |John Enderby. |Rich{d.} Gower. | | Arundell. | | 1530 |Tho{s.} |Rich{d.} |Ralph Garland. |John Ayliffe. | Viccary,S.S.| Tayler. | | 1531 |Henry Baldwin. |Henry Cazor. |Tho{s.} Wench. |Nich{s.} | | | | Simpson. 1532 |John Banks. |John Potter. |John Ayliffe. |George Holland. 1533 |Will{m.} |Ralph Garland.|Peter Daiseman.|James Tompson. | Kerkby. | | | 1534 |John Potter. |John Goodby. |Rob{t.} Postle.|John Bird. 1535 |John Potter. |John Ayliffe. |John Bird. |Charles Wyght. 1536 |Tho{s.} Twynne.|Ralph Garland.|James Tompson. |John Newman. 1537 |Nich{s.} |John Johnson. |George Holland.|Will{m.} Rewe. | Simpson, | | | | K.B. | | | 1538 |Sir John |John Bird. |Tho{s.} Surbut.|George Geene. | Ayliffe,K.S.| | | 1539 |John Penn, |K. Barber. |John Hutton. |Henry Pemberton. | K.B. | | | 1540 |Edmund Harman, |James Monford,|William Tilley.|Rob{t.} | K.B. | K.S. | | Sprignall. 1541 |Tho{s.} |James Tompson.|Tho{s.} |Rich{d.} Bowle. | Viccary,S.S.| | Johnson. | 1542 |John Bird. |Charles Wyght.|Will{m.} |John Gyle. | | | Sherborn. | 1543 |John Johnson. |James Monford,|James Banks. |Robert | | | | Waterford. |George Holland.| K.S. |James Tompson. |Christ{r.} | | | | Salmon. 1544 |John Younge. |Rob{t.} |Rich{d.} Bowle.|John Atkinson. | | Postle. | | 1545 |John Bird. |George Geene. |Henry |Rob{t.} | | | Pemberton. | Brownhill. 1546 |Tho{s.} |Will{m.} |Dan{l.} |Tho{s.} Gale. | Viccary,S.S.| Tilley. | Sambrook. | 1547 |John Enderby. |Peter |Rob{t.} |John Smith. | | Daiseman. | Sprignall. | 1548 |Tho{s.} |John Skinner. |John Newman. |John Gyle. | Viccary,S.S.| | |Will{m.} | | | | Otherborn. 1549 |Geo{e.} |Rob{t.} |Rob{t.} |Augustine | Holland. | Waterford. | Brownhill. | Clarke. 1550 |Geo{e.} Geene. |Tho{s.} |Rich{d.} Bowle.|Tho{s.} | | Johnson. | | Stockdale. | | | |Matth{w.} | | | | Johnson. 1551 |Rich{d.} |Rob{t.} |John Barker. |James Wood. | Ferris. | Sprignell. | | 1552 |Christ{r.} |Tho{s.} Knott.|Aug{ne.} |Rich{d.} Elliot. | Salmon. | | Clarke. | 1553 |Rich{d.} Bowle.|John Atkinson.|Tho{s.} |Hugh Lymcocke. | | | Whittingham. | 1554 |Rob{t.} |Aug{ne.} |Will{m.} Green.|John Bonnar. | Sprignell. | Clarke. | | 1555 |Tho{s.} Knott. |Tho{s.} Gale. |John Smythe. |Tho{s.} Fysshe. 1556 |Geo. Holland, |Rob{t.} Brown.|Alex{r.} Mason.|Rich{d.} | K.S. | | | Tholmwood. 1557 |Tho{s.} |Tho{s.} |James Wood. |John Warren. | Viccary,S.S.| Whittingham.| | 1558 |John Atkinson. |Hugh Lymcocke.|William Walton.|Geo. Vaughan. 1559 |George Geene. |Will{m.} |Tho{s.} Baylie.|John | | Greene. | | Smarthwaite. 1560 |Tho{s.} |James Wood. |John Bonnar. |Rob{t.} | Whittingham. | | | Balthrop. 1561 |Tho{s.} Gale. |Alex{r.} |John Standon. |Rob{t.} Mudesly. | | Mason. | | 1562 |Rich{d.} |Will{m.} |Rob{t.} |Rich{d.} Hughes. | Ferris, S.S.| Walton. | Mudesly. | 1563 |Rob{t.} |Rich{d.} |Geo. Vaughan. |John Weste. | Brownhill. | Tholmwood. | | 1564 |Will{m.} |Rob{t.} |Tho{s.} |Nich{s.} | Greene. | Balthrop. | Robinson. | Archenbold. 1565 |Rob{t.} |Geo. Vaughan. |Rich{d.} |Geo. Corron. |Balthrop,S.S.| | Hughes. | 1566 |James Wood. |Tho{s.} |Nich{s.} |Tho{s.} Burston. | | Barber. | Archenbold. | 1567 |Alex{r.} Mason.|Rob{t.} |Geo. Corron. |John Robinson. | | Mudesly. | | 1568 |Rich{d.} |Nich{s.} |Tho{s.} |Rich{d.} Wisto | Tholmwood. | Archenbold. | Burston. | (died.) | | | |John Field. 1569 |George Vaughan |John Standon. |John Field. |Humphry Paris. | (died.) | | | |Alex{r.} Mason.| | | 1570 |Tho{s.} Barber.|Rich{d.} |John Robinson. |John Yates. | | Hughes. | | 1571 |Tho{s.} Barber.|George Corron.|Rob{t.} Clarke.|Will{m.} Bovey. 1572 |Rob{t.} |John Robinson.|Tho{s.} Banks. |Edw{d.} Ireland. | Mudesly. | | | |Alex{r.} Mason | | | | (died.) | | | 1573 |Rob{t.} |Tho{s.} |John Hitchen. |Will{m.} Bull. |Balthrop,S.S.| Burston. | | 1574 |Rich{d.} |Tho{s.} |Will{m.} Bovey.|Rich{d.} Upton. | Hughes. | Robinson. | | |George Corron | | | | (died.) | | | 1575 |Tho{s.} |John Feild. |Will{m.} |John Mason. | Whittingham. | | Swaine. | 1576 |Tho{s.} |Tho{s.} |John Yates. |Will{m.} Crowe. | Burston. | Banckes. | | 1577 |John Feild. |John Hitchen. |Christ{r.} |Henry Rankyn. | | | Swaldell. | 1578 |Tho{s.} |John Yates. |Rich{d.} Wisto.|Leonard Coxe. | Banckes. | | | 1579 |John Hitchen. |William Bovey.|William Crowe. |Tho{s.} Bird. 1580 |Rob{t.} |Christ{r.} |Edward Ireland.|John Haysie. | Mudesly. | Swaldell. | | 1581 |Will{m.} Bovey.|Will{m.} |Henry Rankyn. |Edw{d.} Griffin. | | Swaine. | | 1582 |Tho{s.} |Will{m.} |Leonard Coxe. |Rich{d.} Wood. | Banckes. | Crowe. | | 1583 |Christ{r.} |Rich{d.} |Tho{s.} Bird. |Will{m.} Gale. | Swaldell. | Wisto. | | 1584 |John Hitchen. |Henry Ranken. |John Haysie. |Rich{d.} | | | | Sprignall. 1585 |Will{m.} Crowe.|Leonard Coxe. |Rich{d.} Wood. |Henry Bradley. 1586 |Rich{d.} Wisto.|John Haysie. |Edward Griffin.|John Leycock. 1587 |Henry Rankyn. |Tho{s.} Bird. |Rich{d.} |John Johnson. | | | Sprignall. | 1585 |Leonard Coxe. |Rich{d.} Wood.|Will{m.} Borne.|George Denham. 1589 |John Haysie. |Edward |Will{m.} |John Martin. | | Griffin. | Gooderus. | 1590 |Tho{s.} Bird. |Will{m.} Gale.|Tho{s.} Wayte. |John Izard. 1591 |Rich{d.} Wood. |Rich{d.} |Geo. Baker, |James Bates. | | Sprignall. | S.S. | 1592 |Edward Griffin.|Will{m.} |Geo. Denham. |John Dards. | | Gooderus, | | | | S.S. | | 1593 |Christ{r.} |John Leycock. |John Izard. |John Burgess. | Swaldell. | | | 1594 |Will{m.} |Will{m.} |Will{m.} |John Newsom. |Gooderus,S.S.| Borne. | Clowes. | 1595 |Will{m.} Gale. |John Martyn. |James Bates. |John Peck. 1596 |Tho{s.} |John Izard. |Tho{s.} Warren.|Lewis Atmer. | Banckes. | | | 1597 |George Baker, |James Bates. |John Dards. |John Gerrard. | S.S. | | | 1598 |John Leycock. |John Burgess. |Tho{s.} |Robert Johnson. | | | Thorney. | 1599 |Rich{d.} Wood. |John Dards. |John Newsom. |Will{m.} Martyn. |Will{m.} Borne |Tho{s.} |Will{m.} |Edw{d.} Rodes. 1600 | (died.) | Thorney. | Martyn. | |John Leycock. | | | 1601 |John Martyn. |Lewis Atmer. |Christ{r.} |Rob{t.} Fuller. | | | Frederick. | 1602 |Tho{s.} |William |Edw{d.} Rodes. |Tho{s.} Martyn. | Thorney. | Martyn. | | 1603 |Will{m.} |John Peck. |Rob{t.} Fuller.|John Richmond. |Gooderus,S.S.| | | 1604 |John Leycock. |Christ{r.} |Tho{s.} Martyn.|Rich{d.} Mapes. | | Frederick. | | 1605 |John Peck. |Edw{d.} Rodes.|Will{m.} |John Fenton. | | | Fyninge. | 1606 |William Martyn.|Rob{t.} |Rich{d.} Mapes.|Randall Foster. |Thomas Thorney.| Fuller. | | 1607 |John Gerrard. |Tho{s.} |John Fenton. |Tho{s.} Veare. | | Martyn. | | 1608 |Edward Rodes. |Rich{d.} |Robert Johnson.|Roger Jenkins. | | Mapes. | | 1609 |Christ{r.} |Will{m.} |Randall Foster.|Edw{d.} | Frederick, | Fyninge. | | Ingolsby. | S.S. | | | |William Gale | | | 1610 | (died.) |John Fenton. |Tho{s.} Veare. |John Hassall. |John Pecke. | | | 1611 |Robert Fuller. |Rob{t.} |Roger Jenkins. |Abraham Allen. | | Johnson. | | 1612 |Richard Mapes. |Randall |Abraham Allen. |John Kerrell. | | Foster. | | 1613 |John Fenton. |Thomas Veare |Edw{d.} |John Coghill. | | (died.)[1] | Ingolsby. | 1614 |John Hassall. |Roger Jenkins.|John Kerrell. |Lewis Rogers. 1615 |Sir Peter |Edward |John Coghill. |Rich{d.} Cooper. | Proby, Ald.| Ingolsby. | | 1616 |Christ{r.} |John Kerrell. |Lewis Rogers. |Jasper Arris. | Frederick, | | | | S.S. | | | 1617 |Ralph Bovey. |Lewis |Jasper Arris. |Peter Porter. | (died.) | Rogers[2] | | ------+---------------+--------------+---------------+----------------

[1] John Hassall chosen Warden. [2] Rich{d.} Cooper chosen Warden.

------+---------------+----------------------------------------------- AN{o.}| MASTERS. | WARDENS. ------+---------------+--------------+---------------+---------------- 1618 |Edward |Henry Ofeild. |Peter Porter. |Tho{s.} Borne. | Ingolsby. | | | 1619 |John Coghill. |Peter Porter. |Tho{s.} Borne. |Tho{s.} Allen. 1620 |Richard Cooper.|Tho{s.} Borne.|Tho{s.} Allen. |John Newman. 1621 |Randall Foster.|Tho{s.} Allen.|Dominic |John Dards. | | | Lomleine. | 1622 |Alexander |Jasper Arris |John Newman. |Rich{d.} | Baker, J.P.| (died.)[3] | | Wateson. 1623 |John Kerrell. |Dominic |Rich{d.} |Rich{d.} | | Lomleine. | Wateson. | Thornebury. 1624 |Joseph Fenton. |Rich{d.} |Rich{d.} |Andrew Wheatley. | | Wateson. | Thornebury. | 1625 |Henry Ofeild. |Rich{d.} |James Molines. |John Woodall. | | Thornebury. | | 1626 |William Clowes,|James Molines.|Andrew |Rich{d.} | S.S. | | Wheatley. | Morrice. 1627 |Tho{s.} |Andrew |John Woodall. |Dan{l.} Hinxman. | Caldwell, | Wheatley. | | | Esquire, | | | | K.B. | | | |Thomas Borne | | | | (died.) | | | 1628 |Tho{s.} |John Borne. |Will{m.} |Arthur Dowton. | Caldwell, | | Walker. | | Esquire, | | | | K.B. | | | 1629 |Dominic |Rich{d.} |Arthur Dowton. |George Roades. | Lomeline. | Morrice. | | 1630 |Richard |John Newman. |Dan{l.} |Edw{d.} | Wateson, | | Hinxman. | Waterhouse. | Surgeon in | | | | Ordinary to | | | | the King. | | | 1631 |Rich{d.} |Dan{l.} |Tobias |Henry Blackley. | Thornbury. | Hinxman. | Johnson. | 1632 |James Molines. |Arthur Dowton.|Rich{d.} |John Ward. | | | Powell. | 1633 |John Woodall. |Rich{d.} |Henry Blackley.|George Predey. | | Powell. | | 1634 |Richard |Henry |John Heydon. |John Davyes. | Morrice. | Blackley. | | 1635 |Michael |John Warde. |Nicholas Heath.|Will{m.} Huckle. | Andrews, | | | | Surgeon in | | | | Ordinary to | | | | the King. | | | 1636 |Richard Powell.|John Heydon. |Will{m.} |Lawrence Cotton. | | | Huckle. | 1637 |Henry Blackley.|Will{m.} |Lawrence |Tho{s.} | | Burgin. | Cotton. | Trevellion.[4] | | | | (Dismissed.) 1638 |William Clowes,|William |George Dunn. |Henry Wateson. | S.S. | Lingham. | | 1639 |Thomas Davyes, |Nicholas |Tho{s.} |Will{m.} | K.B. | Heath. | Collins. | Bignell. 1640 |John Heydon. |Henry Wateson.|Martin Browne. |Tho{s.} Browne. 1641 |John Ward. |Lawrence |Tho{s.} Browne.|John Pinder. | | Cotton. | | 1642 |William Burgin.|George Dunne. |Edward Arris. |John Lufkin. 1643 |Nicholas Heath.|Will{m.} |John Lufkin. |Henry Boone. | | Bignell. | | 1644 |William Huckle.|Tho{s.} |Henry Boone. |Robert Clarke. | | Collins. | | 1645 |Lawrence |Martin Browne.|Robert Clarke. |Will{m.} Gurney. | Cotton. | | | ------+---------------+--------------+---------------+----------------

[3] John Dards chosen Warden. [4] Will{m.} Lingham chosen Warden.

------+---------------+----------------------------------------------- AN{o.}| MASTERS. | WARDENS. ------+---------------+--------------+---------------+---------------- 1646 |George Dunne. |William Kings.|Will{m.} |Ralph Foster. | | | Gurney. | 1647 |William |Henry Boone. |Ralph Foster. |Will{m.} | Bignell. | | | Bennett. 1648 |Thomas Collins.|Rob{t.} |Will{m.} |John Madocks. | | Clarke. | Bennett. | 1649 |Robert Clarke. |Will{m.} |John Madocks. |Tho{s.} Allen. | | Bennett[5] | | | | (died.) | | 1650 |William Kings. |Will{m.} |John Frederick.|Cha{s.} | | Gurney. | | Stamford. 1651 |Edward Arris, |Ralph Foster. |Thomas Allen. |Tho{s.} Turner. | Ald. | | | 1652 |William Gurney.|Rob{t.} |Cha{s.} |Rob{t.} | | Bullock. | Stamford. | Westbrooke. 1653 |Martin Browne. |John Madocks. |Tho{s.} Turner.|Lawrence Loe. 1654 |Sir John |Tho{s.} Allen.|Abraham Clarke.|Tho{s.} Bowden. | Frederick, | | | | Ald. | | | 1655 |Henry Boone. |Tho{s.} |Lawrence Loe. |Tho{s.} Kingman. | | Turner. | | 1656 |Ralph Foster. |Cha{s.} |Nicholas |John Perkins. | | Stamford. | Brothers. | 1657 |Robert Bullock.|Robert |Will{m.} |Tho{s.} | | Westbrook. | Watson. | Calveley. 1658 |John Madocks. |Lawrence Loe. |Will{m.} |Ralph Thickness. |Sir John | | Rymmer. | | Frederick, | | | | Ald. | | | 1659 |Thomas Allen. |John Perkins. |Ralph |John Sotherton. |Charles | | Thickness. | | Stamford. | | | 1660 |Thomas Turner. |Thomas Bowden.|John Sotherton.|Thomas Burton. 1661 |Humphry |Tho{s.} |Tho{s.} Burton.|Tho{s.} Canham. | Painter,S.S.| Calveley. | | 1662 |Thomas Lisle, |Nicholas |James Farre. |Joseph Bynns. | K.B. | Brothers. | | 1663 |John Knight, |John |Joseph Bynns. |Tho{s.} Hall. | S.S. | Sotherton. | | 1664 |Ralph Foliard, |Ralph |Tho{s.} Hall. |Tho{s.} Hollier. | K.B. | Thickness. | | 1665 |Richard |Tho{s.} |Tho{s.} |John Harvie. | Wiseman,S.S.| Canham. | Hollier. | 1666 |Thomas |Tho{s.} |John Harvie. |James Pearse, | Calveley. | Hollier. | | Duke of York’s | | | | Surgeon. 1667 |Lawrence Loe. |James Farre. |James Pearse. |Will{m.} Fryer. 1668 |Thomas Canham. |James Pearse. |Will{m.} Fryer.|Will{m.} | | | | Markham. 1669 |John Knight, |John Harvie. |Will{m.} |Tobias Sedgwick. | S.S. | | Markham. | 1670 |James Farre. |Tobias |Will{m.} |Henry Barker. | | Sedgwick. | Markham. | 1671 |Ralph |Will{m.} |Henry Barker. |James Brooks. | Thickness. | Fryer. | | 1672 |John Harvie. |Henry Barker. |James Brooks. |Henry Johnson. 1673 |Tho{s.} |James Brooks. |Henry Johnson. |Rich{d.} Powell. | Hollier. | | | 1674 |Sir Nathaniel |Henry Johnson.|Rich{d.} |Will{m.} Perse. | Herne, | | Powell. | | Alderman. | | | 1675 |James Pearse, |Rich{d.} |Will{m.} Perse.|Will{m.} | The King’s | Powell. | | Bellamy. | and Duke’s | | | | Surgeon. | | | ------+---------------+--------------+---------------+----------------

[5] Martin Browne chosen Warden.

------+---------------+----------------------------------------------- AN{o.}| MASTERS. | WARDENS. ------+---------------+--------------+---------------+---------------- 1676 |Sir John |Will{m.} |Will{m.} |Tho{s.} Symonds. | Letheuillier,| Perse. | Bellamy. | | Sheriff. | | | 1677 |Henry Johnson. |Will{m.} |Tho{s.} |Tho{s.} |John Knight, | Bellamy. | Symonds. | Middleton. | S.S. | | | 1678 |William Fryer. |Tho{s.} |Tho{s.} |Edmund Thorold. | | Symonds. | Middleton. | 1679 |William Perse. |Philip Foster.|Tho{s.} Page. |Rich{d.} | | | | Cheshire. 1680 |James Brooks. |Edmund |Rich{d.} |George Horsnell. | | Thorold. | Cheshire. | 1681 |Edmund Thorold.|Tho{s.} |Geo. Horsnell. |Tho{s.} Baylie. | | Middleton. | | 1682 |Richard Powell.|Tho{s.} Page. |Tho{s.} Baylie.|Edw{d.} | | | | Cockaigne. 1683 |Thomas Page. |Rich{d.} |Edw{d.} |Rob{t.} Leeson. | | Cheshire. | Cockaigne. | 1684 |Richard |Geo. Horsnell.|Rob{t.} Leeson.|Rob{t.} | Cheshire. | | | Sanderson. 1685 |George |Robert Leeson.|Rob{t.} |John King. | Horsnell. | | Sanderson. | 1686 |Robert Leeson. |Robert |John King. |Will{m.} | | Sanderson[6]| | Layfield. | | (died.) | | 1687 |Thomas Hobbs, |John King. |Will{m.} |John Darling. | S.S. | | Layfield. | 1688 |Sir Humphry |Will{m.} |Roger Knowles. |John Stambrooke. | Edwin, | Layfield. | | | Alderman. | | | 1689 |John Conny, |John |Roger Knowles. |John Darling. | Esquire. | Stambrooke. | | 1690 |William |Roger Knowles.|John Jackson. |Henry | Bellamy. | | | Rossington. 1691 |William |John Jackson. |Henry |Rich{d.} Hewett. | Layfield. | | Rossington. | 1692 |John King. |Henry |Rich{d.} |John Deane. | | Rossington. | Hewett. | 1693 |Roger Knowles. |Rich{d.} |John Deane. |Will{m.} Clarke. | | Hewett. | | 1694 |Richard Hewett.|Tho{s.} |Will{m.} |Tho{s.} Caister. | | Gardiner. | Clarke. | 1695 |Henry |Will{m.} |Tho{s.} |George Minikin. | Rossington. | Clarke. | Caister. | 1696 |William Clarke.|Tho{s.} |George Minikin.|Tho{s.} | | Caister. | | Litchfeild. 1697 |Thomas |George |Tho{s.} |John Pinke. |Gardiner,S.S.| Minikin. | Litchfeild. | 1698 |George Minikin.|Tho{s.} |John Pinke. |James Wall. | | Litchfeild. | | 1699 |Thomas |John Pinke. |James Wall. |Barth{w.} King. | Litchfeild. | | | 1700 |John Pinke. |James Wall. |Rich{d.} Marks.|Will{m.} Oades. 1701 |James Wall. |Rich{d.} |Will{m.} Oades.|Ralph Hatley. | | Marks. | | 1702 |Richard Marks. |Will{m.} |Ralph Hatley. |Will{m.} | | Oades. | | Pleahill. 1703 |Charles |Ralph Hatley. |Will{m.} |John Worts. | Bernard,S.S.| | Pleahill. | 1704 |Ralph Hatley. |William |John Worts. |Zachariah | | Pleahill. | | Gibson. 1705 |William Oades. |John Worts. |Zach{h.} |Will{m.} Bond. | | | Gibson. | 1706 |John Worts. |Zach{h.} |Will{m.} Bond. |Gratian Bale. | | Gibson. | | ------+---------------+--------------+---------------+----------------

[6] John Conny chosen Warden.

------+---------------+----------------------------------------------- AN{o.}| MASTERS. | WARDENS. ------+---------------+--------------+---------------+---------------- 1707 |Zachariah |Will{m.} Bond.|Gratian Bale. |Will{m.} Moss. | Gibson. | | | 1708 |William Bond. |Gratian Bale. |Will{m.} Moss. |Anth{y.} | | | | Herenden. 1709 |Gratian Bale. |William Moss |Edw{d.} Green. |Simon Lynch. | | (died).[7]| | 1710 |Simon Lynch. |Edw{d.} Green.|Will{m.} |Rich{d.} Harvey. | | | Watkins. | 1711 |Edward Green. |Will{m.} |Anth{y.} |Joseph Cousins. | | Watkins. | Herenden. | 1712 |William |Anth{y.} |Joseph Cousins |Joseph Greene. | Watkins. | Herenden. | (died).[8] | 1713 |Anthony |Will{m.} |Rich{d.} |Christopher | Herenden. | Smith. | Harvey. | Toms. 1714 |William Smith. |Richard |Christ{r.} |Alex{r.} Geekie. | | Harvey. | Toms. | 1715 |Richard Harvey.|Christ{r.} |Joseph Greene. |Robert Hayes. | | Toms[9] | | | | (died). | | 1716 |Robert Hayes. |Joseph Greene.|John Shott. |Will{m.} Loup. 1717 |Joseph Greene. |John Shott. |Alex{r.} |James Northall. | | | Geekie. | 1718 |John Shott. |Alex{r.} |James |Will{m.} | | Geekie. | Northall. | Cotesworth, | | | | Esquire. 1719 |Alexander |James |Will{m.} Loup. |Sam{l.} Rayson. | Geekie. | Northall. | | 1720 |James Northall.|Will{m.} Loup.|Sam{l.} Rayson.|Henry Myddelton. 1721 |William Loup. |Sam{l.} |Will{m.} |Will{m.} | | Rayson. | Cotesworth, | Blanford. | | | Esquire. | 1722 |Samuel Rayson. |Will{m.} |Will{m.} |Will{m.} Cole, | | Cotesworth, | Blanford. | Esquire. | | Esquire. | | 1723 |William |Will{m.} |Henry |John Randall. | Cotesworth, | Blanford. | Myddelton. | | Esquire. | | | |William | | | 1724 | Blanford |Henry |John Randall. |James Ferne. | (died). | Myddelton. | | |John Shott. | | | 1725 |Henry |John Randall. |Will{m.} Cole, |January Farmer. | Myddelton. | | Esquire. | 1726 |John Shott. |Will{m.} Cole,|January Farmer.|Henry Bull. | | Esquire. | | 1727 |William Cole, |January |James Ferne. |John Nicholls. | Esquire. | Farmer. | | 1728 |January Farmer.|James Ferne. |John Nicholls |Ambrose Dickins, | | | (died).[10]| Esquire,S.S. 1729 |Ambrose |Will{m.} |Claudius Amyand,|Luke Maurice. | Dickins, Esq.,| Parker. | | | S.S. to | |Esquire, S.S.| | Queen Anne, | | | |King Geo. I.,| | | |King Geo. II.| | | 1730 |William Parker.|Claudius |Luke Maurice. |Edw{d.} | | Amyand, | | Woodward. | |Esquire,S.S.| | 1731 |Claudius |Luke Maurice. |Edw{d.} |John Barnwell. | Amyand, | | Woodward. | | Esquire,S.S.| | | ------+---------------+--------------+---------------+----------------

[7] Will{m.} Watkins chosen Warden. [8] Will{m.} Smith chosen Warden. [9] John Shott chosen Warden. [10] W{m.} Parker chosen Warden.

------+---------------+----------------------------------------------- AN{o.}| MASTERS. | WARDENS. ------+---------------+--------------+---------------+---------------- 1732 |Luke Maurice. |Edw{d.} |John Barnwell. |Tho{s.}Bridges. | | Woodward. | | 1733 |James Ferne. |John Barnwell.|Tho{s.} |John Watts. | | | Bridges. | 1734 |John Barnwell. |Tho{s.} |John Watts. |William Petty. | | Bridges. | | 1735 |Edward |John Watts. |Will{m.} |Dan{l.} Fradin. | Woodward. | | Petty. | 1736 |John Watts. |Will{m.} |Dan{l.} Fradin.|John Wheeler. | | Petty. | | 1737 |Thomas Bridges.|Dan{l.} |John Wheeler. |John Truelove. | | Fradin. | | 1738 |Daniel Fradin. |John Wheeler. |John Truelove. |James Dansie. 1739 |William Petty. |John Truelove.|James Dansie. |Tho{s.} | | | | Essington. 1740 |John Truelove. |James Dansie. |Will{m.} |Joseph Wood. |John Wheeler | | Haddon. | | (died.) | | | 1741 |James Dansie. |Will{m.} |John Hayward. |Jonathan Medley. | | Haddon. | | 1742 |William Haddon.|John Hayward. |Jonathan |Joseph Sandford. | | | Medley. | 1743 |John Hayward. |Jonathan |Joseph |Humphry Negus. | | Medley. | Sandford. | 1744 |Jonathan |Joseph |Humphry Negus. |Will{m.} | Medley. | Sandford. | | Cheselden, | | | | Esquire. ------+---------------+--------------+---------------+----------------

MEMORANDUM.--That on the 24th June, 1745, The Surgeons were by Act of Parliament separated from The Barbers.

------+---------------+----------------------------------------------- AN{o.}| MASTERS. | WARDENS. ------+---------------+--------------+---------------+---------------- 1745 |Jonathan |Humphry Negus.|Edw{d.} Boxley.|Sam{l.} Rutter. [11]| Medley. | | | 1745 |Humphry Negus. |Edw{d.} |Sam{l.} Rutter.|Rob{t.} Scrooby. | | Boxley. | | 1746 |Edward Boxley. |Sam{l.} |Rob{t.} |Rich{d.} | | Rutter. | Scrooby. | Swithin. 1747 |Sam{l.} Rutter.|Rob{t.} |Rich{d.} |John Bearblock. | | Scrooby. | Swithin. | 1748 |Robert Scrooby.|Rich{d.} |John Bearblock.|Will{m.} | | Swithin. | | Roberts. 1749 |Richard |John |Will{m.} |Tho{s.} Cotton. | Swithin. | Bearblock. | Roberts. | 1750 |James Theobald,|John |Will{m.} |Tho{s.} Cotton. | Esq. | Bearblock. | Roberts. | 1751 |John Bearblock.|Will{m.} |Tho{s.} Cotton.|John Whiting. | | Roberts. | | 1752 |William |Tho{s.} |John Whiting. |Rich{d.} Lookes. | Roberts. | Cotton. | | 1753 |Thomas Cotton. |John Whiting. |Rich{d.} |Peter Theobald, | | | Lookes. | Esq. 1754 |John Whiting. |Peter |John Pepys. |Will{m.} | |Theobald, Esq.| | Glenister. 1755 |John Pepys. |Will{m.} |Thomas Potter. |Michael I’Ans. | | Glenister. | | 1756 |Michael I’Ans. |John Blundell.|Will{m.} |Charles Moore. | | | Tillett. | 1757 |John Blundell. |Will{m.} |Charles Moore. |Thomas Griffin. | | Tillett. | | ------+---------------+--------------+---------------+----------------

[11] Mr. Medley had been Master of the Barber-Surgeons from Election day, 1744, until the 24th June, 1745, and was Master of the Barbers from that date until Election day, 1745, when Mr. Negus was chosen.

------+---------------+----------------------------------------------- AN{o.}| MASTERS. | WARDENS. ------+---------------+--------------+---------------+---------------- 1758 |William |Charles Moore.|Thomas Griffin.|Alexander Glen. | Tillett. | | | 1759 |Charles Moore. |Thomas |Alex{r.} Glen. |Achilles | | Griffin. | | Preston. 1760 |Thomas Griffin.|Alex{r.} Glen.|Achilles |John Lowther. | | | Preston. | 1761 |Sir Tho{s.} |Alex{r.} Glen.|Achilles |John Lowther. | Challenor, | | Preston. | | Ald. | | | 1762 |Alex{r.} Glen |John Lowther. |John Marshall. |Isaac Burton | (died.) | | | (died).[12] |Achilles | | | | Preston. | | | 1763 |John Lowther. |John Marshall |Samuel Norton. |Will{m.} | | (died).[13]| | Hurford. 1764 |Samuel Norton. |Will{m.} |Will{m.} Evans.|Will{m.} Peirse. | | Hurford. | | 1765 |Will{m.} |Will{m.} |Will{m.} |Edw{d.} Parker. | Hurford. | Evans. | Peirse. | 1766 |Will{m.} Evans.|Will{m.} |Edw{d.} Parker.|Tho{s.} | | Peirse. | | Holehouse. 1767 |Will{m.} |Edw{d.} |Tho{s.} |George Russell. | Peirse. | Parker. | Holehouse. | 1768 |Edward Parker. |Tho{s.} |George Russell.|Sam{l.} | | Holehouse. | | Plackett. 1769 |Thomas |George |Sam{l.} |John Wilding. | Holehouse. | Russell. | Plackett. | 1770 |George Russell.|Sam{l.} |John Wilding. |Tho{s.} Barnett. | | Plackett. | | 1771 |Sam{l.} |John Wilding. |Tho{s.} |Joseph Hill. | Plackett. | | Barnett. | 1772 |John Wilding. |Thomas |Joseph Hill[14]|John Rogers. | | Barnett. | (resigned).| 1773 |Thomas Barnett.|John Rogers. |Timothy Baylie.|Geo. Veriar, | | | | Esq{re.} 1774 |John Rogers |Timothy |Geo. Veriar, |John Paterson, | (died.) | Baylie.[15] | Esq{re.} | Esq. |Timothy Baylie.| | | 1775 |George Veriar, |John Paterson,|James Scott. |Rich{d.} | Esq{re.} | Esq. | | Wainwright. 1776 |John Paterson, |James Scott. |Rich{d.} |Will{m.} Stock. | Esq{re.} | | Wainwright. | 1777 |James Scott. |Rich{d.} |Will{m.} Stock.|Will{m.} Stagg. | | Wainwright. | | 1778 |Rich{d.} |Will{m.} |Will{m.} Stagg.|James Potter. | Wainwright. | Stock. | | 1779 |William Stock. |Will{m.} |James Potter. |Will{m.} Kippax. | | Stagg. | | 1780 |William Stagg. |James Potter. |Will{m.} |Will{m.} | | | Kippax. | Roberts. 1781 |James Potter. |Will{m.} |Will{m.} |Will{m.} Slade. | | Kippax. | Roberts. | 1782 |Will{m.} |Will{m.} |Will{m.} Slade.|Tho{s.} Harris. | Kippax. | Roberts. | | 1783 |Will{m.} |Will{m.} |Henry Wichells.|John Berrow, | Roberts. | Slade. | | Esq{re.} 1784 |William Slade. |Henry |John Berrow, |Will{m.} Dodds. | | Wichells. | Esq{re.} | 1785 |Henry Wichells.|John Berrow, |Will{m.} Dodds.|Tho{s.} Garrood. | | Esq. | | 1786 |John Berrow, |Will{m.} |Tho{s.} |Tho{s.} Golding. | Esq{re.} | Dodds. | Garrood. | 1787 |William Dodds. |Tho{s.} |Tho{s.} |Rob{t.} Emerton. | | Garrood. | Golding. | ------+---------------+--------------+---------------+----------------

[12] Sam{l.} Norton chosen Warden. [13] Will{m.} Evans chosen Warden. [14] Timothy Baylie chosen Warden. [15] James Scott chosen Warden.

------+---------------+----------------------------------------------- AN{o.}| MASTERS. | WARDENS. ------+---------------+--------------+---------------+---------------- 1788 |Thomas Garrood.|Tho{s.} |Rob{t.} |John Davison. | | Golding. | Emerton. | 1789 |Thomas Golding.|Rob{t.} |John Davison. |Rob{t.} Downes. | | Emerton. | | 1790 |Robert Emerton.|John Davison. |Robert Downes. |Ralph Eden[16] | | | | (resigned). 1791 |John Davison. |Robert Downes.|Daniel Adams. |David Lamb. 1792 |Robert Downes. |Daniel Adams. |David Lamb. |John Adams. 1793 |Daniel Adams. |David Lamb. |John Adams[17] |George Grange. | | | (died). | 1794 |David Lamb. |George Grange.|Thomas |John Slee. | | | Thompson. | 1795 |George Grange. |Tho{s.} |John Slee. |John Knox. | | Thompson. | | 1796 |Thomas |John Slee. |John Knox. |Edm{d.} Humphris | Thompson. | | | [18] | | | | (resigned). 1797 |John Slee. |John Knox. |Rob{t.} |James Lyon. | | | Douglas. | 1798 |John Knox. |Rob{t.} |James Lyon. |Francis Pearson. | | Douglas. | | 1799 |Robert Douglas.|James Lyon. |Francis |Jeremiah James. | | | Pearson. | 1800 |James Lyon. |Francis |Jeremiah James.|Joseph Atkinson. | | Pearson. | | 1801 |Francis |Jeremiah |Joseph |James Speight. | Pearson. | James. | Atkinson. | 1802 |Jeremiah James.|Joseph |James Speight |Tho{s.} Herbert. | | Atkinson. | (died). [19]| 1803 |Joseph |Thomas |Will{m.} Long. |James Clay. | Atkinson. | Herbert. | | 1804 |Thomas Herbert.|Will{m.} Long.|James Clay. |Joseph Wells. 1805 |Will{m.} Long. |James Clay. |Joseph Wells. |Rob{t.} Garwood. 1806 |James Clay. |Joseph Wells. |Rob{t.} |Will{m.} Baylie. | | | Garwood. | 1807 |Joseph Wells. |Robert |Will{m.} |Tho{s.} | | Garwood. | Baylie. | Hampshire. 1808 |Robert Garwood.|Will{m.} |Tho{s.} |John Wilt. | | Baylie. | Hampshire. | 1809 |William Baylie.|Thomas |John Wilt. |John Hart. | | Hampshire. | | 1810 |Thomas |John Wilt. |John Hart. |John Driver. | Hampshire. | | | 1811 |John Wilt. |John Hart. |John Driver[20]|Charles Swan. | | | (died). | 1812 |Charles Swan. |Thomas Rowney.|Thomas Law. |Rich{d.} Jones. 1813 |Thomas Rowney. |Thomas Law. |Rich{d} Jones. |John Benj{n.} | | | | Cole. 1814 |Thomas Law. |Rich{d.} |John Benj{n.} |Thomas Stimson. | | Jones. | Cole. | 1815 |Richard Jones. |John Benj{n.} |Tho{s.} |John Papps. | | Cole. | Stimson. | 1816 |John Benj{n.} |Tho{s.} |Malcolm |Peter Skipper. | Cole. | Stimson. | Dunnett. | 1817 |Malcolm |Peter Skipper.|Rich{d.} |Tho{s.} Adam. | Dunnett. | | Morgan. | 1818 |Peter Skipper. |Richard |Tho{s.} Adam. |Anthony Lyon. | | Morgan. | | ------+---------------+--------------+---------------+----------------

[16] Dan{l.} Adams chosen Warden. [17] Tho{s.} Thompson chosen Warden. [18] Tho{s.} Herbert chosen Warden. [19] John Field chosen Warden. [20] Thomas Law chosen Warden.

------+---------------+----------------------------------------------- AN{o.}| MASTERS. | WARDENS. ------+---------------+--------------+---------------+---------------- 1819 |Richard Morgan |Tho{s.} |Anthony Lyon. |Will{m.} Vale. | (died). | Adam.[21] | | |Thomas Adam. | | | 1820 |Anthony Lyon. |Will{m.} Vale.|James Clapp. |James Carpenter. 1821 |William Vale. |James Clapp. |James |Daniel Stewart. | | | Carpenter. | 1822 |James Clapp. |James |Daniel Stewart.|James Hemp. | | Carpenter. | | 1823 |James |Daniel |James Hemp. |James King. | Carpenter. | Stewart. | | 1824 |Daniel Stewart.|James Hemp. |James King. |James Lyon. 1825 |James Hemp. |James King. |James Lyon. |Tho{s.} Kidder. 1826 |James King. |James Lyon[22]|Tho{s.} Kidder.|Warman Thorn. | | (died). | | 1827 |Thomas Kidder. |Warman Thorn. |Edw{d.} Grose |Geo. Whitehead. | | | Smith. | 1828 |Warman Thorn. |Edw{d.} Grose |Geo. Whitehead.|Tho{s.} Wharton. | | Smith. | | 1829 |Edw{d.} Grose |Geo. |Tho{s.} |Will{m.} Twinch. | Smith. | Whitehead. | Wharton. | 1830 |George |Tho{s.} |Will{m.} |Will{m.} | Whitehead | Wharton.[23]| Twinch. | Robinson. | (died). | | | |Thomas Wharton.| | | 1831 |William |Samuel Closs. |Geo. Hadden. |Philip Lawton. | Robinson. | | | 1832 |Samuel Closs. |George Hadden.|Philip Lawton. |Henry Waite. 1833 |George Hadden. |Philip Lawton.|Henry Waite. |Joseph Carter. 1834 |Philip Lawton. |Henry Waite. |Joseph Carter. |John Benj{n.} | | | | Lings. 1835 |Henry Waite. |Joseph Carter.|John Benj{n.} |William Sallis. | | | Lings. | 1836 |Joseph Carter. |John Benj{n.} |Will{m.} |Tho{s.} Skegg | | Lings. | Sallis. | Driver. 1837 |John Benj{n.} |Will{m.} |Tho{s.} Skegg |Sam{l.} | Lings. | Sallis. | Driver. | Edenborough | | | | (died). [24] 1838 |William Sallis.|Tho{s.} Skegg |Joel Edwards. |George Browne. | | Driver. | | 1839 |Tho{s.} Skegg |Joel Edwards. |George Browne. |Henry Patten. | Driver. | | | 1840 |Joel Edwards. |George Browne.|Henry Patten. |Robert Low. 1841 |Joel Edwards. |Henry Patten. |Robert Low. |John Atkinson. 1842 |Henry Patten. |Robert Low. |John Atkinson. |George Sadler. 1843 |Robert Low. |John Atkinson.|George Sadler. |Tho{s.} Burn | | | | Hopgood. 1844 |John Atkinson. |George Sadler.|Tho{s.} Burn |John Colley. | | | Hopgood. | 1845 |George Sadler. |Tho{s.} Burn |John Colley. |John Annis. | | Hopgood. | | 1846 |Tho{s.} Burn |John Colley. |John Annis. |Will{m.} Vale. | Hopgood. | | | 1847 |John Colley. |John Annis. |Will{m.} Vale. |Will{m.} Hemp. 1848 |John Annis. |Will{m.} Vale.|Will{m.} Hemp. |Alex{r.} | | | | Rowland. 1849 |William Vale. |Will{m.} Hemp.|Alex{r.} |Will{m.} Hare. | | | Rowland. | ------+---------------+--------------+---------------+----------------

[21] James Clapp chosen Warden. [22] Edward Grose Smith chosen Warden. [23] Sam{l.} Closs chosen Warden. [24] Joel Edwards chosen Warden.

------+---------------+----------------------------------------------- AN{o.}| MASTERS. | WARDENS. ------+---------------+--------------+---------------+---------------- 1850 |William Hemp. |Alex{r.} |Will{m.} Hare. |Rich{d.} Haines. | | Rowland. | | 1851 |Alexander |Will{m.} Hare.|Rich{d.} |Sam{l.} | Rowland. | | Haines. | Holehouse. 1852 |William Hare. |Rich{d.} |Donald Gray. |Ralph Smith | | Haines. | | Kirby. 1853 |Richard Haines.|Donald Gray. |Ralph Smith |Tho{s.} Will{m.} | | | Kirby | Wood. | | | (died).[25]| 1854 |Tho{s.} |James Fred{k.}|John Heaps. |Tho{s.}Brock. | Will{m.} Wood.| Burn. | | 1855 |John Heaps. |Tho{s.}Brock. |Robert Low. |James Carpenter. 1856 |Thomas Brock. |Robert Low. |James |Tho{s.} Worton. | | | Carpenter. | 1857 |Robert Low. |James |Tho{s.} Worton.|James Reeve. | | Carpenter. | | 1858 |James |Tho{s.} |James Reeve. |Martin Love. | Carpenter. | Worton. | | 1859 |Thomas Worton. |James Reeve. |Martin Love. |Will{m.} | | | | Dunsf{d.} | | | | White. 1860 |Martin Love. |Will{m.} |Will{m.} Riley.|John Swainston. | | Dunsf{d.} | | | | White. | | 1861 |Will{m.} D. |Will{m.} |John Swainston.|George Whiting. | White. | Riley. | | 1862 |William Riley. |John |George Whiting.|Henley Smith. | | Swainston. | | 1863 |John Swainston.|George |Henley Smith. |Abraham Western. | | Whiting. | | 1864 |Henley Smith. |Abraham |John Swainston.|Francis | | Western[26] | | Cuthbertson | | (died). | | (died). [27] 1865 |Francis |John Mason. |Thomas |John Waite. | Snelling. | | Carpenter. | 1866 |Thomas |John Waite. |Henry Sallis. |George Driver. | Carpenter. | | | 1867 |John Waite. |Henry Sallis. |George Driver. |Will{m.} | | | | Dunnett. 1868 |Henry Sallis. |George Driver.|Will{m.} |James Cornish. | | | Dunnett. | 1869 |George Driver. |William |James Cornish. |John Carter. | | Dunnett. | | 1870 |John Carter. |James Douglas |Henry Evans. |Richard Atkinson | | Bennett[28] | |Cordell Loader. | | (died). | | 1871 |Henry Evans. |R. A. C. |Edward Stone. |Frederick Baker. | | Loader. | | 1872 |R. A. C. |Edw{.d} Stone.|Fred{k.} Baker.|H{y.} Edw{d.} | Loader. | | | Murrell. 1873 |Edward Stone. |Fred{k.} |H. Edward |Tho{s.} | | Baker. | Murrell. | Emberson. 1874 |Frederick |H. Edward |Tho{s.} |Edward Ruff. | Baker. | Murrell. | Emberson. | 1875 |H. Edward |Tho{s.} |Edward Ruff. |Fred{k.} Wilson. | Murrell. | Emberson. | | 1876 |Thomas |Edward Ruff. |Fred{k.} |Cha{s.} John | Emberson. | | Wilson. | Shoppee. 1877 |Edward Ruff. |Fred{k.} |Cha{s.} John |James Harvey, | | Wilson. | Shoppee. | C.C. 1878 |Cha{s.} John |James Harvey, |Ja{s.} Henry |Benj{n.} | Shoppee. | C.C. | Pitcher. | Woolley. 1879 |James Harvey, |Ja{s.} Henry |Benj{n.} |George Austin, | C.C. | Pitcher. | Woolley. | sen{r.} ------+---------------+--------------+---------------+----------------

[25] Will{m.} Hare chosen Warden. [26] Will{m.} Dunsford White chosen Warden. [27] Francis Snelling chosen Warden. [28] Edw{d.} Stone chosen Warden.

------+---------------+----------------------------------------------- AN{o.}| MASTERS. | WARDENS. ------+---------------+--------------+---------------+---------------- 1880 |Ja{s.} Henry |Benj{n.} |Geo. Austin, |Will{m.} Ruston. | Pitcher. | Woolley. | sen{r.} | 1881 |Benj{n.} |Geo. Austin, |Will{m.} |Rich{d.} Ja{s.} | Woolley. | sen{r.} | Ruston. | Atkinson. 1882 |Geo. Austin, |Will{m.} |Rich{d.} Ja{s.}|Walter H{y.} | sen{r.} | Ruston. | Atkinson. |Wilkin, Ald. 1883 |William Ruston.|Rich{d.} |Walter H{y.} |Jonathan Denny. | | Ja{s.} | Wilkin, Ald.| | | Atkinson. | | 1884 |Rich{d.} Ja{s.}|Walter H{y.} |Jonathan Denny.|Cha{s.} Howard | Atkinson. | Wilkin, | | Atkinson. | | Ald. | | 1885 |Walter Hy. |Jonathan |Tho{s.} George |Nathan Salaman. | Wilkin, Ald.| Denny. | Driver. | 1886 |Jonathan Denny.|Tho{s.} George|Edw{d.} Cha{s.}|George Austin, | | Driver. | Cornish. | jun{r.} 1887 |Edward Cha{s.} |George Austin,|W{m.} Aaron |Will{m.} Lumley. | Cornish. | jun{r.} | Ecclestone. | 1888 |George Austin, |W{m.} Aaron |Will{m.} |Ja{s.} Cope | jun{r.} | Ecclestone. | Lumley. | Cornish. 1889 |W{m.} Aaron |Will{m.} |Ja{s.} Cope |Joseph Wilson. | Ecclestone. | Lumley. | Cornish. | ------+---------------+--------------+---------------+----------------


This List, as well as the list of King’s Barbers, is undoubtedly incomplete, but contains the names of all those of whom any record exists at Barbers’ Hall. A short account of the Office of Serjeant Surgeon etc., may be seen in The Medical Times for 1867, vol. 2, p. 438.

William Hobbes, W. 1461. Thomas Vicary, M. 1530, &c. Richard Ferris, M. 1562. Robert Balthrop, M. 1565. William Gooderus, M. 1594. George Baker, M. 1597. Christopher Frederick, M. 1609. William Clowes, M. 1626. Humphrey Painter, M. 1661. John Knight, M. 1663. Richard Wiseman, M. 1665. Thomas Hobbs, M. 1687. Thomas Gardiner, M. 1697. Charles Bernard, M. 1703. Ambrose Dickins, M. 1729. Claudius Amyand, M. 1731. John Ranby, S.S. to George II, sworn a foreign brother of the Company 5 October, 1722. Sir Cæsar Hawkins, Bart., S.S. to George III, admitted to the Livery 1736. Thomas Gataker, S.S. to George III, was free of the Company.

M. signifies Master. W. Warden.


Nicholas Simpson, M. 1537. John Penn, M. 1539. Edmund Harman, M. 1540. Thomas Caldwell, M. 1628. Thomas Davyes, M. 1639. Thomas Lisle, M. 1662. Ralph Foliard, M. 1664.

M. signifies Master.


-------------------------+-------+--------+--------------------+------ NAME. |MASTER.|SHERIFF.| ALDERMAN. |MAYOR. -------------------------+-------+--------+--------------------+------ Sir John Ayliffe | 1538 | 1548 |Bridge Without, 1551| -- (Grocer) | | |Dowgate | Sir Peter Proby | 1615 | 1614 |Queenhithe | 1622 (Grocer) | | | | Sir John Frederick | } | |{Vintry, 1653 | 1661 (Grocer) | 1654} | 1655 |{ | M.P. for Dartmouth,| 1658} | |{Coleman Street | M.P. for the City. | } | | | Edward Arris | 1651 | -- |Bridge Without, 1663| -- Sir Nathaniel Herne | 1674 | 1674 |Billingsgate, 1676 | -- M.P. for Dartmouth.| | | | Sir John Lethieullier | 1676 | 1674 | ---- | -- Sir Humphry Edwin | 1688 | 1688 |Tower | 1697 (Skinner) | | | | Sir William Stewart | -- | 1711 |Cripplegate, 1711 | 1721 (Goldsmith) | | | | Sir John Bull | -- | 1718 | ---- | -- (Clothworker) | | | | Sir Thomas Challoner | 1761 | 1762 |Aldgate, 1760 | -- Walter Henry Wilkin | 1885 | -- |Lime Street, 1888 | -- -------------------------+-------+--------+--------------------+------



The origin of the Barbers’ Guild partook of a religious character; and the meeting together of men of the craft for religious observances, for attending the funerals and obits of deceased members and their wives, and for feasting once a year, gradually transformed a semi-social and religious guild into what ultimately became a purely secular or “trade guild.” This religious origin is borne out by the very important Return made by the Barbers of London, to the Writ of 12th Rich. II, and is strengthened by reference to the Returns made by the Barbers of Lincoln and of Norwich (both which latter are preserved at the Record Office), and which clearly point to those guilds being of a religious character; indeed the Barbers of Norwich do not seem to have had a single secular or trade ordinance in their constitution.

1388. In the Return of the Barbers of London to the Writ of Richard II, the Masters recite that they “have found a document amongst the articles of their records made of the time to which memory runneth not,” concerning the points upon which the fraternity was founded;

PRIMEREMENT al honourance de Dieu et touz ses Seyntes et pur excitac͠on les c͠oens des gentz a bien faire et perseverance avoir et bien faitz. . . . .

FIRSTLY to the honour of God and all his Saints, and to stir up the commons of the people to do well, and to have perseverance in well doing. . . . .

Regulations were made enjoining charity, attendance at funerals and obits, against the enticing away of the servants of others, providing for the amicable settlement of disputes, and the like.

The articles above briefly referred to, contain nothing in particular as to trade regulation or inspection, leaving a pretty certain inference that they were made for the governance of a social and religious guild or fraternity. We shall presently see that in 1308, the Company partook of the nature of a trade guild, and we may therefore reasonably presume that the articles made in the time to which memory in 1388 did not run, were drawn up previous to 1308, and therefore without much hesitation we may assign the origin of the Barbers’ Company to at least the xiij{th.} century.

In the early part of the reign of Edward II, and indeed for a long while previously, the Barbers were practitioners in the art of Surgery; at all events they performed the minor operations of that craft, such as bleeding, tooth-drawing, cauterization, and the like.

The Barbers having been accustomed to assist the monks in the surgical operations performed by them in early times, acquired a degree of proficiency which enabled them to practise as Surgeons themselves. Up till about the xij{th.} century the practice of Surgery and Medicine was however almost wholly confined to the Clergy, who seem to have enjoyed the double privilege of curing men’s bodies as well as their souls. In 1163 the Council of Tours, under Pope Alexander III, considering that a practice which involved in its operations the shedding of blood, was incompatible with the holy office of the clergy, forbad them to interfere in any matter of Surgery; the consequence of this edict was that they gave over the operations of Surgery but continued to practise the healing art of Medicine.

As already said, the Clergy very frequently employed the Barbers as their assistants, and committed to them the preparation of the medicated baths and the performance of sundry minor surgical operations. No doubt the Edict of Tours was hailed with joy by the Barbers, who thus found a lucrative practice thrown in their way, and seized the opportunity of practising as Surgeons “on their own account,” calling themselves Barber-Surgeons, and practising both Barbery and Surgery.

c. 1307. The archives preserved at the Guildhall have many entries concerning the Barbers’ Company, and in Letter-Book D. 157{B.} there is an ordinance concerning the Barbers of London, which shows that at this time they were occupied in Surgery, and advertised their profession in an objectionable manner, which was very properly forbidden by the City authorities.

DE BARBOURS. Et que nul barbier ne soit se ose ne si hardy qil mette sank en leur fenestres en apiert ou en view des gentz, mais pryvement le facent porter a Thamise sur peine des doux souldz rendre al oeps des Viscountz.

CONCERNING BARBERS. And that no barbers shall be so bold or so hardy as to put blood in their windows, openly or in view of folks, but let them have it privily carried unto the Thames, under pain of paying two shillings to the use of the Sheriffs.

1308. The first express entry which we have concerning our Company is the presentation and admission of Richard le Barber, as Supervisor or Master of the Barbers, before the Court of Aldermen in 1308 (Letter-Book C. 96).

RIC’S LE BARBOUR ex oppõito ecc̃lie omñi scoꝜ parue elect’ est et p’sentatˀ pˀ Barbitonsores london die Martˀ p’xˀ p’t fm̃ Sc̃e Lucie virgĩs Anno R. E. fiɫ R. E. sc̃do coram dñis Nichõ de ffarndon tũc maiore london Johñe de Wengũue cetˀisqʒ Aldermĩs ad custodiendˀ officiũ BarbitonsoꝜ &c. Et admissus est et jurˀ q’d quolibet mense faciet scrutiniũ pˀ totñ officiũ suũ et si quos invenˀit lupanarˀ id alio mõ inhonestos et in scandalũ officii &c. eos distringat & distriaõem in cam’am apportari faciet &c.

RICHARD LE BARBOUR dwelling opposite to the Church of Allhallows the Less, was chosen and presented by the Barbers of London, on Tuesday next after the feast of Saint Lucy the Virgin (13th December) in the second year of the reign of King Edward, son of King Edward, before Sir Nicholas de Farndon, then Mayor of London, John de Wengrave and other Aldermen, to have supervision over the trade of the Barbers &c. And he was admitted and made oath that every month he would make scrutiny throughout the whole of his trade, and if he should find any among them keeping brothels, or acting unseemly in any other way, and to the scandal of the trade, he was to distrain upon them, and cause the distress to be taken into the Chamber (of London) &c.

The foregoing record does not appear very creditable to the reputation of the Barbers of Edward the Second’s time, but it should be remembered that in those days, and for a long period before and afterwards, the Barbers superintended the Baths (Bagnios) and that these places were not infrequently the resort of improper characters; a few of our predecessors had perhaps, under the circumstances, been somewhat lax in their morality, and let us hope that Richard le Barber administered to those whom he found offending, due correction according to his oath and their deserts.

It would not seem from the terms of the admission, that the Master was at that period elected annually, and the Office was probably held by one man for a considerable number of years. There is no entry in the City books (which have been carefully examined for the purpose) of another admission to the Office until the year 1376, when two Masters were appointed, and then for some years subsequently two new Masters were sworn in annually.

1309. In this year we find the first record of an admission of a Barber to the freedom of the City, and several others occur about this period (see Freemen).

1310. On Wednesday next after the feast of the Nativity, 4th Edward II, Gerard the Barber was sworn keeper of the Gate of Newgate (Letter-Book D. 113), and there are other entries of Barbers being appointed keepers or porters at the City gates; from one of these, in 1375, it would seem that they were to keep a strict watch that no lepers should enter the city, and it was doubtless on account of their surgical knowledge enabling them to distinguish those afflicted with leprosy, that these offices were conferred upon them.

1310. On Monday before the feast of St. Gregory the will of Richard le Barber, our first Master, was proved in the Court of Husting. To Katherine his wife and Johanna his daughter, he left tenements and rents in Bread Street, Cordwainer Street, Queenhithe, Candlewike Street, and Whitecrouche Street. To Thomas de Mangrave his apprentice, a shop in Bread Street; to the fabric of London Bridge 20{s.,} and the residue to pious uses.

1312. The earliest admission of a Surgeon (not a Barber Surgeon) to the freedom is that of “Magister Johẽs de Suthwerk cirurgicus,” who was sworn on Friday before the feast of St. Barnabas, 5th Edward II, and who paid nothing for his freedom, being admitted at the instance of Hugh de Waltham, Town Clerk.

Among the Archives at Guildhall are various entries relating to early Barbers, which, although not touching upon the history of our Company, may properly be preserved in these pages, and I shall therefore give translations of a few of them.

1315. On Monday next after the feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in the 8th Edward II, by common assent of the Mayor and Aldermen in the Hustings of pleas of Land, there was granted and demised to William de Dounesheued, Barber to Sir John de Sandale, Chancellor of our Lord the King, a certain house belonging to the Bridge of London, to have and to hold to the said William for his whole life, he paying yearly on the usual days two and a half marks to the keepers for the time being of the said Bridge, which said house is situate between a house belonging to the said Bridge in which John Mew now dwells towards the West, and a house belonging to Thomas le Maderman towards the East, in the Parish of Saint Dionis Backchurch London. And the said William, the said house and its appurtenances in all needful manner shall sustain, and against wind and rain cause the same to be defended during the whole term of his life.

And there was a proviso that if the rent should remain unpaid for a whole year that the Bridge Keepers should re-enter. (Letter-Book E. 28{B.})

1319. On Thursday after the feast of St. Valentine, 13th Edward II, there was enrolled an obligation by which Roger the Barber (servant to John de Dallinge, Sheriff of London) and Margaret his wife, were bound to pay £100 to Sir John de Laugecombe, Rector of the Church of Laumaz Heys (sic) before the feast of Easter. (Letter-Book E. 85.)

1320. On Wednesday next after the feast of Saints Fabian and Sebastian, 13th Edward II, Lawrence the Barber, one of the men sworn to keep the Poultry Market on Cornhill, laid an information against John Bakon that he the said John was a forestaller of the Market. (Letter-Book E. 96{B.})

1320. In the same year among the names of the Citizens assessed to contribute to a fine of £1,000 to the King, occurs that of Thomas the Barber. (Letter-Book E. 106{B.})

1320. On Monday next before the feast of St. Margaret the Virgin, 14th Edward II, the Wardship of Alice, Joane and Agnes, children of John de Wynton, Barber, deceased, was given to Joane his widow; several shops and houses in the City belonging to the deceased are scheduled as for the benefit of the Wards, and Robert de Lamyngton, John de Bristolle, Barber, and Roger de Croidon were bound as sureties. (Letter-Book E. 114.)

Instances also occur of City Wards (sons of Barbers deceased) being apprenticed by the Chamberlain to various trades.

1340. In 14th Edward III, Hamo the Barber was assessed by the City at £10 as his contribution towards a forced loan of £5,000 to the King (Letter-Book F. 33) and six years later (1346) Hamo was again assessed at 20s. towards a “present” of 3,000 marks to the King.

1370. On 14th March, 44th Edward III, the wardship of Alice (aged 3 years), daughter of Nicholas the Barber, was given to Gilbert Prince, who was to use her legacy of 40 marks for her benefit.

1374. On the 28th July, 1374, Lawrence de Weston, Barber (Master of the Company in 1376), and Margaret his wife, mother of the said Alice, came before the Mayor, &c., and proved that the said Alice was dead, whereupon Gilbert Prince, the Executor of Nicholas the Barber’s will, was discharged, and the money paid to Lawrence and Margaret de Weston. (Letter-Book G. 244 and 317{B.})

Reverting now from individuals to the Company, we find that the Barbers existed as a Trade Guild, but unincorporated certainly from the year 1308, and that they were at first ruled by one Master, and later on (in 1376) by two Masters, appointed annually. This Company of Barbers was composed of two classes of Members--viz., those who practised Barbery proper (perhaps including phlebotomy and tooth drawing), and those who practised Surgery, and who were, for distinction sake, called Barber-Surgeons (in the City books they are spoken of as “Barbers exercising the faculty of Surgery”). For aught we know to the contrary, a perfect harmony and good understanding existed between these two sections of the Company, and it is probable that the ranks of the latter were continually recruited from the former.

1381. The earliest evidence of the existence of our Hall is to be found in Harl. MS. 541, which contains a list of Companies’ Halls in the City, temp. 5 Richard II, by which it appears that the Barbers’ Hall was then, as now, in the Parish of Saint Olave, Silver Street, and doubtless on the same site; the entry is, “Barbar hall y{e} p’yssh of Seynt Oluf in Sylverstrete.” In 1490 the Hall is known to have been on the same site.

1388. In this year Richard II sent his writs all over the Kingdom to enquire into the nature and constitution of the several guilds and fraternities, religions, social or craft, and the returns to these writs, which must have been an immense number, were formerly kept among the Records at the Tower of London. Herbert, in his History of the Livery Companies, refers to his fruitless endeavours to discover these returns, and I have made diligent enquiry at the Record Office for them also, with the undoubted result that all of those which relate to the London Trading Guilds are lost. There are, however, a great number relating to London religious guilds and to trade guilds all over the country. Two of these concerning the Barbers of Norwich and of Lincoln are so highly interesting that I have preserved them in Appendix A.

Amongst our Archives at Barbers’ Hall, is a vellum book of Ordinances written out fair in 1658, and therein is to be found a copy of the return made by the Barbers of London to the writ of Richard II, and which the Company caused to be extracted from the Tower Records in 1634. It is certified by William Colet as agreeing with the original, but unfortunately Mr. Colet (although he was Deputy-Keeper of the Records) or his copyist has made one or two mistakes, which necessitate a little hiatus in the translation, and he has put the year as the 11th instead of the 12th of Richard II. That the latter year is the correct one is abundantly proved by the dates on the original writs and on the numerous returns still in existence at the Record Office, as also by the names of the Masters certifying, who are recorded at Guildhall as having been admitted 10th September, 12th Richard II.

Richard II was more solicitous as to the funds and property of the Guilds, than he was about their observances, and our predecessors seem to have quickly acquainted him with their pecuniary position, “the which Company have neither tenements nor rents to their common use.”

The Masters recite an old document which they found in their strong box, and which will well repay perusal; it opens with a devout dedication to the Trinity, the Virgin Mary, and the glorious company of heaven, and the first Ordinance being expressly made in honour of God and all saints, and with the intention of stirring up the people to do well and to persevere therein, we must all approve of it. It provides firstly, that decayed brethren shall have an allowance of 10-1/2d. per week, if their poverty have not come about by their own folly. The second and third Ordinances relate to attendance at funerals and obits of deceased members. Then follow certain rules, that no man shall entice away another’s servant; the Masters to settle disputes, payment of quarterage, refusal of office, absence from Mass and the yearly feast, the livery clothing, &c., &c. It is well to observe here the evidence of the antiquity of our livery, of the quarterage, and of the feast, all of which have come down to these days.

Some later Ordinances are added, which were apparently made in 1387. This return is probably the only one extant of the whole of those made by the London trade guilds, and is therefore of the highest interest. A copy of the original (which is in Norman French), together with a translation, follows.

COPIA extracta ex Bundell’ Fraternitatum et Gildar’ Civitatis London remaneñ de Recordo prout patet in Rotulis dñi Regis infra Turrim London.

Anno xj{o}.[29] Ricardi Secundi.

[29] A mistake for Anno xij{o.}

JOHAN HEYDON et Hen Cook Mestres[30] William Chapman et William Gomine Surveyours de la Compaignie appelle ffraternite des Barbers de la Citee de Londres dauncien temps ordeigne certifiant au Counsail ñre S{r.} le Roy en sa Chancellarie la forme manere et condicion de touz articles obseruancez et lour circumstances contenuz en la paper de dite Compaignie en la forme quesuyt la quel compaignie nont nul teñt ne rent a lour c͠oe oeps les queles articles la dite Compaignie nont usez en lour temps forsqz soulement pur auer lour vesture un foitz per añ et paier lour quarterage pur sustiner pouerez geñtz de mesme la Compaignie et un foitz per añ assembler pur manger et eslire neuells Mestres et Surveiours sanz ascun autre article de sontz escript mettre en use forsqz ceux qˀ tan soulement sont faitz al honour de dieu mes purtant qils ont trouez un paper one les articles de sontz escriptz fait del temps donc memorie ne court ils les ont p’sentez a vrẽ tressages discrecions.

[30] Sworn Masters of the Barbers, 10 Sept., 1388. 12th Ric. II. (Letter-Book H. 235{B.})

CESTE ENDENTURE fait en nom̃ de Dieu omnipotent pier et fitz et seynt Esperitz et de nr̃e Dame Seynt Marie et de tout la gloriouse Compaignie de Ciel de la foundacion et de Lordinance de la fraternite des Barbers de la Cite de Londres tesmoigñ coment et sur queux pointz la dite Fraternite est funduz et ordeigne.

PRIMEREMENT al honourance de Dieu et touz ses Seyntes et pur excitac͠on les coẽns des geñtz a bien faire et perseuerance auoir en bien faitz est ordeigne qˀ si ascun frere de cel fraternite qi ad este de cell fraternite per vij anz sil cheit en mischief ou en pouerte pˀ auenture issint qil neit de quoy il purra viure de son propre et ces ne luy aucigne de sa propre folye qu donqz il auera chescun semaigne de lour c͠oe boyste x{d.} oᵬ. pur sa sustenance.

ITEM quant ascun frere du dite fraternite soit mort les freres de la dite fraternite serront la veyle al dirige et le jour al Messe et al dirige et al Messe del Moys obit et qˀ chescun tiel frere mort eit xxx messes de lour c͠oe Boyste et qˀ chescun frier qˀ soit absent sanz reasonable eucheson a ascun des ditz iiij foitz qil mette a lour c͠oe Boyste en noun de ses offrandes et dispences queux il deust auer fait sil eust este en p’sent iij{d.}

ITEM quant ascun Meistre de la dite Fraternite eit feme Mort qˀ les freres de la dite ffraternite soient a La Vigile et a la Messe le jour de sont enterment et a la Moys obit et quel frer qˀ soit absent a ascun de tres foitz qil paie pur chescun foitz qil soit absent en lieu des costages et autres dispences queux il ferreit sil feusse present a lour c͠oe boyst iij{d.}

ITEM qˀ nul frere de la dite Fraternite abette autri seruant hors des seruice son Meistre priuement ne apertement.

ITEM si ascun debate surdre pˀ entre ascuns des freres qˀ dieu defend et ces soit redresse per amour per la consideration des Meistres de la dite Fraternite . . . . . faire bonement et qˀ nul ne sue vers autre en autre manere autant qil ad assaie sil puisse pˀ leide des ditz Mestrez estre recorde.

ITEM qˀ chescun frere de la dite ffraternite veigne chescun quarter del an et paie son quarterage a Collectors decell issint qˀ les dits Collectors ne.

ITEM accorde est entre toutz les ditz freres qˀ quel de eux qˀ refuse son office quant ces vient a luy sil voet estre de ces allegge qil paie a lour c͠oe boyst.

ITEM si ascun frere soit absent a lour Messe et Manger quant il serra un foitz en lan qil paiera a tant en offrandes et toutz autres choes come un.

ITEM qˀ nul des ditz freres allowe autre hors de sa Meason.

ITEM si ascun frere per auenture tarie ses paiements entre añ et demy qil face gree demz les ij anz sanz rien outre le certain doñ. Et sil ad luy soient . . . . . . p’donez issint qil paie ce gest aderer. Et a ceux pointz tenir solonc amendement si mistier soit qils soient amendez ceste Fraternite sont entre jurez et ont chescun de eux pleine sa foy et si fra chescun qi serra de la dite ffraternite. Et accorde est entre eux . . . . . . endenture soient enclos en lour c͠oe boyst et lautre demurge vers les Mestres qˀ serront pur le temps de la dit fraternite.

ITEM chescun frere du dit fraternite paie en arres pur son Drap auant la mayn xl{d.} ameyns.

ITEM qˀ chescun frere garde la liuere ij anz enterrement deuant qil le donne ou vende ou aliene la liuere en ascun manere sur peyne de paier al compaignie un noble dor sur lour grace.

ITEM est ordeyne le dymenge ps̃ch ensuant lassumpc͠on de nr̃e Dame lan le Roy Richard sẽde xj{o.} qe les Surveiours du dit Mistier soient esluy per lassent de tout la ffraternite et nemy per les Mestres.

ITEM qˀ nul du dit Fraternite paie plus pur son mangre qˀ xiiij{d,} en apres.

ITEM ordeyne est qˀ chescun Meistre qˀ eslisera ascun autre home pur estre en son lieu cesta sauoir pur estre Meistre celuy qˀ eslisera tiel home pur estre Meistre apres lan serra obligee per mesme luy a la Compaignie pur la monoy en un obligacon.

Convenit cum Recordo WILLŨS COLET.

A COPY taken from a Bundle “of the Fraternities and Guilds of the City of London” which remains of record, as the same is seen in the Rolls of the Lord the King, at the Tower of London.

Anno 12. Richard II.

JOHN HEYDON and Henry Cook, Masters, William Chapman and William Gomine, Surveyors of the Company called the Fraternity of Barbers of the City of London of ancient time established, certifying to the Council of Our Lord the King, in his Chancery, the form manner and condition of all the articles, customs and their circumstances contained in the Records of the same Company in the form following:--The which Company have neither tenements nor rents to their common use, And these articles the said Company have not used in their time excepting only for to have their Livery once a year, and to pay their quarterage to maintain the poor folk of the same Company, and once a year to assemble to feast, and to elect new Masters and Surveyors without any other article of their writing to put forward except those which only are made to the honour of God; but, however, as they have found a document amongst the articles of the Records, made of the time to which memory runneth not, they have presented it to your most wise discretions.

THIS INDENTURE made in the name of the Omnipotent God, the Father and Son and the Holy Ghost, and of our Lady Saint Mary and of all the glorious Company of Heaven, concerning the foundation of the Government of the Fraternity of Barbers of the City of London Witnesseth how and upon what points the said Fraternity is founded and ordained.

FIRSTLY to the honour of God and all his Saints, and to stir up the Commons of the people to do well, and to have perseverance in well doing, it is ordained that if any brother of this Fraternity who has been of this Fraternity for seven years by chance fall into trouble or into poverty, and if he have nothing of his own by which he may be able to live, and it be not through his own folly, that then he shall have each week from their common box tenpence half penny for his sustenance.

ITEM. That when any brother of the said Fraternity dies the brethren of the said Fraternity shall go on the Vigil to the dirge, and on the day[31] to the Mass, and to the dirge and to the mass of the month’s obit, and that each such brother dead have thirty masses from their common box,[32] and that each brother who is absent without reasonable excuse at any of the said four times, shall put into their common box in place of his offerings and expenses, as he ought to have done if he had been present, three pence.

[31] The day of the funeral. [32] Thirty masses sung at the expense of the common box.

ITEM. When any Master of the said Fraternity has a wife dead, the brethren of the said Fraternity shall be at the Vigil and at the Mass on the day of her burial and at the month’s obit, and that brother who is absent at any of the three times shall pay for each time that he be absent, in place of the costs and other expenses which he would have borne if he had been present, three pence to their common box.

ITEM. That no brother of the said Fraternity entice any servant from the service of his master, privily or openly.

ITEM. If any dispute arise between any of the brethren, which God forbid, it is to be amicably settled by the decision of the Masters of the said Fraternity [and they are] to deal plainly,[33] and that no one sue another in other manner than at the assize (?) [and then only] if he be empowered by leave of the said Masters to be recorded.

[33] i.e., honestly.

ITEM. That each brother of the said Fraternity shall come each quarter of the year and pay his quarterage to the collectors[34] . . . . . .

[34] I am unable to complete this sentence.

ITEM. It is agreed between all the said brethren that whoever of them refuses his office when it comes to him, if he wishes to be relieved of it, that he pay to their common box.

ITEM. If any brother be absent from their Mass and Feast when it shall be once a year, he shall pay so much in offerings and all other things as one present.

ITEM. That none of the said brethren put [?] another out of his house.

ITEM. If any brother by chance delay his payments beyond a year-and-a-half, that he make acquittance within two years without any [penalty] beyond the ordinary fine. And if he be thus forgiven that he settle the matter at once.

AND to hold these points pursuant to amendment alone if the Mystery will that they be amended, this Fraternity are sworn among themselves and have each of them pledged his troth, and so from each who shall [hereafter] be of the said Fraternity. And it is agreed amongst them that this Indenture be enclosed in their common box, and the counterpart be held by the Masters for the time being of the said Fraternity.

The document which the Masters found amongst their records made in “the time to which memory runneth not” probably ends here, and the following Items (see the third one) were doubtless additional Ordinances made circa 1387.

ITEM. That each brother of the said Fraternity pay in pledge for his livery, when he has the same, forty pence at the least.

ITEM. That each brother keep the livery two whole years before he may give, or sell, or alienate it in any manner, under pain of paying to the Company for their pardon, a noble of gold.

ITEM. It is ordained that on the Sunday following the Assumption of our Lady in the 11th year of King Richard the Second,[35] that the Surveyors of the said Mystery be elected by the assent of all the Fraternity, and no longer by the Masters.

[35] 18th Aug., 1387.

ITEM. That none of the said Fraternity hereafter pay more than fourteen pence for his feast.

ITEM. It is ordained that each Master who shall choose any other man to be in his place, that is to say for to be Master; he who shall choose such man to be Master for the year shall be bound by himself for him, in an obligation to the Company for the money.[36]

[36] i.e., a guarantee for his honesty.

It agrees with the Record, WILLIAM COLET.

Coeval with our Company of Barbers there existed in the City of London, another Fraternity or Guild, that of the Surgeons, in no way connected with the Barbers, but, like them, existing by prescription only and unincorporated. It is not to be expected that these two Companies would, in the days of so much trade protection and jealousy, exhibit an over-friendly feeling towards one another, and the records of the period, though meagre, show that this was the case. The Surgeons’ Guild at no time appear to have been a numerous body, indeed there is reason to believe that frequently their numbers were less than a dozen, and they possibly never exceeded twenty.

In the researches undertaken for the purpose of this work, various references to the Surgeons’ Guild have turned up, and although at this early period there was much in common between the two Fraternities, I have considered it quite apart from the subject in hand to go into any detail concerning that Guild, more especially as it has recently been so ably and fully dealt with by Mr. D’Arcy Power in his “Memorials of the Craft of Surgery.”

1376. In the 50th Edward III, the Barbers made a complaint to the Mayor and Aldermen against unskilled practitioners in Surgery, and prayed that two Masters should be yearly appointed to inspect and rule the craft, and that none should be admitted to the freedom of the City, but upon due examination of their skill; and this was granted by the Court, entered of record and Lawrence de Weston and John de Grantone were chosen Masters. The following is a translation of the original record concerning this matter.[37]

[37] In this and some other cases I have adopted the able translations made by Mr. Riley in his “Memorials of London and London Life.”

To the honourable Lords, and wise, the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of London, shew the good folks, the Barbers of the same city, that whereas from one day to another there resort men, who are barbers, from uppelande[38] unto the said city, who are not instructed in their craft, and do take houses and intermeddle with barbery, surgery, and the cure of other maladies, while they know not how to do such things, nor ever were instructed in such craft; to the great damage, and in deceit, of the people, and to the great scandal of all the good barbers of the said city:--therefore the said good folks do pray that it may please your honourable Lordships, for the love of God, and as a work of charity, to ordain and establish that from henceforth no such stranger, coming to the said City from uppelande, or from any other place, of whatsoever condition he be, shall keep house or shop for barbery within the same city, before that he shall be found able and skilled in the said art and office of barbery, and that, by assay and examination of the good folks, barbers of the same city, whom out of the said craft it may please you to ordain thereunto. And that it may please you to ordain and establish, that from henceforth there shall always be two good men of their said craft chosen by their common assent to be Wardens of the craft; and that such two persons shall be presented unto the Mayor, Recorder, and Aldermen, of the said city, and sworn before them well and lawfully, to the best of their power and knowledge, to rule their said craft; and that the said Masters may inspect the instruments of the said art, to see that they are good and proper for the service of the people, by reason of the great peril that might ensue thereupon; and that on the complaint of such two Masters, all rebellious persons in the said craft, shall be made to come before you, and whosoever shall be found in default against this Ordinance shall pay to the Chamber 40 pence. And that from henceforth no man of their craft shall be admitted to the franchise of the said city, if he be not attested as being good and able, upon good examination before you made. And that no foreigner shall keep house or shop in their craft within the said city, or the suburbs thereof. And that this Ordinance shall be enrolled in the Chamber of the Guildhall of London, for all time to last.

[38] The general name for country places in those days.

And the same was granted unto them. Whereupon, Laurence de Westone and John de Grantone were chosen Masters of the Barbers. [Letter-Book H. 28.]

The foregoing ordinance must surely have given umbrage to the Surgeons’ Guild as it placed the Barbers upon an equal footing with them in the examination of Surgeons, the inspection of their instruments, etc.; and this more especially as seven years previously (in 1369) the Surgeons had obtained from the same Court an Ordinance investing them with the power of presenting the defaults of all unskilful Surgeons.

1382. As an example of a quack Surgeon’s method of practice, and of his rogueries and punishment, the following case of Roger Clerk will be found interesting:--

Roger Clerk, of Wandelesworth,[39] on the 13th day of May in the 5th year (Richard II), was attached in the Chamber of the Guildhall of London, before the Mayor and Aldermen, to make answer, as well to the Mayor and Commonalty of the City of London, as to Roger atte Hacche, in a plea of deceit and falsehood: as to which, the same Roger said, that whereas no physician or surgeon should intermeddle with any medicines or cures within the liberty of the city aforesaid, but those who are experienced in the said arts, and approved therein, the said Roger Clerk, who knew nothing of either of the arts aforesaid, being neither experienced nor approved therein, nor understood anything of letters, came to the house of him, Roger atte Hacche, in the parish of St. Martin, in Ismongereslane, in London, on Thursday, the morrow of Ash Wednesday, in the 5th year, etc.; and there saw one Johanna, the wife of the aforesaid Roger atte Hacche, who was then lying ill with certain bodily infirmities, and gave the said Roger, her husband, to understand, that he was experienced and skilled in the art of medicine, and could cure the same Johanna of her maladies, if her husband desired it.

[39] Wandsworth.

Whereupon, the said Roger atte Hacche, trusting in his words, gave him 12 pence, in part payment of a larger sum which he was to pay him, in case the said Johanna should be healed. And upon this, the same Roger Clerk then and there gave to the said Roger atte Hacche an old parchment, cut or scratched across, being the leaf of a certain book, and rolled it up in a piece of cloth of gold, asserting that it would be very good for the fever and ailments of the said Johanna; and this parchment, so rolled up, he put about her neck, but in no way did it profit her; and so, falsely and maliciously, he deceived the same Roger atte Hacche. And he produced the said parchment here in Court, wrapped up in the same cloth, in proof of the matters aforesaid.

And the said Roger Clerk personally appeared, and the said parchment was shown to him by the Court, and he was asked what the virtue of such piece of parchment was; whereupon, he said that upon it was written a good charm for fevers. Upon being further asked by the Court what were the words of this charm of his, he said;--“Anima Christi, sanctifica me; Corpus Christi, salva me; in isanguis Christi, nebria me; cum bonus Christus tu, lava me.”[40] And the parchment being then examined, not one of those words was found written thereon. And he was then further told by the Court, that a straw[41] beneath his foot would be of just as much avail for fevers, as this said charm of his was; whereupon, he fully granted that it would be so. And because that the same Roger Clerk was in no way a literate man, and seeing that on the examination aforesaid, (as well as on others afterwards made,) he was found to be an infidel, and altogether ignorant of the art of physic or of surgery; and to the end that the people might not be deceived and aggrieved by such ignorant persons, etc.; it was adjudged that the same Roger Clerk should be led through the middle of the City, with trumpets and pipes, he riding on a horse without a saddle, the said parchment and a whetstone, for his lies, being hung about his neck, an urinal also being hung before him, and another urinal on his back. [Letter-Book H. 145.]

[40] “Soul of Christ, sanctify me; body of Christ, save me; blood of Christ, saturate me; as Thou art good, Christ, wash me.”

[41] In allusion, perhaps, to the custom of men who were ready to perjure themselves, as false witnesses, to go about with a straw sticking out from between the foot and the shoe--“men of straw.” [Riley.]

1390. In connection with the Surgeons’ Guild, four Master Surgeons of the City were sworn before the Mayor, etc., in this year, and they were to make scrutiny amongst persons practising the art of Surgery, and to present defaults. [Letter-Book H. 248.] It will be remembered that in 1369 a somewhat similar Ordinance was made for the Surgeons’ Guild, and this one in 1390 was probably obtained as a set off to the powers vested in the Barbers by their Ordinance of 1376, and by way of assertion of equal rights with them in matters surgical. Anyhow it is very clear that there were two distinct bodies within the City ruling the craft of Surgery at this period, each, no doubt, claiming jurisdiction over its own members, and both anxious and ready to interfere with outsiders, and probably with each other. It is curious to note that in the Ordinance of 1390, above referred to, the Masters inspecting are authorised to make scrutiny not only of men, but of “women undertaking cures, or practising the art of Surgery”; and here, in the 19th century, we find history repeating itself, and women again “intermeddling in matters surgical.”

As might be expected the dual scrutiny exercised over persons practising surgery, by two distinct and antagonistic Companies, produced considerable jealousy and unpleasantness, and there are various records extant indicative of cases of attempted interference with the Barbers’ privileges, one of which is distinctly stated to have been the work of the Surgeons and Physicians, as doubtless also were the others.

1410. By Letter-Book I. 94, it appears that the Ordinances for the Barbers made in 1376 were confirmed to them with the significant addition that they should enjoy the same, “without the scrutiny of any person or persons of any other craft or trade, under any name whatsoever other than the craft or trade of the said Barbers, either as to shaving, making incision, blood letting or any other matters pertaining to the art of Barbery or of Surgery, in the craft of the said Barbers now practised, or to be practised hereafter.” This Ordinance is, I think, clearly directed against the Masters of the Surgeons’ Guild, who had sought to exercise their authority over the Barbers using the faculty of Surgery.

1415. Complaint having been made to the Mayor and Aldermen, concerning the unskilful and fraudulent practice of certain Barbers in matters of Surgery, the privileges of the Barbers were again recorded, though the Company who had hitherto nominated their own Masters, were somewhat shorn of that privilege, as the Mayor, etc., directed the names of all the Barber (Surgeons) to be brought before them, and after due enquiry, they selected two of them for Masters, and gave them their charge and oath.

1416. “Certain trustworthy and discreet” Barber (Surgeons) complained to the Mayor, etc., that notwithstanding the last order, there were still unruly members in the craft, and a fresh Ordinance was enacted which imposed a penalty on offenders.

The Ordinances above referred to are to be found in Letter-Book I. 149, and are as follows:

Be it remembered, that on the 10th day of April, in the 3rd year, etc. (1415) it was intimated in a relation, and not without alarm, unto Thomas Fauconer, Mayor, and the Aldermen, how that some barbers of the said city, who are inexperienced in the art of surgery, do oftentimes take under their care many sick and maimed persons, fraudulently obtaining possession of very many of their goods thereby; by reason whereof, they are oftentimes made to be worse off at their departure than they were at their coming: and that, by reason of the inexperience of the same barbers, such persons are oftentimes maimed; to the scandal of such skilful and discreet men as practise the art of surgery, and the manifest destruction of the people of Our Lord the King.

And the said Mayor and Aldermen, wishing to obviate an evil and a scandal such as this, as also, to provide a fitting remedy for the same, and considering first, how that the said barbers by themselves, without the scrutiny of any other persons of any other trade or craft,[42] or under any name whatsoever, have supervision and scrutiny over all men following the craft of barbery, and within the liberty of the said city dwelling, as to all manner of cases touching the art of barbery or the practice of surgery, within the cognizance, or to come within the cognizance, of the craft of the said barbers;--as by a certain Ordinance, made and ordained in the time of Richard Merlawe,[43] late Mayor, and the then Aldermen, and in the Chamber of the said City of London enrolled, of record fully appears;--did determine and ordain that in future, by the more substantial part of all the barbers following the practice of surgery, and dwelling within the liberty of the said city, there should be chosen two of the most skilful, most wise, and most discreet men, of all the barbers following such practice of surgery, and dwelling within the liberty of the said city; seeing that oftentimes under their scrutiny and correction there would be found cases of possible death and maiming, where, if ignorant and indiscreet men should undertake the management thereof--the which might God forbid--in their judgment grievous errors might unexpectedly ensue, by reason of such unskilfulness. And that the same Masters, so often as they should be thus chosen, on election should be presented to the Mayor and Aldermen, for the time being, there by the said Mayor and Aldermen to be accepted and sworn etc.

[42] See the Ordinance of 1410. [43] Mayor 1409-10.

And lest perchance a difference of opinion might in future as to such election arise, therefore, the said Mayor and Aldermen, after taking counsel on the matter aforesaid, on Friday, the 3rd day of May, in the same year (1415), caused to be brought before them the name of every barber who followed the practice of surgery and dwelt within the liberty of the said city, in order that, after enquiring into the duties and experiences of their practice and skill, in manner theretofore approved and customary, they might be the better able to accept such Masters. And hereupon, because that, among other names, Simon Rolf and Richard Wellys, citizens and barbers of the said city practising the art of surgery, as well for their knowledge and probity, as for the different kinds of difficult cures that had been sagaciously performed and effected by them, were by trustworthy testimony, upon sound and umblemished information, commended before any others, precept was given by the said Mayor and Aldermen to Baldwin Tettisbury, one of the serjeants of the said Mayor, to summon the said Simon and Richard for Monday the 6th day of May then next ensuing, to appear before the said Mayor and Aldermen in the Chamber of the Guildhall aforesaid, there to make the oath to them by the said Mayor and Aldermen to be administered.

Upon which Monday the said Simon and Richard, by virtue of such summons, appeared before the Mayor and Aldermen in the Chamber aforesaid. And hereupon the said Simon and Richard were then accepted by the said Mayor and Aldermen, and sworn upon the Holy Evangelists of God, well and faithfully to watch over and oversee all manner of barbers practising the art of surgery, and within the liberty of the said city dwelling; to maintain and observe the rules and ordinances of the craft or practice aforesaid; no one to spare, for love, favour, gain, or hate; diligently without concealment to present unto the Chamberlain of the said City, for the time being, such defaults as they may find; at all times, when duly required thereto, well and faithfully to examine wounds, bruises, hurts, and other infirmities, without asking anything for their trouble; and what they should find, at their discretion, when duly required thereto, distinctly to certify unto the Mayor and Aldermen of the said City, for the time being; as also, well and faithfully to conduct themselves from thenceforth in future; and all other things to do and perform, which of right are befitting or requisite for the masters or overseers of such practice to do.

AFTERWARDS, on the fourth day of July, in the 4th year, etc. (1416) before Nicholas Wottone, Mayor, the Recorder, and the Aldermen, in full Court, upon truthful information of certain trustworthy and discreet men of the craft of Barbers, practising the art of surgery aforesaid, as of other able and substantial men of the said city, it was stated how that, notwithstanding the Ordinance aforesaid, very many inexperienced men of the said craft of Barbers, indiscreetly practising the art of surgery, did presume, and in their presumption pretend, that they were wiser than the Masters inspecting, and, as to certain infirmities--indiscreetly excusing themselves therein, on the insufficient grounds that they are not liable to the peril of maiming or of death--did altogether disdain to give notice of the same to the said Masters inspecting, according to the Ordinance aforesaid, or to be discreetly examined by them as to the same, or diligently to be questioned thereon. Upon which pretence, they did not hesitate daily to take sick persons, in peril of death and of maiming, under their care, without shewing such sick persons, or such infirmities and perils, unto the same Masters inspecting; by reason of which presumption or unskilfulness, such sick persons were exposed to the greatest peril, either of maiming or of death. Wherefore, the said Mayor and Aldermen were prayed that, for the common advantage of the whole realm, and the especial honour of the said city, they would deign to provide some sure remedy for the same.

And accordingly, the Mayor and Aldermen, assenting to the said petition, as being just and consistent with reason, having taken diligent counsel as to the matters aforesaid, and considering that very many of such persons in these times are more in dread of loss or payment of money than amenable to the dictates of honesty or a safe conscience, did ordain and enact, that no barber, practising the art of surgery within the liberty of the said City, should presume in future to take under his care any sick person who is in peril of death or of maiming, unless he should show the same person, within three days after so taking him under his care, to the Masters inspecting, for the time being, by the barbers practising the art of surgery within the liberty of the said City to be elected, and to the Mayor and Aldermen presented, and by them specially to be admitted; under a penalty of 6s. 8d. to the Chamber of London in form underwritten to be paid, so often as, and when, against this Ordinance they should be found to act; namely, 5 shillings to the use of the Chamber of the Guildhall, and 20 pence to the use of the craft of the Barbers.

1423. In this year certain Ordinances were made by the Mayor (Sir William Walderne) and Court of Aldermen which are entered in Letter-Book K. 6{B.} This record relates to what Mr. D’Arcy Power, in his “Memorials of the Craft of Surgery,” has termed a “Conjoint College” of the Physicians and Surgeons, and has little to do with our Company, beyond the fact that the scrutiny and oversight of persons practising Surgery is given to the Masters of the Surgeons’ Guild. The subject of these Ordinances and many very interesting remarks thereon and on the Conjoint College may be seen at p. 52, &c., of Mr. D’Arcy Power’s work; and the record itself is set forth in full at p. 299; furthermore, extracts from it, so far as the same relate to the privileges and practice of the Surgeons, are to be found in the beautiful old vellum MS. formerly belonging to that Guild, and now in the possession of the Barbers’ Company.

Armed with this additional authority, the Surgeons’ Guild again sought to interfere with and scrutinize the Barber-Surgeons of the Barbers’ Company. These latter, however, must have had good friends at Court, and were not slow in asserting and obtaining confirmation of their rights and privileges, as will be seen by reference to the following record in Letter-Book K. 27{B.}:--

1424. MEMORANDUM. That on Friday the 10th day of November in the third year of the reign of Henry the Sixth from the Conquest before John Michell, Mayor, Thomas Knolles and other Aldermen, and Simon Seman and John Bithewater, Sheriffs of the City of London, It was granted and ordained that the Masters of the faculty of Surgery within the craft of Barbers of the same city, do exercise the same faculty even as fully and entirely as in the times of Thomas Fauconer late Mayor, and other Mayors, it was granted unto them, notwithstanding the false accusation (calumpnia) which the Rector and Supervisors of Physic and the Masters of Surgery pretend concerning a certain ordinance made in the time of William Walderne late Mayor (1423) and entered in the letter book K, folio 6, the which, they now endeavour to enjoin upon the said Barbers.

1451. With the exception of a few references (which are noticed elsewhere) the City records are silent concerning the Barbers’ Company until this year, when the Master and Wardens, styled here “Gardiani,” with certain honest men of the Mystery of Barbers, brought a Bill before the Mayor and Aldermen, praying them to establish certain Ordinances, and to enter them of record, which was granted and done.

These Ordinances provided for the enforcement of stated penalties in cases of disobedience and related to attendance upon summons, settlements of disputes, refusal of office, admission of members, evil speaking, assemblies and payments, instruction of “foreyns,” employment of aliens. They are to be found in Letter-Book K. 250, and are the first written in English, all previous ones being either in Latin or Norman French in the originals.

MEMORANDUM q{d.} xxv{to.} die ffebruarii Anno regni Regis Henrici Sexti post conquestˀ vicesimo nono veniunt hic in Curˀ Dñi Regis in Camˀa Guyhald Civitatis london coram Nich̃o Wyfold Maiore & Aldermannis ejusdem Civitatꝭ magistˀ & Gardianˀ necnon cẽti probi homines misterˀ barbitonsoꝜ Civitatꝭ p’dcẽ & porrexerunt dcisˀ Maiore & Aldermannis quandam billam sive supplicacioñe vˀboꝜ sequentˀ seviem continentem Unto the ryght Worshipfull and Worshipfull lord and souvˀaignes Mair and Aldremen of the Citee of London,

BESECHEN most mekely all pˀsones enfˀunchised in the craft and mistier of Barbours wythin the said Citee That it please unto your lordshippˀ and Right wise discrecions for to consider howe that for as moche as certein ordin{a}nces been establisshed made and entred of Record in the ch{a}umber of the yeldhall of the said Citee all pˀsonnes of the said Craft have fully in opinion for to obeye observe and kepe theim and noon other in eny Wise, So been y{r.} many and divˀse defaultes often tymes amonges your said besechers not duely corrected for default of such other ordin{a}nces to be made and auctorised sufficiently of record in the said ch{a}umber, like it therefore unto your said lordshippe and grete Wisdoms of your blessed disposicons for the pˀpetuell Wele and good Rule of the said Craft for to establissh and make these ordinaunces here folowyng pˀpetuelly to endure and for to be observed and putte in due execucion in the same craft And to be auctorised of record in the said ch{a}umber for evˀ And your said besechers shall pray god for you.

FFIRST that evˀy barbour enfˀ{a}uncheised householder and other occupier of the same craft holdyng eny shopp of barberye wythin the Citee of london shall be redy att all manˀ som̃ons of the Maisters and Wardeins of the same craft for the tyme being that is to sey for the Kyng the Mair or for eny Worshipp of the said Citee And yef eny man occupying the said craft in manˀe and fourme aforesaid absent him from eny such som̃ons wythoute cause reasonable and thereof duely convict than he to pay at the ch{a}umber of the yeldhall xiij{s.} iiij{d.} that is to say vj{s.} viij{d.} to the same ch{a}umber and other vj{s.} viij{d.} to the almes of the said craft. Also that evˀy man enfˀ{a}uncheised under the fourme abovesaid that disobeyeth and kepeth not his houre of his som̃ons at eny tyme w{t}oute cause reasonable and yˀof[44] duely convict shall paye to the almesse of the said craft at evˀy tyme y{t.} he maketh such defaute ij{d.} And yef eny of theim what so evˀ he be of the same craft that disobeye this ordin{a}nce he shall paye to the ch{a}umber of the yeldhall iij{s.} iiij{d.} at evˀy tyme that he maketh such default.

[44] thereof.

ALSO that yef eny matˀe of debate or difference be betwene eny pˀsoones of the said craft Which god defend, that none of theim shall make eny pursuyt at the comˀon lawe unto the tyme y{t.} he that findeth him aggreved in that pˀtie hath made his compleint unto the maister and Wardeins of the same craft for the tyme being and they to ffynyssh the matˀe and the cause of the said compleint Wythin vj dayes after such compleint made and yef they conclude not and ffynyssh the same matˀe Wythin the said vj dayes that yanne it be lefull to either pˀtie to take the benefice of the comˀon lawe Wythin this Citee So alwayes that the pˀtye ageinst whom the compleint is made be not fugityf And what pˀsone of the said craft that doth contrarie this ordin{a}nce shall paye at evˀy tyme at the chaumber of the yeldhall xiij{s.} iiij{d.} that is to sey vj{s.} viij{d.} to y{e} said ch{a}umber and oy{r.} vj{s.} viij{d.} to y{e} almesse of y{e} said craft.

ALSO that noon able pˀsone of the said craft enfˀ{a}uncheised shall refuse eny manˀ office or clothing pˀtinent to the said craft Whan and What tyme that he be by his bretheren be abled and elect y{r}to upon pein to paye at the ch{a}umber of the yeldhall xl{s.} that is to wete xx{s.} to the same ch{a}umber and other xx{s.} to the said almesse Also what man of the said craft that absenteth him fro the said eleccion Wythoute cause reasonable or absent him fro the dyner to be made the same day and will not paye therto his pˀt thanne he shall paye at the said ch{a}umber iij{s.} iiij{d.} that is to sey xx{d.} to the same ch{a}umber and other xx{d.} to the almes of the said craft.

ALSO that the maisters and Wardeins of the same craft that nowe be or in tyme to come shall be, shall not take admitte or resceive eny pˀsone in to the bretherhede or clothing of the same craft Wythoute the com̃on assent of the bretheren of the said craft or the more pˀt of theim upon pein of eviˀch such maister or Wardein that doth cont{a}rie this ordin{a}nce xx{s.} that is to say x{s.} to the ch{a}umber and x{s} to the almesse of the said craft.

FFURTHERMORE it is ordeigned that from hens forward yef eny man occupying the said craft be imfouled and of evell Will and malice so be unavised to revile or reprof eny man of the same craft that is to seye for to lye him or wyth other dishonest Wordes misgovˀne him in presence of the said maisters and Wardeins or in eny oy{r.} places and pˀof[45] by the report of the said maisters and Wardeins be duely convict what so evˀ he be of the same craft that is so misgovnˀed at eny tyme shall paye at the said ch{a}umber for evˀy such default vj{s.} viij{d.} that is to say to the same chumber iij{s.} iiij{d.} and to the Almes of the said craft iij{s.} iiij{d.}

[45] Query “y{r} of” == thereof.

ALSO it is ordeigned that evˀy man enfˀ{a}uncheised of the said craft under fourme aforesaid shall assemble with his ffelashipˀ of the same craft by thassignement of the said maisters and Wardeins being for the yeer in a certein place limited by theim at iiij tymes of the yeer And at evˀy such quarter day in the yeer evˀy brother enfˀ{a}uncheised and being of the clothing therof shall paye to the almes abovesaid iij{d.} And evˀy man that is so enfˀ{a}uncheised of the same craft and is not of the clothing of the same shall paye to the same almes j{d.} Which iiij dayes be these that is to saye the tewesday next after all hallown day the tewesday next after candelmasday the tewesday next after Trinite sonday and the tewesday next after lammas day to thentent that the said maisters and Wardeins shall enquere amongꝭ the said compaignye so assembled that yef eny default ranker or discord be hadd or moved amongꝭ theim that thanne the said maisters and Wardeins shall sett theim at rest accord and in unite to that they canne or may, after the fourme and custume as have been before used And what parsonne of the said craft be absent eny of the said dayes wythoute cause reasonable he shall paye for evˀy such day iiij{d.} to the expenses of the said maisters.

ALSO it is ordeigned and establisshed that no barbour nor other able pˀsonne using barbourye shall enfourme eny foreyn nor him teche in no wise in eny manˀ point that belongeth to the craft of barbourye or surgˀye wherby the same foreyn shall pˀceyve and take by his own capacite and exˀcise unto the tyme that the same foreyn be bounden appˀntice to a pˀsone barbour or other pˀsonne able enfˀ{a}uncheised using the same craft Wythin the Citee of london upon peyne to paye at the ch{a}umber of the yeldhall for evˀy such defaute iiij marc, that is to say to the same ch{a}umber xxvj{s.} viij{d.} and to the Almes of the said craft other xxvj{s.} viij{d.}

AND also that no barbour nor other able pˀsoone occupying the same craft shall take eny Alien nor stˀ{a}unger in to his sˀvice unto the tyme that the same alien or stˀ{a}unger be examined by the maistˀ and Wardeins of the same craft of his abilite and Connyng And thereupon the maistˀ and Wardeins With other vj or viij of the moost able and Kunnyng pˀsonnes of the craft shuld taxe him after his abilite after that hem semeth that he be worthy to take yeerly for his salarie And also that no Barbour shall take eny alien or stˀ{a}unger that hath been or w{t}in sˀvice wyth an other barbour enfˀ{a}uncheised before that he knowe well that the same sˀvnt hath complete his coven{a}ntes wyth his former maister upon pein to paye for evˀy such defaute at evˀy tyme that he be founde defectif ayenst eny of these ordin{a}nces at the said ch{a}umber xiij{s.} iiij{d.} that is to wete to the same ch{a}umber vj{s.} viij{d.} and to the said almesse vj{s.} viij{d.} and also make restitucion of the damage unto the pˀtie that findeth him greved.

AND also that no man occupying the said craft shall pˀcure eny other mannes sˀvnt oute of sˀvise upon the peyn aforesaid and damage unto the pˀtie pleintif And also it is ordeigned that from hensforward that no harbour enfˀ{a}uncheised nor eny other able pˀsoons occupying the said craft shall not take into his sˀvice eny stˀ{a}unger or forein for lasse time thanne a yeer And what pˀsone enfˀ{a}uncheised or occupying the said craft disobeys this ordin{a}nce shall renne in the pein of xiij{s.} iiij{d.} that to be devided in manˀ and fourme above said.

AND also that no pˀsons of the said craft of barbours nor other able pˀsone occupying the same craft huyre no ffˀ{a}unchised man of the same craft oute of his shopp ne dwellyng place upon pein of xl{s.} that is to wete to the said ch{a}umber xx{s.} And to the Almesse of the said Craft other xx{s.}

Qua quidem billa coram dˀcĩs maiore & Aldermannis lectˀ & per eosdem plenius intellectꝭ Qua videtur eisdem qˀd omnes articuli in dˀca billa contentꝭ sunt boni & honesti ac racioni consomˀ, &c., &c. (The articles were ratified confirmed and ordered to be entered of Record in the books of the Chamber of London.)

Nothing is now heard of the Surgeons’ Guild for some years, although they were still in existence. It is quite probable, that finding the Barbers had invariably obtained the protection and countenance of the City authorities, whenever their privileges had been assailed or called in question, they had given over their attempts at interference with them as hopeless, and allowed our worthy predecessors to continue to “exercise the faculty of surgery,” in peace; and being unmolested they doubtless grew in numbers, in importance, and in the knowledge of their art, until it was admitted that their position as one of the Guilds, warranted them in applying for a Charter of Incorporation, which was granted to them by Edward IV in 1462.

1413. Before proceeding to refer to this important epoch in the history of our Company, it will be well to introduce a very remarkable letter, which was written by Thomas Arundell, Archbishop of Canterbury (formerly of York), to the Mayor, etc., of London, in which he complained that the Barbers, being, alas! “without zeal for the law of God,” kept their shops open on the Sabbath days, and he besought the Mayor and Aldermen (his “sons in Christ, and dearest friends”) to put a stop to this practice. No trade, perhaps, has from the earliest days, down to our own times, owned such persistent breakers of the Fourth Commandment as have the Barbers. Our records abound with by-laws, enacted and renewed over and over again on this subject, and details of the delinquencies of numerous Barbers in this respect, and of their punishments by fine and imprisonment crop up everywhere.

The Archbishop’s letter reveals to us the fact, that nearly 500 years ago, men were constituted much as they are now; in that “that which touches the body or the purse, is held more in dread than that which kills the soul,” and he shrewdly suggests that the clerical punishment of “the greater excommunication,” should be augmented by a fine to be levied by the Civil authority. This letter is so deeply interesting that no apology is needed for reproducing it here. The original is to be found in Letter-Book I. 125.

1413. On the 24th day of July, in the first year, etc. (Henry V) the Reverend Father in Christ, and Lord, Thomas, by Divine permission, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate of all England, and Legate of the Apostolic See, sent here, to the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of London, certain Letters Close of his, containing words as follow:--

“Sons in Christ and dearest friends.--We know that you do seek for the things which are of above, and that you will the more readily incline to our desires, the more surely that the things as to which we write are known to tend to the observance of the Divine law, the maintenance of public propriety, and the rule of the Christian profession. We do therefore write unto you on this occasion, to intimate that when we were presiding of late in our Provincial Council, holden at London, with our venerable brethren, the Suffragan Bishops, and our clergy of the Province of Canterbury, it was publicly made known unto us with universal reprobation, that the Barbers of the City of London, over the governance of which city you preside, being without zeal for the law of God, and not perceiving how that the Lord hath blessed the seventh day and made it holy, and hath commanded that it shall be observed by no abusive pursuit of any servile occupations, but rather by a disuse thereof, in their blindness do keep their houses and shops patent and open on the seventh day, the Lord’s Day, namely, and do follow their craft on the same, just as busily, and just in the same way, as on any day in the week, customary for such work. Wherefore we, with the consent and assent of our said Suffragans and clergy, in restraint of such temerity as this, have determined that there must be made solemn prohibition thereof in the City aforesaid, and that, of our own authority, and that of our said Provincial Council; and not there only, but also throughout the Diocese of London, and each of the cities both of our own Diocese and of our Province of Canterbury; to the effect, that such barbers must not keep their houses and shops patent or open, or follow their craft, on such Lord’s Days for the future, on pain of the greater excommunication; in the same manner as it has been enacted and observed of late in our time, as to the City and Diocese of York, as we do well recollect. But, dearest children, seeing that so greatly has the malice of men increased in these days, a thing to be deplored--that temporal punishment is held more in dread than clerical, and that which touches the body or the purse more than that which kills the soul, we do heartily intreat you, and, for the love of God and of His law, do require and exhort you, that, taking counsel thereon, you will enact and ordain a competent penalty in money, to be levied for the Chamber of your City, or such other purpose as you shall think best, upon the Barbers within the liberty of your City aforesaid, who shall be transgressors in this respect; that so at least, those whom fear of the anger of God does not avail to withold from breach of His law, may be restrained by a scourge inflicted upon their purse, in the way of pecuniary loss; knowing that we in the meantime, after taking counsel hereon, will devise measures for the prevention of this, and for the due publication of our Provincial enactment aforesaid. Fare you well always in Christ.

Written at Ikham[46] on the 13th day of the month of July.

[46] Near Wingham, Kent.

THOMAS, Archbishop of Canterbury.”

An Ordinance was forthwith made thereupon, to the effect, that no barber, his wife, son, daughter, apprentice, or servant, should work at such craft on Sundays within the liberty of the city, either in hair cutting or shaving, on pain of paying 6s. 8d. for each offence; 5s. thereof to go to the new work at the Guildhall, and the remainder to the Wardens or Masters of the Barbers within the city.[47]

[47] Riley p. 594.

1422. In August of this year Henry V died, and thirty-two of the City Companies assisted at his obsequies, going in procession and carrying torches. From an entry in Letter-Book K. 1{B.}, it appears that the Barbers bore four torches on this occasion.

1447. This year the Company seem to have contributed 40s. towards the cost of the Roof of the Chapel at Guildhall, as appears by the following entry in Journal IV, 198 (25th October, 26 Henry VI)--

Itmˀ gardiani misterˀ barbitonsoꝜ & importaverunt in Cur xl{s.} sterlingoꝜ pˀse & misterˀ sua ad coopturam Guyhaɫd Sc̃. Capelle.


Hitherto we have considered two distinct and somewhat hostile fraternities, the Surgeons on the one hand, and on the other the Barbers (consisting of Barbers and Barber-Surgeons), both of them City Guilds, existing by prescription, having independent rules and Ordinances for their government and the scrutiny and correction of abuses in their respective Crafts, the former Company few in number, the latter far more numerous and popular; the Surgeons without, and the Barbers with, a Livery.

Of these two fraternities, the Barbers by the regular and every day nature of their calling, as shavers and hair cutters, together with the practice of Surgery combined by so many of them, were the most likely to become the more popular Company; their fees would surely be on a lower scale than those of the more aristocratic Surgeons, and their numbers and constant intercourse with the citizens, in their capacity as Barbers, enabled them easily to extend their connection as Surgeons.

In all their contentions with the Surgeons’ Guild, as far as we know, they held their own well, and thus it was that their place in the City, as a Livery Guild of at that time an ancient standing, their position as the professors of useful and scientific arts, their numbers and presumable affluence, all rendered it desirable that they should be placed upon the same footing as the better class of Guilds, by their acquisition of a Charter of Incorporation, which they accordingly obtained from the young King Edward IV in the first year of his reign (1462).

Thomas Knot (Master, 1555) has recorded in one of our books, a Translation of this Charter, which Mr. J. Flint South (who does not appear to have seen the original Latin one) has transcribed, and this has been adopted by Mr. D’Arcy Power (page 326). Thomas Knot wrote a good hand, and was a zealous champion of the Barber-Surgeons in his time, but he made egregious blunders in some of the writings recorded over his signature, and although there is not great fault to be found with him in this instance, it is suggested that the Translation given below, is perhaps a more literal one than that which Knot has handed down.

The Charter is still preserved at our Hall, and is contained on a small skin of parchment; the initial letters of the title, which were at the time left to be illuminated have never been filled in, and the document is therefore not the work of art which one is accustomed to see in Charters of this period; it bears signs of having been frequently used, the ink in some places being worn, and the words only legible with the aid of a magnifying glass. The great seal pendant is not quite perfect, but is a beautiful specimen and highly artistic. The following is the text of the Charter:--

(E)DWARDUS dei grã (R)ex (A)nglie & (F)rancie & (D)ominus (H)ibñie. (O)mnibus ad quos pˀsentes lrẽ pˀuenint saltm̃ (S)ciatis q̃d nos considerantes qualitˀ Diɫci nõb prˀbi & liᵬi hoiẽs mistere BarbitonsoꝜ Ciuitatis nr̃e london vtentes mistera siue facultate SirurgicoꝜ tam circa vulña plagas lesiones & alias infirmitates ligeoꝜ nroꝜ ibidem curandˀ & Sauandˀ q{a}m in extracc͠oe sanguinis & denc̃iu hˀmꝰ ligeoꝜ nrõꝜ g{a}ndes & multiplices intendencias & labores pˀ longa tempora sustinuerunt & supportauerunt indiesqʒ sũtinere & supportare non desistunt qualitˀ etiam pˀ ignoranciam negligenciam & insipienciam nonnulloꝜ hˀmꝰ barbitonsoꝜ tam liᵬoꝜ hõim Ciuitatis nr̃e pˀdc̃e q{a}m alioꝜ SirurgicoꝜ forincecoꝜ & non liᵬoꝜ hõim eiusdem Ciuitatis indies ad eandem Ciuitatem confluenciũ & in mistera SirurgicoꝜ minus sufficientˀ eruditoꝜ q{a}m plurima ac quasi infinita mala diuˀsis ligeis nr̃is in vulnĩbʒ plagis lesionibʒ & aliis infirmitatibʒ suis pˀ huius modi Barbitonsores & Sirurgicos sauandis & curandis ob eoꝜ defc̃m ante hec tempora euenerunt quoꝜ quidem ligeoꝜ nroꝜ alii ea de causa viam vniuˀse carnis sunt ingressi alii autem eadem causa tanq{a}m insanabiles & incurabiles sunt ab omĩbʒ derelecti similia qʒ mala vel peiora infuturˀ in hac parte euenire formidatˀ nisi remedm̃ congruũ supˀ hoc pˀ nos cicius pˀuidetuˀ Nos enim attendentes & intime adũtentes qˀd huiusmodi mala ligeis nr̃is ob defc̃tuˀ debit supˀuis scrutinii correccõis & punicõis huiusmodi barbitonsoꝜ & SirurgicoꝜ minus sufficientˀ in eisdem misteris siue facultatibʒ vt pˀdcm̃ est eruditˀ & instructˀ euenire contingunt. Ad humilem supplicacoẽm dilc̃oꝜ nobˀ pˀdcoꝜ pˀboꝜ & liᵬoꝜ hõim pˀdcẽ mistere BarbitonsoꝜ in Ciuitate nr̃a pˀdcã concessimꝰ eis qˀd mistera illa & omẽs hoiẽs eiusdem mistere de Ciuitate p’dc̃a sint in re & noiẽ vnũ corpus & vna Coitãs pˀpetua. Et qˀd duo principales eiusdem Coitãtis vna cũ assensu duodecim vel octo pˀsonaꝜ ad minus Coitãtis illius in mistera Sirurgie maxime expert singulis annis eligˀe possint & facˀe de Cõitate illa duos magr̃os siue Gubñatores in mistera Sirurgicˀ maxime exp̃tˀ. Ad supˀuidendˀ regendˀ & gubñandˀ misterˀ & Cõitatem pˀdictˀ & omẽs hoiẽs eiusdem mistere negociti eoꝜdem imp̃pm̃. ET QˀD QˀDEM mãgri siue guᵬnatores & Coit̃as heañt successionem pˀpetuam & coẽ sigillum negociis dcẽ Coit̃atis impˀpm̃ sˀuiturˀ. Et qˀd ip̃i & successores sui impˀpm̃ sint pˀsone habiles & capaces ad pˀquirendˀ & possidendˀ in feodo & pˀpetuitate trãs tenˀ redditus & alias possessiones quascunqʒ usqʒ ad valorem quinqʒ marcaꝜ pˀ annũ ult{a} reprisas et qˀd ip̃i noiã magr̃oꝜ siue GuᵬnatoꝜ & Coit̃atis mistere barbitonsoꝜ london pˀlitare & imp̃litari possint coram quibuscuqʒ indicibʒ in Curiis & acciõbʒ quibuscuqʒ ET QˀD pˀdci magr̃i siue Guᵬnatores & Coit̃as & eoꝜ successores congregacoẽs licitas & honestas de seipˀis̃ ac statuta & ordinacoẽs pˀ salubri gubnacoẽ supˀuisu & correccõe misteria pˀdictˀ sˀcdm̃ necessitatis exigenciam quociens & quando opus fuit̃ facẽ valeant licite & impune siue occõne vel impedimento nr̃i heredimi vel successoꝜ nr̃oꝜ Justicˀ EscacioꝜ Vicecomitum CoronatoꝜ aut alioꝜ BalliuoꝜ vel ministroꝜ nr̃oꝜ heredemi vel successoꝜ nr̃oꝜ quoꝜcuqꝜ dum̃odo statuta & ordinacoẽs illa contˀ leges & consuetudines regni nr̃i Anglˀ nullo modo existant. PRETERIA VOLUMꝰ & concedimꝰ pˀ nos heredbʒ & successoribʒ nrĩs quantũ in noᵬ est qˀd magr̃i siue Guᵬnatores pˀdcẽ Coit̃atis pˀ tempore existenˀ & eoꝜ successores impp̃m h̃eant supˀuisum scrutinm̃ correccoˀem & guᵬnacoˀem om̃i & singuloꝜ liᵬoꝜ h̃oim̃ dcẽ Ciuitatꝭ SirurgicoꝜ vtencm̃ mistera BarbitonsoꝜ in eadem Ciuitate ac alioꝜ SirurgicoꝜ forincecoꝜ quoꝜ cuq̃ʒ mistera illa Sirurgicꝭ aliquo modo frequentancm̃ & vtencm̃ infra eandem Ciuitatem & suburbia eiusdem ac punicoẽm eoꝜdem tam liᵬoꝜ q{a}m forincecoꝜ pˀ delictis suis in non pˀfecte exequendꝰ faciendꝰ & vtendꝰ mistera illa necnon supˀuisum & scrutinm̃ omim̃odoꝜ instrumentoꝜ emplastoꝜ & aliaꝜ medicinaꝜ & eoꝜ receptꝭ pˀdcos̃ Barbitonsores & Sirurgicꝭ huiusmodi ligeis nris̃ pˀ eoꝜ plagis & vulnibʒ lesionibʒ & huiusmodi infirmitatibʒ curandꝰ & sauandꝰ dandꝰ imponendꝰ & vtendꝰ quociens & quando opus fuit pˀ comõdo & vtilitate eoꝜdem ligeoꝜ nr̃oꝜ ita qˀd punicio huiusmodi BarbitonsoꝜ vtencm̃ dc̃a mistera Sirurgicꝭ ac huiusmodi Sirurgicꝭ forincecoꝜ sit in pˀmissis delinquencm̃ pˀ fines am̃ciamenta & imprisonamenta corpoꝜ suoꝜ & pˀ alias vias rõnabiles & congruas exequaturꝰ. Et qˀd nullus BarbitonsoꝜ vtens dcã mistera Sirurgicꝭ infra dcãm Ciuitatem aut suburᵬ eiusdem aut alius Sirurgicus forincecus quicuq̃ʒ & exequendꝰ faciendꝰ & exẽcendꝰ eandem misteram Sirurgicꝰ aliquo modo infuturꝰ in eadem Ciuitate vel Suburᵬ eiusdem admittat{a} nisi primicũs pˀ dcõs magr̃os siue guᵬnatores vel eoꝜ successores ad hoc habiles & sufficientes in mistera illa eruditus approbetꝭ & pˀ plenarˀ comprobac͠one sua in hac parte maiori Ciuitatis pˀdictꝰ pˀ tempore existenꝰ pˀ eosdem magrõs siue Guᵬnatores ad hoc pˀsentet{a.} VOLUMUS eciam & concedimꝰ pˀ noᵬ heredibʒ & successoribʒ nr̃is quant̃u in noᵬ est qˀd dc̃i magr̃i siue guᵬnatores ac Coit̃as pᵭc mistere BarbitonsoꝜ nec successores sui nec eoꝜ aliquis quoquo modo infuturꝰ infra Ciuitatem nr̃am pˀdcañ & Suburᵬ eiusdem sumoniunt{a} aut ponant{a} neqʒ eoꝜ aliquis sumoniat{a} aut ponat{a} in aliquibʒ assisis iuratis enquestis inquisicõibʒ attinctis aut aliis recognic̃oibʒ infra dc̃am Ciuitatem & Suburᵬ eiusdem impostimi coram maiore aut vicecountꝭ seu Coronatꝭ dc̃e Ciuitatis nr̃e pˀ tempore existenꝰ capiendꝰ aut pˀ aliquem officiariũ siue ministm̃ sũu vel officiarios siue ministros suos sum̃oniandˀ licet iidem Jurati inquisicões seu recognic͠oes sum̃ fuiñt supˀ br̃i vel briᵬʒ nr̃i vel heredimi nroꝜ de recto SED qˀd dc̃i mag̃ri siue Guᵬnatores ac coit̃as mistere antedc̃e & successores sui ac eoꝜ quiᵬt vˀsus nos heredes & successores nr̃os ac vˀsus maiorem & vicecomites Ciuitatis nr̃e pˀdcẽ pˀ tempore existenꝰ & quoscũqʒ Officiarꝰ & ministros suos sint inde quieti & penitus exonãti impp̃m pˀ pˀsentes. ET VLTERIUS nos considerac͠oe pˀmissoꝜ de gr̃a nr̃a sˀpaɫi concessimꝰ pˀ noᵬ & successoribʒ nr̃is pˀfatis mag̃ris siue Guᵬnatoribʒ ac Coit̃ati dcẽ Mistera BarbitonsoꝜ & successoribʒ suis hanc liᵬtatem viᵭelt qˀd ip̃i pˀpetuis futuris temporibʒ pˀsonas habiles & sufficientꝰ eruditos & informatos in dct̃i mistera Sirurgicꝰ & pˀ mag̃ros siue Guᵬnatores mistera illius pˀ tempore existenꝰ in forma pˀdc̃ti approbatꝰ & maiore Ciuitatis pˀdc̃e pˀ tempore existenꝰ vt pˀdc̃am est pˀsentat in eandem misteram BarbitonsoꝜ ad libtat̃es dc̃e Ciuitatis hẽndꝰ & gaudendꝰ scᵭm consuetudinem dc̃e Ciuitatis admittẽ & recipˀe valeant & non alias pˀsonas quascũqʒ neqʒ alio Modo aliquo mandato aut requisic͠oe nr̃i heredimi seu successoꝜ nroꝜ pˀ brãs inscriptꝭ vel alitꝭ qualitꝭ cumqʒ incontrm̃ factꝭ seu faciendꝭ non obstantꝭ ET LICET iidem mag̃ri siue Guᵬnatores ac Coiãtas & eoꝜ successores hac liᵬtate continue in futurꝭ vsi fũint cont{a.} aliquod mandatum sine requisicõem nr̃i heredũ seu successoꝜ nroꝜ aut aliquoꝜ alioꝜ quoꝜcuq̃ʒ in forma pˀdc̃a fiendꝭ ip̃i tamen finem contempt̃u depˀditum erga nos heredes seu successores nrõs aut dampñu vel malum aliquod in bonis seu corporibʒ suis erga quoscumqʒ alios ea occ̃one nullo modo incurrant nec eoꝜ aliquis incurrat. ET hoc absqʒ fine seu feodo pˀ pˀmissis seu sigillac͠oe pˀsentum noᵬ faciendꝭ soluendꝭ vel aliqualitꝭ reddendꝭ aliquo statuto ordinac͠oe vel actu incontrm̃ ante hec tempora editꝭ factꝭ ordinatꝭ seu pˀuis non obstantꝭ. IN cuius rei testimonm̃ has lrãs nr̃as fieri fecimꝰ patentes. TESTE me ip̃o apud Westm̃ vicesimo quarto die ffebruarii Anno regni nr̃i primo.


pˀbrẽ de priuato sigillo de datꝭ pˀdct̃ auctoritate parliamenti & pˀ decem libris soluitꝭ in hanapˀio


Irt̃o in Curꝰ Domini Regis in Cam̃a Guihalde Ciuitatꝭ Londõn in libro signatꝭ cum lit̃ta. l. folˀ tercio decimo. Anno regni Regis Edwardi quarti post conquestum Tercio.


EDWARD by the grace of God, King of England and France, and Lord of Ireland, TO all to whom these present letters shall come, health. KNOW ye, that we considering how our beloved, honest, and free men of the Mystery of Barbers of our City of London, exercising the Mystery or Art of Surgery, as well respecting wounds, bruises, hurts, and other infirmities of our liegemen, and healing and curing the same, as in letting blood, and drawing the teeth of our liege men, have for a long time undergone and supported, and daily do undergo and support, great and manifold applications and labours; and also, how through the ignorance negligence and stupidity of some of the men of the said Barbers, as well of the freemen of our said City, as of other Surgeons foreigners and not freemen of the said City, and who daily resort to the said City, and in the mystery of Surgery are not sufficiently skilled, whereby very many and almost infinite evils have before this time happened to many of our liegemen, in their wounds, hurts, bruises, and other infirmities, by such Barbers and Surgeons, on account of their defect in healing and curing; from which cause, some of our said liegemen have gone the way of all flesh, and others, through the same cause, have been by all given over as incurable and past relief, and it is to be dreaded, that similar or greater evils may in future arise on this head, unless proper remedy is by us, speedily provided for the same. WE therefore, heartily weighing and considering that such evils do happen to our liegemen for want of the examinations, corrections, and punishments by a due supervision of such Barbers and Surgeons as are insufficiently skilled and instructed in the said mysteries or arts as aforesaid; have at the humble request of our aforesaid beloved, honest, and freemen of the said Mystery of Barbers in our said city, granted to them that the said Mystery, and all men of the said Mystery aforesaid, may be in deed and name one body and one perpetual Community, and that two Principals of the said Community may, with the consent of twelve persons, or at least eight of the said Community who are best skilled in the mystery of Surgery, every year elect and make out of the Community, two Masters or Governors of the utmost skill, to superintend rule and govern the Mystery and Community aforesaid and all men of the said Mystery, and of the businesses of the same for ever. AND THAT the said Masters or Governors and Community may have a perpetual succession and common seal to serve for the affairs of the said Community for ever, and that they and their successors for ever may be able and capable to acquire and possess in fee and perpetuity lands, tenements, rents, and other possessions whatsoever, to the value of five marks per annum, besides reprises. And that they, by the name of the Masters or Governors and Community of Barbers of London, may be able to plead and to be impleaded before whatsoever Justices in Courts, and actions whatsoever. And that the said Masters or Governors and Community, and their successors, may lawfully and honestly assemble themselves, and make statutes and ordinances for the wholesome government, superintendence, and correction of the said Mystery, according to the exigency of the necessity, as often and whenever it may be requisite, lawfully and unpunishably, without leave or hindrance of us, our heirs or successors, Justices, Escheators, Sheriffs, Coroners, or any other Bailiffs, or servants of us, our heirs or successors; provided that such statutes or ordinances are not in any ways contrary to the laws and customs of our Kingdom of England. WE FURTHER will and grant, for us, our heirs and successors, as far as in us lies, that the Masters or Governors of the aforesaid Community for the time being, and their successors for ever, shall have the superintendence, scrutiny, correction, and government of all and singular the freemen of the said City who are Surgeons, exercising the Mystery of Barbers within the said City, and of all other foreign Surgeons whomsoever, in anywise practising and using the said Mystery of Surgeons in the said City and the suburbs thereof, and the punishment of them, as well freemen as foreigners, for their offences in not perfectly following, practising and using that mystery, and also the superintendence and scrutiny of all kinds of instruments, plaisters, and other medicines, and their recipes, by such Barbers and Surgeons given, applied, and used for our liege men, for curing and healing their wounds, bruises, hurts and such kind of infirmities, when and as often as shall be requisite for the convenience and utility of our liege men; so that punishment of such Barbers exercising the said mystery of Surgeons, so offending in the premisses, be executed by fines, amerciaments, and imprisonments of their bodies, and by other reasonable and suitable means; and that no Barber exercising the said mystery of Surgeons in the said City and suburbs thereof, or any other foreign Surgeon whatsoever, shall in future be admitted to follow, practise and exercise the said mystery of Surgeons, in anywise, within the said City or the suburbs thereof, unless he be first approved by the said Masters or Governors, or their successors, for this purpose able and sufficient as skilled in the said Mystery, and for his plenary approbation in this behalf, by the said Masters or Governors to the Mayor of the said City for the time being, presented. WE ALSO will and grant, for us our heirs and successors, as far as in us lies, that neither the said Masters or Governors and community of the said Mystery of Barbers, nor their successors, nor any of them shall hereafter, in anywise be summoned or appointed on any assizes, juries, inquests, inquisitions, attainders, or other recognizances, within the said City or suburbs thereof for the time to come, before the Mayor or Sheriffs or Coroners of our said City for the time being, by any summoning officer or his servant, or summoning officers or their servants, although the said juries, inquisitions, or recognizances should be summoned by a writ or writs of right, of us or our heirs, but that the said Masters or Governors and Community of the aforesaid Mystery and their successors shall, from henceforth for ever, be peaceably and entirely exonerated towards us, our heirs and successors, and towards the Mayor and Sheriffs of our said City for the time being, and every of their officers and servants, by these presents. AND FURTHER, we, in consideration of the premisses, do of our special grace, for us and our successors, grant to the said Masters or Governors and Community of the said Mystery of Barbers, and their successors, this liberty, to wit, that they in all future times may admit and receive persons apt and sufficiently skilled and informed in the said Mystery of Surgery, and by the Masters or Governors for the time being of the said Mystery, in manner aforesaid approved, and presented to the Mayor of the said City for the time being as aforesaid, into the said Mystery of Barbers to the fredom of the said City, to be held and enjoyed according to the custom of the said City; and no other persons whomsoever, nor in any other manner, any mandate or requisition of us, our heirs or successors, by written letters or otherwise howsoever made or to be made to the contrary notwithstanding. AND ALTHOUGH the said Masters or Governors and Community and their successors should contumaciously use this liberty in future against any mandate or requisition of us, our heirs, or successors, or any others whomsoever to be made in form aforesaid, neither they nor any of them shall in anywise incur any fine, contempt, or loss towards us, our heirs or successors, or any damage or punishment in their goods or bodies, or towards any other persons whatsoever, on that account; AND this without fine or fee for the sealing of these presents, to be done paid or otherwise rendered unto us; any statute, ordinance, or any act to the contrary, before this time published made ordained or provided notwithstanding IN WITNESS whereof, we have caused these our letters to be made patent. WITNESS myself at Westminster the twenty-fourth day of February in the first year of our reign.

By writ of privy seal, and of the date aforesaid, by authority of Parliament, and for ten pounds paid into the hanaper.

Inrolled in the Court of the Lord the King, in the chamber of the Guildhall of the City of London in the book marked with the letter l. folio thirteen in the third year of the reign of King Edward the Fourth from the Conquest.

The chief point which strikes us on reading the foregoing Charter is, that it contains a great deal relative to Surgery, and little, indeed nothing, concerning Barbery, and yet it is granted ostensibly to the Barbers!

Now the Surgical side being the more important one of the craft, and the raison d’être of the Charter being in a great measure to provide for the regulation of Surgery and the correction of abuses in that profession, this silence as to Barbery and recognition of Surgery would seem to be an evidence that the practice of the latter, more or less, was the rule rather than the exception with members of the Company of Barbers; and, as the Masters or Governors were empowered to make “statutes and ordinances” (by-laws) for the governance of the mystery, it was doubtless considered unnecessary to descend into any details concerning shaving and the like in a Royal Charter.

The preamble of this Charter is exceedingly quaint and interesting, reciting how through the “ignorance, negligence and stupidity” of various Barbers and other practitioners in Surgery, many of the King’s lieges had “gone the way of all flesh.” Then at the request of “our beloved, honest and free men of the said Mystery of Barbers,” the King grants to them, to be one body perpetual, etc., that two of the chief men of the Company (no doubt the two then existing Masters “exercising the faculty of Surgery”) may with twelve or at least eight other skilled Barber-Surgeons, elect two Masters annually: this provision in itself is singular, as it would seem to imply that the body then incorporated was to be ruled by two Masters only; but a reference to our list of Masters and Wardens will shew that from the year 1448 the Company has been ruled by four Masters, and so on in unbroken succession to the present time[48]; these other two Masters therefore were Masters of the Barbers proper, about whom nothing was said in the Charter, but who were chosen annually in accordance with ancient custom, the Chief or First Master being alternately a Barber, and a Barber-Surgeon.

[48] The term “Wardens” is a more modern designation used for convenience sake; the Master and the three Wardens are, strictly speaking, the four “Masters or Governors.”

The Corporation was to have perpetual succession, and a Common seal, to hold lands of a certain value, to be able to plead and to be impleaded, to make by-laws, to have the scrutiny and correction of (apparently all) Surgeons in the City and suburbs, as also the oversight of all their instruments and medicines, etc., and to have the power of inflicting punishment, by fine or imprisonment, on offenders. None were to practise Surgery until examined and approved by the Masters and presented to the Mayor, and authority was given for the freemen of the Company to be admitted into the freedom of the City.

Another clause in the Charter was one which, whilst it conferred a valuable privilege upon the Company, was a source of continual strife and conflict with the Civic authorities, for by it all our freemen claimed to be exempted from serving on Juries and inquisitions, and this immunity, though constantly disputed, was as often asserted and maintained, with various qualifications.

In The Times, November 26, 1839, is an account of the exemption of certain freemen of the Company from serving on Juries at the Central Criminal Court. In this instance neither the claimants nor the Recorder knew much about the matter--for one of the applicants said, in reply to the Recorder, “I rest my claim on the Charter of Henry VIII”!! And, further on in the discussion, the same bold Barber had the effrontery to declare that “the privilege was confirmed by an Act passed in the reign of George II.” This was the Act which separated the Surgeons from the Barbers, and which did not confirm to the latter the exemption claimed, but our freeman gained his point, and the Recorder only grumbled.

As recently as 1868, a case was submitted to Sir J. D. Coleridge (now Lord Chief Justice) as to the legality of the exemption, and he gave his opinion in favour of it. However, since then the Jury Act has, alas! swept away this cherished immunity, and thus let the Barbers down to the level of their fellow citizens.

With the possession of their Charter the Company were now in an unassailable position, and we hear no more of their molestation by the Guild of Surgeons.

[Illustration: Grant by RICHARD THORNBURY, Citizen and Draper of London, to Robert Ferbras, Citizen and Surgeon, John Dagvile, Surgeon, William Sipnam, Grocer, and Walter Bartlot, Fishmonger, Citizens of London, for ever, of all his title in two shops and solars with their appurtenances, in the parish of Saint John upon Walbroke, formerly belonging to John Blounde of Braughyng in the County of Hertford, and which had been already conveyed to the Grantees by John Thornbury, gentleman, and Walter Thornbury, Clerk, which shops were situate between the tenements of William Horn, Citizen and Draper, towards the north and south, and the tenement of the Prior and Convent of the Blessed Mary without Bishopsgate towards the east, and the King’s highway leading from Walbroke to Dowgate towards the west. Dated 11th May, 2 Edward IV (1462).]

1470. The Company about this period came into possession of some freehold houses in St. John the Baptist upon Walbrook, to be held both for trust and corporate purposes. These houses are stated in our books to have been devised to us by Will (dated 2nd Dec., 1470) of Robert Ferbras. There are three old title deeds of the period still at the Hall, relating to these houses, and in the Court of Husting at Guildhall are two Wills of Robert Ferbras, Surgeon, both proved, one dated 4th Nov., 1470, and the other 17th April, 1472--but neither of these contain the bequest to the Barbers. It is, therefore, probable that Robert Ferbras conveyed the houses to the Company in his lifetime, and this fact being overlooked in course of years, it came to be said that they passed by his Will.

1482. 26th April.--The Company applied to the Court of Aldermen, presenting a set of ordinances for the government of the craft and for the regulation of apprentices, praying that the same might be allowed and ratified, which was done. The official entry under this date is in Letter-Book L. 174, and the following are the Ordinances:--

[Sidenote: Ordinacio } BarbitonsoꝜ}]

Memorand qˀd sexto decimo die Aprilis Anno regni Regis Edwardi quarti post conq̃m vicesimo scᵭo pˀᵬi hõies Artis sive mistere BarbitonsoꝜ Civitatis london venˀ hic in Curˀ dc̃i Dnĩ Regis in Camˀa Guyhald Civitatꝭ pˀdcĩ coram Willm̃e Haryot milite ac maiore & Aldr̃is ejusdem Civitatis et porrexer̃nt eisdem maiore & Aldr̃is quand{a}m billam sive supplicacõem Cujus tenor sequitur in hec verba.

TO THE RIGHT hono{r}able lord the Mair And the right wirshipful Sovˀaignes the Aldermen of the Citee of London Mekely besechen your goode lordship̃ and maistershippes all the pˀsones enfraunchesed in the crafte and mistere of Barbours w{t}in the Citee of london That it wold pleas the same your lordshipp and maistershippes for the Wirship̃ of the said Citee And for the goode Rule to be had w{t}in the saide Craft to graunte and establissh thise articles folowyng And theym to be entred of Recorde in the Chambre of the said Citee before your said lordship and maistershippes hereafter for to be observed and executed.

FFIRST that there shall no ffraunchesed Barbo{r.} w{t}in the said Citee take any man or Child to be his Apprentice before that he hath pˀsented the same man or Child unto the maister and Wardeyns of the said Craft for the tyme being, to thentent that the same maister and Wardeyns may duely examyne ovˀsee serche and behold by the Colour and complexion of the said man or Child if he be avexed or disposed to be lepur or gowty maymed or disfigured in any pˀties of his body Whereby he shall fall in disdeyn or lothefulnesse unto the sight of the Kingꝭ liege people And also to be examyned of his birth and of his kynrede or if there be on hym any bonde claymed, And if he be founde defectif in any of thise poyntꝭ that than no fraunchesed Barbo{r.} of the saide Citee shall take hym to his Apprentice uppon payn to pay v{li.} Whereof that one half shall Remayn unto the Chambre of the said Citee.

ALSO that evˀy enfraunchesed barbour that taketh any apprentice shall pay to the almes of the said Craft for the same Apprentice iij{s.} iiij{d.} to be paied in fourme folowyng that is to sey, at the first pˀsentacion of the Appˀntice xx{d.} and that other xx{d.} in the same yeere When he shall be enrolled And the names of the maister and appˀntice and the yeres of appˀntishode of the same appˀntice shalbe writen in a book by the said maistˀ & Wardeyns And he that disobeith this article or orden{a}nce shall pay unto ye almes of the said Craft of barbours xiij{s.} iiij{d.} that one half thereof to be applied to thuse of the said Chambre and that other half to the almes of the said Craft. And if it so be that the said Apprentice Dye w{t}in the first yere, or voide so that the said maistˀ take none avauntage by the same Appˀntice, that than the same money stonde for the next Appˀntice, And if it hapne the said maister to take any pˀfet [profit] for the said Appˀntice by way of Sale or sˀvice and that so pˀved before the said maister and Wardeyns that than the saide maister of the said Appˀntice to be charged for the said iij{s.} iiij{d.}

Then follows the usual Ratification (in Latin) of the above Articles.

1487. The next notice which we have of the Barbers in the City books, indicates that there had been quarrels and dissensions among them, and that the rules of the Craft had been set at nought by its members, whereupon a Book of Ordinances was presented to the Court of Aldermen for approval and ratification and the same is entered at this date, 20 July 2 Hen vij, in Letter-Book L. 235{B.} as follows:--

MEMORANDUM qˀd xx{o.} die Julij Anno regni Regis Henrici septum secundo, Gardiani & aɫ pˀᵬi hõies Artꝭ sive occupacõis de Barbours Civitatꝭ london venerˀ hic in Curˀ dc̃i dñi Regis in Camˀa Guilhald ejusdem Civitatꝭ coram Henrico Colet milite maiore & Aldr̃is Civitatꝭ pˀdc̃i & porrexˀunt eisdm̃ maori & Aldr̃is quandã billam sive supplicaõem Cujus tenor sequit{r.} in hec verba,

TO the right honourable lord the maire and fulle discrete sovˀaignes thaldˀmen of the Citee of london Shewen mekely unto yo{r.} good lordeship and maistˀshippes the maister and the Wardeyns and the good ffolke of the Crafte or Science of Barbours Surgeons of the said Citee that Where as they of longe tyme have been in discorde and not of oon conformite, but evˀy man in effect of the said Crafte or Science hathe taken and folowed his own singuler way and apetite as menne be[49] under no Rule nor obedience, contrarie to all godly policie for lacke of good Rules and orden{a}ncꝭ hadde and used within the same Crafte or Science, and in especiall for takyng of over many appˀnticꝭ and settyng a werk of money[50] fforeyns comyng oute of Seint Martyns, Westmynster, Suthwerk and other placꝭ nere unto this Citee to the distruccion of the good ffolke enfraunchised of the said Crafte or Science, but if[51] a remedie by yo{r} noble and grete wisdomes the rather be pˀvided in that behalf. That it wold pleas yo{r.} good lordeship and maistershippes for the good Rule and sadde[52] guydyng hereafter to be hadde amongꝭ the good ffolkꝭ of the said Crafte within the same Crafte to graunt to yo{r.} saide besechers certeyn Articles hereaftˀ ensuying from hensforth to be obsˀved and kept and afore you here in this hono{r}able Court to be establisshed and entred of Record for ever to endure.

[49] Being = living. [50] Many. [51] But if = unless. [52] Wise.

FFIRST that no pˀsone of the said Crafte or science ne none other enfraunchised within the saide Crafte and kepyng open shoppe of the same Crafte or Science within the same Cite from hensforth in any wyse pˀsume to take uppon him to sette a werke within his house or Shoppe any sˀvaunt or sˀvauntꝭ or allowes[53] or other beyng fforeyns or estraungiers, but[54] evˀry suche pˀsone so enfraunchised in the saide Crafte or science or in any other and occupie the same Crafte or Science within the Citee aforesaid present any such sˀvaunt or sˀvauntꝭ allowes and other before the maistˀs and Wardeyns of the same Crafte or Science of Barbours for the tyme beyng within iij daies next after his comyng to his saide maister to thentent that the saide maister and Wardeyns have knowledge of their habilitie and cunyng[55] before they be sette any lenger in occupac̃ion in the saide Crafte or Science, And what manˀ pˀsone[56] aforesaid hereafter be founde doyng the contrarie of this orden{a}nce shall forfeit and pay at evˀy tyme that he is so founden defectif xl{s.} the oon half thereof to be applied to thuse of the Chambre of this hono{r}able Citee and the other half to the Coẽn boxe of the said Crafte.

[53] Hired servants. [54] Unless. [55] Skill. [56] Manner of person.

ALSO that no manˀ pˀsone[57] enfraunchised in the saide Crafte or in any other kepying an open Shoppe and occupieth the same Crafte within the Citee from hensforth take or set a Werke within his house or shoppe or ellꝭ where within the same Citee any moo[58] Sˀvaunts allowes at oones[59] beyng fforeyns or Straungiers but oonly ij pˀsones and the same ij pˀsones to be pˀsented by their maister before the maister and Wardeyns of the said Crafte or Science of Barbours for the tyme beyng within iij daies next comˀyng in to suche sˀvice to their suche maistˀ And that the same fforeyns or straungiers shall take or have of their saide maister suche wages for their suche sˀvice as it shalbe thought by the saide Maister and Wardeyns of the said Crafte of Barbours that they canne desˀve and none other, And what maner of pˀsone aforesaid hereafter be founde doyng contrarie to this orden{a}ncꝭ shall forfeit at evˀry tyme that he is founde defectif v{li.} to be divided and applied to suche uses as be aforeherced.[60]

[57] Manner of person. [58] More. [59] Once. [60] Afore rehearsed.

ALSO if it fortune hereafter any pˀsone enfraunchised in the saide Crafte of barbours or in any other occupying the same Crafte of barbours within the Citee to take any mo sˀvauntꝭ allowes at oones beyng fforeyns or straungiers than onely ij as is aforeherced[61] Wherethurgh[62] he renneth in the forfaiture of the said penaltie of v{li.} for the saide offence, and than that the maister and Wardeyns of the saide Crafte of Barbours for the tyme beyng havyng knowleche therof put not the said penaltie of v{li.} in execucion accordyng to the teno{r.} of the saide Acte thereof made, within xiiij daies after that the said maistˀ and Wardeyns have knowleche thereof, that than the said maistˀ and Wardeyns for the tyme beyng so founden defectif shall forfeit and lose at evˀy tyme xiij{s.} iiij{d.} to be divided and applied to suche uses as be aforeherced.

[61] Afore rehearsed. [62] Wherethrough = whereby.

ALSO that no manˀ pˀsones enfraunchised in the said Crafte or in any other occupying the same Crafte within the said Citee from hensforth take any moo appˀntices at oones than iij uppon payne of forfaiture of v{li.} at evˀy suche tyme as he is founde defectif doyng contrarie of this Article, to be divided and applied to suche uses as be afore reherced Savyng allway that it shalbe lefull to evˀy suche pˀsone oon yeere before the tˀme of appˀntishode of any his appˀnticꝭ be expired to take a nother appˀntice in the stede of hym that is nygh com̃yng oute of his tˀmes of appˀntishode to thentent that the same newe appˀntice may have his due erudicion and lernyng in the said Crafte or Science of Barbours before the tˀmes and [63] of the rather appˀntice.

[63] A blank in the original.

ALSO if any pˀson of the said Crafte or Science selle away his appˀntice to a nother manne within his tˀmes of appˀntishode that than it shalnot be lefull to any suche pˀsone so silling away his appˀntice to take any newe in his stede duryng the tˀme to come of appˀntishode of that appˀntice so sold Nevertheles if it fortune any appˀntice to dye within the tˀmes of his appˀntishode that than it shall be laufull to the mastˀ of that appˀntice so dying to take a nother in his stede when so evˀ it shall lyke hym.

PROVIDED all way that it shalbe lefull to evˀy pˀsone of the said Crafte nowe havyng many appˀnticꝭ to reteyne and holde fulle as many appˀnticꝭ as he hathe the day of makyng of this Acte or orden{a}nce unto suche tyme as the tˀme of their appˀnticialite shalbe fully accomplisshed So all way that no suche pˀsone take any mo appˀntices unto suche tyme as the nuˀbre of the said appˀnticꝭ be reduced and brought unto the said nuˀbre of iij appˀnticꝭ uppon payn of forfaiture of v{li.} to be divided and applied to suche uses as been afore reherced.

ALSO that no foreyn Barbour from this tyme foreward occupie the Craft or Science of Barbours or Surgeon Barbo{r.} within the ffraunchise of the said Citee but if he be lymytted and assigned therto by the maister and Wardeyns of the same Craft for the tyme beyng uppon payn of forfaiture of v{li.} as often as any suche pˀsone so be founde defectif, to be divided and applied to suche uses as be aforeherced. Provided allway that if it canne be thought for the wele of the kyngꝭ people that if any foreyn Barbours or foreyn Surgeon be founden of such habilitie and connyng of Surgerie or of that Crafte that it were necessarie to have hym to occupie within the ffraunchise of this Citee, that than he be admitted therto by the Chamᵬleyn of london and by the Maister and Wardeyns of the said Crafte of Barbours for the tyme beyng, With that the same fforeyn fynde suertie sufficient to be bounde to the said Chamᵬleyn and Maister and Wardeyns for to do make him self free of the saide Crafte or Science of Surgeon Barbours and to obey and pˀfourme the Rules and ordenn{a}ncꝭ of the same Crafte and to be under the correcion of the same Crafte, provided allway that the kyngꝭ people be served in price of their Cure and shavyng in tyme to come aswell and as safely as they have been in tymes passed.

1490. A declaration made by one Bryan Sandford, dated 8th March, 1490, was produced to the Committee of the House of Commons in 1745, in which it was stated that the Company were at that time possessed of the freehold of their Hall in Monkwell Street.

1493. On the 12th July in this year, an agreement was entered into between the Barbers’ Company and the Surgeons’ Guild which would indicate that the two bodies were now on amicable terms, working harmoniously for the increase of the credit of the profession, and for the correction of inexperienced surgeons and empirics. This “Composition” is of so interesting a nature that it is here given in full, as extracted from the fine old Book of Ordinances at the Hall; it did not unite the two bodies in any way beyond this, that they agreed to follow the same rules and practice with regard to the government of all Surgeons; that each guild was to choose two Wardens, and that the four so chosen were to act in a conjoint capacity as rulers or masters in matters surgical, and thus comprehend all Surgeons, whether of the Barbers’ Company, the Surgeons’ Guild, or “foreyns.”

This present wrytyng endentyd of copˀosicyons made the xij{th} day of July iˀ the zere of owyr lord God M{t}CCCClxxxxiij and the viij{th} zere of the reyne of kyng harry the vij{th} William Martyn then beyng mayre of this cyte of london betwyxt the ffelishippis of surgeons enfraunchesˀ w{t} in the cyte of london on that on p’ty And the felishippis of barbours surgeons and surgeons barbours enfraunchessid iˀ the seyd cyte on the other parte witnesyth that the sayde felyshippys of ther comon assent and mere moc̃yons ben c͠odescẽdyd and agreyd togethir the day and the zere aboue sayd, in mañ and fourme folowyng. That is to sey that eũy pˀson and pˀsons of the faculte or scyens of surgeons admyttyd and sworne to eyth̃ of the sayde felyshippis from hens forward shall stond and a byde w{t} ther felyshippis as they now do and dyd before thys present composicyon.

Also that from hens forth non of the sayde felyshippis shall admyt nor reseyue in to ther felishippys any alyent straungˀ or foreyn vsyng the sayde faculte or scyens of surgery w{t}owten knowleg or c͠osent of the wardẽs of bothe the seyd felishippys. All so for the welth and suerte of the kyngꝭ lege people And the honour of the seyde felyshyppys, It is agreyd be twyxt the same two felyshippis that non alyent straunger nor foreyn shall use nor ocopy the seyde faculte or scyens of surg̃y withyn this cyte or subbers of the same unto such tyme as he shewhym selfe to the mayer for the time beyng, and by the iiij wardeyns of bothe the saide felishippis, that is to sey of eyth̃ of the sayde felishippis, tweyn, and othˀ suche as by theyr wysdomys they will call vnto them, be dewly examyned & approuyd to be sufficyent of conyng and habilyte in the sayde faculte. And yf any such pˀson or pˀsones bi the sayde iiij wardens as is afore sayde be taken reputed and a lowed to be sufficient of konyng and habylite iˀ the seyd faculte or scyens of surgery that then the pˀson or pˀsonys so knowen and admyttyd shall be sworne to all the good rewlys and ordenans of y{e} seyd faculte or scyens of surgery, and to be under the coreccyon of the iiij wardens for the tyme beyng to the entent that at all tymes he may be under dwe coreccyon for the sauegard of y{e} kyngis lege people. And if any suche alyent straungˀ or foreyn of pˀsumcon refuse to be examyned of the seyde wardens in mañ & fourme as is a fore seyd, Or yf any suche straunger or foreyn so examyned be the seyde wardens be Juged onsufficient of conyng and neũtheles takyth upon hym to occupy or vse the seyde faculte of surg̃y w{t}yn the seyde cyte or subbars of the same, Then take the name of hym or them so doyng and pˀsent hym by the sayd iiij wardens to the mayer for the tyme beyng, to the entent that by his wysdom, and advice of hys honerabyll brethern may set suche direccyon as shall be thought resonabil formacion[64] therof, restrayne hym from the ocupac̃on of the same scyens w{t} in the sayde cyte. Also it is agreyd and cõpoundyd betwyxte the sayde felyshippys that from hensforth eũy of the seyde felyshippis and seũally by them selfe, Chese of themselfe two discrete pˀsons usyng the fete of surgery to be seũally wardens of the sayde seũall felishippis, and that these iiij wardens for the tyme beyng when and as oftyn as nede shall requere, Shall haue the syght and good gounaunce of the seide faculte of surgery. And eũy pˀson or pˀsonys of eũy of the sayde felyshippis that happenys or shall fortune to haue any Jeopˀde[65] or dowtefull cure, dredyng deth or mãy,[66] he or they hauing at eny tyme to come, shall shew and pˀsent the cure or curys in as short tyme as nede shall be reqˀred, And at the leste at the thyrde dressyd[67] to the saide iiij wardens for the tyme beyng, Or any other pˀson or pˀsonys that is to seye, to one of yche of the seyde felishippis, and the same wardens and yf them seme nedefull shall call unto them ij or iij, or more if nede reqˀre, of the wysest and best expˀte mẽ of the said felishippis occupyeng the saide faculte of surgery as them semeth most expedyent, for the cause or causis aforesayde. Also in this coposycion yt is ordeyned and agreyd, that none of the iiij wardens for the zere beyng neyther any other pˀson of the sayde felishippis ocopyeng the crafte of surg̃i, Put any man of thes sayde felishipis oute of ther cure otherwyse then the honeste of the crafte wolle, but that yche of them be redy to helpe eche other w{t} counsell or deed, y{t} worship profyte and the honeste of the crafte, and helpyng of the seke be had and done on all sydis. And if ony of thes iiij wardens for the tyme beyˀg or any other pˀson or pˀsonys of the seyde felyshippis do the cõtrary that eche suche doer content the valvyr[68] of the cure, After discressyon and Jugem̃et of the same iiij wardens for the zere beyng, And also for his trespas to paye aftur discression and Jugem̃et of the iiij wardens. Also if any pˀson of the sayde felishippis dislaunder or depute any of the saide felishippis onrightfully ownonestly and ef it so maye be prouyd upon hym by two or thre witnesse, that he paye for that trespas iij{s.} iiij{d.}, and ouer that to make amendis to y{e} seide pˀsons the whiche he hath so disslaunderd aftur Jugement of onest men of the seyd felyshippis not founden in non suche defaute.

[64]? “For reformation.” [65] Jeopardy. [66] Maiming. [67]? “Day” or “dressing.” [68]? “Value.”

This pˀsent cõposicyon was made the daye and zere a bowe wreton by Roberd taylour, Rob{t.} Halyday, Thom̃s Koppisley, Thom̃s Thornton, Ihoñ Harte, Johñ Marhm̃, Roberd Beuerly, James Scote, James Ingoldysby, Johñ Taylour, Richard Swedenhm̃, Nicholas Leueryng, John Wilson. In rowlid in Raffe Osterigis tyme, mayer.

Of the persons assenting to this composition, the following were Barber-Surgeons, viz.: Rob{t.} Halyday (Master 1475, 1483, 1485, 1490, 1496), James Scott (M. 1493, 1498, 1500), James Ingoldysby (M. 1501, 1506), John Taylour (M. 1523, 1524), and Nicholas Leveryng(M. 1503, 1508), the others were most likely belonging to the Guild of Surgeons.

An Ordinance by way of addenda to the above was made, imposing penalties upon any who should break any of the foregoing rules; the first offence to be punished by a fine of 10s., the second 20s., and the third offence to be remitted to the Mayor and Aldermen for punishment after their discretion.


How long this agreement, so beneficial for the practice of Surgery, continued in force is unknown; but the probabilities are that the old jealousies soon re-appeared and that each Guild worked on its own lines until 1540, as, by the uniting Act then passed, it was specially remarked as desirable that the two Companies should come together, and be incorporated in one.

1497. We shall now present to the reader’s notice a highly important document, being a diploma granted by the Master and Wardens of the Barbers’ Company to one of their freemen, enabling him to practise as a Surgeon. This is in all probability the earliest English diploma of a Surgeon extant and cannot fail by the quaintness of its composition, and the details given, to prove of much interest. We notice in it, that our Company as usual, did not fail to rehearse its prerogatives and practice, and we also observe that thus early the Company provided an instructor and examiner in the science, Dr. John Smith, before whom came in the Common Hall, Robert Anson, and in the presence of a “great audience of many right well expert men in Surgery and others, was openly examined in divers things concerning the practice,” etc.



To all trew crysten people to whom thes present lettris shall come. ROBERD HALIDAI[69] mastur of barbours and of surgeon barbours of london, and Willm̄ Okeley, John Knote[70] and Thomas Dawes[71] wardens of the same gretyng, knowe ye that wher as the moste excellent Pryns in cryst and soũeyn lord Edward by the grace of god kyng of ynglõd and of ffraunce, lord of Ierlond, for many pˀfounde cos̃ideracyons his gc̃e movyng, hathe grauntyd the well to hym ĩ cryst, the approuyd fremen the coiãlte of barbours and of surgeon barbours of the cyte of londõ, The serche and oũsyght correcyon and ponyshement, examinacon & approbacion of all fremen usyng or hauntyng the conyng of surgery and barbory, And of all maner of men foreyns usyng or hauntyng any pˀticuler pˀte of surgery withyn the seyde cyte or subbers ther of, As a bowte new woundys, olde soris, and other lesyons what so eũ they be, Also in drawyng of teeth ventosyng scarificacons and suche othˀ manwall operac̃ons, lyke as the lettres patentes of owre seyde lege lord the kyng ther upon made planyly may apere. We therfore the saide Roberde, Willm̄, John̄ & Thom̄s at this tyme masturs and wardens of the saide felishyp, ffor the comyn pˀfyte weth[72] and relefe socour of owr lordis the kyngꝭ lege people, entẽdyng to pˀuyde men of good capasite and abill ĩ maners and conyng, sufficiently lerned, enfourmed, and labored by long experyens, and other in the seide craft of surgery,--haue prayed and requyred mastur John̄ Smyth doctour ĩ phesik, Instructour & examener of the seide feliship, and be[73] the same for that intent chosen and elect to entur & examynacyon for the cawses a boue saide, w{t} divers pˀsons whiche long tyme, w{t}owte auctorite, haue vsed and haunted w{t} experyens the conyng of surgery, wheruppon aftur dewe and dyuers monycions made in this be halue, ROBERD ANSON on of the seide coĩalte at the comyn hall of the same ĩ london appered, ĩ his pˀpyr pˀson, the first day of August last past, submyttyng hym selfe to the examync̃on and thaposicion,[74] wher and when the seide Roberd by the sayde John̄ Smyth, in a gret audiens of many ryght well expert men ĩ surgery & other, was op̃yly examyned ĩ dyuers thingꝭ cõcernyng the practise opˀatife and directif in the seyde crafte of Surgery. And the{r} albe it he hathe a fore this many tymys been well approuyd, ʒet now he is newly habelyd, be[75] the seyde doctour and felyship, and founde abyll and discrete to ocopy & vse the practise of surgery, as well a bowte new woundis, as cansers, fystelis, vlceracions & many other disessis & dyuers; & the same Robert thus aprouyd and abelyd we haue, as an expert man ĩ the seyd faculte, aprouyed and abeled to ocupy & practyse in the seyd faculte, ĩ eũy place, when and as ofte as hym best lyketh we haue lycensid hym and graũtid to hym by thes pˀsentes. ĩ witnes wherof we haue putte the comyn seale of barbours and of surgeon bˀbours of london, geuen at london ĩ the comyn hall of the seyd Comõnalte the viij day of August the zere of oure lord god M{t}CCCClxxxxvij.

[69] Master 1475, 1483, 1485, 1490, 1496. [70] Master 1510. [71] Master 1504. [72] Wealth. [73] By. [74] “The apposition”==the questioning. [75] By.

1499. In this year the Company obtained from Henry VII a confirmation of their Charter, paying but 20s. for the same. This Inspeximus Charter recites and confirms that of Edward IV with the very noticeable exceptions, that four Masters or Governors are named instead of two, and that they are described as of “the Mystery of Barbers and Surgeons,” and not “Barbers” only, as in Edward’s grant.

The original, in excellent preservation, with the great seal of England pendant, is at the Hall, and the text is as follows:--

HENRICUS dei gracia Rex Anglie Francie & Dominus Hibernie Omnibʒ ad quos pˀsentes littere pervenerunt, salutem. Inspeximus litteras patentes recolende memorie domine E. quarti nuper Regis Anglie progenitoris nostri factas in hec verba. EDWARDUS dei gracia . . . . . . . . Teste me ipso apud Westmonasteriũ vicesimo quarto die Februarii Anno regni nostri primo. NOS AUTEM litteras predictas ac omnia & singula in eis contenta rata habentes et grata ea pro nobis et heredibus nostris quantum in nobis est acceptamus & approbamus ac dilectis ligeis nostris Rico Haywarde Jacobo Holand Johanni Robertson et Johanni Boteler nunc Magistris sive Gubernatoribʒ mistere BARBITONSOꝜ et SIRURGICOꝜ infra Civitatem nrãm predc̃am & eoꝜ Successoribʒ per pˀsentes ratificamus et confirmamus sicut lrẽ predc̃e rõnabilis testantˀ IN CUJUS rei testiom̄ has lr̃as nr̃as fieri fecimus patentes. TESTE me ip̃o apud Westm̄ quinto die Decembris Anno regni nostri quinto decimo.

CLERK. pro viginti solidis solutis in hanaperio.

Intratur in libro signato cum lr̃a. m. tempore Nich̃i Alwyne maioris Civitatis londoñ Anno Regni Regis Henrici septum quinto decimo.


HENRY by the grace of God, King of England and France, and Lord of Ireland, To all to whom these present letters shall come, health. WE have inspected the letters patent of the Lord Edward the fourth, of gracious memory, late King of England, our progenitor, made in these words, “EDWARD by the grace of God . . . . . . . . Witness my self at Westminster the 24th day of February in the first year of our reign.” WE ALSO, the aforesaid letters, and all and singular therein contained ratifying and granting, for us and our heirs, as much as in us lies do accept and approve, and to our beloved lieges, Richard Haywarde, James Holand, John Robertson, and John Boteler, now Masters or Governors of the Mystery of BARBERS and SURGEONS within our City aforesaid, and to their successors, by these presents, do ratify and confirm, as in the aforesaid letters is reasonably testified. IN WITNESS whereof, we have caused these our letters to be made patent. WITNESS myself at Westminster the fifth day of December in the fifteenth year of our reign.

CLERK. for twenty shillings paid into the hanaper.

Entered in the book marked with the letter m. in the time of Nicholas Alwyne, Mayor of the City of London, in the fifteenth year of the reign of King Henry the Seventh.

1511. In this year an Act of Parliament was passed, which infringed on the privileges of the Barbers’ Company, inasmuch as it placed the approbation and licensing of Surgeons in the hands of certain clerical dignitaries, to wit, the Bishop of London and Dean of St. Paul’s (while for the country the several Bishops or their Vicars general were nominated). This Act was possibly the outcome of some laxity on the part of our Company, or of an intolerable growth of quackery, with which it could not cope, the pretenders to surgical knowledge being a “great multitude” of ignorant persons, and women, using sorcery, witchcraft and noxious remedies. This Act of Parliament (3 Hen. VIII, cap. XI) as given below, is from an original copy in the possession of Mr. Charles J. Shoppee (Master 1878).


To the kyng our souerayne lorde, and to all the lordes spiritual and temporall, & comoñs in this present parlyament assembled. FORASMOCHE as the science and connynge of phisike & surgerie (to the perfet knowlege whereof, be requisite both great lernyng and rype experience) is dayly within this realme exercised by a great multitude of ignorant pˀsons: of whome the great part haue no maner of insight in the same, nor in any other kynde of lernynge, some also can no letters on the boke, so farforthe that common artificers, as smythes, weauers, and women, boldely and customably take upon them greate cures and thinges of greate difficultie: in the whiche they partly use sorcerye, and witchcrafte, partly apply suche medicines unto the disease, as be very noyous and nothyng metely therfore to the highe displeasure of god, great infamye to the facultie, and the greuous hurte, damage, and destruction of many of the kynges liege people: most specially of them that can not discerne the unconnynge from connynge. Be it therfore (to the suertie and comforte of all maner people) by auctoritie of this present parliament enacted, that no persone within the citie of London, nor within seuen myles of the same, take upon hym to exercise and occupie as a phisition or surgion, excepte he be fyrst examyned, approued, and admytted by the byshop of London, or by the deane of Paules, for the tyme beinge, calling to hym or them foure doctours of phisike, and for surgery, other experte persons in that facultie, and for the fyrste examination suche as they shall thynke conuenient, and afterwarde alway foure of them that haue ben so approued, upon the peine of forfayture, for euery moneth that they do occupie as phisitions or surgions, not admytted nor examyned after the tenour of this acte, of v.li. to be enployed the one halfe therof to thuse of our soueraine lorde the kynge, and the other halfe therof to any person that wyll sue for it by action of dette, in whiche no wager of lawe nor protection shalbe alowed.

¶ And ouer this, that no persone out of the sayd citie and precinte of vii. myles of the same, except he haue ben (as is aforesayd) approued in y{e} same, take upon hym to exercise and occupie as a phisition or surgion, in any diocesse within this realme, but if he be fyrste examined and approued by the bysshoppe of the same dyocese, or he beynge out of the dioces by his vycare generall: either of them callyng to them suche experte persones in the sayde faculties, as their discretion shal thynke conuenient, and gyuyng theyr letters testimonials under theyr seale to hym that they shall so approue, upon lyke peyne to them that occupie contrary to this acte (as is above sayde) to be leuied and employed after the forme before expressed.

¶ Prouyded alway, that this acte nor any thynge therin contayned, be preiudiciall to the uniuersities of Oxforde and Cambrydge or eyther of them, or to any priuileges graunted to them.

This Act seems to have invested the Bishops, etc., with the power of licensing all Surgeons, and if so, would have taken away that privilege from our Company; the point is however doubtful, and I am inclined to think that the Act did not operate to the prejudice of the Company, only in so far as it suffered from the existence of another licensing authority.

Mr. D’Arcy Power has pointed out that the Act very soon became unpopular, and that it was almost immediately practically repealed by another one, which provided that it should be “lawful to any person being the king’s subject, having knowledge or experience of the nature of herbs, etc., to minister in and to any outward sore or wound according to their cunning.” (Memorials of the Craft of Surgery, p. 85.)

This latter Act, which in its effect would flood the land with quacks, must however have remained the law until the Act of 32 Hen. VIII, whereby the Barber-Surgeons were reinstated in their ancient rights; and it is the fact, that down to the 18th Century the Ecclesiastics claimed and enforced their rights (under the Act 3 Hen. VIII) to license Surgeons, notwithstanding other Acts passed since then, which although not expressly extinguishing their power, certainly did not save it. The Barber-Surgeons’ Company seem to have examined the Surgeons, and, if approved, to have given a certificate under Seal, which was presented to the Bishop who thereupon issued his licence. This practice was not however universal, and I think only applied to some Surgeons who were not free of the Company. In some cases the Bishop licensed Surgeons, without reference to the Company, and thousands have been licensed by the Company without regard to the Bishop. It is almost impossible to say now what course was followed, the practice certainly varying with the times (see Surgery).

1513. In this year an Act of Parliament was passed exempting Surgeons from juries, inquests, etc. This must have been passed in the interest of the Surgeons’ Guild, as the Barber-Surgeons were surely exempt under their Charter from Edward IV.

1512. The Barbers’ Company having applied to the King (Henry VIII) for a confirmation of their Charter, their request was acceded to. Henry is, on more than one occasion, spoken of in the books as “our patron,” and there is no doubt but that he was very friendly both to our Company and to individual members of it, as witness his gift of the grace cup, and the legacies in his will to various members of the Company, with some of whom, as Pen, Harman, Ayliff, etc., he was on as intimate terms as a king could be with a subject; there would therefore be, we may be sure, but little difficulty in obtaining an Inspeximus.

In one of our Minute Books, Thomas Knot (Master 1555) has transcribed what purports to be a copy of Henry’s Inspeximus Charter with the date 12{th} of May “in the xviij{th} yere of our Reigne” (i.e., 1526), and he appends a certificate that he has compared and agreed it with the original! Now we possess the original at Barbers’ Hall and it is dated 12{th} March 3{rd} Henry VIII (i.e., 1512), and it would indeed be a strange thing for Henry VIII in 1526 to recite and confirm Henry VII’s Charter, when he had already done so in 1512. Moreover I have searched the Patent Rolls and whilst there is no record in 1526, there is the entry of the 1512 Charter, and further to fix the date, both Philip and Mary, and Elizabeth in their Inspeximus Charters recite the 1512 Charter.

It has been necessary to enter into this detail, as the date of the Charter is important when we come to consider Holbein’s picture; and as my friend Mr. D’Arcy Power has (p. 338) quoted this pretended Charter not having seen the real one, he, very naturally trusting old Thomas Knot’s statement, has fallen into the pit dug some three hundred years ago.

The following is the Text of the Charter, and it will not be necessary to append a translation, as it follows much on the same lines as that of Henry VII:--

HENRICUS dei gracia Rex Anglie et Francie et Dominus Hibernie OMNIBUS ad quos presentes Irẽ pˀvenerunt saltmˀ INSPEXIMUS litteras patentes domini H. nuper Rˀgis Anglie septum patris nostri precarissimi de confirmacione factas in hec verba HENRICUS dei gracia . . . . . . Teste me ip̃o apud Westmonasterium quinto die Decembrˀ Anno regni nr̃i quinto decimo. NOS AUTEM litteras predictas ac omnia & singula in eisdem contenta rata hentẽs & grata ea pro nobis & heredibus nr̃is quantum in nobis est acceptamus & approbamus ac dilectis ligeis nr̃is Johĩ Peerson Wil̃l̃o Kyrkeby Thome Gybson & Thome Martyn nunc Magistris sive Gubernatoribus mistere BARBITONSORUM et SIRURGICORUM infra Civitatem nrãm predictam & eorum successoribus per presentes ratificamus & confirmamus sicut lrẽ predicte rõnabiliter testantur. IN CUJUS rei testimonium has lrãs nrãs fieri fecimus patentes. TESTE me ip̃o apud Westmonasterium duodecimo die Marcii Anno regni nr̃i tercio.


pro viginti solidis solutis in Hanapˀio.

The Great Seal, though still pendant, has been considerably damaged.

1525. This year the Company received a Precept from the Mayor, ordering them to provide for the “Midsummer Watch.”


We woll and charge you that for the hounour of this Citie ye do ordeyne & pˀpare ageinst the watches to be kept within this Citie in the nightꝭ of the vigilles of Sent John Baptist & Seint Peter nowe next comynge iiij honest & comely pˀsones suche as ye will answere for, w{t} Bowes & arrowes clenely harneysed and arrayed yn Jakettꝭ of whytte, havynge tharmes of this Citie, to waytte and attende uppon us in the said Watches, And to come to Blackwell Hall and there to be, for the not fayllynge hereof as ye tendre the honour of this Citie and also will answere at your pẽlls. Gyven in the Guihall of the said Citie the xiiij day of Junij the xvij year of the Reigne of our Soveraigne lorde King Henry the viij{th.}

[Illustration: Handwritten autograph]

An Act of Parliament was passed in the 20th Henry VII, which provided that the governing bodies of Guilds should not make any by-laws or ordinances, without the same should be approved by the Chancellor, the Lord Treasurer, and the Chief Justices of the King’s Bench and Common Pleas, or any three of them, etc., and in 1530 our Company, being desirous of settling many points for the government of the mystery, drew up a long set of interesting Ordinances, which were presented to Sir Thomas More the Chancellor, Sir John Fitzjames and Sir Robert Norwiche the Chief Justices, and were signed by them on the 14th May, 1530. The original (with More’s autograph) is at the Hall, and after reciting the Act of 20th Henry VII, ordains the following oaths and articles:--

The oath of a freeman. The oath of the Masters and Governors with directions as to searches. Ordinance as to attending on summons. " " quarterage. " " presentation of apprentices. " " number of servants to be kept by freemen and liverymen. " " wages of servants. " " enticing away of servants. " " opening shop. " " teaching the mystery to any but apprentices. " " sueing brother freemen at common law. " " “opprobrios condicions or dishonest wordes.” " " refusal to come on the Livery, and admission into the Livery. " " Sunday trading. " " presenting patients in danger of death. " " reading Lectures concerning Surgery. " " supplanting another of his patient. " " the Dinners. " " excess of words in debate. " " departing from the Common assembly. " " seniority. " " Barbers setting up shop.

Sir Thomas More’s Ordinances, as above, will be found in full in the Appendix B, the transcript being made from the original.[76]

[76] The copy of these Ordinances given by Mr. D’Arcy Power (p. 339) is taken from one made by our old friend Thomas Knot, and is not literally, though it is substantially, accurate.

1540. This year is one of the most memorable in the annals of the Barber-Surgeons, as it witnessed the union of the unincorporated Guild of Surgeons, with their more accredited fellow-craftsmen, the incorporated Company of Barbers. It has been suggested by more than one writer that such an union is shrouded in mystery, difficult of explanation, and that in those days, with science advancing (slowly, it is true), it might have been expected that we should read of a divorcement, rather than a combination of two crafts, which then, as now, were dissimilar both in their operations, and in the training and intelligence necessary for their practice.

But it is essential to bear in mind that though the Charter of Edward IV was ostensibly to the Barbers, it really was granted to a fraternity, which to a great extent practised as Barber-Surgeons, some of whom were Surgeons pure and simple, others combined both branches, while others still carried on the more humble craft of Shavers and Hair-Dressers; those of the Company who practised Surgery did no doubt consider it a reproach to be dubbed “Barbers,” and for distinction sake called themselves and were well known as “Barber-Surgeons,” indeed they had so far established this title to themselves and to their Company, as to get it recognised and so named in the Inspeximus Charter of Henry VII (less than forty years after their original Charter as “Barbers” had been granted to them). This is to a great extent confirmed by the words of the Act now about to be referred to, which distinctly says that there was then a Company of “Surgeons occupyinge and exercisynge the sayde scyence and faculty of surgery . . . . . . commonly called the Barbours of London.”

The Union therefore was not a joining of Barbers with Surgeons (THAT had existed from the earliest times), but was the consolidation of the “Guild of Surgeons” with another body of Surgeons who were incorporated, and practised under the name of “Barbers” in conjunction with actual working Barbers; and, as the Act provided what the Surgeons should and should not do, and the like as to actual Barbers, limiting their operations also, most if not all difficulty and apparent incongruity in the union seems to vanish.

The Act (32 Hen. VIII, cap. 42) which will well repay perusal, settled the Barber-Surgeons in their corporate capacity for many a long year; under it the old rival society disappeared, it being declared that the two Companies should be united, so that by their assembling together, the science of Surgery might be fostered and improved; whereupon it was enacted that they should be incorporated under the style of “THE MAISTERS OR GOVERNOURS OF THE MYSTERY AND COMMINALTE OF BARBOURS AND SURGEONS OF LONDON.” The property of the old Company of Barbers was handed over to the new Corporation (the Guild of Surgeons are not said to have had any property to bring into the new concern). The usual grant of a common seal, of power to plead and to be impleaded, to hold lands, etc., will be seen at large in the Act. The Surgeons of the Company were to be exempt from bearing armour or being put into watches and inquests. The dead bodies of four malefactors were assigned to the Company yearly for dissections. And, inasmuch as various persons exercising the faculty of Surgery used to take into their houses for cure, people afflicted with the pestilence and other contagious diseases and “do use or exercise barbari, as washynge or shavyng and other feates thereunto belonging,”[77] the same was declared “veraie perillous,” and it was enacted that no one using the faculty of Surgery should practise Barbery, and that no Barber should practise any point in Surgery, the drawing of teeth only excepted. The Surgeons were to exhibit a sign in front of their houses, and no Barber was to exercise his calling unless free of the Company. Four Masters were to rule the Company, whereof two were to be Barbers and two Surgeons. A penalty was named for offenders against the articles, all were to pay scot and lot, and private persons might keep their own Barber or Surgeon, without interference by the Company.

[77] Here we have the common practice of the joint craftsman, the “Barber-Surgeon,” clearly indicated.

The Act was passed on the 24th July, 1540, and will be found in Appendix C. being taken from the original Black-letter copy in the Author’s possession.

We now refer to the Company’s chief treasure, the Holbein picture, and are at once met with a difficulty; does it represent the granting of a Charter to the Company? if so, the year was 1512; or does it illustrate the union of the Barbers and Surgeons by Act of Parliament? if so, the year was 1540.

The picture exhibits a Charter with the Great Seal pendant, and has always been popularly known and described as the “granting of the Charter to the Barber-Surgeons.” On the other hand, however, the King was but 21 years of age in 1512 and 49 years in 1540, which latter age accords with the picture; moreover, Vicary, Ayleff, Harman, and the others represented, were members of the Court in the latter year, but not in 1512. These considerations are sufficient to demolish the “Charter” theory, and point to the hypothesis that it is the Union of the Barbers’ Company with the Guild of Surgeons, accomplished by Act of Parliament in 1540, which is commemorated, but then we must admit a licence on the part of Holbein (which deceived no one at the time), when he indulged his artist’s fancy by putting into the King’s hand a Charter with seal pendant, instead of an Act of Parliament, which latter would not indeed have been the King’s function to hand to the Company, and would probably, if represented, have been depicted as a mere roll, and not therefore so artistic or effective as a Charter with a Seal in the King’s hand.

The Act received the Royal Assent 25th July, 1540; this would be towards the close of the year of John Pen’s mastership. Vicary, who is receiving the Instrument, was Master from September, 1541, to September, 1542; there is every probability that the painting was executed during his year of office, and that is why Holbein paid him the compliment of putting him in the chief position in the painting, which after all was intended, not as a strictly historical, but rather as a commemorative picture.

The picture is 10 feet 2 inches long by 5 feet 11 inches high, painted on oak panel and contains nineteen figures; it represents a room in the palace (said to have been Bridewell), which is hung with beautiful tapestry and appears to have been gilded; the King is seated on a throne, his age apparently about fifty, the complexion florid, the hair sandy, the eyes small but animated and restless; the expression on the countenance is impatience, and he seems thrusting the document hastily into the hand of Thomas Vicary, who receives it kneeling, on his left; the face altogether might be pronounced handsome, were it not for the low forehead and contracted eyebrows; he has on his left thumb a signet ring, and other rings on the first and fourth fingers of his right hand with which he holds a sword of state resting on his knee; on his head is a jewelled crown; on his left leg the garter, and round his neck the collar of the Order; the mantle is short and of crimson velvet; all these ornaments are most beautifully executed and are as fine as miniature painting; every hair of his head is distinct, and the texture of his robe is finely given; his impatience seems to have warmed him, and the rising colour flushing over his face is most admirably painted. On the King’s right are three grave and closely shaved personages on their knees. The first is Dr. John Chambre, one of the Royal Physicians, he is represented in a skull cap and furred gown, the sleeves very large and in which his hands are enwrapped; from the expression of his countenance it would seem that he was anything but pleased with the provisions of the Act, as the face has a sullen and discontented look; next to him is the celebrated Dr. William Butts, also one of Henry’s Physicians, and behind him is Thomas Alsop, the Royal Apothecary, his hair is long and lank, and features coarse and hard.

On the King’s left are fifteen members of the Court on their knees, and in livery gowns, evidently specially sumptuous for the occasion, being of brocaded or damask silk, trimmed with fur, and each man wears a livery hood of red and black upon his shoulder. The first of these is Thomas Vicary, Serjeant-Surgeon, who wears a gold chain; next comes Sir John Ayleff, Surgeon to the King, also with a gold chain and a ring on his finger, the next is Nicholas Simpson, King’s Barber, who, like Vicary and Ayleff, wears a skull cap, all the others have their heads bare. Then comes Edmund Harman, King’s Barber, and one of the Witnesses to Henry’s Will, he wears a gold chain; next him is James Monforde, King’s Surgeon, then John Pen, the King’s Barber, and Nicholas Alcocke; the expression on the countenances of all these men is grave and solemn; the next, Richard Ferris, who has a somewhat merrier face, and was also King’s Surgeon, completes the front row. The moustaches and beards of the whole, including the King, would appear as if they had had great care and attention bestowed upon them. Of the remaining seven figures in the back row, the names of but two have been preserved, viz., Christopher Salmond and William Tilley.

This picture of Holbein’s is not surpassed, if indeed it is equalled, by any other of that master, every part is most elaborately and delicately finished; the position of none of the figures is constrained, and there is no attempt at theatrical effect, yet every person represented is in action, the colouring is chaste, and kept down, nor is there any of that hardness and stiffness often observed in Holbein’s pictures. Its reputation has been truly said to be world-wide, whilst it has been eulogistically described by some one to be “as glowing as a Titian, and minutely faithful as a Gerard Dow.”[78]

[78] Part of the above description has been adapted from an anonymous paragraph, which I found interleaved in Allen’s History of London, at the Guildhall Library.

The names of the persons represented have been somewhat rudely affixed to their effigies, probably a few years after the picture was painted, and whilst we cannot but deplore the disfigurement, it is more than compensated for, as the means of identification of so many of our illustrious predecessors. The tablet, with inscription, has been said to be of later date than Holbein’s work, and to have been painted over a window, through which was once seen the old church of St. Bride; this, however, is most improbable, as it is personally dedicatory to Henry. The inscription is as follows:--



To Henry the Eighth, the best and greatest King of England, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, and next to Christ, supreme head of the Church of England and Ireland, the Company of Surgeons dedicate these, with their united prayers.

A grievous plague had ravaged the region of England, Afflicting man’s spirits and penetrating his frame; God, pitying from on high this remarkable scourge Commanded thee to perform the office of a good physician.

The light of the gospel flies around on glowing wings, This will be the balm to enfeebled minds: Whilst the disciples of Galen meet to raise a monument to thee, And all disease is swiftly dispelled by thy power.

We, therefore, a suppliant band of thy Physicians, Solemnly dedicate this house to thee, And mindful of the favour with which thou, O Henry, hast blessed us, Invoke the greatest blessings on thy rule.

The following fragmentary notices of the persons represented in the picture, will be found of some interest.

The first figure to the left is Thomas Alsop; he was the King’s Apothecary, and Henry VIII, by his will, left him 100 marks.

Next to him is Dr. William Butts, one of the King’s physicians, ever famous for his memorable interference with the King on behalf of Archbishop Cranmer in 1544, when the Roman Catholic party in the Council endeavoured to procure Cranmer’s committal to the Tower. A full account of this incident will be found in Strype’s Memorials of Cranmer (Oxford Ed., 1812, pp. 177-181), and Shakespeare in his play of Henry VIII (act v., sc. 2) has also graphically described it. Cranmer’s Secretary, aware of Butts’ great influence with the King, sent for the Doctor, and acquainted him with the slight which had been put upon the Archbishop by keeping him standing in the ante-room of the Council Chamber among lacqueys and servingmen, upon which Butts immediately repaired to the King, and said:--

“I’ll show your Grace the strangest sight, The high promotion of his Grace of Canterbury: Who holds his State at door, ’mongst pursuivants, Pages and foot boys.”

whereupon Henry replies,--

“Ha! ’tis he indeed! Is this the honour they do one another? ’Tis well there’s one above them. Yet, I had thought They had parted so much honesty among ‘em (At least good manners) as not thus to suffer A man of his place and so near our favour, To dance attendance on their lordships’ pleasures, And at the door too, like a post with packets, By Holy Mary! Butts, there’s knavery. Let them alone, and drawn the curtain close: We shall hear more anon.”

Henry spoke his mind so freely to the Council, that they one and all shook hands with the Archbishop, and, as Strype says, “Never more durst any man spurn him during King Henry’s life.”

Dr. Butts must have had the best practice of any man of his time; there are several references to him among the State papers at the Record Office, of which the following are a few examples, and indicate that his patients were the aristocracy of the day.

25th May, 1524. Among the funeral expenses of Sir Thomas Lovell, K.G., is this item:--“To John Hewson, riding to Cambridge, to fetch Dr. Buttes when my master was sick, 4s. 8d.”

28th April, 1525. The Duke of Norfolk, writing to Cardinal Wolsey, says that last night at 7 o’clock the Lord Marney was “drawyng the draghts of deth, and Mr. Butts determyned he shuld not lyve after 5 owrys” (hours).

14th October, 1525. A warrant was signed by Wolsey, directed to Sir Andrew Windsor, for delivery to Dr. Butts, who had been appointed physician to my lady Princess, of a livery in blue and green, in damask for himself, and in cloth for his two servants.

17th May, 1528. In a letter from the Duke of Norfolk to Wolsey, the Duke says that Mr. Butts had come to him from the King, without whose aid he thought that he should not have recovered from his sickness.

19th January, 1530. A letter from De Augustinis, written from the palace at Esher, to Cromwell, desires that Dr. Butts or Dr. Walter Cromer may be sent to the Cardinal and requesting that Balthazar the physician, may be spoken to, to obtain some leeches; no time was to be lost and the doctors were to bring with them some vomitive electuary.

23rd June, 1528. In a letter from Brian Tuke (to Cardinal Wolsey) he speaks of an infection which had been much about of late, and how the King told him that Mistress Ann Boleyn and my lord Rochford both have had it; what jeopardy they have been in, by the turning in of the sweat before the time; of the endeavour of Mr. Buttes who hath been with them in his return; and finally of their perfect recovery.

Dr. Butts was a personal friend of Henry’s, who, in 1537, granted him the manor and advowson of Thornage, in Norfolk. He died 17th November, 1545, and lies buried in Fulham Church, where there is (or was) a monument to his memory.

Next to Butts, and immediately to the King’s right, is Dr. John Chambre; he was physician to and a great favorite of Henry’s, holding several clerical preferments as well. He was a Fellow and Warden of Merton College, Oxon, where he was admitted Doctor of Physic, 29th October, 1531. In the list of persons to whom Wolsey, in 1526, assigned lodgings at the King’s house, when they should repair thither, occurs the name of Dr. Chambre. There is also a catalogue of the King’s new year’s gifts, in 1528, by which it appears that the Doctor had a piece of plate weighing 24-3/8 ozs., at the same time the Cardinal’s gift was 40-1/4 ozs., and that of the Archbishop 31 ozs.

In Brian Tuke’s letter (23rd June, 1528), before referred to, he tells Wolsey that when he called on the King with his letters, he found him in “secret communication with his physician, Mr. Chambre, in a tower, where he sometimes sups apart.”

Dr. Chambre was Dean of St. Stephen’s Chapel, Westminster, Canon of Windsor, Archdeacon of Bedford, Prebendary of Comb and Harnham in Salisbury Cathedral, Treasurer of Wells Cathedral, and beneficed in Somersetshire and Yorkshire. Truly the lines had fallen unto him in pleasant places!

He was one of the physicians in attendance on Queen Jane, at the birth of Edward VI, and in a letter written by him to the Privy Council, concerning the Queen’s critical state, he signs himself “priest.” He was also in attendance on Anne Boleyn, in her confinement with Elizabeth. His name is mentioned with that of Linacre and three others, in the Charter to the College of Physicians, in 1518.

Sir William Compton, K.G., in 1522, nominated Dr. Chambre one of his executors, in conjunction with the Bishop of Exeter, and Sir Henry Marney, Lord Privy Seal.

Dr. Chambre built a “very curious cloyster,” in St. Stephen’s Chapel, which cost him 11,000 marks, and he gave the canons of that chapel some lands. He died in 1549.

On the King’s left is, first, Thomas Vicary (sometimes Vicars and Vyccary), Master of the Barbers in 1530, and of the Barber-Surgeons in 1541, 1546, 1548 and 1557. He was a man of great eminence in his profession, having been Surgeon to St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, and Serjeant-Surgeon to Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary and Elizabeth. He was the author of “The Profitable Treatise of Anatomy” in “The Englishman’s Treasure, with the true Anatomie of Man’s Body.” An account of Vicary will be found in D’Arcy Power, pp. 102, etc., and several particulars relating to his connection with St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, are recorded in a paper by Dr. Norman Moore (Hospital Reports, vol. xviii, pp. 333-358); see also Dr. Furnivall’s exhaustive account (Early English Text Society).

Next comes Sir John Ayleff (Aylif, Aylyff, etc.). He was Master of the Barbers in 1538, and Surgeon to the King, with whom he was doubtless on terms of friendship, as Henry bequeathed him 100 marks. Ayleff treated Henry for fistula and cured him, at Brinkworth in Wilts, for which the King bestowed upon him a great estate there in gratification. He subsequently became a Merchant of Blackwell Hall, Sheriff of London in 1548, and Alderman of Bridge Without in 1550.

17th July, 1550. In the Repertories of the Court of Aldermen is a Record that the Court of the Barber-Surgeons gave their assent to the Translation of Sir John from theirs to the Grocers’ Company, of which Company he was crowned Upper Warden 9th June, 1556.

Sir John Ayleff was buried 20th October, 1556, in the Church of St. Michael Bassishaw, where there was formerly a marble tomb with this inscription thereon--

In Chirurgery brought up in youth, A Knight here lyeth dead; A Knight and eke a Surgeon such As England seld hath bred. For which so soveraigne Gift of God Wherein he did excell, King Henry VIII call’d him to Court, Who lov’d him dearly well. God gave the Gift, the King gave Goods, The Gift of God t’enhance; Where God and such a Prince do joyne, Such Man hath happy Chance. King Edward for his service sake, Bade him rise up a Knight, A name of Praise and ever since He, Sir John Ailiffe hight, Right Worshipful, in name and charge In London lived he than, In Blackwell Hall the merchant chiefe First Sheriffe, then Alderman. The Hospitals bewaile his death The Orphan children mone, The chiefe Erector being dead And Benefactor gone. Dame Isabel who lived with him, His faithful Wife and Mate, With him (as dearest after death) Doth not her Knight forsake The Knight the 24[79] of October. Yeelded up his breath, And she soon after followed To live with him in death.

[79] Probably a mistake for 14th.

19 April, 1558. My lady Aylyff gave a fyne table cloth of damaske worcke to sr̃ve for the uppermost table in the hawle the w{ch} of her jentyllness she gave frely unto this hawle.

John Ayleff (son of the Knight) was admitted to the freedom of the Barber-Surgeons, 3rd June, 1552.

Next to Sir John Ayleff, is Nicholas Simpson, concerning whom nothing is known to me, but that he was “King’s Barber,” and Master of the Barbers in 1537.

Edmund Harman, “King’s Barber,” follows next; he was admitted to the freedom in 1530, and served Master in 1540. Henry VIII bequeathed him 200 marks, and he was one of the attesting witnesses to the King’s will. There are several references to him among the State Papers and Household Ordinances. His dignified bearing and expression in the picture are very striking.

James Monforde (or Mumford), “King’s Surgeon,” is next; he was Upper Warden in 1540 and again in 1543, but never served as Master. He gave the Company their silver hammer, still used by the Masters in presiding at Courts.

Then comes John Pen (Penn or Penne), “King’s Barber,” and Groom of the Privy Chamber; he was admitted to the freedom in 1527 and was Master 1539. He married Lucy, daughter and heiress of Edmond Chevall, of Coddicote, Herts, by whom he had a good estate and seven children (vide Harl. Soc. Pub. xxii., 82 & 116).

In Liber Niger Domus Regis (Harl. MS. 642) among the orders made for the regulation of the Household of Henry VIII was one, that none but fifteen persons whose names are specified should be allowed to enter the Privy Chamber, and one of these is John Penne.

The following quaint regulation, concerning the King’s Barber, is to be found in the same MS.--

Item. It is alsoe ordeyned that the Kingꝭ Barbor shalbe daylie by the Kingꝭ upriseinge readdye and attendant in the Kingꝭ Privye Chamber there haveinge in reddynesse his Water Basons Knyvesꝭ Combes scissourꝭ and such other stuffe as to his Roome doth appertaine for trymminge and dressinge of the Kingꝭ heade and bearde. And that the sayd Barbour take a speciall regarde to the pure and cleane keepinge of his owne p’son and apparrell useinge himselfe allwayes honestlye in his conversationne withoute resortinge to the Companye of vile personnes or of misguided woemen in avoydeinge such daunger as by that meanes hee might doe unto the Kingꝭ most Royall person not fayling thus to doe uppon payne of looseinge his Roome and farther punnishement at the Kingꝭ pleasure.

In this MS. is also to be found an earlier order, of the time of Edward IV touching the King’s Barber, which is curious, as indicating that Saturday night was then (as still it is with many) “tub night” with the King; and we may also infer from the expression “if it please the King to cleanse his head, legs or feet,” that it was not a fixed rule for him to do so every Saturday night.

A BARBOUR for the Kingis most highe and drad p’son to be taken in this Court, after that he standeth in degree gentleman yoman or groome. It hath bin much accustomed to one or two well knowne officers of the Ewrie in housold Daily of such as bene for the monthe Sergeant or othir. Also we finde how this hath bene used amonge by a weele betrusted yoman of chambre ffor lacke of cunning of these other men. It is accustomed that a knight of the Chambre or elles squire of the bodie or both be p’sent every time when the Kinge wolle shave. This Barbour shall have every satterday night if it please the Kinge to cleanse his head leggꝭ or feete and for his shaveing two lovis[80] one pitcher wine. And the usher of chambre ought to testifie if this be necessary dispensed or not.

[80] Loaves.

It is said that the portrait of Pen was greatly admired by Sir Robert Peel, who frequently came to the Hall to look at it, and who is reported to have offered the Company £2,000 for the head, if it might be cut from the picture, he undertaking to make good the damage! He is also alleged to have said at one of his visits, that he should like to sleep on the table at the Hall, so that the first thing he would see on waking in the morning might be Pen’s head. Had Sir Robert known the legend[81] of the table he would perhaps have suggested a different bed. Henry VIII left, by his Will, 100 marks to Pen.

[81] Said to have been part of the dissecting table!

Concerning the next man, Nicholas Alcocke, nothing is known beyond that he was Surgeon to Edward VI, and was admitted to the freedom in 1523. He was doubtless a member of the Court, though he never served as Warden.

The last on the front row is Richard Ferris (or Ferrers), Master in 1563 and Serjeant-Surgeon to Elizabeth. Like others of his brethren, he also benefited under Henry’s will, to the extent of 100 marks, and was one of the King’s Surgeons.

In the back row are seven figures, but of these the names of only two survive, viz., William Tylley, Upper Warden 1546, and Christopher Samon (Salmon, Sammond), admitted to the freedom in 1528, and Master in 1553. By Domestic Papers, Henry VIII, vol. 5, p. 690, it appears that one Christopher Samon was living in Lombard Street in 1532: this might be the same man.

29 August, 1668. Dear old Samuel Pepys visited us this day, and thus records his intentions and opinion concerning the picture--

And at noon comes by appointment Harris to dine with me: and after dinner he and I to Chyrurgeons Hall, where they are building it new, very fine; and there to see their theatre, which stood all the fire, and which was our business, their great picture of Holben’s, thinking to have bought it by the help of Mr. Pierce,[82] for a little money: I did think to give £200 for it, it being said to be worth £1,000; but it is so spoiled that I have no mind to it, and is not a pleasant, though a good picture.

[82] James Pierce (or Pearse) Surgeon to Charles II and to the Duke of York. Master in 1675

James I seems to have entertained a high opinion of this picture, and borrowed it of us to be copied: his letter applying for it is preserved at the Hall, and is as follows.


Trustie and welbeloved Wee greete you well. Where we are informed of a Table of painting in yo{r} Hall wherein is the Picture of o{r} Predecesso{r} of famous memorie K. Henry the 8{th}, together with diverse of yo{r} Companie, w{ch} being both like him, and well done, Wee are desirous to have copyed. Wherfore o{r} pleasure is that you presently deliver it unto this bearer Our Welbeloved Servant S{r} Lionell Cranfield Knight, One of Our Maisters of Requests, whome Wee have commaunded to receave it of you and to see it w{th} all expedition copied and redelivered safely; and so Wee bid you farewell. Given at Our Court at Newmarket the 13{th} day of Januarie 1617.[83]

[83] i.e., 1617/8.

The Court of course agreed to lend the picture, though doubtless with some misgivings; contrary however to the practice of the time when money was “lent” to the King, it found its way back to the Hall.

In 1627, Charles I, a more suspicious borrower than his father, had it to Whitehall, but here again we fortunately had it returned.

The Royal College of Surgeons possess some Cartoons, from which, it has been said, this picture was painted; this is, however, very doubtful. Some particulars as to these Cartoons may be seen in Mr. D’Arcy Power’s book, p. 96.

In 1734 the Company agreed with Mr. Bernard Baron for him to engrave the picture for 150 guineas, and several details relating thereto are recorded in the Minutes. It was published in 1736, and is a faithful reproduction, much sought after by collectors. Baron has however copied the picture, exactly as he saw it on to the copperplate, so that when the impressions were struck off, everything was reversed. His original study, a red crayon, beautifully executed, is preserved in the Court Room, and the copperplate is still used, each Assistant on his election being presented with a copy of the engraving. The Company also possess a rather rough proof before letters.

The print is dedicated to the Earl of Burlington, with a Latin inscription, of which the following is a translation.

“To the Most Noble Lord Richard Boyle, Earl of Burlington and Cork, &c., Knight of the Most Illustrious Order of the Garter. For the restoration, with the greatest liberality, at his own costs, of the Anatomical Theatre built a hundred years before, with the greatest skill, by the very celebrated Architect Inigo Jones, and decayed by lapse of time. This painting of Holbein representing the granting of a Charter given with his own hand by Henry VIII, King of England, &c., to the Society of Surgeons in London and preserved in their Hall, is by the Society of Surgeons of London humbly dedicated.”

This inscription, written at a time when the relations between the Barbers and the Surgeons of the Company were becoming strained, was evidently drawn by a Surgeon, who coolly ignored the Barbers throughout.

A very good pen and ink drawing of the picture was made by Austin Travers Young (aged 16) in 1883, and presented by him to the Company, for which he received the thanks of the Court.

1537. In “Chapter House Book” B. 1. (at the Record Office) is a list of the freemen of the several Companies of London at this date, which gives the names of 2,468 freemen in 39 Companies (an average of about 63 to each). The Barbers outstripped in numbers all the others, having a roll of 185 members; next to them came the Skinners with 151, then the Haberdashers with 120, so on down to the Bowyers, who mustered but 19. The premier Company, the Mercers, numbered but 55, whilst the ancient Weavers had only 30 members.

The following is the list of our freemen, the first twenty-six being members of the Court, and Nicholas Symson, Master that year.

Nicholas Symson. | John Raven. | Thomas Wilson. Willm Kyrckby. | Robert Hutton. | John Smythe. Thomas Vycars.[84] | Henry Pemberton. | Willm Hiller. John Bankꝭ.  | Willm Shirborne. | Richard Tholmod.[85] John Potter. | George Genne. | John Awcetter. Thomas Twyn. | Thomas Johnson. | John Johnson. | Robert Spegnall.[86] | Richard Sermond. John Holland. | Richard Boll.[87] | Hugh Lyncocke. Willm Rewe. | Nacholas Alcoke. | John Bordman. John Aylyff. | Willm. Tylley. | Rauf Stek. Edmond Harman. | John Northcote. | Henry Hogekynson. John Peñ. | Willm. Wetyngton. | John Tomson. Richard Tayler. | Henry Yong. | Hugh Dier. Harry Carrier.[88] | Cristofer Samond. | Edward ffreman. Rauf Garland. | Robert Waterford. | Thomas Mone. John Enderbye. | Henry Atkyn. | Willm Yenson. Peter Devismand.[89] | Christofer Bolling. | John Banester. Robert Postell. | Robert Stocdale. | Willm Trewise. John Bird. | Mathiewe Johnson. | Christofer Hungate. James Tomson. | Davy Sambroke. | John Hutton. Willm. Kydd. | John Atkynson. | John Browne. John Yong. | Thomas Waryn. | John Grene. Thomas Sutton. | Robert Grove. | John Tymber. Charles Wyght. | Robert Brownhill. | John Shrene. John Newman. | Willm Spencer. | Thomas Staynton. Thomas Grome. | Thomas Butfilane.[90] | Thomas Pays. | Robert fforster. | Thomas Mede. Willm Higgꝭ.  | Edmond Tyrell. | John Anger. John Dene. | John Philpott. | Thomas Worseley. Thomas Surbutt. | John Thowlmod.[91] | John Gilberd. Willm Billing. | Edward Ingalby.[92] | Cristofer Haynes. Willm. Lyghthed. | Richard Elyott. | Willm. Smythe. John Mosseley. | Willm. Downham. | John Smerthwaite. Willm. Hill. | Rogier Skynner. | John Lybbe. George Wenyard. | John Gerard. | George More. John Barker. | Richard Rogiers. | Thomas Burnett. Willm. Barker. | Thomas Dicson. | John Hamlyn. James Wod. | Thomas Gylman. | Richard Child. John Stere. | Thomas Dester. | Thomas Baily. Willm Hetherley. | Edward Hewett. | George Vaughan. Olyver Wilson. | John Dormot. | Thomas Wetyngh’m. Willm. Grene. | George Batman. | John Bonair. Henry Rawshold. | Thomas Vivian. | Richard Cokerell. Bartilmewe Dobynson. | George Brightwelton. | Willm. Walton. Henry Patterson. | John Waren. | Geferey ffraunceis. Philip Pegott. | John Greenway. | Thomas ffayles. Robert Downys. | John Bell. | John Edlyn. Antony Barowes. | Laurens Mollyners. | John Samond. James Hogeson. | John Cobbold. | Henry Bodeley. Robert Wevir. | Willm. Draper. | Thomas Stanbrige. John Surbut. | Richard Smythe. | Willm. Borrell. Willm Sewell. | Robert Ledꝭ.  | Richard Nicols. John Denys. | John Gamlyn. | Edward Hughbank. John Page. | Thomas Cutbert. | John Charterane. Robert Dodwell. | Robert Chamber. | Henry Wotton. John Cutberd. | Lewis Bromefeld. | Robert Hastyngꝭ. John Gray. | Richard Worseley. | Alex Mason. Willm. Dauntese. | John Oskyn. | Thomas Darker. Thomas Appilton. | John Robynson. | Thomas ffyshe. John Cragell. | Richard Coley. | Edward Rollesley. Thomas Arundell. | John West. | John Braswell. Willm. Johnson. | Willm. Welfed. | Willm. Symsyn. Henr’. Adam. | |

[84] Vycary. [85] Tholmwood. [86] Sprignall. [87] Bowle. [88] Cazier? [89] Daiseman. [90] Butphillian. [91] Tholmwood. [92] Ingolsby.

The forty-two names following the Court and ending at John Awcetter were Liverymen, the remaining hundred and seventeen being Yeomanry.

1543. A few years previously the King had set the example of wearing his hair and beard short, and now the City seems to have discountenanced long beards, as I find the following in Letter Book Q. 87. (10th July, 35 Henry viij.)


ITEM for dyvˀse & sundrye consyderac͠ons & causes movyng this Cor̃te it is this daye orderyd & decreid & establyshed by the same that from henseforward there shall no Cytezen or other iñhit{a}unte[93] of this Cytie usyng or havyng a greate berde of more notable pˀlyxitie[94] or length then other the seid Cytezens of this Cytie do nowe use or have hertofore of late yeres usyd to were, either be iñhited pˀmytted or suffred to Receyve or take eny orphanage into his handes and custodye albeit that he wolde fynde nevˀ soe good suertyes for the same nor yet be admytted from henseforward to this Co{r}te for eny Recognito{ns} or suertye for eny suche orphange And yt is also assentyd & agreid that no pˀson havynge eny such berde shalbe admytted by redempc͠on into the lybt̃ies & fredome of this Cytie as longe as he shall were eny such berde.

[93] Inhabitant. [94] Prolixity.

1544 and 1545. In Repertory XI (at Guildhall) ff. 73{B.,} 176, 187{B.,} 229{B.,} 232 and 234 are various records relating to the vexed question of the Barber-Surgeons going on inquests, bearing armour and serving as constables, from all which offices they claimed exemption under their Charters and Act of Parliament.

By the earlier entry, it seems that the Wardens were warned to appear before the Court of Aldermen to shew cause why they refused to pass upon inquests, etc.; then came a petition from the Company praying to be discharged of all offices save the Inquest of Wardmote once a year; this does not appear to have satisfied the Authorities, and the Company were directed to draw up further Articles to be submitted to the Court of Aldermen. Great pressure was no doubt put upon the Barber-Surgeons, the result being that they abandoned most of the privileges of exemption which they had claimed, and submitted a Bill of Articles, which was finally approved, and entered of record on fo. 234. A copy of this lengthy document is at the Hall, and from it it appears that on the 22nd October, 1545, the Company appeared before the Court of Aldermen as “humble Besechers” to be shorn of their privileges, the ground of their petition being “That forasmoche as some grudge and displeasure is lately sith the unyon and conjunction of their said ffelowshippes in to one entyre Company growen conteyned and taken against them and their said ffelowship, by dyverse of theire neighbours being citezeins of this citie, as they be, by reason that they your said suppliauntꝭ” are discharged by their Charters and Act of Parliament from bearing offices, etc., “that other the Cittzeins of this citie are ellygible and lyable unto, ffor the whiche grudge and displeasure your besechers are not a little sorye. ffor the playne declarac͠on thereof and for the eschewyng advoyding and utter extinguysshement of the said grudge and displeasure from hensforwarde,” they are content that it shall be ordained that they shall go upon all Wardmote Inquests, but not upon any inquests between party and party (i.e., sit as jurymen in civil actions); that all freemen of the Company not practising Surgery shall be contributory to all assessments, serve as Constables and keep watches in their turn as other citizens, but that all Surgeons shall be free from bearing armour, etc.

Notwithstanding this compromise, entered in the City books, it seems in course of time to have been overlooked, and, as has been previously remarked, the exemption of all freemen of the Company from juries, etc., has been claimed and allowed down to quite recent days.


1550. The first of our Court Minute Books which has been preserved, commences in the 4{th} Edward VI, and bears this title,

~Orders and Awardes~ made ordered and awarded within the tyme of Maister George Geen Thomas Johnson Thomas Stocdall and Mathew Johnson Maister and Wardeins of the Company and fellowship of BARBORS SURGEONS of London for one hole yere begynnyng the xxvj{th} day of Auguste in the fowerthe yere of the reigne of our Sovereigne Lorde Kynge Edward the Syxte with thassent and consent of the Assistaunces of the same Companye as hereafter ensuethe.

From this and the succeeding Minute Books, the following extracts are principally taken as illustrative of the Company’s History from this period:

1556. At the end of the first book is a very long memorandum written and signed by Thomas Knot, Master, to the effect that on the 26th March, 1556, he made humble suit to the Lord Mayor, Sir Will{m.} Garrett and the Aldermen, in the name of the Company, for the exemption of the Company from finding or setting forth any soldiers or men of war at any time thereafter, when it might be that the Citizens of London should be required to do so, either by sea or land, “fforasmoche as the same Company are alwayes at every such tyme and tymes very sore burdened and chardged otherwise hereafter expressed, that is to saye, They are comaunded and bounden to prepare and fynde so manye Surgeons and so many other men attendinge upon them at every tyme and tymes that it shall fortune the King” to send out soldiers by sea or land, and “the same Company doe alwayes prepare fynde and send furthe for every one houndreth of suche Souldyers one Surgeon and a man attending upon him.” Upon which representations the Lord Mayor and Aldermen were pleased to grant to the Company, that on future occasions when the like requisitions might “fortune to be layed or appointed to or upon theym, that then they in every suche case upon their gentle suyte and request made unto the Lorde Mayor and courte of Aldermen for the tyme beinge for and concernynge their sayd dischardge for and in consyderac͠on of the causes above remembered, shalbe as gentelye and charytably holpen eased and releaved in that behalf as the wayte and ymportaunce of the burden that the Cytie at every suche tyme shalbe chardged w{th} all will reasonablye permytt and suffer.”

The memorandum then proceeds to state that the Lord Mayor and Aldermen advised the Master to cause a remembrance of the above (being only a promise by word of mouth) to be entered and recorded in the Book of Ordinances of the Company, which was done.

1555. In Henry Machyn’s Diary for this year, is the following reference to a Romish procession, winding up with a dinner at Barbers’ Hall.

The xxvij day of May was the Clarkes prossessyon from Yerdhall[95] college, and ther was a goodly masse to be hard, and evere clarke havyng a cope and garland, with C.[96] stremers borne, and the whettes[97] a playng round Chepe, and so to Ledynhall unto Sant Albro[98] chyrche, and ther thay putt off ther gayre, and ther was the blessyd sacrament borne with torche-lyght abowt, and from thens unto the Barbur-hall to dener.

[95] Guildhall. [96] A hundred. [97] Waits. [98] St. Ethelburga.

Charter from Philip and Mary, which is still in our possession, and has a most beautifully executed title, the initial letter representing the King and Queen seated on the throne, and the border containing various heraldic badges; the seal unfortunately is damaged.

PHILIPPUS ET MARIA, Dei gracia Rex et Regina Anglie hispaniarum ffrancie utriusque Sicilie Jerusalem & hiᵬine fidei defensores Archiduces Austrie Duces Burgundie Mediolani & brabantie Countes haspurgi fflandrˀ & Tirolis.

~Omnibus~ ad quos presentes lr̃e pervñint salt̃m.

INSPEXIMUS quasdam lrãs patentes domini H. quondam Regis Anglie septum[99] fc̃as in hec verba, HENRICUS dei grã, &c. . . . . . . . . Teste me ip̃o apud Westmonastiũm duodecimo die marcii Anno regni nr̃i tcĩo. Yong. pro viginti soliᵭ solut̃ in hanap̃io. NOS AUTEM lrãs pˀdcãs ac omnia & singula in eisdem contenta rata heñtes & grata ac ea pro noᵬ heredibʒ & Successoribʒ nr̃m prefate Regine quantum in noᵬ est acceptamus & approbamus ac ea dilc̃is noᵬ Thome Vicary nunc magistro mistere barbitonsoꝜ Thome Whytyngame Jacobo Wood & Johĩ Warren Gubernatoribus ejusdem mistere & Successoribʒ suis ratificamus & confirmamˀ p’ut lrẽ p’dc̃e in se r̃onabiliter testantur. IN CUJUS rei testimonĩu has lr̃as nrãs fieri fecimus patentes. TESTIBUS nobis ip̃is apud Westmonasterium octavo die Junii Annis regnorum quarto & quinto.

[99] A clerical error, for Henry VIII.


Taxat̃ finis ad x{l.}

Nico eboꝜ Canc.[100]

[100] Assessed at a fine of £10. Nicholas (Archbishop of) York, Chancellor.

It is noticeable in this Charter that the confirmation is to the Governors of the “Barbers,” and not “Barber-Surgeons,” although the latter was then the legal style of the Company, but probably this was another clerical error.

1560. This year (6th January) the Company obtained an Inspeximus Charter from Elizabeth, still preserved at the Hall; it has a title in much the same style as the preceding charter, but the seal is very much damaged.

ELIZABETH, Dei gracia Anglie FFrancie, et hibernie Regina fidei defensor, &c. ~Omnibus~ ad quos presentes littere pervenerint salutem.

INSPEXIMUS litteras patentes Dn̄i P. et Dn̄e M. Sororis nr̃e precharissime nuper Regis et Regine Anglie de confirmac͠oe factas in hec verba PHILIPPUS et MARIA dei gracia, &c. . . . . . . . . TESTIBUS nobis ip̃is apud Westmonasterĩu octavo die Junii Annis regnoꝜ nr̃oꝜ quarto et quinto. NOS AUTEM lrãs predcãs ac omĩa et singula in eisdem contenta rata habentes et grata ea pro nobis heredibus et successoribus nr̃is quantum in nobis est acceptamus et approbamus ac ea Diɫcis nobis Georgio Geñ nunc magistro mistere BarbitonsoꝜ Willm̄ Grene Thome Bayly et Joh̃i Smarthawyte Gubernatoribus ejusdem mistere et Successoribus suis ratificamus et confirmamus prout lrẽ predcẽ in se racionabiliter testantur. IN CUJUS REI TESTIMONIUM has lrãs nrãs fieri fecimus patentes. TESTE me ip̃a apud Westmonasteriũ sexto die Januarii Anno regni nr̃ secundo.


Taxat̃ finis ad x{l.} vj{s.} viij{d.}

In Machyn’s quaint Diary, we find the following entries:--

1561. The xxiiij day of Feybruary whent to hang xviij men and ij women, and serten ware browthe[101] to be bered in serten parryches in London; the barbur surgens had on[102] of them to be a notheme[103] at ther halle.

[101] Brought. [102] One. [103] Anatomy.

1562. The xx day of June was a gret shutyng[104] of the Compene of the Barbur Surgeantes for a gret soper at ther owne hall for a xxx mess of mett,[105] for they dyd make ij godley[106] stremars agaynst that day of their harmes,[107] the whyche they wher agmented by the most valeant kyng at armes master . . . . . . and they had vj drumes plahyng and a flutt; and ij gret ansutts,[108] and as a shot was wone, downe whent that and up the thodar,[109] and as they whan the shut; and master Gall[110] and ys syd[111] wan the soper--the master of the Compene.

[104] Shooting, probably at Moorfields, with bows and arrows. [105] Meat. [106] Goodly. [107] Arms. [108] Ancients (flags). [109] The other. [110] Thomas Galle. [111] His side.

The x day of August was Barbur surgyons fest, and they capt ther communion at Sant Alphes[112] at Crepull-gat, and master Recherdson dyd pryche,[113] the skott; ther was good syngyng; and after to ther halle to dener, and after dener a play.

[112] St. Alphage. [113] Preach.

1567. Elizabeth inaugurated the first State Lottery in England, as a means of providing money, and a very peremptory mandate was directed by the Lord Mayor to the various City Companies, commanding them to adventure therein.

1st February, 1568. The Barber-Surgeons put in 40{s.} for the “use, profet and benefyt of the hall,” but did not draw a prize, and indeed none of the Companies reaped any advantage by the speculation, the Lottery being simply a trap into which they were ordered to walk.

The proposal for this Lottery was as follows:--

A verie rich Lotterie Generall without any Blancks contayning a great No. of good prices, as well of redy money, as of Plate & certaine sorts of marchaundizes having been valued & prised by the commaundement of the Queenes most excellent Majestie by men expert & skilfull and the same Lotterie is erected by hir majesties order, to the entent that such Commoditie as may chaunce to arise thereof, after the charges borne, may be converted towards the reparation of the Havens and strength of the Realme, & towardes such other publique good workes. The No. of lots shall be foure hundreth thousand, and no more: and every lot shall be the summe of tenne shillings sterling onely, and no more.

Stow says that this Lottery was commenced to be drawn on the 11th January, 1569, at the West Door of St. Paul’s, and continued drawing day and night until the 6th May following.

It was a common practice of the Companies to put in their money under mottoes, and some curious ones are recorded, many being composed with a quaint sarcasm on the probability of prizes being obtained.

Herbert (Hist. of the Twelve Livery Companies) gives some interesting particulars of the State Lotteries, and quotes a motto used by the Merchant Taylors which pretty clearly indicates their opinion of the business;

One byrde in the hande is worth two in the wood, If we get the great lot, it will do us good.

Some of the prizes were ridiculously small, e.g., 1s. 2d., 2s. 1d., etc., and great dissatisfaction was expressed at the principal prizes remaining unpaid to the winners.

1573. The Company received a precept from the Lord Mayor for a “loan” of money to make provision of wheat for the City, and the same was by the Court ordered to be complied with. This “corn custom” is very fully treated of by Herbert, and was virtually a tax upon the companies, who were each rated and compelled to find a certain proportion of corn to be stored by the City, and sold at such times as when, there being a scarcity, the markets would otherwise rise, were it not for the immense stock kept by the City. This custom survived for many years under certain modifications; as we shall see hereafter, our Company built a granary in 1633, and stored their own corn.

The precept above referred to was as follows--

Forasmuche as all comon polecye requyreth the prevenc͠on of extremities, and consideringe as you knowe the urgent and present necessitie, and the lacke of provision of wheate and other grayne for furniture of this so great and populous citie, of the want whereof the queenes ma{tie} and her most honorable coñsell are not ignorant; but havinge spˀcial regard to the same, are not a lytle offended and displeased, with some grefe that there bene no better pˀvision heretofore made, and that presentlie the cittie shoulde be no better stored, by reson wherof the prices of corne and grayne is now muche dearer in this cittie than in any other parte of this realme, have not only at sundrye times and gentle meanes, but also w{th} some terror, as welle in the Starre-chamber as in other places afore the counsell, given us admonicion that the same her ma{ties} cittie and chamber may not be unfurnished for lacke of good pˀvision. And we, as our duties is, havinge great care and especial consideracion of the same, and pˀcevynge by order of the harvest past, and the unkynd season of the yeare, sith that the prices of corne is verry likely to encrease and be advanced to a greater and higher price than yet is, have thought good and verrye necessarye for the avoyding of greater inconvenyences, to make immediate pˀvision of a great masse and quantity of wheate and other grayne, as well w{th}in the realme as beyond the seas for the provision aforesaid, w{ch} cannot be done w{th}out a great some of money presentlie to be defrayed, w{ch} is not to be levyed but by the good assestens of you and others, good coustomers and cittezens of this cittie; have therefore assessed your Company of Barber Surgeons at the some of[114]        which is agreed upon by acte of coˀen counsell, w{ch} some of        we do not only require you, but also streaghtle charge and comande you, immediatelie upon the recept hereof, calling your companye together in your comon hall, you do forthw{th} tax, levy, and gather of the welthiest and most able persones of the same the sum aforesaid, in such wise that you fayle not to pay the same, and evrie pˀcell thereof, to the hands of George Helton, of the cittie of London, w{th} all expedicion, and w{th}out repayment thereof to you. Fayle not hereof, as you tender the mytigac͠on of our sovereigne ladye the queens majesties displeasure already conceived, and do tender the com̃on weale of this cittie, together w{th} your private condytte, and as you will answer for the contrarye.

[114] The amount is left blank.

The next entry would seem to indicate some contemplated State interference with the Company’s property, and the answer was probably not in exact accordance with the truth, for on the 28 May, 1576, a precept in the Queen’s name, having been received, calling upon the Master and Wardens to return to the Guildhall an account of the revenue of their lands, and of their goods, “the answere was that the true revenewe of the landes was xx{ti} markes whereof the most pˀte went forthe and is disbursed in peñcons, and that we had no goods.”

1578. A precept was received as follows,


THYES shalbe to will and require yo{u} and in her maiesties name streitlie to charge and comaunde yo{u} that w{th} all convenient spede yo{u} appointe and pˀvide the number of twelve hable and sufficient pˀsons being Iournemen appnˀtices or others wc{h} are fremen of this Cittie and inhabitinge w{th}in the same beinge of agilitie and honest of behavio{r} betweene the age of xix yeres and xl{ti} w{ch} are fitt to be trayned for harquebus shott, evˀy one of them havinge a murrion, a sworde and dagger, and a caliver w{th} sufficient furniture for the same, and one half pounde of powder, besides touche powder whereof Three of the same pˀsons to be house holders and free men of yo{r} saide Companie, and that yo{u} certyfie me the saide Maior the names and sir names of all yo{r} saide number where and w{th} whome they dwell, of what Companie they be free, and what Captaynes or other skilfull men that be of yo{r} saide Companie or whome yo{u} knowe inhabitinge w{th}in this Cittie fitt to trayne or leade the same men of there names and dwellinge places. And that they be all in a redines furnished as aforesaide to muster in there hose and dublets onlie, or dublets hose and jerkins w{th}in xiiij{en} daies next ensuinge the date hereof. And for the levyenge of monie for the saide furniture And for the charge of powder yo{u} shall collect suche reasonable somẽs of monie as yo{u} shall finde mete for the saide pˀporc͠on, by waie of reasonable assesment of evˀy sevˀall welthie and hable pˀson of yo{r} Companie. Wherein we require yo{u} in anie wyse to spare the powrer sorte of ffremen although yo{u} somewhat more largelie burden the ritche. YOVEN at the Guildhall of this Cittie of London the xv{th} daie of Marche 1577.[115]

[115] i.e., 1578.


In pursuance of this precept a levy was made upon ninety freemen, who contributed £19 17s. 11d. (in sums ranging from 1{s} to 6{s} 8{d}) and upon ten “foreins” who paid in all £3. The Expenses of the soldiers, and their arms, powder, etc., are all set out in detail (see Appendix D).

1585. It was agreed “that o{r} Companie by reason of the often and earnest preceptes from the Lorde maior to move unto some liberall puttinge in of monie into the Lottery for Armo{r}, that o{r} Companie should put in x{li} yf that might satisfie for all the Companie viz{t} the Clothinge vj{li} xiij{s} iiij{d} and the yeomanry v m’kes.”

29th September, 1586. The Lord Mayor had issued sundry precepts to the Company for the “buyeinge of certein goune powder amountinge in waight to of one Mr. Henry Dale Hab’dassher at the price of x{d} le ɫi. and yt was agreed the saide powder should be bought and that Mr. Swaldell [Master, 1593] should go to chuyse it, and he to have the same powder for viij{d} the pounde.”

10th March, 1589. It was ordered that the gunpowder directed by another precept to be provided by the Company, should be bought and that it should be kept “in the Armorie howse in convenient place for feare of daunger of ffier.”

29th March, 1596. It was ordered that £40 “ship money” should be “lent” by the Company to the City, which is the earliest mention of this obnoxious tax in our books.

8th August, 1596. “Yt was agreed that the som̃e of £xxx{ti} shalbe lent unto the Cytty for the payenge of Souldiers wages and other charges diffrayed about the Spanishe voyage.” This was an Expedition of certain ships (furnished by the City) under the Earl of Essex and Sir Walter Raleigh “to annoye the King of Spaine.” The English then sacked and burned Cadiz, burnt the Spanish navy, and on their return home, says Stow, “great triumph was made at London for their good successe.”

18th August, 1598. At this Court came a precept from the Lord Mayor, commanding the Company in Her Majesty’s name to “lend” £100 to the Queen for six months, for suppressing rebels in Ireland. The demand was, as usual, of a most peremptory nature, and the Court ordered £100 to be paid to the Treasurers appointed by the City.

6th August, 1599. A precept came from the Lord Mayor in the Queen’s name, commanding the Master and Wardens to deliver to the freemen the Company’s armour in “suche order as it maye be, in safetye readie for her Maiesties service,” whereupon the Master took for his own use “one muskett fflaske and tuche boxe one headepeece and one rest.” Eleven other members of the Company had armour delivered out to them, as “one caliver fflaske and tuche boxe, sworde and dager girdle and hangers and headepeece.”

1599. A precept was received on 11th November, commanding the Company to be in attendance on the Queen in her progress from Chelsea to Westminster, which is not only curious for the quaintness of its description of the persons who were to be appointed, but affords a glimpse at the magnificence of Royal processions three hundred years ago.


WHERE her Ma{ts} moste gratiouse pleasure and comaundement is this pˀsente daie signified unto me the lorde Maior from the right ho: the lorde Chamberline of her Ma{ties} moste honorable householde that myselfe and my Bretheren thaldermen with a conveniente number of the beste and moste graveste Cittyzens of this Citye shoulde uppon Tewesdaie nexte in the Afternoune wayte and attende uppon her highnes royall pˀson from the Towne of Chelsey unto her highnes princlie pallace at Westminster in as honorable and statelye sorte as conveinentlye maye be pˀformed. In accomplishment of w{ch} her highnes said comaundement, These shalbe to chardge and comaunde you in her Ma{ts} name to pˀpare not onlye your selves, but alsoe provide and have in a readines the full number of eighte pˀsons of the moste graveste talleste and comliest pˀsonages of your saide Companye, everye of them to be well horsed and appareled in velvet coates and chaynes of goulde And that not onlye your sealves but alsoe everye of the saide eighte pˀsones maye have one footeman with twoe staffe torches to waite and attende upon him, and to be all in a readines well and substancially horsed appareled and appointed as aforesaide in Cheepeside by twoe of the clocke of the saide afternoone to attende uppon me and my bretheren thaldermen to waite upon her moste excellente Ma{tie} from Chelsey aforesaide to her highnes saide pallace of Whitehall, WHEREOF see you faile not at your pˀill and as you will answere the contrarye if throughe your negligence any parte of this service shall not be thoroughelye pˀformed. Guihalde the ix of November 1599.


In pursuance of the above precept the Master with seven other Members of the Court were appointed to attend, and eight freemen were nominated as torchbearers.

1600. The fee simple of three houses in Monkwell Street was this year purchased by the Company of William Fyninge for £112!

11th November, 1600. In obedience to a precept it was ordered that twelve members of the Court “well mounted on horseback and apparrelled in all poynts accordingely,” together with twelve freemen “to wayte uppon them w{th} evˀy one twoe staffe torches in his hande,” were to meet at the Hall on the following Thursday (13th November) and to ride with the Lord Mayor to Chelsea to conduct the Queen to Westminster. This procession is thus referred to in Stow’s Annals; “On the thirteenth of November 1600, her Maiestie being most honourablie attended on, by the most honourable Prelates, and Nobles, and Judges of the Realme, was received neere unto Chelsey, by the Lord Maior of London, with his brethren the Aldermen all in Scarlet, besides to the number of five hundred citizens, in coates of velvet, and chaines of gold, on horesbacke, every of them having two staffe torches to attende on them: And they all waited on her, to her royall Pallace at Westminster.”

9th November, 1602. Various members of the Company “were appoynted to ryde w{th} the M{r} to meete her Ma{tie} on Saterdaie next” at Chelsea.

9th April, 1603. A precept was received commanding the Company to contribute £12 10s. 0d. towards the cost of the reception of James I by the City, whereupon an assessment was made upon the freemen for the same, and the Masters made “choyce of sixe pˀsonable menn for Wiflers to attend the Livˀye of this Companye when his Ma{tie} goeth to be crowned.”

20th April, 1603. The following precept requiring the Company to assist in the reception of the King “in greater number and more statelie and sumtiows shewe then hath bene at any time heretofore within the memory of man in the like case pˀformed,” will be read with interest;


WHERE the most high and mightie Prince James o{r} most dread & soveraygne Lord is by the grace of god shortlie to make his repaire from his Kingedom of Scotland into this his Realme of England and so consequentlye to this his honorˀble Cittie and chaymber of this his imperyall Crowne. And for that it is agreed by mee and my Breethr{n} the Aldrẽn of the same Cittie that not onelie o{r} selves but the full number of five hundred of the best and gravest Cittizens should accordinge to o{r} dueties wayte and attend uppon his royall pˀson at his approch nere to this Cittie in greater number and more statelie and sumtiows shewe then hath bene at any time heretofore within the memory of man in the like case pˀformed, Towards the accomplishm{t} of w{ch} number your company is appoynted to pˀvid the full number of Twelve pˀsonns, THESE therefore shalbe to chardge and commaund you in his Ma{ties} name to prepare not onely yourselves but also to p’vid the full number of Twelve persons of the most grave and Comlyest pˀsonages of youre said Companye, everie one of them to be well horsed and apparrelled w{th} velvet Coates and w{th} sleaves of the same and chaynes of golde, and not onely yourselves but every of the saide pˀsons to have one comely pˀson well apparrelled in his dublet and hose to attend uppon him one[116] foote. All which pˀsons to be in redines well and substonciallie horsed apparrelled and appoynted as aforesaid w{th}in one daies warneing to be signified unto you to attend on mee and my Bretheren the Aldrẽn of the same Cittie, to attend and wayte uppon his most exelent Ma{tie} as aforesaid. And that uppon Saturdaie morneinge next you doe certifye to mee in wrytinge the names and S{r}names as well of youre selves as of all other pˀsons free of youre company that you shall appointe for this service. Of all w{ch} pˀsons you are to have a regard that noe man for insufficiency in any respect be turned back to the disgrace and discredit of youre company, nor a mann unfitt furnished and appointed for so honorable a service. And hereof fayle you not, as you will answer the contrary if through youre defalt any parte of this service shal not be fullie pˀformed.

[116] On.

Guyldhull this Twenteth of Aprill 1603

9th August, 1603. James soon attempted to borrow (as he termed it) of the Companies. “Where a pˀcept was directed to õr M{rs.} for the lone of money to the Kinge, wee are to answer that wee have none.”

Perhaps this reply sufficed on this occasion.

22nd October, 1603. London was this year visited with a great Plague, and in consequence there was no Lord Mayor’s Show.


THEISE are to will and require you that you take speciall knowledge herby that for avoydinge of infecc̃on by assemblie of people this tyme of gods vizitac̃on It is thought meate therbe noe shewe made the morrowe after Simond and Judes daie next, it is intended that youre Companie be dischardged thereof for their Attendac̃e for that tyme.

This xxij{th} of October 1603.

7th February, 1604. The Court having considered the many abuses “comited against the weale of this Company” decided to apply for an Act of Parliament which should confer upon them extended powers, and appointed a Committee for the purpose, with the Recorder and Mr. Wilbraham as counsel.

20th October, 1604. From an entry of this date, it seems that it had been decided to apply for a fresh Charter, instead of an Act of Parliament, and a summary of the clauses (twenty-seven in number) which it was desired to have embodied therein is set out in full. As the Charter was obtained, it is unnecessary to give these suggested clauses here (they may be seen in Mr. D’Arcy Power’s book, p. 361). The 16th one is, however, curious enough, declaring the “openinge searinge and imbalmeinge of the dead corpes to be pˀply belongeinge to the science of Barbery and Surgery, And the same intruded into by Butchers Taylors Smythes Chaundlors and others of macanicall trades unskillfull in Barbery or Surgery, And unseemely and unchristian lyke defaceinge disfiguringe and dismembringe the dead Corpes, And so that by theire unskillfull searinge and imbalmeinge, the corpes corrupteth and groweth pˀntlie contagious and ofensive to the place and pˀsons approachinge.”

30th January, 1605. The Charter of James I is of this date, but not now in our possession; there are, however, two copies of it at the Hall, one of which was made in a vellum book in 1658. It was in Latin of prodigious length; but the following are the clauses as I make them out, and will suffice for this work.

1. It grants to the Company of Barber-Surgeons that it shall be ruled by four Masters or Governors and twenty-six Assistants.

2. Power given to the Masters to make lawful assemblies, to keep Courts in their Common Hall, and therein to consult, counsel and decree touching their Statutes, Laws and Ordinances, for the good rule, state and government of the Company.

3. Power to make laws, etc., for the government of the Masters or Governors, and of all and singular persons using the mysteries of Barbery or Surgery within the City of London, the liberties and suburbs thereof.

4. Power to punish offenders by penalties, fines, and imprisonments.

5. Fines to be levied by distress by the officers of the Company.

6. Nomination of John Laycock as Master, and of the three Wardens.

7. The present Masters to continue in office until the Monday next before the feast of St. Bartholomew the Apostle, and until the election of new Masters.

8. The present Masters and Assistants to continue on the Court for life, unless removed for misbehaviour or other good cause.

9. Upon the death or dismissal of an Assistant, the vacancy to be filled up by the Court.

10. Assistants to be sworn on admission.

11. The Masters, or the more part of them, to choose twelve persons of the mystery (six whereof to be expert Surgeons), which twelve were to be the Electors to choose the new Masters or Governors on the Monday next before the feast of St. Bartholomew.

12. Of the four Masters, two to be Surgeons.

13. The Masters elected to be sworn to the due execution of their offices.

14. Any member elected a Governor, to be ever after an Assistant.

15. If a Governor be dismissed for misconduct, another to be chosen in his place in the form provided.

16. The twelve Electors to be sworn.

17. Power of search, oversight, reformation, government, and correction, as well of free as of foreign professors of Barbery and Surgery in London and its suburbs.

18. Power of entry into Shops of Barbers and Surgeons.

19. Power to oversee and approve or condemn plasters, ointments, instruments, etc.

20. Power to examine Barbers and Surgeons.

21. Power to prohibit ignorant persons, or such as shall wilfully refuse to be examined, from practising.

22. Power to admit skilful persons to practise Surgery.

23. Power to reject and destroy all noxious or improper medicines, ointments, instruments, etc.

24. The Masters finding on their search any impostors, ignorant persons, or refusers to be examined, the same to be bound to their good behaviour.

25. No butcher, tailor, waxchandler or other persons, to cut, dissect or embalm any dead body, but the same to be done by members of the Company approved and appointed by the Masters or Governors of the Barber-Surgeons.

26. The Masters or Governors and admitted Surgeons, to be discharged from Watch, Ward, Inquests or Juries, and the office of Constable, and from assessments for the same.

27. Power to purchase lands, etc.

28. Ratification of the old liberties and franchises of the Barber-Surgeons, and of their lands.

29. All Mayors, Bailiffs, etc., to be aiding and assisting the Masters or Governors in the execution of their offices.

TESTE meipˀo apud Westm̃ Tricesimo die Januarij Anno Regno nr̃i Anglie ffrancie et Hibernie sc̃do et Scotie Tricesimo octavo.

pˀ Brẽ de privato Sigillo.

Christian IV, King of Denmark, brother-in-law of James, paid a visit to England in 1606, and was sumptuously entertained. In accordance with the custom of the time, there was a grand pageant and procession in the City, in which all the Companies took part, and the following precept for the same was received by us;--



FFOR the bewtefieinge of the streetꝭ and lanes w{th}in this Cittie against the passage of the Kingꝭ most excellent mat{ie} and the Kinge of Denmarke their nobilitie and trayne from the Tower through this Cittie. THEIS are in his Ma{t}ꝭ name straightlie to charge and command you that all delayes & excuses sett aparte you have and provide yo{r} rayles in a readines for the livery of yo{r} company to stand in and to be sett up in the streetꝭ against wednesday the xxx{th} day of July at the furthest. AND likewise that yo{r} railes against that tyme be hanged with blew azure cloth & garnished w{th} Banners & streamers in the most bewtifull manner that may be, as formerlie in like solempnities hath bin accustomed. AND that you likewise have and provide sixe whifflers at the least to evˀy score of yo{r} livery well apparrelled w{th} white staves in their handes to stand with their backꝭ to the Common railes over against your yo{r} Companies railes for the better and quieter ordering of the streetꝭ through which his ma{tie} shall passe. AND hereof faile you not at yo{r} pˀill. This xxj{th} of July 1606.

Three days after the receipt of the above, came another precept demanding £5 from the Barber-Surgeons towards the City’s expenses to be incurred about the Pageant.

The two Kings landed at the Tower, from Greenwich, on the 31st July, on which day the City gave itself up to the gayest doings and rejoicings. A curious and interesting description of the pageant is to be found in a rare tract by H. R., 1606, preserved at Guildhall Library. Howes also gives an entertaining account of the proceedings, and relates how the King of Denmark “seriously observed the unimaginable number of gallant Ladies, beauteous virgins, and other delicate Dames filling the Windowes of every houss with kinde aspect saluting” him as he passed by. He also tells us of the melodious harmony, the Latin speech, the pastoral device, and the fountains which ran with wine, etc.

It seems that on this great occasion one of the Marshalls had endeavoured to take our Company “down a peg” in order of precedence. This was, however, successfully resisted, and the Clerk proudly records the following in the Minutes on the same day:

MEMORAND: that the Kingꝭ ma{tie} w{th} the Kinge of Denmarke & the Prince of Wales came through this Cittie from wardes the Tower of London attended uppon with the Lordes and gentry of this Land on the last day of this instant moneth of July Att which tyme M{r.} ffoxe beinge one of the Comittees for placeinge of the Companies standingꝭ would have displaced us But by the Lord maiors order wee were placed in the seaventeenth place accordinge as wee ought to be placed.

1606. Notwithstanding the new charter granted in the previous year, the Court found itself unable to regulate the practice of Barbery and Surgery without an extended set of By-Laws, which were now obtained and are still preserved at the Hall. They are in English, on eight large skins of parchment, beautifully engrossed with a handsomely illuminated title, the initial ~T~ containing the Barber-Surgeons’ arms, and distributed over the heading are the arms of the Master and Wardens in 1606, viz.: John Peck, Edward Rodes, William Fynynge and John Fenton.

The By-Laws are allowed by Thomas Lord Ellesmere, Lord Chancellor; Thomas Earl of Dorset, Lord Treasurer; and Sir John Popham, Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas; who send “greeting in our Lord God Everlasting,” and enact Ordinances of such fearful length, that to a layman it passes comprehension how the draughtsman could have kept his head clear whilst he travelled through such a sea of prolixity, and, to a great extent useless, repetition. If the Chancellor and his colleagues troubled themselves to read through and understand the document to which they have appended their seals, they must have uttered very sensible sounds of relief when they came to the sealing; the recapitulation of the mere heads of this extraordinary production, will probably be found wearisome to the reader, viz{t}:

1. Recital of an Act of Parliament, 24th Feby., 19 Henry VII.

2. Oath of a freeman.

3. Oath of the Masters or Governors.

4. Oath of an Assistant of the Livery.

5. Oath of the Electors.

6. Oath of the Clerk.

7. Oath of a “foreign” Surgeon.

8. Oath of the Wardens of the Yeomanry.

9. Oath of an Assistant of the Yeomanry.

10. Oath of the Beadle.

11. Oath of the Porter.

NOTE.--Some of the foregoing oaths contain over 500 words in each!

12. Every person shall appear upon summons under a penalty of 3{s.} 4{d.}, and for not keeping the hour, a fine of 2{d.} to be imposed.

13. Masters neglecting the day of Election, the distribution of Ferbras’ alms, or the payment of rents, to forfeit £5.

14. No great Election dinner to be kept without the consent of a Court of Assistants, under a penalty of £5.

15. The allowance for a great dinner to be 20 marks, and for a small one £4.

16. Manner of Election of Masters or Governors.

17. Time of Election.

18. Twelve Electors to be chosen.

19. Electors to be sworn.

20. The Masters omitting any next in Election out of their Bills, the Electors to choose others.

21. The order after Election.

22. A refuser of the office of Master or Governor to be fined 40{s.} and to be eligible to be chosen again.

23. Or may be absolutely discharged of such office on payment of £10.

24. And on refusal to pay such fines, to be dismissed out of the Court of Assistants and out of the Livery.

25. If the Electors choose such refuser to further place, before he have paid his fine, each Elector to forfeit 40{s.}

26. Every person chosen into the Livery to pay £5 if he have not served as Warden of the Yeomanry, and if otherwise then 40{s.}

27. Election of two Stewards of the Mayor’s feast, and two Stewards of the Anatomy; £8 to be allowed to the former and £6 to the latter.

28. Refusers of the Office of Steward to forfeit £13 6s. 8d. each.

29. The Common Seal to be kept under lock and key.

30. Time of the audit and appointment of eight auditors.

31. Day for reading “General Rules.”

32. View of the Company’s lands to be made yearly in October.

33. Allowance for the view dinner.

34. “Search” to be made twice in the year.

35. Apprentices to be presented within one month after they are retained in service, under a penalty of 40s.

36. Indentures to be prepared by the Clerk before presentation.

37. The Clerk to make all indentures.

38. Every liveryman may keep three apprentices.

39. No decrepit, diseased or deformed apprentice to be retained by any Barber or Surgeon.

40. No person to teach any but his apprentice.

41. No person to put away his apprentice, without an order of Court.

42. No person to entice away another’s apprentice or servant.

43. Every person to enroll his apprentice.

44. The Court to punish disobedient apprentices after its discretion.

45. No freeman to “open shop” before he hath served one year as journeyman.

46. No Barber to use more than one shop.

47. No Surgeon to serve by sea or land before he and “his furniture” be examined and viewed.

48. Reformation of abuses in disobedient masters and servants.

49. No person to serve as a journeyman unless free of the Company.

50. No person to use surgery before he be examined and admitted.

51. No person to examine but the Examiners.

52. No Examiner to be chosen but by the Court.

53. Every Surgeon to be at every lecture on Surgery.

54. No Surgeon to defraud another of his patient.

55. No Person to shew his porringers, saucers or basons with blood therein.

56. Every patient in danger of death or maim to be presented to the Masters.

57. No person to take such presentation but a Master or Governor.

58. Ordinance against unskilful practice in Surgery.

59. No Anatomy to be dissected out of the Common Hall.

60. Anatomies to be decently buried.

61. Warrant to create a Yeomanry.

62. No “Courts of Assistants” to be held on Tuesdays.

63. No Court of Assistants to be under the number of sixteen persons.

64. Order of precedence in speaking.

65. Every Member to go and sit in his due place.

66. Ordinance against contentious and troublesome persons.

67. Ordinance against revealers of Court secrets.

68. No alien or stranger to bear the office of Master or Governor.

69. Ordinance against unseemly behaviour towards the Masters or Governors.

70. Ordinance against blotting or defaceing of books, pictures or monuments.

71. Ordinance against any of the Livery refusing to attend in his Livery gown.

72. Pensions for decayed members.

73. Warrant to search for hurt persons and malefactors.

74. As to quarterage.

75. Third Warden’s duties as to receipts.

76. And as to payments.

77. Duties of Fourth or Renter Warden.

78. Renter Warden to furnish accounts.

79. As to the Audit.

80. Ordinance against Sunday trading by Barbers.

81. As to fines and penalties.

82. Power to the Beadle to distrain (under a Warrant signed by the Masters) for all fines; also power to dismiss disobedient persons, and to inflict corporal punishment.

Penalties of varying amounts are specified for breaches of any of the foregoing Ordinances.

The By-Laws are signed “Ellesmere, Canc̃,” “T. Dorset” and “Jo: Popham,” and the three seals of their arms are pendant.

8th September, 1606. This daie it is ordered that the M{rs} shall pay v{li} to M{r} Michaell the Lord Cheif Justices man for his paynes in penninge of o{r} ordynaunces.

5th February, 1607. This day it is ordered that a Court howse be errected upon the Bulwarke behind the Hall of this Company for the M{rs} or Governors to kepe their Courtꝭ at the charge of this Company And M{r.} ffenton and M{r.} Jenkins are to joyne with the M{rs} of this Company in the same buildinge.

This Court Room was built within the circular Bulwark at the west end of the old Livery Hall, from which it was shut off by a screen wall or partition; many years later this screen was removed, and the whole thrown into one large apartment, and used as the Livery Hall.

21st January, 1608. The pˀnt M{rs} are this daye authorized to furnishe the newe Roome in the Bulwark w{th} cloth of Arras or tapestry or w{th} waynscot as they shall think fittest at the chardge of this howse, and the Chimney peece & wyndowes to be waynscotted.

1608. The Colony of Virginia (so named from the Virgin Queen Elizabeth, in whose reign it was discovered) was in an unsatisfactory condition by reason of its scanty population, want of enterprise and other causes; whereupon the Council of Virginia endeavouring the prosperity of the Colony, sent a letter to the Lord Mayor propounding a scheme of emigration and colonisation to be undertaken by the City, which should ease the Metropolis “of a swarme of unnecessarie inmates,” make the fortunes of the emigrants (and of the “undertakers”) and benefit the Colony. This letter is so interesting that no apology is necessary for reproducing it here.

WHEREAS the lords of his Ma{tes} councill, commissioners for the Subsedie, desirous to ease the cittie and suburbs of a swarme of unnecessarie inmates as a continuall cause of dearth and famine, and the verie origenall of all plagues almost that happen in this kingdome, have advised yo{r} lordshippe and yo{r} brethren, in an ease of state, to make some voluntarie contribuc͠on for their remove into the plantation of Virginia, w{ch} we understand you all seemed to like as an action pleasing to God and happie for this com̃onwealth; We the councell and companie of this ho{ble} plantation, willing to yelde unto your lop̃p and them all good satisfac͠on, have entered into consultac͠on w{th} o{r}selves, what may be everie mans chg̃es, and what of everie private familie, w{ch} we send herew{th} at large, not as a thing w{ch} we would exact from you, but that you may see, as in a true glasse, the true chg̃e, w{ch} we wholly commend unto yo{r} grave wisdoms, both for the somme and man{r} of leavie; onlie give us leave thus farre to enforme you that we give no bills of adventure for a lesse some than 12{li} 10{s.} ps̃uminge it wont be an infinite trouble now, and confusion in the retribuc͠on, but if your lop̃ make any seasment, or raise any voluntarie contribuc͠on out of the best disposed and most able of the companies, we are willing to give o{r} bills of adventure to the m{r} and wardens, to the general use and behoof of that companie, yf by wards, to the good of that ward, or otherwise as it shall please you and your brethren out of y{r} better experience to direct. And if the inmate called before you and enjoyned to remove shall alledge that he hath no place to remove unto, but must lie in the streats, and being offerd this journey shall demand what shalbe their pˀsent maintenance, what their future hopes, yt may please you to lett them know that for the pˀsent they shall have meat, drink, and clothing, w{th} an house, orchard, and garden for the meanest familie, and a possession of lands to them and their posteritie, one hundreth acres for everie man’s pˀson that hath a head or a body able to endure labour, as much for his wife, and as much for his child that is of yeres to do sˀvice to the colonie, w{th} further pˀticular reward according to theire pˀticuler meritt and desert; and yf yo{r} lordshipp and yo{r} brethren shalbe pleased to put in any private adventure for yo{r} selves in pˀticuler, you shalbe sure to receive according to your pˀporc͠on of the adventure, equall pˀts w{th} us adventurers from the beginning, both of the comodities returned or land to be divided; and because you shall see (being aldermen of so famous a cittie) we beare you due respect, we are contented, having but one badge of grace and favor from his Ma{tie}, to participate w{th} you therein, and to make as many of you as will adventure 50{li.} or more, fellow councellors from the first day w{th} us who have spent double and treble as much as is required, abidden the hazard of three sevˀall discoveries, w{th} much care and diligence, and many days adventure, and as yo{r} deputies, and yo{r} assistants, in yo{r} private wards, so shall as many of them as will adventure but 25{li.} present money, be made pˀties of this companie and assistants of this councell; and thus as an action concerning God and the advancement of religion, the present ease, future hon{r} and safety of this kingdome, the strength of o{r} navie, the visible hope of a great and rich trade, w{th} many secrete blessings not yet discovered, we commend the cause to the wisdome and zeale of yo{r} selfe and yo{r} brethren and you, and it, and us, to the holie pˀtection of the Almightie.

The City took up the scheme heartily, a large sum was subscribed and a great number of emigrants crossed the water. The Barber-Surgeons invested £25, but never received anything for it again.

23rd March, 1609. This daye it is ordered that the pˀnt M{rs} shall advent{r} xxv{li.} uppon a Bill of Exchange for the plantac͠on of Virginia, of the stock of this howse.

6th January, 1609. In obedience to a precept from the Lord Mayor, £10 was paid to the Chamberlain, towards the construction of a Garner for the use of the City.

25th May, 1610. A precept came from the Lord Mayor calling upon the Company “to be readie in yo{r} bardge well and richlie sett forthe before vii of the clocke in the morning” on the 31st January, to go to Chelsea to meet the eldest son of James I, on which occasion he was to go from Richmond to Whitehall to be created Prince of Wales; whereupon the following minute is recorded:--

AT this Court a precept beinge sent from my lord Maior unto this Company w{ch} beinge at this Court read, the effect whereof was that our Company on Thursdaie next shalbe reddie to attend my Lord Maior in their barge for the honor of this Citie in the enterteynement of the high & mightie prince at Chelsey. It was ordered that none of the Company shold be warned for this service but onely those w{ch} ware of the Assistaunce of the Clotheinge to goe in the Barge, the reason thereof is that a barge cold not be gotten large enough to carry the whole lyvery.

1611. In this year came a precept from the Lord Mayor, by authority of the King, complaining of “the abuse growing by excesse and straunge fashions of apparell, used by manye apprentises, and by the inordynate pryde of mayde servaunts and women servaunts in their excesse of apparell and follye in varietie of newe fashions, and to admonish them to have a due and speciall care to see a spedye reformac͠on had in everye one of their servaunts.” What effect this had upon the apprentices and servants of the Barber-Surgeons we are not told, but doubtless they were properly admonished.

1st July, 1614. A precept was received to the effect that the King had determined to borrow £100,000 of the City, and that the Barber-Surgeons were assessed at £600 towards this loan, which they were to lend, or which they were coolly informed they could compound for, by an absolute fine of £30! As the Court well knew that they would never again see a halfpenny of the £600 if lent, they quickly and wisely determined to pay the £30.

Profiting by past experience, the next extracts show that the Court proceeded warily in the matter of “adventuring” in the State Lottery.

29th April, 1614. Att this Court the M{r} propounding how they had receaved Letters from the Lordꝭ of the privy Councell and from the lord Maior thereby exhorting & intreating them to call their assistauntes together and to admonishe the genˀall body to be adventurers in the great lottery w{ch} is comyng forth, Whereupon the same lrẽs being considered on at this Court, it is thought fitt and ordered that the M{rs} shall att their pleasures call together the body of the Company, and they being gathered together, to admonish & pˀswade them to be adventerers in the same Lottery.

17th October, 1614. The Court having collected a sum of money for the Lottery, it was ordered that it should not be paid to the Treasurer, Sir Thos. Smith, until the Company shall be “assured” by a Bill of Adventure under seal “for their adventure unto virgynia, as also that it shalbe published in print certeynelie when the lotterey shalbe drawen.”

The College of Physicians had been for many years very jealous as to the Barber-Surgeons trespassing on their preserves, and as far back as 12th November, 1595, wrote a long letter to their “verie loving freends” the Master and Wardens, cautioning the members of the Company against practising physic, and stating that no few of them were culpable in the matter, but that the College had hitherto forborne to molest or punish them; the letter continues, “but for that we now see by daily experience that upon our lenetie and sufferance this inconvenience more and more increaseth, insomuch that both in credit and otherwise, it seemeth to touch us more neere than well can be indured; We have therefore thought it good to put you in mynd thereof, and therewithal earnestly and freendlie to request you, that among yourselves some such discreet order may be taken heerin, that the like offence hereafter maie not be committed by them or any of theirs. Wherein if we shall perceave you as ready to fulfil our honest request, as we are willing to maintain good amytie and concord with you and your Companie, we wilbe very glad thereof and geve you thanks therefore. If not, then as we are fully minded to defend our privileges and to deal with the particular offendors therein, as order of law and our ordinances in that behalf requireth; so we trust the body of your Societie will not be offended therewith. And so we bid you most hartelie farewell.”

The above letter is taken from Dr. Goodall’s History of the College of Physicians. Dr. Goodall gives several instances of Barber-Surgeons and Apothecaries being fined or imprisoned for practising physic; and, indeed, there seems to have been a strife waging between the College and the Company for a long period.

1617. The Physicians in 15 James I obtained a Charter confirming their Charter of 10 Henry viij, with several additional privileges and clauses in restraint of the privileges of the Barber-Surgeons, who thereupon petitioned the King that that Charter might not be confirmed by Act of Parliament, as the Physicians were desirous that it should be. The King on 4th February, 1620, ordered that the petitioners should be left to seek any lawful remedy either in Parliament or otherwise, as they might be advised, and accordingly on 23rd April, 1624, they presented a petition to the House of Commons, who ordered that the Physicians’ Patent should be brought into the Committee of Grievances, and both parties heard by Counsel, the consequence of which was that the Physicians proceeded no further with their Bill.

1632. Later on the Physicians endeavoured again to obtain a supremacy over the Barber-Surgeons, and on 13th June, 1632, procured an Order in Council which made it incumbent upon Surgeons in certain serious and specified cases of Surgery, to call in a “learned Physitian,” and to enforce this order they procured the Attorney General to exhibit a Bill in the Star Chamber in which the obnoxious clause was inserted, but on a Petition of the Barber-Surgeons complaining of the injury that would thereby accrue not only to themselves, but to the public, the King, by an Order of Court dated 22nd July, 1635, directed the clause to be struck out.

After the Restoration, the Physicians again endeavoured to procure an Act of Parliament confirming their Charter, whereupon the Barber-Surgeons claimed to have a clause inserted in the Act in the nature of a proviso that nothing therein contained should be construed to the prejudice of their privileges, and again the Physicians seem to have been checkmated, for they allowed their proposed Act to fall through.

Kings’ Barbers and Kings’ Surgeons seem to have secured substantial benefits from their official positions, as the following notices (from Domestic State Papers at the Record Office) testify.

25th August, 1625. There is a letter of this date from Sir James Fullerton to Secretary Conway, intimating that it is His Majesty’s pleasure to grant to Michael Andrews (Master 1635 and King’s Surgeon) a pension of £150 per annum for life.

17th December, 1625. And at this date is a grant to Thomas Caldwell (Master 1627 and King’s Barber).

A graunt to Thomas Caldwell esq{r} his Mat{s} servant of ye som̃e of one thousand poundes To be received as well out of the remainder of three hundred pounds due to his Ma{tie} by Richard Harbin sometime Collecto{r} of his Ma{t}ꝭ greenwax before his accesse to the Crowne and out of the arrerages of grenewax money then due unto his Ma{ty.} As also out of the other grenewax moneys now accrewing to his Ma{tie} not being in farme. And is granted to him as of his Ma{ts} bounty in lieu of 800{li} formerly graunted unto him by his Ma{ty} of w{ch} he received no benefitt. Subscrˀ by Mr. Attorney Genˀall upon significac͠on of his Ma{t}ꝭ pleasuere by the Lord Trẽr.

In addition to stray grants like the above, the perquisites and fees attaching to the Office of King’s Barber were very lucrative, and Mr. Caldwell must have done exceedingly well out of the following stroke of business.

January, 1626. Whereas his Ma{tie} hath bene pleased to appoint Mr. Thomas Caldwell his Ma{ts} servant and Barber to make provisions of all such necessaries as are to be used at the Ceremony of Bathing the Kn{ts} of the Bath at this his Ma{ties} Coronac͠on to be holden on the 2{d} day of February next at Westm{r} as to his place by auntient custome belongeth I do therefore will and require all such whome it may concearne to take notice thereof hereby for permitting him to doe and performe all such services as hath bene accustomed in that behalfe & for delivering such necessaries in kynd or allowance of money to the valeu thereof as shalbe by him required for the same according to the auntient custome heretofore used therein. The number of the said Kn{ts} for whome such provisions are to be made being 80, by his Ma{tie} appointed to receave that degree.


Examined by W{m} Ryley } Lancaster Herald }

Mr. Caldwell does not appear to have left his widow well provided for, as we read under date 10th July, 1643:

Upon the distressed Petic͠on of Widdow Thamar Caldwall late Wife of M{r} Thomas Caldwall deceased there is given to her of the gift of this House v{li.}

1624 and 1625. In the minutes of this period are constant notices of the “visitation,” and of “the contagious tyme.” The Plague raged with great severity in London in 1625, and it is said that over 40,000 died of it in the year. The Company appear to have been very liberal in their gifts of money to any who had the least claim upon them, the relief being frequently stated to have been given by “reason of the hardnes of the tymes.”

11th April, 1625. This daye the pˀcept for provision of corne sent unto o{r} Companie by the lord Maio{r} of london was here read in Courte, And this Courte is fullie resolved that the present M{rs} doe give unto the Lord Maio{r} and returne him this answeare that the Companie is provided of their proportion of corne and more they are not able to provide or receive into their charge.

1628. This year the Company were compelled to “lend” the King £360, which they with great difficulty raised, the greater part being borrowed at interest to enable them to do so. They also paid £30 towards a “present” (?) of £5,000 given by the City to the Palsgrave (Frederick, Prince Elector Palatine, son-in-law of James I).

15th August, 1629. On this day was sealed the Company’s new Charter from Charles I. It is in Latin on five large skins of parchment with the Great Seal of England pendant. There is a portrait of the King with a stiletto beard in the initial letter, and an ornamental heading along the top of the first skin. This Charter ratifies that of James I, directs that public lectures on Surgery shall be given, and confirms and somewhat varies the old regulations for the governance of the practitioners of that science.

22nd October, 1629. The Company evidently began now to kick at the numerous demands made upon its purse by the authorities, for a precept coming from the Lord Mayor demanding £12 10s. contribution towards a pageant, it was ordered that it be not paid until the Court was satisfied that it could be legally demanded, and enquiry made as to whether or no other Companies had paid similar contributions.

1632. The fabric of old St. Paul’s being in a lamentable state of decay, the celebrated Archbishop Laud wrote a letter to the Barber-Surgeons asking a contribution towards its repair. Ever ready to assist in good works, the Company cheerfully devoted a very considerable sum towards that object, notwithstanding the comparative poverty to which they had been reduced (in consequence of the grievous impositions made upon them by the authorities in the shape of forced loans and other unconstitutional demands). Moreover, they recorded their benefaction, in a delightfully expressed minute, which will be found at the end of the following letter.

9th April, 1632. The letter written by William Lord Bishopp of London and directed to this Court concerneing our contribuc͠on towardꝭ the repaire of St Paulls Church in London being now much ruined was here in Court reade, the teno{r} whereof is as followeth, vidz{t}

To the right worp{ll} my very worthy ffreindꝭ the Maister Wardeins and Assistantꝭ of the Companie of Barbar surgions London, theis

S. in xp̃o.[117] After my verie hartie comendac͠ons, you cannot but take notice of his Ma{t}ꝭ most hon{ble} and pious intention for the Repaire of the decayes of S{t} Pawles Church here in London, being the Mother Church of this Citty and Diocess, and the greate Cathedrall of this Kingdome. A greate dishono{r} it is not onely to this Citty but to the whole State to see that Auncient and goodly Pyle of building soe decayed as it is, but it will be a farr greater if care should not be taken to prevent the fall of it into ruin, And it would be noe lesse disgrace to Religion happily established in this Kingdome, if it should have soe litle power over the mindes of men as not to prevaile with them to keepe those eminent places of Gods service in due and decent repaire which their fforefathers buylt in tymes by their owne confession not soe full of the knowledge of gods truth as this present age is. I am not ignorant how many worthy workes have bene done of late in and about this Citty towardꝭ the building and repayring of Churches which makes me hope that every mans purse will open to this greate and necessary worke (according to Gods blessinge upon him) soe much tending to the service of God and the hono{r} of this nation. The generall body of the Cittye have done verie worthily in their bounty allready as alsoe the lord Maio{r} Aldermen and Sheriffes severally for their owne pˀsons. Theis are therefore accordinge to their examples hartily to pray and desire you the Maister Wardeins and other Assistants of the worthy Company of Barbar Surgions to contribute out of y{e} publicke Stock, to the worke aforesaid what you out of y{r} Charitye and devotion shall thinke fitt, and to pay the Summe resolved on by you into the Chamber of London at or before our Lady Day next, praying you that I may receave by any servant of yo{r} Companye a note what the Summe is which you resolve to give. And for this Charity of yo{rs} whatsoever it shall prove to be, I shall not onely give you harty thankes, but be as ready to serve you and every of you, as you are to serve God and his Church. Soe not doubting of yo{r} love and forwardnes to this greate worke, I leave you to the grace of God, and shall soe rest

[117] Health in Christ.

Yo{r} very loving ffreind


London house, January 30. 1632.

And thereupon this Court deepely considering the contentꝭ of that letter together with the pˀnte ruines and dilapidac͠ons of the said Church, and as faithfull and charitable members obliged largely to contribute to soe pious and religious a worke Doe nowe order that out of the stock and revenew of this house there shalbe paid into the Chamber of london towardꝭ the said repaire x{li} pˀntely and x{li} yearely for nine yeares followeing to make it upp compleate a C{li} as of the free guift of this house. And if att any tyme hereafter the worke doe cease that then our payementꝭ to cease likewise.

1633. This year the Company built a granary at the Hall, for the store of Corn.

12th July, 1633. A new set of By-Laws was framed and allowed by the proper authorities. These are extant on twelve great skins of parchment, more wordy and of greater length than those of 4th James I! They are, however, very similar to those, with technical alterations and amendments here and there, and provision is made for Lectures on Surgery, demonstrations of anatomy, and for the better Examination of Surgeons. Clause 19 provides that any freemen of the mystery who shall use any arts, trades or sciences other than Surgery “shall be accepted, reputed, adjudged and taken for Barbars.” Empirics and impostors were to be rigorously dealt with, and the Court was to have supervision over all Navy Surgeons, their chests, medicines and instruments. No Barbers or Surgeons were to be impressed for the Navy without license of the Court, and numerous regulations were made for the government of the Company.

The document is signed by Richard Earl of Portland, Lord Treasurer; Sir Thomas Richardson and Sir Robert Heath, the Lords Chief Justices; the seals of the first two are still pendant, but that of Sir Robert Heath is missing.

1636. Spurred into further action for the advancement of the science of Surgery, which their extended powers under the new By-Laws had conferred upon them, the Company determined upon building a Theatre for the delivery of Lectures, and for anatomical purposes, etc. This they set about in 1636, employing the great Inigo Jones as their Architect, who about this period also designed and carried out the present beautiful Court Room or Parlour, one of the best proportioned and prettiest rooms in London.


11th February, 1636. Upon the moc͠on of o{r} M{r} to this Court concerneing the want of a publique Theater for Anatomycall exercises and Sceletons and a lesser roome for private discections, This Court doth order that if the M{rs} or Governo{rs} upon their petic͠on to the Lord Maio{r} and Aldrẽn they have the bullwarke & long stripp of ground lieing betwixt the gould smiths tenement & clothw: tenemtꝭ & london wall at the one end & the Companies hall & pˀlor & london wall at the other end, by purchase in fee farme or a long lease from the Cittie, that then a Theater to the largenes of the upper ground betwixt the goldsmithes tenem̃t & the clothworkers tenem{t} on the one side & london wall on the other side shalbe be ovally built for the Wor̃p[118] and comiditie of this Companie at the Charge of this house.

[118] Worship.

The piece of ground on which it was proposed to erect the Theatre was then on lease to the Company from the City. The Lease was dated 29th March, 7 Charles I (1631), and made between the Mayor, &c., of London, of the one part and the Masters, &c., of the Barber-Surgeons, of the other part. In consideration of £20 paid by the Company the City leased to them lwark and the houses Roomes and buildings therein or thereupon made or erected, And all that ground or garden plott with thappurtenñces scituat lyinge and beinge in the parish of St Olave in Silver Street in the Citie of London next unto the Wall of the same Citie there of the one side, and the landes of the saide Maisters or Governors and others on the other side late in the tenure or occupac͠on of the right honoro{ble} Henry late Lord Wyndsor deceased or of his assignes and now in the tenure or occupac͠on of the said Maisters,” etc., from the feast of the Annunciation, 1631, for forty-one years at a rent of £3. The lease contained the usual covenants of a repairing lease, as also one “that neither they the saide Masters or Governors their successors nor assigns shall or will att any time or times during the said Terme suffer any Inmate or Inmates to dwell in any part of the premises afore demised.”

5th May, 1636. There is an Indenture of Lease of this date made between the Mayor, &c., of London, and the Masters, &c., of the Barber-Surgeons, which after reciting the last mentioned lease proceeds: “And whereas the said Maisters or Governors of the Misterie and Comonaltie of Barbars and Surgians of London for the better enhableing of them in the Arte of Surgerie Doe intend to erect and build a decent Roome or Theatre on part of the premisses for the keeping therein A learned and constant Lecture in the Theorie and practiqʒ partꝭ of Surgerie As also to pˀforme their publique operac͠ons of Anatomies and other exercises thereunto belonging, Which will be verie chargeable to them Wherein the said Maior and Cominaltie and Citizens are desirous and willinge to aide and further the saide Maisters or Governors in the setting forward of soe necessarie and comendable a worke tendinge to the generall good of the whole kingdome,” wherefore the Mayor, &c., leased the said premises to the Company for a further term of 200 years upon the expiry of the lease then running, at the same rent of £3 per annum, the Lessees covenanting to build the Theatre within seven years.

16th May, 1636. Upon o{r} M{rs} report to this Court that the Lord Maio{r} & Aldrẽn have freely graunted to this house a new lease of CC yeares comenceing from the expirac͠on of o{r} lease now in being It is ordered with the generall consent of the whole Court here present that the Theater shalbe proceeded in and built according to the plotts drawne by his Ma{t}ꝭ Surveigher.

3rd August, 1636. It is ordered by this Court that the Companies Armes with Helmett Crest supporters and mantlings shalbe sett up in Portland Stone under the Cantilaver does of the Theater being over the Windowe next the Granarye.


A plan of the Theatre is preserved in a collection of the works of Inigo Jones, at Worcester College, Oxford, and a short description of it is found in Hatton’s New View of London, 1708. The curiosities in the Barber-Surgeons’ museum of those days will excite a smile when compared with the collection now at Lincoln’s Inn Fields. Hatton says that the Theatre was built in “an elliptical form, and commodiously fitted up with four degrees of seats of cedar wood, and adorned with the figures of the seven liberal sciences, and the twelve signs of the zodiac. Also containing the skeleton of an ostrich, put up by Dr. Hobbs, 1682, with a busto of King Charles I. Two humane skins on the wood frames, of a man and a woman, in imitation of Adam and Eve, put up in 1645; a mummy skull, given by Mr. Loveday, 1655. The sceleton of Atherton with copper joints (he was executed) given by Mr. Knowles in 1693. The figure of a man flead, where all the muscles appear in due place and proportion, done after the life. The sceletons of Cambery Bess and Country Tom (as they then call them), 1638; and three other sceletons of humane bodies.”

Hogarth has, in ghastly style depicted the dissection of a criminal in this Theatre, in which the skeletons above referred to are seen in niches in the wall.


The plan of the Company’s Estate, has been kindly supplied for this work by Mr. Charles John Shoppee, as surveyed by him in 1869, previous to the demolition of the old Livery Hall, Kitchen, etc. The Theatre had been pulled down in 1784, and houses erected on its site; the Theatre is, however, shewn upon this plan, as being more interesting than the houses which supplanted it. In 1636 the Company commenced the erection of the Livery Hall and present Court Room, the work being carried out from the designs and under the superintendence of the celebrated Inigo Jones, the Livery Hall was, however, burnt in 1666, and that shown upon the plan is the one which was erected after the Great Fire.

5th September, 1636. The Plague was again abroad in London, and the Court, for fear of infection by meeting together, resolved as follows:

In regard of the now greate visitac͠on of the plague This Court doth deferre the Courts for the daye of Rules the Vew daye & other publique Courts till it shall please God to cease the Sicknes.

23rd September, 1636. The Lord Mayor having requested the Company to nominate “twoe Surgians to take care of those that were infected with the plague in this Cittie & liberties,” the Court thought that two was a wholly insufficient number and nominated six Surgeons to be presented to the Court of Aldermen.

2nd October, 1636. £5 was ordered to be paid in to the Chamber of London towards the relief of the poor, stricken with the Plague.

30th March, 1637. The Company were assessed to pay £10 “ship money,” whereupon an order was made that they should forbear to pay it, and a Committee appointed to wait on the Court of Aldermen to petition against the assessment. The application was, however, unsuccessful, as by an Order of Court, 29th March, 1638, the money was directed to be paid.

8th November, 1638. The Court of Aldermen having assessed the Company to furnish 80 quarters of corn in lieu of 60 as heretofore provided, it was resolved to petition against it. This would be a very important matter to the Company as the assessments for all public purposes were made upon the City Companies pro rata with their corn quarterages, and if the 80 quarters were allowed to stand, it would raise all the future assessments 33 per cent. The result however, of the protest does not appear in the minutes.

28th October, 1640. On receipt of a precept from the Lord Mayor, it was ordered that three barrels of Gunpowder should be bought and stored.

1640. The Company unwillingly agreed to lend the King £400, and were put to great inconvenience in raising the money, which was required by Charles for his campaign in Scotland.

After several skirmishes with the Scots, the English Army was at length disbanded, and the King went himself to Scotland to negotiate the difference which had arisen by his attempted interference in Church matters in that Kingdom; he returned to London in November, 1641, and the following minute refers to the preparations made by our Company to meet him.

22nd November, 1641. Upon reading the Lord Maiors precepts for the Companyes enterteyning the King upon his returne from Scotland It is ordered that the Ma{r} and Wardens, Mr. Serjeant Clowes, Mr. Richard Wateson, Mr. Woodall, Mr. Powell, Mr. Burgin, Mr. Heath, Mr. Henry Wateson, Mr. Bignall, Mr. Dye, Mr. Arris, Henry Boone, and Thomas Turner, shalbe attendant on Twesday next well mounted on Horseback in plush or Velvett with Chaines of Gold, and that John Perkins shall beare the Pendon with our Coate of Armes on Horseback and that these 18 ffree men shalbe Decently cladd in the Companyes Colours of White and Greene, each of them with a greene flatt Cap with a white Ribbon about it, a greene Cassock and Drawers of the same Stuffe Whiffler like laced with a white Lace a white ribaning and a greene Ribbin athwart theire Brests, and each of them a Truncheon in theire hands in the forenoone, and in the aftˀnoone each of them 2 Torches, and these 18 to attend perticulerly one of them to each of the Horsemen, viz{t.}

(Then follows a list of the freemen chosen.)

The “Riding out” on this occasion must have been a magnificent sight, if all of the Companies spent proportionately to the outlay of ours, which was no less than £39 17s. 10d. upon decorations, etc., for those taking part in the procession. Strype informs us that--

The Lord Mayor on horesback wearing a gown of crimson velvet & a collar of SS, and attended by his suite, rode in the front of the procession to meet the King. Then followed the Aldermen in scarlet gowns and the City council and chief officers in black gowns. Upon reaching Moorfields, there waited in a readiness to attend his Lordship and the service, about five hundred horsemen selected out of the Liveries of the several Companies, being Masters, Wardens, and prime men of each Company in velvet or plush coats and suits, with chains of gold, being well horsed and gallantly furnished, every Company having a horseman in the front carrying a pendant with that Company’s arms to which he did belong (for distinction sake), and a footman to attend each horseman of the Livery with truncheons and torches as before, both horsemen with the pendants and footmen being suited cap-a-pee with the Company’s colours on which they waited. There were also fourteen Trumpeters, with trumpets, banners and scarfs, who were placed two between every hundred of the horse, and four at the head of the troop. The procession moved on to Kingsland, where the Lord Mayor and Aldermen and the Companies awaited the Kings approach, while the Sheriffs attended by seventy-two men in Scarlet Cloaks trimmed with silver lace (the colours of the City) with javelins and feathers and four trumpeters, rode as far as Stamford Hill, and there met their Majesties and escorted them to Kingsland.

His Majesty was accompanied by the Queen, the Prince, the Duke of York, the Princess Mary and the Prince Elector Palatine, and after receiving an address, the Royal party joined the civic procession to London, entering it at Moorgate, and proceeded through London Wall, Bishopsgate Street, Cornhill and Cheapside, to the banquet at Guildhall, amidst the City Companies in their formalities and stands on each side of the streets, the City conduits running with a diversity of wines.

1643. The relations between the King and the City having become estranged in the fearful distractions of these times, Charles endeavoured to conciliate the citizens with a message, which was publicly read at Guildhall on the 13th January, and later on he sent a circular letter to the Masters of the several Companies requiring them to call their freemen and apprentices together, to read to them a copy of a letter which he had sent to the City on the 17th January. The Court of the Barber-Surgeons met on Tuesday, 24th inst., and cautiously record that they would have summoned their freemen for the next day, but that it was a fast day and that in the interim an order had come from the Committee of Safety that the letter, etc., should not be read.

24th January, 1643. The Kings Letter sent to the M{rs} & Wardens of this Company was read in Court and the printed Letter in it and the Cittyes Petic͠on and his Ma{ties} gracious answer unto it. And but that the morrow was fast day being the last Wednesday in this Moneth the ffreemen and apprentices of this Company could not be summoned to appeare then, it should have bin read. Soe that in the Interim an Order of Comand from the Lords and Comõns was directed to this Company to countermaund the said Letters in these words,

Die Martis 24{to} Januarii, 164-2/3. At the Comittee of Lords and Comõns for the safety of the Kingdome.

Whereas there are divers Letters pretended to be sent by his Ma{tie} to the M{rs} and Wardens of the severall Halls in the city of London with Two litle Bookes therein closed the one intituled The humble Petic͠on of the Maior, Aldermen and Comõns of the City of London to his Ma{tie.} And the other intituled his Ma{ties} Letter and declarac͠on to the Sheriffes and City of London Dated the 17{th} of January, which evidently tendeth to sedition and setting of the whole State in a Combustion. These are therefore strictly to charge & comand the M{rs} and Wardens of every Hall in the City to whome the said Letters and Bookes inclosed shalbe directed to forbeare to publish or open any of them till both the Houses of Parliament shall give further order therein. And the M{rs} and Wardens of every Hall are required to bring the said Letters with the Messengers thereof to this Comittee which they will take to be an Argument of theire good Affection to the Parliament

Pembroke Montgomery Bolingbroke Ed: Manchester W. Say & Seale Ed: Howard Jo: Evelin Jo: Pym Antho: Nicoll.

17th January, 1644. It is ordered that in respect of the greate troubles and distractions of these times there shalbe noe publique Anatomy this yeare dissected.

1644. The Company seem to have become greatly impoverished by the venture in Ireland, the rebuilding of their premises, and the forced loans to the King and the Parliament. In a certificate given by the Master and Wardens (5th September, 1644) to be produced in a suit in which they were defendants, they state that their debts are £3,000, and that they can get no return of any of the money lent for public purposes, or even the interest of it.

If the Stuarts acted in an unconstitutional manner in their oppressive demands upon the Companies, the Roundheads were as bad, with just this difference, that, with all their pretensions to purity, piety and high-mindedness, they did not hesitate to practise actual dishonesty in their modus operandi of squeezing the Companies, as the following painful incident from our books testifies:--The Company had borrowed from Mr. Richard Wateson, one of the Assistants, £1,200 upon sealed bonds, for the express purpose of meeting the demands which had been made upon them by the King and Parliament from time to time. Mr. Wateson having been declared a “Papist and Delinquent,” his property was seized, and the Bonds of the Barber-Surgeons, found in his strong chest, were taken to the Committee for Gloucester and Hereford, sitting at Grocers’ Hall. These worthies, in conjunction with the Committee for Sequestrations, came down upon the Company and demanded payment of the £1,200 for which they had given their bonds to their brother, Mr. Wateson. The Court deeming this a monstrous piece of injustice, hesitated to comply, whereupon the Committees threatened to seize the Company’s entire estate; and then the Court resolved to petition Parliament, but the House not sitting for some time the petition could not be prosecuted, and the Committee being urgent, the Company most reluctantly agreed to pay down £400 and to have the bonds cancelled. Although these shameful terms were definitely agreed upon, the Committees a few days later broke faith, demanding £400 cash and the Company’s bond for another £100, to which the Company, like the lamb with the wolf at its throat, nolens volens, consented. The iniquity of this business was made apparent to the Committees, who were well aware that the Company had incurred the debt to Mr. Wateson in order to meet the previous rapacity of themselves, and yet they hesitated not to compel the Company to submit to a further fine of £500 for having complied with their demands in the past, besides manifesting the dishonesty proposed by them in offering to cancel the debt due by the Company to Mr. Wateson.

29th April, 1645. By the power and authority to this Court given by severall Orders of a late Court of Assistants, this Court for and towards the raiseing of the 400{li} agreed to be paid in part of the composic͠on for Mr. Watson’s debt unto the the Comittee for the releife of Gloucester, &c., did pawne all the Companyes plate both guilt and white, weighing 1,120 oz. 1/3 or thereabouts, unto Mary Crosse of London Widdow for the Sum̃ of 280{li} by a Writeing of Bargaine and Sale this day sealed with this Companyes Com̃on Seale bearing date the 16{th} day of this Instant Aprill with a provisoe of Redempc͠on. And borrowed of Mr. George Dunn 100{li} more at Interest at vj{li} 10{s} pˀ annum pˀ centum for w{ch} he tooke the secureity of our Com̃on Seale.

A few years later on (14th September, 1648), Mr. Edward Arris presented to the Court a letter from Mr. Wateson, wherein was intimated that he expected the Company to repay him the money borrowed, the bonds for which had been seized by Cromwell’s party, and for which the Company had already compounded, whereupon we read “This Court doth declare theire acknowledgement of a great respect and esteeme they have and beare towards him and shalbe ready to doe him all the right they can without prejudicing the Company”; and again on 30th April, 1650, “Mr. Richard Wateson an ancient M{r} of this Company Doth this day desire to know the mind of this Court concerning the 1,200{li} by him lent to this Company and sequestred in this Company’s hands and compounded ffor 500{li} in full of principall and Interest, The matter being of great Consequence, this Court doth take time to consider of it and to give him an answer therein.”

What answer Mr. Wateson got, I do not know; he was held in great esteem by the Company, and doubtless some honourable compromise was arranged.

In their negotiations with the Committees, the Company seem to have been able to impress the Chairman favourably on certain occasions, though there is grave reason to apprehend that this official of the party of purity was open to a bribe, as the following minutes would seem to indicate.

27th October, 1645. The Company having been threatened with sequestration of their entire estate unless an assessment made upon them was paid on Friday following, a Committee of the Court was ordered to wait on Mr. Scawin, the Chairman of the Committee for the Army, to beg his favourable consideration of the Company’s poor estate; the result is seen in the next entry.

14th September, 1648. This Court takeing notice of the greate Love and ffavour of Mr. Scawin Chaireman to the Comittee ffor the Army expressed oftentimes upon severall occasions towards our Company Doth thinke fitt in gratitude and accordingly doth order That the present Governours doe present to him a guift of the value of vj{li} 13{s} 4{d} The quality and price of the guift is left to theire discretions.

1646. To relieve them of their great debts, the Company about this period raised considerable sums by granting annuities; the following are examples in point:--

24th March, 1646. This day M{r} Nicholas Heath payd the sum of 200{li} to the use of this Company and is the purchase money for an Annuity of 26{li} pˀ añn. for 10 yeares to himselfe and Grace his Wife Whereupon the Deed of Grant of the said Annuity was sealed with the Com̃on Seale and delivered to theire use.

Alsoe this day M{ris} Elizabeth ffreeman payd the sum of 200{li} the Purchase money for the like Annuity of 26{li} pˀ añn. for 10 yeares and the Deed for that purpose was sealed and delivered to her.

On the 30th January, 1649, the King’s troubles were ended by his murder, and very shortly afterwards we find this significant minute.

19th March, 1649. This Court doth order That the Oath conteyned in the Rules and Ordinances of this Company be administred unto every ffreeman upon his admission as before, The ffirst Words which doe concerne allegiance to the King and his Successors only to be left out.

The banners of the Company bearing the late King’s arms were destroyed, and any heraldic insignia at the Hall which contained the Royal Arms were ordered to be defaced. We may readily believe that this was most unwillingly done by the Court, who however, had no option in the matter.

1648-9. Fairfax had filled the City with troops, “billetting orders” being made upon the several Companies for the reception of the soldiers at their Halls. Herbert (Vol. I, p. 181) states that the Merchant Taylors were fortunate enough to procure an order of exemption which cost them £20 10s., and further that he believed their case to be unique, but it seems that the Carpenters by means of “Gratuities ‘to sevˀall men of qualitie,’” amounting to £13 2s. 6d., managed to get free of this imposition, whilst the Barber-Surgeons procured their immunity at a much cheaper rate, for we read in the Wardens’ accounts of the period,

Paid fforr the charges expended in procureing a Protecc͠on from the Lord General from quartering Souldiers in the hall 13{s} 3{d.}

These notices are clear indications that Cromwell and the “men of qualitie” about him, were accustomed to take bribes.

3rd February, 1654. The City entertained Cromwell at Grocers’ Hall, and our Company had to go out in procession to receive him, our “standing” being in St. Paul’s Churchyard.

1660. The Barber-Surgeons contributed £96 towards a present of £10,000 given by the City to Charles II at the Restoration. No money exacted under precept was more willingly paid than this, and indeed the Companies generally seemed to have cheerfully contributed, delighted to have escaped the gloom of the Commonwealth, and with a prospect of brighter times in store. On the 5th July, the King was nobly entertained at Guildhall, our Company taking part in the rejoicings (see Wardens’ Accounts of this date).

1666. Our Minute Books for this period having been lost or stolen, we unfortunately have no records of the Great Fire beyond those preserved in the “Wardens’ Accounts” (which see), and although these are somewhat meagre, they are highly interesting, especially those which relate to the fortunate preservation of the great Holbein picture. It has been stated (but without any other authority than that of gossiping Samuel Pepys, who had a special interest in disparaging the picture) that it was damaged in the fire, though no notice of such a mishap is known to me, and the Accounts (which are complete) are significantly silent as to anything having been spent on its restoration or cleansing, which, had it been injured, would have been necessary; it seems to have been taken away from the Hall by Major Brookes to a place of safety, and subsequently brought home again by six porters.


The Theatre, which was a detached building, as also the present Court Room, both the works of Inigo Jones, were saved, though the Hall was burned, entailing a great expense upon the Company in rebuilding (see Wardens’ Accounts).

The houses 33, 34 and 35, Monkwell Street (see plan, p. 135) were rebuilt 1671, when the gateway to the Hall Court Yard was formed and the grotesque coat-of-arms put up over the Lintol.

When the alterations were made under the superintendence of Charles J. Shoppee in 1869, the old lintol, corbels, tympanum, and door-head were very carefully taken down and refixed over the present entrance to the Hall in the Court Yard. This door-head is always an object of interest to visitors to Barbers’ Hall; long may it continue to be so!

25th August, 1681. A short set of By-Laws was this day enacted. It is on a single skin of parchment, and imposes penalties upon such persons, as, being elected, should refuse to serve as Masters or Stewards of Anatomy. It is signed by Heneage, Earl of Nottingham, Lord Chancellor, and Sir Francis Pemberton and Sir Francis North, the two Lords Chief Justices, all of whose seals are pendant to the document.

1684. This was indeed a troublous year for the Corporation and for the guilds of London. Charles having interfered with the privileges of the City by thrusting in his nominees for Sheriffs, had met with considerable opposition from the citizens, and being assured that this resistance would be continued and maintained by the City, he determined to strike a blow at the root of its franchise, by getting into his hands the Charter of the City, as also the Charters of the several Companies. It was not difficult to procure a venal tribunal which would be prepared to pronounce an iniquitous judgment upon any fictitious statement submitted to it by the King. Sir Rob{t.} Sawyer, the Attorney-General, thereupon undertook, on behalf of the Crown, to prove that the City Charters were forfeited, and contrived the celebrated quo warranto, upon which judgment was (as a matter of course) obtained against the City, on the 12th June, 1684.

The Companies seem to have unanimously anticipated this decision, and by so doing and by “surrendering” their Charters and liberties before the delivery of the judgment, hoped to ensure the favour of the King.

The original of the “surrender” of the Barber-Surgeons is very neatly engrossed on extra thick parchment, but the seal was of course removed when it was returned to the Company. The text is as follows:--

To all to whom these p{r}sents shall come. GOVERNO{RS} of y{e} MYSTERY and COĨALTIE of BARB{RS} & SURGEONS of LONDON send GREETING. KNOW yee y{t} wee considering how much it imports the Governm{t} of our company to have men of known Loyalty & approved integrity to bear offices of Magistracy & places of Trust. The s{d} Ma{rs} or Govern{rs} have granted surrendred and yielded up, and by these p{r}sents do grant surrend{r} and yield up unto his most gracious Majesty CHARLES ye second by the Grace of God King of England, &c., his Heires and Successo{rs.} All and singular y{e} Powers Franchises liberties priviledges and authorities whatsoever and howsoever granted to or to bee used or exercised by y{e} said Masters or Governo{rs} by vertue of any right Title or Interest vested in them by any Charters Letters Patents Custome or Prescripc͠on in force of or concerning the electing nominating constituting being or appointing of any person or persons into or for y{e} severall and respective offices of Mast{r} Wardens Assistants and Clerk of y{e} said Company. And y{e} said Masters or Governo{rs} do hereby humbly beseech his Ma{tie} to accept of this their surrend{r} and do with all submission to his Majesties good pleasure implore his grace and favo{r} to regrant to y{e} said Masters or Governo{rs} the nameing and Chusing of y{e} said Officers and the said libertie and ffranchises or so many of them and in such mann{r} as his Majesty in his great wisdome shall judge most conducing for y{e} governm{t} of y{e} said Company, And with and under such reservacc͠ons restricc͠ons and qualificac͠ons as his Majestie shall bee pleased to appoint. IN WITNES whereof the said MAST{RS} or GOVERNO{RS} have hereunto affixed their Com̃on seal the sixteenth day of Aprill in y{e} Thirty sixth year of y{e} reign of o{r} or sovˀaign LORD CHARLES y{e} second, &c., and in y{e} year of o{r} Lord Christ 1684.

Similar forms of surrender were adopted by other Companies. I am unable to say whether or no the King interfered with the franchises of the Barber-Surgeons, but think not, as no record of such meddling is to be found in our books, though, doubtless, the Court took care, remembering the rod in pickle, to govern in accordance with the wishes of the King.

Some time in this year (1684) certain unquiet spirits, Surgeons of our Company, got up a petition to the King, setting forth that the union of Surgeons with Barbers hindered rather than promoted the end for which the two bodies had been united, and praying the King to incorporate the Surgeons a distinct and separate body. Nothing came of this application beyond a reference (ordered by the King, 15th May, 1684) to the Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, and the Lord Chief Justice of the King’s Bench, who were directed to examine and report upon the petition, but whether they ever did so or not, I don’t know.

27th February, 1685. James II, in the first year of his reign, granted us a Charter, which is contained on seven skins of parchment, all of which have handsomely designed head-pieces and borders, the first one having a fine portrait of the King as well; only a fragment of the great seal remains, and the charter itself is considerably damaged, apparently by rats. It is in Latin, of great length, and, like others granted to other companies at the period, is an “unreal mockery.” The Charter recites the “Surrender,” and proceeds to grant another charter in which, inter alia, the appointment of any Master, Warden, Assistant, or Clerk should be subject to the approval of the King, that all members of the Company should take the Oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance, be in the Communion of the Church of England and receive the Sacrament, and that no person who frequented a conventicle should be eligible for the Livery.

4th April, 1687. The King having published a declaration, allowing liberty of conscience to all his subjects, suspending and dispensing with the penal laws and tests, and even with the Oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance on admission into offices civil and military, numerous addresses of thanks for this liberty were presented to the King, among others the following one from our Company, which is preserved in the “London Gazette” of 20th October, 1687.



We having daily before our eyes the munificent Bounties of your Royal Brother of Blessed Memory, and other Your Ancestors, and also that of your Majesties Gracious Favour, in restoring to us our new Charter, we must be esteemed ever ungrateful and undutiful Subjects, if we did not with all humility acknowledge the same.

But we are in more especial manner bound to cast ourselves at Your Majesties Feet, and return our most humble and hearty Thanks for Your late Declaration; wherein You are Graciously pleased to give us Your Royal Word, whereby we are protected in the Profession and free Exercise of our Religion, and also in the Enjoyment of our Liberties and Properties in Peace and Safety; for which Your Gracious Condescension and Goodness (as God hath made it our Duty), Your Majesty hath made it our Interest duly to pray to the Divine Majesty for his Blessing upon your Royal Person, Family and Government. And that after the enjoyment of a long and prosperous reign here, over a Dutiful and Obedient People, You may receive an everlasting Crown in the World to come.

And that it may be so, it shall be as it becomes us, the constant and utmost endeavour, as well as the hearty Prayer of,

Dread Sir!

Your Majesties most humble, most Loyal, and most obliged Subjects.

1688. Matters were now rapidly approaching a crisis with James, who in vain, when too late, sought to conciliate the citizens whom he had wronged. One of his acts of propitiation was the redelivery to the Companies of the “surrenders” which they had made of their franchises and charters in 1684. We have no note of the date of the return of our surrender; but it was towards the end of November and within about a fortnight of the King’s flight when this tardy act of justice was done, and the Barber-Surgeons thus partly restored to their ancient rights and privileges. The Bill of Rights was shortly afterwards passed, the quo warranto declared illegal, and all charters granted by Charles II and James II since the judgment on the quo warranto, declared absolutely null and void, thus practically reinstating the Guilds in statu quo ante.

28 July, 1690. Ordered that in pursuance of an order of the Com̃on Counsell & Lord Mayor &c. that the Company advance towards the provideing one Rigiment of Horse & one of Dragoone the sum̃e of one hundred pounds.

1699. Jealousies arose in the Company in consequence of the more frequent election of Surgeons than Barbers, as Governors. The By-Laws required that every year there should be two Barbers and two Surgeons chosen (a Barber being defined to be any member who did not practise Surgery). The Surgeons disregarding the law and the old custom, seem to have been able to procure the election of an undue number of members of their own craft to the offices of Master and Wardens, whereupon certain of the Company filed an information in the King’s Bench against the Masters or Governors; the Barbers were successful, and having obtained a Mandamus, a fresh election took place. This altercation between the Barbers and Surgeons was never forgotten, and, indeed, helped to pave the way to further estrangement and the absolute separation in 1745.

The following Minutes relate to these proceedings:

14th December, 1699. Ordered Mr. S{r}geant Wright Mr. S{r}geant Darnell Mr. Com̃on S{r}geant & Mr. Dee bee advised with upon the Informac͠on ag{t} the Govern{rs.}

25th January, 1700. Ordered that the Cause ag{t} the Govern{rs} at the prosecuc͠on of the Barbers bee referred to S{r}geant Darnell & his opinion to bee taken & to pˀceed thereupon, Mr. Oades Mr. Pleahill & Mr. Barnard to meet tomorrow at the raine bow to attend him by five in the afternoone.

2nd May, 1700. Ordered Mr. Dee bee consulted concerning the Rule of Court of King’s Bench for a copy of the by laws &c. & to follow his advice &c. He advised to give Copyes if required & not to oppose it.

11th May, 1700. Ordered that Mr. S{r}geant Darnell have three guineys Mr. Com̃on S{r}geant & Mr. Dee have two a peece given them for the Tryall of the Informac͠on on Tuesday next & that all the Court of Assistants bee desired to bee there.

28th June, 1700. Ordered that nothing bee done in the Cause ag{t} the Company untill the Mandamus be served & then the Comittee to meete.

4th July, 1700. A pˀemtory Mandamus being served the last Court, Ordered that on Tuesday next by two of the Clock in the afternoon there bee an elecc͠on of two Wardens Expert in Barbery for the remainder of this yeare.

9th July, 1700. An election took place, with the result that Mr. John Pinke and Mr. Richard Marks, both being Barbers, were elected Wardens. Mr. Pinke was already a Warden, but the Mandamus required two Barbers to be elected, and he was simply re-elected. Mr. Marks took the place of Mr. Bartholomew King, Surgeon. The Master, Mr. Lichfield, and the second Warden, Mr. James Wall, were both Surgeons.

13th January, 1709. It was agreed that a new set of By-Laws which had been settled by the Common Serjeant and Sir Edward Northey should be presented to the Lord Chancellor, etc., for confirmation, it being considered that the existing By-Laws were defective in many parts, and that “good & wholesome Lawes were the life strength & support of this Company.”

6th April, 1709. A set of By-Laws of this date was confirmed. They are comprised on thirteen great skins of parchment, and, like previous ones, are far too voluminous, and indeed not of sufficient interest, to warrant transcribing, being practically the former set with sundry technical and minor alterations. There is a fine portrait of Queen Anne on the first skin, and the Document is signed by William Lord Cowper, Lord Chancellor, Sir John Holt and Sir John Trevor, Lords Chief Justices, whose seals are pendant. These By-Laws were brought into Court on 5th May, 1709.

13th January, 1709. The Court were informed that the Barbers of the Company were in treaty with the Peruke Makers “of the other end of the town,” about incorporating them into this Company, and that they were endeavouring to procure an Act of Parliament to that effect, whereupon the proposition was approved and leave given to the Barbers to petition Parliament in the name of the Court.

5th December, 1709. A petition was presented by sundry liverymen (Barbers) representing that Peruke making was an encroachment upon the art of Barbery, and praying the Court to obtain an Act of Parliament incorporating the Peruke Makers with the Barber-Surgeons; the petition was favourably received by the Court and a Committee appointed, who met the next day and recommended the proposed union, the Peruke Makers paying such fees as other members of the Company paid.

24th December, 1709. A petition for an Act was ordered to be drawn by the Clerk and submitted to several eminent counsel for their perusal.

9th January, 1710. Five hundred copies of the proposed Bill, and a similar number of the reasons for the suggested incorporation, were ordered to be printed; but in the result nothing came of this proposed union with the Peruke Makers.

25th August, 1714. The following precept relating to the Accession of George I was received:


WHEREAS it hath been resolved in Com̃on Councill y{t} if our most Gratious Lord King George upon his comeing into this Kingdome be pleased to pass through this his City of London, y{t} he shall be received by us & our fellow citizens with all the Demonstrationes of Joy & affection as are suitable to our duty and Loyalty.

These are therefore to require you to have your Rayle Cloaths Standings Banners Streamers Ensignes & other Ornaments of triumph belonging to your Company in a readiness to sett up imẽadiatly upon Notice y{t} shall be given you of the time & place by any further precept & y{t} yo{r} Cloaths Banners Streamers Ensignes & other ornaments be fresh & Good & y{t} you forthwith send to all the Liverymen of yo{r} Company that they be well & decently apparrelled in their best Cloaths & Gowns to attend in their Standings y{t} so your Company may be ready (when required) to receive his Maj{tie} to his satisfac͠on & the Honour of this City and thereof you are not to faile. Dated this 25{th} day of August, 1714.


23rd December, 1717. The Company having had great difficulty in getting in some of their rents, and various of the houses being empty, determined to sell their property in Mowse Alley, East Smithfield, and in Butcher Row in St. Botolph’s, Aldgate, agreeing to convey the fee simple to Mr. Robert Finlay for £1,250.

And it is further ordered by this Court that till such time as the said sume of 1250{li} can be laid out in a convenient purchase of houses or lands with the approbac͠on of the Court of Assistants, The same shall be forthwith placed out at Interest by the Governors upon such Government or other Publick securitys as they shall think fitt, But that the said sume of 1250{li} or any part thereof shall never be expended on the Company’s common occac͠ons or be any way lessened or broke into on any account whatsoever.

17th April, 1718. The following record was ordered to be made of the “reasons” for disposing of this property:

The Estate in East Smithfield in eleven years time produced to the Company above all disbursements relating thereto[119] but £28 15s. in the whole, Whereas the annual interest of £1250 at 4 pˀ cent. is £50.

[119] But these disbursements had been very heavy in the nature of repairs.

Eleven years interest at £50 pˀ ann. for £1250 amounts to without computeing Interest upon Interest £550.

The Company have run behind hand for severall years by means of the great sumes laid out upon this Estate.

Whoever goes backward every year must in time be undone.

The Estate is still in such a condition as to require a great sum̃e of money to be expended upon it in Repairing and Rebuilding in order to make it tenantable.

The Company had not money to lay out upon it.

If they had, the Estate is so scituated that there is no room to hope, even in case the whole had been rebuilt (as it wants to be) that it would have answered the laying out so much money.

And if the Company had let it upon building Leases The pˀsent method of building is so as to last exactly the term for which the Lease is taken, wouˀd have put the Company in the same condic͠on as they are now, when the term expired, besides loss of Rent, & disputes with such Tenants in the mean time.

It was therefore thought better to dispose of the Estate.

Following are the details of negotiations with one or two parties other than Mr. Finlay, and some curious particulars of the Company’s title to part of the Estate, which seems to have been an equitable rather than a legal one, whereby the Court apprehended some difficulty in disposing of it to another party from whom a somewhat better price might have been obtained, and therein, under the circumstances, showed themselves good men of business by concluding with Mr. Finlay: we cannot however now, but regret that this most valuable property should have passed from us for so comparatively insignificant a sum. The purchase-money was laid out in thirteen East India Bonds of £100 each.

7th April, 1730. M{r} Serj{t} Dickins the Master of the Company informing the Court, That he having the honour to be acquainted with the Right Honourable The Earl of Burlington and with his Lordships most extraordinary genius and superior judgment in Architecture, had taken the liberty to address himself to the said noble Earl, and to make it his humble request to his Lordship that he would be pleased to favour the Company with his opinion, in what manner it would be safest and best to repair the anatomical Theatre built by the celebrated Inigo Jones about one hundred years ago.

That his Lordship had thereupon condescended to take a view of the Theatre and most obligingly directed the proper method of repairing a structure of so peculiar a frame, and afterwards out of his accustomed generosity, and in regard to the memory of that great Architect offered to defray the expence thereof.

IT IS THEREUPON RESOLVED NEMINE CONTRADICENTE by this Court, That the Master and Wardens of the Company together with the late Master William Cotesworth Esq{r} be, and they are hereby desired forthwith to wait on the Right Honb̃le The Earl of Burlington, and in the most gratefull manner to assure his Lordship in the name of the whole Company.

THAT they do receive this noble instance of his Lordships bounty and generosity as a most distinguishing & illustrious mark of honour shown by his Lordship to the Company & Profession.

And that this Court will take care so to record & transmitt the remembrance of this magnificent action of his Lordship to their successors That the gratitude of the Company to his Lordship’s person and memory may be for ever preserved among them.

13th August, 1730. A marble Bust of the Earl of Burlington was ordered to be set up in the Theatre.

27th April, 1739. “The Court taking into their considerac͠on that several of their By-Laws, which had been confirmed by the Lord Chancellor and Lord Chief Justices for the time being, were in want of alteration, by reason of the variation of the times and circumstances of the Company and their Members since such By-Laws were made, and several new By-Laws being also wanting for the better government of the Company in times to come,” It was ordered that a Committee of six should consult and draw up fresh By-Laws, to be submitted to a future Court of Assistants, but in the result no action was taken.

1744. The long slumbering animosity between the Surgeons and the Barbers had now reached a climax, and indeed it is a matter of surprise that an union which had become grotesque should have existed for as many years as it had. The Surgeons, many of whom had attained to great eminence, naturally chafed under a system which required their diplomas to be signed by Governors, two of whom were always Barbers, or members of some trade or profession other than that of a Surgeon, and with the rapid progress of science and of surgical skill and knowledge, they felt their alliance with the Barbers a restraint upon their advancement, as also that the exercise of their profession under Charters and By-Laws, antiquated in form, and more adapted to the times in which they were framed, a hindrance rather than an incitement to further proficiency.

There is little in the records as to this disagreement, it being tacitly agreed that neither side should place their arguments or grievances in the books, which were their joint property.

20th December, 1744. This day the gentlemen on the Surgeons side having made known at this Court their desire of being separated from the gentlemen on the Barbers and that each may be made a distinct and independent Body free from each other, and producing a Case intended to be offered to the Honourable House of Commons praying such separation, which being read at this Court It was agreed that the following gentlemen on the Barbers side viz{t.}--

M{r.} Warden Negus M{r.} Parker M{r.} Maurice M{r.} Truelove and M{r.} Haddon.

& on the Surgeons side viz{t.}--

M{r.} Serj{t} Dickins Will{m} Petty Esq{r} James Dansie Esq{re} M{r.} Freke and M{r.} Sainthill

be a Committe appointed to meet on Monday next at the Kings Arms Tavern in Saint Paul’s Church Yard at one of the Clock at noon to receive the proposals from the Gentlemen on the Surgeon’s side for such Separation, and that when they had so done that the Gentlemen on the Barber’s side members of this Court should lay the same before the Livery on their side, by a Meeting to be had for that purpose, and that a Court of Assistants should be held on the Tenth day of January next, at which time the Gentlemen on the Barber’s Side Members of this Court, should then report their opinion and assent or Dissent to such proposals made.

At the same time it was agreed that any Member of this Court should at any time have the free liberty of examining and inspecting into the several Books and writings belonging to this Company In case the same should be in the presence of the Master or one of the Wardens but not otherwise, but no such Books or writings be at any time removed from the Hall, on any account whatever unless by a special order of this Court first had and obtained for that purpose.

10th January, 1745. Pursuant to an Order of the last Court of Assistants the gentlemen on the Barbers side Members of this Court, did this day make their report on the proposals made by the gentlemen on the Surgeons side for a separation, by Dissenting in general to such proposals made.

By the Journals of the House of Commons, 18 George II, it appears that the Surgeons on 31st January, 1745, presented a petition to Parliament, in which among other things they recited the Act, 32 Henry VIII, and also that Charles I in the 5th year of his reign,

by Letters Patent under the great seal confirmed the Barber Surgeon’s Company in their possessions and privileges and gave the Company power to make by-laws and to constitute ten persons to be Examiners of Surgeons during their lives, and it was thereby further granted that no person whether freeman foreigner native of England or alien should practise Surgery in London or Westminster or within seven miles of the City of London unless previously examined allowed and admitted by the Company in manner therein mentioned; and that the Surgeons so examined might practise in any part of England; and that the Masters and Governors of the said Company might appoint and have a public lecture for the science of Surgery, for the better instruction and information in the principles and rudiments of the art and science of Surgery, and that no person exercising the art of Surgery within the limits therein mentioned should go out or send any apprentice or servant from the Port of London to serve in quality of a Surgeon for any ship without the approbation and allowance of the said Company, in such manner and under such penalties as are therein mentioned. That since the said Act for incorporating the two said Companies, those of the said Company practising Surgery have from their sole and constant study of, and application to the said science, rendered the profession and practice thereof of great and public benefit and utility to this Kingdom, and that the Barbers belonging to the said Corporation are now, and have been many years, employed in a business foreign to and independent of the practice of Surgery; and that the Surgeons belonging to the same Corporation, being now become a numerous and considerable body, and finding their union with the Barbers inconvenient in many respects and in no degree conducive to the progress or improvement of the art of Surgery, are therefore desirous that the Surgeons being freemen of the said Company, may be made a Corporation separate and distinct from and independent of the Barbers of, and belonging to the said Company; and therefore praying the House to give leave that a bill may be brought in dissolving and vacating the union and incorporation of the Barbers and Surgeons made by the said former act; and for making the Surgeons of the said Company a separate and distinct Corporation; and for making a partition and division of the real and personal estate and effects of and belonging to the said united Company, unto and for the separate benefit of the said two Companies so proposed to be separated, as to this House shall seem meet and reasonable.

Whereupon it was ordered--

That the said petition be referred to the consideration of a Committee and that they do examine the matter thereof, and report the same with their opinion thereupon to the House.

A Committee was at once appointed with power to send for persons, papers, and records.

On the 6th February the Barbers presented a Petition against the proposed separation, and asked to be heard by counsel; whereupon it was ordered--

That the said petition be referred to the consideration of the Committee to whom the petition of the Surgeons of London, whose names are thereunto subscribed, on behalf of themselves and other the Surgeons in the City and suburbs of London is referred: And that these petitioners the said Barbers, if they think fit be heard by their Counsel before the said Committee according to the prayer of the said petitioners.

This petition of the Barbers to the House of Commons was identical with a very scarce pamphlet “The Case of the Barbers,” a copy of which has been kindly given to me by Mr. D’Arcy Power, M.A. It is full of interest, and will be found in Appendix E.

27th February, 1745. The Committee brought up their report, which was read by the Clerk, and recited the various documents produced and the evidence tendered; among other matters it is stated that Mr. John Hayward, a Past Master, was examined and deposed, that the Master (who every other year was a Barber) and the Wardens present, sign the diplomas. That there are ten Examiners who have each half a guinea for their attendance, and the Master and Wardens have the like. That he did not know that the presence of Barbers at these examinations was any inconvenience, but he apprehended it would be more eligible if the Master were always a Surgeon. That the Barbers are generally present at the four public lectures of Anatomy, two of which are at the expense of the Company, the other two being at the expense of the Surgeons. That the Demonstrators of Anatomy and Osteology are chosen by the whole Court of Assistants (fifteen of whom are Barbers, and fifteen Surgeons). That he apprehends the present union is the reason why so many persons do not bind their sons apprentice at the Hall. He never knew of the Barbers interfering in or giving interruption to examinations, and he never heard any fact mentioned as a reason for the separation desired by the Surgeons, except that a great many foreign brothers (who are gentlemen that practise both in and out of town) refuse to come into the Company on account of the present expense.

Being examined as to the money generally given to the Poor’s Box by Sea Surgeons at the time of their receiving a Qualification, he said that it was always expected, but that if they are not in a capacity it is not insisted upon, and that he never heard of any person being denied a Qualification for refusing to pay it. That the Qualification is delivered to the party sealed up, to be carried to the Navy Office, and that the Master commonly signifies to him what fees are expected; that the said Box is examined every month, and about nine-tenths of the money distributed by the Master and Wardens, among the poor of the Barbers.

Being asked what proportion the Barbers pay to the Poor’s Box, he said that the greatest part of the income applied to that use arises from the examination of Sea Surgeons, but that the Apprentices of Barbers (who are as twenty to one) always pay when bound at the Hall, and at their admission to the freedom, as well as the Surgeons.

Mr. Hayward put before the Committee a statement of the fines received by the Company, which was as follows--

Surgeons. Barbers. £ s. d. £ s. d.

For Freedom by purchase 10 10 0 6 6 0

" Livery fine, and all Offices to the Parlor door 35 0 0 25 0 0

" Examination for great Diploma 6 6 0

" The fine for not serving the four several offices of Master and the three Wardens, which the Surgeons often pay, but the Barbers never do, sometimes 30 guineas but oftener 40 0 0 40 0 0

" The fine for Master and Stewards of Anatomy when called upon in turn (and if they serve, the expense is rather greater) 40 0 0 ------------ ----------- £131 16 0 £71 6 0 ============ ===========

The Clerk’s and Beadle’s fees are not included in the above.

Mr. Joseph Wheeler, the Clerk of the Company, was examined by the Committee, and generally confirmed Mr. Hayward’s evidence.

The next witness, Mr. Neil Stewart, was evidently called in the interest of the Surgeons, to show the inconvenience which had arisen (in his case at all events) by reason of the warrants being issued by the “Barbers and Surgeons.” He deposed that he was surgeon to H.M.S. The Looe, and, being taken prisoner by the French, was put in the common prison at Brest, where he petitioned to be removed to an open hospital at Dinan, and enclosed his warrant as a surgeon with his petition to the French authorities; some days after, he enquired of the “Linguist” as to the success of his petition, and was informed that “the Superintendent did not know by his warrant whether he (the witness) was a Barber or a Surgeon: that upon his desiring the linguist to read the warrant, by which it would appear he was a surgeon, the linguist replied that it might be so, but that if the witness had been taken on board one of the King of Great Britain’s ships it would have been out of doubt.” This witness further stated that he believed the unfavourable notice which was taken of his petition was because his warrant came from the Masters of the Barbers and Surgeons.

With reference to the gift of Edward Arris the Court minutes of 29th February, 1675-6 were produced which stated that “Mr. Edward Arris a very worthy member of this Company having formerly settled by Deed £30 a year for a dissection of a body yearly and Reading on the Muscles, desired that deed might be delivered up to him,” and he in return would pay the Company £510 to enable them to apply the interest to the same purposes, which was agreed to. Mr. Arris dying on the 28th May, 1676, the Company soon became involved in a Chancery suit with his son, Dr. Thomas Arris, and the Court minutes of 20th January, 1677-8 were produced and read to the Committee. These set forth the answer which the Company filed to the Bill of Complaint before the Master of the Rolls, and stated the circumstances referred to in the minutes of 29th February, 1675-6, and that Mr. Arris gave as his reason for this “That his only son and heir, the now Doctor, had and did then receive the profits of the said lands to his own use upon condition and under promise to pay the said £30 per annum for the said Dissection; but he found that he did never pay one penny of it, or ever would do, when he their benefactor was dead, without trouble or suit; with some severe and sharp expressions, which we will by no means mention, although they were the very words of the father spoken of the son.”

The answer goes on to express the hope that the Company will not be compelled to enter into any further covenant with Dr. Arris than they had done with his father their “pious benefactor,” for the carrying out of the trust, or be ordered to refund the £510 to Dr. Arris. It also prayed that he might be ordered to pay the costs of “this troublesome and unnecessary suit, which doth so much shew what they must expect from him hereafter, if they should part with the £510.” As the Company retained the £510 till the separation in 1745, there is no doubt but that Dr. Arris, as he deserved to do, lost his suit.

Various extracts from the Company’s books were read, on behalf of the Barbers, to show that the united Company had always assisted the Surgeons, and promoted the cause and interest of Surgery out of the common fund of the Barbers and Surgeons.

Part of the Will of Robert Ferbras, Citizen and Surgeon, dated 2nd December, 1470,[120] was read, whereby it appeared that several estates formerly belonging to the said Company, were given to the Barbers before their union with the Surgeons in Henry VIII’s time. And a declaration of Bryan Sandford, dated 8th March, 1490, was read, whereby it appeared that the site of the Hall was purchased by the Barbers before the said Union.

[120] But see p. 61 as to this Will. I cannot explain the discrepancy.

The Committee of the House of Commons reported that they had recommended the parties to settle the dispute as to the division of the property between them, and that thereupon the Surgeons had proposed that they should have given up to them Dr. Gale’s Annuity of £16 per annum and Alderman Arris’ gift of £510; also that for about three years until the Surgeons could provide themselves with suitable premises, they should have the use of the Hall, Theatre, &c., at a nominal rent of one guinea per annum.

The Barbers agreed to give up Gale’s and Arris’ gifts, but proposed that the Surgeons should take a lease for such days in the year as they commonly used the premises, at £80 per annum, and pay the Barbers £100 towards the expenses to which they had been put by this suit in the Parliament.

In the result the Committee reported:--(a) That the Surgeons had made good the allegations of their petition. (b) That the proposed separation was desirable. (c) That the propositions of the Surgeons touching the division of the property were reasonable.

Subsequently the Bill passed both Houses and received the Royal Assent, the quaint union being dissolved 25th June, 1745.

By this Act (18 Geo. II) the Surgeons were erected into a separate Corporation, and the Barbers were re-incorporated under the style of “The Master, Governors and Commonalty of the Mystery of Barbers of London.” So much of this Act as relates to the Barbers will be found in the Appendix F.

The first Court of Assistants of “~The Barbers’ Company~” was held on the 25th June, 1745, at 10 a.m., and there were present:--

Mr. JONATHAN MEDLEY Master. Mr. HUMPHRY NEGUS Second Governor.


The Act of Separation being read, and the Oaths as formerly required to be taken by Freemen, Master, Warden, Assistant, Clerk, and Beadle being also read and considered, the Court settled and formulated the various Oaths, and the same are entered in the Minutes.

The Election of nine fit and able persons to be Assistants was then proceeded with, and Mr. William Jackson, Mr. John Bearblock, Mr. Will{m.} Roberts, Mr. Thomas Cotton, Mr. John Whiting, Mr. Richard Lookes, James Theobald, Esqre., Peter Theobald, Esqre., and Mr. John Pepys, were unanimously elected.

Mr. Edward Boxley and Mr. Samuel Rutter were chosen third and fourth Governors or Wardens.

Thanks were voted to Mr. Jonathan Medley and Mr. Humphry Negus “for their great care in defending and preserving the Rights Priviledges and property of this Company on their Separation from the Surgeons.”

Thanks were also voted to Mr. John Paterson “for his great care and diligence in executing the orders and directions of the Master and Governor about the defence and preservation of the rights priviledges and property of the Company” and to further mark their sense of the same, the Court unanimously elected Mr. Paterson as Clerk.

The two Beadles, Henry Gretton and William Littlebury were re-elected.

It was ordered that all Charters, Books, Plate and goods belonging to the Company, then in the custody of Mr. Joseph Wheeler (the late Clerk) should be delivered to Mr. Paterson, who was to make and sign an Inventory of the same, and also to examine Mr. Wheeler’s accounts, and report thereon to the Court.

The Common Seal was directed to be altered by omitting the words ET CHIRURGORUM and by adding ANNO MDCCXLV.

A Committee was appointed to peruse the By-Laws of the late United Company, and to report as to which of them required amendment or were fit to be repealed or added to.

8th August, 1751. Mr. John Brooks attended and produced a Deed to which he requested the subscription of the Court; this deed recited that by an Act of Parliament passed in the 10th year of Queen Anne, it was enacted that a duty of 2d. per lb. should be laid upon all starch imported, and of 1d. per lb. upon all starch made in Great Britain, that no perfumer, barber, or seller of hair-powder should mix any powder of alabaster, plaster of Paris, whiting, lime, etc. (sweet scents excepted), with any starch to be made use of for making hair-powder, under pain of forfeiting the hair-powder and £50, and that any person who should expose the same for sale should forfeit it and £20. Also that by further Acts additional duties were laid upon starch. And by an Act passed in the 4th year of George II the penalties were somewhat mitigated. “And whereas the said laws with respect to hair-powder have by experience been found not to answer the end proposed by the Legislature, the sum arising by the said duties upon starch and hair-powder having gradually lessened, whilst the fair traders have been great sufferers by the practice of those who by the greatness of the duty have attempted to make vend or use the said prohibited articles. And whereas the trade or business of making vending or dressing of Perukes or other Ornaments of hair for the head and also of cutting and dressing the hair of the head being considered as distinct from the business of Barbers is under no regulation whatever,” etc., the parties whom Mr. Brooks represented (and whose names were signed to the deed) had, therefore, agreed to join in an application to Parliament for reducing the duties on hair-powder, as also for incorporating all persons carrying on the trade of Barbers and Peruke-makers within the Bills of Mortality, into one joint Corporation or Body politick, and for restraining persons from exercising those trades who had not served seven years’ apprenticeship.

It was stated that subscriptions towards defraying the costs of the proposed Bill had been paid to Messrs. Gosling & Bennett, Bankers in Fleet Street, that John Paterson, Esq., Clerk of the Company, was Solicitor for the Bill, and Mr. John Brooks was Secretary of the Petitioners.

The Court, having considered the application, decided to contribute Twenty Guineas, but the matter seems to have been in abeyance for eighteen months, as the petition to the House of Commons was not sealed by the Company until the 7th January, 1753.

13th January, 1753. The petition was this day presented and is recorded in the Journals of the House; it states, among other things, that the Company “are in danger of being unable to support themselves and that the petitioners who exercise the art of Peruke making in the liberties and neighbourhood of the said City are not a body corporate, nor under any order or regulation; for want whereof great frauds are practised in the said manufacture to the discouragement of the fair trader, and manifest injury of the consumer, And therefore praying the House that leave may be given for the bringing in a Bill for incorporating the Peruke makers as well within as without the liberties of the City of London, and within such distance thereof as the House shall think fit, with the said petitioners”--the Barbers’ Company. This petition was referred to a Committee, but no report of that Committee is entered in the Journals.

4th December, 1764. The Peruke makers turned up again in 1764, for we find in the Minutes that certain of them attended with the draft of a petition to the King, to which they asked the assent of the Court. This petition which strangely commenced “We the Company of Barbers and Peruke makers,” stated that the suppliants laid before his Majesty the distresses into which the Peruke makers had fallen by reason of the change of fashion, and thus appeals to the King, “Where can we look for relief but there only where it is to be found, for as the Fashion your Majesty approves will very justly be a pattern to your subjects, We most humbly hope not to be too bold in wishing Perukes may soon be as much in fashion as the wearing of hair is at present, which will increase the Revenue, give happiness to the indigent and distressed Peruke makers, and increase the many great unmerited Favours, We as a Company have received from Royal Hands!”

16th January, 1765. The Court took this ridiculous petition into consideration, and of course refused to adopt it, informing the suppliants that they were concerned to observe the decay in their trade, as it was connected by usage with that of Barbery, but as the Charters of the Company did not extend to Peruke making, the Court could not with propriety address his Majesty on the subject.





29th August, 1550. ~Memorandum~ the xxix{th} day of Auguste in the house belonging to the sayd Company it was condescended and fully agreed by the aforesayed M{r} and Wardeins M{r} Geen Thomas Johnson Thomas Stocdall and Mathew Johnson w{t} thassent of thassistance being there present that is to say M{r} Kyrkeˀ (Kyrkeby)[121] M{r} Vycary[122] M{r} Bancks[123] M{r} Byrde[124] M{r} Yonge[125] M{r} Henderbe[126] Robert Postell[127] Willm Tyllˀ (Tylley)[128] Peter Dayseman[129] Robert Waterforde[130] Richard Bowll[131] Henry Pemberton[132] Robert Sprignell[133] Robert Brownell[134] John Smythe[135] Willm̄ Otherborne[136] and Austeyn Clarck.[137]

[121] Master 1526, 1533. [122] M. 1530, etc. [123] M. 1532. [124] M. 1542, 1545. [125] M. 1544. [126] M. 1547. [127] Warden 1544. [128] W. 1546. [129] W. 1547. [130] W. 1549. [131] M. 1553. [132] W. 1539. [133] M. 1554. [134] M. 1563. [135] W. 1547. [136] W. 1548. [137] W. 1554.

[Sidenote: An order taken concerninge Thomas Knot.]

THAT Thomas Knot shalbe dischardged and not called to no manner of office unto such tyme that it shall please the m{rs} to agree for Another order. And also that he shall not paie no maner of scott lot nor subsedye nor any other chardge concerning the saied Crafte but shalbe dischardged of and from the same Ecept onelie his quarterage and except that which he shall gyve & paye of his owne fre will and gentelnes.

[Sidenote: An order for the elecc̃on of the Maister.]

~Alsoo~ yt was ordered and agreed the sayd daye by the hole assistaunce that the maister shall put in iiij{or} into his bill for his electyon and so the same byll to goo through the house and every man to prycke as his mynde doth serve him w{th}out any telling and when every man hathe pricked about the house then the byll to be brought to the M{r} And he that hath the moste pricks to have the roome of M{r} the yeare ensuynge. The names of the ellecyon for the M{r} was M{r} Geen Richard Ferres Robert Postell and Willm̄ Tylle.

[Sidenote: An order for the eleccyon of the upper wardein.]

ALSOO for the elleccyon of the upper wardein he shall put iiij{or} names into his Byll and so to goo through the house like as the M{r} Byll hath dooen. The names for the elleccyon for upper wardein was Thomas Johnson, Richard (The remainder of this line is torn away in original).

[Sidenote: An order for the Elecc̃on of the Second Wardein.]

ALSOO for the Elleccyon of the Seconde Wardein he shall put in iiij{or} names in his byll and so to goo through the house like as is before mencyoned. The names for the Elleccyon was Thomas Stocdall, John Atkinson, John Smyth and Thomas Knot.

[Sidenote: For the Eleccyon of the youngest Wardein.]

ALSOO for the Elleccyon of the youngest wardein he shall put iiij{or} into his Byll and so to goo through the house like as before. The names for the Elleccyon are Mathew Johnson, John Tholmoode, Richard Elliot and John Shryffe.

10th Sept., 1551. It was ordered that--

[Sidenote: An order that the Seconde Wardein shall receyve all fynes quartrage and other casualtyes.]

The second Wardein shall receyve all maner of Receite as fynes quartrag for prentises, for fremen and all other casualtyes whatsoev{r} yt be. And he to paye also all maner of wage, And the Bedyll to have a booke of all suche receitte and dischardge as the seconde wardein hathe for his dischardge.

Also yt ys agreed that the younger wardein shall receyve nothing but onely the Rents of the Londes, and to see reparac͠ons dooen where as nede shall requyer and that he shall take Appulton[138] w{th} him when he goeth to receyve the rentes of the Londes so that bothe there books may agree.

[138] The Beadle.

4th Nov., 1551. It was agreed--

That there shalbe allowed in goyng and searching of their Londes vj{s} viij{d.}


That John West shall bring in his fyne which ys vj{s} viij{d} for speking opprobryous wordes against John Androwson in the presence of the M{rs.}

17th Nov., 1551. It was ordered--

That the Kings maiestyes Barbor or Barbors to his highness parson And also his mat{s} Surgeon or Surgeons shall sytt next to the Last M{r} upon the benche where as the M{rs} nowe usually doo sytt and alsoo shall goo next to the M{rs} in all goyngs and syttings.

It was ordered that no Barber should take a “foreigner” as journeyman and set him to work, before presenting him to the Master and Wardens, under a penalty of 3s. 4d. per week.

This order was made because many foreigners (i.e., non-freemen) who were inexpert had lately come into the City, and the Court directed that each foreigner should give proof of his skill, and then that he should remain for one year only and in one service, and no Barber was to pay a foreigner higher wages than the Masters should from time to time “sess” or determine under a penalty of 13s. 4d. for “every weke so offending.” The Beadle was directed to keep a register book of all foreigners for the year, and when the year was expired, the Barber who kept a foreigner and was minded to keep him longer was to come to the Hall within fourteen days to have him re-registered under a penalty of 3s. 4d. per week. And no Barber was to “entyce or envegyll any mans servant from him upon peyne of forfeyting for a fyne xiij{s.} iiij{d.}”

The Court fixed the wages of these men as follows--

The best jorneyman that is a forrein shall have for a weke xij{d.} the second x{d.} and the thurde as the sayd M{rs.} shall thinke meate & convenyente.

17th November, 1551. It was ordered that the youngest Warden should be chosen out of the Livery and that he should be--

in especcyall one that hathe byn stewarde so that he be a man that hath usyed himself in that behalf honestleye and discretly.

It was also ordered that all freemen should come every quarter day to the Hall to pay quarterage, hear the rules read, and to hear the book set forth by the Corporation of London concerning Orphans, and no man was to sit out of his appointed place, under a penalty.

17th July, 1553. It was ordered that Mr. John Enderby (Master 1547)--

shall have the benevolense of the crafte fower marks a yere.

20th September, 1553. The Masters agreed with Richard Drewe--

For a barge when the Mayer goeth to Westmˀ for Twentie sixe shillings and eighte pence.

12th August, 1554. Being Election day it was agreed that at the choosing of the Masters--

There shalbe a solempe masse[139] or other dyvyne servyce sayd and songe that the M{rs.} be choessen and the hole lyverye to be therat in their best clothing and to meete at the hall at or before the hower of ix of the clocke and he that fayleth his hower to paye xij{d} for his fyne w{t}out any redempcyon or gayne sayeing. The sayed masse[140] to be at the chardgs of the Companye.

[139] The word “masse” has been subsequently erased. [140] “Masse” has been subsequently erased, and “s’rvice” substituted.

1st Oct., 1555. The following Articles were agreed upon by the Court--

I. There shall no man ffreeman fforyner or straunger of the Clothinge or w{t}out the clothing shave wasshe a Bearde or tryme any man w{th} any Instrumēt as to make cleane teathe upon the Sondayes within the Cytie of London or withoute in his owne house or in any mans house or chamber or in any place els he shall forfayete at every tyme beinge duely proved for a fyne to the hall the some of xl{s.} And further that no fforyner being no ffreman shall carry out any Bason or clothe or Instrumēt to make cleane teathe to shave poll or wasshe a bearde or to trym̄e any man but w{t}in the Lybertye where he dwellethe But w{t}in the Cytie of London he shall not trym̃e any man at no dayes w{t}in anye of their howses or in any place els w{t}in the Cytie upon payne to lose at every tyme beinge duely proved for a fyne to the hall xl{s.}

II. That Apulton the Beadle of the Clothing was to be the Clerk, and that the Beadle of the Yeomanry was to help the Clerk at

coronac͠on tyme or at other greate tryumphes when any other greate man cometh in or when the kinge or quene comen through the Cytie.

III. That whenever the Shreif be chosein or the Mayor or the burgesses of the parlyamẽt or upon the kings or queenes comĩg into the Cytie or any other greate man comyth in or upon any other greate truymphe whereapon comaundement ys geven by the Mayor of London to the sayed Company of the Clothinge of Barbors and Surgeons to geve their attendaunce Then the hole Company of the Clothinge to meete at our owne hall of Barbors and Surgeons in our owne lyverye all to gether fyrste, and afterwards to gooe out of the hall two and two together as of olde tyme yt hathe been used, and when the Mayor goeth to poules[141] then the M{r} and governors to gooe throughe out Wood streate to poules w{th} the rest of the Company of the Clothinge. And that M{r} and governors that dothe not this shall forfaycte for a ffyne to the hall vj{li} xiij{s} iiij{d} And they of the Clothing that dothe not come to the hall firste but will meete us at the place where we shalbe appointed to stande and to remayn and dothe not kepe his hower shall loose for a ffyne in the hall at every tyme so offending iij{s} iiij{d} Provyded alwayes yf the Mayor gooe not to poules at the Mayors ffeaste Alhollande daye xp̃emas daye twelves daye and Candlemas daye In what streets we doo gooe throughe yt be not throughe Wood streate yt shall not be prejudycyall to the master and governors of the Company for the tyme being.

[141] St. Paul s.

IV. It was ordered that Apprentices, before being presented, should pay 2s. 6d. fine, also 8d. to the Clerk for drawing the Indentures.

8th October, 1555. Further ordinances were framed, viz{t}:--

I. That at all sittings of the Court when any business was discussed the Members should speak to the subject in order of seniority, and any one interrupting or speaking out of turn was to pay 12d. fine. The Beadle also was to stand without the door, in the Hall, and there to give his attendance whenever the Master should knock for him.

II. That there should be an Armourer with a yearly fee of 10s., and--

for the same he shalbe bounde to make cleane our harneys w{th} daggers gunnes armyng swords and bills and with all other things that doethe appertayne to an Armorer for to doo in mending of buckells lethers or any other thinge which dothe appertayne to that whiche we nowe have.

III. When the Master and Governors should go to view their lands and tenements to see the state of repair, the Bricklayer was to go with them to advise and to have a fee of “ij{s} and his dynnar.”

IV. This relates to the Clerk (see Clerk).

V. That a Minute book be kept to record all the orders made at any Court, and that such orders be read at the next Court and signed.

VI. That no freeman shall serve a foreigner under a penalty of 13s. 4d. for every time so offending, and any foreigner taking a freeman to serve with him should be fined 26s. 8d.

19th November, 1555. John Demynge, “Cowper[142] & ffre denysen,” was granted a lease of a house belonging to the Company at St. Katherine’s, Tower Hill, at £2 per annum for thirty years, with a fine of £4 on sealing the lease and a “barrell of doble beare.”

[142] Cooper.

26th November, 1555. Thomas Glynton, Goldsmith, was to have a lease of the house in Tower Street, where he then dwelt, for 30 years from Christmas, 1555, no rent stated, but a fine of £10 to be paid on sealing the lease.

5th March, 1556. Several further Ordinances and awards were made by the Court, among which were the following:--

I. That the Masters and Governors should not let the Hall to anyone to--

daunce or use anye other kynde of games els whereby the sealinge or other things being broken in the hall or kitchen shall redowne to the losse of the Company Yf therefore the sayed M{r} and governors for the tyme being doo let out the hall to any bodye to thentent aforesayde w{t}out the consent of the hole howse to be called for the same they should forfeit and pay etc.

IV. The ffourthe Artycle is that if any of the Lyverye or of the yomanrye come to sesse any man being a jornye man to serve him as the order is that he taketh 1{d} for a yere or ij{d} for ij yere That his M{r} shall not put him awaye at his pleasure as many now a dayes do, but he shall complayne to the M{r} and Governors for the tyme of the demeaner usuage and evell behaveor of the sayed Journyman for noen kepinge of his M{rs} howse all the weke daye by reason wherof he dothe lose his customˀs or that he goeth out at his pleasure and come in at his will againe w{t}out asking of any leave of his M{r} or mysteris w{ch} pertayneth not to a servaunte for to doo for theyse consyderac͠ons and other the m{r} maye complayne. The Jornyman lykewise may complayne of his M{r} yf that he doo not paye him his wages and to have his meate and dryncke as Jornymen shoulde have according to the agremẽt of bothe the partyes as the M{r} and the Jornyman shalbe at a pointe when he cometh to sesse any Jornymen because that if the Jornyman doo not his dewtye that he may be punysshed and put in prison to thentent that Jornymen may be kept in good order otherwise then they be nowe. And that the M{r} and govˀnors for the tyme being shall declare to the Jornyman what is his dewty to his M{r} when he dothe come to be seste to thentent that he shall knowe his dewtye to his M{r} and if he doo not the same then he knoweth the pryce. And agayne to declare to the Jornyman what his M{r} shall doo to him, as to paye his wages mete and dryncke and other things that a Jornyman oughte to have. Yf any of the Clothinge or of the yomanrye put awaye his Jornyman before his yere or yeres come out and not declaring the matter to the M{r} and governors [he] shall forfaycte at every tyme so doinge for a ffyne to the hall vj{s} viiij{d.} And that all ffremen being Journymen may be preferred and taken, being a workman before any fforyner duynge his dewty to his M{r} as is aforesayed because we are bounde to preferre the ffremen w{ch} beare scot and lot to the Cytye and company w{ch} the Jornymen doo not being forryners but come out of the contrye to learne there scyence here and so after warde goo away agayne w{ch} is not to the welth of the Companye.

VII. No Liveryman was to presume to come into the parlour, whilst the Court was sitting, without being sent for.

VIII. Freemen were not to put away apprentices to make room for others by whom they might get money.

IX. Two Stewards for the Anatomy were to be chosen every year.

X. The Clerk having claimed to provide the napery and vessells, and to appoint the Cook for the Anatomy dinners, alleging an old custom to that effect, it was ordered that he should not again do so as he had aforetime for a “lytle lucer of moneye,” but that the Stewards of the Anatomy should make their own provision and “dresse there meate clenly and honestlye because of worshipfull men comyng thereunto,” and if the Clerk again offended he was to “paye to the hall for a fyne his half yeres wages w{ch} is x{s.}”

XII. THE TWELVE Article is that if Olyver Wilson dothe hereafter speake evill of the M{r} and governors and thassistaunce of the clothinge or of any of the yomanrye as heretofore he hathe dooen w{ch} by profe hathe been tryed and therfore hathe been punnished in pryson, yf ever hereafter he dothe the like he to be expelled.

NOTE.--In all cases penalties or punishments were specified for breach of the foregoing ordinances.

5th March, 1556. William Goodwin, Merchant Taylor, leased to the Company for 99 years “all the houses next the hall w{th} the house of the prevy w{t}in the hall for vj{li} vj{s} viij{d}” per annum, the Company to keep the premises in repair.

27th June, 1556. Arnold Tymes, “beare brewer,” had a lease of a “gardein lying in easte Smithefelde” for 40 years, paying 12d. for an earnest penny, and to pay at the sealing of the lease £4, and at the Audit day other £4.

9th July, 1556. John More, Cordwainer, and Richard Wiston, had leases of houses in St. John’s, Walbrook, for 30 years from Midsummer, and about this period there are several other notices of leases for 30 years having been granted of property in East Smithfield, Holborn Bridge, and Mugwell Street.

22nd July, 1556. An order was made:--

That there shalbe a painter belonge to the hall, and he to have a penc͠on yerely of vj{s} viij{d} by the yere to be payed at fower tymes of the yere and for the same he shall make cleane all the paintinge w{t}in the hall bothe above and benethe as the Tables in the hall and other things and in the gardein every qr̃ter of a yere if it so neede: and to amend faults where there ys anye at his owne proper costs and chardgs as is afore declared.

26th August, 1557. It was ordered that Mrs. Dawson, the Widow of one Bryckett--

a Toothe drawer shall paye no quartryge to the hawle nor hange oute any signe or clothe w{th} teethe as she hearetofore hath don.

12th October, 1557. John West was discharged out of this howse bycawse he wold not abyde y{e} order of y{e} M{r} & govˀnors and one Asheton had lycence to arest hym.

Various entries occur about this period of freemen being brought before the Court and punished for using “obrobrious wordes.”

9th November, 1557. It was ordered that Robert Postell (Warden 1544) should have a “yerely anewitie oute of thys howse” of 40{s.}

A freeman before “setting up shop” was required to procure the testimony of one or more citizens that he was worth 10 marks, and to obtain a licence from the Court; there are numerous examples in point, e.g.:--

16th November, 1557. Heare was before the M{r} and Govˀnors Rychard Lynley and he had Lycẽce to sett up hys shoppe and one Johan Coale of the Cytie of London Cytizen and Clothwoorcker Deposed that the sayd Rychard ys worthe and valued of hys proper owne vj{li} xiij{s} iiij{d.}

23rd November, 1557. Licence was granted to William Thomlyn--

To drawe teethe and to make cleane teethe and no more and he ys so admytted a brother into thys howse but not yet sworne and he hathe payde x{s} and rest other ten shyllings he wyll brynge in as sowne as he can.

11th January, 1558. The same daye Tyndall y{e} Armorer is dysmyst & shall have no more his fee oute of this howse bycawse he gave none attendañce whan o{r} soldyers wer sett oute to calyce[143] & John gamlyn is admytted armorer & he to have y{e} same fee y{t} tyndall had y{t} is to saye by the yere x{s.}

[143] Calais.

19th April, 1558. My lady Aylyff gave a fyne table cloth of damaske worcke to srv̈e for the uppermost table in the hawle the w{ch} of her jentyllness she gave frely unto this hawle.

22nd November, 1558. An order was made against John John that he should pay 6s. to William Bourne for “ij Barbores potts” which he had lost.

1566. The second volume of Court Minutes contains a long list of “Lawes Actes and Ordenances” enacted by the Court in 1566, but as many of these are not of sufficient interest to warrant transcribing, the headings of such will only be given here

1. An order to avoied grudg or displeasure for the elecc͠on.

This was that no one was to “fynd fault” with the election of Master or Governors if the persons so elected should at any time be chosen out of their turn.

2. An order that solempne service be saied one the day of Elecc͠on.

Also yt is ordayned that the M{r} and govˀnoures of the saied mystery for the tyme beinge yerelye uppon the daye of elecc͠on of the newe M{r} and governoures shall cause Devine service solempnely to be kepte at the churche therefore to be appoynted. And that the whole company of the Clothinge or Lyverye of the said ffellowshippe shall pˀsonallye be present at the same yf there be no Lawfull and reasonable cause of Absence to be allowed of by the M{r} and goveno{rs} of the sayed mysterye uppon payne that whosoevˀ absenteth hym self shall for evˀy suche default paye xij{d.} The said service to be at the charges of the common Boxe.

3. An order ffor the allowance of the Dynner one the daye of Elecc͠on.

This directed that £13 6s. 8d. should be allowed yearly towards the Election Dinner out of the common box.

4. An order that y{e} Clothing shall bring home the M{r} & govˀnors in their Lyvˀyes.

Also yt is also ordayned y{t} uppon the day of the Elecc͠on of the newe M{r} and governoures of the saied mysterye After that they shall be chosen and that suche of them as be present have taken their othe that then they and every off them shalbe had home unto their howses with the Lyvery or Clothinge and their hoodds uppon their shoulders accordinge unto an ould custome heretofore used.

5. An order howe evˀy man shall behave hym self in the Court tyme.

This relates to the order in which the members of the Court shall speak upon any debated point; the Master to speak first, the Upper Governor next, and so on down to the Junior Assistant, and, in the event of the Court being equally divided, the Master to have the casting vote.

6. An order that evˀye one of thassistaunce shall come to all courts of Assist{s.}

7. An ordre against the Lettinge out of the Hall.

The Hall was not to be used or let out for “weddings sportes or games therein or playes or dauncinge or for any other like entente,” but by permission of the Court.

8. An ordre that y{e} M{r} and upper governor shall quarterlye take accompte of the youngre govˀno{r.}

9. An order that y{e} younger govˀn{r} shall quartˀly make an accompte to the M{r} & upp{r} govˀnor.

10. An order concernynge the younger govˀnor his receipts & payments and to see all repac͠ons[144] done.

[144] Reparations (of the Company’s houses).

11. An order concerninge the Secound govˀnors receiptes and payments.

12. An ordre concernynge y{e} examynac͠on of such as shall be admytted Surgeons.

No one was to be examined for admission to practise Surgery but in the Common Hall, and in the presence of at least three Examiners and one or more of the Masters or Governors.

13. An order that everie man of the said company shall abide the ordre and award made by the M{r} and governors.

14. An order that no pacient be brought unto the hall one y{e} Court dayes.

15. An order for chosenge M{rs} and Stewards of thannothomye.

There shall be chosen yerelye for ever two Masters and twoe Stewardes for the Anathomyes and that those twoe whiche were Stewardes the one yere shalbe Masters of The Anathomies the nexte yere ensewinge To thende that thereby yt maybe bettˀ knowne howe to wourke and make the same.

16. An order concerninge the Anathomyes.

This provided that all anatomies, whether public or private should be made at the Hall and “that all private Anathomyes shall reverently from hensforth be buryed as publick Anathomyes ar for the worshippe of the said mysterye, any skelliton to be made onelye excepted.”

17. An order that none supplant or take anothers cure from him one paine of v{li.}

18. An order that none take any apprˀntice for Surgerie but that he can write & reade.

19. An order how many sˀvnts evˀy man may kepe.

No liveryman was to keep more than four apprentices or servants working in his art, and no freeman more than three.

20. An order that none use eny mann{r} of Barbory on Sundayes.

Yt is ordayned that none of the said mysterye usinge any manˀ of Barberye . . . . . . shall uppon any sondaye shave wasshe poule or trymme any manne or w{th} any Instrum{t} to make cleane teeth either w{th}in his howsse or in any other place elles where privelye or appartlye uppon payne of forfeture of xl{s.}

21. An order that none doe make any shewe of Barborye one Sonndais or other holy days.

This provides that Barbers shall not “hange upp set or put out any bason or basons pott or potts uppon his poule Racke shoppe windowes or otherwise” on Sundays or holy days, and is the earliest mention of the “Barbers’ pole” in our Books.

22. An order that assistaunts maye be made nevˀ beinge any Governor.

23. An order that none being out of thassistants com̃ into the pˀlor except he be called.

24. An order that no courte of Assistaunce be houlden one the tuesdayes.

Tuesdays were set apart for Lectures and for the ordinary or Monthly Courts; no reason is given why Courts of Assistants should not be held on the Tuesdays.

25. An order for the pˀsentac͠on of apprentices before they be bounde.

Every apprentice was to be presented to the Court that they might “uppon the sight of him allowe hymme to be cleane in pˀson and Lymme and meete for the excersycinge of the same mysterye.”

26. An order that none put away his appˀntice before the cause be knowne before y{e} M{r} & govˀnors.

27. An order that none lett any bloud stand to the annoyaunce of the people.

“Barbours excercyseinge fleabothomye or bloud lettinge” were not to show blood in vessels in their windows.

28. An order that all pˀsentac͠ons in Surgery shalbe pˀsented to the M{r} w{th} his governoures for the tyme beinge.

This order provided that any Surgeon having a patient in peril of “mayme” or death, was to “present” or make known the case to the Governors within three days, and the Court would then appoint certain expert Surgeons to see the patient and assist in the cure. There are scores of entries in the books of Surgeons being fined for not “presenting” patients.

29. An order that none take any pˀsentac͠ons but y{e} M{r} & govˀnoures for the tyme beinge.

30. An order that the M{r} and governoures and their deputies shall goe to the poore as well as to the rich.

Any Master or Governor being sent for to see a sick or hurt person and refusing to go without payment, was to forfeit 20{s.}

31. An order for puttinge the rules in execuc͠on.

32. An order for multipliinge speche in the corte tyme.

This was an early form of closure directed against such members of the Court as were given to an over-indulgence in oratory.

33. A rule for order in goinge.

Every member of the Company was to take his place according to precedence, at burials, anniversaries, Courts, etc.:--

And if anie of them of any scrypulosytie frowardnes follye or pusyllanimity refuse to take his owne romme or place accordinge to the order in good obedyent manner he was to be fined 12{d.}

34. An order for the view.

This relates to the yearly inspection of the Company’s property.

4th March, 1566. In Thys Courte Willm̄ Gyllam was discharged and released oute of warde and hath p̃d his arerages and he hathe confessied y{t} Richard Bromehed doth shave the vycar of Stepney in his howse every sondaye.

4th July, 1566. It was ordained that if any of the Court hereafter might “happen to lyght or fall into povertie or dekaye” that he should have a pension out of the Common box. One who had served as Master was to have per ann. £4; an Upper Governor £3; Second Governor £2; Younger Governor £1; and an Assistant 13s. 4d.

It was also ordained that Thomas Hall should have an exhibition of 40s. per annum--

towardes hys studye in the unyvercytie for Surgery anexynge physycke thereunto, and thereby hereafter to pˀphet his other brethren beynge of this sayde mystery and comynaltie usynge and ocupyenge the sayde syence & arte w{th}in the cytie of London by Readynge lectures unto them in y{e} Comon Hall and other wyse by his councell conynge and knowlege in the same science & arte of Surgery.

It was also ordained that whenever the Lord Mayor should invite the Masters and Governors to dine with him, that--

then and there after the same dynner ys don The M{r} or govˀnors shall make his oracyon or request in the behalf of the sayde Company as to hys wysdome yt shall seme best in most descrytest maner and shall then geve and delyver unto the sayde Lorde maior of lawful mony in golde l{s} and in orther corrant mony iij{s} iiij{d} that is foure marks by waye as a good wyll of the same Company.

ALSO IT YS ORDAYNED That god callyng oute or frome this Trancytory vale or worlde any of this saide Company decessed and beynge w{th}in the clothing or lyvery of the same, his best hood shalbe layed upon the hearse and unto the churche and y{r} upon yt shall so remayne untyll the takynge of[145] of the said herce clothe w{ch} is used at the goynge forth of the M{r} govˀnors & company of the clothinge oute of the churche & the corps goynge to be buryed. And then and y{r} the clarke of the saide Company shall take the same hood and [it] shalbe his pˀper owne of dewtie. (In default the widow or executor was to pay 6s. 8d.)

[145] Off.

The Beadle was directed to look after, and to help in removing back to the Hall, the standings, banners, carpets, etc., after they had been used on any public occasion, and a small yearly fee was to be allowed him for this service.

3rd November, 1566. Edward Parke, referred to in the next minute, was constantly getting into trouble, and sometimes into the Compter:--

Here was Thomas Lambkyn & John Merryt wytnesses against Edward Parke for y{t} he saide he wolde not com̃e to the Courte beynge warned & y{t} yf the M{r} com̃ytted hym to warde he wolde brynge the M{r} before the lorde cheefe Justice And yt is ordered y{t} the saide Parke shall [be] & is upon his humble submyssion remytted.

16th Jan., 1567. The old vellum book of ordinances, etc., containing portions of the four Gospels in Latin, and still in our possession is probably the book referred to in the minute of this date, which states that Willm̄ Grene had “taken an othe upon the blacke booke that serveth in this howse for the same purpose.”

13th Nov., 1567. Yt ys ordayned that Wyllyam Bull Chrystofor Swalldell William Crowe Wyllyam Grene Henry Rankyn and Leonard Coxe is elected to be of the clothyng and Lyvery and that theyre hoods shalbe by the M{r} for the tyme beyng put upon theyre shoulders w{th}in the pˀlor one Chrystmas day next ensuyng before the company go to pawles to weyghte on the lorde mayor, unto the olde usuage in that behalf provyded accordyngly.

27th Jan., 1568. In this court Rich Hughes is graunted to have the hall to kepe a maryage in upon Sonday c͠o[146] a sevenighte.

[146] Come.

Again this year a licence for a similar purpose was granted to Francis Partridge, and there are other instances.

18th May, 1568. In this Courte here was Phillip Jorden for trymynge on the Sondayes & for now he is forgeven beynge the fyrst tyme.

13th Oct., 1568. Here was W{m} fferrat for Trymyng upon the Sonday but he wyll do yt no more here after.

About this period there were numerous cases of Sunday trading before the Court, and in many instances the offenders were fined or imprisoned.

9th Nov., 1568. In thys Courte here was Rich Roberts and he is comanded that he shall agree w{th} this mystery as a brother or ells he to shutte up his shoppe and ocupye no more but as a servant upon the penallties of the statute.

10th March, 1569. It was ordered:--

That Richard Wysto for his mysdemeanor and unquyet behaveor and beyng a troublesom pˀson, so that the courte of assystents canne neyther thincke well or good on hym, therupon and therfore he the saide Richard Wysto is relynquyshed depryved and dysmyst of his office and yong{r} govˀnorshyp and also fourth of assystents of the saide mystery.

Wysto appears from time to time to have given the Court trouble, his offence on this particular occasion being that he had ordered his apprentice to let a man blood in the Compter contrary to the order of the Aldermen. Wysto was contumacious for a long period, but seems on 17th July, 1572, to have made humble submission and apology, whereupon an order was made “That none do stirre upp any talke consr̃ninge the deprivac͠on or submyssion of Ric. Wistowe”; he was subsequently re-admitted on to the Court and served Master 1586, but the animus against him revived, and on 7th November, 1587, certain parties were before the Court for reviling him on the old score, and were duly threatened and admonished as to their future behaviour.

22nd November, 1569. Here was Phillip Jordan for trymming upon the sabboth daye and he once agayne is warned upon the penalltie of the acte that he do y{t} hence forwardes no more (see 18th May, 1568).

10th October, 1570. Margaret y{t} was M{r} Vaughan[147] his mayde is graunted to kepe one Sonday her wedyng in the hall & no more.

[147] George Vaughan, Master 1569.

1568 to 1570. There are several entries in the books of members of the Court being removed for misbehaviour.

27th January, 1571. It was ordered that--

a newe Bayle be made to thentent them of the clothing of this mysterie maie decentlie stand to attend all soch tymes as it shall please the Queenes ma{tie} to come through the citie of London.

The Bayle was a movable stand or platform; there are various notices as to the one previously in use, having been out of repair. It was taken out on all great days of processions or triumphs and on Christmas day when the “lorde maior went to Poules,” and numerous references are also made to the Company’s banners which accompanied it.

19th January, 1573. Here was Willm̄ Carrington for havinge iiij servaunts one Christmas even and ordre was taken that he should laye downe his ffyne.

15th March, 1573. Here was a question moved concerninge takynge in certeyne into the Assystaunce But the howsse would not consent to the takinge in of any more for that there were alredye xxviij pˀsones.

Here was a question moved concernynge the takinge in of certayne pˀsons into the clothinge but the house did not think good to take in anye for that the nomber is alredy fyftye.

26th May, 1573. Here was John Johnsonne and brought in his fyne for kepinge a foryner uncest xx{d.}

There are frequent entries of freemen being fined for not “cessing” foreigners and journeymen, and for teaching foreigners their “science.”

It would seem from the following precise minute that commitments to prison were made by the Court direct, and not always upon Warrants obtained from the Lord Mayor or a Justice.

15th March, 1575. Here was one Mˀkes [Markes] servñte w{th} M{r} Tholmwood sometyme, sent to the Compter by Willm̄ Eden Clark to this misterye for not pˀforming an Awarde made betwene the saide M{r} Tholmwood and the saide Mˀkes and divers others stubborne and lewde behavio{rs.} The comitte{mt} made by the saide M{r} and Wardens.

22nd March, 1575. Here was John Clark sessed w{th} Edward Park for two yeres to begin at the ffeast of Thannuncˀ of o{r} Ladye next viz{t.} the first yeare xxij{s} and a payre of hose, the seconde yere xxvj{s} viij{d} a payre of hose and a Capp.

15th May, 1575. Here was a pˀsept sent by my Lo{r}de maior straitly charging and commandinge the companye in her Majesties name that they take immediate order that theyr sˀvaunts and app̃ntices nor any of them in any wyse or sorte do mysuse annye s̃vyng man page or lackey or anye other pˀson that shal goo throwe the streets of this Cittee, nor shall attempt anything to the breach of her Ma{ties} peace either in wordes acts countenaunce or otherwise at their uttmost pˀyll, whereupon all the whole Companye were sent for and had that Comaundement.

1577. Thomas Hall (see 4th July, 1566) was appointed an Examiner in Surgery and to dissect the anatomies for ten years.

There are several instances of exhibitions to sons of freemen (generally 40s. a year), to enable them to study at Oxford and Cambridge, and these entries extend over a great many years.

22nd Oct., 1577. Here was M{r} Skarlet the Quenes Bargeman and he pˀmised the Companie that they shoulde have a barge called the Greyhounde belonging to the maydes of honor for lij{s} iiij{d} yf my Lorde maior do go unto westmˀ.

This sum would not of course include the Bargemaster’s or his men’s fees for their services, or the providing banners, accessories or attendants, all of which were paid for by the Company in addition.

23rd July, 1582. At this Coˀte John Yates Thomas Lamkin and Edward Parke were dismist from their places and owte of thassistance for revelinge of secrets contrarie to a rule in that case pˀvided.

6th March, 1583. Yt was agreed that whereas a demaunde was made by the L. Maio{r} and Co{r}te of Aldermẽ unto o{r} Companie for a contribution of certein monie for certeine Landes we hold as the saide Corte gave in Certificate of John Johnsons guifte for thuse of an obit. The answere was made by the consent of the said Masters that this house will joyne w{th} other Companies in the charge accordinge to their porc͠ons.

21st Nov., 1583. Mr. Banester, a liveryman, being indebted to the Company £5, gave a “watche or clock” and it was ordered that his debt should be cancelled in consideration of this gift.

The following minute refers to the obit for John Johnson (vide 6th March, 1583) the property having been declared to be held for superstitious uses, the Company purchased their right to retain its possession for £13 6s. 8d.

5th July, 1585. At this Co{r}te yt was agreed That whereas a Teñte in Tower streate belonginge to this house ys founde [to] be concealled Landes. That the pattenist should have for agreament to have o{r} Teñte surelie the som̃e of xx{tie} markes.

The next is a curious instance of an ancient tenure.

29th Sept., 1586. A lease for 21 years of a house in East Smithfield was granted to Humphry Rowland at £6 per annum, and the said Humphry was to--

deliv{r} and geve unto the saide masters and to suche as shall come w{th} them to viewe the said Teñte yerely the nombre of xviij shoing hornes franck and ffree.

14th Aug., 1587. It was also condiscended and agreed That the newe masters or governo{rs} of this o{r} Company shall eṽy yeare on the daie of o{r} Ellecc͠on of them be brought home to their howses with the Levery or some p̃te of them as heretofore hathe ben accustomed eṽy one wearinge his hood in decent order.

6th July, 1592. Certein newe silver booles are to be bought for those pˀcell gilt booles w{ch} were the guifte of M{r} Vaughan.

9th February, 1596. It was agreed for “the taking in of the water w{ch} cometh from the Themes by pipes into this howse.” Heretofore the water had been supplied from a well, and later on by a leaden “pomp.”

1596. In this year a curious episode occurred, which showed that the Court were not unwilling to shield their freemen when offending, if the party taking action against the offender did not belong to the Company. Four freemen (one being an Assistant) had been “put into” the Court of Exchequer by “one Holmes an Informer for using both Barbery and Chirurgery against the Statute,” and the Court, without troubling to enquire if the offence had been committed or not, ordered that £10 should be lent the parties to assist them in defending the suit. At the next Court the matter was much debated as to whether the Barber-Surgeons should go on with their defence or make terms with the informer, and the parties themselves were consulted, whereupon it was finally decided “among themselves to agree w{th} the said Informer w{ch} they related to the whole Corte, whereupon the Corte rose and the said pˀties made their owne agreement privately w{th} the saied Informer to their best likinge.”

10th December, 1596. Mr. Storer came to the Court and agreed with the Company, by indenture, in consideration of £5 per annum for seven years, to relieve the Company from all charges in respect of the provision of grain for serving the market during that period.

9th June, 1597. This daie one septer or mace and twoe pictures latelye and verye loveingelye given to this Companye by William Martyn[148] of the Clothinge in token of his love to this house was presented to this Courte and verye gratefullye accepted.

[148] Master 1606.

This daie one cupp made of an Ostridge Egge or shell and sett in silver and guilte given by the laste will and testamente of M{r} Thomas Bankes divers tymes M{r} of this Companye was likewise presented to this Courte and verye gratefullye accepted.

15th Jany., 1598. This daie William Clare one of the Lorde Maiors serjeantes at mace is chosen officer of this house and where his fee to fore was but vj{s} viij{d} per Anñ it is nowe by this Courte uppon good consideration augmented to x{s} pˀ Anñ and John Smith in his absence is appointed deputye.

The duty of this officer was to attend the Courts of Assistants and to arrest and convey to the Compter such persons as were committed.

30th Jan., 1598. Nicholas Kellaway, in consideration of his years, was excused serving the offices of Steward and Master of the Anatomy and “freelye gave one standinge cup double guilte w{ch} was kindely accepted.”

14th Aug., 1598. There is under this date an interesting account of the Election of Master and Wardens; twelve Electors from among the Livery were appointed:--

Which electors after they had their chardge given them by the Maisters or Governors of this Companye and their severall billes for the elecc͠on delivered unto them after longe and deliberate considerac͠on had, did electe for the Maister John Leycocke and for the upper Governor John Burgis and for the seconde Governor John Pecke and for the yongeste Governor Roberte Johnson Which saide John Leycocke beinge not then presente the garlande accordinge to the manner and custome of this house was by the Maister for the yeare paste placed uppon the heade of Mr. Docter Browne as deputye for the saide John Leycocke, after which another garlande was likewise placed uppon the heede of the saide John Burgis by the upper governor And a like garlande tendered to the saide John Pecke which he utterlye refused and for the same was fined at ffortye shillinges which fine he paid accordinglye likewise a nother garlande was placed by the yongeste Governor uppon the heade of the said Roberte Johnson and by him gratefullye accepted And the saide Maister Burgis and M{r.} Johnson were sworne standinge for the due execuc͠on of their offices.

1598. In the Minute Book commencing 1598 there are scores of cases of Barbers being fined for working on Sundays; the informant was generally the Beadle, and it is amusing to note how frequently a delinquent, after purging himself by a fine, voluntarily took to the office of Informer against his brother Barbers.

Many Barbers and Surgeons were fined for presuming to “sett up shoppe” without licence, here is an instance:--

28th November, 1598. This daye George Collimer appeared before the M{rs} of this Companye and had daye till the next court to bringe in his fine for openinge his shop w{th}out licence.

11th December, 1598. This daye Thomas Powell appeared before the M{rs} for workinge on the saboth daye and puteth him self uppon his tryall, wherefore he is comaunded to attend here the next Court And in the meane tyme for his unrevˀent behaviour towards the M{r} is comitted to the Compt{r.}

15th January, 1599. Where divers grudges and manye greate inconveniencies have happened amongest suche as have benne familiar frendes and brothers of this Societye by the unadvised rashnes of some of the Assistance of this Companie whoe have disclosed and revealed suche secretes as have bene advisedlye and discretlye for the benefit of the said Companye spoken in the courte tyme Contrarye to the solempne othes of suche assistanˀ to the greate dishoner of god and scandall to the said Companye, ffor reformac͠on whereof it is ordered by consente of a full Courte of Assistance That if at any tyme hereafter any of the Assistance of this ffelowship shall utter or reveale to any other pˀson beinge not Assistante any secretes uttered and spoken at any courte which oughte not to be uttered or revealed And also if any Elector of the M{r} or Governors for the tyme beinge shall at any tyme hereafter utter or reveale any speches concerninge the election to any person which oughte not to knowe the same suche person soe offendinge and due proffe thereof made, beinge of the Assistance shalbe dismissed oute of his place and livery, and beinge onlye of the livery shalbe dismissed oute of the liverye.

Where this house hath a barrel of Gunpowder It is ordered that the same be soulde to the beste benifitt of this house.

30th January, 1599. This daie Edward Downes was comitted to the Compter for calleinge villayne before the maisters of the Companye.

6th February, 1599. It is ordered that John Mullines shalbe comitted to the Compter for his disobedience in not payeinge his debte to this house.

17th April, 1599. This daie Michaell Bullocke complayneth of William Webbe forren brother for workeinge with Henrye Needeham beinge not ceassed with him and for grindeinge of rasares[149] And Needeham is to be warned to the nexte Courte.

[149] Razors.

8th May, 1599. Marmaduke Jefferson hath till the nexte Courte to bring in his fine for hangeinge oute his basones on maye daie.

5th July, 1599. Richard Sprignall, to be excused serving the office of Master, presented a--

drinckeinge cupp made of a nutte and garnished with silver and guilte which was thankfullye accepted.

17th July, 1599. This daie William Lacye is Comitted to the Compter for his contemptious behaviour towardes the Maisters of the Companye and for workinge in the trade of barberie beinge noe freeman.

24th July, 1599. This daie Richard Samborne complayned of one Phillip Winter for settinge upp a shoppe in paules church yarde beinge not free. It is ordered that the saide Winter shalbe comitted to prison untill he be free, or bounde before my lorde Maior to departe the Citye.

This daie Gabriell Hunte appeared before the Maisters and was comitted to prison for workeinge on the sabouth daies.

30th July, 1599. This daie Thomas Hobbes hath lycence of the Maisters to sue Thomas Watson at the Comon lawe for not accomptinge with him for iij{li.} due in the tyme of his apprentishipp.

13th August, 1599. It was further ordered that because this tyme is troblesom and to avoyde the evill speches of men, that there shoulde go home with the Maister but eighte of the liverye and with the rest of the Governors sixe a peece and that withoute their hoodes.

29th May, 1600. It was ordered that two streamers and two banners should be purchased to garnish the Company’s barge.

3rd July, 1600. This daye Anthony Millington Esquier Executor to the laste Will and Testament of Elizabeth Scoloker deceased payd unto the M{rs} viz., M{r} Wood M{r} Dardes & M{r} Martin a legacy of tenne poundes by the sayd Elizabeth bequeathed to this Company whereuppon it is ordered that there be a Cup made w{th} the same money And that her name be ingraven uppon it as a thinge geven by her.

11th Aug., 1600. Whereas Thomas Cole a verye disobedient and pervers brother of this Companye did verye disobedientlie and perversely behave himselfe towardes the Maisters or Governors in the presents of the Assistants and liverye there assembled And alsoe for that hee refused to paie the musicions iiij{d} according to order It is ordered by the consent of a full Courte of Assistants and of the reste of the assemblie that he be dismissed oute of the liverye of this Companye And not to be warned to any assemblies or meetinges in other sorte then one[150] of the yeomanrie till it shall please a Courte of Assistants at the like tyme to restore him to his former place, yet he is to paye his quarterage dulye.

[150] Than as one.

Thomas Cole reformed his ways, and was subsequently re-admitted to the Livery.

4th Nov., 1600. This daye it is ordered that Wheelis dwellinge in Longe Lane take downe his basons and make no shewe towardes the streete uppon payne to be comitted to the Compter.

22nd Apl., 1601. This daye where this howse alloweth but v{s} to the parson of St. Olaves for his sermon on the Election daye It is ordered by this Court that the same be augmented to x{s.}

5th May, 1601. This daie Henry Eaton uppon warninge appeared before the maisters or Governors for keepinge a forren Jorneyman whereuppon it was ordered that the said Eaton shoulde put a waie the said fforren before the next courte daye.

30th June, 1601. Noah Bayley, a Surgeon, who for two or three years past had continually been complained of for various offences, and disagreements with patients and apprentices, came at last to grief, for having--

not onely abused M{r} Warden Thorney w{th} reprochefull & slanderous speeches but also M{r} Mapes and M{r} ffenton twoe of the assistants of this Company making mowes[151] and mockinge them as they sate in the Courte in contempt of the said Court it was ordered that hee therefore shalbe comitted to the Compter uppon the Lo: Maiors commaundement for example of oth{rs.}

[151] Mouths.

22nd September, 1601. This daye Richard Higgins was committed to the Compter by the M{rs} uppon the Lo: Maiors commaundm{t} for refuseinge to paye his fine for his absence from the hall at the daye of gen{r}all Rules.

This day Thomas Allen[152] was fined for his absence from the said rules.

[152] First Master of Dulwich College.

6th October, 1601. This daye it was ordered that Will{m} Braye for certayne speeches & for his misbehaviour towards M{r} Warden Atmer should be pˀsently comitted to the Compter, of w{ch} imprisonm{t} at his humble suite and uppon his submission to the said M{r} Atm{r} hee was dischardged of his said imprisonm{t.}

10th October, 1601. This daye Will{m} Deepeinge Owin Jones and Edward Waterhowse were appoynted for three of the wiflers for the yere ensuinge.

A committee was ordered to meet at “Mˀcers Chappell by sixe of the Clock in the morninge to viewe the repac͠ons of the howses belonginge to this Company.” How many members of the Court would now attend at 6 a.m. in chill October?

27th October, 1601. This daye it is ordered that the M{rs} of this Company & also M{r} Bird M{r} Wood M{r} John Izard Thomas Thorney William Martin & John Gerrard[153] be warned to meete on ffrydaye next by sixe of the clock in the morninge to goe on serch accordinge to custome.

[153] The celebrated herbalist.

23rd February, 1602. This daye it is ordered that Richard Jackson a brother of this Company shall be committed to the Compt{r} for not appearinge before the M{rs} uppon warninge to answer the complaint of Edward Bird his apprentice.

22nd March, 1602. This daye it is ordered that John Rea Strang{r} shall be committed to the Compter for settinge out his billes[154] uppon the gates & oth{r} places in the Cytie contrary to his tollerac͠on.

[154] Probably quack doctor’s advertisements.

30th March, 1602. This daye it is ordered that M{r} Warden ffrederick M{r} Thorney M{r} Will{m} Martin M{r} John Peck M{r} Gerrard[153] & M{r} ffenton shall meate on ffrydaye next by eyghte of the clock in the morninge at Lyon Key to goe from thence to my Lord Admirall[155] to complayne against Robert Derham for his contempt in refusinge her Mat{s} imprest.

[155] The Earl of Nottingham, at Greenwich.

13th April, 1602. This daye Robert Durham (Derham) appeared before the M{rs} of this Company of his owne voluntary And it was by this Courte ordered that for his sevˀall contempts of this Company aswel in their serch as in their prest hee should bee committed to the Compt{r} uppon the Lord Maiors Commaundem{t} whereuppon hee was sent to the Compter But at the speciall instance and request of one M{r} Meredith and M{r} Morgan twoe of the said Derhams ffrendes hee was sent for back agayne and uppon his humble submission & intreaty hee was dischardged of his imprisonment And thereuppon did promise to be obedient to this Company at all tymes hereaft{r.}

24th November, 1602. This daye it is ordered by the M{rs} or Governors of this Company that Robert Redhead one of the Lord Maiors officers shalbe officer to this Company as aft{r} the decease of Will{m} Clare And to have such fee for the same as the said Willm̄ Clare held the same And also hee is to be confirmed in the same place by the next court of Assistance.

20th March, 1604. This daye it is ordered that on thursdaye next the M{rs} of this Company shall attend the Lord Maior to knowe his pleasure concerninge their places of standinges.

The Masters on this occasion procured an order of the Court of Aldermen ranking the Company as sixteenth in order of precedence, and this is set forth in the Minute Book as follows:--

17th April, 1604. ~A Copie~ of an order of Courte set downe the daye and yere hereaft{r} expressed concerninge the place of this Company in all assemblies of the Companyes of this Cytie.

* * * * *

~Martis~ decimo septimo die Aprilis 1604 Annoqʒ regni Dñi nr̃i Jacobi Regis Anglie &c sc̃do.

BENNET } Soane Garrard Lee Hollydaye Wattes Rowe Craven Anderson MAIOR } Swynerton Hayes ac Romney uñ vĩc &c.

~Where~ it appeareth to this Court aswell by the humble supplicac͠on of the Maisters or Govˀnors of the Mistery & Coiãltye of Barbors and Chirurgeons of this Cytie as by an ord{r} taken by the same Courte the fowerth daye of ffebruary in the tyme of the Maioraltie of S{r} Stephen Peacock knighte and in the fower and twenteth yere of the reigne of the Late Kinge of famous memory Kinge Henry the eight That the M{rs} or Governors of the said mistery & Coiãlty of Barbors & Chirurgeons & their pˀdecessors in the order of their goinges standinges rydinges sittinges & oth{r} assemblies of the livˀyes of the sevˀall Companyes of this ho: Cytie have bene alwayes tyme oute of mynde reputed taken & placed as the seaventeneth Company amongest oth{rs} the sevˀall Companyes of this Cytie next & imediatly from & aft{r} the Company of Mercers Grocers Drapˀs ffishemongers Goldsmythes Skinners Marchaunttaylors Haberdashers Salters Iremongers Vinteners Stockfishmongers Clothworkers Brewers Lethersellers and Pewterers And forasmuch as it doth likewise appeare to this Co{r}te that sythens the makeinge and establisheinge of the said order the said M{rs} or Governo{rs} of the said Mistery and Coiãltie of Barbors and Surgeons have enjoyed the Benifit of the said order and borne all chardges taxes and contribuc͠ons whatsoevˀ imposed on them from tyme to tyme w{th} credytt to the good likinge of the Magistrats and Governors of this Cyttie as well as other Companies of like sorte and State have done And yett notw{th}standing of late at the Royall passages of the Kinge and Queenes most exelent Ma{ties} and the prince of wales attended by the Nobilitie and gentry of the land through this Cyttie on the fifteenth daie of March last when through ignorance theie were misplaced by the Comittie appoynted by this Cyttie for the mannaginge of those affaires. It is therefore this daie upon due considerac͠on had of the pˀmisses, and for that the said Company of Stockfyshmongers have bene since the tyme of the said order wholelie dissolved and abrogated and noe Company or Corporac͠on remayninge w{th}in this Cyttie of that name, ordered and decreed that the said M{rs} or Governors of the said Misterie and Coiãltie of Barbors and Surgeons shalbe from henceforth reputed taken and placed as the syxeteenth Companie w{th}in this Cyttie in all theire goeings rydinges sytteinges standeinges and assemblies whatsoever, any misplaceinge of them on the said fifteeẽth daie of March last to the contrary notw{th}standinge.

22nd May, 1604. This daie it is ordered that from henceforth the Clark of this Companie shall against evˀy Courte daie bestowe iiij{d} in hearbes and flowers.

12th June, 1604. This daye Will{m} Wrighte a very disobedyent Broth{r} of this Company was accordinge to the Rules of this howse fined at vj{s} viij{d} for callinge the officers of this howse knaves and for other his lewde & disobedient behaviour and is to bringe it into this Court on tewsedaye next.

8th November, 1604. Mr. Thomas Goodall and Mr. Kellaway were each fined 10s. “for not riedinge w{th} the M{rs} when the kinge came through the city” (probably in March last).


5th February, 1605. This daye Marcus Davie appeared before the M{rs} and was rebuked for shewinge the Copie of õr Chr̃e[156] to a Scrivener.

[156] Charter.

28th February, 1605. This daye it is ordered that the numb{r} of 16 pˀsons of the Assistance of this Company shalbe accompted a full Court of Assistance.

It was also ordered that a “fayre parchem{t} booke” be bought for engrossing therein the Charters of the Company; this book is still in our possession.

28th February, 1605. This daye M{r} Warden ffrederick made request to have a Deputie to supplie his place and office of upper warden and to sit in his place till his retorne from Spayne whith{r} the saide M{r} ffrederick is bounde And alsoe to kepe his keyes whereuppon it was ordered that he should make choyce of any sufficient man of the Assistantꝭ to keepe his keyes in his absens if hee pleased. But it was denyed that any should sit in his place as deputy.

Christopher Frederick was Serjeant-Surgeon to the King, and father of Sir John Frederick, Lord Mayor in 1661. He was of alien birth and did not work harmoniously with the Court of Assistants. In Repertory xxvii. fo. 117 (at Guildhall), is an order of the Court of Aldermen that Sir Thomas Garrard and four other Aldermen were to call the Master and Wardens and Mr. Frederick before them and to end their controversies (which, however, they did not succeed in doing).

21st March, 1605. Mr. Frederick brought a letter to the Court from the Earl of Nottingham, saying it was the King’s pleasure that Mr. Frederick should appoint a deputy to act as Warden in his place, whilst he was away with the King in Spain, but the Court adhered to its decision of 28th February.

This daye M{r} Warden ffrederick pˀsented to this Court a letter wrytten to the M{rs} or Governors & Assistants of this Company the contents thereof hereafter ensueth, viz{t.}:

Aft{r} my very hearty commendac͠ons I have thoughte good to signifie unto you his Ma{ties} pleasure That I should have to attend me in this my ambassage into Spayne Mr. Xpõfer ffrederick one of the nowe Governors of yo{r} Company w{ch} by reason of the place hee bereth amongest you can hardely be spared nevertheles because the necessytie of the service urgeth the same It is thought fit by his Ma{tie} that hee shall noĩat and appoynt such a sufficient man to execute his place in his absens as formˀly hath borne that office, wherefore I doubt not but you will admitt and allowe of such a one as for that purpose hee shall noĩat to sit in his absens as his deputy who shalbe answerable for all matt{s} as if M{r} ffrederick were there himself So to continue eyth{r} untill the tyme of the yere that you make choyce of some other pˀsone fit for the same or M{r} ffrederickꝭ retorne oute of Spayne w{ch} shall first happen, of whose ready care to satisfie the Kinges expectac͠on and my desyre I dowbte not And evenso I bid you righte hartely farewell. ffrom Arnedell howse the ix{th} of March 1604.[157]

[157] 160-4/5.

Yo{r} very lovinge frend


I do praye you that Will{m} Martin be excepted[159] in his place till M{r} ffrederickꝭ retorne          Notingham

[158] Lord High Admiral. [159] Accepted.

26th March, 1605. This daye M{r} James Hodson one of the tenaunts of this Company accordinge to an order of a Court of Assisstance payd to the M{rs} his fyne of L{li} for his lease And had lycence graunted unto him to demyse the tenement w{ch} hee holdeth of this Company or any pt̃e thereof And did pˀmise to geve unto this howse one hogshead of clarret wyne when it should for the use of this howse be called for & demaunded.

9th April, 1605. This daye it is ordered that Humfrey Gorston bringe in his fyne at the next Courte for teachinge of a forren his Art.

16th April, 1605. This daye Stephen Abraham was commaunded [to] geve over his keepinge a barbors shop in Phillip Lane untill hee shalbe made free of this Company uppon payne of imprisonment.

23rd April, 1605. This daye it is ordered that Stephen Abraham be committed to the Compter for contempt of the M{rs} order heretofore set downe.

Abraham must have instantly obeyed the order, and shut up his shop in Phillip Lane, and directly afterwards have opened another in Finch Lane, for we read:--

30th April, 1605. This daye it is ordered that Stephen Abraham shall take downe his basons and geve over his shop in ffynch Lane and shall continue w{th} his mr̃is mr̃is Smyth orels to be committed to prison.

24th May, 1605. fforasmuch as Mathew Peele a broth{r} of this Company hath delt underhand w{th} the tenante in possession of the howse where in one Edward Sares lately dwelt at Dowgate, makinge the tenant to beleeve that hee the sayd Mathew Peele had a lease graunted unto him from this howse of the same and pˀffered to sell the same to the said tenaunt where there is no such thinge to him graunted. It is therefore ordered that an order made the xviij{th} of March whereby it was determyned that the sayd Mathew Peele should have the first pˀffer of the next tenem{t} that should fall voyde of this Company better cheape by x{li} then any oth{r} pˀson shalbe voyde & of none effect to all intents & constructions.

11th June, 1605. This daye it is ordered that Willm̄ Wrighte shalbe committed to the Compter for abuseinge the late M{rs} of this Company.

25th June, 1605. This daye John Crispe dwellinge in St. Martins Barbor is dischardged from kepeinge a shop.

12th September, 1605. This day it was agreed that the pˀnte M{rs} shall pˀceed to build againe the wall latelie taken downe betwixt o{r} yard and the Bulwark w{th} Brick only And the same to be correspondent to the reste of the bricke wall of the said yard In which wall they are to cause to be made and placed such and so many convenient wyndowes w{th} lettice and casementꝭ as they shall thincke fitt. And it is further agreed by the consent of the Court that they shall proceed w{th} the worcke now in hand for the erectinge of a steyre and steyrecase to be made to passe through the pˀlor into the said Bullwarke or garden plott And the same to be finished and done in such mannˀ and forme as the said M{rs} shall thincke fitt And also shall repaire and amend the defectꝭ of the wainscott in the said pˀlor where need shall require. And that such chardges shalbe borne by this house as shalbe in that behalf disburssed.

26th September, 1605. This day M{r} Nicholas Collins is chosen to be of Councell w{th} this Company and is to have a fee of xl{s} pˀ añn. and is to continue in the same place so longe as it shall please the Assistantꝭ of the same Company.

1st October, 1605. This day William Gravenor was fined for hanginge out of his basons on Bartholomew day And also Humphry Gorston.

This day there was redd to this Court a lrẽ directed from Doctor Browne to the said court importinge that Christopher ffredricke was as forward in his advice as in his Assistaunce in the cuttinge of S{r} Anthony Cooke as M{r} ffenton was.

About the year 1605 the Court were at law with Mr. Frederick as appears by the Wardens’ accounts, though there is no reference to the subject of the dispute in the Minutes, beyond the above reference to a surgical operation performed on Sir A. Cooke, and the controversy about the Deputy Warden when Mr. Frederick went to Spain. Mr. Frederick was alien born, and the following order, without doubt, had a reference to this circumstance:--

10th October, 1605. This day it is ordered that from henceforth no Alien or stranger borne out of his Matꝭ dominions shall hereafter be capable or eligible to beare or take upon him any place or places or office of a M{r} or Governour of this Company And that an ordinaunce shalbe pˀntlie drawne to such purpose if by o{r} Councell wee shalbe advised so to doe.

The above order was rescinded 21st July, 1608.

8th October, 1605. This day Thomas Emerie William ffarris John Heydon John Burrowes Roger Brecknocke John Hullins Wyddow Turner widdow Eaton John Phillipps and Robert Samme were fined for workinge upon last Saboth.

10th October, 1605. This day it is ordered by this Courte that the reparac͠ons of the Citties wall next to the Bullwark shalbe accomplished and done according as the pˀnte M{rs} or Governo{rs} of this Company shall thincke fitt And all charges therein disburssed shalbe borne by this house.

7th November, 1605. It is also ordered that the pˀnte M{rs} or Governors of this Company shall if they cann bargaine w{th} the Ladie Windsor for the glasse in the wyndowes of the Bulwark And for such other thingꝭ as are by her Ladishipp to be sold and to give such Composition for the same as they in their discretions shall thincke fitt.

This day it is ordered that the youngest Governo{r} Rento{r} doe cause all needful and necessarie repˀac͠ons to be done upon such tenemtꝭ as ought to be repaired by this Company And also shall cause the privit hedge in the garden next the Bullwark to be taken up and the ground to be leveled and another hedge to be planted and sett all alonge from the further end of o{r} new bricke wall to the furthest corner of that garden.

19th November, 1605. This day it is ordered that the M{rs} of this Company togeather w{th} M{r} Bird M{r} Wood M{r} John Martin and M{r} Mapes are to goe in search on satterday and upon munday next And they are to meete in Powles.[160]

[160] St. Paul s.

28th Nov., 1605. This day it is ordeyned that o{r} M{r} shall compound with some Baker to pˀvide for this Company 50 quarte{rs} of good wheate at such yearelie rate and for such tyme as they can agree And he to be Baker to the house so longe as he behave himself well.

One Will{m.} Clifton was on 17th December following appointed Baker, and agreed to find 50 quarters of wheat for £5 per annum.

28th January, 1606. This day John ffoxe a forren Barbor appeared before the M{rs} and was by them forbidden to keepe shopp in London any more for Barbinge or Surgery, And he pˀmissed that he would not.

16th June, 1606. In the controvˀsie betwixt Thomas Orton & ffrauncꝭ Holland It is ordered that the said Orton proceed not in suite of law against the said Holland otherwise then by takeinge the peace of him till the next Court Att w{ch} tyme the said Holland is comaunded by this Court to bringe in his fine of xl{s} for strikinge of him the said Orton. And the said Orton is to geve his attendaunce at that Courte.

14th July, 1606. This day uppon the suite of the pˀson and pˀishione{rs} of St. Olaves in Silver Street It was ordered by this Court that at such tyme as the now church of the said pĩsh shal begin to be reedified beinge now in great decay and fallen into ruyn That then the M{rs} or governou{rs} of this Company for the tyme beinge shall of the stocke of the said Company pay to the then church wardens of the said pĩsh the somme of x{li} towardꝭ the reedifiẽg of the said Church w{th}out makinge further suite for the same.

Several liverymen were complained of for not having attended in their liveries of late, and among other notes is the following:--

14th July, 1606. This day Henry Bradley one fferris and Henry Bracey are dismissed out of the Clothinge and Assistaunce of this Company for they have not given their attendaunce in their liveryes uppon summons.

8th September, 1606. This daie Mr. Peck did lend voluntary to this howse L gratis for a yeare next ensueinge.

This daie M{r} ffenton did lend C{li} gratis to this Company for a yeare next ensueinge Also he did lend to this Company L{li} more for a yere at x{li} pˀ cent.

23rd September, 1606. This day it is ordered that Percivall Jackson shalbe comitted to the Compter for his severall Contemptꝭ to this howse.

30th September, 1606. This daie Percivall Jackson was dischardged out of prison upon his mothers intreatie. And is to bring in his debt to Burrowes at the next Court.

7th October, 1606. This daie John Hedlow paid to the M{rs} vj{s} viij{d} w{ch} by them was tofore paid to officers w{ch} attended to committ the said Hedlow for his severall contemptꝭ to this howse.

13th October, 1606. Percivall Jackson was again committed to the Compter for his “severall contemptꝭ.”

4th November, 1606. This daie John Kerrell Richard Cade & Richard Houlden were fyned for being absent from the funerall of M{r} ffyneinge.

10th March, 1607. This daie Thomas Grig was fyned at xii{d} for not wearinge his Cap on Candlemas daie last.

19th September, 1607. The Clerk’s child having died of the plague, and being carried through the gate of the Hall, an order came from the Lord Mayor commanding the Court not to sit for 28 days, and it was thereupon ordered that the Courts should sit at Mr. Fenton’s house in Bartholomew’s Court during that period.

This daye it is ordered that Carehills wyef be warned to the hall against the next Court for keepinge of twoe shoppes of Barbinge w{th}out Bisshoppesgate.

8th October, 1607. This daye it is ordered by this Courte uppon due considerac͠on had That from henceforth the M{rs} or Governors of this Company every yere yerely shall geve to the Recorder of this Cytie a yerely fee of money oute of the stock of this Company at their pleasures so that it exceede not the somme of iiij{li.}

It was ordered that no liveryman should henceforth--

attend in his lyvery and w{th}out a ruffe band uppon payne of xij{d} for evˀy offence.

3rd November, 1607. This daye uppon the humble suite of one wydowe Burrows shee is admitted to keepe her Barbors shop where shee now dothe for 2 yeres next ensuinge not w{th}standinge that w{th}in the said tyme shee mary an husbond of any oth{r} trade.

1st December, 1607. This daye Thomas Allen[161] and James Mullins were fined for wearinge of falleinge bands w{th} their livˀy gownes.

[161] The first Master of Dulwich College.

21st January, 1608. This daye it is ordered that . . . . Braye [be appointed] Informer to pˀsecute suites by informac͠on against such pˀsons as the pˀnt Masters shall noĩat for one yere next ensuinge at the chardgꝭ of this howse And hee is to have tenne poundes for his paynes therein.

27th January, 1608. Five of the Company were fined for not being at the funeral of Mistress Izard in their liveries.

5th April, 1608. This daye lycence is geeven to Will{m} Buckley to arrest John Dodd breakeinge his wyndowes.

21st July, 1608. This daye it was thought fit that the pˀnt Assistantꝭ showld sit in Court w{th}out their Gownes for that the weath{r} is hot.

It is ordered that the laste quarters penc͠on due to John a Lee lately deceased shalbe paid to the poore woman w{ch} kept him in his sicknes.

At almost every Court, charities in sums varying from 2{s} to 40{s} were given to poor members for their relief, or to the widows of former members, and in many cases yearly annuities were granted out of the stock of the house, independent of the Trust charities distributed by the Court.

14th February, 1609. This daye John Stubbes one of my lord maiors officers is appoynted a Serjeant to this Company.

27th June, 1609. This daye it is ordered that George Dugdale shall before Michaelmas next paye to Thomas Shephard v{s} w{ch} hee oweth him ORELS to be Committed to the Compter.

6th July, 1609. This daye Roger Rayney Marchaunt tayler is elected & chosen Butler to this howse so longe as hee shall well & honestly behave himself therein And is to have all such fees and allowances as to his said place or office are incedent or belongeinge Provided hee enter into bond to the M{rs} of this Company w{th} sufficient surety w{th} Condic͠on to make good to this howse all such plate linen & oth{r} thingꝭ as shalbe committed to his chardge by the M{rs} of this Company the Stewardꝭ of the Maiors feast The Maisters or Stewardꝭ of the Anathomy or Wardens of the Yomanry.

This daye uppon the due examinac͠on of sevˀall abuses & misbehaviours comitted by Thomas Goodale on of the Assistantꝭ of this Company towardꝭ Mr. Edward Rodes maister of this Company wrongefully chardgeinge him w{th} injustice before the wholl Courte And for oth{r} his misdemeanures hee is by the wholl Consent of this Court dismissed oute of the Assistance of this Company.

26th July, 1609. Whereas heretofore it hath byn observed for a rule and customary order that the M{rs} of the Company to whom the Electo{rs} on the Election day before dyñn should deliver the names of such pˀsons who were at such tyme elected M{rs} of the Company for the yeare insuinge, should not give any notice to any new M{r} so elected before the garland should be put upon his head, it was now thought fit that that rule should be put on one side, and that those chosen should be at once informed of their Election that they may make pˀvision for the entertaynement of the livery, etc.

10th August, 1609. This day Richard Browne was admitted Armorer to the Company and to have p̃. anñ. xiij{s} iiij{d} and he to have a speciall care to keepe the Armour in repac͠ons and to be therefore paid by the Rentor warden for the tyme beinge.

This day Mr. John Leacocke[162] contemptuoslie depˀted out of the Courte w{th}out licence of the M{rs} or of any of them And albeit he was required by the Clarke by the comand of the M{rs} to come into the Courte beinge depˀted out of the hall, he answered that he would not come againe Therefore it is ordred by this Courte that he shall pay his fine of iij{s} iiij{d} for depˀtinge the Court without the M{rs} licence And if he refused to pay the said iij{s} iiij{d} then the som̃e of xl{s} is by this Courte ordred to be assessed and ymposed upon him w{ch} if he shall likewise refuse to pay then he is by this Court dismissed out of the Assistaunce ipso facto.

[162] Master in 1604.

Mr. Leacocke submitted and paid his fine 26th September, 1609.

21st August, 1609. In answer to a precept from the Lord Mayor, a certificate was sent to his Lordship that there were remaining of the 50 quarters of wheat wherewith the Company was charged, 20 quarters, and that the remainder had been sold in the Markets according to former precepts.

19th October, 1609. It was ordered that:--

no M{r} or govˀno{r} of this Company shall from henceforth have power or authority in them or any of them to sell morgage or ympawne the fower pieces of Tapistry hangingꝭ or any of them w{ch} were bought for the use and creditt of this house.

9th January, 1610. Att this Courte Henry Jones paid vj{d} to the pore’s box for hanginge out his basons one Twelveth day last.

6th March, 1610. Att this Courte it is ordered that Thomas Burgis shall at the next Tusedayes Courte pay unto the widdow Burrowes his late M{ris} iiij{s} for that he hath broken her Combes and Sise{rs.}

21st March, 1610. Att this Court it is ordered that the wyddow Saunde{rs} shall no longer reteyne in her service one Allexander ffarrington uppon payne that if shee doe her basons shalbe taken downe & she comitted to the Compter.

8th May, 1610. At this Court it is ordered that Pyramus Porter shall be pnˀtely discharged out of Prison being layd in by Richard Gessell for that Porter was layd in w{th}out the M{rs} Consentꝭ.

Porter was Gessell’s apprentice, and their disagreements had been before the Court on a previous occasion.

20th August, 1610. Mr. William Gale (who had been Master, 1595) was elected Master; he was an eminent Surgeon but, dying on 19th November, 1610, was succeeded in his office by Mr. John Peck (who had been Master in 1605). Mr. Gale was buried at Monken Hadley, in the chancel of which church may still be seen in the floor on the North side of the Altar, a brass with an inscription to his memory, and two brasses with the effigies of his sons and daughters. There were formerly brasses of the effigies of William Gale and his two wives, but they have unfortunately been removed.

The arms of Gale (as appearing on his son’s brass in Monken Hadley Church) Az. on a fesse betw. three saltires ar. as many lyons’ heads era. of the field langued gules.[163]

[163] The tinctures are from Burke’s Armory.

20th September, 1610. Att this Court a motion being proposed by the present M{rs} to thentent to bringe the howse out of debt, w{ch} cannot be soddenly effected except the Assistauntꝭ of this board shall of their owne free willꝭ by their pˀticuler free guiftꝭ or other wise by the voluntary free loane of money to this howse for a certayne tyme, be assistinge And thereupon M{r} Warden ffenton declared that o{r} M{r} was contented towardꝭ soe good an acc͠on to gyve freely xx{li} and M{r} Warden ffenton vj{li} xiij{s} iiij{d} M{r} Warden Veare iij{li} vj{s} viij{d} M{r} Warden Hassald xl{s} And demaundinge of the residue of the bord what they would gyve, M{r} Wood he would gyve x{li} if the howse will renewe his lease, M{r} Sˀjaunt Goodorus would thinck of itt, M{r} Leycock M{r} Thorney M{r} Gerard M{r} Rodes & M{r} ffrederick would doe the lick M{r} Thomas Martyn would gyve xx{s} M{r} Isard vj{s} viij{d} M{r} Mapes would gyve xl{s} M{r} Johnson M{r} ffoster M{r} Ingolsby & M{r} Coghill they would doe as others in their Ranck would doe. M{r} Cook would gyve xxxiij{s} iiij{d.}

16th October, 1610. Att this Court It is agreed that one Henry Pullyard a Drummer shalbe admitted to be the Drummer to this howse And he is to have for evˀy dayes service that he shall serve as a Drummer to this Company on the lord Mayors daie the some of xiij{s} iiij{d.}

20th November, 1610. Att this Court ytt is ordered that William Jones shall bringe in the next Tuesdaye Cort xx{s} for a ffyne for keeping two shoppes.

22nd November, 1610. Roger Joanes, a Waterman, was appointed Bargeman with a yearly fee of 20s., and was in consideration thereof to find a Barge with “all thingꝭ therein and therewith fittinge” whenever the Company should require the same for £3 on each occasion.

11th June, 1611. Itt is likewise ordered that the Clothworker w{ch} practizeth Barberye about Thames Street if he be found workinge, that then he shalbe comitted to the Compter.

18th July, 1611. At this Court upon the humble suite of Edward Handsome it was thought fitt & decreed that he should first agree w{th} the Informer, w{ch} being done come & make his suite to this house at some Court of Assistantꝭ and then he shoulde knowne & fynd howe kyndlye they would deale w{th} him.

8th October, 1611. At this Court John Scott was ffyned at vj{s} viij{d} for refuseinge to holde the place of a whiffler.

4th May, 1613. At this Court Henry Clawes came before the M{rs} and by them is pˀhibited and forbidden to keepe a Barbo{rs} shopp or deale any more in surgery for that he is noe denizen.

22nd August, 1614. It was ordered that in future, any liveryman being called to the Court should pay a fine of five marks. It does not appear that before this time a fine had been taken on like occasions.

By an entry about this date, it seems that when a “foreigner” was admitted to the livery he paid £5 for yeomanry and £5 for livery fines in one payment.

30th March, 1615. At this Court it is further ordered that the new Ryver water shalbe taken into this howse so as it maie be had for 30{s} fyne & 30{s} pˀ anñ in rent.

6th July, 1615. The hall, which was in “great decay,” was ordered to be viewed by a Committee of the Court, as to its restoration.

11th November, 1615. At this Court our M{r} acquayntinge them how unfortunatlie it hath happened that the Hall on Tewsdaie night last beinge 7 November was broken open & what losse the howse susteyned thereby. Whereupon it was then presentlie considered and then ordered that a present course be taken for the spedie repaieringe of the howse & tresory howse and that the same shalbe forthwith stronglie borded & made up at the charges of the howse. And for this purpose this Court did noĩate the p’nte M{r} together with M{r} Peck M{r} ffenton M{r} Martyn & M{r} ffoster for to be Comittees for the well orderinge & appoyntinge of the workmen to doe & finish this worke as in their discretions shalbe thought mete. And what the Comittees or anie three or two of them shall thinke fittinge to be done this howse will rate for & allow of as also of the charge to be borne by this howse.

Note That the xj{th} daie of November Thomas Lyne confessed how he was the plotter for the Robbinge of o{r} Hall and how o{r} plate was Carried to Westmˀ & our monie was devided amongst the theves who were these Thomas Jones Nicholas Sames & Walter ffoster wc̃h did break open the Hall, whereupon the Clarke haveinge order from o{r} M{r} went to Westmˀ & upon search there made found our plate locked up in a trunke in the howse of one ... a shoemaker xj{li} xviij{s} of the monie M{r} Warden Coopˀ found the same daie in the howse of one ffulses in Fleete Street. About the xvj{th} of Nov. then followinge Thomas Jones was taken who beinge brought to Newgate in December followinge Jones & Lyne were both executed for this fact.

In January followinge Sames was taken & executed. In April 1616 ffoster was taken & executed. Now letts pray God to blesse this howse ever from any more of these damigees. Amen.

13th December, 1615. At this Court was gyven unto the officers in regard of their paynes taken in apprehendinge the theves & obteyninge our plate 5{li} that is to the Clarke 40{s} & 30{s} a peice to the beadell & Porter.

30th June, 1617. At this Court is gyven unto the weif of John Davis a fre brother who lieth in prison x{s.}

27th January, 1618. Upon the humble petic͠on unto this Companie preferred by Thomas Shaw a pore brother of this Companie & now lyeinge in Ludgate thereby sueing for some releife to discharge him out of prison. It is therefore ordered by this Court that if the some of 30{s} will discharge him out of prison it shalbe disbursed out of the stock of this howse.

20th September, 1622. At this Court is gyven to Susan the Clarkꝭ mayde towardꝭ her marriage 40{s} in gratuity.

At this Court it is ordered that Jones the Waterman shall have for the hier of our barge against the lord Maio{rs} day fower poundꝭ So as it is a large barge will hold the hole lyvery And to worke w{th} 7 or 8 oweis.[164]

[164] Oars.

31st January, 1625. It is straightly ordered by this Courte that the pˀnte M{rs} or Governo{rs} and their successors shall take speciall care to comence and prosecute any suite by lawe against any ignorant imposters or other pˀsons exerciseing the arte of Chirurgery aboute this Cittie not free of this Companye & alsoe such as shall keepe shoppes for barbery within this Cittye being free of other Companies & not of ours.

19th January, 1626. This daye John Mills and George Roades are chosen to be of our Assistants for Barbars and Henry Blackley and Peter Thorney for Surgions.

Item this Courte takeing into their considerac͠ons the fewnes of our Livery many of them being lately dead by reason of the late greate visitac͠on doe elect and choose John Pinder Edward Charley Edward ffleete Robert Clarke Samuell Dye and Lewis Gossidge to be of the Clothing of our Companye.

15th February, 1626. At this Courte it is ordered that William Kellett do bring in his fine of vj{s} viij{d} at the next Courte for his unseemely carriage and vile language to Walter Preist being contrary to the ordinance and good goverment of this house, which fine the said William Kellett here in Courte refused and said he would not paye it.

At the same Court Priest was ordered to pay Kellett £3 which he owed him.

8th June, 1626. Kellett, not having paid his fine, was ordered to be dismissed out of the livery.

26th October, 1626. But becoming repentant, he made humble suit to the Court to be reinstated, “protesting here in Courte that as he hopeth to be saved he did not speak those wordꝭ and if he did he is very sorroy for it,” upon which submission and payment of his fine, he was readmitted to the livery.

23rd February, 1626. This daye upon the petic͠on of Thomas Borne and a certificate under the hand of Docto{r} Allott that the said Borne was a Scholler of the house in St. Johns Colledge in Cambridge it is ordered by the Court that for one yeare ensueing he shall have iij{li} to be paid him by M{r} Warᵭ Molins.

1st February, 1627. Item It is ordered by this Courte that there shalbe given unto M{r} Docto{r} Gwyn and his sonne for his preferm{t} in takeing degree of Batchelo{r} of Arte in the universitie of Oxenford xij{li} as the free gift of this Court.

9th November, 1628. This daye Richard Roades a Barbar & Surgion hath leave to open his shopp according to the ordinances of this house.

Roades was probably a man who had practised both as a Barber and a Surgeon outside the Company’s jurisdiction (the common usage of those days), but now being admitted a brother he had licence to practise “according to the ordinances,” that is, either as a Barber or a Surgeon, but not as both.

5th February, 1629. Upon the humble petic͠on made unto this Courte by John ffranck a professor of Surgery the sonne of John ffrancke late of the clothing of the livery of this Companie for that the said ffranck is nowe taken prisoner in Turkey and his ransome is assessed to 600 Crownes. In comiserac͠on of whose distressed estate in a deede of charitye of soe greate consequence this courte doth order that upon the said John ffranckꝭ being safe delivered into England here alive he shall have viij{li} paid unto such pˀtie as the ransome doth belong unto.

24th July, 1629. This daye in the complaint made unto this Court by Henry Edwardꝭ against John Cox for arresting of him without the consent of the Maisters they both being here present in Court It is ordered that Edwardꝭ shall paye Cox the xx{s} which he received of him uppon the wager that was wagered betweene them, and that M{r} Cox shall withdraw his acc͠on and proceede noe further in lawe and It is further ordered that M{r} Cox shall paye his fine of a marke on the next Tuesdaie for not askeing leave of the Maisters to arrest him.

1629. The fine for not serving Steward of the Mayor’s feast was £13 6s. 8d., and this had been the usual fine for many years.

16th September, 1630. A reference is made to a brick building which a tenant of the Company was erecting at Holborn Bridge, under the direction of Inigo Jones.

28th January, 1631. This Court doth give to Marshall Petoe[165] for his elegies on M{r} Banckꝭ his funˀall v{s.}

[165] A City Poet.

15th March, 1631. It is ordered by this Courte that the 12 Electors shalbe chosen and drawne by a ballotting box in this manner, twoe out of the auncient M{rs} one barbar one Surgion, 6 out of those of the whole Assistantꝭ 3 Barbars 3 surgions, 4 out of the livery 2 barbars 2 surgions as shalbe present on the Election daie.

10th April, 1632. Nicholas Moseley made complaint against goody Smith of her unruly and disorderly liefe amongst the Tenementꝭ in the alley at Holborne Bridge and thereupon this Court doth give him leave to expulse her from dwelling [there] any longer.

2nd July, 1632. This daye upon the humble and pittifull petic͠on made unto this Court by Richard Hayeward in the behalfe of Ric: Heyward his son whoe is now captivated and inthrawled under the slaverye of the Turke and his Ransome being to the som̃e of one C{i.} w{ch} the said Heyward is not able to raise, This Court therefore compassionateing the said Richard Heywards distressed estate, whoe being a Christian is in bondage to those Turkish & heathen Infidelles dothe order that there shalbe x{li.} paid out of the stock of this house for and towards the ransomeing and redeemeing the Captive at such tyme as the said Richard Heyward the son shalbe delivered alive here in England and not otherwise.

6th February, 1633. Anthony Mondeys wĩdd pˀnted to this Court a Booke called The Surveigh of London beinge in folio and newlie printed.

This would be Munday’s edition of Stow presented by his widow, and for which she, in return, had a present from the Court.

29th November, 1633. It is ordered that for the stock of Corne to be provided yearely by this house every one of the Assistantꝭ of the Liverye shall lend xl{s.} presently and every one of the liverye shall lend xx{s.} o{r} M{r} giveing a noate under his hand that the house shall repaie it within a moneth after each mans death to his executo{rs} if it be demaunded And soe hereafter every pˀson that cometh into the Assistantꝭ to lend xl{s.} or that cometh into the liverye to lend xx{s.}

[Illustration: CORN NOTE.

Memorandum. That whereas by Precept yearly from the right Honourable, the Lord Mayor, and Court of Aldermen. Our companie is streightly commanded to provide and have readie LXXX. Quarters of Corne for this Cities service, a Court of assistants, was held the 18{th}. Day of December 1633. to consider how to raise the Money, in regard our Companie is much indebted, by building our Granary, &c. And upon mature deliberation had, it was concluded & ordered, that each Person then being, or that thereafter should be, a Livery-man, should thereunto lend XXs. To be hereafter by the Masters, or Governours, for the time being, repaid out of their Corne-stock, to such Livery-mans Executors, or Administrators, within one moneth next after such Livery-mans death, being demanded, we therefore the present Masters, or Governours, do hereby acknowledge our selves to have received of Mr. the said allotted some of Twenty shillings for the use aforesaid, And do hereby promise, that we or, our Successors then being, shall repay the said XX{s.} accoding as is before expressed witness our hands this 3{d} day of Aprill Anno Dom.--1688

Roger Knowles } John King } Will Sayfield } Governours. John Standbrooke}]

4th March, 1634. 52 quarters of corn only being in the granary, it was ordered that 8 quarters more should be purchased to make up the complement of 60, which the Company were required by the City to keep in stock.

14th January, 1634. The question of “Ship money” being considered by the Court, it was thought that the Surgeons of the Company were free from the same by Charter, and a Committee of the Court was appointed to take counsel’s opinion thereon.

20th April, 1635. £10 was ordered to be given towards the restoration of the Church of St. Alban, Wood Street.

2nd June, 1635. Hugh Ward, for his absence from lectures, was summoned before the Court, when he used “approbrious language,” and defied the Masters,

Whereupon this Court did in the Lord Maiors name comitt the said Hugh to the Compter in Woodstreete & charged the said Ward to staye but he struggled to gett forth of y{e} parlor soe the M{rs} comaunded the dores to be shutt till an officer had taken him in charge, but after the officer had him in charge and they were gone forth into the streete (as the officer reported to this Court) Ward stepped from him and drew his knife & swoare hee would sheath it in his guttes if he came after him and soe he made an escape from the officer.

[Illustration: WOOD STREET, COMPTER.

On the east side of Wood Street, stood this Prison, pertaining to the Sheriffs of London, built in the Mayoralty of Sir Samuel Strange, K{nt}:--(Sir John Smith, & James Edwards, Esq.{r} being Sheriffs) in the year 1670.

Publish’d Jan{y}. 1 1793 by N. Smith G.{t} Mays Buildings, S{t}. Martins Lane]

13th August, 1635. Ward made his submission and paid a fine of 40s.

1st December, 1635. John Robinson a forreyne bar̃b was questioned here in Court for setting up a barbars shopp in Blackfriers before he had made knowne to this Court that he had served 7 yeares appnˀticeship with a barbar by trade, and had a licence to sett upp shopp, said he was bound appˀntice to Rich. Davyes of Hereford barbar x{th} of Januar xxj{th} of King James for 8 yeares but could not bring testimony he had served that time This Court doth charge him to take in his barbars pole & basons & to forbeare keepeing that shopp any longer.

8th March, 1637. Whereas there was an intenc͠on to make an open Gallery The Court is now resolved & doe order that it shalbe made a convenient faire Parlour over the walke leading into the Theater at the costꝭ of y{s} house.

30th March, 1637. It is ordered that the Gallery or Parlour leading to the Theater from the Bullwarke shalbe built and the Hall Cupboard that cants into the stone yarde shalbe taken downe and the leade thereof shalbe imployed to leade the Tarris that passeth from that plo{r} into the Theater.

19th May, 1637. £10 was ordered to be paid towards the ransom of Thomas Wright, a Surgeon, who had been captured by the Turks.

10th June, 1637. It is ordered that the 3 stone Columbꝭ allready wrought shalbe sett up and the walk next the hall side to be leaded over and railes & turned ballasters to be sett up Alsoe that there shalbe Iron barrs for all the windowes Alsoe a portland stone for the mantle tree Alsoe a tablett of stone shalbe sett up in the front and the M{r} & Wardeins names to be insculpted thereon and a sunn diall to be in a convenient place.

24th July, 1637. It is ordered that the Concave seeleing of the Theater shalbe painted with the Constellac͠ons of the Heavens and the 7 planetts over the 12 signes in every peere and sceletons to be wrought and sett up on every one of the 12 signes or Corbells.

Alsoe that this mottoe shalbe sett in the tablett of stone in the front of the greate pˀlor. This Parlour was built in y{e} yeare of o{r} Lord 1637 M{r} Richard Powell being M{r} M{r} John Heydon M{r} W{m} Huckle M{r} Law: Cotton Wardeins.

13th August, 1637. The painting the ceiling of the Theatre was ordered to be deferred until next year, and the scaffolding to be taken down forthwith.

20th September, 1637. It is ordered that the seeleing of the greate pˀlo{r} shalbe boarded shott & planed over with hole deales.

20th September, 1637. It is ordered that there shalbe given xl{s} to St Edmunds berey for reliefe of the poore people visited with the plague.

20th November, 1637. It is ordered that the yeomanryes hearse cloth shalbe altered and the imbrothered scutchions & figures to be decently sett by an Imbrotherer to be alwayes used at the publique discections in the Theater.

28th December, 1637. This daye complaint was made ag{t} Thomas Trevilion now Rento{r} Wardein both for his obstinacy and ill words and exacting money from yonge freemen and throughing up his keyes of the Threasurye & sayeing he would come no more to keepe Courtꝭ at the Hall and desireing to be put out of his place, for w{ch} his misdemeano{rs} and other evill behavio{r} being made apparent to this Court and his acknowledgem{t} of them upon due considerac͠on of all w{ch} It is ordered by this Court y{t} the said Thomas Trevilion doe stand and shalbe from henceforth absolutely removed and dismissed from his office & place of ffowerth M{r} or Governo{r.}

Mr. William Lingham was subsequently chosen in Trevilion’s place.

The Court sometimes acted in the capacity of private trustees of the estates of deceased members, and among the archives there remains a deed of acknowledgment signed by the Master and Wardens in 1637, wherein it is recited that Richard Mapes, a former Master of the Mystery, deceased, had left legacies to his four children, then being infants, and had appointed his wife Faith, executrix and trustee, with the proviso that in the event of her marrying again the Court of this Company were to be the trustees for the said children, and that the widow, having remarried, had paid over the children’s portions to the Masters or Governors. Attached is the seal of the Barber Surgeons, unfortunately not perfect, though a good specimen.

8th February, 1638. It is ordered that the Seaven liberall Sciences shalbe provided for the Theater by the M{r} and Wardens at the house charge soe it exceede not x{li.} x{s.} the carveing of them.

29th March, 1638. The whole of the Assistants and Livery were called together to know what they would give to the building fund, when the following sums were promised.

M{r} Serj Clowes x{li.} Morrice Griffith v{li.} M{r} Rich Wateson x{li.} W{m} Bennett iij{li.} M{r} Michaell Andrews x{li.} Robert Terrill ij{li.} M{r} Hen Blackley x{li.} Edward Arris v{li.} M{r} Warden Burgen v{li.} Humfrey Painter iij{li.} M{r} Warden Cotton v{li.} Thomas Allen ij{li.} x{s.} M{r} Warden Lingham v{li.} Lawrence Loe v{li.} M{r} John Heydon v{li.} Robert Bulluck iij{li.} M{r} Nicholas Heath v{li.} Thomas Bowden iij{li.} M{r} William Huckle iij{li.} John Dorrell iiij{li.} M{r} Martine Browne x{li.} James Clarke iiij{li.} M{r} W{m} Kinge v{li.} Hugh Warde ij{li.} M{r} John Pinder v{li.} William Watson iij{li.} Edward Charley v{li.} Nicholas Brothers iij{li.} Edward ffleete v{li.} John Meredith iij{li.} Henry Eaton v{li.} Thomas Biggs iiij{li.} Henry Boone v{li.} Phillip Gill v{li.} Samuell Sambrooke iij{li.} Charles Stamford iij{li.} Hugh Napkin ij{li.} James Walsall iij{li.}

3rd July, 1638. This daye was made knowne to this Court y{t} Jo{n} Pemberton formerly chosen an Assistant hath given his answeare that he will not hold that place nor come to the Hall unlesse he were drawne with wild horses thither, whereupon this Court doth fine him at x{li.} & that he shalbe prosecuted for the same at Lawe.

16th August, 1638. A stormy election of Master and Wardens was holden this day, and a very precise minute of the proceedings is entered, from which it appears that the Court and Livery being assembled, the Master declared--

The occasion of this solempne meeteing & the necessarye succession of the Governors & governem{t} of this Corporac͠on. And thereupon a ballatting box being sett on the table and the names of the auncient M{rs} & Assistants and livery being severally put into the twoe Sells of y{t} box, o{r} M{r} according to order did first drawe forth the names of theis twelve pˀsons following for Electors viz{t} for the Six Surgians M{r} Rich Wateson M{r} Martine Browne M{r} Jo{n} Pinder Tho. Tomlinson Edward Arris & Henry Eaton. And for the other six M{r} Richard Powell M{r} William Huckle M{r} Jo{n} Davyes M{r} Samuell Die Hen. Hodgkinson & Evan Owen. And thereupon the said Electors haveing w{th}drawne themselves from the publique Assemblye & taken their oathes upon the holye evangelists for the election of fower Masters or Governo{rs} for the yeare ensueing, The M{rs} and the rest of the Assembly made their repaire to the Church and after Sermon upon their returne to the Hall the Masters being called to those 12 Electors they were informed that the Election could not proceede and be made,

by reason that certain of the Electors being of divers trades were unable to agree upon two persons expert in Barbery, and these Electors refusing to choose two Masters Barbers, a Court was at once held and the six Barber Electors were discharged, six more Electors being chosen and called; two of these, however, being contaminated by those already dismissed, refused to serve, and eventually a fresh set of Electors was chosen, who retired, and elected Mr. William Clowes, Serjeant-Surgeon to the King, as Master, and three others Wardens, “and after dinner ended and the Seremonye pˀformed by the Masters or Governo{rs} of chooseing the new M{rs} or Governo{rs} with silver Garlands in the publique Hall,” the new Master and Wardens were sworn in.

8th November, 1638. A great feud having arisen between the Court and Richard Morrice, an Assistant, a suit was prosecuted against Morrice in the Earl Marshal’s Court, when the sentence pronounced against him was that he should attend the Court at the Hall, and there bareheaded rehearse in an audible voice an abject apology, the exact words of which are set out. This Morrice did, and the Master and Wardens having testified the same, he was again called into Court, when it would seem that his apology had been made under fear of the Earl Marshal and not of his free will, for the Court calling upon him to make answer “for his contentious carriage & foule & bitter languages & invective speeches by him given from Court to Court ag{t} divers Assistantꝭ to the generall disturbance of their Courtꝭ he refused to cleare himselfe or to give answeare,” whereupon the Court dismissed him from his place as an Assistant.

13th September, 1640. This Court is willing that there shalbe a distribuc͠on of M{r} Mapes Legacy on Cosmas and Damianus day being the 27{th} of this Instant September to 12 poore people 12 Angells according to the directions of M{ris} Joy they haveing red crosses on theire brests.

MEMORAND. on the 27{th} September being Cosmus and Damianus day 6{li} 13{s} 4{d} was distributed according to M{r} Richard Mapes Will. viz{t} These 12 poore persons free of our Company came into our Hall with red Crosses each of them on theire right Brests and the Governours gave to each of them 10{s} which amounted to 6{li} and the 13{s} 4{d} was to themselves for a repast for their paynes.

{ Widdow Wright. { Widdow Chapman. { Widdow James. { Widdow Tyler. The poores { Widdow Colley. { Widdow Pebworth. names were { Old Holmewood. { Old Kelham. { Widdow Bullock. { John Mulis. { Blind Reynolds. { Widdow Wadlowe.

20th November, 1640. A dispute between Edward Molins and one Coppinger was heard by the Court, when the decision was against Molins, and he was fined for using bad language.

12th January, 1641. Edward Molins came into the Court and stood in the face of the Court with his Hatt on his head and his Armes on his side and told the Court he would doe noe obedience to the co{te} and swore Gods wounds he would submitt to noe man liveing.

15th January, 1641. Molins was fined 40{s} for this contempt.

18th January, 1641. Richard Tompkins & Symon Crouch Surgeons by profession yet useing Barbery, This Court doth give them Order by our Lady day next to leave barbeing it being against y{e} Statute to practise both.

29th July, 1641. Mr. George Dunn hath given 5{li} to buy Bookes for the Library which is by this Court ordered to be performed accordingly.

There having been many quarrels in the Court, and various members expelled, a general shaking of hands appears to have taken place, for we read:--

30th July, 1644. This Court doth thinke fitt and soe order That a Sermon be made on the next Election day of thankes giveing to Almighty God for peace and amity which is now begun to be restored among the members of the Company And that M{r} Sharpe be desired to performe the same.

9th March, 1645. This day M{r} Callice Barber being complayned of for teaching to trimm to other then his Apprentices contrary to the Ordinance of this House did absolutely deny the same upon the Oathe that he tooke upon his admission into the ffreedome.

17th March, 1645. Mr. William Kings this day freely gave for the Ornament of this House a great Tortershell Whereon at his owne charge he hath given order for the Companyes Armes to be painted.

This shell is preserved at the Hall.

7th January, 1646. M{r} Michaell Markeland appeareing to this Court at the request of our M{r} he was here complayned of to have embalmed severall humane Bodyes within this City against the Ordinance of this Company in that behalf being an Apothecary and not a Surgeon approved according to Law Nor a ffreeman of this Company which M{r} Markeland acknowledged But alleadged It was through his ignorance Not knowing that the right thereof was in approved Surgeons and ffreemen of this Company only and none other And being now well satisfyed thereof haveing heard the said Ordinance read unto him promised not to doe the like againe.

2nd June, 1646. This daye Mr. Lawrence Loe Chirurgeon a Member of this Company through his good affection thereunto Did for the worship thereof freely offer to give for the beautifying of the Hall soe many stones of black and white Marble as shalbe sufficient for the Pavement thereof.

These marbles were laid to form the floor at the upper end of the Hall, and when the Hall was pulled down they were preserved and now form the pavement in the Entrance to the Hall from Monkwell Street.

There is a Memorandum that Mr. John Bancks by his will left--

To the Company of Barber Chirurgions London so long as they shall performe the uses hereafter limitted (or els not) To be paid them betwixt the first and seaventh day of May next after the decease of the said John Banckes and so yearely for ever the sum̃e of Twenty shillings w{ch} Twenty shillings shalbe by the said Company distributed in forme following viz{t} To Twelve poore householders or widowes of the same Company To each of them ffower poundꝭ weight of good beefe Two penny loaves of good sweet bread Two pence a peece in mony and each of them one Woodden platter.

14th December, 1646. This Court doth at the humble suite of the Ordinary of the Goale of Newgate freely give unto him 10{s} for his releife in his present want.

7th July, 1647. This Court doth give to John ffranck Chirurgeon who hath bin for a long time in Captivity in Turkey iiij{li} towards the setting him forth to sea and doth order that he be admitted into the ffreedome gratis when he shall desire it.

See the Minute 5th February, 1629. John Franck (the son of a Liveryman) was doubtless a “foreign brother,” and entitled to his freedom by patrimony upon payment of the fine, which the Court now ordered to be dispensed with if he wished to take up his freedom. Being a Sea Surgeon only, it was not necessary that he should be free of the Company. He had probably been in slavery 18 years!

Several entries similar to the following are to be found in the books.

9th August, 1647. Upon the humble suite of Thomas Tomlinson an ancient Member of this Company and of the Livery now fallen into greate Poverty and Want for some charitable releife from this Company. This Court being moved in Compassion to his deplorable Condic͠on and calling to mind his former good service to this Company Doth freely give him 10{li.} out of the Stock of this House.

14th September, 1648. Samuell Needler an examined Chirurgeon complayned to this Court that he was required to beare Armes notwithstanding his exempc͠on therefrom and therefore craved this Courts Assistance in his defence therein which was granted.

27th October, 1648. M{r} Warden Madocks and certaine others of the Assistants here present desireing to peruse our Charter for theire informac͠on the better to enable them for the Governement of this Company had a sight thereof and were well satisfyed in every particuler.

13th August, 1655. Mr. John Gale of Bushey (son of William Gale, M. 1595) a Surgeon of this Company, by his Will of this date left to the Barber-Surgeons £16 per annum, payable out of certain houses on Snow hill, in the parish of Saint Sepulchre, for the founding of an Anatomy lecture in the name of Gale’s Anatomy. This trust was transferred to the Surgeons’ Company in 1745.

Our Minute Books from the year 1651 to 1689 are unhappily lost; they are known to have been at the Hall as recently as 1832. Should any reader ever light upon them, he is particularly entreated to communicate with the Clerk of the Company or with the author.

1689. The practice was now adopted of entering all admissions to the freedom, etc., in the Court Minute Books (as well as in the Register) the forms being as follows:--

3rd September, 1689. For an apprentice:

Johẽs Rawson app̃r Caroli Peters admĩs est ex Rẽl Magr̃i & Jur̃.

for a freeman by patrimony:

Ptrũs Hartley Stac͠oner filˀ Thome Hartley Civis & Barbitonsorˀ & Chirurgˀ London admĩs est pˀ patrimõn ex Rẽl Isaacii Boddington Weaver & Wil̃l̃i Bletsoe Grocer, Wil̃l̃i Bateman Barbitonsorˀ & Chirurgorˀ London & Jur̃.

for a freeman by redemption:

Henr̃ Chamberlane admĩs est pˀ redemc͠on vˀtute orᵭem Curˀ Majorˀ & Alᵭrn Dat xviij{o} die Augusti 1689 & Jur̃.

17th January, 1690. This day an order was sealed to presse 40 Surgeons mates for the Kings service in Ireland.

At this period all freemen on their admission “took the oathes menc͠oned in a late Act of Parliament & subscribed the Declarac͠on therein named”: these were the oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy as required by the “Bill of Rights” (passed December, 1689).

2nd July, 1690. Ordered that the Clarke keep an accompt of all pˀsons faleing at a Court of Assistants and that every one faileing for every such time soe doeing shall forfeit v{s} & shall not be admitted to binde or make ffree untill he or they have made payment of the same of which they are to have notice except S{r} John Letheullier S{r} Humfry Edwin & M{r} Thomas Canham.

29th April, 1693. Ordered that the 2 Chirurgeons Governo{rs} & whome they shall thincke fitting to call to them Attend the Archbishopp of Canterbury conserning his Barber practiceing Chirurgery.

20th July, 1693. Ord{d} that a lease bee taken of the Archbishopp for one & twenty yeare from the 19{th} day of July 1693 for the Barge house[166] & that as the Governo{rs} have agreed a ffine of the same they pay to his Grace the sume of one hundred pounds besides ffees.

[166] At Lambeth.

3rd October, 1693. Ordered that the Bargeman have a new coate & britches &c.

19th July, 1694. Ordered that M{r} George Minikin bee warned before the Lord Major to shew cause why he doe not attend the Court of Assistants as he hath been chosen one of them.

18th June, 1696. A new sun dial was ordered to be put up.

About this period there seems to have been a general disinclination to serve as an Assistant, many of the Livery being fined £10 for refusing to serve the office, while some who had sat as Assistants were dismissed the Court for non-attendance.

25th October, 1697. Ordered that the Barge house bee mended & M{r} Warden Pinke take care to see it done.

18th August, 1698. Ordered that the Govern{rs} dispose of the Barge & let the Barge house from yeare to yeare.

12th October, 1698. Ordered That there may be papers made for a subscriptõn for a Barge.

21st October, 1700. Ordered that the ill manadgement of the late Master M{r} Tho: Lichfeild as to his office of Master and his other offices of Warden bee pˀsented to the next Court of Assistants in order to bee expelˀd the sˀd Court it being the opinion of this Comittee that he deserves soe to bee as alsoe for being any longer an examin{r} he haveing acted contrary to the establish{mt} of the Corporac͠on in the s{d} offices.

8th November, 1700. A Committee of the Court having waited upon the Commissioners of the Navy and reported that Mr. Lichfeild had committed irregularities in certifying men as qualified Surgeons for sea service, such men not being duly qualified, the Court adjudged him to be dismissed from his office of an Examiner in Surgery, and out of the Court of Assistants.

10th March, 1707. The new Clerk, Mr. Chas. Bernard, seems to have been industrious in searching out practising Barbers not free of the Company, as also others who had committed abuses; several were fined and compelled to take up their freedom and this day the following entries occur:--

Clyett being sum̃oned for Shaveing on Sunday last appeared before the Comittee and the fact being plainly proved against him the Comittee fined him ten shillings for his said offence.

Newland being sum̃oned for the like offence appeared also before the Comittee but there being no possitive proofe against him he was dismissed.

John Gould a Dutchman being sum̃oned for keeping a Shopp and exercising the trade of a Barber not being free of this Company And the matter being plainly proved against him the Comittee ordered him to be prosecuted on the statutes of the 32nd of Hen 8{th} and the 5{th} of Queen Elizabeth.

Ordered that a Second Sum̃ons be sent to all such Defaulters as have not appeared with intimation that theire ffines will be levied on them by distresse.

Ordered that Thomas Latham be sum̃oned to take upp his ffreedome & that all other persons exerciseing Barbery not being ffree of this Company be sum̃oned.

17th March, 1707. Nineteen delinquents who had been summoned appeared, and their cases were heard; a few examples will suffice--One Darby was “seen to comb a persons haire on Sunday morning last but alleadging that it was his ffather,” he was let off with 5s. fine.

Lewis Roger made answer that it “was onely his Apprentice combing a persons haire without his knowledge and that it was his first offence,” he likewise escaped with a 5s. fine.

James Good was more fortunate, for proving that his offence “was onely the Combing of a Lodgers Wigg,” he escaped.

Willm. Haslegrove appears to have filled up the measure of his iniquity, for being detected in “actually shaveing a person on Sunday morning,” he was fined 10s.

Samuel Beaumont, charged with keeping two Barbers’ shops, had a month given him to part with one of them, and John Shoard who, not being free of the Company, kept a Barber’s shop in Cloth Fair, was ordered to quit the same within two months.

31st March, 1707. Elizabeth Presbury being sumoned appeared & alleadged that she was very poore & that her husband was an Idle man and promised to reforme her method whereupon the Comittee excused her.

The number of Barbers fined for working on Sundays, or for keeping shop not being free, was enormous, and it becomes wearying to travel through the records of their offences and fines.

17th June, 1708. Ordered that the Company’s Barge house and the Dwelling house thereunto belonging be forthwith repaired.

13th January, 1709. Sir Edward Northey was appointed standing counsel to the Company with a yearly retainer of two guineas.

15th April, 1709. Upon complaint made against one Henry Drudge for exerciseing Barbery & Surgery w{th}in the City not being ffree he attended and alleadged that he haveing been a Soldier in the late Warr thought himself intituled to keep his Shoppe without takeing up his ffreedome, by Virtue of the Act of Parliament made upon the disbanding the Army which gives liberty to disbanded soldiers to exercise any trade within the Corporations or places where they were borne, althoˀ they had not served seven years to it But the Court believing that act did not extend to Drudge by reason he was not borne in London, ordered that in case he did not shut up his Shop in a month’s time he should be prosecuted.

21st July, 1709. In consequence of the great expense to which the Company had been put in the repairs to the Hall, the Court determined to call thirty-one freemen into the Livery, and the fine being £10 each on admission or £20 on refusal, a considerable sum was realized.

It having been suggested to the Court that the yeomanry objected to pay 20s. for “corn money” when called to the Livery, the Clerk was directed to enquire into the origin of that tax, and finding that it had been originally levied on each member taking his livery, to satisfy the precepts made in 1633, and afterwards for providing a stock of corn for the City; and for that at the present time the Company had no Granary or stock of corn to provide, and “being out of debt,” it was ordered that in future this fine should be discontinued.

18th August, 1709. At the Election, ten of the Livery who had attended without their gowns, were severally fined and paid 1s. each, and there are other references to Assistants being fined for not appearing in their gowns.

4th October, 1709. A complaint being made against Richard Stockwell for being copartner with a fforreigner & the fact being made appeare pritty plain against him the Court fined him five pounds being the penalty imposed by the By Law, But upon his promise to discharge his said partner the Court were pleased to remitt his ffine.

18th April, 1710. M{r} John Booth a Surgeon at Warrington in Lancashire applying to this Court to be admitted a fforeign brother & he being examined in Surgery & approved It was ordered that upon his payment of ten Guineas he should be admitted a fforeign brother of this Company, But the said M{r} Booth refusing to take that part of the fforeign brothers oath whereby he was sworne to be true to the Queen he was not for that reason admitted.

1st June, 1710. It is ordered that the Members present at this Court shall be excused from wearing their gowns in regard to the heat of the weather.

20th October, 1710. It is ordered for the accomodation of the Members of this Court of the Barbers side for the seeing & being heard at Courts of Assistants That for the future at all Courts of Assistants the Governo{rs} on the Surgeons side shall set even with the Ma{r} next on his right hand & the Governo{rs} on the Barbers side next on his left. But that at all other Courts all the Governo{rs} shall according to their seniority sett along the side of the Parlour Table on the left hand of the Master in such maner as has been accustomed.

11th January, 1711. The Clerk’s and Beadle’s houses were ordered to be insured against fire, for £600 in the “Amicable Society.”

20th February, 1711. Mr. Willm. Smith, an Assistant, complained that Mr. Joseph Cosins, also an Assistant, and his junior in the freedom, had always taken precedence of him at the Courts, whereupon the matter was considered and the following order made:--

Forasmuch as it appeared that M{r} Cosins was first chosen into the Court of Assistants & that it is in the power of this Court to chuse whom they shall think fitt to be an Assistant out of the whole Livery without respect to Seniority & for that M{r} Cosins continued for many years in his present station as Assistant The Court were of opinion & did so declare themselves to be That the s{d} M{r} Cosins shou’d continue to take place of the said M{r} Smith as he formerly had done.

9th July, 1711. The Common Seal of the Company being worn out a new one was ordered to be cut in steel, together with an “Ingine,” wherewith to make the impressions.

6th May, 1712. Ordered that the Porter who shaves att the Custome house be sum̃oned.

27th May, 1712. Walter Browne being “one of the people called Quakers,” was admitted into the freedom and took a “solemn affirmation.”

7th April, 1713. Valentine Day Tallow Chandler was admitted into the freedom of this Company by Redempc͠on and at the same time was admitted to ffine for all offices to the Parlour door for both which he paid a ffine Clock worth 30{li.}

5th October, 1714. It is ordered that the Musitioners shall have five pounds for attending on the day of the Kings Entrance. (George I.)

5th June, 1716. Nathanael Charles owned that he has several times let blood for One shilling & sixpence upon which the Company ordered him to be prosecuted as also his Mast{r} Joseph Roe; twas observed that Roe could not write his name having sett his mark only to the Inᵭre.[167]

[167] Indenture.

15th August, 1717. M{r} William Highmore Jun{r} haveing marryed the Vintners widow who kept the Bell Taverne in Nicholas Lane applying to this Court and acquainting them that he had quitted the Barbers Trade and had undertook the trade of a Vintner, and was for that reason under a necessity of becomeing a freeman of the Vintners Company or of takeing a License from the Crown to retail wine and praying of this Court to translate him from this Company to the Company of Vintners, This Court after hearing the By-Law in that behalf read and due considerac͠on had thereof doth order that the said M{r} William Highmore shall be translated from this Company into the Company of Vintners upon payment of £20 to the use of this Company and upon Condic͠on that he shall not from henceforward exercise the trade of a Barber or Perriwig maker.

1st October, 1717. Robert Rainsford, the Company’s Barge Master, was ordered to have a new livery provided for him.

24th June, 1718. The Theatre was ordered to be repaired and beautified.

21st April, 1720. Mr. Berney, Mr. Burroughs and Mr. Fitzhugh, Liverymen Barbers, applied to the Court, giving their reasons and praying that the Court would petition the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council to suspend the act of Common Council restraining them from employing foreigners as journeymen, whereupon the matter was considered and the Court thought it would be contrary to their oaths to join in any such petition, because it was a standing By-Law of the Company, as well as of the City, that no Barber should employ any foreigner as a journeyman; it was also considered that such a liberty would prove a great discouragement to apprentices and that the present inconvenience complained of would soon be cured if Masters would sufficiently instruct their apprentices so as to make them useful during their servitude and competent as journeymen afterwards. The Court further decided to oppose, by every means in its power, the movement set on foot by Mr. Berney and his friends.

24th June, 1722. The lease of the Barge-house at Lambeth expiring in April, 1723, and the Archbishop having offered to renew the same for 21 years at £10 per annum and £100 fine, it was resolved not to renew it, in consequence of its being an unprofitable property, and the Company not then having a barge. The Barber-Surgeons let off part of their Barge-house to the Drapers and Ironmongers, and the Clerk was instructed to give those Companies notice that it was not the intention of this Company to renew the lease from the Archbishop.

2nd December, 1729. In consequence (as was alleged) of the difficulty in sometimes procuring a full Court, it was ordered that in future each Assistant who attended within one hour of the time mentioned in his summons and remained till the rising of the Court, should receive a fee of 2s. 6d.

1st February, 1731. It is ordered that all the Liverymen shall attend on Election day and Lord Mayors day in their Gowns and at publick anatomys in their Capps upon Forfieture of Three shillings and Fourpence for every offence.

8th July, 1731. A precept coming from the Lord Mayor recommending the Company to contribute “towards the relief of the poor sufferers by the late fires at Blanford Tiverton & Ramsey being read The Court upon considerac͠on had thereof and from a just sense of the calamity and distress of their fellow subjects the late inhabitants of the said towns,” ordered £20 to be paid into the Chamber of London.

1732. The following fines were in force at this date, viz.:--

£6 6s. 0d. for a Barber admitted to the freedom by redemption.

£10 for a free Barber admitted to the Livery.

£30 for a Barber’s or Surgeon’s apprentice, made free by servitude, admitted to the Livery, and for all offices to the parlour door.

£7 7s. 0d. for examination, admission and diploma of a foreign brother.

£3 3s. 0d. for the same, if the applicant had been bound to a foreign brother at the Hall.

5th March, 1733. It is hereby referred to the Master & Wardens M{r} Serj{t} Dickins M{r} Serj{t} Amyand M{r} Petty M{r} Shott M{r} Parker & M{r} Maurice to receive proposalls for Building a Cupola in the Hall parlor and report the same to the next Court of Assistants.

19th July, 1733. Several of the livery attending upon a complaint against a Jew in Duke’s place for exercising the trade of a Barber without being free of the Company or having served seven years apprenticeship It is ordered that the Clerk of the Company shall sue the said Jew in such manner as he shall think fitt or be advised at the Company’s expence.

4th May, 1736. At this Court Abraham Diaz Delgadoa Jew was admitted into the freedom of the Company by Redemption for Ten pounds Ten shillings which he paid down and was sworn upon the Old Testament being a Jew.

3rd August, 1738. The Company contributed five guineas towards the Organ recently set up in the Church of Saint Alban, Wood Street.

3rd April, 1739. M{r} John Owen a Freeman of the Company & who lives at Islington was chosen Musicianer to the Company in the room of M{r} Brown dec̃ed.

11th November, 1740. It is ordered (in regard this Company have no Barge) That the Waterman shall forthwith deliver up his Livery coat and Badge belonging to the Company to the Beadles and that he no longer be annually intitled from this Company to a new Coat nor make use of nor wear the old one but that when he shall be employed in the Companies service. And also that for the future on every Lord Mayor’s day that this Company shall walk in procession in order to attend the L{d} Mayor a Stand or proper building shall be provided at the Companies expence for the better accomodation of the Livery belonging to this Company and in such manner and fform as several other Companies of this City are usually provided with on that day.

1745. The Surgeons are now separated from the Barbers.

8th August, 1745. The Clerk reporting that many of the Company, as well as Surgeons lately free of the Barber-Surgeons’ Company, were greatly in arrear in their quarterage, he was ordered to acquaint them that unless the said arrears were paid up forthwith, they would be sued.

17th September, 1745. The Company of Surgeons sent to the Company of Barbers two documents under their Common Seal, the one authorising Mr. Joseph Cruttenden to peruse and copy any Charters or documents in the possession of the Barbers, and the other empowering him to take possession of any books, papers or writings relating to Surgeons or Surgery only, on behalf of the Company of Surgeons; whereupon the Court acceded to the request, and gave instructions as to the same.

4th December, 1745. Mr. Cruttenden applied on behalf of the Surgeons’ Company for £510 (the Arrisian endowment) which had been directed to be paid by the Act of Parliament, whereupon the Master told him that by reason of the late fall in the Public Stocks, the Company could not without great loss, raise the money, but were ready to give the Surgeons a proper bond for the same, with Interest.

19th February, 1746. Forty-one freemen were reported as being fit and able persons to take the Livery, and were ordered to be summoned for the same with the intimation that if any refused he or they would be sued for the penalty of £20 each upon such refusal.

Of these, seven appeared at the next Court, took the livery and paid the fine of £10; six others begged to be excused. The remaining twenty-eight did not appear till later Courts, when some were excused, and others ordered to be sued; subsequently a large proportion of those nominated, accepted and paid their fines.

17th July, 1746. The Surgeons’ Company having pressed for payment of the £510 and Interest, and our Company having in Cash but £300, Mr. Luke Maurice (Master 1732, a Wine Merchant in Lime Street) lent the Company £200 at 4-1/2 per cent., and the Clerk advanced the balance, whereupon the principal, with £15 17s. 0d. interest, was paid to the Surgeons.

18th May, 1747. The Master acquainting the Court that he had employed M{r} Whiston the Bookseller to putt the Company’s Library in order and to make a Catalogue and valuation thereof And that M{r} Whiston had appraised the same at Twenty Guineas And the Clerk acquainting the Court that a learned Physican had offered twenty-five Guineas for the Library together with the Skeleton and other curiosities formerly kept in the Library It was ordered that the Clerk should acquaint the Master of the Worshipfull Company of Surgeons with the said offer made to this Company And that this Court being desirous to manifest their esteem for and preserve the ffriendship of the Surgeons did give them the refusal of the said Library Skeleton and Curiosities at the said price of Twenty ffive Guineas And that in case of their acceptance thereof the rich and ancient Pall belonging to this Company should be at their service as a free gift.

16th July, 1747. The Clerk reported that he had made the above offer to the Surgeons who replied that they considered themselves entitled to the Library under the Act of 1745, but that to avoid controversy with the Barbers they would be willing to refer the matter to Counsel, whereupon it was resolved that the matter should be submitted to the opinion of Counsel.

5th July, 1749. Ordered that the Library of Books formerly belonging to the late united Company be forthwith sold for the most money that can be gotten for the same.

2nd June, 1749. Ordered that the Companys Arms be cast in lead and affixed upon the several houses belonging to this Company.

Various specimens of these castings are extant about the Hall, and in possession of Mr. Charles John Shoppee (Master 1878) and of the author.

2nd May, 1750. Ordered that M{r} Paterson do wait upon the Earl of Burlington to know his Lordship’s intention about repairing the Company’s Theatre.

6th June, 1750. Ordered that the Clerk do write to the Right Honorable the Earl of Burlington to aquaint him of the ruinous condition of the Theatre and Company’s inability to repair the same and to know whether his Lordship will be pleased to order the said Repairs agreable to his own generous proposal in the Mastership of M{r} Rutter.

Nothing came of this application.

1st August, 1750. Ordered that the Clerk do cause a Catalogue to be made of the Books in the Library, and that he deliver a copy thereof to M{r} Samuel Rutter.

9th August, 1750. Mr. Gheys, Sculptor, was ordered to have the Skeleton, in exchange for the Bust of Inigo Jones, still preserved at the Hall.

3rd September, 1751. Resolved also that the old Pall be given to the Beadle.

This, alas! was the “rich and ancient pall.”

The Clerk was again directed to endeavour to sell the Library and it was disposed of to Mr. Whiston the Bookseller for £13!!

29th October, 1751. Resolved that the Doctors Gown and Hood be given to the Beadle.

13th August, 1752. Ordered that it be referred to the Master and Wardens to treat with M{r} Thomas Reynolds about erecting a Cupola over the great Parlor agreable to the Draft now produced to this Court and about repairing the Roof And also repairing whitewashing and painting the said Parlor so as the Contract for that purpose do not exceed the sum of One hundred and seventeen pounds.

19th August, 1752. The Agreement between the Company and Mr. Reynolds was entered into at £116 15s., and the Specification of his work is recorded in the Minute Book, from which I extract the following:--

The Cupola compleat and properly secured glazed and ornamented with Stucco and the Roof covered with Milled lead seven pounds to the ffoot with good brass pulley in the middle fit for a Branch or Lustre. A new white veined marble Chimney piece and Slabb with a carved wooden ovalo round it and Slabb of the same Marble The Chimney piece of the same dimensions as the present and the Slabb six foot nine inches by two foot four inches with a new fire stone hearth.

The ceiling and ornaments thereof to be secured mended cleaned and whitewashed.

9th August, 1753. The Great Hall, Kitchen and Lobby were ordered to be repaired by Mr. Reynolds in accordance with his Estimate of £101 17s. 6d.

8th August, 1754. Ordered that the thanks of this Court be given to James Theobald Esq{r} one of the Ancient Masters of the Company for the magnificent Lustre by him lately presented and at his Expense fixed up in their great parlor assuring him This Court doth most gratefully accept the same as a monument of his regard for the honor and prosperity of the Company.

This handsome lustre still adorns the Court Room.

12th September, 1754. The Court having considered the state of the Theatre, which was out of repair, and for which the Company had no use, ordered advertisements to be inserted twice in three daily papers, asking for tenders for the materials of the same, and for pulling down and clearing it away. The “N.B.” to the advertisement states that “The Doors, Benches and Railes of the said Theatre are of Cedar.”

1st October, 1754. Three tenders for the materials of the Theatre were received, £21 10s. 0d., £32 and £35 respectively, and the decision thereon postponed.

4th February, 1755. William Shakespear (Barber) the apprentice of Richard Hulett, was admitted to the freedom.

5th June, 1764. The Clerk informed the Court of the death of Mrs. Elizabeth I’Ans, widow of Mr. Michael I’Ans, and that the Master and Wardens had, on the 23rd May, received of the Executors of Mr. I’Ans £2,200--3-1/2 per cent. Bank Annuities, and £75 in accordance with Mr. I’Ans’ will.

1764 and 1765. Mr. James Clowes who had been summoned to take up the Livery, refused to do so, whereupon he was sued for the fine of £20 and judgment obtained against him with costs.

14th August, 1766. A Committee having been appointed to examine and report upon the Theatre, and having done so, were now authorised to apply to the Court of Common Council for permission to pull down the same, and to treat with that Court for the purchase of the ground, for which the Company paid the City £3 per annum under an old lease.

3rd November, 1767. The City Comptroller having requested the Company to make an offer for the site of the Theatre, it was resolved that 30 years’ purchase (£90) be offered for the same.

7th February, 1769. A plan of the ground leased by the City to the Company and on which the Theatre stood, having been prepared by Mr. George Dance, Clerk of the Works to the City, it was laid before the Court, and the City sold the fee simple to the Company for £90. Would that one could buy City freeholds at the same rate now!

2nd September, 1783. Mr. Sylvanus Hall, of Paternoster Row, Carpenter, proposed to take a lease of the ground on which the Theatre stood, to take down the whole building, and to erect two dwelling houses on the site similar to those he had already built in Monkwell Street. The lease to commence at Christmas, 1784, and to be for 61 years at £10 ground rent. He also proposed to pay the Company £20 for the old materials of the Theatre and to clear the same away. To all these propositions the Court agreed, and Mr. Hall paid a guinea as earnest money.

1st February, 1785. Mr. Hall having pulled down the Theatre, the Clerk was instructed to write to him for the £20 for the old materials which he had removed.

4th October, 1791. There being a sufficient number of Members present to form a Court of Assistants, thoˀ no such Court was called, the Master took the sense of the Members present, as an adjournment from the last Court of Assistants, whether the Company should go out in the usual procession the ensuing Lord Mayor’s day, when on the question being put, the same was resolved in the negative.

4th November, 1794. M{r} Thomas Holehouse who was on the 1{st} July last elected on the Livery of this Company, but had refused to take upon him the same, without shewing any cause to the Contrary, and against whom an Action had been commenced for the recovery of Twenty Pounds the penalty incurred by such his refusal, this day attended and paid the said sum of Twenty pounds together with the costs of the said Action.

9th November, 1795. The following Circular was distributed amongst the Livery at the dinner this day:--

The Court of Assistants of the Worshipful Company of Barbers having received information that many persons residing within the City of London carry on the Trade of a Barber and Hair dresser without being free of this Company to the great prejudice of the Members and the rights of the Company Do hereby give notice that they have come to a resolution to prosecute all persons carrying on the trade of a Barber or Hair dresser within the said City not being free of this Company and they request the assistance of their Members for that purpose for the benefit of the Company and Trade at large; any information to their Clerk at the Hall will be duly attended to.

By order of Court,



9th November, 1796. The By-Laws of the Company having been found, on the opinion of Mr. Serjeant Adair, insufficient to enforce the payment of fines for the refusal to serve various offices, a new set was drawn up by the Clerk, and submitted to and approved by the Court, who ordered the Clerk to get the same confirmed and allowed by the Lord Chancellor and two Chief Justices, but this was never done.

5th September, 1797. The Mahogany table now in the Court Room was made about this time. There is a tradition that the bulb-shaped end of it was a portion of the old dissecting table used by the Surgeons. If so, its latter days are more cheerful than its first.

1796 to 1799. Several Barbers were prosecuted for exercising their Trade within the limits of the Company’s Charters and brought to terms, generally they became freemen, and then were compelled to come on to the livery; in other cases the barbers removed out the jurisdiction, and paid the costs.

18th May, 1802. The Commissioners for the Public Lottery having advertised for a place in which to hold the lotteries, the Court decided to send in proposals offering the use of the Hall (under certain restrictions) for the next three lotteries for Six hundred guineas, but the offer was not accepted.

1st August, 1809. A case was submitted to the Attorney General (Sir R. Gibbs) who gave an opinion that the freemen of the Company were exempt from serving on Juries, but not from serving as Constables.

4th February, 1812. A memorial signed by four freemen of the Company was presented to the Court, the purport of which was that the memorialists having been summoned to act as Ward Constables had refused to serve, and that thereupon actions had been brought against them, which, being tried before Lord Ellenborough, the verdicts were against them and they were ordered to pay the costs (£333 9s. 0d.). The memorialists alleging that they defended the actions for the benefit of the Company and really to uphold its privileges, prayed that they might be reimbursed the costs, which, however, the Court declined to accede to, but ordered that £12, which had been paid to the Company for copies of the Charters, should be refunded.

1814. The Churchwardens of St. Olave, Silver Street, having assessed the Hall at £172, they were requested to attend the next Court which they did, and the following delightful method of settling these matters is recommended to the Authorities nowadays.

1st November, 1814. The parish officers of Saint Olave Silver Street attended & stated to the Court that the Vestry of that Parish had taken the subject of the Poor rate into consideration, and considering the great increase of the rate they left it to the Company to say what they were agreeable to be rated at; the Court proposed to say £100 per annum; the gentlemen (having withdrawn) were then called in and informed of such proposal, with which they cordially acquiesced.

2nd April, 1816. Alexander Rowland the younger [of Macassar oil fame] of Kirby Street Hatton Garden, Barber was admitted to the Livery.

3rd May, 1825. The Livery stand, being in a decayed and useless condition, was ordered to be sold.

2nd May, 1826. But as a purchaser could not be found, the Master offered to give £5 for it, which was accepted, and this, together with an additional £5, was ordered to be given to the Committee for the Relief of Distressed Manufacturers.

5th February, 1861. Mr. John Atkinson gave £100 consols for the purpose of distributing the dividends thereof in the purchase of Bibles and Prayer Books for the poor members of the Company.

7th February, 1862. Mr. John Atkinson’s Will reciting a munificent bequest to the Company is set out in the minutes of this date.

3rd February, 1863. A Statement of the property left by Mr. John Atkinson is recorded in a letter from the Solicitors to his Trustees directed to the Court, and entered in the minutes of this date.



The Barbers’ Company is ranked the seventeenth in order of the City Companies, and is the fifth after the “Twelve great Companies,” the thirteenth being the Dyers, fourteenth Brewers, fifteenth Leathersellers, sixteenth Pewterers, seventeenth Barbers, eighteenth Cutlers, etc.

The question of precedency in former times gave rise to many contentions between the City Guilds, and the Barber-Surgeons seem to have had some experience in these quarrels: the City pageants, processions, and public attendances at church, were numerous in the days of the Tudors and Stuarts, and at most of these the Livery Companies attended, each guild jealously striving to keep its place, and no doubt to advance its position whenever opportunity arose.

There are extant, lists of the Companies in the City books, in which our Company takes various positions; and Stow, having incorporated one of these lists in his Survey, has given it an authority as a table of precedence which it was never intended to possess; he furnishes a list of the Companies attending the Lord Mayor’s feast, 23rd Henry VIII (1531), and places the Barbers as the thirty-second, whereas at that time they were undoubtedly the twenty-eighth.

1516. The first authentic reference to our Company’s standing is found in Letter-Book N. leaf 5 (January, 1516), where it is ordained that the Barbers, although they claimed of their ancient right to be the seventeenth Company, yet were adjudged to take the twenty-eighth place, following the Cordwainers, and preceding the Paynter-Stainers.

1532. This order was probably in force until February, 1532, when the Barbers got back their old position (Repertory 8, leaf 272) and an officer was directed to wait on the Pewterers to “shewe theym that the seyd Company of Barbours Surgeons be Restored ageyn to their olde Rowme.” Three months later (May, 1532), the Barbers were “taken down one,” and directed to occupy the eighteenth place.

1533. In February, 1533 (Letter-Book O. fo. 213), is a record which is somewhat puzzling, as, altogether ignoring the orders of February and May, 1532, it is stated that the Barber-Surgeons had petitioned to be restored to their old place of seventeenth Company, from which it is said they were dispossessed about sixteen years back (evidently alluding to the order of January, 1516), “so that they be nowe the xxix or xxx{th} Companye yn thordre of such goynges,” etc.

Perhaps the orders of February and May, 1532, had been disregarded by the other guilds, and our Company forcibly ousted from their rightful position, so that this is in effect an application for a confirmatory order, which was granted, and thus they were again fixed as the seventeenth Company.

1534. The Barbers must have given some offence to the Civic authorities in 1534, for in October of that year (Repertory 9, leaf 79) the last-named order was repealed, and they were put back again to the twenty-eighth place, and further the Company were ordered that they “shall no more goo yn pˀcessyons, standyngꝭ, Rydyngꝭ, goyngꝭ, and other assembles from hensfurth, tyll it be otherwyse ordered by thys coˀrte.”

1535. This vacillation on the part of the Court of Aldermen in settling our position, was not yet at an end, for in March, 1535, we were again placed seventeenth, to come before the Cutlers and after the Pewterers, and this order was confirmed no less than four times in 1535, and twice in 1536.

1604. At a Royal Procession on the 15th March, 1604, our Company got misplaced by some of the Marshals, and this led to another application to the Court of Aldermen, whereupon a peremptory order was made that the Barber-Surgeons should stand sixteenth in precedence. This order is set out in full elsewhere (see page 195); the sixteenth place was then accorded to us in consequence of the Stockfishmongers, who formerly held the twelfth place, having been dissolved, whereby the Barber-Surgeons went up one: the Clothworkers who, at that time were the thirteenth Company, then became the twelfth.

Some short time afterwards, the Dyers, who had been the eighteenth Company, got the thirteenth place, and we reverted to our old position of seventeenth Company in which we still continue.

1606. An attempt to misplace us was made in July, 1606, but this was successfully resisted. (See p. 116.)


The constitution of the governing body of the Company has grown up in the course of time from one Prime Master or Ruler to a Master with three Wardens and twenty Assistants, forming a Court of twenty-four members.

We gather from the earliest records, that the business of the Company was then transacted by the meeting together in Common Hall, of the whole fraternity (which probably included both freemen and liverymen), under the presidency of a single Master, who, as in the case of Richard le Barber in 1308, was invested with the supervision of the craft, and power to make search and scrutiny, and to punish offenders.

In 1376 two Masters were appointed to rule the craft, while in 1388 we find that two Masters and two “Surveyors” formed the governing body.

In 1416 is recorded the admission of five Masters, three of whom are described as “Barbitonsores” (i.e., Barbers proper) and two as “Masters of the Barbers exercising the faculty of Surgery.” In 1428 there were four Masters, two of each class, and this number was the governing body at the time of Edward IV’s Charter of Incorporation, in 1462.

As has been elsewhere remarked, this Charter provides for the appointment of two Masters only, and they to be skilled in Surgery, to be chosen by twelve Electors taken from the Commonalty; but as our records preserve the names of four Masters elected in that year, and so on ever since in unbroken succession, there cannot be any doubt but that (the Charter dealing almost entirely with the regulation of matters surgical) the two Masters of the “Barbers side” were left to be elected in accordance with old custom, or under the By-laws which the Company were, by their Charter, empowered to make.

At what period a Court of Assistants was created in our Company is unknown, but I am inclined to think the date is about 1480 to 1500. The four “Masters or Governors” (answering to our “Master and three Wardens”) were chosen out of the Commonalty by twelve electors yearly, and do not, as seems by the lists preserved, appear to have gone up annually by seniority as now they do, i.e., from third Warden to second, and so on. Those who had served as second, third, or fourth Governors, if not chosen to higher office the next year, as a general rule took their places again as simple liverymen; whilst those who had served as Prime or Chief Governor were, at the expiry of their term of office, designated “Ancient Masters,” and these, with some past Wardens, having become qualified by experience in the affairs of the Company would naturally be consulted by the ruling Governors who sought their “assistance” and advice, and thus grow up into a Court of Assistants[168] (nearly always in early time spelt “Assistance”) and be recognised to a great extent as a power in the direction of the Company’s business.

[168] This theory is confirmed by the Ordinances made in 1566, whereby it was enacted that a liveryman might be chosen an Assistant without having ever served the office of Governor.

The earliest mention of Assistants is in the By-laws settled by Sir Thomas More in 1530, though throughout these By-laws the actual ruling power was evidently in the four Masters or Governors. The Assistants are here twice referred to, in one case where it is enacted that the Masters shall not admit a “fforen” to the freedom without the assent of the “xxiiij{ti} assistentes,” and in another place they are to have, with the Masters, the election of the Livery.

The Act 32 Henry VIII is silent as to Assistants, vesting all power in the Masters or Governors. In 1557 at one of the Courts twenty-one Assistants and four Masters attended, and at a Court held 19th July, 1595, the names of twenty-five Assistants are recorded. The number seems to have varied with the times, the full Court, however, never exceeding four Masters and thirty-two Assistants. The Assistants have always been elected by the Court, and the custom became in time to choose the senior liveryman whenever a vacancy occurred, though there does not appear to have been at any time a by-law to that effect, and indeed this practice has been departed from on very many occasions.

The Election of Masters prior to the year 1633 was on the Monday next before the feast of St. Bartholomew the Apostle (Aug. 24); from 1633 to 1745 it was held on the third Thursday in August, and since 1745 it has been held on the second Thursday in August.

The ancient practice was for the whole body of the livery to be summoned to the Hall in their livery gowns, hoods and caps on the Monday at 8 o’clock in the morning “at the furthest” to whom the Masters, sitting in Court, declared the cause of their assembling; this done, the Masters retired, and the livery, sitting there, chose twelve of their number to be “Electors,” of whom six were to be “expert Surgeons,” and four at least must never have served the office of Master or Governor. The Clerk then called the twelve Electors out (the rest of the livery remaining in the Hall). The Masters then delivered to the Electors the “Bills of Election,” each Master nominating two Barbers and two Surgeons, so that sixteen in all were nominated, and, after administering to them the oath prescribed, the Electors retired to a private room apart to make their choice. Should the Electors deem that one or more of themselves ought to have been put in nomination, they were to send for the Masters who were bound to withdraw such person or persons, and choose others in their place. The Bills were to be made out in accordance with seniority, but the Electors were not bound to choose by seniority. Having made their choice, the Electors sent for the Masters and delivered to them a Bill with the names of the four persons selected, and these names were (under a heavy penalty) to be kept secret until after the “dener.”

The whole Company then proceeded in state to the Church of St. Olave, Silver Street (after the Great Fire to St. Alban, Wood Street), maids strewing the way with flowers. At Church there was a “goodly masse” celebrated, and in later times a “devyne sˀrvice,” which, being ended, the parson and some of the church officials had customary fees and returned with the Company to the Hall to celebrate the Election dinner. The feast over, the outgoing Masters, according to “auncient order,” walked about the table, each bearing a garland and placing it on the head of the member who had been chosen to fill his place in the year ensuing. If anyone elected happened to be absent, his garland was placed on the head of one of the Ancient Masters as proxy, and the newly-elected Masters were sworn on the Holy Evangelists to the due execution of their offices, absentees being sworn at the next Court.

The Election dinners were held at any early hour in the afternoon (1 or 2 p.m.) and were generally followed by a play or a dance, sometimes both; the wives of the livery and Assistants were present at the dinner, and the latter had their apprentices in attendance waiting at table.

In 1633 the mode of choosing the Electors was varied as follows: a “fair ballating box” with two cells therein, one labelled “Surgeons” and the other “Barbers” was placed upon the table,

Into each cell the Master put the names of two Ancient Masters, and drew one out of each 2

The second and third Governors put into each cell the names of six Assistants, and the Master drew three out of each 6

The fourth Governor put into each cell the names of four liverymen and the Master drew two out of each 4 -- 12 ==

The twelve so drawn constituted the Electors, and the proceedings were then much the same as has been before described.

The new Masters or Governors commenced their duties immediately upon being sworn.

From the earliest period the custom has been to hold the monthly and ordinary Courts on Tuesdays, but the meetings do not seem to have taken place on any definite or fixed days, numerous Courts being held at irregular intervals and frequently on Mondays. “Courts of Assistants,” as distinguished from Monthly and special Courts, were, in early times, for some reason or other, particularly prohibited from being held on Tuesdays, there being several orders and by-laws to this effect, but why, I do not know.

In the year 1557 twenty Courts were held. In 1572 forty-one Courts, the average attendance at which was twelve. In 1599 forty-six Courts assembled. At the intermediate Courts a great deal of important as well as minor business was transacted, including the admissions and presentations of freemen and apprentices, the examination of Surgeons and Sea Surgeons, and a great variety of business connected with the medical service of the army and navy.

Previous to the separation in 1745, the office of Master was supposed to be, and generally was, held by a Barber and a Surgeon alternately, the Wardens being chosen in like manner, any member not practising as a Surgeon being accounted a Barber, whatever his trade or occupation might be.

Great importance has at all times been attached to the question of precedence in sitting at table and in speaking in Court, and many have been the rules enacted, and the disputes and jealousies which have arisen between members of the Court on this question.

Some of the powers executed by the Masters of old and by the Court of Assistants in later times have been those which now are peculiar to Courts of Law, e.g., the settlement of disputes upon every conceivable question, the imposition of fines, and their recovery by distress levied by the Beadle, the summary committal of offenders to gaol, and the issuing of orders for their release, the prohibition of actions and suits at common law (if commenced by a freeman without leave of the Court), the inhibition of members from practising their profession, and the infliction of corporal punishment upon unruly freemen and apprentices.

The Court as now existing, consists of four Masters or Governors and twenty Assistants, appointed under the provisions of the Act 18 George II, cap. xv. By this Act the election of the Masters or Governors is in the Court and takes place on the second Thursday in August, but alas! without the ancient ceremonies of attending Church, crowning with garlands, and--may I add?--the Election dinner for the Livery.

As will be seen elsewhere, there have been frequent disturbances at the Courts, and there are numerous entries of Assistants, Wardens, and Past Masters having been expelled the Court and sometimes dismissed from the Livery as well, for their misconduct or quarrelsome behaviour. Instances of impertinence and abuse by freemen and liverymen before the Court, are also by no means rare, and in these cases condign punishment by imprisonment or fine was invariably meted out.

9th March, 1624. This daye Mr. Warden Thornebury made knowne to this Court y{t} one Tanner, a brother of this Companie, hath abused him in words. Whereupon it is ordered by this Court that John Bayard the officer belonging to this Companie shall laye the Lord Maio{rs} comaund on the said Tanner and comitte him to one of the Compters of this Cittye And that imediately upon the said comittm{t} shall acquaint the M{rs} therewith That thereupon the M{rs} maye acquaint the lo: Maio{r} with the reson of his comittem{t.}

19th January, 1626. This daye the letter directed to the Maister Wards and Assistants of the Companie of Barbor Surgions of London from M{r} William Clowes Sarjeant Chirurgion to his Ma{tie} was here in Courte reade in hec verba viz{t} Right worthie Maister and Governors and assistants of the companie of Barbers and Surgions in my true love I wish all health and florishinge goverment of yo{r} Company to the glory of God the honor of the Kinge and the good of Gods people Amen. Now whereas I have bin not only by many Brothers advertised but also of yo{r} Officer legally by letter and otherwise given to understand that you had chosen me Renter warden of the company from the w{ch} Election I desired by M{r} Cooper and M{r} Thomas Allen I might be freed yett could not, I then knewe well that in duty I owed you an aunswer which might well be seeme my reverent respect to yo{r} Authoritye; and my tender regard of the kinge my M{rs} honor which in yo{r} Chusinge and my acceptinge maye be considered, which as much as in me is I desired to doe, And nowe, not once questoninge the troblesomnes of the place, nor other hinderances w{ch} god Almighty did then send I thus aunswer (because I wilbe free of Ambition or pride) that if you can make that appeere upon yo{r} Records that any of my predecessors did beare the office of Wardein after he was sworne Serjeant Surgion to any of the Kˀs or Queenes of England I shall humbly serve it, if not, I Crave yo{r} pˀdon for I might not soe poorely value the Kinge my M{r} as thinke him less mighty, less absolute a Prince then any Kinge whatsoever hath raigned before him, and so as his Servaunt I expect from the Company as good respect as any Sergeant Surgion heretofore hath had, for my M{rs} honor I will not give to any other, And further because I am many tymes summoned to yo{r} Courts and other meetings, w{ch} service I am very willinge to performe, when I shall knowe my place in the Company, which I must leave to yo{r} grave considerac͠on, only if you please to take notice how the Colledge of Phisitions and the Company of Apothecaryes of London have rancked the Kingꝭ Phisitions and Apothecaryes, you may thereby guess what place I expect, but howsoever if by the occasion of back freinds wee may not so well agree as I desire, so as I may personally absent my selfe from the Company yett thus much I ingenuously and religiously profess that I will alwayes in harty love be present and ready press either by the Kinge my M{r} or any other wayes to doe the Companye any loveing Service I may, And so ceasing further troubling you but desireing to heare of yo{r} smoothe acceptance, I rest.

Whereas he was chosen renter warden of this Companie for this yere ensueing w{ch} place by reason of this contagious tyme and other respects he is not able to execute, It is thereupon ordered by this courte that he shalbe discharged from the said place of youngest warden and second warden of this Company, And it is further ordered that he shall take place next unto the youngest of our assistants that have served the place of upper warden and when he shall have served the place of upper warden of this Companye then he to take his precedencye and ranck according to that service.

21st August, 1626. Serjeant Clowes was elected Master, but it seems his election was called in question, as it was the turn for a Barber this year, and it was moved that the electors should be fined for breach of the ordinance in choosing a Surgeon, but the Court decided not to do so. There was evidently a dislike to Mr. Clowes on the part of some of the Company, as the Wardens of the Yeomanry were on the 20th September, fined 40s. for refusing, or neglecting to carry the Standing Cups before him and the Wardens of the Livery on the Election day.

1638. Serjeant Clowes was again elected Master.

9th April, 1641. M{r} Warden Martin Browne made his complaint against M{r} Serjeant Clowes and he did freely declare that he did forgive the Serjeant his personall Wrong, and did referr the Wrong due to the Court unto the Court, And this Court did order that M{r} Serjeant Clowes shall acknowledge that in his anger and passion he did speake some words to the wrong of this Court, and this being done this Order to be annihilated.

22nd September, 1642. Alsoe for the more peaceable treaty and discussing matters in times of Courts of Assistants It is ordered That decency be held in these Courts proceedings and that every one of the Assistants as he is in his turne and time of Delivery to yeild his voyce shall not use any impertinent speeches or divert the matter in question into some other busines but give his answer freely to the present matter proponed and that during the time of his delivery of his speech or opinion none other of the Assistants shall give crosse or thwarting speeches or calumniate that Assistant And if any Assistant shalbe soe Uncivill That then the present M{r} or Governour shall cause him to be silent and shall put such Assistants Interrupc͠on of speech to question concerneing his ffine for evill behaviour and such Interruptor being found faulty shall pay the ffine of vj{s} viij{d} according to the Ordinance in that behalfe made.

3rd October, 1642. Alsoe M{r} Cotton layed downe his ffines imposed on him at the last Court of Assistants viz{t} xxvj{s} viij{d} The M{r} of the Company moveing by the consent of the last Court M{r} Cotton to withdrawe himselfe according to Orders and Custome, he gave this Court this peremptory answer, I will not goe out of the Court nor the M{r} hath noe power to bidd mee goe out and that the Court had noe power to fine him, then he threatned M{r} Warden Arris as he sat in the Court saying Winter will come, Alsoe he abused M{r} Dye in his delivery of speech to this Court that his speeches were rotten speeches and thwarted him to the generall disturbance of the Court, and to M{r} Martin Browne threatning him I will make you know it better in another place Alsoe he sought to disable the M{rs} hand which was signed to Ticketts for his and other appearances at the Hall for defaults saying they might choose whether to appeare or not Alsoe he told the Court with high language I will not be dismissed.

fforasmuch as this Court is informed and it doth fully appeare to this present Court of Assistants That M{r} Lawrence Cotton hath from time to time bin a disturber of the Unity peace and amity of this Society and hath by many reproachfull Words and ill behaviour abused the present M{rs} of the Company and divers of the Assistants and Members of this Company Whereupon this Court doth dismisse the said M{r} Cotton out of and from his place of an Assistant and being an Examiner.

Mr. Cotton subsequently made his peace, was reinstated and served the office of Master, 1645!

8th July, 1644. Whereas by Order of the Honourable house of Comõns assembled in Parliament of the 28{th} June last the President of the Colledge of Physicians was appointed to call this Company before them and to tender the Covenaunt by them This Court conceiveing their Priviledges to be thereby infringed this Co{rt} the M{r} doe advise with Councell Doth order that a Petic͠on be framed to be preferred by all the Assistants that are now present or the major part, to the House of Comõns to have the tendring of the Covenñt themselves to theire owne Members and the Charge to be allowed out of the Comõn stock.


The admission to membership in the Company has ever been by servitude, patrimony, or redemption, and the fines and fees payable have varied so much at different periods in our history, and have frequently been so capricious, that no attempt has been made to tabulate them, though references will be made here and there to the prevailing fees of the period. The fees for apprentices have always been of a nominal description, and generally so of freemen, though, in olden time, the Court, as became the Masters of the mystery of “bleeding,” not unfrequently bled a new member by a substantial fine on admission, but also put him to the expense of a dinner into the bargain.

[Footnote: The initial letter T is reduced from one in the Audit Book 1614-15.]

An ample fine, suited to the period, has always been taken from the Liverymen who were, in the days of the Tudors and Stuarts a comparatively small section of the Company, and rarely exceeded fifty in number; they were always chosen from the more substantial of the Yeomanry, and if on election they refused “to take the clothing,” as was frequently the case, a heavy penalty was imposed, which, if not paid, the unhappy yeoman was forthwith committed to the Compter, where, upon reflection, he generally came to the conclusion to submit. It is right, however, to state that at all times the Court have, in cases where the proposed Liveryman was actually a poor man, remitted the fine, and allowed him to continue a yeoman; on the other hand, contumacious refusal was invariably met in the firmest manner and conquered.

The practice of calling up yeomen to the Livery was at times resorted to as a means of putting the Company into funds, and as these calls generally took place at periods of national trouble, when the coffers of the Company had been emptied by the King or the Parliament, the intended Liverymen were themselves not unfrequently in sore straits, and great contentions arose.

About one hundred and fifty years ago the practice of enforcing these fines was in regular operation, but since then it has been attended with varying success; not that the Company has not by law the power of enforcement, but a prejudice had grown up against the system, and the Court has been unwilling to sanction a resort to extremities.

Early in the present century three or four actions were brought against freemen to recover penalties of £20 for refusing to accept the Livery; in one case which was ripe for trial the Company withdrew the record and paid the costs, and the others seem to have been abandoned.

All freemen on being sworn were liable to pay “quarterage,” which has been from the earliest period, and still is, 2s. per annum.[169] On a man coming up for admission he was “presented,” that is, seen by the Court who enquired into his position, knowledge, fitness and general qualifications, and if approved he paid his fees and was sworn. Some of the earlier forms of oath will be seen on reference to the Ordinances, and that used up to a very recent period was as follows:--

[169] The quarterage is now usually compounded for on admission by payment of a sum down.

You shall swear That you shall be True and Loyal to our Sovereign Lady Queen Victoria and faithful and true in all lawful things unto the Corporation and Company of the Mystery of Barbers of London, whereof you are now made free, and accordingly be obedient to the Master and Governors thereof: and as much as in you lieth maintain amity and unity therein; and obey observe and perform all the lawful rules statutes and ordinances thereof; and be proportionably contributory to the best of your power, to all lawful or reasonable charges contributions and payments belonging or necessarily appertaining to you to bear and pay as other Brethren of the same Company do. And also you shall obey all manner of summons or warnings done, or to be made by the Clerk Beadle or other officer of the said Company thereunto assigned in the name of the Master and Governors, having no lawful or reasonable excuse to the contrary. All these articles you shall duly, truly, fully and faithfully observe, perform and keep to the best of your power. So help you God.

A few years since, this oath was changed into a declaration, the words “You shall declare” being substituted for “You shall swear.”

It was generally the practice, when a member wished to be translated to another Company or entirely discharged, that he should pay a fine for his dismission. In 1724, Mr. John Bamber, a Surgeon, informing the Court that he intended to practise as a Physician and to become a Member of the College of Physicians prayed for his discharge, which was granted to him on payment of thirty guineas, and there are other entries to the like effect.

The regulations for the governance of the members are very fully contained in the Ordinances referred to elsewhere, and it would therefore be tedious to further allude to them here. On a perusal of the extracts from the minutes, etc., many curious particulars will be seen concerning both freemen and liverymen who were liable to be expelled for not being “able” (i.e., solvent) and also for not attending in their livery gowns and hoods upon summons. There are many and often reminders to the livery to appear in their gowns with their hoods upon their shoulders, and there are also cases in which individuals were forbidden to wear their gowns and hoods by way of punishment. The dress of the livery has been well described in Herbert’s Livery Companies, and Planche’s Costume, and we can see it in our great Holbein picture, though the dresses worn on that occasion were of a much richer description than those in daily use.

It will be seen that the Livery were constantly going out in procession in days of old. There were the services at St. Paul’s on Christmas and Candlemas days, the Lord Mayor’s procession, the setting of the watch on Midsummer Eve, the celebration of 5th November, the anniversary of Gowrie’s Conspiracy, the Election Service at St. Olave’s, Silver Street, days of thanksgiving and humiliation, Royal progresses and Civic pageants. To all of these the Livery were bidden to go by precept, and on neglect of the summons were fined. In many cases certain of them were appointed to ride on horseback with velvet coats and chains of gold about their necks, and when not so apparelled they appeared in their gowns of black and scarlet, with their hoods upon their shoulders. What would we not give for a photograph of one of these gorgeous scenes wherein we should see the “liverie of our solempne and grete fraternite” riding “ayenst,” say, Queen Elizabeth in 1599?

Our earlier records of freemen are unfortunately lost, the first register commencing in the year 1551, but at Guildhall I have discovered several admissions of freemen Barbers to the freedom of the City, and here place a few of them upon record. The first is in 1309:--

Thomas Orgor barbitonsor admissus fuit in libtãte civitatis & jurˀ &c die sabĩ pˀxima post festñ scĩ Edmundi Regis & martirˀ anno R. E. filˀ R. E. tcĩo coram Nich̃o de ffarendon Joh̃e de Wyndesore & Henrˀ de Dunolm Aldris Et dat commitati xx{s} quos pˀdcĩ Aldr̃i recepˀunt.

(TRANSLATION.) Thomas Orgor, Barber, was admitted into the freedom of the City and sworn, etc., on Saturday next after the feast of Saint Edmund the King and Martyr in the third year of King Edward, the son of King Edward, before Nicholas de Farendon, John de Windsor and Henry de Durham, Aldermen, And gave to the Commonalty 20s., which the aforesaid Aldermen received.

Other entries are much in the same form, a few of which, abridged, follow:--

1309. John de Dodinghurst, Barber, admitted and sworn, etc., Friday next after the feast of St. Thomas the Apostle; paid half a mark.

1310. Ralph the Barber admitted, etc., 16th March; paid one mark.

1310. Gilbert Blaunchard, Barber, admitted, etc., 1st April; paid 10s.

1310. Peter de Pecham, Barber, admitted, etc., 12th May, “at the instance of Roger le Brabanzon, a justice of our Lord the King”; paid 5s.

1310. Galfridus de Trengye, Barber, admitted, etc., Saturday before the feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist; paid 10s.

1311. John Syward, Barber, admitted, etc., Monday before the feast of St. Edmund the King, at the instance of the Lord Walter, Bishop of Winchester, Chancellor, “et ideo nichil dat ꝓ liᵬtate habenda,” “and therefore gave nothing to have the freedom!”

1312. Ralph de Bosbery, Barber, admitted, etc., on Monday in the feast of St. Valentine; paid half a mark.

1312. John de Fynceham, Barber, admitted, etc., 6th April; paid 10s.

1312. Henry de la Chaumbre, Barber, admitted, etc., on Monday in the vigil of the Assumption; paid half a mark.

1312. Thomas de Mangrave who was the apprentice of Richard le Barber of Bread Street, was admitted on Wednesday before the feast of St. James the Apostle, on the testimony of Katherine, widow of the said Richard and of Robert de Gloucester, the executors of his will; paid 2s. 6d.

The “Richard le Barber” mentioned in the last entry was Master of the Company in 1308.

The freemen were formerly enrolled in the “yeomanry” and formed a minor fraternity within the Company (see the chapter on the Yeomanry).

All freemen practising as journeymen or assistants, if Barbers, Surgeons, or Barber-Surgeons were “sessed at the Hall,” that is, their wages were settled for them by the Court, and entered in a book, together with the period for which they agreed to serve, the period being never less than one year nor more than three. These men were often called “covenant servants,” but they paid quarterage, and were entitled to all the privileges of freedom, excepting that they could not take apprentices.

If a freemen desired to start in business, the By-laws of 1530 required that he should prove to the Court as an act precedent to his so doing, that he was possessed of goods to the value of ten marks.

A certain class of members called “Foreign Brothers” are very frequently alluded to in the Books, and it has been a matter of some difficulty to ascertain what their status exactly was, but by collation of numerous entries I have come to the conclusion that, with very few exceptions, they were all of them practising Surgeons, and that they had not been apprenticed to freemen of the Company. If practising within the jurisdiction of the Company, they were compelled to join, or else to forbear to practise, and it seems that on admission they were required to satisfy the Court by the production of their Indentures of apprenticeship to Country or other Surgeons that they had duly served seven years, and to give ample proof of their skill and knowledge before the Examiners; exceptions to the production of indentures were, however, made in favour of those who came with recommendations from persons of quality, or of such as had acquired eminence and position in the profession. All sea surgeons were “Foreign Brothers” and paid a fine (generally seven guineas) on admission, they also paid quarterage as freemen, and when they resided within the jurisdiction were subject to all the rules and ordinances of the Company as other freemen, being frequently fined and imprisoned for malpractice, etc., though they were not entitled to the benefit of the charities, to come to the dinners, or to confer the right of admission by patrimony upon their sons, nor do they seem to have been necessarily free of the City. Many Surgeons practising in the Country became Foreign Brothers for the sake of the diplomas granted at Barber-Surgeons’ Hall.

There are a few instances of “Barbers” being compelled to become Foreign Brothers, for which I am unable to give an explanation, unless they be errors of description by the Clerk for “Barber-Surgeons.”

Every freeman on admission formerly paid 3s. 4d., and every apprentice on “presentation” 2s. 6d. For many years the names of these persons are entered in the Audit Books, and thus it has been possible to ascertain the number admitted extending over a considerable period.

It appears that from the year 1603 to 1674, 3,479 persons were admitted to the freedom, an average of about 48 per annum; and 9,554 apprentices were presented, an average of about 133 per annum. The greatest number of freemen admitted was in the year 1647 when 82 came on, and the least in 1666 when but 23 were admitted. With apprentices the greatest number presented was in the year 1629 when there were 219, and the least again in the year of the Great Fire when there were but 54.

Between 1674 and 1745, about 75 freemen and 162 apprentices would be the yearly average.

After the separation in 1745, and indeed down to the beginning of this century, a respectable average was maintained, being about 40 freemen and 60 apprentices per annum.

In the hundred years between 1746 and 1845, 2,964 persons were admitted to the freedom and 4,298 apprentices were presented, being an average of about 30 of the former and 43 of the latter for each year. The least number of freemen coming on was in 1845, when only 5 were admitted, and of apprentices in 1844, when but 4 were presented.

The apprentices always seem to have been a fruitful source of trouble both to their Masters and to the Company, and numerous are the entries of their floggings and imprisonments. The term of servitude was generally seven years, but in a few instances it was eight and even nine, the age at which boys were taken was usually fourteen, and before the Indentures were sealed the boy was “presented” to the Court that it might be seen that he was clean and not deformed or diseased. If approved, the Indentures were executed and recorded, and in all cases the apprentice actually lived with his Master, who covenanted to find him meat, drink, apparel, lodging and all other necessaries according to the custom of the City. If the boy’s master died or for other reasons was unable to continue his business, it became necessary for him to be “turned over” to another master, free of the Company, and that such turn over should be approved and recorded, otherwise the apprentice was disqualified for his freedom. When his term expired the Master brought him to the Hall and “testified” to his faithful service, whereupon he became entitled to the freedom on payment of a nominal fine. Sometimes Masters refused to make their apprentices free, in which cases the Court enquired into the circumstances, and acted in accordance with the merits of the case.

From the earliest times the custom has prevailed to admit women to the freedom, mostly by apprenticeship, but also by patrimony, and these freewomen bound their apprentices, both boys and girls, at the Hall; of course the ladies were not admitted to the livery, but otherwise they had the same privileges as freemen so far as the same were compatible with their sex. At the present time (1890) there is one freewoman of the Barbers’ Company.


Ordered 17th July, 1551. That Water Lynche whiche was prentise w{th} John Tholmwoode Barborsurgeon shalbe and ys contented to serve Thomas Woolf as a prentice from the daye above written untyll the viij{th} yere of King Edward the sixte and so the sayd Water Lynche his yeres to be fully ended and ronne out at the feaste of all Saints as may appere by his Indenture.

19th September, 1552. Ordered that when any prentise dothe goo awaye from his M{r} the same M{r} shall bring in his Indenture and here to remayne tyll the prentice come agayne and to be regestred.

It was also ordered that the Beadle should make out all Indentures of apprenticeship, and any one else presuming to do so should pay a fine of 3s. 4d.

27th April, 1556. It was ordered that no apprentice should wear a beard of beyond fifteen days’ growth, and that on breach of this order the master of the apprentice was to pay a fine of half a mark.

15th October, 1566. Here in this Court John James the appñts of John Shryve for pylferyng, & so here he had his correction.[170]

[170] That is, he was flogged.

27th May, 1567. Robert Cholmeley complained of his apprentice

for y{t} he doth not his worke as he ought & for his other ill demeanors And so in the pˀsents of this Court the saide appˀnts humbled hym upon his knees and pˀmyssed his amendment.

1567. The quarrels between masters and apprentices about this period were numerous, and occupied a great deal of the time of the Court, who in dealing with them generally pursued a policy of reconciliation and made the parties friends again. In certain cases, masters were fined for ill-treating apprentices, whilst some of the latter had their Indentures cancelled or “torn in Court” and were either whipped or ordered to behave better, or to find new masters.

22nd August, 1569. Here was Rich Upton Playntyf agaynst his app̃nts W{m} Fyshe for that he ranne awaye frome his said M{r} the xxj{th} of the former moneth and tooke w{th} hym sˀten instruments for surgery & other things more, w{ch} pˀtyculers were here pˀsently sene & by the said W{m} Fyshe confessed and that he had no cawse to go frome his said M{r} but that he wolde have gon to the sea and accordynge to his desert had correction and punnyshment unto auncyent custom w{th} roddes.

22nd November, 1569. Memorandˀ upon the xxij{th} day of November 1569 in the afternowne Gyles Swalldell thappeñtꝭ of Chrystofor Swalldell for goyng forth of his maisters house at unlawfull tymes and houres & in evell company wastinge and consumyng his M{rs} grocery wares also therebye he the appntꝭ then had the correction of this hall accordyng to his desertꝭ as the justice & equytie by the M{r} & govˀnors thoughte at the request of his said M{r} to be most mete and convenient. And so the said Gyles Swalldell appntꝭ hathe promysed here that he wylbe a good faythfull & trusty servant unto his said M{r} and never hereafter offende any more.

1st June, 1570. Here was John thappntꝭ of Thomas Wayte (for) abusying of Rog{r} Laborne & his wyfe and his M{r} also and he had favorable correction for his offencꝭ.

John possibly thought it rather unfavourable.

By the next entry it would appear that Master Ralph Soda found the society of the ladies more congenial to his tastes than the practice of shaving and bloodletting.

15th February, 1572. Here was Henry Lusshe and witnessed how that his app̃ntice Rafe Soda ranne awaye ffrom hym and contract hym self to three wemen and was asked at Westm{r} in the church and also had delt unhonestly w{th} his mayde srˀvnt.

19th May, 1573. Here was John Newsam and he was appoynted to brynge in his fyne for not pˀsentynge his apprentice.

Here was John Appowell and he was appoynted the lyke.

9th June, 1573. Here was Olyvˀ Pecocke the covenaunte Sˀvaunt of Allen Colly beinge comytted to Warde uppon Wednesday last on M{r} Warden Robynsons comaundment for goynge ffrom his master ffrom the Sounday untill Wednesdaye next and he was nowe relesed so that his master paynge his wages he shall serve hym.

21st July, 1573. Pecocke complained to the Court against his master “ffor not well usinge hym in beatinge hym.”

The next is a quaint piece of dry humour--

6th October, 1573. Here was an order taken between Danyell Botham and his appˀntice that he should well and trewly sˀve his M{r} and not to make any more complainte or trouble the M{rs} any more, and yf he do nott sˀve his M{r} accordyngly he shall have the Almes of the howsse.

The “Alms of the house” were on some other like occasions promised to troublesome apprentices.

18th October, 1573. Here was John Staples and brought in his apprentyze for evyll behavio{r} by hym comytted in his masters house w{th} his masters mayde and he made his submyssion on his knees and asked his master forgevenes in the courte, and he was forgeven uppon condyc͠on that he should amend well & faythfullye w{th}out farther complaint or elles to have the ponnyshment of the howsse.

11th December, 1599. In the matter in controversie betwixt Juliance Yonge & John Bradley his apprentice it is ordered that the sayd Yonge shall take his sayd apprentice into his service agayne And that the sayd Yonge shall use him as hee oughte to doe And that the sayd apprentice shall well and honestly behave himself towardsˀ his sayd M{r.}

22nd January, 1600. This daye Daniell Hinkesman brought in his fine of xl{s} for sufferinge his apprentice to dwell w{th} a gentleman.

This apprentice had probably been let out to hire as a valet by Hinkesman, who received his wages instead of teaching him his trade.

20th February, 1600. Noah Bayley having been complained of for striking his apprentice Andrew Mathew, he was fined 40s., and at the next Court Mathew had license to sue Bayley at the Common law for “breaking his head.”

17th June, 1600. This daye it was ordered that George Langton apprentice to M{r} ffrederick shalbe comitted to the compter for his unreverent behaviour towardes his M{r.}

7th August, 1600. John Sares is to be called in question for geveinge wages to his apprentice.

2nd December, 1600. This daye uppon complaynt made to this Courte it was ordered that Henry Needham should put awaye his apprentice Willm̄ Webbe for that it was then apparantly pˀved that hee is marryed w{th}in his terme And it was thereuppon furth{r} ordered that the pˀsentac͠on should be discharged by a vacat thereuppon to be entered.

5th May, 1601. This daie the wiefe of Thomas Asbridge decessed did complaine of Marke Nurse her apprentice for absentinge himselfe from her service and other his misdemeanors towardes her All w{ch} uppon his humble suite and promise of amendment was forgeeven him.

16th June, 1601. This daie it is ordered that Thomas Shurwin apprentice to John Urvey shalbe for ever utterly dischardged of his terme of apprentisship for that it appeareth to the Maisters uppon hearinge of their controversie that he hath the said apprentice colorablie.

30th June, 1601. This daye Robert Wallis is dischardged from his apprentiship for that it appeared to this Court that his maister did not mayntayne him w{th} sufficient meate drynck and apparrell.

22nd September, 1601. This daye uppon complaynt made by ---- Jelly apprentice to Hughe ffell that the said ffell had put him oute of his service before hee had acquainted the M{rs} therew{th} It was ordered that the said ffell should receive his said apprentice in to his service againe & that hee should pˀsently inroll him. And that the said ffell should appeare before the M{rs} at the next Courte.

3rd November, 1601. This daye uppon hearinge of the Controversie betwixt John Howe & his apprentice It is ordered that hee shall take home his said apprentice and use him well hereafter And whereas the said Apprentice hath complayned for that the said Howe dothe not exercyse the said apprentice in his trade of Barbery & Surgery It is furth{r} ordered that if the said Howe shall not take a shoppe and use his trade before Christemas next that the said apprentice shalbe turned over to anoth{r} of the same arte.

16th March, 1602. This daye it is pˀmised & undertaken before the M{rs} of this Company by Robert Leadbeater that hee the said Robert shall & will at the expirac͠on of the apprentisheep of Henry Edwards his apprentice geve unto the said Henry twoe suites of decent apparrell & a cloke.

20th April, 1602. I Michaell Braye doe pˀmise and undertake That at the ende & expirac͠on of the tearme of apprenticeship of George Parkins my Apprentice I will geve unto him a new suite of apparrell viz one dublett one pˀ of hose one hatt one pˀ of stockins and one Cloke of decent apparrell In witnes whereof I have hereunto put my hand.

22nd February, 1603. This daye it is ordered that Thomas Mownsley shall for his disobedience to his M{r} be comitted to the Compter.

16th April, 1605. This daye Peter Saunderson certiefied the Court that hee had offered to inroll his apprentice before the Chamberlin and it was denyed him because the apprentice could not at the end of his terme accomplishe the Age of xxiij yeres.

4th June, 1605. This daye it is ordered that John Udall shall at the next Courte bringe in his fine of xl{s} for puttinge a waye his Apprentice Tho. Hobbes w{th} out o{r} M{rs} consent (see 18th June).

4th June, 1605. This daye it is ordered that Roger Kiffin shalbe dischardged of his apprentiship w{th} Richard Bonner for that hee wanteth meate drinck & apparrell And hee is to finde him selfe a nother M{r} of this Company. (See 25th June.)

18th June, 1605. This daye it is ordered that John Udall shalbe committed to the Compter for his contempt.[171]

[171] The contempt being that Udall having “put away” his Apprentice, (i.e., had him locked up in Bridewell, without the leave of the Court,) and being fined 40s. for that offence, had refused to pay his fine.

25th June, 1605. Richard Bonnẽr is to bringe in his apprentices Roger Kiffins Indenture at the next Courte or ells hee is to be comitted to the Compter.

25th June, 1605. This daye Thomas Clemence was fined at x{s} for that hee was not bound apprentice by the Clark of this Company.

24th September, 1605. This day it is ordered that David Vaughan apprentice to Richard Davis shalbe pˀntlie dischardged from his said M{r} for the residue of his terme to come for that his said M{r} hath given him unlawfull correction as it was affirmed and hath not trayned him up in the trade that he used being Barbinge and Surgery. And is to bring in the Apprentices indenture att the next Courte or ells to be comitted to the Compter for his contempt. And the appˀntice is in the meane tyme to continue w{th} his freindꝭ And is not to sˀve any pˀson that useth the trade of silck weavinge any more w{th} in the liberties of London.

7th January, 1606. This day it is ordered that John Browne and his apprentice be here at the next Courte. And he is to be comaunded from our M{rs} to discharge his appˀntice out of Bridewell w{ch} he holdeth there And then to be before o{r} said M{rs} at their next Court both he and his apprentice.

14th January, 1606. John Browne is to bringe in his fine for puttinge away his appˀntice w{th}out the M{rs} order.

5th July, 1608. This daye in the Controversie betwixt Nicholas Braye and Humfrey Pittꝭ It is ordered for that the M{rs} doe fynde that the Apprentice is not kept as hee ought to be but is lowsie and also his M{r} for want of change of apparrell And that therefore wee doe not fynde him a fit M{r} It is ordered that if the said Nicholas Braye doe not hereafter use his apprentice in Better Order that then the apprentice shalbe turned over to anoth{r} freeman of this Company.

23rd May, 1609. This daye Richard Tyler broughte in his fine accordinge to a former order for puttinge awaye (i.e., imprisoning) his apprentice w{th}out the M{rs} order And it was mittigated to xx{s.}

19th November, 1611. At this Court it is ordered that John Todd shall on the next tuesdaies Court bring in his fyne of 40{s} for that he did not bynde an appˀntice w{ch} is now w{th} him according to the Custome of this howse.

19th November, 1611. At this Court Robert Hawley the appˀntice of Thomas Clarke was for his stubbornes & other unsemely pranckꝭ by him used towardꝭ his M{r} as also for his lewd & bad service brought before the M{rs} whereupon he promising of amendem{t} his faultꝭ was for this tyme remitted.

22nd February, 1613. In the complaint made by William Richardson against his M{r} John Sabyn being heard & proved at this Court by his owne confession that Sabyn did use unlawfull correction to his appˀntice. It is ordered that the M{r} shall not use hereafter any such unlawfull correction for if he doe & his appˀntice make complaint thereof to the M{rs} of this Company, then the appˀntice shall be taken awaye from him And further it is ordered that the appˀntice shall doe his M{r} just & true service, And that the said Sabyn shall the next Court daie bring in his fyne for not inrowling of his said appˀntice w{th}in the tyme lymitted by the ordynancꝭ of this howse.

22nd February, 1613. This daye Joseph Boreman made promise to pˀforme such order as the M{rs} did heretofore set downe between him and his appˀntice namely⁾ that he will give to the same appˀntice two suitꝭ of apparell fitt for such an appˀntice accordinge to the true meaning of the same w{th}out any fraud.

27th September, 1614. At this Court Raph Dixon the appˀntice of our M{r} Hassall for manie lewd misdemeano{rs} & for getting a woman w{th} child, being an appˀntice shold have had the correction of the howse, but upon considerac͠on had he is to be sent to bridewell.

23rd January, 1615. In the complaint made by Margery Stokes in the behalf of her grand child John Taft who is thˀ apprentice of one John Hedlowe for that the said Hedlow haveing receaved w{th} the said appˀntice the some of Tenn poundꝭ doth now turne him away & refuseth to restore the monie w{ch} he had w{th} him. It is therefore by this Court ordered that the said Hedlow shall either receave the same appˀntice into his service agayne or otherwise repaie the said some of Tenn poundes wherefore he promised unto this Court to take the same appˀntice agayne into his service.

14th March, 1615. In the matter of complaint made by the weif of one Xp̃ofer Greene who is now gone to the East indies of & about her servaunt or appˀntice for that he kepeth her shop & doth gyve her no allowaunce towardꝭ the kepeing of her out of the gettingꝭ in the same shop w{ch} being duely herd at this Court It is ordered that the said appˀntice shall from henceforth weekelie make unto his M{ris} a trew & just accompt of such monie as he shall gett in the same shop & that from henceforth he shall be at the appoyntment of his mistris & of the M{rs} of this companie and his M{ris} shall have & enjoy all such benifitt as shalbe gotten by the said shopp.

14th November, 1615. In the complaynt made by the servant of William Corbett against his M{r} w{ch} beinge examyned at this Court It is aparyant that the boy hath very stubburnlie & naughtielie behaved himself unto his M{r} Whereupon it is this daie ordered that the boy shall goe home agayne w{th} his M{r} & behave himselfe more honestlie then formerlie he hath done w{ch} the boy promiseth to doe.

18th February, 1616. In the complaint made by M{ris} Wootten against her appˀntice Thomas Hill for his neclect of service & for pleaing at dice & whoring It is therefore ordered that the boy be corrected.

18th February, 1616. In the complaint made by David Richardson against his M{r} ffletcher for lack of vittualls It is ordered that ffletcher shall take the boy home & kepe him as an appˀntice ought to be kept.

There are several records of masters being fined for keeping more than three apprentices, the usual penalty being £5, though this was sometimes mitigated on petition.

13th June, 1626. This daye John Pinder made complaint against Janson his appˀntice, this Courte caused the vizard and coate to be brought into the Parlor, and the apprentice submitted himselfe to his Maister soe that his punishment was forborne.

For some particulars as to the vizard coate and bulbegger, see p. 393. The mere sight of them had a softening effect upon Master Janson, as also upon George Tether, who seems to have caught a glimpse of them next year.

7th August, 1627. This daye the weife of Salomon Carr made complaint against her apprentice George Tether formerly bound to Jeffery Baskervile deceased and he had the bulbegger showed him, whoe upon his humble submission to his M{ris} was spared in hoape of his better service to her hereafter.

20th November, 1632. Martine Stamp made complaint ag̃t John Scott by petic͠on to this Court thereby intimateing that his son Scotts appˀntice is nowe kept and imployed onely for digging delveing & planting and pruneing potatoes & tobacco in the Barmoothoes Iland. (Query Bermudas.)

28th January, 1635. It is ordered that Jonas Gargrave shalbe prosecuted to be disfraunchised at the charge of this house in regard he tooke a married mann apprentice knoweingly.

Mr. Heydon’s apprentice, next referred to, was doubtless a gay and swaggering young gentleman, and the Court in meteing out its amusing sentence must have been conscious of touching him on a sore place.

9th August, 1647. Mr. Heydon complayneing to this Court of his apprentice here present in Court ffor his evill and stubborne Behavior towards him and frequent absences out of his service in Day time and in late houres at night The said apprentice being in Court to answer to the same did rudely and most irreverently behave himselfe towards his said M{r} and the whole Court in sawcy language and behaviour useing severall Oathes protesting that he will not serve his M{r} whatever shall come of it This Court did therefore cause the Haire of the said apprentice (being undecently long) to be cut shorter.

8th August, 1729. It is ordered that the Clarke do sue M{r.} Lee M{r.} Pemble and M{r.} Bonzer for binding their Apprentices by Scriveners and not at the Hall.

4th August, 1741. It is ordered that James Parnell Stevenson who was this day bound an apprentice to Tho{s.} fford be brought here 12 months hence by his Ma{r} that the Court may be satisfyed of his being better improved in his Learning.

5th November, 1791. Elizabeth Conyers was apprenticed to Elizabeth Castle and presented and bound in Court. This is but one of numerous entries of girl apprentices.

The Registers of apprentices were for a long period kept in Latin, e.g.:

28th July, 1658. Mathew Moy fil̃l̃ M.M. nuper de com̃ Staford vintener̊ defunct: põ: se ap̃p. Tho. Pace Watchmaker pro 7 annis a die dãt.

The following is an example of a boy being bound to a freewoman of the Company.

23rd June, 1658. Daniel Alderson fil̃l̃ Jacobi A. nuper Civ. et B. S. Londini defunct põ: se ap̃p. matri suo Katherine Alderson pro 8 annis a die dãt.

And here is an instance of a girl, the daughter of a “gentleman,” being bound to a Barber-Surgeon and to his wife.

18th December, 1660. Katharina Bowghy fiɫ. Georgii B. de Addley in com̃ Stafford gent. defunct põ: se ap̃p W{mo} Bennett B.C. et Marthæ uxori ejus pro 7 annis a die dãt.


The earliest recorded fine on admission to the freedom was £3, one Martin Partridge being sworn in on 26th July, 1551, when he paid £1 and gave security for the remainder.

10th September, 1551. John Bryckett, “toothe drawer,” was admitted “a brother into this house” and paid £1.

10th November, 1551. On this day four freemen were admitted paying respectively 6s. 8d., 10s., 2s., 10d., and another man paid nil, which indicates that the fines on admission were variable and at the pleasure of the Court.

19th September, 1552. It was ordered that free journeymen should not pay quarterage until such time as they set up for themselves and kept house.

4th July, 1566. It was ordered that in future any one seeking admission to the freedom if “Inglyshe borne” should pay £4 and any “alyan or straynger” £5.

7th October, 1567. In this Courte Rich Morrys upon his fre makinge pˀmyssed to geve the M{rs} a bucke.

21st October, 1567. In this Courte Thomas Symons and Willm fferrat are sworne and admytted brethren of this Company and are lycenced to sett open shoppe as parteners to gether w{th}oute Smythefelde bars.

2nd June, 1573. Here was Edward Duffeeld of London a practioner in phisick & Surgery and required to be a brother of this Company and yt was agreed that he should pay xl{s} in hand and other xl{s} at S{t.} James daye.

9th June, 1573. Here was Gabriel Petrol for not being admytted a Brother [he] occupynge Surgerye w{th}out admyttaunce and he promysed he would and yt was agreed that he should at a moneth ende bringe in xl{s} in pˀte of payment of v{li} w{th}out any farther delaye.

3rd June, 1600. Henry Wheelis is appoynted to pˀcure his M{r} to make him free the next Court or to geve ovˀ his shop in long lane yf not then to be comitted to the compter.

22nd July, 1600. This daye Henry Wilson of Ratcliffe and Mathewe Eaton of S{t} Bartholomew in West Smythfeyld were suters to the M{rs} of this Company to become broth{rs} of the same whereuppon they are by this Court injoyned to geve their answere the next Court what gratificac͠on they will bestowe of[172] the Company.

[172] On.

6th November, 1604. This daie Vincent Lowe became humble suiter to this Companie to be admytted into the same by redempc͠on to w{ch} request this Courte hath consented pˀvided hee paie to this Companie in gratificac͠on v{li} of lawfull money of England and doe bestowe a dinn{r} uppon the Assistantꝭ on Thursday next.

5th February, 1605. This daie it is ordered that Edward Carelill Inholder shalbe translated from his Company to this payinge to the M{rs} to the use of this Company iiij{li} and beareinge the ordenary chardge.

9th April, 1605. It is this daye ordered that Raphe Parsons a freeman of this Company and Thomas Sampson Edward Squier and Robert Hoddy late servants & apprentices to xp̃ofer Thompson shall fynde them M{rs} in this Company to be turned over unto before whitson tyde next And that they shall continue no longer w{th} their mistres because shee is nowe marryed to a Grocer who is not free of this Company.

29th January, 1610. fforasmuch as Tobye Johnson would not give consent to this Court that James Kent[173] should be made a freeman The Court have thought fytt the said James should be at this Court sworne a freeman of this Company for that ytt cannot appeere to this Court that the said Johnson can prove any materiall thinge against the said Jame to debarr him of his freedome.

[173] His late apprentice.

14th January, 1611. This daie William Tavernor the late appˀtice of Widdowe Sanderson did before the M{rs} of this Company promise that he would not at any tyme hereafter set up a barbers shopp in any place w{th}in two pˀisshes[174] at the least where the said Widdowe Sanderson dwelleth or keepeth shopp uppon w{ch} promise soe by him made the said Widdowe Sanderson is contented to make him a freeman of this cittie not w{th}standing he hath untill October next to serve.

[174] Parishes.

2nd July, 1612. This daie at this Court yt is ordered that Edward Squior the Dyer shall not be translated from this Company unto the Company of the Dyers for that if this howse shall give consent unto him maney others of this Company as well Dyers & grocers as other tradꝭ would sue to have the like kindenes.

9th January, 1615. At this Court, one John Mathews, “an oculist,” made suit for his admission by redemption--

w{ch} this Court did consent unto conditionallie to gyve this howse a great beare bowle sutable to the rest of the great beare bowles w{ch} he consented unto.


Ordered 19th September, 1552, that Peter Saxton and Thomas Dixon shalbe dysmiste of the Clothinge for their yll demeanor and behavyor And also Mathew Johnson because he ys not habull.[175]

[175] Able, i.e., solvent.

5th November, 1555. Ordered that Henry Pemarton shall not weare his Lyvery hoode nor paye no maner of quartrage unto this house but shalbe cleane exempted out of the same.

26th March, 1558. Robert Foster, Robert Grove, and Thomas Barnet were expelled the Livery “because they are not able.”

4th July, 1566. It was ordered that the Livery from thenceforth should not exceed fifty persons.

3rd December, 1566. Thomas Lambkyn and John Morryt appeared before the Court and testified against Edward Parke for that the said Edward--

saide he wolde not come to the Courte beynge warned & y{t} yf the M{r} comytted hym to warde he wolde brynge the M{r} before the Lorde cheefe Justice And it is ordered y{t} the saide Parke shall & is upon his humble submission remytted.[176]

[176] Be forgiven.

26th September, 1581. It was agreed that evˀy one in the Lyverie should go decently in gownes all a like at all metinges and assemblies.

30th June, 1601. This daye Abraham Allen John Hassold Richard Eade & Henry Oseyld lately taken into the livery of this Company pˀsented themselves in their livˀy gownes and the M{r} accordinge to order placed their hoods uppon their showld{rs.}

6th May, 1602. Roger Jenkins, free of the Weavers’ Company and an “admitted broth{r} in the practize of Surgery,” applied to be admitted to the freedom, and upon payment of £10 was made free and taken into the Clothing.

7th June, 1602. This daye it was ordered that forasmuch as Richard Samborne one of the livery of this Company had used divers opprobrius & undecent woordes of M{r} Newsam That the said Richard should forbeare the wearinge of his livery & hud untill hee had ord{r} therefore from the M{rs} of this Company.

16th August, 1602. This daye Richard Howlden and Thomas Grig were admitted into the clothinge of this mistery and were commaunded to pˀvide them necessary apparrell for the same.

8th November, 1604. This daye Dominick Lumley became humble suiter to this Courte to be dischardged of the office of Steward and M{r} of the Anothomie and of the Livˀy and all officers w{th}inne the same and in considerac͠on thereof hee is to paie tenn poundꝭ to be converted into three peecꝭ of plate as a guifte for his dischardge.

5th February, 1605. This daye Richard Cade & Richard Holden were fyned for not beinge at Powles[177] in theire Lyveryes & theire hoodes on Candlemas daye last.

[177] St. Paul’s.

22nd January, 1606. This daie Roger Buckley & Richard Wood Junio{r} for that they dwell in the Cuntrey and have not for long tyme gyven their attendaunce in their lyveryes accordeing to order are absolutely dismissed owt of the lyvery of this Company.

21st August, 1609. This day Andrew Wheatley was fined to xij{d} for attendinge in a fallinge band w{th} his livery gowne w{ch} he accordinglie payd.

26th October, 1612. This daie it is ordered that from hensforth the lyvˀie of this Company maie at their meetingꝭ out of this howse weare their hates[178] w{th} their lyvˀies Any order heretofore made to the contrary notwithstanding.

[178] Hats.

29th December, 1615. Four liverymen admitted this day paid £2 each as a fine, and fifteen others paid £5 each. Humphrey Downinge, who had been chosen a Liveryman, and would not accept the Clothing, was fined and paid £10.

27th January, 1617. It was ordered that from henceforth the Liverymen were not to appear at the Hall in their gowns and hoods on Christmas, Twelfth and Candlemas days “as formerlie they were accustomed to doe,” but at their seats at St. Paul’s instead.

13th September, 1621. The livery was generally composed of an equal number of Barbers and of Surgeons; on this day it was ordered--

That at the next choise of a new Lyvery there shalbe chosen a Barber more than a Surgeon for that M{r} Kellett hath not accepted of the place as yett, if he shall not accept thereof.

1636. A great many Liverymen were chosen this year, apparently for the purpose of assisting by their fines, the fund for the building of the Anatomical Theatre; from various entries at this period it would seem that when a freeman desired to be excused taking the Livery, he was obliged to take an oath before the Masters of his inability to pay the fine.

19th May, 1637. This Court upon divers treatise with Abraham Purrott a brother of this Companie being chosen into the livery by a former Court & he being summoned to appeare this daye by agreem{t} yet came not and hath alsoe formerly[179] answered that he will not hold the place of a liveryman nor paye the fine but would onely give a peece of plate of v{li} to this house as his gift in full satisfaction of all his fines & places, w{ch} this Court doth think to be farr short And therefore this Court doth impose and fine the said Abraham Purrott at xx{li} according to the ordinances confirmed by the Lords & by the Statute.

[179] Formally.

Several others were from time to time similarly fined, both in the 17th and 18th centuries.

2nd August, 1737. At this Court Robert Young who was the apprentice of James Phillips Surgeon was admitted into the freedom of the Company by service and was sworn, and the said M{r} Young at the same time took the Livery, and his master M{r} Phillips out of his own bounty and a just sense of the diligent and faithfull services of the said Robert Young during his Apprenticeship did not only pay the charges of the said M{r} Young’s freedom but did likewise bestow upon him his fine for the Livery being ten pounds.

29th October, 1751. It is ordered that upon all future days for swearing in the Lord Mayor of this City at Westminster when this Company shall have their Stand as usual No Liveryman shallbe admitted into the same without leave of the Master unless he shall walk in the Publick Procession cloathed in his proper Livery gown and hood according to his summons.

3rd October, 1752. It was further ordered--

That two men and a constable shall be hired to guard the Stand and see that the said Order be complied with.

9th November, 1765. Several liverymen notwithstanding former orders to the contrary, having appeared on the Company’s Stand on Lord Mayors’ days without their gowns and hoods, it was ordered that any liveryman transgressing in the like in future, should be fined half-a-guinea.


The Yeomanry of the Barber-Surgeons appear to have had a most chequered existence, having been “established” and “put downe” several times, until finally they appear to have died out both in constitution and in name.

The Yeomanry answered exactly to the class of Members who are now styled “Freemen,” and for a long period were the most numerous body in the Company. In early times the numbers of the Livery or Clothing were strictly limited, and under the Tudors and Stuarts rarely exceeded fifty, but as the persons who were compelled to take up their freedom, and those who came in voluntarily or by patrimony and servitude have always been a numerous section, it appears to have been considered politic to give a constitution to these inferior members of the Mystery, and consequently a Yeomanry, or Company within the Company was set up, and to this the new freeman was admitted after he had been presented and sworn before the Masters or Governors of the Clothing.

The Court of the Company framed the Ordinances for the Yeomanry, and whilst delegating to them many of their own privileges, as, for instance, the power to levy fines, and to summarily commit offenders to prison, they always seem to have retained a very tight and jealous hand over them, and were constantly interfering with the Wardens of the Yeomanry.

The Yeomanry had their own four Wardens and Court of Assistants, their Beadle and mace, common box, standing cups and other silver plate, their annual dinner, and sometimes, when in a flourishing condition, no less than four dinners in the year, their “corrector” for apprentices, and they also possessed the choice privilege of collecting the quarterage from their members. Under such auspicious circumstances, it could hardly be otherwise than that, in process of time, they should become both presumptuous and audacious and thus provoke inevitable collision with the Ruling body of the Company.

The Wardens of the Yeomanry at one period had designated themselves, or certainly encouraged others to describe them, as “The Wardens of the Barber-Surgeons,” an assumption not to be tolerated, and, like their Masters on the Clothing, had been accustomed to go to their homes (after their gatherings and feasts) in state, accompanied by a “trayne or traynes”; these acts of presumption called forth the restraining order of the 15th September, 1588 (vide post). Later on we find that they went “in searche to see what serˀvnts some ffremen of the Companie had, w{ch} they ought not to do,” they gave way to too much feasting and arbitrarily exercised their powers of fine and imprisonment, all which offences brought them reprimands, and somewhere about the year 1604 their temporary extinguishment. They were, however, soon after re-erected, but in the year 1635 permanently “disestablished and disendowed.”

Although the Constitution of the “Yeomanry” was then abolished, the appellation was retained for over 200 years after, though merely as a traditional distinctive name synonymous with that of “freemen.” Thus, the whifflers for Lord Mayor’s day were always chosen out of the “Yeomanry,” and members of the “Yeomanry” are continually spoken of as being chosen into the Livery.

In the Audit Book, 1847-1848, this ancient term is used for the last time in respect of the receipts for quarterage, after this the designation becomes “freemen.”

19th September, 1552. It is condescendyd and agreed that there shalbe no more yomanry of the said Company of Barbors Surgeons.

1st October, 1555. It was agreed “that the yomanrye of the sayed Company of Barbors and Surgeons shalbe establisshed and set up agayne and be in as full strenght force and power as ever yt was before the plucking downe of the same,” and articles or ordinances for the Yeomanry were enacted. As, however, these articles are excessively verbose, the following descriptions and extracts will suffice:--

Article 1. Out of the Yeomanry were to be chosen four Wardens annually, and named respectively, the uppermost, second, third and youngest Wardens.

Article 2. One of the Yeomanry to be appointed Beadle of the Yeomanry to execute summonses, etc.

Article 3. The Wardens of the Yeomanry to bring in once a year to the Masters and Governors of the Clothing, an account of monies remaining in their hands to be delivered to the new Wardens, and to be “kept and bestowed as they w{t}in themselves shall thinke yt meete and convenyent to the helpe and comforte of them w{t}in the yomanry of Barbors and Surgeons.” The Wardens were also to present the new Wardens to the Masters or Governors for approval within eight days after being chosen. The Masters or Governors were to “have nothinge to dooe withe the monye of the yomanry.”

Article 4. If the Masters or Governors should borrow any monies of the Yeomanry they were to repay on a day to be agreed upon “the saved som̄e so borrowed w{t} thanks geving.”

Article 5. The Wardens on the day of Election of Masters or Governors of the Clothing shall--

come to the dynner at the hall in their best apparrell at the daye appointed whiche is the mondaye senighte before Barthelmew daye, and when the M{r} and governors of the Clothinge doo gooe and choose the new M{r} and governors the cheif wardein of the yomanrye shall beare the cup before the M{r} The seconde wardein shall beare the cupp before the uppermoste governor of the clothinge. The thirde wardein of the yomãry shall beare the cupp before the seconde governor of the clothinge and the yongest wardein of the yomanry shall beare the cupp before the yongest governor of the clothinge in knowledging of the setting up of the yomanrye agayne.

In the event of sickness or lawful absence, others were to be appointed to this duty.

And furthermore that noen of the wardeins of the yomanrye of barbors and surgeons doo presume to goo aboute to make searche to see in anye of the Companyes houses to knowe what prentizes they have or journeymen as the M{r} and governors doo of the clothinge whoo have aucthoritie so to dooe. Yf the wardeins of the yomanry be taken or justelye proved that they doo soo, to forfaycte at every tyme so doying to the hall vj{li} xiij{s} iiij{d.}

Article 6. The Wardens of the Yeomanry were to collect the quarterage of freemen (3d. per quarter) and of “fforyners” (6d. per quarter), and duly pay same over to the Masters and Governors, and books of account were to be kept by the Wardens. NOTE.--In practice this article was varied, as the Yeomanry kept the quarterage and “compounded” with the Masters for a fixed annual sum.

Article 7. The Masters were to pay the Wardens of the Yeomanry £4 which had been “advanced by them in 1543 for provysyon of wheete for the Cytie,” and which sum had been recently refunded by the City.

Article 8. The Yeomanry were to have the use of the chamber “where the Lecture ys reade every Tewysday” whenever they please to consult therein.

Article 9. These Articles were to be written on parchment, sealed and delivered to the Wardens of the Yeomanry.

Article 10. The Masters were to give notice to the Wardens of the Yeomanry of any rules which they from time to time should make touching the craft.

Article 11. The rules and ordinances of the Company were to be read to the Yeomanry three times in every year, viz.: at Candlemas, in May and at Lammas.

Article 12. The Yeomanry were to obey all the rules and ordinances now made or to be made.

16th October, 1555. The first four Wardens of the Yeomanry were presented to the Masters, their names being Edward Hewet, John Surbut, George Corraunte (Corron) and Thomas Buston (Burston).

12th October, 1557. It was ordered:--

That the Wardens of the yeomanry allwaise for the tyme beinge and by theire Assistantꝭ shall Elect and chuse every yeare to (two) w{th}in themsylffs to be Coostꝭ[180] of the Lyberary and of the Instrmentꝭ w{ch} by the M{rs} and Governors it was thought good and most Convenyent that those too whyche are maisters of the Anathomys to be Elected and Chosen the sayde Cowstꝭ (of the) Lyberary and Instrumẽtis, and the Wardens of the yeomanry for the tyme beinge shall delyvˀ and geve the kayse of the lyberarye and of the instrument howse unto those whyche they have Chosen to be Coustose thereof. And ffurther allso That the sayde Wardens of the yeomanry for the tyme beinge shall allwayse se and looke y{t} the saide instrumentꝭ be kepte Cleane and that they shall do upon theyre owne Chirgis.[181]

[180] Custos or keepers. [181] Charges.

15th September, 1558. It was ordered:--

That uppon the Election daye and chusynge of the fowre wardeyns of the yeomãry of the Mystery or Companye aforesayde And also theyre Wardeyns then beynge elected and chosen and also theyre Dyner or Recreocion then at o{r} hall beynge w{th} all y{r} Lawfull busynes then don and ended That and then also at theire goynge and depˀtinge frome ou{r} hall the sayde fowre wardeyns of the yeomanrye so named by that name and by none other shall in any maner of wyse pˀsume or take uppon them nor any of them to be wayted on or broughte home unto y{r} owne houses Neyther shall go unto any other place or placꝭ elꝭwhere havynge w{th} or after them any trayne or traynes eyther of y{e} sayde Assystaunce or any beynge oute of theyre sayde assystaunce and Companye But every pˀsone and persones of the sayde feloshyppe of the yeomanrye then shall quyetly departe and go every man his owne waye aboute his necessarye busynesse.

A fine of five marks was ordered to be taken from the “comon boxe” of the yeomanry, if the above regulation should be transgressed.

PROVIDED ALLWAYE That the sayde Wardeyns with the Rest of theyre assystaunce feloshyppe and Companye of the Yeomanry maye and shall at all Tyme and tymes decently and orderly go unto the maryagis offeringꝭ and Buryalls of theyre sayde Brethren and Susters of the sayde Company of the yeomanry as they here to fore have don.

4th July, 1566. It was ordered that the Wardens and Assistants of the Yeomanry should be allowed to sit at the “Uppermore” table in the Hall on quarter days to receive their quarterages, and to read the rules and ordinances to the Yeomanry.

18th February, 1567. IN THYS COURTE here was Edward Parke beynge[182] comytted to warde at the comaundment of the wardens of the yeomanry for his disobedyencˀs, and for his oprobrius & obstynat words in the pˀsents of this Courte to the M{r} & govˀnors he is comytted to warde agayne.

[182] i.e. Having been.

18th January, 1569. At this Court seven freemen were sworn in to be Assistants to the Yeomanry.

15th November, 1569. In this Courte the wardens of the yeomanry broughte in the pˀsentꝭ of this courte John Wyllet Thom̃s Warren and John Jaggard & they reported y{t} Nycolas Whytemore sholde reporte at the thre tonnes at yeldehall gate y{t} M{r} Pole of the chauncery shold saye y{t} we ought to have no wardens of the yeomanry. And Nyc͠ols Whytemore said y{t} he was at supper at M{r} Pole & one M{r} Lovels & they pˀused the statutꝭ said to Whyttemore he hath ben warden of his cõpany & he said no he had been warden of the yeomanry & M{r} Pole sholde saye we cold not have a yeomanry.

18th April, 1570. Here was John Jagger sayth that he was nevˀ a councell or knoleg of any pˀmoter beyng set to trouble the Company for the state of o{r} yeomanry And also John Wyllet denyeth the byll & wyll not confesse any thinge w{th}oute the pˀsentꝭ of his accuser but for knowledge of the pˀmotter he nevˀ meante yt he said befor god. And Thomas Warren saed he hathe kepte all to hymsylf & nevˀ mynded nor thoughte to trouble in any respecte and denyeth the byll also. And yt is ordered that they shall agree brotherly together and here after they nor any of them shall move or speake or make any rehersall of any matter as consernyng the state of the yeomãry upon payne of ip̃rysonment. And Thom̃s Warren John Wyllet & John Jagger shall take y{r} romes & placꝭ and brotherly they have eyther of them taken one a nother handes & so these matters nevˀ to be reported any more here after.

This brotherly amity did not long continue, for:--

23rd May, 1570. Here was John Warren & John Wyllet is comytted to warde for dysobedyence, and Thomas Newens said that one Husto an informer his neyghbo{r} saide that the company sholde be arẽsted[183] upon a statute & y{t} yt is one of o{r} company did sett the enformer to do yt but he founde not the statute to holde w{th} them & y{r}fore he wolde not deale, but to name the pˀte[184] he wolde not.

[183] i.e. Sued. [184] Party.

Warren and Wyllet must have been sent straight off to prison, as a further minute states that on the same day “after diner,” Warren was brought up out of the Compter for examination.

On the 29th May, Wyllet made submission and was released from prison.

19th September, 1570. Warren and Wyllet seem to have been cantankerous brethren, for they were complained of by the Wardens of the Yeomanry for refusing to take upon themselves the office of Wardens to which they had been elected.

7th October, 1572. Wyllet is again complained of for going to law with another member of the Company without license from the Masters, to which he pleaded that under a statute 19 Henry VII, cap. viii, he could lawfully do so. The result of this contention is not expressly stated, though there is not the least doubt but that Wyllet revisited the Compter, and ultimately withdrew his suit.

5th March, 1573. It was ordered--

That where there hath ben an order that the whole bodye of the yeomanrye of this mysterie were compelled under a certeine fyne and penaltye to meet theire wardens at a certeine place by them appointed beinge by the beadle warned, to go to offre at the weddings of their brethren at all times when any of them weare married w{ch} was to their great trouble, and divers inconvenyences grewe thereoff as absence from sˀrvice and sermons one sonday mornyngs and other unmeate and inconvenient meetinges in steed therof. Wherefore, the said order was declared henceforth to be void.

6th October, 1573. Here was a controvˀsy betweene the wardens of the yeomanrye that were the last yere and the Audyto{rs} of yeomanryes accomptes for that the Audytoures would not allowe that w{ch} was required by the said late wardens for bread and dryncke at theyre ellecc͠on Daye, the som̃e was xxvij{s} and order was taken that they should be allowed xvj{s} and they to beare the reste on theire owne chargeis and so to be ffrendꝭ and Lovers w{th} quietnes.

6th June, 1577. Here also the wardens of the yeomanry were comaunded for good and urgent Cawse to bring in there graunt from the maisters of there yomanry against the next Co{r}te Daie for that they did take more Quarteridge then by the Lawe they might do and also contrary to there saide graunte and in breche of the same they went after a sort in searche to see what serˀvnts some ffremen of the Companie had w{ch} they ought not to do, and so yt was for that tyme let passe w{th} warning to do so no more and also for that they did not yerelie shewe there accompt w{ch} now they did and henceforth will according to there dutie.

9th October, 1579. At this Co{r}te also the Wardens of the Yeomanry brought in their accompte before the saide masters and yt was agreed upon good considerac͠ons for that manye of the said yeomanrye did ympoverishe them selves by makinge of qr̃ter Dyners and suche unnecessary metinges that from henceforthe their shalbe no more quarter Dyners be kept in o{r} Hall by the saide yeomanrye or any of them but shall do as heretofore hathe ben accustomed to be don.

1587. The Yeomanry seem to have again incurred the displeasure of the Masters, who thereupon summoned them to appear and shew cause why their grant should not be annulled, whereupon they came on the 27th July and--

gave their ffree and full consentꝭ that yf they have broken any pt̃e of their graunte to them heretofore made they will surrender upp their yeomanry.

10th August, 1587. The privilege of collecting quarterage was taken away from the Yeomanry.

Also whereas there hathe ben a Rule graunted to the yeomanrie that they maie send pˀsons to ward for disobedyence and to take ffynes yt ys fullie agreed the same Rule shalbe void But yf anie varyance happen to be, the same shall be declared to the masters or governo{rs} for Reformac͠on And further that the said yeomanrie shall take none into their Assystance w{th}oute the consent of o{r} saide masters or governo{rs} and their successo{rs.}

7th September, 1587. M{r} Henry Rankin M{r} of o{r} Companie made a motyon whether he sholde swere the yeomanry or not and yf they should be sworne what othe he should geve them. And yt was agreed by the saide Corte That the Masters or Governo{rs} may take the pˀsentment of them but not swere them. And further yf the yeomanry do request to be sworne they must be answered w{th} the wordꝭ of their pattent w{ch} ys onlie to pˀsent them. And further touching the collecc͠on of their quartridge yt must stand as yt dothe untill further consultac͠on be had therein and yf they have any request to make or ought to saie they must bring the same in writinge into this Corte.

29th May, 1600. This daie the wardens of the yomanrye made requeste to the Maisters that they woulde be pleased to redeliver unto them their booke of orders which remayneth in their Custodie, whereuppon it is not thoughte fitt by the Courte that the yeomanrie have the Custodie of the said booke, but that the Clarke of this Companye keepe the same And that he shewe the same booke to the yeomanrye when they have occasion to use it.

About two years previously the Court had endeavoured to put down the Yeomanry and had curtailed many of their privileges; the exact nature of the disagreement is not stated, but it doubtless arose from the Yeomanry “takeinge to much uppon themsyllfs.”

17th January, 1604. At this Courte it is ordered That the Ould Wardens of the Yomanrye doe bringe in such money as is behind by theire Audite beinge eight pounds twelve shillings and eight pence ORELLS to be committed to the Compter.

28th February, 1605. It was ordered that a Yeomanry of this Company should be established, though there is no entry of its extinguishment. Rules and ordinances were to be made by the Court, and twenty-four persons were to be nominated by the “present wardens of the said Yeomanry” to serve as a Court of Assistants for the Yeomanry, with a power of veto reserved to the Masters.

16th April, 1605. A Committee sat to consider the patent to be granted to the Yeomanry.

2nd May, 1605. This daye the M{r} and M{r} Warden Mapes and M{r} Thorney delivˀed to the Wardens of the yomanry viz. Robert Jenninges and Richard Alderson and also to Robert Wood and Edward Goodale the yomanryes boxe and money their Corrector their twoe standinge Cuppes & Covers and their cases and all such oth{r} thinges as they had of the yomanryes, but onely their patent w{ch} is to be renued & twoe of their keyes were delivˀed to the sayd Robert Wood and Edward Goodale by them to be kept.

24th May, 1605. This daye the ordynancꝭ of the yomanry were ratiefied & confirmed by this Court. Also the quarterages of the yomanry was this daye demised unto the wardens of the yomanry from the xvj{th} of September next ensuinge for the terme of ... at the yerely rent of 8{li} to be paid by quarterly payments w{ch} demyse was passed by wrytinge indented as by the same more at lardge may appeare.

At the end of the Minute Book, 1598-1607, is a copy of a part of this indenture.

26th November, 1607. It was ordered:--

That the wardens of the yomanry shall take for the use of their funerall clothe at eˀvy funerall wherein it is used ij{s} vj{d} And the bedell for his attendaunce xij{d} provided notw{th}standinge that if such deceased pˀson shall owe unto the yomanry arrerages of quarterage that the wardens of the sayd yomanry shall not lend their said funerall cloth before such arrerages be first paid.

10th August, 1609. It was ordered that the Yeomandry shall hold their great generall dinner albeit they made request to the Contrary.

The next extracts record the last events in the chequered existence of the Yeomanry.

17th November, 1635. According to a former order of Court the Wardeins of the yeomanrye did this daye deliver up unto the Maisters their Accompt and the xvij{li} v{s} viij{d} in money upon the foote of that Accompt Also they delivered up to this Court their plate bookꝭ and goodꝭ with the Inventarye and that being delivered & donn Richard Lamb and Thomas Duppa twoe of the yeomanrye Wardeins threwe downe their keyes on the table in a scornefull manner and badd y{e} M{rs} take all.

3rd December, 1635. This daye upon mature deliberac͠on had as alsoe upon just groundꝭ and causes showed to this Court of the greate burthen of this Companie in the continuall charge of the keepeing of a yeomanrye And it being propounded to this Court whether the Wardeins and Assistants of the yeomanrye should continew the holding of the yeomanrye yea or noe It was by most voyces fully concluded and ordered that they shall continew noe longer their governem{t} And they the Wardeins & Assistantꝭ of the yeomanrye & their governem{t} are by this Court dissolved.


The office of Clerk of the Company is doubtless as ancient as the Company itself, although there is no mention of one prior to the year 1530[185]; but as there were always registers to be kept, fees to receive, apprentices to bind, and the multifarious business of a Livery Guild to conduct and record, we conclude that the office has existed from the earliest period.

[185] In the ordinances of Sir Thos. More.

The Clerk in Queen Mary’s time seems to have combined the occupation of gardener with that of his office, and for this he had but a small fee in addition to his stipend. Later on the Clerks appear to have devised fees for every conceivable kind of business which could possibly be transacted at Barber-Surgeons’ Hall, and in the 17th and 18th centuries the income derived from this source alone must have been very considerable.

The Company has been served by good, bad and indifferent Clerks; we prefer to dwell only on the former and record the names among others, of Francis Rowdon, Charles Bernard and John Paterson as being worthy to be held in goodly remembrance. The books of the Company abound in testimony to their ability as well as to the fidelity and zeal which they displayed in the execution of their office.

1st October, 1555. The first Clerk of whom there is any record is Thomas Apulton (or Apleton), who, being Beadle, was promoted to that office.

As will be seen elsewhere, the Company had a fair garden in Monkwell Street, and the following interesting minute connects it with the Clerk:--

8th October, 1555. The Clercke of our Companye shall have for waxe pennes and ynke and for trymynge of the gardeyn yerelye vj{s} viij{d.} Yf the gardeyn be not well trymmed and made clene weded and swept at all tymes when the M{r} and Governors of the clothing or any of Thassistaunce of the same shall see yt and thereupon fynde faulte then the saide Clercke shall paye a ffyne to the hall because the said gardein ys not made cleane swept and wedyd as the M{r} and Governors of the Clothinge and thassistaunce of the same shall think meete and convenyent.

5th March, 1556. It was ordered that if--

The Clercke of the Company doo evile mysuse any of the Clothinge or of the yomanry w{th} unsemely words & dewe proofe therof had and proved he shalbe dismyssed clere from the having of the Office of clercke.

27th August, 1557. John Johnson was elected and sworn Clerk “for so longe time as he shal behave hymsyllfe well and honestlye in the saide office.” The salary was fixed at £4 per annum, with 6s. 8d. extra for paper, ink and keeping the garden, and “for wasshinge of the lynen of the howse iij{s} iiij{d.}”

It would appear that one Wilson had some time previously been Clerk, for arrangements were made by which Wilson’s widow was not to be put out of her house, and it was also settled that if Johnson died before his wife, his widow should in like manner have the house after his decease. The rent of this house, which was attached to the Hall was 10s. per annum, and paid by the Clerk to the Renter Warden.

Johnson probably continued Clerk till about 1570, as the books are kept in the same handwriting until then.

Thomas Garter succeeded Johnson, but on 14th January, 1572, he was dismissed from his office for a “certain lewde facte by him committed,” and William Field was elected and sworn in in his place. Field wrote an exceedingly neat and precise hand.

20th March, 1572. It was ordered that in future the Clerk of the Company should always be chosen from among the freemen.

15th March, 1575. William Eden elected Clerk vice Field.

14th November, 1577. Eden was ordered to receive £6 per annum “benevolence” over and above his salary of £4, in consideration of the “smalenes of his lyvinge.”

10th December, 1596. Eden was indebted to the Company £10, “yet in regard of the hardnes of the tyme and his greate charge he shalbe forborne this yere.” At the same Court, gifts were made to the Beadle and Porter on account of the hardness of the times.

16th June, 1597. Eden’s troubles had not forsaken him for we read under this date--

There was geven unto Willm̃ Eden Clark of the Companie in regard of his greate charge and the scarsytie of the tyme the some of v{li} and for the x{li} w{ch} he oweth he ys to pay the same as god shall inable him.

2nd November, 1597. Francis Rowdon elected Clerk vice Eden. Rowdon appears to have been a most methodical man and kept the books with scrupulous neatness and care; his writing is a very fine specimen of the Court hand of the period, and the best in the Company’s books for many years.

1599. The Clerk’s Salary was raised to £6 per annum.

1600. To £8 per annum, and in

1603 To £10 per annum.

26th November, 1607. This daye ffrancꝭ Rowdon Clark to this Company pˀsented his petic͠on to this Court by w{ch} hee prayed ratificac͠on of certen fees belonginge to his place and office in this Company as hereof doe insue.

FFIRST hee prayed to have xl{s.} for the drawinge registringe of the M{rs} accompt so that it be regestered w{th}in twoe moneths aft{r} the awdit.

ALSO hee prayed to have x{s.} for evˀy alienac͠on of every lease of any of the Companyes landes or tenemtꝭ for wrytinge thereof.

ALSO to have for the drawinge & ingroseinge of every lease xx{s.}

ALSO to have xij{d.} for evˀy othe ministered by any of the M{rs} to any of the yomanry of this Company.

ALSO to have xij{d.} for evˀy one that is made free by service and sixe shillingꝭ & sixe pence of every man that is made free by redempc͠on or translac͠on.

ALSO vj{s.} viij{d.} for enteringe of every Anathomy accompt.

ALSO to have iiij{d.} for every Acquittance that hee shall make for the wardens of the yomanry for the forme of theyre quarterage And xij{d.} of them for the Coppie of every order w{ch} concerneth the governem{t} of the yomanry.

ALSO that hee may have of evˀy freeman for his letter of admittance or tollerac͠on under the seale of the house vj{s.} viiij{d.} And of evˀy forren for the lyke x{s.} And of evˀy alien xiij{s.} iiij{d.}

ALSO for pennes Inck & papˀ and for the wardens bookes pˀ an. x{s.}

ALSO for every bill of complaynt iiij{d.}

ALSO for enteringe of evˀry order betwixt pˀtie & pˀtie for the endinge of any Controversie xij{d.}

ALSO for makeinge cleane the hall against evˀy feaste iiij{s.} And such a dishe of meate as the M{rs} of evˀy such feast shall think fit.

ALSO for evˀy searche for the name of evˀy freman or appˀntice iiij{d.}

ALSO for evˀy pˀson that is taken into the livˀy iij{s.} iiij{d.}

ALSO for evˀy pˀson that is taken into the Assistantꝭ iiij{s.} iiij{d.}

ALL w{ch} ordinancꝭ and allowances were ratiefied & confirmed by this Court.

6th July, 1609. Uppon the humble suite & petic͠on of ffrancꝭ Rowdon Clarke to this Company It is this daye ordered by this Courte that w{th}in one moneth next ensuinge hee shall noĩat to the pˀnt M{rs} a sufficient Clarke to whom hee is desyreous to surrender his place and office of Clark to this Company And his suite shalbe graunted unto him if such pˀson so to be pˀnted unto this Court shalbe lyked and allowed.

26th July, 1609. Rowdon presented Richard Ratsdale, Scrivener, for the office of Clerk, about whose sufficiency and ability enquiries were ordered to be made, but they were not satisfactory, for, on the 10th August, William Syddon was elected Clerk vice Rowdon.

The same day it was ordered that Rowdon was to continue in the Livery and to have the use of the Hall and his house until Michaelmas, also that Syddon was to be translated from the Cutlers’ Company.

Syddon’s records of the Company’s business were very meagre and a great contrast to those of the former Clerk.

7th October, 1625. Syddon surrendered his clerkship to Richard Turner (a son of Cressens Turner, Clerk in the Lord Mayor’s Court), who was admitted and sworn. Turner died in 1643, and by his will left some property to the Company to be annually distributed in charity amongst freemen of the Barber-Surgeons, and this became the source of a protracted litigation between his widow and the Company. On the 17th November, 1643, she filed a bill against the Company, which they defended, and succeeded in retaining the greater portion of the bequest. The accounts appear to have been very intricate and involved, remaining unsettled for many years. The Court, however, distributed the whole of the bequest in accordance with the will, as long as the estate (which was leasehold) held out.

16th June, 1628. It is ordered by this Court and our M{r} gave order to the Clarke that he should henceforward have a stoole and sitt at the end of the table w{th} his bookes and register as the clarkes of other Companies doe.

2nd October, 1643. Robert Rawlins elected Clerk vice Turner.

30th June, 1648. The Court granted Rawlins £30 in consideration of his great pains about the Company’s business, and ordered that his salary should be raised from £10 to £30 per annum.

23rd February, 1658. Richard Reynell elected Clerk vice Rawlins (resigned).

21st July, 1685. Joseph Masters elected Clerk.

17th September, 1685. Charles Hargrave elected “Deputy Clerk.” The business of the Company had of late years increased enormously in consequence of the examinations of and Certificates to Navy Surgeons, examinations held for superannuation of wounded or infirm soldiers and sailors, and other matters connected with the Navy office, all of which entailed vast labour on the Clerk.

28th November, 1688. Charles Hargrave elected Clerk vice Masters.

20th November, 1707. Charles Bernard elected Clerk vice Hargrave.

Hargrave had kept the books in a slovenly manner, and appears to have been both a dishonest servant as well as an improvident man.

11th December, 1707. It was reported to the Court that Hargrave’s Estate was indebted to the Company £320 8s. 6d., moneys which he had received and not accounted for.

8th July, 1708. Mrs. Sarah Hargrave (his Widow) presented a petition for relief, stating that she was in poor circumstances, with six children unprovided for, whereupon the Court, notwithstanding her late husband’s delinquencies, very generously ordered her a gratuity of £12 10s. 0d.

Charles Bernard was a relative of, and Executor to Charles Bernard, Serjeant-Surgeon to Queen Anne and Master in 1703. It is delightful to observe the methodical and careful manner in which Bernard began, and all through his life kept the books and accounts; he wrote a large and elegant hand, though somewhat encumbered with flourishes, and his signature is a characteristic one.

[Illustration: Handwritten signature]

7th September, 1708. Hargrave’s son was in the Compter, and the Clerk was directed to see and talk with him about the Company’s papers in his custody, and if he would give them up the Clerk was to make him a present of three guineas.

The Court frequently relieved Mrs. Hargrave, and in December, 1709, gave her £15.

Among the official list of Clerk’s fees at this period were the following:--

For the use of the Hall for ffuneralls, Country ffeasts or weddings 1 0 0

ffor the ffunerall of every Liveryman, the best hood or 0 7 0

17th July, 1718. The Court as a particular reward to Charles Bernard their Clerk for abstracting and peruseing the Company’s title to the Estate in East Smithfield and for his care in passing the fine thereof whereby the Company saved a sume of money and for his extraordinary trouble in attending the Lords of the Admiralty and prosecuteing several persons for takeing the dead bodys from the place of Execuc͠on Did and do hereby give him the sum̄e of fourscore pounds who accepted the same as a most bountifull Instance of the kindness of this Court to him with a full resoluc͠on on his part to acquitt himself by all imaginable and constant returns of duty and gratitude.

Mr. Charles Bernard, who had been a most zealous Clerk and high in the esteem of the Court, died somewhere between the 5th and 20th February, 1740.

25th March, 1740. Joseph Wheeler, son of John Wheeler, Barber-Surgeon, elected Clerk, vice Bernard. Wheeler wrote a fine bold and flowing hand; and the books were well kept, but he was evidently not so able a man as Mr. Bernard.

4th July, 1740. Joseph Wheeler provided two sureties who entered into a bond for £3,000, to ensure his fidelity in the execution of his office.

17th January, 1743. The Commissioners of the Navy having complained that sufficient regard had not been paid to former letters of theirs respecting Surgeons’ Mates, and it appearing that the Clerk had withheld the said letters from the Court, it was ordered that he should be suspended forthwith, with which the Commissioners were acquainted and also that the Court had resolved not to take off such suspension but by the consent and desire of the Commissioners.

31st January, 1743. The Commissioners of the Navy having signified their desire that the Clerk should be restored to his office, he was called into Court, severely reprimanded, reinstated in his position, and cautioned as to his future conduct.

Mr. Wheeler continued Clerk until the separation of the Surgeons from the Barbers in 1745, when neither body retained his services, and it appearing that moneys were due from him to the Company, application was made to his sureties.

25th June, 1745. John Paterson was chosen Clerk to the Barbers’ Company at the first Court held after the separation, and entered into a Bond with two sureties in a sum of £2,000.

19th February, 1746. Mr. Paterson having brought in an account of his Costs in the matter of the separation of the Surgeons amounting to £167 13s. 2d., and also an account of voluntary contributions by members of the Company towards defraying the same amounting to £168 10s. 6d., he begged the Court to accept of his past services as a return for the honour done him in his election, and the Court were pleased to accept of the compliment, but having a high sense of the services rendered by Mr. Paterson, they directed the sum of £80 to be laid out in plate and presented to him “to remain in his family as a memorial of his merit and of their gratitude.”

5th March, 1765. Mr. Paterson requested permission to resign his office, which the Court accepted with great reluctance, and passed a complimentary resolution in his favour.

Richard Beale, who had been Mr. Paterson’s clerk and was highly recommended by him, was elected Clerk.

8th August, 1765. Mr. Paterson was unanimously elected an Assistant.

Mr. Beale bequeathed £500 to the Company in reversion on the death of Mrs. Ann Woodhouse.

22nd April, 1766. James Marye elected Clerk vice Beale (deceased).

22nd April, 1766. John Paterson Esquire being withdrawn a Motion was made and the question being put That a piece of plate of the value of Fifty Pounds or thereabouts be presented to the said M{r} Paterson as a mark of the high esteem and value this Court entertains of his merit and abilities and to shew their gratitude to him for his long and faithful services during the course of twenty years and in return for his readiness on every occasion to assist this Court with his advice and council, the same was carried in the Affirmative, NEMINE CONTRADICENTE.

By the Accounts for this year it appears that a Silver Tureen, Dish and Ladle were purchased for £65 16s. 0d., and this was no doubt the gift to Mr. Paterson.

20th August, 1767. The Court being informed that Mr. Paterson intended to stand for the City at the next General Election, it was ordered that he should have the use of the Company’s Hall for his meetings.

An excellent mezzotint portrait of Mr. Paterson, with some eulogistic lines below, is preserved at Barbers’ Hall.

In 1754 Mr. Paterson presented to the Company the valuable portrait of the Duchess of Richmond, painted by Sir Peter Lely, and which still adorns the Court Room.

Mr. Paterson was a member of the Common Council, and sometime Chairman of the Bridge House Estates Committee, he was also M.P. for Ludgershall, Wilts. He was ever faithful to this Company, serving it with distinguished ability, and seems to have been greatly respected and esteemed.

1st June, 1790. William Wood elected Clerk vice Marye.

Mr. Wood presented the Company with a handsome Silver Tea Urn.

13th August, 1795. Edward Grose Smith (Mr. Wood’s partner) elected Clerk vice Wood, resigned.

5th March, 1822. Henley Smith (son of E. G. Smith) elected Clerk vice Smith, resigned.

5th February, 1861. Mr. Henley Smith resigned and was elected an Assistant (Master in 1864).

7th May, 1861. Henley Grose Smith (son of Henley Smith) elected Clerk vice Smith, resigned. Mr. Henley Grose Smith was elected an Assistant 1877.


There is no certainty as to the first institution of this office, though it is probably not so old as that of the Clerk, who in ancient times, summoned the Livery, collected the quarterage and performed various duties which we afterwards find assigned to the Beadle, and we may conclude that in those days he was little more than a Caretaker or “Porter”; indeed, this is the more likely as the latter designation is frequently applied to the Under Beadle in the Records.

As the business and numbers of the Company increased, several minor functions of the Clerk were delegated to the Porter or Beadle, who had distinctive duties assigned to him varying with the age in which he lived; among these may be enumerated, sweeping the garden, collecting quarterage, cleaning the Hall, whipping naughty apprentices, summoning freemen, etc., bringing home dead bodies from Tyburn, keeping lists of journeymen, pressing Surgeons and Barbers for sea service, assisting the Masters on search days, hunting up and laying informations against non freemen practising Barbery and Surgery, marshalling and heading processions, both at the Hall and in the City pageants, guarding the Parlour door, and other offices too numerous to particularise, though there were but few of them which did not yield a fee, and indeed our Beadle could hardly have lived without fees, for his official salary in Edward VI’s time was but £4 per annum, which, notwithstanding the greater value of money then, could scarcely be considered a fat living.

With one exception, the office has been (and properly so) held by freemen, and in the appointment of the Court. In 1626, however, the Lord Keeper sent a letter “recommending” (i.e., commanding) the Company to elect one Gorton, a servant of his, to the place, and Gorton was accordingly chosen. The interference of the King and his great officers in the patronage and appointments vested in the City guilds was carried to great lengths with some of the Companies, and there are amusing accounts extant of the astuteness with which this meddling was sometimes met (vide Herbert’s Livery Companies). Our Company, with the solitary exception above referred to, appears to have been happily free from this species of intervention.

Early in the 17th century there were two Beadles of the Clothing, the Under Beadle being often styled the Porter, but about the middle of the 18th century, and since then, one Beadle has sufficed.

The Beadle has always had his “house” at the Hall, and used formerly to pay a small quit rent for it. On the dismission of a Beadle for misconduct, a difficulty was sometimes experienced in regaining possession of this house, and various shifts were resorted to; even the Beadles’ Widows now and then refused to turn out, and the “benevolences” meted out to them were possibly sometimes in the nature of bribes to induce them to go.

Besides the Beadles of the Clothing, there was a Beadle of the Yeomanry, whose duties were analogous to those of his more exalted brethren, and into whose office he frequently stepped when there was a vacancy.

The Beadles for many years had a most disagreeable duty to perform, namely, the procuring and bringing home from Tyburn the dead bodies of malefactors. By the Act 32 Hen. VIII, the Company were empowered to have yearly the bodies of four executed felons for “anatomies,” and the practice was for the Beadles to attend at the gallows and select such bodies as they pleased. Their opponents were generally the hangman, who himself trafficked in these uncanny goods, the relatives of the criminal, and the populace who were incited by the relatives to resist the Beadles. Many were the unseemly fights which took place over these bodies, and oftentimes when the Beadles had secured a “subject” and were driving off with it in a coach, they were attacked and beaten, and the body rescued from them. The hangman appears to have been entitled to the dead man’s clothes, for on more than one occasion the Company gave him compensation for them, they having been torn to pieces in the brutal struggle for possession. Moreover the Company had often to satisfy the Coachmen for personal injuries and for damages to their coaches, as well as to give special gratuities to their Beadles by way of solatium for the beatings which they underwent. Frequent prosecutions and convictions followed the interference with the Company’s Officers at these times, and even the Sheriff’s Officers were on one occasion dismissed by the City for having sided against the Beadles.

The hangman came to the Hall regularly for his Christmas Box and gave a receipt for the same, sometimes affixing the title “Executioner” after his signature. Many curious particulars relating to the above will be found elsewhere. (Vide Wardens’ Accounts, Surgery, etc.)

[Illustration: Mace]

The Beadle is elected annually by the Court, and resides at the Hall. The two Silver maces pertaining to his office are as handsome and massive as any in the City and are always carried before the Master on Court days.

14th May, 1530. The earliest reference to the Beadle in our Records is to be found in the Ordinances signed by Sir Thomas More, where it is directed that the Members shall take their seniority “according to the trew entrance therof in the Bedyllꝭ Rolle.”

6th November, 1550. Richard Wilson was Beadle at this time.

6th July, 1552. Thomas Appulton, Beadle, vice Wilson deceased.

19th September, 1552. It was agreed that Appulton “shall have his messe of meate on the feaste dayes.”

4th May, 1574. Here was the Wardens of the yeomanry and brought Anthony Hall in to the Courte to be admytted Beadle of the yeomanrye and he was sworne and admytted and fathe(r) Roger(s) put to his penc͠on and to geve attendaunce but as he is able.

22nd July, 1577. Richard Rogers, the old Beadle of the Yeomanry, was ordered a gift of 20s. and a yearly pension of 20s.

23rd July, 1582. Robert Norton, Yeomanry Beadle, was authorised to take 2d. of every freeman on his admission, and his yearly salary of 8s. was raised to 26s. 8d.

14th August, 1587. Robert Norton was Livery Beadle.

10th December, 1596. James Hewes (Hughes) was Livery Beadle.

16th June, 1597. John Smith, Livery Beadle.

15th August, 1603. Edward Evans, Livery Beadle.

15th August, 1603. Kellam Clifton appointed Porter or Under Beadle.

21st July, 1608. Edward Blayny, Beadle, was dismissed for behaving himself “very dishonestly.”

14th August, 1617. Kellam Clifton elected Beadle and Edward Presson, Porter.

2nd December, 1617. Clifton was suspended for misbehaviour, but subsequently reinstated.

9th July, 1618. William Chapman elected Porter.

19th February, 1621. Clifton, again misbehaving himself, was dismissed.

14th June, 1621. Humphry Mumford elected Beadle.

3rd July, 1621. Chapman, the Porter, dismissed for using “lewd speeches,” but on his humble submission and craving pardon on his knees, he was reinstated, 10th July, 1621.

20th August, 1621. The Company could not get Clifton out of his house, so they gave him 20s. and a pension of 40s. per annum during good behaviour and the pleasure of the Court. Possibly the “pleasure of the Court” did not extend beyond one year.

15th February, 1626. Edward Gorton (recommended by the Lord Keeper) elected Beadle in place of Mumford.

10th July, 1628. This daye this Court takeing notice of an order made the 3 of Julye, 1621, by w{ch} order Chapman our Porter for his dissolute and deboist carriage was ip̃o facto then by that order dismissed of his said place and likewise of an order made in the beginning of oure M{rs} tyme for the dismissing of the said Chapman for his misbehavior and upon the generall complaint made unto this Court against the said Chapman for the most parte being drunck misbehaveing himselfe towardꝭ the M{rs} and carrieing himselfe soe basely & quarrelsome to the brethren of this Companie and neglecting his duety to this house. It is thereupon ordered that he shall stand dismissed from his said place unlesse at the next Court of Assistantꝭ it doe appeare that he hath left his former carriage of being often drunck & deboistnes.

3rd February, 1634. Gorton requested to be discharged of his office of Beadle in respect of his age and feebleness, and Nathaniel Foster was elected in his place.

25th January, 1637. Chapman, “Under Beadle,” resigned, and was assigned a pension of £4 per annum during pleasure.

25th January, 1637. Edmond Johnson “who writeth very well” was elected Under Beadle.

6th March, 1639. Foster, for his “sawcey carriage unto this Companie” and general neglect of duty, was dismissed.

1659. Francis Johnson was Beadle with a salary of £10, and Peter Smith, Porter, with a salary of £8.

1662. Peter Smith was Beadle, and Thomas Veere, Porter.

23rd June, 1692. Ordered that William Cave be admitted to assist Peter Smith and Jonas Wills the Beadles.

19th July, 1694. Peter Smith was dead; he had been a very zealous servant of the Company. On the first floor landing at the Hall is a pretty piece of heraldic glass in the window with his name and the date 1671. Jonas Wills elected Beadle.

16th August, 1694. William Cave elected Beadle vice Wills deceased.

8th July, 1708. William Cave and Thomas Repton were Beadles.

6th July, 1710. Repton’s widow had £3 given her to bury her late husband.

20th February, 1711. Mr. Gratian Bale (son of Nathan Bale, Citizen and Grocer) who was apprenticed 22nd June, 1669 to Robert Andrewes (Surgeon), and afterwards became an Examiner in Surgery, and Master in 1709, petitioned the Court to be relieved of the office of an Assistant on the ground that he had fallen into decayed circumstances and could not possibly support that dignity, and on his resignation being accepted, the Court proceeded to the election of a Beadle in the room of Thomas Repton deceased, whereupon Mr. Bale was elected--

And in regard that the s{d} M{r} Bale had been Ma{r} of This Company This Court doth hereby give him leave (asking the consent of the Governo{rs} for the time being) to depute some other person to walke before the Company in his stead with the Beadles staffe & gowne upon the Lord Mayors & Elecc͠on days.

18th May, 1714. Mr. Bale having become too infirm to execute his office, the Court, in consideration of his past services, appointed William Hardy, Barber, his assistant, at a salary of £10 per annum.

31st July, 1716. William Cave died of a “high fever.”

16th August, 1716. William Watkins and William Hardy elected Beadles, on condition of paying Mr. Bale £10 per annum, which the Court supplemented with another £10.

10th July, 1717. Richard Collins elected Beadle vice Hardy, deceased.

18th August, 1720. It was ordered that in future no man could be qualified to be put in nomination for the office of Beadle if above 40 years of age--

in order that the business may from thenceforward be discharged and dispatched with propˀ vigour and dexterity and to the honour and profitt of the Company.

13th April, 1721. Watkins being so indisposed as not to be able to perform his duties, Charles Window (who looked after the dead bodies at Tyburn) was ordered to officiate for him. Watkins shortly after lost his speech and got into Ludgate prison, where he had a weekly allowance from the Company--he seems to have remained in prison till his death, 3rd August, 1724.

7th October, 1722. Henry Gretton elected Beadle vice Watkins.

6th November, 1724. Matthew Morris elected Beadle vice Collins, resigned.

30th October, 1732. William Littlebury elected Beadle vice Morris, deceased.

5th June, 1764. John Wells elected Beadle vice Littlebury, resigned on pension.

3rd April, 1787. William Smith elected Beadle vice Wells, deceased.

4th March, 1788. Joseph Wells (son of John Wells) elected Beadle vice Smith, deceased.

6th February, 1798. Jacob Bonwick elected Beadle vice Wells, deceased.

1st March, 1814. William Barnes elected Beadle vice Bonwick.

11th August, 1831. Samuel Borrett elected Beadle vice Barnes (who retired on a pension of £50 per annum).

11th August, 1864. John Heaps (Master in 1855) elected Beadle vice Borrett (who retired on a pension of £50 per annum).

1st July, 1879. Edward Lawless elected Beadle vice Heaps (who retired on a pension of £52 per annum).


1551. ~Memorandum~ the xxviij{th} daye of Aprill in the v{th} yere of the reigne of King Edwarde the sixte yt was condescended and agreed by M{r} Bancke and Edward Hewit before M{r} Geen with his Wardeins That John Chambr̃ shall performe his bargayne w{th} Willm̄ Drew for the healing of his mayde for the mony receyved of him aforehand which is xiij{s} iiij{d.} And further yt is agreed that James Wood shall repay to the said Drewe the mony receyved of him which is xiij{s} iiij{d.} Also the sayd John Chambr̃ shall agre w{th} the sayd James Wood for his labor and content him for his payne according to conscience.

19th September, 1552. ALSOO it ys ordered and agreed that the serṽnts of Straungers that occupye Surgery shall paye x{d} the quarter w{ch} is iij{s} iiij{d} by yere.

5th March, 1555. Among the Articles ordained on this day are the following:--

That there shalbe chosein viij examyners wherof iiij to be alwayes present to examyn all such as experte in Surgery, the M{r} and governors being present Wherupon the sayed examyners may sett their hands w{th} the consent of the M{r} and govˀnors hearing the mater. And that the sayed examyners shall not examyn nor geve Lrẽs of lycence but that the M{r} and govˀnors shalbe prevy therof. And that there maye be a booke made wherine every mans name that have Lycence to occupye Surgery being approved, to be enrolled and what ys the grace that ys to him or them appointed. And if they take upon them to doo otherwise than there grace ys geven them, the blame to redowne to him or them that so doo and not to the examyners nor to the m{r} and govˀnors, and that there maye be alwayes at every courte day twoo at the leaste of the sayed examyners during a moneth: and so afterward monethelye two of them to be there whose chaunce the monethe shall fall too yf there besynes be not the greater because the m{r} and govˀnors shoulde not be to seke if anye bodye shoulde be examyned there. And for defaulte of noen being there having no reasonnable excuse, to lose to the hall ij{s} if he doo not send worde or com̃e himself being in the Cytie of London, or desyen a nother examyner to be there for him when his course ys at every Courte daye because we shoulde not be w{t}out them who cañ answer the matter towching Surgery.

That they whiche be appointed for the Anathomye for the yere next following and must sarve the Docter and be about the bodye he shall se and provyde that there be every yere, a matte about the harthe in the hall that M{r} Docter made not to take colde upon his feate, nor other gentelmen that do com̃e and marke the Anathomye to learne knowledge And further that there be ij fyne white rodds appointed for the Docter to touche the body where it shall please him and a waxe candell to loke into the bodye and that there be alwayes for the Docter two aprons to be from the sholder downewarde and two peyr of Sleaves for his hole arme w{t} tapes for chaunge for the sayed doctor and not to occupye one Aporne and one payer of Sleves every daye w{ch} ys unseamly. And the M{rs} of the Anathomye y{t} be about the bodye to have lyke aprons and sleves every daye bothe white and cleane. Yf y{t} the M{r} of the Anathomye y{t} be about the Docter doo not see theise things ordered and that their knyves probes and other instrumẽts be fayer and cleane accordinglye w{th} Aprons and sleves, if they doo lacke any of the said things afore rehersed he shall forfayte for a fyne to the hall xl{s.}

22nd July, 1556. It was ordained among other articles--

[Sidenote: An Article that evˀye Barbor Surgeon occupˀing Surgery shall take no mañ’ of prentice but suche as hathe some knowledge in the Latten tonge.]

That from the feaste of Saint Michaell tharchaungell next comynge no barbor Surgeon that dothe occupye the mystery of Surgery in the Clothinge or out of the Clothing shall take or have any prentys but that he cañ skyll of the Laten tonge and understand the same and cañ wryte and reade suffycientlye and yf they or any of them doo take any that cañ not doo the same they that offende shall paye to the hall for a ffyne xl{s.}

[Sidenote: An Article that all prentizes that here after shalbe made ffree and do entend to occupye Surgery shalbe examyned and to passe his ffirste prefermẽt of grace.]

That prentisses that shalbe made ffree after michelmas next comynge that doo occupy the mystery of Surgery and all other men that doo desyer to occupy the same and to be a brother w{th} us, to be examyned and to passe according to the order of this house as a prefermẽt of a grace to him geven as the order hereafter followeth as he shalbe demaunded and apposoe.

[Sidenote: An Article howe the sayed prentizes shalbe examyned.]

That after michelmas next comyng all pˀntyces when they are made ffree must (be) demaunded by the M{r} and govˀnors and the iiij examyners what he intendeth to doo after he is made free, whether he will occupye the mystery of Surgery or no w{t}in the Cytie of London. Yf he saye ye Then to be examyned what he can doo towards yt, howe he knoweth what ys Surgery and also what an Anatomye ys and howe manye perts it ys, of what the iiij{or} Elements and the xij signes be w{ch} ys the fyrste pert of examynac͠on for a prentyce & for other that wilbe brother with us as the examyners shall see cause, for having of their preferment of their first grace to them to be geven.

[Sidenote: An Article that upon his examy’on of Surgery the said prentis shall have his preferme’t of grace and if he or they can reade to bring in qr’terly an epistle.]

That when he hathe aunswered to the firste article preyving that he hathe some Learninge or practyse Then to have his firste preferment of grace to occupye Surgery by the space of so many yeres or tyme as the M{r} and govˀnors and the examyners shall thinke meete, and as his Industrye shall seme to receyve the grace of god and by his dilligent travell to studye in the same and for an homage thereof if he be learned or can wryte to bringe in an Epistell evˀy half yere and to reade it himselfe openly at the day of Lecture before the hole house that they may see his furtheraunce how he hathe profyted in his dilligent Labor and studye, and the unlearned that can not wryte nor reade to be examyned half yerelye what they can doo in the practyse because they be unlettered by the m{r} and govˀnors and the Examyners how they have taken payens in their studye to practyse because they be unlettered for the Savegarde of the kg̃ and queenes mãt{s} people.

[Sidenote: An Article that any man desyring to have his prefermẽt of grace shall paye to the Clarcke for y{e} wryting therof viij{d.}]

That any man occupyinge the mystery of Surgery being made free and desiereth to have his firste preferment of grace shall paye to the Clercke of the Companye for the wrytinge Inrolling fynding waxe to seale it and for the having of the Seale viij{d.}

[Sidenote: An Article that no man occup’ing Surgery shall sewe for the Busshopes seale before he be admitted a M{r} of Surgery by the M{r} and govˀnors & the iiij Examyners.]

That no man of the Companye after the feaste of Saint Michell Tharchaungell next comyng shall call for the Busshopes seale which ys the confyrmac͠on of a Surgeon untill suche tyme as he hathe passed his fyrste preferment of grace & the Seconde admyssion to be admitted to be a Surgeon and a Maister of Anathomye, and to paye for the having of the Seconde admyssyon a spone of an ounce of Silver and his name to be wrytten upon it to the hall, and the Clercke of the Company for the wryting and findinge waxe and enrolling of yt in the boke viij{d.} and if the pˀson doo not this passe orderly he to paye for a ffyne to the hall xl{s.}

~The order~ of the ffyrste preferment of grace of the admissyon of practycyoners that have been prentizes and be made ffree what they shall have fyrste towards their preferment.

[Sidenote: The order of the first prefermẽt of grace of practicioñs and prentices.]

~Fforasmoche~ as yt is expedyent that no man occupye the worthye Scyence of Surgerye but suche as shalbe thoughte apte and industrˀ to execute the same truelye and accordinglye as well for the comodytie and proffyt of the comen welthe as also for the avoyding of the Inconveniences and Slaunder that otherwise mighte happen by the rasshenes and unconning of suche lewde persons as taketh upon them to exercyse Surgery being neither expert nor of us admytted to the same. And forasmoche as it is not possyble that any shall attayne to the same w{t}out instrucc͠ons firste learned of conninge and well exercysed men of that facultie: being broughte up therin as a practycyoner or otherwise under some well scylled M{r} for certayne yeres: in whiche tyme he mighte applye his mynde to learne perfectly the rules and speculatyve pert therof. The maister and govˀnors of the Barbors and Surgeons of London w{th} the foure Examyners and the rest of the hole assistaunce have thoughte it good after suche tyme and terme of yeres expired every suche prentis or otherwise Servaunt being made ffre of the sayed Companye and ffellowship shall also have a tyme appointed by us and the reste of the Companye to practise and to put in use suche knowledge as he hathe that we in tyme afterwarde havinge intelligence of his connynge and well dooyngs may constitute him a maister of Surgery if his deserving so requier. WHERFORE we the sayed Maisters and governors and the iiij{or} examyners w{th} the rest of the hole assistaunce here at this instante doo admitt A. B. as a practycyoner: who hath served as a prentis with R. G. maister aucthorisshed of this Company the space of yeares and now being a freeman of this Companye to practise Surgery in all placˀs according to his knowledge for the space of      yeares as a tryall and a proofe of his knowledge may be had. In Witnesse wherof of the premisses we have caused this Lrẽ to be sealed w{t} our seale of our hall touching the firste admissyon of his fyrste prefermẽt of grace the xxiiij{th} day of Julye Anno dñi 1556.

~The Order~ of the firste preferm̄et of their grace that be Lay bretherne that occupye the Scyence of Surgery w{th} us and also for them that be not a brother w{th} us and dothe desyre to be (of) us for their fyrste admissyon of practycyoners.

[Sidenote: The order of the firste prefermẽt of grace for Laye Bretherne.]

“~Fforasmoche~ as yt is moste expedyent that no man occupie,” etc., etc. This licence is similar to the last one excepting that it provides that the person admitted being made a brother, though no free man, should have a time given to him in which to practise the art of Surgery on approval.

~The Order~ of the Admissyon of Maisters of Surgery and of the Anatamye to be confyrmed for ever before they have the Seale of the Busshop w{ch} maketh up the hole confyrmac͠on of a master of Surgery & of Anathomye.

[Sidenote: The order of the admissyon of a M{r} of Surgerye.]

~We~ Thomas Knot M{r} Thomas Gayle John Smythe and Thomˀs ffishe Governors Thomas Vycary George Hollande George Geen and Richard fferes M{rs} and examyners of the Company of Barbours and Surgeons of London w{th} the rest of the whole assistaunce of the same Companye To all men to whome this wryting shall come greting. ~We~ certifye youe by this Lrẽ that whereas o{r} welbeloved in Christe T. A. ys not onely a man of honest fame and good behaveor but is also expert connynge and well exercysed in the arte of Surgery as his well defycell[186] cures and prosperous successe w{ch} can not be dooen w{t}out maturate judgement and Learninge dothe make thereof moste certayne trueth and be assure witnes. ffurther more we are assured by the experyence we have of the man that he is not onely substancyally well exercysed in the curing of infyrmities belonging to Surgery of the p̃ts of mans bodye comonly called the Anathomye: Wherfore we aswell in the behalf equyte reason and conscyence as also for the preferm̃et of Learning knowledge and experyence doo thinke yt meete convenyent and reasonnable to constitute the same T. A. bothe A Maister of Surgery and also of the Anathomye and willeth him so to be taken for ever hereafter and to have auctorytie to exercyse & occupye as well the one as the other wheresoever he shall come w{t}in this Realme or ellswhere of the premisses ~In~ Witnes wherof we have caused this Lrẽ to be sealed w{t} the great comon seale of our Hall the xxiij{th} daye of July A{o} dñi 1556.

[186] Difficult.

27th August, 1557. The same daye It Wase ffurder ordered and agreed that all men of the saide Companye and fellowshypp usinge the mystere and crafte of Surgerye maye take unto hys or y{r} Apprentice anye person or persons althoweth[187] he or they be not lerned in the Latin Tonge, anye Acte here to fore made to the contrarye not with standinge.

[187] Although.

The same day it was ordered that the two Masters of Anatomy should have the keys and custody of the “Lyberary and of the Instr̃ments” therein, and that the Wardens of the Yeomanry were to keep the Instruments clean.

Attendance by the members on the Surgical side was compulsory at the Anatomy lectures, and 27th August, 1557, is an order of Court that Robert Mudsley (Master in 1572 and 1580) “hath lycence to be absent from all lecture dayes w{th}oute paymẽte any fyne for by cawse he hath gyven over the exercysynge of the arte of Surgery and doth occupy only a sylk shoppe and shave.”

A little later on, William Cawsey had licence to be absent from the lectures on payment of a yearly fine of 3s. 4d., and there are scores of similar exemptions in the books.

1st March, 1558. Jasper the Cutter for the Stoane had Lycence by the M{r} and govˀnors that he shall worcke and set forth his sygne and he payde for hys fyne x{s} and yf that he do not go ovˀ in to his owne cuntrye before whytsontide nexte after folowyng he hath promysed that he wylbe a brother of this howse but as yet he ys not admytted a brother.

25th October, 1558. There was before the Court one Leonardo Rodergo--

Surgeon & deuchem̃a whome pˀsumptinglye & arogantly stood and bragged w{th} a letter to be in the name of Kyng Phillippe lycencing hym to occupye surgery w{t}in all y{e} Kyngs & quenes domynions & when yt was seene y{r}to was nether seale nor the kyngs hande, but a sorte of Spanyards hands & names whome he sayde afterwards yt one of them was y{e} kyngs secretary & thother of his Councell.

Dr. J. J. Howard had in his collection the following document, which, as he says, affords good evidence of the low condition of Surgical practice in the metropolis at the accession of Elizabeth.

~Elizabeth~ by the grace of God Queen of England Fraunce and Irelonde Defender of the faith etc. TO ALL Mayours Sheriffs Baylliffs Constables and all other our Offycers Mynisters and Subjects thees our Lettres hearinge or seinge and to every of them greetinge.

~We~ lett you wete that for certeyn consideracions us movinge we have by theise presents auctorised and lycensed our Trustie and Wellbeloved Servaunte ~Thomas Uncarn~ Sergeant of our Surgions and the Wardens of the Fellowshipp of the said Surgions within our Cytie of London that now be or hereafter shalbe, that they by themselfs or their assigne bearer hereof shal and may from hensforth take and reteyne at our wages as well within the Cytie of London as elsewhere within any other Cytie Towne Boroughe or other place within this our Realme as well franchised and privileged as not franchised nor privileged suche and as many Surgions as they shall thinke mete and able from time to time to doe unto us servyce in the scyence of Surgerie at any season hereafter as well by sea as lande and further that the Sergeant and Wardeyns aforesaide shal or maye take of suche as be not able to serve suche instruments and other stuff of Surgerie as they shal thinke mete to sarve agreinge and payinge therfor to all suche of whom any suche instruments or stuff shal be taken. ~Wherfore We~ woll and comaunde you and eṽy of you that unto our saide Sergiant and the Wardeyns aforesaid and their assigne bearer hereof in the due execucion of this our aucthoritie and lycense ye be aydinge helpinge and assistinge as oft as the case shal require without any your denyall lett or contradycion as ye and eṽy of you tender our pleasure and woll avoide the contrary at your peril ~In~ Witness whereof We have caused theis our Lettres of Commissyon to be sealed with our Greate Seale. Wytness ourself at Westmynstre the      day of December the seconde yere of our Reigne.

1st October, 1566, is an entry of the translation from the Woodmongers’ Company of William Slade, who was stated to be “a Surgeon & learned yt w{th} Ric. Venar & John Hall at Maydstone.” This John Hall was a famous Surgeon in his day and wrote “An Historiall Expostulation Against the beastlye Abusers, bothe of Chyrurgerie and Physyke,” which has been reprinted with several valuable notes by the Percy Society (Vol. XI) accompanied with John Hall’s portrait.

14th January, 1567. M{r} Doctor Julyo made request y{t} he myghte have the work of the anathomy these iiij{or} or fyve yeres so y{t} the coledge of the phicysions sholde not put hym from us & also y{t} he myghte have pˀvat anathomyes at his demaunde in this howse.

16th January, 1567. It was agreed that Dr. Julius Borgarneins (“Dr. Julyo”) should “make and worke ow{r} anathomyes and skellytons” for the space of five years.

18th March, 1567. Thomas Wells, Merchant Taylor, complained against Nicholas Wyborde for “not curynge his mans hed y{t} he tooke in hande.”

The following order for the erection of raised seats for the members attending the Anatomy lectures, and for a screen to temporarily hide the body, indicates the growing interest taken by the Company in the furtherance of technical education; and from the reference to the skeleton, for which a case was directed to be made, it is highly probable that this was the only specimen which the Company in those days possessed!

1st February, 1568. Also yt ys ordayned and agreed by this Courte That there shalbe buyldyngꝭ don and made aboute the hall for Seates for the Companye that com̃eth unto every publyque anathomy, ffor by cawse that every pˀsone comyng to se the same maye have good pˀspect over the same and that one sholde not cover the syght thereof one frome another as here to fore the Company have much cõplayned on the same. And also foder more yt is agreed that the olde standyng w{ch} did sˀve for the company of the clothing at coronacions or any noble pere his com̃yng throughe the cytie oute of any fforeyns Cõntrey or lande, for bycawse yt is broken and spoyled and olde shall all be put to the makyng of the saide seates or for sparyng of the charge for new Tymber. And also That whan yt shall happen any greate pere of any fforren Lande upon tryumphe to com̃e as aforsaid and the Company beynge then com̃anded to theyre standyng for to receyve any noble man for the hono{r} of the prince kynge or quene of this Realme of England and the cytie of London, That then as now and now as then also the M{r} and govˀno{rs} for the tyme beyng shall buylde & make a new Substanciall and Com̃ly fayer standyng To serve in lyke and ample maner. And also ther shalbe pyllers and Rodꝭ of Iron made to beare and drawe Courteynes upon & aboute the frame where w{th}in the Anathomy doth lye and is wrought upon, for bycawse that no pˀsone or pˀsones shall beholde the desections or incysyngꝭ of the body, but that all maye be made cleane and covered w{th} fayer clothes untyll the Docter shall com and take his place to reade and declare upon the partes desected. And also yet forder more also, That there shalbe a case of weynscot made w{th} paynters worke y{r} upon as semely as maye be don ffor the skellyton to stande in and that for the Worshyp of the Company--and all these to be made wrought and don at the charges of the mistery and Com̃on boxe of the hall.

16th March, 1568. Here was Edward Park for y{t} he hath wretten upon his Surgeons signe the skoller of S{t} Thomas of Wallingforde and the said Edward Parke is comaunded by the aucthorytie of this worsshyphfull Courte That he the said Edward Parke shall w{th} all expedicion put oute of his said Signe the said wrytinge & to sett his signe as other Surgeons do w{t}out any superscryption yt upon and not ells otherwyse as he wyll answere to the contrarye.

13th July, 1568. In this Courte John ffrende is comytted to warde for a pacient dyeing under his hands and not presented.

19th April, 1569. Here was the wyfe of Richard Selbye of London Ironmonger playntyf agaynst William Wyse for that he cured not her housbonds leg as he promysed he wolde have don, and yt is ordered that Wylliam Wyse shall repaye agayne of the money w{ch} he receyved in parte of the bargayne made be twene them and then was in the pˀsents of this Courte payde unto Agnes the wyf of the above said Richard Selby vj{s} viij{d} and so William Wyse is clerely dyscharged of pacyent & all.

1570. This year it was deemed advisable to increase the number of the Examiners in Surgery from five to seven, and these were Mr. Serjeant Balthrop, Mr. Alexander Mason, Mr. Thomas Baylie, Mr. Robert Mudesley, Mr. John Field, Mr. John Yates, and Mr. William Bovie.

5th April, 1570. It was agreed that in consequence of the great charges with which the Company was always burdened in time of wars, in setting forth sufficient surgeons and their men with unguents, balms, etc., as also common soldiers, that a petition should be sent to the Queen for redress in the matter of providing soldiers.

11th April, 1570. Here was one         playntyf agaynst W{m} Beton for a bubo & W{m} Beton wyll heale hym yf he wylbe ruled by him.

28th April, 1570. In this Courte W{m} Gyllam is charged to cure Elizabeth Hyns of carmebrontyasis & once a day Gyllam shall pˀseve her untyll she be hole and then she shall paye the said Gillam in the pˀsents of this Courte in redy money vj{s.} viij{d.}

11th November, 1572. Here was one Steven Robinson to complaine againste Edward Parke for arestinge hym for the curinge of hym for v yeres seence. (Which means that Parke had sued Robinson for a surgeon’s bill five years old, without leave of the Court.)

12th February, 1573. Here was John ffrend and was comaunded to lay downe his fyne for not pˀntinge M{r} Watson of the Towre w{ch} dyed of Gangrena in his fote and he p{d} xv{s.}

This non-presentation of patients in danger of death, was a common offence, and Mr. Frend had been previously convicted of it (13th July, 1568), on which occasion he was committed to prison.

31st March, 1573. Here was Edwarde Saunders warned because he wold not paye the Anathomytꝭ ther dutye and also that he had let one bloude at Blackwall and that he dyed, his arme fallynge to Gangrena and made no pˀsentac͠on therof also that he w{th}eld certeyne things of Whittingtons widdowe and he was willed to be here the next Courte daye.

21st April, 1573. Here was one to complaine one[188] John Burges for not delinge well w{th} hym in his cure concernynge a sore arme and he is to be warned the next court.

[188] On, i.e., of.

28th April, 1573. Here was John Burgis and witnessed that the said pacient would not be ordered as was necessary and therefore he forsoke to deale w{th} hym.

21st May, 1573. Here was John Deane and appoynted to brynge in his fyne x{li} for havinge an Anathomye in his howse contrary to an order in that behalf between this and mydsomer next.

21st July, 1573. “Here was one Robert Grottell a straunger and cutter for the Stone, admitted a brother and paid iiij{li}” and bound to pay the remainder of his fine for admission at the rate of 10s. per quarter.

30th July, 1573. Here was one John Gardener a healer of the rupture and Stone and was examyned and had his Lr̃e of Admyttaunce and paid.

15th September, 1573. Here was one Alexander Capes a carpenter and required that he might have some helpe concernyng his griefs consyderinge that he had ben in thands of John ffrend Willm̃ Wise & Richard Storye and had geven them mony for to be cured and was not, wherefor order was taken that they should deale further w{th} him for his health.

11th May, 1574. Here was James Marcadye and required to have Lycens of absens one[189] Lecture dayes and it was graunted hym savinge that he muste pay for his lycens xx{d} the quarter.

[189] On.

Surgeons were continually being called before the Court for “evil dealing” with their patients, and for not performing cures for which they had received the money beforehand. The Court generally endeavoured to effect a friendly relationship between the parties, though in cases which were considered as clearly proved against the Surgeon, he was either fined or imprisoned, or else ordered to make suitable compensation to the patient.

7th September, 1574. Here was John Griffen complayned uppon William Pownsabe for gevinge him a powder w{ch} lossed all the teeth in his head, w{ch} John Griffen had the dissease w{ch} we call Demorbo gallico.

2nd February, 1575. Wm. Pownsabe was ordered to confess his fault for his “unskilfull dealinges” with John Griffen and to pay him 5s. as compensation.

13th March, 1576. Here was a complainte determyned upon w{ch} was made against Tho: Hodes and for that he was provde ignorant he is bounde in xl{li} never to medle in any matter of Sˀgery.

3rd April, 1576. Here was a complainte against Willm̃ More by one Henry Dobbyns for that he did not cure his sonne but made the same worse.

10th May, 1576. William More was ordered, on account of his ignorance, to meddle no more in Surgery.

2nd October, 1576. Here was likewyse a complaint by one Tho: Adams against John Pˀadice[190] for that the saide John had receyved certen monie in hand and a gowne in pawne for a remainder to cure the daughter of the saide Tho: whiche daughter died and the pore man made request for the gowne agayne and so the M{r} and governo{rs} abovesaide awarded that the saide Jo: Pˀadice sholde redelivˀ the gowne the next tuesdaie and that the saide Tho: Adams sholde geve unto the saide Jo: Pˀadyce towardꝭ his bote hier spent in going to the made at Putney v{s.}

[190] Paradice.

8th October, 1577. Here was a complainte made by one M{rs.} Riche against Robt. Bewsy for that he had her husbonde to cure who died and the said Bewsye said and repoˀted that she was an evell liver and that he died of a botch called Bubo veneria and taken of her, w{ch} he denied, but beinge proved she put the matter wholie to this woˀshipfull howse who did award that he sholde in the pˀsence of her nighbors who were here present in the pˀlor upon his knees aske her forgevenes, w{ch} he did and so the matter was finally ended.

7th February, 1578. Here was a complainte against Willm̃ Knightly for Cuttinge of the yearde of his pacient but yt was pˀved by one M{r} Grene that the member was mortefied and so there was little to be saide against him.

24th February, 1578. Here was a Complaint against Willm̃ Clowes[191] by Richard Carrington for that the saide Willm̃ Clowes as he saide had abused him in wordes in the hall and here they did shake handes and were made frends, for that the said Clowes had been sent to ward before by the saide Richard Carrington being one of the wardens of the yeomanry.

[191] An eminent Surgeon and Warden in 1594.

18th March, 1578. At this Coˀte Hewe Placket was rebuked for takeing upon him to heale a pacient who ys deade and comaundement geven that he shall medle no more in surgerie.

20th March, 1578. It was ordered:--

That yf any man of this misterie shall at any tyme hereafter make any booke or bookes of Surgerie the same shall not be published unles the same booke or bookes be first presented unto the masters governors and examenors of this Companie for the tyme beinge upon payne of x{li.}

The following order was doubtless directed against a prevalent mania for relics of notorious criminals.

17th July, 1578. That no pˀson or pˀsons of this Companie do presume at anie tyme or tymes hereafter of Anathomies to take and carrie awaie or cause to be taken or carried awaie any pˀte of the skynn of anie bodie whiche shall at anie tyme hereafter happen to be wrought upon w{th}in the hall of the misterie and the same tann or cause to be tanned like lether upon the payne of v{li.}

7th December, 1581. It ys agreed that there shalbe a Bill put into the pˀliament house for easinge the Companie of the charge of sendinge souldiers to the wars and also for suppressinge of lewd dealers in surgerye.

18th July, 1583. The Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen having recommended that persons using Barbery should not practise Surgery, the Master and Governors went to Guildhall, and there promised the Court of Aldermen that they would compel all their free Barbers to enter into bonds not to “medle or deale w{th} any sick of the plauge or infected cum morbo gallico,” and accordingly the Barbers entered into bonds to that effect.

In Stow’s Annales, ed. 1592, p. 1261, is the following remarkable account of a “subject” coming to life again at our hall.

1587. The 20 of Februarie, a strange thing happened a man hanged for felonie at Saint Thomas Wateringes, being begged by the Chirurgions of London, to have made of him an Anatomie, after hee was dead to all mens thinking, cut downe, stripped of his apparell, laide naked in a chest, throwne into a carre, and so brought from the place of execution through the Borough of Southwarke over the bridge, and through the Citie of London to the Chirurgions Hall nere unto Cripelgate: The chest being there opened, and the weather extreeme cold hee was found to be alive, and lived till the three and twentie of Februarie, and then died.

It was doubtless the above circumstance, to which reference is made in the next minute; it would seem that the body had been begged by some surgeons and taken to the hall to be dissected there, it being unlawful to dissect elsewhere, and that on the resuscitation of the unhappy man, the Company had been put to some expenses whereupon they made an order to provide for any similar case in the future. This body would be what is often referred to in the Books as a “private anatomy,” in opposition to the four “public” bodies of felons to which the Company were annually entitled.

13th July, 1587. Iˀtm yt ys agreed That yf any bodie w{ch} shall at anie tyme hereafter happen to be brought to o{r} Hall for the intent to be wrought uppon by Thanatomistes of o{r} Companie shall revyve or come to lyfe agayne as of late hathe ben seene The charges aboute the same bodie so revivinge shalbe borne levied and susteyned by such pˀson or pˀsons who shall so happen to bringe home the Bodie. And further shall abide suche order or ffyne as this Howse shall Awarde.

7th December, 1598. This daye commaundm{t} cam from the lordes of her ma{ts} most ho: privie councell for to presse a sufficient Surgeon for her ma{ts} sˀvice in Ireland under the conduct of Captayne Winsor.

12th December, 1598. John Cumberland was pressed for the above service and delivered into his Captain’s charge, and four or five other Surgeons were also pressed and handed over nolens volens. One of these, Dominick Lomeline (or Lumley, Master in 1629), is recorded on the 16th January following as having “confessed voluntarelye before the Masters that to be dischardged of his presse for Ireland it stud him in Twenty Nobles of which the Captayne had in monye three poundes.”

6th February, 1599. This daie one Richard Hallydaie marriner made his complainte of Raphe Rowley for settinge forthe an insufficient man not approved to serve as a surgeon at sea in the Sheepe called the Costely of London by whose unskylfullnes hee was dismembred of his arme and is in greate dainger of liefe.

Ralph Rowley had been pressed for a Sea Surgeon, and this complaint would be against him for the incompetency of some substitute, whom he had no doubt paid to take his place.

27th March, 1599. It is ordered that an Informac͠on be exhibited againste the Sexton of White Chappell for Surgerye.

6th August, 1599. This daie the Maister of the Company made his petic͠on to the lorde Bishopp of London that noe person shoulde be admitted to practize Surgerie but suche person as shoulde have the seale of this house to testefie his examinac͠on before the Maisters &c. which was graunted And order sett downe for the same.

23rd October, 1599. Pascall Lane hath Thursdaie comme a moneth to be examined and in the meane tyme not to hange out banners and not to cutt unles he acquainte the m{rs} therewithall.

27th November, 1599. This daie Richard Cadwalder hath undertaken that Roberte Thompson nowe shewed[192] in the Exchequer for useinge surgerie withoute a signe[193] shall uppon his retorne be examined concerninge his skille in Surgerye and shall paie suche chardges as shalbe due to this howse.

[192] Sued. [193] Outside his house.

10th June, 1600. This daye Olivˀ Peacock brought in his fine for not pˀsentinge his Cure[194] being nowe dead and it was mittigated to five shillinges And it is farthˀr ordered that he practize surgery no more.

[194] i.e., His patient.

3rd July, 1600. This daye Andrew Mathew Edward Peck Robert Steward and Owine Jones free brothˀrs of this mistery were at their sevˀall instancˀs examined & approved concerninge their skill in the arte of Surgery and had their severall letters of grace und{r} the seale of the sayd mistery by Richard Wood Willm̄ Martin Thomas Thorney & John Peck examiners appoynted in the pˀsence of the M{rs} of this Company.

8th July, 1600. This daye warrant came to the M{rs} for the pˀsinge[195] of a Surgeon for Captayne Thomas Minn bearinge date the sixth daye of this instant moneth.

[195] Pressing.

15th July, 1600. This daye Raphe Barrett & Robert Thompson forren Surgeons[196] made theyr request to the M{rs} that they might be examyned on thursdaye next Whereuppon it was ordered that the Examyners should be warned to be at the hall at the sayd tyme.

[196] i.e., Surgeons not free of the Company.

29th July, 1600. This daye it is ordered that John Mowle shalbe warned to be before the M{rs} the next Court for usinge Surgery beinge but a barber.

8th September, 1600. ~Octavo~ die Septembris Anno dñi 1600 Annoque Elizabeth Quadragesimo secundo.

~Whereas~ at a Courte holden the Maisters or Governors and Assistants of this Companye the Nynteenth daie of Maye laste paste It was amongest other thinges ordered condiscended and agreed by consente of a full courte of the said Assistance That the request and moc͠on of ffrancis Rowdon Clarke to this Companye shoulde be referred to the Considerac͠on of the Auditors of the Maisters Accompts And what they shall doe in the premisses should be lawfull and effectuall to all intentes and purposes ~Wee~ Thomas Byrd John Leycocke Lewis Atmer Robert Johnson Richard Mapes Thomas Goodale Thomas Martyn and Joseph ffenton beinge chosen Auditors for the Maisters accomptes for the yeare paste havinge taken due considerac͠on of the premisses and findinge that the accomplisheinge of the said requeste maye muche proffitt the bodye of this Companye in the banisheinge of lewde and unskylfull practic͠oners in the arte of Surgerie ~Doe~ therefore by the Aucthority to us geeven order in manner and forme hereafter ensuinge viz{t} ffirste wee order that there be presentlie paide unto the saide Clarke the somme of xx{li.} of lawfull money of England out of the stocke of this howse the same to be repaide to this howse by v{li} pˀ Ann. Alsoe wee doe further order that uppon payment of the said xx{li} to the said Clarke aforesaid the said Clarke shall termelie prosecute a competent number of the said practic͠oners in Surgerie and shall not delaie any suite he shall undertake but shall prosecute the same with effecte unles there be any misprison in the same And if there be any misprison then to acquainte the Maisters for the tyme beinge with the same misprison. Alsoe wee doe order that the said Clarke shall porsecute such pˀsons as the Maisters of this Companye shall from tyme to tyme geeve order for. Alsoe wee doe further order that the said Clarke shall not compounde or agree with any he shall have to doe by waie of informac͠on before he hath acquainted the Maisters therewithall and hath obtayned their consents thereunto And whatsoever he shall receave uppon any Composic͠on over and besides such Costes and chardges as he shall expend in and aboute suche suite he shall well and trulye contente and paie unto the said Maisters or Governors for the tyme beinge. Provided alwaies that he ffirste acquainte the Maisters or Governors of this Company for the tyme beinge therewith And deliver unto them a reasonable and true bill of his Costes and Chardges disbursed as aforesaid And that he seale and deliver as his deed one wrytinge obligatorie wherein he shall become bounden to the Maisters or Governors of this Companye with Condic͠on theruppon indorced contayninge the Articles above specified In Witnes whereof wee the said Auditors hereunto put o{r} severall handes. Yoven the daie and yeare ffirste above written.

22nd October, 1600. Robert Swayne was this daye examined by M{r} Thorney M{r} Willm̄ Martin M{r} Wood & M{r} Atmer and not founde sufficient but is nevertheles tolerated to come to o{r} Lectures & Annathomies And is to paye for the same xx{s} yerely by 5{s} quarterly till hee be founde more sufficient.

5th May, 1601. This daie a complainte was made againste Martyn Pelham by a patient he had in cure of his arme for not fynisheinge the said cure w{ch} cure was accomplished by Thomas Watson whereuppon it is ordered that the said Pelham be warned to appeare uppon the next courte daye.

6th August, 1601. This daye Will{m} Pilkinton uppon his examinac͠on was tolerated to practize Surgery for five yeres next ensuinge Provided that hee paie quarterly to this howse ij{s} vj{d} and that hee the said Pilkinton doe joyne w{th} him in evˀy cure he shall have in dang{r} of death or mayne some expert surgeon of this Company.

10th November, 1601. This daye John Russell of Canterbury Surgeon was examined and was admitted & approved.

24th November, 1601. ~Whereas~ James Van Otten and Nycholas Bowlden are this daye become humble suiters to this Company to be tollerated & pˀmitted to practize as Surgeons w{th}in this Cytie of London for and durynge the space of Three moneths next ensuinge onely for the couchinge of the catarack cuttinge for the rupture stone and wenne It is uppon consideracc͠on of their sevˀall suites ordered by consent of this Courte That hee the said James Vanotten shalbe pˀmitted to practize for the couchinge of the catarack cuttinge for the rupture stone and wenne for the space of three monethes next ensuinge w{th}out contradicc͠on or denyall of the M{rs} or Governors of this Company And that hee the said Nycholas Bowlden shalbe assistant unto the said James Vanotten in such cures as hee shalbe as aforesaid possessed of duringe the tyme & space aforesaid. PROVIDED allwayes and it is nevertheles pˀmised & undertaken by the said James & Nycholas that hee the said Nycholas shall paye unto the M{rs} or Governors of this Company to the use of the poore of the same every moneth monethly duringe the said space of three moneths the somme of ij{s} vj{d} And that the said James Vanotten shall paye to the said M{rs} or Governors to the use of the poore of the said Company for every moneth monethly of the said three monethes in w{ch} the said James shall practize or continue in London or the libertyes suburbes or one myle compase of the said Cyty after the fower & twentyth daye of decemb{r} next ensuinge xx{s} of lawful money of England. And provided that neyth{r} they nor eyth{r} of them shall pˀsume to hange oute any banners or signe of Surgery in any place oth{r} then where they shall lye and make theyre abode w{th}in the tyme aforesaid or practize in any oth{r} poynte of Surgery then before is spec̃ˀd w{th}out furth{r} lycence of the M{rs} or Governors of this Company for the tyme beinge first had & obteyned. ffor pˀformance whereof they the said James & Nycholas by bond are become bounden to M{r} Warden ffrederick in the somme of x{li} of lawful money of England. In Witnes whereof they have hereunto put their sevˀall names. Yoven the daye & yere above wrytten


2nd March, 1602. Havard is to pave to Nicholas Kellawaye v{s.} the nexte Courte daye for a launset w{th} silver scales w{ch} he borrowed of the said Nicholas Kellawaye.

20th April, 1602. This daye one Edward Stutfeyld a practic͠oner in bone settinge appeared before the M{rs} of this Company uppon warninge to him geven by the beadell of this Company And at his humble suite he was lycenced to practize in bone settinge onely Provided hee paye to the M{rs} of this Company to the use of the poore of the same x{s} for every quarter of yere that hee shall practize as aforesaid.

20th April, 1602. This daye one John ffoster a poore and unskylfull man of this Company made his appearance before the M{rs} of this Company and was examined concerninge his skyll in the arte of Surgery and was found altogeth{r} unskilfull in all the partes therefore Whereuppon it is ordered that M{r} Wilbraham Coroner to this Cytie be warned to be here w{th} the Coroners Inquest on Thursdaye next by tenne of the clock in the forenoone to be satisfied by their owne hereinge of the unskilfullness of the said ffoster.

22nd June, 1602. This daye Garrett Key a Strang{r} appeared before the M{rs} of this Company and in respect hee hath undertaken the cure of his patient one ffeake a Gowldesmythe beinge in danger of death w{th}out makinge pˀsentac͠on thereof to the M{rs} of this Company Did voluntaryly geve to the said M{rs} to the use of the poore of the same Company iij{li} And thereuppon they have acquited him all former offences done to this Company.

11th October, 1602. This daye Gabriell Hunt Practic͠oner in Surgery was Committed to the Compter for practizeinge of Surgery beinge not approved nor admitted accordinge to the Statute.

3rd April, 1604. Under this date is an award made by the Court in an action remitted to the Masters by the Lord Mayor, wherein Walter Barton Barber-Surgeon, was plaintiff, and Thomas Sheeres Imbroiderer, Defendant. It appeared that Barton had cured Sheeres and his servant, Eustace Skelton, and had been at great charges in prosecuting Sheeres for his fees. The Court ordered the Defendant to pay Barton £4 within 14 days.

5th June, 1604. This daye M{r} ffenton pˀsented to this Courte 500 bookes of Horatius Moras tables translated into Englishe and delivˀed them to the M{rs} of this Company in the name & behalf of M{r} Deputie Caldwell[197] who freely gave them to this Company to be distributed amongest the pˀfessors of Chirurgery freemen of this Company.

[197] For a very interesting account of Morus’ Tables and of Mr. Deputy Caldwell see Mr. D’Arcy Power’s Memorials, p. 184.

28th February, 1605. This daye it is ordered that there shalbe a letter pˀntly drawne by the advice of the M{rs} of this Company and sent to the Colledge of Phisic͠ons by the Clark of this Company wherein there shalbe desyred if they please a Conferrence betwixt some of theire College and some of the auncientꝭ of this Company in some indifferent place of meetinge to conferre concerninge theire greevancꝭ.

18th March, 1605. This daye uppon the request of M{r} Serjeant Prymerose & M{r} Neste Smyth the kynges Surgeons by their Letter It was ordered that Cezar Scultinge Duchman theyre servant should be examyned and approved concerninge his skill in Surgery on thursdaye next And beinge found skilfull that hee mighte have letters of admittance from this Company gratis.

21st March, 1605. “Zeger Schultynchs,” the Dutchman above mentioned, was examined and had his diploma gratis, but was ordered to pay 2s. quarterage and 2s. for absence from lectures.

30th April, 1605. This daye M{r} ffenton complayned of Robert Morrey for supplantinge him of div{s} cures And for slanderinge him in his pˀfession And also for his evell practize And was for his said abuses fyned at v{li} w{ch} hee is to bringe in at the next Court orels to be committed to the Compter.

7th May, 1605. Morrey being contumacious, was by the Court committed to prison.

28th May, 1605. This daye Willm̃ Corbet appeared before the M{rs} of this Company and was dismissed from the exercyze of Surgery for his evill practize.

This daye Willm̃ Corbet was bounde to the M{rs} in x{li} not to practize Surgery or w{th}in one myles compasse w{th}out the M{rs} lycence.

25th June, 1605. This daye Abraham Renex is fined at x{s} for his absens from lectures And is to pay x{s} pˀ an. for his lycence of absens hereaft{r}.

3rd September, 1605. This day Pascal Lane a practicioner in the art of Surgery was by our M{rs} order comitted to the Compter for cuttinge of one Thom̃s Thorntons child for the stone who dyed pnˀtlie under his handꝭ by his neckligence & ignoraunce where he is to continue till he hath payed the fine of xl{s} for not makeinge pˀntac͠on[198] to the M{rs} of the cure accordinge to the orders of the Company.

[198] Presentation.

12th September, 1605. In the controvˀsie betwixt Thomas Thornton and Pascall Lane ãls[199] Lyne It is ordered by consent of both pˀties That the said Pascall Lane shall pˀntlie pay to the said Thornton xx{s} which he pˀntlie did And he hath delivˀed a ring to o{r} M{rs} w{th} condic͠on to pay to the said Thornton xx{s} more this night And all controvˀsies betwixt them are to cease and determine from henceforth.

[199] Alias.

26th November, 1605. This day Henry Goodwyn a Sorcerer was by the M{rs} forbidden to practize any more in the arte of Surgery.

1st July, 1606. This day Stephen Abraham a Barbor was fined for not makeing pˀentac͠on of his cure in daunger of death and it was forgeven him.

14th July, 1606. The funds of the Company were, at this period, very low, Mr. Pecke offering to lend £50 and Mr. Fenton £100, without interest, and the following entry would indicate that the expenses attendant upon the Anatomy demonstrations were a burden.

This day for the avoydinge of charges it is ordered by this Courte that no publique Anothomy shalbe holden in the Comon hall of this mistery for the space of theis three yeares now next ensuinge. Yett notw{th}standinge it is ordered by this Courte y{t} the M{rs} & Stewardꝭ of the Anothomy for the yeare next ensuinge shall continue M{rs} & Stewardꝭ the said space And shall once in evˀie yeare at such tymes as the M{rs} of this Company shall thinck fitt dissect a private Anothomy in the Comon hall of the said mistery for their better experience and cunninge.

14th July, 1606. ~Also~ it is further ordered & decreed by this Courte fforasmuch as dive{rs} pˀsons ffremen of this Company who have very litle or no skill at all in the Arte of Surgery doe neverthelesse make a publique pˀfession of the said Arte And thereby comitt many erro{rs} to the great dispaˀgm{t} of the worthie and experienced professo{rs} thereof and to the hurte of div{rs} of his Ma{t}ꝭ lovinge subjectꝭ That from henceforth no man be admitted to have his name entered downe for a Surgeon into the lecture bill except by the consent of the m{rs} or governours of the said mistery & Coiãltie for the tyme beinge And that it shalbe lawful for the pˀnte M{rs} or governours to dismisse out of the lecture bill the names of such pˀsones as they shall thincke fitt to be put out, which pˀsons so dismissed and put out shall live out of the protexion of this Company for & in respect of their practize in the Arte of Surgery untill they shall by them be thought fitt to practice in that Arte & admitted into such bill uppon their humble suite. But if any disobedient obstinate or stubborne pˀson shall notw{th}standinge his such dismission practice in the said arte Then it is further ordred by this Courte that suite in law shalbe pˀsecuted against such obstinate pˀsons at the charge of this Company for such their unlawfull practice in Surgery.

7th October, 1606. This daie Willm̃ ffoster was fyned at xx{s} for his evell practize upon his patient being a servaunt of my Lord grace of Cant. and is to bring in the same fyne at the next Court.

This daie it is ordered that Richard Holden be warned to the next Court for not reeding his lecture.

24th October, 1606. This daie Clement White appeared before this Court upon Complaynt for settinge his servaunte to sea before he was examyned & his chest vewed by the M{rs} And for that he knew not the orders of this Company he is forgyven his offence for this tyme.

2nd December, 1606. This daie John Anslow was comitted to the Compter for defraudinge of Willm̃ ffoster of his patient And is to pay ffoster for his paynes in that cure.

9th July, 1607. This daye Roger Jenkins[200] heretofore examined & appˀved in the Arte of Surgery was pˀsented before the Deane of Pawles. And his letters of Admittance from the said Deane.

[200] Warden in 1608.

Also Abraham Allen[201] was lykewyse admitted by the said Deane.

[201] Warden in 1611.

20th July, 1607. Mr. Thomas Thorney (Master 1602), Mr. Richard Mapes (M. 1612), Mr. Richard Wood (M. 1591), Mr. Serjeant Gudderus (M. 1594), Mr. Willm̃ Gayle (M. 1595), Mr. George Baker (M. 1597 and Serjeant Surgeon), Mr. John Peck (M. 1605), Mr. Christopher Frederick (M. 1609 and Serjeant Surgeon), Mr. John Gerrard (the celebrated Herbalist, M. 1607), and Mr. Joseph Fenton (M. 1624), were appointed Examiners of Surgeons, and amongst other articles it was ordained:--

That none of the said examiners shall pˀsent any pˀson useinge surgery to the Bishop of London or to the Deane of Pawles to the intent to get or pˀcure such Surgeon Lycence or admission to practize Surgery unlesse such Surgeon at such tyme shall have his letter of admittance from this Company under the Common scale of the same testifieinge his admission to practize surgery.

7th July, 1608. This daye Mathias Jenkinson was examyned concerninge his skyll in the arte of Surgery And was lycenced to cut for the hernia or Rupture to couch the Catrac to cut for the wry neck & the hare lip Provided that hee call the pˀsent M{rs} of this Company to every such Cure or such of the Assistantꝭ as are examined & approved as the said M{rs} in such case shall appoynt And is to enter into bond in xl{li} for pˀformance hereof And paid to the pˀsent M{rs} xl{s} And is to paye xl{s} more at midsomer next.

20th June, 1609. This daye Mathias Jenkinson is dischardged from his practize in Surgery for that hee hath not observed the articles of his Tollerac͠on and for his evell & unskilfull practize.

27th February, 1610. Whereas one William Wright was a suiter to this Courte that he might be examined & admitted to practice Surgery. Now forasmuch as it appeareth he is one of a contentious & troublesome speritt & of a bad & scandalous disposition who hath not onlie heretofore dive{rs} tymes byn fined for usinge slanderous & evill speeches against dive{rs} that have byn M{rs} & governours of this Company but also sundrie tymes heretofore & now daylie useth slaunderous wordꝭ & speeches w{th} many wicked cursingꝭ & revilingꝭ against M{r} Mapes in the hearinge of dive{rs} of the neighbou{rs} of the said Wright where he dwelleth, which beinge by this Court dulie examined is found that the same slaunde{rs} & revilingꝭ doe proceed out of his wicked mynd w{th}out any just cause given Wherefore it is by this Courte ordered and fullie decreed That the said Wright shall not at any tyme hereafter be examined or approved for his skill of Surgerie untill he shall & doe before 4 or 5 of the neighbou{rs} of the said Wrighte to whom he hath thus abused M{r} Mapes and in his & their presence openlie confesse & acknowledge that he the said Wrighte hath wronged and abused the said M{r} Mapes And shall then and there before them submitt himself & be sorrie for all such wrongꝭ & wicked Cursingꝭ as he hath reported or spoken with promise hereafter never by wordꝭ or deedꝭ to wronge him or any other of this Courte or any other of the Assistantꝭ of this Company.

27th February, 1610. At this Courte was John Cotton of Radcliffe a professor of Surgery comited to the Compter for not makinge presentac͠on of his Cure w{ch} dyed under his hand & also for his evill practice w{ch} he used to his Cure as it did appeare beinge examined thereuppon And further he is forbidden to practice Surgery any more untill that he be examined.

2nd October, 1610. At this Court it is ordered that Richard Baynes and Xpõfer Browne shalbe comitted to the Compter for that they did not come and make answer to this Court of the Complayntꝭ w{ch} are made against them by their sevˀall patientꝭ they being therefore warned at sevˀall Court dayes.

9th October, 1610. At this Court was one wyddowe Bryers comitted to the Compter for practising Surgery contrary to the Statutꝭ of this Realme.

About this period are several instances of Surgeons being fined for going to sea without licence, and for not having their sea chests examined, e.g.:

6th November, 1610. Att this Court Gyles fflemmynge did promyse that on Tewsdaye come ffortnight he woulde bring in his ffyne of x{li} for going to Sea w{th}out lycence of this howse, whereupon the Court was contented to proceed noe further against him in respect of such abuses as he hath offred.

22nd January, 1611. James Blackborne applied to be admitted a brother to practise Surgery and promising to pay £10 for his admission and to make the examiners a dinner, a day was appointed for his examination.

31st January, 1611. This daie James Blackborne was examined touchinge his skill in the generatyve ptꝭ of women; and bringinge of women to bedd in their dangerous and difficult Labors: And he the said Blackborne was found fitt and allowed to practize (in that Chirurgicall pˀte of Surgery touching the generatyve ptꝭ of women & bringinge them to bedd in their dangerous & difficult Labours) by letters under the seale of the howse beinge the date above wrytten And was att this Court sworne and admitted a fforayne brother; and in considerac͠on thereof he paid to the pˀnte M{rs} att this Court x{li.}

The Barber-Surgeons had claimed the exclusive right of embalming dead bodies, but how they fared in their contention with the Wax Chandlers (referred to in the next extract) does not appear.

26th October, 1612. This daie it is ordered that at the chardgꝭ of the howse the pˀnte Masters w{th} the Clark shall seeke in the Rowles for the charter of the wax chaundlers and to tak a coppie of that pˀte of the charter touchinge the libertie gyven unto them for the imbaulmynge of dead bodyes And as they shall finde the same soe to take the advice of my lord cheife Justice about the same at the chardgꝭ of the howse.

3rd November, 1612. This daie the Company receavinge a letter from the lordꝭ of his Ma{t}ꝭ most honˀable privye Councell wherein they intreated the Company to give leave unto one Bartholomew Vanderlatch a stranger to take in hand one Melser Gisberd whoe had an ympedym{t} in his eye, whereupon this Court was pleased that the said Vanderlatch should take in hand to cure the said Gisberd w{th}out disturbance of this howse.

17th November, 1612. Att this Court Richard ffynche dwelling at Pyckle herring is forbidden to practise bonesetting or any other matter touching surgery at any time hereafter.

7th December, 1613. This daie John Antonio an Italian being an Imposter practizing in surgery is forbidden by this Court to deale any more in Surgery.

3rd March, 1614. This daie M{r} Robert Allott docto{r} in Phissick & one of the fellowes of S{t} Johnes Colledge in Cambridge was admitted a brother of this Company and hade the letters of this howse under the seale thereof graunted unto him.

15th March, 1614. This daie it is ordered that Thomas Gillam shall at the next court of assistauntꝭ bring in his fyne of v{li} for discecting of an Anothomy out of this hall.

12th April, 1614. This daie it is ordered that Thomas Collyns shall bring in his fyne of 10{li} for going to sea not having his Chest vewed.

27th May, 1616. At this Court is gyven unto M{r} Docter Crooke the some of 5{li} for that he did dedicate a booke unto this Companie & gave one of them unto this howse.

15th August, 1616. John Walgrave came before the Court upon Summons, and being questioned--

if he practized Surgery he peremptorily replied he did & gott his lyveinge by the same and was an auntienter Surgeon then themselves Then he was demaunded by what authoritie he did practice Surgery to w{ch} he aunswered he had sufficient authoritie for he was allowed by the Archbusshop of Canterburie and the Busshop of London Then M{r} ffenton demaundinge of him in what busshops tymes he was so admitted, after manie insolent & menasinge speches & unsemely behaviors he aunswered he was admitted by Busshop Whiteguift. Then was demaunded of him by what Busshop of London he was admitted to w{ch} he very insolent replied that he scorned to tell them or to be examined by anie of them all, vauntinge further that he was a better gentleman than anie of them all To w{ch} M{r} ffenton aunswered that if he did so he did it unlawfully & he aunswered that he cared not, for he had practized these 30 yeares & wold still practice the same. And M{r} ffenton told him that though he had practized so long yet that made it not lawfull except he had byn examined & approved according unto the lawes of the land To w{ch} Walgrave beinge in great passion w{th} menaceinge & threatninge behavio{r} replied unto M{r} ffenton & the rest, you lye & I tell you agayne you lye And so w{th} proud menacinge & insolent behavio{r} w{th} many insolent unsemely & irreverent speches to all that satt at that tyme in the Court he most unmanerly & w{th}out regard of anie that sat their depˀted.

In all probability it was ascertained that Walgrave had the Bishop’s licence or else some powerful friends, as no further notice seems to have been taken of his contempt, though the records abundantly show that the Court was never slow to visit condign punishment on far lesser offenders than this man.

15th July, 1624. Whereas informac͠on is given to this Court that of late Docto{r} Grints servingman John Eethell lett a maide blood, her arme mortified and the maid thereupon died, it is ordered by this Court that there shalbe counsell taken thereon, and a suite comenced agˀt him at the Costs of this house.

7th December, 1624. This daye John Baptista Succa a mountibancke and an Italian borne had order to forbeare his practise here in London.

6th November, 1627. This daye was presented to this Courte by Humfrey Bromley a letter from the Lord Maio{r} of this Cittie of London the teno{r} whereof is as followeth

~To~ the M{r} and Wardeins of the Companie of Barbar Surgions ~Whereas~ S{r} Henry Herbert Knight M{r} of the Revells hath authorised the bearer hereof Humfrey Bromley to shew a Child presented to be naturallie borne haveing Twoe heades ffower Armes and three leggꝭ w{ch} I suppose not to be borne of any woeman or to be the perfect substance of a child in respect whereof I forbeare to pˀmitt the said Humfrey Bromely to make shewe thereof within the libˀties of this Cittye untill such tyme as I maye be truely satisfied from you whether the same child be of the substance as is pretended Therefore I desire you that upon advised view of the said Child you truly certifie mee in writing under yo{r} handꝭ whether the same be really a child as is presented to thend I maye not unadvisedly suffer his Ma{t}ꝭ subjectꝭ to be deceyved thereby. This second of November Anno Dni. 1627.


Whereupon the vew of the supposed body as aforesaid it is ordered that this answere be returned to the Lord Maio{r} as followeth viz:

~Right~ Hono{ble} According unto yo{r} Lõps reference unto us directed dated the second of November 1627 ~Wee~ have taken a deliberate vewe of the supposed monstrous birth presented unto us to be vewed as from your hono{r} by one Humfrey Bromley And although wee cannot possitively affirme it proceeded not from a woeman Yet under favor, wee conceive and soe deliver our opinions that the said supposed monstrous shape hath beene, either by Arte soe composed and put together from unnaturall and untimely birthes of Children or from other Animalls, as Apes, Munckeys or the like w{ch} have a greate resemblance of Manns bodye, in many of their partes and soe by the cunninge subtiletye of the composer made into a monster, thereby to delude the worlde and haveing a Bodye of Antiquitie cannot safely receive a flatt and manifest contradiction; And wee are induced the rather to suspect it for that the producer thereof hath noe testimonye from any learned or judicious men; neither from any Magistrates of the partes where it is pretended to have bene borne, w{ch} such offendors use aboundantly to be furnished withall. And in conclusion compareing his printed demonstrac͠on of his monster, with the Author he siteth, and others that have written of such and the like monsters, Wee finde a greate deale of Addition and a manifest disagreem{t} w{ch} is a playne badge of fixion and falsehoode. All w{ch} our opinions wee humbly submitt to yo{r} hono{rs} grave wisdome to be further considered of.

20th November, 1627. Item this daye M{r} Warden Woodall M{r} Peter Thorney M{r} George Perrine and M{r} Thomas Gilham are appointed by our M{rs} commandꝭ to goe to Portsmouth for the cureing of the wounded souldiers that come from the Isle of Rea in ffrance which are nowe remayneing wounded and sicke at Portsmouth upon the letter of the Lord Conwaye signifieing his Ma{t}ꝭ pleasuer therefore.

8th July, 1628. This daye M{r} Peter Thorney is by this Court desired to goe Surgion generall for the Armye that goes by Land.

23rd January, 1629. Mr. Peter Thorney having died in the King’s Service on the coast of France, John Heydon was chosen an Assistant in his place. Peter Thorney is mentioned on the monument to his Uncle, Thomas Thorney (Master, 1602, 1606), in St. Andrew’s, Holborn. (See Biographical Notices.)

19th April, 1630. This daye the Examiners mett here in Court upon the recomendac͠on of the lordꝭ of the privey Councell signified by S{r} John Cooke secretary of state for the approveing of one Dupont a french man to practise for the cure of the pox. Whereupon the said Dupont being examined was found altogether insufficient.

20th April, 1630. This daye Edward ffleete paid in xx{s} for his fine for not reading lecture according to his turne.

20th October, 1631. This Court takeing notice of the lack of a Private dissection Roome for anatomicall imployementꝭ and that hitherto those bodies have beene a greate annoyance to the tables dresser boardes and utensills in o{r} upper Kitchin by reason of the blood filth and entrailes of those Anathomyes and for the better accomodateing of those anatomicall affaires and preserveing the Kitchin to its owne propˀ use, Doe nowe order that there shalbe a faire convenient roome built over the greate staire case next the back yard to be imployed onely for discection of private Anathomyes to the value of xl{li.}

28th December, 1632. On the death of Dr. Gwyn, in December, 1627, it had been arranged that in future the Surgeons of the Company should read the Anatomical lectures in turn, weekly; but great difficulty having been experienced in carrying out this regulation, the Court now reverted to the former practice of employing a Professor, and appointed Dr. Alexander Reade at a salary of £20 per annum.

23rd March, 1635. Alsoe this Court takeing notice that in theis latter yeares there hath bene a generall remissnes in the greater pˀt of the Surgians of this Companie in their not appearance and personall attendance in their Seates on the Scaffoldings at the Six lecture tymes at the publique Anatomye, and the disorderlynes of those Surgians y{t} doe appeare for wanting their outward ornament commixing themselves confusedly amongst the Comon people then pˀnte, whereby the hono{r} and worthynes of this Companie on the Surgians pˀte hath bene much eclipsed. ffor redresse of w{ch} enormious exorbitance and for the better grace and Worˀp̃ of this Companie. It is now decreed that for ever hereafter at the tymes of publiq̃e Lecture readings on the Sceletons or Anatomies in this Comon Hall this ensueing order for the greater decencye & more Worˀp̃ of this Companie shall from tyme to tyme hereafter yearely be observed and put in due execution, viz{t.,} That every Surgian either of the Assistants or of the Liverye shall appeare in his gowne in the forenone and afternoone of one daye at the least of the 3 dayes lectures at every publiq̃e discection And that every Surgian of the Wardeins and of the Assistants of the yeomanrye shall likewise appeare in his gowne in the forenone and afternoone of one daye at the least of the three dayes lectures at every publiq̃e Anatomye, and everye one of those Surgians dureing the tyme of such lecture shall sitt decently in such place in the Scaffoldings as is appropriated to every of them in their degrees and Rancks as aunciently hath bene accustomed upon payne that every Surgian that shall not accordingly appeare shall forfeite and paye to the use of the Companie the some of Twoe shillings and Six pence, or appeareing shall not weare his gowne all the tyme of such readeing for one daye at the least the som̃e of Twelve pence, And that every pˀson of the Coiãltie or fforreine brothers professeing Surgerye shall likewise appeare in the forenone and afternone of one daye at the least of the 3 dayes lectures at the publiq̃e Anatomye and not appeareing shall forfeite Twelve pence without redempc͠on of all or any pˀte of any of the fines aforesaid.

24th September, 1635. Alsoe for that Nicholas Downeing not being an approved Surgian according to Lawe did twoe opac͠ons[202] in Surgery contrary to the Lawes of this Kingdome & the Customes & ordinances of this Companie and being forbid by the M{rs} & Governo{rs} to forbeare those opac͠ons did notwithstanding that prohibic͠on make opac͠ons and both patients died, Was fined at iiij{li,} viz{t.,} xl{s} a peece for each of those twoe opac͠ons because he made not two presentac͠ons according to the ordinance of this Companie in that behalfe, And he to be prosecuted at Lawe for the Childs miscarriage.

[202] Operations.

Alsoe this daye the said Nicholas Downeing was fined by this Court at vj{s.} viij{d.} for his uncivill behavio{r} to M{r} John Woodall an auncient M{r} of this Companie.

6th October, 1635. Alsoe Nicholas Downeing being here in Court was required to paye his three fines according to his promise the last Thursdaye, denied to paye them, is by this Court comitted to the Compter in Wood Streete in my lord Maio{r} of Londons name.

The following entry is not complimentary to Dr. William Harvey, the discoverer of the circulation of the blood, the marginal note in the minute book being “Doctor Harveys ill practise.”

17th November, 1635. This daye W{m} Kellett being called here in Court for not makeing presentac͠on of one M{r} Kinnersleys maide that died in his charge, he saied here in Court that M{r} Doctor Harvye being called to the patient did upon his vew of the patient saie, that by the meanes of a boulster the tumor on the temporall muskle would be discussed and his opinion was, that there was noe fracture but the vomiteing came by reason of the foulenesse of the Stomacke, and to that purpose pˀscribed physick by Briscoe the Apothecarye, soe the patient died by ill practise, the fracture being neglected & the Companie not called to the vew.

The next entry illustrates the peremptory method of dealing with a quack:--

22nd October, 1635. One Christopher Hatton whoe saied he waighteth on S{r} W{m} Belfore his Ma{t}ꝭ Lieutenant of The Tower came to this Court to knowe the reason of the Companies takeing downe of Lãw Raylens banner or mountabanck table of bladders & stones being a stranger borne & then were hung upon Tower hill execution place, this Courts answere was that by the Lawes & Charters of this Companie they tooke & demolished them.

ALSO the said Lawrence Ruylen a mountabanck was called here in Court and ordered to paye his fine of v{li} for hanging his signes tables bladders and stones upon the publique postꝭ in streetes & on the Traitors scaffold on Tower hill in an exorbitant manner being contrary to the Lawes and Charters of this Companie confirmed according to Lawe And this Court doth order that those signes and bladders shalbe demolished and he is forbidden from further practiseing any pˀt of Surgerye hereafter within London or 7 miles Compasse of this Cittye.

1637. For several years prior to and about this period numerous entries occur of Surgeons being fined £5 for going to sea without license or without having their sea chests examined, also for sending their apprentices to sea as surgeons’ mates without examination.

29th March, 1638. It is ordered that Edward Arris[203] and Hen: Boone[204] shall have libertie to sett up in o{r} Theater a Sceleton by them wrought on when they were Masters Anatomysts on the body of Cañbury besse[205] to be placed on the Corbell stone of the Signe Libra alsoe they have leave to paint that peere of bricks up to the Cornish & to depict the planett Venus governeing those twoe signes underneath Libra & Taurus with twoe shadowed neeces[206] for two Sceletons & to sett up their names or mottoe under Libra they payeing the charge for the same & such pˀson or pˀsons as shall sett up a sceleton on the other signe Taurus shall paye the moietye of the charge they are now at in painting.

[203] Alderman, Master 1651. [204] Master 1655. [205] Canonbury Bessie, a malefactor. [206] Niches.

3rd July, 1638. Upon the complaint ag{t} ffran: Soare for discecting a bodye in his owne house contrary to the ordinance It is ordered he shalbe sumoned ag{t} the next Court.

22nd October, 1638. Tho. Bowden being called to this Court for not makeing pˀntac͠on of his patient Godfrey Lee whoe died under his handꝭ is fined at xl{s.}

Alsoe the said Thomas Bowden being not an approved Surgian for that he tooke upon him the cure & charge of y{e} said Godfrey being daungerouslie wounded & did not joyne an able & approved surgian with him in that cure is fined at v{li.}

Alsoe it is ordered that for his the said Thomas Bowdens evill practise in Surgerye he shalbe Comitted to the Compter in Wood Streete.

Mr. Bowden subsequently mended his ways as he was elected Third Warden in 1654 and Upper Warden in 1660.

22nd October, 1638. It is ordered that the M{r} & Wardens & as many of the Assistants Surgians with Counsell shall attend the right hono{ble} y{e} Lordꝭ of his Ma{t}ꝭ most hono{ble} privye Councell about the new Patent for distilling strong Waters.

6th March, 1639. Mrs. Susan Gwinn, widow of Dr. Gwinn, the Reader of Anatomy, presented the Doctor’s MSS. to the Company.

1638-9. About this period the war with Scotland consequent upon Charles I interfering in Scotch Church matters, broke out, and a large army being collected in the North the Barber-Surgeons were directed to “press” and forward twenty-three Surgeons to Newcastle.

The Minute relating to this is as follows,--

20th April, 1639. Upon reading the warr{t} sent to this house from Yorke signed by the Lord Generall concerneing the want of Surgians in the Armye It is concluded by the Governo{rs} & Assistants here pˀnte that M{r} Warden Dunn & M{r} Collins shall goe on, & goe aboard some Newcastle shipp and agree with a shipper for y{e} conveighance of y{e} Surgians & their Chests & provisions & their mates, & likewise give them conduct money, & that for the present that charge to be borne out of the stock of this house untill it cann be reobteyned from the Thrẽr of y{e} Armye.

This appears to have cost the Company £44 14s., whereof they received but £23, the balance never having been paid. The details of the expenditure are subjoined, and in reading them we cannot but commiserate the unhappy men who were barged to Gravesend and thence “transported” to Newcastle.


Laid out by Edmund Johnson for ymprestinge of Surgeons for the Kingꝭ service v{li}

Delivered to M{r} Collins for the like x{s}

Spent in goeinge to Lymehouse Ratcliffe & wappinge to presse xviij{d}

Paid to xxiij Surgions who were transported by sea from London to Newcastle xxiij{li} of w{ch} rec{d} by M{r} Serjant Clowes xvij{li} x{s} & my selfe xx{s} so that there doth remayne unsatisfied iiij{li} x{s}

Paid unto Tho: Wells the M{r} of the shipp to transport them viij{li}

Paid for a barge to carry us & them to xxx{s} Gravesend

Spent at Gravesend at dynner ix{s} vj{d}

Spent at Supper vij{s}

Paid Jo: Mules w{ch} he disburced for Warfage literage caremenn & other like Charges as pˀ bill xxvj{s} ------------------------- Sum̃ is xxj{li} xiiij{s} -------------------------

In accordance with their Charters the ancient practice of the Company had been to elect annually two Surgeons and two Barbers for Master and Wardens; this fell into electing two Surgeons and two others who were often neither Barbers nor Surgeons, and latterly, even the qualification of Surgery came to be disregarded, whereupon (29th March, 1639) a mandate, signed by Charles I and directed to the Company, was read in Court (see Appendix, G) in which the King set forth that divers persons as “hosiers dyers & other tradesmen unskilfull in Chirurgery or Barbarye” had been chosen for Masters and Wardens contrary to the Charters and Acts of Parliament, and further “wee takeing into considerac͠on of what dangerous consequence it maye be to suffer a Companye wherein the lives and safetie of o{r} people are soe much concerned and for w{ch} o{r} progenitors have soe carefully provided to be governed by such unskilfull pˀsons,” the King straitly commanded the Company to elect the Governors in the future as they ought to do, viz.: two Barbers and two Surgeons each year.

This order of the King appears for some little time to have been obeyed, and then the Company relapsed into their old practice of choosing at their pleasure, whereupon another mandate came from the King, for we find that:--

17th January, 1644. The Court took notice of the King’s mandate, and a very long and elaborate minute is entered to the effect that the practice of choosing two Barbers and two Surgeons for Governors was fraught with much inconvenience and had led to great dissensions, and the Court referring to the Statute of Henry VII, where it is allowed that any person free of the Company following any other profession than that of a Barber or Surgeon should be reputed and taken as a Barber, ordered that for the future, any Member of the Assistants, other than a Barber or Surgeon, might be put in nomination, and that he should be accounted a Barber. The Court were very careful to express their loyalty to the King whilst they ignored his mandate, trusting no doubt, that should they afterwards be called to account by the King, their dutiful expressions towards him would serve in a measure as an excuse for disobeying his express commands.

[Sidenote: Mould for y{e} Kings Evill.]

2nd July, 1639. Anthony Mould called to this Court and questioned concerneing his practise in Surgerye, confessed that he deales onely in swellings and Kernills & hath a licence from the Kinge to practise the same, he hath lately taken into his Cure one George Ravenscroft for scrophilous tumo{rs} in the neck, this Court at the said Moulds request, hath given libertye to Mould to cure him by Michaelmas next, & he hath promised then to present the said Geo: whole & well to this Court.

Some nine years afterwards Mould was again before the Court in a case of King’s evil.

21st March, 1648. Henry Ivatt complayned against Anthony Mold for his evill practice On the Wife of the said Ivatt who being afflicted with the Kings Evill Whereof he undertooke to cure her And for that purpose did receive of the said Ivatt xxx{s} in hand and was to have 40{s} more when she was cured Both partyes refeered themselves to this Court Whereupon this Court doth Order That the said Mold doth restore xx{s} back againe to the said Ivatt Which he promised to pay accordingly And soe all differences betweene the said parties by theire owne consent to cease and determine.

6th February, 1646. It is this day ordered That our M{r} and M{r} Warden Browne[207] with the other Assistants Surgeons present doe move the Sheriffs That at the time of Execuc͠on a Body be quietly delivered to this Companye’s officer for an Anatomy.

[207] Martin Browne, an eminent Surgeon, Master in 1653, gave the Company a Silver loving cup and cover.

9th March, 1646. This day M{r} Warden Browne acquainted this Court that whereas he about 6 yeares sithence had a child of M{r} Hamonds to his Patient with whome he upon his first calling thither found M{r} Thomas Bowden[208] with others Who after presentac͠on made by the Motion of M{r} Warden Browne dyed, that he hath bin reported by the ffather of the child to have murthered the child And that M{r} Thomas Bowden had justifyed and would justify the same of w{ch} scandall M{r} Warden complayneing to this Co{rt} M{r} Bowden prayed to be excused from giveing any answer thereunto ffor that there was a Suite at Law now depending betweene M{r} Hamond and M{r} Warden Browne concerning that matter.

[208] Warden, 1654.

23rd April, 1646. Mr. Martin Browne requested and had a Committee of Examiners to enquire into the case of Hamond’s child, and to report to the Court.

14th May, 1646. The Committee brought up their Report, finding that on the 28th January, 1639, Mr. Browne was called to Mr. Hamond’s child in Bow Lane, the child having fallen out of a window and seriously injured its head. That Mr. Browne consulted with Dr. Spicer and Mr. Thomas Bowden (whom he found there) and as they all conceived the child to be in danger, presentation was duly made to the Wardens of the Barber-Surgeons, that thereupon by general consent, the child was let blood and had a glister, and the next day his head was shaved and a cataplasm applied, that these remedies were continued for about eight days and that then it was deemed advisable to open the head, which was done by Mr. Browne with a Trapan in the presence and with the advice and approbation of Mr. Serjeant Clowes (then Master), Mr. George Dunn[209] (Warden), Mr. William Kings,[210] Mr. Eaton and the said Mr. Bowden, and that the child died on the 15th day, that proper remedies had been duly applied and that everything had been done with great care according to art.

[209] Master, 1646.

[210] Master, 1650.

23rd October, 1646. This Court doth order That all the approved Chirurgeons according to Law shall appeare at all publique Anatomyes for the time to come in a fflatt Capp upon the penalty of 3{s} 4{d} and all the rest of the Livery in a Hatt.


Paid for Carryeing the Cophin to Newgate 00 00 06

ffor horsehire to the place of execuc͠on 00 02 00

ffor the ffees at the place of execuc͠on 00 05 06

ffor expences at S{t} Gyles xij{d} to the carman xij{d} and for washing the bodye xij{d} 00 03 00

ffor Perfumes xij{d} wax candles ij{d} and soape j{d} 00 01 03

ffor lynnen for the Bodye 00 06 08

To the Beadles Assistant in taking the Bodye 00 01 00

Paid the Parsons dutye for the buriall ij{d} for y{e} grave xij{d} for the Clerke & Sexton xxij{d} 00 04 10

To the Bearers ij{s} & expended at the buriall ij{s} vj{d} 00 04 06

ffor a Cophin to burye the bodye in 00 03 04

To Doctor Godard for reading six lectures 06 00 00

To M{r} Nicholas Brothers and M{r} William Watson whoe desected the bodye xl{s} appeece 04 00 00

Paid for 3 dynners for the M{rs} or Governo{rs} Assistants Reader & desectors 10 00 00

ffor Candles for 3 mornings 00 11 11

To the twoe Beadles their ffee for three dayes attendance 00 10 00

1647-8. Paid and disbursed in Charges in sending Chyrurgians to the seige at Colchester by lr̃e from the Com{rs} of the Armye & for their maintenance & medicines 17 13 06

26th January, 1647. William Watson haveing his Letters of admittance and not sealed the Bond according to the ordinance in that behalfe did amongst other uncivill behaviour and words to our M{r} and the Court say That he would not be whipˀd by a Bond and that he would give his answer at his owne convenience. And when our M{r} told him That he must seale the Bond he answered That must was for the King, But this Court gave him a fortnight to give his answer peremptorily.

1655. The following is a Copy of a Surgeon’s Certificate to practise:--


~To all people~ to whom this present writeing shall come JOHN FREDERICKE ESQ{R} Alderman of the Cittie of London Thomas Allen Abraham Clerke and Thomas Bowden Mas{rs} or Govˀno{rs} of the Mistery and cominalty of Barbers and Chirurgeons of London send Greeting in our Lord God everlasting.

~Whereas~ WEE have had experience & sufficient Tryall as well of the good behaviour & honest conversac͠on of Samuell Holditch a Freeman of the said mistery and Cominaltie & one of the Cloathing of our said Corporac͠on as alsoe of his skill exp̃ience & knowledge in the Arte or Science of Chirurgery. NOW KNOW YEE that wee the said Masters or Govˀno{rs} (att the humble suite and entreatie of the said Samuell Holditch & for his further appᵬac͠on of his skill) Have on the day of the date of these presents caused him to be deliberately examined & tryed before us concerning his sufficiency & knowledge in the same arte by William Kings[211] Edward Arris[212] Henry Boone[213] Robert Bullacke[214] Charles Stamford[215] & Lawrence Loe[216] Masters in Chirurgery being six of the examiners appointed and auth̃ized according to Lawe for the examinac͠on and appᵬac͠on of Chirurgeons And findeing him the said Samuell Holditch a fitt and able pˀson to practice use & exercise the said Arte of Chirurgery Wee doe by these ps̃ents as much as in us is admitt app̃ve of & allowe him to practice use and exercise the said Arte or science of Chirurgery & all and every the parts thereof according to the force forme & effect of the statutes in that behalf made & p̃vided.

[211] Master 1650. [212] M. 1651. [213] M. 1655. [214] M. 1657. [215] M. 1659. [216] M. 1667.

IN WITNESSE whereof we the said Masters or Govˀno{rs} have hereunto subscribed our names & caused the Comõn seale of y{e} said Corporac͠on to be fixed this seaventh day of May in the yeare of our Lord God according to the accompt kept in England One thousand six hundred fifty & five.


1690. The following is a copy of a Press warrant issued by the Masters and Governors to their Beadles, Smith and Wills:--

~Whereas~ by certeine Letters pattents of our Late Sovereigne Lord King Charles the first dated the ffifteenth day of August in the first yeare of his reigne As alsoe by order of our Sovereigne Lord the King in Councill beareing date the twenty eight day of December last ~Wee~ the Masters or Governo{rs} of the Mistery & Coiãlty of Barbers & Chirurgions of London are Authorized and required forthwith to cause to be impressed or taken up for their Maj{ties} service in Ireland ffortey Chirurgeons Mates & to returne their Names to the Councill Board that care may be taken for their subsistance, In pursuance of the said Authorities & in discharge of the trust in us reposed Wee doe hereby require & com̃and you Peter Smith & Jonas Wills being our officers joyntley & severally to imprest for their Maj{ties} Service fortey Able Chirurgeons Mates delivering every person by you imprest one shilling impresse money chargeing him upon his Allegiance forthwith to pˀpare himselfe for the said Service & to make his personall appearance before us at our Com̃on Hall upon further Summons there to receive such orders & direcc͠on for his speedy repaire to such Service as he shall be assigned unto, and for better execuc͠on hereof his Maj{ties} Deputy leiftennants Sherr̃s Mayors Bayliffs & Constables & others whom it may concerne are to be aiding & assisting unto you. Given under our Comon Seale this 17{th} day of January in the first yeare of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord & Ladie King William & Queene Mary 1689.[217]

[217] i.e., 1690.

2nd July, 1690. It was ordered that any of the Assistants or Livery being Surgeons and not appearing at the Public Anatomy were to forfeit 3s. 4d. each.

12th December, 1690. Whereas there hath been an abuse offered to M{r} ffenton Bynns by Doct{r} Goodall for giveing internall medicines in a case of Surgery, Ordered that if the College of Phisitians doe arrest M{r} Bynns that he shall bee defended at the cost of the Company for the fact now menc͠oned in Court.

20 July, 1693. Considering some late ill practises in this Company relating to Anatomy & to prevent the same for the future it is ordered by this Court that noe pˀson what soever (except the Reader, Masters & Stewards of Anatomy for the time being) shall use a knife &c to disect any humaine body at any time hereafter brought to this Hall for an Anatomy upon the forfiture of xl{s} for every fact soe com̃itted.

The Court would seem to have had the power of nominating the Surgeons and Surgeons’ Mates to the ships of the Royal Navy. There are hundreds of instances in the books of these appointments, but the following will suffice as examples:--

11th August, 1693. Ordered that M{r} John Bamber bee warranted Chirurgeon of the Waymouth at Portsmouth.

Ordered that Larkham bee continued on board the Bristoll.

Ordered that M{r} Harding have the first fowerth rate that shall bee ordered out.

13th February, 1694. Ordered that M{r} Nicholson bee continued Chirurgeon of the Oxford & that the Captaine bee acquainted with the same.

27th February, 1694. John Jenkin this day relinquished all title & clame to the S{t} Paull ffire shipp, ordered that Richard Woolett bee warranted in his rome at the request of Captaine Mitchell.

22nd June, 1698. Ordered that the whole body of the pˀson desected bee entirely buried some time tomorrow & that Cave the Beadle take care & see it done.

20th July, 1698. M{r} Woodward pˀsented five Books of M{r} Arris Surgery to the Company.

There is no notice at the British Museum, of any Surgical book written by Edward Arris; these were probably some books which had belonged to him.

29th July, 1701. Dr. Tyson having made some proposals as to the regulation of the Library, a Committee was this day appointed and drew up a great many rules, which are set out in the minutes with much prolixity.

3rd December, 1709. It was ordered that no Examiner in Surgery should in future accept any gratuity from, or be treated or entertained in any manner by, any Sea Surgeon or Surgeon’s Mate, either before or after examination, under the penalty of being removed from his offices of Examiner and Assistant.

1st June, 1710. The Archbishop of Canterbury[218] having licensed several persons to practise as Surgeons without due examination, the following memorial was ordered to be sent to his Grace.

[218] Thomas Tenison, ob. 14th December, 1715.

TO The most Reverend ffather in God Thomas by Divine Providence Lord Archbishop of Canterbury.

THE humble petition of the Masters or Governo{rs} Assistants Livery & ffreemen of the Mystery & Comonalty of Barbers & Surgeons of London.


THAT severall Surgeons unlearned & unskilfull in that Art have set up & practised within Seven miles of the City of London under Colour of a Licence from yo{r} Grace & without the examination & approbation of such Surgeons as the Law hath appointed for that purpose ffor which reason wee beg leave to lay before yo{r} Grace the following representation, viz{t.}:

THAT the Company of Barbers & Surgeons were incorporated by the Charter of King Edward the Second w{ch} was confirmed by the Charter of Edward the fourth with this Addic͠onal Clause That the Governo{rs} of the Company should examine approve & authorise all such as should practise in that ffaculty.[219]

[219] This statement as to a Charter by Edward II is a fiction, as also that it was confirmed by Edward IV, with an additional clause. The first Charter was granted by Edward IV, 24th February, 1462. The remainder of the facts stated in this letter to the Archbishop are, however, correct.

THAT the said Charter of Edward 4{th} not having provided by sufficient penaltys against that great & growing mischeife which sprung from the unskillfullness of several vain pretenders in this art, It was provided by the Statute of the 3 H. 8, cap. 11 That no person within London or seven miles of it should exercise Surgery except they were first examined approved & admitted by the Bishop of London or Dean of Paul’s calling to him four expert persons in that faculty under forfeiture of five pounds pˀ month And out of the City & precints seven miles, unless exaĩed & approved by the Bishop of the Diocess or his Vicar Generall in like mañer, upon which Statute yo{r} petitioners beg leave to observe That it was wholly introductive of a new law & creates a power in the Bishop that was before vested in the Company by the Charter, so doth it take care to confine that power meerly to the Diocesan under the limitation of a regular examination in his presence by four persons that had already passed their examinations.

THE Bishop of each Diocess being therefore by their Law invested with a Temporall power perfectly forreign to their Ecclesiasticall Jurisdiction & Spirituall care We do humbly hope yo{r} Grace will not exercise this authority which was never by this law placed in the Metropolitane but was only to be exercised by the Diocesan under a regular Examination by persons admitted into our Company. And yo{r} Grace will find this the more reasonable upon Consideration of this Act for the law makes it a part of the Ecclesiasticall concernment upon a supposition that severall persons pretending to Surgery had practised Sorcery & Witchcraft which yo{r} Grace will pardon us if we beg leave to say was an artificiall notion set up by the popish Clergy in those times to draw within their own Verge the Inspection & approbation of all such persons as attended the beds of dying men.

BUT however that law was obtained, our Company which consisted of all such persons as exercised Surgery within London or seven miles being afterwards incorporated by the Statute of 32 H. 8, C. 42, no man could practise within London or seven Miles Compass of the City without an examination by four of the faculty thus incorporated & without being solemnly admitted into the Company.

AND accordingly the Bishop of London has from time to time been pleased to do us that Justice that we humbly presume yo{r} Grace will not deny us, viz{t} not to license any person within his Diocess who hath not first obtained a Testimoniall under the Seale of our Company certifying the examination of such person & his skill & ability for the exercise of that art.

BUT if this restraint of yo{r} Graces Licences were not to be asked as a matter of Justice We should not doubt to obtain it as a favour, when yo{r} Grace considers how this maner of entring into the faculty opens a way to the Ignorant & unskillfull to the great prejudice both of the Company & of the publick, for yo{r} Grace cannot be so much at leisure from yo{r} pastorall care to enquire into the abilitys of such as pretend to sign their Testimonialls nor is any person that comes in by this method subject to the regulation of our Company’s By-Laws which are all signed under the hands of the two Cheife Justices & the present Lord Chancellour & contrived with the greatest exactness to regulate the practise of this art, besides that every person admitted is obliged to give bond to the Company that he will diligently attend such cures as he shall be called unto & that he will never wilfully administer any hurtfull medecine, And in all cases of danger call in one of our ten Examiners to his assistance who are always ready to afford their assistance when asked.

LASTLY we think we may add that the Companys services of the publick may reasonably deserve some consideration from all lovers of the publick for that ten of the principall persons of the faculty meet once a week at their Hall to examine & approve all Surgeons & Surgeons Mates that are in her Majesties Service which amount to five hundred in a year & to inspect all Sea Surgeons Chests of medicines & instruments & to peruse the Journalls of their practice & to view all Sea officers who are wounded in fight & this without the least reward nor are any admitted into the Sea Service without their Testimoniall & approbation to the very great preservation of the Seamen And tis presumed that a Regulation that has been found so necessary at Sea will appear at Land to be equally beneficiall.

WHEREFORE yo{r} petitioners humbly begg that yo{r} Grace will not for the future be pleased to give Lycences to any persons to practise Surgery within London or seven miles compass thereof untill such persons skill & ability for the exercise of that art appears by a Testimoniall under our Companys Seale to have been tried & approved of by the ten Examiners of our Company appointed for that purpose.

There is no note of any reply to this letter having been received from the Archbishop.

6th February, 1711. The Court petitioned the Queen that they might have the Examination and certifying of all Army Surgeons (who were then examined by the Surgeon-General) in the same way that they examined and passed the Navy Surgeons.

20th February, 1711. Letters similar in effect to the one addressed to the Archbishop on 1st June, 1710, though slightly differing to meet some altered circumstances not necessary to be here set forth in full, were ordered to be sent to the Bishops of London, Winchester and Rochester, and to the Dean of St. Paul’s.

6th March, 1711. It is ordered that William Cave one of the Beadles of this Company do make Inquiry who the persons were that carryed away the last body from Tyburne & that such persons be Indicted for the same.

16th August, 1711. Mr. Daniell Turner intending to become a “Collegiate Physician” applied for his discharge from the Freedom and Livery of the Company, which was granted to him for £50, and that sum he at once paid down.

9th October, 1711. Richard Russell one of the persons who stands Indicted for carrying away the last publick body applying himself to this Court & offering to be evidence against the rest of the persons concerned It it ordered that the Clerk do apply himself to Her Majesty’s Attorney Generall for a Noli pˀsequi as to the said Russell in order to make him an evidence upon the s{d} Indictment & particularly ag{st} one Samuell Waters whom the Court did likewise order to be indicted for the said fact.

It was no uncommon circumstance for candidates under examination to be rejected, the reason being often rather tersely given, e.g.:

13th February, 1712. W{m} Ogilby Rejected & said very Saucily it should be the last time.

Alex{r} Keith Rejected because an Apothecary’s boy.

Edward Brown Rejected because a Barber.

James Erwin ffor a Mate and rejected for Sauciness to M{r} Blundell & the Court.

1st April, 1712. Two Barbers were ordered to be prosecuted for practising Surgery contrary to the By-Laws.

6th May, 1712. Ordered that M{r} Watts be summoned to appear before the Governo{rs} att the next Court to answer a Complaint ag{t} him for practiceing Surgery & Instructing Barbers for 2 Guineas a peice.

Ordered that M{r} Small be likewise summoned to appeare before the Governo{rs} att the next Court to answer a Complaint ag{t} him for amputateing a Breast without calling an examiner to be present.

27th May, 1712. John Wooding having been convicted at the Old Bailey for taking away the body of John Addison from the place of execution, the Court prayed the Lord Chief Justice to allow the sentence upon him to be inserted in the Gazette, and afterwards to consent in the Company’s name to the remission of his fine and imprisonment.

19th June, 1712. Mr. Bartlett, a truss maker, having been summoned for practising Surgery, he was ordered “to take from his sign board that he cures Ruptures.”

7th May, 1713. The Court having complained to the Bishop of London of the inconvenience arising from his licensing persons to practise Surgery, and the Bishop having informed the Company that he would not issue any more such licenses without a certificate of fitness from the Company, it was thereupon ordered that 5 guineas should be paid yearly to his Lordship’s Registrar as Caveat money.

28th May, 1713. Ordered that the Clark go to the Secretary at War for a Guard in order to gett the next Body [from Tyburn].

13th August, 1713. Upon hearing a complaint ag̃st M{r} Godman & M{r} Pinsent for p{r}tending that one Vincents thigh was broke when it was not & then they had sett it contrary to truth & proficiency in Surgery & the Patient & other Witnesses being examined & proving y{e} fact ag̃st him, the Court fined M{r} Godman five pounds for his unskillfull & wilfull practice & to be sued upon the by law or his bond as shall be thought most convenient.

19th November, 1714. Att this Court John Spurling a Barber at Highgate was ordered to be prosecuted upon the Company’s Charter for practising Surgery upon John Holmes Barber.

21st April, 1715. The Court being informed that the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty proposed to place the viewing of Sea Surgeons’ chests with Dr. Oliver and Mr. Rider, Physician and Surgeon of Greenwich Hospital, to the exclusion of the Company’s rights and contrary to the Charter of Charles I; it was ordered that a memorial should be presented to the first Lord against such a proposal.

4th June, 1715. The Lords of the Admiralty having requested the Court to undertake, with Dr. Oliver, the examination of such Warrant Officers in the Navy as should apply for superannuation pensions on the ground of age, wounds or infirmities, the Court directed the Clerk to reply stating that the Company would perform that office, and hold Courts for the purpose, on the first Friday in each month. Pursuant to the above, Courts were held and certificates granted from time to time.

5th June, 1716. It is ordered That Nathaniel Charles be prosecuted He owning that he had lett blood severall times for one shilling and six pence, As allso his Master Joseph Roe. Twas observed that M{r} Roe could not write his name haveing set his mark only to the Indenture.

3rd July, 1716. Ordered that the Clerk do permitt Mr. Beckett[220] to Inspect the Company’s Registers of ffremen and apprentices and The Table of Governors Names to enable him to publish his book now in hand relateing to the lives and writings of eminent Surgeons.

[220] At the British Museum there is “A collection of Surgical Tracts,” by William Beckett, F.R.S., London, 1740, and in the preface thereto it is stated that the collection formed by Mr. Beckett relating to eminent Surgeons had not been published.

6th July, 1716. Att this Court M{r} Langley who lives in Shoreditch being suspected to be a Quack Doctor was exaĩed touching his skill in Surgery but not being able to answer a question was rejected.

1st July, 1720. Ordered That the Porter in Southwark and a Bone setter in Cheapside be prosecuted for Bone seting.

5th August, 1720. James King the Surgeon who deposited £7 13s. 0d. in order to be exaĩed againe as a fforreigne Brother was now Examined againe but not being fittly qualifyed he was rejected and ordered his money back And ordered to be prosecuted in case he shall ever practice Surgery for the future.

23rd June, 1721. The Master represented to the Court that “great trouble and inconveniency” had arisen in consequence of such Surgeons as had of late offered themselves for examination not having presented the Governors and Examiners “with Gloves of such sort and goodness as had been customarily and antiently given to the Governors and Examiners upon such examinac͠on and by buying the gloves of tradesemen who were not proper dealers in such sort of goods.” Whereupon it was ordered that in future every Candidate before Examination should deposit with the Clerk as much money as would be sufficient to pay each of the Governors and Examiners who should be present six shillings, for them to lay out in the purchase of such gloves as they should see fit. On the 10th December, 1725, the glove money was raised from 6s. to 10s. 6d.

The real secret of the above order, no doubt was, that there were such a great number of surgeons coming up for examination from time to time, that the Governors and Examiners got less money and more gloves than they wanted.

26th April, 1723. It is ordered that M{r} John Douglass Surgeon and a fforeigne brother of this Company shall be admitted into the freedom and Livery of this Company and be discharged and acquitted from holding or paying any fine for his freedom or Livery, or for all or any offices to the Parlour door as a Compliment to him for introducing the new method of Cutting for the Stone and to express the sense this Court hath of the usefullness therof.

4th September, 1724. William Turner Barber who was sumoned at the last Court for letting blood appeared at this Court and owning his practiceing Surgery and insisting on his right and sufficiency so to do This Court doth order that the Clark do sue the said Turner for letting blood and practiceing Surgery contrary to the Statute of 32. Hen: 8: Cap. 42.

2nd October, 1724. At this Court Thomas Cooke was examined for a fforreigne Brother But being found insufficient he was rejected. Note he lives in Duck Lane Publishes Bills as a Quack pretending to the cure of the Venereall disease, but he being examined touching the cure of that distemper in particular and being found to know little or nothing of it, the Court directed him to take down his Surgeon’s sign and not to practice for the future on pain of being sued upon the Act of Parliament and Company’s Charter.

1725. The following seems somewhat inappropriately placed amongst the dinner accounts for this year.


s. d.

Horsehire 2 6 For a Coach 6 0 For expenses in fetching the Body 2 6 To the Sheriff’s officers 13 4 To the Beadles assistant 1 0 For Washing the Body 1 0 For a Coffin 5 0 To Parson Ground Clark and Sexton 5 10 To the Bearers 2 0 Funeral expenses 2 6 For a certificate 0 6 The Clark’s fees 10 0 The 2 Beadle’s ffees 10 0 For a Link 0 3 To the Chairwoman 5 0 ----------- £3 7 5 ===========

14th October, 1726. At this Court Peter North Boatswain of His Majesty’s ship Cornwall was viewed for superannuation and pretended to be afflicted with deafness & the Gout. But the Court being of opinion that his deafness (if any) was occasion{d} by wax in his ear only, which might be cured by syringing, and not being satisfy{d} that he had the gout, The Court did not think fit but that he was capable of further service at Sea.

At this Court one Chambers surgeon in Duck Lane was examined touching his Skill in Surgery in order to be made a fforeign brother, but appearing to be a stupid ffellow & a sort of a Quack who gave out Bills, and not being able to answer a question the Court rejected him.

17th February, 1727. The Navy Board having, on the 16th inst., written to the Master and Wardens enclosing a copy of an anonymous letter which had been received, charging the Examiners in Surgery with partiality, and with qualifying incompetent persons as Navy Surgeons, the Court seem to have taken the matter up in a high spirited manner, and returned a long letter setting forth their practice in conducting the Examinations, referring in detail to the particular case alleged against them, and indeed made a most excellent and satisfactory defence. The correspondence is very lengthy and full of detail, much reference being made to the work carried on by the Company for the public service without fee or reward.

7th March, 1727. It is ordered That for y{e} future when any apprentices are to be bound to Surgeons they shall be called in & be examined by themselves touching their skil in y{e} Latin tongue.

7th April, 1727. James Ripoult a Frenchman was called in but not speaking English nor being naturalized the Court did not think it proper to examine him.

5th October, 1727. John Jacob Sax being a Prussian by birth & not naturalized nor understanding English The Court did not think it proper to examine him.

William Miles recomended by Lord Torrington & examined but seeming to know nothing of Surgery was rejected.

16th January, 1729. A Petition was drawn up by the Court for presentation to the King, setting forth the Company’s right to four dead bodies of felons yearly to be obtained at Tyburn, and that of late divers riotous persons had wrested the bodies from the Company’s Beadles at the place of execution. The Court declared that these proceedings were greatly to the detriment of the study of Surgery, and also set forth the services which the Company rendered to the State, by examining Surgeons and their Mates for the Royal Navy, viewing their medicine chests and instruments, viewing all such officers as are wounded in fight at Sea and for superannuation, and they conclude--

Your petitioners do therefore humbly pray that your Majesty will be graciously pleased to permitt and direct That a ffyle or Two of y{r} Majesty’s ffoot Guards shall upon applicac͠on to the Commanding Officer attend the publick executions from time to time to guard and assist your Petic͠oners Beadles in the taking away so many dead bodys yearly as are granted unto your Petic͠oners by the said Act of Parliament or otherwise to releive your Petic͠oners in such manner as your Majesty in your Majesty’s most gracious wisdom and condescension shall think fitt.

The Company seem also to have applied to the Court of Aldermen again for assistance in this matter, for, on the 7th March following, it was ordered that 2,000 copies of two orders of the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen, dated respectively 4th February and 4th March, should be printed, and copies fixed up at Newgate and other public places on the road to Tyburn, some time before any execution, and also that the said orders should be inserted in the London Gazette and other papers.

4th April, 1729. Peregrine Compton Rejected being fuddled & not answering a question.

1st February, 1732. It was ordered that any extraordinary cases of Surgery appearing in the journals of the Sea Surgeons should be copied out into a book, as well as any others which might be reported to the Governors, and the same be laid before the Court of Examiners, from time to time, for their direction as to whether the same should be published. This book, if it ever existed, is not now in the Company’s possession.

15th August, 1734. It is ordered that from henceforward a Silver Medal not exceeding the value of a Guinea with a proper device upon each side of it to be made and presented at the end of the year to each of the Demonstrators now chosen and to the Demonstrators for the time being as an acknowledgment for their trouble in performing such Demonstrations.

These medals by a subsequent order, were to have a representation of Holbein’s picture on one side and of Inigo Jones’ Theatre on the other, but they do not appear to have ever been struck.

It was customary at the Demonstrations of Anatomy to provide specimens of parts of animals, presumably for comparison, as appears by some of the expenses incurred, e.g., in 1732:--

To a sheeps hart & kidney 0 0 6 A sheeps hart and lights 0 0 4 2 Bullocks eyes 0 0 4

and the following is the Beadle’s Bill at the dissection of a female malefactor in 1735:--

For a board to lay her head upon 0 0 4 For a board to shew her liver upon 0 1 0 For two bullocks eyes 0 0 4 For four sheeps eyes 0 0 4 For a quarter of soap 0 0 1-1/2 For hogs brissels 0 0 1 For a new spunge 0 0 3 For Borrowing a Hone to set the Instruments 0 0 3 For Sticking up the Bills 0 2 6 For nine days attendance at 2{s} 6{d} p{r} Day 1 2 6 ------------ £1 7 8-1/2 ============

4th February, 1735. Under this date is an entry of a long letter from the Commissioners of the Navy, complaining of the want of skill in a Surgeon, whereby great mortality had ensued on the ship Newcastle; the Court examined the Surgeon and his Journal and considered that there was nothing to find fault with as regarded his proficiency in Surgery, and that the sickness among the ship’s crew required skill in Physic rather than in Surgery, moreover they declared that the Physician at Greenwich examined the Navy Surgeons as to their skill in Physic and not the Barber-Surgeons’ Company. The Clerk was directed to write to the Commissioners to this effect, and to state that the Company did not consider themselves answerable for any man’s want of skill in Physic.

A long letter dated 5th February was accordingly written and is set out in the Minute Book. The Surgeon complained of was Thomas Middleton, son of Mr. Henry Middleton (the oldest Member of the Court) and it appears that he had been fully examined and qualified.

29th September, 1735. The following order touching the vexed question of dead bodies was issued by the Sheriffs:--

~London~ TO WITT

IN PURSUANCE of an Act of Parliament made in the Thirty second year of King Henry the Eighth and of an order of Sessions bearing date the eighth day of July in the Fifteenth year of our late Sovereign Lord King Charles the First Sir Maurice Abbott Mayor. ~Wee~ do order and command our Officers who are entrusted with or attend the execution of such Malefactors as shall be to dye at any time hereafter during our Sheriffalty to deliver to Henry Gretton and William Littlebury Beadles of the Company of Barbers and Surgeons of London or such other Officer or Officers as the Company shall appoint, One of the Bodys of the said Malefactors from time to time for a publick Dissection and to assist them with the said body to their Hall according to an Order of the Court of Aldermen of the Thirteenth of February 1675[221] Sir William Hooker Mayor and to two other subsequent Orders of the Court of Aldermen one bearing date the fourth day of February the other the fourth day of March 1728[222] Sir Robert Baylis Knight Lord Mayor.

[221] 1676 N.S. [222] 1729 N.S.

Given under our hands this 29{th} day of September 1735.


1st June, 1736. It is ordered that the Constables of the Holborn Division shall be allowed Three Guineas and a halfe above the Guinea already paid them in regard to their expences at the last execution, when the Body was taken from the Beadles and retaken by the Constables and the Clerk is ordered to repay the same But the Clerk is not to pay the officers of the Compter the Two guineas usually received by them at every execution.

24th September, 1741. John Thrift the Executioner this day attended on a complaint made against him by the Beadles for obstructing the Bodys being brought from Tyburne to the Hall for dissection and threatning to prevent the Company’s measures for obtaining the same, when after he had been reproved, was Dismissed, But the Court then agreed (in order to prevent his intended proceedings) to attend the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen that they may on complaint made be releived therein.

18th December, 1741. Ordered that the High Constable of Holburne be allowed Ten shillings and sixpence as his ffee for every Body that shall be brought from Tyburne and delivered at this Company’s Hall and for his aiding and assisting the Company’s Beadles therein and not otherwise.

10th February, 1742. The Court either forgetting or ignoring their order of 7th May, 1713, now ordered that Mr. William Skelton, a proctor in Doctors’ Commons, who had for many years past received five guineas annually as Caveat money (being Registrar of the Bishop of London) and “pretended to be allowed him by this Company on account of his Lordship’s Grant for the Prohibiting of Surgeons to practice within his Diocese be no longer entitled to such fee untill such time as this Court shall be better informed of the nature of his right of demanding the same.”

23rd November, 1740. Great consternation prevailed at the Hall in consequence of a malefactor who had been hung at Tyburn having revived when brought here for dissection. The account of this remarkable occurrence is recorded by the Clerk, Mr. Joseph Wheeler, on the last page of the rough Minute Book 1738-1742, and is very interesting. From the record of his trial at the Old Bailey (see Sessions Papers) Duell appears to have been an outrageous young scoundrel. A popular impression prevails, and frequent currency has been given to it, that Duell subsequently made a fortune abroad and out of gratitude to the Barber-Surgeons for saving his life, presented them with the handsome leather folding screen now in the Court Room, the best answer to which is, that the screen in question is referred to in the Company’s Inventory some thirty years previously to Mr. Duell’s visit to Tyburn.

Mr. Wheeler’s account is as follows--

November the 23{d.} 1740.

This day W{m.} Duell (who had been indicted at the Old Bayley for a Rape and had received sentence of Death for the same) was carryed to Tyburne in order to be executed where having hung some time was cutt down and brought to this Company’s Hall in order to be dissected where he had not been five minutes before Life appeared in him & being let blood and other means used for his recovery in less than two hours he sat upright drank some warm wine and lookˀd often round him and before he was carryed back to Newgate which was about Twelve o’the Clock at Night he severall times pronounced distinctly the word DONT when anybody touched him though was thought to be mostly insensible of anything but paine which in a great measure he endured by his most violent screamings & was often in strong convulsions in his bowells which he then exprest by applying his hands to those parts.

The Sheriffs having ordered him back to Newgate he was carryed out in a blankett putt into a Coach & was seemingly much composed & quiet not making any manner of noise wherein 3 or 4 days time he recovered sufficient to converse & eat & drink very freely but never could give any reasonable account of what had passed. He afterwards obtained a reprieve in order to be transported for life which he was accordingly in the 16th year of his age. (Vide his Tryall in the Sessions paper of that time.)

The Wardens’ accounts give the following particulars relative to this case:--

£ s. d.

Paid the Beadles their expences in bringing the last Body from Tyburne 2 19 0

Paid the Officers of the Two Compters 2 2 0

Paid Joseph Wheeler the Company’s Clerk his Coach hire and expences in attending the Sheriffs when the Body came to life 0 10 0

Paid the Chairwoman for her trouble and expences about the Body 0 5 0

A somewhat similar account of the foregoing circumstance will be found in Maitland’s London (ed. 1756), Vol. I, p. 613, and also in the Gentleman’s Magazine, Vol. X, p. 570.


There are many references throughout the books to the Lectures and Demonstrations of Anatomy at our Hall, as well as indications that from the period of Incorporation (1462), if not earlier, the Company took care to provide for the professional education of its members and apprentices, and to increase their proficiency in Surgical science.

[Footnote: The initial letter ~T~ is reduced from one in the Audit Book, 1612-13.]

In addition to the Examiners in Surgery (who though not necessarily members of the Court of Assistants were often consulted by the Masters or Governors) there were chosen “Masters and Stewards of the Anatomy,” generally two Masters and two Stewards, on whom devolved the duty of conducting the Demonstrations, and arranging for the Dinners which invariably followed. The exact duties of these officials are not at all times clearly defined, though elsewhere will be found allusions to, and orders concerning their offices and functions, but it may be generally taken that the Stewards dissected and prepared the body, the Masters reading the Lectures thereon to the assembled Surgeons and their apprentices.

These Demonstrations usually took place four times in the year, and were termed “Public Anatomies,” from the fact that the subject was generally a public body, i.e., a malefactor, and the attendance of the free Surgeons was compulsory on these occasions; besides these Public Anatomies, there were also an indefinite number of “Private Anatomies” held at the Hall, and at these the attendance was by invitation. It was illegal for any one to dissect a “humane bodye” within the limits of the Company’s jurisdiction without the permission of the Masters or Governors, and whenever a Surgeon was desirous to anatomatize some specially interesting subject, it was termed a “Private Anatomy,” and generally performed at the Hall by permission, the Surgeon inviting his own friends and pupils, and the Court inviting whom they chose. (See the curious entry as to a Private Anatomy, page 321.)

Besides the Demonstrations of Anatomy, public and private, there were several other lectures delivered (oftentimes once a week) by members of the College of Physicians and members of the Company; two of these, which were trusts, the Arrisian Lecture and Gale’s Anatomy still survive I believe, at the Royal College of Surgeons; the others were provided by the Company out of their corporate funds.

Among some loose papers at the Hall, I found a MS. relating to the lectures, which I lent to Mr. D’Arcy Power, who incorporated it in his work, as “Appendix M.” I have since compared this document with the original minutes, and finding it somewhat incorrect and imperfect, have prepared the following more accurate account.


Previous to 1566 Dr. William Cunningham was Reader at the Hall. He was author of the “Cosmographical Glasse containing the pleasant principles of Cosmographie Geographie Hydrographie or Navigation,” London, 1599. fo. Dr. Cunningham resided at Norwich 1556-9, whence he removed to London. He wrote a letter prefacing John Hall’s book against the “beastlye abusers” of Surgery, which is dated at Coleman Street, 18th April, 1565, and he also wrote a recommendatory letter in Thomas Gale’s “Certeine workes of Chirurgerie,” London, 1586. 4{to.}

14th January, 1567. Here was m{r} doctor Julyo & he made request y{t} he myghte have the worke of the anathomy these iiij{or} or fyve yeres so y{t} the coledge of the phicysions sholde not put hym frome us & also y{t} he myghte have pˀvat anathomyes at his demaund in this howse.

16th January, 1567. ~How that~ doctor Julius borgarneyns shall make ow{r} anathomyes.

~Also forder more It ys ordayned.~ That M{r} Julius borgarniens doctor in physyck w{th}in the Cytie of London unto his request accordyngly Is graunted That for and by the space of fyve yeres shall make and worke ow{r} anathomyes and skellytons Condycionally That at any Tyme and tymes w{th}in in the for saide terme of fyve yeres y{t} yf yt happen the above named m{r} doctor Julius borgarneins to be sycke or oute of Towne or by any other manner his Lawfull absence That then yt shalbe Lawfull to and for the m{r} and govˀno{rs} and y{r} successors To take any other doctor and make ow{r} anathomyes and skellytons and not ellꝭ other wyse as by a paire of Indentures and Covenantꝭ bearynge date frome the xiij{th} daye of August in an{o} dn{i} 1566 and in the viij{th} yere of ow{r} Sovˀaigne lady Quene Elyzabeth as by the same Indentures more at large yt doth testefye the one beyng sealed w{th} the Seale of the mystery and the m{r} and govˀno{rs} for the tyme then beinge have subscrybed y{r} names & markes and unto the oth{r} Indenture the saide doctor Julius burgarniens hath subscrybed his name & have put y{r} unto his seale.

~How that~ the anathomystꝭ shall Leave of theyre Excessyve and extraordenary charges in y{r} expencꝭ

~Also yt is ordayned.~ That John morland shall abyde and stande M{r} of the Anathomye accordynge unto an ordenañce in that behalf pˀvyded and Ordayned, and he also shall beare his portion of the Charges of the same accordingly as hertofore yt hathe bene usually acostomed and yt is fully condesended and agreed that the saide John morelande shall in and for good consideraciõ of his silvered yeres, set and Requyer any one of this saide Cõpany To make Sexcions w{th} the doctor as hymsylf and in his behalf upon the saide Corps or bodye and yf he wyll ~And also~ forder more yt is ordayned by thaucthorytie aforesaide That hereafter the saide m{r} and stewardꝭ of the anathomyes shall not brynge in theyre accomptes any moñy by them or any of them spente or layed forthe at the Tavernes or ellꝭ where at theire sondry metingꝭ but the mere and only exspencꝭ defrayed and paide oute for the Gates and other necessarys at the hall pˀpared for the same tyme and not ellꝭ otherwyse And also the saide anathomistꝭ shall frome hence forwardꝭ put of and laye aparte theire Sooppars[223] and all others y{r} wastefull and excessyve charges and exspenceꝭ by the w{ch} theire accomptꝭ amounteth unto the greter Som̃es. And also John Staple upon his humble request made is lycenced not to be stewarde in this yere, and m{r} bovy is chosen and admytted to be stewarde of the saide anathomy and shall also pˀcede to m{r} of the nexte[224] unto order accordingly.

[223] Suppers. [224] i.e., proceed to be Master of the Anatomy next year.

17th January, 1575. It was agreed by this whole howse that m{r} docto{r} Smythe sholde wo{r}k upon Thannatomye for the space of thies iiij yeres next coming and yf he be sick or oute of the Towne to take there choyse where they will.

20th December, 1577. M{r} Thomas Hall to desect the Anatomies.

Thomas Hall (see pp. 183, 187) was a Member of the Court of Assistants, and a brother of the John Hall referred to on p. 314.

1st July, 1596. M{r} Docto{r} Paddy ys chosen to be the desecto{r} of o{r} Anathomies yf yt shall pleas him to accept of the same And also xx{s} ys geven yerelie to the Anathomistꝭ more then they were accustomed to have in regard that suche Doctor{s} of Phisick as shall associate the said M{r} Docto{r} shalbe invited to dyner at the good liking of the masters or governo{rs} from tyme to tyme.

23rd November, 1609. Att this Court upon the motion made by S{r} William Paddy Knighte and at his earnest request and suite made to this Courte and uppon the surrenderinge up of his place which he held for the redinge of the Anathomyes lectures for discection thereof It is by a generall consent of the whole Courte agreed That M{r} Doctor Gwyn doctor in Phisicke shall from henceforth possesse his place in the Hall for readinge of the discection of the Anathomy Att such tymes and when as any such shall happen or be.

28th March, 1610. This day wee had the bodie of one . . . . . . to descect for an Anotomy & M{r} Docter Gwyn did reede upon the same.

17th September, 1612. This daye itt is ordered (upon a motion by the M{r} propounded touchinge that one of the Colledge shold read in this howse the weeklie lectures of Surgery on Tewsdaies) That the M{rs} shall conferr with M{r} President of the Phisitions Colledge to see whether they will give Consent that M{r} Docto{r} Davis or some other sufficient phisition whome the company shall please shall read the weeklie lectures in o{r} howse And yf the president & Colledge shall not consent thereto then this howse is to deale & compound with some other of our owne company to read their lecture in this howse whereof ye M{rs} are to make certificatt unto the said M{r} President And to take such order that the howse maye not in anywise be charged towards y{e} same Lecture.

6th October, 1612. This daie upon the motion made of M{r} Doctor Gwyne to be lecturer Itt is by this Court ordered that the said M{r} Docto{r} Gwyne shalbe reader of the weekelie lectures of surgery w{ch} the said M{r} Docto{r} accepted of In Considerac͠on whereof the M{rs} have allowed unto the said M{r} Doctor Gwyne an yerelie paym{t} of x{li} to contynew soe long as he shall be reder of the lecture.

19th September, 1616. M{r} Doctor Gwyne is by this Court ordered & entreated that he wold proceed in his reading of o{r} lectures out of Gwydoes Surgery.

13th December, 1627. Alsoe this daye o{r} M{r} propounding to this Courte that where as M{r} Docto{r} Gwin our lecturer is lately dead by reason whereof wee are destitute of a lecturer it is very expedient either to choose a Doctor to Reade our lectures on tuesdayes or every Surgion in his turne according to his antiquitye to reade his lecture as formerly the Surgions of this house hath bene used, whereupon deliberac͠on being had it is by this Court fully concluded and agreed that our weekely lectures shalbe reade according to the auncient custome of the Companie by the Surgions of our Companie approved according to lawe and that it shall begin with the auncientest Maister M{r} Richard Mapes and soe after every Surgion in his antiquitye and degree in the Companie.

Alsoe it is further ordered that dureing the tyme of reading of such lecture none of the audience shall interrupt or question the reader till the hower be runn out, and the lecture ended, at which tyme it shalbe lawfull for the M{rs} and Wardeins and the examiners then present (if any error have bene comitted by such lecturer) to question such reader and to make manifest wherein he hath erred.

23rd October, 1628. Alsoe this daye M{r} Doctor Andrewes is freely and loveingly chosen to be our reader at the next publique Anathomye to be holden in this Hall.

9th April, 1632. Alsoe this Court takeing into their considerations the greate care and paines of M{r} Doctor Andrewes in his agitac͠ons and yearely readinge of our lectures in tyme of the discections of the publique Anathomyes for this fower yeares past doe nowe order that there shalbe given him xiij{li} vj{s} viij{d} as of the free guift of this house for his paines therefore.

16th June, 1632. And as concerning the order for reading of lectures in Surgerye by an approved surgion of this Companie, this Court did againe deliberate upon the same and every one of the Assistants declared his opinion therein and the pluralitie of voyces was to have lectures read by the approved Surgians of this house according to our ordinances and not by a Doctor of phisick.

20th December, 1632. Alsoe o{r} Soveraigne Lord Kinge Charles his Letter directed to this Court was here openly reade and thereupon this Court in all obedient duetye and loyaltie to o{r} soveraigne Lord the Kings pleasure signified in that letter doe make mc͠on of M{r} Docto{r} Andrewes to be the weekely lecturer in surgerye for o{r} Companie upon such Court dayes as wee are accustomed to keepe.

28th December, 1632. This daye was reade in Court the letter directed to o{r} M{r} from M{r} Richard Andrews Docto{r} in Phisick whereby he doth desire to be excused from reading o{r} weekely lectures in Surgerye, & thereupon this Court did goe to a new election, takeing notice of M{r} Alex: Reade Docto{r} in Phisick approved by the Colledge of Phisitians London whoe was bredd a Chirurgian in ffraunce and hath bene a long time free of o{r} Companie did make choice of the said Docto{r} Reade to be o{r} Lecturer in Surgerye at such dayes and tymes as by order of Court is formerly ordered by this Court. And this Court doth further order that evˀy Surgian in the Lecture bill shall yearely paye towards the reading of such Lecture a certeyne some pˀticulerly, and that all those moneys gathered being cast up to a totall some shall out of the stock of this house be yearely made up xx{li} compleately for the said Docto{rs} Readeing.

Among a collection of old books on Surgery, in my possession, is a small quarto by Dr. Read (dedicated to Thomas, Lord Windsor, who was free of the Barber-Surgeons) and entitled:--

The Chirurgicall Lectures of Tumors and Ulcers delivered on Tuesdayes appointed for these exercises, and keeping of their Courts in the Chirurgeans Hall these three yeeres last past, viz. 1632, 1633 and 1634. By Alexander Read Doctor of Physick, and one of the Fellowes of the Physitians College of London. LONDON 1635.

28th December, 1637. Upon the riseing of the Court of Assistants it was concluded & agreed by the Examiners and Assistants Surgians that M{r} Docto{r} Meverell an auncient Phisitian of the Colledge shalbe Reader of o{r} Anatomicall lectures at the next publique discection to be held in the new erected Theater.

8th November, 1638. It is this daye ordered by the M{rs} or Governo{rs} Surgians and the Examiners and Assistant Surgians here present y{s} afternoone that there shalbe pˀnted as the guift of this Companie to M{r} Doct. Meverell a peece of plate w{th} the Companies Scutchion ingraven thereon for his paynes in readeing at o{r} last publiqe Anatomye in the new Theater before the Lords of his Ma{ties} most hono{ble} privye Councell & others Spectato{rs} in the time of those 3 dayes readeings.

And in regard the said Docto{r} Meverell doth desire to be spared from reading any more the said M{rs} or Governo{rs} Surgians & the Examiners & Assistant Surgians do make choice of M{r} Doct. Prujeon to be their reader in M{r} Doct. Meverells roome.

19th August, 1641. It is ordered that henceforward the Tuesday Lectures shalbe delivered by the Surgeons of this Company themselves and not by a Doctor and that the Examiners shall meete and consider of the manner.

23rd September, 1641. The Tenn Examiners are desired to meete & consider concerneing Lectures on Thursday next and in regard of the present sicknes this Court doth order that noe Tuesday Courts or Lectures be held till after the fortnight within the next terme.

30th September, 1641. This day M{r} Lawrence Cotton, Warden, M{r} Serjeant Clowes M{r} Richard Wateson M{r} Woodall M{r} John Heydon M{r} Heath M{r} George Dunn, Examiners of Surgeons takeing into theire Considerac͠ons the manner of the reading of Lectures in Surgery have thought it fitt and ordered That the Surgery Lectures should be read by approved Surgeans only and the Lecture to begin by the first Surgeon that is approved next to the Examiners and soe every one by his turne to read the Tuesdayes Lecture and every one to have a preceeding moneths time of warneing or notice to prepare himselfe for such Lecture as he shall read.

Alsoe It is thought fitt the publique Anatomy 6 Lectures shall this yeare be read by Doctor Prudjeon.

5th May, 1642. It is ordered that Doctor Chamblent shall have a silver tankard of vj{li} price with Armes of the company ingraven in it as the Guift of this Court for his paynes the last publique Anatomy.

17th January, 1644. It is ordered That in respect of the greate troubles and distractions of these times there shalbe noe publique Anatomy this yeare discected.

27th October, 1645. This day M{r} Edward Arris acquainting this Court that a person a friend of his (who desired his name to be as yet concealed)[225] through his greater desire of the increase of the knowledge of Chirurgery did by him freely offer to give unto this Corporac͠on for ever the sum of 250{li} to the end and upon Condic͠on that a humane Body be once in every yeare hereafter publiquely dissected and six Lectures thereupon read in this Hall if it may be had with Conveniency and the Charges to be borne by this Company And if noe humane Body may be had nor conveniently dissected in one yeare then the Company to destribute One halfe of the Sum of the usuall Charges of a publique Anatomy to our owne poore and the other halfe to the poore of S{t} Sepulchers, the said worthy Overture is thankefully accepted by this Court And it is Ordered a Draught be drawne by our Clerke against the next Court of Assistants for the performance thereof And to that purpose a Rent charge of xx{li} pˀ annum be granted out of our Lands at Holborne Bridge.

[225] It was the worthy Alderman Arris himself.

24th November, 1645. This Court taking into Considerac͠on in what manner the publique Bodyes hereafter shalbe dissected and by whome that Anatomy which is now newly about to be established shalbe performed Doth thinke fitt and soe Order That the present M{rs} of Anatomy or such others as shalbe appointed by the two M{rs} Surgeons for the time being and the more part of the Examiners shall performe the same and that the manner of dissections of every publique Anatomy shalbe such as they the said Two M{rs} or Governo{rs} for the time being and Examiners on the more part of them shall direct.

30th January, 1646. The draft deed of settlement for the Arrisian Lectures was brought into Court and (6th February, 1646) approved; but it appearing at the next Court that there was some technical difficulty as to the names of the feoffees it was remitted to the donor’s counsel.

20th February, 1646. This Court doth agree That the Deed of an Annuity formerly granted to the use of the new publique Anatomy be made for 24{li} upon the Considerac͠on of 300{li} And it is promised by M{r} Arris on the behalfe of the Donor That if the 300{li} shalbe restored within 12 yeares he or his Heires shall grant unto this Company for the same use the like sum of 24{li} p. Annum out of some of his Lands or Tenements And doe nominate and appoint for ffeeoffees M{r} Dunn M{r} Collins M{r} Kings M{r} Pinder M{r} ffleete M{r} Arris M{r} Boone and M{r} Bennett.

24th March, 1646. This daye M{r} Edward Arris payd the sum of 300{li} to the use of this Company and is the purchase money for the Annuity of 24{li} pˀ annũ for the use of the new publique Anatomy Whereupon the Deed of Grant of the said Annuity and for establishing the said new Anatomy was sealed with the Com̃on Seale and Delivered to the Donor and the severall ffeoffees intrusted in that matter.

In consequence of our later Minutes being lost, it is not possible to say precisely how this trust came to be varied and increased, though from the House of Commons Journals (see p. 160) it can be conjectured almost to a certainty to have been as follows:--Within twelve years from the date of the original grant (say in 1658) the Company returned the £300 to Alderman Arris, and he thereupon settled upon them a rent charge, not of £24 as he had promised to do, but of £30 per annum payable out of some of his houses. He seems however, subsequently, to have had good reason to believe that his only son and heir, Dr. Thomas Arris, M.P., would give the Company trouble in the matter of the settlement, and so, on the 29th February, 1676, he requested that his deed of grant might be given up to him cancelled, and that he should in return give the Company £510 absolutely and free from any trust, save only an honorable understanding that the Anatomy Lectures should be continued. This was done, and after his death (which happened 28th May, 1676) the Company were involved in a Chancery suit with Dr. Thomas Arris who endeavoured, though unsuccessfully, to recover possession of the £510.

17th July, 1646. Whereas 300{li} hath bin worthily given to this House for the Discharge of all expences to be layd out in and about a publique Anathomy to be henceforth had yearely for ever Betweene the ffeaste of Michaelmas and Christmas in every yeare And for that Doctor Prudjon who formerly read the Anatomicall Lectures hath desired to be excused from reading the Lectures on the next Anathomyes to be dissected betweene Michaelmas and Christmas next This Court doth think fitt That Doctor Wright be desired to performe the same And that the M{rs} of the Anatomy for the time being When the said Anatomy shalbe dissected do alwayes in theire severall & respective times of M{rs} of Anatomy dissect the said Anatomy And this Court doth thinke fitt That the dissection of the said Anatomy be of the Muscles of the Body But that the manner thereof be left to the Judgement of the Reader and the Dissectors.

21st September, 1646. Our M{r} acquainting the Court that Doctor Prudjon and divers other learned Physitions have recõmended Doctor [John] Goddard as a Man well qualifyed and very able to reade the Anatomicall Lectures This Court doth Order That Doctor Prudjon be requested to performe the Lectures On the next publique Anatomy himselfe But if he shall Deny it That then Doctor Goddard Or such other as Doctor Prudjon shall thinke more fitt be desired to read the Lectures.

23rd October, 1646. This Court doth Order That all the approved Chirurgeons according to Law shall appeare at all publique Anatomyes for the time to come in a fflatt Capp upon the penalty of 3{s} 4{d} and all the rest of the Livery in a Hatt.

24th December, 1646. This Court doth thinke fitt and soe Order That the M{rs} or Governours and Assistants nor any of them Nor any of the M{rs} or Stewards of Anathomy doe invite or enterteyne any Guest at any of the Three Dinners to be had within this Hall at the next publique Anatomy Or at any other publique Anathomy betweene Michaelmas and Christmas in any yeare hereafter But doth consent & Order That Doctor Prudjon be invited to the said Dinners Anything aforesaid to the contrary Notwithstanding.

7th January, 1647. Whereas this Court is well satisfyed That Doctor Prudjon is desireous to be excused from reading the next Anatomicall Lectures This Court doth Order That Doctor Goddard be desired to performe the same.

15th February, 1647. This Court doth thinke fitt and soe Order That the Tuesday Lectures be againe revived and read by Chirurgeons ffreemen of this Company in their turnes according to theire authority[226] in the Livery. The eldest Assistant Chirurgeon to read the first Lecture and that to be On the first Tuesday in May next and the other to be from thence monethly and noe oftner viz{t} The ffirst Tuesday in evˀy moneth Provided Nevertheles That when as any such Tuesday shall not be within the time lymitted in and by an Order of a Court of Assistants of ix{th} August 1632 in that behalfe Or shall happen to be on any the dayes thereby excepted That then every such Tuesday be noe Lecture day.

[226] A clerical mistake for “antiquity,” i.e., precedence.

The order of the 9th August, 1632, above referred to, was as follows--

ALSOE this daye this Court for removeing of uncerteinties & setling of one certeyne course and forme for Courts to be kept on y{r} Tuesdayes in every yeare doe now upon deliberac͠on had, order that from henceforth for ever hereafter there shalbe Lectures reade & Courts held in the Comon Hall of this Companie at such dayes and times in every yeare annually as hereafter followeth viz{t} on every Tuesdaye w{ch} shalbe betwixt Michaelmas daye and the Tenth daye of December, On every Tuesdaye betwixt the ffeast of Epiphanie and Palme Sondaye, on every Tuesdaye betwixt Easter holydayes and Rogac͠on weeke, on every Tuesdaye betwixt Whitesonday holydayes and the last daye of Julye. Provided alwayes that if it shall happen any of the aforesaid Tuesdayes to fall out to be either on a holydaye or one a holydayes Eve That then every such Tuesdaye to be noe Court or Lecture daye Provided alsoe that the Tuesdaye in the weeke next before the Lord Maio{rs} daye and the Tuesdaye in the weeke next before the Publiqe discection of Anatomye and alsoe Shrove tuesdaye to be noe Court dayes.

29th March, 1647. This Court doth explaine the Order of the last Court of Assistants (15th February 1647) concerneing the Tuesday Lectures That it is the meaneing of this Court and this Court doth accordingly Order That the said Lectures be read aswell by the ancient M{rs} Chirurgeons and Examiners in theire course as by any others.

23rd September, 1647. This Court takeing notice that Doctor Prudjon desireth to be excused from reading the next Anatomicall Lectures to be had betweene Michaelmas and Christmas next But wilbe ready hereafter to serve the Company in that kind Doth therefore freely chuse Doctor Nurse for the reading these Lectures and Doth order That our Clerke doth attend him and desire his answer therein And this Court doth further Order That the present Masters of Anathomy may dissect the first publique Anathomy and in the meane time may have a private Body.

11th January, 1648. This Court at the Suite and request of M{r} Daniell Worrall M{r} William Molins M{r} Thomas Woodall and M{r} Thorpe Chirurgeons of the Cloathing of this Company Doth grant That they or any of them joyneing the M{rs} & Stewards of Anathomy privately desect in the Com̃on Hall of this Company and not elsewhere a humane Body executed as a Malefactour that they or any of them may procure ffor the bettering theire Judgement and Skill in Anatomy, Provided That they at theire owne proper Costs doe defray and disburse All the Necessary & accustomed Charges ffees & Duties belonging to a private Anathomy.

14th January, 1648. This Court doth Order That there be a publique Anathomy this yeare and doth chuse and desire Doctor Nurse to read these Lectures and inasmuch as Doctor Prudeon doth desire to be excused ffrom reading hereafter this Court doth Choose Doctor Nurse to be the constant Anatomicall Reader to this Company.

8th October, 1649. This Court taking into considerac͠on severall worthy Physicians of whome one might be elected Reader of the Anatomicall Lectures at the publique dissections of this Company Doe thinke fitt That Doctor Scarborough be elected thereunto Who being desired to come to this Court appeared during the sitting thereof and declared himselfe very willing to performe the same and rendered thanks to this Court for their good opinions of him.

We have at the Hall a fine portrait of Dr. Sir Charles Scarborough with Alderman Arris engaged upon an Anatomy.

Dr. Scarborough was elected Anatomical Reader on the 12th October, 1649.

23rd October, 1649. The periodical lectures by the Surgeons of the Company, which had again fallen through of late, were ordered to be revived, and there is a long minute on the subject at this date.

27th February, 1663. Samuel Pepys records, under this date:--

About 11 o’clock Commissioner Pet and I walked to Chyrurgeon’s Hall, we being all invited thither, and promised to dine there, where we were led into the Theatre; and by and by comes the reader, D{r} Tearne,[227] with the Master and Company, in a very handsome manner: and all being settled, he begun his lecture; and his discourse being ended, we had a fine dinner and good learned company, many Doctors of Phisique, and we used with Extraordinary great respect.

[227] Christopher Terne, of Leyden, M.D., originally of Cambridge, and Fellow of the College of Physicians. Ob. 1673.

30th June, 1698. Ord{rd} that there bee an Anatomy Lecture called Gales Anatomy. D{r} [Clopton] Havers & D{r} Hands being put in nominac͠on for reading of the same D{r} Havers was choosen for three yeares & to read on the second Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday in July next by three of the clock in the afternoone & to have thirty shillings for his paines & the remainder to bee disposed of by the Com̃itte.

14th December, 1699. Ord{rd} the two D{rs.} Readers to this Society for the future shall bee elected for noe longer terme then fower yeares onely at one time Ord{rd} by the Court that D{r} [E.] Tyson have liberty to lay downe [his office].

D{r} Hans & D{r} Havers were put in nominac͠on for Reader of the Ventera Lecture in the roome of D{r} Tyson, D{r} Hans was chosen for fower yeares.

22nd April, 1708. Dr. Colebrooke and Dr. Thomas Wadsworth put in nomination for Reader of the Osteology Lecture (Gale’s foundation), when Dr. Wadsworth was elected for four years.

16th August, 1711. Then the Court proceeded to the Elecc͠on of Readers for the Muscular Ventor & Osteology lectures D{r} [Richard] Mead D{r} ffreind & D{r} Wadsworth the present Readers were unanimously chosen Readers of the said severall Lectures for the four ensuing years.

17th July, 1712. D{r} John ffreind was unanimously Chosen Reader of the Muscular Lecture. And D{r} Comer [? H. Colmer] was Chosen Reader of the Venter Lecture for the next 4 yeares ensueing.

1st October, 1712. Dr. Henry Plumtree and Dr. Douglas put in nomination for Reader of the Muscular Lecture (Arris’s foundation) in the room of Dr. Meade, when Dr. Plumtree was elected for four years.

Dr. J. Douglas and Dr. Wadsworth put in nomination for Reader of the Osteology Lecture, when Dr. Wadsworth was elected for four years.

15th December, 1715. Dr. Douglas and Dr. Marmaduke Giles put in nomination for Reader of the Muscular Lecture, when Dr. Douglas was elected for four years.

Dr. William Wagstaffe and Dr. Hezekias Jones put in nomination for Reader of the Viscera Lecture, when Dr. Wagstaffe was elected for four years.

13th March, 1717. Dr. W. Barrowby and Dr. Stewart put in nomination for Reader of the Ostelogy Lecture, when Dr. Barrowby was elected for four years.

6th November, 1717. Dr. Douglas resigned the Readership of the Muscular Lecture, on account of a difference with the Masters of Anatomy, and Dr. Plumtree was chosen in his place.

18th August, 1720. Dr. Wagstaffe and Dr. Barrowby put in nomination for Reader of the Muscular Lecture, when Dr. Wagstaffe was elected for four years.

Dr. Barrowby and Dr. Thomas Jewrin put in nomination for Reader of the Viscera Lecture, when Dr. Barrowby was elected for four years.

Dr. Jewrin and Dr. W. Rutty put in nomination for Reader of the Osteology Lecture, when Dr. Jewrin was elected for four years.

30th October, 1721. Dr. Jewrin and Dr. Charles Bale put in nomination for Reader of the Viscera Lecture (vice Dr. Barrowby resigned), when Dr. Jewrin was elected.

Dr. C. Bale and Dr. W. Rutty put in nomination for Reader of the Osteology Lecture (vice Jewrin), when Dr. Bale was elected.

29th March, 1722. Dr. Bale being in France, and unable to return for five months, Dr. Rutty and Dr. Sisterton were put in nomination for Reader of the Osteology Lecture, when Dr. Rutty was elected.

20th August, 1724. Dr. Jewrin and Dr. Rutty put in nomination for Reader of the Muscular Lecture in place of Dr. Wagstaffe, when Dr. Jewrin was elected for four years.

Dr. Rutty and Dr. Robert Nesbitt put in nomination for Reader of the Viscera Lecture (vice Jewrin), when Dr. Rutty was elected for four years.

Dr. Nesbitt and Dr. John Deodate put in nomination for Reader of the Osteology Lecture (vice Rutty), when Dr. Deodate was elected for four years.

6th June, 1727. Dr. E Wilmott and Dr. Goldsmith put in nomination for Reader of the Osteology Lecture (vice Deodate deceased), when Dr. Willmott was elected.

15th August, 1728. Dr. Rutty and Dr. Wilmott put in nomination for Reader of the Muscular Lecture (vice Jewrin), when Dr. Rutty was elected.

Dr. Wilmott and Dr. Lawrence Martell put in nomination for Reader of the Viscera Lecture (vice Rutty), when Dr. Wilmott was elected.

Dr. Martell and Dr. Goldsmith put in nomination for Reader of the Osteology Lecture (vice Wilmott), when Dr. Martell was elected.

7th April, 1730. Dr. Goldsmith and Dr. Watts put in nomination for Reader of the Osteology Lecture (vice Martell resigned), when Dr. Goldsmith was elected.

13th August, 1730. Dr. Goldsmith and Dr. Francis Nicholls put in nomination for Reader of the Muscular Lecture (vice Rutty deceased), when Dr. Goldsmith was elected.

Dr. Nicholls and Dr. Nesbitt put in nomination for Reader of of the Viscera Lecture (vice Wilmott resigned), when Dr. Nicholls was elected.

Dr. Nesbitt and Dr. Watts put in nomination for Reader of the Osteology Lecture (vice Goldsmith), when Dr. Nesbitt was elected.

Mr. Joshua Symmonds was chosen Demonstrator or Teacher of Anatomy for three years.

5th March, 1731. Mr. Symmonds resigned through ill-health, and Mr. Edward Nourse and Mr. John Belchier being put in nomination, Mr. Nourse was elected.

17th August, 1732. Dr. Nesbitt and Dr. Guy Ruffiniac put in nomination for Reader of the Muscular Lecture (vice Goldsmith deceased), when Dr. Nesbitt was elected.

Dr. Ruffiniac was elected Reader of the Osteology Lecture (vice Nesbitt).

5th March, 1734. Mr. Nourse resigned the place of Demonstrator of Anatomy.

15th August, 1734. Mr. Abraham Chovett and Mr. Peter Maccullock were chosen Demonstrators of Anatomy.

17th September, 1734. A lengthy set of regulations for the conduct of the Demonstrations of Anatomy is entered on the minutes of this date.

17th July, 1735. Dr. Nicholls and Dr. Owen put in nomination for Reader of the Osteology Lecture (vice Ruffiniac resigned) when Dr. Nicholls was elected.

19th August, 1736. Mr. Abraham Chovett resigned his place as Demonstrator of Anatomy, and Mr. Peter Maccullock and Mr. Cæsar Hawkins were elected Demonstrators.

Dr. Nicholls and Dr. Nesbitt put in nomination for Reader of the Muscular Lecture, when Dr. Nicholls was elected.

Dr. Nicholls was also elected Reader of the Osteology Lecture.

7th December, 1738. Dr. R. Banks was elected Reader of the Viscera Lecture.

16th August, 1739. Mr. Peter Maccullock elected Demonstrator of Anatomy, which office he held until his death.

10th July, 1744. Mr. W. Bromfield elected Demonstrator of Anatomy (vice Maccullock, deceased).

The following Will of Charles Whyte (Warden in 1535 and 1542) is interesting, as it furnishes a partial list of the books and belongings of a Barber-Surgeon in Henry VIII’s time.

The Will is dated 3rd July, 1544, and by it testator desires to be buried in St. Paul’s Church Yard. He gives 20{d.} to St. Martins Ludgate, where he dwelt, for tithes forgotten--

Also I bequeathe to the Masters Wardens and felowsshipp of the barbo{r} surgons for theyr payne to com to my buryeng vj{s.} viij{d.} To Thomas Wanlon poticary my beste Gowne furryd wyth black bugge. Also I bequeathe to Nicholas Archepolle[228] the Surgion twoo books of surgery thone ys borded and coverd wyth yelowe lether and ys named John of Ardren being wryten hande wyth Divers pictures And thother book being coveryd wyth black lether having on thone syde the armes of England wyth a rose paynted and one thother syde the armes of England and spayne being wryten hand. Also I bequeathe to John Colman that was my prentyce my great black boke borded and coveryd wyth black lether wher in is the boke of the harball and the shepardes kalender wyth divers other bookꝭ Also I bequeathe to M{r} John Woodwarde my best gowne furryd with foynes and to Mrẽs Margaret Woodwarde his wif a gold ring with a turkes[229] that was Wyllyam Taylours or els fourty shillingꝭ in money. Also I bequeathe to Robert Clerk my kynsman six barbours basins of latyn Item a kettyl wyth a cock in yt to wasshe heddes wyth,[230] a great pott of latyn. It̃. a nother great pott of pañ mettell wyth a cock in the botom, three barbours chayres, a lowe chest wyth holes in the cofer . . . . Also I bequeathe to Robert Clerk and Wyllyam his brother all my bokes of surgery and physyck equally to be devided betwene them yf so be they wyll study the science of surgery. Also . . . all my instruments being made of Iron, style,[231] coper, and brasse which belongethe to the science of surgery.

[228] Probably, Nicholas Archenbold (Warden 1564, &c.). [229] Query “turquoise.” [230] A primitive appliance for shampooing. [231] Steel.



The Great Book of Wardens’ Accounts has unfortunately been kept in a damp place, and the earlier portion of it is severely damaged. The cover still indicates the elaboration of the bookbinder’s art, being stamped in patterns with the portcullis fleur de lys and Tudor rose; opposite what is left of the first page is a magnificently painted achievement of the Company’s arms on vellum, but this unhappily, is damaged.

The first page has rotted almost entirely away, leaving only the upper left hand corner, on which there is an initial letter T illuminated in the highest style of art, though this is also seriously damaged.

The accounts commence with those for the year 1603, the first few pages are worn away, pages 7 to 36 are but slightly damaged, whilst the remainder of this huge book is quite perfect and abounds with quaint and artistic initial letters.

The following is the reduced initial letter for the year 1610-11.

1603. The Wardens account for quarterage received by them amounting to £4 17s. 6d., this quarterage was 2s. for each freeman, though some did not pay, and others had only paid 6d. or 1s.

£5 was received for the admission of six foreign brethren.

Twenty-five freemen were admitted, who paid 3s. 4d. each on presentation.

Eighty-nine apprentices were bound, each paying 2s. 6d.

The receipts for the rents from the Company’s tenants follow, viz.:--

£ s. d. Holborn Bridge (14 tenements) 29 4 0 Conyhope Lane (Grocers’ Hall Court) 8 0 0 Walbrook (2 tenants) 15 0 0 Tower Street 5 0 0 Mugwell Street (4 tenants) 11 13 4 East Smithfield (13 tenants) 28 14 0 Swanne Alley (5 tenants) 17 6 8 Old Bailey 1 0 0 -------------- £115 18 0 ==============

The following is a verbatim copy of the remainder of this year’s accounts, and will serve as a fair specimen for the other years.

1603.--The said Accomptants doe aske allowance for moneys by them defrayed w{th}in the tyme of this pˀsent accompt by the handes of M{r} Edward Rodes Second Governor afores{d} for ordenary as [well as] extraordinary Expences as hereafter ensueth viz{t.}--

~Ordinarie~ expenses.

~Inprimis~ payd for the Awdit dinner vj{li} Itm̃ paid to the Butler for his fee then iij{s} iiij{d} Itm̃ paid to the Cock for dressinge of nyne messe of meate then ix{s} Itm̃ paid to the Laundres then v{s} Itm̃ paid to the Porter for his attendance xij{d} Itm̃ paid for the view dinner xl{s} Itm̃ paid to the Carpinter & Bricklayer then[232] iij{s} Itm̃ paid to the Stewardꝭ of the Maior’s feast vj{li} Itm̃ paid to the Cock for dressinge of 14 messes of meate then xviij{s} viij{d} Itm̃ paid to the Butler then v{s} Itm̃ paid to the Laundresse then v{s} Itm̃ paid for the hyre of o’ Bardge iij{li} Itm̃ paid to the Clark & Sexton of the Churche of Garlick Hythe when the Company toke barge xij{d} Itm̃ paid for rushes & small cord iij{s} Itm̃ paid to the Croner[233] for his fee vj{s} viij{d} Itm̃ geven to the Bardgemen in reward ij{s} vj{d} Itm̃ paid for the Companyes seats in Powles[234] v{s} Itm̃ paid to the Lo: Maiors officer for his fee x{s} Itm̃ paid to ffrancꝭ Rowdon[235] for his fee pˀ Ann x{li} Itm̃ paid to the Porter for his fee pˀ Ann xxvj{s} viij{d} Itm̃ paid him more in augmentac͠on of his fee xl{s} Itm̃ paid to John a Lee for his yerely penc͠on lxij{s} Itm̃ paid to the pˀson[236] of S{t} Olaves pˀ Ann vj viij{d} Itm̃ paid to the Clarke of that Churche xvj{d} Itm̃ paid to the Scaveng{r} per ann iiij{s} Itm̃ paid to o{r} Clarke for lanthorne Lyghte[237] ij{s} Itm̃ paid to the Stewards of the Anathom iiij{li} Itm̃ paid to the Clarke for white brushes & broomes ij{s} Itm̃ paid for a Loade of greate Coales xxv{s} Itm̃ for a thowsand of Billettꝭ xv{s} Itm̃ paid for small coles xij{d} Itm̃ paid for an hundreth of ffagottꝭ vij{s} Itm̃ spent uppon o{r} tenantꝭ in potac͠on[238] ij{s} iiij{d} Itm̃ distributed in Almes accordinge to the last will & testament of M{r} fferebras vj{s} viij{d} Itm̃ more distributed in augmentac͠on of the same almes xiij iiij Itm̃ allowed to the M{rs} for the distributinge thereof vj{s} viij{d} Itm̃ allowed to the M{rs} for gatheringe of the rentꝭ xiiij{s} iiij{d} Itm̃ paid to the Clark for pennes Inke & papˀ vj{s} viij{d} Itm̃ layd oute for herbes & flowers on the Election daye iij{s} Itm̃ paid to the Bedell for his yerely fee xl{s} Itm̃ geven to the Porter for his Attendance on the Election daye xij{d} Itm̃ paid to M{r} Hilles[239] for his yerely fee xl Itm̃ paid to the Collectors for subsidye lij{s} Itm̃ paid to M{r} Stower for pˀvision of corne[240] v{li} Itm̃ paid to the poore of St. Olaves xvij{s} iiij{d} Itm̃ paid to the preach{r} for his sermon on the daye of Election x{s} Itm̃ distributed in money bred & byfe[241] accordinge to M{r} Bankes last Will & testam xix{s} Itm̃ for washinge of some linnen w{ch} was used on the daye of Election xviij{d} Itm̃ paid to the Clark for registringe of this Accompt xx{s}

~Some totall~ of the } Ordenary expencꝭ is } Lxj{li} xiiij{s}

[232] The Company’s Carpenter and Bricklayer always accompanied the Masters on view days, to advise as to the state of repair of the property. [233] Coroner. [234] St. Paul’s. [235] The Company’s Clerk. [236] Parson. [237] The Clerk provided the Lantern over the Entrance in Monkwell Street, in accordance with the ancient City custom of lighting the streets. [238] Potation, i.e., drinking. [239] The Company’s standing Counsel. [240] The Company compounded with Mr. Stower at £5 per annum to provide the corn required by the City. [241] Beef.

~Extraordinarie~ Expencꝭ

~Inprimis~ paid for the use of sixe garnishe and twoe dozen of pewter at the Awdit Dinner vij{s} viij{d} Itm̃ paid for makinge cleane of the Hall then j{s} Itm̃ geven by Consent to Erasmus Haunce a poore Strang{r} v{s} Itm̃ paid to the Paynter for the Coockꝭ apron[242] xiij{s} iiij{d} Itm̃ paid to the Clark for Drawinge & engroseinge of the Indentures of Covenaunt betwixt the Carpnt{r} & o{r} M{rs} concerninge o{r} Buyldinge in Easte Smith feild x{s} Itm̃ paid to M{r} Justice Wooddes Clark for the Recognizance & for o{r} lycence to buyld iij{s} ij{d} Itm̃ paid M{r} Wood for his Advice then x{s} Itm̃ spent at the hartes horne uppon some of the committees when o{r} M{r} & they toke advise concerninge M{r} ffyneingꝭ conveyancꝭ iij{s} viij{d} Itm̃ paid to M{r} Hilles for his advise then x{s} Itm̃ geven to the Lord Maior’s officer for his Attendance at the Awdit iij{s} iiij{d} Itm̃ geven to Symon Parkinson in benevolence by consent ij{s} vj{d} Itm̃ geven in benevolence to Mark Criffeyld vj{d} Itm̃ paid for the wiflers staves[243] xvj{d} Itm̃ paid for cakes at the Maiors feaste iij{s} Itm̃ paid for Clarret wyne then iiij{s} Itm̃ paid for a Gallond of Muskadell iiij{s} Itm̃ paid for half a dozen of Rolles vj{d} Itm̃ paid for 2{li} suger & for Cloves then ij{s} x{d} Itm̃ geven to the music͠ons in reward then ij{s} Itm̃ geven to M{r} Petersons folkes then ij{s} Itm̃ geven to the Bardgemen in reward ij{s} Itm̃ geven to good wief Lee in benevolence iij{s} Itm̃ geven to twelve torcheberers when the Maior went to meete the Queene’s Ma{tie} xiij{s} Itm̃ paid for 3 dozen of torches then and a greate Lynke xxxvij{s} iiij{d} Itm̃ paid to a poore man that helped to carry the staffe torches xij{d} Itm̃ geven to the beadell for his paynes xij{d} Itm̃ spent on a supper uppon those that went to meete her Ma{tie} beinge of o{r} Assistantꝭ xlviij{s} vj{d} Itm̃ geven to the maydes that dressed o{r} supper then & to a poore man ij{s} Itm̃ paid M{r} Hillˀ for his oppinion and paine taken aboute o{r} ordinancꝭ xx{s} Itm̃ spent on some of the Assistance then that went w{th} the M{rs} ij{s} Itm̃ geven to Harbert[244] in benevolence xij{d} Itm̃ geven to Jõ Smyth in benevolence then xij{d} Itm̃ geven them in benevolence at anoth{r} tyme ij{s} Itm̃ geven to Tho. Tholmwood in benevolence by ord{r} x{s} Itm̃ spent uppon the Committees when they mett about the ordinancꝭ vj{s} ix{d} Itm̃ spent the same nyghte at the bores head at supper when wee delivˀed o{r} petic͠on to the queene x{s} iiij{d} Itm̃ spent the 13{th} of Decemb{r} at the bell at Westm{r} at dinn{r} when the M{rs} went to delivˀ the petic͠on to the queene xvj{s} vj{d} Itm̃ geven in benevolence to wydowe Barbor xviij{d} Itm̃ to wydowe Norton xij{d} Itm̃ to widowe Grew xij{d} Itm̃ to wydowe Powell xij{d} Itm̃ to good wief Harris xij{d} Itm̃ to John a Lee xij{d} Itm̃ to Markes Cristofeyld xij{d} Itm̃ to John Smythe xij{d} Itm̃ to Robert Harberte xviij{d} Itm̃ to Markꝭ Cristefeyld vj{d} Itm̃ to him at anoth{r} tyme vj{d} Itm̃ to wydow Barbor vj{d} Itm̃ geven to oth{r} poore at the hall xiiij{d} Itm̃ geven more to wydow Barbo{r} xij{d} Itm̃ geven more to wydow Norton xij{d} Itm̃ geven more to John Smyth and Harbert by consent before Easter vj{s} viij{d} Itm̃ geven more to wydowe Norton at anoth{r} tyme iij{s} Itm̃ geven more to Markꝭ Christofeyld vj{d} Itm̃ geven to wydowe Smythe xij{d} Itm̃ geven more in benevolence to John a Lee v{s} Itm̃ geven to Robert Harbert in benevolence xij{d} Itm̃ geven to goodwyfe Norton in benevolence xij{d} Itm̃ geven to wydowe Barber in benevolence xij{d} Itm̃ geven to John a Lees wief in benevolence xij{d} Itm̃ geven more to Markes Crisfeyld in benevolence xij{d} Itm̃ more geven to him at anoth{r} tyme vj{d} Itm̃ more to him at anoth{r} tyme xij{d} Itm̃ more geven to John a Lee in benevolence ij{s} Itm̃ geven to John Smyth in his sicknes & towards his funerall xx{s} Itm̃ geven Harbert in his sicknes & towardꝭ his funerall x{s} Itm̃ geven to Harbertꝭ wyef in her sicknes & towardꝭ her funerall[245] vj{s} Itm̃ geven to Harbertꝭ Children in the tyme of their sicknes x{s} Itm̃ geven to a poore man at the Hall in benevolence vj{d} Itm̃ geven to M{r} Johnson for fayre wrytinge of the petic͠on to the Queene ij{s} vj{d} Itm̃ spent when the M{rs} went to Courte aboute the Companyes busines the xviij{th} of November v{s} Itm̃ geven then to a poore man iij{d} Itm̃ paid for o{r} Seates in Powles churchyard on the queenes daye ij{s} vj{d} Itm̃ geven to the keeper of the Exchange for pullinge downe of Mountebankꝭ billes[246] xij{d} Itm̃ to M{r} Wilbraham M{r} of the Requestes for settinge downe the Queenes answere to o{r} petic͠on v{li} Itm̃ geven in gratificac͠on to his Clark x{s} Itm̃ geven to M{r} Hilles for his advise uppon the same petic͠on x{s} Itm̃ spent uppon some of the Company that went w{th} the M{rs} then xiiij{d} Itm̃ spent uppon M{r} Peck M{r} ffenton and oth{rs} w{ch} went to acquaint the Lo: Keper w{th} her Ma{ties} answere to the said petic͠on ix{s} vj{d} Itm̃ paid to the Collect{rs} of the fiftenes iiij{s} Itm̃ paid for ingroseinge of the breviat for the Lords ij{s} vj{d} Itm̃ paid to the Counsellors man for his paines ij{s} vj{d} Itm̃ paid towardꝭ the Butlers fee for the Anathomy iij{s} iiij{d} Itm̃ paid for 2 bottelles of sack that the M{rs} sent for on the Maiors daye iij{s} iiij{d} Itm̃ paid to the Collectors for 4{or} fifteenes for cleansinge of the towne dyche xvj{s} Itm̃ paid to the Collecto{rs} of the kinges subsidie xvij{s} iiij{d} Itm̃ spent by consent uppon a supper uppon those that rode to meete the kinge iiij{li} j{s} xj{d} Itm̃ geven to the twelve wifelers then xij{s} Itm̃ spent in pˀsecuc͠on of Rea the mountiebank before the Lo: Maior iiij{s} Itm̃ paid for a copie of the Kinges Commission and of Chauncery for the hearinge of petic͠ons pˀferred to his Ma{tie} [247] Itm̃ spent in wyne and cakes on the Election daye xl{s} Itm̃ for makinge cleane of the Hall then ij{s} Itm̃ spent uppon a supper on the Election daye of the Assistants by consent xliij{s} Item̃ geven to wydowe Barbor in benevolence and for washinge & makinge cleane of the Lybrarye v{s} vj{d}

~Some of the~ ex̃tordinary } expencꝭ amounteth in the } wholl to the somme of } xxxvij{li} xviij{s} iiij{d}

~Some totall~ as well of the ordenary } as extraordinary expences Layd oute } by the handes of M{r} Edward Rodes } amounteth in the wholl to the somme of} Lxxxxix{li} xij{s} iiij{d}

[242] The Cook’s apron was probably embellished with the Company’s arms or crest. [243] The wands or staffs carried by the whifflers who headed the processions on pageant days, etc. [244] The Beadle. [245] There was a great plague in the City this year--Harbert was the Company’s Beadle. [246] Quack doctor’s advertisements. [247] The amount torn out in original.

~The said Accountants~ doe aske allowance for money disbursed by the handes of the said M{r} Thomas Martin yongest Governor w{th}in the tyme of this pˀsent Accompt for rentꝭ and Repac͠ons[248] as hereaft{r} ensueth viz{t}

[248] Reparations.

~Paiments~ for Chiefe Rentꝭ and Annuities viz{t}

~Inprimis~ paid to the M{rs} of S{t} Kathiñes viij{d} and for the Acquittance iiij{d} Itm̃ paid to M{r} Cannon for a quit rent for o{r} land at Hoborne Bridge v{s} Itm̃ for the Acquittance iiij{d} Itm̃ paid to the Renter of the Bridge howse iiij{s} viij{d} Itm̃ paid to M{r} Parvis for o{r} water pˀ ann xxvj{s} viij{d} Itm̃ paid to M{r} ffyneinge for his Rente vj{li} vj{s} viij{d} Itm̃ paid to M{r} Mapes for his Annuitie x{li}

~Some~ of the Cheefe Rentꝭ } and Annuities paid out is } xviij{li} iiij{s} iiij{d}

~Laid owte~ for new buyldinges Repac͠ons and oth{r} expencꝭ as followeth viz{t}

~Inprimis~ paid to Hamlet Xpiãn[249] Carpenter by order of Court of Assistantꝭ for the new buyldinges Easte Smyth feld and for oth{r} Repac͠ons done accordinge to a pˀ of Indentures of Covenant w{th} that money w{ch} before hee had received in earnest xi{li} x{s} Itm̃ paid to the smythe for an iron grate for the utt{r} yard of the hall iij{s} viij{d} Itm̃ paid to the Plumb{r} & Pavier for mendinge the water pype at the hall ij{s} Itm̃ paid for a planck to put under the leaden cesterne in the iner yard xij{d} Itm̃ paid to the plumber for makinge of the same cestern xxxvj{s} vj{d} Itm̃ paid to the Bricklayer for underproppinge the same cesterne iij{s} viij{d} Itm̃ spent when M{r} Wood & M{r} Leacock went to compound w{th} the Bricklayer for o{r} new buyldingꝭ in Easte Smithfeild vj{d} Itm̃ spent uppon some of the Assistantꝭ w{ch} went to Easte Smythfeyld to compound w{th} the Carpinter for the said buyldingꝭ iiij{s} vij{d} Itm̃ spent uppon the M{rs} & Carpinters the 25{th} of Septemb{r} xv{d} Itm̃ spent uppon the Tyler and the oth{r} workmen when we bargayned w{th} them ij{s} Itm̃ paid to the Plumb{r} & Pavier for unstoppinge the pype that bringeth the wat{r} to the hall iiij{s} Itm̃ paid to the Smyth for two peeces of Iron to hold up the Cesterne in the back yard xvj{d} Itm̃ paid to twoe laborers for scoweringe & clenseinge the well at the hall v{s} Itm̃ paid to the Goldsmyth for amendinge of the Corrector[250] viij{d} Itm̃ paid to the Smythe for amendinge of the key of the Election howse dore vj{d} Itm̃ paid for sixe thowsand of Tyles and for a quarterne of roughe tyles iij{li} xiiij{s} Itm̃ paid to the Bricklayer for makeinge the foundac͠on of the new buyldinges in Easte smythfeyld & for sixe bryck Chimneys xij{li} xij{d} Itm̃ paid to two Laborers for 3 dayes woork a peece for rayseinge of the flowers[251] in the same houses at xij{d} per daye vj{s} Itm̃ paid 2{o} Baskettꝭ to carry rubbishe in vj{d} Itm̃ paid for 18 Lodes of gravell to raise the highe wey or causeway there vj{s} Itm̃ spent uppon the Bricklayers for their dinn{r} when they layd the foundac͠on of the new buildinge xviij{d} Itm̃ paid to a laborer for carryinge of gravell to Levell the Bridge ij{s} Itm̃ paid to Peerson the Bricklayer for workmanship and stuffe done uppon the new buyldinges as by his bill appeareth iij{li} xvj{s} Itm̃ payd to the Playsterer accordinge to his bargaine for woork done there viij{li} Itm̃ paid to Hamlet the Carpinter for worke done there vj{li} ij{s} Itm̃ paid to the Smythe for work done there as appeareth by his bill xlj{s} Itm̃ paid for a padlock for the greate gate there xij{d} Itm̃ paid to the Glasier for work done there as appeareth by his bill xlv{s} Itm̃ spent uppon the M{r} M{r} Wood and oth{rs} that went to viewe the same buyldinges after they were finished v{s} Itm̃ paid to Harbert for mendinge of the Cushions xij{d} Itm̃ paid to the Glasier for work done about the hall vij{s} x{d} Itm̃ paid to the Carpinter for settinge up the Scaffoldꝭ of the Anothomy & for mendinge of the same xxxvij{s} iiij{d} Itm̃ paid for 2{o} plankes to cover the well in the hall yard iiij{s} Itm̃ paid to the Plasterer for worke & repac͠ons done uppon o{r} tenemtꝭ in Easte smythfeyld xxx{s} Itm̃ paid the Mason for free stones to cover the well at the hall & for layinge thereof ix{s} v{d} Itm̃ paid to the Plumber for woork done at the hall and for gutters of leade for o{r} said new buyldinges iij{li} x{s} x{d} Itm̃ paid to M{r} Rudd for blew and Crimson taffata to make the kinges banner as appeareth by his bill iij{li} xij{d} Itm̃ paid to the upholster for fustian sowinge silke and for makeinge the same xij{s} Itm̃ paid to M{r} Leacocke for 3 ounces & 3 q{rs} of greene & white[252] silke fringe x{s} Itm̃ paid for a staffe for the banner xx{d} Itm̃ paid to M{r} ffrizemigefeyld for payntinge the bann{r} w{th} kinges armes in gold vj{li} xiij{s} iiij{d} Itm̃ paid to the paviers for paveinge the waye to o{r} new buyldingꝭ in Easte Smythefeyld iiij{li} viij{s} x{d} Itm̃ paid to the Laborers then vj{s} Itm̃ paid to the Carpinter for makeinge of the shed ov{r} the pissinge place at the hall xij{s} x{d} Itm̃ payd to the tyler for tyleinge of the same x{s} iiij{d} Itm̃ paid to the plaistere for his worke aboute the same vj{s} Itm̃ paid for an iron grate for the gutt{r} there xviij{d} Itm̃ paid the Joyner for mendinge the Cupbord where the plate useth to be placed in the hall xvj{d} Itm̃ spent uppon the Carpinters when they sett up the gate postes & the gate and Rayles in Easte smythfeld xv{d} Itm̃ geven to wydowe Barbor for scowringe of o{r} pewter vj{d} Itm̃ paid to the Tyler for repac͠ons done by him aboute the hall ix{s} vj{d} Itm̃ paynter for payntinge the skreene in the hall and for varnishinge the skreene postes & the banner staves xl{s} Itm̃ paid for a newe register boke to register the M{rs} Accomptes and to the Paynter for payntinge the Companyes Armes therein and the firste greate Lett{r}[253] xxxvij{s} iiij{d} Itm̃ paid to the officers for whippinge a disobedient Apprentice vj{d} Itm̃ paid for 12 wiflers staves iij{s} Itm̃ paid to Hamlet Xpiãn[254] Carpinter for takinge downe the old pale in Easte smythfeyld over against Gomers howse & for settinge it up agayne & for more pales & Rayles and for removeinge the pales belonginge to Hamlettꝭ yard to inlardge the waye there xxxij{s} Itm̃ payd to Bricklayer for stuffe & workmanship in underpinninge the new buyldinge aforesaid and the house at the bridge end vij{s} ix{d} Itm̃ paid to the Bricklayer for Playses forges for underpininge his howse and for underpininge the new pales there iij{li} xix{s} Itm̃ paid for serch in the office of statutes and rec͠og to see wheth{r} there were any fyne or recognizance passed whereby M{r} ffininges land to us pˀferred to be sold mighte stand charged iij{s} iiij{d} Itm̃ geven to M{r} ffyneinge in earnest of the bargaine x{s} Itm̃ paid to the Carpinter Plaisterer & bricklayer for seelinge & foweringe[255] the brushmakers howse & for foot pases for the Chimneys of bothe the newe howses xxxv{s} Itm̃ paid to the Carpinters for pˀtinge[256] the gardens in Easte Smythfeyld xxvij{s} Itm̃ paid for turninge & triminge of the tapistrye Cushions iij{s} iiij{d} Itm̃ paid to Isack the Carpinter for settinge the Companyes standinges[257] in order & for rep̃inge & augmentinge of the same xl{s} Itm̃ paid to the Smyth for mendinge the Lock & key of the hall dore xij{d} Itm̃ paid for a padlock haspe & hinge for the Celler dore x{d}

~Some~ totall of the Buyldinges & Repac͠ons is Cxxiiij{li} x{s} iij{d}

[249] Christian. [250] For whipping apprentices. [251] Floors. [252] These are the Company’s “colours,” and purchases of green and white silk and ribbons occur almost every year in the accounts. [253] This is the book from which these extracts are taken. [254] Christian. [255] Ceiling and (qy.) flooring. [256] Parting, i.e., dividing with a fence. [257] The Standings which were placed in the Street for the Company’s use on Lord Mayor’s Day.

~Some~ totall of the rentes and Repac͠ons togeth{r} is Cxlij{li} xiiij{s} vij{d}

~Some~ totall of all the money chardged and received within the tyme of this pˀsent Accompt That is to saye uppon the foote of this Laste yeres Cxj{li} xij{s} ix{d.} Also by the handes of M{r} Edward Rodes second Governor xlvj{li} xv{s} viij{d} and by the handes of M{r} Thomas Martin youngest Governor Renter Cxv{li} xviij{s} w{ch} sevˀall sommes beinge added togeth{r} doe amounte in the wholl to the somme of CClxxiiij{li} vj{s} v{d}

~Some totall~ of all the money } disbursed and paid within the tyme } of this pˀnt Accompt That is to saye } by the handes of M{r} Edward Rodes } second Governor Lxxxix{li} xij{s} } iiij{d} And by the handes of M{r} } CCxlij{li} vj{s} xj{d} Thom̄s Martin yongest Governor } Cxlij{li} xiiij{s} vj{d} which said } sevrˀall som̃es beinge added togeth{r} } doe amount in the wholl to the som̃e of }

~So resteth~ uppon the foote of this } pˀnte Accompte besydes the debtꝭ and } Arrearages hereafter menc͠oned the } xxxvj{li} xix{s} vj{d} somme of }

Then follows a list of arrearages of debts due from freemen and others for fines and quarterage unpaid, with which the year’s account closes.

The accounts for the ensuing years are very similar to the foregoing, and we shall now give sundry extracts of the more interesting items to be found in them.

1603-4. Itm̃ spent uppon a dinn{r} in the hall when the Coronac͠on of the Kinge was solempnized vij{li} iiij{d} Itm̃ geven to the beadell for warninge certayne disobedient pˀsons to the hall viij{d} Itm̃ paid for o{r} seates in powles church yard when we prayed for the kynge iij{s}

1604-5. Among various fines received this year occur--

Of Hughe ffell for not appearinge uppon summons xij{d} Of Willm̃ Patrick for not appearinge uppon summons ij{s} Of Thomas Goodale for his fyne for not rydeinge w{th} o{r} M{rs} to meet the Kingꝭ Ma{tie} x{s} Of Nycholas Kellawaye for the Lyke offence x{s} Of Robert Morrey for his fine for geveinge evell report of a Broth{r} of this Company v{s} Of John Udall for puttinge awaye his App̃ntice w{th}out the M{rs} order x{s} Of Abraham Renex for his fine for his absens from Lectures x{s} Of John Carre for his fine to this howse for his evill practize in Surgery v{s} Of Barker Browne for hanginge oute Basons on St. Peters daye xij{d}

In this and many subsequent years occur entries of 10s. paid to the preacher of the sermon at St. Olave’s, Silver Street, on Election day as well as 1s. to the Clerk of that church, and 6s. for herbs and flowers.

Item geven to the Beadell & Porter for serch for an hurt malefactor ij{s}

This would be a criminal wounded in some affray and who it was suspected was concealed by a Surgeon to be cured of his wounds--an offence against one of the Company’s by-laws.

Item geven to the Beadell for his paynes for arrestinge Coates & Sebastian iij{s} iiij{d} Item paid for 2 whippes for correction xiiij{d} Item paid for 12 yardes of greene & white rybbin when o{r} M{rs} rode to meete his Ma{tie} vj{s} Item geven then to the Torch bearers to the Porter & for wannes[258] xiij{s} vj{d} Item spent the same night uppon a supper uppon the Ryders & their wyves iij{li} xiij{s} x{d} Item geven the Coock at the Winmill then vj{d} Item geven to John a Lee to buy him a shirt ij{s} vj{d} Item paid for mendeinge the hower glasse xij{d} Paid to o{r} Armorer for scowringe of o{r} Arm lvj{s} vj{d} Item paid for 3 vizors vj{s}

[258] Wands.

1605-6. At this period the Court and Livery numbered together but fifty-nine persons.

Item paid on the Lo: Maiors daye in the morninge for suger & Cloves for the Burnt wyne iij{s} ij{d} Item pᵭ for arrestinge of wydowe Ebbes an abuser of the Arte of Surgery ij{s} Item paid for his Matꝭ picture by order of Court of Assistantꝭ iiij{li}

1606-7. Twelve of the Yeomanry were this year taken into the Livery, of whom eleven paid £5 each and the other £2.

1607-8. Fines were received:--

Of Xp̃ofer Stopforth for settinge upp shopp before he had served one yeare jorneyman vj{s} viij{d} Item of Thomas Allen for wearinge a faulinge band in his Lyverye xij{d}

Falling bands (which are described in Planche’s Cyclopedia of Costume) were considered by the Court an “excess of apparel,” then rigorously suppressed. Thomas Allen, here referred to, was Warden 1620-1-2, and was the first Master of Dulwich College.

Item of Andrew Wheatley for waytinge in his Lyverye in a hatt and a faulinge band ij{s}

Henry John Bushe presented an Apprentice. This is noted as being the earliest instance of a double Christian name in the Company’s books.

Item paid for 108 flemish ells of tapestrye the xxvj{th} of March at x{s} pˀ ell liiij{li} Item bought a pece of Blacke buckaram to make Coote for correction of Appr̃ xj{s}

This coat (popularly known as the “bulbeggar”) was a garment somewhat like a sack with apertures for the eyes and arms, which was put over the head and body of the person appointed to flog an unruly apprentice, who was thereby prevented from identifying his castigator. See more fully as to this in the amusing foot note on p. 423, Vol. I, of Herbert’s Livery Companies.

Item paid to Braye y{e} informer the xj{th} of Maye for 9 informations[259] 9 fees xxx{s} for drawinge the 9 informations and inrowlinge xxij{s} vj{d} for 4 subpenas viij{s} and the Barons hand iiij{s} vj{d} iij{li} v{s} Item paid to the Joyners for the frames of the xxiiij chayres @ xxij{d} a pece ij{li} iiij{s} Item payd for 8 muscovye skynnes the 2 of June at xij{s} vj{d} a pece for the makinge of the chayres v{li} Item payd for the frame of a chaire for the maister vj{s} Item payd to Blanye for makinge upp y{e} coate for correction of Apprentices viij{s} Item paid to the uphoulster for making upp all the chayres and fynding some thingꝭ to them as appeareth by his bill xix{th} of June vj{li} Item paid the xxx{th} of June for xix yardꝭ of greene Kerseye for curtaines at 4{s} vj{d} the yarde iiij{li} v{s} vj{d} Item paid for a fair wallenut tree table viij{li} Item paid for a Clocke bought the second of August v{li}

[259] Against persons practising Barbery or Surgery and not free of the Company.

The new room in the Bulwark, which formed the upper end of the Hall where the Master sat, was built at this period, the accounts containing many items of payment for Builders’ work connected with that room.

1608-9. The rents received this year for the Company’s property at Holborn Bridge, Conyhoop Lane, Walbrook, Tower Street, “Mugwell” Street, East Smithfield, Moorfields and Swan Alley amounted to £130 17s. 4d.

Item paid to y{e} Shrife’s officer for his attendaunce to carry Humphry Gorston & W{m} Wright to the Counter[260] ij{s} vj{d} Item paid to the Clarke for making cleane the hall ij{s} Item for moing the grasse in y{e} backe yard & Cariing away xx{d} Item for weedinge y{e} Stone yard and making it cleane xij{d} 1609-10. Item paid for seatꝭ in Paules Church yarde on the daie of Gowries Conspiracye iij{s} iiij{d}

[260] Compter in Wood Street.

This day (5th August) was for some years observed in thanks-giving, to commemorate the escape of James I from assassination by the Earl of Gowrie (see Chambers’ Book of Days, Vol. II, p. 178).

Item gyven to a poore broosen boye xij{d} Item paid to the mynister of Garlick hill church for reading service on my lord Mayors daye ij{s} vj{d} Item paid for bread and beere for the Bargmen in the morning before wee went out iiij{s} Item paid to the Drummer and ffyfe xv{s} Item paid to the Cornettꝭ xxxj{s} Item paid to M{r} of the Barge iij{li} Item gyven to the maydes where wee take boate ij{s} Item gyven to the sexton of the churche xij{d} Item gyven that night to the Bargemen to drincke ij{s} Item paid for drinck fetched to the Barge xvj{d} Item paid two Taverne Billꝭ that daie ij{li} vij{s} ix{d} Item gyven to the Mayde of the howse by Consent xij{d} Item paid for Cakꝭ and Roles iiij{s} Item paid for a Lanthorne to hange out before the hall Gate iij{s} iiij{d} Item paid for cuttinge of the vyne & for nayles and Lether v{s} vj{d} Item paid for a Roome to laye Gees goodes in and for Carryinge thereof the distresse to the hall and spent upon the Constable when I made ij{s} vj{d}

The power of distraint for non-payment of fines, etc., was granted to the Company by their By-laws, the warrant was signed by the Master and executed by the Beadle, with the assistance of a constable.

1612-13. Item paid for herbes at sevˀall tymes on tewsdaies Courtꝭ to strowe the howse xij{d} Item paid the 11{th} daie of September 1612 for washinge of the pictures xxj{s} 1615-16. Laid out about obteyninge of the plate & followinge the Theves x{li} xix{s} iiij{d}

An account of this robbery, and the apprehension and execution of the thieves, will be found on p. 208.

1616-17. For mending the great bible vj{d} 1617-18. Paid for Torches Ribbins & Whifflers staves the xv{th} of September when the masters went to mete the Kinge j{li} xix{s} iiij{d} Gyven unto Thomas Shaw to release him out of Prison xxx{s} To Presson[261] in his last sicknes at severall tymes xx{s} Gyven by order of Court to apparell Presson’s sonne xxij{s} Paid the rent of the Water xxx{s} Paid unto Browne the Armorer for his yeares fee xiij{s} iiij{d} Paid for two spitt wheeles & mendinge the Jack xviij{d} Paid for a dore in East Smithfeild & mendinge the pryvie howse bords x{s} vj{d} 1618-19. Paid for sending childeren to virgynia ij{s}

[261] Preston was the Porter or Under Beadle.

This sum would not send out many children; for a notice of the Virginia scheme see p. 121.

Paid for our seatꝭ on the daie of thankꝭgyveinge for the Recovery of his Ma{ties} Sicknes iij{s} iiij{d} Paid for M{r} Aldermans Picture iij{li}

This would be a portrait of Alderman Proby, Master in 1615, and Lord Mayor in 1622.

For a muskett furnished sent to Ireland xxiij{s} vj{d} 1619-20. P{d} for sendinge the childeren to virgynia ij{s} ij{d} 1620-21. Paid by precept towardꝭ the disburseinge of the 5000{li} gyven to the Palsgrave[262] xxx{li} 1621-2. Paid unto the Clarke of the Ironmongers fora Copie of the Irish accomptꝭ & the Acquittaunce iij{s} Paid for sendinge childeren to virgynia ij{s} ij{d} Item paid for three black Jackꝭ of leather xj{s} P{d} for mendinge the Rapper of the hall gate vj{d} 1622-3. Gyven by a Court of Assistantꝭ unto the Clarks maid towardꝭ her marriage ij{li} Paid by consent for a noyse of Trumpetꝭ on the Lord Maiors daie xxv{s}

[262] Frederick V, Elector Palatine--son-in-law of James I.

Sir Peter Proby was Lord Mayor this year.

1623-4. Received of the Companie of Ironmongers for the Irishe plantac͠on being o{r} pˀt of the 5 division xj{li} ix{s} vj{d}

The Recorder had a yearly “fee” of £6 in this and many subsequent years, most probably to secure his friendship towards the Company.

[Footnote: The initial letter ~T~ is reduced from one in the Audit Book, 1623-4.]

In 1623 occurs the last entry of the Company keeping “Gowries day.”

1625-6. Received of John Pinder for his comeinge into the Livery who hath byn once Warden of the Yeomanrye xl{s} Of Edward Charley for his comeinge into the Livery haveing not byn Warden of the Yeomanry v{li} Paid to Thomas Bourne a poore Scholler by order of Court iij{li}

Every year about this period is an entry for wooden Trenchers, generally a gross of them, and the cost about 6s.

There are also many entries for “boat hire”; whenever a journey was taken it seems to have nearly always been on the river, and only on rare occasions is horse hire mentioned.

1626-7. Given by order of Court amongst miserable poore people xl{s}

The cost of obtaining the Charter this year, as appears by the detailed account amounted to £168 19s. 8d.

1627-8. Paid unto to Mercer for Taffitaes to make the banners streamers and Ancient xviij{li} vj{s} viij{d} Given the worke men that made the flaggs to drinck ij{s} Paid M{r} Babb and M{r} Withers uppon consent for their painting the Auncient 2 Streamers 2 bannors and 10 bannorettꝭ and the quarter for Scotland in the kingꝭ armes and likewise for painting those flagg staves xv{li} Paid for silke and fringe for the flaggs to M{r} March in Cornhill vij{s} vj{d} Given by consent to a poore souldier that shewed a Mandrake to this Courte v{s}

The root of the mandrake is said to bear a resemblance to the human form, and the “poore souldier” was not disappointed when he thought that by laying such a professional curiosity before the Barber-Surgeons, he would receive a benevolence.

Paid unto the Chamᵬlaine of London for the Kings use as by precept ccclx{li} Paid and disbursed for takeing downe and carryeing of King Henrye the 8 picture to White hall for the Kinge to see and bringeing it back and setting it up againe xij{s}

James I in 1617 borrowed this picture, his letter demanding it is still at Barbers’ Hall, and it would appear by this entry that his son Charles did the same; the wonder is that we have still got it, after running two such risks.

1628-9. Paid M{r} Greene the Gouldsmith for the silver and makeing of 4 new Garlandꝭ as pˀ bill xx{li}

These Garlands, the most elegant in the City, are still worn by the Master and Wardens on Court days.

ffor an hundred of sweete briers xiiij{d} for rosemary ij{s} violettꝭ and strawberryes iiij{d} and nayles ij{d} iij{s} viij{d}

Imagine sweetbriar with rosemary, violets, and strawberries in a garden in Monkwell Street in this present year of grace!

1629 30. Given to M{r} Greenebury painter for new amending M{r} fferebras picture and to his man for bringing it home x{s} vj{d} Spent that day wee attended S{r} John Cooke secretarye of State as concerneing one Dupont a frenchmen recomended from the Lordꝭ of the privey Councell to practise in the cure of the pockꝭ vij{d} Given to M{r} Secretary Cookes man upon the returne of o{r} answere to him of Duponts insufficiencye in the cureing the pockꝭ ij{s} Given to Edward Downes a poor barbar by order of Court x{s} Given by order of Court to John Blackwell barbar towardꝭ his losse by fier at Wood streete corner xl{s} Paid in December to the Gardner for 2 daies worke cuting and nayleing the vines ij{s} viij{d} Paid for a dozen of double woodbines and 25 sweete briers ix{s} iiij{d} Paid to a woeman for 3 dayes weeding the gravell and Stone walke ij{s} viij{d} Paid to William Brice for 4 daies at ij{s} vj{d} x{s} Paid to him for halfe a daye w{ch} he grumbled for j{s} iij{d}

1630-1. In this year the trades of the masters binding apprentices are recorded, there being 48 barbers, 22 surgeons, 9 tailors, 5 diers, 1 drawer, 3 butchers, 1 merchant, 1 sempster, 1 grocer, 1 thridman, 1 brewer, 1 stocking seller, 1 sheeregrinder, and 26 unclassed; these latter were most probably either barbers or surgeons.

Given to Edward Pardoe and his wiefe lieing in prison x{s} Given to Marshall Petoe for his elegies on M{r} Banckꝭ his funerall daie by order of Court x{s}

Petoe was a City poet who wrote a dirge upon Queen Elizabeth, and a few other not very cheerful compositions.

1631-2. This year the Livery fines were raised, those who had served the office of warden of the Yeomanry paying £7 and all others £10.

Of the masters taking apprentices this year, 55 were barbers, 31 surgeons, 15 tailors, 8 dyers, 3 stocking sellers, 3 button makers, 1 button loope maker, 2 chaundlers, 1 sempster, 1 butcher, 1 carpenter, 1 bookbinder, 1 wheelwright, 1 glass seller, 1 grocer, 1 merchant, and 1 was unclassed.

Paid for our Dynner the 14th of June and other Expencꝭ for those Assistantꝭ that attended the Lordꝭ of the Councell when the Phisitians complayned to have obteyned the viewinge of o{r} Pacients in daunger of death xlvj{s} vj{d} Paid to a Smith for mending and refreshinge of the Clock xv{s} Paid for 8 fyrre poales to beare up the vynes iij{s} viij{d} Paid for Nayles and Prymeinge the Vynes iij{s} viij{d} Paid for 3{li} of plaster of parris ix{d}

1632-3. This year the sum of £343 1s. 5d. was expended in the erection of a Gallery and a Granary over it in the Inner Stone Yard, the Granary being for the storage of the City corn. The details of all the expenses about this business are given and the following are a few extracts therefrom:--

~Imprimis~ paid to Thomas Doorebarre Tymberman for a C of Deales at 7{li} 10{s} the C and 18 Loadꝭ and 27 foote of tymber at 36{s} the Load as pˀ bill xl{li} xvj{s} vj{d} Paid to the Turnor for turneing the 6 great Collumbs at 9{s} a peece as pˀ bill liiij{s} Paid alsoe to the Turner for turneing 4 postꝭ & 25 ballisters for the stayres as by bill xvj{s} Paid to Thomas Stanley Mason for squareing and layeinge of 630 foote of old stone in the Gallerye the stone stepps to the Granary the Capitalls and pedistalls of stone in the fronte the 6 bases the large sonne dyall & the little dyall as pˀ bill xl{li} Paid to John Jeames Carver for Cuttinge the Companyes Armes in stonne iiij{li} Paid to Nathaniell Glover Dyall maker for paynting the great Sunne Dyall the Companyes Armes in Stone & layeinge in Oyle Collour the inscripc͠on of the M{r} and Wardens names the sume of iij{li} x{s} Paid to the Cittyes Bricklayer to viewe the foundac͠on of o{r} Bricke wall to the Granarye iiij{s} Paid to John ffowler Bricklayer for tyleing 9 ten foote squares & 1 quarter & tenn foote at 18{s} a square & for 9 Roddꝭ & 51 foote 10 ynches of bricke worke at 6{li} the Rodd & for 5 Rodd & 119 foote 9 ynches of the lower Bricke worke at 4{li} the Rodd cometh to lxxxv{li} xiij{s} ij{d} Paid to Thomas Aldridge Plasterer for 155 yardꝭ of lyme & hayre layd on the Brick walls at 3{d} ob[263] the yard And for 312 yardꝭ & 6 foote of lathed worke layd with lyme & haire at 9{d} ob. the yard And for whiteing & sizeinge that worke w{ch} was more then the Bargaine As by bill appeareth xvj{li} xviij{s} iiij{d} Paid to Edward Spencer Plumber for 52C 3 quarters and 1 pound of lead at 14{s} the C 54{li} & a half of Sauder at 9{d} the pound And for Plumbers worke & Carriage of the Lead as pˀ bill xlj{li} iij{s} iiij{d} 1633-4. Given to       Mondayes widow whoe pˀsented a guift to this Courte The booke of The Surveigh of London beinge in folio xxx{s}

[263] ob. = obolus, a halfpenny.

This was the widow of Anthony Munday, the author of many City pageants, and of the Edition of Stowe’s Survey, which his widow “presented” to the Court in exchange for 30s.

Given by order of the 29 Aprill to the Keepers of The xchaunge to put downe Mountabanck bills x{s}

These were quack surgeons’ advertisements; the Royal Exchange seems to have been a favourite place for their exhibition, as there are various other entries to a like effect.

Paid to M{r} Treswell Harrold painter for the amendinge & paintinge of o{r} fflaggꝭ that were torne and ruyned by the weather as pˀ bill iiij{li} v{s}

The following entries relate to the Company’s “provision of corn.”

Paid for a Bushell a halfe bushell a Peck and a halfe peck measures and bringinge them to the hall xj{s} iij{d} Paid for a Roape for the Jynn vj{s} v{d} Paid for a great Iron Beame & Scales to weyghe Corne xxvj{s} Paid for new Leaden waightꝭ waighing CCC{li} viz{t} 5 halfe hundrede waight 1 quartern 1 halfe quarterne 1 seaven pounde 1 foure pounde 1 twoe pounde 1 pound 1 halfe pound & 1 quarter of a pound waightꝭ at 16{s} 8{d} pˀ C. comes to l{s} Paid for a Skreene for the Corne xj{s} Paid for a sacke for that Skreene iij{s} Payd for the Carryage of the great Skreene for Corne w{ch} the Companye did not like of ij{s} vj{d} Paid for twoe hand treys to sell meale by in y{e} mˀket xvj{d} Paid for a Ballattinge boxe & Bullettꝭ xl{s} Disbursed in chargꝭ about the 4 Condempned Lancashire woemen that were brought to o{r} Hall by the Kingꝭ Comaũnd to be searched the sume of x{s} vj{d}

These women were examined to ascertain if any were pregnant, that if so their execution might be stayed.

1634-5. Paid to S{r} Willm̃ St. George Herrauld at his genˀall visitat̃on for the severell Companies Armes in London the sume of iij{li} vj{s} viij{d} as his ffee & xx{s} amongst his Clerkꝭ iiij{li} vj{s} viij{d}

The Company paid £16 “ship-money” this year.

Paid to the Clocke Smith for mendinge the Clock iij{s}

This entry is curious, being the transition name of a trade; the blacksmiths were originally the clockmakers (see p. 399); here we have the “clock smith” and later on the “clock maker.”

The records obtained from the Guildhall and the Tower to which reference is made in the following extracts, and which are preserved in a vellum book (still in the possession of the Company) were made by William Colet, here called “Colley.” The record from the Tower has been already fully referred to on p. 29, etc.

Paid for searchinge in the Threasury at Guildhall and for a Coppy of Richard le Barbars beinge chosen M{r} to governe the Companye for one yeare Intrat in Libro C. folio 96, and in the second yeare of Edward the Second Also in Libro H folio 73. Thomas Boyvell & Willm̃ Osney sworne M{rs} for one yeare to rule the Company in the first yeare of Richard the second x{s} Paid the ffee for search in the Roles in the Towre of London for the Companies antiquitye x{s} Paid for a Coppy of o{r} Companies auncient Ordynances out of those Roles The Eleaventh of Richard the second xij{s} vj{d} Paid to M{r} Colley at twoe tymes for his extraordinary paynes in searchinge x{s} Paid to M{r} Riley for his paynes there ij{s} vj{d} Paid & given for a search & Coppye out of the Herrauldꝭ Office of our Companies beinge the 17{th} in precedency at their visitac͠on 1568 x{s} Given to the Porter at the Herrauldꝭ office that day o{r} hearinge was betwixt us and the Talloughchandlers ij{s} vj{d} 1635-6. Spent when M{r} Inigo Jones the Kinges Surveyor came to view the back ground xj{s} vj{d} Given to M{r} Mason that drew y{e} plotꝭ for y{e} Theater xl{s}

1636-7. In the previous year £480 had been paid in respect of the building of the Anatomical Theatre and this year a further sum of £242 17s. 4d. This was exclusive of the cost of digging for the foundations which the Company did by their own labourers, whom they paid 16d. per day each. It was the practice of the Company to allow each workman engaged, whether labourers or mechanics, 1d. a day for “breakfast money,” and this was paid to the “chandler” for them.

Amongst the expenses incurred about the Theatre were these:--

Spent by water at tymes when wee went to M{r} Surveigher (Inigo Jones) about the Theater vj{s} j{d} Paid to M{r} Wilson a Mason to Measure Stanleys worke in the Theater & spent then xiij{s} ix{d} Given to Robert Butler and John Pullen for their measureing the Theater xl{s}

The expenses connected with the Building of the New or Great Parlour, and the Gallery next the Theatre, were this year £263 7s. 7d.

Paid to widᵭ Lucas for an iron money box for the M{rs} xx{s}

This quaint old box is still in use as the “Poor’s box.”[264]

[264] See head piece to Chapter on “Charities.”

1637-8. The Wardens received £188 10s. 0d. from 41 members of the Company by way of gift to the Building fund; the names of the donors are all set out in the book.

Recẽd for the old Rustie Armo{r} and Gunnes the som̃e of ij{li} xvj{s} ij{d} P{d} for Linckes & torches at the awdite day night & Lo: Maiors day night ij{s} iij{d} Paid for mendinge and pitchinge the 3 Blacke Jacks iij{s}

The Company paid £30 being three years’ contribution to the repair of St. Paul’s, due August, 1638. £224 0s. 3d. was also paid in respect of the building of the Theatre.

1638-9. ~The charge~ and settinge upp o{r} bookes and auntient Manuscriptꝭ in o{r} new Library. Paid for 36 yardꝭ of chaine at 4{d} the yard & 36 yards at 3{d} ob. the yard cometh to xxij{s} vj{d} Paid to the Coppersmith for castinge 80 brasses to fasten the Chaines to the bookes xiij{s} iiij{d} To porters at sevˀall tymes to carry these bookꝭ ij{s} Paid to the bookebynders for new byndinge 15 bookꝭ xlviij{s} vj{d} Paid for Claspinge 19 large & small bookꝭ & fasteninge all the brasses to the iron chaines to Threescore & foure bookꝭ in the Library, new bosses for two great bookꝭ 8{s} setting on old bosses j{s} mending ould Claspes ij{s} xxxj{s} viij{d} Paid for makeinge Ringes swiffles & fittinge all the iron chaines xij{s} ----------------------- ~Som~ is vj{li} xviij{s} =======================

1639-40. Paid 2 fifteens towardꝭ Midletons water[265] vj{s} Given to the Recorders Clerke that the ffrenchmen might not take the body from Tyborne ij{s} vj{d}

[265] The New River water.

1640-1. Paid to the Tellers of the Exchequer in 8{ber} 1640 for y{e} Kings use 400 0 0 Paid and given to M{r} Davies man ij{s} and the water men and Porters to bring King Charles figure in Brasse to the hall 0 4 6

This Bust of the King was set up in the Theatre.

1641-2. There were seventy-three liverymen on the roll this year, and the Court numbered thirty-three in addition.

Paid to Edward Cock Painter for mending the pictures & frames of Queene Eliʒ. S{r} Peter Probye Sarjeant Balthrop and blacking Gilding Apollo 1 2 0

~Disbursed~ at the Kings enterteynem{t} in London the 25{th} of November 1641. Paid for a peece of rich Taffitae to make a pendant 0 18 0 P{d} for Greene Perpetuana for the 18 ffootemen 9 4 0 P{d} for white lace to sett on those suites 1 11 4 P{d} for white and greene ribaning as by bill 3 16 0 P{d} in the morning for buttred sack 8{s} buns 3{s} butter 3{li} ij{s} beere & bread 4{s} 0 17 0 P{d} for the Companies dinner at the Castle that daye 6 8 0 P{d} to M{r} Berisford taylor for making 6 suites tape & thread 1 2 0 Paid to M{r} Ball taylor for making 12 suites 2 4 0 P{d} to M{r} Treswell the Harrould Painter 2 12 0 P{d} for the Pendaunt Staffe and 18 trunchions 0 9 0 P{d} to a porter to watch the standings and candles 0 3 6 to workemen to drink 0 0 6 ffor making 18 greene flatt capps 0 18 0 ffor 3 dozen of torches that night 2 8 0 for hier of three blewe clothes and porteridge 0 16 6 To Richardson a porter 0 2 0 Paid by consent towards the 18 ffootmens suppers 1 0 0 Paid for John Perkins his scarfe that beare our Pendant with our Coate of armes 1 0 0 Paid M{r} Dorebare Carpinter for boards and setting upp and taking downe and cariage of our standings 4 8 0 --------- ~Sume~ is 39 17 10 =========

1642-3. Paid into the Chamber of London for Ireland 400 0 0 Paid into the Committees at Grocers Hall for releife of Ireland 50 0 0 Paid the Companies viij{li} weakly assessment for 12 weekes 96 0 0 Paid the 9{th} August 1642 for one Silver Canne given to Docto{r} Chamberlaine for his anatomye Lecture vj{li} and to the Porter that brought things from thence j{s} & to Docto{r} Meverells man j{s} when he sent Cafferius Placentius his booke of Anatomye w{ch} he gave to the Librarye 6 2 0 Paid for 60 yards of Chaine for bookes in the Librarye at 4{d} p. yard 1 0 0 P{d} to the Copper Smith for 60 brasses 0 10 0 To the Claspmaker for setting on 32 brasses 0 8 0

1644-5. Wee charge ourselves with foure hundred and five pounds received of S{r} Iohn Wollaston and the rest of the Thrẽrs at warres by order of the Comittee of Parliam{t} for the Army for furnishing xxvij Chyrurgians Chests & Instrumt{s} for S{r} Thomas ffairfax his Armie CCCCv{li}

The Company were bound under precepts directed to them, to press Surgeons for the Army and to provide them each with a Medicine chest and Instruments value £15. It is a remarkable circumstance that the Parliament should have paid the money to the Company for this service, a proceeding contrary to the practice then in vogue.

At this time it appears that the indebtedness of the Company to various creditors for monies lent to enable them to meet the demands of the authorities amounted to no less a sum than £2,633 4s. This was borrowed at 6, 7 and 8 per cent. interest upon the seal of the house; the Company had pawned the best of their ancient plate to satisfy the rapacity of the King and the army, and the following pitiful entry speaks volumes--

Paid for the hyre of 4 Cupps for the elecc͠on 0 2 0

1645-6. Money was raised by granting annuities thus--

Wee charge ourselves with Twoe hundred pounds rec̃d of M{r} Nichãs Heath for an Annuitye of xxvj{li} for tenn yeares CC{li} Paid for one newe black Jack 0 5 0 Paid for amending two old black Jacks 0 2 6 Paid for two douzen of sawcers 0 12 0 Paid for 15 dozen of Trenchers 0 6 7 P{d} the Lord Maiors Officers as a fine for the Rubbish lyeing in the Streete 0 2 0

The indebtedness of the Company this year amounted to £2,847 18s. 10d.

1646-7. ffor mending the Corrector twice 0 3 0

The apprentices must have been especially troublesome this year.

1647-8. Given to Richard Greenburye Workeman to this house towards his inlargement out of prison 2 0 0

Mr. Greenbury had often been employed by the Company as a portrait painter, and it is delightful to notice their kindly regard for him in both his and their evil days.

1648-9. In 1644 the Company had pawned their plate, but seem to have redeemed it within the next year or two, for under this year we read that plate to the value of £297 11s. 8d. was absolutely sold to Mr. Thomas Madox, Goldsmith, and other plate was pledged with Mr. John Browne for £250.

Paid for our seates in S{t} Paulls Church on Thancksgiving day for the Northerne Victorye 0 7 0 Paid for the same on a day of humiliac͠on for a blessing on the treatie w{th} his then Ma{tie} 0 7 0

1649-50. Paid for o{r} Seates at Christchurch the Thancsgiving day for the Irish Victorye 0 3 0 Paid for cakes and ale for the Livery on that day at y{e} hall 0 4 4

The expenses of ~Lord Mayor’s~ day were as follows:--

Paid for Ribbon for the Whifflers Officers & Bargemen 1 4 4 ffor eight staves 0 2 0 Paid to Edward Soare Barge M{r} 3 15 0 Paid to the Trumpetts that came to the hall voluntarilye 0 10 0 Given to the Clarke & sexton of S{t} James Church Garlick hith 0 2 6 Given to the Porter at Baynards castle 0 1 6 Paid to the Drum̃e & Phiffe 0 12 0 Given to the Watermen to drinck 0 2 6 More for beare for the Watermen 0 0 6 ffor 8 dozen of cakes & 3 dozen of other bread 0 11 0 Paid for foure pounds of butter 0 3 4 Paid the Grocers bill and Vinteners bill for a potac͠on for the Liverye in y{e} morning 1 3 6 Given to the Servants of the Taverne 0 2 6 ffor washing linnen & making cleane the hall 0 11 6 Paid the Butler for his attendance 0 10 0 Paid for hyre for 3 dozen of Napkins 0 4 0 ffor hier of Pewter 0 10 0 Given to the Stewards by order of Court 8 0 0 Paid for cords 0 0 4

It was the custom for the Stewards to provide the Livery dinner, and the £8 was an allowance made by the Company towards the cost of the dinner.

Paid in exchange of clip̃d & counterfitt money 0 16 6 Given by order of Court to widᵭ Morgan towards the apparelling her sonne to bee placed an Appñtice 1 10 0

On the 1st November, 1649, the Company attended a Thanksgiving service at Christchurch, and later on they were present at the same place for a “Humilation day for Ireland.”

1650-1. Paid for a large Banner of the Armes of England and Ireland and mending the old Banners 6 17 6

This “mending the old banners” was really taking out the Royal arms and inserting those of the Commonwealth, and was done under compulsion by order of Oliver Cromwell.

Paid to Greenburye for painting the Picture of M{r} Edward Arris and Doctor Charles Scarborough & Anathomye 9 10 0

This fine picture is preserved at Barbers’ Hall.

On October 8th, 1650, the Company attended a Thanksgiving at Christchurch, for a victory at Dunbar.

1652-3. On Lord Mayor’s day the ribbons for the whifflers were 30 yards of white 6d. ribbon, and 30 yards of green 8d. ribbon.

The Company were present at one Humiliation and two Thanksgiving Services this year.

1653-4. Paid for hire of a greene cloth to lay over the Rayle of our standing in Paulls Churchyard when the Lord Protector was enterteined by the Citie at Grocers hall 0 12 6 To the Butler for his attendance then 0 10 0 ffor the hire of a Case of Knives then 0 1 0 Paid for Cakes and wine 7{s} and for attendance ij{s} 0 9 0 Paid to M{r} Dorebarre Carpinter for fitting the standing and doeing other worke as by twoe bills appeare 7 10 0 Paid for washing the Table Lynnen and making cleane the Hall on y{t} day 0 11 6 Paid to M{r} Dorebarre Carpinter for the newe building next the newe gate of the hall according to agreement 120 0 0

The liabilities of the Company to Creditors for money borrowed amounted to £2,386 13s. 10-1/2d.

1655-6. ffor a large Mapp of the World on the Chymney in the long Parlour 2 10 0 1657-8. Payd for thinges to p{r}serve the Robes and Carpettꝭ from mothes 0 5 0 Paid for a paire of Gloves p{r}sented to M{r} Secondary Trottman by order of Court 1 10 0 1658-9. To the Herauld Painter for severall Armes in the new Booke of Charters and ordinances 2 0 0 Paid the Clerke for Velome bindinge and other charges about that Booke 0 13 0

This book, very handsomely illuminated, is preserved at the Hall.

The Great Account Book ends here, and the next one embraces the years 1659 to 1674.

1659-60. Payd by order of a Court of Assistantꝭ into the Chamber of London o{r} proporc͠on of 10000{li} to be raysed by the Companies of London to be sent as a Guift to the Kinge[266] 96 0 0 Payd M{r} Phinees Bill for Cloathes for the ffootemen att the Kinges Entertainem{t} in the Cittie when hee came first into the Kingdome 20 0 0 ffor 4 peices of Greene & white Ribbon for the Horsemen and footemen that day 3 12 0 ffor 24 Staves for the ffootemen 0 8 0 Payd to the Herauld Painter for a new Pendent and the Kingꝭ Armes 11 15 0 ffor payntinge the ffootemens staves 0 8 8 Payd for a Dynner for the Horsemen that day 3 1 6 Payd ffor 4 peeces of Greene & white Ribbon the 5{th} of July for the ffootemen &c when the Kinge dyned at Guildhall 3 12 0 ffor a breakefast for the Livery that day 0 10 4 ffor three Staves for the Attendantꝭ that day 0 1 0 ffor a Dynner for the horsemen that day 4 6 7 ffor a Dynner for the Livery that day 5 3 2 ffor the Trompeterꝭ that day 1 12 0 Payd the Cookes Bill upon a Thancksgivinge day the 10{th} of May 4 8 7 The Vintnerꝭ Bill that day 1 7 0 Spent att the Miter on choyce of my Lord Maio{r} 0 12 6 Expended in Attendance on the Duke of Yorkes Secretary att severall tymes to frustrate the designe of the Apothecaries 0 13 4 1660-1. Payd by order of a Co{rt} of Assistantꝭ into the Chamber of London o{r} proporc͠on towards makeinge of pageantꝭ 48 0 0

[266] Charles II at the Restoration.

This refers most probably to the rejoicings in June, 1660, when the City entertained Charles II, the Dukes of York and Gloucester, and other persons of quality.

ffor strowingꝭ on the Elecc͠on day 0 1 8

These were herbs, etc., spread over the floor of the Hall, and flowers strewed by the maids in the street in front of the Company as they went to church.

1661-2. This year there were 158 Liverymen, of whom 29 were on the Court.

To a Couple of Serjantꝭ to Arrest severall pˀsons that used the Art of Shaveinge in this Citty and not beinge ffreemen of this Company 0 15 0 To S{r} W{m} Wylde for his advice upon a Declarac͠oon ag{t} those pˀsons 1 0 0 Payd the Attorneys Bill in that Businesse 3 13 6

1662-3. ~August~ 26{th} 1662 att the Kinge & Queenes cominge by water to London (from Hampton Court to Whitehall)

Spent lookeinge after a barge 0 1 6 The Bargemans Bill 8 0 0 To the Trompeters 3 0 0 ffor 74 yards of white & Greene Ribbon att 6{d} pˀ yard 1 17 0 The Vintners Bill att the 3 Tunnes att Breakefast 3 16 0 Butlers Bill that day 2 1 2 Beadles Bill that day for expenses 0 12 1 Cookes Bill that day 4 8 7 Vinteners Bill at the Sunne that day 3 3 8 ffor 4 douzen Bottles of Ale that day 0 14 10 To the Clerke at Garlicke Hithe Church that day 0 2 6

~Lord Mayors Day.~

The Bargemans breakefast 0 2 6 To the Bargeman & 11 men 4 8 0 ffor 84 yards of Ribbon att 6{d} pˀ yard 2 2 0 Michells bill for Cordage, &c. 0 2 2 ffor washinge the Table Lynnen & makeinge cleane the hall then 0 11 6 The Butlers ffee then 0 13 4 The Vintners Bill for Breakefast 3 8 0 The Beadles Bill for Tabaccoe that day 0 3 8 To the Sexton of Garlicke hithe Church that day 0 2 6 To the porter att Baynards Castle 0 1 6 To the Trompeters then 2 5 0 ffor 8 douzen of cakes then 0 8 0 ffor 6 Staves for the Whiflers then 0 2 0

This year also the Company rode to “meete the Russia Embassadour” and the charges for this are set out in the accounts.

The Company employed counsel and presented a petition against the granting of a Charter to the Physicians; this business involved several meetings at taverns and some presents to the Duke of York’s Secretary, who seems to have espoused the cause of the Barber-Surgeons.

ffor makeinge presipientia to be præscientia in the Bason and Tankerd 0 1 6

This would be the correction of an engraver’s mistake in the Company’s motto on some silver plate.

ffor paintinge the staves for the Companyes Colo{rs} and 4 windowes of the Granary 1 10 0 ffor makeinge cleane of severall pictures 0 17 0 ffor two Silver Salts 2 2 0 ffor mendinge Erasmus statute 0 3 0 ffor a large Chamber pott 0 5 6

1663-4. Received of the Governours Assistants and Livery towards the Building of a Barge with other necessaryes thereunto belonging 178 0 0

A considerable sum was again spent in opposing the Physician’s Charter, Sir Wm. Scroggs, Mr. Pollexfen, Mr. Serjeant Glyn, Mr. Phillips, and Sir Orlando Bridgeman being the Company’s counsel.

ffor mẽding King Henry the 8{ths} cupp 0 2 0 To a Serjeant to arrest M{r} Arnold for refusing to take a fine for the Cloathing and entring the Acc͠on 0 5 4 To M{r} Banes the Attorney his ffee 0 2 6 To Peter Smith [the Beadle] for his expences to ketch M{r} Arnold 0 2 6

The Company spent a large sum on their Barge and Barge house; all the details are in the accounts, but the following extracts will suffice:--

To Henry fforty for makeing the Barge 115 0 0 ffor Calicoe for the Watermens Suites 3 5 0 ffor Staining the Coates 2 15 0 ffor makeing 20 Suites and Capps at 4{s} 6{d} each 4 10 0 To Henry fforty for triming the Barge Curting Rods &c v{t} pˀ Bill 2 0 0 ffor Bayes and Curtaines 0 18 10 ffor Oares 1 14 0 To M{r} Blackmore the Herrald Painter for fflags to the Barge 29 10 0 ffor Boards to house the Barge last Winter 17 5 6 Boathire and given to a Carpenter to view the Duke of Richmonds Bargehouse 0 2 6 To the Archbishop of Canterburyes Counsell ffor his perusall of the Draught of a Lease for ground to build a Barge house on [at Lambeth] 1 0 0 To his Clarke for drawing it 0 10 0 To M{r} Snowe and M{r} Turney 2 of the Archbishops Servants upon sealing the Lease 10{li} in Gold and the change of Silver for Gold at 2{s} 4{d} a peice 1{li} 3{s} 4{d} in all 11 3 4 To M{r} Turneyes man for ingrossing the Lease 0 10 0 To the Archbishops Porter 0 5 0 Given to other Servants of the House when the Governours attended his Lordship 0 12 0 To M{r} Matthewes the Bricklayer in part of payment for his Brickworke about the Bargehouse 100 0 0

1664-5. The Company subscribed £94 15s. 6d. as a Contribution towards the ship “The Loyal London,” to be presented to the King by the City. They also “lent” the King £500 for which 6 per cent. interest was promised.

Coach hire for the Governours to the Navy Office on Audit day 0 2 0 Given to M{r} Pepis[267] his man that day 0 1 0 To the Hoboyes [on Lord Mayor’s day] 2 5 0 To Peter Smith for Tobaccoe and pipes 0 2 10 ffor Rosemary and Bayes for the Barge 0 2 0 ffor mending a Skelliton 0 5 0

[267] Samuel Pepys, the Diarist.

An entertainment was given to the Duke of Monmouth (who was free of the Company) and among other items of expense incurred were:--

Comfitt makers Bill that day 4 2 6 ffor a quarter of a Pound of Spanish tobaccoe that day 0 2 6 Given to the Officers of the Navy according to custome yearely 2 0 0

Perhaps Samuel Pepys came in for some of this.

There was a grand dinner at our Hall on 20th June, 1655, being Thanksgiving day for the Victory over the Dutch.[268]

ffor bringing the Woodden Griffen from Wapping to the Guilders 0 2 6

This would be the Opinicus for the bow of the barge.

ffor Imbroydering the Barge Cloath 15 0 0 Payd M{r} Rolls his Bill for the Barge Cloath 11 0 0 To M{r} Goodwyn for paynting the Barge 35 0 0

The next refers to the Great Plague.

Given to the poore visited persons the Third part of the Companyes usuall allowance at an Election Dinner 5 0 0 Given to Thomas Vere in his visitac͠on 1 0 0 To Chamberlaines Widdow her house being visited 1 0 0 To Peter Smith in his sicknes 3 0 0

1665-6. Expended by myself y{e} Clerke & Beadles in sevˀall Journeys to Greenw{ch} to attend y{e} officers of y{e} Navy in y{e} late time of Visitac͠on 1 16 6

The Company made very many grants of money to the poor stricken people about this time; and further contributed £69 9s. 6d. towards the Ship “The Loyal London.”

[268] Pepys also kept this day. He says,--“Thankes-giving day for victory over the Dutch. To the Dolphin Taverne, where all we officers of the Navy met with the Commissioners of the Ordnance by agreement, and dined: where good musique at my direction. Our club came to 34s. a man, nine of us. By water to Fox-hall, and there walked an hour alone, observing the several humours of the citizens that were there this holiday, pulling off cherries, and God knows what.”

1666-7. The following interesting entries relate to the ~Great Fire~ and the providential preservation of the ~Holbein~ painting.

To a souldier two dayes & two nights on the trained bands when the great fier was & for powder 0 8 0 ffor carrying of the Companyes goods by Porters to Moorefeildꝭ, howse roome there & carrying thence to Holborne bridge 3 0 0 To a seaman that quenched the top of the theater when fired 0 4 0 To other labourers at that time 1 0 0 To one hurt in that service 0 10 0 ffor drinke for the labourers then 0 1 6 To a poore fellow that found a skelliton 0 1 0 To the City Marshall for getting of labourers and laders & an engine to save the Theater 1 0 0 ffor the use of timber & other things at that time 0 2 6 To Major Brookes for his expences about ~H~ y{e} 8th picture 0 13 0 Given him as the Companyes gift 1 0 0 To six porters w{th} expences of bringing home y{t} picture 0 8 9 To Cap{t} Carroll his expenses about that picture 0 16 0 Given him as the Companyes gift 1 0 0 Expended on him 0 2 6 ffor a Cipres chest to put the plate in 2 0 0 ffor foure locks 2 handles & 8 plates for that chest 1 10 0 ffor a trunke for the linnin 0 10 0 To Jonas Wills for Workemen to Carry in leade & iron out of the ruines 0 13 0 To a Carpenter & his man that assisted 9 6 0 To Peter Smith for Workemen at the hall 22{th} Septemb. 1666 4 7 4 More to him for workemen y{e} 25 of 7{ber} 66 7 11 8 ffor 7 large boxes w{th} Locks & keys to put the Companyes writings in 1 8 0 To Peter Smith his charges in getting home sevˀall flaggs & pictures & a skelliton 0 14 0 To Jonas Wills for the Skelliton the Cobler had 0 5 0 ffor a Warrant for sevˀall pˀsons suspected to have some of the Companyes goods & Expended about it 0 2 6

1667-8. Received of severall Members of the Company and fforreyn{rs} towards the Building of the Hall and other offices 383 8 0

These contributions were voluntary and are accounted for every year for a considerable period. At the end of the book is a long and detailed list of the contributors, commencing 23rd April, 1668, and extending to March, 1681. There seem to have been 398 subscribers, and the sum collected from them was £1,850; this amount, however, was wholly inadequate for the rebuilding of the hall, which appears by entries extending over 1668 to 1674, to have cost the Company no less than £4,292. The deficit was made up by sales of freehold property in the City, for what to us, in these days, would seem absurdly low prices, and by loans, etc.

[Illustration: BARBER-SURGEONS’ HALL, 1674-1864.]

1668-9. The Company received from the Chamber of London £620 6s. 6d., being the return of £500 lent to the King in November, 1664, and the interest thereon £120 6s. 6d. This is the only instance recorded of any forced loan having been refunded.

Received of severall Barbers for trimminge on y{e} Lords Day 10 4 0

1669-70. The Company’s barge seems to have been manned by twenty rowers, besides the Barge Master, and these men had 4s. each for rowing on Lord Mayor’s day.

1669-70. Serjeant Surgeon John Knight wainscotted the Parlour at his own charge, and Mr. Barker glazed the Windows; part of this glazing is still preserved. It should be borne in mind that the present Court room or Parlour (as it was formerly called) and which was the work of Inigo Jones in 1636 was not destroyed in the Great Fire.

1670-1. The freehold property in Conyhope Lane, Grocers’ Hall Court, was sold to the Corporation of London for £190.

1671-2. The livery this year numbered one hundred and eighty-five persons.

1672-3. The Company sold an extensive property at Holborn Bridge to the City for £650.

To--Woodroffe for measuringe all the hall worke April y{e} 19{th} 1673 7 17 0

The whole of the Wardens’ accounts from 1674 to 1715 are unfortunately lost, and the next book embraces the years between 1715 and 1785.

1715-16. The Ironmongers’ Company rented at £5 per annum from the Barber-Surgeons a portion of their Barge House at Lambeth for the Ironmongers’ Barge. Our Company still retained their Barge and Bargemaster and this year purchased for him a new livery.

Paid M{r} Wiseman the Painter for new Painting and Gilding the Company’s Banner 9 0 0 Paid the maids who strewed the flowers to Church upon Election Day 0 3 0

1716-17. Received of M{r} George Stevenson S. his ffine for practising Surgery before he was admitted being 3 4 6 Paid a person to go to Islington to see after a dead body which had been drowned[269] 0 5 0

[269] This was no doubt wanted for an “Anatomy.”

1717-18. The Company sold a large property in East Smithfield for £1,250.

Paid the Hangman for his Christmas Box 0 2 6

Similar entries to the above occur for many years.

Paid Charles Window for fetching four Dead Bodies from Tyburn this year and expenses 2 8 0 Paid my Lord Chief Justice Parkers Tipstaffe for taking up severall persons who rescued the Dead Body from the Beadles 1 0 0

1718-19. Paid M{r} Elms his Bill for ffees at the Sessions in prosecuting the persons who were Indicted last year for taking away the Dead Bodies 5 7 0

1719-20. Paid Cha: Window for fetching two bodies from Tyburn & for going for another when they could not gett one 1 5 0 Paid to bring a Skeleton from St. Giles’s to the Hall in a coach 0 2 0 Paid the Beadles expences for going to Tyburn for a Body for the Muscular Lecture when they could not get one by reason of a great Mobb of Soldiers & others 0 13 0

1720-1. Paid for a Livery gown and hood to the use of the Company to Cloth the Members with upon their taking the Livery 2 12 6 P{d} the High Constable of S{t} Giles’s Parish for assisting the Beadles in recovering a Body which had been taken from the Beadles by the Mobb 0 7 6 Paid the Hangman for the Dead mans cloths which were lost in the Scuffle and for his Christmas Box 0 15 0 Paid for a halfe length Picture of King Charles the Second to hang up in the Parlour and for a Gold frame to the said Picture 7 5 0 Paid M{r} King the Frame maker for a frame to Inigo Jones the famous Architect’s picture Presented to the Company by our late Master M{r} Alexander Geekie 1 5 0

Both of these pictures are still preserved at Barbers’ Hall.

Every year now, and for some years, are entries of Expenses incurred about the rioting, which took place when the Beadles went to Tyburn for the bodies of malefactors; very frequently the Company prosecuted the rioters, and were continually compensating the Beadles and others who were injured in the fights.

1731-2. Paid M{r} Osmond for Plumber’s Work about the Trough for the Dead Bodys 6 0 0 Paid M{r} Ashfield for Carpenters Work about the said Trough 1 14 0

This was a species of wooden coffin lined with lead in which the “subjects” were placed on their arrival from Tyburn.

Paid for 4 Silver Pepper Boxes[270] 5 5 0 Paid the Officers of both Counters for a body[271] 2 2 0

1735-6. Paid M{r} Newton the Silversmith for a new Badge for the Barge master 4 11 6 Paid the High Constable for the expenses at the late execution when the body was rescued 3 13 6 Paid the Beadles expenses in prosecuting John Miller, one of the Persons who assaulted the Constables and rescued the body 2 2 0 Paid M{r} Clarke the Sollicitor at Hicks Hall his Bill for Indicting and prosecuting the said John Miller to a conviction 8 7 10 Paid M{r} Clarke the Engraver for engraving the Dedication to the Right Honorable the Earl of Burlington on the Print of King Henry the Eighth’s Picture 5 5 0

1737. Paid M{r} Babbidge for making a Skeleton of Malden’s[272] Bones 3 3 0

[270] These are still at the Hall. [271] Probably the body of a prisoner who had died in one of the Compters. [272] A criminal hung at Tyburn.

1739. Paid the Beadles for their being beat and wounded at the late execution 4 4 0

1740. Paid for mending the Windows broke upon bringing the last Body from Tyburn 0 6 0

1741. Paid for a Silver Punch Laddle 1 4 0 Paid the expences for the Buck S{r} Rob{t} Walpole gave the Company 1 3 6

1744. Paid M{r} Hawes for two large Branches for the Hall 70 0 0

These massive chandeliers were broken but preserved when the Hall was pulled down in 1864, and one formed of their fragments is now hung on the staircase leading up to the Committee Room.

Paid taking the Company’s Linnen out of Pawn 4 2 6

This linen must have been stolen and pawned, as the Company were not at this period in such financial difficulties as to necessitate their personal property being taken care of by a pawnbroker.

1745-6. Dr. Tyson’s picture was sold to Mr. Luke Maurice for £10 10s.

Mr. Goodyer was paid £11 for the table and inscription (now in the entrance lobby) which records the separation of the Surgeons from the Barbers in 1745.

1751-2. Mr. Whiston bought the Company’s library for £13. This library consisted of a great number of ancient MSS. and books relating to Surgery.

Putting an Advertizement in the Daily Advertizer offering a Reward to any Person who should discover who stole the Lead from off the Hall Kitchen 0 2 0 Paid M{r} Spencer for cleaning the Guns Swords and bayonetts 0 6 0

1760. Paid M{r} Chessun the Upholsterer his Bill for new Standards & making the new cloth for the Stand 67 15 6

This was the stand for the liverymen used on Lord Mayor’s day and on other public occasions.

1770. The expenses on Lord Mayor’s day this year were as follows, and are a fair sample of the entries for many years before and after this date.

CASH PAID-- M{r} Bick for Spermaceti 1 10 0 The Watermen for their Breakfast and attendance 1 12 6 Two men to keep the gates 0 10 0 Four men to keep the Stand 1 0 0 M{r} Beaumont for musick 5 0 0 Mess{rs} Sherwood & Co. for Ribbons 3 14 9 M{r} Hulberd for Beef for breakfast 4 1 0 M{r} Wareham for dressing ditto 0 16 0 The Housekeeper’s Bill 2 0 0 M{r} Wilding’s Bill for Wine for the Stand 6 15 7 The Beadle for pipes and Tobacco for the Stand 0 6 0 M{r} Dance Clerk of the City Works for fixing the Stand 1 1 0 The Carpenter’s Bill about ditto 8 11 3 The Upholsterer’s Bill 2 0 0 Jarvis & Sharpe, Turner’s Bill 0 18 8 --------- £39 16 9 =========

The Livery dinners on these occasions were paid for by the Stewards.

The next book of Accounts extends from 1785 to 1821, but like the latter part of the last one it is almost destitute of interest. On the first page is an extract from the Will of Mr. Edward Griffin (10th April, 1596) relating to his gift to the Company, and there are also sundry memoranda concerning Banckes’ gift.

1785. This was the last occasion on which the Company “went out” on Lord Mayor’s day.

In addition to the Wardens’ accounts, there are two books containing receipts of tradesmen and others for money paid to them extending from 1722 to 1764. These books are not specially interesting, excepting that they contain autographs of a few eminent Surgeons, hangmen and others, and the following extracts will suffice:--

1722. Recẽd of the Governours of the Company the sume of ten shillings for fetching the Body of Richard Oxer from Tyburne.


1723. Recẽd of the Governours of the Compã the sume of five pounds fifteen shillings for fetching the Body of W{m} Pincher from Tyburne and for sev{ll} Disbursements expended thereon.


1723. The Receipt of Abraham Shepherd, Attorney, for £15 0s. 6d., being the costs of prosecuting Cooke and others for taking away the body of William Pincher from the Beadles when they brought it from Tyburn.

1729. Rec̃ed Dec{r} 23{d} 1729 of the Gov{rs} of y{e} Comp{a} pˀ the hands of Cha: Bernard their Cl: 7{s} 6{d} for my Xmãs Box.


In 1730 this gentleman signs “John Hooper, Executioner.”

1743. The hangman, John Thrift, signed with a × the receipt for his Christmas box, and the Clerk has humorously styled him “John Thrift, Esq{re} Hangman.”

1736. The printing of 1,000 Copies of Baron’s Engraving of Holbein’s picture cost £15 15s. 0d. John Harper was the printer.

A copy of this print was sent to the Earl of Burlington, as there is a Bill of William Gills as follows:--

One large picture frame w{th} a broad carved & Gilt Sanding inside and a fine plate glass &c for The Earl of Burlington £2 8 0

Recẽd Nov 5 1736 of y{e} Gov{rs} of the Compa pˀ the hands of Cha. Bernard their Cl: twenty one pounds for the paper to print the 1000 prints of King Hen: 8{ths} Picture being two Rheams of paper

pˀ B. BARON.



1388. One of our earliest ordinances enacts that--

If any dispute arise between any of the brethren, which God forbid, it is to be amicably settled by the decision of the Masters of the said Fraternity and they are to deal plainly,[273] and that no one sue another in other manner than at the assize, and then only if he be empowered by leave of the said Masters to be recorded.

[273] i.e., openly, honestly.

1530. And again in the ordinances signed by Sir Thomas More, it states that--

yff any matter of stryffe or debate herafter be betwene eny pˀson of the said Crafte as God fforfende that noon of them shall make eny pˀsuts[274] in the Comen lawe but that he whiche ffyndeth hym aggreved shall ffurst make his complaynt to the Maisters . . . . . . to thˀentent that they shall ordre the said matter or cause of complaynt so made yff they can . . . . . .

[274] Pursuits.

This prerogative of the Company was jealously guarded, and indeed extended, the Court becoming in effect a sort of Court of Conscience, in which non-freemen frequently appeared as plaintiffs against freemen, when their cases were heard and adjudicated upon, the Court settling the amount and time of payment, or dismissing the suit.

Whenever (as often happened) one freeman went to law with another, without leave of the Court, and the defendant complained, the plaintiff was ordered to withdraw his action, and if he declined to do so, an opportunity of reflection upon the powers of the Company was afforded him in the seclusion of the “Compter.”

It was frequently the custom for the Masters to require both parties to enter into bonds to abide the decision of the Court, and where this was not so, and either of them disobeyed the order made, the offender was either fined, imprisoned or expelled.

The following are a few notices of cases of dispute which came before the Court from time to time, and other instances will be found elsewhere.

30th June, 1551. It was ordered--

That James Wood John Chamber and William Drewe Waterman shalbe lovers and friendes and clerlye to acquite and discharge either other of and from all maner of acc͠ons quarrells detts demaundes and suts as well spirytuall as temporall whatsoever they be from the begynnyng of the worlde untyll the daye abovesayd.

4th November, 1551. Ordered--

That John West shall bring in his fyne which is vj{s} viij{d} for speking opprobryous wordes against John Androwson in the presence of the M{r.}

2nd May, 1552. It was ordered and declared that Harry Cooke and Nicholas Connysbye--

are fully condescended concluded and agreed for all maner of acc͠ons dettes suetts demaunds and quarrells whatsoever they be from the begynnynge of the worlde unto this daye and that they shall clerly dischardge eche other and to be lovers and freinds.

1566. By an entry in this year it seems that each disputant when before the Court was “put to his othe upon a booke y{t} he sholde saye the trothe.”

10th December, 1566. Thomas Lambkyn appeared against his late apprentice W{m} Woodfall--

for serten shavynge clothes y{t} he tooke awaye w{th} hym when he went frome his M{r} w{th}out his lycence and the saide W{m} hath payde unto the saide Thom̃s Lambkyn in the pˀsents of this courte in lawfull Englyshe mony x{s} in recompence.

In this Courte here was John Hawkes playntyf agaynst Richard Olkar for his unfyttinge words & Olkar shalbe here the nexte courte.

30th December, 1566. William Collins the covenant servant of John Johnson complained of his master for “myssusing hym in his boxe money,” whereupon M{r} Johnson was ordered to amend his ways.

4th March, 1567. Here was Walter Lynche for his unfytting wordꝭ seyeng y{t} Richard Dycson sholde be got his mayde w{th} chylde and Lynche denyeth yt, y{t} he nevˀ harde of yt, and Dycson sey{d} y{t} Edward Parke & too other servyngemen he hath to wytnes the same, spoken at the Rose taverne at the fleete brydge And yt is ordered y{t} they shall brotherly one gyve unto & by another good wordꝭ & good reports & no more repetallꝭ to be had any more hereafter in this behalf.

11th March, 1567. In this Court here was John Wall for y{t} he warned John Staple unto the courte of concyence in the guyldehall in London w{th}oute lycence of the M{r} & Govˀno{rs} and yt is now ordered once agayne y{t} John Wall shall not pˀcede any forder in lawe but shall stande to the awarde made ordered & awarded the xij{th} daye of november laste paste and not ells otherwyse upon payne of his alegiance & penaltie in that behalf pˀvyded & ordayned.

Edward Park, who was a troublesome fellow, and often before the Court, would seem (by the next extract) to have revived the old scandal about Dycson and his “mayde,” for--

14th November, 1567. Here was Rich. Dycson playntyf agaynst Edward Parke for undecent and slaunderous words And they both have consented to put yt unto the determynacion of this worsshypfull Court, & they shalbe both bounde in oblygacions to abyde the order & warde[275] & to kepe the peace in y{r} owne pˀsons. Rich. Dycson hath chosen to be arbytraytors for hym John Bonar & Thomas Burston, and for Parke he hath chosen for hym M{r} Bowie & Rich Wysto & the M{r} & govnors shalbe umpers,[276] bonde in xx{li} a peece.

[275] Award. [276] Umpires.

13th January, 1568. In thys Courte here was John Cooke playntyf against Rich{d} Barker for serten wordꝭ undecently spoken by Rich{d} against the said John and also for serten housold stuff y{t} the said Rich{d} Barker w{th}holdeth frome the said John, and they both are comaunded the nexte courte daye to brynge in bothe y{r} fynes vj{s} viij{d} a pece for y{r} unfytting wordꝭ.

7th June, 1569. In this Courte here was the wyf of John Burges for that Rich. Barker beate black her armes and yt is ordered that the said Rich. Barker shall upon this pˀsent daye go unto the house of the said John Burges his m{r} and y{r} acknowledge hym sylf to be sory for trespassynge hym & his wyf.

19th July, 1569. Here was John Charnock, said that he is his M{rs} pntꝭ[277] & kepeth shoppe & is accomptant wekely to his M{r} & he said the M{r} of the company did hym wronge & y{t} he wolde at lawe trye yt and unreverently he did behave hymsylf w{th} stoute & undecent [words] & so he charged the M{r} styll, but not the worsshypfulls of this Courte.

[277] Apprentice.

18th November, 1572. Here was one Edward Browne Bricklayer and complayned [against] one Richard Upton for that he had taken his money for curynge hym of Morbus Gallicus but the sicknes as he said was not cured & M{r} Upton pˀmised to agree w{th} hym.

The next is a rare piece of tittle tattle; like Edward Park, Colley was often in trouble, and it is amusing to observe how he shortly afterwards lays an information against Carrington, which compliment Carrington returns to him in the March Court.

18th November, 1572. Here was Willm̃ Carington and required his complaint to be herd in that Allein Colley had slaundered hym w{th} unhonest wordes, that is, that Allein should say that Wiberds wife should say that Charringtons wief should not be honest, and they were pˀmytted to take ordre of Lawe.

10th February, 1573. Colley laid an information against Carrington for “Trimminge on a Sondaye,” whereupon he was fined 40s.

11th March, 1573. Carrington complained of Colley “for undecent wordes calling him verlet before the Mr.,” etc., and they were ordered to be friends, and to bring no more complaints against each other.

This feud seems, however, to have continued for a few years, but was at last happily settled, for we read under date, 24th January, 1576:

Here at this Co{r}te witnesses being hard betwene Willm̃ Carrington and Allen Collye they were made frendes, shoke handes and frendly depˀted.

2nd March, 1573. Here was a complaint agaynste Henrye Lushe by John Parradize for that the said Henry Lushe called the said John Paradize knave, and he p{d} his fyne xij{d} and they toke hands & were ffrends.

19th April, 1574. Here was Willm̃ Brode and brought in an answere agaynste the complaynt of Edward Saunders for lykeninge hym to Esoppes dogge and they were appoynted to be ffrends and to brynge the matter no more in question.

Was this the “dog in the manger”? Anyhow, it seems a trivial matter to have been brought before the grave old Masters.

2nd February, 1575. Here came one Willm̃ Goodnep and complayned of Willm̃ Clowes for not curing his wief de morbo gallico and yt was awarded that the saide Clowes sholde either geve the saide Goodnep xx{s} orells cure his saide wief, w{ch} Clowes agreed to pay the xx{s} and so they were agreed and eche of them made acquittance to other.

28th February, 1576. Here was a complainte against Willm̃ Clowes by one Goodenge for that the saide Clowes had not onlie misused the saide Goodinge in speeche but also most of the masters of the Companye w{th} scoffing wordes and jestes and they all forgave him here openlye in the Co{r}te and so the stryfe was ended upon condˀ that he shold nev{r} so misuse him self a gayne, and bonds was caused to be made to that effect.

25th September, 1576. At this Coˀte came Willm̃ Wise and Mathew Ken, and divers evell and unbrotherlike speches was pˀved and so the saide Willm̃ Wise confest his falt paide his ffyne and made a breakfast to the Companie for their paynes, and so they shoke hands and were made ffrends.

25th March, 1577. Here at this Corte was a greate contension and stryffe spoken of and ended betwene George Baker[278] and Willm̃ Clowes[279] for that they bothe contrary to order and the good and holsome rules of this howse misused eche other and fought in the ffelds togethers, but the M{r} Wardens and assistance wishing that they might be and continewe loving brothers pˀdoned this greate offence in hope of amendment.

[278] Master 1597 and Serjeant Surgeon. [279] Warden 1594.

9th January, 1598. Thomas Cole complayned of Thomas Goodall for sueinge him at the Comon lawe w{th}out license of the M{rs} And was fined And his fine mittigated to 3{s} 4{d}

4th December, 1599. This daie Roberte Morrey complayned of William ffoster for callinge him Pandor and Bawde and for sayeinge he was presented by the Wardemot inqueste for keepinge a bawdye house, uppon hearinge whereof their controversies were referred to the Maisters of this Companye, the same to be ended before the sixte daie of Januarye nexte.

24th July, 1600. In the matter in Controversie betwixt Roger Semper and ffrancis Thompson it is ordered that the sayd Sempˀ shall at the next Court bringe in his fine for usinge reprochefull wordes against the sayd Thompson And for that the sayd Sempers wyefe did assalt the sayd Thompson & brake his shop wyndowes. And that the sayd Semper shall delivˀ such goodes as hee hath of the sayd Thompson before the next Court And that hee shall at the same Court geve the sayd Thompson satisfacc͠on for his wyndowes.

24th July, 1600. In the Controversie betwixt John Izard & Robert Steward it is ordered that the sayd Robert Steward shalbe comitted to the Compter for refusinge to paye his fine for supplantinge the sayd John Izards cure and for behavinge himselfe unreverendly before the M{rs} in the Court.

11th September, 1600. This daie John Urvey complayned of Henry Bracye for arrestinge him before he had obtayned leave of the Maisters And it was thereuppon ordered that the said Henrye Bracye shoulde be warned to appeare before the Maisters at the nexte Courte and that he shoulde be commaunded from the Maisters to staie his suite till then.

17th September, 1600. This daie in the matter in controversi betwixte Henry Bracy and John Urvey It is ordered that the saide Henry Bracye shall not proceede any further in his suite but that the said John Urvey shall paie the debte of ffowerteene shillinges and twoe shillinges for his chardges by twoe shillinges wickelye till all be fully satisfied and paide And uppon the payment thereof the said Bracye to make him a generall acquittaunce the firste payment to begine on Tewsdaie nexte, And the money to be paide to the M{rs} of this Companye.

20th October, 1600. This daye it is ordered that John Urvey shalbe comitted to the Compter for not pˀforminge his payments to Henry Bracy accordinge to the orders of this howse.

21st July, 1601. Where div{s} controversies hath bene betweene John Browne and Jenkin Marcrafte the endinge of w{ch} is by them of their mutuall assents referred to the M{rs} or Governors of this Company who aft{r} hereinge of their sevˀall controversies & fyndeinge thereby that the wounde for w{ch} the money was to be paid to John Browne was reverted to his former state It is thought fit that the said Marcrafte shall paye to the said Browne pñˀtly[280] the somme of xl{s} in full satisfacc͠on of all debts duties and demaunds, w{ch} the said Browne accepted of and received the said somme accordingly. And whereas Lewis Atm{r} finished the Cure after it was reverted Therefore it was lykewise ordered that the said Marcrafte shall paye to him xx{s} for his paynes.

[280] Presently, i.e., at once.

6th August, 1601. This daye John Ibatson and John Wyndet referred a controversie betwene them concerninge a debt of iiij{li} lent by the said Wyndet to the said Ibatson to the hereinge & endinge of the M{rs} of this Company and gave the eyth{r} to the oth{r} 6{d} to stande to their award so that they ended the same before the laste daye of Septemb{r} next w{ch} if they refuse to stand to, the refuser shall forfeyt x{li.}

27th March, 1604. This daye Lycence is geven to Andrew Mathewe to sue Richard Tyler at the Com̃on Lawe for the tenemˀt wherein the said Tyler nowe dwelleth, for that Tyler refuseth to referre the heareinge & endinge of that controversie to the M{rs} of this Company.

16th October, 1610. In the Controvˀsie between William Wright and one Harrington Itt is att this Court ordered that Harrington shall paie unto Wryght for and in respect of such rentes he doth owe unto Wright the some of xxx{s} imediate And like wise he shall mend such paynes of glasse as nowe by his necligence are broken in Wrightꝭ wyndowes and soe all controvˀsies between them are determyned.

24th September, 1611. In the Controvˀsey between ffrauncꝭ Bilford of thˀone pˀte & John fflint on thˀother pˀte It is ordered that either of them shalbe bound unto thˀother of them in 20{li} a peece to stand to the Award of M{r} John Gerard & M{r} Richard Mapes.

1st October, 1611. At this Court forasmuch as John fflynt would not stand to the order of the M{rs} set down the last Court between him & ffrauncꝭ Bilford the said Bilford hath leave to arrest the said fflynt.

22nd October, 1611. In the Controvˀsie between Dennis Davys on thˀone pˀte & John Person on thˀother pˀte It is ordered that they shall live quietlie togethers as brothers of one Company should doe and neither of them by him selfe or his servantꝭ to gyve or move offence either by word or deed unto thˀother of them.

It was not often that the good offices of the Court were unavailing in the settlement of disputes, but in the following case, in which the lady probably played a prominent part, the Masters seem to have been unable to settle the matter:--

12th July, 1614. In the complaint made by William Purkꝭ and ffrauncis his wife against Greene, w{ch} beinge heard at this Court, the M{rs} could drawe them to noe quiet ende, all pˀties being verye obstinate.


There are numerous excellent examples of the Company’s Arms at the Hall. The records contain many beautiful drawings and emblazoned shields of arms, not only of the Company but of some of the Masters as well.

One of the choicest specimens is the massive old carving beneath the semicircular canopy of the entrance doorway; this is dated 1671, and is both bold and quaint; long may it be preserved to the Barbers! The carved coat of arms which formerly ornamented the stern of the Company’s barge, and which is probably late 17th century work, has been carefully preserved, and may be always admired over the chimney piece in the Committee room. There is the large “tortershell” in the vestibule given by Mr. William Kings in 1645. The cloth on the Court table is artistically embroidered with the Arms of the Company and the City, the embroidered portions being part of the ancient barge cloth. There is a handsomely emblazoned coat of arms on the plan of the Company’s property (presented by Mr. Charles John Shoppee), and a pretty little bit of old stained glass in the window on the first floor landing. The Company formerly possessed a great many banners, but these are unfortunately lost to us; the one which is placed behind the Master’s chair is beautifully painted by Bishop of Doctors’ Commons, and has at the back the inscription--


1451. In this year the original grant of arms was conferred, being simply the first quarter of our present achievement; sable, a chevron between three fleams argent, the fleams being mediæval lancets, though from their shape they have sometimes been thought to represent razors. This coat was borne by both the Barbers and their successors, the Barber-Surgeons, until the time of Elizabeth. The grant is as follows:--

[Illustration: Coat of arms]

~Be~ it knowen to all men that y Clarensew Kyng of Armes of the South Marche of Englond Consideryng the noble estate of the Cite of London by the name of Erle & Barons as in their ffirst Charter by scripture appereth and as now called mayre and aldermen and by good avyce of all the aldermen and the noble citezenis of London that every alderman shuld have award by hymself to governe and rule to the Worship of the cite and the maires power evˀy alderman in his Ward with correccion of the mair beyng for the tyme and so notablie ordeyned to be custumed evˀy Craft clothing be hem self to know o Craft from a nother and also synes of Armes in baner wyse to beer conveniently for the worship of the reame and the noble cite and so now late the Maisters of Barbory and Surgery within the craft of Barbours John Strugge Thomas Wyllote Hugh Herte & Thomas Waleys come & praying me Clarensewe Kyng of Armes to devise hem a conysauns & syne in fourme of armes under my seall of myn Armes that might be conveniently to ther Craft. And where y Clarensewe Kyng of Armes consideryng the gode disposicion of them y have devysed a Conysaunce in fourme of Armes that is to sey A felde sabull a cheveron bytwene iij flemys of silver the which syne of armes y Clarensew gyve the same conysaunce of Armes to the forsaid Crafte and none other Crafte in no wyse shall not bere the same. ~To~ the which witenesse of this wrytyng y sette my seal of myn armes & my syne manuall wreten atte London the xxix day of the monthe of September the xxx{th} yere of the regne of oure soverayne lord Kyng Henry the Sixt.

By CLARANSEW Kynge of armes.

1492. In this year a cognizance, or possibly an informal grant of arms, was given to the Surgeons’ Company; this is depicted on the first leaf in the beautiful old vellum book of Ordinances at the Hall, the inscription under, stating that it was given to the Craft of Surgeons of London in the year 1492, at the going over the sea into France of Henry VII. (See the fac-simile at p. 69.)

No other authority than the above statement is known for this coat, but in the grant to the Barber-Surgeons (1569) it is recited that Henry VIII granted the Company of Surgeons a cognizance “which is a spatter thereon a rose gules crowned golde for their warrant in fielde but no authoritie by warrant for the bearinge of the same in shilde as armes.” The Herald in drawing the grant of 1569 probably accidentally put in the name of Henry VIII for that of Henry VII, the entry in our book being undoubtedly coeval with the circumstance. We here get the foundations of our present coat of arms; the fleams representing the old Barber-Surgeons or Barbers, and the crowned rose and spatula the Surgeons proper, both of which were introduced into one shield in 1561, and quartered in 1569.

On either side of the shield of the Surgeons’ Arms stands a Saint habited as a doctor or physician, one of whom holds a medical vessel in his right hand, while the other has a box of ointment and a spatula, indicative of their being professors of the healing art. These are the patron Saints of the Company, Cosmus and Damianus. Mrs. Jameson states that they--

were two brothers, Arabians by birth but they dwelt in Ægæ, a city of Cilicia. Their father having died while they were yet children, their pious mother Theodora, brought them up with all diligence, and in the practice of every Christian virtue. Their charity was so great, that not only they lived in the greatest abstinence, distributing their goods to the infirm and poor, but they studied medicine and surgery, that they might be able to prescribe for the sick, and relieve the sufferings of the wounded and infirm; and the blessing of God being on all their endeavours, they became the most learned and the most perfect physicians that the world had ever seen. They ministered to all who applied to them, whether rich or poor. Even to suffering animals they did not deny their aid, and they constantly refused all payment or recompense, exercising their art only for charity and for the love of God; and thus they spent their days.

In the cover of a Latin Bible, printed in 1470, I discovered some vellum padding, which on examination proved to be a MS. of XIth century, consisting of part of a collection of the lives of the Saints, interspersed with prayers, etc., and which probably had been read in some Convent refectory during the hours of meals. This MS. is moreover curious, as those portions intended to be sung have certain signs affixed, known as “neumes,” which, before the more modern method of musical notation was introduced, were employed to denote musical expression. An account of the martyrdom of Cosmo and Damian, together with their brothers, is here preserved, but as the original is in very contracted Latin, the following translation will, perhaps, better supply its place:--

The souls of Cosmus and Damianus the Just are in the hands of God.

There have moreover been crowned these five brothers Cosmus, Damianus, Antimeus, Leuntius and Eutrepius.

Furthermore we beseech Thee, Almighty God, to grant that we, who commemorate the nativities of thy Saints Cosmus and Damianus, may by their intercessions be delivered from all present and future evils. Amen. The blessed martyrs Cosmus Damianus, Antimeus, Leuntius and Eutrepius, were committed to prison by order of the governor; and on the following day, the proconsul sitting on the judgment seat, caused an enormous fire to be made, and the above-named men to be led out of prison and cast into its midst. But on account of their prayers the fire lost its power over these saints. The governor was astounded, and the executioner, thinking that the circumstances which had happened with regard to the martyrs of God depended on their magical arts, ordered them to be again interrogated. But, when they remained firm with a cheerful and joyous countenance rendered more noble by torture, he ordered crosses to be made, and the martyrs, when stretched upon them, to be pelted with stones. Accordingly, when the blows recoiled on those that delivered them, the governor, inflamed with excessive rage, gave orders to attack them with arrows, so that at a less distance the steel might at least penetrate. But, although he had not been able to injure them in any way, many of those who discharged arrows and who stood near withdrew on account of the wounds that they received.

For so is the testimony.

Seeing accordingly that his ill will was overcome by Divine power, the governor ordered them to be mutilated with a sword.

The blessed martyrs were put to death on the Twentieth day of September; and their bodies were buried by devout men in a holy spot not far from the city of Ægae.

Mrs. Jameson relates a legend somewhat similar to the above, and states that it was of great antiquity, being transplanted into Western Europe in the first ages of Christianity. The Emperor Justinian, having been recovered, as he supposed, from a dangerous illness by the intercession of these saints, erected a superb church in their honour. Among the Greeks they succeeded to the worship and attributes of Æsculapius; and from their disinterested refusal of all pay or reward, they are distinguished by the honourable title of Anargyres, which signifies moneyless, or without fees. These saints are commemorated on the 27th September, and all over Europe have ever been the patron saints of the Barbers and Surgeons; they are also the patrons of the Medici family, and as such they figure on the coins of Florence.

1540. In the bowl of the grace cup given by Henry VIII to the Barber-Surgeons, the arms of the Barbers impaling the Surgeons are cut, but this is merely the fancy of an engraver, and of later date than the cup.stration] Pg468

10th July, 1561. In the Heralds’ College (I.C.B., No. 101, 20) is a grant of arms by William Harvey, Clarencieux King of Arms, to the Barber-Surgeons, in which he grants and assigns unto them for an “augmentac͠on to ther old and aunscint Armes (which is sables a chevrone between thre flumes argent) a chef paly argent & vert on a pale goles a lyon passant regardant gold betwene two spatters argent a roze gewles crowned golde & to ther creast upon the healme an opinacus golde standing upon a wreath argent and sables manteled gewles dubled argent.”

1565. This year, Harvey, Clarencieux, granted two supporters to the above arms, namely, “two lynxe in their proper Collor about there necks a crowne with a cheyne argent.”

1568. This year, Garter, Clarencieux, and Norroy, Kings of Arms, ratified and confirmed the above arms, crest, and supporters, with the following variations, the arms to be borne quarterly, “the ffyrst sables a cheveron bytwyne iij flewmes argent, the second quarter per pale argent and vert on a spatter of the fyrst a Dobele rose gules and argent crowned or, over all on a crosse gules a lyon passant Regardant or.”

12th June, 1569. The grant of Arms by Dethick, etc., is a beautifully artistic production, though, unfortunately, slightly damaged, and the seals are missing. In 1885 the Company had it reproduced in chromo-photography by Mr. William Griggs, whose work has been so skilfully executed that it is difficult to observe the least difference between the original and the copies.

With this grant is the first appearance of a motto “De præscientia Dei.” How this motto came to be chosen, or in what way it applies to the Barber-Surgeons, I am at a loss to point out. The following is the text of the grant.

~To~ all and singuler aswell Kinges herehaultes and Officers of Armes, as nobles gentlemen and others to whome these presentes shall come be seene heard, read or understand Sir Gilbert Dethicke Knight alias Garter principall Kinge of Armes, Robert Cooke Esquire alias Clarencieulx kinge of Armes of the South partes of Englande, and Willm̄ Flower Esquire alias Norroy kinge of Armes of the northe partes of Englande send greetinge in our lorde god everlastinge. For as much as aunciently from the beginninge the valiaunt and vertuouse actes of excellent personnes have ben com̃endid to the worlde and posterite with sondrey monumentes and remembrances of their good deseartes; Emongest the which the chiefest and most usuall hath ben the bearinge of signes and tokens in shildes called Armes, beinge none other thinges then evidences and demonstracions of prowesse and valoir diversly distributed accordinge to the qualytes and deseartes of the persons meritinge the same To thˀentent that such as have done com̃endable service to their prince or countrey either in warre or peace, or other wyse by laudable and couragiouse entreprices or proceedinge of eny person or persons in thˀaugmentacion of the Estate or com̄on wealth of their realme or countrey might thereby receyve due honor in their lyves, and also deryve the same succesively to their successors and posteritie for ever. And wheras in this Citie of London thˀexperience & practise of the science and facultie of Chirurgery is most requisite and daily to be exercysed & experimented for the preservacion of meny, & by thˀoccasion of the practise thereof meny expert persons be brought up & experimented to the relief, succour, & helpe of an infinite nomber of persons. And for as much as within this Citie of London ther were two severall c͠opanyes, thˀone by the name of Barbours Chirurgeons, and thˀother by the name of Chirurgeons onely: the Barbours Chirurgeons being incorporate & y{e} other not, & bothe occupyenge y{e} arte of Chirurgery wheruppon greate c͠otention did arise. And for y{t} it was most meete and necessary y{t} the sayd two c͠opanyes shuld be united & made one hole body & so incorporated, to thˀentent that by their union & often assembly togither, thˀexercyse & knowledge of their science & mistery might appeere, as well in practise as in speculatiõ not onely to theim selfes, but to others under theim. So that it was thought most meete & c͠ovenient upon grave & greate c͠osideracion, to unyte & joyne y{e} sayd two c͠opanyes in one: w{ch} was don as may appeere by an acte of parleament in an̄o xxxij of Henry theight w{t} these wordes “Be it enactid by the Kinge our souvereigne lorde & the lordes spirituall & temporall & the com̃ons of y{e} same, that y{e} sayde two severall & distinct companies, that is to say bothe y{e} Barbours Surgeons, & the Sourgeons & every parson of theim beinge a freman of either of y{e} sayde c͠opanies after y{e} custome of the sayde citie of London, & their successors, from hencefoorthe immediatly be unyted & made one entier and whole body corporate, & one societie perpetual, which at all tymes heerafter shalbe called by y{e} name of Maisters & Governours of y{e} mistery & com̃unalty of Barbours & Surgeons of London for evermore, & by none other name.” In consideracion whereof & for that it doth appeere a thinge most requisite for the unitinge of these two c͠opanyes togither and for that thˀoccupation of the Barbo{rs} Chirurgeons beinge incorporate hath since y{e} tyme of Kinge Henry the sixt used & boren Armes y{t} is to say Sables a cheveron betweene thre Flewmes argent w{ch} Armes wer unto theim assigned onely by the gifte & assignement of Clarencieulx Kinge of Armes, as by y{e} patent thereof doth & may more plainly appeere. And since y{e} unitinge of y{e} sayde two c͠opanies these Armes of y{e} sayd corporation of Barbours Chirurgeons hath ben used & none other, yet notw{t}standinge y{e} late Kinge Henry thˀeight of famouse memory assigned & gave unto y{e} company of y{e} Chirurgeons onely, a Cognoysance, w{ch} is a spatter, thereon a rose gules crowned golde, for their warrant in fielde, but no authoritie by warrant for the bearinge of the same in shilde as Armes. And for y{t} it pleased y{e} same Kinge Henry thˀeight, not onely to unite & incorporate these two c͠opanies togither by acte of parleament but also hath ratifyed & c͠ofirmed the same by his letters patentꝭ under the greate seale of Englande & so lately c͠ofirmed by y{e} Queenes Ma{tie} that now is.[281] And wheras Thomas Galle in the 3 yere of the Queene’s Ma{ties} reigne that now is beinge Maister, Alexander Mason John Standon Robert Mudesley governors of y{e} same corporation mistery & comunaltie of Barbours & Chirurgeons being desirouse to have some signes & tokens addid & augmented to thˀold & auncient Armes of the Barbours Chirurgeons, not onely for a perpetuall memory as well of y{e} famouse prince Kinge Henry thˀeight their founder & patrone but also for a further declaration of y{e} unitinge of those two c͠opanies togither did instantly require the late Clarencieulx Hervy to consider y{e} premisses & to shew his endevor therein. Who finding their request just and lawfull did graunt & give unto them by his letters patentes under his hand & seale bearinge date the x{th} of July in the third yere of y{e} reigne of the queenes Ma{tie} that now is, an augmentacˀon in chief to their olde & auncient Armes w{th} heaulme & Creast to the same: which chief was paly argent & vert on a pale gules a lyon passant gardant golde betweene two spatters argent, on eche a double rose gules and argent crowned golde: and to their Creast on a torce silver and sables an Opinacus golde: Mantelled gules, doubled argent. And further in the tyme of Robert Balthrop Esquire serjeaunt of the Queenes Ma{ties} Chirurgeons then beinge Maister of the sayd mistery and comunalty of the Barbours & Chirurgeons and George Vaughan Richard Hughes & George Corron governours of the same corporation the sayd Clarencieulx Hervy did graunt unto the sayd corporation two supporters to those Armes before given them: which were two Linxe in their proper coulor, aboute their neckes a Crowne w{t} a chayne argent pendant therat: As by the sayde letters patentes more plainly doth appeere. YET NOTWITHSTANDINGE for as much as it doth plainly appeere unto us the sayd Garter Clarencieulx & Norroy Kinges of Armes, that the aforesayd Armes in some respectes wer not onely contrary to the wordes of the corporation of the sayd Barbours and Chirurgeons but that also in the same patent of Armes ther ar sondrey other thinges contrary and not agreinge with the auncient lawes & rules of Armes: We the sayd Kinges of Armes by power & authoritie to us com̃itted by Letters patent under the greate Seale of Englande, have confirmed given and graunted the foresayd Armes Creast and Supporters heertofore mentioned, to be boren in maner and fourme heerafter specified. That is to say: Quarterly the first sables a cheveron betweene three Flewmes argent: the seconde quarter per pale argent and vert on a Spatter of the first, a double Rose gules and argent crowned golde: the third quarter as the seconde and the fourth as the first: Over all on a Crosse gules a lyon passant gardant golde: And to their Creast upon the heaulme on a Torce argẽt and sables an Opinacus golde: Mantelled gules doubled argent: Supported with two Linxe in their proper coulor about their neckes a crowne with a chayne argent pendent therat: As plainly appeerith depicted in this margent. WHICH ARMES CREAST and SUPPORTERS and every parte and parcell thereof, we the sayd Kinges of Armes have confirmed ratified given and graunted and by these presentes do ratify confirme give and graunt unto Richard Tholmwood Maister of the sayd mistery and com̃unatie Nicholas Archenbolde Thomas Burston and John Fielde Governors of the sayd Corporation mistery and com̃unaltie of Barbours and Chirurgeons and to their successors by the name of Maister and Gouvernours, and to the whole Assistantes Company and fellowshippe of the sayd Corporation mistery and com̃unaltie of Barbours and Chirurgeons within this Citie of London and to their successors for evermore: And they the same to have, hold, use beare enjoy and shew forthe in shylde, seale, banner or banner rolles, standard or standardes, penon or penons, pencell or pencelles or otherwise to their honors and worshippes at all tymes and for ever heerafter at their libertie and pleasure without the impediment let molestation or interruption of eny person or personnes, IN WITNESSE WHEROF we the sayd Garter Clarencieulx & Norroy Kinges of Armes have signed these presentes with our handes . . . . . unto our severall seales of Armes, the second day of June In the yere of the nativitie of our Lorde Jesus Christ A thousande five hundred sixty nyne And in the eleventh yere . . . . . of our most dread souvereigne Lady Elizabeth by the grace of god Queene of Englande Fraunce and Irelande defendor of the faithe &c.

[281] This statement is incorrect. The Act of Parliament was passed in 1540, but was not confirmed by any letters patent of Henry VIII. We have no such charter or any reference to it, and moreover it is not on the Patent Rolls, where it would appear, had it ever existed; furthermore Elizabeth’s charter (in our possession) confirms Henry’s charter of 1512 and not this pretended one.

GILBERT DETHICKE aɫs. garter principall Kinge of arms. ROB COOKE Alias Clarencieulx Roy Darmes. pˀmoy WYLLAM FFLOWER alias Norrey Roy Darmes.

Entred approved & allowed in the visitation made 1634

HEN: ST. GEORGE Richmond.

It will be observed that this grant recites that it plainly appeared that the grant of 10th July, 1561, was [a.] contrary to the words of the Corporation (i.e., Incorporation) of the said Barbers and Surgeons, and [b.] contrary to and not agreeing with the ancient laws and rules of arms.

With regard to the former assertion [a.] I take it that the grant being made to the “Master and Governors of the Corporation Mystery and Commonalty of Barbers and Surgeons” and not to the “Masters and Governors of the Mystery and Commonalty of Barbers and Surgeons of London” as they are styled in the Act 32 Hen. VIII, offended the precise Heralds of 1569, and that it was indeed a technical defect and contrary to the exact words of the incorporation.

As to the second point [b.] there cannot be any doubt but that Hervey committed a violation of one of the fundamental and most ancient laws of heraldry, viz., that colour must not be on colour (nor metal on metal). He gave the Company on their old sable field, a chief with gules and vert thereon! This greatly shocked old Garter, Clarencieux, and Norroy, and enabled them, whilst recording the blunder of one of their predecessors, to extract a good fee from the Barber-Surgeons for a new grant.


There is a wide-spread impression that the Livery Guilds exist principally for the purpose of feasting, and there are unscrupulous persons who do not hesitate to affirm that the Courts of the Companies act as fraudulent trustees, and are consenting parties to the malversation of trust and charity property, eating up money which it is audaciously pretended belongs to the “people of London.”

These statements have been assiduously put forth by a certain class of politicians whose acquaintance with the true details of the case must be absolutely nil, and who it is but reasonable to suppose, are willing to assume that the gentlemen who manage the affairs of the Companies are in the habit of acting as their traducers would do, had they but the opportunity.

To any one conversant with the history and management of the Livery Guilds, these assertions are known to be false. Here and there, as in every concern in life, improprieties and errors in judgment may have occurred, but it is confidently asserted, and capable of proof, that no charitable or trust funds suffer from feasting; indeed, on the contrary, the practice has obtained for centuries, with but few exceptions, for the members of the guilds to themselves supply the funds which are spent upon their entertainment, and for the surplus accumulations of these funds to be applied to the augmentation of charities and trusts. It has certainly been so in the Barber-Surgeons’ Company, and for a long period the calls upon the Livery for feasting purposes (when the custom was to nominate Stewards in rotation) were a severe strain upon the members, and occasioned great irritation and ill-feeling.

The earliest practice in the Companies would appear to be that the Livery and their wives attending the feasts, paid a stipulated sum per head, and we know this by our records to have been so in our Company long before the time of Richard II. This custom was altered in later times, and we find that certain appointed entertainments were given on fixed days, to which all members were invited, and which were paid for by fines laid down upon admission to the freedom, and further fines on going on to the Livery and Court. In addition to this, each Liveryman had, in his turn, to serve “the office of Steward,” that is, to join with four or five others in providing the costs of certain dinners.[282]

[282] The office of Steward is not now served, but each Liveryman on admission pays a special fine of fifteen guineas in lieu, which is applied towards the cost of the entertainments.

The fees on admission into the Companies are greatly in excess of the ancient ones, and it is mainly from this source of revenue that the expenses of the feasts are now defrayed. It is so in the Barbers’ Company, but, if at any time these funds have temporarily been found insufficient for the purpose, they have been supplemented from a property, which is in no sense a Charity Estate, or subject to any trust whatsoever.

There have been and are, good men of business on the Courts, and by prudent investments of surplus funds derived from fees, fines, etc., a property has been created, which is exclusively their very own to deal with as they please. We have, amongst many others, the opinion of Lord Chancellor Selborne very decisively to this effect, and also one, which by the traducers of the Companies ought to be respected, for it is that of Sir Horace Davey, Q.C., who was consulted by the Livery Companies’ Commission--a Commission notoriously hostile to the guilds. Sir H. Davey stated that they would “not be justified in recommending that the corporate property of the Companies should be taken from them by the State.” He further reported that, such an act “would be an act of confiscation, and would not unreasonably shake the confidence of the owners of property in the security of the rights of property. It must be remembered that the Estates of these Companies have been recognised, and held by the Courts of Law, to be as much their property with a full right of disposition, as the property of individuals.” Truly, the Commissioners must have said to their legal adviser as Balak of old said to Baalam, “I took thee to curse mine enemies, and behold thou hast blessed them altogether!”

It is a pleasing characteristic of all true Englishmen that they love to meet together around a festive board; while their hospitality in inviting their friends, or the eminent and great in all sections of society to partake with them has happily not gone out of fashion, and, spite of the sour critics of the guilds, we fervently trust that it never may.

1388. In the return to a writ, 12th Richard II, the Masters of the Barbers certified, amongst other matters, that it was their practice “once a year to assemble to feast,” and that they had an ordinance by which none of the brotherhood were to pay more than 14d. each towards the feast.

10th May, 1435. Among the Ordinances of the Surgeons was one that each member was to “paie ʒeerli to the dyner of the craft that is to seie oonys aʒeer on the dai of Seint luke ech man lich mich whethir he be pˀsent or absent,” i.e., once a year on St. Luke’s day each man was to pay like much whether present or absent.

28th September, 1503. It was ordained that every member attending the dinner the day on which the Wardens were presented to the Lord Mayor was to pay 20d., and if he brought his wife with him, then 2s.

The Barber-Surgeons from the earliest times appear to have entertained the ladies at certain feasts, and their unique toast “The Good Wives, Merry Maids and Buxom Widows of the Worshipful Company of Barbers” is traditionally said to have had its origin in Elizabeth’s time.

14th May, 1530. The following is amongst the ordinances signed by Sir Thomas More at this date--

AND WHERE OF OLDE Custume yerely upon the Sondaye next ensuyng the ffeaste of Seynt Bartholomew the appostell[283] a dyner is kept and provyded for theym of the lyvery of the said Company in their Comen halle called Barbors hale AND ON the daye of saynt Cosme & Damian[284] yf it be not on the saterday a dynˀ for them of the same compani owt of the lyverey IT IS ordeyned and enacted that evˀy man that hathe been upper maister or upper Govˀnor of the said Company shall paye at and for the same dyner xij{d} for hymselff and viij{d} for his wyffe yff she come. And evˀy other man beying of the lyverey of the same Company shall paye in likewyse for hym selffe viij{d} and for his wyffe yff she come iiij{d.} Provided alwaye that the maisters or Govˀnors of the said Company for the tyme beyng shall paye nothing for their wyffꝭ comyng to the dyner for that yere fforasmoche as their Wyffꝭ must of necessitte be theire to helpe that evˀy thyng theire be sett in ordre. And that evˀy man of the said Company beyng owt of the lyverey shall pay at and for his dyner on the said morowe viij{d} and for his wyffe yff she come iiij{d.}

[283] 24th August. [284] 27th September.

8th July, 1552. The earliest entry in the Court Minutes on this subject is a doleful one, for it was ordered “That there shalbe no dynner kept this yere.”

19th September, 1552. William Bette was appointed “Cooke for the Hall,” and Steven Reede the “Butler.” John Edwards (a Freeman) was to supply the flowers on the feast days.

28th July, 1555. It was ordered that the Masters should have a yearly allowance of £7 for the Election dinner, and that none should be at the dinner but Liverymen.

22nd July, 1556. This allowance was increased to £13 6s. 8d.

20th February, 1567. Henry Smith, yeoman to Lord Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, was admitted to the freedom, and because he had been frankly and freely admitted to the freedom of the City at the suit of the Duke of Norfolk, the Marquess of Northampton and the Earl of Leicester, he paid nothing but 3s. 4d., and 4d. for entering his name--

but the same daye the saide Henry Smythe gave the M{r} & govˀnor{rs} and assystentˀ a dynar at his owne pˀpr coste & charges franckely and gratefully and also he hath forder more pˀmysed and graunted to geve one boock[285] of season to serve at the dynar upon the daye of the Electyon.

[285] Buck.

28th July, 1593. No greate dyner was agreed upon but a smale repast w{th} the allowance of xl{s} and nether wemen nor children to come to o{r} hall upon the daie of the newe ellec̃ion.

25th August, 1600. There having been abuses at the feasts, an order was made for their reformation which stated--

that the bodye of this Company hath susteyned much disparagement by reason that some of the livery and others noe white at all respectinge the worshipp of this Company have not onely by themselves but alsoe by their servants and apprentices disfurnished the tables att ffeastes whereat they have sitten to pleasure their private frendes contrary to all modestie and good government. Doe therefore order for reformac͠on thereof by the aucthoritye aforesaid That noe pˀson of the Lyvery of this Companye beinge not of the Assistaunce of the same, shall not att any tyme hereafter suffer any of his children frendes servants or apprentices to staye or attende uppon him or his wiefe att any ffeaste to be kepte in the saide Comon Hall [under a penalty of 6s. 8d.].

An order was also made that no Assistant should have more than one servant or apprentice to attend upon him and his wife at any feast.

21st January, 1601. Whereas by the death of Robert Gray late Cooke to this Company the house was unfurnished of a Cooke to serve the said mistery And therefore divers Cookes became this daie shewters to this Courte for the place of the said Robert Gray beinge then voyd, yet notwithstandinge forasmuch as Margaret Grey wiefe to the said Robert Grey became an humble Suter to the said Courte for the same place, it was ordered by the whole consente of this Courte That the said Margeret Grey be admitted Cooke to this Company duringe the tyme she shall well and honestlie and sufficientlie behave her selfe therin And she to receave such fee and salary therefore as at any tyme heretofore hath beene graunted to the said Robert Grey Provided allwaies that she finde all vessells belongeinge to a Cooke And that she execute the said place by a sufficient deputy beinge such a pˀsonn as the M{rs} of this Company for the tyme beinge shall like well of and shall thinke fitt.

Margery, however, does not seem to have “honestlie and sufficientlie behaved her selfe,” for as appears by an entry--

6th May, 1602. This daye Margery Grey late wyef to Robert Grey was dismissed from being any more Coocke to this Company for speciall causes to the M{rs} best knowen.

The Plague was raging severely in London in 1603, and the following precept was addressed to the Company, who however seem to have disregarded it, as the Election and Audit dinners were held this year. It is only fair, however, to state that the Court disbursed considerable sums of money amongst the poor stricken people.

13th April, 1603. BY THE MAIOR.

[Sidenote: To The M{r} and Wardens} of the Company of } Barbor Surgeons. }]

WHEREAS I and my Brethẽn thˀaldrẽn duely consideringe w{th} our seṽe had, the present infecc͠on of this Cittie liberties and Suburbs & the greate multitud of poore people w{ch} by reason of the said infecc͠on have theire howsees shut upp and restrayned as well from goeinge abroad as theire daylie trads and labors wherew{th} theie were accustomed to mayntaine themselves theire wieves and families and doe at this pˀsent by reason thereof endure greate wante and extremities Have thought fitt that all publique feastinge and com̃en dinners at every the severill Halles and Comˀn metings of corporac͠on and Companies w{th}in this Cittie shall duringe the tyme of gods visitac͠on amog̃e us be wholely forborne and left of. And that one third parte of the chardge and expenses intended to be bestowed and spent uppon the said feastinges and dinners shalbe whoelie bestowed and geven for and towardes the reliefe of the most miserable poore and needie pˀsons whose howse it shall please almighty god to visit Theis therefore in all xp̃ian Charitie shalbe to praie and desire you y{t} you take pˀnte order that from hencefort & duringe this pˀnte infecc͠on you wholely forbeare to keape any Comẽn feastinge or dinners at youre Hall orells wheare for the like purposes And that you take pnˀte order w{th} the Wardens of youre Companye and all such other of youre Company as should be at any chardge or yeald any contraᵬn[286] to any Comẽn feastes and Dinners for youre Companie duringe the same tyme to paie and contrabute one thirde parte thereof in readie money to some one honest and discrete person of your Companie whom you shall appoynte to receave the said some of money and to paie it ovˀ to one Robert fflecton Grocˀ noiãted and appoynted by mee & my Brethẽn the aldrẽn to be receaved from the Companies of such somes of money. All w{ch} somes of money shalbe from tyme to tyme wholelie and truelie distributed by order of mee and my Bretheren the aldrẽn amongst the most nedie and poore infected pˀsons YEOVEN at Guildhall this thirteenth daie of Aprill 1603.

[286] Contribution.


6th January, 1609. This daye it is ordered that none of the officers wyves shall at any tyme hereafter followe the M{rs} to places where they dyne w{th}out the M{rs} consentꝭ uppon payne of the M{rs} displeasures.

1609. The dinners were usually held on Election and Audit days, on Lord Mayor’s day, and after all public dissections, besides Committee dinners (which usually were at taverns), and this year it was ordered that a dinner was to be held on “Gunpowder Day.”

21st August, 1609. This day it was ordered that from henceforth all such as are of the Livery should give towardꝭ the charge of the musicke on the Election day vj{d} a peice which they then begun and confirmed.

The reason of the next order was, that in consequence of the poverty of the Company at this time, the usual allowance of £8 made by the Court towards the Mayor’s feast, could not be granted.

2nd October, 1610. At this Court Richard Cade & Richard Coopˀ whoe are appoynted for Stewardꝭ of the Mayors ffeast are contented at theire owne chardgꝭ to provide and make the same ffeast as fully as formˀly y{t} hath been, only this their provision for their quantitie of their messes are not to be soe many for that noe wyves nor guestꝭ are to be bydden or brought to the same ffeast.

18th September, 1611. Att this Court Sebright the Cook is dismissed from his place of beinge Cook to this howse as well for that he did dresse their last dynner very badlie as for his ill usage in speeches towardꝭ the maisters wyves and for dyvˀse other abuses by him heretofore committed.

2nd July, 1612. At this Court our M{r} & M{r} Warden Johnson moving this Court that the Barbors as well as the Surgeons might be bedden to the dynnˀs that are keept at the examinac͠on of surgeons whereupon it was at this Court ordered & agreed that as many of the Auntient M{rs} & govˀno{rs} being barbo{rs} should & shalbe bidde unto every such dynner as there shalbe Surgeons beinge examiners at evˀy such dynner.

21st January, 1613. It was ordered that the Master and Wardens, with four of the Ancient Masters, should for the “worship & credytt of this Company,” yearly go and visit the Lord Mayor at dinner, and that 20s. each should be allowed them for their “charges” of the same. This allowance of 20s. each was probably given to some officer of the Lord Mayor to secure his favour towards the Company.

6th February, 1613. An order was made that at the dinner after any private anatomy, any of the Livery, either Barbers or Surgeons, might come thereto on payment of 12d. each.

16th September, 1613. This daie it is thought fitt & ordered that the widdowes of this company w{ch} doe paie their quarterage shalbe bidden to the ffeastꝭ in the hall.

14th October, 1613. Att this Court it is ordered that such widdowes as have been masters wyves and doe keepe shoppes or bynd appnˀtices shall paye their quarteradge but for such as doe neither keepe shoppes nor bynd appnˀticꝭ they shall not paye any quarteradge And yet notw{th}standinge they shalbe bydden to the feastꝭ yerelie.

24th May, 1614. Whereas this Company hath receaved a preceptt from the lord Mayor of this citty forbidding thereby all superfluitie & excesse of Dyet at the ffeastꝭ of this company and thereby injoyning that such feastꝭ as accustomably have been made & provided by this Company shalbe hereafter keept more sparingly & frugally then in former tymes they have, Wherefore it is ordered that there shalbe keept & made on the ellection daie this yere ensuing a smale ellection dynner according to the tenor of the said precept.

25th August, 1614. The above precept soon being forgotten it was this day ordered--

that there shalbe kept an Auditt dynner in such manner & forme as formerlie in other yeares have byn accustomed. And such allowance as formerlie hath byn allowde is to be paid by the howse.

10th July, 1615. At this Court it is ordered that the Cooke shalbe removed & displaced from his place of beinge Cooke of this Companie not onely for that he hath abused and wronged manie who have byn M{rs} & Stewardꝭ of the feastꝭ in unsemelie wordꝭ but for a generall dislike taken against him by this howse & for not pˀforminge his office in such sorte as is right he shold & ought to doe.

1624. The funds being very low this year the Court held no election dinner, but regaled themselves with cakes and wine, and the following order was made for the Yeomanry:--

2nd September, 1624. This Court being moved whether the yeomanry of y{is} Compa. should hould any election dinner or noe. It is for the reason then shewne expressely ordered with a generall consent that the yeomanry shall onely keepe their Election as this Court lately did onely with Cakes and wyne and neither feast musick or sermon to be had at that time.

20th July, 1625. This daye the letter directed to this Companye from my lord Maio{r} of London in effect tending the prohibiting of publicke feastingꝭ in our Hall and the contributeing of those moneys that should be saved thereby the one halfe to be paid unto the chamber of London and the other halfe to the poore of our Companie, so hereupon it is ordered by this Courte y{t} Ten poundꝭ shalbe distributed to the poore of this Companie at the discretion of the present M{rs} & noe money at all to be paid into the Chamber of London.

10th July, 1628. This daye our M{r} propounding to this Court whether there should be a greate Election dinner or a small dinner or onely Cakes and wine upon the next Election daye for choise of new M{rs}, whereupon by most voyces it was ordered that there should be a greate Election dinner held this yeare and the allowance of xx{li} towardꝭ that charge to be defrayed.

28th January, 1631. This Court being informed of Swinnertons abusive and naughtie pewter from tyme to tyme brought to serve this Hall at feastꝭ doe dismisse him from serving that place any longer.

20th September, 1632. It is ordered by this Court that the Twoe Governo{rs} that are Surgians shalbe at the charge and give the venison that shalbe used at their solepñe[287] feasts and those twoe Governo{rs} Surgians and the other twoe Governo{rs} Barbars to paye joynetly & sevˀally share and share like amongst them 4 the charge for fees and fetching the venison soe to be brought to o{r} Hall.

[287] Solemn.

8th March, 1637. Whereas the Lord Windsor & S{r} Tho. Bludder brothers of this Company were invited to dine here when M{r} Die made his dinner that the fare was enlarged. It is ordered that that addic͠on of fare amounting to 50{s} shalbe allowed out of the stock.

6th April, 1638. Whereas the Companie intendeth to invite the Lords of y{e} privye Counsell & other Lords & pˀsons of state at the dedicac͠on of the Theater & first anatomicall publiqe opac͠ons[288] there It is ordered by this Court & theis pˀsons following were appointed to give their attendance in the Hall upper pˀlors & Theater at the enterteynment of the lords on mondaye next viz{t}

[288] Operations.

Edward Charley Edward ffleete } Henry Eaton Hen: Wateson } are appointed & have promised to Edward Arris Hen: Boone } attend on the Lords in Liverye Thomas Allen John Dorrell } gownes to carry up the Lords diett Lawrence Lowe John Lufkin } & attend them at dinner. Thomas Turner John Perkins }

M{r} Wateson to be Gentleman Sewer.

Thomas Browne to be Husher of the Hall.

John Perkins to be Groome of the Lords Chamber.

John ffoster to be Groome of the Hall.

Nathan: ffoster beadle to be attendant at the outer streete gate with a white staffe in his hand.

Also M{r} Joseph Coopˀ the Princes Cooke is desired to pˀvide messe of meate for the Lordꝭ diett in y{e} greate pˀlor.

The following expenses of this Entertainment are extracted from the Great Audit Book, the first item being probably a Committee dinner to settle details with Mr. Cooper, the King’s Cook.

1638. Paid by consent for a Dinner at the Dragon in Cheape 6 Aprill for the Companie and the princes Cooke ij{li} ij{s} iiij{d}


paid to the Butler for Lynnen and plate & Attendauc̃e v{li} paid to the Pewterer for hire of Pewter then v{li} Given to M{r} Cooper the Princes Cooke that dressed the Lords dynner v{li} paid to two Upholsters for the hier of stooles and chaire l{s} paid to the Vinctner for wine then viij{li} iij{s} paid to the princes Cooke for soe much disbursed by him for the Lords diett as to the Butcher Poulterer hearbewoomen fruiterer Grocer fishmonger and Under Cookes as by bill appeareth the som̃e of lviij{li} viij{s} paid to Stacke for a bushell of flower xj{s} vj{d} and 2 dozen of stale bread ij{s} xiij{s} vj{d} paid for faggottꝭ and Charcoales as by bill xxvj{s} vj{d} paid for stronge beare and six shillings beere by bill xxxv{s} and for carryinge in j{s} iiij{d} xxxvj{s} iiij{d} paid for hire of Venice glasses and pottꝭ &c and for those pottꝭ and glasses that were broaken xxxiiij{s} paid for 4{li} of double refined sugar viij{s} iiij{d} paid for 3 dossen of french bread iij{s} paid to the Waterman and Porter that brought the beere in Bottles from the Lord Chamberlaines v{s} paid for the hier of two Close stooles vj{s} viij{d} paid to the porter that brought a dozen of silver dishes from the Lord of Hollands xviij{d} paid to Tryman Payne his Scullery man ij{s} vj{d} paid to John Bludder of the Kings Wardrobe for bringinge and hanginge the great Parlour w{th} Tapestry xx{s} To John Bare my Lord Chamberlaynes Pantryman x{s} And to one of his Scullery men x{s} And to the Lady of Devonshires man that brought the silver dishes v{s} Paid for bread when the Lords dined there xij{s} ---------------------------- Summ̃. lxxxxiij{li} v{s} iiij{d} ============================

20th June, 1638. Upon the complaint of the losse of a silver spoone the last dinner in the Hall and diver other times napkins & pewter dishes this Court doth order that when dinner goes in, the outer Wickett doore shalbe alwayes locked & the key thereof brought in and layed by o{r} M{r} for the time being till dinner be ended & the plate naperye & dishes gathered up & soe discharged.

The next entry would seem to indicate that some previous gift for the purchase of books had unhappily been diverted into a wrong channel.

2nd March, 1640. £6 given by Mistress Napkin & Mistriss Eaton is absolutely ordered to buy bookes & not disbursed or dispended in Drinking.

The following circumstance is significant, as exactly one hundred years later the separation which Mr. Foster desired, and for which he got into trouble, became an accomplished fact.

6th November, 1645. Mr. Ralph Foster was complained of for refusing to make his dinner to the Court on his election as an Assistant, and he thereupon uttered certain speeches “tending to the separation of the Barbers from the Surgeons,” for which he was reprimanded, whereupon he promised to make his dinner and to say no more about disunion.

23rd October, 1649. Upon reading the precept requiring the Livery to attend the Lord Mayor Elect to Westminster in their Barge, it was ordered that the Livery should be warned to perform that service in accordance with old custom, and “that there be a ffeast at the Hall on that day for the said Livery, But in respect of the hardnes and troubles of the times this Court doth consent that there be noe second course and noe Woeman at the same ffeast.”

Among the Company’s archives are four books containing many details of the feasts held between the years 1676 and 1790. They appear to have been kept by the various cooks, probably under the direction of the Clerk, and the following gleanings from them will be found to be replete with interest.

The first entry is as follows--

July y{e} 4{th} 1676 for barber sirgons hall Cortt diner.

Leag of mutton boyld | Sallet | 8 harty Chockes for 2 S{r} Loyne of befe | Neack of Mutton | dishes Shoulder of Venison | 3 Chickens 3 Rabets | 2 small Dishes of frut

ffor a Leag of Mutton 0 3 4 ffor a Sirloyne of befe 0 9 0 ffor a Shoulder of venison 0 5 0 3 chickins 3 rabets 0 5 6 8 harty chockes 0 1 0 ffrut 0 3 6 fyring 0 3 0 3 pound of butter 0 1 6 veniger 0 0 3 peper & other spice 0 0 3 oyle & salt 0 0 6 Gallindine 0 0 6 4 Colliflouers 0 1 3 ffor dressing Diner 0 6 6

July y{e} 27{th} 1676 ffor y{e} Asestance & thar wivfes att barbar sirgons

ɫi. s. d. ffor 5 Dishis of Chickins Backon & Colliflours boyld 2 10 0 ffor a side of venison 1 4 0 ffor 3 Sir Loynes of befe 1 10 0 ffor 1 fore rebb for breackfast 0 8 0 ffor a neack of vele & muton 0 7 0 ffor 3 Grand Sallets 0 12 0 ffor puting 3 peces of venison in past 1 4 0 ffor 3 Dishis of geses 2 in a dish 0 18 0 ffor 3 made Dishis & 18 Chescaks 0 15 0 ffor 3 Dishis of Turkes & sas[289] 2 in a dish 0 18 0 ffor 3 Lumbard pyes 1 4 0 ffor 4 Dishis of Toung & udders 1 4 0 ffor 3 Custtords 0 12 0 ffor a firckin of Sturjon 2 0 0 ffor 4 Dishis of Chickins & pigons 1 4 0 ffor y{e} use of putter[290] 1 0 0 ffor wood and coles 0 12 0 ffor 3 Dishis of Tarts 1 1 0 ffor 3 Dishis of oringes & lemonds 0 7 6 ffor a small dish of frute 0 2 6 ffor worckmen & labarars and my owne paines 1 0 0 3 Dishis of frut 0 0 0 -------- 20 13 0 ========

[289] Turkeys and sauce. [290] Pewter.

The monthly dinners were very much after the foregoing Bill of fare, and the following extracts of some of the more interesting items are taken at random.

October, 1676. ffor 2 piges[291] 0 7 0 2 pullets rostted with saseges & oystters 0 5 0 ffor 3 Gallions of oysters 1 4 0 ffor 18 lb. of medling backon 0 12 0 ffor 8 lb. of lardin backon 0 5 4

[291] Pigs.

The dinner on Lord Mayor’s Day, 1676, cost £26 6s. 4d., this was exclusive of wine. The “buttered ale” on this occasion was compounded as follows--

1 C of Eages[292] & 8 Gallions of Ale 0 5 4 2 lb. of butter 0 1 2 8 lb. of sugar 0 4 0 1 ounce of nuttmages 0 0 5 ------- 0 10 11 =======

December, 1676. ffor 4 Duckes 0 4 8 January, 1677. ffor 1 quart of oyle 0 2 0 January, 1677. ffor 2 quarts of venigar 0 1 0 March, 1677. A quarttern of Smelts 0 2 0 18 whitting 0 1 6 a Jegett of mutton 0 4 6 6 capons 0 13 0 9 chickins 0 12 0 9 Rabets 0 6 0 7 Lobstars 0 9 4 a side of Lamb 0 5 6 ffor Lorell flouers & fenell 0 0 6 ffor flouer spice & Anchoves 0 1 6 May, 1677. ffor 2 Calfes heads 0 6 0 ffor 4 hundreds of sparagar 0 3 4 ffor 3 wasfalia hames 1 0 0

[292] Eggs.

Cucumbers under the designation of “cockinbers” and sometimes “cowcombers,” together with sorell, barbery, “samfer,” “lorell flouers,” capers, anchovies, oranges and lemons, “gallindene,” “carberys,” horse reddish, parsley, “red cabbeg,” etc., frequently occur at this period as being used for garnishes and in the preparation of the dinners.

March, 1678. ffor a Hole fresh Cod 0 14 0 ffor 12 teale and 3 docks[293] 0 15 9 ffor 4 quartes of oysters 0 8 0 ffor 3 dishis of pipins & Caraways 0 4 0 May, 1678. ffor 7 Grene geese 0 19 0 July, 1678. ffor 4 Battelia pyes 2 8 0 September, 1678. ffor a Maria puding 0 4 0 October, 1678. a dish of florindines 0 6 0

[293] Ducks.

The staple dishes about this period were--

Westphalia hams. Venison pasties. Sirloins of beef. Ribs of beef. Necks of veal and mutton. Rabbits. Boiled legs of pork. Capons and sausages. “Midlin” bacon. Pullets and oysters. Tongues and udders. Geese. Dishes of Pigeons. “Lumber” pies. Dishes of Turkeys. “Tansies.” Sturgeon. Cod. Ling. Eel pies. Dishes of tarts. “Maid dishes.” Apple pie. Dishes of fruit. Custards. Almond florandines. Mince pies. Oranges and lemons. Grand salads. French benes. Sparagrasse. Spinidge. Sprouts. Turnops. Colliflowers. Hartychockes.

The pudding now so well known at Barbers’ Hall as “Barbers’ pudding,” was originally “Maria pudding,” then “mara,” later on spelt “maro,” and finally “marrow pudding,” by which latter designation it is often now called.

September, 1684. ffor 8 oringes 0 1 8

Poultry seems to have been cheap, as for the election dinner in this year--

7 Geese were bought for 1 4 6 16 Turkeys " " 1 14 8 39 Chickens " " 1 19 0 90 Pigeons " " 1 6 3

The allowance to the “musick” at nearly every dinner was a shoulder of mutton, sometimes supplemented by two rabbits. The cost of “dressing” the monthly dinners was usually about 8s., and of the Election, Audit and quarterly Courts £1 10s. to £4.

May, 1685. ffor 2 dishes of Pidgon and Backon and spinig 0 16 0 2 dishes of Mackerell 0 6 0

August, 1687. This election dinner was a little above the average, the following being the details--

for a Brace of Bucks 8 13 0 for Putting them in 8 Pastyes 4 0 0 for 6 S{r} Loynes of Beef and a four rib for brakefast 3 4 0 4 Westfalia hams 1 11 0 7 Lumber pyes 2 16 0 7 Marrow puddings 1 15 0 7 Custarts 1 11 6 7 Dishes of Tarts 2 2 0 7 Dishes of Tonges and Udders 1 15 0 7 Gees 1 5 8 14 Torkeyes 1 11 6 45 Chickins 2 5 0 4 Dozen and 1/2 of Pidgeons 0 13 6 12 Partriges 0 12 0 a Shoulder of Mutton & 2 Rabits for the musick 0 5 0 12 pound of midling Bakon and Lard 0 8 0 24-1/2 pound of fresh butter 0 17 0 for Artechoaks Cabidg french beans Lawrell Parsly and herbs to garnish 0 9 0 flower Salt and Salt butter for the range 0 5 6 for Gallindine and Goos sace[294] 0 3 6 for Viniger 0 6 0 for Brooms packthread Candels and other things 0 1 0 Wood and coles 1 0 0 Kooks and Laberours and my own pains 3 0 0 2 pounds of Loaf Suger 2 0 0 -------- 40 6 8 ========

[294] Sauce.

May, 1688. Is the first mention of a “creem chees” 0 0 8

December, 1692. With the exceptions of ling, sturgeon, and salt fish with egg sauce, but little other fish appears to have been eaten. On this occasion, however, we find--

2 Dishis of fresh Cod Drest with Shrimps & Anchove Sawse 0 14 0 ffor 6 Whitings 0 2 0

October, 1693. Green peas are for the first time referred to amongst the vegetables, and, singularly enough, they only occur once in each year for many years, and then at the October dinners!

June, 1698. 2 pounds of fine powdered sugar for the Strawberrys 0 1 4

July, 1704.


A legg of mutton rosted 0 2 8 A buttered appel pye 0 3 0 Cheese to y{e} appel pye 0 0 2 3 Quartes of Coffee 0 3 0 -------- 0 8 10 ========

May, 1707. ffor 15 Mackril 0 10 0 16 Gooseberry tartes 0 8 0 Caper sauce for the mutton 0 1 0 April, 1708. A Frygusse of Lamb 0 6 0

20th September, 1709. It was ordered, in consequence of the great increase in the Livery, that there should be six instead of five stewards of the Mayor’s Feast to make the Livery dinner, and any liveryman chosen to the office and refusing to serve was to be prosecuted under the by-laws. The fine for not serving was £13 6s. 8d., and was invariably enforced, numerous cases of refusal being decided at law in favour of the Company. Six Whifflers were as usual, appointed “to be attendant upon the Govern{rs} at the Hall upon the next Lord Mayo{rs} day in comely & decent Apparrell with gilded Chaines & white Staves.”

6th November, 1717. In consequence of irregularities at the Lord Mayor’s feast, it was ordered that in future the Stewards should be prohibited from bringing their wives and friends to the dinner.

1721. The third dinner book opens with an account of the receipts of the Governors’ “Potation Money” for this year, amounting to £131 11s. 2d., the contributions being from Barbers one guinea, and from Surgeons two guineas each. This potation money was spent at the Mitre Tavern in Fleet Street, on ten Monthly Court dinners, which averaged the modest sum of £4 4s. apiece, and the remainder was disbursed about the election feast, wine and sundries.

The cost of the Mayor’s feast this year was £67 7s., and at this dinner was drunk a hogshead of port (query), six gallons of mountain, six gallons of white port, and three gallons of canary.

July 19th, 1722. At the ladies’ feast the following wine was drunk--

30 Gallons Red Port at 7s. 10 10 0 11 " Sherry at 7s. 3 17 0 7 " Canary at 7s. 2 9 0 5 " Rhenish at 7s. 1 15 0

and 4s. were expended on tobacco and pipes.

1726. The monthly Court dinners were held at the George and Vulture Tavern, nine of them costing in all £29 13s. 9d.

The Election dinner this year cost £91 8s. 0d.

And the Lord Mayor’s feast £72 1s. 10-1/2d.

June, 1729. The monthly Court dinner was held at “Vaux Hall.”

The accounts throughout the Third Dinner Book (1720-1740) appear to be much the same every year. First is a list of receipts for Potation Money, averaging about £100 per annum, then follow the allowances out of the same towards the Election dinner, the dressing it and use of pewter, about £19 in all, the payments for the monthly Court dinners (nine or ten at about £4 4s. each), and the expenses of the Election feasts, about £80 to £90 a piece.

The cost of the Lord Mayor’s feast, the Livery feast, and the Ladies’ feast, was borne by the Stewards.

There were gay doings at some of these dinners, as witness the following:

1726. Paid the Boy who danced the anticks at the Lady’s feast, 5s.

1727. By Cash paid the Butchers who played to the Company with their Marrow bones and cleavers on Lord Mayor’s day, 1s.

And there were sometimes rather shady doings after the dinners, thus:

10th July, 1729. Mem̃dm. M{r} Truelove & M{r} Fradin carried away y{e} next morning after y{e} feast four Dozen Quarts of Wine, One whole Venison pasty, One whole Goose, one whole fowl, & several lemons & sugar.

1st February, 1732. Mr. John Atkinson and the other Stewards of the Mayor’s feast, employed a cook of their own, and “did make a most scandalous Dinner for y{e} Co.,” whereupon order was given that in future no other than the “Standing Cooke” of the Company should be employed.

One is astounded at the quantity of wine which appears to have been imbibed at some of these dinners; take, for example, the following on Lord Mayor’s Day, 1735, and note that it is especially stated that the wine was “drank at the said feast”:

Paid for the following quantitys of wine provided for and drank at the said feast, viz{t.}

To M{r} Standert for 21 Gall Red Port 6 6 0 2 Gall Lisben 0 12 0 2 Gall Mountaine 0 12 0 2 Gall Canary 0 13 0 29 Bottles lost 0 4 10 To M{r} Gaywood for 20 Gall Red Port 6 0 0 2 Gall Mountaine 0 12 0 2 Gall Lisbone 0 12 0 2 Gall Canary 0 13 0 To M{r.} Pierce for 2 Gall Lisben 0 12 0 2 Gall Mountaine 0 12 0 2 Gall Canary 0 13 0 20 Gall Red Port 6 0 0

By the above account these thirsty old Barber-Surgeons seem to have consumed no less than 79 Gallons of wine at this dinner.

15th July, 1736. 56 gallons of wine were drunk at the Ladies’ feast.

21st July, 1726. It is order{d} That from henceforward at all publick Feasts or Dinners to be held or made at the Hall the Cook of the Company for the time being shall before he sends the Dinner into the Hall deliver to the Clark of the Company at his House his Messe of meat consisting of six compleat dishes according to the Ancient laws and usage of the Company in that behalf the same being the ancient ffee & Perquisite of the Clerk.

21st August, 1729. The above order was vacated in consequence of disputes as to the contents and number of the dishes supplied to the Clerk, and it was ordered that the Clerk should receive £5 5s. annually in lieu of his “messe of meat,” and also that he should dine at all the feasts “as he has always been accustomed to do.”

1st February, 1731. For the better regulating of the Ladys Feast It is ordered That every Member of the Court of Assistants shall besides his Lady and one daughter have three tickets to be delivered to such persons as they shall think fitt to be admitted to come and dance at the Hall at Five of the Clock on that day and that there shall be two Constables to attend at the Hall gate and see that nobody is admitted but with such Ticketts and that the Ticketts be made out by the Clerk of the Company and sealed with the Company’s seal.

The Summons to a Liveryman to take upon himself the office of Steward was of a very peremptory nature, as will be seen by the following:--


By order of the Ma{rs} or Gov{rs} of the Mystery & Comonalty of Barbers & Surgeons of London, I do hereby give you notice that you having been chosen & admitted of the Livery or Cloathing of the said Company, You are appointed by the Masters or Gov{rs} of the s{d} Comp{d} together with M{r.} Richard Penton M{r.} Joseph Griffin M{r.} Daniel Pengrove and M{r.} Joseph Mitchell who are also Liverymen of the said Company to make an Entertainment in the Com̄on Hall of the said Company situate in Monckwell Street in the Parish of Saint Olave Silver Street in the City of London for the Gov{rs} and Assistants of the s{d} Company commonly called the Livery Dinner on Teusday the 3{d} day of June 1735 at two of the Clock in the afternoon pursuant to a By law of the said Company in that behalf made & provided. And in case you shall neglect or refuse w{th}out reasonable Excuse to join together with the said M{r.} Richard Penton M{r.} Joseph Griffin M{r.} Daniel Pengrove and M{r.} Joseph Mitchell to made such Dinner on Teusday the 3{d} day of June next, or to contribute and pay your share and and proporc͠on of the charges thereof you will forfeit and pay to the said Ma{rs} or Gov{rs} of the s{d} Mystery and Comonalty to the use of the said Company the sum of £5. And I do hereby give you further notice That the gentlemen who are to join with you in making the said dinner will meet you at the George and Vulture Tavern in Saint Michael’s Alley in Cornhill in the City of London on Friday next being the 23rd day of this instant May at six of the clock in the afternoon to give the proper directions for the said dinner, at which time and place you are desired to attend for that purpose.

I am S{r} Your most obed{t.} humble Serv{t.} CHA: BERNARD Clerk to the s{d} Company.

Herewith you will receive a copy of the Bill of Fare or a Particular of w{ch} the s{d} Entertainment is to consist.

Barbers and } Surgeon’s Hall, } 22{d} May 1735

To M{r.} Cha: More.

28th May, 1741. By an order made this day in reference to the Ladies’ feast it was directed--

that the Entertainment shall continue no longer than twelve of the clock when there shall be no more Dancing but that the Musick be then dismissed and the Company depart.

28th August, 1741. The Court having taken into consideration the ill behaviour and abusive language of John Atkinson Distiller in White Chappell (a Liveryman of this Company) on the last day of Election, who in a most gross manner (in the Common Hall of this Company) the Master of the said Company did greatly insult and abuse and did otherwise very indecently and rudely behave to other Members of the Company whereby the Peace of the said Company then assembled was greatly disturbed, and being determined to put a stop to and prevent the like grievances for the future by punishing all such offendors herein ORDERED that the said John Atkinson be fined for such his ill behaviour to the Master the sum of 6{s} 8{d} and 10{s} for bringing in to Dinner on that day another person with him after having been acquainted by the Master that the same was contrary to the By laws of the said Company.

1745. It is noticeable that the Potation Money fell off on the separation of the Surgeons from the Barbers. During the three or four preceding years the amount had been steadily running down from an average of £105 to £57, and there seems to have been no Election or Livery Dinners this year, though the gallant Barbers did not forget the Ladies, for they gave them (and themselves) a dinner at a cost of £52 1s. 9d.

The Barbers, too, at this time do not seem to have drunk quite so much wine as the Barber-Surgeons did, and in the year 1747 is the first mention of Beer, when 12s. was paid for a barrel of small Beer for the Lord Mayor’s feast, and only 68 bottles of wine were consumed on this occasion.

Between the years 1750 and 1786 no records are kept of any but the Mayor’s feasts, though doubtless the Company did not fast during the intervals.

There is now a striking similarity in these dinner accounts year by year; usually there were six stewards each of whom provided, about the years 1775, and later on, no less than 53 bottles of wine each, thus emulating their predecessors the Barber-Surgeons; there are numerous references to these bottles as being quarts, so that about 80 gallons must have been drunk at each dinner. Happily, all this is now changed.

It is noticeable from the earliest times that the Company on every occasion of a feast, invariably hired their Pewter dishes and plates at great cost; it seems strange that this continual outlay should have been incurred, instead of keeping a stock of pewter.

1830 and 1831. Considerable difficulty had arisen for some years past in procuring Stewards for the Mayor’s feasts, and also in enforcing the fines for not serving, whereupon a resolution was passed that Liverymen refusing to pay the Steward’s fine would not be invited to the dinners, and would be declared ineligible to come on the Court.

The Court seem to have had grave doubts as to the efficacy of their By-Laws in recovering at law the Steward’s fines, and a case having been prepared it was submitted to Sir James Scarlett and to Sir Thomas Denman (the Attorney General). The opinion of the former eminent Counsel, dated 10th October, 1832, is set out in the minutes, and he appears to have been very clear that they would not be recoverable, whereupon the Court ordered a letter (of 16th October) to be addressed to the Livery, informing them of the difficulty which had arisen by reason of Liverymen refusing to serve as Stewards in their rotation (after having partaken of the hospitality of other Stewards in former years), and that in consequence thereof there would be no dinner that year. The day after this letter was sent out, Sir Thomas Denman’s opinion was handed in, and was to the opposite effect of that given by Sir James Scarlett! Since this period, and now, the Steward’s fine is paid on the admission of a Liveryman, and thus a source of constant annoyance is done away with.


The history of the acquisition by the Corporation of London and the City Guilds, of their estates in Ireland has been often related, and full accounts will be found in “Malcolm’s Londinium Redivivum,” “Herbert’s Livery Companies,” “Nicholl’s Ironmongers’ Company,” and other works; I shall, therefore, only treat of the subject so far as the Barber-Surgeons were concerned.

In 1609 when James I floated his Irish scheme, our Company seems to have been very loath to enter into it, as would appear by the insignificant subscriptions proffered by the Members (see page 473).

The difficulty which the Court foresaw in raising the £100 demanded in July, 1609, was endeavoured to be surmounted by the following ingenious proposition: there had been some previous forced loans to the King amounting to £123, for which the Company held the City’s bond, and as this was considered a doubtful asset, it was suggested that £100 thereof should be adventured on behalf of the Company; it is needless to say that this innocent suggestion was scouted, and a peremptory precept for the £100 delivered, whereupon the Court assessed the various members of the Company and with the greatest difficulty £30 was thus raised and a further sum of £90 later on. The Minutes referring to these transactions are especially worthy the perusal of those persons who claim the estates of the City Companies as being the “property of the people,” or as having been “left for the poor,” &c. We see by them that (in our Company certainly, and as doubtless an examination of records would show, in all other Companies) the purchase of these lands in Ireland was not only compulsory, but that it was made from moneys contributed by individual members for the most part, and the balance from the “Stock of the house,” this “Stock” being the floating funds in the Renter Warden’s hands, derived from admissions, fines, &c. We thus see that no “trust” money was used for the purchase, and that the estates are saddled with no trust whatever, but are held free, and by an infinitely better title as far as morality goes, to say nothing of legality, than many Estates in the hands of some of the aristocratic patrons of the busybodies bent on spoliation.

In January, 1611, the Company were commanded by precept to elect whether they would for their contribution accept a tract of land in Ulster, saddled with a condition to build upon it, or refer the letting of it to the Irish Society, whereupon they chose the latter, and in July following came a precept, for its morality worthy of the Land League, for it called upon the Wardens to pay down £60 more, or else to absolutely lose the £120 already contributed!

The doleful answer of the Court, dated 19th July, 1611, is deeply interesting, and we cannot but be touched by the wrongs under which they suffered, and which constrained them to write:--“we must be forced (yf there be lawfull authoritie to take awaye & compell o{r} Company) to loose the moneys we have alreadye disburssed.”

James, however, did not care much about the money the Company proposed to abandon; what he required was a further supply, and the proceedings thereupon are indicated by the Minute of 16th November, 1611. Shortly after, the Company wisely applied to “M{r} Recorder” to construe the answer, but even his skill and interest did not avail, for on 2nd July, 1612, it was agreed that the Master and Wardens should go before the Court of Aldermen, and “stand hardlie” against paying any more money, especially as they had not any security for what had been already advanced, and if committed, they were to go to prison, rather than pay the £30 demanded, with a proviso that directly they were imprisoned, the £30 was to be paid, and it was eventually paid.

In 1613, the Company made over their interest in the Irish Estate to one of the Wardens, Mr. Allen, but this arrangement was subsequently annulled.

Many more were the precepts, and the troubles in which the Company were involved, about this business, but it is satisfactory to record that in 1623 £11 9s. 6d. was received on account of rents, and in 1625 a further sum of £10 0s. 8d.

The Company were, and are still, associated in their Irish Estates with the Ironmongers’, Brewers’, Scriveners’, Coopers’, Pewterers’, and Carpenters’ Companies; but by far the largest proportion appertains to the Ironmongers, who have always managed the property.

In 1635, the Attorney General exhibited a Bill in the Star Chamber against all of the Companies to the intent that they should surrender up all their rights and evidences touching the Irish plantation, and on our Company taking Counsel’s opinion, they were advised to submit to this monstrous piece of injustice. Judgment was given in 1637, and the Irish property of all the Companies was seized into the King’s hands. One would have thought that this flagitious iniquity might have ended here, but by the decree of the Star Chamber, the Citizens, in addition to the loss of their Estates, were fined £8,000 to the King, and on the 8th November, 1638, our unhappy predecessors were assessed at, and had to pay £64 on this account, the Ironmongers paying £272, and other Companies according to their settled proportions.

Notwithstanding these high-handed proceedings, the Barber-Surgeons, ever ready to aid those in distress, voluntarily gave in 1642, what to them in those dire days of taxation was a munificent gift, namely £20, towards the relief of the poor Protestants in the north of Ireland, and they further raised, under compulsion, by the sale of their plate and the mortgage of their property, £400, which was “lent for the Relief of Ireland upon the faith and order of Parliament,” and not one penny of which was ever refunded!

The illegal seizures of the Irish lands in 1637 were set aside by Charles II, who, by his Charter, 10th April, 1662, restored and confirmed to the citizens all their former privileges and their possessions in Ireland, and thus our Company became repossessed of its original property there.

A little previous to 1840 communications passed between the Barbers and the Ironmongers’ Companies, in reference to an appointment which had been made by the latter Company, of Mr. Oseland as Manager of the associated estate at a salary of £400 per annum. This appointment seems to have been made without the knowledge or concurrence of the associated Companies, and led to some little friction, but it was no doubt a wise step, and appears, after various protests, to have been finally acquiesced in.

Our property known as the “Lizard Estate,” was on lease for lives, the sole surviving life being the then Bishop of Meath, who was 76 years of age. The Ironmongers, in the natural expectation of an early reversion to the estate, appointed Mr. Oseland to look after the Companies’ interests, and from the list of his duties it would seem that his office was no sinecure. The Bishop dying in 1840, the lease fell in, and there were various consultations among the Companies as to the advisability of a partition or a sale, or the granting of a fresh lease. The Scriveners alone desired a partition, the others were for keeping on the late under-lessees and tenants as tenants for a year until a course could be decided upon, and this was eventually agreed to, the Barbers recording in their books an expression of their sense of the wise manner in which the Ironmongers’ Company had managed the business.

One very important point discussed at Ironmongers’ Hall was that of the waste and dilapidations which had been suffered to accrue by the late lessee. These were estimated to amount to £5,000, and there was not the least question as to the right and power of the Companies to have enforced a claim in this respect, but they generously decided not even to present it; had the Companies been “trustees” they would have had no option but to have enforced their claim.

This action accords with the general liberal administration of Estates as pursued by the City guilds, and is another evidence (if, indeed, such evidence were wanting!) of the absence of greed and of the generous way in which tenants are treated by these bodies.

This Estate is subject to no trust whatever, it was purchased by the Company out of monies which they collected from individual members of the Guild, or by the sale of their plate, etc., and for many years it was unproductive. It is a portion of their private corporate estate, and no trust or charity suffered by this voluntary abandonment of a large sum to which they were entitled in lieu of the re-instatement of the dilapidation. The proceedings are all very fully set out in the Court Minutes for 1840, 1841, etc.

6th July, 1609. This daye M{r.} Leacock, M{r.} John Martin, M{r.} Thorney & M{r.} Peek accordinge to a pˀcept to the M{rs.} of this Company lately directed are by this Courte appoynted Committees for this Company to conferre w{th} the rest of the Committees of oth{r} Companies concerninge the intended plantac͠on in the Realme of Ireland And they are to make theire report to the next Courte of their proceedingꝭ therein.

26th July, 1609. This daie the precept directed from the Lord Maio{r} of this Citie to the M{rs} of this Company Concerninge a Contribution to be had from this Company towardꝭ the intended plantac͠on in his Ma{ties} realme of Ireland was read before the Lyvery of this Company and before the Assistantꝭ of the Yeomandry of this Company who being by the M{rs} demaunded by vertue of the said precept what they wold willingly Contribute towardꝭ the said service some of them proffered to Contribute as hereafter ensueth videliz{t} M{r.} Rodes xx{s.} M{r.} Mapes xx{s.} Mr{r.} Jenkins xx{s.} M{r.} Thorney xl{s.} M{r.} ffrederick xx{s.} Mr{r.} ffuller x{s.} M{r.} ffenton x{s.} M{r.} Kerrell xx{s.} John Udall v{s.} Robert Jennings v{s.} Dominick Lumley ij{s.} vj{d.} Andrew Mathew vj{s.} viij{d.} Thomas Homewood v{s.} Xpõfer Walton ij{s.} vj{d.} ffrauncis Rycraft ij{s.} Arthure Doughton ij{s.} George Pitts v{s.} Richard Daniell ij{s.} Richard Higgins iij{s.} iiij{d.} Symon Crosse ij{s.} Thomas Clarck ij{s.} and the rest of the Lyvery and assistauntꝭ of the yeomandrey then present refused to Contribute anything at all. Whereupon it was thought fitt by this Court that aswell the names of such as had proffered to contribute as aforesaid and their severall proffered contribuc͠ons also the names of those that refused to contribute shold accordinge to the said precept be certefyed in writing to the Lord Maior signifyeing further in the same Certificate that forasmuch as the Contribuc͠on menc͠oned in the said Certificate was very small w{ch} the M{rs} were very unwilling to present to his Lordship, the Company were contented if it might stand w{th} his Lo{ps} good pleasure to adventure C{li.} of the Cxxiij{li.} w{ch} is owinge unto them by the Cities bond, so that they might have a bill of Adventure for the same.

26th January, 1610. The above proposition not having been entertained, a further precept dated 9th January, 1610, was received, commanding the Company to furnish £100 and at this Court the same was considered when it was resolved that the common stock of the Company should contribute £25 and an assessment be made upon the members as follows: the Livery 20s., the Assistants of the Yeomanry 10s., Freemen 6s. 8d., Aliens 20s., and foreign brothers 15s. each, and by a later order each member of the Court was assessed at 20s.

22nd November, 1610. Great difficulty having been experienced in collecting these assessments, an order was made that any person neglecting to pay, should be forthwith dismissed out of the Livery or Court as the case might be.

18th January, 1611. A precept from the Lord Mayor having been read and debated, the following answer to the same was ordered to be sent--

Whereas wee the M{r} and Wardens of the Company of the Barbors & surgeons of London have receaved a Preceptt of the 14{th} of this present moneth from the right honˀable the Lord Mayo{r} of this Cittie requiring thereby to call together the Assistauntꝭ of o{r} said Company and to consider whether wee will accept a proportion of Landꝭ in the province of Ulster in liewe of o{r} moneys disburssed and thereon to buyld att our owne chardgꝭ as by the printed book of plantac͠on is required or ells to refeir the lettinge of the same Landꝭ unto the govˀnor & assistauntꝭ of the Companie: Soe ytt is, that accordingly we have called together o{r} Assistauntꝭ & consideringe the pˀmisses wee fynd that the payment of the taxac͠ons for this intent have been soe burthensome unto the body of o{r} Company that we are not able to take upon us any further chardge, having not as yet levyed the ffowerth pˀte of the paymˀtꝭ ymposed upon us, neither have we any hope to gather the same, And therefore rather chuse to refeir the lettinge of the said Landꝭ & committinge the business for o{r} pˀtꝭ to the discretion of the said govˀnor & assistauntꝭ for that purpose appoynted, hopinge by their good endeavo{rs} to receave such reasonable satisfaction for o{r} moneys alreadye disbursed as maye gyve good contentment to such of o{r} Company whoe have been chardged by o{r} Collections. And this have our Court of Assistauntꝭ fully agreed in such mannˀ as wee have before certified Given att o{r} Hall this xviij{th} of January 1610 (i.e., 1611).

23rd April, 1611. The Company paid in £30 to the Chamber of London, making £120 in all to this date.

18th July, 1611. A precept having been received from the Lord Mayor, calling upon the Wardens to pay £60 more, or else to lose the £120 already paid, the following answer was sent--

Whereas we the M{rs} & govˀno{rs} of the Company of Barbo{rs} & Surgeons of London have receaved from the right honˀable the Lord Mayor of this Cittie a preceptt of the xj{th} of this Instant moneth thereby comaundinge us to call together the Assistauntꝭ of o{r} said Company And then & there to tax the bodye of o{r} s{d} Company with the payment of 60{li} more towardꝭ the payment of 10000{li} for a new supplye for the plantac͠on in Ireland, And that we should advise thereupon and certefie in wrytinge to the govˀno{r} & assistantꝭ for the said plantac͠on on Saterdaie the 20{th} of this Instant month of July whether we will willinglie yelde to the said supplie of 10000{li} or we wilbe content to loose all such moneys as we have alreadye disburssed towardꝭ the said Plantac͠on and soe passe over o{r} right therein to those as will undertake this paym{t} and all other taxac͠ons & paymt{s} touchinge the same, Soe yt is we have called together o{r} Assistauntꝭ & we thinck that o{r} poore Company is put to a very hard choyce seeinge the collection of the formˀ paymˀtꝭ of 110{li}[295] have been soe burthensome unto us that the greatest nomber of o{r} Company have been readye to growe mutynous about the collection thereof neither cane wee as yett gather the same (we beinge out of o{r} owne purses for the last paym{t} w{ch} was disburssed) and nowe to loose all, except we will undergoe this newe taxac͠on of 60{li} the povˀtie of o{r} Company cannot beare ytt neither will yt stand w{th} o{r} Credytts to gyve awaie the moneyes we have collected from soe maney poore men who hoped (and the rather by o{r} pˀswasions) the company should receave in tyme great pˀffytt. And they themselves to be pˀtakers thereof to w{ch} intent they dide more willinglie undergoe the former taxac͠ons. And againe to drawe them to a chardge of a new taxac͠on when they shall understand the offer pˀposed in this pˀcept we thinck yt unpossible, neither can we tell howe to drawe them to paie any further taxac͠on then they shall willinglie consent unto because we have noe lawfull authoritie to compell them. Therefore rather then to be any further burthensome to the bodye of o{r} Company in any further taxac͠on towardꝭ the last supplie of 10000{li} we must be forced (yf there be lawfull authoritie to take awaye & compell o{r} Company) to loose the moneys we have alreadye disburssed & to leave our Interest unto such as wilbe contentede to undertake to dischardge o{r} Company of those paymˀtꝭ & taxac͠ons w{ch} we shall be hereafter chardged w{th}all, and shall gyve unto our Company such assurance for pˀformaunce of such condyc͠ons as we shall agree upon and our Counsell learned in the lawes shall devise & requier, whereby we may gyve some contentem{t} to those of our Company whoe have been herein chardged for we feare we shall never collect these moneyes w{ch} are yet behinde & unpaid for the last paym{t} when they shall here the money alreadye disburssed is lost & gyven awaie And to this have our Court of Assistantꝭ agreed Gyven und{r} o{r} hands the xix{th} of Julye 1611.

[295] Should be £120.

16th November, 1611. At this Court motion being made touching what answere this howse should gyve unto the Court of Aldermen about the payment of their money for the Irishe plantac͠on yt was ordered & decreed that the Company should not willinglie undergoe the paym{t} of any further taxac͠on but that rather they should loose all their moneys alreadye disbursed and thereupon yt was thought fitt the pˀnte M{rs} & govˀno{rs} together w{th} M{r.} Peck M{r.} Mapes M{r.} ffenton & M{r.} ffoster should goe againe before the Court of Aldermen to see yf they can gett the Company dischardged And if yt shall soe fall out that they or any of them shalbe comitted or shalbe put to any chardgꝭ touching this busynes this howse shall & will beare & dischardge the same.

2nd February, 1612. At this Court it is fully concluded that M{r.} Recorder shalbe dealt withall to construe our answere according to the Courtꝭ meaninge And that on tewsdaie next the M{rs} & Govˀno{rs} together w{th} M{r.} Peck M{r.} Mapes M{r.} ffenton & M{r} ffoster shall goe before the Court of Aldermen to intreat favo{r} in respect of their genˀall povˀtie of the Company w{ch} if the same will not prevayle then the Company shall bring with them their Councell to certefie that their answere is absolute & if that maye not be graunted then that they maye have a monethes lybertie either to provide some undertakers for them or ells by that tyme the Company will bring in their money w{ch} this Court doth agree unto that the howse shall beare ytt.

2nd July, 1612. This daye yt is likewise ordered that touchinge the paym{t} of the 30{li} w{ch} is to be paid for the Irishe plantac͠on That the present M{rs} shall demaund of the Comittees for the Irish plantac͠on what assurance this howse shall have for their money already disburssed & to disbursse and thereuppon to stand hardlie for that this Court thincketh yt not reason to pay there money for nothinge as yet assured. And if it be soe that the M{rs} shalbe threatned to be comitted to prison they shall rather be comitted to prison then to pay the money And if they be comitted then this howse dothe order that presentlie[296] uppon their comittment the M{rs} shall pay the same 30{li} out of the stock of this howse.

[296] i.e., directly.

20th July, 1612. In the motion touching the paym{t} of xxx{li} pˀcell of the lx{li} w{ch} the Company is to paie towardꝭ the Irishe plantac͠on Itt is ordered by this Court that the same xxx{li} shalbe paid in by the howse and the M{rs} w{th} M{r.} ffrederick are to deale w{th} the Comittees to see what assurance they shall have for their moneyes disburssed.

17th September, 1612. It was agreed by the Court to pass away all the Company’s interest in the Irish estate to Mr. Abraham Allen, Warden, he undertaking by deed to bear all further impositions or taxations made upon the Company in respect of the Irish business.

15th July, 1613. This daie it is ordered upon a motion made by o{r} Master to this Court touching what course they shall take for Ireland business for that they are now called unto for payment of 60{li} wherefore upon a genˀall consent of this Court it is ordered that M{r} Warden Allen shall lose the 30{li} w{ch} he hath already disburssed & that he shall disburse the said 60{li} now called for, and if he shall not be contented to goe forward w{th} the bargaine w{ch} he formˀly made w{th} the Company but rather to loose the said 30{li} w{ch} he hath formˀly paid That then he loosing the said 30{li} already disburssed shalbe upon & after the audytt daye repaid the said 60{li} w{ch} he is now to disbursse.

17th January, 1614. Att this Court it is ordered that the 30{li} w{ch} the Company is chardged by preceptt to paie towardꝭ the Irish Plantation on the first daie of ffebruary next shalbe paid in according to the said preceptt and shalbe allowed out of the stock of this howse.

2nd February, 1614. At this Court the M{rs} propounding unto this Court what conference did passe between the Company of Irenmongers & themselves desiring this pˀnte Court to certefie their opinions what course this company shall take in the Irish busines, whether they shall either hold the proportion of landꝭ allotted to this Company & the Company of Iremongers joyntlie w{th} the Iremongers Or otherwise seeke that a devision maybe made of such portion as to this company belongeth & soe to hold the same in sevˀaltye Whereupon this Court did agree that this Company shall goe hand in hand joyntlie w{th} thother companies awhile And hereafter to seeke for a devision as occasion shalbe offered.

24th May, 1614. Att this Court it is ordered that M{r} Abraham Allen shall have noe part of the xxx{li} w{ch} he hath paid to this company redelivˀed him againe.

19th January, 1615. On receipt of a precept, dated 11th January, ordering a further contribution of £45, it was directed that the same should be paid.

13th September, 1615. £30 more was ordered to be paid in.

29th December, 1615. At this Court the Wardens of the yeomanrey made knowne unto the M{rs} that the yeomanrey were contented to gyve to the howse 30{li} towardes the Irish plantac͠on.

27th May, 1616. At this Court it is ordered that what monie is or shalbe demaunded by the Company of Iremongers to be paid unto them from or by this Companie towardꝭ the charge of buildingꝭ or other charges in Ireland shalbe deteyned in this howses handꝭ untell this Companie shall have receaved order from o{r} M{r} M{r} Alderman Probie for payment thereof And that he shall see it fitt & expedient the same shalbe paid.

27th January, 1617. fforasmuch as this Companie have no assuraunce of the Irish Landꝭ for their monie disburssed for Ireland It is therefore ordered by this Court that this Companie shalbe suters unto the Governor & Comittees for the plantac͠on of the Irish landꝭ to thentent this Companie maie have a perpetuitie in the Irish plantac͠on aswell as the Companie of Iremongers under whose lott o{r} Companie have fallen Accordinglie & in such sorte as the Carpenters & other the inferior Companies joyned w{th} them doe now sue for.

19th March, 1635. The Company contributed their proportion of the expenses incurred by the City Companies in defending the suit against them in the Star Chamber, as also a sum of money towards the erection of a church in Ulster.

The Copye of S{r} John Bancks his letter he being his Ma{ts} Attorney Generall sent to the Companie of Ironmongers that they should with the Associate Companies surrender up their right together with their evidences concerning the plantac͠on in Ireland was here reade and for answere thereunto this Court doth referre to the advice of M{r} Bierly Councello{r} at Lawe w{ch} is to surrender up o{r} right.

8th November, 1638. Judgment being given against the Companies whereby they forfeited all their lands in Ireland, the City was fined £8,000 to the King “for the losse of o{r} landꝭ in Ireland by the late decree of Starrchamber,” to which fine the Barber-Surgeons were compelled to contribute £64.

10th February, 1642. Alsoe was read to this Court the Lord Maiors letter concerning reliefe of the Protestants in Ireland in the City of London Derry this Court doth order 100{li} to be given towards theire releife presently.

7th March, 1642. It is ordered that xx{li} shalbe presently payd over towards the releife of London Derry and noe more at the present.

Alsoe it is ordered that there shalbe CC{li} given towards the releife of Ireland generally to have a thousand Acres upon the stateing of the Kingdome according to the Act of Parliament lately made, and that CC{li} to be payd according to the provision in that Act by 50{li} downe presently and the remainder at 3 monethes.

9th June, 1642. It was agreed to Lend £800 to the Releife of Ireland [at 8 per cent. Interest] upon the faith and order of the Parliament.

31st October, 1642. The Company having agreed to lend this £800 could not find the money, and so petitioned to lend but £400; even this they had a great difficulty about, having to sell their plate (except Henry VIII’s cup) to enable them to raise the money.

16th July, 1724. The Court having been informed that a lease had been agreed to be granted by the Ironmongers of the Manor of Lizard, of which they were seized in trust for this Company as to the sum of £350 (part of the sum of £5,000 being the whole purchase money originally given for that estate), and that a person had bid £12,800 for a lease of the estate for 41 years and had deposited one-third of that amount with the Ironmongers’ Company. It was ordered that the Clerk should wait upon the Clerk of the Ironmongers and get what particulars he could as to the respective shares of the associated Companies, with a list of the tenants’ names and rentals, and it was further ordered that this Company’s proportion of the fine agreed to be given for the lease should be invested in South Sea annuities.

3rd December, 1765. The Ironmongers’ Company having proposed that the associated Companies should purchase the tithes arising from the lands called Aghwey, in Ireland, the same was considered by the Court and agreed to, this Company’s proportion of the purchase money being about £80.

10th November, 1766. The Clerk reported that he had received from the Ironmongers £1,377 16s. 10d. for this Company’s share of the fine of the lease granted to Mr. Josias Dupre and for rents and dividends due in October last.

10th August, 1775. The Company agreed to contribute £100 towards rebuilding the Church of Desertoghill in Ireland.


FERBRAS’ CHARITY.--Mr. Robert Ferbras, Citizen and Barber-Surgeon, by his Will, dated 2nd December, 1470 (see p. 161), devised two Freehold Houses in the Parish of St. John, Walbrook, London, to the Company, upon Trust after doing the repairs, to divide one moiety of the surplus receipts among poor Members of the Company, which are distributed Quarterly among 28 poor Freemen and Widows.

N.B.--The above houses have been taken down and sold, and the proceeds invested in the purchase of the moiety of a Freehold House, No. 69, Leadenhall Street, and of a Freehold House, No. 57, Lansdown Road, Notting Hill.

BANCKS’ GIFT.--Mr. Thomas Bancks, by his Will, dated 15th October, 1595, gave to the Company an Annuity of Twenty Shillings, on condition that they should yearly distribute equally amongst 12 poor people of the Company, 12 Twopenny Loaves, 6 Stone of Beef, and Two Shillings in Money. And Mr. JOHN BANCKS, his Son, by indenture, dated the 20th May, 1619, also gave an Annuity of Twenty Shillings, to be distributed in the same manner and on the same day as his Father’s Charity.

N.B.--This Charity is now administered by the Mercers’ Company, under an order of the Court of Chancery. The estate consists of Freehold Property at Holloway, the income from which amounts to about £40 per annum, and is distributed half-yearly in July and January among poor Members of the Company.

BAKER’S GIFT.--Mr. Alexander Baker, by his Will, dated the 25th of September, 1835, gave to the Company an Annuity of Three Pounds charged upon a Freehold House, No. 195, Upper Thames Street, to be yearly distributed to Six decayed Freemen of the Company, which is done on the first Tuesday in July.

Mr. MICHAEL I’ANS’ CHARITY.--Mr. Michael I’Ans, by his Will, dated the 21st of August, 1759, gave to the Company Two Thousand Pounds, the interest of which he directed to be applied and distributed among 20 poor Liverymen’s Widows of the Company. And Mr. JOHN DRIVER, by his Will, dated the 15th of February, 1810, gave the sum of Twenty Pounds to be applied in addition to the said Gift.

N.B.--This Fund, with accumulations, now consists of £4,759 18s. 7d. Consols, the Dividends of which are distributed half-yearly to twenty poor Widows of Liverymen of the Company, on the first Tuesdays in February and August.

DECAYED LIVERYMEN’S FUND.--The Court of Assistants, by an Order of Court, dated the 3rd day of June, 1823, set apart from the Funds of the Company the sum of Nine Hundred Pounds, Old South Sea Annuities, for the purpose of forming a fund for the Relief of Decayed Liverymen of the Company; the Dividends whereof are distributed, half-yearly, amongst Seven Poor Liverymen of the Company, on the first Tuesdays in May and November.

N.B.--The Old South Sea Annuities having been paid off, the proceeds were invested in the purchase of a Freehold House, No. 46, Church Street, Minories. The Fund, with accumulations, now consists of £876 7s. 8d. Consols.

Mr. THOMAS KIDDER, one of the Court of Assistants, by his Will, dated the 18th of December, 1828, gave unto the Master and Wardens One Hundred Pounds, Three per Cent. Consolidated Annuities, and directed the interest to be applied for the relief of one poor Freeman’s Widow of the Company for ever, on the first Tuesday in February and August.

Mr. THOMAS COTTRELL’S CHARITY.--Mr. Thomas Cottrell, by his Will, dated 28th of January, 1833, gave to the Company, Three Thousand Three Hundred and Thirty-three Pounds Six Shillings and Eight Pence, Three per Cent. Consols, subject to the Legacy Duty, the Dividends to be equally divided between 25 Widows of Decayed Liverymen of the Company, which are distributed on the first Tuesdays in February and August.

N.B.--This Fund, with accumulations, now consists of £3,100 Consols.

Mr. WILLIAM LONG’S CHARITY.--Mr. William Long, by his Will, dated 7th July, 1834, gave to the Company, One Thousand Pounds, Three per Cent. Consolidated Bank Annuities, and he directed one Moiety of the Dividends thereof to be paid half-yearly unto so many of the poor Liverymen as the Company should appoint to receive the same, and the other moiety thereof he directed to be paid half-yearly among 20 poor widows of Liverymen of the Company, in like manner as Mr. Michael I’Ans’ Charity is disposed of.

N.B.--This Fund, with accumulations, now consists of £1,045 Consols.

Mr. MALCOLM DUNNETT’S CHARITY.--Mr. Malcolm Dunnett, by his Will, dated 30th August, 1842, gave to the Company the sum of Two Hundred Pounds, Three per Cent. Reduced Annuities, to be applied by the Company for the Support of Decayed Liverymen, preference being at all times given to the two Senior Liverymen of the Company who shall apply for relief, and be in addition to any other aid which they would otherwise be entitled to receive from any other Charitable Fund of the Company. This Charity is distributed on the first Tuesdays in May and November.

Mr. PETER SKIPPER’S CHARITY.--Mr. Peter Skipper, by his Will, dated 25th of September, 1846, gave One Hundred Pounds, free of Legacy Duty, in aid of the Decayed Livery Fund, with which Charity the amount is now amalgamated.

Mr. PHILIP LAWTON’S CHARITY.--Mr. Philip Lawton, by his Will, proved 13th August, 1856, gave Five Hundred Pounds, less Legacy Duty, upon Trust to pay the Interest and Dividends to poor Decayed Liverymen and Freemen or their Widows.

N.B.--This Fund now consists of the sum of £477 9s. Consols.

ALMS HOUSE FUND AND Mr. JOHN ATKINSON’S CHARITIES.--The Court of Assistants, by a resolution dated 7th August, 1855, established a Fund for the Erection and Endowment of Alms Houses for Decayed members of the Company and their Widows.

Mr. JOHN ATKINSON, by Deed dated 4th November, 1856, and enrolled, conveyed to the Company Ten Freehold Houses, situate in Cross Keys Court and Half Moon Alley, Cripplegate, London, upon trust to apply the rents and profits thereof in aid of the Alms House Fund. These houses have been taken by the Metropolitan Railway, and the purchase-money was invested in the purchase of £998 12s. 3d. Consols. The Consols have been sold and the proceeds invested in the purchase of Freehold Houses, Nos. 53, 55, and 59, Lansdown Road, Notting Hill. In addition to the above, there is an accumulated Fund consisting of £1,095 2s. 6d. Consols, £419 15s. 7d. New 2-1/2 per Cent. Annuities, and there is a cash balance to the credit of the Fund of £84 12s. 4d.

Mr. JOHN ATKINSON, on the 5th February, 1861, presented the sum of One Hundred Pounds Consols to the Company, the interest thereof to be employed in the purchase of Bibles and prayer books for distribution amongst the poor members of the Company.

Mr. JOHN ATKINSON, by his Will, dated 30th of August, 1858, bequeathed the residue of his personal estate to Trustees therein named, upon Trust, after the death of his wife, daughter, brother, sister, and nephews, to transfer the Stocks, Funds, and Securities whereon the same should be invested to the Masters and Governors of the Company, upon Trust, to found and establish an Institution to be called “The Barbers’ Asylum,” the interest thereof to be applied for the lodging, maintenance, and education of the poor Members of the Company and their Widows and Children.


There is amongst the Records a small folio volume which opens with an undated inventory of the Company’s effects, most probably taken in 1710. Following are inventories spreading over thirty-three years until 1745.

There is much similarity in all of these, and we shall take one of them, that for the year 1728, as an example.

In 1711 there seem to have been two corporate seals, one of steel and another of silver; there was also “a mould with the Company’s arms by w{ch} the Iron Backs were made”; this handsome mould is still preserved over the chimney-piece in the entrance lobby, and an old “iron back” cast from it is built into the wall of the courtyard opposite the entrance door.

A TRUE & PERFECT INVENTORY of the Goods and Chattels Plate Household Stuff & other things belonging to the Worshipfull Company of BARBERS & SURGEONS of London taken the 11{th} of September 1728 M{R} JANUARY FARMER Master M{r} James Fern M{r} John Nicholls & Ambrose Dickins Esq{r} his Majesty’s Serjeant Surgeon, Wardens.


A chimney piece of Assistants Arms & three Sheilds over it. Four Spanish tables & a footstep. One great Russia leather Chair for y{e} Master. 30 other Russia chairs. One pair Bellows. One Turkey workˀt carpett. A brass hearth peice & shovell & tongs with brass heads. A painted Sale Cloath to cover the hearth. One green bays carpett. M{r} Lisle’s picture. M{r} Skinner’s picture. King Henry y{e} 8{ths} picture. Sir John Frederick’s picture. King Charles the Second’s picture. Sir Charles Scarborough & M{r} Alderman Arris’s pictures. Four double glass sconces & two single ones. Two candlesticks with wax candles. A Table of the masters names.[297] D{r} Tyson’s picture. Serj{t} Bernard’s picture. M{r} Johnson’s picture. M{r} Inigo Jones’s picture. A large steel engine with a wooden frame for y{e} Co{s} seal. 3 Cane Sashes for y{e} Windows. 3 most noble Window Curtains in fflorence Persian Silk. Two Spanish Pictures. A fine clock. A large gilt leather screen with 8 folds & the Companys arms painted upon it. A wooden stand for y{e} Chamber pott. Six cushions.

[297] Now in the Ante Room at the Hall.


One Box for y{e} Poor. 3 Standishes. One Hammer. Two Testaments. One Bell. One Balloting Box & Balls.


Two Staves with y{e} Companys arms & crest in Silver. Two Beadles gowns purchased by the Company.


One Spanish Table. A tortoise shell the gift A Table of orders. of M{r} Henry Boone. 3 Brass Sconces. Two new tables. 3 Tressells & a bench y{t} 6 Leather chairs. goes under the wall. Two new benches. An Elks head.


One Turkey workt Elbow chair. One folding table. One large brass hearth piece & a pair of tongs fire shovell & Dogs with fine brass heads. M{r} Ferne’s Picture. A picture of the Prince Elector Palatine. A looking glass over the chimney. 30 other Turkey worked chairs. A green cloth carpett. M{r} Thomas Allen’s picture. One painted sale Cloth & a marble slabb. King Charles the Seconds picture.


Three green & white Window Curtains & curtain rods.


Two Elbow chairs. A little table. The figures of the Muscles. 15 old Turkey worked chairs. A large iron hearth piece with shovell & tongs. A skeleton frame with black curtains around it, a pulley & cord, a skeleton. 20 cain bottom chairs. A Scrutore.[298] A print of a Skeleton. An iron back.

[298] Called elsewhere an “Escrutore.”


One skeleton in a frame. Two muscular figures finely painted in gilt frames. Two humane skins on figures of wood. Two figures of Angels presenting a Garland. Two skulls the one a Mummy the other a Moss with seven other figures. King Charles the first’s head in stone. A Skeleton in a frame the gift of M{r} Knowles. A green velvet cushion for the Anatomy Reader. One cedar table & cover. One new skeleton pendent from the Center of the Roof. One figure of anatomy in a frame. Two pair of green window curtains.


The Company’s seal. A great chest with several Charters & by laws & other writeings.


Three great tables. 11 forms beside benches and footstep to y{e} Masters chair. Two sheilds fixed to y{e} Screen. One large ensign of green & white. Two large green streamers. Two Green bays carpetts. Two green Kidderminster curtains. A table of the Examined Surgeons & Examiners. A table of officers ffees. A squabb going round the Halfe moon table[299] & one small one for y{e} Mas{rs} seat. A long moveable table for the Hall. Two Banners, the King’s Arms & y{e} City’s arms. A wainscoat desk. A clock the gift of M{r} Henry Carter. A glass Lanthorne.

[299] This half-moon table stood at the upper end of the Hall in the bastion, where the Masters and Court sat.


One table. 8 great staves for y{e} fflags. Two forms.


One dresser. One table & two shelves.


Three dresser boards. 10 large spitts & one little One form. one. 2 large iron racks. One iron fender. Two iron dripping pans. Two peels. A 1/2 hundred iron weight. One chopping block. 8 Shelves. 3 Iron oven lids. 3 Irons in Stewing places. One new peele.


Two rounds of Shelves & a dresser round it.


A leaden cistern & a leaden pipe going up to it.


Nine dozen & 11 plates. 7 saucers. Two pewter basons. Three great flaggons. Four pye plates. One iron hearth for charcoal. Ten brass candlesticks. Two pair of snuffers. An earthen monteth. One beer still & a plate rack. Eighteen brass sconces for A charger. the Theatre. Two chamber potts. seven salvers.


A Binn for bread. 3 Shelves. A dressing board. 3 Shelves in the Cupboard. 4 little bottles for oyl & vinegar. 1 doz 4 Water glasses. 2 doz & 11 Wine glasses. 7 stone muggs. 3 small beer glasses. 2 flower potts. 3 Stone bottles. 2 knife basketts. A painted Sale cloth. A bench.


Two dozen & a halfe of black handled knives & forks with a box to put them in. 1 Dozen and a halfe of Oyster knives. 30 White handled knives & forks ivory. 4 voiders. A flaskett.


A leaden cistern. A pipe to lead the water from the street through the Beadles Cellar into y{e} Clarks yard & so through y{e} Companys into y{e} Kitchin. One large chest to putt the candles in. One clock in a case. 4 new pepper castors.


oz. dwt. Eighteen silver spoons wt. 43 6 another silver spoon 6 0 One Bason the gift of M{r} Robert Andrews 74-3/4 0 One Ewer the gift of M{r} Tho{s} Collins 54 10 King Henry y{e} 8{ths} cup & cover 26-1/2 0 King Charles the 2{ds} cup & cover 62-1/2 0 A punch Bowl the gift of Queen Anne at the request of M{r} Serjeant Bernard then Mas{r} of this Corporation 160 0


The gifts of the several pˀsons following, viz{t} Sir John Frederick 38 10 Martin Brown Esq{r} 45 10 M{r} Tho{s} Bell 65 0 M{r} Tho{s} Bowden 38 0


The gift of Alderman Arris weighing viz{t} oz. dwt. First 9 8 Second 9 8 Third 8 6 fourth 6 15


The gifts of the several pˀsons following, viz{t} The first of M{r} John Dorrington 39 0 The second of M{r} George Gray 37 2 The third of M{r} Abraham Deviatt 23 0 The fourth of M{r} Thomas Fothergill 24 15 The fifth of M{rs} Eliz. Clarke 17 10 The sixth of M{r} Abraham Perrott 26 15 The seventh of M{r} Edward Arris 26 15


First 45 0 Second 37 0 Third 38 0 One small salt 3 11 Four coronetts 26-3/4 0

A voider the gift of M{r} Thos Gill. An Iron Chest to putt the plate in.


1 Dozen & 2 Huckaback Towells. 1 Dozen & one old odd towells. 11 Dozen & 4 napkins. 8 Holland sheets. 1 Large diaper towell. 4 side board cloths. 1 Dozen & 8 oyster cloths. 11 Table cloths & the chest they lye in.


Two ladders one great one & one small one. 24 Bucketts with the Companys arms on them. 4 Settles.


The Rich cloth that lies over the Anatomy. A black coffin cloth. 19 flatt caps. 19 Dimothy waistcoats. 19 Badges & the Readers Robes.


A pewter cistern & a leaden laver. An anatomy chest. A table to dissect on & a hatch for y{e} Theatre door. In the Closetts 2 Drawers & two planks to stand on.


The Barber-Surgeons’ Company has at various periods in its history possessed large quantities of plate, a great deal of which is now unfortunately lost to us, most of it having been parted with during the troublous times of the seventeenth century, when the money demands made upon the Company necessitated its sale. We have however, been fortunate in preserving some very distinctive and beautiful plate, among which are no less than three Royal gifts from Sovereigns of England, viz., Henry VIII, Charles II, and Anne.

Throughout our Minutes are numerous references to gifts and purchases of plate; some of these will be found elsewhere in this work, and the following extracts in particular referring to this subject, are additional examples.

14th December, 1557. The same daye beyng The xiiij{th} daye of Descember in An{o} Dñ 1557 and fourth and fyfte yeares of the Raignes of Kynge Phyllippe and Quene Marys Most Noble gracꝭ It ys Condescended and Agreed by the m{r} and Govˀnors and w{th} thassent of all the Assystaunce of the howse whose Names are before Nomynated and Wrytten That M{r} Thomas Vycary shall paye and dyscharge the Debtꝭ of the howse w{ch} rest unpayde and the saide M{r} Vycary shall have the plate of the Crafte in pawne or pledge Untyll suche tyme as the sayde sum̃es of monye be un to hym Repayde agayne.

7th December, 1581. It was agreed that the som̃e of xl{li} shalbe diffrayed and laid owte of the stock of the howse to buy plate viz. one nest of pots one nest of booles, and in v gilt spones to make up one dozen, and in exchange of a silver pot geven unto the Companie by M{r} George Corrons[300] who depˀted his lief beinge m{r} of the companie.

[300] Master 1575.

10th March, 1599. Richard Larden on being admitted to the Livery presented one “beaker of silver pˀcell gylt.”

15th April, 1600. John Robson being made free made a similar gift, as also, 3rd June, 1600, did Walter Meeke on the like occasion.

16th August, 1602. This daie John Izard[301] presented to this Courte one litle columpne salte w{th} a Cover of silver and guylte and prayeth to be discharged from bearinge the office of M{r} of this Companye which guyfte was loveinglye accepted and his requeste willingely graunted.

[301] Warden 1590, 1593, 1596.

19th July, 1603. Nicholas Kellaway (Assistant) presented two standing cups of silver, to be discharged the office of Steward of the Mayor’s feast.

8th November, 1604. This daie it is ordered that M{r} Johnsons[302] Cupp and Cover the three Beakers and M{r} Sprignalls[303] and M{r} Shirlockꝭ Cup and Cover shalbe pˀntly[304] altered unto such servisable plate as the M{rs} shall thinke fyt.

[302] Master 1543. [303] Master 1554. [304] Presently--at once.

31st May, 1608. The executors of Nicholas Kellaway delivered to the Wardens “one uprighte Bowle of silver duble gylt.”

9th February, 1612. This daie it is agreed that the som̃e of x{li} or xx mˀkes shall be layed out to bye 3 cupes w{th} the name of M{r} Bird[305] thereon to be engraved.

[305] Master 1590.

22nd August, 1614. This daie Peter Thorney brought in & delyvered unto this Court two spout pottꝭ the one all guilt the other pˀcell guilt of the valew of twentie poundꝭ w{ch} were gyven by the last will of M{r} Thomas Thorney[306] deceassed w{ch} pottꝭ were thanckfullie receaved.

[306] Master 1602.

4th October, 1614. Mr. Ralph Bovey[307] gave, in lieu of fining for three Warden’s places, “one fayre quart spout pott pˀcell guilt.”

[307] Master 1617.

12th February, 1616. Mr. Isaac Allen gave a standing cup and cover value 20 nobles to be excused coming on the Livery or bearing any office.

2nd July, 1622. Edward Kellet gave a “fayre mounsier bowle guilt” to be discharged of his place in the livery.

17th October, 1622. Mr. Gillam gave “three saltꝭ white” of the value of £12 10s.

9th November, 1628. Bartholomew Vanderlashe, a German professing Surgery, gave a standing cup and cover gilt weighing 23 ozs.

2nd December, 1630. This daie this Court takeing into their considerations of that affectionate love of M{r} John Bancks late Cittizen and Mercer of London deceased, the sonne of M{r} Thomas Bancks[308] heretofore an ancient Maister of this Companie, not onely expressed in his liefe tyme to the poore of this Companie, by giveing xx{s} yearely for ever, but also at the tyme of his death to the generalitye of this Companie soe large and bountiful a legacy viz; One bason and ewer double gilt with his armes of gentrye, the Mercers armes, and our Companies armes embossed thereon, xx{li} for a dinner for the livery on the daie of his funerall and our Companies armes in a small round frame depicted in glasse, doe in all loveing and thanckfull respective gratitude to soe free and liberall a benefactor, order that the pˀnte M{rs} or Governors shall at the chardge of this house take course that the said M{r} John Bancke his picture be forthwith procured from the executors and carryed to M{r} Greenebury and be taken forth and depicted in a frame in the self same manner as that picture is and hung up in some convenient place in our Hall, that thereby so free and memorable acts of so liberall a benefactor may not be overwhelmed in oblivion but be pˀpetually had in remembrance and eternized to all posteritie.

[308] Master 1596.

20th June, 1629. It is alsoe ordered that there shalbe made fower Garlandꝭ of silver enamelled garnished and sett forth after the neatest manner according to the discretion of the present Governors for the choise of new Maisters and the coste thereof to be borne of the stock of this house. (See illustrations of these on pp. 239, 379 and 422.)

9th April, 1632. “A gilt beere boll and cover” weighing 20-1/2 ozs. was presented by Mr. Dominic Lomeline’s[309] executors.

[309] Master 1629.

16th August, 1632. Mr. Thomas Borne[310] having bequeathed £6 13s. 4d. to the Company to buy a piece of plate, it was ordered that “there shalbe a faire silver salt white, with scroules of the new fashion bought and his name ingraven thereon.”

[310] Master 1628.

2nd January, 1635. Mr. Robert Allott, Doctor in Phisick of St. John’s Coll: Cambridge and free of the Company, gave a large round silver salt white with three scrolls, and with his arms and an inscription engraved thereon.

1636. The Company having spent large sums of money in the erection of the Theatre, and being short of cash, an order was made to sell the whole of the Yeomanry’s Plate, excepting a beer bowl the gift of Mr. James Kent.

1637. It having come to the knowledge of the Court that Mr. Alexander Baker (Master 1622) had bequeathed to the Company a cup and cover which was withheld by his executors, a suit was commenced against them.

19th May, 1637. This daye was presented to this Court by a suite & decree made in his Ma{t}ꝭ Court of Requestꝭ one standing Cupp and Cover gilt of M{r} Alexander Bakers gift weighing 131 ounces.

19th May, 1637. Alsoe according to orders of former Courtꝭ of Assistants the plate viz{t} W{m} Kelletts cupp 21 oz. one cupp & cover Vanderlash 23 oz. & halfe. 3 beere bolls dropps 38 oz. 3 flatt gobletts 61 oz. & halfe. 4 tankerds 92 oz. & a halfe. 1 salt & cover Izard 9 oz. 4 standing cupps & Covers yeomanrye 102 oz. being all guilt plate amounting to 347 oz. at 5{s} 4{d} pˀ oz. cometh to 92{li} 10{s} 8{d} Alsoe one white cupp Turner 9 oz. 1 white cupp Harding 5 oz. 1 white cupp Bostock 10 oz. 3 beere bolls vaughan 26 oz. 3 white beakers 31 oz. 3 white salts Guilham 40 oz. 1 white boll Lakin 10 oz. 3 wine bolls white 16 oz. & a halfe being white plate weighing 149 oz. 3 quarters at 4{s} xj{d} the ounce was sould for 36{li} 16{s} 4{d} Soe that the whole money received for the plate that was sould cometh to in toto 129{li} 07{s} w{ch} sale is by this Court confirmed & ordered y{t} that money received shall be imployed towardꝭ the buildingꝭ now in hand.

31st October, 1642. Whereas heretofore by Order of the Lords & Com̃ons in Parliament assembled Our Company was proporc͠oned to pay and lend 800{li} at 8{li} pˀ cent towards and for nothing else than the releife of Ireland. Upon which our Company did humbly certifie the Lord Maior of the Citty of our inability to pay any part of the said 800{li} Yet for that the present occasions forceing for presente Releife It was Ordered That 400{li} should be taken up at Interest and payd over into the Chamber of London for that and noe other purpose. And that now the Company would take up such a quantity of money but cannott obteyne soe much, It is now ordered That the Kings Cupp and Cover shalbe kept, And that the Ma{s} & Wardens shall take out all our plate and view it and see which of it is fitt to be sold and that every parcell of that plate which shalbe sold a patterne or fashion of it shalbe drawne in paper and the perticuler Letters Writeings or Graveings shall likewise be written on that paper. To the intent that when the said ffoure Hundred Pounds with the Interest at 8{li} p. centum shalbe repayd the said Plate shalbe made againe in the same ffashions & writeings upon them as now they are which this Court doth order shall fully and really be performed accordingly when the said 400{li} and Interest shalbe repayd.

The following entry is curious from the fact of a blank having been no doubt purposely left in the Minutes. The Company, who had been already plucked by the Parliament, evidently feared violence in that quarter, but were afraid to put it on record, and therefore very prudently left a hiatus in the Minutes.

24th May, 1643. Whereas this Company is assessed at 8{li} pˀ weeke for 3 moneths which they are noe wayes able to pay In regard wee are soe much in debt and that the Hall may be preserved from violence of . . . . . . . It is now Ordered That the plate in the Hall that is not guilt plate shalbe by the M{r} and Wardens delivered over at the best rate to deliver soe much amounting to 96{li.}

By the Wardens’ Accounts it appears that plate was sold to the extent of £94 16s. 0d.

29th April, 1645. On reference to p. 140, it will be seen that no less than 1,120 oz. of plate was pawned to M{rs} Crosse.

29th April, 1646. The M{r} & Wardens acquainting this Court That the Companye’s plate is redeemed from M{r} Steele at his request who married M{rs} Crosse to whome it was formerly pawned in her Widowhood and is now in the Treasury. This Court doth think it not convenient to be kept in the house[311] and doth order that it be delivered into the hands of M{r} John Browne[312] for the better secureity of the 200{li} this Company oweth him and of the 100{li} more which he hath promised by M{r} Warden Browne to lend the Company at vj{li} pˀ ceñtn pˀ anñ.

[311] Probably in fear of its being forcibly seized. [312] An Assistant.

14th May, 1646. The plate was pawned to Mr. John Browne for £300 at 6 per cent.

29th April, 1647. It was ordered that it should be redeemed, and it was on the 17th May following all brought back to the Hall.

7th December, 1648. The plate was again pawned to Mr. John Browne, of Westminster, for £250.

19th March, 1649. The Court were so severely pressed by Assessments for the Army, and being unable to borrow any more money under the Company’s seal, resolved after much deliberation to absolutely sell Plate to the value of £300.


1890. The following plate is now in the Company’s possession:

A handsome standing silver gilt Grace cup and Cover (26-1/2 ozs.) presented by King Henry VIII in 1540 in commemoration of the union of the Barbers with the Surgeons. This cup is elaborately chased and enriched with badges of the Tudor Rose, Portcullis, and Fleur-de-lys; the cover is surmounted with the Crown Imperial under which are the arms of France and England quarterly, with the lyon and greyhound as supporters. There are four bells pendant from the cup which are referred to by Pepys as follows:--

Among other observables at Chyrurgeon’s Hall we drunk the King’s health out of a gilt cup, given by King Henry viij., to the Company, with bells hanging at it, which every man is to ring by shaking after he hath drunk up the whole cup.--Diary, 27th February, 1662-3.

[Illustration: GRACE CUP. H. viij.]

This cup although it has been stolen, pawned and sold, yet remains to us, one of the most precious relics of our past. It appears by the Wardens’ Accounts, that in 1669 John Knight, Serjeant-Surgeon, who was Master, had the cup repaired and a case made for it; Serjeant Knight was again Master 1677-8, when he caused a plate to be fixed within the cover with this inscription--

Henrici R. Munificentia Ne Posteris Ignota Maneat Johannis Knight R.C.P.[313] 1678.

[313] Regis Chir. Principalis (Chief Surgeon to the King).

In the bowl of the Cup is an outline engraving of the old coat of the Barbers, impaling the cognizance of the Surgeons in one shield (see p. 435).

King Charles II in 1676 presented us with a very handsome and unique parcel gilt standing cup and cover, surmounted by the crown imperial, and having within the same the Royal arms, supporters and crown (68 ozs.). This Cup is known as “The Royal Oak Cup” (commemorative of the King’s escape at Boscobel), its stem and base representing the trunk and roots of an oak tree; the bowl or upper part is surrounded with oak leaves, branches, wreaths of flowers, escallop shells, and pendant acorns as bells from shields. The Company’s arms are engraved on one shield, on another the crest, on the third is the following inscription:--“Donum Munificentissimi Regis Caroli Secundi Anno 1676,” and on the last shield--“Impetrantibus Chirurgis Regiis Johanne Knight Chirurgo Regis Principali et Jacobo Pearse Eodem Anno Societatis Magistro.”


This James Pearse, surgeon to the King and the Duke of York, was Master in 1675, and his wife will be well remembered as one of Samuel Pepys’ friends and gossips.

Queen Anne in 1704 presented the Company with a fine and massive punch bowl (160 ozs.) bearing this inscription:--

Societati Chirurgorum Londin: Ob fidem et diligentiam In examinandis Chirurgis In Classe Regia merituris Dono dedit Serenissima Regina ANNA Principum Optima 1704: Impetravit Carolus Bernardus Arm. Chir. Reg. Pr. Hujus Societatis Magister.

Four large loving cups and covers. These are all of similar design though of different sizes, the covers have each a handle formed as an effigy of a Roman soldier, and each cup bears the Company’s arms engraved thereon.

1st. Martin Browne’s cup (45 ozs.). He was an eminent Surgeon and Master in 1653; on one side is engraved a shield quarterly, 1st and 4th three Estoilles, 2nd and 3rd three Escallops and a Horn, “Charisma Martini Browne Armigeri Nuper Senatoris Ciuitatis Londinensis & Præfecti Societatis Barbitonsõr & Chirurgõr 1653.”

2nd. Thomas Bowden’s cup (38 ozs.). He was third Warden 1654. On one side is engraved a shield quarterly, with a lyon passant on the first quarter only. The motto of the Company is misspelt thus, “de Pricipiencia dei,” and the cup bears this inscription, “Ex dono Thomæ Bowdeni Chirurgi et hujus Societatis Gubernatorum quarti Anno Dni. 1654.”

3rd. Sir John Frederick’s cup (38 ozs. 10 dwt.). He was Master 1654 and 1658, and Lord Mayor 1662. This cup is engraved with Sir John’s shield, on a chief three doves, and the Company’s motto is again misspelt. The inscription is, “The guift of John Fredricke Alderman and of This Societie Master Anno Dñi 1654.”

4th. Thomas Bell’s cup (65 ozs.). On one side is engraved Mr. Bell’s Coat of arms, on a chief three Bells, and there is this inscription, “The Gift of Thomas Bell Chirurgion to y{e} Worshipfull Company of Barbor Chirurgions London July 28{th} 1663.”

Four silver goblets or wine cups (33 oz.). Each is inscribed--

The guift of Edward Arris Chirurgion Master of the Company Anno Domini 1651.



A silver flagon with handle and spout (54 oz. 10 dwt.) the gift of Thomas Collins, Master 1648. The arms engraved are, on a bend three martlets and a crescent for difference all within a bordure ermine; on the other side are the Company’s arms with the motto misspelt. The inscription is--

Thomas Collins Artis Chirurgicæ Professor Peritissimus, ut Symbolum Amoris venerabili Chirurgorum Societate hoc donauit.

Five covered tankards, the first three having the Company’s arms engraved thereon.

1st. Perrott’s tankard (23 oz.). “The guift of Abraham Perrott.” He was admitted to the freedom 5th July, 1614, and gave the tankard in March, 1640. (See head piece p. 492.)

2nd. Gray’s tankard (37 oz. 2 dwt.). “Ex dono Georgij Gray,” no date.

3rd. Dorrington’s tankard (39 oz.). “Ex dono John Dorrington Chirurg. 2{o} Aprilio A{o} 1663.”

4th. Fothergill’s tankard (24 oz. 15 dwt.). “The Gift of Thomas ffothergill to the Worshipfull Companie of Barber Chirurgions,” no date. (See head piece p. 492.)

5th. Ruston’s tankard. “The Gift of W{m} Ruston, Master 1883-4.”

A handsome silver rose water dish (74 oz. 15 dwt.) with the Company’s arms engraved thereon, and inscribed “Ex dono Robertij Andrews Chirurg. 20 Aprilis An{o} 1663.”

Another large rose water dish (68 oz.) inscribed “Ex dono Tho. Gill.” Mr. Gill was admitted to the freedom 1st February, 1670.

Two large soup tureens, the gift of William Kippax, Master 1782.

Eight silver sauce boats, engraved with the Company’s arms and purchased in 1766.

Eight curious sauce ladles, with enriched fluted handles (probably late 17th century).

Six antique salt cellars.

Four small antique pepper castors.

A large and quaint sugar castor the gift of Robert Emerton, Master 1790, and another one the gift of David Lamb, Master 1794.

A Silver tea urn (83 oz. 4 dwt.) inscribed “Presented by William Wood, Clerk to the Company, 1790.” This elegant urn, which is oviform in shape, has been engraved in “Cripps’ College and Corporation plate” as a typical example. (See head piece p. 492.)

About two dozen charming tea spoons, elaborately chased and engraved (circa 1730); these are also illustrated by Mr. Cripps.

A dozen antique shell pattern salt spoons.

Two curious and finely worked sugar tongs.

A fine old massive spoon (circa 1690), engraved “Ex dono Jonathan Cheynell.”

An antique wine strainer, and another, the gift of Robert Douglas, Master 1800.

A great quantity of spoons, forks, ladles, etc., not specially deserving of notice.

A case of fish knives and forks, the gift of George Austin, Master 1882.

Two old-fashioned silver cruet stands.

A silver punch ladle with ivory handle, and a guinea of 1714 in fine preservation inlaid, inscribed “The Queen Anne’s Guinea, Given by John Atkinson Esq{r} one of the members of the Court Sep{tr} 1846.”

Another ladle with ivory handle, inscribed, “Presented to the Barbers Company by John Atkinson Esq{r} 1851.” This ladle is inlaid with a very fine medal of 1704 in high relief, commemorating the Incorporation of the Sons of the Clergy by Queen Anne.

Another antique punch ladle of oval shape, with hard wood handle, believed to have been given by Mr. John Atkinson, the date is probably about 1620.

A massive silver badge 7-1/2-in. by 8-1/2-in. of late 17th Century work, formerly worn by the Barge master, and having the Company’s arms in relief on shield, surrounded by laurel bordering.

A plain and ugly silver medal 2-1/2-ins. diameter, with arms of the Company (badly done), on one side, and on the reverse, “Presented by John Carter, Master 1870-71.” This badge is worn by the first Warden.

A very handsome badge, 2-3/4 inches diameter, of silver gilt open work, and richly enamelled with the arms of the Company, and a loop representing the Tudor rose crowned. This badge is worn by the Master.

A pair of antique Beadle’s mace heads. These are of remarkably fine workmanship, very massive, and have the Company’s heraldry displayed in high relief on both sides; each weighs about 64 ounces. (See illustration p. 302.)

Four very handsomely chased and wrought silver garlands or wreaths for crowning the Master and Wardens on Election Day, and which are still used and worn by them on Court days in receiving guests. These are the finest in the City of London; each has the Company’s arms and the badges of the rose and crown, with other devices artistically set forth, and are mounted with silk velvet, the Renter Warden’s being green, and the others red. These garlands were made in 1629. (See p. 494.)

A silver mounted hammer, given by James Mumford or Monforde, King’s Surgeon and First Warden in 1540; the mountings are engraved with the Tudor rose, and the arms of France and England quarterly. At the end of the handle are the donor’s initials I.M. (See illustration p. 503.)

A silver bell “The Gift of M{r} Robert Emerton Master to the Worshipful Company of Barbers 1790.”

A silver mounted snuff box, and another snuff box presented by Mr. Deputy Brass and handsomely carved out of a piece of oak removed from the roof of the old Hall. This is enclosed in another box velvet lined, with inscription on a silver plate--

The Barbers Company have well deserved That Brass’s gift by Shoppee be preserved. Anno. 1866.

A silver salver, the gift of Charles J. Shoppee, Master 1878.

A silver claret jug, the gift of Alderman Wilkin, Master 1885.

A silver inkstand, the gift of Jonathan Denny, Master 1886.

A silver salver, the gift of Edward Charles Cornish, Master 1887.

A very handsome and massive silver jardinière and stand, the gift of John Cary Lovell, Assistant 1889.

A replica of the silver hammer given by James Monforde, with a silver mounted block for same, the gift of George Austin, jun., Master 1888.

It may not be considered out of place to record here, that the piano in the Court Room is the gift of Mr. Deputy Harvey, Master 1879.


The following are some extracts from the Minutes, relating to Pictures.

24th June, 1601. It is this daye by consent of a wholl Courte of Assistance ordered That if at any tyme hereafter any M{r} or Governor of this company or any oth{r} pˀsone or pˀsones free of the same mistery shall blott deface or put oute or cause to be blotted defaced or put oute any of the pictures of any of this Company nowe paynted or hereafter lawfully placed in any of the tables of pictures hangeinge in the Com̃on hall of this mistery w{th}out the Consent of a full Courte of Assistance That then hee or they so offendinge shall forfeyte and paye for every such offence x{li} the one half thereof to be to the use of the Chamberlen of the Cytie of London And the oth{r} half to the use of the said mistery.

The above order was made in consequence of some members of the Court having painted out the faces on the pictures, and caused their own to be depicted in their stead.

28th June, 1604. This daye it is ordered that M{r} Will{m} Martin M{r} ffrederick M{r} ffyneinge & M{r} ffenton shall pˀsently conferre with Decreete concerninge the ffynisheinge of the tables of Picktures remayneinge w{th} him and if hee will finishe the same w{th} reason and drawe them to the Hall they are to compound w{th} him for the same if not the table is to be taken awaye from him.

10th October, 1605. This day it is ordered that the Kingꝭ picture shalbe by the said pˀnte M{rs} boughte and pˀvided at the charge of this house.

Item paid for his Ma{t}ꝭ picture iiij{li} Item geven to the paynters man that broughte the said pycture ii{s} vj{d}

1st August, 1634. It is ordered that the 41 philosophers pictures shalbe rebeautified and repaired by M{r} Greeneburye at the Costs of this house soe it exceede not x{li.}

The “forty-one philosophers” were former Masters of Anatomy and Examiners of Surgeons, who as they were from time to time appointed, might if they chose, have their portraits put in what was called “The Table of the Anatomy” (and which was, I think, one large picture containing the effigies of forty-one persons), and the practice undoubtedly was, as occasion arose, to paint a face on old shoulders; indeed, there are many notices to this effect, as also orders of Court for blotting out the “faces” of such as had become obnoxious, or who had been removed for misconduct.

1st February, 1627. Item this daye upon the moc͠on of our M{r} it is ordered by this Court that there shalbe a large wainscott frame made and a picture maker shalbe agreed withall by the present M{rs} for the portreying of the Anathomye and makeing of M{r} Docto{r} Gwins picture and the Clarkes which Charge shalbe borne out of the stock of this house, in which table shalbe placed the figures & visages of every of the Assistants whoe are not painted in the Anathomye table that now standeth upp in the Hall, every of the Assistants payeing for the setting up of his owne picture.

29th March, 1647. This Court doth order That M{r} Henry Watsons ffigure in the present Table of Anatomy be blotted out and M{r} Charleyes Effigies placed in the roome thereof Provided that his Executrix pay his Legacy to this House.

This Court doth order That there be a new Anathomy Table And that all the Assistants whose Effigies are not in the present Table may be sett up in the new Table at theire owne charge, and that Doctor Goddards ffigure be there sett as Reader and Doctor Prudions Effigies may be painted there if he desireth it And this Court doth order that M{r} Watson a Brother of this Company shall make the said Table and paint thereon the ffigure of an Anathomy with the severall ffigures of the said Reader Doctor Prudion and our Clarke at the charge of this House And that the ffigures of the present M{rs} of Anatomy be there sett as Dissectors at theire owne charge.

9th August, 1647. This Court takeing into considerac͠oon the greate benefitt and proffitt That have accrewed to this House by M{r} Edward Arris a loveing Brother of this Company This Court doth order That his picture be sett up in the Blanck Table in the Hall next the Anathomy Table at the charge of this Howse.

19th August, 1647. Upon the earnest request of Mr. Edward Arris to this Court That his Picture be nott sett up in the Hall according to the Order of the last Court of Assistants This Court to satisfy Mr. Arris modest request therein doth order that that order be annulled and not put in execuc͠on.

Notwithstanding this order Mr. Arris’ portrait was painted, and is still at the Hall.

27th February, 1650. M{r} Arris and Doctor Scarboroughs pictures to be sett in the void Table in the Hall at the charge of this House.

In 1720 the Court were possibly thinking of purchasing another Holbein, as the following note occurs in the minutes,

3rd March, 1720. Memorand{m} M{r} Lenthall at Burford in Oxfordshire has a Picture of S{r} Thomas More and his familey drawn by Hans Holben being a dispute between his Protestant Daughter and his Catholick Daughter in the pˀsence of the father and the rest of the familey.

21st April, 1720. It is referred to the Governors to treat with M{r} Vertue the Ingraver about Ingraving King Henry the Eighths Picture and to report his proposall to a Court of Assistants.

27th August, 1734. The question of engraving the Picture was again referred to a Committee.

17th September, 1734. The Committee reported, the result being that Mr. Bernard Baron entered into an agreement to engrave a plate; the details of the arrangements with him are all set out in the minutes, but are not sufficiently interesting to warrant transcribing.

Baron’s engraving is well known and sought after by collectors, but it has a peculiarity, being a complete reverse of the original picture. Each Assistant is presented with a copy on his election on to the Court.

We formerly had a portrait of Dr. Tyson, Anatomy Reader, but this was sold to one of his descendants in 1745 for ten guineas.

10th November, 1777. Mr. William Slade, an Assistant, presented a mezzotint engraving of the portrait of John Paterson, Esq., formerly Clerk of the Company; the original was painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds. This engraving is now hung in the committee room.

GUILDHALL, 31 October, 1832. GENTLEMEN,

Having become possessed a few years since of a perfect copy of Hollar’s engraved view of London A.D. 1647, representing the most striking appearance of the metropolis as it existed previously to the conflagration in 1666, and thinking it might be acceptable to the Lovers of the Antiquities of this ancient and renowned City that so authentic a Memorial of its then state should be preserved and transmitted to future ages by Multiplication of Copies.

I have had it carefully and correctly Lithographed, and request that your Worshipful Court will be pleased to accept the impression herewith transmitted to be placed in the Archives of the Company of Barbers.

I have the honor to be, GENTLEMEN, Your most obed{t.} Servant, W. L. NEWMAN, City Solicitor.

To the Master Wardens and } Assistants of the Worshipful } Company of Barbers, London. }

This picture is now hung up in the corridor.

The following is but little more than a List of the Pictures now at Barbers’ Hall, a full account of which has been already written by Mr. C. J. Shoppee.

ALDERMAN ARRIS’ PICTURE. This picture was painted by Mr. Greenbury who was employed as Portrait Painter to the Company at this period.

DR. CHARLES SCARBOROUGH AND ALDERMAN ARRIS’ PICTURE. This picture was also painted by Mr. Greenbury as by the following extract from the Wardens’ Accounts for 1651 appears--

Paid to Greenburye for Painting the Picture of li. s. d. M{r} Edward Arris and Doctor Charles Scarborough & Anathomye 9 10 0

LINNEUS’ PICTURE. This picture of Linneus was purchased 2nd July, 1844, for £3 3s., the particulars of the purchase and of the picture are set out in the Court Minutes of this date. Mr. Shoppee has surmised that this is a portrait of John Bancks, but though his portrait was ordered to be painted, I do not find that it ever was, and it is not once mentioned in any of the numerous early inventories of pictures. The Minutes of 1844 are, however, so precise as to leave no further doubt on this point, viz., that it is a portrait of Linneus.


KING CHARLES II PICTURE, artist unknown. Purchased by the Company 1720-1721.

INIGO JONES’ PICTURE, by Sir A. Vandyke.

THOMAS LISLE’S PICTURE, artist unknown.

SIR JOHN FREDERICK’S PICTURE, artist unknown. Purchased by the Company, 1665-1666.

SERJEANT-SURGEON CHARLES BERNARD’S PICTURE. This picture was painted by Mr. Murray in 1711, the Company paying him £12 10s. for it.


HENRY JOHNSON’S PICTURE, artist unknown. Mr. Johnson was Master 1677; he has been erroneously described as “Serjeant Surgeon” and “Serjeant Knight,” but never held the first office, and there is no such dignity as “Serjeant Knight.” The fact is that Mr. Johnson dying in his year of Master, was succeeded by John Knight, Serjeant Surgeon (commonly called “Serjeant Knight”) and Mr. Knight’s name being so written under Mr. Johnson’s in an old list of Masters, has been taken as the title of an office!


BERNARD BARON’S red crayon study of Holbein’s picture.

“TWO SPANISH PICTURES.” These were so called in the old Inventories. There was also in the Inventory of 1720 “A picture of the Prince Elector Palatine,” but this subsequently disappeared, though the “Spanish pictures” remained in the Inventories for many years. Mr. Shoppee suggests that they are the portraits of Frederick Casimir and his wife Elizabeth. At the top of one of them is a shield of arms, being the coat of Byrkes or Brykes.

QUEEN ANNE’S PICTURE, artist unknown.

All the foregoing Pictures are hung in the Court Room. In the Committee Room are various pictures, engravings and portraits of recent Masters.

In the Vestibule to the Court Room is an ancient list of Masters and Wardens on Vellum, enclosed with oak folding doors. It is not, however, very accurate. It was at the Hall in 1720, and probably for many years previously. The list was rewritten over the old lettering in 1865. (See head piece, p. 1.)



This Lord was the son of Sir George Nevill, third Lord of Burgavenny, by Mary, daughter of Edward Stafford, Duke of Buckingham.

He succeeded his father in 1535, and was admitted to the freedom of the Barber-Surgeons on the 26th August, 1584. In 1586 he was one of the Commissioners appointed to try Mary Queen of Scots.

For striking the Earl of Oxford in the Chamber of Presence, he was put under arrest, but managed shortly after to obtain a pardon and his freedom.

He married Frances, daughter of Thomas Earl of Rutland, by whom he left at his decease, 10th February, 1557, an only daughter Elizabeth (the wife of Sir Thomas Fane), who was subsequently created Baroness le Despencer.


25th June, 1631. This daie o{r} M{r} signifieing to the Court the affectionatenes of the right hono{ble} the Lord Thomas Windsor Knight of the noble order of the bath and Barron Windsor of Bradenham, w{ch} this Court Loveingly and gratefullie embraceing doe graunt his Lo{ps} request and thereupon the said Lord was here in Court admitted and sworne free brother of this Corporac͠on. Alsoe the said Thomas Lord Windsor was by o{r} M{r} received into the Clothing or livery of this Companie and had a livery hood layed upon his lo{ps} shoulder.

Lord Windsor at one time resided in Monkwell Street, close to the Hall; he was chosen a Knight of the Bath 1610, at the creation of Henry, Prince of Wales. He was subsequently Rear-Admiral of the Fleet sent by James I to bring Prince Charles out of Spain, and on that occasion entertained on board ship the Grandees of the Court of Spain with princely magnificence. His Lordship married Lady Katherine Somerset daughter of Edward, fourth Earl of Worcester, K.G., but dying without issue on the 6th June, 1642, he was succeeded by his nephew Thomas Windsor-Hickman, the son of his elder sister Elizabeth.


James Scott, the natural son of Charles II, was born 9th April, 1649, and created Duke of Monmouth in 1663. The same year, on the 7th May, he was admitted to the freedom of the Barber-Surgeons, in company with Alexander Lord Leven, Richard Hopton, and Thomas Rosse, Esquires.

The history of this unfortunate man is well known, and culminated in his being beheaded on the 15th July, 1685.


This nobleman was the grandson of the celebrated General Sir Alexander Leslie, First Earl of Leven, whom he succeeded in 1662. On the 7th May, 1663, he was admitted to the freedom of the Barber-Surgeons, in company with the Duke of Monmouth.

He married Margaret, daughter of Sir William Howard, and sister of the Earl of Carlisle, but died without issue male, in 1663. His kinsman George, fourth Lord Melville, was a staunch adherent of the Duke of Monmouth, and involved in the rebellion, but was lucky enough to escape into Holland; he was, however, attainted and his estates forfeited in 1685, but coming back to England with William III his estates and dignity were restored to him.


[Illustration: Coat of Arms]

SIR JOHN AYLEF was an eminent Surgeon and probably born about 1490. Diligent search has been made for his parentage, but without success. In his will he refers to seven “poor” people “being of my kynn dwelling in Grenewiche,” and from the fact that he had a grant of arms instead of inheriting a paternal coat, as also the silence of his immediate descendants when registering the pedigrees at the Heralds’ Visitations (who must have known but did not care to register Sir John’s father), it may be assumed that he was of humble origin.

[Illustration: Family tree - handwritten]

He was admitted to the freedom of the Barbers prior to 1522 and served the office of Warden 1530, 1532 and 1535, being chosen Master 1538. At this time he was Surgeon to Henry VIII and had cured him of a fistula, for which the king granted him the manor of Gryttenham in Wiltshire, part of the lands of the Abbey of Malmesbury. Henry also bequeathed by his will 100 marks to Aylef.

Mr. Aylef, being elected on 1st August, 1548, served the office of Sheriff 1548-9, and in Wriothesley’s Chronicle under date 1549 we read--

The third daie of March being Shrove Sondaie M{r} Henry Amcottes Lord Maior of London was presented to the Kinges Maiestie at his pallace at Westminster. And after the oration made by M{r} Recorder to his Maiestie and aunswere again by my Lord Chauncelor unto the maior and aldermen, the Kinges Maiestie made my Lord Maior, Knight, and M{r} William Locke, Alderman, and M{r} John Ayliffe, barbar surgeon, sheriffes of London for this yeare, were made knightes also in the Chambre of Presens, the Kinges Maiestie standing under his cloath of estate.

[Illustration: SIR JOHN AYLEF

From the original painting by HOLBEIN, AT BARBER’S HALL.]

Two days afterwards Sir John had a grant of arms from Sir Thomas Hawley, Clarencieux, and shortly after was elected Alderman of Dowgate Ward. He seems to have relinquished his profession of a Surgeon and to have become a Merchant, holding the important office of Master of Blackwell Hall, one of the greatest commercial centres of the period, and residing at the Hall, in the parish of St. Michael Bassishaw.

On the 28th May, 1550, he was chosen the first Alderman of the newly-created ward of Bridge Without, some interesting particulars of which may be seen in Stow’s Survey (ed. 1633, p. 446); while in Wriothesley’s Chronicle, under date 1550, we also read--

Memorandum. Wednesday in the Whitson weeke, at a Court of the Aldermen kept in the Guyldhall, Sir John Aliffe, Knight, and master of Blackwell Hall, was sworne an alderman of the Bridg ward without, and to have the jurisdiction of the Borough of Southwark, and 2 deputies to be appointed there to assist him, which was the first alderman that ever was there, which was done by the advise of my Lord Mayor and thˀ Aldermen, for the better order to be kept there, and for the more quietnes of the Mayors hereafter to come, and the good order of the Kinges subjectes there, accordinge to the lawes of the City; and the Fryday after he rode with my Lord Mayor all the precint of Southwarke, my Lord Mayor havinge a certeine nomber of the honest persons of the borough at the bridg-house, to whom he shewed theyr alderman, and appointed deputies under him, and so hereafter to see a good order to be kept in the Borough, as in other wardes of the citye of London.

Sir John subsequently removed to his old ward of Dowgate (and continued Alderman there till his death, his successor being chosen 12th November, 1556). After his election as Alderman he was translated to the Grocers’ Company, of which ancient guild he was crowned Upper Warden, 9th June, 1556, in view of his election as Lord Mayor for which he stood next in nomination, and to which office, had he lived but a few weeks longer, he would in all probability have been chosen. He was married to Isabel Buckell of Warwickshire, and by her had four children, John, Erkynwald, Mary and Alice. His son John and great grandson George, were both knighted. His widow, Dame Isabel, had a grant of arms by Thomas Hawley (3 & 4 Ph. & M.) ar. a fesse vaire or and az. betw. three doves ppr. bearing in their beaks a branch gu. Sir John Aylef’s funeral is thus recorded in Machyn’s Diary, 1556--

The xx of October was bered ser John Olyff knyght and altherman, and sum-tym he was surgantt[314] unto kyng Henry the viij{th}, and after he was shreyff of London; and he had levyd tylle the next yere he had byn mayre, for he tornyd from the Surgens unto the Grosers; and bered at sant Myghelles in Bassynghall, with a harold of armes bayryng ys cott armur, and with a standard and a pennon of armes, and iiij baners of emages, and ij grett whytt branchys, and iiij grett tapurs and ... dosen of torchys; and mony powre men had gownes; and with a elmett, targat, and sword; and the crest a crowne and a holyfftre[315] standyng with-in the crowne.

[314] Serjeant Surgeon. [315] Olive tree.

For the inscription on Sir John Aylef’s tomb, which formerly stood in St. Michael’s Bassishaw, see page 89.

Sir John Aylef’s will, dated 26th September, 1556, was proved 24th December, 1556. He was, he says,

At this present somewhat sicke in bodye;--ffirst and principally I give and com̃end my soule unto Almightie god and to my Savio{r} and Redemer Jesus Christ his onely begotten sonne by and throughe the merittꝭ of whose bytter passion I truste to have Remission of my synnes and to the holie goste three parsons and one god and to all the holye & blessed companye of heaven, and my bodye to be buried in holie grave in suche decent order as to the goode discretion of my Executors hereafter named shalbe thought mete and convenient for myne Estate and degree withoute pompe or glorie.

To the parson of St. Michael Bassishaw for tithes and oblations forgotten 20s. To every priest singing in that church 10s. To the clerk of the same church 5s. To the sexton 3s. 4d. To the repair and maintenance of that church £5. To the parson of Pricklewell, Essex, for tithes and oblations forgotten, 20s. To the reparation of that church £4. To the chapel of Bridewell in London £5, and one vestment for a priest to say mass there when the chapel should be made ready. His goods and chattels in London he directs to be divided into three parts, whereof one-third to his wife, one-third to his daughters Marie and Alice and the other third to his executors to the performance of the will. Having already given his sons John and Erkynwald £300 apiece, he gives £100 more to each. To Elizabeth Harvard £10. To Robert Buckle (his wife’s brother) £10, and to each of his children 40s. To William Symson, his servant, £10. To John More, his servant, £10. To John Etonfelde £5. To Gyles Strowden, his clerk, £3. To Christopher Vaughan, his clerk, £2. To Thornton, his clerk, £2. To Bromefelde, his clerk, £2. To Millecent, “my Wyfes kinswoman servant in my howse,” £20. To “Joane her sister my maide,” £20. To every one of his servants in London and the country 20s. To Thomas Eson, if he remain in Lady Aylef’s service, £5. To George Vaughan,[316]--

[316] Master of the Barber-Surgeons 1569. He died 26th December, 1569.

My boke of Guydo and all my Instrumentꝭ Boxes and other that dothe in any wise belonge to Surgerie. To Mr. Vykarie £5. Item I bequethe to the company of Grocers for a repaste tenne poundꝭ. Item to their clerke xx{s.} Item to their bedell xx{s.} Item I give to the companye of barbors for a repaste at my buryall fyve poundꝭ and to the beddell of the same company of barbors tenne shillings Item I give to the governors of the hospitalls belonginge to the citie of London to make them a dynner at my buryall fyve poundes and to every of the beddles of the said hospitallꝭ one blacke Coote and iij{s} iiij{d} in money.

To the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge £10 each, “to be distributed to the comfort of the poore Scolers w{th}in the said univˀsites.” To poor householders in St. Michael Bassishaw “where I dwell” £4, and to those of St. Alban, Wood Street, £2. “Item to the pore householders in the parishe where the barbors hall dothe stande,” xx{s}. To poor householders in St. Michael, Queenhithe £2. To the poor prisoners in Newgate 40s., in the two Counters 40s., in Ludgate 40s., in the Marshalsea 20s., in the King’s Bench 20s., and in the Gatehouse at Westminster 10s. “Item to every of the sixe Lazar howses abowte London x{s}.” To the poor in Bethlem 20s. To the poor in the hospitals of the City £100 (over and above £100 he had already given). To five poor men and two poor women being “of my kynn dwelling in Grenewiche in Kent to eiche of them xl{s} and a gowne of suche Clothe to eiche of theym as shalbe given to the poore at my buryall And my mynde and will ys that yf any other of the poore of my kynn shall w{th}in one yeare and a daye next after my decease come to myne Executours approvinge them selfes sufficiently to be of my kynne & blinde That then every of them shall have xx{s}.” To his wife Isabel, the lease of his farm at Pricklewell with all the stock there “except my Ryding geldingꝭ,” also the lease of his woods there, on certain conditions. To his son Erkynwald the lease of his farm of Fambridge, in Essex, with remainder to Erkynwald’s son William, and after him to Martha (William’s sister), and in the event of all of them dying without issue to Christ’s Hospital, Bridewell, and St. Thomas’ Hospital. Testator recites that Henry VIII granted to him and his wife Isabel and their heirs the manor of “Greteman” (Gryttenham), Wilts, and that he was seised in fee of the parsonage of Wakeringe (near Rochford, Essex), and of a marsh called Alforde Nash, in the parish of Estwood (near Rochford). All of this property he bequeaths, after the death of Lady Isabel to his son John, with remainder to Erkynwald, then to Marie and Alice, and in the event of all them dying without issue to the three hospitals aforesaid. To the poor of the parish of Bassingham (eight miles S. W. of Lincoln) £20 for coals. (Query: Was Sir John born here?) To three score maids marriages in London £20. To Elizabeth Glasier 40s. Residue to the Lady Isabel. Executors, John Southcott (Under Sheriff of London), Richard Grafton, Grocer, and Lady Isabel Aylef. To Southcott and Grafton £20 each. Overseers, Sir Rowland Hill,[317] Laurence Withers, and John Machell,[318] Aldermen, and to each of them a black gown and £10, also a black gown to each of their wives.

[317] Lord Mayor, 1540. [318] Sheriff, 1554.

Sir John Aylef’s name has been spelt in many ways, Aylif, Ailiff, Alif, Olyff, Ailyffe, etc.; in his will it is spelt Aliff. But this family must not be confounded with that of John Oliphe, Alderman and Sheriff 1569, buried at St. Laurence Pountney, 4th July, 1577; although Wilson, in his History of that parish, at p. 232, mistakes John the son of that Alderman for John the son of our Alderman.

For some notices of the Aylefs see Aubrey’s collections for Wilts, and Marshall’s Visitation of Wilts.

The pedigree is compiled principally from Harl. MSS. 897, 1165 and 1443.


[Illustration: THOMAS VICARY.

Thomas Vicary was probably born between 1490 and 1500, and is stated in Manningham’s Diary to have been “at first a meane practiser in Maidstone untill the King advanced him for curing his sore legge.” In 1525 he was third Warden of the Barbers’ Company, and in 1528 Upper Warden and one of the Surgeons of Henry VIII with £20 a year. In 1530 he was Master of the Company and appointed Serjeant-Surgeon, which latter office he held until his death. In 1539 Henry granted him a beneficial lease for 21 years of the Rectory and tithes of the dissolved Abbey of Boxley in Kent. In 1541 Vicary was chosen Master of the Barber-Surgeons, to which office he was again elected in 1546, 1548, and 1557 having thus held the chief place in the Company no less than five times--an honour to which no other member has ever attained. In the Holbein picture Vicary is represented as receiving the Charter from the King. In 1542 he and his son William were appointed by the King Bailiffs of the Manor of Boxley, and five years later he married his second wife, Alice Bucke. In 1548 Vicary was appointed a Governor of St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, and soon afterwards became the Resident Surgical Governor there; in June, 1552, he was made “one of the assistants of this house (St. Bartholomew’s) for the terme of his lyffe.” In 1548 he published his celebrated book “The Anatomie of the bodie of man,” no copy of the first edition of which is now known to be extant. On the 27th January, 1561, Vicary made his will, which was proved in London 7th April, 1562. The will, which is set out in full in Dr. Furnivall’s book, is too long to give here in extenso, but the following extracts will be found of interest.

[319] This notice of Vicary is partially condensed from the exhaustive account of him, written by Dr. F. J. Furnivall, and published in the Early English Text Society. Extra series LIII.

Item I will that the masters of the livery of my Companie be at my buriall, and they to have xl{s} for theire dinners, to be delivered to the wardens at theire commyng to my buriall. And to Johnson the Clarke of the Company, vj{s} viij{d} And in considerac͠on of my evell and necligẽt service done to god and to his poore members, the poore of this hospitall of St. Barthelmewes where I now dwell, in recompence whereof, and for the discharge of my concience, I give and bequeath to thuse of the saide poore, tenne poundes in monney. Item I give and bequeath xl{s} in monney to and amongest fortie poore householders of the saide pˀish of little sainte Barthelmewes, that is to saye, to every householder xij{d.} Also I give and bequeathe l{s} in monney to thospitler, matron, stuarde, Cooke, and porter offecer of the saide hospitall, that is to saye, to every of them x{s} . . . . To Thomas Skair, my apprentis, vj{s} viij{d} . . . I give and bequeath to Roberte Baltropp[320] my best gowne garded with velvet, furred and faced with Sables, my Cote of braunched velvete, and a sering[321] of silver, parcell gilte. Also I give and bequeath to Thomas Bayly[322] my gowne of browne blue lyned and faced with blacke budge,[323] my cassocke of blacke satten fured and garded with velvet, my best plaister box, garnisshed with silver, my salvitory[324] of silver, and a sering[321] of silver, with all other instrumentꝭ of silver. Item I bequeathe to Robert Muddesley[325] my best single gowne faced with blacke satten. To George Vaughan,[326] my doblet of crimson satten . . . Also I give and bequeath unto the hawle of my company one booke called Guido[327] and ij billes ij bowes ij shefes of Arrowes ij bracers ij shoting gloves ij Sculles one hand gune and one Jack Item I give and bequeath to master Skynner[328] one half hacke one Jack and one murren And to Henry Picton my sˀvnte aforesaide one booke called Johˀes Vigo.[329] All the residue of my bookes stuff and instrumentꝭ appertaining to surgery I give and bequeath unto the same Henry Picton and Richard Vener equally betwen them to be devided.

[320] Master 1565 and 1573, Serjeant-Surgeon. [321] Syringe. [322] Warden 1559. [323] Lambskin with the wool dressed outwards. [324] A kind of plaster box or small repository. [325] Master 1572 and 1580. [326] Master 1569. [327] Guido de Cauliaco, one of the principal Surgery text books of the time. [328] Warden 1548. [329] A well-known surgical work.

The remainder of his property was bequeathed to his nephews Thomas and Stephen (sons of his late brother William Vicary, of Boxley), and to his widow Alice.


But little is known of Richard Ferris, though he was doubtless a man of repute, as Gale speaks approvingly of him, and he held the office of Serjeant-Surgeon in Queen Elizabeth’s time; his portrait is preserved by Holbein in our great picture, and Henry VIII, by his will, bequeathed him 100 marks. He was twice Master of the Barber-Surgeons, viz., in 1551 and 1562.

His will, dated 17th March, 1566, was proved on the 22nd April, 1566, wherein he describes himself as “Richard Ferres Serjant Surgion unto the quenes majestie, sick of bodie.” He gives to “Em,” his wife, his house, field, and orchard at Paddington for her life, with remainder to his daughter Thomazine, and to her also the lease of the house where he then dwelt in St. Giles, Cripplegate. In the event of their deaths without issue, the property to be sold and distributed amongst the poor in the discretion of his overseer, John Field[330] and Dr. Gregorie Wisdom, except 40s. to his cousin Johanne Sympson. To his daughter Thomazine his “Courte bedd and bedstede,” also a feather bed and bedstead furnished, half a garnish of pewter vessels, &c., and £30 which was owing to him by Dr. Cunningham (Reader at Barber-Surgeons’ Hall).

[330] Master 1577.

Item I give and bequeth unto the Companie of Barbo{rs} and Sˀgions twentie Shillings in monney a grete Pandack and an other booke called a verroyce. To John ffelde my late srˀvaunt all my other bookes bothe of Surgerie and others excepet ffoure of theim w{ch} I give unto John Griffine my Apprentice. Also I give and bequeth unto the said John ffeld all my Sˀgerie stuff and all my Instrumẽtes both of silver and other and also my gowne furred w{th} ffox w{ch} I comonlie Ride in. Item I will and bequeth unto Thomas Baylie[331] one Booke called Peter de argilate and the Staff w{ch} he gave me.

[331] Warden 1559.

The residue to his wife, and she appointed executrix with John Field overseer.

[Illustration: Family tree]


Much time has been spent in the endeavour to ascertain John Pen’s parentage, but without success. Among the Domestic State Papers, Henry VIII, Vol. I (No. 4064) is the grant of a corrody or sustentation from the Monastery of Abbotsbury to Robert Pen “one of the Gentlemen of the Chapel” and to John Pen, his son, for life. The date of this document is 9th March, 1514, and as John Pen was a retainer of the King’s, which this grant would also seem to imply, and had a son whom he named Robert, there is the possibility that this Robert Pen, the Gentleman of the Chapel, was his father.

John Pen was admitted to the freedom of the Barbers in 1527, and his birth may probably be put at 1500-1505. He was by profession a barber, and evidently a friend of King Henry VIII, who advanced him from Groom of the Privy Chamber to the honorable position of King’s Barber, an office which was only bestowed upon the most trusty and confidential of the King’s attendants; the life of the sovereign being in his barber’s hands. (See pp. 90 and 91.)

Pen served the office of Master in 1539, and his portrait is in the Holbein picture. He married, about 1530, Lucy, daughter and heiress of Edmond Chevall of Sissivernes, in Codicote, Herts, and by her he had a good estate. In 1545 Henry granted him the manor of Codicote and the demesne lands of the late dissolved Abbey of St. Alban’s for £826 9s. 4-1/2d., to hold by the forty-fifth part of a knight’s fee. The King also bequeathed him 100 marks by his will. By an Inquisition taken at West Barnet 18th October, 5 & 6 Ph. & M., it was found that John Pen died 21st August, 1558, and that Thomas, his son and heir, was then of the age of 25 years and 9 months. John Pen’s Will, dated 15th August, 1558, was proved by his widow on the 6th May, 1559. Coleman in his list of Wills of the Pen family states that a second grant of Probate was taken of this Will by Gyles Pen on 10th October, 1560, but this is absolutely incorrect; on this date the Will of one Gyles Peny of Halstocke in Dorsetshire was proved, and Mr. Coleman has confounded this in a remarkable way with John Pen’s Will, with which it has no connection whatever. That Pen was not, or did not know that he was, a connection of the Pens of Bucks, is most likely, as he obtained a grant of arms for himself, in which the combs on either side of the lion of England are typical of his office of King’s Barber. These arms were 1{st} & 4{th} Ar. on a fesse gu. betw. three peacocks az. a lyon pass. guar. or betw. two combs of the first (Pen) 2{d} & 3{rd} Or three horses’ heads couped sa. bridled ar. (Cheval).

The following is the text of his will:--

IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN The xv{th} day of August Annis v{to} et vj{to} Regꝭ et Regine I John Penne Esquyre being sicke in body but whole and pˀfitt in mynde make this my Testament conteynyng therin my last will in manˀ and fourme following that is to saye ffirst my soule I bequeth almightie god &c and my body to be buryed in the church of Codynte &c Item I bequeth to the high Alter of Codynte &c xx{d} Item to the high Alter of Welwyn xx{d} Item my will and pleasure is That all wills and declaracons therof heretofore mayde by me at any tyme heretofore to be voyed and of none effecte and that this my last will and Testament be takyn reputed to be my last will and none other Item I give to evˀy of my doughters Elen Elizabeth and Dorothye fortie poundes in money to be paied at their marriage daye or when they shall come to thˀage of xvj{th} yeres. Yf any of theis iij childern dep̃te this world before their mˀriage or xvj{th} yeres of age That then the survivors to have the ptꝭ of theym that ar depˀted to god. The saied legacꝭ of my saied childern to be levyed out of the manˀ of Sycesvrñs w{th} thappurtenncꝭ Item I give to Robert Penne his wif two kyne. Item my wyll and pleasure is and also I give to Robert Pen my soune and to his heires my myll of Codynte payng yerely to Willm̃ my sonne twentie shillingꝭ during his naturall lif. The Resydewe of my goodes my debtes and legacꝭ paid I give to Lucy my wif whom I make my sole executrix. Witnesses by me John Pen by me michaell hogkyn.


He was admitted to the freedom in 1523, and was Surgeon to Edward VI; his portrait is in the Holbein picture. He died in the early part of 1550, and his will dated 15th February, 1549-50, was proved 6th May, 1550. In it he describes himself as “One of the Surgions to the Kingꝭ Ma{tie}” and directs that his body shall be buried in the Church of St. Stephen, Coleman Street, near where his children are buried. He leaves one-third of his goods, &c., to his executors for the purposes of his will, one-third to Margaret his wife, and one-third to Elizabeth his daughter on her twenty-first birthday or marriage. To the poor of Swyneshed, Lincolnshire, £5. Six “sermons” to be made for him at St. Stephen’s. For poor maids marriages £4. To Bartholomew’s Hospital 40s. To George Brykesworth of Glastonbury, Surgeon, his best lute, and to Elizabeth Alcocke (testator’s daughter) his virginalls. To Richard Sygans, his servant “a sleveles jacket of cloth browne blewe a woorsted doblett a pair of hosen. A payre of bootꝭ and a paire of spurres.” To Ann his maidservant a bedstead, a mattress and a coverlet. “I bequeth to Robert Balthorpe late my apprentice my booke called Guido in Englysshe.” To Eliz{th} Smith a bedstead and mattress. To his two god-daughters, the children of Robert Wilson and John Stocks, to each a pewter dish and saucer.

I bequeth to John Mason[332] late my apprentice my bookꝭ called Lanfrank, Johẽs Arden and an other olde booke w{t} a bare woodden covˀ in Englysshe and the practise of ypocratꝭ. To my wifes father Thomas Turnor my newe coloured gowne garded w{t} velvett and faced w{t} foynes and my best rydinge cote garded w{t} velvett and my dublett of redde taffeta Also I bequeth to the eldest sonne of my father in lawe my foxe furred gowne and a dublett w{t} blewe taffeta sleves and my black mournynge cote. Itm̃ I bequeth to Robr̃t Balthrope some tyme my apprentice my Russett woorsted gowne faced w{t} calabre{r} and garded w{t} velvett.

[332] Warden 1575.

He bequeaths his great house and premises called “ffreshe wharff” in St. Botolph’s Billingsgate, of the annual value of £24 to his daughter Elizabeth, but in the event of her decease before she came of age this wharf to be sold and divided in certain proportions between Bartholomew’s Hospital, Thomas Turner, his father-in-law, Thomas and Richard Turner his sons, the poore of Coleman Street, poor maids’ marriages, and the mending of highways.

He bequeaths some pastures and meadows at Enfield to his wife. He directs his parsonage of Kirkbye, Lincolnshire, with all the tithes and profits to be sold, and 100 marks to be given to Roger Alcocke, his brother’s son, 20 marks to his godson Nicholas Spencer, and the residue to be devoted to works of charity in the discretion of his executors. Thomas Archer, gentleman, and Randolph Atkinson, Merchant Taylor, are appointed Executors, and John Wysdome, painter staynor, and John Shireff, Barber-Surgeon, overseers.


ROBERT BALTHROP was born in 1522, and about the year 1538 apprenticed to Nicholas Alcock (Surgeon to King Edward VI). He was admitted to the freedom 3rd March, 1545, and to the Livery 20th October, 1552. He served the office of Warden in 1560 and 1564, and was Master of the Company in 1565 and again in 1573. About the year 1562 he was appointed Serjeant-Surgeon to Queen Elizabeth and held that office until his death (9th December, 1591).

He is buried in the church of St. Bartholomew the Less, where there is (behind the organ) on the south wall of the church, a handsome monument to his memory with this inscription--

Here Robert Balthrope lyes intombd, to Elizabeth our Queene, Who Sergeant of the Surgeons sworne neere thrtye yeeres hathe beene. He died at syxtie nine of yeeres December’s ninthe the daye The yeere of Grace eight hundred twice deductinge nine a waye Let heere his rotten bones repose, till angells trompet sounde, To warne the worlde of present chaunge, and raise the deade from grounde. VIVIT POST FUNERA VIRTUS.

Balthrop’s will was made about a fortnight before his death (27th November), and therein he directs his body to be buried in St. Bartholomew’s the Less, in which parish he then resided. He seems to have amassed a considerable estate and to have made a rather lengthy will, but as a great deal of it is of much interest, especially his inventory of surgical instruments and books, no apology is needed for quoting largely from it.

I do give and bequeathe my sowle to the holy and blessed Trinitie the ffather the sonne and the holy ghost three persons and one God allmightie hoping and stedfastly beleevinge to be forgiven and pardoned of all my sinnes and to enjoye the everlastinge and unspeakable felicities of heaven through the merrittꝭ and passion of my only redeemer and saviour Jesus Christ to whome be given all glorie honor and praise nowe and for ever Amen.

To poor people in the discretion of his executrix £10. To John Mason,[333] Chirurgian, dwelling in Long Lane 40s., and a few other small legacies. “To my servauntes,” John Deighton, Richard Neill, John Edwards and William Taylor 40s. each. To each of his wife’s maids 20s.

[333] Warden in 1575, his fellow apprentice with Nich. Alcock.

Also I give to the Company and bequeath to the company of the Barbors and Chirurgions of the Cittie of London for their use in their hall one bell [? beer] bowle with a cover beinge both of silver and gilte weighinge thirty ounces half an ownce and half a quarter of an ownce. Also I give to the M{r} and Governours of the said Company to make them and the rest of the Cloathinge a Dynner in theire hall after my buryall ffyve poundes. Also I give and bequeath to the poore people of the said Company fyve poundes. . . Also I bequeath to my moth{r} M{ris} Love my golde ringe which hath in it a stone called a Turkey. . . Also I bequeath to my felowe Goodorus[334] one of my Launcettꝭ that is sett in golde and enamyled Also I bequeth to my felowe Baker[335] her maiesties Chirurgion my Syringe of silver gilted and three pypes of silver gilted belonginge to the same.

[334] Serjeant-Surgeon and Master 1594. [335] Master 1597.

To Mr. Bennett, one of the Queen’s footmen, “my Brooch of golde compassed aboute with ragg Rubies.” Upon payment of £10, John Gryffyn,[336] surgeon, was to have the lease of his house. To testator’s nephew, William Balthrop £50 “and my greate Ringe of golde with my seale of Armes.” To his Nephew Richard Balthrop at the end of his apprenticeship £50 “and my lesser Ringe of golde with my seale of Armes.” And to these nephews his lands and tenements at East Greenwich. To John Gryffyn

[336] Surgeon to St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, 1586-1593.

My fyne clothe gowne welted with velvett and faced with Damaske. . . . To John Deighton my servaunte my blacke cloth cloake layed with lace and faced with velvett my blacke satten Dublett and my rounde velvett hose. To Richard Neel my servaunt a cloak, doublett and hose. To John Edwards my servaunt my white canvas Dublett that is at the parke with my Rownde velvett hose and my pheasaunt colored cloake with the sleeves and cape faced with russett velvett. Also I give and bequeath to my servauntꝭ that nowe are with me and have bene my servauntes in tyme past which do practize and exercise the art of Chirurgery such thingꝭ of mine belonginge and appertayninge to chirurgerie as are by me given and appointed to them in the Schedule hereunto annexed.

To Dorothy, his wife, he gave all the residue of his lands, houses, buildings, goods, chattels, plate, chains of gold, jewels, ready money, &c., and appointed her executrix. Probate was granted 16th December, 1591.


Item I give and bequeathe to my servaunt John Deighton my newe and last made Chirurgery chest which is for my owne use with all that is therein except golde and silver Also I bequeath to him my plaster boxe of leather which hath the lock hinges and barrs over yt of Copper gilted and the cysars and all the silver instrumentes therein. Also I give unto him my rownde silver salvatory and one catheter of silver and annother of leade with the case wherein they are Also I give unto him a case with silver Instrumentes therein that ys to saye a silver splatter a chockbarr of silver for the uvula a silver Syringe parcell gilted Also I give unto him my silver precipitate box all w{ch} thingꝭ are in the aforesaid chest. Also I bequeath unto him all my bookes of Phisicke and chirurgery with two Dixionaries which are in my study in my house at Manfeilde parke in the parishe of Taplowe. I also bequeath unto him my Englishe bible which is at the Courte. I give and bequeath to Lewes Rogers[337] somtyme my servaunte my greater surgery Chest which is in my Chamber here at London with all that is therein except golde and silver. Also I give unto him my plaster box which my wife hath in the Countrie with all the instrumentes therein belonginge to the same Also I give unto him a Catheter of silver which is in the Chest that I have apointed to John Deighton my servaunte Also I give unto him these bookes followinge Guydoes Chirurgery in ffrench, Bartholomeus De proprietatibus rerum, Vidus Vidius Interpres, Valescus his practise, Albucasis Discorides, Cornelius Celsus, Johannes Mesue, Marcus Catenarcus, Guydoe in latin, Leonardus ffuschius, Gyrolanus in ffrench and Quintus Curtius in Englishe. Also I give and bequeath to my servaunt John Edwards my least Chirurgery Chest which is at the Court for the Dayly use of my servauntes with all that therein is, my plaster box of leather with y{e} gilted locke and hinges of silver with all the instrumentes therein to the same belonginge and these English bookes, Gemimes Anathomy, Guido and Leonard ffuschius both in written hand, John Vigo, Eliot’s Dictionarie which I have lent to my felowe Goodorus, Turners herball and my byble which is at my howse in Manfeilde parke. Also I give unto him a pewter Syringe with three pypes of silver belonginge to the same. Also I give unto John Griffin somtymes my servaunt my silver salvatory percell guilted which is in the Chest that I have appointed to my servaunte Lewes Also I bequeath to Anthony Gariswall somtyme my servaunte one bigge latin booke wherein are bounde togeather the Chirurgeries of Guido, Brumis, Theodoricus Lanfrancke and Alberti Palus Also I give and bequeath unto the companie of the Barbors and Chirurgeons of the Cittie of London the Chirurgery of that most excellent writer John Tagaultius the lattin booke and also the English translation that I have made thereof And also the Chirurgerie of the expert and perfect practitioner Ambrose Parey both which workes I have written into Englishe for the love that I owe unto my bretheren practisinge Chirurgerie and not understandinge the latin Tounge and given them into the Hall for theire Dayly use and Readinge both in lattin and Englishe and Desiringe that they may be kept faire and cleane for my sake which wish them all prosperous and good successe in theire workes and endevours whatsoever they take in hande to the glory of God and the advauncemente of the Arte. Also I give unto my servaunt John Edwards my Case with all the Instrumentes therein which is in my Chest which I have appointed for Deighton. Also I give unto my servaunte John Deighton my bagge with the case and all the Instrumentes and other thingꝭ that are therein which lyeth for my Daily use in my Chest wherein I put my lynnen at the Courte. ffinally my will is that myne Executrix shall give to the use of the two hospitalls Sainte Bartholomewes and Saint Thomas for the sicke and sore people there all other such medicines bookes Instrumentꝭ bottles boxes and pottꝭ and such like thingꝭ belonginge to Chirurgery as are not in this Schedule bequeathed and given and such as she will reserve for her owne use, and to give to the poore for Christes sake. In Witnesse whereof I have also Subscribed this Schedule and put to my seale the Daie and yere first above written.

[337] Warden 1615, 16, and 17 (died in 1617).


Arms. Ar. on a chev. sa. five fleur de lys of the first. (The shield on Balthrop’s monument is quarterly 1{st} and 4{th} as above, 2{d} and 3{rd} a bend betw. two Eagles displayed.)


PETER PROBY was born at Chester, and was the son of Randolph Proby, afterwards of Brampton, Hunts, by his wife, a Miss Bernard. He was admitted to our freedom in 1579, made a Liveryman 1st July, 1596, an Assistant 6th July, 1609, and served the office of Master 1615. He was Sheriff of London 1614, Alderman of the Ward of Queenhithe, and Lord Mayor in 1622.

19th August, 1605. This day M{r} Peter Proby a very lovinge member of this company did out of his love and affection to this house of his owne voluntarie good will give unto this company a very fayre large and serviceable standinge Cup of silver and double gilte wayghinge xxx ouncꝭ & a penny waight with a cover unto it whereupon are his armes placed And hath this supˀscription ingraven upon it [This cup is given to this hall by Peter Proby gentleman free of the same, A servant to Queene Elizabeth and to Kinge James And for both keepˀ of the Recordes in the Tower of London. Postm{r} for the service of Ireland. And for speciall Service a pentioner for leife. Who was twice of the high courte of Parliament] which cup was kindlie accepted by this Court, And in gratificac͠on thereof It is by this Court ordred that the said Peter Proby shalbe exempted and discharged from all offices within this Company except the office of M{r} or Governo{r} of this companie. And from all other attendaunces for the sˀrvice or affaires of the said Company And when it shall please him to come to the hall he is to be kindlie and freindlie intertayned. finis coronabit opus.

24th May, 1614. It was agreed that Mr. Alderman Proby should, if he desired it, “have the use of this house together with the plate and other necessaries for to keep his Shrievalty,” and if he desired to keep his Shrievalty elsewhere he was to be allowed to borrow the plate for a year; and on the 1st July it was agreed that £40 should be given to him towards the “bewtifying of his howse.”

25th August, 1614. Fifteen Members of the Court of Assistants were nominated to attend Mr. Sheriff Proby on Michaelmas eve and the next day, and all charges and expenses which they might incur were to be borne by the Company.

In 1616, Sir Peter who had previously been appointed Governor of the colony of Ulster by special commission from the King and the City of London, repaired thither, attended by divers of the most eminent citizens, to regulate certain affairs belonging to the plantation, taking with him two rich swords of state as a present from the City, to be carried before the Mayors of Londonderry and Coleraine, the former having been some time before erected into a city and the latter into a Mayor-town.

8th June, 1622. At a Court held this day Alderman Proby was ordered to be translated to the Grocers’ Company, in view of his coming election as Lord Mayor.

20th September, 1622. At this Court it is agreed that there shalbe hiered on the Lord Maior{s} day a Noyse of Trumpettꝭ at the Charge of the howse.

At this Court it is agreed that M{r} Alderman Probie shall have our plate & hangeingꝭ for this yeare of his Maioralty.

Sir Peter’s eldest son, Heneage, was knighted; he was Sheriff of Bucks, and M.P. for Amersham. His second son, Henry, was Common Serjeant of London. Sir Peter was the ancestor of several members of Parliament as also of the Marquess of Rockingham and the Earl of Carysfort. His grandson Peter Proby, who married Grace, daughter of Sir Richard Ford, was chosen a Liveryman of the Company 10th March, 1659.

Sir Peter Proby’s will (undated) was proved 21st March, 1625, and commences--

I Peter Proby Knight and Alderman of London calling to minde the transitory estate of all flesh and more perticulerly the great age w{ch} through gods especiall goodnes I have attayned, as alsoe the weake estate of my body broken of late w{th} many sicknesses and infirmities w{ch} still hanging one mee as be many monito{rs} unto me to pˀvide for my approachinge change and settlinge of that poore state wherew{th} it hath pleased god to blesse mee.

He gives to his wife Dame Elizabeth Proby (of whom he speaks in terms of the greatest affection) his manor of Allington, alias Aylton, Hunts, for 40 years, if she shall so long live, with remainder to his son Heneage, also to his wife his mansion and manor house of Caddington, Herts, with the demesne lands of that manor and the tithes thereof, also all his lands, tenements, and hereditaments in Luton and Dunstable with remainder to his son Henry, also to his wife his house in St. Swithin’s Lane, London. To his son Henry the manor of Yaxley, Hunts, with the tolls of the fair and markets there, which he had by virtue of a lease from Queen Elizabeth. To his son, the Rev. Edmund Proby, D.D., £1,000. To his son George £1,000. To his son Emanuel £500 (he having already had £500). His daughter, Walsingham having been provided for on her marriage, was to have £20.

To my kinde and loveinge soune in lawe William Downhall esquire £20. Item I give and bequeath unto my lovinge friends the M{r} Wardens and company of Barber surgions the some of twenty pounds.

Also £30 to the Grocers’ Company and £6 6s. 8d. to Bridewell Hospital. To the poor of Aylton 12d. weekly for 5 years. To the poor of Yaxley 6d. weekly for 5 years.

And as for that yerely penc͠on y{t} I have given for ever in the parish I was borne in in the Citty of Chester I require my executor to see and make inquiry of the pˀformance thereof (accordinge to a brason table in the Church therefore) the w{ch} for many yeres past I have knowne well performed and soe I hope wilbe for ever.

His sons, Heneage and Henry, and son-in-law, William Downhall, were appointed Executors.

Sir Peter Proby’s arms were, erm. on a fesse gu. a lyon pass. or. a crescent for difference.


WILLIAM CLOWES was the son of Thomas Clowes, originally of Kingsbury, Warwickshire, and afterwards of London. He was born about 1540, and studied surgery under Mr. George Keble, who was not free of our Company, but of whom Clowes more than once speaks in terms of highest praise. He tells us that in 1563 he served as a Surgeon in the army under the Earl of Warwick at Havre, and after this campaign he was for some time in the Navy, in both which appointments he undoubtedly gained great experience. In 1569 he no doubt settled in London, as on the 8th of November in that year he was admitted to the freedom by translation, and he soon secured a large practice, though it was not until the 18th July, 1588, that he was made an Assistant of the Court.

The records do not display Mr. Clowes’ character in the most favourable light, as the following extracts will show:--

6th October, 1573. Here was one & complayned [against] Willm̄ Clowes for takynge his money and he not cured.

7th February, 1575. Here came one Willm̄ Goodnep and complayned of Willm̄ Clowes for not curing his wief de morbo gallico and yt was awarded that the saide Clowes sholde either geve the saide Goodnep xx{s} orells cure his saide wief w{ch} Clowes agreed to pay the xx{s} and so they were agreed and eche of them made acquittance to other.

28th February, 1576. Here was a complainte against Willm̄ Clowes by one Goodenge for that the saide Clowes had not onlie misused the saide Goodinge in speche but also most of the masters of the Company w{th} scoffing wordes and jestes, and they all forgave him here openlye in the Co{r}te and so the stryfe was ended upon condˀ that he sholde nev{r} so misuse him self agayne and bonds was caused to be made to that effect.

25th March, 1577. Here at this Corte was a greate contension and stryffe spoken of and ended betwene George Baker and Willm̄ Clowes for that they bothe contrary to order and the good and holsome rules of this howse misused eche other and fought in the ffelds togethers. But the M{r} Wardens and assistance wishing that they might be and continewe loving brothers pˀdoned this greate offence in hope of amendement.

The George Baker with whom Clowes fought, was afterwards Serjeant-Surgeon and Master of the Company in 1597. In 1575 Mr. Clowes was appointed one of the surgeons of St. Bartholomew’s Hospital and later on he was surgeon to Christ’s Hospital; he was also surgeon to Queen Elizabeth and James I. His first book, “De morbo Gallico,” was published in 1579. In 1585 he went as surgeon of the forces in the expedition to the Low Countries under the Earl of Leicester. In his book, “Proved Practise,” he tells a great deal of this expedition and says that many of the surgeons were most unskilful and “slew more than the enemy did,” though he and his friend Serjeant-Surgeon Gooderus (Master 1594) did not lose a case. Mr. Clowes had the honour of serving in the fleet which defeated the Spanish Armada, and in 1594 was Warden of the Barber-Surgeons, the last Court which he attended was on the 9th February, 1596. After a successful practice he retired to a country house at Plaistow, in Essex, and died in 1604. Dr. Norman Moore says that his books “are the best surgical writings of the Elizabethan age; they are all in English, and his style is very easy and forcible, sometimes a little prolix but never obscure.”


He was the son of William Clowes, Barber-Surgeon; born about 1582, he was apprenticed to his father and admitted to our freedom 22nd January, 1605, and on 13th December, 1615, called to the Livery; he was then surgeon to the Prince of Wales, and had a dispensation from the Court of the Company to attend the lectures and Hall only on such occasions as should be convenient to him. On the accession of Charles I he was made Serjeant-Surgeon to the King. In 1626 he was Master of the Company, and again in 1638. A characteristic letter of Serjeant Clowes and some particulars as to his election as Master in 1626 may be seen on pp. 248-250. On 30th October, 1648, his decease was reported to the Court.

By his will, dated 28th March, 1630, he bequeathed his property freehold and copyhold, to his wife Sara, his son James, and his daughters Ann and Sara.

Arms. Az. on a chev. engr. betw. three unicorns’ heads, era or. as many crescents gu.

GEOFFREY CLOWES = of Tutbury, Staffordshire | | +------------+ | Nicholas Clowes, = of Kingsbury, Warwickshire | | +------------+ | Thomas Clowes = Emma d. of of Kingsbury and | John Beauchamp. London | | +------------+ | 1st. ...... d. of = William Clowes of = and. Katherine Smith, Godwin of Kent | London, Surgeon to | grandd{r} of Sir Hen. | Queen Elizabeth and | Wallop of Hampshire. | James I, d. 1604. | | | +---------------+------+ | | | | William Clowes = Sara. Richard Clowes | Serjeant-Surgeon | | to Charles I. | +------------------+---------+----------+ d. 1648. | | | | | Henry Clowes = Susan, d. Catherine Mary | of Cornhill, | of Richard, m. Rich{d.} d. unm. | admitted to | Cutler of Pile of | Freedom of | London. Hampshire. | Barber-Surgeons| | 16 Jan., 1627, | | viz., 1633. | | | +--------------+----+ +--------------+--------------+ | | | | | | James Clowes. Ann. Sara. Richard Clowes. Thomas Clowes. Susan. æt. 3, in 1633.


THOMAS THORNEY, born in 1542 or 1543, was apprenticed to William Bovey (Master 1581) a surgeon in large practice. He was made free 8th April, 1573, and elected an Assistant 19th June, 1595; he served as Warden in 1598 and 1600 and was twice Master of the Company, viz., in 1602 and 1606, he was also a Common Councilman. Mr. Thorney acquired considerable property in Holborn and the country, but dying on 4th June, 1614, without issue, made his nephew Peter (son of his then deceased brother Walter) his heir. He was a considerable benefactor to the Parish of St. Andrew, Holborn, where there is a monumental tablet to his memory. His Will dated 25th May, 1612, was proved on the day of his death, and among other bequests to St. Andrew’s Holborn, he left £10 to the Churchwardens--

to make a Dynner or supper therwith and to make merrie therewith with my good neighboures for my sake and to encrease neighbourelie love amongest them And the Churchwardens to bid the parson and Minister to be with them. Item I give to the Company of Barbar Surgions twoe spowte pottꝭ of silver and guilt one all guilte and the other parcell guilte to the valewe of twentie poundes and the Thorne bushe to be graven on either of them and the Barber Surgeons armes and my name at lardge and some wordes to shewe that they were of my guifte Item I give likewise to the Company of Barbor surgions of London that shall followe me at my ffunerall fyve poundꝭ to make a Dynner with and to be merrye for my sake and to the entent to encrease brotherlie love amongest them The said ffyve poundes to be paied to the Master and Wardens when they come to fetch my bodye to the churche.

To his wife Annie he gave his dwelling house in Holborn, and another newly built house there, also one on the street side next the Bars, and the third part of all his other lands for her life and all his goods and movables. To Richard Cade “my auncient and honest servaunte” and to Jane his wife 40s. each for rings. To his nephew, Peter Thorney, his houses in Fetter Lane, the Bell Inn at Acton, a dwelling house at Acton, and the King’s Head in Holborn near the Bars, with a proviso that should Peter die without heirs the Bell at Acton was to pass to the Barber-Surgeons.


PETER THORNEY was apprenticed to his uncle Thomas Thorney and admitted to the freedom 14th July, 1603. He seems to have got into good practice and was one of the Army Surgeons. He was appointed Surgeon-General of the Army going to the relief of Rochelle, and made his will a few days afterwards (25th July, 1628) with a presentiment of his death, which was soon realised, as probate was granted on the 24th November following. He says--

I com̃end my bodie to bee buried where it shall please god or my freindes, if I come not home from the Sea this voiage I intended for the releife of Rochell, but if it shall please god that I die in England if it maiebee possible I would bee buried in S{t} Andrews Church as neare to my Unckle M{r} Thomas Thorney as maie bee.

Among other bequests he gives five marks to such of the livery of the Company as shall follow him to the Church; he makes his son Thomas (then under age) his heir generally and provides for his wife Ann and daughter Elizabeth; he leaves to George Peren, Barber-Surgeon, his “yearball knowne by the name of Gerardꝭ yearball.”[338]

[338] Gerard’s Herball.

But if it shall please god soe that both my children shall die without issue Then my will is that y{e} Bell in Acton shall remaine for evˀ to the Company of the berber surgeons of London according as my unckle M{r} Thomas Thorney hath hertofore bequeathed it.

Item I give to Edward Griffith which was my Servant all my manuscriptꝭ belonginge to surgerie and all my instrumentꝭ belonging to Surgery except my plaster box and salvatory and instruments in the boxe and my silver seringe, and likewise unto the said Edward all my medicines whatsoever I give him w{th} my bookes of Surgery whatsoever in my Studdie.


JOHN GERARD was born in 1545 at Nantwich in Cheshire, his parentage is unknown, though by his coat of arms he appears to have descended from the Gerards of Ince in Lancashire. In 1562 he was apprenticed to Alexander Mason, a Surgeon in extensive practice, who was Warden in 1556 and 1561 and Master in 1567 and 1573 (Mr. Mason died 3rd April, 1574). Gerard was admitted to the freedom of the Barber-Surgeons 9th December, 1569. There is no record of his admission to the Livery, though in consequence of his professional attainments and his presumable friendship with his master who made him free, he doubtless had the clothing at the same time. The only note we have of Gerard, before he comes on the Court, is one in which he appears before the Masters as defendant in a case of alleged slander on the wife of a brother freeman.

21st February, 1578. Here was a complainte against Jo: Jerrard for saying that Richard James his wief had the ffrenche pocks, and he made answere and saide he wolde justifie the same, and he was dismist to the Comon Lawe.

Gerard was elected a Member of the Court of Assistants on the 19th June, 1595. For some long time previous he must have been engaged in the preparation of his great work “The Herball or Generall Historie of Plantes,” a folio of some 1,400 pages, embellished with about 1,800 illustrations of plants,[339] and published in 1597, which, whilst it was by far the best and most exhaustive work of its kind at that period, has ever since been considered a standard book of reference;  a good copy being now worth 8 to 10 guineas. At this period he was living “at my house in Holburne, within the suburbs of London,” probably near Fetter Lane, where he had a large garden of herbs.

[339] The woodcuts for these illustrations were procured from Frankfort, and originally executed for the German Herbal of Tabernæmontanus.

The style of Gerard’s writing was very quaint, and abounds with quiet humour; he scouted monkish tales and old wives’ fables concerning the miraculous properties of plants, etc., honestly endeavouring to present facts to his readers; yet even he has not hesitated to record as true, and gravely set forth, some fabulous stories, as, for example, in speaking of Barnacles on p. 1391, he says--

There is a small Ilande in Lancashire called the Pile of Foulders, wherein are found the broken peeces of old and brused ships . . . wheron is found a certaine spume or froth, that in time breedeth unto certaine shels, in shape like those of the muskle, . . . wherein is conteined a thing in forme like a lace of silke finely woven, as it were togither, of a whitish colour; one end whereof is fastned unto the inside of the shell; . . . the other end is made fast unto the belly of a rude masse or lumpe, which in time commeth to the shape & forme of a Bird: when it is perfectly formed, the shel gapeth open, & the first thing that appeereth is the foresaid lace or string; next come the legs of the Birde hanging out; and as it groweth greater, it openeth the shell by degrees, till at length it is all come foorth, and hangeth onely by the bill; in short space after it commeth to full maturitie, and falleth into the sea, where it gathereth feathers, and groweth to a foule, bigger then a Mallard, and lesser than a Goose; having blacke legs and bill or beake, and feathers blacke and white, spotted in such maner as is our Magge-Pie, called in some places a Pie-Annet, which the people of Lancashire call by no other name than a tree goose; which place aforesaide, and all those parts adjoining, do so much abound therewith, that one of the best is bought for three pence: for the truth heerof, if any doubt, may it please them to repaire unto me, and I shall satisfie them by the testimonie of good witnesses.

The woodcut illustrations with which the book abounds are designed in a good artistic style, being frequently consulted and adapted nowadays by artists engaged in floral design. In 1596, Gerard seems to have propounded a scheme for the Company to keep a garden for the cultivation and study of medicinal plants, and some land belonging to the Company in East Smithfield was suggested for this purpose, but not being thought a suitable spot, certain members of the Court offered to contribute towards the purchase of a garden elsewhere; in June, 1597, the subject was under consideration, and again in November, 1602; but whether anything further was done in the matter does not appear. The minutes in our books relating to this business, are as follows--

26th March, 1596. A motion was also made concerninge the Demisinge of certen garden grounds at East Smithfield for the w{ch} M{r} ffettyplace, M{r} Lacock and John Gerard were sevˀall Sutors. Yt was agreed that the same should be let for yerely rent at the pleasures of the masters or governors and none of the said sutors obteyned any graunte. But for as muche as John Gerard’s request was to have yt to make a garden of yt for the ffurtherance of learning in the knowledge and practiqe of the nature and skill of herbes, w{ch} was thought not a place ffytt for that pˀpose, but that a more convenient place should be sought owte and dyvers of the Companie did offer to be contributors for the buying of the same, and M{r} ffetiplace and M{r} Lacock are to be spoken w{th}all and thus to be satisfied.

16th June, 1597. At the request of M{r} Peck[340] and M{r} Gerat yt was agreed at this Corte that those whose names are here after menc͠oned should survey a peece of ground ffyt to make a Garden for to plant all kinde of herbes in routes plantes and suche like as to the saide M{r} Gerat being a skilfull Herbalist should thinck meete for the wo{r}shipp of this societie, and to relate their opinions and acc͠ons therein to this howse and societie for the further pˀceding therein, viz{t} M{r} John Isard[341] M{r} Lewes Atmer[342] M{r} Cox M{r} Wood[343] M{r} Sprignell[344] M{r} Borne[345] Jeames Bates[346] M{r} Thomas Waren[347] M{r} Bovy[348] M{r} Byrd[349] M{r} Gale[350] M{r} Laycock[351] M{r} Jo Martin[352] or any viij. x. or the most pˀte of them.

[340] John Peck, Master 1605 and 1610. [341] Warden 1590, 1593, 1596. [342] W. 1601. [343] Master 1591. [344] W. 1584, 1587, 1591. [345] M. 1600. [346] W. 1591, 1595, 1597. [347] W. 1596. [348] M. 1617. [349] M. 1590. [350] M. 1595. [351] M. 1598, 1604. [352] M. 1601.

2nd November, 1602. This daye it is ordered that the Committes for M{r} Gerrard’s garden shall this aft{r} noone meet at the hall to consider of the report for a Garden for the said M{r} Gerrard.

In August, 1597, John Gerard was chosen Junior Warden (George Baker, the Queen’s Serjeant-Surgeon being at the same time elected Master), and in January following he was appointed one of the Examiners of Surgeons. In 1604, there had been controversies between Gerard and Christopher Frederick (Master 1609), which on the 12th June were referred to a Committee of the Court for settlement. “And if they no ende can make they are to make report at the next Court of their pˀcedinges therein.”

26th September, 1605. This day M{r} Jerrard was discharged of the office of second Warden and upper governo{r} of this Company uppon his suite & entreatie for certayne considerac͠ons. And is fyned for the said places at x{li} which he is pˀntlie to pay to the pˀnte M{rs} or governours And is hereafter to take his place as though he had served the place of upper Governo{r} any thinge to the contrarie notwithstandinge.

7th November, 1605. The above order was rescinded, but shortly afterwards Mr. Gerard brought £10 into Court, and left it with the Wardens, when it was ordered that the matter should be further considered, and in the result the fine was accepted.

21st October, 1606. This daie John Gerrard was fyned at vj{s} viij{d} for abuseing M{r} Peck and it is ordered that from henceforth they shall be freinds, and all Controversyes betweene them are to cease.

20th July, 1607. Mr. Gerard was again appointed an Examiner of Surgeons, and 17th August following elected Master.

Queen Elizabeth is reported to have entertained a high opinion of Mr. Gerard’s attainments, and he was also patronised by her Minister, William Cecil, Lord Burleigh, whose garden he superintended for twenty years. In the dedication of his Herbal to Lord Burleigh, in speaking of the “care and studie” of herbs, he says--

Under your Lordship I have served, and that way imployed my principall studie, and almost all my time now by the space of twenty yeeres. To the large and singular furniture of this noble Iland, I have added from forren places all the varietie of herbes and flowers that I might any way obtaine, I have laboured with the soile to make it fit for the plants, and with the plants to make them to delight in the soile, that so they might live and prosper under our climate, as in their native and proper countrie: what my successe hath beene, and what my furniture is, I leave to the report of them that have seene your Lordships gardens, and the little plot of my speciall care and husbandrie.

Among the numerous epistles, etc., laudatory of Gerard, prefixed to the Herbal are some exceedingly quaint verses dedicated by “Thomas Thorney[353] Master in Chirurgerie, to his learned friend and loving brother in Art, M. John Gerard.” There is also an epistle by “George Baker, one of hir Maiesties chiefe Chirurgions in ordinarie, and M. of the Chirurgions of the Citie of London.” Besides his garden in Holborn, Gerard seems also to have had one in the Strand by Somerset House, and to have held the appointment of “Herbarist” to James I, for among the Domestic State papers at the Record Office, is a grant dated 10th October, 1603, by Anne, Queen of James I to Sir Robert Cecil, Lord Cecil of Essingdon, of the Keepership of Somerset House with all the orchards, walks, gardens, &c., thereto belonging “except and alwaies reserved to John Gerrard of London Surgeon and herbarist to his Ma{tie} all that garden plott or peece of ground w{th} all and singular pˀfittꝭ comodities and other the app̃tencꝭ therew{th} graunted and demised unto him by one lease given under o{r} hand and seale at”[354] . . .

[353] See p. 538.

[354] The lease was dated 14th August, 1603, and was for 2 acres of land for Gerard’s life at a yearly rent of four pence, with a tribute of herbs, &c., if demanded.

In 1639 the Company purchased a copy of Gerard’s work for the Library. “Paid for M{r} John Gerrardꝭ herball for the library for Claspes & settinge on the chaine . . . . . xxv{s} vj{d.}”

John Gerard died in February, 1612, and was buried at St. Andrew’s, Holborn, on the 18th of that month. There is a fine portrait of Gerard facing page 1 of the Herbal, in which he is represented holding a potato plant in his hand; below are the arms of the Barber-Surgeons and his own coat, viz., quarterly 1st and 4th ar. a lyon rampant erm. crowned or, a crescent for difference (Gerard), 2nd and 3rd ar. three torteaux in bend between two bendlets sa. (Ince). Crest, A lyon’s jamb era. inverted holding a hawk’s lure. Motto, D’assenti buone.

The best account of Gerard may be seen in a privately-printed “Catalogue of Plants cultivated in the Garden of John Gerard and a life of the Author,” by Benjamin D. Jackson, F.L.S. London, 1876.


Sir THOMAS was the son of Sir Thomas Bludder, of Flanchford, in the parish of Reigate (who died 1st November, 1618). He was knighted at Whitehall, 22nd April, 1618, and married three times, his third wife being Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Brett, of Rotherby, Lancashire.

9th August, 1621. At this Court upon the request of Sir Thomas Bludder Knyght who was desierous to be made a freman of this Company It was ordered he shold be made free & so tooke his oath accordingly.

Sir Thomas, who was a Justice of the Peace for Surrey, represented Reigate in the several Parliaments of 21 James I, and 1, 3 and 16 Charles I. He was a Royalist and imprisoned for his adherence to that cause, and died on 29th September, 1655.

A pedigree of the Bludders will be found in Aubrey’s Antiquities of Surrey, IV, 210.

Arms. Gu. a dexter arm embowed or, the hand ppr.


MARTIN BROWNE was born about 1590, probably in Lincolnshire; he was apprenticed to Thomas Clemence, a surgeon free of the Company, and on 13th July, 1613, was admitted to the freedom. He seems to have had an extensive practice, and in 1648 was living in Creed Lane. There are numerous references to him in our Minutes, from which may be gathered that he was a man of great experience, and well able to hold his own in some cases where his professional skill had been called in question by jealous brethren of the craft. He served as Warden in 1640 and 1645, and was Master in 1653, when he presented the Company with a loving cup (see p. 502). He died 16th April, 1655, and in his will dated 20th August, 1654, and proved 24th April, 1655, he describes himself as of the parish of St. Gregory, “full of yeares,” and requests to be buried in his parish church near his dead children “which was partly under my owne pewe where now of late I satt.” To the poor of that parish he leaves £10. To the poor of East Tilbury 40s. To the poor of Louth, in Lincolnshire, £10. To his cousin Richard Mason, of Leeyborne, Lincolnshire, £5, and to his son, Richard Mason, testator’s apprentice, £5 and his case of silver instruments, “with fower books of phisick and of Chirurgery namelie Ambrose Parrey and Rondeletius and Aqua Sendens his mannuall operations and Tangaltius and others Authers all bound up in one volumne.” He gives several legacies of money to cousins, nieces, servants, and apprentices, makes his wife Margaret his executrix, and leaves all his lands and houses in the counties of Essex and Lincoln and the City of London to her for life, with remainder to his only child Rebecca, the wife of Humphry Winch, Esquire. “To my cousen Henery Barker all my Instruments of yron for Chirurgerie excepte my Lancetts and incision knives. I likewise give [him] theise bookes namely the workes of Hypocrates, Galen, Celsus, Paulus Agenta, ffernebens Senertus his Chirurgery.”

Arms (as engraved on the loving cup). Quarterly, 1st and 4th three mullets, 2nd and 3rd a hunting horn stringed between three escallops.


Few names are held in greater veneration at Barbers’ Hall than that of Edward Arris. His father, Jasper Arris, was apprenticed to Thomas Burston or Burstowe, a Surgeon and Master of the Company in 1576. Jasper Arris (probably born 1560-2), was admitted to the freedom, 3rd April, 1583, chosen a Liveryman, 22nd January, 1606, an Assistant, 3rd August, 1614, served as Warden in the years 1617 and 1622, and was reported on 8th January, 1623, as then recently deceased. There are few notices of Jasper in our books, and one of them on 21st October, 1606, is perhaps not much to his credit, as it records his fine for working on the Sabbath day; from which we may gather that he was one of those who, contrary to the Ordinances and the Statute, worked both as a Barber and Surgeon,--a practice often winked at by the Governors. His son Edward, was born in London in 1591, and was admitted to the freedom by patrimony on 21st January, 1617, having learnt his art with his father; he was admitted to the Livery 9th October, 1627, and on 30th April, 1629, granted his diploma to practise Surgery. In 1632, he was chosen Steward, and the next year Master of the Anatomy. On the 23rd April, 1640, he was elected an Assistant and served the office of Warden in 1642. On 10th February, 1648, he was appointed one of the Examiners of Surgeons, and elected Master of the Company 1651. On 3rd July, 1663, Mr. Arris was nominated by the Court of Aldermen, Alderman of the Ward of Bridge Without (loco Richard Evans) and was sworn in on the 28th July following, but this civic office was probably an uncongenial one to him, for he very shortly afterwards applied to be discharged from it, and thereupon paid a fine of £300 to the City.

In 1645 Mr. Arris founded an Anatomy Lecture, and with a characteristic modesty endeavoured to conceal the founder’s name, though his intention in this respect was necessarily frustrated when the deed of settlement had to be drawn. This, the Arrisian Lecture, still survives at the Royal College of Surgeons. (Particulars of the foundation will be found on pp. 368, 369.) In 1649, when our plate was sold, Mr. Arris re-purchased King Henry VIII’s cup, and “freely gave it againe to this Company,” for which all Barber-Surgeons and Barbers have ever after been profoundly grateful to him. He also, in 1651, gave us four silver cups. Mr. Arris’ granddaughter, Henrietta Maria Langford, seems to have got into straitened circumstances, as on 5th August, 1718, we read “It is ordered that Henrietta Maria Langford daughter of Robert Arris son of Alderman Arris Members of this Company, shall be made free without charge, in Gratitude to the Memory of Alderman Arris, in order that she may be admitted one of the Company’s Pentioners.”

The Alderman died 28th May, 1676, at the good old age of eighty-five and is buried in St. Sepulchre’s Church, where there is a quaint tablet with this inscription--


By his Will, dated 20th May, 1676, he directs his body to be buried in the grave of his father, mother and wife in St. Sepulchre’s, and he bequeathed his property to his then only surviving son Thomas Arris, M.D., M.P., and his children, and to the children of his deceased son Robert. He gave five legacies of £400 each and some smaller ones amongst his grandchildren and an annuity of £30 a year to his grandson Robert. He also bequeathed messuages, lands, &c., at Hatfield, two messuages in Well Yard, St. Bartholomew’s the Less, a messuage near Pye Corner, ten acres of Copyhold land in the manor of Bedwell near Hatfield and four freehold houses in the parish of St. Paul, Covent Garden, to his son and grandchildren. “I give Ten shillings a peece to soe many Antient men as I shall be yeares old att the tyme of my death to mourne in decent Gownes att my Burial whereof Tenn to be of the parish of Little St. Bartholomews Tenn of the Company of Barber Chirurgeons and the rest of the Parish of St. Sepulchres.” He also left £8 to the poor of St. Sepulchre’s to be given to 160 poor at his burial; £5 to the poor of St. Bartholomew the Less; £5 to Christ’s Hospital among 100 children to attend his burial; 20s. each to the two Beadles of the Barber-Surgeons, and 5s. each to the four Beadles of St. Bartholomew’s Hospital; also £5 to Dr. Bell to preach a sermon at his burial.

Arms. Ar. on a cross gu. five fleur de lys or.

JASPER ARRIS= of St. Sepulchre’s, | London, died 1622-3. | +----------------+ | Alderman Edward Arris = Mary ... b. 1591. d. 28 May, 1676. | b. 1598 d. 11 Dec., 1674. | +----------------------------+---+---------------------+ | | | Robert Arris, Surgeon = Elizabeth d. Thomas Arris = Olivia ... and ad{t} to Freedom 21 | Henry Boone. of St. Alban’s| 21 other Jan., 1651.; died be- | Herts, M.D., | children fore 17 April, 1662. | M.P. | | | +----------------+-+--------------------+ | | | | | Edward Arris Henrietta = ... Susan | apprenticed to Maria Langford. | Thos. Ryton admitted to | Surgeon Freedom | 3 Sep., 1674. 5 Aug., 1718. | | +------------+-------+-------+--------+--------+------+-------+ | | | | | | | | Edward Arris Thomas. Robert. Jasper. Elizabeth. Mary. Agnes. Margaret. appt{d} to Thomas Hobbs, Surgeon, 13 Feb., 1677. admitted to Freedom 4 March, 1684.


JOHN FREDERICK was a son of Christopher Frederick, Barber-Surgeon. A minute of the 9th June, 1595, states that “the said Xpõfer ffrederick being a strainger borne had his ffreedom geven him of the Cittie of London by vertue of her Mat{ies} most gracious Lrẽs to the Lord maior and Corte of Aldrem̃e directed and was made fre of this Companie and after chosen of the lyvery and then one of Thassistance.”

Christopher Frederick was on more than one occasion at serious variance with the Court, as also with some of its members, and a resolution was passed, evidently with pointed allusion to him, viz., that in future aliens should be ineligible for the Court. He was Serjeant-Surgeon to James I, and probably to Elizabeth also; Master in 1609 and again in 1616. His son William was admitted to the freedom by service 27th October, 1607. Christopher Frederick was buried 10th October, 1623, in the church of St. Olave, Jewry, where also Mary, his widow, was interred on 6th June, 1636. They had issue six sons and six daughters.

John Frederick, the fourth son, was baptized 25th October, 1601, and educated at Christ’s Hospital. On 17th July, 1632 he was admitted to the freedom by patrimony, on the 13th November, 1635 elected to the Livery, and on 30th January, 1645 made an Assistant. He was a successful merchant and resided in a large mansion on the site of what is now Frederick’s Place, Old Jewry (which he rebuilt after the Great Fire in 1666). This house was afterwards used as the Excise Office, upon the removal of which to Broad Street, the building was taken down and the present houses erected. He was elected Alderman of Vintry September, 1653, and in 1660 removed to Coleman Street Ward. He was Master of the Barber-Surgeons in 1654 and again in 1658; he served as Sheriff, 1655-6, and was then knighted. The Barber-Surgeons attended Sir John in their barge to Westminster when he went to be sworn in as Sheriff, and ordered his portrait to be painted at a cost of £15. This fine picture representing the Sheriff in his robes and with a flowing wig, is preserved at Barbers’ Hall. In 1661 Sir John was translated to the Grocers’ Company to enable him to take upon him the office of Lord Mayor, which he served 1661-2. The pageant performed at the expense of the Grocers upon his accession to the Mayoralty was entitled “Londons Tryumphs presented in several delightfull Scænes,” and was composed by John Tatham; a copy of this very rare tract is preserved in the Guildhall Library. Pepys, under date 29th October, 1661, writes--

This day I put on my half cloth black stockings and my new coate of the fashion, which pleases me well, and with my bever I was (after office was done) ready to go to my Lord Mayor’s feast, as we are all invited; but the Sir Williams were both loth to go, because of the crowd, and so none of us went. My mind not pleased because I had proposed a great deal of pleasure to myself this day at Guildhall. This Lord Mayor, it seems, brings up again the custom of Lord Mayors going the day of their instalment to Paul’s and walking round about the Crosse, and offering something at the Altar.

In 1662 Sir John was elected Master of the Grocers’ Company and also President of Christ’s Hospital, which latter office he held until 1683. In the Parliament of 1660 he represented Dartmouth; on the 10th March, 1663, he was elected one of the Members for the City and so continued until the dissolution in January, 1679. In 1674 he gave £100 towards rebuilding Barber-Surgeons’ Hall; he also repaired and fitted up the Great Hall at Christ’s Hospital at a cost of £5,000. In 1664 he bore the expense of bringing the Conduit Water from Gray’s Inn Fields to the Hospital. In 1667 he gave £50 and twenty chaldrons of sea coal, and by his Will bequeathed £500 to the Hospital. In 1654 he gave a handsome silver loving cup and cover weighing about 38 oz. to the Barber-Surgeons; this cup is still used on festive occasions. There is a portrait of Sir John at Christ’s Hospital, which represents him as seated in an arm chair, in his civic robes, with an open letter in his hand, on his head is a full bottomed wig and a black cap, he has white whiskers and a tuft of white hair on his under lip.

In the “Gentleman’s Magazine” for November, 1769, is a copy of a document prepared for Charles II, giving the characters of the Lord Mayor and Aldermen, which says of Sir John Frederick that--

by reason of his age, he is apt to be ledd by others, especially by Sir John Lawrence, a man of little dispatch, very readie to run into mistakes; he hates a souldier, and cannot endure to see any of the King’s guards.

Sir John married Mary Rous by whom he had issue four sons and nine daughters. Judith, his eldest daughter, married Sir Nathaniel Herne (Alderman and Sheriff 1674 and Master of the Barber-Surgeons 1674), who, dying in August, 1679, she married secondly, Robert Hooker, of Hatton Garden. Her Will, dated in 1688, was proved 30th June, 1691.

Sir John Frederick was buried in the Church of St. Olave Jewry 19th March, 1685, where his widow was also interred 19th December, 1689; she bequeathed £300 to Christ’s Hospital. His eldest son Thomas was the father of John Frederick who was created a baronet 10th June, 1723. Sir John gave marriage portions of £3,000 apiece to his daughters Judith and Elizabeth, who married respectively Sir Nathaniel Herne and Sir Joseph Herne, and he covenanted to give £2,000 apiece more either in his lifetime or by will; it seems that he did this by will, which led to litigation, his relict (to whom he left about £10,000) laying claim to some portion of these legacies by the custom of London.

Arms (granted by Sir Ed. Walker, Garter, 22nd October, 1661). Or on a chief gu. three doves ar. beaked gu. legged or.

Crest. On a cap of dignity az. turned up ermine, a dove ppr. holding a laurel branch vert.


Sir NATHANIEL HERNE was the son of Nicholas and grandson of Richard Herne (Alderman and Sheriff in 1618). He was born in 1629 and in 1646 apprenticed at Barber-Surgeons’ Hall to Sir John Frederick, one of the merchant-princes of London at that time. Herne was admitted to the freedom on 7th May, 1655, and, like the typical industrious apprentice, he married his master’s daughter, Judith Frederick, by whom he had (among others) a daughter Judith who married William, second Earl of Jersey, and thereby was one of the ancestors of the present Earl. Sir Nathaniel Herne was a most successful merchant and amassed a large fortune. In 1674 he was Sheriff of London (being knighted at Windsor on the 9th August) and Master of this Company. On the 11th April, 1676, he was elected Alderman of the Ward of Billingsgate. He was sometime M.P. for Dartmouth, and a Governor of the East India Company. He died 16th August, 1679, being then fifty years of age and was buried at St. Olave Jewry, where there is a monument to his memory, with his arms impaling Frederick, and this inscription:--

M S.

Here lyeth in hopes of a Glorious Resurrection the body of S{r} Nathaniel Herne Knight late Sherife And at his death Alderman of this Famous Citty and Governour of the Honourable East India Company, Son to Nicholas and Grandson to Richard Herne sometimes Alderman allso of this Citty A Person of great Prudence and Indefatigable Industry in the Management of all Publick Affairs, of Exemplary Piety, Spotless Integrity and Diffusive Charity having with his owne hand dispenced very considerable summes to many Charitable uses Particularly to the reliefe of poore Seamen & Educating of their Children. He tooke to wife Judith Eldest Daughter of S{r} John Frederick Knight Alderman and sometimes Lord Mayor of London, his now sorrowfull Widdow by whome he had divers Children and left three hopefull Sons surviving viz{t} Frederick, Nathaniel, and Thomas, to whose and to this Cittyes & Nations great loss as allso to y{e} griefe of all them that knew him He departed this Life y{e} 16{th} August, 1679 Ætat 50.

Sir Nathaniel by his Will dated 12th April, 1677, left a large property between his wife and children, and legacies to Sir John and Lady Frederick, Ephraim Skinner and numerous other friends and relatives.

Arms. Sa. a chev. erm. between three Herons ar.

NICHOLAS HERNE = of Tybenham, Norfolk. | +------------+ | Richard Herne = Alice dau. of Sheriff 1618 and | John Pasck, D.D., Alderman, lived at | of Cambridge. the Blue Anchor in | Cheapside. | | 1st. Elizabeth = Nicholas Herne = Sarah dau. of Nicholas | of London, | dau. of Hooker of London | s. & h. | Rich{d} Goldsmith. | | Ironside | | of London. +----------+--------+-+---+-+-+ | | | | | | | | 1 2 3 | | | | Richard Nicholas John Susan. | Herne Herne Herne. Mary. | s.p. Katherine. | +----------------------+----------+--+-------------------+ | | | | 4 5 6 7 Sir Nathaniel = Judith dau. James Sir = Elizabeth d. Basil = Herne b. 1629,| of Sir John Herne. Joseph | of Sir John Herne | d. 1679. | Frederick Herne of | Frederick of Hamp- | Alderman | Lord Mayor. London stead. | of London | Merch{t} | Barber- | | Surgeon. | | +---------+---------+-----------------+--------+ | | | | | | Fredk = ..... d. Nathaniel = .... d. Thomas Judith m. = William | Herne, | of Lile Herne, of Sir Herne 22 March, | 2{nd} | of | of North- Esq., Arthur d. unm. 1704, at | Earl of | London, | ampton- M.P. Ingram Hamp- | Jersey. | Esqr. | shire. of stead. | | bur. at | London. | | S{t} | Earl of | Brides. | Jersey. | | | +---+------+ | | | +---------------+ a son a daughter = Edward Villiers | died “worth son and heir . . . . Herne = young. £40,000.” of the Earl of | Jersey. +---------+ | . . . . Herne = | +---------+ | Sir William Herne, born, 1745, Alderman of Castle Baynard and Sheriff in 1797. d. 20 Dec., 1838, bur. in the Chancel at Bray Church.


Sir JOHN LETHIEULLIER, who was born in 1633, was descended from the Le Thieulliers, an old Protestant family in the Low Countries; his great grandfather John was burnt at Valenciennes for his religion by the infamous Duke D’Alva. His grandfather John was a merchant at Cologne and died there in 1593. His widow survived him thirty-eight years and came over to England in 1605 with her only son John, who was born in 1591. In 1620 he was established as a Merchant in London, but on the breaking out of the Civil Wars he went over to Amsterdam and returned to England at the Restoration; he lived at Lewisham, where he died on 2nd November, 1679, having married Jane, daughter of John de la Fortre, of London, by whom he had five sons and three daughters. His eldest son, Sir John Lethieullier, was apprenticed to Sir John Frederick (Barber-Surgeon) and admitted to the freedom by servitude 11th November, 1657. He served the office of Master in 1676, having been Sheriff of London in 1674. He was a successful merchant and a rich man, having a great fortune by his wife Anne, daughter of Sir William Hooker, who was Lord Mayor in 1673. Sir John was a free brother of the Company of Merchant Adventurers of England, and of the Society of Merchants of London Trading to the Levant Seas and the East Indies. His third brother, Sir Christopher Lethieullier was Sheriff of London, 1689, and died 1690. On the 20th November, 1707, Sir John wrote to the Court asking to be relieved from the office of an Assistant on account of his indisposition and age (he was then 74), but the Court, out of a feeling of respect towards him, refused to accept his resignation, and ordered that the Wardens should have a personal interview with him to know his pleasure. This was done, and on the 15th January following his resignation was accepted. Sir John, who resided at Greenwich, died there on the 4th January, 1719, having had two sons, John and William (both of whom were free of the Company), and three daughters.

Sir John Lethieullier’s will, of prodigious length, is dated 6th May, 1709, and he therein directs that he shall be buried in the vault in Greenwich Church with his late wife. To his two daughters, Letitia and Leonora he gave £10,200 each, and to his married daughter, Lady Ann Dodwell, whom he had previously provided for, £1,000. To all his grandchildren £100 each. To Christ’s and St. Thomas’ Hospitals and to the French Congregation in Threadneedle Street £100 each, numerous gifts to the poor in various parishes, and bequests to friends, relatives and servants for mourning and rings. All his lands and houses in the City of London (except two) and in the county of Essex to his son John. Two houses on College Hill, late in the occupation of Sir Henry Furnese and Sir Alexander Cairnes, to his two daughters, also his house and land at Lewisham, his best coach and chariot horses, live stock, &c. All his other freeholds and houses in Beckenham, Lewisham and Battersea, his lands at Dartford and his manor of Sutton at Hone and Wilmington to his son William. There are four codicils to this Will and by one of them (19th July, 1714) he gave the manor of Rowhill, which he had then lately purchased to his son William. His two sons were appointed executors.

Arms. Ar. a chev. gu. betw. three parrots’ heads couped vert. beaked of the second.


EPHRAIM SKINNER was born at Barnstaple 30th November, 1637. In 1652 he was apprenticed to Sir John Frederick, and afterwards became a wealthy Merchant trading with Spain. He was sometime the British Consul at Livorne. On 25th April, 1665, he was admitted to the freedom of the Barber-Surgeons, and in 1673 gave us the chimney piece in the Court Room, where there is a three-quarter portrait of him in his livery gown, with full wig and rich lace bands; on the portrait is this inscription: “M{r} Ephraim Skiner Marcht. & one of y{e} Assistants of this Compy: of Barbersurgeons Lond: gave y{m} besides other gifts 300£ for 20 years.”

By his Will, dated 27th December, 1677, he gave to the Governors of Christ’s Hospital (of which he was a member) five acres of pasture in Islington, also £700 in trust for them to lend the Barber-Surgeons £300 for 20 years without interest to help them to pay their debts, and also for a payment of 5s. a week to the Minister of Islington for him to expound and “chatecize” every Sunday afternoon and to pay £5 a year to the poor of Islington, to whom he also bequeathed a sum of £50. To the poor of the Old Jewry £50. To the poor of Barnstaple £200. To the rebuilding of St. Paul’s £50. To his father-in-law Peter Rowe £25 per annum for life. To several members of the Barber-Surgeons, including Sir J. Frederick, Sir N. Herne, Sir J. Lethieullier and their children £10 each, and numerous legacies of money to friends and relations. The residue of his Estate to his wife.

On the south wall of St. Olave Jewry is a tablet to his memory;

Neer this Place Lyeth the body of Ephraim Skinner Merchant Sometimes his Majesties Consul at Livorne Whose {Piety Towards God {Integrity towards Man Exemplary {Charity to the Poore {Humility towards all

Made him {Live desired} by all that knew him {Die Lamented}

He was born in the Town of Barnstable In Devon on S{t} Andrews Day. Ann. MDCXXXVII Died at Islington May VI{t} MDCLXXVIII in the XLI yeare of his Age A kind Husband to ANN: his Consort who in memory of him erected this Monument but now caused his Body to be removed hence to the Parish Church of Great S{t} Hellen’s and layd in the Vault of Robart Foot Esq{r} her present Husband January 1712.

Arms. Sa. a chev. or. betw. three gryffins’ heads era. ar. a crescent for difference.


Sir HUMPHRY EDWIN, descended from an old Herefordshire family, was born at Hereford in 1642. He was the only son of William Edwin (sometime Mayor of Hereford) by his wife Anne Mansfield, and grandson of William Edwin of the Field next Hereford. One of his sisters (Mary) was married to Sir Edward Dering. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Samuel Sambrooke, a London merchant, and a sister of Sir Jeremy Sambrooke; by her he had four sons, born between 1671 and 1677, viz., Samuel, Humphry, Thomas and Charles.

On the 3rd February, 1679, he was admitted to our freedom; on 11th October, 1687, he was sworn in Alderman of Tower Ward on the direct appointment of James II; on the 18th November following he was knighted at Whitehall, and a few weeks later appointed Sheriff of Glamorganshire, in which county he had purchased considerable estates. In 1688 Edwin was chosen Sheriff of London and Master of the Barber-Surgeons. In 1689 he took official part in the Proclamation of William and Mary in the City, and shortly after was appointed a Commissioner of Excise with a salary of £1,000; he was also an officer in the Honourable Artillery Company, and a Colonel of the Trained Bands.

In 1691 Edwin was the victim of a malicious prosecution; he was indicted for perjury, and a true bill found against him, but on his trial was acquitted, Lord Chief Justice Holt not calling on him to swear all his witnesses. Sir Humphry owned extensive property near Westminster Hall, he also had a mansion at Kensington, and added to his Glamorganshire property the castle and lordship of Ogmore. In 1697 his eldest son Samuel was married to Lady Catharine Montagu, daughter of the Earl of Manchester, and the same year Sir Humphry was elected Lord Mayor of London, having been previously translated from the Barber-Surgeons to the Skinners’ Company. The customary mayoralty pageant was omitted, owing, doubtless, to Edwin’s religious scruples, he being a Nonconformist. Soon after his admission as Lord Mayor, he gave great offence by attending Nonconformist worship at a conventicle on the afternoons of Sunday, 31st October and 7th November, in full civic state. A meeting of the Court of Aldermen was held 9th November to consider a complaint of the Swordbearer against the Lord Mayor, for compelling his attendance on the occasion when the Lord Mayor was deserted by all his officers except the Swordbearer, whom one of the chapel officials had locked in a pew! According to the minute, the Court took notice that the Lord Mayor had “for two Lords dayes past in the afternoones gone to private meetings with the sword,” whereupon his Lordship promised to forbear the practice for the future. Edwin’s action roused all the bitterness of the High Church party and caused an angry literary controversy in which Dr. Nicholls, James Peirce, Calamy and Defoe joined, and in which the question of “occasional conformity” was raised. Edwin had on his election received the Sacrament in accordance with the rites of the Church of England, and his friend Defoe took him very severely to task for this, charging him with having “played bo-peep with God Almighty.”

On the 19th April, 1694, Sir Humphry Edwin was dismissed from the Court of Assistants of our Company on account of his continued non-attendance. He died 14th December, 1707, at his country seat at Llanmihangel, intestate, administration being granted to his son Charles on 19th February following. His widow died in London 22nd November, 1714. Besides the children already mentioned he had four daughters and a fifth son John, from whom is descended the present Earl of Crawford and Balcarres.

Arms. Ar. a cross flory engr. betw. four Cornish choughs sa.


Sir WILLIAM STEWART was admitted to the freedom 22nd July, 1686, by redemption. In 1706 he was one of the Directors of the East India Company. On 31st July, 1711, he was elected Alderman of Cripplegate, and the following year was knighted.

21st July, 1720. The Master acquainted the Court That S{r} William Stewart Kn{t} and Alderman of the City of London a Freeman of this Company being the Senior Alderman under the Chair of this City except one Did make it his request to this Court That he might be translated from this Company to the Company of Goldsmiths forasmuch as it was required by the Custom of London That he should be free of one of the first twelve Companys of this City before he could be put in elecc͠on to be Lord Mayor.

Sir William was Lord Mayor for the year 1721-2, and died at his house in Mark Lane, 29th April, 1723. His corpse was carried, preceded by a hundred boys of Christ’s Hospital and fifty boys belonging to the London Workhouse, each with a wax taper in his hand, and was interred at Guildhall Chapel 7th May following.

His Will is dated 28th March, 1723, and by it he bequeaths various legacies of £2,000 each to nephews and nieces, and sundry other smaller legacies to friends and servants, etc. £700 to St. Bartholomews, and £100 each to St. Thomas’, Christ’s and Bethlem Hospitals. £50 to the London Workhouse, £500 to his housekeeper Mrs. Ann Smedley, etc.

Arms. Or a fesse chequy ar. and az. over all a bend engr. gu.


CHARLES BERNARD, who was born about 1656, was a son of Samuel Bernard, D.D., of Croydon. On 16th August, 1670 (his father being then dead), he was apprenticed to Henry Boone, Surgeon, for seven years, and on 4th December, 1677, was admitted to the freedom of the Barber-Surgeons; on 25th October, 1697, he was chosen an Assistant, and on 8th November, 1700, an Examiner of Surgeons in the place of Thomas Lichfield. In 1702 he was appointed Serjeant-Surgeon to Queen Anne, and in 1703 he was Master of the Company. One of his brothers, Dr. Francis Bernard, was physician to James II, and he had another brother, Dr. William Bernard. Charles Bernard died at Lord Weymouth’s house, Long Leate, Wilts, on 9th October, 1710, and shortly afterwards the Company caused his portrait to be painted. There is a Latin inscription below it which is highly eulogistic of Bernard, the following being a translation:--

This portrait of Charles Bernard Esquire, Royal Surgeon in Chief, most learned in Greek and Latin letters, most experienced, candid and upright in his profession, enjoying the greatest favour with the Most Serene Queen Anne, the greatest fame among the laity, the greatest authority among his fellows, the greatest esteem among all, in consideration of the remission by the same Most Serene Queen at his prayer of a heavy sum of nearly one thousand pounds in which this Company was bound to the Royal Exchequer, and in consideration of his advancement of Surgical science, his assertion and augmentation of its dignity, and other brilliant services to the Surgeons, the Company caused this portrait to be painted after his death 1711.

Mr. Bernard possessed a valuable library containing a curious collection of the best authors in Physic, Philology, Antiquities, &c., together with many ancient manuscripts, all of which were sold by Auction in March, 1711, at the Black Boy Coffee House in Ave Maria Lane. Swift in his Journal to Stella, March 19th, says,

I went to-day to see poor Charles Bernard’s books, and I itch to lay out nine or ten pounds for some fine Editions of fine authors * * * I walked to-day into the City, and went to see the auction of poor Charles Bernard’s books. They were in the middle of Physic books, so I bought none, and they are so dear I believe I shall buy none.

A catalogue of these books is in the Sloane collection (1770).

In Nichols’ Literary Anecdotes is a story of Mr. Edward Thwaites, M.A., Fellow of Queen’s College, Oxford, which characteristically introduces Mr. Bernard.

Mr. Bernard’s daughter Elizabeth was married to Ambrose Dickins, Esquire (who was Master in 1629 and Serjeant-Surgeon).

By his Will, dated 7th November, 1707, he bequeathed to his wife Susan, £500 and his houses in Broad Street, Pissing Alley and Milk Street. To his daughter Susan £1,000, and other bequests to his daughters Elizabeth and Mary, his son Charles and his sister Jane. He desires to be buried privately and late at night, makes his children residuary legatees and appoints his brother, Dr. William Bernard and his kinsman, Thomas Sisson, executors. By a codicil 3rd October, 1710, he revokes the appointment of executors and makes his son, Henry Bernard, and Charles Bernard (Clerk of the Barber-Surgeons) his executors with £100 each.

Arms. Ar. on a bend az. three escallop shells of the field.


Sir JOHN BULL was the son of Richard Bull, of Stonall, Staffordshire, and was admitted to our freedom 6th April, 1714. He was susequently translated to the Clothworkers’ Company, and nominated Sheriff of London, 22nd April, 1718, which office he served during the Mayoralty of Sir John Ward.

Arms. Or. three bull’s heads gu.


CLAUDIUS AMYAND was the second son of Isaac Amyand, of Mornac, Xaintonge, a Hugenot refugee who was naturalized in London 10th October, 1688, and was living there in 1699. Claudius Amyand’s birth is not recorded. He was elected a Director of the French Protestant Hospital (La Providence) 2nd January, 1723. He was also a Fellow of the Royal Society and Serjeant-Surgeon to George II. On 7th May, 1728, he was admitted to the freedom of the Barber-Surgeons, examined and approved touching his skill in surgery, admitted to fine for all offices to the Parlour door, and elected on to the Court of Assistants. It was ordered on the same day “in regard to the dignity of their offices” that Mr. Serjeant Dickins and Mr. Serjeant Amyand should hereafter take precedence next after the Governors for the time being. Mr. Amyand served as Warden in 1729 and 1730 and was Master of the Company in 1731. He was Surgeon to St. George’s Hospital 1733-1738. By his wife, Mary Rabache, he had three sons and six daughters. The eldest son Claudius was Under-Secretary of State in 1750 and an M.P.; he married Frances widow of George, 6th Earl of Northampton. The second son George who was also an M.P. and a Director of the East India Company was on the 4th August, 1764, created a baronet. The third son Thomas was in holy orders. The eldest daughter Anne married John Porter, M.P., Alderman and Sheriff of London; another daughter, Mary Catherine married Sir Richard Adams, Recorder of London and a Baron of the Exchequer; and the youngest daughter Judith, was married to the Rev. Thos. Ashton, D.D., Rector of St. Botolph, Bishopsgate.

Sir George Amyand (son of Claudius) was succeeded by his eldest son, Sir George Cornewall, Bart., M.P., who on his marriage with Catherine daughter and heiress of Velters Cornewall, M.P., assumed the name and arms of Cornewall and was the ancestor of the present baronet of that name. Sir George Amyand’s second son John Amyand, M.P., died in 1780 unmarried; his daughter Anna Maria married Gilbert, Earl of Minto, and another daughter, Harriet Mary, married James, Earl of Malmesbury.

Serjeant-Surgeon Amyand died at his house in Castle Street, St. Martin’s-in-the-Fields, 6th July, 1740, having met with an accident in Greenwich Park on the day previously, and his Will was proved a few days afterwards. He bequeathed to each of his children £1,000, he left £300 for apprenticing poor boys, and his lands in Hampshire and at Sidlesham, Sussex, and the residue to his wife Mary.

Arms. Vert a chev. betw. three garbs or.


Sir Thomas was the son of Thomas Challoner, of Woodbridge, Suffolk. On 4th July, 1699, he was apprenticed to January Farmer (who was a Barber by trade), and was admitted to the freedom 4th March, 1707. He left the trade of a Barber and became a Wholesale Grocer and Merchant in Leadenhall Street, where he traded in partnership with Mr. Lethieullier. On the 2nd December, 1760, he was elected Alderman of the Ward of Aldgate, served the office of Sheriff in 1762 (when the celebrated William Beckford was Lord Mayor), and was knighted 4th October in the same year. In 1761, he was Master of the Barbers and living at Walthamstow, where dying 8th May, 1766, he was buried there.

By his Will dated 5th March, 1766, he gave his sister Rachel Challoner £20 per annum for life. To Mr. William Lethieullier and Rachel his wife £100 each, and to their daughters Rachael and Margaret £50 each. Residue to his wife Mary Challoner.

Arms. Ar. on a fesse betw. three fleur de lys gu. another fleur de lys or.


THIS eminent Surgeon was the son of George Cheselden, and born 19th October, 1688, at Somerby, near Burrow-on-the-Hill, Leicestershire. He was at an early age studying anatomy with William Cowper, the celebrated anatomist, but appears to have left him when fifteen years old, for on the 7th December, 1703, he was bound apprentice for seven years to James Ferne, the Surgeon to St. Thomas’ Hospital, under which distinguished man he made rapid advance in his profession. On 5th December, 1710, he was admitted to the freedom and livery of the Barber-Surgeons, on the 29th January following he had a full certificate to practise as a Surgeon, and he then (being but twenty-two years of age) began his lectures on anatomy, and the following year was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society.

By a minute in our books of 25th March, 1714, it seems that Mr. Cheselden had often procured the bodies of malefactors and privately dissected them at his own house, and that at times when lectures and dissections were proceeding at the Hall, whereby the attendance at the Hall was diminished, and moreover contrary to the express laws of the Company; whereupon he was summoned before the Court and reproved, when he promised not to offend again in like manner. A less influential man would probably have been fined.

In 1719 he was elected Surgeon to St. Thomas’ Hospital, where he highly distinguished himself in his operations for the stone. He was also consulting Surgeon to St. George’s and the Westminster Infirmary. In 1727 he was appointed principal Surgeon to Queen Caroline, and ten years later was chosen Head Surgeon to Chelsea Hospital, which post he held till his death. He married Miss Deborah Knight of London, by whom he had an only daughter. His practice was both extensive and lucrative, and his works on Surgery are numerous, besides which he was a frequent contributor to the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. Mr. Cheselden died at Bath on the 10th April, 1752.

Dr. J. F. Payne says that he will always be regarded as, beyond dispute, one of the greatest of British surgeons, being one of the most brilliant operators whose achievements are upon record; he was a keen patron of athletic sports, especially boxing; his disposition was gay and genial, he was fond of society, and evidently popular, while to his patients he was always kind and tender-hearted.

On the separation of the Surgeons from the Barbers in 1745, Mr. Cheselden was named in the Act of Parliament one of the Wardens of the new Company of Surgeons, he having been Junior Warden of the Barber-Surgeons that year. His will is a remarkable specimen of brevity and absence of formality:--

Being in perfect health I write this with my own hand and declare it to be my last Will and Testament. I give to my daughter W. J. Cotes five hundred pounds and all the rest and residue of my estate of what kind soever to my wife and make her full and sole Executrix administratrix and assign Witness my hand and seal. Will{m} Cheselden (L.S.) 24th March 1749/50.

Arms. Quarterly 1 and 4 Ar a chev. betw. three crosses moline gu. (Cheselden). 2. Ar. on a fesse indented sa. three bezants (Brough). 3. Or. an eagle displayed az. beaked and feet gu. (Mongomery).


AMBROSE DICKINS (sometimes spelt Dickens) was the son of George Dickins of Riplington, in East Meon, Hampshire, gentleman, and was probably born about 1687. On the 17th February, 1702, he was apprenticed to Serjeant-Surgeon Charles Bernard for seven years, and on the 16th February, 1709, he was admitted to the Freedom and Livery of the Barber-Surgeons, when he was residing in James Street, Covent Garden. He married (before the 24th March, 1709) Elizabeth, daughter of Charles Bernard. On December 20th, 1721, he was elected Surgeon to Westminster Hospital. His old master, Charles Bernard, died in October, 1710, and it seems that Dickins succeeded him when quite a young man in the important office of Serjeant-Surgeon. In 1728 he was Warden of the Barber-Surgeons, and in 1729 Master of the Company. He was Surgeon to St. George’s Hospital 1733-38. On the separation of the Surgeons from the Barbers in 1745, Mr. Dickins became an Assistant of the Surgeons’ Company and an Examiner of Surgeons. He probably died in 1747, as on 7th September in that year Mr. Cæsar Hawkins was appointed Serjeant-Surgeon in his place.

Dr. John Douglas, Bishop of Salisbury, in “The Criterion,” introduces Mr. Dickins’ name in an interesting paragraph. Dr. Douglas was a firm believer in the efficacy of the Royal touch for the King’s evil, and he gives some curious particulars of Mr. Dickins’ experience in this matter which are well worth referring to.

Arms. Ermine on a cross fleury sa. a leopard’s face or.


THIS eminent Surgeon (the son of Mr. Cæsar Hawkins, a Surgeon at Ludlow, Shropshire) was born 10th January, 1711, and by his great ability, at a very early age secured a large and lucrative practice; he was the inventor of the cutting gorget, and a remarkably dexterous operator.

1st July, 1735. M{r} Cæsar Hawkins Surgeon in Bloomsbury who had lived several years with his father a Surgeon in the Country and afterwards with M{r} Ranby a Foreign Brother of the Company seven years, but not bound an Apprentice at the Hall, was in consideration thereof, admitted into the freedom of the Company for six pounds six shillings which he paid down and was sworne. At the same time the said M{r} Cæsar Hawkins was examined touching his skill in Surgery his answers were approved of and he was ordered the Diploma under the hands of the Governors and the seal of the Company testifying his skill and impowering him to practice.

19th August, 1736. Mr. Hawkins was admitted to the Livery, and the same day was chosen a Demonstrator of Anatomy, being then but twenty-five years of age.

18th August, 1737. M{r} Cæsar Hawkins one of the Demonstrators of Anatomy attended at this Court and surrendered the said office and after returning this Court his thanks for the honor they had done him to choose him one of their Demonstrators acquainted them that he being appointed Surgeon to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, and also Surgeon to one of the troops of Guards, could not perform the office of a Demonstrator and therefore the Court accepted of such surrender.

Mr. Hawkins, in addition to his other appointments, was Surgeon to St. George’s Hospital, 1735-1774, and Serjeant-Surgeon to George III, to which latter office he was appointed 7th September, 1747. By his practice as a phlebotomist alone he is said to have made £1,000 a year, it then being the custom for people to be bled at the spring and fall of the year.

His family have been Surgeons for some generations, and have held distinguished office, his brother Pennell Hawkins, his son Charles, and his grandson Cæsar Henry, having all been Serjeant-Surgeons. On the 25th July, 1778, Mr. Hawkins was created a Baronet; he died 13th February, 1786. A portrait of him, by Hogarth, is in the Hall of the Royal College of Surgeons.

Arms. Ar. on a saltire engrailed sa. five fleur de lys or.


WALTER HENRY WILKIN, Esquire, who was born 1st April, 1842, is the son of the late Mr. David Wilkin, of the firm of Wilkin and Pugh. He was admitted to the freedom and livery of the Company 5th January, 1864. Mr. Wilkin commenced his career as articled clerk to a well-known firm of underwriters at Lloyds, but subsequently entered himself at the Middle Temple, where he read with Mr. Crump, Q.C., and passing his examination and obtaining the Certificate of the Council of Legal Education, he was called to the Bar; but in consequence of the deaths of his father and brother, he retired from the profession of the law to take upon himself the conduct of their business in the City. In 1878 Mr. Wilkin was chosen an Assistant of this Company, and in 1885 served the office of Master. For twelve years he sat as one of the Common Council for the Ward of Lime Street. On the death of Sir Robert Walter Carden, Mr. Alderman Cotton was transferred from Lime Street to Bridge Without, and the vacancy thus occasioned in the Court of Aldermen, was filled up by the appointment of Mr. Wilkin in February, 1888. He is a member of the Court of Assistants of the Broderers’ Company, and has filled the office of G.S. and Master in Grand Master’s Lodge No. 1. For twenty-six years Mr. Wilkin was a Volunteer, rising to the rank of Lieut.-Colonel in the 3rd Middlesex Artillery, but has now resigned his commission.


1469. Robert Dallahouse (Daluss), Master 1462, died 1469, was buried at St. Martin’s in the Vintry with the following inscription on his tomb:--

As flowers in feeld thus passeth lif, Nakyd, then clothyd, feble in the end, It sheweth by Robart Daluss and Alyson his wyf Christ yem save fro the power of the Fiend. obiit 1469.

1510. John Den, buried at St. Margaret’s, Westminster.

Here lyes undyr this ston John Den Barbor Surgeon And Agnes his wyf, who to heuyn went MCCCCC and X that is verament For who soul, of your charite Sey a Pater Noster and an Ave Marie.

1580. William Green, Master 1564, died 1580, was buried in the church of Allhallows the Less.

Before this time that here yee have seene, Lyeth buried the body of William Greene, Barbor & Surgeon & late Master of that Company And Clark of this Church yeeres fiftie; Which William decesyd the truth for to say The month of December the fourth day. The yere of our Lord God as by books doth appere On thowsand fyve hundryd and eighty yere.

1598. Thomas Bankes, Master 1596, died 1598, was buried in the church of St. Michael le Querne.

Thomas Bankes, Barber Chirurgeon, Deputie of this Ward, who had to wife Joan Laurence, by whom he had issue seven sonnes and ten daughters.

1610. William Gale (Master 1595, 1610) was buried in the church at Monken Hadley, where there is a brass with the following inscription:--

Blessed are they y{t} concydereth y{e} poore & needie.

Here lyeth the bodye of William Gale Citizen & Barber Chyrurgion of London who dyed the XIX daye of November 1610. Then being y{e} second tyme Master of his Company, he had 2 wives, Elizabeth & Suzan & had issue by Elizabeth V soñes and 8 daughters and was LX and X yeares of age or thereabout at y{e} time of his death.

1655-6. John Gale (son of William Gale, Master 1595), Surgeon of Bushey, gave the Company £16 per annum for an Anatomy Lecture, died 1655-6 and was buried in Bushey Church.

Here in hope of a happy resurrection through Christ, lies the body of John Gale, Esq. who was father to Mary Gale, by his second wife Jane, and sister to M{rs} Elizabeth Terry, both which are here interred next unto him; he lived to the age of 70 years, and peaceably departed this life Jan 5{th} 1655.

1668. Charles Stamford, Master 1659, died 1668 and was buried at St. Katherine’s near the Tower.

Here lyeth interred the body of Charles Stamford, Chirurgeon, who departed this Life June 24{th} 1668; also Elizabeth his Wife, and sixteen children.

Mille modis morimur mortales, nascimur uno: Sunt hominum, morbi mille, sed una salus.

~Weep not for them, since they have gone before To heaven, where Barbers there are many more.~


APPENDIX A. (See page 28.)


And a bretherhode ther is ordened of barbres, in the site of Norwyche, in the worschep of god and ys moder, and seynt Johan the Babtis, that alle bretherin and sisterin of the same gylde, als longe as xij. persones of them lyuen, they schulen offeryn a candel and to torches of wax, and this light they hoten and a-vowed to kepyn and myntenyn, and thes other ordenances that ben vnder wreton, vp-on here power and diligence, in worschepe of crist and ys moder and seyn Johan Babtis, and the to torches schul bien of xl. lib. weyght, and alle the bretherin and sisterin schullen offeryn this candel and the to torches euerie ʒer a misomere day, and they herin here messe at the heye auter atte Charunel in cristis cherge, and eueri brother and sistir offeryn an ob. wyth here candel and here to torches, in honor of god and oure lady and seynt Johan the Babtis.

And the to torches, eueri day in the ʒer, scullen ben light and brennynge at the heye messe at selue auter, from the leuacion of cristis body sacrid, in til that the priest haue vsud.

This bien the names of the men that ben maystris and kepers of the gyld.

PHILIPPUS BARBUR } And this men han in JACOBUS BARBIR } kepynge for the same THOMAS BARBYR at prechors } light, ij{s} in here box.



And a brotherhood there is ordained of Barbers, in the city of Norwich, in the worship of God and His Mother, and Saint John the Baptist; that all brothers and sisters of the same guild, as long as twelve persons of them live, they shall offer a candle and two torches of wax; and this light they promise and avow to keep and maintain, and these ordinances that be under-written, upon their power and diligence, in worship of Christ and His Mother and Saint John Baptist; and the two torches shall be of forty pounds weight; and all the brothers and sisters shall offer this candle and the two torches every year at Midsummer day, and they hearing their mass at the high altar at Charunel in Christ’s church, and every brother and sister offering a halfpenny with their candel and their two torches, in honor of God and our Lady and Saint John the Baptist.

And the two torches, every day in the year, shall be alight and burning at the high mass at the same altar, from the elevation of Christ’s body sacred, until that the priest have used.

These be the names of the men that be Masters and Keepers of the guild.

PHILIP BARBUR } And these men have in JAMES BARBIR } keeping for the same THOMAS BARBYR “at prechors” } light, two shillings in their box.


CERTIFICACIO ordinac͠ois & incepc͠ois fratˀintatis TONSOꝜ LINCOLN’ virtute pˀ clamac͠ois inde fc̃e sequit{a} in vˀba HEC est queᵭa fratˀintas fcã & inchoata ex coĩ assensu omĩ tonsoꝜ Ciuitatis Lincoɫn in honore dnĩ nrĩ Jhũ xpĩ & bẽ marie & pˀcipue ad honorẽ scĩ Johis̃ Eũngeliste in Natalli dnĩ renouata vˀo in festo eiusdem anno dnĩ mil̃l̃imo CCC{mo} sexagesimo nono.

PRIMA ordinacio est qᵭ heᵬunt & custentabunt vnũ cerẽn quadrat̃n ardentem omiᵬz dieᵬz festinis pˀ annuˀ cuˀ tempus finˀt ad altare scĩ Joh̃is Eungẽs in monastio bẽ marˀ Lincoɫn. Et quiɫt fratˀ & soror dcẽ fratˀintatis ibunt in pˀcessione cñ dcã candela & quiɫt frˀ & soroꝜ offeretꝭ ad ymaginem scĩ Saluatoris oᵬ. sub pena vnius librˀ cere.

Scᵭa ordinacio est qᵭ * * * * * *

Decima ordinacio est qˀd * * * * *

Et ad confirmandꝭ plenius omẽs ordinac͠oes sup{a} dicas sigillnˀ decanatus xˀpianitatis Lincolnˀ pˀsentibʒ est appensuˀ in finem & testimoniuˀ pˀmissoꝜ DAT Lincoln die & anno sup{a} dcĩs.

IN TRĨS & teñ ad gildam pˀdcam mortificatꝭ vel non mortificatꝭ nichil hẽnt nec cãt aliqua in manibʒ ipoꝜ fratrnˀ & soroꝜ ad usum dc̃e gilde existunt nisi ex largĩoe eoꝜᵭe ad pˀdcãs deuoc͠oes sustinendꝭ & comunia iñt se non fac nisi tm̃ pˀ dilec͠oe int̃ eos nutriendꝭ.



THE CERTIFICATE of the ordinances and beginning of the Fraternity of Barbers of Lincoln, by virtue of the proclamation in that behalf made, follows in these words;--

THIS is a certain fraternity made and begun by the common assent of all the Barbers of the City of Lincoln, in honour of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Blessed Mary and observed in honour of Saint John the Evangelist, renewed in the feast of the Nativity of our Lord, A.D. 1369.

THE FIRST ordinance is, that they have and keep one “quadrate” of wax burning on all feast days throughout the year, and on other special occasions before the altar of Saint John the Evangelist in the Monastery of the Blessed Mary at Lincoln. And all the brothers and sisters of the said fraternity go in procession with the said candle, and all the brothers and sisters offer at the Image of Saint Saviour a halfpenny, under a penalty of one pound of wax.

THE SECOND ordinance is, that if any brother or sister of this fraternity shall die in the City, the Dean of this guild shall bear in order four “soule candels,” which shall burn about the corpse at the Dirige and remain until the Mass. And all the brothers and sisters, for the soul of the departed, pay a halfpenny to the poor, according to the directions of the Graceman and Wardens, wherever the greater necessity shall be.

THE THIRD ordinance is, that if any brother or sister shall die so poor, that he has not whence to be buried as he ought to be, the Graceman and Wardens, of the halfpennies collected, together with any portion of his chattels they find, shall make a general mourning, and do other necessaries that he be honorably buried.

THE FOURTH ordinance is, that if any brother or sister of this fraternity shall desire to go into the country (i.e., reside out of the City), he shall give to the sustentation of the aforesaid candle at his going 2s., twopence to the tankards (ad ciphos), 1d. to the Dean of the guild, and afterwards 6d. annually, which he shall pay in three “mornspeeches”[355] in equal portions throughout the year.

[355] General assemblies of the guild.

THE FIFTH ordinance is, that if any brother or sister of this guild fall into poverty or sickness, so that he cannot work and prays the charity of this house, each brother and sister of this guild shall give to him 6d. per annum in the three mornspeeches aforesaid, by like equal portions.

THE SIXTH ordinance is, that if any brother of this guild shall receive any apprentice to teach him his art, the same master shall pay for the said apprentice, to the sustentation of the said candle two shillings, and this at the first mornspeech after he shall have taken the said apprentice.

THE SEVENTH ordinance is, that if any brother or sister of this guild do rebellious works or speeches, and is not willing to be silent but finds fault with the ruling of the Graceman of the guild, he shall give towards the burning of the said candle, one pound of wax, . . . .[356] and that without any remission; and whatsoever master or servant within this fraternity or out of it, shall be a thief to the extent of one penny, and of that matter shall be convicted, it is agreed by common consent that he shall abjure occupying his art within the City for ever.

[356] There are two words here which I could not decipher.

THE EIGHTH ordinance is, that none shall be admitted to any Offices in the said guild, unless they have been Barbers, dwelling in the said City; and whoever shall be elected Graceman and shall be unwilling to serve shall give half a stone of wax; and whoever Dean, and shall be unwilling, shall give one pound of wax.

THE NINTH ordinance is, that by common assent, all the brethren shall have three assemblings in the year, viz.--The first, the Sunday next after the feast of Saint John the Evangelist aforesaid, to hear (the ordinances), to drink together, to settle the accounts, and to elect new officers for the year to come, The second, the Sunday next after the feast of the Apostles Philip and James, And the third, the Sunday next after the feast of the Translation of Saint Hugh.

THE TENTH ordinance is, that if any brother or sister, the aforesaid ordinances as he is able shall not content, or shall not come when he shall be summoned (unless by any reasonable cause he shall be hindered), he shall give to the sustentation of the said candle, as often as he shall trespass, one pound of wax.

AND in full confirmation of all the aforesaid ordinances, the seal of the Rural Dean of Lincoln is affixed to these presents in conclusion and testimony of the premisses. GIVEN at Lincoln the day and year abovesaid.

IN LANDS and tenements to the aforesaid guild in mortmain or otherwise they hold nothing, nor are there any chattels in the hands of them the brothers and sisters to the use of the said guild, except out of their liberality for the sustenance of the aforesaid devotions; nor do they make any gatherings between them, unless however for the purpose of cherishing love amongst themselves.

APPENDIX B. (See page 78.)


TO ALL TREW CRISTEN PEOPLE TO WHOME THIS PRESENT WRYTYNG SHALL COME SIR THOMAS MORE KNYGHT and Chauncellor to owre most drad Souˀaigne lorde Kyng Henry the viij{th} Kyng of Englond and of ffraunce defensor of the ffaythe and lorde of Irelond: Thomas Duke of Northffolke and Tresourer of Englond, John ffitzjames Knyght Cheyff Justice of owre said Souˀaigne lord is Benche and Roᵬt Norwiche Knyght Cheyff Justice of the Com̃en Benche Sende gretynge in owre lorde God evˀlasting. Where in A certen Acte in the pˀliament holden at Westmynster the xxv{ti} daye of January in the xx{th} yere of the most Noble Kynge of ffamous memorie Kyng Henry the vij{th} made and Ordeyned ffor the Weale and pˀffite of his Subgeittꝭ it Was Amongꝭ other thingꝭ Ordeyned Establisshed and enacted that no Maister Wardens or ffelaiship of Craftꝭ or misteries or any of them or any Rulers of Gyldes or ffratˀnites sholde take upon them to make any Actes or Ordinaunces ne to execute or use any Actes or Ordin{a}nces by them heretofore made in disenheryting or dymynic͠on of the Kyngꝭ pˀrogative or any other or Ayenst the Comen Weale and pˀffite of the Kyngꝭ Subgeittꝭ and liege people but yff the same Actes or Ordin{a}nces be examyned appoynted and admytted by the Chauncelor and Tresorer of Englond and the Cheyff Justices of eyther Benche or three of theym or els before bothe Justices of Assise in their Circute or progresse in that Shire where soche Actes or Ordin{a}nces be made upon payne of fforfature of xl{li} for evˀy tyme that they doo therunto contrarie as in the said Acte itt doeth more playnly appere: The Maisters and Wardens of the misterie or Crafte of Barbor Surgions of the Citie of London Willing and desiring the said Acte in evˀry behalff to be observed and kept the xx{ti} day of Octobre in the xxij{ti}[357] yere of the Raigne of owre Souˀaigne lorde Kyng Henry the viij{th} have exhibite and pˀsented their petic͠on thereupon made w{t} a Boke conteyning dyvers Statutes Actes and Ordin{a}nces hertofore devised ordeyned and made for the ffelauship of Barbors Surgions and their Successors and for the Comon Weale and conservac͠on of the good estate of the said Crafte and misterie of Barbor Surgions aforesaid and for the Better Rules and Ordin{a}nces of the same ffelauship establysshed ordeyned and used. And therupon Instantly have desired us that We all and evˀy the said Statutes Ordin{a}nces and Othes by the same Maister and Wardens and their pˀdecessors to the fforsaid Entent made ordeyned and establisshed Wolde oversee and exameyn and the same and evˀy of theym correcte Refourme and amend after the maner and due ffourme convenyent and as the fforsaid Acte in the said pˀliament made requyreth. WEE WELL pˀceyving the said Supplicac͠on to be good and acceptable according to their petic͠on and desires and by auctoritie of the said Acte of pˀliament to us comytted ALL and evˀy their Othes Actes and Ordin{a}nces in the said Boke specyfied have pˀfightly seen and the same well and ripely understond and theym all and evˀy of theym examyned corrected and reformed the tenure as hereaftˀ foloweth THE OTHE OF EVˀY FFREMAN FFURSTE YE SHALL swere that ye shalbe good and trewe unto owre leige lorde the Kyng and to his heires Kyngꝭ of Englond and obedient to the Maior and his Brethern the Aldermen of the Citie of London. And also ye shalbe obedient to the Maisters or Governors that now be or that hereafter shalbe of the Crafte of Barbor Surgions wherof ye be nowe made ffree, ye shall also obeye kepe and observe all the good Orders Rules and Ordin{a}nces of the said Crafte hertofore made and not Repelled and herafter to be made so helpe you God and all Sayntꝭ and by this Boke THE OTHE OF THE MAISTERS OR GOVERNORS ye shall swere that ye shall observe kepe and mayntene the Wourship proffite and Comen Wele of the Crafte of Barbor Surgions in all poyntꝭ laufull and leafull as good and pˀffitable Maisters or Governors and Rulers ought to do after youre good connyng good diligence and power. Also ye shall kepe and maynten and do to be kept and mayntened during yo{r} tyme as farforthe as you laufully maye aswell all soche good usages custumes liberties and Ordin{a}nces of the same Crafte and at this daye used approved and contynued and all and singuler poyntꝭ conteyned in the pˀmysses duely and trewly ye shall put in execuc͠on When and as often as the Casse shall requyre during yo{r} tyme. And also ye shall duely and trewely make yo{r} Serches thorough all the Company of the same Crafte Within the Citie of London and Suburbes of the same. And thereupon as the Casse shall requyre all the defaultes and necligences concilementꝭ and inconvenyencꝭ that may hapne or fall to be ffounde in the Crafte of Barbory or Surgery in yo{r} tyme ye diligently shall reforme and sett in good Rule and trewely correcte and ponyshe according to the power and Rules for the reformac͠on had and made for the same in the said Crafte And for and during yo{r} tyme correcte and lawfully ponyshe after the qualites and gravites of and upon the demerites and defaultꝭ ffounden in the same after yo{r} connyng and power. Also ye shall not admytt eny fforen to be of this misterie whiche herafter shall sue to be ffreman of this Citie by Redempc͠on and to be enfraunchised in this misterie w{t}out thassent of the xxiiij{ti} assistentꝭ of the same Crafte or the more pˀte of them. And over that ye shall not charge the hole bodye of this ffelishipp by puttyng the Comen Seale of the same misterie to eny manˀ writyng cause or matter wherby the same company in any wise may be charged hurted or hyndered. Also in all the pˀmysses and other thyngꝭ necessarie concernyng the Weale and proffite of the said Crafte ye shall trewly lawfully diligently and indyfferently behave yo{r} selffe after yo{r} connyng and power and neyther for mede love ffavor affecc͠on nor for drede malice hatred or envie otherwise pˀcede Rule or conclude to or with any pˀson or pˀsones w{t} whiche ye shalhave to doo by reason of yo{r} said office than the good usages Rules liberties and Ordin{a}nces for the good ordre of the same Crafte hertofore made and not repelled and herafter to be made. ALSO at thende of yo{r} Office ye shall geve unto the Maisters or Govˀnors that shall succede you next in the same occupac͠on this pˀsent othe So that they shall duely and trewely in all thingꝭ during the tyme that they shalbe in like Office pˀforme and ffulfill the same othe so god you helpe and all Sayntꝭ and by this Boke ALSO IT IS ORDEYNED that evˀry pˀson enfraunchised in the same Crafte shalbe redye at almanˀ of somons of the maisters or Govˀnors of the said Crafte for the tyme beyng And yff eny soche pˀsone absent hym from eny soche somõns w{t}out cause resonable to be tried by his othe byfore the maisters or Govˀnors yff they thynke it necessarie Than he to paye for evˀy so doyng iij{s} iiij{d} the oon half to the chambre of London the other to y{e} almes of the crafte ALSO Y{T} EVERY man enfraunchesed in the said Crafte beyng duely warned or somõned that kepeth not his houre accordyng to the Somõns w{t}out cause resonable to be tried in manˀr aforesaid for evˀy tyme so doyng shall paye to the almes of the said Crafte ij{d} And he or they that disobeyeth this ordinaunce shall paye for his or theire disobedience in that behalff for evˀy tyme so offending iij{s} iiij{d} to be devided in ffourme aforsaid ALSO IT IS ENACTED AND ordeyned that evˀy man in the Clothyng or lyvere of the said misterie shall paye quarterly to the maynten{a}nce of the Comen Charges of the same vj{d} And evˀry man owt of the Clothing and evˀy Wydowe kepyng an open Shoppe iij{d} And this to be paide quarterly upon payne and forfeyture at evˀy tyme offendyng or doying the contrairie iij{s} iiij{d} the one halff thereof to be applied to the use of the Chaumbre of London and the other halff to the almes of the said ffeliship so alwayes that the said quarterage be lawfully demaunded. ALSO IT IS ORDEYNED that no pˀson enfraunchesed in the said Crafte shall take any apprentice unto this tyme that he ffurst pˀsente this same pˀsone byfore the maisters or Govˀnors for the tyme beyng that they may see he be clene w{t}out contynewell diseases or grevous infirmytes wherby the kyngꝭ leige people myght take hurt upon payne for evˀy tyme so doyng of xl{s} to be applied in manˀ aforsaid. ALSO IT IS ORDEYNED that evˀy pˀson of the said ffeliship shall paye towardꝭ there charges for evˀy apprentice that he taketh ij{s} vj{d} To be payde at the pˀsentac͠on & allowyng of every apprentice. ALSO IT IS ORDEYNED that no pˀsons of the said ffeliaship beyng in the Clothyng or lyverye shalhave any moo Servauntes apprentices or Coven{a}ntꝭ[358] usynge the faculte or misterie of Barborye or Surgery to gidder at oons above the nombre of iiij pˀsons pˀvided alwaye that w{t}in halffe a yere of the goyngowt or endyng of the terme of oone of the said iiij pˀsons it shalbe leaffull to evˀy soche pˀsone to take and have another apprentice or Serv{a}nte the said act notw{t}stondyng and he that offendyth in brekyng this Acte shall forfeyte and paye xl{d} to be devided and applied in ffourme aforsaid ALSO IT IS ORDEYNED that no manˀ of pˀsone of the same ffeliship beyng owt of the Clothing shall have to giddere at oons above the nombre of iij apprentices or Serv{a}ntes to occupye the said misterie and ffaculte pˀvided as is pˀvided in the latter article and uppon lyke payne ALSO IT IS ORDEYNED that no pˀsone of the said ffeliship shall take to his sˀvice as sˀv{a}nt alowes[359] eny englishman fforen or Aliaunt Straunger to occupie the ffaculte of Barbery or Surgery but the said pˀsone shall pˀsent the same Sˀv{a}nte w{t}in iij dayes next after his Comyng to the said pˀsone to and before the said maisters and Govˀnors of the said ffeliaship for the tyme beyng to thentent that he before theym may be sessed what wages he shall take. And yff he be an Aliaunt Straungear borne he to paye yerely of his wages to the almes of the said ffeliship iij{s} iiij{d} and that mony to be taken quarterly of the Master of the same Straungear and of his wages and who that doethe contrarye to this Rule shall fforfeyte at evˀy tyme so doyng xl{d} to be devided and payde as is aforsaid ALSO IT IS ORDEYNED that no pˀsone of the said Crafte shall entyse or desire eny Sv{a}nt from his Maister nor shall take any fforren into his sˀvice ffor lesse terme than for oon yere and he to be sessed or rated for his wages by the Maisters or Govˀnors of the same misterie and this to be done yerely evˀy yere upon payne for evˀy tyme doyng the contrarie of xiij{s} iiij{d} the oon halff to be applied to the use of the Chaumber of London and the other halffe to the use of the almes of the said feliship. ALSO IT IS ORDEYNED that no pˀsone of the same ffeliaship after that he be admytted and sworne ffreman of this Citie afore the Chaumberleyn pˀsume to open hys Shoppe Wyndowes before he hathe pˀsented hym selff to and before the Maisters or Govˀnors of the said misterie for the tyme beyng and w{t} them have aggreed in payng his dutie accustumed that is to saye to the use of the Company iij{s} iiij{d} and to the Clerke iiij{d} to the maynten{a}nce of theire comen Charges and in takyng his othe afore theym accordyng to the lawdable custume and ordre in the same misterie of olde tyme used upon payne to lose fforfeyte and paye xl{s} to be devided and applied in ffourme aforsaid ALSO IT IS ORDEYNED that no pˀsone enfraunchesed in the said misterie shall enforme or teche eny fforen other than his Apprentice eny poynte of his Crafte belongyng to Barbery or Surgery upon payne for evˀy tyme so doyng xl{s} to be applied in ffourme aforsaid ALSO YFF ANY MATTER of stryffe or debate herafter be betwene eny pˀson of the said Crafte as God fforfende that noon of them shall make eny pˀsuts[360] in the Comen lawe but that he whiche ffyndeth hym aggreved shall ffurst make his complaynt to the Maisters or Govˀnors of the said Crafte for the tyme beyng to thentent that they shall ordre the said matter or cause of complaynt so made yff they can: and yff it fortune that they can not nor doo not ordre and appesse the same matter w{t}in xiiij dayes next ensuyng That then it shalbe leafull to the pˀtie aggreved to take his advauntage at the comen lawe So alwayes that the pˀtie ayenst whom the complaynt is made be not ffugityffe and who so doeth the contrarie herof shall paye for evˀry tyme so doyng xiij{s} iiij{d} to be devided and applied in ffourme aforsaid. ALSO THAT NO PˀSONE of the said ffeliship shall revile Rebuke nor Reprove an other of the same ffeliaship by eny unfitting opprobrios condic͠ons or dishonest Wordes in the pˀsens of the Maisters or Govˀnors or eny of theym nor before eny other pˀsons in eny other places and he that offendeth in this behalff and due prouff therof had shall paye for evˀry soche defalte vj{s} viij{d} to be devyded and applied in ffourme aforsaid. ALSO THAT NO PˀSONE of the said Crafte shall refuse to be of the Clothing of the said misterie or to bere Office in the same at eny tyme whan he by the said Maisters or Govˀnors and assistentꝭ of the same misterie or the more pˀte of them shalbe abled therto upon payne to paye xl{s} to be applied in ffourme aforsaid. And that the Maisters or Govˀnors of the said misterie for the tyme byng shall not take nor admytte eny pˀsone into the Clothyng or lyverye of the same misterie without the Comen assent of the xxiiij{ti} assistentꝭ of the same or the more pˀte of theym upon like payne as is aforsaid for evˀy tyme so doyng to be devided and applied in ffourme aforsaid. AND WHERE BY DYVERS highe auctorities for the honor and Revˀence of the Sondaye it is ordeyned of olde antiquyte that no Barbor dwellyng w{t}in the Cite or Suburbis of the same nor elles where shall occupie Shaving on the Sondayes neyther w{t}in their house nor w{t}out pryvely nor appertly. It is now therfor ordeyned and enacted that no pˀsone ffree of the said Company from hensforthe occupye eny manˀ Shavyng on the Sondays w{t}in this Citie nor liberties of the same upon payne and forfature for evˀy tyme so doyng of xl{s} the one halff thereof to the chaumber of London and the other halffe therof to the almes of the said Crafte. ALSO IT IS ORDEYNED THAT no maner pˀsone beyng ffree of the said ffeliship shall take any seike or hurte pˀsone or pˀsones to his Cure whiche is in pˀell[361] of Deithe or mayme but yff[362] he shewe the same seike or hurte pˀsone by hym Resseved to the Maisters or Govˀnors of the said misterie or twoo of theym for the tyme beyng for the Savegarde of the Kyngꝭ leige people and that w{t}in iiij{re} dayes next after the Receyving of the said seike or hurte pˀsons upon payne for evˀy tyme doyng the Contr{a}ie of xx{s} to be devided and applied in manˀ and ffourme aforsaid ALSO IT IS ORDEYNED that every man enfraunchesed in the said ffeliship occupying Surgery shall come to their hale to the Redyng of the lecture concernyng Surgery evˀy daye of assemble therof and evˀy man after his course shall rede the lecture hym selffe or ellꝭ ffynde an able man of the said ffeliship to Rede for hym and not to absent hym selffe at his daye of the same Redyng w{t}out cause Resonable and w{t}out he give lawfull warnyng therof before the daye upon the payne to fforfate and lose for evˀy tyme doyng the contrarie xx{s} to be devyded and applied in ffourme aforsaid ALSO IT IS ORDEYNED that no man of the said ffeliaship shall take any cure from A nother of the same ffeliaship nor Supplant oon A nother nor geve or Speke eny Slaunderous Wordes in disablyng hym of his Science or conyng but be Rather in a Redynesse to geve good Counceill to helpe the Kyngꝭ people And evˀy man offendyng in this behalffe to paye at evˀy tyme so offendyng xiij{s} iiij{d} the oon halffe therof to the Chaumber of London and the other halffe to th’almes of the said ffeliship. Provyded that yff the pacyent ffynde hym selffe aggreved w{t} his Surgion that then the same pacyent paying to his ffurst Surgion Resonably for his labour shall and may take and have eny other Surgion at his libertie and pleasure AND WHERE OF OLDE Custume yerely upon the Sondaye next ensuyng the ffeaste of Seynt Bartholomew the appostell a dyner is kept and provyded for theym of the lyverey of the said Company in their Comen halle called Barbors hale AND ON the daye of saynt Cosme & Damian yf it be not on the Saterday a dynˀ for them of the same compani owt of the lyverey It is ordeyned and enacted that evˀy man that hathe been upper maister or upper Govˀnor of the said Company shall paye at and for the same dyner xij{d} for hym selff and viij{d} for his wyffe yff she come And evˀy other man beyng of the lyverey of the same Company shall paye in likewyse for hym selffe viij{d} and for his wyffe yff she come iiij{d} Provided alwaye that the maisters or Govˀnors of the said Company for the tyme beyng shall paye nothing for theire wyffꝭ comyng to the dyner for that yere fforasmoche as their Wyffꝭ must of necessite be theire to helpe that evˀy thyng theire be sett in ordre. And that evˀy man of the said Company beyng owt of the lyverey shall paye at and for his dyner on the said morowe viij{d} and for his Wyffe yff she come iiij{d.} ALSO IT IS ORDEYNED that at evˀy assemble holden in the Comen halle of the said misterie no man beyng their pˀsent shall multiplie langauge in the assembly tyme that is to saye yff any man theire Speke moo Wordes or multiplye more langauge in the assemble than the maisters or Govˀnors for the tyme beyng their pˀsent thynke to be good and necessarie that then yff they or oon of theym comaunde hym to kepe Silence that then he shall so doo in kepyng his Obedience. And also no man comyng to eny of the said assembles shall depˀte ffrom thens duryng the assemble tyme w{t}out lycence of the maisters or Govˀnors their pˀsent or oon of theym and the offender in eny of the said ij poyntꝭ or cases to fforffeyte and paye at evˀy tyme soo offendyng xx{d} to be devided and applied in ffourme aforsaid ALSO IT IS ORDEYNED that no man of the Clothing or lyverey of the said Company pˀsume to goo oone afore another of theym in processions buryallꝭ or Annyversaries nor in Syttyng in their Assembles or in their halle at dyner or other Repastes their or in any other honest place to be had other wyse than he is in Aunsiente[363] in the same Company and accordyng to the trew Entrance therof in the Bedyllꝭ Rolle. NOR that eny of them of eny scrypulosite ffrowardnesse or pusyllamyte Reffuse to take his owne Rowme or place accordyng to the ordre aforesaid but that evˀy man in theyse ij cases kepe and occupye his oldene Rowme and place in ffourme aforsaid Wyll he nyll he in good obedient manner and he of theym that offendyth in Brekyng the ordre in any of the said ij cases shall fforffeyte and paye at evˀy tyme so offendyng xij{d} to be applied and devided in ffourme above rehersed. ALL WHICHE ORDIN{A}NCES AND othes in manˀ and ffourme afore specyfyed at the Request of the said Maister Wardens and ffelauship by Auctorite of the same Acte of pˀliament Wee the said Chaunceler Tresourer and Cheyff Justices of eyther benche aforsaid for good lawdable and laufull Ordinncꝭ Estatutes and othes doo accept and admytte by theis pˀsentꝭ asmoche as in us is Ratifie laude and approve PROVIDED alwayes and forseen that theis ordin{a}ncꝭ w{t}in this boke expressed or any of theym in noo wyse extende nor be pˀjudicyall or hurtfull to the Kyngꝭ pˀrogatyve nother to the hurte of eny graunte or grauntꝭ by the kyng or his noble pˀgenytors before tyme made to the Citie of London or any other or any laudable Custumes now used in the same Citie and in case any article or articles in this boke expressed be pˀjudiciall or hurtfull to the kyngꝭ pˀrogatyve or to eny gr{a}unt by the Kyng and his noble progenytors made to the said Citie of London or any other or to any other laudable Custumes above expressed then the same article or articles and evˀy of theym so beyng pˀjudiciall or hurtfull as is abovesaid to be voyde cassate and of non effecte Anything by us the said Chaunceler Tresourer and ij Cheyffe Justices in this behalffe done or made to the contrarie not w{t}standyng PROVIDED always that for divers consideracions aswell for the welth of the Kyngꝭ lyege people as for the honesty of the sayd Crafte yt is now condescended and aggreed that from hensforth no pˀsounes of ffelaishyp after he or they be made ffree of the said Company shall pˀsume to sett open any Shopp of Barbory unto soch tyme as he or they be abled by the sayd Master or Govˀnours withoute he be of the cleer value of ten markꝭ sterlyng uppon payn of fforfaiture of xl{s} the oon half to the chambre of London and the other half to the almes of the said Crafte.

[357] A clerical mistake for 21st year of Henry VIII (1529). [358] i.e. Covenant Servants, servants or assistants engaged under covenants to serve for a period (generally two years), and whose engagements were recorded by the Clerk at the Hall. [359] i.e., hired. [360] Pursuits. [361] Peril. [362] But if = except. [363] Ancienty, i.e., his precedence according to seniority.

IN WYTNES wherof to this pˀsent Booke wee have sett owre signe manuellꝭ the xiiij{th} day of Maye In the xxij{ti} yere of the Reign of oure sovˀaygne lord his Reigne Kyng Henry the viij{th.}


APPENDIX C. (See page 80.)

Anno xxxij } ¶ An act concernyng Barbours and Surgeons to be Henrici Octavi } of one companie. } Cap. xij.[364]

[364] Misprint for xlij.

The kyng our soveraigne lord by the advise of his lordes spirytuall and temporall, and the commons in thys presente parlyament assembled and by the auctortye of the same by all their common assentes duly ponderyng among other things necessary for the common welth of this realme, that it is very expedient and nedeful to provyde for men experte in the science of phisicke and surgery, for the helth of mannes body, when infirmities and sickenes shall happen, for the due exercise and maintenaunce whereof good and necessary actes be alredy made and provided. Yet nevertheles, for as muche as within the citie of Londone, where men of great experience aswell in speculation, as in practice of the science and faculty of surgery, be abiding & enhabiting, and have more commonly the dayly exercise and experience of the same sciẽce of Surgery, then is had or used within any partyes of this realme: And by occasion therof many expert personnes be brought up under them, as their servauntes apprentices and others, who by thexercyse and diligent informacion of theyr sayd maysters, as wel now as hereafter shal exercise the sayd science within divers other parties of this realme, to the great relyefe comfort and succour of much people, and to the sure safegarde of theyr bodily health, theyr limittes[365] and lyves. And forasmuch as within the sayd citie of London there be nowe two severall and distincte companyes of Surgeons, occupyinge and exercisynge the sayde scyence and faculty of surgery, the one company being commonly called the Barbours of London, and the other company called the surgeons of London Which company of barbours be incorporated to sew and be sewed by the name of maisters or governours of the mistery and comminalty of the barbours of London, by vertue and auctoritye of the letters patentes under the great seale of the late kyng of famous memory kyng Edwarde the fourth dated at westminster the foure and twentie day of February in the fyrst yere of his reigne which afterwarde as wel by our nost[366] most drad soveraigne lord as by the right noble and vertuouse prynce kyng Henry the seventhe, father unto the kynges mooste excelent highnesse now beyng were and be confirmed, as by sundrie letters patentes therof made amongest other thynges in the same conteygned more at large maie appere. And the other companie called the surgeons be not incorporate, nor have any maner corporacion which two severall and distincte companies of surgeons were necessarie to bee unyted and made one bodie incorporat to the entente that by their unyon and often assemble togythers to the good and dewe order exercise and knowlage of the sayd science or facultie of surgerie, should be as well in speculacions as in practyse, both to them selves and al other their servauntes and apprentises, nowe and herafter to be brought up under them, and by their lerninge and dilegent and rype informacions more perfect spedy and effectuall remedy shuld be than it hath ben or should be if the said two companies of barbours and surgeons should contenew severed a sunder and not joyned togyther as they before this tyme have ben and used them selves not medlynge togyther. Wherfore in consyderacyon of the premysses be it enacted by the Kynge our soveraigne lorde, and by the lordes spirituall and temporall, and by the commons in this present parlyamente assembled, and by the auctoritye of the same that the sayd two several and distyncte companyes of Surgeons, that is to saie, bothe the barbours and the Surgeons, and every personne of theim beynge a free manne of either of the sayd companies after the custome of the sayd citye of London and theyr successours, from hense forthe immediatly be unyted and made on entyer and hole body corporate and one cominaltye perpetuall whych at al tims herafter shall be called by the name of maisters or governours of the mystery and comminalte of Barbours and Surgeons of London for evermore and by none other name: And by the same name to impleade and be impleaded before al maner of Justices, in al courtes in al maner of actiõs and sutes. And also to purchase enjoy, & take to thẽ and to theyr successors al maner of landes tenementes rentes and other possessions what so ever they be, and also shal have a comon seale to serve for the busines of the sayd company and corporacion for ever. And by the same name peasably quietly and indifferently have possession and enjoy to theym and to theyr successours for ever, all suche landes and tenementes, and other hereditamentes what soever, which the said company or comminalty of barbours have and enjoy to thuse of the said mistery and comminalty of barbours of London. And also shall peasably and quietlye have and enjoye all and singular benefittes, grauntes liberties, privileges fraunchises, and fre customes and also al maner of other thinges, at any time geven or graũted unto the sayd companies of barbours or surgeons, by what so ever name or names they or any of theim wer called, and whiche they or any of them now have, or any of their predecessours have had by actes of parlyament letter patentes of the kynges highnes, or other his moste noble progenytours or otherwyse by any laufull meanes had at any tyme afore thys present acte in as large and ample maner and forme, as they or any of thẽ have had myght or shuld enjoye the same, this union or conjunction of the said companis together not withstandyng. And as largely to have and enjoie the premisses, as if the same wer and had ben specialli and particularli expressed and declared with the best and most clerest woordes & termes in the lawe, to all intentes and purposes And that al persons of the sayd Company now in corporate by thys present act, and their successours, that shal be laufully admitted and approved to occupie surgery after the forme of the statute in that case ordeyned and provyded shalbe exempt for bearĩg of armure or to be put in any watches or inquestes And that they and their successours shall have the serche over sight punishement and correctiõ as well of fremen as of foreins for such offences as they or any of them shall com̃it or do against the good order of barbary or surgery as afore this time amonge the sayd mistery and company of barbours of London, hath ben used and accustomed, accordyng to the good and politike rules and ordynaunces by them made and approved bi the lords Chauncellour treasorer and two chiefe Justices of either bench or any thre of them after the forme of the statute in that case ordeyned and provided.

[365] A misprint for “limmes” = limbs. [366] A misprint for “now.”

¶ And further be it enacted by thauctoritie aforesayd, that the sayd maysters or governours of the mistery and comminaltie of barbours and surgeons of Londõ, and their successours yerely for ever after their sad discrecions at their free liberte and pleasure shal and maie have and take without c͠otradiction foure persons condempned adjudged and put to deathe for feloni by the due order of the kynges lawe of thys realme for anatomies without any further sute or labour to be made to the kyngs highnes his heyres or successours for the same. And to make incision of the same deade bodies or otherwyse to order the same after their said discrecions at their pleasures for their further and better knowlage instruction in sight learnyng and experience in the sayd scyence or facultie of surgery Savĩg unto al person their heires and successours al such right tytle enterest and demande, which they or any of them myght laufully clayme or have in or to any of the landes and tenementes with the appurtenaunces, belog̃ing unto the sayd company of barbours and surgeons or any of them, at any tyme afore the makyng of this acte, in as ample maner & fourme as they or any of them hadde or ought to have had heretofore: Any thyng it[367] thys present acte comprised to the contrary herof in any wyse not withstãding.

[367] In.

¶ And for as muche as suche persones being the misterie or facultee of surgery, oftentymes medle and take into their cure and houses suche sicke and diseases[368] persõs as ben infected with the pestilence great pockes & such other contagious infirmityes do use or exercise barbari, as washynge, or shavyng, and other feates therunto belongyng, whiche is veraie perillous for infectyng the kyngs liege people resortyng to their shoppes and houses ther beyng washed or shaven. Wherfore it is now enacted ordeyned and provided by thauctoritye aforesayd that no maner person within the citie of London suburbes of the same, and on[369] miles compasse of the sayde citie of London, after the feast of the nativitie of our lord god next com̃ing usyng any barbary or shavyng, or that here after shall use any barbary or shavyng within the sayd citie of London suburbes or one myle circuite of the same citie of London he nor they nor none other for thẽ to his or other use shall occupy any surgery lettyng of bloud, or any other thynge belongyng to surgery drawing of teeth only excepte. And further more in lyke maner who so ever that useth the mistery or crafte of surgery within the circute aforesayd, as long as he shall fortune to use the sayde maystery or crafte of surgerie shall in no wyse occupie nor exercyse the feat or crafte of barbarie or shaving neither by hym selfe nor by non other for him to his or their use: And moreover that al maner of persones usynge surgery for the tyme beyng as well free men as forens aliens and straungers within the said citie of London, the suburbes therof, and on myle compasse of the same citie of London before the feast of sainct Michaell tharchangel next commyng, shal have an open signe on the strete syde wher they shall fortune to dwell that all the kynges liege people there passing by may know at al times whether to resort for theyr remedies in time of necessity. And further be it enacted by thauctority aforesayd, that no maner of person after the sayd feast of saynct Michaell tharchaungell next commyng presume to kepe any shoppe of barbarie or shaving within the city of London except he be a free man of the same corporacion and company.

[368] Diseased. [369] One.

☞ And furthermore at such times heretofore accustomed there shalbe chosen by the same company foure maisters or governours of the same corporacion or company, of the which .iiii. two of them shalbe expert in surgery and thother two in barbary, which .iiii, maysters and every of theym shall have full power and auctority from time to time, during theyr said offyce to have the oversyght serche punishement and correction of al such defaultes and inconveniences as shalbe found among the sayd company using barbary or surgery, as wel of fre mẽ as forens aliens and strangers with in the citye of London & the circuite aforesayd, after their sad discrescions And if any persõ or persõs usyng any barbary or surgery at any time hereafter, offend in any of these articles aforesayd: then for every moneth the sayd persons so offending shal lose forfait and pay .v. li. the one moiety therof to the king our soveraigne lord, and the other moiety to any person that wil or shal sue therfore by action of det bill plainte or informacion in anye the kinges courtes, wherin no wager of law essoin or protection shall be admitted or alowed in the same.

¶ Provided the said barbours and surgeons and every of them shal beare and pay lot and scot and such other charges, as they and their predecessours have ben accustomed to pay within the sayd citie of London this acte or any thyng therin conteigned to the contrary herof in any wyse not withstandyng.

☞ Provided alway and be it enacted by auctoritie aforsaid that it shalbe lefull to any of the kynges subjectes not beyng Barbour or Surgeon, to reteine have and kepe in his house as his servaunt any person beynge a barbour or surgeon whych shal and maie use and exercise those actes and faculties of Barbery and surgery or either of thẽ in his maisters house, or elles wher by his maisters licence or commaundement any thyng in thys acte above written to the contrary not withstandyng.

APPENDIX D. (See page 106.)

1577. ~Thys ys~ accompte of all suche monie as was levyed in the tyme of M{r} John ffeild John Hitchin Xp̃ofer Swaldell and Henrye Rankin masters and governo{rs} of the misterie of Barbo{rs} Surgins of London upon the ffremen brethern and straungers for the furnishinge of souldiers according to the saide Precept and was collected and gathered by the handes of the saide Xp̃ofer Swaldell second governo{r} as followeth.

~Inprimis~ of Rychard Sprignell xj{s} viij{d} Itm̃ of Willm̃ Gale vj{s} viij{d} Item of Edwarde Gryffen vj{s} viij{d} Item of George Baker vj{s} viij{d} Itm̃ of Willm̃ Bo{r}ne vj{s} viij{d} Item of Willm̃ Carrington vj{s} viij{d} Item of Willm̃ Wyse ij{s} vj{d} Itm̃ of Thom̃s Birde vj{s} viij{d} Itm̃ of Henrye Smithe vj{s} viij{d} Itm̃ of John Isard vj{s} Itm̃ of Thom̃s Gyllet vj{s} viij{d} Itm̃ of John Johnson iij{s} iiij{d} Itm̃ of John Martyn vj{s} viij{d} Itm̃ of Richard Wood vj{s} viij{d} Itm̃ of John Laycock vj{s} viij{d} Itm̃ of Henrye Bradley vj{s} viij{d} Itm̃ of Richard fferrys v{s} Itm̃ of James Bates iiij{s} Itm̃ of John Smithe iiij{s} Itm̃ of Anthonie Wolcock iiij{s} Itm̃ of John Lyster ij{s} Itm̃ of John Sheryff v{s} Itm̃ of Henry ffoster v{s} Itm̃ of Robert Walwyn v{s} Itm̃ of Robert Wood iiij{s} Itm̃ of Willm̃ ffountayne v{s} Itm̃ of Nicholas Dobby ij{s} Itm̃ of Willm̃ Brode ij{s} vj{d} Itm̃ of Richard Carrington v{s} Itm̃ of Richard Clarke ij{s} Itm̃ of Willm̃ Hatho{r}ne v{s} Itm̃ of Roger Laybo{r}ne iiij{s} Itm̃ of Willm̃ Braye iij{s} iiij{d} Itm̃ of Christopho{r} Clark iij{s} iiij{d} Itm̃ of Randall ffoster v{s} vj{d} Itm̃ of John Barnye vj{s} viij{d} Itm̃ of Randall Cotton vj{s} viij{d} Itm̃ of Daniell Botham v{s} Itm̃ of Anthonie Spackman v{s} Itm̃ of John Studesburie v{s} Itm̃ of John Burges iij{s} iiij{d} Itm̃ of Raphe Rodes v{s} Itm̃ of Thomas Waight v{s} Itm̃ of John Carrington ij{s} vj{d} Itm̃ of Thomas Tho{r}ney iiij{s} Itm̃ of Allen Collye iij{s} iiij{d} Itm̃ of Henry Bost ij{s} Itm̃ of Richard Holland iiij{s} Itm̃ of John Tybbald iij{s} Itm̃ of Richard Smithe ij{s} Itm̃ of John Odwey ij{s} Itm̃ of John Paradyce ij{s} Itm̃ of Edward Coweye xij{d} Itm̃ of Richard Storye iij{s} Itm̃ of Thom̃s Warren v{s} Itm̃ of Ward & Turno{r} pˀteners iiij{s} Itm̃ of John Newsam v{s} Itm̃ of Richard Saunderson v{s} Itm̃ of Thom̃s Maneringe xij{d} Itm̃ of Philɫp Henlye ij{s} vj{d} Itm̃ of Thom̃s Eve ij{s} iiij{d} Itm̃ of Andrew Grove xij{d} Itm̃ of Willm̃ More ij{s} viij{d} Itm̃ of John Hawkes iiij{s} Itm̃ of Willm̃ Sympson iij{s} iiij{d} Itm̃ of Henrye Stranguishe ij{s} vj{d} Itm̃ of Henry Tottye v{s} Itm̃ of George Sedgwick v{s} Itm̃ of Robert Johnson v{s} Itm̃ of Willm̃ Wye ij{s} vj{d} Itm̃ of John Dards v{s} Itm̃ of John Machin v{s} Itm̃ of John Gymblet v{s} Itm̃ of Robert Peterson iij{s} iiij{d} Itm̃ of Roger Hall ij{s} Itm̃ of Richard Johnson xij{d} Itm̃ of Willm̃ Browne v{s} Itm̃ of John Bigꝭ iij{s} iiij{d} Itm̃ of John Bo{r}ne iiij{s} Itm̃ of Lewis Atmore iij{s} Itm̃ of Peter Ledsom ij{s} vj{d} Itm̃ of Richard Chaddock ij{s} vj{d} Itm̃ of[370] Stevens ij{s} vj{d} Itm̃ of John Whetelye iiij{s} Itm̃ of Alexander Ellyot ij{s} vj{d} Itm̃ of Willm̃ in Dixon ij{s} viij{d} Itm̃ receyved that was due for wages iiij{s} Itm̃ of John Harrington ij{s} vj{d} Itm̃ of Mathew Easte ij{s} vj{d} Itm̃ of Thomas Richardson iiij{s}

[370] Blank in original.

~Sm~ of all the monie receyved of ffremen } of the Companie for furnishinge }     [371] of Souldiers Dothe amounte unto }

[371] Blank in original.

~Monye~ receyved of fforrens and straungers towardes the saide furniture

~Receyved~ of Jeames Saule x{s} Of Jarvys Mullins viij{s} Of Reynold Davys ij{s} vj{d} Of Mathew Ken v{s} Of Willm̃ Knightley ij{s} vj{d} Of James ffrauncꝭ x{s} Of John Grymsen x{s} Of Phillip Jurden v{s} Of Gefrye Mostrims v{s} Of John Phillipps ij{s}

~Sm~ of the monye received } of fforrens and straungers } iij{li} Dothe amounte unto }

~Sm~ of all the monie receyved of ffremen } fforrens and straungers for the furnishing } xxij{li} xvij{s} xj{d} of Souldiers Doth amounte unto }

~Monye~ laide owte by the handes of Christopho{r} Swaldell seconde governo{r} for furnishing of Souldiers viz{t}

~Inprimis~ paid for xij Calyvers xij murrions xij fflaskes xij tutche boxes with stringꝭ white and grene ix{li} vj{s} Itm̃ to the Clark in reward for his paynes aboute the souldiers ij{s} vj{d} Itm̃ to the Beadle in reward xij{d} Itm̃ paide for the Dyner at the red crosse vj{s} viij{d} Itm̃ paide for xxxvj{li} of co{r}ne powder xxxvj{s} Itm̃ paide for vij{li} of matches ij{s} iiij{d} Itm̃ paide for browne papˀ vj{d} Itm̃ paid in presse monye xij{s} Itm̃ geven Roᵬt Bendoes wief vj{d} Itm̃ paid for iij Dõz. and viij yeardes of reband w. b. & g[372] x{s} ij{d} Itm̃ paide for xij rooles and there stuffingꝭ iiij{s} Itm̃ paid for iiij dõz. of charge -- -- Itm̃ paid for tape for the charge vj{d} Itm̃ paide for a stoweing stick iij{d} Itm̃ paide for borde wages one daie viij{s} Itm̃ spent at myle end iiij{d} Itm̃ paide for vj{li} of matche ij{s} Itm̃ paid for j{li} of co{r}ne powder xij{d} Itm̃ paid for mending one Caliver vj{d} Itm̃ paide for leade for bulletꝭ viij{d} Itm̃ paid for breakefast xiiij{d} x{th} April Itm̃ paid for vj{li} of matche ij{s} Itm̃ paid for xij{li} of cornepowder xij{s} Itm̃ paid for bo{r}de wages viij{s} Itm̃ paide for o{r} breakfast ij{s} vj{d} xj{th} April Itm̃ geven to the souldiers in reward vj{s} Itm̃ paid to the Armorer for mending the armo{r} iiij{s} vj{d} Itm̃ geven in reward to the Armorers man vj{d} Itm̃ paid for o{r} breakfast ij{s} xiij{th} of May Itm̃ paide for xxxvj{li} of co{r}ne powder xlij{s} Itm̃ paide xij{li} of matches iiij{s} Itm̃ paide for browne papˀ iiij{d} Itm̃ paide for gilding of bayes viij{d} Itm̃ paide for iiij Daies bo{r}de wages xxxij{s} Itm̃ paide for o{r} breakefast xx{d} Itm̃ paid for changing a broken Calyver x{s} Item paide unto the Armorer for scowringe and mending o{r} peces and murrions xj{s} vj{d}

~Sm~ of all the monie paide owte by } the handes of Christopho{r} Swaldell } xxij{li} xvij{s} xj{d} seconde governo{r} for the furnishing } of Souldiers Dothe amounte unto }

[372] Probably, white, blue and green.

APPENDIX E. (See page 157.)


The Barbers of London were a Fraternity before the Time of Edward the Second, and by Letters-Patent of Edward the Fourth were made a Body Corporate, and invested with several Powers and Privileges. In the 32d Year of Henry the Eighth, the publick Policy thought proper to unite them with another Company (not then incorporated) called the Surgeons of London, in order, (as is most probable) to transfer those Powers and Privileges to the latter, without directly appearing to wrest them from the former to whom they had been originally granted.

The Coalition of the two Companies having now subsisted above Two Hundred Years, the Barbers are surpris’d to find an Attempt made by the Surgeons to dissolve it, by Authority of Parliament, without their Participation or Consent.

The principal Reasons assigned by the Surgeons, in their printed Case, to induce the legislature to the extraordinary Act of Power, are,

First, That the Barbers, in the Time of Henry the Eighth, were all Surgeons, and that the Parliament, by uniting them with others of superior Abilities, intended their Improvement in that Profession; but that they having, long since, ceased to intermeddle with any Branch of Surgery, this Intent of the Act is frustrated, and the laudable Purpose of the Union at an end.

Secondly, That by this Alteration of the Circumstances of things, the Junction of the two Companies (how advantageous soever in former Times) is now become highly inconvenient.

Thirdly, That the Surgeons if distinctly incorporated, would be encouraged to meet and communicate to one another their Experiments and Successes.

And Fourthly, That the like Separation has taken place at Paris, Edinburgh, and Glascow.

BUT the first of these Reasons is grounded on a Mistake in point of Fact; for tho’ it be true that the Barbers were all originally Surgeons, and incorporated as such, yet long before the Union in question, most of them had quitted the actual Exercise of that Profession, and the Right itself of exercising it in virtue of their Charter, had been taken away[373] by Parliament: And tho’ in the Preamble of the uniting Act, both Companies are stiled Surgeons, yet from the Enacting[374] Part (which expresly restrains the Barbers from occupying any part of Surgery, except Tooth-drawing) it is evident the Legislature did not consider them as real Surgeons, nor could intend their Improvement in a Science they were forbid to practise, so that the Circumstances of Things are not altered from what they then were, or from what they manifestly were designed to be; and therefore the Barbers having no Relation to the Surgeons, or their Art (as it was then deemed no Objection to their Union) cannot now, with any Propriety, be insisted on as a Reason for their Separation.

[373] 3 H. 8. Ch. 11. No Person within the City of London, nor within seven Miles, shall occupy as a Surgeon, except he be first examined, approved, and admitted by the Bishop of London or Dean of St. Paul’s.

[374] 32 H. 8. Ch. 42. Sect. 3. No Person within the City of London, Suburbs of the same, and one Mile Compass of the said City, using any Barbery or Shaving, shall occupy any Surgery, Letting of Blood, or any other Thing belonging to Surgery, Drawing of Teeth only except.

With regard to the Inconveniences complained of, as the Charge is general, this general Answer only can be given, That the Barbers have always, with the greatest Deference, submitted to the Surgeons in all Matters peculiar to them, and chearfully contributed, out of their common Stock, towards every Expence which they have declared necessary for the Honour or Advancement of their Profession. And since none of these Inconveniences have been of Consequence enough to deserve being particularly pointed out, we may venture to pronounce them inconsiderable, and unworthy the Attention and Redress of Parliament; and the rather, as all of them put together, have not prevented the Surgeons of London from carrying the Improvement of their Art, both in Speculation and Practice, to a greater Height than has been done in any other Place or Nation.

That the frequent Meetings of ingenious Men, and their free Communications on the Subject of their Profession, may tend to the Benefit of Mankind in general, and to the Honour of their Country in particular, is not denied: But surely the Constitution of the united Company is no obstacle to these laudable Purposes. The Barbers have for many Years, at their Monthly Courts, submitted to withdraw at a stated Hour, and resigned the Parlour to the Surgeons: And if this Condescension is not supposed to afford them sufficient Time for Conversation on these particular Days, nothing hinders them from holding seperate Assemblies at the Hall almost every other Day in the Year.

As to what is said to have been done at Paris, Edinburgh, and Glascow, no particular answer can be given, unless it appeared by what Means, for what Reasons, and upon what Terms the Separations in those Places were brought about. In London there are but two Instances of Separations of Companies, viz. that of the Feltmakers from the Haberdashers in 1604, and that of the Apothecaries from the Grocers in 1617; but both these were effected by mutual Consent, without the Intervention of Parliament; and it may be proper to observe, that the Feltmakers miscarried in a former Application for an exclusive Charter in 1576 for want of the Haberdashers Consent.

Upon the whole, therefore, the Barbers humbly hope the forgoing Reasons will be deemed insufficient to induce the Legislature to destroy an Union they themselves thought proper to form, an Union which two hundred Years Existence has rendred venerable, and which, by the Improvements above-mentioned, appears to have answered all the Purposes for which it was established.

But if for other Reasons (which the Surgeons say may be given) the Parliament shall be inclined to favour them in this part of their request; the Barbers, from the scrupulous Regard and Tenderness which that August Assembly has always shewn for private Property, cannot but hope they shall be continued in the Enjoyment of all their present Possessions, without any Division whatsoever, and that, for the following Reasons:

First, Because most of the united Company’s Lands and Tenements, (particularly the Site of their Hall, Parlour, &c.) originally belonged to them, and by the uniting Act[375] seem with great Justice to have been intended to remain to their sole and separate Use, tho’ in fact the Surgeons have hitherto been indulged in the equal Enjoyment of them with the Barbers.

[375] 32 H. 8. Ch. 42. The united Company shall have, possess, and enjoy, to them and their Successors for ever, all such Lands and Tenements, and other Hereditaments whatsoever, which the said Company or Commonalty of Barbers have and enjoy, to the Use of the said Mystery and Commonalty of Barbers of London.

Secondly, Because the Surgeons Share of what may have been acquired since the Union, will scarce be an adequate Recompence to the Barbers for the above Indulgence, much less for the unmerited Loss of a Brotherhood now so honourable and advantageous to them.

Thirdly, Because the Expenses of the Barbers when distinctly incorporated, can fall but very little, if any thing, short of those of the united Company, so that a Reduction of Income must subject them to very great Difficulties, which (considering that they neither desire, nor have given the Surgeons just Cause to desire a Separation) would be extremely hard and unreasonable.

Lastly, Because the present flourishing Condition of the Surgeons, (the only real Alteration in the Circumstances of Things) will sufficiently enable them to support the Dignity of their new and favourite Institution with becoming Splendor, without distressing their less happy Brethren the Barbers.


ACT OF PARLIAMENT 18 GEO. II, CAP. 15. (See page 162.)

And it is hereby further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That such of the Members of the said United Company or Corporation, who are Freemen of the said Company, and are not admitted or approved Surgeons, and their Successors, shall, from and after the said Twenty-fourth day of June, One thousand seven hundred and forty-five, be, and they are hereby made and constituted, a Body Corporate, and Commonalty Perpetual, which, at all times hereafter, shall be called by the Name of The Master, Governors, and Commonalty of the Mystery of Barbers of London; and, by the same name, shall plead and be impleaded before all Manner of Justices, in all Courts, and in all Manner of Actions and Suits; and also purchase, enjoy, and take to them, and their Successors, any Lands, Tenements, Rents, or Hereditaments, not exceeding the yearly Rent or Value of Two hundred Pounds in the Whole, without incurring any of the Penalties or Forfeitures of the Statutes of Mortmain.

And it is hereby further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, that Master Jonathan Medley, the present First Master or Governor of the said United Company or Corporation, and Master Humphrey Negus, the present Third Master or Governor of the said United Company, and such Two other Persons as shall hereafter be elected and appointed for that Purpose, in pursuance of this Act, and as is hereinafter mentioned shall be, and they are hereby respectively established and confirmed, the Master and Governors of the Company or Corporation of Barbers of London, established and incorporated by this Act; and shall continue in, and hold, exercise, and enjoy the said Offices respectively, until others shall be chosen, elected, and appointed in and to the same Offices respectively, pursuant and according to the By-laws, Rules, Orders, and Constitutions of the same Company; and that the said Jonathan Medley, Humphrey Negus, and William Parker, Luke Maurice, John Barnwell, John Truelove, William Haddon, John Negus, Edward Boxley, Samuel Rutter, Robert Scrooby, Richard Swithin, Edward Colebeck, Togarmah Jones, and John Gurney, being Fifteen of the present Court of Assistants of the said United Company, and such Nine other Persons as shall be hereafter elected and appointed for that purpose, in pursuance of this Act, and as is hereinafter mentioned, shall be, and they are hereby constituted and appointed, the Court of Assistants of the Company of Barbers, made, established, and incorporated by this Act; and shall continue in, and hold, enjoy, and exercise the said office during their natural Lives respectively, or until they shall be respectively removed out of the said Office, pursuant and according to the said By-laws, Rules, Ordinances and Constitutions of the said Company of Barbers of London.

And it is hereby further enacted, That it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Jonathan Medley, Humphrey Negus, William Parker, Luke Maurice, John Barnwell, John Truelove, William Haddon, John Negus, Edward Boxley, Samuel Rutter, Robert Scrooby, Richard Swithin, Edward Colebeck, Togarmah Jones and John Gurney, or the major Part of them, to meet at or in the Hall now belonging to the said united Company, situate in Monkwell Street in the City of London, on the Twenty-fifth Day of June, One thousand seven hundred and forty-five, between the Hours of Nine in the Morning and One in the Afternoon of the same Day, and then and there to elect, choose, and appoint, out of the Freemen of the said Company or Corporation of the Barbers of London, established and incorporated by this Act, by the Majority of the Votes of such of the said Fifteen Persons last mentioned, who shall be present at such Meeting, so many other Persons to be of the said Court of Assistants of the said Company or Corporation of the Barbers of London, as will make the Number Twenty-four, to continue in the said Office respectively for and during their natural Lives, or until they shall be respectively removed out of the said Office; and also that immediately after such Court of Assistants shall be made up the said Number of Twenty-four Persons, the said Court of Assistants shall then and there, by the Majority of Votes of such of the said Court of Assistants as shall be then present, elect, choose, and appoint from among themselves, Two Persons, to be the Third and Fourth Governors of the said Company or Corporation of the Barbers of London, to continue in, hold, exercise, and enjoy, the said Offices respectively as aforesaid.

And it is hereby further enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for the Master and Governors for the Time being of the said Company or Corporation of Barbers, or any Two or more of them, with Eleven or more of the Members of the said Court of Assistants for the Time being, when and as often as to Two or more of the said Master and Governors shall seem meet to hold Courts or Assemblies at or in the Hall of the said Company for the Time being, in order to treat and consult about the Rule, State, Order, and Government of the said Company or Corporation of Barbers; and also that it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Master and Governors, and Court of Assistants, so assembled, or the major Part of them, to make, constitute, ordain, establish, ratify, and confirm, all or any such By-laws, Ordinances, Rules, and Constitutions, as to them shall seem requisite, proper, or convenient for the Regulation, Government, Profit, or Advantage of the said Company or Corporation of the Barbers of London, and the Members thereof, and the same, from Time to Time, to alter or repeal; so as the By-laws, Ordinances, Rules, and Constitutions so to be made and established, shall be examined, approved, and allowed of, as by the Laws and Statutes of the Realm is provided and required.

Provided always, and it is hereby enacted and declared, That the several By-laws, Ordinances, Rules, and Constitutions, made and established for the Regulation and Government of the said United Company or Corporation, so far as the same do not relate to or concern the Art or Science of Surgery, and which, on the said Twenty-third day of June, shall be subsisting and in Force, and shall not be repealed, annulled or abrogated by virtue of this present Act, shall continue and be in Force, and shall be exercised, observed, and executed by the said Company of Barbers established and incorporated by this Act, until such Time and Times respectively as the same By-laws, Ordinances, Rules, and Constitutions, shall respectively be repealed, annulled and made void, by virtue and under the Authority of this present Act.

And it is hereby further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Master and Governors of the said Company or Corporation of Barbers of London shall be yearly elected and chosen on the second Thursday in August, by the Court of Assistants or the major Part of them, or in such manner as by the By-laws, Rules, Orders, and Constitutions of the same Company or Corporation shall be ordained or provided; and that when and as often as any member of the said Court of Assistants of the said Company of Barbers shall happen to die, or be removed, it shall and may be lawful to and for the surviving Members of the said Court of Assistants, or the major Part of them, to nominate and elect one other Person, being a Freeman of the same Company, to be a Member of the said Court of Assistants, in the Room of the Person so deceased or removed; and the person so nominated or elected shall continue in, hold, and exercise the said Office for and during his natural Life, or until he shall be removed out of the same.

And it is hereby further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Master, Governors, and Commonalty of the Mystery of Barbers of London, hereby made, established, and incorporated as aforesaid, and their Successors, and all Persons who shall be free of the same Company or Corporation, shall and may, from Time to Time, and at all Times for ever hereafter, have, hold, and enjoy all and every such and the same Liberties, Privileges, Franchises, Powers, and authorities, as the said United Company or Corporation, with respect to every Thing but Surgery, and the Members of the said United Company, occupying the Feat or Craft of Barbery or Shaving, could or might respectively have had, held and enjoyed by virtue of the said recited Act of Union or Incorporation, [32 Hen. viij] and Letters Patents of his late Majesty King Charles the First, and other the Royal Grants, Charters, and Patents therein respectively mentioned and referred to, so far as the same do not concern or relate to the Art and Science of Surgery; and that in as full, ample, and beneficial Manner, to all Intents and Purposes, as if the same had been expressly repeated, set down, and enacted in and by this present Act.

And it is hereby Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Sum of Five hundred and ten Pounds, now vested in the said United Company, and which was given and paid to the said United Company by Edward Arris, for the Use of the publick Anatomy Lectures on the Muscles, and also the Annuity or yearly Rent-charge of Sixteen Pounds given to the said United Company by the Will of John Gale, Gentleman, for One Anatomy Lecture, by the Name of Gale’s Anatomy, and charged upon certain Messuages and Tenements at Snow Hill, in the Parish of Saint Sepulchre, without Newgate, London, shall, from and after the said Twenty-fourth Day of June, One thousand seven hundred and forty-five be vested in, and be deemed the sole Property, Estate, and Effects of the said Company and Corporation of Surgeons established and incorporated by this Act; and that the said Sum of Five hundred and ten Pounds be accordingly paid by the said Company or Corporation of Barbers of London, out of the Estate and Effects of and now belonging to the said United Company or Corporation, within Three Months next after the said Twenty-fourth day of June, and that the said Sum of Five hundred and ten Pounds, and the said Annuity or yearly Rent-charge of Sixteen Pounds per Annum, shall be held and enjoyed by the said Company of Surgeons established by this Act, upon Trust, to be applied and disposed of for the Purposes intended by the Donors thereof respectively; and that from and after the Payment of the said Five hundred and ten Pounds by the said Company of Barbers to the said Company of Surgeons, they the said Master, Governors, and Commonalty of the Mystery of Barbers of London, and their Successors, shall for ever be discharged of and from the said Sum or Gift of Five hundred and ten Pounds, and every Part thereof, and of and from the said Annuity or Gift of Sixteen Pounds per annum, and every Part thereof, and of and from all Duties and Trusts in respect of the said Gifts, or either of them; and shall, from Time to Time, be saved harmless, and kept indemnified, by the said Company of Surgeons, of, from, and against the same, and all Actions, Suits, Charges, and Expences which they the said Master, Governors, and Commonalty of the Mystery of Barbers of London, or their successors, shall or may, from Time to Time, be put unto or sustain on account thereof; and that all the Rest and Residue of the Real and Personal Estate and Effects of and belonging to the said United Company or Corporation, and the Arms or Ensigns Armorial of the same Company or Corporation, shall, from and after the said Twenty-fourth Day of June, One thousand seven hundred and forty-five, be vested in, and the same are hereby from thence forth vested in the said Company or Corporation of Barbers of London, and their Successors, to and for their own sole and separate Use and Benefit, for ever.

And it is hereby further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That such of the Books, Papers, and Writings which now belong to the said United Company of Barbers and Surgeons, and relate to or concern the Surgeons or Surgery only, shall, immediately after the First day of July, One thousand seven hundred and forty-five, be delivered by the said Company of Barbers, established and incorporated by this Act, to the Master, and Governors, and Court of Assistants, of the said Company of Surgeons established and incorporated by this Act, or such other Person or Persons as they, or the major Part of them, shall by Writing under their Hands, appoint to receive the same, for the Use and benefit of the said Company of Surgeons: And that the Master, Governors, and Court of Assistants, of the same Company of Surgeons, or any of them, or such other Person or Persons as they, or the major Part of them, shall by writing under their hands, appoint, shall and may, from Time to Time, and at all seasonable Times, upon reasonable Notice, from and after the said First Day of July, One thousand seven hundred and forty-five, have free Access to, and Liberty to inspect and peruse, in the Hands of such Person or Persons as the said Company of Barbers shall Appoint to have the Care and Custody thereof, all the rest of the Books, Papers, and Writings, and also all the Charters and Deeds which now belong to the said United Company of Barbers and Surgeons; and, from Time to Time, to take such Copies or Extracts of or from the same, or any of them, as the said Master, Governors, and Court of Assistants of the said Company of Surgeons, or the major Part of them, or such other Person or Persons so to be appointed as aforesaid, shall, from Time to Time, desire or require; and also that the said Company of Barbers shall, from Time to Time, and at all Times, upon reasonable Notice, from and after the said First Day of July, produce the said last mentioned Books, Papers, Writings, Charters, and Deeds, or any of them, at the Expence of the said Company of Surgeons, upon any Trial at Law, or Hearing in Equity, or Examination of Witnesses, or otherwise, where the said Company of Surgeons shall have occasion to make use thereof, or of any of them, and permit the said Company of Surgeons to make use of the same accordingly.

Provided always, and it is hereby further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That every Person who hath been bound Apprentice to any Member of the said United Company, and by the Laws or Custom of the City of London, or otherwise, is or would be intitled to his Freedom of the said United Company, and to the Freedom of the said City, in case this present Act had never been made, shall be intitled and admitted to his Freedom in the said Company or Corporation of Surgeons, if his Master is or was an examined Surgeon, or else to his Freedom in the said Company of Barbers; and in either case shall be intitled and admitted to his Freedom of the said City of London, any Law, Usage, or Custom, to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding.

And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, that this Act shall be deemed, adjudged, and taken to be a publick Act; and be judicially taken notice of as such, by all Judges, Justices, and other persons whatsoever, without specially pleading the same.

APPENDIX G. (See page 339.)


Trustie and welbeloved wee greete you well Whereas wee understand that contrary to the antient Charters & an act of Parliament confirmed by us and o{r} late deere father divers Hosiers Dyers & other tradesmen unskilfull in Chirurgery or Barbarye have bene chosen into & held the places of Governem{t} of the Companye of Barbar Surgians, when in deed for many waightie reasons the governem{t} of that Companye hath bene established & settled by Act of Parliam{t} & ought to consist of 4 Masters or Governo{rs} whereof twoe be expert in Surgerye and the other twoe in Barbarye and that by meanes of such undue Elections the true intenc͠on of the Chrẽs and Act of Parliament for the well governem{t} of that Companye have bene neglected, Wee takeing into considerac͠on of what dangerous consequence it maye be to suffer a Companye wherein the lives and safetie of o{r} people are soe much concerned and for w{ch} o{r} Progenito{rs} have soe carefully provided, to bee governed by such unskilfull pˀsons; Doe therefore herebye straightlie charge & comaund you, That from henceforth it be duelye observed in all yo{r} Elections of Governo{rs} that none be chosen into that governem{t} but such as are capeable thereof by the said Act of Parliam{t} viz{t} twoe expert in Chirurgerye and the other twoe in Barbarye, And of yo{r} due pˀformance herein wee shall expect an exact Accompt. Given under o{r} signett at our Palace of Westmˀster the three & twentieth daye of March in the fower teenth yeare of o{r} reigne.

To o{r} trustie & Welbeloved the Masters } or Governo{rs} Assistants and Coĩaltie of } Barbars and Chirurgians of Lonᵭ. }


The reader will find it convenient to observe the general arrangement of this Index before using it, several references being grouped under distinctive or separate headings.

The details of various insignificant items (e.g., many of the Wardens’ payments pp. 379-422, and similar matter), together with the Biographical Notices and Appendices (which speak for themselves), have not been indexed. To have given a reference to every sentence would have materially increased the bulk of the volume without a corresponding advantage, but every endeavour has been made to include whatever is practical or useful.

Abuse (see opprobryous wordes).

ACTS OF PARLIAMENT-- Physicians and Surgeons (3 H. VIII), 72, 347. Jury Service (1513), 74. Ordinances of Guilds (20 H. VII), 77. Incorporation of Barbers and Surgeons (32 H. VIII), 74, 78, 156, 244, 301, 347, 439, 441, 586. Separation of Barbers and Surgeons (18 G. II), 162, 248, 597. Hairpowder (10 Anne and 4 G. II), 164-5.

Alderman, Barber-Surgeons who have been, 19.

Aliens rejected, 354.

ANATOMIES-- Public and private, 362. Public, regulations to be observed at, 335.

ANATOMISTS-- Appointed, 314, 363, 364, 365. To spend less on feasting, 365.

ANATOMY-- Public, given up for three years, 327. Member fined for having a private, 317. Private, permitted, 372. Charges about a dead body, 342, 353. Demonstrators of, to have a silver medal, 355, 356. Details of minor expenses, 356. Dinners, guests not to come to, 370. Dinner, Pepys attends an, 372. Dissecting room to be built, 334. Making a skeleton, 418. Masters and stewards of, 361, 362. Masters of, to provide aprons, &c., for the doctor, 309. None but masters and stewards to dissect, 345. None dissected in 1644, 364. Reader appointed, 334, 366, 367, 370, 371, 372. Reader, gifts to the, 366, 367, 368, 405. Regulations for demonstrations of, 376. Lectures, compulsory attendance at, 313, 344. Lectures, days for holding, 371. Lectures, licenses for absence from, 313, 318, 326, 327. Lectures, increased accommodation at, 315. Lectures, surgeons to contribute to cost of, 366. Lectures to be read by members of the company, 365, 366, 367, 371, 372.

Annuities granted, 405.

Apparel, excess of, 124.

APPRENTICES-- Minutes relating to, illustrating their general bad behaviour and quarrels with masters, punishment, &c., 261-70. Corrector for, 388, 392, 406. Girls as, 269, 270. Statistics of, 259. Troublesome, 260. Not to wear beards, 261. Presentation of, 260. Turn over of, 260, 272. Apprentices of surgeons to be examined, and how, 309, 310. Examined to have a preferment of grace, 310. To know Latin and to write and read, 309, 354. Need not know Latin, 312. Payment for whipping an, 389. Indentures cancelled for marrying, 264.

Apprenticeship, term of, 260.

Archbishop of Canterbury’s barber complained of, 221.

Architect of Theatre and Court room, &c. (vide Index Nominum sub Jones, Inigo).

ARMOUR-- And guns sold, 403. Cleaned, 392, 419. Exemption from bearing (see Jury service). Provision of, 108.

Armourer appointed, 174, 204.

" dismissed, 178.

Arms to be cast in lead and affixed to houses, 231.

ARMY SURGEONS-- Sent to Colchester, 343. The Company ask to have examination of, 348. Medicine chests provided for, 405.

ARRISIAN ENDOWMENT-- Account of, 160, 161. The offer of Mr. Arris, 368. The deed of settlement, 369. Subsequently varied, 369. Paid to Surgeons’ Company, 230.

ASSISTANTS-- First mention of, 244. Precedence of, 225. Limited in number, 186. Varied number of, 244. Absent from court to be fined, 221. Expelled, 185, 187, 204, 216, 251. Summoned to attend court, 221. Refuse to attend court, 221. In hot weather sit without gowns, 203, 225. To have fees, 228.

Assistant wants to be drawn to the Hall with wild horses, 215.

ASSISTANTS, COURT OF-- Origin of, 242, 243. Powers of, 247. When held, 246, 247. Order of sitting in, 225. Disturbances at, 248. Peace restored at, 218. As now constituted, 248. Fine to go on the, 207. Act as private Trustees, 214. Serjeant Clowes objects to serve as Warden, 248, 249. His unpopularity, 250. His apology, 250.

Audit book of Wardens’ accounts, 379.

" dinner in 1603, cost of, 381, 383.

BANNERS-- And streamers purchased, 192. Cost of, 397. Defaced by Cromwell, 142, 407. Painting the, 400, 416. In 1728, 488, 489.

Banner, the present, 432.

BARBER-- First admission of a, to freedom of City, 25. Forbidden to keep a servant, 205. Complained of, for teaching a foreyn, 218. Complained of, for using surgery, 322.

BARBERS-- Early notices of, in City books, 25, 26, 27. Keepers of City gates, 25. Forbidden to expose blood, 23, 119, 181. Practise surgery in early times, 22, 23. Bound not to practise surgery, 320. To be prosecuted for using surgery, 349, 350, 351, 352. To shut up shop, 177, 185, 198, 199. Case of the, in 1745, 594. Basins, 378. Chairs, 378. Poles, 181. Pudding, 458. (See Charters.) (See Company, the.) (See Lincoln.) (See Norwich.)

BARBER-SURGEONS-- (See Charters.) (See Company, the.) Books and belongings of a, temp. H. VIII, 377.

BARBERS AND SURGEONS-- Union of, by H. VIII, and remarks thereon, 78-80. Separation proposed, 146. Separation of, and proceedings in Parliament, 154-162. Table recording separation of, 419.

Barbery and surgery, freemen sued for using both, 189.

BARGE-- Hired, 172, 187, 209. Contributions to the, 411. Expenses about the, 411, 412, 413. Rowers for the, 416. To be sold, 222. House at Lambeth, lease of, 221. House to be repaired, 221, 224. House finally given up, 227. House, let to the Ironmongers, 416.

BARGEMAN-- Appointed, 207. To have new “britches,” 221. To have new livery, 227. To deliver up coat and badge, 229.

BAYLE OR STANDING-- To be provided, 186, 229. New, to be made, 420. At Cromwell’s entertainment, 408. To be sold, 237.

BEADLE-- Beadle, 299-307. Earliest reference to, 302. His numerous duties, 299, 300. Office of, 299. Unpleasant duties at Tyburn, 301. Nominated by the Lord Keeper, 300. Dismissed for misconduct, 303, 304, 305. Silver mace heads, 302. Of the Yeomanry, 301.

Beadle’s house, 300.

Beards, prohibition of long, 97.

Bibles and prayer books, gift for, 238.

Blood, barbers, prohibited to expose, 23, 119, 181.

Bone setters to be prosecuted, 351.

Books, not to be published without leave, 319.

Brass bust of Charles I, 404.

Building, expenses of, in 1603, 387-390.

" " of, in 1608, 394.

Bulbegger, the, 268, 363.

Burglars, execution of the, who stole our plate, 208.

" expenses incurred about the, 395.

Butler appointed, 204.

BY-LAWS-- Of 1633, 131. Of 1681, 144. Of 1709, 150. (See Ordinances.)

Captives, grants for ransom of, 210, 211, 213, 219.

Chandeliers bought, 419.

" presented, 233.

Charities or benevolences bestowed on individuals, 172, 177, 183, 203, 208, 209, 217, 219, 383, 384, 385, 395, 397, 398.

CHARITIES-- Almshouse fund, 484. Atkinson, 238, 484, 485. Baker, 482. Bancks, 219, 481, 494. Cottrell, 483. Decayed Livery Fund, 482. Driver, 482. Dunnett, 484. Ferbras, 161, 481. I’Ans, 233, 482. Kidder, 483. Lawton, 484. Long, 483. Skipper, 484. Turner, 292.

Charles I’s letter to the Company suppressed, 138.

CHARTER-- Freeman rebuked for shewing Charter to a lawyer, 197. Charter book ordered, 197. Charter book embellished, 408.

CHARTERS-- Edward IV, 52, 346. Edward IV, translation of, 55. Edward IV, remarks upon, 58-60. Henry VII, 70, 71. Henry VIII, 76. Henry VIII, remarks upon, 75. Philip and Mary, 100. Elizabeth, 102. James I, 112, 113, 114. Charles I, 129, 156. Charles I, cost of, 397. James II, 147.

Charters surrendered to Charles II, 145.

Charters restored, 148.

CLERK-- Clerk, 288-298. Acts as gardener, 288, 289. Office of, 288. To be a freeman, 290. The first, 289. First ordered to sit in Court, 293. Fees, 288, 289, 291, 292, 295. Not to abuse members, 289. His duties increased, 293. A dishonest, 293, 294. Recognition of Charles Bernard’s services, 295. Recognition of John Paterson’s services, 296, 297. Navy Commissioners complain of, 295.

Clock presented, 188, 226.

" bought, 393.

Clocksmith, blacksmith, clockmaker, 401.

Committee, a, to meet at 6 a.m., 194.

COMPANY, THE-- Origin of, 21. Originally composed of Barbers and Surgeons, 28. Return to writ of Richard II, 21, 22, 28-34. First master of, 23, 24. Two masters first appointed, 24, 28, 35. Complains of unskilful practitioners, and ordinance thereon, 35, 39-42. Disputes with Guild of Surgeons, 38, 39, 43, 51. Composition with Guild of Surgeons, 66-69. Attends funeral of Henry V, 50. Contributes towards Guildhall Chapel, 50. Claims exemption from finding soldiers, 99. Return as to revenue in 1576, 105. Pecuniary difficulties in 1644, 139. Raises money by granting annuities, 142. Debt in 1645, 1646 and 1653, 405, 406, 408. Address of thanks to James II for liberty of conscience, 147. First meeting of the present, 163.

Compter, committals to the, 186, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 198, 199, 202, 212, 248, 263, 264, 265, 282, 283, 316, 319, 325, 326, 327, 328, 330, 336, 337, 428, 429.

Constable (or officer) appointed, 189, 195, 204.

CORN-- Precepts for provision of, 104, 123, 128, 136, 205. Ordered to be bought, 212. Compounded for, 189, 201. Scales and weights for, 401. Members to lend money for, 212.

“Corn money” discontinued, 224.

Coronation dinner of James I, cost of, 391.

Cosmus and Damianus, Saints, 433, 434, 435.

Counsel appointed, 199, 224.

Cranmer, Archbishop, Dr. Butts’ friendship for, described by Shakespeare, 85.

Cromwell’s party, their dishonesty, 139, 140, 141.

Cromwell’s party open to bribes, 143.

DEAD BODIES-- Notices as to, 301. Stolen from beadles, 349. Rioting about the, 417, 418, 419. Hangman complained of, 358. Expenses of procuring, 417, 421. Constables’ expenses about, 358. Constable of Holborn to have a fee, 358. Beadles compensated, 419. Prosecutions for stealing, 349, 350, 417, 418, 421. A drowned man wanted, 417. Receptacle for, 418. Ordered to be buried, 345. Skin of, not to be tanned, 320. Resuscitation of, 320, 321, 358, 359, 360. Sheriffs to be moved for, 341. Order of sheriffs as to, 357. Orders of Court of Aldermen as to, 355. Petitions for soldiers to protect beadles, 350, 354, 355.

Debt, loans to free Company from, 206.

" order for payment of a, 204.

DIPLOMA-- Form of, in 1497, 69. Form of, in 1556, 311, 312. Form of, in 1655, 343.

Disbanded soldier forbidden to practise barbery and surgery, 224.

DISPUTES-- Practice of Company as to, 423, 424. Ordinances relating to, 33, 45, 77. Cases brought before the court, 424-430. Arising out of a case of Martin Browne’s, 341. Between Company and Christopher Frederick, 200.

Dissecting table, 236.

Distilling strong waters, Assistants to attend Privy Council as to, 338.

Distress levied by beadle, 395.

Doctor’s gown, &c., given to beadle, 232.

Drummer appointed, 206.

Election day, divine service on, 172, 178, 391.

ELECTION OF GOVERNORS-- Ordinances as to, 117, 118, 178, 179, 204, 211. Ancient practice of, 244, 245, 246. Dates of, 244. Proceedings in 1550, 169, 170. Proceedings in 1598, 190. A stormy, 215. Charles I complains of manner of, 339, 602. Proceedings thereupon, 340.

Embalming dead bodies, 112, 218, 331.

Entertainment of Charles II, cost of, 410.

Entertainment of Duke of Monmouth, 413.

Estate, plan of, 135.

Evil speaking (see opprobryous wordes).

EXAMINERS-- Gloves for, 352. Not to accept bribes, 346. (See Surgeons, &c.)

Exhibitions to universities, 183, 187, 210.

Falling bands not allowed, 203, 274, 392, 393.

FEASTS-- Extracts from records as to, 447-467. Extracts from the cook’s books relating to bills of fare, &c., 455-461. Remarks on, 443, 444, 445. Earliest ordinances as to, 445, 446. Days of, 449. Irregularities at, 454, 461, 465. A scandalous dinner, 463. Cook appointed, 447, 448. Cook dismissed, 450, 451. Pewterer dismissed, 452. Clerk claimed to appoint cook, &c., 176. Clerk’s perquisites at, 464. Livery to contribute to music at, 450. Provision for venison, 452. Stewards of, 461. Summons to serve as steward, 464. Difficulty of procuring stewards, 466, 467. Privy Council dine at the hall, 452, 453, 454. Masters to dine with Lord Mayor, 450. Barbers to come to examination dinners, 450. Widows of Members to come to, 450, 451. Women not to come to, 450, 455. Ladies, 464, 465. Excessive quantities of wine drunk, 461, 462, 463, 464, 466. Potation money, 461, 466.

Fees on admission, 159, 228.

Fight between two eminent surgeons, 428.

FIRE, THE GREAT-- Expenses about the, 414. Theatre and court room escape the, 144. Rebuilding after the, 414, 415.

FOREIGN BROTHERS-- Definition of, 258. Refusal to take oath, 225.

FOREIGN SURGEONS-- Request to be examined, 322. Fined for non-presentation of patient, 325.

FOREYNS-- Fees on admission of, 207. Forbidden to keep shop, 201, 207, 213, 223. To be prosecuted for using barbery, 222, 226, 229. Complained of for not being cessed, 192. Court refuses to assent to foreyns as journeymen, 227. (See also Non-freemen.)

FREEDOM-- Ancient, fine on admission to, 259. Fines on admission to, 270, 271. Admission to, on presentation of a great beer bowl, 272. Of City, early admissions to, 256, 257.

FREEMEN-- Fined for not taking livery, 275. List of, in 1537, 95. Statistics of, 259. Oath of, 254. Presentation of, 254. Admissions entered in minute books, 220. Take oaths of allegiance, &c., 221. Licence to open shop, 177.

Gale’s Lectureship, 162, 220, 373, 574.

GARDEN-- To be kept by the clerk, 289. Trimming vine, &c., 395. Sweetbriars, &c., bought, 398. Work in the, 398, 399.

Gateway in Monkwell Street built, 144.

Gowrie’s conspiracy, 394.

" day, 396.

Granary built, 131.

" cost of building, 399.

Gunpowder bought, 107, 136.

Gunpowder to be sold, 191.

Hair powder, duties upon, 164, 165.

Hangman, compensation to, 417.

" has Christmas box, 302, 417, 421.

HALL-- First mention of, 28. Freehold in 1490, 65, 161. Building work ordered, 121, 199, 200. Court room to be built, 213. Expenses of building court room, 403. Court room repaired after Great Fire, 416. Cupola to be erected over Court room, 232. To be repaired, 233. Chandelier presented, 233. Marble pavement presented, 218. Thames water supplied to, 188. New River water supplied to, 208. Tapestry hangings at, 205. Burglary at, 208. Lent for weddings, 184, 185, 295. Used for funerals, 295. Not to be let for dancing, &c., 175, 179.

HERALDRY-- First grant of arms, 432. Second grant of arms, 436. Variation on ditto, 436. Supporters granted, 436. Last grant of arms, 437. Remarks on ditto, 439, 441. Herald’s fee at visitation, 401. The Opinicus, 413. Specimens of, at the Hall, 431. The Surgeons’ cognizance, 433.

Herbs for strewing, 196, 382, 391, 395, 409.

Holbein’s picture. (See Pictures.)

Hour glass mended, 392.

Ignorant man bound not to practise, 318.

Impostors to be prosecuted, 209.

" forbidden to practise, 332.

Impress Surgeons, warrant to, 313.

" " order to, 321, 322.

Impressment of 23 surgeons, 338.

" of 40 surgeons’ mates, 344.

Informer appointed, 203.

Inventories, books of, 486.

Inventory of property in 1728, 486-491.

Irish estate, acquisition of, minutes of proceedings relating to, and remarks thereon, 468-480.

Jew admitted to freedom, 229.

Journeymen’s wages fixed, 171, 187, 257.

JURY SERVICE, INQUESTS, BEARING ARMOUR, ETC., EXEMPTION FROM-- General notices as to, 60, 74, 97, 98, 99, 100, 219. Petition against providing soldiers, 316, 320. Freemen sued for not serving as constables, 237. Opinion of Sir R. Gibbs, 236. Opinion of Sir J. D. Coleridge, 60.

KING’S BARBER-- Perquisites of, 127. Regulations concerning, 90, 91. Royal grant to, 127.

King’s Barbers, list of, 19.

King’s Surgeon, Royal grant to, 127.

Lancet, A borrowed, to be paid for, 325.

Lantern hung before the Hall gate, 395.

Law suit between members prohibited, 201, 210.

LIBRARY-- Assistants of Yeomanry to be keepers of, 281. Masters of Anatomy to be keepers of, 313. Proposed regulations for, 346. Washing and cleaning, 386. Catalogue to be made, 232. Chained books and MSS., 403, 405. Gift of £5 to buy books, 217. Book dedicated to Company by Dr. Crooke, 332. To be valued by Mr. Whiston, 231. To be sold, 231. Surgeons’ Company decline to buy the, 231. Sold to Mr. Whiston, 232, 419. Horatius Morus’ tables presented, 326. Dr. Gwyn’s MSS. ", 338. Alderman Arris’ books ", 345. Cafferius Placentius ", 405. John Tagaultius ", 531. Ambrose Parey ", 531. Guido de Cauliaco ", 523. Pandack ", 524. Verroyce ", 524. Gerard’s Herbal bought, 545. Stow’s Survey bought, 211, 400.

Licence given to go to law, 203.

Lincoln, Barbers of, 21, 28, 576, 577.

Lithotomy. A compliment to John Douglass, 352.

LIVERY-- Calls to, 224, 230, 253, 275. Composed of equal number of Barbers and Surgeons, 275. Dress, 255. Investiture of, 184. Fines for, 159, 228, 274. Fine for discharge from, 274. Not more than fifty in olden time, 186, 253, 273. Not to come into Court unbidden, 176. Processions of the, 255. Verdicts against freemen for not taking the, 234, 235. And hood forbidden to be worn, 274.

LIVERYMEN-- Dismissed, 193, 202, 209. Expelled for insolvency, 255, 273. Permitted to wear hats with their liveries, 274.

Loans of money by members, 202.

London, Hollar’s View of, 511.

LORD MAYOR-- Barber-Surgeons who have been, 19. Masters dining with, 183.

LORD MAYOR’S DAY-- Company decides not to go out on, 235. Company goes out for last time on, 421.

Lord Mayor’s Show, none in 1603, 111.

Lotteries, State, 103, 104, 106, 124, 125.

Lottery, offer to let hall for holding a, 236.

“Loyal London,” contributions towards the, 412, 413.

MASTERS AND WARDENS-- Ancient list of, 513. List of, from 1308, 1.

Machyn’s Diary, extracts from, 100, 102, 103.

Mandrake shewn to the Court, 397.

MEMBERS PUNISHED FOR-- Teaching foreyns, 198. Keeping foreyn uncessed, 186, 193. Being partner with a foreyn, 225. Keeping too many servants or apprentices, 186, 268. Keeping two shops, 207, 223. Setting up shop without licence, 191, 392. Refusing to serve as Whiffler, 207. Non-payment of fines, 191. Going to law without leave, 210, 283, 425, 428. Abusive or bad language, 191, 196, 199, 209, 217, 248, 274, 391, 426, 427, 428, 465. Assault, 201, 426. Hanging out basins on St. Bartholomew’s day, 200. " on May day, 192. " on St. Peter’s day, 391. " on Twelfth day, 205. Absence on Summons, 194, 391. " from lectures, 327, 391. " from pageants, 196, 391. " from funerals, 202, 203. Wearing falling bands, 203, 274, 392. Not wearing cap, 202. Not wearing gowns, 224, 225, 274. Not reading lectures, 334. Contempt of court, 202, 336, 428, 429, 465. Supplanting, 326, 328. Malpractice, 318, 326, 328, 337, 391. Fraudulent surgery, 350. Not presenting patients, 316, 317, 322, 327, 330, 335, 337. Holding a private anatomy, 317, 331, 337. Going to sea without licence, or with chests unviewed, 330, 331, 337. Refusing impress, 195. Posting quack advertisements, 194. Sunday trading (see Sunday trading).

Midsummer watch, 76.

Minute book, first, 99.

Monken Hadley church, Gale’s brass in, 206, 574.

Monstrous child examined and reported on, 333.

Monumental inscriptions, 573, 574.

Muscular lecture, readers of, 373-377.

Music, payment for, 226.

Musicianer chosen, 229.

NAVY SURGEONS-- The Company nominate, 345. Interference with Company’s rights as to, 350. The examiners of, charged with misconduct, 354. Extraordinary cases of, to be copied in a book, 355. Commissioners of Navy complain of unskilful surgeon, 356.

Newgate, Ordinary of, relieved, 219.

New River water taken in, 405.

NON-FREEMEN-- Sent to prison for using barbery, 192. Arrested for using barbery, 410. Sent to prison for opening shop, 192. Ordered to remove sign, 193. To be summoned to take freedom, 223. Resolution to prosecute, 235. Prosecuted, 236. (See also Foreyns.)

Norwich, Barbers of, 21, 28, 575, 576.

Oath of freemen, 254.

" altered, 142.

Oaths taken upon old ordinance book, 184.

Obits compounded for, 187, 188.

Offences punished (see Members punished).

“Opprobryous wordes,” slander, &c., cases of, 170, 176, 177, 191, 193, 194, 196, 209, 212, 217, 248, 274, 319, 341, 425, 426, 427, 428.

ORDINANCES-- The first set of, 29-34. Of Sir T. More, 77, 579. Of 1633, 131. Of 1681, 144. Of 1709, 150.

ORDINANCES, BY-LAWS AND ORDERS RELATING TO-- Admission of members, 45. Aliens, 120, 200. Anatomy, 119, 120, 180. Anatomy, masters and stewards of, 145, 176, 180. Apprentices, 62, 64, 65, 77, 118, 119, 173, 176, 180, 181. Assistants, 181. Auditors, 118. Charity, 33, 120. Courts of Assistants, 120, 181. Debate in court, 78, 120, 173, 179, 182, 250. Defacing pictures, 508. Defacing records, &c., 120. Disputes, 33, 45, 77. Distraint, 120. Election, 117, 118, 178, 179, 204, 211. Empirics, 131. Evil speaking, 45, 77, 120. Feasts, 34, 78, 117, 447. Foreyns, 46, 174. Funerals, 33, 183. Lectures, 77. Livery, 34. Livery gowns, &c., attending in, 203, 228, 273, 276, 342, 370. Liverymen to attend masters home, 179, 188, 192. Meetings of the craft, 46. Oaths, 77, 117. Office bearing, 33, 34, 45, 77, 118. Practising of the craft, 65, 77, 78, 119, 180. Presentation of patients, 77, 119, 182. Processions, &c., order in, 173, 182. Quarterage, 33, 77, 120. Religious observances, 33, 34. Revealers of secrets, 120, 191. Seal, 118. Servants and journeymen, 46, 47, 63, 64, 77, 171, 175, 180. Summons, attendance on, 44, 77, 117. Sunday trading, 77, 120, 172, 181. Surgeons, examination of, 119, 180. Stewards, 118. Unseemly behaviour, 120. View, 118, 170, 174, 182. Wardens, duties of, 120, 170, 179, 180, 201. Yeomanry, 120.

Osteology lecture, readers of, 373-377.

Painter appointed, 177.

Pall used at funerals, 286.

" to be embroidered, 214.

" given to the Beadle, 232.

Past Master expelled for improperly certifying Surgeons, 222.

Past Master fined for contempt, 205.

Patients of Dr. Butts’, 86.

Patients not to be brought to the Hall, 180.

Peruke makers, proposed union with Company, 150, 151, 165, 166.

PHYSICIANS-- A petition against their tendering the Covenant to the Barber-Surgeons, 251. A petition against Charter to the, 411. A proposed conference with the, 326. Differences with the Barber-Surgeons, 125, 126. Opposition to encroachments of the, 399. Dr. Harvey’s practice complained of, 336. Servant prosecuted for using surgery, 332.

Physicians and Surgeons, Conjoint College of, 42.

PICTURES-- Not to be defaced, 508. Of the 41 Philosophers, 509. Holbein’s picture, 487, 512. " what it represents, 80, 81. " description of, 81-94. " borrowed by Charles I, 93, 397. " borrowed by James I, 92. " preserved in 1666, 143, 414. " Sir R. Peel’s opinion of, 91. " Saml. Pepys’ opinion of, 92. " cartoons at College of Surgeons, 93. " to be engraved, 510. " Baron’s study of, 513. " engraved by Baron, 93. Thomas Allen, 488. Queen Anne, 513. Edward Arris, 510, 512. Robert Balthrop, 404. Charles Bernard, 487, 512. Edward Charleye, 509. Charles II, 417, 487, 488, 512. Queen Elizabeth, 404. Mr. Ferne, 488. Sir John Frederick, 487, 512. Dr. Goddard, 509. Dr. Gwyn, 509. James I, 392, 509. Henry Johnson, 487, 513. Inigo Jones, 418, 487, 512. Thomas Lisle, 487, 512. Linneus, 512. Sir T. More and family, 510. Prince Elector Palatine, 488. John Paterson, 297, 511. Sir Peter Proby, 395, 404. Dr. Prudjon, 509. Duchess of Richmond, 297, 512. Sir C. Scarborough and E. Arris, 407, 487, 510, 512. Ephraim Skinner, 487, 513. “Two Spanish pictures,” 487, 513. Dr. Tyson, 419, 487, 511.

PLAGUE-- In 1607, 202. In 1625, 128, 209. In 1636, 135. In 1665, 413. At St. Edmundsberey, 214.

PLATE-- Ancient gifts of, 189, 190, 192, 493, 494, 495, 529, 532, 538. Bought, 188, 418, 419, 493, 494. Altered or exchanged, 493. Pawned, 140, 406, 493, 496, 497. Redeemed, 497. Sold, 495, 496, 497. Yeomanry’s, sold, 495. Fears as to safety of, 496. Inventory of, in 1728, 490, 491. Stolen, 208. Royal gifts, 492. Henry VIII’s cup, 497. Charles II’s cup, 499. Queen Anne’s punch-bowl, 500. Gifts of modern masters, &c., 507. Arris’ cups, 501. Badge of barge master, 418. Badge of master, 506. Badge of warden, 506. Beadles’ maceheads, 487, 506. Collins’ flagon, 503. Loving cups, 501. Monforde’s hammer, 506. Pepper boxes, 418. Punch ladles, 419, 505, 506. Rose-water dishes, 504. Tankards, 503, 504. Tea spoons, 505. Tea urn, 504. Tureens, sauce boats, &c., 504. Wardens’ garlands, 397, 494, 506.

Poors’ box, purchase of, 403.

PRECEDENCE-- Of the Company, 239, 240, 241. Asserted in 1606, 116. Dispute with Tallow-chandlers as to, 402. Order of Aldermen as to, 195. Of members in court, 171.

PRECEPTS-- Forbidding breach of the peace, 187. " excess of apparel, 124. " feasting, 448, 449, 451. For loans to James I, 111, 124. For loans to Charles I, 128, 136. For Midsummer watch in 1525, 76. For present to Charles II, 143. For provision of armour, 108. For provision of corn, &c., 104, 123, 128, 136, 205. For provision of gunpowder, 107, 136. For provision of soldiers, 106, 148. For relief of sufferers by fire at Blandford, Tiverton and Ramsey, 228. Suppressing rebels in Ireland, 107. For a pageant resisted, 129. For royal progresses and processions (see Progresses).

Present to Charles II, 143, 409.

Prison, order for discharge out of, 205.

PROGRESSES, &C.-- Elizabeth, 108, 109. James I, 110. James I and Christian IV, 115. Henry, Prince of Wales, 123. Charles I, 136, 137, 404. Cromwell, 143. George I, 151.

PROPERTY-- Bequest of houses by R. Ferbras, 61, 161, 481. Leases granted, 174, 176, 177, 198, 234. A pretended lease, 199. Sold, 416. Sold in 1717 and reasons therefor, 152, 153. To be insured, 225. Houses bought in Monkwell Street, 109. Site of Theatre bought, 234.

QUACK-- Punishment of, in 1382, 37. Advertisements pulled down, 385, 400. Dealt with, 336. Forbidden to practise, 352. Rejected, 351, 353. A Frenchman rejected, 334.

Quaker admitted to freedom, 226.

Quarterage, 29, 30, 33, 253, 270, 277, 278, 280, 284, 380.

Quo Warranto, 145.

Recorder, yearly fee to, 203, 396.

Records got from Guildhall and Tower, 401.

Rent Roll in 1603, 381.

" in 1609, 394.

Resuscitation, cases of, 320, 321, 358, 359, 360.

Romish procession, and dinner at the hall in 1555, 100.

Russian ambassador, Company meet the, 410.

ST. ALBAN, WOOD STREET-- Contribution to repair of church, 212. Contribution to organ fund, 229.

ST. OLAVE, SILVER STREET-- Contribution to repair of church, 201. Interesting method of assessment, 237.

ST. PAUL’S-- Letter from Bishop Laud asking for contribution towards repair of, 129. Contribution, 403.

Sceptre and two pictures presented, 189.

Seal ordered, 226.

" altered, 164.

Seals corporate, 486.

Search, the Masters to go in, 201.

Secrets, revealers of, to be expelled, 191.

Sergeant-Surgeons, list of, 18.

Shampooing apparatus, 378.

Sheriff, Barber-Surgeons who have been, 19.

Ship money, 107, 135, 212, 401.

Skeleton, the, at the Hall, 315.

Skeleton, prepared by Arris for the Theatre, 337.

Skin of an anatomy not to be tanned, 320.

Soldiers billetted on City Halls, 142.

Search for a malefactor, 392.

" Surgeons appointed for wounded, 334.

" cost of furnishing, 590.

" provision for, 106, 148.

" (See precepts.)

Sorcerer forbidden to practise Surgery, 327.

Spain, contribution to expedition against, 107.

Stewards of feasts, 118, 211, 407, 444, 464, 466, 467.

SUNDAY TRADING-- Ordinances as to, 77, 120, 172, 181. Cases of, 182, 184, 185, 190, 191, 192, 200, 222, 223, 416, 426. Archbishop Arundel’s letter as to, 48.

Sun dial, 221, 400.

Superannuation of Navy officers, examinations for, 351.

Superannuation, candidate for, rejected, 353.

Suppression of Charles I’s letter to Company, 138.

SURGEON-- First admission of a, to freedom of City, 25. A contumacious, 336. An impertinent, 343. An impudent and defiant, 332. A slanderous, 329. Not approved, sent to prison, 325. On his knees apologizes for slander, 319. Ordered to heal his patient, 308, 316. Prosecuted for not exhibiting a sign, 322. Summoned for amputating a breast without calling in an examiner, 349. Summoned for not reading his lecture, 328. Ordered to be defended if sued by Physicians, 345.

SURGEONS-- Examiners of, appointed, 308, 316, 329. Examination of, 157, 158. Being examined, to give a silver spoon, 310. Candidates for, rejected, 349. Diplomas, 69, 311, 312, 343. Licenses to be recorded, 308. Ordered not to practise barbery, 217. Order to prosecute unskilful, 323, 328. Unskilful, ordered not to practise, 319, 322, 324, 325, 327, 329, 330, 331. To appear at anatomies in flat caps, 370. Improperly elected masters, and thereon, 149, 150. Mr. Beckett’s book on lives of, 351. Guild, 35, 36, 38, 47. " disputes with Barbers’ Company, 38, 39, 43, 51.

SURGEONS, BISHOP’S LICENCES TO-- Act of Parliament for, 72, 73, 74. Surgeons to be examined before going to Bishop, 310, 329. " presented to Dean of St. Paul’s, 328. Petition to Bishop of London, 322. " to Archbishop of Canterbury setting out the practice, 346. " to other Bishops, &c., 348. Bishop agrees not to license without a certificate, 350. Company objects to pay caveat to Bishop’s registrar, 358. Practice continued till 18th century, 74.

SURGEONS LICENSED TO PRACTISE IN-- Bone setting, 325. Dentistry, 178. Couching, &c., 324, 329. Cutting for stone, 313, 317. Midwifery, 330. As Oculist, 331. Rupture, 317, 329. Scrofula, 340.

SURGEONS COMPLAINED OF-- By patients, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 321, 324, 328, 330, 341, 426, 427, 429. For slander, 319. For putting out unlawful sign, 316.

Surgeons’ Company peruse the united Company’s records after separation, 229, 230.

Surgeon-General for the army, Peter Thorney appointed, 334.

Surgical lectures, 362.

Tapestry purchased, 393.

Technical education, Company provide for, 361.

Tenant complained of as disorderly, 211.

Tenure, curious old, 188.

Thanksgiving and Humiliation days, 395, 406, 407, 408, 413.

THEATRE OF ANATOMY-- Leases from the City, 132, 133. Built, 132. Contributions for building, 215. Cost of building, 402, 403. Plan of, 134. Ceiling to be decorated, 213. Ceiling to be boarded, 214. Sculpture for the, 214. Curiosities in the, 134, 488. To be repaired, 227. Earl of Burlington requested to repair the, 231. Restored by Earl of Burlington, 153, 154. To be pulled down, 233. Site bought, 234.

Tortoiseshell given to the Hall, 218, 487.

Tours, edict of, 23.

Trades of freemen binding apprentices, 398, 399.

Translation of freemen to other Companies, 226, 254, 272, 273, 314, 349.

Trenchers, wooden, 396, 405.

Truss maker ordered to alter his sign board, 350.

Violent freeman, a, 212.

Virginia colony of, 121, 122, 123.

Virginia, sending children to, 395, 396.

Viscera lecture, readers of, 373-377.

Warden dismissed for misconduct, 214.

Warden Frederick applies for Deputy to be appointed in his place, 197.

Wardens, 120, 170, 171, 179, 180, 201.

Wardens’ garlands, 397, 494, 506.

Woman Surgeon arrested, 392.

Women admitted to freedom, 260.

Women, examination of condemned, 401.

YEOMANRY-- Description of, 276, 277, 278. Articles of, 120, 278, 279, 280. First Wardens of, 281. Wardens not to go home in state, 281. Wardens commit offender to prison, 282. Forbidden to commit to prison, 284. Forbidden to attend weddings, 283. Wardens to collect quarterage, 282. Compound for quarterage, 286. Forbidden to collect quarterage, 284. Dispute with Auditors, 284. Reproved for exceeding their powers, 284. Not to keep their book of orders, 285. Forbidden to hold quarterly dinners, 284. Not to dine, 451. Not to be sworn, 285. Plate sold, 495. Funeral pall, 286. Alleged to be illegal, 282, 283. Extinction of the, 286, 287.


The Lithographed Pedigrees of Aylef, Lethieullier, Pen and Proby, having been inserted since this Index was prepared, will not be found here.

The names of various obscure individuals have not been indexed.

“Biographical notices” are in SMALL CAPITALS.

L. M. signifies Lord Mayor.

The same name will frequently be found more than once on the same page.

Abbott, Sir Maurice, L.M., 357.

Abraham, Stephen, 327.

Adair, Serjt., 235.

Adam, Henry, 96.

" Thomas, 14, 15.

Adams, Daniel, 14.

" John, 14.

" Sir Richard, 566.

ALCOCKE, Nicholas, 527.

Alcocke, Elizabeth, 527, 528.

" Margaret, 527.

" Nicholas, 83, 91, 95, 529.

" Roger, 528.

Alderson, Daniel, 270.

" James, 270.

" Katherine, 270.

" Richard, 286.

Allen, Abraham, 7, 273, 328, 470, 477.

" Isaac, 494.

" Thomas, 8, 9, 194, 203, 215, 249, 343, 344, 392, 393, 452, 488.

Allott, Dr. Robert, 210, 331, 495.

Alsop, Thomas, 82, 85.

Alva, Duke of, 556.

Alwyne, Nicholas, L.M., 71, 72.

Amcottes, Sir Henry, L.M., 517.

AMYAND, Claudius, 565.

Amyand, Anna Maria, 566.

" Anne, 566.

" Claudius, 11, 18, 228.

" Claudius, jun., 566.

" Sir George, Bart., 566.

" Harriet Mary, 566.

" Isaac, 565.

" John, 566.

" Judith, 566.

" Mary, 567.

" Mary Catherine, 566.

" Thomas, 566.

Andrews, Michael, 8, 127, 134, 215.

Andrewes, Dr. Richard, 366.

" Robert, 305, 490, 504.

Androwson, John, 170, 424.

Anger, John, 95.

ANNE, QUEEN, 150, 490, 492, 500, 505, 513, 563.

Annis, John, 15.

Anslow, John, 328.

Anson, Robert, 69, 70.

Antonio, John, 331.

Appleton, Thomas, 4, 96, 173, 289, 302, 303.

Archenbold, Nicholas, 6, 377.

Archer, Thomas, 528.

ARRIS, Edward, 547.

Arris, Agnes, 550.

" Edward, 8, 9, 19, 136, 140, 160, 162, 215, 251, 337, 343, 345, 368, 369, 372, 407, 452, 487, 491, 497, 501, 503, 510, 512, 550, 600.

" Elizabeth, 550.

" Jasper, 7, 8, 547, 550.

" Margaret, 550.

" Mary, 549, 550.

" Olivia, 550.

" Robert, 548, 549, 550.

" Susan, 550.

" Thomas, 550.

" Dr. Thomas, 160, 161, 369, 370, 549, 550.

Arundell, Archbishop, 48, 49.

" and Surrey, Earl of, 128.

" Edward, 4, 5.

" Thomas, 96.

Ashton, Thomas, D.D., 566.

Ashwell, William, 4.

Atkinson, Charles Howard, 17.

" John, 5, 6, 15, 95, 170, 238, 463, 465, 484, 485, 500, 505, 506.

" Joseph, 14.

" Randolph, 528.

" Richard James, 17.

" Thomas, 4.

Atkyn, Henry, 95.

Atmer, Lewis, 7, 95, 194, 323, 324, 429, 543, 591.

Atwood, William, 3.

Augustinis, De, 86.

Austin, George, 16, 17, 505.

" George, jun., 17, 507.

" Lawrence, 3.

Awcetter, John, 95, 96.

AYLEF, Sir John, 516.

Aylef, Alice, 518, 519, 521.

" Erkynwald, 518, 519, 520, 521.

" Sir George, 518.

" Lady Isabel, 89, 178, 518, 520, 521.

" Sir John, 5, 19, 75, 81, 82, 88, 89, 95.

" Sir John, jun., 89, 518, 519, 521.

" Martha, 520.

" Mary, 518, 519, 521.

" William, 520.

Babbidge, Mr., 418.

Bacon, William, 2.

Baker, Alexander, 8, 482, 495.

" Frederick, 16.

" George, 7, 18, 329, 428, 530, 536, 543, 544, 590.

Bakon, John, 26.

Baldwin, Henry, 4, 5.

Bale, Dr. Charles, 375.

" Gratian, 10, 11, 305, 306.

" Nathaniel, 305.

Balthazar (physician), 86.

BALTHROP, Robert, 528.

Balthrop, Dorothy, 530.

" Richard, 530.

" Robert, 6, 18, 316, 404, 440, 523, 527, 528.

" William, 530.

Bamber, John, 254, 345.

Banckes (Banks, &c.), James, 5, 308.

" John, 4, 5, 95, 169, 211, 219, 383, 398, 481, 494, 512.

" Thomas, 6, 7, 189, 481, 494, 574.

Bancks, Sir John, 478.

Banester, John, 95.

Banks, Dr. R., 377.

Barber, K., 5.

" Thomas, 6.

" Alice le, 27.

" Johanna le, 25.

" Katherine le, 25, 257.

" Richard le, 1, 23, 24, 25, 242, 257, 402.

" Hamo the, 27.

" Lawrence the, 26.

" Nicholas the, 27.

" Ralph the, 256.

" Roger the, 26.

" Thomas the, 26.

Barbir, James, 575, 576.

Barbur, Philip, 575, 576.

Barbyr, Thomas, 575, 576.

Barker, Henry, 9, 416, 547.

" John, 5, 96.

" William, 96.

Barnard, John, 357.

Barnes, William, 307.

Barnet, Thomas, 273.

Barnett, Thomas, 13.

Barnwell, John, 11, 12, 163, 597, 598.

Barnye, John, 591.

Baron, Bernard, 93, 422, 510, 513.

Barowes, Anthony, 96.

Barrett, Raphe, 322.

Barrowby, Dr. W., 374, 375.

Bartlett, Mr., 350.

Bartlot, Walter, 61.

Barton, Walter, 326.

Baskerville, Jeffery, 268.

Bates, James, 7, 543, 591.

Batman, George, 96.

Baylie (Bayley, &c.), Noah, 193, 264.

" Thomas, 6, 10, 96, 102, 316, 523, 524.

" Timothy, 13.

" William, 14.

Baylis, Sir Robert, L.M., 357.

Baynes, Richard, 330.

Beale, Richard, 296, 297.

Bearblock, John, 12, 163.

Beauchamp, Emma, 538.

" John, 538.

Beckett, William, F.R.S., 351.

Beckford, William, L.M., 567.

Belchier, John, 376.

Belfore, Sir William, 336.

Bell, John, 96.

" Thomas, 490, 501.

" Rev. Dr., 530.

Bellamy, William, 9, 10.

Bendoe, Robert, 592.

Bennett, James Douglas, 16.

" William, 9, 215, 270, 369.

" Mr., 530.

BERNARD, Charles (S.S.), 563.

Bernard, Charles (S.S.), 10, 18, 149, 294, 487, 490, 500, 512, 570.

" Charles, jun., 564.

" Charles (Clerk), 222, 289, 293, 294, 295, 465, 565.

" Henry, 565.

" Jane, 564.

" Elizabeth, 570.

" Dr. Francis, 563.

" Mary, 564.

" Miss, 532.

" Samuel, D.D., 563.

" Susan, 564.

" Dr. William, 563, 564.

Berney, Mr., 227.

Berrow, John, 13.

Bestchirche, John, 1.

Beton, William, 316.

Bette, William, 447.

Beverley, Robert, 68.

Bewsye, Robert, 319.

Bierly, Mr., 478.

Bigges, John, 591.

Biggs, Thomas, 215.

Bignell, William, 8, 9, 136.

Billing, William, 95.

Bird, John, 5, 95, 169.

" Thomas, 6, 7, 194, 201, 323, 493, 543, 590.

Blackley, Henry, 8, 202, 215.

Blackborne, James, 330, 331.

Blakey, John, 2.

Blakye, John, 2.

Blanford, William, 11.

Blaunchard, Gilbert, 256.

Blayny, Edward, 303.

Blounde, John, 61.

BLUDDER, Sir Thomas, 545.

Bludder, John, 454.

" Sir Thomas, 452.

Blundell, John, 12.

Bodeley, Henry, 96.

Boleyn, Queen Anne, 56, 87.

Bolingbroke, Lord, 139.

Boll, Richard (See Bowle).

Bolling, Christopher, 95.

Bond, William, 10, 11.

Bone, John, 3.

Bonnar, John, 5, 6, 96, 426.

Bonner, Richard, 265, 266.

Bonwick, Jacob, 307.

Boone, Elizabeth, 550.

" Henry, 8, 9, 136, 215, 337, 343, 369, 452, 487, 550, 563.

Booth, John, 225.

Bordman, John, 95.

Borgarneins, Dr. Julyo, 314, 363.

Borne, John, 8.

" Thomas, 8, 210, 495.

" William, 7, 543, 590.

Borrell, William, 96.

Borrett, Samuel, 307.

Bosberry, Ralph de, 257.

Bost, Henry, 591.

Botelier, John, 4, 71.

Botham, Daniel, 591.

Bourne, Thomas, 396.

Bovey, Ralph, 7, 494, 543.

" William, 6, 316, 538.

Bowden, Thomas, 9, 215, 337, 338, 341, 342, 343, 344, 490, 501.

Bowghy, George, 270.

" Katherine, 270.

Bowlden, Nicholas, 324, 325.

Bowle, Richard, 5, 95, 169, 426.

Boxley, Edward, 12, 163, 597, 598.

Boyvell, Thomas, 1, 402.

Brabanzon, Roger le, 256.

Bradley, Henry, 6, 591.

Brampton, John, 2.

Branton, John, 2.

Brass, William, 507.

Braswell, John, 96.

Braye, William, 591.

Brett, Elizabeth, 545.

" Robert, 545.

Brian, George, 4.

Bridgeman, Sir Orlando, 411.

Bridges, Thomas, 12.

Brightmore, Richard, 3.

Brightwelton, George, 96.

Bristolle, John de, 27.

Brock, Thomas, 16.

Brode, William, 591.

Bromefeld, Lewis, 96.

Bromfield, William, 377.

Bromley, Humfrey, 333.

Brooke, Henry, 2.

Brooks, James, 9, 10.

" John, 164, 165.

" Major, 144, 414.

Brothers, Nicholas, 9, 215, 342.

Brown, Edward, 349.

" Robert, 5.

BROWNE, Martin, 546.

Browne, Dr., 190, 200.

" Barker, 391.

" Christopher, 330.

" George, 15.

" John, 4, 95, 406, 429, 497.

" Margaret, 547.

" Martin, 8, 9, 215, 250, 251, 341, 342, 490, 497, 501, 502.

" Rebecca, 547.

" Thomas, 2, 8, 452.

" William, 591.

Brownhill, Robert, 5, 6, 95, 169.

Bryckett, John, 177, 270.

Brykesworth, George, 527.

Bucke, Alice, 522, 523.

Buckell, Isabel, 518.

" Robert, 519.

Buckingham, Edward, Duke of, 514.

Buckley, Roger, 274.

BULL, Sir John, 565.

Bull, Henry, 11.

" Sir John, 19.

" Richard, 565.

" William, 6, 184.

Bullock, Robert, 9, 215, 343.

BURGAVENNY, Henry, Lord, 514.

Burgavenny, Frances, Lady, 515.

" Mary, Lady, 514.

Burges, John, 317, 591.

Burgess, John, 7, 190.

Burleigh, Lord, 544.

Burlington, Earl of, 94, 153, 154, 231, 422.

Burn, James Frederick, 16.

Burnett, Thomas, 96.

Burroughs, Mr., 227.

Burston, Thomas, 6, 281, 426, 547.

Burton, Thomas, 9.

" Isaac, 13.

Bushe, Henry John, 393.

Butphillian, Thomas, 95.

Butts, Dr. William, 82, 85, 86.

Bynns, Fenton, 345.

" Joseph, 9.

Byrkes --, 513.

Cade, Richard, 250, 274, 539.

Cadwalder, Richard, 322.

Cairnes, Sir Alexander, 557.

Caister, Thomas, 10.

Calamy, Edmund, 561.

Caldwell, Edward, 326.

" Thamar, 128.

" Thomas, 8, 19, 127, 128.

Callowe, Edmund, 2.

Calveley, Thomas, 9.

Canham, Thomas, 9, 221.

“Canonbury Bessie” 134, 337.

Canterbury, Archbishop (Tenison), 346.

Capoll (Caupoll, &c.), Richard, 1, 3.

Carden, Sir R. W., L. M., 572.

Carelill, Edward, 272.

Carlisle, Earl of, 516.

Carpenter, James, 15, 16.

" Thomas, 16.

Carre, John, 391.

Carrington, John, 591.

" Richard, 319, 591.

" William, 426, 427, 590.

Carroll, Captain, 414.

Carter, Henry, 489.

" John, 16, 506

" Joseph, 15.

Carysfort, Earl of, 534.

Castard, Thomas, 3.

Caster, John, 2, 3.

Cave, William, 305, 306, 345, 349.

Cawsey, William, 313.

Cazor (Cazier), Henry, 4, 5, 95.

Cecil, Sir Robert, 544.

Chaddock, Richard, 591.

CHALLONER, Sir Thomas, 567.

Challoner, Mary, 567.

" Rachel, 567.

" Sir Thomas, 13, 19.

" Thomas, 567.

Chamber, John, 308, 424.

" Robert, 96.

Chamberlaine, Dr., 405.

Chambers, Richard, 3.

Chamblent, Dr., 368.

Chambre, Dr., John. 82, 87, 88.

Chapelyn (Chapeley), William, 2.

Chapman, William, 1, 30, 32, 303, 304.

CHARLES I, 93, 129, 134, 136, 138, 142, 156, 338, 339, 397, 404, 488, 515, 602.

CHARLES II, 143, 409, 410, 412, 417, 471, 487, 488, 490, 492, 499, 500, 512, 515, 553.

Charley, Edward, 209, 215, 396, 452, 509.

Charterane, John, 96.

Chaumbre, Henry de la, 257.

CHESELDEN, William, 568.

Cheselden, George, 568.

" William, 12.

Cheshire, Richard, 10.

Chevall, Edmond, 90, 525.

" Lucy, 525, 527.

Cheynall, Jonathan, 505.

Cheyr, John, 1.

Child, Richard, 96.

Childe, John, 1, 2.

Christian, Hamlet, 387, 388, 389.

CHRISTIAN IV, 114, 116.

Chovett, Abraham, 376, 377.

Clarck, Thomas, 473.

Clark, Christopher, 591.

Clarke, Abraham, 9.

" Augustine, 5, 169.

" Elizabeth, 491.

" James, 215.

" Richard, 591.

" Robert, 6, 8, 9, 209.

" William, 10.

Clapp, James, 15.

Clay, James, 14.

Clemence, Thomas, 546.

Clerc, Richard, 2.

Clerk, Robert, 378.

" Roger, 37.

" William, 378.

Clerke, Abraham, 343, 344.

Clifton, Kellam, 303, 304.

" William, 201.

Closs, Samuel, 15.

CLOWES, William, 535.

CLOWES, William, jun., 537.

Clowes, Ann, 537, 538.

" Catherine, 538.

" Geoffrey, 538.

" Henry, 538.

" James, 234, 537, 538.

" Mary, 538.

" Nicholas, 538.

" Richard, 538.

" Sarah, 537, 538.

" Susan, 538.

" Thomas, 535, 538.

" William, 7, 319, 427, 537, 538.

" William, jun., 8, 18, 136, 215, 216, 248, 250, 339, 342, 367.

Cobbold, John, 96.

Cock, Edward, 404.

Cockaigne, Edward, 10.

Coghill, John, 7, 8, 206.

Cokerell, Richard, 96.

Cole, John Benjamin, 14.

" Simon, 3.

" William, 11.

Colebeck, Edward, 163, 597, 598.

Colebrooke, Dr., 373.

Coleridge, Sir J. D., 60.

Colet, Sir Henry, L. M., 63.

" William, 29, 32, 34, 402.

Coley, Richard, 96.

Collard, Thomas, 3.

Colley, Allen, 263, 426, 427, 591.

" John, 15.

Collins, Nicholas, 199.

" Richard, 306, 307, 421.

" Thomas, 8, 9, 331, 338, 339, 369, 490, 503.

Colman, John, 378.

Colmer, Dr. H., 373.

Compton, Sir William, 88.

Conny, John, 10.

Connysbye, Nicholas, 424.

Conway, Lord, 334.

" Secretary, 127.

Conyngesby, Simon, 1.

Cook, Henry, 1, 30, 32, 424.

Cooke, Sir Anthony, 200.

" Sir John, 334, 398.

" Robert, 437, 441.

" Thomas, 352.

Cooper, Joseph, 453.

" Richard, 7, 8, 208, 249, 450.

Corbet, William, 327.

Cornewall, Catherine, 566.

" Sir George, Bart., 566.

" Velters, 566.

Cornish, Edward Charles, 17, 507.

" James, 16.

" James Cope, 17.

Corron, George, 6, 281, 440, 493.

Cosins (See Cousins).

Cosmo and Damian, Saints, 68, 433, 434.

Cotes, Mrs. W. J., 569.

Cotesworth, William, 11, 154.

Cotton, John, 330.

" Lawrence, 8, 213, 215, 250, 367.

" Randall, 591.

" Thomas, 12, 163, 483.

" W. J. R., L. M., 572.

“Country Tom,” 134.

Cousins, Joseph, 11, 225, 226.

Coweye, Edward, 591.

Cowper, William, 568.

" William, Lord, 150.

Coxe, Leonard, 6, 7, 184, 543.

Cragell, John, 96.

Cranfield, Sir Lionel, 92.

Cranmer, Archbishop, 85.

Crawford, Earl of, 562.

Croidon, Roger de, 27.

Cromer, Dr. Walter, 86.

Cromwell, Oliver, 143, 407, 408.

Crooke, Dr., 332.

Crosby, Bartholomew, 3.

Crosse, Mary, 140, 496, 497.

" Symon, 473.

Crouch, Symon, 217.

Crowe, William, 6, 184.

Crump, Mr., Q. C., 572.

Cruttenden, Joseph, 230.

Cumberland, John, 321.

Cunningham, Dr. William, 363, 524.

Cutberd, John, 96.

Cutbert, John, 96.

Cuthbertson, Francis, 16.

Cutler, Richard, 538.

Dagvile, John, 61.

Daiseman, Peter, 5, 95, 169.

Dale, Henry, 107.

Dallahouse, Alyson, 573.

" Robert, 3, 573.

Dallinge, John de, 26.

Dalton, John, 2.

Dance, George, 234, 420.

Daniell, Richard, 473.

" Thomas, 4.

Dansie, James, 12, 155.

Dards, John, 7, 8, 193, 591.

Darker, Thomas, 96.

Darling, John, 10.

Darnell, Serjt., 149.

Dasons, Robert, 2.

Daulton, John, 2.

Daunt, John, 3.

Dauntese, William, 96.

Davy, Sir Horace, 445.

Davis, Dr., 365.

Davison, John, 14.

Davyes, John, 8, 215.

" Thomas, 8, 19.

Davys, Reynold, 592.

Dawes, Thomas, 4, 69, 70.

Deane, John, 10, 317.

Dee, Mr., 149.

Defoe, Daniel, 561.

Deighton, John, 529, 530, 531, 532.

De la Fortre, Jane, 556.

" John, 556.

Demynge, John, 174.

Den, Agnes, 573.

" John, 573.

Dene, John, 95.

Denham, George, 7.

Denman, Sir Thomas, 467.

Denmark, John, 3.

Denny, Jonathan, 17, 507.

Denys, John, 96.

Deodate, Dr. John, 375.

Derham, Robert, 194, 195.

Dering, Sir Edward, 560.

Dester, Thomas, 96.

Dethick, Gilbert, 437, 441.

Deviatt, Abraham, 491.

DICKINS, Ambrose, 570.

Dickins, Ambrose, 11, 18, 153, 155, 228, 486, 564, 566.

" George, 570.

Dicson, Thomas, 96.

Dier, Hugh, 95.

Dixon, Ralph, 267.

" Thomas, 273.

" William, 592.

Dobby, Nicholas, 591.

Dobynson, Bartholomew, 96.

Dodds, William, 13.

Dodinghurst, John de, 256.

Dodwell, Robert, 96.

" Lady Ann, 557.

Doorebarre, Thomas, 399, 404, 408.

Dorrell, John, 215, 452.

Dorrington, John, 491, 504.

Dormot, John, 96.

Dorset, Earl of, 116, 121.

Doughton (See Dowton).

Douglas, Dr. James, 374.

" Robert, 14, 505.

Douglass, John, 352.

Dounesheued, William de, 26.

Dowell, Ralph, 3.

Downeing, Nicholas, 335, 336.

Downes, Robert, 14.

Downhall, William, 535.

Downham, William, 96.

Downinge, Humphry, 274.

Downys, Robert, 96.

Dowton, Arthur, 8, 473.

Draper, William, 96.

Drewe, Richard, 172.

" William, 308, 424.

Driver, George, 16.

" John, 14, 482.

" Thomas George, 17.

" Thomas Skegg, 15.

Drumacks, John, 3.

Duell, William, 359.

Duffeeld, Edward, 271.

Dunn (Dunne), George, 8, 9, 140, 217, 338, 342, 367, 369.

Dunnett, Malcolm, 14, 484.

" William, 16.

Dunolm, Henry de, 256.

Dupont, --, 334, 398.

Duppa, Thomas, 287.

Dupre, Josias, 480.

Dycson, Richard, 425.

Dye, Samuel, 136, 209, 215, 251, 452.

Eade, Richard, 273.

Easte, Matthew, 592.

Eastey, Richard, 3.

Eaton, Henry, 215, 342, 452.

" Matthew, 271.

Ecclestone, William Aaron, 17.

Eden, Ralph, 14.

" William, 290.

Edenborough, Samuel, 15.

Edlyn, John, 96.

EDWARD VI, 47, 52, 87, 89, 91.

Edwards, Joel, 15.

" John, 447, 529, 530, 531, 532.

EDWIN, Sir Humphey, L.M., 560.

Edwin, Charles, 560, 561.

" Sir Humphry, L.M., 10, 19, 221.

" Humphry, jun., 560.

" John, 562.

" Mary, 560.

" Samuel, 560, 561.

" Thomas, 560.

" William, 560.

ELIZABETH, QUEEN, 87, 92, 102, 103, 108, 109, 121, 313, 398, 439, 440, 543.

Ellenborough, Lord, 237.

Ellesmere, Lord, 116, 121.

Elliot, Alexander, 592.

" (Elyott), Richard, 5, 95, 170.

Emberson, Thomas, 16.

Emerton, Robert, 13, 14, 504, 507.

Enderby, John, 4, 5, 95, 169, 172.

Erwin, James, 349.

Essex, Earl of, 107.

Essington, Thomas, 12.

Evans, Edward, 303.

" Henry, 16.

" Richard, 548.

" William, 13.

Eve, Thomas, 591.

Evelyn, John, 139.

Exeter, Bishop of, 88.

Fairfax, Sir Thomas, 142, 405.

Fane, Sir Thomas, 515.

Farendon, Sir Nicholas de, 24, 256.

Farmer, January, 11, 486, 567.

Farre, James, 9.

Fauconer, Thomas, L.M., 40, 43.

Fayles, Thomas, 96.

Fenton, John, 7, 116, 121, 193, 194, 200, 202, 206, 208, 326, 327, 332, 386, 473, 476, 508.

" Joseph, 8, 323, 329.

Ferbras, Robert, 61, 161, 382, 398, 481.

Ferne, James, 11, 12, 486, 488, 568.

Ferrat, William, 271.

FERRIS, Richard, 524.

Ferris, Em, 524.

" Richard, 5, 6, 18, 83, 92, 170, 312, 591.

" Thomazine, 524.

Fettyplace, Mr., 542.

Field, John, 6, 14, 316, 524, 590.

Finlay, Robert, 152, 153.

Fitzhugh, Mr., 227.

Fitzjames, Sir John, 77, 579, 586.

Flecton, Robert, 449.

Fleete, Edward, 209, 215, 334, 369, 452.

Flemmynge, Gyles, 330.

Flower, William, 437, 441.

Foliard, Ralph, 9, 19.

Folliot, Thomas, 3.

Foot, Robert, 559.

Ford, Grace, 534.

" Sir Richard, 534.

Forster, Robert, 95.

Forty, Henry, 411, 412.

Foster, Henry, 591.

" John, 325, 452.

" Nathaniel, 304, 305, 433.

" Philip, 10.

" Ralph, 9, 454.

" Randall, 7, 8, 206, 208, 476, 591.

" Robert, 273.

" Roger, 4.

" William, 328.

Fothergill, Thomas, 491, 504.

Fountayne, William, 591.

Fradin, Daniel, 12, 463.

Franck, John, 210.

" John, jun., 210, 219.

Frankish, Rowland, 3.

Fraunceis, Gefery, 96.

" James, 592.

FREDERICK V, Elector Palatine, 396, 513.

FREDERICK, Sir John, L.M., 550.

Frederick, Christopher, 7, 18, 194, 197, 198, 200, 206, 264, 325, 329, 473, 476, 508, 543, 550, 551.

" Elizabeth, 553, 555.

" Sir John, L.M., 9, 19, 197, 343, 344, 487, 490, 501, 502, 512, 554, 555, 556, 558.

" Sir John, Bart., 553.

" Judith, 553, 554, 555.

" Mary, 551.

" Thomas, 553.

" William, 551.

Freeman, Elizabeth, 142.

Freke, Mr., 155.

Freman, Edward, 95.

Freind, Dr. John, 373.

Frende, John, 316, 317, 318.

Frizemigefeyld, --, 389.

Fryer, William, 9, 10.

Fuller, Robert, 7, 473.

Fullerton, Sir James, 127.

Furnese, Sir Henry, 557.

Fynceham, John de, 257.

Fynche, Richard, 331.

Fyninge, William, 7, 109, 116, 202, 383, 387, 390, 508.

Fyshe, Thomas, 5, 96, 312.

Gale, Elizabeth, 574.

" Jane, 574.

" John, 162, 220, 574, 600.

" Mary, 574.

" Suzan, 574.

" Thomas, 5, 6, 102, 312, 363, 439, 524.

" William, 6, 7, 206, 220, 329, 524, 574, 590.

Galle (See Gale).

Gamlyn, John, 96.

Gardener, John, 317.

Gardiner, Thomas, 18.

Gariswall, Anthony, 531.

Garland, Ralph, 5, 95.

Garrard, Sir Thomas, 197.

Garrett, Sir William, L.M., 99.

Garrood, Thomas, 13, 14.

Garter, Thomas, 290.

Garwood, Robert, 14.

Gastey, Richard, 3.

Gataker, Thomas, 18.

Gatard, William, 3.

Gayle (See Gale).

Geddyngs, Richard, 1.

Geekie, Alexander, 11, 418.

Geene, George, 5, 6, 95, 99, 102, 169, 170, 308, 312.

Geery, Henry, 4.

Geffery, Thomas, 2.

GEORGE I, 151.

GERARD, John, 540.

Gerard, John, 96.

" John (Herbalist), 7, 194, 206, 329, 429.

Gheys, Mr., 232.

Gibbs, Sir R., 236.

Gibson, Thomas, 4, 5, 76.

" Zachariah, 10, 11.

Gilberd, John, 95.

Gill, Philip, 215.

" Thomas, 491, 504.

Gillam, Thomas, 331, 334, 494, 495.

Giles, Dr. Marmaduke, 374.

Gisberd, Melser, 331.

Gisebourn, Walter, 1.

Glasier, Elizabeth, 521.

Glen, Alexander, 13.

Glenister, William, 12.

Gloucester, Duke of, 409.

" Robert de, 257.

Glyn, Serjeant, 411.

Glynton, Thomas, 174.

Godard, Reginald, 1.

Goddard, Dr. John, 342, 370, 509.

" Thomas, 3.

Godman, Mr., 350.

Godschall, Robert, 357.

Golding, Thomas, 13, 14.

Goldsmith, Dr., 375, 376.

Gomine, William, 30, 32.

Goodale, Edward, 286.

" Thomas, 204, 323, 391.

Goodall, Dr., 125, 345.

" Thomas, 196, 428.

Goodby, John, 5.

Gooderus, William, 5, 7, 18, 206, 329, 530, 531, 537.

Goodwin, William, 176.

Goodwyn, Henry, 327.

Gorton, Edward, 300, 304.

Gorston, Humphry, 394.

Gossidge, Lewis, 209.

Gower, Richard, 5.

Gowrie, Earl of, 394, 396.

Grafton, John, 2, 3.

" Richard, 521.

Grange, George, 14.

Grantone, John de, 1, 35, 36.

Grave, Henry, 2.

Gray, Donald, 16.

" George, 491, 503.

" John, 96.

Greenbury, Richard, 398, 407, 494, 509, 512.

Greene (Grene), Edward, 11.

" " John, 95.

" " Joseph, 11.

" " Thomas, 3.

" " William, 5, 6, 96, 102, 184, 573.

Greenway, John, 96.

Gretton, Henry, 164, 307, 357.

Griffin, Edward, 6, 7, 420, 590.

" Joseph, 464, 465.

" Thomas, 12, 13.

Griffine, John, 524, 530, 531.

Griffith, Edward, 540.

" Morrice, 215.

Grig, Thomas, 274.

Griggs, William, 437.

Grint, Dr., 332.

Grome, Thomas, 95.

Grottell, Robert, 317.

Grove, Andrew, 591.

" Robert, 95, 273.

Grymsen, John, 592.

Gurney, John, 163, 597, 598.

" William, 8, 9.

Gwyn, Dr., 210, 334, 338, 365, 509.

" Susan, 338.

Gyle, John, 5.

Gyllam, William, 182, 316.

Gyllet, Thomas, 590.

Gylman, Thomas, 96.

Gymblet, John, 591.

Hacche, Johanna atte, 37.

" Roger atte, 37.

Hadden, George, 15.

Haddon, William, 12, 155, 163, 597, 598.

Haines, Richard, 16.

Hall, Anthony, 303.

" John, 314, 363, 364.

" Roger, 591.

" Sylvanus, 234, 235.

" Thomas, 9, 183, 187, 364.

Halyday, Robert, 68, 69.

Hamersley, Hugh, L.M., 333.

Hamlyn, John, 96.

Hammond, Richard, 3.

Hamond, Mr., 341.

Hampshire, Thomas, 14.

Hands, Dr., 373.

Handsom, Robert, 4.

Harbert, Robert, 384, 385, 388.

Harbin, Richard, 127.

Hardy, William, 306.

Hare, William, 15, 16.

Hargrave, Charles. 293, 294.

Harington, John, 592.

Harman, Edmund, 5, 19, 75, 81, 82, 90, 95.

Harper, John, 421.

Harris, Thomas, 13.

Hart, John, 14.

Harte, Hugh, 2, 3.

Harvard, Elizabeth, 519.

Harvey, James, 16.

" Richard, 11.

" William, 436, 440, 442.

" Dr. William, 336.

Harvie, John, 9.

Haryot, Sir William, L.M., 61.

Haselhurst, Henry, 4.

Hassall, John, 7, 206, 267, 273.

Hastyngs, Robert, 96.

Hathorne, William, 591.

Hatley, Ralph, 10

Hatton, Christopher, 336.

Havers, Dr. Clopton, 373.

Hawkes, John, 425, 591.

HAWKINS, Sir Cæsar, Bart., 571.

" " , 18, 377, 570.

" Cæsar, 571.

" Cæsar Henry, 572.

" Charles, 572.

" Pennell, 572.

Hawley, Sir Thomas, 517.

Haydon, John, 1.

Hayes, Robert, 11.

Hayles, William, 2.

Haynes, Christopher, 95.

Haysie, John, 6, 7.

Hayward (Haward, Heyward, &c.), John, 12, 157, 159.

" " Richard, 3, 4, 71, 211.

" " Richard, jun., 211.

Heath, Nicholas, 8, 134, 136, 142, 215, 367, 405.

" Sir Robert, 131.

Heaps, John, 16, 307.

Helton, George, 105.

Hemp, James, 15.

" William, 15, 16.

Henlye, Philip, 591.

HENRY V, 50.

" VII, 433.

" VIII, 75, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 433, 435, 439, 440, 487, 490, 492, 497, 498, 510, 516, 520, 524, 525.

Herbert, Sir Henry, 333.

" Thomas, 14.

Herenden, Anthony, 11.

HERNE, Sir Nathaniel, 554.

Herne, Basil, 555.

" Frederick, 555.

" James, 555.

" John, 555.

" Sir Joseph, 553, 555.

" Judith, 554, 555.

" Katherine, 555.

" Mary, 555.

" Sir Nathaniel, 9, 19, 553, 558.

" Nathaniel, jun., 555

" Nicholas, 554, 555.

" Richard, 554, 555.

" Susan, 555.

" Thomas, 555.

" Sir William, 555.

Herte, Hugh, 432.

Hetherley, William, 96.

Hewett, Edward, 96, 281, 308.

" Richard, 10.

Heydon, John, 8, 30, 32, 213, 215, 269, 334, 367.

Higgs, William, 95.

Higgins, Richard, 473.

Hill, Joseph, 13.

" Sir Rowland, L.M., 521.

" William, 2, 3, 96.

Hiller, William, 95.

Hilles, Mr., 383, 384, 385.

Hingham, John, 3.

Hinxman, Daniel, 8.

Hitchen, John, 6, 590.

Hobbs, Dr., 134.

" (Hobbes, &c.), John, 2.

" " Thomas, 10, 18, 265.

" " William, 3, 18.

Hodes, Thomas, 318.

Hodgkinson, Henry, 215.

Hogarth, William, 572.

Hogeson, James, 96.

Hogekynson, Henry, 95.

Hogkyn, Michael, 527.

Holbein, Hans, 80, 81, 510.

Holden, Richard, 328.

Holditch, Samuel, 343.

Holehouse, Samuel, 16.

" Thomas, 13, 235.

Holland, George, 5, 312.

" James, 4.

" John, 71, 95.

Holliday, Robert, 3, 4.

Hollier, Thomas, 9.

Holmes, John, 350.

Holt, Sir John, 150.

" Lord Chief Justice, 560.

Homewood, Thomas, 473.

Hooker, Anne, 556.

" Elizabeth, 555.

" Richard, 555.

" Robert, 553.

" Sir William, L.M., 357, 556.

Hooper, John, 421.

Hopgood, Thomas Burn, 15.

Hopkinson, William, 4.

Hopton, Richard, 515.

Horsnell, George, 10.

Horton, William, 3.

Howard, Sir Edward, 139.

" Sir William, 516.

Howlden, Richard, 274.

Huckle, William, 8, 134, 213, 215.

Hughbank, Edward, 96.

Hughes, Richard, 6, 440.

" James, 303.

Humphris, Edmund, 14.

Hungate, Christopher, 95.

Hunne, William, 2.

Hunt, Gabriell, 325.

Hurford, William, 13.

Hutton, John, 5, 95.

" Robert, 95.

I’Ans, Elizabeth, 233.

" Michael, 12, 233, 482, 483.

Ibatson, John, 429.

Ingolsby, Edward, 7, 8, 95, 206.

" James, 3, 4, 68.

Ingram, Sir Arthur, 555.

Ireland, Edward, 6.

Ironside, Richard, 555.

" Sarah, 555.

Izard, John, 7, 194, 206, 428, 493, 495, 543, 590.

" Mistress, 203.

Jackson, John, 10.

" William, 163.

Jaggard, John, 282.

JAMES I, 92, 110, 111, 112, 123, 126, 394, 397, 468, 470, 515.

JAMES II, 147, 148, 560, 563.

James, Jeremiah, 14.

" Richard, 541.

Jasper, --, 313.

Jenkin, John, 345.

Jenkins, Roger, 7, 121, 273, 328, 473.

Jenkinson, Mathias, 329.

Jennings, Robert, 286, 473.

Jersey, Earl of, 554, 555.

Jewrin, Dr. Thomas, 374, 375.

Johnson, Edmund, 305, 339.

" Francis, 305.

" Henry, 9, 10, 487, 513.

" John, 3, 4, 5, 7, 95, 186, 187, 188, 289, 290, 425, 493, 523, 590.

" Matthew, 5, 95, 99, 169, 170, 273.

" Robert, 7, 190, 206, 323, 450, 591.

" Thomas, 5, 95, 99, 169, 170.

" Tobias, 8, 272.

Jones, Dr. Hezekias, 374.

" Inigo, 94, 134, 135, 144, 211, 232, 402, 416, 487, 512.

" Owine, 322.

" Richard, 14.

" Togarmah, 163, 597, 598.

Joy, Mistress, 217.

Jurden, Philip, 592.

Keble, George, 535.

Keith, Alexander, 349.

Kellaway, Nicholas, 190, 196, 325, 391, 493.

Kellett, Edward, 275, 494.

" Walter, 4, 5.

" William, 495.

Ken, Mathew, 427, 592.

Kent, James, 272, 495.

" Richard, 3.

Kerkby (Kyrkeby, &c.), William, 4, 5, 76, 95, 169.

Kerrell, John, 7, 8, 473.

Key, Garrett, 325.

Kidd, William, 5.

Kidder, Thomas, 15, 483.

King, Bartholomew, 10, 150.

" James, 15, 351.

" John, 10.

Kingman, Thomas, 9.

Kings, William, 9, 215, 218, 342, 343, 369, 431.

Kippax, William, 13, 504.

Kirby, Ralph Smith, 16.

Knight, Deborah, 569.

" John, 9, 10, 18, 414, 499, 500, 513.

Knightly, William, 319, 592.

Knolles, Thomas, 43.

Knott, John, 4, 69, 70.

" Thomas, 5, 52, 75, 76, 78, 99, 169, 170, 312.

Knowles, Roger, 10.

Knox, John, 14.

Koppisley, Thomas, 68.

Kydd, William, 95.

Lamb, David, 14, 504.

" Richard, 287.

Lambkin, Thomas, 187, 273, 425.

Lamyngton, Robert de, 27.

Lane, Pascall, 322, 327.

Langford, Henrietta M., 548, 550.

Larden, Richard, 493.

Laud, Archbishop, 129, 130.

Laugecombe, Sir John de, 26.

Laurence, Sir John, 553.

" Joan, 574.

Law, Thomas, 14.

Lawless, Edward, 299, 307.

Lawton, Philip, 15, 484.

Layborne, Roger, 591.

Laycock, John, 6, 7, 113, 190, 205, 206, 323, 387, 389, 473, 542, 543, 591.

Layfield, William, 10.

Ledes, Robert, 96.

Le Despencer, Baroness, 515.

Ledson, Peter, 591.

Leeson, Robert, 10.

Legge, William, 2, 3.

Leicester, Earl of, 447, 537.

Lely, Sir Peter, 512.

Lenthall, Mr., 510.

LETHIEULLIER, Sir John, 556.

Lethieullier, Sir Christopher, 556.

" John, 556, 557.

" Sir John, 10, 19, 221, 558.

" Leonora, 557.

" Letitia, 557.

" Margaret, 567.

" Rachel, 567.

" William, 557, 567.

Levelyf, John, 1.

LEVEN, Earl, of, 515.

" Lady, 516.

Leycock (See Laycock).

Lilley, Robert, 3.

Linacre, Thomas, 87.

Lingham, William, 8, 214, 215.

Lings, John Benjamin, 15.

Linneus, 512.

Lisle, Thomas, 9, 19, 487, 512.

Litchfield, Thomas, 10, 150, 222, 563.

Littlebury, William, 164, 307, 357.

Loader, Richard A. C., 16.

Locke, William, 517.

Loe, Laurence, 9, 215, 218, 343, 452.

Lomeline (See Lumley).

Long, William, 14, 483.

Lookes, Richard, 12, 163.

Loup, William, 11.

Love, Martin, 16.

Loveday, Mr., 134.

Lovell, John Cary, 507.

" Sir Thomas, 86.

Lovels, Mr., 282.

Low, Robert, 15, 16.

Lowe, Vincent, 271.

Lowther, John, 13.

Lucas, Richard, 3.

Lufkin, John, 8, 452.

Lumley, Dominic, 8, 274, 321, 473, 495.

" William, 17.

Lunne, John, 2.

Lybbe, John, 96.

Lyghthed, William, 95.

Lymcocke, Hugh, 5, 6, 95.

Lynch, Simon, 11.

Lynche, Walter, 425.

Lyon, Anthony, 14, 15.

" James, 14, 15.

Lyster, John, 591.

Lythego, William, 14.

Lyving, Nicholas, 3, 4, 68.

Maccullock, Peter, 376, 377.

Machell, John, 521.

Machin, John, 591.

Machyn, Henry, 100, 102.

Maderman, Thomas le, 26.

Madocks, John, 9, 220.

Madox, Thomas, 406.

Malmesbury, Earl of, 566.

Manchester, Earl of, 139, 561.

Maneringe, Thomas, 591.

Mangrave, Thomas de, 25, 257.

Mansfield, Anne, 560.

Mapes, Faith, 214.

" Richard, 7, 193, 201, 206, 214, 217, 286, 323, 329, 330, 365, 387, 429, 473, 476.

Marcadye, James, 318.

Maresfield, William, 4.

Marham, John, 68.

Markeland, Michael, 218.

Markham, William, 9.

Marks, Richard, 10, 150.

Marney, Sir Henry, 86, 88.

Marshall, John, 13.

Martell, Dr. Lawrence, 375, 376.

Martin (Martyn), John, 7, 201, 473, 543, 591.

" (Martyn), Thomas, 4, 7, 76, 206, 208, 323, 386, 390.

" (Martyn), William, 7, 189, 193, 194, 198, 322, 324, 508.


Marye, James, 297, 298.

Mason, Alexander, 5, 6, 96, 316, 439, 540.

" John, 6, 16, 527, 529.

" Richard, 546.

Masters, Joseph, 293.

Mathew, Andrew, 322, 429, 473.

Mathews, John, 272.

Maurice, Luke, 11, 12, 155, 228, 230, 419, 597, 598.

May, William, 1.

Maynard, Robert, 4.

Mayne, Owyn, 3, 4.

Mead, Dr. Richard, 373.

Meath, Bishop of, 472.

Mede, Thomas, 95.

Medley, Jonathan, 12, 163, 597, 598.

Meeke, Walter, 493.

Melville, Lord, 516.

Meredith, John, 215.

Mereston, John, 2.

Merlawe, Richard, 2.

" Richard, L.M., 40.

Meverell, Dr., 367, 405.

Mew, John, 26.

Michell, John, L.M., 43.

Middelton, Henry, 11, 357.

" Sir Hugh, 404.

" Thomas, 10, 357.

Miles, William, 354.

Milliners, Edmund, 4.

Millington, Anthony, 192.

Mills, John, 209.

Minikin, George, 10, 221.

Minn, Thomas, 322.

Minto, Earl of, 566.

Misleden, Robert, 4.

Mitchell, Joseph, 464, 465.

Molines, James, 8, 210.

Molins, Edward, 217.

" William, 372.

Mollyners, Lawrence, 96.

Mondey, Anthony, 211.

Mone, Thomas, 95.

Moneycock, Richard, 3.

Monforde, James, 5, 83, 90, 503, 506, 507.

MONMOUTH, Duke of, 515.

Monmouth, Duke of, 413, 516.

Montagu, Lady Catherine, 561.

Montgomery, Viscount, 139.

Moore, Charles, 12, 13, 465.

" Dr. Norman, 88, 537.

Morden, John, 3.

More, George, 96.

" John, 177.

" Sir Thomas, 77, 244, 423, 446, 510, 579, 586.

" William, 318, 591.

Morgan, Richard, 14, 15.

Morland, John, 364.

Morrey, Robert, 326, 391.

Morreyson, William, 4.

Morrice, Richard, 8, 216.

Morris, Mathew, 307.

Morrys, Richard, 271.

Morryt, John, 273.

Morton, Nicholas, 4.

Morys, Richard, 1.

Morysch, John, 2.

Moss, William, 11.

Mosseley, John, 96.

Mostrims, Gefrye, 592.

Mould, Anthony, 340, 341.

Mowle, John, 322.

Moy, Mathew, 269.

Mudesley, Robert, 6, 316, 439, 523.

Mullins, James, 203.

" Jarvys, 592.

Mullyns, John, 4.

Mumford, Humphry, 304.

Munday, Anthony, 400.

Murray, Mr., 512.

Murrell, Henry Edward, 16.

Myddelton (See Middelton).

Myneyard, Robert, 4.

Napkin, Hugh, 215.

Needler, Samuel, 219.

Neel, Richard, 529, 530.

Negus, Humphry, 12, 155, 163, 597, 598.

" John, 163, 597, 598.

Nesbitt, Dr. Robert, 375, 376, 377.

Nevell, Richard, 3, 4.

Newens, Thomas, 283.

Newman, John, 8, 95.

" W. L., 511.

Newsom, John, 7, 274, 591.

Newton, William, 4.

Nicholls, Dr., 561.

" Dr. Francis, 376, 377.

" John, 11, 486.

Nicoll, Anthony, M.P., 139.

Nicols, Richard, 96.

Norfolk, Duke of, 86, 447, 579.

North, Sir Francis, 145.

Northall, James, 11.

Northampton, Countess of, 566.

" Earl of, 566.

" Marquis of, 447.

Northey, Sir Edward, 150, 224.

Norton, Robert, 303.

" Samuel, 13.

Norwiche, Sir Robert, 77, 579, 586.

Nottingham, Earl of, 145, 194, 197, 198.

Nourse, Edward, 376.

Nurse, Dr., 372.

Oades, William, 10, 149.

Oakley, John, 4.

" William, 3, 4, 69, 70.

Odwey, John, 591.

Ofeild, Henry, 8.

Ogilby, William, 349.

Oliphe, John, 521.

Oliver, Andrew, 4.

" Dr., 350, 351.

Olkar, Richard, 425.

Orgor, Thomas, 256.

Oseland, Mr., 471, 472.

Oseyld, Henry, 273.

Oskyn, John, 96.

Osneye, William, 1, 402.

Ostergis, Ralph, L.M., 68.

Otherborne, William, 5, 169.

Owen, Dr., 377.

" Evan, 215.

Oxford, Earl of, 514.

Pace, Thomas, 269.

Pacon, John, 1.

Paddy, Sir William, 364, 365.

Page, John, 96.

" Thomas, 10.

Painter, Humphry, 9, 18, 215.

Palatine, Prince Elector, 137, 488.

Pallet, William, 3.

Palmer, Robert, 3.

Papps, John, 14.

Papworth, John, 3.

Paradice, John, 319, 427, 591.

Paris, Humphry, 6.

Parke, Edward, 184, 187, 273, 282, 316, 317, 425, 426.

Parker, Edward, 13.

" John, 2.

" Lord Chief Justice, 417.

" William, 11, 155, 163, 228, 597, 598.

Parkins, Thomas, 3.

Parsons, Ralph, 272.

Partridge, Martin, 270.

Pasck, Alice, 555.

" John, D.D., 555.

Paterson, John, 13, 164, 165, 231, 289, 296, 297, 511.

Patten, Henry, 15.

Patterson, Henry, 96.

Payne, Dr. J. F., 569.

Pays, Thomas, 95.

Peacock, Oliver, 322.

" Sir Stephen, L.M., 195.

Pearse, James, 9, 92, 500.

Pearson, Francis, 14.

Pecham, Peter de, 256.

Peck, Edward, 322.

" John, 7, 116, 190, 194, 202, 206, 208, 322, 327, 329, 386, 473, 476, 542, 543.

Peel, Sir Robert, 91.

Peerson, John, 4, 76.

Pegott, Philip, 96.

Peirce, James, 561.

Peirse, William, 13.

Pelham, Martyn, 324.

Pemarton, Henry, 273.

Pemberton, Sir Francis, 145.

" Henry, 5, 95, 169.

" John, 215.

Pembroke, Earl of, 139.

PEN, John, 525.

Pen, Dorothy, 526.

" Elen, 526.

" Elizabeth, 526.

" Gyles, 526.

" John, 5, 19, 75, 81, 83, 90, 91, 95.

" Robert, 525, 526.

" Thomas, 526.

" William, 527.

Pengrove, Daniel, 464, 465.

Penton, Richard, 464, 465.

Peny, Gyles, 526.

Pepys, John, 12, 163.

" Samuel, 92, 143, 373, 412, 413, 499, 500, 552.

Perkins, John, 9, 136, 452.

Perrine, George, 334, 540.

Perrott, Abraham, 275, 491, 503.

Perse, William, 9, 10.

Pet, Commissioner, 373.

Peterson, Robert, 591.

Petoe, Marshall, 211, 398.

Petrol, Gabriel, 271.

Petty, William, 12, 155, 228.

Pewall, William, 3.



Phillipps, John, 592.

Phillips, Mr., 275, 411.

Philpott, John, 95.

Picton, Henry, 523.

Pile, Richard, 538.

Pilkington, William, 324.

Pinchon, John, 2, 3.

Pinder, John, 8, 209, 215, 369, 396.

Pinke, John, 10, 150, 221.

Pinsent, Mr., 350.

Pitcher, James Henry, 16, 17.

Pitts, George, 473.

Plackett, Hewe, 319.

" Samuel, 13.

Pleahill, William, 10, 149.

Plumtree, Dr. Henry, 374.

Pole, Mr., 282.

Pollexfen, Mr., 411.

Pollet, William, 3.

Pope, Pierce, 2.

Popham, Sir John, 116, 121.

Porter, John, 2, 3, 566.

" Peter, 7, 8.

Portland, Earl of, 131.

Postle, Robert, 5, 95, 169, 170, 177.

Potter, Edward, 4, 5.

" James, 13.

" John, 5, 95.

" Philip, 3.

" Thomas, 12.

Poule, Simon, 2.

Powell, Richard, 8, 9, 10, 136, 213, 215, 318.

Predey, George, 8.

Presson, Edward, 303, 395.

Preston, Achilles, 13.

Prince, Gilbert, 27.

PROBY, Sir Peter, L.M., 532.

Proby, Edmund, 334.

" Dame Elizabeth, 534.

" Emanuel, 535.

" George, 534.

" Sir Heneage, 534, 535.

" Henry, 534, 535.

" Peter, 534.

" Sir Peter, L.M., 7, 19, 395, 396, 404, 478.

" Randolph, 532.

" Walsingham, 535.

Prujeon, Dr., 367, 370, 371, 372, 509.

Prymerose, Serjeant, 326.

Purchas, John, 2.

Pym, John, 139.

Queldrick, John, 1, 2.

Rabache, Mary, 566.

Raleigh, Sir W., 107.

Ranby, John, 18, 571.

Randall, John, 11.

Rankyn, Henry, 6, 7, 184, 285, 590.

Ratsdale, Richard, 292.

Raven, John, 95.

Rawlins, Robert, 293.

Rawshold, Henry, 96.

Raylens, Lawrence, 336.

Rayney, Roger, 204.

Rayson, Samuel, 11.

Read, Dr. Alexander, 335, 366, 367.

Recherdson, Rev. --, 103.

Reede, Steven, 447.

Reeve, James, 16.

Renex, Abraham, 327, 391.

Repton, Thomas, 305, 306.

Rewe, William, 5, 95.

Reynell, Richard, 293.

Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 511.

RICHARD II, 28, 29.

Richardson, Thomas, 592.

" Sir Thomas, 131.

Richmond, Duchess of, 512.

" John, 7.

Rider, Mr., 350.

Riley, William, 16.

Ripoult, James, 354.

Roades, George, 8, 209.

" Richard, 210.

Roberts, William, 12, 13, 163.

Robertson, John, 4, 71.

Robinson, George, 3.

" John, 6, 96.

" Steven, 317.

" Thomas, 263.

" William, 15.

Robson, John, 493.

Rochford, Lord, 86.

Rockingham, Marquess of, 534.

Rodergo, Leonardo, 313.

Rodes, Edward, 7, 116, 204, 206, 381, 386, 390, 473.

" Raphe, 591.

Rogers, John, 13.

" Lawrence, 3.

" Lewis, 7, 531.

" Richard, 303.

Rogiers, Richard, 96.

Rolf, Simon, 2, 41.

Rollesley, Edward, 96.

Rooke, Roger, 2.

Roote, John, 2.

Rosse, Thomas, 515.

Rossington, Henry, 10.

Rous, Mary, 553.

Rowdon, Francis, 289, 290, 291, 292, 323, 382.

Rowe, Peter, 558.

Rowland, Alexander, 15, 16, 237.

" Humphrey, 188.

Rowley, Raphe, 321.

Rowney, Thomas, 14.

Ruff, Edward, 16.

Ruffiniac, Dr. Guy, 376.

Russell, George, 13.

" John, 324.

Ruston, William, 17, 504.

Rutland, Earl of, 515.

Rutter, Samuel, 12, 163, 232, 597, 598.

Rutty, Dr. William, 374, 375.

Rycraft, Francis, 473.

Ryggewyk, William, 2.

Ryley, William, 128.

Rymmer, William, 9.

Sadler, George, 15.

St. George, Sir William, 401.

" Henry, 441.

Sainthill, Mr., 155.

Salaman, Nathan, 17.

Salisbury, Dr. Douglas, Bp. of, 570.

Sallis, Henry, 16.

" William, 15.

Salmond, Christopher, 5, 83, 92, 95, 96.

Samborne, Richard, 274.

Sambroke, Davy, 95.

Sambrook, Daniel, 5.

Sambrooke, Elizabeth, 560.

" Sir Jeremy, 560.

" Samuel, 215, 560.

Sandale, Sir John de, 26.

Sanderson, Robert, 10.

Sandford, Bryan, 65, 161.

" Joseph, 12.

Saule, James, 592.

Saunders, Edward, 317.

" John, 3.

Saunderson, Richard, 591.

Sawyer, Sir Robert, 145.

Sax, John Jacob, 354.

Saxton, Peter, 273.

Say and Seale, Lord, 139.

Scarborough, Sir Charles, 372, 407, 487, 510, 512.

Scarlett, Sir James, 467.

" Robert, 3, 4.

Scawin, Mr., 141.

Scoloker, Elizabeth, 192.

SCOTS, Mary Queen of, 514.

Scott, James, 3, 4, 13, 68.

" Robert, 3.

Scripe, Roger, 2, 3.

Scroggs, Sir William, 411.

Scrooby, Robert, 12, 163, 597, 598.

Scultinge, Cezar, 326.

Sedgwick, George, 591.

" Tobias, 9.

Selborne, Lord, 445.

Selbye, Richard, 316.

Sermont, Richard, 4, 95.

Sewell, William, 96.

SEYMOUR, Queen Jane, 87.

Shakespear, William, 233.

Sharpe, Rev. --, 218.

Sheene, Roger, 4.

Sheeres, Thomas, 326.

Shepey, John, 1.

Sherborn, William, 5, 95.

Shiplake, William, 2.

Shireff, John, 528.

Shirlock, Mr., 493.

Shoppee, Charles John, 16, 135, 144, 431, 507.

Shott, John, 11, 228.

Shrene, John, 95.

Shryffe, John, 170, 591.

Simpson, Nicholas, 5, 19, 82, 89, 95.

Simpson, Robert, 5.

Sipnam, William, 61.

Sisson, Thomas, 564.

Sisterton, Dr., 375.

Skair, Thomas, 523.

Skelton, Eustace, 326.

" William, 358.

SKINNER, Ephraim, 558.

Skinner, Ann, 559.

" John, 5.

" Ephraim, 487, 513, 555.

Skipper, Peter, 14, 484.

Skynner, Roger, 96.

Slade, William, 13, 314, 511.

Slee, John, 14.

Slight, Alexander, 3.

Small, Mr., 349.

Smarthwaite, John, 6, 96, 102.

Smedley, Ann, 563.

Smith, Edward Grose, 15, 235, 298.

" Henley, 16, 298.

" Henley Grose, 298.

" Henry, 447, 590.

" John, 5, 169, 303, 591.

" Dr. John, 69, 70.

" Katherine, 538.

" Peter, 305, 344, 411, 412, 413, 414.

" Richard, 591.

" Sir Thomas, 125.

" William, 11, 225, 226, 307.

Smyth, Neste, 326.

Smythe, John, 5, 95, 170, 312.

" Richard, 96.

" William, 95.

Snadenham, Richard, 2.

Snelling, Francis, 16.

Soare, Francis, 337.

" Edward, 406.

Sommers, John, 4.

Sotherton, John, 9.

Southcott, John, 521.

Southnam, Richard, 3.

Spackman, Anthony, 591.

Speight, James, 14.

Spencer, Nicholas, 528.

" William, 95.

Spicer, Dr., 341.

Springet, John, 3.

Sprignall, Richard, 6, 7, 192, 543, 590.

" Robert, 5, 95, 169, 493.

Spurling, John, 350.

Squior, Edward, 272.

Stagg, William, 13.

Stambrooke, John, 10.

Stamford, Charles, 9, 215, 343, 574.

" Elizabeth, 574.

Stanbridge, Thomas, 96.

Standon, John, 6, 439.

Stanton, John, 3.

Staple, John, 364, 425.

Staynton, Thomas, 95.

Stek, Ralph, 95.

Stere, John, 96.

Stevenson, George, 417.

Steward, Robert, 322, 428.

STEWART, Sir William, L.M., 562.

Stewart, Daniel, 15.

" Neil, 159.

" Sir William, L.M., 19.

" Dr., 374.

Stimson, Thomas, 14.

Stocdale, Robert, 95.

Stock, William, 13.

Stockdale, Thomas, 5, 99, 169, 170.

Stocks, John, 527.

Stone, Edward, 16.

Storer, Mr., 189.

Storye, Richard, 318, 591.

Stower, Mr., 383.

Stranguishe, Henry, 591.

Struge, John, 2, 432.

Studdis, Robert, 3.

Studesburie, John, 591.

Stutfeyld, Edward, 325.

Succa, John Baptista, 332.

Suddenham, Richard, 3.

Surbut, John, 96, 281.

" Thomas, 5, 95.

Suthwerk, John de, 25.

Sutton, Thomas, 5, 95.

Swaine, William, 6.

Swainston, John, 16.

Swaldell, Christopher, 6, 7, 107, 184, 590, 592, 593.

Swan, Charles, 14.

Swayne, Robert, 324.

Swedenham, Richard, 68.

Swift, Dean, 564.

Swithin, Richard, 12, 163, 597, 598.

Syddon, William, 292.

Sygans, Richard, 527.

Symmonds, Joshua, 376.

Symonds, Thomas, 10.

Symons, Thomas, 271.

Sympson, William, 591.

Symsyn, William, 96.

Syward, John, 257.

Tatham, John, 552.

Tavernor, William, 272.

Tayler, John, 4, 68.

" Richard, 4, 5, 95.

Taylour, William, 378, 529.

Terne, Dr. Christopher, 373.

Terrill, Robert, 215.

Terry, Elizabeth, 574.

Tettisbury, Baldwin, 41.

Theobald, James, 12, 163, 233.

" Peter, 12, 163.

Thickness, Ralph, 9.

Tholmwood, John, 95, 170.

" Richard, 5, 6, 95, 186.

" Thomas, 384.

Thompson, Robert, 322.

" Thomas, 14.

Thomlyn, William, 178.

Thorn, Warman, 15.

Thornbury, John, 61.

" Richard, 61.

" Walter, 61.

Thornebury, Richard, 8, 248.

THORNEY, Peter, 539.

THORNEY, Thomas, 538.

Thorney, Ann, 540.

" Annie, 539.

" Elizabeth, 540.

" Peter, 209, 334, 493, 538, 539.

" Thomas, 7, 193, 194, 206, 286, 322, 324, 329, 334, 473, 493, 539, 540, 544, 591.

" Walter, 538.

Thorold, Edmund, 10.

Thorpe, Mr., 372.

Thrift, John, 358, 421.

Thwaites, Edward, 564.

Tillett, William, 12, 13.

Tilley (See Tylley).

Tomlinson, Thomas, 215, 219.

Tompkins, Richard, 217.

Toms, Christopher, 11.

Tompson (Tomson), James, 5, 95.

" " John, 95.

Tottye, Henry, 591.

Tounnyage, John, 3.

Trengye, Galfridus de, 256.

Tresswell, Mr., 400, 404.

Trevellion, Thomas, 8, 214.

Trevor, Sir John, 150.

Trewise, William, 95.

Trottman, Secondary, 408.

Truelove, John, 12, 155, 163, 463, 597, 598.

Tuke, Brian, 86, 87.

Turner, Cressens, 292.

" Daniel, 349.

" Richard, 292, 293, 528.

" Thomas, 9, 136, 452, 527, 528.

Twinch, William, 15.

Twynne, Thomas, 4, 5, 95.

Tybbald, John, 591.

Tylley, Henry, 4.

" William, 5, 83, 92, 169, 170.

Tymber, John, 95.

Tymes, Arnold, 176.

Tyrell, Edmond, 95.

Tyson, Dr. E., 345, 373, 419, 487, 511.

Udall, John, 265, 391, 473.

Ude, Richard, 4.

Upton, Richard, 6, 426.

Urle, John, 2.

Urse, John, 2.

Vale, William, 15.

" William, jun., 15.

Vanderlatch, Bartholomew, 331, 494, 495.

Vandyke, Sir A., 512.

Van Otten, James, 324, 325.

Vaughan, George, 6, 96, 185, 188, 440, 495, 519, 523.

Veare, Thomas, 7, 206, 305, 413.

Venar, Richard, 314, 523.

Veriar, George, 13.

VICARY, Thomas, 522.

Vicary, Thomas, 4, 5, 6, 18, 80, 81, 82, 88, 95, 101, 169, 312, 313, 492, 493, 520, 523.

" Stephen, 523.

" William, 522, 523.

Villiers, Edward, 555.

Vivian, Thomas, 96.

Wadsworth, Dr. Thomas, 373, 374.

Wagstaffe, Dr. William, 374, 375.

Waite, Henry, 15.

" John, 16.

Wainwright, Richard, 13.

Wakeley, John, 2.

Walch, Edward, 3.

Walderne, Sir William, L.M., 42, 43.

Wale, John, 2.

Wales, Henry, Prince of, 123, 515.

Waleys, Thomas, 432.

Walgrave, John, 332.

Walker, Sir Edward, 554.

" William, 8.

Wall, James, 10, 150.

" John, 425.

Wallis, Thomas, 2, 3.

Wallop, Sir Henry, 538.

Walpole, Sir Robert, 419.

Walsall, James, 215.

Walsh, Edmund, 3.

Waltham, Hugh de, 25.

Walton, Christopher, 473.

" William, 6, 96.

Walwyn, Robert, 591.

Wanlon, Thomas, 377.

Ward (Warde), Hugh, 212, 215.

" John, 8, 134.

" Sir John, L.M., 565.

Ward and Turnor, 591.

Waren, Thomas, 543.

Warham, Archbishop, 87.

Warren, John, 6, 96, 101.

" Thomas, 7, 95, 282, 283, 591.

Warwick, Earl of, 535.

" John, 2.

Waterford, Robert, 5, 95, 169.

Waterhouse, Edward, 8.

Wateson, Henry, 8, 136, 452, 509.

" Richard, 8, 136, 139, 140, 141, 215, 367, 452.

Watson, Thomas, 324.

" William, 9, 215, 342, 343.

Watkins, William, 11, 306, 307.

Watts, Dr., 376.

" John, 12.

Wayte, Thomas, 7, 591.

Waystbe, John, 2.

Webb, Roger, 2.

Welfed, William, 96.

Wells, John, 307.

" Joseph, 14, 307.

" Thomas, 315.

Wellys, Richard, 2, 41.

Wench, Thomas, 5.

Wengrave, John de, 24.

Went, Richard, 4.

Wenyard, George, 96.

West, John, 6, 96, 170, 177, 424.

Westbrooke, Robert, 9.

Western, Abraham, 16.

Weston, Lawrence de, 1, 27, 35, 36.

" Margaret de, 27.

Wetyngton, William, 95.

Wevir, Robert, 96.

Weymouth, Lord, 563.

Wharton, Thomas, 15.

Wheatley, Andrew, 8, 274, 393.

Wheeler, John, 12, 295.

" Joseph, 159, 164, 295, 296, 359, 360.

Wheelis, Henry, 271.

Whetelye, John, 591.

Whiston (Bookseller), 231, 232, 419.

White, Clement, 328.

" William D., 16.

Whitebred, William, 3.

Whitehead, George, 15.

Whitgift, Archbishop, 332.

Whiting, George, 16.

" John, 12, 163.

Whittingham, Thomas, 5, 6, 96, 101.

Whyetmore, Nicholas, 282.

Whyte, Charles, 377.

Wichells, Henry, 13.

Wilbraham, Mr., 111, 325, 385.

Wilding, John, 13.

WILKIN, Walter Henry, 572.

Wilkin, David, 572.

" Walter Henry, 17, 19, 507.

Wilkinson, John, 2.


Willot, Thomas, 2, 3, 432.

Wills, Jonas, 305, 344, 414.

Wilmott, Dr. E., 375.

Wilson, Frederick, 16.

" Henry, 271.

" John, 3, 68.

" Joseph, 17.

" Olyver, 96, 176, 289.

" Richard, 302.

" Robert, 527.

" Thomas, 95.

Wilt, John, 14.

Winch, Humphry, 547.

Winchester, Walter, Bishop of, 257.

Window, Charles, 306, 417, 421.

WINDSOR, Lord, 515.

Windsor, Sir Andrew, 86.

" Lady, 200, 515.

" Lord, 367, 452.

Windsor-Hickman, Thomas, 515.

Wisdom, Dr. G., 524.

Wise (Wyse), William, 316, 318, 427, 590.

Wiseman, Richard, 9, 18.

Wisto (See Wysto).

Wiston, Richard, 177.

Withers, Laurence, 521.

Wolcock, Anthony, 591.

Wollaston, Sir John, 405.

Wolsey, Cardinal, 86, 87.

Wood, James, 5, 6, 96, 101, 308, 424.

" Joseph, 12.

" Richard, 6, 7, 192, 194, 201, 206, 322, 324, 329, 387, 388, 543, 591.

" Richard, jun., 274.

" Robert, 286, 591.

" Thomas William, 16.

" William, 298, 504.

Woodall, John, 8, 136, 334, 336, 367.

" Thomas, 372.

Woodde, Mr. Justice, 383.

Woodfall, William, 425.

Woodhouse, William, 2.

Woodward, Mr., 345.

" Edward, 11, 12.

" John, 4, 378.

Woollet, Richard, 345.

Woolley, Benjamin, 16, 17.

Worcester, Earl of, 515.

Worrall, Daniel, 372.

Worseley, Thomas, 95.

Worton, Thomas, 16.

Worts, John, 10.

Wotton, Henry, 96.

Wottone, Nicholas, L.M., 41.

Wright, Dr., 370.

" Serjeant, 149.

" Thomas, 213.

" William, 196, 199, 329, 330, 394.

Wyborde, Nicholas, 315.

Wye, William, 591.

Wyfold, Nicholas, L.M., 44.

Wyght, Charles, 5, 95.

Wylde, Sir William, 410.

Wyllet, John, 282, 283.

Wyndesore, John de, 256.

Wyndet, John, 429.

Wynton, John de, 27.

" Agnes de, 27.

" Alice de, 27.

" Joan de, 27.

Wysdome, John, 528.

Wysto, Richard, 6, 185, 426.

Yates, John, 6, 187, 316.

Yenson, William, 95.

York, Duke of, 409, 500.

" Nicholas, Archbishop of, 101.

Young, Austin Travers, 94.

" Henry, 95.

" John, 5, 95, 169.

" Reginald, 3.

" Robert, 275.

" Sidney, 432, 514.








GEORGE AUSTIN, “Prospect Hall,” Woodford.

THOMAS JAMES BARRATT, 71, New Oxford Street, W.

R. C. ADAMS BECK, Ironmongers’ Hall, E.C.

ARTHUR BIRD, 6, Bedford Row, W.C.

SIR WILLIAM BOWMAN, BART., F.R.S., 5, Clifford Street, W.

GEORGE HARRY BROADBENT, M.R.C.S., 8, Ardwick Green, Manchester.


ARTHUR GIRAUD BROWNING, F.S.A., 16, Victoria Street, S.W.

JOSEPH CARPENTER, “Ashleigh,” West Hill Road, Wandsworth, S.W.

F. W. COSENS, 7, Melbury Road, Kensington, W.

JOHN COX, Maplesden, Beckenham, S.E.

FREDERICK ARTHUR CRISP, Grove Park, Denmark Hill, S.E.

FREDERICK DUNCAN DEW, 138, King’s Road, Chelsea, S.W.


THOMAS GEORGE DRIVER, “The Nook,” Middleton Road, New Wandsworth, S.W.

S. STEVENS HELLYER, New Holme, Bromley, Kent.

ALBERT HOVENDEN, 31, Berners Street, W. (2 copies).


HENRY EDWARD HOVENDEN, 181, Bishopsgate Street Without, E.C.

ROBERT HOVENDEN, F.S.A., “Heathcote,” Park Hill Road, Croydon.

ROBERT GEORGE HOVENDEN, 31, Berners Street, W.

ALBERT DANIEL HOWELL, St. Andrew’s, Perry Vale, Forest Hill, S.E.


WILLIAM LAWRANCE, 29, Hilldrop Road, N.W.

JOHN CARY LOVELL, “St. Ronan’s”, Tulse Hill, S.W. (2 copies).

WALTER LUMLEY, 41, St. James’ Street, S.W.

SIR MORELL MACKENZIE, M.D., 19, Harley Street, W.


NORMAN MOORE, M.D., Fell. Roy. Coll. of Physicians, St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, E.C.

EDWARD HOWLEY PALMER, 42, Harley Street, W.

RICHARD SAMUEL PARKER, The Grove, Highgate Road, N.

SIR HENRY W. PEEK, BART., St. Mary-at-Hill, E.C.

SIR OWEN ROBERTS, F.S.A., Clothworkers’ Hall, E.C.

RICHARD ROBERTS, L.C.C., Willow Bridge Road, Canonbury, N.

GEORGE SHAW, C.C., King Edward Street, City, E.C.

CHARLES HERBERT SHOPPEE, 61, Doughty Street, Gray’s Inn, W.C.

CHARLES JOHN SHOPPEE, 61, Doughty Street, Gray’s Inn, W.C.

GERALD AUGUSTINE SHOPPEE, M.A., LL.D., 7, Furnival’s Inn, E.C.

H. SPENCER SMITH, F.R.C.S., 92, Oxford Terrace, Hyde Park, W.

JOHN TWEEDY, 100, Harley Street, W.

JOHN WATNEY, F.S.A., Mercers’ Hall, E.C.

FRANCIS WESTON, 7, Angell Road, Brixton, S.W.

GEORGE WILDASH, 60, Bethune Road, Stamford Hill, N.

WALTER HENRY WILKIN, Alderman, 5, Russell Square, W.C.

AUSTIN TRAVERS YOUNG, Alwyne Road, Canonbury, N.

BEATRICE ELIZABETH YOUNG, Alwyne Road, Canonbury, N.

SIDNEY MICHAEL YOUNG, Alwyne Road, Canonbury, N.

MIRIAM GOODALL YOUNG, Alwyne Road, Canonbury, N.

CHRISTOPHER JOHN YOUNG, Alwyne Road, Canonbury, N.








E. G. ALLEN, 28, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, W.C.

WILLIAM ANDERSON, F.R.C.S., St. Thomas’ Hospital, S.E.

ASHER & CO., 13, Bedford Street, W.C.

ALFRED BARNES ATKINSON, 10, Campbell Road, Bow, E.

CHARLES HOWARD ATKINSON, Camden Villa, Fuller’s Road, Woodford.

JOHN GEORGE ATKINSON, 50, Disraeli Road, Romford Road, Upton.

RICHARD JAMES ATKINSON, 231, Leytonstone Road, Essex.

GEORGE AUSTIN, junior, 13, Thicket Road, Anerley, S.E.

JAMES BLAKE BAILEY, Royal College of Surgeons, Lincoln’s Inn Fields, W.C.

BRACKSTONE BAKER, 8, Belmont Park, Lee, Kent.

MARCUS BECK, 30, Wimpole Street, W.

JOHN BIRKETT, F.R.C.S., F.L.S., 62, Green Street, W.

ALEXANDER BOTTLE, 4, Godwyne Road, Dover.

MRS. CHARLOTTE BRADBURY, Chase Side, Southgate.

GEORGE HARRY BROADBENT, 8, Ardwick Green, Manchester.

JAMES BUCHANAN, 20, Bucklersbury, E.C.

JAMES WATSON BURDWOOD, “West Cottage,” Bourne, Lincolnshire.

HENRY T. BUTLIN, 82, Harley Street, W.

GEORGE BYWATERS, 10, King Street, Regent Street, W.

JOHN CARTER, 17, Fleet Street, E.C.

ARTHUR CATES, 12, York Terrace, Regent’s Park, N.W.

J. HENRY CHAMPNESS, 57, Moorgate Street, E.C.

H. H. CLUTTON, 2, Portland Place, W.

JOHN HOWARD COLLS, 53, Moorgate Street, E.C.

WILLIAM A. COLLS, 53, Moorgate Street, E.C.

EDWIN COLSELL, Walpole Road, Upton Park, E.

ALFRED J. COPELAND, Bridewell Royal Hospital, E.C.

EDWARD CHARLES CORNISH, The Laurels, Hornsey, N.

JAMES COPE CORNISH, West View, Dartmouth Park Hill, N.W.

J. E. CORNISH, Alderley Edge, Manchester.

EDWIN CREER, 589, Commercial Road East, E.

WILLIAM MANN CROSS, 5, York Crescent, West Norwood, S.E.

THOMAS EMBLETON CUE, 276, Central Market, Smithfield, E.C.

JOHN EDWIN CUSSANS, 150, Junction Road, N.

JONATHAN DENNY, “Holly Cottage,” East Hill, Wandsworth, S.W. (3 copies).

ROBERT DICKINSON, 231, Leytonstone Road, Essex.

J. NORTON DICKONS, 12, Oak Villas, Manningham, Bradford.

JOHN WILLIAM DOTTRIDGE, “Bickley Lodge,” Eltham Road, Lee, Kent.

HENRY C. DOVE, 22, Highbury Crescent, N.

HORACE ECCLESTONE, 77, Copley Street, Stepney, E.

WILLIAM AARON ECCLESTONE, 16, Linden Grove, Nunhead, S.E.

PETER FORBES, 323, City Road, E.C.

FREDERICK W. W. GOODSALL, M.D., 40, Holborn Viaduct, E.C.

THOMAS ARTHUR GREENE, 155, Cannon Street, E.C.

GOTTHELF GREINER, 10, Milton Street, E.C.

HAMILTON, ADAMS & CO., 32, Paternoster Row, E.C.

SIR REGINALD HANSON, BART., M.A., F.S.A., 47, Botolph Lane, E.C.

EDWARD HARTLEY, Spinney Oak, Addlestone.

JAMES HARVEY, Deputy, Belgrave Villa, Tuffnell Park, Holloway, N.

JAMES K. HEMP, Probate Registry, Somerset House, W.C.

WALTER HERRING, 3, Chapel Street, Bedford Row, W.C.

HODGES, FIGGIS & CO., 104, Grafton Street, Dublin.

ALBERT BASSETT HOPKINS, L.C.C., 6, King’s Bench Walk, Temple, E.C.


CHARLES HOVENDEN, “Heathcote,” Park Hill Road, Croydon.


CALEB HUTCHINSON, 260, Brixton Road, S.W.

JONATHAN HUTCHINSON, Pres. Roy. Coll. Surg., Eng., 15, Cavendish Square, W.

R. H. (5 copies).

LAWRENCE INKSTER, Battersea Public Library.

RICHARD JENNINGS, 54, Coleman Street, E.C.

E. JONES, Leyton.


HENRY LEE, J.P., 25, Highbury Quadrant, N.

H. K. LEWIS, 136, Gower Street, W.C.

BENJAMIN W. LEVY, 17, Tokenhouse Yard, E.C.

JOHN CARY LOVELL, “St. Ronans,” Tulse Hill, S.W. (3 copies).

ALFRED LOW, Suffolk House, Epsom.

WILLIAM LUMLEY, 8, York Chambers, St. James’ Street, S.W.

J. Y. W. MACALISTER, 53, Berners Street, W.

ELLIS MARSLAND, 62, Camberwell Road, S.E.

C. ELKIN MATHEWS, “Woodburn House,” Green Lanes, Stoke Newington, N.

WILLIAM JAMES MAXWELL, 310, Brixton Road, S.W.

MARTIN LUTHER MOSS, 15, Cockspur Street, S.W.

THOMAS NEWELL, 48, Pall Mall, S.W.

PHILIP NORMAN, 23, Clareville Grove, South Kensington, S.W.

PHILIP NUNN, 44, Lamb’s Conduit Street, W.C.

WILLIAM OATLEY, 14, Hyde Side, Lower Edmonton.

J. F. PAYNE, M.D., 78, Wimpole Street, W.

W. SETH PAYNE, 181, Bishopsgate Street Without, E.C.

GEORGE ROBERT PEARCE-EDGCUMBE, J.P., Somerleigh Court, Dorchester.

ARTHUR P. PENROSE, 33, Compton Terrace, Highbury, N.

J. WILFRED PEWTRESS, 52, Old Bailey, E.C.

D’ARCY POWER, M.A., F.R.C.S., 26, Bloomsbury Square, W.C.

H. RALPH, 3, Heathfield Villas, East Finchley.

JOHN ANDERSON ROSE, 1, Lancaster Place, Strand, W.C.

W. H. RYLANDS, F.S.A., 11, Hart Street, Bloomsbury, W.C.

NATHAN SALAMAN, 41, Gordon Square, W.C.

L. B. SEBASTIAN, Skinners’ Hall, E.C.

WILLIAM SHEPHERD, 101, Bermondsey New Road, S.E.

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